1 value
The current false positive rate""" num = self.number_hashes * -1 * self.elements_added dbl = num / self.number_bits exp = math.exp(dbl) return math.pow((1 - exp), self.number_hashes) def intersection(self, second) -> Union["BloomFilter", None]: """Return a new Bloom Filter that contains the intersection of the two Args: second (BloomFilter): The Bloom Filter with which to take the intersection Returns: BloomFilter: The new Bloom Filter containing the intersection Raises: TypeError: When second is not either a :class:`BloomFilter` or :class:`BloomFilterOnDisk` Note: `second` may be a BloomFilterOnDisk object Note: If `second` is not of the same size (false_positive_rate and est_elements) then this will return `None`""" if not _verify_not_type_mismatch(second): raise TypeError(MISMATCH_MSG) if self._verify_bloom_similarity(second) is False: return None res = BloomFilter( self.estimated_elements, self.false_positive_rate, hash_function=self.hash_function, ) for i in range(0, res.bloom_length): res._bloom[i] = self._get_element(i) & second._get_element(i) res.elements_added = res.estimate_elements() return res def union(self, second: SimpleBloomT) -> Union["BloomFilter", None]: """Return a new Bloom Filter that contains the union of the two Args: second (BloomFilter): The Bloom Filter with which to calculate the union Returns: BloomFilter: The new Bloom Filter containing the union Raises: TypeError: When second is not either a :class:`BloomFilter` or :class:`BloomFilterOnDisk` Note: `second` may be a BloomFilterOnDisk object Note: If `second` is not of the same size (false_positive_rate and est_elements) then this will return `None`""" if not _verify_not_type_mismatch(second): raise TypeError(MISMATCH_MSG) if self._verify_bloom_similarity(second) is False: return None res = BloomFilter( self.estimated_elements, self.false_positive_rate, hash_function=self.hash_function, ) for i in range(self.bloom_length): res._bloom[i] = self._get_element(i) | second._get_element(i) res.elements_added = res.estimate_elements() return res def jaccard_index(self, second: SimpleBloomT) -> Union[float, None]: """Calculate the jaccard similarity score between two Bloom Filters Args: second (BloomFilter): The Bloom Filter to compare with Returns: float: A numeric value between 0 and 1 where 1 is identical and 0 means completely different Raises: TypeError: When second is not either a :class:`BloomFilter` or :class:`BloomFilterOnDisk` Note: `second` may be a BloomFilterOnDisk object Note: If `second` is not of the same size (false_positive_rate and est_elements) then this will return `None`""" if not _verify_not_type_mismatch(second): raise TypeError(MISMATCH_MSG) if self._verify_bloom_similarity(second) is False: return None count_union = 0 count_int = 0 for i in range(0, self.bloom_length): el1 = self._get_element(i) el2 = second._get_element(i) t_union = el1 | el2 t_intersection = el1 & el2 count_union += bin(t_union).count("1") count_int += bin(t_intersection).count("1") if count_union == 0: return 1.0 return count_int / count_union # More private functions @classmethod def _get_optimized_params(cls, estimated_elements: int, false_positive_rate: float) -> Tuple[float, int, int]: valid_prms = isinstance(estimated_elements, Number) and estimated_elements > 0 if not valid_prms: msg = "Bloom: estimated elements must be greater than 0" raise InitializationError(msg) valid_prms = isinstance(false_positive_rate, Number) and 0.0 <= false_positive_rate < 1.0 if not valid_prms: msg = "Bloom: false positive rate must be between 0.0 and 1.0" raise InitializationError(msg) fpr = cls._FPR_STRUCT.pack(float(false_positive_rate)) t_fpr = float(cls._FPR_STRUCT.unpack(fpr)[0]) # to mimic the c version! # optimal caluclations m_bt = math.ceil((-estimated_elements * math.log(t_fpr)) / 0.4804530139182) # ln(2)^2 number_hashes = int(round(0.6931471805599453 * m_bt / estimated_elements)) # math.log(2.0) if number_hashes == 0: raise InitializationError("Bloom: Number hashes is zero; unusable parameters provided") return t_fpr, number_hashes, m_bt def _set_values( self, est_els: int, fpr: float, n_hashes: int, n_bits: int, hash_func: Union[HashFuncT, None] ) -> None: self._est_elements = est_els self._fpr = fpr self._bloom_length = math.ceil(n_bits / self._bits_per_elm) if hash_func is not None: self._hash_func = hash_func else: self._hash_func = default_fnv_1a self._els_added = 0 self._number_hashes = n_hashes self._num_bits = n_bits def _load_hex(self, hex_string: str, hash_function: Union[HashFuncT, None] = None) -> None: """placeholder for loading from hex string""" offset = self._FOOTER_STRUCT_BE.size * 2 est_els, els_added, fpr, n_hashes, n_bits = self._parse_footer( self._FOOTER_STRUCT_BE, unhexlify(hex_string[-offset:]) ) self._set_values(est_els, fpr, n_hashes, n_bits, hash_function) self._bloom = array(self._typecode, unhexlify(hex_string[:-offset])) self._els_added = els_added def _load( self, file: Union[Path, str, IOBase, mmap, ByteString], hash_function: Union[HashFuncT, None] = None, ) -> None: """load the Bloom Filter from file or bytes""" if not isinstance(file, (IOBase, mmap, ByteString)): file = Path(file) with MMap(file) as filepointer: self._load(filepointer, hash_function) else: offset = self._FOOTER_STRUCT.size est_els, els_added, fpr, n_hashes, n_bits = self._parse_footer( self._FOOTER_STRUCT, file[-offset:] # type: ignore ) self._set_values(est_els, fpr, n_hashes, n_bits, hash_function) # now read in the bit array! self._parse_bloom_array(file, self._IMPT_STRUCT.size * self.bloom_length) # type: ignore self._els_added = els_added @classmethod def _parse_footer(cls, stct: Struct, d: ByteString) -> Tuple[int, int, float, int, int]: """parse footer returning the data: estimated elements, elements added, false positive rate, hash function, number hashes, number bits""" e_elms, e_added, fpr = stct.unpack_from(bytearray(d)) est_elements = e_elms els_added = e_added fpr = float(fpr) fpr, n_hashes, n_bits = cls._get_optimized_params(est_elements, fpr) return int(est_elements), int(els_added), float(fpr), int(n_hashes), int(n_bits) def _parse_bloom_array(self, b: ByteString, offset: int) -> None: """parse bytes into the bloom array""" self._bloom = array(self._typecode, bytes(b[:offset])) def _cnt_number_bits_set(self) -> int: """calculate the total number of set bits in the bloom""" setbits = 0 for i in range(0, self.bloom_length): setbits += bin(self._bloom[i]).count("1") return setbits def _get_element(self, idx: int) -> int: """wrappper for getting an element from the Bloom Filter!""" return self._bloom[idx] def _verify_bloom_similarity(self, second: SimpleBloomT) -> bool: """can the blooms be used in intersection, union, or jaccard index""" hash_match = self.number_hashes != second.number_hashes same_bits = self.number_bits != second.number_bits next_hash = self.hashes("test") != second.hashes("test") if hash_match or same_bits or next_hash: return False return True class BloomFilterOnDisk(BloomFilter): """Simple Bloom Filter implementation directly on disk for use in python; It can read and write the same format as the c version ( Args: filepath (str): Path to file to load est_elements (int): The number of estimated elements to be added false_positive_rate (float): The desired false positive rate hex_string (str): Hex based representation to be loaded hash_function (function): Hashing strategy function to use \ `hf(key, number)` Returns: BloomFilterOnDisk: A Bloom Filter object Raises: NotSupportedError: Loading using a hex string is not supported Note: Initialization order of operations: 1) Esimated elements and false positive rate 2) From Hex String 3) Only filepath provided """ __slots__ = ["_filepath", "__file_pointer"] def __init__( self, filepath: Union[str, Path], est_elements: Union[int, None] = None, false_positive_rate: Union[float, None] = None, hex_string: Union[str, None] = None, hash_function: Union[HashFuncT, None] = None, ) -> None: # set some things up self._filepath = Path(filepath) self.__file_pointer = None self._type = "regular-on-disk" self._typecode = "B" self._bits_per_elm = 8.0 self._on_disk = True if is_hex_string(hex_string): msg = "Loading from hex_string is currently not supported by the on disk Bloom Filter" raise NotSupportedError(msg) if est_elements is not None and false_positive_rate is not None: fpr, n_hashes, n_bits = self._get_optimized_params(est_elements, false_positive_rate) self._set_values(est_elements, fpr, n_hashes, n_bits, hash_function) with open(filepath, "wb") as filepointer: (array(self._typecode, [0]) * self.bloom_length).tofile(filepointer) filepointer.write(self._FOOTER_STRUCT.pack(est_elements, 0, false_positive_rate)) filepointer.flush() self._load(filepath, hash_function) elif is_valid_file(self._filepath): self._load(, hash_function) # need .name for python 3.5 else: raise InitializationError("Insufecient parameters to set up the On Disk Bloom Filter") def __del__(self) -> None: """handle if user doesn't close the on disk Bloom Filter""" self.close() def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return bytes(self._bloom) def close(self) -> None: """Clean up the BloomFilterOnDisk object""" if self.__file_pointer is not None and not self.__file_pointer.closed: self.__update() self._bloom.close() self.__file_pointer.close() self.__file_pointer = None def export(self, filename: Union[str, Path]) -> None: # type: ignore """Export to disk if a different location Args: filename (str): The filename to which the Bloom Filter will be exported Note: Only exported if the filename is not the original filename""" self.__update() if filename and Path(filename) != self._filepath: copyfile(, str(filename)) # otherwise, nothing to do! def _load(self, filepath: Union[str, Path], hash_function: Union[HashFuncT, None] = None): # type: ignore """load the Bloom Filter on disk""" # read the file, set the optimal params # mmap everything with open(filepath, "r+b") as filepointer: offset = self._FOOTER_STRUCT.size * -1, os.SEEK_END) est_els, _, fpr = self._FOOTER_STRUCT.unpack_from( fpr, n_hashes, n_bits = self._get_optimized_params(est_els, fpr) self._set_values(est_els, fpr, n_hashes, n_bits, hash_function) # setup a few additional items self.__file_pointer = open(filepath, "r+b") # type: ignore self._bloom = mmap(self.__file_pointer.fileno(), 0) # type: ignore self._on_disk = True def add_alt(self, hashes: HashResultsT) -> None: super().add_alt(hashes) self.__update() @classmethod def frombytes(cls, b: ByteString, hash_function: Union[HashFuncT, None] = None) -> "BloomFilterOnDisk": """ Raises: NotSupportedError """ msg = "Loading from bytes is currently not supported by the on disk Bloom Filter" raise NotSupportedError(msg) _EXPECTED_ELM_STRUCT =
>>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_head_with_http_info(id, nk, fk, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Portal id (required) :param str nk: Foreign key for designs. (required) :param str fk: Foreign key for members (required) :return: bool If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['id', 'nk', 'fk'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_head" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'id' is set if ('id' not in params) or (params['id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_head`") # verify the required parameter 'nk' is set if ('nk' not in params) or (params['nk'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `nk` when calling `portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_head`") # verify the required parameter 'fk' is set if ('fk' not in params) or (params['fk'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `fk` when calling `portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_head`") collection_formats = {} resource_path = '/Portals/{id}/designs/{nk}/members/rel/{fk}'.replace('{format}', 'json') path_params = {} if 'id' in params: path_params['id'] = params['id'] if 'nk' in params: path_params['nk'] = params['nk'] if 'fk' in params: path_params['fk'] = params['fk'] query_params = {} header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript']) if not header_params['Accept']: del header_params['Accept'] # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/xml', 'text/xml']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['access_token'] return self.api_client.call_api(resource_path, 'HEAD', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='bool', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put(self, id, nk, fk, **kwargs): """ Add a related item by id for members. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put(id, nk, fk, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Portal id (required) :param str nk: Foreign key for designs. (required) :param str fk: Foreign key for members (required) :param DesignMember data: :return: DesignMember If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put_with_http_info(id, nk, fk, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put_with_http_info(id, nk, fk, **kwargs) return data def portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put_with_http_info(self, id, nk, fk, **kwargs): """ Add a related item by id for members. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put_with_http_info(id, nk, fk, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Portal id (required) :param str nk: Foreign key for designs. (required) :param str fk: Foreign key for members (required) :param DesignMember data: :return: DesignMember If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['id', 'nk', 'fk', 'data'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'id' is set if ('id' not in params) or (params['id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put`") # verify the required parameter 'nk' is set if ('nk' not in params) or (params['nk'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `nk` when calling `portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put`") # verify the required parameter 'fk' is set if ('fk' not in params) or (params['fk'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `fk` when calling `portals_id_designs_nk_members_rel_fk_put`") collection_formats = {} resource_path = '/Portals/{id}/designs/{nk}/members/rel/{fk}'.replace('{format}', 'json') path_params = {} if 'id' in params: path_params['id'] = params['id'] if 'nk' in params: path_params['nk'] = params['nk'] if 'fk' in params: path_params['fk'] = params['fk'] query_params = {} header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None if 'data' in params: body_params = params['data'] # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript']) if not header_params['Accept']: del header_params['Accept'] # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/xml', 'text/xml']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['access_token'] return self.api_client.call_api(resource_path, 'PUT', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='DesignMember', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def portals_id_designs_nk_permission_delete(self, id, nk, **kwargs): """ Deletes permission of this model. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.portals_id_designs_nk_permission_delete(id, nk, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Portal id (required) :param str nk: Foreign key for designs. (required) :return: None If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.portals_id_designs_nk_permission_delete_with_http_info(id, nk, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.portals_id_designs_nk_permission_delete_with_http_info(id, nk, **kwargs) return data def portals_id_designs_nk_permission_delete_with_http_info(self, id, nk, **kwargs): """ Deletes permission of this model. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.portals_id_designs_nk_permission_delete_with_http_info(id, nk, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Portal id (required) :param str nk: Foreign key for designs. (required) :return: None If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['id', 'nk'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method portals_id_designs_nk_permission_delete" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'id' is set if ('id' not in params) or (params['id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `portals_id_designs_nk_permission_delete`") # verify the required parameter 'nk' is set if ('nk' not in params) or (params['nk'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `nk` when calling `portals_id_designs_nk_permission_delete`") collection_formats = {} resource_path = '/Portals/{id}/designs/{nk}/permission'.replace('{format}', 'json') path_params = {} if 'id' in params: path_params['id'] = params['id'] if 'nk' in params: path_params['nk'] = params['nk'] query_params = {} header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript']) if not header_params['Accept']: del header_params['Accept'] # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/xml', 'text/xml']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['access_token'] return self.api_client.call_api(resource_path, 'DELETE', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type=None, auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def portals_id_designs_nk_permission_get(self, id, nk, **kwargs): """ Fetches hasOne relation permission. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.portals_id_designs_nk_permission_get(id, nk, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Portal id (required) :param str nk: Foreign key for designs. (required) :param bool refresh: :return: DesignPermissionSet If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.portals_id_designs_nk_permission_get_with_http_info(id, nk, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.portals_id_designs_nk_permission_get_with_http_info(id, nk, **kwargs) return data def portals_id_designs_nk_permission_get_with_http_info(self, id, nk, **kwargs): """ Fetches hasOne relation permission. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.portals_id_designs_nk_permission_get_with_http_info(id, nk, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Portal id (required) :param str nk: Foreign key for designs. (required) :param bool refresh: :return: DesignPermissionSet If the
import cadquery as cq import cadquery.selectors as cqs import logging, importlib from types import SimpleNamespace as Measures # A plate for the Fansteck Galaxy Note9 case providing a Mollemount interface. log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Caseplate: def __init__(self, workplane, measures): """ A parametric backplate for cases of smartphones and phablets with a Mollemount interface. Mollemount is an open design mount system for smartphones and other mobile devices, compatible with the U.S. military PALS / MOLLE system. In addition to providing that, a caseplate like this also adds an extra level of protection to cases that use only thin material on the backside and / or protect sensitive phones with a glass case. The design is parametric and can be adapted to most cases by defining plate shapes and sizes and cutout positions and sizes. However, the initial parameters are made for the RedPepper DOT+ Series waterproof case for Samsung Galaxy Note9, allowing to quickly create various shapes and types of backplates for this case. This and identical cases offered by traders under other names can be found at: * (9.87 EUR incl. shipping) * (11.06 EUR incl. shipping) * (16.59 USD + 9.61 international shipping from USA) * (out of stock) :param workplane: The CadQuery workplane to create this part on. :param measures: The measures to use for the parameters of this design. Expects a nested [SimpleNamespace]( object. .. todo:: Add rounded corners for the cutout that corresponds to the horizontal bar at the back of the case. .. todo:: Fix that currently the workplane is passed to this constructor as "workplane", but selectors in this class use global axis directions. To fix this, create the part in the XZ plane, and only when finished, rotate and translate it to be positioned at the origin of the plane provided in the "workplane" parameter. Ideally, that action would be provided by the part() method. .. todo:: Add mockup parts for the Mollemount straps, for illustration. """ self.model = workplane self.debug = False self.measures = measures m = self.measures # TODO: Initialize missing measures with defaults. # TODO: Should better be "self.model =", as that enables other # methods using the same naming scheme, like "build_partname()". And actually, since # the positioning should be "naturally" at first and only adapted to the workplane of # the calling object in the end, there's no need to provide a parameter to build(). def build(self): m = self.measures baseplane = self.model.workplane() plate_1 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.plate_1.width, m.plate_1.height, m.plate_1.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) # Corner roundings. # TODO: Fix that the corner angle where the cutouts intersect has to be smaller than this. .edges("|Y") .fillet(m.plate_1.corner_radius) # Tapering off towards the face mounted to the device. .faces(">Y") .edges() # Due to a bug we cannot use asymmetric chamfering here, as the "length" and "length2" # parameters would be internally switched for some edges. So we do a simple 45° chamfer. .chamfer(m.plate_1.edge_chamfer) # TODO: Report and fix the bug mentioned above, then do the chamfering like this: #.chamfer(length = 0.5 * m.front_edge_chamfer, length2 = 0.95 * m.depth_1) # TODO: Don't do the chamfer if the measure given is zero. # TODO: Also utilize back_edge_chamfer if present. If both are present, the part depth # has to be split half and half between them. # Translate according to the specified offsets of its bottom left corner. .translate([ m.plate_1.bottom_left[0], 0, m.plate_1.bottom_left[1] ]) ) plate_2 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.plate_2.width, m.plate_2.height, m.plate_2.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) # Corner roundings. # TODO: Fix that the corner angle where the cutouts intersect has to be smaller than this. .edges("|Y") .fillet(m.plate_2.corner_radius) # Tapering off towards the face mounted to the device. # (See analogous step for plate_1 for hints and TODO items.) .faces("<Y") .edges() .chamfer(m.plate_2.edge_chamfer) # Translate according to the specified offsets of its bottom left corner (x and z # components) and to start at the back surface of plate_1 (y component). .translate([ m.plate_2.bottom_left[0], -0.99 * m.plate_1.depth, m.plate_2.bottom_left[1] ]) ) # A "bump" at the top of the box base shape. Needed to have enough material to # reach into the side and top cutouts of the X-Mount shape, to help keep it in place. # TODO: Use a spline instead of a simple loft to create this bump. if (m.plate_3 is not None): plate_3 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) # Move to the center of the lower rectangle, then draw it. .moveTo( x = m.plate_3.bottom_left_1[0] + 0.5 * m.plate_3.width_1, y = m.plate_3.bottom_left_1[1] + 0.5 * m.plate_3.height_1 ) .rect(m.plate_3.width_1, m.plate_3.height_1) # Move to the center of the lower rectangle, then draw it. .workplane(offset = m.plate_3.depth) .moveTo( x = m.plate_3.bottom_left_2[0] + 0.5 * m.plate_3.width_2, y = m.plate_3.bottom_left_2[1] + 0.5 * m.plate_3.height_2 ) .rect(m.plate_3.width_2, m.plate_3.height_2) .loft() # Translate to start at the back surface of the plate_1 + plate_2 combination. .translate([0, -0.99 * (m.plate_1.depth + m.plate_2.depth), 0]) ) show_object(plate_3, name = "plate_3", options = {"color": "yellow", "alpha": 0.8}) # TODO: Create the cutouts iteratively. cutout_1 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.cutout_1.width, m.cutout_1.height, m.cutout_1.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) # translate() does not require a workplane, as it works with global axis directions. .translate([m.cutout_1.bottom_left[0], 0, m.cutout_1.bottom_left[1]]) ) show_object(cutout_1, name = "cutout_1", options = {"color": "yellow", "alpha": 0.8}) cutout_2 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.cutout_2.width, m.cutout_2.height, m.cutout_2.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) .edges("|Y").fillet(m.cutout_2.corner_radius) .translate([m.cutout_2.bottom_left[0], 0, m.cutout_2.bottom_left[1]]) ) show_object(cutout_2, name = "cutout_2", options = {"color": "yellow", "alpha": 0.8}) cutout_3 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.cutout_3.width, m.cutout_3.height, m.cutout_3.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) .edges("|Y").fillet(m.cutout_3.corner_radius) .translate([m.cutout_3.bottom_left[0], 0, m.cutout_3.bottom_left[1]]) ) show_object(cutout_3, name = "cutout_3", options = {"color": "yellow", "alpha": 0.8}) cutout_4 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.cutout_4.width, m.cutout_4.height, m.cutout_4.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) .edges("|Y").fillet(m.cutout_4.corner_radius) .translate([m.cutout_4.bottom_left[0], 0, m.cutout_4.bottom_left[1]]) ) show_object(cutout_4, name = "cutout_4", options = {"color": "yellow", "alpha": 0.8}) cutout_5 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.cutout_5.width, m.cutout_5.height, m.cutout_5.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) .edges("|Y").fillet(m.cutout_5.corner_radius) .translate([m.cutout_5.bottom_left[0], 0, m.cutout_5.bottom_left[1]]) ) show_object(cutout_5, name = "cutout_5", options = {"color": "yellow", "alpha": 0.8}) cutout_6 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.cutout_6.width, m.cutout_6.height, m.cutout_6.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) .edges("|Y").fillet(m.cutout_6.corner_radius) .translate([m.cutout_6.bottom_left[0], 0, m.cutout_6.bottom_left[1]]) ) show_object(cutout_6, name = "cutout_6", options = {"color": "yellow", "alpha": 0.8}) cutout_7 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.cutout_7.width, m.cutout_7.height, m.cutout_7.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) .edges("|Y").fillet(m.cutout_7.corner_radius) .translate([m.cutout_7.bottom_left[0], 0, m.cutout_7.bottom_left[1]]) ) show_object(cutout_7, name = "cutout_7", options = {"color": "yellow", "alpha": 0.8}) cutout_8 = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.cutout_8.width, m.cutout_8.height, m.cutout_8.depth, centered = [False, False, False]) .edges("|Y").fillet(m.cutout_8.corner_radius) .translate([m.cutout_8.bottom_left[0], 0, m.cutout_8.bottom_left[1]]) ) show_object(cutout_8, name = "cutout_8", options = {"color": "yellow", "alpha": 0.8}) # Create the main shape. self.model = plate_1.union(plate_2) if (m.plate_3 is not None): self.model = self.model.union(plate_3) # Create the cutouts. # TODO: Create these cutouts in a for loop, not in a sequence. # TODO: Use cutThruAll() with 2D wires instead of cut(). The paradigm is not CSG! # This still allowed tapered cutting, giving the same effect as chamfered edges. # However, this also requires a way to fillet() the corners of the 2D wires before # using them for cutThruAll(), as otherwise selecting the edges to fillet afterwards # becomes complicated (at least needing tagging). And that way does not exist yet. if (m.cutout_1.enabled): self.model = self.model.cut(cutout_1) if (m.cutout_2.enabled): self.model = self.model.cut(cutout_2) if (m.cutout_3.enabled): self.model = self.model.cut(cutout_3) if (m.cutout_4.enabled): self.model = self.model.cut(cutout_4) if (m.cutout_5.enabled): self.model = self.model.cut(cutout_5) if (m.cutout_6.enabled): self.model = self.model.cut(cutout_6) if (m.cutout_7.enabled): self.model = self.model.cut(cutout_7) if (m.cutout_8.enabled): self.model = self.model.cut(cutout_8) # Create the cutouts for stitching between the two MOLLE columns. for row in range(m.molle_rows): cutout = ( cq.Workplane() .copyWorkplane(baseplane) .box(m.molle_stitching_width, m.molle_stitching_height, 10.00, centered = [False, False, False]) # Create a slot-like shape with rounded ends, emulated by rounding the corners nearly # as much as possible, that is each corner
<reponame>voytekresearch/omapping<filename>om/meg/ """MEG-DATA Analysis Module - Group""" import os import pickle import datetime import numpy as np import as sio from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr from om.meg.single import MegSubj from om.core.osc import check_bands from om.core.errors import DataNotComputedError, InconsistentDataError, UnknownDataTypeError ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### class MegGroup(MegSubj): """A class to store OMEGA data from multiple subjects. Holds all oscillations, regardless of spatial location. Attributes ---------- n_subjs : int The number of subjects included in the group data. subjs : list of int List of the subject numbers included in current group data. bands : Osc() object Stores labels and band definitions of oscillation bands. n_oscs_tot : int Total number of oscillations found across all subjects. comment : str A note about the data, label about data that is loaded. gr_oscs : dict All oscillations, in bands, for all subjects [n_verts, n_oscs, n_subjs]. osc_probs : dict Oscillation probability for each oscillation band, for each vertex. osc_pow_ratios : dict Oscillation power ratios for each oscillation band, for each vertex. osc_scores : dict Oscillation scores for each oscillation band, for each vertex. vert_exponents : 2d array Aperiodic exponent values for each subject, at each vertex [n_verts, n_subjs]. exponent_gr_avg : 1d array Average aperiodic exponent values across subjects for each vertex. osc_prob_done : boolean Whether oscillation probability has been calculated. osc_power_done : boolean Whether oscillation power ratio has been calculated. osc_score_done : boolean Whether oscillation score has been calculated. """ def __init__(self, db, osc): """Initialize object with omegamappin database, and oscillation definitions. Parameters ---------- db : OMDB() object Database object for omegamappin project. osc : Osc() object Object to store oscillatory band definitions. """ # Initialize from MegSubj() object MegSubj.__init__(self, db, 'both') # Initialize groups subject variables self.n_subjs = int() self.subjs = [] # Update variable types for demographic = list() self.age = np.array([]) # Set definition of oscillation bands used for the group self.bands = osc.bands # Initialize count of total oscillations, across all subjects self.n_oscs_tot = int() # Set comment for data, can be used for plotting self.comment = 'Group' # Initialize dictionary for oscillation band data self.gr_oscs = dict() # Initilaize dictionary to store oscillation probabilities self.osc_probs = dict() # Initialize dict to store oscillation power ratios self.osc_pow_ratios = dict() # Initialize to store oscillation scores self.osc_scores = dict() # Initialize vars to store exponent values self.vert_exponents = np.array([]) self.exponent_gr_avg = np.array([]) # Set booleans for what has been run self.osc_prob_done = False self.osc_power_done = False self.osc_score_done = False def __len__(self): return self.n_subjs def add_subject(self, new_subj, add_vertex_oscs=False, add_vertex_exponents=False, add_all_oscs=False, add_vertex_bands=False, add_peak_freqs=False, add_demo=False): """Adds a new subject to the MegGroup object. Parameters ---------- new_subj : MegSubj() Object MEG subject (instance of MegSubj) add_vertex_oscs : boolean, optional (default: False) Whether to add all oscillations, across vertices. add_vertex_exponents : boolean, optional (default: False) Whether to add the aperiodic exponents. add_all_oscs : boolean, optional (default: False) Whether to add the vectors of all oscillations, collapsed across vertices. add_vertex_bands : boolean, optional (default: False) Whether to add the oscillation band data, across vertices. add_peak_freqs : boolean, optional (default: False) Whether to add peak frequencies. add_demo : boolean, optional (default: False) Whether to add demographic information. """ # Check if subject has data if not new_subj.has_data: raise DataNotComputedError("Empty meg data object. Cannot add data.") # Add oscillations per vertex if add_vertex_oscs: # Check new subject has relevant data if not new_subj.has_vertex_oscs: raise DataNotComputedError('New subject does not have vertex osc data.') if not self.has_data: # Add data to group object self.centers = new_subj.centers self.powers = new_subj.powers self.bws = new_subj.bws # Update that group contains this data self.has_vertex_oscs = True else: # Check that group has data defined if not self.has_vertex_oscs: raise DataNotComputedError('MEG Group does not include vertex osc data.') # Add data to group object self.centers = np.dstack([self.centers, new_subj.centers]) self.powers = np.dstack([self.powers, new_subj.powers]) self.bws = np.dstack([self.bws, new_subj.bws]) # Add exponents per vertex if add_vertex_exponents: # Check new subject has relevant data if not new_subj.has_vertex_exponents: raise DataNotComputedError('New subject does not have vertex exponent data.') if not self.has_data: # Add data to group object self.vert_exponents = new_subj.exponents # Update that group contains this data self.has_vertex_exponents = True else: # Check that group has data defined if not self.has_vertex_exponents: raise DataNotComputedError('MEG Group does not include vertex exponent data.') # Add data to group object self.vert_exponents = np.hstack([self.vert_exponents, new_subj.exponents]) # Add All-Osc Data if add_all_oscs: # Check that new subject has all_osc data available if not new_subj.has_all_osc: raise DataNotComputedError('New subject does not have all osc data.') # Check that group has data defined if self.has_data: if not self.has_all_osc: raise DataNotComputedError('MEG Group does not include all osc data.') # Add oscillation parameters to current data self.centers_all = np.append(self.centers_all, new_subj.centers_all) self.bws_all = np.append(self.bws_all, new_subj.bws_all) self.powers_all = np.append(self.powers_all, new_subj.powers_all) self.exponents = np.append(self.exponents, new_subj.exponents) # Add centers hist self.centers_hist.append(new_subj.centers_hist) # Update count of total number of oscillations self.n_oscs = np.append(self.n_oscs, new_subj.n_oscs) self.n_oscs_tot = len(self.centers_all) # If first subject, update what kind of data is loaded if not self.has_data: self.has_all_osc = True # Add band-specific data if add_vertex_bands: # Check that new subject has vertex bands data if not new_subj.has_vertex_bands: raise DataNotComputedError('New subject does not have vertex band data.') # Check that new subject has same bands defined _ = check_bands([self.bands, new_subj.bands]) # Add new subject to group oscillations if not self.has_data: # Add data to group object self.gr_oscs = new_subj.oscs # Update that group contains this data self.has_vertex_bands = True else: # Check that group has data defined if not self.has_vertex_bands: raise DataNotComputedError('MEG Group does not include vertex band data.') # Add data to group object for band in self.bands: self.gr_oscs[band] = np.dstack([self.gr_oscs[band], new_subj.oscs[band]]) # Add oscillation peak data if add_peak_freqs: # Check that new subject has peak frequency data if not new_subj.has_peak_freqs: raise DataNotComputedError('New subject does not have peak freq data.') # Check that new subject has same bands defined _ = check_bands([self.bands, new_subj.bands]) # Add new subject to peak frequencies if not self.has_data: # Add data to group object self.peaks = new_subj.peaks # Update that group contains this data self.has_peak_freqs = True else: # Check that group has data defined if not self.has_peak_freqs: raise DataNotComputedError('MEG Group does not include peak freq data.') # Add data to group object for band in self.bands: self.peaks[band] = np.append(self.peaks[band], new_subj.peaks[band]) # Add demographic data if add_demo: # Check that incoming subject has demo data if not new_subj.has_demo: raise DataNotComputedError('Demographic data not available') # Check that group has data defined if self.has_data: if not self.has_demo: raise DataNotComputedError('MEG Group does not include demo data.') # Add demographic data to group object self.age = np.append(self.age, new_subj.age) # If first subject, update what kind of data is loaded if not self.has_data: self.has_demo = True # If first subject, update that object has data if self.n_subjs == 0: self.has_data = True # Update subj count and subject number list self.n_subjs += 1 self.subjs.append(new_subj.subnum) # Check consistency of group data self.check_consistency() def check_consistency(self): """Check for consistency of data loaded in group object.""" n_vertices = 7501 if self.n_subjs != len(self.subjs): raise InconsistentDataError('Discrepancy in subject numbers.') if self.has_vertex_oscs: if self.n_subjs > 1: assert self.centers.shape == (n_vertices, 8, self.n_subjs) assert self.powers.shape == (n_vertices, 8,self.n_subjs) assert self.bws.shape == (n_vertices, 8,self.n_subjs) if self.has_vertex_exponents: assert self.vert_exponents.shape == (n_vertices, self.n_subjs) if self.has_all_osc: pass if self.has_vertex_bands: pass if self.has_peak_freqs: pass if self.has_demo: pass def group_exponent(self, avg='mean'): """Calculates the average exponent value for each vertex, across subjects. Parameters ---------- avg : {'mean', 'median'}, optional How to average across the group. """ # Calculate the average exponent value per vertex if avg is 'mean': self.exponent_gr_avg = np.mean(self.vert_exponents, 1) elif avg is 'median': self.exponent_gr_avg = np.median(self.vert_exponents, 1) def osc_prob(self): """Calculates the probability of an osc in a specific band. This is done per vertex, across subjects. """ # Check if vertex data is set if not self.has_vertex_bands: raise DataNotComputedError('Vertex oscillation bands data not available.') # For each oscillation band, compute the probability of an oscillation in that band - NEW for
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import sys from typing import Optional, Tuple import rich_click as click from airflow_breeze.commands.ci_image_commands import rebuild_ci_image_if_needed from airflow_breeze.commands.main_command import main from airflow_breeze.global_constants import ( DEFAULT_PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION, MOUNT_SELECTED, get_available_packages, ) from airflow_breeze.params.build_ci_params import BuildCiParams from airflow_breeze.params.doc_build_params import DocBuildParams from airflow_breeze.params.shell_params import ShellParams from airflow_breeze.pre_commit_ids import PRE_COMMIT_LIST from airflow_breeze.utils.cache import read_from_cache_file from airflow_breeze.utils.common_options import ( option_airflow_constraints_reference, option_airflow_extras, option_answer, option_backend, option_db_reset, option_debian_version, option_dry_run, option_force_build, option_forward_credentials, option_github_repository, option_installation_package_format, option_integration, option_load_default_connection, option_load_example_dags, option_mount_sources, option_mssql_version, option_mysql_version, option_postgres_version, option_python, option_use_airflow_version, option_use_packages_from_dist, option_verbose, ) from airflow_breeze.utils.console import get_console from airflow_breeze.utils.custom_param_types import BetterChoice, NotVerifiedBetterChoice from airflow_breeze.utils.docker_command_utils import ( check_docker_resources, get_env_variables_for_docker_commands, get_extra_docker_flags, perform_environment_checks, ) from airflow_breeze.utils.path_utils import AIRFLOW_SOURCES_ROOT from airflow_breeze.utils.run_utils import ( RunCommandResult, assert_pre_commit_installed, filter_out_none, run_command, ) from airflow_breeze.utils.visuals import ASCIIART, ASCIIART_STYLE, CHEATSHEET, CHEATSHEET_STYLE DEVELOPER_COMMANDS = { "name": "Developer tools", "commands": [ "shell", "start-airflow", "exec", "stop", "build-docs", "static-checks", ], } DEVELOPER_PARAMETERS = { "breeze": [ { "name": "Basic flags for the default (shell) command", "options": [ "--python", "--backend", "--postgres-version", "--mysql-version", "--mssql-version", "--integration", "--forward-credentials", "--db-reset", ], }, { "name": "Advanced flags for the default (shell) command", "options": [ "--use-airflow-version", "--constraints-reference", "--airflow-extras", "--use-packages-from-dist", "--package-format", "--force-build", "--mount-sources", "--debian-version", ], }, ], "breeze shell": [ { "name": "Basic flags", "options": [ "--python", "--backend", "--postgres-version", "--mysql-version", "--mssql-version", "--integration", "--forward-credentials", "--db-reset", ], }, { "name": "Advanced flag for running", "options": [ "--use-airflow-version", "--constraints-reference", "--airflow-extras", "--use-packages-from-dist", "--package-format", "--force-build", "--mount-sources", "--debian-version", ], }, ], "breeze start-airflow": [ { "name": "Basic flags", "options": [ "--python", "--load-example-dags", "--load-default-connections", "--backend", "--postgres-version", "--mysql-version", "--mssql-version", "--integration", "--forward-credentials", "--db-reset", ], }, { "name": "Advanced flag for running", "options": [ "--use-airflow-version", "--constraints-reference", "--airflow-extras", "--use-packages-from-dist", "--package-format", "--force-build", "--mount-sources", ], }, ], "breeze exec": [ {"name": "Drops in the interactive shell of active airflow container"}, ], "breeze stop": [ { "name": "Stop flags", "options": [ "--preserve-volumes", ], }, ], "breeze build-docs": [ { "name": "Doc flags", "options": [ "--docs-only", "--spellcheck-only", "--for-production", "--package-filter", ], }, ], "breeze static-checks": [ { "name": "Pre-commit flags", "options": [ "--type", "--files", "--all-files", "--show-diff-on-failure", "--last-commit", ], }, ], } # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # Make sure that whatever you add here as an option is also # Added in the "main" command in The min command above # Is used for a shorthand of shell and except the extra # Args it should have the same parameters. # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @main.command() @option_verbose @option_dry_run @option_python @option_backend @option_debian_version @option_github_repository @option_postgres_version @option_mysql_version @option_mssql_version @option_forward_credentials @option_force_build @option_use_airflow_version @option_airflow_extras @option_airflow_constraints_reference @option_use_packages_from_dist @option_installation_package_format @option_mount_sources @option_integration @option_db_reset @option_answer @click.argument('extra-args', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) def shell( verbose: bool, dry_run: bool, python: str, github_repository: str, backend: str, integration: Tuple[str], postgres_version: str, mysql_version: str, mssql_version: str, debian_version: str, forward_credentials: bool, mount_sources: str, use_packages_from_dist: bool, package_format: str, use_airflow_version: Optional[str], airflow_extras: str, airflow_constraints_reference: str, force_build: bool, db_reset: bool, answer: Optional[str], extra_args: Tuple, ): """Enter environment. this is the default command use when no other is selected.""" if verbose or dry_run: get_console().print("\n[success]Welcome to[/]\n") get_console().print(f"\n[success]Root of Airflow Sources = {AIRFLOW_SOURCES_ROOT}[/]\n") enter_shell( verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run, python=python, github_repository=github_repository, backend=backend, integration=integration, postgres_version=postgres_version, mysql_version=mysql_version, mssql_version=mssql_version, forward_credentials=str(forward_credentials), mount_sources=mount_sources, use_airflow_version=use_airflow_version, airflow_extras=airflow_extras, airflow_constraints_reference=airflow_constraints_reference, use_packages_from_dist=use_packages_from_dist, package_format=package_format, force_build=force_build, db_reset=db_reset, extra_args=extra_args, answer=answer, debian_version=debian_version, ) @option_verbose @main.command(name='start-airflow') @option_dry_run @option_python @option_github_repository @option_backend @option_postgres_version @option_load_example_dags @option_load_default_connection @option_mysql_version @option_mssql_version @option_forward_credentials @option_force_build @option_use_airflow_version @option_airflow_extras @option_airflow_constraints_reference @option_use_packages_from_dist @option_installation_package_format @option_mount_sources @option_integration @option_db_reset @option_answer @click.argument('extra-args', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) def start_airflow( verbose: bool, dry_run: bool, python: str, github_repository: str, backend: str, integration: Tuple[str], postgres_version: str, load_example_dags: bool, load_default_connections: bool, mysql_version: str, mssql_version: str, forward_credentials: bool, mount_sources: str, use_airflow_version: Optional[str], airflow_extras: str, airflow_constraints_reference: str, use_packages_from_dist: bool, package_format: str, force_build: bool, db_reset: bool, answer: Optional[str], extra_args: Tuple, ): """Enter environment and starts all Airflow components in the tmux session.""" enter_shell( verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run, python=python, github_repository=github_repository, backend=backend, integration=integration, postgres_version=postgres_version, load_default_connections=load_default_connections, load_example_dags=load_example_dags, mysql_version=mysql_version, mssql_version=mssql_version, forward_credentials=str(forward_credentials), mount_sources=mount_sources, use_airflow_version=use_airflow_version, airflow_extras=airflow_extras, airflow_constraints_reference=airflow_constraints_reference, use_packages_from_dist=use_packages_from_dist, package_format=package_format, force_build=force_build, db_reset=db_reset, start_airflow=True, extra_args=extra_args, answer=answer, ) @main.command(name='build-docs') @option_verbose @option_dry_run @option_github_repository @click.option('-d', '--docs-only', help="Only build documentation.", is_flag=True) @click.option('-s', '--spellcheck-only', help="Only run spell checking.", is_flag=True) @click.option( '-p', '--for-production', help="Builds documentation for official release i.e. all links point to stable version.", is_flag=True, ) @click.option( '-p', '--package-filter', help="List of packages to consider.", type=NotVerifiedBetterChoice(get_available_packages()), multiple=True, ) def build_docs( verbose: bool, dry_run: bool, github_repository: str, docs_only: bool, spellcheck_only: bool, for_production: bool, package_filter: Tuple[str], ): """Build documentation in the container.""" perform_environment_checks(verbose=verbose) params = BuildCiParams(github_repository=github_repository, python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION) rebuild_ci_image_if_needed(build_params=params, dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose) ci_image_name = params.airflow_image_name doc_builder = DocBuildParams( package_filter=package_filter, docs_only=docs_only, spellcheck_only=spellcheck_only, for_production=for_production, skip_environment_initialization=True, ) extra_docker_flags = get_extra_docker_flags(MOUNT_SELECTED) env = get_env_variables_for_docker_commands(params) cmd = [ "docker", "run", "-t", *extra_docker_flags, "--pull", "never", ci_image_name, "/opt/airflow/scripts/in_container/", *doc_builder.args_doc_builder, ] process = run_command(cmd, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run, text=True, env=env, check=False) sys.exit(process.returncode) @main.command( name="static-checks", help="Run static checks.", context_settings=dict( ignore_unknown_options=True, allow_extra_args=True, ), ) @click.option( '-t', '--type', help="Type(s) of the static checks to run (multiple can be added).", type=BetterChoice(PRE_COMMIT_LIST), multiple=True, ) @click.option('-a', '--all-files', help="Run checks on all files.", is_flag=True) @click.option('-f', '--files', help="List of files to run the checks on.", multiple=True) @click.option( '-s', '--show-diff-on-failure', help="Show diff for files modified by the checks.", is_flag=True ) @click.option( '-c', '--last-commit', help="Run checks for all files in last commit. Mutually exclusive with --commit-ref.", is_flag=True, ) @click.option( '-r', '--commit-ref', help="Run checks for this commit reference only " "(can be any git commit-ish reference). " "Mutually exclusive with --last-commit.", ) @option_verbose @option_dry_run @option_github_repository @click.argument('precommit_args', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) def static_checks( verbose: bool, dry_run: bool, github_repository: str, all_files: bool, show_diff_on_failure: bool, last_commit: bool, commit_ref: str, type: Tuple[str], files: bool, precommit_args: Tuple, ): assert_pre_commit_installed(verbose=verbose) perform_environment_checks(verbose=verbose) command_to_execute = [sys.executable, "-m", "pre_commit", 'run'] if last_commit and commit_ref: get_console().print("\n[error]You cannot specify both --last-commit and --commit-ref[/]\n") sys.exit(1) for single_check in type: command_to_execute.append(single_check) if all_files: command_to_execute.append("--all-files") if show_diff_on_failure: command_to_execute.append("--show-diff-on-failure") if last_commit: command_to_execute.extend(["--from-ref", "HEAD^", "--to-ref", "HEAD"]) if commit_ref: command_to_execute.extend(["--from-ref", f"{commit_ref}^", "--to-ref", f"{commit_ref}"]) if files: command_to_execute.append("--files") if verbose or dry_run: command_to_execute.append("--verbose") if precommit_args: command_to_execute.extend(precommit_args) env = os.environ.copy() env['GITHUB_REPOSITORY'] = github_repository static_checks_result = run_command( command_to_execute, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run, check=False, no_output_dump_on_exception=True, text=True, env=env, ) if static_checks_result.returncode != 0: get_console().print("[error]There were errors during pre-commit check. They should be fixed[/]") sys.exit(static_checks_result.returncode) @main.command(name="stop", help="Stop running breeze environment.") @option_verbose @option_dry_run @click.option( "-p", "--preserve-volumes", help="Skip removing volumes when stopping Breeze.", is_flag=True, ) def stop(verbose: bool, dry_run: bool, preserve_volumes: bool): command_to_execute = ['docker-compose', 'down', "--remove-orphans"] if not preserve_volumes: command_to_execute.append("--volumes") shell_params = ShellParams(verbose=verbose) env_variables = get_env_variables_for_docker_commands(shell_params) run_command(command_to_execute, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run, env=env_variables) @main.command(name='exec', help='Joins the interactive shell of running airflow container') @option_verbose @option_dry_run @click.argument('exec_args', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) def exec(verbose: bool, dry_run: bool, exec_args: Tuple): perform_environment_checks(verbose=verbose) container_running = find_airflow_container(verbose, dry_run) if container_running: cmd_to_run = [ "docker", "exec", "-it", container_running, "/opt/airflow/scripts/docker/", ] if exec_args: cmd_to_run.extend(exec_args) process = run_command( cmd_to_run, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run, check=False, no_output_dump_on_exception=False, text=True, ) if not process: sys.exit(1) sys.exit(process.returncode) def enter_shell(**kwargs) -> RunCommandResult: """ Executes entering shell using the parameters passed as kwargs: * checks if docker version is good * checks if docker-compose version is good * updates kwargs with cached parameters * displays ASCIIART and CHEATSHEET unless disabled * build ShellParams from the updated kwargs * executes the command to drop the user to Breeze shell """ verbose = kwargs['verbose'] dry_run = kwargs['dry_run'] perform_environment_checks(verbose=verbose) if read_from_cache_file('suppress_asciiart') is None: get_console().print(ASCIIART, style=ASCIIART_STYLE) if read_from_cache_file('suppress_cheatsheet') is None: get_console().print(CHEATSHEET, style=CHEATSHEET_STYLE) enter_shell_params = ShellParams(**filter_out_none(**kwargs)) rebuild_ci_image_if_needed(build_params=enter_shell_params, dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose) return run_shell(verbose, dry_run, enter_shell_params) def run_shell(verbose: bool, dry_run: bool, shell_params: ShellParams) -> RunCommandResult: """ Executes a shell command built from params passed. * prints information about the build * constructs docker compose command to enter shell * executes it :param verbose: print commands when running :param dry_run: do not execute "write" commands - just print what would happen :param shell_params: parameters of the execution """ shell_params.print_badge_info() cmd = ['docker-compose', 'run', '--service-ports', "-e", "BREEZE", '--rm', 'airflow'] cmd_added = shell_params.command_passed env_variables = get_env_variables_for_docker_commands(shell_params) if cmd_added is not None: cmd.extend(['-c', cmd_added]) command_result = run_command( cmd, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run, env=env_variables, text=True, check=False ) if command_result.returncode == 0: return command_result else: get_console().print(f"[red]Error {command_result.returncode} returned[/]") if verbose: get_console().print(command_result.stderr) return command_result def stop_exec_on_error(returncode: int): get_console().print('\n[error]ERROR in finding the airflow docker-compose process id[/]\n') sys.exit(returncode) def find_airflow_container(verbose, dry_run) -> Optional[str]: exec_shell_params = ShellParams(verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run) check_docker_resources(exec_shell_params.airflow_image_name, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run) exec_shell_params.print_badge_info() env_variables = get_env_variables_for_docker_commands(exec_shell_params) cmd = ['docker-compose', 'ps', '--all', '--filter', 'status=running', 'airflow'] docker_compose_ps_command = run_command( cmd, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run, text=True, capture_output=True, env=env_variables, check=False ) if dry_run: return "CONTAINER_ID" if docker_compose_ps_command.returncode != 0: if verbose: get_console().print(docker_compose_ps_command.stdout) get_console().print(docker_compose_ps_command.stderr) stop_exec_on_error(docker_compose_ps_command.returncode) return None output = docker_compose_ps_command.stdout container_info = output.strip().split('\n') if container_info: container_running = container_info[-1].split(' ')[0] if
<gh_stars>1-10 # external import from __future__ import print_function import collections import datetime import errno from io import StringIO import logging import os import re import select import time import paramiko from . import util, exception logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) SSH_PORT = 22 class SSHSession(object): r"""Establish SSH session with a remote host :param host: name or ip of the remote host :param username: user to be used for remote ssh session :param proxy_transport: :class:`paramiko.transport.Transport <paramiko.transport.Transport>` object for an SSH connection used to establish ssh session between 2 remotes hosts :param private_key_file: local path to a private key file to use if key needed for authentication and not present in standard path (~/.ssh/) :param port: port to connect to the remote host (default 22) :param password: password to be used for authentication with remote host :param missing_host_key_policy: set policy to use when connecting to servers without a known host key. This parameter is a class **instance** of type :class:`paramiko.client.MissingHostKeyPolicy <paramiko.client.MissingHostKeyPolicy>`, not a **class** itself :param compress: set to True to turn on compression for this session :param \**kwargs: any parameter taken by :meth:`paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect <paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect>` and not already explicitly covered by `SSHSession` Usage:: >>> from jumpssh import SSHSession >>> gateway_session = SSHSession('', 'my_user', password='<PASSWORD>') """ def __init__( self, host, username, proxy_transport=None, private_key_file=None, port=SSH_PORT, password=None, missing_host_key_policy=None, compress=False, **kwargs ): = host self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password self.retry_nb = 0 self.proxy_transport = proxy_transport self.private_key_file = private_key_file self.compress = compress # get input key/value parameters from user, they will be given to paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect self.extra_parameters = kwargs self.ssh_remote_sessions = {} self.ssh_client = paramiko.client.SSHClient() self.ssh_transport = None # automatically accept unknown host keys by default if not missing_host_key_policy: missing_host_key_policy = paramiko.AutoAddPolicy() self.ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(missing_host_key_policy) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() def __del__(self): self.close() def __repr__(self): return '%s(host=%s, username=%s, port=%s, private_key_file=%s, proxy_transport=%s)' \ % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.username, self.port, self.private_key_file, repr(self.proxy_transport)) def is_active(self): """ Check if connection with remote host is still active An inactive SSHSession cannot run command on remote host :return: True if current session is still active, else False :rtype: bool Usage:: >>> from jumpssh import SSHSession >>> with SSHSession('', 'my_user', password='<PASSWORD>') as ssh_session: >>> ... ssh_session.is_active() True >>> ssh_session.is_active() False """ return self.ssh_client and self.ssh_client.get_transport() and self.ssh_client.get_transport().is_active() def open(self, retry=0, retry_interval=10): """Open session with the remote host :param retry: number of retry to establish connection with remote host (-1 for infinite retry) :param retry_interval: number of seconds between each retry :return: same SSHSession opened Usage:: >>> from jumpssh import SSHSession >>> ssh_session = SSHSession('', 'my_user', password='<PASSWORD>').open() >>> ssh_session.is_active() True """ # session is already active, nothing more to do if self.is_active(): return while True: try: # if `proxy_transport` is given it will open a remote ssh session from current ssh session if self.proxy_transport: # open a `direct-tcpip` channel passing # the destination hostname:port and the local hostname:port dest_addr = (, self.port) local_addr = ('localhost', SSH_PORT) ssh_channel = self.proxy_transport.open_channel("direct-tcpip", dest_addr, local_addr) hostname = 'localhost' port = SSH_PORT # else it will be a direct ssh session from local machine else: ssh_channel = None hostname = port = self.port # update with existing default values from SSHSession self.extra_parameters.update({ 'hostname': hostname, 'port': port, 'username': self.username, 'compress': self.compress, 'key_filename': self.private_key_file, 'password': <PASSWORD>, 'sock': ssh_channel, }) # connect to the host self.ssh_client.connect(**self.extra_parameters) # no exception raised => connected to remote host break except Exception as ex: # negative retry value means infinite retry if retry < 0 or self.retry_nb < retry: logger.warning("ssh to '%s:%s' still not possible (attempt %d): %s.\nKeep retrying..." % (, self.port, self.retry_nb, repr(ex))) self.retry_nb += 1 time.sleep(retry_interval) else: raise exception.ConnectionError("Unable to connect to '%s:%s' with user '%s'" % (, self.port, self.username), original_exception=ex) # Get the client's transport self.ssh_transport = self.ssh_client.get_transport()"Successfully connected to '%s:%s'" % (, self.port)) return self def close(self): """ Close connection with remote host Usage:: >>> from jumpssh import SSHSession >>> ssh_session = SSHSession('', 'my_user', password='<PASSWORD>').open() >>> ssh_session.is_active() True >>> ssh_session.close() >>> ssh_session.is_active() False """ if hasattr(self, 'ssh_remote_sessions') and self.ssh_remote_sessions: for remote_session in self.ssh_remote_sessions.values(): remote_session.close() if hasattr(self, 'ssh_client') and self.is_active(): logger.debug("Closing connection to '%s:%s'..." % (, self.port)) self.ssh_client.close() # clear local host keys as they may not be valid for next connection self.ssh_client.get_host_keys().clear() def run_cmd( self, cmd, username=None, raise_if_error=True, continuous_output=False, silent=False, timeout=None, input_data=None, success_exit_code=0, retry=0, retry_interval=5, keep_retry_history=False ): """ Run command on the remote host and return result locally :param cmd: command to execute on remote host cmd can be a str or a list of str :param username: user used to execute the command (sudo privilege needed) :param raise_if_error: if True, raise SSHException when exit code of the command is different from 0 else just return exit code and command output :param continuous_output: if True, print output all along the command is running :param silent: if True, does not log the command run (useful if sensitive information are used in command) if parameter is a list, all strings of the command matching an item of the list will be concealed in logs (regexp supported) :param timeout: length in seconds after what a TimeoutError exception is raised :param input_data: key/value dictionary used when remote command expects input from user when key is matching command output, value is sent :param success_exit_code: integer or list of integer considered as a success exit code for command run :param retry: number of retry until exit code is part of successful exit code list (-1 for infinite retry) or RunCmdError exception is raised :param retry_interval: number of seconds between each retry :param keep_retry_history: if True, all retries results are kept and accessible in return result default is False as we don't want to save by default all output for all retries especially for big output :raises TimeoutError: if command run longer than the specified timeout :raises TypeError: if `cmd` parameter is neither a string neither a list of string :raises SSHException: if current SSHSession is already closed :raises RunCmdError: if exit code of the command is different from 0 and raise_if_error is True :return: a class inheriting from collections.namedtuple containing mainly `exit_code` and `output` of the remotely executed command :rtype: RunCmdResult Usage:: >>> from jumpssh import SSHSession >>> with SSHSession('', 'my_user', password='<PASSWORD>') as ssh_session: >>> ... ssh_session.run_cmd('hostname') RunSSHCmdResult(exit_code=0, output=u'') """ user = self.username # check type of command parameter is valid try: string_type = basestring except NameError: string_type = str if isinstance(cmd, list): cmd = " && ".join(cmd) elif not isinstance(cmd, string_type): raise TypeError("Invalid type for cmd argument '%s'" % type(cmd)) # success_exit_code must be int or list of int if isinstance(success_exit_code, int): success_exit_code = [success_exit_code] elif not isinstance(success_exit_code, list): raise TypeError("Invalid type for success_exit_code argument '%s'" % type(success_exit_code)) my_cmd = cmd if username: user = username # need to run full command with shell to support shell builtins commands (source, ...) my_cmd = 'sudo su - %s -c "%s"' % (user, cmd.replace('"', '\\"')) # open session if not already the case # conceal text from command to be logged if requested with silent parameter cmd_for_log = cmd if isinstance(silent, list): for pattern in silent: cmd_for_log = re.sub(pattern=pattern, repl='XXXXXXX', string=cmd_for_log) if silent is not True: logger.debug("Running command '%s' on '%s' as %s..." % (cmd_for_log,, user)) # keep track of all results for each run to make them available in response object result_list = [] # retry command until exit_code in success code list or max retry nb reached retry_nb = 0 while True: channel = self.ssh_transport.open_session() # raise error rather than blocking the call channel.setblocking(0) # Forward local agent paramiko.agent.AgentRequestHandler(channel) # Commands executed after this point will see the forwarded agent on the remote end. channel.set_combine_stderr(True) channel.get_pty() channel.exec_command(my_cmd) # prepare timer for timeout start = start_secs = time.mktime(start.timetuple()) output = StringIO() try: # wait until command finished running or timeout is reached while True: got_chunk = False readq, _, _ =[channel], [], [], timeout) for c in readq: if c.recv_ready(): data = channel.recv(len(c.in_buffer)).decode('utf-8') output.write(data) got_chunk =
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Test cases relating to listSnapshot() relating to parameters - id,listall,isrecursive,account and domainid """ # Import Local Modules import marvin from marvin.cloudstackTestCase import * from marvin.cloudstackAPI import * from marvin.lib.utils import * from marvin.lib.base import * from marvin.lib.common import * from nose.plugins.attrib import attr # Import System modules import time _multiprocess_shared_ = True class TestSnapshotList(cloudstackTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ Create the following domain tree and accounts that are reqiured for executing listSnapshot test cases: Under ROOT - create 2 domaind D1 and D2 Under D1 - Create 2 subdomain D11 and D12 Under D11 - Create subdimain D111 Under each of the domain create 1 admin user and couple of regular users. As each of these users , deploy Virtual machines and take a snapshot of the ROOT volume. """ cls.testclient = super(TestSnapshotList, cls).getClsTestClient() cls.apiclient = cls.testclient.getApiClient() cls.testdata = cls.testClient.getParsedTestDataConfig() cls.hypervisor = cls.testclient.getHypervisorInfo() if cls.hypervisor.lower() == 'lxc': raise unittest.SkipTest("snapshots are not supported on %s" % cls.hypervisor.lower()) cls.acldata = cls.testdata["acl"] cls.domain_1 = None cls.domain_2 = None cleanup = None try: # backup default apikey and secretkey cls.default_apikey = cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey cls.default_secretkey = cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey # Create domains cls.domain_1 = Domain.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["domain1"] ) cls.domain_11 = Domain.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["domain11"], ) cls.domain_111 = Domain.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["domain111"],, ) cls.domain_12 = Domain.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["domain12"], ) cls.domain_2 = Domain.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["domain2"] ) # Create 1 admin account and 2 user accounts for doamin_1 cls.account_d1 = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD1"], admin=True, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d1) cls.user_d1_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d1_secretkey = user.secretkey cls.account_d1a = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD1A"], admin=False, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d1a) cls.user_d1a_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d1a_secretkey = user.secretkey cls.account_d1b = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD1B"], admin=False, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d1b) cls.user_d1b_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d1b_secretkey = user.secretkey # Create 1 admin and 2 user accounts for doamin_11 cls.account_d11 = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD11"], admin=True, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d11) cls.user_d11_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d11_secretkey = user.secretkey cls.account_d11a = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD11A"], admin=False, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d11a) cls.user_d11a_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d11a_secretkey = user.secretkey cls.account_d11b = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD11B"], admin=False, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d11b) cls.user_d11b_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d11b_secretkey = user.secretkey # Create 1 user account for doamin_111 cls.account_d111a = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD111A"], admin=False, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d111a) cls.user_d111a_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d111a_secretkey = user.secretkey # Create 2 user accounts for doamin_12 cls.account_d12a = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD12A"], admin=False, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d12a) cls.user_d12a_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d12a_secretkey = user.secretkey cls.account_d12b = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD12B"], admin=False, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d12b) cls.user_d12b_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d12b_secretkey = user.secretkey # Create 1 user account for domain_2 cls.account_d2a = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountD2"], admin=False, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_d2a) cls.user_d2a_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_d2a_secretkey = user.secretkey # Create admin user account cls.account_a = Account.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["accountROOTA"], admin=True, ) user = cls.generateKeysForUser(cls.apiclient, cls.account_a) cls.user_a_apikey = user.apikey cls.user_a_secretkey = user.secretkey # create service offering cls.service_offering = ServiceOffering.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["service_offering"]["small"] ) = get_zone(cls.apiclient, cls.testclient.getZoneForTests()) cls.acldata['mode'] = cls.template = get_template(cls.apiclient,, cls.acldata["ostype"]) # deploy VM cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d1_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d1_secretkey cls.vm_d1 = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD1"],,, ) cls.vm_d1_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d1_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d1_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d1a_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d1a_secretkey cls.vm_d1a = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD1A"],,, ) cls.vm_d1a_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d1a_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d1a_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d1b_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d1b_secretkey cls.vm_d1b = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD1B"],,, ) cls.vm_d1b_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d1b_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d1b_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d11_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d11_secretkey cls.vm_d11 = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD11"],,, ) cls.vm_d11_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d11_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d11_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d11a_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d11a_secretkey cls.vm_d11a = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD11A"],,, ) cls.vm_d11a_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d11a_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d11a_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d11b_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d11b_secretkey cls.vm_d11b = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD11B"],,, ) cls.vm_d11b_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d11b_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d11b_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d111a_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d111a_secretkey cls.vm_d111a = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD111A"],,, ) cls.vm_d111a_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d111a_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d111a_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d12a_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d12a_secretkey cls.vm_d12a = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD12A"],,, ) cls.vm_d12a_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d12a_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d12a_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d12b_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d12b_secretkey cls.vm_d12b = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD12B"],,, ) cls.vm_d12b_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d12b_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d12b_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_d2a_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_d2a_secretkey cls.vm_d2 = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmD2A"],,, ) cls.vm_d2_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d2_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_d2_volume[0].id) cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.user_a_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.user_a_secretkey cls.vm_a = VirtualMachine.create( cls.apiclient, cls.acldata["vmROOTA"],,, ) cls.vm_a_volume = Volume.list(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_a_snapshot = Snapshot.create(cls.apiclient, cls.vm_a_volume[0].id) cls.cleanup = [ cls.account_a, cls.service_offering, ] except Exception as e: cls.domain_2.delete(cls.apiclient, cleanup="true") cls.domain_1.delete(cls.apiclient, cleanup="true") cleanup_resources(cls.apiclient, cls.cleanup) raise Exception("Failed to create the setup required to execute the test cases: %s" % e) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.apiclient = super(TestSnapshotList, cls).getClsTestClient().getApiClient() cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.default_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.default_secretkey try: cls.domain_2.delete(cls.apiclient, cleanup="true") cls.domain_1.delete(cls.apiclient, cleanup="true") except: pass cleanup_resources(cls.apiclient, cls.cleanup) def setUp(cls): cls.apiclient = cls.testClient.getApiClient() cls.dbclient = cls.testClient.getDbConnection() def tearDown(cls): # restore back default apikey and secretkey cls.apiclient.connection.apiKey = cls.default_apikey cls.apiclient.connection.securityKey = cls.default_secretkey return ## Domain Admin - Test cases with listall =true @attr("simulator_only", tags=["advanced"], required_hardware="false") def test_listSnapshot_as_domainadmin_listall_true(self): """ Test listing of Snapshots by passing listall="true" parameter as domain admin Validate that it returns all the Snapshots that is owned by accounts in this domain and all its subdomain """ self.apiclient.connection.apiKey = self.user_d1_apikey self.apiclient.connection.securityKey = self.user_d1_secretkey snapshotList = Snapshot.list(self.apiclient, listall="true") self.debug("List as Domain Admin - listall=true - %s" % snapshotList) self.assertEqual(len(snapshotList) == 9, True, "Number of items in list response check failed!!") if (self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList,, self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, accountAccess = True else: accountAccess = False self.assertEqual(accountAccess, True, "Account access check failed!!") @attr("simulator_only", tags=["advanced"], required_hardware="false") def test_listSnapshot_as_domainadmin_listall_true_rec_true(self): """ Test listing of Snapshots by passing listall="true"i and isrecusriv="true" parameter as domain admin Validate that it returns all the Snapshots that is owned by accounts in this domain and all its subdomain """ self.apiclient.connection.apiKey = self.user_d1_apikey self.apiclient.connection.securityKey = self.user_d1_secretkey snapshotList = Snapshot.list(self.apiclient, listall="true", isrecursive="true") self.debug("List as Domain Admin - listall=true,isrecursive=true %s" % snapshotList) self.assertEqual(len(snapshotList) == 9, True, "Number of items in list response check failed!!") if (self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList,, self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, accountAccess = True else: accountAccess = False self.assertEqual(accountAccess, True, "Account access check failed!!") @attr("simulator_only", tags=["advanced"], required_hardware="false") def test_listSnapshot_as_domainadmin_listall_true_rec_false(self): """ Test listing of Snapshots by passing listall="true" and isrecusriv="false" parameter as domain admin Validate that it returns all the Snapshots that is owned by accounts in this domain and all its subdomain """ self.apiclient.connection.apiKey = self.user_d1_apikey self.apiclient.connection.securityKey = self.user_d1_secretkey snapshotList = Snapshot.list(self.apiclient, listall="true", isrecursive="false") self.debug("List as Domain Admin - listall=true,isrecursive=false %s" % snapshotList) self.assertEqual(len(snapshotList) == 9, True, "Number of items in list response check failed!!") if (self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList,, self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, and self.checkForExistenceOfValue(snapshotList, accountAccess = True else: accountAccess = False self.assertEqual(accountAccess, True, "Account access check failed!!") ## Domain Admin - Test cases with listall=false @attr("simulator_only", tags=["advanced"], required_hardware="false") def test_listSnapshot_as_domainadmin_listall_false(self): """ Test listing of Snapshots by passing listall="false" parameter as domain
<gh_stars>1-10 # Filename: # Written by: <NAME> # Description: Contains estimators such as kalman filter, extended kalman filter, unscented kalman filter and simple moving horizon estimators from pynlcontrol.BasicUtils import Integrate, nlp2GGN, casadi2List, directSum, qrSym import casadi as ca import os from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader def KF(A, B, C, D, Qw, Rv, Ts, Integrator='rk4'): """ Function to implement Kalman filter (KF). Parameters ---------- A: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Continuous-time state matrix of the system B: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Continuous-time input matrix of the system C: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Continuous-time measurement matrix of the system D: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Continuous time output matrix coefficient of input Qw: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Process noise covariance matrix Rv: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Measurement noise covariance matrix Ts: (float) Sample time of KF Integrator: (str, optional) Integrator to be used for discretization. Defaults to 'rk4'. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of Input, Output, Input name and Output name. Inputs are u, y, xp, Pp and output are xhat and Phat. Input and output are casadi symbolics (`casadi.SX`). u: Current input to the system y: Current measurement of the system xp: State estimate from previous discrete time Pp: Covariance estimate from previous discrete time (reshaped to column matrix) xhat: State estimate at current discrete time Phat: Covariance estimate at current discrete time (reshaped to column matrix) These inputs are and outputs can be mapped using `casadi.Function` which can further be code generated. Example ------- >>> from pynlcontrol import Estimator, BasicUtils >>> import casadi as ca >>> Q11 = ca.SX.sym('Q11') >>> Q22 = ca.SX.sym('Q22') >>> Q33 = ca.SX.sym('Q33') >>> Q = BasicUtils.directSum([Q11, Q22, Q33]) >>> R11 = ca.SX.sym('R11') >>> R22 = ca.SX.sym('R22') >>> R = BasicUtils.directSum([R11, R22]) >>> A = ca.SX([[-0.4,0.1,-2],[0,-0.3,4],[1,0,0]]) >>> B = ca.SX([[1,1],[0,1],[1,0]]) >>> C = ca.SX([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]) >>> D = ca.SX([[0, 0], [0, 0]]) >>> In, Out, InName, OutName = Estimator.KF(A, B, C, D, Q, R, 0.1) >>> KF_func = ca.Function('KF_func', In + [Q11, Q22, Q33, R11, R22], Out, InName + ['Q11', 'Q22', 'Q33', 'R11', 'R22'], OutName) >>> BasicUtils.Gen_Code(KF_func, 'KF_code', printhelp=True) u(2, 1), y(2, 1), xhatp(3, 1), Pkp(9, 1), Q11(1, 1), Q22(1, 1), Q33(1, 1), R11(1, 1), R22(1, 1) -> xhat(3, 1), Phat(9, 1) KF_code.c KF_code_Call.c #include "KF_code.h" #include "KF_code_Call.h" KF_code_Call_Func(u, y, xhatp, Pkp, Q11, Q22, Q33, R11, R22, xhat, Phat); Running above code generates C-codes for KF implementation. Implementation using Simulink can be found in example folder. """ nX = A.shape[0] nU = B.shape[1] nY = C.shape[0] x = ca.SX.sym('x', nX, 1) u = ca.SX.sym('u', nU, 1) def Fc(x, u): return A @ x + B @ u xk1 = Integrate(Fc, Integrator, Ts, x, u) Ad = ca.jacobian(xk1, x) Bd = ca.jacobian(xk1, u) Cd = C Dd = D xp = ca.SX.sym('xp', nX, 1) u = ca.SX.sym('u', nU, 1) y = ca.SX.sym('y', nY, 1) Pp = ca.SX.sym('Pp', nX, nX) xkm = Ad @ xp + Bd @ u Pkm = Ad @ Pp @ ca.transpose(Ad) + Qw yr = y - (Cd @ xkm + Dd @ u) Sk = Cd @ Pkm @ ca.transpose(Cd) + Rv Kk = Pkm @ ca.transpose(Cd) @ ca.inv(Sk) xhat = xkm + Kk @ yr Phat = (ca.SX_eye(Ad.shape[0]) - Kk @ Cd) @ Pkm return [u, y, xp, Pp], [xhat, Phat], ['u', 'y', 'xhatp', 'Pkp'], ['xhat', 'Phat'] def EKF(nX, nU, nY, F, H, Qw, Rv, Ts, argF=[], argH=[], Integrator='rk4'): """ Function to implement Extended Kalman filter (EKF). Parameters ---------- nX: (int) Number of state variables nU: (int) Number of control inputs ny: (int) Number of measurement outputs F: (function) Function that returns right-hand side of state differential equation. Input arguments to F should be states and inputs respectively. H: (function) Function that retuns measurement variable from state and input variables. nput arguments to H should be states. Qw: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Process noise covariance matrix Rv: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Measurement noise covariance matrix Ts: (float) Sample time of the Kalman filter. argF: (list) List of external parameters to function F argH: (list) List of external parameters to function H Integrator: (str, optional) Integration method. Defaults to 'rk4'. For list of supported integrator, please see documentation of function `Integrate()`. Returns ------- tuple: Tuple of Input, Output, Input name and Output name. Inputs are u, y, xp, Pp and output are xhat and Phat. Input and output are casadi symbolics (`casadi.SX`). u: Current input to the system y: Current measurement of the system xp: State estimate from previous discrete time Pp: Covariance estimate from previous discrete time (reshaped to column matrix) xhat: State estimate at current discrete time Phat: Covariance estimate at current discrete time (reshaped to column matrix) These inputs are and outputs can be mapped using `casadi.Function` which can further be code generated. """ assert isinstance(nX, int), "nX must be integer." assert isinstance(nU, int), "nU must be integer." assert isinstance(nY, int), "nY must be integer." assert Qw.shape[0] == Qw.shape[1], "Qw is not square matrix." assert Rv.shape[0] == Rv.shape[1], "Rv is not square matrix." assert nX == Qw.shape[0], "Shape mismatch of Qw with nX." assert nY == Rv.shape[0], "Shape mismatch of Rv with nY." assert isinstance(Ts, float), "Sample time (Ts) must be float." xp = ca.SX.sym('xp', nX, 1) u = ca.SX.sym('u', nU, 1) y = ca.SX.sym('y', nY, 1) Pp = ca.SX.sym('Pp', nX, nX) xkm = Integrate(F, Integrator, Ts, xp, u, *argF) Fk = ca.jacobian(xkm, xp) Pkm = Fk @ Pp @ ca.transpose(Fk) + Qw yr = y - H(xkm, *argH) Hk = ca.substitute(ca.jacobian(H(xp, *argH), xp), xp, xkm) Sk = Hk @ Pkm @ ca.transpose(Hk) + Rv Kk = Pkm @ ca.transpose(Hk) @ ca.inv(Sk) xhat = xkm + Kk @ yr Phat = (ca.SX_eye(Fk.shape[0]) - Kk @ Hk) @ Pkm return [u, y, xp, Pp], [xhat, Phat], ['u', 'y', 'xhatp', 'Pkp'], ['xhat', 'Phat'] def UKF(nX, nU, nY, F, H, Qw, Rv, Ts, argF=[], argH=[], PCoeff=None, Wm=None, Wc=None, alpha=1.0e-3, beta=2.0, kappa=0.0, Integrator='rk4'): """ Function to implement Unscented Kalman filter (UKF). If either of PCoeff or Wm or Wc is None, it calculates those values with alpha=1e-3, Beta=2 and kappa=0. To use manual weights, specify PCOeff, Wm and Wc. Otherwise, use alpha, beta and kappa parameters to set those values. Parameters ---------- nX: (int) Number of state variables nU: (int) Number of control inputs nY: (int) Number of measurement outputs F: (function) Function that returns right-hand side of state differential equation. Input arguments to F should be states and inputs respectively. H: (function) Function that retuns measurement variable from state and input variables. Input arguments to H should be states. Qw: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Process noise covariance matrix Rv: (numpy.2darray or casadi.SX array) Measurement noise covariance matrix Ts: (float) Sample time of the Kalman filter. argF: (list) List of external parameters to function F argH: (list) List of external parameters to function H PCoeff: (float) Coefficient of covariance matrix (inside square root term) when calculating sigma points. Defaults to None Wm: (list, optional) List of weights for mean calculation. Defaults to None. Wc: (list, optional) List of weights for covariance calculation. Defaults to None. alpha: (float, optional) Value of alpha parameter. Defaults to 1.0e-3. beta: (float, optional) Value of beta parameter. Defaults to 2.0. kappa: (float, optional) Value of kappa parameter. Defaults to 0.0. Integrator: (str, optional) Integration method. Defaults to 'rk4'. For list of supported integrator, please see documentation of function `Integrate`. Returns ------- tuple: Tuple of Input, Output, Input name and Output name. Inputs are u, y, xp, Pp and output are xhat and Phat. Input and output are casadi symbolics (`casadi.SX`). u: Current input to the system y: Current measurement of the system xp: State estimate from previous discrete time Pp: Covariance estimate from previous discrete time (reshaped to column matrix) xhat: State estimate at current discrete time Phat: Covariance estimate at current discrete
'variable' N = self._nrows K = len(tempdict) - len(id_vars) #create an empty dataset mdata = type(self)({}) # reexpand any categoricals for col in id_vars: id_data = tempdict.pop(col) if TypeRegister.is_binned_array(id_data): # note: multikey categorical expands to a tuple of arrays # previously raised an error on expand array id_data = id_data.expand_array mdata[col] = np.tile(id_data._np,K) mdata[var_name] = FastArray(list(tempdict.keys())).repeat(N) mdata[value_name] = hstack(tempdict.values()) if trim: goodmask = ~mdata[value_name].isnanorzero() mdata=mdata[goodmask,:] return mdata #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def hstack(cls, ds_list, destroy: bool = False) -> 'Dataset': """ Stacks columns from multiple datasets. See Also -------- Dataset.concat_rows """ return cls.concat_rows(ds_list, destroy=destroy) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def concat_rows(cls, ds_list: Iterable['Dataset'], destroy: bool = False) -> 'Dataset': """ Stacks columns from multiple datasets. If a dataset is missing a column that appears in others, it will fill the gap with the default invalid for that column's type. Categoricals will be merged and stacked. Column types will be checked to make sure they can be safely stacked - no general type mismatch allowed. Columns of the same name must have the same number of dimension in each dataset (1 or 2 dimensions allowed) Parameters ---------- ds_list : iterable of Dataset The Datasets to be concatenated destroy : bool Set to True to destroy any dataset in the list to save memory. Defaults to False. Returns ------- Dataset A new Dataset created from the concatenated rows of the input Datasets. Examples -------- Basic: >>> ds1 = rt.Dataset({'col_'+str(i):np.random.rand(5) for i in range(3)}) >>> ds2 = rt.Dataset({'col_'+str(i):np.random.rand(5) for i in range(3)}) >>> ds1 # col_0 col_1 col_2 - ----- ----- ----- 0 0.39 0.80 0.64 1 0.54 0.80 0.36 2 0.14 0.75 0.86 3 0.05 0.61 0.95 4 0.37 0.39 0.03 >>> ds2 # col_0 col_1 col_2 - ----- ----- ----- 0 0.09 0.75 0.37 1 0.90 0.34 0.17 2 0.52 0.32 0.78 3 0.37 0.20 0.34 4 0.73 0.69 0.41 >>> rt.Dataset.concat_rows([ds1, ds2]) # col_0 col_1 col_2 - ----- ----- ----- 0 0.39 0.80 0.64 1 0.54 0.80 0.36 2 0.14 0.75 0.86 3 0.05 0.61 0.95 4 0.37 0.39 0.03 5 0.09 0.75 0.37 6 0.90 0.34 0.17 7 0.52 0.32 0.78 8 0.37 0.20 0.34 9 0.73 0.69 0.41 With columns missing in one from some datasets: >>> ds1 = rt.Dataset({'col_'+str(i):np.random.rand(5) for i in range(3)}) >>> ds2 = rt.Dataset({'col_'+str(i):np.random.rand(5) for i in range(2)}) >>> rt.Dataset.concat_rows([ds1, ds2]) # col_0 col_1 col_2 - ----- ----- ----- 0 0.78 0.64 0.98 1 0.61 0.87 0.85 2 0.57 0.42 0.90 3 0.82 0.50 0.60 4 0.19 0.16 0.23 5 0.69 0.83 nan 6 0.07 0.82 nan 7 0.58 0.34 nan 8 0.69 0.38 nan 9 0.89 0.07 nan With categorical column: >>> ds1 = rt.Dataset({'cat_col': rt.Categorical(['a','a','b','c','a']), ... 'num_col': np.random.rand(5)}) >>> ds2 = rt.Dataset({'cat_col': rt.Categorical(['b','b','a','c','d']), ... 'num_col': np.random.rand(5)}) >>> rt.Dataset.concat_rows([ds1, ds2]) # cat_col num_col - ------- ------- 0 a 0.38 1 a 0.71 2 b 0.84 3 c 0.47 4 a 0.18 5 b 0.18 6 b 0.47 7 a 0.16 8 c 0.96 9 d 0.88 Multiple dimensions (note: numpy v-stack will be used to concatenate 2-dimensional columns): >>> ds1 = rt.Dataset({'nums': rt.ones((4,4))}) >>> ds1 # nums - ------------------------ 0 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] 1 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] 2 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] 3 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] >>> ds2 = rt.Dataset({'nums': rt.zeros((4,4))}) >>> ds2 # nums - ------------------------ 0 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 1 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 2 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 3 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] >>> rt.Dataset.concat_rows([ds1, ds2]) # nums - ------------------------ 0 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] 1 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] 2 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] 3 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] 4 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 5 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 6 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 7 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] Multiple dimensions with missing columns (sentinels/invalids will be flipped to final vstack dtype) >>> ds1 = rt.Dataset({'nums': rt.ones((5,5)), 'nums2': rt.zeros((5,5), dtype=np.float64)}) >>> ds2 = rt.Dataset({'nums': rt.ones((5,5))}) >>> ds3 = rt.Dataset({'nums': rt.ones((5,5)), 'nums2': rt.zeros((5,5), dtype=np.int8)}) >>> rt.Dataset.concat_rows([ds1, ds2, ds3]) # nums nums2 -- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 0 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 1 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 2 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 3 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 4 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 5 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [nan, nan, nan, nan, nan] 6 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [nan, nan, nan, nan, nan] 7 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [nan, nan, nan, nan, nan] 8 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [nan, nan, nan, nan, nan] 9 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [nan, nan, nan, nan, nan] 10 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 11 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 12 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 13 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] 14 [1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00] [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00] """ return hstack_any(ds_list, cls, Dataset, destroy=destroy) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def concat_columns(cls, dsets, do_copy:bool, on_duplicate:str='raise', on_mismatch:str='warn'): r""" Concatenates a list of Datasets or Structs horizontally. Parameters ---------- cls : class The class (Dataset) dsets : iterable An iterable of Datasets do_copy : bool Makes deep copies of arrays if set to True on_duplicate : {'raise', 'first', 'last'} Governs behavior in case of duplicate columns. on_mismatch : {'warn', 'raise', 'ignore'} Optional, governs behavior for allowed duplicate column names, how to address mismatched column values; can be 'warn' (default), 'raise' or 'ignore'. Returns ------- Dataset The resulting dataset after concatenation. Examples -------- With the ``'last'`` `on_duplicate` option: >>> N = 5 >>> dset1 = rt.Dataset(dict(A=rt.arange(N), B=rt.ones(N), C=N*['c'])) >>> dset2 = rt.Dataset(dict(A=rt.arange(N, 2*N, 1), B=rt.zeros(N), D=N*['d'])) >>> dsets = [dset1, dset2] >>> rt.Dataset.concat_columns(dsets, do_copy=True, on_duplicate='last') # A B C D - - ---- - - 0 5 0.00 c d 1 6 0.00 c d 2 7 0.00 c d 3 8 0.00 c d 4 9 0.00 c d <BLANKLINE> [5 rows x 4 columns] total bytes: 70.0 B With the default (``'raise'``) for the `on_duplicate` option: >>> rt.Dataset.concat_columns(dsets, do_copy=True) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\riptable-dev37\lib\site-packages\riptable-0.0.0-py3.7-win-amd64.egg\riptable\", line 4308, in concat_columns raise KeyError(f"Duplicate column '{column}'") KeyError: "Duplicate column 'A'" """ # check that all Datasets have the same number of rows if on_duplicate not in ('raise', 'first', 'last'): raise ValueError(f"Invalid on_duplicate '{on_duplicate}'") if on_mismatch not in ('raise', 'warn', 'ignore'): raise ValueError(f"Invalid on_mismatch '{on_mismatch}'") # if there are no Datasets ... if len(dsets) == 0: raise ValueError("No Datasets to concatenate") if len(dsets) == 1 and not do_copy: return dsets[0] #try to convert any structs to dsets newdset=[] for d in dsets: # check if even a dataset, if not try to convert it try: # test to see if a dataset rownum = d._nrows except: #try to convert to a dataset (probably from struct) try: d = Dataset(d) except: #for c in d: # print("col", c, type(d[c]), len(d[c]), d[c]) raise ValueError(f"Unable to convert {d!r} to a Dataset") newdset.append(d) dsets = newdset # check for same length rownum_set = set([d.shape[0] for d in dsets]) if len(rownum_set) != 1: raise ValueError(f'Inconsistent Dataset lengths {rownum_set}') # create dictionary dict_retval = {} columns = set() dups = set() for column, a in [(c, v) for d in dsets for c, v in d.items()]: if column in columns: if on_mismatch != 'ignore': # print(f'on_mismatch={on_mismatch} column={column}') dups.add(column) if on_duplicate == 'raise': raise KeyError(f"Duplicate column '{column}'") elif on_duplicate == 'first': pass else: dict_retval[column] = a.copy() if do_copy else a else: columns.add(column) dict_retval[column] = a.copy() if do_copy else a if on_mismatch != 'ignore': if len(dups) > 0: if on_mismatch == 'warn': warnings.warn(f'concat_columns() duplicate column mismatch: {dups!r}') if on_mismatch == 'raise': raise RuntimeError(f'concat_columns() duplicate column mismatch: {dups!r}') return cls(dict_retval) #
