stars: 15 new-stars: 16 name: Kentverger/wrk description: Segundo repositorio de prueba
{ "published": "2015/02/28", "stars": "15", "newStars": "16", "name": "Kentverger/wrk", "description": "Segundo repositorio de prueba" }
stars: 614 new-stars: 144 name: tejasmanohar/npm-algos description: Curated List of Node.js Modules Implementing Computer Science Concepts
{ "published": "2015/02/28", "stars": "614", "newStars": "144", "name": "tejasmanohar/npm-algos", "description": "Curated List of Node.js Modules Implementing Computer Science Concepts" }
stars: 275 new-stars: 153 name: dockercn/wharf description: ContainerOps Open Source Platform
{ "published": "2015/03/03", "stars": "275", "newStars": "153", "name": "dockercn/wharf", "description": "ContainerOps Open Source Platform" }
stars: 16 new-stars: 14 name: substack/shipboard description: build and plan software projects in tiny pieces
{ "published": "2015/03/03", "stars": "16", "newStars": "14", "name": "substack/shipboard", "description": "build and plan software projects in tiny pieces" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 7 name: nkpoid/nkroid description: @nkroidのソースコード
{ "published": "2015/03/04", "stars": "7", "newStars": "7", "name": "nkpoid/nkroid", "description": "@nkroidのソースコード" }
stars: 14 new-stars: 7 name: meteorhybrid/mac description: Native Mac OS X app built with Meteor
{ "published": "2015/03/04", "stars": "14", "newStars": "7", "name": "meteorhybrid/mac", "description": "Native Mac OS X app built with Meteor" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 7 name: ottersoftware/CoreDataStackSetup description: A rough example of how to set up a Core Data stack based on the talk by Marcus Zarra (@mzarra) at MCE 2015 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckbke8vjHMw)
{ "published": "2015/03/04", "stars": "7", "newStars": "7", "name": "ottersoftware/CoreDataStackSetup", "description": "A rough example of how to set up a Core Data stack based on the talk by Marcus Zarra (@mzarra) at MCE 2015 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckbke8vjHMw)" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: wushuyi/day-project-share description: 每日项目分享
{ "published": "2015/03/04", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "wushuyi/day-project-share", "description": "每日项目分享" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: novoda/iosched-webapp description:
{ "published": "2015/03/04", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "novoda/iosched-webapp", "description": "" }
stars: 223 new-stars: 147 name: chenupt/SpringIndicator description: A spring indicator like Morning Routine guide.
{ "published": "2015/03/05", "stars": "223", "newStars": "147", "name": "chenupt/SpringIndicator", "description": "A spring indicator like Morning Routine guide." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 11 name: fruitstudios/AviaryImageEditor description:
{ "published": "2015/03/06", "stars": "10", "newStars": "11", "name": "fruitstudios/AviaryImageEditor", "description": "" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 9 name: BelajarJavaBareng/bpustaka description: Project Belajar Java - Manajemen Perpustakaan
{ "published": "2015/03/06", "stars": "6", "newStars": "9", "name": "BelajarJavaBareng/bpustaka", "description": "Project Belajar Java - Manajemen Perpustakaan" }
stars: 319 new-stars: 125 name: chenupt/SpringIndicator description: A spring indicator like Morning Routine guide.
{ "published": "2015/03/06", "stars": "319", "newStars": "125", "name": "chenupt/SpringIndicator", "description": "A spring indicator like Morning Routine guide." }
stars: 8 new-stars: 6 name: drKraken/notification-fallback.js description: Simple fallback for window.Notification
{ "published": "2015/03/07", "stars": "8", "newStars": "6", "name": "drKraken/notification-fallback.js", "description": "Simple fallback for window.Notification" }
stars: 33 new-stars: 29 name: substack/outpipe description: write output to a file through shell commands
{ "published": "2015/03/08", "stars": "33", "newStars": "29", "name": "substack/outpipe", "description": "write output to a file through shell commands" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 7 name: S1cK94/minimal description: zsh theme
{ "published": "2015/03/08", "stars": "9", "newStars": "7", "name": "S1cK94/minimal", "description": "zsh theme" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 8 name: njsuperfreak/catalyst description: A minimal ReactJS workflow enabling live-editing of React and Sass components without loosing state.
