95 values
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About the Conjunctions Lesson Introduction to conjunctions. • Students will be able to state the definition of a coordinating conjunction. • Students will be able to name the four coordinating conjunctions. • Students will recognize and use conjunctions correctly in sentences. 1. Read lesson and discuss examples. 2. Allow students time to complete the exercises. 3. Discuss answers to exercises. A conjunction is a word that connects words or groups of words to each other. Here are some common conjunctions: and or but so These words are called coordinating conjunctions because they connect equal parts of a sentence. When you want to join words or phrases together, use the conjunction and. Lisa and Miguel are coming with us. She went to the store and bought some new shoes.
The resource has been added to your collection This unit will introduce the concept of fractions with activities and lessons that cater to visual, auditory, and tactile learning styles. Students will create fractions with a variety of manipulatives, solve problems with fractions, play games with fractions, and explore fractions in their everyday lives. The unit will also integrate language arts, as students write fraction stories and read literature related to fractions.Students will gain an understanding of basic fractions, including 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and whole. Students will learn key vocabulary words: whole, fraction, numerator, and denominator. Students will understand how fractions relate to their everyday lives. Lessons include: Unit Resources include: This resource was reviewed using the Curriki Review rubric and received an overall Curriki Review System rating of 3, as of 2009-06-12. This is a complete unit to help introduce primary-grade students to the concept of fractions. Each of the 12 lessons includes a problem of the day, a discussion, and a hands-on activity for students. These lessons can be personalized and adapted to fit the needs of individual students. The lessons are easy to read and follow, and all hand-outs are provided. Each lesson is aligned with the NCTM Standards. In addition to using the provided hand-outs, teachers can use commercial or teacher- made fraction kits or other math manipulatives to help students develop an understanding of fractions. Teachers may choose to use these rather than candy due to growing numbers of children with food allergies or other dietary restrictions. There are several misspellings in the lessons and hand-outs, but overall this is a well-designed unit.
You will evaluate algebraic expressions by substitution. After completing this tutorial, you will be able to complete the following: 1. An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase. Algebraic expressions contain numbers, operators, (add, subtract, multiply, divide), and at least one variable (like x, y). Algebraic expressions do not have equal signs. A variable is a symbol or letter that stands for the value. n x 2 2. The process of replacing those letters or variables with numerical values and simplifying it is known as evaluating an algebraic expression. 3. The order of operation is used to evaluate an algebraic expression. The order of operations refers to the precedence of performing one arithmetic operation over another while working on a mathematical expression. The rules are as follows: 1. Evaluate expressions inside parentheses. 2. Evaluate all powers. 3. Perform all multiplications and/or divisions from left to right. 4. Perform all additions and/or subtractions from left to right. 2 + (25 - 4) × 20 ÷ 2 First do all operations inside parentheses 2 + (21) × 20 ÷ 2 Perform all multiplications and divisions, from left to right. 2 + 420 ÷ 2 2 + 210 Perform all additions and subtractions from left to right. If these rules are not rigidly followed, the expression can produce two different solutions. The following key vocabulary terms will be used throughout this Activity Object: · algebraic expression - an expression that contains one or more numbers, one or more variables, and one or more arithmetic operations Examples of algebraic expressions: · evaluate - when a given value is substituted for each variable in an expression and the operations are performed, it is called evaluating the expression |Approximate Time||20 Minutes| |Pre-requisite Concepts||Learners should be familiar with evaluating expressions, operations on integers, order of operations, and working with exponents.| |Type of Tutorial||Skills Application| |Key Vocabulary||algebraic expression, substitution,|
Display various triangular shapes and ask, "How do you know that these shapes are triangular?" The following properties of triangles should emerge from this discussion: three sides, three corners and angles, straight rather than curved sides. Distribute pattern blocks to each group of two to four students. Have students explore ways to make triangles with the patterning blocks. Alternatively, you can use the Patch Tool for pattern blocks. This is an applet version of physical pattern blocks. Have students share solutions with each other. As a class share any common findings and anything unique that students may have discovered. Distribute and follow directions in the How Do You Build Triangles? Activity Sheet. Have students work in pairs to give or write directions for building one of the triangles, then see if another pair of students can build it by following the directions. Some possible solutions for the activity sheet include: Have students compare their drawings with those of several classmates. What do they notice? Questions for Students 1. How many different triangles can be built with two, three, and then four shapes? What happens if all twelve shapes are used to build one "huge" triangle? [Note: One more small triangle is needed because the pattern for the triangular area is one, four, nine, sixteen, and twenty-five small triangles.] 2. What is the largest triangle that can be built with twelve shapes? [You may wish to challenge students' responses to this question by asking them how they know they have discovered the largest triangle.] 3. How many different symmetrical designs can be created for the largest triangle? [It may be helpful to record the various symmetrical designs on chart paper as students discover them.]
Students will learn how to subtract integers. Students will solve both word problems and mathematical ones. Students have had lots of practice subtracting whole numbers, but haven't seen what happens when you subtract a smaller whole number from a larger one. Thus, start with such problems. Start with concrete and visual methods. Namely, show integer subtraction on the number line (video), and using two-color counters. After that, students should learn how to solve these problems, where a number line is given, but some unmarked number must be determined by repeatedly adding or subtracting a whole number. Students can practice here. Finally, students should learn about additive inverses and double negatives. Here's a problem to test their understanding of the latter.
This useful classroom resource helps teachers create a fun and interesting grammar program that can be integrated with other elements of a balanced literacy program. Knowledge of grammar helps students understand and explain the language choices they make. This guide features background information, practical advice and fun activities that will help students learn about grammar. Topics covered in the book include: - What is good grammar: grammar of speech and writing - Types of texts: imaginative, informative and persuasive - Levels of textual analysis: paragraphs, sentences, individual words, sub-word level, grammar and spelling - Grammar development: early, middle and late years plus English as an additional language or dialect - What is a correct sentence - Adding extra words, phrases and clauses to enhance meaning: extending verbs and nouns, pronouns, clauses and sentence types - Common errors: verbs, pronouns and sentences - Ways to help students with grammar: planning, proofing and editing plus agreed criteria, revision STEPS, and games and activities - Assessing grammar: correcting and providing feedback plus the art of teaching grammar.
Short tutorial that explains you on the basic principle of counting, or the rule of product or multiplication principle. The basic principle of counting is the rule of product or multiplication principle which states that, when there are m ways of doing one, and n ways of doing the other, then there are mxn ways of doing both. This basic counting principle is used as the guiding rule for finding the number of ways to accomplish two tasks. Consider that if you want to flip a coin and roll a die. According to the basic principle of counting, There are 2 ways that you can flip a coin and 6 ways that you can roll a die. Applying the Rule of Product or Multiplication Principle, There are 2 x 6 = 12 ways that you can flip a coin and roll a die.
At the end of this lesson, students should: From the previous knowledge on fractions, a “whole” can be divided into ten (10) equal parts and each part out of the ten parts is written as. In decimals, is called a tenth and is written as 0.1. Also, when a whole is divided into hundred equal parts, each part is written as and is called a hundredth. This is written as 0.01 in the decimal form. Let’s have a look at the strip below: Having understood this we can view decimals as: NB: The number of decimal places determines the denominator of the fraction. Write the following decimals as fractions. 1) 0.5 2) 0.08 3) 0.003 1) 0.5 =(i.e. 5 out of 10 parts) = This is because there is only one digit after the decimal point. 2) 0.08 =(i.e. 8 out of 100 parts) = There are two digits after the decimal point hence a denominator of 100. 3) 0.003 =(i.e. 3 out of 1000 parts) There are three digits after the decimal point hence a denominator of 1000. Change these decimals to fractions. a) 1.4 b) 0.35 c) 2.07 d) 19.079 Note that, the digit(s) that come(s) before the decimal point represent(s) the whole number and the digit(s) that come(s) after the decimal point represent(s) the fraction part. Write these decimals as fractions in their simplest form. a) 0.24 b) 3.7 c) 248.2
A colourful poster to display in the classroom when learning about how and when to use A and An. Home › Teaching Resources › Reading and Writing Resources › A or An Poster How to use this resource Black and White Would love to use this poster but the grammar is not correct. The ‘use an a’ side should say “When the next word” instead of next words Comment by Sue on October 20, 2018 at 12:18 am Log in to Reply Thanks for letting us know about this resource. It has now been fixed and is ready to go! Official comment by Paul Willey on October 21, 2018 at 11:16 pm You must be logged in to post a comment. Copyright © 2019 Inspired Classroom Pty Ltd
Logical operators are used when we want to check the truth value of certain statements. Logical operators help us in checking multiple statements together for their truthness. Here we will learn logical operators like AND(&&), OR(||), NOT(!). These operators produce either a true or a false as an output. First line of input conatins number of testcases T. For each testcase, there will be one line of input containing a and b separated by a space. For each testcase, print the required output. Your task is to complete the provided function. 1 <= T <= 10 1 <= a, b,<= 100 1 1 0 If you have purchased any course from GeeksforGeeks then please ask your doubt on course discussion forum. You will get quick replies from GFG Moderators there.
Welcome to the English Language Arts resource page. You will find helpful links to websites, games, and activities to help support students' literary life! Fun with Spelling How do children learn to read and write words? In a rich and balanced program, teachers provide many learning opportunities for all children to gain the knowledge and experiences necessary to look at how words work. - Children need to hear written language so they can learn its structure and take in new information and ideas. - Children need to become aware of the sounds of language, to enjoy those sounds, and to use the knowledge as a tool. - Children need to have many experiences working with written symbols and to explore words and learn how they work. The spelling links represent a wide range of knowledge, abilities and strategies for children to become effective word solvers and provides suggestions for professional development for teachers. Guide to Grammar What is Grammar? The system of rules of a language and the study of how words and their components combine to form sentences. The resources on these pages will help students become better writers. These samples have been chosen to stimulate and facilitate discussions of student writing. They are not intended to reflect actual classroom assessment practice or to dictate students' grades.These samples are not ranked by level of performance, but are intended to highlight specific areas of strength.
Teaching About Bullying - Students will know the school and classroom rules and consequences of bullying - Students will know the definition of bullying - Students will be able to identify bullies, targets, and bystanders - Students will know resources and skills to help themselves - Students will know resources and skills to help their friends and peers - Provide a confidential sharing/suggestion box where students can share information about bullying anonymously. - Invite speakers (principal, security officer, counselor, other students, parents, etc.) to talk about bullying (such as their personal experiences with bullying, why it is important not to bully, etc.) to the class. - Create rules and consequences about bullying and post them in a visible place in the classroom. Allow students to help make the rules/consequences as appropriate. Review them with students regularly, and share them with parents. - Brainstorm the different places and people that kids can go to for help, and post them where kids can see them. - Use drama and role-playing to help students learn to manage different and challenging social situations. - Incorporate reading materials, audio-visual materials, journal assignments, special projects, etc., where students can learn more about bullying and the importance of respecting self and others. - Have students research different periods in history when various types of bullying occurred (and the consequences). - Have students suggest problem scenarios and assign small groups to come up with different ways to solve the problems. - Have students take positive notes throughout the day about pro-social behaviors they have observed in others and have them acknowledge these behaviors to others.
Uppercase and Lowercase Letters Uppercase and Lowercase Letters Worksheet Making kids learn the letters of the alphabet consist of teaching them uppercase and lowercase letters. This is an English worksheet for children with letters both in uppercase and lowercase. Kindergartners will have to look each and every set of letters and verify if the uppercase and lowercase is of the identical alphabet and color it based on the instructions given. A sensible way to introduce this worksheet to the kids is by first providing them with index cards with lowercase and uppercase of all of the letters. Once the kids have been through all of index cards, provide them with this worksheet and find out how well they know the letters.
There are more types of relationships than equality. Mathematical expressions can be less than or greater than each other as well. Inequalities are statements of INequality, relationships other than equality: less than, greater than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to. In order to write an equality you must find a relationship where one thing is smaller than or bigger than another. For example, Jed is OLDER than Ted could be written j>t. In order to write inequalities, it is crucial that you can READ the four inequality symbols: < - Less than > - Greater than ≤ - less than or equal to ≥ - greater than or equal to. Let's try an example. Lorelei, a car salesperson, needs to earn at least $4,200 gross pay this month. She makes $15 per hour plus a commission of 2.2% of her sales. Write an inequality that could be used to find, s, the amount of sales she would have to make in order to earn at least $4,200 gross in a month where she worked 105 hours. Did you notice the relationship of inequality: she needs to earn AT LEAST 4,200. Think about what "at least" means. Would she be happy with $4,200? Yes! How about MORE THAN $4,200? Of course; She would love that! But what about less than $4,200? No, way. She wouldn't be able to pay her bills. That is an inequality right there: her earnings ≥ 4,200. Now all we have to do is think of how to write "her earnings" as a math statement, and expression. According to the problem, her earnings consist of "$15 per hour plus a commission of 2.2% of sales". We also know that she works 105 hours and sells "s" in sales. So she earns 15(105)+0.022s. Let's put that into our inequality. 15(105)+0.022s ≥ 4,200 Now that's going to take some practice! Watch the example problem videos below and try some practice activities.
