user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: i grew up with a tree nut allergy, so my parents had to deal with the same issues you're facing now. it's great that you're so proactive in teaching your son to stand up for himself -- my mom did that for me, and it's a skill that comes in handy! sadly, people can be really stupid about allergies, and it puts kids at risk. lots of parents and teachers would tempt me to ignore my mom's rules and eat the class treats. thank god i said no, because more than once those treats contained nuts. it's a heavy burden to put on a 6 year old, and your principal is way out of line blaming your son for these reactions. you say your son's allergy isn't severe, but any allergy that *could* be life threatening *is* severe... and the school should be taking it seriously. imo they're violating your son's rights and the ada by giving him peanut-contaminated food. but the reality is that it's difficult to prove ada complaints, or even get them resolved (i've tried). here's what i would recommend: 1. buy a novelty lunchbox and fill it with special treats for your son. bring it to school and **insist** that they put it in the classroom. at snack time, he gets those snacks, and nothing else. (i was obsessed with the lion king, so we had a 3d simba lunchbox that was, frankly, very rad.) 2. tell your son to stop accepting food from the teacher(s), full stop. he can only have food at lunchtime or from his special lunchbox. if the school complains, remind them that they've already caused an allergic reaction **three times** and you need to protect your son. 3. can he read? start teaching him to read ingredients labels, and to recognize the word "peanuts". there are lots of big words in ingredients labels, but the allergens are usually listed in bold and repeated at the bottom. make it second nature to check all his food -- this has saved me more than once as an adult. 4. in case you don't already know, f.a.r.e. has been the #1 resource on food allergies for literally decades: might have some more ideas. 5. most important: are there epi-pens at school? where are they kept, and do teachers know where they're kept? can teachers name the signs of a dangerous reaction? will the school administer epi-pens in an emergency? my biggest fear here isn't that they'll give your son peanuts again... it's that they'll give him peanuts and then *ignore a life-threatening reaction*. if they're clueless enough to keep giving your son peanut butter crackers, what will they do if he goes into anaphylactic shock? you're right, the school has an obligation to protect your son and they're failing him. this needs to go to the school board, the superintendent, and whoever else holds power over the school. trust your instincts: this feels like a big deal *because it is!* don't wait for them to make him sick a fourth time. good luck!
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: you’ve gotten good advice here on how to handle the behavior and lack of action by the school. i just wanted to throw a suggestion out there that you should pack a snack for your son to bring from now. clearly you can’t rely on the teachers to not give him peanuts, and it’s too much responsibility for a 6 year old to figure out the ingredients of his snack everyday. just tell them you are opting out of the “class snack” and will be providing your son a snack from home everyday. i’m sure that’s something you could have his doctor write as a recommendation if need be.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: i grew up with a tree nut allergy, so my parents had to deal with the same issues you're facing now. it's great that you're so proactive in teaching your son to stand up for himself -- my mom did that for me, and it's a skill that comes in handy! sadly, people can be really stupid about allergies, and it puts kids at risk. lots of parents and teachers would tempt me to ignore my mom's rules and eat the class treats. thank god i said no, because more than once those treats contained nuts. it's a heavy burden to put on a 6 year old, and your principal is way out of line blaming your son for these reactions. you say your son's allergy isn't severe, but any allergy that *could* be life threatening *is* severe... and the school should be taking it seriously. imo they're violating your son's rights and the ada by giving him peanut-contaminated food. but the reality is that it's difficult to prove ada complaints, or even get them resolved (i've tried). here's what i would recommend: 1. buy a novelty lunchbox and fill it with special treats for your son. bring it to school and **insist** that they put it in the classroom. at snack time, he gets those snacks, and nothing else. (i was obsessed with the lion king, so we had a 3d simba lunchbox that was, frankly, very rad.) 2. tell your son to stop accepting food from the teacher(s), full stop. he can only have food at lunchtime or from his special lunchbox. if the school complains, remind them that they've already caused an allergic reaction **three times** and you need to protect your son. 3. can he read? start teaching him to read ingredients labels, and to recognize the word "peanuts". there are lots of big words in ingredients labels, but the allergens are usually listed in bold and repeated at the bottom. make it second nature to check all his food -- this has saved me more than once as an adult. 4. in case you don't already know, f.a.r.e. has been the #1 resource on food allergies for literally decades: might have some more ideas. 5. most important: are there epi-pens at school? where are they kept, and do teachers know where they're kept? can teachers name the signs of a dangerous reaction? will the school administer epi-pens in an emergency? my biggest fear here isn't that they'll give your son peanuts again... it's that they'll give him peanuts and then *ignore a life-threatening reaction*. if they're clueless enough to keep giving your son peanut butter crackers, what will they do if he goes into anaphylactic shock? you're right, the school has an obligation to protect your son and they're failing him. this needs to go to the school board, the superintendent, and whoever else holds power over the school. trust your instincts: this feels like a big deal *because it is!* don't wait for them to make him sick a fourth time. good luck!
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: i would send him with a ["peanut allergy" shirt or sticker]( *everyday,* from now until he can handle this himself (years from now). these people can't be trusted.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: i grew up with a tree nut allergy, so my parents had to deal with the same issues you're facing now. it's great that you're so proactive in teaching your son to stand up for himself -- my mom did that for me, and it's a skill that comes in handy! sadly, people can be really stupid about allergies, and it puts kids at risk. lots of parents and teachers would tempt me to ignore my mom's rules and eat the class treats. thank god i said no, because more than once those treats contained nuts. it's a heavy burden to put on a 6 year old, and your principal is way out of line blaming your son for these reactions. you say your son's allergy isn't severe, but any allergy that *could* be life threatening *is* severe... and the school should be taking it seriously. imo they're violating your son's rights and the ada by giving him peanut-contaminated food. but the reality is that it's difficult to prove ada complaints, or even get them resolved (i've tried). here's what i would recommend: 1. buy a novelty lunchbox and fill it with special treats for your son. bring it to school and **insist** that they put it in the classroom. at snack time, he gets those snacks, and nothing else. (i was obsessed with the lion king, so we had a 3d simba lunchbox that was, frankly, very rad.) 2. tell your son to stop accepting food from the teacher(s), full stop. he can only have food at lunchtime or from his special lunchbox. if the school complains, remind them that they've already caused an allergic reaction **three times** and you need to protect your son. 3. can he read? start teaching him to read ingredients labels, and to recognize the word "peanuts". there are lots of big words in ingredients labels, but the allergens are usually listed in bold and repeated at the bottom. make it second nature to check all his food -- this has saved me more than once as an adult. 4. in case you don't already know, f.a.r.e. has been the #1 resource on food allergies for literally decades: might have some more ideas. 5. most important: are there epi-pens at school? where are they kept, and do teachers know where they're kept? can teachers name the signs of a dangerous reaction? will the school administer epi-pens in an emergency? my biggest fear here isn't that they'll give your son peanuts again... it's that they'll give him peanuts and then *ignore a life-threatening reaction*. if they're clueless enough to keep giving your son peanut butter crackers, what will they do if he goes into anaphylactic shock? you're right, the school has an obligation to protect your son and they're failing him. this needs to go to the school board, the superintendent, and whoever else holds power over the school. trust your instincts: this feels like a big deal *because it is!* don't wait for them to make him sick a fourth time. good luck!
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: i would go straight to the school board asap, once or twice would be a simple matter of getting a section 504 plan, but messing up *this* many times is unforgivable, and needs to be dealt with impunity. they are potentially threatening your child's life, and as such, you should deal with this with equal seriousness. that said, you should still get a 504 plan in place to put the school within range of violating federal discrimination laws by continuing to ignore this. you may also want to consider seeking damages related to the hospital visit to get their insurance on their case. (and potentially the district lawyer). that will definitely give them a kick in the ass to be more careful.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: i grew up with a tree nut allergy, so my parents had to deal with the same issues you're facing now. it's great that you're so proactive in teaching your son to stand up for himself -- my mom did that for me, and it's a skill that comes in handy! sadly, people can be really stupid about allergies, and it puts kids at risk. lots of parents and teachers would tempt me to ignore my mom's rules and eat the class treats. thank god i said no, because more than once those treats contained nuts. it's a heavy burden to put on a 6 year old, and your principal is way out of line blaming your son for these reactions. you say your son's allergy isn't severe, but any allergy that *could* be life threatening *is* severe... and the school should be taking it seriously. imo they're violating your son's rights and the ada by giving him peanut-contaminated food. but the reality is that it's difficult to prove ada complaints, or even get them resolved (i've tried). here's what i would recommend: 1. buy a novelty lunchbox and fill it with special treats for your son. bring it to school and **insist** that they put it in the classroom. at snack time, he gets those snacks, and nothing else. (i was obsessed with the lion king, so we had a 3d simba lunchbox that was, frankly, very rad.) 2. tell your son to stop accepting food from the teacher(s), full stop. he can only have food at lunchtime or from his special lunchbox. if the school complains, remind them that they've already caused an allergic reaction **three times** and you need to protect your son. 3. can he read? start teaching him to read ingredients labels, and to recognize the word "peanuts". there are lots of big words in ingredients labels, but the allergens are usually listed in bold and repeated at the bottom. make it second nature to check all his food -- this has saved me more than once as an adult. 4. in case you don't already know, f.a.r.e. has been the #1 resource on food allergies for literally decades: might have some more ideas. 5. most important: are there epi-pens at school? where are they kept, and do teachers know where they're kept? can teachers name the signs of a dangerous reaction? will the school administer epi-pens in an emergency? my biggest fear here isn't that they'll give your son peanuts again... it's that they'll give him peanuts and then *ignore a life-threatening reaction*. if they're clueless enough to keep giving your son peanut butter crackers, what will they do if he goes into anaphylactic shock? you're right, the school has an obligation to protect your son and they're failing him. this needs to go to the school board, the superintendent, and whoever else holds power over the school. trust your instincts: this feels like a big deal *because it is!* don't wait for them to make him sick a fourth time. good luck!
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: talk to a lawyer about your options, you’ve tried to be respectful to the school staff and cooperative, they are obviously unable to handle the situation. school districts have deep pockets, your lawyer might have some creative ideas.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: did you have any costs from the hospital visit? the school might not see the problem with their actions, but their insurance might. maybe submitting a claim would get their attention?
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: you need to contact the district heads office and find out who is in charge of 504 planning and request a504 plan for your child asap. 504 plans protect child with disabilities-and an allergy would qualify. it starts to become a federal discrimination issue and a huge ass liability for the school. if that doesn’t snap their asses into line look for an attorney that specializes in school law. what assholes.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: did you have any costs from the hospital visit? the school might not see the problem with their actions, but their insurance might. maybe submitting a claim would get their attention?
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: i would send him with a ["peanut allergy" shirt or sticker]( *everyday,* from now until he can handle this himself (years from now). these people can't be trusted.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: get a 504 plan. also the allergy can worsen as the child is exposed to nuts. the school and teacher are ignoring this and need a wake-up call. go to the superintendent.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: i would send him with a ["peanut allergy" shirt or sticker]( *everyday,* from now until he can handle this himself (years from now). these people can't be trusted.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: there are legal issues for the school here and they are liable for the costs you incur. the only reason i know this is that a direct relative in my home is a school principle and has dealt with this exact same issue. the school is clearly grossly incompetent and negligent as well as liable. get a lawyer, at a minimum recover your costs for hospital and doctors visits, as well as attorney fees.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: not a lawyer considering they're endangering your child while knowingly aware of his allergy can certainly be cause for reckless endamgerment of a child, and i suspect at least the teacher would have to get transferred to another school (or possibly fired). i'd suggest the board, and if they give the same crap as the principal, go to police as well as put him in a different school if possible. you're doing your best to teach him about nuts, but a second grader just isn't going to know what has nuts and what doesn't. or, could you pack him his own snacks until he learns what has nuts and what doesn't?
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: there are legal issues for the school here and they are liable for the costs you incur. the only reason i know this is that a direct relative in my home is a school principle and has dealt with this exact same issue. the school is clearly grossly incompetent and negligent as well as liable. get a lawyer, at a minimum recover your costs for hospital and doctors visits, as well as attorney fees.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: talk to a lawyer about your options, you’ve tried to be respectful to the school staff and cooperative, they are obviously unable to handle the situation. school districts have deep pockets, your lawyer might have some creative ideas.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: there are legal issues for the school here and they are liable for the costs you incur. the only reason i know this is that a direct relative in my home is a school principle and has dealt with this exact same issue. the school is clearly grossly incompetent and negligent as well as liable. get a lawyer, at a minimum recover your costs for hospital and doctors visits, as well as attorney fees.
user: son has a peanut allergy, school continues to give him or allow him to get peanuts. this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school, where he was given peanut butter crackers. we sort of brushed it off as a new school year, new students, teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no real big deal. his allergy isn't really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life threatening. we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack in peanut butter crackers. we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him, but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives. so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again, this time they claimed he grabbed another students snack and ran off to eat it before they could stop him. now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and i can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts and how dangerous they are to him. he continued to adamantly deny doing that and said mrs gave them to him. we then decide a meeting with the principal is in order, not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control. again a few weeks of no more issues, then it happened again. once again the story is "he grabbed it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him". okay so a 6 year old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers, elude a teacher and an aide and eat the whole package before he's caught? he's crying and swearing to us he was given them, and after so many incidents we have to start believing him. another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a "do not worry! this won't happen again". we have another long sit down with our son to explain that even if it's given to you, ask to make sure it doesn't have peanuts or other nuts in it. then, the very next school day (the meeting was on friday) he's given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he's given the alternative. we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he's learning to ask about nuts. we send an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he is given peanuts again. we get a response back "if he's asking now what's the problem? he should have known to ask to begin with. we are teachers not parents." we have no issues for a while until this week. some parent brought in pb&j sandwiches for snack time and he was given one. he forgot to ask about nuts but thought "it was only in the crackers". we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class (it's on the parent snack sheet) and brought in just a jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter one's. he was not given this one. we spent a day at the hospital. we've had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right? do schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies? the school lunch seems to have zero issues with this and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contain them. he gets a special tray that was no where near any nuts. this is in indiana, any help is appreciated. bot: i’ll second the 504 and add that you’ll want a written health plan. when they aren’t followed you need to file a civil rights complaint.
