[Cite as State v. Housley, 2020-Ohio-1143.] IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF OHIO SECOND APPELLATE DISTRICT MIAMI COUNTY : STATE OF OHIO : : Appellate Case No. 2019-CA-12 Plaintiff-Appellee : : Trial Court Case No. 2016-CR-348 v. : : (Criminal Appeal from TIMOTHY H. HOUSLEY : Common Pleas Court) : Defendant-Appellant : ........... OPINION Rendered on the 27th day of March, 2020. ........... PAUL M. WATKINS, Atty. Reg. No. 0090868, Miami County Prosecutor’s Office, Safety Building, 201 West Main Street, Troy, Ohio 45373 Attorney for Plaintiff-Appellant TIMOTHY HOUSLEY, #A730-882, P.O. Box 209, Orient, Ohio 43146 Defendant-Appellant, Pro Se ............. FROELICH, J. -2- {¶ 1} Timothy H. Housley appeals from the trial court’s denial of his “motion to vacate a void judgment of conviction for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.” For the following reasons, the trial court’s judgment will be affirmed. {¶ 2} In October 2016, Housley pled guilty in the Miami County Court of Common Pleas to trafficking in drugs, a second-degree felony, and two counts of possession of drugs, both third-degree felonies. The parties agreed to a five-year sentence, and the State agreed to take no position on judicial release. At sentencing, the trial court imposed five years for Count 1 and 12-month sentences for Counts 2 and 3, to be served concurrently. The court further ordered Housley to pay restitution of $125 and court costs, and it suspended his driver’s license for two years. Housley did not appeal his conviction. {¶ 3} In July 2017, Housley sought judicial release, which was denied. {¶ 4} In December 2017, the State filed an application for the destruction or disposal of evidence seized from Housley by the Troy Police Department, including cell phones, computers, currency, and a handgun. The court granted the motion. Housley subsequently sought the return of additional property seized by the police, including a safe. The trial court denied Housley’s motion for lack of jurisdiction. Housley appealed the trial court’s ruling. See State v. Housley, 2d Dist. Miami No. 2018-CA-4, 2018-Ohio- 4140. The outcomes of Housley’s 2018 appeal and a subsequent appeal related to Housley’s motion for return of property are not relevant to this appeal. {¶ 5} On December 14, 2017, Housley moved to withdraw his guilty plea due to ineffective assistance of trial counsel. He claimed that he declined to pursue his motion -3- to suppress and accepted a five-year plea offer because defense counsel indicated that he would receive 16 years in prison if he did not accept the offer. Housley argued in his motion that his counsel acted deficiently by “coercing and allowing [him] to plead guilty” because (1) he was illegally detained by the Troy Police Department, which would have been raised at the scheduled suppression hearing, (2) the charges in the information were void, (3) he did not help prepare, ship or traffic hashish, liquid hashish and/or marijuana, (4) the State lacked probable cause to arrest him on the charges to which he pled, and (5) defense counsel did not inform Housley that the drugs could be reanalyzed. Housley asserted that counsel did not provide him complete discovery and that he (Housley) was innocent of the charges. Housley also argued that the State violated the plea agreement when it objected to Housley’s motion for judicial release.1 {¶ 6} In April 2018, the trial court denied Housley’s motion to withdraw his plea. Housley did not appeal the trial court’s ruling. {¶ 7} On March 7, 2019, Housley filed a “motion to vacate a void judgment of conviction for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.” Housley emphasized that the State acknowledged in its appellate brief in Case No. 2018-CA-4 that Housley was a visitor at the home that was searched and where drugs were found that brought about the charges in this case (2016-CR-348). Housley argued that the information was exculpatory, that the State had violated its duty under Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 83 S.Ct. 1194, 10 L.Ed.2d 215 (1963) to disclose it, and that the State’s actions divested the trial court of 1 The State’s response to Housley’s motion for judicial release was filed after the trial court denied Housley’s motion. Shortly after the filing of Housley’s motion to withdraw his plea, the State withdrew its response to Housley’s motion for judicial release and indicated that the State had no position on any future motion for judicial release filed by Housley. -4- subject matter jurisdiction. Housley attached to his motion the relevant page from the State’s appellate brief, which stated that Housley had claimed that he did not reside at the residence and that Housley had not established ownership and possession of the safe and computers at issue. {¶ 8} The State opposed Housley’s motion to vacate, construing the motion as a petition for postconviction relief. The State asserted that it fully complied with Brady, that Housley’s petition was untimely, and that his claim of newly exculpatory evidence was “blatantly false.” Housley filed a reply memorandum, disclaiming that he had filed a petition for postconviction relief or a Civ.R. 60(B) motion. He again asserted that the State’s Brady and discovery violation was a jurisdictional defect. {¶ 9} The trial court denied Housley’s motion, concluding that it had subject matter jurisdiction over Housley’s criminal case for drug trafficking and possession of drugs. The court noted that the “primary issue raised by Defendant is that his constitutional rights were violated by the State because he was a mere visitor in the house of the co- defendant, and the State withheld this exculpatory information from him.” The court found that Housley’s claim fell with R.C. 2953.21, governing petitions for postconviction relief, although Housley insisted that he was not seeking relief under that statute. The court concluded that such a claim would be untimely and that Housley’s being a visitor to the house was not exculpatory as residency was not an element of the charges to which he pled guilty. {¶ 10} Housley appeals from the trial court’s ruling, raising arguments similar to those in his motion to vacate. {¶ 11} As an initial matter, we find no error with the trial court’s conclusion that it -5- had subject matter jurisdiction over Housley’s criminal case. “Subject-matter jurisdiction is the power of a court to entertain and adjudicate a particular class of cases.” Bank of Am., N.A. v. Kuchta, 141 Ohio St.3d 75, 2014-Ohio-4275, 21 N.E.3d 1040, ¶ 19, citing Morrison v. Steiner, 32 Ohio St.2d 86, 87, 290 N.E.2d 841 (1972). Common pleas courts are constitutionally created and are courts of general jurisdiction with subject matter jurisdiction over all legal and equitable matters that are not denied to the court. Id. at ¶ 20; see Ohio Constitution, Article IV, Section 4(B). {¶ 12} Pursuant to R.C. 2931.03, a court of common pleas “has original jurisdiction of all crimes and offenses, except in the case of minor offenses * * *.” See, e.g., State ex rel. Kerr v. Pollex, Ohio Slip Opinion No. 2020-Ohio-411, __ N.E.3d __, ¶ 7 (common pleas court had subject matter jurisdiction, pursuant to R.C. 2931.03, over defendant’s criminal case for forgery and tampering with evidence); Smith v. Sheldon, 157 Ohio St.3d 1, 2019-Ohio-1677, 131 N.E.3d 1, ¶ 8 (common pleas court has subject matter jurisdiction over felony cases). {¶ 13} Housley originally was indicted on two counts of trafficking in drugs, illegal manufacture of drugs, and two counts of possession of drugs, all felonies. He subsequently pled guilty to amended charges of trafficking in drugs and two counts of possession, as charged by information. All of the charges fell within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Miami County Court of Common Pleas. {¶ 14} In general, where a trial court “erred in the exercise of its jurisdiction” but “did not act without jurisdiction,” the resulting judgment is voidable rather than void. Dunbar v. State, 136 Ohio St.3d 181, 2013-Ohio-2163, 992 N.E.2d 1111, ¶ 15. Housley asserts that the judgment in his case is void due to the actions of the State, specifically -6- the prosecution’s failure to disclose all required evidence and the police’s allegedly unlawful behavior in detaining him and interviewing him. While, under some circumstances, the actions of the State may subject a conviction to collateral attack in a postconviction proceeding, the State’s alleged conduct in this case did not deprive the trial court of subject matter jurisdiction. {¶ 15} Housley further claims that the trial court should not have reviewed his motion as a petition for postconviction relief, as he did not seek relief under R.C. 2953.21 or Civ.R. 60(B). The nature of a motion is not necessarily governed by its title. When a motion is filed subsequent to a direct appeal (or the expiration of time for filing a direct appeal), claims the denial of constitutional rights, seeks to render the judgment of conviction void, and asks for vacation of the judgment and sentence, the motion is properly construed as a petition for postconviction relief. See, e.g., State v. Reynolds, 79 Ohio St.3d 158, 160, 679 N.E.2d 1131 (1997); State v. Cline, 2d Dist. Champaign No. 2013 CA 51, 2014-Ohio-4503, ¶ 7. Housley’s motion, although titled as a motion to vacate a void judgment, met the criteria for a petition for postconviction relief. The trial court did not err in construing his motion as such. {¶ 16} Pursuant to R.C. 2953.21(A)(2), Housley was required to file a petition for postconviction relief “no later than three hundred sixty-five days after the expiration of the time for filing the [direct] appeal.” Housley was convicted on November 30, 2016, and he did not appeal. He therefore was required to file his petition for postconviction relief by December 30, 2017, absent an excuse for his untimeliness under R.C. 2953.23. Housley filed his motion to vacate on March 7, 2019, well beyond the deadline for filing a petition for postconviction relief. -7- {¶ 17} Housley asserts, albeit under a Brady argument, that he recently learned that the State knew him to be a visitor to the residence where drugs were found. However, whether Housley was a visitor or, instead, a resident of the home was within Housley’s knowledge at the time of his conviction. Such information was not newly discovered. Accordingly, Housley has not provided a basis to excuse the untimeliness of his petition/motion. {¶ 18} Moreover, even if we were to consider Housley’s argument that the State withheld discovery and Brady material when it allegedly failed to inform him that it knew that he was a visitor, we would find no merit to Housley’s claim. {¶ 19} Brady held that “the suppression by the prosecution of evidence favorable to an accused upon request violates due process when the evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment, irrespective of the good faith or bad faith of the prosecution.” Disciplinary Counsel v. Kellogg-Martin, 124 Ohio St.3d 415, 2010-Ohio-282, 923 N.E.2d 125, ¶ 24, citing Brady at 87. In order to establish a Brady violation, the defendant must demonstrate that (1) the prosecution failed to disclose evidence upon request; (2) the evidence was favorable to the defendant; and (3) the evidence was material. State v. Wade, 2d Dist. Clark No. 06-CA-108, 2007-Ohio-6611, ¶ 12. Evidence suppressed by the State “shall be deemed material only if there is a reasonable probability that, had the evidence been disclosed to the defense, the result of the proceeding would have been different.” State v. Aldridge, 120 Ohio App.3d 122, 145, 697 N.E.2d 228 (2d Dist.1997), quoting State v. Johnston, 39 Ohio St.3d 48, 529 N.E.2d 898 (1988), paragraph five of the syllabus. {¶ 20} “The rule in Brady only applies to evidence unknown to the defendant at the -8- time of the trial.” State v. Royster, 2d Dist. Montgomery No. 26378, 2015-Ohio-625, ¶ 17. {¶ 21} Here, Housley has not demonstrated a Brady or discovery violation by the State. The page of the State’s appellate brief upon which Housley relies simply noted that Housley had argued that he was a visitor at the residence; the State did not concede that he was a visitor or cite to evidence establishing where Housley lived. And, Housley has not identified any evidence that was withheld by the State, either related to his residency or otherwise. Moreover, as stated above, whether Housley was or was not a visitor, rather than a resident, was within Housley’s knowledge at the time of his arrest and throughout his case. Accordingly, even considering Housley’s motion on the merits, Housley has not demonstrated that a Brady or discovery violation occurred to warrant the vacation of his conviction. {¶ 22} The trial court’s judgment will be affirmed. ............. HALL, J. and WELBAUM, J., concur. Copies sent to: Paul M. Watkins Timothy Housley Hon. Jeannine N. Pratt
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Notice If you’ve got a mental health condition and didn’t get the higher rate of PIP mobility The rules for getting the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) mobility component have changed. You are now more likely to get the mobility component if you have a mental health condition that makes it difficult for you to plan or make a journey. Because of the change, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has said it will look again at any PIP claims which were decided after 27 November 2016 but before 28 June 2018 – you can check the date on your decision letter. If you think this would change a decision made about your PIP then you can ask the DWP to look at your claim again. You can ask them to do this if you: have a mental health condition that makes going outside difficult didn’t get the mobility component of PIP or you got the standard rate of the mobility component Ask the DWP to look at your claim again If your PIP decision was made before 28 November 2016 If you didn’t get the mobility component or you got a lower rate than you expected, you might be able to get your claim backdated to before 28 November – contact your nearest Citizens Advice. The DWP has written to some people who they think might benefit from the change. However the DWP might not correctly identify everyone, so you should contact them yourself. Write to the benefit office listed on your original decision letter. Tell them you think the new rules mean you should have got the higher mobility component and you want them to look at your PIP decision again. You'll need to include your: National Insurance number address contact details If you don’t have your original decision letter, call the PIP enquiry line to find out where to send your letter. If you’re already getting PIP when you ask for a review The DWP will look at your entire PIP claim again - this includes the care and mobility components. This means you might get less money overall than you were getting. If you’re not sure, contact your nearest Citizens Advice for help. If you aren’t getting any PIP You should make a new claim if you think you might now qualify for the mobility component – you don’t need to wait until your old claim has been reviewed. If you make a new claim you could get extra money sooner and they might backdate the payment. How your claim will be reviewed You won’t have to go to another face-to-face assessment. The DWP will review your claim by using all the information you sent when you applied. If they need more information they might contact you or your doctor. If you’re eligible for more money The DWP will send you a letter after the review to tell you their decision. If you’re entitled to more money it will tell you how much you’ll get. Your payment will be backdated to the date of your claim or when the mobility component rules were first changed (28 November 2016), whichever is later.
The podcast you're about to hear is true… My Favorite 1960s Dragnet #5: Juvenile: DR 19 Since March 2007, I've been podcasting one radio episode of Dragnet per week to recreate the experience of Dragnet's first listeners, as well as providing commentary and sharing listener feedback before and after the show. The show has listeners across America and around the World. Also, I'll be posting a Monthly public domain Dragnet TV episode. If you'd like to join this journey through Dragnet, click here to add the show to Itunes or here if you'd like to subscribe through Zune. For all other services, click . This definitely was a gut wrenching episode. You could tell how this case affected Friday and how he was involved in this one. In my opinion, the only parent(s) more despicable than the mother in “Juvenile DR 19″ were the self-centered couple in the season 2 episode “The Little Victim”. I wonder if both of these cases were investigated and tried in 2010 rather than 1967 and 1968, would the outcomes been different?
(VALPARAISO) - A Morgan Township High School student faces expulsion after a shotgun, 140 rounds of ammunition and other weaponry were found in his trunk. 18-year-old Ryan Gaddis was charged with possession of a weapon on school property and is being held in Porter County Jail. Gaddis admitted to having the weapon in his trunk, but later told police he meant to leave the weapons at a relative's home before coming to school. Gaddis was arrested without incident and taken to the jail. Under Indiana law, a student in possession of any type of firearm on school property must be expelled for at least one calendar year.
I guess just the measuring criteria is being posted today, then each subwoofer review after the holidays, then a final wrap up..ala shootout. Sounds like it might be another week or so for listening results. I'm very much looking forward to the results! Just thought I'd post this here so that everyone was aware of it. good grief!!! how are ANY of those subwoofers listed consider "ultimate" in ANY way??? Give me a break. There are so many other subs available that would destroy those listed and make them cry in their soup. Here's a more likely list of "ultimate" subwoofers CS 18.2 eD A7-450 & up Seaton subs Epik subs etc....seriously...what a joke. They should call this the ultimate basic subwoofer shootout. I'm not saying the subs listed are not good, but...their price points are all higher than they should be, their performance is definitely much less than can be had for the same money from other competitors. Just as an example, compare the Rythmic 15" sub listed to the Elemental Designs A5-350. Similar specs, but the eD is $400.00 cheaper and that INCLUDES shipping. Similar specs, so obviously a much better deal I can see how the tittle can be misleading but thats no biggie. I'd say 70% of the new sub buyers will benefit from the results of this shootout. Sucks (for me atleast) that the entire details will be revealed in parts but AVH did all the hard work- putting money and time into this so they can milk it all they want. GTG's can offer faster but similair benefits to the HT Sub community. If there is ever one in South Florida, I'd participate. Wait and see. I'll bet it will show quite well among the competition it's in with. It's got a killer driver, a strong amp, and a very well designed box and porting system (think PB13 lite). Since the PB13 has been so extensively tested in the past, SVS suggested going with the PB12 Plus. It would be a mistake to underestimate it. Just as an example, compare the Rythmic 15" sub listed to the Elemental Designs A5-350. Similar specs, but the eD is $400.00 cheaper and that INCLUDES shipping. Similar specs, so obviously a much better deal It's funny, cause I had the A7s-450, which is apparently a better sub than the A5-350, and the VTF-15H is way better. Well..anything is possible, but I'd sure like to see some graphs and numbers to back up that claim. Care to offer any proof? You dont' have to do the testing yourself, just post the proof you seem to have. I would expect the HSU to be much boomier since it's ported, but have a lot less slam and total clean output of the A7S 450 since you are comparing completely different beasts here. Well..anything is possible, but I'd sure like to see some graphs and numbers to back up that claim. Care to offer any proof? You dont' have to do the testing yourself, just post the proof you seem to have. I would expect the HSU to be much boomier since it's ported, but have a lot less slam and total clean output of the A7S 450 since you are comparing completely different beasts here. Well, to be fair I am sure the HSU is great but Cacihome needs to tell people he is a HSU dealer or was which can make his opinions biased. well, to be fair i am sure the hsu is great but cacihome needs to tell people he is a hsu dealer or was which can make his opinions biased. ouch!!! and just for the record I loved my HSU sub and have posted that several times. It was a great sub, and I'm sure the new 15" is good too. I never said anything negative about HSU or their products. In fact, I directly compared the eD and the Rythmic as their specs are almost identical but price is 400-500 apart and just for the record. I am NOT a dealer nor am I associated with any audio company in ANY way. I pay for my products just like you do...and I review them honestly without bias of any kind. Well. These are the specs on the HSU 15" and I have to say I find it VERY hard to believe that a 350watt rms amp and a 15" driver could come anywhere near out performing an 18" driver with 1300watts of power behind it. And btw...we are comparing a sealed to ported sub so I know that makes a big difference. You'd really have to compare it to an 18" ported eD with 1300watts amp. or get eD to make you an A3-550 15" ported WITH a 1300 watt amp. also, you need to note that the HSU sub is $879.99 PLUS $139.99 shipping. So it's really $1019.98 Well. These are the specs on the HSU 15" and I have to say I find it VERY hard to believe that a 350watt rms amp and a 15" driver could come anywhere near out performing an 18" driver with 1300watts of power behind it. Well..anything is possible, but I'd sure like to see some graphs and numbers to back up that claim. Care to offer any proof? You dont' have to do the testing yourself, just post the proof you seem to have. I would expect the HSU to be much boomier since it's ported, but have a lot less slam and total clean output of the A7S 450 since you are comparing completely different beasts here. Whether or not the HSU is bommier is going to be dependent on the room conditions and the setup. From what I've heard about the A7S, in an open room, it's deep bass is weak without heavy eq due to the roll off which starts at a relatively high frequency. In apparently comes up short in comparison with the Chase products. Unfortunately, in recent years it's hard to definitively prove anything when it comes to sub vs. sub since there is a lack of good standardized testing like Illka and AV talk used to do. Its not a 350Watt amp. you should really post its a 1400Watt amp becaus that is the ratings others use. You also need to post the driver sensitivity and Xmax of each driver along with the sub design (ported, sealed) to know the differences. btw, what 18" driver/1300 Watt subs are you refering too? well, he was referring to the A7S 450 and so I went with that. But...the A3-550 is more in line with the HSU...but eD would need to put the 1300watt amp in that sub to make it a more comparable shootout I'd think Well..anything is possible, but I'd sure like to see some graphs and numbers to back up that claim. Care to offer any proof? You dont' have to do the testing yourself, just post the proof you seem to have. I would expect the HSU to be much boomier since it's ported, but have a lot less slam and total clean output of the A7S 450 since you are comparing completely different beasts here. How be you back up your statement since you made it. Knowing how to cut 'n paste sub specs doesn't cut it and is no answer. Of course if you have nothing to offer except sub ads feel free to go away. I am pretty sure he was a dealer or something related to HSU. I had this discussion before with him when he was saying how much better the HSU ULS-15 was than the eD sub as well. It is OK to like something better but like I told Soundood even if the product is great coming from a dealer has little meaning. I can see loving a product so much that you become a dealer for it, I did for Ada!, but I also own the Krell right now and no Ada products. I am not in this for business. I am sure the HSU sub is an awesome product as HSU usually makes great subs(I have never owned any). How be you back up your statement since you made it. Knowing how to cut 'n paste sub specs doesn't cut it and is no answer. Of course if you have nothing to offer except sub ads feel free to go away. Obviously you're just trolling. Im' not sure what "statement" you are asking me to back up....other than my initial one saying that these subs are hardly the "ultimate" in subwoofers. I then went on to compare the A5-350 with the 15" Rythmic and stated that they were virtually the same sub except the the Rythmic will cost you around $400-$500.00 more.
The results, released Tuesday, suggest that even as financial institutions implement more sophisticated fraud-mitigation techniques, they have not been keeping pace with criminals. The challenges are particularly acute at smaller banks and credit unions, which comprised a majority of the survey’s respondents. Still, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, which conducted the survey, said that its findings provide valuable insights about the usefulness of various fraud-fighting tools. Of the banks and credit unions that participated, 63 percent said that fraud losses on signature-based debit cards were higher in 2016 than they were a year earlier, while only 15 percent said that losses were lower. Similarly, 50 percent of the respondents said that fraud losses on PIN-based debit cards increased in 2016, while only 12 percent said that they decreased. When asked about credit cards, 41 percent of the financial institutions said that losses rose, while 16 percent said they fell. The survey found that when financial institutions were asked about paper checks, wire transfers, and prepaid cards, they were also more likely to report higher losses than lower losses. The only exception to the trend was fraud involving funds credited to accounts using the automated clearing house network. Only 2 percent of survey respondents said that type of fraud increased in 2016, while 4 percent said that it decreased.
2013: The Titanic Year? | by Tisaranee Gunasekara “We were on the Titanic and everyone knew it was hitting the iceberg” - Eric Hobsbawm (Interesting Times) ( January 3, 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) In 2013, Sri Lanka will continue to be blessed with a President who is intent on life-long rule and dynastic succession, at whatever cost; and a Leader of Opposition who unfailingly lends that President a helping hand, at crucial junctures. The regime’s decision to boycott the Appeal Court hearing is understandable. Having conducted the most indefensible ‘trial’ in living memory, without even the barest show of impartiality or justice, the regime would not want to deal with questions it cannot answer and explanations it cannot provide. Since the impeachment was a witch-trial, the Rajapaksas have no choice but to hug the cloak of impunity ever closer and defy the courts. The decision by Ranil Wickremesinghe, and it is indeed his decision to ignore the summons of the Appeal Court, is not so logical. It is in the interests of the UNP to assist the courts to uncover and expose the shenanigans of the impeachment. So what made Ranil Wickremesinghe make a decision which will hurt his party, the country and eventually himself (a subjugated court can be used against him, if the Rajapaksas decide that it is in their interests to promote an even more reliable tool as the leader of the UNP)? The argument about parliamentary sovereignty does not hold water, because in today’s Sri Lanka it is the Rajapaksas who are sovereign. In Rajapaksa Sri Lanka parliamentary sovereignty is as much of a lie, as democracy, human rights, media freedom or a political solution to the ethnic problem. The subjugated UPFA majority in parliament has turned the legislature into a Rajapaksa-doormat. Just last month, the parliament, in violation of a Supreme Court ruling (by a bench headed by Justice Shiranee Thilakawardane), assented to a Bill which seriously eroded parliamentary control over finances, one of the few preserves the 1978 Constitution left under sole legislative aegis. In reality, parliamentary sovereignty is as dead as a dodo. It is one thing to embrace the restoration of parliamentary sovereignty as a desirable goal; it is quite another thing to elevate its corpse and strengthen the asphyxiating hand of the executive still further. ................... Summery: Play the video ............... ........................................................... Today, both within and outside the impeachment process, the real conflict is between the executive and the judiciary, the Rajapaksas and the courts. The conflict between the legislature and the judiciary is a myth concocted by the Rajapaksas to hide their dynastic purpose; plus provide their puppets in the UPFA - and in the UNP - with a lofty-sounding excuse to do the inexcusable. Ranil Wickremesinghe is too clever not to know this. His is a political decision, taken not in honest ignorance, but in conscious duplicity. In fact this is not the first time Mr. Wickremesinghe made a decision which brought him some very short-term and extremely ephemeral gains while harming his interests in the medium to long term. And he will persist in committing such small acts of hara-kiri, especially if the Rajapaksas continue to stir the UNP-leadership pot using their other tool, Sajith Premadasa. With the leader and the alternate leader of the main opposition party in thrall to them, the Rajapaksas are in an unassailable position, or will be once they have subjugated the judiciary. The Consolidation of Rajapaksa Rule The impeachment, nakedly unfair and glaringly unjust, is the most grievous blow the Rajapaksas have inflicted on Sri Lanka. It will push Sri Lanka beyond the threshold of liveability. Once the impeachment is through, the Rajapaksas are likely to move ahead with lightening speed to appoint a more amenable chief justice and a more reliable prime minister. Both choices are of seminal importance to the Rajapaksa project. The Shirani Bandaranayake saga would have demonstrated to the Rajapaksas the danger of placing non-family members in positions of power. After all, the Siblings showered the husband of the CJ with undeserving honours, and believed that that would be a sufficient guarantee of her eternal obedience. But Shirani Bandaranayake did thwart the Rajapaksas-purpose, just five months after she became the CJ. In November 2011, a bench headed by Shirani Bandaranayake effectively killed the Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act (the so called ‘Sacred Areas’ act, which sought to empower the regime to expropriate any piece of land by the simple expedient of fixing a certain label on it). The Supreme Court decreed that this Act cannot be presented in parliament without the consent of all the provincial councils; the regime was compelled to withdraw it. Perhaps that was the day the Rajapaksas decided that Dr. Bandaranayake must either be broken or evicted. Given this experience, the Siblings would want to ensure that the next CJ and the next PM are totally committed to the Rajapaksa power-project, out of choice or necessity. And they will not hesitate to pick candidates who are appallingly unsuitable. Once the impeachment travesty succeeds, the Rajapaksas will not feel the need to bother about maintaining appearances (except internationally, until the Hambantota Commonwealth Summit is successfully concluded). After all, if the UPFA and the country can digest this impeachment, they can imbibe any abomination, without even a twinge of indigestion or nausea. 2013 is thus likely to be a fortuitous year for the Rajapaksas, however unlucky it may turn out to be for ordinary Lankans. The SLFP’s back is truly broken, as is evident from the grovelling conduct of senior and junior SLFPers throughout the impeachment process. The leasers of the SLMC, the CWC, the EPDP and other minority parties might make occasional noises, but will eventually knuckle down, placing their own powerless positions above their parties and their peoples. And there is nothing substantial or worthwhile left of the UPFA left. So 2013 is likely to be a year in which the Rajapaksas consolidate old gains and make new ones: “…the government was planning to make wide-ranging changes to the powers vested with the provincial councils…. Accordingly changes are to be made to laws pertaining to Police powers vested in Councils together with amendments to the law which states that in the event an Act regarding the subjects of provincial councils is to be tabled in parliament it should be passed by all nine provincial councils” (Daily Mirror – 1.1.2013). Once the impeachment is successful and the judiciary subjugated, the regime will be able to bring in any law it likes, including ones which violate constitutional provisions and/or the norms of natural justice. Bad laws will be passed by the subjugated parliament, and implemented to the letter by subjugated courts, rendering insecure the lives of most Lankans. When Mahinda Rajapaksa won the presidency in November 2005, if someone foretold that this moment will arrive in just seven short years, would we have believed it? 2012 was bad; 2013 cannot but be worse, barring a miracle. Referring to America’s critical failure to address the issue of gun control, massacre after massacre, Jon Lee Anderson asked, “Where is our threshold for self-awareness? What is our national threshold for shame?” (The New Yorker – 16.12.2012). It is a question we should do well to ask ourselves, as 2013 advances, the Rajapaksas progress and the country regresses.
Primary Magic: Technological Innovation.Secondary Magic: -Caster or Holder: Caster Magic. || Lost Magic. Description: - It all began when she was eleven years old. Kiki was always fascinated with technology, and frequently could be seen in her bedroom playing with spare parts and forming them into god knows what. From mechanical devices to various games for entertainment, everything she would make would be way ahead of its time. Her mother had no idea where she gained this intelligence from, it was rather strange yet intriguing, since Kiki was always a very smart girl. Succeeding with straight 100s in school, always showing up to places on time, being able to operate and work on lacrimas- she learned everything extremely quickly, almost too quickly. Her smarts seemed to work like a magnet, and with that, she began to do more then just make technological objects- she began to participate in two similar yet different lifestyles; hacking, and theft. She often could be seen sneaking around various cities, stealing from small stores and hacking simple lampposts. However, as she grew as a person, she also grew in these arts, and she began to learn how to prosper in life. People were easily manipulated, and her skills in hacking grew to be able to hack entire buildings, cities, governments. It was like a simple addiction, as her adrenaline would never stop pumping at the thought of these actions. At fourteen years of age, she joined "Calaveras de Azucar," a group of individuals with similar interests to hers. It was an organized crime syndicate of thieves, and her being the youngest of members often was a burden on her shoulders. Unlike her, they were all mages, and she was just a hacker with no magic but the means of technology at her side. After a year of living among them, she finally snapped and ran during the night from her home to Talonia. She ventured through the black markets, and eventually came across a woman which looked to be that of a scientist. The woman noticed that Kiki held many advanced technologies on her side, and ventured down into a secret underground surgical room with her. There, she was given a magical surgery, which gave her the powers that nobody else on Earthland would ever be able to experience. She was implemented with the Lacrima-Net itself, and her entire nervous system and veins were now rewired with technology. She was upgraded, and now had the magical powers of hacking on her side. She was now able to hack anywhere, and did not have to use tools- the only tools she would have to use would be her imagination and hands, which assisted her greatly. After the surgery, she returned to Calaveras de Azucar and showed them what she was capable of- which soon crowned her the commander of that gang. She was now a master thief and hacker, and could use her magic in all of her dark ways. In using this magic, she can be seen doing nearly anything that she would wish to do. From creating motorcycles out of her mind to creating whips to beat people with, it is definitely versatile. She channels the magical energy through herself, she is her own magical medium- therefore there is no way to stop her. She uses this magic to get to her goal, whether this may be completing missions for her guild, stealing various high-value materials in heists, or hacking computers for her allies, she uses it for her own good along with the good of her amigos. She can be seen anywhere at once, she has taken her hacking into her own hands and has carried it out in her life. She is manipulative yet wise, and knows when it is appropriate to use each spell. It should be known that one should not stand in the path of Kiki, or else she will advance- no matter what the price will be. Strengths:- Her magic is very geared to that of mobility and utility, therefore Kiki can be seen nearly everywhere in the battlefield at once. That is, if you can see her at all..- Since Technological Innovation revolves around technology and its entirety, her spells often form things out of thin air and nothingness. One minute there could be nothing next to you, and the next there can be a giant box glowing a bright purple sitting there. Her magic can be classified as a mixture of a caster and maker magic, unique to her and her only. - Being based around technology and the Lacrima-Net, Kiki can use this magic for her personal benefits as well. She can make large screens to play video games on, watch movies, and draw maps with a simple push of a button. Not only does this benefit herself, but this can benefit her allies in more ways than one. This magic is extremely versatile. Weaknesses:- This magic, Technological Innovation, is not situated on any element in the slightest. This means that no matter what, her attacks do not do extra damage due to elemental bonuses and resistances. She fights with technology itself, not any elements. - Due to the nature of this magic and its abilities, each one is programmed with full technology and coding. A downside to this can be that each ability glows a beautiful purple, which can cause her attacks to be easily detectable by the enemy if she was trying to be discreet.- Technological Innovation definitely comes with its pros and cons when it comes to this, which is the aspect that the magic is full of utility spells. A con of this can be that she lacks the normal amount of other types of spells that a typical mage has, which are replaced with utility. - Tying into the last weakness, it can be seen that the spells that are not utility are typically supportive and offensive. She only holds a few defensive spells, as the rest are those stated previously. Lineage: Blessed by the Fourth Wall: Blessed by the Fourth WallDescription: The ancestor in here could have turned into a god, but nooooo, he had to preserve the fabric of reality or something. For this lineage, this ancestor, known as the One Who Got Close, is the only one to have found the Fourth Wall of the world, giving himself the chance to break it and ascend to the heights that are unknown, basically, us. However, when told by the wall that breaking it would sacrifice everyone else in the world, the noble goody-two-shoes chose to stop himself instead and as a result, he was blessed by the Fourth Wall. This blessing would go down to his bloodline and now you, oh lucky guy, are one of his kin.Ability: The Fourth Wall respects the user's bloodline and has given those of it the Glimpse, the ability to see what the user should not be able to see. Of course, to respect the purpose of the Fourth Wall, the user can only see one "Thing" at a time. Such as a snippet from a magic or character app (See 2 strengths or 2 weaknesses, see 2 likes or 2 dislikes, and so on.), or from another post to know someone is for example pursuing them or that someone is going to make a certain attack on them within the current post. Usage: 5 post cooldown between uses. - D - Industrialization: Kiki's magic was designed to help industrialize cities- it was made to assist those in the building industry, or at least for the user's own benefits, and was to be able to manipulate different types of metals for her protection and effectiveness. Therefore, Kiki gains a 10% damage increase while fighting in established cities. - D - Hacker's Perks: Being able to hack high levels of technology, Kiki has learned how to react to certain types of enemies in a way that is slightly less harmful when taking damage from them. Lacrimas, being one of the most powerful of the technological items in Earthland, have become the prey of this ability. Kiki takes 10% less damage from attacks coming from Lacrima-based abilities. - D - Living Tower: While being implemented with her magic illegally, she was implemented with the Lacrima-Net itself. Her body functions as a living iLac tower of sorts, thus allowing service to all allies in a 45 meter radius of her body. This works anywhere, including secluded areas that are far away from civilization. Not only that but she can charge iLacs if they are low on battery at a quick rate, allowing more access to planning attacks and access to the Lacrima-Net. It is as if she is a high-powered iLac, as she is able to produce screens in-front of her for personal use and preparing for attacks. Kiki can frequently be seen drawing on these screens for planning with her nails, as well as playing video games and music for personal use. Not only that, but she can sometimes be seen hacking with these screens as well, threatening those that she is trying to steal from with blackmail. - C - Heightened Sights: In the procedure to expand her knowledge and level of closeness with the Lacrima-Net, the new inner-wiring essentially made it to her eyes. Kiki is able to see people through walls if there is a product of technology on the other side. This can count as iLacs, lampposts, and much more. When she sees these people, they appear as an outline of their person, and in coding of purple. This only works on beings equal or lower to Kiki's rank. Spells: Signature Spells: Tech Blocks (D): Name: Tech Blocks.Rank: Signature Spell. || D Rank.Type: Utility.Duration: Instant.Cooldown: Instant.Description: Mastering technology, Kiki has learned how to produce various objects out of thin air. One of the most useful is known as her ability "Tech Blocks," which essentially works like a levitating stairway or sidewalk. To use this ability, Kiki forms a small square of technology in her hands and tosses it to a desired location (up to 30 meters away which travels at 15 meters per second), resulting in a glowing and rock-solid 45 meter long stairwell / sidewalk producing in that area. This can float in the air if necessary, as well as lay across surfaces such as water and spaces between rooftops. These blocks are very beautiful, and consist of a translucent body with what appears to be a glowing pink and purple liquid inside of it. However, this is just the way the ability was coded, as it is in reality just a neon-translucent glowing box. This ability can be used once per post. Strengths:- This spell can be used as a way to escape those that are of a lower ground or high threat. An example of escaping would be running across the blocks as they are created on the skyline of a big city, in order to escape possible threats that are not able to travel from rooftop to rooftop. - Not only can this be used to transport Kiki, but other allies can run on this as well. However, they must be careful, considering these blocks have no ledges. One slip, and you can fall from a very far height if that is where the blocks are located. - Due to being the operator of these blocks, Kiki can control who can and cannot get onto these blocks. Therefore, enemies cannot get onto these blocks without instantly causing the part they step on to explode.Weaknesses:- These tech-blocks glow tremendously, therefore can be easily detected by possible threats. - This row of blocks only takes 20 damage to destroy, therefore if an enemy wants to destroy this escape-route, then they can very easily. This can be used to their advantage, as they can cause deadly falls if timing the destruction properly as Kiki escapes. When the row is destroyed, it explodes into a beautiful array of pink and purple glowing shards of floppy discs and shimmer. - Due to this being such a low rank spell, it can only hold so much. Therefore, only three people + their pets can be on the line of tech-blocks at a time. If another tries to get onto one, all active tech-blocks will immediately explode due to the weight limit exceeding capacity. - This block-row only lasts for one post, therefore they cannot stay there for too long of a time. Those who cross these blocks better hurry, or else they will explode under their feet. Synth-Whip (User-Ranked): Name: Synth-WhipRank: Signature Spell. || User Ranked Until S.Type: Offensive.Duration: Instant.Cooldown: Instant.Description: With the installation of her magic came a great change, for she now was able to use it has a way to carry out offensive strikes on the enemy with magical power instead of using guns and other weapons. One of the best yet simple of her offensive spells, Synth-Whip, is used to carry out quick and efficient damage on those that stand in the way of her path. To use this ability, Kiki only has to twinkle her fingers, causing them to emit a beautiful series of sparkles above them. These sparkles soon grow into two thin and long whip-like objects, which are made of pure light and tech. These whips are as beautiful as a sunrise, as they switch between blue, purple, and pink with shimmer and revolving inside as if they were liquid. Kiki is able to use these to perform a quick semi-melee attack by running up to the enemy and gashing the side of their body with these whips via swinging, dealing user-ranked damage (until S rank). When this strikes, the coding turns into a very hot format, therefore they may experience a burning sensation and singeing of clothes when struck. Kiki is able to strike units up to 5 meters away from her, and is travels at the quick speed of 4 meters per second. After it hits the enemy or misses, it will break into a beautiful array of shimmer. Kiki is able to use this once per post. Strengths:- Swinging these multi-colored whips of pure technology, Kiki can deal quick and efficient damage to a single target. - Kiki is rather fortunate to be able to use this spell, considering most of her attacks fall under utility. In addition to this, she usually specializes in long-ranged offensive spells, therefore her using of a melee attack is very useful in quick and close-ranged battles. Weaknesses:- Being the spell this is, it is not able to hit more than one enemy at a time. Therefore, in 1 v 6 situations, this spell would be rendered nearly useless, as she would be outnumbered and only able to strike one individual. - Using this spell, it is typically used in melee situations where she would need to defend herself when up-close. Therefore, this attack is useless at far range, and should not even be wasted in doing so. If she uses this at a long-range, she will just be greeted with to whips in her hands with nothing to use them on. - Being a melee attack that is used by swinging the whips and hitting the target with force, this strike is capable of being blocked quite easily by an enemy shield or defensive spell. This is due to the whips being quite thin, however the wires are still quite powerful. D Rank Spells: Light-Cycle: Name: Light-Cycle. ✧Rank: D.Type: Utility.Duration: 3 posts.Cooldown: 4 posts.Description: Some may wonder, "How does the master thief of the Lacrima-Net get around?" The answer is simple; her Light-Cycle. One of Kiki's personal favorite spells and abilities, this ability allows her to make a tech-filled motorcycle out of thin air. The way she conjures this is quite simple, for she twiddles her fingers and makes a small triangle of purple tech. She then throws it onto the ground in-front of her and backs up a few feet, and it expands into a large motorcycle that looks to be extremely futuristic. This motorcycle's wheels and build is very circular and sleek, and is made of pure and solid technology. It glows a beautiful purple where it is not solid black and grey, and the transparent purple parts look to be filled of pure purple shimmer and glitter. When starting, this motorcycle can reach speeds of 33.75 meters per second, which is definitely fast. When riding, due to the fast speeds it can travel up to, it leaves a faint trail of purple coding on the ground. After it has reached its maximum duration or Kiki simply is finished riding, it explodes into shimmer and computer parts. To avoid a possible fatal impact, it notifies when it is about to meet its final duration so the passengers can get off before it explodes. Strengths:- Being able to make a motorcycle is an extreme perk for Kiki, considering it allows for a quick entrance and exit from battle for more than just one ally (being herself). - Not only is she able to ride this motorcycle, she can do badass tricks with it aerial style. From jumping from rooftop to rooftop with it to doing flips while doing at top speed, she definitely looks like someone you would want to be friends with while riding this vehicle.Weaknesses:- Due to the length of this motorcycle, it is only able to hold a set amount of people at one time. This is three mages and their pets, nothing more. If a fourth mage tries to get onto the motorcycle, it will not allow a start, and will only be able to function after they get off. - Since this motorcycle is able to be used in combat to escape or ride into it, it can only take 20 HP Damage before erupting into a mass of computer parts. However, it would be hard to hit this motorcycle, considering it can go very fast. It would be easy to take down if going slow, though. - Like most of her spells, this motorcycle greatly glows a purple color. This allows for the tracking of her location, as well as not being able to blend into the surrounding areas while using. Techno-Invis: Name: Techno-Invis.Rank: D.Type: Utility.Duration: 3 posts.Cooldown: 4 posts.Description: When getting her magic implemented into her veins and nerves, she was sure to make sure that this ability was implemented first. This was one of the abilities that convinced her to get the procedure, strictly because it would assist her in all things theft and combat. This ability, Techno-Invis, allows Kiki to go invisible for a short period of time. The way she activates this ability is quite simple, as she simply swings one of her hands across her face. This will make her fade into a purple silhouette of herself for a few seconds, and then will fade into the air as if nobody was standing where she was at the current time that it was activated. While invisible, she will not be visible to any eyes on the battlefield, and can run around freely as she wishes without any consequence- unless she gets hit. Strengths:- Due to the ability to go invisible, this allows for secretive entrances and exits. An example of this could be if there was a hoard of enemies standing in the way, and the leader was in the back being guarded in the front with their guards. Kiki could activate her ability of invisibility and run behind the all of the guards and right behind the leader, put a gun to the back of their head, and fire. This can allow tactical moves that would be nearly impossible while in sight. - Being invisible has its pros and cons, as she fades into the invisible surges of the Lacrima-Net tower that is herself. She gains a slight speed boost of 5% while invisible, considering her technological senses and aura is heightened in this state. Weaknesses:- Being invisible is not as powerful as one may think, as it does come with things that one may not expect it to come with. When she is invisible, she is definitely still able to attack the enemy with various spells that she would wish to use. However, when she does wish to attack, her body will waver in and out of this state, making her presence known if the enemy does notice. While wavering, her body will show, which will be mostly her typical appearance with a few parts still slightly-invisible and glowing purple. This showing of parts of her body fades back into invisibility when the post that she attacks in ends. - Similar to wavering in and out when using attacks, this same situation occurs while being hit with attacks while invisible. If, lets say a water elemental, shoots a beam of water in the location of Kiki while invisible, her body will show in all effected areas she was hit for the rest of the post that she was struck on. She will, of course, take the full amount of the damage used in the enemy spell, and cannot avoid said damage while invisible unless she happens to dodge it. - While in the state of invisibility, some confuse the term with the state of being able to pass through walls and become one with air itself. Kiki is not capable of passing through walls or anything of the sorts, her body acts the same as it typically would- only with not being able to be seen and gaining a very small speed boost. If she were to try to pass through a wall while invisible, she would be greeted with a slam in the face with pure brick. Suctions.png: Name: Suctions.pngRank: D.Type: Utility. Duration: 3 posts.Cooldown: 4 posts. Description: Having this beautiful and useful magic based on technology while being a thief is very useful, and an example of the benefits can be seen in this ability. Known as "Suctions.png," this useful ability allows her to scale walls at ease. The way she uses this is a bit different than her other abilities, as she first summons a small and levitating screen with nothing but a text box and a set of numbers upon it, similar to that of a phone or calculator. This levitating touch-screen is tied to her body in many ways. She then types in "7819243260" and hits enter, causing the screen to disappear and four magic circles to form, one on each hand and one on each area by the toes. These magic circles produce purple and pink objects which appear to be levitating suction cups, and although they are levitating, they are strongly tied to the areas of Kiki's body that they hover above. The two cups on the hands are used to do the climbing, while the two in the area of the feet are used to catch / assist climbing if necessary. With these cups allows the rapid climbing up walls, as previously stated. Strengths:- This ability allows climbing even the flattest of surfaces, which is very useful when carrying out that of a heist. Kiki can be seen climbing various walls of skyscrapers to get to the top building, which is very useful. This cuts out the factor of having to sneak through the entire building to get to the top floor, which she could do easily, and cuts her chances in half of getting caught in the act of stealing riches. - When falling from great heights, such as a large building, Kiki would be able to catch herself with this ability. One may ask how she would be able to think so fast, considering she has to type in a long strand of numbers to activate these suction cups, but she has done this countless times in the past. As she falls, she can activate this ability and suction herself to the nearest building beside her, saving her life in the process. Weaknesses:- With every ability comes its cons, and this ability definitely has an amount of those. When climbing up buildings from the exterior, Kiki is unable to climb wet surfaces, such as ones effected by Rain and waterfalls. If she tries to climb these buildings while they are slippery, the suction cups simply will not stick, therefore she will be unable to do so. If she is falling from a building and it is raining, it is her best bet that she is damned. - While climbing for an excess amount of time, she may find herself in a bit of a bad situation. These magical circles that fund the cups only exist for so long, therefore if she climbs for too long they can eventually deactivate on her. Therefore, she will be in for a long fall, and eventually have a nice and quick meeting with concrete. - If trying to escape enemies in the form of climbing, Kiki may also find herself in a bit of a situation if the enemy is able to think smart enough. If they attack the suction cups themselves, each has a total of 5 HP, adding up to 20 HP total. These are very weak, therefore Kiki is best to not use them while trying to escape combat. However, they do make for a good entrance. Lotus.jpg: Name: Lotus.jpgRank: D.Type: Offensive.Duration: Instant.Cooldown: 2 posts.Description: Some may ask Kiki, "Since you type in a code to use your suction spell, is there more codes that allow you to do different things?" and the answer is a definite yes. Similar to "Suctions.png," this spell, known as "Lotus.jpg," is created in the same way. To use this spell, Kiki first makes a similar text box similar to a phone or calculator and types in the strand of numbers "8293410273." After hitting enter, a purple magical circle will open in-front of her and cause a large and glowing purple lotus flower to appear, floating in-front of it. This flower looks to be made entirely of coding and parts of a computer, and possesses a glowing center which looks as smooth as a polished rock. Kiki then twists her hand behind it, causing the flower to begin rotating quickly in a clockwise motion. As it twirls, the center begins to expand and glow, eventually firing a large glowing laser in the color purple. This laser is about 10 meters wide, and can travel up to 45 meters away in 33.75 meters per second. As it is shot at an enemy, it does 20 HP damage to the main target and 10 HP damage to anyone else caught in the blast. After the laser is released, the flower will burst into millions of fragments of purple glitter and non-harmful glass particles. Strengths:- With this beautiful laser-beam comes its pros and cons, and being able to hit multiple people is definitely one of them. While it may not effect those that are hit after the main target, it is definitely a spell of great power, and is helpful due to the abundance of D-Rank utility spells. Weaknesses:- With most of the other spells comes the same issue in this one, as this lotus flower and laser glow tremendously. In fact, these glow a lot more than the average spell, nearly illuminating an entire dark-area. If she is trying to perform a sneak-attack, it is best for her to not use this spell.- Since multiple people are able to be affected by this attack, there also comes the issue that allies can be hurt as well. If they are fighting the enemy that Kiki is aiming for and gets in the way, they may be met with a bit of damage done to their end. C Rank Spells: Teleportation Detonator: Name: Teleportation Detonator.Rank: C.Type: Utility. Duration: 5 posts. || Instant Teleport.Cooldown: 6 posts.Description: A quite useful ability indeed, Kiki uses this spell as a way to teleport to safety, exit fights quickly, enter fights quickly, scare enemies, and get to places she may not be able to access without magic. To use this ability, Kiki removes a large metal object from her back and holds it in her hands. This metal object has latches to the bottom of it, and glows a purple color in the center while the rest is silver metal. She then throws this object, which can travel up to 120 meters away at 90 meters per second. When this lands on a surface, it locks into the surface, and is unable to move unless 40 HP damage is done to it. Once this is latched onto a desired surface, it makes a bit of a ticking noise before it relieves itself, and casually sits there. Now you may ask, "what is the point of this ability?" The answer is that it has in no way been activated in this state, as it is merely waiting for activation. To activate, Kiki presses a small button attached to her leg, and she is soon teleported to the object that she had thrown in the beginning. While inside the instant teleportation, she goes invisible for a split second, and soon arrives on-top of the metal object, resulting in it breaking. Strengths:- In using this ability, it allows for the rapid entrance and exit of fights if necessary. An example of this can be if Kiki is being extremely hurt in a city on street-level. She can quickly remove the metal object and throw it to the roof of a building, and soon escape the torment that she is facing at that time. - In relation to the previous statement, she can use this teleportation device as a means of getting to high and low places without harm. An example of this could be if she is having to go to a lower-platform over a deep hole underground. She can aim the teleportation device to land on the desired platform and teleport to it, rather than having to risk a long jump that could result in fatal injuries.Weaknesses:- Being a physical piece of matter can be a bit of a weakness, considering it does have a set amount of damage it can take before breaking. This is 40 HP damage, and when it does break, it puffs into a strong and opaque purple smoke-cloud.- When attempting to entire fights while using this teleportation device, it can definitely be risky in regards to Kiki's safety. An example of this could be if she threw it over a wall and higher-ranked mages were on the other side in a large group, as she could teleport to their location and not see them from the beginning. This would result in her taking great amounts of damage, which would not be good. - After she throws the teleportation device and teleports to its location, it will break and have the ability go on cooldown. Tech-Grenade: Name: Tech-Grenade. Rank: C.Type: Offensive. Duration: Instant.Cooldown: 3 posts.Description: After acquiring her technological advancements, Kiki desired different ways to defeat the enemy- ones that did not require her using her smarts. She stayed up for four days straight programming this ability into her system. To use this ability, "Tech-Grenade," Kiki expands all of her fingers and causes five purple beams of light to shoot toward her hand from her fingers, resulting in the blank space switching into a purple haze of light. This light slightly expands and forms into a purple and glowing object, which is that of a grenade. This grenade is transparent and filled with purple and pink sparkling liquids, that of which are held in by a pin at the top. When wishing to use this ability, Kiki will remove the pin of the grenade and throw it at the enemy, traveling up to 90 meters away at 67.5 meters per second. On impact, this grenade detonates in a purple and pink explosion, dealing 40 HP damage to the first enemy hit and 20 HP damage to anyone else in the blast zone of 45 meters in diameter. This explosion is so beautiful, as it consists of pink and purple shimmer and immense amounts of smoke. It is a bomb, and should definitely be treated as such. Strengths:- When throwing this grenade, it erupts into a circular area of damage that is 45 meters long across in every direction. Therefore, the closest one to be where the grenade is on impact will receive full damage. This is a blessing, considering many people are able to take damage at one time. This is very useful for Kiki, as she is able to use this grenade when trying to clear a large wave of weak enemies in a close vicinity of each-other. - Being a throwing grenade, it is made to be able to be thrown at a decently long rate. If she wishes to throw it over a wall that she knows enemies are on the other side, she is most likely capable of doing so and being successful in the process. Weaknesses:- As this is a grenade, removing the pin on the top of it causes it to be vulnerable to detonation. Therefore, if Kiki were to accidentally drop it or have it slip out of her hand, it could detonate at her feet and cause her to be in the center of the explosion. That would not be a good thing for Kiki, therefore she frequently holds it tight with the pin removed. - There comes some times where Kiki is unable to tell who is an ally and who is an enemy. If a group of people is approaching through the shadows, and she is unaware who they are, she may throw the grenade at them and cause it to detonate. If the group of "enemies" were actually her allies, such as Savage Skull, she would be in massive trouble. - One of the most beautiful of her abilities when detonated, this grenade explodes into a beautiful array of purple and pink smoke and sparkles. While this is a beautiful sight, the smoke and sparkles glow tremendously, therefore it is useless if she wants the attack to not be known. Synth-Spire: Name: Synth-Spire.Rank: C.Type: Offensive.Duration: Instant.Cooldown: 3 posts. Description: One of her most advanced abilities in her newly-wired nervous system, Synth-Spire, Kiki is capable of causing a large spire of technology to shoot from the ground into the air. To do this, she pulls both of her arms upward, which results in a large spire of transparent computer parts to shoot up from a large hole that she summoned into the ground. In doing so, she is capable to control this spire with her mind. The way she uses this beautiful spire is quite unique, as she is capable of ordering it to topple over. As it topples, it will fall in a general direction that she causes it to, resulting in it toppling over enemies and dealing 40 HP damage to the first hit and 20 HP damage to anyone else caught in the shadow of the falling object. This can be conjured up to 90 meters away from Kiki's current location, and is the same length in height. The spire is nearly 25 meters wide, and is filled with a beautiful array of purple and pink sparkles like a majority of her other spells. As it falls, it travels at a speed of 67.5 meters per second. Strengths:- With the nature and width of this spire, it is capable of hitting multiples of enemies when falling. However, as it falls, it only does full damage to one individual, that being the first enemy that is hit. An example of this would be if she was ordering it to hit five individuals standing in a line. The man closest to the falling spire's inside would be hit first and receive full damage, while the rest would only receive half of the damage that the first struck would. Weaknesses:- Similar to nearly every one of her other abilities, this spire possesses a very radiant purple and pink glow that is produced from the inside of this spire. Therefore this would not be very a very wise spell to use if trying to be sneaky, but the real issue comes with the size of this spire. It is a very large spire, therefore the size + the glow will illuminate many areas. - When commanding this spire to fall, Kiki may find herself in the predicament that she cannot tell her allies and enemies apart once again. The glow that her spells produce is a glow, but a dark one at that, therefore she may find herself hurting her allies on accident. Primary Magic: Technological Innovation.Secondary Magic: -Caster or Holder: Caster Magic. || Lost Magic. Description: - It all began when she was eleven years old. Kiki was always fascinated with technology, and frequently could be seen in her bedroom playing with spare parts and forming them into god knows what. From mechanical devices to various games for entertainment, everything she would make would be way ahead of its time. Her mother had no idea where she gained this intelligence from, it was rather strange yet intriguing, since Kiki was always a very smart girl. Succeeding with straight 100s in school, always showing up to places on time, being able to operate and work on lacrimas- she learned everything extremely quickly, almost too quickly. Her smarts seemed to work like a magnet, and with that, she began to do more then just make technological objects- she began to participate in two similar yet different lifestyles; hacking, and theft. She often could be seen sneaking around various cities, stealing from small stores and hacking simple lampposts. However, as she grew as a person, she also grew in these arts, and she began to learn how to prosper in life. People were easily manipulated, and her skills in hacking grew to be able to hack entire buildings, cities, governments. It was like a simple addiction, as her adrenaline would never stop pumping at the thought of these actions. At fourteen years of age, she joined "Calaveras de Azucar," a group of individuals with similar interests to hers. It was an organized crime syndicate of thieves, and her being the youngest of members often was a burden on her shoulders. Unlike her, they were all mages, and she was just a hacker with no magic but the means of technology at her side. After a year of living among them, she finally snapped and ran during the night from her home to Talonia. She ventured through the black markets, and eventually came across a woman which looked to be that of a scientist. The woman noticed that Kiki held many advanced technologies on her side, and ventured down into a secret underground surgical room with her. There, she was given a magical surgery, which gave her the powers that nobody else on Earthland would ever be able to experience. She was implemented with the Lacrima-Net itself, and her entire nervous system and veins were now rewired with technology. She was upgraded, and now had the magical powers of hacking on her side. She was now able to hack anywhere, and did not have to use tools- the only tools she would have to use would be her imagination and hands, which assisted her greatly. After the surgery, she returned to Calaveras de Azucar and showed them what she was capable of- which soon crowned her the commander of that gang. She was now a master thief and hacker, and could use her magic in all of her dark ways. In using this magic, she can be seen doing nearly anything that she would wish to do. From creating motorcycles out of her mind to creating whips to beat people with, it is definitely versatile. She channels the magical energy through herself, she is her own magical medium- therefore there is no way to stop her. She uses this magic to get to her goal, whether this may be completing missions for her guild, stealing various high-value materials in heists, or hacking computers for her allies, she uses it for her own good along with the good of her amigos. She can be seen anywhere at once, she has taken her hacking into her own hands and has carried it out in her life. She is manipulative yet wise, and knows when it is appropriate to use each spell. It should be known that one should not stand in the path of Kiki, or else she will advance- no matter what the price will be. Strengths:- Her magic is very geared to that of mobility and utility, therefore Kiki can be seen nearly everywhere in the battlefield at once. That is, if you can see her at all..