You'll have found by now that algebra forms a major part of KS3 Maths. In algebra letters are used in place of numbers. The letter n (usually in italics) is often used to indicate the position of a term in a sequence. We call this the 'nth' term. Finding the rule for a number pattern is usually quite easy but can sometimes be a bit harder. One famous pattern is the Fibonacci sequence. This describes a spiral pattern and is very common in nature. The rule for the Fibonacci sequence is to add the previous two numbers to find the next. The nth term for this would be... advanced mathematics. Don't worry about that just yet! Here's an easier example. If a sequence begins with 5 and goes up in twos thereafter, the nth term of that sequence would be 2n + 3 (2 x 1 + 3 = 5, 2 x 2 + 3 = 7, 2 x 3 + 3 = 9 etc.). This can be a little difficult to grasp but work through this quiz (and read the helpful comments!) and you will soon get the idea.
Sports theme number quantity practice for numbers 5-10 Log in to see state-specific standards (only available in the US). Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1-20, count out that many objects. Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger. Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
Fractions, Decimals and Percentage B is the next step in students' understanding of equivalence in all three forms. Section A asks learners to consider decimal and percentage equivalence before finding this as a fraction out of 100 and then simplifying fractions. Next, students are faced with common misconceptions and asked to articulate and correct the mistakes. Section C follows perfectly from section A. Starting with percentages, students will convert to decimals and then as fractions over 100 and finally simplify these. Sections A and C are designed to deepen students' knowledge of equivalences and avoid making common mistakes when converting between the three. Fifths are discussed in more detail in section D. Allowing students to spot patterns from their previous answers.
More than and less than worksheets ks1 free Greater Than, Less Than Worksheets. These greater than and less than worksheets help kids learn how to identify inequalities by comparing integers, decimals, fractions and other quantities by giving kids a useful mnemonic: just think of the greater than sign as a Primary Resources free worksheets, lesson plans and teaching ideas for primary and elementary teachers.more than and less than worksheets ks1 Greater than Less than worksheets contain comparing quantities, cutglue activity, identifying greatersmaller number, comparing numbers in words and symbols, basic inequality, comparing realworld units and more. This page has printables for ordering and comparing tripledigit numbers. Includes worksheets, task cards, a classroom games, a cutandglue alligator activity, and more. 4Digit Numbers: Ordering and Comparing. Learn about greater than , less than , and equal to with these printable teaching resources. All include numbers up to four digits. more than and less than worksheets ks1 Mathematics Key Stage 1 Year 2 NPV. 4 Key Stage 2 Year 3 NPV. 3 NPV. 6 Less Than or Greater Than: 1 to 20 This printable will help practice the concept of more than and less than. 1st grade. Math. Worksheet More Than or Less Than Maths Worksheets for Year 1 (age 56) Part of the process of ordering is to be able to say what is one more than, or one less than, any given number up to 20. Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Secondary SEND ESLTEFL Resources EAL IEYC& IPC Greater Than and Less Than Worksheets. Greater Than or Less Than Worksheet. More Or Less Colouring Activity. Greater Than And Less Than (Crocodiles) Display. One More One Less Number Worksheet. Tens and Ones Worksheet. One More One Less Game: Dice Worksheet. Worksheets for calculating adding 1 more than a previous number for a range of abilities with numberlines and dinosaurs, rawr! Please rate and review, any feedback or suggestions for improvement would be greatly appreciated.Rating: 4.92 / Views: 690
The basic properties of real numbers, including the associative, commutative, identity, inverse and distributive properties, are important to understand when learning addition and multiplication. They are also the building blocks for beginning algebra. Once you understand each property, you can use them to solve many different mathematical problems. Using the name of each property to remember the property itself is the easiest way to keep them straight. Associate the associative property with the word associate. The associative property describes how you can group different sets of numbers together when adding or multiplying with the same result. Remember that in addition and multiplication, numbers or variables can associate with each other in different groups for the same result. Connect the commutative property to the word commute, or travel. According to the commutative property, when adding or multiplying numbers or variables the order does not matter. The numbers or variables can "commute" from one position to another and the result will be the same. Remember the identity property is a number that can be added to or multiplied by a number without changing its identity. In addition, the identity property is zero, because adding zero to any number results in the original number. In multiplication, the identity property is one. Think of the reverse to help you remember the inverse property. The inverse property of addition means that for every number (x) there is a negative (-x) that will result in zero when added. The inverse property of multiplication shows that for every number (x) there is a number (1/x) that when multiplied by x will result in one. Think of handing out or distributing a number throughout a quantity when multiplying to remember the distributive property. For example, if you have an equation of 2(x+y) you can distribute the 2 to write the equation as 2x+2y. - Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Shape up your students' understanding of geometrical attributes with this hands-on math lesson. Students will gain a better understanding of how to describe a shape by the number of edges and vertices it has, rather than by its name. Provide students with an opportunity to identify the wholes that are correctly divided into halves, thirds, and fourths (equal shares). Use this activity alone as a support lesson or alongside Cookie Fractions Fun. Explore 3-D shapes with your students and help them identify and talk about the relevant attributes of three-dimensional shapes, all while using real-world examples! Use this as a stand-alone lesson or alongside the Shape Models lesson. Money makes the world go 'round, but do your students know why money is important? In this lesson, students will learn the real world applications of money, as well as how to make a dollar with various coins. It's about time to learn about time! Your students will interact with a class made clock and roll the dice to 'make up' a time. But they better know their hour and minute hands apart to find success in this lesson! Students will get to explore three-digit numbers through base-ten blocks and written form. Students will get plenty of practice identifying the place values of a number both individually and with the class. It is important for students to gain a better understanding of different ways to write numbers. In this lesson, your students will practice seeing numbers in various ways to help them comprehend the meaning of numbers. We know that exposure and repetition are very important when teaching students to recognize coins and identify their values. Use this hands-on lesson that can be used alongside Counting Coins or as an independent lesson!
Lesson: Developing Different Types of Questions Students will be able to generate different types of questions for researching their topics. They will know the difference between recall, comprehension, and synthesis questions. Lesson: Brainstorming Research Questions Students will be able to brainstorm questions on a topic for future research. They will be able to brainstorm different types of questions: recall, comprehension, and synthesis. Lesson: Categorizing Research Questions Students will be able to categorize questions by topic. They will label the topics for each category. Worksheet: Brainstorming Topics A graphic organizer which encourages students to think about things they are interested in including books, music, movies, hobbies, sports, and more. Worksheet: Keyword Brainstorming A graphic organizer which encourages students to think about the keywords associated with their favorite ideas, themes, or categories. Worksheet: Creating Questions Offers prompts which encourage students to think about the subject being covered in class in order to determine at least two aspects of the subject which interest them. Worksheet: Narrowing the Topic A graphic organizer for brainstorming topics and categories related to a main topic. Worksheet: Exploring a Topic Encourages students to explain why they chose a topic, what they know about it, and what they want to find out it.
As children progress through KS2 they will learn more about the place values of digits in Maths. As well as understanding the different values of digits depending on their position (ones, tens and hundreds), in Year Four children will be exposed to larger numbers including thousands. They will also be expected to know the equivalent values of these positions, for example that ten tens are the same as one hundred or that twenty hundreds are the same as two thousands. Finally, they should also be able to write these numbers in the form of words. Place values are split into thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths and hundredths. In our number system we know the value of a digit in a number by its position in that number - one digit represents ones, two represent tens and ones etc. Have a go at the following quiz to see how much you know about place value. This quiz is intended for children aged 8-9.
- English stories. Every unit contains a simple animated story featuring our characters. The stories show the new language in real contexts and are also used to present the grammar item of each unit and practise the new words. Follow-on activities include gap fill activities and identifying grammatically correct sentences. - English songs. Songs are motivating and fun. They are also a very powerful learning method to help children remember the language they have learnt. There is at an easy-to-learn song in each unit, plus a karaoke version. - English Word games and word puzzles. New words are presented and then practised in fun word games. They learn to understand and say the words, then progress to recognising and forming the written words. Word games include matching, unjumbling words, memory games crosswords and activities to listen and click. - English worksheets. Each unit contains three worksheets: words, grammar and letters and sounds.
Prepositions: Time, Place, Direction This lesson introduces prepositions of time, place and direction. Activity A is an exercise in identifying the three different classes of prepositions. Activity B gives children an opportunity to use prepositions in their own writing. • The children will be able to define prepositions. The children will be able to identify the three different classes of prepositions. The children will understand and be able to demonstrate the use of prepositions. Let?s learn about some important little words. They are called prepositions. Prepositions are parts of speech which are used to link words like nouns and pronouns to other words in a sentence. These nouns and pronouns are the direct object of the preposition.
It is important that students are fully informed of the possible positive and negative consequences of their choices. They need all the information up front in order to make an informed decision. Consequence maps are a way to visually show students the connections between their choices and the consequences that may or will follow. Consequence maps can be premade and laminated, drawn on a blank frame like the one shown in Figure 13.1 or drawn on the spot. Consequence maps can also be used as an excellent graphic organization for any type of problem solving by adding as many rows as there are possible solutions or options. When using a consequence map, the teacher sits down with a student and helps her identify a situation where she has been having difficulty—for example, "The teacher gives me an assignment I don't like." The teacher and student then map out the positive choice, the negative choice, and the natural and logical consequences that are likely to follow each. The positive choice should always be stressed and put on the top row of the map. We also recommend starting with the natural consequences ("I will be proud of myself," "I will get better grades") so that the internal reinforcement that we want to develop will be stressed. The student identifies which consequences she prefers and therefore the choice she needs to make to experience that consequence. (Reproducible 6 provides a template for the map.) An example basic consequence map is shown in Figure 13.2. Consequence mapping can be used with all age and ability levels and with individual or groups of students. It can take the form of a simple if-then chart for preschoolers using visuals. (A blank if-then chart is shown in Figure 13.3, and Reproducible 7 provides a template.) The positive choice can be mounted on one side of poster board on a green background to indicate a good or "go" choice and the not-so-positive choice can be mounted on the other side on a red background to indicate a poor or "stop" choice. Teachers can then flip the chart to whichever side is needed to remind students of the consequences of their choices. Consequence maps can also take the form of a more complex chart for older students that connects their choices with not only the possible consequences but also the perceptions of those around them. An example of this type of consequence map is shown in Figure 13.4.
Playing with Nuts and bolts Nuts and bolts may seem like a simple activity, but it provides children with many great opportunities to explore and build on their skills. - Fine motor skills. * Hand and eye coordination as children grasp and pick their selection of bolts and then attach the nuts and bolts. * Twisting, pinching, rotating give fingers muscles a workout, skills needed later for writing - Math skills * Giving children a variety of bolts and nuts allows them the opportunity to sort, match, categorize as they make a selection and plan how to use them. * Create patterns, count and describing of different attributes including size - Language skills * Back and forth conversation as they work with other children * Exploration and explanation of their creation and learning to others * So much creativity as children came up with new ways to create and play, testing their ideas. - Sensory experience * Different textures, weights, sizes, and materials can be incorporated, experimenting with touch and sound.
Common Core Math: Counting & Cardinality The Counting and Cardinality domain is covered entirely in kindergarten, where students learn number names up to one hundred and use them to count the numbers of objects in groups. Students develop an understanding of counting as pairing the counting numbers with the objects being counted. Students practice counting groups of up to 20 objects, reporting their results by writing numerals and comparing groups based on their numbers of objects. Get information about Common Core Standards. Look up a specific standard: Search for all standards in a domain: Use counting to determine the number of objects. Count the number of objects (CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.5): Compare the sizes of two groups (CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.C.6): Compare two numbers (CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.C.7): Know number names and the counting sequence.
Students will create class rules by determining what they would like their classroom to look like, feel like, and sound like in order for it to be a safe, fair, and fun learning environment. They will come to a consensus about what behaviors will lead to this goal, and... Filter by subjects: Filter by audience: Filter by unit » issue area: find a lesson Unit: Philanthropic Behavior Unit: Let's Play and Learn Learners discover that rules are helpful. Rather than being a roadblock, rules can actually help us to avoid problems. Students learn that cooperation skills involve knowing and following (obeying) the rules. Unit: Growing as a Group This lesson teaches responsible personal conduct and encourages students to consider the effect their individual actions have on the group. To encourage students to brainstorm and develop ideas for classroom rules.... Students explore the meaning of honesty as it relates to playing by the rules and making choices that support the common good. Students discuss and illustrate how people could respond honestly and dishonestly to the same situation. They learn vocabulary related to honesty. Unit: Constitution Day Students learn how the Constitution relates to rules and community roles. This lesson is designed for Citizenship/Constitution Day (September 17) and connects students to improving their community for the good of all. ...