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: call police on them for abandonment, that is unacceptable. ​ edit:first gold! thankyou kind stranger!
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: a little googling on your behalf. call the family and children's services crisis line. 615.244.7444. not sure what you need, but fist you need to get off the street.
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: i am a cps investigator. i know you stated cps has been involved previously, but you are currently homeless, with no money and two pets. op, you are in a very frightening and stressful situation. please reach out to your state’s local child abuse and neglect hotline. your parents cannot kick you out of your home and it is dangerous for you and your pets to be in this situation. i know you also stated all family and friends are out of state, but is there anyone that you could reach out to, even if they are out of state?
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: on top of all the other advice, try contacting a local lgbtq or pride group. a quick check on fb i found . it's worth talking to someone with them for direction. they will be able to direct you toward much needed resources and maybe even a couch to crash on. there are so many moms and dads that open to helping teens in your situation. even if they know someone who can give you a driveway at night to park and sleep in or a bag of dog food, it's something. edit: thank you gentle souls for the gold. ❤❤
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: i am a cps investigator. i know you stated cps has been involved previously, but you are currently homeless, with no money and two pets. op, you are in a very frightening and stressful situation. please reach out to your state’s local child abuse and neglect hotline. your parents cannot kick you out of your home and it is dangerous for you and your pets to be in this situation. i know you also stated all family and friends are out of state, but is there anyone that you could reach out to, even if they are out of state?
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: sometimes "the abuse is still ongoing and hasn't stopped" needs to be reported to dcs. it's exhausting but if there's been no reports since the last incident they may erroneously believe everything is fine. the homelessness is new and absolutely needs to be flagged to them regardless. if they report you as a runaway out of spite you could get in trouble instead of them so this needs to be flagged.
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: i am a cps investigator. i know you stated cps has been involved previously, but you are currently homeless, with no money and two pets. op, you are in a very frightening and stressful situation. please reach out to your state’s local child abuse and neglect hotline. your parents cannot kick you out of your home and it is dangerous for you and your pets to be in this situation. i know you also stated all family and friends are out of state, but is there anyone that you could reach out to, even if they are out of state?
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: in re to your dogs, contact local foster organizations. there may be someone willing to help house and care for your pets until you are in a better situation. having them fostered would be an alternative to surrendering to a shelter where youd be unlikely to eventually get them back. a quick google and facebook search (access at your public library since your phone plan has been cut off) will turn up resources in your area. in the mean time, some aspca/humane societies offer pet food banks to provide people with food and other necessities to care for their pets when times are tough. search for these also if you need them.
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: i am a cps investigator. i know you stated cps has been involved previously, but you are currently homeless, with no money and two pets. op, you are in a very frightening and stressful situation. please reach out to your state’s local child abuse and neglect hotline. your parents cannot kick you out of your home and it is dangerous for you and your pets to be in this situation. i know you also stated all family and friends are out of state, but is there anyone that you could reach out to, even if they are out of state?
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: i live in knoxville tn. being that you are likely going back to school, i would also suggest talking to a school guidance counselor. firstly, this is child neglect if not aduse and legally they must report it. they are also a state agency that can demand communication with your parents and will also keep a detailed record of said communication. when you get a chance, look up assistance for homeless/abandoned teens. also, see if you can get in touch with thr united way. they tend to have a lot of this information or can at least point you in the right direction.
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: i am a cps investigator. i know you stated cps has been involved previously, but you are currently homeless, with no money and two pets. op, you are in a very frightening and stressful situation. please reach out to your state’s local child abuse and neglect hotline. your parents cannot kick you out of your home and it is dangerous for you and your pets to be in this situation. i know you also stated all family and friends are out of state, but is there anyone that you could reach out to, even if they are out of state?
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: can you call your family in the other state and arrange for them to meet you? go live with them? maybe they can venmo you gas money....
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: i am a cps investigator. i know you stated cps has been involved previously, but you are currently homeless, with no money and two pets. op, you are in a very frightening and stressful situation. please reach out to your state’s local child abuse and neglect hotline. your parents cannot kick you out of your home and it is dangerous for you and your pets to be in this situation. i know you also stated all family and friends are out of state, but is there anyone that you could reach out to, even if they are out of state?
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: they are legally obligated to care for you. maybe cps didn't help the first time but they can if you keep trying to reach out. you could also call the cops if you're desperate. they can help you find the proper resources.
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: i am a cps investigator. i know you stated cps has been involved previously, but you are currently homeless, with no money and two pets. op, you are in a very frightening and stressful situation. please reach out to your state’s local child abuse and neglect hotline. your parents cannot kick you out of your home and it is dangerous for you and your pets to be in this situation. i know you also stated all family and friends are out of state, but is there anyone that you could reach out to, even if they are out of state?
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: depending on how far away you are from the georgia border, atlanta has a homeless youth shelter called the lost and found. they may be able to help.
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: on top of all the other advice, try contacting a local lgbtq or pride group. a quick check on fb i found . it's worth talking to someone with them for direction. they will be able to direct you toward much needed resources and maybe even a couch to crash on. there are so many moms and dads that open to helping teens in your situation. even if they know someone who can give you a driveway at night to park and sleep in or a bag of dog food, it's something. edit: thank you gentle souls for the gold. ❤❤
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: can you call your family in the other state and arrange for them to meet you? go live with them? maybe they can venmo you gas money....
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: i live in knoxville tn. being that you are likely going back to school, i would also suggest talking to a school guidance counselor. firstly, this is child neglect if not aduse and legally they must report it. they are also a state agency that can demand communication with your parents and will also keep a detailed record of said communication. when you get a chance, look up assistance for homeless/abandoned teens. also, see if you can get in touch with thr united way. they tend to have a lot of this information or can at least point you in the right direction.
user: kicked our at 16. parents took all my money. i had posted this on other subs and was told to post here. 16f. three nights ago my parents and i got in a huge fight. i am not a christian. they are extreme bible thumpers. i am bisexual, they believe i'm going to be burning in hell. i was forced to come out of the closet due to blackmail reasons, and my parents promptly kicked me out. i managed to get my dogs and my keys, took my car and left. we just moved to this state so i have no friends. my siblings all have the same beliefs as my parents. my related family is all thousands of miles away. last night, my parents cut off my phone plan and told me they're kicking me off of their insurance. right now i am on my own with my two large dogs, pitbull and american bulldog, sleeping in my car. my parents forced me to quit my job last week so i could focus more on school. last night i checked my bank account. my parents drained the 1k savings i had in it. it is completely empty. i'm just scared and don't know where to turn. i primarily want to be able to take care of my dogs. i do not want to give them up but i'm not sure how much longer i can without neglecting them. giving them up would be out of absolute desperation. i will not give up on them easily. having them around has protected me from many bad situations. i live in tennessee. any advice would be helpful. i also do not want to return home. my mother is abusive. dcs has seen physical evidence of abuse (black eye, bloody scratch marks, bruises) and placed me back in the home. they are useless. bot: depending on how far away you are from the georgia border, atlanta has a homeless youth shelter called the lost and found. they may be able to help.
user: coworker/boss is threatening to spread revenge porn of me if i don't have sex with him. so a guy i know work with somehow found revenge porn of me online. i thought i had gotten it all taken off the internet after a previous relationship but i guess he somehow found the video. we work in the finance industry and i do a lot of write ups and accounting for the firm. the guy is technically my boss, but he's about my age and it's always been more of a coworker relationship. this is also because i went to high school with him, and we were preety good friends. so, last week he calls me into his office and tells me, i'll just call myself h, he found revenge porn of me online. at first i was relieved that it was him cause i've known him for so many years and thought i could trust him. then he goes behind me and puts his hands on my brests, thrusts his groin into my back and tries to kiss me on the neck. horrified i push him away. he then tells me that he's had a crush on me forever and he'll delete the video if i come over to his place and have sex with him. other wise he will upload it to every website he knows and share the link with my family and friends. we're from the same town and used to be good friends so he knows preety much knows all my relatives and friends. that day i just went home and sobbed the whole night. he's told me that i should come over to his place and have sex with him next weekend since he's doing me a favor. over the past few days he's cornered me and tried to touch me in inappropriate areas and has also been sending me inappropriate emails from a random account. i feel so betrayed, since i thought we were good friends. and i'm definitely not naive enough to think he'll stop. i've been very depressed and suicidal the last few days. if anyone else has dealt with this, how did you deal with a situation like this? tl;dr- coworker found revenge porn of me online. he's been sexually harassing me and is threatening to share it if i don't have sex with him. edit- many people are telling me to go to the police. it's sadly not as simple as going to the police for me. he is from a very wealthy family that practically owns the company. he's told me he will sue me for false claims, make it impossible to find work and spread the video to everyone i know if i don't have sex with him. also he's left no text messages, and all emails have been from random temp accounts. i'm truly dealing with a sociopath with a lot of resources, connections and money. location- new york bot: if he's from a very wealthy family, then he has a lot more to lose than you, just in the form of a reputation hit. get a lawyer, call the police. do what they tell you. there are no other good options.
user: coworker/boss is threatening to spread revenge porn of me if i don't have sex with him. so a guy i know work with somehow found revenge porn of me online. i thought i had gotten it all taken off the internet after a previous relationship but i guess he somehow found the video. we work in the finance industry and i do a lot of write ups and accounting for the firm. the guy is technically my boss, but he's about my age and it's always been more of a coworker relationship. this is also because i went to high school with him, and we were preety good friends. so, last week he calls me into his office and tells me, i'll just call myself h, he found revenge porn of me online. at first i was relieved that it was him cause i've known him for so many years and thought i could trust him. then he goes behind me and puts his hands on my brests, thrusts his groin into my back and tries to kiss me on the neck. horrified i push him away. he then tells me that he's had a crush on me forever and he'll delete the video if i come over to his place and have sex with him. other wise he will upload it to every website he knows and share the link with my family and friends. we're from the same town and used to be good friends so he knows preety much knows all my relatives and friends. that day i just went home and sobbed the whole night. he's told me that i should come over to his place and have sex with him next weekend since he's doing me a favor. over the past few days he's cornered me and tried to touch me in inappropriate areas and has also been sending me inappropriate emails from a random account. i feel so betrayed, since i thought we were good friends. and i'm definitely not naive enough to think he'll stop. i've been very depressed and suicidal the last few days. if anyone else has dealt with this, how did you deal with a situation like this? tl;dr- coworker found revenge porn of me online. he's been sexually harassing me and is threatening to share it if i don't have sex with him. edit- many people are telling me to go to the police. it's sadly not as simple as going to the police for me. he is from a very wealthy family that practically owns the company. he's told me he will sue me for false claims, make it impossible to find work and spread the video to everyone i know if i don't have sex with him. also he's left no text messages, and all emails have been from random temp accounts. i'm truly dealing with a sociopath with a lot of resources, connections and money. location- new york bot: i am not a lawyer, but isn't this extortion?
user: coworker/boss is threatening to spread revenge porn of me if i don't have sex with him. so a guy i know work with somehow found revenge porn of me online. i thought i had gotten it all taken off the internet after a previous relationship but i guess he somehow found the video. we work in the finance industry and i do a lot of write ups and accounting for the firm. the guy is technically my boss, but he's about my age and it's always been more of a coworker relationship. this is also because i went to high school with him, and we were preety good friends. so, last week he calls me into his office and tells me, i'll just call myself h, he found revenge porn of me online. at first i was relieved that it was him cause i've known him for so many years and thought i could trust him. then he goes behind me and puts his hands on my brests, thrusts his groin into my back and tries to kiss me on the neck. horrified i push him away. he then tells me that he's had a crush on me forever and he'll delete the video if i come over to his place and have sex with him. other wise he will upload it to every website he knows and share the link with my family and friends. we're from the same town and used to be good friends so he knows preety much knows all my relatives and friends. that day i just went home and sobbed the whole night. he's told me that i should come over to his place and have sex with him next weekend since he's doing me a favor. over the past few days he's cornered me and tried to touch me in inappropriate areas and has also been sending me inappropriate emails from a random account. i feel so betrayed, since i thought we were good friends. and i'm definitely not naive enough to think he'll stop. i've been very depressed and suicidal the last few days. if anyone else has dealt with this, how did you deal with a situation like this? tl;dr- coworker found revenge porn of me online. he's been sexually harassing me and is threatening to share it if i don't have sex with him. edit- many people are telling me to go to the police. it's sadly not as simple as going to the police for me. he is from a very wealthy family that practically owns the company. he's told me he will sue me for false claims, make it impossible to find work and spread the video to everyone i know if i don't have sex with him. also he's left no text messages, and all emails have been from random temp accounts. i'm truly dealing with a sociopath with a lot of resources, connections and money. location- new york bot: just in case any of this excellent advice sounds impossible to you because you are afraid of his retaliation, please remember that even if you comply with his demands he still has the video, still has the power to control your empmoyment, and still has the perverse, rapist desire to exploit you. nothing changes. you cannot purchase the silence of an extortionist, you can only rent it.