a library with PBC2 value of {:.2f}.'.format( pbc2_detail, alignment_file['output_type'], audit_link(path_to_text(alignment_file['@id']), alignment_file['@id']), PBC2_value ) ) if PBC2_value < 1: yield AuditFailure('severe bottlenecking', detail, level='NOT_COMPLIANT') elif PBC2_value >= 1 and PBC2_value < 10: yield AuditFailure('mild to moderate bottlenecking', detail, level='WARNING') return def check_wgbs_coverage(samtools_metrics, pipeline_title, read_length, organism, pipeline_objects): for m in samtools_metrics: if 'mapped' in m: mapped_reads = m['mapped'] if organism == 'mouse': coverage = float(mapped_reads * read_length) / 2800000000.0 elif organism == 'human': coverage = float(mapped_reads * read_length) / 3300000000.0 detail = ('Replicate of experiment processed by {} ( {} ) ' 'has a coverage of {}X. ' 'The minimum ENCODE standard coverage for each replicate in ' 'a WGBS assay is 25X and the recommended value ' 'is > 30X (See {} )'.format( pipeline_title, audit_link(path_to_text(pipeline_objects[0]['@id']), pipeline_objects[0]['@id']), int(coverage), audit_link('ENCODE WGBS data standards', '/data-standards/wgbs/') ) ) if coverage < 5: yield AuditFailure('extremely low coverage', detail, level='ERROR') elif coverage < 25: yield AuditFailure('insufficient coverage', detail, level='NOT_COMPLIANT') elif coverage < 30: yield AuditFailure('low coverage', detail, level='WARNING') return def check_wgbs_pearson(cpg_metrics, threshold, pipeline_title): for m in cpg_metrics: if 'Pearson Correlation Coefficient' in m: if m['Pearson Correlation Coefficient'] < threshold: detail = ('ENCODE experiment processed by {} ' 'pipeline has CpG quantification Pearson Correlation Coefficient of ' '{}, while a value >={} is required.'.format( pipeline_title, m['Pearson Correlation Coefficient'], threshold ) ) yield AuditFailure('insufficient replicate concordance', detail, level='NOT_COMPLIANT') return def check_wgbs_lambda(bismark_metrics, threshold, pipeline_title): for metric in bismark_metrics: cpg_string = metric.get('lambda C methylated in CpG context') chg_string = metric.get('lambda C methylated in CHG context') chh_string = metric.get('lambda C methylated in CHH context') if (cpg_string and chg_string and chh_string): lambdaCpG = float(cpg_string[:-1]) lambdaCHG = float(chg_string[:-1]) lambdaCHH = float(chh_string[:-1]) if (lambdaCpG > 1 and lambdaCHG > 1 and lambdaCHH > 1) or \ (((lambdaCpG * 0.25) + (lambdaCHG * 0.25) + (lambdaCHH * 0.5)) > 1): detail = ('ENCODE experiment processed by {} ' 'pipeline has the following %C methylated in different contexts. ' 'lambda C methylated in CpG context was {}%, ' 'lambda C methylated in CHG context was {}%, ' 'lambda C methylated in CHH context was {}%. ' 'The %C methylated in all contexts should be < 1%.'.format( pipeline_title, lambdaCpG, lambdaCHG, lambdaCHH ) ) yield AuditFailure('high lambda C methylation ratio', detail, level='WARNING') def check_file_chip_seq_read_depth(file_to_check, control_type, organism_name, target, read_depth, standards_version): # added individual file pipeline validation due to the fact that one experiment may # have been mapped using 'Raw mapping' and also 'Histone ChIP-seq' - and there is no need to # check read depth on Raw files, while it is required for Histone pipeline_title = scanFilesForPipelineTitle_yes_chipseq( [file_to_check], ['ChIP-seq read mapping', 'Transcription factor ChIP-seq pipeline (modERN)']) if pipeline_title is False: return pipeline_objects = get_pipeline_objects([file_to_check]) marks = pipelines_with_read_depth['ChIP-seq read mapping'] modERN_cutoff = pipelines_with_read_depth[ 'Transcription factor ChIP-seq pipeline (modERN)'] if read_depth is False: detail = ('ENCODE processed {} file {} has no read depth information.'.format( file_to_check['output_type'], audit_link(path_to_text(file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['@id']) ) ) yield AuditFailure('missing read depth', detail, level='INTERNAL_ACTION') return if target is not False and 'name' in target: target_name = target['name'] elif control_type: target_name = control_type else: return if target is not False and 'investigated_as' in target: target_investigated_as = target['investigated_as'] elif control_type: target_investigated_as = [control_type] else: return if control_type == 'input library' and organism_name in ['human', 'mouse']: if pipeline_title == 'Transcription factor ChIP-seq pipeline (modERN)': if read_depth < modERN_cutoff: detail = ('modERN processed alignment file {} has {} ' 'usable fragments. It cannot be used as a control ' 'in experiments studying transcription factors, which ' 'require {} usable fragments, according to ' 'the standards defined by the modERN project.'.format( audit_link(path_to_text(file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['@id']), read_depth, modERN_cutoff ) ) yield AuditFailure('insufficient read depth', detail, level='NOT_COMPLIANT') else: if read_depth >= marks['narrow']['recommended'] and read_depth < marks['broad']['recommended']: if 'assembly' in file_to_check: detail = ('Control {} file {} mapped using {} assembly has {} ' 'usable fragments. ' 'The minimum ENCODE standard for a control of ChIP-seq assays targeting broad ' 'histone marks ' 'is 20 million usable fragments, the recommended number of usable ' 'fragments is > 45 million. (See {} )'.format( file_to_check['output_type'], audit_link(path_to_text(file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['assembly'], read_depth, audit_link('ENCODE ChIP-seq data standards', '/data-standards/chip-seq/') ) ) else: detail = ('Control {} file {} has {} ' 'usable fragments. ' 'The minimum ENCODE standard for a control of ChIP-seq assays targeting broad ' 'histone marks ' 'is 20 million usable fragments, the recommended number of usable ' 'fragments is > 45 million. (See {} )'.format( file_to_check['output_type'], audit_link(path_to_text(file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['@id']), read_depth, audit_link('ENCODE ChIP-seq data standards', '/data-standards/chip-seq/') ) ) yield AuditFailure('insufficient read depth for broad peaks control', detail, level='INTERNAL_ACTION') if read_depth < marks['narrow']['recommended']: if 'assembly' in file_to_check: detail = ('Control {} file {} mapped using {} assembly has {} ' 'usable fragments. ' 'The minimum ENCODE standard for a control of ChIP-seq assays targeting broad ' 'histone marks ' 'is 20 million usable fragments, the recommended number of usable ' 'fragments is > 45 million. ' 'The minimum for a control of ChIP-seq assays targeting narrow ' 'histone marks or transcription factors ' 'is 10 million usable fragments, the recommended number of usable ' 'fragments is > 20 million. (See {} )'.format( file_to_check['output_type'], audit_link(path_to_text(file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['assembly'], read_depth, audit_link('ENCODE ChIP-seq data standards', '/data-standards/chip-seq/') ) ) else: detail = ('Control {} file {} has {} ' 'usable fragments. ' 'The minimum ENCODE standard for a control of ChIP-seq assays targeting broad ' 'histone marks ' 'is 20 million usable fragments, the recommended number of usable ' 'fragments is > 45 million. ' 'The minimum for a control of ChIP-seq assays targeting narrow ' 'histone marks or transcription factors ' 'is 10 million usable fragments, the recommended number of usable ' 'fragments is > 20 million. (See {} )'.format( file_to_check['output_type'], audit_link(path_to_text(file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['@id']), read_depth. audit_link('ENCODE ChIP-seq data standards', '/data-standards/chip-seq/') ) ) if read_depth >= marks['narrow']['minimal']: yield AuditFailure('low read depth', detail, level='WARNING') elif read_depth >= marks['narrow']['low'] and read_depth < marks['narrow']['minimal']: yield AuditFailure('insufficient read depth', detail, level='NOT_COMPLIANT') else: yield AuditFailure('extremely low read depth', detail, level='ERROR') elif 'broad histone mark' in target_investigated_as and \ standards_version != 'modERN': # target_name in broad_peaks_targets: pipeline_object = get_pipeline_by_name( pipeline_objects, 'ChIP-seq read mapping') if pipeline_object: if target_name in ['H3K9me3-human', 'H3K9me3-mouse']: if read_depth < marks['broad']['recommended']: if 'assembly' in file_to_check: detail = ('Processed {} file {} produced by {} ' 'pipeline ( {} ) using the {} assembly ' 'has {} mapped reads. ' 'The minimum ENCODE standard for each replicate in a ChIP-seq ' 'experiment targeting {} and investigated as ' 'a broad histone mark is 35 million mapped reads. ' 'The recommended value is > 45 million, but > 35 million is ' 'acceptable. (See {} )'.format( file_to_check['output_type'], audit_link(path_to_text(file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['@id']), pipeline_object['title'], audit_link(path_to_text(pipeline_object['@id']), pipeline_object['@id']), file_to_check['assembly'], read_depth, target_name, audit_link('ENCODE ChIP-seq data standards', '/data-standards/chip-seq/') ) ) else: detail = ('Processed {} file {} produced by {} ' 'pipeline ( {} ) has {} mapped reads. ' 'The minimum ENCODE standard for each replicate in a ChIP-seq ' 'experiment targeting {} and investigated as ' 'a broad histone mark is 35 million mapped reads. ' 'The recommended value is > 45 million, but > 35 million is ' 'acceptable. (See {} )'.format( file_to_check['output_type'], audit_link(path_to_text(file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['@id']), pipeline_object['title'], audit_link(path_to_text(pipeline_object['@id']), pipeline_object['@id']), read_depth, target_name, audit_link('ENCODE ChIP-seq data standards', '/data-standards/chip-seq/') ) ) if read_depth >= marks['broad']['minimal']: yield AuditFailure('low read depth', detail, level='WARNING') elif read_depth >= 100 and read_depth < marks['broad']['minimal']: yield AuditFailure('insufficient read depth', detail, level='NOT_COMPLIANT') elif read_depth < 100: yield AuditFailure('extremely low read depth', detail, level='ERROR') else: if 'assembly' in file_to_check: detail = ('Processed {} file {} produced by {} ' 'pipeline ( {} ) using the {} assembly ' 'has {} usable fragments. ' 'The minimum ENCODE standard for each replicate in a ChIP-seq ' 'experiment targeting {} and investigated as ' 'a broad histone mark is 20 million usable fragments. ' 'The recommended value is > 45 million, but > 35 million is ' 'acceptable. (See {} )'.format( file_to_check['output_type'], audit_link(path_to_text(file_to_check['@id']), file_to_check['@id']), pipeline_object['title'], audit_link(path_to_text(pipeline_object['@id']), pipeline_object['@id']), file_to_check['assembly'], read_depth,
import json import redis import time import logging from glintwebui.glint_api import repo_connector from ast import literal_eval import config import os logger = logging.getLogger('glintv2') ''' Recieves a tuple of 3-tuples (repo, img_name, img_id) that uniquely identify an image_list then sorts them based on their repo and returns them in a json dictionary string Format: Proj_dict{ Repo1Alias{ Img_ID1{ name state disk_format container_format visibility checksum hidden } Img_ID2{ name state disk_format container_format visibility checksum hidden } . . . Img_IDX{ name state disk_format container_format visibility checksum hidden } } Repo2Alias{ ... } . . . RepoXAlias{ ... } } ''' def jsonify_image_list(image_list, repo_list): #take img list and sort it into repos repo_dict = {} # Build repo_dict for repo in repo_list: img_dict = {} for image in image_list: if image[0] == repo.tenant and image[7] == repo.cloud_name: img = {} img['name'] = image[1] img['state'] = 'Present' img['disk_format'] = image[3] img['container_format'] = image[4] img['visibility'] = image[5] img['checksum'] = image[6] img_dict[image[2]] = img if img['visibility'] != "private": img['hidden'] = True else: img['hidden'] = False repo_dict[repo.cloud_name] = img_dict return json.dumps(repo_dict) # This function will accept 2 json string dictionaries and find the pending transactions # from the first and add them to the second then check the queue for any state changes # apply those final updates and finally return a jsonified dictstring # # This function changed significantly when we started using the image name as the unique identifier # which changed the way the state changes are handled, We can no longer change intuitively change # the states here based on the information of the two dictionaries. State changes are now handled # in a seperate function that reads from a queue () # def update_pending_transactions(old_img_dict, new_img_dict): #on startup there wont be an old dict try: old_dict = json.loads(old_img_dict) except TypeError as e:"No old image dictionary, either bad redis entry or first call since startup") return new_img_dict new_dict = json.loads(new_img_dict) for repo_key in old_dict: repo_dict = old_dict[repo_key] for img_key in repo_dict: #if a pending one is found, check for it in the new list if repo_dict[img_key]['state'] in {"Pending Transfer", "Pending Delete"}: try: new_img = new_dict[repo_key][img_key] # if it was a pending transfer change the state to pending: if repo_dict[img_key]['state'] == "Pending Transfer": new_dict[repo_key][img_key]['state'] = "Pending Transfer" # OR if it was pending a delete and it still exists: change state to Pending Delete if repo_dict[img_key]['state'] == "Pending Delete": new_dict[repo_key][img_key]['state'] = "Pending Delete" except KeyError as e: #Doesn't exist in the new one yet # if it was a pending delete if repo_dict[img_key]['state'] == "Pending Delete": new_dict[repo_key][img_key] = repo_dict[img_key] # if it was a pending transfer and it still doesnt exist: add it as Pending Xfer if repo_dict[img_key]['state'] == "Pending Transfer": new_dict[repo_key][img_key] = repo_dict[img_key] # we also need to check for changes in the hidden status of images # the simple way is to just assign the old value to the new dict # however if the image is newly created it won't yet have a hidden attribute # new images will always be private and recieve "False" for the hidden attribute try: new_dict[repo_key][img_key]['hidden'] = repo_dict[img_key]['hidden'] except: # need a try block here incase we get here when an image was deleted # faster than we could provide the state change. It will be gone already # so we can just ignore it and not worry about adding to the dictionary try: new_dict[repo_key][img_key]['hidden'] = False except: pass return json.dumps(new_dict) # returns a jsonified python dictionary containing the image list for a given project # If the image list doesn't exist in redis it returns False # Redis info should be moved to a config file def get_images_for_group(group_name): try: r = redis.StrictRedis(host=config.redis_host, port=config.redis_port, db=config.redis_db) return r.get(group_name) except KeyError as e: logger.error("Couldnt find image list for group %s", group_name) return False # accepts a project as key string and a jsonified dictionary of the images and stores them in redis # Redis info should be moved to a config file def set_images_for_group(group_name, json_img_dict): try: r = redis.StrictRedis(host=config.redis_host, port=config.redis_port, db=config.redis_db) r.set(group_name, json_img_dict) except Exception as e: logger.error ("Unknown exception while trying to set images for: %s", group_name) # returns dictionary containing any conflicts for a given account name def get_conflicts_for_group(group_name): if group_name is None:"Couldnt find conflict list; no group provided.") return None try: r = redis.StrictRedis(host=config.redis_host, port=config.redis_port, db=config.redis_db) conflict_key = group_name + "_conflicts" json_conflict_dict = r.get(conflict_key) if json_conflict_dict is not None: return json.loads(json_conflict_dict) else: return None except KeyError as e:"Couldnt find conflict list for group %s", group_name) return None def set_conflicts_for_group(group_name, conflict_dict): try: json_conflict_dict = json.dumps(conflict_dict) conflict_key = group_name + "_conflicts" r = redis.StrictRedis(host=config.redis_host, port=config.redis_port, db=config.redis_db) r.set(conflict_key, json_conflict_dict) except Exception as e: logger.error ("Unknown exception while trying to set conflicts for: %s", group_name) # Returns a unique list of (image, name) tuples that are not hidden in glint # May be a problem if two sites have the same image (id) but with different names # as the tuple will no longer be unique def get_unique_image_list(group_name): image_dict=json.loads(get_images_for_group(group_name)) image_set = set() # make a dictionary of all the images in the format key:value = image_id:list_of_repos # start by making a list of the keys, using a set will keep them unique for repo_key in image_dict: for image_id in image_dict[repo_key]: if not image_dict[repo_key][image_id]['hidden']: image_set.add(image_dict[repo_key][image_id]['name']) return sorted(image_set, key=lambda s: s.lower()) # similar to "get_unique_image_list", this function returns a set of tuples # representing all the images in glint such that their hidden status can be toggled def get_hidden_image_list(group_name): image_dict=json.loads(get_images_for_group(group_name)) image_set = set() # make a dictionary of all the images in the format key:value = image_id:list_of_repos # start by making a list of the keys, using a set will keep them unique for repo_key in image_dict: for image_id in image_dict[repo_key]: image_set.add(image_dict[repo_key][image_id]['name']) return sorted(image_set, key=lambda s: s.lower()) # accepts image dictionary and returns a dictionary that inverses the format to # repo1{ # img_name: img_key # ... #} # repo2{ # img_name: img_key # ... #} def build_id_lookup_dict(image_dict): reverse_dict = {} for repo in image_dict: reversed_repo = {} for image in image_dict[repo]: reversed_repo[image_dict[repo][image]['name']] = image reverse_dict[repo] = reversed_repo return reverse_dict # Accepts the image dictionary and checks if there are any repos that contain conflicts # # Type 1 - Image1 and Image2 have the same name but are different images. # Type 2 - Image1 and Image2 have the same name and are the same image. # Type 3 - Image1 and Image2 have different names but are the same image. def check_for_image_conflicts(json_img_dict): image_dict=json.loads(json_img_dict) conflicts_dict = {} for repo in image_dict: conflicts = list() for image in image_dict[repo]: if image_dict[repo][image]['checksum'] == "No Checksum": continue for image2 in image_dict[repo]: if image_dict[repo][image2]['checksum'] == "No Checksum": continue if image is not image2: try: #Check for name conflicts (type 1/type 2) if image_dict[repo][image]['name'] == image_dict[repo][image2]['name']: # Mayday we have a duplicate # check if it is type 1 or type 2 conflint if image_dict[repo][image]['checksum'] == image_dict[repo][image2]['checksum']: logging.error("Type 2 image conflict detected.") # Type 2 conflict = { 'type': 2, 'image_one': image, 'image_one_name': image_dict[repo][image]['name'], 'image_one_visibility': image_dict[repo][image]['visibility'], 'image_two': image2, 'image_two_name': image_dict[repo][image2]['name'], 'image_two_visibility': image_dict[repo][image2]['visibility'] } duplicate_entry = False for entry in conflicts: if(entry['image_one'] == conflict['image_two'] and entry['image_two'] == conflict['image_one']): duplicate_entry = True break if not duplicate_entry: conflicts.append(conflict) else: logging.error("Type 1 image conflict detected.") # Type 1 conflict = { 'type': 1, 'image_one': image, 'image_one_name': image_dict[repo][image]['name'], 'image_one_visibility': image_dict[repo][image]['visibility'], 'image_two': image2, 'image_two_name': image_dict[repo][image2]['name'], 'image_two_visibility': image_dict[repo][image2]['visibility'] } duplicate_entry = False for entry in conflicts: if(entry['image_one'] == conflict['image_two'] and entry['image_two'] == conflict['image_one']): duplicate_entry = True break if not duplicate_entry: conflicts.append(conflict) #Check for checksum conflicts (type 3, since type 2 will be caught by the first check) if image_dict[repo][image]['checksum'] == image_dict[repo][image2]['checksum']: logging.error("Type 3 image conflict detected.") # Type 3 conflict = { 'type': 3, 'image_one': image, 'image_one_name': image_dict[repo][image]['name'], 'image_one_visibility': image_dict[repo][image]['visibility'], 'image_two': image2, 'image_two_name': image_dict[repo][image2]['name'], 'image_two_visibility': image_dict[repo][image2]['visibility'] } duplicate_entry = False for entry in conflicts: if(entry['image_one'] == conflict['image_two'] and entry['image_two'] == conflict['image_one']): duplicate_entry = True break if not duplicate_entry: conflicts.append(conflict) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error when checking for conflicts on images: %s and %s" % (image, image2)) logger.error(e) logger.error(image_dict) if conflicts: conflicts_dict[repo] = conflicts if conflicts_dict: return conflicts_dict else: return None # Accepts a list of images (names), a project and a repo # Cross references the image repo in redis against the given image list # Either returns a list of transactions or posts them to redis to be # picked up by another thread. def parse_pending_transactions(group_name, cloud_name, image_list, user): try: r = redis.StrictRedis(host=config.redis_host, port=config.redis_port, db=config.redis_db) proj_dict = json.loads(r.get(group_name)) repo_dict = proj_dict[cloud_name] # This function takes a repo dictionary and returns a dictionary that has the format: # image_name: image_id # This is neccesary since we are now using image name as the unique identifier not the img id img_translation = __get_image_ids(repo_dict) for image in image_list: # If image is not in the image list we need to make a pending transfer if not img_translation.get(image, False): #MAKE TRANSFER #We need to get disk_format and container_format from another repo that has this image img_details = __get_image_details(group_name=group_name, image=image) disk_format = img_details[0] container_format = img_details[1] transaction = { 'user': user, 'action': 'transfer', 'group_name': group_name, 'cloud_name': cloud_name, 'image_name': image, 'disk_format': disk_format, 'container_format': container_format } trans_key = group_name + "_pending_transactions" r.rpush(trans_key, json.dumps(transaction)) increment_transactions() #else it is already there and do nothing else: pass # Now we need to check deletes for image_key in repo_dict: #If the key exists but it isn't in the image list make a pending delete unless it is hidden if repo_dict[image_key]['name'] not in image_list and repo_dict[image_key]['hidden'] is False: # if its pending already we don't need to touch it if repo_dict[image_key].get('state') not in {'Pending Delete', 'Pending Transfer'}: # MAKE DELETE transaction = { 'user': user, 'action': 'delete', 'group_name': group_name, 'cloud_name': cloud_name, 'image_id': image_key, 'image_name': repo_dict[image_key].get('name') } trans_key = group_name + "_pending_transactions" r.rpush(trans_key, json.dumps(transaction)) increment_transactions() except KeyError as e: logger.error(e) logger.error("Couldnt find image list for group %s", group_name) return False # This function reads pending transactions from a redis queue and spawns celery # tasks to perform the file transfers. Since our repo dictionaries are
<filename>bellman/harness/ # Copyright 2021 The Bellman Contributors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This module provides a harness for running experiments. """ import datetime import os from enum import Enum from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import gin import tensorflow as tf from absl import logging from import GinConfigSaverHook from tf_agents.agents import TFAgent from tf_agents.drivers.driver import Driver from tf_agents.drivers.tf_driver import TFDriver from tf_agents.environments.tf_environment import TFEnvironment from tf_agents.eval import metric_utils from tf_agents.metrics.tf_metric import TFStepMetric from tf_agents.metrics.tf_metrics import ( AverageEpisodeLengthMetric, AverageReturnMetric, EnvironmentSteps, NumberOfEpisodes, ) from tf_agents.policies.random_tf_policy import RandomTFPolicy from tf_agents.replay_buffers.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer from tf_agents.replay_buffers.tf_uniform_replay_buffer import TFUniformReplayBuffer from tf_agents.utils import common from bellman.harness.utils import ( EVALUATION_METRICS_DIR, GIN_CONFIG, TIME_METRIC, TRAIN_METRICS_DIR, ) from import AgentTrainer from import OnPolicyModelFreeAgentTrainer class ExperimentHarness: """ A harness for running experiments. The `run` method will run the experiment. """ def __init__( self, root_dir: str, environment: TFEnvironment, evaluation_environment: TFEnvironment, agent: TFAgent, agent_trainer: AgentTrainer, real_replay_buffer_capacity: int, total_number_of_environment_steps: int, summary_interval: int, evaluation_interval: int, number_of_evaluation_episodes: int, number_of_initial_random_policy_steps: int = 0, use_tf_function: bool = False, ): """ :param root_dir: Root directory where all experiments are stored. :param environment: The training environment the agent is stepping through. :param evaluation_environment: The environment for evaluating the performance of the agent. :param agent: The TF-Agent agent to train. :param agent_trainer: The trainer which will produce a training schedule for the components of the agent. :param real_replay_buffer_capacity: Capacity of the buffer collecting real samples. :param total_number_of_environment_steps: The number of environment steps to run the experiment for. :param summary_interval: Interval for summaries. :param evaluation_interval: Interval for evaluation points. :param number_of_evaluation_episodes: Number of episodes at each evaluation point. :param number_of_initial_random_policy_steps: If > 0, some initial training data is gathered by running a random policy on the real environment. :param use_tf_function: If `True`, use a `tf.function` for data collection. """ assert real_replay_buffer_capacity > 0 assert total_number_of_environment_steps > 0 assert summary_interval > 0 assert evaluation_interval > 0 assert number_of_evaluation_episodes > 0 assert 0 <= number_of_initial_random_policy_steps <= total_number_of_environment_steps assert number_of_initial_random_policy_steps == 0 or not isinstance( agent_trainer, OnPolicyModelFreeAgentTrainer ) # model-free on-policy agents must always execute their own policy! self._root_dir = root_dir self._base_dirname ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") self._environment = environment self._evaluation_environment = evaluation_environment self._agent = agent self._agent_trainer = agent_trainer self._real_replay_buffer_capacity = real_replay_buffer_capacity self._total_number_of_environment_steps = total_number_of_environment_steps self._summary_interval = summary_interval self._evaluation_interval = evaluation_interval self._number_of_evaluation_episodes = number_of_evaluation_episodes self._number_of_initial_random_policy_steps = number_of_initial_random_policy_steps self._use_tf_function = use_tf_function self._max_steps: Optional[int] = None @property def agent(self) -> TFAgent: """ :return: The agent which is trained by this harness. """ return self._agent @property def base_dirname(self) -> str: """ :return: The directory name in the root directory where results will be stored. """ return self._base_dirname def define_base_experiment_directory(self) -> str: """ Define the path for the base directory for the experiment. """ base_dir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser(self._root_dir), self._base_dirname, ) return base_dir @staticmethod def serialise_config(base_dir: str): """ This method creates a single gin config file in the `base_dir`. This file can be used to reproduce the experiment. This "operative" config file will contain all of the parameters which have been used to parameterise a function decorated with `@gin.configurable'. The config parameter values are also written to a TensorBoard events file in the `base_dir`. This ensures that the parameter values can be viewed in TensorBoard. Note: The `GinConfigSaverHook` can create a TensorBoard events file. Unfortunately it does not seem to work with TensorFlow 2.0, so this is done manually. """ config_saver_hooks = GinConfigSaverHook(base_dir, summarize_config=False) config_saver_hooks.after_create_session() base_dir_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(base_dir) with base_dir_summary_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.text(GIN_CONFIG, gin.operative_config_str(), 0) @staticmethod def define_tensorboard_directories(base_dir: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Define the paths of the tensorboard directories. """ train_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, TRAIN_METRICS_DIR) eval_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, EVALUATION_METRICS_DIR) return train_dir, eval_dir @staticmethod def create_summary_writers( train_dir: str, eval_dir: str ) -> Tuple[tf.summary.SummaryWriter, tf.summary.SummaryWriter]: """ Create and return the training time summary writer and the evaluation time summary writer. """ # Summary writers train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(train_dir, flush_millis=1000) eval_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(eval_dir, flush_millis=1000) return train_summary_writer, eval_summary_writer @staticmethod def create_train_metrics() -> List[TFStepMetric]: """ Create a list of metrics to capture during training. """ return [ NumberOfEpisodes(), EnvironmentSteps(), AverageReturnMetric(buffer_size=1), AverageEpisodeLengthMetric(buffer_size=1), ] @staticmethod def create_evaluation_metrics() -> List[TFStepMetric]: """ Create a list of metrics to capture during policy evaluation. """ return [ AverageReturnMetric(buffer_size=1), AverageEpisodeLengthMetric(buffer_size=1), ] def create_real_replay_buffer(self) -> ReplayBuffer: """ Create the replay buffer for storing data from the real environment. """ return TFUniformReplayBuffer( self._agent.collect_policy.trajectory_spec, batch_size=1, max_length=self._real_replay_buffer_capacity, ) def create_real_drivers( self, real_replay_buffer: ReplayBuffer, train_metrics: List[TFStepMetric], ) -> Tuple[Driver, Driver]: """ Create the drivers for interacting with the real environment. This method creates two drivers: one uses the agent's "collect" policy, the other uses a uniform random policy. Note that the random policy is defined with the same `info_spec` as the agent's "collect" policy. The `info_spec` of the trajectories generated by the random policy must conform to the expectations of the agent when the data is used for training. """ agent_collect_driver = TFDriver( self._environment, self._agent.collect_policy, observers=[real_replay_buffer.add_batch] + train_metrics, max_steps=self._max_steps, disable_tf_function=not self._use_tf_function, ) random_policy = RandomTFPolicy( self._environment.time_step_spec(), self._environment.action_spec(), info_spec=self._agent.collect_policy.info_spec, ) random_policy_collect_driver = TFDriver( self._environment, random_policy, observers=[real_replay_buffer.add_batch] + train_metrics, max_steps=self._max_steps, disable_tf_function=not self._use_tf_function, ) return agent_collect_driver, random_policy_collect_driver @staticmethod def write_summary_scalar( metric_name: str, metric_value: Union[List[float], float], step: int, summary_writer: tf.summary.SummaryWriter, ): """Write a scalar summary statistic to a tensorboard directory.""" with summary_writer.as_default(): if isinstance(metric_value, list): value = metric_value[-1] tf.compat.v2.summary.scalar(name=metric_name, data=value, step=step) else: tf.compat.v2.summary.scalar(name=metric_name, data=metric_value, step=step) def run(self): """ This method runs an experiment. It creates a loop that steps through the environment, using the agent to collect actions in each step. Note that loop only seemingly goes step-by-step, drivers actually collect multiple steps in each call, governed by the number of initial random policy steps and maximum number of steps - the greatest common divisor of all the trainable components' training intervals, obtained through the `TFTrainingScheduler` method `environment_steps_between_maybe_train`. While running, this will collect metrics (during training and also separate evaluation metrics). These metrics are periodically logged to `stdout`, and also recorded by summary writers. Note that `max_steps` takes into account various reporting intervals computing a greatest common denominator among all intervals to determine the step size. Hence, it would be good to use intervals that are multiples of each other, if possible. Note that this method also creates an environment step counter metric, which is used throughout to monitor the progress of the experiment. This counter ensures that periodic tasks, such as logging and training, happen at the correct intervals. """"Initialising the experiment.") base_dir = self.define_base_experiment_directory() self.serialise_config(base_dir) train_dir, eval_dir = self.define_tensorboard_directories(base_dir) train_summary_writer, eval_summary_writer = self.create_summary_writers( train_dir, eval_dir ) train_summary_writer.set_as_default() train_metrics = self.create_train_metrics() environment_steps_metric = EnvironmentSteps() train_metrics.extend([environment_steps_metric]) evaluation_metrics = self.create_evaluation_metrics() real_replay_buffer = self.create_real_replay_buffer() training_scheduler = self._agent_trainer.create_training_scheduler( self._agent, real_replay_buffer, ) self._max_steps = training_scheduler.environment_steps_between_maybe_train( additional_intervals=[ self._summary_interval, self._evaluation_interval, self._number_of_initial_random_policy_steps, ] ) agent_collect_driver, random_policy_collect_driver = self.create_real_drivers( real_replay_buffer, train_metrics, ) # Reset the real environment time_step = self._environment.reset() # executing the experiment"Experiment started running.") self.write_summary_scalar( TIME_METRIC, 0.0, environment_steps_metric.result(), train_summary_writer ) # step-by-step while tf.math.less( environment_steps_metric.result(), self._total_number_of_environment_steps ): # Initial transitions with random policy to bootstrap training if environment_steps_metric.result() < self._number_of_initial_random_policy_steps: "Step = %d, collecting initial transitions with random policy, " + "%d steps in total.", environment_steps_metric.result(), self._number_of_initial_random_policy_steps, ) time_step, _ = # Collecting data with the agent's "collect" policy else: "Step = %d, collecting regular transitions with agent policy, " + "%d steps in total.", environment_steps_metric.result(), self._max_steps, ) time_step, _ = # potentially train certain component in current `self._max_steps` iteration training_info = training_scheduler.maybe_train(environment_steps_metric.result()) for component, loss_info in training_info.items(): self.write_summary_scalar( "TrainingLoss/" +, loss_info.loss, environment_steps_metric.result(), train_summary_writer, ) if isinstance(loss_info.loss, list): loss = loss_info.loss[-1] else: loss = loss_info.loss "Step = %d, training of the %s component, loss (at final epoch) = %s", environment_steps_metric.result(),, str(loss), ) # training summary and logs if environment_steps_metric.result() % self._summary_interval == 0: "Step
#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import json from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError import base64 import hmac import hashlib import requests from .. import utils PROTOCOL = "https" HOST = "" VERSION = "v1" PATH_SYMBOLS = "symbols" PATH_TICKER = "pubticker/%s" PATH_TODAY = "today/%s" PATH_STATS = "stats/%s" PATH_LENDBOOK = "lendbook/%s" PATH_ORDERBOOK = "book/%s" # HTTP request timeout in seconds TIMEOUT = 5.0 class BitfinexException(Exception): pass class Client: """ Client for the API. Link for official bitfinex documentation : `Bitfinex rest1 docs <>`_ `Bitfinex rest1 reference <>`_ Parameters ---------- key : str Bitfinex api key secret : str Bitfinex api secret nonce_multiplier : Optional float Multiply nonce by this number Examples -------- :: bfx_client = Client(key,secret) bfx_client = Client(key,secret,2.0) """ def __init__(self, key=None, secret=None, nonce_multiplier=1.0): assert isinstance(nonce_multiplier, float), "nonce_multiplier must be decimal" self.url = "%s://%s/%s" % (PROTOCOL, HOST, VERSION) self.base_url = "%s://%s/" % (PROTOCOL, HOST) self.key = key self.secret = secret self.nonce_multiplier = nonce_multiplier def server(self): return u"{0:s}://{1:s}/{2:s}".format(PROTOCOL, HOST, VERSION) def url_for(self, path, path_arg=None, parameters=None): # build the basic url url = "%s/%s" % (self.server(), path) # If there is a path_arh, interpolate it into the URL. # In this case the path that was provided will need to have string # interpolation characters in it, such as PATH_TICKER if path_arg: url = url % (path_arg) # Append any parameters to the URL. if parameters: url = "%s?%s" % (url, self._build_parameters(parameters)) return url def _nonce(self): """Returns a nonce used in authentication. Nonce must be an increasing number, if the API key has been used earlier or other frameworks that have used higher numbers you might need to increase the nonce_multiplier.""" return str(utils.get_nonce(self.nonce_multiplier)) def _sign_payload(self, payload): j = json.dumps(payload) data = base64.standard_b64encode(j.encode('utf8')) hmc ='utf8'), data, hashlib.sha384) signature = hmc.hexdigest() return { "X-BFX-APIKEY": self.key, "X-BFX-SIGNATURE": signature, "X-BFX-PAYLOAD": data } def _get(self, url): response = requests.get(url, timeout=TIMEOUT) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: try: content = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: content = response.text() raise BitfinexException(response.status_code, response.reason, content) def _post(self, endoint, payload, verify=True): url = self.url_for(path=endoint) signed_payload = self._sign_payload(payload) response =, headers=signed_payload, verify=verify) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() elif response.status_code >= 400: return response.json() else: try: content = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: content = response.text() raise BitfinexException(response.status_code, response.reason, content) def _build_parameters(self, parameters): # sort the keys so we can test easily in Python 3.3 (dicts are not # ordered) keys = list(parameters.keys()) keys.sort() return '&'.join(["%s=%s" % (k, parameters[k]) for k in keys]) def account_infos(self): """`Return information about your account (trading fees) <>`_ Return information about your account (trading fees) Returns ------- list :: [{ "maker_fees":"0.1", "taker_fees":"0.2", "fees":[{ "pairs":"BTC", "maker_fees":"0.1", "taker_fees":"0.2" },{ "pairs":"LTC", "maker_fees":"0.1", "taker_fees":"0.2" }, { "pairs":"ETH", "maker_fees":"0.1", "taker_fees":"0.2" }] }] Example ------- :: bfx_client.account_infos() """ payload = { "request": "/v1/account_infos", "nonce": self._nonce() } response = self._post("account_infos", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def account_fees(self): """`See the fees applied to your withdrawals <>`_ See the fees applied to your withdrawals Returns ------- dict :: { "withdraw":{ "BTC": "0.0005", "LTC": 0, "ETH": 0, ... } } Example ------- :: bfx_client.account_fees() """ payload = { "request": "/v1/account_fees", "nonce": self._nonce() } response = self._post("account_fees", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def summary(self): """`Returns a 30-day summary of your trading volume and return on margin funding. <>`_ Returns a 30-day summary of your trading volume and return on margin funding. Returns ------- dict :: { "trade_vol_30d":[ {"curr":"BTC","vol":11.88696022}, {"curr":"LTC","vol":0.0}, {"curr":"ETH","vol":0.1}, {"curr":"Total (USD)","vol":5027.63} ], "funding_profit_30d":[ {"curr":"USD","amount":0.0}, {"curr":"BTC","amount":0.0}, {"curr":"LTC","amount":0.0}, {"curr":"ETH","amount":0.0} ], "maker_fee":0.001, "taker_fee":0.002 } Example ------- :: bfx_client.summary() """ payload = { "request": "/v1/summary", "nonce": self._nonce() } response = self._post("summary", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def place_order(self, amount, price, side, ord_type, symbol='btcusd', exchange='bitfinex'): """ .. _new_order: `Bitfinex new order <>`_ Submit a new Order Parameters ---------- amount : float Order size: how much you want to buy or sell price : float Price to buy or sell at. Must be positive. Use random number for market orders. side : string Either “buy” or “sell”. ord_type : string Either “market” / “limit” / “stop” / “trailing-stop” / “fill-or-kill” / “exchange market” / “exchange limit” / “exchange stop” / “exchange trailing-stop” / “exchange fill-or-kill”. (type starting by “exchange ” are exchange orders, others are margin trading orders) symbol : str The `symbol <restv1.html#symbols>`_ you want information about. exchange : str 'bitfinex' Returns ------- dict :: # response { "id":448364249, "symbol":"btcusd", "exchange":"bitfinex", "price":"0.01", "avg_execution_price":"0.0", "side":"buy", "type":"exchange limit", "timestamp":"1444272165.252370982", "is_live":true, "is_cancelled":false, "is_hidden":false, "was_forced":false, "original_amount":"0.01", "remaining_amount":"0.01", "executed_amount":"0.0", "order_id":448364249 } Examples -------- :: bfx_client.place_order(0.01, 0.01, "buy", "exchange limit", "btcusd") """ payload = { "request": "/v1/order/new", "nonce": self._nonce(), "symbol": symbol, "amount": amount, "price": price, "exchange": exchange, "side": side, "type": ord_type } response = self._post("/order/new", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def place_multiple_orders(self, orders): """ Parameters ---------- orders : list Each item in the list is a dict that must have the following items : symbol, amount, price, side, type, exchange Returns ------- dict :: // response { "order_ids":[ { "id":448383727, "symbol":"btcusd", "exchange":"bitfinex", "price":"0.01", "avg_execution_price":"0.0", "side":"buy", "type":"exchange limit", "timestamp":"1444274013.621701916", "is_live":true, "is_cancelled":false, "is_hidden":false, "was_forced":false, "original_amount":"0.01", "remaining_amount":"0.01", "executed_amount":"0.0" },{ "id":448383729, "symbol":"btcusd", "exchange":"bitfinex", "price":"0.03", "avg_execution_price":"0.0", "side":"buy", "type":"exchange limit", "timestamp":"1444274013.661297306", "is_live":true, "is_cancelled":false, "is_hidden":false, "was_forced":false, "original_amount":"0.02", "remaining_amount":"0.02", "executed_amount":"0.0" }], "status":"success" } Examples -------- :: # Make a list with 3 orders to buy 100 iota at 3 dollars,100 iota at 4 dollars and # 100 iota at 5 dollars # The list is sent to the method place_multiple_orders orders = [] for price in range(3, 6): print(price) payload = { "symbol": 'IOTUSD', "amount": '100', "price": str(price), "exchange": 'bitfinex', "side": 'buy', "type": 'limit' } orders.append(payload) response = bfx_client.place_multiple_orders(orders) print(response) """ payload = { "request": "/v1/order/new/multi", "nonce": self._nonce(), "orders": orders } response = self._post("/order/new/multi", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def delete_order(self, order_id): """`Bitfinex cancel order reference <>`_ Cancel an order. Parameters ---------- order_id : int The order ID given by `new_order`_ function Returns ------- dict :: { "id":446915287, "symbol":"btcusd", "exchange":null, "price":"239.0", "avg_execution_price":"0.0", "side":"sell", "type":"trailing stop", "timestamp":"1444141982.0", "is_live":true, "is_cancelled":false, "is_hidden":false, "was_forced":false, "original_amount":"1.0", "remaining_amount":"1.0", "executed_amount":"0.0" } Example ------- :: bfx_client.delete_order(448411153) """ payload = { "request": "/v1/order/cancel", "nonce": self._nonce(), "order_id": order_id } response = self._post("/order/cancel", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def delete_all_orders(self): """`Bitfinex cancel all orders reference <>`_ Cancel all orders at once. Returns ------- dict :: {"result":"Orders cancelled"} Example ------- :: bfx_client.delete_all_orders() """ payload = { "request": "/v1/order/cancel/all", "nonce": self._nonce(), } response = self._post("/order/cancel/all", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def status_order(self, order_id): """`Bitfinex status order reference <>`_ Get the status of an order. Is it active? Was it cancelled? To what extent has it been executed? etc. Parameters ---------- order_id : int The order ID given by `new_order`_ function Returns ------- dict :: { "id":448411153, "symbol":"btcusd", "exchange":null, "price":"0.01", "avg_execution_price":"0.0", "side":"buy", "type":"exchange limit", "timestamp":"1444276570.0", "is_live":false, "is_cancelled":true, "is_hidden":false, "oco_order":null, "was_forced":false, "original_amount":"0.01", "remaining_amount":"0.01", "executed_amount":"0.0" } Example ------- :: bfx_client.status_order(448411153) """ payload = { "request": "/v1/order/status", "nonce": self._nonce(), "order_id": order_id } response = self._post("/order/status", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def active_orders(self): """`Bitfinex active orders reference <>`_ View your active orders. Returns ------- list :: [{ "id":448411365, "symbol":"btcusd", "exchange":"bitfinex", "price":"0.02", "avg_execution_price":"0.0", "side":"buy", "type":"exchange limit", "timestamp":"1444276597.0", "is_live":true, "is_cancelled":false, "is_hidden":false, "was_forced":false, "original_amount":"0.02", "remaining_amount":"0.02", "executed_amount":"0.0" }] Example ------- :: bfx_client.active_orders(448411153) """ payload = { "request": "/v1/orders", "nonce": self._nonce() } response = self._post("orders", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def active_positions(self): """`Bitfinex active positions reference <>`_ View your active positions. Returns ------- list :: [{ "id":943715, "symbol":"btcusd", "status":"ACTIVE", "base":"246.94", "amount":"1.0", "timestamp":"1444141857.0", "swap":"0.0", "pl":"-2.22042" }] Example ------- :: bfx_client.active_positions(448411153) """ payload = { "request": "/v1/positions", "nonce": self._nonce() } response = self._post("positions", payload=payload, verify=True) return response def claim_position(self, position_id): """`Bitfinex claim position reference <>`_ A position can be claimed if: It is a long position: The amount in the last unit of the position pair that you have in your trading wallet AND/OR the realized profit of the position is greater or equal to the purchase amount of the position (base price * position amount) and the funds which need to be returned. For example, for a long BTCUSD position, you can claim the position if the amount of USD you have in the trading wallet is greater than the base
import argparse import sys import os import shutil import time import math import h5py import random import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim import torchvision.transforms as transforms import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.nn.parallel import torch.distributed as dist from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP import numpy as np from import savemat import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter sys.path.append('../ResNet') import ResNet1d as rn sys.path.append('../') import Model_Util import Utilities from Dataset_Management import Labeled_Real_DataLoader sys.path.append('../Translocations_Detector/models') from backbone import build_backbone from transformer import build_transformer import detr as DT sys.path.append('./Evaluator') from Evaluator import mean_average_precision_and_errors def parse(): model_names = ['ResNet10', 'ResNet18', 'ResNet34', 'ResNet50', 'ResNet101', 'ResNet152'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Nanopore Translocation Detector Training') parser.add_argument('data', metavar='DIR', type=str, help='path to experimental validation dataset') parser.add_argument('counter', metavar='COUNTER', type=str, help='path to translocation counter') parser.add_argument('predictor', metavar='PREDICTOR', type=str, help='path to translocation feature predictor') parser.add_argument('detector', metavar='DETECTOR', type=str, help='path to translocation detector') parser.add_argument('--feature_predictor_arch', '-fpa', metavar='FEATURE_PREDICTOR_ARCH', default='ResNet18', choices=model_names, help='This is the architecture of the feature_predictor section in the backbone: ' + ' | '.join(model_names) + ' (default: ResNet18_Custom)') parser.add_argument('--pulse_counter_arch', '-pca', metavar='PULSE_COUNTER_ARCH', default='ResNet18', choices=model_names, help='This is the architecture of the pulse_counter section in the backbone: ' + ' | '.join(model_names) + ' (default: ResNet18_Counter)') parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch-size', default=6, type=int, metavar='N', help='mini-batch size per process (default: 6)') parser.add_argument('-save-stats', default='', type=str, metavar='STATS_PATH', help='path to save the stats produced during evaluation (default: none)') parser.add_argument('-stats', '--statistics', dest='statistics', action='store_true', help='Compute statistics about contrast between a trained and a traditional model on validation set') parser.add_argument('-stats-from-file', default='', type=str, metavar='STATS_FROM_FILE', help='path to load the stats produced during validation from a file (default: none)') parser.add_argument('-c', '--compute-predictions', default='', type=str, metavar='COMPUTE_PREDICTIONS', help='Run a trained model and compute and save all its predictions in noisy traces') parser.add_argument('-r', '--run', dest='run', action='store_true', help='Run a trained model and plots a window of predictions in a noisy trace') parser.add_argument('--run-plot-window', default=1.0, type=float, metavar='RPW', help='the percentage of the window width the you want to actually plot (default: 1; which means 100%%)') parser.add_argument("--local_rank", default=0, type=int) parser.add_argument('--cpu', action='store_true', help='Runs CPU based version of the workflow.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='provides additional details as to what the program is doing') parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store_true', help='Launch test mode with preset arguments') parser.add_argument('--transformer-hidden-dim', default=512, type=int, metavar='TRANSFORMER-HIDDEN-DIM', help='Hidden dimension of transformer on DETR model (default: 512)') parser.add_argument('--transformer-dropout', default=0.1, type=float, metavar='TRANSFORMER_DROPOUT', help='Dropout of transformer on DETR model (default: 0.1)') parser.add_argument('--transformer-num-heads', default=8, type=int, metavar='TRANSFORMER_NUM_HEADS', help='Number of heads of transformer on DETR model (default: 8)') parser.add_argument('--transformer-dim-feedforward', default=2048, type=int, metavar='TRANSFORMER_DIM_FEEDFORWARD', help='Feedforward dimension inside transformer on DETR model (default: 2048)') parser.add_argument('--transformer-num-enc-layers', default=6, type=int, metavar='TRANSFORMER_NUM_ENC_LAYERS', help='Number of encoder layers inside transformer on DETR model (default: 6)') parser.add_argument('--transformer-num-dec-layers', default=6, type=int, metavar='TRANSFORMER_NUM_DEC_LAYERS', help='Number of decoder layers inside transformer on DETR model (default: 6)') parser.add_argument('--transformer-pre-norm', dest='transformer-pre-norm', action='store_true', help='Configurization of transformer on DETR model (default: False)') parser.add_argument('--num-classes', default=1, type=int, metavar='NUM_CLASSES', help='The number of different translocation classes that DETR has to classify (default: 1)') parser.add_argument('--num-queries', default=75, type=int, metavar='NUM_QUERIES', help='The maximum number of translocations that DETR considers could exist in a window (default: 75)') parser.add_argument('--cost-class', default=1.0, type=float, metavar='COST_CLASS', help='This is the relative weight of the classification error in the Hungarian matching cost (default: 1.0)') parser.add_argument('--cost-bsegment', default=1.0, type=float, metavar='COST_BSEGMENT', help='This is the relative weight of the L1 error of the bounding segment coordinates in the Hungarian matching cost (default: 1.0)') parser.add_argument('--cost-giou', default=0.0, type=float, metavar='COST_GIOU', help='This is the relative weight of the giou loss of the bounding segment in the Hungarian matching cost (default: 0.0)') parser.add_argument('--loss_ce', default=1.0, type=float, metavar='LOSS_CE', help='This is the relative weight of the classification error in loss (default: 1.0)') parser.add_argument('--loss_bsegment', default=1.0, type=float, metavar='LOSS_BSEGMENT', help='This is the relative weight of the L1 error of the bounding segment coordinates in loss (default: 1.0)') parser.add_argument('--loss_giou', default=0.0, type=float, metavar='LOSS_GIOU', help='This is the relative weight of the giou loss of the bounding segment in the loss (default: 0.0)') parser.add_argument('--eos-coef', default=0.1, type=float, metavar='EOS_COEF', help='This is relative classification weight applied to the no-translocation category in the loss (default: 0.1)') parser.add_argument('--start-threshold', default=0.5, type=float, metavar='START_THRESHOLD', help='This is the start threshold for the mAP computation (default: 0.5)') parser.add_argument('--end-threshold', default=0.95, type=float, metavar='END_THRESHOLD', help='This is the end threshold for the mAP computation (default: 0.95)') parser.add_argument('--step-threshold', default=0.05, type=float, metavar='STEP_THRESHOLD', help='This is the step threshold for the mAP computation (default: 0.05)') parser.add_argument('--trace_number', default=0, type=int, metavar='TN', help='trace number to plot (default: 0)') parser.add_argument('--window_number', default=0, type=int, metavar='WN', help='window number to plot (default: 0)') args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): global best_precision, args best_precision = 0 args = parse() if not len( raise Exception("error: No data set provided") args.distributed = False if 'WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ: args.distributed = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) > 1 args.gpu = 0 args.world_size = 1 if args.distributed: args.gpu = args.local_rank if not args.cpu: torch.cuda.set_device(args.gpu) torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend='gloo', init_method='env://') args.world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size() args.total_batch_size = args.world_size * args.batch_size # Set the device device = torch.device('cpu' if args.cpu else 'cuda:' + str(args.gpu)) ####################################################################### # Start DETR contruction ####################################################################### # create DETR backbone # create backbone pulse counter if args.test: args.pulse_counter_arch = 'ResNet10' if args.local_rank==0 and args.verbose: print("=> creating backbone pulse counter '{}'".format(args.pulse_counter_arch)) if args.pulse_counter_arch == 'ResNet18': backbone_pulse_counter = rn.ResNet18_Counter() elif args.pulse_counter_arch == 'ResNet34': backbone_pulse_counter = rn.ResNet34_Counter() elif args.pulse_counter_arch == 'ResNet50': backbone_pulse_counter = rn.ResNet50_Counter() elif args.pulse_counter_arch == 'ResNet101': backbone_pulse_counter = rn.ResNet101_Counter() elif args.pulse_counter_arch == 'ResNet152': backbone_pulse_counter = rn.ResNet152_Counter() elif args.pulse_counter_arch == 'ResNet10': backbone_pulse_counter = rn.ResNet10_Counter() else: print("Unrecognized {} architecture for the backbone pulse counter" .format(args.pulse_counter_arch)) backbone_pulse_counter = # create backbone feature predictor if args.test: args.feature_predictor_arch = 'ResNet10' if args.local_rank==0 and args.verbose: print("=> creating backbone feature predictor '{}'".format(args.feature_predictor_arch)) if args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet18': backbone_feature_predictor = rn.ResNet18_Custom() elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet34': backbone_feature_predictor = rn.ResNet34_Custom() elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet50': backbone_feature_predictor = rn.ResNet50_Custom() elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet101': backbone_feature_predictor = rn.ResNet101_Custom() elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet152': backbone_feature_predictor = rn.ResNet152_Custom() elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet10': backbone_feature_predictor = rn.ResNet10_Custom() else: print("Unrecognized {} architecture for the backbone feature predictor" .format(args.feature_predictor_arch)) backbone_feature_predictor = # For distributed training, wrap the model with torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel. if args.distributed: if args.cpu: backbone_pulse_counter = DDP(backbone_pulse_counter) backbone_feature_predictor = DDP(backbone_feature_predictor) else: backbone_pulse_counter = DDP(backbone_pulse_counter, device_ids=[args.gpu], output_device=args.gpu) backbone_feature_predictor = DDP(backbone_feature_predictor, device_ids=[args.gpu], output_device=args.gpu) if args.verbose: print('Since we are in a distributed setting the backbone componets are replicated here in local rank {}' .format(args.local_rank)) # bring counter from a checkpoint if args.counter: # Use a local scope to avoid dangling references def bring_counter(): if os.path.isfile(args.counter): print("=> loading backbone pulse counter '{}'" .format(args.counter)) if args.cpu: checkpoint = torch.load(args.counter, map_location='cpu') else: checkpoint = torch.load(args.counter, map_location = lambda storage, loc: storage.cuda(args.gpu)) loss_history_1 = checkpoint['loss_history'] counter_error_history = checkpoint['Counter_error_history'] best_error_1 = checkpoint['best_error'] backbone_pulse_counter.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) total_time_1 = checkpoint['total_time'] print("=> loaded counter '{}' (epoch {})" .format(args.counter, checkpoint['epoch'])) print("Counter best precision saved was {}" .format(best_error_1)) return best_error_1, backbone_pulse_counter, loss_history_1, counter_error_history, total_time_1 else: print("=> no counter found at '{}'" .format(args.counter)) best_error_1, backbone_pulse_counter, loss_history_1, counter_error_history, total_time_1 = bring_counter() else: raise Exception("error: No counter path provided") # bring predictor from a checkpoint if args.predictor: # Use a local scope to avoid dangling references def bring_predictor(): if os.path.isfile(args.predictor): print("=> loading backbone feature predictor '{}'" .format(args.predictor)) if args.cpu: checkpoint = torch.load(args.predictor, map_location='cpu') else: checkpoint = torch.load(args.predictor, map_location = lambda storage, loc: storage.cuda(args.gpu)) loss_history_2 = checkpoint['loss_history'] duration_error_history = checkpoint['duration_error_history'] amplitude_error_history = checkpoint['amplitude_error_history'] best_error_2 = checkpoint['best_error'] backbone_feature_predictor.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) total_time_2 = checkpoint['total_time'] print("=> loaded predictor '{}' (epoch {})" .format(args.predictor, checkpoint['epoch'])) print("Predictor best precision saved was {}" .format(best_error_2)) return best_error_2, backbone_feature_predictor, loss_history_2, duration_error_history, amplitude_error_history, total_time_2 else: print("=> no predictor found at '{}'" .format(args.predictor)) best_error_2, backbone_feature_predictor, loss_history_2, duration_error_history, amplitude_error_history, total_time_2 = bring_predictor() else: raise Exception("error: No predictor path provided") # create backbone if args.local_rank==0 and args.verbose: print("=> creating backbone") if args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet18': backbone=build_backbone(pulse_counter=backbone_pulse_counter, feature_predictor=backbone_feature_predictor, num_channels=512) elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet34': backbone=build_backbone(pulse_counter=backbone_pulse_counter, feature_predictor=backbone_feature_predictor, num_channels=512) elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet50': backbone=build_backbone(pulse_counter=backbone_pulse_counter, feature_predictor=backbone_feature_predictor, num_channels=2048) elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet101': backbone=build_backbone(pulse_counter=backbone_pulse_counter, feature_predictor=backbone_feature_predictor, num_channels=2048) elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet152': backbone=build_backbone(pulse_counter=backbone_pulse_counter, feature_predictor=backbone_feature_predictor, num_channels=2048) elif args.feature_predictor_arch == 'ResNet10': backbone=build_backbone(pulse_counter=backbone_pulse_counter, feature_predictor=backbone_feature_predictor, num_channels=512) else: print("Unrecognized {} architecture for the backbone feature predictor" .format(args.feature_predictor_arch)) backbone = # create DETR transformer if args.local_rank==0 and args.verbose: print("=> creating transformer") if args.test: args.transformer_hidden_dim = 64 args.transformer_num_heads = 2 args.transformer_dim_feedforward = 256 args.transformer_num_enc_layers = 2 args.transformer_num_dec_layers = 2 args.transformer_pre_norm = True transformer = build_transformer(hidden_dim=args.transformer_hidden_dim, dropout=args.transformer_dropout, nheads=args.transformer_num_heads, dim_feedforward=args.transformer_dim_feedforward, enc_layers=args.transformer_num_enc_layers, dec_layers=args.transformer_num_dec_layers, pre_norm=args.transformer_pre_norm) # create DETR in itself if args.local_rank==0 and args.verbose: print("=> creating DETR") detr = DT.DETR(backbone=backbone, transformer=transformer, num_classes=args.num_classes, num_queries=args.num_queries) detr = # For distributed training, wrap the model
# the source codes of transE are from from absl import app from absl import flags import os import numpy as np import torch.optim as optim from torch.utils import data as torch_data from torch.utils import tensorboard from collections import Counter from torch.utils import data from typing import Dict, Tuple import torch from torch import nn from torch.optim import optimizer import pickle FB15K = 'FB15K' WORDNET = 'WordNet' dataset = WORDNET # WordNet FB15K FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_float("lr", default=0.01, help="Learning rate value.") flags.DEFINE_integer("seed", default=715, help="Seed value.") flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", default=128, help="Maximum batch size.") flags.DEFINE_integer("validation_batch_size", default=64, help="Maximum batch size during model validation.") flags.DEFINE_integer("vector_length", default=100, help="Length of entity/relation vector.") flags.DEFINE_float("margin", default=1.0, help="Margin value in margin-based ranking loss.") flags.DEFINE_integer("norm", default=1, help="Norm used for calculating dissimilarity metric (usually 1 or 2).") flags.DEFINE_integer("epochs", default=4000, help="Number of training epochs.") flags.DEFINE_bool("use_gpu", default=True, help="Flag enabling gpu usage.") flags.DEFINE_integer("validation_freq", default=10, help="Validate model every X epochs.") flags.DEFINE_string("checkpoint_path", default="", help="Path to model checkpoint (by default train from scratch).") flags.DEFINE_string("tensorboard_log_dir", default=os.path.abspath('../resource/runs/'), help="Path for tensorboard log directory.") flags.DEFINE_string("checkpoint_folder", default=os.path.abspath('../resource/transe_checkpoint/'), help='checkpoint folder') flags.DEFINE_string("load_checkpoint_file", default=None, help='checkpoint file') if dataset == FB15K: flags.DEFINE_string("dataset_path", default=os.path.abspath('../resource/FB15k/'), help="Path to dataset.") elif dataset == WORDNET: flags.DEFINE_string("dataset_path", default=os.path.abspath('../resource/wordnet/'), help="Path to dataset.") else: raise ValueError('Illegal Dataset') HITS_AT_1_SCORE = float HITS_AT_3_SCORE = float HITS_AT_10_SCORE = float MRR_SCORE = float METRICS = Tuple[HITS_AT_1_SCORE, HITS_AT_3_SCORE, HITS_AT_10_SCORE, MRR_SCORE] Mapping = Dict[str, int] _MODEL_STATE_DICT = "model_state_dict" _OPTIMIZER_STATE_DICT = "optimizer_state_dict" _EPOCH = "epoch" _STEP = "step" _BEST_SCORE = "best_score" class TransE(nn.Module): def __init__(self, entity_count, relation_count, device, norm=1, dim=100, margin=1.0): super(TransE, self).__init__() self.entity_count = entity_count self.relation_count = relation_count self.device = device self.norm = norm self.dim = dim self.entities_emb = self._init_entity_emb() self.relations_emb = self._init_relation_emb() self.criterion = nn.MarginRankingLoss(margin=margin, reduction='none') def _init_entity_emb(self): entities_emb = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=self.entity_count + 1, embedding_dim=self.dim, padding_idx=self.entity_count) uniform_range = 6 / np.sqrt(self.dim), uniform_range) return entities_emb def _init_relation_emb(self): relations_emb = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=self.relation_count + 1, embedding_dim=self.dim, padding_idx=self.relation_count) uniform_range = 6 / np.sqrt(self.dim), uniform_range) # -1 to avoid nan for OOV vector[:-1, :].div_([:-1, :].norm(p=1, dim=1, keepdim=True)) return relations_emb def forward(self, positive_triplets: torch.LongTensor, negative_triplets: torch.LongTensor): """Return model losses based on the input. :param positive_triplets: triplets of positives in Bx3 shape (B - batch, 3 - head, relation and tail) :param negative_triplets: triplets of negatives in Bx3 shape (B - batch, 3 - head, relation and tail) :return: tuple of the model loss, positive triplets loss component, negative triples loss component """ # -1 to avoid nan for OOV vector[:-1, :].div_([:-1, :].norm(p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True)) assert positive_triplets.size()[1] == 3 positive_distances = self._distance(positive_triplets) assert negative_triplets.size()[1] == 3 negative_distances = self._distance(negative_triplets) return self.loss(positive_distances, negative_distances), positive_distances, negative_distances def predict(self, triplets: torch.LongTensor): """Calculated dissimilarity score for given triplets. :param triplets: triplets in Bx3 shape (B - batch, 3 - head, relation and tail) :return: dissimilarity score for given triplets """ return self._distance(triplets) def loss(self, positive_distances, negative_distances): target = torch.tensor([-1], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) return self.criterion(positive_distances, negative_distances, target) def _distance(self, triplets): """Triplets should have shape Bx3 where dim 3 are head id, relation id, tail id.""" assert triplets.size()[1] == 3 heads = triplets[:, 0] relations = triplets[:, 1] tails = triplets[:, 2] return (self.entities_emb(heads) + self.relations_emb(relations) - self.entities_emb(tails)).norm(p=self.norm, dim=1) def load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path: str, model: nn.Module, optim_: optimizer.Optimizer) -> Tuple[int, int, float]: """Loads training checkpoint. :param checkpoint_path: path to checkpoint :param model: model to update state :param optim_: optimizer to update state :return tuple of starting epoch id, starting step id, best checkpoint score """ checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint[_MODEL_STATE_DICT]) optim_.load_state_dict(checkpoint[_OPTIMIZER_STATE_DICT]) start_epoch_id = checkpoint[_EPOCH] + 1 step = checkpoint[_STEP] + 1 best_score = checkpoint[_BEST_SCORE] return start_epoch_id, step, best_score def save_checkpoint(model: nn.Module, optim_: optimizer.Optimizer, epoch_id: int, step: int, best_score: float, save_path: str, kg_name: str):{ _MODEL_STATE_DICT: model.state_dict(), _OPTIMIZER_STATE_DICT: optim_.state_dict(), _EPOCH: epoch_id, _STEP: step, _BEST_SCORE: best_score }, os.path.join(save_path, kg_name+'_'+str(epoch_id)+'_checkpoint.tar')) def hit_at_k(predictions: torch.Tensor, ground_truth_idx: torch.Tensor, device: torch.device, k: int = 10) -> int: """Calculates number of hits@k. :param predictions: BxN tensor of prediction values where B is batch size and N number of classes. Predictions must be sorted in class ids order :param ground_truth_idx: Bx1 tensor with index of ground truth class :param device: device on which calculations are taking place :param k: number of top K results to be considered as hits :return: Hits@K score """ assert predictions.size(0) == ground_truth_idx.size(0) zero_tensor = torch.tensor([0], device=device) one_tensor = torch.tensor([1], device=device) _, indices = predictions.topk(k=k, largest=False) return torch.where(indices == ground_truth_idx, one_tensor, zero_tensor).sum().item() def cal_mrr(predictions: torch.Tensor, ground_truth_idx: torch.Tensor) -> float: """Calculates mean reciprocal rank (MRR) for given predictions and ground truth values. :param predictions: BxN tensor of prediction values where B is batch size and N number of classes. Predictions must be sorted in class ids order :param ground_truth_idx: Bx1 tensor with index of ground truth class :return: Mean reciprocal rank score """ assert predictions.size(0) == ground_truth_idx.size(0) indices = predictions.argsort() return (1.0 / (indices == ground_truth_idx).nonzero()[:, 1].float().add(1.0)).sum().item() def create_mappings(dataset_path: str) -> Tuple[Mapping, Mapping]: """Creates separate mappings to indices for entities and relations.""" # counters to have entities/relations sorted from most frequent entity_counter = Counter() relation_counter = Counter() with open(dataset_path, "r") as f: for line in f: # -1 to remove newline sign head, relation, tail = line[:-1].split("\t") entity_counter.update([head, tail]) relation_counter.update([relation]) entity2id = {} relation2id = {} for idx, (mid, _) in enumerate(entity_counter.most_common()): entity2id[mid] = idx for idx, (relation, _) in enumerate(relation_counter.most_common()): relation2id[relation] = idx return entity2id, relation2id class FB15KDataset(data.Dataset): """Dataset implementation for handling FB15K and FB15K-237.""" def __init__(self, data_path: str, entity2id: Mapping, relation2id: Mapping): self.entity2id = entity2id self.relation2id = relation2id with open(data_path, "r") as f: # data in tuples (head, relation, tail) = [line[:-1].split("\t") for line in f] def __len__(self): """Denotes the total number of samples.""" return len( def __getitem__(self, index): """Returns (head id, relation id, tail id).""" head, relation, tail =[index] head_id = self._to_idx(head, self.entity2id) relation_id = self._to_idx(relation, self.relation2id) tail_id = self._to_idx(tail, self.entity2id) return head_id, relation_id, tail_id @staticmethod def _to_idx(key: str, mapping: Mapping) -> int: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return len(mapping) class WordNetDataset(data.Dataset): """Dataset implementation for handling WordNet.""" def __init__(self, kg_data: Mapping): = kg_data def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, index): return[index] @staticmethod def _to_idx(key: str, mapping: Mapping) -> int: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return len(mapping) def test(model: torch.nn.Module, data_generator: torch_data.DataLoader, entities_count: int, summary_writer: tensorboard.SummaryWriter, device: torch.device, epoch_id: int, metric_suffix: str, ) -> METRICS: examples_count = 0.0 hits_at_1 = 0.0 hits_at_3 = 0.0 hits_at_10 = 0.0 mrr = 0.0 entity_ids = torch.arange(end=entities_count, device=device).unsqueeze(0) for head, relation, tail in data_generator: current_batch_size = head.size()[0] head, relation, tail =,, all_entities = entity_ids.repeat(current_batch_size, 1) heads = head.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1]) relations = relation.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1]) tails = tail.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, all_entities.size()[1]) # Check all possible tails triplets = torch.stack((heads, relations, all_entities), dim=2).reshape(-1, 3) tails_predictions = model.predict(triplets).reshape(current_batch_size, -1) # Check all possible heads triplets = torch.stack((all_entities, relations, tails), dim=2).reshape(-1, 3) heads_predictions = model.predict(triplets).reshape(current_batch_size, -1) # Concat predictions predictions =, heads_predictions), dim=0) ground_truth_entity_id =, 1), head.reshape(-1, 1))) hits_at_1 += hit_at_k(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id, device=device, k=1) hits_at_3 += hit_at_k(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id, device=device, k=3) hits_at_10 += hit_at_k(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id, device=device, k=10) mrr += cal_mrr(predictions, ground_truth_entity_id) examples_count += predictions.size()[0] hits_at_1_score = hits_at_1 / examples_count * 100 hits_at_3_score = hits_at_3 / examples_count * 100 hits_at_10_score = hits_at_10 / examples_count * 100 mrr_score = mrr / examples_count * 100 summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_1/' + metric_suffix, hits_at_1_score, global_step=epoch_id) summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_3/' + metric_suffix, hits_at_3_score, global_step=epoch_id) summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/Hits_10/' + metric_suffix, hits_at_10_score, global_step=epoch_id) summary_writer.add_scalar('Metrics/MRR/' + metric_suffix, mrr_score, global_step=epoch_id) return hits_at_1_score, hits_at_3_score, hits_at_10_score, mrr_score def main(_): torch.random.manual_seed(FLAGS.seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size vector_length = FLAGS.vector_length margin = FLAGS.margin norm = FLAGS.norm learning_rate = epochs = FLAGS.epochs device = torch.device('cuda') if FLAGS.use_gpu else torch.device('cpu') path = FLAGS.dataset_path train_generator, validation_generator, test_generator = None, None, None if dataset == 'FB15K': train_path = os.path.join(path, "freebase_mtr100_mte100-train.txt") validation_path = os.path.join(path, "freebase_mtr100_mte100-valid.txt") test_path = os.path.join(path, "freebase_mtr100_mte100-test.txt") entity2id, relation2id = create_mappings(train_path) train_set = FB15KDataset(train_path, entity2id, relation2id) train_generator = torch_data.DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=batch_size) validation_set = FB15KDataset(validation_path, entity2id, relation2id) validation_generator = torch_data.DataLoader(validation_set, batch_size=FLAGS.validation_batch_size) test_set = FB15KDataset(test_path, entity2id, relation2id) test_generator = torch_data.DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=FLAGS.validation_batch_size) print('FB15K data loaded') elif dataset == WORDNET: data_obj = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(path, 'wordnet_KG.pkl'), 'rb')) relation2id = data_obj['relation_idx_dict'] entity2id = data_obj['word_idx_dict'] train_set = WordNetDataset(data_obj['fact_list']) train_generator = torch_data.DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=batch_size) print('WordNet data loaded') else: raise ValueError('') model = TransE(entity_count=len(entity2id), relation_count=len(relation2id), dim=vector_length, margin=margin, device=device, norm=norm) # type: torch.nn.Module model = optim_ = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) summary_writer = tensorboard.SummaryWriter(log_dir=FLAGS.tensorboard_log_dir) start_epoch_id = 1 step = 0 best_score = 0.0 if FLAGS.load_checkpoint_file is not None: checkpoint_path
17869, 'tracts': 4}, 'Polk': {'population': 41475, 'tracts': 7}, 'Pulaski': {'population': 12010, 'tracts': 3}, 'Putnam': {'population': 21218, 'tracts': 5}, 'Quitman': {'population': 2513, 'tracts': 1}, 'Rabun': {'population': 16276, 'tracts': 5}, 'Randolph': {'population': 7719, 'tracts': 2}, 'Richmond': {'population': 200549, 'tracts': 47}, 'Rockdale': {'population': 85215, 'tracts': 15}, 'Schley': {'population': 5010, 'tracts': 2}, 'Screven': {'population': 14593, 'tracts': 5}, 'Seminole': {'population': 8729, 'tracts': 3}, 'Spalding': {'population': 64073, 'tracts': 12}, 'Stephens': {'population': 26175, 'tracts': 5}, 'Stewart': {'population': 6058, 'tracts': 2}, 'Sumter': {'population': 32819, 'tracts': 8}, 'Talbot': {'population': 6865, 'tracts': 3}, 'Taliaferro': {'population': 1717, 'tracts': 1}, 'Tattnall': {'population': 25520, 'tracts': 5}, 'Taylor': {'population': 8906, 'tracts': 3}, 'Telfair': {'population': 16500, 'tracts': 3}, 'Terrell': {'population': 9315, 'tracts': 4}, 'Thomas': {'population': 44720, 'tracts': 11}, 'Tift': {'population': 40118, 'tracts': 9}, 'Toombs': {'population': 27223, 'tracts': 6}, 'Towns': {'population': 10471, 'tracts': 3}, 'Treutlen': {'population': 6885, 'tracts': 2}, 'Troup': {'population': 67044, 'tracts': 14}, 'Turner': {'population': 8930, 'tracts': 2}, 'Twiggs': {'population': 9023, 'tracts': 2}, 'Union': {'population': 21356, 'tracts': 6}, 'Upson': {'population': 27153, 'tracts': 7}, 'Walker': {'population': 68756, 'tracts': 13}, 'Walton': {'population': 83768, 'tracts': 15}, 'Ware': {'population': 36312, 'tracts': 9}, 'Warren': {'population': 5834, 'tracts': 2}, 'Washington': {'population': 21187, 'tracts': 5}, 'Wayne': {'population': 30099, 'tracts': 6}, 'Webster': {'population': 2799, 'tracts': 2}, 'Wheeler': {'population': 7421, 'tracts': 2}, 'White': {'population': 27144, 'tracts': 5}, 'Whitfield': {'population': 102599, 'tracts': 18}, 'Wilcox': {'population': 9255, 'tracts': 4}, 'Wilkes': {'population': 10593, 'tracts': 4}, 'Wilkinson': {'population': 9563, 'tracts': 3}, 'Worth': {'population': 21679, 'tracts': 5}}, 'HI': {'Hawaii': {'population': 185079, 'tracts': 34}, 'Honolulu': {'population': 953207, 'tracts': 244}, 'Kalawao': {'population': 90, 'tracts': 1}, 'Kauai': {'population': 67091, 'tracts': 16}, 'Maui': {'population': 154834, 'tracts': 37}}, 'IA': {'Adair': {'population': 7682, 'tracts': 3}, 'Adams': {'population': 4029, 'tracts': 2}, 'Allamakee': {'population': 14330, 'tracts': 5}, 'Appanoose': {'population': 12887, 'tracts': 5}, 'Audubon': {'population': 6119, 'tracts': 3}, 'Benton': {'population': 26076, 'tracts': 7}, '<NAME>': {'population': 131090, 'tracts': 38}, 'Boone': {'population': 26306, 'tracts': 7}, 'Bremer': {'population': 24276, 'tracts': 8}, 'Buchanan': {'population': 20958, 'tracts': 6}, '<NAME>': {'population': 20260, 'tracts': 6}, 'Butler': {'population': 14867, 'tracts': 5}, 'Calhoun': {'population': 9670, 'tracts': 4}, 'Carroll': {'population': 20816, 'tracts': 6}, 'Cass': {'population': 13956, 'tracts': 5}, 'Cedar': {'population': 18499, 'tracts': 5}, '<NAME>': {'population': 44151, 'tracts': 11}, 'Cherokee': {'population': 12072, 'tracts': 4}, 'Chickasaw': {'population': 12439, 'tracts': 4}, 'Clarke': {'population': 9286, 'tracts': 3}, 'Clay': {'population': 16667, 'tracts': 4}, 'Clayton': {'population': 18129, 'tracts': 6}, 'Clinton': {'population': 49116, 'tracts': 12}, 'Crawford': {'population': 17096, 'tracts': 5}, 'Dallas': {'population': 66135, 'tracts': 15}, 'Davis': {'population': 8753, 'tracts': 2}, 'Decatur': {'population': 8457, 'tracts': 3}, 'Delaware': {'population': 17764, 'tracts': 4}, '<NAME>': {'population': 40325, 'tracts': 11}, 'Dickinson': {'population': 16667, 'tracts': 5}, 'Dubuque': {'population': 93653, 'tracts': 26}, 'Emmet': {'population': 10302, 'tracts': 4}, 'Fayette': {'population': 20880, 'tracts': 7}, 'Floyd': {'population': 16303, 'tracts': 5}, 'Franklin': {'population': 10680, 'tracts': 3}, 'Fremont': {'population': 7441, 'tracts': 3}, 'Greene': {'population': 9336, 'tracts': 4}, 'Grundy': {'population': 12453, 'tracts': 4}, 'Guthrie': {'population': 10954, 'tracts': 3}, 'Hamilton': {'population': 15673, 'tracts': 5}, 'Hancock': {'population': 11341, 'tracts': 4}, 'Hardin': {'population': 17534, 'tracts': 6}, 'Harrison': {'population': 14928, 'tracts': 5}, 'Henry': {'population': 20145, 'tracts': 5}, 'Howard': {'population': 9566, 'tracts': 3}, 'Humboldt': {'population': 9815, 'tracts': 4}, 'Ida': {'population': 7089, 'tracts': 3}, 'Iowa': {'population': 16355, 'tracts': 4}, 'Jackson': {'population': 19848, 'tracts': 6}, 'Jasper': {'population': 36842, 'tracts': 9}, 'Jefferson': {'population': 16843, 'tracts': 4}, 'Johnson': {'population': 130882, 'tracts': 24}, 'Jones': {'population': 20638, 'tracts': 5}, 'Keokuk': {'population': 10511, 'tracts': 4}, 'Kossuth': {'population': 15543, 'tracts': 6}, 'Lee': {'population': 35862, 'tracts': 11}, 'Linn': {'population': 211226, 'tracts': 45}, 'Louisa': {'population': 11387, 'tracts': 3}, 'Lucas': {'population': 8898, 'tracts': 4}, 'Lyon': {'population': 11581, 'tracts': 3}, 'Madison': {'population': 15679, 'tracts': 3}, 'Mahaska': {'population': 22381, 'tracts': 7}, 'Marion': {'population': 33309, 'tracts': 8}, 'Marshall': {'population': 40648, 'tracts': 10}, 'Mills': {'population': 15059, 'tracts': 5}, 'Mitchell': {'population': 10776, 'tracts': 3}, 'Monona': {'population': 9243, 'tracts': 4}, 'Monroe': {'population': 7970, 'tracts': 3}, 'Montgomery': {'population': 10740, 'tracts': 4}, 'Muscatine': {'population': 42745, 'tracts': 10}, "O'Brien": {'population': 14398, 'tracts': 4}, 'Osceola': {'population': 6462, 'tracts': 2}, 'Page': {'population': 15932, 'tracts': 6}, 'Palo Alto': {'population': 9421, 'tracts': 4}, 'Plymouth': {'population': 24986, 'tracts': 6}, 'Pocahontas': {'population': 7310, 'tracts': 3}, 'Polk': {'population': 430640, 'tracts': 98}, 'Pottawattamie': {'population': 93158, 'tracts': 30}, 'Poweshiek': {'population': 18914, 'tracts': 5}, 'Ringgold': {'population': 5131, 'tracts': 2}, 'Sac': {'population': 10350, 'tracts': 4}, 'Scott': {'population': 165224, 'tracts': 47}, 'Shelby': {'population': 12167, 'tracts': 4}, 'Sioux': {'population': 33704, 'tracts': 7}, 'Story': {'population': 89542, 'tracts': 20}, 'Tama': {'population': 17767, 'tracts': 6}, 'Taylor': {'population': 6317, 'tracts': 3}, 'Union': {'population': 12534, 'tracts': 4}, '<NAME>': {'population': 7570, 'tracts': 2}, 'Wapello': {'population': 35625, 'tracts': 11}, 'Warren': {'population': 46225, 'tracts': 12}, 'Washington': {'population': 21704, 'tracts': 5}, 'Wayne': {'population': 6403, 'tracts': 3}, 'Webster': {'population': 38013, 'tracts': 12}, 'Winnebago': {'population': 10866, 'tracts': 3}, 'Winneshiek': {'population': 21056, 'tracts': 5}, 'Woodbury': {'population': 102172, 'tracts': 26}, 'Worth': {'population': 7598, 'tracts': 3}, 'Wright': {'population': 13229, 'tracts': 5}}, 'ID': {'Ada': {'population': 392365, 'tracts': 59}, 'Adams': {'population': 3976, 'tracts': 2}, 'Bannock': {'population': 82839, 'tracts': 22}, 'Bear Lake': {'population': 5986, 'tracts': 2}, 'Benewah': {'population': 9285, 'tracts': 2}, 'Bingham': {'population': 45607, 'tracts': 8}, 'Blaine': {'population': 21376, 'tracts': 4}, 'Boise': {'population': 7028, 'tracts': 1}, 'Bonner': {'population': 40877, 'tracts': 9}, 'Bonneville': {'population': 104234, 'tracts': 21}, 'Boundary': {'population': 10972, 'tracts': 2}, 'Butte': {'population': 2891, 'tracts': 1}, 'Camas': {'population': 1117, 'tracts': 1}, 'Canyon': {'population': 188923, 'tracts': 29}, 'Caribou': {'population': 6963, 'tracts': 2}, 'Cassia': {'population': 22952, 'tracts': 6}, 'Clark': {'population': 982, 'tracts': 1}, 'Clearwater': {'population': 8761, 'tracts': 2}, 'Custer': {'population': 4368, 'tracts': 1}, 'Elmore': {'population': 27038, 'tracts': 5}, 'Franklin': {'population': 12786, 'tracts': 2}, 'Fremont': {'population': 13242, 'tracts': 3}, 'Gem': {'population': 16719, 'tracts': 3}, 'Gooding': {'population': 15464, 'tracts': 2}, 'Idaho': {'population': 16267, 'tracts': 5}, 'Jefferson': {'population': 26140, 'tracts': 4}, 'Jerome': {'population': 22374, 'tracts': 5}, 'Kootenai': {'population': 138494, 'tracts': 25}, 'Latah': {'population': 37244, 'tracts': 7}, 'Lemhi': {'population': 7936, 'tracts': 3}, 'Lewis': {'population': 3821, 'tracts': 3}, 'Lincoln': {'population': 5208, 'tracts': 1}, 'Madison': {'population': 37536, 'tracts': 6}, 'Minidoka': {'population': 20069, 'tracts': 5}, '<NAME>': {'population': 39265, 'tracts': 10}, 'Oneida': {'population': 4286, 'tracts': 1}, 'Owyhee': {'population': 11526, 'tracts': 3}, 'Payette': {'population': 22623, 'tracts': 4}, 'Power': {'population': 7817, 'tracts': 2}, 'Shoshone': {'population': 12765, 'tracts': 3}, 'Teton': {'population': 10170, 'tracts': 1}, '<NAME>': {'population': 77230, 'tracts': 14}, 'Valley': {'population': 9862, 'tracts': 3}, 'Washington': {'population': 10198, 'tracts': 3}}, 'IL': {'Adams': {'population': 67103, 'tracts': 18}, 'Alexander': {'population': 8238, 'tracts': 4}, 'Bond': {'population': 17768, 'tracts': 4}, 'Boone': {'population': 54165, 'tracts': 7}, 'Brown': {'population': 6937, 'tracts': 2}, 'Bureau': {'population': 34978, 'tracts': 10}, 'Calhoun': {'population': 5089, 'tracts': 2}, 'Carroll': {'population': 15387, 'tracts': 6}, 'Cass': {'population': 13642, 'tracts': 5}, 'Champaign': {'population': 201081, 'tracts': 43}, 'Christian': {'population': 34800, 'tracts': 10}, 'Clark': {'population': 16335, 'tracts': 4}, 'Clay': {'population': 13815, 'tracts': 4}, 'Clinton': {'population': 37762, 'tracts': 8}, 'Coles': {'population': 53873, 'tracts': 12}, 'Cook': {'population': 5194675, 'tracts': 1318}, 'Crawford': {'population': 19817, 'tracts': 6}, 'Cumberland': {'population': 11048, 'tracts': 3}, '<NAME>': {'population': 16561, 'tracts': 5}, 'DeKalb': {'population': 105160, 'tracts': 21}, 'Douglas': {'population': 19980, 'tracts': 5}, 'DuPage': {'population': 916924, 'tracts': 216}, 'Edgar': {'population': 18576, 'tracts': 5}, 'Edwards': {'population': 6721, 'tracts': 3}, 'Effingham': {'population': 34242, 'tracts': 8}, 'Fayette': {'population': 22140, 'tracts': 7}, 'Ford': {'population': 14081, 'tracts': 5}, 'Franklin': {'population': 39561, 'tracts': 12}, 'Fulton': {'population': 37069, 'tracts': 12}, 'Gallatin': {'population': 5589, 'tracts': 2}, 'Greene': {'population': 13886, 'tracts': 5}, 'Grundy': {'population': 50063, 'tracts': 10}, 'Hamilton': {'population': 8457, 'tracts': 3}, 'Hancock': {'population': 19104, 'tracts': 7}, 'Hardin': {'population': 4320, 'tracts': 2}, 'Henderson': {'population': 7331, 'tracts': 3}, 'Henry': {'population': 50486, 'tracts': 13}, 'Iroquois': {'population': 29718, 'tracts': 9}, 'Jackson': {'population': 60218, 'tracts': 14}, 'Jasper': {'population': 9698, 'tracts': 3}, 'Jefferson': {'population': 38827, 'tracts': 11}, 'Jersey': {'population': 22985, 'tracts': 6}, '<NAME>': {'population': 22678, 'tracts': 6}, 'Johnson': {'population': 12582, 'tracts': 4}, 'Kane': {'population': 515269, 'tracts': 82}, 'Kankakee': {'population': 113449, 'tracts': 29}, 'Kendall': {'population': 114736, 'tracts': 10}, 'Knox': {'population': 52919, 'tracts': 16}, 'La Salle': {'population': 113924, 'tracts': 28}, 'Lake': {'population': 703462, 'tracts': 153}, 'Lawrence': {'population': 16833, 'tracts': 5}, 'Lee': {'population': 36031, 'tracts': 9}, 'Livingston': {'population': 38950, 'tracts': 10}, 'Logan': {'population': 30305, 'tracts': 8}, 'Macon': {'population': 110768, 'tracts': 34}, 'Macoupin': {'population': 47765, 'tracts': 13}, 'Madison': {'population': 269282, 'tracts': 61}, 'Marion': {'population': 39437, 'tracts': 12}, 'Marshall': {'population': 12640, 'tracts': 5}, 'Mason': {'population': 14666, 'tracts': 6}, 'Massac': {'population': 15429, 'tracts': 4},
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os, time import logging import struct, socket from optparse import OptionParser parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) ppparent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(parent_dir)) py_third_dir = os.path.join(ppparent_dir, 'py_third') sys.path = [parent_dir, py_third_dir] + sys.path from lcp import link_master as lm from lcp import commit_ovs as cm from pyDatalog import pyDatalog logger = logging.getLogger('') TUPLENET_DIR = "" ETCD_ENDPOINT = "" etcd = None wmaster = None system_id = "" HOST_BR_PHY = "" HOST_BR_INT = 'br-int' entity_list = [] class TPToolErr(Exception): pass class LSwitch(pyDatalog.Mixin): def __init__(self, uuid): super(LSwitch, self).__init__() self.uuid = uuid = uuid def __repr__(self): return self.uuid class LRouter(pyDatalog.Mixin): def __init__(self, uuid, chassis = None): super(LRouter, self).__init__() self.uuid = uuid self.chassis = chassis = uuid def __repr__(self): return "%s:(chassis:%s)" %(self.uuid, self.chassis) class LSPort(pyDatalog.Mixin): def __init__(self, uuid, ip, mac, parent, chassis = None, peer = None): super(LSPort, self).__init__() self.uuid = uuid self.ip = ip self.mac = mac self.parent = parent self.chassis = chassis self.peer = peer = uuid def __repr__(self): return "%s:(ip:%s, parent:%s)" % (self.uuid, self.ip, self.parent) class LRPort(pyDatalog.Mixin): def __init__(self, uuid, ip, prefix, mac, parent, chassis = None, peer = None): super(LRPort, self).__init__() self.uuid = uuid self.ip = ip self.prefix = int(prefix) self.mac = mac self.parent = parent self.chassis = chassis self.peer = peer = uuid def __repr__(self): return "%s:(ip:%s/%d, parent:%s)" % (self.uuid, self.ip, self.prefix, self.parent) class LStaticRoute(pyDatalog.Mixin): def __init__(self, uuid, ip, prefix, next_hop, outport, parent): super(LStaticRoute, self).__init__() self.uuid = uuid self.ip = ip self.prefix = int(prefix) self.next_hop = next_hop self.outport = outport self.parent = parent = uuid def __repr__(self): return self.uuid class Chassis(pyDatalog.Mixin): def __init__(self, uuid, ip, tick): super(Chassis, self).__init__() self.uuid = uuid self.ip = ip self.tick = tick = uuid def __repr__(self): return self.uuid def init_logger(): global logger log_type = logging.NullHandler() logger = logging.getLogger('') format_type = ("%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(filename)s " "[line:%(lineno)d]: %(message)s") datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' console = log_type console_formater = logging.Formatter(format_type, datefmt) console.setFormatter(console_formater) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(console)"") def ecmp_execute_cmds(cmd_tpctl_list, cmd_first = None, cmd_final = None): if cmd_first is not None: tpctl_execute([cmd_first]) time.sleep(5) tpctl_execute(cmd_tpctl_list) if cmd_final is not None: time.sleep(5) tpctl_execute([cmd_final]) def tpctl_execute(cmd_list): endpoint_cmd = "--endpoints={}".format(ETCD_ENDPOINT) prefix_cmd = "--prefix={}".format(TUPLENET_DIR) for cmd in cmd_list: cmd = cmd.split() cmd.insert(1, prefix_cmd) cmd.insert(1, endpoint_cmd) cm.call_popen(cmd, commu='yes\n', shell=False) def update_entity(entity_list, add_pool): if add_pool.has_key('LS'): for path, value_set in add_pool['LS'].items(): path = path.split('/') entity_id = path[-1] entity_list.append(LSwitch(entity_id)) if add_pool.has_key('LR'): for path, value_set in add_pool['LR'].items(): path = path.split('/') entity_id = path[-1] entity_list.append(LRouter(entity_id, value_set.get('chassis'))) if add_pool.has_key('lsp'): for path, value_set in add_pool['lsp'].items(): path = path.split('/') entity_id = path[-1] parent = path[-3] entity_list.append(LSPort(entity_id, value_set['ip'], value_set['mac'], parent, value_set.get('chassis'), value_set.get('peer'))) if add_pool.has_key('lrp'): for path, value_set in add_pool['lrp'].items(): path = path.split('/') entity_id = path[-1] parent = path[-3] entity_list.append(LRPort(entity_id, value_set['ip'], value_set['prefix'], value_set['mac'], parent, value_set.get('chassis'), value_set.get('peer'))) if add_pool.has_key('lsr'): for path, value_set in add_pool['lsr'].items(): path = path.split('/') entity_id = path[-1] parent = path[-3] entity_list.append(LStaticRoute(entity_id, value_set['ip'], value_set['prefix'], value_set['next_hop'], value_set['outport'], parent)) if add_pool.has_key('chassis'): for path, value_set in add_pool['chassis'].items(): path = path.split('/') entity_id = path[-1] parent = path[-3] entity_list.append(Chassis(entity_id, value_set['ip'], value_set['tick'])) def sync_etcd_data(etcd_endpoints): global wmaster wmaster = lm.WatchMaster(etcd_endpoints, TUPLENET_DIR) data_type, add_pool, del_pool = wmaster.read_remote_kvdata() update_entity(entity_list, add_pool) pyDatalog.create_terms('X,Y,Z') pyDatalog.create_terms('LR, LS, LSP, LRP, LSR') pyDatalog.create_terms('LR1, LS1, LSP1, LRP1, LSR1') pyDatalog.create_terms('LR2, LS2, LSP2, LRP2, LSR2') pyDatalog.create_terms('LR3, LS3, LSP3, LRP3, LSR3') pyDatalog.create_terms('LS_OUT, LSP_OUT_TO_EDGE, LRP_EDGE_TO_OUT, LR_EDGE') pyDatalog.create_terms('LRP_EDGE_TO_INNER, LSP_INNER_TO_EDGE, LS_INNER') pyDatalog.create_terms('LSP_INNER_TO_CEN, LRP_CEN_TO_INNER, LR_CEN') pyDatalog.create_terms('LSR_VIRT, LSR_EDGE, LSR_OUT') def datalog_lr_central(): LRouter.uuid[X] == Y if len( != 1: raise TPToolErr("failed to know central LR") return X.v() def datalog_check_port_occupied_ip(ips): for ip in ips: LSPort.ip[X] == ip if len( != 0: raise TPToolErr("ip %s was occupied by other lsp" % ip) LRPort.ip[X] == ip if len( != 0: raise TPToolErr("ip %s was occupied by other lrp" % ip) def datalog_check_chassis_exist(system_id): Chassis.uuid[X] == system_id if len( != 1: raise TPToolErr("chassis %s is not registed in etcd" % system_id) def datalog_check_chassis_is_edge(): LRouter.chassis[X] == system_id if len( == 0: raise TPToolErr("chassis %s is an edge already" % system_id) def datalog_is_entity_exist(uuid): LSwitch.uuid[X] == uuid if len( != 0: return True LRouter.uuid[X] == uuid if len( != 0: return True LSPort.uuid[X] == uuid if len( != 0: return True LRPort.uuid[X] == uuid if len( != 0: return True LStaticRoute.uuid[X] == uuid if len( != 0: return True return False pyDatalog.create_terms('dl_LS_has_patchport') dl_LS_has_patchport(LS) <= ( (LSPort.ip[LSP] == '') & (LSwitch.uuid[LS] == LSPort.parent[LSP]) ) pyDatalog.create_terms('dl_edge_LR_peer_LS') dl_edge_LR_peer_LS(LR, LRP, LS, LSP) <= ( (LRouter.chassis[LR] != None) & (LRouter.uuid[LR] == LRPort.parent[LRP]) & (LRPort.uuid[LRP] == LSPort.peer[LSP]) & (LSPort.parent[LSP] == LSwitch.uuid[LS]) ) pyDatalog.create_terms('dl_edge_LR_peer_LR') dl_edge_LR_peer_LR(LR, LRP, LR1, LRP1) <= ( dl_edge_LR_peer_LS(LR, LRP, LS, LSP) & (LSPort.parent[LSP1] == LSwitch.uuid[LS]) & (LSPort.peer[LSP1] == LRPort.uuid[LRP1]) & (LRPort.peer[LRP1] == LSPort.uuid[LSP1]) & (LRouter.uuid[LR1] == LRPort.parent[LRP1]) & (LR != LR1) ) pyDatalog.create_terms('dl_ecmp_road') dl_ecmp_road(LS_OUT, LSP_OUT_TO_EDGE, LRP_EDGE_TO_OUT, LR_EDGE, LRP_EDGE_TO_INNER, LSP_INNER_TO_EDGE, LS_INNER, LRP_CEN_TO_INNER, LR_CEN, LSR_VIRT, LSR_OUT, LSR_EDGE ) <= ( dl_edge_LR_peer_LS(LR_EDGE, LRP_EDGE_TO_OUT, LS_OUT, LSP_OUT_TO_EDGE) & dl_LS_has_patchport(LS_OUT) & dl_edge_LR_peer_LS(LR_EDGE, LRP_EDGE_TO_INNER, LS_INNER, LSP_INNER_TO_EDGE) & (LS_OUT != LS_INNER) & dl_edge_LR_peer_LR(LR_EDGE, LRP_EDGE_TO_INNER, LR_CEN, LRP_CEN_TO_INNER) & (LStaticRoute.parent[LSR_VIRT] == LRouter.uuid[LR_EDGE]) & (LStaticRoute.outport[LSR_VIRT] == LRPort.uuid[LRP_EDGE_TO_INNER]) & (LStaticRoute.parent[LSR_OUT] == LRouter.uuid[LR_EDGE]) & (LStaticRoute.outport[LSR_OUT] == LRPort.uuid[LRP_EDGE_TO_OUT]) & (LStaticRoute.parent[LSR_EDGE] == LRouter.uuid[LR_CEN]) & (LStaticRoute.outport[LSR_EDGE] == LRPort.uuid[LRP_CEN_TO_INNER]) ) def new_entity_name(etype, prefix_name): i = 1 prefix_name = '{}_{}'.format(etype, prefix_name) while True: name = "tp_{}{}".format(prefix_name, i) i += 1 if datalog_is_entity_exist(name): continue return name def _cmd_new_link(lr_name, ls_name, ip, prefix): cmd = "tpctl lr link {} {} {}/{}".format(lr_name, ls_name, ip, prefix) return cmd def _cmd_new_lsr(lr_name, ip, prefix, next_hop, outport): lsr_name = "{}_{}-{}_to_{}_{}".format(lr_name, ip, prefix, next_hop, outport) cmd = "tpctl lsr add {} {} {}/{} {} {}".format( lr_name, lsr_name, ip, prefix, next_hop, outport) return cmd def _cmd_new_patchport(ls_name, portname, chassis, peer_br): cmd = "tpctl patchport add {} {} {} {}".format( ls_name, portname, chassis, peer_br) return cmd def _cmd_del_patchport(ls_name, portname): cmd = "tpctl lsp add {} {}".format(ls_name, portname) return cmd def _cmd_new_ls(ls_name): cmd = "tpctl ls add {}".format(ls_name) return cmd def _cmd_del_ls(ls_name): cmd = "tpctl ls del {} -r".format(ls_name) return cmd def _cmd_new_lr(lr_name, chassis = None): if chassis is None: cmd = "tpctl lr add {}".format(lr_name) else: cmd = "tpctl lr add {} {}".format(lr_name, chassis) return cmd def _cmd_del_lr(lr_name): cmd = "tpctl lr del {} -r".format(lr_name) return cmd def _cmd_del_lrp(lr_name, lrp_name): cmd = "tpctl lrp del {} {}".format(lr_name, lrp_name) return cmd def _cmd_del_lsr(lr_name, lsr_name): cmd = "tpctl lsr del {} {}".format(lr_name, lsr_name) return cmd def _gen_lrp_property(ip_int, prefix): mprefix = 32 - prefix max_ip_int = ((ip_int >> mprefix) << mprefix) + (0xffffffff >> prefix) min_ip_int = ((ip_int >> mprefix) << mprefix) for ip_int in xrange(max_ip_int-1, min_ip_int, -1): try: ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", ip_int)) datalog_check_port_occupied_ip([ip]) except: continue else: return ip, prefix raise TPToolErr("cannot found a lrp due to ip confict") def _init_ecmp_road(should_wait, central_lr, vip, vip_prefix, virt_ip, virt_prefix, out_net, out_prefix, inner_ip, inner_prefix, edge_net, edge_net_prefix, ext_gw): tp_cmd_list = [] # create LS and LR command out_ls_name = new_entity_name('LS', 'outside') tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_ls(out_ls_name)) edge_lr_name = new_entity_name('LR', 'edge') tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_lr(edge_lr_name, system_id)) inner_ls_name = new_entity_name('LS', 'm') tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_ls(inner_ls_name)) #create patch port patchport = new_entity_name('lsp', out_ls_name + "-patchport") tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_patchport(out_ls_name, patchport, system_id, HOST_BR_PHY)) # create link command tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_link(edge_lr_name, out_ls_name, vip, vip_prefix)) tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_link(edge_lr_name, inner_ls_name, inner_ip, inner_prefix)) # it take an assumption that there is no lport consume inner_ip/prefix ip_int = struct.unpack("!L", socket.inet_aton(inner_ip))[0] central_lr_ip, _ = _gen_lrp_property(ip_int, int(inner_prefix)) if central_lr_ip == inner_ip: raise Exception(("failed to allocate ip for " "central_lr port, please revise inner ip")) tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_link(central_lr, inner_ls_name, central_lr_ip, inner_prefix)) # create lsr command outport = "{}_to_{}".format(edge_lr_name, out_ls_name) tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_lsr(edge_lr_name, out_net, out_prefix, ext_gw, outport)) outport = "{}_to_{}".format(edge_lr_name, inner_ls_name) tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_lsr(edge_lr_name, virt_ip, virt_prefix, central_lr_ip, outport)) outport = "{}_to_{}".format(central_lr, inner_ls_name) tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_new_lsr(central_lr, edge_net, edge_net_prefix, inner_ip, outport)) print("tpctl will executes following commands") print('\n'.join(tp_cmd_list)) is_execute = raw_input(("Please verify tpctl commands and press " "yes to init an ecmp path:")) if is_execute == 'yes': if should_wait: ecmp_execute_cmds(tp_cmd_list[:-1], cmd_final=tp_cmd_list[-1]) else: ecmp_execute_cmds(tp_cmd_list) print("Done") else: sys.exit(0) def _remove_ecmp_road(should_wait, out, edge, inner, central_lr, central_lsr, central_lrp): outport_name = "{}_to_{}".format(, tp_cmd_list = [] tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_del_lr( tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_del_ls( tp_cmd_list.append(_cmd_del_ls( tp_cmd_list.insert(0, _cmd_del_lsr(, tp_cmd_list.insert(0, _cmd_del_lrp(, print("tpctl will executes following commands") print('\n'.join(tp_cmd_list)) is_execute = raw_input(("Please verify tpctl commands and press " "yes to remove a ecmp path:")) if is_execute == 'yes': if should_wait: ecmp_execute_cmds(tp_cmd_list[1:], cmd_first = tp_cmd_list[0]) else: ecmp_execute_cmds(tp_cmd_list) print("Done") else: sys.exit(0) def remove_ecmp_road(vip): dl_ecmp_road(LS_OUT, LSP_OUT_TO_EDGE, LRP_EDGE_TO_OUT, LR_EDGE, LRP_EDGE_TO_INNER, LSP_INNER_TO_EDGE, LS_INNER, LRP_CEN_TO_INNER, LR_CEN, LSR_VIRT, LSR_OUT, LSR_EDGE) ecmp_road = zip(,,,,,, found = False for out, lrp_edge_to_out, edge, inner, \ lr_central, lsr_central, lrp_central in ecmp_road: if lrp_edge_to_out.ip == vip: found = True should_wait = False if len(ecmp_road) == 1 else True _remove_ecmp_road(should_wait, out, edge, inner, lr_central, lsr_central, lrp_central) break if found is False: raise TPToolErr("failed to search ecmp path by using vip:%s" % vip) def add_ecmp_road(vip, vip_prefix): datalog_check_port_occupied_ip([vip]) dl_ecmp_road(LS_OUT, LSP_OUT_TO_EDGE,