The students will be looking at a bar graph and answer questions about it 1. How many data points are in the graph? 2. Can you tell the mode? 3. Is there a range of data values? 4. When is a bar graph a good way to display data? Begin by asking students to write down their full names (first and last). Once their names are written down, have them count the number of letters in their name. Collect the data on the board based upon the amount of letters in the name. Once the data is on the board, have the students create a bar graph based upon the information collected.(MP 4) At this time, the teacher will move about the classroom making sure students are correctly representing the data. Key parts to look for: title, labeled x and y axis, scale is equal and starts at zero, correct bar heights, bars not connected.(MP6) When students are done creating the first graph, have them change the format of the graph (vertically or horizontally) based on their first graph. As the students finish their bar graphs, use the bar graph worksheet to answer questions about the data. (MP 1) If you have a student that finish ahead of the others, they can use the bar grapher tool to represent this data on the computer. It will be a good visual check for the student s to see that they have done it correctly. If no computer is available, the students can check with other classmates because everyone is working with the same data values. To wrap up this lesson, have students work on the Cereal worksheet (Navigating through Data Analysis) to collect as evidence of student learning. This worksheet drives home the main concepts of 6.SP.3. Data sets can contain many numerical values that can be summarized by one number, while displaying the data in a graph (6.SP.4)
The theory of plate tectonic presented in early 1960’s, explains that the lithosphere is broken into seven large segments (and several smaller) called plates separated by boundaries. The uppermost part of the earth has two layers with different deformation properties. - The upper rigid layer called lithosphere is about 100 km thick below the continents and about 50 km thick under the oceans, consisting of crust and upper mantle rocks. - The lower layer called as the asthenosphere is extends down to about 70 km depth. The lithosphere plates are not stationary, they float in a complex pattern with a velocity 2 to 10km per year on the soft rocks of the underlying asthenosphere like raft on a lake. The major continental plates are: - African plate - South American plate - North American plate - Eurasian plate - Indo-Australian plate - Antarctic plate - Pacific plate The great forces thus generated at plate boundaries build mountain ranges, cause volcanic eruptions and earthquake. The earthquake that occur at plate boundaries is inter-plate earthquake, and the earthquake that occur far from the plate boundaries are called intra-plate earthquake. The types of plate tectonic boundaries are: 1. Divergent boundary Divergent boundaries or spreading ridge are areas along the edges of plate that move away from each other. This is the location where the less dense molten rock from the mantle rises upwards and becomes part of the crust after cooling. This occurs in rifts and valleys formation. 2. Convergent boundary It is also known as subduct boundaries. It is formed when either oceanic lithosphere subducts beneath oceanic lithosphere (ocean-ocean convergence) or when oceanic lithosphere subducts beneath continental lithosphere (ocean-continental convergence). An oceanic trench or mountains forms at the junction of two plates where they meet. 3. Transform boundary Transform boundaries occur along the plate margins where two plate move pass each other without destroying or creating new crust. Here the two plates may move horizontally across each other or they may shift vertically with respect to each other.
Coordinates in the Plane To represent points in the plane, two perpendicular straight lines are used. They are called the Cartesian axes or coordinate axes. The horizontal axis is called the x-axis. The vertical axis is called the y-axis. Point O, where the two axes intersect is called the origin. The coordinates of a point, P, are represented by (x, y). The distance measured along the horizontal axis is the x-coordinate or the abscissa. The distance measured along the vertical axis is the y-coordinate or the ordinate. The coordinate axes divide the plane into four equal parts called quadrants. The origin, O, has coordinates (0,0). The points that are on the vertical axis have their abscissa equal to 0. The points that are on the horizontal axis have their ordinate equal to 0. The points in the same horizontal line (parallel to the x-axis) have the same ordinate. The points in the same vertical line (parallel to the y-axis) have the same abscissa. Plot the following points: A(1, 4), B(-3, 2), C(0, 5), D(-4, -4), E(-5, 0), F(4, -3), G(4, 0), H(0, -2)
Objective: Children will investigate fireflies, including what makes a firefly different from other insects, and will create a firefly. ‹ Return to Theme Note: Cut the wings from the construction paper in advance. Fireflies, like all insects, are part of a larger group of animals called arthropods. Arthropods are animals that have segmented bodies, six or more jointed legs, and a hard outer shell called an exoskeleton. Insects are different than other arthropods because they have three body parts, two antennae, and six jointed legs. Fireflies are insects. Their body parts include the head, thorax (which is the middle part), and abdomen. Like most adult insects, fireflies have wings. All wings and legs are attached to the thorax. Fireflies are different from other insects because their bodies can glow. Even firefly eggs glow! Fireflies are also known as lightning bugs, but they are not flies or bugs; they are actually beetles. Their bodies are brownish or black in color, and their glow can be green, yellow, or orange. Fireflies produce their glow or light through a chemical in their bodies that reacts with oxygen. Scientists think that fireflies light up as a way to advertise to predators that they taste bad. Fireflies also glow as a way to communicate with each other. These lessons are aligned with the Common Core State Standards ("CCSS"). The CCSS provide a consistent, clear understanding of the concepts and skills children are expected to learn and guide teachers to provide their students with opportunities to gain these important skills and foundational knowledge. While we believe that the books and resources recommended may be of value to you, keep in mind that these are suggestions only and you must do your own due diligence to determine whether the materials are appropriate and suitable for your use. PNC has no sponsorship or endorsement agreement with the authors or publishers of the materials listed. There are currently no Common Core Standards for pre-k, but these lessons are aligned as closely as possible to capture the requirements and meet the goals of Common Core Standards. However, these lessons were neither reviewed or approved by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices or the Council of Chief State School Officers, which together are the owners and developers of the Common Core State Standards.
exponents & roots factors, factoring, & prime numbers fractions, decimals & ratio & proportion In grades 6-8, students explore the relations among similar objects, solving problems that link length, perimeter, area, and volume. In order to do so, students must learn to calculate the perimeter of a variety of objects. Problems that allow middle-school students to practice finding the perimeter or circumference of an object are listed below. They address the NCTM Geometry Standard for Grades 6-8 expectation that students will be able to analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships. For background information elsewhere on our site, explore the Middle School Geometry area of the Ask Dr. Math archives. For relevant sites on the Web, browse and search Euclidean Plane Geometry in our Internet Mathematics Library; to find middle-school sites, go to the bottom of the page, set the searcher for middle school (6-8), and press the Search button. Access to these problems requires a Membership. Home || The Math Library || Quick Reference || Search || Help
This topic covers the basic concepts and terminology of fractions. It consists of 4 lessons that provide an introduction to understanding what a fraction is. A fraction is a number. The numbers represented by fractions have the same properties as whole numbers. That is, some fractions are bigger than other fractions, some are smaller, and some fractions represent the same number (equivalent fractions). In the first two lessons in this series, students come to understand fractions as numbers, which then provides the basis for learning the answers to questions covered later in the series, like: How big is a fraction? Which of two fractions is bigger? How much bigger? How do you add and subtract fractions? How do you multiply and divide fractions? These lessons represent fractions as distances on a number line rather than concrete objects. The rationale behind this approach is well-established through research and its use is specified in the Common Core State Standards. This lesson explains the meaning of the bottom number of a fraction. It represents the number of equal-size parts a whole unit is divided into. In this lesson, students learn what the top number of a fraction means. The top number represents the number of equal-size parts that are counted. This lesson introduces the names for the top number (numerator) and bottom number (denominator) of a fraction. These labels are not introduced in the initial lessons to reduce the cognitive load students experience in learning the basic concepts of fractions. This lesson is the last of 4 lessons that provide an introduction to understanding what a fraction is. This lesson covers the terminology for reading and writing fractions in words. Fractions given in numbers are written with words. Fractions given in words are written with numbers.
It has long been assumed that our solar system, like a comet, has a tail. Just as any object moving through another medium – for example, a meteor traveling through Earth’s atmosphere – causes the particles to form a stream trailing off behind it. But the tail of our solar bubble, called the heliosphere, has never actually been observed, until now. NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer, or IBEX, has mapped the boundaries of the tail of the heliosphere, something that has never before been possible. Scientists describe this tail, called the heliotail, in detail in a paper published on July 10, 2013, in The Astrophysical Journal. By combining observations from the first three years of IBEX imagery, the team mapped out a tail that shows a combination of fast and slow moving particles. There are two lobes of slower particles on the sides, faster particles above and below, with the entire structure twisted, as it experiences the pushing and pulling of magnetic fields outside the solar system. To see images and read more about this development, visit https://www.nasa.gov/content/nasa-s-ibex-provides-first-view-of-the-solar-system-s-tail/index.html#.Ud74gIVTcvQ. This discovery is a great extension to NASA Now: Space Science: Voyager’s Grand Tour of the Solar System. To access this video, visit the NASA Explorer Schools Virtual Campus NASA Explorer Schools Virtual Campus website.
From practicing place values to rounding, our materials help make decimal numbers easy. Teach your students how to compare decimal numbers while working with money or get them to play a game that reinforces tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. After working with these resources, your students will be on point and ready to tackle decimal addition. You have a point. As students enter upper-elementary grades they should start to learn about decimal numbers. A decimal number is a number that includes a decimal point. One of the first things students will need to learn when working with decimal numbers is place values, specifically the values of numbers to the right of the decimal point. These resources help students working with decimal numbers to identify the tenths place, hundredths place, and thousandths place as well as learn how to round and compare decimal numbers. Lessons for teaching about decimal numbers include instructions on ordering decimal numbers from least to greatest on a number line and real-world applications, such as using decimal skills to add up the cost of a back-to-school shopping spree! Worksheets also help students convert decimal numbers to fractions. Working with and understanding the relationship between decimals and fractions is an important math skill for students.
Our Take: Third graders learn the concept of whole objects (circle, squares, etc.) being broken into a certain number of equal parts, and that equal parts of a whole can be written as a fraction. First, they understand that 1/b represents one equal part out of the total number of parts. They build upon this understanding when they learn that a/b is a fraction that represents multiple equal parts out of the total number of parts. For example, if you show your students a circle broken into five equal parts, with two parts shaded, they should know that two-fifths of the circle is shaded. These worksheets can help students practice this Common Core State Standards skill.
Math Talk Worksheet: Guide students in explaining their mathematical thinking and problem-solving strategies with a Math Talk conversation guide. Identify the key vocabulary you want students to use. Students work in pairs to describe their problem-solving and tally one another when they use key vocabulary. Step 1. Solve the problem. Show your work. How did you solve the problem? As you tell your partner what you were thinking and what strategies you used, use the key vocabulary. Listen to your partner’s explanation. Write a tally next to any of the key words they use. Step 3. Switch with your partner and have them tally you. CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP6 Attend to precision. Mathematically proficient students try to communicate precisely to others. They try to use clear definitions in discussion with others and in their own reasoning. They state the meaning of the symbols they choose, including using the equal sign consistently and appropriately. They are careful about specifying units of measure, and labeling axes to clarify the correspondence with quantities in a problem. They calculate accurately and efficiently, express numerical answers with a degree of precision appropriate for the problem context. In the elementary grades, students give carefully formulated explanations to each other. By the time they reach high school they have learned to examine claims and make explicit use of definitions.
Learning Intention: Students will solve multiplication problems using 2 values whose product is less than or equal to 100; use concrete objects to prove the answer; use a calculator to prove the answer. Success Criteria:Students will be successful when they can multiply by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and/or 10. Essential Questions: - How can I make equal groups from this one large group? - How do I know this is a fair share? - What is the product? - How can I solve this multiplication problem using objects? - How can I solve this multiplication problem using a calculator? EE.6.NS.3. Solve two-factor multiplication problems with products up to 50 using concrete objects and/or a calculator. EE.7.NS.2.a. Solve multiplication problems with products to 100. Multiplication is when you take one number and add it together a number of times. Example: 5 multiplied by 4 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20. We took the number 5 and added it together 4 times. This is why multiplication is sometimes called "times". Repeated addition is adding equal groups together. It is also known as multiplication. If the same number is repeated then, we can write that in the form of multiplication. Repeated addition is the easiest way to progress from additive to multiplicative understanding. It helps kids build rock solid mathematical understandings, compared to solving pages of multiplication problems. If this step is missed students will struggle with multiplication down the line.
