1 value
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Room service . Can I help you ?\nB: This is room 1019 . I would like to order breakfast .\nA: What would you like , sir ?\nB: One orange juice , scrambled eggs with bacon , toast and coffee .\nA: It will take <MASK> , sir . Is that all right ?\nB: Yes , it is . Oh , by the way , could you also bring me today's paper ?\nA: Of course , sir .\n\nOption:\na) about 20 minutes\nb) about 1019 minutes\nc) about 5 seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about 20 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I understand we will need seven air conditioning units on the two floors.That ' s what you think , yes ?\nB: Yes . You could use five or six units.But five or six wouldn't be very efficient . I recommend seven .\nA: And if we take the Decker units you suggested , what would the price be ?\nB: Let me calculate the price for you . I can give you a 15 % discount if you buy the seven units.Let ' s see here . Your total would be 5929 dollars .\nA: Isn't there any way we can get central air conditioning in this building ?\nB: As I said , it is possible , but it would be much more expensive . I think it would be at least 12000 dollars to do a complete system .\nA: That's too much . We need to use the separate units , I guess .\nB: It's more practical , and the new units really are very quiet.Your customers won't even notice them .\nA: So you say we can do it for 6000 dollars .\nB: Yes , that's for the units.Installation would probably be another 700 to 1000 dollars.But it depends on the time spent , of course .\nA: You mean installation isn't included ? I'm very surprised .\nB: No , Ma'am . Installation isn't included.The price I quoted was just for the units .\nA: In Taipei , you know , the company usually installs the things they sell.They don't charge extra .\nB: I know that , Ma'am . But they would just raise the price of the units to cover their costs.Here in L . A . , installation is charged separately .\nA: Yes , I suppose I should get used to it.But I'm not really willing to spend more than 6000 dollars for this.We haven't even opened yet .\nB: I understand , Ma'am .\nA: And the other company that gave me a quote on this said they could do it for 4000 dollars .\nB: It's a question of quality , Ma'am . At that price , you would not get good equipment . I've been in this business for almost twenty years . I know what happens.If you don't get quality air conditioning now , you will just have to replace the system after <MASK> .\nA: I will tell you what I can agree to.If you can quote me a price of 6000 dollars , installation included , I can accept .\nB: Well .\nA: You do seem like a better company than the other one.So I am willing to pay more than 4000 for you . But I won't pay more than 6000 .\nB: Well , we don't usually do it , but ... I believe we can accommodate you on this.We will do the installation for free . Because we appreciate your business .\nA: Good . I hope we can arrange the contract as soon as possible .\n\nOption:\na) two years\nb) twenty years\nc) 1000 minutes \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Room service , what can I do for you ?\nB: I have some shirts that need laundering , and I ' d like my suit pressed .\nA: There is a laundry form as well as a bag in your room . Pls fill it out and the maid will come pick it up .\nB: How long will it take to get my clothes back ?\nA: To press the suit only takes <MASK> . The laundry will be returned to you tomorrow around noon time . Is that all right ?\nB: That ' s all right . Pls send someone to pick it up .\nA: Right away , sir .\n\nOption:\na) 3 hours\nb) 3 minutes\nc) 16 hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "3 hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello , I'm sorry for calling this late . May I speak to Peter ?\nB: I'm sorry . He's not in right now .\nA: When is he coming back ?\nB: He should be back in <MASK> . Could 1 you call back later ?\nA: I'll call again in thirty minutes .\n\nOption:\na) ten minutes\nb) 30 seconds \nc) 120 minutes \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "ten minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What can I offer you here ?\nB: I came here to ask for some information .\nA: Ok . Please go ahead .\nB: I bought a pair of trousers last year , which I like the best . But this year they don ' t fit me very well . They ' re tight in the waist , baggy at the knees . Can you make some alterations ?\nA: Oh , we are skillful in doing that . You can trust us . Our shop has a history of <MASK> .\nB: It seems I find the right place .\nA: Yes , absolutely ! We have a very good reputation in the neighborhood .\nB: When can I have my trousers if I bring it to you tomorrow ?\nA: If you like you can wait here . They will be ready in one hour and a half .\nB: All right . See you tomorrow .\n\nOption:\na) more than 20 years\nb) one hour\nc) 15 days \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "more than 20 years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Can you tell me what's included in your warranty ?\nB: Certainly . The product has a two-year guarantee . If it breaks down during that period we offer a replacement unit completely free of charge . Our products are very reliable but we recommend you take out an extended warranty . This covers you for a further two years .\nA: I see . What does that include ?\nB: It covers all parts and labour , except for normal wear and tear of course .\nA: What sort of response time do you guarantee ?\nB: Our engineers are on call <MASK> a day . We guarantee someone will be with you within four hours , but in practice it's often much sooner .\nA: Are there any exclusions ?\nB: Not really . It's a very comprehensive warranty . I ' ll put a copy in the post to you and you can read through the small print .\n\nOption:\na) 24 hours\nb) two hours\nc) four hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "24 hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Can you tell me what's included in your warranty ?\nB: Certainly . The product has a <MASK> guarantee . If it breaks down during that period we offer a replacement unit completely free of charge . Our products are very reliable but we recommend you take out an extended warranty . This covers you for a further two years .\nA: I see . What does that include ?\nB: It covers all parts and labour , except for normal wear and tear of course .\nA: What sort of response time do you guarantee ?\nB: Our engineers are on call 24 hours a day . We guarantee someone will be with you within four hours , but in practice it's often much sooner .\nA: Are there any exclusions ?\nB: Not really . It's a very comprehensive warranty . I ' ll put a copy in the post to you and you can read through the small print .\n\nOption:\na) two-year\nb) 24 hour\nc) two months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two-year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good evening , madam . May I help you ?\nB: I want a facial . But this is the first time I've come here , so can you tell me how you do it ?\nA: Sure . Most facials start with a thorough cleaning . Then we usually use a toner to invigorate the skin , followed by exfoliation treatment-a peeling mask or scrub that removes the dead cells that make the skin lock dull . After that , we'll massage your face and neck with oil or cream to improve the circulation and relieve the tension , followed by a mask to moisturize and soften the skin .\nB: That's exactly what I want . How long does it take ?\nA: We have half-hour and one-hour treatments .\nB: What's the regular price ?\nA: Well , the half-hour facial costs 50 yuan and the <MASK> costs 80 yuan . If you want make-up , another 20 yuan will do .\nB: Good , I will take the one hour facial with make-up .\nA: That's fine , madam .\nB: By the way , could you give me a manicure ? Use a light nail-polish , please .\nA: Yes , madam .\n\nOption:\na) one-hour\nb) 20-hour \nc) 80-second \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one-hour", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Come in and sit down , Jack.Now , what's the trouble ?\nB: I've got a terrible pain in my stomach , Doctor .\nA: I see.When did it start ?\nB: It started yesterday . I didn't eat any supper .\nA: Have you got a temperature ?\nB: I think so . I feel very hot .\nA: Let's see.Yes.You ' Ve got quite a high temperature .\nB: I've got an awful headache , too , and my throat hurts .\nA: Hm .. I think you ' Ve got the flu .\nB: Is it serious ?\nA: No , not at all , but you must stay in bed for <MASK> and take this medicine .\nB: How often must I take it ?\nA: Three times a day after meals .\nB: Thank you , Doctor .\n\nOption:\na) three days\nb) Two hours\nc) Three months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good evening , madam . May I help you ?\nB: I want a facial . But this is the first time I've come here , so can you tell me how you do it ?\nA: Sure . Most facials start with a thorough cleaning . Then we usually use a toner to invigorate the skin , followed by exfoliation treatment-a peeling mask or scrub that removes the dead cells that make the skin lock dull . After that , we'll massage your face and neck with oil or cream to improve the circulation and relieve the tension , followed by a mask to moisturize and soften the skin .\nB: That's exactly what I want . How long does it take ?\nA: We have half-hour and <MASK> treatments .\nB: What's the regular price ?\nA: Well , the half-hour facial costs 50 yuan and the one-hour costs 80 yuan . If you want make-up , another 20 yuan will do .\nB: Good , I will take the one hour facial with make-up .\nA: That's fine , madam .\nB: By the way , could you give me a manicure ? Use a light nail-polish , please .\nA: Yes , madam .\n\nOption:\na) one-hour\nb) 80 seconds\nc) 20 hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one-hour", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Have you got the medicine yet ?\nB: Yes , I've been given so much , that I simply don't know what to do with it all .\nA: Well , these are for internal use.You take a packet each time.Four times a day .\nB: What about these ?\nA: They're painkillers.You take one tablet when you feel a pain , but not more than once within <MASK> .\nB: I see.Thank you , doctor .\n\nOption:\na) four hours\nb) four minutes \nc) one week \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "four hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Ann , it's terrible !\nB: What's up ?\nA: Look , this is a pimple !\nB: Oh , I think it is .\nA: How come ?\nB: I think it's because of your bad habits !