1 value
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:It's my first visit to Prague , I'll be here for three days for a conference , then I have a day on my own to do some sightseeing before I head back home . What do you suggest I see when I'm here ?\nB: There are many interesting places you should be sure to see . One problem is transportation , however . Because the city is very old , the roads are narrow and congested . If you only have three or <MASK> to visit , you don't want to spend them waiting in traffic in a cab . I suggest you take the subway .\nA: The subway ? But is there a subway station next to my hotel ? I have to go between the conference center and the hotel several times a day ...\nB: No worries , there's a subway station at the conference center itself , and a shuttle from your hotel to the conference center that takes only 5 minutes . When you do your personal sightseeing , you can first take the shuttle to the conference center , then hop on the metro .\nA: Is it expensive to ride on the underground ?\nB: You can get a daily pass that will allow you to travel unlimited for the whole day for about 6 dollars . Otherwise , you can pay by trip , which is about 50 cents to 2 dollars each trip , depending on how far you go .\nA: Is it easy to get lost ?\nB: No , no ... . it's very hard to get lost . There are two lines , one that goes in a circle , the other that is straight . If you get lost , there are always subway attendants that can help you find your way .\n\nOption:\na) four days\nb) five minutes\nc) three years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "four days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:It's my first visit to Prague , I'll be here for <MASK> for a conference , then I have a day on my own to do some sightseeing before I head back home . What do you suggest I see when I'm here ?\nB: There are many interesting places you should be sure to see . One problem is transportation , however . Because the city is very old , the roads are narrow and congested . If you only have three or four days to visit , you don't want to spend them waiting in traffic in a cab . I suggest you take the subway .\nA: The subway ? But is there a subway station next to my hotel ? I have to go between the conference center and the hotel several times a day ...\nB: No worries , there's a subway station at the conference center itself , and a shuttle from your hotel to the conference center that takes only 5 minutes . When you do your personal sightseeing , you can first take the shuttle to the conference center , then hop on the metro .\nA: Is it expensive to ride on the underground ?\nB: You can get a daily pass that will allow you to travel unlimited for the whole day for about 6 dollars . Otherwise , you can pay by trip , which is about 50 cents to 2 dollars each trip , depending on how far you go .\nA: Is it easy to get lost ?\nB: No , no ... . it's very hard to get lost . There are two lines , one that goes in a circle , the other that is straight . If you get lost , there are always subway attendants that can help you find your way .\n\nOption:\na) three days\nb) five minutes \nc) 6 months \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning , Mr . Chu . Would you like me to brief your schedule for today ?\nB: Yes .\nA: You are scheduled to meet Mr . Thompson of ABC Company at eleven this morning . Then , you have a lunch appointment with Mr . Li . And this afternoon at four you will attend a press conference .\nB: I am afraid I can't attend the press conference due to an urgent conference with the Board of Directors at <MASK> .\nA: All right . Do you want me to cancel the reservation for you ?\nB: Yes , thank you very much . In addition , do you have the marketing proposal ready ?\nA: The proposal is being repaired right now and I think it will be ready by tomorrow morning .\n\nOption:\na) half past four\nb) eleven\nc) seven\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "half past four", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Taxi .\nB: Yes . Where would you like to go ?\nA: Central Park , please , but can you make a stop at Union Square ? I wanna pick up my friend there .\nB: Of course .\nA: How long do you think it will take to get to Union Square .\nB: Well . That depends on traffic , you know . It's pretty heavy this afternoon .\nA: Can you make it in <MASK> . I am already 10 mins late .\nB: I'll try . Where exactly is your friend waiting ?\nA: On the 14th Street side . Oh , we are already at the 16th Street . You are fast . Can you make a left at the next corner ?\nB: You've got it .\nA: I think he is around here . Can you slow down ? Ah , there he is .\nB: Here we are , Central Park !\nA: Thank you . How much is it ?\nB: Well , it's $ 12 .\nA: Here's $ 15 . Keep the change .\nB: Thank you .\n\nOption:\na) 15 mins\nb) 12 seconds\nc) 15 Hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "15 mins", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , John .\nB: Oh , hi , Mary , come on in . Any problem ?\nA: Oh , no problem .\nB: Great . I forgot to ask you , though . How long did you want the place ?\nA: Six months .\nB: Oh , well , that might be a problem . I usually only sign <MASK> leases .\nA: Well , one year would be fine , too . I ' m not planning on leaving the area anytime soon .\nB: Well , if it ' s not a problem . Then here you go .\nA: Just let me look at it quickly .\nB: Of course .\nA: Looks like a standard lease .\nB: Yeah , and don ' t worry about the security deposit . If everything ' s all right when you move out , you ' ll get it back .\nA: O . K . Great . Just sign and date it here ?\nB: Yes . Thanks . You can move your stuff in tomorrow .\nA: Wonderful .\n\nOption:\na) one year\nb) Ten days\nc) Six months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Do you have some questions ?\nB: Yes , I really want to know about the housing system in your company .\nA: If you join us , our company will provide you a single dormitory . If you make great achievements , our company will offer you a flat according to the related regulations . It all depends .\nB: I also want to know if there's a holiday at your company , for I must visit my parents every year .\nA: Besides the official holidays , our company offers a <MASK> paid holiday every year , which makes it possible for you to visit your parents . Any other questions ?\nB: No , thanks .\n\nOption:\na) ten days\nb) ten hours\nc) four months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "ten days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:You have worked in your present company for <MASK> .\nB: Yes , I do .\nA: Why do you want to resign ?\nB: As you know I serve as a secretary in my present company , I really want to look for a more challenging opportunity .\nA: What kind of work are you interested in ?\nB: Just as you advertised in the newspaper .\nA: So you are interested in our company .\nB: Yes , what's more , your company is one of the largest and best trading companies in this line of business .\n\nOption:\na) five years\nb) Five minutes \nc) 25 years \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "five years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , excuse me . I am sorry to bug you , but do you know where the Royal Hotel is ?\nB: Just a minute . I am as busy as a bee right now ... Ok , I am done . What can I do for you ?\nA: Well , I seem to be a little bit lost here . I am worried that I ' ll never find my way . What's worse . I forgot my glasses and as blind as a bat now .\nB: Well , keep you chin up ! I ' ll try to help you . Where are you going ?\nA: I am trying to get to the Royal Hotel . Do you know where that is ?\nB: Yes , no problem . You walk down this street . You turn left at the first intersection . Walk along that road , turn right at the corner . After that , you make a left-hand turn at the first traffic light . The Royal Hotel is on your right side .\nA: Great . Are there any landmarks nearby ?\nB: Yeah , I think so . I think the hotel is right across the street from a post office . It is as plain as the hump on a camel . You can't miss it .\nA: Oh , that's good . I should be able to find it pretty easily then . Is that far from here ?\nB: Yeah , it ' s gonna take you a while if you go by foot . I ' d say it's about a <MASK> uphill walk . You have to be as strong as a lion to make it .\nA: Oh , that will take too long and I am kind of in a hurry . Can I take a bus there ?\nB: Well , you could take a bus there , but you would have to transfer buses twice . A taxi would probably be a lot quicker .\nA: All right . I guess I'll take a taxi then . How long will it take by taxi ?\nB: Not too long . It should take about ten mins by taxi .\nA: Cool , thanks .\nB: You are welcome .\n\nOption:\na) 30 - minute\nb) 10 - minute\nc) 100 - minute\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "30 - minute", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , Paulo . How are things going ?\nB: Everything's going very well . The first phase of the project was finished <MASK> ahead of schedule . We're on target to complete phase two by the beginning of week 40 .\nA: That's good news . What stage are you at now ?\nB: Well , we've just finished laying the cabling and we're waiting for the safety inspector to give us the go-ahead to continue . I'm just going to meet him . Do you want to come ?\n\nOption:\na) three days\nb) 40 days \nc) three seconds \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:My watch always gains ten minutes a day .\nB: That's funny . My watch always loses ten minutes a day .\nA: No kidding .\nB: I am serious . Every morning I set my watch by the radio , but it still loses ten minutes .\nA: You know what you can do ?\nB: Throw it away and buy a new one .\nA: No , you don't have to . You only need to put your watch back <MASK> every day .\nB: So you put your watch back ten minutes every day ?\nA: Yes , that's what I am doing .\nB: Why bother ? Just buy a new watch . It doesn't cost much . Besides , I just can ' t put up with this thing any more .\n\nOption:\na) ten minutes\nb) ten hours\nc) ten seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "ten minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Our new production control program's going live on Monday . The old and the new programs will operate in tandem for <MASK> . That should give us time to iron out any little problems .\nB: Hope it all goes well . We're very busy at the moment and certainly don't want any problems at this time of year .\nA: Yes , I realise that . We've spent a long time planning and preparing for the change-over . I'm confident we won't have any major problems .\n\nOption:\na) four to six weeks\nb) four to six years\nc) four to six days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "four to six weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:My watch always gains ten minutes a day .\nB: That's funny . My watch always loses ten minutes a day .\nA: No kidding .\nB: I am serious . Every morning I set my watch by the radio , but it still loses <MASK> .\nA: You know what you can do ?\nB: Throw it away and buy a new one .\nA: No , you don't have to . You only need to put your watch back ten minutes every day .\nB: So you put your watch back ten minutes every day ?\nA: Yes , that's what I am doing .\nB: Why bother ? Just buy a new watch . It doesn't cost much . Besides , I just can ' t put up with this thing any more .\n\nOption:\na) ten minutes\nb) Two seconds\nc) Four hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "ten minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:My watch always gains ten minutes a day .\nB: That's funny . My watch always loses <MASK> a day .\nA: No kidding .\nB: I am serious . Every morning I set my watch by the radio , but it still loses ten minutes .\nA: You know what you can do ?\nB: Throw it away and buy a new one .\nA: No , you don't have to . You only need to put your watch back ten minutes every day .\nB: So you put your watch back ten minutes every day ?\nA: Yes , that's what I am doing .\nB: Why bother ? Just buy a new watch . It doesn't cost much . Besides , I just can ' t put up with this thing any more .\n\nOption:\na) ten minutes\nb) One second\nc) Five hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "ten minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:How many places have you worked altogether ?\nB: Three .\nA: Would you tell me the general description of your present job ?\nB: I am in charge of the trading department . I'm handling invoices , shipping bills and computing freight costs , that's most of the documentation .\nA: What time do you go to work ?\nB: I must be there no later than 9:00 .\nA: What time does the office close ?\nB: I quit work whenever I get finished , usually <MASK> .\nA: Does your work involve a lot of paper filling and typing ?