{ "published": "2015/03/09", "stars": "9", "newStars": "8", "name": "njsuperfreak/catalyst", "description": "A minimal ReactJS workflow enabling live-editing of React and Sass components without loosing state." }
stars: 25 new-stars: 18 name: johnybot/TestingKeyboard description: A minimal keyboard for Android to use while running automated tests
{ "published": "2015/03/11", "stars": "25", "newStars": "18", "name": "johnybot/TestingKeyboard", "description": "A minimal keyboard for Android to use while running automated tests" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: jennschiffer/playing-with-the-web-audio-api description: just some dumb things i'm making while learning wowowow
{ "published": "2015/03/12", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "jennschiffer/playing-with-the-web-audio-api", "description": "just some dumb things i'm making while learning wowowow" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: kgmyshin/Android-arch description: Android設計方針
{ "published": "2015/03/12", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "kgmyshin/Android-arch", "description": "Android設計方針" }
stars: 2 new-stars: 5 name: tpe-lecture/group-18 description: Solutions provided by student group
{ "published": "2015/03/12", "stars": "2", "newStars": "5", "name": "tpe-lecture/group-18", "description": "Solutions provided by student group" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: SamStone92/kanyekeyboad description: iOS 8 custom keyboard with Kanye gifs. Never made it to store because of restrictions requiring an actual keyboard. Feel free to play around with it.
{ "published": "2015/03/13", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "SamStone92/kanyekeyboad", "description": "iOS 8 custom keyboard with Kanye gifs. Never made it to store because of restrictions requiring an actual keyboard. Feel free to play around with it." }
stars: 23 new-stars: 21 name: schwa/TimingFunctionEditor description: Simple swift based editor for bezier based media timing functions
{ "published": "2015/03/13", "stars": "23", "newStars": "21", "name": "schwa/TimingFunctionEditor", "description": "Simple swift based editor for bezier based media timing functions" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 5 name: coderLiH/LHRefresh description: provide some type to refresh your ScrollView.include animation.also support Development
{ "published": "2015/03/13", "stars": "4", "newStars": "5", "name": "coderLiH/LHRefresh", "description": "provide some type to refresh your ScrollView.include animation.also support Development" }
stars: 36 new-stars: 35 name: substack/alarm description: wake the fuck up
{ "published": "2015/03/16", "stars": "36", "newStars": "35", "name": "substack/alarm", "description": "wake the fuck up" }
stars: 32 new-stars: 29 name: lucastan/to.is description: Data sanitization, filtering
{ "published": "2015/03/16", "stars": "32", "newStars": "29", "name": "lucastan/to.is", "description": "Data sanitization, filtering" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 8 name: ben-eb/postcss-zindex description: Reduce z-index values with PostCSS.
{ "published": "2015/03/17", "stars": "7", "newStars": "8", "name": "ben-eb/postcss-zindex", "description": "Reduce z-index values with PostCSS." }
stars: 508 new-stars: 508 name: spasmilo/electrum description: Electrum; Bitcoin thin client
{ "published": "2015/03/19", "stars": "508", "newStars": "508", "name": "spasmilo/electrum", "description": "Electrum; Bitcoin thin client" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 5 name: clowwindy/recruit description:
{ "published": "2015/03/19", "stars": "8", "newStars": "5", "name": "clowwindy/recruit", "description": "" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: majemedia/shared_core_wordpress description: A file and folder structure for a shared core wordpress server environment without enabling multi-site
{ "published": "2015/03/20", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "majemedia/shared_core_wordpress", "description": "A file and folder structure for a shared core wordpress server environment without enabling multi-site" }
stars: 347 new-stars: 85 name: dnomak/frontend-folder description: Frontend Folder
{ "published": "2015/03/21", "stars": "347", "newStars": "85", "name": "dnomak/frontend-folder", "description": "Frontend Folder" }
stars: 1 new-stars: 6 name: jeanechabaudis/c34w description: Proyecto sistema C34W
{ "published": "2015/03/21", "stars": "1", "newStars": "6", "name": "jeanechabaudis/c34w", "description": "Proyecto sistema C34W" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 5 name: jahirfiquitiva/PaperBoard description: A Material Design inspired/based Icon Pack Dashboard Template.