How fusion works In a fusion reaction, energy is released when two light atomic nuclei are fused together to form one heavier atom. This is the process that provides the energy powering the Sun and other stars, where hydrogen nuclei are combined to form helium. To achieve high enough fusion reaction rates to make fusion useful as an energy source, the fuel (two types of hydrogen – deuterium and tritium) must be heated to temperatures over 100 million degrees Celsius. At these temperatures the fuel becomes a plasma. This incredibly hot plasma is also extremely thin and fragile, a million times less dense than air. To keep the plasma from being contaminated and cooled by contact with material surfaces it is contained in a magnetic confinement system. Magnetic confinement is the approach that Culham and many other laboratories are researching to provide energy from fusion. A plasma of light atomic nuclei is heated and confined in a circular bottle known as a tokamak, where it is controlled with strong magnetic fields. In a magnetic fusion device, the maximum fusion power is achieved using deuterium and tritium. These fuse to produce helium and high-speed neutrons, releasing 17.6MeV (megaelectron volts) of energy per reaction. This is approximately 10,000,000 times more energy than is released in a typical chemical reaction. A commercial fusion power station will use the energy carried by the neutrons to generate electricity. The neutrons will be slowed down by a blanket of denser material surrounding the machine, and the heat this provides will be converted into steam to drive turbines and put power on to the grid. Animation of the fusion reaction (Courtesy of www.euro-fusion.org) - Introduction to fusion - Why fusion is needed - How fusion works - The tokamak - Achieving fusion power - Frequently Asked Questions - Support fusion research
The use of math manipulatives to teach math concepts increases the student's ability to grasp skills and concepts. By using a set of math manipulatives that one could create in a HyperStudio stack, students are able to carry this understanding one step further. Technology Resource Used Several lessons were used to show ways to use math manipulatives. The first lesson involved patterning. Students spent several lessons exploring patterns with pattern blocks. The teacher led discussions about patterning and what makes a pattern. She also discussed the difference between a repeating pattern and a design. Students used the pattern blocks to build patterns. Finally the students traced or drew their patterns on paper. At this point, the teacher introduced the students to a set of math manipulatives created on HyperStudio. Students were given some quick directions on how to copy and paste shapes by using the "tools". They also watched as the teacher demonstrated how to flip blocks to make them fit into the pattern. Each student was given the opportunity to build their pattern on the computer. Students loved recreating their pattern on the computer. They problem solved how to flip a shape and make it fit into their pattern. Two examples of student patterns are shown below. Another time that students used math manipulatives was when we were introducing the concept of multiplication. Students worked with manipulatives at their desk to build arrays. They wrote an addition sentence and a multiplication sentence to match their array. Next they did the same activity on HyperStudio using the math manipulatives. Two examples of their work are shown below. Focus On Technology These activities used HyperStudio. They gave students more practice using manipulatives. They also gave students practice transferring from paper to the computer. Having to flip the math manipulatives was good geometry practice that made the students visualize how the manipulative must be turned to fit in the pattern. For sample lessons on geometry visit "Geometry and Spatial Sense" by Dr. Jan Flake, Florida State University Florida Sunshine State Standards that apply to this learning activity: Geometry and Spatial Sense Number Sense, Concepts, and Operations ESOL teaching strategies that apply to this learning activity: A more comprehensive list of strategies is provided in the ESOL research section of this web site.
Elementary School Grammar Skills This course has been created for the youngest eager writers, starting at 2nd grade. During the eight week pre-sentence course, students will be introduced to parts of speech and how to recognize and use them in a sentence. Students will understand how to recognize and form a complete sentence with a subject and predicate. Students will also learn to recognize basic capitalization rules and proofreading strategies. Unit 1 – Nouns By the end of the first unit, students will be able to correctly identify common nouns and capitalize proper nouns. Students will be able to differentiate between concrete and abstract nouns. Unit 2 – Pronouns and Adjectives By the end of the second unit, students should have a complete understanding of all types of pronouns. Students will also be introduced to adjectives and be able to recognize and use them in sentences. Unit 3 – Verbs By the end of the third unit, students will be able to correctly identify action, helping, and linking verbs in a sentence. Unit 4 – Capitalization By the end of the fourth week, students will be able to recognize and utilize the most common capitalization rules. Unit 5 – Sentence Structure By the end of week 5, students will be able to identify and correct run-on sentences and fragments. Unit 6 – Sentence Subject By the end of unit 6, students will be able to correctly identify complete subjects in sentences and be able to form complete sentences with subjects. Unit 7 – Sentence Predicate By the end of unit 7, students will be able to correctly identify the predicate in a sentence and form complete sentences with predicates. Unit 8 – Proofreading By the end of unit 8, students will begin to recognize simple proofreading strategies and utilize them in their own writing.
Today in Math we learned about the order of operations, which we can use to come to a consensus about a "correct" answer when doing multiple operations. Perhaps you remember BEDMAS from school? This is what we learned this week! First, we looked at a number sentence (eg. 9 + 3 x 6 - 4) and tried to come up with as many different answers as possible. We saw that there are lots of different answers we could potentially come up with using this number sentence. I explained that we need to have a way to solve number sentences with multiple operations so that everyone could get to the same answer. Hence - BEDMAS! Exponents (which we do not study in grade 6) Multiplication ---> division and multiplication are done in the order they appear in the problem Subtraction ---> addition and subtraction are done in the order they appear in the problem. Here are some videos that may help to explain this concept in more detail. TVO Kids Order of Operations In Language, we are wrapping up our Analyzing Unit by doing some research about an animal we are interested in and writing a report. We are going to try to stick to the following schedule so that it is finished by Friday: Monday - research & note-taking Tuesday - Outlining Wednesday - Rough Draft Thursday - Editing Friday - Final Drafts and submit. Here is the success criteria that we will be using for our own self-assessment, peer-editing and my own final marking.
Integers are positive and negative whole numbers. Teach students about comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing basic integers. Basic Addition (0-10). This page has lots of activities to use when teaching basic addition facts. Includes a memory match game, dice games, bingo, drill worksheets, flashcards, number line practice, and much more. All facts have addends between 0 and 10. (examples: 2+8, 9+6) Approx. levels: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades. Addition with 3 or More Addends. When you print these activities, you will notice that the problems have 3, 4, or 5 addends. Includes 1, 2, 3, and 4-digit numbers. Printable practice worksheets to help you teach and review symmetry. Includes worksheets the require students to draw lines of symmetry, determine which pictures are symmetrical, and design symmetrical illustrations.
Constitutional Principles (HS) When the Founders wrote the Constitution, they didn’t pull their ideas out of thin air. They created a government based on a set of fundamental principles carefully designed to guarantee liberty. This lesson lets students look at the Constitution from the perspective of its foundational principles. Students make direct connections between these principles, the Founders’ intentions, and the Constitution itself, and they learn why the constitutional principles are critical to a free society. Students will be able to: - Analyze the basic principles of the U.S. Constitution - Identify relationships among popular sovereignty, consent of the governed, limited government, rule of law, federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances - Describe how these principles are incorporated into the Constitution - Explain the concerns that led the Founders to value these principles
African Americans fought in the first armed rebellion against British authority in the colonies, Bacon's Rebellion, in 1676. Nathaniel Bacon was a member of the rising generation of colonial planters who resented British rule and, particularly, the British protection of Indian lands that lay just outside of the Virginia settlement. As life expectancy increased in the second half of the seventeenth century, as more and more indentured servants lived beyond the end of their indentures, and as the king gave away huge tracts of arable land to his friends in England, increasing numbers of poor whites found they could not afford land to farm once their indentures were up. Bacon became the leader of a motley crew of poor whites who rebelled against the British governor, seized Williamsburg, and forced the governor to flee the capital. Bacon also offered freedom to any slaves who joined his rebellion. Bacon's substitute government lasted only a few weeks, but it showed the potential to gain the loyalty of the slaves by offering freedom.
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was a part of the Compromise of 1850 in the United States. According to the Fugitive Slave Act, citizens and federal officials were required to assist in returning runaway slaves to their owners. Knowingly defying this law resulted in stiff consequences. The passing of the law is said to have struck terror among blacks and sparked anger in the free states of the North. The U.S. Congress enacted the first Fugitive Slave Act in 1793, but because states in the North were free, the act was seldom enforced. Resentment from the South as well as other parts of the Compromise of 1850 prompted Congress to enact the new law in 1850. In this second enactment, more officials were hired and mandated to actively capture runaway slaves. Citizens also were required to help capture runaway slaves. Those who refused to cooperate, plus those who helped or hid slaves, were subject to fines, imprisonment or both. Captured slaves were not allowed a trial. Instead, they were appointed a federal commissioner who would hear the case and determine the outcome. To abolitionists, this procedure was seen as unjust. Slaves were not allowed to testify at their trials, and the bulk of the evidence was taken from slave owners who were not even required to make an appearance at the hearing. In addition, those in the North felt that commissioners were being bribed to side with slave owners. Commissioners who ruled in favor of the slave owner were paid $10 US Dollars (USD), and commissioners who ruled in favor of the slave were only paid $5 USD. The majority of slaves who were captured were returned to their owners. The Underground Railroad was aggressively used during this period. No blacks in the U.S. were exempt from the law, and although runaway slaves were the target, because slaves could not defend themselves, many free blacks were captured and made into slaves. Fearing for their lives, about 20,000 blacks fled to Canada. The act caused tension to build between the North and the South. Abolitionists in the North felt that the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 gave preferential treatment to slave owners in the South and that the North should not be required to enforce slavery. Many people in the North did not agree with the law, so some states tried to enact laws that nullified or went against it. Congress repealed both acts in 1864.
Every spoken language has a general set of rules for how words and sentences should be structured. These rules are collectively known as the language syntax. In computer programming, syntax serves the same purpose, defining how declarations, functions, commands, and other statements should be arranged. Many computer programming languages share similar syntax rules, while others have a unique syntax design. For example, C and Java use a similar syntax, while Perl has many characteristics that are not seen in either the C or Java languages. A program's source code must have correct syntax in order to compile correctly and be made into a program. In fact, it must have perfect syntax, or the program will fail to compile and produce a "syntax error." A syntax error can be as simple as a missing parenthesis or a forgotten semicolon at the end of a statement. Even these small errors will keep the source code from compiling. Fortunately, most integrated development environments (IDEs) include a parser, which detects syntax errors within the source code. Modern parsers can even highlight syntax errors before a program is compiled, making it easy for the programmer to locate and fix them. NOTE: Syntax errors are also called compile-time errors, since they can prevent a program from compiliing. Errors that occur in a program after it has been compiled are called runtime errors, since they occur when the program is running. Updated: August 12, 2011
4.1 Solving Inequalities using Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary:• inequality: a mathematical sentence formed by placing an inequality symbol between two expressions.• graph of an inequality: is the set of points that represent all solutions of the inequality.• equivalent inequalities: inequalities that have the same solution. Graphing:• x>1 greater than open dot• x<1 less than open dot• x ≤1 less than or equal solid dot• x ≥ 1 greater than or equal solid dot Example 1:Write and graph an inequality that describes the situation1.)The speed limit on the road is 45 miles per hour.2.) A child must be taller than 40 inches to get on Space Mountain. Example 2 Write inequalities from graphsWrite an inequality represented by the graph.a.SOLUTIONThe shading includes all numbers to the right of(greater than) – 6.5.ANSWERAn inequality represented by the graph is x > – 6.5. Example 2 Write inequalities from graphsWrite an inequality represented by the graph.b.SOLUTIONThe shading includes 4 and all numbers to the left of(less than) 4.ANSWERAn inequality represented by the graph is x ≤ 4. Example 3 Solve an inequality using subtractionSolve 9 ≥ x + 7. Graph your solution. 9 ≥ x +7 Write original inequality. . Example 3 continueSolve the inequality. Graph your solution. – 2 < y + 15 Try on your own!!Solve the inequality. Graph your solution.7. y + 5 > 6ANSWER y >18. x + 7 ≥ – 4ANSWER x ≥ –11
Students should use their prior knowledge of numbers from previous grade levels to estimate the values of irrational numbers. Irrational numbers cannot be written in the form a/b as it is a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal. Students should know the perfect squares (1 to 15) in order to approximate the value of irrational numbers. Irrational numbers would include π, as well as square roots of numbers that are not larger than 225. 8.2 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and use real numbers in a variety of forms. The student is expected to: (B) approximate the value of an irrational number, including π and square roots of numbers less than 225, and locate that rational number approximation on a number line
Constitutional Principles (HS) When the Founders wrote the Constitution, they didn’t pull their ideas out of thin air. They created a government based on a set of fundamental principles carefully designed to guarantee liberty. This lesson lets students look at the Constitution from the perspective of its foundational principles. Students make direct connections between these principles, the Founders’ intentions, and the Constitution itself, and they learn why the constitutional principles are critical to a free society. Students will be able to: - Analyze the basic principles of the U.S. Constitution - Identify relationships among popular sovereignty, consent of the governed, limited government, rule of law, federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances - Describe how these principles are incorporated into the Constitution - Explain the concerns that led the Founders to value these principles
Activity 1. Ask each student to write down what they think sustainability means in a sentence or short paragraph. Get them to compare their ideas in small groups to work out a group definition. Share these around the class. Now introduce the students to two key diagrams (figure 1 below). Both these diagrams emphasise that sustainability has several dimensions - environment, social and economic. Activity 2. Watch these videos to find out more about what sustainability might mean. Activity 3. Students should discuss the importance of teaching about sustainability. Do they think it is important in all subject areas? Why should children - future citizens of the world - know about global and local environmental issues? Activity 4: Students will be divided into 17 groups. Each group will discuss one of the goals of sustainable development according to the United Nations – 2015, will give examples and will explain its relevance to everyday's life. Then each group will share their work in front of the classroom. Activity 5: Students will suggest experiential and meaningful teaching methods for teaching about sustainability, and will plan activity for school's students.