user: coworker/boss is threatening to spread revenge porn of me if i don't have sex with him. so a guy i know work with somehow found revenge porn of me online. i thought i had gotten it all taken off the internet after a previous relationship but i guess he somehow found the video. we work in the finance industry and i do a lot of write ups and accounting for the firm. the guy is technically my boss, but he's about my age and it's always been more of a coworker relationship. this is also because i went to high school with him, and we were preety good friends. so, last week he calls me into his office and tells me, i'll just call myself h, he found revenge porn of me online. at first i was relieved that it was him cause i've known him for so many years and thought i could trust him. then he goes behind me and puts his hands on my brests, thrusts his groin into my back and tries to kiss me on the neck. horrified i push him away. he then tells me that he's had a crush on me forever and he'll delete the video if i come over to his place and have sex with him. other wise he will upload it to every website he knows and share the link with my family and friends. we're from the same town and used to be good friends so he knows preety much knows all my relatives and friends. that day i just went home and sobbed the whole night. he's told me that i should come over to his place and have sex with him next weekend since he's doing me a favor. over the past few days he's cornered me and tried to touch me in inappropriate areas and has also been sending me inappropriate emails from a random account. i feel so betrayed, since i thought we were good friends. and i'm definitely not naive enough to think he'll stop. i've been very depressed and suicidal the last few days. if anyone else has dealt with this, how did you deal with a situation like this? tl;dr- coworker found revenge porn of me online. he's been sexually harassing me and is threatening to share it if i don't have sex with him. edit- many people are telling me to go to the police. it's sadly not as simple as going to the police for me. he is from a very wealthy family that practically owns the company. he's told me he will sue me for false claims, make it impossible to find work and spread the video to everyone i know if i don't have sex with him. also he's left no text messages, and all emails have been from random temp accounts. i'm truly dealing with a sociopath with a lot of resources, connections and money. location- new york bot: i am not a lawyer, but isn't this extortion?
user: i was pulled over for speeding and the officer borrowed my pen and made me give it back to him claiming it was his. hi all, i’m in florida and was pulled over for going 30 over the speed limit. i was perfectly nice to the officer, and apologized for my speed. he asked for my license and asked if the address on it was current, i told him no, that i had recently moved. he then asked me to write down my current address. i happened to have post it notes and pens in my middle compartment. i wrote down my address, gave him the post-it note and he then asked for my pen.(i don’t know at this point if he knew he was borrowing mine, or if he thought it was his). i complied and gave him my pen. he came back after giving me a ticket and had me sign it (giving me back my pen). i signed and put the pen away in its usual compartment, handing him back the signed ticket. he said “my pen?” and i said “oh i’m sorry that was my pen” he then said “give me back my pen” and i told him “sir, you had borrowed my pen. my father gave me this pen”. he insisted it was his, so i complied and gave it to him. anyways, he left with my pen. unfortunately, the pen was a silver pen (probably cost like 100 dollars, it was a nice pen) but it didn’t have anything specific for me to point out it was mine. all in all, i’m just annoyed he was able to walk away with my pen due to his shitty memory and lack of listening to me. what if that had been a 300 dollar pen? is there anything i can do, like filing a complaint against him? bot: not a lawyer, but my suggestion is to head over to the station and ask for the watch commander, show him the ticket, and explain the situation verbally. also hand it to him in writing. make sure you include a description of the pen and a name brand. if you still have the box bring it. hopefully you will get your property back. edit: punctuation
user: i was pulled over for speeding and the officer borrowed my pen and made me give it back to him claiming it was his. hi all, i’m in florida and was pulled over for going 30 over the speed limit. i was perfectly nice to the officer, and apologized for my speed. he asked for my license and asked if the address on it was current, i told him no, that i had recently moved. he then asked me to write down my current address. i happened to have post it notes and pens in my middle compartment. i wrote down my address, gave him the post-it note and he then asked for my pen.(i don’t know at this point if he knew he was borrowing mine, or if he thought it was his). i complied and gave him my pen. he came back after giving me a ticket and had me sign it (giving me back my pen). i signed and put the pen away in its usual compartment, handing him back the signed ticket. he said “my pen?” and i said “oh i’m sorry that was my pen” he then said “give me back my pen” and i told him “sir, you had borrowed my pen. my father gave me this pen”. he insisted it was his, so i complied and gave it to him. anyways, he left with my pen. unfortunately, the pen was a silver pen (probably cost like 100 dollars, it was a nice pen) but it didn’t have anything specific for me to point out it was mine. all in all, i’m just annoyed he was able to walk away with my pen due to his shitty memory and lack of listening to me. what if that had been a 300 dollar pen? is there anything i can do, like filing a complaint against him? bot: did he have a bodycam? if so, i would foia that footage when you file the complaint.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: i'm a lawyer but don't do criminal law. however, i believe texas does not have a statute of limitations on sexual assault involving a child. whether your experience and the pictures fit the definition of the various types of sexual assault against a child will be up to the district attorney in your area. bottom line is that you should not be discouraged to press charges since the statute of limitations may still be open. you need to keep those pictures and speak to a detective in the sex crimes unit of your local pd. from there, the detective will determine if you have a case and refer it to the district attorney's office. alternatively, you may also proceed with a civil suit against your father. you will have to prove damages for a civil law suit, but barring any statute of limitation issues, i think the very nature of the allegations and the pictures will likely result in a settlement outside of court. i'm very sorry this has happened to you, but there may be legal recourse available to you if you choose to pursue it.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: disclaimer: i am not a lawyer nor an expert on child abuse. i have worked with women and children in wic clinics in the past and was a mandated child abuse reporter while there, so i have minimal training. if you suspect abuse occurred i would contact your local dcfs or police department. if not for what you endured, but for the possibility of other children being at risk. "if an adult who is responsible for caring for a child is suspected of sexually abusing a child, then the local child protection services should be contacted.  if an adult who is not in a caregiving position with a child is suspected of sexual abuse, the local police should be notified. concerns about child pornography can be reported to either the local police or cyber crime tiplines." -stopitnow! foundation
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: first of all, i'm terribly sorry your dealing with this- i'm sure it's causing indescribable emotions. i'm not an attorney, but have been a mandated reporter and have had a handful of friends go through this. there's an organization called rainn (rape, abuse & incest national network). they provide access to counseling for victims etc. they can can in the short term provide someone to listen, and can get you connected with people who can help you with recovery, or the legal aspects as well. they can be reached by phone or chat.\_ga=2.10646196.1237996370.1570586526-1641665526.1570586526
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: disclaimer: i am not a lawyer nor an expert on child abuse. i have worked with women and children in wic clinics in the past and was a mandated child abuse reporter while there, so i have minimal training. if you suspect abuse occurred i would contact your local dcfs or police department. if not for what you endured, but for the possibility of other children being at risk. "if an adult who is responsible for caring for a child is suspected of sexually abusing a child, then the local child protection services should be contacted.  if an adult who is not in a caregiving position with a child is suspected of sexual abuse, the local police should be notified. concerns about child pornography can be reported to either the local police or cyber crime tiplines." -stopitnow! foundation
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: first of all, i'm terribly sorry your dealing with this- i'm sure it's causing indescribable emotions. i'm not an attorney, but have been a mandated reporter and have had a handful of friends go through this. there's an organization called rainn (rape, abuse & incest national network). they provide access to counseling for victims etc. they can can in the short term provide someone to listen, and can get you connected with people who can help you with recovery, or the legal aspects as well. they can be reached by phone or chat.\_ga=2.10646196.1237996370.1570586526-1641665526.1570586526
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: i am not a lawyer but i am a mandated reporter. i had so much anxiety just reading your post and i can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. step one is to get some professional help from a therapist. step two is to report the crime. your father possessing these photos is a crime, even if the statute of limitations on any acts seen within them is past. i would call the local police department and report it. i think possession of child pornography is also a federal crime so you could report it to the texas bureau of investigation as well. don't let your step-mom or dad know what you found because they might try and destroy evidence. i'm not sure if this would be advisable (i am not a lawyer) but you could take the photos to the police yourself to avoid them being destroyed.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: first of all, i'm terribly sorry your dealing with this- i'm sure it's causing indescribable emotions. i'm not an attorney, but have been a mandated reporter and have had a handful of friends go through this. there's an organization called rainn (rape, abuse & incest national network). they provide access to counseling for victims etc. they can can in the short term provide someone to listen, and can get you connected with people who can help you with recovery, or the legal aspects as well. they can be reached by phone or chat.\_ga=2.10646196.1237996370.1570586526-1641665526.1570586526
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: this is not really legal advice but please find someone who listens well to process this information with, possibly a therapist if you are open to it. it may be very helpful to talk through these different decisions with someone who is not connected to the situation and can just be there with you while you process this. i would also urge you to report this to child protective services in texas, in case another individual is at risk or has been affected by this behavior, although i do not know if you are legally required to take any action.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: you can call the police and report him for being in possession of child porn. i'm so sorry you are going through this.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: a person that perpetuates this type of crime usually has approximately 20 other victims. you should report this so that this won't happen to any other person. those that have said that the op is making this up, we don't know the whole story. additionally, whether true or made up, it is the responsibility of any adult, that wishes to comment on this thread to handle these kinds of statements in a face value context. we don't know why the op posted this. we have to assume that op is telling the truth. it is the best thing to do.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: you can call the police and report him for being in possession of child porn. i'm so sorry you are going through this.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: not legal advice, but i think you might need psychological advice right now (social worker here.) i’d start with, search for your zip code, then filter by 1) your insurance, and by 2) sexual abuse. a session with a therapist would hopefully provide you with immediate care; easier sleep knowing that you are taking active steps to address the problem; and locally specific legal advice on how to proceed further. i’d suggest looking into legal action after your immediate safety and health is addressed.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: you can call the police and report him for being in possession of child porn. i'm so sorry you are going through this.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: this is not really legal advice but please find someone who listens well to process this information with, possibly a therapist if you are open to it. it may be very helpful to talk through these different decisions with someone who is not connected to the situation and can just be there with you while you process this. i would also urge you to report this to child protective services in texas, in case another individual is at risk or has been affected by this behavior, although i do not know if you are legally required to take any action.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: i am not a lawyer but i am a mandated reporter. i had so much anxiety just reading your post and i can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. step one is to get some professional help from a therapist. step two is to report the crime. your father possessing these photos is a crime, even if the statute of limitations on any acts seen within them is past. i would call the local police department and report it. i think possession of child pornography is also a federal crime so you could report it to the texas bureau of investigation as well. don't let your step-mom or dad know what you found because they might try and destroy evidence. i'm not sure if this would be advisable (i am not a lawyer) but you could take the photos to the police yourself to avoid them being destroyed.
