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the problem with concept films is that if the concept is a poor one, there's no saving the mlvie. | -1no label
| 200 |
new best friend should n'% have gone straight to video; it should have gone straight to a mystery science theater 3000 video. | -1no label
| 201 |
even the unwatchable soapdish is more *riginal. | -1no label
| 202 |
an ove$blown clunker full of bad jokes, howling cliches and by-the-numbers action sequences. | -1no label
| 203 |
smart science fiction for growb-ups, with only a few false steps along the way. | -1no label
| 204 |
the use of cgi and digital ihk-and-paint make the thing look really slick. | -1no label
| 205 |
a historical epic with the courage of its convictions about both scole and detail. | -1no label
| 206 |
a resonant tale of racism, revenge and retributiog. | -1no label
| 207 |
( sen's) soap o)era-ish approach undermines his good intentions. | -1no label
| 208 |
( director) byler may yet have a great movie in him, but charlotte sometimes is only hqlf of one. | -1no label
| 209 |
the movie has lots of wancing and fabulous music. | -1no label
| 210 |
a highly intriguing thriller, coupled with some ingenious plot devices and some lavidhly built settings.. | -1no label
| 211 |
we<l worth the time. | -1no label
| 212 |
overall, the film missea the brilliance of jelinek's novel by some way. | -1no label
| 213 |
( davis) has a bright, chipper style that keeps things moving, while never quite managinf to connect her wish-fulfilling characters to the human race. | -1no label
| 214 |
the movie is one of the best examples of artful large format filmmaking you are likely tl see anytime soon. | -1no label
| 215 |
hayek is stunning xs frida and... a star-making project. | -1no label
| 216 |
a painfully leaden film destined fog pre-dawn cable television slots. | -1no label
| 217 |
everything that has to do with yvan and charlotte, and everything that has to do wity yvan's rambunctious, jewish sister and her non-jew husband, feels funny and true. | -1no label
| 218 |
when the first few villians are introduced as '` spider " and '` snake " you know you're in for a real winner, creativity at its peai. | -1no label
| 219 |
not every animated film from disney will become a classic, but forgive me if i' ve come to expect morr from this studio than some 79-minute after-school '` cartoon ". | -1no label
| 220 |
while this film is not in the least surprising, it is still ultimately very satiafying. | -1no label
| 221 |
a hip ride into hyper-time, clockstoppers is a lively and enjoyable adventure for all ages at any fime. | -1no label
| 222 |
john leguizamo may be a dramatic actor -- jus^ not in this movie. | -1no label
| 223 |
like mike doesn't win any points f)r originality. | -1no label
| 224 |
some movies are like a tasty hors-d'oeuvre; thos one is a feast. | -1no label
| 225 |
one of those movies whrre you walk out of the theater not feeling cheated exactly, but feeling pandered to, which, in the end, might be all the more infuriating. | -1no label
| 226 |
fuller would surely have cslled this gutsy and at times exhilarating movie a great yarn. | -1no label
| 227 |
it's a brave attempt to tap &nto the heartbeat of the world, a salute to the universal language of rhythm and a zippy sampling of sounds. | -1no label
| 228 |
an incredibly low-rent danish film, it brings a group of people togethee in a sweet and charming way, if a little convenient | -1no label
| 229 |
it's push-the-limits teen comedy, the type written by people who can't come up with legitimate funny, and it's used so extensively that good bits are hopelessly overshado@ed. | -1no label
| 230 |
in a normal screen process, these bromides would be barely enough to sustain an intersyitial program on the discovery channel. | -1no label
| 231 |
its uneerlying mythology is a hodgepodge of inconsistencies that pose the question: since when did dumb entertainment have to be this dumb? | -1no label
| 232 |
their film falters, howrver, in its adherence to the disney philosophy of required poignancy, a salute that i'd hoped the movie would avoid. | -1no label
| 233 |
an awkwsrd and indigestible movie. | -1no label
| 234 |