The theory of plate tectonic presented in early 1960’s, explains that the lithosphere is broken into seven large segments (and several smaller) called plates separated by boundaries. The uppermost part of the earth has two layers with different deformation properties. - The upper rigid layer called lithosphere is about 100 km thick below the continents and about 50 km thick under the oceans, consisting of crust and upper mantle rocks. - The lower layer called as the asthenosphere is extends down to about 70 km depth. The lithosphere plates are not stationary, they float in a complex pattern with a velocity 2 to 10km per year on the soft rocks of the underlying asthenosphere like raft on a lake. The major continental plates are: - African plate - South American plate - North American plate - Eurasian plate - Indo-Australian plate - Antarctic plate - Pacific plate The great forces thus generated at plate boundaries build mountain ranges, cause volcanic eruptions and earthquake. The earthquake that occur at plate boundaries is inter-plate earthquake, and the earthquake that occur far from the plate boundaries are called intra-plate earthquake. The types of plate tectonic boundaries are: 1. Divergent boundary Divergent boundaries or spreading ridge are areas along the edges of plate that move away from each other. This is the location where the less dense molten rock from the mantle rises upwards and becomes part of the crust after cooling. This occurs in rifts and valleys formation. 2. Convergent boundary It is also known as subduct boundaries. It is formed when either oceanic lithosphere subducts beneath oceanic lithosphere (ocean-ocean convergence) or when oceanic lithosphere subducts beneath continental lithosphere (ocean-continental convergence). An oceanic trench or mountains forms at the junction of two plates where they meet. 3. Transform boundary Transform boundaries occur along the plate margins where two plate move pass each other without destroying or creating new crust. Here the two plates may move horizontally across each other or they may shift vertically with respect to each other.
Make sure Nasco Education is on your preferred vendor and bid lists! Send inquiries to: [email protected] Comparing & Ordering Decimals - Lesson Plan Volume 22 This lesson uses Base 10 blocks to teach students the basics of comparing and ordering decimals to the thousandths place. This lesson will give them a clear, concrete picture of what a decimal number actually looks like. Students will grasp the concept that a number such as 1.3 is greater than 1.29, even though there are more digits in the second number. The concept can be challenging for students to comprehend without the use of concrete manipulatives, such as Base 10 blocks. In this lesson, you will use the decimeter cube (thousands cube) to represent one, the hundreds flat to represent tenths, the tens rod to represent hundredths, and the ones unit to represent thousandths. - Investigate different values for Base 10 blocks - Create decimal numbers using Base 10 blocks - Compare and order decimals using Base 10 blocks - Justify why given decimals are greater than, less than, or equal to other given decimals
Factors are pairs of counting numbers that multiply to give another counting number. They can be represented by arrays. Make a partial array on the board (e.g. 6 by 5). Ask the students to predict the number of tiles they think were used to make the complete array and how they might work it out. Students play a game of 'How many tiles do I need to pave the floor?' You can download and view the Complete the Array slide presentation. Variation: Students tell a partner the number of tiles in each row and the number of rows in the array. Restrict the numbers to single digits. Strategies such as skip counting or double count suggests students are attending to the row and column structure. This also suggests they recognise and are treating the number of tiles in each row as composite units rather than as ones. More advanced thinking is evident when a student derives the total number of tiles (product) from a known multiplication fact. For example, a student might use knowledge of 5 \(\times\) 5 = 25 to work out the number of tiles for the 6 rows of 5 array. Invite students who use this type of thinking to share with the class. Challenge others to think of known facts as a starting point for finding the total number of tiles.
Coordinates in the Plane To represent points in the plane, two perpendicular straight lines are used. They are called the Cartesian axes or coordinate axes. The horizontal axis is called the x-axis. The vertical axis is called the y-axis. Point O, where the two axes intersect is called the origin. The coordinates of a point, P, are represented by (x, y). The distance measured along the horizontal axis is the x-coordinate or the abscissa. The distance measured along the vertical axis is the y-coordinate or the ordinate. The coordinate axes divide the plane into four equal parts called quadrants. The origin, O, has coordinates (0,0). The points that are on the vertical axis have their abscissa equal to 0. The points that are on the horizontal axis have their ordinate equal to 0. The points in the same horizontal line (parallel to the x-axis) have the same ordinate. The points in the same vertical line (parallel to the y-axis) have the same abscissa. Plot the following points: A(1, 4), B(-3, 2), C(0, 5), D(-4, -4), E(-5, 0), F(4, -3), G(4, 0), H(0, -2)
Like when doing math, there’s a set of operators that work on booleans. They are used to compare two values, on the left and right of the operator, to produce a boolean value. To find out when two values are equal, use the triple equals operator (“===”). 15.234 === 15.234 We can also determine if two values are not equal using the triple not equal operator (“!==”). 15.234 !== 18.4545 It’s important to know that strings containing a number and an actual number are not equal. '10' === 10 Greater than and less than Comparing two numbers is useful, for example, to determine which of two is larger or smaller. This first example is a comparison of 10 and 5 to see if 10 is larger, using the greater than operator (“>”). 10 > 5 Next we use the less than operator (“<”) to determine if the left value is smaller. 20.4 < 20.2 That example gives back (or returns) false, because 20.4 is not a smaller number than 20.2. Combining a comparison of equality and size can be done with the greater than or equal to and less than or equal to operators (“>=” and “<=” respectively). 10 >= 10 10 <= 5
Look at the Numicon shapes and find pairs of shapes that make 10. Check that you are correct by placing each pair on top of the ten shape. Put your pairs in order. What do you notice? What patterns can you see? Say an addition sentence for each pair e.g. 1 add 9 equals 10. Write an addition sentence e.g. 1 + 9 = 10. Say a subtraction sentence e.g. 10 take away 1 equals 9. Write a subtraction sentence e.g. 10 – 1 = 9. Play What’s Missing? Set out your pairs like Digit Dog and Calculating Cat. Player 1 closes their eyes, Player 2 removes one shape and says “what’s missing?” Player 1 works out what shape is missing and explains how they know. For more Numicon activities visit Oxford Owl for Home Maths. Download and print the free Numicon shapes and the Numicon at Home Activity Kit for Years 1 and 2.
The most basic building block is a variable. They store values that we use in our program. A variable can hold numbers, text, or logical values “true” and “false”. “sunny” is our variable, and in this case, we can assign it a value of either true or false right above the “If Statement” code, just like this: sunny = true if sunny then print “have a nice day” print “don’t forget your umbrella” Variables are the simplest thing to learn, yet without them, our programs would be clueless. To add numbers, we can use two variables: int iFirstNumber = 3 int iSecondNumber = 5 print iFirstNumber + iSecondNumber When we run this code, it returns the sum of these two variables which is 8. The int declaration tells a compiler to expect integer variables. It means, in this example, we can only use integer numbers. Anything else would certainly confuse our program.
Minilessons for Extending Multiplication and Division is one of two yearlong resource guides in Contexts for Learning Mathematics’ Investigating Multiplication and Division (3–5) Minilessons for Extending Multiplication and Division can be helpful in grades 4–5 as students work with multiplication and division beyond the basic facts. This guide contains 77 minilessons structured as strings of related computation problems. They are likely to generate discussion of certain strategies or big ideas that are landmarks on the landscape of learning for multiplication and division, particularly using numbers with two and three digits. Although the emphasis is on the development of mental arithmetic strategies, this does not mean learners have to solve the problems in their heads—but it is important for them to do the problems with their heads! In other words, as you use this guide, encourage students to examine the numbers in each problem and think about clever, efficient ways to solve it. The relationships between the problems in the minilesson will support students as they progress through the string. The open array is used throughout to represent student strategies.
Division Operators in Python Division Operators allow you to divide two numbers and return a quotient, i.e., the first number or number at the left is divided by the second number or number at the right and returns the quotient. There are two types of division operators: (i) Float division: The quotient returns by this operator is always a float number, no matter if two numbers are integer. For example: >>>5/5 1.0 >>>10/2 5.0 >>>-10/2 -5.0 >>>20.0/2 10.0 (ii) Integer division( Floor division): The quotient returned by this operator is dependent on the argument being passed. If any of the numbers is float, it returns output in float. It is also known as Floor division because, if any number is negative, then the output will be floored. For example: >>>5//5 1 >>>3//2 1 >>>10//3 3 Consider the below statements in Python. The first output is fine, but the second one may be surprised if we are coming Java/C++ world. In Python, the “//” operator works as a floor division for integer and float arguments. However, the division operator ‘/’ returns always a float value. Note: The “//” operator is used to return the closest integer value which is less than or equal to a specified expression or value. So from the above code, 5//2 returns 2. You know that 5/2 is 2.5, and the closest integer which is less than or equal is 2[5//2].( it is inverse to the normal maths, in normal maths the value is 3). The real floor division operator is “//”. It returns the floor value for both integer and floating-point arguments. 2 -3 2.0 -3.0 See this for example.
Kids rewrite incorrect sentences to gain practice with sentence structure, capitalization, and punctuation on this first grade reading and writing worksheet. Learn about the people of Noun Town, and find the plentiful nouns in the community. Your child will use his grammar skills to identify each sentence's nouns. Welcome to Noun Town! Visitors can practice identifying nouns in some of these sample sentences, and then finish with a fun drawing activity. Make the trip down to Noun Town for some parts of speech practice. Your child will identify and circle nouns, then write some of his own. Noun town is the perfect place for parts of speech practice! Help your young reader get his nouns down to a tee by identifying the nouns in sample sentences. This drawing conclusions worksheet gets your child to strengthen his reading comprehension. Try this drawing conclusions worksheet with your third grader. A coin-counting worksheet for preschoolers that focuses on learning numbers and simple addition and subtraction. Have your first grader identify the words associated with the Autumn season in this word search. This reading exercise uses interactive story writing; it's a great way to look at reading comprehension from a different angle.
I began the lesson by explaining to scholars the direct object is the noun or pronoun that received the action of the verb. Direct objects follow action verbs. In order to determine the direct object, simply ask yourself "what?" or "whom?" after you say the verb. This lesson builds on scholars' prior knowledge because in order to determine the direct object, they must first know how to identify the verb. Given the sentence - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted equality for all people. The verb is "wanted." Wanted what? - equality. "Equality" is the direct object. We then watched a short Brainpop video and took the graded quiz. (Teacher reviews quiz whole group and gets scholars to show sign language for answers a, b, c, or d or write answers on a personal dry erase board.) (Click here to watch video.) Scholars worked in pairs creating their own sentences and their partner identifying the direct object. They then alternated their roles. Scholars divided into two teams to play a Knowledge Bowl game. One person from each team goes to the front of the class. One scholar creates a sentence with a direct object. In order to get a point, the other scholar has to identify the verb and the direct object. I had students to also identify the verb in order to scaffold their learning to get them to better understand the direct object. The 2 scholars then reversed roles and the other scholar attempts to get a point. This way, both scholars have an opportunity to create a sentence and identify the verb and direct object. Then, the next 2 scholars come forward. The winning team is the team with the most points at the end of class (see attached Knowledge Bowl Instructions as a resource to display on the SmartBoard.) To close the lesson, each scholar Thinks-Pairs-Shares with a neighbor and tells them what is a direct object and how you determine the direct object in a sentence. The ticket-out-the-door is each student telling me as they exit what is a direct object and how you determine the direct object in a sentence.