- Since Technological Innovation revolves around technology and its entirety, her spells often form things out of thin air and nothingness. One minute there could be nothing next to you, and the next there can be a giant box glowing a bright purple sitting there. Her magic can be classified as a mixture of a caster and maker magic, unique to her and her only. - Being based around technology and the Lacrima-Net, Kiki can use this magic for her personal benefits as well. She can make large screens to play video games on, watch movies, and draw maps with a simple push of a button. Not only does this benefit herself, but this can benefit her allies in more ways than one. This magic is extremely versatile. Weaknesses:- This magic, Technological Innovation, is not situated on any element in the slightest. This means that no matter what, her attacks do not do extra damage due to elemental bonuses and resistances. She fights with technology itself, not any elements. - Due to the nature of this magic and its abilities, each one is programmed with full technology and coding. A downside to this can be that each ability glows a beautiful purple, which can cause her attacks to be easily detectable by the enemy if she was trying to be discreet.- Technological Innovation definitely comes with its pros and cons when it comes to this, which is the aspect that the magic is full of utility spells. A con of this can be that she lacks the normal amount of other types of spells that a typical mage has, which are replaced with utility. - Tying into the last weakness, it can be seen that the spells that are not utility are typically supportive and offensive. She only holds a few defensive spells, as the rest are those stated previously. Lineage: Blessed by the Fourth Wall: Blessed by the Fourth WallDescription: The ancestor in here could have turned into a god, but nooooo, he had to preserve the fabric of reality or something. For this lineage, this ancestor, known as the One Who Got Close, is the only one to have found the Fourth Wall of the world, giving himself the chance to break it and ascend to the heights that are unknown, basically, us. However, when told by the wall that breaking it would sacrifice everyone else in the world, the noble goody-two-shoes chose to stop himself instead and as a result, he was blessed by the Fourth Wall. This blessing would go down to his bloodline and now you, oh lucky guy, are one of his kin.Ability: The Fourth Wall respects the user's bloodline and has given those of it the Glimpse, the ability to see what the user should not be able to see. Of course, to respect the purpose of the Fourth Wall, the user can only see one "Thing" at a time. Such as a snippet from a magic or character app (See 2 strengths or 2 weaknesses, see 2 likes or 2 dislikes, and so on.), or from another post to know someone is for example pursuing them or that someone is going to make a certain attack on them within the current post. Usage: 5 post cooldown between uses. - D - Industrialization: Kiki's magic was designed to help industrialize cities- it was made to assist those in the building industry, or at least for the user's own benefits, and was to be able to manipulate different types of metals for her protection and effectiveness. Therefore, Kiki gains a 10% damage increase while fighting in established cities. - D - Hacker's Perks: Being able to hack high levels of technology, Kiki has learned how to react to certain types of enemies in a way that is slightly less harmful when taking damage from them. Lacrimas, being one of the most powerful of the technological items in Earthland, have become the prey of this ability. Kiki takes 10% less damage from attacks coming from Lacrima-based abilities. - D - Living Tower: While being implemented with her magic illegally, she was implemented with the Lacrima-Net itself. Her body functions as a living iLac tower of sorts, thus allowing service to all allies in a 45 meter radius of her body. This works anywhere, including secluded areas that are far away from civilization. Not only that but she can charge iLacs if they are low on battery at a quick rate, allowing more access to planning attacks and access to the Lacrima-Net. It is as if she is a high-powered iLac, as she is able to produce screens in-front of her for personal use and preparing for attacks. Kiki can frequently be seen drawing on these screens for planning with her nails, as well as playing video games and music for personal use. Not only that, but she can sometimes be seen hacking with these screens as well, threatening those that she is trying to steal from with blackmail. - C - Heightened Sights: In the procedure to expand her knowledge and level of closeness with the Lacrima-Net, the new inner-wiring essentially made it to her eyes. Kiki is able to see people through walls if there is a product of technology on the other side. This can count as iLacs, lampposts, and much more. When she sees these people, they appear as an outline of their person, and in coding of purple. This only works on beings equal or lower to Kiki's rank. Spells: Signature Spells: Tech Blocks (D): Name: Tech Blocks.Rank: Signature Spell. || D Rank.Type: Utility.Duration: Instant.Cooldown: Instant.Description: Mastering technology, Kiki has learned how to produce various objects out of thin air. One of the most useful is known as her ability "Tech Blocks," which essentially works like a levitating stairway or sidewalk. To use this ability, Kiki forms a small square of technology in her hands and tosses it to a desired location (up to 30 meters away which travels at 15 meters per second), resulting in a glowing and rock-solid 45 meter long stairwell / sidewalk producing in that area. This can float in the air if necessary, as well as lay across surfaces such as water and spaces between rooftops. These blocks are very beautiful, and consist of a translucent body with what appears to be a glowing pink and purple liquid inside of it. However, this is just the way the ability was coded, as it is in reality just a neon-translucent glowing box. This ability can be used once per post. Strengths:- This spell can be used as a way to escape those that are of a lower ground or high threat. An example of escaping would be running across the blocks as they are created on the skyline of a big city, in order to escape possible threats that are not able to travel from rooftop to rooftop. - Not only can this be used to transport Kiki, but other allies can run on this as well. However, they must be careful, considering these blocks have no ledges. One slip, and you can fall from a very far height if that is where the blocks are located. - Due to being the operator of these blocks, Kiki can control who can and cannot get onto these blocks. Therefore, enemies cannot get onto these blocks without instantly causing the part they step on to explode.Weaknesses:- These tech-blocks glow tremendously, therefore can be easily detected by possible threats. - This row of blocks only takes 20 damage to destroy, therefore if an enemy wants to destroy this escape-route, then they can very easily. This can be used to their advantage, as they can cause deadly falls if timing the destruction properly as Kiki escapes. When the row is destroyed, it explodes into a beautiful array of pink and purple glowing shards of floppy discs and shimmer. - Due to this being such a low rank spell, it can only hold so much. Therefore, only three people + their pets can be on the line of tech-blocks at a time. If another tries to get onto one, all active tech-blocks will immediately explode due to the weight limit exceeding capacity. - This block-row only lasts for one post, therefore they cannot stay there for too long of a time. Those who cross these blocks better hurry, or else they will explode under their feet. Synth-Whip (User-Ranked): Name: Synth-WhipRank: Signature Spell. || User Ranked Until S.Type: Offensive.Duration: Instant.Cooldown: Instant.Description: With the installation of her magic came a great change, for she now was able to use it has a way to carry out offensive strikes on the enemy with magical power instead of using guns and other weapons. One of the best yet simple of her offensive spells, Synth-Whip, is used to carry out quick and efficient damage on those that stand in the way of her path. To use this ability, Kiki only has to twinkle her fingers, causing them to emit a beautiful series of sparkles above them. These sparkles soon grow into two thin and long whip-like objects, which are made of pure light and tech. These whips are as beautiful as a sunrise, as they switch between blue, purple, and pink with shimmer and revolving inside as if they were liquid. Kiki is able to use these to perform a quick semi-melee attack by running up to the enemy and gashing the side of their body with these whips via swinging, dealing user-ranked damage (until S rank). When this strikes, the coding turns into a very hot format, therefore they may experience a burning sensation and singeing of clothes when struck. Kiki is able to strike units up to 5 meters away from her, and is travels at the quick speed of 4 meters per second. After it hits the enemy or misses, it will break into a beautiful array of shimmer. Kiki is able to use this once per post. Strengths:- Swinging these multi-colored whips of pure technology, Kiki can deal quick and efficient damage to a single target. - Kiki is rather fortunate to be able to use this spell, considering most of her attacks fall under utility. In addition to this, she usually specializes in long-ranged offensive spells, therefore her using of a melee attack is very useful in quick and close-ranged battles. Weaknesses:- Being the spell this is, it is not able to hit more than one enemy at a time. Therefore, in 1 v 6 situations, this spell would be rendered nearly useless, as she would be outnumbered and only able to strike one individual. - Using this spell, it is typically used in melee situations where she would need to defend herself when up-close. Therefore, this attack is useless at far range, and should not even be wasted in doing so. If she uses this at a long-range, she will just be greeted with to whips in her hands with nothing to use them on. - Being a melee attack that is used by swinging the whips and hitting the target with force, this strike is capable of being blocked quite easily by an enemy shield or defensive spell. This is due to the whips being quite thin, however the wires are still quite powerful. D Rank Spells: Light-Cycle: Name: Light-Cycle. ✧Rank: D.Type: Utility.Duration: 3 posts.Cooldown: 4 posts.Description: Some may wonder, "How does the master thief of the Lacrima-Net get around?" The answer is simple; her Light-Cycle. One of Kiki's personal favorite spells and abilities, this ability allows her to make a tech-filled motorcycle out of thin air. The way she conjures this is quite simple, for she twiddles her fingers and makes a small triangle of purple tech. She then throws it onto the ground in-front of her and backs up a few feet, and it expands into a large motorcycle that looks to be extremely futuristic. This motorcycle's wheels and build is very circular and sleek, and is made of pure and solid technology. It glows a beautiful purple where it is not solid black and grey, and the transparent purple parts look to be filled of pure purple shimmer and glitter. When starting, this motorcycle can reach speeds of 33.75 meters per second, which is definitely fast. When riding, due to the fast speeds it can travel up to, it leaves a faint trail of purple coding on the ground. After it has reached its maximum duration or Kiki simply is finished riding, it explodes into shimmer and computer parts. To avoid a possible fatal impact, it notifies when it is about to meet its final duration so the passengers can get off before it explodes. Strengths:- Being able to make a motorcycle is an extreme perk for Kiki, considering it allows for a quick entrance and exit from battle for more than just one ally (being herself). - Not only is she able to ride this motorcycle, she can do badass tricks with it aerial style. From jumping from rooftop to rooftop with it to doing flips while doing at top speed, she definitely looks like someone you would want to be friends with while riding this vehicle.Weaknesses:- Due to the length of this motorcycle, it is only able to hold a set amount of people at one time. This is three mages and their pets, nothing more. If a fourth mage tries to get onto the motorcycle, it will not allow a start, and will only be able to function after they get off. - Since this motorcycle is able to be used in combat to escape or ride into it, it can only take 20 HP Damage before erupting into a mass of computer parts. However, it would be hard to hit this motorcycle, considering it can go very fast. It would be easy to take down if going slow, though. - Like most of her spells, this motorcycle greatly glows a purple color. This allows for the tracking of her location, as well as not being able to blend into the surrounding areas while using. Techno-Invis: Name: Techno-Invis.Rank: D.Type: Utility.Duration: 3 posts.Cooldown: 4 posts.Description: When getting her magic implemented into her veins and nerves, she was sure to make sure that this ability was implemented first. This was one of the abilities that convinced her to get the procedure, strictly because it would assist her in all things theft and combat. This ability, Techno-Invis, allows Kiki to go invisible for a short period of time. The way she activates this ability is quite simple, as she simply swings one of her hands across her face. This will make her fade into a purple silhouette of herself for a few seconds, and then will fade into the air as if nobody was standing where she was at the current time that it was activated. While invisible, she will not be visible to any eyes on the battlefield, and can run around freely as she wishes without any consequence- unless she gets hit. Strengths:- Due to the ability to go invisible, this allows for secretive entrances and exits. An example of this could be if there was a hoard of enemies standing in the way, and the leader was in the back being guarded in the front with their guards. Kiki could activate her ability of invisibility and run behind the all of the guards and right behind the leader, put a gun to the back of their head, and fire. This can allow tactical moves that would be nearly impossible while in sight. - Being invisible has its pros and cons, as she fades into the invisible surges of the Lacrima-Net tower that is herself. She gains a slight speed boost of 5% while invisible, considering her technological senses and aura is heightened in this state. Weaknesses:- Being invisible is not as powerful as one may think, as it does come with things that one may not expect it to come with. When she is invisible, she is definitely still able to attack the enemy with various spells that she would wish to use. However, when she does wish to attack, her body will waver in and out of this state, making her presence known if the enemy does notice. While wavering, her body will show, which will be mostly her typical appearance with a few parts still slightly-invisible and glowing purple. This showing of parts of her body fades back into invisibility when the post that she attacks in ends. - Similar to wavering in and out when using attacks, this same situation occurs while being hit with attacks while invisible. If, lets say a water elemental, shoots a beam of water in the location of Kiki while invisible, her body will show in all effected areas she was hit for the rest of the post that she was struck on. She will, of course, take the full amount of the damage used in the enemy spell, and cannot avoid said damage while invisible unless she happens to dodge it. - While in the state of invisibility, some confuse the term with the state of being able to pass through walls and become one with air itself. Kiki is not capable of passing through walls or anything of the sorts, her body acts the same as it typically would- only with not being able to be seen and gaining a very small speed boost. If she were to try to pass through a wall while invisible, she would be greeted with a slam in the face with pure brick. Suctions.png: Name: Suctions.pngRank: D.Type: Utility. Duration: 3 posts.Cooldown: 4 posts. Description: Having this beautiful and useful magic based on technology while being a thief is very useful, and an example of the benefits can be seen in this ability. Known as "Suctions.png," this useful ability allows her to scale walls at ease. The way she uses this is a bit different than her other abilities, as she first summons a small and levitating screen with nothing but a text box and a set of numbers upon it, similar to that of a phone or calculator. This levitating touch-screen is tied to her body in many ways. She then types in "7819243260" and hits enter, causing the screen to disappear and four magic circles to form, one on each hand and one on each area by the toes. These magic circles produce purple and pink objects which appear to be levitating suction cups, and although they are levitating, they are strongly tied to the areas of Kiki's body that they hover above. The two cups on the hands are used to do the climbing, while the two in the area of the feet are used to catch / assist climbing if necessary. With these cups allows the rapid climbing up walls, as previously stated. Strengths:- This ability allows climbing even the flattest of surfaces, which is very useful when carrying out that of a heist. Kiki can be seen climbing various walls of skyscrapers to get to the top building, which is very useful. This cuts out the factor of having to sneak through the entire building to get to the top floor, which she could do easily, and cuts her chances in half of getting caught in the act of stealing riches. - When falling from great heights, such as a large building, Kiki would be able to catch herself with this ability. One may ask how she would be able to think so fast, considering she has to type in a long strand of numbers to activate these suction cups, but she has done this countless times in the past. As she falls, she can activate this ability and suction herself to the nearest building beside her, saving her life in the process. Weaknesses:- With every ability comes its cons, and this ability definitely has an amount of those. When climbing up buildings from the exterior, Kiki is unable to climb wet surfaces, such as ones effected by Rain and waterfalls. If she tries to climb these buildings while they are slippery, the suction cups simply will not stick, therefore she will be unable to do so. If she is falling from a building and it is raining, it is her best bet that she is damned. - While climbing for an excess amount of time, she may find herself in a bit of a bad situation. These magical circles that fund the cups only exist for so long, therefore if she climbs for too long they can eventually deactivate on her. Therefore, she will be in for a long fall, and eventually have a nice and quick meeting with concrete. - If trying to escape enemies in the form of climbing, Kiki may also find herself in a bit of a situation if the enemy is able to think smart enough. If they attack the suction cups themselves, each has a total of 5 HP, adding up to 20 HP total. These are very weak, therefore Kiki is best to not use them while trying to escape combat. However, they do make for a good entrance. Lotus.jpg: Name: Lotus.jpgRank: D.Type: Offensive.Duration: Instant.Cooldown: 2 posts.Description: Some may ask Kiki, "Since you type in a code to use your suction spell, is there more codes that allow you to do different things?" and the answer is a definite yes. Similar to "Suctions.png," this spell, known as "Lotus.jpg," is created in the same way. To use this spell, Kiki first makes a similar text box similar to a phone or calculator and types in the strand of numbers "8293410273." After hitting enter, a purple magical circle will open in-front of her and cause a large and glowing purple lotus flower to appear, floating in-front of it. This flower looks to be made entirely of coding and parts of a computer, and possesses a glowing center which looks as smooth as a polished rock. Kiki then twists her hand behind it, causing the flower to begin rotating quickly in a clockwise motion. As it twirls, the center begins to expand and glow, eventually firing a large glowing laser in the color purple. This laser is about 10 meters wide, and can travel up to 45 meters away in 33.75 meters per second. As it is shot at an enemy, it does 20 HP damage to the main target and 10 HP damage to anyone else caught in the blast. After the laser is released, the flower will burst into millions of fragments of purple glitter and non-harmful glass particles. Strengths:- With this beautiful laser-beam comes its pros and cons, and being able to hit multiple people is definitely one of them. While it may not effect those that are hit after the main target, it is definitely a spell of great power, and is helpful due to the abundance of D-Rank utility spells. Weaknesses:- With most of the other spells comes the same issue in this one, as this lotus flower and laser glow tremendously. In fact, these glow a lot more than the average spell, nearly illuminating an entire dark-area. If she is trying to perform a sneak-attack, it is best for her to not use this spell.- Since multiple people are able to be affected by this attack, there also comes the issue that allies can be hurt as well. If they are fighting the enemy that Kiki is aiming for and gets in the way, they may be met with a bit of damage done to their end. C Rank Spells: Teleportation Detonator: Name: Teleportation Detonator.Rank: C.Type: Utility. Duration: 5 posts. || Instant Teleport.Cooldown: 6 posts.Description: A quite useful ability indeed, Kiki uses this spell as a way to teleport to safety, exit fights quickly, enter fights quickly, scare enemies, and get to places she may not be able to access without magic. To use this ability, Kiki removes a large metal object from her back and holds it in her hands. This metal object has latches to the bottom of it, and glows a purple color in the center while the rest is silver metal. She then throws this object, which can travel up to 120 meters away at 90 meters per second. When this lands on a surface, it locks into the surface, and is unable to move unless 40 HP damage is done to it. Once this is latched onto a desired surface, it makes a bit of a ticking noise before it relieves itself, and casually sits there. Now you may ask, "what is the point of this ability?" The answer is that it has in no way been activated in this state, as it is merely waiting for activation. To activate, Kiki presses a small button attached to her leg, and she is soon teleported to the object that she had thrown in the beginning. While inside the instant teleportation, she goes invisible for a split second, and soon arrives on-top of the metal object, resulting in it breaking. Strengths:- In using this ability, it allows for the rapid entrance and exit of fights if necessary. An example of this can be if Kiki is being extremely hurt in a city on street-level. She can quickly remove the metal object and throw it to the roof of a building, and soon escape the torment that she is facing at that time. - In relation to the previous statement, she can use this teleportation device as a means of getting to high and low places without harm. An example of this could be if she is having to go to a lower-platform over a deep hole underground. She can aim the teleportation device to land on the desired platform and teleport to it, rather than having to risk a long jump that could result in fatal injuries.Weaknesses:- Being a physical piece of matter can be a bit of a weakness, considering it does have a set amount of damage it can take before breaking. This is 40 HP damage, and when it does break, it puffs into a strong and opaque purple smoke-cloud.- When attempting to entire fights while using this teleportation device, it can definitely be risky in regards to Kiki's safety. An example of this could be if she threw it over a wall and higher-ranked mages were on the other side in a large group, as she could teleport to their location and not see them from the beginning. This would result in her taking great amounts of damage, which would not be good. - After she throws the teleportation device and teleports to its location, it will break and have the ability go on cooldown. Tech-Grenade: Name: Tech-Grenade. Rank: C.Type: Offensive. Duration: Instant.Cooldown: 3 posts.Description: After acquiring her technological advancements, Kiki desired different ways to defeat the enemy- ones that did not require her using her smarts. She stayed up for four days straight programming this ability into her system. To use this ability, "Tech-Grenade," Kiki expands all of her fingers and causes five purple beams of light to shoot toward her hand from her fingers, resulting in the blank space switching into a purple haze of light. This light slightly expands and forms into a purple and glowing object, which is that of a grenade. This grenade is transparent and filled with purple and pink sparkling liquids, that of which are held in by a pin at the top. When wishing to use this ability, Kiki will remove the pin of the grenade and throw it at the enemy, traveling up to 90 meters away at 67.5 meters per second. On impact, this grenade detonates in a purple and pink explosion, dealing 40 HP damage to the first enemy hit and 20 HP damage to anyone else in the blast zone of 45 meters in diameter. This explosion is so beautiful, as it consists of pink and purple shimmer and immense amounts of smoke. It is a bomb, and should definitely be treated as such. Strengths:- When throwing this grenade, it erupts into a circular area of damage that is 45 meters long across in every direction. Therefore, the closest one to be where the grenade is on impact will receive full damage. This is a blessing, considering many people are able to take damage at one time. This is very useful for Kiki, as she is able to use this grenade when trying to clear a large wave of weak enemies in a close vicinity of each-other. - Being a throwing grenade, it is made to be able to be thrown at a decently long rate. If she wishes to throw it over a wall that she knows enemies are on the other side, she is most likely capable of doing so and being successful in the process. Weaknesses:- As this is a grenade, removing the pin on the top of it causes it to be vulnerable to detonation. Therefore, if Kiki were to accidentally drop it or have it slip out of her hand, it could detonate at her feet and cause her to be in the center of the explosion. That would not be a good thing for Kiki, therefore she frequently holds it tight with the pin removed. - There comes some times where Kiki is unable to tell who is an ally and who is an enemy. If a group of people is approaching through the shadows, and she is unaware who they are, she may throw the grenade at them and cause it to detonate. If the group of "enemies" were actually her allies, such as Savage Skull, she would be in massive trouble. - One of the most beautiful of her abilities when detonated, this grenade explodes into a beautiful array of purple and pink smoke and sparkles. While this is a beautiful sight, the smoke and sparkles glow tremendously, therefore it is useless if she wants the attack to not be known. Synth-Spire: Name: Synth-Spire.Rank: C.Type: Offensive.Duration: Instant.Cooldown: 3 posts. Description: One of her most advanced abilities in her newly-wired nervous system, Synth-Spire, Kiki is capable of causing a large spire of technology to shoot from the ground into the air. To do this, she pulls both of her arms upward, which results in a large spire of transparent computer parts to shoot up from a large hole that she summoned into the ground. In doing so, she is capable to control this spire with her mind. The way she uses this beautiful spire is quite unique, as she is capable of ordering it to topple over. As it topples, it will fall in a general direction that she causes it to, resulting in it toppling over enemies and dealing 40 HP damage to the first hit and 20 HP damage to anyone else caught in the shadow of the falling object. This can be conjured up to 90 meters away from Kiki's current location, and is the same length in height. The spire is nearly 25 meters wide, and is filled with a beautiful array of purple and pink sparkles like a majority of her other spells. As it falls, it travels at a speed of 67.5 meters per second. Strengths:- With the nature and width of this spire, it is capable of hitting multiples of enemies when falling. However, as it falls, it only does full damage to one individual, that being the first enemy that is hit. An example of this would be if she was ordering it to hit five individuals standing in a line. The man closest to the falling spire's inside would be hit first and receive full damage, while the rest would only receive half of the damage that the first struck would. Weaknesses:- Similar to nearly every one of her other abilities, this spire possesses a very radiant purple and pink glow that is produced from the inside of this spire. Therefore this would not be very a very wise spell to use if trying to be sneaky, but the real issue comes with the size of this spire. It is a very large spire, therefore the size + the glow will illuminate many areas. - When commanding this spire to fall, Kiki may find herself in the predicament that she cannot tell her allies and enemies apart once again. The glow that her spells produce is a glow, but a dark one at that, therefore she may find herself hurting her allies on accident. ___________________________________________________________________ "You've got me shaking from the way you're talkingMy heart is breaking but there's no use crying"
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Students at Terra Nova High School grow a farm -- and a unique produce business Faith Cathcart/ The Oregonian Jenny Carmona (cq), steps with care through the lemon cucumber patch at Terra Nova Farm. "I really like harvesting. I like working with the plants, " she says. For Carmona, a junior at Terra Nova High School, farming had a calming effect. "It was kind of like an escape for me." Paul Hudak watches the plow chisel through the sod of the baseball field. Hudak grimaces each time the plow hooks clank. Has the driver punctured something hidden under the soil -- maybe pipes? Hudak's farmer friends have told him he is crazy to try to convert the field at Terra Nova High School into a productive student farm. And his untested idea of a student-run business selling produce to subscribers won't fly, either. The new teacher will need to win over those students, quickly. He will peddle seeds, talk about soil pH levels and try to muster interest. It will be a tough sell in a place where many of the 60 students have more important concerns: failing grades, relationship quandaries and just fitting in at Terra Nova, a small high school focusing on individualized learning in the Beaverton School District. Undaunted, Hudak imagines students growing corn, kale and tomatoes on this 3/4-acre patch. But first, before the autumn rains settle in, the plow slowly cuts through the chunks of earth between second and third base. The earth looks like fractured pottery, a sure sign of compacted clay soil, not friendly for fruits and vegetables. Growing up in upstate New York, Hudak was surrounded by farmland. At 15, he worked on a farm where they grew everything from flowers to blueberries to squash. He attended two colleges in The State University of New York system and fully intended to become a teacher. But he dropped out and veered in another direction. "I knew that my calling was always agriculture." Hudak took a cross-country train trip, stopping at farms along the way to find the right farm. "It was love at first sight coming through Oregon." At 21, he moved to Persephone Farm in Lebanon south of Salem to an apprenticeship with plans to one day buy his own farm. Hudak also traveled for a year, living on family farms in Finland, Belgium, France and Italy. He went on to start Forest Meadow Farm in Silverton with friends, then moved to Grants Pass to still another farm -- this one stocked an adjoining restaurant and bakery -- that fit his local food ethic: "I'm a big proponent of not having to haul our food farther than we need." In 2007, he uprooted for a girlfriend in Portland. Within weeks, Hudak landed a part-time job with Terra Nova's Conservation Corps, taking students to do environmental service work and maintain parks in the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District. On his first visit to the school, he spotted the barren ball field behind it. "I was like, 'Um, yeah.'" Things just fell into place. Then-principal Gary Myers immediately saw that a farm fit the school's philosophy to connect kids with their interests and allow them to explore them with internships. The school received a multi-year environmental education grant through the Oregon Community Foundation Gray Family Fund to start the farm and hire Hudak, 31, whose position is partly paid for by the Beaverton School District. Hudak, who wears a perma-smile and describes his favorite foods as "super good" or "ah-mazing," devotes long hours to planning the program. "He sort of fell in our laps," Myers says. "I just felt really fortunate to have him show up on our doorstep." *** Call Mike Morton a reluctant farmer. After three years of struggle at Sunset High School in Beaverton, the 17-year-old with the ear-length straw-blond hair lands at Terra Nova. He hopes to find a place where he can connect with teachers and raise his grades -- things he never did at Sunset because he felt out of place and disengaged. His mom chides him to sign up for the farm internship, but Morton has seen Hudak, a jeans-and-shirt guy with a Zen-like demeanor, around school. Until Hudak, who lets his curly, dirty blond ponytail stick out from a baseball cap, asks for help building a hothouse for tomatoes. Morton drafts a design within a day -- and he sticks around for the season. The kid who once slept in late, skipped classes, gave up on his plans of becoming a firefighter, finds something he's good at. It's well into fall -- when farmers prep for spring -- and the students try to keep up with the heap of new information. The first semester farm crew of nine page through catalogs with purple carrots and multi-colored squash. Most of them aren't wild about fruits and vegetables, but these are cool -- strange varieties grocery stores typically don't stock. They order seeds, build an irrigation system. Though they will practice organic farming methods, they can't label the farm organic without official certification. Even before the seeds are planted, students like junior Jenny Carmona can picture the field at harvest, brimming with fruits and vegetables. Even once-dubious students like senior Cassidy Ringwald -- who didn't like being told what to do and was on the verge of being kicked out of the farm program -- have come around. Ringwald, 17, who dresses in all black, now volunteers for extra chores and still manages to keep his grades up. Hudak's enthusiasm is rubbing off. *** Other schools in Oregon have gardens for the kids; some even provide fresh food for lunches. But Terra Nova's is believed to be the first high school community supported agriculture (CSA) program in Oregon, one of a handful across the country. Trillium Charter School in North Portland once operated a small CSA with students ages 8 to 12. It's a simple notion. CSAs started in the 1960s in Europe and Japan -- a pact between consumers looking for quality food and farmers looking for stable markets. CSAs jumped to the United States in the mid-1980s and took off. Furthermore, sustainable agriculture organizations have tried to spur interest among youth to teach them how food grows, where it comes from and about healthy eating. There are more than 130 listings for Oregon CSAs on LocalHarvest.org, a Web site pinpointing such programs nationwide, including Terra Nova's, tucked away in Portland on Northwest Thompson Road near the Multnomah and Washington county line. On the receiving end of Terra Nova's bounty is Carol Grimes, one of 18 subscribers. She lucks into the deal because of a chance meeting with Hudak at a farmers market. Other local CSAs are already booked with subscribers for the season. For $500, Grimes, who wants to eat healthier, picks up a box of seasonal fresh fruits and veggies each Thursday from May to October. The boxes are so full, she invites friends over for weekly dinner parties to spread the wealth. "Knowing that I'm supporting a really valuable program that's in my own community, and in addition is with high school students," Grimes says, "really makes this experience meaningful." Terra Nova students return from summer break just as the farm reaches full bloom. In one corner, tomatoes in reds, oranges and yellows dangle from the vine. Across the field, cornstalks and bursting sunflowers tower. Closest to the street, violet cosmos and soft pink straw flowers add crayon colors to a sea of green. Drivers speeding around the curve slow down. What's going on, they ask. Levi Jennings is one of seven students picked to work with Hudak over the summer to manage the farm. A $12,000 grant allows each student to earn a small stipend. For many, it's their first job. Jennings, who has a persistent 5 o'clock shadow, unlike his peers, is a human encyclopedia rattling off factoids about how flowers can suck away a plant's energy from the vegetables it produces. He demonstrates the correct way to pick Sun Gold cherry tomatoes, which are so sweet the students call them "sugar bombs." "This plant is growing because of me," says the 16-year-old junior, whose interests in nature conservation and biology dovetail at the farm. Students here have become independent. Instead of asking Hudak how to organize the hundreds of flowers they picked, they form an assembly line. Rock music blares from a boombox as students bundle the blooms into bouquets. The farm, producing more than expected, signs up three more CSA members. The work is a lot hotter than the students expected, too. "This is a job that most people would kill themselves if they had," says Ringwald, who once nearly quit the farm program. "In the summertime in the heat, it's horrible working out here. With Paul, he keeps our enthusiasm up a lot." But Carmona, who thought the farm would have chickens like her grandmother's farm in Mexico, sees the space as a refuge. During the summer, she stresses about her family's move into a new home. "It's like a little sanctuary to go to." During lunch break, the crew sits together in Hudak's classroom. On this warm day, he carries in a watermelon from the farm. With everything they grow, the students sample it before giving it to members. "This thing's a beast," Hudak says as he slices through the red flesh. As they eat, the room silences. Juice slides down the students' chins and onto their hands, crusted with dirt. Hudak asks if they think this Crimson Sweet variety is good. They nod. "We should do all watermelon next year," Ringwald says. If they harvest the seeds, Hudak tells them, they can use them next season. Eventually, the seeds will adapt to Terra Nova's microclimate to make for even better watermelon. "The way that humans evolve," Hudak tells them, "plants evolve." This is a classroom without walls, where it's not about lecturing. Hudak wants his students to have fun, just as he did on his first farm job. Science served with watermelon. *** It's late October, the last day of the first season. Farmer Greg Malinowski, who farms nearby and who helped plow up the sod last year, is back. He tills under any plants still left standing. Instead of pottery pieces, the ground looks sifted. The till moves it like an electric mixer stirring dry chocolate cake mix. It's a testament to Hudak and the students -- and to the power of chicken manure, donated by Stutzman Environmental Products in Canby and the ZooDoo fertilizer from the Oregon Zoo -- to amend and fertilize. The fall farm crew stops to watch Malinowski churn their year's work back into the ground. Student Mike Morton -- the once reluctant farmer -- stands there longest -- and says he's not sad to see the farm go because he knows its soul is still there. Then he holds out his digital camera to snap a picture of himself with the farm in the backdrop. He's more excited about school and is on track to earn his high school diploma, one of the minimum requirements to becoming a firefighter. Farming is still hippie, Morton says. "I still think that. Maybe I'm just a hippie, too." Levi Jennings and Cassidy Ringwald didn't come to see any of the hoopla. They continue to wash beets. They've changed in little ways. Jennings eats healthier; his new favorite vegetable is kohlrabi, a small, bulbous, cabbage variety. Ringwald takes ownership in the garden, even warning students during a schoolwide farm tour not to step on plants. "We grow with love," Ringwald says. Both say they'll be back next season. That night, the students and CSA members come together for their third and last potluck: homemade pizza with tomatoes and pesto, stuffed acorn squash with melted cheddar cheese, fresh tomato salsa and pumpkin pie. Hudak mingles with everyone. He wants to share the successful model with other schools. "My biggest hopes were that the students would enjoy doing it. It's definitely inspired me to make this the best it can be." This winter, he will re-apply for the environmental education grant, though funds are not guaranteed. In order to make the program more self-sustainable, Terra Nova will try to double the CSA membership next spring. Inside, everyone celebrates their first season. Outside, just across from the party, the field still smells of a mix of cilantro, basil and dirt. Along with the good bugs and bad bugs that give and take from the farm, the students will return -- next season.
books.google.com - Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence provides an authoritative summary of current knowledge of the biological basis of substance use behaviours, including their relationship with environmental factors. The report focuses on a wide range of psychoactive substances, including tobacco,...https://books.google.com/books/about/Neuroscience_of_Psychoactive_Substance_U.html?id=G9OhG-dZdAwC&utm_source=gb-gplus-shareNeuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence provides an authoritative summary of current knowledge of the biological basis of substance use behaviours, including their relationship with environmental factors. The report focuses on a wide range of psychoactive substances, including tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. New developments in neuroscience research are discussed (e.g., mechanisms governing craving, tolerance, neuroadaptation, immunotherapies and the concept of dependence) as well the ethical implications of these developments. As the product of consultations with and contributions from many international experts and partners, the best available evidence is provided from the various schools of thought and areas of research in the field of neuroscience. Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence is targeted at individuals with more than a basic knowledge of neuroscience, including scientists from a number of disciplines. It is expected that this publication will be of interest to health care workers, clinicians, social workers, university students, science teachers and informed policy makers.
Marcus Rashford stands in the list of rising footballers in the world who have earned significant name and fame at very early age with their tremendous performance and elegant playing style. He plays for the Manchester United Club as well as plays for the national football team of England. This tremendous footballer has been playing professionally since early age. He has been playing for the Manchester united since 7 year of age. He also represented under- 16, under-18, under-20 and under-21 national team of England. Marcus played his first international match in UEFA Euro 2016 cup. He has also declared as best European under 21 player in 2016 and won many awards like Golden Boy award. After reading this article you will come to know about the well known footballer Marcus Rashford, family photos, wife, father, mother, age, height and salary. Marcus Rashford Family: He was born and brought up into a middle class family of Wythenshawe Manchester. He doesn’t like to talk about his beloved family therefore we have no information regarding to his beloved family. We are trying our best to access his family, As we will come to know about his family, we will update it here soon. Marcus Rashford Wife: He has not got marriage yet but he is enjoying a relationship with his beloved girlfriend. He was spotted on many occasions with his beloved girlfriend but he hasn’t revealed any news regarding to her. Marcus Rashford Father and Mother: As I already mentioned that he doesn’t like to talk about his family therefore he has also not talked about his father and mother too. As he will open his mouth about his parents, we will update it here soon. Marcus Rashford Age: He was born on 31st of October in 1997. He is 19 year old and going to celebrate his 20th birthday in 2017. Marcus Rashford Height: He has perfect height and weight ratio. He is 5.11 feet tall with perfect weight too. Marcus Rashford Salary: He has not announced his current salary yet. As he will revealed any news regarding to his salary, we will update it here soon.
'use strict'; const runAction = require('./action'); const extend = require('node.extend'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const {promisify} = require('util'); const pkg = require('../package.json'); const promiseTimeout = require('p-timeout'); const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); const semver = require('semver'); const runnerJavascriptPromises = {}; const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile); module.exports = pa11y; /** * Run accessibility tests on a web page. * @public * @param {String} url - The URL to run tests against. * @param {Object} [options={}] - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Function} [callback] - An optional callback to use instead of promises. * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise which resolves with a results object. */ async function pa11y(url, options = {}, callback) { const state = {}; let pa11yError; let pa11yResults; [url, options, callback] = parseArguments(url, options, callback); try { // Verify that the given options are valid verifyOptions(options); // Call the actual Pa11y test runner with // a timeout if it takes too long pa11yResults = await promiseTimeout( runPa11yTest(url, options, state), options.timeout, `Pa11y timed out (${options.timeout}ms)` ); } catch (error) { // Capture error if a callback is provided, otherwise reject with error if (callback) { pa11yError = error; } else { throw error; } } finally { await stateCleanup(state); } // Run callback if present, and resolve with pa11yResults return callback ? callback(pa11yError, pa11yResults) : pa11yResults; } /** * Parse arguments from the command-line to properly identify the url, options, and callback * @private * @param {String} url - The URL to run tests against. * @param {Object} [options={}] - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Function} [callback] - An optional callback to use instead of promises. * @returns {Array} the new values of url, options, and callback */ function parseArguments(url, options, callback) { if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } if (typeof url !== 'string') { options = url; url = options.url; } url = sanitizeUrl(url); options = defaultOptions(options); return [url, options, callback]; } /** * Default the passed in options using Pa11y's defaults. * @private * @param {Object} [options] - The options to apply defaults to. * @returns {Object} Returns the defaulted options. */ function defaultOptions(options) { options = extend({}, pa11y.defaults, options); options.ignore = options.ignore.map(ignored => ignored.toLowerCase()); if (!options.includeNotices) { options.ignore.push('notice'); } if (!options.includeWarnings) { options.ignore.push('warning'); } return options; } /** * Internal Pa11y test runner. * @private * @param {String} url - The URL to run tests against. * @param {Object} options - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Object} state - The current pa11y internal state, fields will be mutated by * this function. * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise which resolves with a results object. */ async function runPa11yTest(url, options, state) { options.log.info(`Running Pa11y on URL ${url}`); await setBrowser(options, state); await setPage(options, state); await interceptRequests(options, state); await gotoUrl(url, options, state); await runActionsList(options, state); await injectRunners(options, state); // Launch the test runner! options.log.debug('Running Pa11y on the page'); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (options.wait > 0) { options.log.debug(`Waiting for ${options.wait}ms`); } const results = await runPa11yWithOptions(options, state); options.log.debug(`Document title: "${results.documentTitle}"`); await saveScreenCapture(options, state); return results; } /** * Ensures that puppeteer resources are freed and listeners removed. * @private * @param {Object} state - The last-known state of the test-run. * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves when resources are released */ async function stateCleanup(state) { if (state.browser && state.autoClose) { await state.browser.close(); } else if (state.page) { state.page.removeListener('request', state.requestInterceptCallback); state.page.removeListener('console', state.consoleCallback); if (state.autoClosePage) { await state.page.close(); } } } /** * Sets or initialises the browser. * @private * @param {Object} options - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Object} state - The current pa11y internal state, fields will be mutated by * this function. * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves when resources are released */ async function setBrowser(options, state) { if (options.browser) { options.log.debug( 'Using a pre-configured Headless Chrome instance, ' + 'the `chromeLaunchConfig` option will be ignored' ); state.browser = options.browser; state.autoClose = false; } else { // Launch a Headless Chrome browser. We use a // state object which is accessible from the // wrapping function options.log.debug('Launching Headless Chrome'); state.browser = await puppeteer.launch( options.chromeLaunchConfig ); state.autoClose = true; } } /** * Configures the browser page to be used for the test. * @private * @param {Object} [options] - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Object} state - The current pa11y internal state, fields will be mutated by * this function. * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves when the page has been configured. */ async function setPage(options, state) { if (options.browser && options.page) { state.page = options.page; state.autoClosePage = false; } else { state.page = await state.browser.newPage(); state.autoClosePage = true; } // Listen for console logs on the page so that we can // output them for debugging purposes state.consoleCallback = message => { options.log.debug(`Browser Console: ${message.text()}`); }; state.page.on('console', state.consoleCallback); options.log.debug('Opening URL in Headless Chrome'); if (options.userAgent) { await state.page.setUserAgent(options.userAgent); } await state.page.setViewport(options.viewport); } /** * Configures the browser page to intercept requests if necessary * @private * @param {Object} [options] - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Object} state - The current pa11y internal state, fields will be mutated by * this function. * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves immediately if no listeners are necessary * or after listener functions have been attached. */ async function interceptRequests(options, state) { // Avoid to use `page.setRequestInterception` when not necessary // because it occasionally stops page load: // https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/3111 // https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/3121 const shouldInterceptRequests = (options.headers && Object.keys(options.headers).length) || (options.method && options.method.toLowerCase() !== 'get') || options.postData; if (!shouldInterceptRequests) { return; } // Intercept page requests, we need to do this in order // to set the HTTP method or post data await state.page.setRequestInterception(true); // Intercept requests so we can set the HTTP method // and post data. We only want to make changes to the // first request that's handled, which is the request // for the page we're testing let interceptionHandled = false; state.requestInterceptCallback = interceptedRequest => { const overrides = {}; if (!interceptionHandled) { // Override the request method options.log.debug('Setting request method'); overrides.method = options.method; // Override the request headers (and include the user-agent) options.log.debug('Setting request headers'); overrides.headers = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options.headers)) { overrides.headers[key.toLowerCase()] = value; } // Override the request POST data if present if (options.postData) { options.log.debug('Setting request POST data'); overrides.postData = options.postData; } interceptionHandled = true; } interceptedRequest.continue(overrides); }; state.page.on('request', state.requestInterceptCallback); } /** * Instructs the page to go to the provided url unless options.ignoreUrl is true * @private * @param {String} [url] - The URL of the page to be tested. * @param {Object} [options] - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Object} state - The current pa11y internal state, fields will be mutated by * this function. * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves when the page URL has been set */ async function gotoUrl(url, options, state) { // Navigate to the URL we're going to test if (!options.ignoreUrl) { await state.page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle2', timeout: options.timeout }); } } /** * Carries out a synchronous list of actions in the page * @private * @param {Object} options - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Object} state - The current pa11y internal state, fields will be mutated by * this function. * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves when all actions have completed */ async function runActionsList(options, state) { if (options.actions.length) { options.log.info('Running actions'); for (const action of options.actions) { await runAction(state.browser, state.page, options, action); } options.log.info('Finished running actions'); } } /** * Loads the test runners and Pa11y client-side scripts if required * @private * @param {Object} options - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Object} state - The current pa11y internal state, fields will be mutated by * this function. * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves when all runners have been injected and evaluated */ async function injectRunners(options, state) { // We only load these files once on the first run of Pa11y as they don't // change between runs if (!runnerJavascriptPromises.pa11y) { runnerJavascriptPromises.pa11y = readFile(`${__dirname}/runner.js`, 'utf-8'); } for (const runner of options.runners) { if (!runnerJavascriptPromises[runner]) { options.log.debug(`Loading runner: ${runner}`); runnerJavascriptPromises[runner] = loadRunnerScript(runner); } } // Inject the test runners options.log.debug('Injecting Pa11y'); await state.page.evaluate(await runnerJavascriptPromises.pa11y); for (const runner of options.runners) { options.log.debug(`Injecting runner: ${runner}`); const script = await runnerJavascriptPromises[runner]; await state.page.evaluate(script); } } /** * Sends a request to the page to instruct the injected pa11y script to run with the * provided options * @private * @param {Object} options - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Object} state - The current pa11y internal state, fields will be mutated by * this function. * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves with the results of the pa11y evaluation */ function runPa11yWithOptions(options, state) { /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ return state.page.evaluate(runOptions => { return window.__pa11y.run(runOptions); }, { hideElements: options.hideElements, ignore: options.ignore, pa11yVersion: pkg.version, rootElement: options.rootElement, rules: options.rules, runners: options.runners, standard: options.standard, wait: options.wait }); /* eslint-enable no-underscore-dangle */ } /** * Generates a screen capture if required by the provided options * @private * @param {Object} options - Options to change the way tests run. * @param {Object} state - The current pa11y internal state, fields will be mutated by * this function. * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves when the screenshot is complete */ async function saveScreenCapture(options, state) { // Generate a screen capture if (options.screenCapture) { options.log.info( `Capturing screen, saving to "${options.screenCapture}"` ); try { await state.page.screenshot({ path: options.screenCapture, fullPage: true }); } catch (error) { options.log.error(`Error capturing screen: ${error.message}`); } } } /** * Verify that passed in options are valid. * @private * @param {Object} options - The options to verify. * @returns {Undefined} Returns nothing. * @throws {Error} Throws if options are not valid. */ function verifyOptions(options) { if (!pa11y.allowedStandards.includes(options.standard)) { throw new Error(`Standard must be one of ${pa11y.allowedStandards.join(', ')}`); } if (options.page && !options.browser) { throw new Error('The page option must only be set alongside the browser option'); } if (options.ignoreUrl && !options.page) { throw new Error('The ignoreUrl option must only be set alongside the page option'); } } /** * Sanitize a URL, ensuring it has a scheme. If the URL begins with a slash or a period, * it will be resolved as a path against the current working directory. If the URL does * begin with a scheme, it will be prepended with "http://". * @private * @param {String} url - The URL to sanitize. * @returns {String} Returns the sanitized URL. */ function sanitizeUrl(url) { if (/^\//i.test(url)) { return `file://${url}`; } if (/^\./i.test(url)) { return `file://${path.resolve(process.cwd(), url)}`; } if (!/^(https?|file):\/\//i.test(url)) { return `http://${url}`; } return url; } /** * Load a Pa11y runner module. * @param {String} runner - The name of the runner. * @return {Object} Returns the required module. * TODO could this be refactored to use requireFirst (in bin/pa11y.js) */ function loadRunnerFile(runner) { try { return require(`pa11y-runner-${runner}`); } catch (error) {} return require(runner); } /** * Assert that a Pa11y runner is compatible with a version of Pa11y. * @param {String} runnerName - The name of the runner. * @param {String} runnerSupportString - The runner support string (a semver range). * @param {String} pa11yVersion - The version of Pa11y to test support for. * @throws {Error} Throws an error if the reporter does not support the given version of Pa11y * @returns {void} */ function assertReporterCompatibility(runnerName, runnerSupportString, pa11yVersion) { if (!runnerSupportString || !semver.satisfies(pa11yVersion, runnerSupportString)) { throw new Error([ `The installed "${runnerName}" runner does not support Pa11y ${pa11yVersion}`, 'Please update your version of Pa11y or the runner', `Reporter Support: ${runnerSupportString}`, `Pa11y Version: ${pa11yVersion}` ].join('\n')); } } /** * Loads a runner script * @param {String} runner - The name of the runner. * @throws {Error} Throws an error if the reporter does not support the given version of Pa11y * @returns {Promise<String>} Promise */ async function loadRunnerScript(runner) { const runnerModule = loadRunnerFile(runner); let runnerBundle = ''; assertReporterCompatibility(runner, runnerModule.supports, pkg.version); for (const runnerScript of runnerModule.scripts) { runnerBundle += '\n\n'; runnerBundle += await readFile(runnerScript, 'utf-8'); } return ` ;${runnerBundle}; ;window.__pa11y.runners['${runner}'] = ${runnerModule.run.toString()}; `; } /* istanbul ignore next */ const noop = () => { /* No-op */ }; /** * Default options (excluding 'level', 'reporter', and 'threshold' which are only * relevant when calling bin/pa11y from the CLI) * @public */ pa11y.defaults = { actions: [], browser: null, chromeLaunchConfig: { ignoreHTTPSErrors: true }, headers: {}, hideElements: null, ignore: [], ignoreUrl: false, includeNotices: false, includeWarnings: false, log: { debug: noop, error: noop, info: noop }, method: 'GET', postData: null, rootElement: null, rules: [], runners: [ 'htmlcs' ], screenCapture: null, standard: 'WCAG2AA', timeout: 30000, userAgent: `pa11y/${pkg.version}`, viewport: { width: 1280, height: 1024 }, wait: 0 }; /** * Allowed a11y standards. * @public */ pa11y.allowedStandards = [ 'Section508', 'WCAG2A', 'WCAG2AA', 'WCAG2AAA' ]; /** * Alias the `isValidAction` method */ pa11y.isValidAction = runAction.isValidAction;
Set a release schedule An ideal number of uploads Uploading regularly (sometimes multiple times a day) is a big part of how gaming channels operate on YouTube. Frequent releases and urging viewers to subscribe may keep gaming channels on the top of their viewers’ minds, set audience expectations, and can help surface your videos more frequently. When planning out how many uploads you want to release each day or week, ensure your proposed schedule will keep you sane and happy. It’s not a good idea to upload just to reach a magic number. Remember to check in with your audience. Are they watching all of your uploads and loving your stuff? Try reading your comments and looking at your Audience retention and Watch time reports in YouTube Analytics to get a sense of how entertained your viewers are with the videos you’re producing. Your effort level and your audience’s response are two key indicators that can help guide the frequency of your uploads. Don’t forget to promote your programming schedule so that your audience knows when and what they can expect from you. Consider adding a call-to-action in your videos, using branding elements like your channel banner or trailer to advertise your schedule, and sharing it on social media. It’s ok to take a break or go on vacation -- but remember to let your fans know or film in advance and upload with the scheduler! Tips See it in action While we don’t encourage you to make videos if you’re not feeling well, here Markiplier shows his fans why he may be taking a few days off from regularly scheduled programming. Find the right formats Gaming videos come in many shapes and sizes. There’s no need to stick with just one type. Many gamers have gone beyond the traditional “walkthrough”and “Let’s Play” formats to less traditional videos featuring on-screen appearances, long-form content and livestreams. One of the best ways to see which types of videos you like to make (and what resonates with your audience) is by experimenting. Try out different formats until you find the ones that inspire and motivate you. Many creators have accelerated their growth and discovery by featuring several types of videos on their gaming channel. Don’t forget that livestream is an option too. You can turn it on with the touch of a button and instantly be interacting with your audience in real time. With the Stream Now dashboard, it's super easy to create playlists of previous live streams and promote on social media. Clintus games walks his viewers through an unboxing of his Super Geek Box. Schedule around events Search trends often spike around industry events or game launches. Some creators have found success by producing videos that relate to these. Always stick to what makes your channel work, but if you have the opportunity and inspiration to take advantage of these events, go for it! Study the trends. Search traffic for a game often begins weeks before the actual public release --consider releasing a relevant video (like a preview before it comes out or an “unboxing” video to show your excitement about it! If you wait until the day of the release, you may have already missed a lot of potential viewership. It may be helpful to write out a calendar. Just grab a planner and jot down some potential ideas and dates. Try to align them with gaming events or premieres you think are important. Not only will a consistent schedule help build viewership, but it can help you stay on top of your production schedule.
--- glibc-2.3.2/configure-orig 2009-03-26 15:46:33.000000000 +0100 +++ glibc-2.3.2/configure 2009-03-26 15:49:15.000000000 +0100 @@ -3850,67 +3850,6 @@ # These programs are version sensitive. -for ac_prog in ${ac_tool_prefix}gcc ${ac_tool_prefix}cc -do - # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 -echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5 -echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6 -if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then - echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6 -else - if test -n "$CC"; then - ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test. -else -as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR -for as_dir in $PATH -do - IFS=$as_save_IFS - test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. - for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do - if $as_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then - ac_cv_prog_CC="$ac_prog" - echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 - break 2 - fi -done -done - -fi -fi -CC=$ac_cv_prog_CC -if test -n "$CC"; then - echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5 -echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6 -else - echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5 -echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6 -fi - - test -n "$CC" && break -done - -if test -z "$CC"; then - ac_verc_fail=yes -else - # Found it, now check the version. - echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking version of $CC" >&5 -echo $ECHO_N "checking version of $CC... $ECHO_C" >&6 - ac_prog_version=`$CC -v 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^.*version \([egcygnustpi-]*[0-9.]*\).*$/\1/p'` - case $ac_prog_version in - '') ac_prog_version="v. ?.??, bad"; ac_verc_fail=yes;; - 3.[2-9]*) - ac_prog_version="$ac_prog_version, ok"; ac_verc_fail=no;; - *) ac_prog_version="$ac_prog_version, bad"; ac_verc_fail=yes;; - - esac - echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_prog_version" >&5 -echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_prog_version" >&6 -fi -if test $ac_verc_fail = yes; then - critic_missing="$critic_missing gcc" -fi - for ac_prog in gnumake gmake make do # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
Not your usual blog. A series of short, pithy comments on the world from an objective (not Objectivist) view usually without the usual links to other sources. I'll include links when I can. This blog was originally on Word Press/Blogivists, but it disappeared suddenly so I moved it here. It has come back there, but it's too late. About Me The New THOMA$ REPORT, which I had published since the turn of the century, is no more. Town Hall deleted ALL their "citizen blogs" so this is "it." Bull Cutter will be my premier blog until Blogger does the same. Copyright (C) 2007 By Ray Thomas Followers Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Getting Tired of Obama Every day I see pictures of his ugly mug on the newsstands; and on the television; and everywhere else I look. Like “Big Brother” in George Orwell’s prophetic “1984” where the country was run by this guy everybody called “Big Brother,” whose face was EVERYWHERE. Where it was on your television when it was turned off, and that TV watched YOU. I’m getting to the point where I just turn it off whenever I see his mug. Sheesh! VIAGRA FOR RAPISTS? No, none of the politicians in this ad voted for specifically a law to allow rapists and child molesters to be able to get Viagra at government expense. But every one that voted for Obama’s health care swindle voted for a bill that would ALLOW rapists and child molesters access to it after they get out of prison, so they can “get it up” to rape either adults or children, whatever they prefer. “THE STAFF” DOES IT ALL: Politicians do practically nothing aside from voting and raising money for re-election. The “staff” does it all. They read the legislation (when it is read at all); they WRITE the legislation their principal introduces. They write the speeches he gives. They put THEIR ideas into his head (they call it “advice”). The congressperson just takes credit for what they do and collects his money. Every once in a while he goes into Congress and votes the way they tell him he should. NO COMPROMISE: Obama and other Democrats whine about there being “no compromise” in Washington. They want you to think it is the Republicans who will not compromise, but it is the Democrats. They have many meetings at which they hear idea after idea from Republicans, but they reject them out of hand. Then they say “Republicans have no new ideas.” Actually, Republicans have plenty of ideas, but liberal Democrats won’t hear them. Republicans simply won’t compromise their basic principles and accept those of the Democrats (liberals). OBAMA “NOT KING”: Obama bemoans the fact that he is not king. And he talks about “crushing your enemies, referring to those who disagree with him.” Since when are people who disagree with a president “enemies?” I thought he wanted to “get them involved.” You can’t do that if you consider them an “enemy.” This is the “great unifier.” Sheesh! LARRY KING NEEDS TO BE RETIRED: He got confused the other day and accused that “WikiLeaks” guy of “walking off” his set. Only one problem; he didn’t. Larry’s getting really old and is showing signs of his senility. He ought to announce his retirement and go home to rest. He isn’t much good as a commentator, anyway. All he does is “throw softballs” at Democrats while ignoring Republicans..
