stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: fommil/copywrong description: A list of software that was once free and is now proprietary
{ "published": "2015/07/04", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "fommil/copywrong", "description": "A list of software that was once free and is now proprietary" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: fewizz/NotEnoughIDs description:
{ "published": "2015/07/04", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "fewizz/NotEnoughIDs", "description": "" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 6 name: Leifzhang/MDetailView description:
{ "published": "2015/07/08", "stars": "5", "newStars": "6", "name": "Leifzhang/MDetailView", "description": "" }
stars: 0 new-stars: 5 name: luona906838703/tamll description: 天猫
{ "published": "2015/07/08", "stars": "0", "newStars": "5", "name": "luona906838703/tamll", "description": "天猫" }
stars: 1198 new-stars: 202 name: ericelliott/essential-javascript-links description: Essential JavaScript website.
{ "published": "2015/07/10", "stars": "1198", "newStars": "202", "name": "ericelliott/essential-javascript-links", "description": "Essential JavaScript website." }
stars: 27 new-stars: 18 name: xingrz/GankMeizhi description: 干·妹纸 (Gān Mèizhi)
{ "published": "2015/07/11", "stars": "27", "newStars": "18", "name": "xingrz/GankMeizhi", "description": "干·妹纸 (Gān Mèizhi)" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 5 name: tyua07/laravel-admin description:
{ "published": "2015/07/11", "stars": "6", "newStars": "5", "name": "tyua07/laravel-admin", "description": "" }
stars: 1294 new-stars: 105 name: ericelliott/essential-javascript-links description: Essential JavaScript website.
{ "published": "2015/07/11", "stars": "1294", "newStars": "105", "name": "ericelliott/essential-javascript-links", "description": "Essential JavaScript website." }
stars: 1429 new-stars: 1166 name: ipselon/react-ui-builder description: React UI Builder
{ "published": "2015/07/12", "stars": "1429", "newStars": "1166", "name": "ipselon/react-ui-builder", "description": "React UI Builder" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 8 name: Tuluobo/Django1.8.4-CN-documentation-translation description: Django1.8中文文档翻译
{ "published": "2015/07/12", "stars": "11", "newStars": "8", "name": "Tuluobo/Django1.8.4-CN-documentation-translation", "description": "Django1.8中文文档翻译" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: snellingio/self-hosted-status-website description:
{ "published": "2015/07/12", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "snellingio/self-hosted-status-website", "description": "" }
stars: 1973 new-stars: 596 name: ipselon/react-ui-builder description: React UI Builder
{ "published": "2015/07/13", "stars": "1973", "newStars": "596", "name": "ipselon/react-ui-builder", "description": "React UI Builder" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 10 name: tonekk/bootstrap-grid description: Bootstrap's Grid is super useful, the other stuff is often just not needed
{ "published": "2015/07/14", "stars": "10", "newStars": "10", "name": "tonekk/bootstrap-grid", "description": "Bootstrap's Grid is super useful, the other stuff is often just not needed" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 6 name: tuvalie/historic_events description: A large data set of historic human events.