width, bottom=R5) p2 =, R2, width, bottom=R5+R4, color='orange') p3 =, R3, width, bottom=R5+R4+R2, color='green') plt.title('RU Count Frequency for GP1BA VNTR', y=1.05) plt.xticks((0, 1, 2), ('African', 'East Asian', 'European'), fontsize=13) plt.legend((p5[0], p4[0], p2[0], p3[0]), ('3 Repeats', '4 Repeats', '1 Repeats', '2 Repeats'), fontsize=legend_size) plt.savefig('Population_RU_Count_GP1BA.pdf') else: R5_array = (49, 53, 58) R4_array = (42, 42, 36) R2_array = (7, 3, 4) R3_array = (2, 2, 2) R5 = np.array(R5_array) R4 = np.array(R4_array) R2 = np.array(R2_array) R3 = np.array(R3_array) ind = (0, 1, 2) width = 0.35 p5 =, R5, width) p4 =, R4, width, bottom=R5) p2 =, R2, width, bottom=R5 + R4, color='orange') p3 =, R3, width, bottom=R5 + R4 + R2, color='green') plt.title('RU Count Frequency for MAOA VNTR', y=1.05) plt.xticks((0, 1, 2), ('African', 'East Asian', 'European'), fontsize=13) plt.legend((p5[0], p4[0], p2[0], p3[0]), ('5 Repeats', '4 Repeats', '2 Repeats', '3 Repeats'), fontsize=legend_size) plt.savefig('Population_RU_Count_MAOA.pdf') def get_diabetes_pattern_interavls(): pattern = 'GGCCCCCCCCGTGCCGCCCACGGGTGACTCCGG' last = pattern[0] start = 0 intervals = [] for i in range(1, len(pattern)+1): if i == len(pattern): intervals.append((start+1, i)) break if pattern[i] != last: intervals.append((start+1, i)) last = pattern[i] start = i return intervals def plot_indel_frequencies_for_diabetes(): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rc, rcParams'ggplot') plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = '#FFFFFF' rc('text', usetex=True) rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r'\usepackage{sfmath} \boldmath'] plt.title('Frameshift Frequency in Diabetes Patients') plt.xlabel(r'\emph{Frameshift Position}') plt.ylabel(r'\emph{\# of Individuals}') plt.gca().spines['bottom'].set_color('black') plt.gca().spines['left'].set_color('black') plt.tight_layout(pad=4.0, w_pad=0.5, h_pad=2.0) raw_case = [('I0C', 1), ('D16', 1), ('D10', 1), ('I16T', 1), ('I28G', 1), ('I13C,D10', 1), ('I31A,D30,D31,I33T', 1), ('I9A', 1), ('I20C', 1), ('I3A', 1), ('I5C', 1), ('I19C', 1), ('I26G', 1), ('I31A', 1), ('I23C', 1), ('I33G', 1), ('I33C', 1), ('I2T', 1), ('I8T', 1), ('D13,I13C', 2), ('I24C', 2), ('I21A', 2), ('I10C', 3), ('I33T', 3), ('I12C', 4), ('D5', 5)] raw_control = [('D16', 1), ('D10', 1), ('I33C', 1), ('I7A', 1), ('I8C', 1), ('I24C', 1), ('I33C,I25T', 1), ('I28C', 1), ('I19G', 1), ('I13G', 1), ('I9C', 1), ('I11C', 1), ('I6C', 2), ('D5', 2), ('I10C', 3), ('I12C', 7)] case = {} control = {} for keys, value in raw_case: for key in keys.split(','): if key in case.keys(): case[key] += value else: case[key] = value for keys, value in raw_control: for key in keys.split(','): if key in control.keys(): control[key] += value else: control[key] = value total_indes = [pos for pos, num in case.items()] total_indes += [pos for pos, num in control.items()] total_indes = list(set(total_indes)) total_indel_sorted = [] intervals = get_diabetes_pattern_interavls() print(intervals) width = 0.35 case_array = [] control_array = [] filtered_indels = [] for pos in total_indes: case_count = case[pos] if pos in case.keys() else 0 control_count = control[pos] if pos in control.keys() else 0 if case_count + control_count < 2: continue case_array += [case_count] control_array += [control_count] filtered_indels += [pos] print(case_count, control_count) case_array = np.array(case_array) control_array = np.array(control_array) print(case_array) print(control_array) print(filtered_indels) filtered_indels = ['[3-10]D', '[3-10]I\_C', '[12]I\_C', '[13]D', '[13]I\_C', '[16]D', '[21]I\_A', '[22-24]I\_C', '[30-31]I\_A', '[32-33]I\_C','[32-33]I\_T'] case_array = np.array([5+2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4]) control_array = np.array([2+1, 2+3, 7, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0]) x_axis = [i for i, indel in enumerate(filtered_indels)] p0 =, case_array, width) p1 =, control_array, width, bottom=case_array) plt.xticks(x_axis, filtered_indels, fontsize=6, rotation=45) plt.legend((p0[0], p1[0]), ('Case', 'Control')) plt.savefig('diabetes_indels.png', dpi=300) def add_recruitment_results_for_illumina(illumina_recruitment_plots, results_dir): import glob titles = 'ABC' ru = [12, 30, 39] arrow_heads = [(3, 1), (4, 1), (4, 1)] arrow_tails = [(50, -110), (+10, -65), (+10, -65)] gene_dirs = glob.glob(results_dir + '*') gene_index = 0 for gene_dir in gene_dirs: gene_name = gene_dir.split('/')[-1] result_file = gene_dir + '/result.txt' if gene_name == 'IL1RN' or gene_name == 'DRD4': continue copies= [] bwa_result = [] bowtie_result = [] our_selection_result = [] with open(result_file) as input: lines = input.readlines() for line in lines: copy, original, our_filtering, our_selection, bwa, bowtie = line.split() original = int(original) copies.append(copy) our_selection_result.append(float(our_selection) / original) bwa_result.append(float(bwa) / original) bowtie_result.append(float(bowtie) / original) #'o-',markersize=4.2, title_text = '('+titles[gene_index] + ') \emph{%s}' % gene_name + ' \t(RU=%sbp)' % ru[gene_index] illumina_recruitment_plots[gene_index].set_title(title_text, fontsize=13) illumina_recruitment_plots[gene_index].plot(copies, our_selection_result, '.-', markersize=4, label='adVNTR') illumina_recruitment_plots[gene_index].plot(copies, bwa_result, '.-', markersize=4, label='BWA-MEM') illumina_recruitment_plots[gene_index].plot(copies, bowtie_result, '.-', markersize=4, label='Bowtie 2', color='orange') illumina_recruitment_plots[gene_index].spines['bottom'].set_color('black') illumina_recruitment_plots[gene_index].spines['left'].set_color('black') illumina_recruitment_plots[gene_index].annotate('hg19 RU Count', xy=arrow_heads[gene_index], xycoords='data', xytext=arrow_tails[gene_index], textcoords='offset points', arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '->', 'lw': 1, 'color': 'black'}, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom') gene_index += 1 def add_recruitment_results_for_pacbio(pacbio_recruitment_plots, results_dir): from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter import numpy import glob titles = 'ABC' gene_dirs = glob.glob(results_dir + '*') gene_index = 0 for gene_dir in gene_dirs: gene_name = gene_dir.split('/')[-1] result_file = gene_dir + '/result.txt' copies= [] bwa_result = [] bowtie_result = [] our_selection_result = [] with open(result_file) as input: lines = input.readlines() for line in lines: copy, original, our_filtering, our_selection, bwa, bowtie = line.split() copies.append(copy) our_selection_result.append(float(our_selection) / float(original)) bwa_result.append(float(bwa) / float(original)) bowtie_result.append(float(bowtie) / float(original)) pacbio_recruitment_plots[gene_index].title.set_text(titles[gene_index] + ') %s' % gene_name) pacbio_recruitment_plots[gene_index].plot(copies, our_selection_result, '.-', markersize=4, label='adVNTR') pacbio_recruitment_plots[gene_index].plot(copies, bowtie_result, '.-', markersize=4, label='Blasr', color=(0.0, 0.6196078431372549, 0.45098039215686275)) pacbio_recruitment_plots[gene_index].spines['bottom'].set_color('black') pacbio_recruitment_plots[gene_index].spines['left'].set_color('black') # pacbio_recruitment_plots[gene_index].yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) pacbio_recruitment_plots[gene_index].yaxis.set_ticks([0.8, 0.9, 1.0]) gene_index += 1 def plot_read_recruitment_results(): from matplotlib import rc, rcParams import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot') plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = '#FFFFFF' rc('text', usetex=True) rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r'\usepackage{sfmath} \boldmath'] plt.title('Read Recruitment Comparison') plt.gca().spines['bottom'].set_color('black') plt.gca().spines['left'].set_color('black') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3)) ax = list([]) x_label_font = 13 y_label_font = 13 ax.append(fig.add_subplot(111)) ax[0].set_ylabel(r'\emph{Read Selection Recall}', fontsize=y_label_font, labelpad=10) ax[0].set_xlabel(r'\emph{Simulated RU Count}', fontsize=x_label_font, labelpad=10) # Turn off axis lines and ticks of the big subplot for i in range(1): ax[i].spines['top'].set_color('none') ax[i].spines['bottom'].set_color('none') ax[i].spines['left'].set_color('none') ax[i].spines['right'].set_color('none') ax[i].tick_params(labelcolor='w', top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off') # pacbio_recruitment_plots = list([]) # pacbio_recruitment_plots.append(fig.add_subplot(231)) # pacbio_recruitment_plots.append(fig.add_subplot(232, sharey=pacbio_recruitment_plots[0])) # pacbio_recruitment_plots.append(fig.add_subplot(233, sharey=pacbio_recruitment_plots[0])) # add_recruitment_results_for_pacbio(pacbio_recruitment_plots, results_dir='../pacbio_coverage_experiment/') illumina_recruitment_plots = list([]) illumina_recruitment_plots.append(fig.add_subplot(131)) illumina_recruitment_plots.append(fig.add_subplot(132)) illumina_recruitment_plots.append(fig.add_subplot(133)) add_recruitment_results_for_illumina(illumina_recruitment_plots, results_dir='../Illumina_copy_number_short_vntrs_mapping/') plt.tight_layout(pad=0.6, w_pad=0.5, h_pad=1.0) # plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.80, left=0.1, bottom=0.1) illumina_handles, illumina_labels = illumina_recruitment_plots[2].get_legend_handles_labels() # handles, labels = pacbio_recruitment_plots[2].get_legend_handles_labels() # plt.figlegend(handles + illumina_handles[1:], labels + illumina_labels[1:], loc='upper center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0.) plt.figlegend(illumina_handles, illumina_labels, loc='upper center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0.) # fig.legend(lines, labels, loc=(0.5, 0), ncol=5) plt.savefig('read_recruitment_result.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') def get_correct_estimates_for_ru(files, ru_length=None, adVNTR=False): count = 0 vntr_results = {} if len(files) == 0: ###################TEMP return 0, 0 for file_name in files: count += 1 vntr_id = int(file_name.split('_')[-3]) if vntr_id not in vntr_results.keys(): vntr_results[vntr_id] = [] sim = int(file_name.split('_')[-2]) correct = False with open(file_name) as input: lines = input.readlines() if len(lines) > 1: if lines[-1].strip() != 'None' and len(lines[-1]) < 10: estimate = int(float(lines[-1].strip())) if estimate == sim: correct = True if correct: vntr_results[vntr_id].append(1) else: vntr_results[vntr_id].append(0) vntr_averages = {} for vntr_id in vntr_results.keys(): vntr_averages[vntr_id] = sum(vntr_results[vntr_id]) / float(len(vntr_results[vntr_id])) * 100 correct_ratio = sum(vntr_averages.values()) / float(len(vntr_averages.values())) from scipy import stats error_bar = stats.sem([e for e in vntr_averages.values()]) return correct_ratio, error_bar def plot_pacbio_ru_length_result(results_dir='../pacbio_ru_data_for_all_vntrs/', diploid=True): from matplotlib import rc, rcParams import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np fig = plt.figure()'ggplot') plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = '#FFFFFF' rc('text', usetex=True) rcParams['text.latex.unicode'] = True rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r'\usepackage{sfmath} \boldmath'] plt.title(r'Effect of RU Length on RU Count Estimation', fontname='Sans') plt.ylabel(r'\emph{Correct Estimates Percentage}') plt.xlabel(r'\emph{RU Length}') ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.gca().spines['bottom'].set_color('black') plt.gca().spines['left'].set_color('black') # ax.text(-0.1, 1.1, r'\textbf{B}', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=16, fontweight='bold', va='top', ha='right') import glob import os ru_dirs = glob.glob(results_dir + '*') points = [] naive_points = [] def get_lengths_and_discrepancies(file_name): import ast with open(file_name) as infile: lines = infile.readlines() if len(lines) < 2: return [], [] length = ast.literal_eval(lines[0]) disc = ast.literal_eval(lines[-1]) return length, disc # from advntr.advntr_commands import get_tested_vntrs # pacbio_ids = get_tested_vntrs(True) lengths = [] naive_lengths = [] discrepancies = [] naive_discrepancies = [] if diploid: prefix = 'diploid_' else: prefix = '' for ru_dir in ru_dirs: vntr_id = int(os.path.basename(ru_dir)) # if vntr_id not in pacbio_ids: # continue advntr_results = ru_dir + '/%sadvntr_result.txt' % prefix r3_naive_results = ru_dir + '/%sR3naive_result.txt' % prefix if not os.path.exists(advntr_results) or not os.path.exists(r3_naive_results): continue length, disc = get_lengths_and_discrepancies(advntr_results) naive_length, naive_disc = get_lengths_and_discrepancies(r3_naive_results) lengths += length naive_lengths += naive_length discrepancies += disc naive_discrepancies += naive_disc print(len(discrepancies)) def plot_data(matplot_ax, discrepancies_list, lengths_list, naive=0): data = {} width = 200 offset = float(width) / 2 if naive: offset *= -1 total = 0 total_wrongs = 0 for i in range(len(discrepancies_list)): key = 500 * (lengths_list[i] / 500) if key > 3000: continue if key not in data.keys(): data[key] = [] data[key].append(discrepancies_list[i]) for key in data.keys(): wrongs = sum([1 for e in data[key] if e > 0]) total_wrongs += wrongs total
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Aug 14 10:12:03 2020 @brief: Library of ADI-styled Tkinter frames @description: Module containing modifications of the base Tkinter building blocks: - Window - Frame As well as new templates which inherit from these blocks: - adiConnectFrame : For connection through serial port - adiSpeedReferenceFrame: - adiCanvasFrame - adiOptionsFrame @author: <NAME> @last-modified: 2020-11-09 """ import inspect import logging import math import platform import random import sys import threading import time import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk import traceback import matplotlib.figure as fig import numpy as np import serial import from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg from .adiStyle import AdiStyle from .adiWidgets import Button, Text, OptionMenu, Label, Scale, Entry, Radiobutton, Checkbutton, ToolTip, createToolTip # Create or get the logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler = logging.FileHandler('logfile.log') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(name)s :%(funcName)20s(): %(message)s') file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) VERSION = "0.1.0" class AdiWindow(tk.Tk): """Tkinter Window with prebuilt adi icon and title description. Invoking program also gives a function (close_cb) to be called on window close.""" ADI_ICON = 'app.ico' def __init__(self, name, close_cb): self.close_cb = close_cb tk.Tk.__init__(self) self.iconbitmap(self.ADI_ICON) self.title(name + ' ' + chr(169) + ' Analog Devices 2021') self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self._releaseAndQuit) self.configure(bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_BG) version_string = "ADI Motor Control GUI, v." + VERSION self.version_tag = tk.Label(self, text=version_string, bg='white') self.version_tag.grid(row=100, column=0, sticky='w', columnspan=4) # always at bottom of window def _releaseAndQuit(self): """Called when the user closes the main application window. It closes both the GUI and the command line windows.""" # call the callback self.close_cb() class AdiFrame(tk.Frame): """ADI basic frame, with attached 'name' label.""" def __init__(self, parent, name, row=0, column=0, rowspan=1, columnspan=1, padx=0, pady=0, bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_BG, relief="sunken"): self.row = row self.column = column self.rowspan = rowspan self.columnspan = columnspan = bg self.relief = relief self.padx = padx self.pady = pady tk.Frame.__init__( self, parent, relief=self.relief, borderwidth=1.2, bg=bg, ) temp = tk.Label( self, font=AdiStyle.FONT_HEADER, text=name, bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_BG, ) temp.grid( row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='W' ) temp = tk.Frame( self, bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_BG, relief=tk.FLAT, ) temp.grid( row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, ) self.container = tk.Frame( self, bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_BG, relief=tk.FLAT, ) self.container.grid( row=1, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, ) def show(self): self.grid( row=self.row, column=self.column, rowspan=self.rowspan, columnspan=self.columnspan, sticky="nsew", padx=self.padx, pady=self.pady, ) def hide(self): self.grid_forget() @staticmethod def _add(elem, row, column, columnspan=1, sticky="we", padx=0, pady=0): """Inserts widget into frame using grid. Configures widget with default font and background colour.""" try: elem.configure(font=AdiStyle.FONT_BODY) except tk.TclError: pass try: elem.configure(bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_BG) except tk.TclError: pass elem.grid( row=row, column=column, columnspan=columnspan, sticky=sticky, padx=padx, pady=pady, ) class AdiConnectFrame(AdiFrame): """Provides widgets to connect to serial port, from list of connected serial ports.""" def __init__(self, parent, connect_cb, disconnect_cb, serial, name="connection", row=0, column=0): # record variables self.parent = parent self.connect_cb = connect_cb self.disconnect_cb = disconnect_cb self.serial = serial self.available_ports = self.serial.discoverPorts() if len(self.available_ports) == 0: self.available_ports = ["No Devices Found"] print(f"{self.available_ports}") self.comSelected = tk.StringVar() # init parent AdiFrame.__init__( self, parent, name, row, column, ) # row 0: serial port self.serialFrame = tk.Frame( self.container, borderwidth=0, bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_BG, ) temp = Label( self.serialFrame, font=AdiStyle.FONT_BODY, bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_BG, text="Port:" ) self._add(temp, 1, 0) self.comSelect = OptionMenu( self.serialFrame, self.comSelected, *self.available_ports ) self.comSelect.bind("<Button-1>", self.update_ports) self._add(self.comSelect, 1, 1) self.serial_button = Button( self.serialFrame, text='connect', command=self.connect, ) self._add(self.serial_button, 1, 2) self.serialFrame.grid( row=2, column=1, sticky="ew", ) def connect(self): try: if self.serial.connected: self.serial_button.configure( text="Connect", bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_BG, ) self.disconnect_cb() # ensure proper shutdown of motor self.serial.disconnect() # must be called last while so cb has serial connection else: assert (len(self.comSelected.get()) != 0) self.serial.connect(self.comSelected.get()) self.serial_button.configure( text="Disconnect", bg=AdiStyle.COLOR_NOERROR, ) self.connect_cb() # connects motor and begins serial and plotting threads except AssertionError: print("Please enter a COM port to connect to") except: traceback.print_exc() def update_ports(self, *args): self.available_ports = self.serial.discoverPorts() if len(self.available_ports) == 0: self.available_ports = ["No Devices Found"] print(f"{self.available_ports}") self.comSelected.set('') self.comSelect['menu'].delete(0, 'end') for port in self.available_ports: self.comSelect['menu'].add_command(label=port, command=tk._setit(self.comSelected, port)) class AdiSpeedReferenceFrame(AdiFrame): """Template with scale, entry box and buttons for controlling motor start/stop and speed""" def __init__(self, parent, motor, start_cb, stop_cb, name="speed reference", row=0, column=0, rowspan=1): self.start_cb = start_cb self.stop_cb = stop_cb self.rpm_val = tk.IntVar() self.rpm_val.set(0) self.rpm_val.trace_add("write", self._on_update_entry) # triggers function on entry box write self.started = False self.motor = motor self.parent = parent AdiFrame.__init__( self, parent, name, row, column, rowspan ) self.temp = tk.Frame( self.container, background="white", width=50, ) self.scaleFrame = tk.Frame( self.container, borderwidth=0, background="white", ) self.slider = Scale( self.scaleFrame, from_=3000, to=0, orient="vertical", command=self._on_move_slider, ) self.s = ttk.Style() self.s.configure("Vertical.TScale", background="white") self._add(self.slider, 0, 1, columnspan=3, sticky='n') self.slider_entry = Entry( self.scaleFrame, textvariable=self.rpm_val, width=5, ) self._add(self.slider_entry, 1, 1, sticky='w') temp = Label( self.scaleFrame, font=AdiStyle.FONT_BODY, bg="white", text="[RPM]", padx=5, pady=5, ) self._add(temp, 1, 2, sticky='e') self.start_button = Button( self.scaleFrame, text='Start', command=self.start_stop_motor, state="disabled", ) self._add(self.start_button, 2, 1, columnspan=2) self.temp.grid( row=0, column=0, sticky='w', ) self.scaleFrame.grid( row=1, column=2, sticky='w', ) def start_stop_motor(self, *args): try: assert (self.parent.serial_queue.serial_conn is not None) if not self.started: self.start_button['text'] = "Stop" self.motor.start() self.started = True self.start_cb() else: self.start_button['text'] = "Start" self.motor.stop() self.started = False self.stop_cb() except AssertionError: print("Cannot start motor without a serial connection") def set_motor_speed(self, *args): speed = int(self.slider_entry.get()) self.motor.setSpeed(speed) def _on_move_slider(self, *args): """Auto updates entry box when slider is moved""" try: self.slider_entry.delete(0, "end") self.slider_entry.insert(0, int(self.slider.get())) except: traceback.print_exc() def _on_update_entry(self, *args): """Auto updates slider when entry is changed""" try: val = self.slider_entry.get() if val != '': self.slider.set(int(val)) self.set_motor_speed() except: print("Please enter a valid integer for motor speed [RPM]") class AdiCanvasFrame(AdiFrame): """Template holding the updating plot for Serial data. Contains update func which allows the plot to be updated when new data is available""" def __init__(self, parent, name="plotting frame", row=0, column=0, rowspan=2, columnspan=2, padx=0, pady=0): AdiFrame.__init__( self, parent, name, row, column, rowspan, columnspan, padx, pady, ) self.parent = parent self.f = fig.Figure(dpi=100, tight_layout=True) # matplotlib figure to embed in tkinter self.a = self.f.add_subplot(111) # axes object to plot data self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg( # canvas to draw lines on given figure self.f, self, ) # Create initial lists for Phase U and V data # Updating lists is cheaper than recreating them self.x_data = np.array([0]) self.y_data = np.array([0]) line, = self.a.plot(self.x_data, self.y_data, label="Phase U") line2, = self.a.plot(self.x_data, self.y_data, label="Phase V") # create dictionary to update plotted lines by name self.lines = { "Phase U": line, "Phase V": line2, } self.a.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=8) self.a.set_xlabel("Time (s)") self.a.set_ylabel("Motor Current (A)") self.a.set_title("Motor Phase Currents", size="large") self.a.set_yscale('linear') if self.parent.time_ylim: self.a.set_ylim((self.parent.time_y_lo, self.parent.time_y_hi)) self.canvas.draw() self.canvas.get_tk_widget().grid( row=0, column=0, padx=0, ) self.fft = False # initialise plot to show time data self.saved_frames = 0 # used to track "frozen" data frames, for comparison of modes def __str__(self): return f'Plotting {len(self.lines)} lines of data on Figure {self.f}' @staticmethod def full_fft(yt, timestep): # timestep will be motor.step signal = np.array(yt, dtype=float) n = signal.size scaling_factor = 2 / n # scaling fft data as we are only looking at positive frequency fourier = np.fft.fft(signal) fftmagnitude = abs(fourier) fftmagnitude *= scaling_factor frequency = np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=timestep) return frequency[:n // 2], fftmagnitude[:n // 2] # return only positive freq, mag of fft def update_data(self, name, x_data, y_data): """Update a line within plot given a name and new data""" try: assert (len(x_data) == len(y_data)) if name not in self.lines: # if new line, create dict entry line, = self.a.plot([0], [0]) # create new line on plot line.set_label(name) self.lines[name] = line # add new entry to dict data = self.lines[name] # grab reference of line to update if not self.fft: data.set_data(x_data, y_data) else: delta = x_data[0] # timestep always lowest value (same as step size) xf, yf = self.full_fft(y_data, delta) data.set_data(xf, yf) # data must be relimited and scaled after setting data self.a.relim() self.a.autoscale_view() self.f.canvas.draw_idle() except AssertionError: logger.error(f"Cannot plot X {len(x_data)} and Y {len(y_data)}") print(f"Cannot plot X {len(x_data)} and Y {len(y_data)}") def save_frame(self): x1, y1 = self.lines["Phase U"].get_data(orig=True) x2, y2 = self.lines["Phase V"].get_data(orig=True) if self.parent.options_frame.cur_mode: mode = int(self.parent.options_frame.cur_mode[-1]) name1 = "Frame" + str(self.saved_frames + 1) + " Mode" + str(mode) + ": U" name2 = "Frame" + str(self.saved_frames + 1) + " Mode" + str(mode) + ": V" line1, = self.a.plot(x1, y1) # create new line on plot line2, = self.a.plot(x2, y2) line1.set_label(name1) line2.set_label(name2) self.a.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=8) self.lines[name1] = line1 # add new entry to dict self.lines[name2] = line2 self.saved_frames += 1 def clear_frames(self): old_frames = [] for key in self.lines: if key in ["Phase U", "Phase V"]: self.lines[key].set_data([0], [0]) else: old_frames.append(key) # must use separate loop as dict key
"rmap_red1_ipv6", "direction": "out", } ] } } } } } }, }, }, ] } } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_dict_4) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result) step("Configure neighbor for route map in r2") input_dict_4 = { "r2": { "bgp": [ { "local_as": "100", "vrf": "RED_A", "address_family": { "ipv4": { "unicast": { "neighbor": { "r1": { "dest_link": { "r2-link1": { "route_maps": [ { "name": "rmap_r1_ipv4", "direction": "in", } ] } } } } } }, "ipv6": { "unicast": { "neighbor": { "r1": { "dest_link": { "r2-link1": { "route_maps": [ { "name": "rmap_r1_ipv6", "direction": "in", } ] } } } } } }, }, }, { "local_as": "100", "vrf": "RED_B", "address_family": { "ipv4": { "unicast": { "neighbor": { "r1": { "dest_link": { "r2-link2": { "route_maps": [ { "name": "rmap_r1_ipv4", "direction": "in", } ] } } } } } }, "ipv6": { "unicast": { "neighbor": { "r1": { "dest_link": { "r2-link2": { "route_maps": [ { "name": "rmap_r1_ipv6", "direction": "in", } ] } } } } } }, }, }, { "local_as": "100", "vrf": "BLUE_A", "address_family": { "ipv4": { "unicast": { "neighbor": { "r1": { "dest_link": { "r2-link3": { "route_maps": [ { "name": "rmap_r1_ipv4", "direction": "in", } ] } } } } } }, "ipv6": { "unicast": { "neighbor": { "r1": { "dest_link": { "r2-link3": { "route_maps": [ { "name": "rmap_r1_ipv6", "direction": "in", } ] } } } } } }, }, }, { "local_as": "100", "vrf": "BLUE_B", "address_family": { "ipv4": { "unicast": { "neighbor": { "r1": { "dest_link": { "r2-link4": { "route_maps": [ { "name": "rmap_r1_ipv4", "direction": "in", } ] } } } } } }, "ipv6": { "unicast": { "neighbor": { "r1": { "dest_link": { "r2-link4": { "route_maps": [ { "name": "rmap_r1_ipv6", "direction": "in", } ] } } } } } }, }, }, ] } } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_dict_4) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result) step( "All the prefixes advertised from RED_1 and BLUE_1 should carry" " attributes set by outbound route-maps within specific vrfs. " "Router R1 should be able to match and permit/deny those " "prefixes based on received attributes. Please use below " "commands to verify." ) input_dict = { "largeCommunity": "1:1:1 1:2:3 2:1:1 2:2:2", } for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: vrf = "RED_A" routes = [NETWORK1_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK1_2[addr_type]] result = verify_bgp_community(tgen, addr_type, "r2", routes, input_dict, vrf) assert result is True, "Test case {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: vrf = "RED_B" routes = [NETWORK2_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK2_2[addr_type]] result = verify_bgp_community(tgen, addr_type, "r2", routes, input_dict, vrf) assert result is True, "Test case {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) write_test_footer(tc_name) def test_route_map_match_traffic_based_on_vrf_p0(request): """ FUNC_13: Configure a route-map on DUT to match traffic based on a VRF interfaces. """ tgen = get_topogen() tc_name = write_test_header(tc_name) reset_config_on_routers(tgen) if tgen.routers_have_failure(): check_router_status(tgen) step( "Advertise unique BGP prefixes(IPv4+IPv6) from RED_1 " "in vrf instances(RED_A and RED_B)." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_dict_1 = { "red1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [NETWORK1_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK1_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "RED_A", }, { "network": [NETWORK2_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK2_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "RED_B", }, ] } } result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict_1) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Advertise unique BGP prefixes(IPv4+IPv6) from from BLUE_1 in" " vrf instances(BLUE_A and BLUE_B)." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_dict_2 = { "blue1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [NETWORK3_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK3_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "BLUE_A", }, { "network": [NETWORK4_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK4_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "BLUE_B", }, ] } } result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict_2) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step("Redistribute static..") input_dict_3 = {} for dut in ["red1", "blue1"]: temp = {dut: {"bgp": []}} input_dict_3.update(temp) if "red" in dut: VRFS = ["RED_A", "RED_B"] AS_NUM = [500, 500] elif "blue" in dut: VRFS = ["BLUE_A", "BLUE_B"] AS_NUM = [800, 800] for vrf, as_num in zip(VRFS, AS_NUM): temp[dut]["bgp"].append( { "local_as": as_num, "vrf": vrf, "address_family": { "ipv4": { "unicast": {"redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}]} }, "ipv6": { "unicast": {"redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}]} }, }, } ) result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_dict_3) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result) step( "Configure a route-map on R1 to match the prefixes " "coming from vrf RED_A and set as-prepend to these routes." ) input_dict_4 = { "r1": { "route_maps": { "ABC": [ { "action": "permit", "match": {"source-vrf": "RED_A"}, "set": {"path": {"as_num": 1, "as_action": "prepend"}}, } ] } } } result = create_route_maps(tgen, input_dict_4) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result) step( "On R1, import the routes form vrf RED_A and RED_B to BLUE_A and" " apply the route-map under vrf BLUE_A while importing" ) raw_config = { "r1": { "raw_config": [ "router bgp 100 vrf BLUE_A", "address-family ipv4 unicast", "import vrf RED_A", "import vrf RED_B", "import vrf route-map ABC", "address-family ipv6 unicast", "import vrf RED_A", "import vrf RED_B", "import vrf route-map ABC", ] } } result = apply_raw_config(tgen, raw_config) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed Error: {}".format(tc_name, result) step( "All the prefixes advertised from RED_1 and BLUE_1 in vrfs " "RED_B and BLUE_B must prepend the AS number in as-path on R2." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_dict_7 = { "red1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [NETWORK1_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK1_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "BLUE_A", }, { "network": [NETWORK3_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK3_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "BLUE_A", }, ] } } result = verify_bgp_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_dict_7) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error {}".format( tc_name, result ) write_test_footer(tc_name) def test_vrf_lite_with_static_bgp_originated_routes_p0(request): """ FUNC_14: Test VRF-lite with Static+BGP originated routes. """ tgen = get_topogen() tc_name = write_test_header(tc_name) reset_config_on_routers(tgen) if tgen.routers_have_failure(): check_router_status(tgen) step( "Advertise unique BGP prefixes(IPv4+IPv6) from from RED_1" " in vrf instances(RED_A and RED_B)." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_dict_1 = { "red1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [NETWORK1_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK1_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "RED_A", }, { "network": [NETWORK2_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK2_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "RED_B", }, ] } } result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict_1) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Advertise unique BGP prefixes(IPv4+IPv6) from from BLUE_1 in" " vrf instances(BLUE_A and BLUE_B)." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_dict_2 = { "blue1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [NETWORK1_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK1_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "BLUE_A", }, { "network": [NETWORK2_1[addr_type]] + [NETWORK2_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP_IP[addr_type], "vrf": "BLUE_B", }, ] } } result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict_2) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) input_dict_3 = { "red1": { "bgp": [ { "local_as": "500", "vrf": "RED_A", "address_family": { "ipv4": { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [NETWORK5_1["ipv4"]] + [NETWORK5_2["ipv4"]] } ], "redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}], } }, "ipv6": { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [NETWORK5_1["ipv6"]] + [NETWORK5_2["ipv6"]] } ], "redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}], } }, }, }, { "local_as": "500", "vrf": "RED_B", "address_family": { "ipv4": { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [NETWORK6_1["ipv4"]] + [NETWORK6_2["ipv4"]] } ], "redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}], } }, "ipv6": { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [NETWORK6_1["ipv6"]] + [NETWORK6_2["ipv6"]] } ], "redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}], } }, }, }, ] }, "blue1": { "bgp": [ { "local_as": "800", "vrf": "BLUE_A", "address_family": { "ipv4": { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [NETWORK7_1["ipv4"]] + [NETWORK7_2["ipv4"]] } ], "redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}], } }, "ipv6": { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [NETWORK7_1["ipv6"]] + [NETWORK7_2["ipv6"]] } ], "redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}], } }, }, }, { "local_as": "800", "vrf": "BLUE_B", "address_family": { "ipv4": { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [NETWORK8_1["ipv4"]] + [NETWORK8_2["ipv4"]] } ], "redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}], } }, "ipv6": { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [NETWORK8_1["ipv6"]] + [NETWORK8_2["ipv6"]] } ], "redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}], } }, }, }, ] }, } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_dict_3) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :
import datetime import pathlib from math import sqrt import matplotlib.dates as mdates import numpy as np import steampi.json_utils # Reference: from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.figure import Figure from aggregate_steam_spy import get_steam_database_filename, get_steam_categories_filename, get_steam_genres_filename def load_aggregated_database(): steam_database = steampi.json_utils.load_json_data(get_steam_database_filename()) all_categories = steampi.json_utils.load_json_data(get_steam_categories_filename()) all_genres = steampi.json_utils.load_json_data(get_steam_genres_filename()) return steam_database, all_categories, all_genres def get_description_keywords(steam_database, verbose=False): description_keywords = set() for appID in steam_database: current_keywords = steam_database[appID].keys() description_keywords = description_keywords.union(current_keywords) description_keywords = sorted(description_keywords) if verbose: print('\nDescription keywords:') print('\n'.join(description_keywords)) return description_keywords def build_steam_calendar(steam_database, verbose=False): # Objective: build a calendar of game releases, as a dict: datetime -> list of appIDs release_calendar = dict() weird_release_dates = set() weird_counter = 0 for appID in steam_database: release_info = steam_database[appID]['release_date'] is_released = release_info['is_released'] release_date_as_str = release_info['date'] if not is_released: continue release_date_as_str = release_date_as_str.replace(',', '') # "Nov 11, 2017" == "Nov 11 2017" release_date_as_str = release_date_as_str.replace('сен.', 'September') # Specifically for appID=689740 try: # Reference: release_date_as_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(release_date_as_str, '%b %d %Y') except ValueError: try: release_date_as_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(release_date_as_str, '%d %b %Y') except ValueError: try: release_date_as_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(release_date_as_str, '%B %d %Y') except ValueError: try: release_date_as_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(release_date_as_str, '%d %B %Y') except ValueError: try: release_date_as_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(release_date_as_str, '%b %Y') except ValueError: weird_release_dates.add(release_date_as_str) weird_counter += 1 if verbose: if weird_counter == 1: print('\nGames being sold with weird release dates:') if steam_database[appID]['price_overview'] is not None: if not (steam_database[appID]['is_free']): sentence = 'appID={0:6}\t' + steam_database[appID]['name'] print(sentence.format(appID)) continue try: release_calendar[release_date_as_datetime].append(appID) except KeyError: release_calendar[release_date_as_datetime] = [appID] weird_release_dates = sorted(weird_release_dates) if verbose: print('\nWeird release dates:') print('\n'.join(weird_release_dates)) return release_calendar, weird_release_dates def get_full_plot_filename(base_plot_filename): output_folder = 'plots/' pathlib.Path(output_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) file_extension = '.png' full_plot_filename = output_folder + base_plot_filename + file_extension return full_plot_filename def get_x_y_time_series(release_calendar, steam_database=None, description_keyword=None, starting_year=None): x_list = [] y_raw_list = [] all_release_dates = sorted(list(release_calendar.keys())) for release_date in all_release_dates: if starting_year is not None and release_date.year < starting_year: # Skip release dates prior to the input starting year continue app_ids = release_calendar[release_date] if description_keyword is None: selected_app_ids = app_ids else: selected_app_ids = [app_id for app_id in app_ids if steam_database[app_id][description_keyword] is not None] if len(selected_app_ids) == 0: continue x_list.append(release_date) y_raw_list.append(selected_app_ids) return x_list, y_raw_list def plot_x_y_time_series(x_list, y_list, chosen_title=None, chosen_ylabel=None, base_plot_filename=None, month_formatting=False, is_variable_of_interest_numeric=True, max_ordinate=None, confidence_interval_data=None): fig = Figure(dpi=300) FigureCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if confidence_interval_data is None or len(confidence_interval_data) == 0: ax.plot(x_list, y_list) else: plot_mean_and_confidence_interval(ax, confidence_interval_data['mean'], confidence_interval_data['lb'], confidence_interval_data['ub'], x_list) if chosen_title is not None: ax.set_title(chosen_title) ax.set_xlabel('Date') if chosen_ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(chosen_ylabel) if month_formatting: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%b\n%Y')) ax.grid() if not is_variable_of_interest_numeric: if max_ordinate is None: if confidence_interval_data is None or len(confidence_interval_data) == 0: vec_reference = y_list else: vec_reference = confidence_interval_data['ub'] max_ordinate = np.min([1.0, np.max(vec_reference) * 1.1]) ax.set_ylim(0, max_ordinate) if base_plot_filename is not None: fig.savefig(get_full_plot_filename(base_plot_filename), bbox_inches='tight') return def simplify_calendar(release_calendar): # Objective: merge daily dates into monthly dates merged_calendar = dict() for release_date in release_calendar: merged_release_date =, release_date.month, 1) try: merged_calendar[merged_release_date].extend(release_calendar[release_date]) except KeyError: merged_calendar[merged_release_date] = release_calendar[release_date] return merged_calendar def remove_current_date(release_calendar): # Objective: remove partial data just before plotting time-series now = this_day =, now.month, this_month =, this_day.month, 1) # Start by copying the dictionary # Reference: filtered_calendar = dict(release_calendar) try: del filtered_calendar[this_day] except KeyError: try: del filtered_calendar[this_month] except KeyError: print('No recent date could be removed from the calendar.') return filtered_calendar def plot_mean_and_confidence_interval(ax, mean, lb, ub, x_tick_as_dates=None, color_mean=None, color_shading=None): # Reference: plot_mean_and_CI() in # Reference: if color_shading is None: color_shading = 'b' if color_mean is None: dotted_color = color_shading + '--' color_mean = dotted_color if x_tick_as_dates is None: x_tick_as_dates = range(mean.shape[0]) # plot the shaded range of the confidence intervals ax.fill_between(x_tick_as_dates, ub, lb, color=color_shading, alpha=.5) # plot the mean on top ax.plot(x_tick_as_dates, mean, color_mean) return def get_mean_and_confidence_interval(x_list, is_variable_of_interest_numeric=True): # Reference: plot_time_series() in x_vec = np.array([np.array(xi) for xi in x_list]) mean = np.array([np.mean(xi) for xi in x_vec]) # 0.95-Quantile of the normal distribution # Reference: z_quantile = 1.95996398454 try: if is_variable_of_interest_numeric: sig = np.array([np.std(xi) / np.sqrt(len(xi)) for xi in x_vec]) confidence_factor = z_quantile ub = mean + confidence_factor * sig lb = mean - confidence_factor * sig else: # Reference: # computeWilsonScore() in num_pos = np.array([np.sum(xi) for xi in x_vec]) num_neg = np.array([len(xi) - np.sum(xi) for xi in x_vec]) z2 = pow(z_quantile, 2) den = num_pos + num_neg + z2 mean = (num_pos + z2 / 2) / den inside_sqrt = num_pos * num_neg / (num_pos + num_neg) + z2 / 4 temp = np.array([sqrt(i) for i in inside_sqrt]) delta = (z_quantile * temp) / den ub = mean + delta lb = mean - delta except TypeError: ub = None lb = None return mean, lb, ub def plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database=None, statistic_str=None, description_keyword=None, legend_keyword=None, starting_year=None, is_variable_of_interest_numeric=True, max_ordinate=None, plot_confidence_interval_if_possible=True): # Get x: dates and y: a set of appIDs of games released for each date in x (x, y_raw) = get_x_y_time_series(release_calendar, steam_database, description_keyword, starting_year) # Compute the value of interest y from y_raw feature_list = [] for app_ids in y_raw: if description_keyword is not None: if is_variable_of_interest_numeric: # noinspection PyPep8 g = int else: # noinspection PyPep8 g = generic_converter features = [g(steam_database[app_id][description_keyword]) for app_id in app_ids] else: features = app_ids feature_list.append(features) confidence_interval_data = {} if plot_confidence_interval_if_possible and statistic_str is not None and statistic_str == 'Average': (mean, lb, ub) = get_mean_and_confidence_interval(feature_list, is_variable_of_interest_numeric) # Thresholding of lower-bound of confidence interval so that it is non-negative lb = np.array([max(i, 0) for i in lb]) confidence_interval_data['mean'] = mean confidence_interval_data['lb'] = lb confidence_interval_data['ub'] = ub if statistic_str == 'Median': # noinspection PyPep8 f = np.median elif statistic_str == 'Average': # noinspection PyPep8 f = np.mean elif statistic_str == 'Sum': # noinspection PyPep8 f = np.sum else: # noinspection PyPep8 f = len y = [] for features in feature_list: value = f(features) if description_keyword == 'price_overview': # Convert from cents to euros value = value / 100 y.append(value) if description_keyword == 'price_overview': # Convert from cents to euros for entry in confidence_interval_data: confidence_interval_data[entry] = np.array([i / 100 for i in confidence_interval_data[entry]]) # Plot legend if description_keyword is None: my_title = 'Number of games released on Steam each month' my_ylabel = 'Number of game releases' my_plot_filename = 'num_releases' elif description_keyword == 'price_overview': my_title = statistic_str + ' price of games released on Steam each month' my_ylabel = statistic_str + ' price (in €)' my_plot_filename = statistic_str.lower() + '_price' else: if is_variable_of_interest_numeric and (statistic_str == 'Median' or statistic_str == 'Average'): statistic_legend = statistic_str + ' ' else: statistic_legend = '' if legend_keyword is None: if is_variable_of_interest_numeric: legend_keyword = 'number of ' + description_keyword else: sentence_prefixe_for_proportion = 'Proportion of games with ' legend_keyword = sentence_prefixe_for_proportion + description_keyword my_title = statistic_legend + legend_keyword + ' among monthly Steam releases' my_ylabel = statistic_legend + legend_keyword if is_variable_of_interest_numeric: my_plot_filename = 'num_' + description_keyword if len(statistic_str) > 0: my_plot_filename = statistic_str.lower() + '_' + my_plot_filename else: my_plot_filename = 'proportion_' + description_keyword if starting_year is not None: my_plot_filename = my_plot_filename + '_from_' + str(starting_year) month_formatting = bool(starting_year is not None) # Plot plot_x_y_time_series(x, y, my_title, my_ylabel, my_plot_filename, month_formatting, is_variable_of_interest_numeric, max_ordinate, confidence_interval_data) return def generic_converter(my_boolean): # Objective: output either 0 or 1, with an input which is likely a boolean, but might be a str or an int. # Convert boolean to int x = int(my_boolean) # If my_boolean was a str or an int, then x is now an int, which we binarize. x = int(x > 0) return x def plot_time_series_for_boolean_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, description_keyword='controller_support', legend_keyword=None, starting_year=None, max_ordinate=1.0): statistic_str = 'Average' is_variable_of_interest_numeric = False plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, statistic_str, description_keyword, legend_keyword, starting_year, is_variable_of_interest_numeric, max_ordinate) return def fill_in_platform_support(steam_database): for app_id in steam_database: steam_database[app_id]['windows_support'] = steam_database[app_id]['platforms']['windows'] steam_database[app_id]['mac_support'] = steam_database[app_id]['platforms']['mac'] steam_database[app_id]['linux_support'] = steam_database[app_id]['platforms']['linux'] return steam_database def fill_in_drm_support(steam_database): for app_id in steam_database: steam_database[app_id]['drm_support'] = bool(steam_database[app_id]['drm_notice'] is not None) return steam_database def plot_every_time_series_based_on_steam_calendar(release_calendar, steam_database): plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar) # Plot number of releases plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'Median', 'price_overview') plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'Average', 'price_overview') plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'Median', 'achievements') plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'Average', 'achievements') plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'Average', 'dlc') plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'Median', 'metacritic', 'Metacritic score') plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'Average', 'metacritic', 'Metacritic score') plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'Median', 'recommendations') plot_time_series_for_numeric_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'Average', 'recommendations') sentence_prefixe = 'Proportion of games with ' plot_time_series_for_boolean_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'controller_support', sentence_prefixe + 'controller support') plot_time_series_for_boolean_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'demos', sentence_prefixe + 'a demo') plot_time_series_for_boolean_variable_of_interest(release_calendar, steam_database, 'ext_user_account_notice', sentence_prefixe +
<reponame>masnes/publicprize<filename>publicprize/evc/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ contest forms: HTTP form processing for contest pages :copyright: Copyright (c) 2014 Bivio Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. :license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details. """ import decimal import re import sys import flask import flask_mail import flask_wtf import paypalrestsdk import paypalrestsdk.exceptions import wtforms import wtforms.validators as wtfv from . import model as pcm from .. import common from .. import controller as ppc from ..auth import model as pam class Contestant(flask_wtf.Form): """Project submission form. Fields: display_name: project name contestant_desc: project summary youtube_url: full YouTube video url slideshow_url: full SlideShare url founder_desc: current user's founder info for this project website: project website (optional) """ display_name = wtforms.StringField( 'Legal Name of Business', validators=[ wtfv.DataRequired(), wtfv.Length(max=100)]) contestant_desc = wtforms.TextAreaField( 'Summary of Business, Product and/or Service', validators=[wtfv.DataRequired(), wtfv.Length(max=10000)]) youtube_url = wtforms.StringField( 'YouTube Video URL', validators=[ wtfv.DataRequired(), wtfv.Length(max=500)]) slideshow_url = wtforms.StringField( 'SlideShare Pitch Deck URL', validators=[ wtfv.DataRequired(), wtfv.Length(max=500)]) founder_desc = wtforms.TextAreaField( 'Your Bio', validators=[wtfv.DataRequired(), wtfv.Length(max=10000)]) website = wtforms.StringField( 'Business Website', validators=[wtfv.Length(max=100)]) tax_id = wtforms.StringField( 'Business US Tax Id', validators=[ wtfv.DataRequired(), wtfv.Length(max=30)]) business_phone = wtforms.StringField( 'Business Phone', validators=[ wtfv.DataRequired(), wtfv.Length(max=100)]) business_address = wtforms.TextAreaField( 'Business Mailing Address', validators=[ wtfv.DataRequired(), wtfv.Length(max=500)]) agree_to_terms = wtforms.BooleanField( 'Agree to Terms of Service', validators=[wtfv.DataRequired()]) founder2_name = wtforms.StringField( 'Other Founder Name', validators=[wtfv.Length(max=100)]) founder2_desc = wtforms.TextAreaField( 'Other Founder Bio', validators=[wtfv.Length(max=10000)]) founder3_name = wtforms.StringField( 'Other Founder Name', validators=[wtfv.Length(max=100)]) founder3_desc = wtforms.TextAreaField( 'Other Founder Bio', validators=[wtfv.Length(max=10000)]) def execute(self, contest): """Validates and creates the contestant model""" if self.is_submitted() and self.validate(): contestant = self._update_models(contest) if contestant: self._send_mail_to_support(contestant) flask.flash( 'Thank you for submitting your entry. You will be ' 'contacted by email when your entry has been reviewed.') return flask.redirect(contest.format_uri('contestants')) return contest.task_class.get_template().render_template( contest, 'submit', form=self, selected_menu_action='submit-contestant' ) def validate(self): """Performs superclass wtforms validation followed by url field validation""" super(Contestant, self).validate() self._validate_youtube() self._validate_slideshare() self._validate_website() common.log_form_errors(self) return not self.errors def _add_founder(self, contestant, founder): """Creates the founder and links it to the contestant.""" ppc.db.session.add(founder) ppc.db.session.flush() ppc.db.session.add( pam.BivAccess( source_biv_id=contestant.biv_id, target_biv_id=founder.biv_id ) ) def _add_founders(self, contestant): """Add the current user as a founder and any optional founders.""" founder = pcm.Founder() self.populate_obj(founder) founder.display_name = flask.session['user.display_name'] self._add_founder(contestant, founder) ppc.db.session.add( pam.BivAccess( source_biv_id=flask.session['user.biv_id'], target_biv_id=founder.biv_id ) ) if self._add_founder(contestant, pcm.Founder( display_name=str(, founder_desc=str(, )) if self._add_founder(contestant, pcm.Founder( display_name=str(, founder_desc=str(, )) def _send_mail_to_support(self, contestant): """Send a notification to support for a new entry""" ppc.mail().send(flask_mail.Message( 'New Entry Submitted: {}'.format(contestant.biv_id), recipients=[['PUBLICPRIZE']['SUPPORT_EMAIL']], # TODO(pjm): requires new Flask-Mail for unicode on python 3 # body='Submitted by: {} {}\nTitle: {}\nReview URL: {}'.format( # flask.session['user.display_name'], # pam.User.query.filter_by( # biv_id=flask.session['user.biv_id'] # ).one().user_email, # contestant.display_name, # contestant.format_absolute_uri() # ) body='Submitted by: {}\nReview URL: {}'.format( pam.User.query.filter_by( biv_id=flask.session['user.biv_id'] ).one().user_email, contestant.format_absolute_uri() ) )) def _slideshare_code(self): """Download slideshare url and extract embed code. The original url may not have the code. ex. Adds field errors if the code can not be determined. """ html = common.get_url_content( if not html: self.slideshow_url.errors = [ 'SlideShare URL invalid or unavailable.'] return None match ='slideshow/embed_code/(\d+)', html) if match: return self.slideshow_url.errors = [ 'Embed code not found on SlideShare page.'] return None def _update_models(self, contest): """Creates the Contestant and Founder models and adds BivAccess models to join the contest and Founder models""" contestant = pcm.Contestant() self.populate_obj(contestant) contestant.youtube_code = self._youtube_code() contestant.slideshow_code = self._slideshare_code() contestant.is_public = \['PUBLICPRIZE']['ALL_PUBLIC_CONTESTANTS'] contestant.is_under_review = False ppc.db.session.add(contestant) ppc.db.session.flush() ppc.db.session.add( pam.BivAccess( source_biv_id=contest.biv_id, target_biv_id=contestant.biv_id ) ) self._add_founders(contestant) return contestant def _youtube_code(self): """Ensure the youtube url contains a VIDEO_ID""" value = # # or if'\?', value) and'v\=', value): match ='(?:\?|\&)v\=(.*?)(&|$)', value) if match: return else: match ='\/([^\&\?\/]+)$', value) if match: return return None def _validate_slideshare(self): """Ensures the SlideShare slide deck exists""" if self.slideshow_url.errors: return code = self._slideshare_code() if code: if not common.get_url_content( '' + code): self.slideshow_url.errors = [ 'Unknown SlideShare ID: ' + code + '.'] def _validate_website(self): """Ensures the website exists""" if return if if not common.get_url_content( = ['Website invalid or unavailable.'] def _validate_youtube(self): """Ensures the YouTube video exists""" if self.youtube_url.errors: return code = self._youtube_code() if code: html = common.get_url_content('' + code) # TODO(pjm): need better detection for not-found page if not html or'<title>YouTube</title>', html): self.youtube_url.errors = [ 'Unknown YouTube VIDEO_ID: ' + code + '.'] else: self.youtube_url.errors = ['Invalid YouTube URL.'] class Donate(flask_wtf.Form): """Donation form. Fields: amount: donation amount """ # TODO(pjm): DecimalField doesn't accept '' value... amount = wtforms.StringField('Contribution Amount') donate5 = wtforms.SubmitField('$5') donate25 = wtforms.SubmitField('$25') donate100 = wtforms.SubmitField('$100') other_amount = wtforms.SubmitField('Other Amount') def execute(self, contestant): """Validates and redirects to PayPal For test credit card payments, use card number: 4736656842918643 """ if self.is_submitted() and self.validate(): url = self._paypal_payment(contestant) if url: return flask.redirect(url) contest = contestant.get_contest() return contest.task_class.get_template().render_template( contest, 'detail', contestant=contestant, contestant_url=contestant.format_absolute_uri(), contestant_tweet="Help us win! " + contestant.display_name, form=self, ) def execute_payment(self, contestant): """Handles return task from paypal. Calls paypal with payment and payer IDs to complete the transaction.""" donor = pcm.Donor.unsafe_load_from_session() if not donor:'missing session donor') flask.flash('The referenced contribution was already processed.') return flask.redirect(contestant.format_uri()) self._save_payment_info_to_donor(donor) payment = paypalrestsdk.Payment({ 'id': donor.paypal_payment_id }) donor.remove_from_session() try: if payment.execute({'payer_id': donor.paypal_payer_id}): donor.donor_state = 'executed' ppc.db.session.add(donor) return flask.redirect(contestant.format_uri('thank-you')) else:'payment execute failed') except paypalrestsdk.exceptions.ClientError as err: except:[0]) return flask.redirect(contestant.format_uri()) def validate(self): """Ensure the amount is present and at least $10""" super(Donate, self).validate() amount = None if amount = 5 elif amount = 25 elif amount = 100 elif try: if float( < 10: self.amount.errors = ['Amount must be at least $10.'] elif float( > 1000000: self.amount.errors = ['Amount too large.'] except ValueError: self.amount.errors = ['Please enter an amount.'] else: self.amount.errors = ['Please enter an amount.'] self.amount.raw_data = None if amount: = decimal.Decimal(amount) common.log_form_errors(self) return not self.errors def _create_donor(self, contestant): """Create a new donor model and link to the parent contestant.""" donor = pcm.Donor() self.populate_obj(donor) donor.donor_state = 'submitted' ppc.db.session.add(donor) ppc.db.session.flush() ppc.db.session.add( pam.BivAccess( source_biv_id=contestant.biv_id, target_biv_id=donor.biv_id ) ) return donor def _link_donor_to_user(self, donor): """Link the donor model to a user model. Match the donor email with the user. If no match, use the current user, if present.""" if pam.BivAccess.query.select_from(pam.User).filter( pam.BivAccess.source_biv_id == pam.User.biv_id, pam.BivAccess.target_biv_id == donor.biv_id ).count() > 0: return user = pam.User.query.filter_by(user_email=donor.donor_email).first() if not user and flask.session.get('user.is_logged_in'): user = pam.User.query.filter_by( biv_id=flask.session['user.biv_id'] ).one() if not user: return ppc.db.session.add( pam.BivAccess( source_biv_id=user.biv_id, target_biv_id=donor.biv_id ) ) def _paypal_payment(self, contestant): """Call paypal server to create payment record. Returns a redirect link to paypal site or None on error.""" donor = self._create_donor(contestant) amount = '%.2f' % float( payment = paypalrestsdk.Payment({ 'intent': 'sale', 'payer': { 'payment_method': 'paypal' }, 'redirect_urls': { 'return_url': contestant.format_absolute_uri('donate-done'), 'cancel_url': contestant.format_absolute_uri('donate-cancel'), }, 'transactions': [ { 'amount': { 'total': amount, 'currency': 'USD', }, 'item_list': { 'items': [ { 'quantity': 1, 'price': amount, 'currency': 'USD', 'name': '{} contribution, {}'.format( contestant.display_name, contestant.get_contest().display_name), 'tax': 0 } ] } } ] }) try: if payment.create(): donor.paypal_payment_id = str( donor.add_to_session() for link in payment.links: if link.method == 'REDIRECT': return str(link.href) else: except paypalrestsdk.exceptions.ClientError as err: except:[0]) self.amount.errors = [ 'There was an error processing your contribution.'] return None def _save_payment_info_to_donor(self, donor): """Get payer info from paypal server, save info to Donor model.""" try: payment = paypalrestsdk.Payment.find(donor.paypal_payment_id) info = payment.payer.payer_info donor.donor_email = donor.display_name = info.first_name + ' ' + info.last_name except paypalrestsdk.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: donor.paypal_payer_id = flask.request.args['PayerID'] donor.donor_state = 'pending_confirmation' ppc.db.session.add(donor) self._link_donor_to_user(donor) class Judgement(flask_wtf.Form): """Judgement form. Fields: question(1 .. 6): question score question(1 ..6)_comment: comments for survey question general_comment: End of survey comments """ def _comment_field(label='Comments'): return wtforms.TextAreaField( label, validators=[wtfv.Length(max=10000)]) def _question_field(number): return wtforms.RadioField( 'Question {}'.format(number), choices=[ ('1', 'Unsatisfactory'), ('2', 'Improvement Needed'), ('3', 'Meets Expectations'), ('4', 'Exceeds Expectations') ] ) question1 = _question_field('1') question1_comment = _comment_field() question2 = _question_field('2') question2_comment = _comment_field() question3 = _question_field('3') question3_comment = _comment_field() question4 = _question_field('4') question4_comment = _comment_field() question5 = _question_field('5') question5_comment = _comment_field() question6 = _question_field('6') question6_comment = _comment_field() general_comment = _comment_field('General Comments') def execute(self, contestant): """Saves scores for questions.""" contest = contestant.get_contest() if self.is_submitted(): if self.validate(): self._save_scores(contestant) flask.flash('Thank you for scoring contestant {}.'.format( contestant.display_name)) return flask.redirect( contest.format_uri('judging')) else: self._load_scores(contestant) return contest.task_class.get_template().render_template( contest, 'judge-contestant', sub_base_template=contest.task_class.get_template().base_template('detail'), contestant=contestant, form=self ) @classmethod def get_points_for_question(cls, number): return pcm.JudgeScore.get_points_for_question(number) @classmethod def get_text_for_question(cls, number):
+ -------| | | /1 \| | | sin|--|| | \ \u2// log(f(x)) = log(C1) + | ---------------- d(u2) | 2 | u2 | / >>> pprint(odesimp(eq, f(x), 1, set([C1]), ... hint='1st_homogeneous_coeff_subs_indep_div_dep' ... )) #doctest: +SKIP x --------- = C1 /f(x)\ tan|----| \2*x / """ x = func.args[0] f = func.func C1 = get_numbered_constants(eq, num=1) # First, integrate if the hint allows it. eq = _handle_Integral(eq, func, order, hint) if hint.startswith("nth_linear_euler_eq_nonhomogeneous"): eq = simplify(eq) if not isinstance(eq, Equality): raise TypeError("eq should be an instance of Equality") # Second, clean up the arbitrary constants. # Right now, nth linear hints can put as many as 2*order constants in an # expression. If that number grows with another hint, the third argument # here should be raised accordingly, or constantsimp() rewritten to handle # an arbitrary number of constants. eq = constantsimp(eq, constants) # Lastly, now that we have cleaned up the expression, try solving for func. # When RootOf is implemented in solve(), we will want to return a RootOf # everytime instead of an Equality. # Get the f(x) on the left if possible. if eq.rhs == func and not eq.lhs.has(func): eq = [Eq(eq.rhs, eq.lhs)] # make sure we are working with lists of solutions in simplified form. if eq.lhs == func and not eq.rhs.has(func): # The solution is already solved eq = [eq] # special simplification of the rhs if hint.startswith("nth_linear_constant_coeff"): # Collect terms to make the solution look nice. # This is also necessary for constantsimp to remove unnecessary # terms from the particular solution from variation of parameters # # Collect is not behaving reliably here. The results for # some linear constant-coefficient equations with repeated # roots do not properly simplify all constants sometimes. # 'collectterms' gives different orders sometimes, and results # differ in collect based on that order. The # sort-reverse trick fixes things, but may fail in the # future. In addition, collect is splitting exponentials with # rational powers for no reason. We have to do a match # to fix this using Wilds. global collectterms try: collectterms.sort(key=default_sort_key) collectterms.reverse() except: pass assert len(eq) == 1 and eq[0].lhs == f(x) sol = eq[0].rhs sol = expand_mul(sol) for i, reroot, imroot in collectterms: sol = collect(sol, x**i*exp(reroot*x)*sin(abs(imroot)*x)) sol = collect(sol, x**i*exp(reroot*x)*cos(imroot*x)) for i, reroot, imroot in collectterms: sol = collect(sol, x**i*exp(reroot*x)) del collectterms # Collect is splitting exponentials with rational powers for # no reason. We call powsimp to fix. sol = powsimp(sol) eq[0] = Eq(f(x), sol) else: # The solution is not solved, so try to solve it try: eqsol = solve(eq, func, force=True) if not eqsol: raise NotImplementedError except (NotImplementedError, PolynomialError): eq = [eq] else: def _expand(expr): numer, denom = expr.as_numer_denom() if denom.is_Add: return expr else: return powsimp(expr.expand(), combine='exp', deep=True) # XXX: the rest of odesimp() expects each ``t`` to be in a # specific normal form: rational expression with numerator # expanded, but with combined exponential functions (at # least in this setup all tests pass). eq = [Eq(f(x), _expand(t)) for t in eqsol] # special simplification of the lhs. if hint.startswith("1st_homogeneous_coeff"): for j, eqi in enumerate(eq): newi = logcombine(eqi, force=True) if newi.lhs.func is log and newi.rhs == 0: newi = Eq(newi.lhs.args[0]/C1, C1) eq[j] = newi # We cleaned up the constants before solving to help the solve engine with # a simpler expression, but the solved expression could have introduced # things like -C1, so rerun constantsimp() one last time before returning. for i, eqi in enumerate(eq): eq[i] = constantsimp(eqi, constants) eq[i] = constant_renumber(eq[i], 'C', 1, 2*order) # If there is only 1 solution, return it; # otherwise return the list of solutions. if len(eq) == 1: eq = eq[0] return eq def checkodesol(ode, sol, func=None, order='auto', solve_for_func=True): r""" Substitutes ``sol`` into ``ode`` and checks that the result is ``0``. This only works when ``func`` is one function, like `f(x)`. ``sol`` can be a single solution or a list of solutions. Each solution may be an :py:class:`~sympy.core.relational.Equality` that the solution satisfies, e.g. ``Eq(f(x), C1), Eq(f(x) + C1, 0)``; or simply an :py:class:`~sympy.core.expr.Expr`, e.g. ``f(x) - C1``. In most cases it will not be necessary to explicitly identify the function, but if the function cannot be inferred from the original equation it can be supplied through the ``func`` argument. If a sequence of solutions is passed, the same sort of container will be used to return the result for each solution. It tries the following methods, in order, until it finds zero equivalence: 1. Substitute the solution for `f` in the original equation. This only works if ``ode`` is solved for `f`. It will attempt to solve it first unless ``solve_for_func == False``. 2. Take `n` derivatives of the solution, where `n` is the order of ``ode``, and check to see if that is equal to the solution. This only works on exact ODEs. 3. Take the 1st, 2nd, ..., `n`\th derivatives of the solution, each time solving for the derivative of `f` of that order (this will always be possible because `f` is a linear operator). Then back substitute each derivative into ``ode`` in reverse order. This function returns a tuple. The first item in the tuple is ``True`` if the substitution results in ``0``, and ``False`` otherwise. The second item in the tuple is what the substitution results in. It should always be ``0`` if the first item is ``True``. Note that sometimes this function will ``False``, but with an expression that is identically equal to ``0``, instead of returning ``True``. This is because :py:meth:`~sympy.simplify.simplify.simplify` cannot reduce the expression to ``0``. If an expression returned by this function vanishes identically, then ``sol`` really is a solution to ``ode``. If this function seems to hang, it is probably because of a hard simplification. To use this function to test, test the first item of the tuple. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import Eq, Function, checkodesol, symbols >>> x, C1 = symbols('x,C1') >>> f = Function('f') >>> checkodesol(f(x).diff(x), Eq(f(x), C1)) (True, 0) >>> assert checkodesol(f(x).diff(x), C1)[0] >>> assert not checkodesol(f(x).diff(x), x)[0] >>> checkodesol(f(x).diff(x, 2), x**2) (False, 2) """ if not isinstance(ode, Equality): ode = Eq(ode, 0) if func is None: try: _, func = _preprocess(ode.lhs) except ValueError: funcs = [s.atoms(AppliedUndef) for s in ( sol if is_sequence(sol, set) else [sol])] funcs = reduce(set.union, funcs, set()) if len(funcs) != 1: raise ValueError( 'must pass func arg to checkodesol for this case.') func = funcs.pop() if not isinstance(func, AppliedUndef) or len(func.args) != 1: raise ValueError( "func must be a function of one variable, not %s" % func) if is_sequence(sol, set): return type(sol)([checkodesol(ode, i, order=order, solve_for_func=solve_for_func) for i in sol]) if not isinstance(sol, Equality): sol = Eq(func, sol) x = func.args[0] s = True testnum = 0 if order == 'auto': order = ode_order(ode, func) if solve_for_func and not ( sol.lhs == func and not sol.rhs.has(func)) and not ( sol.rhs == func and not sol.lhs.has(func)): try: solved = solve(sol, func) if not solved: raise NotImplementedError except NotImplementedError: pass else: if len(solved) == 1: result = checkodesol(ode, Eq(func, solved[0]), order=order, solve_for_func=False) else: result = checkodesol(ode, [Eq(func, t) for t in solved], order=order, solve_for_func=False) return result while s: if testnum == 0: # First pass, try substituting a solved solution directly into the # ODE. This has the highest chance of succeeding. ode_diff = ode.lhs - ode.rhs if sol.lhs == func: s = sub_func_doit(ode_diff, func, sol.rhs) elif sol.rhs == func: s = sub_func_doit(ode_diff, func, sol.lhs) else: testnum += 1 continue ss = simplify(s) if ss: # with the new numer_denom in, if we do a simple # expansion then testnum == 0 verifies all solutions. s = ss.expand(force=True) else: s = 0 testnum += 1 elif testnum == 1: # Second pass. If we cannot substitute
self.https: port = 443 else: port = 80 if ':' in host: _host, _port = host.rsplit(':', 1) try: port = int(_port) host = _host fport = True except: pass return ( fport, host, port, path) def get_query(self): if self.https: url = 'https://%s/' % self.path else: url = self.path url_scm, _, _, _, _, _ = urlparse.urlparse(url) if len(FQUERY.split('/')) > 2: cgi_http = 'http/' if cgi_http in FQUERY.lower(): url_cgi = url.split(cgi_http) if len(url_cgi) > 1: url = '%s://%s' % (url_scm, url_cgi.pop()) else: url = url.replace(FQUERY, '') if len(MQUERY.split('/')) > 2: url = url.replace(MQUERY, '') if len(BQUERY.split('/')) > 2: url = url.replace(BQUERY, '') url_len = len(url_scm) + 3 url_path = url[url_len:] if CQUERY: cquery_list = CQUERY.split('|') for cquery in cquery_list: try: old, new = cquery.split('>') url_path = url_path.replace(old, new) except: pass fport, host, port, path = self.get_path('%s%s' % (FQUERY, url_path)) advhost = host if fport and not RPORT: path = '%s:%s%s%s%s' % (host, port, MQUERY, path, BQUERY) else: path = '%s%s%s%s' % (host, MQUERY, path, BQUERY) fport, host, port, path = self.get_path(path) if self.https: fport = True path = '%s:%s' % (host, port) else: if self.phost and self.pport or ADMODE: if RQUERY: if MQUERY.startswith('/'): path = '%s%s%s' % (url[:url_len], RQUERY, path) else: path = '%s%s%s%s' % (url[:url_len], RQUERY, MQUERY, path) elif fport and not RPORT: path = '%s%s:%s%s' % (url[:url_len], host, port, path) else: path = '%s%s%s' % (url[:url_len], host, path) else: _, path = path.split('/', 1) path = '/%s' % path cur_header = 'proxy-connection' if cur_header in self.headers and not self.phost and not self.pport: del self.headers[cur_header] cur_header = 'connection' if not self.https and not PTYPE: if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] self.headers[cur_header] = 'close' cur_header = 'host' if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] if fport and not RPORT and not self.https: self.headers[cur_header] = '%s:%s' % (host, port) else: self.headers[cur_header] = host if RQUERY: cur_header = 'host' if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] self.headers[cur_header] = RQUERY cur_header = 'x-online-host' if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] if fport and not self.https: self.headers[cur_header] = '%s:%s' % (host, port) else: self.headers[cur_header] = '%s' % host if ADMODE: cur_header = 'host' if cur_header in self.headers: if RQUERY: del self.headers[cur_header] self.headers[cur_header] = '%s' % RQUERY cur_header = 'x-online-host' if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] if fport and not self.https: self.headers[cur_header] = '%s:%s' % (advhost, port) else: self.headers[cur_header] = '%s' % advhost elif self.phost and self.pport: del self.headers[cur_header] advhost = advhost.replace(FQUERY, '').replace(MQUERY, '').replace(BQUERY, '') if fport and not self.https: self.headers[cur_header] = '%s:%s' % (advhost, port) else: self.headers[cur_header] = '%s' % advhost if CUSHDR0 and not VALHDR0: cur_header = CUSHDR0.lower() if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] if CUSHDR0 and VALHDR0: cur_header = CUSHDR0.lower() if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] self.headers[cur_header] = VALHDR0 if CUSHDR1 and not VALHDR1: cur_header = CUSHDR1.lower() if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] if CUSHDR1 and VALHDR1: cur_header = CUSHDR1.lower() if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] self.headers[cur_header] = VALHDR1 if CUSHDR2 and not VALHDR2: cur_header = CUSHDR2.lower() if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] if CUSHDR2 and VALHDR2: cur_header = CUSHDR2.lower() if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] self.headers[cur_header] = VALHDR2 if CUSHDR3 and not VALHDR3: cur_header = CUSHDR3.lower() if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] if CUSHDR3 and VALHDR3: cur_header = CUSHDR3.lower() if cur_header in self.headers: del self.headers[cur_header] self.headers[cur_header] = VALHDR3 if RPORT: cur_port = ':%s' % port path = path.replace(cur_port, '') cur_list = ('host', 'x-online-host') for cur_header in cur_list: if cur_header in self.headers and ':' in self.headers[cur_header]: rhost, _ = self.headers[cur_header].split(':') del self.headers[cur_header] self.headers[cur_header] = rhost header = self.headers uahdr = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)' cur_header = 'user-agent' if cur_header in self.headers: uahdr = self.headers[cur_header] self.del_garbage() return ( path, header, uahdr, host, port, advhost) def del_garbage(self): del self.command del self.path del self.headers del self.https del self.phost del self.pport class ProxyHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def log_message(self, format, *args): pass def __getattr__(self, item): if item.startswith('do_'): return self.do_COMMAND def do_COMMAND(self): self.get_urlcheck() self.get_headercheck() self.get_recv_headers() self.get_proxy() query = QueryHandler(self.command, self.path, self.headers, self.https, self.phost, self.pport) self.path, self.headers, self.uahdr,, self.port, self.advhost = query.get_query() self.get_newline() self.get_requestline() self.get_injectline() self.get_send_inject() self.get_send_headers() soc = self.proxy_sock() try: if self.connect_to(soc,, self.port, self.advhost): data = ra('%s%s' % (self.get_injectline(), self.newline)).encode('hex') for header, value in self.headers.items(): data += ra('%s: %s%s' % (str(header).title(), value, self.newline)).encode('hex') post_header = 'content-length' if post_header in self.headers: data += ra(self.newline).encode('hex') data +=[post_header])).encode('hex') data += ra(self.newline).encode('hex') data += ra('%s%s' % (self.newline, self.get_send_end())).encode('hex') data = data.decode('hex') while data: byte = soc.send(data) data = data[byte:] self.get_response_data(soc) self.send_connection_close(soc) self.del_garbage() except socket.error as msg: self.send_connection_error(msg) self.send_connection_close(soc) return except: return def do_CONNECT(self): if RHTTPS: self.get_urlcheck() self.get_headercheck() self.get_recv_headers() self.get_proxy() query = QueryHandler(self.command, self.path, self.headers, self.https, self.phost, self.pport) self.path, self.headers, self.uahdr,, self.port, self.advhost = query.get_query() self.get_newline() self.get_requestline() self.get_injectline() self.get_send_inject() self.get_send_headers() soc = self.proxy_sock() try: if self.connect_to(soc,, self.port, self.advhost): data = '%s 200 Connection Established\r\nProxy-Agent: %s/%s' % (self.request_version, Info('name').get_info().replace(' ', ''), Info('ver').get_info()[:3]) self.send_response_data('%s\r\n' % data) self.send_response_data('\r\n') self.get_response_header(data) self.get_response_data(soc) self.send_connection_close(soc) self.del_garbage() except socket.error as msg: self.send_connection_error(msg) self.send_connection_close(soc) return except: return else: self.send_connection_error((501, 'method not allowed')) self.connection.close() return def get_urlcheck(self): self.https = False if self.command == 'CONNECT': self.https = True def get_headercheck(self): header_check = {} for header, value in self.headers.items(): if header.find('\t') == -1 and header.find('\t') == -1: header_check[str(header).lower()] = value self.headers = header_check def get_proxy(self): self.phost = '' self.pport = 0 self.puser = None self.ppass = None if ':' in PHOST and not PPORT: plist = PHOST.split('>') count = len(plist) while 1: count -= 1 if count >= 0: plist = plist[random.randint(0, len(plist) - 1)] if '@' in plist and plist: try: self.puser, self.ppass = plist.split('@')[1].split(':') plist = plist.split('@')[0] except: pass if ':' in plist and plist: try: self.phost, self.pport = plist.split(':') self.pport = int(self.pport) except: pass break else: break else: if PHOST and PPORT: self.phost, self.pport = PHOST, PPORT return def proxy_sock(self): if IQUERY and self.https or self.https: data = ra('%s%s' % (self.get_injectline(), self.newline)) for header, value in self.headers.items(): data += ra('%s: %s%s' % (str(header).title(), value, self.newline)) soc = socksocket(headers=data, newline=self.newline) else: soc = socksocket(newline=self.newline) if self.phost and self.pport: soc.setproxy(PTYPE, self.phost, self.pport, rdns=True, username=self.puser, password=<PASSWORD>, useragent=self.uahdr) return soc def connect_to(self, soc, host, port, advhost): try: if ADMODE: host, port = advhost, port soc.setblocking(1) soc.connect((host, port)) return 1 except socket.error as msg: self.send_connection_error(msg) self.send_connection_close(soc) return 0 except: return 0 def get_newline(self): self.newline = ['\r\n', '\n'][ILINE] def get_requestline(self): if RHTTP == 1: self.request_version = 'HTTP/1.0' else: if RHTTP == 2: self.request_version = 'HTTP/1.1' self.requestline = '%s %s %s' % (self.command, self.path, self.request_version) def get_injectline(self): if IQUERY: meth = [ 'HEAD', 'GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'CONNECT', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'PUT'][IMETHOD] if '/' in IQUERY: host, path = IQUERY.split('/', 1) path = '/%s' % path else: host = IQUERY path = '/' if self.phost and self.pport or ADMODE: path = 'http://%s%s' % (host, path) self.splitline = self.newline * 3 if ISPLIT: self.splitline = self.newline * ISPLIT self.injectline = '%s %s HTTP/1.1%sHost: %s%s' % (meth, path, self.newline, host, self.splitline) return '%s%s' % (self.injectline, self.requestline) return self.requestline def get_send_end(self): if IQUERY: return self.newline return '' def get_recv_headers(self): self.send_connection_logger('+++++[ Receive Request ]+++++\r\nFrom Address - %s:%s\r\n%s\r\n' % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1], self.requestline)) for header, value in self.headers.items(): self.send_connection_logger('%s: %s\r\n' % (str(header).title(), value)) self.send_connection_logger('\r\n') def get_send_inject(self): if IQUERY: self.send_connection_logger('+++++[ Send Injection ]+++++\r\n') if self.phost and self.pport: self.send_connection_logger('Using Proxy - Loocked\r\n') else: if ADMODE: self.send_connection_logger('Using Host - Loocked\r\n') else: self.send_connection_logger('Using Server - Loocked\r\n') for inject in self.splitline[0].split(self.newline): self.send_connection_logger('No: Loocked\r\n') self.send_connection_logger('\r\n') def get_send_headers(self): self.send_connection_logger('+++++[ Send Request ]+++++\r\n') if self.phost and self.pport: self.send_connection_logger('Using Proxy - Loocked\r\n') else: if ADMODE: self.send_connection_logger('Using Host - Loocked\r\n') else: self.send_connection_logger('Using Server - Loocked\r\n') self.send_connection_logger('Config: <NAME>\r\n') for header, value in self.headers.items(): self.send_connection_logger('%s: %s\r\n' % (str(header).title(), value)) self.send_connection_logger('\r\n') def find_double_newline(self, data): pos1 = data.find('\n\r\n') if pos1 >= 0: pos1 += 3 pos2 = data.find('\n\n') if pos2 >= 0: pos2 += 2 if pos1 >= 0: if pos2 >= 0: return min(pos1, pos2) return pos1 else: return pos2 def get_data_splitter(self, data): if data.split('\r\n\r\n')[0].split(' ')[0] in ('HTTP/0.9', 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1'): return 1 return 0 def get_response_header(self, data): if not self.https:
<gh_stars>0 from cards import * from tkinter import ARC, _flatten from PIL import Image, ImageTk from aidan_graphics import * from npc_controls import * class Hand(object): count = 0 # Keep track of hand number for logs button_sprite ='resources/button.png').convert("RGB") SEATS = 8 PRE_FLOP = 0 FLOP = 1 TURN = 2 RIVER = 3 SHOWDOWN = 4 def __init__(self, players, *blinds, ante=0): self.players = [None for _ in range(Hand.SEATS)] self.player_count = 0 self.deck = Card.new_deck() self.community_cards = list() self.pot = 0 self.betting_round = 0 self.button = players[Hand.count % len(players)].seat self.absolute_min_raise = max(*_flatten(blinds), 0) for player in players: if player.stack > self.absolute_min_raise: self.players[] = player self.player_count += 1 self.reset_round() # Deal initial cards and put in blinds/ante for i in range(2): for player in players: if i == 0: player.reset_cards() player.stack -= ante self.pot += ante player.deal_card(self.deck.pop(0)) for blind in _flatten(blinds): player = self.players[self.action] player.stack -= blind self.pot += blind self.current_bet[self.action] += blind self.closing_action = self.action self.action = self.next_player() # Initialize hand log -- HANDLE WITH LOG CLASS?? Hand.count += 1 self.log = f'Hand #{Hand.count} is being delt to {len(self.players)} players.' # Move the "action" onto the next player def next_player(self, button=None): if button != None: seat = (button + 1) % len(self.players) else: seat = (self.action + 1) % len(self.players) if self.players[seat] == None or self.players[seat].stack == 0: return self.next_player(seat) return seat def previous_player(self, button=None): if button != None: seat = (button - 1) % len(self.players) else: seat = (self.action - 1) % len(self.players) if self.players[seat] == None or self.players[seat].stack == 0: return self.previous_player(seat) return seat # Reset variables for a new round of betting def reset_round(self): self.action = self.next_player(self.button) self.closing_action = self.previous_player() self.current_bet = [0 for _ in self.players] self.relative_min_raise = self.absolute_min_raise Player.community_cards = self.community_cards Range.community_cards = self.community_cards def progress_game(self): self.betting_round += 1 if self.betting_round == Hand.SHOWDOWN: self.showdown() else: for player in self.players: if player != None and player.stack == 0: player.sidepot += self.player_count * self.current_bet[] self.deck.pop(0) if self.betting_round == Hand.FLOP: for _ in range(3): self.community_cards.append(self.deck.pop(0)) else: self.community_cards.append(self.deck.pop(0)) self.reset_round() # NEED LOGGING FOR HAND AND PLAYER def bet(self, amount=0): player = self.players[self.action] call_price = max(self.current_bet) - self.current_bet[self.action] min_raise = call_price + self.relative_min_raise if player.stack > call_price: if player.stack < min_raise: amount = player.stack player.sidepot = self.pot - sum(self.current_bet) player.stack -= amount self.pot += amount self.current_bet[self.action] += amount self.player_count -= 1 if self.closing_action == self.action: self.progress_game() else: self.action = self.next_player() else: amount = max(amount, min_raise) player.stack -= amount self.pot += amount self.current_bet[self.action] += amount self.relative_min_raise = amount - call_price self.closing_action = self.previous_player() self.action = self.next_player() else: def call(self): player = self.players[self.action] call_price = max(self.current_bet) - self.current_bet[self.action] if player.stack > 0: if player.stack < call_price: amount = player.stack player.sidepot += self.pot - sum(self.current_bet) else: amount = call_price player.stack -= amount self.pot += amount self.current_bet[self.action] += amount if self.closing_action == self.action: self.progress_game() else: self.action = self.next_player() else: self.fold() def fold(self): player = self.players[self.action] call_price = max(self.current_bet) - self.current_bet[self.action] if call_price > 0 and player.stack > 0: self.players[self.action] = None self.player_count -= 1 if self.player_count <= 1: self.showdown() return None if self.closing_action == self.action: self.progress_game() else: self.action = self.next_player() def showdown(self): self.betting_round = Hand.SHOWDOWN showdown_players = [player for player in self.players if player != None] self._distribute_pot(showdown_players) def _distribute_pot(self, showdown_players): self.winner = max(showdown_players) if self.winner.sidepot == 0: self.winner.stack += self.pot else: self.winner.stack += self.winner.sidepot self.pot -= self.winner.sidepot showdown_players.remove(self.winner) self._distribute_pot(showdown_players) @staticmethod def _chip_map(app, seat): map = [((1/2)*app.width, (27/48)*app.height, 's', 'n'), ((1/4)*app.width, (27/48)*app.height, 'sw', 'ne'), ((3/16)*app.width, (5/12)*app.height, 'w', 'e'), ((1/4)*app.width, (13/48)*app.height, 'nw', 'se'), ((1/2)*app.width, (13/48)*app.height, 'n', 's'), ((3/4)*app.width, (13/48)*app.height, 'ne', 'sw'), ((13/16)*app.width, (5/12)*app.height, 'e', 'w'), ((3/4)*app.width, (27/48)*app.height, 'se', 'nw'),] return map[seat] def _draw_community_cards(self, app, canvas): padding = 10 if len(self.community_cards) > 0: sprite = self.community_cards[0].sprite() scaling_factor = app.height / 8 / sprite.size[1] sprite_x = int(sprite.size[0] * scaling_factor) sprite_y = int(sprite.size[1] * scaling_factor) for i in range(len(self.community_cards)): card = format_image(sprite_x, sprite_y, self.community_cards[i].sprite()) x_pos = app.width/2 + (i - 2) * (sprite_x + padding) canvas.create_image(x_pos, (5/12)*app.height, image=card) canvas.create_text(app.width/2, (23/48)*app.height + 2*padding, text=f'Pot: {self.pot}', font='Helvetica 16 bold') def draw_cards(self, app, canvas): self._draw_community_cards(app, canvas) for player in self.players: if player != None: if self.betting_round == Hand.SHOWDOWN: player._draw_player_info(app, canvas, False) else: player._draw_player_info(app, canvas, not player.user, == self.action) if self.betting_round == Hand.SHOWDOWN: canvas.create_text(app.width/2, (5/12)*app.height, text=f'Player {} wins!', font='Helvetica 32 bold', anchor='s') canvas.create_text(app.width/2, (5/12)*app.height, text='Press any key to deal next hand.', font='Helvetica 32 bold', anchor='n') def draw_chips(self, app, canvas): x, y, anchor1, anchor2 = Hand._chip_map(app, self.button) if self.button in [0,1,7]: x -= (1/16)*app.width y += (1/48)*app.height elif self.button in [3,4,5]: x += (1/15)*app.width y -= (1/64)*app.height elif self.button == 6: x += (1/26)*app.width y -= (1/12)*app.height else: x -= (1/26)*app.width y -= (1/12)*app.height scaling_factor = app.height / 32 / Hand.button_sprite.size[1] button_size = int(Hand.button_sprite.size[0] * scaling_factor) button_sprite = format_image(button_size, button_size, Hand.button_sprite) canvas.create_image(x, y, image=button_sprite) for i in range(len(self.players)): if self.players[i] != None or self.current_bet[i] != 0: x, y, anchor1, anchor2 = Hand._chip_map(app, i) canvas.create_text(x, y, text=self.current_bet[i], font='Helvetica 16 bold') def init_user_controls(self, app): padding = 50 call_price = max(self.current_bet) - self.current_bet[self.action] min_raise = call_price + self.relative_min_raise self.amount = min_raise button_coords = [[None]*2, [None]*3] for i in range(len(button_coords)): button_width = app.width//3//len(button_coords[i]) + padding for j in range(len(button_coords[i])): button_coords[i][j] = (padding + j*button_width, (5/6)*app.height + padding, 0 + (j+1)*button_width, app.height - padding) self.buttons = [AidanButton(button_coords[0][0], text='Check',, AidanButton(button_coords[0][1],, parameters=min_raise), AidanButton(button_coords[1][0], text='Fold', function=self.fold), AidanButton(button_coords[1][1],, AidanButton(button_coords[1][2],, parameters=min_raise)] self.update_user_controls() def update_user_controls(self): player = self.players[self.action] if self.betting_round == Hand.SHOWDOWN or not player.user: for i in range(len(self.buttons)): self.buttons[i].turn_off() else: call_price = max(self.current_bet) - self.current_bet[self.action] min_raise = call_price + self.relative_min_raise self.amount = max(self.amount, min_raise) self.buttons[1].parameters = min(self.amount, player.stack) self.buttons[4].parameters = min(self.amount, player.stack) self.buttons[1].text = f'Bet {self.buttons[1].parameters}' self.buttons[3].text = f'Call {min(call_price, player.stack)}' self.buttons[4].text = f'Raise {self.buttons[4].parameters}' if call_price == 0: for i in range(2): self.buttons[i].turn_on() for j in range(2,len(self.buttons)): self.buttons[j].turn_off() else: for i in range(2): self.buttons[i].turn_off() for j in range(2,len(self.buttons)): self.buttons[j].turn_on() def __repr__(self): output = f'Pot: {self.pot} Board: {self.community_cards}' for i in range(len(self.players)): output += f'\n{self.players[i]}' if self.players[i] != None: if i == self.button: output += ' BUTTON' if i == self.action: output += ' <- ACTION' return output class Player(object): community_cards = list() def __init__(self, stack, seat, user=False): self.stack = stack = seat self.hole_cards = list() self.user = user self.sidepot = 0 def poker_hand(self): return PokerHand(Player.community_cards, self.hole_cards) def deal_card(self, card): self.hole_cards.append(card) self.hole_cards.sort(reverse=True) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Player): return self.poker_hand() == other.poker_hand() def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Player): return self.poker_hand() < other.poker_hand() def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Player): return self.poker_hand() <= other.poker_hand() def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Player): return self.poker_hand() > other.poker_hand() def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Player): return self.poker_hand() >= other.poker_hand() def reset_cards(self): self.hole_cards = list() def _seat_map(self, app): map = [((1/2)*app.width, (2/3)*app.height, 'n'), ((1/4)*app.width, (2/3)*app.height, 'ne'), ((1/10)*app.width, (5/12)*app.height, 'e'), ((1/4)*app.width, (1/7)*app.height, 'se'), ((1/2)*app.width, (1/7)*app.height, 's'), ((3/4)*app.width, (1/7)*app.height, 'sw'), ((9/10)*app.width, (5/12)*app.height, 'w'), ((3/4)*app.width, (2/3)*app.height, 'nw'),] return map[] def _draw_player_info(self, app, canvas, face_down=True, indicator=False): x, y, anchor = self._seat_map(app) padding = 10 sprite = self.hole_cards[0].sprite() scaling_factor = app.height / 8 / sprite.size[1] sprite_x = int(sprite.size[0] * scaling_factor) sprite_y = int(sprite.size[1] * scaling_factor) card1 = format_image(sprite_x, sprite_y, self.hole_cards[0].sprite(face_down)) card2 = format_image(sprite_x, sprite_y, self.hole_cards[1].sprite(face_down)) canvas.create_image(x - (sprite_x/2 + padding), y, image=card1)#, anchor=anchor) canvas.create_image(x + (sprite_x/2 + padding), y, image=card2)#, anchor=anchor) if indicator: outline = 'yellow' else: outline = 'black' stack_box = (x - (sprite_x + padding), y + sprite_y/2 + padding, x + (sprite_x + padding), y + sprite_y/2 + 3*padding) canvas.create_rectangle(stack_box, fill='white', width=3, outline=outline) canvas.create_text(x, y + 2*padding + sprite_y/2, text=f'Player {}: {self.stack}', font='Helvetica 16 bold') def __repr__(self): return f'Player(Seat: {}, Stack: {self.stack}, Cards: {self.hole_cards})' def draw_table(app, canvas): thickness = 10 top_rail = ((1/4)*app.width-1, (1/6)*app.height, (3/4)*app.width+1, (1/6)*app.height) bottom_rail = ((1/4)*app.width-1, (2/3)*app.height, (3/4)*app.width+1, (2/3)*app.height) left_rail = ((1/8)*app.width, (1/6)*app.height, (3/8)*app.width, (2/3)*app.height) right_rail = ((5/8)*app.width, (1/6)*app.height, (7/8)*app.width, (2/3)*app.height) # Color in the table canvas.create_arc(left_rail, fill='dark green', width=0, start=90, extent=180)
<gh_stars>10-100 from amitools.vamos.error import * from amitools.vamos.log import log_mem_alloc from amitools.vamos.label import LabelRange, LabelStruct from amitools.vamos.astructs import AccessStruct class Memory: def __init__(self, addr, size, label, access): self.addr = addr self.size = size self.label = label self.access = access def __str__(self): if self.label != None: return str(self.label) else: return "[@%06x +%06x %06x]" % (self.addr, self.size, self.addr + self.size) class MemoryChunk: def __init__(self, addr, size): self.addr = addr self.size = size = None self.prev = None def __str__(self): end = self.addr + self.size return "[@%06x +%06x %06x]" % (self.addr, self.size, end) def does_fit(self, size): """check if new size would fit into chunk return < 0 if it does not fit, 0 for exact fit, > 0 n wasted bytes """ return self.size - size class MemoryAlloc: def __init__(self, mem, addr=0, size=0, label_mgr=None): """mem is a interface. setup allocator starting at addr with size bytes. if label_mgr is set then labels are created for allocations. """ # if no size is specified then take mem total if size == 0: size = mem.get_ram_size_kib() * 1024 size -= addr # if addr == 0 skip 0 to never return NULL pointer! if addr == 0: addr = 4 size -= 4 self.mem = mem self.addr = addr self.size = size self.label_mgr = label_mgr # compat link self.access = mem self.addrs = {} self.mem_objs = {} # init free list self.free_bytes = size self.free_first = MemoryChunk(addr, self.free_bytes) self.free_entries = 1 @classmethod def for_machine(cls, machine): return cls( machine.get_mem(), addr=machine.get_ram_begin(), label_mgr=machine.get_label_mgr(), ) def get_mem(self): return self.mem def get_addr(self): return self.addr def get_size(self): return self.size def get_label_mgr(self): return self.label_mgr def get_free_bytes(self): return self.free_bytes def is_all_free(self): return self.size == self.free_bytes def _find_best_chunk(self, size): """find best chunk that could take the given alloc return: index of chunk in free list or -1 if none found + bytes left in chunk """ chunk = self.free_first while chunk != None: left = chunk.does_fit(size) # exact match if left == 0: return (chunk, 0) # potential candidate: has some bytes left elif left > 0: # Don't make such a hassle. Return the first one that fits. # This function takes too much time. return (chunk, left) chunk = # nothing found? return (None, -1) def _remove_chunk(self, chunk): next = prev = chunk.prev if chunk == self.free_first: self.free_first = next if next != None: next.prev = prev if prev != None: = next self.free_entries -= 1 def _replace_chunk(self, old_chunk, new_chunk): next = prev = old_chunk.prev if old_chunk == self.free_first: self.free_first = new_chunk if next != None: next.prev = new_chunk if prev != None: = new_chunk = next new_chunk.prev = prev def _insert_chunk(self, chunk): cur = self.free_first last = None addr = chunk.addr while cur != None: # fits right before if addr < cur.addr: break last = cur cur = # inster after last but before cur if last == None: self.free_first = chunk else: = chunk chunk.prev = last if cur != None: = cur cur.prev = chunk self.free_entries += 1 def _merge_chunk(self, a, b): # can we merge? if a.addr + a.size == b.addr: chunk = MemoryChunk(a.addr, a.size + b.size) prev = a.prev if prev != None: = chunk chunk.prev = prev next = if next != None: next.prev = chunk = next if self.free_first == a: self.free_first = chunk self.free_entries -= 1 return chunk else: return None def _stat_info(self): num_allocs = len(self.addrs) return "(free %06x #%d) (allocs #%d)" % ( self.free_bytes, self.free_entries, num_allocs, ) def alloc_mem(self, size, except_on_fail=True): """allocate memory and return addr or 0 if no more memory""" # align size to 4 bytes size = (size + 3) & ~3 # find best free chunk chunk, left = self._find_best_chunk(size) # out of memory? if chunk == None: if except_on_fail: self.dump_orphans() log_mem_alloc.error("[alloc: NO MEMORY for %06x bytes]" % size) raise VamosInternalError("[alloc: NO MEMORY for %06x bytes]" % size) return 0 # remove chunk from free list # is something left? addr = chunk.addr if left == 0: self._remove_chunk(chunk) else: left_chunk = MemoryChunk(addr + size, left) self._replace_chunk(chunk, left_chunk) # add to valid allocs map self.addrs[addr] = size self.free_bytes -= size # erase memory self.mem.clear_block(addr, size, 0) "[alloc @%06x-%06x: %06x bytes] %s", addr, addr + size, size, self._stat_info(), ) if addr % 4: raise VamosInternalError( "Memory pool is invalid, return address not aligned by a long word" ) return addr def free_mem(self, addr, size): # first check if its a right alloc if addr not in self.addrs: raise VamosInternalError("Invalid Free'd Memory at %06x" % addr) # align size to 4 bytes size = (size + 3) & ~3 real_size = self.addrs[addr] assert size == real_size # remove from valid allocs del self.addrs[addr] # create a new free chunk chunk = MemoryChunk(addr, real_size) self._insert_chunk(chunk) # try to merge with prev/next prev = chunk.prev if prev != None: new_chunk = self._merge_chunk(prev, chunk) if new_chunk != None: log_mem_alloc.debug( "merged: %s + this=%s -> %s", prev, chunk, new_chunk ) chunk = new_chunk next = if next != None: new_chunk = self._merge_chunk(chunk, next) if new_chunk != None: log_mem_alloc.debug( "merged: this=%s + %s -> %s", chunk, next, new_chunk ) # correct free bytes self.free_bytes += size num_allocs = len(self.addrs) "[free @%06x-%06x: %06x bytes] %s", addr, addr + size, size, self._stat_info(), ) def get_range_by_addr(self, addr): if addr in self.addrs: return self.addrs[addr] else: return None def dump_mem_state(self): chunk = self.free_first num = 0 while chunk != None: log_mem_alloc.debug("dump #%02d: %s" % (num, chunk)) num += 1 chunk = def _dump_orphan(self, addr, size): log_mem_alloc.warning("orphan: [@%06x +%06x %06x]" % (addr, size, addr + size)) if self.label_mgr is not None: labels = self.label_mgr.get_intersecting_labels(addr, size) for l in labels: log_mem_alloc.warning("-> %s", l) def dump_orphans(self): last = self.free_first # orphan at begin? if last.addr != self.addr: addr = self.addr size = last.addr - addr self._dump_orphan(addr, size) # walk along free list cur = while cur != None: addr = last.addr + last.size size = cur.addr - addr self._dump_orphan(addr, size) last = cur cur = # orphan at end? addr = last.addr + last.size end = self.addr + self.size if addr != end: self._dump_orphan(addr, end - addr) # ----- convenience functions with label creation ----- def get_memory(self, addr): if addr in self.mem_objs: return self.mem_objs[addr] else: return None # memory def alloc_memory(self, name, size, add_label=True, except_on_failure=True): addr = self.alloc_mem(size, except_on_failure) if addr == 0: return None if add_label and self.label_mgr is not None: label = LabelRange(name, addr, size) self.label_mgr.add_label(label) else: label = None mem = Memory(addr, size, label, self.mem)"alloc memory: %s", mem) self.mem_objs[addr] = mem return mem def free_memory(self, mem):"free memory: %s", mem) if mem.label != None: self.label_mgr.remove_label(mem.label) self.free_mem(mem.addr, mem.size) del self.mem_objs[mem.addr] # struct def alloc_struct(self, name, struct, size=None, add_label=True): if size is None: size = struct.get_size() addr = self.alloc_mem(size) if self.label_mgr is not None and add_label: label = LabelStruct(name, addr, struct) self.label_mgr.add_label(label) else: label = None access = AccessStruct(self.mem, struct, addr) mem = Memory(addr, size, label, access)"alloc struct: %s", mem) self.mem_objs[addr] = mem return mem def map_struct(self, name, addr, struct): size = struct.get_size() access = AccessStruct(self.mem, struct, addr) if self.label_mgr is not None: label = self.label_mgr.get_label(addr) else: label = None mem = Memory(addr, size, label, access)"map struct: %s", mem) return mem def free_struct(self, mem):"free struct: %s", mem) if self.label_mgr is not None: self.label_mgr.remove_label(mem.label) self.free_mem(mem.addr, mem.size) del self.mem_objs[mem.addr] # cstr def alloc_cstr(self, name, cstr): size = len(cstr) + 1 addr = self.alloc_mem(size) if self.label_mgr is not None: label = LabelRange(name, addr, size) self.label_mgr.add_label(label) else: label = None self.mem.w_cstr(addr, cstr) mem = Memory(addr, size, label, self.mem)"alloc c_str: %s", mem) self.mem_objs[addr] = mem return mem def free_cstr(self, mem):"free c_str: %s", mem) if self.label_mgr is not None: self.label_mgr.remove_label(mem.label) self.free_mem(mem.addr, mem.size) del self.mem_objs[mem.addr] # bstr def alloc_bstr(self, name, bstr): size = len(bstr) + 2 # front: count, end: extra zero for