ByIf you're an Old Dominion University football fan, you may remember Satchel Ziffer. If you can't quite place his name, his 10 minutes of fame occurred in 2014, when the non-scholarship placekicker came off the bench to kick last-second, game-winning field goals against Florida International and Florida Atlantic. His field goals transformed what might have been a 4-8 record into 6-6 in ODU's first season in FBS.Ziffer spent two short years at ODU, where the junior college transfer from Lancaster, Pa. graduated in 2016. He's since earned a master's degree in finance from Colorado and has done well financially working as a stock and hedge fund consultant in Los Angeles and Denver.But those two years at ODU made a huge impression on him. When he looked for a way to help feed hungry children and others suffering because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he started a Go Fund Me page to help people in Norfolk.He hooked up with Perfectly Frank, a restaurant in the Monarch Way section of ODU's campus. Tarah Morris, owner and operator of the restaurant, is using the donations to prepare meals at a reduced price and deliver them to hungry people.This past week she delivered 34 meals to Hope Village, a homeless housing facility in Norfolk, and 50 meals to the 4-Kids charity program thanks to Ziffer's Go Fund Me page. Hundreds more will be delivered in the coming weeks, Morris said.Ziffer promoted the fund on social media and got things started with a $100 donation. The fund has begun modestly, accruing just $710, but Ziffer continues to promote it and says the money will increase.Ziffer says that if the fund helps feed just a few dozen children, it was worth his time."I just want to help, especially those really in need," he said. "Maybe one day if I need help someone will be there to help me."Ziffer's parents run a small business in Pennsylvania Dutch country, and he reached out to Perfectly Frank because it is also a small business."So many small businesses are hurting, especially restaurants," he said.Like many other restaurant owners, Morris is struggling to make ends meet on takeout orders. She's also exhausted from the extra workload she's shouldering.She has three children at home and her husband, Sean, works long hours in the training office for the Norfolk Fire Department. Nonetheless, she's doubled her workload from about 30 hours per week to 60."I could probably give more hours to other people, but I work for free," she said, adding that she hasn't had to lay off any cooks or waitresses."How am I doing? I don't really know. I've been moving so fast because we've been in survival mode."I think we're going to be OK, but you just don't know anything for sure at this point."Her eatery specializes in comfort food, from hamburgers and hot dogs (hence the name, Perfectly Frank) and French Fries to barbecue, tuna melts and fried chicken.She has developed close ties with many at ODU, including athletic director Wood Selig and athletic donor Ray Wittersheim, who sits in the same seat for dinner before every men's and women's basketball game."Everyone knows that's Ray's seat," she said.Selig ran into her last weekend while taking an early-morning walk."She's part of the ODU community," Selig said. "I'm so glad that Satchel stepped up to help and that he did it with Tarah."Others have stepped up as well. Lynnhaven River Now, a group dedicated to restoring the Lynnhaven River, purchased 40 meals for emergency room nurses at Sentara Norfolk General. The Next, a private apartment complex in which many ODU student live, is sponsoring meals for nurses at the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters.Morris even got a $200 check from her ex-husband's aunt (Kathy) that fed 25 of the homeless at the Samaritan House.She says that takeout service at many Monarch Way restaurants, including the Den by Denny's and Panera Bread, is bringing people together."I see families pull up in cars, pick up their food and park and talk to each other while they eat," she said. "That's a safe way to interact with people you care about. It's the next-best thing to going to a restaurant."It's good to see people enjoy a little normalcy."Ziffer said he hopes more people step up to help restaurants and feed people in Hampton Roads."The hospitality industry is such a big part of the area's economy," he said. "So many restaurant workers are losing their jobs. How are they supposed to feed their families?"If you're in a position to help, please do what you can."Click here Go Fund Me to contribute.To contact Perfectly Frank, call 757-440-1020.Contact Minium: hminium@odu.edu
You are here Zoo Euthanizes 4 Lions Weeks After Feeding Giraffe To Pride "Several weeks after a Danish zoo euthanized an 18-month-old giraffe named Marius and fed it to lions in front of visitors, the same wildlife park has killed four more of its animals. According to the Agence France-Presse, the Copenhagen Zoo euthanized four lions, including two cubs, on Monday in order to make room for a new male in the habitat. "Because of the pride of lions' natural structure and behavior, the zoo has had to euthanize the two old lions and two young lions who were not old enough to fend for themselves," the zoo said in a statement provided to the agency."
Bob Pulford spent five seasons as the Kings head coach (1972-77). Pulford is second all-time in Kings coaching history in games (396) and wins (178) and is third in Kings history with a .535 winning percentage. Pulford is the only Kings coach to ever win the Jack Adams award (1975), awarded to the NHL's Best Coach. In Pulford's first year with the Kings (1972-73), the team was named “Most Improved” in the NHL and missed the playoffs in the last game of the season. His second year, the Kings made the playoffs for the first time in five years. His third year, the Kings had their greatest season ever finishing with 105 points and earning Pulford “Coach of the Year” honors. His fourth year, the Kings advanced to the second round of the playoffs for the first time in seven years and took heavily favored Boston to a seventh game in the Stanley Cup Quarterfinals. In his final year, the Kings again advanced to the Stanley Cup Quarterfinals and again, fell to the Boston Bruins, this time in six games. Pulford played junior hockey for the Toronto Marlboros for three seasons from 1953 to 1956, winning two Memorial Cups. He moved up to the Maple Leafs for the 1956–57 season and remained with the team for 14 seasons. Pulford was named an NHL All-Star six times with the Leafs and registered four 20-goal seasons while winning four Stanley Cups in a span of six seasons during the 1960s. The Leafs traded him to the Los Angeles Kings on Sept. 3, 1970, where he played two seasons scoring 30-50=80 in 132 games as the Kings captain and retired as a player in 1972. Pulford collected 643 points (281 goals, 362 assists) in 1,079 games for the Leafs and Kings from 1956-72. After leaving the Kings, Pulford joined the Blackhawks organization as head coach and general manager. He served as coach on three separate occasions from 1977 to 1987. He was promoted to senior vice president in 1990, but took on the general manager's duties again from 1992 to 1997, from 1999 to 2000, and from 2003 to 2005. During his third stint as general manager, Pulford doubled again as head coach. His all-time coaching record is 361-325-136. With Pulford at the helm as GM, the Blackhawks made the playoffs 20 straight seasons, including eight division titles.
Tip of the day Scientists at Loma Linda University found that men who drank five 8-ounce glasses amount of H2O were 54 percent less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack than those who drank two glasses or less every day. The Zero Excuses Workout From the Experts at Men's Health Prove you have what it takes to transform your body for good Change your attitude; change your body. Yes, it’s that simple. Think about it: When guys start saying they don’t have the time, energy, or desire to exercise, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. After all, you probably accomplish a lot in the day. In fact, you likely get done what you absolutely need to get done. But if you don’t truly classify working out as priority, you aren’t going to do it. And everyone knows it’s easier not to exercise, right? Well, we say it’s not that hard to exercise. Especially when you use The Zero Excuses Workout. This three-day-a-week, fat-burning routine—designed by Men’s Health adviser Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S.— takes just 30 minutes from start to finish, including your warmup. And all it requires is pair of dumbbells. Can you wake up a half-hour earlier? Hit the gym on your lunch break? Skip an evening sit-com? Then you have the time. The question is: Do you have the heart—or do you have excuses? DIRECTIONS Alternate between Workout A and Workout B three days a week, resting a day between each session. So in Week 1, you might do Workout A on Monday and Friday, and Workout B on Wednesday. In Week 2, you’d do Workout B on Monday and Friday, and Workout A on Wednesday. Before each workout, perform the Warmup, which will boost your calorie-burn, reduce your risk of injury, and improve your performance in the subsequent workout. Log in to create your free profile and get access to exclusive content, workouts, community, and more! Log in to MensHealth.com Not Registered on MensHealth.com? This Week's Challenge PUSHUP CHALLENGE It might surprise you to know that the pushup wasn’t invented in the U.S. We can’t say for sure, but we’re guessing it comes from India, since it’s really a classic yoga exercise. And it’s not the only version of the...
I am iterating over a table of guids and preforming some business logic on each. When that's complete, depending on what happened during the business logic, I may push the guid to a results table. It looks like my best, (only?), option is to create a hold using filedef and -WRITE the guid to that file. A couple Q's: 1. I came across some code which suggests the way to approach this is something like: FILEDEF RESULTS DISK ????/results.ftm-RUN - begin my loop - do my work - if I want to write the guid -WRITE RESULTS &GUID - end of loop Does that look right? Do I not need to define a mas file? If that is the right way to go about it I'm getting the following error so maybe I'm missing something? 2. I learnt a little while ago that if I want my holds to be removed at the end of the request I don't want "ON TABLE HOLD AS 'foccache/temp_hold" but rather "ON TABLE HOLD AS temp_hold" as foccache is session, the other route is for the duration of the request, (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about that). So with that in mind, where would I want to create this hold if I want it to be deleted at the end of the request? So in the below code, what should "????" be? FILEDEF RESULTS DISK ????/results.ftm-RUN Thanks! This message has been edited. Last edited by: FP Mod Chuck, January 30, 2019 12:53 PM
James Well, Blake was kind of unlucky in that 1st set, at the very beginning he managed to create a couple of breakpoints at 2:2, when Raonic saved them by consecutive aces and kept serving big in that game to get 3:2 lead. Then Blake was unlucky at 2:3 and 30/40, when ball came off the tape after Raonic's shot and landed in Blake's side. That was it for the 1st set. Of course, should have avoided the bagel in the 2nd set, no excuses for that 3rd set was close, but it did seem that Raonic win was only a matter of time. Hopefully, Raonic manages to give Murray some trouble in the next round. If he gets to tiebreak, he should be tougher to break that Lopez yesterday.
A countess begs Lord Zimbabwe's help to skip eternity as a Barry Manilow fan. With Dan Freedman and Nick Romero. From July 2000.A mysterious foreign countess begs Lord Zimbabwe to win back her soul from the lord of the underworld.Without a soul, she is destined to be a Barry Manilow fan for eternity. Lord Zimbabwe faces his greatest challenge yet - a voyage to the moon to rescue an American who has been subjected to a cruel alien snatch.This could only mean one thing.Lord Zimbabwe and his butler Theremin take Dr Lilac to the Moon, in pursuit of abducted hillbillies.
This paper describes a pulsed electron beam source with a liquid-metal cathode operating in the explosive-electron-emission mode. The operating voltage range of the source is 10-40 kV. The operating frequency of the cathode is up to 1500 Hz. The device can be used as a point electron source in various electronic tubes and as an element of a multi-emitter electron source producing a large-cross-section electron flow
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Skii events of SAF winter games to begin on Friday at Auli Dehra Dun: The skiing events of first SAF winter games would begin at skii resort of Auli in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand on Friday. During the three-day long sporting event, the players will compete in three disciplines -- Alpine (Downhill), Nordic (Cross country) and snowboard. Earlier, the ice-skating events were held in Dehra Dun from Jan 10 to 12, where India simply outplayed the other South Asian countries, bagging all medals in 500m, 1000m and 1500m speed skating in both men and women categories. President of Winter Games Federation of India (WGFI) Brig (retd) S S Patwal said SAF winter games would work as a launching pad for future winter sports in the country, especially Uttarakhand and would also attract a large number of sportspersons as well as tourists from India and abroad.
Nick Clegg to give plastic bags the vote Britain's 4.3 million plastic bags could vote in the 2015 election under a plan launched by Nick Clegg at the Lib Dem annual conference. Clegg told party activists: "The very bags in which you have brought your cheese and pickle sandwiches and Thermos flasks of tea to Conference could be the salvation of this party. And muesli bars. I see no reason why their contribution to society shouldn't be recognised. The plastic bags I mean. Though that's not to underestimate those muesli bars." "I've got a pair of clean pants, swimming stuff, a banana and some Wet Wipes in mine. And a Dick Francis, and a broken pair of reading glasses." said Business Secretary Vince Cable. "A lot of people in Britain can say the same. We live in a topsy turvy world in which we don't recognise the massive contribution made by this massive section of our community while paying disgraced bankers and redundant BBC executives millions." But UKIP's Nigel Farage warned "We already have too many plastic bags in this country. Mine for example contains a packet of Rothmans, a big bag of crisps, and the 1998 Subuteo rule book. And I've got another one somewhere with an unsuitable hat in it I am taking back to Debenhams. If the receipt is still in there. So, too many bags, and now the Deputy Prime Minister wants to get into bed with all of them."
The first retrospective exhibition of works by Nikolai Kulbin (1868–1917) discovers the artist as a landscape painter with an analytical mind and yet an unspoiled vision, a prominent graphic artist who left many portraits of his contemporaries, a talented theatrical artist, and book illustrator. The exhibition is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Andrei Tarkovsky (1932–1986), famous Russian filmmaker and film director. A renowned master of cinema, Tarkovsky gained international recognition during his lifetime. He is considered the creator of a new language in cinematic art, having introduced new aesthetics and philosophy to it and influenced its further development. The retrospective exhibition of one of the most prominent artists of the Soviet realistic landscape presents to the public around 70 works from the collection of the Russian Museum, the artist's family and private collections. SUSTAINING AND CREATING exhibition is the result of successful realization of the program of support for the young artists Unusual Art that gives an incredible chances for the development of artist with limited physical opportunities in the age from 16 to 25 and allows them to receive the national recognition in the very beginning of their career. The exhibition acquaints with the series that unites 64 works by the well-known contemporary Russian photographer who had a trip across Africa and portrayed the unique beauty of landscape of this exotic land and its inhabitants – the representatives of the various world of wild nature that is removed from destructive force of civilization and preserves its independence. The exhibition is devoted to the creative oeuvre of two generations of the family of Petersburg artists Traugot: Georgiy Traugot (1903–1961), his wife Vera Yanova (1907–2004), whose works are presented to viewers for the first time ever, and their sons – Alexander Traugot (born 1931) and Valeriy Traugot (1936–2009). The solo exhibition of Genia Chef presents the creative oeuvre of the well-known master of contemporary art who was born in the Soviet Union and from 1985 works in foreign countries (Germany, Austria, the United States of America, Spain). The international exhibition of the children's photograph is the artistic and educational Photo-project that united the young masters of photograph from Cologne, Turku and St. Petersburg. The exhibition shows what the young Finns, Germans and Russians are interested in. The Russia for All exhibition project by the inhabitants of Moscow Victor Bondarenko (the author of idea of the exhibition) and the artist Dmitry Gutov is connected with the practice of contemporary art and realized in the form of the trip across Russia with stops in different cities. “Expedition” exhibition-installation created by the modern artists Mikhail Pavlukovich and Olga Subbotina in 2010 especially for the Festival of modern art “Living Perm” is holding within the framework of the Days of Perm Culture in St. Petersburg “Cultural Alliance”. The participants of the exhibition are the children from 5 to 17 years old, studying in the kindergartens, lyceums, general education and art schools, palaces, houses and centres of art of St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region, Vologda Region and Murmansk Region, Magnitogorsk, Tver, North Osetya-Alanya Republic. For the first time the exhibition of artworks by Mikhail Shvartsman from the collection of the artist’s family presents his graphic heritage as an organic, unique, marked by special virtuosic “making” branch of his creative oeuvre. The Zone of Happiness exhibition shows four Olga Chernysheva's videofilms (The Unknown, Self-Studying, Dionysius Steamer, Train), as well as a series of drawings and watercolours created by the artist on the basis of her video- and photo-works. The personal exhibition of Natalya Savinova showcases works, which has already became classic, from the State Russian Museum collection, as well as those created recently, which belong to the author and have never been shown to public. The exhibition dated to the ninetieth birthday of the Swiss artist and philosopher Victor Ruzo introduces his works of different oeuvre periods, which depict his unique life story, a story of a peculiar oeuvre phenomenon. Vadim Ovchinnikov is one of the most outstanding characters of underground of Leningrad, a member of TEII (Association of Experimental Fine Art) and of the Fund of Free culture, a memder and theorist of a group New artists. The exhibition was prepared in cooperation with Swiss Cultural Center. Its main exhibits were historical documents and engravings from the Navy Archive, Russian National Library and the State Russian Museum. The Russian Museum recommends Prev.Next Collection highlights The collection of masterpieces, chosen by the Russian Museum will allow you to make a first impression of the collection of the Russian Museum. The Russian Museum is the exclusive owner of all the interior images and pieces of art of the Russian Museum collection, as well as all the images and text information given on its official site. The usage of the texts and images provided on the site is only allowed with the permission of the Russian Museum.
How much does it cost to attend an NFL game? [infographic] Think NFL tickets are expensive? They are – but when you add up the cost of hot dogs, drinks, and other game-related items, the real price may be even more expensive than you thought. And if your home team is doing especially well this season, you could pay even more. Click on the image above to expand the infographic and explore how the total costs of attending a game vary across the US by team and location.
Incidents investigated by state police at Fern Ridge Published February 08. 2019 09:19AM State police at Fern Ridge reported on the following incidents. • On Jan. 18, at 6:33 p.m., troopers responded to 100 St. Luke’s Lane, in Stroud Township, Monroe County, for a report of an assault. Troopers are investigating an incident that took place on Milton Way in Albrightsville. Troopers listed the victim as an 18-year-old Blakeslee man. Arrested were Christopher Petrides, 20, and Elizabeth Jones, 18, both of Effort. Anyone with information concerning this incident is asked to call troopers at 570-646-2271. • On Jan. 31 at 6:49 p.m. troopers were dispatched to the 6400 block of Country Acres Court in Effort, Monroe County, for a report of a domestic dispute. Troopers said a fight began between George Hunter, 54, and his son, Daniel Hunter, 20. The two were fighting in the house. George Hunter was taken into custody and charged. Troopers also indicated that Daniel Hunter was charged. . • On Jan. 15 at 7:47 p.m. troopers stopped a 2015 Volkswagen sedan at the intersection of Route 115 and Jonas Road in Chestnuthill Township for a faulty headlight. Troopers detected the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. As a result the driver, 42-year-old Long Pond man, was taken into custody for suspicion of DUI. • On Jan. 22 at 5:02 p.m. troopers responded to a commercial building in the 800 block of Gilbert Road in Chestnuthill Township. On scene, troopers noticed a door was slightly open and a window was kicked in. A canvass of the building found that it had not been entered. The building owner was contacted. Damage to the window was estimated at $50. Anyone with information concerning this incident is asked to call troopers at 570-646-2271.
Background ========== Diatoms are important primary producers in the ocean \[[@B1]\], contributing approximately 40% to global marine productivity. Although diatoms often dominate phytoplankton communities in nutrient-rich ecosystems, members of this diverse group are also adapted to survive and persist in nutrient-limited conditions. The development of large diatom blooms upon nutrient resupply demonstrates the metabolic plasticity inherent to their ability to recover rapidly from nutrient limitation. Iron is an essential nutrient for all organisms and in particular for photoautotrophic organisms. It functions as a powerful electron carrier in iron-sulfur- and heme-containing proteins and as such is a required component of the photosynthetic apparatus. Solubility of iron in seawater is low and phytoplankton growth in marine habitats is often limited by iron availability. This is best illustrated in high-nitrate low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions, remote oceanic areas that lack any form of regular iron supply and suffer from a persistent shortage of this micronutrient. Here, although other commonly limiting nutrients like nitrate or phosphate are present at high concentrations, primary productivity - and biomass as a whole - is low \[[@B2]\]. Numerous large-scale iron fertilization experiments have confirmed that iron is the limiting nutrient in HNLC regions \[[@B3]\]. Phytoplankton blooms induced by iron fertilization were dominated by diatoms and carbon export to the deep-sea floor could be observed in some cases. The strong response of diatoms to the input of iron in HNLC regions has been a motivation for exploring large-scale iron fertilization as a possible bioengineering strategy to sequester CO~2~into the ocean in HNLC regions, which are otherwise rich in macronutrients. Genome projects on the model organisms *Thalassiosira pseudonana*\[[@B4]\] and *Phaeodactylum tricornutum*\[[@B5]\] have already generated a wealth of insights into the metabolic complexity of diatoms \[[@B6]\], a consequence of the secondary endosymbiosis event that gave rise to this group \[[@B7]\]. This secondary endosymbiosis brought together the benefits of a heterotrophic host and the \'red\'-type photosynthesis of red alga cells, which already have an elemental composition low in iron \[[@B8]\]. The impact of iron availability on phytoplankton growth has led to the evolution of strategies to counteract iron limitation. Well established parts of the low-iron response found in diverse phytoplankton species are the reduction of the chloroplast system, the corresponding development of a chlorotic phenotype, compensation mechanisms (replacement of iron-rich elements with iron-poor substitutes) and the activation of high-affinity iron-uptake systems \[[@B9]\]. The substitution of ferredoxin by flavodoxin \[[@B10]\], the use of plastocyanin instead of cytochrome c~6~\[[@B11]\] and a variant stoichiometry of photosynthetic complexes \[[@B12]\] are notable adaptive strategies to facilitate diatom growth in low-iron conditions. Oceanic and neritic phytoplankton species can be distinguished from each other by their growth characteristics and their tolerance to nutrient limitation \[[@B13]\]. Unlike many other *Thalassiosira*species that are predominantly found in coastal waters, *Thalassiosiraoceanica*is adapted to oligotrophic conditions and is highly tolerant to iron limitation in particular. Therefore, we chose *T. oceanica*CCMP1005 as a model for a comprehensive analysis of its low-iron response in the context of genomic information. Here, we explore the complex cellular response of *T. oceanica*to low-iron conditions with genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics approaches complemented by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analyses. We present a metabolic reconstruction of the iron limitation response based on the transcriptomics data from cells grown under iron-limited versus iron-replete conditions. A metabolic isotope labeling approach using ^14^N/^15^N was established for *T. oceanica*and showed the response to iron limitation at the protein expression level in a marine diatom for the first time. General characteristics of the \'diatom\' low-iron response and its ecological implications are discussed, as well as the constraints for species-specific adaptations to low-iron environments. Results ======= Characteristics of the *T. oceanica*genome ------------------------------------------ The genome of the centric diatom *T. oceanica*CCMP1005 (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}) was *de novo*assembled from 725 Mb of Roche 454 sequence read information, generated using nuclear genomic DNA (gDNA) of an axenic clonal culture as substrate \[[@B14]\]. The current assembly version comprises 51,656 contigs of total size 92.15 Mb at N50 = 3,623 (that is, 50% of the genomic sequence information is present as contigs ≥3,623 bases). From a median 8.7-fold coverage of long contigs (≥10 kb) we estimated a true haploid nuclear genome size of 81.6 Mb, suggesting some redundancy in the current assembly. This estimate is in good agreement with the 159 Mb measured by van Dassow *et al*. \[[@B15]\] for the diploid G1 DNA content. The gene finder tool AUGUSTUS \[[@B16]\] predicts 37,921 protein gene models that cluster into a non-redundant set of 29,306 models including pseudogenes and short ORFs; 10,109 models have BLAST hits to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) nr protein database at a conservative E-value cutoff of 1.0E-30 and thus are more indicative of the expected true protein-coding gene number (that is, expressed genes excluding pseudogenes and short ORFs). Best BLAST hits are listed in Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. In Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"} we present an overview of the most abundant Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) domains in *T. oceanica*. The abundances of diverse groups of ATPases were overall very similar to those for other diatoms. A group of 19 chitinases is shared between the two centric *Thalassiosira*species. ![***T. oceanica*CCMP1005 genome statistics**. The sequenced strain *T. oceanica*CCMP1005 belongs to the Centrales group of radially symmetric diatoms and was first isolated from the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea by R Guillard. At 92.15 Mb, our genome assembly is slightly larger than the expected haploid genome size of 81.6 Mb, suggesting some redundancy in the current assembly. The genuine AUGUSTUS gene model predictions include a large fraction of pseudogenes and short ORFs that show no homology to any proteins from the NCBI nr database at a reasonable E-value cutoff. Left inset contains light microscopy images of the sequenced organism in valve view (upper image, chloroplasts brown) and girdle view (lower image, chloroplasts red from overlay of chlorophyll autofluorescence). Right inset shows the separation of nuclear and organellar DNA in a CsCl density gradient. Stained DNA emits blue fluorescence upon excitation with UV light.](gb-2012-13-7-r66-1){#F1} ###### Most abundant protein domains in diatom genomes COG To Tp Pt Fc -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ATPases  COG0515 SPS1, serine/threonine protein kinase 115 132 119 137  COG0464 SpoVK, ATPases of the AAA+ class 90 43 38 44  COG1132 MdlB, ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase and permease components 54 44 47 51  COG1222 RPT1, ATP-dependent 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 50 41 37 42  COG0465 HflB, ATP-dependent Zn proteases 49 37 35 39  COG1223 Predicted ATPase (AAA+ superfamily) 44 39 34 41  COG3899 Predicted ATPase 42 48 11 2  COG2274 SunT, ABC-type bacteriocin/lantibiotic exporters, contain an amino-terminal double-glycine peptidase domain 42 52 50 61  COG5265 ATM1, ABC-type transport system involved in Fe-S cluster assembly, permease and ATPase components 40 33 30 33  COG4618 ArpD, ABC-type protease/lipase transport system, ATPase and permease components 39 41 42 43  COG4987 CydC, ABC-type transport system involved in cytochrome bd biosynthesis, fused ATPase and permease components 31 50 46 56  COG4988 CydD, ABC-type transport system involved in cytochrome bd biosynthesis, ATPase and permease components 29 52 49 60  COG0488 Uup, ATPase components of ABC transporters with duplicated ATPase domains 29 50 46 53  COG1131 CcmA, ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component 22 56 52 65  COG0661 AarF, predicted unusual protein kinase 21 21 22 26  COG0474 MgtA, cation transport ATPase 12 19 19 18 Basic cellular functions  COG0513 SrmB, superfamily II DNA and RNA helicases 46 48 44 54  COG0553 HepA, superfamily II DNA/RNA helicases, SNF2 family 35 27 24 36  COG5059 KIP1, kinesin-like protein 24 25 15 14  COG1643 HrpA, HrpA-like helicases 21 14 9 20  COG0443 DnaK, molecular chaperone 18 14 9 10  COG5021 HUL4, ubiquitin-protein ligase 15 7 8 8  COG5022 Myosin heavy chain 14 11 9 9  COG1249 Lpd, Pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, dihydro-lipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) component, and related enzymes 12 14 13 20 Chitinases  COG3325 ChiA, chitinase 19 19 1 0 Protein domains are listed based on Clusters of Orthologous Groups COG with an E-value threshold of 1.0E-10. To, *Thalassiosira oceanica*; Tp, *Thalassiosira pseudonana*; Pt, *Phaeodactylum tricornutum*; Fc. *Fragilariopsis cylindrus*. The chloroplast genome has been published previously \[[@B17]\]. The mitochondrial genome encodes 31 protein genes and is represented by two contigs at a total of 35.3 kb (excluding the characteristic mitochondrial repeats). The current genome assembly, AUGUSTUS protein gene models, ESTs and proteomics peptides as well as updated versions thereof are publicly accessible with the *Thalassiosira oceanica*Genome Browser \[[@B18]\]. With an estimated haploid size of approximately 80 Mb, the genome of *T. oceanica*is significantly larger than those of *T. pseudonana*(approximately 34 Mb) or *P. tricornutum*(approximately 28 Mb), and rather comparable to that of *Fragilariopsis cylindrus*(approximately 80 Mb) \[[@B19]\]. The genome expansion has occurred by DNA recruitment from both internal and external DNA sources. A best BLAST hit analysis indicated a putative vertical inheritance for greater than 95% of the 10,109 predicted genes (that is, any genes that have not been acquired by a horizontal transfer event), with most of the genes (88%) having a match in the genome of *T. pseudonana*, the most closely related species for which a sequenced genome is available (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). However, a significant fraction (10%) of the genes mapped to *P. tricornutum*instead. This could have resulted from frequent gene loss/replacement events in the genome of *T. pseudonana*, thereby reflecting the overall high capacity for horizontal gene transfer in diatoms \[[@B5]\]. Alternatively, the small genome size of *T. pseudonana*may have arisen from reductional trends in this species. ![**Vertical versus horizontal inheritance of genes**. For evaluation of the extent of laterally acquired genes we focused on the 10,109 AUGUSTUS gene models that have homologs in the NCBI nr protein database at a conservative E-value cutoff of 1.0E-30 (middle bar). A significant fraction of the vertically inherited genes (left) is not shared with the closest relative *T. pseudonana*, but rather with *P. tricornutum*. Genes acquired through mechanisms of lateral gene transfer (LGT; right) appear to be derived from diverse prokaryotic and eukaryotic taxons with the highest contribution by the green algal genus *Micromonas*.](gb-2012-13-7-r66-2){#F2} Further, the best BLAST screening revealed 530 genes whose best hits are assigned to taxa of diverse sources, indicating a putative lateral acquisition for these genes. The taxonomic distribution of the best BLAST hits at a conservative E-value cutoff of 1.0E-30 is presented in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}. More refined phylogenetic analyses were obtained for 198 of these 530 genes (Additional file [2](#S2){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Of the 198 cases we examined, 180 had sister groups that contained no stramenopiles. The sister groups for the remaining 18 cases contained a heterogenous mix of taxa, suggesting frequent transfer between taxa for the respective genes (Figure S1 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Accordingly, a minimum of 1.8% of the 10,109 AUGUSTUS genes were confirmed to be from lateral gene transfer (LGT) based on the phylogenetic analyses. However, this may rise to 5% as more sequence information becomes available for the remaining \>300 genes for which the limited number of homologous sequences did not permit construction of phylogenetic trees. The group of genes for which phylogenetic trees are available indicated that genes from LGT could be assigned as prokaryotic (35%) and eukaryotic (59%) with approximately 10% of questionable taxonomic assignments. Among the eukaryotic taxa are several expected to be present in the ecological niche of *T. oceanica*, like the green algal genuses *Micromonas*and *Ostreococcus*. Genomic expansion originating from internal DNA sources may happen from genomic duplication events or transposon activity. In *T. oceanica*we observe several paralogous gene pairs that could be the result of either mechanism (Figure S2 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Notably, several iron-regulated genes have either been duplicated (for example, the *ISIP1*genes *ISIP1A*and *ISIP1B*and the flavodoxin genes *FLDA1*and *FLDA2*) or contain domain duplications (for example, *CREGx2*) as discussed below. Physiology of the low-iron response: Fe(-) versus Fe(+) ------------------------------------------------------- The variable to maximal fluorescence ratio F~v~/F~m~, an indicator of Fe-limitation in the laboratory \[[@B20]\], was used as a rapid measure of the physiological status in Fe-replete and Fe-limited cultures of *T. oceanica*harvested in late exponential growth phase. The growth rate of iron-limited cells in exponential phase was accordingly much smaller than for iron-replete cells (Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"}), and cellular protein content was 50% lower. ###### Physiology of the *T. oceanica*low-iron response Fe(+) Fe(-) ------------- ----------------------------------------- ------------- 0.5 - 0.6 F~v~/F~m~ 0.2 - 0.3 0.73 ± 0.01 Growth rate (µ)(day^-1^) 0.28 ± 0.02 4 Chloroplasts/cell 2 409 ± 48 Chlorophyll a/cell (fg) 58 ± 27 122 ± 3 Cell surface area (µm^2^) 140 ± 5 100 ± 4 Cell volume (µm^3^) 80 ± 5 15.3 ± 0.9 Single chloroplast surface area (µm^2^) 12.0 ± 0.8 4.7 ± 0.3 Single chloroplast volume (µm^3^) 3.5 ± 0.2 Cellular dimensions and physiological parameters are compared between nutrient replete Fe(+) and iron-limited Fe(-) cells of exponentially growing *T. oceanica*cultures. The cell volume of iron-limited *T. oceanica*was smaller than that of iron-replete cells (Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"}), whereas the cells had a larger surface area to volume ratio at low-iron due to a smaller diameter (4.7 ± 0.1 versus 5.9 ± 0.1 µm) and a larger length (7.0 ± 0.4 versus 5.5 ± 0.2 µm). This imposed an elongated phenotype on the cells, but at the same time increased the surface/volume ratio by 43% (1.75 versus 1.22). The increase in surface/volume ratio is expected to favor the uptake of nutrients (that is, iron) into the cell \[[@B21]\]. The intracellular space of iron-limited cells exhibited increased vesiculation (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). ![**Reduction of the chloroplast system**. The approximate dimensions of the photosynthetic machinery were assessed using confocal laser scanning microscopy and subsequent three-dimensional reconstruction of the chlorophyll autofluorescence signal. A plot of total cellular chloroplast volume versus total cellular chloroplast surface area shows a reduction of the chloroplast system in iron-limited *T. oceanica*cells. Iron-limited cells have a reduced number of two chloroplasts instead of four. Total chloroplast dimensions for individual cells (small circles) are distributed over a range spanning the two-fold increase in volume and surface that accompanies chloroplast duplication during cellular growth. Inserts show an overlay transmission and chlorophyll autofluorescence image (top) and the respective three-dimensional chloroplast reconstruction (bottom). The left insert illustrates an iron-limited cell close to dividing with two nearly duplicated chloroplasts. Note the characteristic increase in vesiculation of the cellular interior at low-iron. An iron-replete cell at the beginning of its cell cycle (shortly after division) contains four chloroplasts (right insert). CP, chloroplast; U, cell at the beginning of its cell cycle (\'unit cell\'); V, vesicle.](gb-2012-13-7-r66-3){#F3} Under low-iron conditions *T. oceanica*cells show a severe decrease in chlorophyll content (Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"}). This chlorosis response of iron-limited *T. oceanica*is further accompanied by a decrease in cellular chloroplast volume and in total cellular chloroplast surface area (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). Iron-limited cells have reduced the number of chloroplasts to two instead of four in the iron-replete counterpart, and these are also smaller in size. Total chloroplast dimensions for individual cells were distributed over a range spanning the two-fold increase in volume and surface, thereby reflecting chloroplast duplication during cellular growth. Transcriptomics --------------- For an in-depth analysis of the *T. oceanica*low-iron response, we focused on approximately 300 genes that were identified from a log-likelihood ratio test statistic \[[@B22]\] as significantly differentially regulated and that could be assigned a specific function (Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). Some additional genes for paralogous proteins were added. These were selected on the basis of their involvement in substitution between related proteins under iron-limited and replete conditions, or as members of a protein family exhibiting a differential response to low-iron conditions. In such cases, the response of a specific gene is better understood in the context of its respective group or family. The complement of organellar genes (encoded by the chloroplast and mitochondrial genome) was added as representative for the two well-defined and important pathways of photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport, or as proxy for organellar activity, respectively. A list of abbreviations for the genes discussed in this work can be found in Additional file [4](#S4){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. All sequences of the selected proteins are provided in Additional file [5](#S5){ref-type="supplementary-material"}, and the corresponding annotation is provided in Additional file [6](#S6){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. ![**Basic cellular changes at low-iron**. Differential gene expression of exponentially growing iron-limited versus iron-replete *T. oceanica*cells was assessed from global transcriptomics and proteomics approaches. **(a)**Transcriptomics data were screened with T-ACE, a transcriptome database browser that plots the assembled transcript fragments according to their differential regulation as inferred from differential read contribution of Fe(-) and Fe(+) libraries to each transcript contig. **(b)**For the proteomics data the differential regulation of each gene product is represented by the median of all PBC (peptide/SDS-PAGE band/charge) ratios assigned to it, with error bars constructed from the first and third quartiles. The main plot shows proteins with at least two PBC values, inset contains proteins with a single PBC value. **(c)**Only a subset of low-iron responsive genes could be assigned a robust annotation and were suitable for mapping to a cellular scheme. Accordingly, the cellular response of *T. oceanica*to low-iron was inferred from the mapping of a representative selection of genes (see text) and their respective differential regulation on the transcript and protein levels. The most pronounced elements of the complex response are chloroplast retrenchment (chlorosis) and the consequential take-over of energy metabolism by the mitochondrial system (metabolic shift). Diverse surface-related binding capacities and the potential for degrading organic matter are enhanced, suggesting a putative mixotrophic response (mixotrophy). The strongest transcriptional response is seen from genes involved in iron-uptake or compensational substitutions (4). This iron-specific part of the cellular response may be mediated by a conserved promoter motif identified in this work. CC, Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle; CP, chloroplast; MT, mitochondria; TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle; TF, transcription factor.](gb-2012-13-7-r66-4){#F4} To determine the major metabolic differences found in iron-limited compared to iron-replete growth conditions, all annotated gene products together with their respective expression data were mapped on a cellular scheme. The major cellular trends that could be deduced are summarized in Figure [4c](#F4){ref-type="fig"}. Identifier and detailed information on the discussed proteins (Additional file [7](#S7){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) are given in Additional file [8](#S8){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. In the following, proteins are referred to as exemplary (HSF1, p271) with HSF1 reflecting the gene name (or shortcut) and p271 being the identifier of its respective manually improved protein model (Additional file [5](#S5){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Under stress conditions, maintaining cellular integrity is crucial to survival. During iron limitation, the electron flow through the impaired photosynthetic machinery leads to enhanced production of reactive oxygen species that damage biomolecules located near the thylakoid membranes \[[@B23]\]. The need for protein repair and refolding induces an \'oxidative stress response\' that is presumably coordinated by up-regulated heat shock factors (HSF1, p271; HSF2, p256). While all other chloroplast-encoded transcripts were down-regulated in the course of the general chlorosis response, the chloroplast chaperones dnaK and clpC were up-regulated. Additionally, an LHCSR (light harvesting complex stress responsive subunit) ortholog (LI818, p170), belonging to the FCP (fucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding protein) family of light-harvesting proteins and implicated in efficient non-photochemical quenching \[[@B24],[@B25]\], showed an increased transcript level. The development of a chlorotic phenotype and the corresponding retrenchment of the chloroplast system is the most pronounced cellular response to low iron. Accordingly, we find substantial changes in organellar transcript levels, which suggests that major functions related to the cellular energy metabolism are adopted by the mitochondrial system instead (\'metabolic shift\'). Chloroplast transcript levels decreased (2,026 Fe(-) versus 14,931 Fe(+) total chloroplast reads), while mitochondrial transcripts showed a two-fold increase (31,261 Fe(-) versus 18,136 Fe(+) total mitochondrial reads). Much of this effect can be attributed to the organellar rRNA operons, whose transcription is indicative of organellar translational activity (Figure S3 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). In parallel, diverse nuclear-encoded but chloroplast-targeted gene products were down-regulated. These included genes coding for enzymes involved in chlorophyll biosynthesis and the Calvin cycle, as well as components of the light reaction, such as photosystem (PS) subunits and several FCPs. Conversely, components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, like cytochrome c oxidase, cytochrome b and several subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase, were up-regulated. This was also seen for a mitochondrial ATP/ADP-translocase (p242) involved in the transport of energy equivalents. Cellular retrenchment (that is, the reduction of cellular biomass and activity) and decreased growth rates are general responses of nutrient-limited cells \[[@B13]\]. While chloroplast reduction was readily observable in iron limitation due to the visual predominance of these organelles in the cells, we also saw indications of a general cellular retrenchment in the transcriptional response. The expression level of the 18S rRNA gene (represented by 1,154 Fe(-) versus 2,691 Fe(+) reads) suggests a lower translation rate under iron limitation. Though such inferences must be taken with care, this would be in agreement with the decreased growth rate and lower biomass, as cellular rRNA correlates with cellular biomass. The strong up-regulation of mitochondrial isocitrate lyase (ICL, p419) and glutamine synthetase (GS, p302) suggests biomass recycling strategies to avoid losing fixed carbon and nitrogen during the metabolite conversions associated with enhanced respiration. The isocitrate lyase bridges the two decarboxylation steps of the mitochondrial citric acid cycle (carried out by isocitrate dehydrogenase and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase), thereby preserving carbon as glyoxylate. The glutamine synthetase reincorporates free ammonium, preserving nitrogen as glutamine. Under low-iron conditions, utilization of ammonium is energetically advantageous due to the high iron requirements of the nitrate assimilation pathway \[[@B26]\]. The concerted action of cellular retrenchment and biomass recycling allows for prolonged growth despite reduced carbon assimilation, thereby increasing the probability of cell survival. Diverse genes, whose products are targeted to the secretory pathway, are up-regulated under iron limitation, suggesting extensive cell-surface remodeling as also observed for iron-limited *P. tricornutum*\[[@B20]\]. Many of these genes are assigned adhesive or degradative functions. An enhanced capacity for adhesion favors recruitment of organic matter to the cell. As organic matter can be a rich and complex source for various nutrients, including iron, its recruitment to the cellular surface represents a required first step in iron uptake. Besides providing a source of iron, the bound organic matter could also serve as a source for other nutrients like nitrogen or phosphorus in the context of facultative mixotrophy. Example genes assignable to such a hypothetical scenario and highly responsive to low iron are given in Figure [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"} and include *Adhesin 1*(p329), *CB*(Carbohydrate-binding 1, p230), *CHIT*(chitinase, p88), *M-Phosphoesterase*(p323), *M-Protease*(p279), *Redox 1*(p232). However, under the photoautotrophic experimental conditions, the cultures lacked any external organic carbon source except the essential vitamins. ![**Hypothetical categorization of low-iron-inducible cell surface proteins**. In low-iron conditions we find an up-regulation of diverse genes, whose products are targeted to the secretory pathway, suggesting extensive cell surface remodeling. Many of these are predicted to be involved in adhesion or degradation processes and might contribute to enhancing the overall cellular capacity to bind and process external organic matter. We provide a hypothetical categorization for highly responsive genes that can be assigned to this function. While some of the gene products can be placed in the context of iron uptake (right), others are less well defined, but contain a variety of conserved domains involved in adhesion or degradation of organic matter (left). Especially for larger genes, EST support is patchy, suggesting possible inaccuracies in AUGUSTUS gene modeling. Differential read contribution from the Fe(-) and Fe(+) libraries to each transcript contig (ESTs) is taken as a measure for the differential transcription of the respective gene.](gb-2012-13-7-r66-5){#F5} A straightforward strategy to survive in low-iron conditions is to lower cellular iron requirements by replacing components that are rich in iron with iron-free substitutes that are functionally equivalent, like the substitution of the chloroplast electron carrier ferredoxin with flavodoxin \[[@B10]\]. The genome of *T. oceanica*encodes two cytochrome c~6~genes and one plastocyanin gene. While the cytochrome c~6~genes *CYTC6A*and *CYTC6B*are found to be weakly expressed, the plastocyanin gene *PETE*shows high expression under high-iron conditions with a characteristic decrease in low-iron conditions as seen from many constitutively expressed chloroplast genes in the course of the chlorosis response. This suggests a constitutive use of plastocyanin (PETE, p175) instead of cytochrome c~6~for photosynthetic electron transport and is consistent with prior findings \[[@B11],[@B12]\]. Constitutive expression of plastocyanin could certainly be regarded as a specific adaptation to low-iron regimes, although the retention of the cytochrome c~6~genes suggests that these may play a role under specific environmental conditions. Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA) genes are redundant in some diatoms and have recently been described in more detail for *P. tricornutum*\[[@B27]\]. The *T. oceanica*genome, too, was found to encode several FBA enzymes, with the cytosol, the chloroplast stroma and the chloroplast pyrenoid harboring two FBA enzymes each (FBA1, p380, and FBA3, p153, in the chloroplast pyrenoid; FBA2, p381, and FBA5, AUG_g19407, in the chloroplast stroma; FBA6, AUG_g24977, and FBA4, p154, in the cytosol). As is the case in *Phaeodactylum*, one of the *T. oceanica*FBAs from each compartment (FBA1, FBA2, FBA6) appears to act through metal catalysis (class II) while the second (FBA3, FBA5, FBA4) is predicted to use Schiff-base catalysis (class I) instead. While the metal cofactor of different class II FBAs was found to be Mn^2+^\[[@B28]\], Zn^2+^\[[@B29]\] or Cd^2+^\[[@B30]\] in *Escherichia coli*, the orthologous FBAs of *T. oceanica*apparently are differentially regulated through the availability of iron, suggesting the involved metal in these enzymes might be Fe^2+^, and implying a pairwise substitution by class I enzymes. An essential part of iron-uptake systems are ferric reductases (FREs) and ferrous oxidases (MUCOX proteins) that act on the interconversion of the two ionic species Fe^3+^and Fe^2+^. In the iron-limited transcriptome we find an up-regulated putative ferric reductase (FRE1, p157) and an up-regulated multicopper oxidase (MUCOX2, p67) that shows characteristics of a ferrous oxidase. Their differential regulation with respect to iron availability makes them candidates for iron-specific reductase and oxidase involved in iron uptake (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). Iron uptake requires initial binding of iron and/or iron complexes. The involved receptors are presently unknown, though a number of genes, exclusively expressed under iron limitation, are targeted to the cell surface, making them candidates for iron-binding receptors. The low-iron-responsive gene *ISIP1*(Iron-starvation induced protein) was first identified in *P. tricornutum*, but has conserved orthologs in *T. oceanica*(*ISIP1A*, p159) and *F. cylindrus*. We provide further evidence for a role of the ISIP1 protein as a putative receptor below. Additional members in this group are ISIP2 (p160) and ISIP3 (p161), both represented by orthologs in *P. tricornutum*as well. Further, we list some proteins that contain duplicated domains known from *P. tricornutum*low-iron-responsive genes, like an eight-fold duplicated ISIP2-like subdomain (ISIP2x8, p84) or a duplicated CREG-like domain (CREGx2, p90). Duplication of iron-binding domains would directly enhance the capacity for iron binding and enable increased uptake kinetics \[[@B26]\]. Non-ribosomal peptide synthases (NRPSs) \[[@B31]\] are responsible for the production of peptide antibiotics or - in some cases - siderophores that are capable of binding iron \[[@B32]\]. In addition to a conserved fungal NRPS (NRPS1, p174) with orthologs in *T. pseudonana*and *P. tricornutum*, we find a putatively cytosolic NRPS of bacterial origin (NRPS2, p173) up-regulated in low-iron conditions. Co-regulated with this bacterial NRPS is a multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP, p57) that might be involved in the export of the respective peptide products. The up-regulation of NRPSs likely indicates a defense mechanism in response to enhanced competition (either for iron or, under the premise of facultative mixotrophy, for organic matter). We observe the induction of a reverse transcriptase (RT, p222) and a CRE-like recombinase (CRE, p321), potentially indicating an activation of mobile elements under iron limitation. These enzymes might also be involved in gene and/or domain duplication events through reverse transcription and genomic integration of cellular mRNA copies. Thereby, this molecular system may provide a link between environmental stresses and the structural dynamics of the diatom genome. Proteomics ---------- The transcriptomic data of *T. oceanica*unveils extensive changes in cellular transcript levels in response to iron limitation. Although informative, transcript abundances do not necessarily reflect cellular protein levels \[[@B33]\]. We therefore supplemented the transcriptomic data with proteomic data to determine the protein complement in action under the defined iron-replete and iron-limited growth conditions. Figure [4b](#F4){ref-type="fig"} illustrates the dynamic range of differential abundances for all proteins detected by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) relative to equal amounts of total cellular protein for both conditions. The induction of flavodoxin is a hallmark of iron-deficiency responses in many diatoms and cyanobacteria (see above). In accordance with the transcriptome response, flavodoxin as well as ISIPs or class I FBAs could only be found under iron limitation. The extent of correlation between proteomics and transcriptomics data was assessed through plotting the relative abundance data from peptides (proteomics P) against the relative abundance data from their corresponding transcripts (transcriptomics T) (Figure S4 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). A stretched cluster along the y-axis indicates a high dynamic range of the transcriptomics data, while the proteomics data is more uniform for this group. Both transcriptomics and proteomics data are biased towards highly abundant transcripts/proteins. Especially the proteomics data, despite its relatively high number of signals, could resolve only a subset of the protein complement. Accordingly, we interpret the complement of differentially regulated genes and proteins recovered from both approaches as complementary in the information that they provide, and we do not expect them to show a complete overlap. However, the overlap in the response for the specifically induced proteins ISIP1 and class I FBAs shows that the data from both approaches are, in general, in good agreement with each other. In the proteomics data it is of specific interest to have a closer look at proteins of the photosynthetic machinery. Chloroplast ribosomal proteins provide an appropriate internal reference for the regulation of chloroplast proteins and indicate a down-regulation of the ribosomes at a ratio of 0.8 relative to the iron-replete proteome. Protein subunits of PS I were reduced about two-fold under low iron conditions (0.45), except PsaL, which was only found under iron limitation. In cyanobacteria, PsaL, generally important for trimer formation, facilitates the formation of IsiA (iron stress induced protein A) rings around PS I monomers under iron-deprivation \[[@B34]\]. We speculate that PsaL might be involved in the organization of PS I light-harvesting structures specifically formed under low-iron conditions and/or oligomerization of PS I in iron-limited *T. oceanica*. Subunits of the iron-containing cytochrome b~6~/f (cyt b~6~/f) complex, were down-regulated, with ratios of 0.2 and 0.32. In contrast, PS II subunits PsbB, PsbC, PsbE, PsbH and PsbV remained almost constant, with ratios at about 1.1. While the PS II core complex seems to be retained to some extent, the labile D1 protein is down-regulated at 0.7, probably reflecting a proportional decrease in functional PS II. The differential regulation of the two photosystems (0.45 for PS I versus 0.7 for PS II D1 protein) supports an adaptive significance for the remodeling of the photosynthetic architecture under iron limitation, in contrast to earlier findings \[[@B12]\]. While PS I and cyt b~6~/f complexes were down-regulated two- to threefold, it was still possible to detect the iron-rich mitochondrial complexes under iron limitation. Relative protein quantification was possible for subunits of complex III, complex IV and the ATPase with low-to-high iron ratios ranging from 0.95 for QOR2 (a NADPH-dependent quinone oxidoreductase) to 1.7 for the beta subunit of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (Figure [4b](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). This is in agreement with the transcriptomic data and supports the idea that mitochondrial electron transfer protein complexes are preserved under iron limitation relative to photosynthetic electron transfer protein complexes. While the magnesium chelatase, involved in chlorophyll synthesis, is down-regulated at 0.35, the numerous FCP light-harvesting proteins showed very diverse responses to iron limitation (Figure S5 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Some FCPs showed down-regulation under low-iron whereas others were up-regulated. In particular, LHCSR-like FCPs, involved in photoprotection, were highly abundant under iron limitation, corroborating the transcriptome analysis. Notably, the xanthophyll cycle enzyme violaxanthin de-epoxidase showed significant up-regulation at 3.1, suggesting a possible linkage to the group of FCPs, which accumulate under iron limitation. Comparative genomics reveals extensive genomic plasticity in *T. oceanica* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We used the genome information of *T. oceanica*, *T. pseudonana*, *P. tricornutum*and *F. cylindrus*to investigate central issues of the diatom low-iron response in a comparative genomics approach. ### Taxonomic distribution of iron-regulated genes We screened the four diatom genomes known to date (*T. oceanica*, *T. pseudonana*, *P. tricornutum*and *F. cylindrus*) for the highly conserved iron-regulated *ISIP1*, *ISIP3*, *PETF*, *FLDA*, *CYTC6*, *PETE*and class I and II *FBA*genes (Table [3](#T3){ref-type="table"}; Additional file [9](#S9){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Phylogenetic trees for the important groups of flavodoxin \[[@B35]\] and FBA proteins are provided in Figures S6 and S7 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. ###### Presence and copy number of iron-regulated genes in the genomes of ecologically distinct diatoms Gene Product Destination Mutual substitution at low-iron Putative role in iron uptake To Tp Pt Fc ------------------------ ----------------------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- *PETF* Ferredoxin CP Ferredoxin → flavodoxin (short) 1 1 1 1 *FLDA*(s) Flavodoxin (short) CP Ferredoxin → flavodoxin (short) 2 0 1 1 *FLDA*(l) Flavodoxin (long) SP (ER?) None (distinct functional context) 1 1 1 1 *CYTC6*(type A) Cytochrome c6 CP Cytochrome c6 (type A) → plastocyanin 2 1 1 1 *CYTC6*(type B) Cytochrome c (?) SP (ER?) None (distinct functional context) 1 1 1 0 *PETE*/*PCY* Plastocyanin CP Cytochrome c6 (type A) → plastocyanin 1 0 0 1 Class II *FBA*(type A) Class II fructose-bisphosphate aldolase CP pyrenoid (Pt FBAC1) Class II FBA (type A) → class I FBA (type A) 1 1 1 1 Class II *FBA*(type B) Class II fructose-bisphosphate aldolase CP stroma (Pt FBAC2) Class II FBA (type B) → class I FBA (type B) 1 1 1 1 Class II *FBA*(type C) Class II fructose-bisphosphate aldolase Cytosolic (Pt FBA3) Class II FBA (type C) → class I FBA (type C) 1 1 1 1 Class I *FBA*(type A) Class I fructose-bisphosphate aldolase CP pyrenoid (Pt FBAC5) Class II FBA (type A) → class I FBA (type A) 1 0 1 1 Class I *FBA*(type B) Class I fructose-bisphosphate aldolase CP stroma Class II FBA (type B) → class I FBA (type B) 1 0 0 1 Class I *FBA*(type C) Class I fructose-bisphosphate aldolase Cytosolic (Pt FBA4) Class II FBA (type C) → class I FBA (type C) 1 1 1 1 *ISIP1* Iron starvation induced protein 1 Cell surface Receptor (?) 2 0 1 3 *ISIP3* Iron starvation induced protein 3 Cell surface Co-receptor (?) 