\nA: I have no bad habit . I sleep <MASK> a day , never eat spicy food , clean the face twice a day and so on . I have done a lot .\nB: I know you have done a lot , but you always sleep very late . Sleeping eight hours a day doesn't mean it is healthy . Sleeping after 12 is hurtful to our body , and I think this is your problem .\nA: I wasn't aware of that !\nB: You should do better later .\n\nOption:\na) eight hours\nb) 13 hours\nc) 5 minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "eight hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Excuse me , is this the right counter for express mail ?\nB: Yes , it is . What can I do for you ?\nA: I want to send some important documents to Canada for my postgraduate admission .\nB: Are they urgent , please ?\nA: Yes , the deadline for applying is 1st Feb , so I hope they will arrive in <MASK> .\nB: Well , DHL is famous for its speed and reliability . It is the fastest international postal service available . The document will arrive in two or three days .\nA: Really ? But can you guarantee the safety ?\nB: Yes , I promise . Your document won't be broken or lost . All the items are handled by special staff and carried by a courier . It is reliable .\nA: OK . I will send them now .\nB: Please write the address and remittee on the express order and make sure there is no mistake on them .\nA: All right . Here you are .\nB: This is your receipt which you have to keep until the remittee receives the express . You can also check your post on our web . The post number is on the top of the receipt .\nA: Thank you . I have got quite clear idea of it .\n\nOption:\na) 3 days\nb) 1 month \nc) two hours \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "3 days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Can I help you ?\nB: Yes , how much is the teapot ?\nA: Two hundred and thirty yuan .\nB: I'm afraid I haven't got enough money on me .\nA: You can come later .\nB: What's the time now ?\nA: It's <MASK> .\nB: I want to know at what time you close .\nA: We offer 24 - hour service .\nB: Oh , that's great ! Thank you .\n\nOption:\na) half past seven\nb) two\nc) half past four\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "half past seven", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello , Anna . Come in and sit down .\nB: Hello , doctor .\nA: What's the matter ?\nB: I've got a backache .\nA: Do you often suffer from backache ?\nB: No , I don't . I've never had a bad one before .\nA: When did it start ?\nB: About four days ago .\nA: Well , go home and rest in bed for two days , then you'll feel better .\nB: Can you give me some medicine ? It's very painful .\nA: Yes , I'll give you some pills . Take one a time and three times a day , and come back in <MASK> . If you don't feel ...\n\nOption:\na) three days\nb) two seconds\nc) four months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Damn Scott . You got big .\nB: Yeah , I've been working out a lot .\nA: How long have you been lifting weights ?\nB: For a year and a half .\nA: Yeah . Last time I saw you , it was like <MASK> .\nB: Has it been that long ?\nA: How often do you go to the gym ?\nB: I usually go every other day for about 3 hours .\nA: That's a lot .\nB: Yeah , I used to work out for an hour a day 4 times a week , and I saw no results . This is what you have to do to get noticeable results .\nA: I don't think I have the discipline for that .\nB: Just think of it as a hobby . Then it's actually fun .\n\nOption:\na) 2 years ago\nb) 3 hours ago\nc) 4 decades\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2 years ago", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Come in and sit down , Jack . Now , what's the trouble ?\nB: I've got a terrible pain in my stomach , Doctor .\nA: I see . When did it start ?\nB: It started yesterday . I didn't eat any supper .\nA: Have you got a temperature ?\nB: I think so . I feel very hot .\nA: Let's see . Yes . You ' Ve got quite a high temperature .\nB: I've got an awful headache , too , and my throat hurts .\nA: Hm ... I think you ' Ve got the flu .\nB: Is it serious ?\nA: No , not at all , but you must stay in bed for <MASK> and take this medicine .\nB: How often must I take it ?\nA: Three times a day after meals .\nB: Thank you , Doctor.Goodbye .\n\nOption:\na) three days\nb) three months\nc) 5 minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , I need a hotel room .\nB: That's no problem at all . May I have your name , please ?\nA: Certainly . My name is John Sandals .\nB: It's a pleasure , Mr . Sandals . My name is Michelle . What days will you need a room ?\nA: Friday afternoon , April 14 through <MASK> .\nB: One minor problem , sir . Our prices are now slightly higher . Is that acceptable , sir ?\nA: Please tell me the price , so I can make a decision .\nB: It'll be $ 308 nightly .\nA: That's a reasonable price .\nB: Good ! Now , sir , do you have a preference for smoking or nonsmoking ?\nA: I quit smoking , so nonsmoking .\nB: I hear you , sir . Nonsmoking . Now , about the bed , is a queen-size okay ?\nA: A queen sounds great .\nB: Okay , sir , let me reserve those dates , there . Now , if you'll just tell me your phone number .\nA: That would be 626-555-1739 .\nB: That's 626-555-1739 . Thank you so much for choosing our hotel , sir !\n\nOption:\na) Monday morning , April 17\nb) Friday morning , September 29\nc) Sunday evening , March 15\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Monday morning , April 17", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:My wife is sick , so I have to cancel a reservation I made .\nB: If you'll just give me your name , phone , and date of visit , I can cancel your reservation .\nA: I'm Rudy Randolph at 818-555-1234 , April ninth to the fifteenth .\nB: Mr . Randolph . Okay , <MASK> , sir , and there you go . Your reservation is now cancelled .\nA: I wish everything in life was so simple . Thank you .\nB: Not a problem , sir . Please remember us in the future .\n\nOption:\na) one second\nb) fifteen minutes\nc) nine days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one second", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning . Venus Real Estate Agency .\nB: Good morning . I'm calling to ask if you have a vacant apartment .\nA: Do you have any particular type of apartment in mind ?\nB: I prefer a one-bedroom apartment .\nA: Are you renting it alone or with company ?\nB: I'll share it with one of my friends . What ' s in a one-bedroom apartment ?\nA: A one-bedroom apartment has one bedroom , a living room , a kitchen and a bathroom .\nB: Is there any furniture ?\nA: No , but a fridge and a stove .\nB: It sounds wonderful . Do I have to sign a lease ? How much should I pay ?\nA: Yes , it ' s a <MASK> lease . And $ 200 a week with one month refundable deposit .\nB: When can I come over ?\nA: Would Friday morning be alright ?\nB: OK . Good-bye .\nA: Good-bye .\n\nOption:\na) one-year\nb) Two days\nc) 200 months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one-year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I guess you should know that you need to be hospitalized .\nB: Of course I know .\nA: Now you can go to the in-patient department to go through the admission procedures .\nB: OK . I'll go right now . By the way , do you think I ' ll have to stay in the hospital for long ?\nA: It's hard to say . It depends on your recovery condition . But you need to stay for <MASK> for observation .\nB: Thank you , Doctor . I will go now . Bye-bye .\nA: Bye !\n\nOption:\na) at least one day\nb) at least one second\nc) at least two years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "at least one day", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Mmm ... it is delicious .\nB: Oh , do you really like it ?\nA: Yes . It's superb .\nB: Well , it's kind of you to say so .\nA: In fact , could I ask you for the recipe ?\nB: Sure . It's really very easy . First , mix together an egg , two teaspoons of salt , and two pounds of ground beef . Then , add two ounces of milk . Are you with me ?\nA: Yes , I've got it .\nB: OK . Next , put the mixture into a baking pan and bake it <MASK> at 360 degrees .\nA: Wait a minute . I didn't catch you there . Could you repeat that ?\nB: Sure . Bake it forty-five minutes at 360 degrees .\nA: Now , I've got it . Thank you .\n\nOption:\na) forty-five minutes\nb) a minute \nc) 360 minutes \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "forty-five minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello , how are you today . Here for your <MASK> check-up ?\nB: I'm fine , Dr . Beecham . Yes , just a cleaning and check-up today .\nA: Oh , fine . Let's take a look .\nB: ( She probed my teeth and checked my gums . ) Well , it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose . We need to fill that cavity before it gets any worse and the crown needs to be refitted . Make an appointment for next week and I'll take care of them .\nA: Okay , I'll do that , but my crown was just put on last year . Will my dental insurance cover the work ?\nB: Since you had that done here , we'll take care of it . There won't be a charge . And , your insurance should cover the work on the cavity . Now , I'm going to have the hygienist do your cleaning and I'll see you soon for the other work .\nA: Thanks , doctor .\n\nOption:\na) six month\nb) two day \nc) five year \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "six month", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:A guy in my office got the flu the other day . Today I seem to have come down with it , too .\nB: Very likely . You have a slight fever . Do you have a headache , too ?\nA: Yes . I wonder if you could do something to help me recover soon , because I'll be on a business trip in two days .\nB: Well , you have to let your flu run its course . You must stop working and stay in bed to get plenty of rest . Usually it will take 4 to 6 days to make a full recovery .\nA: But I'm going on a business trip in <MASK> !\nB: Maybe you'll have to cancel it or postpone it . If you go out while you are sick , it won't help you recover . You may even pass your disease on to others .\n\nOption:\na) two days\nb) Four months\nc) Five hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What kind of lease is it ?\nB: It's a <MASK> lease .\nA: Can I have a month-to-month lease ? I only want to rent the apartment for five months .\nB: No , all the leases are for one year . We don't have month-to-month leases .\nA: Well , then I don't think this would be a good apartment for me . Thank you anyway .\nB: You're welcome .\n\nOption:\na) one-year\nb) Two months\nc) Five years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one-year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hey , taxi .