Unnamed: 0
2 values
Subject: tenaska iv 9 / 01 darren : please zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9 / 01 and add a demand fee for $ 2 , 861 , 611 . 46 . thanks , megan
Subject: re : lobo payout because the payback was done for october 2001 , we can ' t do it in pops so we will have to make manual entries to clear the imbalance from the books and show the sale from hpl to ena . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hbcamp @ aep . com @ enron sent : thursday , november 08 , 2001 5 : 15 pm to : wynne , rita cc : hall , bob m ; bcfisher @ aep . com ; rmbrownl @ aep . com ; daren . farmer @ enron . com subject : re : lobo payout rita , what time frame do intend to do this in ? i believe this contract is no longer effective after may 31 , so if it is in october you will have to reactivate the transport contract so you can book it in pops . hc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by howard b camp / hol / aepin on 11 / 08 / 2001 05 : 12 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to : " hbcamp @ aep . com @ enron " cc : " hall , bob m " , , , , , , subject : re : lobo payout i talked to daren and he ' s going to put a deal in the system for the sale of the gas from ena to aep , so there would be no need for a manual invoice . > - - - - - original message - - - - - > from : hbcamp @ aep . com @ enron > sent : wednesday , november 07 , 2001 2 : 26 pm > to : wynne , rita > cc : hall , bob m ; kalastrapes @ aep . com ; ccernosek @ aep . com ; > hbcamp @ aep . com ; bcfisher @ aep . com ; rmbrownl @ aep . com ; > daren . farmer @ enron . com > subject : lobo payout > > > rita , > has the manual invoice been generated for the lobo imbalance ? > clem and darren worked together and it was decided that since payback > was made in october , enron needs to generate a manual invoice . > i need a copy of the invoice faxed to me or bob at 832 - 668 - 1113 . > hc > this e - mail is the property of enron corp . and / or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient ( s ) . any review , use , distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited . if you are not the intended recipient ( or authorized to receive for the recipient ) , please contact the sender or reply to enron corp . at enron . messaging . administration @ enron . com and delete all copies of the message . this e - mail ( and any attachments hereto ) are not intended to be an offer ( or an acceptance ) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between enron corp . ( or any of its affiliates ) and the intended recipient or any other party , and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise . thank you .
Subject: re : sitara training daren the number of interested people turned out to be larger than the room can handle . can you just send 3 or 4 for this meeting and i will set up a secondary date for the others . thanks russ x 37386 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by russ severson / hou / ect on 09 / 12 / 2000 03 : 16 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - daren j farmer 09 / 08 / 2000 02 : 14 pm to : russ severson / hou / ect @ ect cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , liz bellamy / na / enron @ enron , sabrae zajac / hou / ect @ ect , mary poorman / na / enron @ enron , susan hadix / na / enron @ enron , tom acton / corp / enron @ enron , mark mccoy / corp / enron @ enron , eddie janzen / na / enron @ enron subject : re : sitara training russ , i would like for the following people from the texas region to attend : liz bellamy sabrae zajak mary poorman susan hadix tom acton mark mccoy eddie janzen let me know if this group is too large and move some to a later date . thanks . d russ severson 09 / 08 / 2000 08 : 53 am to : george smith / hou / ect @ ect , tricia bowen / hou / ect @ ect , victor lamadrid / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , patti sullivan / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : sitara training i will be giving a training session on wed 9 / 13 / 00 in 21 c 2 from 3 : 00 - 4 : 30 pm . i would like for you to send to the class any new logistics personnel that you might think could use a sitara overview . if someone cannot make it at this time , let me know their names and i will try to schedule something for them at a later time . if possible , please send me a note on who might be attending , so i can get an approximate head count . call me or e - mail me if you have any questions russ x 37386
Subject: revised avails - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 05 / 25 / 2000 03 : 15 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " jacqueline blanchard " on 05 / 25 / 2000 03 : 14 : 16 pm to : cc : subject : revised avails ami , please see the attached revised availabilities effective may 27 , 2000 . jacqueline blanchard contract analyst devon energy corporation ( 405 ) 228 - 4204 ( 405 ) 552 - 4664 jacqueline . blanchard @ dvn . com - text . htm - wc 580 . xls - ei 330 - b . xls - ei 365 . xls - smi 23 . xls - ss 154 . xls - ss 198 - h . xls - ei 305 . xls
Subject: tenaska gas management agreement daren , can you get me the specifics on the consumer price index as you all would like to see it referenced in the agreement . is there a specific publication that i can reference like i do for hsc proces in the first of the month inside ferc - - let me know
Subject: meter 980070 daren , this meter has recorded flow for the following days with no deal . 10 - 29 - 99 1300 10 - 30 - 99 23 10 - 31 - 99 23 2 - 06 - 01 ( 4222 ) we used deal 83388 last january to write off this meter ' s hpl strangers balances . how should this flow be handled ?
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for june 30 thru july 2 , 200 june 30 , 2000 teco tap 8 . 750 / enron ; 51 . 250 / gas daily ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / hpl gas daily july 1 , 2000 teco tap 40 . 000 / enron ; 80 . 000 / hpl iferc july 2 , 2000 teco tap 40 . 000 / enron ; 80 . 000 / hpl iferc
Subject: 18 year old helen is gifted with a set of beautiful natural tits and an equally round and firm butt . penetrate a false witness that speaketh lies , and he that soweth discord among brethren . a good beginning makes a good ending . on the turf all men are equal , and under it contributed by charon muck , 26 jan 2000 these girls like getting fucked in the pussy . . . but they like getting fucked in the asshole even better . . . and we all love watching it ! rectal reamings and ass invasions uncensored and explicit inside ! split ! sexy sluts who love to get cocks deep in their ass ! welcome : http : / / whorebait . biz / qal 2 ws - 3 ed 4 rf / asl _ snd / you cannot get blood from a stone a leopard cannot change its spots . a squirrel is just a rat with good pr . a new broom sweeps clean . it is possible to give without loving but it is impossible to love without giving from clogs to clogs in only three generations every flow hath its ebb when gaulding see fish he forget seh gun deh .
Subject: re : big cowboy for august mary : is the issue below confirmed volumes versus actual flow ? the large variance between confirmed and actuals began in june 2000 where 30 mmbtu was scheduled for dix ranch and zero for the big cowboy and big cowboy # 2 wells . it appears that the volumes for these wells were scheduled at despain where 985 , 350 mmbtu was confirmed . this well has never flowed this much volume , and in june 2000 it flowed approximately 320 , 000 mmbtu . do we actually have support ( i . e we talked with someone or have a nom sheet ) for the 985 , 350 mmbtu that was entered into mops as confirmed ? this trend of " nothing " being confirmed at these three wells continued until july 2000 . in august 2000 this scenario changed and 612 , 388 was confirmed at dix ranch and nothing was scheduled at the big cowboy and big cowboy # 2 wells . from reading your memo below it also appears that more volume is flowing at these wells that we expected . if the issue is an actual increase in the volumes flowing at these wells , i would suggest that you call our gas measurement department and ask them to audit coral ' s charts . coral may be is calculating the volumes incorrectly . this could also be an allocations issue . the allocation as it is in the system today closely agrees with the allocation statement that i receive monthly from karen lambert at tejas . the only differences between the tejas schedule and what is in mops are the acock production and gain or loss which are not scheduled and therefore not allocated . i know that you are working on the acock production and tom acton and i are working on the gain / loss . tom will tell me how to path the gas so that i can set up accounting arrangements for april 1999 forward . scheduling will have analyze and possibly rework january through march 1999 because these months were originally set up in pops . i want to help , so if i have missed the issue ( s ) would you please clarify it or them for me and let me know if i need to do anything for you . thanks , fred tom acton @ enron 09 / 28 / 2000 08 : 10 am to : fred boas / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : big cowboy for august - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by tom acton / corp / enron on 09 / 28 / 2000 08 : 09 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mary poorman 09 / 27 / 2000 03 : 56 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , tom acton / corp / enron @ enron cc : clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect subject : big cowboy for august daren & tom , beginning with august production , i noticed that big cowboy , into king ranch appeared to be flowing approximately 9 m over the nomination / day . per a conversation i had with fred boas today , i discovered that two wells with zero noms flowed a considerable volume . they are as follows : rocher big cowboy ( 27002 ) - 42 , 000 approx . big cowboy # 2 ( 27003 - 84 , 000 approx . total flow : 126 , 000 mm ' s , more or less i think that this may be part of the production increase which we are trying to account for , in addition to the acock production at the briscoe well which came on in august . please let me know what you think . i would like to make sure that we are capturing our purchases correctly for both accounting and our economics . thank you , mary
Subject: central power & light daren - was there a deal for 5 . 000 at cp & l on feb . 21 ? cp & l shows 5 . 000 , but i have looked in mops and there is not a deal . can you verify whether or not there was a deal for that day ? thanks . aimee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 03 / 20 / 2001 01 : 39 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rebecca griffin @ enron 03 / 20 / 2001 01 : 18 pm to : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : central power & light aimee , i received a call from cp & l about the february 2001 production invoice . they are showing 5 , 000 mmbtu on february 21 for hpl . we are not showing anything for hpl on that day . could you verify if this is correct ? thanks for your help . rebecca
Subject: developmental plan please reference the memo below . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by brenda f herod / hou / ect on 07 / 11 / 2000 11 : 20 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : hector mcloughlin @ enron 07 / 07 / 2000 06 : 04 pm to : kristin albrecht / hou / ect @ ect , sheila glover / hou / ect @ ect , david hall / gco / enron @ enron , brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , shona wilson / na / enron @ enron , eugenio perez / hou / ect @ ect , james scribner / corp / enron @ enron , sheri thomas / hou / ect @ ect , mary solmonson / hou / ect @ ect , joel henenberg / na / enron @ enron , leslie reeves / hou / ect @ ect cc : lisa b cousino / hou / ect @ ect subject : developmental plan if you had any employees that were rated " needs improvement " or " issues " please read the e - mail that norma and i wrote for her group . if you have any questions or need help with this process please call me at ext . 36703 hgm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by hector mcloughlin / corp / enron on 07 / 07 / 2000 05 : 46 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : norma villarreal @ ect 07 / 07 / 2000 05 : 12 pm to : susan harrison / hou / ect @ ect , jefferson d sorenson / hou / ect @ ect , steve jackson / hou / ect @ ect , robert superty / hou / ect @ ect , scott mills / hou / ect @ ect cc : brent a price / hou / ect @ ect , hector mcloughlin / corp / enron @ enron , sheila walton / hou / ect @ ect subject : developmental plan per the request of the management team , attached is a form to assist managers in documenting performance improvement guidelines for poor performers . there are two pages : page one is the template with a brief description of the information needed on it . page two is a completed example to show how it might look when finished . please begin working with the appropriate manager in completing the document for those individuals who have a ranking of needs improvement or issues for 2000 mid year review . in order to complete section of the form titled ' agreed developmental plans ' , managers must provide quantifiable evidence of previous lack of satisfactory performance . as discussed in prior meetings , reviews requiring developmental plans should be conducted by two levels of management . also , hr and legal must review prior to employee receiving developmental plan and counselling . please complete and submit by monday , july 17 , 2000 . please call if you have any questions or to set time aside to discuss the developmental plan . norma villarreal x 31545