{ "published": "2015/07/14", "stars": "7", "newStars": "6", "name": "tuvalie/historic_events", "description": "A large data set of historic human events." }
stars: 7 new-stars: 7 name: robconery/node-db-project description: A Node project for building databases
{ "published": "2015/07/14", "stars": "7", "newStars": "7", "name": "robconery/node-db-project", "description": "A Node project for building databases" }
stars: 2345 new-stars: 425 name: ipselon/react-ui-builder description: React UI Builder
{ "published": "2015/07/14", "stars": "2345", "newStars": "425", "name": "ipselon/react-ui-builder", "description": "React UI Builder" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 7 name: beecloud/beecloud-rest-api description: BeeCloud RESTful API V1 (beta)
{ "published": "2015/07/15", "stars": "8", "newStars": "7", "name": "beecloud/beecloud-rest-api", "description": "BeeCloud RESTful API V1 (beta)" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: toxic-sjtu/JointCascadeFaceDetection description:
{ "published": "2015/07/15", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "toxic-sjtu/JointCascadeFaceDetection", "description": "" }
stars: 2482 new-stars: 138 name: ipselon/react-ui-builder description: React UI Builder
{ "published": "2015/07/15", "stars": "2482", "newStars": "138", "name": "ipselon/react-ui-builder", "description": "React UI Builder" }
stars: 62 new-stars: 58 name: substack/virtual-dom-starter description: bare-bones virtual-dom starter using main-loop and browserify/watchify with npm run scripts
{ "published": "2015/07/16", "stars": "62", "newStars": "58", "name": "substack/virtual-dom-starter", "description": "bare-bones virtual-dom starter using main-loop and browserify/watchify with npm run scripts" }
stars: 64 new-stars: 60 name: substack/react-starter description: bare-bones react starter using reactify for jsx under browserify/watchify with npm run scripts
{ "published": "2015/07/16", "stars": "64", "newStars": "60", "name": "substack/react-starter", "description": "bare-bones react starter using reactify for jsx under browserify/watchify with npm run scripts" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 6 name: afollestad/bridge description: A simple but powerful networking library for Android. It features a Fluent chainable API, and it's powered by Java/Android's URLConnection classes for maximum compatibility and speed.
{ "published": "2015/07/17", "stars": "7", "newStars": "6", "name": "afollestad/bridge", "description": "A simple but powerful networking library for Android. It features a Fluent chainable API, and it's powered by Java/Android's URLConnection classes for maximum compatibility and speed." }
stars: 3 new-stars: 5 name: duxuanhui/XHRichTextView description: XHRichTextView
{ "published": "2015/07/17", "stars": "3", "newStars": "5", "name": "duxuanhui/XHRichTextView", "description": "XHRichTextView" }
stars: 2693 new-stars: 137 name: ipselon/react-ui-builder description: React UI Builder
{ "published": "2015/07/17", "stars": "2693", "newStars": "137", "name": "ipselon/react-ui-builder", "description": "React UI Builder" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 7 name: BuildCraft/BuildCraft-Experimental description: BuildCraft addon which adds experimental new blocks/items. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN MODPACKS.
{ "published": "2015/07/18", "stars": "7", "newStars": "7", "name": "BuildCraft/BuildCraft-Experimental", "description": "BuildCraft addon which adds experimental new blocks/items. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN MODPACKS." }
stars: 2771 new-stars: 82 name: ipselon/react-ui-builder description: React UI Builder
{ "published": "2015/07/18", "stars": "2771", "newStars": "82", "name": "ipselon/react-ui-builder", "description": "React UI Builder" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: kbenoit/ME114 description: ME114 Introduction to Data Science and Big Data Analytics 2015
{ "published": "2015/07/20", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "kbenoit/ME114", "description": "ME114 Introduction to Data Science and Big Data Analytics 2015" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 7 name: TreeHacks/mentorship description:
{ "published": "2015/07/20", "stars": "5", "newStars": "7", "name": "TreeHacks/mentorship", "description": "" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 7 name: jdalton/polyfill-guide description: The developer’s guide to creating responsible forward-looking polyfills
{ "published": "2015/07/20", "stars": "7", "newStars": "7", "name": "jdalton/polyfill-guide", "description": "The developer’s guide to creating responsible forward-looking polyfills" }
stars: 3 new-stars: 6 name: simoncomputing/winventory description:
{ "published": "2015/07/20", "stars": "3", "newStars": "6", "name": "simoncomputing/winventory", "description": "" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: Nihility-Ming/MBProgressHUD-BWMExtension description: Nihility-Ming to MBProgressHUD extension, easy to use.