#!/usr/bin/env python from unicorn import * from unicorn.x86_const import * import re, struct, sys, base64, pefile, binascii, hashlib __author__ = "<NAME> [karttoon] @noottrak" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __version__ = "1.2.1" __date__ = "21MAY2018" # v1.2.1 - e864f9735349e14c8c4583fe4c29b1b8eab5fca74855476f91e93349b796d818 # Adjusted regex for Build Number on Variant 4 # v1.2.0 - 006f7fd56fa89fa576fa95221bdf16422d66787ca366e57816ff6d8a957d7de5 # Adjusted the RC4 decryption function to account for blob size. # Included second regex for version number in decrypted content # v1.1.9 - 6dcbf652b96a7aea16d0c2e72186173d9345f722c9592e62820bcfe477b2b297 # Added functionality to strip URL from new RTF variant of Hancitor # v1.1.8 - 85d2ba3f12877bf7e531ec1970909f2ea20f55ba17d27f4a5b65e8e8dc493909 # Added new variant stub and ability to adjust offset for B64 decoding # v1.1.7 - efe7cfe0c08265e1a4eed68a1e544ba0e98fff98942e0e55941e1899aba71579 # Latest versions Base64 buffer is longer than what is decoded so caused padding issue. Adjusted to account # v1.1.6 # Newer versions of Unicorn Engine (1.0.0+) changed memory management so I needed to adjust some areas to re-init the memory sections each loop # v1.1.5 - 62e6e5dc0c3927a8c5d708688ca2b56df93848b15a4c38aab173c5a8384395f9 # Added variant 4 to phase 1 decoder - now doing alternating 4-byte XOR keys # They fixed variant 3 so it now alternates correctly. Key-pairs will need to be added manually # v1.1.4 - <KEY> # Added variant 3 to phase 1 decoder - now doing 4-byte XOR key # They have a bug in their code so likely V4 will be along shortly # v1.1.3 - 5527d778becf75d8ce7f45876a88add06f79577ad7c4cbd1a8f42aa0e9991320 # Changed phase 1 variant 2 decoder to now brute force values outside of Unicorn # Restricted it to 27K possibilities (30^3) for add, xor1, xor2 # v1.1.2 - 5a3c843bfcf31c2f2f2a2e4d5f5967800a2474e07323e8baa46ff3ac64d60d4a # New variant of decoder in phase 1 # Different add value and alternates XOR each character with 0xF and 0x10 # v1.1.1 - 7eaa732d95252bf05440aca56f1b2e789dab39af72031a11fc597be88b1ede7f # New variant has encrypted URLs # First 5 bytes of a SHA1 hash of a key are used as decrypt key to RC4 encrypted data holding C2 URLs # v1.1.0 - e1cb2bc858327f9967a3631056f7e513af17990d87780e4ee1c01bc141d3dc7f # New stub bytes pre-header added # v1.0.9 - fc1f1845e47d4494a02407c524eb0e94b6484045adb783e90406367ae20a83ac # Adjusted HTTP export to account for change in URL structure, gate.php to forum.php # Will not extract regardless of PHP file name # v1.0.8 - b506faff00ae557056d387442e9d4d2a53e87c5f9cd59f75db9ba5525ffa0ba3 # New shellcode decoding binary with string "STARFALL" # Will now extract regardless of magic header # v1.0.7 - 14211739584aa0f04ba8845a9b66434529e5e4636f460d34fa84821ebfb142fd # Hancitor directly embedded - fileless inject of PE but URLs scrapable # v1.0.6 - 98f4e4436a7b2a0844d94526f5be5b489604d2b1f586be16ef578cc40d6a61b7 # Brute force of second stage keys (false key plants/re-positioned) # Cleaned up handling for multiple sections # e5b54afc85e7d282d7b2c0045e6e74967ff41ac571880929728f4d49693003a8 # Also added new first stage decoder for above hash variants # 2ac7d8a063127641e71911941c549b8ce889c8587c1d948c72b1aca900069e5e # New mechanisms for H1N1 decrypting added # v1.0.5 - 6dbb31e435e2ff2b7f2b185dc19e6fb63da9ab3553d20b868a298b4c100aeb2a # New Hancitor second stage XOR key # Change phase 2 to automatically extract XOR key and extract encrypted binary # v1.0.4 - 8f26a30a1fc71b7e9eb12e3b94317b7dd5827e2cbcfb3cd3feb684af6a73b4e6 # Hancitor no longer embedded, instead encoded URls that will download it # v1.0.3 - b586c11f5485e3a38a156cba10379a4135a8fe34aa2798af8d543c059f0ac9a4 # Utilized code from Mak and Sysopfb to unpack Upack H1N1 DLL and extract C2 # v1.0.2 - b586c11f5485e3a38a156cba10379a4135a8fe34aa2798af8d543c059f0ac9a4 # Added XOR brute for phase 1 # Added including stripped MZ header on phase 1 EXE # Added check for H1N1 phase 2 payload # v1.0.1 - f648b0d91956f79a2645cbdf0c1612801107d783a6c6bb0ea41582b9b2161199 # Malware now XORs in macro to obfuscate B64 shellcode # Added ability to extract phase 1 based off regex, assumes stored values in shellcode # v1.0.0 - 03aef51be133425a0e5978ab2529890854ecf1b98a7cf8289c142a62de7acd1a # Initial release, dumps phase 1 and phase 2 packed payloads # Prints Hancitor C2 URLs # Setup Unicorn enviroment ADDRESS = 0x1000000 mu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32) # Converted unpacking to a function to make brute forcing XOR easier def phase1_unpack(ADD_VALUE, XOR_VALUE, SIZE_VALUE, ENC_PAYLOAD): ADDRESS = 0x1000000 mu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32) # Initialize stack mu.mem_map(ADDRESS, 4 * 1024 * 1024) # Build shellcode with variables # sub_8A6 SC = b'\x8A\x04\x0F\x04' + ADD_VALUE + b'\x34' + XOR_VALUE + b'\x88\x04\x0F\x41\x81\xF9' + SIZE_VALUE + b'\x72\xED\x57\xE8\x61\x00\x00\x00\x83\x7D\xFC\x01' # sub_7CA SC += b'\x6B\xC0\x06\x99\x83\xE2\x07\x03\xC2\xC1\xF8\x03\xC3' # sub_7D7 SC += b'\x6B\xC0\x06\x25\x07\x00\x00\x80\x79\x05\x48\x83\xC8\xF8\x40\xC3' # sub_7E7 SC += b'\x8D\x48\xBF\x80\xF9\x19\x77\x07\x0F\xBE\xC0\x83\xE8\x41\xC3\x8D\x48\x9F\x80\xF9\x19\x77\x07\x0F\xBE\xC0\x83\xE8\x47\xC3\x8D\x48\xD0\x80\xF9\x09\x77\x07\x0F\xBE\xC0\x83\xC0\x04\xC3\x3C\x2B\x75\x04\x6A\x3E\x58\xC3\x3C\x2F\x75\x04\x6A\x3F\x58\xC3\x33\xC0\xC3' # sub_827 SC += b'\x55\x8B\xEC\x51\x51\x8B\x45\x08\x83\x65\xFC\x00\x89\x45\xF8\x8A\x00\x84\xC0\x74\x68\x53\x56\x57\xE8\xA3\xFF\xFF\xFF\x8B\xD8\x8B\x45\xFC\xE8\x7C\xFF\xFF\xFF\x8B\x4D\xF8\x8D\x14\x08\x8B\x45\xFC\xE8\x7B\xFF\xFF\xFF\x8B\xF8\x8B\xF0\xF7\xDE\x8D\x4E\x08\xB0\x01\xD2\xE0\xFE\xC8\xF6\xD0\x20\x02\x83\xFF\x03\x7D\x09\x8D\x4E\x02\xD2\xE3\x08\x1A\xEB\x15\x8D\x4F\xFE\x8B\xC3\xD3\xF8\x8D\x4E\x0A\xD2\xE3\x08\x02\xC6\x42\x01\x00\x08\x5A\x01\xFF\x45\x08\x8B\x45\x08\x8A\x00\xFF\x45\xFC\x84\xC0\x75\x9E\x5F\x5E\x5B\xC9\xC3' # Build final code to emulate X86_CODE32 = SC + ENC_PAYLOAD # Write code to memory mu.mem_write(ADDRESS, X86_CODE32) # Start of encoded data + offset to binary mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_EDI, 0x10000F9 + 0x0C) # Initialize ECX counter to 0 mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_ECX, 0x0) # Initialize Stack for functions mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_ESP, 0x1300000) # Print 150 characters of encrypted value #print "Encrypt: %s" % mu.mem_read(0x10000F9,150) # Run the code try: mu.emu_start(ADDRESS, ADDRESS + len(X86_CODE32)) except UcError as e: pass # Print 150 characters of decrypted value #print "Decrypt: %s" % mu.mem_read(0x10000F9,150) return mu def phase1_unpack_variant2(ENC_PAYLOAD): # Try version 2 # 5a3c843bfcf31c2f2f2a2e4d5f5967800a2474e07323e8baa46ff3ac64d60d4a New decoding variant print "\t[!] Attempting variant 2..." # Brute force ADD_VALUE = 0 SUCCESS_FLAG = 0 while ADD_VALUE < 30: XOR_VALUE_1 = 0 while XOR_VALUE_1 < 30: XOR_VALUE_2 = 0 while XOR_VALUE_2 < 30: try: B64_DATA = phase1_unpack_v2decode(ADD_VALUE, XOR_VALUE_1, XOR_VALUE_2, 322, ENC_PAYLOAD) B64_DATA ="[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{300,}", B64_DATA) DEC_PAYLOAD = base64.b64decode( except: DEC_PAYLOAD = '' if "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" in DEC_PAYLOAD: print "\t[*] Successfully brute forced Hancitor encoder variant v2" print "\t[-] ADD: %s\n\t[-] XOR1: %s\n\t[-] XOR2: %s" % ( hex(ADD_VALUE), hex(XOR_VALUE_1), hex(XOR_VALUE_2)) B64_DATA = phase1_unpack_v2decode(ADD_VALUE, XOR_VALUE_1, XOR_VALUE_2, len(ENC_PAYLOAD), ENC_PAYLOAD) B64_DATA ="[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{300,}", B64_DATA) DEC_PAYLOAD = base64.b64decode( FILE_NAME = sys.argv[1].split(".")[0] + "_S1.exe" FILE_HANDLE = open(FILE_NAME, "w") FILE_HANDLE.write(DEC_PAYLOAD) FILE_HANDLE.close() print "\t[!] Success! Written to disk as %s" % FILE_NAME SUCCESS_FLAG = 1 XOR_VALUE_2 += 1 XOR_VALUE_1 += 1 ADD_VALUE += 1 return SUCCESS_FLAG def phase1_unpack_v2decode(ADD_VALUE, XOR_VALUE_1, XOR_VALUE_2, LENGTH_VALUE, ENC_PAYLOAD): # Leaving partial Unicorn data for preservation ## If we have shellcode, find shellcode function (this is to avoid brute forcing 16.7M possible combinations, 0xFF^3 (add/dual xor) ##SC ="\x8B\x45\xF8\x8D\x14\x01\x8A\x02.+\x41\x88\x02\x3B\xCE\x72\xE4", SC_DATA).group(0) ##SC = "\x90\x89\xE8" + SC[3:] # Build shellcode with variables # sub_C52 loc_ED3 #SC = b'\x90\x89\xE8\x8D\x14\x01\x8A\x02\x04' + chr(ADD_VALUE) + '\xF6\xC1\x01\x75\x04\x34' + chr(XOR_VALUE_1) + '\xEB\x02\x34' + chr(XOR_VALUE_2) + '\x41\x88\x02\x3B\xCE\x72\xE4' # Build final code to emulate #X86_CODE32 = SC + ENC_PAYLOAD[10:] # The above functions work but emulating this brute-force with Unicorn takes a SIGNFICANT amount of time (15+mins) # Deleted most of the Unicorn part and re-wrote for Python with partial B64 matching to reduce time to <5sec mu = '' count = 0 for i in ENC_PAYLOAD[10:LENGTH_VALUE]: i = ord(i) + ADD_VALUE if count % 2 == 0: i = i ^ XOR_VALUE_1 else: i = i ^ XOR_VALUE_2 try: mu += chr(i) except: continue count += 1 return mu def phase1_unpack_variant3(ENC_PAYLOAD): # Try version 3 # 800bf028a23440134fc834efc5c1e02cc70f05b2e800bbc285d7c92a4b126b1c New decoding variant print "\t[!] Attempting variant 3..." SUCCESS_FLAG = 0 # Don't have the shellcode or a way to brute force the key, so will need to manually add them here for the time being # Insert new xor keys below -- NOTE: this variant will probably never be used again as it was a broken version of variant 4 XOR_KEYS = [ <KEY>", <KEY>" ] for XOR_VALUE in XOR_KEYS: if SUCCESS_FLAG == 0: try: B64_DATA = phase1_unpack_v3decode(XOR_VALUE, 322, ENC_PAYLOAD) B64_DATA ="[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{300,}", B64_DATA) DEC_PAYLOAD = base64.b64decode( if "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" in DEC_PAYLOAD: print "\t[*] Successfully decoded Hancitor with variant v3" print "\t[-] XOR: 0x%s" % ("".join([hex(ord(i))[2:] for i in XOR_VALUE])) B64_DATA = phase1_unpack_v3decode(XOR_VALUE, len(ENC_PAYLOAD), ENC_PAYLOAD) B64_DATA ="[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{300,}", B64_DATA) DEC_PAYLOAD = base64.b64decode( FILE_NAME = sys.argv[1].split(".")[0] + "_S1.exe" FILE_HANDLE = open(FILE_NAME, "w") FILE_HANDLE.write(DEC_PAYLOAD) FILE_HANDLE.close() print "\t[!] Success! Written to disk as %s" % FILE_NAME SUCCESS_FLAG = 1 except: pass return SUCCESS_FLAG def phase1_unpack_v3decode(XOR_VALUE_1, LENGTH_VALUE, ENC_PAYLOAD): mu = '' l = len(XOR_VALUE_1) for i in range(0, len(ENC_PAYLOAD[10:LENGTH_VALUE])): mu += chr(ord(ENC_PAYLOAD[10:LENGTH_VALUE][i]) ^ ord(XOR_VALUE_1[i % l])) return mu def phase1_unpack_variant4(ENC_PAYLOAD): # Try version 4 # 62e6e5dc0c3927a8c5d708688ca2b56df93848b15a4c38aab173c5a8384395f9 New decoding variant print "\t[!] Attempting variant 4..." SUCCESS_FLAG = 0 # Don't have the shellcode or a way to brute force the key, so will need to manually add them here for the time being # Insert new xor-pairs below XOR_PAIRS = { "\x78\x53\x38\x35":"\xC9\xA1\x43\x24" } for XOR_PAIR in XOR_PAIRS: if SUCCESS_FLAG == 0: try: XOR_VALUE_1 = XOR_PAIR XOR_VALUE_2 = XOR_PAIRS[XOR_PAIR] B64_DATA = phase1_unpack_v4decode(XOR_VALUE_1, XOR_VALUE_2, 322, ENC_PAYLOAD) B64_DATA ="[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{300,}", B64_DATA) DEC_PAYLOAD = base64.b64decode( if "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" in DEC_PAYLOAD: print "\t[*] Successfully decoded Hancitor with variant v4" print "\t[-] XOR1: 0x%s" % ("".join([hex(ord(i))[2:] for i in XOR_VALUE_1])) print "\t[-] XOR2: 0x%s" % ("".join([hex(ord(i))[2:] for i in XOR_VALUE_2])) B64_DATA = phase1_unpack_v4decode(XOR_VALUE_1, XOR_VALUE_2, len(ENC_PAYLOAD), ENC_PAYLOAD) B64_DATA ="[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{300,}", B64_DATA) # efe7cfe0c08265e1a4eed68a1e544ba0e98fff98942e0e55941e1899aba71579 # Their B64
# coding: utf-8 # ## This notebook contains code to easily create the inputs required to run the process in one of the 'overlay' notebooks. # #### In addition to the outputs produced by this output, the user will need to also obtain from other sources elevation (NED DEM) and optionally ortho imagery data (NAIP). # #### The final steps in the process is done in manually ArcScene outside of this notebook. See instructions at the bottom of this notebook. # The bulk of the libraries required for this processing can be found in the ../environment.yml file # A conda env can be created with: # conda env create -f environment.yml # # But there were two libraries used that are either not yet up on conda or pip, or need a version latter than what's available: # These are ulmo 0.8.3dev, available from: # # and: # landsat-util 0.13.0 which is available on pypi but I had to install manually: # # # The only data not automatically downloaded are the MODIS layers which are accessed from a local repository. # # Given the non-standard libraries and local data requirements, this notebook should be considered comprehensive documentation of the process used to produce the inputs for this analysis, instead of a tool/script to be run by a general, non-expert users. # In[2]: import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import rasterio # In[3]: import sys sys.path.append(r"..\..") import pyphenocam sys.path.append(r"J:\Projects\NCCSC\phenocam\Tools\DaymetPy\daymetpy") import daymetpy # # Create a point shapefile of our camera location # In[4]: output_dir = r"J:\Projects\NCCSC\phenocam\DerivedData\quickbird" site_name = "quickbird" # In[5]: site = pyphenocam.dataaccess.get_site(site_name) # In[6]: site.x, site.y # In[7]: import fiona from import from_epsg from shapely.geometry import Point, mapping # In[8]: simpleschema = {'geometry': 'Point', 'properties': {'name':'str'}} wgs84_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "wgs84") if not os.path.exists(wgs84_dir): os.makedirs(wgs84_dir) camera_fname = os.path.join(wgs84_dir, "cameraloc.shp") with, 'w', crs=from_epsg(4326),driver='ESRI Shapefile', schema=simpleschema) as output: point = Point(site.x, site.y) output.write({'properties': {'name': site.sitename},'geometry': mapping(point)}) # # Download the landsat8 scene over this area # In[9]: from import Search from landsat.downloader import Downloader # In[10]: s = Search() results =, lon=site.x, limit=100) scene_id = results['results'][1]['sceneID'] # In[11]: landsat_dname = os.path.join(output_dir, 'Landsat') if not os.path.exists(landsat_dname): os.makedirs(landsat_dname) # In[11]: from landsat.downloader import Downloader d = Downloader(download_dir=landsat_dname) result =[str(scene_id)]) # In[12]: import tarfile scene_dname = os.path.join(landsat_dname, scene_id) tar_fname = os.path.join(landsat_dname, scene_id + "") tar = tar.extractall(path=scene_dname) tar.close() os.unlink(tar_fname) # In[12]: from pygaarst import raster scene_dname = os.path.join(landsat_dname, scene_id) sc = raster.Landsatscene(scene_dname) # In[13]: scene_dname = os.path.join(landsat_dname, scene_id) scene_dname b4_fname = os.path.join(scene_dname, [f for f in os.listdir(scene_dname) if f.endswith('_B4.TIF')][0]) b5_fname = os.path.join(scene_dname, [f for f in os.listdir(scene_dname) if f.endswith('_B5.TIF')][0]) # In[14]: landsat = landsat_data = landsat_extents = [landsat.bounds.left, landsat.bounds.right, landsat.bounds.bottom,] # #### If the location isn't good either get another landsat scene or mosaic a couple # In[15]: get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline') import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cartopy import as ccrs import cartopy.feature as cfeature utm_zone = landsat.crs_wkt.split('UTM zone ')[1].split('N"')[0] landsat_proj = ccrs.UTM(zone=utm_zone, globe=ccrs.Globe(datum='WGS84', ellipse='WGS84')) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) # ax_extent = [quickbird.x - 0.015, quickbird.x + 0.015, quickbird.y - 0.002, quickbird.y + 0.015] ax = plt.axes(projection=landsat_proj) # ax.set_extent(ax_extent, ccrs.Geodetic()) im = ax.imshow(sc.NDVI[::10, ::10], origin='upper', extent=landsat_extents, transform=landsat_proj, interpolation='none', geodetic = ccrs.Geodetic() ax.scatter(site.x, site.y, color='r', s=20, alpha=0.5, transform=geodetic) plt.colorbar(im) # ### We need to extract out a subset 254x254 centered horizontally on our camera loc, and extending north # In[16]: landsat_camx, landsat_camy = list(landsat_proj.transform_point(site.x, site.y, geodetic)) landsat_camx, landsat_camy # In[17]: landsat_a = landsat.affine # In[18]: import math landsat_cam_col, landsat_cam_row = [int(math.floor(coord)) for coord in ~landsat_a * (landsat_camx, landsat_camy)] landsat_left_col, landsat_right_col = landsat_cam_col-254/2, landsat_cam_col+254/2 landsat_upper_row, landsat_lower_row = landsat_cam_row-244, landsat_cam_row+10 print landsat_cam_col, landsat_cam_row print landsat_left_col, landsat_right_col print landsat_upper_row, landsat_lower_row # In[19]: landsat_ulx, landsat_uly = landsat_a * (landsat_left_col, landsat_upper_row) landsat_lrx, landsat_lry = landsat_a * (landsat_right_col, landsat_lower_row) landsat_urx, landsat_ury = landsat_a * (landsat_right_col, landsat_upper_row) landsat_llx, landsat_lly = landsat_a * (landsat_left_col, landsat_lower_row) print landsat_ulx, landsat_uly print landsat_lrx, landsat_lry print landsat_urx, landsat_ury print landsat_llx, landsat_lly print landsat_camx, landsat_camy # In[20]: get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = plt.axes(projection=landsat_proj) ax.imshow(sc.NDVI[::10, ::10], origin='upper', extent=landsat_extents, transform=landsat_proj, interpolation='none', ax.scatter(site.x, site.y, color='r', s=20, alpha=0.5, transform=geodetic) ax.plot([landsat_ulx, landsat_lrx], [landsat_uly, landsat_uly], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) ax.plot([landsat_ulx, landsat_lrx], [landsat_lry, landsat_lry], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) ax.plot([landsat_ulx, landsat_ulx], [landsat_uly, landsat_lry], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) ax.plot([landsat_lrx, landsat_lrx], [landsat_uly, landsat_lry], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) # In[21]: from shapely.geometry import mapping, Polygon import fiona # Here's an example Shapely geometry poly = Polygon([(landsat_ulx, landsat_uly), (landsat_lrx, landsat_uly), (landsat_lrx, landsat_lry), (landsat_ulx, landsat_lry), (landsat_ulx, landsat_uly)]) # Define a polygon feature geometry with one attribute schema = { 'geometry': 'Polygon', 'properties': {'id': 'int'}, } # Write a new Shapefile landsat_subset_dname = os.path.join(landsat_dname, 'Subset') if not os.path.exists(landsat_subset_dname): os.makedirs(landsat_subset_dname) boundary_fname = os.path.join(landsat_subset_dname, 'landsat_boundary.shp') with, 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema, as c: ## If there are multiple geometries, put the "for" loop here c.write({ 'geometry': mapping(poly), 'properties': {'id': 123}, }) # In[22]: from shapely.geometry import mapping, Polygon import fiona # Define a polygon feature geometry with one attribute schema = { 'geometry': 'Polygon', 'properties': {'row': 'int', 'col':'int'}, } # Write a new Shapefile landsat_subset_dname = os.path.join(landsat_dname, 'Subset') if not os.path.exists(landsat_subset_dname): os.makedirs(landsat_subset_dname) fishnet_fname = os.path.join(landsat_subset_dname, 'landsat_fishnet.shp') with, 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema, as c: ## If there are multiple geometries, put the "for" loop here for row in range(254): cell_uly = landsat_uly + (row*landsat_a.e) for col in range(254): cell_ulx = landsat_ulx + (col*landsat.affine.a) poly = Polygon([(cell_ulx, cell_uly), (cell_ulx + landsat_a.a, cell_uly), (cell_ulx + landsat_a.a, cell_uly + landsat_a.e), (cell_ulx, cell_uly + landsat_a.e), (cell_ulx, cell_uly)]) c.write({ 'geometry': mapping(poly), 'properties': {'row': row, 'col':col}, }) # # Create a subset of this for display purposes # In[55]: landsat_subset = sc.NDVI[ landsat_upper_row:landsat_lower_row, landsat_left_col:landsat_right_col] plt.imshow(landsat_subset) plt.scatter(landsat_cam_col-landsat_left_col, landsat_cam_row-landsat_upper_row, c='r') pyphenocam.plotting.format_photo_axes(plt.gca()) # In[65]: landsat_subset_fname = os.path.join(landsat_subset_dname, "landsat_subset.tif") import copy landsat_subset_meta = copy.copy(landsat.meta) landsat_subset_meta['width'] = landsat_subset.shape[0] landsat_subset_meta['height'] = landsat_subset.shape[1] new_transform = list(landsat.meta['transform']) new_transform[0] = landsat_ulx new_transform[3] = landsat_uly landsat_subset_meta['transform'] = tuple(new_transform) landsat_subset_meta['dtype'] = 'float32' import affine landsat_subset_meta['affine'] = affine.Affine.from_gdal(*landsat_subset_meta['transform']) with, 'w', **landsat_subset_meta) as dst: dst.write_band(1, landsat_subset.astype(rasterio.float32)) # In[60]: landsat_subset_meta # In[25]: get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline') n=10 r = np.zeros(landsat_subset.shape).astype(np.dtype('i1')) landsat_col_x3 = np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(r.shape[1]), n), (r.shape[0])*n) landsat_col_x3.shape = r.shape[0]*n, r.shape[1]*n plt.imshow(landsat_col_x3, interpolation='none') plt.colorbar() # In[26]: landsat_col_x3.shape # In[27]: landsat_row_x3 = np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(r.shape[0]), n), (r.shape[1]*n)) landsat_row_x3.shape = r.shape[1]*n, r.shape[0]*n landsat_row_x3 = landsat_row_x3.T plt.imshow(landsat_row_x3, interpolation='none') plt.colorbar() # In[28]: landsat_b = np.zeros(landsat_row_x3.shape) # In[29]: get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline') plt.imshow(np.dstack([landsat_col_x3, landsat_row_x3, landsat_b])[:,:,:], interpolation='none') # ##### One small detail to note, because of the way ArcScene renders a raster, we're increasing the pixel resoultion 10x # In[30]: import scipy subset_index_fname = os.path.join(landsat_subset_dname, "landsat_subset_index.tif") import copy landsat_subset_meta = copy.copy(landsat.meta) landsat_subset_meta['width'] = landsat_subset.shape[0] * 10 landsat_subset_meta['height'] = landsat_subset.shape[1] * 10 new_transform = list(landsat.meta['transform']) new_transform[0] = landsat_ulx new_transform[3] = landsat_uly new_transform[1] = new_transform[1] / 10.0 new_transform[-1] = new_transform[-1] / 10.0 landsat_subset_meta['transform'] = new_transform import affine landsat_subset_meta['affine'] = affine.Affine.from_gdal(*landsat_subset_meta['transform']) landsat_subset_meta.update( dtype=rasterio.uint8, count=3, nodata=255) with, 'w', **landsat_subset_meta) as dst: dst.write_band(1, landsat_col_x3.astype(rasterio.uint8)) dst.write_band(2, landsat_row_x3.astype(rasterio.uint8)) dst.write_band(3, landsat_b.astype(rasterio.uint8)) # ## download and process some NED 30m DEM data for our area # In[31]: from ulmo.usgs.ned import core core.get_available_layers() # In[33]: layer = '1/3 arc-second' landsat_bbox = list(geodetic.transform_point(landsat_ulx, landsat_lry, landsat_proj)) landsat_bbox += list(geodetic.transform_point(landsat_lrx, landsat_uly, landsat_proj)) dname = os.path.join(output_dir, "ArcScene", "InputData", "DEM") if not os.path.exists(dname): os.makedirs(dname) dem_result = core.get_raster(layer=layer, bbox=landsat_bbox, path=dname, mosaic=True) # ## Reproject this to match our landsat subset grid # In[34]: if type(dem_result) == list: dem_result = dem_result[0] # In[35]: dem = landsat_subset = # In[36]: from rasterio.warp import calculate_default_transform, reproject, RESAMPLING utm_dname = os.path.join(output_dir, "ArcScene", "InputData", "UTM") if not os.path.exists(utm_dname): os.makedirs(utm_dname) out_fname = os.path.join(utm_dname, "NED_30m.tif") # affine, width, height = calculate_default_transform( #, dst_crs, src.width, src.height, *src.bounds) kwargs = landsat_subset.meta.copy() kwargs['dtype'] = dem.meta['dtype'] kwargs['nodata'] = -9999 # kwargs.update({ # 'crs':, # 'transform': subset.affine, # 'affine': subset.affine, # 'width': subset.width, # 'height': subset.height # }) with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: reproject(, 1),, 1), src_transform=dem.affine,, src_nodata=kwargs['nodata'], dst_transform=landsat_subset.affine,, dst_nodata=kwargs['nodata'], resampling=RESAMPLING.cubic_spline) dem_data = dst.read_band(1, masked=True) # In[37]: elev_subset_fname = out_fname elev = elev_data = nad83 = ccrs.Geodetic(globe=ccrs.Globe(datum='NAD83', ellipse='GRS80')) elev_extents = [elev.bounds.left, elev.bounds.right, elev.bounds.bottom,] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = plt.axes(projection=landsat_proj) ax.imshow(dem_data, origin='upper', extent=elev_extents, transform=landsat_proj,, interpolation='none') ax.scatter(site.x, site.y, color='r', s=20, alpha=0.5, transform=geodetic) ax.plot([landsat_ulx, landsat_lrx], [landsat_uly, landsat_uly], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) ax.plot([landsat_ulx, landsat_lrx], [landsat_lry, landsat_lry], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) ax.plot([landsat_ulx, landsat_ulx], [landsat_uly, landsat_lry], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) ax.plot([landsat_lrx, landsat_lrx], [landsat_uly, landsat_lry], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) # # And do the same thing we did with landsat for modis (250m) # We have some nationwide mosaics of the 250m modis products maintained at the fort collins science center. TODO:add link to notbook used to generate these... # In[38]: modis_mosaic_fname = r"J:\GIS_Layers\Climate\ClimateCache\MODIS\DerivedData\Mosaics\NDVI\MOD13Q1.A2001081.NDVI.tif" modis_mosaic = modis_mosaic_data = # In[39]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) modis_proj = ax = plt.axes(projection=modis_proj) modis_mosaic_extents = [modis_mosaic.bounds.left, modis_mosaic.bounds.right, modis_mosaic.bounds.bottom,] ax.imshow(modis_mosaic_data[0, fd00:c2b6:b24b:be67:2827:688d:e6a1:6a3b, ::10], origin='upper', extent=modis_mosaic_extents, interpolation='none',, transform=modis_proj) # ax.imshow(modis_mosaic_data[0, fd00:c2b6:b24b:be67:2827:688d:e6a1:6a3b, ::10], transform=modis_proj) ax.scatter(site.x, site.y, color='white', s=450, alpha=0.8, marker="*", transform=geodetic) # ax.plot([ulx,lrx], [uly, uly], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) # ax.plot([ulx,lrx], [lry, lry], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) # ax.plot([ulx,ulx], [uly, lry], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) # ax.plot([lrx,lrx], [uly, lry], 'k-', lw=2, c='black', transform=landsat_proj) #love the modis sinusoidal grid! # # Extract out the cooresponding subset of modis pixels # In[40]: modis_urx, modis_ury = list(modis_proj.transform_point(landsat_urx, landsat_ury, landsat_proj)) modis_llx, modis_lly = list(modis_proj.transform_point(landsat_llx, landsat_lly, landsat_proj)) modis_ulx, modis_uly = list(modis_proj.transform_point(landsat_ulx, landsat_uly, landsat_proj)) modis_lrx, modis_lry = list(modis_proj.transform_point(landsat_lrx, landsat_lry, landsat_proj)) print modis_urx, modis_ury print modis_llx, modis_lly print modis_ulx, modis_uly print modis_lrx, modis_lry # In[41]: modis_a = modis_mosaic.affine # In[42]: import math modissubset_ll_col, modissubset_ll_row = [int(math.floor(coord)) for coord in ~modis_a * (modis_llx, modis_lly)] modissubset_ur_col, modissubset_ur_row = [int(math.floor(coord)) for coord
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The Google Research Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests for gfsa.automaton.""" import functools from absl.testing import absltest from absl.testing import parameterized import jax import jax.numpy as jnp import numpy as np from gfsa import automaton_builder from gfsa import graph_types class AutomatonTest(parameterized.TestCase): def build_simple_schema(self): return { graph_types.NodeType("a"): graph_types.NodeSchema( in_edges=[ graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_0"), graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_1") ], out_edges=[graph_types.OutEdgeType("ao_0")]), graph_types.NodeType("b"): graph_types.NodeSchema( in_edges=[graph_types.InEdgeType("bi_0")], out_edges=[ graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_0"), graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_1") ]), } def build_loop_graph(self): """Helper method to build this complex graph, to test graph encodings. ┌───────<──┐ ┌───────<─────────<─────┐ │ │ │ │ │ [ao_0]│ ↓[ai_0] │ │ (a0) │ │ [ai_1]↑ │[ao_1] │ │ │ │ │ │ [ao_0]│ ↓[ai_0] │ ↓ (a1) ↑ │ [ai_1]↑ │[ao_1] │ │ │ │ │ │ [bo_0]│ ↓[bi_0] │ │ ╭──╮───────>[bo_2]────┐ │ │ │b0│───────>[bo_2]──┐ │ │ │ │ │<──[bi_0]─────<─┘ │ │ │ ╰──╯<──[bi_0]─────<─┐ │ │ │ [bi_0]↑ │[bo_1] │ │ ↑ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ [bo_0]│ ↓[bi_0] │ │ │ │ ╭──╮───────>[bo_2]──┘ │ │ │ │b1│───────>[bo_2]──┐ │ │ ↓ │ │<──[bi_0]─────<─┘ │ │ │ ╰──╯<──[bi_0]─────<───┘ │ │ [bi_0]↑ │[bo_1] │ │ │ │ │ └───────>──┘ └───────>─────────>─────┘ Returns: Tuple (schema, graph) for the above structure. """ a = graph_types.NodeType("a") b = graph_types.NodeType("b") ai_0 = graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_0") ai_1 = graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_1") bi_0 = graph_types.InEdgeType("bi_0") bi_0 = graph_types.InEdgeType("bi_0") ao_0 = graph_types.OutEdgeType("ao_0") ao_1 = graph_types.OutEdgeType("ao_1") bo_0 = graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_0") bo_1 = graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_1") bo_2 = graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_2") a0 = graph_types.NodeId("a0") a1 = graph_types.NodeId("a1") b0 = graph_types.NodeId("b0") b1 = graph_types.NodeId("b1") schema = { a: graph_types.NodeSchema( in_edges=[ai_0, ai_1], out_edges=[ao_0, ao_1]), b: graph_types.NodeSchema( in_edges=[bi_0], out_edges=[bo_0, bo_1, bo_2]), } test_graph = { a0: graph_types.GraphNode( a, { ao_0: [graph_types.InputTaggedNode(b1, bi_0)], ao_1: [graph_types.InputTaggedNode(a1, ai_0)] }), a1: graph_types.GraphNode( a, { ao_0: [graph_types.InputTaggedNode(a0, ai_1)], ao_1: [graph_types.InputTaggedNode(b0, bi_0)] }), b0: graph_types.GraphNode( b, { bo_0: [graph_types.InputTaggedNode(a1, ai_1)], bo_1: [graph_types.InputTaggedNode(b1, bi_0)], bo_2: [ graph_types.InputTaggedNode(b0, bi_0), graph_types.InputTaggedNode(b1, bi_0) ] }), b1: graph_types.GraphNode( b, { bo_0: [graph_types.InputTaggedNode(b0, bi_0)], bo_1: [graph_types.InputTaggedNode(a0, ai_0)], bo_2: [ graph_types.InputTaggedNode(b0, bi_0), graph_types.InputTaggedNode(b1, bi_0) ] }), } return schema, test_graph def test_constructor_actions_nodes_routes(self): builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder( self.build_simple_schema(), with_backtrack=False, with_fail=True) self.assertEqual( set(builder.special_actions), { automaton_builder.SpecialActions.FINISH, automaton_builder.SpecialActions.FAIL }) self.assertEqual( set(builder.node_types), {graph_types.NodeType("a"), graph_types.NodeType("b")}) self.assertEqual( set(builder.in_route_types), { automaton_builder.InRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("a"), automaton_builder.SOURCE_INITIAL), automaton_builder.InRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("a"), graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_0")), automaton_builder.InRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("a"), graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_1")), automaton_builder.InRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("b"), automaton_builder.SOURCE_INITIAL), automaton_builder.InRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("b"), graph_types.InEdgeType("bi_0")), }) self.assertEqual( set(builder.in_out_route_types), { automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("a"), automaton_builder.SOURCE_INITIAL, graph_types.OutEdgeType("ao_0")), automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("a"), graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_0"), graph_types.OutEdgeType("ao_0")), automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("a"), graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_1"), graph_types.OutEdgeType("ao_0")), automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("b"), automaton_builder.SOURCE_INITIAL, graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_0")), automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("b"), automaton_builder.SOURCE_INITIAL, graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_1")), automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("b"), graph_types.InEdgeType("bi_0"), graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_0")), automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("b"), graph_types.InEdgeType("bi_0"), graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_1")), }) def test_constructor_inverse_mappings(self): builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder(self.build_simple_schema()) # Mappings should be inverses of the corresponding lists for i, node_type in enumerate(builder.node_types): self.assertEqual(builder.node_type_to_index[node_type], i) for i, in_route_type in enumerate(builder.in_route_types): self.assertEqual(builder.in_route_type_to_index[in_route_type], i) for i, in_out_route_type in enumerate(builder.in_out_route_types): self.assertEqual(builder.in_out_route_type_to_index[in_out_route_type], i) def test_constructor_information_removing_mappings(self): builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder(self.build_simple_schema()) # Check consistency of information-removing mappings with the # corresponding pairs of lists. for in_out_route_type in builder.in_out_route_types: in_route_type = automaton_builder.InRouteType(in_out_route_type.node_type, in_out_route_type.in_edge) self.assertEqual( builder.in_out_route_to_in_route[ builder.in_out_route_type_to_index[in_out_route_type]], builder.in_route_type_to_index[in_route_type]) for in_route_type in builder.in_route_types: node_type = graph_types.NodeType(in_route_type.node_type) self.assertEqual( builder.in_route_to_node_type[ builder.in_route_type_to_index[in_route_type]], builder.node_type_to_index[node_type]) for in_out_route_type in builder.in_out_route_types: in_route_type = automaton_builder.InRouteType(in_out_route_type.node_type, in_out_route_type.in_edge) self.assertEqual( builder.in_out_route_to_in_route[ builder.in_out_route_type_to_index[in_out_route_type]], builder.in_route_type_to_index[in_route_type]) @parameterized.named_parameters([ { "testcase_name": "sum", "reduction": "sum" }, { "testcase_name": "max", "reduction": "max" }, { "testcase_name": "softmax", "reduction": "softmax" }, ]) def test_routing_reduce_correct(self, reduction): """Compare JAX implementations to a (slow but correct) iterative one.""" n_variants = 2 n_states = 4 def make_range_shaped(shape): return np.arange("float32") schema = self.build_simple_schema() builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder(schema) routing_params = automaton_builder.RoutingParams( move=make_range_shaped([ n_variants, len(builder.in_out_route_types), n_states, n_states, ]), special=make_range_shaped([ n_variants, len(builder.in_route_types), n_states, len(builder.special_actions), ]), ) # Compute aggregates with JAX if reduction == "softmax": routing_aggregates = builder.routing_softmax(routing_params) else: routing_aggregates = builder.routing_reduce( routing_params, reduction=reduction) routing_aggregates = jax.tree_multimap( lambda s, p: np.array(jnp.broadcast_to(s, p.shape)), routing_aggregates, routing_params) # Manual looping aggregates for variant in range(n_variants): for current_state in range(n_states): for in_route_type in builder.in_route_types: # Compute aggregates distn_vals = [] iroute_idx = builder.in_route_type_to_index[in_route_type] for out_edge_type in schema[in_route_type.node_type].out_edges: ioroute_idx = builder.in_out_route_type_to_index[ automaton_builder.InOutRouteType(in_route_type.node_type, in_route_type.in_edge, out_edge_type)] for next_state in range(n_states): distn_vals.append(routing_params.move[variant, ioroute_idx, current_state, next_state]) for action_idx in range(len(builder.special_actions)): distn_vals.append(routing_params.special[variant, iroute_idx, current_state, action_idx]) if reduction == "sum": distn_aggregate = [sum(distn_vals)] * len(distn_vals) elif reduction == "max": distn_aggregate = [max(distn_vals)] * len(distn_vals) elif reduction == "softmax": distn_aggregate = list(jax.nn.softmax(jnp.array(distn_vals))) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid reduction {reduction}") i = 0 # Check them with the JAX version for out_edge_type in schema[in_route_type.node_type].out_edges: ioroute_idx = builder.in_out_route_type_to_index[ automaton_builder.InOutRouteType(in_route_type.node_type, in_route_type.in_edge, out_edge_type)] for next_state in range(n_states): np.testing.assert_allclose( routing_aggregates.move[variant, ioroute_idx, current_state, next_state], distn_aggregate[i], rtol=1e-6) i += 1 for action_idx in range(len(builder.special_actions)): np.testing.assert_allclose( routing_aggregates.special[variant, iroute_idx, current_state, action_idx], distn_aggregate[i], rtol=1e-6) i += 1 def test_initial_routing_params_noiseless(self): schema = self.build_simple_schema() builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder(schema) routing_params = builder.initialize_routing_params( key=None, num_fsm_states=3, num_variants=2, state_change_prob=0.2, move_prob=0.9, noise_factor=0) outgoing_count = np.array([ len(schema[in_out_route.node_type].out_edges) for in_out_route in builder.in_out_route_types ])[None, :, None] all_same_state_moves = routing_params.move[:, :, np.arange(3), np.arange(3)] expected = np.broadcast_to(0.9 * 0.8 / outgoing_count, all_same_state_moves.shape) np.testing.assert_allclose(all_same_state_moves, expected) state_1 = [] state_2 = [] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if i != j: state_1.append(i) state_2.append(j) all_different_state_moves = routing_params.move[:, :, state_1, state_2] expected = np.broadcast_to(0.9 * 0.2 / (2 * outgoing_count), all_different_state_moves.shape) np.testing.assert_allclose(all_different_state_moves, expected) np.testing.assert_allclose(routing_params.special, 0.1 / 3) def test_initial_routing_params_with_noise(self): builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder(self.build_simple_schema()) # Small amounts of noise shouldn't change parameters much initializer_kwargs = dict( num_fsm_states=3, num_variants=2, state_change_prob=0.2, move_prob=0.9) noiseless_params = builder.initialize_routing_params( key=None, noise_factor=0, **initializer_kwargs) eps_noise_params = builder.initialize_routing_params( key=jax.random.PRNGKey(1234), noise_factor=1e-6, **initializer_kwargs) np.testing.assert_allclose( noiseless_params.move, eps_noise_params.move, rtol=0.02) np.testing.assert_allclose( noiseless_params.special, eps_noise_params.special, rtol=0.02) # Even with more noise, should still be normalized noisy_params = builder.initialize_routing_params( key=jax.random.PRNGKey(1234), noise_factor=0.8, **initializer_kwargs) noisy_sums = builder.routing_reduce(noisy_params, "sum") np.testing.assert_allclose(noisy_sums.move, 1.0, rtol=1e-6) np.testing.assert_allclose(noisy_sums.special, 1.0, rtol=1e-6) def test_routing_gates_to_probs(self): builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder(self.build_simple_schema()) # [variants, in_out_routes, fsm_states, fsm_states] # [variants, in_routes, fsm_states] move_gates = np.full([3, len(builder.in_out_route_types), 2, 2], 0.5) accept_gates = np.full([3, len(builder.in_route_types), 2], 0.5) backtrack_gates = np.full([3, len(builder.in_route_types), 2], 0.5) # Set one distribution to sum to more than 1. idx_d1_move1 = builder.in_out_route_type_to_index[ automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("b"), graph_types.InEdgeType("bi_0"), graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_0"))] move_gates[0, idx_d1_move1, 0, :] = [.2, .3] idx_d1_move2 = builder.in_out_route_type_to_index[ automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("b"), graph_types.InEdgeType("bi_0"), graph_types.OutEdgeType("bo_1"))] move_gates[0, idx_d1_move2, 0, :] = [.4, .5] idx_d1_special = builder.in_route_type_to_index[ automaton_builder.InRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("b"), graph_types.InEdgeType("bi_0"))] accept_gates[0, idx_d1_special, 0] = .6 backtrack_gates[0, idx_d1_special, 0] = .3 # Set another to sum to less than 1. idx_d2_move = builder.in_out_route_type_to_index[ automaton_builder.InOutRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("a"), graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_0"), graph_types.OutEdgeType("ao_0"))] move_gates[2, idx_d2_move, 1, :] = [.1, .2] idx_d2_special = builder.in_route_type_to_index[ automaton_builder.InRouteType( graph_types.NodeType("a"), graph_types.InEdgeType("ai_0"))] accept_gates[2, idx_d2_special, 1] = .3 backtrack_gates[2, idx_d2_special, 1] = .75 routing_gates = automaton_builder.RoutingGateParams( move_gates=jax.scipy.special.logit(move_gates), accept_gates=jax.scipy.special.logit(accept_gates), backtrack_gates=jax.scipy.special.logit(backtrack_gates)) routing_probs = builder.routing_gates_to_probs(routing_gates) # Check probabilities for first distribution: should divide evenly. np.testing.assert_allclose(routing_probs.move[0, idx_d1_move1, 0, :], np.array([.2, .3]) / 2.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(routing_probs.move[0, idx_d1_move2, 0, :], np.array([.4, .5]) / 2.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(routing_probs.special[0, idx_d1_special, 0, :], np.array([.6, 0, 0]) / 2.0) # Check probabilities for second distribution: should assign remainder to # backtrack and fail. np.testing.assert_allclose(routing_probs.move[2, idx_d2_move, 1, :], np.array([.1, .2])) np.testing.assert_allclose(routing_probs.special[2, idx_d2_special, 1, :], np.array([.3, .3, .1])) def initialize_routing_gates(self): """Just make sure that we can initialize routing gates.""" builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder(self.build_simple_schema()) # Noiseless noiseless_gates = builder.initialize_routing_gates( key=None, logistic_noise=0, num_fsm_states=3, num_variants=2) self.assertEqual(noiseless_gates.move_gates.shape, (2, len(builder.in_out_route_types), 3, 3)) self.assertEqual(noiseless_gates.accept_gates.shape, (2, len(builder.in_route_types), 3)) self.assertEqual(noiseless_gates.backtracKkgates.shape, (2, len(builder.in_route_types), 3)) # Perturbed noisy_gates = builder.initialize_routing_gates( key=jax.random.PRNGKey(0), logistic_noise=0.2, num_fsm_states=3, num_variants=2) self.assertEqual(noisy_gates.move_gates.shape, (2, len(builder.in_out_route_types), 3, 3)) self.assertEqual(noisy_gates.accept_gates.shape, (2, len(builder.in_route_types), 3)) self.assertEqual(noisy_gates.backtracKkgates.shape, (2, len(builder.in_route_types), 3)) def test_graph_encoding_size(self): """Test the size of the encoded graph.""" schema, test_graph = self.build_loop_graph() builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder(schema) encoded_graph, graph_meta = builder.encode_graph(test_graph, as_jax=False) # Graph metadata should match our graph's actual size self.assertEqual(graph_meta.num_nodes, 4) self.assertEqual(graph_meta.num_input_tagged_nodes, 6) # Nonzero entries should match the number of possible transitions # Initial transition counts each NODE once, so each A node has 2 and each # B node has 4 outgoing transitions self.assertEqual(encoded_graph.initial_to_in_tagged.values.shape[0], 12) # Normal transitions count each input-tagged node once, so each A node has # 2*2=4 and each B node has 1*4=4 outgoing transitions self.assertEqual(encoded_graph.in_tagged_to_in_tagged.values.shape[0], 16) def test_transition_all_ones(self): """Test the transition matrix of an all-ones routing parameter vector.""" schema, test_graph = self.build_loop_graph() builder = automaton_builder.AutomatonBuilder(schema) encoded_graph, graph_meta = builder.encode_graph(test_graph, as_jax=False) # The
import re import unicodedata import simplejson as json from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone from jsonfield import JSONField import clients.models as Clients import directory.models as directory import slog.models as slog import users.models as umodels import cases.models as cases from api.models import Application from laboratory.utils import strdate from users.models import DoctorProfile import contracts.models as contracts from appconf.manager import SettingManager class FrequencyOfUseResearches(models.Model): research = models.ForeignKey(directory.Researches, on_delete=models.CASCADE) user = models.ForeignKey(DoctorProfile, db_index=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) cnt = models.IntegerField(default=0) def __str__(self): return str(self.user) + " - " + str(self.research) + ", " + str(self.cnt) @staticmethod def inc(research, user): if not FrequencyOfUseResearches.objects.filter(research=research, user=user).exists(): FrequencyOfUseResearches(research=research, user=user, cnt=0).save() f = FrequencyOfUseResearches.objects.get(research=research, user=user) f.cnt += 1 @staticmethod def reset(user): for f in FrequencyOfUseResearches.objects.filter(user=user): f.cnt = 0 class Meta: verbose_name = 'Частота назначения исследований пользователем' verbose_name_plural = 'Частоты назначения исследований пользователем' class CustomResearchOrdering(models.Model): research = models.ForeignKey(directory.Researches, on_delete=models.CASCADE) user = models.ForeignKey(DoctorProfile, db_index=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) weight = models.IntegerField(default=0) def __str__(self): return str(self.user) + " - " + str(self.research) + ", " + str(self.weight) class Meta: verbose_name = 'Пользовательская сортировка исследований' verbose_name_plural = 'Пользовательские сортировки исследований' class TubesRegistration(models.Model): """ Таблица с пробирками для исследований """ id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, db_index=True) type = models.ForeignKey(directory.ReleationsFT, help_text='Тип ёмкости', on_delete=models.CASCADE) time_get = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True, help_text='Время взятия материала', db_index=True) doc_get = models.ForeignKey(DoctorProfile, null=True, blank=True, db_index=True, related_name='docget', help_text='Кто взял материал', on_delete=models.SET_NULL) time_recive = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True, help_text='Время получения материала', db_index=True) doc_recive = models.ForeignKey(DoctorProfile, null=True, blank=True, db_index=True, related_name='docrecive', help_text='Кто получил материал', on_delete=models.SET_NULL) barcode = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True, help_text='Штрих-код или номер ёмкости', db_index=True) notice = models.CharField(max_length=512, default="", blank=True, help_text='Замечания', db_index=True) daynum = models.IntegerField(default=0, blank=True, null=True, help_text='Номер принятия ёмкости среди дня в лаборатории') def __str__(self): return "%d %s (%s, %s) %s" % (,, self.doc_get, self.doc_recive, self.notice) def day_num(self, doc, num): if not self.getstatus(): iss = Issledovaniya.objects.filter(tubes=self) if iss.count(): self.set_get(iss[0].napravleniye.doc) new_t = False if not self.rstatus(): new_t = True self.set_r(doc) if not self.daynum: '''from django.utils import timezone, datetime_safe last_num = 0 date1 =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) date2 = if TubesRegistration.objects.filter(time_recive__range=(date1, date2), daynum__gt=0, issledovaniya__research__subgroup__podrazdeleniye=doc.podrazdeleniye).exists(): last_num = max([x.daynum for x in TubesRegistration.objects.filter(time_recive__range=(date1, date2), daynum__gt=0, issledovaniya__research__subgroup__podrazdeleniye=doc.podrazdeleniye)]) self.daynum = last_num + 1''' self.daynum = num return {"n": self.daynum, "new": new_t} def set_get(self, doc_get): """ Установка статуса взятия :param doc_get: врач/мед сестра, взявшая материал :return: None """ from django.utils import timezone self.time_get = self.doc_get = doc_get self.barcode = slog.Log(key=str(, type=9, body="", user=doc_get).save() def getstatus(self, one_by_one=False): """ Получение статуса взятия :return: """ return (self.time_get is not None and self.doc_get is not None) or (self.type.receive_in_lab and one_by_one) def set_r(self, doc_r): """ Установка статуса принятия материала лабораторией :param doc_r: врач/лаборант, принявший материал :return: """ from django.utils import timezone if not self.getstatus(): self.set_get(doc_r) self.time_recive = self.doc_recive = doc_r slog.Log(key=str(, user=doc_r, type=11, body=json.dumps({"Замечание не приёма": self.notice}) if self.notice != "" else "").save() def set_notice(self, doc_r, notice): """ Установка замечания для пробирки :param doc_r: врач/лаборант, указавший замечание :param notice: текст замечания :return: """ if notice != "": self.doc_recive = None self.time_recive = None self.notice = notice slog.Log(key=str(, user=doc_r, type=12, body=json.dumps({"Замечание не приёма": self.notice})).save() def clear_notice(self, doc_r): old_notice = self.notice if old_notice == "": return self.notice = "" slog.Log(key=str(, user=doc_r, type=4000, body=json.dumps({"Удалённое замечание": old_notice})).save() def rstatus(self, check_not=False): """ Получение статуса принятия материала лабораторией :return: статус принятия """ if self.doc_recive and (not check_not or self.notice == ""): return True return False def getbc(self): """ Получение номера штрих-кода :return: штрих-код """ if self.barcode and self.barcode.isnumeric(): return self.barcode return class Meta: verbose_name = 'Ёмкость для направления' verbose_name_plural = 'Ёмкости для направлений' class IstochnikiFinansirovaniya(models.Model): """ Таблица источников финансирования """ title = models.CharField(max_length=511, help_text='Название') active_status = models.BooleanField(default=True, help_text='Статус активности') base = models.ForeignKey(Clients.CardBase, help_text='База пациентов, к которой относится источник финансирования', db_index=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) hide = models.BooleanField(default=False, blank=True, help_text="Скрытие") rmis_auto_send = models.BooleanField(default=True, blank=True, help_text="Автоматическая отправка в РМИС") default_diagnos = models.CharField(max_length=36, help_text="Диагноз по умолчанию", default="", blank=True) contracts = models.ForeignKey(contracts.Contract, null=True,blank=True,default='', on_delete=models.CASCADE) order_weight = models.SmallIntegerField(default=0) def __str__(self): return "{} {} (скрыт: {})".format(self.base, self.title, self.hide) def get_price_modifier(self): """ На основании источника финансирования возвращает прайс(объект)+модификатор(множитель цены) Если источник финансирования ДМС поиск осуществляется по цепочке company-contract. Company(Страховая организация) Если источник финансирования МЕДОСМОТР поиск осуществляется по цепочке company-contract. Company(место работы) Если источник финансирования ПЛАТНО поиск осуществляется по цепочке ист.фин-contract-прайс Если источник финансирования ОМС, ДИСПАНСЕРИЗАЦИЯ поиск осуществляется по цепочке ист.фин-contract-прайс Если источник финансирования Бюджет поиск осуществляется по цепочке contract """ price_modifier=None price_contract = set(SettingManager.get("price_contract").split(',')) price_company = set(SettingManager.get("price_company").split(',')) if self.title.upper() in price_contract: contract_l = IstochnikiFinansirovaniya.objects.values_list('contracts_id').filter( if contract_l[0]: price_modifier = contracts.Contract.objects.values_list('price', 'modifier').get(id=contract_l[0]) elif self.title.upper() in price_company: contract_l = contracts.Company.objects.values_list('contracts_id').filter( if contract_l[0]: price_modifier = contracts.Contract.objects.values_list('price', 'modifier').get(id=contract_l[0]) return price_modifier class Meta: verbose_name = 'Источник финансирования' verbose_name_plural = 'Источники финансирования' class Diagnoses(models.Model): M = ( (0, "Диапазон"), (1, "Группа"), (2, "Значение"), ) code = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True) title = models.TextField(db_index=True) parent = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, db_index=True) d_type = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True) m_type = models.IntegerField(choices=M, db_index=True) def __str__(self): return "{} {}".format(self.code, self.title) class RMISServiceInactive(models.Model): rmis_id = models.CharField(max_length=30, primary_key=True) enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True, blank=True) @staticmethod def checkInactive(serviceId, enabled): r = RMISServiceInactive.objects.filter(rmis_id=serviceId) if not r.exists() and enabled: RMISServiceInactive(rmis_id=serviceId, enabled=enabled).save() elif r.exists() and r[0].enabled != enabled: r[0].enabled = enabled r[0].save() @staticmethod def isInactive(serviceId): r = RMISServiceInactive.objects.filter(rmis_id=serviceId) return r.exists() and r[0].enabled def __str__(self): return "{} {}".format(self.rmis_id, self.enabled) class RMISOrgs(models.Model): rmis_id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, editable=False) title = models.CharField(max_length=255) def __str__(self): return self.title class Napravleniya(models.Model): """ Таблица направлений """ data_sozdaniya = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, help_text='Дата создания направления', db_index=True) visit_date = models.DateTimeField(help_text='Дата посещения по направлению', db_index=True, default=None, blank=True, null=True) visit_who_mark = models.ForeignKey(DoctorProfile, related_name="visit_who_mark", default=None, blank=True, null=True, help_text='Профиль, который отметил посещение', on_delete=models.SET_NULL) diagnos = models.CharField(max_length=511, help_text='Диагноз', default='', blank=True) vich_code = models.CharField(max_length=12, help_text='Код для направления на СПИД', default='', blank=True) client = models.ForeignKey(Clients.Card, db_index=True, help_text='Пациент', on_delete=models.CASCADE) doc = models.ForeignKey(DoctorProfile, db_index=True, null=True, help_text='Лечащий врач', on_delete=models.CASCADE) istochnik_f = models.ForeignKey(IstochnikiFinansirovaniya, blank=True, null=True, help_text='Источник финансирования', on_delete=models.CASCADE) history_num = models.CharField(max_length=255, default=None, blank=True, null=True, help_text='Номер истории') rmis_case_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, default=None, blank=True, null=True, help_text='РМИС: Номер случая') rmis_hosp_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, default=None, blank=True, null=True, help_text='РМИС: ЗОГ') rmis_resend_services = models.BooleanField(default=False, blank=True, help_text='Переотправить услуги?', db_index=True) doc_who_create = models.ForeignKey(DoctorProfile, default=None, blank=True, null=True, related_name="doc_who_create", help_text='Создатель направления', on_delete=models.SET_NULL) cancel = models.BooleanField(default=False, blank=True, help_text='Отмена направления') rmis_number = models.CharField(max_length=15, default=None, blank=True, null=True, db_index=True, help_text='ID направления в РМИС') result_rmis_send = models.BooleanField(default=False, blank=True, help_text='Результат отправлен в РМИС?') imported_from_rmis = models.BooleanField(default=False, blank=True, db_index=True, help_text='Направление создано на основе направления из РМИС?') imported_org = models.ForeignKey(RMISOrgs, default=None, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) imported_directions_rmis_send = models.BooleanField(default=False, blank=True, help_text='Для направления из РМИС отправлен бланк') force_rmis_send = models.BooleanField(default=False, blank=True, help_text='Подтверждение ручной отправки в РМИС') forcer_rmis_send = models.ForeignKey(DoctorProfile, default=None, blank=True, null=True, related_name="doc_forcer_rmis_send", help_text='Исполнитель подтверждения отправки в РМИС', on_delete=models.SET_NULL) case = models.ForeignKey(cases.Case, default=None, blank=True, null=True, help_text='Случай обслуживания', on_delete=models.SET_NULL) num_contract = models.CharField(max_length=25, default=None, blank=True, null=True, db_index=True, help_text='ID направления в РМИС') def __str__(self): return "%d для пациента %s (врач %s, выписал %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (, self.client.individual.fio(), self.doc.get_fio(), self.doc_who_create, self.rmis_number, self.rmis_case_id, self.rmis_hosp_id) def get_instructions(self): r = [] for i in Issledovaniya.objects.filter(napravleniye=self).exclude(research__instructions=""): r.append({"pk":, "title": i.research.title, "text": i.research.instructions}) return r @staticmethod def gen_napravleniye(client_id: object, doc: object, istochnik_f: object, diagnos: object, historynum: object, doc_current: object, ofname_id: object, ofname: object, issledovaniya: object = None, save: object = True, for_rmis: object = None, rmis_data: object = None) -> object: """ Генерация направления :param client_id: id пациента :param doc: л/врач :param istochnik_f: источник финансирования :param diagnos: диагноз :param patient_type: тип пациента (напр; поликлиника/стационар) :param issledovaniya: исследования (reserved) :return: созданое направление """ if rmis_data is None: rmis_data = {} if issledovaniya is None: pass dir = Napravleniya(client=Clients.Card.objects.get(pk=client_id), doc=doc if not for_rmis else None, istochnik_f=istochnik_f,, diagnos=diagnos, cancel=False) if for_rmis: dir.rmis_number = rmis_data.get("rmis_number") dir.imported_from_rmis = True dir.imported_org = RMISOrgs.objects.filter(rmis_id=rmis_data.get("imported_org", -1)).first() dir.doc = None dir.doc_who_create = doc_current else: if historynum != "": dir.history_num = historynum if ofname_id > -1 and ofname: dir.doc = ofname dir.doc_who_create = doc_current if save: return dir @staticmethod def set_of_name(dir: object, doc_current: object, ofname_id: object, ofname: object) -> object: """ Проверка на выписывание направления от имени другого врача и установка этого имени в направление, если необходимо :rtype: Null :param dir: направление :param doc_current: текущий врач, выписавший направление :param ofname_id: id врача, от которого выписывается направление :param ofname: объект с профилем врача, от которого выписывается направление :return: Null """ if ofname_id > -1 and ofname: dir.doc = ofname dir.doc_who_create = doc_current @staticmethod def gen_napravleniya_by_issledovaniya(client_id, diagnos, finsource, history_num,
# Spices, anise seed 2003: ["Basil", "dried"], # Spices, basil, dried 2004: ["Bay leaf"], # Spices, bay leaf 2005: ["Caraway seed"], # Spices, caraway seed 2006: ["Cardamom"], # Spices, cardamom 2007: ["Celery seed"], # Spices, celery seed 2008: ["Chervil", "dried"], # Spices, chervil, dried 2009: ["Chili powder"], # Spices, chili powder 2010: ["Cinnamon", "ground"], # Spices, cinnamon, ground 2011: ["Cloves", "ground"], # Spices, cloves, ground 2012: ["Coriander leaf", "dried"], # Spices, coriander leaf, dried 2013: ["Coriander seed"], # Spices, coriander seed 2014: ["Cumin seed"], # Spices, cumin seed 2015: ["Curry powder"], # Spices, curry powder 2016: ["Dill seed"], # Spices, dill seed 2017: ["Dill weed", "dried"], # Spices, dill weed, dried 2018: ["Fennel seed"], # Spices, fennel seed 2019: ["Fenugreek seed"], # Spices, fenugreek seed 2020: ["Garlic powder"], # Spices, garlic powder 2021: ["Ginger", "ground"], # Spices, ginger, ground 2022: ["Mace", "ground"], # Spices, mace, ground 2023: ["Marjoram", "dried"], # Spices, marjoram, dried 2024: ["Mustard seed", "ground"], # Spices, mustard seed, ground 2025: ["Nutmeg", "ground"], # Spices, nutmeg, ground 2026: ["Onion powder"], # Spices, onion powder 2027: ["Oregano", "dried"], # Spices, oregano, dried 2028: ["Paprika", "dried"], # Spices, paprika 2029: ["Parsley", "dried"], # Spices, parsley, dried 2030: ["Black pepper", "", "Pepper"], # Spices, pepper, black 2031: ["Cayenne pepper"], # Spices, pepper, red or cayenne 2032: ["White pepper"], # Spices, pepper, white 2033: ["Poppy seed"], # Spices, poppy seed 2034: ["Poultry seasoning"], # Spices, poultry seasoning 2035: ["Pumpkin pie spice"], # Spices, pumpkin pie spice 2036: ["Rosemary", "dried"], # Spices, rosemary, dried 2037: ["Saffron"], # Spices, saffron 2038: ["Sage", "ground"], # Spices, sage, ground 2039: ["Savory", "ground"], # Spices, savory, ground 2041: ["Tarragon", "dried"], # Spices, tarragon, dried 2042: ["Thyme", "dried"], # Spices, thyme, dried 2043: ["Turmeric", "ground"], # Spices, turmeric, ground 2044: ["Basil", "fresh"], # Basil, fresh 2045: ["Dill weed", "fresh"], # Dill weed, fresh 2046: ["Mustard"], # Mustard, prepared, yellow 2047: ["Salt"], # Salt, table 2048: ["Cider vinegar"], # Vinegar, cider 2049: ["Thyme", "fresh"], # Thyme, fresh 2050: ["Vanilla extract"], # Vanilla extract 2051: [], # Vanilla extract, imitation, alcohol 2052: [], # Vanilla extract, imitation, no alcohol 2053: [], # Vinegar, distilled 2054: ["Capers"], # Capers, canned 2055: ["Horseradish"], # Horseradish, prepared 2063: ["Rosemary", "fresh"], # Rosemary, fresh 2064: ["Peppermint", "fresh"], # Peppermint, fresh 2065: ["Spearmint", "fresh", "Mint"], # Spearmint, fresh 2066: ["Spearmint", "dried"], # Spearmint, dried 2068: ["Red wine vinegar"], # Vinegar, red wine 2069: ["Balsamic vinegar"], # Vinegar, balsamic 2074: [], # Seasoning mix, dry, sazon, coriander & annatto 2075: [], # Seasoning mix, dry, taco, original 2076: [], # Seasoning mix, dry, chili, original 3000: [], # Clif Z bar 3001: [], # Babyfood, juice treats, fruit medley, toddler 3002: [], # Babyfood, meat, beef, strained 3003: [], # Babyfood, meat, beef, junior 3005: [], # Babyfood, meat, veal, strained 3007: [], # Babyfood, meat, pork, strained 3008: [], # Babyfood, meat, ham, strained 3009: [], # Babyfood, meat, ham, junior 3010: [], # Babyfood, meat, lamb, strained 3011: [], # Babyfood, meat, lamb, junior 3012: [], # Babyfood, meat, chicken, strained 3013: [], # Babyfood, meat, chicken, junior 3014: [], # Babyfood, meat, chicken sticks, junior 3015: [], # Babyfood, meat, turkey, strained 3016: [], # Babyfood, meat, turkey, junior 3017: [], # Babyfood, meat, turkey sticks, junior 3019: [], # Babyfood, snack, GERBER GRADUATE FRUIT STRIPS, Real Fruit Bars 3021: [], # Babyfood, meat, meat sticks, junior 3022: [], # Babyfood, GERBER, 2nd Foods, apple, carrot and squash, organic 3023: [], # Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon 3024: [], # Babyfood, water, bottled, GERBER, without added fluoride 3025: [], # Babyfood, GERBER, 3rd Foods, apple, mango and kiwi 3026: [], # Babyfood, tropical fruit medley 3041: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and dumplings and beef, strained 3042: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and dumplings and beef, junior 3043: [], # Babyfood, dinner, beef lasagna, toddler 3044: [], # Babyfood, dinner, macaroni and tomato and beef, strained 3045: [], # Babyfood, dinner, macaroni and tomato and beef, junior 3046: [], # Babyfood, ravioli, cheese filled, with tomato sauce 3047: [], # Babyfood, dinner, beef noodle, strained 3048: [], # Babyfood, macaroni and cheese, toddler 3049: [], # Babyfood, dinner, beef and rice, toddler 3050: [], # Babyfood, dinner, spaghetti and tomato and meat, junior 3051: [], # Babyfood, dinner, spaghetti and tomato and meat, toddler 3053: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and beef, strained 3054: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and beef, junior 3055: [], # Babyfood, dinner, beef with vegetables 3067: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and lamb, junior 3068: [], # Babyfood, dinner, chicken noodle, strained 3069: [], # Babyfood, dinner, chicken noodle, junior 3070: [], # Babyfood, dinner, chicken soup, strained 3072: [], # Babyfood, dinner, chicken stew, toddler 3073: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables chicken, strained 3075: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables, noodles and chicken, strained 3076: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables, noodles and chicken, junior 3077: [], # Babyfood, dinner, pasta with vegetables 3079: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and noodles and turkey, strained 3081: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and noodles and turkey, junior 3082: [], # Babyfood, dinner, turkey and rice, strained 3083: [], # Babyfood, dinner, turkey and rice, junior 3084: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and turkey, strained 3085: [], # Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and turkey, junior 3089: [], # Babyfood, dinner, macaroni and cheese, strained 3090: [], # Babyfood, dinner, macaroni and cheese, junior 3091: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, green beans, strained 3092: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, green beans, junior 3093: [], # Babyfood, green beans, dices, toddler 3096: [], # Babyfood, vegetable, green beans and potatoes 3098: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, beets, strained 3099: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, carrots, strained 3100: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, carrots, junior 3104: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, squash, strained 3105: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, squash, junior 3108: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, sweet potatoes strained 3109: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, sweet potatoes, junior 3112: [], # Babyfood, potatoes, toddler 3113: [], # Babyfood, cereal, Oatmeal, dry, GERBER, SINGLE GRAIN, fortified 3114: [], # Babyfood, vegetable, butternut squash and corn 3115: [], # Babyfood, apples, dices, toddler 3116: [], # Babyfood, fruit, applesauce, strained 3117: [], # Babyfood, fruit, applesauce, junior 3118: [], # Babyfood, fruit, apricot with tapioca, strained 3119: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, corn, creamed, strained 3120: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, corn, creamed, junior 3121: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, peas, strained 3122: [], # Babyfood, peas, dices, toddler 3127: [], # Babyfood, vegetables, spinach, creamed, strained 3128: [], # Babyfood, fruit, apricot with tapioca, junior 3129: [], # Babyfood, fruit, bananas with tapioca, strained 3130: [], # Babyfood, fruit, peaches, strained 3131: [], # Babyfood, fruit, peaches, junior 3132: [], # Babyfood, fruit, pears, strained 3133: [], # Babyfood, fruit, pears, junior 3134: [], # Babyfood, fruit, plums with tapioca, without ascorbic acid, strained 3135: [], # Babyfood, fruit, plums with tapioca, without ascorbic acid, junior 3136: [], # Babyfood, fruit, prunes with tapioca, without ascorbic acid, strained 3137: [], # Babyfood, fruit, prunes with tapioca, without ascorbic acid, junior 3139: [], # Babyfood, prunes, without vitamin c, strained 3140: [], # Babyfood, fruit dessert, mango with tapioca 3141: [], # Babyfood, pears, dices, toddler 3142: [], # Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and apricots, strained 3143: [], # Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and apricots, junior 3144: [], # Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and cherries, strained 3145: [], # Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and cherries, junior 3147: [], # Babyfood, fruit, applesauce with banana, junior 3150: [], # Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and pineapple, strained 3151: [], # Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and pineapple, junior 3152: [], # Babyfood, fruit, apple and raspberry, strained 3153: [], # Babyfood, fruit, apple and
<reponame>aurelienpierre/colour """ Image Input / Output Utilities ============================== Defines the image related input / output utilities objects. """ from __future__ import annotations import numpy as np from dataclasses import dataclass, field from colour.hints import ( Any, ArrayLike, Boolean, DTypeNumber, List, Literal, NDArray, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, cast, ) from colour.utilities import ( CaseInsensitiveMapping, as_float_array, as_int_array, attest, is_openimageio_installed, filter_kwargs, optional, required, usage_warning, validate_method, ) __author__ = "Colour Developers" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers" __license__ = "New BSD License -" __maintainer__ = "Colour Developers" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __status__ = "Production" __all__ = [ "BitDepth_Specification", "ImageAttribute_Specification", "convert_bit_depth", "read_image_OpenImageIO", "read_image_Imageio", "READ_IMAGE_METHODS", "read_image", "write_image_OpenImageIO", "write_image_Imageio", "WRITE_IMAGE_METHODS", "write_image", ] @dataclass(frozen=True) class BitDepth_Specification: """ Define a bit depth specification. Parameters ---------- name Attribute name. numpy Object representing the *Numpy* bit depth. openimageio Object representing the *OpenImageIO* bit depth. """ name: str numpy: Type[DTypeNumber] openimageio: Any @dataclass class ImageAttribute_Specification: """ Define an image specification attribute. Parameters ---------- name Attribute name. value Attribute value. type_ Attribute type as an *OpenImageIO* :class:`TypeDesc` class instance. """ name: str value: Any type_: Optional[OpenImageIO.TypeDesc] = field( # type: ignore[name-defined] # noqa default_factory=lambda: None ) if is_openimageio_installed(): # pragma: no cover from OpenImageIO import UINT8, UINT16, HALF, FLOAT, DOUBLE MAPPING_BIT_DEPTH: CaseInsensitiveMapping = CaseInsensitiveMapping( { "uint8": BitDepth_Specification("uint8", np.uint8, UINT8), "uint16": BitDepth_Specification("uint16", np.uint16, UINT16), "float16": BitDepth_Specification("float16", np.float16, HALF), "float32": BitDepth_Specification("float32", np.float32, FLOAT), "float64": BitDepth_Specification("float64", np.float64, DOUBLE), } ) if hasattr(np, "float128"): # pragma: no cover MAPPING_BIT_DEPTH["float128"] = BitDepth_Specification( "float128", np.float128, DOUBLE # type: ignore[arg-type] ) else: # pragma: no cover MAPPING_BIT_DEPTH: CaseInsensitiveMapping = ( # type: ignore[no-redef] CaseInsensitiveMapping( { "uint8": BitDepth_Specification("uint8", np.uint8, None), "uint16": BitDepth_Specification("uint16", np.uint16, None), "float16": BitDepth_Specification("float16", np.float16, None), "float32": BitDepth_Specification("float32", np.float32, None), "float64": BitDepth_Specification("float64", np.float64, None), } ) ) if hasattr(np, "float128"): # pragma: no cover MAPPING_BIT_DEPTH["float128"] = BitDepth_Specification( "float128", np.float128, None # type: ignore[arg-type] ) def convert_bit_depth( a: ArrayLike, bit_depth: Literal[ "uint8", "uint16", "float16", "float32", "float64", "float128" ] = "float32", ) -> NDArray: """ Convert given array to given bit depth, the current bit depth of the array is used to determine the appropriate conversion path. Parameters ---------- a Array to convert to given bit depth. bit_depth Bit depth. Returns ------- :class`numpy.ndarray` Converted array. Examples -------- >>> a = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 1.0]) >>> convert_bit_depth(a, 'uint8') array([ 0, 128, 255], dtype=uint8) >>> convert_bit_depth(a, 'uint16') array([ 0, 32768, 65535], dtype=uint16) >>> convert_bit_depth(a, 'float16') array([ 0. , 0.5, 1. ], dtype=float16) >>> a = np.array([0, 128, 255], dtype=np.uint8) >>> convert_bit_depth(a, 'uint16') array([ 0, 32896, 65535], dtype=uint16) >>> convert_bit_depth(a, 'float32') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0. , 0.501960..., 1. ], dtype=float32) """ a = np.asarray(a) bit_depths = ", ".join(sorted(MAPPING_BIT_DEPTH.keys())) attest( bit_depth in bit_depths, f'Incorrect bit depth was specified, it must be one of: "{bit_depths}"!', ) attest( str(a.dtype) in bit_depths, f'Image bit depth must be one of: "{bit_depths}"!', ) source_dtype = str(a.dtype) target_dtype = MAPPING_BIT_DEPTH[bit_depth].numpy if source_dtype == "uint8": if bit_depth == "uint16": a = (a * 257).astype(target_dtype) elif bit_depth in ("float16", "float32", "float64", "float128"): a = (a / 255).astype(target_dtype) elif source_dtype == "uint16": if bit_depth == "uint8": a = (a / 257).astype(target_dtype) elif bit_depth in ("float16", "float32", "float64", "float128"): a = (a / 65535).astype(target_dtype) elif source_dtype in ("float16", "float32", "float64", "float128"): if bit_depth == "uint8": a = np.around(a * 255).astype(target_dtype) elif bit_depth == "uint16": a = np.around(a * 65535).astype(target_dtype) elif bit_depth in ("float16", "float32", "float64", "float128"): a = a.astype(target_dtype) return a # type: ignore[return-value] @required("OpenImageIO") def read_image_OpenImageIO( path: str, bit_depth: Literal[ "uint8", "uint16", "float16", "float32", "float64", "float128" ] = "float32", attributes: Boolean = False, ) -> Union[NDArray, Tuple[NDArray, List]]: # noqa: D405,D410,D407,D411 """ Read the image at given path using *OpenImageIO*. Parameters ---------- path Image path. bit_depth Returned image bit depth, the bit depth conversion behaviour is driven directly by *OpenImageIO*, this definition only converts to the relevant data type after reading. attributes Whether to return the image attributes. Returns ------- :class`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`tuple` Image data or tuple of image data and list of :class:`` class instances. Notes ----- - For convenience, single channel images are squeezed to 2D arrays. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'io', 'tests', 'resources', ... 'CMS_Test_Pattern.exr') >>> image = read_image_OpenImageIO(path) # doctest: +SKIP """ from OpenImageIO import ImageInput path = str(path) bit_depth_specification = MAPPING_BIT_DEPTH[bit_depth] image = specification = image.spec() shape = ( specification.height, specification.width, specification.nchannels, ) image_data = image.read_image(bit_depth_specification.openimageio) image.close() image = np.squeeze( np.array(image_data, dtype=bit_depth_specification.numpy).reshape( shape ) ) if attributes: extra_attributes = [] for i in range(len(specification.extra_attribs)): attribute = specification.extra_attribs[i] extra_attributes.append( ImageAttribute_Specification(, attribute.value, attribute.type ) ) return image, extra_attributes else: return image def read_image_Imageio( path: str, bit_depth: Literal[ "uint8", "uint16", "float16", "float32", "float64", "float128" ] = "float32", **kwargs: Any, ) -> NDArray: """ Read the image at given path using *Imageio*. Parameters ---------- path Image path. bit_depth Returned image bit depth, the image data is converted with :func:`` definition after reading the image. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs Keywords arguments. Returns ------- :class`numpy.ndarray` Image data. Notes ----- - For convenience, single channel images are squeezed to 2D arrays. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'io', 'tests', 'resources', ... 'CMS_Test_Pattern.exr') >>> image = read_image_Imageio(path) >>> image.shape # doctest: +SKIP (1267, 1274, 3) >>> image.dtype dtype('float32') """ from imageio import imread image = np.squeeze(imread(path, **kwargs)) return convert_bit_depth(image, bit_depth) READ_IMAGE_METHODS: CaseInsensitiveMapping = CaseInsensitiveMapping( { "Imageio": read_image_Imageio, "OpenImageIO": read_image_OpenImageIO, } ) READ_IMAGE_METHODS.__doc__ = """ Supported image read methods. """ def read_image( path: str, bit_depth: Literal[ "uint8", "uint16", "float16", "float32", "float64", "float128" ] = "float32", method: Union[Literal["Imageio", "OpenImageIO"], str] = "OpenImageIO", **kwargs: Any, ) -> NDArray: # noqa: D405,D407,D410,D411,D414 """ Read the image at given path using given method. Parameters ---------- path Image path. bit_depth Returned image bit depth, for the *Imageio* method, the image data is converted with :func:`` definition after reading the image, for the *OpenImageIO* method, the bit depth conversion behaviour is driven directly by the library, this definition only converts to the relevant data type after reading. method Read method, i.e. the image library used for reading images. Other Parameters ---------------- attributes {:func:``}, Whether to return the image attributes. Returns ------- :class`numpy.ndarray` Image data. Notes ----- - If the given method is *OpenImageIO* but the library is not available writing will be performed by *Imageio*. - If the given method is *Imageio*, ``kwargs`` is passed directly to the wrapped definition. - For convenience, single channel images are squeezed to 2D arrays. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'io', 'tests', 'resources', ... 'CMS_Test_Pattern.exr') >>> image = read_image(path) >>> image.shape # doctest: +SKIP (1267, 1274, 3) >>> image.dtype dtype('float32') """ method = validate_method(method, READ_IMAGE_METHODS) if method == "openimageio": # pragma: no cover if not is_openimageio_installed(): usage_warning( '"OpenImageIO" related API features are not available, ' 'switching to "Imageio"!' ) method = "Imageio" function = READ_IMAGE_METHODS[method] if method == "openimageio": # pragma: no cover kwargs = filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs) return function(path, bit_depth, **kwargs) @required("OpenImageIO") def write_image_OpenImageIO( image: ArrayLike, path: str, bit_depth: Literal[ "uint8", "uint16", "float16", "float32", "float64", "float128" ] = "float32", attributes: Optional[Sequence] = None, ) -> Boolean: # noqa: D405,D407,D410,D411 """ Write given image at given path using *OpenImageIO*. Parameters ---------- image Image data. path Image path. bit_depth Bit depth to write the image at, the bit depth conversion behaviour is ruled directly by *OpenImageIO*. attributes An array of :class:`` class instances used to set attributes of the image. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Definition success. Examples -------- Basic image writing: >>> import os >>> import colour >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'io', 'tests', 'resources', ... 'CMS_Test_Pattern.exr') >>> image = read_image(path) # doctest: +SKIP >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'io', 'tests', 'resources', ... 'CMSTestPattern.tif') >>> write_image_OpenImageIO(image, path) # doctest: +SKIP True Advanced image writing while setting attributes: >>> compression = ImageAttribute_Specification('Compression', 'none') >>> write_image_OpenImageIO(image, path, 'uint8', [compression]) ... # doctest: +SKIP True Writing an "ACES" compliant "EXR" file: >>> if is_openimageio_installed(): # doctest: +SKIP ... from OpenImageIO import TypeDesc ... chromaticities = ( ... 0.7347, 0.2653, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0001, -0.077, 0.32168, 0.33767) ... attributes = [ ... ImageAttribute_Specification('acesImageContainerFlag', True), ... ImageAttribute_Specification( ... 'chromaticities', chromaticities, TypeDesc('float[8]')), ... ImageAttribute_Specification('compression', 'none')] ... write_image_OpenImageIO(image, path, attributes=attributes)
import os import sys import csv from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit from import plot_histogram import numpy as np import lib.simulation as sim from lib.gateSet import * def run_test(args): if args.adder: para = args.adder test_adder(para[0], para[1], para[2], args) if args.phimod: para = args.phimod test_ccphiMOD(para[0], para[1], para[2], para[3], args) if args.cmult: para = args.cmult testCMULT(para[0], para[1], para[2], para[3], para[4], args) if para = test_cu(para[0], para[1], para[2], para[3], args) if args.nor: para = args.nor if para[1] == 0: for i in range(2, para[0]): if math.gcd(i, para[0]) == 1: shorNormal(para[0], i, args) else: shorNormal(para[0], para[1], args) if args.seq: para = args.seq shorSequential(para[0], para[1], args) def test_adder_appro(a, b, n, appro, args): if args.log: if not os.path.exists('adder/log'): os.makedirs('adder/log') path = f'adder/log/a{a}_b{b}_n{n}.log' sys.stdout = open(path, 'w') qc = adder_appro(a, b, n, appro) print("=" * 40) print( f"Executing adder_appro with a={a}, b={b}, n={n}, appro_deg={appro}...") if args.draw: figdir = f'./adder_appro/qcfig' if not os.path.exists(figdir): os.makedirs(figdir) figpath = f'./adder_appro/qcfig/a{a}_b{b}_n{n}.png' if not os.path.isfile(figpath): circuit_drawer(qc, filename=figpath, output='mpl') res = sim.mySim(qc, args) res_lis = list(res) expect_res = a + b meas_lis = [] for i in range(len(res_lis)): meas_lis.append(int(res_lis[i], 2)) equal_flag = False if args.simulation: dir_name = args.simulation if len(res) != 1: raise Exception("The measurement result should be determinisitic!") print(f"Expect ans = {expect_res}, Measure res = {meas_lis[0]}") if expect_res == meas_lis[0]: equal_flag = True else: dir_name = 'real' for i in range(len(meas_lis)): print(f"Expect ans = {expect_res}, Measure res = {meas_lis[i]}") if meas_lis[i] == expect_res: equal_flag = True if equal_flag: print("Result correct! Adder success!") if args.output: dir = f'./adder_appro/result/{dir_name}' if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) path = f'./adder_appro/result/{dir_name}/adder{a}_{b}_appro{appro}.png' plot_histogram(res, figsize=(10, 10), title=f'adder{a}_{b}_appro{appro}').savefig(path) print("=" * 40) def test_adder(a, b, n, args): if args.log: if not os.path.exists('adder/log'): os.makedirs('adder/log') path = f'adder/log/a{a}_b{b}_n{n}.log' sys.stdout = open(path, 'w') qc = adder(a, b, n) # print("="*40) print('=========================') print(f"Executing adder with a={a}, b={b}, n={n}...") if args.draw: figdir = f'./adder/qcfig' if not os.path.exists(figdir): os.makedirs(figdir) figpath = f'./adder/qcfig/a{a}_b{b}_n{n}.png' if not os.path.isfile(figpath): circuit_drawer(qc, filename=figpath, output='mpl') res = sim.mySim(qc, args) res_lis = list(res) expect_res = a + b meas_lis = [] for i in range(len(res_lis)): meas_lis.append(int(res_lis[i], 2)) equal_flag = False if args.simulation: dir_name = args.simulation if len(res) != 1: raise Exception("The measurement result should be determinisitic!") print(f"Expect ans = {expect_res}, Measure res = {meas_lis[0]}") if expect_res == meas_lis[0]: equal_flag = True else: dir_name = 'real' for i in range(len(meas_lis)): print(f"Expect ans = {expect_res}, Measure res = {meas_lis[i]}") if meas_lis[i] == expect_res: equal_flag = True if equal_flag: print("Result correct! Adder success!") else: print("Result wrong! Adder failed!") if expect_res >= (2 ** n): print("Overflow occurs!") if args.output: dir = f'./adder/result/{dir_name}' if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) path = f'./adder/result/{dir_name}/adder{a}_{b}.png' plot_histogram(res, figsize=(10, 10), title=f'adder{a}_{b}').savefig(path) # print("="*40) print('=========================') def test_ccphiMOD(n, b, a, N, args, print_qc=False, save_fig=False): print("-" * 40) bitlen = n + 1 expect = (a + b) % N print(f'a={a}, b={b}, N={N}, (a+b)mod N={expect} (expect ans)') qr_ctrl = QuantumRegister(2, name='ctrl') qr_phi = QuantumRegister(bitlen, name='phi') qr_ancilla = QuantumRegister(1, name='ancilla') cr_phi = ClassicalRegister(bitlen - 1, name='cr_phi') cr_ancilla = ClassicalRegister(1, name='cr_ancilla') qc = QuantumCircuit(qr_ctrl, qr_phi, qr_ancilla, cr_phi, cr_ancilla) gate = ccphiADDmodN(n=n, a=a, b=b, N=N, print_qc=print_qc, save_fig=save_fig) qft = myQFT(bitlen, inverse=False) iqft = myQFT(bitlen, inverse=True) qc.x(qr_ctrl) b = b % N b_bin = '{n:0{bit}b}'.format(n=b, bit=bitlen) for i in range(bitlen): if b_bin[i] == '1': qc.x(qr_phi[i]) qc.append(qft, qargs=qr_phi[:]) qc.append(gate, qargs=qr_ctrl[:] + qr_phi[:] + qr_ancilla[:]) qc.append(iqft, qargs=qr_phi[:]) for i in range(bitlen - 1): qc.measure(qr_phi[i + 1], cr_phi[bitlen - i - 2]) qc.measure(qr_ancilla, cr_ancilla) if print_qc: print(qc) if save_fig: circuit_drawer(qc, scale=1.3, output='mpl', filename='./report/ccphiaddmod.png', plot_barriers=False) res = sim.mySim(qc, args) if len(list(res)) != 1: raise Exception("Ans trivial") res_num = list(res)[0] meas_anc = res_num.split(" ")[0] meas_phi = res_num.split(" ")[1] if meas_anc == '0': print("Ancilla bit correct!") else: raise Exception("ancilla bit broken!") print(f"The expect result is {a}+{b} mod {N} = {expect}") print(f"The measurement result is {res_num}={int(meas_phi, 2)}") if expect == int(meas_phi, 2): print("Measure = Expect, Correct!") else: raise Exception('wrong ans') print("-" * 40) def testCMULT(n, x, b, a, N, args, print_qc=False, save_fig=False): bitlen = n + 1 qr_c = QuantumRegister(1, name='c') qr_x = QuantumRegister(n, name='x') qr_b = QuantumRegister(bitlen, name='b') qr_ancilla = QuantumRegister(1, name='ancilla') cr_x = ClassicalRegister(n, name='cr_x') cr_b = ClassicalRegister(bitlen, name='cr_b') cr_ancilla = ClassicalRegister(1, name='cr_ancilla') qc = QuantumCircuit(qr_c, qr_x, qr_b, qr_ancilla, cr_x, cr_b, cr_ancilla) qc.x(qr_c) b = b % N x_bin = '{n:0{bit}b}'.format(n=x, bit=n) b_bin = '{n:0{bit}b}'.format(n=b, bit=bitlen) for i in range(n): if x_bin[i] == '1': qc.x(qr_x[i]) for i in range(bitlen): if b_bin[i] == '1': qc.x(qr_b[i]) gate = cmult_a_mod_N(n, a, b, N, False, True) qc.append(gate, qargs=qr_c[:] + qr_x[:] + qr_b[:] + qr_ancilla[:]) for i in range(bitlen): qc.measure(qr_b[i], cr_b[bitlen - i - 1]) # circuit_drawer(qc,scale=0.8,filename='./report/cmult2.png',output='mpl') for i in range(n): qc.measure(qr_x[i], cr_x[n - i - 1]) if print_qc: print(qc) if save_fig: pass circuit_drawer( qc, scale=0.8, filename='./report/cmult2.png', output='mpl') res = sim.mySim(qc, args) res_num = list(res)[0] meas_x = res_num.split(" ")[2] meas_b = res_num.split(" ")[1] meas_ancilla = res_num.split(" ")[0] if meas_x == x_bin: print("The x remain the same! Correct!") else: raise Exception("x_change") if meas_ancilla == '0': print("Ancilla bit correct!") else: raise Exception("ancilla bit broken!") expect = (b + a * x) % N print(f"x={x}, b={b}, a={a}, N={N}, b+ax mod N={(b + a * x) % N} ") if expect == int(meas_b, 2): print("Expect = Measure = {0}".format(expect)) print("Multiplier correct!") elif a * x + b >= 2 ** bitlen: print("Expect = Measure = {0}".format(expect)) print("Overflow occurs! Multiplier error!") else: raise Exception("Multiplier wrong") def CMULTexp_latex(n, x, b, a, N, args, print_qc=False, save_fig=False): bitlen = n + 1 qr_c = QuantumRegister(1, name='c') qr_x = QuantumRegister(n, name='x') qr_b = QuantumRegister(bitlen, name='b') qr_ancilla = QuantumRegister(1, name='ancilla') cr_b = ClassicalRegister(bitlen, name='cr_b') qc = QuantumCircuit(qr_c, qr_x, qr_b, qr_ancilla, cr_b) qc.x(qr_c) b = b % N x_bin = '{n:0{bit}b}'.format(n=x, bit=n) b_bin = '{n:0{bit}b}'.format(n=b, bit=bitlen) for i in range(n): if x_bin[i] == '1': qc.x(qr_x[i]) for i in range(bitlen): if b_bin[i] == '1': qc.x(qr_b[i]) gate = cmult_a_mod_N(n, a, b, N, False, True) qc.append(gate, qargs=qr_c[:] + qr_x[:] + qr_b[:] + qr_ancilla[:]) for i in range(bitlen): qc.measure(qr_b[i], cr_b[bitlen - i - 1]) circuit_drawer(qc, scale=0.8, filename='./report/cmult3.png', output='mpl') def test_cu(n, x, a, N, args): print(f'x={x},a={a},N={N},ax mod N = {(a * x) % N}') a = a % N bitlen = n + 1 qr_c = QuantumRegister(1, name='c') qr_x = QuantumRegister(n, name='x') qr_b_0 = QuantumRegister(bitlen, name='b0') qr_ancilla = QuantumRegister(1, name='ancilla') cr = ClassicalRegister(n, name='cr') qc = QuantumCircuit(qr_c, qr_x, qr_b_0, qr_ancilla, cr) qc.x(qr_c[0]) x = x % N x_bin = '{n:0{bit}b}'.format(n=x, bit=n) for i in range(n): if x_bin[i] == '1': qc.x(qr_x[i]) gate = cu_a(n, a, N, False, True) qc.append(gate, qargs=qr_c[:] + qr_x[:] + qr_b_0[:] + qr_ancilla[:]) for i in range(n): qc.measure(qr_x[i], cr[n - 1 - i]) circuit_drawer(qc, output='mpl', scale=0.8, filename='./report/cu.png') # print(qc) res = sim.mySim(qc, args) res_num = list(res)[0] expect = (a * x) % N if expect == int(res_num, 2): print("Expect = Measure = {0}".format(expect)) print("CU correct!") else: raise Exception("CU wrong") def check_cphiADD(num, qr, qc): binary = bin(int(num))[2:].zfill(4) for i in range(4): if binary[i] == '1': qc.x(qr[i + 1]) def rangeTest_cMult(N): error_lis = [] for i in range(1, 16): for j in range(1, 16): try: testCMULT(n=4, x=2, b=i, a=j, N=N, print_qc=True) except Exception as e: args = (4, 2, i, j, N, e) error_lis.append(args) with open('error_mul.csv', 'w') as out: csv_out = csv.writer(out) csv_out.writerow(['n', 'x', 'b', 'a', 'N', 'errorType']) for i in error_lis: csv_out.writerow(i) def rangeTest_ccphiMOD(N): error_lis = [] wrong_lis = [] ancilla_lis = [] trivial_lis = [] for i in range(1, 16): for j in range(1, 16): try: test_ccphiMOD(n=4, b=i, a=j, N=N, print_qc=False, save_fig=False) except Exception as e: print(e) args = (5, i, j, N) if str(e) == 'wrong ans': wrong_lis.append(args) elif str(e) == 'ancilla bit broken!': ancilla_lis.append(args) elif str(e) == 'Ans trivial': trivial_lis.append(args) else: error_lis.append(args) # test_ccphiMOD(bitlen=5,b=1,a=9,N=9,print_qc=True,save_fig=True) with open('error.csv', 'w') as out: csv_out = csv.writer(out) csv_out.writerow(['bitlen', 'b', 'a', 'N']) for row in error_lis: csv_out.writerow(row) with open('wrong.csv', 'w') as out: csv_out = csv.writer(out) csv_out.writerow(['bitlen', 'b', 'a', 'N']) for row in wrong_lis: csv_out.writerow(row) with open('ancilla.csv', 'w') as out: csv_out = csv.writer(out) csv_out.writerow(['bitlen', 'b', 'a', 'N']) for row in ancilla_lis: csv_out.writerow(row) with open('trivial.csv', 'w') as out: csv_out = csv.writer(out) csv_out.writerow(['bitlen', 'b', 'a', 'N']) for row in trivial_lis: csv_out.writerow(row) def shorNormal_circuit(N,
import matplotlib.path as mplPath from abc import ABCMeta import abc from protodata.utils import read_json from protodata.columns import create_image_column import numpy as np import os import tensorflow as tf import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) """ General functions for data manipulation """ class TrainMode(object): WIDE = 'wide' DEEP = 'deep' CNN = 'cnn' WIDE_AND_DEEP = 'wide_and_deep' ALL = 'wide_deep_cnn' class DataMode(object): TRAINING = 'training' VALIDATION = 'validation' TEST = 'testing' """ Data filename pattern """ def get_filename(name_tag, shard, num_shards): """ Returns the format of the record file names given the data tag, the current shard and the total amount of shards""" return '%s-%.5d-of-%.5d' % (name_tag, shard, num_shards) def get_filename_pattern(folder, tag): """ Returns the pattern to read record files """ return os.path.join(folder, '%s-*' % str(tag)) """ Neighborhood processing functions """ def read_city_data(path): """ Maps the neighborhoods of the city from the provided data so each entry contains a map between the neighborhood and the polygon delimiting it """ raw_cities = read_json(path) cities = {} for n in raw_cities['features']: coords = np.array([c for c in n['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0]]) # Make sure coordinates have form Nx2 if coords.shape[1] == 3: coords = coords[:, :-1] if coords.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('Coordinates have depth %d and should have 2' % coords.shape[1]) # Map into polygon and add to dictionary neigh_name = n['properties']['neighbourhood'] bb = mplPath.Path(coords) cities.update({neigh_name: bb}) return cities def get_neighborhood(neighs, longitude, latitude): """ Returns the neighborhood of the input point. We assume that a point can only be contained in one neighborhood (otherwise data is broken) Args: neighs: Dictionary mapping neighborhoods and their area longitude: Longitude of the input point latitude: Latitude of the input point Returns: name: Name of the neighborhood the point belongs to or None if no valid neighborhood found """ for neigh, bb in neighs.items(): if bb.contains_point((longitude, latitude)): return neigh return None """ Data normalization functions """ def quantile_norm(val, edges, nq): """ Normalizes continuous values so they are converted by the formula: x = i/(nq - 1) Where i is the quartile number [0, nq) the input value falls in the feature distribution and nq is the number of quartiles used. Args: val: Input value edges: Histogram edges nq: Number of quantiles """ if val >= edges[-1]: quantile = len(edges) elif val <= edges[0]: quantile = 0 else: quantile = np.argmax(edges >= val) return quantile / (nq - 1.0) def feature_normalize(dataset): """ Normalizes feature and returns the mean, deviation and minimum and maximum values """ mu = np.mean(dataset, axis=0) sigma = np.std(dataset, axis=0) min_c, max_c = np.min(dataset, axis=0), np.max(dataset, axis=0) return mu, sigma, min_c, max_c """ Tensorflow helpers """ def get_interval_mask(low, high, values): """ Returns the boolean mask such that True values are those x which are in interval low <= x < high """ # Since greater_equal and less support broadcasting, we can do this low_t, high_t = tf.greater_equal(values, low), tf.less(values, high) return tf.logical_and(low_t, high_t) def copy_columns(x, num): """ Replicates the input tensor x by concatenating its columns num times""" # Create replicas into a 1D vector vector = tf.tile(x, tf.stack([num])) # Transpose and reshape return tf.transpose(tf.reshape(vector, tf.stack([num, -1]))) """ Pandas helpers """ def get_column_info(data, excluded=[]): """ Returns the zipped pair of columns and corresponding numpy type for columns of interest """ col_names = [i for i in data.columns.values if i not in excluded] col_types = [data[i].dtype for i in col_names if i not in excluded] return list(zip(col_names, col_types)) def quantile_normalization(data, train_ind, nq, excluded=[]): """ Normalizes into [0,1] numeric values in the dataset using quantile normalization as described in: Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems. Cheng et al (2016) [] Args: data: Pandas dataframe train_ind: Instances in the training set nq: Number of quantiles to use excluded: Columns to ignore in the normalization process Returns: data: Normalized dataset given the mean and standard deviation extracted from the training d: Dictionary indexed by column name where each entry contains the cuts for a numeric feature """ d = {} for (name, dtype) in get_column_info(data, excluded=excluded): if is_numeric(dtype): logger.debug('Normalizing column %s' % name) # Compute histogram edges for training data train_content = data.iloc[train_ind, name] hist, edges = np.histogram(train_content, bins=nq-2) edges = np.array(edges) # Store entry in dictionary d[name] = edges # Update column data[name] = data[name].apply(lambda x: quantile_norm(x, edges, nq)) return data, d def z_scores(data, train_ind, excluded=[]): """ Returns a dictionary containing the min, max, mean and standard deviation for the numeric columns in the dataframe Args: data: Pandas dataframe train_ind: List of instance indices belonging to the train set excluded: Columns to ignore in the normalization process Returns: data: Normalized dataset given the mean and standard deviation extracted from the training d: Dictionary indexed by numeric column name where each entry contains its mean and std """ d = {} for (name, dtype) in get_column_info(data, excluded=excluded): if is_numeric(dtype): # Compute mean and std on training train_content = data.iloc[train_ind, name].as_matrix() mean, std, min_c, max_c = feature_normalize(train_content) # Store entry in dictionary d[name] = {'mean': mean, 'std': std, 'min': min_c, 'max': max_c} # Update column data[name] = (data[name] - mean)/std return data, d def normalize_data(data, train_ind, zscores=True, excluded=[], nq=5): """ Normalizes the input Args: data: Pandas dataframe train_ind: List of instance indices belonging to the train set zscores: Whether to use z-scores normalization (True) or quantile normalization (False) excluded: Columns to ignore in the normalization process nq: Number of quantiles. Only used if zscores is False. Returns: data: Normalized dataset d: Dictionary containing metadata of the normalization. For z-scores contains mean, min, max and standard deviation of each numeric column. For quantile norm, it contains the edges of the histogram """ if zscores: return z_scores(data, train_ind=train_ind, excluded=excluded) else: return quantile_normalization(data, train_ind=train_ind, nq=nq, excluded=excluded) def to_dummy(data, name): """ Converts categorical column into dummy binary column (one for each possible value) """ def is_equal(x, other): return x == other logger.debug('Converting %s into dummy column ...' % name) for val in data[name].unique(): # Obtain a valid string formatted name for the new column col_name = '_'.join([name, val]) dummy_name = erase_special(unicode_to_str(col_name)) # Convert according to whether it is equal or not to current value data[dummy_name] = data[name].apply(lambda x: is_equal(x, val)) # Erase original column return data.drop(name, axis=1) def convert_to_dummy(data, excluded_columns=[]): """ Converts categorical variables into dummy binary variables Args: data: pandas dataframe excluded_columns: columns to ignore. """ for (feat_name, feat_type) in get_column_info(data, excluded=excluded_columns): if feat_type == np.dtype('object'): data = to_dummy(data, feat_name) return data def convert_boolean(data, excluded_columns=[], func=float): """ Converts the boolean columns in the dataset into the desired type Args: data: pandas Dataframe excluded_columns: Columns to exclude in the conversion process func: Type (and function) to use to convert booleans to (e.g. float, int). Default is float """ for (c, t) in get_column_info(data, excluded=excluded_columns): if t == np.dtype('bool'): logger.debug('Converting boolean column %s to numeric' % c) data[c] = data[c].apply(func) return data def is_categorical(type_def): """ Whether input column type represents a categorical column (True) or not (False) """ return type_def == np.dtype('object') def is_numeric(type_def): """ Whether columns represents a numerical value (True) or not (False) """ return np.issubdtype(type_def, np.number) def is_bool(type_def): """ Whether columns represents a boolean value """ return np.issubdtype(type_def, bool) and not np.issubdtype(type_def, np.number) """ TF Serialization wrapper operations """ def int64_feature(value): """ Wrapper for int64 proto features """ value = [value] if not isinstance(value, list) else value return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=value)) def float64_feature(value): """ Wrapper for floay64 proto features """ value = [value] if not isinstance(value, list) else value return tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=value)) def bytes_feature(value): """ Wrapper for byte proto features """ # Ensure we have a list of elements value = [value] if not isinstance(value, list) else value # Convert string into bytes if found for i in range(len(value)): if isinstance(value[i], str): value[i] = str.encode(value[i]) return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=value)) def map_feature(value, f_type): """ Builds the Tensorflow feature for the given feature information """ if f_type == np.dtype('object'): return bytes_feature(value) elif f_type == np.dtype('int'): return int64_feature(value) elif f_type == np.dtype('float'): return float64_feature(value) elif f_type == np.dtype('bool'): return int64_feature(value.astype('int')) else: raise ValueError('Do not know how to store value {} with type {}' .format(value, f_type)) def map_feature_type(np_type): """ Maps numpy types into accepted Tensorflow feature types