user: i just found some pornographic photos of me as a child at my fathers house. i don’t know what to do. texas i had to make a throwaway account to avoid being identified. i am at a loss for words right now. i feel like my entire existence has been a lie. i have lived for 28 years and now i feel like i even know who i am anymore. i was helping my dad and stepmom clean up for a garage sale. i was in the attack and was going through a bunch of old boxes that hadn’t been touched in years. i was looking through one box and there were some photos of me with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members on my dads side. i had never seen these pictures so i looked through them all. after a few photos, they were just photos of me. usually alone on a bed. then there were photos of me naked. and i was crying. i dont really want to go into detail of the rest of the photos i saw. my parents were divorced, so this must have happened during christmas or summer break since that’s when i had visits with my dad. my mom is going to be devastated. i don’t want her to blame herself. she tried hard to allow my dad custody. he was physically abusive towards her, he was wealthy so i guess he had a good lawyer. i’m not really sure what my next steps are here. do i report this? i never had any behaviors from this alleged abuse nor did i have any ptsd because i never knew i was abused. my mind is all over the place and i just feel lost. bot: this is not really legal advice but please find someone who listens well to process this information with, possibly a therapist if you are open to it. it may be very helpful to talk through these different decisions with someone who is not connected to the situation and can just be there with you while you process this. i would also urge you to report this to child protective services in texas, in case another individual is at risk or has been affected by this behavior, although i do not know if you are legally required to take any action.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: forcing someone to get married is a crime in nsw!! please find a responsible adult. they can help - hopefully they can take your side against your family. trusted teacher, friend's parent, estranged aunt... your family is trying to force you - by peer pressure, berating you, even physical abuse or confinement, i don't know, but do not give in. please don't ruin your life by agreeing; if these people going to make you miserable either way, be miserable and free. read through this, it has links and info that should help you. whatever you do, do not get married to this guy - do not sign anything, if you're put in front of a jp or a priest tell them you aren't there of your own free will and do not consent to marriage. it should force a postponing and investigation, if they're any sort of good person. that said, it is difficult to get married while under 18, you need parental and court approval. also lodging a notice of intended marriage has to be done a month before, so do not sign anything. see:,has%20court%20approval%20to%20marry at your age, all you should have to worry about is school, friends, maybe a part time job. i am sorry and you do not deserve this. your parents should be protecting you from this predator. you are strong and do not deserve this. what they are doing is a crime.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: forcing somebody to get married is a crime in australia, and is punishable by up to nine years in prison, or up to 25 years in prison if a child is taken overseas for forced marriage. ... it is illegal under australian law for any person under the age of 16, and two people under the age of 18, to marry. i’d tell the police, it’s illegal.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: forcing someone to get married is a crime in nsw!! please find a responsible adult. they can help - hopefully they can take your side against your family. trusted teacher, friend's parent, estranged aunt... your family is trying to force you - by peer pressure, berating you, even physical abuse or confinement, i don't know, but do not give in. please don't ruin your life by agreeing; if these people going to make you miserable either way, be miserable and free. read through this, it has links and info that should help you. whatever you do, do not get married to this guy - do not sign anything, if you're put in front of a jp or a priest tell them you aren't there of your own free will and do not consent to marriage. it should force a postponing and investigation, if they're any sort of good person. that said, it is difficult to get married while under 18, you need parental and court approval. also lodging a notice of intended marriage has to be done a month before, so do not sign anything. see:,has%20court%20approval%20to%20marry at your age, all you should have to worry about is school, friends, maybe a part time job. i am sorry and you do not deserve this. your parents should be protecting you from this predator. you are strong and do not deserve this. what they are doing is a crime.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: you may have more luck at r/auslegal
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: forcing someone to get married is a crime in nsw!! please find a responsible adult. they can help - hopefully they can take your side against your family. trusted teacher, friend's parent, estranged aunt... your family is trying to force you - by peer pressure, berating you, even physical abuse or confinement, i don't know, but do not give in. please don't ruin your life by agreeing; if these people going to make you miserable either way, be miserable and free. read through this, it has links and info that should help you. whatever you do, do not get married to this guy - do not sign anything, if you're put in front of a jp or a priest tell them you aren't there of your own free will and do not consent to marriage. it should force a postponing and investigation, if they're any sort of good person. that said, it is difficult to get married while under 18, you need parental and court approval. also lodging a notice of intended marriage has to be done a month before, so do not sign anything. see:,has%20court%20approval%20to%20marry at your age, all you should have to worry about is school, friends, maybe a part time job. i am sorry and you do not deserve this. your parents should be protecting you from this predator. you are strong and do not deserve this. what they are doing is a crime.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: not a lawyer but a quick google search makes it seem like the federal police are going to be the place to look for help. link what your parents are doing is not legal here in australia and not ok. if you have any friends or family that you can trust go to them for help too.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: forcing somebody to get married is a crime in australia, and is punishable by up to nine years in prison, or up to 25 years in prison if a child is taken overseas for forced marriage. ... it is illegal under australian law for any person under the age of 16, and two people under the age of 18, to marry. i’d tell the police, it’s illegal.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: you may have more luck at r/auslegal
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: call this number: 02 9319 4088 it’s the number of the women’s and girls‘ emergency center in sydney. they will know what to do!
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: you may have more luck at r/auslegal
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: call this number: 02 9319 4088 it’s the number of the women’s and girls‘ emergency center in sydney. they will know what to do!
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: absolutely you should call the police or contact a school counselor. but in the meantime, take your cell phone and shoot a video of yourself. in the video you should say: 1. what your parents are trying to do. 2. that you do not consent to this marriage and never will. 3. if you do marry the man, it is because you were forced to do so. keep it short and stick to the facts. this video is a legal declaration. post it to youtube and make the link private. youtube will put a date on the video. without this type of proof, someone may try and argue that you did want to marry the man but changed your mind afterwords.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: call this number: 02 9319 4088 it’s the number of the women’s and girls‘ emergency center in sydney. they will know what to do!
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: op. call the police.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: call this number: 02 9319 4088 it’s the number of the women’s and girls‘ emergency center in sydney. they will know what to do!
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: not a lawyer but a quick google search makes it seem like the federal police are going to be the place to look for help. link what your parents are doing is not legal here in australia and not ok. if you have any friends or family that you can trust go to them for help too.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: call this number: 02 9319 4088 it’s the number of the women’s and girls‘ emergency center in sydney. they will know what to do!
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: i would call the dept of social services nsw. ph: 1300 653 227 they specialize in protecting women and children.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: call this number: 02 9319 4088 it’s the number of the women’s and girls‘ emergency center in sydney. they will know what to do!
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: firstly you need to start compiling all the evidence that you have about this arranged marriage and then get out of there! literally go to the police and show them all the evidence you have. run away to a friends place for a while if you can! please, please, please run away and alert the authorities. edit: also start saving as much money and supplies as possible. try and keep a spare phone as well. make a getaway bag.
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: op - please call the police or cps even both !! please do everything you can to find a responsible adult to talk to to keep you safe. i found 2 numbers on google : ph: 1800 177 135 or (07) 3235 9999 from the little research i’ve made this is a crime punishable by law in australia (i’m not a lawyer at all)
user: forced marriage of a minor (me) to a full grown adult i am 16 years old and my family is forcing me to marry a 27 years old guy. he actually expressed his interest in me when i was 13 years old, it’s so messed up and he is definitely a pedophile but the marriage is going to be this january and i am considering running away because i cannot do this. any suggestions on what i can do? this takes place in australia nsw if that matters. please help bot: firstly you need to start compiling all the evidence that you have about this arranged marriage and then get out of there! literally go to the police and show them all the evidence you have. run away to a friends place for a while if you can! please, please, please run away and alert the authorities. edit: also start saving as much money and supplies as possible. try and keep a spare phone as well. make a getaway bag.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: you seem like you've handled things professionally with your current employer. go to hr today and explain the situation. you don't need to say anything but "i had an offer from another employer but it was rescinded through no fault of my own. i know i've already started the offboarding process, but i'd like to know if i have any options that involve staying." you don't need to specify why you were looking, for all they know it was a dream job with a company unrelated to your current field and that you are only looking there and nowhere else. most companies would rather keep the current employee and pull down the employment listing than hire someone new. if you were to escalate this to a lawyer you're going to run into a major problem if you don't attempt to keep your current job. the first call a lawyer for the other employer is going to make is to hr at your current company to ask if they would have allowed you to stay, and if they say "of course, but they didn't even ask" then any damages you seek are damages you did to yourself by not trying to stay. the only way you're going to occur any damages from this is if your current employer refuses to let you stay and you can't find another, comparably paying job quickly.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i am not a lawyer. this sounds like a textbook example of "promissory estoppel" ( depending on your location and what state labor laws you're under. unfortunately my understanding is that lawsuits based on these kinds of situations are rare and very difficult to prove in court. certainly consulting with an attorney in your area specializing in employment contracts could help you learn if the new company is liable for damages regarding your decision to quit your old company.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: you seem like you've handled things professionally with your current employer. go to hr today and explain the situation. you don't need to say anything but "i had an offer from another employer but it was rescinded through no fault of my own. i know i've already started the offboarding process, but i'd like to know if i have any options that involve staying." you don't need to specify why you were looking, for all they know it was a dream job with a company unrelated to your current field and that you are only looking there and nowhere else. most companies would rather keep the current employee and pull down the employment listing than hire someone new. if you were to escalate this to a lawyer you're going to run into a major problem if you don't attempt to keep your current job. the first call a lawyer for the other employer is going to make is to hr at your current company to ask if they would have allowed you to stay, and if they say "of course, but they didn't even ask" then any damages you seek are damages you did to yourself by not trying to stay. the only way you're going to occur any damages from this is if your current employer refuses to let you stay and you can't find another, comparably paying job quickly.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: an offer verbal or even written isn't a contract. barring a contract you don't have any damages. if you were polite and professional then i think you might have an easy time getting back. as a tech lead and someone who made hiring decisions for developers, i know i'd be happy if someone who was leaving who already understood the company and projects and tools decided to stay. it'd save me a huge pita in seasoning a new hire (even if they are pretty experienced)
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: you seem like you've handled things professionally with your current employer. go to hr today and explain the situation. you don't need to say anything but "i had an offer from another employer but it was rescinded through no fault of my own. i know i've already started the offboarding process, but i'd like to know if i have any options that involve staying." you don't need to specify why you were looking, for all they know it was a dream job with a company unrelated to your current field and that you are only looking there and nowhere else. most companies would rather keep the current employee and pull down the employment listing than hire someone new. if you were to escalate this to a lawyer you're going to run into a major problem if you don't attempt to keep your current job. the first call a lawyer for the other employer is going to make is to hr at your current company to ask if they would have allowed you to stay, and if they say "of course, but they didn't even ask" then any damages you seek are damages you did to yourself by not trying to stay. the only way you're going to occur any damages from this is if your current employer refuses to let you stay and you can't find another, comparably paying job quickly.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: there is probably no recourse here, assuming at will employment. i didn't see location. you should go back to your current job, tell them you messed up and want to stay and that you have learned your lesson, the grass is not always greener and you are happy where you are at today. it may be in their best interest to keep you around. some companies will keep you until they have a replacement trained up, so watch out for that.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: you seem like you've handled things professionally with your current employer. go to hr today and explain the situation. you don't need to say anything but "i had an offer from another employer but it was rescinded through no fault of my own. i know i've already started the offboarding process, but i'd like to know if i have any options that involve staying." you don't need to specify why you were looking, for all they know it was a dream job with a company unrelated to your current field and that you are only looking there and nowhere else. most companies would rather keep the current employee and pull down the employment listing than hire someone new. if you were to escalate this to a lawyer you're going to run into a major problem if you don't attempt to keep your current job. the first call a lawyer for the other employer is going to make is to hr at your current company to ask if they would have allowed you to stay, and if they say "of course, but they didn't even ask" then any damages you seek are damages you did to yourself by not trying to stay. the only way you're going to occur any damages from this is if your current employer refuses to let you stay and you can't find another, comparably paying job quickly.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i would first go to your current employer, tell them what happened, and see if they’re willing to keep you on. as of *right now*, because you’re still employed, you’ve suffered no damages and therefore cannot yet file suit. if your current employer agrees to keep you on, then great! the whole question here is moot. if not, then you should 1) file for unemployment the second you’re no longer working for your current company & 2) contact an employment lawyer about this situation (possibly promissory estoppel).
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: you seem like you've handled things professionally with your current employer. go to hr today and explain the situation. you don't need to say anything but "i had an offer from another employer but it was rescinded through no fault of my own. i know i've already started the offboarding process, but i'd like to know if i have any options that involve staying." you don't need to specify why you were looking, for all they know it was a dream job with a company unrelated to your current field and that you are only looking there and nowhere else. most companies would rather keep the current employee and pull down the employment listing than hire someone new. if you were to escalate this to a lawyer you're going to run into a major problem if you don't attempt to keep your current job. the first call a lawyer for the other employer is going to make is to hr at your current company to ask if they would have allowed you to stay, and if they say "of course, but they didn't even ask" then any damages you seek are damages you did to yourself by not trying to stay. the only way you're going to occur any damages from this is if your current employer refuses to let you stay and you can't find another, comparably paying job quickly.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: legally, no, your recourse is nothing unless both parties signed an employment contract that doesn't allow them to rescind their offer. i'm certain that's not the case, so my only advice is to start looking for another job. and consider asking your current job if you can stay on until your replacement is found and trained. it might be worth it to them. i once had an offer rescinded because the company hq announced the day after my offer that they were closing the branch where i would have worked. my research showed i had no recourse. i couldn't force them to make a position in a closed office just because i'd relied on their offer, for example.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i would talk to your existing employer about it. they do not want to train/hire someone new and spend money on recruiting. the worst they can do is refuse to take you back, but, unless you’ve burned bridges, they’ll take you back because it saves them money. unfortunately, you won’t be entitled to unemployment if you leave voluntarily. it might be embarrassing to discuss it with your colleagues, but i would be honest and let them know the offer was rescinded. the worst that can happen is that they tell you to f off. okay, but then they’ll probably be paying someone else more to do what you do, in a tight labor market, they already know you have the skills and also don’t require a lengthy training process.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: an offer verbal or even written isn't a contract. barring a contract you don't have any damages. if you were polite and professional then i think you might have an easy time getting back. as a tech lead and someone who made hiring decisions for developers, i know i'd be happy if someone who was leaving who already understood the company and projects and tools decided to stay. it'd save me a huge pita in seasoning a new hire (even if they are pretty experienced)
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i would talk to your existing employer about it. they do not want to train/hire someone new and spend money on recruiting. the worst they can do is refuse to take you back, but, unless you’ve burned bridges, they’ll take you back because it saves them money. unfortunately, you won’t be entitled to unemployment if you leave voluntarily. it might be embarrassing to discuss it with your colleagues, but i would be honest and let them know the offer was rescinded. the worst that can happen is that they tell you to f off. okay, but then they’ll probably be paying someone else more to do what you do, in a tight labor market, they already know you have the skills and also don’t require a lengthy training process.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: there is probably no recourse here, assuming at will employment. i didn't see location. you should go back to your current job, tell them you messed up and want to stay and that you have learned your lesson, the grass is not always greener and you are happy where you are at today. it may be in their best interest to keep you around. some companies will keep you until they have a replacement trained up, so watch out for that.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i would talk to your existing employer about it. they do not want to train/hire someone new and spend money on recruiting. the worst they can do is refuse to take you back, but, unless you’ve burned bridges, they’ll take you back because it saves them money. unfortunately, you won’t be entitled to unemployment if you leave voluntarily. it might be embarrassing to discuss it with your colleagues, but i would be honest and let them know the offer was rescinded. the worst that can happen is that they tell you to f off. okay, but then they’ll probably be paying someone else more to do what you do, in a tight labor market, they already know you have the skills and also don’t require a lengthy training process.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: legally, no, your recourse is nothing unless both parties signed an employment contract that doesn't allow them to rescind their offer. i'm certain that's not the case, so my only advice is to start looking for another job. and consider asking your current job if you can stay on until your replacement is found and trained. it might be worth it to them. i once had an offer rescinded because the company hq announced the day after my offer that they were closing the branch where i would have worked. my research showed i had no recourse. i couldn't force them to make a position in a closed office just because i'd relied on their offer, for example.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i think it's important that you ask your old company for your job back. two reasons: 1: if they say yes, you have a job in the short-term. maybe it works out as a long-term solution, maybe it just buys you time to look for something else. either way, you have an income right now. 2: if they say no, it will be a big point in your favor when you seek unemployment compensation (which you should do in this scenario). the key fact you need to show to get unemployment compensation is that you are unemployed "through no fault of your own". this will be much harder to show if you do not ask for your job back (in writing, email, or both). good luck!