\nB: No , the secretary does this . It's not part of my job .\nA: What made you decide to change your job ?\nB: I am working in a small company where further promotion is impossible , so I decided to change my job . I'd like to find a job which is more challenging .\n\nOption:\na) about six o'clock\nb) about twelve o'clock\nc) about nine o'clock\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about six o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:My watch always gains <MASK> a day .\nB: That's funny . My watch always loses ten minutes a day .\nA: No kidding .\nB: I am serious . Every morning I set my watch by the radio , but it still loses ten minutes .\nA: You know what you can do ?\nB: Throw it away and buy a new one .\nA: No , you don't have to . You only need to put your watch back ten minutes every day .\nB: So you put your watch back ten minutes every day ?\nA: Yes , that's what I am doing .\nB: Why bother ? Just buy a new watch . It doesn't cost much . Besides , I just can ' t put up with this thing any more .\n\nOption:\na) ten minutes\nb) 10 seconds \nc) 12 hours \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "ten minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I've just got a new printer . How often do I need to replace the print heads ?\nB: Well , under normal conditions each head lasts about 5 000 copies or so . It depends on the user , but about once a month is average .\nA: So if I don't print out very much , it could last a lot longer ?\nB: That's right . It could <MASK> or more . This model's designed for heavy use . Don't worry - you'll get an error message telling you when to change the head .\n\nOption:\na) last six months\nb) last five days\nc) last four years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "last six months", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Excuse me . I've been waiting here for <MASK> . Do you know how often does No . 3 run ?\nB: Oh , it runs every 20 mins . You must have missed it , when you came here . It should be here any minute now .\nA: It seems that you have got here at a good time . Do you have a bus schedule ?\nB: Yes , I do . You can go to the Transport Department to get yourself a bus schedule and a bus route map .\nA: I see , thank you .\n\nOption:\na) 15 mins\nb) 3 seconds\nc) 20 hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "15 mins", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:OK , so this is the main factory area . We're now walking past the printing machine . It's printing in four colours at the moment .\nB: What's going on over there ?\nA: They're setting up the machine for a new run .\nB: How long does that usually take ?\nA: <MASK> .\nB: What's happening at the far end ?\nA: That's the packing line . The goods are being wrapped and loaded onto pallets ready for transportation .\n\nOption:\na) About twenty minutes\nb) About twenty seconds\nc) About twenty hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "About twenty minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning , Mr . Smith . Welcome to Wuhan .\nB: Good morning !\nA: Mr . Smith , did you have a good journey ?\nB: I just feel a little tired . You know , it took me <MASK> to get here .\nA: You must take a rest today .\nB: That's very kind of you , but I can do without a rest . I have long wanted to have a talk with you about the possibility of business between us .\nA: We welcome good business . Anyhow , we know you must get tired by the flight , so we arrange a meeting tomorrow . Today you can have a good rest .\nB: Thank you very much .\nA: We hope your stay here a pleasant one !\nB: I believe I will .\n\nOption:\na) 16 hours\nb) 15 minutes \nc) 30 days \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "16 hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good afternoon .\nB: Hello . This is Jones . I'd like to speak to Mr . Chen .\nA: Speaking .\nB: I'd like to discuss the new order with you . Would you like to have lunch together at Garden Hotel next Tuesday ?\nA: Let me check my diary . Er . I'm afraid I can't make Tuesday . I've got to go to Beijing for a conference . I'll come back on Thursday .\nB: That's a pity . Does Friday suit you ?\nA: Yeah , that would be fine . What time ?\nB: Is <MASK> convenient for you ?\nA: Yeah , that's fine . Next Friday at 12 at Garden Hotel . I'll look forward to it .\n\nOption:\na) 12 o'clock\nb) 6 o'clock\nc) 11:00 AM\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "12 o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I'm glad we came here . This is really delicious !\nB: I was worried you would think it was too far to drive .\nA: Well , it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch.But really , I think it's worth it .\nB: I think if you try some more authentic Chinese food , you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer .\nA: How do you mean \" suffer \" ?\nB: I mean , in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food.So we miss the food in Taiwan too much.Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better .\nA: Even in the winter ?\nB: Yes , even in the winter .\nA: And even if it takes <MASK> , huh ?\nB: Why not ? I've been craving good food for three weeks now . I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza !\nA: Well , this really is delicious , I have to admit . I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining .\nB: Don't tease me ! Good food is really important to Chinese !\nA: I know . I can see that . This is what is called \" dim sum , \" right ?\nB: Yes , all these dishes are different \" dim sum \" dishes.You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America .\nA: So when you Chinese think of Chinatown , you mostly think of food . Is that right ?\nB: Of course . I will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery down the block too.Then I can do a little cooking in my apartment .\nA: And maybe we can go to a good Italian restaurant for dinner , after the museum.Chicago has some great Italian restaurants .\nB: No way !\nA: What do you mean ?\nB: We're going up to the \" new \" Chinatown for dinner . I already know where we're going to go .\nA: Alright , alright . I am happy to try more Chinese food.Will it be dim sum again ?\nB: No , dim sum is usually eaten around lunch time , or sometimes closer to breakfast.We ' ll try more Taiwanese style up at the \" new \" Chinatown .\nA: Taiwanese style ? Isn't dim sum Taiwanese style ?\nB: No , dim sum is more Cantonese style.But of course you can buy it in Taiwan .\nA: I wonder if you can cook things this good .\nB: I'm a great cook actually . You will see .\n\nOption:\na) two hours\nb) three days\nc) two minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I'm glad we came here . This is really delicious !\nB: I was worried you would think it was too far to drive .\nA: Well , it's true I've never driven <MASK> just to get lunch.But really , I think it's worth it .\nB: I think if you try some more authentic Chinese food , you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer .\nA: How do you mean \" suffer \" ?\nB: I mean , in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food.So we miss the food in Taiwan too much.Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better .\nA: Even in the winter ?\nB: Yes , even in the winter .\nA: And even if it takes two hours , huh ?\nB: Why not ? I've been craving good food for three weeks now . I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza !\nA: Well , this really is delicious , I have to admit . I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining .\nB: Don't tease me ! Good food is really important to Chinese !\nA: I know . I can see that . This is what is called \" dim sum , \" right ?\nB: Yes , all these dishes are different \" dim sum \" dishes.You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America .\nA: So when you Chinese think of Chinatown , you mostly think of food . Is that right ?\nB: Of course . I will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery down the block too.Then I can do a little cooking in my apartment .\nA: And maybe we can go to a good Italian restaurant for dinner , after the museum.Chicago has some great Italian restaurants .\nB: No way !\nA: What do you mean ?\nB: We're going up to the \" new \" Chinatown for dinner . I already know where we're going to go .\nA: Alright , alright . I am happy to try more Chinese food.Will it be dim sum again ?\nB: No , dim sum is usually eaten around lunch time , or sometimes closer to breakfast.We ' ll try more Taiwanese style up at the \" new \" Chinatown .\nA: Taiwanese style ? Isn't dim sum Taiwanese style ?\nB: No , dim sum is more Cantonese style.But of course you can buy it in Taiwan .\nA: I wonder if you can cook things this good .\nB: I'm a great cook actually . You will see .\n\nOption:\na) two hours\nb) three weeks\nc) two minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , Xavier . I'd like to go over the list of jobs for next week's maintenance shut .\nB: Sure . We've got a lot to do in a short time . We're planning to shut the line at midday on Wednesday and start up again at 6 pm the following day . We might need to extend the shut by <MASK> .\nA: Our production people won't be happy about that . We've got a full order book at the moment . Is there any way you could speed things up ?\nB: Not really . We need to dismantle the conveyor belt and replace the rollers .\n\nOption:\na) about six hours\nb) about six seconds\nc) about twenty hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about six hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:We have been here for <MASK> and I have to leave now .\nB: Ok ! You know you're always welcome here . Did you enjoy your stay ?\nA: Yes , we have a very pleasant time . Thank you for being so nice for us .\nB: It's our pleasure . And is there anything else we can do for you before you leave here ?\nA: No , thanks . You've done a lot for us . Thank you for everything .\nB: Don't mention it . Oh , This is a small gift for you .\nA: Oh ! Thank you ! It's very kind of you .\nB: We hope you could visit our company again .\nA: We're sure we will . And welcome to our corporation next year . We're expecting you .\nB: Ok ! We'll definitely go to visit your company .\n\nOption:\na) about five days\nb) about three minutes \nc) about one year \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about five days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , I ' d like to have my phone turned on , please .\nB: At what address , sir ?\nA: 345 Lincoln Avenue . Oklahoma City .\nB: O . K . Your name please ?\nA: John Smith .\nB: One moment please . Very well , Mr . Smith . I need to ask you a few questions .\nA: Very well .\nB: The interview will take <MASK> , and your phone will be turned on in 24 hours .\nA: Fifteen minutes ? I ' m sorry , but I ' ll have to call back . I need to get back to work .\nB: O . K . Mr . Smith . Thanks for calling .\n\nOption:\na) about 15 minutes\nb) about 24 hours\nc) about 15 seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about 15 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning ! May I help you ?\nB: Good morning ! Is Mr . Smith in ? I'm Cheng Jun from China National Petroleum Corporation . I'd like to see him .\nA: Do you have an appointment with Mr . Smith ?\nB: Am . No , I have an urgency to talk with him .\nA: Wait a moment , please . I'll tell his secretary that you are here .\nB: Thank you .\nA: I'm sorry . He is holding a meeting until ten o'clock .\nB: It's <MASK> now . And I'll wait for him .\n\nOption:\na) nine o'clock\nb) five o'clock\nc) twelve o'clock\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "nine o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:We've been waiting here for nearly ten minutes now , and there still isn't a bus in sight .\nB: I'm afraid we'll be late for the party .\nA: Have you got the time , Tom ?\nB: Yes , my watch says a quarter to seven . but there is something wrong with my watch !\nA: But you bought it only last month .\nB: Yes , but ever since I bought it , it gains <MASK> a day , so I ' Ve got to have it repaired .\nA: How long will it take us to get there ?\nB: I think about ten minutes by bus .\nA: It's not far away , then . Let's walk , it's beginning to rain .\nB: Wait ! I think I see a bus coming now . Let's hope it's the No . 22 bus .\n\nOption:\na) about five minutes\nb) about 22 hours\nc) about ten seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about five minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:There's a car waiting for you just outside the door . Right this way , please .\nB: OK !\nA: Let me put your cases into the trunk and please get in the back .\nB: Thanks !\nA: How was your flight ?\nB: It's comfortable , but now I'm a little tired .