/ 2], [-1 / 2, -1 / 2]), ("CRot", [math.pi / 2, 0, 0], [-1 / 2, -1 / 2]), ("CRot", [0, math.pi / 2, 0], [-1 / 2, 1 / 4]), ("CRot", [0, 0, math.pi / 2], [-1 / 2, -1 / 2]), ("CRot", [math.pi / 2, 0, -math.pi], [-1 / 2, -1 / 2]), ("CRot", [0, math.pi / 2, -math.pi], [-1 / 2, 1 / 4]), ("CRot", [-math.pi, 0, math.pi / 2], [-1 / 2, -1 / 2]), ( "QubitUnitary", [ np.array( [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1 / math.sqrt(2), 1 / math.sqrt(2), 0], [0, 1 / math.sqrt(2), -1 / math.sqrt(2), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], ] ) ], [-1 / 2, -1 / 2], ), ( "QubitUnitary", [ np.array( [ [-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1 / math.sqrt(2), 1 / math.sqrt(2), 0], [0, 1 / math.sqrt(2), -1 / math.sqrt(2), 0], [0, 0, 0, -1], ] ) ], [-1 / 2, -1 / 2], ), ], ) def test_supported_gate_two_wires_with_parameters(self, rep, tol, name, par, expected_output): """Tests supported gates that act on two wires wires that are parameterized""" op = getattr(qml.ops, name) dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=2, representation=rep) assert dev.supports_operation(name) @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method=None) def circuit(): qml.QubitStateVector(np.array([1 / 2, 0, 0, math.sqrt(3) / 2]), wires=Wires([0, 1])) op(*par, wires=Wires([0, 1])) return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1)) assert np.allclose(circuit(), expected_output, atol=tol, rtol=0) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "name,state,expected_output", [ ("PauliX", [1 / math.sqrt(2), 1 / math.sqrt(2)], 1), ("PauliX", [1 / math.sqrt(2), -1 / math.sqrt(2)], -1), ("PauliX", [1, 0], 0), ("PauliY", [1 / math.sqrt(2), 1j / math.sqrt(2)], 1), ("PauliY", [1 / math.sqrt(2), -1j / math.sqrt(2)], -1), ("PauliY", [1, 0], 0), ("PauliZ", [1, 0], 1), ("PauliZ", [0, 1], -1), ("PauliZ", [1 / math.sqrt(2), 1 / math.sqrt(2)], 0), ("Hadamard", [1, 0], 1 / math.sqrt(2)), ("Hadamard", [0, 1], -1 / math.sqrt(2)), ("Hadamard", [1 / math.sqrt(2), 1 / math.sqrt(2)], 1 / math.sqrt(2)), ], ) def test_supported_observable_single_wire_no_parameters( self, rep, tol, name, state, expected_output ): """Tests supported observables on single wires without parameters.""" obs = getattr(qml.ops, name) dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=1, representation=rep) assert dev.supports_observable(name) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.QubitStateVector(np.array(state), wires=[0]) return qml.expval(obs(wires=[0])) assert np.isclose(circuit(), expected_output, atol=tol, rtol=0) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "name,state,expected_output,par", [ ("Identity", [1, 0], 1, []), ("Identity", [0, 1], 1, []), ("Identity", [1 / math.sqrt(2), -1 / math.sqrt(2)], 1, []), ("Hermitian", [1, 0], 1, [np.array([[1, 1j], [-1j, 1]])]), ("Hermitian", [0, 1], 1, [np.array([[1, 1j], [-1j, 1]])]), ( "Hermitian", [1 / math.sqrt(2), -1 / math.sqrt(2)], 1, [np.array([[1, 1j], [-1j, 1]])], ), ], ) def test_supported_observable_single_wire_with_parameters( self, rep, tol, name, state, expected_output, par ): """Tests supported observables on single wires with parameters.""" obs = getattr(qml.ops, name) dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=1, representation=rep) assert dev.supports_observable(name) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.QubitStateVector(np.array(state), wires=[0]) return qml.expval(obs(*par, wires=[0])) assert np.isclose(circuit(), expected_output, atol=tol, rtol=0) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "name,state,expected_output,par", [ ( "Hermitian", [1 / math.sqrt(3), 0, 1 / math.sqrt(3), 1 / math.sqrt(3)], 5 / 3, [np.array([[1, 1j, 0, 1], [-1j, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -1j], [1, 0, 1j, 1]])], ), ( "Hermitian", [0, 0, 0, 1], 0, [np.array([[0, 1j, 0, 0], [-1j, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1j], [0, 0, 1j, 0]])], ), ( "Hermitian", [1 / math.sqrt(2), 0, -1 / math.sqrt(2), 0], 1, [np.array([[1, 1j, 0, 0], [-1j, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -1j], [0, 0, 1j, 1]])], ), ( "Hermitian", [ 1 / math.sqrt(3), -1 / math.sqrt(3), 1 / math.sqrt(6), 1 / math.sqrt(6), ], 1, [ np.array( [ [1, 1j, 0, 0.5j], [-1j, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -1j], [-0.5j, 0, 1j, 1], ] ) ], ), ( "Hermitian", [1 / math.sqrt(2), 0, 0, 1 / math.sqrt(2)], 1, [np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])], ), ( "Hermitian", [0, 1 / math.sqrt(2), -1 / math.sqrt(2), 0], -1, [np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])], ), ], ) def test_supported_observable_two_wires_with_parameters( self, rep, tol, name, state, expected_output, par ): """Tests supported observables on two wires with parameters.""" obs = getattr(qml.ops, name) dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=2, representation=rep) assert dev.supports_observable(name) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.QubitStateVector(np.array(state), wires=Wires([0, 1])) return qml.expval(obs(*par, wires=Wires([0, 1]))) assert np.isclose(circuit(), expected_output, atol=tol, rtol=0) def test_expval_warnings(self, rep): """Tests that expval raises a warning if the given observable is complex.""" dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=1, representation=rep) A = np.array([[2j, 1j], [-3j, 1j]]) obs_node = dev._create_nodes_from_tensors( [A], [Wires([0])], "ComplexObservable", key="observables" ) # text warning raised if matrix is complex with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match="Nonvanishing imaginary part"): dev.ev(obs_node, obs_wires=[Wires([0])]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["auto", "greedy", "branch", "optimal"]) def test_correct_state_no_params(self, rep, method): """Tests that if different QNodes are used with the same device, then the contracted state is correct for each one.""" dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=2, representation=rep) state = dev._state() expected = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]]) assert np.allclose(state, expected) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.Hadamard(wires=0) return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)) circuit() state = dev._state() expected = np.array([[1, 0], [1, 0]]) / np.sqrt(2) assert np.allclose(state, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["auto", "greedy", "branch", "optimal"]) def test_correct_state_diff_params(self, rep, method, tol): """Tests that if different inputs are fed to the same QNode, then the contracted state is updated correctly.""" dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=2, representation=rep, contraction_method=method) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(x): qml.RX(x, wires=0) return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)) def expected(theta): vec = np.outer(np.array([np.cos(theta / 2), -1j * np.sin(theta / 2)]), [1.0, 0.0]) return vec.reshape([2, 2]) theta = np.pi / 4 out1 = circuit(theta) ket1 = dev._state() assert dev._contracted_state_node is not None assert np.allclose(ket1, expected(theta), atol=tol, rtol=0) assert out1 == np.cos(theta / 2) ** 2 - np.sin(theta / 2) ** 2 theta = -0.1234 out2 = circuit(theta) ket2 = dev._state() assert dev._contracted_state_node is not None assert np.allclose(ket2, expected(theta), atol=tol, rtol=0) assert out2 == np.cos(theta / 2) ** 2 - np.sin(theta / 2) ** 2 @pytest.mark.parametrize("rep", ("exact", "mps")) @pytest.mark.parametrize("theta,phi,varphi", list(zip(THETA, PHI, VARPHI))) class TestTensorExpval: """Test tensor expectation values""" def test_paulix_pauliy(self, theta, phi, varphi, rep, tol): """Test that a tensor product involving PauliX and PauliY works correctly""" dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=3, representation=rep) dev.reset() dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([0]), par=[theta]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([1]), par=[phi]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([2]), par=[varphi]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([0, 1]), par=[]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([1, 2]), par=[]) res = dev.expval(["PauliX", "PauliY"], [Wires([0]), Wires([2])], [[], []]) expected = np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(varphi) assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0) def test_pauliz_identity(self, theta, phi, varphi, rep, tol): """Test that a tensor product involving PauliZ and Identity works correctly""" dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=3, representation=rep) dev.reset() dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([0]), par=[theta]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([1]), par=[phi]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([2]), par=[varphi]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([0, 1]), par=[]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([1, 2]), par=[]) res = dev.expval( ["PauliZ", "Identity", "PauliZ"], [Wires([0]), Wires([1]), Wires([2])], [[], [], []] ) expected = np.cos(varphi) * np.cos(phi) assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0) def test_pauliz_hadamard(self, theta, phi, varphi, rep, tol): """Test that a tensor product involving PauliZ and PauliY and hadamard works correctly""" dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=3, representation=rep) dev.reset() dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([0]), par=[theta]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([1]), par=[phi]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([2]), par=[varphi]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([0, 1]), par=[]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([1, 2]), par=[]) res = dev.expval( ["PauliZ", "Hadamard", "PauliY"], [Wires([0]), Wires([1]), Wires([2])], [[], [], []] ) expected = -(np.cos(varphi) * np.sin(phi) + np.sin(varphi) * np.cos(theta)) / np.sqrt(2) assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0) def test_hermitian(self, theta, phi, varphi, rep, tol): """Test that a tensor product involving qml.Hermitian works correctly""" dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=3, representation=rep) dev.reset() dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([0]), par=[theta]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([1]), par=[phi]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([2]), par=[varphi]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([0, 1]), par=[]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([1, 2]), par=[]) A = np.array( [ [-6, 2 + 1j, -3, -5 + 2j], [2 - 1j, 0, 2 - 1j, -5 + 4j], [-3, 2 + 1j, 0, -4 + 3j], [-5 - 2j, -5 - 4j, -4 - 3j, -6], ] ) res = dev.expval(["PauliZ", "Hermitian"], [Wires([0]), Wires([1, 2])], [[], [A]]) expected = 0.5 * ( -6 * np.cos(theta) * (np.cos(varphi) + 1) - 2 * np.sin(varphi) * (np.cos(theta) + np.sin(phi) - 2 * np.cos(phi)) + 3 * np.cos(varphi) * np.sin(phi) + np.sin(phi) ) assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0) def test_hermitian_hermitian(self, theta, phi, varphi, rep, tol): """Test that a tensor product involving two Hermitian matrices works correctly""" dev = qml.device("default.tensor", wires=3, representation=rep) dev.reset() dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([0]), par=[theta]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([1]), par=[phi]) dev.apply("RX", wires=Wires([2]), par=[varphi]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([0, 1]), par=[]) dev.apply("CNOT", wires=Wires([1, 2]),
"credit_percent" in stip and not isinstance( stip["credit_percent"], (int, float)): raise ValidationError(_("credit_percent must be a float")) if ("allowed_session_count" in stip and ( not isinstance(stip["allowed_session_count"], int) or stip["allowed_session_count"] < 0)): raise ValidationError( _("'allowed_session_count' must be a non-negative integer")) # {{{ deprecated exception stuff class FlowAccessException(models.Model): # deprecated participation = models.ForeignKey(Participation, db_index=True, verbose_name=_('Participation')) flow_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, null=False, verbose_name=_('Flow ID')) expiration = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Expiration')) stipulations = JSONField(blank=True, null=True, # Translators: help text for stipulations in FlowAccessException # (deprecated) help_text=_("A dictionary of the same things that can be added " "to a flow access rule, such as allowed_session_count or " "credit_percent. If not specified here, values will default " "to the stipulations in the course content."), validators=[validate_stipulations], dump_kwargs={'ensure_ascii': False}, verbose_name=_('Stipulations')) creator = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, verbose_name=_('Creator')) creation_time = models.DateTimeField(default=now, db_index=True, verbose_name=_('Creation time')) is_sticky = models.BooleanField( default=False, # Translators: deprecated help_text=_("Check if a flow started under this " "exception rule set should stay " "under this rule set until it is expired."), # Translators: deprecated verbose_name=_('Is sticky')) comment = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Comment')) def __unicode__(self): return ( # Translators: flow access exception in admin (deprecated) _("Access exception for '%(user)s' to '%(flow_id)s' " "in '%(course)s'") % { "user": self.participation.user, "flow_id": self.flow_id, "course": self.participation.course }) if six.PY3: __str__ = __unicode__ class FlowAccessExceptionEntry(models.Model): # deprecated exception = models.ForeignKey(FlowAccessException, related_name="entries", verbose_name=_('Exception')) permission = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=FLOW_PERMISSION_CHOICES, verbose_name=_('Permission')) class Meta: # Translators: FlowAccessExceptionEntry (deprecated) verbose_name_plural = _("Flow access exception entries") def __unicode__(self): return self.permission if six.PY3: __str__ = __unicode__ # }}} class FlowRuleException(models.Model): flow_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, null=False, verbose_name=_('Flow ID')) participation = models.ForeignKey(Participation, db_index=True, verbose_name=_('Participation')) expiration = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Expiration')) creator = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, verbose_name=_('Creator')) creation_time = models.DateTimeField(default=now, db_index=True, verbose_name=_('Creation time')) comment = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Comment')) kind = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=False, null=False, choices=FLOW_RULE_KIND_CHOICES, verbose_name=_('Kind')) rule = YAMLField(blank=False, null=False, verbose_name=_('Rule')) active = models.BooleanField(default=True, verbose_name=pgettext_lazy( "Is the flow rule exception activated?", "Active")) def __unicode__(self): return ( # Translators: For FlowRuleException _("%(kind)s exception for '%(user)s' to '%(flow_id)s'" "in '%(course)s'") % { "kind": self.kind, "user": self.participation.user, "flow_id": self.flow_id, "course": self.participation.course}) if six.PY3: __str__ = __unicode__ def clean(self): super(FlowRuleException, self).clean() if (self.kind == flow_rule_kind.grading and self.expiration is not None): raise ValidationError(_("grading rules may not expire")) from course.validation import ( ValidationError as ContentValidationError, validate_session_start_rule, validate_session_access_rule, validate_session_grading_rule, ValidationContext) from course.content import (get_course_repo, get_course_commit_sha, get_flow_desc) from relate.utils import dict_to_struct rule = dict_to_struct(self.rule) repo = get_course_repo(self.participation.course) commit_sha = get_course_commit_sha( self.participation.course, self.participation) ctx = ValidationContext( repo=repo, commit_sha=commit_sha) flow_desc = get_flow_desc(repo, self.participation.course, self.flow_id, commit_sha) tags = None grade_identifier = None if hasattr(flow_desc, "rules"): tags = getattr(flow_desc.rules, "tags", None) grade_identifier = flow_desc.rules.grade_identifier try: if self.kind == flow_rule_kind.start: validate_session_start_rule(ctx, six.text_type(self), rule, tags) elif self.kind == flow_rule_kind.access: validate_session_access_rule(ctx, six.text_type(self), rule, tags) elif self.kind == flow_rule_kind.grading: validate_session_grading_rule( ctx, six.text_type(self), rule, tags, grade_identifier) else: # the rule refers to FlowRuleException rule raise ValidationError(_("invalid rule kind: ")+self.kind) except ContentValidationError as e: # the rule refers to FlowRuleException rule raise ValidationError(_("invalid existing_session_rules: ")+str(e)) class Meta: verbose_name = _("Flow rule exception") verbose_name_plural = _("Flow rule exceptions") # }}} # {{{ grading class GradingOpportunity(models.Model): course = models.ForeignKey(Course, verbose_name=_('Course')) identifier = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, null=False, # Translators: format of identifier for GradingOpportunity help_text=_("A symbolic name for this grade. " "lower_case_with_underscores, no spaces."), verbose_name=_('Grading opportunity ID')) name = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, null=False, # Translators: name for GradingOpportunity help_text=_("A human-readable identifier for the grade."), verbose_name=_('Grading opportunity name')) flow_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("Flow identifier that this grading opportunity " "is linked to, if any"), verbose_name=_('Flow ID')) aggregation_strategy = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=GRADE_AGGREGATION_STRATEGY_CHOICES, # Translators: strategy on how the grading of mutiple sessioins # are aggregated. verbose_name=_('Aggregation strategy')) due_time = models.DateTimeField(default=None, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Due time')) creation_time = models.DateTimeField(default=now, verbose_name=_('Creation time')) shown_in_grade_book = models.BooleanField(default=True, verbose_name=_('Shown in grade book')) shown_in_student_grade_book = models.BooleanField(default=True, verbose_name=_('Shown in student grade book')) class Meta: verbose_name = _("Grading opportunity") verbose_name_plural = _("Grading opportunities") ordering = ("course", "due_time", "identifier") unique_together = (("course", "identifier"),) def __unicode__(self): return ( # Translators: For GradingOpportunity _("%(opportunity_name)s (%(opportunity_id)s) in %(course)s") % { "opportunity_name":, "opportunity_id": self.identifier, "course": self.course}) if six.PY3: __str__ = __unicode__ def get_aggregation_strategy_descr(self): return dict(GRADE_AGGREGATION_STRATEGY_CHOICES).get( self.aggregation_strategy) class GradeChange(models.Model): """Per 'grading opportunity', each participant may accumulate multiple grades that are aggregated according to :attr:`GradingOpportunity.aggregation_strategy`. In addition, for each opportunity, grade changes are grouped by their 'attempt' identifier, where later grades with the same :attr:`attempt_id` supersede earlier ones. """ opportunity = models.ForeignKey(GradingOpportunity, verbose_name=_('Grading opportunity')) participation = models.ForeignKey(Participation, verbose_name=_('Participation')) state = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=GRADE_STATE_CHANGE_CHOICES, # Translators: something like 'status'. verbose_name=_('State')) attempt_id = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, blank=True, default="main", # Translators: help text of "attempt_id" in GradeChange class help_text=_("Grade changes are grouped by their 'attempt ID' " "where later grades with the same attempt ID supersede earlier " "ones."), verbose_name=_('Attempt ID')) points = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Points')) max_points = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, verbose_name=_('Max points')) comment = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Comment')) due_time = models.DateTimeField(default=None, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Due time')) creator = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, verbose_name=_('Creator')) grade_time = models.DateTimeField(default=now, db_index=True, verbose_name=_('Grade time')) flow_session = models.ForeignKey(FlowSession, null=True, blank=True, related_name="grade_changes", verbose_name=_('Flow session')) class Meta: verbose_name = _("Grade change") verbose_name_plural = _("Grade changes") ordering = ("opportunity", "participation", "grade_time") def __unicode__(self): # Translators: information for GradeChange return _("%(participation)s %(state)s on %(opportunityname)s") % { 'participation': self.participation, 'state': self.state, 'opportunityname':} if six.PY3: __str__ = __unicode__ def clean(self): super(GradeChange, self).clean() if self.opportunity.course != self.participation.course: raise ValidationError(_("Participation and opportunity must live " "in the same course")) def percentage(self): if self.max_points is not None and self.points is not None: return 100*self.points/self.max_points else: return None def get_state_desc(self): return dict(GRADE_STATE_CHANGE_CHOICES).get( self.state) # }}} # {{{ grade state machine class GradeStateMachine(object): def __init__(self): self.opportunity = None self.state = None self._clear_grades() self.due_time = None self.last_graded_time = None self.last_report_time = None # applies to *all* grade changes self._last_grade_change_time = None def _clear_grades(self): self.state = None self.last_grade_time = None self.valid_percentages = [] self.attempt_id_to_gchange = {} def _consume_grade_change(self, gchange, set_is_superseded): if self.opportunity is None: self.opportunity = gchange.opportunity self.due_time = self.opportunity.due_time else: assert == # check that times are increasing if self._last_grade_change_time is not None: assert gchange.grade_time > self._last_grade_change_time self._last_grade_change_time = gchange.grade_time if gchange.state == grade_state_change_types.graded: if self.state == grade_state_change_types.unavailable: raise ValueError( _("cannot accept grade once opportunity has been " "marked 'unavailable'")) if self.state == grade_state_change_types.exempt: raise ValueError( _("cannot accept grade once opportunity has been " "marked 'exempt'")) #if self.due_time is not None and gchange.grade_time > self.due_time: #raise ValueError("cannot accept grade after due date") self.state = gchange.state if gchange.attempt_id is not None: if (set_is_superseded and gchange.attempt_id in self.attempt_id_to_gchange): self.attempt_id_to_gchange[gchange.attempt_id] \ .is_superseded = True self.attempt_id_to_gchange[gchange.attempt_id] \ = gchange else: self.valid_percentages.append(gchange.percentage()) self.last_graded_time = gchange.grade_time elif gchange.state == grade_state_change_types.unavailable: self._clear_grades() self.state = gchange.state elif gchange.state == grade_state_change_types.do_over: self._clear_grades() elif gchange.state == grade_state_change_types.exempt: self._clear_grades() self.state = gchange.state elif gchange.state == grade_state_change_types.report_sent: self.last_report_time = gchange.grade_time elif gchange.state == grade_state_change_types.extension: self.due_time = gchange.due_time elif gchange.state in [ grade_state_change_types.grading_started, grade_state_change_types.retrieved, ]: pass else: raise RuntimeError( _("invalid grade change state '%s'") % gchange.state) def consume(self, iterable, set_is_superseded=False): for gchange in iterable: gchange.is_superseded = False self._consume_grade_change(gchange, set_is_superseded) valid_grade_changes = sorted( (gchange for gchange in self.attempt_id_to_gchange.values() if gchange.percentage() is not None), key=lambda gchange: gchange.grade_time) self.valid_percentages.extend( gchange.percentage() for gchange in valid_grade_changes) del self.attempt_id_to_gchange return self def percentage(self): """ :return: a percentage of achieved points, or *None* """ if self.opportunity is None or not self.valid_percentages: return None strategy = self.opportunity.aggregation_strategy if strategy == grade_aggregation_strategy.max_grade: return max(self.valid_percentages) elif strategy == grade_aggregation_strategy.min_grade: return min(self.valid_percentages) elif strategy == grade_aggregation_strategy.avg_grade: return sum(self.valid_percentages)/len(self.valid_percentages) elif strategy == grade_aggregation_strategy.use_earliest: return self.valid_percentages[0] elif strategy == grade_aggregation_strategy.use_latest: return self.valid_percentages[-1] else: raise ValueError( _("invalid grade aggregation strategy '%s'") % strategy) def stringify_state(self): if self.state is None: return u"- ∅ -" elif self.state == grade_state_change_types.exempt: return "_((exempt))" elif self.state == grade_state_change_types.graded: if self.valid_percentages: result = "%.1f%%" % self.percentage() if len(self.valid_percentages) > 1: result += " (/%d)" % len(self.valid_percentages) return result else: return u"- ∅ -" else: return "_((other state))" def stringify_machine_readable_state(self): if self.state is None: return u"NONE" elif self.state == grade_state_change_types.exempt: return "EXEMPT" elif self.state == grade_state_change_types.graded: if self.valid_percentages: return "%.3f" % self.percentage() else: return u"NONE" else: return u"OTHER_STATE" def stringify_percentage(self): if self.state == grade_state_change_types.graded: if self.valid_percentages: return "%.1f" % self.percentage() else: return u"" else: return "" # }}} # {{{ flow <-> grading integration def get_flow_grading_opportunity(course,
vol ) else: qtyNeeded = purchase.qty if not cost_result['consumables'].has_key( cost_result['consumables'][] =0 cost_result['consumables'][ ] = cost_result['consumables'][ ] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] = cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) totalBottleVol=qtyNeeded*vol bottle_volume_required = bottle_volume_required - (qtyNeeded * vol ) qtyRequired = qtyRequired + qtyNeeded total_bottles = total_bottles + qtyNeeded # if we don't have enough stock of bottles we will ask based on the last tbottle in the list # if this is a tiny bottle this will be odd,... but variabile volume bottles isn't perfect # if we have multiple types of bottles we don't ask for the full volume, we only ask for the # missing bit if bottle_volume_required > 0: # sys.stderr.write("doing out of stock stuff\n") stock_result['__pcnt_left__'][ ] = 0 stock_result['__stockrequirements__'].append( [,qtyAvailable, math.ceil(bottle_volume_required / vol ) + qtyRequired]) stock_result['__out_of_stock__'].append( ) stock_result['__qty_available__'][ ] = qtyAvailable # this next calculation is the excess, but we have qtyRequired adding up # as we go along stock_result['__qty_required__'][ ] = math.ceil(bottle_volume_required / vol ) + qtyRequired ### out of stock sys.stderr.write("\tdbg:checkStockAndPrice() Polypins: %s/%s Kegs: %s/%s Bottles: %s/%s\n" %(total_polypins,totalPolypinVol,total_kegs,totalKegVol,total_bottles,totalBottleVol )) purchase=None # OCT2015 moved from takeStock self.TAKESTOCK_kegs=total_kegs self.TAKESTOCK_polypins=total_polypins self.TAKESTOCK_bottles=total_bottles # Now do crown caps total_caps = total_bottles + 4 qtyRequired = 0 qtyAvailable = 0 ourBottleCaps = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gPurchases WHERE owner = :1 AND itemcategory = :2", username,"bottlecaps") for purchase in ourBottleCaps.fetch(50000): qtyAvailable = qtyAvailable + purchase.qty if purchase.qty > 0 and total_caps > 0: if purchase.qty > total_caps: qtyNeeded= total_caps else: qtyNeeded = purchase.qty if not cost_result['consumables'].has_key( purchase.storeitem ): cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] = 0 cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] = cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] = cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) total_caps = total_caps - qtyNeeded qtyRequired = qtyRequired + qtyNeeded if total_caps > 0: sys.stderr.write("totalcaps - no enough\n") stock_result['__pcnt_left__'][ purchase.storeitem ] = 0 stock_result['__stockrequirements__'].append( [purchase.storeitem ,qtyAvailable,qtyRequired] ) stock_result['__out_of_stock__'].append( purchase.storeitem ) stock_result['__qty_available__'][ purchase.storeitem ] = qtyAvailable stock_result['__qty_required__'][ purchase.storeitem ] = qtyRequired purchase = None # And priming sugar if recipe.priming_sugar_qty > 0: priming_sugar_reqd = (total_bottles + 5) * recipe.priming_sugar_qty qtyRequired=0 qtyAvailable=0 sys.stderr.write("\tdbg:checkStockAndPrice(): priming_sugar_reqd %s (BOTTLES)\n" %(priming_sugar_reqd)) ourPrimingSugar = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gPurchases WHERE owner = :1 AND itemcategory = :2", username,"primingsugar") for purchase in ourPrimingSugar.fetch(50000): qtyAvailable = qtyAvailable + purchase.qty if purchase.qty > 0 and priming_sugar_reqd > 0: qtyNeeded = priming_sugar_reqd else: qtyneeded = purchase.qty if not cost_result['consumables'].has_key( purchase.storeitem ): cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] = 0 cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] = cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] = cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) priming_sugar_reqd = priming_sugar_reqd - qtyNeeded qtyRequired = qtyRequired + qtyNeeded if priming_sugar_reqd > 0: sys.stderr.write("takeStock(): priming_sugar_reqd %s (BOTTLES - not enough)\n" %(priming_sugar_reqd)) try: stock_result['__pcnt_left__'][ purchase.storeitem ] = 0 stock_result['__out_of_stock__'].append( purchase.storeitem ) stock_result['__stockrequirements__'].append( [purchase.storeitem ,qtyAvailable,qtyRequired] ) stock_result['__qty_available__'][ purchase.storeitem ] = qtyAvailable stock_result['__qty_required__'][ purchase.storeitem ] = qtyRequired except ImportError: # we probably don' thave any type of priming sugar # so we make this up instead stock_result['__pcnt_left__'][ "__PRIMING_SUGAR__" ] = 0 stock_result['__stockrequirements__'].append( ['__PRIMING_SUGAR__' ,qtyAvailable,qtyRequired] ) stock_result['__out_of_stock__'].append( "__PRIMING_SUGAR__" ) stock_result['__qty_available__'][ "__PRIMING_SUGAR__" ] = qtyAvailable stock_result['__qty_required__'][ "__PRIMING_SUGAR__" ] = qtyRequired # # # water treatment (not sure how to trigger this) # # # we will always do it ourRecipeStats =self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gRecipeStats WHERE owner = :1 AND recipe = :2", username,recipeName).fetch()[0] crsAdjust=self.crsAdjustment(315, float(ourRecipeStats.mash_liquid_6)+float(ourRecipeStats.sparge_water),50) purchase=None ourCrs = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gPurchases WHERE owner = :1 AND itemsubcategory = :2 AND storeitem = :3", username,"watertreatment","AMS") total_crs=0 # the amount we have allocated throughout qtyRequired=crsAdjust # total qty we require qtyAvailable=0 qtyNeeded=0 # qty of a particular purchase we need for purchase in ourCrs.fetch(5555): qtyAvailable = qtyAvailable + purchase.qty if purchase.qty > 0 and qtyRequired > 0: if purchase.qty > qtyRequired: qtyNeeded= qtyRequired else: qtyNeeded = purchase.qty if not cost_result['consumables'].has_key( purchase.storeitem ): cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] = 0 cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] = cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] = cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) qtyRequired = qtyRequired - qtyNeeded total_crs = total_crs + qtyNeeded if qtyRequired > 0: try: stock_result['__pcnt_left__'][ purchase.storeitem ] = 0 stock_result['__stockrequirements__'].append( [purchase.storeitem ,qtyAvailable,qtyRequired] ) stock_result['__out_of_stock__'].append( purchase.storeitem ) stock_result['__qty_available__'][ purchase.storeitem ] = qtyAvailable stock_result['__qty_required__'][ purchase.storeitem ] = qtyRequired except ImportError: stock_result['__pcnt_left__'][ "__AMS__" ] = 0 stock_result['__stockrequirements__'].append( ['__AMS__' ,qtyAvailable,qtyRequired] ) stock_result['__out_of_stock__'].append( "__AMS__" ) stock_result['__qty_available__'][ "__AMS__" ] = qtyAvailable stock_result['__qty_required__'][ "__AMS__" ] = qtyRequired completeVolume=keg_volume_required=polypin_volume_required-totalPolypinVol + totalBottleVol # # reaplcement for process costing, this is simplified to not split across partial purchases # in practice for things like sterilising fluid etc we won't be splitting # # these calculations need to be replicated in takeStock # sterilising fluid #30gm for fermenter, + 6gm teaspoon for each 5 bottles sterilisingPowder= 30 + (total_bottles / 5)*6 yeastVit=5 salifert=3 protofloc=1 campden=2 # consumableProcessIngredients - checkStock for (consumableQtyRequired,item) in [(sterilisingPowder,'Sterilising Powder'),(yeastVit,'Yeast Vit'),(salifert,'Salifert Alkaline Test') ,(protofloc,'Protofloc'),(campden,'Campden Tablets')]: qtyRequired=consumableQtyRequired ourConsumablePurchases = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gPurchases WHERE owner = :1 AND storeitem = :2", username,item) for purchase in ourConsumablePurchases.fetch(5000): qtyAvailable = qtyAvailable + purchase.qty if purchase.qty > 0 and consumableQtyRequired > 0: if (purchase.qty) > consumableQtyRequired: qtyNeeded = consumableQtyRequired if not cost_result['consumables'].has_key( purchase.storeitem ): cost_result['consumables'][purchase.storeitem] =0 cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] = cost_result['consumables'][ purchase.storeitem ] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] = cost_result['consumables']['__total__'] + (purchase.purchaseCost * qtyNeeded) qtyRequired = qtyRequired - qtyNeeded if qtyRequired > 0: stock_result['__pcnt_left__'][ item ] = 0 stock_result['__stockrequirements__'].append( [item ,qtyAvailable,qtyRequired] ) stock_result['__out_of_stock__'].append( item ) stock_result['__qty_available__'][ item ] = qtyAvailable stock_result['__qty_required__'][ item ] = qtyRequired result = {} result['cost_result'] = cost_result result['stock_result'] = stock_result if raw: sys.stderr.write("END: checkStockAndPrice()\n") return (cost_result,stock_result) sys.stderr.write("END: checkStockAndPrice()\n") return {'operation' : 'checkStockAndPrice', 'status' : 1, 'json' : json.dumps( {'result': result } ) } def deleteBrewlog(self,owner,brewlog): sys.stderr.write("\nSTART: deleteBrewlog() %s\n" %(brewlog)) ourOldRecords = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gBrewlogStock WHERE owner = :1 AND brewlog = :2",owner,brewlog) for oldRecord in ourOldRecords.fetch(234898): oldRecord.delete() # Remove our old brewlog indexes ourOldRecords = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gBrewlogs WHERE owner = :1 AND brewlog = :2", owner,brewlog) for oldRecord in ourOldRecords.fetch(234898): oldRecord.delete() # Remove our old step records ourOldRecords = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gField WHERE owner = :1 AND brewlog = :2", owner,brewlog) for oldRecord in ourOldRecords.fetch(234898): oldRecord.delete() # Remove our old notes ourOldRecords = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gBrewlogStep WHERE owner = :1 AND brewlog = :2",owner,brewlog) for oldRecord in ourOldRecords.fetch(234898): oldRecord.delete() sys.stderr.write("END: deleteBrewlog()\n") return {'operation':'deleteBrewlog','satus':1} def changeProcess(self,username,recipeName,newProcess,activeCategory=""): sys.stderr.write("\nSTART: changeProcess() %s/%s\n" %(recipeName,newProcess)) ourRecipe = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gRecipes WHERE owner = :1 AND recipename = :2", username,recipeName) for recipe in ourRecipe.fetch(500): recipe.process=newProcess recipe.put() # now include calculate/compile steps self.calculateRecipe(username,recipeName) #self.compile(username,recipeName,None) self.compile(username,recipeName,None) tmp = self.viewRecipe(username,recipeName,activeCategory,1) sys.stderr.write("END: changeProcess()\n") return {'operation' : 'changeProcess', 'status' : 1 ,'json' : tmp['json'] } def listClearanceStock(self,username): """ Builds a list of stock items which are out of date, and soon out of date """ sys.stderr.write("\nSTART: listClearanceStock()\n") bestBeforeThreshold = time.time() bestBeforeEarlyThreshold = time.time()-(86400*6) toclear={} oldstock={} earlythreshold=0 overthreshold=0 for storetype in ['fermentables','hops','yeast','misc','consumable']: toclear[ storetype ] = {} ourPurchases = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gPurchases WHERE owner = :1 AND storecategory = :2", username,storetype) for purchasedItem in ourPurchases.fetch(50000): threshold=-1 if purchasedItem.qty > 0: # only >0 if not purchasedItem.willNotExpire: if purchasedItem.bestBeforeEnd < bestBeforeThreshold: threshold=1 overthreshold=overthreshold + 1 elif purchasedItem.bestBeforeEnd < bestBeforeEarlyThreshold: threshold=0 earlythreshold=earlythreshold + 1 if threshold >= 0: # if threshold or limit exceeded if not toclear[ storetype ].has_key( purchasedItem.storeitem ): toclear[ storetype ][ purchasedItem.storeitem ] = [] if not oldstock.has_key( purchasedItem.storeitem ): oldstock[ purchasedItem.storeitem ] = [] oldstock[ purchasedItem.storeitem ].append([threshold, int((bestBeforeThreshold-purchasedItem.bestBeforeEnd)/86400)+1, purchasedItem.storeitem, purchasedItem.stocktag] ) toclear[ storetype ][ purchasedItem.storeitem ].append( (threshold, int((bestBeforeThreshold-purchasedItem.bestBeforeEnd)), purchasedItem ) ) OLDSTOCKINDEX=[] for x in oldstock: OLDSTOCKINDEX.append(x) toclear['__overthreshold__'] = overthreshold toclear['__earlythreshold__'] = earlythreshold toclear['__oldstock__'] = oldstock toclear['__oldstockindex__'] = OLDSTOCKINDEX sys.stderr.write("END: listClearanceStock()\n") return toclear def _stockBestBefore(self, username, stock_result, stockType, recipeName,dummyAllocate=0): """ Internal method which takes the stock with the oldest best before date This method also takes into account a fixed wasted factor/percentage dummyAllocate does 2 things, 1st it doesn't actually allocate and 2nd it will x10'd the qty required. The use case for dummyAllocate is hops of different alphas. stockBestBefore doesn't seem to actually save anything in the database """ sys.stderr.write("\nSTART: _stockBestBefore() %s\n" %(stockType)) # just a bit of protection if not stock_result.has_key( stockType ): stock_result[ stockType ] = {} # i knew this was going to burn us when we were playing with # adding ingredients if stockType == "hops": ourRecipeIngredients = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gIngredients WHERE owner = :1 AND recipename = :2 AND ingredientType = :3 AND hopAddAt <= :4",username,recipeName,stockType,0.0) else: ourRecipeIngredients = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gIngredients WHERE owner = :1 AND recipename = :2 AND ingredientType = :3",username,recipeName,stockType) # gIngredients will NOT catch both real recipe ingredients and consumables # need something more but lets get ingredients done first # will need to build this in # if ITEM.category != "bottle" and ITEM.category != "bottlecaps": for ITEM in ourRecipeIngredients.fetch(40000): qty = ITEM.qty ourStockCheck = self.dbWrapper.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM gPurchases WHERE owner = :1 AND storeitem = :2",username,ITEM.ingredient) ourStock = ourStockCheck.fetch(20000) if len(ourStock) > 0 : #US.has_key( ITEM ): qtyNeeded = qty # A future improvement might attempt to use whole bags rather than # cause leaving opened packets. best_before_dates_obj = {} best_before_dates = [] for purchasedItem in ourStock: if not best_before_dates_obj.has_key( purchasedItem.bestBeforeEnd ): best_before_dates_obj[ purchasedItem.bestBeforeEnd ] = [] best_before_dates.append( purchasedItem.bestBeforeEnd ) best_before_dates_obj[ purchasedItem.bestBeforeEnd].append( purchasedItem ) # soonest best before end date first best_before_dates.sort() #uMake the qty required tenfold as we would really like to know # how muct we can adjust up to. if dummyAllocate: qtyNeeded = qtyNeeded * 100 for best_before_date in best_before_dates: for item in best_before_dates_obj[ best_before_date ]: if item.qty > 0 and qtyNeeded >0: if not stock_result[ stockType ].has_key( item.storeitem ): stock_result[ stockType ][ item.storeitem ] = [] if item.qty > qtyNeeded: stock_result[ stockType ][ item.storeitem ].append( (qtyNeeded/item.qty,qtyNeeded, item.stocktag, item.storeitem, item) ) # If we need multiple quantities then we won't do wastage # assumption is that the multiple qty is set appropriately. # item
<gh_stars>1-10 unicode_data_to_decomposition_start = { 160: "<noBreak> 0020", 168: "<compat> 0020 0308", 170: "<super> 0061", 175: "<compat> 0020 0304", 178: "<super> 0032", 179: "<super> 0033", 180: "<compat> 0020 0301", 181: "<compat> 03BC", 184: "<compat> 0020 0327", 185: "<super> 0031", 186: "<super> 006F", 188: "<fraction> 0031 2044 0034", 189: "<fraction> 0031 2044 0032", 190: "<fraction> 0033 2044 0034", 192: "0041 0300", 193: "0041 0301", 194: "0041 0302", 195: "0041 0303", 196: "0041 0308", 197: "0041 030A", 199: "0043 0327", 200: "0045 0300", 201: "0045 0301", 202: "0045 0302", 203: "0045 0308", 204: "0049 0300", 205: "0049 0301", 206: "0049 0302", 207: "0049 0308", 209: "004E 0303", 210: "004F 0300", 211: "004F 0301", 212: "004F 0302", 213: "004F 0303", 214: "004F 0308", 217: "0055 0300", 218: "0055 0301", 219: "0055 0302", 220: "0055 0308", 221: "0059 0301", 224: "0061 0300", 225: "0061 0301", 226: "0061 0302", 227: "0061 0303", 228: "0061 0308", 229: "0061 030A", 231: "0063 0327", 232: "0065 0300", 233: "0065 0301", 234: "0065 0302", 235: "0065 0308", 236: "0069 0300", 237: "0069 0301", 238: "0069 0302", 239: "0069 0308", 241: "006E 0303", 242: "006F 0300", 243: "006F 0301", 244: "006F 0302", 245: "006F 0303", 246: "006F 0308", 249: "0075 0300", 250: "0075 0301", 251: "0075 0302", 252: "0075 0308", 253: "0079 0301", 255: "0079 0308", 256: "0041 0304", 257: "0061 0304", 258: "0041 0306", 259: "0061 0306", 260: "0041 0328", 261: "0061 0328", 262: "0043 0301", 263: "0063 0301", 264: "0043 0302", 265: "0063 0302", 266: "0043 0307", 267: "0063 0307", 268: "0043 030C", 269: "0063 030C", 270: "0044 030C", 271: "0064 030C", 274: "0045 0304", 275: "0065 0304", 276: "0045 0306", 277: "0065 0306", 278: "0045 0307", 279: "0065 0307", 280: "0045 0328", 281: "0065 0328", 282: "0045 030C", 283: "0065 030C", 284: "0047 0302", 285: "0067 0302", 286: "0047 0306", 287: "0067 0306", 288: "0047 0307", 289: "0067 0307", 290: "0047 0327", 291: "0067 0327", 292: "0048 0302", 293: "0068 0302", 296: "0049 0303", 297: "0069 0303", 298: "0049 0304", 299: "0069 0304", 300: "0049 0306", 301: "0069 0306", 302: "0049 0328", 303: "0069 0328", 304: "0049 0307", 306: "<compat> 0049 004A", 307: "<compat> 0069 006A", 308: "004A 0302", 309: "006A 0302", 310: "004B 0327", 311: "006B 0327", 313: "004C 0301", 314: "006C 0301", 315: "004C 0327", 316: "006C 0327", 317: "004C 030C", 318: "006C 030C", 319: "<compat> 004C 00B7", 320: "<compat> 006C 00B7", 323: "004E 0301", 324: "006E 0301", 325: "004E 0327", 326: "006E 0327", 327: "004E 030C", 328: "006E 030C", 329: "<compat> 02BC 006E", 332: "004F 0304", 333: "006F 0304", 334: "004F 0306", 335: "006F 0306", 336: "004F 030B", 337: "006F 030B", 340: "0052 0301", 341: "0072 0301", 342: "0052 0327", 343: "0072 0327", 344: "0052 030C", 345: "0072 030C", 346: "0053 0301", 347: "0073 0301", 348: "0053 0302", 349: "0073 0302", 350: "0053 0327", 351: "0073 0327", 352: "0053 030C", 353: "0073 030C", 354: "0054 0327", 355: "0074 0327", 356: "0054 030C", 357: "0074 030C", 360: "0055 0303", 361: "0075 0303", 362: "0055 0304", 363: "0075 0304", 364: "0055 0306", 365: "0075 0306", 366: "0055 030A", 367: "0075 030A", 368: "0055 030B", 369: "0075 030B", 370: "0055 0328", 371: "0075 0328", 372: "0057 0302", 373: "0077 0302", 374: "0059 0302", 375: "0079 0302", 376: "0059 0308", 377: "005A 0301", 378: "007A 0301", 379: "005A 0307", 380: "007A 0307", 381: "005A 030C", 382: "007A 030C", 383: "<compat> 0073", 416: "004F 031B", 417: "006F 031B", 431: "0055 031B", 432: "0075 031B", 452: "<compat> 0044 017D", 453: "<compat> 0044 017E", 454: "<compat> 0064 017E", 455: "<compat> 004C 004A", 456: "<compat> 004C 006A", 457: "<compat> 006C 006A", 458: "<compat> 004E 004A", 459: "<compat> 004E 006A", 460: "<compat> 006E 006A", 461: "0041 030C", 462: "0061 030C", 463: "0049 030C", 464: "0069 030C", 465: "004F 030C", 466: "006F 030C", 467: "0055 030C", 468: "0075 030C", 469: "00DC 0304", 470: "00FC 0304", 471: "00DC 0301", 472: "00FC 0301", 473: "00DC 030C", 474: "00FC 030C", 475: "00DC 0300", 476: "00FC 0300", 478: "00C4 0304", 479: "00E4 0304", 480: "0226 0304", 481: "0227 0304", 482: "00C6 0304", 483: "00E6 0304", 486: "0047 030C", 487: "0067 030C", 488: "004B 030C", 489: "006B 030C", 490: "004F 0328", 491: "006F 0328", 492: "01EA 0304", 493: "01EB 0304", 494: "01B7 030C", 495: "0292 030C", 496: "006A 030C", 497: "<compat> 0044 005A", 498: "<compat> 0044 007A", 499: "<compat> 0064 007A", 500: "0047 0301", 501: "0067 0301", 504: "004E 0300", 505: "006E 0300", 506: "00C5 0301", 507: "00E5 0301", 508: "00C6 0301", 509: "00E6 0301", 510: "00D8 0301", 511: "00F8 0301", 512: "0041 030F", 513: "0061 030F", 514: "0041 0311", 515: "0061 0311", 516: "0045 030F", 517: "0065 030F", 518: "0045 0311", 519: "0065 0311", 520: "0049 030F", 521: "0069 030F", 522: "0049 0311", 523: "0069 0311", 524: "004F 030F", 525: "006F 030F", 526: "004F 0311", 527: "006F 0311", 528: "0052 030F", 529: "0072 030F", 530: "0052 0311", 531: "0072 0311", 532: "0055 030F", 533: "0075 030F", 534: "0055 0311", 535: "0075 0311", 536: "0053 0326", 537: "0073 0326", 538: "0054 0326", 539: "0074 0326", 542: "0048 030C", 543: "0068 030C", 550: "0041 0307", 551: "0061 0307", 552: "0045 0327", 553: "0065 0327", 554: "00D6 0304", 555: "00F6 0304", 556: "00D5 0304", 557: "00F5 0304", 558: "004F 0307", 559: "006F 0307", 560: "022E 0304", 561: "022F 0304", 562: "0059 0304", 563: "0079 0304", 688: "<super> 0068", 689: "<super> 0266", 690: "<super> 006A", 691: "<super> 0072", 692: "<super> 0279", 693: "<super> 027B", 694: "<super> 0281", 695: "<super> 0077", 696: "<super> 0079", 728: "<compat> 0020 0306", 729: "<compat> 0020 0307", 730: "<compat> 0020 030A", 731: "<compat> 0020 0328", 732: "<compat> 0020 0303", 733: "<compat> 0020 030B", 736: "<super> 0263", 737: "<super> 006C", 738: "<super> 0073", 739: "<super> 0078", 740: "<super> 0295", 832: "0300", 833: "0301", 835: "0313", 836: "0308 0301", 884: "02B9", 890: "<compat> 0020 0345", 894: "003B", 900: "<compat> 0020 0301", 901: "00A8 0301", 902: "0391 0301", 903: "00B7", 904: "0395 0301", 905: "0397 0301", 906: "0399 0301", 908: "039F 0301", 910: "03A5 0301", 911: "03A9 0301", 912: "03CA 0301", 938: "0399 0308", 939: "03A5 0308", 940: "03B1 0301", 941: "03B5 0301", 942: "03B7 0301", 943: "03B9 0301", 944: "03CB 0301", 970: "03B9 0308", 971: "03C5 0308", 972: "03BF 0301", 973: "03C5 0301", 974: "03C9 0301", 976: "<compat> 03B2", 977: "<compat> 03B8", 978: "<compat> 03A5", 979: "03D2 0301", 980: "03D2 0308", 981: "<compat> 03C6", 982: "<compat> 03C0", 1008: "<compat> 03BA", 1009: "<compat> 03C1", 1010: "<compat> 03C2", 1012: "<compat> 0398", 1013: "<compat> 03B5", 1017: "<compat> 03A3", 1024: "0415 0300", 1025: "0415 0308", 1027: "0413 0301", 1031: "0406 0308", 1036: "041A 0301", 1037: "0418 0300", 1038: "0423 0306", 1049: "0418 0306", 1081: "0438 0306", 1104: "0435 0300", 1105: "0435 0308", 1107: "0433 0301", 1111: "0456 0308", 1116: "043A 0301", 1117: "0438 0300", 1118: "0443 0306", 1142: "0474 030F", 1143: "0475 030F", 1217: "0416 0306", 1218: "0436 0306", 1232: "0410 0306", 1233: "0430 0306", 1234: "0410 0308", 1235: "0430 0308", 1238: "0415 0306", 1239: "0435 0306", 1242: "04D8 0308", 1243: "04D9 0308", 1244: "0416 0308", 1245: "0436 0308", 1246: "0417 0308", 1247: "0437 0308", 1250: "0418 0304", 1251: "0438 0304", 1252: "0418 0308", 1253: "0438 0308", 1254: "041E 0308", 1255: "043E 0308", 1258: "04E8 0308", 1259: "04E9 0308", 1260: "042D 0308", 1261: "044D 0308", 1262: "0423 0304", 1263: "0443 0304", 1264: "0423 0308", 1265: "0443 0308", 1266: "0423 030B", 1267: "0443 030B", 1268: "0427 0308", 1269: "0447 0308", 1272: "042B 0308", 1273: "044B 0308", 1415: "<compat> 0565 0582", 1570: "0627 0653", 1571: "0627 0654", 1572: "0648 0654", 1573: "0627 0655", 1574: "064A 0654", 1653: "<compat> 0627 0674", 1654: "<compat> 0648 0674", 1655: "<compat> 06C7 0674", 1656: "<compat> 064A 0674", 1728: "06D5 0654", 1730: "06C1 0654", 1747: "06D2 0654", 2345: "0928 093C", 2353: "0930 093C", 2356:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- db = DAL('mysql://root@localhost/sisventi') # by default give a view/generic.extension to all actions from localhost # none otherwise. a pattern can be 'maestrcontroller/function.extension' response.generic_patterns = ['*'] if request.is_local else [] import datetime from import Mail, Auth, Crud, Service, PluginManager, prettydate mail = Mail() # mailer auth = Auth(db) # authentication/authorization crud = Crud(db) # for CRUD helpers using auth service = Service() # for json, xml, jsonrpc, xmlrpc, amfrpc plugins = PluginManager() today = now = # Custom auth_user table db.define_table( auth.settings.table_user_name, Field('username', length=128, default='', label=T('Usuario'), unique=True), Field('first_name', length=128, default='', label=T('Nombres')), Field('last_name', length=128, default='', label=T('Apellidos')), Field('email', length=128, default='', unique=True, label=T('Correo electrónico')), Field('password', 'password', length=512, readable=False, label=T('Contraseña')), Field('registration_date', 'date', default=today, writable=False, readable=False, label=T('Tiempo Registro')), Field('registration_key', length=512, writable=False, readable=False, default=''), Field('reset_password_key', length=512, writable=False, readable=False, default=''), Field('registration_id', length=512, writable=False, readable=False, default='') ) custom_auth_table = db[auth.settings.table_user_name] # get the custom_auth_table custom_auth_table.username.requires = [ IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Campo obligatorio'), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, custom_auth_table.username, error_message=T('El nombre de usuario ya está registrado'))] custom_auth_table.first_name.requires = [ IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Campo obligatorio')] custom_auth_table.last_name.requires = [ IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Campo obligatorio')] custom_auth_table.password.requires = [ IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='Campo obligatorio'), CRYPT()] = [ IS_EMAIL(error_message=auth.messages.invalid_email), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,, error_message=T('El correo ya está registrado'))] auth.settings.table_user = custom_auth_table mail.settings.server = 'logging' or '' # your SMTP server mail.settings.sender = '<EMAIL>' # your email mail.settings.login = 'username:password' # your credentials or None auth.settings.hmac_key = 'sha512:a58dabf0-5503-4058-b583-f13a0b4add4f' # before define_tables() auth.define_tables(username=True) # creates all needed tables auth.settings.mailer = mail # for user email verification auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = False auth.messages.verify_email = 'Click on the link http://'+request.env.http_host+URL('default','user',args=['verify_email'])+'/%(key)s to verify your email' auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = True auth.messages.reset_password = 'Click on the link http://'+request.env.http_host+URL('default','user',args=['reset_password'])+'/%(key)s to reset your password' crud.settings.auth = None # =auth to enforce authorization on crud # Actions disabled auth.settings.actions_disabled.append('register') # Language T.force('es-es') # Tables db.define_table('monedas', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('modo', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False), Field('codigo', 'string', default='', label='Código', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('simbolo', 'string', default='', label='Símbolo', notnull=False), Field('orden', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False) ) db.define_table('almacenes_lista', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('almacen', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('descripcion', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('modo', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False), Field('area', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('ubigeo', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('direccion', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('tipo_doc', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False), Field('doc_id', 'string', default='', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('puntos_venta', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('codigo', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('distrito', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('direccion', 'string', default='', label='Dirección', notnull=False), Field('pos_1', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición 1', notnull=False), Field('pos_2', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición 2', notnull=False), Field('almacen', db.almacenes_lista, label='Almacén', requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.almacenes_lista, '%(almacen)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un almacén')), Field('alias', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('area', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False), Field('factor_merma', 'double', default=0.0, label='Factor Merma', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('condiciones_comerciales', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('condicion', 'string', default='', label='Condición', notnull=False), Field('modo', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False), Field('descripcion', 'string', default='', label='Descripción', notnull=False), Field('codigo', 'integer', default=0, label='Código', notnull=False), Field('dias', 'integer', default=0, label='Días', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('documentos_identidad', Field('id', 'string'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('longitud', 'integer', default=9, notnull=False) ) db.define_table('directorio', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('modo', 'string', requires=IS_IN_SET({'1':'Cliente', '2':'Proveedor'}, zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione el modo')), Field('razon_social', 'string', default='', notnull=False, label='Razón Social'), Field('nombre_corto', 'string', default=''), Field('rubro', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False), Field('nombres', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('apellidos', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('tipo_doc', db.documentos_identidad, label='Tipo de Documento', requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.documentos_identidad, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione una tipo de documento')), Field('doc_id', 'string', default='', notnull=False, label='ID del Documento'), Field('doc_id_aux', 'string', default='', label='ID Auxiliar del Documento'), Field('pais', 'string', default='Perú', notnull=False, label='País'), Field('ubigeo', 'string', default='', notnull=False, label='Departamento'), Field('direccion', 'string', default='', notnull=False, label='Dirección'), Field('codigo_postal', 'string', default='', label='Código Postal'), Field('referencia', 'string', default=''), Field('condicion', db.condiciones_comerciales, label='Condición', requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.condiciones_comerciales, '%(condicion)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione una condición')), Field('tiempo_cred', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False, label='Días a Pagar'), Field('intervalo', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False, label='Intervalo'), Field('interes', 'double', default=0.0, notnull=False, label='Interés'), Field('linea_credito', 'double', default=0.0, notnull=False, label='Línea de Crédito'), Field('representante_legal', 'string', default=''), Field('cargo', 'string', default=''), Field('fecha', 'date', notnull=False,, Field('sexo', 'string', requires=IS_IN_SET({'1':'ND', '2':'Masculino', '3':'Femenino'}, zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione el sexo')), Field('preferente', 'boolean', default=False) ) db.define_table('transportistas', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('codigo', 'string', default='', label='Código', notnull=False), Field('emp_doc_id', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('doc_id', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('nombres', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('apellidos', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('ubigeo', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('direccion', 'string', default='', label='Dirección', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('turnos', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('turno', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('descripcion', 'string', default='', label='Descripción', notnull=False), Field('hora_inicio', 'time', default=datetime.time(0,0,0), label='Hora de Inicio', notnull=False), Field('hora_fin', 'time', default=datetime.time(0,0,0), label='Hora de Fin', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('articulos', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('articulo', 'string', default='', label='Artículo', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('catmod', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('catmod', 'string', default='', label='Categoría Modo', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('empaques', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('empaque', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('sub_casas', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('sub_casa', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('sellos', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('sello', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('casas', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('casa', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('sub_sellos', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('sub_sello', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('status', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('status', 'string', default='', label='Estado', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('tipos', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('tipo', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('unidades_medida', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('codigo', 'string', default='', label='Código', notnull=False), Field('descripcion', 'string', default='', label='Descripción', notnull=False), Field('modo', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False), Field('abreviatura_origen', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('abreviatura_destino', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('factor', 'double', default=0.0, notnull=False) ) db.define_table('generos', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('genero', 'string', default='', label='Género', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('sub_generos', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('genero', db.generos, label='Género', requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.generos, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un género')), Field('sub_genero', 'string', default='', label='Sub-Género', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('categorias', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('categoria', 'string', default='', label='Categoría', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('posicion', 'integer', default=0, label='Posición', notnull=False) ) db.define_table('maestro', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('registro', 'datetime', label='Tiempo Registro', default=now, notnull=False, writable=False), Field('codbarras', 'string', default='', notnull=False, label='Código'), Field('pv', db.puntos_venta, label='Punto de Venta', requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.puntos_venta, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un punto de venta')), Field('grupo_venta', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('articulo', db.articulos, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.articulos, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un artículo')), Field('casa', db.casas, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.casas, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione una casa')), Field('sub_casa', db.sub_casas, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.sub_casas, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione una sub-casa')), Field('genero', db.generos, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.generos, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un género')), Field('sub_genero', db.sub_generos, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.sub_generos, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un sub-género')), Field('empaque', db.empaques, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.empaques, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un empaque')), Field('sello', db.sellos, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.sellos, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un sello')), Field('sub_sello', db.sub_sellos, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.sub_sellos, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un sub-sello')), Field('tipo', db.tipos, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.tipos, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un tipo')), Field('catmod', db.catmod, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.catmod, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un catmod')), Field('categoria', db.categorias, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.categorias, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione una categoría')), Field('status', db.status, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.status, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione un status')), Field('moneda', db.monedas, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.monedas, '%(nombre)s', zero='[Seleccionar]', error_message='Seleccione una moneda')), Field('precio', 'double', default=0.0, notnull=False), Field('modo_impuesto', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False, label='Modo de Impuesto'), Field('impuesto', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('nombre', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('descripcion', 'string', default='', notnull=False, label='Descripción'), Field('alias', 'string', default='', notnull=False), Field('descuento', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False), Field('dependencia', 'integer', default=0, notnull=False), Field('stock_min', 'double', default=0.0,
print(out.numpy()) Outputs: .. testoutput:: 0 """ if axis is None: assert not keepdims, "can not set axis=None and keepdims=True" inp = inp.flatten() axis = 0 axis = _normalize_axis(inp.ndim, axis, reverse=True) if isinstance(axis, for ai in axis: op = builtin.Argmin(axis=ai) (inp,) = apply(op, inp) if not keepdims: inp = squeeze(inp, ai) return inp op = builtin.Argmin(axis=axis) (result,) = apply(op, inp) if not keepdims: result = squeeze(result, axis) return result def argmax( inp: Tensor, axis: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, keepdims: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: r""" Returns the indices of the maximum values along given axis. If axis is a list of dimensions, reduce over all of them. :param inp: input tensor. :param axis: dimension to reduce. If None, all dimensions will be reduced. Default: None :param keepdims: whether the output tensor has axis retained or not. Default: False :return: output tensor. Examples: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from megengine import tensor import megengine.functional as F x = tensor(np.arange(1, 7, dtype=np.int32).reshape(2,3)) out = F.argmax(x) print(out.numpy()) Outputs: .. testoutput:: 5 """ if axis is None: assert not keepdims, "can not set axis=None and keepdims=True" inp = inp.flatten() axis = 0 axis = _normalize_axis(inp.ndim, axis, reverse=True) if isinstance(axis, for ai in axis: op = builtin.Argmax(axis=ai) (inp,) = apply(op, inp) if not keepdims: inp = squeeze(inp, ai) return inp op = builtin.Argmax(axis=axis) (result,) = apply(op, inp) if not keepdims: result = squeeze(result, axis) return result def normalize( inp: Tensor, ord: float = None, axis: int = None, eps: float = 1e-12, ) -> Tensor: r""" Performs :math:`L_p` normalization of input tensor along given axis. For a tensor of shape :math:`(n_0, ..., n_{dim}, ..., n_k)`, each :math:`n_{dim}` -element vector :math:`v` along dimension :attr:`axis` is transformed as: .. math:: v = \frac{v}{\max(\lVert v \rVert_p, \epsilon)}. :param inp: input tensor. :param ord: power of value applied to input tensor. Default: 2 :param axis: dimension to reduce.If None, input must be a vector. Default: None :param eps: a small value to avoid division by zero. Default: 1e-12 :return: normalized output tensor. """ if axis is None: return inp / clip(norm(inp, ord, axis), lower=eps) else: return inp / clip(norm(inp, ord, axis, keepdims=True), lower=eps) def argsort(inp: Tensor, descending: bool = False) -> Tensor: r""" Returns the indices that would sort the input tensor. :param inp: input tensor. If it's 2d, the result would be array of indices show how to sort each row in the input tensor. :param descending: sort in descending order, where the largest comes first. Default: False :return: indices of int32 indicates how to sort the input. Examples: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from megengine import tensor import megengine.functional as F x = tensor(np.array([1,2], dtype=np.float32)) indices = F.argsort(x) print(indices.numpy()) Outputs: .. testoutput:: [0 1] """ assert len(inp.shape) <= 2, "Input should be 1d or 2d" if descending: order = "descending" else: order = "ascending" op = builtin.Argsort(order=order) if len(inp.shape) == 1: inp = inp.reshape(1, -1) _, result = apply(op, inp) return result[0] _, result = apply(op, inp) return result def sort(inp: Tensor, descending: bool = False) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: r""" Returns sorted tensor and the indices would sort the input tensor. :param inp: input tensor. If it's 2d, the result would be sorted by row. :param descending: sort in descending order, where the largest comes first. Default: False :return: tuple of two tensors `(sorted_tensor, indices_of_int32)`. Examples: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from megengine import tensor import megengine.functional as F x = tensor(np.array([1,2], dtype=np.float32)) out, indices = F.sort(x) print(out.numpy()) Outputs: .. testoutput:: [1. 2.] """ assert len(inp.shape) <= 2, "Input should be 1d or 2d" if descending: order = "descending" else: order = "ascending" op = builtin.Argsort(order=order) if len(inp.shape) == 1: inp = inp.reshape(1, -1) tns, ind = apply(op, inp) return tns[0], ind[0] tns, ind = apply(op, inp) return tns, ind def topk( inp: Tensor, k: int, descending: bool = False, kth_only: bool = False, no_sort: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: r""" Selects the ``Top-K`` (by default) smallest elements of 2d matrix by row. :param inp: input tensor. If input tensor is 2d, each row will be sorted. :param k: number of elements needed. :param descending: if True, return the largest elements instead. Default: False :param kth_only: if True, only the k-th element will be returned. Default: False :param no_sort: if True, the returned elements can be unordered. Default: False :return: tuple of two tensors ``(topk_tensor, indices_of_int32)`` Examples: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from megengine import tensor import megengine.functional as F x = tensor(np.array([2, 4, 6, 8, 7, 5, 3, 1], dtype=np.float32)) top, indices = F.topk(x, 5) print(top.numpy(), indices.numpy()) Outputs: .. testoutput:: [1. 2. 3. 4. 5.] [7 0 6 1 5] """ if descending: k = -k if kth_only: mode = "kth_only" elif no_sort: mode = "value_idx_nosort" else: mode = "value_idx_sorted" op = builtin.TopK(mode=mode) if not isinstance(k, Tensor): (k,) = Const(k, dtype="int32", device=inp.device)() if len(inp.shape) == 1: if kth_only: (tns,) = apply(op, expand_dims(inp, 0), k) # FIXME: # could use a dedicated kernel # gradient may be routed to other indices if k-th value is not unique ind = argmax((tns == inp).astype("int8")) tns = squeeze(tns, 0) else: tns, ind = apply(op, expand_dims(inp, 0), k) tns = squeeze(tns, 0) ind = squeeze(ind, 0) else: if kth_only: (tns,) = apply(op, inp, k) # FIXME: same as above ind = argmax((expand_dims(tns, 1) == inp).astype("int8"), 1) else: tns, ind = apply(op, inp, k) return tns, ind def matinv(inp: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Computes the inverse of a batch of matrices; input must has shape [..., n, n]. :param inp: input tensor. :return: output tensor. Examples: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from megengine import tensor import megengine.functional as F data = tensor([[1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0]]) out = F.matinv(data) print(out.numpy()) Outputs: .. testoutput:: [[ 1. 0.] [-1. 1.]] """ (result,) = apply(builtin.MatrixInverse(), inp) return result def matmul( inp1: Tensor, inp2: Tensor, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False, compute_mode="default", format="default", ) -> Tensor: """ Performs a matrix multiplication of the matrices ``inp1`` and ``inp2``. With different inputs dim, this function behaves differently: - Both 1-D tensor, simply forward to ``dot``. - Both 2-D tensor, normal matrix multiplication. - If one input tensor is 1-D, matrix vector multiplication. - If at least one tensor are 3-dimensional or >3-dimensional, the other tensor should have dim >= 2, the batched matrix-matrix is returned, and the tensor with smaller dimension will be broadcasted. For example: - inp1: `(n, k, m)`, inp2: `(n, m, p)`, return: `(n, k, p)` - inp1: `(n, k, m)`, inp2: `(m, p)`, return: `(n, k, p)` - inp1: `(n, j, k, m)`, inp2: `(n, j, m, p)`, return: `(n, j, k, p)` :param inp1: first matrix to be multiplied. :param inp2: second matrix to be multiplied. :return: output tensor. Examples: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from megengine import tensor import megengine.functional as F data1 = tensor(np.arange(0, 6, dtype=np.float32).reshape(2, 3)) data2 = tensor(np.arange(0, 6, dtype=np.float32).reshape(3, 2)) out = F.matmul(data1, data2) print(out.numpy()) Outputs: .. testoutput:: [[10. 13.] [28. 40.]] """ if amp._enabled: compute_mode = "float32" inp1, inp2 = cast_tensors(inp1, inp2) else: dtype = dtype_promotion(inp1, inp2) if inp1.dtype != dtype: inp1 = inp1.astype(dtype) if inp2.dtype != dtype: inp2 = inp2.astype(dtype) remove_row, remove_col = False, False dim1, dim2 = inp1.ndim, inp2.ndim # handle dim=1 cases, dot and matrix-vector multiplication if dim1 == 1 and dim2 == 1: return dot(inp1, inp2) # the underlying matmul op requires input dims to be at least 2 if dim1 == 1: inp1 = expand_dims(inp1, 0) dim1 = 2 remove_row = True if dim2 == 1: inp2 = expand_dims(inp2, 1) dim2 = 2 remove_col = True batch_shape = None shape1 = inp1.shape shape2 = inp2.shape maxdim = dim1 if dim1 > dim2 else dim2 if dim1 >= 3 or dim2 >= 3: if use_symbolic_shape(): if dim1 > dim2: shape2 = concat([shape1[:-2], shape2[-2:]]) inp2 = broadcast_to(inp2, shape2) if dim1
postfix of the Sv file used to remove noise from, default to '_Sv' source_path : str path of Sv file used to remove noise from, can be one of the following: - None (default): use Sv in in the same folder as the raw data file, or when doesn't exist, perform self.calibrate() and use the resulted self.Sv - path to a directory: in the specified directory - path to a specific file: the specified file, e.g., ./another_directory/ noise_est_range_bin_size : float, optional Meters per tile for noise estimation [m] noise_est_ping_size : int, optional Number of pings per tile for noise estimation SNR : int, optional Minimum signal-to-noise ratio (remove values below this after general noise removal). Sv_threshold : int, optional Minimum Sv threshold [dB] (remove values below this after general noise removal) save : bool, optional Whether to save the denoised Sv (``Sv_clean``) into a new .nc file. Default to ``False``. save_postfix : str Filename postfix, default to '_Sv_clean' save_path : str Full filename to save to, overwriting the default """ # Check params if (noise_est_range_bin_size is not None) and (self.noise_est_range_bin_size != noise_est_range_bin_size): self.noise_est_range_bin_size = noise_est_range_bin_size if (noise_est_ping_size is not None) and (self.noise_est_ping_size != noise_est_ping_size): self.noise_est_ping_size = noise_est_ping_size # Get calibrated Sv if self.Sv is not None: print('%s Remove noise from Sv stored in memory.' %'%H:%M:%S')) print_src = False else: print_src = True proc_data = self._get_proc_Sv(source_path=source_path, source_postfix=source_postfix) if print_src: print('%s Remove noise from Sv stored in: %s' % ('%H:%M:%S'), self.Sv_path)) # Get tile indexing parameters self.noise_est_range_bin_size, range_bin_tile_bin_edge, ping_tile_bin_edge = \ self.get_tile_params(r_data_sz=proc_data.range_bin.size, p_data_sz=proc_data.ping_time.size, r_tile_sz=self.noise_est_range_bin_size, p_tile_sz=self.noise_est_ping_size, sample_thickness=self.sample_thickness) # Get TVG and ABS for compensating for transmission loss range_meter = self.range TVG = np.real(20 * np.log10(range_meter.where(range_meter >= 1, other=1))) ABS = 2 * self.seawater_absorption * range_meter # Function for use with apply def remove_n(x, rr): p_c_lin = 10 ** ((x.Sv - x.ABS - x.TVG) / 10) nn = 10 * np.log10(p_c_lin.mean(dim='ping_time').groupby_bins('range_bin', rr).mean().min( dim='range_bin_bins')) + x.ABS + x.TVG # Return values where signal is [SNR] dB above noise and at least [Sv_threshold] dB if not Sv_threshold: return x.Sv.where(x.Sv > (nn + SNR), other=np.nan) else: return x.Sv.where((x.Sv > (nn + SNR)) & (x > Sv_threshold), other=np.nan) # Groupby noise removal operation proc_data.coords['ping_idx'] = ('ping_time', np.arange(proc_data.Sv['ping_time'].size)) = 'ABS' = 'TVG' pp = xr.merge([proc_data, ABS]) pp = xr.merge([pp, TVG]) # check if number of range_bin per tile the same for all freq channels if np.unique([np.array(x).size for x in range_bin_tile_bin_edge]).size == 1: Sv_clean = pp.groupby_bins('ping_idx', ping_tile_bin_edge).\ map(remove_n, rr=range_bin_tile_bin_edge[0]) Sv_clean = Sv_clean.drop_vars(['ping_idx']) else: tmp_clean = [] cnt = 0 for key, val in pp.groupby('frequency'): # iterate over different frequency channel tmp = val.groupby_bins('ping_idx', ping_tile_bin_edge). \ map(remove_n, rr=range_bin_tile_bin_edge[cnt]) cnt += 1 tmp_clean.append(tmp) clean_val = np.array([zz.values for zz in xr.align(*tmp_clean, join='outer')]) Sv_clean = xr.DataArray(clean_val, coords={'frequency': proc_data['frequency'].values, 'ping_time': tmp_clean[0]['ping_time'].values, 'range_bin': tmp_clean[0]['range_bin'].values}, dims=['frequency', 'ping_time', 'range_bin']) # Set up DataSet = 'Sv' Sv_clean = Sv_clean.to_dataset() Sv_clean['noise_est_range_bin_size'] = ('frequency', self.noise_est_range_bin_size) Sv_clean.attrs['noise_est_ping_size'] = self.noise_est_ping_size # Attach calculated range into data set Sv_clean['range'] = (('frequency', 'range_bin'), self.range.T) # Save as object attributes as a netCDF file self.Sv_clean = Sv_clean # TODO: now adding the below so that MVBS can be calculated directly # from the cleaned Sv without saving and loading Sv_clean from disk. # However this is not explicit to the user. A better way to do this # is to change get_MVBS() to first check existence of self.Sv_clean # when `_Sv_clean` is specified as the source_postfix. if not print_src: # remove noise from Sv stored in memory self.Sv = Sv_clean.copy() if save: self.Sv_clean_path = self.validate_path(save_path=save_path, save_postfix=save_postfix) print('%s saving denoised Sv to %s' % ('%H:%M:%S'), self.Sv_clean_path)) Sv_clean.to_netcdf(self.Sv_clean_path) # Close opened resources proc_data.close() def noise_estimates(self, source_postfix='_Sv', source_path=None, noise_est_range_bin_size=None, noise_est_ping_size=None): """Obtain noise estimates from the minimum mean calibrated power level along each column of tiles. The tiles here are defined by class attributes noise_est_range_bin_size and noise_est_ping_size. This method contains redundant pieces of code that also appear in method remove_noise(), but this method can be used separately to determine the exact tile size for noise removal before noise removal is actually performed. Parameters ---------- source_postfix : str postfix of the Sv file used to calculate noise estimates from, default to '_Sv' source_path : str path of Sv file used to calculate noise estimates from, can be one of the following: - None (default): use Sv in in the same folder as the raw data file, or when doesn't exist, perform self.calibrate() and use the resulted self.Sv - path to a directory: in the specified directory - path to a specific file: the specified file, e.g., ./another_directory/ noise_est_range_bin_size : float meters per tile for noise estimation [m] noise_est_ping_size : int number of pings per tile for noise estimation Returns ------- noise_est : xarray DataSet noise estimates as a DataArray with dimension [ping_time x range_bin] ping_time and range_bin are taken from the first element of each tile along each of the dimensions """ # Check params if (noise_est_range_bin_size is not None) and (self.noise_est_range_bin_size != noise_est_range_bin_size): self.noise_est_range_bin_size = noise_est_range_bin_size if (noise_est_ping_size is not None) and (self.noise_est_ping_size != noise_est_ping_size): self.noise_est_ping_size = noise_est_ping_size # Use calibrated data to calculate noise removal proc_data = self._get_proc_Sv() # Get tile indexing parameters self.noise_est_range_bin_size, range_bin_tile_bin_edge, ping_tile_bin_edge = \ self.get_tile_params(r_data_sz=proc_data.range_bin.size, p_data_sz=proc_data.ping_time.size, r_tile_sz=self.noise_est_range_bin_size, p_tile_sz=self.noise_est_ping_size, sample_thickness=self.sample_thickness) # Values for noise estimates range_meter = self.range TVG = np.real(20 * np.log10(range_meter.where(range_meter >= 1, other=1))) ABS = 2 * self.seawater_absorption * range_meter # Noise estimates proc_data['power_cal'] = 10 ** ((proc_data.Sv - ABS - TVG) / 10) # check if number of range_bin per tile the same for all freq channels if np.unique([np.array(x).size for x in range_bin_tile_bin_edge]).size == 1: noise_est = 10 * np.log10(proc_data['power_cal'].coarsen( ping_time=self.noise_est_ping_size, range_bin=int(np.unique(self.noise_est_range_bin_size / self.sample_thickness)), boundary='pad').mean().min(dim='range_bin')) else: range_bin_coarsen_idx = (self.noise_est_range_bin_size / self.sample_thickness).astype(int) tmp_noise = [] for r_bin in range_bin_coarsen_idx: freq = r_bin.frequency.values tmp_da = 10 * np.log10(proc_data['power_cal'].sel(frequency=freq).coarsen( ping_time=self.noise_est_ping_size, range_bin=r_bin.values, boundary='pad').mean().min(dim='range_bin')) = 'noise_est' tmp_noise.append(tmp_da) # Construct a dataArray TODO: this can probably be done smarter using xarray native functions noise_val = np.array([zz.values for zz in xr.align(*tmp_noise, join='outer')]) noise_est = xr.DataArray(noise_val, coords={'frequency': proc_data['frequency'].values, 'ping_time': tmp_noise[0]['ping_time'].values}, dims=['frequency', 'ping_time']) noise_est = noise_est.to_dataset(name='noise_est') noise_est['noise_est_range_bin_size'] = ('frequency', self.noise_est_range_bin_size) noise_est.attrs['noise_est_ping_size'] = self.noise_est_ping_size # Close opened resources proc_data.close() return noise_est def get_MVBS(self, source_postfix='_Sv', source_path=None, MVBS_range_bin_size=None, MVBS_ping_size=None, save=False, save_postfix='_MVBS', save_path=None): """Calculate Mean Volume Backscattering Strength (MVBS). The calculation uses class attributes MVBS_ping_size and MVBS_range_bin_size to calculate and save MVBS as a new attribute to the calling EchoData instance. MVBS is an xarray DataArray with dimensions ``ping_time`` and ``range_bin`` that are from the first elements of each tile along the corresponding dimensions in the original Sv or Sv_clean DataArray. Parameters ---------- source_postfix : str postfix of the Sv file used to calculate MVBS, default to '_Sv' source_path : str path of Sv file used to calculate MVBS, can be one of the following: - None (default): use Sv in in the same folder as the raw data file, or when doesn't exist, perform self.calibrate() and use the resulted self.Sv - path to a directory: in the specified directory - path to a specific file: the specified file, e.g., ./another_directory/ MVBS_range_bin_size : float, optional meters per tile for calculating MVBS [m] MVBS_ping_size : int, optional number of pings per tile for calculating MVBS save : bool, optional whether to save the calculated MVBS into a new .nc file, default to ``False`` save_postfix : str Filename postfix, default to '_MVBS' save_path : str Full filename to save to, overwriting the default """ # Check params if (MVBS_range_bin_size is not None) and (self.MVBS_range_bin_size != MVBS_range_bin_size): self.MVBS_range_bin_size = MVBS_range_bin_size if (MVBS_ping_size is not None) and (self.MVBS_ping_size != MVBS_ping_size): self.MVBS_ping_size = MVBS_ping_size # Get Sv by validating path and calibrate if not already done if self.Sv is not None: print('%s use Sv stored in memory to calculate MVBS' %'%H:%M:%S')) print_src = False else: print_src = True proc_data = self._get_proc_Sv(source_path=source_path, source_postfix=source_postfix) if
<filename>sdk/fedn/combiner/ from concurrent import futures import grpc import time import uuid import queue import threading import fedn.proto.alliance_pb2 as alliance import fedn.proto.alliance_pb2_grpc as rpc from datetime import datetime, timedelta from scaleout.repository.helpers import get_repository from fedn.utils.mongo import connect_to_mongodb from fedn.combiner.role import Role #################################################################################################################### # class PredictionServer: # #TODO add a flask api and run in separate thread. # pass def whoami(client, instance): = client.role = role_to_proto_role(instance.role) return client def role_to_proto_role(role): if role == Role.COMBINER: return alliance.COMBINER if role == Role.WORKER: return alliance.WORKER if role == Role.REDUCER: return alliance.REDUCER if role == Role.OTHER: return alliance.OTHER class CombinerClient: def __init__(self, address, port, id, role): = id self.role = role channel = grpc.insecure_channel(address + ":" + str(port)) self.connection = rpc.ConnectorStub(channel) self.orchestrator = rpc.CombinerStub(channel) print("ORCHESTRATOR Client: {} connected to {}:{}".format(, address, port)) threading.Thread(target=self.__listen_to_model_update_stream, daemon=True).start() threading.Thread(target=self.__listen_to_model_validation_stream, daemon=True).start() def __listen_to_model_update_stream(self): """ Subscribe to the model update request stream. """ r = alliance.ClientAvailableMessage() whoami(r.sender, self) for request in self.orchestrator.ModelUpdateStream(r): # A client sent a model update to be handled by the combiner if != "reducer": print("ORCHESTRATOR: received model from client! {}".format(request.client), flush=True) self.receive_model_candidate(request.model_update_id) print("Recieved model update.", flush=True) def __listen_to_model_validation_stream(self): """ Subscribe to the model update request stream. """ r = alliance.ClientAvailableMessage() whoami(r.sender, self) for validation in self.orchestrator.ModelValidationStream(r): # A client sent a model update to be handled by the combiner self.receive_validation(validation) print("Recieved model validation.", flush=True) def request_model_update(self, model_id, clients=[]): """ Ask members in from_clients list to update the current global model. """ print("ORCHESTRATOR: Sending to clients {}".format(clients), flush=True) request = alliance.ModelUpdateRequest() whoami(request.sender, self) request.model_id = model_id request.correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) request.timestamp = str( if len(clients) == 0: # Broadcast request to all active member clients = "" request.receiver.role = alliance.WORKER response = self.orchestrator.SendModelUpdateRequest(request) else: # Send to all specified clients for client in clients: = request.receiver.role = alliance.WORKER self.orchestrator.SendModelUpdateRequest(request) print("Requesting model update from clients {}".format(clients), flush=True) def request_model_validation(self, model_id, from_clients=[]): """ Send a request for members in from_client to validate the model <model_id>. The default is to broadcast the request to all active members. """ request = alliance.ModelValidationRequest() whoami(request.sender, self) request.model_id = model_id request.correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) request.timestamp = str( if len(from_clients) == 0: = "" # Broadcast request to all active member clients request.receiver.role = alliance.WORKER self.orchestrator.SendModelValidationRequest(request) else: # Send to specified clients for client in from_clients: = request.receiver.role = alliance.WORKER self.orchestrator.SendModelValidationRequest(request) print("ORCHESTRATOR: Sent validation request for model {}".format(model_id), flush=True) def _list_clients(self, channel): request = alliance.ListClientsRequest() whoami(request.sender, self) = channel clients = self.connection.ListActiveClients(request) return clients.client def get_active_trainers(self): trainers = self._list_clients(alliance.Channel.MODEL_UPDATE_REQUESTS) return trainers def get_active_validators(self): validators = self._list_clients(alliance.Channel.MODEL_VALIDATION_REQUESTS) return validators def nr_active_trainers(self): return len(self.get_active_trainers()) def nr_active_validators(self): return len(self.get_active_validators()) #################################################################################################################### #################################################################################################################### class FednServer(rpc.CombinerServicer, rpc.ReducerServicer, rpc.ConnectorServicer): """ Communication relayer. """ def __init__(self, project, get_orchestrator): self.clients = {} self.project = project self.role = Role.COMBINER = "combiner" address = "localhost" port = 12808 try: unpack = project.config['Alliance'] address = unpack['controller_host'] port = unpack['controller_port'] # self.client = unpack['Member']['name'] except KeyError as e: print("ORCHESTRATOR: could not get all values from config file {}".format(e)) try: unpack = self.project.config['Alliance'] address = unpack['controller_host'] port = unpack['controller_port'] self.repository = get_repository(config=unpack['Repository']) self.bucket_name = unpack["Repository"]["minio_bucket"] except KeyError as e: print("ORCHESETRATOR: could not get all values from config file {}".format(e), flush=True) # get the appropriate combiner class and instantiate with a pointer to the alliance server instance and repository # = OrchestratorClient(address, port, # threading.Thread(target=self.__listen_to_model_update_stream, daemon=True).start() # threading.Thread(target=self.__listen_to_model_validation_stream, daemon=True).start() self.server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100)) # TODO refactor services into separate services rpc.add_CombinerServicer_to_server(self, self.server) rpc.add_ConnectorServicer_to_server(self, self.server) rpc.add_ReducerServicer_to_server(self, self.server) self.server.add_insecure_port('[::]:' + str(port)) self.orchestrator = get_orchestrator(project)(address, port,, self.role, self.repository) self.server.start() # def __get_clients(self): # return self.clients def __join_client(self, client): if not in self.clients.keys(): self.clients[] = {"lastseen":} print("New client connected:{}".format(client), flush=True) def _subscribe_client_to_queue(self, client, queue_name): self.__join_client(client) if not queue_name in self.clients[].keys(): self.clients[][queue_name] = queue.Queue() def __get_queue(self, client, queue_name): try: return self.clients[][queue_name] except KeyError: raise def __get_status_queue(self, client): return self.__get_queue(client, alliance.Channel.STATUS) def _send_request(self, request, queue_name): self.__route_request_to_client(request, request.receiver, queue_name) def _broadcast_request(self, request, queue_name): """ Publish a request to all subscribed members. """ active_clients = self._list_active_clients() for client in active_clients: self.clients[][queue_name].put(request) def __route_request_to_client(self, request, client, queue_name): try: q = self.__get_queue(client, queue_name) q.put(request) except: print("Failed to route request to client: {} {}", request.receiver, queue_name) raise def _send_status(self, status): for name, client in self.clients.items(): try: q = client[alliance.Channel.STATUS] status.timestamp = str( q.put(status) except KeyError: pass def __register_heartbeat(self, client): """ Adds a client entry in the clients dict if first time connecting. Updates heartbeat timestamp. """ self.__join_client(client) self.clients[]["lastseen"] = def AllianceStatusStream(self, response, context): """ A server stream RPC endpoint that emits status messages. """ status = alliance.Status(status="Client {} connecting to AllianceStatusStream.".format(response.sender)) status.log_level = alliance.Status.INFO = status.sender.role = role_to_proto_role(self.role) self._subscribe_client_to_queue(response.sender, alliance.Channel.STATUS) q = self.__get_queue(response.sender, alliance.Channel.STATUS) self._send_status(status) while True: yield q.get() def SendStatus(self, status: alliance.Status, context): # Register a heartbeat (if the clients sends a message it is online) # self.__register_heartbeat(status.client) # Add the status message to all subscribers of the status channel self._send_status(status) response = alliance.Response() response.response = "Status received." return response def _list_subscribed_clients(self, queue_name): subscribed_clients = [] for name, client in self.clients.items(): if queue_name in client.keys(): subscribed_clients.append(name) return subscribed_clients def _list_active_clients(self, channel): active_clients = [] for client in self._list_subscribed_clients(channel): # This can break with different timezones. now = then = self.clients[client]["lastseen"] # TODO: move the heartbeat timeout to config. if (now - then) < timedelta(seconds=30): active_clients.append(client) return active_clients def ListActiveClients(self, request: alliance.ListClientsRequest, context): """ RPC endpoint that returns a ClientList containing the names of all active clients. An active client has sent a status message / responded to a heartbeat request in the last 10 seconds. """ clients = alliance.ClientList() active_clients = self._list_active_clients( for client in active_clients: clients.client.append(alliance.Client(name=client, role=alliance.WORKER)) return clients def SendHeartbeat(self, heartbeat: alliance.Heartbeat, context): """ RPC that lets clients send a hearbeat, notifying the server that the client is available. """ self.__register_heartbeat(heartbeat.sender) response = alliance.Response() = response.sender.role = heartbeat.sender.role response.response = "Heartbeat received" return response ## Combiner Service def ModelUpdateStream(self, update, context): client = update.sender status = alliance.Status(status="Client {} connecting to ModelUpdateStream.".format( status.log_level = alliance.Status.INFO = status.sender.role = role_to_proto_role(self.role) self._subscribe_client_to_queue(client, alliance.Channel.MODEL_UPDATES) q = self.__get_queue(client, alliance.Channel.MODEL_UPDATES) self._send_status(status) while True: yield q.get() def ModelUpdateRequestStream(self, response, context): """ A server stream RPC endpoint. Messages from client stream. """ client = response.sender metadata = context.invocation_metadata() if metadata: print("\n\n\nGOT METADATA: {}\n\n\n".format(metadata), flush=True) status = alliance.Status(status="Client {} connecting to ModelUpdateRequestStream.".format( status.log_level = alliance.Status.INFO whoami(status.sender, self) # print("Client {} connecting to ModelUpdateRequestStream.".format(client)) self._subscribe_client_to_queue(client, alliance.Channel.MODEL_UPDATE_REQUESTS) q = self.__get_queue(client, alliance.Channel.MODEL_UPDATE_REQUESTS) self._send_status(status) while True: yield q.get() def ModelValidationStream(self, update, context): client = update.sender status = alliance.Status(status="Client {} connecting to ModelValidationStream.".format( status.log_level = alliance.Status.INFO = status.sender.role = role_to_proto_role(self.role) # print("Client {} connecting to ModelUpdateStream.".format(client)) self._subscribe_client_to_queue(client, alliance.Channel.MODEL_VALIDATIONS) q = self.__get_queue(client, alliance.Channel.MODEL_VALIDATIONS) self._send_status(status) while True: yield q.get() def ModelValidationRequestStream(self, response, context): """ A server stream RPC endpoint. Messages from client stream. """ client = response.sender status = alliance.Status(status="Client {} connecting to ModelValidationRequestStream.".format( status.log_level = alliance.Status.INFO = status.sender.role = role_to_proto_role(self.role) # whoami(status.sender, self) self._subscribe_client_to_queue(client, alliance.Channel.MODEL_VALIDATION_REQUESTS) q = self.__get_queue(client, alliance.Channel.MODEL_VALIDATION_REQUESTS) self._send_status(status) while True: yield q.get() def SendModelUpdateRequest(self, request, context): """ Send a model update request. """ self._send_request(request, alliance.Channel.MODEL_UPDATE_REQUESTS) response = alliance.Response() response.response = "CONTROLLER RECEIVED ModelUpdateRequest from client {}".format( return response # TODO Fill later def SendModelUpdate(self, request, context): """ Send a model update response. """ # self._send_request(request,alliance.Channel.MODEL_UPDATES) self.orchestrator.receive_model_candidate(request.model_update_id) print("ORCHESTRATOR: Received model update", flush=True) response = alliance.Response() response.response = "RECEIVED ModelUpdate {} from client {}".format(response, return response # TODO Fill later def SendModelValidationRequest(self, request, context): """ Send a model update request. """ self._send_request(request, alliance.Channel.MODEL_VALIDATION_REQUESTS) response = alliance.Response() response.response = "CONTROLLER RECEIVED ModelValidationRequest from client {}".format( return response # TODO Fill later def SendModelValidation(self, request, context): """ Send a model update response. """ # self._send_request(request,alliance.Channel.MODEL_VALIDATIONS) self.orchestrator.receive_validation(request) print("ORCHESTRATOR received validation ", flush=True) response = alliance.Response() response.response = "RECEIVED ModelValidation {} from client {}".format(response, return response # TODO Fill later ## Reducer Service def GetGlobalModel(self, request, context): print("got globalmodel request, sending response! ", flush=True) response = alliance.GetGlobalModelResponse() whoami(response.sender, self) = "reducer" response.receiver.role = role_to_proto_role(Role.REDUCER) response.model_id = self.orchestrator.get_model_id()
from copy import copy, deepcopy import sqlite3 from hashlib import md5 import time import os import os.path as osp from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from zlib import compress, decompress import itertools as it import logging # instead of pickle we use dill, so we can save dynamically defined # classes import dill from wepy.sim_manager import Manager from wepy.orchestration.configuration import Configuration from wepy.orchestration.snapshot import SimApparatus, SimSnapshot from wepy.util.kv import KV, SQLITE3_INMEMORY_URI, gen_uri class OrchestratorError(Exception): """ """ pass class Orchestrator(): """ """ # we freeze the pickle protocol for making hashes, because we care # more about stability than efficiency of newer versions HASH_PICKLE_PROTOCOL = 3 DEFAULT_WORKDIR = Configuration.DEFAULT_WORKDIR DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = Configuration.DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME DEFAULT_NARRATION = Configuration.DEFAULT_NARRATION DEFAULT_MODE = Configuration.DEFAULT_MODE DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_FILENAME = "checkpoint.orch.sqlite" ORCH_FILENAME_TEMPLATE = "{config}{narration}.orch.sqlite" # the default way to oepn up the whole parent database DEFAULT_ORCHESTRATION_MODE = 'x' # mode to open the individual kv stores on the parent database KV_MODE = 'r+' # default timeout for connecting to a database SQLITE3_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5 # the fields to return (and their order) as a record for a run # query RUN_SELECT_FIELDS = ('last_cycle_idx', 'config_hash') def __init__(self, orch_path=None, mode='x', append_only=False, ): self._mode = mode self._append_only = append_only # handle the path and convert to a proper URI for the database # given the path and the mode self._db_uri = gen_uri(orch_path, mode) # run table: start_hash, end_hash, num_cycles, configuration_id # get a raw connection to the database self._db = sqlite3.connect(self.db_uri, uri=True, timeout=self.SQLITE3_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) self._closed = False # set isolation level to autocommit self._db.isolation_level = None # we can use read_uncommited only in append_only mode (no # updates) because you never have to worry about dirty reads # since you can't update if self.append_only: self._db.execute("PRAGMA read_uncommited=1") # we make a table for the run data, if it doesn't already # exist c = self._db.cursor().execute(self.create_run_table_query) # initialize or open each of the separate KV-stores (tables in # the same SQLite3 database) # change the mode for the KV stores since we already created the database # metadata: default init walkers, default apparatus, default # configuration self.metadata_kv = KV(db_url=self.db_uri, table='meta', mode='a', value_types=None, append_only=self.append_only) # snapshots self.snapshot_kv = KV(db_url=self.db_uri, table='snapshots', primary_key='snaphash', value_name='snapshot', mode='a', append_only=self.append_only) # configurations self.configuration_kv = KV(db_url=self.db_uri, table='configurations', primary_key='config_hash', value_name='config', mode='a', append_only=self.append_only) @property def mode(self): return self._mode @property def append_only(self): return self._append_only def close(self): if self._closed == True: raise IOError("The database connection is already closed") else: # close all the connections self.metadata_kv.close() self.configuration_kv.close() self.snapshot_kv.close() self._db.close() self._closed = True @property def db_uri(self): return self._db_uri @property def orch_path(self): # if it is not an in-memory database we parse off the path and # return that if self.db_uri == SQLITE3_INMEMORY_URI: return None else: # URIs have the following form: protocol:url?query # destructure the URI _, tail = self.db_uri.split(':') if len(tail.split('?')) > 1: url, _ = tail.split('?') else: url = tail return url @classmethod def serialize(cls, snapshot): """Serialize a snapshot to a compressed, encoded, pickle string representation. Currently uses the dill module for pickling because the base pickle module is inadequate. However, it is mostly compatible and can be read natively with pickle but this usage is officially not supported. Instead use the deserialize_snapshot. Also compresses with default zlib compression and is encoded in base64. The object will always have a deepcopy performed on it so that all of the extraneous references to it are avoided since there is no (AFAIK) way to make sure all references to an object are deleted. NOTE: Perhaps there is a way and that should be done (and tested) to see if it provides stable pickles (i.e. pickles that always hash to the same value). To avoid the overhead of copying large objects. Parameters ---------- snapshot : SimSnapshot object The snapshot of the simulation you want to serialize. Returns ------- serial_str : str Serialized string of the snapshot object """ serial_str = b64encode( compress( dill.dumps( deepcopy(snapshot), protocol=cls.HASH_PICKLE_PROTOCOL, recurse=True) ) ) return serial_str # core methods for serializing python objects, used for snapshots, # apparatuses, configurations, and the initial walker list @classmethod def deserialize(cls, serial_str): """Deserialize an unencoded string snapshot to an object. Parameters ---------- serial_str : str Serialized string of the snapshot object Returns ------- snapshot : SimSnapshot object Simulation snapshot object """ return dill.loads(decompress(b64decode(serial_str))) # defaults getters and setters def set_default_sim_apparatus(self, sim_apparatus): # serialize the apparatus and then set it serial_app = self.serialize(sim_apparatus) self.metadata_kv['default_sim_apparatus'] = serial_app def set_default_init_walkers(self, init_walkers): # serialize the apparatus and then set it serial_walkers = self.serialize(init_walkers) self.metadata_kv['default_init_walkers'] = serial_walkers def set_default_configuration(self, configuration): # serialize the apparatus and then set it serial_config = self.serialize(configuration) config_hash = self.hash_snapshot(serial_config) self.metadata_kv['default_configuration_hash'] = config_hash self.configuration_kv[config_hash] = serial_config def set_default_snapshot(self, snapshot): snaphash = self.add_snapshot(snapshot) # then save the hash in the metadata self.metadata_kv['default_snapshot_hash'] = snaphash return snaphash def gen_default_snapshot(self): # generate the snapshot sim_start_hash = self.gen_start_snapshot(self.get_default_init_walkers()) # then save the hash in the metadata self.metadata_kv['default_snapshot_hash'] = sim_start_hash return sim_start_hash def get_default_sim_apparatus(self): return self.deserialize(self.metadata_kv['default_sim_apparatus']) def get_default_init_walkers(self): return self.deserialize(self.metadata_kv['default_init_walkers']) def get_default_configuration(self): config_hash = self.metadata_kv['default_configuration_hash'] return self.get_configuration(config_hash) def get_default_configuration_hash(self): return self.metadata_kv['default_configuration_hash'] def get_default_snapshot(self): start_hash = self.metadata_kv['default_snapshot_hash'] return self.get_snapshot(start_hash) def get_default_snapshot_hash(self): return self.metadata_kv['default_snapshot_hash'] @classmethod def hash_snapshot(cls, serial_str): """ Parameters ---------- serial_str : Returns ------- """ return md5(serial_str).hexdigest() def get_snapshot(self, snapshot_hash): """Returns a copy of a snapshot. Parameters ---------- snapshot_hash : Returns ------- """ return self.deserialize(self.snapshot_kv[snapshot_hash]) def get_configuration(self, config_hash): """Returns a copy of a snapshot. Parameters ---------- config_hash : Returns ------- """ return self.deserialize(self.configuration_kv[config_hash]) @property def snapshot_hashes(self): """ """ # iterate over the snapshot kv return list(self.snapshot_kv.keys()) @property def configuration_hashes(self): """ """ # iterate over the snapshot kv return list(self.configuration_kv.keys()) def add_snapshot(self, snapshot): """ Parameters ---------- snapshot : Returns ------- """ # serialize the snapshot using the protocol for doing so serialized_snapshot = self.serialize(snapshot) # get the hash of the snapshot snaphash = self.hash_snapshot(serialized_snapshot) # check that the hash is not already in the snapshots if any([True if snaphash == md5 else False for md5 in self.snapshot_hashes]): # just skip the rest of the function and return the hash return snaphash # save the snapshot in the KV store self.snapshot_kv[snaphash] = serialized_snapshot return snaphash def add_serial_snapshot(self, serial_snapshot): # get the hash of the snapshot snaphash = self.hash_snapshot(serial_snapshot) # check that the hash is not already in the snapshots if any([True if snaphash == md5 else False for md5 in self.snapshot_hashes]): # just skip the rest of the function and return the hash return snaphash # save the snapshot in the KV store self.snapshot_kv[snaphash] = serial_snapshot return snaphash def gen_start_snapshot(self, init_walkers): """ Parameters ---------- init_walkers : Returns ------- """ # make a SimSnapshot object using the initial walkers and start_snapshot = SimSnapshot(init_walkers, self.get_default_sim_apparatus()) # save the snapshot, and generate its hash sim_start_md5 = self.add_snapshot(start_snapshot) return sim_start_md5 @property def default_snapshot_hash(self): """ """ return self.metadata_kv['default_snapshot_hash'] @property def default_snapshot(self): """ """ return self.get_snapshot(self.default_snapshot_hash) def snapshot_registered(self, snapshot): """Check whether a snapshot is already in the database, based on the hash of it. This serializes the snapshot so may be slow. Parameters ---------- snapshot : SimSnapshot object The snapshot object you want to query for. Returns ------- """ # serialize and hash the snapshot snaphash = self.hash_snapshot(self.serialize(snapshot)) # then check it return self.snapshot_hash_registered(snaphash) def snapshot_hash_registered(self, snapshot_hash): """Check whether a snapshot hash is already in the database. Parameters ---------- snapshot_hash : str The string hash of the snapshot. Returns ------- """ if any([True if snapshot_hash == h else False for h in self.snapshot_hashes]): return True else: return False def configuration_hash_registered(self, config_hash): """Check whether a snapshot hash is already in the database. Parameters ---------- snapshot_hash : str The string hash of the snapshot. Returns ------- """ if any([True if config_hash == h else False for h in self.configuration_hashes]): return True else: return False ### run methods def add_configuration(self, configuration): serialized_config = self.serialize(configuration) config_hash = self.hash_snapshot(serialized_config) # check that the hash is not already in the snapshots if any([True if config_hash == md5 else False for md5 in self.configuration_hashes]): # just skip the rest of the function and return the hash return config_hash #