\nB: Where to , sir ?\nA: Beijing Library .\nB: Hop in , please .\nA: Is it a long ride to Beijing Library ?\nB: It will take <MASK> because it is the rush hour .\nA: Thirty minutes , that will be all right . There are still fifty minutes to go before the library is open . Look , what are they doing on the square ?\nB: It is an exhibition of Chinese jades . It is held each year . A nice collection jades of are on display and sold .\nA: Sounds great ! Can you stop somewhere here for a minute ? I will get some souvenirs for my friends .\nB: No problem .\n\nOption:\na) about thirty minutes\nb) a minute \nc) 50 seconds \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about thirty minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:How do I use the powder ?\nB: Please dissolve the powder in hot water . Soak your hand or foot in it for <MASK> twice a day .\nA: How do I use the eye-drop and ointment ?\nB: Put the eye-drop into your right eye 4 - - 6 times a day , 1 - - 2 drops each time . Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night .\nA: Well , I see . Thanks .\nB: You're welcome .\n\nOption:\na) 20 minutes\nb) 6 hours\nc) 4 seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "20 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:In 1986 , a New Zealander Hackett popularized Bungee as a commercialized sport of mass entertainment . This sport is very challenging . It is a test of people's psychological ability of endurance . Especially when descending , as if they are watching a fast forward tape and when they bounce back , they sway around . The timid people will shrink back at the sight of it . Even if they jump off , they find it hard to avoid screaming with closed eyes . No wonder people give the title ' brave ' to anyone who jumps off .\nB: You see , the bungee participants take a deep breath when they stand at the starting spot and then , like diving , their heads are over heels and they jump off into the realm of the combination of heaven and earth . The wind roars at their ears and their bodies rapidly descend . They do not even have enough time to do several gymnastic movements and they are rebounded to the upper air by the cord .\nA: Entrusting life to the care of a rope indeed requires infinite courage .\nB: A young French fellow recalled his first bungee experience and said , \" When I fastened the cord and walked to the platform , I was extremely nervous . When I looked down , I was nervous even more . If the cord had broken , I would be knocked to ' bakemeat ' . However , I knew my worries were unwanted . I was afraid if I retreated others might say something about me . I had to harden my heart and impose my head downward . I only felt wind wiring at my ears . My body rapidly descended . I thought that after only seven or eight seconds I was rebounded to upper air by the cord . In fact it was <MASK> . Maybe because of my nervousness , I only felt seven or eight seconds . When rebounding to the high altitude , I felt a sudden sense of relief . I did not feel nervous very much , but very comfortable . \"\nA: It is hard to come by in life that you experience this kind of ' comfortable '\n\nOption:\na) 30 seconds\nb) eight seconds\nc) seven minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "30 seconds", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:My toothache started nearly a month ago . The pain's been keeping me awake . Would you please have a look ?\nB: Open your mouth , please . Which one ?\nA: The one right at the back .\nB: I'm afraid we can ' t save that one . It will have to come out .\nA: Will it hurt much ?\nB: I'll give you an injection , then you won't feel pain .\nA: ( <MASK> ) OK , it's all over . Spit there and bite the cotton ball tightly in place for half an hour .\n\nOption:\na) 5 minutes later\nb) two seconds later \nc) 4 hours later \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "5 minutes later", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I think I've looked everywhere , but I haven't seen a swimming pool here .\nB: This hotel has no full-size pool , but we do have swim stations in our gym .\nA: Swim stations ? Whoever heard of such a thing ?\nB: You swim in a swim station just like you run on a treadmill .\nA: All that exercise in a little pool ! Do I have to pay anything ?\nB: The swim stations are available to all guests for no charge .\nA: Very good . Now can you tell me the hours of operation ?\nB: They're available anytime between 7 a . m . and 10 p . m . , <MASK> a week .\nA: Wow ! I can't wait to change into my trunks !\nB: The swim stations are very popular , sir . I hope you don't find a line down there .\n\nOption:\na) seven days\nb) 7 seconds\nc) 10 hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "seven days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello , I'd like to reserve a hotel room .\nB: That should be no problem . May I have your full name , please ?\nA: My name is John Sandals .\nB: Hello , Mr . Sandals . My name is Michelle . What days do you need that reservation , sir ?\nA: I'm planning to visit New York from Friday , April 14 until <MASK> .\nB: Our room rates recently went up . Is that okay with you , Mr . Sandals ?\nA: How much per night are we talking about ?\nB: Each night will be $ 308 .\nA: That price is perfectly acceptable .\nB: Wonderful ! Do you prefer a smoking or nonsmoking room ?\nA: Nonsmoking , please .\nB: Next question , Is a queen-size bed okay ?\nA: That sounds fine .\nB: Okay , Mr . Sandals . Your reservation is in our computer . All we need now is a phone number .\nA: Certainly . My phone number is 626-555-1739 .\nB: Thank you , Mr . Sandals . We look forward to seeing you in New York !\n\nOption:\na) Monday , April 17\nb) Friday , March 12\nc) Monday , September 10\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Monday , April 17", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Well , what is your trouble ?\nB: I'm not feeling well , doctor . I have a sore throat .\nA: Have you any aches and pains ?\nB: Yes , my back aches .\nA: I'll take your temperature . How long have you been feeling ill ?\nB: It began the night before last .\nA: You have a temperature , but it's nothing serious . It's probably just the flu . I'll give you a prescription . Take this to the chemist's . Take one tablet <MASK> . You should stay in bed tomorrow , and drink plenty of lemon juice .\nB: Lots of people are ill at the moment .\nA: It's this cold weather we're having .\n\nOption:\na) every four hours\nb) Every second\nc) Every month\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "every four hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Why should I buy this MD player ?\nB: Well , it has a lithium battery that lasts for <MASK> and it has a 160 second anti-skip mode for when you're playing sports .\nA: What else ?\nB: Using MP3 mode , you can download about 10 hours of music from either your CD player , or your computer's hard disk onto one mini-disk .\nA: But how's the sound quality ?\nB: You can choose from several play modes , or you can use the full-spectrum equalization , 3 D mode and Mega Bass features . We rec-ommend using it with the studio monitor headphones .\nA: Is that it ?\nB: It's ultra-compact , it has a brushed , titanium metal body and a rubber shock-proof , weather-proof case with a belt clip .\n\nOption:\na) 24 hours\nb) 160 seconds\nc) 10 days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "24 hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Excuse me . Does this hotel have a fitness facility ?\nB: Yes , we try to accommodate all needs of our patrons , including fitness .\nA: Where is your fitness facility located ?\nB: The gym is just below the lobby . Take the elevator or the stairs . You can't miss it .\nA: Is there an additional surcharge for the gym ?\nB: No , the gym is free to guests . Take your room key , however , so you can get in .\nA: What time is the gym open , and what time does it close ?\nB: The gym is open seven days a week , <MASK> a day .\nA: Do you offer trainer services along with the gym ?\nB: Unfortunately , no . If you want a trainer , you'll have to use another gym .\n\nOption:\na) twenty-four hours\nb) two seconds \nc) 7 minutes \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "twenty-four hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Can you develop the roll of film ?\nB: Sure .\nA: How long does it take ?\nB: <MASK> . If you are in a hurry we can develop it in 3 hours .\nA: There is no need . I will come back tomorrow .\n\nOption:\na) 6 hours\nb) 3 days\nc) 5 minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "6 hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Doctor , what is the best way to stay healthy ?\nB: Having a good diet is probably the most important thing .\nA: It is very confusing to know what to eat .\nB: You need plenty of fruits and vegetables , small amounts of protein , and whole grains .\nA: Are there certain things that I should avoid ?\nB: You shouldn ' t consume too much sugar or caffeine . Also , watch your intake of fatty food .\nA: After watching my diet , what else should I do ?\nB: You need to stop smoking , and make sure that you get <MASK> of exercise every day .\nA: Can I have a glass of wine now and then ?\nB: As long as you don ' t overdo it , a glass of wine a day should be OK .\n\nOption:\na) 30 minutes\nb) 2 minutes\nc) 20 hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "30 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Let's see if we can reach some sort of agreement over your curfew .\nB: Okay . Everyone else's parents let them stay out until two or <MASK> .\nA: Well . I'm not everyone else's father . I think you need to be in the house by ten o'clock .\nB: That's absurd .\nA: I know some junior high kids who can stay out later than that .\nB: I'll be worried if you stay out late .\nA: Okay , how about a midnight curfew ? And I'll let you know where I am .\n\nOption:\na) three in the morning\nb) ten in the morning\nc) two in the afternoon\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three in the morning", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Doctor , what are some things I can do to stay as healthy as I can be ?\nB: You need to eat healthy foods and avoid unhealthy foods .\nA: Sometimes I don ' t know what the best foods are .\nB: Fresh fruits and vegetables are important , along with protein and whole grains .\nA: What things should I avoid ?\nB: You don ' t want to eat food that is high in fat . You need to avoid caffeine and sugar .\nA: Beyond diet , what else can I do to be healthy ?\nB: Getting <MASK> of exercise a day is important . If you smoke , you need to stop .