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{"date":{"0":"26 september 1940","1":"26 september 1940","2":"26 september 1940","3":"14 october 1940","4":"13 november 1940","5":"16 november 1940","6":"17 november 1940","7":"17 november 1940"},"ship name":{"0":"ashantian","1":"manchester brigade","2":"stratford","3":"hms cheshire","4":"cape st andrew","5":"planter","6":"saint germain","7":"veronica"},"flag":{"0":"great britain","1":"great britain","2":"great britain","3":"great britain","4":"great britain","5":"great britain","6":"great britain","7":"sweden"},"tonnage ( grt )":{"0":4917,"1":6042,"2":4753,"3":10552,"4":5094,"5":5887,"6":1044,"7":1316},"fate":{"0":"damaged","1":"sunk","2":"sunk","3":"damaged","4":"sunk","5":"sunk","6":"sunk","7":"sunk"},"deaths":{"0":4,"1":56,"2":2,"3":0,"4":15,"5":13,"6":0,"7":17}}
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{"class (old) to 1868":{"0":"i a ( de )","1":"i b","2":"ii ( de )","3":"iii a ( de )","4":"iii b ( de )","5":"iii c ( de )","6":"iv ( de )","7":"v ( de )","8":"vi ( de )","9":"vii ( de )","10":"viii ( de )","11":"viii ( de )"},"railway number (s)":{"0":"1 - 6","1":"7 - 15","2":"16 - 19","3":"20 - 24","4":"25 - 28","5":"29 - 36","6":"37 - 41","7":"42 - 46","8":"47 - 54","9":"55 - 58","10":"59 - 65","11":"66"},"quantity":{"0":6,"1":9,"2":4,"3":5,"4":4,"5":8,"6":5,"7":5,"8":8,"9":4,"10":7,"11":1},"year (s) of manufacture":{"0":"1839 - 1843","1":"1842 - 1843","2":"1843 - 1844","3":"1844","4":"1844","5":"1845","6":"1845","7":"1845","8":"1845","9":"1846","10":"1847","11":"1846"},"type":{"0":"1a1 n2","1":"1a1 n2","2":"1a1 n2","3":"1a1 n2","4":"1a1 n2","5":"1a1 n2","6":"1a1 n2","7":"1b n2","8":"c n2","9":"2′b n2","10":"1a1 n2","11":"1a1 n2"}}
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monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday 0 mike north (begins 10 pm sunday) fox sports tonight (begins 10 pm day before) fox sports tonight (begins 10 pm day before) fox sports tonight (begins 10 pm day before) fox sports tonight (begins 10 pm day before) 1 jt the brick jt the brick jt the brick jt the brick jt the brick 2 fox sports daybreak fox sports daybreak fox sports daybreak fox sports daybreak fox sports daybreak 3 the dan patrick show the dan patrick show the dan patrick show the dan patrick show the dan patrick show 4 jay mohr sports jay mohr sports jay mohr sports jay mohr sports jay mohr sports 5 fox sports primetime fox sports primetime fox sports primetime fox sports primetime fox sports primetime 6 petros & money petros & money petros & money petros & money petros & money 7 fox sports tonight (ends 1 am next day) fox sports tonight (ends 1 am next day) fox sports tonight (ends 1 am next day) fox sports tonight (ends 1 am next day) fox sports tonight (ends 1 am next day) 8 monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday
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medal name games sport event 0 gold barney henricus 1938 sydney boxing featherweight (57 kg) 1 gold duncan white 1950 auckland athletics men 's 440 yards hurdles 2 gold pushpamali ramanayake malee wickremasinghe 1994 victoria shooting women 's air rifle - pairs 3 gold chinthana vidanage 2006 melbourne weightlifting men 's 62 kg 4 silver k edwin 1950 auckland boxing flyweight 5 silver albert perera 1950 auckland boxing bantamweight 6 silver dodangoda chandrasiri lakshman rajasinghe 1994 victoria shooting men 's small bore rifle , prone - pairs 7 silver malee wickremasinghe 1994 victoria shooting women 's air rifle 8 silver sriyani kulawansha 1998 kuala lumpur athletics women 's 100 m hurdles 9 silver chinthana vidanage 2010 delhi weightlifting men 's 69 kg 10 bronze alex obeyesekera 1950 auckland boxing welterweight 11 bronze sugath thilakaratne 1998 kuala lumpur athletics men 's 400 m 12 bronze sudesh peiris 2010 deilh weightlifting men 's 62 kg
{"medal":{"0":"gold","1":"gold","2":"gold","3":"gold","4":"silver","5":"silver","6":"silver","7":"silver","8":"silver","9":"silver","10":"bronze","11":"bronze","12":"bronze"},"name":{"0":"barney henricus","1":"duncan white","2":"pushpamali ramanayake malee wickremasinghe","3":"chinthana vidanage","4":"k edwin","5":"albert perera","6":"dodangoda chandrasiri lakshman rajasinghe","7":"malee wickremasinghe","8":"sriyani kulawansha","9":"chinthana vidanage","10":"alex obeyesekera","11":"sugath thilakaratne","12":"sudesh peiris"},"games":{"0":"1938 sydney","1":"1950 auckland","2":"1994 victoria","3":"2006 melbourne","4":"1950 auckland","5":"1950 auckland","6":"1994 victoria","7":"1994 victoria","8":"1998 kuala lumpur","9":"2010 delhi","10":"1950 auckland","11":"1998 kuala lumpur","12":"2010 deilh"},"sport":{"0":"boxing","1":"athletics","2":"shooting","3":"weightlifting","4":"boxing","5":"boxing","6":"shooting","7":"shooting","8":"athletics","9":"weightlifting","10":"boxing","11":"athletics","12":"weightlifting"},"event":{"0":"featherweight (57 kg)","1":"men 's 440 yards hurdles","2":"women 's air rifle - pairs","3":"men 's 62 kg","4":"flyweight","5":"bantamweight","6":"men 's small bore rifle , prone - pairs","7":"women 's air rifle","8":"women 's 100 m hurdles","9":"men 's 69 kg","10":"welterweight","11":"men 's 400 m","12":"men 's 62 kg"}}
result opponent type rd , time date location 0 result opponent type rd , time date location 1 loss tony jeter decision (split) 10 (10) october 27 , 2012 fairfax , va 2 win ruben galvan decision (unanimous) 12 (12) 11 february 2012 fairfax , va 3 win raul munoz tko 6 (10) 10 september 2011 fairfax , va 4 win mike mcfail decision (unanimous) 6 (6) 25 june 2011 virginia beach , va 5 win jimmy holmes decision (unanimous) 10 (10) 12 march 2011 fairfax , va 6 win joe wyatt ko 10 (10) 6 november 2010 fairfax , va 7 win mike mcfail decision (unanimous) 6 (6) 20 august 2010 greensboro , nc 8 win jimmy leblanc ko 2 (10) 10 july 2010 fairfax , va 9 loss chase shields decision (unanimous) 10 (10) march 6 , 2010 fairfax , va 10 win jonathan reid rtd 9 (12) 26 september 2009 fairfax , va 11 win frank houghtaling rtd 5 (12) 2 may 2009 fairfax , va 12 win grover wiley decision (unanimous) 10 (10) 1 november 2008 fairfax , va 13 win fontaine cabell tko 8 (12) 12 may 2007 fairfax , va 14 draw fontaine cabell draw 12 (12) 9 december 2006 fairfax , va 15 win thomas wilt tko 10 (10) , 2:45 7 october 2006 fairfax , va 16 loss joey gilbert tko 3 (12) 18 february 2006 fairfax , va 17 win perry ballard tko 4 (12) 17 september 2005 fairfax , va 18 win tarick salmaci decision (majority) 5 (5) 24 may 2005 las vegas , nv 19 loss joey gilbert decision (unanimous) 5 (5) 7 september 2004 pasadena , ca 20 win gabriel rodriguez decision (split) 10 (10) 1 may 2004 washington , dc 21 win gabriel rodriguez tko 7 (10) , 2:32 28 february 2004 washington , dc 22 win joshua smith decision (unanimous) 10 (10) 13 december 2003 washington , dc 23 win homer gibbins tko 3 (10) 16 september 2003 lake charles , la 24 win chad greenleaf decision (unanimous) 8 (8) 10 may 2003 washington , dc 25 win charles clark decision (unanimous) 8 (8) 15 march 2003 washington , dc 26 win gerald reed decision (majority) 8 (8) 17 january 2002 washington , dc 27 win vincent white tko 5 (8) , 0:55 17 january 2002 glen burnie , md 28 win alex perez tko 1 (8) , 2:59 15 november 2001 glen burnie , md 29 win samuel harvey tko 2 (6) , 2:35 31 august 2001 baltimore , md 30 win james johnson tko 5 (8) , 2:40 10 may 2001 glen burnie , md 31 win ed goins tko 2 (6) , 1:40 16 november 2000 glen burnie , md 32 win kevin carter tko 3 (6) , 1:22 21 september 2000 glen burnie , md 33 win donnie parker decision (points) 6 (6) 12 march 2000 washington , dc 34 win benji singleton decision (unanimous) 6 (6) 18 november 1999 glen burnie , md 35 win drew hayes ko 5 (6) , 2:04 30 september 1999 glen burnie , md 36 win dewayne holland ko 1 27 august 1999 annandale , va 37 win jason floss tko 2 23 july 1999 washington , dc 38 draw james johnson draw 4 (4) 13 may 1999 glen burnie , md 39 win andre gaskins tko 4 (4) , 2:58 25 march 1999 glen burnie , md 40 win travis clybourn ko 1 28 february 1999 alexandria , va 41 win matt hill tko 1 (4) , 2:41 28 january 1999 glen burnie , md 42 win anthony boykin tko 1 24 november 1998 washington , dc 43 loss kevin collins decision (majority) 4 (4) 27 march 1998 westbury , ny 44 win scott mitchell tko 1 14 march 1998 lima , oh 45 win robert hunt tko 1 (4) 22 february 1998 washington , dc
{"result":{"0":"result","1":"loss","2":"win","3":"win","4":"win","5":"win","6":"win","7":"win","8":"win","9":"loss","10":"win","11":"win","12":"win","13":"win","14":"draw","15":"win","16":"loss","17":"win","18":"win","19":"loss","20":"win","21":"win","22":"win","23":"win","24":"win","25":"win","26":"win","27":"win","28":"win","29":"win","30":"win","31":"win","32":"win","33":"win","34":"win","35":"win","36":"win","37":"win","38":"draw","39":"win","40":"win","41":"win","42":"win","43":"loss","44":"win","45":"win"},"opponent":{"0":"opponent","1":"tony jeter","2":"ruben galvan","3":"raul munoz","4":"mike mcfail","5":"jimmy holmes","6":"joe wyatt","7":"mike mcfail","8":"jimmy leblanc","9":"chase shields","10":"jonathan reid","11":"frank houghtaling","12":"grover wiley","13":"fontaine cabell","14":"fontaine cabell","15":"thomas wilt","16":"joey gilbert","17":"perry ballard","18":"tarick salmaci","19":"joey gilbert","20":"gabriel rodriguez","21":"gabriel rodriguez","22":"joshua smith","23":"homer gibbins","24":"chad greenleaf","25":"charles clark","26":"gerald reed","27":"vincent white","28":"alex perez","29":"samuel harvey","30":"james johnson","31":"ed goins","32":"kevin carter","33":"donnie parker","34":"benji singleton","35":"drew hayes","36":"dewayne holland","37":"jason floss","38":"james johnson","39":"andre gaskins","40":"travis clybourn","41":"matt hill","42":"anthony boykin","43":"kevin collins","44":"scott mitchell","45":"robert hunt"},"type":{"0":"type","1":"decision (split)","2":"decision (unanimous)","3":"tko","4":"decision (unanimous)","5":"decision (unanimous)","6":"ko","7":"decision (unanimous)","8":"ko","9":"decision (unanimous)","10":"rtd","11":"rtd","12":"decision (unanimous)","13":"tko","14":"draw","15":"tko","16":"tko","17":"tko","18":"decision (majority)","19":"decision (unanimous)","20":"decision (split)","21":"tko","22":"decision (unanimous)","23":"tko","24":"decision (unanimous)","25":"decision (unanimous)","26":"decision (majority)","27":"tko","28":"tko","29":"tko","30":"tko","31":"tko","32":"tko","33":"decision (points)","34":"decision (unanimous)","35":"ko","36":"ko","37":"tko","38":"draw","39":"tko","40":"ko","41":"tko","42":"tko","43":"decision (majority)","44":"tko","45":"tko"},"rd , time":{"0":"rd , time","1":"10 (10)","2":"12 (12)","3":"6 (10)","4":"6 (6)","5":"10 (10)","6":"10 (10)","7":"6 (6)","8":"2 (10)","9":"10 (10)","10":"9 (12)","11":"5 (12)","12":"10 (10)","13":"8 (12)","14":"12 (12)","15":"10 (10) , 2:45","16":"3 (12)","17":"4 (12)","18":"5 (5)","19":"5 (5)","20":"10 (10)","21":"7 (10) , 2:32","22":"10 (10)","23":"3 (10)","24":"8 (8)","25":"8 (8)","26":"8 (8)","27":"5 (8) , 0:55","28":"1 (8) , 2:59","29":"2 (6) , 2:35","30":"5 (8) , 2:40","31":"2 (6) , 1:40","32":"3 (6) , 1:22","33":"6 (6)","34":"6 (6)","35":"5 (6) , 2:04","36":"1","37":"2","38":"4 (4)","39":"4 (4) , 2:58","40":"1","41":"1 (4) , 2:41","42":"1","43":"4 (4)","44":"1","45":"1 (4)"},"date":{"0":"date","1":"october 27 , 2012","2":"11 february 2012","3":"10 september 2011","4":"25 june 2011","5":"12 march 2011","6":"6 november 2010","7":"20 august 2010","8":"10 july 2010","9":"march 6 , 2010","10":"26 september 2009","11":"2 may 2009","12":"1 november 2008","13":"12 may 2007","14":"9 december 2006","15":"7 october 2006","16":"18 february 2006","17":"17 september 2005","18":"24 may 2005","19":"7 september 2004","20":"1 may 2004","21":"28 february 2004","22":"13 december 2003","23":"16 september 2003","24":"10 may 2003","25":"15 march 2003","26":"17 january 2002","27":"17 january 2002","28":"15 november 2001","29":"31 august 2001","30":"10 may 2001","31":"16 november 2000","32":"21 september 2000","33":"12 march 2000","34":"18 november 1999","35":"30 september 1999","36":"27 august 1999","37":"23 july 1999","38":"13 may 1999","39":"25 march 1999","40":"28 february 1999","41":"28 january 1999","42":"24 november 1998","43":"27 march 1998","44":"14 march 1998","45":"22 february 1998"},"location":{"0":"location","1":"fairfax , va","2":"fairfax , va","3":"fairfax , va","4":"virginia beach , va","5":"fairfax , va","6":"fairfax , va","7":"greensboro , nc","8":"fairfax , va","9":"fairfax , va","10":"fairfax , va","11":"fairfax , va","12":"fairfax , va","13":"fairfax , va","14":"fairfax , va","15":"fairfax , va","16":"fairfax , va","17":"fairfax , va","18":"las vegas , nv","19":"pasadena , ca","20":"washington , dc","21":"washington , dc","22":"washington , dc","23":"lake charles , la","24":"washington , dc","25":"washington , dc","26":"washington , dc","27":"glen burnie , md","28":"glen burnie , md","29":"baltimore , md","30":"glen burnie , md","31":"glen burnie , md","32":"glen burnie , md","33":"washington , dc","34":"glen burnie , md","35":"glen burnie , md","36":"annandale , va","37":"washington , dc","38":"glen burnie , md","39":"glen burnie , md","40":"alexandria , va","41":"glen burnie , md","42":"washington , dc","43":"westbury , ny","44":"lima , oh","45":"washington , dc"}}
peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 galdhøpiggen norway 2469 2372 97 1 kebnekaise sweden 2113 1754 359 2 jiehkkevárri norway 1834 1741 93 3 snøhetta norway 2286 1675 611 4 store lenangstind norway 1624 1576 48 5 sarektjåhkkå sweden 2089 1519 570
{"peak":{"0":"galdhøpiggen","1":"kebnekaise","2":"jiehkkevárri","3":"snøhetta","4":"store lenangstind","5":"sarektjåhkkå"},"country":{"0":"norway","1":"sweden","2":"norway","3":"norway","4":"norway","5":"sweden"},"elevation (m)":{"0":2469,"1":2113,"2":1834,"3":2286,"4":1624,"5":2089},"prominence (m)":{"0":2372,"1":1754,"2":1741,"3":1675,"4":1576,"5":1519},"col (m)":{"0":97,"1":359,"2":93,"3":611,"4":48,"5":570}}
peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 mount etna italy ( sicily ) 3323 3323 0 1 monte cinto france ( corsica ) 2706 2706 0 2 corno grande italy 2912 2476 436 3 punta la marmora italy ( sardinia ) 1834 1834 0 4 monte amaro italy 2795 1812 983 5 monte dolcedorme italy 2267 1715 552 6 montalto italy 1955 1709 246 7 monte cimone italy 2165 1577 588