\nA: We'll reach the Beijing hotel in another ten minutes . When we arrived there , you can go up and have a rest . The hotel has very good service , and it's considered as one of the best hotels here .\nB: Thank you ! I lived there when I came to Beijing last time . It's comfortable and beautiful .\nA: If it's convenient for you , Mr . Wu would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of you in the evening .\nB: Thank you ! I will . When and where will the dinner be ?\nA: At <MASK> in the International Hotel . We'll pick you up this afternoon . Besides , if you care for visiting , we'll arrange some sightseeing for you .\nB: Oh , that's nice . Thank you for arranging all of this .\n\nOption:\na) six o'clock\nb) eleven o'clock\nc) one o'clock\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "six o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:We've been waiting here for <MASK> now , and there still isn't a bus in sight .\nB: I'm afraid we'll be late for the party .\nA: Have you got the time , Tom ?\nB: Yes , my watch says a quarter to seven . but there is something wrong with my watch !\nA: But you bought it only last month .\nB: Yes , but ever since I bought it , it gains about five minutes a day , so I ' Ve got to have it repaired .\nA: How long will it take us to get there ?\nB: I think about ten minutes by bus .\nA: It's not far away , then . Let's walk , it's beginning to rain .\nB: Wait ! I think I see a bus coming now . Let's hope it's the No . 22 bus .\n\nOption:\na) nearly ten minutes\nb) 22 Hours\nc) Three seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "nearly ten minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Mr.Wang , we haven't discussed the mode of payment .\nB: You know Mr . Forster , this is a really large purchase . I am afraid we can't pay off at one time . We have to pay by installment .\nA: Do you mean you prefer a deferred payment ?\nB: Yes , Mr.Forester .\nA: When do you start the payment then ?\nB: We'll start our payment in half a year and the total amount will be paid off within <MASK> by three installments .\nA: We can accept that but you have to pay the interest .\nB: All right .\nA: Shall we sign the agreement now ?\nB: Ok , let's sign it .\n\nOption:\na) 2 years\nb) 3 days\nc) 60 years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2 years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:This apartment is wonderful .\nB: I ' m glad you like it .\nA: How much would I have to pay for rent ?\nB: The rent is $ <MASK> each month .\nA: That ' s way too much money .\nB: It isn ' t too much .\nA: How about if I pay $ 850 ?\nB: I can ' t take that .\nA: I can ' t go any higher than $ 850 .\nB: I honestly don ' t know what else to tell you .\nA: You can ' t go any lower than that ?\nB: If you can ' t afford $ 1050 , then we have no deal .\n\nOption:\na) 1050\nb) 10\nc) 4500\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1050", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What do you feel your greatest achievement has been at your current job ?\nB: I think my greatest accomplishment has been acquiring the Hans account .\nA: That certainly is quite an accomplishment .\nB: Yes , it took a year and a lot of initiative to get that account .\nA: What's your sales record been like there ?\nB: The last two years we have seen an increase in sales of about 30 % to 40 % each year , so I ' m very pleased . And our sales projections are quite good for <MASK> .\nA: If things are going so well , why do you want to leave the firm now ?\nB: Hmm ... I think I am ready for a new challenge . I've put a good team together at my present company , and I think If I want to take the next step in my career , it's time for me to move on .\n\nOption:\na) the next two years\nb) the next two days\nc) the next 30 decades\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "the next two years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:when do most children start school in your country ?\nB: In America , most children start primary school at the age of five .\nA: How much time do primary school students usually spend at school every day ?\nB: Kindergarten students usually only go to school for <MASK> every day , but after that , they spend about eight hours in school every day .\nA: do they have to go to school on Saturdays ?\nB: no , most children in America only go to school Monday through Friday .\nA: how many subjects do they have to study ?\nB: In most schools , they study about nine subjects .\nA: do students have to wear uniforms in schools in America ?\nB: some private schools require their students to wear uniforms , but public schools don't .\nA: did you go to a public school or a private school ?\nB: I went to a private school for elementary school and university , but went to a public school for high school . What about you ?\nA: I went to a boarding school from nursery school to senior high school .\nB: did you have to wear uniforms ?\nA: yes , they were horrible . We had to wear green every day !\nB: at least you didn't waste time thinking about what you were going to wear every day !\nA: that's true !\n\nOption:\na) about four hours\nb) about five minutes\nc) about eight hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about four hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning , Kate . Long time no see .\nB: Good morning , Vera , Nice to meet you .\nA: Kate , I know you ' Ve been a stewardess for <MASK> . And I ' ll have an interview on stewardess tomorrow . Can you tell me some etiquette about the interview ?\nB: Of course . First you should do up your long hair and do make up but not too thick .\nA: Is there anything else I should pay attention to ?\nB: Yes , when you attend the interview , you should pay attention to your manner , style of conversation and expression . You should keep smiling always , being polite when you talk with the interviewer . Don't move from time to time when you sit there . And you also should know how to use eye contact .\nA: Thank you , I've learned so much from you .\nB: That ' s all right . Hope you can do better tomorrow .\n\nOption:\na) more than one year\nb) more than 3 days \nc) more than 4 years \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "more than one year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What can I help you with ?\nB: May I ask you something ?\nA: What's your question ?\nB: How many hours behind the wheel do I need ?\nA: What do you need to take it for ?\nB: I'm trying to get my license .\nA: You need six hours .\nB: Can I do all six hours in <MASK> ?\nA: You have to do it in three days .\nB: That's all I have to do ?\nA: That's everything .\nB: Well , that's a relief .\n\nOption:\na) one day\nb) six months\nc) three minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one day", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I opened my mail , found this eviction notice , and don ' t know what to do with it .\nB: Actually , it is a <MASK> notice to vacate the premises .\nA: Just for being a few days late ?\nB: This isn ' t the first time you have been considerably late with the rent . I need to start the procedure to evict you .\nA: Are you taking my apartment away ?\nB: This is a notice to inform you that the sheriff will evict you in 30 days if you do not pay up on your rent .\nA: Can I keep the apartment if I pay my rent in full ?\nB: You can keep the apartment if you stay caught up on your rent . Otherwise , I need to find someone who can make the payments .\nA: I will go write a check right now .\nB: Thank you . I will need a cashier ' s check or cash , please .\n\nOption:\na) 30 - day\nb) 2 - day\nc) Five months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "30 - day", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Well , your qualifications for the job are excellent . And is there anything you'd like to ask about the job ?\nB: Yes , I'd like to know if the company provides opportunities for further education .\nA: Yes , our employees are allowed to take up <MASK> a month to attend college courses .\nB: That's very generous .\nA: I've enjoyed the conversation with you . We'll call you within 5 working days .\nB: Thank you . I appreciate the time you've given to me .\n\nOption:\na) 2 days\nb) 5 minutes\nc) 30 days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2 days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:How come it is slow as a snail today ?\nB: You mean the network connection ?\nA: Yes , I wanted to look for some information on the company page just now . It took me almost <MASK> to open it . Then there is no response for any click .\nB: I have the same question . I can ' t send out mails . We ' d better call the IT department and ask them to check it immediately .\nA: Ok .\n\nOption:\na) one minute\nb) Four hours\nc) Two days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one minute", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning Mr Smith . My name is Susan and I am a reporter for the Evening Star .\nB: Good morning . How can I help you ?\nA: I was hoping to talk to you today about your business .\nB: Very well .\nA: How long have you been the owner of your computer shop ?\nB: <MASK> .\nA: And how many staff do you employ ?\nB: There is my wife who does the accounts and my brother who helps with the sales .\nA: So this is a family business .\nB: Yes , we are a small family business .\nA: And how many computers do you sell each day ?\nB: That depends on the day . We sell from here and on the Internet . I would say about twenty to thirty per week .\nA: That about one hundred a month .\nB: That's correct .\nA: Thank you B for your time .\nB: Thank you and goodbye .\n\nOption:\na) About five years\nb) About a month\nc) About one hundred years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "About five years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good Morning Ann .\nB: Good Morning Mr Jones .\nA: How about a cup of coffee ?\nB: I will make it now .\nA: And can you tell me what meetings I have this week ?\nB: I will bring the diary .\nA: Okay , this afternoon you have a meeting with your accountant at <MASK> .\nB: On Wednesday , you are going to London . Don't forget your train leaves at 9.30 am .\nA: Okay , what time is my meeting in London ?\nB: At 11.30 . And on Thursday Ms Von wants to talk to you .\nA: Who is Ms Von ?\nB: She is our new project manager . She starts next week .\n\nOption:\na) 5:00 PM\nb) 9:30 AM\nc) 11:30 PM\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "5:00 PM", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hi , Jenny . Are you going to school now ?\nB: Yup . I have English at <MASK> .\nA: Got any plans after the class ?\nB: Not really . What about you ?\nA: We will have our midterm exams next month . I plan to look for some important books and study at the library . Do you want to join me ?\nB: Sure . I need to return some books . They are due today . Besides , I can also read some weekly publications , magazines and newspapers .\nA: Great . We can go to the swimming pool in the gymnasium after that .\nB: That sounds like a good idea . We can chill out a little in such a hot summer . Are you good at swimming ?\nA: Well , that's a good question . I haven't swum for almost two years . I think I need more practice .\nB: Oh , it's almost 9 . I need to hurry . I am running late now . See you after class in front of the library then . Bye !\nA: See you then .\n\nOption:\na) 9 in the morning\nb) next month \nc) 2 o'clock \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "9 in the morning", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Excuse me . Do you study Chinese at the university here ?\nB: Yes , I do . But my characters are very bad .\nA: It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing .\nB: Are you Chinese ?\nA: Yes , I am . I am from Taiwan . I came here to study political science .\nB: How do you like it ?\nA: I like it so far . But my English still needs work .\nB: I want to study Mandarin and international relations .\nA: Does the Chinese department here teach regular characters or simplified characters ?\nB: They teach regular characters .\nA: I see . I'm from Taiwan , so I know regular characters better than simplified .\nB: You just said your English needs work , yes ?\nA: Yes , that's true . Especially my writing . I think my papers aren't good enough . I make too many grammatical mistakes .\nB: Well , I am very serious about learning Chinese.But for me the hard part now is pronunciation.You have the four tones in Chinese . It is very hard . Maybe , if you have time , maybe we could do a language exchange .\nA: You mean you and I ?\nB: Yes , why not ? I mean , if you come to this cafe often , maybe we could meet here and practice Chinese and English .\nA: That sounds like a good idea . How often would you like to do it ?