Our Commutative Property lesson plan explains the commutative property, covering both addition and multiplication. Several examples are provided for the teacher to review with the students. During this lesson, students are asked to use their collaborative skills to work with a partner on an activity in which they roll dice to generate numbers and then write an equation using the commutative property. Students are also asked to identify equations that show the commutative property and solve equations in order to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the commutative property of addition and multiplication. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.B.5
Students have a reminder of the 2 pronunciation rules at the top, and then are asked to separate words into two categories: those that end in n, s, or vowel, and those that do not. Once categorized, they separate the syllables, and then identify the stress according to the pronunciation rule. This worksheet assumes that students have already learned to separate syllables, but do not yet know rules of pronunciation or where accents go. They do not need to know how to hear the sílaba tónica here as they just follow the rules of pronunciation. This activity is for after students know how to separate syllables, but before they start adding accents to words. Instructions are in Spanish, made for a Native Speaker class. The first page could be used as in class practice and the second page for homework.
exponents & roots factors, factoring, & prime numbers fractions, decimals & ratio & proportion In grades 6-8, students explore the relations among similar objects, solving problems that link length, perimeter, area, and volume. In order to do so, students must learn to calculate the perimeter of a variety of objects. Problems that allow middle-school students to practice finding the perimeter or circumference of an object are listed below. They address the NCTM Geometry Standard for Grades 6-8 expectation that students will be able to analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships. For background information elsewhere on our site, explore the Middle School Geometry area of the Ask Dr. Math archives. For relevant sites on the Web, browse and search Euclidean Plane Geometry in our Internet Mathematics Library; to find middle-school sites, go to the bottom of the page, set the searcher for middle school (6-8), and press the Search button. Access to these problems requires a Membership. Home || The Math Library || Quick Reference || Search || Help
1 shades of meaning activity worksheet for units 1-6 (weeks 1-4). Each worksheet uses a word from the reading vocabulary list of the week. 1 blank template to use your own words This activity can be used to introduce the shades of meaning concept. They can also be used for weekly practice, assessment, or for stations/centers. Students use the dictionary to look up and copy the definition of each of the three words. Students use the definitions to determine an order of strength and write the words in the correct boxes. Put students in groups of 3-4. When all groups are finished, they share their results and the class can see if everyone agreed. To save time, provide students with the definitions to copy, rather than looking them up. Use digital dictionaries. There are times when two words have such a similar meaning, that one is not clearly stronger than the other. In this case, it is appropriate for more than one answer to be correct. When having students copy definitions from the dictionary, watch for multiple meanings. It’s a great opportunity for students to have to choose the meaning that matches the other two words.
The unusually high porosity of the interior of the nucleus provides the first indication that this growth cannot have been via violent collisions, as these would have compacted the fragile material. Structures and features on different size scales observed by Rosetta’s cameras provide further information on how this growth may have taken place. Earlier work showed that the head and body were originally separate objects, but the collision that merged them must have been at low speed in order not to destroy both of them. The fact that both parts have similar layering also tells us that they must have undergone similar evolutionary histories and that survival rates against catastrophic collision must have been high for a significant period of time. Merging events may also have happened on smaller scales. For example, three spherical ‘caps’ have been identified in the Bastet region on the small comet lobe, and suggestions are that they are remnants of smaller cometesimals that are still partially preserved today. At even smaller scales of just a few metres across, there are the so-called ‘goosebumps’ and ‘clod’ features, rough textures observed in numerous pits and exposed cliff walls in various locations on the comet. While it is possible that this morphology might arise from fracturing alone, it is actually thought to represent an intrinsic ‘lumpiness’ of the comet’s constituents. That is, these ‘goosebumps’ could be showing the typical size of the smallest cometesimals that accumulated and merged to build up the comet, made visible again today through erosion due to sunlight. According to theory, the speeds at which cometesimals collide and merge change during the growth process, with a peak when the lumps have sizes of a few metres. For this reason, metre-sized structures are expected to be the most compact and resilient, and it is particularly interesting that the comet material appears lumpy on that particular size scale.
Start a 10-Day Free Trial to Unlock the Full Review Why Lesson Planet? Find quality lesson planning resources, fast! Share & remix collections to collaborate. Organize your curriculum with collections. Easy! Have time to be more creative & energetic with your students! Apostrophes and Contractions Learners study the pairs of words and then their matching contraction. They study 23 words. A good resource to help children understand how to properly make and use contractions. 3 Views 51 Downloads Underlining, Quotation Marks, and Apostrophe Practice Two worksheets provide practice for correct usage of underlining, quotation marks, and apostrophes. Titles are the main focus of the first page, which is directed at when to underline/italicize and when to use quotation marks, but... 3rd - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Contractions: An Introduction A solid introduction to the concept of contractions is provided in this resource. The definition of contractions and how they are used is discussed and shown in example sentences. Students also look at several example sentences and a... 2nd - 4th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable
Point to the Smaller: Greater Than or Less Than? For this equality/inequality worksheet, students insert a greater than or less than sign between 2 numbers to determine value. 5 Views 11 Downloads It's a Perfect Fit (Parts 1 through 3) Here is a three-part lesson on shapes. Each lesson is for a different grade level. Peruse them and pick what is appropriate for your pupils. Circles, squares, rectangles ... hexagons, trapezoids, pattern block patterns, and more are... K - 3rd Math CCSS: Adaptable Locating Fractions Less than One on the Number Line Understanding where to place a fraction on a number line is key to understanding fractions as numbers. This activity focuses on locating fractions less than one. Learners need to partition the line into the correct number of equal sized... 2nd - 4th Math CCSS: Designed A Letter to Amy Teaching Plan Peter wants to send a special birthday party invitation to Amy, but a lot can happen between the front door and the mail box. Read the children's book A Letter to Amy by Ezra Jack Keats with your class to find out what happens, extending... Pre-K - 2nd Math CCSS: Adaptable
Negatives vs. Positives Prior to beginning algebra, most students have not had much practice with negative numbers. They are often not accustomed to taking a number’s sign into consideration. To help draw students’ attention to this important factor, ask them to highlight positive numbers in one color and negative numbers in another. -12 + 4 = Color-coding is a great strategy for helping algebra neophytes understand the idea of like terms. When adding or subtracting in expressions containing variables, ask students to highlight unattached numbers with one color and like terms with other colors before solving. Grouping blue terms with other blue terms will seem a lot more natural than grouping x’s with other x’s. Tip: Ask them to include the sign preceding each number in the highlight so that they will understand which numbers are positive and which are negative in tricky equations. When there is no sign, ask students to add in their own addition sign, then highlight it. 4n + 3x - 4 = 7x - 2n + 10 -> +4n + 3x - 4 = +7x - 2n + 10
Wholes and Parts: English Learners In this fraction activity, students read about "whole" and "parts" and draw lines from sentences that tell about pictures related to the concepts, then draw something that is whole and falls to become parts. Houghton Mifflin text is referenced. 3 Views 2 Downloads Vocabulary Strategies for the Analysis of Word Parts in Mathematics Pair this resource with a reading of any math textbook, article, or book. Learners take note of unknown words and use the provided graphic organizer in order to use word roots, prefixes, and suffixes to help them determine the meaning of... 3rd - 8th Math CCSS: Adaptable Understanding Paragraph Basics Full of informative, helpful, and accessible activities, a language arts packet is sure to be a valuable part of your writing unit. It's versatile between reading levels and grade levels, and focuses on the most efficient ways for your... 3rd - 6th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Count Fractions to Make 1 Whole Understanding how many fractions make one whole is a big step for young mathematicians. In the sixth video of this series, pupils look at visual models as they learn to count up fractions to make a whole. Students then apply this new... 5 mins 2nd - 4th Math CCSS: Designed
This worksheet will see your learners finding the gradient, y-intercept and equations of straight-line graphs and between two points. As well as drawing graphs from equations without using a table of values to generate coordinates. In section A, students are faced with ten straight-line graphs on individual axes. They will calculate the gradient and find the y intercept before writing out the equation of each straight line. Section B is similar but also includes two questions where only two points on a graph are given. Then in section C, pupils will draw five graphs from their equations and are encouraged to do so only using the y intercept and gradient. Gradients are integer and fractional, positive and negative.
1. M&M Math - M&M Math teaches number recognition and progression, and strengthens rote counting skills. The teacher reads the M & M Counting Book to the whole group and then there are four stations to complete. Station 1 uses estimation of m & m’s in baggies. The students will compare the bags of m& m’s. (Source: LEARN NC, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Education) 2. Is Your Order Up or Down? The students will actively explore ordering numbers (from least to greatest and greatest to least). The students will engage in a whole group and cooperative learning group setting to explore ordering whole numbers. Students will also explore interactive web activities in an effort to enhance their understanding of ordering whole numbers. (Source: Alabama Learning Exchange, Alabama State Department of Education) 3. Island Inequality Mat. - The concepts greater than, less than, and equal to are explored in this 2-lesson unit. Students create piles of food on two islands, and their fish always swims toward the island with more food. The fish's mouth is open to represent the greater than and less than symbols. Students transition from the concrete representation of using piles of food and the fish to writing inequalities with numerals and symbols. (Source: Illuminations website, NCTM) 4. Comparing More Than, Less Than, Same - Concrete Level provides students with multiple practice opportunities to make a group of objects that is less than, more than, or the same as a given group of objects. (Source: MathVIDS Video Instructional Development Source, College of Education University of South Florida)
Resistors in electrical circuits are commonly used to provide other components in the circuit with the voltages and currents they require in order to function properly. For example, in this exercise, we will design our circuit (i.e. choose a resistance value) to ensure that an LED receives the voltage necessary for it to light up without allowing excessive current, which could burn out the LED. This exercise uses concepts introduced in our experiment on Ohm's law. A link to this experiment is provided at the right. The circuit we will build is displayed below. We are using a 5V source to light up an LED; we need to choose the resistor R so that the LED specifications are met. A review of the LED datasheet indicates that the LED requires at least a 2V voltage difference in order to light up. The datasheet also indicates that the absolute maximum forward current through the diode is limited to less than 30mA. Based on the information in the LED datasheet, we will set the following design requirements: Note: Design requirement (a), in conjunction with Kirchhoff's voltage law means that the voltage drop across the resistor must be approximately 3V. Choose a value for the resistance, R, which meets the above design specifications. Use only fixed resistances from the Digilent® Analog Parts kit. Construct the circuit you designed in Step 1 and measure the diode voltage difference and the current, I. Are the design requirements met?
Capital Letters and Full Stops Worksheets This set of capital letters and full stops worksheets are a great way to help your children become more familiar with how to use capital letters and full stops in full sentences, including capital letters for proper nouns. Children can unscramble sentences, correct the missing capital letters and full stops in both single sentences and paragraphs, and read sentence cards aloud to a partner to see if they can record the sentence including the correct punctuation. These fun capital letters and full stops worksheets are completely free to download. Did you know that we also have fully planned and resources English lessons for KS1 and KS2? You can also check our Capital Letters and Full Stops wiki entry!
An object may have several different forces acting on it, which can have different strengths and directions. But they can be added together to give the resultant force. This is a single force that has the same effect on the object as all the individual forces acting together. If the resultant force is zero, a moving object will stay at the same speed. If there is no resultant force then a system is said to be in equilibrium. If the resultant force is not zero, a moving object will speed up or slow down - depending on the direction of the resultant force: Note that the object could also change direction, for example if the resultant force acts at an angle. Here is the equation that relates acceleration to force and mass: force is measured in newtons, N mass is measured in kilograms, kg acceleration is measured in metres per second squared, m/s2. For example, the force needed to accelerate a 10 kg mass by 5 m/s2 is 10 × 5 = 50 N The same force could accelerate a 1 kg mass by 50 m/s2 or a 100 kg mass by 0.5 m/s2. You should see that it takes more force to accelerate a larger mass. The triangle diagram may help you to rearrange the equation so you can calculate acceleration. An aircraft of mass of 1200 kg starts from rest and accelerates along a straight horizontal runway. The aircraft engine produces a constant thrust of 3400 N. A constant frictional force of 400 N acts on the aircraft. Calculate the acceleration of the aircraft. m = 1200 kg Engine = 3400 N Friction = 400 N F = (3400 - 400) = 3000 N F = ma 3000 = 1200 × a a = 2.5 ms-2 In some situations, forces on an object act in more than one dimension. For example, for an aircraft in flight there are at least four forces acting: When you are doing this kind of problem, always work in one dimension at a time.