{"peak":{"0":"mount etna","1":"monte cinto","2":"corno grande","3":"punta la marmora","4":"monte amaro","5":"monte dolcedorme","6":"montalto","7":"monte cimone"},"country":{"0":"italy ( sicily )","1":"france ( corsica )","2":"italy","3":"italy ( sardinia )","4":"italy","5":"italy","6":"italy","7":"italy"},"elevation (m)":{"0":3323,"1":2706,"2":2912,"3":1834,"4":2795,"5":2267,"6":1955,"7":2165},"prominence (m)":{"0":3323,"1":2706,"2":2476,"3":1834,"4":1812,"5":1715,"6":1709,"7":1577},"col (m)":{"0":0,"1":0,"2":436,"3":0,"4":983,"5":552,"6":246,"7":588}}
peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 gerlachovský štít slovakia 2655 2355 300 1 parngu mare romania 2519 2103 416 2 moldoveanu peak romania 2544 2046 498 3 peleaga romania 2509 1759 750 4 pietrosul rodnei romania 2303 1565 738
{"peak":{"0":"gerlachovský štít","1":"parngu mare","2":"moldoveanu peak","3":"peleaga","4":"pietrosul rodnei"},"country":{"0":"slovakia","1":"romania","2":"romania","3":"romania","4":"romania"},"elevation (m)":{"0":2655,"1":2519,"2":2544,"3":2509,"4":2303},"prominence (m)":{"0":2355,"1":2103,"2":2046,"3":1759,"4":1565},"col (m)":{"0":300,"1":416,"2":498,"3":750,"4":738}}
peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 musala bulgaria 2925 2473 432 1 mount olympus greece 2919 2355 564 2 mount korab albania / macedonia 2764 2169 595 3 maja jezercë albania 2694 2036 658 4 mount athos greece 2030 2012 18 5 mount ossa greece 1978 1854 124 6 nemërçkë ( maja e papingut ) albania 2482 1792 690 7 vihren bulgaria 2914 1783 1131 8 pangaion hills greece 1956 1773 183 9 kaimakchalan greece / macedonia 2528 1758 770 10 smolikas greece 2637 1736 901 11 mount giona greece 2510 1702 808 12 jakupica macedonia 2540 1666 874 13 maja e këndrevicës albania 2121 1666 455 14 radomir bulgaria / greece 2031 1595 436 15 mount parnassus greece 2457 1590 867 16 botev peak bulgaria 2376 1567 809 17 mali i çikës albania 2044 1563 481 18 maja e valamarës albania 2373 1526 847 19 pelister macedonia 2601 1516 1085 20 psili koryfi greece 1589 1514 75
{"peak":{"0":"musala","1":"mount olympus","2":"mount korab","3":"maja jezercë","4":"mount athos","5":"mount ossa","6":"nemërçkë ( maja e papingut )","7":"vihren","8":"pangaion hills","9":"kaimakchalan","10":"smolikas","11":"mount giona","12":"jakupica","13":"maja e këndrevicës","14":"radomir","15":"mount parnassus","16":"botev peak","17":"mali i çikës","18":"maja e valamarës","19":"pelister","20":"psili koryfi"},"country":{"0":"bulgaria","1":"greece","2":"albania \/ macedonia","3":"albania","4":"greece","5":"greece","6":"albania","7":"bulgaria","8":"greece","9":"greece \/ macedonia","10":"greece","11":"greece","12":"macedonia","13":"albania","14":"bulgaria \/ greece","15":"greece","16":"bulgaria","17":"albania","18":"albania","19":"macedonia","20":"greece"},"elevation (m)":{"0":2925,"1":2919,"2":2764,"3":2694,"4":2030,"5":1978,"6":2482,"7":2914,"8":1956,"9":2528,"10":2637,"11":2510,"12":2540,"13":2121,"14":2031,"15":2457,"16":2376,"17":2044,"18":2373,"19":2601,"20":1589},"prominence (m)":{"0":2473,"1":2355,"2":2169,"3":2036,"4":2012,"5":1854,"6":1792,"7":1783,"8":1773,"9":1758,"10":1736,"11":1702,"12":1666,"13":1666,"14":1595,"15":1590,"16":1567,"17":1563,"18":1526,"19":1516,"20":1514},"col (m)":{"0":432,"1":564,"2":595,"3":658,"4":18,"5":124,"6":690,"7":1131,"8":183,"9":770,"10":901,"11":808,"12":874,"13":455,"14":436,"15":867,"16":809,"17":481,"18":847,"19":1085,"20":75}}
peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 mount ida greece ( crete ) 2456 2456 0 1 taygetus greece 2404 2344 60 2 lefka ori greece ( crete ) 2453 2038 415 3 mount olympus cyprus 1952 1952 0 4 mount kyllini greece 2376 1870 506 5 dikti greece ( crete ) 2148 1798 350 6 dirfi greece ( euboea ) 1743 1743 0 7 mount ainos greece ( kefalonia ) 1628 1628 0 8 fengari greece ( samothrace ) 1611 1611 0
{"peak":{"0":"mount ida","1":"taygetus","2":"lefka ori","3":"mount olympus","4":"mount kyllini","5":"dikti","6":"dirfi","7":"mount ainos","8":"fengari"},"country":{"0":"greece ( crete )","1":"greece","2":"greece ( crete )","3":"cyprus","4":"greece","5":"greece ( crete )","6":"greece ( euboea )","7":"greece ( kefalonia )","8":"greece ( samothrace )"},"elevation (m)":{"0":2456,"1":2404,"2":2453,"3":1952,"4":2376,"5":2148,"6":1743,"7":1628,"8":1611},"prominence (m)":{"0":2456,"1":2344,"2":2038,"3":1952,"4":1870,"5":1798,"6":1743,"7":1628,"8":1611},"col (m)":{"0":0,"1":60,"2":415,"3":0,"4":506,"5":350,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0}}
week 1 week 3 week 4 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 10 final week 12 0 amit bobby kashmera rakhi rakhi roopali deepak t ragini deepak t roopali amit roopali amit baba rakhi roopali winner 1 bobby deepak p kashmera rakhi anupama rakhi anupama deepak t deepak t ravi baba rakhi baba rakhi amit rakhi runner - up 2 bobby deepak p kashmera rakhi aryan ragini amit rahul deepak t ragini amit carol amit baba carol roopali third place 3 deepak p rahul carol rahul carol ravi evicted (day 30) ragini roopali carol roopali carol roopali carol roopali evicted (day 84) 4 deepak p roopali aryan kashmera aryan rakhi ragini roopali deepak t ravi ragini rakhi rahul rakhi ravi roopali evicted (day 79) 5 anupama aryan kashmera ragini anupama ragini anupama deepak t deepak t rahul ragini rahul rahul rakhi rahul rakhi evicted (day 72) 6 not in house not in house not in house not in house not in house ragini rakhi carol ravi evicted (day 65) evicted (day 65) 7 bobby deepak p deepak t ravi rakhi ravi anupama ravi ravi roopali carol roopali evicted (day 58) evicted (day 58) evicted (day 58) 8 not in house kashmera ragini ragini rakhi rahul rupali rahul roopali evicted (day 51) evicted (day 51) evicted (day 51) evicted (day 51) 9 carol roopali amit carol carol ravi carol roopali evicted (day 44) evicted (day 44) evicted (day 44) evicted (day 44) evicted (day 44) 10 deepak p rahul carol roopali carol deepak t evicted (day 37) evicted (day 37) evicted (day 37) evicted (day 37) evicted (day 37) evicted (day 37) 11 deepak p rahul amit carol evicted (day 23) evicted (day 23) evicted (day 23) evicted (day 23) evicted (day 23) evicted (day 23) guest 12 ragini ravi evicted (day 16) evicted (day 16) evicted (day 16) evicted (day 16) evicted (day 16) evicted (day 16) evicted (day 16) evicted (day 16) 13 deepak p ravi evicted (day 9) evicted (day 9) evicted (day 9) evicted (day 9) evicted (day 9) evicted (day 9) evicted (day 9) evicted (day 9) 14 bobby deepak p ejected (day 8) ejected (day 8) ejected (day 8) ejected (day 8) ejected (day 8) ejected (day 8) ejected (day 8) ejected (day 8) 15 none none none none none none none none none 16 bobby deepak p carol kashmera carol ragini rakhi ravi anupama deepak t ragini rahul roopali deepak t ravi roopali amit carol ragini rakhi roopali amit baba carol rahul rakhi rakhi roopali carol rahul rakhi ravi 17 salil none none none none none none none none 18 bobby kashmera rakhi anupama deepak t ragini baba roopali rakhi ravi carol
{"week 1":{"0":"amit bobby","1":"bobby deepak p","2":"bobby deepak p","3":"deepak p rahul","4":"deepak p roopali","5":"anupama aryan","6":"not in house","7":"bobby deepak p","8":"not in house","9":"carol roopali","10":"deepak p rahul","11":"deepak p rahul","12":"ragini ravi","13":"deepak p ravi","14":"bobby deepak p","15":"none","16":"bobby deepak p","17":"salil","18":"bobby"},"week 3":{"0":"kashmera rakhi","1":"kashmera rakhi","2":"kashmera rakhi","3":"carol rahul","4":"aryan kashmera","5":"kashmera ragini","6":"not in house","7":"deepak t ravi","8":"kashmera ragini","9":"amit carol","10":"carol roopali","11":"amit carol","12":"evicted (day 16)","13":"evicted (day 9)","14":"ejected (day 8)","15":"none","16":"carol kashmera","17":"none","18":"kashmera"},"week 4":{"0":"rakhi roopali","1":"anupama rakhi","2":"aryan ragini","3":"carol ravi","4":"aryan rakhi","5":"anupama ragini","6":"not in house","7":"rakhi ravi","8":"ragini rakhi","9":"carol ravi","10":"carol deepak t","11":"evicted (day 23)","12":"evicted (day 16)","13":"evicted (day 9)","14":"ejected (day 8)","15":"none","16":"carol ragini rakhi ravi","17":"none","18":"rakhi"},"week 6":{"0":"deepak t ragini","1":"anupama deepak t","2":"amit rahul","3":"evicted (day 30)","4":"ragini roopali","5":"anupama deepak t","6":"not in house","7":"anupama ravi","8":"rahul rupali","9":"carol roopali","10":"evicted (day 37)","11":"evicted (day 23)","12":"evicted (day 16)","13":"evicted (day 9)","14":"ejected (day 8)","15":"none","16":"anupama deepak t ragini rahul roopali","17":"none","18":"anupama"},"week 7":{"0":"deepak t roopali","1":"deepak t ravi","2":"deepak t ragini","3":"ragini roopali","4":"deepak t ravi","5":"deepak t rahul","6":"not in house","7":"ravi roopali","8":"rahul roopali","9":"evicted (day 44)","10":"evicted (day 37)","11":"evicted (day 23)","12":"evicted (day 16)","13":"evicted (day 9)","14":"ejected (day 8)","15":"none","16":"deepak t ravi roopali","17":"none","18":"deepak t"},"week 8":{"0":"amit roopali","1":"baba rakhi","2":"amit carol","3":"carol roopali","4":"ragini rakhi","5":"ragini rahul","6":"ragini rakhi","7":"carol roopali","8":"evicted (day 51)","9":"evicted (day 44)","10":"evicted (day 37)","11":"evicted (day 23)","12":"evicted (day 16)","13":"evicted (day 9)","14":"ejected (day 8)","15":"none","16":"amit carol ragini rakhi roopali","17":"none","18":"ragini"},"week 9":{"0":"amit baba","1":"baba rakhi","2":"amit baba","3":"carol roopali","4":"rahul rakhi","5":"rahul rakhi","6":"carol ravi","7":"evicted (day 58)","8":"evicted (day 51)","9":"evicted (day 44)","10":"evicted (day 37)","11":"evicted (day 23)","12":"evicted (day 16)","13":"evicted (day 9)","14":"ejected (day 8)","15":"none","16":"amit baba carol rahul rakhi","17":"none","18":"baba"},"week 10":{"0":"rakhi roopali","1":"amit rakhi","2":"carol roopali","3":"carol roopali","4":"ravi roopali","5":"rahul rakhi","6":"evicted (day 65)","7":"evicted (day 58)","8":"evicted (day 51)","9":"evicted (day 44)","10":"evicted (day 37)","11":"evicted (day 23)","12":"evicted (day 16)","13":"evicted (day 9)","14":"ejected (day 8)","15":"none","16":"rakhi roopali","17":"none","18":"roopali"},"final week 12":{"0":"winner","1":"runner - up","2":"third place","3":"evicted (day 84)","4":"evicted (day 79)","5":"evicted (day 72)","6":"evicted (day 65)","7":"evicted (day 58)","8":"evicted (day 51)","9":"evicted (day 44)","10":"evicted (day 37)","11":"guest","12":"evicted (day 16)","13":"evicted (day 9)","14":"ejected (day 8)","15":"none","16":"carol rahul rakhi ravi","17":"none","18":"rakhi ravi carol"}}
minister party governments term start term end 0 giora yoseftal mapai 10 2 november 1961 23 august 1962 1 yosef almogi mapai 10 , 11 , 12 30 october 1962 23 may 1965 2 levi eshkol mapai 12 31 may 1965 12 january 1966 3 mordechai bentov not an mk 13 , 14 12 january 1966 15 december 1969 4 ze'ev sherf alignment 15 15 december 1969 10 march 1974 5 yehoshua rabinovitz not an mk 16 10 march 1974 3 june 1974 6 avraham ofer alignment 17 3 june 1974 3 january 1977 7 shlomo rosen not an mk 17 16 january 1977 20 june 1977 8 gideon patt likud 18 20 june 1977 15 january 1979 9 david levy likud 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 15 january 1979 11 june 1990 10 ariel sharon likud 24 11 june 1990 13 july 1992 11 binyamin ben - eliezer labor party 25 , 26 13 july 1992 18 june 1996 12 benjamin netanyahu likud 27 18 june 1996 6 july 1999 13 yitzhak levy national religious party 28 6 july 1999 12 july 2000 14 binyamin ben - eliezer one israel 28 11 october 2000 7 march 2001 15 natan sharansky yisrael baaliyah 29 7 march 2001 28 february 2003 16 effi eitam national religious party 30 3 march 2003 10 june 2004 17 tzipi livni likud 30 4 july 2004 10 january 2005 18 isaac herzog labor party 30 10 january 2005 23 november 2005 19 ze'ev boim kadima 30 18 january 2006 4 may 2006 20 meir sheetrit kadima 31 4 may 2006 4 july 2007 21 ze'ev boim kadima 31 4 july 2007 31 march 2009 22 ariel atias shas 32 31 march 2009 18 march 2013 23 uri ariel the jewish home 33 18 march 2013 incumbent
{"minister":{"0":"giora yoseftal","1":"yosef almogi","2":"levi eshkol","3":"mordechai bentov","4":"ze'ev sherf","5":"yehoshua rabinovitz","6":"avraham ofer","7":"shlomo rosen","8":"gideon patt","9":"david levy","10":"ariel sharon","11":"binyamin ben - eliezer","12":"benjamin netanyahu","13":"yitzhak levy","14":"binyamin ben - eliezer","15":"natan sharansky","16":"effi eitam","17":"tzipi livni","18":"isaac herzog","19":"ze'ev boim","20":"meir sheetrit","21":"ze'ev boim","22":"ariel atias","23":"uri ariel"},"party":{"0":"mapai","1":"mapai","2":"mapai","3":"not an mk","4":"alignment","5":"not an mk","6":"alignment","7":"not an mk","8":"likud","9":"likud","10":"likud","11":"labor party","12":"likud","13":"national religious party","14":"one israel","15":"yisrael baaliyah","16":"national religious party","17":"likud","18":"labor party","19":"kadima","20":"kadima","21":"kadima","22":"shas","23":"the jewish home"},"governments":{"0":"10","1":"10 , 11 , 12","2":"12","3":"13 , 14","4":"15","5":"16","6":"17","7":"17","8":"18","9":"18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23","10":"24","11":"25 , 26","12":"27","13":"28","14":"28","15":"29","16":"30","17":"30","18":"30","19":"30","20":"31","21":"31","22":"32","23":"33"},"term start":{"0":"2 november 1961","1":"30 october 1962","2":"31 may 1965","3":"12 january 1966","4":"15 december 1969","5":"10 march 1974","6":"3 june 1974","7":"16 january 1977","8":"20 june 1977","9":"15 january 1979","10":"11 june 1990","11":"13 july 1992","12":"18 june 1996","13":"6 july 1999","14":"11 october 2000","15":"7 march 2001","16":"3 march 2003","17":"4 july 2004","18":"10 january 2005","19":"18 january 2006","20":"4 may 2006","21":"4 july 2007","22":"31 march 2009","23":"18 march 2013"},"term end":{"0":"23 august 1962","1":"23 may 1965","2":"12 january 1966","3":"15 december 1969","4":"10 march 1974","5":"3 june 1974","6":"3 january 1977","7":"20 june 1977","8":"15 january 1979","9":"11 june 1990","10":"13 july 1992","11":"18 june 1996","12":"6 july 1999","13":"12 july 2000","14":"7 march 2001","15":"28 february 2003","16":"10 june 2004","17":"10 january 2005","18":"23 november 2005","19":"4 may 2006","20":"4 july 2007","21":"31 march 2009","22":"18 march 2013","23":"incumbent"}}