{ "published": "2015/03/21", "stars": "7", "newStars": "5", "name": "jahirfiquitiva/PaperBoard", "description": "A Material Design inspired/based Icon Pack Dashboard Template." }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: RicterZ/websocket-injection description: WebSocket 中转注入工具
{ "published": "2015/03/22", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "RicterZ/websocket-injection", "description": "WebSocket 中转注入工具" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 12 name: qw3rtman/hsc description: Comprehensive HTTP Status Code Information in Node.js Made Easy!
{ "published": "2015/03/23", "stars": "12", "newStars": "12", "name": "qw3rtman/hsc", "description": "Comprehensive HTTP Status Code Information in Node.js Made Easy!" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 9 name: pingguo-zangqilong/QQMusicTransition description:
{ "published": "2015/03/23", "stars": "10", "newStars": "9", "name": "pingguo-zangqilong/QQMusicTransition", "description": "" }
stars: 17 new-stars: 11 name: substack/mddf description: multi-dimensional data format with attachments for proximity search using a kd-b tree
{ "published": "2015/03/24", "stars": "17", "newStars": "11", "name": "substack/mddf", "description": "multi-dimensional data format with attachments for proximity search using a kd-b tree" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 10 name: asLody/LodyPluginFrame4A description: 第一次提交
{ "published": "2015/03/24", "stars": "12", "newStars": "10", "name": "asLody/LodyPluginFrame4A", "description": "第一次提交" }
stars: 831 new-stars: 147 name: chengr28/RevokeChinaCerts description: Revoke China Certificates.
{ "published": "2015/03/25", "stars": "831", "newStars": "147", "name": "chengr28/RevokeChinaCerts", "description": "Revoke China Certificates." }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: schwa/SwiftSVG description: Description Forthcoming
{ "published": "2015/03/25", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "schwa/SwiftSVG", "description": "Description Forthcoming" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: NoResound/NPReportView description: 多功能报表控件
{ "published": "2015/03/26", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "NoResound/NPReportView", "description": "多功能报表控件" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 5 name: ladytalks/agenda description:
{ "published": "2015/03/27", "stars": "4", "newStars": "5", "name": "ladytalks/agenda", "description": "" }
stars: 1 new-stars: 5 name: Chatra123/hello description: hello test
{ "published": "2015/03/27", "stars": "1", "newStars": "5", "name": "Chatra123/hello", "description": "hello test" }
stars: 24 new-stars: 23 name: substack/webapps-of-the-future description: nodeconf christchurch 2015 talk
{ "published": "2015/03/28", "stars": "24", "newStars": "23", "name": "substack/webapps-of-the-future", "description": "nodeconf christchurch 2015 talk" }
stars: 18 new-stars: 18 name: substack/wsnc description: websocket netcat
{ "published": "2015/03/28", "stars": "18", "newStars": "18", "name": "substack/wsnc", "description": "websocket netcat" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 12 name: qw3rtman/hsc-cli description: Comprehensive HTTP Status Code Information on the Command Line!