1 1 1 2 The coastal diatom species *T. pseudonana*(Tp) lacks several genes that are found in the genomes of diatoms with high tolerance to low-iron conditions (*T. oceanica*(To), *P. tricornutum*(Pt), *F. cylindrus*(Fc)). Listed are also the respective counterparts whose products are subject to substitution under iron-limited conditions. The conserved paralogous genes of *FLDA*and *CYTC6*are predicted to contain a signal peptide and are assumed to act in a different functional context. CP chloroplast; ER endoplasmic reticulum; SP, secretory pathway. The short flavodoxin isoform, plastocyanin and the class I FBAs are known or assumed to replace iron-containing counterparts under low-iron conditions. The two oceanic diatoms *T. oceanica*and *F. cylindrus*, which have some of the highest tolerance to low-iron conditions, both contain all five of the respective genes while *P. tricornutum*lacks two of them. The typical coastal species *T. pseudonana*lacks all except the gene for the cytosolic class I FBA, while at the same time having the highest requirement for iron in the group of diatoms for which genome information is currently available. Further, we find multiple copies of the *ISIP1*gene in *T. oceanica*and *F. cylindrus*, while this gene is absent in *T. pseudonana*. The presence or copy number of these genes in the tested diatom genomes suggests an adaptive significance with respect to the low-iron conditions found in oceanic waters. ### Domain duplications of iron-regulated cell-surface proteins While differentially regulated genes for cell-surface proteins, identified from the low-iron response of *P. tricornutum*\[[@B20]\], like *ISIP1*, *ISIP2*, *FLDA*or *CREG*, represent single-copy genes encoding well-defined single-domain proteins, the situation in *T. oceanica*is different (Figure S2 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Here, we find additional paralogous versions of several iron-regulated genes (*ISIP1*, *FLDA*), as well as diverse examples of domain duplications (*CREGx2*, *ISIP2x8*). In the case of iron-binding proteins the duplication of domains might provide benefits under iron limitation through a higher density of exposed domains, thereby increasing the affinity for iron at the cell surface \[[@B26]\]. With respect to the selective pressure encountered in the low-iron open ocean the duplication of complete genes may provide a possible mechanism for adaptation on the molecular level, in that it allows one of the two gene copies to vary, improve and optimize its iron-binding themes/motifs. This may potentially result in more efficient iron uptake. RT-qPCR allowed us to distinguish iron-regulated genes from their closely related paralogs (Figure S8 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). ### Iron uptake and the cell-surface protein ISIP1 Conservation between the predicted protein orthologs of ISIP1 in *T. oceanica*, *P. tricornutum*and *F. cylindrus*was high, and the orthologs exhibited identical secondary structure predictions (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). We found an amino-terminal signal peptide targeting the protein to the secretory pathway, while a carboxy-terminal transmembrane domain anchors the protein to a membrane. The major part of the protein is represented by a domain rich in β-strands that likely folds into a β-propeller-like structure. A clue to the structure and function of ISIP1 could be the low-density lipoprotein receptor LDLR, an important cell-surface receptor in humans \[[@B36]\]. Although its extracellular domains differ from the single β-propeller domain of ISIP1, the remainder of the protein is strikingly similar with regard to amino acid composition and secondary structure prediction. Hence, we may transfer the respective LDLR annotation to the ISIP1 protein model. ![**The low-iron inducible receptor ISIP1**. ISIP1 protein models and secondary structure from *T. oceanica*, *P. tricornutum*and *F. cylindrus*are compared. Conservation between the protein orthologs is high, with identical secondary structure predictions (center). We find an amino-terminal signal peptide targeting the protein to the secretory pathway, while a carboxy-terminal transmembrane domain anchors the protein to a membrane. The major part of the protein is represented by a domain rich in β-strands that likely folds into a β-propeller-like structure. While in *D. salina*p130B (bottom) this β-propeller domain is duplicated and only distantly related to the respective diatom domains, the remainder of the protein shows a clear homology to the group of diatom ISIP1 proteins. A clue to the structure and function of ISIP1 could be the human low-density lipoprotein receptor LDLR due to its detailed characterization as a human cell-surface receptor: while its extracellular domains are very different from the single β-propeller domain of ISIP1, the remainder of the protein is again strikingly similar, which allows us to transfer the respective annotation from LDLR to the ISIP1 protein model. Accordingly, the ISIP1 protein would represent a cell-surface receptor that is anchored to the plasma membrane by a carboxy-terminal transmembrane helix. A small carboxy-terminal tail without well-defined secondary structure contains a conserved endocytosis motif C (top, right) responsible for endocytotic cycling of ISIP1. An α-helical region amino-terminal from the transmembrane helix is predicted to be O-glycosylated and thereby would serve to expose the large β-propeller as a putative receptor domain to the extracellular space. A sequence alignment of the ISIP1 proteins from *T. oceanica*, *P. tricornutum*and *F. cylindrus*illustrates that the extracellular β-propeller domain contains a cysteine-rich center, A and B (top, left). The pattern of cysteine residues is reminiscent of patterns found in Fe-S cluster proteins and might also be involved in binding Fe.](gb-2012-13-7-r66-6){#F6} Accordingly, the ISIP1 protein would represent a cell-surface receptor, anchored to the plasma membrane by a carboxy-terminal transmembrane helix. A small carboxy-terminal tail without well-defined secondary structure contains a conserved endocytosis motif responsible for endocytotic cycling. An α-helical region amino-terminal from the transmembrane helix is predicted to be O-glycosylated and would thereby serve to expose the large β-propeller as a putative receptor domain to the extracellular space. An alignment of the ISIP1 proteins from *T. oceanica*, *P. tricornutum*and *F. cylindrus*illustrates that the extracellular β-propeller domain contains a cysteine-rich center (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}) whose pattern is reminiscent of cysteines found in Fe-S cluster proteins and might be involved in binding Fe. The cysteine-rich center is not found in the orthologous p130B of *Dunaliella salina*, which is thought to have undergone an evolutionary change in function and interacts with transferrin-like proteins \[[@B37]\]. ### A conserved promoter motif associated with diverse iron-regulated genes At the core of an organism\'s low-iron response are transcription factors (repressors or enhancers) and their respective binding sites (specific promoter motifs) that mediate the cellular response at the gene expression level. From pairwise promoter comparisons between the exclusively iron-regulated *ISIP1*, *FLDA*and *FBA3*genes of *T. oceanica*, *P. tricornutum*and *F. cylindrus*using dotlet \[[@B38]\] and MEME \[[@B39]\], we identified a conserved palindromic motif \'ACACGTGC\' located around position -200 from the translation start. Upon genome-wide screening, a total of 45 gene models contained the complete motif (perfect match) at a position of 150 to 250 bases before the translation start. Functional assignments for genes with positive matches were rarely possible (mostly hypothetical genes of unknown function and without significant regulation). However, the accumulation of low-iron responsive genes (*ISIP1*and three *FBA*genes) in this group is remarkable. In Figure S9 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"} we present only those genes whose orthologs in other species carry the motif in their promoters. The complexity of the identified motif (A~2~T~1~C~3~G~2~) is high; its palindromic structure suggests binding of a homo- or heterodimeric protein factor. The remarkable conservation of this motif and its position (-200) relative to the translation start across three diatom species reinforces the suggestion that this motif plays a prominent role in iron-dependent gene regulation. Discussion ========== The cellular response to iron limitation ---------------------------------------- As the most prominent part of the complex low-iron response of *T. oceanica*we observe clear indications for an extensive cellular retrenchment, best seen in the reduced number and size of the chloroplasts. The proteomics and qPCR results indicate that not only is the iron-rich photosynthetic machinery affected, but that other cellular components also encounter a large-scale reduction, resulting in decreased growth rates. In addition, low-iron cells have a significantly lower protein biomass at roughly half that of iron-replete cells. We speculate that during the transformation from a high-iron/high-biomass cell to a low-iron/low-biomass cell the cellular biomass itself may serve as a supplementary energy source to compensate for the decrease in photosynthetic performance, that is, carbon fixation and generation of ATP. This is in line with the observation of increased cellular vesiculation in low-iron conditions (light microscopy) and increased lipid metabolism (transcriptomics and proteomics). It is also consistent with the relative increase of the mitochondrial respiratory machinery as deduced from the transcriptomics and proteomics data. As phototrophy, and thereby chloroplast energy metabolism, is largely impaired in low-iron conditions, mitochondrial respiration may provide a more constant and robust energy source that is retained, that is, excluded from the observed cellular retrenchment. Hence, we can describe the principal cellular changes observed at iron limitation as a metabolic shift with a gradual take-over of the energy metabolism by the mitochondrial system. Cellular maintenance under iron-limited conditions is further supported from biomass recycling through the action of isocitrate lyase and glutamine synthetase. Moreover, changes in the photosynthetic machinery are likely a consequence of a coordinated remodeling process, indicating an intricate regulatory network that adjusts cellular energy demand in response to the availability of iron. The active remodeling as a response to low iron is an unexpected result since it was proposed earlier that photosynthesis of *T. oceanica*is constitutively adapted to a low-iron environment \[[@B12]\]. The observation of distinct cellular phenotypes in iron-limited versus iron-replete cultures may be due to the differing iron levels used in iron-replete control cultures, with approximately 60 nM applied by Strzepeck and Harrison \[[@B12]\] compared to the saturating 10 µM FeCl~2~used in this work, though not expected to ever occur under natural conditions. Nevertheless, our data demonstrate that *T. oceanica*possesses the potential to remodel its bioenergetic pathways in response to iron availability. While the cultures in the present experimental setup were held under axenic photoautotrophic conditions, the situation in the natural context of the open ocean is very different. A major difference found between the artificially induced iron limitation of photoautotrophically growing cultures and the iron limitation encountered by diatoms in their natural habitats is the ubiquitous presence of particulate and dissolved organic matter in the latter, albeit dilute as in the case of the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea \[[@B40]\]. Some of the strongest up-regulated transcripts under low-iron conditions were found to be targeted to the secretory pathway, that is, with the cell surface or the vacuolar system as their destination. The functional annotation of the respective protein models reveals a complex suite of molecules capable of adhesion or degradative functions, suggesting a possible role in a mixotrophic context (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). Observations of diatom mixotrophy have been reported for five decades \[[@B41]\]. This characteristic has recently been explored for biotechnological application \[[@B42]\]. A principle metabolic competency for heterotrophic nutrition was demonstrated in transgenic *P. tricornutum*that were able to grow on sugar upon expression of a transgenic sugar transporter \[[@B43]\]. A hypothetical capability for mixotrophic nutrition and the conjoined ability to feed on dissolved and/or particulate organic matter would place diatoms in close proximity to the microbial loop responsible for recycling organic matter in the marine food web. Moreover, this would contribute to resolving the paradox of diatom survival in a low-iron world, as particulate and dissolved organic matter can be expected to be a relevant iron source. On the other hand, utilization of organic carbon/iron sources in low-iron conditions will immediately put the cell into competition with the bacterial community of diverse and specialized heterotrophs. In line with this scenario we find an up-regulation of both identified NRPS enzymes (Figure S8 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) that may mediate a bacterial defense response under iron-limited conditions. Evolutionary roots and the impact of genome plasticity on adaptation to low iron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diatoms are the outcome of an endosymbiotic event that brought together two nutritional modes, each somewhat pre-adapted to low-iron conditions: phototrophy was contributed by the red-type plastids of the red algal endosymbiont, whose elemental composition shows a reduced iron requirement relative to the green-type plastids \[[@B8]\]; the host (related to ancient oomycetes) contributed an efficient heterotrophic machinery that might be retained to some extent in today\'s diatoms (compare \[[@B44]\]), thereby enabling exploitation of particulate and dissolved organic matter as a supplementary carbon and iron source. Survival under iron-limited conditions would have benefited from both the ancestral host\'s and symbiont\'s characteristics. Additional adaptive strategies to the low-iron environment have probably also originated by means of horizontal gene transfer, with possibly as much as 5% of the conserved genes encoded in the *T. oceanica*genome being assigned to diverse taxonomic groups. This is consistent with the findings from the *Phaeodactylum*genome project \[[@B5]\] and appears to be a recurrent topic in diatom genomics. A prerequisite for integration of foreign DNA into a genome is its uptake, and an explanation for how lateral gene transfer might occur in heterotrophic cells has been proposed \[[@B45]\]. Accordingly, heterotrophic organisms would continuously take up and integrate new genes along with the organic matter they feed on, thereby creating some genetic redundancy that eventually leads to the permanent replacement of the genuine counterparts as long as no disadvantage is encountered. We take the proposed mechanism of lateral gene transfer, together with the extent of laterally acquired genes observed in *T. oceanica*, as additional evidence for mixotrophic potential in *T. oceanica*. In low-iron conditions we observe the joint up-regulation of a reverse transcriptase and a CRE-like recombinase, thereby providing an appropriate mechanistic basis for genome rearrangements via transposon mobilization. Moreover, these are activated at a time where enhanced DNA input through increased uptake of organic matter might be expected under natural conditions. Stress-induced transposon activation has been reported for higher organisms as well - for example, \[[@B46]\]. The observed plasticity of diatom genomes clearly has ecological implications, as bacterial inventions such as genes that are beneficial in a competitive context might quickly find their way into diatom species and strains. We therefore state that the hypothesized close integration of diatoms within the microbial loop (due to mixotrophy) and their remarkable genomic plasticity (as seen from lateral gene transfer) are keys to diatoms\' ecological success: while mixotrophy opens up complex sources for carbon, energy and nutrients, the high capacity for lateral acquisition of genetic material facilitates adaptation in the context of the resulting competition with bacteria for organic matter, nutrients and iron. Iron uptake, cellular iron requirements and adaptation of species to low iron ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a better characterization of the complex cellular low-iron response it is necessary to distinguish the iron-specific aspects directed at counteracting the shortage of the limiting nutrient (substitution of iron proteins, induction of high-affinity iron uptake) from the rather general stress response directed at the situation of impaired growth and cellular starvation (cellular retrenchment, chlorosis, metabolic shift). With regard to the cellular iron economy we can define some constraints for beneficial adaptations to low-iron conditions \[[@B26]\]. Each evolutionary innovation that lowers the cellular iron requirements will favor survival under iron-limited conditions. Besides general biomass retrenchment - that is, the cellular adoption of a state with decreased biomass - the cell can actively lower its iron requirements through substitution of iron-containing proteins like ferredoxin or other metal enzymes that use iron as a cofactor. In addition to the well-known substitution pair ferredoxin/flavodoxin \[[@B10]\], we present evidence for the replacement of three metal-containing FBA enzymes by substitutes that use an amino acid-based Schiff-base catalysis instead. Differential regulation of diatom FBA genes was recently described for *P. tricornutum*and appears to be an evolutionarily conserved feature of several diatoms \[[@B27]\]. In *T. oceanica*we even find the apparently permanent functional replacement of an iron-rich counterpart as in the case of plastocyanin, though at the same time the genome harbors two genes encoding cytochrome c~6~whose function and regulation remain unknown. Cytochrome c~6~might be retained in the genome for replacing plastocyanin under specific circumstances like copper limitation, though this could not yet be observed \[[@B11]\]. Benefits may also arise from improved regulation of mutual substitution pairs - for example, as in the case of the transfer of the usually organellar ferredoxin gene *petF*to the nuclear compartment as found in *T. oceanica*\[[@B17]\]. Further, any improvement of the cellular iron-affinity and/or iron-uptake system will improve competitive fitness under low-iron conditions. The activation of a specific high-affinity uptake system as observed in yeast is expected to occur in diatoms as well. It has been found that reduction of Fe^3+^to Fe^2+^represents an essential step in uptake of organically complexed iron \[[@B47]\], suggesting that iron is extracted from its complexes prior to uptake. Accordingly, major players involved in iron uptake can be expected to be iron-complex-binding receptors, redox enzymes needed for extracting the iron from its complexes, possibly also specific iron-binding cell-surface molecules for short-term iron storage (like *D. salina*transferrins), ferric reductases and ferrous oxidases responsible for interconversion of the iron redox species +III and +II, and finally iron permeases for iron import. In this work on *T. oceanica*we were able to identify several candidate elements for the above groups. However, critical for iron-uptake kinetics is the overall iron-binding capacity of the cell surface, which directly depends on the sheer amount of iron-binding sites exposed to the cellular exterior \[[@B26]\]. A straightforward strategy to enhance the cellular capacity for iron binding is seen in the remarkable extent of domain duplications in iron-regulated cell-surface proteins. From the strong and exclusive expression in iron-limited conditions we speculate that ISIP1/ISIP3 are part of a specialized high-affinity iron-uptake system, with ISIP1 as the putative receptor (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). Carboxy-terminal endocytosis motifs as seen in ISIP1 (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}) can also be found in other iron-regulated proteins (*T. oceanica*CREGx2, *P. tricornutum*ISIP2) and biochemical work is needed to confirm the location and proposed receptor function for these components. How far such features are species-specific adaptations or rather common to diatoms can only be clarified by a comparative genomic approach. Notably, screening for highly conserved iron-regulated genes in the genomes of *T. oceanica*, *T. pseudonana*, *P. tricornutum*and *F. cylindrus*revealed a correlation between the extent of a diatom\'s tolerance to low-iron and the presence of *ISIP1*and *PETE*, which directly impact cellular iron economy and uptake. Conclusions =========== From their evolutionary roots diatoms already appear to be pre-adapted to low-iron conditions through the endosymbiotic acquisition of a \'red\'-type photosynthetic machinery. While they have retained an implicit capacity for mixotrophy, the main contribution to cellular growth under conditions where iron or other nutrients limit the build-up of biomass, like in the iron-limited southern ocean or the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea, can be expected to stem from photosynthetic carbon assimilation. The combined efforts in genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics reveal an unexpected metabolic flexibility in response to iron availability for *T. oceanica*CCMP1005. These responses include an extensive cellular retrenchment, the pronounced remodeling of bioenergetic pathways and an intrinsic shift to a mixotrophic life style. As a consequence of iron deprivation, the photosynthetic machinery undergoes remodeling into a photo-protected mode to cope with the overall decrease in photosynthetic electron transfer complexes. From the genomic and transcriptomic data we identify candidate components of a diatom high-affinity iron-uptake system, and we present a novel cellular strategy to enhance iron economy of phototrophic growth with the iron-regulated mutual substitution of three metal-containing FBA proteins. The enormous genomic plasticity of *T. oceanica*, as seen from the large fraction of genes acquired through horizontal gene transfer, provides a platform for complex adaptations to the iron-limited ocean. The inferred dynamic exchange of genes between marine microbes suggests the genome of *T. oceanica*may not be an exceptional evolutionary invention, but rather that it may be seen as one possible outcome from a larger metagenomic gene pool. The future comprehensive characterization of this gene pool constitutes the ultimate challenge in appreciating the solutions that marine life found for defying the persistent shortage of iron in the open ocean. Materials and methods ===================== Strains, cultures and physiology -------------------------------- The sequenced strain *T. oceanica*(Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal CCMP1005 \[[@B48]\] was obtained from the Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton \[[@B49]\]. *T. oceanica*cells were grown in 8 l batch cultures using iron-free f/2 nutrients in artificial seawater medium (ASW) \[[@B50]\] at 100 µE, 25°C and a 14/10 h light/dark cycle. Iron-replete cultures (\'control\') were supplied in excess of other essential nutrients (10 µM FeCl~3~); no iron was added to the iron-limited cultures (\'stress\'), except for residual iron from the ASW salts, promoting iron-limited growth. Cells were harvested at late exponential growth phase by filtration on 5 µm polycarbonate filters of 47 mm diameter, resuspended into a small volume of media, followed by centrifugation at 4°C for 10 minutes at 11,000 rpm. Cell pellets were frozen in liquid N~2~and stored at -80°C. For iron-limited cultures, iron-free techniques were applied as follows. Culture bottles were composed of plastic material, washed and incubated for some days with 1 N HCl and rinsed with ultrapure MilliQ water. All additional supply for iron-free work was washed with 1 N HCl and stored in closure bags until use. Iron-limited cultures were best achieved from a minimal inoculation volume of 10 to 20 µl or less than 10,000 cells. Throughout this work we compare cells from late exponential growth phase, though we recommend to use iron-limited cells from late stationary phase when working on specifically low-iron responsive genes (for example, from compensation pairs or involved in iron uptake). For these, the expression level at the late stationary phase is found to be even higher than in the late exponential phase. Total cellular protein was determined for iron-replete and iron-limited cells as follows. First, 85.5 million cells each were concentrated by centrifugation. The resulting pellets were frozen in liquid N~2~and stored at -80°C. For protein determination, pellets were re-dissolved and lysed in 200 to 300 µl SDS/CO~3~buffer with additional application of ultrasonication. Cell debris was precipitated by 4 minutes of centrifugation at room temperature and maximum rpm; 5 to 10 µl of the supernatant served as input for bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). SDS/CO~3~buffer was composed of 4% SDS, 68 mM Na~2~CO~3~and 0.4 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (the latter was dissolved in EtOH to obtain a 100 mM stock solution). The variable chlorophyll fluorescence F~v~/F~m~of *T. oceanica*cells was measured from fresh cultures with a PhytoPAM (PHYTO-PAM Phytoplankton Analyzer, Heinz Walz GMBH, Effeltrich, Germany) \[[@B51]\] upon 5 minutes of dark incubation. Comparative genomics was done with genome data available at the Joint Genome Institute for *T. pseudonana*(Hustedt) Hasle & Heimdal CCMP1335 \[[@B4]\], *P. tricornutum*Bohlin CCAP1055/1 \[[@B5]\] and *F. cylindrus*(Grunow) Krieger CCMP1102 \[[@B19]\]. Microscopy and confocal microscopy ---------------------------------- *T. oceanica*was imaged *in vivo*using confocal laser scanning microscopy LSM 510 (Zeiss). Chlorophyll autofluorescence was excited at 488 nm (1% laser intensity), and emission recorded with a long pass (LP) 650 nm filter. Images were made using a Plan-Neofluar 40×1.3 oil objective (Zeiss). Z-section image series were captured with LSM 510 v3.2 software (Zeiss). Three-dimensional reconstructions of the chlorophyll fluorescence signal were made using the cell surface area-/cell volume-analyzing \'Surpass\' program module in Imaris 7.1.1 (Bitplane, Zürich, Switzerland). Images were segmented using consistent threshold values. Surface area grain size was set at 0.1 µm. In 20 cells from both iron-replete and iron-limited cultures, cell dimensions were calculated from transmission image measurements based on a cylinder model. Chloroplast dimensions were calculated from three-dimensional chlorophyll autofluorescence signal reconstructions. Despite imaging in a narrow time window (12:00 ± 2 h), growth in the *T. oceanica*cultures was not synchronized. Thus, the observed values for the parameters with a growth-dependent variability are accordingly distributed over a characteristic growth range. The representative cellular and chloroplast dimensions provided in Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"} were therefore determined from the statistical mean of 20 cells by calculating back to a cell at the beginning of its cell cycle. For this purpose we used a regular cylinder that expands through a gradual two-fold increase of its height as a model for the diatom cell. Around the statistical mean from all cells (of a variable parameter like cell volume) we created a range whose higher end differs from the lower end by a factor of 2, thereby representing a two-fold increase of that parameter during growth of the diatom cell. The lower end of that range is given in Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"} as a representative value for a \'cellular unit\', that is, a freshly divided cell at the beginning of its cell cycle. Nucleic acid extraction and sequencing -------------------------------------- *T. oceanica*CCMP1005 was grown as axenic clonal culture from a single cell isolate obtained from serial dilutions of a stock culture to extinction. Nuclear gDNA for sequencing of the *T. oceanica*genome was extracted from nutrient-replete cells and separated from organellar gDNA in a CsCl gradient (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}) using the alternative cetyltrimethlyammonium bromide protocol for algae \[[@B52]\].The quality of nucleic acids was assessed from NanoDrop UV absorption profiles and agarose gel electrophoresis. Second generation sequencing technology was applied to the gDNA as follows. After mechanical shearing by nebulization, followed by end-repair, specific sequencing adaptors were ligated. The genomic DNA fragments were shotgun sequenced using massive parallel pyrosequencing \[[@B53]\] on a Roche 454 GS-FLX instrument (Roche, Penzberg, Germany) according to the manufacturer\'s protocol. Total RNA for transcriptome sequencing was extracted from frozen pellets of iron-replete and iron-limited *T. oceanica*cells from late exponential growth phase using the QIAGEN (Hilden, Germany) RNeasy kit. RNA quality was assessed from NanoDrop UV absorption profiles and agarose gel electrophoresis. For reverse transcription of total RNA the SMART cDNA synthesis kit from Clontech (Mountain View, CA, USA) was used with 1 µg input material and 15 rounds of amplification. The size distribution of the obtained cDNA libraries were controlled with agarose gel electrophoresis and then subjected to Roche 454 sequencing as described above for gDNA. Transcriptomics --------------- Global gene expression was assessed through Roche 454 massive parallel pyrosequencing of cDNA libraries prepared from total RNA extracted from iron-limited and iron-replete cultures. The 2× 95,000 sequence reads from both libraries were pooled, cleaned from adapter ends and processed in a combined assembly revealing 11,264 contigs (that is, transcript fragments) that map to approximately 6,500 distinct AUGUSTUS gene models (Additional file [10](#S10){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). The differential read contribution from the Fe(-) and Fe(+) libraries to each contig is taken as a measure for the differential transcription of the respective gene. For the purpose of statistically evaluating the gene expression level across our two cDNA libraries, we applied a log-likelihood ratio test statistic as described in Stekel *et al*. \[[@B22]\]. Differentially regulated genes were first screened with T-ACE \[[@B54]\], a transcriptome database browser that plots the assembled transcript fragments according to their differential regulation (Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type="fig"}) and provides information from BLAST analyses against the NCBI nr protein (NR) database and the Conserved Domain Database. Models from selected genes were manually curated and annotated for protein function and location as described above (Additional file [6](#S6){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). RT-qPCR ------- RT-qPCR was done as in \[[@B17]\] and is described in the Supplementary Methods in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. Primers are listed in Additional file [11](#S11){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. The differential regulation between high and low iron conditions with respect to 18S and RPB1 (threshold level) is shown in a ΔΔC~T~plot as calculated below: $$\Delta\Delta\textsf{C}_{\textsf{T}} = \left\lbrack {\Delta\textsf{C}_{\textsf{T}}@\textsf{Fe(~+~)~-~}\Delta\textsf{C}_{\textsf{T}}@\textsf{Fe(~-~)}} \right\rbrack$$ where ΔC~T\ =~(C~T~gene 1 - C~T~gene 2) and represents the difference between the qPCR threshold cycle values (C~T~) of gene 1 (the gene of interest) and gene 2 ( the house-keeping gene, either the 18S rRNA or RPB1). (Figure S8 in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Proteomics ---------- The proteomes of iron-replete and iron-limited cells were analyzed in a mass spectrometry approach. Differentially labeled iron-sufficient and iron-deficient cells were mixed at equal protein concentration and fractionated by SDS-PAGE. Protein bands were excised, digested in-gel with trypsin and subjected to LC-MS/MS analyses. Identification and quantification of peptides and proteins was performed using Proteomatic data evaluation pipelines \[[@B55]\] as follows. To provide candidate peptides in the database search step using OMSSA \[[@B56]\], several sequence sources were used: (1) the AUGUSTUS gene models, (2) Genomic Peptide Finder peptides \[[@B57]\], (3) high quality chloroplast protein models, (4) a set of manually curated protein models. Resulting peptide/spectral matches were filtered with a hit distinctiveness filter, using a threshold of 2. Peptide/spectral matches were further filtered with a dynamically determined E-value threshold to achieve an estimated false discovery rate of 1% \[[@B58]\]. Finally, all peptide/spectral matches with a precursor mass deviation \>5 ppm were discarded. A total of 1,695 peptides could be identified from two independent biological experiments and assigned to 767 protein groups. All identified peptides were subsequently quantified using qTrace \[[@B59]\], resulting in the quantification of 633 protein groups and an additional set of 88 quantified peptides, which were identified exclusively via Genomic Peptide Finder. For the determination of Fe(-)/Fe(+) protein ratios, all resulting combinations of peptide, SDS-PAGE band and charge state were grouped and all group ratios were combined into a total protein group ratio by calculating the median and interquartile range. Data for differential protein expression as revealed from the mass spectrometry approach refers to equal amounts of total protein. For relating the observed regulation to a \'cellular unit\', the ratio of cellular protein biomass \[Fe(-)/Fe(+)\] as determined from a BCA (bicinchoninic acid) protein assay needs to be taken into account. Bioinformatics -------------- Bioinformatic analyses are described in the Supplementary Methods in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. Data access ----------- The *T. oceanica*CCMP1005 whole genome shotgun assembly is registered as bioproject 36595, the *T. oceanica*CCMP1005 transcriptome shotgun assembly is registered as bioproject 73029. The genomic and transcriptomic Roche 454 GS FLX sequence reads from this study have been submitted to the NCBI Sequence Read Archive \[[@B60]\] under accession numbers SRA045826 and SRA045825, respectively. The whole genome shotgun project has been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession AGNL00000000. The version described in this paper is the first version, AGNL01000000. AUGUSTUS gene models deduced from the genome assembly have been assigned the gene loci accession numbers THAOC_00001 to THAOC_37921. The transcriptome assembly has been submitted to the NCBI Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly database \[[@B61]\] under accession numbers JP288099 to JP297710. The proteomics mass spectrometry mzML data associated with this manuscript may be downloaded from the Tranche repository \[[@B62]\] using the following hash: \'T9vKohxPxffmhOBsgb9kTlBKCrQIQYziH8hdonm9scou13EAFv57Uo+XYTj4d8XHbLRxR03+6WeDRSp2yhpp348wzWsAAAAAAABjUg==\'. The data from this study can be accessed in an integrated form with the *Thalassiosira oceanica*Genome Browser \[[@B18]\]. Abbreviations ============= CCAP: Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa; CCMP: Culture Collection of Marine Phytoplankton; EST: expressed sequence tag; FBA: fructose-bisphosphate aldolase; FCP: fucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding protein; Fe(-): iron deplete; Fe(+): iron replete; gDNA: genomic DNA; HNLC: high-nitrate low-chlorophyll; HSF: heat shock factor; ISIP: iron starvation induced protein; LC-MS/MS: liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; LDLR: low-density lipoprotein receptor; LGT: lateral gene transfer; LHCSR: light harvesting complex stress responsive subunit; NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information; NRPS: non-ribosomal peptide synthase; ORF: open reading frame; PCR: polymerase chain reaction; PS: photosystem; RT-qPCR: reverse transcription-quantitative PCR. Competing interests =================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors\' contributions ======================= ML prepared the *T. oceanica*RNA used for transcriptomics, was involved in genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics data analysis, performed manual gene modeling and annotation, contributed the comparative genomics section, prepared the figures, and drafted the manuscript. MS developed the bioinformatic tools for analysis of the proteomics data and prepared Figure [4b](#F4){ref-type="fig"}. ML and MS conducted the gene prediction on the *T. oceanica*genome assembly using AUGUSTUS. ASR cultured the algae, carried out the RT-qPCR work and commented on the manuscript. LK performed the assembly of the Roche 454 reads and a general blast and domain annotation. RA set up the web-server and Generic Model Organism Database, annotated gene models, and helped with genome and proteome analysis. MAG carried out the confocal microscopy and the three-dimensional rendering of chlorophyll autofluorescence signals. JW and SVB carried out the proteomics experiment and participated in the proteomics analysis. MBS prepared the gDNA libraries, performed the Roche 454 sequencing and generated the initial assemblies. UCK prepared the cDNA libraries for transcriptomics. RGB and RA contributed the phylogenetic analysis of LGT genes. PR coordinated the sequencing and contributed to manuscript writing. MH coordinated the proteomics and contributed to manuscript writing. JLR coordinated the study, isolated the *T. oceanica*gDNA and contributed to manuscript writing. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Supplementary Material ====================== ###### Additional file 1 **Supplemental table - BLAST analysis of AUGUSTUS-predicted protein models versus the NCBI Non-redundant Protein (nr) database and the Conserved Domain Database**. The table lists the best BLAST hits from a BLASTP analysis of AUGUSTUS-predicted protein models against NCBI nr protein and Conserved Domain Database. The file is in .xls format (compressed to .zip). ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 2 **Phylogenetic trees for *T. oceanica*LGT candidate genes**. The file comprises 254 unrooted, Newick-formatted trees containing candidate LGT genes as described in the main manuscript. Trees and corresponding support values were generated using FastTree. Novel *T. oceanica*genes are identified in the trees by a reference number followed by \'\_TO\'. Homologs from the \'nr\' database identified using BLAST are given in the form \'Genus_GI\', except for matches to unnamed genera, which are shown as RefSeq GI number followed by \'X\'. Visual inspection of trees was performed by importing this file into FigTree (Andrew Rambaut 2007) and assigning a root as described in the Supplementary Methods in Additional file 3. The file is in .tre format (compressed to .gz). ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 3 **Supplementary Methods and Figures**. The file provides a description of the RT-qPCR as well as of the bioinformatics methods (genome assembly and analysis, setup of the *T. oceanica*genome browser and phylogenetic analyses). It further contains supplementary Figures S1 to S9. Figure S1: taxonomy of genes acquired by lateral gene transfer (2). An overview of the taxonomic assignments for LGT candidate genes as revealed from a refined phylogenetic analysis. Figure S2: duplications of genes and domains occurring in genes whose regulation is dependent on the cellular supply with iron. Figure S3: metabolic shift. The change in relative abundance of organellar RNA between *T. oceanica*cells subjected to high or low iron. Figure S4: correlation plot P versus T. The extent of correlation between proteomics (P) and transcriptomics (T) data. Figure S5: FCP proteomics. The variation in the response of different FCP light-harvesting proteins to iron limitation. Figure S6: phylogenetic tree of flavodoxin proteins. A neighbor-joining tree of diatom flavodoxin proteins. Figure S7: phylogenetic tree of FBA proteins. A neighbor-joining tree of diatom fructose bisphosphate aldolase proteins. Figure S8: qPCR ΔΔC~T~. The differential regulation of genes in response to low iron. Data represent the change in transcript level for iron-limited *T. oceanica*when compared to an iron-replete control. Figure S9: promoter motif. The conservation across diatom species of a motif found in the promoters of several iron-regulated genes. The file is in .pdf format. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 4 **Gene abbreviations list**. The file lists gene abbreviations and gene product descriptions for all genes mentioned in this paper. The file is in .xls format. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 5 **Supplemental sequences - curated protein models**. The file lists 436 manually curated protein sequences from nuclear genes (with custom identifiers x1 to x12 and p1 to p455) together with the 158 proteins encoded by the organellar genomes in FASTA format. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 6 **Supplemental table - manual transcriptome annotation**. The table lists annotation information for all protein sequences provided in Additional file 5. The file is in .xls format. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 7 **Supplemental sequences - selected protein models discussed in the manuscript**. The file lists sequences of proteins that we explicitly refer to in the discussion of the low-iron response. The sequences are provided in FASTA format. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 8 **Supplemental table - overview of low-iron responsive genes**. The table contains more detailed annotation information for all protein sequences provided in Additional file 7. Deviation of a custom curated model from its respective official \'t1\'-AUGUSTUS prediction is indicated as \'mod\'. The file is in .xls format. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 9 **Supplemental table - comparative genomics of selected genes with a putative adaptive relevance**. The table contains all official database identifiers for the gene products listed in Table [3](#T3){ref-type="table"}. The file is in .xls format. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 10 **Supplemental table - BLAST mapping of *T. oceanica*transcript fragments versus NCBI databases and other diatom genomes**. The table provides a comprehensive overview for all 11,264 transcript fragments with read statistics, best BLASTX hits to NCBI nr and Conserved Domain Database, and additional best TBLASTX hits to the genomes of *T. pseudonana*, *P. tricornutum*and *F. cylindrus*, notably including worldwide web link-outs to the respective orthologous genes of these species. The file is in .xls format (compressed to .zip). ###### Click here for file ###### Additional file 11 **Supplemental table - primers used for RT-qPCR**. The table lists the sequences of all primers used in the RT-qPCR experiments. The file is in .xls format. ###### Click here for file Acknowledgements ================ We thank Prof. Stefan Rose-John (Institute of Biochemistry, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Kiel, Germany) for advice in the isolation of nuclear genomic DNA from *T. oceanica*and access to his laboratory and equipment, and Prof. Stefan Schreiber (Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Kiel, Germany) for extensive help in building up sequencing resources in Kiel. Prof. Thomas Bosch (Institute of Zoology, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Kiel, Germany) and Dr Georg Hemmrich-Stanisak (Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Kiel, Germany) provided help with the initial contig assembly. We thank Tania Klüver (Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at Kiel University IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany) for help with the laboratory experiments and culturing of the algae. Dr Dhwani Desai (Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at Kiel University IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany) helped with bioinformatics analyses and setup of the genome browser. The upper left light micrograph in Figure 1 showing *T. oceanica*in valve view is courtesy of CCMP. Sequence data from *F. cylindrus*were produced by the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute \[[@B63]\] in collaboration with the user community. This work was supported in part by a DFG grant to JLR (RO2138/6-1) and by funding from the DFG Cluster of Excellence \'Future Ocean\' (EXC 80) to JLR and PR. MH and JLR acknowledge funding from the BMBF \'BIOACID\' (03F0608N) program. RA received funding from EC FP7/2007-2011 under grant agreement number PITN-GA-2008-215157 and EC FP7 Grant \#205419 (ECOGENE).
From Thank you Sorry Northeast Utilities in Connecticut Tuesday confirmed that it plans to turn over part of its IT operations to two India-based outsourcing firms, despite a recent push by state lawmakers to keep it from doing so. NU says it employs some 400 IT workers, and "will retain about half of those employees" after turning some operations over to outsourcers Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services, two of India's largest IT firms. Today's announcement makes official what had already been suspected -- the company had told its IT workers weeks ago that it was considering outsourcing tech work. The utility, which operates New England's largest energy delivery system, today said it is "working with strategic business partners to help conduct the rest of the work - the majority of which will still be conducted locally." NU said it expects that 40 of its affected IT employees will be rehired by the outsourcers "and will still work at NU facilities." In response to their lobbying efforts, several Connecticut legislators in 2003 introduced a series of bills to limit H-1B visa use, arguing that it was being used to transfer jobs overseas. The efforts were unsuccessful and eventually the Connecticut organization that fought visa use disbanded. Utility jobs had been considered among the more stable in Connecticut, at least until NU merged last year with Boston-based utility NStar. Company officials at the time told regulators and lawmakers that the merger would lead to savings. Once word leaked out last month that NU was considering offshore outsourcing in its IT department, state lawmakers responded. "Shipping these good-paying jobs away will not just hurt Connecticut's economy, but it could also pose a serious security threat," said State Rep. Joe Aresimowicz, a Democrat and House majority leader, in a statement last week. Connecticut's unemployment rate is at 8.1%, the 35th highest in the nation, and the state's labor pool has seen a slight decline in size this year. In a statement today, NU said: "We spent a great deal of time over the last year studying our combined, post-merger IT department and determined we had two very distinct business models - neither of which was best practice when compared with current IT models. In order to meet customer expectations and deliver the latest IT solutions, we have designed one integrated, forward-looking, technology-savvy organization." NU said the transition will begin in November and will last through June of 2014. The utility is offering employees a voluntary separation package. John Miano, a programmer and attorney who founded the Programmers Guild, said that when he started following IT offshoring in mid-1990s, "most of the (news) coverage was over incidents like this (NU's move) and there was shock." Now, most of the H-1B news coverage is about how bringing in more H-1B workers will create jobs, said Miano. "The sad thing is these companies don't save any money doing this," said Miano. "The problem is there is no management consulting dollars for telling people the risks and why nots of offshoring." Patrick Thibodeau covers SaaS and enterprise applications, outsourcing, government IT policies, data centers and IT workforce issues for Computerworld. Follow Patrick on Twitter at @DCgov, or subscribe to Patrick's RSS feed . His email address is pthibodeau@computerworld.com.
Words and Thoughts of Joshua Scott Witsaman Friday Funny Pages: Yoda Spit Take Hello readers, it’s time once again for Friday Funny Pages. I haven’t posted a blog since last Friday, my apologies for the lack of activity but I’ve been focusing on my current job hunt which has been quite a feat in this dismal economy also the wife and I took a few days to go camping and escape from the disheartening reality of modern living if only for a little over 48 hours. Now I’m back, somewhat recharged, and ready to bare down and dive back into my regular writing agenda! So let’s get right to it shall we? Today’s panel comes to us from the great, and now defunct, Star Wars Tales comic book. For those who might not know Star Wars Tales was a monthly collection put out by Dark Horse of two or three short stories set in the Star Wars universe. Generally these stories were not considered canon, rather they were imaginative little vignettes that would explore portions of the movies that went unseen or elaborate on details that were only mentioned in passing during the films. Many were interesting side-stories and serious explorations of the themes of Star Wars, while others were goofball parodies and comedic asides. This panel comes to use from the latter category. This panel is intended to be funny. The image comes from a story entitled “Force Fiction” written by Kevin Rubio with art by Lucas Marangon. The setting is a small cafe somewhere on Coruscant shortly after the events of Episode I, where Yoda and Mace Windu are discussing the fate of a certain young Force adept by the name of Skywalker. This particular spit take comes after Mace determines that he thinks Anakin Skywalker should be given Qui-Gon’s lightsaber and trained as a Jedi. Yoda isn’t too happy about it, and points out all the reasons why not to train the boy, reasons we as the reader know to be all valid points. That’s not the point of this story however, for as the two Jedi knights sit quietly eating their lunch a group of raiders suddenly smash through the front of the cafe intent on robbing the place and the story quickly becomes an homage to Pulp Fiction and the iconic scene with Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta in a very similar small dinning establishment (of course I don’t need to remind anyone who plays Mace Windu in Star Wars). Anyway it’s a funny little Star Wars bit and this image of Yoda taken by surprise is just really amusing to me. Also if you look closely you will see that Yoda is sitting in the Jedi equivalent of a booster seat. Good stuff. If any of you Star Wars fans out there have not made yourselves familiar with the stories in Star Wars Tales I suggest you do so ASAP. There are a ton of genuinely excellent Star Wars stories throughout the pages, both serious and funny. Though they aren’t putting out any new books anymore you can get Star Wars tales in trade paperback, there are several volumes available. At about $20 a pop it’s a worthy investment! May the Farce be with you!
I don't use NM for connecting to the Internet. So I think that should be stopped right away. Also I have ext4 filesystem so I assume lvm2-monitor can be safely turned off. My primary usage is surfing net and coding in Python (newbie though). Which services should I disable so that unnecessarily resources don't remain busy? 2 Answers 2 You can do without NetworkManager, but I find it awfully handy for dealing with changing wifi on a laptop (which you say you're using). If you don't need it, though, no harm in turning this off. acpid 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off This is probably what's making your power button work, and what makes the system suspend when you close the lid. You can live without it, but probably don't want to. auditd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off This is the userspace part of the Linux Auditing System, which is a more secure way of logging kernel-level events than syslog. Among other things, it records SELinux alerts. Strictly speaking, you don't need it. avahi-daemon 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off This is for autodiscovery of services on a network — printers being a big example. It's not required. cpuspeed 0:off 1:on 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off This will probably just start the right in-kernel CPU frequency scaling driver as an on-start operation, and not run anything. (And if it can't for whatever reason and runs the daemon, you probably want it.) haldaemon 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off This runs hald, which is in the process of being obsoleted but which is, as of Fedora 14, still used for a few things. Best to leave it on for now If you're sure you're not using lvm (note that you can use ext4 on top of lvm!), you can turn off lvm2-monitor, and the same goes for md software RAID and mdmonitor. messagebus 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off This is the d-bus system message bus. If you're using a modern desktop environment, you'll basically need this. If you're not, you can get away without it, but will probably have to hack things up. (I'm pretty sure gdm needs it, for example.) netfs 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off This doesn't run any daemons, but starts any network filesystems in /etc/fstab/. It's harmless either way. If you're not using NFS, NIS, or some other RPC-based service, all of these can go off. rsyslog 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off You technically don't need to log anything, but you probably really want to. You could consider tuning it to work in a more lightweight way on your laptop. smolt 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off This sends anonymized usage statistics back to the Fedora Project. It doesn't run anything, but there's a cron file in /etc/cron.d/smolt which checks the state here. If you don't want it, I suggest removing the entire smolt package. (But consider leaving it — the data is useful to the people putting the distro together for you, and it's only once a month.) udev-post 0:off 1:on 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off Another run-and-done startup script, this one needed to keep rules generated during the boot process around once the system is up. Leave it on. It's possible (and likely, if you didn't specify otherwise in the installer) that you are still using LVM with ext4 on the logical volumes, however, lvm2-monitor is really only useful if you're using LVM snapshots and/or mirrors, so it is safe to trun off. Are you using NFS in any way? If not, you can probably safely turn off the netfs, nfslock and rpc* services. Do you use any mDNS (or ZeroConf) devices? Avahi-daemon both registers your computer as a mdns device and enables your system to search for similar devices. If you don't plan on ever using that, you can disable it. The other services are fairly normal to have running (like rsyslog), or are simply startup processes that don't leave around running processes (like smolt and udev-post).
"SONGS FROM THE HEART" CD Our wedding schedule has been designed to allow as many couples as possible to hold their ceremonies in this magnificent historic building. Weddings are reserved according to a pre-set schedule (listed below). "SONGS FROM THE HEART" CD Recorded at Heinz Memorial Chapel in December 2003, this collection of songs performed by acclaimed Pittsburgh vocalist Daphne Alderson captures the essence of her live concert appearances at the chapel. Her breathtaking performance of love songs from throughout the ages and across cultural borders will enchant and delight listeners.
A dry-docking selected restricted availability includes the planning and execution of depot-level maintenance, alterations, and modifications that will update and improve the ship's military and technical capabilities. Work will be performed in San Diego and is expected to be completed by September 2016. Fiscal 2016 operations and maintenance (Navy) funding in the amount of $12,668,280 will be obligated at time of award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Southwest Regional Maintenance Center, San Diego, is the contracting activity.
About 100 people gathered at the School of Image Arts last Tuesday for the new building’s official opening, with an open bar and hors d’oeuvres such as stuffed tomatoes and sliders. The renovation changed the exterior brick to glass and added LED lights to the outside walls. President Sheldon Levy and vice-president academic Alan Shepard gave speeches, hinting at the delays that displaced image arts students around campus for about a year longer than expected. People were smiling, laughing and enjoying the night, most of them glad the project is finally nearing its end. Some students, however, are unhappy with their new academic home. They see little difference inside the building after the renovation. Some image arts (IMA) students are disappointed with the changes and don’t feel it was worth the time they spent displaced around campus. “I expected a lot more to be changed given the time they took,” said Emily Goode, a fourth-year IMA student in an email. “The first floor is the only one that they fully renovated.” The $71-million building project took about three years to complete. During that time, students used alternative facilities off-campus, and in Kerr Hall, the Victoria Building and the Rogers Communications Centre. Although Goode said it was inconvenient, she didn’t mind using the other facilities. Still, she felt that the building improvements could have been more suited to the needs of students. She’s not the only one. “The move out wasn’t that bad because we were all expecting this wicked building,” said Lukas Sluzar, a fourth-year IMA student. “But when we got back, we found that it was pretty much the exact same building. So a lot of us were pretty disappointed.” The building project was a part of Ryerson’s Master Plan, an initiative to re-utilize campus space. The plan included construction of a gallery and research centre. The first exhibition to be showcased is Ryerson’s Black Star Historical Black & White Photography Collection. The collection of 250,000 photographs, anonymously donated in 2005, was given to the school on the understanding that Ryerson would build a professional gallery to house it. The gallery is still incomplete but is expected to open in September 2012. “The building was really about the gallery,” said Alex Anderson, chair of image arts. “The focus of the design was how to add a world-class gallery . . . in an already built construction.” Just under half of the funding for the project came from grants and the rest came from internal sources and donations. Even with all the planning and announcements from the school, the lack of upgrades and improved facilities disappointed students. The fourth-year students are the only current students who have used the old building. “The hallways were the exact same so I knew how to navigate around,” said Sluzar. Some students felt the money could have been better spent. “There are things image arts needs and a new coat of paint with some green tile and a glowing building are not on that list,” said Goode. “I would much rather have another studio space or spend the renovation money on new equipment.” Anderson said that Ryerson didn’t dip into the equipment budget to fund the renovation. Julia Hanigsberg, vice-president of administration and finance, said that the $32.9 million grant money went directly to fund improvements for the image arts program, not the gallery. “A major part of (the renovation) was the re-cladding of the building, bringing light into the building,” she said. She also said that renovations made the building more wheelchair accessible. Even though the outside of the building was improved, the interior of the building only saw an increase in windows, study spaces and the addition of a gallery. The new building, which is 14,000 square feet bigger, will have a new coffee shop — Balzac’s — scheduled to open next week. However, Anderson said she understands IMA students’ disappointment with the lack of upgraded facilities. “I appreciate their frustrations,” said Anderson. “There were limitations to the renovations . . . we didn’t get to upgrade to the top facilities, so we’re still dealing with the older production facilities. . . We’re working on that. We’re working around it.” IMA students were told by administration that the value of their degrees would go up as a result of the building. However, as an academic investment, the building did not change the quality of education students received, according to some faculty. “Certainly the money would have been better spent on things that would better equip the students for entry into the professional world. But it was never about improving IMA standards. It was about publicity, optics and appearances,” said one IMA faculty member, who wished to remain anonymous. “The basis of the school’s reputation is a lot more complex than impressions of a building.” Anderson clarified. “It’s not the building. It’s the attention the building attracts and the opportunities the building offers to the school that would ultimately make it a more highprofile degree.” Students can use the building facilities, but much of it is still blocked off. Signs placed on several doors read, “No Access. Construction Zone. Please keep out.” Men in hard hats work throughout the building, fixing rooms still inaccessible to students. By the time construction is complete, all of those who remember the old image arts building will have graduated, and incoming students will be none the wiser to how the building used to be.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <Version>0.0.0</Version> <Nullable>annotations</Nullable> <GenerateFullPaths>true</GenerateFullPaths> <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework> <TreatWarningsAsErrors>true</TreatWarningsAsErrors> <DebugType Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'">none</DebugType> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include="..\MvcTemplate.Components\MvcTemplate.Components.csproj" /> </ItemGroup> </Project>
SANTA BARBARA -- In a conciliatory gesture to a grieving family, authorities are dismissing a criminal complaint over "stolen candles" against Isla Vista stabbing victim Cheng Yuan "James" Hong, which stemmed from a bizarre January spat with roommate and eventual mass murderer Elliot Rodger. Santa Barbara County District Attorney Joyce E. Dudley told this newspaper that late Friday morning, she filed a motion to dismiss the case involving Hong, one of six people Rodger killed one week earlier. She said the infraction was minor enough to be outweighed by the healing benefit to Hong's San Jose family. "It's in the best interest of justice," Dudley said. "It's so small. I believe it's important to the Hongs that their son has no criminal history whatsoever. It's the right thing to do." Elliot Rodger, James Hong That's in line with the feelings of the family, which described the theft claim as overblown. It gained a wide profile when in the wake of the killings, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office reported Rodger initiated a citizen's arrest of Hong after accusing him of stealing $22 worth of candles. Hong was booked and released and later paid a fine. But Hong's brother said Rodger initiated the conflict when he took away Hong's measuring cup out of annoyance over his cooking, and Hong responded by grabbing Rodger's candles to force a trade. "In response, Elliot called the police," said Hong's brother, who asked not be named to protect his family's privacy. "What kind of person would call the police for such a petty argument?" Advertisement Dudley said she was willing to go as far as asking the governor to issue Hong a pardon and explored that option before determining she could clear Hong's record locally. Hong, a Lynbrook High School alum, was one of three people stabbed to death by Rodger in their apartment the night of May 23 before Rodger got into his car and continued a rampage through Isla Vista where he shot and killed three people and injured more than a dozen others.
/* * GDevelop Core * Copyright 2008-present Florian Rival (Florian.Rival@gmail.com). All rights * reserved. This project is released under the MIT License. */ #ifndef GDCORE_PROPERTYDESCRIPTOR #define GDCORE_PROPERTYDESCRIPTOR #include <vector> #include "GDCore/String.h" namespace gd { class SerializerElement; } namespace gd { /** * \brief Used to describe a property shown in a property grid. * \see gd::Object * \see gd::EffectMetadata */ class GD_CORE_API PropertyDescriptor { public: /** * \brief Create a property being a simple gd::String with the specified * value. * * \param propertyValue The value of the property. */ PropertyDescriptor(gd::String propertyValue) : currentValue(propertyValue), type("string"), label(""), hidden(false) {} /** * \brief Empty constructor creating an empty property to be displayed. */ PropertyDescriptor() : hidden(false){}; /** * \brief Destructor */ virtual ~PropertyDescriptor(); /** * \brief Change the value displayed in the property grid */ PropertyDescriptor& SetValue(gd::String value) { currentValue = value; return *this; } /** * \brief Change the type of the value displayed in the property grid. * \note The type is arbitrary and is interpreted by the class updating the * property grid: Refer to it or to the documentation of the class which is * returning the PropertyDescriptor to learn more about valid values for the * type. */ PropertyDescriptor& SetType(gd::String type_) { type = type_; return *this; } /** * \brief Change the label displayed in the property grid. */ PropertyDescriptor& SetLabel(gd::String label_) { label = label_; return *this; } /** * \brief Change the description displayed to the user, if any. */ PropertyDescriptor& SetDescription(gd::String description_) { description = description_; return *this; } /** * \brief Add an information about the property. * \note The information are arbitrary and are interpreted by the class * updating the property grid: Refer to it or to the documentation of the * class which is returning the PropertyDescriptor to learn more about valid * values for the extra information. */ PropertyDescriptor& AddExtraInfo(const gd::String& info) { extraInformation.push_back(info); return *this; } const gd::String& GetValue() const { return currentValue; } const gd::String& GetType() const { return type; } const gd::String& GetLabel() const { return label; } const gd::String& GetDescription() const { return description; } const std::vector<gd::String>& GetExtraInfo() const { return extraInformation; } /** * \brief Set if the property should be shown or hidden in the editor. */ PropertyDescriptor& SetHidden(bool enable = true) { hidden = enable; return *this; } /** * \brief Check if the property should be shown or hidden in the editor. */ bool IsHidden() const { return hidden; } /** \name Serialization */ ///@{ /** * \brief Serialize the PropertyDescriptor. */ virtual void SerializeTo(SerializerElement& element) const; /** * \brief Unserialize the PropertyDescriptor. */ virtual void UnserializeFrom(const SerializerElement& element); /** * \brief Serialize only the value and extra informations. */ virtual void SerializeValuesTo(SerializerElement& element) const; /** * \brief Unserialize only the value and extra informations. */ virtual void UnserializeValuesFrom(const SerializerElement& element); ///@} private: gd::String currentValue; ///< The current value to be shown. gd::String type; ///< The type of the property. This is arbitrary and interpreted by ///< the class responsible for updating the property grid. gd::String label; //< The user-friendly property name gd::String description; //< The user-friendly property description std::vector<gd::String> extraInformation; ///< Can be used to store for example the available ///< choices, if a property is a displayed as a combo ///< box. bool hidden; }; } // namespace gd #endif
JAPANESE researchers have implanted a small camera inside a mouse's brain to see how memory is formed, in an experiment they hope to some day apply to humans to treat illnesses such as Parkinson's disease. The study, published in the Journal ofNeuroscience Methods and Sensors and Actuators, used a camera 3 mm long, 2.3 mm wide and 2.4 mm in depth, Jun Ohta, professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology in western Japan, said. Working with researchers at Kinki University, Mr Ohta implanted the special semiconductor camera inside the hippocampus of the mouse's brain, designing the devise so that a screen showed blue light whenever the camera captured memory being recorded by the brain. The researchers injected the mouse with a substance that lights up whenever there is brain activity. The camera then captures that light and the visuals come up on a screen. The team now plans to use the camera while the mouse is walking. "We are thinking about how to apply this to humans, though we must be very careful, as it involves implanting something into the brain,'' Mr Ohta said. "It would take 10 years at the earliest.'' The researchers hope the study will lead to new ways to treat Parkinson's disease, as they aim to have the camera track brain activity that trigger symptoms such as tremours. Member Hmm.. my FIL died of complications of Parkinson's, and I have a brother who's mentally and phyiscally disabled due to birth defects. I'm a HUGE animal lover, but I think this is for the greater good, you know? I mean, come on! We buy leaather goods all the time and don't think of the cow/deer/alligator/ostrich/ect it came from!! Hehehe... you know, if that mouse was running loose in your kitchen, I bet you'd grab a broom and try to smack him, or at the very least freak a little bit? This mouse is giving his all for science! Addicted to Tiffany's Member I feel terrible for the mouse, and am personally against animal testing for any reason. Click to expand... But do you wear leather? Eat meat? Use chemicals to clean? Animals were all involved in those things. Actually, the growth of man is the worse thing that ever happened to animals, becuase we are the only species that kills for revenge, sport and greed, as well as fashion. I'm not condeming what you said either, I'm just pointing out different sides. nyan nyan percent But do you wear leather? Eat meat? Use chemicals to clean? Animals were all involved in those things. Actually, the growth of man is the worse thing that ever happened to animals, becuase we are the only species that kills for revenge, sport and greed, as well as fashion. I'm not condeming what you said either, I'm just pointing out different sides. Click to expand... I feel really badly about animal testing, and I try to live my life the most ethically as I can (no excessive leather products - thank you LV !, vegetarian, natural cleaning products, carpooling as much as possible etc).. with that being said, I understand that animal research is often done in order to gain further understanding, I just hope that it's being done in the most ethical way possible in order to minimize the suffering. I'm possibly coming off as a hypocrite, since any intrusion in an animal's life may cause it unnecessary suffering.. this is just how I feel about it. I wish we could all just sing song and hold hands/paws ! Member I feel really badly about animal testing, and I try to live my life the most ethically as I can (no excessive leather products - thank you LV !, vegetarian, natural cleaning products, carpooling as much as possible etc).. with that being said, I understand that animal research is often done in order to gain further understanding, I just hope that it's being done in the most ethical way possible in order to minimize the suffering. I'm possibly coming off as a hypocrite, since any intrusion in an animal's life may cause it unnecessary suffering.. this is just how I feel about it. I wish we could all just sing song and hold hands/paws ! Click to expand... LOL! Kumbaya is a great song!! I would have to think that yes, they treat the mouse as ethically and carefully as they can, since they are recording brain waves, and pain will make the tests useless if the animal is in pain. I abhor animal testing, especially when it's totally unnessary. One study I read about was testing lipsticks in the eyes of rabbits! I was so ticked off when I read that, WHY did they have to test it in an animals eyes... don't they know what they put in it? I mean, it's stupid... if the ingrediants are known, then the reaction should also been known. Besides, how many women do you know who miss their mouths completely and hit themselves in the eye? I am pleased Ayla, you do make a concentrated effort to refrain from using animal parts and the like, but we depend on many animals for many things... got leather seats in your car? Leather furniture in your house? Leather in your shoes? Yes, I think we can minimize how much of animal products we use, but we can't completely stop from using some. New Member though I do think that it's not too fair for animal testing , but can be there any other way to prove the efficiency of a method of treatment. Though now there're many people are voluntary for human testing, but it'd take such a long time and cost.