\nA: How about having a beer on the weekend ?\nB: Less than a serving of alcohol a day can actually be good for you . Do not overdo it !\n\nOption:\na) 30 minutes\nb) 2 minutes\nc) 20 hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "30 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Let me get the keys and we ' ll go to look at it .\nB: Okay .\nA: It ' s the one you like .\nB: Wow ! It ' s really good for me , especially the living room . It is big enough to put all my stuff there . It ' s a deal ! I ' ll rent this one .\nA: Okay . Now we need you to fill a form with your personal information . We need information like social insurance number ( Social security number in the US ) , your address , phone number , etc . We also need a security deposit of $ 200 . And you have to pay two months ' rent in advance for renting the first time . If there ' s nothing damaged , we ' ll give you back one month ' s rent when you move out . You ' ll be responsible for all the utilities . Do you want to sign a lease today ?\nB: Sure !\nA: Oh , one more thing I forgot . You must let us know <MASK> in advance if you want to stop renting within the contract . Otherwise , you can ' t get your deposit back .\nB: Okay . Thank you for your reminder .\nA: You ' re welcome . Be sure to get the keys one day before you move in .\nB: Thank you again .\n\nOption:\na) two months\nb) Two days\nc) Six months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two months", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:How's Jimmy today ?\nB: Better , thank you , doctor .\nA: Can I see him please , Mrs Williams ?\nB: Certainly , doctor . Come upstairs .\nA: You look very well , Jimmy . You are better now , but you mustn't get up yet.You must stay in bed for another two days.The boy mustn't go to school yet , Mrs Williams . And he mustn't eat rich food .\nB: Does he have a temperature , doctor ?\nA: No , he doesn ' t .\nB: Must he stay in bed ?\nA: Yes . He must remain in bed for another two days . He can get up for <MASK> each day , but you must keep the room warm . Where's Mr Williams this evening ?\nB: He's in bed , doctor . Can you see him , please ? He has a bad cold , too !\n\nOption:\na) about two hours\nb) about twenty three hours\nc) about two seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about two hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning , Mr Croft .\nB: Good morning , nurse . I want to see the dentist , please .\nA: Do you have an appointment ?\nB: No , I don't .\nA: Is it urgent ?\nB: Yes , it is . It's very urgent . I feel awful . I have a terrible toothache .\nA: Can you come at 10 am on Monday , April 24th ?\nB: I must see the dentist now , nurse .\nA: The dentist is very busy at the moment . Can you come at <MASK> ?\nB: That's very late . Can the dentist see me now ?\nA: I'm afraid that he can't , Mr Croft . Can't you wait till this afternoon ?\nB: I can wait , but my toothache can't !\n\nOption:\na) 2:00 PM\nb) 9 AM\nc) 7 PM\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2:00 PM", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Let me get the keys and we ' ll go to look at it .\nB: Okay .\nA: It ' s the one you like .\nB: Wow ! It ' s really good for me , especially the living room . It is big enough to put all my stuff there . It ' s a deal ! I ' ll rent this one .\nA: Okay . Now we need you to fill a form with your personal information . We need information like social insurance number ( Social security number in the US ) , your address , phone number , etc . We also need a security deposit of $ 200 . And you have to pay <MASK> ' rent in advance for renting the first time . If there ' s nothing damaged , we ' ll give you back one month ' s rent when you move out . You ' ll be responsible for all the utilities . Do you want to sign a lease today ?\nB: Sure !\nA: Oh , one more thing I forgot . You must let us know two months in advance if you want to stop renting within the contract . Otherwise , you can ' t get your deposit back .\nB: Okay . Thank you for your reminder .\nA: You ' re welcome . Be sure to get the keys one day before you move in .\nB: Thank you again .\n\nOption:\na) two months\nb) one day\nc) 200 seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two months", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , Mr . Smith . I'm Doctor Hawkins . Why are you here today ?\nB: I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up .\nA: Yes , well , you haven't had one for <MASK> . You should have one every year .\nB: I know . I figure as long as there is nothing wrong , why go see the doctor ?\nA: Well , the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early . So try to come at least once a year for your own good .\nB: Ok .\nA: Let me see here . Your eyes and ears look fine . Take a deep breath , please . Do you smoke , Mr . Smith ?\nB: Yes .\nA: Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease , you know . You really should quit .\nB: I've tried hundreds of times , but I just can't seem to kick the habit .\nA: Well , we have classes and some medications that might help . I'll give you more information before you leave .\nB: Ok , thanks doctor .\n\nOption:\na) 5 years\nb) 2 seconds \nc) 20 years \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "5 years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Do you get up early every morning ?\nB: <MASK> . I like to walk to the office .\nA: Good habit . How long does it take ?\nB: About 20 minutes . Do you live alone ?\nA: No , my little sister lives with me .\nB: How old is she ?\nA: About 12 . She is a good girl .\nB: I think so .\n\nOption:\na) About 6 in the morning\nb) 12:00 AM\nc) 7:00 PM\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "About 6 in the morning", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello ?\nB: Hi , Deborah ! This is John . I'm calling from Australia .\nA: What are you doing in Australia ?\nB: I'm attending a conference in Sydney this week . Remember ?\nA: Oh , right . What time is it there ?\nB: It's 10:00 P . M . And it's <MASK> in Los Angeles , right ?\nA: Yes - four o'clock in the morning .\nB: 4:00 A . M . ? I'm really sorry .\nA: That's OK . I'm awake now .\n\nOption:\na) four o'clock\nb) One o'clock\nc) Six o'clock\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "four o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , Mr . Smith . I ' m Dr . Hawkins . Why are you here today ?\nB: I thought it would be a good idea to get a check-up .\nA: Yes , well you haven ' t had one for ... <MASK> . You should have one every year .\nB: I know . I figure as long as there ' s nothing wrong , why go see the doctor ?\nA: Well , the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early . So , try to come at least once a year for your own good .\nB: O . K .\nA: Let me see here . Your eyes and ears look fine . Take a deep breath , please . Do you smoke , Mr . Smith ?\nB: Yes .\nA: Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease , you know . You really should quit .\nB: I ' Ve tried a hundred times , but I just can ' t seem to kick the habit .\nA: Well , we have classes and some medications that might help . I ' ll give you more information before you leave .\nB: O . K . , thanks , doctor .\n\nOption:\na) five years\nb) One month\nc) Fifteen years \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "five years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Do you think chinese families have changed much in <MASK> ?\nB: I think families everywhere have changed a lot in the last 5 decades .\nA: What do you think is the biggest change ?\nB: Well , in the past , three or four generations would live together under the same roof . Nowadays , living in the same city as one's relatives is becoming rare .\nA: That's true . You know , some husbands and wives don't even live in the same city any more .\nB: Would you consider having your parents live with you when they get older ?\nA: I guess I'm a bit old-fashioned . I'd rather have my parents live with me than live in a retirement room .\nB: That's very respectable , but I could never live with my parents . I usually only see them at our christmas celebration — and that's enough !\nA: How about your other siblings ? Do they spend a lot of time with your parents ?\nB: Two of my sisters still live at home , even though they have already graduated from university and have good jobs . They enjoy spending their free time with my parents . I guess in that respect , I'm the black sheep of the family .\nA: I see . Do your parents ever ask you to come home to visit them more often ?\nB: They're always asking me to come home , but I think our relationship is better if we keep a distance from each other . Whenever we see each other , all we do is fight .\n\nOption:\na) the last 50 years\nb) the last three decades\nc) the last four years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "the last 50 years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Have you been registered yet , sir ?\nB: No , I haven't been registered .\nA: Are you a medical or surgical case ?\nB: I'm a medical case .\nA: Do you have your medical history sheet with you ?\nB: Yes , here you are .\nA: Please fill in this admission card . Well , how long do you expect to stay in the hospital ?\nB: The doctor told me to stay <MASK> .\nA: But there're no beds available now . Two patients will be discharged this afternoon , so you'll have to wait until then .\nB: Well , when they leave the hospital , give me a call and I'll come back .\nA: Certainly . See you in the afternoon .\n\nOption:\na) about one month\nb) About ten minutes\nc) About five months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about one month", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Please point out the painful place with your finger . Is there any relation between the pain and the weather ?\nB: Yes , the pain comes more intense when the weather is bad . And the pain comes intense when I walk too much .\nA: Have you ever had any trauma ?\nB: Yes , I have .\nA: Does the pian become more intense at night ?\nB: Yes , ti does . Just like a needle prick . Besides , the place that hurts often feels cold , too .\nA: Do you have the sensation of ants crawling over the painful part ?\nB: Yes , I do .\nA: I'd like to treat you with acupuncture if you agree .\nB: By the way , does acupuncture hurt ?\nA: Acupuncture may cause just a little pain , but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension . We'll try it every day for <MASK> . Will that be all right ?\nB: Yes . Let's start today .