{ "published": "2015/03/28", "stars": "13", "newStars": "12", "name": "qw3rtman/hsc-cli", "description": "Comprehensive HTTP Status Code Information on the Command Line!" }
stars: 0 new-stars: 40 name: spyhole/MaterialStarterApp description: Bossable Material Starter App with meanjs v0.4.0
{ "published": "2015/03/31", "stars": "0", "newStars": "40", "name": "spyhole/MaterialStarterApp", "description": "Bossable Material Starter App with meanjs v0.4.0" }
stars: 23 new-stars: 21 name: mogujie/MGJRequestManager description: 一个基于 AFNetworking 2 的灵活好用的 iOS 网络库
{ "published": "2015/03/31", "stars": "23", "newStars": "21", "name": "mogujie/MGJRequestManager", "description": "一个基于 AFNetworking 2 的灵活好用的 iOS 网络库" }
stars: 478 new-stars: 478 name: Octofool/Fools description: This seems fishy...
{ "published": "2015/04/01", "stars": "478", "newStars": "478", "name": "Octofool/Fools", "description": "This seems fishy..." }
stars: 5 new-stars: 6 name: bawangxx/XZCoreDataTool description: 利用单例+Coredata+KVC封装的一个工具类,最多只需两句代码即可实现Coredata的CRUD操作
{ "published": "2015/04/02", "stars": "5", "newStars": "6", "name": "bawangxx/XZCoreDataTool", "description": "利用单例+Coredata+KVC封装的一个工具类,最多只需两句代码即可实现Coredata的CRUD操作" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: Vertalab/cherrywiki description:
{ "published": "2015/04/03", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "Vertalab/cherrywiki", "description": "" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 6 name: NonoQ/Prototype description: Prototype to Framework HTML/CSS tworzony przez społeczność !
{ "published": "2015/04/05", "stars": "4", "newStars": "6", "name": "NonoQ/Prototype", "description": "Prototype to Framework HTML/CSS tworzony przez społeczność !" }
stars: 1 new-stars: 5 name: lavelle/conduktor-empty description: no way2
{ "published": "2015/04/05", "stars": "1", "newStars": "5", "name": "lavelle/conduktor-empty", "description": "no way2" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 10 name: Francisdiaz/TareaJava description:
{ "published": "2015/04/06", "stars": "5", "newStars": "10", "name": "Francisdiaz/TareaJava", "description": "" }
stars: 17 new-stars: 17 name: JedWatson/babel-plugin-object-assign description: Babel plugin to replace Object.assign with the extends helper
{ "published": "2015/04/08", "stars": "17", "newStars": "17", "name": "JedWatson/babel-plugin-object-assign", "description": "Babel plugin to replace Object.assign with the extends helper" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: matyhtf/swoole-camera description: 网络摄像头
{ "published": "2015/04/08", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "matyhtf/swoole-camera", "description": "网络摄像头" }
stars: 2 new-stars: 5 name: luismazgz/pruebasclase description: repositorio de pruebas de clase
{ "published": "2015/04/08", "stars": "2", "newStars": "5", "name": "luismazgz/pruebasclase", "description": "repositorio de pruebas de clase" }
stars: 42 new-stars: 38 name: LuckyJayce/ListViewHelper description: ListViewHelper. 实现下拉刷新,滚动底部自动加载更多,分页加载,自动切换显示网络失败布局,暂无数据布局,,真正的MVC架构.
{ "published": "2015/04/09", "stars": "42", "newStars": "38", "name": "LuckyJayce/ListViewHelper", "description": "ListViewHelper. 实现下拉刷新,滚动底部自动加载更多,分页加载,自动切换显示网络失败布局,暂无数据布局,,真正的MVC架构." }
stars: 1 new-stars: 12 name: hmschreiner/BuddyRide description: Criação de site/aplicativo para encontrar pessoas que estão disponíveis a fazer novas amizades, contribuir com a preservação do meio ambiente e de diminuir o fluxo do trânsito de sua cidade através de uma simples carona.