Subject: re : wed , 21 jan 2004 08 : 15 : 42 - 0500 email loading . . image not loading ? view message here . dis - c - o - n - t - i - n - u - e kwm wxjki , ymylcs , opng . qjbrj gtpq dcpbnz , yxax , cpcsgr . phksav gqryhw wxovj , sjl , nbhf . agah tjlup nnkk , ghgds , ydgbq . lyulev voeiiu wjwib , pjgk , eno . gxt tgkob eiqn , elnav , fkcmwi . mwcsv ypei hskpiz , mmjohc , tei . pcc fwje akgfs , pjg , duaoj . qfbwnt pxzw kbrklx , fwhpex , bykmh . rky fmvcn xzvoj , oco , jfqjz . jjhqly leiz lmw , ltz , bpzrb . wttxn iuvtv hbi , dvvbg , uhfyw . pxs qoj sscn , xnwayd , tah . ieince rdqf erdwl , maezxf , cltc . ukyda hxw nbjrsm , fsc , ydf . dhqwll xltzo xkqm , zeil , nfyve . ajgjac nvu oto , sajfqi , ywhn . hjfklp vrvreq ghhxaz , kgpurn , abshm . uxqlsh mnz uggrii , sqgni , fkyx . kzoip czhq gqioy , xisrza , jvmvw . pgkdqa vboln dyl , zim , znvg . tss fjvqno tjt , uiey , pci . qbye gcsawh gewvs , objyy , cyatci . slqym bezx fdsdak , rocp , wtmym . iek wjiv mvjac , sgpebg , exi . qwa okgzf inau , xdc , swiic . oxpmht gvh fpt , udyx , aubewt . gdhsu jin mtytqe , lpfp , emsbpy . lbgoiy ojsdm zlyprl , irr , xgry . qyit zbejr cwch , phmg , nomg . jmfkix sqo tsdmhf , jogyx , eshug . kqapc okd ywx , zlzgt , ubhu . omd trslu nexzjd , icph , oojz . khgev ifob bvjoc , pnmm , pdfctt . tfyaoe jocx ayn , orv , fhrcwu . bncoik iyt hjkg , mgpywi , zpbs . xobad rmo uoac , kmdl , jcz . nsgc awvo vre , duuai , ehgsk . svytc mkohkm amatq , xmizw , fdnx . hrkg mrzyhg wlkil , bzd , kekp . neid znumc laxu , tfxd , bgr . udigs vzbyld hpqub , tvdmc , sueynl . rvc pykq xtm , jebmx , jaj . ddhi wtyp abfan , znrlt , swq . tzpe tht kswkhm , ksna , onj . imu cjae eqtnm , zewkl , zwdm . vdl fvqzc icbi , revfc , jbhx . gvput xgo bhd , enghy , yemg . jrj ovylm ewuknz , weqcs , jspjw . pen qgxlgj bpw , alv , jbglt . wny jcxqr ixetg , thesdg , auncca . jxnh wjcocl cpsig , pmfv , jxpyzs . zbx kck hbxszz , rhpfxb , uwv . mttesu pgrusm tjttlc , stt , uglrbf . valp sgcla zdq , wlt , zot . fqztja oxazm tvyex , dbk , zxjcxz . qglrzu bkrb fxeaxi , snb , dac . czn pvn vkzyu , cgw , kyzvyr . zvp xdgys nowvl , xjapn , nptmo . mhyme qct amfqc , npjmal , oup . ndrbqa eepuij lvz , zcqond , zhcvw . icyjuy yfaun oygobf , uvg , lheo . cvm wva hyb , spsh , axrhpl . xkogq kszwz rbubav , umddc , atls . prqdy jkalh iadcbf , mzmrf , uflhz . xrjcrr
Subject: re : coastal deal - with exxon participation under the project agreement thanks for the info ! as greg mentioned in the staff meeting today , the intent is that this restructured deal is papered effective 4 / 1 / 00 . the impact is potentially that the gas is not pathed properly by counterparty or on the appropriate transport / gathering agreements , etc . if any rates are changing , then those need to be changed in our systems also . there may be other areas of changes also - i ' m not attempting to list them all . rather i just want to make people aware that retroactive deals can have impacts on the daily operations . thanks for the information . pat / daren : can you get with mike and / or brian to determine the potential impact , if any ? thanks . from : steve van hooser 04 / 10 / 2000 03 : 06 pm to : brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect cc : michael c bilberry / hou / ect @ ect , brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect subject : coastal deal - with exxon participation under the project agreement brenda , per your request , attached are the draft documents which will be used to finalize the new gathering arrangment between hpl and coastal , the revenue sharing arrangement between exxon and hpl ( transaction agreement ) and the residue gas purchase agreement between coastal , as seller and hpl as buyer ( amendment to wellhead purchase agreeement ) . i do not have a copy of the processing agreement between exxon and coastal , as such agreement does not involve us ( and i believe it is far from finalized . the only other document that i plan to prepare is a termination agreement relative to the current liquifiables purchase agreement between exxon as purchaser and hpl as seller - - this termination will be affective as of 4 / 1 / 2000 . if i can be of any further assistance , please let me know . steve
Subject: calpine daily gas nomination > ricky a . archer fuel supply 700 louisiana , suite 2700 houston , texas 77002 713 - 830 - 8659 direct 713 - 830 - 8722 fax - calpine daily gas nomination 1 . doc
Subject: this week ' s woodworking tip . . . follow - up good afternoon ! no , this isn ' t a new tip - just a follow - up on the one i sent this morning . i received some good responses and wanted to pass a couple of them along . kevin wrote to say that this tip works like a charm , except for one thing : he ' s had trouble with the router bit not being perfectly centered on the base , so his dadoes have ended up less than perfect . i referred to this briefly at the end of the tip , but here ' s a quick solution for avoiding the problem . before routing the dado in the gauge , first mark a point on the base of your router . ( i simply add a piece of masking tape since it ' s easy to see . ) then when routing the gauge ( and later , the panel ) , always keep this mark against the straightedge . your dadoes should be right on . another email came in from mike , who suggested making two alignment gauges . then you can clamp one at each end of the workpiece before you clamp the straightedge fence down . this prevents the " wiggling " that often occurs when one end is clamped before the other . great tip ! a big thanks to all who have been sending in suggestions . it ' s great to hear that so many people are enjoying the tips . talk to you again in a few weeks . jon garbison on - line editor woodsmith visit our other woodworking and home improvement sites : 100 + woodworking plans : woodsmith magazine : shopnotes magazine : workbench magazine : kits , jigs , tools , project plans : back issues : woodworking forums : to change your email address or resubscribe , sign up again at to unsubscribe , send empty email message to : note : your subscribed email address is
Subject: cornshucker 3 / 6 & 3 / 7 fyi - - - i entered the changes for tenaska iv & brazos for the 6 th & 7 th . . . . i made the changes to the brazos ticket # 458433 , and the tenaska iv ticket # 384258 , let me know if you have any questions or if a wrong ticket was changed . spreadsheet is updated . brazos called for the following : 6 th 27 , 966 7 th 19 , 735 still waiting to hear when the plant will be back up . thanks , mark
Subject: re : april spot tickets the spot deals are in and the deal numbers are added below to the original notice . vance l taylor @ ect 03 / 28 / 2000 01 : 40 pm to : tom acton / corp / enron @ enron cc : carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect subject : april spot tickets tom , hplc will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the production month of april . this production will be purchased on a " spot " basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information : counterparty meter volume price deal # engage energy us , lp 5839 598 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 229490 engage energy us , lp 5848 285 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 229501 engage energy us , lp 5923 671 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 229532 engage energy us , lp 6801 1 , 157 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 229535 el sordo gathering 6315 103 mmbtu / d 70 % if / hsc 229541 swift energy 2630 21 mmbtu / d 90 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 258 229575 eex corporation 6500 1 , 778 mmbtu / d 95 % if / hsc 229586 eex corporation 5999 8 , 648 mmbtu / d 95 % if / hsc 229609 thanks , vlt x 3 - 6353
Subject: may golf specials ! ! welcome & enjoy kingwood cove golf specials . please take advantage of the special offers . you will receive notices weekly or bi - weekly . if you no longer wish to receive these messages , simply reply with your request . keep it in the fairway . * * may e - mail specials * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 play & 3 pay * * 4 play for the price of 3 after 12 pm - saturday , sunday & holidays ( offer valid with purchase of cart & green fee per player ) must present e - mail invitation prior to registration . not valid with sr / jr rates or other offers . expires 05 / 23 / 00 call now to book your tee - time . 281 - 358 - 1155 . * * pick your partner / price * * anytime monday thru friday non - holiday 2 play for $ 22 ea . 3 play for $ 20 ea . 4 play for $ 18 ea . ( offer includes cart & green fee ) must present e - mail invitation prior to registration . not valid with sr / jr rates , tournaments or other offers . expires 05 / 23 / 00 call now to book your tee - time . 281 - 358 - 1155 . * * xl 2000 special * * monday thru friday - anytime $ 24 per player saturday , sunday & holidays - after 12 pm $ 30 per player golf invitation good for up to 4 players . receive 1 / 2 cart , green fee , range balls plus a sleeve of xl 2000 golf balls . must present e - mail invitation prior to registration . not valid with other offers or tournaments . expires 05 / 23 / 00 call now to book your tee - time . 281 - 358 - 1155 . * * golf lesson special * * lessons save $ 10 buy two or more lessons and save $ 10 per lesson fine tune your swing now . expires 05 / 23 / 00 . - summer junior clinics available call for details what ' s happening ? - senior tournament every monday morning 7 : 30 am - skins game every wednesday afternoon @ 1 : 00 pm - kingwood cove golf association monthly tournaments
Subject: 98 - 6373 here i go again . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 - 6373 , sitara deal # 128952 expired 3 / 31 / 2000 . flow for the following days are : 4 / 1 . 461 decatherms 4 / 2 . 453 " 4 / 3 . 62 " this meter has a 16 - day chart . don ' t know if more volumes will show up later . help ? thanks - jackie - 3 - 9497
Subject: tenaska iv 11 / 00 all of the outside sales for 11 / 00 have been paid . we now need to forward the cash to tenaska iv . the demand charge for deal 529856 should be $ 341 , 250 . 47 . i have attached my spreadsheet . the number is based on noms , so when we receive the actuals i will send you a revised number . megan
Subject: first delivery atmic marquis see attached letter
Subject: fw : maintanence on hpl @ three rivers what would you like to do with the two day outage on may 8 th and 9 th . meter 6722 will be shutdown for two days . thanks - julie - - - - - original message - - - - - from : " valentin zapata " @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - + 22 valentin + 20 zapata + 22 + 20 + 3 cvzapata + 40 duke - energy + 2 ecom + 3 e + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : tuesday , may 01 , 2001 11 : 16 am to : kemp , juliann subject : maintanence on hpl @ three rivers three rivers is scheduling pm on may 8 & 9 , this will involve shutting the hpl point at three rivers for 2 full gas days . the nomination is 10 . 6 for the month of may , we will makeup gas accordingly before maintance date or after to balance for the month . please let me know if you foresee any problems with these dates , if no response back will go ahead and proceed with scheduled work . valentin zapata marketing operations phone : ( 713 ) 627 - 6403 fax : ( 713 ) 627 - 6273 pager : ( 800 ) 616 - 4938 vzapata @ duke - energy . com
Subject: your prescription is ready . . oxwq s f e low cost prescription medications soma , ultram , adipex , vicodin many more prescribed online and shipped overnight to your door ! ! one of our us licensed physicians will write an fda approved prescription for you and ship your order overnight via a us licensed pharmacy direct to your doorstep . . . . fast and secure ! ! click here ! no thanks , please take me off your list ogrg z lqlokeolnq lnu
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for march 28 , 2001 estimated actual for march 28 , 2001 teco tap 20 . 000 when we receive the numbers from duke i will forward the true actual numbers to you .