{ "published": "2015/07/20", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "Nihility-Ming/MBProgressHUD-BWMExtension", "description": "Nihility-Ming to MBProgressHUD extension, easy to use." }
stars: 2965 new-stars: 125 name: ipselon/react-ui-builder description: React UI Builder
{ "published": "2015/07/20", "stars": "2965", "newStars": "125", "name": "ipselon/react-ui-builder", "description": "React UI Builder" }
stars: 25 new-stars: 26 name: loveace/WeiXinPick description:
{ "published": "2015/07/21", "stars": "25", "newStars": "26", "name": "loveace/WeiXinPick", "description": "" }
stars: 69 new-stars: 66 name: pingcap/f2 description: A Google F1 clone
{ "published": "2015/07/21", "stars": "69", "newStars": "66", "name": "pingcap/f2", "description": "A Google F1 clone" }
stars: 17 new-stars: 17 name: EthanArbuckle/MyRepoSpace-Hack description: Writeup on how the MyRepoSpace.com hacks were done
{ "published": "2015/07/22", "stars": "17", "newStars": "17", "name": "EthanArbuckle/MyRepoSpace-Hack", "description": "Writeup on how the MyRepoSpace.com hacks were done" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 11 name: loggur/babel-plugin-react-error-catcher description: Automatically adds a decorator as a higher-order component to React components. If there's an error, it will catch it and display it within an overlay. And if the error originated from a hot reload, it will revert the broken component(s) back to the last working code beneath the overlay. (Although currently it just displays the error. ;)
{ "published": "2015/07/22", "stars": "11", "newStars": "11", "name": "loggur/babel-plugin-react-error-catcher", "description": "Automatically adds a decorator as a higher-order component to React components. If there's an error, it will catch it and display it within an overlay. And if the error originated from a hot reload, it will revert the broken component(s) back to the last working code beneath the overlay. (Although currently it just displays the error. ;)" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 6 name: substack/react-starter-es6-babel description: bare-bones react starter using babelify for es6 and jsx under browserify/watchify with npm run scripts
{ "published": "2015/07/23", "stars": "12", "newStars": "6", "name": "substack/react-starter-es6-babel", "description": "bare-bones react starter using babelify for es6 and jsx under browserify/watchify with npm run scripts" }
stars: 70 new-stars: 49 name: minxiaoming/NiceAppDemo description: 仿最美应用-每日最美的钢琴律动效果
{ "published": "2015/07/24", "stars": "70", "newStars": "49", "name": "minxiaoming/NiceAppDemo", "description": "仿最美应用-每日最美的钢琴律动效果" }
stars: 21 new-stars: 21 name: substack/virtual-dom-starter-babel-es6-jsx description: bare-bones virtual-dom starter with babelify and babel-plugin-jsx-factory for jsx using main-loop and browserify with npm run scripts
{ "published": "2015/07/24", "stars": "21", "newStars": "21", "name": "substack/virtual-dom-starter-babel-es6-jsx", "description": "bare-bones virtual-dom starter with babelify and babel-plugin-jsx-factory for jsx using main-loop and browserify with npm run scripts" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: Jianwen-Zheng/0408gitClass description: 这是一个git测试
{ "published": "2015/07/24", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "Jianwen-Zheng/0408gitClass", "description": "这是一个git测试" }
stars: 131 new-stars: 78 name: AKSHAYUBHAT/ImageSegmentation description: Perform image segmentation and background removal in javascript using canvas element and computer vision superpixel algorithms
{ "published": "2015/07/25", "stars": "131", "newStars": "78", "name": "AKSHAYUBHAT/ImageSegmentation", "description": "Perform image segmentation and background removal in javascript using canvas element and computer vision superpixel algorithms" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 5 name: okanvurdu/BasicSelfieModel-rb description: Just another BasicSelfieModel clone