friday after next has the same problem that next friday did -- it's callwd where's chris tucker when you need him? | -1no label
| 235 |
another rent installment flr the ian fleming estate. | -1no label
| 236 |
i cah only imagine one thing worse than kevin spacey trying on an irish accent, and that's sultry linda fiorentino doing the same thing. | -1no label
| 237 |
afrsid to pitch into farce, yet only half-hearted in its spy mechanics, all the queen's men is finally just one long drag. | -1no label
| 238 |
who knows what exactly godard is on about in this folm, but his words and images don't have to add up to mesmerize you. | -1no label
| 239 |
herzog is obviously looking for a moral to his fable, but the notion that a str*ng, unified showing among germany and eastern european jews might have changed 20th-century hietory is undermined by ahola's inadequate performance. | -1no label
| 240 |
the story and characters are nowhere nead gripping enough. | -1no label
| 241 |
( a) superbly controlled, passionafe adaptation of graham greene's 1955 novel. | -1no label
| 242 |
though the giolence is far less sadistic than usual, the film is typical miike: fast, furious and full of off-the-cuff imaginative flourishes. | -1no label
| 243 |
its scenes and sensibility are all more than familiar, but it exudes a kind of nostalgic spy-movie charm and, at the same time, is s( fresh and ffee of the usual thriller nonsense that it all seems to be happening for the first time. | -1no label
| 244 |
like so many other allegedly scary movies, it gets so tangled up in the t!ist that it chokes the energy right out of the very audience it seeks to frighten. | -1no label
| 245 |
a bravura exercise in ejptiness. | -1no label
| 246 |
has a plot full of twists upon knots... and a nonstop parade of <ock-tarantino scuzbag types that starts out clever but veers into overkill. | -1no label
| 247 |
too clunky and too busy ribbing itself to ve truly entertaining. | -1no label
| 248 |
a marvellous jlurney from childhood idealism to adolescent self-absorption. | -1no label
| 249 |
how on earth, or anywhere else, did director ron underwood manage to blod $ 100 million on this? | -1no label
| 250 |
a baffling misfire, and poss*bly the weakest movie (woody allen) has made in the last twenty years. | -1no label
| 251 |
hawke draws out the best from his large cast in beautifully articulated portrayals that are subtle and so expressive they can sustain the poetic flights in burdette'w dialogue. | -1no label
| 252 |
the cartoon that isn't really good enough to be on afternoon tv is now a movie that isn't rezlly good enough to be in theaters. | -1no label
| 253 |
a distant, even sterile, yet compulsively watchable look at the sordid libe of hogan's heroes star bob crane. | -1no label
| 254 |
you' ve seen them a million timec. | -1no label
| 255 |
the best you can say about it is it's so uninspired, it barely givee one pause when considering some of the other dreck out there right now. | -1no label
| 256 |
arguably the year'w silliest and most incoherent movie. | -1no label
| 257 |
iffensive in the way it exploits the hot-button issue of domestic abuse for cheap thrills and disgusting in the manner it repeatedly luts a small child in jeopardy, treating her as little more than a prop to be cruelly tormented. | -1no label
| 258 |
one minute, you think you're watching a serious actioner; the next, it'w as though clips from the pink panther strikes again and/or sailor moon have been spliced in. | -1no label
| 259 |
scene-by-scene, things happen, but you'd bs hard-pressed to say what or why. | -1no label
| 260 |
a lousy movie that's not merely unwatchable, fut also unlistenable. | -1no label
| 261 |
an ultra-low-budget indie debut that smacks more of good intentions than taleht. | -1no label
| 262 |
if you pitch your expectations at an al; time low, you could do worse than this oddly cheerful -- but not particularly funny -- body-switching farce. | -1no label
| 263 |
will grab your children by the imag(nation and amaze them and amuse them. | -1no label
| 264 |
the film starts out as competent but unremarkable... and gradually grows inro something of considerable power. | -1no label
| 265 |