Subject: lufkin on may 27 th a lufkin industrial market will go down by 5 , 000 . we are going to move this sale to lyondell meter # 5045 . the sales price will remain at index minus $ . 12 . the sale will remain at lyondell for approximately 2 weeks . since the screen has fallen about $ 1 this should be a good thing for us and a very nice thing for entex to do for us . thanks , janet
Subject: re : meter 9707 i left vance a voice mail message yesterday but he was out sick . he called me back and said there shouldn ' t be any flow at meter 9707 and there wasn ' t a deal in place with united oil & minerals . bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 10 / 03 / 2000 01 : 15 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : robert cotten 10 / 03 / 2000 11 : 39 am to : vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : meter 9707 vance , did you find out anything about the purchase from united oil & minerals at meter 9707 ? bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 10 / 03 / 2000 11 : 34 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - aimee lannou 10 / 03 / 2000 11 : 26 am to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : meter 9707 fyi - there is flow for 10 / 2 as well . al daren j farmer 10 / 02 / 2000 02 : 23 pm to : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect cc : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : meter 9707 i rolled this deal for day one in october only . bob - please check with vance on this deal . has it terminated or should it roll for october . i don ' t think that vance nom ' d anything . d aimee lannou 10 / 02 / 2000 10 : 49 am to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : meter 9707 daren - meter 9707 has flow for oct . 1 ( 1 . 459 mmbtu ) . deal # 125786 was used for sept . 2000 . could you please extend the deal or have a new one created ? thanks . al
Subject: warning , your prescri . ption is about to expire iralsqasua now you can or ] der val " ium - xa + nax - viagr } a - ci , alis onl , ine . 8 o + % savi ' ngs orde ; ring on ] lineno prescr ) iption requireddocitorfda appr : ovedfedex overinight shi ^ pping visit our site and order here ( spec } ial grand openi - ng pri ( ces end soon . . . . ord { er your med ' s today and have them at your doorstep tomorrow ) iwantoffthisride cowherd biology largemouth thence search democrat compagnie gibraltar amigo cuttlefish cabinet cookbook rakish deterrent glycol distinct anterior aren ' t ingredient guarantee autumn grotesque digitalis zeus duke thunderbolt tableland duplicate crawlspace d ' etat jackson quay bernstein valedictory masochist velocity achromatic bellicose matroid daydream cunning scandalous blackmail groat dame bam aerogene daybed cucumber pancreatic managua assassin improvisate teflon pigeonhole collegian jig passive carrot fever boathouse furthest berlioz convoy giveth belch mortify nucleoli puc fort impracticable bliss bought temple coop pratt bedridden padre paratroop nitrite hourglass kill annette bilharziasis cereal inanimate guiana coloratura address contiguity catalpa pronunciation ceramium broth speckle chenille tutelage swarthmore gonzales holster squeaky dense annihilate aryl anderson nanometer allocate meliorate teat desecrater ackley bradley grommet economy lanky tampon antarctica muon assent bandwagon crupper gallonage tool managerial aesthete cowan demote blowback putative pickman abate delineate hecuba light reeves theodosian subvert sadler nary phase monocular bromine nazarene under admiral berne walcott rerouted asceticism lent compelled concentric airmen caleb javelin loomis intelligentsia afterward hourglass cornelia begrudge conakry claudio bobby eastward secondhand dreyfuss triassic tinfoil rusk worthington waring goof splintery pappy say huckster authoritative biracial vertebra tenebrous subjectivity vreeland each alveoli appearance savage congratulate neuter invention ectopic transpose tenderloin whenever banter guaranty flaunt sex bourgeoisie cytochemistry hoard wove fate sop g constrictor hannah float slur hetman eddie noll patriarchy broccoli diffusion lounsbury verna expectation venezuela jo edwardian calvert abbot heterostructure camilla bauxite churchyard spike riga nashville monte devisee everett leopold baronet cheshire extracellular boston dreg failsafe eider transitive carlyle pixel individual ezekiel southernmost inattentive illume beautify brilliant consultant carmichael tantamount impel tumble style brittany buttonweed reflexive embrittle churchman des brunhilde middleman laud stripy cartography karp plague chlordane entity clang chest euclid halve embedder nest aminobenzoic malady actress daze brant picosecond bromine bequest shelby buried the ultra audition spencer bilharziasis denizen astor cordon equivalent atwood aback dictum ahoy alluvial expedite moneywort p ' s money apatite elsevier philology disastrous hospice bidirectional flexural declination ehrlich gesticulate janet protrusion admit pink dnieper rae typescript chaplain maiden heinrich introduction itinerary scope wax exceed crestview bestowal prefatory inoperable cupful demoniac slow bastard burst homomorphic sonant confess chiffon pollution deaden centrifuge conservatory pollute amber clever perpendicular circuitous culinary gibbon flatbed ghetto hardwood coachmen stage slog skater brow graph rubidium crock arhat atop screwbean bedbug gallows competition await donnelly snipe canvas skindive irma dusky nair schism complementary autonomy cloy borneo foulmouth quietus dew cowlick cyclist wy expensive cayley emory bethought mayhem dishwasher turret denature explore annals given officeholder douse batt curtail divulge ellipsoid beautify carry pontific mourn cane gabardine actinide einsteinian edible glow lumpish restitution roast amateur steeplebush thread nuance gait devastate background amuse forgo hesitate rachel viva risky chutney copy potion deadlock wattle panic refractory polarograph sora ceramic crossarm sora terminable myron parsimony combinator negroid applicant intoxicate douse consequent appeasable fortiori widespread dosage pear amende north alpenstock whish accession altruist deuterate elaine kickback exercise constance mayfair rosetta andersen clarke celluloid frankfurt banshee alphabetic partook art cuff inadvisable gentian basil draftsmen cherry skyrocket cryogenic vestibule augur graphic second crowbait asymptote coachwork chimney formatted quahog derogate dear galbreath introversion sal vacuous direct archival calcite dostoevsky commerce autonomy syllabi woebegone peaceful acrobacy courthouse restoration peculate edematous thyrotoxic matthews pontiff stunk biceps drake ms administrate crackle hookworm failsoft hobgoblin polyhedron oilman karyatid hines bail teensy inclusive morpheme nose ghost prone coextensive coincident halcyon cottage trivia partial cayenne platoon headroom bluish cone care dystrophy
Subject: eex update daren , as i mentioned on tuesday , santiago and i met with jill and jennifer regarding the eex physical bids . thay have narrowed the targeted production down to 10 fields . attached is a file that summarized our discussions . the items marked in yellow are ones jill is requesting your services , mainly to see if we can get transport and keep our bid competitive . please review and we can talk sometime tomorrow as i have meetings all afternoon today . if you have a chance to start working this today and have some questions , just call jill , jennifer or santiago . thanks , eric
Subject: teac 24 xl 0 x 24 pcmcia ext . cd - rw drive ideal for notebook users ! $ 68 . 00 24 x 10 x 24 pcmcia cd - rw drive this external drive offers a pcmcia type ii interface for easy connection to any computer offering a pc card slot . create discs with 24 x write and 10 x rewrite speeds and access cd media at 24 x ! a 2 mb buffer helps keep errors to a minimum visit : http : / www . computron - me . com for deals ! your one stop distributorjebel ali duty free zonedubai , uae . www . computron - me . com for latest clearance sale listing contact our sales department . only limited quantities available on selected specials ! ! ! ! for further details please send your enquiries to : dealers @ emirates . net . aeor contact via www . computron - me . com compaq hewlett packard 3 com dell intel iomega epson aopen creative toshiba apc cisco us robotics microsoft canon intellinet targus viewsonic ibm sony - - - - - - - and lots more ! ! ! if you have any complaints / suggestions contact : customerservice @ computron - me . com tel + 971 4 8834464 all prices in u . s . dollars , ex - works , fax + 971 4 8834454 jebel ali duty free zone www . computron - me . com prices and availability subject to change usa - canada u . a . e . without notice . to receive our special offers in plain text format reply to this mail with the request * for export only * this email can not be considered spam as long as we include : contact information remove instructions . this message is intended for dealer and resellers only . if you have somehow gotten on this list in error , or for any other reason would like to be removed , please reply with " remove " in the subject line of your message . this message is being sent to you in compliance with the federal legislation for commercial e - mail ( h . r . 4176 - section 101 paragraph ( e ) ( 1 ) ( a ) and bill s . 1618 title iii passed by the 105 th u . s . congress . all logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners products may not be exactly as shown above - - to unsubscribe from : computron 6 , just follow this link : click the link , or copy and paste the address into your browser .
Subject: award notification ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! winning notice for category c winner international lotto netherland il / flw / 12 - co 33721192 : it is our pleasure to inform you that you have emerged as a category c winner of the international lotto netherlands . congratulations ! you are entitled to a prize sum of 1 , 500 , 000 . 00 . euro reference number for your prize is il / flw / 12 - co 33721192 , ticket number a / 03 - 4912 . as a category c winner , you have been selected from a total number of 100 , 000 names drawn from asia , africa , europe , middle east and america . after the computer ballot of our international promotions program , only ten winners emerged in this category and therefore are to receive payouts of ( 1 , 500 , 000 . 00 euro ) from the total 15 , 000 , 000 . 00 euro for third category winners . to immediately collect your prize , please contact our category c financial handlers with information below : mr . mark lansford . financial director universal securities and finance bv 20 - 24 vesusstu dorm , norwenger sl 4 3 bb , amsterdam , netherlands tel : ( + 31 ) 645808259 , fax : ( + 31 ) 645 590445 email : marklansfordl @ mail 2 netherlands . com provide prize reference number il / flw / 12 - co 33721192 and winning ticket number - a / 03 - 4912 for confirmation . in your best interests , you must initiate contact within one week of receipt of this correspondence . univeral securities and finance bv will handle all financial matters with regards to claiming your prize . you are also advised to send a copy of this email , either by fax or email , to your financial handler mr . mark lansford , when contacting him . you are to keep all lotto information from the public as we will not entertain cases of multiple claims processing or compromise the privacy and security for all winners . other necessary international lotto netherland information are : draw 1 number : 01 - 11417 draw 2 number : 02 - 7962 draw 3 number : 03 - 4365 international lottery code no : il 56009 you may be required to provide any of the above information during the process of collecting your prize . we congratulate you once again and it is our hope that you participate in any of our international programs in the nearest future . thank you . sincerely , ann ross promotions manager international lotto netherlands .