{ "published": "2015/07/25", "stars": "4", "newStars": "5", "name": "okanvurdu/BasicSelfieModel-rb", "description": "Just another BasicSelfieModel clone" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: co3moz/BasicSelfieModel-cpp description: @ahmetozantekin 's selfie model, except this is made with c++
{ "published": "2015/07/25", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "co3moz/BasicSelfieModel-cpp", "description": "@ahmetozantekin 's selfie model, except this is made with c++" }
stars: 125 new-stars: 128 name: m3hr/swabbathon-swabbers description: Post when you added yourself to a bone marrow registry
{ "published": "2015/07/27", "stars": "125", "newStars": "128", "name": "m3hr/swabbathon-swabbers", "description": "Post when you added yourself to a bone marrow registry" }
stars: 34 new-stars: 21 name: drakeet/FingerTransparentView description: 手指区域羽化透明,显示出底部图片布局区域。
{ "published": "2015/07/29", "stars": "34", "newStars": "21", "name": "drakeet/FingerTransparentView", "description": "手指区域羽化透明,显示出底部图片布局区域。" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 7 name: payworks/mpos-ui.ios.paybutton description: payworks Pay Button (BETA) for iOS http://www.payworks.mpymnt.com/paybutton#ios
{ "published": "2015/07/29", "stars": "7", "newStars": "7", "name": "payworks/mpos-ui.ios.paybutton", "description": "payworks Pay Button (BETA) for iOS http://www.payworks.mpymnt.com/paybutton#ios" }
stars: 173 new-stars: 160 name: gf-web/es6-coding-style description: ECMAScript 2015 编码规范--广发证券前端团队
{ "published": "2015/07/30", "stars": "173", "newStars": "160", "name": "gf-web/es6-coding-style", "description": "ECMAScript 2015 编码规范--广发证券前端团队" }
stars: 34 new-stars: 33 name: substack/virtual-dom-universal-starter description: bare-bones virtual-dom starter for universal (node+browser) routing and rendering
{ "published": "2015/07/30", "stars": "34", "newStars": "33", "name": "substack/virtual-dom-universal-starter", "description": "bare-bones virtual-dom starter for universal (node+browser) routing and rendering" }
stars: 25 new-stars: 23 name: substack/virtual-dom-unidirectional-example description: virtual-dom example demonstrating unidirectional data flow with an EventEmitter and websockets
{ "published": "2015/07/30", "stars": "25", "newStars": "23", "name": "substack/virtual-dom-unidirectional-example", "description": "virtual-dom example demonstrating unidirectional data flow with an EventEmitter and websockets" }
stars: 18 new-stars: 16 name: CoderXiaomage/XMGStatusBarHUD description: 一个非常简单易用的状态栏指示器小框架
{ "published": "2015/07/30", "stars": "18", "newStars": "16", "name": "CoderXiaomage/XMGStatusBarHUD", "description": "一个非常简单易用的状态栏指示器小框架" }
stars: 234 new-stars: 126 name: fpt-software/Material-Controls-For-iOS description: Many Google Material Design Controls for iOS native application
{ "published": "2015/07/31", "stars": "234", "newStars": "126", "name": "fpt-software/Material-Controls-For-iOS", "description": "Many Google Material Design Controls for iOS native application" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 6 name: AnatoliyGatt/telize-node description: An asynchronous client library for Telize API.
{ "published": "2015/08/01", "stars": "4", "newStars": "6", "name": "AnatoliyGatt/telize-node", "description": "An asynchronous client library for Telize API." }
stars: 91 new-stars: 77 name: convox/cli description: Launch a private cloud and deploy apps from the command line.
{ "published": "2015/08/02", "stars": "91", "newStars": "77", "name": "convox/cli", "description": "Launch a private cloud and deploy apps from the command line." }
stars: 823 new-stars: 142 name: josephyzhou/github-trending description: Tracking the most popular Github repos, updated daily
{ "published": "2015/08/04", "stars": "823", "newStars": "142", "name": "josephyzhou/github-trending", "description": "Tracking the most popular Github repos, updated daily" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: pahimar/ForgeCraftTheModpack description:
{ "published": "2015/08/05", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "pahimar/ForgeCraftTheModpack", "description": "" }
stars: 15 new-stars: 13 name: artsy/energy description: Artsy Folio, The Partner iPhone / iPad app.