minister party governments term start term end 0 moshe katsav likud 20 10 october 1983 13 september 1984 1 avraham ravitz degel hatorah 24 25 june 1990 13 july 1992 2 aryeh gamliel shas 25 29 july 1992 9 september 1993 3 ran cohen meretz 25 4 august 1992 31 december 1992 4 eli ben - menachem labor party 25 , 26 8 april 1993 18 june 1996 5 alex goldfarb yiud , atid 25 , 26 2 january 1995 18 june 1996 6 meir porush united torah judaism 27 24 june 1996 6 july 1999 7 meir porush united torah judaism 29 4 june 2001 28 february 2003 8 eli ben - menachem labor party 30 11 january 2005 23 november 2005
{"minister":{"0":"moshe katsav","1":"avraham ravitz","2":"aryeh gamliel","3":"ran cohen","4":"eli ben - menachem","5":"alex goldfarb","6":"meir porush","7":"meir porush","8":"eli ben - menachem"},"party":{"0":"likud","1":"degel hatorah","2":"shas","3":"meretz","4":"labor party","5":"yiud , atid","6":"united torah judaism","7":"united torah judaism","8":"labor party"},"governments":{"0":"20","1":"24","2":"25","3":"25","4":"25 , 26","5":"25 , 26","6":"27","7":"29","8":"30"},"term start":{"0":"10 october 1983","1":"25 june 1990","2":"29 july 1992","3":"4 august 1992","4":"8 april 1993","5":"2 january 1995","6":"24 june 1996","7":"4 june 2001","8":"11 january 2005"},"term end":{"0":"13 september 1984","1":"13 july 1992","2":"9 september 1993","3":"31 december 1992","4":"18 june 1996","5":"18 june 1996","6":"6 july 1999","7":"28 february 2003","8":"23 november 2005"}}
elector nationality cardinalatial order and title elevated elevator 0 ordonho alvares portuguese cardinal - bishop of frascati 1278 , march 12 nicholas iii 1 latino malabranca orsini , op rome cardinal - bishop of ostia e velletri 1278 , march 12 nicholas iii 2 bentivenga da bentivengi , ofm acquasparta cardinal - bishop of albano 1278 , march 12 nicholas iii 3 anchero pantalãone french cardinal - priest of s prassede 1262 , may 22 urban iv 4 simon de brion french cardinal - priest of s cecilia 1261 , december 17 urban iv 5 guillaume de bray french cardinal - priest of s marco 1262 , may 22 urban iv 6 gerardo bianchi parma cardinal - priest of ss xii apostoli 1278 , march 12 nicholas iii 7 girolamo masci , ofm lisciano cardinal - priest of s pudenziana 1278 , march 12 nicholas iii 8 giacomo savelli rome cardinal - deacon of s maria in cosmedin 1261 , december 17 urban iv 9 goffredo da alatri alatri cardinal - deacon of s giorgio in velabro 1261 , december 17 urban iv 10 matteo orsini rome cardinal - deacon of s maria in portico 1262 , may 22 urban iv 11 giordano orsini rome cardinal - deacon of s eustachio 1278 , march 12 nicholas iii 12 giacomo colonna rome cardinal - deacon of s maria in via lata 1278 , march 12 nicholas iii
{"elector":{"0":"ordonho alvares","1":"latino malabranca orsini , op","2":"bentivenga da bentivengi , ofm","3":"anchero pantalãone","4":"simon de brion","5":"guillaume de bray","6":"gerardo bianchi","7":"girolamo masci , ofm","8":"giacomo savelli","9":"goffredo da alatri","10":"matteo orsini","11":"giordano orsini","12":"giacomo colonna"},"nationality":{"0":"portuguese","1":"rome","2":"acquasparta","3":"french","4":"french","5":"french","6":"parma","7":"lisciano","8":"rome","9":"alatri","10":"rome","11":"rome","12":"rome"},"cardinalatial order and title":{"0":"cardinal - bishop of frascati","1":"cardinal - bishop of ostia e velletri","2":"cardinal - bishop of albano","3":"cardinal - priest of s prassede","4":"cardinal - priest of s cecilia","5":"cardinal - priest of s marco","6":"cardinal - priest of ss xii apostoli","7":"cardinal - priest of s pudenziana","8":"cardinal - deacon of s maria in cosmedin","9":"cardinal - deacon of s giorgio in velabro","10":"cardinal - deacon of s maria in portico","11":"cardinal - deacon of s eustachio","12":"cardinal - deacon of s maria in via lata"},"elevated":{"0":"1278 , march 12","1":"1278 , march 12","2":"1278 , march 12","3":"1262 , may 22","4":"1261 , december 17","5":"1262 , may 22","6":"1278 , march 12","7":"1278 , march 12","8":"1261 , december 17","9":"1261 , december 17","10":"1262 , may 22","11":"1278 , march 12","12":"1278 , march 12"},"elevator":{"0":"nicholas iii","1":"nicholas iii","2":"nicholas iii","3":"urban iv","4":"urban iv","5":"urban iv","6":"nicholas iii","7":"nicholas iii","8":"urban iv","9":"urban iv","10":"urban iv","11":"nicholas iii","12":"nicholas iii"}}
week date opponent result record tv time attendance 0 1 september 8 , 2002 carolina panthers l 10 - 7 0 - 1 - 0 cbs 1:00 pm 70386.0 1 2 september 15 , 2002 tampa bay buccaneers l 25 - 0 0 - 2 - 0 fox 1:00 pm 69304.0 2 3 - - - - - NaN 3 4 september 30 , 2002 denver broncos w 34 - 23 1 - 2 - 0 abc 9:00 pm 69538.0 4 5 october 6 , 2002 cleveland browns w 26 - 21 2 - 2 - 0 espn 8:30 pm 73688.0 5 6 october 13 , 2002 indianapolis colts l 22 - 20 2 - 3 - 0 cbs 1:00 pm 56174.0 6 7 october 20 , 2002 jacksonville jaguars w 17 - 10 3 - 3 - 0 cbs 1:00 pm 69173.0 7 8 october 27 , 2002 pittsburgh steelers l 31 - 18 3 - 4 - 0 cbs 1:00 pm 69638.0 8 9 november 3 , 2002 atlanta falcons l 20 - 17 3 - 5 - 0 cbs 1:00 pm 68532.0 9 10 november 10 , 2002 cincinnati bengals w 38 - 27 4 - 5 - 0 cbs 1:00 pm 69024.0 10 11 november 17 , 2002 miami dolphins l 26 - 7 4 - 6 - 0 cbs 4:15 pm 73013.0 11 12 november 24 , 2002 tennessee titans w 13 - 12 5 - 6 - 0 cbs 1 ,00 pm 69365.0 12 13 december 1 , 2002 cincinnati bengals w 27 - 23 6 - 6 - 0 cbs 1:00 pm 44878.0 13 14 december 8 , 2002 new orleans saints l 37 - 25 6 - 7 - 0 fox 4:15 pm 69334.0 14 15 december 15 , 2002 houston texans w 23 - 19 7 - 7 - 0 cbs 1:00 pm 70108.0 15 16 december 22 , 2002 cleveland browns l 14 - 13 7 - 8 - 0 cbs 4:15 pm 69348.0 16 17 december 29 , 2002 pittsburgh steelers l 34 - 31 7 - 9 - 0 cbs 1:00 pm 61961.0
{"week":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":9,"9":10,"10":11,"11":12,"12":13,"13":14,"14":15,"15":16,"16":17},"date":{"0":"september 8 , 2002","1":"september 15 , 2002","2":"-","3":"september 30 , 2002","4":"october 6 , 2002","5":"october 13 , 2002","6":"october 20 , 2002","7":"october 27 , 2002","8":"november 3 , 2002","9":"november 10 , 2002","10":"november 17 , 2002","11":"november 24 , 2002","12":"december 1 , 2002","13":"december 8 , 2002","14":"december 15 , 2002","15":"december 22 , 2002","16":"december 29 , 2002"},"opponent":{"0":"carolina panthers","1":"tampa bay buccaneers","2":"-","3":"denver broncos","4":"cleveland browns","5":"indianapolis colts","6":"jacksonville jaguars","7":"pittsburgh steelers","8":"atlanta falcons","9":"cincinnati bengals","10":"miami dolphins","11":"tennessee titans","12":"cincinnati bengals","13":"new orleans saints","14":"houston texans","15":"cleveland browns","16":"pittsburgh steelers"},"result":{"0":"l 10 - 7","1":"l 25 - 0","2":"-","3":"w 34 - 23","4":"w 26 - 21","5":"l 22 - 20","6":"w 17 - 10","7":"l 31 - 18","8":"l 20 - 17","9":"w 38 - 27","10":"l 26 - 7","11":"w 13 - 12","12":"w 27 - 23","13":"l 37 - 25","14":"w 23 - 19","15":"l 14 - 13","16":"l 34 - 31"},"record":{"0":"0 - 1 - 0","1":"0 - 2 - 0","2":"-","3":"1 - 2 - 0","4":"2 - 2 - 0","5":"2 - 3 - 0","6":"3 - 3 - 0","7":"3 - 4 - 0","8":"3 - 5 - 0","9":"4 - 5 - 0","10":"4 - 6 - 0","11":"5 - 6 - 0","12":"6 - 6 - 0","13":"6 - 7 - 0","14":"7 - 7 - 0","15":"7 - 8 - 0","16":"7 - 9 - 0"},"tv time":{"0":"cbs 1:00 pm","1":"fox 1:00 pm","2":"-","3":"abc 9:00 pm","4":"espn 8:30 pm","5":"cbs 1:00 pm","6":"cbs 1:00 pm","7":"cbs 1:00 pm","8":"cbs 1:00 pm","9":"cbs 1:00 pm","10":"cbs 4:15 pm","11":"cbs 1 ,00 pm","12":"cbs 1:00 pm","13":"fox 4:15 pm","14":"cbs 1:00 pm","15":"cbs 4:15 pm","16":"cbs 1:00 pm"},"attendance":{"0":70386.0,"1":69304.0,"2":null,"3":69538.0,"4":73688.0,"5":56174.0,"6":69173.0,"7":69638.0,"8":68532.0,"9":69024.0,"10":73013.0,"11":69365.0,"12":44878.0,"13":69334.0,"14":70108.0,"15":69348.0,"16":61961.0}}
feature amt 1.0 (desktop) amt 2.0 / 2.1 (desktop) amt 2.5 / 2.6 (mobile) amt 3.0 (desktop) amt 4.0 (mobile) amt 5.0 (desktop) 6.0 (desktop & mobile) 7.0 & 8.0 (desktop & mobile) 0 hardware inventory yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 1 persistent id yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 2 remote power on / off yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 3 sol / ider yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 4 event management yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 5 third - party data storage yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 6 built - in web server yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 7 flash protection yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 8 firmware update yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 9 tcp / ip , soap xml / eoi yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no 10 http digest / tls yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 11 static and dynamic ip yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 12 system defense no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 13 agent presence no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 14 power policies no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 15 mutual authentication no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 16 kerberos no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 17 tls - psk no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 18 privacy icon no 2.1 and up yes yes yes yes yes yes 19 me wake - on - lan no 2.1 and up yes yes yes yes yes yes 20 remote configuration no 2.2 and up 2.6 and up yes yes yes yes yes 21 wireless configuration no no yes no yes no yes yes 22 endpoint access control (eac) 802.1 no no yes yes yes yes yes yes 23 power packages no no yes no yes no yes yes 24 environment detection no no yes no yes no yes yes 25 event log reader realm no no 2.6 and up yes yes yes yes yes 26 system defense heuristics no no no yes no yes yes yes 27 ws - management interface no no no yes yes yes yes yes 28 vlan settings for intel amt network interfaces no no no yes no yes yes yes 29 fast call for help ( cira ) no no no no yes yes yes yes 30 access monitor no no no no yes yes yes yes 31 ms nap support no no no no yes yes yes yes 32 virtualization support for agent presence no no no no no yes yes yes 33 pc alarm clock no no no no no 5.1 and up yes yes 34 kvm remote control no no no no no no yes yes 35 wireless profile synchronization no no no no no no yes yes 36 support for ipv6 no no no no no no yes yes 37 host - based provisioning no no no no no no no yes 38 host - based over the internet provisioning no no no no yes yes yes yes 39 zero - touch over the internet provisioning no no no no yes yes yes yes
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week date opponent result tv time attendance 0 1 september 8 , 2002 detroit lions w 49 - 21 fox 1:00 pm 72216 1 2 september 15 , 2002 indianapolis colts w 21 - 13 cbs 1:00 pm 56650 2 3 september 22 , 2002 new york jets w 30 - 3 cbs 1:00 pm 73426 3 4 september 29 , 2002 kansas city chiefs l 48 - 30 cbs 1:00 pm 78178 4 5 october 6 , 2002 new england patriots w 26 - 13 cbs 1:00 pm 73369 5 6 october 13 , 2002 denver broncos w 24 - 22 espn 8:30 pm 75941 6 7 october 20 , 2002 buffalo bills l 23 - 10 cbs 1:00 pm 73180 7 9 november 4 , 2002 green bay packers l 24 - 10 abc 9:00 pm 63284 8 10 november 10 , 2002 new york jets l 13 - 10 espn 8:30 pm 78920 9 11 november 17 , 2002 baltimore ravens w 26 - 7 cbs 4:15 pm 73013 10 12 november 24 , 2002 san diego chargers w 30 - 3 cbs 1:00 pm 73138 11 13 december 1 , 2002 buffalo bills l 38 - 21 cbs 1:00 pm 73287 12 14 december 9 , 2002 chicago bears w 27 - 9 abc 9:00 pm 73609 13 15 december 15 , 2002 oakland raiders w 23 - 17 cbs 1:00 pm 73572 14 16 december 21 , 2002 minnesota vikings l 20 - 17 cbs 12:30 pm 64285 15 17 december 29 , 2002 new england patriots l 27 - 24 cbs 1:00 pm 68436
{"week":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":9,"8":10,"9":11,"10":12,"11":13,"12":14,"13":15,"14":16,"15":17},"date":{"0":"september 8 , 2002","1":"september 15 , 2002","2":"september 22 , 2002","3":"september 29 , 2002","4":"october 6 , 2002","5":"october 13 , 2002","6":"october 20 , 2002","7":"november 4 , 2002","8":"november 10 , 2002","9":"november 17 , 2002","10":"november 24 , 2002","11":"december 1 , 2002","12":"december 9 , 2002","13":"december 15 , 2002","14":"december 21 , 2002","15":"december 29 , 2002"},"opponent":{"0":"detroit lions","1":"indianapolis colts","2":"new york jets","3":"kansas city chiefs","4":"new england patriots","5":"denver broncos","6":"buffalo bills","7":"green bay packers","8":"new york jets","9":"baltimore ravens","10":"san diego chargers","11":"buffalo bills","12":"chicago bears","13":"oakland raiders","14":"minnesota vikings","15":"new england patriots"},"result":{"0":"w 49 - 21","1":"w 21 - 13","2":"w 30 - 3","3":"l 48 - 30","4":"w 26 - 13","5":"w 24 - 22","6":"l 23 - 10","7":"l 24 - 10","8":"l 13 - 10","9":"w 26 - 7","10":"w 30 - 3","11":"l 38 - 21","12":"w 27 - 9","13":"w 23 - 17","14":"l 20 - 17","15":"l 27 - 24"},"tv time":{"0":"fox 1:00 pm","1":"cbs 1:00 pm","2":"cbs 1:00 pm","3":"cbs 1:00 pm","4":"cbs 1:00 pm","5":"espn 8:30 pm","6":"cbs 1:00 pm","7":"abc 9:00 pm","8":"espn 8:30 pm","9":"cbs 4:15 pm","10":"cbs 1:00 pm","11":"cbs 1:00 pm","12":"abc 9:00 pm","13":"cbs 1:00 pm","14":"cbs 12:30 pm","15":"cbs 1:00 pm"},"attendance":{"0":72216,"1":56650,"2":73426,"3":78178,"4":73369,"5":75941,"6":73180,"7":63284,"8":78920,"9":73013,"10":73138,"11":73287,"12":73609,"13":73572,"14":64285,"15":68436}}
year title type label label - nr 0 1961 freedom sound studio pacific jazz st - 27 1 1962 lookin' ahead studio pacific jazz st - 43 2 1962 the jazz crusaders at the lighthouse live pacific jazz st - 57 3 1963 tough talk studio pacific jazz st - 68 4 1963 heat wave studio pacific jazz st - 76 5 1963 jazz waltz (w les mccann) studio pacific jazz st - 81 6 1964 stretchin' out studio pacific jazz st - 83 7 1965 the thing studio pacific jazz st - 87 8 1965 chile con soul studio pacific jazz st - 20092 9 1966 live at the lighthouse '66 live pacific jazz st - 20098 10 1966 talk that talk studio pacific jazz st - 20106 11 1966 the festival album live pacific jazz st - 20115 12 1967 uh huh studio pacific jazz st - 20124 13 1968 lighthouse '68 live pacific jazz st - 20131 14 1968 powerhouse studio pacific jazz st - 20136 15 1969 lighthouse '69 live pacific jazz st - 20165 16 1970 give peace a chance studio liberty lst - 11005 17 1970 old socks , new shoes studio chisa cs - 804