`decode` of some encoding stages only commute with sum if the number of summands is known. Consider the example of uniform quantization on a specified interval. Encoding applies a pre-defined linear transformation to the input, and maps the resulting values to a discrete set of values. Because of the linear transformation, the decoding functionality does not immediately commute with sum. However, if we knew how many summands are in the sum, we can determine what is the appropriate inverse linear transformation, enabling the commutativity. A simple way to make this functionality available is to add a `tf.constant(1, tf.int32)` to the encoded tensors returned by the `encode` method. The problem is that this approach will be often inefficient. Typically, we are intereseted in encoding a collection of values, such as all weights of a model, and multiple encoding stages might require this information. The result will be a lot of redundant information being communicated. Moreover, a user interested in this will always have the relevant information already available. Such information can thus be provided to the `decode` method of an encoding stage via the `num_summands` argument, which will be handled by higher-level interfaces. Args: encoded_tensors: A dictionary containing `Tensor` objects, representing the encoded value. decode_params: A dictionary, containing the parameters needed for the decoding. The structure needs to be the return structure of the `get_params` method. num_summands: An integer representing the number of summands, if `encoded_tensors` is a sum of the encoded representations. The default value `None` refers to the case when no summation occurred, and can thus be interpreted as `1`. shape: Required if the `decode_needs_input_shape` property is `True`. A shape of the original input to `encode`, if needed for decoding. Can be either a `Tensor`, or a python object. Returns: A single decoded `Tensor`. """ @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class AdaptiveEncodingStageInterface(object): """Adaptive version of the `EncodingStageInterface`. This class has the same functionality as the `EncodingStageInterface`, but in addition maintains a state, which is adaptive based on the values being compressed and can parameterize the way encoding functionality works. Note that this is useful only in case where the encoding is executed in multiple iterations. A typical implementation of this interface would be a wrapper of an implementation of `EncodingStageInterface, which uses the existing stateless transformations and adds state that controls some of the parameters returned by the `get_params` method. The important distinction is that in addition to `encoded_tensors`, the `encode` method of this class returns an additional dictionary of `state_update_tensors`. The `commutes_with_sum` property talks about summation of only the `encoded_tensors`. The `state_update_tensors` can be aggregated in more flexible ways, specified by the `state_update_aggregation_modes` property, before being passed to the `update_state` method. Each implementation should also be wrapped by `tf_style_encoding_stage` to ensure adherence to the TensorFlow style guide. The adherence is enforced by the `BaseEncodingStageTest` test class. See `` for more details. """ @abc.abstractproperty def name(self): """Name of the encoding stage. This is a general name for the implementation of this interface, which is used mainly by the `Encoder` class to create appropriate TensorFlow name scopes when composing individual encoding stages. """ @abc.abstractproperty def compressible_tensors_keys(self): """Keys of encoded tensors allowed to be further encoded. These keys correspond to tensors in object returned by the `encode` method, that are allowed to be further lossily compressed. This property does not directly impact the functionality, but is used by the `Encoder` class to validate composition. Returns: A list of `string` values. """ @abc.abstractproperty def commutes_with_sum(self): """`True/False` based on whether the encoding commutes with sum. Iff `True`, it means that given multiple inputs `x` with the same `shape` and `dtype`, and the same `params` argument of the `encode` method, the implementation is such that every value in the returned `encoded_tensors` can be first summed, before being passed to the decoding functionality, and the output should be identical (up to numerical precision) to summing the fully decoded `Tensor` objects. Note that this also assumes that each of the `decode` methods would be used with the same values of `decode_params`. Returns: A boolean, `True` iff the encoding commutes with sum. """ @abc.abstractproperty def decode_needs_input_shape(self): """Whether original shape of the encoded object is needed for decoding. Iff `True`, it means that the `shape` of the `x` argument to the `encode` method needs to be provided to the `decode` method. For instance, this is needed for bitpacking, where inputs of multiple shapes can result in identical bitpacked representations. This property will be used by `Encoder` to efficiently realize the composition of implementations of this interface. """ @abc.abstractproperty def state_update_aggregation_modes(self): """Aggregation mode of state update tensors. Returns a dictionary mapping keys appearing in `state_update_tensors` returned by the `encode` method to a `StateAggregationMode` object, which declares how should the `Tensor` objects be aggreggated. """ @abc.abstractmethod def initial_state(self): """Creates an initial state. Returns: A dictionary of `Tensor` objects, representing the initial state. """ @abc.abstractmethod def update_state(self, state, state_update_tensors): """Updates the state. This method updates the `state` based on the current value of `state`, and (potentially aggregated) `state_update_tesors`, returned by the `encode` method. This will typically happen at the end of a notion of iteration. Args: state: A dictionary of `Tensor` objects, representing the current state. The dictionary has the same structure as return dictionary of the `initial_state` method. state_update_tensors: A dictionary of `Tensor` objects, representing the `state_update_tensors` returned by the `encode` method and appropriately aggregated. Returns: A dictionary of `Tensor` objects, representing the updated `state`. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_params(self, state): """Returns the parameters needed for encoding. This method returns parameters controlling the behavior of the `encode` and `decode` methods. Note that this method is not purely functional in terms of `TensorFlow`. The params can be derived from an internal state of the compressor. For instance, if a constructor optionally takes a `Variable` as an input argument, which is allowed to change during iterative execution, that `Variable`, or a function of it, would be exposed via this method.However, only values that can be TensorFlow values should be exposed via params. If a parameter always needs to be a Python constant, for instance used for Python control flow, it should not be exposed via params, and accessed via `self` instead. Args: state: A dictionary of `Tensor` objects. This should be the object controlled by the `initial_state` and `update_state` methods. Returns: A tuple `(encode_params, decode_params)`, where `encode_params`: A dictionary to be passed as argument to the `encode` method. `decode_params`: A dictionary to be passed as argument to the `decode` method. Each value of the dictionaries can be either a `Tensor` or any python constant. """ @abc.abstractmethod def encode(self, x, encode_params): """Encodes a given `Tensor`. This method can create TensorFlow variables, which can be updated every time the encoding is executed. An example is an encoder that internally remembers the error incurred by previous encoding, and adds it to `x` in the next iteration, before executing the encoding. However, this method may be called in an entirely separate graph from all other methods. That is, the implementer of this class can *only* assume such variables can be accessed from this method but not from others. Args: x: A `Tensor`, input to be encoded. encode_params: A dictionary, containing the parameters needed for the encoding. The structure needs to be the return structure of `get_params` method. Returns: A tuple `(encoded_tensors, state_update_tensors)`, where these are: `encoded_tensors`: A dictionary of `Tensor` objects representing the encoded input `x`. `state_update_tensors`: A dictionary of `Tensor` objects representing information necessary for updating the state. """ @abc.abstractmethod def decode(self, encoded_tensors, decode_params, num_summands=None, shape=None): """Decodes the encoded representation. This method is the inverse transformation of the `encode` method. The `encoded_tensors` argument is expected to be the output structure of `encode` method. The `num_summands` argument is needed because the `decode` some encoding stages only commute with sum if the number of
in the pod's namespace """ def __init__(__self__, *, key: str, name: Optional[str] = None, optional: Optional[bool] = None): """ Selects a key of a secret in the pod's namespace :param str key: The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. :param str name: Name of the referent. More info: TODO: Add other useful fields. apiVersion, kind, uid? :param bool optional: Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined """ pulumi.set(__self__, "key", key) if name is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "name", name) if optional is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "optional", optional) @property @pulumi.getter def key(self) -> str: """ The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. """ return pulumi.get(self, "key") @property @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Name of the referent. More info: TODO: Add other useful fields. apiVersion, kind, uid? """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @property @pulumi.getter def optional(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined """ return pulumi.get(self, "optional") def _translate_property(self, prop): return _tables.CAMEL_TO_SNAKE_CASE_TABLE.get(prop) or prop @pulumi.output_type class DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigExternalMetrics(dict): """ ExternalMetricsConfig contains the configuration of the external metrics provider in Cluster Agent """ def __init__(__self__, *, enabled: Optional[bool] = None, endpoint: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, use_datadog_metrics: Optional[bool] = None, wpa_controller: Optional[bool] = None): """ ExternalMetricsConfig contains the configuration of the external metrics provider in Cluster Agent :param bool enabled: Enable the metricsProvider to be able to scale based on metrics in Datadog :param str endpoint: Override the API endpoint for the external metrics server. Defaults to .spec.agent.config.ddUrl or "" if that's empty. :param int port: If specified configures the metricsProvider external metrics service port :param bool use_datadog_metrics: Enable usage of DatadogMetrics CRD (allow to scale on arbitrary queries) :param bool wpa_controller: Enable informer and controller of the watermark pod autoscaler NOTE: The WatermarkPodAutoscaler controller needs to be installed see for more details. """ if enabled is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "enabled", enabled) if endpoint is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "endpoint", endpoint) if port is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "port", port) if use_datadog_metrics is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "use_datadog_metrics", use_datadog_metrics) if wpa_controller is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "wpa_controller", wpa_controller) @property @pulumi.getter def enabled(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Enable the metricsProvider to be able to scale based on metrics in Datadog """ return pulumi.get(self, "enabled") @property @pulumi.getter def endpoint(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Override the API endpoint for the external metrics server. Defaults to .spec.agent.config.ddUrl or "" if that's empty. """ return pulumi.get(self, "endpoint") @property @pulumi.getter def port(self) -> Optional[int]: """ If specified configures the metricsProvider external metrics service port """ return pulumi.get(self, "port") @property @pulumi.getter(name="useDatadogMetrics") def use_datadog_metrics(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Enable usage of DatadogMetrics CRD (allow to scale on arbitrary queries) """ return pulumi.get(self, "use_datadog_metrics") @property @pulumi.getter(name="wpaController") def wpa_controller(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Enable informer and controller of the watermark pod autoscaler NOTE: The WatermarkPodAutoscaler controller needs to be installed see for more details. """ return pulumi.get(self, "wpa_controller") def _translate_property(self, prop): return _tables.CAMEL_TO_SNAKE_CASE_TABLE.get(prop) or prop @pulumi.output_type class DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigResources(dict): """ Datadog cluster-agent resource requests and limits """ def __init__(__self__, *, limits: Optional[Mapping[str, 'outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigResourcesLimits']] = None, requests: Optional[Mapping[str, 'outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigResourcesRequests']] = None): """ Datadog cluster-agent resource requests and limits :param Mapping[str, 'DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigResourcesLimitsArgs'] limits: Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed. More info: :param Mapping[str, 'DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigResourcesRequestsArgs'] requests: Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. More info: """ if limits is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "limits", limits) if requests is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "requests", requests) @property @pulumi.getter def limits(self) -> Optional[Mapping[str, 'outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigResourcesLimits']]: """ Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed. More info: """ return pulumi.get(self, "limits") @property @pulumi.getter def requests(self) -> Optional[Mapping[str, 'outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigResourcesRequests']]: """ Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. More info: """ return pulumi.get(self, "requests") def _translate_property(self, prop): return _tables.CAMEL_TO_SNAKE_CASE_TABLE.get(prop) or prop @pulumi.output_type class DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigResourcesLimits(dict): def __init__(__self__): pass def _translate_property(self, prop): return _tables.CAMEL_TO_SNAKE_CASE_TABLE.get(prop) or prop @pulumi.output_type class DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigResourcesRequests(dict): def __init__(__self__): pass def _translate_property(self, prop): return _tables.CAMEL_TO_SNAKE_CASE_TABLE.get(prop) or prop @pulumi.output_type class DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumeMounts(dict): """ VolumeMount describes a mounting of a Volume within a container. """ def __init__(__self__, *, mount_path: str, name: str, mount_propagation: Optional[str] = None, read_only: Optional[bool] = None, sub_path: Optional[str] = None, sub_path_expr: Optional[str] = None): """ VolumeMount describes a mounting of a Volume within a container. :param str mount_path: Path within the container at which the volume should be mounted. Must not contain ':'. :param str name: This must match the Name of a Volume. :param str mount_propagation: mountPropagation determines how mounts are propagated from the host to container and the other way around. When not set, MountPropagationNone is used. This field is beta in 1.10. :param bool read_only: Mounted read-only if true, read-write otherwise (false or unspecified). Defaults to false. :param str sub_path: Path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. Defaults to "" (volume's root). :param str sub_path_expr: Expanded path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. Behaves similarly to SubPath but environment variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. Defaults to "" (volume's root). SubPathExpr and SubPath are mutually exclusive. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "mount_path", mount_path) pulumi.set(__self__, "name", name) if mount_propagation is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "mount_propagation", mount_propagation) if read_only is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "read_only", read_only) if sub_path is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "sub_path", sub_path) if sub_path_expr is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "sub_path_expr", sub_path_expr) @property @pulumi.getter(name="mountPath") def mount_path(self) -> str: """ Path within the container at which the volume should be mounted. Must not contain ':'. """ return pulumi.get(self, "mount_path") @property @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> str: """ This must match the Name of a Volume. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @property @pulumi.getter(name="mountPropagation") def mount_propagation(self) -> Optional[str]: """ mountPropagation determines how mounts are propagated from the host to container and the other way around. When not set, MountPropagationNone is used. This field is beta in 1.10. """ return pulumi.get(self, "mount_propagation") @property @pulumi.getter(name="readOnly") def read_only(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Mounted read-only if true, read-write otherwise (false or unspecified). Defaults to false. """ return pulumi.get(self, "read_only") @property @pulumi.getter(name="subPath") def sub_path(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. Defaults to "" (volume's root). """ return pulumi.get(self, "sub_path") @property @pulumi.getter(name="subPathExpr") def sub_path_expr(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Expanded path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. Behaves similarly to SubPath but environment variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. Defaults to "" (volume's root). SubPathExpr and SubPath are mutually exclusive. """ return pulumi.get(self, "sub_path_expr") def _translate_property(self, prop): return _tables.CAMEL_TO_SNAKE_CASE_TABLE.get(prop) or prop @pulumi.output_type class DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumes(dict): """ Volume represents a named volume in a pod that may be accessed by any container in the pod. """ def __init__(__self__, *, name: str, aws_elastic_block_store: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesAwsElasticBlockStore'] = None, azure_disk: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesAzureDisk'] = None, azure_file: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesAzureFile'] = None, cephfs: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesCephfs'] = None, cinder: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesCinder'] = None, config_map: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesConfigMap'] = None, csi: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesCsi'] = None, downward_api: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesDownwardAPI'] = None, empty_dir: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesEmptyDir'] = None, fc: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesFc'] = None, flex_volume: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesFlexVolume'] = None, flocker: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesFlocker'] = None, gce_persistent_disk: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesGcePersistentDisk'] = None, git_repo: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesGitRepo'] = None, glusterfs: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesGlusterfs'] = None, host_path: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesHostPath'] = None, iscsi: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesIscsi'] = None, nfs: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesNfs'] = None, persistent_volume_claim: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesPersistentVolumeClaim'] = None, photon_persistent_disk: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesPhotonPersistentDisk'] = None, portworx_volume: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesPortworxVolume'] = None, projected: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesProjected'] = None, quobyte: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesQuobyte'] = None, rbd: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesRbd'] = None, scale_io: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesScaleIO'] = None, secret: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesSecret'] = None, storageos: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesStorageos'] = None, vsphere_volume: Optional['outputs.DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesVsphereVolume'] = None): """ Volume represents a named volume in a pod that may be accessed by any container in the pod. :param str name: Volume's name. Must be a DNS_LABEL and unique within the pod. More info: :param 'DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentConfigVolumesAwsElasticBlockStoreArgs' aws_elastic_block_store: AWSElasticBlockStore represents
if files is None: return None mols = MoleculeSet([]) for file in files: mol = None self.lastDir = os.path.split(file)[0] self.fileExt = os.path.splitext(file)[1] if not self.fileExt in [".pdb",".pdbq", ".pdbqs", ".pdbqt", ".mol2", ".pqr", ".f2d", ".cif",".gro"]: # popup a pannel to allow the user to choose the parser val = self.showForm('parser') if not val == {}: self.fileExt = self.parserToExt[val['parser']] self.vf.GUI.configMenuEntry(self.GUI.menuButton, cmdmenuEntry, state='disabled') mol = self.vf.tryto(self.doitWrapper, file, kw={}) self.vf.GUI.configMenuEntry(self.GUI.menuButton, cmdmenuEntry,state='normal') if mol is not None: if len(mols): return mols else: return None def __call__(self, filename, parser=None, **kw): """mols <- readMolecule(filename,parser=None, **kw) \nfilename --- path to a file describing a molecule \nparser --- you can specify the parser to use to parse the file has to be one of 'PDB', 'PDBQ', 'PDBQS','PDBQT', 'PQR', 'MOL2'. This is useful when your file doesn't have the correct extension. """ self.fileExt = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] kw['parser'] = parser kw['ask']=0 return apply ( self.doitWrapper, (filename,), kw) def doit(self, filename, parser=None, ask=True, addToRecent=True, **kw): import os if not os.path.exists(filename): self.warningMsg("ERROR: %s doesn't exists"%filename) return None if not parser is None and self.parserToExt.has_key(parser): self.fileExt = self.parserToExt[parser] # Call the right parser if self.fileExt == ".pdb" or self.fileExt == ".ent": # Call readPDB mols = self.vf.readPDB(filename, ask=ask, topCommand=0) elif self.fileExt == ".pdbq": # Call readPDBQ mols = self.vf.readPDBQ(filename, ask=ask,topCommand=0) elif self.fileExt == ".pdbqs": # Call readPDBQS mols = self.vf.readPDBQS(filename,ask=ask, topCommand=0) elif self.fileExt == ".pdbqt": foundModelsAs = kw.has_key("modelsAs") #print "readMolecule: foundModelsAs=", foundModelsAs setupUpdates = kw.get("setupUpdates", 0) #print "readMolecule: setupUpdates=", setupUpdates #set default in any case modelsAs = kw.get('modelsAs', 'molecules') #check for multimodel file fptr = open(filename) lines = fptr.readlines() fptr.close() found = 0 for l in lines: if l.find("MODEL")==0: found = found + 1 if found>1: break if found > 0: if not foundModelsAs: ifd = InputFormDescr(title="Load MODELS as: ") ifd.append({'name': 'ModelsAsMols', 'text': 'separate molecules', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'tooltip':'Check this button to add a separate molecule for each model.', 'variable': self.modelsAsMols, 'value': '1', 'text': 'Molecules ', 'gridcfg': {'sticky':'w','columnspan':2}}) ifd.append({'name': 'ModelsAsConfs', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'tooltip':'Check this button to add a single molecule\n with a separate conformation for each model', 'variable': self.modelsAsMols, 'value': '0', 'text': 'Conformations ', 'gridcfg': {'sticky':'w'}}) ifd.append({'name': 'updates label', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'tooltip':'On sets changing models with arrow keys', 'text': 'If conformations, change models using arrow keys', 'gridcfg': {'sticky':'w', 'column':0, 'columnspan':2}}) ifd.append({'name': 'updates', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'tooltip':'Yes sets changing models with arrow keys', 'variable': self.doModelUpdates, 'value': '1', 'text': 'Yes', 'gridcfg': {'sticky':'w', 'column':0}}) ifd.append({'name': 'no_updates', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'tooltip':'No do not change models with arrow keys', 'variable': self.doModelUpdates, 'value': '0', 'text': 'No', 'gridcfg': {'sticky':'w', 'row':-1, 'column':1}}) d = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd) # if cancel, stop if not len(d): return ans = d['ModelsAsMols'] if not ans: modelsAs = 'conformations' if modelsAs=='conformations' and (self.doModelUpdates.get() or setupUpdates): e = self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.currentCamera.eventManager if "<Right>" in e.eventHandlers.keys(): l = e.eventHandlers["<Right>"] if self.processArrowEvent not in l: self.vf.GUI.addCameraCallback("<Right>", self.processArrowEvent) else: self.vf.GUI.addCameraCallback("<Right>", self.processArrowEvent) if "<Left>" in e.eventHandlers.keys(): l = e.eventHandlers["<Left>"] if self.processArrowEvent not in l: self.vf.GUI.addCameraCallback("<Left>", self.processArrowEvent) else: self.vf.GUI.addCameraCallback("<Left>", self.processArrowEvent) #self.warningMsg("added arrow keys to camera callbacks!") # Call readPDBQT mols = self.vf.readPDBQT(filename, ask=ask, modelsAs=modelsAs, setupUpdates=setupUpdates, topCommand=0) elif self.fileExt == ".pqr": # Call readPQR mols = self.vf.readPQR(filename,ask=ask, topCommand=0) elif self.fileExt == ".mol2": # Call readMOL2 mols = self.vf.readMOL2(filename,ask=ask, topCommand=0) elif self.fileExt == ".cif": # Call readMMCIF mols = self.vf.readMMCIF(filename, ask=ask, topCommand=0) elif self.fileExt == ".gro": # Call readGRO mols = self.vf.readGRO(filename, ask=ask, topCommand=0) elif self.fileExt == ".f2d": # Call readGRO mols = self.vf.readF2D(filename, ask=ask, topCommand=0) else: self.warningMsg("ERROR: Extension %s not recognized"%self.fileExt) return None if mols is None: self.warningMsg("ERROR: Could not read %s"%filename) if addToRecent and hasattr(self.vf,'recentFiles'): self.vf.recentFiles.add(filename, return mols from Pmv.fileCommandsGUI import MoleculeReaderGUI class PDBReader(MoleculeLoader): """Command to load PDB files using a PDB spec compliant parser \nPackage : Pmv \nModule : fileCommands \nClass : MoleculeReader \nCommand : readMolecule \nSynopsis:\n mols <--- readPDB(filename, **kw) \nRequired Arguments:\n filename --- path to the PDB file """ lastDir = None def onAddCmdToViewer(self): if not hasattr(self.vf,'readMolecule'): self.vf.loadCommand('fileCommands', ['readMolecule'], 'Pmv', topCommand=0) def onRemoveObjectFromViewer(self, obj): """ Function to remove the sets able to reference a TreeNode created in this command : Here remove the alternate location list created when a pdb File is read.""" if self.vf.undoableDelete__: return if not hasattr(obj, 'parser') or \ not isinstance(obj.parser, PdbParser): return MoleculeLoader.onRemoveObjectFromViewer(self, obj) # Free the parser too ! # this dictionary contains referneces to itself through function. if hasattr(obj.parser, 'pdbRecordParser'): del obj.parser.pdbRecordParser if hasattr(obj.parser, 'mol'): del obj.parser.mol del obj.parser def doit(self, filename, ask=True): modelsAs = self.vf.userpref['Read molecules as']['value'] newparser = PdbParser(filename,modelsAs=modelsAs) # overwrite progress bar methods if self.vf.hasGui: newparser.updateProgressBar = self.vf.GUI.updateProgressBar newparser.configureProgressBar = self.vf.GUI.configureProgressBar mols = newparser.parse() if mols is None: return newmol = [] for m in mols: mol = self.vf.addMolecule(m, ask) if mol is None: del newparser return mols.__class__([]) newmol.append(mol) return mols.__class__(newmol) def __call__(self, filename, **kw): """mols <- readPDB(filename, **kw) \nfilename --- path to the PDB file""" kw['ask']=0 return apply ( self.doitWrapper, (filename,), kw) pdbReaderGuiDescr = {'widgetType':'Menu', 'menyBarName':'menuRoot', 'menuButtonName':'File', 'menyEntryLabel':'Read PDB ...', 'index':0} #PDBReaderGUI = CommandGUI() #PDBReaderGUI.addMenuCommand('menuRoot', 'File', 'Read PDB ...',index=0) class MMCIFReader(MoleculeLoader): """This command reads macromolecular Crystallographic Information File (mmCIF) \nPackage : Pmv \nModule : fileCommands \nClass : MMCIFReader \nCommand :readMMCIF \nSynopsis:\n mols <- readMMCIF(filename, **kw) \nRequired Arguments:\n filename --- path to the MMCIF file """ lastDir = None def onAddCmdToViewer(self): if not hasattr(self.vf,'readMolecule'): self.vf.loadCommand('fileCommands', ['readMolecule'], 'Pmv', topCommand=0) def onRemoveObjectFromViewer(self, obj): """ Function to remove the sets able to reference a TreeNode created in this command : Here remove the alternate location list created when a pdb File is read.""" if self.vf.undoableDelete__: return if not hasattr(obj, 'parser') or \ not isinstance(obj.parser, PdbParser): return MoleculeLoader.onRemoveObjectFromViewer(self, obj) # Free the parser too ! # this dictionary contains referneces to itself through function. if hasattr(obj.parser, 'pdbRecordParser'): del obj.parser.pdbRecordParser if hasattr(obj.parser, 'mol'): del obj.parser.mol del obj.parser def doit(self, filename, ask=True): newparser = MMCIFParser(filename) # overwrite progress bar methods if self.vf.hasGui: newparser.updateProgressBar = self.vf.GUI.updateProgressBar newparser.configureProgressBar = self.vf.GUI.configureProgressBar mols = newparser.parse() if mols is None: return newmol = [] for m in mols: mol = self.vf.addMolecule(m, ask) if mol is None: del newparser return mols.__class__([]) newmol.append(mol) return mols.__class__(newmol) def __call__(self, filename, **kw): """mols <- readMMCIF(filename, **kw) \nfilename --- path to the PDB file""" kw['ask']=0 return apply ( self.doitWrapper, (filename,), kw) class GROReader(MoleculeLoader): """This command reads macromolecular Crystallographic Information File (mmCIF) \nPackage : Pmv \nModule : fileCommands \nClass : MMCIFReader \nCommand :readMMCIF \nSynopsis:\n mols <- readMMCIF(filename, **kw) \nRequired Arguments:\n filename --- path to the MMCIF file """ lastDir = None def onAddCmdToViewer(self): if not hasattr(self.vf,'readMolecule'): self.vf.loadCommand('fileCommands', ['readMolecule'], 'Pmv', topCommand=0) def onRemoveObjectFromViewer(self, obj): """ Function to remove the sets able to reference a TreeNode created in this command : Here remove the alternate location list created when a pdb File is read.""" if self.vf.undoableDelete__: return if not hasattr(obj, 'parser') or \ not isinstance(obj.parser, PdbParser): return MoleculeLoader.onRemoveObjectFromViewer(self, obj) # Free the parser too ! # this dictionary contains referneces to itself through function. if hasattr(obj.parser, 'pdbRecordParser'): del obj.parser.pdbRecordParser if hasattr(obj.parser, 'mol'): del obj.parser.mol del obj.parser def doit(self, filename, ask=True): newparser = groParser(filename) # overwrite progress bar methods if self.vf.hasGui: newparser.updateProgressBar = self.vf.GUI.updateProgressBar newparser.configureProgressBar = self.vf.GUI.configureProgressBar mols = newparser.parse() if mols is None: return newmol = [] for m in mols: mol = self.vf.addMolecule(m, ask) if mol is None: del newparser return mols.__class__([]) newmol.append(mol) return mols.__class__(newmol) def __call__(self, filename, **kw): """mols <- readGRO(filename, **kw) \nfilename --- path to the PDB file""" kw['ask']=0 return apply ( self.doitWrapper, (filename,), kw) class PDBQReader(MoleculeLoader): """Command to load AutoDock PDBQ files. \nPackage : Pmv \nModule : fileCommands \nClass : PDBQReader \nCommand : readPDBQ \nSynopsis:\n mols <--- readPDBQ(filename, **kw) \nRequired Arguments:\n filename --- path to the PDBQ file """ def onAddCmdToViewer(self): if not hasattr(self.vf,'readMolecule'): self.vf.loadCommand('fileCommands', ['readMolecule'], 'Pmv', topCommand=0) def onRemoveObjectFromViewer(self, obj): """ Function to remove the sets able to reference a TreeNode created in this command : Here remove the alternate location list created when a pdb File is read.""" if self.vf.undoableDelete__: return if not hasattr(obj, 'parser') or \ not isinstance(obj.parser,
# Copyright (c) 2015. # <NAME> <bytefish[at]gmx[dot]de> and # <NAME> <flier[at]> and # <NAME> <nkoester[at]> # # # Released to public domain under terms of the BSD Simplified license. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # See <> # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # coding: utf-8 import numpy as np from scipy.signal import convolve2d class LocalDescriptor(object): def __init__(self, neighbors): self._neighbors = neighbors def __call__(self, X): raise NotImplementedError("Every LBPOperator must implement the __call__ method.") @property def neighbors(self): return self._neighbors def __repr__(self): return "LBPOperator (neighbors=%s)" % (self._neighbors) class OriginalLBP(LocalDescriptor): def __init__(self): LocalDescriptor.__init__(self, neighbors=8) def __call__(self, X): X = np.asarray(X) X = (1 << 7) * (X[0:-2, 0:-2] >= X[1:-1, 1:-1]) \ + (1 << 6) * (X[0:-2, 1:-1] >= X[1:-1, 1:-1]) \ + (1 << 5) * (X[0:-2, 2:] >= X[1:-1, 1:-1]) \ + (1 << 4) * (X[1:-1, 2:] >= X[1:-1, 1:-1]) \ + (1 << 3) * (X[2:, 2:] >= X[1:-1, 1:-1]) \ + (1 << 2) * (X[2:, 1:-1] >= X[1:-1, 1:-1]) \ + (1 << 1) * (X[2:, :-2] >= X[1:-1, 1:-1]) \ + (1 << 0) * (X[1:-1, :-2] >= X[1:-1, 1:-1]) return X def __repr__(self): return "OriginalLBP (neighbors=%s)" % (self._neighbors) class ExtendedLBP(LocalDescriptor): def __init__(self, radius=1, neighbors=8): LocalDescriptor.__init__(self, neighbors=neighbors) self._radius = radius def __call__(self, X): X = np.asanyarray(X) ysize, xsize = X.shape # define circle angles = 2 * np.pi / self._neighbors theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, angles) # calculate sample points on circle with radius sample_points = np.array([-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T sample_points *= self._radius # find boundaries of the sample points miny = min(sample_points[:, 0]) maxy = max(sample_points[:, 0]) minx = min(sample_points[:, 1]) maxx = max(sample_points[:, 1]) # calculate block size, each LBP code is computed within a block of size bsizey*bsizex blocksizey = np.ceil(max(maxy, 0)) - np.floor(min(miny, 0)) + 1 blocksizex = np.ceil(max(maxx, 0)) - np.floor(min(minx, 0)) + 1 # coordinates of origin (0,0) in the block origy = 0 - np.floor(min(miny, 0)) origx = 0 - np.floor(min(minx, 0)) # calculate output image size dx = xsize - blocksizex + 1 dy = ysize - blocksizey + 1 # get center points C = np.asarray(X[origy:origy + dy, origx:origx + dx], dtype=np.uint8) result = np.zeros((dy, dx), dtype=np.uint32) for i, p in enumerate(sample_points): # get coordinate in the block y, x = p + (origy, origx) # Calculate floors, ceils and rounds for the x and y. fx = np.floor(x) fy = np.floor(y) cx = np.ceil(x) cy = np.ceil(y) # calculate fractional part ty = y - fy tx = x - fx # calculate interpolation weights w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty) w2 = tx * (1 - ty) w3 = (1 - tx) * ty w4 = tx * ty # calculate interpolated image N = w1 * X[fy:fy + dy, fx:fx + dx] N += w2 * X[fy:fy + dy, cx:cx + dx] N += w3 * X[cy:cy + dy, fx:fx + dx] N += w4 * X[cy:cy + dy, cx:cx + dx] # update LBP codes D = N >= C result += (1 << i) * D return result @property def radius(self): return self._radius def __repr__(self): return "ExtendedLBP (neighbors=%s, radius=%s)" % (self._neighbors, self._radius) class VarLBP(LocalDescriptor): def __init__(self, radius=1, neighbors=8): LocalDescriptor.__init__(self, neighbors=neighbors) self._radius = radius def __call__(self, X): X = np.asanyarray(X) ysize, xsize = X.shape # define circle angles = 2 * np.pi / self._neighbors theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, angles) # calculate sample points on circle with radius sample_points = np.array([-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T sample_points *= self._radius # find boundaries of the sample points miny = min(sample_points[:, 0]) maxy = max(sample_points[:, 0]) minx = min(sample_points[:, 1]) maxx = max(sample_points[:, 1]) # calculate block size, each LBP code is computed within a block of size bsizey*bsizex blocksizey = np.ceil(max(maxy, 0)) - np.floor(min(miny, 0)) + 1 blocksizex = np.ceil(max(maxx, 0)) - np.floor(min(minx, 0)) + 1 # coordinates of origin (0,0) in the block origy = 0 - np.floor(min(miny, 0)) origx = 0 - np.floor(min(minx, 0)) # Calculate output image size: dx = xsize - blocksizex + 1 dy = ysize - blocksizey + 1 # Allocate memory for online variance calculation: mean = np.zeros((dy, dx), dtype=np.float32) delta = np.zeros((dy, dx), dtype=np.float32) m2 = np.zeros((dy, dx), dtype=np.float32) # Holds the resulting variance matrix: result = np.zeros((dy, dx), dtype=np.float32) for i, p in enumerate(sample_points): # Get coordinate in the block: y, x = p + (origy, origx) # Calculate floors, ceils and rounds for the x and y: fx = np.floor(x) fy = np.floor(y) cx = np.ceil(x) cy = np.ceil(y) # Calculate fractional part: ty = y - fy tx = x - fx # Calculate interpolation weights: w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty) w2 = tx * (1 - ty) w3 = (1 - tx) * ty w4 = tx * ty # Calculate interpolated image: N = w1 * X[fy:fy + dy, fx:fx + dx] N += w2 * X[fy:fy + dy, cx:cx + dx] N += w3 * X[cy:cy + dy, fx:fx + dx] N += w4 * X[cy:cy + dy, cx:cx + dx] # Update the matrices for Online Variance calculation ( delta = N - mean mean = mean + delta / float(i + 1) m2 = m2 + delta * (N - mean) # Optional estimate for variance is m2/self._neighbors: result = m2 / (self._neighbors - 1) return result @property def radius(self): return self._radius def __repr__(self): return "VarLBP (neighbors=%s, radius=%s)" % (self._neighbors, self._radius) class LPQ(LocalDescriptor): """ This implementation of Local Phase Quantization (LPQ) is a 1:1 adaption of the original implementation by <NAME> & <NAME>, which is available at: * So all credit goes to them. Reference: <NAME> & <NAME> (2008) Blur insensitive texture classification using local phase quantization. Proc. Image and Signal Processing (ICISP 2008), Cherbourg-Octeville, France, 5099:236-243. Copyright 2008 by Heikkilae & Ojansivu """ def __init__(self, radius=3): LocalDescriptor.__init__(self, neighbors=8) self._radius = radius def euc_dist(self, X): Y = X = X.astype(np.float) XX = np.sum(X * X, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] YY = XX.T distances =, Y.T) distances *= -2 distances += XX distances += YY np.maximum(distances, 0, distances) distances.flat[::distances.shape[0] + 1] = 0.0 return np.sqrt(distances) def __call__(self, X): f = 1.0 x = np.arange(-self._radius, self._radius + 1) n = len(x) rho = 0.95 [xp, yp] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, (n + 1)), np.arange(1, (n + 1))) pp = np.concatenate((xp, yp)).reshape(2, -1) dd = self.euc_dist(pp.T) # squareform(pdist(...)) would do the job, too... C = np.power(rho, dd) w0 = (x * 0.0 + 1.0) w1 = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * x * f / n) w2 = np.conj(w1) q1 =
if hasattr(listener, "enterDistinct_clause"): listener.enterDistinct_clause(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitDistinct_clause"): listener.exitDistinct_clause(self) def distinct_clause(self): localctx = PigParser.Distinct_clauseContext( self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 76, self.RULE_distinct_clause) try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 413 self.match(PigParser.DISTINCT) self.state = 414 self.alias() except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class Col_refContext(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def alias_col_ref(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.Alias_col_refContext, 0) def dollar_col_ref(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.Dollar_col_refContext, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return PigParser.RULE_col_ref def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterCol_ref"): listener.enterCol_ref(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitCol_ref"): listener.exitCol_ref(self) def col_ref(self): localctx = PigParser.Col_refContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 78, self.RULE_col_ref) try: self.state = 418 self._errHandler.sync(self) token = self._input.LA(1) if token in [PigParser.GROUP, PigParser.IDENTIFIER]: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 416 self.alias_col_ref() pass elif token in [PigParser.DOLLAR]: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) self.state = 417 self.dollar_col_ref() pass else: raise NoViableAltException(self) except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class Alias_col_refContext(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def GROUP(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.GROUP, 0) def IDENTIFIER(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.IDENTIFIER, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return PigParser.RULE_alias_col_ref def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterAlias_col_ref"): listener.enterAlias_col_ref(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitAlias_col_ref"): listener.exitAlias_col_ref(self) def alias_col_ref(self): localctx = PigParser.Alias_col_refContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 80, self.RULE_alias_col_ref) self._la = 0 # Token type try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 420 _la = self._input.LA(1) if not(_la == PigParser.GROUP or _la == PigParser.IDENTIFIER): self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) else: self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) self.consume() except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class Dollar_col_refContext(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def DOLLAR(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.DOLLAR, 0) def INTEGER(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.INTEGER, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return PigParser.RULE_dollar_col_ref def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterDollar_col_ref"): listener.enterDollar_col_ref(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitDollar_col_ref"): listener.exitDollar_col_ref(self) def dollar_col_ref(self): localctx = PigParser.Dollar_col_refContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 82, self.RULE_dollar_col_ref) try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 422 self.match(PigParser.DOLLAR) self.state = 423 self.match(PigParser.INTEGER) except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class Infix_exprContext(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def add_expr(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.Add_exprContext, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return PigParser.RULE_infix_expr def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterInfix_expr"): listener.enterInfix_expr(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitInfix_expr"): listener.exitInfix_expr(self) def infix_expr(self): localctx = PigParser.Infix_exprContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 84, self.RULE_infix_expr) try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 425 self.add_expr() except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class Const_exprContext(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def scalar(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.ScalarContext, 0) def map_(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.Map_Context, 0) def bag(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.BagContext, 0) def tuple_(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.Tuple_Context, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return PigParser.RULE_const_expr def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterConst_expr"): listener.enterConst_expr(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitConst_expr"): listener.exitConst_expr(self) def const_expr(self): localctx = PigParser.Const_exprContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 86, self.RULE_const_expr) try: self.state = 431 self._errHandler.sync(self) la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input, 44, self._ctx) if la_ == 1: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 427 self.scalar() pass elif la_ == 2: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) self.state = 428 self.map_() pass elif la_ == 3: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) self.state = 429 self.bag() pass elif la_ == 4: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) self.state = 430 self.tuple_() pass except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class ScalarContext(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def INTEGER(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.INTEGER, 0) def LONGINEGER(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.LONGINEGER, 0) def FLOATNUMBER(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.FLOATNUMBER, 0) def DOUBLENUMBER(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.DOUBLENUMBER, 0) def QUOTEDSTRING(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.QUOTEDSTRING, 0) def NULL(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.NULL, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return PigParser.RULE_scalar def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterScalar"): listener.enterScalar(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitScalar"): listener.exitScalar(self) def scalar(self): localctx = PigParser.ScalarContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 88, self.RULE_scalar) self._la = 0 # Token type try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 433 _la = self._input.LA(1) if not(((((_la - 45)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 45)) & ((1 << (PigParser.NULL - 45)) | (1 << (PigParser.INTEGER - 45)) | (1 << (PigParser.DOUBLENUMBER - 45)) | (1 << (PigParser.FLOATNUMBER - 45)) | (1 << (PigParser.QUOTEDSTRING - 45)) | (1 << (PigParser.LONGINEGER - 45)))) != 0)): self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) else: self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) self.consume() except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class Map_Context(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def LEFT_BRACKET(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.LEFT_BRACKET, 0) def RIGHT_BRACKET(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.RIGHT_BRACKET, 0) def keyvalue(self, i: int = None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PigParser.KeyvalueContext) else: return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.KeyvalueContext, i) def COMMA(self, i: int = None): if i is None: return self.getTokens(PigParser.COMMA) else: return self.getToken(PigParser.COMMA, i) def NOT(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.NOT, 0) def MAP_VAL(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.MAP_VAL, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return PigParser.RULE_map_ def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterMap_"): listener.enterMap_(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitMap_"): listener.exitMap_(self) def map_(self): localctx = PigParser.Map_Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 90, self.RULE_map_) self._la = 0 # Token type try: self.state = 454 self._errHandler.sync(self) token = self._input.LA(1) if token in [PigParser.LEFT_BRACKET]: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 435 self.match(PigParser.LEFT_BRACKET) self.state = 444 self._errHandler.sync(self) _la = self._input.LA(1) if ((((_la - 29)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 29)) & ((1 << (PigParser.NOT - 29)) | (1 << (PigParser.NULL - 29)) | (1 << (PigParser.QUOTEDSTRING - 29)))) != 0): self.state = 436 self.keyvalue() self.state = 441 self._errHandler.sync(self) _la = self._input.LA(1) while _la == PigParser.COMMA: self.state = 437 self.match(PigParser.COMMA) self.state = 438 self.keyvalue() self.state = 443 self._errHandler.sync(self) _la = self._input.LA(1) self.state = 446 self.match(PigParser.RIGHT_BRACKET) pass elif token in [PigParser.NOT]: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) self.state = 447 self.match(PigParser.NOT) self.state = 448 self.match(PigParser.MAP_VAL) self.state = 450 self._errHandler.sync(self) _alt = 1 while _alt != 2 and _alt != ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: if _alt == 1: self.state = 449 self.keyvalue() else: raise NoViableAltException(self) self.state = 452 self._errHandler.sync(self) _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict( self._input, 47, self._ctx) pass else: raise NoViableAltException(self) except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class KeyvalueContext(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def string_val(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.String_valContext, 0) def POUND(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.POUND, 0) def const_expr(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.Const_exprContext, 0) def NOT(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.NOT, 0) def KEY_VAL_PAIR(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.KEY_VAL_PAIR, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return PigParser.RULE_keyvalue def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterKeyvalue"): listener.enterKeyvalue(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitKeyvalue"): listener.exitKeyvalue(self) def keyvalue(self): localctx = PigParser.KeyvalueContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 92, self.RULE_keyvalue) try: self.state = 465 self._errHandler.sync(self) token = self._input.LA(1) if token in [PigParser.NULL, PigParser.QUOTEDSTRING]: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 456 self.string_val() self.state = 457 self.match(PigParser.POUND) self.state = 458 self.const_expr() pass elif token in [PigParser.NOT]: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) self.state = 460 self.match(PigParser.NOT) self.state = 461 self.match(PigParser.KEY_VAL_PAIR) self.state = 462 self.string_val() self.state = 463 self.const_expr() pass else: raise NoViableAltException(self) except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class String_valContext(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTEDSTRING(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.QUOTEDSTRING, 0) def NULL(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.NULL, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return PigParser.RULE_string_val def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterString_val"): listener.enterString_val(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitString_val"): listener.exitString_val(self) def string_val(self): localctx = PigParser.String_valContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 94, self.RULE_string_val) self._la = 0 # Token type try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 467 _la = self._input.LA(1) if not(_la == PigParser.NULL or _la == PigParser.QUOTEDSTRING): self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) else: self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) self.consume() except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class BagContext(ParserRuleContext): def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def LEFT_CURLY(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.LEFT_CURLY, 0) def RIGHT_CURLY(self): return self.getToken(PigParser.RIGHT_CURLY, 0) def tuple_(self, i: int = None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PigParser.Tuple_Context) else: return self.getTypedRuleContext(PigParser.Tuple_Context, i) def COMMA(self, i: int = None): if i is
#!/usr/bin/python #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Jacked cube color picker to control LightBrick v1.0 AKA Optimus Shine # <NAME> 23 Sept 2010 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Based on CUBECOLOURDIALOG Widget, Python Code By: # <NAME>, @ 16 Aug 2007 # # #todo: # loop hue control # light selection # actual control # buffer to record random playing, display as gradient, and loop selection # remember last color or query network for it on startup, remember custom colors MODES = ['CK','Simu','Saiko'] CURRENT_MODE = 1 # 2= saiko liblo MODE_NAME = MODES[CURRENT_MODE] IP_ADDRESSES = ["","",""] class LightController: def SendLightsSimu(self,r,g,b): print r,g,b def SendLightsCK(self,r,g,b): # struct.pack(fmt, magic, ver, type, seq, port, flags, timerVal V, uni, 0, 0, 0, 0, data) levels = [r,g,b]*10 arr = array.array('B', levels) out = struct.pack("LHHLBxHLB255s", 0x4adc0104, 0x0001, 0x0101, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, arr.tostring()) socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM).sendto(out, (IP_ADDRESS, port)) # print r,g,b def SendLightsSaiko(self,r,g,b): fRed = r/255.0 fGreen = g/255.0 fBlue = b/255.0 for address in addresses: liblo.send(address,'/light/color/set',('f',fRed),('f',fGreen),('f',fBlue)) def UpdateControlSet(self,listOfLights): pass if CURRENT_MODE == 2: import liblo addresses = [liblo.Address(IP_ADDRESS,"2222") for IP_ADDRESS in IP_ADDRESSES] LightController.SendLights = LightController.SendLightsSaiko elif CURRENT_MODE == 0: import struct import array from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM port = 6038 LightController.SendLights = LightController.SendLightsCK else: LightController.SendLights = LightController.SendLightsSimu import wx import os import sys try: dirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) except: dirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) sys.path.append(os.path.split(dirName)[0]) try: from agw import cubecolourdialog as ccdSource # from agw.cubecolourdialog import * except ImportError: # if it's not there locally, try the wxPython lib. # from wx.lib.agw.cubecolourdialog import * import wx.lib.agw.cubecolourdialog as ccdSource #import cubecolourdialog as ccdSource from wx.lib.agw.cubecolourdialog import Colour #Colour = ccdSource.Colour from colourWidgets import RGBCube,HSVWheel,BrightCtrl from myWidget import PowerCtrl,XYPanel#RGBCube = ccdSource.RGBCube #HSVWheel = ccdSource.HSVWheel #BrightCtrl = ccdSource.BrightCtrl CustomPanel = ccdSource.CustomPanel ColourPanel = ccdSource.ColourPanel #colourAttributes = ccdSource.colourAttributes #colourMaxValues = ccdSource.colourMaxValues colourAttributes = ["r", "g", "b", "h", "s", "v","t","c","p"] colourMaxValues = [255, 255, 255, 359, 255, 255, 359, 255, 255] Distance = ccdSource.Distance Vertex = ccdSource.Vertex Top = ccdSource.Top Left = ccdSource.Left Right = ccdSource.Right RED=ccdSource.RED GREEN=ccdSource.GREEN BLUE=ccdSource.BLUE LineDescription = ccdSource.LineDescription Slope = ccdSource.Slope FindC = ccdSource.FindC PointOnLine = ccdSource.PointOnLine Intersection = ccdSource.Intersection PtFromAngle = ccdSource.PtFromAngle RECT_WIDTH = ccdSource.RECT_WIDTH class NewColour(Colour): constrainPower = False def __init__(self,colour): # super.__init__(colour) # Colour.__init__(self,colour) super(NewColour,self).__init__(colour) self.ToXYZ() def ToHSL(self): self.H = self.h self.L = (510.0-(self.s)) * (self.v/255.0) self.S = self.s * self.v if self.L <= 255.0: lfactor = self.L else: lfactor = 510.0 - self.L self.S /= lfactor self.L /= 2.0 def ToXYZ(self): self.c = self.s #2*(max(self.b,max(self.r,self.g)) - min(self.b,min(self.r,self.g))) self.p = min(255,self.r+self.g+self.b) self.t = self.h if self.constrainPower: # do stuff for ToHSV and ToRGB pass else: pass def ToHSV(self): Colour.ToHSV(self) self.ToXYZ() def ToRGB(self): Colour.ToRGB(self) self.ToXYZ() def HSL_ToRGB_HSV(self): self.h = self.H ell = self.L/255.0 * 2 ess = self.S/255.0 if ell <= 1: ess *= ell else: ess *= (2 - ell) self.v = int(255.0*((ell + ess) / 2)) self.s = int(255.0*(2*ess /(ell+ess))) Colour.ToRGB(self) def XYZ_ToRGB_HSV(self): maxVal = self.p delta = maxVal * self.c / 255.0 minVal = maxVal - delta hue = float(self.t) if self.t > 300 or self.t <=60: #red max r=int(maxVal) if self.t > 300: g = int(minVal) hue = (hue - 360.0)/60.0 b = int(-(hue*delta - minVal)) else: b=int(minVal) hue = hue/60.0 g = int(hue*delta+minVal) elif self.t > 60 and self.t < 180: #green max g = int(maxVal) hue = (hue/60.0 - 2.0)*delta if self.t < 120: b = int(minVal) r = int(minVal - hue) else: r = int(minVal) b = int(minVal + hue) else: b = int(maxVal) hue = (hue/60.0 - 4.0)*delta if self.t < 240: r = int(minVal) g = int(minVal - hue) else: g = int(minVal) r = int(minVal + hue) power = self.p sumpower = r+g+b / 1.0 if sumpower: self.r=int(r*power/sumpower) self.g=int(g*power/sumpower) self.b=int(b*power/sumpower) # # self.h = self.t # self.s = self.c # power = self.p # self.v = self.p # Colour.ToRGB(self) # colorpower = (self.r + self.g + self.b) / 1 # if colorpower: # self.r=int(self.r*power/colorpower) # self.g=int(self.g*power/colorpower) # self.b=int(self.b*power/colorpower) # Colour.ToHSV(self) class NewCustomPanel(CustomPanel): def __init__(self,parent,cd): # super(NewCustomPanel,self).__init__(parent,cd) CustomPanel.__init__(self,parent,cd) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown) def OnLeftDown(self, event): """ Handles the ``wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN`` for L{CustomPanel}. :param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed. """ x, y = event.GetX(), event.GetY() selX = (x - self._customColourRect.x)/(self._smallRectangleSize.x + self._gridSpacing) selY = (y - self._customColourRect.y)/(self._smallRectangleSize.y + self._gridSpacing) ptr = selX + selY*8 # dc = wx.ClientDC(self) # self.PaintHighlight(dc, False) self._colourSelection = ptr self._mainDialog._colour = NewColour(self._customColours[self._colourSelection]) # self.PaintCustomColour(dc, selX, selY) # self.PaintHighlight(dc, True) self._mainDialog.DrawAll() self._mainDialog.SendLightsIfManual() class CubeColourFrame(wx.Frame): """ This is the CubeColourFrame main class implementation. """ manualSend = False def __init__(self, parent, title, lc = None, colourData=None, agwStyle=ccdSource.CCD_SHOW_ALPHA): """ Default class constructor. :param `colourData`: a standard `wx.ColourData` (as used in `wx.ColourFrame`; :param `agwStyle`: can be either ``None`` or ``ccdSource.CCD_SHOW_ALPHA``, depending if you want to hide the alpha channel control or not. """ if lc == None: = LightController() else: = lc # wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=_("Optimus Shine"), # pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(900, 900), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(900, 900)) if colourData: self._colourData = colourData else: self._colourData = wx.ColourData() self._colourData.SetColour(wx.Colour(128, 128, 128)) # self._oldColour = Colour(self._colourData.GetColour()) self._colour = NewColour(self._colourData.GetColour()) self._inMouse = False self._initOver = False self._inDrawAll = False self._agwStyle = agwStyle self.mainPanel = wx.Panel(self, -1) self.xyzSizer_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "XYZ") self.hsvSizer_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "HSB") self.rgbValueSizer_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "RGB Values") self.hsvValueSizer_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "HSB Values") self.xyzValueSizer_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "XYZ Values") self.rgbSizer_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "RGB") self.curcolSizer_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "Current Color") # self.alphaSizer_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "Alpha") # self.alphaValueSizer_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "Alpha") self.rgbBitmap = RGBCube(self.mainPanel) self.hsvBitmap = HSVWheel(self.mainPanel) self.brightCtrl = BrightCtrl(self.mainPanel) # self.alphaCtrl = AlphaCtrl(self.mainPanel) self.powerCtrl = PowerCtrl(self.mainPanel) self.xyPanel = XYPanel(self.mainPanel) # self.showAlpha = wx.CheckBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "Show Alpha Control") self.autoSend = wx.CheckBox(self.mainPanel, -1, "AutoSend on\nColorChange") self.customColours = NewCustomPanel(self.mainPanel, self._colourData) self.addCustom = wx.Button(self.mainPanel, -1, "Add to custom colours") # self.okButton = wx.Button(self.mainPanel, -1, "Ok") self.cancelButton = wx.Button(self.mainPanel, -1, "Cancel") self.sendButton = wx.Button(self.mainPanel, -1, "Send") # self.oldColourPanel = ColourPanel(self.mainPanel, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.newColourPanel = ColourPanel(self.mainPanel, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.redSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "180", min=0, max=255, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) self.greenSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "180", min=0, max=255, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) self.blueSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "180", min=0, max=255, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) self.hueSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "0", min=-1, max=360, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) self.saturationSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "", min=0, max=255, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) self.brightnessSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "", min=0, max=255, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) self.tintSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "0", min=-1, max=360, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) self.chromaSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "", min=0, max=255, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) self.powerSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "", min=0, max=255, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) # self.alphaSpin = wx.SpinCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "", min=0, max=255, # style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) # self.accessCode = wx.TextCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "", style=wx.TE_READONLY) # self.htmlCode = wx.TextCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "", style=wx.TE_READONLY) # self.webSafe = wx.TextCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "", style=wx.TE_READONLY) # self.htmlName = wx.TextCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, "", style=wx.TE_READONLY) self.SetProperties() self.DoLayout() self.spinCtrls = [self.redSpin, self.greenSpin, self.blueSpin, self.hueSpin, self.saturationSpin, self.brightnessSpin, self.tintSpin, self.chromaSpin, self.powerSpin] for spin in self.spinCtrls: spin.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self.OnSpinCtrl) # self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self.OnAlphaSpin, self.alphaSpin) # self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk, self.okButton) # self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel, self.cancelButton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSend, self.sendButton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnAddCustom, self.addCustom) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnAutoSend) # self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnShowAlpha) # self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK, self.OnKeyUp) self.Centre(wx.BOTH) wx.CallAfter(self.InitDialog) def SetProperties(self): """ Sets some initial properties for L{CubeColourDialog} (sizes, values). """ # self.okButton.SetDefault() # self.oldColourPanel.SetMinSize((-1, 50)) self.newColourPanel.SetMinSize((-1, 50)) self.redSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) self.greenSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) self.blueSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) self.hueSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) self.saturationSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) self.brightnessSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) self.tintSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) self.chromaSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) self.powerSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) # self.alphaSpin.SetMinSize((60, -1)) # self.showAlpha.SetValue(1) self.autoSend.SetValue(1) # self.accessCode.SetInitialSize((80, -1)) # self.webSafe.SetInitialSize((80, -1)) # self.htmlCode.SetInitialSize((80, -1)) def DoLayout(self): """ Layouts all the controls in the L{CubeColourDialog}. """ windowSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(10, 5) hsvValueSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.hsvValueSizer_staticbox, wx.VERTICAL) hsvGridSizer = wx.GridSizer(2, 3, 2, 10) rgbValueSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.rgbValueSizer_staticbox, wx.HORIZONTAL) rgbGridSizer = wx.GridSizer(2, 3, 2, 10) xyzValueSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.xyzValueSizer_staticbox, wx.HORIZONTAL) xyzGridSizer = wx.GridSizer(2, 3, 2, 10) # alphaValueSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.alphaValueSizer_staticbox, wx.VERTICAL) # alphaGridSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) customSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) buttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sendbuttonSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sendSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) curcolSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.curcolSizer_staticbox, wx.VERTICAL) panelSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # htmlSizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # htmlSizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # htmlSizer_a = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # htmlSizer_b = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) xyzSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.xyzSizer_staticbox, wx.HORIZONTAL) hsvSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.hsvSizer_staticbox, wx.HORIZONTAL) rgbSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.rgbSizer_staticbox, wx.VERTICAL) # autosendSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.autosendSizer_staticbox, wx.VERTICAL) # mainSizer.Add(self.showAlpha, (0, 0), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.TOP, 10) # htmlLabel1 = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "HTML Code") # htmlLabel2 = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Web Safe") # htmlSizer_a.Add(htmlLabel1, 0, wx.TOP, 3) # htmlSizer_b.Add(htmlLabel2, 0, wx.TOP, 3) # htmlSizer_a.Add(self.htmlCode, 0, wx.TOP, 3) # htmlSizer_b.Add(self.webSafe, 0, wx.TOP, 3) # # htmlSizer1.Add(htmlSizer_a, 0) # htmlSizer1.Add(htmlSizer_b, 0, wx.LEFT, 10) # mainSizer.Add(htmlSizer1, (1, 0), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 10) # htmlLabel3 = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "HTML Name") # htmlSizer2.Add(htmlLabel3, 0, wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 3) # htmlSizer2.Add(self.htmlName, 0) # mainSizer.Add(htmlSizer2, (1, 1), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 10) customLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Custom Colours") customSizer.Add(customLabel, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3) customSizer.Add(self.customColours, 0) customSizer.Add(self.addCustom, 0, wx.TOP|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5) mainSizer.Add(customSizer, (1, 1), (1, 1),wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5) # panelSizer.Add(accessSizer, 0, wx.TOP, 5) xyzSizer.Add(self.xyPanel, 0, wx.ALL, 15) xyzSizer.Add(self.powerCtrl, 0, wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 15) mainSizer.Add(xyzSizer, (2, 2), (1, 1), wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 10) rgbSizer.Add(self.rgbBitmap, 0, wx.ALL, 15) mainSizer.Add(rgbSizer, (2, 0), (1, 1), wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 10) hsvSizer.Add(self.hsvBitmap, 0, wx.ALL, 15) hsvSizer.Add(self.brightCtrl, 0, wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 15) mainSizer.Add(hsvSizer, (2, 1), (1, 1), wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 10) # alphaSizer.Add(self.alphaCtrl, 0, wx.TOP|wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 15) # mainSizer.Add(alphaSizer, (2, 2), (1, 1), wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 10) # oldLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Old Colour") # panelSizer.Add(oldLabel, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3) # panelSizer.Add(self.oldColourPanel, 0, wx.BOTTOM|wx.EXPAND, 20) # newLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "New Colour") # accessLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "MS Access Code") # accessSizer.Add(accessLabel, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3) # accessSizer.Add(self.accessCode, 0) sendbuttonSizer.Add(self.sendButton, 0,wx.TOP,10) curcolSizer.Add(self.newColourPanel, 0, wx.EXPAND) sendSizer.Add(self.autoSend) sendSizer.Add(sendbuttonSizer,0,wx.LEFT,20) curcolSizer.Add(sendSizer) # panelSizer.Add(newLabel, 0, wx.TOP, 3) # panelSizer.Add(autosendSizer, 0, wx.TOP) # panelSizer.Add((0, 0), 1, wx.EXPAND) # panelSizer.Add((1,0), 1, wx.BOTTOM) # panelSizer.Add(sendbuttonSizer, 0, wx.TOP, 5) # panelSizer.Add(autosendSizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 10) mainSizer.Add(curcolSizer, (1, 0), (1, 1), wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 10) redLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Red") rgbGridSizer.Add(redLabel, 0) greenLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Green") rgbGridSizer.Add(greenLabel, 0) blueLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Blue") rgbGridSizer.Add(blueLabel, 0) rgbGridSizer.Add(self.redSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND) rgbGridSizer.Add(self.greenSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND) rgbGridSizer.Add(self.blueSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND) rgbValueSizer.Add(rgbGridSizer, 1, 0, 0) mainSizer.Add(rgbValueSizer, (3, 0), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.EXPAND, 10) hueLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Hue") hsvGridSizer.Add(hueLabel, 0) saturationLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Saturation") hsvGridSizer.Add(saturationLabel, 0) brightnessLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Brightness") hsvGridSizer.Add(brightnessLabel, 0) hsvGridSizer.Add(self.hueSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND) hsvGridSizer.Add(self.saturationSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND) hsvGridSizer.Add(self.brightnessSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND) hsvValueSizer.Add(hsvGridSizer, 1, wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add(hsvValueSizer, (3, 1), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.EXPAND, 10) xyzValueSizer.Add(xyzGridSizer, 1, 0, 0) mainSizer.Add(xyzValueSizer, (3, 2), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.EXPAND, 10) tintLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Tint") xyzGridSizer.Add(tintLabel, 0) chromaLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Chroma") xyzGridSizer.Add(chromaLabel, 0) powerLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Power") xyzGridSizer.Add(powerLabel, 0) xyzGridSizer.Add(self.tintSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND) xyzGridSizer.Add(self.chromaSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND) xyzGridSizer.Add(self.powerSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND) # alphaLabel = wx.StaticText(self.mainPanel, -1, "Alpha") # alphaGridSizer.Add(alphaLabel, 0) # alphaGridSizer.Add(self.alphaSpin, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP, 10) # alphaValueSizer.Add(alphaGridSizer, 1, wx.EXPAND) # mainSizer.Add(alphaValueSizer, (3, 2), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.EXPAND, 10) # buttonSizer.Add(self.okButton, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 3) buttonSizer.Add(self.cancelButton, 0) mainSizer.Add(buttonSizer, (3, 3), (1, 1), wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5) mainSizer.Hide(buttonSizer) self.mainPanel.SetAutoLayout(True) self.mainPanel.SetSizer(mainSizer) mainSizer.Fit(self.mainPanel) mainSizer.SetSizeHints(self.mainPanel) # if self.GetAGWWindowStyleFlag() & ccdSource.CCD_SHOW_ALPHA == 0: # mainSizer.Hide(self.showAlpha) # mainSizer.Hide(alphaSizer) # mainSizer.Hide(alphaValueSizer) windowSizer.Add(self.mainPanel, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.SetSizer(windowSizer) windowSizer.Fit(self) windowSizer.SetSizeHints(self) self.Layout() self.mainSizer = mainSizer self.windowSizer = windowSizer # self.alphaSizers = [alphaSizer, alphaValueSizer] def InitDialog(self): """ Initialize the L{CubeColourDialog}. """ hsvRect = self.hsvBitmap.GetClientRect() self._centre = wx.Point(hsvRect.x + hsvRect.width/2, hsvRect.y + hsvRect.height/2) xyRect = self.xyPanel.GetClientRect() self._centre2 = wx.Point(xyRect.x + xyRect.width/2, xyRect.y + xyRect.height/2) self._redLen = Distance(Vertex, Top) self._greenLen = Distance(Vertex, Left) self._blueLen = Distance(Vertex, Right) self.CalcSlopes() self.CalcCuboid() self.CalcRects() self.CalcRects2() self.SetSpinVals() self._initOver = True wx.CallAfter(self.Refresh) def CalcSlopes(self): """ Calculates the line slopes in the RGB colour cube. """ self._lines = {RED: LineDescription(), GREEN: LineDescription(), BLUE: LineDescription} self._lines[RED].slope = Slope(Top, Vertex) self._lines[GREEN].slope = Slope(Left, Vertex) self._lines[BLUE].slope = Slope(Right, Vertex) for i in xrange(3): self._lines[i].x = Vertex.x self._lines[i].y = Vertex.y self._lines[i].c = FindC(self._lines[i]) def CalcCuboid(self): """ Calculates the RGB
) histogramBuilder.addVals( findSnpsMatchingConds( showHeadings = 'val', showVals = snpStat, **args ).val ) outFile ) def AddUpHistograms( histFiles, outFile, getio = None ): """Add up histograms from separate files, write results to new file""" outFileStats = AddFileSfx( outFile, 'stats' ) if getio: return dict( depends_on = histFiles, creates = ( outFile, outFileStats ), attrs = dict( piperun_short = True ) ) sumHist = reduce( operator.add, map( Histogrammer.load, histFiles ) ) outFile ) def GraphHistograms( histFiles, outFile = None, xlabel = '', ylabel = '', title = '', labels = (), colors = 'brcmygkbrcmygkbrcmygkbrcmygk', relWidth = 0.4, xbound = None, ybound = None, coarsenBy = None, sfx = '', ticksCoarsen = 1, log = False, normed = False, cumulative = False, cumulativeUpTo = None, figSize = (24, 12 ), subplots_adjust = {}, getio = None ): """Plot one or more histograms sharing the same bins. Params: normalizeHistograms - if true, for each histogram on the y-axis we plot not the number of items in a given bin, but their fraction out of the total number of items in that histogram. This lets us compare different histograms. """ #dbg( '"at_first" labels' ) # ( if the bins of one are strictly finer than bins of other, i.e. if they form a DAG in this # relationship, then we can still do the graph). histFiles = MakeSeq( histFiles ) if not outFile: assert len( histFiles ) == 1 outFile = ReplaceFileExt( histFiles[0], '.png' ) outFile = AddFileSfx( outFile, sfx ) if not labels: labels = [ os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( f ) )[0] for f in histFiles ] if getio: return dict( depends_on = histFiles, creates = outFile, mediumRuleNameSfx = sfx, attrs = dict( piperun_short = True ) ) pp.figure(1, figsize = figSize ) #pp.clf() pp.subplots_adjust( **MergeDicts( dict( hspace = 0.3, bottom = 0.15 ), subplots_adjust ) ) for which, cumulative in enumerate( ( True, False ) ): pp.subplot( 2, 1, which + 1 ) pp.xlabel( xlabel ) pp.ylabel( ylabel ) pp.hold( True ) binSize = None binShift = None theLabels = [] theHandles = [] hists = map( Histogrammer.load, histFiles ) if coarsenBy: hists = [ hist.coarsenBy( coarsenBy ) for hist in hists ] allBinIds = reduce( operator.concat, [ hist.bin2count.keys() for hist in hists ] ) if not allBinIds: allBinIds = ( 0, ) minBinId = min( allBinIds ) maxBinId = max( allBinIds ) + 1 if cumulativeUpTo is not None: maxBinId = min( maxBinId, max( [ hist.getCumulativeBinFor( cumulativeUpTo ) for hist in hists ] ) ) + 1 for color, label, ( histFileNum, hist ) in zip( colors, labels, enumerate( hists ) ): # check that all histograms we're loading have the same bins if binSize is None: binSize = hist.binSize else: assert abs( hist.binSize - binSize ) < 1e-12 if binShift is None: binShift = hist.binShift else: assert abs( hist.binShift - binShift ) < 1e-12 width = binSize * relWidth / len( histFiles ) left = np.array( hist.getAllBinLefts( minBinId = minBinId, maxBinId = maxBinId ) ) + histFileNum * width if histFileNum == 0: pp.xticks( [ x for i, x in enumerate( left ) if i % ticksCoarsen == 0 ] ) height = hist.getAllBinCounts( normed = normed, cumulative = cumulative, minBinId = minBinId, maxBinId = maxBinId ) rects = height = height, width = width * 0.95, **Dict( 'left color log' ) ) if rects: labelHere = label + ' (%d values)' % hist.getNumVals() if hist.getNumNaNs(): labelHere += ' (%d nans)' % hist.getNumNaNs() if hist.getNumInfs(): labelHere += ' (%d infs)' % hist.getNumInfs() rects[ 0 ].set_label( labelHere ) theLabels.append( labelHere ) theHandles.append( rects[0] ) pp.title( title ) if theLabels and theHandles: pp.figlegend( loc = 'lower center', labels = theLabels, handles = theHandles ) if xbound: pp.gca().set_xbound( *xbound ) if ybound: pp.gca().set_ybound( *ybound ) pp.savefig( outFile ) def GraphCumulPlots( histFiles, outFile = None, xlabel = '', ylabel = '', title = '', labels = (), colors = 'brcmygkbrcmygkbrcmygkbrcmygk', relWidth = 0.4, xbound = None, ybound = None, coarsenBy = None, sfx = '', ticksCoarsen = 1, log = False, normed = True, getio = None ): """Plot one or more cumulative plots. """ # ( if the bins of one are strictly finer than bins of other, i.e. if they form a DAG in this # relationship, then we can still do the graph). histFiles = MakeSeq( histFiles ) if not outFile: assert len( histFiles ) == 1 outFile = ReplaceFileExt( histFiles[0], '.png' ) if not labels: labels = [ os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( f ) )[0] for f in histFiles ] outFileTable = outFile + '.points.tsv' if getio: return dict( depends_on = histFiles, creates = ( outFile, outFileTable ), mediumRuleNameSfx = sfx, attrs = dict( piperun_short = True ) ) pp.figure(1, figsize = (18,6) ) #pp.clf() pp.subplots_adjust( bottom = 0.37 ) pp.xlabel( xlabel + '\n\n\n\n' ) pp.ylabel( ylabel ) pp.hold( True ) binSize = None theLabels = [] theHandles = [] for color, label, ( histFileNum, histFile ) in zip( colors, labels, enumerate( histFiles ) ): hist = Histogrammer.load( histFile ) if coarsenBy: hist = hist.coarsenBy( coarsenBy ) if not binSize: binSize = hist.binSize else: if not abs( hist.binSize - binSize ) < 1e-12: dbg( 'hist.binSize binSize hist.binSize-binSize' ) assert abs( hist.binSize - binSize ) < 1e-12 binLefts = hist.getBinLefts() if histFileNum == 0: pp.xticks( [ x for i, x in enumerate( binLefts ) if i % ticksCoarsen == 0 ] ) binCounts = hist.getBinCounts( normed = normed, cumulative = True ) rects = pp.plot( binLefts, binCounts, label = label, color = color ) DotData( names = ( 'binLefts', 'binCounts' ), Columns = ( binLefts, binCounts ) ).saveToSV( outFileTable ) if rects: theLabels.append( label ) theHandles.append( rects ) pp.title( title ) if theLabels and theHandles: pp.figlegend( loc = 'lower center', labels = theLabels, handles = theHandles ) if xbound: pp.gca().set_xbound( *xbound ) if ybound: pp.gca().set_ybound( *ybound ) pp.savefig( outFile ) def DefineRulesTo_histogramSnpStatistic( pr, Ddata, outFile, snpTables, snpStat, binSize, binShift = 0.0, scen2sfxs = lambda scen: '', scenCond = 'True', allScens = GetScenarios(), nreplicas = 100, thinSfx = '', replicaTables = (), replicaConds = 'True', replicaCondsSfxs = '', snpConds = 'True', snpCondsSfxs = '', title = '', titlePrefix = '', xlabel = '', ylabel = '', xbound = None, ybound = None, log = False, coarsenBy = None, sfx = '', ticksCoarsen = 1, cumulative = False, normed = False, colors = 'brcmygkbrcmygkbrcmygkbrcmygk', subplots_adjust = {}, name = None ): """A generic way to plot the distribution of some per-snp statistics for some subset of SNPs. Params: statTable - the name of the per-snp statistics table. we assume there is a file called Ddata/snpstats/scenDir/statTable_pop.tsv for each scenario. statCol - column name to histogram. Notes: - for histogramming should not need to load it all into memory. can do a pre-pass to just get the range of values, define the bins, then do a second pass to count what goes in what bin. could also add bins as we go. so, really just need to know bin size, and then can do all this with one pass. can also, later, make this automatically parallelized. """ if not os.path.dirname( outFile ): outFile = os.path.join( Ddata, outFile ) scenCondExpr = compile_expr( scenCond ) replicaConds = MakeSeq( replicaConds ) replicaCondsSfxs = MakeSeq( replicaCondsSfxs ) snpConds = MakeSeq( snpConds ) snpCondsSfxs = MakeSeq( snpCondsSfxs ) totaledHistFiles = [] totaledLabels = [] outFile = AddFileSfx( outFile, sfx ) baseOutFile = outFile for replicaCond, replicaCondSfx in zip( replicaConds, replicaCondsSfxs ): for snpCond, snpCondSfx in zip( snpConds, snpCondsSfxs ): histFiles = [] for scen in allScens: if not eval( scenCondExpr, globals(), ScenAttrs( scen ) ): continue scenDir = scen.scenDir() for scenSfx in MakeSeq( scen2sfxs( scen ) if callable( scen2sfxs ) else scen2sfxs[ scen ]
patch def save_image_batch(self, cv, z_range, float_patch, bbox, mip, to_uint8=True): x_range = bbox.x_range(mip=mip) y_range = bbox.y_range(mip=mip) print("type of float_patch", type(float_patch), "shape", float_patch.shape) patch = np.transpose(float_patch, (2,3,0,1)) # patch = np.transpose(float_patch, (2,1,0))[..., np.newaxis] if to_uint8: patch = (np.multiply(patch, 255)).astype(np.uint8) print("patch shape", patch.shape) cv[mip][x_range[0]:x_range[1], y_range[0]:y_range[1], z_range[0]:z_range[1]] = patch def append_image(self, float_patch, cv, z, bbox, mip, to_uint8=True): x_range = bbox.x_range(mip=mip) y_range = bbox.y_range(mip=mip) patch = np.transpose(float_patch, (2,3,0,1)) #print("----------------z is", z, "save image patch at mip", mip, "range", x_range, y_range, "range at mip0", bbox.x_range(mip=0), bbox.y_range(mip=0)) if to_uint8: patch = (np.multiply(patch, 255)).astype(np.uint8) cv[mip][x_range[0]:x_range[1], y_range[0]:y_range[1], z] = cv[mip][x_range[0]:x_range[1], y_range[0]:y_range[1], z] + patch def append_image_batch(self, cv, z_range, float_patch, bbox, mip, to_uint8=True): x_range = bbox.x_range(mip=mip) y_range = bbox.y_range(mip=mip) print("type of float_patch", type(float_patch), "shape", float_patch.shape) patch = np.transpose(float_patch, (2,3,0,1)) # patch = np.transpose(float_patch, (2,1,0))[..., np.newaxis] if to_uint8: patch = (np.multiply(patch, 255)).astype(np.uint8) print("patch shape", patch.shape) cv[mip][x_range[0]:x_range[1], y_range[0]:y_range[1], z_range[0]:z_range[1]] = cv[mip][x_range[0]:x_range[1], y_range[0]:y_range[1], z_range[0]:z_range[1]] + patch ####################### # Field IO + handlers # ####################### def get_field(self, cv, z, bbox, mip, relative=False, to_tensor=True, as_int16=True): """Retrieve vector field from CloudVolume. Args CV: MiplessCloudVolume storing vector field as MIP0 residuals in X,Y,Z,2 order Z: int for section index BBOX: BoundingBox for X & Y extent of the field to retrieve MIP: int for resolution at which to pull the vector field RELATIVE: bool indicating whether to convert MIP0 residuals to relative residuals from [-1,1] based on residual location within shape of the BBOX TO_TENSOR: bool indicating whether to return FIELD as a torch tensor Returns FIELD: vector field with dimensions of BBOX at MIP, with RELATIVE residuals & as TO_TENSOR, using convention (Z,Y,X,2) Note that the grid convention for torch.grid_sample is (N,H,W,2), where the components in the final dimension are (x,y). We are NOT altering it here. """ x_range = bbox.x_range(mip=mip) y_range = bbox.y_range(mip=mip) print('get_field from {bbox}, z={z}, MIP{mip} to {path}'.format(bbox=bbox, z=z, mip=mip, path=cv.path)) field = cv[mip][x_range[0]:x_range[1], y_range[0]:y_range[1], z] field = np.transpose(field, (2,0,1,3)) if as_int16: field = np.float32(field) / 4 if relative: field = self.abs_to_rel_residual(field, bbox, mip) if to_tensor: field = torch.from_numpy(field) return else: return field def save_field(self, field, cv, z, bbox, mip, relative, as_int16=True): """Save vector field to CloudVolume. Args field: ndarray vector field with dimensions of bbox at mip with absolute MIP0 residuals, using grid_sample convention of (Z,Y,X,2), where the components in the final dimension are (x,y). cv: MiplessCloudVolume to store vector field as MIP0 residuals in X,Y,Z,2 order z: int for section index bbox: BoundingBox for X & Y extent of the field to be stored mip: int for resolution at which to store the vector field relative: bool indicating whether to convert MIP0 residuals to relative residuals from [-1,1] based on residual location within shape of the bbox as_int16: bool indicating whether vectors should be saved as int16 """ if relative: field = field * (field.shape[-2] / 2) * (2**mip) # field = x_range = bbox.x_range(mip=mip) y_range = bbox.y_range(mip=mip) field = np.transpose(field, (1,2,0,3)) print('save_field for {0} at MIP{1} to {2}'.format(bbox.stringify(z), mip, cv.path)) if as_int16: if(np.max(field) > 8192 or np.min(field) < -8191): print('Value in field is out of range of int16 max: {}, min: {}'.format( np.max(field),np.min(field)), flush=True) field = np.int16(field * 4) #print("**********field shape is ", field.shape, type(field[0,0,0,0])) cv[mip][x_range[0]:x_range[1], y_range[0]:y_range[1], z] = field def rel_to_abs_residual(self, field, mip): """Convert vector field from relative space [-1,1] to absolute MIP0 space """ return field * (field.shape[-2] / 2) * (2**mip) def abs_to_rel_residual(self, field, bbox, mip): """Convert vector field from absolute MIP0 space to relative space [-1,1] """ x_fraction = bbox.x_size(mip=0) * 0.5 y_fraction = bbox.y_size(mip=0) * 0.5 rel_residual = deepcopy(field) rel_residual[:, :, :, 0] /= x_fraction rel_residual[:, :, :, 1] /= y_fraction return rel_residual def avg_field(self, field): favg = field.sum() / (torch.nonzero(field).size(0) + self.eps) return favg def profile_field(self, field): avg_x = self.avg_field(field[0,...,0]) avg_y = self.avg_field(field[0,...,1]) return torch.Tensor([avg_x, avg_y]) ############################# # CloudVolume chunk methods # ############################# def compute_field_chunk(self, model_path, src_cv, tgt_cv, src_z, tgt_z, bbox, mip, pad, src_mask_cv=None, src_mask_mip=0, src_mask_val=0, tgt_mask_cv=None, tgt_mask_mip=0, tgt_mask_val=0, tgt_alt_z=None, prev_field_cv=None, prev_field_z=None, prev_field_inverse=False): """Run inference with SEAMLeSS model on two images stored as CloudVolume regions. Args: model_path: str for relative path to model directory src_z: int of section to be warped src_cv: MiplessCloudVolume with source image tgt_z: int of section to be warped to tgt_cv: MiplessCloudVolume with target image bbox: BoundingBox for region of both sections to process mip: int of MIP level to use for bbox pad: int for amount of padding to add to the bbox before processing mask_cv: MiplessCloudVolume with mask to be used for both src & tgt image prev_field_cv: if specified, a MiplessCloudVolume containing the previously predicted field to be profile and displace the src chunk Returns: field with MIP0 residuals with the shape of bbox at MIP mip (np.ndarray) """ archive = self.get_model_archive(model_path) model = archive.model normalizer = archive.preprocessor print('compute_field for {0} to {1}'.format(bbox.stringify(src_z), bbox.stringify(tgt_z))) print('pad: {}'.format(pad)) padded_bbox = deepcopy(bbox) padded_bbox.max_mip = mip padded_bbox.uncrop(pad, mip=mip) if prev_field_cv is not None: field = self.get_field(prev_field_cv, prev_field_z, padded_bbox, mip, relative=False, to_tensor=True) if prev_field_inverse: field = -field distance = self.profile_field(field) print('Displacement adjustment: {} px'.format(distance)) distance = (distance // (2 ** mip)) * 2 ** mip new_bbox = self.adjust_bbox(padded_bbox, distance.flip(0)) else: distance = torch.Tensor([0, 0]) new_bbox = padded_bbox tgt_z = [tgt_z] if tgt_alt_z is not None: try: tgt_z.extend(tgt_alt_z) except TypeError: tgt_z.append(tgt_alt_z) print('alternative target slices:', tgt_alt_z) src_patch = self.get_masked_image(src_cv, src_z, new_bbox, mip, mask_cv=src_mask_cv, mask_mip=src_mask_mip, mask_val=src_mask_val, to_tensor=True, normalizer=normalizer) tgt_patch = self.get_composite_image(tgt_cv, tgt_z, padded_bbox, mip, mask_cv=tgt_mask_cv, mask_mip=tgt_mask_mip, mask_val=tgt_mask_val, to_tensor=True, normalizer=normalizer) print('src_patch.shape {}'.format(src_patch.shape)) print('tgt_patch.shape {}'.format(tgt_patch.shape)) # Running the model is the only part that will increase memory consumption # significantly - only incrementing the GPU lock here should be sufficient. if self.gpu_lock is not None: self.gpu_lock.acquire() print("Process {} acquired GPU lock".format(os.getpid())) try: print("GPU memory allocated: {}, cached: {}".format(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(), torch.cuda.memory_cached())) # model produces field in relative coordinates field = model(src_patch, tgt_patch) print("GPU memory allocated: {}, cached: {}".format(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(), torch.cuda.memory_cached())) field = self.rel_to_abs_residual(field, mip) field = field[:,pad:-pad,pad:-pad,:] field += field = # clear unused, cached memory so that other processes can allocate it torch.cuda.empty_cache() print("GPU memory allocated: {}, cached: {}".format(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(), torch.cuda.memory_cached())) finally: if self.gpu_lock is not None: print("Process {} releasing GPU lock".format(os.getpid())) self.gpu_lock.release() return field def predict_image(self, cm, model_path, src_cv, dst_cv, z, mip, bbox, chunk_size): start = time() chunks = self.break_into_chunks(bbox, chunk_size, cm.dst_voxel_offsets[mip], mip=mip, max_mip=cm.num_scales) print("\nfold detect\n" "model {}\n" "src {}\n" "dst {}\n" "z={} \n" "MIP{}\n" "{} chunks\n".format(model_path, src_cv, dst_cv, z, mip, len(chunks)), flush=True) batch = [] for patch_bbox in chunks: batch.append(tasks.PredictImgTask(model_path, src_cv, dst_cv, z, mip, patch_bbox)) return batch def predict_image_chunk(self, model_path, src_cv, z, mip, bbox): archive = self.get_model_archive(model_path, readonly=2) model = archive.model image = self.get_image(src_cv, z, bbox, mip, to_tensor=True) new_image = model(image) return new_image def vector_vote_chunk(self, pairwise_cvs, vvote_cv, z, bbox, mip, inverse=False, serial=True, softmin_temp=None, blur_sigma=None): """Compute consensus vector field using pairwise vector fields with earlier sections. Vector voting requires that vector fields be composed to a common section before comparison: inverse=False means that the comparison will be based on composed vector fields F_{z,compose_start}, while inverse=True will be F_{compose_start,z}. TODO: Reimplement field_cache Args: pairwise_cvs: dict of MiplessCloudVolumes, indexed by their z_offset vvote_cv: MiplessCloudVolume where vector-voted field will be stored z: int for section index to be vector voted bbox: BoundingBox for region where all fields will be loaded/written mip: int for MIP level of fields softmin_temp: softmin temperature (default will be 2**mip) inverse: bool indicating if pairwise fields are to be treated as inverse fields serial: bool indicating to if a previously composed field is not necessary softmin_temp: temperature to use for the softmin in vector voting; default None will use formula based on MIP level blur_sigma: std dev of Gaussian kernel by which to blur the vector vote inputs; default None means no blurring """ fields = [] for z_offset, f_cv in pairwise_cvs.items(): if serial: F = self.get_field(f_cv, z, bbox, mip, relative=False, to_tensor=True) else: G_cv = vvote_cv if