\n\nOption:\na) seven days\nb) 2 months \nc) 2 years \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "seven days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Doctor , I feel much better now . Will I be albe to go home some time this week ?\nB: That's good to hear . You've had an ideal recovery from your operation . We're going to send you home tomorrow .\nA: Do you think I can get back to work very soon ?\nB: Don't be in such a hurry . I'm confident that you'll be completely recovered in 4 to 6 weeks .\nA: Is there anything I should do ?\nB: You'd better have a good rest for a week . Be sure to have regular meals . Stay away from alcohol . Give up smoking at least a little while .\nA: Should I take some medicine ?\nB: Yes . I'm going to give you some . Take one tablet of this medicine three times a day before meals . For that one , two tablets . And remember to come to the outpatient department for a consultation in <MASK> , please .\nA: It's very kind of you .\nB: You're welcome . We wish you a speedy recovery . Goodbye .\n\nOption:\na) two weeks\nb) 6 weeks\nc) 4 hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Your mp3 looks so cool . Where did you get it ?\nB: I bought it online .\nA: Really ? Do you often shop online ?\nB: Yes . I buy most of my daily necessities online .\nA: I've never tried E-shopping . Is it better than shopping at an actual store ?\nB: Yes , much better . You can log in a website , browse through many items and categories comfortably at home , order the goods , pay by credit or debit card , and the goods will be delivered to your home .\nA: Wounds good , and I don't have to queue up at the cashier .\nB: And you can still go ' window shopping ' just like in a real shopping mall .\nA: Well , are there any other advantages ?\nB: Yes , most of the shops are closed at 22:00 or even earlier , but the internet operates <MASK> a day , seven days a week , and can be accessed anywhere .\nA: Are there many choices of online shopping ?\nB: Sure . You can buy almost anything you can think of .\nA: Perhaps I should have a try .\n\nOption:\na) 24 hours\nb) 22 seconds\nc) seven hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "24 hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Doctor , I slipped and fell on my way to school . The ground is so slippery from the snow . It seems I can't move my left arm now .\nB: Let me see . Roll up your sleeve , please . Um ... it's swollen and red here . I'm afraid we'll need to take an X-ray to see if it's broken .\nA: What if it's broken ?\nB: Then we'll put you in a cast .\nA: What do you mean by a cast ?\nB: Well , we apply tape and plaster to from a solid enclosure to protect the bones from moving . In this way they will heal properly . Take it easy . It won't hurt you . Let me see . The X-ray picture indicates that your humerus is broken in two places . And you'll have to wear the cast for three weeks . You'll need to come back in <MASK> , so I can have another look .\n\nOption:\na) two weeks\nb) three years\nc) two minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello ! Is your taxi engaged ?\nB: No , this taxi is free .\nA: Please take me to the Honging Hotel .\nB: OK . Please get in . I'm glad to serve you .\nA: Could you get there in <MASK> ?\nB: It will take half an hour to get to the hotel .\nA: I am in a hurry . Please take a shortcut . I have a friend waiting for me .\nB: OK , I promise we'll get there in twenty minutes .\nA: Thanks .\n\nOption:\na) twenty minutes\nb) an hour\nc) twenty hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "twenty minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I often sneeze after having a bad itch inside my nose . Sometimes this is accompanied by an itching throat .\nB: Any other discomfort ?\nA: Yes . Sometimes I can notice a constriction in the chest and shortness of breath after a fit of sneezing . And I often suffer from a running nose with a profuse watery discharge .\nB: Does it occur seasonally or all year round ?\nA: It has been seasonal during these past <MASK> .\nB: Are you sensitive to other things ?\nA: Yes , things like seafood and penicillin-type drugs .\nB: OK . Let me examine your nose . According to your case history and the examination , I believe that it's allergic rhinitis .\nA: What useful treatment can you offer ?\nB: I'll give you a series of specific skin tests . Then we'll know exactly what substances you're allergic to . Then I'll give you some causes of desensitization therapy .\n\nOption:\na) three years\nb) one day\nc) ten years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What time does the museum close ? Any idea ?\nB: I'm not sure , but I think It's open until <MASK> .\nA: What time is it now ?\nB: It's a quarter past three .\n\nOption:\na) 4 o'clock\nb) 10 o'clock\nc) 1 o'clock\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "4 o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What seems to be the problem ?\nB: My stomach hurts , Doctor .\nA: Has this been a problem before ?\nB: Yes .\nA: For how long ?\nB: I have had it on and off for the past three years . It's just gotten much worse these past <MASK> .\nA: Do you only feel this way when you stomach is empty ?\nB: After I've eaten , it goes away for a while .\nA: Do you feel nauseous ?\nB: Yes , occasionally .\nA: Do you have regular bowel movements ?\nB: I think so .\nA: Let me take a look at your abdomen . Lie down on your back and bend your knees up . OK . relax ... Alright , it seems like you have a duodenal ulcer , but we'll have to run some tests before I can be certain . You should get a good rest first and try not to strain your stomach too much .\nB: Is it serious ?\nA: Not too serious , but it'll take you some time to recover , so you'll need to be patient .\n\nOption:\na) two weeks\nb) three minutes\nc) six months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What's your apartment like ?\nB: It's a furnished two bedroom flat in a three-story building on campus .\nA: What is it like living in on-campus housing ?\nB: It's not as bad as I thought it would be . The freshmen that live nearby are really loud , especially on the weekends . But , the rent is much cheaper than private housing , so it's worth it .\nA: Did you have to pay a deposit ?\nB: No , but we do have to pay 9 months rent in <MASK> , so for the first 6 months we pay 1/2 month's rent each month .\nA: Do you have to pay utilities on top of your monthly rent ?\nB: No , it's all included . Besides , students don't have to pay council tax , so we're saving quite bit of money by living here .\nA: How long is your contract for ?\nB: That's the bad thing---the contract ends in June , so we'll have to find a new apartment soon .\nA: Have you started looking yet ?\nB: Not yet . I'm hoping we'll be able to find something cheap once all the students leave the city for the summer .\nA: Good luck !\n\nOption:\na) 6 months\nb) 1/2 month\nc) 6 years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "6 months", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:You see , the bungee participants take a deep breath when they stand at the starting spot and then , like diving , their heads are over heels and they jump off into the realm of the combination of heaven and earth The wind roars at their ears and their bodies rapidly descend . They do not even have enough time to do several gymnastic movements and they are rebounded to the upper air by the cord .\nB: Entrusting life to the care of a rope indeed requires infinite courage .\nA: A young French fellow recalled his first bungee experience and said , When I fastened the cord and walked to the platform , I was extremely nervous . When I looked down , I was nervous even more.If the cord had broken , I would be knocked to bake meat . However , I knew my worries were unwanted . I was afraid if I retreated others might say something about me . I had to harden my heart and impose my head downward . I only felt wind wiring at my ears . My body rapidly descended . I thought that after only seven or eight seconds I was rebounded to upper air by the cord . In fact it was <MASK> . Maybe because of my nervousness , I only felt seven or eight seconds . When rebounding to the high altitude , I felt a sudden sense of relief . I did not feel nervous very much , but very comfortable .\nB: It is hard to come by in life that you experience this kind of comfortable !\n\nOption:\na) 30 seconds\nb) 50 minutes\nc) 10 Hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "30 seconds", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Our benefits usually include medical insurance , public accumulation fund and allowances .\nB: What are the allowances ?\nA: If you go on a business trip , you will enjoy the allowance . It is 200 yuan per day .\nB: Well , I see . And what about the vacation in our company ?\nA: As a new-comer , you usually have <MASK> of annual vacation . And remember you have to fill out a request form , if you want to ask for leave .\nB: Will our company have some recreational activities ?\nA: Of course . In spring and autumn , we will hold some sports actives . And in movie seasons , we bulk purchase film tickets .\n\nOption:\na) five days\nb) 200 seconds\nc) nine months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "five days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:You see , the bungee participants take a deep breath when they stand at the starting spot and then , like diving , their heads are over heels and they jump off into the realm of the combination of heaven and earth The wind roars at their ears and their bodies rapidly descend . They do not even have enough time to do several gymnastic movements and they are rebounded to the upper air by the cord .\nB: Entrusting life to the care of a rope indeed requires infinite courage .\nA: A young French fellow recalled his first bungee experience and said , When I fastened the cord and walked to the platform , I was extremely nervous . When I looked down , I was nervous even more.If the cord had broken , I would be knocked to bake meat . However , I knew my worries were unwanted . I was afraid if I retreated others might say something about me . I had to harden my heart and impose my head downward . I only felt wind wiring at my ears . My body rapidly descended . I thought that after only seven or <MASK> I was rebounded to upper air by the cord . In fact it was 30 seconds . Maybe because of my nervousness , I only felt seven or eight seconds . When rebounding to the high altitude , I felt a sudden sense of relief . I did not feel nervous very much , but very comfortable .\nB: It is hard to come by in life that you experience this kind of comfortable !\n\nOption:\na) eight seconds\nb) 30 minutes\nc) 7 days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "eight seconds", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Could I have a word with you , Madam ?