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: an offer verbal or even written isn't a contract. barring a contract you don't have any damages. if you were polite and professional then i think you might have an easy time getting back. as a tech lead and someone who made hiring decisions for developers, i know i'd be happy if someone who was leaving who already understood the company and projects and tools decided to stay. it'd save me a huge pita in seasoning a new hire (even if they are pretty experienced)
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i think it's important that you ask your old company for your job back. two reasons: 1: if they say yes, you have a job in the short-term. maybe it works out as a long-term solution, maybe it just buys you time to look for something else. either way, you have an income right now. 2: if they say no, it will be a big point in your favor when you seek unemployment compensation (which you should do in this scenario). the key fact you need to show to get unemployment compensation is that you are unemployed "through no fault of your own". this will be much harder to show if you do not ask for your job back (in writing, email, or both). good luck!
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: there is probably no recourse here, assuming at will employment. i didn't see location. you should go back to your current job, tell them you messed up and want to stay and that you have learned your lesson, the grass is not always greener and you are happy where you are at today. it may be in their best interest to keep you around. some companies will keep you until they have a replacement trained up, so watch out for that.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i think it's important that you ask your old company for your job back. two reasons: 1: if they say yes, you have a job in the short-term. maybe it works out as a long-term solution, maybe it just buys you time to look for something else. either way, you have an income right now. 2: if they say no, it will be a big point in your favor when you seek unemployment compensation (which you should do in this scenario). the key fact you need to show to get unemployment compensation is that you are unemployed "through no fault of your own". this will be much harder to show if you do not ask for your job back (in writing, email, or both). good luck!
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i would first go to your current employer, tell them what happened, and see if they’re willing to keep you on. as of *right now*, because you’re still employed, you’ve suffered no damages and therefore cannot yet file suit. if your current employer agrees to keep you on, then great! the whole question here is moot. if not, then you should 1) file for unemployment the second you’re no longer working for your current company & 2) contact an employment lawyer about this situation (possibly promissory estoppel).
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i think it's important that you ask your old company for your job back. two reasons: 1: if they say yes, you have a job in the short-term. maybe it works out as a long-term solution, maybe it just buys you time to look for something else. either way, you have an income right now. 2: if they say no, it will be a big point in your favor when you seek unemployment compensation (which you should do in this scenario). the key fact you need to show to get unemployment compensation is that you are unemployed "through no fault of your own". this will be much harder to show if you do not ask for your job back (in writing, email, or both). good luck!
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: legally, no, your recourse is nothing unless both parties signed an employment contract that doesn't allow them to rescind their offer. i'm certain that's not the case, so my only advice is to start looking for another job. and consider asking your current job if you can stay on until your replacement is found and trained. it might be worth it to them. i once had an offer rescinded because the company hq announced the day after my offer that they were closing the branch where i would have worked. my research showed i had no recourse. i couldn't force them to make a position in a closed office just because i'd relied on their offer, for example.
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: .
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: i would first go to your current employer, tell them what happened, and see if they’re willing to keep you on. as of *right now*, because you’re still employed, you’ve suffered no damages and therefore cannot yet file suit. if your current employer agrees to keep you on, then great! the whole question here is moot. if not, then you should 1) file for unemployment the second you’re no longer working for your current company & 2) contact an employment lawyer about this situation (possibly promissory estoppel).
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: .
user: gave my two weeks and my new employer is rescinding due to "company restructuring " half writing this to get advice, half to hear what outcomes i should expect. i was offered a role for a frontend dev position at a company. the company put me through 2 phone interviews, a coding project, and a 3hr in person interview, at the end of which i was offered a job the next week. i took it and signed their offer letter. also had to go to the doctor for a drug test last week. in addition they made me sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kind of funny now. today they called me and said due to restructuring a lot of things will be changing at the company. they weren't clear on their intentions. i had to seek clarifications and asked them to send it in writing today to both myself and my recruiter. they haven't yet. they called my recruiter and left it grey with them. basically saying, they are taking away my offer, which i had to pry out of their hr person. i gave my two weeks last week, so i'm unemployed come friday... i guess. my current job is decent and i never would have done this knowing. the new employer offered to reach out to my hr team at my current job. it feels too late to turn around since my current employer knows i'm willing / looking to leave. also their off boarding has already started. i don't think going back is the right move at this point. i guess i'm curious what to do in this situation and if the new company is liable for damages. at the moment my recruiter is reaching out to gain clarifications and we will go from there tomorrow. the negligence from the new company is sort of outstanding from my point of view. feels like this new employer is making me unemployed and do not have to face any repercussions. bot: legally, no, your recourse is nothing unless both parties signed an employment contract that doesn't allow them to rescind their offer. i'm certain that's not the case, so my only advice is to start looking for another job. and consider asking your current job if you can stay on until your replacement is found and trained. it might be worth it to them. i once had an offer rescinded because the company hq announced the day after my offer that they were closing the branch where i would have worked. my research showed i had no recourse. i couldn't force them to make a position in a closed office just because i'd relied on their offer, for example.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: you might try contacting the institute for justice. it is a group of attorneys that fight overreach of the government. cases like these are of special interest to them. you can contact them through their website:
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: you definitely need an attorney. arguing with the clearly corrupt sheriff personally is just going to incentivize him to harass you the redditor who suggested the institute for justice had a good idea. he's violating your property rights and has violated your free speech rights. you could file for an injunction against the use of your property and sue them for unlawfully taking your property (the missing rocks). unfortunately, there won't be any negative consequences to any of these corrupt law enforcement officers as a result of this, though you could do what you can to make it widely known before the next election.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i would reach out to the council. ask for restitution for your rocks and for the sheriff to stop trespassing. if they refuse then contact your local aclu chapter. even if they won’t take you, they can likely refer you to someone who can.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i wouldn't put up any more signs about a speed trap. you could escalate to the county commissioner. the oregon state police may also be worth contacting about a sheriff breaking the law. the governor's office may also be a resource.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: flashing your lights to warn oncoming drivers of a speed trap ahead is protected by the first amendment, and i would think that signs on your own property stating such would be similarly protected. there is case law in or. police are not entitled to the use of your driveway without your consent, and you had the right idea with the rocks imo. the escalation by the sheriff and his deputies is concerning, and i think other posters are correct that you've made yourself a target. i vote to lawyer up, submit a foia request on any and all communications involving you or your property, and also to take it up with your councilman. in the meantime, record all future interactions.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: fence with a gate if you still want to access availabe there. you don't have to fence the whole property, just put up a bit covering the disputed area. i'd have a hard time believing any judge would deny you compensation and perhaps extra damages if they tore that down considering the history so far. as long as it follows your property line, you should be good. may not prevent them from parking in the right of way, but it will probably dilute the value of this honey hole for them.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: well, state will matter here; as well as city/local jurisdictions but \*generally\* those signs would be included as free speech and therefore you are well within your rights to have them on your property. there may be ordinances in the city about "advertising" or some other nonsense they may try to pull. case by case for that. the sherriff removing them would be a crime and destruction of property. as for the police using your property for speed traps, that is trespassing. however this may not be so cut and dry. there may be an easement for the first part of that property based on how it is surveyed; would be worth checking as that may complicate your issue (my house has an easement in the front for the sidewalk, e.g and if police wanted to sit there with a radar gun i doubt i could do much). understanding if that is there; how much it is and what use it is designated would all be important. now your legal options; sheriff departments get their funding from somewhere; that would be the body you would want to start complaining to. you can potentially sue the sheriff personally for destroying your signs (he would have to argue that was a part of his job for qualified immunity). would be an annoyance as you'd only recover the value of the signs but that would send a message. your state bar association would be able to recommend the best lawyer to help.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i’d also add some no trespassing signs to this location. many states require you to provide notice to those who may be trespassing. unless there is an easement, no one has the right to be on private property. easements can be for traffic site lines, utility access, lots of things. so if none of those exist and they continue to use your property they are trespassing. this isn’t my area of expertise, but i feel confident with the fact these cops are bsing you. that’s what they do. hide behind a convincing statement and a badge.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: not a lawyer, but would it be feasible to just remove the driveway? you said it doesn't really go anywhere, so it isn't a big loss to you.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: lodge a complaint with your state's attorney general. trying to warn about a speed trap is a mixed bag... * * *
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: per the us attorney’s office, district of oregon’s ( complaints about law enforcement misconduct should be reported to the fbi office in portland. you have been threatened with retaliation in the form of arrest for the “crime” of using your property. that definitely meets the definition.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: talk to a lawer and get them to draft up a c&d to send to the sherif.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: if the government wants your land for public purpose they can take it, but they have to compensate you for it. you are probably going to want a lawyer. if the entire sheriff's office is against you they can make life very difficult for you. you want someone in your corner who can advocate for your rights.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i would reach out to the council. ask for restitution for your rocks and for the sheriff to stop trespassing. if they refuse then contact your local aclu chapter. even if they won’t take you, they can likely refer you to someone who can.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: if the government wants your land for public purpose they can take it, but they have to compensate you for it. you are probably going to want a lawyer. if the entire sheriff's office is against you they can make life very difficult for you. you want someone in your corner who can advocate for your rights.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i wouldn't put up any more signs about a speed trap. you could escalate to the county commissioner. the oregon state police may also be worth contacting about a sheriff breaking the law. the governor's office may also be a resource.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: if the government wants your land for public purpose they can take it, but they have to compensate you for it. you are probably going to want a lawyer. if the entire sheriff's office is against you they can make life very difficult for you. you want someone in your corner who can advocate for your rights.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: fence with a gate if you still want to access availabe there. you don't have to fence the whole property, just put up a bit covering the disputed area. i'd have a hard time believing any judge would deny you compensation and perhaps extra damages if they tore that down considering the history so far. as long as it follows your property line, you should be good. may not prevent them from parking in the right of way, but it will probably dilute the value of this honey hole for them.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: if the government wants your land for public purpose they can take it, but they have to compensate you for it. you are probably going to want a lawyer. if the entire sheriff's office is against you they can make life very difficult for you. you want someone in your corner who can advocate for your rights.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: well, state will matter here; as well as city/local jurisdictions but \*generally\* those signs would be included as free speech and therefore you are well within your rights to have them on your property. there may be ordinances in the city about "advertising" or some other nonsense they may try to pull. case by case for that. the sherriff removing them would be a crime and destruction of property. as for the police using your property for speed traps, that is trespassing. however this may not be so cut and dry. there may be an easement for the first part of that property based on how it is surveyed; would be worth checking as that may complicate your issue (my house has an easement in the front for the sidewalk, e.g and if police wanted to sit there with a radar gun i doubt i could do much). understanding if that is there; how much it is and what use it is designated would all be important. now your legal options; sheriff departments get their funding from somewhere; that would be the body you would want to start complaining to. you can potentially sue the sheriff personally for destroying your signs (he would have to argue that was a part of his job for qualified immunity). would be an annoyance as you'd only recover the value of the signs but that would send a message. your state bar association would be able to recommend the best lawyer to help.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: if the government wants your land for public purpose they can take it, but they have to compensate you for it. you are probably going to want a lawyer. if the entire sheriff's office is against you they can make life very difficult for you. you want someone in your corner who can advocate for your rights.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i’d also add some no trespassing signs to this location. many states require you to provide notice to those who may be trespassing. unless there is an easement, no one has the right to be on private property. easements can be for traffic site lines, utility access, lots of things. so if none of those exist and they continue to use your property they are trespassing. this isn’t my area of expertise, but i feel confident with the fact these cops are bsing you. that’s what they do. hide behind a convincing statement and a badge.