\nB: Let's see ... My schedule right now is quite busy.But I think I could spend 90 minutes a week in language exchange .\nA: How would we manage it though ? How would we spend the 90 minutes ?\nB: First , we could spend <MASK> working on your English writing.If you want , I could help you edit your papers.Or we could do English conversation . Whatever you want.And then the next 45 minutes you would help me with my Chinese .\nA: Would I help you with writing ?\nB: No . For me right now , the important thing is spoken Chinese . I need practice . So you could tutor me in speaking.We could use my textbook , and you could ask me questions.Then you could correct my mistakes .\nA: I think it sounds like a good system . But when is it convenient to meet ?\nB: Well , today is Monday.Actually , for me Monday at this time would be the best . I am free from now until 11\nA: Me too . In fact , I'm free until 1\nB: So if you want to meet at 10\nA: It sounds good . I will bring the papers I'm working on .\nB: And I will bring my textbook and a tape recorder . I would like to record some things so I can practice on my own .\nA: Let me give you my phone number .\nB: Sure . I'll give you mine too . Then we can call if we have to cancel for some reason .\n\nOption:\na) 45 minutes\nb) 90 minutes\nc) 45 days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "45 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Excuse me . Do you study Chinese at the university here ?\nB: Yes , I do . But my characters are very bad .\nA: It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing .\nB: Are you Chinese ?\nA: Yes , I am . I am from Taiwan . I came here to study political science .\nB: How do you like it ?\nA: I like it so far . But my English still needs work .\nB: I want to study Mandarin and international relations .\nA: Does the Chinese department here teach regular characters or simplified characters ?\nB: They teach regular characters .\nA: I see . I'm from Taiwan , so I know regular characters better than simplified .\nB: You just said your English needs work , yes ?\nA: Yes , that's true . Especially my writing . I think my papers aren't good enough . I make too many grammatical mistakes .\nB: Well , I am very serious about learning Chinese.But for me the hard part now is pronunciation.You have the four tones in Chinese . It is very hard . Maybe , if you have time , maybe we could do a language exchange .\nA: You mean you and I ?\nB: Yes , why not ? I mean , if you come to this cafe often , maybe we could meet here and practice Chinese and English .\nA: That sounds like a good idea . How often would you like to do it ?\nB: Let's see ... My schedule right now is quite busy.But I think I could spend 90 minutes a week in language exchange .\nA: How would we manage it though ? How would we spend the <MASK> ?\nB: First , we could spend 45 minutes working on your English writing.If you want , I could help you edit your papers.Or we could do English conversation . Whatever you want.And then the next 45 minutes you would help me with my Chinese .\nA: Would I help you with writing ?\nB: No . For me right now , the important thing is spoken Chinese . I need practice . So you could tutor me in speaking.We could use my textbook , and you could ask me questions.Then you could correct my mistakes .\nA: I think it sounds like a good system . But when is it convenient to meet ?\nB: Well , today is Monday.Actually , for me Monday at this time would be the best . I am free from now until 11\nA: Me too . In fact , I'm free until 1\nB: So if you want to meet at 10\nA: It sounds good . I will bring the papers I'm working on .\nB: And I will bring my textbook and a tape recorder . I would like to record some things so I can practice on my own .\nA: Let me give you my phone number .\nB: Sure . I'll give you mine too . Then we can call if we have to cancel for some reason .\n\nOption:\na) 90 minutes\nb) 45 minutes\nc) 45 days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "90 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Excuse me . Do you study Chinese at the university here ?\nB: Yes , I do . But my characters are very bad .\nA: It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing .\nB: Are you Chinese ?\nA: Yes , I am . I am from Taiwan . I came here to study political science .\nB: How do you like it ?\nA: I like it so far . But my English still needs work .\nB: I want to study Mandarin and international relations .\nA: Does the Chinese department here teach regular characters or simplified characters ?\nB: They teach regular characters .\nA: I see . I'm from Taiwan , so I know regular characters better than simplified .\nB: You just said your English needs work , yes ?\nA: Yes , that's true . Especially my writing . I think my papers aren't good enough . I make too many grammatical mistakes .\nB: Well , I am very serious about learning Chinese.But for me the hard part now is pronunciation.You have the four tones in Chinese . It is very hard . Maybe , if you have time , maybe we could do a language exchange .\nA: You mean you and I ?\nB: Yes , why not ? I mean , if you come to this cafe often , maybe we could meet here and practice Chinese and English .\nA: That sounds like a good idea . How often would you like to do it ?\nB: Let's see ... My schedule right now is quite busy.But I think I could spend <MASK> a week in language exchange .\nA: How would we manage it though ? How would we spend the 90 minutes ?\nB: First , we could spend 45 minutes working on your English writing.If you want , I could help you edit your papers.Or we could do English conversation . Whatever you want.And then the next 45 minutes you would help me with my Chinese .\nA: Would I help you with writing ?\nB: No . For me right now , the important thing is spoken Chinese . I need practice . So you could tutor me in speaking.We could use my textbook , and you could ask me questions.Then you could correct my mistakes .\nA: I think it sounds like a good system . But when is it convenient to meet ?\nB: Well , today is Monday.Actually , for me Monday at this time would be the best . I am free from now until 11\nA: Me too . In fact , I'm free until 1\nB: So if you want to meet at 10\nA: It sounds good . I will bring the papers I'm working on .\nB: And I will bring my textbook and a tape recorder . I would like to record some things so I can practice on my own .\nA: Let me give you my phone number .\nB: Sure . I'll give you mine too . Then we can call if we have to cancel for some reason .\n\nOption:\na) 90 minutes\nb) 45 seconds\nc) 10 hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "90 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Today is Saturday , isn't it ?\nB: Yes , what's wrong ?\nA: What's the date today ?\nB: Today is September 28th , 2007 .\nA: I have a meeting this afternoon .\nB: When will it begin ?\nA: It will begin at three o'cock . What's the time now ?\nB: It is <MASK> .\nA: I have to go now . I don't want to be late .\nB: Don't worry , time is enough .\n\nOption:\na) half past one\nb) half past three\nc) half past nine\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "half past one", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Lucy , you ' re back . How was your first day of school ?\nB: It was great . I had a really good time .\nA: What classes did you have ?\nB: Well , I had English from <MASK> , art from 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock , and math from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock .\nA: What do you think about the teachers ?\nB: To be honest , I liked all of them , except for the math teacher . Though he must be quite young , he seem like an old person . He ' s so boring !\nA: That ' s too bad . How was your English teacher ?\nB: She was great . In today ' s class , she gave us a lecture on how to be a good student . She told us not to arm for exams , and to pay more attention on communicating than memorizing .\nA: Where is she from ?\nB: She said that she ' s from a small town in the middle of America .\nA: Were you able to understand everything that she said ?\nB: Not everything , but nearly . She speaks very clearly and doesn ' t use very complex words so that it is easy for us to understand her .\nA: She sounds like a good teacher . Do you think you ' ll pass her class ?\nB: Yes ... with flying colors !\nA: What does that mean ?\nB: It ' s a new phrase that she taught us today . It means that I will not only pass the class , but I will do extremely well !\nA: If you like the class this much already , I ' m sure you will .\nB: I hope so .\nA: did she give you any homework ?\nB: not today . She said she wanted us to relax tonight instead of doing homework ,\nA: no wonder you like the class so much .\n\nOption:\na) 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock\nb) 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock\nc) 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "9 o'clock to 11 o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hey , This is your order .\nB: Are you new here ? I come to this coffeehouse often . But I didn't see you here before .\nA: Yes . I started this part-time job just three days ago . And my internship will <MASK> . I'm still a student now .\nB: Do you mind if I ask you why you've taken the part-time job here ?\nA: Of course not . You know , there are many foreign customers like you here . And I think it's good for me to improve my oral English .\nB: Oh , are you an English student ? Or you just study English for interest's sake ?\nA: No , I'm not an English student . But I do like English . I'm going to be a volunteer in the 2008 Olympics where I want to be helpful with the language . So I try to improve my English .\nB: Very nice . Thank you for your time .\nA: Thank you , sir . But I'm not allowed to accept any tips .\nB: OK then . I don't want to put you in trouble .\nA: Well , would you like something else ? The new-made cafe parfait is really good . Want some ?\nB: OK . But I'd like some cookies .\nA: Sure . If you want more coffee , please go over there . There is self-help coffee maker .\nB: I surely know that . Don't forget that I am a regular customer here .\nA: Oops . Well , wait for a while . We'll get it done quickly .\nB: It's OK . Thank you .\n\nOption:\na) last 1 week\nb) last three weeks\nc) last 5 weeks\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "last 1 week", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Are these your text books ? Biochemistry , General Ecology , Botany , Cell Genetics , Molecular Genetics ...\nB: Yes . I gotta review all of them for the final exam . It is just around the corner .\nA: Oh , right ! Do you have many exams at the end of each semester ?\nB: That depends . Some semesters have many , some don't . And some courses don't have exams but only ask for papers . That's easy .\nA: And when do you prepare for your final exam ?\nB: Honestly speaking , most students prepare it <MASK> before the exam .\nA: Really ? You only review your lessons in one month ? Does it work ?\nB: Of course , it's useful . And it's very crucial to have the copies of teacher's notes , because most questions in the exam are based on them .\nA: Wow , and all the key points are included in them ? You're so smart !\nB: But the exam is not as simple as you may imagine . We have to stay up late .\nA: Do you have the classrooms open for the whole night ?\nB: Yes , some people even pack up his bed quilt and sleep there . That's a little bit crazy .\n\nOption:\na) one month\nb) whole night \nc) four days \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one month", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I think you are an excellent person . Honestly speaking , you are very suitable for this job\nB: Thank you very much for your evaluation . I also like this job very much .\nA: I want to know your earliest available entry time .\nB: Oh , let me think ... Maybe two months later .\nA: It's too late . If you could get the job , could you start a little earlier ?\nB: I'm sorry I can't , because I haven't finished my thesis .\nA: What a pity !\nB: When do you usually require the new employee to start ?\nA: Within two weeks , because the new employees need to receive induction training .\nB: I will make an arrangement for it .\nA: I hope you can come to our company to work .\nB: I will give you an exact reply as soon as possible .\nA: OK , I will keep this position for you for <MASK> .\nB: Thank you very much .\n\nOption:\na) one week\nb) two months later \nc) three seconds \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one week", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good afternoon . How can I help you ?\nB: Good afternoon . My name is Monica . I am here for the job interview at 2 PM .\nA: Ok , please first fill in the form and return it to me . You can do it in the next door .