{ "published": "2015/08/06", "stars": "15", "newStars": "13", "name": "artsy/energy", "description": "Artsy Folio, The Partner iPhone / iPad app." }
stars: 7 new-stars: 8 name: ryanjhill/CodingResourceKit description: Feel like you need help expanding your coding career? Here's some sources to boost both your soft AND hard skillsets
{ "published": "2015/08/07", "stars": "7", "newStars": "8", "name": "ryanjhill/CodingResourceKit", "description": "Feel like you need help expanding your coding career? Here's some sources to boost both your soft AND hard skillsets" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: programadoreschile/conocimiento description: Aquí estan los links que la comunidad comparte :)
{ "published": "2015/08/07", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "programadoreschile/conocimiento", "description": "Aquí estan los links que la comunidad comparte :)" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 19 name: tianzhijiexian/HttpMaster description: 一次性实现:http请求方法体+gson的model的工具
{ "published": "2015/08/08", "stars": "19", "newStars": "19", "name": "tianzhijiexian/HttpMaster", "description": "一次性实现:http请求方法体+gson的model的工具" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 6 name: Blankwonder/ShadowVPN-iOS description:
{ "published": "2015/08/08", "stars": "8", "newStars": "6", "name": "Blankwonder/ShadowVPN-iOS", "description": "" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 5 name: xybu/onedrive-d description: A Microsoft OneDrive client on Linux.
{ "published": "2015/08/08", "stars": "4", "newStars": "5", "name": "xybu/onedrive-d", "description": "A Microsoft OneDrive client on Linux." }
stars: 25 new-stars: 25 name: mengmanzbh/KlineInSwift description: 用swift写的K线图
{ "published": "2015/08/11", "stars": "25", "newStars": "25", "name": "mengmanzbh/KlineInSwift", "description": "用swift写的K线图" }
stars: 14 new-stars: 14 name: nsdictionary/PhotoBroswer description: Photo Browser Terminator
{ "published": "2015/08/14", "stars": "14", "newStars": "14", "name": "nsdictionary/PhotoBroswer", "description": "Photo Browser Terminator" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 8 name: tasktinkle/ITTGenericKeychain description: simple keychain wrapper , easy to use
{ "published": "2015/08/15", "stars": "9", "newStars": "8", "name": "tasktinkle/ITTGenericKeychain", "description": "simple keychain wrapper , easy to use" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 6 name: tasktinkle/ITTRoute description: ios simple router, unfinished
{ "published": "2015/08/15", "stars": "8", "newStars": "6", "name": "tasktinkle/ITTRoute", "description": "ios simple router, unfinished" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: tasktinkle/ITTSalad description: runtime utils about association, patch, swizzle, aop, kvo, inspect , unfinish
{ "published": "2015/08/15", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "tasktinkle/ITTSalad", "description": "runtime utils about association, patch, swizzle, aop, kvo, inspect , unfinish" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 6 name: schwa/Swift-Community-Best-Practices description:
{ "published": "2015/08/15", "stars": "7", "newStars": "6", "name": "schwa/Swift-Community-Best-Practices", "description": "" }
stars: 243 new-stars: 235 name: dfkt/firefox-tweaks description: Attempt to make Firefox suck less.
{ "published": "2015/08/16", "stars": "243", "newStars": "235", "name": "dfkt/firefox-tweaks", "description": "Attempt to make Firefox suck less." }
stars: 166 new-stars: 163 name: dfkt/win10-unfuck description: Remove anti-privacy, anti-security, and general nuisance "features" from Windows 10.