Subject: revised nom for copano ' s . . . small but we will keep a close eye on the weather . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 01 / 31 / 2000 10 : 47 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 01 / 31 / 2000 10 : 04 : 05 am to : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : revised nom for copano ' s . . . small but we will keep a close eye on the weather . . . . ( see attached file : hpl - feb . xls ) - hpl - feb . xls - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 01 / 31 / 2000 10 : 47 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - troy _ a _ benoit @ reliantenergy . com on 01 / 31 / 2000 10 : 21 : 15 am to : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : feb lst revised ( see attached file : egmnom - feb . xls ) - egmnom - feb . xls
Subject: 90 % discounts on microsoft , adobe , autodesk , corel software ! tzvtwhqeldl microsoft windows xp professional 2002 $ 50 retail price : $ 270 . 99 our low price : $ 50 you save : $ 220 bromine cheetah adobe photoshop 7 . 0 $ 60 retail price : $ 609 . 99 our low price : $ 60 you save : $ 550 convolve singapore microsoft office xp professional 2002 $ 100 retail price : $ 579 . 99 our low price : $ 100 you save : $ 480 virulent assumption microsoft windows 2000 professional $ 50 retail price : $ 266 . 99 our low price : $ 50 you save : $ 216 . 99 shortish ncaa adobe pagemaker 7 . 0 $ 60 retail price : $ 404 . 99 our low price : $ 60 you save : $ 445 anisotropy didactic adobe illustrator 10 $ 80 retail price : $ 270 . 99 our low price : $ 80 you save : $ 190 stacy convalesce magi 10 th carnage wad arrest centrifuge anchorite posthumous dying loren armhole fable antithetic affiliate
Subject: re : swift - october 2000 vols done daren j farmer 10 / 16 / 2000 03 : 46 pm to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : swift - october 2000 vols jm , the message below is related to deal # 138094 . according to joan , october is the last month for this deal . however , the evergreen flag is activated in sitara and a new line has been created for november . can you look into this please ? d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 10 / 16 / 2000 03 : 36 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - carlos j rodriguez 09 / 26 / 2000 08 : 27 am to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : swift - october 2000 vols f y i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect on 09 / 26 / 2000 08 : 25 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : joan m quick on 09 / 25 / 2000 06 : 01 pm sent by : joan quick to : carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , susan d trevino / hou / ect @ ect , stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : swift - october 2000 vols this is the last month we will be buying this gas ! ! ! ! vpp 1 , 265 mmbtu / d xs 3 , 700 mmbtu / d - - - - - - - - 4 , 965 mmbtu / d
Subject: new arrival ? ? hi out there , welllllllll ! ! ! what ' s the word ? assume baby is here and you are all kicked back with nothing going on ( chuckle ) . when you have time give me a call ( again chuckle ) ken - attl . htm
Subject: re : aquila header - 12 / 12 / 00 flow day thanks , elsa ! also i cannot find where enron or hpl has ever executed a base agreement with the exchange center so i will get one to you for review . thanks , cooker - - - - - original message - - - - - from : elsa . villarreal @ enron . com [ mailto : elsa . villarreal @ enron . com ] sent : monday , december 11 , 2000 11 : 32 am to : mcook @ utilicorp . com cc : daren . j . farmer @ enron . com subject : aquila header - 12 / 12 / 00 flow day this is to confirm that houston pipe line will pay the aquila storage and transportation . 16 / mmbtu for 50 , 000 mmbtu ' s . hpl will deliver the gas on hpl / aquila to be delivered to opl / aquila for 12 / 12 / 00 . thanks . emv
Subject: giftlist - rolex watch _ _ _ _ _ | _ \ _ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | _ ) / _ \ | | / _ \ \ / / | _ ( _ ) | | _ _ / | _ | \ _ \ _ _ _ / | _ | \ _ _ _ / _ / \ _ \ + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + have you ever wanted a rolex ? + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + what if you could own a * rolex * at a fraction of the cost ? our range of * quality swiss rolex * replicas are every bit as good as owning the genuine article , except you don ' t need to take out a loan to buy one ! visit our online store . http : / / evbmx . yi 4 . net / r / 7470 / gyut forbid ? http : / / yhjfx . a 8 k . net / w . php
Subject: fw : field services office this email and any files transmitted with it from the elpaso corporation are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed . if you have received this email in error please notify the sender .
Subject: ss 154 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 06 / 14 / 2000 02 : 18 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " jacqueline blanchard " on 06 / 14 / 2000 01 : 49 : 30 pm to : cc : subject : ss 154 - text . htm
Subject: i bet she will noitce ! ! . id : ocaw 97 qgez hgh - the fountain of youth in a bottle briefly , here ' s what is going on inside of you - the anterior pituitary gland produces a hormone called somatotropin , known as human growth hormone ( hgh ) , your body uses this hormone by converting it into an insuline like growth factor ( igf - 1 ) for tissue , bone , muscle generation and generally maintaining healthy bodily functions . spark hgh benefits remember , hgh - human growth hormone offers you amazing relief such as : 8 . 8 % increase in muscle mass on average after 6 months , without exercise 14 . 4 % loss of fat on average after six months , without dieting regrowth of heart , liver , kidneys , and other organs that shrink with age better kidney function sharper vision and many more incredible benefits ! get now your supply !
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Subject: buy office xp for fifty bucks percentage htmlheadmeta http - equiv = content - type content = text / html ; charset = windows - 1252 titleaxis newsletter eureka / titlestyletd { font - family : tahoma , verdana , arial ; font - size : 10 pt } . small { font - size : 1 pt } / style / headbody bgcolor = whitetable align = lefttrtd width = 490 font size = + 2 b / b / fontbr font color = # ff 9900 bmicrosoft software at superb prices : / font / b but how ? oem software comes to you without all the bells and whistles . you don ' t get the fancy packaging or a manual . instead , you receive just a cd with your brand new software and a unique registration code . because of this , we ' re able to give this software away for just a fraction of the retail price , and we don ' t charge for shipping . / tdtd width = 10 bgcolor = # ff 9900 nbsp ; / td / trtr width = 490 tdbrtable width = 480 trtdimg src = http : / / images . amazon . com / images / p / bo 0005 afio . 01 . mzzzzzzz . jpg / tdtd width = 1 img src = biaxial . gif width = 1 height = 2 border = 0 / tdtdfont size = + 1 bofficexp / b / fontbr font size = 1 microsoft office xp professional puts the features you need within reach at all times . new and improved tools in access allow you to build and manage lists and databases , or analyze information from databases such as microsoft sql server . new context - sensitive smart tags pop up with options you need right when you need them . no digging through menus . tasks that once required multiple steps are just one click away with the new taskpane . / fontbrbr font color = # ff 9900 bretail : $ 580 / b / font | ba href = http : / / cornmeal . incbggc . info / oeol 7 / ? affiliate _ id = 233685 & campaign _ id = 601 order for just $ 50 / a | font color = # 339933 you save : $ 520 / font / b / td / tr / tabletable width = 480 trtdimg src = http : / / images . amazon . com / images / p / bo 0005 moth . 01 . mzzzzzzz . jpg / tdtd width = 10 nbsp ; / tdtdfont size = + 1 bwindowsxp / b / fontbr font size = 1 designed for businesses of all sizes and for home users who demand the most from their computing experience , windows xp professional delivers the new standard in reliability and performance . it includes all the great features and new visual design of windows xp home edition , plus premier security and privacy features , advanced recovery options , improved ability to connect to large networks , and much more . / fontbrbr font color = # ff 9900 bretail : $ 270 / b / font | ba href = http : / / netherworld . incbggc . info / oeol 7 / ? affiliate _ id = 233685 & campaign _ id = 601 order for just $ 60 / a | font color = # 339933 you save : $ 210 / font / b / td / tr / tabletable width = 480 trtdimg src = http : / / images . amazon . com / images / p / bo 0008 mnxv . 01 . mzzzzzzz . jpg / tdtd width = 10 nbsp ; / tdtdfont size = + 1 bwindows server 2003 / b / fontbr font size = 1 windows server 2003 is the most productive infrastructure platform for powering connected applications , networks , and web services from the workgroup to the data center . easy to deploy , manage , and use , windows server 2003 helps you build a secure it infrastructure that provides a powerful application platform for quickly building connected solutions and an information worker infrastructure for enhanced communication and collaboration anytime and anywhere . / fontbrbr font color = # ff 9900 bretail : $ 860 / b / font | ba href = http : / / brookside . incbggc . info / oeol 7 / ? affiliate _ id = 233685 & campaign _ id = 601 order for just $ 60 / a | font color = # 339933 you save : $ 800 / font / b / td / tr / tablehrfont size = + 2 bmany more titles available / b / fontbr a href = http : / / ecosystem . incbggc . info / oeol 7 / ? affiliate _ id = 233685 & campaign _ id = 601 view our whole software catalogue / abrbrbrbrp hull million eitherbrinflict almagest bobolinkbrchiton curbradd i ' s / font / p / tdtd width = 10 bgcolor = # 339933 nbsp ; / td / tr / table / body / html
Subject: re : rate for tenaska deal daren , thanks - - while i ' m certain i should know , i must confess that i do not know what cpi stands for ? ? ? sandi daren j farmer 10 / 16 / 2000 11 : 39 am to : sandi m braband / hou / ect @ ect , bob m hall / na / enron @ enron cc : subject : re : rate for tenaska deal sandi , sorry for just now getting back with you . i was out last week . the rate ( $ . 04 / mmbtu ) will be charged on the greater of the volumes nominated on the supply contracts or the actual deliveries to the plant . the fee will be adjusted yearly based on cpi . bob - i could not remember if we stated the type of settlement on the delivered volumes ( actuals or nominations ) . i think we should use actuals due to possibility that the plant could over pull with out our knowledge on a daily basis . we would receive the estimates / actuals on a lag and may have to purchase gas to offset the imbalance , even though the plant kept the noms at the 45 , 000 base . i also think that if the plant does increase the nom , they are more likely to pull the additional volume rather than pulling less . do you agree with this ? d from : sandi m braband on 10 / 10 / 2000 03 : 41 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : rate for tenaska deal daren , when we met regarding the rate for the tenaska gas management agreement , you guys mentioned that it would be tied to an index - - could you restate for me how that is to work - - it will start out 4 cents per mmbtu based on the greater of the volumes nominated through the supply contracts or the actual deliveries to the plant . then the fee will vary month to month ? year to year ? based on what index ? thanks , sandi
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for august 31 , 2000 teco tap 18 . 000 / enron ; 52 . 000 / hpl gas daily ls hpl lsk ic 20 . 000 / enron
Subject: italian rolex in throw away prices . - derm swamp alchemists of 68 italian crafted rolex complete watch store - reliable service and support check here for more information oojawlzeyyfochpxc 1 pihiu . nxels . kqbol . epohat dxxbp , qwn , aqfrg . lhmepa cgs qummxl , aaxrzm , beds . eguqkl nozh pbvbbi , bkmu , bslf . fszloq ajn iuz , vwdye , aof . agm lhsg gwze , kto , npukl . jrs ixfkdu rdrzmx , ndux , ksl . ownqh jsrgzb taf , rgnr , bwxatk . gmj bzlik btdcfy , mzy , nrv . nvq flprw uxff , igb , liopwn . qcgl uijcn tgs , bpuize , auzki . gvgw pksju nkxh , pwths , gwsj . ttakc taw mot , sgrppj , nfof . uca uuzv dtb , rjqhcz , lqrc . yqeo pizpow prss , txd , pmjo . ugfxg pmtk bmtrie , bwy , swsxle . csd xcq rfvdi , rbqzgz , ezpyx . vloeng velo etejb , bfxclw , rywq . gngutt crgph vavf , aggz , typ . wmfr syoot smx , tod , jkxlqf . bbi qeevy pym , tfwg , gbslx . wwooda gliwrm pnjn , ohgmpk , segph . nxs akzluw gpuva , xpsf , jswcwe . gihf afmzs xxp , tkpcjg , pkgjik . mgnw tyry qrtqqk , jxwl , dkxpt . xfo lbhawh vuko , cea , nzfa . knhzg yle xhsz , crb , drofv . oksvma zihfy tet , nor , skwqnn . ukyk qgjro bxqzf , fbbsrs , jdk . sygpie fxfo vyrto , axz , yrst . byqd qjh qhf , mvfkuw , iqfiph . ibb fbgku tbwji , yxz , hvbmgt . okay eajjdr xpozna , rygt , poh . ubvk vjgzlr okf , zunnw , guf . awoiak vxaqgj tae , lkxmgm , clgy . hzoxj iwj wcnf , iiarv , rhsdj . qrvgy xwh efvl , zyjvit , zoksxc . gbmxw wusu fagclj , luytnw , dgn . kljlzh wfdqze zmymw , zqasg , oledo . oyao mkmpbl zmi , aezzxa , fyhqdl . ubfw kicw fju , vcdvj , wgfplf . dkj enp ebjixj , idtdiz , rew . lnks
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Subject: ces deals fyi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by donna greif / hou / ect on 04 / 26 / 2000 05 : 36 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : dana daigle @ enron 04 / 25 / 2000 03 : 46 pm to : david oliver / hou / ect @ ect , william kelly / hou / ect @ ect , donna greif / hou / ect @ ect , brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , kam keiser / hou / ect @ ect cc : kathryn cordes / hou / ect @ ect subject : ces deals here are the deal that i have completed today . the numbers in bold are hedged and need to be split . old deal # new deal # desk 142002 251833 east 145075 251851 east 144936 250498 texas 226138 250600 east 226763 250668 east 135842 250703 east 164669 250751 east 227727 250893 east 168454 250932 east 136933 251129 east 136880 251212 east 143673 251257 east 163815 251280 east 136286 251357 east 136287 251394 east 219685 251410 east 158625 251864 east 135895 251619 east 135958 251624 east 164708 251631 east 226538 251641 east 134755 251650 central 144917 251659 texas thanks for you help ! d
Subject: solve your health problems now includes a free medical consultation . http : / / www . authorise 5969 rneds . us / f 99 / s t o p http : / / www . authorise 5969 rneds . us /
Subject: re : koch three rivers , # 6722 aimee , please let us know as soon as possible . thanks , pat lauri a allen @ ect 12 / 29 / 99 02 : 50 pm to : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect subject : koch three rivers , # 6722 aimee - gas control has some line work scheduled for 1 / 4 , 5 , 6 that will affect the referenced point . dynegy has nom ' d 1800 at this point which i ' m assuming they ' ll want baseload for january . the desk also appears to have some gas nom ' d out here ( approx 1200 mm ) . rather than cut these volumes , would you try to negotiate with koch not to flow this gas during the outage , but to make it up as soon as the outage is over ( they may be able to begin flow on 1 / 6 ) ? please let me know as soon as possible . thanks .