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time from time import strftime, localtime from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from sklearn.metrics import classification_report import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # todo: hooks should also have prefixes so that one can use the same hook with different parameters class Hook(object): """Serves as Hook interface.""" def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, sess, epoch, model, loss, current_feed_dict=None): raise NotImplementedError class TraceHook(object): """Abstract hook class, which implements an update function the summary.""" def __init__(self, summary_writer=None): self.summary_writer = summary_writer def __tag__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, sess, epoch, model, loss, current_feed_dict=None): raise NotImplementedError def at_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): # self.__call__(*args, **kwargs) pass def at_iteration_end(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__call__(*args, **kwargs) def update_summary(self, sess, current_step, title, value): """Adds summary (title, value) to summary writer object. Args: sess (TensorFlow session): The TensorFlow session object. current_step (int): Current step in the training procedure. title (string): The title of the summary. value (float): Scalar value for the message. """ if self.summary_writer is not None: summary = tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag=title, simple_value=value), ]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, current_step) class LossHook(TraceHook): """A hook at prints the current loss and adds it to the summary.""" def __init__(self, iter_interval, batch_size, summary_writer=None): #TODO(dirk): Why batch_size as parameter? loss should be batch normalized anyway during training and when it comes in here. super(LossHook, self).__init__(summary_writer) self.iter_interval = iter_interval self.acc_loss = 0 self.batch_size = batch_size self.iter = 0 def __tag__(self): return "Loss" def __call__(self, sess, epoch, model, loss, current_feed_dict=None): """Prints the loss, epoch, and #calls; adds it to the summary.""" self.iter += 1 self.acc_loss += loss / self.batch_size if not self.iter == 0 and self.iter % self.iter_interval == 0: loss = self.acc_loss / self.iter_interval"Epoch {}\tIter {}\tLoss {}".format(str(epoch), str(self.iter), str(loss))) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__(), loss) self.acc_loss = 0 class TensorHook(TraceHook): def __init__(self, iter_interval, tensorlist, feed_dicts=None, summary_writer=None, modes=['mean_abs'], prefix="", global_statistics=False): """ Evaluate the tf.Tensor objects in `tensorlist` during training (every `iter_interval` iterations), and calculate statistics on them (in `modes`): 'mean_abs', 'std', 'min', and/or 'max'. Additionally, the `print` mode prints the entire tensor to stdout. If feed_dicts is a generator or iterator over feed_dicts (e.g. to iterate over the entire dev-set), each tensor in `tensorlist` is evaluated and concatenated for each feed_dict, before calculating the scores for the different `modes`. If it's a single feed_dict or `None`, only one evaluation is done. """ super(TensorHook, self).__init__(summary_writer) self.iter_interval = iter_interval self.tensorlist = tensorlist self.feed_dicts = {} if feed_dicts is None else feed_dicts self.modes = modes self.iter = 0 self.prefix = prefix self.global_statastics = global_statistics if self.global_statastics: self.tensor = tf.stack([tf.reshape(t, [-1]) for t in self.tensorlist]) def __tag__(self): return self.prefix + "Tensor" def __call__(self, sess, epoch, model, loss, current_feed_dict=None): self.iter += 1 if not self.iter == 0 and self.iter % self.iter_interval == 0: if self.global_statastics: mean = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(self.tensor)) max = tf.reduce_max(self.tensor) min = tf.reduce_min(self.tensor) # sum = tf.reduce_sum(self.tensor) norm = tf.norm(self.tensor) mean_val, max_val, min_val, norm_val = \[mean, max, min, norm], feed_dict=current_feed_dict) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__() + '_mean_abs', mean_val) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__() + '_max', max_val) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__() + '_min', min_val) # self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__() + '_sum', sum_val) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__() + '_norm', norm_val) else: for tensor in self.tensorlist: tag = if isinstance(self.feed_dicts, dict): t =, feed_dict=self.feed_dicts) else: for i, feed_dict in enumerate(self.feed_dicts): t_i =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if not hasattr(t_i,'__len__'): t_i = [t_i] t = t_i if i == 0 else np.concatenate([t, t_i], axis=0) if 'mean_abs' in self.modes: value_mean = float(np.mean(t)) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, tag+'_mean_abs', value_mean) if 'std' in self.modes: value_std = float(np.std(t)) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, tag+'_std', value_std) if 'min' in self.modes: value_min = float(np.min(t)) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, tag+'_min', value_min) if 'max' in self.modes: value_max = float(np.max(t)) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, tag + '_max', value_max) if 'print' in self.modes: #for debug purposes'\n{}\n{}\n'.format(tag, str(t))) class ExamplesPerSecHook(TraceHook): """Prints the examples per sec and adds it to the summary writer.""" def __init__(self, iter_interval, batch_size, summary_writer=None): super(ExamplesPerSecHook, self).__init__(summary_writer) self.iter_interval = iter_interval self.batch_size = batch_size self.t0 = time.time() self.num_examples = iter_interval * batch_size self.iter = 0 self.reset = True def __tag__(self): return "Speed" def __call__(self, sess, epoch, model, loss, current_feed_dict=None): """Prints the examples per sec and adds it to the summary writer.""" self.iter += 1 if self.reset: self.t0 = time.time() self.reset = False elif self.iter % self.iter_interval == 0: diff = time.time() - self.t0 speed = "%.2f" % (self.num_examples / diff)"Epoch {}\tIter {}\tExamples/s {}".format(str(epoch), str(self.iter), str(speed))) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__(), float(speed)) self.t0 = time.time() def at_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): # to eliminate drop in measured speed due to post-epoch hooks: # do not execute; reset for use during epochs only self.reset = True return def at_iteration_end(self, sess, epoch, model, loss, current_feed_dict=None): return self.__call__(sess, epoch, model, loss, current_feed_dict) class ETAHook(TraceHook): """Estimates ETA from max_iter vs current_iter.""" def __init__(self, iter_interval, max_epochs, iter_per_epoch, summary_writer=None): super(ETAHook, self).__init__(summary_writer) self.iter_interval = iter_interval self.max_iters = max_epochs * iter_per_epoch self.iter = 0 self.epoch = 1 self.max_epochs = max_epochs self.start = time.time() self.reestimate = True def __tag__(self): return "ETA" def __call__(self, sess, epoch, model, loss, current_feed_dict=None): """Estimates ETA from max_iter vs current_iter.""" self.iter += 1 if not self.iter == 0 and self.iter % self.iter_interval == 0: progress = float(self.iter) / self.max_iters current_time = time.time() elapsed = current_time - self.start eta = (1-progress) * elapsed eta_date = strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(current_time + eta)) def format_eta(seconds): if seconds == float("inf"): return "never" else: seconds, _ = divmod(seconds, 1) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) seconds = str(int(seconds)) minutes = str(int(minutes)) hours = str(int(hours)) if len(hours) < 2: hours = "0"+hours if len(minutes) < 2: minutes = "0"+minutes if len(seconds) < 2: seconds = "0"+seconds return "{}:{}:{}".format(hours, minutes, seconds)"Epoch %d\tIter %d\tETA in %s [%2.2f" % (epoch, self.iter, format_eta(eta), progress * 100) + "%] " + eta_date) #"Epoch {}\tIter {}\tETA in {} {0:.2g}".format(epoch, self.iter, format_eta(eta), progress * 100) + "%] " + eta_date) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__(), float(eta)) self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__() + "_progress", progress) def at_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.reestimate: self.max_iters = self.max_epochs * self.iter self.reestimate = False class AccuracyHook(TraceHook): #todo: will be deprecated; less general (e.g. for binary vectors in multi-label problems etc). #todo: accuracy already covered by EvalHook def __init__(self, batches, predict, target, at_every_epoch=1, placeholders=None, prefix="", summary_writer=None): super(AccuracyHook, self).__init__(summary_writer) self.batches = batches self.predict = predict = target self.at_every_epoch = at_every_epoch self.placeholders = placeholders self.done_for_epoch = False self.iter = 0 self.prefix = prefix def __tag__(self): return self.prefix + "Acc" def __call__(self, sess, epoch, model, loss, current_feed_dict=None): self.iter += 1 if epoch % self.at_every_epoch == 0 and loss==0: #hacky: force to be post-epoch if not self.done_for_epoch: total = 0 correct = 0 for i, batch in enumerate(self.batches): if self.placeholders is not None: feed_dict = dict(zip(self.placeholders, batch)) else: feed_dict = batch predicted =, feed_dict=feed_dict) target = feed_dict[] gold = target if np.shape(target) == np.shape(predicted) else np.argmax(target) overlap = gold == predicted # todo: extend further, because does not cover all likely cases yet #overlap = np.argmax(feed_dict[]) == predicted # correct += np.sum(overlap, axis=0) correct += np.sum(overlap) total += predicted.size acc = float(correct) / total * 100 self.update_summary(sess, self.iter, self.__tag__(), acc)"Epoch {}\tAcc {:.2f}\tCorrect {}\tTotal {}".format(str(epoch), acc, str(correct), str(total))) self.done_for_epoch = True else: self.done_for_epoch = False def at_epoch_end(self, sess, epoch, model, loss): if epoch % self.at_every_epoch == 0: self.__call__(sess, epoch, model, loss) else: return class EvalHook(TraceHook): """Hook which applies various metrics, such as recall, precision, F1. To be used during training on dev-data, and after training on test-data. """ def __init__(self, batches, logits, predict, target, at_every_epoch=1, placeholders=None, metrics=[], summary_writer=None, print_details=False, write_metrics_to="", print_to="", info="", iter_interval=1, side_effect=None, epoch_interval=1): """ Initialize EvalHook object. Calling the hook prints calculated metrics to stdout, and returns targets, predictions, and a metrics dict. Meant as post-epoch hook; hence the argument `post_epoch=True` required when calling the hook. Args: batches: iterator / generator of batches; assumed each batch is a proper feed_dict in case placeholders=None otherwise paired with the placeholders to form feed_dicts. logits: tf op with logits predict: tf op that returns binary predictions, either for each instance as the index of the predicted answer (if unique) otherwise as a tensor of
<gh_stars>0 import pickle import os.path import sys, getopt from googleapiclient.discovery import build from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow from google.auth.transport.requests import Request import html from collections import namedtuple from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List from rdf_serializer import serialize_rdf # NOTE: there is a main() function, start reading from there # There are times when it seems like a very bad imitation of PHP # Ideally, I would have used templates (Jinja2) to write the data # But given time constraints, I saved the lines to a list # and then write them at the end to a file (persist) # If modifying these scopes, delete the file token.pickle. SCOPES = [''] # The ID and range of a sample spreadsheet. DOCID = '13d1eRXZZBCw84vYGoCJeMU08rzkkzadDzxY3n2iOi8k' SHEET = 'BaseOntology' NAMESPACE = "dpv:" # These are the columns in the sheet FIELDS = ( "type", "term", "description", "domain", "range", "super", "sub", "related_terms", "related_how", "comments", "source", "created", "status", "rdfs_comments", "contributor", "approved", "resolution") Template = namedtuple('Template', FIELDS) filecontent = [] def download_data(SHEET_NAME): """Download data from Google Sheets""" creds = None SHEET_RANGE = SHEET_NAME + '!A:Q' # The file token.pickle stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is # created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first # time. if os.path.exists('token.pickle'): with open('token.pickle', 'rb') as token: creds = pickle.load(token) # If there are no (valid) credentials available, let the user log in. if not creds or not creds.valid: if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token: creds.refresh(Request()) else: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file( 'credentials.json', SCOPES) creds = flow.run_local_server() # Save the credentials for the next run with open('token.pickle', 'wb') as token: pickle.dump(creds, token) service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=creds) # Call the Sheets API sheet = service.spreadsheets() result = sheet.values().get(spreadsheetId=DOCID, range=SHEET_RANGE).execute() values = result.get('values', []) if not values: print('No data found.') return values def extract_classes_properties(data): """Extract classes and properties from downloaded data""" def _extract_data(row): # ensure that the row contains a field for every column # this function can also be used for data cleaning # remove surrounding whitespaces row = [item.strip().replace('\n', ' ') for item in row] if len(row) < len(FIELDS): row += [''] * (len(FIELDS) - len(row)) return row classes = [] properties = [] for row in data: # if row is not empty if(len(row)): # if row is about a Class if(row[0]=='Class'): classes.append(Template(*_extract_data(row))) # if row is about a Property elif(row[0]=='Property'): properties.append(Template(*_extract_data(row))) return classes, properties def document_toc(classes, properties): # print(f'<dt><a href="rdf/{SHEET}.ttl">rdf/turtle serialization</a></dt>') pass def document_classes(classes, properties): """Generate documentation for classes""" filecontent.append(f'<section id="{SHEET.lower()}-classes">') filecontent.append('<h3>Classes</h3>') if not classes: return classes.sort(key=lambda c: c.term) string = "<p>\n" string += ' | \n'.join(( f'<code><a href="{item.term}">:{item.term.split(":")[1]}</a></code>' for item in classes)) string += "\n</p>\n" filecontent.append(string) for cl in classes: term = cl.term.split(':')[1] termbank = [] label = term[0] for i in range(1, len(term)): if term[i].isupper() and term[i-1].islower(): termbank.append(label) label = '' label += term[i] termbank.append(label) label = ' '.join(termbank) filecontent.append('<section>') filecontent.append(f'<h4 id={cl.term}>{label}</h4>') filecontent.append('<table class="definition">') filecontent.append('<tbody>') filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<th>Class:</th>') filecontent.append(f'<th><code><a href="#{cl.term}">{cl.term}</a></code></th>') filecontent.append('</tr>') filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Description:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.description}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.rdfs_comments: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Comments:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.rdfs_comments}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') filecontent.append('<tr>') if cl.super: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>is SubClass of:</td>') scs = [] for sc in cl.super.split(','): sc = sc.strip() if sc.startswith(NAMESPACE): scs.append(f'<a href="#{sc}">{sc}</a>') else: link = sc if sc.startswith("dpv:"): link = sc.replace("dpv:", "") scs.append(f'<a href="{link}">{sc}</a>') scs = ' &cap; '.join(scs) filecontent.append(f'<td>{scs}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.sub: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>is Parent Class of:</td>') scs = [] for sc in cl.sub.split(','): sc = sc.strip() if sc.startswith(NAMESPACE): scs.append(f'<a href="#{sc}">{sc}</a>') else: link = sc if sc.startswith("dpv:"): link = sc.replace("dpv:", "") scs.append(f'<a href="{link}">{sc}</a>') scs = ', '.join(scs) filecontent.append(f'<td>{scs}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') domains = [] for prop in properties: if (cl.term in prop.domain): domains.append(f'<a href="#{prop.term}">{prop.term}</a>') ranges = [] for prop in properties: if (cl.term in prop.range): ranges.append(f'<a href="#{prop.term}">{prop.term}</a>') if domains or ranges: if domains: domains.sort() filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>in Domain of:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{", ".join(domains)}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if ranges: ranges.sort() filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>in Range of:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{", ".join(ranges)}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.source: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Source:</td>') s = ', '.join(( f'<a href="{s}">{s}</a>' for s in cl.source.split(','))) filecontent.append(f'<td>{s}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.status: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Status:</td>') st = "\n".join(cl.status.split(";")) filecontent.append(f'<td>{st}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.created: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Date Created:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.created}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.approved: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Date Approved:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.approved}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.resolution: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Approval Resolution:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td><a href="{cl.resolution}">{cl.resolution}</a></td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.contributor: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Contributor:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.contributor}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.comments: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Notes:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.comments}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.related_terms: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Related Terms:</td>') filecontent.append('<td>') for t in cl.related_terms.split(','): filecontent.append(f'{cl.related_how} {t}\n') filecontent.append('</td></tr>') filecontent.append('</tbody>') filecontent.append('</thead>') filecontent.append('</table>') filecontent.append('</section>') filecontent.append('</section>') def document_properties(classes, properties): """Generate documentation for properties""" if not properties: return filecontent.append(f'<section id="{SHEET.lower()}-properties">') filecontent.append('<h3>Properties</h3>') properties.sort(key=lambda c: c.term) string = "<p>\n" string += ' | \n'.join(( f'<code><a href="{item.term}">:{item.term.split(":")[1]}</a></code>' for item in properties)) string += "\n</p>\n" filecontent.append(string) for cl in properties: term = cl.term.split(':')[1] termbank = [] label = term[0] for i in range(1, len(term)): if term[i].isupper() and term[i-1].islower(): termbank.append(label) label = '' label += term[i] termbank.append(label) label = ' '.join(termbank) filecontent.append('<section>') filecontent.append(f'<h4 id={cl.term}>{label}</h4>') filecontent.append('<table class="definition">') filecontent.append('<tbody>') filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<th>Property:</th>') filecontent.append(f'<th><code><a href="#{cl.term}">{cl.term}</a></code></th>') filecontent.append('</tr>') filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Description:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.description}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.rdfs_comments: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Comments:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.rdfs_comments}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') filecontent.append('<tr>') if cl.super: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>is Sub-Property of:</td>') scs = [f'<a href="#{sc}">{sc}<a>' for sc in cl.super.split(',')] scs = ', '.join(scs) filecontent.append(f'<td>{scs}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.sub: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>is Parent Property of:</td>') scs = [f'<a href="#{sc}">{sc}<a>' for sc in cl.sub.split(',')] scs = ', '.join(scs) filecontent.append(f'<td>{scs}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.domain: if 'union' in cl.domain: domains = [ f'<a href="{c.strip()}">{c.strip()}</a>' for c in cl.domain.split('union')] domains = ' &cup; '.join(domains) else: domains = f'<a href="{cl.domain}">{cl.domain}</a>' filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Domain:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{domains}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.range: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Range:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td><a href="{cl.range}">{cl.range}</a></td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.source: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Source:</td>') s = ', '.join(( f'<a href="{s}">{s}</a>' for s in cl.source.split(','))) filecontent.append(f'<td>{s}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.status: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Status:</td>') st = "\n".join(cl.status.split(";")) filecontent.append(f'<td>{st}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.created: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Date Created:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.created}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.approved: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Date Approved:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.approved}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.resolution: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Approval Resolution:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td><a href="{cl.resolution}">{cl.resolution}</a></td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.contributor: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Contributor:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.contributor}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.comments: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Notes:</td>') filecontent.append(f'<td>{cl.comments}</td>') filecontent.append('</tr>') if cl.related_terms: filecontent.append('<tr>') filecontent.append('<td>Related Terms:</td>') filecontent.append('<td>') for t in cl.related_terms.split(','): filecontent.append(f'{cl.related_how} {t}\n') filecontent.append('</td></tr>') filecontent.append('</tbody>') filecontent.append('</thead>') filecontent.append('</table>') filecontent.append('</section>') filecontent.append('</section>') def generate_rdf(classes, properties): """Generate the RDF/OWL file for this ontology""" code = [] for cl in classes: serialization = [] serialization.append(f'{cl.term} a rdfs:Class') serialization.append(f' dct:description "{cl.description}"@en') if cl.super: serialization.append(f' rdfs:subClassOf {cl.super}') if cl.created: serialization.append(f' dct:created "{cl.created}"^^xsd:date') if cl.approved: serialization.append(f' dct:date-accepted "{cl.approved}"^^xsd:date') if cl.contributor: serialization.append(f' dct:creator "{cl.contributor}"') if cl.rdfs_comments: rdfs_comments = cl.rdfs_comments.replace('"', '\\"') serialization.append(f' rdfs:comment "{rdfs_comments}"') if cl.source: for s in cl.source.split(','): if s.startswith('http'): serialization.append(f' rdfs:isDefinedBy <{s}>') else: serialization.append(f' rdfs:isDefinedBy "s"') if cl.related_terms: if not cl.related_how: related_how = 'rdfs:seeAlso' else: related_how = cl.related_how for t in cl.related_terms.split(','): serialization.append(f' {related_how} {t}') if cl.status: serialization.append(f' sw:term_status "{cl.status}"') code.append(serialization) for prop in properties: serialization = [] serialization.append(f'{prop.term} a rdfs:Property') serialization.append(f' dct:description "{prop.description}"@en') if prop.domain: if 'union' in prop.domain: domains = prop.domain.split(' union ') s = f' rdfs:domain [ owl:unionOf (\n' for item in domains: s += f' {item}\n' s += f' ) ]' serialization.append(s) else: serialization.append(f' rdfs:domain {prop.domain}') if prop.range: if 'union' in prop.range: ranges = prop.range.split(' union ') s = f' rdfs:range [ owl:unionOf (\n' for item in ranges: s += f' {item}\n' s += f' ) ]' serialization.append(s) else: serialization.append(f' rdfs:range {prop.range}') # TODO: add superproperty if prop.created: serialization.append(f' dct:created "{prop.created}"^^xsd:date') if prop.approved: serialization.append(f' dct:date-accepted "{prop.approved}"^^xsd:date') if prop.contributor: serialization.append(f' dct:creator "{prop.contributor}"') if prop.rdfs_comments: rdfs_comments = prop.rdfs_comments.replace('"', '\\"') serialization.append(f' rdfs:comment "{rdfs_comments}"') if prop.source: for s in prop.source.split(','): if s.startswith('http'): serialization.append(f' rdfs:isDefinedBy <{s}>') else: serialization.append(f' rdfs:isDefinedBy "s"') if prop.related_terms: if not prop.related_how: related_how = 'rdfs:seeAlso' else: related_how = prop.related_how for t in prop.related_terms.split(','): serialization.append(f' {related_how} {t}') if prop.status: serialization.append(f' sw:term_status "{prop.status}"') code.append(serialization) return code def main(pickled=False): """First argument should be the name of the Tab in the spreadsheet you want to parse (in quotes), e.g. 'Base Ontology'""" if pickled: print(f'loading data from file pickled/{SHEET}.') classes, properties = pickle.load(open(f'pickled/{SHEET}.pickle', 'rb')) else: # download data from Google Sheets using the API data = download_data(SHEET) # extract classes and properties from downloaded data classes, properties = extract_classes_properties(data) # pickles for offline working (in case SHEETS API is not working) # or when there's no internet connectivity - e.g. flights pickle.dump( (classes, properties), open(f'pickled/{SHEET}.pickle', 'wb')) # the contents are generated, stored in a list, and saved to a file document_classes(classes, properties) document_properties(classes, properties) with open(f'docs/{SHEET}.html', 'w') as fd: for line in filecontent: print(line, file=fd) # serialize the classes and properties
<gh_stars>1-10 # Copyright 2018 <NAME> <EMAIL> # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import covid19pandas as cod import covid19pandas.exceptions as codex from test_getters import _check_gotten import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime import pytest import math formats = ["wide", "long"] jhu_data_types = ["all", "cases", "deaths", "recovered"] jhu_regions = ["global", "us"] nyt_data_types = ["all", "cases", "deaths"] nyt_county_options = [True, False] @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore::covid19pandas.exceptions.FileNotUpdatedWarning") class TestSelectors: @classmethod def setup_class(cls): """Ensures that all data tables have been recently downloaded, so we can skip the update in all our tests to improve speed.""" cod.get_data_jhu(data_type="all", region="global", update=True) cod.get_data_jhu(data_type="all", region="us", update=True) cod.get_data_nyt(data_type="all", counties=False, update=True) cod.get_data_nyt(data_type="all", counties=True, update=True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for select_top_x_regions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_select_top_x_jhu(self): for format in formats: for data_type in jhu_data_types: for region in jhu_regions: if (region == "us" and data_type == "recovered") or (format == "wide" and data_type == "all"): pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_jhu(format=format, data_type=data_type, region=region, update=False) if data_type == "all": compare_by_types = set(jhu_data_types) compare_by_types.remove("all") if region == "us": compare_by_types.remove("recovered") for compare_by_type in compare_by_types: self._check_select_top_x(df, format, compare_by_type, num_regions=1) # Don't keep others self._check_select_top_x(df, format, compare_by_type, num_regions=1, other_to_keep=[col for col in compare_by_types if col != compare_by_type]) # Keep others self._check_select_top_x(df, format, compare_by_type, num_regions=2) # Don't keep others self._check_select_top_x(df, format, compare_by_type, num_regions=2, other_to_keep=[col for col in compare_by_types if col != compare_by_type]) # Keep others else: self._check_select_top_x(df, format, data_type, num_regions=1) self._check_select_top_x(df, format, data_type, num_regions=2) def test_select_top_x_nyt(self): for format in formats: for data_type in nyt_data_types: for county_option in nyt_county_options: if (format == "wide" and data_type == "all"): pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_nyt(format=format, data_type=data_type, counties=county_option, update=False) if data_type == "all": compare_by_types = set(nyt_data_types) compare_by_types.remove("all") for compare_by_type in compare_by_types: self._check_select_top_x(df, format, compare_by_type, num_regions=1) # Don't keep others self._check_select_top_x(df, format, compare_by_type, num_regions=1, other_to_keep=[col for col in compare_by_types if col != compare_by_type]) # Keep others # It only will work to do more than 1 grouping col if we're using the states and counties table, because the just states table only has one grouping col if county_option: self._check_select_top_x(df, format, compare_by_type, num_regions=2) # Don't keep others self._check_select_top_x(df, format, compare_by_type, num_regions=2, other_to_keep=[col for col in compare_by_types if col != compare_by_type]) # Keep others else: self._check_select_top_x(df, format, data_type, num_regions=1) # It only will work to do more than 1 grouping col if we're using the states and counties table, because the just states table only has one grouping col if county_option: self._check_select_top_x(df, format, data_type, num_regions=2) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for select_regions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_select_regions_jhu(self): for format in formats: for data_type in jhu_data_types: for region in jhu_regions: if (region == "us" and data_type == "recovered") or (format == "wide" and data_type == "all"): pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_jhu(format=format, data_type=data_type, region=region, update=False) if data_type == "all": cols_to_keep = {"cases", "deaths", "recovered"} if region == "us": cols_to_keep.remove("recovered") cols_to_keep = sorted(cols_to_keep) # Convert it back to a list else: cols_to_keep = [data_type] self._check_select_regions(df, format, cols_kept=cols_to_keep) def test_select_regions_nyt(self): for format in formats: for data_type in nyt_data_types: for county_option in nyt_county_options: if (format == "wide" and data_type == "all"): pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_nyt(format=format, data_type=data_type, counties=county_option, update=False) if data_type == "all": cols_to_keep = ["cases", "deaths"] else: cols_to_keep = [data_type] self._check_select_regions(df, format, cols_kept=cols_to_keep) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for calc_x_day_rolling_mean # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_calc_x_day_rolling_mean_jhu(self): for format in formats: for data_type in jhu_data_types: for region in jhu_regions: if (region == "us" and data_type == "recovered") or (format == "wide" and data_type == "all"): pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_jhu(format=format, data_type=data_type, region=region, update=False) if data_type == "all": input_data_types = set(jhu_data_types) input_data_types.remove("all") if region == "us": input_data_types.remove("recovered") for input_data_type in input_data_types: self._check_calc_x_day_rolling_mean(df, format, data_type=input_data_type, other_input_data_types=[col for col in input_data_types if col != input_data_type]) # Note that we still also perform this test if data_type == "all" because we can also calculate the x day mean for all columns. self._check_calc_x_day_rolling_mean(df, format, data_type) def test_calc_x_day_rolling_mean_nyt(self): for format in formats: for data_type in nyt_data_types: for county_option in nyt_county_options: if (format == "wide" and data_type == "all"): pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_nyt(format=format, data_type=data_type, counties=county_option, update=False) if data_type == "all": input_data_types = set(nyt_data_types) input_data_types.remove("all") for input_data_type in input_data_types: self._check_calc_x_day_rolling_mean(df, format, data_type=input_data_type, other_input_data_types=[col for col in input_data_types if col != input_data_type]) # Note that we still also perform this test if data_type == "all" because we can also calculate the x day mean for all columns. self._check_calc_x_day_rolling_mean(df, format, data_type) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for calc_daily_change # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_calc_daily_change_jhu(self): for format in formats: for data_type in jhu_data_types: for region in jhu_regions: if (region == "us" and data_type == "recovered") or (format == "wide" and data_type == "all"): pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_jhu(format=format, data_type=data_type, region=region, update=False) if data_type == "all": input_data_types = set(jhu_data_types) input_data_types.remove("all") if region == "us": input_data_types.remove("recovered") for input_data_type in input_data_types: self._check_daily_change(df, format=format, data_type=input_data_type, other_data_types=[col for col in input_data_types if col != input_data_type]) # Note that we still also perform this test if data_type == "all" because we can also calculate daily change for all columns. self._check_daily_change(df, format=format, data_type=data_type) def test_calc_daily_change_long_nyt(self): for format in formats: for data_type in nyt_data_types: for county_option in nyt_county_options: if format == "wide" and data_type == "all": pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_nyt(format=format, data_type=data_type, counties=county_option, update=False) if data_type == "all": input_data_types = set(nyt_data_types) input_data_types.remove("all") for input_data_type in input_data_types: self._check_daily_change(df, format=format, data_type=input_data_type, other_data_types=[col for col in input_data_types if col != input_data_type]) # Note that we still also perform this test if data_type == "all" because we can also calculate daily change for all columns. self._check_daily_change(df, format=format, data_type=data_type) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for calc_days_since_min_count # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_calc_days_since_min_count_jhu(self): for format in formats: for data_type in jhu_data_types: for region in jhu_regions: if (region == "us" and data_type == "recovered") or (format == "wide" and data_type == "all"): pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_jhu(format=format, data_type=data_type, region=region, update=False) if data_type == "all": count_by_types = set(jhu_data_types) count_by_types.remove("all") if region == "us": count_by_types.remove("recovered") for count_by_type in count_by_types: self._check_days_since(df, format, count_by_type) else: self._check_days_since(df, format, data_type) def test_calc_days_since_min_count_nyt(self): for format in formats: for data_type in nyt_data_types: for county_option in nyt_county_options: if (format == "wide" and data_type == "all"): pass # Invalid table parameter combination else: df = cod.get_data_nyt(format=format, data_type=data_type, counties=county_option, update=False) if data_type == "all": for count_by_type in [type for type in nyt_data_types if type != "all"]: self._check_days_since(df, format, count_by_type) else: self._check_days_since(df, format, data_type) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _check_select_top_x(df, format, data_type, num_regions, other_to_keep=[]): if num_regions == 1: # Search for defined region cols (based on data source) if {"Province/State", "Country/Region"}.issubset(df.columns): # JHU global table region_col = "Country/Region" exclude = ["US", "China"] elif {"Combined_Key"}.issubset(df.columns): # JHU USA table region_col = "Province_State" exclude = ["New York", "Illinois"] elif {"state"}.issubset(df.columns): # NYT USA state only or states and counties table. region_col = "state" exclude = ["Washington", "Illinois"] else: raise ParameterError("The dataframe you passed does not contain any of the standard location grouping columns. Must contain one of these sets of columns: \n\n{'Province/State', 'Country/Region'}\n{'Combined_Key'}\n{'county', 'state'}\n{'state'}\n\n" + f"Your dataframe's columns are:\n{df.columns}") if format == "wide": group_cols = [region_col] else: # format == "long" group_cols = ["date", region_col] num_top = 10 # Call the function outs = { "top_others_kept": cod.select_top_x_regions(df, region_cols=region_col, data_col=data_type, x=num_top, combine_subregions=True, other_data_cols=other_to_keep), "top_uncombined": cod.select_top_x_regions(df, region_cols=region_col, data_col=data_type, x=num_top, combine_subregions=False, other_data_cols=other_to_keep), "top_with_exclusions": cod.select_top_x_regions(df, region_cols=region_col, data_col=data_type, x=num_top, combine_subregions=True, other_data_cols=other_to_keep, exclude=exclude), } # Run basic table checks for name, out in outs.items(): if name == "top_uncombined" and {"Admin2"}.issubset(df.columns): _check_gotten(out, format, group_cols=group_cols + ["Admin2"]) #
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python """Test suite for docformatter.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import contextlib import io import os import random import shutil import string import subprocess import sys import tempfile import unittest if sys.version_info >= (3, 3): from unittest.mock import patch else: from mock import patch import docformatter ROOT_DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if ( 'DOCFORMATTER_COVERAGE' in os.environ and int(os.environ['DOCFORMATTER_COVERAGE']) ): DOCFORMATTER_COMMAND = ['coverage', 'run', '--branch', '--parallel', '--omit=*/site-packages/*', os.path.join(ROOT_DIRECTORY, '')] else: # We need to specify the executable to make sure the correct Python # interpreter gets used. DOCFORMATTER_COMMAND = [sys.executable, os.path.join( ROOT_DIRECTORY, '')] # pragma: no cover class TestUnits(unittest.TestCase): def test_is_in_range(self): self.assertTrue(docformatter.is_in_range(None, 1, 9)) self.assertTrue(docformatter.is_in_range([1, 4], 3, 5)) self.assertTrue(docformatter.is_in_range([1, 4], 4, 10)) self.assertTrue(docformatter.is_in_range([2, 10], 1, 2)) self.assertFalse(docformatter.is_in_range([1, 1], 2, 9)) self.assertFalse(docformatter.is_in_range([10, 20], 1, 9)) def test_has_correct_length(self): self.assertTrue(docformatter.has_correct_length(None, 1, 9)) self.assertTrue(docformatter.has_correct_length([1, 3], 3, 5)) self.assertTrue(docformatter.has_correct_length([1, 1], 1, 1)) self.assertTrue(docformatter.has_correct_length([1, 10], 5, 10)) self.assertFalse(docformatter.has_correct_length([1, 1], 2, 9)) self.assertFalse(docformatter.has_correct_length([10, 20], 2, 9)) def test_strip_docstring(self): self.assertEqual( 'Hello.', docformatter.strip_docstring(''' """Hello. """ ''')) def test_strip_docstring_with_single_quotes(self): self.assertEqual( 'Hello.', docformatter.strip_docstring(""" '''Hello. ''' """)) def test_strip_docstring_with_empty_string(self): self.assertEqual('', docformatter.strip_docstring('""""""')) def test_strip_docstring_with_escaped_quotes(self): self.assertEqual("hello\\'", docformatter.strip_docstring("'hello\\''")) def test_strip_docstring_with_escaped_double_quotes(self): self.assertEqual('hello\\"', docformatter.strip_docstring('"hello\\""')) def test_strip_docstring_with_unhandled(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): docformatter.strip_docstring('r"""foo"""') def test_strip_docstring_with_unknown(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): docformatter.strip_docstring('foo') def test_format_docstring(self): self.assertEqual('"""Hello."""', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """ Hello. """ '''.strip())) def test_format_docstring_with_summary_that_ends_in_quote(self): self.assertEqual('''""""Hello"."""''', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """ "Hello" """ '''.strip())) def test_format_docstring_with_bad_indentation(self): self.assertEqual('''"""Hello. This should be indented but it is not. The next line should be indented too. And this too. """''', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """Hello. This should be indented but it is not. The next line should be indented too. And this too. """ '''.strip())) def test_format_docstring_with_too_much_indentation(self): self.assertEqual('''"""Hello. This should be dedented. 1. This too. 2. And this. 3. And this. """''', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """Hello. This should be dedented. 1. This too. 2. And this. 3. And this. """ '''.strip())) def test_format_docstring_with_description_wrapping(self): self.assertEqual('''"""Hello. This should be indented but it is not. The next line should be indented too. But this is okay. """''', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """Hello. This should be indented but it is not. The next line should be indented too. But this is okay. """ '''.strip(), description_wrap_length=72)) def test_format_docstring_should_ignore_doctests(self): docstring = '''"""Hello. >>> 4 4 """''' self.assertEqual( docstring, docformatter.format_docstring(' ', docstring, description_wrap_length=72)) def test_format_docstring_should_ignore_doctests_in_summary(self): docstring = '''""" >>> 4 4 """''' self.assertEqual( docstring, docformatter.format_docstring(' ', docstring, description_wrap_length=72)) def test_format_docstring_should_maintain_indentation_of_doctest(self): self.assertEqual( '''"""Foo bar bing bang. >>> tests = DocTestFinder().find(_TestClass) >>> runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=False) >>> tests.sort(key = lambda test: """''', docformatter.format_docstring( ' ', docstring='''"""Foo bar bing bang. >>> tests = DocTestFinder().find(_TestClass) >>> runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=False) >>> tests.sort(key = lambda test: """''', description_wrap_length=72)) def test_format_docstring_should_ignore_numbered_lists(self): docstring = '''"""Hello. 1. This should be indented but it is not. The next line should be indented too. But this is okay. """''' self.assertEqual( docstring, docformatter.format_docstring(' ', docstring, description_wrap_length=72)) def test_format_docstring_should_ignore_parameter_lists(self): docstring = '''"""Hello. foo - This is a foo. This is a foo. This is a foo. This is a foo. This is. bar - This is a bar. This is a bar. This is a bar. This is a bar. This is. """''' self.assertEqual( docstring, docformatter.format_docstring(' ', docstring, description_wrap_length=72)) def test_format_docstring_should_ignore__colon_parameter_lists(self): docstring = '''"""Hello. foo: This is a foo. This is a foo. This is a foo. This is a foo. This is. bar: This is a bar. This is a bar. This is a bar. This is a bar. This is. """''' self.assertEqual( docstring, docformatter.format_docstring(' ', docstring, description_wrap_length=72)) def test_format_docstring_should_ignore_multi_paragraph(self): docstring = '''"""Hello. This should be indented but it is not. The next line should be indented too. But this is okay. This should be indented but it is not. The next line should be indented too. But this is okay. """''' self.assertEqual( docstring, docformatter.format_docstring(' ', docstring, description_wrap_length=72)) def test_format_docstring_with_trailing_whitespace(self): self.assertEqual('''"""Hello. This should be not have trailing whitespace. The next line should not have trailing whitespace either. """''', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """Hello.\t \t This should be not have trailing whitespace. The\t\t\t next line should not have trailing whitespace either.\t \t """ '''.strip())) def test_format_docstring_with_no_post_description_blank(self): self.assertEqual('''"""Hello. Description. """''', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """ Hello. Description. """ '''.strip(), post_description_blank=False)) def test_format_docstring_with_pre_summary_newline(self): self.assertEqual('''""" Hello. Description. """''', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """ Hello. Description. """ '''.strip(), pre_summary_newline=True)) def test_format_docstring_with_empty_docstring(self): self.assertEqual('""""""', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', '""""""')) def test_format_docstring_with_no_period(self): self.assertEqual('"""Hello."""', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """ Hello """ '''.strip())) def test_format_docstring_with_single_quotes(self): self.assertEqual('"""Hello."""', docformatter.format_docstring(' ', """ ''' Hello. ''' """.strip())) def test_format_docstring_with_single_quotes_multi_line(self): self.assertEqual(''' """Return x factorial. This uses math.factorial. """ '''.strip(), docformatter.format_docstring(' ', """ ''' Return x factorial. This uses math.factorial. ''' """.strip())) def test_format_docstring_with_wrap(self): # This function uses `random` so make sure each run of this test is # repeatable. random.seed(0) min_line_length = 50 for max_length in range(min_line_length, 100): for num_indents in range(0, 20): indentation = ' ' * num_indents formatted_text = indentation + docformatter.format_docstring( indentation=indentation, docstring=generate_random_docstring( max_word_length=min_line_length // 2), summary_wrap_length=max_length) for line in formatted_text.split('\n'): # It is not the formatter's fault if a word is too long to # wrap. if len(line.split()) > 1: self.assertLessEqual(len(line), max_length) def test_format_docstring_with_weird_indentation_and_punctuation(self): self.assertEqual(''' """Creates and returns four was awakens to was created tracked ammonites was the fifty, arithmetical four was pyrotechnic to pyrotechnic physicists. `four' falsified x falsified ammonites to awakens to. `created' to ancestor was four to x dynamo to was four ancestor to physicists(). """ '''.strip(), docformatter.format_docstring(' ', ''' """Creates and returns four was awakens to was created tracked ammonites was the fifty, arithmetical four was pyrotechnic to pyrotechnic physicists. `four' falsified x falsified ammonites to awakens to. `created' to ancestor was four to x dynamo to was four ancestor to physicists(). """ '''.strip(), summary_wrap_length=79)) def test_format_docstring_should_leave_list_alone(self): docstring = '''""" one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven """''' self.assertEqual( docstring, docformatter.format_docstring(' ', docstring)) def test_format_docstring_should_underlined_summaries_alone(self): docstring = '''""" Foo bar ------- This is more. """''' self.assertEqual( docstring, docformatter.format_docstring(' ', docstring)) def test_format_code(self): self.assertEqual( '''\ def foo(): """Hello foo.""" ''', docformatter.format_code( '''\ def foo(): """ Hello foo. """ ''')) def test_format_code_range_miss(self): self.assertEqual('''\ def f(x): """ This is a docstring. That should be on more lines""" pass def g(x): """ Badly indented docstring""" pass''', docformatter.format_code('''\ def f(x): """ This is a docstring. That should be on more lines""" pass def g(x): """ Badly indented docstring""" pass''', line_range=[1, 1])) def test_format_code_range_hit(self): self.assertEqual('''\ def f(x): """This is a docstring. That should be on more lines """ pass def g(x): """ Badly indented docstring""" pass''', docformatter.format_code('''\ def f(x): """ This is a docstring. That should be on more lines""" pass def g(x): """ Badly indented docstring""" pass''', line_range=[1, 2])) def test_format_code_docstring_length(self): self.assertEqual('''\ def f(x): """This is a docstring. That should be on less lines """ pass def g(x): """Badly indented docstring.""" pass''', docformatter.format_code('''\ def f(x): """This is a docstring. That should be on less lines """ pass def g(x): """ Badly indented docstring""" pass''', length_range=[1, 1])) def test_format_code_with_module_docstring(self): self.assertEqual( '''\ #!/usr/env/bin python """This is a module docstring. 1. One 2. Two """ """But this is not.""" ''', docformatter.format_code( '''\ #!/usr/env/bin python """This is a module docstring. 1. One 2. Two """ """But this is not.""" ''')) def test_format_code_should_ignore_non_docstring(self): source = '''\ x = """This is not.""" ''' self.assertEqual( source, docformatter.format_code(source)) def test_format_code_with_empty_string(self): self.assertEqual( '', docformatter.format_code('')) def test_format_code_with_tabs(self): self.assertEqual( '''\ def foo(): \t"""Hello foo.""" \tif True: \t\tx = 1 ''', docformatter.format_code( '''\ def foo(): \t""" \tHello foo. \t""" \tif True: \t\tx = 1 ''')) def test_format_code_with_mixed_tabs(self): self.assertEqual( '''\ def foo(): \t"""Hello foo.""" \tif True: \t x = 1 ''', docformatter.format_code( '''\ def foo(): \t""" \tHello foo. \t""" \tif True: \t x = 1 ''')) def test_format_code_with_escaped_newlines(self): self.assertEqual( r'''def foo(): """Hello foo.""" x = \ 1 ''', docformatter.format_code( r'''def foo(): """ Hello foo. """ x = \ 1 ''')) def test_format_code_with_comments(self): self.assertEqual( r''' def foo(): """Hello foo.""" # My comment # My comment with escape \ 123 '''.lstrip(), docformatter.format_code( r''' def foo(): """ Hello foo. """ # My comment # My comment with escape \ 123 '''.lstrip())) def test_format_code_with_escaped_newline_in_inline_comment(self): self.assertEqual( r''' def foo(): """Hello foo.""" def test_method_no_chr_92(): the501(92) # \ '''.lstrip(), docformatter.format_code( r''' def foo(): """ Hello foo. """ def test_method_no_chr_92(): the501(92) # \ '''.lstrip())) def test_format_code_skip_complex(self): """We do not handle r/u/b prefixed strings.""" self.assertEqual( '''\ def foo(): r""" Hello foo. """ ''', docformatter.format_code( '''\ def foo(): r""" Hello foo. """ ''')) def test_format_code_skip_complex_single(self): """We do not handle r/u/b prefixed strings.""" self.assertEqual( """\ def foo(): r''' Hello foo. ''' """, docformatter.format_code( """\ def foo(): r''' Hello foo. ''' """)) def test_format_code_skip_nested(self): code = """\ def foo(): '''Hello foo. \"\"\"abc\"\"\" ''' """ self.assertEqual(code, docformatter.format_code(code)) def test_format_code_with_multiple_sentences(self): self.assertEqual( '''\ def foo(): """Hello foo. This is a docstring. """ ''', docformatter.format_code( '''\ def foo(): """ Hello foo. This is a docstring. """ ''')) def test_format_code_with_multiple_sentences_same_line(self): self.assertEqual( '''\ def foo(): """Hello foo. This is a docstring. """ ''', docformatter.format_code( '''\ def foo(): """ Hello foo. This is a docstring. """ ''')) def test_format_code_with_multiple_sentences_multi_line_summary(self): self.assertEqual( '''\ def foo(): """Hello foo. This is a
== "_n_components": _val = [1 for objt in obj_type] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr in ["_longest_component", "_largest_component"]: _val = [cid for objt in obj_type] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr == "vertex_list": # reassigns vertex list + network, graph component vertices supp = [objt + "_component_vertices" for objt in obj_type] _val = [getattr(cnet, supp[0])[cid]] _val += [{cid: getattr(cnet, s)[cid]} for s in supp] attr = [attr] + supp elif attr == "vertex_coords": # reassigns both vertex_coords and vertices supp = getattr(cnet, "vertex_list") _val = [{k: v for k, v in getattr(cnet, attr).items() if k in supp}] _val += [{v: k for k, v in _val[0].items()}] attr = [attr, "vertices"] elif attr == "_component_vertex_count": # reassigns both network and graph _component_vertex_count supp = len(getattr(cnet, "vertex_list")) _val = [{cid: supp} for objt in obj_type] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr == "adjacencylist": supp_adj = copy.deepcopy(list(getattr(cnet, attr).keys())) supp_vtx = getattr(cnet, "vertex_list") supp_rmv = [v for v in supp_adj if v not in supp_vtx] [getattr(cnet, attr).pop(s) for s in supp_rmv] return elif attr == "_component_is_ring": # reassigns both network and graph _component_is_ring supp = [getattr(cnet, objt + attr) for objt in obj_type] _val = [{cid: s[cid]} for s in supp] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr == "non_articulation_points": supp_vtx = getattr(cnet, "vertex_list") _val = [[s for s in getattr(cnet, attr) if s in supp_vtx]] attr = [attr] elif attr == "_component2": # reassigns both network and graph _component2 attributes supp = [_n + "_component2" + _a] if hasgraph: supp += [_g + "_component2" + _e] _val = [{cid: getattr(cnet, s)[cid]} for s in supp] attr = supp elif attr == "arcs": # reassigns both arcs and edges c2 = "_component2" supp = [_n + c2 + _a] if hasgraph: supp += [_g + c2 + _e] _val = [getattr(cnet, s)[cid] for s in supp] attr = [attr] if hasgraph: attr += ["edges"] elif attr == "_component_labels": # reassigns both network and graph _component_labels supp = [len(getattr(cnet, o + "s")) for o in obj] _val = [numpy.array([cid] * s) for s in supp] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr == "_component_lengths": # reassigns both network and graph _component_lengths supp = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] _val = [{cid: getattr(cnet, s)[cid]} for s in supp] attr = supp elif attr == "_lengths": # reassigns both arc and edge _lengths supp_name = [o + attr for o in obj] supp_lens = [getattr(cnet, s) for s in supp_name] supp_link = [getattr(cnet, o + "s") for o in obj] supp_ll = list(zip(supp_lens, supp_link)) _val = [{k: v for k, v in l1.items() if k in l2} for l1, l2 in supp_ll] attr = supp_name # reassign attributes for a, av in zip(attr, _val): setattr(cnet, a, av) # provide warning (for now) if the network contains a point pattern if getattr(net, "pointpatterns"): msg = "There is a least one point pattern associated with the network." msg += " Component extraction should be performed prior to snapping" msg += " point patterns to the network object; failing to do so may" msg += " lead to unexpected results." warnings.warn(msg) # provide warning (for now) if the network contains a point pattern dm, nt = "distance_matrix", "network_trees" if hasattr(net, dm) or hasattr(net, nt): msg = "Either one or both (%s, %s) attributes" % (dm, nt) msg += " are present and will be deleted. These must be" msg += " recalculated following component extraction." warnings.warn(msg) for attr in [dm, nt]: if hasattr(net, attr): _attr = getattr(net, attr) del _attr # make initial copy of the network cnet = copy.deepcopy(net) # set labels _n, _a, _g, _e = "network", "arc", "graph", "edge" obj_type = [_n] obj = [_a] hasgraph = False if hasattr(cnet, "w_graph"): obj_type += [_g] obj += [_e] hasgraph = True # attributes to reassign update_attributes = [ "_fully_connected", "_n_components", "_longest_component", "_largest_component", "vertex_list", "vertex_coords", "_component_vertex_count", "adjacencylist", "_component_is_ring", "_component2", "arcs", "_component_lengths", "_lengths", "_component_labels", ] if hasgraph: update_attributes.append("non_articulation_points") # reassign attributes for attribute in update_attributes: _reassign(attribute, component_id) # recreate spatial weights cnet.w_network = cnet.contiguityweights(graph=False, weightings=weightings) if hasgraph: cnet.w_graph = cnet.contiguityweights(graph=True, weightings=weightings) return cnet def spanning_tree(net, method="sort", maximum=False, silence_warnings=True): """Extract a minimum or maximum spanning tree from a network. Parameters ---------- net : spaghetti.Network Instance of a network object. method : str Method for determining spanning tree. Currently, the only supported method is 'sort', which sorts the network arcs by length prior to building intermediary networks and checking for cycles within the tree/subtrees. Future methods may include linear programming approachs, etc. maximum : bool When ``True`` a maximum spanning tree is created. When ``False`` a minimum spanning tree is created. Default is ``False``. silence_warnings : bool Warn if there is more than one connected component. Default is ``False`` due to the nature of constructing a minimum spanning tree. Returns ------- net : spaghetti.Network Pruned instance of the network object. Notes ----- For in-depth background and details see :cite:`GrahamHell_1985`, :cite:`AhujaRavindraK`, and :cite:`Okabe2012`. See also -------- networkx.algorithms.tree.mst scipy.sparse.csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree Examples -------- Create a network instance. >>> from libpysal import cg >>> import spaghetti >>> p00 = cg.Point((0,0)) >>> lines = [cg.Chain([p00, cg.Point((0,3)), cg.Point((4,0)), p00])] >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(in_data=lines) Extract the minimum spanning tree. >>> minst_net = spaghetti.spanning_tree(ntw) >>> min_len = sum(minst_net.arc_lengths.values()) >>> min_len 7.0 Extract the maximum spanning tree. >>> maxst_net = spaghetti.spanning_tree(ntw, maximum=True) >>> max_len = sum(maxst_net.arc_lengths.values()) >>> max_len 9.0 >>> max_len > min_len True """ # (un)silence warning weights_kws = {"silence_warnings": silence_warnings} # do not extract graph object while testing for cycles net_kws = {"extractgraph": False, "weights_kws": weights_kws} # if the network has no cycles, it is already a spanning tree if util.network_has_cycle(net.adjacencylist): if method.lower() == "sort": spanning_tree = mst_weighted_sort(net, maximum, net_kws) else: msg = "'%s' not a valid method for minimum spanning tree creation" raise ValueError(msg % method) # instantiate the spanning tree as a network object net = Network(in_data=spanning_tree, weights_kws=weights_kws) return net def mst_weighted_sort(net, maximum, net_kws): """Extract a minimum or maximum spanning tree from a network used the length-weighted sort method. Parameters ---------- net : spaghetti.Network See ``spanning_tree()``. maximum : bool See ``spanning_tree()``. net_kws : dict Keywords arguments for instaniating a ``spaghetti.Network``. Returns ------- spanning_tree : list All networks arcs that are members of the spanning tree. Notes ----- This function is based on the method found in Chapter 3 Section 4.3 of :cite:`Okabe2012`. """ # network arcs dictionary sorted by arc length sort_kws = {"key": net.arc_lengths.get, "reverse": maximum} sorted_lengths = sorted(net.arc_lengths, **sort_kws) # the spanning tree is initially empty spanning_tree = [] # iterate over each lengths of network arc while sorted_lengths: _arc = sorted_lengths.pop(0) # make a spatial representation of an arc chain_rep = util.chain_constr(net.vertex_coords, [_arc]) # current set of network arcs as _chains = spanning_tree + chain_rep # current network iteration _ntw = Network(in_data=_chains, **net_kws) # determine if the network contains a cycle if not util.network_has_cycle(_ntw.adjacencylist): # If no cycle is present, add the arc to the spanning tree spanning_tree.extend(chain_rep) return spanning_tree @requires("geopandas", "shapely") def element_as_gdf( net, vertices=False, arcs=False, pp_name=None, snapped=False, routes=None, id_col="id", geom_col="geometry", ): """Return a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` of network elements. This can be (a) the vertices of a network; (b) the arcs of a network; (c) both the vertices and arcs of the network; (d) the raw point pattern associated with the network; (e) the snapped point pattern of (d); or (f) the shortest path routes between point observations. Parameters ---------- net : spaghetti.Network A `spaghetti` network object. vertices : bool Extract the network vertices (``True``). Default is ``False``. arcs : bool Extract the network arcs (``True``). Default is ``False``. pp_name : str Name of the ``network.PointPattern`` to extract. Default is ``None``. snapped : bool If extracting a ``network.PointPattern``, set to ``True`` for snapped point
pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#tableConstraintDef. def exitTableConstraintDef(self, ctx:SQLParser.TableConstraintDefContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#constraintName. def enterConstraintName(self, ctx:SQLParser.ConstraintNameContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#constraintName. def exitConstraintName(self, ctx:SQLParser.ConstraintNameContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fieldDefinition. def enterFieldDefinition(self, ctx:SQLParser.FieldDefinitionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fieldDefinition. def exitFieldDefinition(self, ctx:SQLParser.FieldDefinitionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#columnAttribute. def enterColumnAttribute(self, ctx:SQLParser.ColumnAttributeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#columnAttribute. def exitColumnAttribute(self, ctx:SQLParser.ColumnAttributeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#columnFormat. def enterColumnFormat(self, ctx:SQLParser.ColumnFormatContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#columnFormat. def exitColumnFormat(self, ctx:SQLParser.ColumnFormatContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#storageMedia. def enterStorageMedia(self, ctx:SQLParser.StorageMediaContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#storageMedia. def exitStorageMedia(self, ctx:SQLParser.StorageMediaContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#gcolAttribute. def enterGcolAttribute(self, ctx:SQLParser.GcolAttributeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#gcolAttribute. def exitGcolAttribute(self, ctx:SQLParser.GcolAttributeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#references. def enterReferences(self, ctx:SQLParser.ReferencesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#references. def exitReferences(self, ctx:SQLParser.ReferencesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#deleteOption. def enterDeleteOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.DeleteOptionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#deleteOption. def exitDeleteOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.DeleteOptionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyList. def enterKeyList(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyListContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyList. def exitKeyList(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyListContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyPart. def enterKeyPart(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyPartContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyPart. def exitKeyPart(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyPartContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyListWithExpression. def enterKeyListWithExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyListWithExpressionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyListWithExpression. def exitKeyListWithExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyListWithExpressionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyPartOrExpression. def enterKeyPartOrExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyPartOrExpressionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyPartOrExpression. def exitKeyPartOrExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyPartOrExpressionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyListVariants. def enterKeyListVariants(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyListVariantsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#keyListVariants. def exitKeyListVariants(self, ctx:SQLParser.KeyListVariantsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#indexType. def enterIndexType(self, ctx:SQLParser.IndexTypeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#indexType. def exitIndexType(self, ctx:SQLParser.IndexTypeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#indexOption. def enterIndexOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.IndexOptionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#indexOption. def exitIndexOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.IndexOptionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#commonIndexOption. def enterCommonIndexOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.CommonIndexOptionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#commonIndexOption. def exitCommonIndexOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.CommonIndexOptionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#visibility. def enterVisibility(self, ctx:SQLParser.VisibilityContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#visibility. def exitVisibility(self, ctx:SQLParser.VisibilityContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#indexTypeClause. def enterIndexTypeClause(self, ctx:SQLParser.IndexTypeClauseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#indexTypeClause. def exitIndexTypeClause(self, ctx:SQLParser.IndexTypeClauseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fulltextIndexOption. def enterFulltextIndexOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.FulltextIndexOptionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fulltextIndexOption. def exitFulltextIndexOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.FulltextIndexOptionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#spatialIndexOption. def enterSpatialIndexOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.SpatialIndexOptionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#spatialIndexOption. def exitSpatialIndexOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.SpatialIndexOptionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#dataTypeDefinition. def enterDataTypeDefinition(self, ctx:SQLParser.DataTypeDefinitionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#dataTypeDefinition. def exitDataTypeDefinition(self, ctx:SQLParser.DataTypeDefinitionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#dataType. def enterDataType(self, ctx:SQLParser.DataTypeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#dataType. def exitDataType(self, ctx:SQLParser.DataTypeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#nchar. def enterNchar(self, ctx:SQLParser.NcharContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#nchar. def exitNchar(self, ctx:SQLParser.NcharContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#realType. def enterRealType(self, ctx:SQLParser.RealTypeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#realType. def exitRealType(self, ctx:SQLParser.RealTypeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fieldLength. def enterFieldLength(self, ctx:SQLParser.FieldLengthContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fieldLength. def exitFieldLength(self, ctx:SQLParser.FieldLengthContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fieldOptions. def enterFieldOptions(self, ctx:SQLParser.FieldOptionsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fieldOptions. def exitFieldOptions(self, ctx:SQLParser.FieldOptionsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#charsetWithOptBinary. def enterCharsetWithOptBinary(self, ctx:SQLParser.CharsetWithOptBinaryContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#charsetWithOptBinary. def exitCharsetWithOptBinary(self, ctx:SQLParser.CharsetWithOptBinaryContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#ascii. def enterAscii(self, ctx:SQLParser.AsciiContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#ascii. def exitAscii(self, ctx:SQLParser.AsciiContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#unicode. def enterUnicode(self, ctx:SQLParser.UnicodeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#unicode. def exitUnicode(self, ctx:SQLParser.UnicodeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#wsNumCodepoints. def enterWsNumCodepoints(self, ctx:SQLParser.WsNumCodepointsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#wsNumCodepoints. def exitWsNumCodepoints(self, ctx:SQLParser.WsNumCodepointsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#typeDatetimePrecision. def enterTypeDatetimePrecision(self, ctx:SQLParser.TypeDatetimePrecisionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#typeDatetimePrecision. def exitTypeDatetimePrecision(self, ctx:SQLParser.TypeDatetimePrecisionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#charsetName. def enterCharsetName(self, ctx:SQLParser.CharsetNameContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#charsetName. def exitCharsetName(self, ctx:SQLParser.CharsetNameContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#collationName. def enterCollationName(self, ctx:SQLParser.CollationNameContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#collationName. def exitCollationName(self, ctx:SQLParser.CollationNameContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#createTableOptions. def enterCreateTableOptions(self, ctx:SQLParser.CreateTableOptionsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#createTableOptions. def exitCreateTableOptions(self, ctx:SQLParser.CreateTableOptionsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#createTableOptionsSpaceSeparated. def enterCreateTableOptionsSpaceSeparated(self, ctx:SQLParser.CreateTableOptionsSpaceSeparatedContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#createTableOptionsSpaceSeparated. def exitCreateTableOptionsSpaceSeparated(self, ctx:SQLParser.CreateTableOptionsSpaceSeparatedContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#createTableOption. def enterCreateTableOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.CreateTableOptionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#createTableOption. def exitCreateTableOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.CreateTableOptionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#ternaryOption. def enterTernaryOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.TernaryOptionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#ternaryOption. def exitTernaryOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.TernaryOptionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#defaultCollation. def enterDefaultCollation(self, ctx:SQLParser.DefaultCollationContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#defaultCollation. def exitDefaultCollation(self, ctx:SQLParser.DefaultCollationContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#defaultEncryption. def enterDefaultEncryption(self, ctx:SQLParser.DefaultEncryptionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#defaultEncryption. def exitDefaultEncryption(self, ctx:SQLParser.DefaultEncryptionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#defaultCharset. def enterDefaultCharset(self, ctx:SQLParser.DefaultCharsetContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#defaultCharset. def exitDefaultCharset(self, ctx:SQLParser.DefaultCharsetContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionClause. def enterPartitionClause(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionClauseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionClause. def exitPartitionClause(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionClauseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefKey. def enterPartitionDefKey(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefKeyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefKey. def exitPartitionDefKey(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefKeyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefHash. def enterPartitionDefHash(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefHashContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefHash. def exitPartitionDefHash(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefHashContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefRangeList. def enterPartitionDefRangeList(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefRangeListContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefRangeList. def exitPartitionDefRangeList(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefRangeListContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#subPartitions. def enterSubPartitions(self, ctx:SQLParser.SubPartitionsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#subPartitions. def exitSubPartitions(self, ctx:SQLParser.SubPartitionsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionKeyAlgorithm. def enterPartitionKeyAlgorithm(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionKeyAlgorithmContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionKeyAlgorithm. def exitPartitionKeyAlgorithm(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionKeyAlgorithmContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefinitions. def enterPartitionDefinitions(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefinitionsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefinitions. def exitPartitionDefinitions(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefinitionsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefinition. def enterPartitionDefinition(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefinitionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionDefinition. def exitPartitionDefinition(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionDefinitionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionValuesIn. def enterPartitionValuesIn(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionValuesInContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionValuesIn. def exitPartitionValuesIn(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionValuesInContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionOption. def enterPartitionOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionOptionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionOption. def exitPartitionOption(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionOptionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#subpartitionDefinition. def enterSubpartitionDefinition(self, ctx:SQLParser.SubpartitionDefinitionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#subpartitionDefinition. def exitSubpartitionDefinition(self, ctx:SQLParser.SubpartitionDefinitionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionValueItemListParen. def enterPartitionValueItemListParen(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionValueItemListParenContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionValueItemListParen. def exitPartitionValueItemListParen(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionValueItemListParenContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#partitionValueItem. def enterPartitionValueItem(self, ctx:SQLParser.PartitionValueItemContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by
import os, sys from random import randint, choice from math import sin, cos, radians import pygame from pygame import Rect, Color from pygame.sprite import Sprite from gridmap import GridMap from pathfinder import PathFinder from simpleanimation import SimpleAnimation from utils import Timer from vec2d import vec2d from widgets import Box, MessageBoard class Creep(Sprite): """ A creep sprite that bounces off walls and changes its direction from time to time. """ def __init__( self, screen, game, creep_images, explosion_images, field, init_position, init_direction, speed): """ Create a new Creep. screen: The screen on which the creep lives (must be a pygame Surface object, such as pygame.display) game: The game object that holds information about the game world. creep_images: A pair of images (as Pygame surface objects) for the creep. The first one should point at 3 o'clock, and the second diagonally between 12 and 3 o'clock (at 45 degrees above the horizontal plane) explosion_images: A list of image objects for the explosion animation. field: A Rect specifying the 'playing field' boundaries. The Creep will bounce off the 'walls' of this field. init_position: A vec2d or a pair specifying the initial position of the creep on the screen. init_direction: A vec2d or a pair specifying the initial direction of the creep. Must have an angle that is a multiple of 45 degres. speed: Creep speed, in pixels/millisecond (px/ms) """ Sprite.__init__(self) self.screen = screen = game self.speed = speed self.field = field # base_image_0/45 hold the original images, un-rotated # self.base_image_0 = creep_images[0] self.base_image_45 = creep_images[1] # self.image is the current image representing the creep # in the game. It's rotated to the creep's direction. # self.image = self.base_image_0 self.explosion_images = explosion_images # A vector specifying the creep's position on the screen # self.pos = vec2d(init_position) self.prev_pos = vec2d(self.pos) # The direction is a normalized vector # self.direction = vec2d(init_direction).normalized() self.state = Creep.ALIVE = 15 def is_alive(self): return self.state in (Creep.ALIVE, Creep.EXPLODING) def update(self, time_passed): """ Update the creep. time_passed: The time passed (in ms) since the previous update. """ if self.state == Creep.ALIVE: # Maybe it's time to change the direction ? # self._compute_direction(time_passed) # Make the creep image point in the correct direction. # Note that two images are used, one for diagonals # and one for horizontals/verticals. # # round() on the angle is necessary, to make it # exact, despite small deviations that may result from # floating-point calculations # if int(round(self.direction.angle)) % 90 == 45: self.image = pygame.transform.rotate( self.base_image_45, -(self.direction.angle + 45)) elif int(round(self.direction.angle)) % 90 == 0: self.image = pygame.transform.rotate( self.base_image_0, -self.direction.angle) else: assert False # Compute and apply the displacement to the position # vector. The displacement is a vector, having the angle # of self.direction (which is normalized to not affect # the magnitude of the displacement) # displacement = vec2d( self.direction.x * self.speed * time_passed, self.direction.y * self.speed * time_passed) self.prev_pos = vec2d(self.pos) self.pos += displacement # When the image is rotated, its size is changed. self.image_w, self.image_h = self.image.get_size() elif self.state == Creep.EXPLODING: if self.explode_animation.update(time_passed) else: self._die() elif self.state == Creep.DEAD: pass def draw(self): """ Blit the creep onto the screen that was provided in the constructor. """ if self.state == Creep.ALIVE: # The creep image is placed at self.pos. To allow for # smooth movement even when the creep rotates and the # image size changes, its placement is always # centered. # self.draw_rect = self.image.get_rect().move( self.pos.x - self.image_w / 2, self.pos.y - self.image_h / 2) self.screen.blit(self.image, self.draw_rect) # The health bar is 15x4 px. # health_bar_x = self.pos.x - 7 health_bar_y = self.pos.y - self.image_h / 2 - 6 self.screen.fill( Color('red'), (health_bar_x, health_bar_y, 15, 4)) self.screen.fill( Color('green'), ( health_bar_x, health_bar_y,, 4)) elif self.state == Creep.EXPLODING: self.explode_animation.draw() elif self.state == Creep.DEAD: pass def mouse_click_event(self, pos): """ The mouse was clicked in pos. """ if self._point_is_inside(vec2d(pos)): self._decrease_health(3) #------------------ PRIVATE PARTS ------------------# # States the creep can be in. # # ALIVE: The creep is roaming around the screen # EXPLODING: # The creep is now exploding, just a moment before dying. # DEAD: The creep is dead and inactive # (ALIVE, EXPLODING, DEAD) = range(3) def _die(self): self.state = Creep.DEAD self.kill() def _compute_direction(self, time_passed): """ Finds out where to go """ coord = if self._die() else: x_mid, y_mid = if ( (x_mid - self.pos.x) * (x_mid - self.prev_pos.x) < 0 or (y_mid - self.pos.y) * (y_mid - self.prev_pos.y) < 0): next_coord = self.direction = vec2d( next_coord[1] - coord[1], next_coord[0] - coord[0]).normalized() def _point_is_inside(self, point): """ Is the point (given as a vec2d) inside our creep's body? """ img_point = point - vec2d( int(self.pos.x - self.image_w / 2), int(self.pos.y - self.image_h / 2)) try: pix = self.image.get_at(img_point) return pix[3] > 0 except IndexError: return False def _decrease_health(self, n): """ Decrease my health by n (or to 0, if it's currently less than n) """ = max(0, - n) if == 0: self._explode() def _explode(self): """ Starts the explosion animation that ends the Creep's life. """ self.state = Creep.EXPLODING pos = ( self.pos.x - self.explosion_images[0].get_width() / 2, self.pos.y - self.explosion_images[0].get_height() / 2) self.explode_animation = SimpleAnimation( self.screen, pos, self.explosion_images, 100, 300) class GridPath(object): """ Represents the game grid and answers questions about paths on this grid. After initialization, call set_blocked for changed information about the state of blocks on the grid, and get_next to get the next coordinate on the path to the goal from a given coordinate. """ def __init__(self, nrows, ncols, goal): = GridMap(nrows, ncols) self.goal = goal # Path cache. For a coord, keeps the next coord to move # to in order to reach the goal. Invalidated when the # grid changes (with set_blocked) # self._path_cache = {} def get_next(self, coord): """ Get the next coordinate to move to from 'coord' towards the goal. """ # If the next path for this coord is not cached, compute # it # if not (coord in self._path_cache): self._compute_path(coord) # _compute_path adds the path for the coord to the cache. # If it's still not cached after the computation, it means # that no path exists to the goal from this coord. # if coord in self._path_cache: return self._path_cache[coord] else: return None def set_blocked(self, coord, blocked=True): """ Set the 'blocked' state of a coord """, blocked) # Invalidate cache, because the map has changed # self._path_cache = {} def _compute_path(self, coord): pf = PathFinder(,, # Get the whole path from coord to the goal into a list, # and for each coord in the path write the next coord in # the path into the path cache # path_list = list(pf.compute_path(coord, self.goal)) for i, path_coord in enumerate(path_list): next_i = i if i == len(path_list) - 1 else i + 1 self._path_cache[path_coord] = path_list[next_i] class Game(object): # Game parameters BG_TILE_IMG = 'images/brick_tile.png' SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 580, 500 GRID_SIZE = 20 FIELD_SIZE = 400, 400 CREEP_FILENAMES = [ ('images/bluecreep_0.png', 'images/bluecreep_45.png'), ('images/greencreep_0.png', 'images/greencreep_45.png'), ('images/yellowcreep_0.png', 'images/yellowcreep_45.png'), ('images/pinkcreep_0.png', 'images/pinkcreep_45.png'), ] MAX_N_CREEPS = 50 def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) self.tile_img = pygame.image.load(self.BG_TILE_IMG).convert_alpha() self.tile_img_rect = self.tile_img.get_rect() self.field_border_width = 4 field_outer_width = self.FIELD_SIZE[0] + 2 * self.field_border_width field_outer_height = self.FIELD_SIZE[1] + 2 * self.field_border_width self.field_rect_outer = Rect(20, 60, field_outer_width, field_outer_height) self.field_bgcolor = Color(109, 41, 1, 100) self.field_border_color = Color(0, 0, 0) self.field_box = Box(self.screen, rect=self.field_rect_outer, bgcolor=self.field_bgcolor, border_width=self.field_border_width, border_color=self.field_border_color) self.tboard_text = ['The
== other.sequence.lower() and self.overhangsEqual(other): return True return False def overhangsEqual(self, other): if self.bottomLeftOverhang.sequence.lower() == other.bottomLeftOverhang.sequence.lower() and \ self.topLeftOverhang.sequence.lower() == other.topLeftOverhang.sequence.lower() and \ self.bottomRightOverhang.sequence.lower() == other.bottomRightOverhang.sequence.lower() and \ self.topRightOverhang.sequence.lower() == other.topRightOverhang.sequence.lower(): return True return False def clone(self): clone = DNA(self.DNAclass,, self.sequence) clone.topLeftOverhang = Overhang(self.topLeftOverhang.sequence) clone.topRightOverhang = Overhang(self.topRightOverhang.sequence) clone.bottomLeftOverhang = Overhang(self.bottomLeftOverhang.sequence) clone.bottomRightOverhang = Overhang(self.bottomRightOverhang.sequence) return clone def prettyPrint(self): #prints out top and bottom strands, truncates middle so length is ~100bp #example: # TTATCG...[1034bp]...GGAA # |||| |||| # TAGC..............CCTTAA if self.DNAclass == 'digest': (TL,TR,BL,BR) = SetFlags(self) if len(self.sequence) > 8: trExtra = '' brExtra = '' if TR: trExtra = self.topRightOverhang.sequence if BR: brExtra = self.bottomRightOverhang.sequence print "\t"+self.topLeftOverhang.sequence+' '*len(self.bottomLeftOverhang.sequence)+self.sequence[:4]+'.'*3+'['+str(len(self.sequence)-8)+'bp]'+'.'*3+self.sequence[len(self.sequence)-4:]+trExtra print "\t"+' '*len(self.topLeftOverhang.sequence)+'|'*4+' '*(10+len(str(len(self.sequence)-8)))+'|'*4 print "\t"+' '*len(self.topLeftOverhang.sequence)+self.bottomLeftOverhang.sequence+Complement(self.sequence[:4])+'.'*(10+len(str(len(self.sequence)-8)))+Complement(self.sequence[len(self.sequence)-4:])+brExtra else: trExtra = '' brExtra = '' if TR: trExtra = self.topRightOverhang.sequence if BR: brExtra = self.bottomRightOverhang.sequence print "\t"+self.topLeftOverhang.sequence+' '*len(self.bottomLeftOverhang.sequence)+self.sequence+trExtra print "\t"+' '*len(self.topLeftOverhang.sequence)+'|'*len(self.sequence) print "\t"+' '*len(self.topLeftOverhang.sequence)+self.bottomLeftOverhang.sequence+Complement(self.sequence)+brExtra else: if len(self.sequence) > 8: print "\t"+self.sequence[:4]+'.'*3+'['+str(len(self.sequence)-8)+'bp]'+'.'*3+self.sequence[len(self.sequence)-4:] print "\t"+'|'*4+' '*(10+len(str(len(self.sequence)-8)))+'|'*4 print "\t"+Complement(self.sequence[:4])+'.'*(10+len(str(len(self.sequence)-8)))+Complement(self.sequence[len(self.sequence)-4:]) else: print "\t"+self.sequence print "\t"+'|'*len(self.sequence) print "\t"+Complement(self.sequence) return 0 # Description: BaseExpand() for regex generation, taken from BioPython def BaseExpand(base): """BaseExpand(base) -> string. given a degenerated base, returns its meaning in IUPAC alphabet. i.e: b= 'A' -> 'A' b= 'N' -> 'ACGT' etc...""" base = base.upper() return dna_alphabet[base] # Description: regex() function to convert recog site into regex, from Biopython def regex(site): """regex(site) -> string. Construct a regular expression from a DNA sequence. i.e.: site = 'ABCGN' -> 'A[CGT]CG.'""" reg_ex = site for base in reg_ex: if base in ('A', 'T', 'C', 'G', 'a', 'c', 'g', 't'): pass if base in ('N', 'n'): reg_ex = '.'.join(reg_ex.split('N')) reg_ex = '.'.join(reg_ex.split('n')) if base in ('R', 'Y', 'W', 'M', 'S', 'K', 'H', 'D', 'B', 'V'): expand = '['+ str(BaseExpand(base))+']' reg_ex = expand.join(reg_ex.split(base)) return reg_ex # Description: ToRegex() function to convert recog site into regex, from Biopython def ToRegex(site, name): sense = ''.join(['(?P<', name, '>', regex(site.upper()), ')']) antisense = ''.join(['(?P<', name, '_as>', regex( reverseComplement( site.upper() )), ')']) rg = sense + '|' + antisense return rg # Description: restrictionEnzyme class encapsulates information about buffers, overhangs, incubation / inactivation, end distance, etc. class restrictionEnzyme(object): def __init__(self,name="", buffer1="", buffer2="", buffer3="", buffer4="", bufferecori="", heatinact="", incubatetemp="", recognitionsite="",distance=""): = name self.buffer_activity =[buffer1, buffer2, buffer3, buffer4, bufferecori] self.inactivate_temp = heatinact self.incubate_temp = incubatetemp #human-readable recognition site self.recognition_site = recognitionsite self.endDistance = distance #function to convert recog site into regex alpha_only_site = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]+', '', recognitionsite) self.alpha_only_site = alpha_only_site # print ToRegex(alpha_only_site, name) self.compsite = ToRegex(alpha_only_site, name) self.reach = False #convert information about where the restriction happens to an offset on the top and bottom strand #for example, BamHI -> 1/5 with respect to the start of the site match hasNum = re.compile('(-?\d+/-?\d+)') not_completed = 1 for m in hasNum.finditer(recognitionsite): (top, bottom) ='/') self.top_strand_offset = int(top) self.bottom_strand_offset = int(bottom) self.reach = True not_completed = 0 p = re.compile("/") for m in p.finditer(recognitionsite): if not_completed: self.top_strand_offset = int(m.start()) self.bottom_strand_offset = len(recognitionsite) - 1 - self.top_strand_offset def prettyPrint(self): print "Name: ",, "Recognition Site: ", self.recognition_site def find_sites(self, DNA): seq = DNA.sequence (fwd, rev) = self.compsite.split('|') fwd_rease_re = re.compile(fwd) rev_rease_re = re.compile(rev) indices = [] seen = {} if DNA.topology == "circular": searchSequence = seq.upper() + seq[0:len(self.recognition_site)-2] else: searchSequence = seq.upper() for m in fwd_rease_re.finditer(searchSequence): span = m.span() span = (span[0] % len(seq), span[1] % len(seq)) seen[span[0]] = 1 span = span + ('sense',) indices.append(span) for m in rev_rease_re.finditer(searchSequence): span = m.span() try: seen[span[0]] except: span = span + ('antisense',) indices.append(span) return indices # Description: phosphorylates 5' end of DNA molecule, allowing blunt end ligation # see def TreatPNK(inputDNAs): for inputDNA in inputDNAs: inputDNA.phosphorylate() return inputDNAs # Description: DigestBuffer() function finds the optimal digestBuffer # todo: If Buffer 2 > 150, return Buffer 2 and list of activity values, else, return buffer 1, 3, or 4 (ignore EcoRI) # return format will be list, [rec_buff, [buff1_act, buff2_act...buff4_Act]] def DigestBuffer(*str_or_list): best_buff = "" best_buff_score = [0,0,0,0,0] enzdic = EnzymeDictionary() num_enz = 0 for e in str_or_list: enz = enzdic[e] best_buff_score = list(x + int(y) for x, y in zip(best_buff_score, enz.buffer_activity)) num_enz = num_enz + 1 ret = [] if best_buff_score[1] >( 75 * num_enz): ret.append(2) ret.append(best_buff_score) else: m = max(best_buff_score) p = best_buff_score.index(m) ret.append(p) ret.append(best_buff_score) return ret #accepts two primers and list of input template DNAs #todo:implement this with PCR! def SOERoundTwo(primer1, primer2, templates): return 0 def SOE(list_of_primers, templates): #assume primers are in the right order outer inner_rev inner_fwd outer #call two pcrs with list[0], [1] and list[2], [3] return 0 def Primers(product, template): return rPrimers(product, template, 0) def rPrimers(product, template, baseCase): # Annealing region design criteria: # TODO: incorporate these somehow # In general, the 3' base of your oligos should be a G or C # The overall G/C content of your annealing region should be between 50 and 65% # The overall base composition of the sequences should be balanced (no missing bases, no excesses of one particular base) # The length of your sequence can be modified to be around 18 and 25 bp # The sequence should appear random. There shouldn't be long stretches of a single base, or large regions of G/C rich sequence and all A/T in other regions # There should be little secondary structure. Ideally the Tm for the oligo should be under 40 degrees. try: # Die after 2 rounds of recursion if baseCase == 2: return () # Compute "forward" and "backwards" LCS (i.e. on both sides of a mutation) fwdMatch = LCS(template.sequence.upper()+'$', product.sequence.upper()) (fwdMatchCount, forwardMatchIndicesTuple, forwardPrimerStub) = fwdMatch.LCSasRegex(template.sequence.upper()+'$', product.sequence.upper(), 1) revMatch = LCS(reverse(template.sequence.upper())+'$', reverse(product.sequence.upper())) (revMatchCount, reverseMatchIndicesTuple, revPrimerStub) = revMatch.LCSasRegex(reverse(template.sequence.upper())+'$', reverse(product.sequence.upper()), 1) fFlag = False if not len(forwardMatchIndicesTuple): fMI = (len(product.sequence), len(product.sequence)) fFlag = True else: fMI = forwardMatchIndicesTuple if not len(reverseMatchIndicesTuple): if fFlag: # neither side matches raise Exception('For primer design, no detectable homology on terminal ends of product and template sequences.') rMI = (0, 0) else: rMI = (0 , len(product.sequence) - reverseMatchIndicesTuple[0]) # wrap around mutation case if not fMI[0] > rMI[1]: diffLen = fMI[0] + len(product.sequence) - rMI[1] insert = product.sequence[rMI[1]:] + product.sequence[:fMI[0]] else: diffLen = fMI[0] - rMI[1] insert = product.sequence[rMI[1]:fMI[0]] if 60 < diffLen <= 100: primers, enz = DesignWobble(product, insert, (rMI[1], fMI[0])) elif 1 <= diffLen <= 60: primers, enz = DesignEIPCR(product, insert, (rMI[1], fMI[0]), template) if primers[0] == 0: print '*Primer Warning*: EIPCR primers could not be designed for given template and product. Try removing BsaI, BseRI, and/or BsmBI sites from template plasmid. Returning null data.' return [], '' # test the PCR --> will return an exception if they don't anneal # TODO: FIX THIS / ERR HANDLING amplifies = PCR(primers[0], primers[1], template) # if it amplifies up ok, then return the primers return primers, enz # may be misaligned ==> realign and recurse except: baseCase += 1 # If you had an LCS on the fwd direction, re-align using that one if fwdMatchCount: myLCS = product.sequence[forwardMatchIndicesTuple[0]:forwardMatchIndicesTuple[1]] newProduct = DNA('plasmid',, product.sequence[forwardMatchIndicesTuple[0]:] + product.sequence[:forwardMatchIndicesTuple[0]]) match =, template.sequence.upper()) if match: startSite = match.start() newTemplate = DNA('plasmid',, template.sequence[startSite:]+template.sequence[:startSite]) else: return () # If you had an LCS in the rev direction, re-align using that one elif revMatchCount: myLCS = reverse(reverse(product.sequence)[reverseMatchIndicesTuple[0]:reverseMatchIndicesTuple[1]]) myMatch =, product.sequence.upper()) startIndex = myMatch.start() newProduct = DNA('plasmid',, product.sequence[startIndex:] + product.sequence[:startIndex]) match =, template.sequence.upper()) if match: startSite = match.start() newTemplate = DNA('plasmid',, template.sequence[startSite:]+template.sequence[:startSite]) else: return () else: return () return rPrimers(newProduct, newTemplate, baseCase) def getAnnealingRegion(template, fwd): if len(template) <= 10: return '' if not fwd: template = reverseComplement(template) for i in range(len(template)): currentRegion = template[:i] if primerTm(currentRegion) >= 60: break return currentRegion def chooseReachover(plasmid): EnzDict = EnzymeDictionary() bsaI = EnzDict['BsaI']; bsaMatch = bsaI.find_sites(plasmid); bsaFlag = len(bsaMatch) > 0 bsmBI = EnzDict['BsmBI']; bsmMatch = bsmBI.find_sites(plasmid); bsmFlag = len(bsmMatch) > 0 bseRI = EnzDict['BseRI']; bseMatch = bseRI.find_sites(plasmid); bseFlag = len(bseMatch) > 0 if not bsaFlag: # use BsaI tail = "taaattGGTCTCA" return bsaI, tail, 2 if not bsmFlag: #
'e': e, 'False': False, 'inf': inf, 'None': None, 'True': True, 'pi': pi, } def add_binop(name, function, precedence): '''name: a string not already in ufunctions or binops. The name also shouldn't have any such names as substrings, or it might not work. function: a function that takes exactly two required arguments. precedence: Where the function should be on the precedence_map. Returns: None. Maps name to function, and function to precedence. NOTES: - Choose precedence carefully! If you're not sure, you should probably make it as high as possible, so that it resolves before any other operations do. ''' # raise NotImplementedError # new_op_regex = r'(\(|\)|\[|\]|`(?:[^`]|(?<=\\)`)+`|' + \ # '|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in ufunctions) + \ # '|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in binops) binops[name] = function precedence_map[function] = precedence def add_ufunction(name, function): '''name: a string not already in ufunctions or binops. The name also shouldn't have any such names as substrings, or it might not work. function: a function that takes exactly one required argument. Returns: None. Equivalent to ufunctions[name] = function. ''' ufunctions[name] = function def funcname(func): '''Mostly useful for running functions on arbitrary inputs with the eval(string) function.''' module = func.__module__ name = re.findall("<.*(?:function|class) \'?([a-zA-Z_\d\.]+)\'?.*>", repr(func))[0] if isinstance(func, type) or module in ['builtins', '__main__']: return name return module + '.' + name def parse_token(tok): if re.match('\d*\.\d+$', tok): return float(tok) elif re.match('\d+$', tok): return int(tok) elif re.match('-?\d*(?::-?\d*)?:-?\d*$', tok): return IntRange.fromstring(tok) elif tok in binops: return binops[tok] elif tok in ufunctions: return ufunctions[tok] elif tok in constants: return constants[tok] elif re.match('[a-zA-Z]+$', tok): return tok elif tok[0]=='`' and tok[-1]=='`': return tok[1:-1].replace('\\`', '`') raise ComputeError def parse_safe_token(tok): if re.match('\d*\.\d+$', tok): return float(tok) elif re.match('\d+$', tok): return int(tok) elif re.match('-?\d*(?::-?\d*)?:-?\d*$', tok): return IntRange.fromstring(tok) elif tok in safe_binops: return safe_binops[tok] elif tok in safe_ufunctions: return safe_ufunctions[tok] elif tok in constants: return constants[tok] elif re.match('[a-zA-Z]+$', tok): return tok raise ComputeError def eqn_eval(eqn): '''Uses builtin eval() to evaluate a mathematical expression with <=1 variable name. Returns a number if there is no variable name, otherwise returns a lambda expression. It's not *guaranteed* to be safe, because you can use letters in the expression, but you probably can't do anything unsafe with only numbers and one word without underscores.''' varnames = ','.join(set(re.findall('[a-zA-Z]+', eqn))) assert len(varnames) <= 1, \ 'Cannot evaluate an expression with more than one variable.' if not varnames: return eval(eqn) else: return eval("lambda {var}: {eqn}".format(var=varnames, eqn=eqn)) def apply_uminus(expr, varnames): if expr in varnames: ind = varnames.index(expr) return lambda args: -args[ind] elif isinstance(expr, function): return lambda args: -expr(args) elif isinstance(expr, IntRange): # because of the way my tokenizer works, if the start parameter of an IntRange # is a negative number, the '-' sign is treated as a separate token rather than # part of the start parameter of the IntRange's string notation return IntRange(-expr.start, expr.stop, expr.step) else: return -expr def apply_ufunction(ufunction, expr, varnames): '''ufunction: a function that accepts one argument. expr: a mathematical expression that can be evaluated by compute(). varnames: the variable names in an equation, sorted in ASCII order. Returns: the result of applying ufunction to the expression. ''' if expr in varnames: ind = varnames.index(expr) return lambda args: ufunction(args[ind]) elif isinstance(expr, function): return lambda args: ufunction(expr(args)) elif expr is None: return ufunction() else: return ufunction(expr) def get_precedence(evald_tok): try: return precedence_map.get(evald_tok) except TypeError as ex: if 'unhashable' in repr(ex): return None else: raise TypeError(ex) # class ResoBin: # def __init__(self, new_elt, binop, old_elt, varnames): # self.new_elt = new_elt # self.binop = binop # self.old_elt = old_elt # self.varnames = varnames # def __call__(self, args): # return self.func(args) # def __str__(self): # return f"ResoBin({repr(self.new_elt)}, {funcname(self.binop)}, {repr(self.old_elt)})" # __repr__ = __str__ def resolve_binop(new_elt, binop, old_elt, varnames): '''func: a binary operator that accepts two numbers. new_elt, old_elt: each is either a number, or a string representing a variable name, or a function taking a single numeric input. A string representing a variable name is essentially equivalent to lambda x: x. Returns: If old_elt or new_elt is a function or string, returns a function of a single numeric input. If both are numbers, returns a number. Examples: >>> fun1 = resolve_binop(2, operator.add, 'x') # returns lambda x: 2 + x >>> fun1(2) 4 >>> fun2 = resolve_binop('x', operator.mul, 2) >>> fun2(0.5) 1.0 >>> resolve_binop(2.0, operator.pow, 3) 8.0 >>> fun3 = resolve_binop(lambda x: x + 3, operator.mul, 5) >>> fun3(2) 25 >>> fun4 = resolve_binop(lambda x: x + 3, operator.add, 'x') >>> fun4(1) 5 >>> fun5 = resolve_binop('x', operator.pow, lambda x: x*2) >>> fun5(2.0) 16.0 ''' if binop == map: # TODO: make it so that this same logic applies automatically to any binop # that takes a function as an argument but returns a scalar. if new_elt in ufunctions: if old_elt in varnames: ind_old = varnames.index(old_elt) return lambda args: map(ufunctions[new_elt], args[ind_old]) elif isinstance(old_elt, function): return lambda args: map(ufunctions[new_elt], old_elt(args)) else: return map(ufunctions[new_elt], old_elt) elif new_elt in varnames: ind_new = varnames.index(new_elt) if old_elt in varnames: ind_old = varnames.index(old_elt) return lambda args: binop(args[ind_new], args[ind_old]) elif isinstance(old_elt, function): return lambda args: binop(args[ind_new], old_elt(args)) else: return lambda args: binop(args[ind_new], old_elt) elif isinstance(new_elt, function): if old_elt in varnames: ind_old = varnames.index(old_elt) return lambda args: binop(new_elt(args), args[ind_old]) elif isinstance(old_elt, function): return lambda args: binop(new_elt(args), old_elt(args)) else: return lambda args: binop(new_elt(args), old_elt) else: # new_elt is a string representing a function to be computed fun = compute(new_elt) if old_elt in varnames: ind_old = varnames.index(old_elt) return lambda args: binop(fun, args[ind_old]) elif isinstance(old_elt, function): return lambda args: binop(fun, old_elt(args)) else: return binop(fun, old_elt) if new_elt in varnames: ind_new = varnames.index(new_elt) if old_elt in varnames: ind_old = varnames.index(old_elt) return lambda args: binop(args[ind_new], args[ind_old]) elif isinstance(old_elt, function): return lambda args: binop(args[ind_new], old_elt(args)) else: return lambda args: binop(args[ind_new], old_elt) elif isinstance(new_elt, function): if old_elt in varnames: ind_old = varnames.index(old_elt) return lambda args: binop(new_elt(args), args[ind_old]) elif isinstance(old_elt, function): return lambda args: binop(new_elt(args), old_elt(args)) else: return lambda args: binop(new_elt(args), old_elt) else: if old_elt in varnames: ind_old = varnames.index(old_elt) return lambda args: binop(new_elt, args[ind_old]) elif isinstance(old_elt, function): return lambda args: binop(new_elt, old_elt(args)) else: return binop(new_elt, old_elt) def tokenize(eqn): tokens = op_regex.split(eqn.lstrip()) tokens = [tok for tok in tokens if tok.strip()!=''] first_open_sqbk, first_open_paren = None, None open_paren_count, open_sqbk_count = 0, 0 for ii, tok in enumerate(tokens): if tok.strip() == '(': open_paren_count += 1 if first_open_paren is None: first_open_paren = ii if tok.strip() == ')': open_paren_count -= 1 if open_paren_count < 0: raise ComputeError("Unmatched ')'", tokens, ii) if open_paren_count == 0: first_open_paren = None if tok.strip() == '[': open_sqbk_count += 1 if first_open_sqbk is None: first_open_sqbk = ii if tok.strip() == ']': open_sqbk_count -= 1 if open_sqbk_count < 0: raise ComputeError("Unmatched ']'", tokens, ii) if open_sqbk_count == 0: first_open_sqbk = None if open_paren_count > 0: raise ComputeError("Unmatched '('", tokens, first_open_paren) if open_sqbk_count > 0: raise ComputeError("Unmatched '['", tokens, first_open_sqbk) if len(tokens) == 1: assert tokens[0] not in binops, \ "Cannot resolve binary operator {} without inputs".format(tokens[0]) ComputeLogger.debug("tokens = {}".format(tokens)) return tokens def evaluate_tokens(tokens, varnames, safe = False): if safe: parse_token = parse_safe_token binops = safe_binops ufunctions = safe_ufunctions else: parse_token = globals()['parse_token'] binops = globals()['binops'] ufunctions = globals()['ufunctions'] evald_tokens = [] last_tok = None uminus = False parens_opened = 0 paren_expressions = [] last_num_ind = None last_func_ind = None ufunction, ufuncname = None, None ii = 0 while ii < len(tokens): tok = tokens[ii].strip() if tok == '[' and not safe: # square brackets for slicing and indexing new_expr = [] parens_opened += 1 for jj in range(ii+1, len(tokens)): if tokens[jj].strip() == ']': parens_opened -= 1 if parens_opened == 0: last_num_ind = len(evald_tokens) if jj-ii > 2: paren_evald_toks = evaluate_tokens(new_expr, varnames) paren_expr = resolve_big_stack(paren_evald_toks, varnames) elif jj-ii == 2: # square brackets containing only one token, e.g. # "x[1]" paren_expr = parse_token(tokens[ii+1]) else: # parentheses enclosing nothing paren_expr = None if uminus: # eqn is something like "-x[0]" evald_tokens.append(neg_getitem) uminus = False else: evald_tokens.append(getitem) evald_tokens.append(paren_expr) ii = jj+1 break else: new_expr.append(tokens[jj]) elif tokens[jj].strip() == '[': parens_opened += 1 new_expr.append(tokens[jj]) else: new_expr.append(tokens[jj]) last_tok = evald_tokens[-1] continue if tok == '(': tried_calling_uncallable = False try: if (last_tok is not