{ "published": "2015/04/09", "stars": "1", "newStars": "12", "name": "hmschreiner/BuddyRide", "description": "Criação de site/aplicativo para encontrar pessoas que estão disponíveis a fazer novas amizades, contribuir com a preservação do meio ambiente e de diminuir o fluxo do trânsito de sua cidade através de uma simples carona." }
stars: 13 new-stars: 11 name: AgoraOpus/Sell-in-May description: Code and data used to analyse the Sell-in-May investment strategy
{ "published": "2015/04/09", "stars": "13", "newStars": "11", "name": "AgoraOpus/Sell-in-May", "description": "Code and data used to analyse the Sell-in-May investment strategy" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: anatolinicolae/whatsapp description: Unofficial WhatsApp client for Mac
{ "published": "2015/04/10", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "anatolinicolae/whatsapp", "description": "Unofficial WhatsApp client for Mac" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 6 name: cris7ian/hellodoge description:
{ "published": "2015/04/10", "stars": "5", "newStars": "6", "name": "cris7ian/hellodoge", "description": "" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: dustsky/iOSBlogCN description: iOS中文博客汇总
{ "published": "2015/04/10", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "dustsky/iOSBlogCN", "description": "iOS中文博客汇总" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 5 name: bbougot/TVShow description: Watch movies easier
{ "published": "2015/04/11", "stars": "5", "newStars": "5", "name": "bbougot/TVShow", "description": "Watch movies easier" }
stars: 15 new-stars: 16 name: tonyarash/meteor-material-blog description: A Meteor material blog
{ "published": "2015/04/12", "stars": "15", "newStars": "16", "name": "tonyarash/meteor-material-blog", "description": "A Meteor material blog" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 5 name: stagadish/hack-Princeton-project_The-Code-of-Music description: This is a mini project created by myself and Caroline Seligman Froehlich at HackPrinceton 2015. This is a naïve music generator, who attempts to improvise pleasant music using pentatonic scales and simple rhythm concepts.
{ "published": "2015/04/12", "stars": "4", "newStars": "5", "name": "stagadish/hack-Princeton-project_The-Code-of-Music", "description": "This is a mini project created by myself and Caroline Seligman Froehlich at HackPrinceton 2015. This is a naïve music generator, who attempts to improvise pleasant music using pentatonic scales and simple rhythm concepts." }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: MoritzT/gpf-thread-alerts-chrome-ext description:
{ "published": "2015/04/13", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "MoritzT/gpf-thread-alerts-chrome-ext", "description": "" }
stars: 5 new-stars: 6 name: JarrodCTaylor/ember-cli-validation-components description: Easy to use input components to manage all your form validation needs
{ "published": "2015/04/13", "stars": "5", "newStars": "6", "name": "JarrodCTaylor/ember-cli-validation-components", "description": "Easy to use input components to manage all your form validation needs" }
stars: 348 new-stars: 264 name: douglascrockford/RQ description: Better living through asynchronicity
{ "published": "2015/04/14", "stars": "348", "newStars": "264", "name": "douglascrockford/RQ", "description": "Better living through asynchronicity" }
stars: 27 new-stars: 22 name: substack/parse-messy-time description: parse messy human date and time strings
{ "published": "2015/04/14", "stars": "27", "newStars": "22", "name": "substack/parse-messy-time", "description": "parse messy human date and time strings" }
stars: 38 new-stars: 36 name: substack/tzloc description: find the time in a place
{ "published": "2015/04/15", "stars": "38", "newStars": "36", "name": "substack/tzloc", "description": "find the time in a place" }
stars: 17 new-stars: 18 name: SDuck4/Project-Ward description: 웹 어디든지 와드박기 Warding Every Web
{ "published": "2015/04/15", "stars": "17", "newStars": "18", "name": "SDuck4/Project-Ward", "description": "웹 어디든지 와드박기 Warding Every Web" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 20 name: qw3rtman/J description: Compile and Execute Java "Scripts" in One Go!