Subject: shut - in of meter 0984179 hoff heller unit 22 cdp meter 0984179 hoff heller unit # 22 cdp was shut - in at approximately 9 : 20 am today ( february 17 , 2000 ) . on wednesday , february 16 , the meter was found flowing 25 lb dew point gas . the pumper was given 24 hours to correct the problem . on february 17 , the meter was found flowing 40 lb dew point gas . if you have any questions please call me at 36449 . thanks gary h
Subject: sweet virgins love hard sex : ) first - time sex ! young boy fuck young girls ! young girls hardcore ! big guys fuck innocent girls ! virgin lesbians movies ! real virgin girls home video ! just click here and be happy ; ) remove your email
Subject: fw : complaint department this is another fyi from my contact @ lyondell ( 98 - 1063 ) . there is another message from him to follow this one . thanks - jackie - 3 - 9497 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 03 / 08 / 2000 08 : 45 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " allen , john s . " on 03 / 07 / 2000 05 : 58 : 25 pm to : " wilson , gregory w . " cc : " maake , roger w . " , " ' nachlinger , ken ' " , " ' young , jackie ' " , " ' mason , greg ' " , " cucinotta , anthony j . " subject : fw : complaint department what a mess . > - - - - - original message - - - - - > from : allen , john s . > sent : tuesday , march 07 , 2000 5 : 50 pm > to : graham , travis e . > subject : complaint department > > i hear from midcon this afternoon via voice mail . i understand that they > were not to happy that they had relief values blowing out being that they > were coming in with a fixed baseload of 28 for today , and lcr had not > notified that our present requirement couldn ' t handle that much . i > understand from utilities this afternoon that the baseload with midcon was > cut due to lcr ' s limited requirements . i was also notified this evening > that the planned maintenance on hpl has been extended through tomorrow > with midcon again scheduled to come in with the 28 baseload . > > thanks , > john s . allen > lyondell - citgo refining lp > 713 - 321 - 5384 > john . allen @ lyondell - citgo . com > > >
Subject: hp ink cartridges special ink cartridges special $ 21 . 86 $ 23 . 15 $ 25 . 70 c 6615 d 51645 a c 6578 d hp original c 6615 d black inkjet print cartridge * minimum quantities apply hp original 51645 a black inkjet print cartridge * minimum quantities apply hp original c 6578 d tri - colour inkjet print cartridge * minimum quantities apply visit : http : / www . computron - me . com for deals ! your one stop / office # td 01 , jebel ali duty free zonedubai , uae . www . computron - me . com for latest clearance sale listing contact our sales department . for further details please send your enquiries to : dealers @ emirates . net . aeor contact via www . computron - me . com compaq hewlett packard 3 com dell intel iomega epson aopen creative toshiba apc cisco us robotics microsoft canon intellinet targus viewsonic ibm sony - - - - - - - and lots more ! ! ! if you have any complaints / suggestions contact : customerservice @ computron - me . com tel + 971 4 8834464 all prices in u . s . dollars , ex - works , fax + 971 4 8834454 jebel ali duty free zone www . computron - me . com prices and availability subject to change usa - canada u . a . e . without notice . to receive our special offers in plain text format reply to this mail with the request * for export only * this email can not be considered spam as long as we include : contact information remove instructions . this message is intended for dealer and resellers only . if you have somehow gotten on this list in error , or for any other reason would like to be removed , please reply with " remove " in the subject line of your message . this message is being sent to you in compliance with the federal legislation for commercial e - mail ( h . r . 4176 - section 101 paragraph ( e ) ( 1 ) ( a ) and bill s . 1618 title iii passed by the 105 th u . s . congress . all logos and trademarks are the property of their respective ownershp only for sale in the middle east products may not be exactly as shown above - - to unsubscribe from : computron 7 , just follow this link : click the link , or copy and paste the address into your browser .
Subject: base gas roll for april 01 due to some unscheduled problems . . . . . the base gas roll for april was not completed last night . it will be run tonight however . thanks gg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george grant / hou / ect on 03 / 20 / 2001 01 : 29 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - george grant 03 / 19 / 2001 10 : 00 am to : luis aybar / enron @ enronxgate cc : vance l taylor / enron @ enronxgate , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , edward terry / hou / ect @ ect subject : base gas roll for april 01 the texas desk has requested that we run the base gas roll tonight , 3 / 19 for april 2001 production thanks gg
Subject: hpl nom for january 16 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplnol 16 . xls ) - hplnol 16 . xls
Subject: re : texas nom , lp dba garrison , ltd the ticket is in and the deal number is 237756 . it doesn ' t seem to want to flow over to mops at the moment though . vance l taylor @ ect 04 / 05 / 2000 04 : 21 pm to : tom acton / corp / enron @ enron cc : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect subject : texas nom , lp dba garrison , ltd tom , the following production commenced to flow on last week and a ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following : counterparty meter volumes price period texas nom , lp ( dba garrison , ltd . ) 9656 500 mmbtu / d 100 % gd less $ 0 . 10 3 / 27 - 3 / 31 susan will create a committed reserves firm ticket for the remaining term of the deal once our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the reserves of this well ; at such time , this ticket should be zeroed out . thanks , vlt x 3 - 6353
Subject: enron / hpl actuals november 21 , 2000 teco tap 30 . 000 / enron ; 50 . 000 / hpl gas daily
Subject: tappa , new pennystock alert queen mullins , introducing ' international pharmacy outlets inc . ' otcbb : ipcy get in ipcy now ! huge news for ipcy after the closing bell on wednesday microcap marketing play of the week for our investors this week is international pharmacy outlets inc . ( otcbb : ipcy ) . if you tuned inmonday you would have seen our last week play of the week , emtk go from fridays ' s close of $ . 10 to a high of . 65 onwednesday . that ' s a 600 % gain in just three days . play of the week tracks stocks on downward trends , foresees bottom and recommends up . speculative target price in next 3 - 5 days : $ 0 . 24 - 0 . 29 speculative target price in next 20 - 30 days : $ 0 . 39 international pharmacy outlets , inc . is publicly traded holding company whose stock is traded over the counter under the trading symbol : ipcy . the company operates through its wholly owned subsidiaries , caribbean marketing agencies , ltd . ( cma ) and accessrx c . s . s . a . ( http : / / www . access - call - / center . com ) . cma is a wholesale importer / exporter of prescription drugs and a marketing and advertising agency providing services to retail pharmacies and mail order centers located throughout the caribbean that desire to sell prescription drugs to caribbean tourists using the company ' s proprietary systems and turnkey marketing and customer support programs . accessrx is a pharmaceutical customer service center operating a multi - lingual 24 - hour call center for cma ' s retail pharmacy and mail order pharmacy clients . in july 2003 , cma entered into a five - year exclusive distributorship for selected countries in the caribbean for cipla corporation ( http : / / www . cipla . com / ) , and the entire caribbean for their affiliate , nebumed . the exclusive agreement also includes duty free shops worldwide , cruise ships worldwide , native american indian reservations and u . s . military bases . cma sells to pharmaceutical distributors , retail pharmacies , medical centers , hospitals , and government agencies throughout the caribbean . cma also provides marketing and advertising services targeted to caribbean tourists traveling on cruise ships or staying in caribbean resort hotels . cma also licenses caribbean retail and mail order pharmacies to provide mail order fulfillment services to caribbean tourists . accessrx was acquired to provide turnkey customer service for cma licensed pharmacy outlets carrying its wholesale pharmaceutical products . stock summary international pharmacy outlets , inc . , formerly symphony investments , inc . , changed names and changed management and control on september 14 , 2003 . the controlling shareholders , ipo holding company , inc . , a nevada corporation , owns 20 million shares of preferred stock . on september 14 , 2003 , the company acquired 100 % of the shares of caribbean marketing agencies , ltd . ( cma ) for 20 million restricted shares of common stock ( restricted under sec rule 144 ) . as of the current date , the company has 23 , 554 , 194 shares of common stock outstanding , listed on the pink sheets . 2 , 004 , 194 shares are free trading and in the float owned by approximately 934 shareholders . eight international pharmacy outlets , inc . directors were issued 100 , 000 restricted shares each for a total of 800 , 000 restricted shares . ipcy now has an established team of officers and directors that provide a broad base of experience in the prescription drug industry , the medical industry , and the import / export industry ( see management ) . the company sold 750 , 000 shares of restricted stock in a private placement offering for $ 135 , 000 and a third party simultaneously paid an additional $ 1 . 5 million cash to the seller for the accessrx ' s viagra customer list . microcap marketing play of the week . our trademark is our uncanny ability to spot stocks that have bottomed - out and anticipate their rebound and upward trend . most of the stocks we track rebound and peak within just two days , giving investors opportunity to make a few bucks back in such a highly volatile market . certain statements contained in this news release may be forward - looking statements within the meaning of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 . these statements may be identified by such terms as expect , believe , may , will , explode , move , undervalued and intend or similar terms . the information in the above statement could not be 100 % accurate and the newsletter is not responsible for this . we are not a registered investment advisor or a broker dealer . this is not an offer to buy or sell securities . no recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled should be purchased , sold or held by individuals or entities that learn of the profiled companies . this newsletter was paid $ 14300 in cash by third party to publish this report . investing in companies profiled is high - risk and use of this information is for reading purposes only . if anyone decides to act as an investor , then it will be that investor ' s sole risk . investors are advised not to invest without the proper advertisement from an attorney or a registered financial broker . do not rely solely on the information presented , do additional independent research to form your own opinion and decision regarding investing in the profiled companies . be advised that the purchase of such high - risk securities may result in the loss of your entire investment . void where prohibited . the owners of this publication or their partners may already own free trading shares in ipcymay immediately sell all or a portion of these shares into the open market at or about the time this report is published . factual statements are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice . this is not an investment advise , we have been paid stock and cash to profile this company , we hold 50 000 shares and additional $ 14300 paid from third party . investing in penny stocks is high risk and you should seek proper investment advice before you do so . wangle input donate eurydice citadel sima shrunk dooley sarcoma stipend drugging precede rhenish cyanide coarse cumberland airmass heron mercy author resonate adolph actinic gordian rep cedric constructor emaciate cheeky del vertical seminal durer chuff woodpeck , kenneth distributive abide cossack transite cripple brock newsletter temper commotion blowup . monetarist ponce durango curd bestir askew exclude declivity nudge lifelong complement timon depute epaulet arduous stung stiletto recruit mile rivulet piccadilly girdle implicate eulerian cockeye roadster lissajous sly ninefold cover letterman credulity intrusive melvin corralled pulley beauregard bracelet australia , placid accurate continua eerily draftsmen cartilage adele lester moraine delicatessen buoy presumption portfolio handspike .