{ "published": "2015/08/16", "stars": "166", "newStars": "163", "name": "dfkt/win10-unfuck", "description": "Remove anti-privacy, anti-security, and general nuisance \"features\" from Windows 10." }
stars: 0 new-stars: 11 name: yankejustin/- description: yrdy
{ "published": "2015/08/16", "stars": "0", "newStars": "11", "name": "yankejustin/-", "description": "yrdy" }
stars: 0 new-stars: 59 name: gonapps/gonapps.io description: http://gonapps.io
{ "published": "2015/08/17", "stars": "0", "newStars": "59", "name": "gonapps/gonapps.io", "description": "http://gonapps.io" }
stars: 25 new-stars: 13 name: stormzhang/BooheeToolbar description: 分享薄荷Android状态栏的适配解决方案
{ "published": "2015/08/17", "stars": "25", "newStars": "13", "name": "stormzhang/BooheeToolbar", "description": "分享薄荷Android状态栏的适配解决方案" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: ingridli/ingridli.github.io description: 佳小佳的个人主页
{ "published": "2015/08/17", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "ingridli/ingridli.github.io", "description": "佳小佳的个人主页" }
stars: 16 new-stars: 16 name: Nummer/Destroy-Windows-10-Spying description: Remove windows 10 spying tool
{ "published": "2015/08/19", "stars": "16", "newStars": "16", "name": "Nummer/Destroy-Windows-10-Spying", "description": "Remove windows 10 spying tool" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 7 name: lustyio/lusty description: Node.js framework to taste reusable application logic
{ "published": "2015/08/19", "stars": "6", "newStars": "7", "name": "lustyio/lusty", "description": "Node.js framework to taste reusable application logic" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: sebastianbergmann/money-intl-formatter description: Implementation of SebastianBergmann\Money\Formatter that uses PHP's built-in NumberFormatter
{ "published": "2015/08/19", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "sebastianbergmann/money-intl-formatter", "description": "Implementation of SebastianBergmann\\Money\\Formatter that uses PHP's built-in NumberFormatter" }
stars: 24 new-stars: 5 name: CharmanderProject/Themes description: Ubuntu Simple and Flat theme
{ "published": "2015/08/21", "stars": "24", "newStars": "5", "name": "CharmanderProject/Themes", "description": "Ubuntu Simple and Flat theme" }
stars: 2 new-stars: 5 name: helloco/Mrs.Li description: 李老师豪华表情包
{ "published": "2015/08/21", "stars": "2", "newStars": "5", "name": "helloco/Mrs.Li", "description": "李老师豪华表情包" }
stars: 348 new-stars: 125 name: breakwa11/shadowsocks-rss description: shadowsocks update rss
{ "published": "2015/08/22", "stars": "348", "newStars": "125", "name": "breakwa11/shadowsocks-rss", "description": "shadowsocks update rss" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 14 name: substack/braziljs-2015-talk description: logs p2p etc
{ "published": "2015/08/22", "stars": "19", "newStars": "14", "name": "substack/braziljs-2015-talk", "description": "logs p2p etc" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 12 name: yabok/shadowsocks description: See https://github.com/Long-live-shadowsocks/
{ "published": "2015/08/22", "stars": "13", "newStars": "12", "name": "yabok/shadowsocks", "description": "See https://github.com/Long-live-shadowsocks/" }
stars: 36 new-stars: 29 name: likumb/SimpleMemo description: 已上架应用“易便签”的源代码
{ "published": "2015/08/23", "stars": "36", "newStars": "29", "name": "likumb/SimpleMemo", "description": "已上架应用“易便签”的源代码" }
stars: 0 new-stars: 5 name: tinymilky/hello-Hollis description: Just for try
{ "published": "2015/08/23", "stars": "0", "newStars": "5", "name": "tinymilky/hello-Hollis", "description": "Just for try" }
stars: 14 new-stars: 14 name: johnpapa/angular2quickstart description: based on https://angular.io/docs/js/latest/quickstart.html
{ "published": "2015/08/24", "stars": "14", "newStars": "14", "name": "johnpapa/angular2quickstart", "description": "based on https://angular.io/docs/js/latest/quickstart.html" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: devholic/honeyjam description: 꿀잼보따리
{ "published": "2015/08/27", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "devholic/honeyjam", "description": "꿀잼보따리" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 9 name: vinkla/share-links description: Collection of social media share links
{ "published": "2015/08/27", "stars": "7", "newStars": "9", "name": "vinkla/share-links", "description": "Collection of social media share links" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: TreeHacks/slack-mentorship description: Hackathon mentorship via Slack
{ "published": "2015/08/27", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "TreeHacks/slack-mentorship", "description": "Hackathon mentorship via Slack" }
stars: 36 new-stars: 29 name: Sloy/CollapsingAvatarToolbar description: Collapsing Toolbar with a moving avatar for Android.