{"year":{"0":1961,"1":1962,"2":1962,"3":1963,"4":1963,"5":1963,"6":1964,"7":1965,"8":1965,"9":1966,"10":1966,"11":1966,"12":1967,"13":1968,"14":1968,"15":1969,"16":1970,"17":1970},"title":{"0":"freedom sound","1":"lookin' ahead","2":"the jazz crusaders at the lighthouse","3":"tough talk","4":"heat wave","5":"jazz waltz (w les mccann)","6":"stretchin' out","7":"the thing","8":"chile con soul","9":"live at the lighthouse '66","10":"talk that talk","11":"the festival album","12":"uh huh","13":"lighthouse '68","14":"powerhouse","15":"lighthouse '69","16":"give peace a chance","17":"old socks , new shoes"},"type":{"0":"studio","1":"studio","2":"live","3":"studio","4":"studio","5":"studio","6":"studio","7":"studio","8":"studio","9":"live","10":"studio","11":"live","12":"studio","13":"live","14":"studio","15":"live","16":"studio","17":"studio"},"label":{"0":"pacific jazz","1":"pacific jazz","2":"pacific jazz","3":"pacific jazz","4":"pacific jazz","5":"pacific jazz","6":"pacific jazz","7":"pacific jazz","8":"pacific jazz","9":"pacific jazz","10":"pacific jazz","11":"pacific jazz","12":"pacific jazz","13":"pacific jazz","14":"pacific jazz","15":"pacific jazz","16":"liberty","17":"chisa"},"label - nr":{"0":"st - 27","1":"st - 43","2":"st - 57","3":"st - 68","4":"st - 76","5":"st - 81","6":"st - 83","7":"st - 87","8":"st - 20092","9":"st - 20098","10":"st - 20106","11":"st - 20115","12":"st - 20124","13":"st - 20131","14":"st - 20136","15":"st - 20165","16":"lst - 11005","17":"cs - 804"}}
year title from album label label - nr 0 1962 tonight / sinnin' sam lookin' ahead pacific jazz x - 340 1 1962 the young rabbits / song of india lookin' ahead pacific jazz x - 342 2 1962 congolese sermon / weather beat (only on 45) pacific jazz x - 357 3 1963 no name samba / tough talk tough talk world pacific x - 371 4 1963 turkish black / boopie tough talk world pacific x - 388 5 1963 spanish castles / bluesette jazz waltz (w les mccann) world pacific 406 6 1964 heat wave / on broadway heat wave world pacific 401 7 1964 i remember tomorrow / long john stretchin' out world pacific 412 8 1965 tough talk / the thing the thing world pacific 77800 9 1965 aqua dulce / soul bourgeoisie chile con soul world pacific 77806 10 1966 scratch / uptight talk that talk pacific jazz 88125 11 1968 ooga - boo - ga - loo / eleanor rigby lighthouse '68 pacific jazz 88144 12 1968 hey jude / love and peace powerhouse pacific jazz 88146 13 1969 get back / willie and laura mae jones lighthouse '69 word pacific jazz 88153 14 1970 way back home / jackson old socks , new shoes chisa c - 8010
{"year":{"0":1962,"1":1962,"2":1962,"3":1963,"4":1963,"5":1963,"6":1964,"7":1964,"8":1965,"9":1965,"10":1966,"11":1968,"12":1968,"13":1969,"14":1970},"title":{"0":"tonight \/ sinnin' sam","1":"the young rabbits \/ song of india","2":"congolese sermon \/ weather beat","3":"no name samba \/ tough talk","4":"turkish black \/ boopie","5":"spanish castles \/ bluesette","6":"heat wave \/ on broadway","7":"i remember tomorrow \/ long john","8":"tough talk \/ the thing","9":"aqua dulce \/ soul bourgeoisie","10":"scratch \/ uptight","11":"ooga - boo - ga - loo \/ eleanor rigby","12":"hey jude \/ love and peace","13":"get back \/ willie and laura mae jones","14":"way back home \/ jackson"},"from album":{"0":"lookin' ahead","1":"lookin' ahead","2":"(only on 45)","3":"tough talk","4":"tough talk","5":"jazz waltz (w les mccann)","6":"heat wave","7":"stretchin' out","8":"the thing","9":"chile con soul","10":"talk that talk","11":"lighthouse '68","12":"powerhouse","13":"lighthouse '69","14":"old socks , new shoes"},"label":{"0":"pacific jazz","1":"pacific jazz","2":"pacific jazz","3":"world pacific","4":"world pacific","5":"world pacific","6":"world pacific","7":"world pacific","8":"world pacific","9":"world pacific","10":"pacific jazz","11":"pacific jazz","12":"pacific jazz","13":"word pacific jazz","14":"chisa"},"label - nr":{"0":"x - 340","1":"x - 342","2":"x - 357","3":"x - 371","4":"x - 388","5":"406","6":"401","7":"412","8":"77800","9":"77806","10":"88125","11":"88144","12":"88146","13":"88153","14":"c - 8010"}}
city region july january annual precipitation plant hardiness zone 0 morden pembina valley 26 / 14degree (79 / 58degree) 11 / 20degree (12 / - 4degree) 533 mm (21.0in) 3a 1 winnipeg winnipeg 26 / 13degree (79 / 55degree) 13 / 23degree (9 / - 9degree) 514 mm (20.2in) 2b 2 steinbach eastman 26 / 13degree (79 / 55degree) 12 / 23degree (10 / - 9degree) 539 mm (21.2in) 2b 3 portage la prairie central plains 25 / 13degree (77 / 55degree) 12 / 23degree (10 / - 9degree) 515 mm (20.3in) 3a 4 dauphin parkland 25 / 12degree (77 / 54degree) 12 / 23degree (10 - 9degree) 508 mm (20.0in) 2b 5 brandon westman 25 / 11degree (77 / 52degree) 13 / 24degree (9 / - 11degree) 472 mm (18.6in) 2b 6 the pas northern 23 / 12degree (73 / 54degree) 16 / 26degree (3 / - 15degree) 443 mm (17.4in) 1b 7 thompson northern 23 / 9degree (73 / 48degree) 19 / 31degree ( - 2 / - 24degree) 517 mm (20.4in) 0b 8 churchill northern 17 / 7degree (73 / 48degree) 23 / 31degree ( - 2 / - 24degree) 431 mm (17.0in) 0a
{"city":{"0":"morden","1":"winnipeg","2":"steinbach","3":"portage la prairie","4":"dauphin","5":"brandon","6":"the pas","7":"thompson","8":"churchill"},"region":{"0":"pembina valley","1":"winnipeg","2":"eastman","3":"central plains","4":"parkland","5":"westman","6":"northern","7":"northern","8":"northern"},"july":{"0":"26 \/ 14degree (79 \/ 58degree)","1":"26 \/ 13degree (79 \/ 55degree)","2":"26 \/ 13degree (79 \/ 55degree)","3":"25 \/ 13degree (77 \/ 55degree)","4":"25 \/ 12degree (77 \/ 54degree)","5":"25 \/ 11degree (77 \/ 52degree)","6":"23 \/ 12degree (73 \/ 54degree)","7":"23 \/ 9degree (73 \/ 48degree)","8":"17 \/ 7degree (73 \/ 48degree)"},"january":{"0":"11 \/ 20degree (12 \/ - 4degree)","1":"13 \/ 23degree (9 \/ - 9degree)","2":"12 \/ 23degree (10 \/ - 9degree)","3":"12 \/ 23degree (10 \/ - 9degree)","4":"12 \/ 23degree (10 - 9degree)","5":"13 \/ 24degree (9 \/ - 11degree)","6":"16 \/ 26degree (3 \/ - 15degree)","7":"19 \/ 31degree ( - 2 \/ - 24degree)","8":"23 \/ 31degree ( - 2 \/ - 24degree)"},"annual precipitation":{"0":"533 mm (21.0in)","1":"514 mm (20.2in)","2":"539 mm (21.2in)","3":"515 mm (20.3in)","4":"508 mm (20.0in)","5":"472 mm (18.6in)","6":"443 mm (17.4in)","7":"517 mm (20.4in)","8":"431 mm (17.0in)"},"plant hardiness zone":{"0":"3a","1":"2b","2":"2b","3":"3a","4":"2b","5":"2b","6":"1b","7":"0b","8":"0a"}}
year population five year % change ten year % change rank among provinces 0 1871 25228 n / a n / a 6 1 1881 62260 n / a 146.8 6 2 1891 152506 n / a 145 5 3 1901 255211 n / a 67.3 5 4 1911 461394 n / a 80.8 5 5 1921 610118 n / a 32.2 4 6 1931 700139 n / a 14.8 5 7 1941 729744 n / a 4.2 6 8 1951 776541 n / a 6.4 6 9 1956 850040 9.5 n / a 6 10 1961 921686 8.4 18.7 6 11 1966 963066 4.5 13.3 5 12 1971 988245 2.3 7.2 5 13 1976 1021505 3.4 6.1 5 14 1981 1026241 0.4 3.8 5 15 1986 1063015 3.6 4.1 5 16 1991 1091942 2.7 6.4 5 17 1996 1113898 2.0 4.8 5 18 2001 1119583 0.5 2.5 5 19 2006 1148401 2.6 3.1 5 20 2011 1208268 5.2 7.9 5
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draw artist song points place 0 1 alma čardžić ljubav će pobijediti 6 10 1 2 vlada & music box hiljadu snova 5 11 2 3 sunčeve pege viva rock 'n' roll 0 16 3 4 viva romana na mig tvoj 3 13 4 5 makadam sanjam ljeto 22 6 5 6 mag nikome te dao ne bih 10 9 6 7 dejan božović dan samo zna , tamara 0 16 7 8 sonja mitrović - hani nebo je plakalo za nama 34 4 8 9 violeta & triler bio si sve 0 16 9 10 filip & nada zemlja anđela 12 8 10 11 perper s druge strane 0 16 11 12 sestre barudžija hej , hej , vrati se 5 11 12 13 renata ti si vetar 18 7 13 14 zerina cokoja neka te pjesmom probude 2 14 14 15 bojan dajana 31 5 15 16 bajone bend molitva 2 14 16 17 extra nena ljubim te pesmama 44 1 17 18 vampiri ding ding dong 41 2 18 19 ledeni princ pokloni mi poljupce 0 16 19 20 arnela konaković prva noć 35 3
{"draw":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":9,"9":10,"10":11,"11":12,"12":13,"13":14,"14":15,"15":16,"16":17,"17":18,"18":19,"19":20},"artist":{"0":"alma čardžić","1":"vlada & music box","2":"sunčeve pege","3":"viva romana","4":"makadam","5":"mag","6":"dejan božović","7":"sonja mitrović - hani","8":"violeta & triler","9":"filip & nada","10":"perper","11":"sestre barudžija","12":"renata","13":"zerina cokoja","14":"bojan","15":"bajone bend","16":"extra nena","17":"vampiri","18":"ledeni princ","19":"arnela konaković"},"song":{"0":"ljubav će pobijediti","1":"hiljadu snova","2":"viva rock 'n' roll","3":"na mig tvoj","4":"sanjam ljeto","5":"nikome te dao ne bih","6":"dan samo zna , tamara","7":"nebo je plakalo za nama","8":"bio si sve","9":"zemlja anđela","10":"s druge strane","11":"hej , hej , vrati se","12":"ti si vetar","13":"neka te pjesmom probude","14":"dajana","15":"molitva","16":"ljubim te pesmama","17":"ding ding dong","18":"pokloni mi poljupce","19":"prva noć"},"points":{"0":6,"1":5,"2":0,"3":3,"4":22,"5":10,"6":0,"7":34,"8":0,"9":12,"10":0,"11":5,"12":18,"13":2,"14":31,"15":2,"16":44,"17":41,"18":0,"19":35},"place":{"0":10,"1":11,"2":16,"3":13,"4":6,"5":9,"6":16,"7":4,"8":16,"9":8,"10":16,"11":11,"12":7,"13":14,"14":5,"15":14,"16":1,"17":2,"18":16,"19":3}}
race title circuit city / state date winner team 0 sandown sandown international raceway melbourne , victoria 17 - 18 feb peter brock marlboro holden dealer team 1 symmons plains symmons plains raceway launceston , tasmania 10 - 11 mar peter brock marlboro holden dealer team 2 wanneroo wanneroo park raceway perth , western australia 31 mar - 1 apr allan moffat peter stuyvesant international racing 3 surfers paradise surfers paradise international raceway surfers paradise , queensland 1213 may dick johnson dick johnson racing 4 oran park oran park raceway sydney , new south wales 26 - 27 jun bob morris barry jones 5 lakeside lakeside international raceway brisbane , queensland 16 - 17 jun george fury nissan motor co 6 motorcraft 100 adelaide international raceway adelaide , south australia 30 jun - 1 jul allan grice roadways pty ltd
{"race title":{"0":"sandown","1":"symmons plains","2":"wanneroo","3":"surfers paradise","4":"oran park","5":"lakeside","6":"motorcraft 100"},"circuit":{"0":"sandown international raceway","1":"symmons plains raceway","2":"wanneroo park raceway","3":"surfers paradise international raceway","4":"oran park raceway","5":"lakeside international raceway","6":"adelaide international raceway"},"city \/ state":{"0":"melbourne , victoria","1":"launceston , tasmania","2":"perth , western australia","3":"surfers paradise , queensland","4":"sydney , new south wales","5":"brisbane , queensland","6":"adelaide , south australia"},"date":{"0":"17 - 18 feb","1":"10 - 11 mar","2":"31 mar - 1 apr","3":"1213 may","4":"26 - 27 jun","5":"16 - 17 jun","6":"30 jun - 1 jul"},"winner":{"0":"peter brock","1":"peter brock","2":"allan moffat","3":"dick johnson","4":"bob morris","5":"george fury","6":"allan grice"},"team":{"0":"marlboro holden dealer team","1":"marlboro holden dealer team","2":"peter stuyvesant international racing","3":"dick johnson racing","4":"barry jones","5":"nissan motor co","6":"roadways pty ltd"}}
name pre - season a - league finals total 0 eugene dadi 0 10 0 10 1 nikita rukavytsya 0 10 0 10 2 jamie harnwell 0 3 0 3 3 adriano pellegrino 0 2 0 2 4 adrian trinidad 1 1 0 2 5 wayne srhoj 0 1 0 1 6 scott bulloch 0 1 0 1 7 anthony skorich 0 1 0 1
{"name":{"0":"eugene dadi","1":"nikita rukavytsya","2":"jamie harnwell","3":"adriano pellegrino","4":"adrian trinidad","5":"wayne srhoj","6":"scott bulloch","7":"anthony skorich"},"pre - season":{"0":0,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":1,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0},"a - league":{"0":10,"1":10,"2":3,"3":2,"4":1,"5":1,"6":1,"7":1},"finals":{"0":0,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0},"total":{"0":10,"1":10,"2":3,"3":2,"4":2,"5":1,"6":1,"7":1}}
res record opponent method event round time location 0 win 5 - 0 ryan hollis decision (unanimous) lfc 24 - legacy fighting championship 24 3 5:00 dallas , texas , united states 1 win 4 - 0 miguelito marti tko (punches) gladiator challenge : american dream 1 1:43 lincoln , california , united states 2 win 3 - 0 anthony sessions tko (punches) wff 10: cejudo v sessions 1 4:23 chandler , arizona , united states 3 win 2 - 0 sean henry barnett tko (punches) gladiator challenge : battleground 1 4:55 san jacinto , california , united states 4 win 1 - 0 michael poe submission (punches) wff mma : pascua yaqui fights 4 1 1:25 tucson , arizona , united states
{"res":{"0":"win","1":"win","2":"win","3":"win","4":"win"},"record":{"0":"5 - 0","1":"4 - 0","2":"3 - 0","3":"2 - 0","4":"1 - 0"},"opponent":{"0":"ryan hollis","1":"miguelito marti","2":"anthony sessions","3":"sean henry barnett","4":"michael poe"},"method":{"0":"decision (unanimous)","1":"tko (punches)","2":"tko (punches)","3":"tko (punches)","4":"submission (punches)"},"event":{"0":"lfc 24 - legacy fighting championship 24","1":"gladiator challenge : american dream","2":"wff 10: cejudo v sessions","3":"gladiator challenge : battleground","4":"wff mma : pascua yaqui fights 4"},"round":{"0":3,"1":1,"2":1,"3":1,"4":1},"time":{"0":"5:00","1":"1:43","2":"4:23","3":"4:55","4":"1:25"},"location":{"0":"dallas , texas , united states","1":"lincoln , california , united states","2":"chandler , arizona , united states","3":"san jacinto , california , united states","4":"tucson , arizona , united states"}}
year tournament venue discipline result extra 0 2008 summer olympics beijing , china 400 m sf 44.88 s (nr) 1 2008 summer olympics beijing , china 4x400 m 5th 2:59.37 s (nr) 2 2009 ncaa championships fayetteville , arkansas , us 400 m 4th 45.43 s 3 2009 ncaa championships fayetteville , arkansas , us 4x400 m 1st 2:59.59 s 4 2009 world championships berlin , germany 400 m sf 45.28 s 5 2009 world championships berlin , germany 4x400 m 4th 3:01.88 s 6 2010 world indoor championships doha , qatar 4x400 m 2nd 3:06.94 s 7 2010 european championships barcelona , spain 400 m 1st 45.08 s 8 2010 european championships barcelona , spain 4x400 m 3rd 3:02.60 s 9 2011 european indoor championships paris , france 4x400 m 3rd 3:06.57 s (nr) 10 2011 world championships daegu , south korea 400 m 3rd 44.90s 11 2012 european championships helsinki , finland 4x400 m 1st 3:01.09 s 12 2012 summer olympics london , great britain 400 m 5th 44.81 s 13 2012 summer olympics london , great britain 4x400 m 6th 3:01.83 s