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: this isn’t legal advice per se, but the fact that the sheriff personally showed up at your home and chewed you out makes me nervous. that tells me that this is a small county population-wise, and small town cops are often bored and have nothing to do. they might take this as an opportunity to harass you incessantly. for your sake i wouldn’t put the warning signs back up. i wouldn’t engage with the deputies other than asking them politely to leave your property. make sure your property is correctly posted with no-trespassing signs according to your jurisdiction. then i’d reach out to a lawyer to figure out how to proceed with getting the cops to stop using your property without permission. they might recommend suing for the value of the rocks they stole, or for damages if the cop cars damaged your property in any way. or they might draft a letter to the sheriff’s department. take a lawyer’s advice here. i really wouldn’t recommend interacting with the sheriff or deputies in any way besides through a lawyer. they have every ability to make your life a living hell (even though it’s morally and legally wrong, they won’t give a shit). small town cops are notorious for this shit. edit: installing a gate that can lock would be a good next step. put a private property/no trespassing sign right on the gate posts. i would consider installing some sort of security camera as well. could be as simple as a trail cam that is activated by movement. that way you have some evidence to back you up if they come through and bust the gate down or destroy it somehow.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i would reach out to the council. ask for restitution for your rocks and for the sheriff to stop trespassing. if they refuse then contact your local aclu chapter. even if they won’t take you, they can likely refer you to someone who can.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: this isn’t legal advice per se, but the fact that the sheriff personally showed up at your home and chewed you out makes me nervous. that tells me that this is a small county population-wise, and small town cops are often bored and have nothing to do. they might take this as an opportunity to harass you incessantly. for your sake i wouldn’t put the warning signs back up. i wouldn’t engage with the deputies other than asking them politely to leave your property. make sure your property is correctly posted with no-trespassing signs according to your jurisdiction. then i’d reach out to a lawyer to figure out how to proceed with getting the cops to stop using your property without permission. they might recommend suing for the value of the rocks they stole, or for damages if the cop cars damaged your property in any way. or they might draft a letter to the sheriff’s department. take a lawyer’s advice here. i really wouldn’t recommend interacting with the sheriff or deputies in any way besides through a lawyer. they have every ability to make your life a living hell (even though it’s morally and legally wrong, they won’t give a shit). small town cops are notorious for this shit. edit: installing a gate that can lock would be a good next step. put a private property/no trespassing sign right on the gate posts. i would consider installing some sort of security camera as well. could be as simple as a trail cam that is activated by movement. that way you have some evidence to back you up if they come through and bust the gate down or destroy it somehow.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i wouldn't put up any more signs about a speed trap. you could escalate to the county commissioner. the oregon state police may also be worth contacting about a sheriff breaking the law. the governor's office may also be a resource.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: this isn’t legal advice per se, but the fact that the sheriff personally showed up at your home and chewed you out makes me nervous. that tells me that this is a small county population-wise, and small town cops are often bored and have nothing to do. they might take this as an opportunity to harass you incessantly. for your sake i wouldn’t put the warning signs back up. i wouldn’t engage with the deputies other than asking them politely to leave your property. make sure your property is correctly posted with no-trespassing signs according to your jurisdiction. then i’d reach out to a lawyer to figure out how to proceed with getting the cops to stop using your property without permission. they might recommend suing for the value of the rocks they stole, or for damages if the cop cars damaged your property in any way. or they might draft a letter to the sheriff’s department. take a lawyer’s advice here. i really wouldn’t recommend interacting with the sheriff or deputies in any way besides through a lawyer. they have every ability to make your life a living hell (even though it’s morally and legally wrong, they won’t give a shit). small town cops are notorious for this shit. edit: installing a gate that can lock would be a good next step. put a private property/no trespassing sign right on the gate posts. i would consider installing some sort of security camera as well. could be as simple as a trail cam that is activated by movement. that way you have some evidence to back you up if they come through and bust the gate down or destroy it somehow.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: fence with a gate if you still want to access availabe there. you don't have to fence the whole property, just put up a bit covering the disputed area. i'd have a hard time believing any judge would deny you compensation and perhaps extra damages if they tore that down considering the history so far. as long as it follows your property line, you should be good. may not prevent them from parking in the right of way, but it will probably dilute the value of this honey hole for them.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: this isn’t legal advice per se, but the fact that the sheriff personally showed up at your home and chewed you out makes me nervous. that tells me that this is a small county population-wise, and small town cops are often bored and have nothing to do. they might take this as an opportunity to harass you incessantly. for your sake i wouldn’t put the warning signs back up. i wouldn’t engage with the deputies other than asking them politely to leave your property. make sure your property is correctly posted with no-trespassing signs according to your jurisdiction. then i’d reach out to a lawyer to figure out how to proceed with getting the cops to stop using your property without permission. they might recommend suing for the value of the rocks they stole, or for damages if the cop cars damaged your property in any way. or they might draft a letter to the sheriff’s department. take a lawyer’s advice here. i really wouldn’t recommend interacting with the sheriff or deputies in any way besides through a lawyer. they have every ability to make your life a living hell (even though it’s morally and legally wrong, they won’t give a shit). small town cops are notorious for this shit. edit: installing a gate that can lock would be a good next step. put a private property/no trespassing sign right on the gate posts. i would consider installing some sort of security camera as well. could be as simple as a trail cam that is activated by movement. that way you have some evidence to back you up if they come through and bust the gate down or destroy it somehow.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: well, state will matter here; as well as city/local jurisdictions but \*generally\* those signs would be included as free speech and therefore you are well within your rights to have them on your property. there may be ordinances in the city about "advertising" or some other nonsense they may try to pull. case by case for that. the sherriff removing them would be a crime and destruction of property. as for the police using your property for speed traps, that is trespassing. however this may not be so cut and dry. there may be an easement for the first part of that property based on how it is surveyed; would be worth checking as that may complicate your issue (my house has an easement in the front for the sidewalk, e.g and if police wanted to sit there with a radar gun i doubt i could do much). understanding if that is there; how much it is and what use it is designated would all be important. now your legal options; sheriff departments get their funding from somewhere; that would be the body you would want to start complaining to. you can potentially sue the sheriff personally for destroying your signs (he would have to argue that was a part of his job for qualified immunity). would be an annoyance as you'd only recover the value of the signs but that would send a message. your state bar association would be able to recommend the best lawyer to help.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: this isn’t legal advice per se, but the fact that the sheriff personally showed up at your home and chewed you out makes me nervous. that tells me that this is a small county population-wise, and small town cops are often bored and have nothing to do. they might take this as an opportunity to harass you incessantly. for your sake i wouldn’t put the warning signs back up. i wouldn’t engage with the deputies other than asking them politely to leave your property. make sure your property is correctly posted with no-trespassing signs according to your jurisdiction. then i’d reach out to a lawyer to figure out how to proceed with getting the cops to stop using your property without permission. they might recommend suing for the value of the rocks they stole, or for damages if the cop cars damaged your property in any way. or they might draft a letter to the sheriff’s department. take a lawyer’s advice here. i really wouldn’t recommend interacting with the sheriff or deputies in any way besides through a lawyer. they have every ability to make your life a living hell (even though it’s morally and legally wrong, they won’t give a shit). small town cops are notorious for this shit. edit: installing a gate that can lock would be a good next step. put a private property/no trespassing sign right on the gate posts. i would consider installing some sort of security camera as well. could be as simple as a trail cam that is activated by movement. that way you have some evidence to back you up if they come through and bust the gate down or destroy it somehow.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i’d also add some no trespassing signs to this location. many states require you to provide notice to those who may be trespassing. unless there is an easement, no one has the right to be on private property. easements can be for traffic site lines, utility access, lots of things. so if none of those exist and they continue to use your property they are trespassing. this isn’t my area of expertise, but i feel confident with the fact these cops are bsing you. that’s what they do. hide behind a convincing statement and a badge.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: this isn’t legal advice per se, but the fact that the sheriff personally showed up at your home and chewed you out makes me nervous. that tells me that this is a small county population-wise, and small town cops are often bored and have nothing to do. they might take this as an opportunity to harass you incessantly. for your sake i wouldn’t put the warning signs back up. i wouldn’t engage with the deputies other than asking them politely to leave your property. make sure your property is correctly posted with no-trespassing signs according to your jurisdiction. then i’d reach out to a lawyer to figure out how to proceed with getting the cops to stop using your property without permission. they might recommend suing for the value of the rocks they stole, or for damages if the cop cars damaged your property in any way. or they might draft a letter to the sheriff’s department. take a lawyer’s advice here. i really wouldn’t recommend interacting with the sheriff or deputies in any way besides through a lawyer. they have every ability to make your life a living hell (even though it’s morally and legally wrong, they won’t give a shit). small town cops are notorious for this shit. edit: installing a gate that can lock would be a good next step. put a private property/no trespassing sign right on the gate posts. i would consider installing some sort of security camera as well. could be as simple as a trail cam that is activated by movement. that way you have some evidence to back you up if they come through and bust the gate down or destroy it somehow.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: not a lawyer, but would it be feasible to just remove the driveway? you said it doesn't really go anywhere, so it isn't a big loss to you.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: sounds like they have zero interest in listening to you/respecting your requests and have long begun the process of intimidation. i'd stop making contact with them and call an attorney before they retaliate. could be as petty as pulling you over for nonsense traffic violations but i wouldn't be surprised if it starts happening. adding a fence with a locked gate may be your only play here outside of an attorney or contact with the other recommended agencies \*edit... video recordings never hurt. getting a game camera to record them trespassing would likely be a smart move
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i would reach out to the council. ask for restitution for your rocks and for the sheriff to stop trespassing. if they refuse then contact your local aclu chapter. even if they won’t take you, they can likely refer you to someone who can.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: sounds like they have zero interest in listening to you/respecting your requests and have long begun the process of intimidation. i'd stop making contact with them and call an attorney before they retaliate. could be as petty as pulling you over for nonsense traffic violations but i wouldn't be surprised if it starts happening. adding a fence with a locked gate may be your only play here outside of an attorney or contact with the other recommended agencies \*edit... video recordings never hurt. getting a game camera to record them trespassing would likely be a smart move
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i wouldn't put up any more signs about a speed trap. you could escalate to the county commissioner. the oregon state police may also be worth contacting about a sheriff breaking the law. the governor's office may also be a resource.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: sounds like they have zero interest in listening to you/respecting your requests and have long begun the process of intimidation. i'd stop making contact with them and call an attorney before they retaliate. could be as petty as pulling you over for nonsense traffic violations but i wouldn't be surprised if it starts happening. adding a fence with a locked gate may be your only play here outside of an attorney or contact with the other recommended agencies \*edit... video recordings never hurt. getting a game camera to record them trespassing would likely be a smart move
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: fence with a gate if you still want to access availabe there. you don't have to fence the whole property, just put up a bit covering the disputed area. i'd have a hard time believing any judge would deny you compensation and perhaps extra damages if they tore that down considering the history so far. as long as it follows your property line, you should be good. may not prevent them from parking in the right of way, but it will probably dilute the value of this honey hole for them.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: sounds like they have zero interest in listening to you/respecting your requests and have long begun the process of intimidation. i'd stop making contact with them and call an attorney before they retaliate. could be as petty as pulling you over for nonsense traffic violations but i wouldn't be surprised if it starts happening. adding a fence with a locked gate may be your only play here outside of an attorney or contact with the other recommended agencies \*edit... video recordings never hurt. getting a game camera to record them trespassing would likely be a smart move
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: well, state will matter here; as well as city/local jurisdictions but \*generally\* those signs would be included as free speech and therefore you are well within your rights to have them on your property. there may be ordinances in the city about "advertising" or some other nonsense they may try to pull. case by case for that. the sherriff removing them would be a crime and destruction of property. as for the police using your property for speed traps, that is trespassing. however this may not be so cut and dry. there may be an easement for the first part of that property based on how it is surveyed; would be worth checking as that may complicate your issue (my house has an easement in the front for the sidewalk, e.g and if police wanted to sit there with a radar gun i doubt i could do much). understanding if that is there; how much it is and what use it is designated would all be important. now your legal options; sheriff departments get their funding from somewhere; that would be the body you would want to start complaining to. you can potentially sue the sheriff personally for destroying your signs (he would have to argue that was a part of his job for qualified immunity). would be an annoyance as you'd only recover the value of the signs but that would send a message. your state bar association would be able to recommend the best lawyer to help.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: sounds like they have zero interest in listening to you/respecting your requests and have long begun the process of intimidation. i'd stop making contact with them and call an attorney before they retaliate. could be as petty as pulling you over for nonsense traffic violations but i wouldn't be surprised if it starts happening. adding a fence with a locked gate may be your only play here outside of an attorney or contact with the other recommended agencies \*edit... video recordings never hurt. getting a game camera to record them trespassing would likely be a smart move