\nB: Is that you , Janice ? Just speaking .\nA: I have to tell you that I can't be in today and tomorrow .\nB: So sorry to hear that . What's wrong with you ?\nA: I feel sick and coughed a lot at night .\nB: Is that serious ? You ought to see a doctor .\nA: Yes , I did this in the morning . And my doctor wanted me to have a rest these <MASK> .\nB: That's good . Do you suppose you will be back at company the day after tomorrow ?\nA: I hope so . And I will definitely tell you if I can not .\nB: Well , take care of yourself . And hope you will be better as soon as possible .\n\nOption:\na) two days\nb) two minutes\nc) six years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:The mailboxes are right down there , and the laundry room with coin-operated washers and dryers is over there .\nB: I see . Well , it's nothing spectacular , but it's pretty cheap for an apartment in a decent neighborhood ... O . K . , I think I'll take it .\nA: All right , do you want to sign a nine-month or a <MASK> lease ?\nB: I think I'll sign a nine-month lease in case I decide not to go to summer school . I can extend it if I want to stay , can't I ?\nA: Sure . Just let us know before your lease expires .\n\nOption:\na) one-year\nb) Nine days\nc) Four weeks\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one-year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Sir , I want to ask for a leave for five days . Here is the request form .\nB: Let me see your form . You mentioned that you want <MASK> to go back home for New Year , right ?\nA: Yes , I need to go home to have a family reunion .\nB: Do you still remember we already have a New Year celebration on January 1st ?\nA: Yes , sir . I remember it . But our Chinese usually celebrate the New Year on lunar calendar .\nB: Well , I understand that . Your request is approved . Remember to give my best regards to your parents .\n\nOption:\na) five days\nb) 1 year\nc) five months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "five days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:The mailboxes are right down there , and the laundry room with coin-operated washers and dryers is over there .\nB: I see . Well , it's nothing spectacular , but it's pretty cheap for an apartment in a decent neighborhood ... O . K . , I think I'll take it .\nA: All right , do you want to sign a <MASK> or a one-year lease ?\nB: I think I'll sign a nine-month lease in case I decide not to go to summer school . I can extend it if I want to stay , can't I ?\nA: Sure . Just let us know before your lease expires .\n\nOption:\na) nine-month\nb) Two weeks\nc) Five years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "nine-month", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:How much tea are you going to order ?\nB: We want to order 3,000 cases and hope to deliver the goods in two equal lots .\nA: When do you want to deliver the goods ?\nB: We'd like you to execute the first delivery by June 30 and the second delivery by August 15 .\nA: I'm sorry , but June 30 is quite soon . I can't guarantee 1 500 cases , I'd prefer the first shipment to be 1,000 cases and the next 2,000 cases .\nB: I can agree to that .\nA: Let me affirm this again - the first shipment of 1,000 cases , to be delivered in 27 days , by June 30 , and the second shipment of 2,000 cases by <MASK> . Right ?\nB: Right .\nA: Well , if there's nothing else , I think we've settled everything .\nB: Let's hope it's the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship .\n\nOption:\na) August 15\nb) June 30\nc) December 20\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "August 15", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , Customer Service Desk . What can I do for you today , sir ?\nB: Good morning . I bought this vacuum here a few months ago . It doesn ' t work now . Can I return it or get it fixed ?\nA: Do you have your receipt with you ?\nB: Yes , I do .\nA: When did you buy it from our store ?\nB: Four months ago .\nA: I ' m sorry . You can ' t return it because too much time has passed since you purchased it . In order to receive a refund , you must return merchandise to the store within 90 days of purchase .\nB: But the direction book says I will get <MASK> warranty .\nA: Yes , I know . After 90 days , you need to call the company that manufactured the vacuum to fix it because it ' s still under their warranty . Their phone number should be in the direction book that came with your vacuum .\nB: Okay . I understand . I ' ll call the Customer Service Office of the manufacturer . Thank you .\nA: You ' re welcome .\n\nOption:\na) one-year\nb) Four months\nc) 90 days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one-year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:We like your product , and are interested in placing an order with you as soon as possible .\nB: Well , we can proceed with the order until after the Christmas holidays . Our factories will be closed for another week .\nA: That's all right . We will send you a purchase order in one week . I hope you will be able to take care of it .\nB: No problem . Once we get your purchase order , we will begin the execution of the order right away .\nA: Thanks . We need the products in less than one month , because we have a big deal with another company . By the way , will payment against delivery be OK ?\nB: That will be fine . And I can promise you that you'll get the goods <MASK> after we get your purchase order .\n\nOption:\na) about two weeks\nb) about one minute\nc) about one year \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about two weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , Customer Service Desk . What can I do for you today , sir ?\nB: Good morning . I bought this vacuum here a few months ago . It doesn ' t work now . Can I return it or get it fixed ?\nA: Do you have your receipt with you ?\nB: Yes , I do .\nA: When did you buy it from our store ?\nB: Four months ago .\nA: I ' m sorry . You can ' t return it because too much time has passed since you purchased it . In order to receive a refund , you must return merchandise to the store within <MASK> of purchase .\nB: But the direction book says I will get one-year warranty .\nA: Yes , I know . After 90 days , you need to call the company that manufactured the vacuum to fix it because it ' s still under their warranty . Their phone number should be in the direction book that came with your vacuum .\nB: Okay . I understand . I ' ll call the Customer Service Office of the manufacturer . Thank you .\nA: You ' re welcome .\n\nOption:\na) 90 days\nb) one-year\nc) 5 days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "90 days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:You look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed .\nB: Of course , just <MASK> I got the phone call from Future Clothes Company and I was told to start my trial period in that company next Monday .\nA: Congratulations ! Let's get together sometime .\nB: Great idea .\nA: Well , I am worried to death right now ! There is still no news from the company for me .\nB: Let it be ! Time will tell .\nA: Maybe they will send me e-mail to inform the result . Let me check my mail-box again .\n\nOption:\na) five minutes ago\nb) Two hours ago\nc) One month ago\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "five minutes ago", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Waiter , bring me the menu , will you ?\nB: Just a moment , I'm coming . ( <MASK> ) . Now , what would you like ?\nA: I'd like to see the menu.Would you get me one , please ?\nB: Yes , certainly.Here you are .\nA: Thank you.Ah ! But this is in French.Would you mind giving me the English menu ?\nB: It's written in English too , in smaller print.There .\nA: Thanks . I'll need a while to choose.Could you come back in a minute ?\nB: Right . ( five minutes later ) Now , what are you having ?\nA: I'm sorry , I haven't decided yet.Do you mind giving me a couple of minutes ?\nB: All right , but would you be so kind as to make up your mind soon ? We're very busy just now as you can see , sir .\n\nOption:\na) ten minutes later\nb) 5 hours later \nc) a couple of days later \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "ten minutes later", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Steven , have a rest . Could you have a talk with me ?\nB: OK ! What can I do for you , Madam ?\nA: Janice has just got sick and I need a hand now . Could you come here earlier tomorrow morning ?\nB: When do you want me to come ?\nA: Let me think . <MASK> if it is okay for you .\nB: That's fine . I can make it .\n\nOption:\na) About half past seven\nb) 11 PM\nc) 2 AM\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "About half past seven", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Why are you leaving your present job ?\nB: I ' m not so satisfied with it .\nA: Why do you plan to change your job ?\nB: I'm now a secretary in my present work unit . My work is not interesting . I have to type , make copies , book tickets and so on . Everyday I follow the routine . Furthermore , I have studied English for <MASK> at university , but I can ' t use it there . They are the reasons I plan to change my job .\nA: Why are you interested in working with this company ?\nB: One of my relatives told me that your company needs someone who can speak English . That's just the job that I have been looking for\n\nOption:\na) four years\nb) One month\nc) eight years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "four years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning ! May I help you ?\nB: Yes . My wife and I are interested in renting a house for the summer .\nA: Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished one ?\nB: Furnished .\nA: Very well . How long do you want the house ? All summer ?\nB: No , not all summer . Just for <MASK> .\nA: I'm afraid I can only rent it for two months .\nB: My holiday is only six weeks , but I think my brother and his family would take it for the other two weeks.Is the house in good condition ?\nA: Yes , it is . It was just painted and it has all the modern conveniences .\n\nOption:\na) six weeks\nb) two months\nc) six decades\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "six weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Well , if you have no further questions , then we have done .\nB: Thank you , Mr . Owens , for taking time out of your busy schedule to interview me .\nA: You ' re welcome . I appreciate your coming .\nB: When can I contact you about your final decision ?