{ "published": "2015/08/28", "stars": "36", "newStars": "29", "name": "Sloy/CollapsingAvatarToolbar", "description": "Collapsing Toolbar with a moving avatar for Android." }
stars: 6 new-stars: 12 name: vaithwee/Indicator description:
{ "published": "2015/08/28", "stars": "6", "newStars": "12", "name": "vaithwee/Indicator", "description": "" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 7 name: paf31/purescript-preface description: An alternative to the Prelude for teaching purposes
{ "published": "2015/08/28", "stars": "6", "newStars": "7", "name": "paf31/purescript-preface", "description": "An alternative to the Prelude for teaching purposes" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: ReactTraining/advanced description:
{ "published": "2015/08/29", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "ReactTraining/advanced", "description": "" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 6 name: yanghua/horae description: a lightweight async task invoker based on redis and disque and so on...
{ "published": "2015/08/29", "stars": "7", "newStars": "6", "name": "yanghua/horae", "description": "a lightweight async task invoker based on redis and disque and so on..." }
stars: 2 new-stars: 5 name: gman5500/ScriptDreams description: Scripting Tools For SysAdmins
{ "published": "2015/08/29", "stars": "2", "newStars": "5", "name": "gman5500/ScriptDreams", "description": "Scripting Tools For SysAdmins" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: aking13/StuddyBuddy description: code for StuddyBuddy. Built with Java and android studio.
{ "published": "2015/08/30", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "aking13/StuddyBuddy", "description": "code for StuddyBuddy. Built with Java and android studio." }
stars: 17 new-stars: 14 name: rnlf/motor description: A port of LÖVE for the Web.
{ "published": "2015/08/31", "stars": "17", "newStars": "14", "name": "rnlf/motor", "description": "A port of LÖVE for the Web." }
stars: 17 new-stars: 18 name: substack/virtual-dom-starter-hmr description: bare-bones virtual-dom starter for hot module replacement
{ "published": "2015/08/31", "stars": "17", "newStars": "18", "name": "substack/virtual-dom-starter-hmr", "description": "bare-bones virtual-dom starter for hot module replacement" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 10 name: Kuchiriel/install-archlinux description:
{ "published": "2015/08/31", "stars": "11", "newStars": "10", "name": "Kuchiriel/install-archlinux", "description": "" }
stars: 0 new-stars: 195 name: ruchevits/libweb3jsonrpc description:
{ "published": "2015/09/01", "stars": "0", "newStars": "195", "name": "ruchevits/libweb3jsonrpc", "description": "" }
stars: 187 new-stars: 177 name: aphel-bilisim-hizmetleri/pg-migrator description: PostgreSQL Migration Tool
{ "published": "2015/09/01", "stars": "187", "newStars": "177", "name": "aphel-bilisim-hizmetleri/pg-migrator", "description": "PostgreSQL Migration Tool" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 32 name: GuerrillaWarfare/Armory description: The 802.11 Hacking Repo.
{ "published": "2015/09/01", "stars": "13", "newStars": "32", "name": "GuerrillaWarfare/Armory", "description": "The 802.11 Hacking Repo." }