THE BASICS OF FRACTIONS Equivalent fractions To create a fraction, a whole is divided into equal pieces. The number of equal pieces becomes the denominator of a fraction related to that whole. The denominator is the bottom of a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is determined by counting how many of those equal pieces are selected from the whole. The numerator is the top of a fraction. Equivalent fractions show the same part of the whole. Different fractions are equivalent if the part of the whole that is selected for each is identical in size. You should be able to look at these drawings and decide if the part of the whole shown identical in size and if the fractions created are equivalent. Math Oasis Home | Talking Math | List of available Tutorials | Questionnaire
Today in class we went over some rules for naming compounds--then we named some. The notes from today's class are below: Tell me (in your notebook) as much as possible about the following chemical formula. Ba(NO3)2 (how many atoms of each element, how do you think it bonds, could you draw the structure?) Follow-up question. If the formula breaks up into its ions, what are the charges of the Ba and the NO3? Naming Covalent compounds. Copy the prefixes on page 31(mono, di, tri, etc) Put the element symbols in the order they are in the periodic table -but- Hydrogen would fit between nitrogen and oxygen. Use the prefixes to name them - but you usually don't use a prefix for the first element in the formula. The prefixes tell you how many atoms of each there are. drop the 'a' and 'o' from the prefix when attaching the prefix to oxide. Ex CO is carbon monoxide Naming Ionic Compounds • The positive element (the metal) goes first. • The positive one gets to keep its name. • The negative one gets ide attached to the root of the name. • (think sodium chloride) To find out how many of each ion to use, first figure out the charge of each ion (see chapter one) Then criss-cross the charge numbers. Example: figure out the formula for a substance made from magnesium and chlorine Mg, the charge is +2, Cl the charge is -1 Flip flop the charges and the formula is MgCl2 Determine if ionic or covalent, then write the formula for these compounds.
Commas can be confusing to students. When they first learn about comma use, students often understand the concept of how to use commas, but the knowledge doesn't always stick. Finding ways to help the knowledge stick is the key to helping students understand exactly how to use commas. After you teach students how to use commas, reinforce the lesson with an activity that gets them involved in comma use. Cereal Serial Commas Commas that combine lists are called serial commas. You can play with the idea of serial-cereal by using cereal boxes to create a list that needs commas. Cover cereal boxes with white butcher paper. Come up with a list of items and write each word on one cereal box. Make large commas out of black butcher paper. Arrange the cereal boxes in a row and have the students tell you where to put the serial commas to connect the cereal boxes. Commas are used to join phrases into compound sentences. You can help students understand how to use commas by teaching them that the phrases are like building blocks and commas are what holds them together. Use foam blocks with phrases written on them and self-adhesive Velcro to illustrate how to use commas to create compound sentences. The Velcro represents commas. Have the students tell you how to connect the blocks with the Velcro. Daily Oral Language Daily Oral Language is an exercise that gives students the opportunity to identify and correct spelling, grammar and punctuation errors in sentences written on the board. You can use Daily Oral Language to help teach comma use. Write a few sentences on the board that require commas. You can leave commas out, add extra commas or put them in the wrong places. Have the students write the sentences correctly. Commas Out Loud Something as simple as having students tell you where a comma belongs can help reinforce what you've taught them about comma use. Write two or three sentences on the board. The sentences should need commas but not include them. Read the sentences aloud, have the students shout “comma” at the appropriate times in the sentences and add the commas when they indicate them. Afterward, go through the sentence again to make sure the commas are placed properly. This can be done with lists to teach serial commas, as well. - Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
The 6th graders are learning about different properties of matter and how to measure them. Properties like mass and volume were straightforward for them to understand while density remained abstract. So we chose to do a couple of activities to get a better understanding. First, they were given similar sized cubes made of different metals and a list of densities of standard metals. Their task is to identify the metal by finding the density of the cube and comparing it with the given list to find the closest match. This helped them to understand that density is a characteristic property that is unique to every material. They extended the inquiry by investigating whether the size of an object affects its density. They found the density of a ball of play dough and compared it with the density after halving the size of the ball. This helped them to understand that the density of a material remains the same irrespective of its size or shape. This activity also gave them an opportunity to try out the water displacement to find the volume of irregularly shaped objects.
If we execute these assignment statements: a = 'banana'b = 'banana' We know that a and b both refer to a string, but we don’t know whether they refer to the same string. There are two possible states: In one case, a and b refer to two different objects that have the same value. In the second case, they refer to the same object. To check whether two variables refer to the same object, you can use the is operator. >>> a = 'banana'>>> b = 'banana'>>> a is bTrue In this example, Python only created one string object, and both a and b refer to it. But when you create two lists, you get two objects: >>> a = [1, 2, 3]>>> b = [1, 2, 3]>>> a is bFalse In this case we would say that the two lists are equivalent, because they have the same elements, but not identical, because they are not the same object. If two objects are identical, they are also equivalent, but if they are equivalent, they are not necessarily identical. Until now, we have been using “object” and “value” interchangeably, but it is more precise to say that an object has a value. If you execute a = [1,2,3], a refers to a list object whose value is a particular sequence of elements. If another list has the same elements, we would say it has the same value.
Here's a quick, easy number sense activity you can do in the classroom or at home. All you need is a deck of cards. Deal out 16 cards face up. Arrange them in a 4x4 box. This square is kind of a "number bank," which will be drawn from in the same way you would pick vocabulary from a word bank. Ask your student to create as many correct equations using the numbers in the "box" to fill boxes or spaces. You create a framework like this (this would be a great early elementary version): __ + __ = __ __ - __ = __ __ + __ + __ = __ __ - __ - __ = __ Your student might not be able to fill the entire framework because the cards are drawn randomly, but that's the nature of the activity. Encourage them to use as many cards as possible. You can repeat this as long as your student is willing to do it. Even better, you can adjust both the equations and the rules to practice different types of problems. For example, you have to decide what to do about the ace and face cards. I would suggest making the ace a one and the face cards all equal to 10. You can have all of the cards be positive, or make black cards positive and red cards negative. You can increase or decrease both the amount of cards and equations you ask them to fill in. You can also change the type of problem (add multiplication or division). Here's a much more challenging version of this activity: Increase the square to 25 cards, but create a framework of three addition equations with fractions. Your student has to use the cards to fill in both the numerator and denominator, and while they might take the easy road and use a common denominator, some students will take the challenge of making correct equations without them.
This resource helps ELs make strong connections with a simple fiction text. After reading a short story, students will think about how they can connect with the text and use sentence frames to explain their thinking. After independent reading, check in to see how students are understanding what they read. Having students make character paper dolls is a fun way to assess their comprehension and bring the story to life! Main characters would be lost without their supporting characters! Use this reading comprehension worksheet to compare and contrast characters from classic novels using a graphic organizer and paragraph excerpts. One way to bring books to life for students is to have them empathize with one of the characters. This fun worksheet engages students in analyzing how a character’s feelings change over the course of the beginning, middle, and end of the book. It's important for students to understand how characters and the storyline are interconnected. Help your students break down individual character responses to major story events with this graphic organizer. Let your students show you the way through a story of their choice using this fun road map! Your students will get to flex their reading comprehension muscles as they write about various story elements, including main characters, setting, and plot.
Have you ever told a student she "dropped the ball" on an assignment? Do you encourage your students by telling them to "reach for the stars" or "go for the gold"? Your native English-speaking students likely understand what you mean when you use such figurative language, but the English Language Learners (ELLs) in your classrooms may be confused. Figurative language is an element of the Common Core State Standards and many middle grades teachers will incorporate figures of speech and idioms into the curriculum. If you have ELL students in your classroom, it's important to go that extra mile to ensure they understand language elements such as idioms and how to use them appropriately. The following suggestions may help teach about idioms—phrases that have a different meaning from the dictionary definition of the individual words. - Introduce idioms in context. Don’t provide the idiom and the “definition.” Use idioms in sentences and help students determine the meaning based on the context. - Have students demonstrate correct use of idioms. Pair students and ask them to have a conversation that incorporates idioms. Ask them to “present” their conversation to the class so everyone can learn from each other. - Practice with games and activities. Worksheets and games can reinforce student comprehension of figurative language (see websites below). Use real-life, authentic material students can relate to. Share examples of how idioms are used in movies, magazine articles, songs, and advertisements. These websites can extend classroom lessons on idioms. - Using English: www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms. This database is rich with examples of idioms commonly used in English. The idioms are organized categorically so students and teachers can easily find idioms in areas such as animals, crime, food, politics, time, and character. ESL Mania: www.eslmania.com. This website provides opportunities for students to learn new idioms and to practice grammar skills. Students can even see how idioms are used in the news and in the business world. Download an iPhone app there. When students understand and can use figurative speech such as idioms correctly, they are better able to enhance their oral and written language skills. Melanie W. Greene is a professor in the middle grades program at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. firstname.lastname@example.org.
Similes, Metaphors, and Idioms of Figurative Language Students will be able to identify and create similes, metaphors, and idioms. - Write these terms on the board: simile, metaphor, and idiom. - Distribute a blank piece of paper to partners or table groups and have students divide the paper into three columns. Have them title each column with one of the literary devices. - With a partner or table group, call on students’ prior knowledge by having them discuss and write what they know about each of these literary devices on their sheets under each column. Have them add examples of each, if possible. - Ask table groups to report to the class what their group thinks each one is. Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling(15 minutes) - Distribute the Idioms: Tell Us What You Think! activity. Go over the definition and examples. - Craft an answer for the first exercise together. - Distribute the worksheet Metaphors and Similes. Go over the definitions on the top, read the story together, and find the similes and metaphors in the first two sentences. Guided Practice(10 minutes) - Instruct students to finish both activities with a partner or table group. - Distribute the worksheet Review: Metaphors and Similes. - Go over the examples at the top together and then read the first few lines identifying the similes and metaphors as a class. Independent working time(15 minutes) - Instruct students to finish Review: Metaphors and Similes, using the Similes and Metaphors worksheet as a resource. - Finish the worksheet Review: Metaphors and Similes together as a class, discussing examples and addressing questions. - Have students make another three-column table and title the columns "Simile," "Metaphor," and "Idiom." Instruct them to find examples of each in the book they are reading independently. They might also look for examples in other books or shorts stories that are available in the classroom or think of some on their own. - Have students write a pretend postcard or friendly letter of their own and include two similes, two metaphors, and two idioms. You might have them circle or underline each for ease of checking for understanding. Review and closing(5 minutes) - How do these figures of speech make reading and writing more interesting?
Worksheets dealing with the scientific method should include all the questions answered while going through a scientific procedure. These questions include everything from describing the problem to reaching a final conclusion.Continue Reading Instructors should begin any worksheet by asking students to describe the problem and what they are testing. The next step should include outside research, which asks if others researchers have also done work on this or a similar problem. This worksheet should then ask students to formulate a hypothesis using a simple if/then formula. Afterward, a student should be asked to design the experiment itself. This step needs to include materials and the proper steps to be taken during experimentation. Worksheets should remember to ask students to collect data as they are going through the experimentation step. With that data in hand, students should then be asked to begin reaching conclusions based on their observations. Data should be summarized in written form and also presented in graphical form. This allows the student to communicate their ideas both in detailed verbal descriptions, as well as with graphical aids that allow for a quick summarization of the data. Finally, the worksheet should ask students to make conclusions based on their observations. Was the hypothesis confirmed? Was it proven wrong? What lessons could be made and how might they apply to other experiments? Students can then be asked to review all the steps they took during this initial experiment and apply them to a second experiment.Learn more about K-12
In this unit, students will learn about using indices and standard form to represent numbers. They will begin by understanding the laws for multiplying indices, dividing indices and raising a power to another power. They will then look at some of the applications of standard form and learn how to convert ordinary numbers into standard form and vice versa. Finally, they will learn how to perform calculations in standard form, both with and without a calculator. This pack is designed to provide teachers with complete lesson plans and classroom resources to teach excellent lessons. It is designed to both teach the mathematical content and draw students into deeper consideration of its implications, including the mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills required for the new Maths GCSE. The pack contains: 6 Lesson Plans: Full lesson plans for you to use in your classroom on the following topics: Lesson Resources: A variety of additional resources to accompany the lesson plans, including student worksheets and aids for students needing extra support. 2 Homework Activities: Further activities to give students to complete at home. Assessment: A series of questions to enable you to assess the progress of students in this unit of work. This pack is designed for GCSE foundation tier students. It could also be used with mid or low ability Key Stage 3 students.
|Nelson EducationSchoolMathematics 2| Surf for More Math Lesson 1 - Likely or Unlikely? To encourage students to have fun on the Web while learning about Likely or Unlikely?, here are some games and interactive activities they can do on their own or in pairs. Demonstrate an understanding of probability in everyday situations. Use likely and unlikely to describe probability. Instructions for Use Likely or Unlikely? Practice Page lets students understand probability in everyday situations. To use Likely or Unlikely? Practice Page, read each sentence and choose, likely, unlikely, or equally likely as unlikely. Calendar prompts students to fill in events they may do in a month and create their own calendar.To use Calendar, type in a title for the calendar. Add information to each day of the month. Click "Make my Calendar" button. Print off the calendar.