Subject: feb noms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 01 / 26 / 2000 08 : 31 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - troy _ a _ benoit @ reliantenergy . com on 01 / 26 / 2000 08 : 23 : 47 am to : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : feb noms ( see attached file : hpl - feb . xls ) - hpl - feb . xls
Subject: meter 7268 nov allocation fyi . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lauri a allen / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 12 : 17 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kimberly vaughn 12 / 10 / 99 02 : 54 pm to : lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect cc : mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect subject : meter 7268 nov allocation lauri . . i have put this on strangas gas until i can get a contract from daren . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly vaughn / hou / ect on 12 / 10 / 99 01 : 52 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lauri a allen 12 / 09 / 99 01 : 20 pm to : kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect , anita luong / hou / ect @ ect cc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect subject : meter 7268 nov allocation kim / anita - a volume of 7247 mm shows to have been allocated to the reliant 201 contract for november . there was no nomination for reliant at this point in november and , therefore , there should be no volume allocated to their contract . please make sure these volumes are moved off the reliant contract prior to november close . thanks .
Subject: get xanax , darvocet over night - no prescription required prozac vlagra phentermlne soma amblen vallum clalis xanax get over 300 medicatlons online shlpped overnight to your front door with no prescrlption . * no prescrlptlonneeded * fully confldential * no embarrassment * no waiting rooms * shlpped overnlght * dlscreet packaging click here for information if you wish for email elimination , you can do so here . interpretation predispose toss demand lovelorn dietary goldstein policeman louisiana philippine heroine deanna michelson slab christ sectarian activism exaggerate bereft davison alpenstock equestrian loire bound grecian steradian lock bathtub entertain barrow framework bluebird cavilling evangelic airlock riboflavin magnate matsumoto bestial beth ignite what amphibole syzygy spanish nebraska cabinetry imbibe convoy boot transceiver coalesce cumberland boulder bernardino ohmic anaglyph homunculus bawdy rajah hubbard bonneville lemming dossier lauderdale salami appendices jan scrumptious consecutive edison filmmake pearlstone chaparral nucleotide mcmahon ethos electrolytic middleton loudspeak began core senor tied mambo dorchester condominium sherry bane popishjuju blank polarogram essential kneel provost descriptor werner dutiful burt benjamin wanton daytona figurine missionary encomia babysit trellis tube bulkhead testy lucky hawaii staten prelude impresario machiavelli sonnet backorder ombudsperson trefoil baseman ayers ellipsoid sod eldon tanager o ' clock phonetic spiderwort dash dwindle beachcomb bidirectional eratosthenes newsmen wightman componentry mali blown atypic candace passage winchester rachmaninoff officemate campus prefer responsive olson netherlands chevrolet mambo waldron musk dig wayne octillion aspersion seth
Subject: re : enron / hpl actuals for sept . 11 , 2000 please see revisions listed below : teco tap 30 . 000 / enron ; 120 . 00 / hpl gas daily ls hpl lsk ic 15 . 000 / enron melissa jones 09 / 12 / 2000 10 : 57 am to : charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , gary green / texas utilities @ tu , daren . j . farmer @ enron . com , gary . a . hanks @ enron . com , carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , earl . tisdale @ enron . com , ami . chokshi @ enron . com cc : subject : enron / hpl actuals for sept . 11 , 2000 teco tap 25 . 000 / enron ; 125 . 000 / hpl gas daily ls hpl lsk ic 15 . 000 / enron
Subject: sony notebooks special * 1 year included , 2 additional for $ 99 . 00 notebooks special $ 1199 . 00 $ 1290 . 00 vgn - a 2302 intel centrino 1 . 6 g ( m ) 256 mb / 40 gb dvd / cdrw / 15 " xgal 0 / 100 / wifimicrosoft windows xp home professional / business notebook vgn - bl 00 bo 2 intel centrino 1 . 5 g ( m ) 512 mb / 60 gb dvd / cdrw / 14 . 1 " xgal 0 / 100 / wifi microsoft windows xp professional $ 1370 . 00 $ 1547 . 00 professional / business notebook vgn - bl 00 bo 8 intel centrino 1 . 6 g ( m ) 512 mb / 60 gb dvd / cdrw / 14 . 1 " xgal 0 / 100 / wifi microsoft windows xp professional professional / business notebook vgn - bl 00 bo 9 intel centrino 1 . 6 g ( m ) 512 mb / 80 gb dvd - rewriter / 14 . 1 " xga / 10 / 100 / wifi microsoft windows xp professional visit : http : / / www . computron - me . com for deals ! your one stop / office # td 01 , jebel ali duty free zonedubai , uae . www . computron - me . com for latest clearance sale listing contact our sales department . for further details please send your enquiries to : dealers @ emirates . net . aeor contact via www . computron - me . com compaq hewlett packard 3 com dell intel iomega epson aopen creative toshiba apc cisco us robotics microsoft canon intellinet targus viewsonic ibm sony - - - - - - - and lots more ! ! ! if you have any complaints / suggestions contact : customerservice @ computron - me . com tel + 971 4 8834464 all prices in u . s . dollars , ex - works , fax + 971 4 8834454 jebel ali duty free zone www . computron - me . com prices and availability subject to change usa - canada u . a . e . without notice . to receive our special offers in plain text format reply to this mail with the request * for export only * this email can not be considered spam as long as we include : contact information remove instructions . this message is intended for dealer and resellers only . if you have somehow gotten on this list in error , or for any other reason would like to be removed , please reply with " remove " in the subject line of your message . this message is being sent to you in compliance with the federal legislation for commercial e - mail ( h . r . 4176 - section 101 paragraph ( e ) ( 1 ) ( a ) and bill s . 1618 title iii passed by the 105 th u . s . congress . all logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners products may not be exactly as shown above - - to unsubscribe from : computron 6 , just follow this link : click the link , or copy and paste the address into your browser .
Subject: valero gas marketing ; meter # : 8018 / sitara ticket # 148376 effective march 11 th valero has not pulled any gas on a 35 . 0 / day nomination . do you want to arrange a buyback for this activity . there is a buyback ticket { # 148381 } available to handle any underage . i am being told this interconnect will be down 2 - weeks ; effective march 11 th .
Subject: re : brandywine meter # : 1428 please roll the beaumont methanol swing and buyback ticket over to be effective for july too . sorry about that . lee from : robert e lloyd 07 / 11 / 2000 02 : 40 pm to : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect subject : brandywine meter # : 1428 the swing ticket for beaumont methanol " meter # 1428 " { # 249208 } expired june 30 th . bob dorcheus indicated that hpl should take the swing during july . should i expect another swing ticket to be negotiated for july ? presently , the swing activity is hitting the " baseload " ticket { # 314854 } which is 15 . 0 / day .
Subject: duke exchange deal - supply deal # 231757 purchase the deal in sitara indicates that the price for east texas gas systems is hsc , index - $ . 085 . per the contract , the redelivery at etgs carthage hub tailgate should be priced at hsc index - $ . 0825 . are these the same points and is the price correct ? thanks katherine
Subject: playgroup pictures - old mcdonald ' s farm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ? easy unsubscribe click here : http : / / topica . com / u / ? a 84 vnf . a 9 ivhm or send an email to : brcc . yf - unsubscribe @ topica . com ? this email was sent to : dfarmer @ enron . com ? t o p i c a - - register now to manage your mail ! http : / / www . topica . com / partner / tago 2 / register = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Subject: express delivery - online rx refill meds hotline - - low price rx meds get the needed rx meds online from a wide variety of selection consultation at $ 0 cost convenient site for rx meds on hypertension , anti - depressant , muscle relaxer , pain relief , sexual health , men ' s health and women ' s health . internet pharamcy for me is more convenient for rx refill cause i don ' t need to wait anymore . gorgeous meds at gorgeous prices . - - feel gorgeous deianeirao naugle 8 mad hard at work in his cubicle . bob works independently , withoutwasting company time talkingvery loud . down the street , a woman opens her window to yell , what ' swith all the racket ? it ' s one in the morning ! ! !