\nA: We need to consider several other applicants and we hope to make a decision by the end of this month . We will call you regardless of whether you are hired or not .\nB: Thanks a lot ! I will look forward to the good news . Please call me at this number between nine and <MASK> .\nA: Well , I really appreciate your coming today .\nB: The pleasure is mine . It ' s nice talking with you . Good-bye , Mr . Owens .\nA: Good-bye .\n\nOption:\na) eleven in the morning\nb) four in the evening \nc) three in the morning\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "eleven in the morning", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What's the date today Mr.Brown . I don't have a calendar .\nB: Today is Tuesday , 25th September , 2001 .\nA: 25th Sep ? Oh , I have an appointment tonight .\nB: What time is your appointment ?\nA: It is at <MASK> .\nB: What time is now ? Do you have the correct time ?\nA: I don't know what time it is.It must be about 6 o'clock . I have to go now . I don't want to be late .\nB: You won't be late.It ' s still early .\n\nOption:\na) 8 o'clock\nb) 5 o'clock\nc) 12 o'clock\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "8 o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What's the date today Mr.Brown . I don't have a calendar .\nB: Today is <MASK> .\nA: 25th Sep ? Oh , I have an appointment tonight .\nB: What time is your appointment ?\nA: It is at 8 o'clock .\nB: What time is now ? Do you have the correct time ?\nA: I don't know what time it is.It must be about 6 o'clock . I have to go now . I don't want to be late .\nB: You won't be late.It ' s still early .\n\nOption:\na) Tuesday , 25th September , 2001\nb) Tuesday , 8th September , 2001\nc) Tuesday , 6th March , 2009\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Tuesday , 25th September , 2001", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Your resume says you have had one years experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai , may I ask why you quit ?\nB: I worked in a foreign representative office for one year . However , I leave there <MASK> because the work they gave me was rather dull . I found another job that was more interesting .\nA: Have you done any work in this field ? What have you learned from the jobs you have had ?\nB: I have learned a lot about business know-how and basic office skills . In addition , I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues .\n\nOption:\na) two years ago\nb) one day ago\nc) one decade ago\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two years ago", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:How was your interview ?\nB: Pretty good . The HR manager asked me the usual questions . Then he wondered why I had decided to leave my previous job .\nA: What did you say ?\nB: I told him that I hadn ' t got a raise for three years . I also told him that one of my best co-workers quitted her job because she had not been promoted for <MASK> .\nA: Did he want to know the reasons ?\nB: Yes . I told him that my boss made some excuses of the recession . But I thought he had a pattern and a record of promoting men only .\nA: That ' s sex discrimination . When will you get the reply ?\nB: In a couple of days , I was told .\nA: Wish you good luck !\nB: Thank you .\n\nOption:\na) eight years\nb) 3 days\nc) a couple of decades\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "eight years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello , I'd like to subscribe to a magazine .\nB: What magazine do you want to subscribe for ?\nA: Fitness Consultant .\nB: OK , Fitness Consultant . How many subscriptions do you want ?\nA: Only one , please .\nB: How long do you want the subscription for ?\nA: For <MASK> , please .\nB: Your name , please ?\nA: Shirley , that's my wife's name . I subscribe to this magazine for her .\nB: I see . Please put your address here then .\nA: OK . How much is the subscription ?\nB: 650 Yuan .\nA: 650 Yuan ! You must be kidding ! I can subscribe for evening newspapers for ten years with that much !\n\nOption:\na) six months\nb) ten years\nc) one day\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "six months", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Mrs . Phoebe , let's talk about the delivery arrangement for our goods .\nB: Sure . What's your date of delivery ?\nA: I informed my company and was told that the first five thousand by the end of this month .\nB: What about the balance of the order ? Can they also arrive at our company quickly ?\nA: We can deliver the balance at the price already quoted in 10 days .\nB: Can you deliver them earlier ?\nA: I am afraid we can not do that . Would you be willing to sign an annual contract on the basis we discussed ?\nB: Possibly , subject to quality and delivery guarantees .\nA: Of course . Well , in that case we could offer a 5 % discount for a confirmed monthly order for <MASK> .\nB: I was looking forward to something a bit more substantial . As you know , we have long-time cooperation .\nA: I'm afraid that's as far as we could go . We'd already be stretching ourselves to the limit .\nB: Well , let's shake on that and draw up the details of the contract .\n\nOption:\na) the next 12 months\nb) 10 days\nc) The next 5 years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "the next 12 months", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:How big is this parking lot in our community ?\nB: It has fifty parking spaces .\nA: So you guys should be always busy .\nB: Why ?\nA: I bet it is always full of cars .\nB: Quite the contrary , sir . Plenty of the spaces here are free when people drive their cars out to work .\nA: Ah ... I see .\nB: We plan to rent some of them out at the hourly rates .\nA: What is the hourly rate for a car like this ?\nB: I am not sure . But it'll be at least ten yuan an hour .\nA: How mush would it cost if someone parks here for <MASK> and ten minutes ?\nB: That would be twenty yuan , sir . We charge only by the number of hours , no split of each hour .\nA: That's expensive .\n\nOption:\na) one hour\nb) ten minutes\nc) twenty hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one hour", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Waiter , bring me the menu , will you ?\nB: Just a moment , I'm coming . ( <MASK> ) . Now , what would you like ?\nA: I'd like to see the menu . Would you get me one , please ?\nB: Yes , certainly . Here you are .\nA: Thank you . Ah ! But this is in French . Would you mind giving me the English menu ?\nB: It's written in English too , in smaller print . There .\nA: Thanks . I'll need a while to choose . Could you come back in a minute ?\nB: Right . ( five minutes later ) Now , what are you having ?\nA: I'm sorry , I haven't decided yet . Do you mind giving me a couple of minutes ?\nB: All right , but would you be so kind as to make up your mind soon ? We're very busy just now as you can see , sir .\n\nOption:\na) ten minutes later\nb) five hours later \nc) a couple of seconds \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "ten minutes later", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I see there are some workmen on the site . When is the building work due to start ?\nB: Well , it'll take three weeks to demolish the old building and clear away the debris . We should be ready to start the construction work in week 23 .\nA: How long will the sub contractors be on site ?\nB: <MASK> in total if everything goes according to plan .\nA: I'm sure it will . So , we should be able to start moving the machinery in during week 34 . I'll confirm that date with our suppliers .\n\nOption:\na) About ten weeks\nb) three weeks \nc) 34 days \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "About ten weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning ! May I help you ?\nB: Yes . My wife and I are interested in renting a house for the summer .\nA: Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished one ?\nB: Furnished .\nA: Very well . How long do you want the house ? All summer ?\nB: No , not all summer . Just for six weeks .\nA: I'm afraid I can only rent it for two months .\nB: My holiday is only <MASK> , but I think my brother and his family would take it for the other two weeks . Is the house in good condition ?\nA: Yes , it is . It was just painted and it has all the modern conveniences .\n\nOption:\na) six weeks\nb) two weeks\nc) two months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "six weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi Steve . What do you think of the new supplier ?\nB: We haven't had any problems so far . They offer a <MASK> technical back-up service . We've called them in three times this month . They always arrive within a couple of hours .\nA: That's good service . Do we have to pay extra for that ?\nB: No . There's no call-out fee . It's included in the annual service contract .\n\nOption:\na) 24 - hour\nb) three minutes\nc) couple of hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "24 - hour", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning ! May I help you ?\nB: Yes . My wife and I are interested in renting a house for the summer .\nA: Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished one ?\nB: Furnished .\nA: Very well . How long do you want the house ? All summer ?\nB: No , not all summer . Just for <MASK> .\nA: I'm afraid I can only rent it for two months .\nB: My holiday is only six weeks , but I think my brother and his family would take it for the other two weeks . Is the house in good condition ?\nA: Yes , it is . It was just painted and it has all the modern conveniences .\n\nOption:\na) six weeks\nb) One day\nc) five hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "six weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Excuse me , do the buses stop here ?\nB: Yes , they all stop at this corner .\nA: I want to go to Broadway and 82nd Street . Can I take any bus that comes along ?\nB: You can take any bus except the Number 9 .\nA: How often do the buses run ?\nB: They run about every five minutes .\nA: Fine . How long does it take to get to 82nd Street ?\nB: <MASK> . It's not far . Are you a stranger in New York ?\nA: Yes , I am . I arrived only three days ago from Japan .\nB: How do you like New York city ?\nA: I like it very much , but it's a little confusing to me .\nB: You'll soon get accustomed to it . It's not difficult . Well , here's the bus . Fortunately , it's not full .\nA: Thank you for the information .\nB: Don't mention it .\n\nOption:\na) About fifteen minutes\nb) about three days \nc) about 9 hours \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "About fifteen minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Excuse me , do the buses stop here ?