\nB: Done . Here is my paper .\nA: Everybody attention . I would like to make sure you all know the process . The interview consists of three parts . One , all of the interviewees will answer the questionnaire and it lasts for maximum one hour . Two , we will take a <MASK> ' s break . After the break , we all come back to this office and I will announce the successful candidates for the 2nd round . In which , you have a small interview with your future manager .\nB: What about the 3rd round ?\nA: Good question . But I will tell you when you pass the first two .\n\nOption:\na) 30 - minute\nb) 2 - minute\nc) 3 - day\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "30 - minute", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Miss Fallen , can you tell me why you want to get a visa to the States ?\nB: To study . I am going to the University of Tampa to do a postgraduate course for three years .\nA: And do you have the Letter of Acceptance from the University with you ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thank you very much . And do you have any proof of the financial support for the three years ?\nB: I've got a letter from my bank here . It shows I am able to support myself during these three years of studies .\nA: Could I see that , please ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thanks very much . Well , I'll be able to give you a visa for one year , a student visa , that is .\nB: Oh , but mine is a <MASK> program .\nA: Yes , it is a three-year , but you can renew the visa each year in the States . It is our usual procedure .\nB: Okay , thank you .\n\nOption:\na) three-year\nb) one-year\nc) three-decade\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three-year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:This is today ' s schedule . At 8: 30AM , conference with the department managers . At 9 o ' clock , live for the workshop where you ' ll award prizes to the staff for preventatives .\nB: That ' s great . What are the prizes ?\nA: 3000 RIB as bonus for each person .\nB: To encourage the staff increases .\nA: Ok . Next thing is laying the corner-stone for the new plant at 10 AM . At 12 AM , back here for lunch .\nB: What about the afternoon ?\nA: At <MASK> , give a presentation here with the press . At four o ' clock sharp , have dinner with Mr . Smith , manager of NCC .\n\nOption:\na) 2:00 PM\nb) 4:00 PM\nc) 8: 30AM\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2:00 PM", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Miss Fallen , can you tell me why you want to get a visa to the States ?\nB: To study . I am going to the University of Tampa to do a postgraduate course for three years .\nA: And do you have the Letter of Acceptance from the University with you ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thank you very much . And do you have any proof of the financial support for the three years ?\nB: I've got a letter from my bank here . It shows I am able to support myself during these three years of studies .\nA: Could I see that , please ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thanks very much . Well , I'll be able to give you a visa for <MASK> , a student visa , that is .\nB: Oh , but mine is a three-year program .\nA: Yes , it is a three-year , but you can renew the visa each year in the States . It is our usual procedure .\nB: Okay , thank you .\n\nOption:\na) one year\nb) three years\nc) three days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "one year", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Miss Fallen , can you tell me why you want to get a visa to the States ?\nB: To study . I am going to the University of Tampa to do a postgraduate course for three years .\nA: And do you have the Letter of Acceptance from the University with you ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thank you very much . And do you have any proof of the financial support for the three years ?\nB: I've got a letter from my bank here . It shows I am able to support myself during these <MASK> of studies .\nA: Could I see that , please ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thanks very much . Well , I'll be able to give you a visa for one year , a student visa , that is .\nB: Oh , but mine is a three-year program .\nA: Yes , it is a three-year , but you can renew the visa each year in the States . It is our usual procedure .\nB: Okay , thank you .\n\nOption:\na) three years\nb) One month\nc) Five weeks\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Would you mind if I ask the insurance policy of our company ?\nB: No , I don't . Please .\nA: I wonder whether I can enjoy the life insurance and health insurance .\nB: Of course . And 2 - week paid vacation a year , a <MASK> work week .\n\nOption:\na) 5 - day\nb) 2-minute \nc) 1-day\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "5 - day", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Miss Fallen , can you tell me why you want to get a visa to the States ?\nB: To study . I am going to the University of Tampa to do a postgraduate course for three years .\nA: And do you have the Letter of Acceptance from the University with you ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thank you very much . And do you have any proof of the financial support for the <MASK> ?\nB: I've got a letter from my bank here . It shows I am able to support myself during these three years of studies .\nA: Could I see that , please ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thanks very much . Well , I'll be able to give you a visa for one year , a student visa , that is .\nB: Oh , but mine is a three-year program .\nA: Yes , it is a three-year , but you can renew the visa each year in the States . It is our usual procedure .\nB: Okay , thank you .\n\nOption:\na) three years\nb) one month\nc) 3 days \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Miss Fallen , can you tell me why you want to get a visa to the States ?\nB: To study . I am going to the University of Tampa to do a postgraduate course for <MASK> .\nA: And do you have the Letter of Acceptance from the University with you ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thank you very much . And do you have any proof of the financial support for the three years ?\nB: I've got a letter from my bank here . It shows I am able to support myself during these three years of studies .\nA: Could I see that , please ?\nB: Yes , here it is .\nA: Thanks very much . Well , I'll be able to give you a visa for one year , a student visa , that is .\nB: Oh , but mine is a three-year program .\nA: Yes , it is a three-year , but you can renew the visa each year in the States . It is our usual procedure .\nB: Okay , thank you .\n\nOption:\na) three years\nb) one year\nc) three decades\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello , Jack . I'm John .\nB: I'm glad to see you !\nA: Sit down , please . Maybe you have read the contract , but I want to give you the details again before you sign the contract . You must have a three-month internship .\nB: Yes , I know .\nA: When you become a permanent employee , you will have the insurances . You will get monthly pay and will be on eight-hour / day work shift .\nB: Wait , will I have five insurances and one fund ?\nA: Yes . You can also enjoy legal holidays and year-end bonus .\nB: It sounds great !\nA: If you need to work overtime , you will get twice the usual salary as overtime pay .\nB: OK .\nA: You have read the relevant terms of the contract . Do you have other questions ?\nB: How long will the induction training be ?\nA: <MASK> .\nB: I see .\nA: If you don't have other questions , just sign here .\nB: OK .\n\nOption:\na) About two weeks\nb) About eight minutes\nc) About three years\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "About two weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:In my country , we go to school from <MASK> until five in the afternoon .\nB: Five days a week , too ?\nA: Actually , five and a half.On Saturday , we have classes only in the morning .\nB: Gosh !\nA: That's too much for us really .\nB: Where are you going now ?\nA: I'm going to try to find out where the school is located .\nB: When do you start school ?\nA: I'm going to register right now .\nB: That's good .\n\nOption:\na) 8 o'clock in the morning\nb) 12 o'clock in the morning\nc) 5 o'clock in the morning\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "8 o'clock in the morning", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Can you tell me what the date and time of our field trip is ?\nB: We are leaving on our science field trip at 8 a . m . next Monday . Do you have something to write that down on ?\nA: Yes , I can write that on my calendar .\nB: That will be on the second of December . Be there half an hour early to get your bags on the bus . Do you understand ?\nA: Yes , I understand .\nB: The bus will bring you back <MASK> on December 8th . Is someone coming to get you ?\nA: No , I don't have a ride yet .\nB: We will be leaving the campground at 5 in the evening and arrive at our campus at 8 p.m.Any more questions .\nA: How much will the trip cost ?\nB: I put all of that information in the packet . I'll give you another copy if you need one . See you on Monday !\n\nOption:\na) 6 days later\nb) 5 minutes later\nc) 8 months later\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "6 days later", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Have you ever been involved in the auditing work ?\nB: Yes , I have . I was employed by the financial section of the university ever since I graduated . I worked there for 3 years . Then I had worked in a bank for 3 years .\nA: How long did it take you to become an auditor ?\nB: Very short time . I became an auditor within <MASK> .\n\nOption:\na) three months\nb) 3 hours \nc) 3 years \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three months", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What were you and Richard talking about earlier ? It looked intense .\nB: Yeah , Richard said something to me that I didn't appreciate .\nA: Oh , no . I know how insensitive he can be . What has he done now ?\nB: He asked me how long it took me to learn English .\nA: But , you were born and raised in California !\nB: Yeah , but I get that sometimes . It doesn't matter how many generations my family has lived in the U . S . , we'll always be foreigners in their eyes .\nA: What a racist ! How can you stand working with the guy ?\nB: You know , Richard isn't such a bad guy . He made the comment out of ignorance , not malice .\nA: So , what did you say when he asked you how long it took you to learn English ?\nB: I told him <MASK> . And , he knows I'm 28 years old since I just celebrated my birthday last week . He was puzzled for a minute , and then he got it .\nA: Are you sure he really got the message ?\nB: Yeah , I'm pretty sure since I then asked him how long it took him to learn English .\nA: That's hilarious ! What did he say ?\nB: He said , ' 36 years , ' and we both laughed about it . He apologized and now , it's all good .\nA: I'm glad . I bet he won't make that mistake again .\n\nOption:\na) 28 years\nb) 36 days \nc) 49 years \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "28 years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Do you have any other questions ?\nB: Yes , may I ask something about the salary and benefits in your company ?\nA: According to our regulations , you will be on probation for the first three months .\nB: What is the salary while on probation ?\nA: In this period , you can only get the basic salary , 2,500 yuan per month .\nB: That sounds fine .\nA: The salary will be deposited into the bank on the 15th every month . Your salary will be raised every year in October , depending on your performance can get a bonus once a year.and it's normally in December .\nB: Are there paid holidays ?\nA: Yes , you may enjoy a <MASK> paid holiday in the first year . After that , you can have two more days each year .\n\nOption:\na) seven-day\nb) three months \nc) 15 hours \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "seven-day", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:When are we leaving for our field trip ?\nB: Our science field trip is next Monday at 8 a . m . in the morning . Can you mark that on your calendar ?\nA: Yes , I will write that down .\nB: That will be Monday , December 2nd . We need to start loading the buses half an hour early , so plan to arrive at 7 .\nA: Yes , I will be there on time .\nB: We will return <MASK> on December 8th . Will someone be picking you up ?\nA: Yes , someone is coming to get me .\nB: The return bus will leave the campground at 5 p . m . and return to campus 3 hours later at 8 p . m .\nA: What should we bring with us ?