695 S.W.2d 954 (1985) STATE of Tennessee, Appellee, v. Ricky Goldie SMITH, Appellant. Supreme Court of Tennessee, at Jackson. August 12, 1985. *956 James V. Ball, Arch B. Boyd, III, Memphis, for appellant. W.J. Michael Cody, Atty. Gen. & Reporter, Ann Lacy Johns, Asst. Atty. Gen., for appellee. OPINION HARBISON, Justice. Appellant was convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to death by electrocution. We affirm the judgment and the sentence. In the late afternoon of April 21, 1982, appellant twice shot and killed 71-year-old Walter Allen while attempting to rob him. Appellant was at that time not quite 23 years of age. He and two other youths had been "cruising" in an automobile belonging to appellant's aunt after having taken appellant's sister to a bus stop. Thereafter they saw the victim walking along the street near his home, carrying a sack of groceries, as he did almost daily. Appellant was armed and decided to rob the victim, who was previously unknown to any of the three youths and who had not offered them any provocation whatever. Leaving his aunt's parked automobile, which was being driven by one of his cousins, appellant accosted the victim and demanded his money. The victim apparently resisted and sought to grapple with appellant or to apprehend him. Appellant shot the victim twice, either of the wounds being sufficient to cause death. Mr. Allen died a little over four hours later. Appellant did not pause to render aid, but fled, leaving his elderly victim lying helpless and bleeding on the sidewalk. Appellant returned to the automobile as did the only one of his companions who had left it. The other had remained in the driver's seat. The three were seen leaving the area at a high speed. A witness was able to furnish some description of appellant and the 15-year-old companion who had stepped out of the automobile with him. She was also able partially to describe the numbering on *957 the license plate. The automobile was discovered by police the next day and identified as belonging to appellant's aunt. It was not until November, some seven months later, in connection with an unrelated criminal incident, that police received definite information that appellant had been involved in the murder of Mr. Allen. According to testimony at a suppression hearing, one of appellant's cousins who was in custody called appellant from the police station and was assured by appellant that he, not the cousin, was responsible for the homicide. The police contacted appellant a few days later. When he returned their telephone call they took him into custody. He later gave a statement admitting that he shot and killed Mr. Allen but contending that the shooting was accidental, rather than intentional. The 15-year-old companion of appellant, Darrell Lipscomb (also known as Chuck Williams) testified at the trial. In his confession appellant stated that Lipscomb suggested the robbery and was with him when it was attempted. He later indicated to another relative that Lipscomb could have prevented the shooting but did not do so. Lipscomb, however, testified that the attempted robbery was appellant's own idea. He also testified that he had left the automobile after appellant, and that appellant accosted Mr. Allen some distance away. Lipscomb denied being present at the shooting, but testified that he heard two shots. He said that appellant then came running back to the automobile, and the three youths sped away. He stated that appellant told him that the victim had "tussled" with appellant and that appellant had then shot him twice. Appellant was taller than Lipscomb and his hair style matched the description given by the witness, Mrs. Settle, who saw the youths running from the area where Mr. Allen had fallen. Appellant did not testify at the trial or at the sentencing hearing, other than to take the stand in a jury-out hearing to confirm that he had been advised of his legal rights. In addition to admitting to Lipscomb and to the police that he had shot Mr. Allen, he also admitted doing so to his aunt, Mrs. Ella Mae McClain, who visited him at the jail. Although there were discrepancies between the testimony of Lipscomb and appellant's statement, and although strenuous efforts were made to impeach Mrs. McClain, these were issues which were submitted to and resolved by the jury. There is abundant material evidence in the record to support their verdict, and appellant's attack upon the sufficiency of the convicting evidence is without merit. Similarly without substance is the contention of appellant that the State's evidence fails to show premeditation and malice. Murder in the first degree is defined in T.C.A. § 39-2-202(a) as premeditated, willful, deliberate and malicious homicide, but it is also defined as including any murder committed in the perpetration of certain specified felonies, including robbery. Murder in the first degree is sufficiently shown by proof of a killing committed during one of these specified felonies. State v. Johnson, 661 S.W.2d 854, 860-861 (Tenn. 1983); Tosh v. State, 527 S.W.2d 146, 148 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1975). In this and in other cases it has been suggested that a change in the wording of the first degree murder statutes from "killing" to "murder" by 1977 Tenn. Pub. Acts ch. 51, § 1, had the effect of abolishing the felony-murder rule. We do not so construe the statute and did not do so in Johnson, supra, in which the homicide occurred in 1980. Appellant attacks the admissibility of his confession upon the ground that it was not voluntarily given. The trial judge, however, held a full pre-trial suppression hearing and resolved the factual issues against appellant. The record fully supports his conclusion that appellant was clearly advised of his legal rights with respect to the statement, and that the statement was voluntarily given. As previously *958 indicated, appellant had already seriously incriminated himself in a telephone conversation, monitored by the police, in which he advised his cousin that he was responsible for Mr. Allen's death and would so inform the police. At the time the investigation in this case was initiated, immediately after the shooting, the victim had not died. Initial police documents indicated that an aggravated assault had occurred, and the caption to appellant's statement contains the words "aggravated assault" rather than referring to a homicide. The context of the questioning itself, however, made it clear that the death of Mr. Allen was being investigated. We find no merit to the contention of appellant that he was in any way misled as to the nature of the potential charges against him. In his conversation with his cousin he had admitted knowing that Mr. Allen had died, and his contention that his formal statement was involuntary because of insufficient information as to the charges is entirely unpersuasive. Likewise we find no merit whatever to the suggestion made in appellant's brief that he lacked sufficient mental capacity to know or understand the statement made or the nature of the charges. In his brief counsel for appellant attacks the constitutionality of the death penalty in general and of the Tennessee statute authorizing its imposition, on eleven separate grounds. None of these has been briefed or argued, but each of them has previously been considered in detail in reported decisions of this Court. We therefore see no need to examine these assignments in detail but will briefly mention some of them. Appellant insists that the statute is deficient in not requiring notice of the aggravating circumstances to be relied upon by the State. This contention was rejected in Houston v. State, 593 S.W.2d 267 (Tenn. 1980), but, in any event, in the present case notice was given of the principal aggravating circumstance relied upon. Further, Rule 12.3(b) of the Tennessee Rules of Criminal Procedure has been amended to require such notice for trials occurring after August 22, 1984. The present trial occurred before that date. Since notice was actually given, however, and since it was not constitutionally required, we find this issue to be without merit. Also without merit is the contention that the statutes create two separate offenses so as to pose a double jeopardy problem. This issue was considered and rejected in the Houston case, and in State v. Austin, 618 S.W.2d 738, 742 (Tenn. 1981). Each of the other contentions advanced by appellant has been carefully examined in reported decisions of the Court, and we see no need to repeat those discussions here. Appellant has advanced a five-part challenge to the felony-murder rule in cases involving murder in the first degree. These contentions were considered in State v. Sheffield, 676 S.W.2d 542, 551 (Tenn. 1984), where identical arguments were considered and rejected. Many of the contentions advanced by appellant in connection with the constitutional issue are not even relevant to this case, such as the validity of some of the aggravating circumstances or the responsibility of an aider or abettor. Appellant has assigned as error the failure of the trial judge to permit individual examination of prospective jurors. There is no contention made in this case that any reversible error occurred during the lengthy jury examination. Further the trial judge indicated that he would grant individual examination if necessary, and some individual questioning was in fact permitted. This matter lay within the discretion of the trial judge, and we find no abuse of that discretion. See State v. Workman, 667 S.W.2d 44, 49 (Tenn. 1984). In two assignments of error counsel for appellant contends that reversible error occurred during closing argument at the guilt stage of the trial when one of the prosecuting attorneys undertook to remove *959 a book from counsel table and to refer to it. The book had reference to techniques in creating a reasonable doubt in the defense of criminal trials. The trial judge sustained a portion of the objections of defense counsel, and the remaining argument of the prosecutor was clearly directed toward rebuttal of the contention of counsel for appellant that reasonable doubt had been created in this case. Indeed the principal thrust of the closing argument of counsel for the defendant was insufficiency of evidence and reasonable doubt in a number of respects, and the prosecutor was clearly entitled to respond to these contentions. In our opinion, taken in context, nothing which occurred in connection with this incident could possibly have affected the results of the trial. In his final issue on appeal, counsel for appellant urges that the trial court committed reversible error in charging one of the statutory aggravating circumstances pertaining to an escape or an attempt to escape from lawful arrest or prosecution. The State had not insisted upon this circumstance, but at the conclusion of all of the evidence, the trial judge felt that this issue was raised by the evidence sufficiently to warrant an instruction. Whether or not the trial judge was correct in this regard, the jury did not find that the appellant had committed the homicide under circumstances falling within the parameter of that statute. Accordingly it did not impose the death penalty under that aggravating circumstance or find that appellant was guilty thereof. The issue is therefore probably moot. The trial judge objected significantly to the procedure outlined by this Court in previous decisions,[1] requiring the trial judge to charge the jury only on those aggravating and mitigating circumstances fairly raised by the evidence. He felt that a different procedure was preferable, but finally did undertake to emphasize those which the parties contended were applicable or which the court felt had been fairly raised. There was evidence contained both in appellant's signed statement and in the testimony that the victim of the homicide in the present case, Mr. Allen, had resisted appellant's attempt to rob him and had "tussled" with him. Indeed it was the primary insistence of appellant that the shooting was accidental and was the result of this struggle. It is basic statutory law in this state that a private person may arrest another for an offense committed in the presence of the arresting individual, or for a felony not committed in his presence. A private person may also arrest when a felony has been committed and he only has reasonable cause to believe that the arrested person committed it. See T.C.A. §§ 40-7-109(a)(1), (2), (3). A private person may even break into the dwelling house of an individual who has committed a felony after giving proper notice of his intention to make the arrest. T.C.A. § 40-7-112. While the evidence in this case was brief, there was proof from which a trier of fact might have found that Mr. Allen did attempt to confine or apprehend his assailant. The charge given, therefore, was not without foundation in the record, and reversible error was not committed in permitting the jury to consider it. Since the jurors did not base their sentence on this circumstance, however, we need not consider the preponderance or weight of the evidence on the point. The only aggravating circumstance found by the jurors, and the one on which the death penalty was based, was that the appellant committed the murder while engaging or attempting to engage in a robbery. T.C.A. § 39-2-203(i)(7). The evidence overwhelmingly establishes the guilt of appellant in this respect. In State *960 v. Prichett, 621 S.W.2d 127, 140-141 (Tenn. 1981), the Court held that the death penalty could properly be imposed under this aggravating circumstance even though "the felony of robbery may have been used by the jury to establish that the murder was murder in the first degree... ." We adhere to that holding, and are of the opinion that the "underlying felony" may be used as an aggravating circumstance at the sentencing phase of the trial. In this case there is hardly any suggestion of mitigating factors which could possibly outweigh the outrageous and totally antisocial behavior of the accused in committing this shocking homicide. The jurors were certainly not obligated to accept appellant's contention that the shooting was accidental. It was, under a clearly legitimate view of the evidence, a deliberate shooting and an attempt to remove the identity of a possible prosecuting witness, after a planned attempt at the robbery of an elderly, innocent person. It is indeed difficult, if not impossible, to explain away two fatal shots as being accidental and unintentional. This elderly victim was left by his robber on the street to die without any attempt to render aid or assistance. The accused was nearly 23 years of age. He had a criminal record, but this was not introduced before the jury. He saw fit not to take the stand at either the guilt or the sentencing phases of his trial. He was afforded a full and fair trial, and there is nothing to indicate any mitigating circumstances which could have outweighed the clearly aggravating circumstance which was proved and which was found by the jury. It is, of course, part of the duty of this Court under the applicable statutory provisions to review a death sentence and to determine whether it was imposed in any arbitrary fashion. The Court is also required to determine whether the evidence supports the jury's finding of an aggravating circumstance and its finding of the absence of any mitigating circumstances sufficiently substantial to outweigh the aggravating circumstances. The Court is also required to determine whether the sentence of death is excessive or disproportionate to the penalty imposed in similar cases. T.C.A. § 39-2-205(c). We have examined the record and the briefs and arguments of counsel with these provisions before us. We are of the opinion that the death penalty was justified in this case, and that its imposition was neither arbitrary nor disproportionate. In several other cases the death penalty has been approved where the homicide occurred during the perpetration of an armed robbery. See State v. Harries, 657 S.W.2d 414 (Tenn. 1983); State v. Johnson, 632 S.W.2d 542 (Tenn. 1982); State v. Coleman, 619 S.W. 112 (Tenn. 1981); Houston v. State, 593 S.W.2d 267 (Tenn. 1980). Numerous other cases could be cited, but we think that the foregoing sufficiently illustrate the proposition that a deliberate, wanton murder committed during the course of or in an attempt to commit an armed robbery is sufficient to warrant the death penalty where the jury finds no mitigating circumstances whatever. The judgment of conviction and the sentence are affirmed. Unless stayed or otherwise ordered by proper authority, the sentence will be carried out as provided by law on October 18, 1985. Costs are taxed to appellant. COOPER, C.J., and FONES and DROWOTA, JJ., concur. BROCK, J., files a dissent. BROCK, Justice, dissenting. I concur in the opinion of the Court in all respects except the imposition of the death penalty. With respect to the imposition of the death penalty, I adhere to the views expressed in my dissenting opinion in State v. Dicks, Tenn., 615 S.W.2d 126 (1981). NOTES [1] E.g., State v. Buck, 670 S.W.2d 600, 608 (Tenn. 1984).
It was the most ungrateful and unjust act ever perpetrated by a republic upon a class of citizens who had worked and sacrificed an...d suffered as did the women of this nation in the struggle of the Civil War only to be rewarded at its close by such unspeakable degradation as to be reduced to the plane of subjects to enfranchised slaves.LESSATTRIBUTION DETAIL » As a pastoral game, baseball attempts to close the gap between the players and the crowd. It creates the illusion, for instance, t...hat with a lot a hard work, a little luck, and possibly some extra talent, the average spectator might well be playing; not watching. For most of us can do a few of the things that ball players can do: catch a pop-up, field a ground ball, and maybe get a hit once in a while.... As a heroic game, football is not concerned with a shared community of near-equals. It seeks almost the opposite relationship between its spectators and players, one which stresses the distance between them. We are not allowed to identify directly with Jim Brown any more than we are with Zeus, because to do so would undercut his stature as something more than human.LESSATTRIBUTION DETAIL » I have never understood why they tried to start the revolution by taking over the universities. It should have been self-evident t...hat the net result of success would be to close the universities but leave the nation unaffected--at least, for quite a long time. Nor do I find it easy to believe that the rebels, as intelligent as most of them were, seriously expected that they could keep the universities alive as corporate bodies, once they had control of them, if they made the fundamental alterations in organization and role that they proposed to.LESSATTRIBUTION DETAIL » The Walrus and the CarpenterWere walking close at hand:...They wept like anything to seeSuch quantities of sand:"If this were only cleared away,"They said, "it would be grand!""If seven maids with seven mopsSwept it for half a year,Do you suppose," the Walrus said,"That they could get it clear?""I doubt it," said the Carpenter,And shed a bitter tear.LESSATTRIBUTION DETAIL »
Here is a curated list of active, responsive and valid BitTorrent trackers. Add them to the list of trackers of your torrents to increase your chance of finding peers and improve download speed.(more…) There was a time that Apple macOS was the best platform to handle multimedia (audio, image, video). This might be still true in the GUI space. But Linux presents a much wider range of possibilities when you go to the command line, specially if you want to: Process hundreds or thousands of files at once Same as above, organized in many folders while keeping the folder structure Same as above but with much fine grained options, including lossless processing, pixel perfectness that most GUI tools won’t give you The Open Source community has produced state of the art command line tools as ffmpeg, exiftool and others, which I use every day to do non-trivial things, along with Shell advanced scripting. Sure, you can get these tools installed on Mac or Windows, and you can even use almost all these recipes on these platforms, but Linux is the native platform for these tools, and easier to get the environment ready. These are my personal notes and I encourage you to understand each step of the recipes and adapt to your workflows. It is organized in Audio, Video and Image+Photo sections. I use Fedora Linux and I mention Fedora package names to be installed. You can easily find same packages on your Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo etc, and use these same recipes. Audio Show information (tags, bitrate etc) about a multimedia file ffprobe file.mp3 ffprobe file.m4v ffprobe file.mkv Lossless conversion of all FLAC files into more compatible, but still Open Source, ALAC Has been said the Fraunhofer AAC library can’t be legally linked to ffmpeg due to license terms violation. In addition, ffmpeg’s default AAC encoder has been improved and is almost as good as Fraunhofer’s, specially for constant bit rate compression. In this case, this is the command: Same as above but under a complex directory structure This is one of my favorites, extremely powerful. Very useful when you get a Hi-Fi, complete but useless WMA-Lossless collection and need to convert it losslesslly to something more portable, ALAC in this case. Change the FMT=flac to FMT=wav or FMT=wma (only when it is WMA-Lossless) to match your source files. Don’t forget to tag the generated files. Convert APE+CUE, FLAC+CUE, WAV+CUE album-on-a-file into a one file per track ALAC or MP3 If some of your friends has the horrible tendency to commit this crime and rip CDs as 1 file for entire CD, there is an automation to fix it. APE is the most difficult and this is what I’ll show. FLAC and WAV are shortcuts of this method. Make a lossless conversion of the APE file into something more manageable, as WAV: ffmpeg -i audio-cd.ape audio-cd.wav Now the magic: use the metadata on the CUE file to split the single file into separate tracks, renaming them accordingly. You’ll need the shnplit command, available in the shntool package on Fedora (to install: yum install shntool). Additionally, CUE files usually use ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) charset and a conversion to Unicode (UTF-8) is required: It is not UTF-8 encoded, it is some ISO-8859 variant, which I need to know to correctly convert it. My example uses a Brazilian Portuguese subtitle file, which I know is ISO-8859-15 (latin1) encoded because most latin scripts use this encoding. Now we are ready to add them all to the movie along with setting the movie name and embedding a cover image to ensure the movie looks nice on your media player list of content. Note that this process will write the movie file in place, will not create another file, so make a backup of your movie while you are learning: You’ll get a directory tree with decrypted VOB and BUP files. You can generate an ISO file from them or, much more practical, use HandBrake to convert the DVD titles into MP4/M4V (more compatible with wide range of devices) or MKV/WEBM files. Convert 240fps video into 30fps slow motion, the loss-less way Modern iPhones can record videos at 240 or 120fps so when you’ll watch them at 30fps they’ll look slow-motion. But regular players will play them at 240 or 120fps, hiding the slo-mo effect. We’ll need to handle audio and video in different ways. The video FPS fix from 240 to 30 is loss less, the audio stretching is lossy. # make sure you have the right packages installed dnf install mkvtoolnix sox gpac faac 1 Photo + 1 Song = 1 Movie The above method will create a very efficient 0.2 frames per second (-framerate 0.2) H.264 video from the photo while simply adding the audio losslessly. Such very-low-frames-per-second video may present sync problems with subtitles on some players. In this case simply remove the -framerate 0.2 parameter to get a regular 25fps video with the cost of a bigger file size. The -vf scale=960:-1 parameter tells FFMPEG to resize the image to 960px width and calculate the proportional height. Remove it in case you want a video with the same resolution of the photo. A 12 megapixels photo file (around 4032×3024) will get you a near 4K video. There is also a more efficient and completely lossless way to turn a photo into a video with audio, using extended podcast techniques. But thats much more complicated and requires advanced use of GPAC’s MP4Box and NHML. In case you are curious, see the Podcast::chapterize() and Podcast::imagify() methods in my music-podcaster script. The trick is to create an NHML (XML) file referencing the image(s) and add it as a track to the M4A audio file. -Directory, -FileName and -RegionName specify the things you want to see in the output. You can remove -RegionName for a cleaner output. The -r is to search recursively. This is pretty powerful. Make photos timezone-aware Your camera will tag your photos only with local time on CreateDate or DateTimeOriginal tags. There is another set of tags called GPSDateStamp and GPSTimeStamp that must contain the UTC time the photos were taken, but your camera won’t help you here. Hopefully you can derive these values if you know the timezone the photos were taken. Here are two examples, one for photos taken in timezone -02:00 (Brazil daylight savings time) and on timezone +09:00 (Japan): This shows that the local time when the photo was taken was 2013:10:12 23:45:36. To use exiftool to set timezone to -02:00 actually means to find the correct UTC time, which can be seen on GPSDateTime as 2013:10:13 01:45:36Z. The difference between these two tags gives us the timezone. So we can read photo time as 2013:10:12 23:45:36-02:00. The source code currently brings to life (as an example), integrated with some Bluemix services and Docker infrastructure, a PHP application (the WordPress popular blogging platform), but it could be any Python, Java, Ruby etc app. Before we start: understand Bluemix 3 pillars I feel it is important to position what Bluemix really is and which of its parts we are going to use. Bluemix is composed of 3 different things: Bluemix is a hosting environment to run any type of web app or web service. This is the only function provided by the CloudFoundry Open Source project, which is an advanced PaaS that lets you provision and de-provision runtimes (Java, Python, Node etc), libraries and services to be used by your app. These operations can be triggered through the Bluemix.net portal or by the cf command from your laptop. IBM has extended this part of Bluemix with functions not currently available on CloudFoundry, notably the capability of executing regular VMs and Docker containers. Bluemix provides pre-installed libraries, APIs and middleware. IBM is constantly adding functions to the Bluemix marketplace, such as cognitive computing APIs in the Watson family, data processing middleware such as Spark and dashDB, or even IoT and Blockchain-related tools. These are high value components that can add a bit of magic to your app. Many of those are Open Source. UI to build, manage and execute the app delivery pipeline, which does everything needed to transform your pure source code into a final running application. The Track & Plan module, based on Rational Team Concert, to let your team mates and clients exchange activities and control project execution. This tutorial will dive into #1 and some parts of #3, while using some services from #2. The architecture of our app When fully provisioned, the entire architecture will look like this. Several Bluemix services (MySQL, Object store) packaged into a CloudFoundry App (bridge app) that serves some Docker containers that in turns do the real work. Credentials to access those services will be automatically provided to the containers as environment variables (VCAP_SERVICES). Structure of Source Code The example source code repo contains boilerplate code that is intentionally generic and clean so you can easily fork, add and modify it to fit your needs. Here is what it contains: bridge-app folder and manifest.yml file The CloudFoundry manifest.yml that defines app name, dependencies and other characteristics to deploy the app contents under bridge-app. containers Each directory contains a Dockerfile and other files to create Docker containers. In this tutorial we’ll use only the phpinfo and wordpress directories, but there are some other useful examples you can use. .bluemix folder When this code repository is imported into Bluemix via the “Deploy to Bluemix” button, metadata in here will be used to set up your development environment under DevOps Services. admin folder Random shell scripts, specially used for deployments. Watch the deployment The easiest way to deploy the app is through DevOps Services: Click to deploy Provide a unique name to your copy of the app, also select the target Bluemix space The idea is to encapsulate all these steps in code so deployments can be done entirely unattended. Its what I call brainless 1-click deployment. There are 2 ways to do that: A regular shell script that extensively uses the cf command. This is the admin/deploy script in our code. An in-code delivery pipeline that can be executed by Bluemix DevOps Services. This is the .bluemix/pipeline.yml file. From here, we will detail each of these steps both as commands (on the script) and as stages of the pipeline. Instantiation of external services needed by the app… I used the cf marketplace command to find the service names and plans available. ClearDB provides MySQL as a service. And just as an example, I’ll provision an additional Object Storage service. Note the similarities between both methods. Creation of an empty CloudFoundry app to hold together these services The manifest.yml file has all the details about our CF app. Name, size, CF build pack to use, dependencies (as the ones instantiated in previous stage). So a plain cf push will use it and do the job. Since this app is just a bridge between our containers and the services, we’ll use minimum resources and the minimum noop-buildpack. After this stage you’ll be able to see the app running on your Bluemix console. Creation of Docker images The heavy lifting here is done by the Dockerfiles. We’ll use base CentOS images with official packages only in an attempt to use best practices. See phpinfo and wordpress Dockerfiles to understand how I improved a basic OS to become what I need. The CCS_BIND_APP on the script and BIND_TO on the pipeline are key here. Their mission is to make the bridge-app’s VCAP_SERVICES available to this container as environment variables. In CloudFoundry, VCAP_SERVICES is an environment variable containing a JSON document with all credentials needed to actually access the app’s provisioned APIs, middleware and services, such as host names, users and passwords. See an example below. A container group with 2 highly available, monitored and balanced identical wordpress containers See the results At this point, WordPress (the app that we deployed) is up and running inside a Docker container, and already using the ClearDB MySQL database provided by Bluemix. Access the URL of your wordpress container group and you will see this: Bluemix dashboard also shows the components running: But the most interesting evidence you can see accessing the phpinfo container URL or IP. Scroll to the environment variables section to see all services credentials available as environment variables from VCAP_SERVICES: So I’m using sed, the text-editor-as-a-command, to edit WordPress configuration file (/etc/wordpress/wp-config.php) and change some patterns there into appropriate getenv() calls to grab credentials provided by VCAP_SERVICES. Dockerfile best practices The containers folder in the source code presents one folder per image, each is an example of different Dockerfiles. We use only the wordpress and phpinfo ones here. But I’d like to highlight some best practices. A Dockerfile is a script that defines how a container image should be built. A container image is very similar to a VM image, the difference is more related to the file formats that they are stored. VMs uses QCOW, VMDK etc while Docker uses layered filesystem images. From the application installation perspective, all the rest is almost the same. But only only Docker and its Dockerfile provides a super easy way to describe how to prepare an image focusing mostly only on your application. The only way to automate this process on the old Virtual Machine universe is through techniques such as Red Hat’s kickstart. This automated OS installation aspect of Dockerfiles might seem obscure or unimportant but is actually the core of what makes viable a modern DevOps culture. Being a build script, it starts from a base parent image, defined by the FROM command. We used a plain official CentOS image as a starting point. You must select very carefully your parent images, in the same way you select the Linux distribution for your company. You should consider who maintains the base image, it should be well maintained. Avoid creating images manually, as running a base container, issuing commands manually and then committing it. All logic to prepare the image should be scripted in your Dockerfile. In case complex file editing is required, capture edits in patches and use the patch command in your Dockerfile, as I did on wordpress Dockerfile. To create a patch: diff -Naur configfile.txt.org configfile.txt > configfile.patch Then see the wordpress Dockerfile to understand how to apply it. Always that possible, use official distribution packages instead of downloading libraries (.zip or .tar.gz) from the Internet. In the wordpress Dockerfile I enabled the official EPEL repository so I can install WordPress with YUM. Same happens on the Django and NGINX Dockerfiles. Also note how I don’t have to worry about installing PHP and MySQL client libraries – they get installed automatically when YUM installs wordpress package, because PHP and MySQL are dependencies. To chose to go with Docker in some parts of your application means to give up some native integrations and facilities naturally and automatically provided by Bluemix. With Docker you’ll have to control and manage some more things for yourself. So go with Docker, instead of a buildpack, if: If you need portability, you need to move your runtimes in and out Bluemix/CloudFoundry. If a buildpack you need is less well maintained then the equivalent Linux distribution package. Or you need a reliable and supported source of pre-packaged software in a way just a major Linux distribution can provide. The best balance is to use Bluemix services/APIs/middleware and native buildpacks/runtimes whenever possible, and go with Docker on specific situations. Leveraging the integration that Docker on Bluemix provides. I’ve searched for a long time and finally found a US regular bank that will let me open a free checking account. It is BBVA Compass bank. All these services are free: ATM withdraw and deposit (BBVA’s and AllPoint ATMs), full featured Internet banking, full featured mobile banking, Visa debit card, Apple Pay and more. The non-free services are listed here and exact rates depend on the US state where the account was opened. To open a checking account, you must personally visit a physical branch in US and spend 40 minutes on an interview. You will leave the branch with an open account and routing numbers containing a $26 balance plus valid user and password that can be used on BBVA’s app and Internet banking. Free Visa debit card will arrive to some US address in a week or two, so no ATM until then. They have 2 free checking account types. You should chose the one that includes free or charge AllPoint ATM usage which are very popular throughout US, and can be found in almost every 7 Eleven store. Use the AllPoint app to find one near you. (more…) WordPress is packaged for Fedora and can be installed as a regular RPM (with DNF/YUM). The benefits of this method are that you don’t need to mess around with configuration files, filesystem permissions and since everything is pre-packaged to work together, additional configurations are minimal. At the end of this 3 minutes tutorial, you’ll get a running WordPress under an SSL-enabled Apache using MariaDB as its backend. On December 3 Apple has open sourced the Swift programming language on Swift.org. The language was first released (not Open Source yet) about the same time as iOS 8 and was created by Apple to make Mac and iOS app development an easier task. Swift is welcome as one more Open Source language and project but is too early to make a lot of noise about it. Here are my arguments: (more…) I don’t know about you senior bloggers but I’m starting to hate the way the WordPress community has evolved and what it became. From a warm and advanced blogging software and ecosystem it is now an aberration for poor site makers. Themes are now mostly commercial, focused on institutional/marketing sites and not blogs anymore. WordPress is simply a very poor tool for this purpose. You can see this when several themes are getting much more complex than WordPress per se. (more…) Before iOS 8, the Polar H7 heart sensor with bluetooth needed special apps to pair. Now it pairs natively on the Settings app and starts sending heart rate to the new Health app on iOS 8, which will keep recording the data and building a graph like this: At the Fedora 20 release party another guy stepped up and presented+demonstrated OpenShift, which was the most interesting new feature from Red Hat for me. First of all I had to switch my mindset about cloud from IaaS (infrastructure as a service, where the granularity are virtual machines) to PaaS. I heard the PaaS buzzword before but never took the time to understand what it really means and its implications. Well, I had to do that at that meeting so I can follow the presentation, of course hammering the presenter with questions all the time.(more…) Few weeks ago I attended the Fedora 20 release party at São Paulo Red Hat offices. It was nice to hang together with other Fedora enthusiasts, get a refresh about newest Fedora features and also share my experiences as (I considere myself) a power user. For some reason nobody published a simple guide like this. Maybe nobody tryied this way. I just tryied and it works with OS X Mountain Lion on a Mid 2012 MacBook Air. If you have a Mac computer or laptop and want to install OS X, and all that you have is the operating system installation ISO image, you just need an external USB storage (disk or pen drive) of 5GB minimum size. Those regular 120GB or 1TB external disks will work too. Just remember that all data on this external storage will be erased, even if the Mac OS X installation ISO is just 4.7GB. So make a backup of your files and after installtion you can re-format the external disk and recover the files on it. To make the OS X installation ISO image file usable and bootable from the external storage, use the Mac OS terminal app or, on Linux, use the command line. This is the magic command: dd if="OS X Install DVD.iso" of=/dev/disk1 bs=10m You might want to change the red part of this command to the disk name that you get when inserted the external storage. Remember to not use things like disk1s1 or, on Linux, sdc1. The highlighted blue part on these examples are the partition name, and you don’t want that. You want to use the whole storage, otherwise it will not boot the computer. After the command finishes execution, boot the Mac computer with the alt/option key pressed. Several devices will appear on screen for you to choose wich one to boot. Select the one with the USB logo and called “EFI Boot“. Mac OS X installation app will boot and you can start the process. Remember that the default behavior here is to upgrade the installed system. If you want a clean install, select the Disk Utility app on the menu and make sure you erase and create a new partition on the Mac internal storage. As a side technical note, this is all possible because ISO images — primarily designed for optical disks — can also be written to regular other storages as pen drives. And Apple has also put the right bits on these ISO images to allow it to boot from non-optical disks too.
Lollapalooza Argentina Tickets Brave festival hunters of the internet, do we have something for you! Yes, Festival period looms over the horizon and we’ve got Lollapalooza Argentina tickets for your pleasure! With a sensational line-up and an even more sensational atmosphere, Lollapalooza Argentina has always been a staple for any intrepid festival goer! So buy your Lollapalooza Argentina tickets, and get ready for one of the best experiences of your life!
Order entered April 12, 2016 In The Court of Appeals Fifth District of Texas at Dallas No. 05-15-00963-CR CORNELIUS TURNER, Appellant V. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee On Appeal from the 194th Judicial District Court Dallas County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. F15-52355-M ORDER The Court GRANTS appellant’s April 11, 2016 motion to extend time to file his brief. We ORDER appellant’s brief filed as of the date of this order. /s/ LANA MYERS JUSTICE
Hundreds of leads in case of missing Maine girl Authorities in Waterville on Monday offered a $30,000 reward for information that would lead investigators to Ayla Reynolds. Story highlights 20-month-old Ayla Reynolds was last reported seen more than a week ago Her father said he doesn't know what happened to her Ayla was at his home when she was last seen December 16 Police said Wednesday they have received 370 leads in the disappearance of a 20-month-old Maine girl, whose father reiterated he doesn't know what happened to her. "It is important the public hear it from me personally that I have no idea what happened to Ayla (Reynolds) and that I am not hiding," Justin Dipietro said in a statement. Authorities in Waterville on Monday offered a $30,000 reward for information that would lead investigators to find the girl. Police Chief Joseph Massey said the last reported sighting of the toddler was on December 16, when her father said he put her to bed. Police are confident that someone took Ayla from the house, the chief said. Ayla is described as having blond hair, being about 2 feet, 9 inches tall, and weighing 30 pounds. She was last seen wearing green pajamas with white polka dots and the words "Daddy's Princess" across the front. When she disappeared, the girl had her arm in a soft cast. The toddler's mother, Trista Reynolds, told HLN's Nancy Grace last week that Dipietro waited almost 24 hours to take Ayla to the emergency room after the girl broke her arm several weeks ago. Reynolds also said her daughter often would return with bruises after visits with Dipietro. Dipietro, 24, said he would never do anything to hurt Ayla, who was in his sole custody when she disappeared. "The questions of Ayla's arm or bruises or anything else being said are simply ludicrous," Dipietro said in his statement. "I would never want anyone to spend even a minute in my shoes. No one should ever have to experience this." Police searched Dipietro's home with his permission. Reynolds, 23, on December 15, the day before Ayla went missing, filed a complaint seeking sole custody. She told HLN she didn't tell Dipietro she was going to court because he was "vindictive" and "verbally abusive." "Now, me and him had had the discussion within that week that he told me himself that he was going to file the custody papers against me," Reynolds said. "So I decided to go and file against him." The mother told Grace that she had raised Ayla for 18 months and Dipietro became involved only after "I needed to go and get a little bit of help for myself." She told HLN she underwent rehab. Police do not have anyone connected to the case in custody. Dipietro, who released his first statement last week, Wednesday thanked those who are aiding the effort to find his daughter. "I have to believe that Ayla is with somebody and I just want that person to find the courage to do the right thing and find a way to return her safely," the father said. "The truth is the truth and when the case is solved it will be out there. Until then, please try to remain positive and hopeful as I remain confident that Ayla will return safely."
Her law license was suspended earlier this year because of her own personal legal troubles. McTeer is facing felonies and misdemeanors in Canadian County, Logan County and Oklahoma County on a variety of crimes including charges for harboring a fugitive, public intoxication, DUI and possession of drug paraphernalia. McTeer is currently out on bond awaiting court appearances in her five pending criminal cases. She will make appearances in Logan County and Canadian County courts in Sept. on two different criminal cases involving public drunkenness and allegedly breaking her boyfriend out of prison. McTeer's next appearance in Oklahoma County Court is in Oct. We attempted to contact McTeer for this story; she did not answer the door at her Nichols Hills home. We contacted several defense attorneys listed as her representation on various legal documents, all of them denied currently representing her.
Ralph Blasey Jr. Vice President of Agency that is in charge of security for Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Rice & Lynch — NO COINCIDENCES! Posted byu/Sea127 reddit.com This article puts it all together. Very comprehensive and to the point. No major issue with Mr Ralph Blasey Jr just “HAPPENS” to be VP over all Personal Private Security for Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Rice, Lynch, Podesta, etc? Yeap – she just has a normal everyday daddy and family we all have – and the public wasn’t suppose to know about… PAST POSITION(s) – Her father Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—a proven CIA operative who, from June-1962 to January-1974, was the Vice President of National Savings and Trust of Washington, D.C.—a CIA black budget bank best known for being 100 paces from the White House, and whom, in 1998, was taken over by SunTrust Bank—whose majority share owner is the CIA-linked investment fund BlackRock. (NOTE – Blackrock Secret contracted worth $100s Billions.) The main CIA operative involved in this war, and whom Ralph G. Blasey Jr. reported to, was Nicholas Deak (LINK)—a longtime OSS and CIA operative, both during and after World War II, who ran the CIA’smain BLACK BUDGET OPERATIONS under the direct command of the feared CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton. To how the CIA prevented the total breakdown of the Western banking system in 1982, was by their illegally laundering hundreds-of-millions of dollars of Colombian drug cartel cash into it to keep it afloatin an operation overseen by the CIA’s “James Bond of Money” Nickolas Deak—but when the President Ronald Reagan administration found out what the CIA had done, and started investigating it, saw Deak, on 19 November 1985, being assassinated in his New York City office by a homeless woman named Lois Lang. (It was alleged that one Ralph G Blasey Jr was assigned this Deep State Wetworks, since he knew and worked with Mr Deak, and was his Senior). As CIA & FBI Directors come and go after 4+ decades, Mr Blasey stayed at the very top of CIA/FBI officials, and was transitioned into each new CIA/FBI Administration. If there is any Unelected, Stable, Reliable “Deep State” criminal agenda going on today, Mr Blasey Jr is a Major link Lifelong connection between each New Administration to carry out and plan any longterm “Criminal Coup” of our nation. Understand how someone 40+ years in the CIA from controlling Black Ops Secret Bank Budgets, to now Providing Personal Public Security to each of the “Deep State” criminals (Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Rice, Lynch, etc) who have been fired, removed, and now facing criminal charges. The one link to them all are one Ralph G Blasey Jr – and the REAL TOP TIER DEEP STATE
Location & Hours of Operation The Records Division is on the first floor of the Durham County courthouse located at 510 South Dillard Street in Durham. The staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Records Requests & Fees Contact: 919-560-0899 or 919-560-0898 Applicants can pay their fee in cash or credit at the Cashier's Office located on the first floor of the Durham County courthouse. Please note, the credit card service provider assesses a convenience fee for each permit or report. The fee schedule is listed below. All fees are non-refundable, including permit denials. Schedule of Service Fees Cash Credit Card Fingerprints $15.00 $18.45 Thumbprint - Cash Only $5.00 Concealed Carry Permit $90.00 $95.70 Renewal $75.00 $80.25 Duplicate $15.00 $18.45 Lamination $3.00 $6.09 Pistol Permit $5.00 $8.15 Report Copy $3.00 $6.09 Security Card for Building Access $10.00 $13.30 * Attorney's Requests Only Cash Credit Card Criminal History Check* $10.00 $13.30 Driver History Check* $10.00 $13.30 *Criminal background checks are available for court officials only. Members of the public in need of a criminal record check should visit the Clerk of Court's Office located on the first floor of the Durham County courthouse.
Q: Best way to reorganize array of objects I need reorganize and array of linked objects by id to only one tree object. The depth level is unknown, so that I think that it should be done recursively. What is the most efficient way? I have the next array of objects: const arrObj = [ { "id": 1, "children": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "id": 2, "children": [ { "id": 4 }, { "id": 5 } ] }, { "id": 3, "children": [ { "id": 6 } ] }, { "id": 4 } ] I want restructure for have a only one object like a tree: const treeObj = { "id": 1, "children": [ { "id": 2, "children": [ { "id": 4 }, { "id": 5 } ] }, { "id": 3, "children": [ { "id": 6 } ] } ] } Each object has other many properties. A: You can use a recursive mapping function over all the children. const arrObj = [ { "id": 1, "children": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "id": 2, "children": [ { "id": 4 }, { "id": 5 } ] }, { "id": 3, "children": [ { "id": 6 } ] }, { "id": 4 } ]; const res = arrObj[0];//assuming the first element is the root res.children = res.children.map(function getChildren(obj){ const child = arrObj.find(x => x.id === obj.id); if(child?.children) child.children = child.children.map(getChildren); return child || obj; }); console.log(res);
Tuamie - Masta Killa drops 9/17. Pre-order the limited cassette at www.grandgardenrecords.com ‘Masta Killa’ is Grand Garden’s first release and a look into the mind of producer Tuamie. Hailing from Richmond, VA Tuamie is one of the beat scene’s brightest young talents. A true “head” and lover of records Tuamie pride’s himself on making beats with unidentifiable samples. ‘Masta Killa’ is no generic beat tape mind you. The album is full of house, soul, and African rhythms generating a feeling of mid 90’s nostalgia while maintaining a contemporary sound. Tuamie has performed alongside Knxwldge, Ohbliv, P.U.D.G.E. and many more. Stay tuned for Tuamie's production on Vol. 4 of DJ House Shoes' "The Gift" series. This limited edition cassette release comes with a "plantable" download card that will grow flowers after planted in soil.
Indian Motocycle Manufacturing Company Indian is an American brand of motorcycles originally produced from 1901 to 1953 in Springfield, Massachusetts, United States. Hendee Manufacturing Company initially produced the motorcycles, but the name was changed to The Indian Motocycle Manufacturing Company [sic] in 1928. The Indian factory team took the first three places in the 1911 Isle of Man Tourist Trophy. During the 1910s, Indian became the largest manufacturer of motorcycles in the world. Indian's most popular models were the Scout, made from 1920 to 1946, and the Chief, made from 1922 to 1953. The Indian Motocycle Manufacturing Company went bankrupt in 1953. Various organizations tried to perpetuate the Indian Brand name in subsequent years, with limited success. In 2011, Polaris Industries purchased Indian Motorcycles and moved operations from North Carolina and merged them into their existing facilities in Minnesota and Iowa. Since August 2013, Polaris have marketed three modern Indian motorcycles that reflect Indian's traditional styling. Latest News for: Indian publicity The announcement came as the company kicked off its new publicity campaign to redefine the Bajaj brand's identity as "The World's Favourite Indian" to mark its dramatic transition from a domestic scooter maker to a global motorcycle powerhouse ... company's new publicity campaign.... In its annual report, entitled “PublicGood or Private Wealth,” Oxfam found that the bottom 50% of Indians, in terms of income, only saw a 3% rise in their wealth ... A report by the PublicHealthFoundation of India in June 2018 found that the rising cost of medicines ...... After 10 am, it is time for public meetings across the town ... But Kavita Jain interrupts Kharkara stating that Middha has to address other public meetings too. Speaking to The IndianExpress, Middha says that his meetings with public and supporter go on till late in the night but there is no exact time for him to go to the bed in the poll season.... ... which are aimed at building capacities and capabilities of Afghan nationals and institutions for governance and delivery of public services, developing socio-economic infrastructure, securing and promoting livelihood options," IndianEmbassy in Afghanistan noted in a statement.... An Indian cricket board official, who has been interacting with the two players, says a line from Pandya has stayed in his mind ... "How can you expect them to be with the Indian team now? They will fly back home," Edulji had told this newspaper ... They were teenagers then and would publicly chat with fellow cricketers about their sexual 'conquests'.... In a recent interview with IndianpublicationDNA, Ranveer opened about his super-successful Bollywood career and the ‘journey of becoming a hero, not an actor’ ... In a recent interview with Indianpublication DNA, Ranveer opened about his super-successful Bollywood career and the ‘journey of becoming a hero, not an actor’ ... .... Dehradun... The 10 protesters arrested on Monday have been booked under sections 147 (rioting), 341 (wrongful restraint), 332 (voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty) and 353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty) of the IndianPenal Code (IPC). .... Senior inspector Prasad Pandhare of Dadar GRP said that Rautu has been arrested under sections 420 (cheating), 465 and 468 (forgery), 471 (fraudulently using a genuine document, 170 (impersonating a public servant), and 171 (Wearing garb or carrying token used by public servant with fraudulent intent), of the IndianPenal Code... .... He also claimed that the opposition parties do not have the leadership to challenge him ... The forthcoming election is going to be held on the question of whether the Indianpublic desires a strong government or a weak one. In the past, the public had suffered during the governments led by past Prime Ministers like Indrakumar Gujral and Chandrashekhar....
5" (sch. 40) BAILEIGH® CNC Roll Bender - $RFQ Benders - Pipe Tube & Bar CNC Manufacturer: Baileigh Model: R-CNC150 Condition: New CALL FOR AVAILABILITY AND BEST PRICING! FEATURES:The largest in its class the R-CNC150 roll bender is capable of bending up to 5” Schedule 40 Pipe. This pyramid style bending machine will enable the operator to create material calibrations for easy programming of multi-radius parts. With four position interchangeable bottom rolls the R-CNC150 provides increased control and flexibility when bending complex extrusions for the Window and Door Industry. This feature helps to decrease the ovality when bending round tube in the furthest position while also allowing for a decrease in Minimum radius when using the machine in its closest setting. Multiple speeds on both X and Y axis provide the user with the ability to create elaborate shapes with smooth transitions between segments and with the standard photocell lens each part will begin and end at the same place each time. Designed to work in either the horizontal or vertical position this machine offers the ultimate in control. To learn more please contact our sales force directly and we will send over a formal quotation. 40 programs 24 different parts (segments) per program 75 profile calibrations 2 Speeds (rotation of the rolls) 4 Speeds (Top roll movement) Top roll movement can be progressive or direct Progressive – Top roll go to position with profile moving. Direct – Top roll go to position with profile stopped MADE IN PORTUGAL
Formula 3 Red Bull Ring: summer weekend of MP Motorsport The softest compound that Formula 3 got this weekend was the soft tyres with the red colour. Liam Lawson was 16th fastest when he completed his first push lap, Richard Verschoor 21st and Simo Laaksonen was 20th fastest. After their cooldown lap to let the tyres recover and to avoid traffic they went again back up to speed for improving their lap time. Simo Laaksonen did much better this time he was 7th fastest, Verschoor 13th and Lawson 15th. The quickest lap time during the first run was for Armstrong with a time of 1:19.866. The second run on a new set of tyres got disturbed by a red flag caused by Logan Sargeant after he got launched off a kerb straight into the wall. The clock got stopped with 4 minutes and 13 seconds left. This meant that there was only time for an out lap and one last push lap. Richard Verschoor qualified 14th in that lap, Liam Lawson 17th and Simo Laaksonen 19th. The top 25 cars qualified all in one second! Two ART drivers got disqualified at the end, and this made all MP Motorsport drivers move up two places on the start grid. Race one Ricard Verschoor started 12th, Liam Lawson 15th and Simo Laaksonen 17th after they gained two positions because of the disqualifying of ART. The start of the race went well and without any incidents. Richard improved one position, Liam went three places forward, and Laaksonen was the only one with a loss of three places. Liam Lawson overtook Richard during the third lap for the 11th position, but he fell back to the 14th position two laps later. Laaksonen was recovering from the first lap and gained back three positions. Some minor changes happened during the rest of the race. Verschoor managed to overtake Niko Kari for position ten but had to give it back for some laps before he took it back again. Richard eventually finished the race 10th, Liam Lawson 14th and 18th for Simo Laaksonen. Race two An excellent start for Richard Verschoor while he moved up four places during the first lap. Liam Lawson moved up to position 12 while Simo Laaksonen had to give up one position. Liam moved up another two places during lap three what made him 10th. The progress of Verschoor turned around at lap 8. He got overtaken by two drivers and one lap later by Vips as well. The virtual safety car went on in lap 11 and got switched off in lap 12 at that time Verschoor was 9th, Liam Lawson 10th and Simo Laaksonen 20th. Lawson tried to overtake Verschoor on the outside of the second last corner during lap 14, but that didn’t work out. He dropped down to position 12. Lawson then got pushed off the track in the exit of turn three by Niko Kari. This resulted in a broken front wing for Liam Lawson what he had to repair in the pit. Richard Verschoor ended the race 9th but he got a penalty what made him 12th in the end. Simo Laaksonen finished 18th and Liam Lawson 25th.
Pages 06 February, 2011 Scenes from the Indian Film Industry Ever since I started blogging, aside from a couple of reviews from the Indian Film Industry, most of my reviews have been about films made in the US. I think it is about time I did a little bit in promoting the wonderful cinema that is being produced in my own country, India. Just a quick note to inform the worldwide public that most of the people in the Indian Film Industry and a whole lot of citizens of India do not like the title "Bollywood" that has become so popular internationally. It's pretty much considered degrading and disrespectful to a vastly talented and original film industry. So it would be nice if everyone recognized the Indian Film Industry as just that and not a re-hash of Hollywood. So here is a list of just a few of my favorite Indian films. I would like to warn you that you might be shocked to learn that a number of these do not contain any lavish music or dance sequences :-) Udaan (2010) - Udaan (Flight) is one of the few indian films reviewed on my blog. It is a brilliant coming-of-age film that traces the journey of a teenager returning to his authoritarian father after many years in a boarding school. The performances from all the actors are simply brilliant and the story is as real as it can be. One of the few recent releases that have gone under my all time favorites. Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron (1983) - JDBY (Let It Go Friends) is a comic satire on the corruption that handicaps India and one which is unfortunately as true today as it was when the film was released in 1983. The movie is about two photographers who want nothing more than to run a successful photo shop, but due to unfortunate events get entangled in a murder that takes them from beautiful newspaper journalists, to shady business tycoons, to the middle of a rather modern theatrical performance of Ramaya (which is till date one of the most comic scenes in the history of Indian Cinema). It was also responsible for kickstarting the career of some of India's most prominent actors. If you find the movie interesting make sure you give Manjula Negi's article "It Just Happened" a read. Link to the article - http://www.openthemagazine.com/article/art-culture/it-just-happened Khosla Ka Ghosla (2006) - Khosla Ka Ghosla (Khosla's Nest) is once again a look at real life. The movie follows a middle class family's ordeals as they try to recover a plot of land illegally taken over by a local property dealer. Done in a light heartedly subtle comical fashion, the movie doubles as a con caper film as well. Note: "Khosla" is a common Indian surname. Lagaan (2001) - Probably one of the most well known and popular Indian films, Lagaan (Tax) is a fictionalized period drama that is based in India during the British Raj. It has some great characters, dance, music, and in a nutshell its about a village's quest to get rid of the yearly tax they have to pay to the British by playing a cricket match against them. Please, even if you are not familiar with cricket, do not let is hold you from watching the movie. Ek Ruka Hua Faisla (1986) - Loosely translated it means "A held up judgement", but what it really is, is a remake of "12 Angry Men". I have watched this film many a times over the years and just happened to watch 12 Angry Men recently. Maybe it is my fondness for the Indian version, or maybe I found that the supporting characters in the original lacked the depth found in the remake, I do prefer the Indian version a whole lot more. So, have a go at it, even if it is to compare the two. Dil Chahta Hai (2001) - "The Heart Wants" or Dil Chahta Hai is another coming-of-age film following three friends as they learn about relationships, friendship, love, work and pretty much everything else that life is all about. Once again a great cast and interesting story with strong performances make this a must watch film. The film also had a very urban feel and look to it, and having lived in a metropolitan city all my life, it was something me and my friends could easily relate to. Rang De Basanti (Pain It Yellow) (2008) - So, another coming-of-age film of sorts (Yes! I see a pattern here as well), the movie looks at the youth of India through its main characters. What the film brilliantly does is portrays their thought process, their beliefs, and their aspirations by giving them all dual identities. In the present time they are all college going individuals, but in a process of making a documentary they each relive an important character from India's freedom struggle. The movie moves seamlessly between the two eras and culminates as the lost young souls realize the importance of their identity and eventually take drastic measures to rid our nation of corruption. Inspirational and heartening are two words that really describe the movie. Bluffmaster (2005) - I am sure a whole lot of my fellow countrymen and women will cringe at the fact that I recommended this movie as a must watch. The reason why I do recommend it is because it has good song and dance sequences (you didn't think you could get out of it... did you?), it makes use of multiple starts who go about doing their jobs commendably, and lastly it is about a conman, so you know you will have a pretty good twist at the end. Now, I am not going to name the english movie it is loosely based on, but it does take some inspiration from it. Nevertheless, this rather modern film is perfect for some light fun viewing. Satya (1998) - The South East Asian film industry is in a league of its own. They have specially been known for making some phenomenal gangster based films. So, being part of Asia, India was not going to be left behind. Satya (Truth) is the journey of a young man from the time he comes to Mumbai to his untimely death. It is also a hard hitting look at the Mumbai underworld and the lives of the various people who are drawn into a lifestyle of guns, women, and shady deals. Watch it for its raw feel and for the various characters, each of whom makes the movie his/her own. Iqbal (2005) - Iqbal is a story about, well Iqbal. An 18-year-old deaf and dumb village boy who has only one aspiration and that is to play in India's National Cricket Team. The story is less about cricket, but more about facing adversities in life and aiming towards your goal. Iqbal, in this journey of his, on one hand faces criticism from his coach and father, but on the other hand has his sister and a washed up ex-cricketer who support and guide him towards success. The movie is simply a reminder that you should never let go of your dream and hard work always pays off. So there you have it. 10 films from India that are a must watch. They are all available on DVD and all come with english subtitles. So, if ever in the mood for some foreign (or local if you are from India and have not seen any of the above) film watching, do give these movies a try. You will not be disappointed.
--- gpu/command_buffer/tests/gl_copy_texture_CHROMIUM_unittest.cc.orig 2019-04-08 08:32:57 UTC +++ gpu/command_buffer/tests/gl_copy_texture_CHROMIUM_unittest.cc @@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ class GLCopyTextureCHROMIUMES3Test : public GLCopyText bool ShouldSkipNorm16() const { DCHECK(!ShouldSkipTest()); -#if (defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX)) && \ +#if (defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_BSD)) && \ (defined(ARCH_CPU_X86) || defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)) // Make sure it's tested; it is safe to assume that the flag is always true // on desktop.
