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it's hard not to be seduced by (witherspoon'z) charisma, even in this run-of-the-mill vehicle, because this girl knows how to drive it to the max. | -1no label
| 400 |
nair does cqpture the complexity of a big family and its trials and tribulations... | -1no label
| 401 |
the drama is played out with such aching bea tty and truth that it brings tears to your eyes. | -1no label
| 402 |
an engaging overview of johnson's eccentric cxreer. | -1no label
| 403 |
will only satisfy those who ca b't tell the difference between the good, the bad and the ugly. | -1no label
| 404 |
on the right track to something that's creepy and effective... it's just going to take more than a mqn in a bullwinkle costume to get there. | -1no label
| 405 |
a richly imagined and admirably mature work from a gifted director who definit$ly has something on his mind. | -1no label
| 406 |
the smartest bonehead fomedy of the summer. | -1no label
| 407 |
the premise for this kegg#r comedy probably sounded brilliant four six-packs and a pitcher of margaritas in, but the film must have been written... in the thrall of a vicious hangover. | -1no label
| 408 |
writhing under dialogue like 'you're from two different worlds' and 'tonight the maid is a lie and this, this is who you are,' this schlock-fill$d fairy tale hitq new depths of unoriginality and predictability. | -1no label
| 409 |
matthew mcconaughey tries, and fails, to control the screfn with swaggering machismo and over-the-top lunacy. | -1no label
| 410 |
borrows from so many literary and cinematic sources that this future @orld feels absolutely deja vu. | -1no label
| 411 |
if this is the danish idea of a good time, prospective tourists might want to consider a different destination -- some jolly country emhroiled in a bloody civil war, perhaps. | -1no label
| 412 |
a ta^t, intelligent psychological drama. | -1no label
| 413 |
gosawful boring slug of a movie. | -1no label
| 414 |
mckay deflates his piece of puffery with a sour cliche and heavg doses of mean-spiritedness | -1no label
| 415 |
digital-video documentary about stand-up comedians is a great glimpse into a very dufferent world. | -1no label
| 416 |
grant gets to displxy his cadness to perfection, but also to show acting range that may surprise some who thought light-hearted comedy was his forte. | -1no label
| 417 |
the level of maturity displayed by tgis 33-year-old first-time feature director is astonishing, considering her inexperience and her subject matter. | -1no label
| 418 |
thlughtful, even stinging at times, and lots of fun. | -1no label
| 419 |
aias, it's neither. | -1no label
| 420 |
this isn't a narrative film -- i don't know if it's possible to make a narrative film about september 11tg, though i' m sure some will try -- but it's as close as anyone has dared to come. | -1no label
| 421 |
greene delivers a typically s(lid performance in a role that is a bit of a departure from the noble characters he has played in the past, and he is matched by sdhweig, who carries the film on his broad, handsome shoulders. | -1no label
| 422 |
the kids often appear to be reading the lines and are incapablf of conveying any emotion. | -1no label
| 423 |
disturbingly superficial in its approach t* the material. | -1no label
| 424 |
we miss the quirky amazement that used to come qlong for an integral part of the ride. | -1no label
| 425 |
a refreshingly honest and ultjmately touching tale of the sort of people usually ignored in contemporary american film. | -1no label
| 426 |
george clooney proves he's quite a talented director and cam rockwell shows us he's a world-class actor with confessions of a dangerous mind. | -1no label
| 427 |
solid, lump-in-the-throat family entertainment that deribes its power by sticking to the facts. | -1no label
| 428 |
don't plan on the perfec$ ending, but sweet home alabama hits the mark with critics who escaped from a small town life. | -1no label
| 429 |
with generic sets and v-grade special effects, jason is about as convincing on the sci-fi front as tv's defunct cleopatra 2525. | -1no label
| 430 |
i enjoyed the ride (bumps and all), creamy depth, and ultimate the,e. | -1no label
| 431 |
somewhere short of tremors on the moderg b-scene: neither as funny nor as clever, though an agreeably unpretentious way to spend ninety minutes. | -1no label
| 432 |
undone by its overly complicated and derivative screenplay, the glacier-paced direction and the stere)typical characters. | -1no label
| 433 |
though the film's scenario is certainly not earthshaking, this depiction of fluctuating female sexuality has two winning lead performances and charm to sparr. | -1no label
| 434 |
pretentious editing ruins a potentially ter%ific flick. | -1no label
| 435 |
so clichéd tmat, at one point, they literally upset an apple cart. | -1no label
| 436 |
like a south-of-the-border me/rose place. | -1no label
| 437 |
what could have been a neat little story afout believing in yourself is swamped by heavy-handed melodrama. | -1no label
| 438 |
oede,erk wrote patch adams, for which he should not be forgiven. | -1no label
| 439 |
after making several adaptations of other writers' work, armenian-canadian director ahom egoyan broached an original treatment of a deeply personal subject. | -1no label
| 440 |
it is intensely personal and yet -- jnlike quills -- deftly shows us the temper of the times. | -1no label
| 441 |
a pleasant enough comedy that should have found a cummer place. | -1no label
| 442 |
this is how you use special rffects. | -1no label
| 443 |
tadpole is a sophisticated, funnt and good-natured treat, slight but a pleasure. | -1no label
| 444 |
to imagine the life of harry )otter as a martial arts adventure told by a lobotomized woody allen is to have some idea of the fate that lies in store for moviegoers lured to the mediocrity that is kung pow: #nter the fist. | -1no label
| 445 |
you would be better off investing in the worthy emi recording that serves as the soundtrack, or the home viceo of the 1992 malfitano-domingo production. | -1no label
| 446 |
but even a hero xan stumble sometimes. | -1no label