\nB: I am going to post all of that information on the geology club web page . Check it out when you get a chance . See you Monday !\n\nOption:\na) 6 days later\nb) 3 hours later\nc) 8 months later\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "6 days later", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Excuse me , Professor , is there a time when I could meet with you ?\nB: I could meet with you tomorrow anywhere from <MASK> ; what time works out best ?\nA: I would like to come in at three o'clock .\nB: I am glad that that works out ; can you find my office ?\nA: Yes , I can .\nB: Just follow the walkway to the outside and climb the stairs to the third floor .\nA: I got it .\nB: If you do get lost , just ask someone in the building to point the way .\nA: Thank you , I'll be there .\nB: If you need to cancel your appointment , please give me a call !\n\nOption:\na) two until four\nb) seven until nine\nc) twelve until three\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two until four", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello.Is Bob there , please ?\nB: Hold on a second please . I'm sorry . He has gone out .\nA: Oh.This is Paul.When will he be back ?\nB: He will be back at <MASK> .\nA: Can I leave a message please ?\nB: Yes , certainly .\nA: Please tell him I'll call him at the office tomorrow afternoon .\nB: All right . I'll tell him when he comes back .\nA: Thank you very much .\n\nOption:\na) about seven o'clock\nb) tomorrow afternoon\nc) a second\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about seven o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning , sir.Can I help you ?\nB: Yes , I'd like to see the manager.Here ' s my card .\nA: Thank you , Mr.Wang.Do you have an appointment ?\nB: No , I'm afraid I don't . Is it possible for me to see him now ?\nA: I'm afraid Mr.Li is engaged at the moment . Would you mind waiting ?\nB: Well , how long will it be ?\nA: About half an hour .\nB: That's too bad . I can't wait that long . I have another appointment at ten .\nA: Can the Assistant Manager meet you instead ?\nB: No , I have discussed the details about sales of our new equipment with the manager on the telephone yesterday .\nA: Do you want to make another appointment ?\nB: Yes , I suppose that's the best thing I can do for now . I'll be here on Thursday morning at <MASK> . Is that all right ?\nA: Yes , I'll make a note of that and ask Mr.Li to confirm .\n\nOption:\na) 10 o'clock\nb) 3 o'clock\nc) 12 o'clock\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "10 o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Gordon , you're ever so late .\nB: Yes , I am sorry . I missed the bus .\nA: But there's a bus every ten minutes , and you are over <MASK> late .\nB: Well , I missed several buses .\nA: How on earth can you miss several buses ?\nB: I , ah ... , I got have late .\nA: Oh , come on , Gordon , it's the afternoon now . Why were you late really ?\nB: Well , I ... I lost my wallet , and I ...\nA: Have you got it now ?\nB: Yes , I found it again .\nA: When ?\nB: This morning . I mean ...\nA: I am not convinced by your explanation .\n\nOption:\na) 1 hour\nb) ten seconds\nc) nine hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1 hour", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Now , Mr.William , a little personal information first , are you married ?\nB: Yes . I am . Actually my wife is a teacher .\nA: What's your major ?\nB: German .\nA: How long have you been study in German ?\nB: Since I first met my wife , <MASK> .\nA: And just one more question , would you like to be an interpreter ?\nB: Yes , I ' d like to do that .\nA: Very good , you can come here to work next month .\nB: Thank you .\n\nOption:\na) about three years\nb) About four months\nc) About two days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about three years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:You won ' t believe who ' s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ' Ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime !\nB: Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant .\nA: They were supposed to , but so far nobody ' s turned up , and I ' m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ' Ve had all day .\nB: They ' re really running you into the ground . Why don ' t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere .\nA: You won ' t believe who ' s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ' Ve already logged in <MASK> of overtime !\nB: Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant .\nA: They were supposed to , but so far nobody ' s turned up , and I ' m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ' Ve had all day .\nB: They ' re really running you into the ground . Why don ' t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere .\nA: You won ' t believe who ' s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ' Ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime !\nB: Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant .\nA: They were supposed to , but so far nobody ' s turned up , and I ' m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ' Ve had all day .\nB: They ' re really running you into the ground . Why don ' t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere .\n\nOption:\na) 20 hours\nb) 30 hours\nc) 50 hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "20 hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:You won ' t believe who ' s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ' Ve already logged in <MASK> of overtime !\nB: Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant .\nA: They were supposed to , but so far nobody ' s turned up , and I ' m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ' Ve had all day .\nB: They ' re really running you into the ground . Why don ' t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere .\nA: You won ' t believe who ' s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ' Ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime !\nB: Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant .\nA: They were supposed to , but so far nobody ' s turned up , and I ' m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ' Ve had all day .\nB: They ' re really running you into the ground . Why don ' t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere .\nA: You won ' t believe who ' s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account ! Me ! I ' Ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime !\nB: Wow ! Why so much ? I thought they were getting you an assistant .\nA: They were supposed to , but so far nobody ' s turned up , and I ' m left on my own to do the work . This is the first break I ' Ve had all day .\nB: They ' re really running you into the ground . Why don ' t you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere .\n\nOption:\na) 20 hours\nb) 20 minutes\nc) 20 days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "20 hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I ' m tired , Larry . Can we have a break ?\nB: What ? You ' re tired ? But we just started <MASK> .\nA: I know , but I ' m really tired . My stomach feels funny .\nB: What ' s the matter ? Didn ' t you sleep well last night ?\nA: I was too excited to sleep last night . I didn ' t go to sleep until quite late .\nB: Then when did you go to sleep ?\nA: About 2 o ' clock in the morning .\nB: When ?\nA: About 2 o ' clock .\nB: Oh , Susie . Didn ' t I tell you over and over again that you wouldn ' t be able to climb the mountain unless you got enough sleep ?\nA: You did , but I can ' t help it .\nB: This is a one-day trip . We ' ll have to keep going and try to reach the top by noon or give up right now and go home . Which one do you choose ?\nA: Which one do I choose ? I don ' t want to give up , but I really feel tired .\nB: So , make up your mind quickly . Whether to keep going or give up .\nA: Let me think about it . What should I do ? I think I will not give up .\n\nOption:\na) about twenty minutes ago\nb) About two seconds ago\nc) About four hours ago\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about twenty minutes ago", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Jack ! You've really done it this time .\nB: What ? What happened ?\nA: I told you to get this consignment out last week.We can't very well run a light bulb conference without any light bulbs , can we ? What am I going to do with you ?\nB: Please , give me one more chance . I'll never let it happen again . I'm very sorry .\nA: Well , I guess I could give you one more chance , but this is the last time.In themeantime , I hear that Tom who normally does night shift is taking <MASK> ' vacation , Can you think of anyone who would be willing to work nights while he is gone ?\nB: Um , me ?\nA: Bingo !\n\nOption:\na) three weeks\nb) three hours\nc) Four months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:This is today ' s schedule . At eight thirty , conference with the department managers . At 9 o ' clock , live for the workshop where you ' ll award prizes to the stafffor preventatives .\nB: That ' s great . What are the prizes ?\nA: 3000 RIB as bonus for each person .\nB: To encourage the staff increases .\nA: Ok . Next thing is laying the corner-stone for the new plant at <MASK> . At 12 AM , back here for lunch .\nB: What about the afternoon ?\nA: At 2 PM , give a presentation here with the press . At four o ' clock sharp , have dinner with Mr . Smith , manager of NCC .\n\nOption:\na) 10:00 AM\nb) four o ' clock\nc) 2 PM\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "10:00 AM", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello , I wish to speak to Mr.Zhang .\nB: This is he speaking .\nA: Oh , how do you do , Mr.Zhang ? This is Mary speaking , I have a present for you from Wu of Beijing .\nB: Oh , thank you .\nA: Mr.Wu had told me that you were coming to Changchun . May I call on you at your hotel tomorrow ?\nB: Yes , it's all right . Shall we say <MASK> ?\nA: Great . Then I'll be at your hotel at two .\nB: All Right .\nA: How could I get there ?\nB: The hotel is near to People's Square . Its name is Bai Ju Hotel .\nA: what's your room number ?\nB: It's Room 302 on the third floor . But I'll be waiting for you in the lobby , If you can't find me , please page me .\nA: I'll do that , Mr.Zhang , See you tomorrow .\nB: See you !\n\nOption:\na) two in the afternoon\nb) four in the afternoon\nc) three in the morning\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two in the afternoon", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What upsets you ?\nB: My parents called . As usual , they reminded me again that I should have a plan to marry by my late 20s . Easier said then done . Who should I marry ? I have no time to go on a date .\nA: It is not your mother finding one for you ?\nB: I will find one myself , of course . I ' m a modern girl .\nA: Perhaps you can try the three minutes date , the latest type .\nB: You mean dozens of the opposite sex meet each other for three minutes in a dimly bar serving alcohol , I hate that idea .\nA: No , there is an updated virgin , <MASK> video date . I know an online dating website providing such service with a microphone and webcam , you can sigh for it . You can be face-to-face with a guy talking for maximum three minutes .\nB: I don ' t think it makes sense . Three minutes is such a short time .\nA: I think you can find out if there is a possibility of romance within the first second of meeting someone , so-called love at first sight .\nB: Anyway , I don ' t want to post my face up for sale on the internet like that .\nA: Don ' t worry . There are many other options using the internet as dating methods . Some sites operate at international standard even have got certifications . Of course , for these sites , you have to pay a membership fee . But all in all , it is more serious and professional . The chance of meeting a good and serious person who does not play games is higher .\nB: I don ' t want to post my personal information on the internet . I ' m not knowing who is reading it .\n\nOption:\na) three minutes\nb) 20 seconds \nc) three hours \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What upsets you ?\nB: My parents called . As usual , they reminded me again that I should have a plan to marry by my late 20s . Easier said then done . Who should I marry ? I have no time to go on a date .\nA: It is not your mother finding one for you ?\nB: I will find one myself , of course . I ' m a modern girl .\nA: Perhaps you can try the three minutes date , the latest type .\nB: You mean dozens of the opposite sex meet each other for <MASK> in a dimly bar serving alcohol , I hate that idea .\nA: No , there is an updated virgin , three minutes video date . I know an online dating website providing such service with a microphone and webcam , you can sigh for it . You can be face-to-face with a guy talking for maximum three minutes .