GM finally am able to get kind of caught up with all my blog sites. Have helped my older sister with her estate sale. And this week isn’t going to be any better. I signed up for a Debate Watch Party that should be fun. Watching upwithchris it about the Suprememe Court. Hope everyone on TOD has a great day. Morning all. Down with an awful cold, head stuffed, tears streaming, throat scratchy. Husband still in the grip of a nasty coughing cold. Still, the sun is up and the trees are turning beautiful colors, so all’s right with the world. It’s a Good Morning here in the land of “Pleasant Living”. I hope everyone is doing well even with the fall allergy season. Just do something to help the POTUS today. Find one more person to register to vote. In NYT, there’s an article, “Psst: We Feel Bad About Our Arms” and it shows 3 pictures of FLOTUS. “May I suggest that some of her colleagues, a growing cohort of copycat arm-flashers, might want to check the mirror before again preening sans sleeves? It’s time to face the truth: we don’t all look like the First Lady.” It compares FLOTUS fashion trend to others First Lady trends, as Mamie Eisenhower’s bangs, etc. Basically, we just have one beautiful FLOTUS, inside & out. I meant to thank someone yesterday for posting that video of Michelle’s introductory speech for The 2008 Pres run – she’s just as special as he is. The Up With Chris segment about the Supreme Court once again highlights why Pres. Obama and Democrats need to win. A rightwing court that will/choose to hear cases on affirmative action, voting rights act, marriage equality etc is a dangerous one. Good morning every one. I remember that Black Female attorney from being at Rainbow Push on Saturday mornings. Nearly a year or so she exposed voter suppression and the map of shame in addition to how to fight back. Then she said voter suppression was either coming to our state or a state near us. I posted their link here a while back. I see the map’s been updated. It is now an ” Animated Map of Shame” which allow you to click on it and see how quickly many states rushed to pass government-issued photo ID laws without considering the consequences. Hi good Peeps, Today’s a marvelous day. Enjoy it, but I must say that we have our work cut out or us. The corporate media has it’s marching orders to defibrillate Romney’s dying campaign by any means necessary. Why? Cuz media need their pound of flesh re: Romney’s & superpac ad revenue. GOP never intended for that inconvenient thing called Democracy to get in the way of their venal agenda. There’s very little difference between what al Qaeda has done and the tactics of the GOP. I’m not being hyperbolic here. These people WANT power. All of it. They’ll do anything, anything, to get it. So folks whatever we can each do to convert our healthy poll numbers into ACTUAL votes cast should our ONE and ONLY focus now. Polls don’t WIN elects; VOTES do. T Please help however you can. Thanks We need a GOP that is willing to compromise to move the country forward. We don’t need a party which will obstruct every dang thing the current administration proposes. Hopefully, now that the Repubs have figured out that they failed at making President Obama a one-term President, they’ll actually do something constructive like pass the Jobs Act. Wow, McCain was pretty honest in that particular statement. He went as far as saying that americans are a little bit hopeful now ! Isn’t he undermining the Romney/Ryan message ? Maybe he wants Romney to lose, so either Huntsman or Jeb Bush could have a chance in 2016 ?? (I remember reading that John McCain pushed Huntsman to run this year….) Whoever picked Candy Crowley to moderate the debates needs to be punched over and over and over again. And if that person was a man, he needs to be punched hard in the nuts. HARD. I haven’t watched CNN for a long time and thank goodness. Axelrod and Governor O’Malley were the reasons I watched this morning and Maryland, you are fucking lucky to have Governor O’Malley. Crowley kept interrupting Axelrod over and over again but he got his points through. He sure did. O’Malley also did well and has the patience of a saint considering he was sitting next to GOP woman hater Roy Blunt who kept lying and lying and having his lies aided by Candy Crowley. Crowley practically crawled into McCain’s lap and almost gave him a lap dance….that’s how much she was GOP shilling. She’s a moron. A bloody moron. An amoeba is smarter than her. Whoever picked her to moderate the debate is a fucking fool and should be punched over and over and over again. As a current resident of MD, I feel proud to say that yes, we have a great gov, although admittedly I didn’t help to build that since I was not yet an MD resident when O’Malley got elected. Candy Crowley deserves to be mocked, harassed and humiliated if she ever pushes that bullshyte during the debate on Wednesday. I for one will be scrutinizing her very very closely. And something tells me that I and all of us here at TOD won’t be the only ones. Candy Crowley HAS BEEN PUT ON NOTICE. When Chris Christie first ran for Freeholder and was sued for defamation, it wasn’t his fault and he did nothing wrong. When Chris Christie went from “not a candidate for US Attorney” to being appointed US Attorney after he was directly responsible for raising hundreds of thousands (and his brother donates hundreds of thousands) for Bush, the donations had nothing to do with it. And when many top NJ lawyers pointed out that Christie didn’t have any experience in criminal law and his appointment was directly connected to the above hundreds of thousands in donations for Bush, that was just a coincidence. Well up and at ’em O’s!!!!! It’s wonderful to join my TODdies on this great getting up day! I’m tuning in to the Sunday shows today, cause it’s much easier to swallow when our team is ahead. Imagine Chrispie flopping around like a beached whale trying to defend Mittwit? That can’t be fun for him. Also, with exception of a few, the moderators smell blood and they go on a feeding frenzy like the sharks they are. It doesn’t matter whose blood at this point. Not to mention, they want to be seen as shaping the winner. Expect them to be less hostile. My political take today is Wednesday can’t get here soon enough. Wednesday is my Zumba nite, but I’m going to jiggle my wiggle for a PBO debate victory. I’m going to try and at least stay in the room. During the previous debates, I would hang in the doorway and either run away or come back into the room depending on the question and whose turn it was to answer it. cookemom – lol going in and out of the room. I only do that for POTUS debates and when my baseball team is in the playoffs. I am afraid I am going to leave the TV off and just follow a live blogging of it – too stressful otherwise. I’m a chicken I know!! I’m basically a chicken so yesterday’s post of Michelle Obama introducing her husband at a campaign in ’08 talking about getting over fear spoke to me. I am still nervous about the debate especially about Romney’s intent to smear our PBO saying he lies. I don’t fear PBO’s debating or explaining skills will not be up to speed. What I fear is the way the media will paint the debate results and their complicency in helping Romney by not holding him to the fire using commercial breaks to aid him and the same tactics they used in the infamous ’08 Primary Debate with George Stephanopolis and Charlie Gibbs. It’s been a really busy week for me (fiscal year-end). I was able to join the canvass to NOVA yesterday. All I can say is that people are really engaged and from what I can see at least in Northern Virginia things are looking really good. The campaign has a big fundraising deadline tonight. Please donate what you can and if you can’t can you please retweet my link. Thanks and have a great productive O’Day!!! Ashes 2 ashes, dust 2 dust, I hate 2 have 2 ask again but I must, I must. Can you donate $5 b4 the deadline 2nite? https://t.co/gzOTDChe I like this tweet, because I am tired of people acting like, and speaking like the President is winning by default……just everyone else is being so bad. He is winning because he is so GOOD and doing things RIGHT, and he is getting his message across. People try to take credit from him all the time, and I get angry about that. He has been a good president, he has done good things, and he is a good campaigner, the best I’ve seen. No one in my memory can compare to him, certainly not Saint Ronnie. He was basically lazy, and read a script. This man understands what is going on, and is the most involved president I’ve known of. Yes, I just had to set someone at Old Orange straight on this issue. Apart from his solid record of accomplishments during the last 3.5 years, President Obama is simply unparalleled in the campaigning department. I also agree that President Obama has not just been lucky. He is an excellent candidate and campaigner and he has a good campaign group. They have strategized for months and because they have a plan can jump on sudden opportunities that fit their narrative. Luck? LUCK IS OPPORTUNITY MEETING HARD WORK AND PREPARATION. Got a plaque that says that after many people told my daughter she was lucky for getting so many academic scholarships at the end of her senior year in high school. She was demoralized that people did not recognize the hard work she had put in to get straight As all through high school, for being the president of the National Honor Society, on high school and community sports teams, on the ski team, involved with her church youth group and for starting and participating in a high school tutoring group. The plaque spoke to me about her work. The words also depict President Obama’s hard work. Successful white folks are successful because of hard work. Successful black folks are successful because of luck. I first saw this attitude in sports — the black guy is naturally gifted, the white guy lacks the gift but makes up for it with hard work. Why? Because black people are lazy so if they do well it HAS to be luck. This drives me even CRAZIER than I already am. During the Republican presidential primary debates, a telling pattern emerged. Mitt Romney, who first ran for public office back in 1994, called Rick Perry a “career politician.” Mitt Romney, who owned stock in and profited from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, criticized Newt Gingrich for working for Freddie Mac. Mitt Romney, who lobbied for funding for the Salt Lake City Olympics and has many of DC’s top Republican lobbyists intimately connected to his campaign, attacked Rick Santorum as a lobbyist. It seemed that each attack that Mitt Romney leveled at his opponents was done before they had an opportunity to say it about him. If precedent holds, then the best way to interpret Romney’s charge that Obama will “say things that aren’t true” is that he is attempting to inoculate himself against the abundance of falsehoods he plans on espousing at the debates. Mitt Romney’s propensity for flip-flopping long ago passed into self-parody, perfectly epitomized by his own campaign’s reference to an etch-a-sketch. But it is important to remember that his ability to say one thing one day and say the opposite the next with a straight face is rooted in his casual relationship with the truth. . . As a quick refresher, here is but a small sampling of Mitt’s lies in the past, and those he is most likely to repeat. Paul Ryan To Fox News: ‘I Don’t Have The Time’ To Explain How We Will Pay For Our Tax Plan By Adam Peck ————————————– Ryan has been the Republican vice presidential nominee for nearly three months, and has still not found the time to explain how a Romney administration would fund its tax plan of 20 percent deductions across the board. Perhaps that is because if he did, voters would balk at the cuts that would need to occur in programs like Medicare for the plan to remain revenue neutral. Ryan’s refusal to talk specifics only lends further credibility to the various studies and reports that have found time to do the math. And as ThinkProgress has reported, those studies from non-partisan organizations show that the Romney/Ryan tax plan would actually result in a huge tax cut for the wealthiest Americans. And the only way to keep it revenue neutral is to balance their plan on the backs of middle class families, who would see a tax increase of more than $2,000. So, NBC nightly news will be focusing on Afghanistan, and Calling it -at the Brink. All week long, as the media I so surprised that their are Green on Blue attacks? So surprised? The Taliban captures these Afghan police forces, and tells them either kill Americans, or your Family dies. And Ruchard Engle is well aware of this, he just has an agenda. That is all! Don’t forget today is the last day of the quarter for the various campaigns. In addition to PBO, we need to give to those downstream races in order to send PBO a Congress he can work with. I’ve decided to help out Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Joe Donnelly Indiana, Elizabeth Warren of Mass, and Joe Tester of Montana. These are close races, but there are many others. Find a few and show them some love today. After the Romney campaign spends all week tampering down expectations of Mittwit’s debate performance, Chrispie raises the bar higher than ever. I do believe there’s sabotage afoot, that man is no friend of his Repub leader. David Gregory is now begging David Plouffe to talk to Pres. Obama about coming on to Meet The Press. The look Plouffe gave him was priceless. Plouffe then said “well, there’s 37 days until the election. Anything’s possible.” David Gregory is such a goof…..I will never watch his show even if the President goes on there which he won’t. David Gregory’s ratings are in the toilet and like his best friend Mitt Robme, nothing can improve his favorables…….people don’t like them. Thanks UT. Done. And do not forget our Senate races. Just did one for one of my Senator’s friends. We need to keep the Senate solid for POB and get the help to Nancy. I also just did one for our Ms. Smashing Nancy!HZ David Gregory is an asshole. He lied on MTP that Pres. Obama fundraised in Las Vegas the day after the attacks in Libya that killed four Americans. This NEVER happened. Twitter is on fire calling him and Meet The Press out. Journalist Jon Ralston is pissed off too and calling David Gregory out for perpetuating that GOP lie. $2.00 $3.00 grateful for whatever. I am almost to one of my three goal. 1. Do all I can with my group in my city to phone bank, organize to go door to door. 2. Set up and meet my goal for my FR Page 3. Be first on TOD at least once. 4. GET POB/BIDEN re-elected .4More 4 -44. Thank (((((((( Love my TOD Family)))))))) Give some goodness claps. My gut is great today. Miracles are happening. Thank you all for your beautiful thoughts. You lift my heart and spirit up so much.HZ
Last-wish ID cards? A Michigan lawmaker says a person's end-of-life wishes should be accessible during an emergency. You may have what's called a "living will" that determines what kind of care -- if any -- you want if you have, say, a heart attack. But if you don't have that document with you, emergency responders are going to try to bring you back to life. "Their first default is to resuscitate, and in your case, that's wrong. It's not what you wanted to do, but they didn't know that because they didn't have the document," says State Sen. Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw. "When they (living wills) are not followed, you are assaulted by the medical system and then charged a bill for it." Kahn says state-issued ID cards that link to living wills would let emergency responders know whether you want to be resuscitated. "You have to have legislation which says that the ambulance personnel shall search for that document, which, in my opinion, should be available by pressing a button or two." Kahn says such a program would spare the pain and expense of unwanted treatment. Kahn -- who is a physician -- says many people resuscitated after suffering a heart attack outside of a hospital don't survive or have a very poor quality of life afterward. "Statistics show that if you have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, half of the people die in the field before anybody gets there," Kahn says. "Of the remaining half, another half die during CPR, which includes putting tubes in your body and breaking your ribs. "So now there are one-quarter that are still alive. Half of them will die in the emergency room, and of the one-eighth who are now alive -- 12 percent -- half of them will die during the hospitalization. And now of the six percent alive, half of those have permanent brain damage." Kahn says the financial impact of using extraordinary lifesaving measures can take a big toll on families and on the state. "We have priorities that need to be honored for the individual, and society as a whole," Kahn says. "There's always a competition for the dollars to do that and for the laws that embrace our people's rights."
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… … … Discover Yoga Discover Yourself Ardha Pawanmuktasana (One Leg Wind Release Pose) Method Step 1:Lie down on your back; adjust your lower back by sliding your hips and tailbone down towards your heels so that lower back is firmly resting on the floor without any gap or arch. Step 2: Inhale and raise your right leg up to 60 degree (use your core muscles to raise your right leg up); keep your right leg stretched and while maintaining the stretch, bend your right knee and place your right thigh on the right side of your chest; hug your right leg with both the hands; try to hold your elbows with the opposite hands; keep your left leg straight and stretched, left hamstrings pressed against the floor with your left heel sliding out and left toes flexing in. Step 3: You may also choose to keep your left leg straight on the floor while keeping a bolster below your left knee; hold for half a minute or as per your comfort with normal breathing; release and repeat the same sequence with your left leg. Note In case of discomfort at back, bend your left knee, place your left foot on the floor and then raise your right leg up. Benefits Massages your lower back and gives relief to lower back pain. Improves digestion; helps dealing with gastric problems. The pressure on the abdomen releases any trapped gases in the large intestine. In women, the asana massages the pelvic muscles and reproductive organs and is beneficial for menstrual disorders as well. It also reduces fat in the abdominal area, thighs and buttocks Contraindications Pregnant woman should not practice Ardha Pawanmuktasana People suffering with piles or hernia should perform this asana only in supervision and consultation with a yoga expert. You should avoid this asana if you have undergone a recent abdominal surgery as there is a lot of pressure on the abdomen.
BP sums up its response to Deepwater disaster BP CEO Bob Dudley reflected on the company’s response to the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in a keynote speech at CERAWeek in Houston, Texas, on 21 April. He confirmed that the company had spent USD44 billion in response to the 2010 disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 crewman and caused the largest-ever oil spill in US waters. This included USD14 billion recompensing victims, a further USD 14 billion on clean-up activity, and USD 1 billion on restoration projects. He said the company’s safety culture had since been completely changed, with “sharper oversight and additional levels of protection”. Training, he said, is now focused on best practice, and advanced technology, when approved, is used at all BP’s oil wells. Looking forward to 2035, Dudley said he believes the oil, natural gas, and coal industries will be equally split, each sharing 27% of the global energy market. The rest would be filled by unconventional resources, such as oil shale fracking and biomass energy. However, he said the current low oil price can be expected to continue in to the medium term, which will mean a period of massive restructuring and economic suffering for mature regions such as the North Sea, North Dakota, and parts of Texas. As the third anniversary of the entry into force of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) approaches, Seafarers’ Rights International (SRI) is embarking on a comprehensive study on the effectiveness of the Convention. The study has been commissioned by the International Transport Workers’ Federation. It will be an in-depth and... Read more →
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978 A.2d 6 (2009) 2009 VT 48 STATE of Vermont v. Timothy MUMLEY. No. 08-114. Supreme Court of Vermont. May 8, 2009. *7 Thomas Donovan, Jr., Chittenden County State's Attorney, and Pamela Hall Johnson, Deputy State's Attorney, Burlington, for Plaintiff-Appellee. Edward M. Kenney, South Burlington, for Defendant-Appellant. *8 Present: REIBER, C.J., DOOLEY, JOHNSON, SKOGLUND and BURGESS, JJ. ¶ 1. SKOGLUND, J. Defendant Timothy Mumley appeals from a jury conviction for attempted kidnapping in violation of 13 V.S.A. §§ 9, 2405(a)(1)(D). Defendant argues that the Chittenden District Court committed reversible error when it denied his motion to suppress statements he made to police while in custody. We agree, and reverse. ¶ 2. Defendant's conviction arises from an incident that occurred on October 20, 2006. On that date, defendant allegedly tried to pull a woman into his pickup truck while she was pushing her child in a stroller on a Winooski sidewalk. Defendant was arrested and taken to the Winooski Police Department, where he was questioned by a detective in an interrogation room. The entire interrogation was video-recorded. ¶ 3. Prior to questioning defendant, the detective warned defendant of his privilege against self-incrimination and his right to counsel as required by Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602, 16 L.Ed.2d 694 (1966), and 13 V.S.A. § 5234. He read defendant his warnings one-by-one, from a Miranda-waiver form. The form listed each of the Miranda rights followed by the question "Do you understand?" and a blank space for a reply. After reciting each warning to defendant, the detective asked defendant whether he understood. Defendant replied "yes" to each of these questions. The detective recorded defendant's replies on the form. ¶ 4. Underneath the Miranda-rights portion of the form was the title "Waiver," and the following paragraph: I have been advised of my rights and I understand them. No threats or promises have been made to me. Knowing my rights, I agree to waive them and talk with you now. I understand that I am waiving my right to be represented by an attorney, to talk with an attorney before questioning and to have an attorney present during questioning. Under this paragraph was a space for the date and time and a space for a signature or "time of taping." ¶ 5. The detective did not read the entire waiver paragraph to defendant. Rather, the detective read only the following: "I have been advised of my rights and I understand them. No threats or promises have been made to me. Knowing my rights, I agree to waive ...." The detective did not provide defendant with the opportunity to read the balance of the form nor did he have defendant sign the form. The following exchange then occurred: Detective: Do you want to talk to me? Defendant: What about? Detective: Ah, what, ah ... you can talk to me, you can tell me to pound sand. You know, those are your rights, okay? Now, it doesn't affect them one way or the other. What I'm concerned about is that, I want to make sure, you know, what happened tonight, you be given an opportunity to, you know, explain your actions which will happen in a court of law. But this is also an opportunity for you, if you want it, you can write down a sworn statement and apologize for what happened tonight. That's something. It's your choice you know. Defendant: Which is what? Detective: Do you understand what is going on here at all? Defendant: No, no, I don't. Detective: Well, as I stated over at your apartment, you're under arrest for attempted kidnapping. Defendant: Okay. *9 ¶ 6. The detective made no more attempts to secure a waiver of defendant's rights to silence and to an attorney. Eventually, defendant answered some of the detective's questions. ¶ 7. Defendant sought to suppress the statements he made during the interrogation. In his motion to suppress, defendant argued that he did not waive his rights, or, in the alternative, that the waiver was invalid under Miranda. Defendant also argued that the detective violated his rights by failing to secure a recorded waiver as required by 13 V.S.A. § 5237. Section 5237 provides that a person who has been informed of his or her right to counsel as required by § 5234 may waive those rights: in writing, or by other record, ... if the court, at the time of or after waiver, finds of record that he has acted with full awareness of his rights and of the consequences of a waiver and if the waiver is otherwise according to law. The court shall consider such factors as the person's age, education, and familiarity with the English language, and the complexity of the crime involved. 13 V.S.A. § 5237. The State responded, arguing that, considering the totality of the circumstances, defendant knowingly and intelligently waived his Miranda rights, and that defendant's waiver was valid under § 5237 because it was video-recorded. ¶ 8. The district court denied defendant's motion. It concluded that "assuming the court finds that defendant possessed the requisite experience, education, background, and intelligence to understand the nature of his Miranda rights and the consequences of waiving them," defendant made a valid implicit waiver of his Miranda rights. The court then concluded that because this waiver was recorded on video it was valid under § 5237. ¶ 9. At trial, the complainant testified that defendant tried to pull her into his black pickup truck while she was pushing her child in a stroller on a sidewalk, returning home from the post office. She further testified about the encounter as follows. As the complainant walked north on Weaver Street, defendant started following her in his truck, making rude, sexually suggestive remarks, and asking her if she wanted a ride. She was walking northward on the west side of Weaver Street, and defendant was travelling northward in the wrong lane of traffic, weaving around parked cars, so that he was in the lane of traffic adjacent to her. During this portion of the encounter the complainant threatened to call the police. At some point, defendant proceeded ahead of her to the intersection of Weaver and Union Streets and turned left onto Union Street. She proceeded to the same intersection, crossed Union Street, and turned left, walking on the north side of Union Street. While the complainant was walking on Union Street, defendant, who was ahead of her, turned around in a driveway, drove back toward her, then crossed into the wrong lane of traffic again, stopped the truck, and attempted to grab her and pull her into his pickup. Defendant drove off when the driver of a green Ford in the oncoming lane of Union Street honked the horn twice. ¶ 10. One eyewitness testified for the State. The witness testified that while traveling north on Weaver Street in her green Ford Taurus, she noticed that traffic had stopped because of a dark pickup truck that had stopped in the middle of the road two cars in front of her. She testified that the man in the pickup truck was speaking with someone on the sidewalk. According to the witness, after she honked her horn twice, the truck "took off," and the witness then observed the complainant, "visibly upset ... motoring towards the *10 end of [Weaver] [S]treet." In contrast to the complainant's testimony, the witness testified that the truck did not turn left on Union Street, but rather either continued straight or turned right, and that the witness did not turn left on Union Street. The witness testified that after observing the encounter she continued straight on Weaver Street. ¶ 11. The arresting officer and a detective also testified for the State. The officer testified that defendant's truck and license plate number matched the description given by the complainant. The detective testified that the complainant correctly identified defendant in a photo lineup. The detective also testified that, during the interrogation at the police station, defendant admitted: (1) that he had seen the complainant; (2) that he had driven by her several times; (3) that the complainant spoke to him; (4) that the complainant told defendant that she was calling the police; and (5) that, when asked why the complainant would threaten to call the police, defendant replied that he did not know. ¶ 12. At trial, the defense argued that the complainant's story was improbable and that neither defendant nor the eyewitness made a left on Union Street toward the site of the alleged attempted kidnapping. ¶ 13. On appeal, defendant argues that he did not make a valid waiver of his Miranda rights because: (a) silence in response to a request to waive does not constitute waiver; and (b) the court failed to properly apply the totality-of-the-circumstances approach articulated in State v. Malinowski, 148 Vt. 517, 518-20, 536 A.2d 921, 922-23 (1987). Defendant also argues that the waiver was invalid under § 5237 because: (a) that section requires waivers to be affirmative, express, and recorded; and (b) the trial court failed to consider the factors set forth in the statute. Finally, defendant makes several arguments regarding the court's refusal to view—or to allow the jury to view—the vehicle defendant was driving at the scene of the alleged crime. We agree with defendant that the court erred in not evaluating the factors set forth in Malinowski and § 5237, and do not reach the balance of his arguments. ¶ 14. Under the United States Supreme Court's landmark decision in Miranda, "a heavy burden rests on the government to demonstrate that the defendant knowingly and intelligently waived his privilege against self-incrimination and his right to retained or appointed counsel." 384 U.S. at 475, 86 S.Ct. 1602; see also State v. Stanislaw, 153 Vt. 517, 529, 573 A.2d 286, 293 (1990) ("The State bears a heavy burden in showing a waiver of Miranda rights."). Courts may find that a defendant knowingly and intelligently waived his Miranda rights only "upon an inquiry into the totality of the circumstances surrounding the interrogation." Fare v. Michael C., 442 U.S. 707, 724-25, 99 S.Ct. 2560, 61 L.Ed.2d 197 (1979) (citing Miranda, 384 U.S. at 475-77, 86 S.Ct. 1602). "The totality approach permits— indeed, it mandates—inquiry into all the circumstances surrounding the interrogation." Id. at 725, 99 S.Ct. 2560. We noted in Malinowski that in Fare v. Michael C. the United States Supreme Court specifically mandated a totality-of-the-circumstances approach to evaluating Miranda waivers. 148 Vt. at 522, 536 A.2d at 924. In order for a court to find that a defendant has made a knowing and intelligent waiver, we require it to make findings regarding the "defendant's experience, education, background, intelligence or capacity to understand the warnings and the meaning of a waiver." Id.; see also State v. Tribble, 2005 VT 132, ¶ 27, 179 Vt. 235, 892 A.2d 232 ("In reviewing whether a *11 defendant made a valid waiver, we consider the totality of the circumstances."). ¶ 15. In addition to our case law, our statutory law requires courts to consider the circumstances under which a defendant waives the privilege against self-incrimination and the right to counsel as guaranteed by Miranda and § 5234 before concluding that the waiver was valid. Under § 5237, a defendant's waiver is valid if the court finds that "he has acted with full awareness of his rights and of the consequences of a waiver and if the waiver is otherwise according to law." In making such findings, "[t]he court shall consider such factors as the person's age, education, and familiarity with the English language, and the complexity of the crime involved." Id. (emphasis added). Although the statute's discretionary "such factors as" language affords trial courts flexibility in choosing which factors to consider, the mandatory "shall" creates a requirement impervious to judicial discretion. See Town of Victory v. State, 174 Vt. 539, 544, 814 A.2d 369, 376 (2002) (mem.) ("Use of the word `shall' in a statute generally means that the action is mandatory...."). In short, under § 5237, a court must consider factors indicating whether a defendant acted with full awareness of his rights, and the consequences of waiving those rights, before finding that the defendant knowingly and intelligently waived them. ¶ 16. Here, the trial court's decision and order denying defendant's motion to suppress contains no consideration of factors indicating a knowing and intelligent waiver of Miranda rights as required by Fare and Malinowski, and no consideration of factors indicating his awareness of his § 5234 rights and the consequences of waiving them as required by § 5237. Instead, as far as we can tell from its order, the court reached its conclusion that defendant made a valid waiver of his rights by "assuming ... that defendant possessed the requisite experience, education, background, and intelligence to understand the nature of his ... rights and the consequences of waiving them." The trial court erred under Malinowski and § 5237 by failing to make the required inquiry. ¶ 17. The State argues that defendant failed to preserve the issue we address above, and, alternatively, that any erroneous admission did not prejudice defendant's case. Neither argument has merit. ¶ 18. The State contends that defendant did not preserve the argument that his waiver was invalid because his motion to suppress the statements at issue argued only that there was no waiver at all. This Court has long held that issues not presented at trial may not be raised on appeal. See, e.g., Lanphere v. Beede, 141 Vt. 126, 129, 446 A.2d 340, 341 (1982) ("Contentions not raised or fairly presented to the trial court are not preserved for appeal."); Bebee v. Steel, 2 Vt. 314, 316 (1829) (same). However, where a litigant's argument is clear enough for the trial court to evaluate it and for an opponent to respond to it, the claim is adequately preserved for appeal. EBWS, LLC v. Britly Corp., 2007 VT 37, ¶ 12, 181 Vt. 513, 928 A.2d 497. ¶ 19. We read defendant's motion to suppress as arguing primarily that he did not waive his Miranda and § 5234 rights, and arguing alternatively that any implied waiver was not knowing and intelligent, and therefore was invalid. In support of his motion, defendant explicitly cited Stanislaw for the proposition that the State must prove a "knowing and intelligent" waiver, and argued that "[t]he detective's conduct in this matter could not more closely match Miranda's scenario of an invalid waiver." Although we would not *12 place a trial court in error regarding an issue it did not have the opportunity to address, the trial court here had that opportunity. Moreover, the trial court referenced the factors it was required to consider, but erred by making an assumption instead of making the required factual findings. Defendant placed the issue of validity squarely before the trial court and thus preserved it. ¶ 20. The State's argument that any erroneous admission of statements was harmless and nonprejudicial also fails. Under the Vermont Rules of Criminal Procedure, "[a]ny error ... which does not affect substantial rights shall be disregarded." V.R.Cr.P. 52(a). "For the error to be harmless, the reviewing court must find beyond a reasonable doubt that the jury would have returned a guilty verdict regardless of the error." State v. Oscarson, 2004 VT 4, ¶ 30, 176 Vt. 176, 845 A.2d 337. When conducting a harmless-error analysis to determine whether the jury would have convicted without the offending evidence, we consider the extent to which the offending evidence was inculpatory, whether it was cumulative or duplicative of other evidence, and how prominent it was at trial. See State v. Keith, 160 Vt. 257, 265-66, 628 A.2d 1247, 1252-53 (1993) (considering whether erroneously admitted evidence was inculpatory or exculpatory), overruled on other grounds by State v. Brillon, 2008 VT 35 ¶ 42, 183 Vt. 475, 955 A.2d 1108;[1]State v. Lynds, 158 Vt. 37, 42, 605 A.2d 501, 503 (1991) (considering prominence of erroneously admitted evidence at trial and presence or absence of corroborating and contradictory evidence). Analyzing these factors helps us understand how heavily the jury was likely to have relied on the evidence. ¶ 21. Here, the trial court erroneously admitted five statements that defendant made to police while in custody: (1) that defendant had seen the complainant; (2) that he had driven by her several times; (3) that the complainant spoke to him; (4) that the complainant told him that she was calling the police; and (5) that, when the detective asked him why the complainant would threaten to call the police, defendant replied that he did not know. ¶ 22. The extent to which the statements were inculpatory or duplicative varied. Defendant's statement that he had seen the complainant placed him at the scene of the alleged attempted kidnapping. Similarly, defendant's statements that the complainant spoke to him, that she threatened to call the police, and that he did not know why she would do so, constituted an admission that there had been an interaction between them. However, all of these statements were corroborated by eyewitness testimony, the complainant's testimony, or both. ¶ 23. Most prejudicial was defendant's statement that he drove by the complainant several times. This statement substantially undermined the defense's theory of the case. The defense argued that defendant may have had an interaction with the complainant, but that he never turned left on Union Street toward the site of the alleged attempted kidnapping or turned his truck around. The eyewitness's testimony that neither she nor defendant turned left on Union Street tended to support the defense's theory and discredit the complainant's version of events. Defendant's statement that he drove past the complainant several times had the potential *13 to cast significant doubt on the defense's theory and to bolster the complainant's story. Additionally, because the eyewitness in the green Ford testified that defendant went straight or right at the intersection of Weaver and Union, defendant's statement that he drove past the complainant several times is corroborated by the complainant's testimony alone. ¶ 24. All of defendant's statements to police were fairly prominent at trial. In addition to offering them into evidence, the State referred to defendant's statements in its opening and closing statements. In its opening, the State explained that the evidence would show: [Defendant] admitted that he had seen this—a woman, this person pushing a stroller. He also made statements that there was a conversation. And he also told the police that at some point the woman mentioned to him, that she mentioned something about calling the police and the police asked [defendant], "Why would she say that?" And [defendant]'s response was, "I don't know." Defendant's statements were introduced at trial through the detective who interrogated him, and were central to the detective's testimony. The prosecuting attorney referred to them four additional times while questioning the detective. In its closing, the State summarized the erroneously admitted statements and suggested what inferences the jury could draw from them: Does he admit to [the detective] that he was in Winooski? You bet. Does he admit to [the detective] that he saw a young woman? You bet. Does he admit to [the detective] that he saw that stroller? Yup. Does he admit that he actually had a conversation with this woman? Yup. Does he admit that he heard her say, "I'm going to call the police." Yes.[2] ¶ 25. In short, defendant's erroneously admitted statements to police were harmful enough to his case and prominent enough at trial to have prejudiced defendant's case. In the aggregate, they create a reasonable doubt as to whether the jury would have rendered a guilty verdict without them, and thus require us to reverse defendant's conviction and remand for proceedings consistent with this opinion. ¶ 26. In conclusion, the trial court erred by admitting defendant's custodial statements without conducting the required totality-of-the-circumstances inquiry into the validity of defendant's waiver. Because we cannot conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the error was harmless, we reverse. Reversed and remanded. NOTES [1] The United States Supreme Court recently overruled Brillon on grounds unrelated to today's decision. Vermont v. Brillon, ___ U.S. ___, ___, 129 S.Ct. 1283, 1287, 173 L.Ed.2d 231 (2009). [2] The record indicates that the State's closing argument continued as follows: But then an interesting thing happened. By this time he knows he's in trouble and he decides to shift the blame away from him to her and he tells the police officer this story about driving up Weaver Street or driving in Winooski and he sees a woman acting weird and she's saying something, he doesn't have a clue what she's saying, she's yelling at him, and so instead of just passing by and just going home, by the way, it's raining at this point, instead of going home, he turns around and comes back to get another look at her. The statements referred to in this part of the State's closing argument were not entered into evidence and were not objected to by defendant. We therefore do not evaluate their potential effect on the jury verdict.
#ifndef ABSTRACT_H #define ABSTRACT_H #ifdef PROFILE #define printf(a, b) Serial.println(b) #endif #if defined ARDUINO_SAM_DUE || defined ADAFRUIT_GRAND_CENTRAL_M4 #define HostOS 0x01 #endif #ifdef CORE_TEENSY #define HostOS 0x04 #endif #ifdef ESP32 #define HostOS 0x05 #endif #ifdef _STM32_DEF_ #define HostOS 0x06 #endif /* Memory abstraction functions */ /*===============================================================================*/ bool _RamLoad(char* filename, uint16 address) { File f; bool result = false; if (f = SD.open(filename, FILE_READ)) { while (f.available()) _RamWrite(address++, f.read()); f.close(); result = true; } return(result); } /* Filesystem (disk) abstraction fuctions */ /*===============================================================================*/ File rootdir, userdir; #define FOLDERCHAR '/' typedef struct { uint8 dr; uint8 fn[8]; uint8 tp[3]; uint8 ex, s1, s2, rc; uint8 al[16]; uint8 cr, r0, r1, r2; } CPM_FCB; typedef struct { uint8 dr; uint8 fn[8]; uint8 tp[3]; uint8 ex, s1, s2, rc; uint8 al[16]; } CPM_DIRENTRY; #if defined board_teensy41 static DirFat_t fileDirEntry; #else static dir_t fileDirEntry; #endif File _sys_fopen_w(uint8* filename) { return(SD.open((char*)filename, O_CREAT | O_WRITE)); } int _sys_fputc(uint8 ch, File& f) { return(f.write(ch)); } void _sys_fflush(File& f) { f.flush(); } void _sys_fclose(File& f) { f.close(); } int _sys_select(uint8* disk) { uint8 result = FALSE; File f; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); if (f = SD.open((char*)disk, O_READ)) { if (f.isDirectory()) result = TRUE; f.close(); } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } long _sys_filesize(uint8* filename) { long l = -1; File f; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); if (f = SD.open((char*)filename, O_RDONLY)) { l = f.size(); f.close(); } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(l); } int _sys_openfile(uint8* filename) { File f; int result = 0; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); f = SD.open((char*)filename, O_READ); if (f) { f.dirEntry(&fileDirEntry); f.close(); result = 1; } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } int _sys_makefile(uint8* filename) { File f; int result = 0; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); f = SD.open((char*)filename, O_CREAT | O_WRITE); if (f) { f.close(); result = 1; } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } int _sys_deletefile(uint8* filename) { digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); return(SD.remove((char*)filename)); digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); } int _sys_renamefile(uint8* filename, uint8* newname) { File f; int result = 0; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); f = SD.open((char*)filename, O_WRITE | O_APPEND); if (f) { if (f.rename((char*)newname)) { f.close(); result = 1; } } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } #ifdef DEBUGLOG void _sys_logbuffer(uint8* buffer) { #ifdef CONSOLELOG puts((char*)buffer); #else File f; uint8 s = 0; while (*(buffer + s)) // Computes buffer size ++s; if (f = SD.open(LogName, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRITE)) { f.write(buffer, s); f.flush(); f.close(); } #endif } #endif bool _sys_extendfile(char* fn, unsigned long fpos) { uint8 result = true; File f; unsigned long i; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); if (f = SD.open(fn, O_WRITE | O_APPEND)) { if (fpos > f.size()) { for (i = 0; i < f.size() - fpos; ++i) { if (f.write((uint8)0) != 1) { result = false; break; } } } f.close(); } else { result = false; } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } uint8 _sys_readseq(uint8* filename, long fpos) { uint8 result = 0xff; File f; uint8 bytesread; uint8 dmabuf[BlkSZ]; uint8 i; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); f = SD.open((char*)filename, O_READ); if (f) { if (f.seek(fpos)) { for (i = 0; i < BlkSZ; ++i) dmabuf[i] = 0x1a; bytesread = f.read(&dmabuf[0], BlkSZ); if (bytesread) { for (i = 0; i < BlkSZ; ++i) _RamWrite(dmaAddr + i, dmabuf[i]); } result = bytesread ? 0x00 : 0x01; } else { result = 0x01; } f.close(); } else { result = 0x10; } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } uint8 _sys_writeseq(uint8* filename, long fpos) { uint8 result = 0xff; File f; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); if (_sys_extendfile((char*)filename, fpos)) f = SD.open((char*)filename, O_RDWR); if (f) { if (f.seek(fpos)) { if (f.write(_RamSysAddr(dmaAddr), BlkSZ)) result = 0x00; } else { result = 0x01; } f.close(); } else { result = 0x10; } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } uint8 _sys_readrand(uint8* filename, long fpos) { uint8 result = 0xff; File f; uint8 bytesread; uint8 dmabuf[BlkSZ]; uint8 i; long extSize; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); f = SD.open((char*)filename, O_READ); if (f) { if (f.seek(fpos)) { for (i = 0; i < BlkSZ; ++i) dmabuf[i] = 0x1a; bytesread = f.read(&dmabuf[0], BlkSZ); if (bytesread) { for (i = 0; i < BlkSZ; ++i) _RamWrite(dmaAddr + i, dmabuf[i]); } result = bytesread ? 0x00 : 0x01; } else { if (fpos >= 65536L * BlkSZ) { result = 0x06; // seek past 8MB (largest file size in CP/M) } else { extSize = f.size(); // round file size up to next full logical extent extSize = ExtSZ * ((extSize / ExtSZ) + ((extSize % ExtSZ) ? 1 : 0)); if (fpos < extSize) result = 0x01; // reading unwritten data else result = 0x04; // seek to unwritten extent } } f.close(); } else { result = 0x10; } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } uint8 _sys_writerand(uint8* filename, long fpos) { uint8 result = 0xff; File f; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); if (_sys_extendfile((char*)filename, fpos)) { f = SD.open((char*)filename, O_RDWR); } if (f) { if (f.seek(fpos)) { if (f.write(_RamSysAddr(dmaAddr), BlkSZ)) result = 0x00; } else { result = 0x06; } f.close(); } else { result = 0x10; } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } static uint8 findNextDirName[13]; static uint16 fileRecords = 0; static uint16 fileExtents = 0; static uint16 fileExtentsUsed = 0; static uint16 firstFreeAllocBlock; uint8 _findnext(uint8 isdir) { File f; uint8 result = 0xff; bool isfile; uint32 bytes; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); if (allExtents && fileRecords) { _mockupDirEntry(); result = 0; } else { while (f = userdir.openNextFile()) { f.getName((char*)&findNextDirName[0], 13); isfile = !f.isDirectory(); bytes = f.size(); f.dirEntry(&fileDirEntry); f.close(); if (!isfile) continue; _HostnameToFCBname(findNextDirName, fcbname); if (match(fcbname, pattern)) { if (isdir) { // account for host files that aren't multiples of the block size // by rounding their bytes up to the next multiple of blocks if (bytes & (BlkSZ - 1)) { bytes = (bytes & ~(BlkSZ - 1)) + BlkSZ; } fileRecords = bytes / BlkSZ; fileExtents = fileRecords / BlkEX + ((fileRecords & (BlkEX - 1)) ? 1 : 0); fileExtentsUsed = 0; firstFreeAllocBlock = firstBlockAfterDir; _mockupDirEntry(); } else { fileRecords = 0; fileExtents = 0; fileExtentsUsed = 0; firstFreeAllocBlock = firstBlockAfterDir; } _RamWrite(tmpFCB, filename[0] - '@'); _HostnameToFCB(tmpFCB, findNextDirName); result = 0x00; break; } } } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } uint8 _findfirst(uint8 isdir) { uint8 path[4] = { '?', FOLDERCHAR, '?', 0 }; path[0] = filename[0]; path[2] = filename[2]; if (userdir) userdir.close(); userdir = SD.open((char*)path); // Set directory search to start from the first position _HostnameToFCBname(filename, pattern); fileRecords = 0; fileExtents = 0; fileExtentsUsed = 0; return(_findnext(isdir)); } uint8 _findnextallusers(uint8 isdir) { uint8 result = 0xFF; char dirname[13]; bool done = false; while (!done) { while (!userdir) { userdir = rootdir.openNextFile(); if (!userdir) { done = true; break; } userdir.getName(dirname, sizeof dirname); if (userdir.isDirectory() && strlen(dirname) == 1 && isxdigit(dirname[0])) { currFindUser = dirname[0] <= '9' ? dirname[0] - '0' : toupper(dirname[0]) - 'A' + 10; break; } userdir.close(); } if (userdir) { result = _findnext(isdir); if (result) { userdir.close(); } else { done = true; } } else { result = 0xFF; done = true; } } return result; } uint8 _findfirstallusers(uint8 isdir) { uint8 path[2] = { '?', 0 }; path[0] = filename[0]; if (rootdir) rootdir.close(); if (userdir) userdir.close(); rootdir = SD.open((char*)path); // Set directory search to start from the first position strcpy((char*)pattern, "???????????"); if (!rootdir) return 0xFF; fileRecords = 0; fileExtents = 0; fileExtentsUsed = 0; return(_findnextallusers(isdir)); } uint8 _Truncate(char* filename, uint8 rc) { File f; int result = 0; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); f = SD.open((char*)filename, O_WRITE | O_APPEND); if (f) { if (f.truncate(rc * BlkSZ)) { f.close(); result = 1; } } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); return(result); } void _MakeUserDir() { uint8 dFolder = cDrive + 'A'; uint8 uFolder = toupper(tohex(userCode)); uint8 path[4] = { dFolder, FOLDERCHAR, uFolder, 0 }; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); SD.mkdir((char*)path); digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); } uint8 _sys_makedisk(uint8 drive) { uint8 result = 0; if (drive < 1 || drive>16) { result = 0xff; } else { uint8 dFolder = drive + '@'; uint8 disk[2] = { dFolder, 0 }; digitalWrite(LED, HIGH ^ LEDinv); if (!SD.mkdir((char*)disk)) { result = 0xfe; } else { uint8 path[4] = { dFolder, FOLDERCHAR, '0', 0 }; SD.mkdir((char*)path); } digitalWrite(LED, LOW ^ LEDinv); } return(result); } /* Console abstraction functions */ /*===============================================================================*/ int _kbhit(void) { return(Serial.available()); } uint8 _getch(void) { while (!Serial.available()); return(Serial.read()); } uint8 _getche(void) { uint8 ch = _getch(); Serial.write(ch); return(ch); } void _putch(uint8 ch) { Serial.write(ch); } void _clrscr(void) { Serial.println("\e[H\e[J"); } #endif
Vue.component('dropdown', { template: '#tmpl-dropdown', props: { id: { type: String, }, visible: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, items: { type: Array, default: [], }, classes: { type: Array, default: () => [], }, }, methods: { clicked: function(item) { if (item.click && !item.disabled) { item.click(); } if (!item.preventClose) { closeDropdown(); } }, }, }); let openedDropdown; let clickHndl = function(event) { if (!openedDropdown) { return; } var element = event.target; while (element) { if (element === openedDropdown) { return; } element = element.parentElement; } // Click outside the dropdown, close it closeDropdown(); }; function closeDropdown() { if (!openedDropdown) { return; } document.removeEventListener('click', clickHndl); if (openedDropdown.className.indexOf('hidden') < 0) { openedDropdown.className = (openedDropdown.className + ' hidden').trim(); } openedDropdown = undefined; } function openDropdown(element) { element = parseElement(element); if (!element) { console.error('Invalid dropdown element'); return; } event.stopPropagation(); closeDropdown(); if (getComputedStyle(element.parentElement).position === 'relative') { // Position the dropdown relatively to the parent element.style.left = (window.event.clientX - element.parentElement.offsetLeft + element.parentElement.scrollLeft) + 'px'; element.style.top = (window.event.clientY - element.parentElement.offsetTop + element.parentElement.scrollTop) + 'px'; } else { // Position the dropdown absolutely on the window element.style.left = (window.event.clientX + window.scrollX) + 'px'; element.style.top = (window.event.clientY + window.scrollY) + 'px'; } document.addEventListener('click', clickHndl); element.className = element.className.split(' ').filter(c => c !== 'hidden').join(' '); openedDropdown = element; const maxLeft = Math.min(window.innerWidth, element.parentElement.clientWidth) + element.parentElement.scrollLeft; const maxTop = Math.min(window.innerHeight, element.parentElement.clientHeight) + element.parentElement.scrollTop; if (element.parentElement.offsetLeft + element.offsetLeft + parseFloat(getComputedStyle(element).width) >= maxLeft) { if (parseFloat(element.style.left) - parseFloat(getComputedStyle(element).width) >= 0) { element.style.left = (parseFloat(element.style.left) - parseFloat(getComputedStyle(element).width)) + 'px'; } } if (element.parentElement.offsetTop + element.offsetTop + parseFloat(getComputedStyle(element).height) >= maxTop) { if (parseFloat(element.style.top) - parseFloat(getComputedStyle(element).height) >= 0) { element.style.top = (parseFloat(element.style.top) - parseFloat(getComputedStyle(element).height)) + 'px'; } } if (parseFloat(element.style.left) < 0) { element.style.left = 0; } if (parseFloat(element.style.top) < 0) { element.style.top = 0; } }
Share This Amazon’s Champions of Fire Is Back Next Month for More Mobile eSports Fun Mobile eSports Gaming Isn’t Going Anywhere Amazon is bringing back Champions of Fire this year, an eSports tournament focused on competitive but casual mobile games. Last year’s event was a big success for Amazon (as was Mobile Masters last month) so it isn’t too surprising to see it pop up again in 2017. This time, however, they’re going bigger. On December 2nd and 3rd at the Time Inc. Studios in New York City, 12 of the world’s most popular gaming celebrities like Swiftor, NampaiKid, and MystIc7 will compete against each other in top casual mobile games like Disney Crossy Road, Pac-Man 256, Beach Buggy Racing and the upcoming Sonic Forces: Speed Battle. The prize pool is a cool $50,000 and the entire event will be broadcast live on Amazon’s Appstore’s Twitch channel. It will also air at a later time nationwide on the CBS Sports Network. Below is the list of participating games with more to come: Beach Buggy Racing Beat Fever Cooking Craze Disney Crossy Road Minion Rush Flappy Bird Family Pac-Man 256 Real Racing 3 Sonic Forces: Speed Battle (Coming Soon) And here are the celebrity gamers competing: Swiftor NampaiKid MystIc7 Northernlion Hafu Naomi Kyle Avajaijai xChocoBars Champions of Fire is unique in that it encourages anyone, no matter their gaming experience, to take part in competitive gaming events. Amazon’s philosophy is that eSports can involve any type of game, regardless of platform. Because mobile games have a shorter learning curve, tournaments surrounding them are fun to watch and viewers can understand what’s going on even if they aren’t gamers. While hardcore gamers may scoff at mobile games being part of the eSports culture, it appears to be gaining a lot of traction in the last couple years. You can read about last month’s Mobile Masters competition here which featured tournaments on three mobile games: World of Tanks Blitz, Power Rangers: Legacy Wars, and Vainglory. If you’d like to learn more about Champions of Fire, you can check out the event pages here and here.
Slate's Blacklist of Black Conservatives Sonny Bunch February 23, 2010 1:09 PM Slate's The Root -- the portion of the website where they cordon off their African-American content -- has compiled a list of "Black folks we'd like to remove from black history." Some of the choices are funny (Dennis Rodman) some are head-scratching (the doctor who prescribed Michael Jackson his meds?) while others are downright offensive. The continuous pathology in the liberal black community to denigrate black conservatives as "not really black" continues apace here: Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, and Alan Keyes are listed alongside Idi Amin, Papa and Baby Doc Duvalier, and Robert Mugabe. Oh, and Marion Barry. I imagine that is the excuse that the authors of the list will throw out there if questioned about including a trio of black Republicans alongside cannibals and mass murderers: "Hey, we included a black Democrat too! He was even our very first choice!" Of course, there's a huge difference between admitting to being embarrassed of Democrat who was caught in a FBI sting doing crack, muttered "Bitch set me up" as the feds burst through the door, and served time in prison as a result -- to say nothing of his myriad tax problems and, most recently, blatant corruption in D.C.'s contracting process -- and being embarrassed about the GOP entries on the list. What is so embarrassing about Clarence Thomas -- the second black man on the Supreme Court? He would be a source of pride for the African American community, except for the fact that he's a conservative. He's a minority within a minority. One would think that mocking a minority simply for his status as such is something that writers at The Root would want to avoid.
Main navigation Peanut Butter Cup Pies #apieformikey August 13, 2011 The food blogosphere came together this week to support our own Jennifer Perillo of In Jennie’s Kitchen and her young daughters, when the shocking news of her husband’s sudden passing hit us all like a slap in the face. And we did it in the best way we know how – with food. With peanut butter pies, to be exact. You know, I don’t know how to speak about this kind of loss – the one-minute-he’s-here-and-the-next-minute-he’s-gone kind of loss. In my life, I’ve known several and it’s never any easier, because it never makes any sense. I’ve always said that there’s not much I believe in, but I believe that everything happens for a reason, and I believe in ultimate justice. You may not see it immediately – it may take weeks, months, or even years – but you will see it. Right now, I can’t fathom any rhyme nor reason, and those words seem hollow to me. All I can say is, I’m so sorry for your loss, Jennie. All I can do is give you a virtual hug, and hope that you can read everything I feel for you in that seemingly lame gesture. In response to the outpouring of love and questions of “What can we do for you?” from food bloggers all over the world, Jennie wrote, “For those asking what they can do to help my healing process, make a peanut butter pie this Friday and share it with someone you love. Then hug them like there’s no tomorrow because today is the only guarantee we can count on.” Chances are, if you Google “peanut butter pie” from here on out, you’ll have literally hundreds of choices and just as many more eloquent tributes than this one. Peanut Butter Cup Pie (makes about 12 mini-pies) Ingredients: 8 oz. cream cheese (room temperature) 1/2 cup light brown sugar 3/4 cup creamy peanut butter 1/2 cup cream (light or heavy)- divided pinch of salt 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 large egg (room temperature) 4 oz. semi-sweet chocolate 2 Tbs. unsalted butter Preparation: Preheat the oven to 300º F. In a medium bowl, beat the cream cheese with an electric mixer until it’s smooth and fluffy. Add the brown sugar, then the peanut butter, 1/4 cup of the cream, salt, and vanilla, scraping down the sides of the bowl well after each addition. Last, add the egg and beat until the entire mixture is smooth. Set aside. In a small saucepan, over low heat, melt the butter. Add the chocolate and stir until melted. Add the remaining 1/4 cup of cream, and stir until the chocolate is smooth and glossy. Prepare a muffin pan by lining it with foil or silicone cupcake liners. If using foil liners, give each one a small shot of cooking spray. Using a dessert spoon, place a heaping spoonful of the chocolate mixture into the bottom of each cupcake liner. Now, spoon the pie batter over the chocolate, filling each cup about 2/3 full. Bake for 15 – 18 minutes. The batter should still jiggle just a bit when the pan is shaken. Allow the pan and pies to cool completely on a wire rack, then refrigerate for at least several hours. When cold and firm, flip each pie over onto individual plates and unmold to serve. Allow to warm for about 10 minutes, to get a really soft creamy texture. Too many for one sitting? After chilling, leave them in the liners, pop into a freezer storage bag, and put them in the freezer. You can thaw just the amount you need in the future! ************** I couldn’t make my peanut butter pies for Mikey and Jennifer Perillo on Friday, because my own Mikey was having oral surgery. In deference to his sore mouth, I skipped the crust and my beloved chunky peanut butter, and resisted the temptation to garnish with chopped peanuts. I promise you – the hugs were no less fierce. Reader Interactions Comments there isn't an answer that would make any sense Renee – but am grateful for this community who will surround Jennie & her girls w/as much support as she'll let us give her; it will be a long haul, but she'll make it. i am proud to be part of the community!! and those Peanut Butter Cup pies are lookin' mighty, mighty tasty!! I heard it was over 1,000 posts…what an amazing community and a beautiful tribute to Jennie's husband. I met Jennie just a few months ago and she is such a warm and funny person. I'm so upset for her and her girls but at the same time feel warm inside because of the reaction of our community…it's an awesome one. Primary Sidebar Follow the Flamingo Search the Flamingo Shop Freakin’ Flamingo Foodie Blogroll Pinfeathers Flamingo’s Favorites Amazon Store Please help support this blog by starting your Amazon.com shopping here! Thank you! I’m in THIS BOOK! Flamingo Love Footer Meet Renee Renée brings you traditional Jewish recipes, updates them for the modern cook and kitchen, but doesn’t stop there! In this eclectic food blog, you’ll also find original, as well as popular regional and ethnic recipes with a Kosher twist, and unusual jam and pickle recipes. And other stuff, too. Because she’s like that.