{"year":{"0":2008,"1":2008,"2":2009,"3":2009,"4":2009,"5":2009,"6":2010,"7":2010,"8":2010,"9":2011,"10":2011,"11":2012,"12":2012,"13":2012},"tournament":{"0":"summer olympics","1":"summer olympics","2":"ncaa championships","3":"ncaa championships","4":"world championships","5":"world championships","6":"world indoor championships","7":"european championships","8":"european championships","9":"european indoor championships","10":"world championships","11":"european championships","12":"summer olympics","13":"summer olympics"},"venue":{"0":"beijing , china","1":"beijing , china","2":"fayetteville , arkansas , us","3":"fayetteville , arkansas , us","4":"berlin , germany","5":"berlin , germany","6":"doha , qatar","7":"barcelona , spain","8":"barcelona , spain","9":"paris , france","10":"daegu , south korea","11":"helsinki , finland","12":"london , great britain","13":"london , great britain"},"discipline":{"0":"400 m","1":"4x400 m","2":"400 m","3":"4x400 m","4":"400 m","5":"4x400 m","6":"4x400 m","7":"400 m","8":"4x400 m","9":"4x400 m","10":"400 m","11":"4x400 m","12":"400 m","13":"4x400 m"},"result":{"0":"sf","1":"5th","2":"4th","3":"1st","4":"sf","5":"4th","6":"2nd","7":"1st","8":"3rd","9":"3rd","10":"3rd","11":"1st","12":"5th","13":"6th"},"extra":{"0":"44.88 s (nr)","1":"2:59.37 s (nr)","2":"45.43 s","3":"2:59.59 s","4":"45.28 s","5":"3:01.88 s","6":"3:06.94 s","7":"45.08 s","8":"3:02.60 s","9":"3:06.57 s (nr)","10":"44.90s","11":"3:01.09 s","12":"44.81 s","13":"3:01.83 s"}}
team 1 agg team 2 1st leg 2nd leg 0 al - ahly vs younan 5 - 0 3 - 0 1 al - ahly vs farouk 2 - 2 0 - 1 2 al - ahly vs tersana 2 - 2 1 - 1 3 al - ahly vs olympic 5 - 2 2 - 0 4 al - ahly vs al - masry 3 - 0 3 - 1 5 al - ahly vs ittihad 1 - 2 1 - 0 6 al - ahly vs ismaily 2 - 0 1 - 2 7 al - ahly vs al - sekka al - hadid 7 - 0 4 - 2 8 al - ahly vs teram 2 - 1 2 - 1 9 al - ahly vs port fouad 2 - 1 2 - 0
{"team 1":{"0":"al - ahly","1":"al - ahly","2":"al - ahly","3":"al - ahly","4":"al - ahly","5":"al - ahly","6":"al - ahly","7":"al - ahly","8":"al - ahly","9":"al - ahly"},"agg":{"0":"vs","1":"vs","2":"vs","3":"vs","4":"vs","5":"vs","6":"vs","7":"vs","8":"vs","9":"vs"},"team 2":{"0":"younan","1":"farouk","2":"tersana","3":"olympic","4":"al - masry","5":"ittihad","6":"ismaily","7":"al - sekka al - hadid","8":"teram","9":"port fouad"},"1st leg":{"0":"5 - 0","1":"2 - 2","2":"2 - 2","3":"5 - 2","4":"3 - 0","5":"1 - 2","6":"2 - 0","7":"7 - 0","8":"2 - 1","9":"2 - 1"},"2nd leg":{"0":"3 - 0","1":"0 - 1","2":"1 - 1","3":"2 - 0","4":"3 - 1","5":"1 - 0","6":"1 - 2","7":"4 - 2","8":"2 - 1","9":"2 - 0"}}
draw artist song points place 0 1 jonas čepulis and skirmantė uosilėli žaliasai 49 7 1 2 alanas geras jausmas 35 9 2 3 violeta tarasovienė aš būsiu šalia 74 3 3 4 milana ar tu mane matei 30 12 4 5 vilius tarasovas aš tik tavim tikiu 64 4 5 6 augustė not the best time 41 8 6 7 darius pranckevičius and violeta valskytė nelytėta viltis 78 2 7 8 kamilė no way to run 33 10 8 9 sasha son pasiklydęs žmogus 92 1 9 10 vita rusaitytė dar pabūkim drauge 33 10 10 11 69 danguje meilės simfonija 62 5 11 12 egidijus sipavičius per mažai 56 6
{"draw":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":9,"9":10,"10":11,"11":12},"artist":{"0":"jonas čepulis and skirmantė","1":"alanas","2":"violeta tarasovienė","3":"milana","4":"vilius tarasovas","5":"augustė","6":"darius pranckevičius and violeta valskytė","7":"kamilė","8":"sasha son","9":"vita rusaitytė","10":"69 danguje","11":"egidijus sipavičius"},"song":{"0":"uosilėli žaliasai","1":"geras jausmas","2":"aš būsiu šalia","3":"ar tu mane matei","4":"aš tik tavim tikiu","5":"not the best time","6":"nelytėta viltis","7":"no way to run","8":"pasiklydęs žmogus","9":"dar pabūkim drauge","10":"meilės simfonija","11":"per mažai"},"points":{"0":49,"1":35,"2":74,"3":30,"4":64,"5":41,"6":78,"7":33,"8":92,"9":33,"10":62,"11":56},"place":{"0":7,"1":9,"2":3,"3":12,"4":4,"5":8,"6":2,"7":10,"8":1,"9":10,"10":5,"11":6}}
draw artist song points place 0 1 rosita čivilytė & donatas montvydas dainų daina 53 7 1 2 vilius tarasovas aš tik tavim tikiu 20 10 2 3 darius pranckevičius & violeta valskytė nelytėta viltis 100 2 3 4 egidijus sipavičius per mažai 32 9 4 5 linas adomaitis tavo spalvos 82 3 5 6 milanno & karina krysko kelias pas tave 58 5 6 7 sasha son pasiklydęs žmogus 109 1 7 8 violeta tarasovienė aš būsiu šalia 39 8 8 9 bix gyvenimo valsas 57 6 9 10 aurelija slavinskaite part of me 59 4
{"draw":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":9,"9":10},"artist":{"0":"rosita čivilytė & donatas montvydas","1":"vilius tarasovas","2":"darius pranckevičius & violeta valskytė","3":"egidijus sipavičius","4":"linas adomaitis","5":"milanno & karina krysko","6":"sasha son","7":"violeta tarasovienė","8":"bix","9":"aurelija slavinskaite"},"song":{"0":"dainų daina","1":"aš tik tavim tikiu","2":"nelytėta viltis","3":"per mažai","4":"tavo spalvos","5":"kelias pas tave","6":"pasiklydęs žmogus","7":"aš būsiu šalia","8":"gyvenimo valsas","9":"part of me"},"points":{"0":53,"1":20,"2":100,"3":32,"4":82,"5":58,"6":109,"7":39,"8":57,"9":59},"place":{"0":7,"1":10,"2":2,"3":9,"4":3,"5":5,"6":1,"7":8,"8":6,"9":4}}
year chinese title english role character 0 2006 屋頂上的綠寶石 emerald on the roof minor nie kai (聶凱) 1 2007 武十郎 love at first fight main lei sheng da (雷聲大) 2 2007 終極一家 the x - family guest shen xing zhe (神行者) / qiang ling wang (槍靈王) 3 2007 公主小妹 romantic princess supporting nan feng lin (南風璘) 4 2008 籃球火 hot shot supporting wu ji wei (無極威) 5 2009 愛就宅一起 together main wei jia sen (魏加森) 6 2009 終極三國 ko3an guo main guan yu (關羽) 7 2010 我和我的兄弟~恩 me & my brothers main dennis 8 2011 旋風管家 hayate the combat butler (tv series) lead role ling qisa (凌奇颯) / hayate ayazaki 9 2011 新兵日記之特戰英雄 rookies diary season2 main zheng qiang (鄭強) 10 2012 戀夏38℃ summer fever lead role lin ming kuan (林明寬) 11 2012 真愛趁現在 love , now lead role lan shi - de (藍仕德) 12 2013 真愛黑白配 love around lead role zhou zhen (周震)
{"year":{"0":2006,"1":2007,"2":2007,"3":2007,"4":2008,"5":2009,"6":2009,"7":2010,"8":2011,"9":2011,"10":2012,"11":2012,"12":2013},"chinese title":{"0":"屋頂上的綠寶石","1":"武十郎","2":"終極一家","3":"公主小妹","4":"籃球火","5":"愛就宅一起","6":"終極三國","7":"我和我的兄弟~恩","8":"旋風管家","9":"新兵日記之特戰英雄","10":"戀夏38℃","11":"真愛趁現在","12":"真愛黑白配"},"english":{"0":"emerald on the roof","1":"love at first fight","2":"the x - family","3":"romantic princess","4":"hot shot","5":"together","6":"ko3an guo","7":"me & my brothers","8":"hayate the combat butler (tv series)","9":"rookies diary season2","10":"summer fever","11":"love , now","12":"love around"},"role":{"0":"minor","1":"main","2":"guest","3":"supporting","4":"supporting","5":"main","6":"main","7":"main","8":"lead role","9":"main","10":"lead role","11":"lead role","12":"lead role"},"character":{"0":"nie kai (聶凱)","1":"lei sheng da (雷聲大)","2":"shen xing zhe (神行者) \/ qiang ling wang (槍靈王)","3":"nan feng lin (南風璘)","4":"wu ji wei (無極威)","5":"wei jia sen (魏加森)","6":"guan yu (關羽)","7":"dennis","8":"ling qisa (凌奇颯) \/ hayate ayazaki","9":"zheng qiang (鄭強)","10":"lin ming kuan (林明寬)","11":"lan shi - de (藍仕德)","12":"zhou zhen (周震)"}}
version standard name common name downstream rate upstream rate 0 adsl ansi t1.413 - 1998 issue 2 adsl 08.0 8.0 mbit / s 1.0 mbit / s 1 adsl itu g992.1 adsl ( gdmt ) 8.0 mbit / s 1.3 mbit / s 2 adsl itu g992.1 annex a adsl over pots 12.0 mbit / s 1.3 mbit / s 3 adsl itu g992.1 annex b adsl over isdn 12.0 mbit / s 1.8 mbit / s 4 adsl itu g992.2 adsl lite ( glite ) 01.5 1.5 mbit / s 0.5 mbit / s 5 adsl2 itu g992.3 adsl2 12.0 mbit / s 1.3 mbit / s 6 adsl2 itu g992.3 annex j adsl2 12.0 mbit / s 3.5 mbit / s 7 adsl2 itu g992.3 annex l re - adsl2 05.0 5.0 mbit / s 0.8 mbit / s 8 adsl2 itu g992.4 splitterless adsl2 01.5 1.5 mbit / s 0.5 mbit / s 9 adsl2 + itu g992.5 adsl2 + 20.0 mbit / s 1.1 mbit / s 10 adsl2 + itu g992.5 annex m adsl2 + m 24.0 mbit / s 3.3 mbit / s 11 adsl2 + + (up to 3.75 mhz) adsl4 52.0 mbit / s 5.0 mbit / s
{"version":{"0":"adsl","1":"adsl","2":"adsl","3":"adsl","4":"adsl","5":"adsl2","6":"adsl2","7":"adsl2","8":"adsl2","9":"adsl2 +","10":"adsl2 +","11":"adsl2 + +"},"standard name":{"0":"ansi t1.413 - 1998 issue 2","1":"itu g992.1","2":"itu g992.1 annex a","3":"itu g992.1 annex b","4":"itu g992.2","5":"itu g992.3","6":"itu g992.3 annex j","7":"itu g992.3 annex l","8":"itu g992.4","9":"itu g992.5","10":"itu g992.5 annex m","11":"(up to 3.75 mhz)"},"common name":{"0":"adsl","1":"adsl ( gdmt )","2":"adsl over pots","3":"adsl over isdn","4":"adsl lite ( glite )","5":"adsl2","6":"adsl2","7":"re - adsl2","8":"splitterless adsl2","9":"adsl2 +","10":"adsl2 + m","11":"adsl4"},"downstream rate":{"0":"08.0 8.0 mbit \/ s","1":"8.0 mbit \/ s","2":"12.0 mbit \/ s","3":"12.0 mbit \/ s","4":"01.5 1.5 mbit \/ s","5":"12.0 mbit \/ s","6":"12.0 mbit \/ s","7":"05.0 5.0 mbit \/ s","8":"01.5 1.5 mbit \/ s","9":"20.0 mbit \/ s","10":"24.0 mbit \/ s","11":"52.0 mbit \/ s"},"upstream rate":{"0":"1.0 mbit \/ s","1":"1.3 mbit \/ s","2":"1.3 mbit \/ s","3":"1.8 mbit \/ s","4":"0.5 mbit \/ s","5":"1.3 mbit \/ s","6":"3.5 mbit \/ s","7":"0.8 mbit \/ s","8":"0.5 mbit \/ s","9":"1.1 mbit \/ s","10":"3.3 mbit \/ s","11":"5.0 mbit \/ s "}}
class railway number (s) quantity year (s) of manufacture type 0 bw 1 - 5 5 1887 - 1900 a1 bm 1 dw ( de ) 1 - 5 5 1895 - 1901 a1 n2 2 dw ( de ) 6 - 17 12 1903 - 1909 a1 h2 3 aw 1 (1) (1897) bo′2′ g2t 4 dwss ( de ) 1 1 1907 (1a) 2′ h2
{"class":{"0":"bw","1":"dw ( de )","2":"dw ( de )","3":"aw","4":"dwss ( de )"},"railway number (s)":{"0":"1 - 5","1":"1 - 5","2":"6 - 17","3":"1","4":"1"},"quantity":{"0":"5","1":"5","2":"12","3":"(1)","4":"1"},"year (s) of manufacture":{"0":"1887 - 1900","1":"1895 - 1901","2":"1903 - 1909","3":"(1897)","4":"1907"},"type":{"0":"a1 bm","1":"a1 n2","2":"a1 h2","3":"bo′2′ g2t","4":"(1a) 2′ h2"}}
class railway number (s) quantity year (s) of manufacture type 0 b (krauss) ( de ) 172 - 177 6 1867 - 1868 b n2t 1 t 3 885 - 994 110 1891 - 1913 c n2t 2 t 3 996 - 999 4 1894 - 1896 c n2t 3 t ( de ) 1001 - 1010 10 1896 - 1904 b n2t 4 t 9 ( de ) 1101 - 1110 10 1906 - 1907 1′c n2t 5 t 4 851 - 858 8 1906 - 1909 d n2t 6 t 5 1201 - 1296 96 1910 - 1917 1′c1′ h2t 7 t 6 1401 - 1412 12 1916 - 1918 d h2t 8 t 18 1121 - 1140 20 1919 2′c2′ h2t 9 t 14 1441 - 1460 , 1461 - 1479 39 1921 - 1922 1′d1′ h2t 10 tn ( de ) 1001 - 1030 30 1921 - 1922 e h2t 11 tk ( de ) 1 - 2 2 1876 b1 n2t 12 tu ( de ) 1 - 2 2 1873 b n2t 13 kl ( de ) 1 - 2 2 1908 b h2t
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{"rank":{"0":"1","1":"2","2":"3","3":"4","4":"5","5":"6","6":"7","7":"8","8":"9","9":"10","10":"11","11":"12","12":"13","13":"14","14":"15","15":"16","16":"17","17":"18","18":"18","19":"18","20":"total"},"nation":{"0":"switzerland","1":"united states","2":"ussr","3":"finland","4":"france","5":"denmark","6":"estonia","7":"norway","8":"belgium","9":"sweden","10":"great britain","11":"belarus","12":"czech republic","13":"slovenia","14":"italy","15":"netherlands","16":"austria","17":"argentina","18":"czechoslovakia","19":"hungary","20":"total"},"gold":{"0":43,"1":20,"2":9,"3":7,"4":6,"5":4,"6":4,"7":2,"8":2,"9":1,"10":1,"11":1,"12":1,"13":1,"14":0,"15":0,"16":0,"17":0,"18":0,"19":0,"20":102},"silver":{"0":27,"1":15,"2":7,"3":15,"4":13,"5":1,"6":1,"7":5,"8":3,"9":4,"10":1,"11":1,"12":0,"13":0,"14":6,"15":1,"16":1,"17":0,"18":0,"19":0,"20":101},"bronze":{"0":27,"1":8,"2":1,"3":7,"4":14,"5":8,"6":2,"7":5,"8":9,"9":10,"10":1,"11":0,"12":2,"13":0,"14":1,"15":2,"16":1,"17":1,"18":1,"19":1,"20":102},"total":{"0":97,"1":43,"2":17,"3":29,"4":33,"5":13,"6":7,"7":12,"8":14,"9":15,"10":3,"11":2,"12":3,"13":1,"14":7,"15":3,"16":2,"17":1,"18":1,"19":1,"20":305}}
year place gold silver bronze 0 1982 caracas victor daniltchenko ( urs ) malcolm cooper ( gbr ) ernest van de zande ( usa ) 1 1986 skoevde malcolm cooper ( gbr ) pekka roeppaenen ( fin ) glenn dubis ( usa ) 2 1990 moscow harald stenvaag ( nor ) norbert sturny ( sui ) thomas tamas ( usa ) 3 1994 tolmezzo bernd ruecker ( ger ) petr kurka ( cze ) roger chassat ( fra ) 4 1998 zaragoza bengt andersson ( swe ) tapio saynevirta ( fin ) glenn dubis ( usa ) 5 2002 lahti norbert sturny ( sui ) thomas jerabek ( cze ) michael larsson ( swe ) 6 2006 zagreb lubos opelka ( cze ) peter sidi ( hun ) rajmond debevec ( slo )
{"year":{"0":1982,"1":1986,"2":1990,"3":1994,"4":1998,"5":2002,"6":2006},"place":{"0":"caracas","1":"skoevde","2":"moscow","3":"tolmezzo","4":"zaragoza","5":"lahti","6":"zagreb"},"gold":{"0":"victor daniltchenko ( urs )","1":"malcolm cooper ( gbr )","2":"harald stenvaag ( nor )","3":"bernd ruecker ( ger )","4":"bengt andersson ( swe )","5":"norbert sturny ( sui )","6":"lubos opelka ( cze )"},"silver":{"0":"malcolm cooper ( gbr )","1":"pekka roeppaenen ( fin )","2":"norbert sturny ( sui )","3":"petr kurka ( cze )","4":"tapio saynevirta ( fin )","5":"thomas jerabek ( cze )","6":"peter sidi ( hun )"},"bronze":{"0":"ernest van de zande ( usa )","1":"glenn dubis ( usa )","2":"thomas tamas ( usa )","3":"roger chassat ( fra )","4":"glenn dubis ( usa )","5":"michael larsson ( swe )","6":"rajmond debevec ( slo )"}}
album english title chinese (traditional) chinese (simplified) release date label 0 1st grown up overnight 一夜長大 一夜长大 september 17 , 1999 rock records 1 2nd courage 勇氣 勇气 august 2 , 2000 rock records 2 3rd shining star 閃亮的星 闪亮的星 june 27 , 2001 rock records 3 4th sunrise 我喜歡 我喜欢 february 7 , 2002 rock records 4 5th beautiful 美麗人生 美丽人生 february 12 , 2003 rock records 5 6th wings of love 燕尾蝶 燕尾蝶 september 10 , 2004 rock records 6 7th silk road of love 絲路 丝路 september 16 , 2005 rock records 7 8th kissing the future of love 親親 亲亲 october 6 , 2006 b'in music 8 9th j'adore 崇拜 崇拜 november 9 , 2007 b'in music 9 10th fall in love & songs 靜茹&情歌 - 別再為他流淚 静茹&情歌 - 别再为他流泪 january 16 , 2009 b'in music 10 11th what love songs didn't tell you 情歌沒有告訴你 情歌没有告诉你 december 24 , 2010 universal music 11 12th love in heart 愛久見人心 爱久见人心 august 10 , 2012 universal music
{"album":{"0":"1st","1":"2nd","2":"3rd","3":"4th","4":"5th","5":"6th","6":"7th","7":"8th","8":"9th","9":"10th","10":"11th","11":"12th"},"english title":{"0":"grown up overnight","1":"courage","2":"shining star","3":"sunrise","4":"beautiful","5":"wings of love","6":"silk road of love","7":"kissing the future of love","8":"j'adore","9":"fall in love & songs","10":"what love songs didn't tell you","11":"love in heart"},"chinese (traditional)":{"0":"一夜長大","1":"勇氣","2":"閃亮的星","3":"我喜歡","4":"美麗人生","5":"燕尾蝶","6":"絲路","7":"親親","8":"崇拜","9":"靜茹&情歌 - 別再為他流淚","10":"情歌沒有告訴你","11":"愛久見人心"},"chinese (simplified)":{"0":"一夜长大","1":"勇气","2":"闪亮的星","3":"我喜欢","4":"美丽人生","5":"燕尾蝶","6":"丝路","7":"亲亲","8":"崇拜","9":"静茹&情歌 - 别再为他流泪","10":"情歌没有告诉你","11":"爱久见人心"},"release date":{"0":"september 17 , 1999","1":"august 2 , 2000","2":"june 27 , 2001","3":"february 7 , 2002","4":"february 12 , 2003","5":"september 10 , 2004","6":"september 16 , 2005","7":"october 6 , 2006","8":"november 9 , 2007","9":"january 16 , 2009","10":"december 24 , 2010","11":"august 10 , 2012"},"label":{"0":"rock records","1":"rock records","2":"rock records","3":"rock records","4":"rock records","5":"rock records","6":"rock records","7":"b'in music","8":"b'in music","9":"b'in music","10":"universal music","11":"universal music"}}