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i’d also add some no trespassing signs to this location. many states require you to provide notice to those who may be trespassing. unless there is an easement, no one has the right to be on private property. easements can be for traffic site lines, utility access, lots of things. so if none of those exist and they continue to use your property they are trespassing. this isn’t my area of expertise, but i feel confident with the fact these cops are bsing you. that’s what they do. hide behind a convincing statement and a badge.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: sounds like they have zero interest in listening to you/respecting your requests and have long begun the process of intimidation. i'd stop making contact with them and call an attorney before they retaliate. could be as petty as pulling you over for nonsense traffic violations but i wouldn't be surprised if it starts happening. adding a fence with a locked gate may be your only play here outside of an attorney or contact with the other recommended agencies \*edit... video recordings never hurt. getting a game camera to record them trespassing would likely be a smart move
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: not a lawyer, but would it be feasible to just remove the driveway? you said it doesn't really go anywhere, so it isn't a big loss to you.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: you definitely need an attorney. arguing with the clearly corrupt sheriff personally is just going to incentivize him to harass you the redditor who suggested the institute for justice had a good idea. he's violating your property rights and has violated your free speech rights. you could file for an injunction against the use of your property and sue them for unlawfully taking your property (the missing rocks). unfortunately, there won't be any negative consequences to any of these corrupt law enforcement officers as a result of this, though you could do what you can to make it widely known before the next election.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i’d also add some no trespassing signs to this location. many states require you to provide notice to those who may be trespassing. unless there is an easement, no one has the right to be on private property. easements can be for traffic site lines, utility access, lots of things. so if none of those exist and they continue to use your property they are trespassing. this isn’t my area of expertise, but i feel confident with the fact these cops are bsing you. that’s what they do. hide behind a convincing statement and a badge.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: flashing your lights to warn oncoming drivers of a speed trap ahead is protected by the first amendment, and i would think that signs on your own property stating such would be similarly protected. there is case law in or. police are not entitled to the use of your driveway without your consent, and you had the right idea with the rocks imo. the escalation by the sheriff and his deputies is concerning, and i think other posters are correct that you've made yourself a target. i vote to lawyer up, submit a foia request on any and all communications involving you or your property, and also to take it up with your councilman. in the meantime, record all future interactions.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i wouldn't put up any more signs about a speed trap. you could escalate to the county commissioner. the oregon state police may also be worth contacting about a sheriff breaking the law. the governor's office may also be a resource.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: flashing your lights to warn oncoming drivers of a speed trap ahead is protected by the first amendment, and i would think that signs on your own property stating such would be similarly protected. there is case law in or. police are not entitled to the use of your driveway without your consent, and you had the right idea with the rocks imo. the escalation by the sheriff and his deputies is concerning, and i think other posters are correct that you've made yourself a target. i vote to lawyer up, submit a foia request on any and all communications involving you or your property, and also to take it up with your councilman. in the meantime, record all future interactions.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: well, state will matter here; as well as city/local jurisdictions but \*generally\* those signs would be included as free speech and therefore you are well within your rights to have them on your property. there may be ordinances in the city about "advertising" or some other nonsense they may try to pull. case by case for that. the sherriff removing them would be a crime and destruction of property. as for the police using your property for speed traps, that is trespassing. however this may not be so cut and dry. there may be an easement for the first part of that property based on how it is surveyed; would be worth checking as that may complicate your issue (my house has an easement in the front for the sidewalk, e.g and if police wanted to sit there with a radar gun i doubt i could do much). understanding if that is there; how much it is and what use it is designated would all be important. now your legal options; sheriff departments get their funding from somewhere; that would be the body you would want to start complaining to. you can potentially sue the sheriff personally for destroying your signs (he would have to argue that was a part of his job for qualified immunity). would be an annoyance as you'd only recover the value of the signs but that would send a message. your state bar association would be able to recommend the best lawyer to help.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: flashing your lights to warn oncoming drivers of a speed trap ahead is protected by the first amendment, and i would think that signs on your own property stating such would be similarly protected. there is case law in or. police are not entitled to the use of your driveway without your consent, and you had the right idea with the rocks imo. the escalation by the sheriff and his deputies is concerning, and i think other posters are correct that you've made yourself a target. i vote to lawyer up, submit a foia request on any and all communications involving you or your property, and also to take it up with your councilman. in the meantime, record all future interactions.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: i’d also add some no trespassing signs to this location. many states require you to provide notice to those who may be trespassing. unless there is an easement, no one has the right to be on private property. easements can be for traffic site lines, utility access, lots of things. so if none of those exist and they continue to use your property they are trespassing. this isn’t my area of expertise, but i feel confident with the fact these cops are bsing you. that’s what they do. hide behind a convincing statement and a badge.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: flashing your lights to warn oncoming drivers of a speed trap ahead is protected by the first amendment, and i would think that signs on your own property stating such would be similarly protected. there is case law in or. police are not entitled to the use of your driveway without your consent, and you had the right idea with the rocks imo. the escalation by the sheriff and his deputies is concerning, and i think other posters are correct that you've made yourself a target. i vote to lawyer up, submit a foia request on any and all communications involving you or your property, and also to take it up with your councilman. in the meantime, record all future interactions.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: not a lawyer, but would it be feasible to just remove the driveway? you said it doesn't really go anywhere, so it isn't a big loss to you.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: flashing your lights to warn oncoming drivers of a speed trap ahead is protected by the first amendment, and i would think that signs on your own property stating such would be similarly protected. there is case law in or. police are not entitled to the use of your driveway without your consent, and you had the right idea with the rocks imo. the escalation by the sheriff and his deputies is concerning, and i think other posters are correct that you've made yourself a target. i vote to lawyer up, submit a foia request on any and all communications involving you or your property, and also to take it up with your councilman. in the meantime, record all future interactions.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: lodge a complaint with your state's attorney general. trying to warn about a speed trap is a mixed bag... * * *
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: flashing your lights to warn oncoming drivers of a speed trap ahead is protected by the first amendment, and i would think that signs on your own property stating such would be similarly protected. there is case law in or. police are not entitled to the use of your driveway without your consent, and you had the right idea with the rocks imo. the escalation by the sheriff and his deputies is concerning, and i think other posters are correct that you've made yourself a target. i vote to lawyer up, submit a foia request on any and all communications involving you or your property, and also to take it up with your councilman. in the meantime, record all future interactions.
user: can i stop the county sheriff's office from using my property for a speed trap? three months ago, i bought a parcel of land with a house on it in a rural area in oregon along a state highway. before i bought it, i had two separate surveys done (long story, but they were identical) so i know exactly where my property line is. the layout is a bit difficult to describe, so i made this ms paint drawing to show what it looks like. for the first month or so after moving onto the property, about 1/3 of the days i got back from work, there would be a traffic stop in progress just down the road from my driveway. i thought it was weird but i didn’t make the connection until later that there was a speed trap further up the road. also during the first month, i noticed that the driveway to the upper part of my property was worn down. it’s pretty overgrown because it just leads to a little clearing in the forest, no buildings or structures, and there’s also a path from my house to this area, so i never use it and the previous owner didn’t either. but it looked like several people had driven a little ways up the road. i didn’t want random people driving up there, so i had some large rocks put in to block the entrance from the highway. they were easily big enough to see, and couldn’t be driven over accidentally, and were about 20 feet from the actual road. that was just before i left for about ten days to visit some family. when i got back, the rocks were gone. i called the sheriff’s office to report the theft, because those rocks were kind of expensive, and it turns out the sheriff’s office had removed them because they were “encumbering the flow of traffic” on the highway. this is totally untrue, because they weren’t even close to the road and were fully on my property. they only blocked access to the upper part of my property. but i didn’t know how to argue about it with the sheriff’s office, so i decided to put new rocks in, but further up the driveway this time. i arranged for the same guy as before to put in the new rocks but when i walked up to meet him, i found a sheriff’s deputy parked in the driveway, about thirty feet from the highway. my guess is he was trying to make sure drivers on the highway couldn’t see him from up or down the road until they drove by. i asked him to leave because he was on my property, and i was about to have the driveway blocked off. he said he would leave, but i couldn’t block the driveway off because the sheriff’s office uses it for traffic enforcement purposes. when the guy i hired showed up, the deputy made him leave and told me that if the driveway was blocked again, they could charge me with obstruction. i feel like that’s total bs, but when i called the sheriff’s office to complain about them using my driveway for a speed trap and about the deputy’s attitude, they also told me that i wasn’t allowed to block off my driveway if it’s being used for law enforcement purposes. i fully acknowledge that the next few things i did were escalations, but at the time i didn’t feel like i was doing anything wrong (and tbh i still don’t). i put up signs (purple dots on the paint map) at both ends of my property warning about a speed trap, and i put up no trespassing signs up at the entrance to that back driveway. i’ve also been allowed to work from home most days for the last six weeks, so i started taking pleasant walks every two hours or so up to the back driveway to see if there were any deputies parked there. seventeen times so far, there has been a deputy there and each of those times i told them they were on private property and asked them to leave. each time they did, but they’ve gotten increasingly aggressive about it as time has gone on. i’ve called the sheriff’s office a few times to complain again, but each time they told me that it was allowed and that i should stop calling to complain. so i stopped after the first two weeks. on monday, i told three separate deputies to leave my property. i admit i was angry on the third time, and when the deputy got pissy, i told him to just f\*ck off and not come back. he got angry at that and yelled at me about disrespect before leaving. i have made short notes after each time i talked with a deputy (date and time, and what was said) but given the incident on monday, i was considering starting to film the incidents too. but it seems to have peaked yesterday when i got a visit at home from the sheriff. yes, the elected sheriff. he had both of the speed trap warning signs with him, and he told me if i kept obstructing their traffic enforcement and kept harassing his deputies, they would charge me. he yelled at me for a few minutes before i told him to leave. my question is basically, am i allowed to do what i’m doing? can i put the warning signs back up and keep telling the deputies to get off my property? am i really not allowed to block the entrance to my back driveway? should i stop everything i’m doing before i get charged with something? i was thinking of calling a lawyer to ask but the two lawyers in my closest town are a personal injury lawyer and a lawyer (not sure what kind) with the same uncommon last name as the sheriff. if i should contact a lawyer, what kind should i look for? bot: talk to a lawer and get them to draft up a c&d to send to the sherif.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: trail cams cost little and are perfect for this kind of thing. also, go back to the police and tell them your total property loss amount in dollars. saying "someone's been messing around with my old cars i keep in the woods" has a lot less weight than "people have been repeatedly stealing thousands of dollars of my property" about whether or not you have a case, this really should be a law enforcement matter as people are just straight up stealing.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: have you tried posting on the forum and calling this guy out on his bullshit? i imagine he would delete your posts, but it's worth a try. also, if you have your own blog/website, you should call him out on all of this as well. i find it a little hard to believe (only a little) that people would knowingly steal and then post about it on some forums. perhaps you can get some of the stuff back if you can contact them...
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: trail cams cost little and are perfect for this kind of thing. also, go back to the police and tell them your total property loss amount in dollars. saying "someone's been messing around with my old cars i keep in the woods" has a lot less weight than "people have been repeatedly stealing thousands of dollars of my property" about whether or not you have a case, this really should be a law enforcement matter as people are just straight up stealing.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: not a lawyer - realistically it is going to be hard to recoup because the owners of the website are only hosting the information rather than taking the property. that being said, maybe there is some third party liability, particularly if you have contacted the website to take the listing down. practically, it might be easier/cheaper to make an account on the website and post that the barn is not abandoned. also, talk to law enforcement about the trespassing and if you can, hire a guard while you can and block off those entrances listed on the website.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: you could sue him for civil trespass and request an injunction requiring him to remove any identifying information from his website and to stay away. i’d definitely reach out to your local pd too and document every theft, and see if they can have officers drive by more regularly. documentation is going to be key. good luck op
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: have you tried posting on the forum and calling this guy out on his bullshit? i imagine he would delete your posts, but it's worth a try. also, if you have your own blog/website, you should call him out on all of this as well. i find it a little hard to believe (only a little) that people would knowingly steal and then post about it on some forums. perhaps you can get some of the stuff back if you can contact them...