\nB: I don ' t think it makes sense . Three minutes is such a short time .\nA: I think you can find out if there is a possibility of romance within the first second of meeting someone , so-called love at first sight .\nB: Anyway , I don ' t want to post my face up for sale on the internet like that .\nA: Don ' t worry . There are many other options using the internet as dating methods . Some sites operate at international standard even have got certifications . Of course , for these sites , you have to pay a membership fee . But all in all , it is more serious and professional . The chance of meeting a good and serious person who does not play games is higher .\nB: I don ' t want to post my personal information on the internet . I ' m not knowing who is reading it .\n\nOption:\na) three minutes\nb) 20 seconds \nc) one day \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "three minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What upsets you ?\nB: My parents called . As usual , they reminded me again that I should have a plan to marry by my late 20s . Easier said then done . Who should I marry ? I have no time to go on a date .\nA: It is not your mother finding one for you ?\nB: I will find one myself , of course . I ' m a modern girl .\nA: Perhaps you can try <MASK> date , the latest type .\nB: You mean dozens of the opposite sex meet each other for three minutes in a dimly bar serving alcohol , I hate that idea .\nA: No , there is an updated virgin , three minutes video date . I know an online dating website providing such service with a microphone and webcam , you can sigh for it . You can be face-to-face with a guy talking for maximum three minutes .\nB: I don ' t think it makes sense . Three minutes is such a short time .\nA: I think you can find out if there is a possibility of romance within the first second of meeting someone , so-called love at first sight .\nB: Anyway , I don ' t want to post my face up for sale on the internet like that .\nA: Don ' t worry . There are many other options using the internet as dating methods . Some sites operate at international standard even have got certifications . Of course , for these sites , you have to pay a membership fee . But all in all , it is more serious and professional . The chance of meeting a good and serious person who does not play games is higher .\nB: I don ' t want to post my personal information on the internet . I ' m not knowing who is reading it .\n\nOption:\na) the three minutes\nb) the one hour\nc) the 20 minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "the three minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Good morning.Are you Mr.Liu ?\nB: My name is Liu Lichi . How do you do ?\nA: How do you do ? Please be seated , How is your trip here ?\nB: Quite good , I think . I came here by bus , and it took me <MASK> .\nA: Oh , yes.How old are you ?\nB: Twenty .\nA: Hum , still a student ?\nB: Yes , I'm student of grade 3 in the university majoring in economics .\nA: What subjects are you studying ?\nB: English , math , commercial and legal studies , and accountancy .\nA: Have you had any working experience .\nB: Well , I worked at a supermarket during last summer holidays .\nA: What do you like to do in your spare time ?\nB: I like sports very much.Besides that , I also like working on a computer in my spare time .\nA: How are your English and computer skills ?\nB: I have passed the CET - 4 and 6.As far as computer is concerned I can use the computer for word processing .\nA: Okay . Mr.Liu , we'll inform you of the results within a week .\n\nOption:\na) about 15 minutes\nb) Twenty seconds\nc) a week\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about 15 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Can you be serious for a moment , we've been dating for <MASK> now , I really like you . I'd like to take a relationship to the next level .\nB: So what are you trying to say to me ?\nA: It feels like you are not dedicate to our relationship . It seems like you treat it as a just casual dating .\nB: How should I say it ?\nA: I don't want to be like this . I think we should get step further .\nB: It has only been 6 months , our relationship hasn't had a chance to maturate . We are still have some hurdle we have to jump over .\nA: Like what ?\nB: Last week I saw Brain kissing you on the cheek .\nA: It was only the cheek .\nB: That is ok , then ? Starts on the cheek ? pretty soon you french kiss in the back on his car .\nA: Oh , that is ridiculous .\nB: So is it ok if I kiss other women on the cheek ?\nA: Definitely not .\nB: You see , we still have hurdle .\n\nOption:\na) 6 months\nb) 6 days\nc) 6 decades\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "6 months", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Now please tell me something about your past work achievements .\nB: All right , madam . When I was sales manager at the Beijing Friendship Store . I succeeded in raising the yearly sales volume by 25 percent and profit margins from 50 percent to 80 percent .\nA: That is quite an achievement ! Do you consider it your most rewarding work experience ?\nB: I don't think so . I'll create further achievement in the future .\nA: Have you received any honors ?\nB: Yes . I got the title of Advance Worker in <MASK> .\nA: Do you have any publications ?\nB: Yes . I wrote a thesis entitled On Interpersonal Relations in the Socialist Market Economy and it was published in China Daily .\n\nOption:\na) 2006\nb) 1925\nc) 2020\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2006", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Stephanie ! Did you just get to school ? But you were up and about when I left the dorm this morning ! That was about an hour and a half ago . This happens all the time ! Why do you always take so long\nB: It ' s a skill . What can I say ? I don ' t know why , I just have a long routine .\nA: Please explain because it makes no sense to me . How can a girl ' s routine be so complicated ? You get up , you shower , you get dressed , you brush your teeth , you ' re out the door . Half an hour , tops .\nB: Jacob , you have the luxury of having a haircut that rarely needs styling . I don ' t . I have to set aside about an hour and a half to get ready in the mornings . Every day , I wake up and head straight for the shower . Every second day , I wash my hair . If it ' s a hair-washing day , I frequently need to wash my hair twice because it gets really oily . Then I usually put in a conditioner and have to rinse that out too . Because my hair is so long , I seldom manage to take a shower in under <MASK> . Afterwards , I often put on a pot of coffee and get dressed while I wait for it to brew . I take a long time to get dressed in the morning . Every now and then I remember to choose my outfit the night before , but usually I do it in the morning . In all , getting dressed takes about half an hour , at which time my hair is now semi-dry so then I have to style my hair . From time to time I ' ll put my hair up , butoften times I bloody it straight . And then , because of the texture of my hair , I regularly have to flat-iron it to keep it from frizzing . That ' s another twenty minutes or so . After that , I have my daily makeup routine .\nA: True , I hardly ever see you without your hair done and your makeup on , even when you show up to class in sweatpants . Tell me , how long does it take you to choose that outfit in the morning ?\nB: Not funny .\n\nOption:\na) twenty minutes\nb) an hour\nc) two seconds\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "twenty minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What is the most enjoyable part about your job ?\nB: I think meeting people . There are people from all over the country , all over the world , all walks of life which is the most interesting part of my job .\nA: What do you find annoying ?\nB: Well , I work very long hours , ten hours a day is quite normal . And if something important comes up , I ' m often in the office until 8 or <MASK> .\n\nOption:\na) 9 in the evening\nb) 6:00 am \nc) 1:00 am \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "9 in the evening", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hey , there's Leo . I wonder why he's walking arm in arm with that young woman .\nB: It's as plain as the nose on your face . They're dating each other .\nA: You're pulling my leg ! She must be <MASK> younger than Leo . Talk about robbing the cradle !\nB: Well , you can bet this relationship's going to be a flash in the pan .\nA: It must have been love at first sight because I know he didn't have a girlfriend last week .\nB: I think you are absolutely right . Actually , my father proposed to my mother after knowing her only two weeks . They got married a month later .\n\nOption:\na) thirty years\nb) two weeks\nc) three months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "thirty years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What day is it ?\nB: It's <MASK> . Speaking of dates , when are you leaving ?\nA: I'm leaving on November 10th .\nB: Isn't it a Sunday ?\nA: No , it's a Monday .\nB: So you are leaving two weeks from now ?\nA: Right .\n\nOption:\na) Monday , October 27\nb) Monday , November 10\nc) Sunday, October 2\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Monday , October 27", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Tomorrow is my day off . I wonder if it's convenient to change our appointment from tomorrow to next Wednesday , still at the same time .\nB: I'm afraid I won't be free next week .\nA: It's a shame.Will this afternoon be all right ? But I can only spare you an hour and a half today , from <MASK> .\nB: That's OK .\n\nOption:\na) four o'clock\nb) Nine o'clock\nc) Eleven o'clock\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "four o'clock", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Dad , what's the date ?\nB: It's <MASK> .\nA: In seven days it will be Christmas Day .\nB: Yes , I know that .\nA: So , can I buy some new shoes as a Christmas present ?\nB: Sure , a promise is a promise .\n\nOption:\na) December eighteenth\nb) December fifteen\nc) March seven\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "December eighteenth", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Do you surf online regularly , Joe ?\nB: Of course . I stay online for <MASK> at least every day .\nA: Are you crazy ? What are you doing four hours online ?\nB: Millions of things . I surf the Net , check my e-mail , and most importantly , I chat with my friends .\nA: Online chat ? Aren't you afraid of meeting bad people who pretend to be what they are not ?\nB: No , I am not . And I love to meet new people in the chat rooms who share a lot in common with me .\nA: It sounds interesting .\n\nOption:\na) four hours\nb) four seconds\nc) twenty three hours\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "four hours", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:May I come in ?\nB: Come in , please .\nA: I'm sorry to trouble you , but I'd like to ask when I will get a raise .\nB: In 3 months or so .\nA: You said the same thing three months ago .\nB: Did I ? Well , anyway , you will get your raise when the economy starts picking up .\nA: You mean that I won't get a raise until the recession ends ?\nB: Yes .\nA: I got the message . I'm quiting .\nB: Nah , don't be so fast . We like your work here , but this company is on hard times and I can't be handing out raises for anyone .\nA: I've been here for <MASK> , and I haven't had a raise in all that time . If you like my work , it should be reflected in my pay , and I feel it isn't .\nB: I hear what you're saying , and I wish there were something I could do .\nA: Very well , consider me gone .\n\nOption:\na) 3 years\nb) 3 months\nc) three decades\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "3 years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I see that there are Olympic mascots in your car .\nB: Yes . I am very interested in the Olympic Games , and I'm especially excited <MASK> Beijing Olympics .\nA: Me , too . I want to be a volunteer for 2008 Beijing Olympics .\nB: That's cool . Care for a little quiz on that ?\nA: No problem . I'm an ' Olympic expert ' .\nB: Wow , you've talked the talk . Now it's time to walk the walk . Here we go . First , can you tell me something about the ancient Olympics ?\nA: The ancient Olympics originated in ancient Greece .\nB: Good . Why do people name it Olympics ?\nA: They name it after the place where it was first held .\nB: Who started the modern Olympics ?\nA: This question is a piece of cake . A Frenchman named Baron de Coubertin .\nB: What did people call him ?\nA: Of course he was called ' the father of the Olympics ' .\nB: What did he do for restoring the Olympics ?