\nB: Yes , they all stop at this corner .\nA: I want to go to Broadway and 82nd Street . Can I take any bus that comes along ?\nB: You can take any bus except the Number 9 .\nA: How often do the buses run ?\nB: They run about <MASK> .\nA: Fine . How long does it take to get to 82nd Street ?\nB: About fifteen minutes . It's not far . Are you a stranger in New York ?\nA: Yes , I am . I arrived only three days ago from Japan .\nB: How do you like New York city ?\nA: I like it very much , but it's a little confusing to me .\nB: You'll soon get accustomed to it . It's not difficult . Well , here's the bus . Fortunately , it's not full .\nA: Thank you for the information .\nB: Don't mention it .\n\nOption:\na) every five minutes\nb) every fifteen hours\nc) every three seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "every five minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:OK , so are you ready to learn how to bake a cake ?\nB: Almost , let me just put my apron on .\nA: OK , so the first thing we are going to do is pre-heat the oven , that way we have it at the desired temperature once we finish preparing everything . Set it to three hundred and seventy five degrees Fahrenheit .\nB: Got it .\nA: No we are gonna make the batter . Take some butter and sugar and mix it lightly until you have a nice consistency . Then add some vanilla extract and eggs and continue mixing .\nB: Do I have to use a whisk or can I use the electric mixer ?\nA: Go ahead and use the mixer , but put it on medium speed . I'm gonna sift the flour and baking powder separately and then we can mix it with milk and the rest of the ingredients .\nB: OK , so now we need a baking pan right ?\nA: Yeah , but grease and flour it first so the cake won't stick to it when it bakes .\nB: Done . So how long do we bake it for ?\nA: We can leave it in there for <MASK> . Then we let it cool for ten minutes before we remove the cake from the pan .\nB: Wow ! This was a lot easier than I thought !\n\nOption:\na) about twenty five minutes\nb) About five seconds\nc) About four hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about twenty five minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:My name is Sue . How do you do , Mr . Black ?\nB: I'm glad to meet you , Sue . Please have a seat .\nA: Thank you , sir .\nB: We've looked over your letter and resume and I'm very satisfied with them . Today I want to invite you talk about insurance you're interested in .\nA: Thank you . I wonder whether I can enjoy the life insurance and health insurance .\nB: Of course . A two-week paid vacation a year , a <MASK> workweek .\nA: Good . Anything else ?\nB: Yes . All the insurance will be linked with your work . We will issue an insurance policy .\nA: Thank you , sir .\n\nOption:\na) five-day\nb) one-hour \nc) one-day \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "five-day", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Have you ever served in any international trading company ?\nB: Yes . I once worked in a small company for <MASK> .\nA: Then why did you leave ?\nB: My reason for leaving is that I wish to get into the advertising business .\nA: What have you learnt from this short experience ?\nB: I've learnt a lot about business knowhow . I got to know what kind of knowledge was needed in my future work .\n\nOption:\na) one year\nb) Two months\nc) Five years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:How many hours do you work a week ?\nB: I do a <MASK> week . I ' m on flexi-time . I usually start work at 8 a . m . and finish at 4\nA: And how many weeks holiday do you get a year ?\nB: Four - plus public holidays . I usually take two weeks off in the summer and the rest at New Year .\nA: Do you do overtime ?\nB: Yes , if we're busy . I'm paid double-time if I work at weekends .\n\nOption:\na) forty-hour\nb) 4-day\nc) two-hour\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "forty-hour", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What sort of shift-system do you operate ?\nB: We have a three-shift system - that's three <MASK> shifts each weekday . We're shut at weekends . This week I'm on the early shift .\nA: Do you ever have to do the night shift ?\nB: Yes , sometimes . I don't like working nights I have problems sleeping during the day .\n\nOption:\na) eight-hour\nb) three-minute\nc) three-days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "eight-hour", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Would you mind answering a few personal questions ?\nB: Of course not .\nA: OK . Does your present employer know that you are going to leave ?\nB: Yes . I gave her my resignation a few days ago .\nA: Will she let you leave your present job ?\nB: Yes , I think she will .\nA: Why do you want to leave your present job ?\nB: Well , there are several reasons . I don't think my present job is suitable for me . That's the first reason . Secondly , your company has a good reputation . I think it can offer me more challenging opportunities . Last , frankly speaking , I wish to get higher pay .\nA: I appreciate you frankness . Do you know anything about our company ?\nB: Yes . It's a Korea company and it was built in Beijing <MASK> .\n\nOption:\na) five years ago\nb) Two months ago\nc) Fifteen years ago\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "five years ago", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Stephanie ! Did you just get to school ? But you were up and about when I left the dorm this morning ! That was about an hour and a half ago . This happens all the time ! Why do you always take so long to get ready the morning ?\nB: It ' s a skill . What can I say ? I don ' t know why , I just have a long routine .\nA: Please explain because it makes no sense to me . How can a girl ' s routine be so complicated ? You get up , you shower , you get dressed , you brush your teeth , you ' re out the door . Half an hour , tops .\nB: Jacob , you have the luxury of having a haircut that rarely needs styling . I don ' t . I have to set aside about an hour and a half to get ready in the mornings . Every day , I wake up and head straight for the shower . Every second day , I wash my hair . If it ' s a hair-washing day , I frequently need to wash my hair twice because it gets really oily . Then I usually put in a conditioner and have to rinse that out too . Because my hair is so long , I seldom manage to take a shower in under <MASK> . Afterwards , I often put on a pot of coffee and get dressed while I wait for it to brew . I take a long time to get dressed in the morning . Every now and then I remember to choose my outfit the night before , but usually I do it in the morning . In all , getting dressed takes about half an hour , at which time my hair is now semi-dry so then I have to style my hair . From time to time I ' ll put my hair up , but oftentimes I bloody it straight . And then , because of the texture of my hair , I regularly have to flat-iron it to keep it from frizzing . That ' s another twenty minutes or so . After that , I have my daily makeup routine .\nA: True , I hardly ever see you without your hair done and your makeup on , even when you show up to class in sweatpants . Tell me , how long does it take you to choose that outfit in the morning ?\nB: Not funny .\n\nOption:\na) twenty minutes\nb) an hour and a half \nc) two seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "twenty minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello , I'd like to see Mr . Charles , the manager , please .\nB: You don't make any prior appointment , do you ?\nA: No . I haven't , but I'll take only a few minutes of his time .\nB: Please tell your name , company and the nature of your business .\nA: Yes . My name is Lin Tao , the director of Guangzhou Computer Corporation .\nB: I see . Wait a minute , please .\nA: ( <MASK> ) Mr . Lin , Mr . Charles can see you now . This way , please .\n\nOption:\na) 2 minutes later\nb) One month later\nc) Two weeks later\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2 minutes later", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Thank you for purchasing your new mattress with us .\nB: No , thank you .\nA: Would you like us to deliver the mattress for you , sir ?\nB: That would be great .\nA: When do you want it delivered ?\nB: I need it delivered tomorrow . Will that be possible ?\nA: What time exactly ?\nB: I need it delivered at <MASK> .\nA: We can have it to you at that time .\nB: That's not a problem ?\nA: We will deliver your mattress tomorrow at 12 o'clock .\nB: That's great ! Thank you very much .\n\nOption:\na) 12 o'clock\nb) 3:00 am \nc) 9:00 pm \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "12 o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:How long has the company been in business ?\nB: For over forty years . The original company Davies Engineering - was founded in 1960 by the Davies brothers in a small workshop near Manchester . They closed down the workshop in 1980 and opened up a new factory in Leeds .\nA: When did it become CABS ?\nB: In <MASK> - when it was bought by a German company . They set up two more business in the UK .\nA: What does CABS stand for ?\nB: International Air Braking Systems .\n\nOption:\na) 1997\nb) 1960\nc) 1980\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1997", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Mr . Wang , I've had scheduled for your <MASK> stay in Shanghai . You can make some changes if it does not suit you .\nB: All right . Please read it to me .\nA: On Friday morning , Mr . Wang , the director of Shanghai Research Institute , will visit you at the hotel . In the afternoon , you will discuss some problems with Mr . Yang , vice manager of computer corporation .\nB: Very good .\nA: On Saturday , you'll leave the hotel for sightseeing . Miss Lu will be your guide .\nB: Oh , that's great .\n\nOption:\na) two days\nb) two minutes\nc) two years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Why have you changed your job so frequently ?\nB: My first job was in a well-established company where the division of labour was very clear . I do not have more chances to enrich my experience . Then I got an opportunity to really broaden my experience with a new company that was starting up , but unfortunately , they closed their service in <MASK> ' time . I have worked in my present company for a considerable length of time and enjoy the job I am doing now , but I think I have accumulated enough experience to take up more challenging post in a much larger and diversified company where I could make solid contribution .\n\nOption:\na) three months\nb) Five days\nc) Four years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three months", "role": "assistant" } ]