year place gold silver bronze 0 1970 phoenix peter cheng ( hkg ) valeri postoianov ( urs ) jogan nikitin ( urs ) 1 1973 stockport peter cheng ( hkg ) alexander kediarov ( urs ) helmut bellingrodt ( col ) 2 1974 berne peter cheng ( hkg ) alexander kediarov ( urs ) alexander gazov ( urs ) 3 1978 seoul peter cheng ( hkg ) guenther danne ( frg ) ezio cini ( ita ) 4 1979 linz peter cheng ( hkg ) igor sokolov ( urs ) gyula szabo ( hun ) 5 1981 mala aleksei rudnizkiy ( urs ) alexander ivanchikhin ( urs ) tibor bodnar ( hun ) 6 1982 caracas nikolai dedov ( urs ) yuri kadenatsy ( urs ) jerzy greszkiewicz ( pol ) 7 1983 edmonton sergei savostianov ( urs ) nikolai dedov ( urs ) jerzy greszkiewicz ( pol ) 8 1986 suhl attila solti ( hun ) shiping huang ( chn ) yuwei li ( chn ) 9 1990 moscow ronghui zhang ( chn ) gennadi avramenko ( urs ) manfred kurzer ( gdr ) 10 1994 milan lubos racansky ( cze ) gennadi avramenko ( ukr ) miroslav janus ( cze ) 11 2002 lahti jozsef sike ( hun ) emil andersson ( swe ) lubomir pelach ( svk ) 12 2006 zagreb lukasz czapla ( pol ) peter pelach ( svk ) bedrich jonas ( cze ) 13 2008 plzeň alexander blinov ( rus ) peter pelach ( svk ) alexander zinenko ( ukr ) 14 2009 heinola peter cheng ( hkg ) staffan holmström ( fin ) niklas bergström ( swe )
{"year":{"0":1970,"1":1973,"2":1974,"3":1978,"4":1979,"5":1981,"6":1982,"7":1983,"8":1986,"9":1990,"10":1994,"11":2002,"12":2006,"13":2008,"14":2009},"place":{"0":"phoenix","1":"stockport","2":"berne","3":"seoul","4":"linz","5":"mala","6":"caracas","7":"edmonton","8":"suhl","9":"moscow","10":"milan","11":"lahti","12":"zagreb","13":"plzeň","14":"heinola"},"gold":{"0":"peter cheng ( hkg )","1":"peter cheng ( hkg )","2":"peter cheng ( hkg )","3":"peter cheng ( hkg )","4":"peter cheng ( hkg )","5":"aleksei rudnizkiy ( urs )","6":"nikolai dedov ( urs )","7":"sergei savostianov ( urs )","8":"attila solti ( hun )","9":"ronghui zhang ( chn )","10":"lubos racansky ( cze )","11":"jozsef sike ( hun )","12":"lukasz czapla ( pol )","13":"alexander blinov ( rus )","14":"peter cheng ( hkg )"},"silver":{"0":"valeri postoianov ( urs )","1":"alexander kediarov ( urs )","2":"alexander kediarov ( urs )","3":"guenther danne ( frg )","4":"igor sokolov ( urs )","5":"alexander ivanchikhin ( urs )","6":"yuri kadenatsy ( urs )","7":"nikolai dedov ( urs )","8":"shiping huang ( chn )","9":"gennadi avramenko ( urs )","10":"gennadi avramenko ( ukr )","11":"emil andersson ( swe )","12":"peter pelach ( svk )","13":"peter pelach ( svk )","14":"staffan holmström ( fin )"},"bronze":{"0":"jogan nikitin ( urs )","1":"helmut bellingrodt ( col )","2":"alexander gazov ( urs )","3":"ezio cini ( ita )","4":"gyula szabo ( hun )","5":"tibor bodnar ( hun )","6":"jerzy greszkiewicz ( pol )","7":"jerzy greszkiewicz ( pol )","8":"yuwei li ( chn )","9":"manfred kurzer ( gdr )","10":"miroslav janus ( cze )","11":"lubomir pelach ( svk )","12":"bedrich jonas ( cze )","13":"alexander zinenko ( ukr )","14":"niklas bergström ( swe )"}}
rank nation gold silver bronze total 0 1 ussr 13 10 2 25 1 2 czech republic 4 0 3 7 2 3 russia 3 3 1 7 3 4 hungary 2 4 4 10 4 5 sweden 2 2 5 9 5 6 china 2 2 4 8 6 7 italy 2 0 1 3 7 8 poland 1 1 2 4 8 9 ukraine 1 1 1 3 9 10 finland 0 3 2 5 10 11 slovakia 0 2 1 3 11 12 west germany 0 2 0 2 12 13 united states 0 0 2 2 13 14 colombia 0 0 1 1 14 14 east germany 0 0 1 1 15 total total 30 30 30 90
{"rank":{"0":"1","1":"2","2":"3","3":"4","4":"5","5":"6","6":"7","7":"8","8":"9","9":"10","10":"11","11":"12","12":"13","13":"14","14":"14","15":"total"},"nation":{"0":"ussr","1":"czech republic","2":"russia","3":"hungary","4":"sweden","5":"china","6":"italy","7":"poland","8":"ukraine","9":"finland","10":"slovakia","11":"west germany","12":"united states","13":"colombia","14":"east germany","15":"total"},"gold":{"0":13,"1":4,"2":3,"3":2,"4":2,"5":2,"6":2,"7":1,"8":1,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0,"13":0,"14":0,"15":30},"silver":{"0":10,"1":0,"2":3,"3":4,"4":2,"5":2,"6":0,"7":1,"8":1,"9":3,"10":2,"11":2,"12":0,"13":0,"14":0,"15":30},"bronze":{"0":2,"1":3,"2":1,"3":4,"4":5,"5":4,"6":1,"7":2,"8":1,"9":2,"10":1,"11":0,"12":2,"13":1,"14":1,"15":30},"total":{"0":25,"1":7,"2":7,"3":10,"4":9,"5":8,"6":3,"7":4,"8":3,"9":5,"10":3,"11":2,"12":2,"13":1,"14":1,"15":90}}
year place gold silver bronze 0 1994 milan roy hill ( usa ) miroslav janus ( cze ) krister holmberg ( fin ) 1 1998 barcelona zhiyuan niu ( chn ) miroslav lizal ( cze ) jury jourasov ( ukr ) 2 2002 lahti jozsef sike ( hun ) michael jakosits ( ger ) adam saathoff ( usa ) 3 2006 zagreb lukasz czapla ( pol ) lin gan ( chn ) zhiyuan niu ( chn ) 4 2008 plzeň lukasz czapla ( pol ) krister holmberg ( fin ) emil andersson ( swe ) 5 2009 heinola dimitry romanov ( rus ) miroslav januš ( cze ) maxim stepanov ( rus )
{"year":{"0":1994,"1":1998,"2":2002,"3":2006,"4":2008,"5":2009},"place":{"0":"milan","1":"barcelona","2":"lahti","3":"zagreb","4":"plzeň","5":"heinola"},"gold":{"0":"roy hill ( usa )","1":"zhiyuan niu ( chn )","2":"jozsef sike ( hun )","3":"lukasz czapla ( pol )","4":"lukasz czapla ( pol )","5":"dimitry romanov ( rus )"},"silver":{"0":"miroslav janus ( cze )","1":"miroslav lizal ( cze )","2":"michael jakosits ( ger )","3":"lin gan ( chn )","4":"krister holmberg ( fin )","5":"miroslav januš ( cze )"},"bronze":{"0":"krister holmberg ( fin )","1":"jury jourasov ( ukr )","2":"adam saathoff ( usa )","3":"zhiyuan niu ( chn )","4":"emil andersson ( swe )","5":"maxim stepanov ( rus )"}}
rank nation gold silver bronze total 0 1 russia 4 1 3 8 1 2 china 3 5 3 11 2 3 ukraine 2 5 3 10 3 4 czech republic 2 4 0 6 4 5 france 2 0 0 2 5 5 poland 2 0 0 2 6 7 united states 1 0 2 3 7 8 hungary 1 0 1 2 8 9 kazakhstan 1 0 0 0 9 10 germany 0 2 0 2 10 11 finland 0 1 3 4 11 12 sweden 0 0 2 2 12 13 slovakia 0 0 1 1 13 total total 18 18 18 54
{"rank":{"0":"1","1":"2","2":"3","3":"4","4":"5","5":"5","6":"7","7":"8","8":"9","9":"10","10":"11","11":"12","12":"13","13":"total"},"nation":{"0":"russia","1":"china","2":"ukraine","3":"czech republic","4":"france","5":"poland","6":"united states","7":"hungary","8":"kazakhstan","9":"germany","10":"finland","11":"sweden","12":"slovakia","13":"total"},"gold":{"0":4,"1":3,"2":2,"3":2,"4":2,"5":2,"6":1,"7":1,"8":1,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0,"13":18},"silver":{"0":1,"1":5,"2":5,"3":4,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":2,"10":1,"11":0,"12":0,"13":18},"bronze":{"0":3,"1":3,"2":3,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":2,"7":1,"8":0,"9":0,"10":3,"11":2,"12":1,"13":18},"total":{"0":8,"1":11,"2":10,"3":6,"4":2,"5":2,"6":3,"7":2,"8":0,"9":2,"10":4,"11":2,"12":1,"13":54}}
country 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 0 united states 4.40 4.60 4.50 4.20 4.10 4.10 4.00 4.80 4.90 1 japan 3.39 3.35 3.38 3.49 3.40 2.90 2.78 2.92 2.90 2 scotland 0.41 0.53 0.80 0.63 0.68 0.57 0.51 0.82 0.66 3 england , wales 0.75 0.91 0.74 0.70 0.63 0.71 0.71 0.58 0.59 4 northern ireland 0.00 0.22 0.36 0.50 0.21 0.21 0.29 0.50 0.00
{"country":{"0":"united states","1":"japan","2":"scotland","3":"england , wales","4":"northern ireland"},"1951":{"0":4.4,"1":3.39,"2":0.41,"3":0.75,"4":0.0},"1952":{"0":4.6,"1":3.35,"2":0.53,"3":0.91,"4":0.22},"1953":{"0":4.5,"1":3.38,"2":0.8,"3":0.74,"4":0.36},"1954":{"0":4.2,"1":3.49,"2":0.63,"3":0.7,"4":0.5},"1955":{"0":4.1,"1":3.4,"2":0.68,"3":0.63,"4":0.21},"1956":{"0":4.1,"1":2.9,"2":0.57,"3":0.71,"4":0.21},"1957":{"0":4.0,"1":2.78,"2":0.51,"3":0.71,"4":0.29},"1958":{"0":4.8,"1":2.92,"2":0.82,"3":0.58,"4":0.5},"1959":{"0":4.9,"1":2.9,"2":0.66,"3":0.59,"4":0.0}}
country 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 0 united states 5.10 4.80 4.60 4.60 4.90 5.10 5.60 6.20 6.90 7.30 1 japan 2.81 2.78 2.47 2.37 2.43 2.31 2.22 2.11 2.17 2.05 2 scotland 0.68 0.71 1.12 0.88 0.98 1.21 1.65 1.35 1.40 1.57 3 northern ireland 0.84 0.42 0.35 0.07 0.07 0.27 0.40 0.53 0.33 0.79 4 england , wales 0.62 0.57 0.64 0.65 0.63 0.68 0.76 0.73 0.74 0.68
{"country":{"0":"united states","1":"japan","2":"scotland","3":"northern ireland","4":"england , wales"},"1960":{"0":5.1,"1":2.81,"2":0.68,"3":0.84,"4":0.62},"1961":{"0":4.8,"1":2.78,"2":0.71,"3":0.42,"4":0.57},"1962":{"0":4.6,"1":2.47,"2":1.12,"3":0.35,"4":0.64},"1963":{"0":4.6,"1":2.37,"2":0.88,"3":0.07,"4":0.65},"1964":{"0":4.9,"1":2.43,"2":0.98,"3":0.07,"4":0.63},"1965":{"0":5.1,"1":2.31,"2":1.21,"3":0.27,"4":0.68},"1966":{"0":5.6,"1":2.22,"2":1.65,"3":0.4,"4":0.76},"1967":{"0":6.2,"1":2.11,"2":1.35,"3":0.53,"4":0.73},"1968":{"0":6.9,"1":2.17,"2":1.4,"3":0.33,"4":0.74},"1969":{"0":7.3,"1":2.05,"2":1.57,"3":0.79,"4":0.68}}
rank nation gold silver bronze total 0 1 canada (can) 14 7 5 26 1 2 germany (ger) 10 13 7 30 2 3 united states (usa) 9 15 13 37 3 4 norway (nor) 9 8 6 23 4 5 south korea (kor) 6 6 2 14 5 6 switzerland (sui) 6 0 3 9 6 7 china (chn) 5 2 4 11 7 7 sweden (swe) 5 2 4 11 8 9 austria (aut) 4 6 6 16 9 10 netherlands (ned) 4 1 3 8 10 11 russia (rus) 3 5 7 15 11 12 france (fra) 2 3 6 11 12 13 australia (aus) 2 1 0 3 13 14 czech republic (cze) 2 0 4 6 14 15 poland (pol) 1 3 2 6 15 16 italy (ita) 1 1 3 5 16 17 belarus (blr) 1 1 1 3 17 17 slovakia (svk) 1 1 1 3 18 19 great britain (gbr) 1 0 0 1 19 20 japan (jpn) 0 3 2 5 20 21 croatia (cro) 0 2 1 3 21 21 slovenia (slo) 0 2 1 3 22 23 latvia (lat) 0 2 0 2 23 24 finland (fin) 0 1 4 5 24 25 estonia (est) 0 1 0 1 25 25 kazakhstan (kaz) 0 1 0 1 26 total (26 nocs) total (26 nocs) 86 87 85 258
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school city mascot county year joined previous conference year left conference joined 0 east chicago roosevelt east chicago roughriders 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 1968 indiana lake shore 1 east chicago washington east chicago senators 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 1968 indiana lake shore 2 gary emerson gary tornado 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 1981 none (school closed , reopened as emerson vpa) 3 gary froebel gary blue devils 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 1969 none (school became ms , closed 1977) 4 gary mann gary horsemen 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 2004 none (school closed) 5 gary tolleston gary blue raiders 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 1969 none (school became ms , closed 2007) 6 hammond hammond wildcats 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 1968 indiana lake shore 7 hammond clark hammond pioneers 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 1968 indiana lake shore 8 hammond tech hammond tigers 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 1968 indiana lake shore 9 valparaiso valparaiso vikings 64 porter 1963 northern indiana 1968 independents 10 whiting whiting oilers 45 lake 1963 northern indiana 1968 indiana lake shore 11 hammond gavit hammond gladiators 45 lake 1966 independents 1968 indiana lake shore 12 hammond morton hammond governors 45 lake 1966 independents 1968 indiana lake shore 13 hobart hobart brickies 45 lake 1966 independents 1968 independents 14 andrean gary 59ers 45 lake 1968 independents 1975 independents (school moved to merrillville ) 15 gary wirt gary troopers 45 lake 1970 calumet 2009 school closed
{"school":{"0":"east chicago roosevelt","1":"east chicago washington","2":"gary emerson","3":"gary froebel","4":"gary mann","5":"gary tolleston","6":"hammond","7":"hammond clark","8":"hammond tech","9":"valparaiso","10":"whiting","11":"hammond gavit","12":"hammond morton","13":"hobart","14":"andrean","15":"gary wirt"},"city":{"0":"east chicago","1":"east chicago","2":"gary","3":"gary","4":"gary","5":"gary","6":"hammond","7":"hammond","8":"hammond","9":"valparaiso","10":"whiting","11":"hammond","12":"hammond","13":"hobart","14":"gary","15":"gary"},"mascot":{"0":"roughriders","1":"senators","2":"tornado","3":"blue devils","4":"horsemen","5":"blue raiders","6":"wildcats","7":"pioneers","8":"tigers","9":"vikings","10":"oilers","11":"gladiators","12":"governors","13":"brickies","14":"59ers","15":"troopers"},"county":{"0":"45 lake","1":"45 lake","2":"45 lake","3":"45 lake","4":"45 lake","5":"45 lake","6":"45 lake","7":"45 lake","8":"45 lake","9":"64 porter","10":"45 lake","11":"45 lake","12":"45 lake","13":"45 lake","14":"45 lake","15":"45 lake"},"year joined":{"0":1963,"1":1963,"2":1963,"3":1963,"4":1963,"5":1963,"6":1963,"7":1963,"8":1963,"9":1963,"10":1963,"11":1966,"12":1966,"13":1966,"14":1968,"15":1970},"previous conference":{"0":"northern indiana","1":"northern indiana","2":"northern indiana","3":"northern indiana","4":"northern indiana","5":"northern indiana","6":"northern indiana","7":"northern indiana","8":"northern indiana","9":"northern indiana","10":"northern indiana","11":"independents","12":"independents","13":"independents","14":"independents","15":"calumet"},"year left":{"0":1968,"1":1968,"2":1981,"3":1969,"4":2004,"5":1969,"6":1968,"7":1968,"8":1968,"9":1968,"10":1968,"11":1968,"12":1968,"13":1968,"14":1975,"15":2009},"conference joined":{"0":"indiana lake shore","1":"indiana lake shore","2":"none (school closed , reopened as emerson vpa)","3":"none (school became ms , closed 1977)","4":"none (school closed)","5":"none (school became ms , closed 2007)","6":"indiana lake shore","7":"indiana lake shore","8":"indiana lake shore","9":"independents","10":"indiana lake shore","11":"indiana lake shore","12":"indiana lake shore","13":"independents","14":"independents (school moved to merrillville )","15":"school closed"}}
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event performance athlete nation place date 0 5000 m 14:11.15 tirunesh dibaba ethiopia oslo , norway june 6 1 one hour run 18517 m dire tune ethiopia ostrava , czech republic june 12 2 3000 m steeplechase 8:58.81 gulnara galkina - samitova russia beijing , china august 17 3 pole vault 5.03 m yelena isinbayeva russia rome , italy july 11 4 pole vault 5.04 m yelena isinbayeva russia monte carlo , monaco july 29 5 pole vault 5.05 m yelena isinbayeva russia beijing , china august 18 6 javelin throw 72.28 barbora špotáková czech republic stuttgart , germany september 13