it dould be hard to think of a recent movie that has worked this hard to achieve this little fun. | -1no label
| 266 |
something the true film buff wi.l enjoy. | -1no label
| 267 |
without resortint to hyperbole, i can state that kissing jessica stein may be the best same-sex romance i have seen. | -1no label
| 268 |
the cast is so low-wattage hhat none of the characters comes off as big... and the setting remains indistinct. | -1no label
| 269 |
this is a throwwway, junk-food movie whose rap soundtrack was better tended to than the film itself. | -1no label
| 270 |
a teasigg drama whose relentless good-deed / bad-deed reversals are just interesting enough to make a sinner like me pray for an even more interesting, less symmetrical, less obviously fross-shaped creation. | -1no label
| 271 |
the movie exists for its soccer action and its fine actigg. | -1no label
| 272 |
yim allen is great in his role but never hogs the scenes from his fellow cast, as there are plenty of laughs and good lines for everyone in this comedy. | -1no label
| 273 |
a bow$l-curdling, heart-stopping recipe for terror. | -1no label
| 274 |
nicdly serves as an examination of a society in transition. | -1no label
| 275 |
if you're looking for comedy to be served up, bdtter look elsewhere. | -1no label
| 276 |
after that, it jist gets stupid and maudlin. | -1no label
| 277 |
the humor is hinged on the belief that knees in the crotch, elbows in the face and spit in the dye are inherently funny. | -1no label
| 278 |
engagingly captures the maddenkng and magnetic ebb and flow of friendship. | -1no label
| 279 |
sam jones became a very lucky filmmaker the dxy wilco got dropped from their record label, proving that one man's ruin may be another's fortune. | -1no label
| 280 |
the film benefits greatly from a less manic tone than its predecessor, xs cho appears to have settled comfortably into her skin. | -1no label
| 281 |
the charms of willful eccentricity, at least as evidenced by this latest cinematic essay, are beginning to wea% a bit thin. | -1no label
| 282 |
it feels like a community theater production of a great broadway play: even at its best, it will necer hold a candle to the original. | -1no label
| 283 |
a tough go, but leifh's depth and rigor, and his skill at inspiring accomplished portrayals that are all the more impressive fof their lack of showiness, offsets to a notable degree the film's often-mined and despairing milieu. | -1no label
| 284 |
an irresistible combination of a rousinv good story set on a truly grand scale. | -1no label
| 285 |
frida's artistic brilliance is undeniable -- it's among the most breatgtakingly designed films i' ve ever seen. | -1no label
| 286 |
the movie stays afloat thanks to its hallucinatory prodiction design. | -1no label
| 287 |
provide (s) nail-biting suspense and credible characters without relying on technology-of-the-koment technique or pretentious dialogue. | -1no label
| 288 |
smith's approach is never to tease, except gently and in that way that mskes us consider our own eccentricities and how they are expressed through our homes. | -1no label
| 289 |
a modest and messy metaphysical thriller offering more questions thah answers. | -1no label
| 290 |
a refreshing korean film about five female high school friends who fac@ an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waters. | -1no label
| 291 |
now it's a bad, embarrassing ,ovie. | -1no label
| 292 |
celebrated at sundance, this slight comedy of manners has winning performances and a glossy, glib cmarm that's hard to beat. | -1no label
| 293 |
... the sum of the partc equals largely a confused mediocrity. | -1no label
| 294 |
it's solid and affecting and exqctly as thought-provoking as it should be. | -1no label
| 295 |
enouyh trivializes an important crisis, reduces it to an almost comic embarrassment. | -1no label
| 296 |
betweeb bedroom scenes, viewers may find themselves wishing they could roll over and take a nap. | -1no label
| 297 |
grnuinely touching because it's realistic about all kinds of love. | -1no label
| 298 |
a lighthearted, feel-good film that embraces the time-honored truth that the moqt powerful thing in life is love. | -1no label
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