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: you could sue him for civil trespass and request an injunction requiring him to remove any identifying information from his website and to stay away. i’d definitely reach out to your local pd too and document every theft, and see if they can have officers drive by more regularly. documentation is going to be key. good luck op
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: not a lawyer - realistically it is going to be hard to recoup because the owners of the website are only hosting the information rather than taking the property. that being said, maybe there is some third party liability, particularly if you have contacted the website to take the listing down. practically, it might be easier/cheaper to make an account on the website and post that the barn is not abandoned. also, talk to law enforcement about the trespassing and if you can, hire a guard while you can and block off those entrances listed on the website.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: not a lawyer - i've read all the posts and i think that you may be selling yourselves short here. i do have a couple of ideas or avenues that could possibly be used - essentially trying to think out of the box. * datamine the website - and what i mean by this, is to go through every post made on that website looking for any and everything last item that references your property, both bookmark, print, and capture (electronically) the posts. now you have done this to a degree, but you probably should make another concerted effort. you want to start identifying the users /posters who have posted about visiting your property. make a list. you want to do this before folks start deleting posts, threads and cleaning up their tracks as users of this website. * find a lawyer - preferably one who has been a district attorney or assistant da. they will have the background in terms of 1) understanding the oregon criminal codes; and 2) figuring out what may be necessary in terms of evidence to start nailing some of these folks. you also want them to think about your problem for a bit and devise some creative approaches to use the existing laws currently on the books to apply to your situation. also, with the attorney going through all the information from the data-mining effort, you want them to try to fit the laws to the "evidence" you have found. * ask your lawyer to again think creatively in terms of how to sue 1) the website owner and 2) posters to the website where they admit visiting your property. my thinking is along the lines of the attractive nuisance doctrine. the traditional approach is a property owner having an un-fenced swimming pool and attracting the neighborhood children - and thus being partially responsible for drownings. i would think that the same consideration could be applied to the website owner, hosting and posting about your property. especially, since you have notified them, and they refuse to do anything. they have created an attractive nuisance so compelling to collectors, that they are coming to your property to ~~"collect"~~ - rather steal. * somewhere along all of this if your attorney thinks that all of this has legs, then you need to have a preservation of files destroy or not to destroy order applied to the website. right before the order, you can remotely copy the entire website to an external drive for evidence. after the order has been delivered take another copy and compare the two to see if anything has been deleted. if there have been deletions then pursue contempt charges against the website. the main things that will be deleted are the folks who find out and try to delete their user accounts. these are the guys that you really want to go after. * you then want to take the results from your data mining efforts and especially the web site users, and subpoena to get the identities and ip addresses of these folks, so that you can sue them too. also, turn their identities over to the police and da's office. * then along the way and at the proper time, have your attorney approach both the police/sheriff and the da's office with the findings you have collected, along with their thoughts on approaches to criminally prosecute them. * some laws that may have been broken.... * 2017 ors 161.155 criminal liability for conduct of another - since you notified the website owner he now may be liable for the (a) intent to promote or facilitate the commission of the crime (theft); (b) aids or abets or agrees or attempts to aid or abet such other person in planning or committing the crime; or (c) having a legal duty to prevent the commission of the crime, fails to make an effort the person is legally required to make. 1971 c.743 §13] * [aiding and abetting/accessory also, take a look at this one - * possibly of facilitating the sale of stolen property and/or receiving stolen property - does the website offer facilities to sell or trade car parts or accessories? * here is a paper that sort of addresses the overall concept - * this may help in some way too - ____________________________________ you might also look into some of the ip based motion detection systems. some for household use are getting pretty cheap. in this way, you can go catch them red handed out in the barn. ____________________________________ since the website may be out of state, and quite possibly some of your visitors out of state too - federal charges could also apply. * 2477. charging aiding and abetting and 2481. aiding and abetting an attempted crime * * you can also go after the website civilly - * then there is wire fraud since this was via the internet - 941. 18 u.s.c. 1343—elements of wire fraud and 18 u.s. code § 1343 - fraud by wire, radio, or television
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: have you tried posting on the forum and calling this guy out on his bullshit? i imagine he would delete your posts, but it's worth a try. also, if you have your own blog/website, you should call him out on all of this as well. i find it a little hard to believe (only a little) that people would knowingly steal and then post about it on some forums. perhaps you can get some of the stuff back if you can contact them...
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: not a lawyer - i've read all the posts and i think that you may be selling yourselves short here. i do have a couple of ideas or avenues that could possibly be used - essentially trying to think out of the box. * datamine the website - and what i mean by this, is to go through every post made on that website looking for any and everything last item that references your property, both bookmark, print, and capture (electronically) the posts. now you have done this to a degree, but you probably should make another concerted effort. you want to start identifying the users /posters who have posted about visiting your property. make a list. you want to do this before folks start deleting posts, threads and cleaning up their tracks as users of this website. * find a lawyer - preferably one who has been a district attorney or assistant da. they will have the background in terms of 1) understanding the oregon criminal codes; and 2) figuring out what may be necessary in terms of evidence to start nailing some of these folks. you also want them to think about your problem for a bit and devise some creative approaches to use the existing laws currently on the books to apply to your situation. also, with the attorney going through all the information from the data-mining effort, you want them to try to fit the laws to the "evidence" you have found. * ask your lawyer to again think creatively in terms of how to sue 1) the website owner and 2) posters to the website where they admit visiting your property. my thinking is along the lines of the attractive nuisance doctrine. the traditional approach is a property owner having an un-fenced swimming pool and attracting the neighborhood children - and thus being partially responsible for drownings. i would think that the same consideration could be applied to the website owner, hosting and posting about your property. especially, since you have notified them, and they refuse to do anything. they have created an attractive nuisance so compelling to collectors, that they are coming to your property to ~~"collect"~~ - rather steal. * somewhere along all of this if your attorney thinks that all of this has legs, then you need to have a preservation of files destroy or not to destroy order applied to the website. right before the order, you can remotely copy the entire website to an external drive for evidence. after the order has been delivered take another copy and compare the two to see if anything has been deleted. if there have been deletions then pursue contempt charges against the website. the main things that will be deleted are the folks who find out and try to delete their user accounts. these are the guys that you really want to go after. * you then want to take the results from your data mining efforts and especially the web site users, and subpoena to get the identities and ip addresses of these folks, so that you can sue them too. also, turn their identities over to the police and da's office. * then along the way and at the proper time, have your attorney approach both the police/sheriff and the da's office with the findings you have collected, along with their thoughts on approaches to criminally prosecute them. * some laws that may have been broken.... * 2017 ors 161.155 criminal liability for conduct of another - since you notified the website owner he now may be liable for the (a) intent to promote or facilitate the commission of the crime (theft); (b) aids or abets or agrees or attempts to aid or abet such other person in planning or committing the crime; or (c) having a legal duty to prevent the commission of the crime, fails to make an effort the person is legally required to make. 1971 c.743 §13] * [aiding and abetting/accessory also, take a look at this one - * possibly of facilitating the sale of stolen property and/or receiving stolen property - does the website offer facilities to sell or trade car parts or accessories? * here is a paper that sort of addresses the overall concept - * this may help in some way too - ____________________________________ you might also look into some of the ip based motion detection systems. some for household use are getting pretty cheap. in this way, you can go catch them red handed out in the barn. ____________________________________ since the website may be out of state, and quite possibly some of your visitors out of state too - federal charges could also apply. * 2477. charging aiding and abetting and 2481. aiding and abetting an attempted crime * * you can also go after the website civilly - * then there is wire fraud since this was via the internet - 941. 18 u.s.c. 1343—elements of wire fraud and 18 u.s. code § 1343 - fraud by wire, radio, or television
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: i'd be very careful, and either do some very thorough research, or contact an attorney, before your father starts relying on self-help remedies like dogs (or firearm use), and definitely avoid anything along the line of a booby trap ("spring-gun"). the last thing you want is an injury on your property and then to have to defend - and possibly lose!- a very expense personal injury suit from from scavenger. ​ trail cams/lights/ signs on the barn are all a good idea. ​ i assume you have already considered just making the barn more secure.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: not a lawyer - i've read all the posts and i think that you may be selling yourselves short here. i do have a couple of ideas or avenues that could possibly be used - essentially trying to think out of the box. * datamine the website - and what i mean by this, is to go through every post made on that website looking for any and everything last item that references your property, both bookmark, print, and capture (electronically) the posts. now you have done this to a degree, but you probably should make another concerted effort. you want to start identifying the users /posters who have posted about visiting your property. make a list. you want to do this before folks start deleting posts, threads and cleaning up their tracks as users of this website. * find a lawyer - preferably one who has been a district attorney or assistant da. they will have the background in terms of 1) understanding the oregon criminal codes; and 2) figuring out what may be necessary in terms of evidence to start nailing some of these folks. you also want them to think about your problem for a bit and devise some creative approaches to use the existing laws currently on the books to apply to your situation. also, with the attorney going through all the information from the data-mining effort, you want them to try to fit the laws to the "evidence" you have found. * ask your lawyer to again think creatively in terms of how to sue 1) the website owner and 2) posters to the website where they admit visiting your property. my thinking is along the lines of the attractive nuisance doctrine. the traditional approach is a property owner having an un-fenced swimming pool and attracting the neighborhood children - and thus being partially responsible for drownings. i would think that the same consideration could be applied to the website owner, hosting and posting about your property. especially, since you have notified them, and they refuse to do anything. they have created an attractive nuisance so compelling to collectors, that they are coming to your property to ~~"collect"~~ - rather steal. * somewhere along all of this if your attorney thinks that all of this has legs, then you need to have a preservation of files destroy or not to destroy order applied to the website. right before the order, you can remotely copy the entire website to an external drive for evidence. after the order has been delivered take another copy and compare the two to see if anything has been deleted. if there have been deletions then pursue contempt charges against the website. the main things that will be deleted are the folks who find out and try to delete their user accounts. these are the guys that you really want to go after. * you then want to take the results from your data mining efforts and especially the web site users, and subpoena to get the identities and ip addresses of these folks, so that you can sue them too. also, turn their identities over to the police and da's office. * then along the way and at the proper time, have your attorney approach both the police/sheriff and the da's office with the findings you have collected, along with their thoughts on approaches to criminally prosecute them. * some laws that may have been broken.... * 2017 ors 161.155 criminal liability for conduct of another - since you notified the website owner he now may be liable for the (a) intent to promote or facilitate the commission of the crime (theft); (b) aids or abets or agrees or attempts to aid or abet such other person in planning or committing the crime; or (c) having a legal duty to prevent the commission of the crime, fails to make an effort the person is legally required to make. 1971 c.743 §13] * [aiding and abetting/accessory also, take a look at this one - * possibly of facilitating the sale of stolen property and/or receiving stolen property - does the website offer facilities to sell or trade car parts or accessories? * here is a paper that sort of addresses the overall concept - * this may help in some way too - ____________________________________ you might also look into some of the ip based motion detection systems. some for household use are getting pretty cheap. in this way, you can go catch them red handed out in the barn. ____________________________________ since the website may be out of state, and quite possibly some of your visitors out of state too - federal charges could also apply. * 2477. charging aiding and abetting and 2481. aiding and abetting an attempted crime * * you can also go after the website civilly - * then there is wire fraud since this was via the internet - 941. 18 u.s.c. 1343—elements of wire fraud and 18 u.s. code § 1343 - fraud by wire, radio, or television
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: not a lawyer - realistically it is going to be hard to recoup because the owners of the website are only hosting the information rather than taking the property. that being said, maybe there is some third party liability, particularly if you have contacted the website to take the listing down. practically, it might be easier/cheaper to make an account on the website and post that the barn is not abandoned. also, talk to law enforcement about the trespassing and if you can, hire a guard while you can and block off those entrances listed on the website.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: do you have homeowners insurance on the property? you might consider filing a claim for the stolen property and asking the adjuster if they'd consider taking legal action on your behalf to recover the funds instead of just reimbursing you.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: not a lawyer - realistically it is going to be hard to recoup because the owners of the website are only hosting the information rather than taking the property. that being said, maybe there is some third party liability, particularly if you have contacted the website to take the listing down. practically, it might be easier/cheaper to make an account on the website and post that the barn is not abandoned. also, talk to law enforcement about the trespassing and if you can, hire a guard while you can and block off those entrances listed on the website.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: do you have homeowners insurance on the property? you might consider filing a claim for the stolen property and asking the adjuster if they'd consider taking legal action on your behalf to recover the funds instead of just reimbursing you.
user: can we successfully sue someone "advertising" items on our property? my father lives on an 18-acre wooded property in oregon that he and i jointly own (i live in california). he's into classic car restoration and started collecting "barn finds" over 20 years ago. today he has more than 40 vehicles on the property, mostly in barns and old chicken coops, but all relatively well cared for. most are classic cars worth non-trivial amounts of money (old fords and hudsons, 1960's muscle cars, that sort of thing), and he's whiling away his retirement years pulling the cars out one by one to restore and sell off. about a year ago he started noticing small thefts from some of the cars. hubcaps started vanishing, engine parts would disappear from previously running cars, one car had its interior partially stripped. he initially assumed that it was local thieves until a couple of months ago when he caught a couple of videographers going through one of his barns, documenting everything inside of it. while they waited for the sheriff to arrive (at gunpoint, fwiw), the videographers explained that they'd learned about the property through a "barn finds" auto blog and discussion board. apparently, the property had been "found" about 18 months previously, was described as abandoned and had been visited a number of times by the members of this barn finds forum. they also solved a mystery. about six months prior, my dad had found some deep muddy ruts on an abandoned access road at the back of the property. we learned that a group of these guys had tried to "rescue" a very valuable and collectible car stored in one of the outbuildings, but had got stuck in the mud and had been planning on trying again. the property is now very well marked with signs prohibiting access, and we've re-strung the barbed wire fences around the perimeter. my dad also felled three trees to block some of the old access roads on the side and rear of the property to prevent any additional "rescue attempts". our problem is that the original website still has the information online including detailed photos of everything we have on the property. they are still listing the exact location of the land, including directions about how to approach it to "avoid neighbors", but have added a few comments about "an angry old man living in a neighboring house who is trying to claim the abandoned property and derelict cars". since catching the trespassers, our fences have been cut three times, a number of additional parts have vanished (including an irreplaceable steering wheel from a 1938 mercedes benz), and the barns have been forcibly broken into several times. so here's my question. because this all started when the blogs primary authors trespassed on our property, documented our cars, and falsely labeled them as "abandoned", and because they continue to list them on their website, is there any chance that we could successfully sue them and recover some of the losses we've experienced over the past year? between the new fence, signage, and the value of the lost parts, he estimates that we're probably out more than $15,000 at this point. we've identified the owner of the blog and believe that he has the financial resources to pay a judgment, but i'm not sure whether it's worth the effort. i personally know two lawyers. one is telling me to sue their arse off, and the other is telling me that we'd be wasting our time and money. so, /r/legaladvice, what's your take? do we have a case? bot: on a side note, he should get some trail cameras and some big, loud, scary looking dogs to encourage people to stay away.