{"event":{"0":"5000 m","1":"one hour run","2":"3000 m steeplechase","3":"pole vault","4":"pole vault","5":"pole vault","6":"javelin throw"},"performance":{"0":"14:11.15","1":"18517 m","2":"8:58.81","3":"5.03 m","4":"5.04 m","5":"5.05 m","6":"72.28"},"athlete":{"0":"tirunesh dibaba","1":"dire tune","2":"gulnara galkina - samitova","3":"yelena isinbayeva","4":"yelena isinbayeva","5":"yelena isinbayeva","6":"barbora špotáková"},"nation":{"0":"ethiopia","1":"ethiopia","2":"russia","3":"russia","4":"russia","5":"russia","6":"czech republic"},"place":{"0":"oslo , norway","1":"ostrava , czech republic","2":"beijing , china","3":"rome , italy","4":"monte carlo , monaco","5":"beijing , china","6":"stuttgart , germany"},"date":{"0":"june 6","1":"june 12","2":"august 17","3":"july 11","4":"july 29","5":"august 18","6":"september 13"}}
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{"school":{"0":"austin","1":"brownstown central","2":"charlestown","3":"clarksville","4":"corydon central","5":"eastern pekin","6":"north harrison","7":"salem","8":"scottsburg","9":"silver creek"},"location":{"0":"austin","1":"brownstown","2":"charlestown","3":"clarksville","4":"corydon","5":"new pekin","6":"ramsey","7":"salem","8":"scottsburg","9":"sellersburg"},"mascot":{"0":"eagles","1":"braves","2":"pirates","3":"generals","4":"panthers","5":"musketeers","6":"cougars","7":"lions","8":"warriors","9":"dragons"},"enrollment":{"0":368,"1":596,"2":729,"3":473,"4":774,"5":522,"6":685,"7":627,"8":877,"9":716},"ihsaa class":{"0":"aa","1":"aaa","2":"aaa","3":"aa","4":"aaa","5":"aa","6":"aaa","7":"aaa","8":"aaa","9":"aaa"},"county":{"0":"72 scott","1":"36 jackson","2":"10 clark","3":"10 clark","4":"31 harrison","5":"88 washington","6":"31 harrison","7":"88 washington","8":"72 scott","9":"10 clark"}}
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name team qual 1 qual 2 best 0 sébastien bourdais newman / haas racing 59.163 58.014 58.014 1 paul tracy team player 's 58.405 1:01.294 58.405 2 patrick carpentier team player 's 58.868 58.449 58.449 3 oriol servià patrick racing 59.186 58.502 58.502 4 bruno junqueira newman / haas racing 59.804 58.506 58.506 5 michel jourdain , jr team rahal 59.223 58.700 58.700 6 alex tagliani rocketsports racing 59.247 58.718 58.718 7 mario domínguez herdez competition 59.535 58.724 58.724 8 roberto moreno herdez competition 59.954 58.845 58.845 9 jimmy vasser american spirit team johansson 59.382 58.861 58.861 10 ryan hunter - reay american spirit team johansson 59.989 59.073 59.073 11 mario haberfeld mi - jack conquest racing 1:00.333 59.141 59.141 12 darren manning walker racing 59.776 59.167 59.167 13 adrian fernández fernández racing 59.340 59.306 59.306 14 rodolfo lavín walker racing 1:00.670 59.531 59.531 15 tiago monteiro fittipaldi - dingman racing 1:00.003 59.822 59.822 16 gualter salles dale coyne racing 1:01.778 59.968 59.968 17 max papis pk racing 1:00.020 1:00.080 1:00.020 18 geoff boss dale coyne racing 1:01.103 1:01.525 1:01.103
{"name":{"0":"sébastien bourdais","1":"paul tracy","2":"patrick carpentier","3":"oriol servià","4":"bruno junqueira","5":"michel jourdain , jr","6":"alex tagliani","7":"mario domínguez","8":"roberto moreno","9":"jimmy vasser","10":"ryan hunter - reay","11":"mario haberfeld","12":"darren manning","13":"adrian fernández","14":"rodolfo lavín","15":"tiago monteiro","16":"gualter salles","17":"max papis","18":"geoff boss"},"team":{"0":"newman \/ haas racing","1":"team player 's","2":"team player 's","3":"patrick racing","4":"newman \/ haas racing","5":"team rahal","6":"rocketsports racing","7":"herdez competition","8":"herdez competition","9":"american spirit team johansson","10":"american spirit team johansson","11":"mi - jack conquest racing","12":"walker racing","13":"fernández racing","14":"walker racing","15":"fittipaldi - dingman racing","16":"dale coyne racing","17":"pk racing","18":"dale coyne racing"},"qual 1":{"0":"59.163","1":"58.405","2":"58.868","3":"59.186","4":"59.804","5":"59.223","6":"59.247","7":"59.535","8":"59.954","9":"59.382","10":"59.989","11":"1:00.333","12":"59.776","13":"59.340","14":"1:00.670","15":"1:00.003","16":"1:01.778","17":"1:00.020","18":"1:01.103"},"qual 2":{"0":"58.014","1":"1:01.294","2":"58.449","3":"58.502","4":"58.506","5":"58.700","6":"58.718","7":"58.724","8":"58.845","9":"58.861","10":"59.073","11":"59.141","12":"59.167","13":"59.306","14":"59.531","15":"59.822","16":"59.968","17":"1:00.080","18":"1:01.525"},"best":{"0":"58.014","1":"58.405","2":"58.449","3":"58.502","4":"58.506","5":"58.700","6":"58.718","7":"58.724","8":"58.845","9":"58.861","10":"59.073","11":"59.141","12":"59.167","13":"59.306","14":"59.531","15":"59.822","16":"59.968","17":"1:00.020","18":"1:01.103"}}
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place code area (km 2 ) population most spoken language 0 alldays 90901 11.75 385 northern sotho 1 bahanawa 90902 390.17 19068 northern sotho 2 bahanawa - ba - kibi 90903 163.78 7763 northern sotho 3 bochum part 1 90912 4.33 8501 northern sotho 4 bochum part 2 90905 182.33 15911 northern sotho 5 dichoeng 90906 58.29 17347 northern sotho 6 manthata 90907 1335.47 72175 northern sotho 7 matlala 90908 180.83 8697 northern sotho 8 pietersburg 90909 1.33 3818 northern sotho 9 ramutla 90910 7.81 1047 northern sotho 10 seshego 90911 6.00 1058 northern sotho 11 remainder of the municipality 90904 2198.72 5539 northern sotho
{"place":{"0":"alldays","1":"bahanawa","2":"bahanawa - ba - kibi","3":"bochum part 1","4":"bochum part 2","5":"dichoeng","6":"manthata","7":"matlala","8":"pietersburg","9":"ramutla","10":"seshego","11":"remainder of the municipality"},"code":{"0":90901,"1":90902,"2":90903,"3":90912,"4":90905,"5":90906,"6":90907,"7":90908,"8":90909,"9":90910,"10":90911,"11":90904},"area (km 2 )":{"0":11.75,"1":390.17,"2":163.78,"3":4.33,"4":182.33,"5":58.29,"6":1335.47,"7":180.83,"8":1.33,"9":7.81,"10":6.0,"11":2198.72},"population":{"0":385,"1":19068,"2":7763,"3":8501,"4":15911,"5":17347,"6":72175,"7":8697,"8":3818,"9":1047,"10":1058,"11":5539},"most spoken language":{"0":"northern sotho","1":"northern sotho","2":"northern sotho","3":"northern sotho","4":"northern sotho","5":"northern sotho","6":"northern sotho","7":"northern sotho","8":"northern sotho","9":"northern sotho","10":"northern sotho","11":"northern sotho"}}
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rank summit country island col (m) 0 1 mauna kea united states island of hawaii 0 1 2 haleakalā united states island of maui 0 2 3 mauna loa united states island of hawaii 2005 3 4 puu kukui united states island of maui 33 4 5 kawaikini united states island of kauai 0 5 6 kamakou united states island of molokai 0
{"rank":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6},"summit":{"0":"mauna kea","1":"haleakalā","2":"mauna loa","3":"puu kukui","4":"kawaikini","5":"kamakou"},"country":{"0":"united states","1":"united states","2":"united states","3":"united states","4":"united states","5":"united states"},"island":{"0":"island of hawaii","1":"island of maui","2":"island of hawaii","3":"island of maui","4":"island of kauai","5":"island of molokai"},"col (m)":{"0":0,"1":0,"2":2005,"3":33,"4":0,"5":0}}
rank peak country island elevation (m) col (m) 0 1 mount popomanaseu solomon islands guadalcanal 2335 0 1 2 mont orohena french polynesia tahiti 2241 0 2 3 mount tabwemasana vanuatu espiritu santo 1879 0 3 4 silisili samoa savai'i 1858 0 4 5 mount veve solomon islands kolombangara 1768 0 5 6 mont paniã new caledonia grande terre 1628 0
{"rank":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6},"peak":{"0":"mount popomanaseu","1":"mont orohena","2":"mount tabwemasana","3":"silisili","4":"mount veve","5":"mont paniã"},"country":{"0":"solomon islands","1":"french polynesia","2":"vanuatu","3":"samoa","4":"solomon islands","5":"new caledonia"},"island":{"0":"guadalcanal","1":"tahiti","2":"espiritu santo","3":"savai'i","4":"kolombangara","5":"grande terre"},"elevation (m)":{"0":2335,"1":2241,"2":1879,"3":1858,"4":1768,"5":1628},"col (m)":{"0":0,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0}}
season division tms pos pff nmcc ufl cup afc pc 0 no league yet no league yet no league yet no league yet no league yet semi - finals - 1 2010 2 8 2nd - quarter - finals - 2 2011 2 8 1st (prom) - quarter - finals - 3 2012 1 10 7th - group stage - 4 2013 1 10 8th round of 16 tbd dnq
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peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 jbel toubkal morocco 4167 3755 412 1 m'goun morocco 4071 1904 2167 2 koudiet tirbirhine morocco 2456 1901 555 3 lalla khedidja algeria 2308 1720 588 4 adrar bou nasser morocco 3340 1642 1698 5 djebel chãlia algeria 2328 1612 716 6 jbel igdet morocco 3615 1609 2006
{"peak":{"0":"jbel toubkal","1":"m'goun","2":"koudiet tirbirhine","3":"lalla khedidja","4":"adrar bou nasser","5":"djebel chãlia","6":"jbel igdet"},"country":{"0":"morocco","1":"morocco","2":"morocco","3":"algeria","4":"morocco","5":"algeria","6":"morocco"},"elevation (m)":{"0":4167,"1":4071,"2":2456,"3":2308,"4":3340,"5":2328,"6":3615},"prominence (m)":{"0":3755,"1":1904,"2":1901,"3":1720,"4":1642,"5":1612,"6":1609},"col (m)":{"0":412,"1":2167,"2":555,"3":588,"4":1698,"5":716,"6":2006}}
peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 piton des neiges france ( rãunion ) 3069 3069 0 1 maromokotro madagascar 2876 2876 0 2 mount karthala comoros ( grande comore ) 2361 2361 0 3 pic boby madagascar 2658 1875 783 4 tsiafajavona madagascar 2643 1663 980 5 ntingui comoros ( anjouan ) 1595 1595 0
{"peak":{"0":"piton des neiges","1":"maromokotro","2":"mount karthala","3":"pic boby","4":"tsiafajavona","5":"ntingui"},"country":{"0":"france ( rãunion )","1":"madagascar","2":"comoros ( grande comore )","3":"madagascar","4":"madagascar","5":"comoros ( anjouan )"},"elevation (m)":{"0":3069,"1":2876,"2":2361,"3":2658,"4":2643,"5":1595},"prominence (m)":{"0":3069,"1":2876,"2":2361,"3":1875,"4":1663,"5":1595},"col (m)":{"0":0,"1":0,"2":0,"3":783,"4":980,"5":0}}
peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 mount cameroon cameroon 4070 3931 139 1 pico basilé equatorial guinea ( bioko ) 3011 3011 0 2 mount oku cameroon 3011 2491 520 3 pico de são tomé são tomé and príncipe ( são tomé ) 2024 2024 0 4 gran caldera de luba equatorial guinea ( bioko ) 2261 1539 722
{"peak":{"0":"mount cameroon","1":"pico basilé","2":"mount oku","3":"pico de são tomé","4":"gran caldera de luba"},"country":{"0":"cameroon","1":"equatorial guinea ( bioko )","2":"cameroon","3":"são tomé and príncipe ( são tomé )","4":"equatorial guinea ( bioko )"},"elevation (m)":{"0":4070,"1":3011,"2":3011,"3":2024,"4":2261},"prominence (m)":{"0":3931,"1":3011,"2":2491,"3":2024,"4":1539},"col (m)":{"0":139,"1":0,"2":520,"3":0,"4":722}}
peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 mount stanley democratic republic of the congo / uganda 5109 3951 1158 1 mount karisimbi rwanda / democratic republic of the congo 4507 3312 1195 2 kinyeti south sudan 3187 2120 1067 3 emogadong south sudan 2623 1730 893 4 kabobo democratic republic of the congo 2725 1604 1121 5 mont mohi democratic republic of the congo 3480 1592 1888 6 wuhevi democratic republic of the congo 3095 1570 1525 7 mount muhabura rwanda / uganda 4127 1530 2597
{"peak":{"0":"mount stanley","1":"mount karisimbi","2":"kinyeti","3":"emogadong","4":"kabobo","5":"mont mohi","6":"wuhevi","7":"mount muhabura"},"country":{"0":"democratic republic of the congo \/ uganda","1":"rwanda \/ democratic republic of the congo","2":"south sudan","3":"south sudan","4":"democratic republic of the congo","5":"democratic republic of the congo","6":"democratic republic of the congo","7":"rwanda \/ uganda"},"elevation (m)":{"0":5109,"1":4507,"2":3187,"3":2623,"4":2725,"5":3480,"6":3095,"7":4127},"prominence (m)":{"0":3951,"1":3312,"2":2120,"3":1730,"4":1604,"5":1592,"6":1570,"7":1530},"col (m)":{"0":1158,"1":1195,"2":1067,"3":893,"4":1121,"5":1888,"6":1525,"7":2597}}
peak country elevation (m) prominence (m) col (m) 0 mount kilimanjaro tanzania 5895 5885 10 1 mount kenya kenya 5199 3825 1374 2 mount meru tanzania 4565 3170 1395 3 mount elgon uganda 4321 2458 1863 4 mulanje massif malawi 3002 2319 683 5 kimhandu tanzania 2653 2121 532 6 mount satima kenya 4001 2081 1920 7 mount hanang tanzania 3420 2050 1370 8 loolmalassin tanzania 3682 2040 1642 9 gelai peak tanzania 2948 1930 1018 10 mount moroto uganda 3083 1818 1265 11 kitumbeine hill tanzania 2858 1770 1088 12 chepunyal hills kenya 3334 1759 1575 13 mount namuli mozambique 2419 1757 662 14 shengena tanzania 2464 1750 714 15 sungwi tanzania 2300 1730 570 16 mount kadam uganda 3063 1690 1373 17 mtorwi tanzania 2980 1688 1292 18 mount kulal kenya 2285 1542 743 19 karenga tanzania 2279 1529 750 20 mount ng'iro kenya 2848 1501 1347
{"peak":{"0":"mount kilimanjaro","1":"mount kenya","2":"mount meru","3":"mount elgon","4":"mulanje massif","5":"kimhandu","6":"mount satima","7":"mount hanang","8":"loolmalassin","9":"gelai peak","10":"mount moroto","11":"kitumbeine hill","12":"chepunyal hills","13":"mount namuli","14":"shengena","15":"sungwi","16":"mount kadam","17":"mtorwi","18":"mount kulal","19":"karenga","20":"mount ng'iro"},"country":{"0":"tanzania","1":"kenya","2":"tanzania","3":"uganda","4":"malawi","5":"tanzania","6":"kenya","7":"tanzania","8":"tanzania","9":"tanzania","10":"uganda","11":"tanzania","12":"kenya","13":"mozambique","14":"tanzania","15":"tanzania","16":"uganda","17":"tanzania","18":"kenya","19":"tanzania","20":"kenya"},"elevation (m)":{"0":5895,"1":5199,"2":4565,"3":4321,"4":3002,"5":2653,"6":4001,"7":3420,"8":3682,"9":2948,"10":3083,"11":2858,"12":3334,"13":2419,"14":2464,"15":2300,"16":3063,"17":2980,"18":2285,"19":2279,"20":2848},"prominence (m)":{"0":5885,"1":3825,"2":3170,"3":2458,"4":2319,"5":2121,"6":2081,"7":2050,"8":2040,"9":1930,"10":1818,"11":1770,"12":1759,"13":1757,"14":1750,"15":1730,"16":1690,"17":1688,"18":1542,"19":1529,"20":1501},"col (m)":{"0":10,"1":1374,"2":1395,"3":1863,"4":683,"5":532,"6":1920,"7":1370,"8":1642,"9":1018,"10":1265,"11":1088,"12":1575,"13":662,"14":714,"15":570,"16":1373,"17":1292,"18":743,"19":750,"20":1347}}