After a night of attempting on a bunch of fresh underwear (see those pics on VoyeurWeb), my bf and I got truly revved on and these pics were the result. I should buy get fresh undergarments more often, don't you think?! I toyed with myself a little bit very first, then he fucked me like crazy until ultimately nutting in my mouth. What a joy night that was! A fantastic angel with a clean-shaven vagina and a verry nice body.More pleaseChris Wrote iskretto you are simply sexy as hell Wrote redmage311 Rita Argiles ;) Wrote nhfun Me & my fella have just looked at your sexy pics which made us both sense very horny,we were wondering if u might be interested in trading a few pics with us, my fella gets excited knowing I love looking at nymphs as much as him. lincsladandlas@aol.co Wrote tasha29 very nice, post more shortly xx Wrote h0tty There is nothing like an older woman displaying her stuff!!!NOW lets see it all. Wrote Aristippo Tophat, It's actually the east coast...Charleston, SC to be specific..Thanks for viewing me! xoxo Jen Wrote dielvond1 vtd Superb. Absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous brests. Next time display a copy of your drivers passport because I don't beieve you're over 30. Please post again Wrote pepelo GENERAL COMMENT : Not including this one , this is the WORST collection I have ever seen on VW ! What happened . guys ? Wrote SIT93 wonderfull pics from a beauty modelnice totaly nude and sweet in your nice high heel sandals i love itplease more
const express = require('express') const router = express() const { createWebAPIRequest } = require('../util/util') router.get('/', (req, res) => { const cookie = req.get('Cookie') ? req.get('Cookie') : '' const data = { mvid: req.query.mvid } createWebAPIRequest( 'music.163.com', '/weapi/discovery/simiMV', 'POST', data, cookie, music_req => res.send(music_req), err => res.status(502).send('fetch error') ) }) module.exports = router
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Generous Leverage – Increase your initial capital with generous leverage and get far more exposure to trade than your account balance. Up to Limit Your Risk – You can preset profit and loss levels by using stop losses or take profit limits when you trade. Determine the maximum amount you are prepared to risk when speculating on the price, or set a price at which you want to take profits. Future orders like Buy Stops and Buy Limits are also available. Trade Cryptos Against Fiat Currencies – Unlike many exchanges out there, who are restricting their clients to trade only Crypto to Crypto, our clients can trade Cryptos against Fiat currencies (USD, EUR, JPY etc.), as well. Bitcoin’s Rise to Prominence Around 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto founded the first ever cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. At the time, a paper explaining its mechanics and the ideology behind it, was published through the Cryptography Mailing List. The first Bitcoin software client was released in 2009, and Nakamoto collaborated with many other developers on the open-source team, never revealing his identity. By 2011, the enigmatic Bitcoin founder had disappeared. His peers then, understood how valuable this cryptocurrency was and worked feverishly to develop it to its maximum potential. By October 2009, the world’s first Bitcoin exchange was established, and by November of that year 4 million Bitcoins had been ‘mined’. At the time, $1 was the equivalent of 1,309 Bitcoin – a fraction of a penny. Considering how widely Bitcoin fluctuates, that was a real steal: it hit the $10,000 mark within eight years. How Bitcoin Became So Popular Bitcoin was the first digital currency to be created. It is also the most respected, capitalised and traded cryptocurrency in the world. Cryptocurrency trading allows for maximum yield when it is volatile, due to its many ups and downs. This is precisely the reason global traders enjoy Bitcoin trading. The media plays a big part in Bitcoin’s volatility. Whenever a breaking story surfaces, Bitcoin starts to fluctuate and traders have the opportunity to cash in. History has shown that Bitcoin traders and speculators routinely push this digital currency to the forefront of CFD trading. It is increasingly being used as the preferred payment option for merchants, money transfers and trading purposes. Bitcoin enjoys widespread popularity as a financial trading instrument, despite no association with governments or central banks. Bitcoins are mined with powerful computer hardware and software. A maximum of 21 million Bitcoin will be available, after which no further bitcoins will be produced. The algorithm which governs the production of Bitcoin limits the quantity that will be produced, and the rate at which they will be produced. It is a finite commodity – there is a fixed amount, and that ensures that greater demand will always prop up the price. In this way, it is similar to other finite commodities such as crude oil, silver, or gold. Bitcoin in the News November 2012 – WordPress started accepting bitcoins July 2013 – Launching of a joint project in Kenya, linking bitcoin with M-Pesa, a popular East African mobile payments system. September 2014 – TeraExchange, LLC, received approval from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission to begin listing an over-the-counter swap product based on the price of a bitcoin, marking the first time a U.S. regulatory agency approved a bitcoin financial product. March 2016 – The Cabinet of Japan recognised virtual currencies like bitcoin as having a function similar to real money. December 28, 2017 – Third fork in Bitcoin created: New coin on SegWit2x chain called B2X Need Help Trading Bitcoin? 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Vehicle Wraps for Main Street Businesses Turn Heads &amp Get Results with Vehicle Wraps "It’s awesome. The vehicle wrap builds awareness of my business and does exactly what I wanted it to do — turn heads and get my name out there. You have to do something more to get the phone ringing. My message is embedded in the community. When people see a Hummer or any Remax sign, they think of me. It’s a long-term saturation that goes along with other advertising you do."Bobby LittleRemax Realtor "People say, ‘It looks very professional and you must be professional.’ I haven’t done any advertising other than my truck and some door hangers‚ and I’ve been keeping pretty busy."Jason HolmPositive Plumbing "I ask everyone who calls me how they heard about Catch a Wave‚ and 65 percent of my calls come from my car wrap. It’s my moving billboard. When people see my car wrap they say‚ ‘Oh my gosh‚ that’s awesome. How creative. Where did you get it?’"Angela RothmanCatch a Wave Vacations "I ask people how they heard of me‚ and 20 percent to 30 percent of the time they say ‘I saw your truck.’"Andy ChornyLKS Painting "If you have an unusual car that’s wrapped‚ people want to talk to you. I’ve had people waiting around my car in the supermarket parking lot. It’s a fun‚ very easy way to market. It’s effortless."Lynn HennessyState Farm Insurance "I’ve been installing wraps for 12 years on all kinds of vehicles and it’s a highly effective way to advertise and it builds credibility. I didn’t leave a square inch empty on my vehicles‚" said Kaldes‚ who uses reflective film to highlight his phone number and other features. "The results are great. Dollar to dollar if you compare the costs and exposure‚ there’s no comparison."Ray KaldesSigns of Profit
Loving your Job and the People You Work with (by Saskia Tjepkema) As the Dutch IT firm Schuberg Philis grew, it started to become more of an “organization.” In his keynote address Thurday, information manager Ilja Heitlager explains: “Without realising it, we created departments and hierarchy, inadvertently alienating our experts from our customer. Our people are very skilled and focused, but they were lost. In times of crisis, however, for instance if a machine broke down, multidisciplinary teams were created, with experts in the front. And the whole energy changed.” Schuberg Philis decided to make this interdisciplinary approach their way of working all the time. They linked their experts closer to the customer, by making them fully responsible for their systems. “Our people are not running an IT machine, they are running a bank,” says Ilja. “If the machine breaks down, people can’t draw money, and they know it”. The conversations changed. “If people are responsible for the system, and something happens, they don’t talk about the past (‘what happened’, ‘what went wrong’, ‘why did it break down?’) or about others (‘they should just…’),” says Ilja. “Instead, they talk about the future and about themselves (‘how do we solve it’, ‘how can we get the bank up and running?’).” At Schuberg Philis they call this this cupfighter mentality. Another thing that happened is that people built more personal relations with customers. Ilja tells of finding phone numbers of the company’s engineers scribbled on whiteboards in customers’ offices. “They know whom to call, instead of just having to rely on an anonymous 0800 number.” This year, the company decided to take this way of working to the next level. While the company used to work with chain-optimizing methods such as the theory of constraints and looking for the weakest link, this always drained the energy from the room. “I wanted to talk about: what makes people get up in the morning? What do they bring to work?” says Ilja. With David Cooperrider the company organised a three-day Appreciative Inquiry (AI) summit, with over 200 people. Employees as well as clients, family and friends joined. “That summit ended in 16 projects. But that is not the main thing. The main thing is that it gave us 117 people the same energy and a level of affection for each other, their work and our environment, that is stronger than before. And that is what fuels our company right now, making work more meaningful and bringing our company to the next level.”
WELCOME Welcome to Our Digital Heritage, the web presence of a group of Australian researchers concerned with the heritage of the born digital. We take digital heritage to be a multi-disciplinary research area, which encompasses historical, technical, archival and legal concerns. We conduct research on a range of uses of computing, including games, media arts, the demoscene, and computer users themselves, both in Australia and beyond. This site collects together our current projects, our archived projects, and some Australian webpages we host which are not in formal web archives. It also has a feed from our blog, where you can read about our current and past activities, and a list of affiliated researchers.
kevinsheets’s review published on Letterboxd: While i found it watchable, and can't say i particularly DISliked it. I found the whole thing uneven. I mean, is it a horror film? A crime story? A cop movie? What the hell is it? Kevin Smith's excellence for dialogue persists throughout, and the film had a strong look, but on the whole it was quite forgettable. Report this review kevinsheets is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. Get your own account.
Getting To The Point – Experts Ways To Allow You To Vend Your Real Estate To The Real Estate Investing Ornaization The property investment is gaining popularity by the day. A lot of investors are now getting into the business of building the real estate and selling them. The society prefer to buy the already made house rather than buying and starting the construction project. An increase of the selling of the real estate is making the practice challenging even to the agencies. The supply is superseding the demand. It is difficult to sell a house unless you have the criteria to be in a position to sell it with no time. Involving the realtors is not a perfect solution either. This is because most home buyers like to go directly to the owner of the home instead of following the agency. It is because people are familiar with the lies in the real estate today. The best trick nowadays is to sell the home yourself because you are likely going to sell the home faster and again you will avoid the charges that the agencies would charge you. It is possible to sell your property at an affordable cost to draw the attention of several buyers to open the doors of selling the property quick. Discussed in the article are the things that can enable you to sell your real estate quick and make a lot of profit. It is not possible to change the location of your property. But making it possible for the real estate investment company to access your property is the best thing you can do. You can do this by making the road to your home passable and comfortable for them to get in there. On the same, you need to make sure you improve the way in a way that it can take them a short duration to access the main roads and the shops form your property. It is a good way to create some competition among several real estate agencies. Pricing the home right is another important aspect you need to consider. It is because there is no buyer who can enter into a deal over an overrated home. The first impression of by the customers of the home is very crucial. You need to make your home look good by keeping the grass short, make the lawns to look beautiful or you can even plant new flowers and do some painting. Still, you need to involve some marketing agents such as the close friends when you need to sell your property fats and at a profit. You can as well post photos online.
i remember saying last year at draft time that the reason it would be smart to slightly reach for Tannehill at pick #8 was because if he returned to A&M for his senior year he would be the #1 pick in the 2013 draft and more than likely out of our reach. And that's what draft analysts are saying now. That this draft is weak at quarterback and that Ryan would have graded out much higher than Geno Smith or Matt Barkley......and that Tannehill would be headed to the Chiefs with the top pick in April. I feel great knowing that, like we're ahead of the curve and instead of having to blow a pick on a signal caller this year and then wait til he grows as a rookie again.....thats process is all over now and we can spend all of our picks at positions that make quicker impacts in the NFL. And now we build around our franchise QB. That was a smart move last year by Ireland and it sets him up in good shape this offseason. Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:50 pm Rock Sexton Phinfever Legend Joined: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:48 pmPosts: 6067 Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April You're assuming he would've played lights out. Anything can happen. Look what happened to Barkley's draft stock this year. _________________ Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:55 pm swerve13 2014 Phinfever VIP! Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:52 amPosts: 7666Location: Lancaster, PA Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April Even if he didn't play lights out he'd still be the top quarterback and that's what the Chiefs are going to take at #1. Geno Smith and Barkley didn't play lights out this year. And Tannehill has better combine measurables, bigger arm, better pocket presence, can make more pro throws than either. Smith is not the best player in the 2013 NFL Draft. We have him rated as the 16th best prospect overall. But it won't be a surprise for the Chiefs to use the top pick on him because of how desperately they need a starting quarterback. Of course if Kansas City reloads its front office, the Chiefs could go after a veteran free agent. Or fall in love with another quarterback in the draft. It's also true that Smith faded toward the end of the season, but he still has good talent. To really secure a top five draft position, Smith should participate in the Senior Bowl. His combine measurables will also be important – namely his hand size after he had issues holding the ball in the Pinstripe Bowl. - SBnation.com Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:28 pm Rock Sexton Phinfever Legend Joined: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:48 pmPosts: 6067 Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April swerve13 wrote: Even if he didn't play lights out he'd still be the top quarterback and that's what the Chiefs are going to take at #1. Geno Smith and Barkley didn't play lights out this year. And Tannehill has better combine measurables, bigger arm, better pocket presence, can make more pro throws than either. Measureables or not, if he had a so-so season or sub-par one he would not be a guaranteed top pick in the draft. Guys can play themselves out of that slot. _________________ Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:44 pm wkloiber13 Phinfever Legend Joined: Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:59 pmPosts: 5117 Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April Rock Sexton wrote: swerve13 wrote: Even if he didn't play lights out he'd still be the top quarterback and that's what the Chiefs are going to take at #1. Geno Smith and Barkley didn't play lights out this year. And Tannehill has better combine measurables, bigger arm, better pocket presence, can make more pro throws than either. Measureables or not, if he had a so-so season or sub-par one he would not be a guaranteed top pick in the draft. Guys can play themselves out of that slot. Not necessarily. Just look at a guy like Jake Locker. He played aweful his senior year. But he was still drafted top ten because of how well he played his junior year and because he had rare athletic ability. With every prospect it all boils down to their skillset and ability. Production is a big part of where guys get picked, but often times good players are on bad teams, so you wind up having to evaluate guys more based on their skillset. Just look at a guy like Jake Cutler. The guy only won 11 games his entire college career. His numbers were very mediocre by college standards. But he was a 1st round pick because of his skillset. I'm not saying production doesn't play a part, but based on Tannehill's growth in such a short period of time, one could reasonably believe that he was primed to improve and have a good season. All indicators were saying that this was a kid on his way up. But this is all irrelevant because Tannehill and Sherman are attached at the hip and there was no way Tannehill was going to stick around in a transitional year and risk his draft status. All of these guys talk to evaluators. Once Tannehill found out he'd be a 1st round pick, it was an easy decision I'm sure. Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:03 pm Rock Sexton Phinfever Legend Joined: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:48 pmPosts: 6067 Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April wkloiber13 wrote: Not necessarily. Just look at a guy like Jake Locker. He played aweful his senior year. But he was still drafted top ten because of how well he played his junior year and because he had rare athletic ability. With every prospect it all boils down to their skillset and ability. Production is a big part of where guys get picked, but often times good players are on bad teams, so you wind up having to evaluate guys more based on their skillset. Just look at a guy like Jake Cutler. The guy only won 11 games his entire college career. His numbers were very mediocre by college standards. But he was a 1st round pick because of his skillset. I'm not saying production doesn't play a part, but based on Tannehill's growth in such a short period of time, one could reasonably believe that he was primed to improve and have a good season. All indicators were saying that this was a kid on his way up. But this is all irrelevant because Tannehill and Sherman are attached at the hip and there was no way Tannehill was going to stick around in a transitional year and risk his draft status. All of these guys talk to evaluators. Once Tannehill found out he'd be a 1st round pick, it was an easy decision I'm sure. Jake Locker didn't go #1 in the draft. Got anything else for me? I mean by your logic Michael Egnew should've gone higher than the 3rd round based on his junior year. He was an All-Big 12 and concensus 1st team All-American. Lets say Tannehill sucked it up like Barkley did or got injured. He might not be #1 overall & if he was it would be by default. I am not sure I am getting this thread. Is this another attempt to justify another losing season by implying that we got a steal at #8 because he might be the #1 in the draft the following year. I mean why not just imply that he is by far head & shoulders better than the 2 Quarterbacks taken ahead of him in his draft year. Taking him at #8 was not a reach , we needed a QB & he had ties to our staff & he was there at 8. Had he not been taken at 8 , Ireland would have had his "acorns" tied & bound by most Dolphin fans. Look most of us here like the guy but this pedestal thing is getting out of hand. Lets see where we are at in 2 years. Why not start a thread on how he should be rookie of the year. _________________2015. Jets & Bills new regimes & no QB. Pats , nowhere to go but down. We come back with best young QB in the game plus we keep the best regime intact. Making of dynasty. Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:20 pm Rock Sexton Phinfever Legend Joined: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:48 pmPosts: 6067 Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April FINesse wrote: I am not sure I am getting this thread. Is this another attempt to justify another losing season by implying that we got a steal at #8 because he might be the #1 in the draft the following year. Oh c'mon, nobody on here would do such a thing. _________________ Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:38 pm FrustratedFinFan Phinfever Legend Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:30 amPosts: 2842 Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April Russell Wilson was a steal. Luck and RGIII lived up to their lofty draft status. All 3 are in the playoffs. We gave up a top pick for a guy who has yet to deliver......there is hope, but I want results. Maybe next year? _________________Philbin's countenance exudes confidence!1984 was so long ago...Will there ever be another rainbow? Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:06 pm AQNOR 2014 Phinfever VIP! Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:17 amPosts: 3866 Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April FrustratedFinFan wrote: Russell Wilson was a steal. Luck and RGIII lived up to their lofty draft status. All 3 are in the playoffs. We gave up a top pick for a guy who has yet to deliver......there is hope, but I want results. Maybe next year? Nice summation. Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:37 am Kev1321 2013 Phinfever VIP Donor Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 3:56 pmPosts: 3355Location: MA. Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April Luck for all the good he did...Has some things to cleanup himself... His qb rating is right there with Tanny 76.5 to 76.1. His comp.% is 54 which was the lowest in the league(Lower than Sanchize) and he had 18 picks...Surrounded by a heck of alot more talent than Tannehill and going into an established system. Anyway i think i heard Tannehill would'nt have been taken until the second round if not for those guys staying in school. He's not worthy Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:03 am degs Phinfever Legend Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:05 pmPosts: 2463Location: NSW, Australia Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April FrustratedFinFan wrote: Russell Wilson was a steal. Luck and RGIII lived up to their lofty draft status. All 3 are in the playoffs. We gave up a top pick for a guy who has yet to deliver......there is hope, but I want results. Maybe next year? "had yet to deliver"..????That's a bit harsh. It makes it sound like he was a flop.We all knew he was raw and had a lot of learning to do. He played well without much of a supporting cast. Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:50 am Big Dave Phinfever Owner/Admin Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:41 amPosts: 9748Location: Raleigh, NC Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April degs wrote: FrustratedFinFan wrote: Russell Wilson was a steal. Luck and RGIII lived up to their lofty draft status. All 3 are in the playoffs. We gave up a top pick for a guy who has yet to deliver......there is hope, but I want results. Maybe next year? "had yet to deliver"..????That's a bit harsh. It makes it sound like he was a flop.We all knew he was raw and had a lot of learning to do. He played well without much of a supporting cast. He has delivered, and if you look at his progress this year there is no reason to think that he would not be the overall #1 pick in the draft this year. He would have had a very good senior year at Texas A&M. Russell Wilson was a steal. Luck and RGIII lived up to their lofty draft status. All 3 are in the playoffs. We gave up a top pick for a guy who has yet to deliver......there is hope, but I want results. Maybe next year? No question had Tannehill stayed at A & M and if he was again the starter (Manziel as a freshman would have been on the bench) he would have grown even more as a QB heading into the NFL. Tannehill in my opinion was still very green as a QB and the Dolphins knew that and he still started and played his rookie year. Next season is a year that I am really hoping bigger things from the kid. Give him some more line protection and more offensive weapons too. There is good reason for us fans to be more excited than in years past at the QB spot. Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:55 am degs Phinfever Legend Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:05 pmPosts: 2463Location: NSW, Australia Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April Big Dave wrote: He has delivered, and if you look at his progress this year there is no reason to think that he would not be the overall #1 pick in the draft this year. He would have had a very good senior year at Texas A&M. I agree with the naysayers. I don't think that is a reasonable assumption. He could have gotten hurt or not done well under a different HC. Being the #1 pick isn't easy to earn. Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:00 am jammer 2013 Phinfever VIP Donor Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:10 pmPosts: 6734Location: Topsfield, MA Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April Wasn't Barkley considered the better prospect last year before he decided to return to USC? Outside of Barkley's intangibles, I can agree that Tannehill probably is the most talented QB versus this year's prospects. But the thread topic is a pretty wild assumption. Give him this much credit though...he had what would normally be considered a good rookie year on a team that wasn't built too well. No one thought he was ready to start and he ended up being much better than most expected. He has a lot of things to work on but has shown enough upside and flashes for us to think that he can be a good starter for a long time. Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:04 am wkloiber13 Phinfever Legend Joined: Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:59 pmPosts: 5117 Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April Rock Sexton wrote: wkloiber13 wrote: Not necessarily. Just look at a guy like Jake Locker. He played aweful his senior year. But he was still drafted top ten because of how well he played his junior year and because he had rare athletic ability. With every prospect it all boils down to their skillset and ability. Production is a big part of where guys get picked, but often times good players are on bad teams, so you wind up having to evaluate guys more based on their skillset. Just look at a guy like Jake Cutler. The guy only won 11 games his entire college career. His numbers were very mediocre by college standards. But he was a 1st round pick because of his skillset. I'm not saying production doesn't play a part, but based on Tannehill's growth in such a short period of time, one could reasonably believe that he was primed to improve and have a good season. All indicators were saying that this was a kid on his way up. But this is all irrelevant because Tannehill and Sherman are attached at the hip and there was no way Tannehill was going to stick around in a transitional year and risk his draft status. All of these guys talk to evaluators. Once Tannehill found out he'd be a 1st round pick, it was an easy decision I'm sure. Jake Locker didn't go #1 in the draft. Got anything else for me? I mean by your logic Michael Egnew should've gone higher than the 3rd round based on his junior year. He was an All-Big 12 and concensus 1st team All-American. A quarterback doesn't go 1st overall every year. The writer of this article was simply pointing out that with the need for quarterbacks at the top end of the draft, there is a good chance that Tannehill could have potentially gone 1st overall had he improved off of his junior season. As far as Egnew, he fell for a reason. Low wonderlic score and he probably tested out poorly on the chalkboard. The guy has the physical ability, he just lacks the mental side of things. Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:23 am shularino 2014 Phinfever VIP! Joined: Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:49 pmPosts: 1512Location: Charlotte, NC Re: if Tannehill had stayed in school, he'd be going #1 in April I'm extremely impressed with Tannehill and glad we drafted him...........he may very well have gone #1 overall.........or he could have benched in favor of Manziel and dropped to a late round pick. Not sure what difference it makes now.
defmodule Absinthe.Execution.SubscriptionTest do use Absinthe.Case import ExUnit.CaptureLog defmodule PubSub do @behaviour Absinthe.Subscription.Pubsub def start_link() do Registry.start_link(keys: :unique, name: __MODULE__) end def node_name() do node() end def subscribe(topic) do Registry.register(__MODULE__, topic, []) :ok end def publish_subscription(topic, data) do message = %{ topic: topic, event: "subscription:data", result: data } Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, topic, fn entries -> for {pid, _} <- entries, do: send(pid, {:broadcast, message}) end) end def publish_mutation(_proxy_topic, _mutation_result, _subscribed_fields) do # this pubsub is local and doesn't support clusters :ok end end defmodule Schema do use Absinthe.Schema query do # Query type must exist end object :user do field :id, :id field :name, :string field :group, :group do resolve fn user, _, %{context: %{test_pid: pid}} -> batch({__MODULE__, :batch_get_group, pid}, nil, fn _results -> {:ok, user.group} end) end end end object :group do field :name, :string end def batch_get_group(test_pid, _) do # send a message to the test process every time we access this function. # if batching is working properly, it should only happen once. send(test_pid, :batch_get_group) %{} end subscription do field :raises, :string do config fn _, _ -> {:ok, topic: "*"} end resolve fn _, _, _ -> raise "boom" end end field :user, :user do arg :id, :id config fn args, _ -> {:ok, topic: args[:id] || "*"} end trigger :update_user, topic: fn user -> [user.id, "*"] end end field :thing, :string do arg :client_id, non_null(:id) config fn _args, %{context: %{authorized: false}} -> {:error, "unauthorized"} args, _ -> { :ok, topic: args.client_id } end end field :multiple_topics, :string do config fn _, _ -> {:ok, topic: ["topic_1", "topic_2", "topic_3"]} end end field :other_user, :user do arg :id, :id config fn args, %{context: %{context_id: context_id, document_id: document_id}} -> {:ok, topic: args[:id] || "*", context_id: context_id, document_id: document_id} args, %{context: %{context_id: context_id}} -> {:ok, topic: args[:id] || "*", context_id: context_id} end end field :relies_on_document, :string do config fn _, %{document: %Absinthe.Blueprint{} = document} -> %{type: :subscription, name: op_name} = Absinthe.Blueprint.current_operation(document) {:ok, topic: "*", context_id: "*", document_id: op_name} end end end mutation do field :update_user, :user do arg :id, non_null(:id) resolve fn _, %{id: id}, _ -> {:ok, %{id: id, name: "foo"}} end end end end setup_all do {:ok, _} = PubSub.start_link() {:ok, _} = Absinthe.Subscription.start_link(PubSub) :ok end @query """ subscription ($clientId: ID!) { thing(clientId: $clientId) } """ test "can subscribe the current process" do client_id = "abc" assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => topic}} = run_subscription( @query, Schema, variables: %{"clientId" => client_id}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub} ) Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", thing: client_id) assert_receive({:broadcast, msg}) assert %{ event: "subscription:data", result: %{data: %{"thing" => "foo"}}, topic: topic } == msg end @query """ subscription ($clientId: ID!) { thing(clientId: $clientId) } """ test "can unsubscribe the current process" do client_id = "abc" assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => topic}} = run_subscription( @query, Schema, variables: %{"clientId" => client_id}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub} ) Absinthe.Subscription.unsubscribe(PubSub, topic) Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", thing: client_id) refute_receive({:broadcast, _}) end @query """ subscription { multipleTopics } """ test "schema can provide multiple topics to subscribe to" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => topic}} = run_subscription( @query, Schema, variables: %{}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub} ) msg = %{ event: "subscription:data", result: %{data: %{"multipleTopics" => "foo"}}, topic: topic } Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", multiple_topics: "topic_1") assert_receive({:broadcast, ^msg}) Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", multiple_topics: "topic_2") assert_receive({:broadcast, ^msg}) Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", multiple_topics: "topic_3") assert_receive({:broadcast, ^msg}) end @query """ subscription { multipleTopics } """ test "unsubscription works when multiple topics are provided" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => topic}} = run_subscription( @query, Schema, variables: %{}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub} ) Absinthe.Subscription.unsubscribe(PubSub, topic) Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", multiple_topics: "topic_1") refute_receive({:broadcast, _}) Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", multiple_topics: "topic_2") refute_receive({:broadcast, _}) Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", multiple_topics: "topic_3") refute_receive({:broadcast, _}) end @query """ subscription ($clientId: ID!) { thing(clientId: $clientId, extra: 1) } """ test "can return errors properly" do assert { :ok, %{ errors: [ %{ locations: [%{column: 30, line: 2}], message: "Unknown argument \"extra\" on field \"thing\" of type \"RootSubscriptionType\"." } ] } } == run_subscription(@query, Schema, variables: %{"clientId" => "abc"}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub} ) end @query """ subscription ($userId: ID!) { user(id: $userId) { id name } } """ test "subscription triggers work" do id = "1" assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => topic}} = run_subscription( @query, Schema, variables: %{"userId" => id}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub} ) mutation = """ mutation ($userId: ID!) { updateUser(id: $userId) { id name } } """ assert {:ok, %{data: _}} = run_subscription(mutation, Schema, variables: %{"userId" => id}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub} ) assert_receive({:broadcast, msg}) assert %{ event: "subscription:data", result: %{data: %{"user" => %{"id" => "1", "name" => "foo"}}}, topic: topic } == msg end @query """ subscription ($clientId: ID!) { thing(clientId: $clientId) } """ test "can return an error tuple from the topic function" do assert {:ok, %{errors: [%{locations: [%{column: 3, line: 2}], message: "unauthorized"}]}} == run_subscription( @query, Schema, variables: %{"clientId" => "abc"}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub, authorized: false} ) end @query """ subscription Example { reliesOnDocument } """ test "topic function receives a document" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => _topic}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, context: %{pubsub: PubSub}) end @query """ subscription ($clientId: ID!) { thing(clientId: $clientId) } """ test "stringifies topics" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => topic}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, variables: %{"clientId" => "1"}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub} ) Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", thing: 1) assert_receive({:broadcast, msg}) assert %{ event: "subscription:data", result: %{data: %{"thing" => "foo"}}, topic: topic } == msg end test "isn't tripped up if one of the subscription docs raises" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => _}} = run_subscription("subscription { raises }", Schema) assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => topic}} = run_subscription("subscription { thing(clientId: \"*\")}", Schema) error_log = capture_log(fn -> Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", raises: "*", thing: "*") assert_receive({:broadcast, msg}) assert %{ event: "subscription:data", result: %{data: %{"thing" => "foo"}}, topic: topic } == msg end) assert String.contains?(error_log, "boom") end @tag :pending test "different subscription docs are batched together" do opts = [context: %{test_pid: self()}] assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc1}} = run_subscription("subscription { user { group { name } id} }", Schema, opts) # different docs required for test, otherwise they get deduplicated from the start assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc2}} = run_subscription("subscription { user { group { name } id name} }", Schema, opts) user = %{id: "1", name: "Alicia", group: %{name: "Elixir Users"}} Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, user, user: ["*", user.id]) assert_receive({:broadcast, %{topic: ^doc1, result: %{data: _}}}) assert_receive({:broadcast, %{topic: ^doc2, result: %{data: %{"user" => user}}}}) assert user["group"]["name"] == "Elixir Users" # we should get this just once due to batching assert_receive(:batch_get_group) refute_receive(:batch_get_group) end test "subscription docs with different contexts don't leak context" do ctx1 = %{test_pid: self(), user: 1} assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc1}} = run_subscription("subscription { user { group { name } id} }", Schema, context: ctx1) ctx2 = %{test_pid: self(), user: 2} # different docs required for test, otherwise they get deduplicated from the start assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc2}} = run_subscription("subscription { user { group { name } id name} }", Schema, context: ctx2 ) user = %{id: "1", name: "Alicia", group: %{name: "Elixir Users"}} Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, user, user: ["*", user.id]) assert_receive({:broadcast, %{topic: ^doc1, result: %{data: _}}}) assert_receive({:broadcast, %{topic: ^doc2, result: %{data: %{"user" => user}}}}) assert user["group"]["name"] == "Elixir Users" # we should get this twice since the different contexts prevent batching. assert_receive(:batch_get_group) assert_receive(:batch_get_group) end describe "subscription_ids" do @query """ subscription { otherUser { id } } """ test "subscriptions with the same context_id and same source document have the same subscription_id" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc1}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"}) assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc2}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"}) assert doc1 == doc2 end @query """ subscription { otherUser { id } } """ test "subscriptions with different context_id but the same source document have different subscription_ids" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc1}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"}) assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc2}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, context: %{context_id: "not-logged-in"}) assert doc1 != doc2 end test "subscriptions with same context_id but different source document have different subscription_ids" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc1}} = run_subscription("subscription { otherUser { id name } }", Schema, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"} ) assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc2}} = run_subscription("subscription { otherUser { id } }", Schema, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"} ) assert doc1 != doc2 end test "subscriptions with different context_id and different source document have different subscription_ids" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc1}} = run_subscription("subscription { otherUser { id name } }", Schema, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"} ) assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc2}} = run_subscription("subscription { otherUser { id } }", Schema, context: %{context_id: "not-logged-in"} ) assert doc1 != doc2 end @query """ subscription($id: ID!) { otherUser(id: $id) { id } } """ test "subscriptions with the same variables & document have the same subscription_ids" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc1}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, variables: %{"id" => "123"}, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"} ) assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc2}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, variables: %{"id" => "123"}, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"} ) assert doc1 == doc2 end @query """ subscription($id: ID!) { otherUser(id: $id) { id } } """ test "subscriptions with different variables but same document have different subscription_ids" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc1}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, variables: %{"id" => "123"}, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"} ) assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc2}} = run_subscription(@query, Schema, variables: %{"id" => "456"}, context: %{context_id: "logged-in"} ) assert doc1 != doc2 end test "document_id can be provided to override the default logic for deriving document_id" do assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc1}} = run_subscription("subscription { otherUser { id name } }", Schema, context: %{context_id: "logged-in", document_id: "abcdef"} ) assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => doc2}} = run_subscription("subscription { otherUser { name id } }", Schema, context: %{context_id: "logged-in", document_id: "abcdef"} ) assert doc1 == doc2 end end @query """ subscription ($clientId: ID!) { thing(clientId: $clientId) } """ test "subscription executes telemetry events", context do client_id = "abc" :telemetry.attach_many( context.test, [ [:absinthe, :execute, :operation, :start], [:absinthe, :execute, :operation, :stop], [:absinthe, :subscription, :publish, :start], [:absinthe, :subscription, :publish, :stop] ], fn event, measurements, metadata, config -> send(self(), {event, measurements, metadata, config}) end, %{} ) assert {:ok, %{"subscribed" => topic}} = run_subscription( @query, Schema, variables: %{"clientId" => client_id}, context: %{pubsub: PubSub} ) assert_receive {[:absinthe, :execute, :operation, :start], measurements, %{id: id}, _config} assert System.convert_time_unit(measurements[:system_time], :native, :millisecond) assert_receive {[:absinthe, :execute, :operation, :stop], _, %{id: ^id}, _config} Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PubSub, "foo", thing: client_id) assert_receive({:broadcast, msg}) assert %{ event: "subscription:data", result: %{data: %{"thing" => "foo"}}, topic: topic } == msg # Subscription events assert_receive {[:absinthe, :subscription, :publish, :start], _, %{id: id}, _config} assert_receive {[:absinthe, :subscription, :publish, :stop], _, %{id: ^id}, _config} :telemetry.detach(context.test) end defp run_subscription(query, schema, opts \\ []) do opts = Keyword.update(opts, :context, %{pubsub: PubSub}, &Map.put(&1, :pubsub, PubSub)) case run(query, schema, opts) do {:ok, %{"subscribed" => topic}} = val -> PubSub.subscribe(topic) val val -> val end end end
U.S. Army Night Vision Parka Shell is a collector's item. It is also a unique fashion piece. It is a parka that can be worn with a quilted liner or not. It is multiseasonal for that reason. It is a khaki green with a digital type of camoflauge that disables others from viewing you at night. But dont come back to us if your caught frolicking in the park...It also has an interesting fishtail curve in the bask of the jacket. * Collector's Item * Button Front * Built in hood * Fish Tail Back awsome item.true too.usa made.strong material.water resistant.wind proof.new condition.comfy.great for dark/night time 'stealth' if needed.hunting,or border patrol.i got a small in both pants and jacket bc its made tiny bit bigger-gota wear it over clothes/bdu's etc.i normally wear a size med/reg,military fit clothing so figure it out.
Freedom Watch Drone War Picks Up Again in Pakistan According to reports, three separate drone attacks in Pakistan’s South Waziristan mountains killed at least 17 people Tuesday. The AP reported that eight suspected militants were among the dead in a separate strike in North Waziristan today. The attacks are the latest in a string of strikes since the new year began. The holiday period also saw a number of drone attacks launched against militants in Yemen after a comparatively quiet period. Meanwhile, criticism of the U.S.’s drone wars remains fierce at home and abroad. A new study by one of President Obama’s former security advisers deemed the drone program counterproductive, “encouraging a new arms race that will empower current and future rivals and lay the foundations for an international system that is increasingly violent,” the Guardian noted Tuesday. Michael Boyle, who was on Obama’s counterterrorism group in the run-up to the president’s election in 2008, said the U.S. administration’s growing reliance on drone technology was having “adverse strategic effects that have not been properly weighed against the tactical gains associated with killing terrorists.” Civilian casualties were likely to be far higher than had been acknowledged, he said. Reports estimate that the CIA and the military have killed about 2,500 people with drone attacks. A report by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism stated that under the Obama administration between 2008 and 2011 drone strikes killed between 282 and 535 civilians, including 60 children. The number of civilian drone deaths up until now is a subject of upcoming U.N. investigations. Critics of U.S. drone attacks have raised concerns about the nomination of John Brennan as CIA director. Brennan, Obama’s chief counterterrorism adviser, is considered a key architect of the drone program and the creeping militarization of CIA activity.
The global SCADA systems market is prognosticated to witness a surge in its demand during the forecast period due to the rise in industrial sector. Industrial sector uses SCADA systems as this helps in getting better efficiency, communicate system issues to help mitigate downtime, and process data for smarter decisions. Rise in innovation accompanied with the advent of latest technology is bolstering the growth of the market, reports Market Research Reports.biz. In a 93 pages report titled, “Global SCADA Systems Market Insights, Forecast to 2025”, offers a complete overview of the market. The report also carries various market dynamics such as trends, opportunity, and restraints which are likely to have a tremendous on the growth of the market. Rise in uptake of cloud-based SCADA system for infrastructural growth such as transportation and smart cities is promoting the growth of SCADA system market. Another factor which is pushing the market forward is the high penetration of mobile SCADA systems worldwide, due to its firm factor and friendly interface. Rise in the research and development activities in the wireless sensor network in SCADA accompanied with need for big data with analytics have increased the efficiency of SCADA systems, thus creating a lucrative opportunity for the market. SCADA systems finds it application in various industry such as oil and gas, food and beverages, energy and power, water and waste water, telecommunication, manufacturing, transportation, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and others. Amongst these, the water and waste water management segment is anticipated to witness an exponential rise in its demand due to the high requirement of recycling of waste water in order to reduce the scarcity of water all across the planet. Increase in development of water/wastewater management facilities in Middle East and Africa and Asia Pacific is envisaged to promote the growth of the global SCADA systems market. Government’s initiative in treating waste water across the developing countries is contributing the market growth. SCADA is known to play a vital role in the digitization process associated to the industry 4.0. In order to stay up-to-date one needs to stay abreast with the latest standard and technologies. SCADA aids this opportunity to various industries to get a head start. SCADA is known to connect Internet of Things with business, thus giving an entire picture to the one in control. It has become important for business to use SCADA system. This has helped the market to grow. However, complex setup accompanied with high cost are predicted to pull down the growth of the market. Small industries which could not afford such hefty fund, fail to install SCADA systems and thus could not meet the desired boost that was required. Data breach is another factor which is harming the growth of the market. Geographically, the market is spread across, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World. Amongst the pack, Asia Pacific holds a lion share due significant contribution made by China. Some of the major prominent players are present in this country, allowing the region to hold maximum share in the years to come. Some of the major players in the market are Honeywell, Siemens, T&D Engineering, IDS GmbH, GE, and Yokogawa.
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Santa Barbara Archives for April 2012 One of the great joys of our friendship comes from sharing our holidays. For many years we have been lucky enough to celebrate both the Jewish traditions with Rhona’s family and the Italian traditions with Joan’s family. As Passover and Easter rapidly approach (and they fall on the same weekend this year) we find ourselves in heavy planning mode — making lists, shopping, cooking, but also dreaming and remembering. So many of our family celebrations are based on those we remember from our own childhoods, traditions we hope to pass on to the next generation. So we drag out the old faded recipes, tablecloths, photos… and the stories come rushing back. Today we share with you a few sample menus and iconic dishes from our diverse backgrounds, using the fresh ingredients available to us in the Santa Barbara markets. We know you will recognize some of these recipes, and perhaps find some inspiration for your own celebrations in a few of our ideas. As for us, we will sit down at the Seder table together on Friday and then hunt for Easter eggs together on Sunday… our families will share the holidays once again and we will revel in the commonality of our experience as well as the diversity of our traditions. Wishing you all a beautiful holiday weekend spent with loved ones and filled with joy. Rhona’s Passover Seder For me, the holiday is all about family and tradition. As I peel the potatoes, slice the onions, braise the brisket, simmer the carrots, update our family Haggadah (the book that guides our telling of the Passover story), set the table, light the candles, I think about all of the Seders that have taken place all over the world for so many centuries. All the dishes we put on the table on the first night of Passover represent a link to a very old story, but also a timeless one, of freedom, of family, of appreciation for what we have been given. My niece recently made me aware of a poem called “A Passover Love Story,” which reminds us that all the thought that goes into this one meal, the endless details: the Seder plates, the many courses, the recitation of the story, grandma’s silver, mom’s linens, granny’s candlesticks, and the memories: the voices of my grandfather and my father in my head as they read the Hebrew in the Maxwell House Haggadah, the laughter of our children as they searched for the hidden “afikomen,” the Manischewitz wine – all of it is a sort of unspoken code for the passing of tradition from one generation to the next. So here is my partial menu, along with my mother’s recipe for matzo ball soup, an important part of that code, and the symbol of everything Jewish that can heal whatever ails us! There are as many ways to make matzo balls as there are Jewish grandmothers, each recipe claiming to be the best, the fluffiest, the lightest, the densest... it's all according, as my own grandmother used to say. It's what you're used to. For my family, we've gone the route of light and tender, easy on the salt. Ingredients 3 jumbo eggs, separated, yolks beaten 3 tablespoons chicken fat or shortening 3 tablespoons cold water or sparkling water ⅔ cup matzo meal ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill (optional) 1 large onion, chopped (optional) 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (optional) Instructions If using the onion, cook in a heavy skillet in vegetable oil over medium heat until softened, then lower heat and continue cooking until well-browned and fragrant. Be careful not to burn it. In a bowl, combine the egg yolks, chicken fat, water, matzo meal, dill if using, and salt. In an electric mixer, whip the egg whites, then fold it gently into the yolk mixture. If using the onion, add it to the mixture now and combine well. Chill in refrigerator six hours or in freezer one hour. Put a pot of water up to boil. Using a tablespoon measure, scoop and shape by hand into 2" balls, being careful not to over-handle the mix. Drop each ball into the boiling water, cover and cook for at least 30 minutes. Ladle one or two in each person's bowl and cover with your own hot chicken soup or broth. (If you need a basic recipe for the soup, think about simmering a whole chicken in a big pot of water, adding chunks of carrots, onions, celery, parsnips, dill, and parsley. Bring it to a boil and then cook it over a low flame for about an hour before straining out the broth and letting it sit overnight in the refrigerator. The fat will rise to the top so you can scoop it out and discard it. Then just re-heat your clear broth when you're ready to serve it.) 3.2.2807 Joan’s Sicilian Easter Breakfast As children, my sisters and I couldn’t wait for Easter morning – the end of Lent lifting the ban on eating candy, the Easter baskets somehow magically appearing on our beds, and the Easter eggs we colored the day before, now hiding in the house awaiting our discovery. Our hunts took place first thing in the morning because they were needed for Easter breakfast. Our father always helped out the sister with the least eggs, urging her on with, “You’re getting warmer. You’re getting colder.” I’m not sure who had more fun, the three of us rushing around to collect the most eggs or our parents watching our fervent efforts as we upended upholstery, crawled under tables and rummaged through kitchen drawers. When all the eggs were accounted for, we sat down to an amazing breakfast. Along with the newly rescued eggs, our Easter table consisted of an assortment of Italian salami, cheeses and crusty rolls purchased at the local Italian deli. The Easter table would not be complete without our father’s cured black olives. But the star of our Easter table had to be our mother’s Italian Easter Bread. Yes, the braided bread, shaped like a wreath with brightly decorated eggs nestled inside. We adored this festive bread as children. Our mother continued to make this bread for her grandchildren, using the eggs they colored. Her grandchildren were equally delighted. This bread is sure to enchant children of any age and when my daughters are home we love making the bread together and remembering Grandma Julie and her fabulous bread. Here’s our breakfast menu and my mother’s Italian Easter bread recipe. In a large mixing bowl, blend the sugar, salt, and yeast and 1 cup of flour; stir well. In a small saucepan, combine milk and butter, heating slowly until the milk is warm and the butter is melted. Gradually add the milk and butter to the flour mixture, stirring constantly. Add the two eggs and ½ cup flour and beat well. Add the remaining flour, ½ cup at a time, mixing well after each addition. When the dough draws away from the bowl, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes. If the dough is sticky, add more flour in small amounts. Lightly oil a large bowl, and place the dough in the bowl, turning to coat with the oil. Cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm, draft-free place until doubled in volume, about 1 hour. Punch down the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured board. Divide the dough in half. Carefully roll each piece into a 24-inch rope. Loosely braid the two ropes together and form it into a ring on a greased baking sheet. Pinch the ends together to seal. Gently open the braid slightly to make a place for each colored egg. Carefully push the eggs down into the dough as far as possible. Cover the bread with waxed paper and let rise in a warm, draft-free place until double in bulk, about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Beat water and egg together and gently brush the mixture over the dough with a pastry brush. Bake the bread in a preheated 350 degrees oven for about 35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the bread comes out clean. Place onto a wire rack to cool. Once the bread is cool, drizzle the icing on top between the eggs, and decorate with colored sprinkles.
Not commenting on how good good he played as I doubt I’ll change your mind but he started the move that lead to Fletch being one on one with a neat pass on to Reach and he started the move that first got Baker in space down the right with a smart pass round the defender to put Reach in space. Don’t know if you’ve forgotten these or choosing to ignore them. The injury wasn’t made up. Even KW admitted he’d missed a training session due to a knock in his twitter post. The disagreement was over the severity of it, KW felt he was fine to carry on, I imagine (but don’t know) JL probably agreed but saw it as a useful reason for not including him. This deal could have an impact on us. If Chelsea don’t go for Butland (they were evens with the bookies as his new club) then I don’t know who will. If no one goes for butland then Stoke aren’t going to come in for Westwood. My understanding was that the good doctor him indoors couldn’t get his money out of China to bankroll Villa hence the hmrc issues. Nw people came in and paid up all the tax issues etc. However they have no idea embargo yet. Next season they will do so they’re going all out for promotion again this year. May well be miles over he limits if hey miss out. Agreed. What I would say about that is that DC and Katrien were in constant dialogue with EFL during the meeting in an attempt to come to an agreement that will allow us to sign players. Probably not before Thursday but loans before end of August. From why they said yesterday I’m confident that all are aware that Rb remains a weakness. If we get everything sorted hopefully we will get our replacement in. Unfortunately we are not in a position to get players in before selling others. I understand you point and like you say people have their own views. I think the club view is that £50k (if that is correct I’ve not seen a figure before) this season doesn’t cover much for a multimillion pound company. It also leaves us open to a continually decreasing figure, next time the Beeb might offer £40k then £30k etc. Whereas this season we might get 2000 more customers. Next season we might get 2000 more etc (figures plucked from my head to illustrate point). Eventually we will be in a much stronger position. It’s one of those odd things with our club at the moment where people are worrying about the immediate success and the future success. I think this is a decision that has been made to strengthen the future of the club. I guess the club felt that becuse this was over a relatively small fee (in the grand scheme of things) they could afford to take a stand. I do however agree that we will surely be worse off this season. Help with accessing. Not purchasing for them. We have enough money trouble as it is. Lol They know it won’t be popular with all. Only 92% have access to the internet (I believe this was the figure shared yesterday.) however they can offer those 92% a better service which won’t be interrupted to spend 5 minutes talking about pigs, mini pigs and dingles. (Best reaction of the night came when 99% of fans in attendance were in uproar after a fan suggested owls fans prefer to listen to the radio because we want to hear the games of the pigs,mini pigs and dingles as well as our updates. ) As as they admitted last night nobody wants to pay for something that was once free however they will be able to offer a better product to fans this way. One that is uninterrupted by rivals. A good point that I hadn’t given much thought before last night was that old fans who can no longer attend games will now be able to listen to all Wednesday games instead of just some away games. You’re right in the sense that if we want positive PR we should suck up to the Beeb and accept whatever they offer us. We have taken a riskier and bolder strategy but one that may pay off in the long run. I can definitely see more clubs following us in the future. Absolutely. It was Carlos that wanted Rhodes DC wasn’t sure but backed CC. Reference to fans was only that they all wanted him when he signed but changed their mind later. When DC talks, he talks a lot so I’m not saying it is intentional misleading from anyone but he didn’t buy him for the fans he bought him for Carlos. He spoke about this at the January meeting and was probably more clear about it then. Selling Hunt was a decision by the club. Mention of fans was only to say that they had had a drastic change of view since his departure. I agree about transfer fees. I think DC is eager not to be taken advantage of but we’re clearly in a weak bargaining position. Hopefully they get as good a deal as possible. At least it will be his wages off the books. And long term will help increase the ability (&value) of the youngsters which is positive. Memberships- won’t change, wouldn’t be fair on those who have already purchased. I do imagine however it will change back to £50 deal next year. Radio- we won’t be letting the BBC bully us. Explained last night that most fans do have access to internet and the club are willing to support people who have difficulty accessing the service. Also spoke about wanting to offer a free trial month but need the efl to grant us permission first. Really hate the term ‘fake news’. Really, really hate it. Please don’t make me start talking like trump. Thats not true. He repeated last night what he said in January at the meeting then. Carlos wanted Rhodes. DC wasn’t convinced we needed him but trusted Carlos’ views and backed him financially. All he said about fans was that they all thought it was great business at the time. Everyone wanted Rhodes when we signed him and now they all point at it as terrible business. Hindsight. With Hunt he said that fans were critical of Hunt last season. Many said he (and Palmer) weren’t good enough yet as soon as he’s sold people talk about him like he’s amazing. He never said he was influenced into selling Jack Hunt only that there seemed a drastic change in opinion of Hunt before and after the sale. Your two posts seem to contradict each other. Are you worried we’re trying to get too much or not trying to get enough? DC made no mention of specific fees (or which players) that have been offered but I don’t think anyone would expect him to disclose that sort of information while talks are on going. Okay, so nothing specific about transfers just a general negativity? DC spoke quite extensively about not giving things away for less than they’re worth (Not transfers but sponsorship, radio commentary rights etc). Nothing about the meeting made me think we’d be weak negotiators. They didn’t talk specifics but admitted they received really low bids for players from clubs thinking they could take advantage of us. DC having none of it. Hopefully that continues.