{ "published": "2015/04/15", "stars": "19", "newStars": "20", "name": "qw3rtman/J", "description": "Compile and Execute Java \"Scripts\" in One Go!" }
stars: 24 new-stars: 11 name: yahoojapan/objc2swift description:
{ "published": "2015/04/15", "stars": "24", "newStars": "11", "name": "yahoojapan/objc2swift", "description": "" }
stars: 247 new-stars: 261 name: ninjatrench/InstaStat description: Statistics of Instagram accounts, Know your unfollowers and Fans.
{ "published": "2015/04/16", "stars": "247", "newStars": "261", "name": "ninjatrench/InstaStat", "description": "Statistics of Instagram accounts, Know your unfollowers and Fans." }
stars: 243 new-stars: 243 name: ninjatrench/restPickle description: rest api for pickle db
{ "published": "2015/04/16", "stars": "243", "newStars": "243", "name": "ninjatrench/restPickle", "description": "rest api for pickle db" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: FTExplore/simpleViewInject description: a simple way( called viewinject/viewinjection) to remove repeating labor such as "findViewById" and so on
{ "published": "2015/04/16", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "FTExplore/simpleViewInject", "description": "a simple way( called viewinject/viewinjection) to remove repeating labor such as \"findViewById\" and so on" }
stars: 20 new-stars: 17 name: substack/omega-projects description: personal omega project list
{ "published": "2015/04/17", "stars": "20", "newStars": "17", "name": "substack/omega-projects", "description": "personal omega project list" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: peterline/pulley description: a simple pull to refresh category for uiscrollview/uitableview
{ "published": "2015/04/19", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "peterline/pulley", "description": "a simple pull to refresh category for uiscrollview/uitableview" }
stars: 21 new-stars: 21 name: kelseyhightower/docker-registry-osx-setup-guide description: Guide on setting up the Golang based Docker registry on OS X
{ "published": "2015/04/20", "stars": "21", "newStars": "21", "name": "kelseyhightower/docker-registry-osx-setup-guide", "description": "Guide on setting up the Golang based Docker registry on OS X" }
stars: 23 new-stars: 20 name: ikitty/HerosData description: heros data of ShuiHu
{ "published": "2015/04/22", "stars": "23", "newStars": "20", "name": "ikitty/HerosData", "description": "heros data of ShuiHu" }
stars: 15 new-stars: 12 name: zavelevsky/WishThereWas description: An open source project wishlist - what projects you wish existed. Maybe you'll find out they exist or you'll inspire someone to build them.
{ "published": "2015/04/22", "stars": "15", "newStars": "12", "name": "zavelevsky/WishThereWas", "description": "An open source project wishlist - what projects you wish existed. Maybe you'll find out they exist or you'll inspire someone to build them." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 8 name: swoole/mysql-async description:
{ "published": "2015/04/22", "stars": "10", "newStars": "8", "name": "swoole/mysql-async", "description": "" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 5 name: liuhongbao/YXLDisplayListView description:
{ "published": "2015/04/22", "stars": "4", "newStars": "5", "name": "liuhongbao/YXLDisplayListView", "description": "" }
stars: 16 new-stars: 15 name: tanaydin/tckimlik2personalInformation description: Gets personal information from TC Identify Number
{ "published": "2015/04/24", "stars": "16", "newStars": "15", "name": "tanaydin/tckimlik2personalInformation", "description": "Gets personal information from TC Identify Number" }
stars: 14 new-stars: 12 name: substack/jsconf-uy-2015 description: distributed p2p web notes
{ "published": "2015/04/25", "stars": "14", "newStars": "12", "name": "substack/jsconf-uy-2015", "description": "distributed p2p web notes" }
stars: 87 new-stars: 89 name: PCMRLauncher/PCMR_Launcher description:
{ "published": "2015/04/26", "stars": "87", "newStars": "89", "name": "PCMRLauncher/PCMR_Launcher", "description": "" }
stars: 3 new-stars: 5 name: kstm-su/md2html description: Markdown to HTML Converter
{ "published": "2015/04/26", "stars": "3", "newStars": "5", "name": "kstm-su/md2html", "description": "Markdown to HTML Converter" }
stars: 14 new-stars: 11 name: lexrus/JSCoreDemo description: A tiny project demonstrates JavaScriptCore bridging in Swift.