There are 3 worksheets for each letter of the alphabet. Students will print uppercase and lowercase letters, identify lower and uppercase letters, and identify pictures beginning with the focus letter sound. *Letter X has pictures with ending sounds. Letter Worksheet 1 – Uppercase Letter Formation and letter-sound correspondence. Students will recognize all uppercase letters of the alphabet. RF.K.1.d Students will print uppercase letters. L.K.1.a Students will identify the letter sound and words that begin with that letter sound. Letter Worksheet 2 – Lowercase Letter Formation & upper and lowercase letter identification. Students will recognize all lowercase letters of the alphabet. RF.K.1.d Students will print lowercase letters. L.K.1.a Letter Worksheet 3 – Upper and lowercase letter identification and sort. Beginning sound identification. Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary sound for each letter. Students will also discriminate between uppercase and lowercase letters and identify the focus letter among other letters. RF.K.3.a Letters C and G – For letters, c and g both the hard and soft sounds are included. Long and short vowel sounds are included as well. This resource is also great for substitutes – a sub pack, student teachers, classroom helpers, homeschool, homework, or groups!
Teaching about human rights and the values underlying them helps to create a culture within a school where everyone's rights are respected. What are human rights? “Human rights are about treating all people with the equal dignity that they are entitled to as human beings. Every person in the world, including children, must be recognised as having the same worth and dignity without regard to such differences as ethnic origin, colour of skin, sex or beliefs. Working out what this principle means in terms of individual entitlements and needs has arguably been the most important advance of recent history.” Why teach about human rights? The description above, taken from Amnesty International UK’s Human Rights in the Curriculumdemonstrates exactly how wide ranging and also how essential human rights are. Teaching about human rights from a very young age helps children to understand that they matter. From here they can progress to see how human rights are universal. They can also then learn that with rights, as you get older, come responsibilities. It can introduce thoughtful discussions about many key Citizenship and Humanities themes such as the rights and freedoms underpinning communities and society as a whole, as well as linking to work on race equality. Children often have a strong sense of justice and what is ‘fair’ - and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (and later the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) can provide a language with which they can discuss the idea of fairness. A deeper understanding of the concept of human rights is as much about respecting others’ rights as knowing your own. There is not only a legal entitlement for every individual to have their rights respected, but also an entitlement for everyone to learn what those rights are. The UK government signed up to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and this includes a commitment to teach children and young people what their rights are. » For more details, read Unicef’s guide to the Convention Read about how other schools have covered human rights » Learning about rights in Year 2 This 8-minute video clip provides a useful overview. Browse through teaching resources relating to Human Rights or Child Rights. Sign up to the monthly Global Dimension newsletter containing resources, news, events and other exciting updates from Global Dimension.
- Read, write and order whole numbers to at least 1000; know what each digit represents Examples of what pupils should know and be able to do - Primary mathematics exemplification: Ordering (whole numbers) - Mathematics ITP: Number grid (SWF-60 KB) Attachments - Which numbers are easiest to write down? Which do you have to think about? - When ordering a set of numbers, what do you look for first? - How do you find the smallest number/the largest number? What clues do you use? - What do you do when the numbers you are ordering have the same hundreds digit/tens digit? - Can you explain to me what you would do to order 384, 356 and 401? What if pupils find this a barrier? Place value cards are useful to practise the concepts with pupils: - Use digit cards to show me 364. What does the three represent? Remove the four. What number have you got now? What does the three represent now? Why is it different from before? - Use digit cards in pairs or threes (then you can have numbers with repeated digits) to make different numbers. Use a guessing game to guess mystery numbers between one and 1000, using 'higher' and 'lower'. Give pupils a matching activity with common misconceptions, e.g.: - three hundred and five - three hundred and fifty - 3005, 305, 350, 30 050.
The students will learn the characteristics and locations of the subatomic particles of an atom. The students will utilize PBS Learning Media resources and teacher-created learning activities to study protons, neutrons, electrons, and nuclei. The student will create their own atomic model to illustrate the components of elements. How can you develop and use simple atomic models to illustrate the components of elements (including the relative position and charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons)? Other Instructional Materials or Notes: Digital Device for students (PC, Laptop, Chromebook, tablet, or iPad, etc.) Cloud File Storage (Google Drive, iCloud, One Drive, or Dropbox, etc.) Digital Productivity Software (Google Suite, Microsoft Office, etc.) If digital services are not available, then the following can be used in their place: Art Supplies for the model - 7.P.2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and properties of matter and that matter is conserved as it undergoes changes. - 7.P.2A All substances are composed of one or more elements. Elements are pure substances which contain only one kind of atom. The periodic table organizes these elements based on similar properties. Compounds are substances composed of two or more elem... Lesson Created By: MattieShuler
Geography Oceanography, and Weather How was seafloor spreading discovered? In the 1950s, scientists realized that as igneous rocks cool and solidify (crystallize), magnetic minerals align with the Earth’s magnetic field like tiny compass needles, essentially locking the magnetic field into the rock. In other words, rocks with magnetic minerals act like fossils of the magnetic field, allowing scientists to “read” the rock and determine the magnetic field from the geologic past. This is called paleomagnetism. The idea was proposed by Harry Hess (1906–1969), a Princeton University geologist and U.S. Naval Reserve rear admiral, and independently by Robert Deitz, a scientist with the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, both of whom published similar theories that became known as seafloor spreading. In 1962, Hess proposed the idea of seafloor spreading, but had no proof. As Hess formulated his hypothesis, Dietz independently proposed a similar model, which differed by noting the sliding surface was at the base of the lithosphere, not at the base of the crust. Support for Hess’s and Dietz’s theories came only one year later: British geologists Frederick Vine and Drummond Matthews discovered the periodic magnetic reversals in the Earth’s crust. Taking data from around mid-ocean ridges (seafloor spreading areas), Vine noted the magnetic fields of magnetic minerals showed reversed polarity. (The Earth’s magnetic field has reversed its polarity around 170 times in the last 80 million years.) From the spreading center outward, there was a pattern of alternating magnetic polarity on the ocean floor—swaths of opposing polarity on each side of the ridge. As the spreading center continues to grow, new swaths develop, pushing away material on either side of the ridge. Thus, these strips of magnetism were used as evidence of lithospheric plate movement and of seafloor spreading.
General Topics: Physics, Engineering, Simple Machines, Kinetic Energy, Architecture, Design, Geometry Grade Level: 6-8 In this activity we built marble ramps. This exercise teaches students how to plan a design and how to build it, and how gravity, acceleration and momentum affect objects. This is an exercise designed around creativity and problem solving. The students are given a cardboard base to start, extra cardboard to build their towers to give the ramp its height, scissors to cut the cardboard, stencils to base curves from, construction paper to make their ramps, and tape and hot glue to hold it all together. Because there is no one way to build these ramps, the students have to get creative: do they want a zig-zag slide, do they want a loop-de-loop? Each group gets to choose what they want each of their ramps to look like. Also, here is how we divided the activity into digestible components in order for the students to grasp each piece of the whole instead of getting lost and losing interest: - Creating simple ramp - Measuring momentum based on angle of descent - cutting out & assembling stencils for spiral ramp - Designing and creating loop - Assembling final marble ramp What did we learn? - Observe how gravity, force, counter force, speed, and mass play a role in the making of our marble ramps. - Show that the project can be done with the tools the have. - Students learn what works for their ramp and are able to think about what went wrong, and then fix it. - Try complex things. Things to keep in mind for future activities: - Facilitate the process of what it means to work together, for example: each person has a specific job or task, part of a whole. - The fun is where the problem is. Allow students who have trouble visualizing, to explore their ideas by making.
To describe a specific position on the surface of the Earth, we must rely on the geographic coordinate system. The geographic coordinate system is a method used to give every possible location on Earth to be specified by a set of numbers or letters. A common choice of coordinates is latitude and longitude. With this information we can calculate a distance between two points along a surface. For simplicity’s sake, we will suppose that the Earth is a perfect sphere with a radius of 6,371 kilometers (it gives a mistake no more than 0.3%). You are given two point coordinates and you must find the shortest distance between these points on the surface of the Earth, measured along the surface of the Earth. Coordinates are given as a string with the latitude and longitude separated by comma and/or whitespace. Latitude and longitude are represented in the follow format: In this example, "d" is degrees, "m" is minutes, "s" is seconds as integers, while "X" is "N" (north) or "S" (south) for a latitude and "W" (west) or "E" (east) for a longitude. The result should be given as a number in kilometers with a precision of ±0.1 (100 metres). Input: Two arguments. Coordinates as strings (unicode). Output: The distance as a number (int or float). distance(u"51°28′48″N 0°0′0″E", u"46°12′0″N, 6°9′0″E") == 739.2 distance(u"90°0′0″N 0°0′0″E", u"90°0′0″S, 0°0′0″W") == 20015.1 How it is used: The concepts presented in this mission are the exact sorts of concepts used in navigational software, enabling a ship or plane to understand where it is, where it must go and how far it has gone. Along the same vein, Global Positioning Satellites use similar principles to provide pinpoint accurate locations to GPS receivers for use in navigation. Precondition: Correct Coordinates.
Here's a quick, easy number sense activity you can do in the classroom or at home. All you need is a deck of cards. Deal out 16 cards face up. Arrange them in a 4x4 box. This square is kind of a "number bank," which will be drawn from in the same way you would pick vocabulary from a word bank. Ask your student to create as many correct equations using the numbers in the "box" to fill boxes or spaces. You create a framework like this (this would be a great early elementary version): __ + __ = __ __ - __ = __ __ + __ + __ = __ __ - __ - __ = __ Your student might not be able to fill the entire framework because the cards are drawn randomly, but that's the nature of the activity. Encourage them to use as many cards as possible. You can repeat this as long as your student is willing to do it. Even better, you can adjust both the equations and the rules to practice different types of problems. For example, you have to decide what to do about the ace and face cards. I would suggest making the ace a one and the face cards all equal to 10. You can have all of the cards be positive, or make black cards positive and red cards negative. You can increase or decrease both the amount of cards and equations you ask them to fill in. You can also change the type of problem (add multiplication or division). Here's a much more challenging version of this activity: Increase the square to 25 cards, but create a framework of three addition equations with fractions. Your student has to use the cards to fill in both the numerator and denominator, and while they might take the easy road and use a common denominator, some students will take the challenge of making correct equations without them.
Comparing and ordering numbers up to ten thousands Comparing and ordering numbers can be further extended to ten thousands for 3rd grade kids. As explained in ICS-Grade3math under Standard 1: Number and Operations, under Objective 1, "When comparing numbers between 1,000 and 9,999, numbers will differ in only hundreds and thousands places. When comparing, the symbols for greater than and less than will not be used. When ordering, no more than four values are used. Numbers may be ordered least to greatest or greatest to least." Place value skills can assist the kids to compare and order numbers. When we compare two numbers, we compare their digits from left to right. The rule of thumb to compare numbers is that 4 digit number is greater than a 3 digit number and a 3 digit number is greater than a 2 digit number. If two numbers have the same number of digits then we need to compare each and every digit stating from left to right side of the number. Print the following lesson plan on comparing numbers: |Comparing Numbers to Ten Thousands Lesson| Following is the second lesson plan on comparing and ordering numbers: There is the following lesson found on www.nsa.gov site is very helpful to learn and teach comparing and ordering two digit numbers: More or Less Worksheets: Please feel free to print following very basic worksheets on finding 1 big or 1 less numbers than a given numbers. These worksheets proved to be key skill developers among third grade kids. More worksheets on comparing and ordering numbers: Print the following worksheets on ordering and comparing numbers so that kids get more exposure to this concept of number sense. Comparing two numbers fill in the blanks worksheet Comparing and ordering 3 numbers worksheet Comparing and ordering 4 numbers worksheet Finding greater numbers compared to a given number worksheet Finding the smaller numbers compared to a given number worksheet That's all about ordering and comparing numbers for 3rd grade math. Students need real appreciation after doing all the above worksheets.
This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 6 and 7 in year 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with using mental methods for division. Understanding the process of division can be quite a tricky challenge for some children. Children may be initially introduced to the idea of 'sharing' equally before they are shown how to use mental methods to solve problems. This starts when they begin to understand the division facts related to the multiplication facts they are learning (for example, if they know that 2 x 5 = 10, than they could recognise that 10 ÷ 5 = 2). They will learn that division is, in fact, the same as repeated subtraction and also understand that whilst the multiplication of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative), the division of one number by another cannot. This quiz will help your child to solve division problems using the mental methods they have learnt.
Circle Area Formula The primary aim of this activity is to explain the formula for the area of a circle. Instead of presenting the formula as is, students can explore the limiting process of slicing a circle up into progressively more and more sectors. Physically cutting up a circle with scissors into sectors and then rearranging these pieces has long been a traditional approach in the classroom, but often students only saw one example, and then had to generalise from that. This activity gives them access to all the other examples required to better appreciate and understand the extension of this idea. Whilst it is easier - and often only necessary - for students to know how to process the formula πr², this activity applies knowledge of areas of rectangles, parallelograms and trapeziums to working out the area of a new shape, the circle. The idea of a limit tending towards an exact answer will be required later in their mathematical careers, primarily in the topics of geometric series and calculus. This activity serves as an early introduction to this important mathematical technique.