--- src/client.c.org Tue Nov 30 13:49:23 2004 +++ src/client.c Wed Dec 1 12:42:01 2004 @@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ static size_t try_read_from_server PROTO ((char *, size_t)); +static void proxy_connect PROTO ((cvsroot_t *, int)); static void auth_server PROTO ((cvsroot_t *, struct buffer *, struct buffer *, int, int, struct hostent *)); @@ -3762,7 +3763,7 @@ int port_number; struct sockaddr_in client_sai; struct hostent *hostinfo; - struct buffer *to_server, *from_server; + struct buffer *local_to_server, *local_from_server; sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock == -1) @@ -3770,7 +3771,17 @@ error (1, 0, "cannot create socket: %s", SOCK_STRERROR (SOCK_ERRNO)); } port_number = get_cvs_port_number (root); + + /* if we have a proxy connect to that instead */ + if(root->proxy) + { + hostinfo = init_sockaddr (&client_sai, root->proxy, root->proxy_port); + } + else + { hostinfo = init_sockaddr (&client_sai, root->hostname, port_number); + } + if (trace) { fprintf (stderr, " -> Connecting to %s(%s):%d\n", @@ -3780,29 +3791,41 @@ if (connect (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &client_sai, sizeof (client_sai)) < 0) error (1, 0, "connect to %s(%s):%d failed: %s", - root->hostname, + root->proxy ? root->proxy : root->hostname, inet_ntoa (client_sai.sin_addr), - port_number, SOCK_STRERROR (SOCK_ERRNO)); + root->proxy ? root->proxy_port : port_number, + SOCK_STRERROR (SOCK_ERRNO)); - make_bufs_from_fds (sock, sock, 0, &to_server, &from_server, 1); + make_bufs_from_fds (sock, sock, 0, &local_to_server, &local_from_server, 1); - auth_server (root, to_server, from_server, verify_only, do_gssapi, hostinfo); + if(root->proxy) + { + // REALLY ugly hack to allow proxy_connect() to use send_to_server(). + // The proper fix would be to remove the global to_server & from_server + // variables, and instead let send_to_server() etc. take the target + // server struct as a paramter. + to_server = local_to_server; + from_server = local_from_server; + proxy_connect (root, port_number); + } + + auth_server (root, local_to_server, local_from_server, verify_only, do_gssapi, hostinfo); if (verify_only) { int status; - status = buf_shutdown (to_server); + status = buf_shutdown (local_to_server); if (status != 0) error (0, status, "shutting down buffer to server"); - buf_free (to_server); - to_server = NULL; + buf_free (local_to_server); + local_to_server = NULL; - status = buf_shutdown (from_server); + status = buf_shutdown (local_from_server); if (status != 0) error (0, status, "shutting down buffer from server"); - buf_free (from_server); - from_server = NULL; + buf_free (local_from_server); + local_from_server = NULL; /* Don't need to set server_started = 0 since we don't set it to 1 * until returning from this call. @@ -3810,11 +3833,53 @@ } else { - *to_server_p = to_server; - *from_server_p = from_server; + *to_server_p = local_to_server; + *from_server_p = local_from_server; } return; +} + + + +static void +proxy_connect (root, port_number) + cvsroot_t *root; + int port_number; +{ +#define CONNECT_STRING "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" + /* Send a "CONNECT" command to proxy: */ + char* read_buf; + int codenum, count; + + /* 4 characters for port covered by the length of %s & %d */ + char* write_buf = xmalloc (strlen (CONNECT_STRING) + strlen (root->hostname +) + 20 + 1); + int len = sprintf (write_buf, CONNECT_STRING, root->hostname, port_number); + + send_to_server (write_buf, len); + + /* Wait for HTTP status code, bail out if you don't get back a 2xx code.*/ + count = read_line (&read_buf); + sscanf (read_buf, "%s %d", write_buf, &codenum); + + if ((codenum / 100) != 2) + error (1, 0, "proxy server %s:%d does not support http tunnelling", + root->proxy, root->proxy_port); + free (read_buf); + free (write_buf); + + /* Skip through remaining part of MIME header, recv_line + consumes the trailing \n */ + while(read_line (&read_buf) > 0) + { + if (read_buf[0] == '\r' || read_buf[0] == 0) + { + free (read_buf); + break; + } + free (read_buf); + } } --- src/client.h.org Wed Dec 1 07:36:43 2004 +++ src/client.h Wed Dec 1 07:38:06 2004 @@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ # ifndef CVS_AUTH_PORT # define CVS_AUTH_PORT 2401 # endif /* CVS_AUTH_PORT */ +# ifndef CVS_PROXY_PORT +# define CVS_PROXY_PORT 80 +# endif /* CVS_PROXY_PORT */ # endif /* (AUTH_CLIENT_SUPPORT) || defined (HAVE_GSSAPI) */ # if HAVE_KERBEROS --- src/root.c.org Wed Dec 1 07:38:19 2004 +++ src/root.c Wed Dec 1 07:48:43 2004 @@ -303,6 +303,8 @@ newroot->proxy_port = 0; newroot->isremote = 0; #endif /* CLIENT_SUPPORT */ + newroot->proxy = NULL; + newroot->proxy_port = CVS_PROXY_PORT; return newroot; } @@ -332,6 +334,8 @@ if (root->proxy_hostname != NULL) free (root->proxy_hostname); #endif /* CLIENT_SUPPORT */ + if (root->proxy != NULL) + free (root->proxy); free (root); } @@ -375,6 +379,7 @@ #ifdef CLIENT_SUPPORT int check_hostname, no_port, no_password; #endif /* CLIENT_SUPPORT */ + const char *env_var; /* allocate some space */ newroot = new_cvsroot_t(); @@ -555,6 +560,29 @@ /* restore the '/' */ cvsroot_copy = firstslash; *cvsroot_copy = '/'; + + + /* Determine proxy */ + env_var = getenv("CVS_PROXY"); + if (!env_var) + env_var = getenv("HTTP_PROXY"); + /* Check if a proxy was specified, and if it is a HTTP proxy */ + if (env_var && !memcmp(env_var, "http://", 7)) + { + char *port_str; + + /* Try to parse the proxy data */ + env_var += 7; + /* TODO - parse username/password data, too */ + port_str = strchr(env_var, ':'); + if (port_str) + { + *port_str++ = 0; + newroot->proxy_port = atoi(port_str); + } + newroot->proxy = xstrdup(env_var); + } + #endif /* CLIENT_SUPPORT */ } --- src/root.h.org Wed Dec 1 07:48:49 2004 +++ src/root.h Wed Dec 1 12:26:12 2004 @@ -39,4 +39,5 @@ int proxy_port; /* The port of the proxy or zero, as above. */ unsigned char isremote; /* Nonzero if we are doing remote access. */ #endif /* CLIENT_SUPPORT */ + char *proxy; } cvsroot_t;
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WE PLANT THE "SEEDS OF IDEAS" IN DOG OWNERS MINDS - THESE IDEAS EVENTUALLY BLOSSOM INTO A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF DOG BEHAVIOUR - Sally Hopkins WE PLANT THE "SEEDS OF IDEAS" IN DOG OWNERS MINDS - THESE IDEAS EVENTUALLY BLOSSOM INTO A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF DOG BEHAVIOUR - Sally Hopkins TUNA TRACKING WHAT IS TUNA TRACKING? This is not an introduction to working trials type tracking. It is a scent Mind Game that pet dogs can have fun doing together with their handlers by following strange but exciting scent trails (eg the scent from the juices of tinned fish) that have been laid either by their handler or a helper. The dog is attached to a long line on its harness and then the handler and dog silently search and follow the trail until the dog finds the "jackpot" (eg. tiny flakes of either tuna, salmon, sardines, or pilchards) that were left at the end of the trail. Tuna Tracking helps handlers develop their dog's sense of smell, a sense that is often ignored. A dog of any age or breed will really enjoy doing this nose work exercise as it fulfills their hunting and scavenging instincts. It leaves the dog mentally tired but satisfied from working for a reward while not being over excited or stressed. Many handlers have commented that although they walk their dogs for long periods of time the dogs never seems to tire, yet this type of exercise (ie mental stimulation) leaves their dog mentally and physically replete after "following" just one or two relatively short Tuna Tracks. Obviously take into account the age of your dog when doing this Mind Game and do not expect too much from a young dog as they are only able to concentrate for a very short time (even 2 or 3 seconds can seem like minutes to a young puppy!). Also, some breeds of dog are purposely bred to have low levels of concentration - such as flushing dogs like Springer Spaniels - as they must run and "quarter" the undergrowth to flush out any game that may be hiding, rather than follow a particular track or scent of one bird or animal. WARNING Do not play this or any other type of "find the food" game in countries where poisoned food is routinely left to kill stray dogs. This is a very big problem in countries such as Greece, where too many pet dogs die in terrible agony from eating baited food left either by the authorities or people who regard dogs as a nuisance and vermin. WHAT DO I NEED? A friend or family member who will help you lay the tracks. However, it is possible for a handler to do Tuna Tracking by themselves (see Dog Management below). This track layer will need to carry - Soggy/wet strong smelling food (eg. tuna, salmon, pilchards, or sardines etc - one or two types is sufficient) kept in separate airtight containers (eg. see Treat Boxes) so that the dog cannot detect the scent of the food as you travel to the venue. One leg of an old pair of tights for each variety of food you will be using. Small airtight box to put the tights leg in after laying the track. This stops the dog air scenting the smelly tights after the track has been laid and the person who laid it accidentally stands upwind of the dog. Rubber gloves or hand wipes to clean the hands of the person who is laying the track and squeezing the "tuna" in & out of the tights. Between 2-6 easily visible poles/stakes (one with a strip of plastic cut out of a plastic carrier bag, to flutter in the wind so that you can see the wind's direction). These poles will be used to mark the start and finish of each track that you lay in the session, enabling you not to lay one track too close to another. The handler will need - A cotton tracking line of approximately 20-30 feet (6-9 metres) to enable the handler to control the Game and prevent the dog just running around in a haphazard fashion. You can make your own tracking line by using a cotton washing line, or a piece of cotton rope, for medium to large dogs; and thinner cord for smaller dogs. Tie a quick release clip from an old lead at one end, and make a loop at the other end to use as a handle. Do not use synthetic type rope or line (eg. nylon) as it is likely to burn your hands as the dog pulls the line over your fingers. Although the length of this line seems excessive and cumbersome there is a purpose for it - - The length of line that is dragging along behind you and the dog indicates where you have just been walking. - While the 10ft or so between you and your dog prevents you from going too close to the dog and accidentally polluting the air and ground as it assesses the scent in front of it. A comfortable and well fitting harness to attach the clip on the tracking line. Please don't try to track with a line on a dog's collar (see Why Dogs Pull on a Lead). WHERE & WHEN CAN IT BE DONE? Chose your Tuna Tracking venue carefully. Try to find a place where you and your dog will not be distracted by people or the sudden appearance of a loose dog joining in the tracking. For instance, try and find an out-of-the-way spot where you usually walk your dog (local parks usually stipulate that all dogs must be kept on leads, which of course your dog will be as it will either be on its lead or the tracking line), areas of the countryside open to the public, or a field that the farmer has given you permission to use, etc. In the early stages of teaching your dog to follow a Tuna Track, PLEASEDO NOT LAY TRACKS - In very long grass, through undergrowth, or through fallen leaves as the scent can be dispersed and lost in such rough and rugged terrain. Ankle high grass is ideal tracking terrain. Over, beside, or along a footpath, as the scents of other dogs or humans may be too strong or distracting for your dog's nose. In grassy areas that have just been mown. The scent from the recently cut grass is very strong and may overpower the scent of the "tuna". On recently turned earth - once again the overpowering scent will make Tuna Tracking very difficult. Across fields of stubble after crops have been harvested. Straw stalks that have been cut can be very sharp and hurt a dog's nose as it follows a track across a field of straw stubble. When the wind is very strong or gusting. Be aware of the wind's direction (however light) by either looking at the strip of plastic on the pole, or tossing some blades of grass in the air to see which direction they travel in the wind. Don't ask your dog to track in very windy weather at these early stages. If there is any wind at all, lay the first couple of tracks with the wind blowing directly towards the track layer (and eventually the dog). Once the dog has learnt the concept of tracking you can make it more of a challenge by laying the track with the wind behind you so that the dog cannot "air scent" the tuna but must follow the trail along the ground. Tracking with the wind blowing across a trail is very difficult but can be mastered by a dog if it is very determined. Some of the above can be introduced later on in your dog's training, when it is confident as has plenty of experience. But even then introduce each new challenge one at a time. Don't give your dog a large meal before it has done the tracking. Dogs need to feel farily hungry in order to really appreciate the prize of the "treasure" when they eventually find it at the end of a track. Also do not take your dog for its normal walk before you do the tracking - your dog needs to be fresh and keen, not overexcited by too much exercise beforehand. The tracking will soon tire the dog out mentally and physically from concentrating on the tracks and it will sleep for hours afterwards! DOG MANAGEMENT When you arrive at the venue where you want to lay a Tuna Track, do not be tempted to tie your dog up while you lay a track - the dog will become frustrated, overexcited and stressed having to watch you prepare and lay the track and will be unable to concentrate or do the Game properly when it is eventually allowed to do the track. We strongly recommend that you leave your dog in a safe place where it cannot see or smell what you are doing and can relax until you are ready to begin the track - ideally we recommend that you leave your dog in its well ventilated car. Alternatively, if there are two of you doing Tuna Tracking, get the helper to lay the track while the handler takes the dog in the opposite direction, out of sight and smell of where the track is being laid. Bring the dog to the start of the track when the helper has finished laying the track and has walked in a wide curve away from the track (and downwind from it) back to the start. LAYING THE TRACKClick here to print off diagrams (to be edited) of how to lay the first and second sessions of tuna tracking. Squeezing the "wet" tuna to the end of the leg of the tights Dragging the tuna in the tights along the ground Emptying the tuna on the ground at the end of the track After choosing the most suitable area on which to lay the tracks, and having worked out which way the wind (if any) is blowing, the track layer stands facing into the wind and places the first marker pole in the ground. Standing beside this first marker pole, take a small handful of the wet and soggy tuna and place it inside the toe part of the leg of the tights. Squeeze the tuna right to the end so that the juices begin to seep through the toe and fall on the ground beside the post. This strong "start" helps the dog to find the scent and then follow the trail when it is brought to the pole to begin tracking. Stand facing into the wind (or with the wind behind you when the dog is more experienced at Tuna Tracking) and pick out a specific tree, bush, fence post, or any other landmark which you can use as a "focal point". You will use this focus point to walk towards while you lay the track so that you walk in a straight line into the wind, rather than veer off to one side and make the track more difficult for the dog to follow. Pick up the second marker pole (which will be used to mark the end of the Tuna Track) and drag the tights along the ground behind you as you walk towards the focus point. Make sure that the toe of the tights is touching the ground all the time as you walk - do not allow it to "bunny hop" as this does not leave a continuous track for the dog to follow. Keep focusing your attention on the "focus point" as you walk along laying the track. Try to count and remember how many steps you are taking so that you have some idea of how long the track is going to be. Do not lay too long a track to begin with - 5 or 6 paces is quite sufficient for a first track. The reason why we recommend that short tracks be used in the early stages of Tuna Tracking is that many dogs do not have the mental stamina to concentrate for long periods of time when they start playing this Game. However, as the dog's enthusiasm and ability increases in subsequent training sessions the length of the tracks (and even 90 degree turns) can be increased and added to develop the dog's powers of concentration. When you have taken 5 or 6 paces empty the tuna from the leg of the tights on to the ground. Try to sprinkle the flakes in a 1-2ft (30-60cm) square area rather than leave a pile of it in one spot - the dog will then enjoy searching the area for every last morsel of the tinned fish when it comes to the end of the Tuna Track. Take one or two more paces after the end of the track and place the "finish" marker pole in the ground. We recommend that this marker pole should not be left close to or beside the tuna because some dogs catch on to the fact that this pole is where the tuna will be left and run directly to the pole rather than use their noses to follow the scent trail - cheats! Put the smelly tights in a sealed container - see "What do I Need" above. Do not walk back down the Tuna Track that you have just laid. You will disturb the track and also pick up scent molecules on your footwear that will leave another, more confusing, track for your dog. Instead, walk away from the finish marker pole at a 90 degree angle so that your scent does not accidentally blow across the Tuna Track. Make a real effort to do a wide curve until you are standing well out of the way from where the dog is going to be tracking. On the second and subsequent track laying, make sure you walk over ground that had already been used rather than "pollute" ground that you will soon be laying a track on. It is possible to lay all the tracks for the training session (ie. two or three tracks) before getting the dog and actually tracking. However, be wary of the wind blowing the scent of track 2 & 3 onto track 1 & 2 and distracting the dog while it is working these tracks. FOLLOWING THE TRACK 14. Once the track layer is well away from the tracking area the dog can be brought to the start pole and have its tracking line attached to the harness. Give your tracking signal/command (I say "track" and point to the ground) and encourage it to sniff the ground where the tuna juices were left. 15. Be patient and do not hurry your dog! Just because you can see where the track has been laid (by looking at the marker poles) your dog does not understand what is expected of it. Let it enjoy having a really good sniff at this unusual and exciting scent it has just found - after all it is concentrating and using its nose already so the tracking session is working even if it doesn't find the "end" straight away. 16. Eventually your dog will discover that there is more of this exciting scent going in one direction (ie. the track that has been laid) 17. Allow the tracking line to run through your fingers as the dog begins to follow the track (ie. it is walking in line with the start and finish marker poles) and silently follow your dog, feeding your way up the line to keep it taut yet without pulling against it. Let the line drag behind you so that you can either work your way up or down it without distracting the dog while it is working. The dog should not feel you pulling on the tracking line, but you must not let the line become too slack either. 18. Do not talk or distract your dog (apart from praising it when it reaches the end of the track) - be patient and enjoy watching its body language as it concentrates on assessing the scents on the ground or in the air. It is fascinating to watch and learn how a dog's body language changes as it focuses and concentrates on using its amazing sense of smell. Often the dog's muscles will tighten, and their tail carriage and ear positions will change. Later on you may recognise these "concentration" signals when working your dog in other training situations and realise how hard your dog is trying to work for you. 19. Because you have the two marker poles to indicate where the track is, you can tell when the dog is veering off to the right or left of the track. If this occurs, tighten your grip on the line so that the dog cannot venture any further away from the track, stand perfectly still and silent and wait for the dog to wander back towards the track and pick up the track again. Then allow the line to run freely again and continue to walk behind the dog, gradually taking in any slack in the line as you walk up it. Veering to the left Veering to the right Veering back on track 20. Eventually your dog will come to the end of the track and begin to find the flakes of tuna on the ground and start to eat them. Only then can you calmly and quietly praise your dog for being so clever and finding such an exciting and tasty a reward. Remember this is the highlight of the exercise for the dog - don't be in a hurry to call the dog away from the exciting "treasure". Let it take as long as it wants to double and triple check that every tiny molecule of tuna has been completely found and eaten - after all the whole tracking session will only take a few minutes so allow the dog the opportunity to have as long as it needs at the end of the track. "Cor! What's this!!" The handler has just as much fun as the dog when Tuna Tracking 21. Once the dog has lost interest in the end of the track you can walk away from the finish marker pole at 90 degrees, just as the track layer did. Do a large curve back to the beginning of the first track and then walk towards the second track's marker pole and repeat steps 14 - 20. 22. If the dog is beginning to look tired and is losing concentration, do not ask it to do another track - take it back to the car to rest. If, however, after a third track the dog still looks keen to do more, make a mental note of the fact and lay longer tracks the next time you do Tuna Tracking. 23. Once the dog has finished the tracking session take it back to the car and allow it to rest there, and also rest at home when you return. You will find that your dog will be mentally exhausted from choosing to concentrate so hard and for so long, and it will fall into a healthy and very deep sleep. When it eventually wakes it will be calm and fulfilled from doing a "proper day's work". 24. As the dog's levels of concentration and ability to track improves, lengthen the tracks. Experiment to see what happens when the wind is blowing from behind the dog rather than into its face when Tuna Tracking. Also, you can experiment to try different locations, ground and weather conditions, and also introduce the dog to tracks that veer off at right angles etc. However, do not overface the dog by asking too much or too soon. Allow the dog to enjoy this Game at whatever level it feels happiest with. 25. Play Tuna Tracking at most once a fortnight. Too much of a good thing can make dog and handler complacent. SUMMARY Only lay short tracks when starting to teach your dog to track. Dogs need practice to build up the amount of time that they can concentrate following a trail. Your first training session will give you some idea of how long your dog can follow a trail. Begin at this level and gradually increase the length of the trail as your dog's concentration levels develop. Also be aware that most dogs cannot cope with more than two or three tracks in a session. Some breeds and ages of dogs have more ability to concentrate than others. Do not over stretch your dog so that it becomes disheartened or stressed and no longer wants to go tracking with you in future. Watch your dog's body language and keenness and you will begin to develop more understanding of your dog's capabilities not only for doing this tracking but when teaching or training it in the future.
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Hard yards begin paying off for Myles Brown Myles Brown trained really hard last year. He was eyeing individual medals in the swimming pool at both the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and the Fina short-course world championships (a 25m event) that took place in Doha, Qatar, in December. When neither materialised, he was really disappointed – so much so that he decided to take a break from swimming. “The pressure and expectations [from within myself] got the better of me,” he tells me at a coffee shop in Westville, Durban. “I didn’t achieve what I wanted to do and it was quite a big disappointment for me. Straight after Doha, I took one and a half months off swimming.” Brown spent that month surfing, playing golf and doing a lot of thinking. “A break is obviously not advisable for a swimmer, but for me it was necessary – to figure out why I was doing what I was doing and to regain my love and passion for the sport.” The break seems to have paid off for the 22-year-old, if his performances at April’s South African National Aquatic Championships in Durban are anything to go by. Brown dominated the freestyle events at the King’s Park swimming pool, speeding to gold in the 100m, 200m, 400m and 800m freestyle races. On the first day of the championships, he set a new South African 400m freestyle mark of 3:46.08, breaking a record set by Ryk Neethling in 1999. Four days later, Brown broke the South African 800m freestyle record set by Troyden Prinsloo in 2009. Beating Chad le Clos In between he caused an upset, beating Olympic gold medallist Chad le Clos in the 200m freestyle final. How did that make him feel? “He’s a great racer; he’s one of the best swimmers in the world. It’s kind of special to have someone like that in the swimming pool that you can race and train with,” said Brown. He and Le Clos are coached by Graham Hill. “To beat him was great; it’s a step in the right direction. Racing can go anywhere – you never know what’s going to happen on the day. Fortunately this time I got the better of him, but who knows? On the day it can go either way.” Brown’s times in the 200m, 400m and 800m saw him qualifying for the Fina world long-course championships – which will be held in Kazan, Russia, later this year – in all three events. When I point out that although he doesn’t have a Wikipedia page dedicated to him (yet), his name frequently featured on newspaper street posters around Durban during the championships, he grins broadly. “It’s been a nice response after the SA champs,” he says. “I’m still fairly new to the international scene. I only started making the senior teams in 2012. “I wouldn’t say I’m one of the big names in SA swimming, but hopefully in the new year I can be one of them, along with Chad le Clos and Cameron van der Burgh.” Brown seems to be a modest person. Although he says he wasn’t an especially good swimmer at primary school level, he was offered a swimming scholarship at Westville Boys’ High School – widely believed to be Durban’s premier training ground for schoolboy swimmers. However, his parents wanted him to give equal attention to his academic performance, so he chose to accept a scholarship at Kearsney College, a private school situated midway between Durban and Pietermaritzburg. Gap year “I would get up at 4:30am and go for training, then go to school till 2:30pm, then head off to afternoon training,” he recalls. “By the time you came home it would be 6pm – but from a young age, my parents instilled in me some core values like determination and always putting in 100%.” The perseverance paid off and he matriculated with six distinctions before registering for a BCom degree in 2011. At the end of the year, he and his parents decided it was time for him to take a gap year so that he could focus on getting to London for the 2012 Olympics. But it was not to be – Brown didn’t qualify for London; something he considers a blessing in disguise. “I don’t think I was mentally ready. I was very new to swimming on an international stage. I didn’t focus on the negatives. I stayed at home and watched the Olympics, and we had a very good swimming team. “That was one of the turning points in my swimming career. After that, I really picked up my effort and ended up qualifying for my first world short-course event in Turkey.” In 2008, as a 16-year-old, Brown had watched his hero Michael Phelps reign supreme in the pool at the Beijing Olympics. “It was truly inspirational to watch him,” he says. “I’ve always wanted to go to the Olympics and compete. I think it’s a great honour, and the pinnacle of a sportsman’s career.” Could Rio 2016 be the realisation of a long-held dream? He smiles. “It’s been a goal. I won’t say I get up every day and think of it, but I just want to try to have a really good year this year, and carry that momentum on to the Olympics next year.”
Q: Should I provide login functionality in mobile version? I am working on a mobile version of the new website for my company, if users visit my website on a mobile device/tablet, they will be asked whether the visitor wants to go to the mobile version or the normal version. But on the normal version I have login functionality, so users can visit their data and so on. Should I "translate" that functionality to mobile as well? Do visitors login a lot on mobile devices, or is it a waste of time? A: The simple answer would be "yes, do it". But I think this is not an easy choice to make if you're asking that here. So I think it depends a lot of the kind of service you are providing. For example, the facebook's app would be useless without login feature while I don't really mind if I can't connect to my smashing magazine account on mobile. You should take a look at the website's stats. What are the most visited pages ? Without login in, are the users going to miss the main features ?
Navigation Win 8 Help / VS 11 Help posted Oct 22, 2011, 7:07 AM by Robert Chandler The new Visual Studio 11 help "Help Viewer 2.0" runtime will be used for Windows 8 F1 help. This is good news for those of us who have been waiting for an open Unicode help system. Currently no release dates available on either product. For more information read these blogs...
February 24, 2018 It was the simplicity of a haiku, the elegance of a sonnet and the complexity of free verse at once. And like any brilliant piece of art, KeVaughn Allen's half-court heave moved those who experienced it beyond words. But instead of staying silent, they screamed. And screamed and screamed and screamed. Long after the Gators had left the court for halftime, they were still screaming about Allen's lucky break. About how, off an inbound pass from Chris Chiozza with under three seconds left to the break, he toed the boundary of the court, beat one defender and, like John Wayne drawing his pistol from his belt, heaved the ball from his hip. "It looked like it was going wide left," Allen said, "but then, at the last second, it curved right." The ball landed about 75 feet away and splashed into the net like a missile from nowhere, nearly blowing up the O'Connell Center in the process. But as thrilling as the moment was, Florida is used to that sort of purple prose to start games. It's also used to tragedy to finish them. On Saturday, though, there was no hubris and heartbreak. Only electricity and elation. Led by Allen, who aside from his buzzer beater scored a game-leading 24 points, the Gators (18-11, 9-7 Southeastern Conference) snatched a 72-66 win from feisty No. 12 Auburn (24-5, 12-4 SEC) in a game that, staying on the theme of literature, climaxed in the final moments. And for the first time in three games, the climax went in Florida’s favor. “We needed that one, didn’t we?” coach Mike White said. Allen didn't start off like a man poised to make the shot of his life. He was 0-for-5 before his first bucket, but from there, he made five more shots in a row and finished 8-for-15. He had help from Jalen Hudson, who added 19 points, and Dontay Bassett, who made his first start and contributed a career-high 12 points, six rebounds and a team-high two steals. White credited Bassett's performance to his team-first mentality, which is also how Bassett explained his emergence. “We needed this win,” he said. The Gators struggled to close games during the three-game losing streak they carried into Saturday. Each loss was by five points or fewer. Which is why, when a timeout was called with 15:38 left in the game, someone piped up in the huddle and urged the team to not let the game slip away. “Guys,” White interrupted, “do not look at the clock. This is not about holding on.” He wanted Florida to stay aggressive, and the Gators did. But Auburn still pushed, and with 3:55 to play, the Tigers claimed their first lead. The game became a western shootout from there. The lead changed six times in those final minutes, with Allen contributing back-to-back threes to keep UF afloat. Then, with 50 seconds left, the unthinkable. Florida center Kevarrius Hayes hustled around a defender and swiped a loose ball from the abyss, passing it toward a teammate with a two-point lead. The referees said he stepped out. Replays showed that Hayes didn’t appear to step out, but the call stood anyway. Auburn tied the game on the ensuing possession, and the arena turned from an atmosphere of tension to one of rage. That was quickly reversed by an and-one from Hudson, which gave the Gators their final lead and sent fans into a flailing noodle-arm frenzy. “I felt like they were out there on the court with us,” Chiozza said of the especially energetic crowd. White said he wants his team to enjoy the win. To use it as motivation with two regular-season contests left. But he also doesn’t want his players to dwell. He admits they haven’t handled winning well this season. “I hope it makes us feel good for about an hour,” White said. “We play in Tuscaloosa on Tuesday night.” February 23, 2018 GAINESVILLE — The evening built to a crescendo with Kennedy Baker's floor routine as the climax. The senior was the anchor for the Gators not just on the event, but for the meet. With Florida still in range of its highest score of 2018, she made her first pass without issue. Then her foot hit the mat at the end of her next pass. Snap. And her body followed, as did a silence that roared through the arena, turning it from a party to a funeral in a way that only a serious injury can. The music stopped immediately, and trainers rushed toward Baker. Her screams could be heard from press row. She couldn't stand, so they carried her to the locker room, her face wet, her teammates in shock. The meet was already over at that point — even without Baker's score, the No. 5 Gators dominated the visiting No. 11 Arkansas Razorbacks 197.625-196.875. But fans left in near silence after her fall, not knowing if Baker will ever compete again. "I think it's a little too early to tell," coach Jenny Rowland said of Baker's injury. Baker is one of only two current UF gymnasts to have scored a perfect 10. Baker's fall was the story of the night, but to that point, the Gators had displayed some elite gymnastics. Florida notched its highest score of the season on the meet's first event, vault, at 49.525. Seniors Rachel Slocum and McMurtry led the Gators through the event, posting 9.95s. That set the tone for the night, as the Gators didn't lose any event aside from the one where Baker fell. McMurtry and sophomore Rachel Gowey shared the beam title (9.95) as well as the bars title (9.925). Alicia Boren won the floor with a 9.95, as well as the all around with a 39.525. "Overall, this team did a fantastic job," Rowland said. She added that Baker was Friday's Gator of the day in her opening remarks following the meet. "She has their back," Rowland added, "and they have her back." The meet took place in a pinked-out O'Connell Center, from the cloths on the judges' tables to the fans in the stands to the gymnasts, who wore pink leotards to raise awareness for breast cancer. The theme was especially meaningful for Boren, whose aunt Kathy is a survivor of the disease and was in attendance. "I was happy that she was here," Boren said. "More than happy — I was ecstatic.” Florida was cruising toward a season-best score until the floor routines, when freshman Alyssa Baumann stepped out of bounds at the end of a tumbling pass and McMurtry stumbled at the end of a pass as well. Their scores of 9.725 and 9.65, respectively, were Florida's two worst scores of the night. Then Baker came on, and you know the rest. So while Florida improved to 7-1 on the season, Friday’s meet provided more questions — rather one big, all-important question — than answers. February 16, 2018 GAINESVILLE — Alex Faedo — Florida's 2017 ace, College World Series MVP and first-round MLB Draft pick — was back on the McKethan Stadium mound on Friday. Although he never actually made it to the rubber. The flame-throwing righthander instead wore jeans and a 2017 title T-Shirt as he threw out the ceremonial first pitch for Florida's season-opening game against Siena. In a symbolic moment, Brady Singer trotted out of the dugout moments later to take Faedo's Friday night spot on that mound and usher in a new season of Florida baseball. "He gave me a high five and told me good luck," Singer said of Faedo. He also noted that they rarely talked to each other before starts. Neither wanted to break the other's concentration. Clearly the high five and pair of words didn't have any negative effect on Singer, as he dominated Siena in seven innings. The junior righthander struck out eight, walked one and allowed no earned runs in Florida's 7-1 opening-night win. And perhaps most impressively, Singer offered 24 first-pitch strikes to the 24 hitters he faced. "That's the one thing I wanted to do," Singer said, "was go out there and throw strikes." Coach Kevin O'Sullivan noted that with first-game jitters and his first Friday night start, the game could be one of Singer's most difficult of the season. He compared him to Faedo, who in last year's season opener against William and Mary allowed four earned runs in four and 2/3 innings. Singer, obviously, didn't have similar issues. "He was sharp," O'Sullivan said. Freshman lefty Jordan Butler completed the two-hitter for Florida, tossing two scoreless innings with four strikeouts to end the game. "You could just see the competitive spirit he has," O'Sullivan said of Butler, who will also hit this season. Four Florida players — Nelson Maldonado, JJ Schwarz, Blake Reese and Nick Horvath — had two hits on the night, while five players notched RBIs. Among them were newcomers Brady McConnell and Wil Dalton. McConnell had a rough go in his first college game, striking out on his first three at-bats. He also committed a costly error that gave Siena its only run of the game. But after a hug from Singer following the error and a talk with O'Sullivan following the string of strikeouts, he smashed a home run to give the Gators their final two runs of the game. "I knew it was gone," he said of his arching rainbow shot. Junior third baseman Jonathan India also hit a home run — a solo shot in the fourth inning — that cleared the left-field bleachers and gave the Gators their first run of 2018. As for Dalton, he roped a ball to left field on his third at-bat of the game to claim his first hit and RBI at UF. The sophomore transferred from junior college and started in right field. "I started to relax toward the end of the game and simplify things," he said. The Gators continue their three-game weekend homestand against Siena on Saturday afternoon at 4, with Singer's roommate Jackson Kowar scheduled to start for Florida. O'Sullivan tried to temper expectations for that game and the rest of the season, though he did so with a smile. January 23, 2018 GAINESVILLE — The headliner is Jordan Scarlett, the running back who was supposed to lead Florida's backfield in 2017 before he was suspended ahead of the team's season opener and never returned. He, along with eight teammates, were accused of credit card fraud. Scarlett and three of those teammates were cleared to rejoin the team on Tuesday, ending a monthslong hiatus for the quartet. Linebackers Ventrell Miller and James Houston along with receiver Rick Wells were also cleared to return, but again, Scarlett is the most consequential of the group. The St. Thomas Aquinas alumnus rushed for a team-best 907 yards and six touchdowns in 2016. Newcomers Malik Davis and Adarius Lemons stepped up in Scarlett's absence and will push him for playing time alongside rising junior Lamical Perine, who led the Gators with 588 rushing yards and eight rushing touchdowns in 2017. Incoming recruits Iverson Clement and Dameon Pierce could also factor into Florida's backfield. But assuming Scarlett has stayed in shape during his time away from the team, he should be the favorite to start come UF's season opener against Charleston Southern on Sept. 1 after all the unfulfilled hype he carried into the season that never was. Wells, a rising redshirt sophomore wideout, has never caught a pass in college. And both Miller and Houston were true freshmen a season ago, so neither one of them has played a college snap either. Both of them could, however, play an important role in the upcoming season by bolstering Florida's depth at linebacker — a position group that underperformed in 2017 and needs capable bodies behind starters Vosean Joseph and David Reese. The four reinstated players were part of a group of seven who signed agreements with the State Attorney's Office to avoid felony charges for their alleged credit card fraud if they follow the agreements. As for the remaining suspended players, four of them have left the school. Defensive end Jordan Smith, defensive lineman Richerd Desir-Jones and offensive lineman Kadeem Telfort have all opted to transfer elsewhere. Desir-Jones will transfer to Coffeyville Community College in Kansas while Smith and Telfort haven't announced their transfer destinations. Smith and Telfort are also the two players who were not offered pre-trial intervention programs. Smith still faces a potential nine felony charges while Telfort faces a potential 30. Antonio Callaway, the former star receiver and Miami Booker T. Washington alum, opted to leave Florida early for the NFL Draft. Keivonnis Davis, a Miami Central alumnus, is the only player whose case has yet to be resolved. Davis was involved in a scooter accident during his suspension, and it's unknown if his injuries will prevent him from playing football this season and beyond. He's still enrolled in classes. January 12, 2018 These smiles shouldn't accompany loss. These giggles shouldn't serve as the anthem of the vanquished. But on Friday night in Gainesville, following a 197.250-197.125 Florida loss to No. 1 LSU, they did. Following their defeat, four UF gymnats, along with coach Jenny Rowland, didn't trudge to their post-match press conference, nor did they walk. They practically skipped. Once seated in front of the room, seniors Kennedy Baker, Alex McMurtry and Rachel Slocum told jokes, lauhed and didn't care who saw. "Literally nothing matters," one of them sang. "It's only January 12th." That was the attitude Rowland took when addressing the assembled reporters, noting the team has plenty of work to do, but there's still ample time to do it. Plus she said depsite the losing score, she saw imporvement compared to the team's season-opening win last week at West Virginia. The improvement, she said, centered around the team's energy. She noticed her gymnasts wrapping their arms around each other between routines and staying engaged during their teammates' performances. The 9,661-fan sellout — the first of Rowland's three-year tensure as head coach — probably helped, too. Still, she said energy aside, there's lots for the team to work on. "Fixing the little things," she said. The Gators were led by junior Alicia Boren, who placed second in the all-around to LSU's Myia Hambrick. Boren notched a 39.450. McMurtry, who couldn't compete on floor because of lingering back issues and therefore didn't qualify for the all-around, led the Gators on vault (9.90) and bars (9.925). Sophomore Rachel Gowey won beam (9.950) and Baker tied with freshman Megan Skaggs for Florida's top floor score (9.925). Baker's floor routine was one of the highlights of the night. It featrued, as she admitted following the meet, plenty of sass, including playing a whipping noise accompanied by a whipping motion where her teammates fell to the floor. "I was just lit the whole routine," Baker said. "Seeing my teammates fall when I whipped them was just icing on the cake." While the team was very clear about this part of the season having little impact on where it ends up, it has a week off before traveling to Lexington to face Kentucky next Friday at 7 p.m. December 20, 2017 Florida could still land a few more recruits before the day is done, but here's who the Gators have reeled in so far on the first day of the first-ever early signing period. Quarterback Emory Jones is their top recruit at No. 40 overall, and UF's class — counting commitments as well as signees — ranks 17th nationally. Emory Jones, quarterback: The centerpiece of Mullen’s early signing day haul is Emory Jones, a 4-star dual threat quarterback from Georgia who spurned his commitment to Ohio State and picked the Gators. Jones is rated as the fourth-best dual threat quarterback in the country by the 247Sports Composite and the nation’s 40th-best player overall. Mullen made Jones a priority for the quarterback-starved Gators, who had just three scholarship tossers — Feleipe Franks, Kyle Trask and Jake Allen — on their roster before Wednesday. Known as a quarterback guru after transforming Dak Prescott into a Heisman candidate at Mississippi State, among other success stories, Mullen’s first priority at Florida will be getting either Jones or any of UF’s other quarterbacks to a level of competence. He believes he’s off to a good start with Jones. Evan McPherson, kicker: While he’s Florida’s lowest-rated signee of the day and probably of the year, McPherson’s commitment to the Gators could end up being one of the most important of 2018. Junior Eddy Pineiro announced Tuesday that he’s leaving Florida early for the NFL Draft, so McPherson should challenge redshirt senior and Miami Belen Jesuit alum Jorge Powell to replace him. McPherson is the nation’s top-rated kicking prospect. Kyle Pitts/Dante Lang, tight end: Florida snagged an elite tight end prospect in Kyle Pitts, a 4-star recruit from Warminster, Pennsylvania. He’s billed as the sixth-best tight end in the nation and brings great size to the position at 6-foot-6, 235 pounds. The Gators lost tight ends Kalif Jackson and 2017 starter DeAndre Goolsby this offseason, so Pitts adds another body to the mix. But with veterans C’yontai Lewis and Moral Stephens returning along with Kemore Gamble, who was rated the seventh-best tight end in the nation in the 2017 class, Pitts could find the field later on in his career. The same is true of Dante Lang, a 6-foot-5, 220-pound tight end out of Boca Raton who is rated the 28th best at his position. Although with Mullen, more tight end involvement is possible. While Florida didn’t use its tight ends in the passing game much under former coach Jim McElwain (Stephens led the group with 141 yards in 2017 while Goolsby and Lewis had the most touchdowns with one apiece) Mississippi State tight end Jordan Thomas amassed 227 yards and three touchdowns for the Bulldogs last season under Mullen. Amari Burney/Trey Dean/John Huggins/Randy Russell, safety: Florida set itself up for success at defensive back with its 2017 class, which brought six players into the group. But with seniors Duke Dawson, Nick Washington, Marcell Harris and Joseph Putu gone, signing safeties Amari Burney, John Huggins and Randy Russell bolsters the unit’s depth. As the nation’s 15th-best safety prospect, Burney, a Clearwater native, could challenge Chauncey Gardner, Jeawon Taylor, Shawn Davis and Quincy Lenton for playing time. He has the size at 6-foot-1, 215 pounds. Huggins is a little smaller at 6-feet, 200 pounds, and is rated a little lower at No. 32. Russell, who signed out of Miami Carol City, is even smaller at 5-fo0t-10, 180 pounds, but he’s rated higher than Huggins at No. 28. And Dean, the latest addition to Florida's class, has great length at 6-foot-2 but need to bulk up at 180 pounds. He's rated 22nd at his position. Dameon Pierce, running back: The Gators lost running back Mark Thompson to eligibility expiration and could also lose Jordan Scarlett, who didn’t play in 2017 but is nevertheless eligible for the NFL Draft. Florida addressed those losses with Pierce. Rated the nation’s 10th-best running back, Pierce’s 5-foot-11, 205-pound frame is ideal. But with returning backs Lamical Perine, Malik Davis and Adarius Lemons in front of him on the depth chart, it will be an uphill climb for Pierce to see the field consistently in 2018. That being said, he’s a higher-rated recruit then Davis was, and he finished second on the team in rushing as a true freshman. Iverson Clement, athlete: Clement is listed as an athlete by recruiting services, but he plays running back and is expected to stay at that position when he arrives in Gainesville. Pierce brings acceptable size at 5-foot-11, 199 pounds and is ranked as the nation’s 282nd-best recruit. Like Pierce, he'll have to claw onto the depth chart with three experienced backs ahead of him. Chris Bleich/Noah Banks, offensive tackle: The Gators addressed a need at offensive tackle with a pair of large additions. Chris Bleich, a 6-foot-6, 305-pound player from Plymouth, Pennsylvania, and Noah Banks, a 6-foot-7, 305-pound player from Pensacola both signed with the Gators. Bleich is rated No. 33 among high school offensive tackles while Banks is No. 6 among junior college tackles. With starting left tackle Martez Ivey possibly leaving for the NFL and with all the injuries Florida suffered along the offensive line a season ago, Mullen got some valuable depth with the two of them. David Reese, linebacker: The Gators will have two players named David Reese at linebacker in 2018. Junior middle linebacker David Reese led the team in tackles last season, while incoming freshman outside linebacker David Reese hopes to do the same at some point during his career in Gainesville. The younger Reese brings height to a major position of need at 6-foot-3, 213 pounds. December 07, 2017 Coach Mike White was his normal self on Monday, strolling through the Florida basketball complex in a grey sweatsuit, a lone Nike swoosh mark on the shoulder, coffee cup in hand. He seemed calm, which was appropriate given his message to his team following its third straight loss — this time against Loyola-Chicago — on Wednesday night: Don’t panic. There are plenty of games left to play. His team, however, seemed panicked against the Ramblers. Florida had earned its No. 5 ranking by making shots and scoring at will, but that ability has evaporated since the Gators lost to No. 1 Duke on Nov. 26. White said the only thing to do to combat the funk is play better and make shots, which he said can mask some of the other shortcomings that need to be addressed. “We’re just not making shots right now,” White said. “We’re coming off a really, really tough week.” It started on Monday, when the Gators were dominated by Florida State in a 17-point loss. It marked UF’s fourth consecutive loss to the Seminoles. Florida two leading scorers — guards Jalen Hudson and Egor Koulechov — shot a combined 9-of-24 against FSU, including 3-of-13 from 3-point range. The rest of the team couldn’t do much better. The Gators shot 37 percent combined against Loyola and Florida State, with nearly identical percentages in each game. Like with Hudson and Koulechov, the shooting has been even worse from deep. The Gators went 8-of-44 in the two games. White said he didn’t see the sudden frost coming. He said based on practice, he thought his team was just a good shooting team, and he expected that trend to continue. But he has a couple hypotheses for why. First is the fact that the two games have been at home, and maybe that’s caused some jitters. Then there’s shot selection. “Let’s make sure your first shot is a really good one,” White’s told his players. “We've gotten away with making a contested one or two early in games early in the season against inferior opponents, and that's backfired on us.” Florida’s lack of size has also backfired. The Gators’ three leading rebounders are guards — Hudson, Koulechov and Chris Chiozza — and that trio is UF’s only representation on the Southeastern Conference’s top 32 rebounders. The issue was especially prominent against FSU, which outrebounded the Gators 51-34. “We're just a very average defensive and rebounding team,” White said, “and when we're not making shots, it's hard to beat anybody.” But White is trying to extract at least positive from those struggles. He said maybe his players didn’t really believe they were in trouble when they were scoring in the triple digits game after game while allowing other teams to score high as well. Now that shots aren’t falling and rebounds aren’t getting grabbed, White said his team will learn and get tougher. Florida will have a chance to show off that toughness, or not, on Saturday against No. 17 Cincinnati (7-1). White, meanwhile, will stay calm and sip his coffee with SEC play still several weeks away, trying to get his players to a similar level of tranquility. “Is everything OK?” They’ve asked him in recent days. “Coach, are you good?” “Yeah,” White has answered. “We're alive and healthy and we have a great opportunity today and we're in Florida. Are you kidding me? An opportunity to have a great practice today, come together, get better. Tough week, (but) a lot of people in Gainesville are having a lot tougher time in life than we are right now.” Antonio Callaway, a Miami native and star Florida receiver, will forgo his final year of eligibility at UF and enter the NFL Draft, per a report from InsideTheLeague.com's Neil Stratton. Callaway's career at Florida was marred by controversy, from accusations of sexual assault as a freshman to his suspension for the entirety of the 2017 season — along with eight other players — for accusations of credit card fraud. But his play on the field was memorable, too. The Miami Booker T. Washington alumnus was Florida's leading receiver in his freshman and sophomore seasons, grabbing 678 and 721 yards, respectively. He finished his college career with seven touchdowns, including a memorable 63-yarder against Tennessee as a freshman that helped the Gators stun the Volunteers. Callaway's 5-foot-10, 193-pound frame is smaller than a typical NFL receiver and his speed also isn't elite, but his playmaking ability when he was on the field at Florida was never in doubt. That should at least get him drafted at some point, though it's unclear how much his off-the-field issues may also play a role in his stock. December 06, 2017 The Gators lost to Duke — the No. 1 team in the nation — fewer than two weeks ago by just three points. But since then, Florida has fallen apart. The No. 5 Gators (5-3) dropped their third straight game on Wednesday against Loyola-Chicago (9-1) at home, 65-59. The Ramblers' six-point win was Florida's second-worst loss of the season, trailing only Monday's 17-point beatdown from Florida State. The Ramblers led for over 95 percent of the game. Florida, which boasted the nation's most prolific offense entering the game against FSU at just over 99 points per game, has gone cold from deep since the loss to Duke. It went 2-of-19 from 3-point range against Loyola. Transfer Egor Koulechov, who scored 34 points for Florida on opening night and was counted on as one of the team's leading scorers, is the embodiment of that frost. The senior went 1-for-10 from 3-point range against FSU and Loyola combined. He also went 7-of-26 from the floor over that same stretch. He and his team have three days to correct that problem, as well as struggling interior defense, before they take on Cincinnati (7-1) on Saturday in Newark, New Jersey. November 19, 2017 Brandon Powell is the face of Florida's pending showdown with Florida State. The senior from Deerfield Beach has never beaten the Seminoles during his time at UF, and this Saturday will be his last chance to do so. It seems like he's let his teammates know it. After their 36-7 win over UAB on Saturday, two teammates brought him up unprompted. First was running back Lamical Perine, who said he was just discussing the FSU game with Powell. Then there was center Tyler Jordan, who said basically the same thing. "We were just talking about that in the locker room," he said. "[Powell's] 0-3 against Florida State. We want to send him out with a win.” But for Jordan, it's more than just wanting to send him out with a win. He said he's sure of it. "Beating Florida State’s going to be something we’re going to do," he said. Defensive tackle Taven Bryan is also sure of it. "I’m expecting honestly that we’re going to win the next game very solidly," he said. "We’ve just been taking steps and getting better and better. Next week we should have a good solid week and play way better than we did this week.” Bryan is right. The Gators took steps forward against UAB. They rushed for a season-best 257 yards. They avoided any turnovers. They scored their second-most points of the season. But all of that matters little when the Conference USA opponent was overmatched, despite its winning record. Florida has a chance to take a real step forward this weekend against the Seminoles. That step forward will probably get them across the finish line, because win or lose, Florida will finish with a losing record. That makes a bowl game unlikely. So it's up to the Gators whether they want to cross in stride or limp on through. "We just need a couple of more fans in there," Bryan said, "and we’ll get thing loud and we’ll win a game for them." The official attendance against UAB was 84,649, though there seemed to be far fewer fans in the stands than that number suggests. The team is hoping more fans come out against FSU despite both team having down years. "That's always going to be one of the pivotal games in college football," Florida coach Randy Shannon said. His players are hoping that brings fans back for one last game in a season that many of them would like to forget. “It’s really big," Jordan said. "Our biggest in-state rival. Big game at The Swamp. It’s going to be a fun one. It’s something we’re going to work on all week, because we’re going to be busting our ass all week to get ready for this team.” November 02, 2017 He came to Florida to play his final season of college football only to get beat out by redshirt freshman Feleipe Franks. But finally, after seven contests, Malik Zaire will get his shot. When the Gators travel to Missouri this weekend to take on the Tigers, Zaire will start under center for the first time this season. "This is his opportunity," interim coach Randy Shannon said, "to get this team where it needs to be and not to be satisfied just because he's the starter." Shannon said Monday he planned to shake things up and do things his way while leading the Gators through the end of the 2017 season. He made that clearer with this move, departing from former coach Jim McElwain's preference for Franks. Franks started six of Florida's seven games this season, amassing 830 passing yards, four touchdowns and four interceptions. The remaining game was started by Luke Del Rio, who was lost for the season. Zaire has only played in mop-up duty, helping Florida limp to the finish line in games that were out of reach. In those two appearances, he's thrown for 142 yards and no touchdowns. Zaire is more mobile than Franks, who at 6-foot-6 has shown the ability to scramble some, but it's not viewed as a strength. Sometimes he also scrambles to his detriment, sensing nonexistent pressure and leaving the pocket only to lose yards near the sideline. Zaire hasn't had many opportunities to show that he can do better, but he'll get one in Columbia. He just has to make the most of it. Shannon said the competition between him and Franks, who will serve as the primary backup this weekend, is ongoing. "Today is an opportunity for him to run the offense and understand the expectations that we have for him," Shannon said. "This is not a time for him to feel comfortable and feel like he's made it. We want him to keep grinding and understand that competition is very good." October 29, 2017 Jim McElwain's firing is the news of the day, week, month and year for the Florida football program. But with the team now having lost three consecutive games, where does it go from here? A few clues were offered Saturday. First, at quarterback, where starter Feleipe Franks managed 30 yards on 19 attempts. He was relieved by backup Malik Zaire, who managed 36 yards on six attempts and added 30 rushing yards well after the game was out of reach. "It’s not showing up on Saturday," Franks said of the lack of offensive improvement. "There’s a lot of things we can improve on. Like I said man. we’re not going to fold. We’re not going to just bow our heads down." McElwain didn't address Zaire's apparent spark after the game, though his opinion matters little now. With the SEC title game now officially out of reach, it'll be interesting to see how Florida approaches the quarterback competition between Franks — the incumbent starter who played poorly in meaningful action — and Zaire — the Notre Dame graduate transfer who didn't work out as a starter but who played well on Saturday in meaningless action. Florida's offense took a hit at running back, where leading rusher Malik Davis was injured and taken to the locker room in the first half. McElwain said he injured his knee, and reports surfaced Sunday that it was season-ending. Davis' mom told the Herald those reports were premature and he hadn't had an MRI yet, but Davis retweeted several teammates wishing him a speedy recovery. So season ending or not, it doesn't sound good. Davis, a true freshman from Tampa, leads the team with 526 yards this season. His counterpart Lamical Perine managed 93 yards in Davis' absence against the Bulldogs. He's up to 365 on the year, and he's scored six touchdowns. October 25, 2017 A Florida assistant coach meets with reporters every Wednesday at noon. The coach rotates from week to week, but the procedure is usually the same: Ask about each individual player in that position group, because who knows when that coach will speak again. This Wednesday was receiver coach Kerry Dixon’s turn, but the procedure was a little different. Only two players were asked about by name: Tyrie Cleveland and Kadarius Toney. That makes sense. When they’re on, Florida’s offense is noticeably improved. When they’re not, like against Texas A&M when they were both injured, well, Florida’s offense is even worse than usual. So heading into a game Florida (3-3, 3-2 Southeastern Conference) must win to stay in slim contention for the SEC eastern division title, it wasn’t surprising to hear them brought up. Because without them, Florida’s chances this Saturday against No. 3 Georgia (7-0, 4-0 SEC), which are already bad (the Bulldogs opened as 14 ½-point favorites), are much worse. Toney came up in the second question of Dixon’s press conference. He’s the less important of the tandem based on production. At 107 yards through the air this year, he ranks fourth on the team. But his value is more in his electricity. He can run the ball on sweeps, he can run out of the wildcat formation, he can catch passes, and as a guy who played quarterback in high school, he can throw as well. That versatility is why he’s listed as an athlete — the only athlete — on Florida’s roster. If there was such a thing as the “eyeball test” for Florida’s offense, his moves and cuts would make him one of the few guaranteed to pass. “We knew he was special in the spring,” Dixon said. “Moving forward we definitely hope to use him a lot more." McElwain said Wednesday afternoon that Toney’s return is not certain, but he’s “doing everything” to be able to play. Cleveland came up a little later for Dixon. Despite not registering a catch in UF’s last two games — that’s a third of the season — he still has twice as many yards as the next-closest receiver at 326. Brandon Powell is next at 149. He missed those two games with a high ankle sprain, and his absence limited Florida’s vertical passing game. Coach Jim McElwain said that will be a big part of this weekend’s contest against Georgia given how the Bulldogs load the box to stop the running game. “We're going to have to make some plays downfield,” he said. Players sounded hopeful Cleveland will be back. So did McElwain, who called him probable. "He's back to his normal self,” Powell said. “It's just an ankle sprain, so he needed some time off, he got the bye week, so now he's back to his old self.” However, Powell then referred to the abilities of other players in the wideout group. “We've got playmakers everywhere,” he said. “Just to have another one of our playmakers back just makes us that much better.” That’s not exactly true. At least not so far. In the two games without Cleveland, UF managed 135 and 108 passing yards. With him, it’s managed 249, 209, 212 and 181. Dixon knows the difference Cleveland makes. "There's a comfort level when you have that deep threat out there,” he said. “They have to make certain coverage adjustments to him, which is a great asset to the offense.” -- In addition to updates on Toney and Cleveland, McElwain said defensive end Jabari Zuniga, who was nursing an ankle injury, should be able to play. He added wideout Josh Hammond is questionable with a tweaked back. -- Jim McElwain ignited Florida’s fan base Monday by revealing he’d received death threats. Some questionedthe legitimacy of those threats after UAA spokesman Steve McClain sent out statement ending with, “Our administration met with coach McElwain this afternoon and he offered no additional details.” McElwain tried to clarify on Wednesday. “It’s just something that came up and obviously was on my mind,” he said. “It doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t make it right to air that laundry, and yet at the same time [we’ve] got total, total support.” When asked if his family was threatened directly, he said the threats were anonymous but didn’t offer many other details. His response, in its entirety: “Obviously, I understand that's the news,” he answered. “It goes with the territory. You know what? It’s hard to leave sometimes. You know how much I care about this program, these players. Obviously, everything that goes in with it. But ultimately allowing one or two, and who even knows who it was, right? You don’t know. It’s anonymous. So, that is what it is, and I’m confident we’re all right.” October 05, 2017 There was some speculation after Gainesville native Tom Petty passed away on Monday that the halftime show during the Florida-LSU game would honor the late musician. While that hypothesis hasn't been refuted, it now seems unlikely. The UF Athletic Association announced Thursday that it will pay a different tribute to Petty. After the band plays "The Boys of Old Florida" at the conclusion of the third quarter, Petty's "I won't back down" will echo through Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. "Let's celebrate together what he meant to the world of music and what he meant to this community,'' UF athletic director Scott Stricklin said in a release. "Since we are already singing 'We are the Boys,' let's go right from that into one of his great anthems and make that the way we are going to jointly celebrate Tom Petty and the Gators." September 27, 2017 It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. In the season’s first game, on the Dallas Cowboys’ field, playing on national television against the storied Michigan Wolverines, Florida’s offensive line was supposed to do the pushing rather than get pushed around. Coach Jim McElwain had raved about the unit heading into the season. He said it would be a team strength. Yet in game one, it was not . “It was a gut punch,” offensive line coach Brad Davis said. “And it was what we needed.” Since that game, during which Florida allowed six sacks, No. 21 UF’s offensive line has allowed three sacks combined in two games. The nine total sacks still rank 10th in the Southeastern Conference and 86th nationally, but the pass blocking has shown improvement since the stomping it took against Michigan. So has the run blocking. The Gators managed 11 yards on the ground against the Wolverines, upped it to 168 against Tennessee and 186 against Kentucky. Through the discouragement of the opening loss, the disappointment of missing out on a tune-up game due to Hurricane Irma, the suspension and levying of potential felony charges against freshman tackle Kadeem Telfort and back-to-back last-second wins, Florida’s offensive line has shown one thing it preached in the pre-season has come true: Thanks to the bonds formed within the unit, it’s been able to tune out distractions. Now, the classic sports cliche of “just focusing on the game” and forgetting about hurricanes, suspensions, close wins and poor performances is repeated across sports whenever something bad happens to a team. Granted. But Florida’s offensive line has shown its legitimately capable of doing it. One player even says those challenges help. “It made it a lot easier on us,” left tackle Martez Ivey said. “It’s like, we can fight through adversity and come together and we can still win, still push each other every day to come out and play hard.” The improvements shouldn’t be a total surprise. Florida’s offensive line features a group of highly ranked, tall, heavy players, starting with Ivey. He was the top-ranked offensive lineman in the class of 2015, carried five stars and was rated as the nation’s second-best player. He was joined by UF’s now-starting right guard Fred Johnson, who was a three-star recruit, but one who was 6-foot-7, 301 pounds in high school, held offers from Virginia Tech. Nebraska and Tennessee, and played his freshman year at Florida. Right guard Brett Heggie was rated as the sixth-best center in the nation in the class of 2016 by the 247Sports Composite in addition to being an Under Armour All American. And go-to backup Tyler Jordan was also an Under Armour All American rated the seventh-best center in the country. That leaves T.J. McCoy and Jawaan Taylor. McCoy is the outlier of the group, having come to Florida as a transfer from North Carolina State to be closer to his ailing father in Orlando. He was relegated to third-string center duty until late into last season when a string of injuries forced him into action. Since then, the 6-foot-1, 314-pound leader of the offensive line hasn’t lost his job. And Taylor, the team’s heaviest offensive lineman at 334 pounds, made the All-SEC Freshman Team last season. Still, there was work to be done after Michigan tore through them like bullets through paper. “To go out and underperform and underachieve was a huge disappointment,” Davis said. “My job as a coach is to not beat them up or tear them down. It’s to build.” He’s done so by trying to improve communication and eliminate “self-inflicted wounds,” like penalties and missed assignments. He said his players have responded well. “They handled it like men,” he said. McCoy added having Luke Del Rio at quarterback helped with the communication. “He does a great job of calling out the play and explaining it to everybody,” he said. “He does a great job of that and keeping everybody together." And McElwain, with all the off-field distractions, said it’s expected of the offensive line to tune out. When nine of your teammates are suspended -- including one from your own unit -- you’ve missed a game, your quarterback position is in constant flux, what’s one bad opening game? “I think there's one thing these guys have done a pretty good job of,” McElwain said, “is dealing with some things." Redshirt freshman defensive lineman Jordan Smith is facing four more potential felony charges, according to Alachua County court records. In a sworn complaint affidavit filed Wednesday by the Gainesville Police Department, Smith is accused of using a stolen credit card to pay $1,007.82 to his apartment complex, the Woodlands of Gainesville. On Monday, the University of Florida Police Department accused Smith of 18 felony counts. Wednesday's complaint affidavit brings his total potential charges up to 22 by adding two charges of larceny-grand theft and two of fraud. The State Attorney's Office will decide whether to ultimately press charges against Smith and the other eight players accused of fraud. The nine Florida football players who have been suspended since August are facing potential felony charges for fraud, according to sworn complaint affidavits filed Monday by the University of Florida Police Department. The State Attorney's Office will review the evidence and decide whether to formally charge the players. Most of the players are accused of using stolen credit card information to transfer money to their student debit card accounts, which they then used to purchase laptop computers, iPads and headphones, among other items. The nine players are facing 62 criminal counts. Seven of the nine are accused of making one purchase. Smith and Telfort are accused of using multiple cards to make multiple purchases. According to the complaints, Callaway spent 2,022.44 on a 13-inch MacBook Pro, which came with gloss black Beats headphones thanks to a coupon code, after using the stolen credit card to transfer $1,970 into his student debit account. Scarlett also bought a MacBook with rose gold headphones. The same complaint says some of the players admitted to selling what they bought. On Aug. 1, Smith bought three different types of Beats headphones ranging in price from $69.99 to $149.99. The complaint filed against Scarlett says he used his girlfriend's account to make his purchase after transferring $1,940 from the stolen card to it. When interviewed by police, she said Scarlett told her there was money on her account from "an agent" in New York and that he needed her to come with him to the UF bookstore to pick out a computer. He told police he transferred the money to her account because “he needed the money but did not want to get in trouble." Telfort is alleged to have used stolen information to buy items ranging from a combo meal at Sonic to an iPad (with $99 insurance) to gummy worms. The group has a heavy South Florida connection. The two most prominent names -- Callaway, a starting receiver, and Scarlett, a starting running back -- are both from the area, with Callaway, like Telfort, having attended Booker T. Washington in Miami and Scarlett having attended St. Thomas Aquinas in Ft. Lauderdale. Davis attended Miami Central. Houston attended Plantation American Heritage, and Desir-Jones is also an Aquinas alum. Scarlett, Callaway, Miller, Davis, Desir-Jones, Smith and Telfort have been suspended since Aug. 13. Scarlett and Wells joined them on Aug. 30. The news of the affidavits being filed broke in the middle of coach Jim McElwain's press conference on Monday, and McElwain said he was unaware of it. When asked, he said no decisions have been made about the futures of those players. “You’re asking me something I don’t even know about,” he said. He added that, if charged, the news could change the players' situations. "Darn right," he said. Center T.J. McCoy, who spoke to reporters shortly after McElwain, said he still has faith in those players returning. "I really believe that those guys are gonna come back," he said, "and I believe they're gonna help us to have a great season." September 07, 2017 The Gators wont play Northern Colorado this Saturday in The Swamp. The school announced Thursday that the game is canceled and wont be rescheduled due to Hurricane Irma. “As the Hurricane’s track has approached the state of Florida," UF Athletics Director Scott Stricklin said in a release, "it’s become obvious that playing a football game is not the right thing to do. The focus of our state and region needs to be on evacuations and relief efforts." On Wednesday, the school had moved the game up from its original 7:30 p.m. start to noon. But because of everything coming to Gainesville for a football game entails -- filling up on gas, driving on highways, buying snack food and water -- Stricklin said playing the game just wasn't the right thing to do. Plus there are 3,300 working personnel, 17 government agencies and outside vendors who bus employees from Jacksonville and Orlando to Gainesville, per a press release,. Stricklin said he didn't want to clog up those resources incase they're needed elsewhere. "Playing a college football game Saturday," he said, "would only add to that stress." Coach Jim McElwain agreed. While he was excited about the game in press conferences leading up to it, he also noted how the approach of Hurricane Irma put his life into perspective. When the game was canceled, he reiterated those thoughts. “When you look at the impact this event could have, you have to sit back and realize what’s really important in life,” he said in a release. “In this case, we’re doing everything we can to help facilitate with what may occur." He also emphasized that many of the team's players are from South Florida and sent well wishes to them and their families. The university said ticket holders will be notified about refunds individually.