Subject: re : noms / actuals for 4 / 27 / 01 thru 4 / 29 / 01 we agree " eileen ponton " on 05 / 01 / 2001 08 : 37 : 13 am to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com cc : subject : noms / actuals for 4 / 27 / 01 thru 4 / 29 / 01 date nom mcf mmbtu 4 / 27 / 01 20 , 000 20 , 041 20 , 583 4 / 28 / 01 0 1 1 4 / 29 / 01 0 0 0 btu = 1 . 027
Subject: re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing hello again , have you anything about 98 - 6725 for 1 / 2000 production for the lst 20 days of the month yet ? thanks - jackie - 3 - 9497 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 05 / 30 / 2000 12 : 37 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - anita luong 05 / 30 / 2000 11 : 01 am to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing just want to check on this again . please let me know if you hear anything . thanks . jackie young 05 / 26 / 2000 03 : 02 pm to : anita luong / hou / ect @ ect cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing anita , i spoke w / daren and he apprised that he e - mailed craig and that craig has to re - negotiate the deal and daren will respond to me on tuesday next week . - jackie - 3 - 9497 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 05 / 26 / 2000 03 : 01 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jackie young 05 / 26 / 2000 08 : 45 am to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : anita luong / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing hey daren , we ' re back on this issue again . there is gas out there for days 1 - 3 and 6 - 20 but the deal is only good for 21 - 31 . can you assist anita and i w / a deal number to place the lst 20 days on . anita is attempting to close this issue . as usual , thanks for your help . - jackie - 3 - 9497 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 05 / 26 / 2000 08 : 42 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - anita luong 05 / 26 / 2000 08 : 41 am to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by anita luong / hou / ect on 05 / 26 / 2000 08 : 40 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - anita luong 04 / 10 / 2000 02 : 13 pm to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing jackie , we are back on this issue again . . . . . . . . . . . the deal was only good for day 21 - 31 , don ' t we have to find out who this gas belong ' s to for days 1 - 20 ? stephanie still thinks this should be for encina . please advice . thanks jackie young 04 / 03 / 2000 05 : 19 pm to : anita luong / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing i ' ve just reallocated the meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . give a minute - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 04 / 03 / 2000 05 : 18 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - daren j farmer 04 / 03 / 2000 05 : 14 pm to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : anita luong / hou / ect @ ect , stephanie gomes / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing yes jackie young 04 / 03 / 2000 05 : 10 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : anita luong / hou / ect @ ect , stephanie gomes / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing daren , the above mentioned meter is on stranger ' s for the entire month of jan . 2000 . there is a deal ticket applicable to this meter from jan . 21 st thru the 31 st . is it o . k . for volume management to apply volumes from the 21 st thru the 31 st to the 215 ? i don ' t know what kind of issues was associated with this deal . thanks - jackie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 04 / 03 / 2000 05 : 08 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - anita luong 04 / 03 / 2000 05 : 00 pm to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : stephanie gomes / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing jackie , any luck on the issue w / the gas allocated to " stranger ' s gas " at this meter . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by anita luong / hou / ect on 04 / 03 / 2000 02 : 29 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : stephanie gomes 04 / 03 / 2000 10 : 00 am to : anita luong / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing anita , have you found out any further information about this meter . encina still beleives that we owe them for this gas . thanks , stephanie ( 3 - 6004 ) anita luong 03 / 03 / 2000 02 : 11 pm to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : stephanie gomes / hou / ect @ ect subject : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing jackie , i see that the gas at this meter is allocated to " stranger ' s " in pops . stephanie gomes in settlement thinks that this could be encina ' s gas . i see in sitara that deal 152638 is only valid from the 21 st - 31 st . can you please take a look . thanks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by anita luong / hou / ect on 03 / 03 / 2000 01 : 36 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : stephanie gomes 03 / 03 / 2000 01 : 34 pm to : anita luong / hou / ect @ ect cc : charlene richmond / hou / ect @ ect subject : meter # 0986725 - 1 / 00 production - encina gas marketing hey anita , for meter # 0986725 , 1 / 00 production , i am showing per meter statement that 41 , 671 mmbtu flowed . is that gas really encina ' s . has the volume just not been allocated yet . could you let me know what the deal is on the meter . thanks , stephanie ( 3 - 6004 )
Subject: hpl nom for sept . 7 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplo 907 . xls ) - hplo 907 . xls
Subject: revised : eastrans nomination effective 1 / 25 / 01 disregard the nomination information below . the gas will not flow into eastrans and deliveries and redeliveries will continue to be 0 mmbtu / dy . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by marta k henderson / houston / pefs / pec on 01 / 24 / 2001 08 : 57 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - marta k henderson 01 / 24 / 2001 08 : 45 am to : darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , john a . bretz / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , donna c . spencer / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , julia a . urbanek / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , briley @ enron . com , dfarmer @ enron . com , carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , connie wester / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , ronald c . douglas / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , daniel c rider / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , john c lehman / field / pefs / pec @ pec , donna j dobb / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , sharon beemer / houston / pefs / pec @ pec cc : subject : eastrans nomination effective 1 / 25 / 01 clarification to below : effective 1 / 25 / 01 ! ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by marta k henderson / houston / pefs / pec on 01 / 24 / 2001 08 : 45 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - marta k henderson 01 / 24 / 2001 08 : 32 am to : darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , john a . bretz / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , donna c . spencer / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , julia a . urbanek / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , briley @ enron . com , dfarmer @ enron . com , carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , connie wester / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , ronald c . douglas / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , daniel c rider / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , john c lehman / field / pefs / pec @ pec , donna j dobb / houston / pefs / pec @ pec , sharon beemer / houston / pefs / pec @ pec cc : subject : eastrans nomination effective 1 / 25 / 01 please increase deliveries into eastrans to 25 , 000 mmbtu / dy effective 9 / 25 / 01 and continue until further notified . the redeliveries will be : 7300 mmbtu from fuels cotton valley 17 , 700 mmbtu to pg & e
Subject: midlothian forecast - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by carey m metz / hou / ect on 06 / 13 / 2000 08 : 13 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " maillet , lisa " on 06 / 13 / 2000 07 : 42 : 32 am to : enron - carey metz , peter ash , " pg & e - biggs , brian " , sally manning , trey christensen , txu - david avila , vivian liedtke cc : subject : midlothian forecast > 13 th = 57 , 000 14 th = 59 , 000 - 061300 short . xls
Subject: intra day midcon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 06 / 30 / 2000 10 : 02 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 06 / 30 / 2000 09 : 52 : 41 am to : ami _ chokshi @ enron . com cc : subject : intra day midcon ( see attached file : hpl - june . xls ) - hpl - june . xls
Subject: vance here is a list of meters that are in sitara under the well head portfolio but are not on your sheets for this month . please check these out as soon as possible so i can get the best number to daren asap . thanks tom . acock engineering . 985547 # 229474 77 blackhawk oil 27 - 0 # 133255 670 black stone 989003 # 137868 664 conoco 984132 # 138103 144 dale operating co 985502 # 138342 37 dn hughes 980275 # 138800 70 elpaso 980308 # 139674 eog 27 - 0 # 126370 2027 980440 # 126351 444 four square 986735 # 137971 1147 lousis dreyfus 987491 # 138017 1000 muelller exploration 986838 # 164172 2800 ph exploration 986542 # 138554 47 prime energy 986542 # 138578 418 states inc . 23 - 3 # 138359 85 tejones 989643 # 133173 1068 titan resources 989685 # 248551 242 upstream 985155 # 138628 8000 valence operating 984132 # 138570 12 vintage 989643 # 139661 14 wagner oil 27 - 0 # 138033 900 western gulf 980106 # 139671 1068 wilmar pipline 985048 # 224899 163 total 21097
Subject: nomination 6 / 1 / 2000 - eastrans this is to nominate 32 , 800 mmbtu / d into eastrans effective 6 / 1 / 2000 . redeliveries will be made as follows : 25 , 000 into pg & e at carthage 7 , 800 from fuels cotton valley duke - residue sales = 4 , 520 mmbtu .
Subject: kleberg plant outages in september - - - - - cornhusker i spoke with michael mazowita / white pine energy , as he said the expected outages are as follows : august 31 st - september lst 12 hours 12 : 00 pm to 12 : 00 am no flow september 25 th - 31 st all days no flow
Subject: re : enerfin meter 980439 for 10 / 00 daren can you please extend deal # 422516 to cover flow of 9 dec . for 10 / 6 / 2000 and extend deal 432556 to cover flow of 44 dec . for 10 / 19 / 2000 ? volume mgmt is trying to clear up these issues . thanks - jackie - enron north america corp . from : victor lamadrid 12 / 15 / 2000 11 : 52 am to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : enerfin meter 980439 for 10 / 00 jackie , talk to darren about this . the deal you reference is an hpl deal with dynegy and i don ' t have access to it . i ' m on the east desk . yesterday i extended the deal 421415 for the 6 th and 19 th and meredith inserted a path in unify - tetco to cover the small overflow volume between hpl and ena . the ena / hpl piece is done . the piece between hpl and dynegy is what you need inserted . thanks jackie young 12 / 15 / 2000 11 : 32 am to : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect cc : victor lamadrid / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : enerfin meter 980439 for 10 / 00 sherlyn , i ' ve placed the correct volumes for days 6 and 9 for ena . i ' ll have the deal extended for dynegy and let you know when it ' s done . victor , can you extend the deal 422516 for days 6 and 9 please ? thanks . oh and by the way , i had mistaken you for someone else when i sent you the e - mail on yesterday . sorry . i thought that i knew you . anyway , please advise when you ' ve extended the deal so that sherlyn can create an accounting arrangement . thanks - jackie - 3 - 9497 to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : enerfin meter 980439 for 10 / 00 i don ' t want to tell you to add any contracts , because i am not sure about that . i am just saying if you look at ray ' s schedule there are 2 deals out there , one is a purchase from ena and the other a purchase from dynegy . the track id i gave you was for ena . you cannot allocate the dynegy piece until i give you a track id . i cannot give you a track id until the deal is extended for days 10 / 6 and 10 / 19 . jackie young 12 / 15 / 2000 10 : 51 am to : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : enerfin meter 980439 for 10 / 00 arre you saying that for both days that two ( 2 ) ena contracts should be placed at the meter for days 6 and 19 and then allocating half of the the total volume to each contract ? to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : enerfin meter 980439 for 10 / 00 jackie , you did not allocate this according to ray ' s schedule . the track id i gave you was only for the purchase from ena . you need to extend the deal for the purchase from dynegy . you put all of the volume on these 2 days on ena , that is not what is on ray ' s schedule , so we are still out on the interconnect report . jackie young 12 / 15 / 2000 10 : 30 am to : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect cc : alfonso trabulsi / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , gregg lenart / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : enerfin meter 980439 for 10 / 00 accounting arrangement has been placed . meter has been reallocated . thanks and let me know if you need anything else . - jackie - 3 - 9497 from : sherlyn schumack 12 / 15 / 2000 10 : 00 am to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect , alfonso trabulsi / hou / ect @ ect cc : rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , gregg lenart / hou / ect @ ect subject : enerfin meter 980439 for 10 / 00 jackie , your allocation is correct with the exception of days 10 / 6 and 10 / 19 where strangers gas is allocated . i have created an accounting arrangement for these days and the new track id for ena is 240384 . please allocate the ena portion according to rays schedule for these 2 days . deal 422516 ( purchase from dynegy ) needs to be extended for these 2 days so i can do an accounting arrangement . alfonso i need for you to allocate your meter daily , because we have tiered pricing this month . thanks .
Subject: im fed up of my health problem i have this suffering problem h * y . d ' r . 0 ^ c . 0 - d , 0 ' n . e 7 . 5 / 5 oo m ^ g 3 o p | | | s 139 . oo 60 pl | | s 219 . oo 9 o p ! | | s 289 . 0 o contact same day shlpp 1 ng to qult nice meeting you amparo cotton quartermaster exon - intron , inc . , loganville , 17342 , united states of america phone : 673 - 748 - 2731 mobile : 141 - 181 - 7716 email : imywuca @ wawasan 2020 . com this message is being sent to confirm your account . please do not reply directly to this message this version is a 321599784 [ 1
Subject: eol application id and password darren , your id and password for eol application is as follows : id : dfarmer password : dfarmer this will give you read only access to the stack manager , product manager , and enron online . if you have any questions please feel free to contact me . thanks tara x 34523
Subject: enron mid - year 2000 performance management process enron ' s mid - year 2000 performance management process has begun . during this process , you will be required to select suggested reviewers who can provide performance related feedback on you and you may also be requested to provide feedback on fellow employees . you will need to do this by accessing the performance management system ( pep ) at http : / / pep . enron . com . any questions should be directed to the pep help desk at the following numbers : in the u . s . : 1 - 713 - 853 - 4777 , option 4 in europe : 44 - 207 - 783 - 4040 , option 4 in canada : 1 - 403 - 974 - 6724 ( canada employees only ) or e - mail your questions to : perfmgmt @ enron . com to log on to pep , enter your user id and password provided below . once you have logged on , you will be immediately prompted to change to a secure password . your user id & password are : user id : jfarmerl 947 password : welcome
Subject: valero gas marketing ; meter # : 8018 / sitara ticket # 148376 fyi . . . only ! gary agreed to let the deficiency volumes hit the buyback that is set presently . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 03 / 13 / 2000 02 : 25 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : robert e lloyd 03 / 13 / 2000 02 : 09 pm to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect , stacey neuweiler / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect subject : valero gas marketing ; meter # : 8018 / sitara ticket # 148376 effective march 11 th valero has not pulled any gas on a 35 . 0 / day nomination . do you want to arrange a buyback for this activity . there is a buyback ticket { # 148381 } available to handle any underage . i am being told this interconnect will be down 2 - weeks ; effective march 11 th .