\nA: He once made a speech on the ‘ Renaissance of the Olympics ' .\nB: Well , that's for all . Excellent !\nA: I've told you I'm an expert .\n\nOption:\na) about 2008\nb) 1996\nc) 2020\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "about 2008", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Mr . Black , I ' d like to take some time off . I ' Ve been feeling exhausted these days .\nB: That's no problem . Let me see ... You still have ten days annual leave left , is that right ?\nA: Yes . I was wondering if I could take <MASK> off .\nB: That's long leave . How's your project coming along ?\nA: The project I'm in charged of now will be done by the end of this week . I'd like to take my leave from next Monday on .\nB: Well , all right . But you make sure to tie up loose ends before you leave .\nA: Thank you , Mr.Black . There are no immediate projects coming up at the moment . Mr.Smith will be in charge during my absence . He is taking part in several projects as my assistant and knows how to maintain relationships with our clients .\nB: Great ! I hope you have a good relaxation and come back refreshed .\nA: I will . Many thanks , Mr.Black .\n\nOption:\na) another two weeks\nb) one minute\nc) two months\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "another two weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:What happened to that girl you were seeing ?\nB: Oh Jackie ? We broke up last week .\nA: That was a short relationship . You only started dating <MASK> .\nB: It was actually a long two months . She was a psycho .\nA: What do you mean ?\nB: She would be laughing one moment , and if I said something insensitive , she would start crying . I didn't want to deal with that .\nA: She sounds very emotional .\nB: She was a psycho , man . One time we were suppose to get together . I was waiting for her call , and when she finally called , she was screaming why I wasn't at her place .\nA: Were you suppose to be there ?\nB: I thought she was going to call when she was done shopping . It was a misunderstanding . She was literally screaming on the phone over this .\nA: Ok . You're right . She's a psycho .\nB: I'm just glad it's over .\n\nOption:\na) 2 months ago\nb) One week\nc) Five days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2 months ago", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I'll participate in a quiz about the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing . It will be held tonight . Will you come ?\nB: Sure . What do you know about the Olympic Games on the past ? For example , do you know where and when the first Olympic Games were held in the ancient times ?\nA: It was held in 776 B . C . at Olympia . It also has a long history of more than 2700 years .\nB: Haven't the Olympics been stopped for a long time ?\nA: Yes , there were no games in 1916 , 1940 and <MASK> , because of World War I and World War II .\nB: I see . Look , do you know what that emblem means ? I've seen it so many times , but I don't know what it stands for .\nA: Oh , it's the Beijing 2008 Olympics ' Emblem . It's a Chinese seal , meaning that Chinese people warmly welcome the friends from all over the world .\nB: I see . I believe there will be lots of foreigners coming to Beijing to watch the Games .\nA: Sure .\n\nOption:\na) 1944\nb) 2700 \nc) 2008\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1944", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I came in response to your advertisement for a salesperson .\nB: OK , please be seated . May I have your name , please ?\nA: My name is Woody .\nB: OK , Woody . Why are you interested in this job ?\nA: Because I admire your company . Yours is one of the most effective and respectable companies in this city .\nB: Have you worked anywhere else before ?\nA: Yes , <MASK> . I began to work in a fashion company in Shanghai . Two years ago , I came to Beijing , and worked in a department store as a salesman .\nB: OK , your work experience is impressive , and I think you sound right for this position , but I do have 3 other people to interview , so you'll be hearing from us within a week .\nA: Thanks .\n\nOption:\na) five years ago\nb) a week ago\nc) two decades ago\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "five years ago", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I'll participate in a quiz about the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing . It will be held tonight . Will you come ?\nB: Sure . What do you know about the Olympic Games on the past ? For example , do you know where and when the first Olympic Games were held in the ancient times ?\nA: It was held in 776 B . C . at Olympia . It also has a long history of more than 2700 years .\nB: Haven't the Olympics been stopped for a long time ?\nA: Yes , there were no games in 1916 , <MASK> and 1944 , because of World War I and World War II .\nB: I see . Look , do you know what that emblem means ? I've seen it so many times , but I don't know what it stands for .\nA: Oh , it's the Beijing 2008 Olympics ' Emblem . It's a Chinese seal , meaning that Chinese people warmly welcome the friends from all over the world .\nB: I see . I believe there will be lots of foreigners coming to Beijing to watch the Games .\nA: Sure .\n\nOption:\na) 1940\nb) 1850\nc) 2008\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1940", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:I'll participate in a quiz about the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing . It will be held tonight . Will you come ?\nB: Sure . What do you know about the Olympic Games on the past ? For example , do you know where and when the first Olympic Games were held in the ancient times ?\nA: It was held in 776 B . C . at Olympia . It also has a long history of more than 2700 years .\nB: Haven't the Olympics been stopped for a long time ?\nA: Yes , there were no games in <MASK> , 1940 and 1944 , because of World War I and World War II .\nB: I see . Look , do you know what that emblem means ? I've seen it so many times , but I don't know what it stands for .\nA: Oh , it's the Beijing 2008 Olympics ' Emblem . It's a Chinese seal , meaning that Chinese people warmly welcome the friends from all over the world .\nB: I see . I believe there will be lots of foreigners coming to Beijing to watch the Games .\nA: Sure .\n\nOption:\na) 1916\nb) 2008\nc) 1750\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1916", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:It's going to strike 12 o'clock . Let's get the firecrackers ready , Rose .\nB: Aren't firecrackers forbidden in the city ?\nA: Well yes , but they are not allowed only in downtown areas . It's OK here . It would be difficult to ban customs that have thousands of years of tradition . The habit does bring kids joy and excitement so long as precautions are taken . Let's go out and set off firecrackers out there .\nB: Fantastic ! The whole city is echoing with crackling sounds !\nA: What other activities will you have tomorrow ?\nB: Quite a lot . The celebration of the New Year has just started . The first day we southerners have sweet rice cakes for breakfast , and people in the North have Jiaozi . Afterward , we will make New Year calls on family relatives , husband's side on the first day and wife's side on the second .\nA: Do you bring some gifts along ?\nB: That's for sure . Fruit , cream cakes , medical tonics are often for parents and aged relatives , and cash enclosed in a red envelope for the kids . All this , of course , should be well prepared beforehand .\nA: Is it the same practice for all families ?\nB: Not all the same nowadays I must say . Many families , especially those of newly married couples , choose to make an overseas trip to escape the routines . Rose and I had a tour to Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand and Hong Kong last year . We stayed there for two weeks until the last day of the holiday .\nA: I really appreciate the way you Chinese people exchange feelings . The holiday's long enough for you to relax .\nB: Well , for city dwellers , the Spring Festival is a holiday of <MASK> . While in the country where traditions are still heavily emphasized , the festival lasts ten days .\n\nOption:\na) seven days\nb) thousands of years \nc) two hours \n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "seven days", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:It's going to strike 12 o'clock . Let's get the firecrackers ready , Rose .\nB: Aren't firecrackers forbidden in the city ?\nA: Well yes , but they are not allowed only in downtown areas . It's OK here . It would be difficult to ban customs that have thousands of years of tradition . The habit does bring kids joy and excitement so long as precautions are taken . Let's go out and set off firecrackers out there .\nB: Fantastic ! The whole city is echoing with crackling sounds !\nA: What other activities will you have tomorrow ?\nB: Quite a lot . The celebration of the New Year has just started . The first day we southerners have sweet rice cakes for breakfast , and people in the North have Jiaozi . Afterward , we will make New Year calls on family relatives , husband's side on the first day and wife's side on the second .\nA: Do you bring some gifts along ?\nB: That's for sure . Fruit , cream cakes , medical tonics are often for parents and aged relatives , and cash enclosed in a red envelope for the kids . All this , of course , should be well prepared beforehand .\nA: Is it the same practice for all families ?\nB: Not all the same nowadays I must say . Many families , especially those of newly married couples , choose to make an overseas trip to escape the routines . Rose and I had a tour to Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand and Hong Kong last year . We stayed there for <MASK> until the last day of the holiday .\nA: I really appreciate the way you Chinese people exchange feelings . The holiday's long enough for you to relax .\nB: Well , for city dwellers , the Spring Festival is a holiday of seven days . While in the country where traditions are still heavily emphasized , the festival lasts ten days .\n\nOption:\na) two weeks\nb) seven years\nc) 12 minutes\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "two weeks", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:It's going to strike 12 o'clock . Let's get the firecrackers ready , Rose .\nB: Aren't firecrackers forbidden in the city ?\nA: Well yes , but they are not allowed only in downtown areas . It's OK here . It would be difficult to ban customs that have <MASK> of tradition . The habit does bring kids joy and excitement so long as precautions are taken . Let's go out and set off firecrackers out there .\nB: Fantastic ! The whole city is echoing with crackling sounds !\nA: What other activities will you have tomorrow ?\nB: Quite a lot . The celebration of the New Year has just started . The first day we southerners have sweet rice cakes for breakfast , and people in the North have Jiaozi . Afterward , we will make New Year calls on family relatives , husband's side on the first day and wife's side on the second .\nA: Do you bring some gifts along ?\nB: That's for sure . Fruit , cream cakes , medical tonics are often for parents and aged relatives , and cash enclosed in a red envelope for the kids . All this , of course , should be well prepared beforehand .\nA: Is it the same practice for all families ?\nB: Not all the same nowadays I must say . Many families , especially those of newly married couples , choose to make an overseas trip to escape the routines . Rose and I had a tour to Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand and Hong Kong last year . We stayed there for two weeks until the last day of the holiday .\nA: I really appreciate the way you Chinese people exchange feelings . The holiday's long enough for you to relax .\nB: Well , for city dwellers , the Spring Festival is a holiday of seven days . While in the country where traditions are still heavily emphasized , the festival lasts ten days .\n\nOption:\na) thousands of years\nb) two weeks\nc) seven days\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "thousands of years", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?
[ { "content": "Based on the conversation, which option is most suitable for the <MASK> span?\n\nConversation:\nA:Hello , this is Francis from XYZ Company . I would like to discuss with you about a new project some time next week . Do you have time to meet ?\nB: Well , I am not sure . Lets me check my agenda\nA: Ok .\nB: I am free on Tuesday afternoon from 2 PM to 4 PM , is it convenient for you ?\nA: It is ok with me . So I will be arriving at your office around two <MASK> .\nB: Yes , there is . See you then .\n\nOption:\na) fifteen PM\nb) ten AM\nc) fifty AM\n\nAnswer:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "fifteen PM", "role": "assistant" } ]