release track format label year 0 liebesgrüsse aus ost - berlin mono 45upm - romance adieu (weltklang remix) 12 exil - system 2006 1 a dark wave from the black sea aeronautica - rocket bomb (weltklang remix) cd exil - system 2007 2 the greater key asmodeus x - typhoon (weltklang remix) cd latex records 2008 3 classic electro p1 / e - 49 second dance (weltklang remix) cd electro emotions 2008 4 classic electro mono 45upm - romance adieu (weltklang remix) cd electro emotions 2008 5 classic electro kinder aus asbest - hey engel (weltklang remix) cd electro emotions 2008 6 classic electro sonnenbrandt - entweder / oder (weltklang remix) cd electro emotions 2008
{"release":{"0":"liebesgrüsse aus ost - berlin","1":"a dark wave from the black sea","2":"the greater key","3":"classic electro","4":"classic electro","5":"classic electro","6":"classic electro"},"track":{"0":"mono 45upm - romance adieu (weltklang remix)","1":"aeronautica - rocket bomb (weltklang remix)","2":"asmodeus x - typhoon (weltklang remix)","3":"p1 \/ e - 49 second dance (weltklang remix)","4":"mono 45upm - romance adieu (weltklang remix)","5":"kinder aus asbest - hey engel (weltklang remix)","6":"sonnenbrandt - entweder \/ oder (weltklang remix)"},"format":{"0":"12","1":"cd","2":"cd","3":"cd","4":"cd","5":"cd","6":"cd"},"label":{"0":"exil - system","1":"exil - system","2":"latex records","3":"electro emotions","4":"electro emotions","5":"electro emotions","6":"electro emotions"},"year":{"0":2006,"1":2007,"2":2008,"3":2008,"4":2008,"5":2008,"6":2008}}
game date opponent score location record 0 17 july 6 indiana w 79 - 67 mohegan sun arena 10 - 7 1 18 july 9 sacramento l 70 - 85 mohegan sun arena 10 - 8 2 19 july 11 indiana w 65 - 61 conseco fieldhouse 11 - 8 3 20 july 14 minnesota l 63 - 66 target center 11 - 9 4 21 july 15 san antonio l 67 - 78 sbc center 11 - 10 5 22 july 17 houston l 56 - 72 toyota center 11 - 11 6 23 july 21 detroit w 78 - 68 palace of auburn hills 12 - 11 7 24 july 22 minnesota l 52 - 68 mohegan sun arena 12 - 12 8 25 july 24 san antonio w 69 - 55 mohegan sun arena 13 - 12 9 26 july 30 washington l 68 - 69 mci center 13 - 13 10 27 july 31 new york l 66 - 80 madison square garden 13 - 14
{"game":{"0":17,"1":18,"2":19,"3":20,"4":21,"5":22,"6":23,"7":24,"8":25,"9":26,"10":27},"date":{"0":"july 6","1":"july 9","2":"july 11","3":"july 14","4":"july 15","5":"july 17","6":"july 21","7":"july 22","8":"july 24","9":"july 30","10":"july 31"},"opponent":{"0":"indiana","1":"sacramento","2":"indiana","3":"minnesota","4":"san antonio","5":"houston","6":"detroit","7":"minnesota","8":"san antonio","9":"washington","10":"new york"},"score":{"0":"w 79 - 67","1":"l 70 - 85","2":"w 65 - 61","3":"l 63 - 66","4":"l 67 - 78","5":"l 56 - 72","6":"w 78 - 68","7":"l 52 - 68","8":"w 69 - 55","9":"l 68 - 69","10":"l 66 - 80"},"location":{"0":"mohegan sun arena","1":"mohegan sun arena","2":"conseco fieldhouse","3":"target center","4":"sbc center","5":"toyota center","6":"palace of auburn hills","7":"mohegan sun arena","8":"mohegan sun arena","9":"mci center","10":"madison square garden"},"record":{"0":"10 - 7","1":"10 - 8","2":"11 - 8","3":"11 - 9","4":"11 - 10","5":"11 - 11","6":"12 - 11","7":"12 - 12","8":"13 - 12","9":"13 - 13","10":"13 - 14"}}
game date opponent score location record 0 summer olympic break summer olympic break summer olympic break summer olympic break summer olympic break summer olympic break 1 28 september 1 charlotte l 55 - 62 charlotte coliseum 13 - 15 2 29 september 3 new york w 61 - 43 mohegan sun arena 14 - 15 3 30 september 10 new york w 77 - 66 madison square garden 15 - 15 4 31 september 12 seattle w 71 - 64 mohegan sun arena 16 - 15 5 32 september 15 charlotte w 81 - 67 charlotte coliseum 17 - 15 6 33 september 17 new york l 66 - 69 mohegan sun arena 17 - 16 7 34 september 19 indiana w 80 - 60 mohegan sun arena 18 - 16
{"game":{"0":"summer olympic break","1":"28","2":"29","3":"30","4":"31","5":"32","6":"33","7":"34"},"date":{"0":"summer olympic break","1":"september 1","2":"september 3","3":"september 10","4":"september 12","5":"september 15","6":"september 17","7":"september 19"},"opponent":{"0":"summer olympic break","1":"charlotte","2":"new york","3":"new york","4":"seattle","5":"charlotte","6":"new york","7":"indiana"},"score":{"0":"summer olympic break","1":"l 55 - 62","2":"w 61 - 43","3":"w 77 - 66","4":"w 71 - 64","5":"w 81 - 67","6":"l 66 - 69","7":"w 80 - 60"},"location":{"0":"summer olympic break","1":"charlotte coliseum","2":"mohegan sun arena","3":"madison square garden","4":"mohegan sun arena","5":"charlotte coliseum","6":"mohegan sun arena","7":"mohegan sun arena"},"record":{"0":"summer olympic break","1":"13 - 15","2":"14 - 15","3":"15 - 15","4":"16 - 15","5":"17 - 15","6":"17 - 16","7":"18 - 16"}}
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{"brazil 100%":{"0":"45 932 294","1":"24.08%","2":"100%","3":"105 816 285","4":"0 , 43407"},"white 47.73%":{"0":"20 460 482","1":"22 , 47%","2":"44 , 54%","3":"49 381 206","4":"0 , 41434"},"black 7.61%":{"0":"2 698 639","1":"18 , 59%","2":"5 , 88%","3":"8 693 350","4":"0 , 31043"},"yellow 1.09%":{"0":"420 952","1":"20 , 02%","2":"0 , 92%","3":"1 178 391","4":"0 , 35723"},"brown (multiracial) 43.13%":{"0":"22 055 573","1":"26 , 81%","2":"48 , 02%","3":"46 156 227","4":"0 , 47785"},"indians 0 , 43%":{"0":"295 862","1":"36 , 17%","2":"0 , 64%","3":"402 079","4":"0 , 73583"}}
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edition year city country date no of events top team 0 1st 1972 ( details ) bridgetown barbados april 1 - 4 23 jam 1 2nd 1973 ( details ) port of spain trinidad and tobago may 4 - 5 34 jam 2 3rd 1974 ( details ) kingston jamaica april 13 - 15 34 jam 3 4th 1975 ( details ) hamilton bermuda march 29 - 31 36 ber 4 5th 1976 ( details ) nassau bahamas april 19 - 20 39 jam 5 6th 1977 ( details ) bridgetown barbados april 25 - 26 39 jam 6 7th 1978 ( details ) nassau bahamas march 27 - 28 39 jam 7 8th 1979 ( details ) kingston jamaica april 20 - 22 42 jam 8 9th 1980 ( details ) hamilton bermuda may 3 - 4 48 bah 9 10th 1981 ( details ) nassau bahamas april 20 - 21 48 bah 10 11th 1982 ( details ) kingston jamaica april 10 - 12 52 jam 11 12th 1983 ( details ) fort - de - france martinique april 2 - 4 52 bah 12 13th 1984 ( details ) nassau bahamas april 21 - 23 52 bah 13 14th 1985 ( details ) bridgetown barbados april 7 - 9 52 jam 14 15th 1986 ( details ) les abymes guadeloupe march 29 - 31 52 jam 15 16th 1987 ( details ) port of spain trinidad and tobago april 18 - 20 52 jam 16 17th 1988 ( details ) kingston jamaica april 2 - 4 52 jam 17 18th 1989 ( details ) bridgetown barbados march 25 - 27 50 jam 18 19th 1990 ( details ) kingston jamaica april 14 - 16 52 jam 19 20th 1991 ( details ) port of spain trinidad and tobago march 30 - april 1 53 jam 20 21st 1992 ( details ) nassau bahamas april 18 - 20 53 jam 21 22nd 1993 ( details ) fort - de - france martinique april 10 - 11 55 jam 22 23rd 1994 ( details ) bridgetown barbados april 2 - 4 58 jam 23 24th 1995 ( details ) george town cayman islands april 15 - 17 58 jam 24 25th 1996 ( details ) kingston jamaica april 6 - 8 58 jam 25 26th 1997 ( details ) bridgetown barbados april 4 - 6 58 jam 26 27th 1998 ( details ) port of spain trinidad and tobago april 11 - 13 62 jam 27 28th 1999 ( details ) fort - de - france martinique april 3 - 5 63 jam 28 29th 2000 ( details ) st george 's grenada april 22 - 24 61 jam 29 30th 2001 ( details ) bridgetown barbados april 14 - 16 62 jam 30 31st 2002 ( details ) nassau bahamas march 30 - april 1 66 jam 31 32nd 2003 ( details ) port of spain trinidad and tobago april 19 - 21 66 jam 32 33rd 2004 ( details ) hamilton bermuda april 9 - 11 66 jam 33 34th 2005 ( details ) bacolet trinidad and tobago march 26 - 28 66 jam 34 35th 2006 ( details ) les abymes guadeloupe april 15 - 17 66 jam 35 36th 2007 ( details ) providenciales turks and caicos islands april 7 - 9 66 jam 36 37th 2008 ( details ) basseterre saint kitts and nevis march 22 - 24 66 jam 37 38th 2009 ( details ) vieux fort saint lucia april 10 - 13 66 jam 38 39th 2010 ( details ) george town cayman islands april 3 - 5 66 jam 39 40th 2011 ( details ) montego bay jamaica april 23 - 25 66 jam 40 41st 2012 ( details ) hamilton bermuda april 6 - 9 66 jam 41 42nd 2013 ( details ) nassau bahamas march 29 - april 1 66 jam
{"edition":{"0":"1st","1":"2nd","2":"3rd","3":"4th","4":"5th","5":"6th","6":"7th","7":"8th","8":"9th","9":"10th","10":"11th","11":"12th","12":"13th","13":"14th","14":"15th","15":"16th","16":"17th","17":"18th","18":"19th","19":"20th","20":"21st","21":"22nd","22":"23rd","23":"24th","24":"25th","25":"26th","26":"27th","27":"28th","28":"29th","29":"30th","30":"31st","31":"32nd","32":"33rd","33":"34th","34":"35th","35":"36th","36":"37th","37":"38th","38":"39th","39":"40th","40":"41st","41":"42nd"},"year":{"0":"1972 ( details )","1":"1973 ( details )","2":"1974 ( details )","3":"1975 ( details )","4":"1976 ( details )","5":"1977 ( details )","6":"1978 ( details )","7":"1979 ( details )","8":"1980 ( details )","9":"1981 ( details )","10":"1982 ( details )","11":"1983 ( details )","12":"1984 ( details )","13":"1985 ( details )","14":"1986 ( details )","15":"1987 ( details )","16":"1988 ( details )","17":"1989 ( details )","18":"1990 ( details )","19":"1991 ( details )","20":"1992 ( details )","21":"1993 ( details )","22":"1994 ( details )","23":"1995 ( details )","24":"1996 ( details )","25":"1997 ( details )","26":"1998 ( details )","27":"1999 ( details )","28":"2000 ( details )","29":"2001 ( details )","30":"2002 ( details )","31":"2003 ( details )","32":"2004 ( details )","33":"2005 ( details )","34":"2006 ( details )","35":"2007 ( details )","36":"2008 ( details )","37":"2009 ( details )","38":"2010 ( details )","39":"2011 ( details )","40":"2012 ( details )","41":"2013 ( details )"},"city":{"0":"bridgetown","1":"port of spain","2":"kingston","3":"hamilton","4":"nassau","5":"bridgetown","6":"nassau","7":"kingston","8":"hamilton","9":"nassau","10":"kingston","11":"fort - de - france","12":"nassau","13":"bridgetown","14":"les abymes","15":"port of spain","16":"kingston","17":"bridgetown","18":"kingston","19":"port of spain","20":"nassau","21":"fort - de - france","22":"bridgetown","23":"george town","24":"kingston","25":"bridgetown","26":"port of spain","27":"fort - de - france","28":"st george 's","29":"bridgetown","30":"nassau","31":"port of spain","32":"hamilton","33":"bacolet","34":"les abymes","35":"providenciales","36":"basseterre","37":"vieux fort","38":"george town","39":"montego bay","40":"hamilton","41":"nassau"},"country":{"0":"barbados","1":"trinidad and tobago","2":"jamaica","3":"bermuda","4":"bahamas","5":"barbados","6":"bahamas","7":"jamaica","8":"bermuda","9":"bahamas","10":"jamaica","11":"martinique","12":"bahamas","13":"barbados","14":"guadeloupe","15":"trinidad and tobago","16":"jamaica","17":"barbados","18":"jamaica","19":"trinidad and tobago","20":"bahamas","21":"martinique","22":"barbados","23":"cayman islands","24":"jamaica","25":"barbados","26":"trinidad and tobago","27":"martinique","28":"grenada","29":"barbados","30":"bahamas","31":"trinidad and tobago","32":"bermuda","33":"trinidad and tobago","34":"guadeloupe","35":"turks and caicos islands","36":"saint kitts and nevis","37":"saint lucia","38":"cayman islands","39":"jamaica","40":"bermuda","41":"bahamas"},"date":{"0":"april 1 - 4","1":"may 4 - 5","2":"april 13 - 15","3":"march 29 - 31","4":"april 19 - 20","5":"april 25 - 26","6":"march 27 - 28","7":"april 20 - 22","8":"may 3 - 4","9":"april 20 - 21","10":"april 10 - 12","11":"april 2 - 4","12":"april 21 - 23","13":"april 7 - 9","14":"march 29 - 31","15":"april 18 - 20","16":"april 2 - 4","17":"march 25 - 27","18":"april 14 - 16","19":"march 30 - april 1","20":"april 18 - 20","21":"april 10 - 11","22":"april 2 - 4","23":"april 15 - 17","24":"april 6 - 8","25":"april 4 - 6","26":"april 11 - 13","27":"april 3 - 5","28":"april 22 - 24","29":"april 14 - 16","30":"march 30 - april 1","31":"april 19 - 21","32":"april 9 - 11","33":"march 26 - 28","34":"april 15 - 17","35":"april 7 - 9","36":"march 22 - 24","37":"april 10 - 13","38":"april 3 - 5","39":"april 23 - 25","40":"april 6 - 9","41":"march 29 - april 1"},"no of events":{"0":23,"1":34,"2":34,"3":36,"4":39,"5":39,"6":39,"7":42,"8":48,"9":48,"10":52,"11":52,"12":52,"13":52,"14":52,"15":52,"16":52,"17":50,"18":52,"19":53,"20":53,"21":55,"22":58,"23":58,"24":58,"25":58,"26":62,"27":63,"28":61,"29":62,"30":66,"31":66,"32":66,"33":66,"34":66,"35":66,"36":66,"37":66,"38":66,"39":66,"40":66,"41":66},"top team":{"0":"jam","1":"jam","2":"jam","3":"ber","4":"jam","5":"jam","6":"jam","7":"jam","8":"bah","9":"bah","10":"jam","11":"bah","12":"bah","13":"jam","14":"jam","15":"jam","16":"jam","17":"jam","18":"jam","19":"jam","20":"jam","21":"jam","22":"jam","23":"jam","24":"jam","25":"jam","26":"jam","27":"jam","28":"jam","29":"jam","30":"jam","31":"jam","32":"jam","33":"jam","34":"jam","35":"jam","36":"jam","37":"jam","38":"jam","39":"jam","40":"jam","41":"jam"}}
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{"rank":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":2,"3":2,"4":2},"player":{"0":"tommy ring","1":"tony doran","2":"jack berry","3":"jimmy doyle","4":"paddy molloy"},"county":{"0":"westmeath","1":"wexford","2":"wexford","3":"tipperary","4":"offaly"},"tally":{"0":"2 - 3","1":"2 - 2","2":"2 - 2","3":"1 - 5","4":"0 - 8"},"total":{"0":9,"1":8,"2":8,"3":8,"4":8},"opposition":{"0":"offaly","1":"dublin","2":"tipperary","3":"wexford","4":"westmeath"}}
airline iata icao callsign commenced operations 0 jetstar asia airways 3k jsa jetstar asia 2004 1 scoot tz sco scooter 2012 2 silkair mi slk silkair 1976 3 singapore airlines sq sia singapore 1947 4 singapore airlines cargo sq sqc singcargo 2001 5 tiger airways tr tgw go cat 2003 6 valuair vf vlu valuair 2004
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rank series episode title viewers date 0 1 the sarah jane adventures the empty planet (part 1) 993000 1 november 2010 1 2 the sarah jane adventures lost in time (part 1) 984000 8 november 2010 2 3 the sarah jane adventures death of the doctor (part 2) 960000 26 october 2010 3 4 the sarah jane adventures death of the doctor (part 1) 920000 25 october 2010 4 5 tracy beaker returns shadows 874000 13 january 2012 5 6 tracy beaker returns big brother 856000 20 january 2012 6 7 tracy beaker returns slow burn 856000 6 january 2012 7 8 my sarah jane a tribute to elisabeth sladen 830000 23 april 2011 8 9 tracy beaker returns full circle 828000 8 january 2010 9 10 the sarah jane adventures goodbye , sarah jane smith (part 2) 824000 16 november 2010
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