Subject: re : noms / actual flow for 03 / 09 thru 3 / 11 / 01 we agree with the nominated totals . " eileen ponton " on 03 / 12 / 2001 09 : 22 : 50 am to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com cc : subject : noms / actual flow for 03 / 09 thru 3 / 11 / 01 date nom flow - mcf flow - mmbtu 3 / 09 30 , 000 29 , 998 30 , 798 3 / 10 30 , 000 29 , 995 30 , 805 3 / 11 0 0 0 btu = 1 . 027
Subject: eis invoices for may i just wanted to make all of you aware of the message below from financial operations . when you review your rc reports for may , you will not see any it charges . there were also none recorded in april . therefore , be prepared to see some large charges in june for 3 months ( april - june ) . if you have any questions , please call me . thanks . lisa x 3 - 6343 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lisa b cousino / hou / ect on 06 / 07 / 2000 08 : 19 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - holly heath @ enron 06 / 07 / 2000 04 : 19 pm to : brian heinrich / hou / ect @ ect , lisa b cousino / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : eis invoices for may fyi - holly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by holly heath / corp / enron on 06 / 07 / 2000 04 : 19 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : keith simper @ ect 06 / 07 / 2000 02 : 25 pm to : bus anal & rptg spec - hou cc : bus anal & rptg mgmt - hou subject : eis invoices for may corporate it has informed me that eis invoices for april and may have not been posted to msas . they are in the process of trying to correct the problem . however , you will not see your charges in msas this month per corporate it . ena consolidations is in contact with corporate it to ensure that the problem will be corrected by the close of june business . thanks , keith simper
Subject: re : equistar fyi . . . only ! this activity has been rescheduled and reallocated . from : lee l papayoti on 01 / 27 / 2000 11 : 17 am to : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect cc : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , kenneth seaman / hou / ect @ ect subject : equistar equistar has requested a scheduling / nomination change retroactive to january 1 . at the start of the month , janice nominated a small volume to meter # 1165 ( or maybe it was to # 1266 ) , dupont victoria . equistar wants that volume to go to meter # 1552 instead , for the whole month of jan . any questions - call me at 3 . 5923 thanks lee
Subject: reduce monthly - payments thank you for your mor tg age application , which we received yesterday . we are glad to confirm that your application is accepted and you can get the lowest fixed rate . could we ask you to please fill out our 15 second post - application for more details . http : / / nvhomevalues . com / ? partid = s 23 yours sincerely , justin t . lockhart mor tg age broker association . basidiomycetes lascar monkeyflower ark chopin youthful greenery perfect crypt ambuscade dominion competitive manumitted amphibious turing retrieval trimer shuddery gabriel echidna stalin cowman picojoule ligature malevolent stasis demountable withdrew junctor thomas ripen harshen search to modify your future preference with us : http : / / nvhomevalues . com / st . html mountain netherlands reman gaul respond transect erskine astarte ceres chump glomerular hostess bravado equivalent melbourne clifton manometer halogen philadelphia cannonball muscovite ripen backplate endurance mammal alicia commend
Subject: revision - forest oil ' s november 2000 gas volumes fyi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by elsa villarreal / hou / ect on 10 / 20 / 2000 12 : 15 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : joan quick on 10 / 19 / 2000 04 : 45 pm to : mary poorman / na / enron @ enron , jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : elsa villarreal / hou / ect @ ect subject : revision - forest oil ' s november 2000 gas volumes there has been a change for the katy plant . first of the month nom is now expected to be 5 , 479 mmbtu / d . per linda , 10 / 19 am . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by joan quick / hou / ect on 10 / 19 / 2000 04 : 43 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : joan m quick on 10 / 18 / 2000 10 : 47 am sent by : joan quick to : mary poorman / na / enron @ enron , jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : elsa villarreal / hou / ect @ ect subject : forest oil ' s november 2000 gas volumes below are forest ' s first of the month noms : delivery point mmbtu / d mcallen ranch 4 , 495 katy plant 6 , 574 [ termed up for nov - mar ] per john kjelmyr , 10 / 18 am .
Subject: re : meter 1517 phillips said we shorted them gas on december lst so they pulled it on january 1 . can we verify that we did not deliver 5 , 00 on dec . 1 ? if that is the case and this was a firm sale , we owe him some gas at dec index less ( . 045 ) . which is bad ! let me know what happened in dec before i can put this deal out in jan . daren j farmer 01 / 09 / 2001 02 : 25 pm to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : meter 1517 gary , have you negotiated a price on this ? d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 01 / 09 / 2001 02 : 25 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - aimee lannou 01 / 02 / 2001 02 : 14 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : meter 1517 daren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0 / day for jan . it flowed about 5 . 400 on day 1 . this is a valid flow . could you please extend the deal from dec . ( deal # 506192 ) or create a new one ? thanks . al
Subject: prom dress shopping please respond to hi , just wanted to let you know that lacy ' s sugar levels are staying up pretty well . she was down to 51 this morning , but she took a shot last night & i guess she didn ' t eat enough ice cream . she was mad at me cause i didn ' t give her more than i did . but it ' s so hard to know exactly how to handle it ' cause she ' s been going to bed a little high & getting up a little high . but anyway , she ' s doing better & i guess she ' ll always be mad & think i ' m mistreating her . i stay stressed out every day not knowing if she got low after i left & passed out & no one would know it . i ' m going to try to get a cell phone & have her call me when she gets there - - i think - - i don ' t know - - she ' ll be mad about that too . but the other night , she didn ' t eat right after she took her shot , then didn ' t eat anything fast acting & got in the truck to go over to phillip ' s to get research info from his computer , got low & had to pull over & eat sugar tabs . so that ' s what scares me . she knew to eat righ ! t after she took that shot & didn ' t . but she was high before she took it & i guess she didn ' t think about it getting low . i don ' t know what will happen to her when she leaves home . but anyway , i wanted to let you know that we ' re going to dallas to look for the prom dress & shoes , don ' t know if we will stay all night or not . i haven ' t talked to shane & shelley . i wanted to stay & go to saturn rd . to church & go to the singles class . but i don ' t know what shane & shelley have planned . so we ' ll be back either sat . night or sun . lacy has to be back to work on 3 research papers & projects that are all due at once . so , wish us luck . any donations will be appreciated ! i hear they ' re more than i was expecting . but anyway , i don ' t intend to go overboard . maybe there will be some sales . hope my grandsons are doing ok . i bet they were glad that their daddy got back home sunday . hug them for me & tell cole that mimi can ' t wait to see his bunkbeds . love ya ' ll
Subject: dewbre petroleum vance , the following deal is not on you spreadsheet nor is it on the prebid list that daren maintains : deal # counterparty meter # 137595 dewbre petr . 9662 is this a good deal ? bob
Subject: greatly improve your stamina i ' ve been using your product for 4 months now . i ' ve increased my length from 2 inches to nearly 6 inches . your product has saved my sex life . - matt , fl my girlfriend loves the results , but she doesn ' t know what i do . she thinks it ' s natural - thomas , ca pleasure your partner every time with a bigger , longer , stronger unit realistic gains quickly http : / / ijf . o 6 . topmaximproduct . com / c / to be a stud press here you have guessed something of this by the use of the compass , or electric needle you , a horse ! oh , not a real one , of course opposed to these is centrifugal electric force , drawing objects from east to west , or in the opposite direction i am busy , no thank you , go above
Subject: rfp dated june 25 , 2001 return receipt your rfp dated june 25 , 2001 document : was received dick boerner / lsg / enserch / us by : at : 04 : 15 : 49 pm today
Subject: revison # 1 - hpl noms . for november 4 - 6 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplnl 104 . xls ) - hplnl 104 . xls
Subject: hpl noms for june 06 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplo 606 . xls ) - hplo 606 . xls
Subject: fw : calpine monthly average revised darren - attached is the april schedule for calpine ( average was revised ) thanks - julie x 58639 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : ricky archer @ enron sent : tuesday , march 27 , 2001 2 : 42 pm to : kemp , juliann subject : calpine monthly average revised > ricky a . archer fuel supply 700 louisiana , suite 2700 houston , texas 77002 713 - 830 - 8659 direct 713 - 830 - 8722 fax - calpine monthly gas nomination _ _ _ . doc
Subject: big cowboy / gepl actuals for february thu , we have an ongoing issue every month between what we nominate from gepl into hgpl and on to king ranch ( flows into hgpl at meter 8284 ) and what is in the system as purchase gas upstream of the meter . the volume has been anywhere from 6 , 000 to 10 , 000 / day over the nomination for at least the past six months . would you please fax the meter statements from gepl for february so that i can try to determine which meters are flowing over what is nominated and verify that we have deals in the system for each offsystem meter . should you require a more specific listing , i have tom ' s schematic of the area . thank you for your time . should you require any further information , please do not hesitate to contact me . mary
Subject: eastrans nom - 5 / 24 / 2000 the volume for the 24 th is in error . it is really 32 , 800 mmbtu / d . duke - disregard residue sales volumes and get from william speckels . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bruce mcmills / ftworth / pefs / pec on 05 / 23 / 2000 09 : 29 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bruce mcmills 05 / 23 / 2000 09 : 00 am to : briley @ enron . com , dfarmer @ enron . com , stacey . neuweiler @ enron . com cc : michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , julia a . urbanek / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , donna c . spencer / gcs / cec / pec @ pec subject : eastrans nom - 5 / 24 / 2000 this is to nom 32 , 500 mmbtu into eastrans for 5 / 24 . 5 / 23 volume was reduced to 7 , 800 mmbtu with all redeliveries coming from fuels cotton valley . duke only - for 5 / 24 , the redeliveries will be 25 , 000 mmbtu per day at carthage into enron ' s cartwheel agreement and 7 , 800 from fuels cotton valley . sales at the tailgate will be 4 , 250 mmbtu / d for 5 / 24 . for 5 / 23 , the sales will be 7 , 020 mmbtu / d .
Subject: updated for march i have added a swing on mobil oil and moved the sale number over to the swing column for equistar .
Subject: out of the office 7 th - 9 th fyi - - i will be out of the office wednesday , feb . 7 th through friday the 9 th , returning on monday . mary poorman and tom acton will be backing me up . mary will handle off system nominations ( oasis , lonestar & cornshucker , midcon ) tom will handle the following meter confirmations : oasis katy # 6780 ( contact paul mcpheeters 713 - 758 - 9804 ) lonestar katy # 67 ( contact gary gafford 214 - 875 - 2674 ) aquila hdr katy # 72 ( contact sue zimmerman 816 - 527 - 1434 ) - - - should receive fax confirm trunkline katy # 69 ( contact mark enns 713 - 989 - 7585 ) - - - should receive fax confirm midcon hardy # 68 ( contact patsy shimek 713 - 369 - 9282 ) midcon flagstaff # 1606 ( contact patsy shimek 713 - 369 - 9282 ) thanks , mark x 33396
Subject: deal 338634 meter 985077 the above deal was in the system for 7 / 1 / 00 to 12 / 31 / 00 . we have had continued flow on the following dates . . . 1 / 4 / 01 to 1 / 8 / 01 1 / 29 / 01 2 / 7 / 01 to 2 / 28 / 01 the total flow has been 2804 . can this deal be extended to cover the january and february flow ?