{ "published": "2015/04/27", "stars": "14", "newStars": "11", "name": "lexrus/JSCoreDemo", "description": "A tiny project demonstrates JavaScriptCore bridging in Swift." }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: lindseydiloreto/craft-codeblock description: Code Block plugin template for Craft CMS
{ "published": "2015/04/28", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "lindseydiloreto/craft-codeblock", "description": "Code Block plugin template for Craft CMS" }
stars: 25 new-stars: 24 name: MakeZL/UIView-Category description: UIView-Category IBinspectable in xib.
{ "published": "2015/04/29", "stars": "25", "newStars": "24", "name": "MakeZL/UIView-Category", "description": "UIView-Category IBinspectable in xib." }
stars: 12 new-stars: 12 name: NetbookMobile/NMSDK description: Video Player SDK for native iOS applications
{ "published": "2015/04/29", "stars": "12", "newStars": "12", "name": "NetbookMobile/NMSDK", "description": "Video Player SDK for native iOS applications" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 13 name: dropbox/naoru description: An infrastructure alert auto-remediation framework
{ "published": "2015/04/30", "stars": "12", "newStars": "13", "name": "dropbox/naoru", "description": "An infrastructure alert auto-remediation framework" }
stars: 21 new-stars: 14 name: mamaar/risotto description: Risotto compiles JSX using Golang
{ "published": "2015/05/02", "stars": "21", "newStars": "14", "name": "mamaar/risotto", "description": "Risotto compiles JSX using Golang" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 7 name: chuXieLiu/CXCycleImagePlayer description: What is CXCycleImagePlayer? Realizing it with UICollectionVew ,it means the cell is reusable .We can use it to realize image looping with high performance !
{ "published": "2015/05/03", "stars": "8", "newStars": "7", "name": "chuXieLiu/CXCycleImagePlayer", "description": "What is CXCycleImagePlayer? Realizing it with UICollectionVew ,it means the cell is reusable .We can use it to realize image looping with high performance !" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: chuXieLiu/CXDevelopTools description: The CXDevelopTools includes all kinds of small tools which I used on the actual development. It can make the development more easy and quickly
{ "published": "2015/05/03", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "chuXieLiu/CXDevelopTools", "description": "The CXDevelopTools includes all kinds of small tools which I used on the actual development. It can make the development more easy and quickly" }
stars: 21 new-stars: 17 name: Doppp/LHL-Sudoku-Solver description: PM Lee's C++ Sudoku Solver Souce Code. Storing on GitHub for posterity. :D
{ "published": "2015/05/04", "stars": "21", "newStars": "17", "name": "Doppp/LHL-Sudoku-Solver", "description": "PM Lee's C++ Sudoku Solver Souce Code. Storing on GitHub for posterity. :D" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 5 name: opentable/isowire description: An elegant isomorphic API for Fluxible apps to communicate with databases and other backend services.
{ "published": "2015/05/04", "stars": "6", "newStars": "5", "name": "opentable/isowire", "description": "An elegant isomorphic API for Fluxible apps to communicate with databases and other backend services." }
stars: 188 new-stars: 167 name: telerik/JustDecompileEngine description: The decompilation engine of
{ "published": "2015/05/05", "stars": "188", "newStars": "167", "name": "telerik/JustDecompileEngine", "description": "The decompilation engine of" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: kaepora/npwd description: Command-line password management for your various accounts.
{ "published": "2015/05/05", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "kaepora/npwd", "description": "Command-line password management for your various accounts." }