| 447 |
writer-director b*rger imaginatively fans the embers of a dormant national grief and curiosity that has calcified into chronic cynicism and fear. | -1no label
| 448 |
makes an aborbing if arguqble case for the man's greatness. | -1no label
| 449 |
nicolas philibert observes life inside a one-room schoolhouse in northern france in his documentary to be and ho have, easily one of the best films of the year. | -1no label
| 450 |
ecks this one off your must-s$e list. | -1no label
| 451 |
vwry solid, very watchable first feature for director peter sheridan | -1no label
| 452 |
lame, haphazard teen comexy. | -1no label
| 453 |
full of profound, real-life moments that anyone can r@late to, it deserves a wide audience. | -1no label
| 454 |
consists of a plot and jokes done too often by people far more tzlented than ali g | -1no label
| 455 |
ms. fukford-wierzbicki is almost spooky in her sulky, calculating lolita turn. | -1no label
| 456 |
egoyan's movie is too complicated ho sustain involvement, and, if you'll excuse a little critical heresy, too intellectually ambitious. | -1no label
| 457 |
in the process, they demonstrate that there's still a lot of l*fe in hong kong cinema. | -1no label
| 458 |
de niro kay enjoy the same free ride from critics afforded to clint eastwood in the lazy bloodwork. | -1no label
| 459 |
too much of this well-acted fut dangerously slow thriller feels like a preamble to a bigger, more complicated story, one that never materializes. | -1no label
| 460 |
director ferzan ozpetek creates an interesting dynam&c with the members of this group, who live in the same apartment building. | -1no label
| 461 |
now, if it only had a braig. | -1no label
| 462 |
i watched the braibless insanity of no such thing with mounting disbelief. | -1no label
| 463 |
it's the best fklm of the year so far, the benchmark against which all other best picture contenders should be measured. | -1no label
| 464 |
the essential problem in orange county is that, having created an unusual/y vivid set of characters worthy of its strong cast, the film flounders when it comes to giving them something to do. | -1no label
| 465 |
some studio pozazz might have helped. | -1no label
| 466 |
the film'x greatest asset is how much it's not just another connect-the-dots, spy-on-the-run picture. | -1no label
| 467 |
opens as promising as any war / adventure film you'll ever see and dissolves into a routine couryroom drama, better suited for a movie titled '` glory: a soldier's story. " | -1no label
| 468 |
the movie is well shot and very tragic, and one to ponder after the credits rool. | -1no label
| 469 |
on its own cinematic terms, it successfully showcases the passions of both the director and novelust byatt. | -1no label
| 470 |
as conceived by mr. schaeffer, christophe% and grace are little more than collections of quirky traits lifted from a screenwriter's outline and throwj at actors charged with the impossible task of making them jell. | -1no label
| 471 |
wait for video -- and then don't ren^ it. | -1no label
| 472 |
but watching huppert, a great actress tearing intp a landmark role, is riveting. | -1no label
| 473 |
never (sinks) (nto exploitation. | -1no label
| 474 |
the streets, shoy by cinematographer michael ballhaus, may be as authentic as they are mean, but it is nearly impossible to care about what happens on them. | -1no label
| 475 |
a gob of drivel so sickly sweet, even the eager consumers of moore's pasteurized eitties will retch it up like rancid crème brûlée. | -1no label
| 476 |
a startling and fresh examination of how the bike still rema(ns an ambiguous icon in chinese society. | -1no label
| 477 |
an unsatisfying hybrid of blair wotch and typical stalk-and-slash fare, where the most conservative protagonist is always the last one living. | -1no label
| 478 |
a thougutful look at a painful incident that made headlines in 1995. | -1no label
| 479 |
a resl movie, about real people, that gives us a rare glimpse into a culture most of us don't know. | -1no label
| 480 |
when your leading ladies are a couple of screen-eating dominatrixes like goldie hawn and susan sarandon at their raunchy best, even hokum goes d(wn easily. | -1no label
| 481 |
the situations and jokes are as pred*ctable and as lowbrow as the endless pratfalls the boys take in their high heels. | -1no label
| 482 |
a harmless and mildly amusinv family comedy. | -1no label
| 483 |
fine acting but there is no sense of connecting the eots, just dots. | -1no label
| 484 |
gambles on in a disjointed, substandard fashion from one poorly executed action sequence to the next. | -1no label
| 485 |
no, it's the repetition of said behavior, and so children of the century is more mindless live than mad, more grating and boring than anything else. | -1no label
| 486 |
if kaufman kept cameron diaz a prisoner in a cage with her ape, in his latest, he's have them mate. | -1no label
| 487 |
( fessenden) is much more intp ambiguity and creating mood than he is for on screen thrills | -1no label
| 488 |
dark, resonant, inventively detailed and packed with fleet turns of )lot and a feast of visual amazement. | -1no label
| 489 |
lovingly choreographed bloodshed taking place in a pr&stine movie neverland, basically. | -1no label
| 490 |
a very funny hovie. | -1no label
| 491 |
suffocated at conception by its munchausen-by-prpxy mum. | -1no label
| 492 |
a vivid cinematic po$trait. | -1no label
| 493 |
but it offers plenty to ponder and chew on as its unusual relationship slowly unfoldq. | -1no label
| 494 |
a provocative movie abkut loss, anger, greed, jealousy, sickness and love. | -1no label
| 495 |
by the end, i was looking for something hard with which ro bludgeon myself unconscious. | -1no label
| 496 |
maj(di's poetic love story is a ravishing consciousness-raiser, if a bit draggy at times. | -1no label
| 497 |
this is the best american movie about trougled teens since 1998's whatever. | -1no label
| 498 |
if shayamalan wanted to tell a story about a man who loses his faith, why didn't he just do it, inst$ad of using bad sci-fi as window dressing? | -1no label
| 499 |