<reponame>Golder06/Goldbot import asyncio import calendar import io import os import random from datetime import datetime, timedelta import discord import googletrans import wikipedia from discord.ext import commands, tasks from googletrans import Translator from iso639 import languages import botutilities import googlesearch from morsecode import MorseCode from oxforddict import get_definition # from PIL import Image status_list = ('My default prefix is g!.', "If I break, contact Golder06#7041.", 'To see my commands, type g!help.') change_loop_interval = random.randint(1, 90) def get_dict_key(dictionary, value): key_list = list(dictionary.keys()) value_list = list(dictionary.values()) for listed_value in value_list: if listed_value == value: return key_list[value_list.index(value)] return value def get_emoji_list(emojis): return_list = list(emojis) for i in range(len(return_list)): for j in range(i + 1, len(return_list)): if return_list[i].name > return_list[j].name: return_list[i], return_list[j] = return_list[j], return_list[i] return return_list # TODO: Move stuff from here to new separate cogs. class Commands(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): self.activity = None = bot self.log = None self.loop_interval = None self.morse = MorseCode() self.my_guild = None self.translator = Translator() self.lang_dict = googletrans.LANGUAGES self.emoji_list = None async def reaction_decision(self, ctx, check_str): check_message = await ctx.send(check_str) await check_message.add_reaction("\U00002705") await check_message.add_reaction("\U0000274c") def check(reaction_checked, reaction_user): user_check = == or reaction_user.guild_permissions.administrator and return user_check and reaction_checked.message == check_message and str(reaction_checked.emoji) in ( "\U00002705", "\U0000274c") reaction, user = await'reaction_add', check=check) if str(reaction.emoji) == "\U00002705": return True elif str(reaction.emoji) == "\U0000274c": return False @tasks.loop(minutes=change_loop_interval) async def change_status_task(self): global change_loop_interval self.activity = random.choice(status_list) await, activity=discord.Game(self.activity)) time_now = print(f'Status changed to "{self.activity}" ({time_now.strftime("%H:%M")}).') change_loop_interval = random.randint(1, 90) print( f"Next status change in {change_loop_interval} minutes ({(time_now + timedelta(minutes=change_loop_interval)).strftime('%H:%M')}).") @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_ready(self): self.log =["log_channel"]) self.my_guild =["guild_id"]) self.emoji_list = get_emoji_list(self.my_guild.emojis) print(f'"{}" is ready.') print(f"Created by Golder06#7041.") await self.log.send("Bot Started.") self.change_status_task.start() @commands.command(name='8ball') async def _8ball(self, ctx, *, question): ball_predicts = ("It is certain.", "It is decidedly so.", "Without a doubt.", "Yes - definitely.", "You may rely on it.", "As I see it, yes.", "Most likely.", "Outlook good.", "Yes.", "Signs point to yes.", "Reply hazy, try again.", "Ask again later.", "Better not tell you now.", "Cannot predict now.", "Concentrate and ask again.", "Don't count on it.", "My reply is no.", "My sources say no.", "Outlook not so good.", "Very doubtful.") if question.endswith("?"): if question.strip() == "?": prediction = "That's not a question, that's a question sign..." elif "love" in question.lower(): # :tr: prediction = random.choice(ball_predicts[-5:]) else: prediction = random.choice(ball_predicts) else: prediction = "That's not a question..." await ctx.send(f'Question: {question}\nThe ***:8ball:BALL*** says: {prediction}') """ @commands.command() async def color(self, ctx, hex_code): if not hex_code.startswith("#"): hex_code = f"#{hex_code}" try: int(hex_code[1:], 16) except ValueError: await ctx.send(f"Error: `{hex_code}` is not a valid Hex Color") return if len(hex_code) > 7: await ctx.send(f"Error: `{hex_code}` is not a valid Hex Color") return embed = botutilities.embed_template(ctx, footer=hex_code) await ctx.send() """ @commands.check(botutilities.is_not_report_banned) @commands.command(aliases=('bugreport', 'reportbug', 'bug-report', 'report-bug')) async def report(self, ctx, *, message): report_channel = if len(ctx.message.attachments) > 0: attachments = [] for attachment in ctx.message.attachments: spoiler = attachment.is_spoiler() attachments.append(await attachment.to_file(spoiler=spoiler)) else: attachments = None embed = botutilities.embed_template(ctx, title=f"{}#{}", description=f">>> {message}", footer=f"User ID: {}", add_def_footer=False, await report_channel.send( f'{botutilities.ping_all_bot_owners()}\nReported from "{}" ({}):', embed=embed) await report_channel.send(files=attachments) await ctx.send(f"Bug Report sent successfully") @commands.command() async def choose(self, ctx, *, options): divided_options: list = options.split(",") if len(divided_options) >= 2: for option in divided_options: if not option: divided_options.remove(option) await ctx.send(f"Gøldbot chooses: `{random.choice(divided_options).strip()}`.") else: await ctx.send( f"I can't just choose between {len(divided_options)} choice. *(to divide the choices you should put a comma between them)*.") @commands.command(aliases=("coinflip", "flipcoin")) async def flip(self, ctx): await ctx.send(f"-Flip!-\nIt landed on {random.choice(('heads', 'tails'))}!") @commands.command(aliases=("rolldice", "diceroll", "dice")) async def roll(self, ctx, faces=6.0): if type(faces) is float and faces != int(faces): await ctx.send( f"Error: You can't roll a die with a non-whole amout of faces, you {faces}-dimensional being!") return if faces > 2: try: faces = int(faces) except ValueError: await ctx.send("Error: You can't roll a die with a non-numeric amount of faces...") result = random.randint(1, faces) print(result) if faces <= 6: result = discord.utils.get(self.my_guild.emojis, name=f"Dice{result}") await ctx.send(f"Rolled a d{faces}.\nIt landed on **{result}**!") elif faces == 2: await ctx.send(f"... A 2 sided die is a coin... Use the `{ctx.prefix}flip` command.") elif faces <= 1: await ctx.send("... You serious?") @roll.error async def roll_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): await ctx.send("Error: You can't roll a die with a non-numeric amount of faces...") @commands.command() async def say(self, ctx, message, channel=None): if len(message.strip()) == 0: await ctx.send("Error: You can't send an empty message.") return if channel is None: channel = else: if channel.startswith("<#"): channel ="<>")[1:])) else: channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.text_channels, name=channel) if channel is None: await ctx.send("Error: Channel doesn't exist.") return if not channel.permissions_for( await ctx.send(f"Error: You don't have permissions to talk in {channel.mention}") return if != await ctx.send(f"Error: {channel.mention} is not in {}") return if message.lower().startswith("i am") or message.lower().startswith("i'm"): if "stupid" in message.lower(): message = f"{} is stupid." elif "dumb" in message.lower(): message = f"{} is dumb." await discord.Message.delete(ctx.message, delay=0) await channel.send(message) try: os.remove(".google-cookie") except FileNotFoundError: pass @commands.command(aliases=('definition',)) async def dictionary(self, ctx, *, query): message = await ctx.send("Getting definition...") results = get_definition(query) if results != "404 Error": lex_entries = results["lexicalEntries"] entries = [lex_entry["entries"] for lex_entry in lex_entries] entries = [x for y in entries for x in y] senses = [entry["senses"] for entry in entries] senses = [x for y in senses for x in y] definitions = [definition['definitions'][0] for definition in senses] emb = botutilities.embed_template(ctx, title=f'Definition of "{query.title()}":', description=f"{definitions[0].capitalize()}") else: emb = botutilities.embed_template(ctx, title="Error:", description=f'Definition for "{query.title()}" not found.') await message.edit(content="", embed=emb) @commands.command(aliases=("googleit", "googlesearch", "search")) async def google(self, ctx, *, search_request): message = await ctx.send(f"Searching for `{search_request}`...") async with ctx.typing(): i = 1 output_str = "" for url in, stop=10): if i < 10: output_str += f"`{i}.` **[{discord.utils.escape_markdown(url.title)}](<{}>)**\n" else: output_str += f"`{i}.` **[{discord.utils.escape_markdown(url.title)}](<{}>)**\n" i += 1 if i == 1: output_str = "**No results found.**" embed = botutilities.embed_template(ctx, "Google", output_str[0:-1], icon="") return await message.edit(content=None, embed=embed) @commands.command(aliases=("detect", "language")) async def lang_detect(self, ctx, *, user_message): detected_lang = self.translator.detect(user_message).lang if isinstance(detected_lang, list): detected_lang = detected_lang[self.translator.detect(user_message).confidence.index( max(self.translator.detect(user_message).confidence))] await ctx.send( f'"{user_message}" is in {languages.get(alpha2=detected_lang).name} (Certainty: `{int(max(self.translator.detect(user_message).confidence) * 100)}%`).') @commands.command(name="morse", aliases=("morsecode",)) async def morse_code(self, ctx, encrypt_decrypt, *, sentence): disc = encrypt_decrypt var = self.morse.check_letter(sentence.upper()) if not var: await ctx.send("Error: Invalid character detected.") return code = f"{sentence} " error_message = f"Error: You tried to {disc} an already {disc}ed message or you entered an invalid character." if disc == "encrypt": try: code = code[0:-1] output = self.morse.encrypt(code.upper()) except KeyError: output = error_message except Exception as e: print(e) return elif disc == "decrypt": code = code.replace('_', '-') try: output = self.morse.decrypt(code).lower() except ValueError: output = error_message else: output = "Error: Invalid discriminator." await ctx.send(output.capitalize()) @commands.command() async def ping(self, ctx): await ctx.send(f':ping_pong: Pong! { * 1000:.0f}ms.') @commands.command() async def translate(self, ctx, translate_message, destination_language='en', source_language=None): destination_language = destination_language.lower() destination_language = get_dict_key(self.lang_dict, destination_language) if source_language is not None: source_language = source_language.lower() source_language = get_dict_key(self.lang_dict, source_language) else: source_language = self.translator.detect(translate_message).lang if isinstance(source_language, list): source_language = source_language[0] try: translated_text = self.translator.translate(translate_message, src=source_language, dest=destination_language).text.replace("`", "\`") await ctx.send( f'Translated from {self.lang_dict[source_language].capitalize()} to {self.lang_dict[destination_language].capitalize()}\n`{translated_text.capitalize()}`.') except ValueError: await ctx.send(f"Error: Invalid language.") @commands.command() async def wikipedia(self, ctx, *, search_request): message = await ctx.send(f"Searching for {search_request}") async with ctx.typing(): title = "Wikipedia" description = "" image = "" try: result = # update: didn't go that bad, but it wasn't "well lol" description = f"[{result.title}]({result.url})\n{result.summary[:300].strip()}..." try: image = result.images[0] except IndexError: pass except wikipedia.exceptions.DisambiguationError as e: i = 1 for option in e.options[:9]: i += 1 disamb_result =, auto_suggest=False) if disamb_result.url != "": result_2 = f"[{disamb_result.title}]({disamb_result.url})" else: result_2 = f"{disamb_result} **URL Not Found**" description += f"`{i}`: {result_2}\n" except wikipedia.exceptions.PageError: description = "Page not found." embed = botutilities.embed_template(ctx, title, description, image=image, icon="") await message.edit(content=None, embed=embed) @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.command() async def clear(self, ctx, amount: int): await ctx.message.delete() deleted_messages = await clear_message = await ctx.send(f'Cleared {len(deleted_messages)} messages.') await asyncio.sleep(2) await clear_message.delete() @commands.has_permissions(ban_members=True) @commands.command() async def ban(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason=None): if not member.guild_permissions.administrator: await member.ban(reason=reason) await ctx.send(f'{member} banned via `{ctx.prefix}ban` command. Reason: {reason}.') else: await ctx.send(f"Error: {member} is an admin and can't be banned by Goldbot.") @commands.has_permissions(kick_members=True) @commands.command() async def kick(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason=None): await member.kick(reason=reason) await ctx.send(f'{member} kicked via `{ctx.prefix}kick` command. Reason: {reason}.') @commands.has_permissions(manage_roles=True) @commands.command() async def mute(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, time="1m", *, reason=None): return @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.command() async def pin(self, ctx): if ctx.message.reference: await else: messages = await ctx.history(limit=2).flatten() messages.remove(ctx.message) await messages[0].pin() @commands.command() async def invite(self, ctx): await ctx.send( "Here's the invite link for Goldbot:\n") @commands.command() async def binary(self, ctx, encode_decode: str, *, sentence): if encode_decode.lower() == "encode": s = ''.join(format(ord(i), '08b') for x, i in enumerate(sentence)) bin_list = [s[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(s), 8)] output = '' for _bin in bin_list: output += f'{_bin} ' output = output[:-1] await ctx.send(f"Here\'s your encoded string: \n`{output}`") elif encode_decode.lower() == 'decode': for char in sentence: if char not in ['0', '1', ' ']: await ctx.send("Please only use 1s and 0s.") return try: int(sentence) except ValueError: bin_list = sentence.split() else: bin_list = [sentence[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(sentence), 8)] output = '' for _bin in bin_list: output += chr(int(_bin, 2)) await ctx.send(f"Here\'s your decoded binary code: \n`{output}`") return else: await ctx.send('ERROR: Invalid discriminator.') return @commands.has_permissions(ban_members=True) @commands.command() async def unban(self, ctx, *, member): banned_users = await ctx.guild.bans() member_name, member_discriminator = member.split('#') for ban_entry in banned_users: user = ban_entry.user if (, user.discriminator) == (member_name, member_discriminator): await ctx.guild.unban(user) await ctx.send(f'Unbanned {user.mention}.') return await ctx.send(f'{user.mention} is not banned.') @commands.has_permissions(manage_nicknames=True) @commands.command(aliases=("rename",)) async def nickname(self, ctx, *, nickname): if len(nickname) > 32: await ctx.send(f'Error: "{nickname}" has more than 32 characters and therefore can\'t fit as my nickname.') return await await ctx.send(f'Successfully changed my nickname to "{nickname}".') @commands.command() async def prefix(self, ctx, new_prefix=None): if new_prefix is None: await ctx.send(f"Server's prefix currently set to `{ctx.prefix}`.") else: if if new_prefix.lower() == "reset": botutilities.parser.remove(str( await ctx.send(f"Prefix reset back to `{botutilities.parser.default}`!") else: botutilities.parser.update(str(, new_prefix) await ctx.send(f"Prefix changed to `{new_prefix}`!") else: raise commands.MissingPermissions(missing_permissions=['administrator']) @commands.command(name="help") async def _help(self, ctx, command=None): footer = "" mod_commands = ("ban", "clear", "kick", "pin", "unban") if command is None: title = "Commands" with open("help_texts/general_help.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8') as file: help_text = if with open("help_texts/mod_help.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8') as file: help_text += footer = "\n<>=Necessary, []=optional." else: command = command.lower() if command in mod_commands: if title = command.capitalize() with open(f"help_texts/specific_help/{command}.txt", encoding='utf-8') as file: help_text = footer = "\n<>=Necessary, []=optional." else: title = "Error!" help_text = f"You don't have permissions to use `{command}`" else: try: title = command.capitalize() with open(f"help_texts/specific_help/{command}.txt", encoding='utf-8') as file: help_text = footer = "\n<>=Necessary, []=optional." except FileNotFoundError: title = "Error!" help_text = "Command not found." embed = botutilities.embed_template(ctx, title, help_text.format(prefix=ctx.prefix), footer, add_def_footer=True) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.check(botutilities.is_bot_owner) @commands.command() async def test(self, ctx): print("TEST") embed = discord.Embed(title="Title", description=f"[Test Link](", color=random.randint(0,
<reponame>v0rts/crossfeed import traceback try: from source import ( alerts, list_organizations, alias_organization, mentions, root_domains, creds, top_cves, ) from redact import redact_pii import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extras as extras import os import pandas as pd import datetime from datetime import date, timedelta import requests except: print(traceback.format_exc()) DB_HOST = os.environ.get("DB_HOST") PE_DB_NAME = os.environ.get("PE_DB_NAME") PE_DB_USERNAME = os.environ.get("PE_DB_USERNAME") PE_DB_PASSWORD = os.environ.get("PE_DB_PASSWORD") org_id = os.environ.get("org_id") org_name = os.environ.get("org_name") # get todays date formatted YYYY-MM-DD and the startdate 16 days prior today = days_back = timedelta(days=40) start_date = str(today - days_back) end_date = str(today) date_span = f"[{start_date} TO {end_date}]" to_date = back = timedelta(days=16) from_date = (to_date - back).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") to_date = to_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def cve(cveid): """Get CVE data.""" url = f"{cveid}" resp = requests.get(url).json() return resp def getDataSource(conn, source): cur = conn.cursor() sql = """SELECT * FROM data_source WHERE name=%s""" cur.execute(sql, (source,)) source = cur.fetchone() cur.close() return source """Connect to PE Database""" try: PE_conn = psycopg2.connect( host=DB_HOST, database=PE_DB_NAME, user=PE_DB_USERNAME, password=<PASSWORD>, ) print("Connected to PE database.") except: print("Failed connecting to PE database.") """Get the Cybersixgill data source uid""" try: source_uid = getDataSource(PE_conn, "Cybersixgill") print("Success fetching the data source") except: print("Failed fetching the data source.") """Select organization from PE Database""" try: print(f"Running on organization: {org_name}") cur = PE_conn.cursor() sql = """SELECT * FROM organizations WHERE name=%s""" cur.execute(sql, (org_name,)) pe_org_uid = cur.fetchone() cur.close() print(f"PE_org_uid: {pe_org_uid}") except: print("Failed with Select Statement") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Fetch associated CyberSixGill org id""" try: sixgill_orgs_df = list_organizations() for index, row in sixgill_orgs_df.iterrows(): if pe_org_uid[2] == row["name"]: sixgill_org_id = row["organization_id"] if not sixgill_org_id: raise Exception("Sixgill cannot match an org_id") print(f"Sixgill_org_uid: {sixgill_org_id}") except: print("Failed fetching the CyberSixGill Org Id.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Fetch Aliases from Cybersix""" try: aliases = alias_organization(sixgill_org_id) except: print("Failed fetching Cybersixgill aliases.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Insert/Update Aliases into PE database instance""" try: # aliases_list = json.loads(aliases.replace("'", '"')) alias_df = pd.DataFrame(aliases, columns=["alias"]) alias_df["organizations_uid"] = pe_org_uid[0] table = "alias" # Create a list of tupples from the dataframe values tuples = [tuple(x) for x in alias_df.to_numpy()] # Comma-separated dataframe columns cols = ",".join(list(alias_df.columns)) assert table in ["alias"] assert [c in ["alias", "organizations_uid"] for c in cols] # SQL quert to execute query = """INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT (alias) DO NOTHING;""" cursor = PE_conn.cursor() try: extras.execute_values( cursor, query.format( table, cols, ), tuples, ) PE_conn.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error: %s" % error) print(traceback.format_exc()) PE_conn.rollback() cursor.close() print("Successfully inserted/updated alias data into PE database.") cursor.close() except: print("Failed inserting/updating alias data.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Fetch Alert Data""" try: alerts_df = alerts(sixgill_org_id) # add associated pe org_id alerts_df["organizations_uid"] = pe_org_uid[0] # rename columns alerts_df = alerts_df.rename(columns={"id": "sixgill_id"}) except: print("Failed fetching Alert data.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """ Run redact script on Alert content and title to remove PII""" try: alerts_df = redact_pii(alerts_df, ["content", "title"]) print("Success redacting PII") except: print("Something failed with the redact.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Insert Alert data into PE database instance.""" try: alerts_df = alerts_df.drop( columns=["alert_type_id", "sub_alerts", "langcode", "matched_assets"], errors="ignore", ) alerts_df["data_source_uid"] = source_uid[0] table = "alerts" # Create a list of tupples from the dataframe values tuples = [tuple(x) for x in alerts_df.to_numpy()] # Comma-separated dataframe columns cols = ",".join(list(alerts_df.columns)) assert table in ["alerts"] assert [ c in [ "alert_name", "content", "date", "sixgill_id", "read", "severity", "site", "threat_level", "threats", "title", "user_id", "category", "lang", "organizations_uid", "data_source_uid", ] for c in cols ] # SQL quert to execute query = """INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT (sixgill_id) DO NOTHING;""" cursor = PE_conn.cursor() try: extras.execute_values( cursor, query.format( table, cols, ), tuples, ) PE_conn.commit() print("Successfully inserted/updated alert data into PE database.") except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error: %s" % error) print(traceback.format_exc()) PE_conn.rollback() cursor.close() cursor.close() except: print("Failed inserting alert data into PE database.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Fetch Mention Data""" try: # call mentions function mentions_df = mentions(date_span, aliases) # rename columns mentions_df = mentions_df.rename(columns={"id": "sixgill_mention_id"}) # drop unneeded columns (errors = "ignore" adds drop "if exists" functionality) try: mentions_df = mentions_df[ [ "category", "collection_date", "content", "creator", "date", "sixgill_mention_id", "lang", "post_id", "rep_grade", "site", "site_grade", "sub_category", "title", "type", "url", "comments_count", "tags", ] ] except: try: mentions_df = mentions_df[ [ "category", "collection_date", "content", "creator", "date", "sixgill_mention_id", "lang", "post_id", "rep_grade", "site", "site_grade", "sub_category", "title", "type", "url", "comments_count", ] ] except: mentions_df = mentions_df[ [ "category", "collection_date", "content", "creator", "date", "sixgill_mention_id", "lang", "post_id", "rep_grade", "site", "site_grade", "title", "type", "url", ] ] # add associated pe org_id mentions_df["organizations_uid"] = pe_org_uid[0] except: print("Failed fetching mention data.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """ Run redact script on Mention content and title to remove PII""" try: # Make sure both columns are strings mentions_df.loc[:, "title"] = str(mentions_df["title"]) mentions_df.loc[:, "content"] = str(mentions_df["content"]) # Run redact script mentions_df = redact_pii(mentions_df, ["content", "title"]) print("Success redacting PII") except: print("Something failed with the redact.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Insert mention data into PE database instance.""" try: mentions_df = mentions_df.apply( lambda col: col.str.replace(r"[\x00|NULL]", "") if col.dtype == object else col ) mentions_df["data_source_uid"] = source_uid[0] table = "mentions" # Create a list of tupples from the dataframe values tuples = [tuple(x) for x in mentions_df.to_numpy()] # Comma-separated dataframe columns cols = ",".join(list(mentions_df.columns)) assert table in ["mentions"] assert [ c in [ "category", "collection_date", "content", "creator", "date", "sixgill_mention_id", "lang", "post_id", "rep_grade", "site", "site_grade", "sub_category", "title", "type", "url", "comments_count", "tags", "organizations_uid", "data_source_uid", ] for c in cols ] # SQL quert to execute query = """INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT (sixgill_mention_id) DO NOTHING;""" cursor = PE_conn.cursor() try: extras.execute_values( cursor, query.format( table, cols, ), tuples, ) PE_conn.commit() print("Successfully inserted/updated mention data into PE database.") except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error: %s" % error) print(traceback.format_exc()) PE_conn.rollback() cursor.close() cursor.close() except: print("Failed inserting mention data into PE database.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Fetch Top CVE data""" try: top_cve_df = top_cves(10) top_cve_df["date"] = end_date top_cve_df["nvd_base_score"] = top_cve_df["nvd_base_score"].astype("str") # Get CVE description from top_cve_df["summary"] = "" for index, row in top_cve_df.iterrows(): try: resp = cve(row["cve_id"]) summary = resp["summary"] except: summary = ""[index, "summary"] = summary print("Successfully fetched top cve data.") except: print("Failed fetching top cve data.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Insert Top CVE Data into PE database""" try: top_cve_df["data_source_uid"] = source_uid[0] table = "top_cves" # Create a list of tupples from the dataframe values tuples = [tuple(x) for x in top_cve_df.to_numpy()] # Comma-separated dataframe columns cols = ",".join(list(top_cve_df.columns)) assert table in ["top_cves"] assert [ c in [ "cve_id", "dynamic_rating", "nvd_base_score", "date", "summary", "data_source_uid", ] for c in cols ] # SQL query to execute query = """INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT (cve_id, date) DO NOTHING;""" cursor = PE_conn.cursor() try: extras.execute_values( cursor, query.format( table, cols, ), tuples, ) PE_conn.commit() print("Successfully inserted/updated top cve data into PE database.") except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error: %s" % error) print(traceback.format_exc()) PE_conn.rollback() cursor.close() cursor.close() except: print("Failed inserting top cve data into PE database.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Fetch root domains for Credential function""" try: root_domains = root_domains(sixgill_org_id) # root_domains = json.loads(root_domains.replace("'", '"')) except: print("Failed fetching root domain data.") print(traceback.format_exc()) """Fetch Credential Data""" try: creds_df = creds(root_domains, from_date, to_date) creds_df["organizations_uid"] = pe_org_uid[0] creds_df["data_source_uid"] = source_uid[0] print("Successfully fetched credential data.") except: print("Failed fetching credential data.") print(traceback.format_exc()) if not creds_df.empty: """Split credential data into breach and credential tables""" try: # Change empty and ambiguous breach names creds_df.loc[ creds_df["breach_name"] == "", "breach_name" ] = "Cybersixgill_" + creds_df["breach_id"].astype(str) creds_df.loc[ creds_df["breach_name"] == "Automatic leaked credentials detection", "breach_name", ] = "Cybersixgill_" + creds_df["breach_id"].astype(str) creds_breach_df = creds_df[ ["breach_name", "description", "breach_date", "password", "data_source_uid"] ].reset_index() # Create password_included column creds_breach_df["password_included"] = creds_breach_df["password"] != "" # Group breaches and count the number of credentials count_creds = creds_breach_df.groupby( [ "breach_name", "description", "breach_date", "password_included", "data_source_uid", ] ).size() creds_breach_df = count_creds.to_frame(name="exposed_cred_count").reset_index() creds_breach_df["modified_date"] = creds_breach_df["breach_date"] except: print("Failed splitting credential data.") print(traceback.format_exc()) # Insert breach data into the PE database try: table = "credential_breaches" # Create a list of tuples from the dataframe values tuples = [tuple(x) for x in creds_breach_df.to_numpy()] # Comma-separated dataframe columns cols = ",".join(list(creds_breach_df.columns)) assert table in ["credential_breaches"] assert [ c in [ "breach_name", "description", "breach_date", "password_included", "data_source_uid", "exposed_cred_count", "modified_date", ] for c in cols ] # SQL query to execute query = """INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT (breach_name) DO UPDATE SET exposed_cred_count = EXCLUDED.exposed_cred_count, password_included = EXCLUDED.password_included;""" cursor = PE_conn.cursor() try: extras.execute_values( cursor, query.format( table, cols, ), tuples, ) PE_conn.commit() print("Successfully inserted/updated breaches into PE database.") except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) PE_conn.rollback() cursor.close() except Exception as e: print(f"Failed inserting breaches for {org_id}") print(e) # Get breach uids and match to credentials try: cur = PE_conn.cursor() sql = """SELECT breach_name, credential_breaches_uid FROM credential_breaches""" cur.execute(sql) pe_orgs = cur.fetchall() cur.close() except (Exception,
SQLParser#simpleExprWindowingFunction. def exitSimpleExprWindowingFunction(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprWindowingFunctionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprBinary. def enterSimpleExprBinary(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprBinaryContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprBinary. def exitSimpleExprBinary(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprBinaryContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprColumnRef. def enterSimpleExprColumnRef(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprColumnRefContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprColumnRef. def exitSimpleExprColumnRef(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprColumnRefContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprParamMarker. def enterSimpleExprParamMarker(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprParamMarkerContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprParamMarker. def exitSimpleExprParamMarker(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprParamMarkerContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprSum. def enterSimpleExprSum(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprSumContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprSum. def exitSimpleExprSum(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprSumContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprConvertUsing. def enterSimpleExprConvertUsing(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprConvertUsingContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprConvertUsing. def exitSimpleExprConvertUsing(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprConvertUsingContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprSubQuery. def enterSimpleExprSubQuery(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprSubQueryContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprSubQuery. def exitSimpleExprSubQuery(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprSubQueryContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprGroupingOperation. def enterSimpleExprGroupingOperation(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprGroupingOperationContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprGroupingOperation. def exitSimpleExprGroupingOperation(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprGroupingOperationContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprNot. def enterSimpleExprNot(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprNotContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprNot. def exitSimpleExprNot(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprNotContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprValues. def enterSimpleExprValues(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprValuesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprValues. def exitSimpleExprValues(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprValuesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprDefault. def enterSimpleExprDefault(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprDefaultContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprDefault. def exitSimpleExprDefault(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprDefaultContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprList. def enterSimpleExprList(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprListContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprList. def exitSimpleExprList(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprListContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprInterval. def enterSimpleExprInterval(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprIntervalContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprInterval. def exitSimpleExprInterval(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprIntervalContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprCase. def enterSimpleExprCase(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprCaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprCase. def exitSimpleExprCase(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprCaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprConcat. def enterSimpleExprConcat(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprConcatContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprConcat. def exitSimpleExprConcat(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprConcatContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprLiteral. def enterSimpleExprLiteral(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprLiteralContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#simpleExprLiteral. def exitSimpleExprLiteral(self, ctx:SQLParser.SimpleExprLiteralContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#arrayCast. def enterArrayCast(self, ctx:SQLParser.ArrayCastContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#arrayCast. def exitArrayCast(self, ctx:SQLParser.ArrayCastContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#jsonOperator. def enterJsonOperator(self, ctx:SQLParser.JsonOperatorContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#jsonOperator. def exitJsonOperator(self, ctx:SQLParser.JsonOperatorContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#sumExpr. def enterSumExpr(self, ctx:SQLParser.SumExprContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#sumExpr. def exitSumExpr(self, ctx:SQLParser.SumExprContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#groupingOperation. def enterGroupingOperation(self, ctx:SQLParser.GroupingOperationContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#groupingOperation. def exitGroupingOperation(self, ctx:SQLParser.GroupingOperationContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#windowFunctionCall. def enterWindowFunctionCall(self, ctx:SQLParser.WindowFunctionCallContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#windowFunctionCall. def exitWindowFunctionCall(self, ctx:SQLParser.WindowFunctionCallContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#windowingClause. def enterWindowingClause(self, ctx:SQLParser.WindowingClauseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#windowingClause. def exitWindowingClause(self, ctx:SQLParser.WindowingClauseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#leadLagInfo. def enterLeadLagInfo(self, ctx:SQLParser.LeadLagInfoContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#leadLagInfo. def exitLeadLagInfo(self, ctx:SQLParser.LeadLagInfoContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#nullTreatment. def enterNullTreatment(self, ctx:SQLParser.NullTreatmentContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#nullTreatment. def exitNullTreatment(self, ctx:SQLParser.NullTreatmentContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#jsonFunction. def enterJsonFunction(self, ctx:SQLParser.JsonFunctionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#jsonFunction. def exitJsonFunction(self, ctx:SQLParser.JsonFunctionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#inSumExpr. def enterInSumExpr(self, ctx:SQLParser.InSumExprContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#inSumExpr. def exitInSumExpr(self, ctx:SQLParser.InSumExprContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#identListArg. def enterIdentListArg(self, ctx:SQLParser.IdentListArgContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#identListArg. def exitIdentListArg(self, ctx:SQLParser.IdentListArgContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#identList. def enterIdentList(self, ctx:SQLParser.IdentListContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#identList. def exitIdentList(self, ctx:SQLParser.IdentListContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fulltextOptions. def enterFulltextOptions(self, ctx:SQLParser.FulltextOptionsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fulltextOptions. def exitFulltextOptions(self, ctx:SQLParser.FulltextOptionsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#runtimeFunctionCall. def enterRuntimeFunctionCall(self, ctx:SQLParser.RuntimeFunctionCallContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#runtimeFunctionCall. def exitRuntimeFunctionCall(self, ctx:SQLParser.RuntimeFunctionCallContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#geometryFunction. def enterGeometryFunction(self, ctx:SQLParser.GeometryFunctionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#geometryFunction. def exitGeometryFunction(self, ctx:SQLParser.GeometryFunctionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#timeFunctionParameters. def enterTimeFunctionParameters(self, ctx:SQLParser.TimeFunctionParametersContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#timeFunctionParameters. def exitTimeFunctionParameters(self, ctx:SQLParser.TimeFunctionParametersContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fractionalPrecision. def enterFractionalPrecision(self, ctx:SQLParser.FractionalPrecisionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#fractionalPrecision. def exitFractionalPrecision(self, ctx:SQLParser.FractionalPrecisionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#weightStringLevels. def enterWeightStringLevels(self, ctx:SQLParser.WeightStringLevelsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#weightStringLevels. def exitWeightStringLevels(self, ctx:SQLParser.WeightStringLevelsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#weightStringLevelListItem. def enterWeightStringLevelListItem(self, ctx:SQLParser.WeightStringLevelListItemContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#weightStringLevelListItem. def exitWeightStringLevelListItem(self, ctx:SQLParser.WeightStringLevelListItemContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#dateTimeTtype. def enterDateTimeTtype(self, ctx:SQLParser.DateTimeTtypeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#dateTimeTtype. def exitDateTimeTtype(self, ctx:SQLParser.DateTimeTtypeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#trimFunction. def enterTrimFunction(self, ctx:SQLParser.TrimFunctionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#trimFunction. def exitTrimFunction(self, ctx:SQLParser.TrimFunctionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#substringFunction. def enterSubstringFunction(self, ctx:SQLParser.SubstringFunctionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#substringFunction. def exitSubstringFunction(self, ctx:SQLParser.SubstringFunctionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#functionCall. def enterFunctionCall(self, ctx:SQLParser.FunctionCallContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#functionCall. def exitFunctionCall(self, ctx:SQLParser.FunctionCallContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#udfExprList. def enterUdfExprList(self, ctx:SQLParser.UdfExprListContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#udfExprList. def exitUdfExprList(self, ctx:SQLParser.UdfExprListContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#udfExpr. def enterUdfExpr(self, ctx:SQLParser.UdfExprContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#udfExpr. def exitUdfExpr(self, ctx:SQLParser.UdfExprContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#variable. def enterVariable(self, ctx:SQLParser.VariableContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#variable. def exitVariable(self, ctx:SQLParser.VariableContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#userVariable. def enterUserVariable(self, ctx:SQLParser.UserVariableContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#userVariable. def exitUserVariable(self, ctx:SQLParser.UserVariableContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#systemVariable. def enterSystemVariable(self, ctx:SQLParser.SystemVariableContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#systemVariable. def exitSystemVariable(self, ctx:SQLParser.SystemVariableContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#internalVariableName. def enterInternalVariableName(self, ctx:SQLParser.InternalVariableNameContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#internalVariableName. def exitInternalVariableName(self, ctx:SQLParser.InternalVariableNameContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#whenExpression. def enterWhenExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.WhenExpressionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#whenExpression. def exitWhenExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.WhenExpressionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#thenExpression. def enterThenExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.ThenExpressionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#thenExpression. def exitThenExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.ThenExpressionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#elseExpression. def enterElseExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.ElseExpressionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#elseExpression. def exitElseExpression(self, ctx:SQLParser.ElseExpressionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#castType. def enterCastType(self, ctx:SQLParser.CastTypeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#castType. def exitCastType(self, ctx:SQLParser.CastTypeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#exprList. def enterExprList(self, ctx:SQLParser.ExprListContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#exprList. def exitExprList(self, ctx:SQLParser.ExprListContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#charset. def enterCharset(self, ctx:SQLParser.CharsetContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#charset. def exitCharset(self, ctx:SQLParser.CharsetContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#notRule. def enterNotRule(self, ctx:SQLParser.NotRuleContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#notRule. def exitNotRule(self, ctx:SQLParser.NotRuleContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#not2Rule. def enterNot2Rule(self, ctx:SQLParser.Not2RuleContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#not2Rule. def exitNot2Rule(self, ctx:SQLParser.Not2RuleContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by SQLParser#interval. def enterInterval(self, ctx:SQLParser.IntervalContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by SQLParser#interval. def exitInterval(self, ctx:SQLParser.IntervalContext): pass # Enter a
def eventFilter(*args, **kwargs): pass def horizontalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs): pass def horizontalScrollBarPolicy(*args, **kwargs): pass def keyPressEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def maximumViewportSize(*args, **kwargs): pass def minimumSizeHint(*args, **kwargs): pass def mouseDoubleClickEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def mouseMoveEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def mousePressEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def mouseReleaseEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def paintEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def resizeEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def scrollBarWidgets(*args, **kwargs): pass def scrollContentsBy(*args, **kwargs): pass def setCornerWidget(*args, **kwargs): pass def setHorizontalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs): pass def setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(*args, **kwargs): pass def setSizeAdjustPolicy(*args, **kwargs): pass def setVerticalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs): pass def setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(*args, **kwargs): pass def setViewport(*args, **kwargs): pass def setViewportMargins(*args, **kwargs): pass def setupViewport(*args, **kwargs): pass def sizeAdjustPolicy(*args, **kwargs): pass def sizeHint(*args, **kwargs): pass def verticalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs): pass def verticalScrollBarPolicy(*args, **kwargs): pass def viewport(*args, **kwargs): pass def viewportEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def viewportMargins(*args, **kwargs): pass def viewportSizeHint(*args, **kwargs): pass def wheelEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass AdjustIgnored = None AdjustToContents = None AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = None SizeAdjustPolicy = None __new__ = None staticMetaObject = None class QSplitter(QFrame): def __init__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature """ pass def __lshift__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y """ pass def __rlshift__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x """ pass def __rrshift__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x """ pass def __rshift__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y """ pass def addWidget(*args, **kwargs): pass def changeEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def childEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def childrenCollapsible(*args, **kwargs): pass def closestLegalPosition(*args, **kwargs): pass def count(*args, **kwargs): pass def createHandle(*args, **kwargs): pass def event(*args, **kwargs): pass def getRange(*args, **kwargs): pass def handle(*args, **kwargs): pass def handleWidth(*args, **kwargs): pass def indexOf(*args, **kwargs): pass def insertWidget(*args, **kwargs): pass def isCollapsible(*args, **kwargs): pass def minimumSizeHint(*args, **kwargs): pass def moveSplitter(*args, **kwargs): pass def opaqueResize(*args, **kwargs): pass def orientation(*args, **kwargs): pass def refresh(*args, **kwargs): pass def resizeEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def restoreState(*args, **kwargs): pass def saveState(*args, **kwargs): pass def setChildrenCollapsible(*args, **kwargs): pass def setCollapsible(*args, **kwargs): pass def setHandleWidth(*args, **kwargs): pass def setOpaqueResize(*args, **kwargs): pass def setOrientation(*args, **kwargs): pass def setRubberBand(*args, **kwargs): pass def setSizes(*args, **kwargs): pass def setStretchFactor(*args, **kwargs): pass def sizeHint(*args, **kwargs): pass def sizes(*args, **kwargs): pass def widget(*args, **kwargs): pass __new__ = None splitterMoved = None staticMetaObject = None class QFontComboBox(QComboBox): def __init__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature """ pass def currentFont(*args, **kwargs): pass def event(*args, **kwargs): pass def fontFilters(*args, **kwargs): pass def setCurrentFont(*args, **kwargs): pass def setFontFilters(*args, **kwargs): pass def setWritingSystem(*args, **kwargs): pass def sizeHint(*args, **kwargs): pass def writingSystem(*args, **kwargs): pass AllFonts = None FontFilter = None FontFilters = None MonospacedFonts = None NonScalableFonts = None ProportionalFonts = None ScalableFonts = None __new__ = None currentFontChanged = None staticMetaObject = None class QRadioButton(QAbstractButton): def __init__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature """ pass def event(*args, **kwargs): pass def hitButton(*args, **kwargs): pass def initStyleOption(*args, **kwargs): pass def minimumSizeHint(*args, **kwargs): pass def mouseMoveEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def paintEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def sizeHint(*args, **kwargs): pass __new__ = None staticMetaObject = None class QStyleOptionComboBox(QStyleOptionComplex): def __init__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature """ pass currentIcon = None currentText = None editable = None frame = None iconSize = None popupRect = None StyleOptionType = None StyleOptionVersion = None Type = None Version = None __new__ = None class QStyleOptionToolButton(QStyleOptionComplex): def __init__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature """ pass arrowType = None features = None font = None icon = None iconSize = None pos = None text = None toolButtonStyle = None Arrow = None HasMenu = None Menu = None MenuButtonPopup = None locals()['None'] = None PopupDelay = None StyleOptionType = None StyleOptionVersion = None ToolButtonFeature = None ToolButtonFeatures = None Type = None Version = None __new__ = None class QDateTimeEdit(QAbstractSpinBox): def __init__(*args, **kwargs): """ x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature """ pass def calendarPopup(*args, **kwargs): pass def calendarWidget(*args, **kwargs): pass def clear(*args, **kwargs): pass def clearMaximumDate(*args, **kwargs): pass def clearMaximumDateTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def clearMaximumTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def clearMinimumDate(*args, **kwargs): pass def clearMinimumDateTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def clearMinimumTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def currentSection(*args, **kwargs): pass def currentSectionIndex(*args, **kwargs): pass def date(*args, **kwargs): pass def dateTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def dateTimeFromText(*args, **kwargs): pass def displayFormat(*args, **kwargs): pass def displayedSections(*args, **kwargs): pass def event(*args, **kwargs): pass def fixup(*args, **kwargs): pass def focusInEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def focusNextPrevChild(*args, **kwargs): pass def initStyleOption(*args, **kwargs): pass def keyPressEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def maximumDate(*args, **kwargs): pass def maximumDateTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def maximumTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def minimumDate(*args, **kwargs): pass def minimumDateTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def minimumTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def mousePressEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def paintEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass def sectionAt(*args, **kwargs): pass def sectionCount(*args, **kwargs): pass def sectionText(*args, **kwargs): pass def setCalendarPopup(*args, **kwargs): pass def setCalendarWidget(*args, **kwargs): pass def setCurrentSection(*args, **kwargs): pass def setCurrentSectionIndex(*args, **kwargs): pass def setDate(*args, **kwargs): pass def setDateRange(*args, **kwargs): pass def setDateTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def setDateTimeRange(*args, **kwargs): pass def setDisplayFormat(*args, **kwargs): pass def setMaximumDate(*args, **kwargs): pass def setMaximumDateTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def setMaximumTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def setMinimumDate(*args, **kwargs): pass def setMinimumDateTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def setMinimumTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def setSelectedSection(*args, **kwargs): pass def setTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def setTimeRange(*args, **kwargs): pass def setTimeSpec(*args, **kwargs): pass def sizeHint(*args, **kwargs): pass def stepBy(*args, **kwargs): pass def stepEnabled(*args, **kwargs): pass def textFromDateTime(*args, **kwargs): pass def time(*args, **kwargs): pass def timeSpec(*args, **kwargs): pass def validate(*args, **kwargs): pass def wheelEvent(*args, **kwargs): pass AmPmSection = None DateSections_Mask = None DaySection = None HourSection = None MSecSection = None MinuteSection = None MonthSection = None NoSection = None SecondSection = None Section = None
the local basis indices. This is prerequisite for calculating the tangent vector parameters B, which optimally approximate the exact time evolution. These are to be used on one side of the super-operator when applying the nearest-neighbour Hamiltonian, similarly to C in eqn. (44) of arXiv:1103.0936v2 [cond-mat.str-el], for the non-norm-preserving case. Makes use only of the nearest-neighbour Hamiltonian, and of the A's. C[n] depends on A[n] through A[n + self.ham_sites - 1]. """ if self.ham is None: return 0 if n_low < 1: n_low = 1 if n_high < 1: n_high = self.N - self.ham_sites + 1 if calc_AA: for n in range(1, self.N): self.AA[n] = tm.calc_AA(self.A[n], self.A[n + 1]) if self.ham_sites == 3: for n in range(1, self.N - 1): self.AAA[n] = tm.calc_AAA_AA(self.AA[n], self.A[n + 2]) else: self.AAA.fill(None) for n in range(n_low, n_high + 1): if callable(self.ham): ham_n = lambda *args: self.ham(n, *args) ham_n = sp.vectorize(ham_n, otypes=[sp.complex128]) ham_n = sp.fromfunction(ham_n, tuple(self.C[n].shape[:-2] * 2)) else: ham_n = self.ham[n] if ham_n is None: self.C[n] = None else: if self.ham_sites == 2: self.C[n] = tm.calc_C_mat_op_AA(ham_n, self.AA[n]) else: self.C[n] = tm.calc_C_3s_mat_op_AAA(ham_n, self.AAA[n]) def calc_K(self, n_low=-1, n_high=-1): """Generates the K matrices used to calculate the B's. This is called automatically by self.update(). K[n] is contains the action of the Hamiltonian on sites n to N. K[n] is recursively defined. It depends on C[m] and A[m] for all m >= n. It directly depends on A[n], A[n + 1], r[n], r[n + 1], C[n] and K[n + 1]. This is equivalent to K on p. 14 of arXiv:1103.0936v2 [cond-mat.str-el], except that it is for the non-norm-preserving case. K[1] is, assuming a normalized state, the expectation value H of Ĥ. """ if n_low < 1: n_low = 1 if n_high < 1: n_high = self.N for n in reversed(range(n_low, n_high + 1)): if n <= self.N - self.ham_sites + 1: if self.C[n] is None: self.K[n], ex = (tm.eps_r_noop(self.K[n + 1], self.A[n], self.A[n]), 0) else: if self.ham_sites == 2: self.K[n], ex = tm.calc_K(self.K[n + 1], self.C[n], self.l[n - 1], self.r[n + 1], self.A[n], self.AA[n]) else: self.K[n], ex = tm.calc_K_3s(self.K[n + 1], self.C[n], self.l[n - 1], self.r[n + 2], self.A[n], self.AAA[n]) self.h_expect[n] = ex else: self.K[n].fill(0) if n_low == 1: self.H_expect = sp.asscalar(self.K[1]) def calc_K_l(self, n_low=-1, n_high=-1): """Generates the K matrices used to calculate the B's. For the left gauge-fixing case. """ if n_low < 2: n_low = self.ham_sites if n_high < 1: n_high = self.N self.K[1] = sp.zeros((self.D[1], self.D[1]), dtype=self.typ) self.K[2] = sp.zeros((self.D[2], self.D[2]), dtype=self.typ) for n in range(n_low, n_high + 1): #if n <= self.N - self.ham_sites + 1: if self.ham_sites == 2: self.K[n], ex = tm.calc_K_l(self.K[n - 1], self.C[n - 1], self.l[n - 2], self.r[n], self.A[n], self.AA[n - 1]) else: self.K[n], ex = tm.calc_K_3s_l( self.K[n - 1], self.C[n - 2], self.l[n - 3], self.r[n], self.A[n], self.AAA[n - 2]) self.h_expect[n - 1] = ex #else: # self.K[n].fill(0) if n_high == self.N: self.H_expect = sp.asscalar(self.K[self.N]) def update(self, restore_CF=True, normalize=True, auto_truncate=False, restore_CF_after_trunc=True): """Updates secondary quantities to reflect the state parameters self.A. Must be used after taking a step or otherwise changing the parameters self.A before calculating physical quantities or taking the next step. Also (optionally) restores the canonical form. Parameters ---------- restore_CF : bool Whether to restore canonical form. normalize : bool Whether to normalize the state in case restore_CF is False. auto_truncate : bool Whether to automatically truncate the bond-dimension if rank-deficiency is detected. Requires restore_CF. restore_CF_after_trunc : bool Whether to restore_CF after truncation. Returns ------- truncated : bool (only if auto_truncate == True) Whether truncation was performed. """ trunc = super(EvoMPS_TDVP_Generic, self).update(restore_CF=restore_CF, normalize=normalize, auto_truncate=auto_truncate, restore_CF_after_trunc=restore_CF_after_trunc) self.calc_C() if self.gauge_fixing == 'right': self.calc_K() else: self.calc_K_l() return trunc def calc_x(self, n, Vsh, sqrt_l, sqrt_r, sqrt_l_inv, sqrt_r_inv): """Calculates the matrix x* that results in the TDVP tangent vector B. This is equivalent to eqn. (49) of arXiv:1103.0936v2 [cond-mat.str-el] except that, here, norm-preservation is not enforced, such that the optimal parameter matrices x*_n (for the parametrization of B) are given by the derivative w.r.t. x_n of <Phi[B, A]|Ĥ|Psi[A]>, rather than <Phi[B, A]|Ĥ - H|Psi[A]> (with H = <Psi|Ĥ|Psi>). An additional sum was added for the single-site hamiltonian. Some multiplications have been pulled outside of the sums for efficiency. Direct dependencies: - A[n - 1], A[n], A[n + 1] - r[n], r[n + 1], l[n - 2], l[n - 1] - C[n], C[n - 1] - K[n + 1] - V[n] """ if n > 1: lm2 = self.l[n - 2] Cm1 = self.C[n - 1] Am1 = self.A[n - 1] else: lm2 = None Cm1 = None Am1 = None if n > 2: lm3 = self.l[n - 3] Cm2 = self.C[n - 2] Am2Am1 = self.AA[n - 2] else: lm3 = None Cm2 = None Am2Am1 = None if n <= self.N - self.ham_sites + 1: C = self.C[n] else: C = None if n + 1 <= self.N - self.ham_sites + 1: Kp1 = self.K[n + 1] else: Kp1 = None if n < self.N - 1: Ap1Ap2 = self.AA[n + 1] rp2 = self.r[n + 2] else: Ap1Ap2 = None rp2 = None if n < self.N: rp1 = self.r[n + 1] Ap1 = self.A[n + 1] else: rp1 = None Ap1 = None if self.ham_sites == 2: x = tm.calc_x(Kp1, C, Cm1, rp1, lm2, Am1, self.A[n], Ap1, sqrt_l, sqrt_l_inv, sqrt_r, sqrt_r_inv, Vsh) else: x = tm.calc_x_3s(Kp1, C, Cm1, Cm2, rp1, rp2, lm2, lm3, Am2Am1, Am1, self.A[n], Ap1, Ap1Ap2, sqrt_l, sqrt_l_inv, sqrt_r, sqrt_r_inv, Vsh) return x def calc_x_l(self, n, Vsh, sqrt_l, sqrt_r, sqrt_l_inv, sqrt_r_inv): if n > 1: Km1 = self.K[n - 1] Cm1 = self.C[n - 1] Am1 = self.A[n - 1] lm2 = self.l[n - 2] else: Km1 = None Cm1 = None Am1 = None lm2 = None if n > 2: Cm2 = self.C[n - 2] lm3 = self.l[n - 3] AAm2 = self.AA[n - 2] else: Cm2 = None lm3 = None AAm2 = None if n < self.N: Ap1 = self.A[n + 1] rp1 = self.r[n + 1] else: Ap1 = None rp1 = None if n < self.N - 1: rp2 = self.r[n + 2] AAp1 = self.AA[n + 1] else: rp2 = None AAp1 = None if n <= self.N - self.ham_sites + 1: C = self.C[n] else: C = None if self.ham_sites == 2: x = tm.calc_x_l(Km1, C, Cm1, rp1, lm2, Am1, self.A[n], Ap1, sqrt_l, sqrt_l_inv, sqrt_r, sqrt_r_inv, Vsh) else: x = tm.calc_x_l_3s(Km1, C, Cm1, Cm2, rp1, rp2, lm2, lm3, AAm2, Am1, self.A[n], Ap1, AAp1, sqrt_l, sqrt_l_inv, sqrt_r, sqrt_r_inv, Vsh) return x def calc_BB_Y_2s(self, l_s, l_si, r_s, r_si, Vrh, Vlh): Y = sp.empty((self.N + 1), dtype=sp.ndarray) etaBB_sq = sp.zeros((self.N + 1), dtype=sp.complex128) for n in range(1, self.N): if (not Vrh[n + 1] is None and not Vlh[n] is None): if self.ham_sites == 2: Y[n], etaBB_sq[n] = tm.calc_BB_Y_2s(self.C[n], Vlh[n], Vrh[n + 1], l_s[n - 1], r_s[n + 1]) else: A_m1 = self.A[n - 1] if n - 1 > 0 else None A_p2 = self.A[n + 2] if n + 2 <= self.N else None l_m2 = self.l[n - 2] if n - 2 >= 0 else None r_p2 = self.r[n + 2] if n + 2 <= self.N else None Y[n], etaBB_sq[n] = tm.calc_BB_Y_2s_ham_3s(A_m1, A_p2, self.C[n], self.C[n - 1], Vlh[n], Vrh[n + 1], l_m2, r_p2, l_s[n - 1], l_si[n - 1], r_s[n + 1], r_si[n + 1]) return Y, etaBB_sq def calc_BB_2s(self, Y, Vlh,
str tools : Version ''' tag_ = tag tools_ = Version.from_json(tools) if tools else None # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if tag_ is not None and not isinstance(tag_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected tag_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(tag_))) if tools_ is not None and not isinstance(tools_, (dict, Version)): raise Exception("Expected tools_ to be a Version, received: {}".format(type(tools_))) self.tag = tag_ = tools_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class EntityWorkloadVersion(Type): _toSchema = {'tag': 'tag', 'workload_version': 'workload-version'} _toPy = {'tag': 'tag', 'workload-version': 'workload_version'} def __init__(self, tag=None, workload_version=None, **unknown_fields): ''' tag : str workload_version : str ''' tag_ = tag workload_version_ = workload_version # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if tag_ is not None and not isinstance(tag_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected tag_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(tag_))) if workload_version_ is not None and not isinstance(workload_version_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected workload_version_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(workload_version_))) self.tag = tag_ self.workload_version = workload_version_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class EntityWorkloadVersions(Type): _toSchema = {'entities': 'entities'} _toPy = {'entities': 'entities'} def __init__(self, entities=None, **unknown_fields): ''' entities : typing.Sequence[~EntityWorkloadVersion] ''' entities_ = [EntityWorkloadVersion.from_json(o) for o in entities or []] # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if entities_ is not None and not isinstance(entities_, (bytes, str, list)): raise Exception("Expected entities_ to be a Sequence, received: {}".format(type(entities_))) self.entities = entities_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class EnvListArgs(Type): _toSchema = {'patterns': 'patterns'} _toPy = {'patterns': 'patterns'} def __init__(self, patterns=None, **unknown_fields): ''' patterns : typing.Sequence[str] ''' patterns_ = patterns # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if patterns_ is not None and not isinstance(patterns_, (bytes, str, list)): raise Exception("Expected patterns_ to be a Sequence, received: {}".format(type(patterns_))) self.patterns = patterns_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class EnvListResults(Type): _toSchema = {'results': 'results'} _toPy = {'results': 'results'} def __init__(self, results=None, **unknown_fields): ''' results : typing.Sequence[~Payload] ''' results_ = [Payload.from_json(o) for o in results or []] # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if results_ is not None and not isinstance(results_, (bytes, str, list)): raise Exception("Expected results_ to be a Sequence, received: {}".format(type(results_))) self.results = results_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class Error(Type): _toSchema = {'code': 'code', 'info': 'info', 'message': 'message'} _toPy = {'code': 'code', 'info': 'info', 'message': 'message'} def __init__(self, code=None, info=None, message=None, **unknown_fields): ''' code : str info : typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any] message : str ''' code_ = code info_ = info message_ = message # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if code_ is not None and not isinstance(code_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected code_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(code_))) if info_ is not None and not isinstance(info_, dict): raise Exception("Expected info_ to be a Mapping, received: {}".format(type(info_))) if message_ is not None and not isinstance(message_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected message_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(message_))) self.code = code_ = info_ self.message = message_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class ErrorInfo(Type): _toSchema = {'macaroon': 'macaroon', 'macaroon_path': 'macaroon-path'} _toPy = {'macaroon': 'macaroon', 'macaroon-path': 'macaroon_path'} def __init__(self, macaroon=None, macaroon_path=None, **unknown_fields): ''' macaroon : Macaroon macaroon_path : str ''' macaroon_ = Macaroon.from_json(macaroon) if macaroon else None macaroon_path_ = macaroon_path # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if macaroon_ is not None and not isinstance(macaroon_, (dict, Macaroon)): raise Exception("Expected macaroon_ to be a Macaroon, received: {}".format(type(macaroon_))) if macaroon_path_ is not None and not isinstance(macaroon_path_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected macaroon_path_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(macaroon_path_))) self.macaroon = macaroon_ self.macaroon_path = macaroon_path_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class ErrorResult(Type): _toSchema = {'error': 'error'} _toPy = {'error': 'error'} def __init__(self, error=None, **unknown_fields): ''' error : Error ''' error_ = Error.from_json(error) if error else None # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if error_ is not None and not isinstance(error_, (dict, Error)): raise Exception("Expected error_ to be a Error, received: {}".format(type(error_))) self.error = error_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class ErrorResults(Type): _toSchema = {'results': 'results'} _toPy = {'results': 'results'} def __init__(self, results=None, **unknown_fields): ''' results : typing.Sequence[~ErrorResult] ''' results_ = [ErrorResult.from_json(o) for o in results or []] # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if results_ is not None and not isinstance(results_, (bytes, str, list)): raise Exception("Expected results_ to be a Sequence, received: {}".format(type(results_))) self.results = results_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class ExternalControllerInfo(Type): _toSchema = {'addrs': 'addrs', 'ca_cert': 'ca-cert', 'controller_alias': 'controller-alias', 'controller_tag': 'controller-tag'} _toPy = {'addrs': 'addrs', 'ca-cert': 'ca_cert', 'controller-alias': 'controller_alias', 'controller-tag': 'controller_tag'} def __init__(self, addrs=None, ca_cert=None, controller_alias=None, controller_tag=None, **unknown_fields): ''' addrs : typing.Sequence[str] ca_cert : str controller_alias : str controller_tag : str ''' addrs_ = addrs ca_cert_ = ca_cert controller_alias_ = controller_alias controller_tag_ = controller_tag # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if addrs_ is not None and not isinstance(addrs_, (bytes, str, list)): raise Exception("Expected addrs_ to be a Sequence, received: {}".format(type(addrs_))) if ca_cert_ is not None and not isinstance(ca_cert_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected ca_cert_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(ca_cert_))) if controller_alias_ is not None and not isinstance(controller_alias_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected controller_alias_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(controller_alias_))) if controller_tag_ is not None and not isinstance(controller_tag_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected controller_tag_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(controller_tag_))) self.addrs = addrs_ self.ca_cert = ca_cert_ self.controller_alias = controller_alias_ self.controller_tag = controller_tag_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class ExternalControllerInfoResult(Type): _toSchema = {'error': 'error', 'result': 'result'} _toPy = {'error': 'error', 'result': 'result'} def __init__(self, error=None, result=None, **unknown_fields): ''' error : Error result : ExternalControllerInfo ''' error_ = Error.from_json(error) if error else None result_ = ExternalControllerInfo.from_json(result) if result else None # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if error_ is not None and not isinstance(error_, (dict, Error)): raise Exception("Expected error_ to be a Error, received: {}".format(type(error_))) if result_ is not None and not isinstance(result_, (dict, ExternalControllerInfo)): raise Exception("Expected result_ to be a ExternalControllerInfo, received: {}".format(type(result_))) self.error = error_ self.result = result_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class ExternalControllerInfoResults(Type): _toSchema = {'results': 'results'} _toPy = {'results': 'results'} def __init__(self, results=None, **unknown_fields): ''' results : typing.Sequence[~ExternalControllerInfoResult] ''' results_ = [ExternalControllerInfoResult.from_json(o) for o in results or []] # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if results_ is not None and not isinstance(results_, (bytes, str, list)): raise Exception("Expected results_ to be a Sequence, received: {}".format(type(results_))) self.results = results_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class FanConfigEntry(Type): _toSchema = {'overlay': 'overlay', 'underlay': 'underlay'} _toPy = {'overlay': 'overlay', 'underlay': 'underlay'} def __init__(self, overlay=None, underlay=None, **unknown_fields): ''' overlay : str underlay : str ''' overlay_ = overlay underlay_ = underlay # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if overlay_ is not None and not isinstance(overlay_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected overlay_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(overlay_))) if underlay_ is not None and not isinstance(underlay_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected underlay_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(underlay_))) self.overlay = overlay_ self.underlay = underlay_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class FanConfigResult(Type): _toSchema = {'fans': 'fans'} _toPy = {'fans': 'fans'} def __init__(self, fans=None, **unknown_fields): ''' fans : typing.Sequence[~FanConfigEntry] ''' fans_ = [FanConfigEntry.from_json(o) for o in fans or []] # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if fans_ is not None and not isinstance(fans_, (bytes, str, list)): raise Exception("Expected fans_ to be a Sequence, received: {}".format(type(fans_))) = fans_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class Filesystem(Type): _toSchema = {'filesystem_tag': 'filesystem-tag', 'info': 'info', 'volume_tag': 'volume-tag'} _toPy = {'filesystem-tag': 'filesystem_tag', 'info': 'info', 'volume-tag': 'volume_tag'} def __init__(self, filesystem_tag=None, info=None, volume_tag=None, **unknown_fields): ''' filesystem_tag : str info : FilesystemInfo volume_tag : str ''' filesystem_tag_ = filesystem_tag info_ = FilesystemInfo.from_json(info) if info else None volume_tag_ = volume_tag # Validate arguments against known Juju API types. if filesystem_tag_ is not None and not isinstance(filesystem_tag_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected filesystem_tag_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(filesystem_tag_))) if info_ is not None and not isinstance(info_, (dict, FilesystemInfo)): raise Exception("Expected info_ to be a FilesystemInfo, received: {}".format(type(info_))) if volume_tag_ is not None and not isinstance(volume_tag_, (bytes, str)): raise Exception("Expected volume_tag_ to be a str, received: {}".format(type(volume_tag_))) self.filesystem_tag = filesystem_tag_ = info_ self.volume_tag = volume_tag_ self.unknown_fields = unknown_fields class FilesystemAttachment(Type): _toSchema = {'filesystem_tag': 'filesystem-tag', 'info': 'info', 'machine_tag': 'machine-tag'} _toPy = {'filesystem-tag': 'filesystem_tag', 'info': 'info', 'machine-tag': 'machine_tag'} def __init__(self, filesystem_tag=None, info=None, machine_tag=None, **unknown_fields): ''' filesystem_tag : str info : FilesystemAttachmentInfo machine_tag : str '''
<reponame>fabmiz/<gh_stars>1-10 from datetime import timedelta import json import logging import re import sys from modularodm import Q from import KeyExistsException from framework.mongo import database from framework.transactions.context import TokuTransaction from scripts import utils as script_utils from import init_app from website import models from website import settings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Multiple updates to any <node>.child_node_subscriptions causes only the last one to succeed. # Cache the intended value instead, updating it here before writing. cns_dict_to_update = {} # Dictionary containing {<preprint._id>: <node._id>} mapping for pairs that swapped guids preprint_node_swapped_ids_map = {} def get_targets(): return database.node.find({'preprint_file': {'$ne': None}}) def validate_node_document(document):'* Validating and repairing node {}'.format(document['_id'])) assert document.get('preprint_created'), '{} has no preprint_created'.format(document['_id']) assert document.get('preprint_file'), '{} has no preprint_file'.format(document['_id']) assert document.get('preprint_subjects'), '{} has no preprint_subjects'.format(document['_id']) if not document.get('preprint_providers'): logger.debug('{} has no preprint_providers, assuming OSF'.format(document['_id'])) database['node'].find_and_modify( {'_id': document['_id']}, {'$set': { 'preprint_providers': ['osf'] }} ) def validate_node_preprint_subjects(node): flat_subjects = node.preprint_subjects for subject_id in flat_subjects: subject = models.Subject.load(subject_id) if not subject: logger.debug('Found nonexistant subject {} on node {}, removing'.format(subject_id, node._id)) node.preprint_subjects.remove(subject_id) validate_node_preprint_subjects(node) break if subject.parents and not set([c._id for c in subject.parents]) & set(flat_subjects): logger.debug('Found subject {} on node {} without parents. Adding first parent - {}'.format(subject_id, node._id, subject.parents[0]._id)) node.preprint_subjects.append(subject.parents[0]._id) validate_node_preprint_subjects(node) break def create_preprint_service_from_node(document, swap_cutoff): created = {} for provider_id in document['preprint_providers']: non_osf_provider = False node = models.Node.load(document['_id']) provider = models.PreprintProvider.load(provider_id) # primary_file already set correctly* on node if not provider: logger.warn('Unable to find provider {} for node {}, skipping'.format(provider_id, document['_id'])) continue try:'* Creating preprint for node {}'.format(node._id)) preprint = models.PreprintService(node=node, provider=provider) database['preprintservice'].find_and_modify( {'_id': preprint._id}, {'$set': { 'date_created': document['preprint_created'], 'date_published': document['preprint_created'], 'is_published': True }} ) except KeyExistsException: logger.warn('Duplicate PreprintService found for provider {} on node {}, skipping'.format(provider._id, node._id)) continue else: if node.preprint_doi: database['node'].find_and_modify( {'_id': node._id}, {'$set': { 'preprint_article_doi': document['preprint_doi'] }} ) database['node'].find_and_modify( {'_id': node._id}, {'$unset': { 'preprint_doi': '', 'preprint_created': '' }} ) node.reload() preprint.reload() if preprint.provider._id == 'osf': # Give Guid retention priotity to OSF-provider if should_swap_guids(node, preprint, swap_cutoff): swap_guids(node, preprint) else:'* Not swapping guids for preprint {} and preexisting node {}'.format(preprint._id, node._id)) else:'* Not swapping guids for preprint {} for provider {}'.format(preprint._id, preprint.provider)) non_osf_provider = True node.reload() preprint.reload() validate_node_preprint_subjects(preprint.node) preprint.node.reload() enumerate_and_set_subject_hierarchies(preprint) database['preprintservice'].find_and_modify( {'_id': preprint._id}, {'$set': { 'date_modified': document['preprint_created'], }} ) created.update({preprint._id: (node._id, non_osf_provider)}) return created def should_swap_guids(node, preprint, swap_cutoff): preprint.reload()'Preprint {} - Node {} timedelta = {}'.format(preprint._id, node._id, preprint.date_created - node.date_created)) return preprint.date_created - node.date_created < swap_cutoff def swap_guids(node, preprint):'* Swapping guids for preprint {} and node {}'.format(preprint._id, node._id)) preprint_node_swapped_ids_map[node._id] = preprint._id # node._id is about to become preprint._id, reverse here old_guid = models.Guid.load(node._id) new_guid = models.Guid.load(preprint._id) node._id = new_guid._id preprint._id = old_guid._id preprint.node = node old_guid.referent = preprint new_guid.referent = node update_foreign_fields(old_guid._id, node) def update_foreign_fields(old_id, node): dry_run = '--dry' in sys.argv'* Updating ForeignFields for node {}->{}'.format(old_id, node)) bns_owner = list(database['boxnodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if bns_owner:'** Updating {} BoxNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in bns_owner])) for doc in bns_owner: database['boxnodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) bus_og = list(database['boxusersettings'].find({'oauth_grants.{}'.format(old_id): {'$ne': None}})) if bus_og:'** Updating {} BoxUserSettings (oauth_grants) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in bus_og])) for doc in bus_og: og = doc['oauth_grants'] og[node._id] = og.pop(old_id) database['boxusersettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'oauth_grants': og }} ) advns_o = list(database['addondataversenodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if advns_o:'** Updating {} AddonDataverseNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in advns_o])) for doc in advns_o: database['addondataversenodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) advus_og = list(database['addondataverseusersettings'].find({'oauth_grants.{}'.format(old_id): {'$ne': None}})) if advus_og:'** Updating {} AddonDataverseUserSettings (oauth_grants) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in advus_og])) for doc in advus_og: og = doc['oauth_grants'] og[node._id] = og.pop(old_id) database['addondataverseusersettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'oauth_grants': og }} ) dbns_o = list(database['dropboxnodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if dbns_o:'** Updating {} DropboxNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in dbns_o])) for doc in dbns_o: database['dropboxnodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) dbus_og = list(database['dropboxusersettings'].find({'oauth_grants.{}'.format(old_id): {'$ne': None}})) if dbus_og:'** Updating {} DropboxUserSettings (oauth_grants) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in dbus_og])) for doc in dbus_og: og = doc['oauth_grants'] og[node._id] = og.pop(old_id) database['dropboxusersettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'oauth_grants': og }} ) afsns_o = list(database['addonfigsharenodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if afsns_o:'** Updating {} AddonFigShareNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in afsns_o])) for doc in afsns_o: database['addonfigsharenodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) ## Figshare has no oauth_grants fwns_o = list(database['forwardnodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if fwns_o:'** Updating {} ForwardNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in fwns_o])) for doc in fwns_o: database['forwardnodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) ghns_o = list(database['githubnodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if ghns_o:'** Updating {} GithubNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in ghns_o])) for doc in ghns_o: database['githubnodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) ghus_og = list(database['githubusersettings'].find({'oauth_grants.{}'.format(old_id): {'$ne': None}})) if ghus_og:'** Updating {} GithubUserSettings (oauth_grants) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in ghus_og])) for doc in ghus_og: og = doc['oauth_grants'] og[node._id] = og.pop(old_id) database['githubusersettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'oauth_grants': og }} ) gdns_o = list(database['googledrivenodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if gdns_o:'** Updating {} GoogleDriveNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in gdns_o])) for doc in gdns_o: database['googledrivenodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) gdus_og = list(database['googledriveusersettings'].find({'oauth_grants.{}'.format(old_id): {'$ne': None}})) if gdus_og:'** Updating {} GoogleDriveUserSettings (oauth_grants) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in gdus_og])) for doc in gdus_og: og = doc['oauth_grants'] og[node._id] = og.pop(old_id) database['googledriveusersettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'oauth_grants': og }} ) mns_o = list(database['mendeleynodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if mns_o:'** Updating {} MendeleyNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in mns_o])) for doc in mns_o: database['mendeleynodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) mus_og = list(database['mendeleyusersettings'].find({'oauth_grants.{}'.format(old_id): {'$ne': None}})) if mus_og:'** Updating {} MendeleyUserSettings (oauth_grants) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in mus_og])) for doc in mus_og: og = doc['oauth_grants'] og[node._id] = og.pop(old_id) database['mendeleyusersettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'oauth_grants': og }} ) osfsns_o = list(database['osfstoragenodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if osfsns_o:'** Updating {} OsfStorageNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in osfsns_o])) for doc in osfsns_o: database['osfstoragenodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) ocns_o = list(database['addonowncloudnodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if ocns_o:'** Updating {} AddonOwnCloudNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in ocns_o])) for doc in ocns_o: database['addonowncloudnodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) ocus_og = list(database['addonowncloudusersettings'].find({'oauth_grants.{}'.format(old_id): {'$ne': None}})) if ocus_og:'** Updating {} AddonOwnCloudUserSettings (oauth_grants) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in ocus_og])) for doc in ocus_og: og = doc['oauth_grants'] og[node._id] = og.pop(old_id) database['addonowncloudusersettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'oauth_grants': og }} ) s3ns_o = list(database['s3nodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if s3ns_o:'** Updating {} s3NodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in s3ns_o])) for doc in s3ns_o: database['s3nodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) s3us_og = list(database['s3usersettings'].find({'oauth_grants.{}'.format(old_id): {'$ne': None}})) if s3us_og:'** Updating {} S3UserSettings (oauth_grants) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in s3us_og])) for doc in s3us_og: og = doc['oauth_grants'] og[node._id] = og.pop(old_id) database['s3usersettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'oauth_grants': og }} ) awns_o = list(database['addonwikinodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if awns_o:'** Updating {} AddonWikiNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in awns_o])) for doc in awns_o: database['addonwikinodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) nwp_n = list(database['nodewikipage'].find({'node': old_id})) if nwp_n:'** Updating {} NodeWikiPage (node) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in nwp_n])) for doc in nwp_n: database['nodewikipage'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'node': node._id }} ) zns_o = list(database['zoteronodesettings'].find({'owner': old_id})) if zns_o:'** Updating {} ZoteroNodeSettings (owner) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in zns_o])) for doc in zns_o: database['zoteronodesettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'owner': node._id }} ) zus_og = list(database['zoterousersettings'].find({'oauth_grants.{}'.format(old_id): {'$ne': None}})) if zus_og:'** Updating {} ZoteroUserSettings (oauth_grants) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in zus_og])) for doc in zus_og: og = doc['oauth_grants'] og[node._id] = og.pop(old_id) database['zoterousersettings'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'oauth_grants': og }} ) aj_sn = list(database['archivejob'].find({'src_node': old_id})) if aj_sn:'** Updating {} ArchiveJobs (src_node) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in aj_sn])) for doc in aj_sn: database['archivejob'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'src_node': node._id }} ) tfn_n = list(database['trashedfilenode'].find({'node': old_id})) if tfn_n:'** Updating {} TrashedFileNodes (node) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in tfn_n])) for doc in tfn_n: del_on = doc.pop('deleted_on') # Remove non-JSON-serializable datetime fields last_touch = doc.pop('last_touched') hist_mods = [doc['history'][doc['history'].index(h)].pop('modified') for h in doc['history']] replacement = json.loads(re.sub(r'\b{}\b'.format(old_id), node._id, json.dumps(doc))) for i, mod in enumerate(hist_mods): replacement['history'][i]['modified'] = mod database['trashedfilenode'].find_and_modify( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{ 'node': replacement['node'], 'history': replacement['history'] }} ) sfn_n = list(database['storedfilenode'].find({'node': old_id})) if sfn_n:'** Updating {} StoredFileNodes (node) {}'.format(old_id, [d['_id'] for d in sfn_n])) for doc
}, "GUELPH": { "de_DE": "Guelph", "es_ES": "Guelph", "fr_FR": "Guelph", "it_IT": "Guelph", "ja_JP": "ゲルフ", "ko_KR": "궬프", "pl_PL": "Guelph", "pt_BR": "Guelph", "ru_RU": "Гуэлф" }, "GUIMARAES": { "de_DE": "Guimarães", "es_ES": "Guimarães", "fr_FR": "Guimarães", "it_IT": "Guimarães", "ja_JP": "ギマランイス", "ko_KR": "기마라에스", "pl_PL": "Guimarães", "pt_BR": "Guimarães", "ru_RU": "Гимарайнш" }, "GUMI": { "de_DE": "Gumi", "es_ES": "Gumi", "fr_FR": "Gumi", "it_IT": "Gumi", "ja_JP": "亀尾", "ko_KR": "구미", "pl_PL": "Gumi", "pt_BR": "Gumi", "ru_RU": "Куми" }, "GUNPO": { "de_DE": "Gunpo", "es_ES": "Gunpo", "fr_FR": "Gunpo", "it_IT": "Gunpo", "ja_JP": "軍浦", "ko_KR": "군포", "pl_PL": "Gunpo", "pt_BR": "Gunpo", "ru_RU": "Кунпхо" }, "GWANGJU": { "de_DE": "Gwangju", "es_ES": "Gwangju", "fr_FR": "Gwangju", "it_IT": "Gwangju", "ja_JP": "光州", "ko_KR": "광주", "pl_PL": "Gwangju", "pt_BR": "Gwangju", "ru_RU": "Кванджу" }, "GYEONGGI_GWANGJU": { "de_DE": "Gyeonggi Gwangju", "es_ES": "Gyeonggi Gwangju", "fr_FR": "Gyeonggi Gwangju", "it_IT": "Gyeonggi Gwangju", "ja_JP": "京畿広州", "ko_KR": "경기도 광주", "pl_PL": "Gyeonggi Gwangju", "pt_BR": "Gyeonggi Gwangju", "ru_RU": "Кёнги-Кванджу" }, "GYEONGJU": { "de_DE": "Gyeongju", "es_ES": "Gyeongju", "fr_FR": "Gyeongju", "it_IT": "Gyeongju", "ja_JP": "慶州", "ko_KR": "경주", "pl_PL": "Gyeongju", "pt_BR": "Gyeongju", "ru_RU": "Кёнджу" }, "GYOR": { "de_DE": "Győr", "es_ES": "Győr", "fr_FR": "Győr", "it_IT": "Győr", "ja_JP": "ジェール", "ko_KR": "죄르", "pl_PL": "Győr", "pt_BR": "Győr", "ru_RU": "Дьер" }, "HAARLEM": { "de_DE": "Haarlem", "es_ES": "Haarlem", "fr_FR": "Haarlem", "it_IT": "Haarlem", "ja_JP": "ハールレム", "ko_KR": "하를럼", "pl_PL": "Haarlem", "pt_BR": "Haarlem", "ru_RU": "Харлем" }, "HADDINGTON": { "de_DE": "Haddington", "es_ES": "Haddington", "fr_FR": "Haddington", "it_IT": "Haddington", "ja_JP": "ハーディントン", "ko_KR": "해딩턴", "pl_PL": "Haddington", "pt_BR": "Haddington", "ru_RU": "Хаддингтон" }, "HAGMATANA": { "de_DE": "Hagmatana", "es_ES": "Hagmatana", "fr_FR": "Hagmatana", "it_IT": "Hagmatana", "ja_JP": "アグマターナ", "ko_KR": "하그마타나", "pl_PL": "Ekbatana", "pt_BR": "Hagmatana", "ru_RU": "Экбатана" }, "HAI_DUONG": { "de_DE": "Hải Dương", "es_ES": "Hải Dương", "fr_FR": "Hải Dương", "it_IT": "Hải Dương", "ja_JP": "ハイズオン", "ko_KR": "하이 즈엉", "pl_PL": "Hải Dương", "pt_BR": "Hai Duong", "ru_RU": "Хайзыонг" }, "HAI_PHONG": { "de_DE": "<NAME>", "es_ES": "Hải Phòng", "fr_FR": "Hải Phòng", "it_IT": "Hải Phòng", "ja_JP": "ハイフォン", "ko_KR": "하이퐁", "pl_PL": "Hải Phòng", "pt_BR": "Haifom", "ru_RU": "Хайфон" }, "HAKODATE": { "de_DE": "Hakodate", "es_ES": "Hakodate", "fr_FR": "Hakodate", "it_IT": "Hakodate", "ja_JP": "函館", "ko_KR": "하코다테", "pl_PL": "Hakodate", "pt_BR": "Hakodate", "ru_RU": "Хакодатэ" }, "HALAB": { "de_DE": "Halab", "es_ES": "Halab", "fr_FR": "Halab", "it_IT": "Halab", "ja_JP": "ハラブ", "ko_KR": "할랍", "pl_PL": "Halab", "pt_BR": "Halab", "ru_RU": "Халеб" }, "HALEP": { "de_DE": "Halep", "es_ES": "Halep", "fr_FR": "Halep", "it_IT": "Halep", "ja_JP": "ハレプ", "ko_KR": "알레포", "pl_PL": "Halep", "pt_BR": "Halep", "ru_RU": "Халеп" }, "HALICARNASSUS": { "de_DE": "Halikarnassos", "es_ES": "Halicarnaso", "fr_FR": "Halicarnasse", "it_IT": "Alicarnasso", "ja_JP": "ハリカルナッソス", "ko_KR": "할리카르나소스", "pl_PL": "Halikarnas", "pt_BR": "Halicarnasso", "ru_RU": "Галикарнас" }, "HALIFAX": { "de_DE": "Halifax", "es_ES": "Halifax", "fr_FR": "Halifax", "it_IT": "Halifax", "ja_JP": "ハリファックス", "ko_KR": "핼리팩스", "pl_PL": "Halifax", "pt_BR": "Halifax", "ru_RU": "Галифакс" }, "HALMSTAD": { "de_DE": "Halmstad", "es_ES": "Halmstad", "fr_FR": "Halmstad", "it_IT": "Halmstad", "ja_JP": "ハルムスタッド", "ko_KR": "할름스타드", "pl_PL": "Halmstad", "pt_BR": "Halmostádio", "ru_RU": "Хальмстад" }, "HAMA": { "de_DE": "Hama", "es_ES": "Hama", "fr_FR": "Hama", "it_IT": "Hama", "ja_JP": "ハマ", "ko_KR": "하마", "pl_PL": "Hama", "pt_BR": "Hama", "ru_RU": "Хама" }, "HAMAMATSU": { "de_DE": "Hamamatsu", "es_ES": "Hamamatsu", "fr_FR": "Hamamatsu", "it_IT": "Hamamatsu", "ja_JP": "浜松", "ko_KR": "하마마쓰", "pl_PL": "Hamamatsu", "pt_BR": "Hamamatsu", "ru_RU": "Хамамацу" }, "HAMAR": { "de_DE": "Hamar", "es_ES": "Hamar", "fr_FR": "Hamar", "it_IT": "Hamar", "ja_JP": "ハーマル", "ko_KR": "하마르", "pl_PL": "Hama", "pt_BR": "Hamar", "ru_RU": "Хамар" }, "HAMAZI": { "de_DE": "Hamazi", "es_ES": "Hamazi", "fr_FR": "Hamazi", "it_IT": "Hamazi", "ja_JP": "ハマツィ", "ko_KR": "하마지", "pl_PL": "Hamazi", "pt_BR": "Hamazi", "ru_RU": "Хамази" }, "HAMBURG": { "de_DE": "Hamburg", "es_ES": "Hamburgo", "fr_FR": "Hambourg", "it_IT": "Amburgo", "ja_JP": "ハンブルグ", "ko_KR": "함부르크", "pl_PL": "Hamburg", "pt_BR": "Hamburgo", "ru_RU": "Гамбург" }, "HAMHUNG": { "de_DE": "Hamhŭng", "es_ES": "Hamhung", "fr_FR": "Hamhung", "it_IT": "Hamhung", "ja_JP": "咸興", "ko_KR": "함흥", "pl_PL": "Hamhung", "pt_BR": "Hamhung", "ru_RU": "Хамхын" }, "HAMI": { "de_DE": "Hami", "es_ES": "Hami", "fr_FR": "Hami", "it_IT": "Hami", "ja_JP": "哈密", "ko_KR": "하미", "pl_PL": "Hami", "pt_BR": "Hami", "ru_RU": "Хами" }, "HAMILTON": { "de_DE": "Hamilton", 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"ハラール", "ko_KR": "하라르", "pl_PL": "Harer", "pt_BR": "Harar", "ru_RU": "Харэр" }, "HARBIDUM": { "de_DE": "Harbidum", "es_ES": "Harbidum", "fr_FR": "Harbidum", "it_IT": "Harbidum", "ja_JP": "ハービダム", "ko_KR": "하르비둠", "pl_PL": "Harbidum", "pt_BR": "Harbidum", "ru_RU": "Харбидум" }, "HARBU": { "de_DE": "Harbu", "es_ES": "Harbu", "fr_FR": "Harbu", "it_IT": "Harbu", "ja_JP": "ハルブ", "ko_KR": "하르부", "pl_PL": "Harbu", "pt_BR": "Harbu", "ru_RU": "Харбу" }, "HARIHARALAYA": { "de_DE": "Hariharalaya", "es_ES": "Hariharalaya", "fr_FR": "Hariharalaya", "it_IT": "Hariharalaya", "ja_JP": "ハリハララヤ", "ko_KR": "하리하랄라야", "pl_PL": "Hariharalaja", "pt_BR": "Hariharalaya", "ru_RU": "Харихаралайя" }, "HASTINGS": { "de_DE": "Hastings", "es_ES": "Hastings", "fr_FR": "Hastings", "it_IT": "Hastings", "ja_JP": "ヘイスティングス", "ko_KR": "헤이스팅스", "pl_PL": "Hastings", "pt_BR": "Hastings", "ru_RU": "Гастингс" }, "HATTIN": { "de_DE": "Hattin", "es_ES": "Hattin", "fr_FR": "Hattin", "it_IT": "Hattin", "ja_JP": "ヒッティーン", "ko_KR": "하틴", "pl_PL": "Hattin", "pt_BR": "Hattin", "ru_RU": "Хаттин" }, "HATTUSA": { "de_DE": "Hattuscha", "es_ES": "Hattusa", "fr_FR": "Hattusa", "it_IT": "Hattusa", "ja_JP": "ハットゥシャ", "ko_KR": "하투사", "pl_PL": "Hattusa", "pt_BR": "Hattusa", "ru_RU": "Хаттуса" }, "HATTUSA_1": { "de_DE": "Hattuscha", "es_ES": "Hattusa", "fr_FR": "Hattusa", "it_IT": "Hattusa", "ja_JP": "ハットゥシャ", "ko_KR": "하투사", "pl_PL": "Hattusa", "pt_BR": "Hattusa", "ru_RU": "Хаттуса" }, "HAVANA": { "de_DE": "Havanna", "es_ES": "La Habana", "fr_FR": "La Havane", "it_IT": "Havana", "ja_JP": "ハバナ", "ko_KR": "아바나", "pl_PL": "Hawana", "pt_BR": "Havana", "ru_RU": "Гавана" }, "HA_LONG": { "de_DE": "Hạ Long", "es_ES": "Hạ Long", "fr_FR": "Hạ Long", "it_IT": "Hạ Long", "ja_JP": "ハロン", "ko_KR": "하롱", "pl_PL": "Hạ Long", "pt_BR": "Ha Long", "ru_RU": "Халонг" }, "HA_NOI": { "de_DE": "Thang Long", "es_ES": "Thăng Long", "fr_FR": "Thang Long", "it_IT": "Thăng Long", "ja_JP": "タンロン", "ko_KR": "탕롱", "pl_PL": "Thăng Long", "pt_BR": "Thăng 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"HERACLEA_LYNCESTIS": { "de_DE": "<NAME>", "es_ES": "<NAME>", "fr_FR": "<NAME>", "it_IT": "<NAME> Pelagonia", "ja_JP": "ヘラクレア・リンセスティス", "ko_KR": "헤라클레아 링케스티스", "pl_PL": "<NAME>", "pt_BR": "<NAME>", "ru_RU": "Г<NAME>инкестис" }, "HERVEY_BAY": { "de_DE": "<NAME>", "es_ES": "<NAME>", "fr_FR": "<NAME>", "it_IT": "<NAME>", "ja_JP": "ハービーベイ", "ko_KR": "허비 베이", "pl_PL": "<NAME>", "pt_BR": "<NAME>", "ru_RU": "Харви-Бей" }, "HIMEJI": { "de_DE": "Himeji", "es_ES": "Himeji", "fr_FR": "Himeji", "it_IT": "Himeji", "ja_JP": "姫路", "ko_KR": "히메지", "pl_PL": "Himeji", "pt_BR": "Himeji", "ru_RU": "Химэдзи" }, "HIPPONENSIS_SINUS": { "de_DE": "Hipponensis Sinus", "es_ES": "Hipponensis Sinus", "fr_FR": "Hipponensis Sinus", "it_IT": "Ippona", "ja_JP": "ヒッポネンシス・シヌス", "ko_KR": "히포넨시스 사이너스", "pl_PL": "Hipponensis Sinus", "pt_BR": "Hipponensis Sinus", "ru_RU": "Гиппон" }, "HIRITUM": { "de_DE": "Hiritum", "es_ES": "Hiritum", "fr_FR": "Hiritum", "it_IT": "Hiritum", "ja_JP": "ヒリトゥム", "ko_KR": "히리툼", "pl_PL": "Hiritum", "pt_BR": "Hiritum", "ru_RU": "Хиритум" }, "HIROSHIMA": { "de_DE": "Hiroshima", "es_ES": "Hiroshima", "fr_FR": "Hiroshima", "it_IT": "Hiroshima", "ja_JP": "広島", "ko_KR": "히로시마", "pl_PL": "Hiroszima", "pt_BR": "Hiroshima", "ru_RU": "Хиросима" }, "HISPALIS": { "de_DE": "Hispalis", "es_ES": "Hispalis", "fr_FR": "Hispalis", "it_IT": "Hispalis", "ja_JP": "ヒスパリス", "ko_KR": "히스팔리스", "pl_PL": "Hispalis", "pt_BR": "Hispalis", "ru_RU": "Гиспалис" }, "HIT": { "de_DE": "Hit", "es_ES": "Hit", "fr_FR": "Hit", "it_IT": "Hit", "ja_JP": "ヒート", "ko_KR": "히트", "pl_PL": "Hit", "pt_BR": "Hit", "ru_RU": "Хит" }, "HLATIKULU": { "de_DE": "Hlatikulu", "es_ES": "Hlatikulu", "fr_FR": "Hlatikulu", "it_IT": "Hlatikulu", "ja_JP": "ハラティクル", "ko_KR": "흘라티쿨루", "pl_PL": "Hlatikulu", "pt_BR": "Hlatikulu", "ru_RU": "Хлатикулу" }, "HLOBANE": { "de_DE": "Hlobane", "es_ES": "Hlobane", "fr_FR": "Hlobane", "it_IT": "Hlobane", "ja_JP": "フロバネ", "ko_KR": "흘로바네", "pl_PL": "Hlobane", "pt_BR": "Hlobane", "ru_RU": "Хлобане" }, "HLUHLUWE": { "de_DE": "Hluhluwe", "es_ES": "Hluhluwe", "fr_FR": "Hluhluwe", "it_IT": "Hluhluwe", "ja_JP": "フルフルウェ", "ko_KR": "룰루웨", "pl_PL": "Hluhluwe", "pt_BR": "Hluhluwe", "ru_RU": "Хлухлуве" }, "HOA_LU": { "de_DE": "Hoa Lư", "es_ES": "Hoa Lư", "fr_FR": "Hoa Lư", "it_IT": "Hoa Lư", "ja_JP": "ホアルー", "ko_KR": "호아루", "pl_PL": "Hoa
frame_no_key = '%02d' % frame_no ray_background = rayleigh.rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=(img_h, img_w)) #sigma_n=E(n^2) = 2*scale^2 # Erc: average clutter energy. erc = np.sum(ray_background ** 2) / ray_background.size #add targets on the simulated position in each frame simulated_frame = ray_background # Each frame gets multiple targets. gt_targets = gt_dict[frame_no_key] for tid in gt_targets: #Note that here x,y in gt is the top-lelf position. x, y, w, h, theta = gt_targets[tid] cx = x + w/2 cy = y + h/2 simulated_frame = add_gaussian_template_on_clutter_v2(cx, cy, w, h, theta, erc, snr, simulated_frame,swerling_type) # if tid == 'amelia':#uniform distributed target. # simulated_frame = add_uniform_template_on_clutter(cx, cy, w, h, theta, erc, snr, simulated_frame, swerling_type) # else:#Gaussian distributed target. # simulated_frame = add_gaussian_template_on_clutter(cx, cy, w, h, theta, erc, snr, simulated_frame, swerling_type) #simulated_frame = uti.frame_normalize(simulated_frame) fids = list(gt_dict.keys()) fids.sort() if(int(frame_no)==int(fids[-1])): print('Averaged (extended region -- peak point) SNR is (%.2f - %.2f)' % (np.mean(local_snrs), np.mean(global_snrs))) return simulated_frame def manuver_in_clutter(snr=10): ''' Simulate a target in a clutter given a snr. :return: ''' img_w = 256 img_h = 256 rayscale = 1 rayclutter = rayleigh.rvs(loc=0, scale=rayscale, size=(img_h, img_w)) # samples generation Erc = np.sum(rayclutter ** 2) / rayclutter.size xs,ys,ws,hs,thetas = s_manuver() for i, elem in enumerate(zip(xs,ys,ws,hs,thetas)): rayclutter = rayleigh.rvs(loc=0, scale=rayscale, size=(img_h, img_w)) x, y, w, h, theta = elem et_clutter_frame = add_gaussian_template_on_clutter(x, y, w, h, theta, snr, rayclutter) plt.imshow(et_clutter_frame) plt.pause(0.1) def multiple_extended_targets_in_clutter(): ''' :return: ''' x0 = 20+20 y0 = 30+20 velo = (1.5, 1.2) #velo = (3.75, 2.7) npoints = 51 xs_cv, ys_cv = constant_velocity(x0, y0, velo, npoints) w_cv = 20+8 h_cv = 16+4 ws_cv = np.ones(npoints)*w_cv # #ws_cv = np.random.normal(w_cv, 0.5, npoints) hs_cv = np.ones(npoints)*h_cv # #hs_cv = np.random.normal(h_cv, 0.5, npoints) theta_cv = get_orientation(xs_cv, ys_cv) recttl_xs_cv = xs_cv - ws_cv/2 recttl_ys_cv = ys_cv - hs_cv/2 x0 = 160+20 y0 = 30+20 # velo = (-6, -2) # acc = (0.3, 0.25) velo = (-1.5, -0.5) acc = (0.1, 0.1) npoints = 51 w_ca = 28 h_ca = 20 # w_ca = 14 #for uniform_distribution # h_ca = 20 #for uniform_distribution xs_ca, ys_ca = constant_accelerate(x0, y0, velo, acc, npoints) ws_ca = np.ones(npoints)*w_ca ## #ws_ca = np.random.normal(w_ca, 0.5, npoints) hs_ca = np.ones(npoints)*h_ca ## #hs_ca = np.random.normal(h_ca, 0.5, npoints) theta_ca = get_orientation(xs_ca, ys_ca) recttl_xs_ca = xs_ca - ws_ca/2 recttl_ys_ca = ys_ca - hs_ca/2 #radius = 60 #omega = 0.0685 # x0 = 50 + 6 # y0 = 100+20 radius = 70 omega = 0.0685/1.5 npoints = 51 x0 = 50 + 6 y0 = 100 + 20 w_circ = 16+20 h_circ = 10+10 xs_circ, ys_circ = constant_turn(x0, y0, radius, omega, npoints) ws_circ = np.ones(npoints)*w_circ ## #ws_circ= np.random.normal(w_circ, 0.5, npoints) hs_circ = np.ones(npoints)*h_circ ## #hs_circ= np.random.normal(h_circ, 0.5, npoints) theta_circ = get_orientation(xs_circ, ys_circ) recttl_xs_circ = xs_circ - ws_circ/2 recttl_ys_circ = ys_circ - hs_circ/2 # radius = 50 # omega = -0.15 # npoints = 50 # x0 = 60 + 20 # y0 = 100 + 20 # w_ct = 16+10 # h_ct = 16+0 # xs_ct, ys_ct = constant_turn(x0, y0, radius, omega, npoints) # ws_ct = np.random.normal(w_ct, 0.5, npoints) # hs_ct = np.random.normal(h_ct, 0.5, npoints) # theta_ct = get_orientation(xs_ct, ys_ct) # x0 = 40 # y0 = 30+20 # velo = (0.5, 0) # npoints = 50 # w_cvline = 22 + 16 # h_cvline = 17 + 13 # xs_cvline, ys_cvline = constant_velocity(x0, y0, velo, npoints) # #ws_ca = np.ones(npoints)*w_ca ## # ws_cvline = np.random.normal(w_cvline, 0.5, npoints) # #hs_ca = np.ones(npoints)*h_ca ## # hs_cvline = np.random.normal(h_cvline, 0.5, npoints) # theta_cvline = get_orientation(xs_cvline, ys_cvline) # recttl_xs_cvline = xs_cvline - ws_cvline/2 # recttl_ys_cvline = ys_cvline - hs_cvline/2 ## This part is to view the trajectory of the ideal ground-truth. # fig,ax =plt.subplots() # plot_ellipse(ax, xs_cv, ys_cv, ws_cv, hs_cv, facecolor='green') # plot_ellipse(ax, xs_ca, ys_ca, ws_ca, hs_ca, facecolor='red') # plot_ellipse(ax, xs_circ, ys_circ, ws_circ, hs_circ, facecolor='blue') # plot_ellipse(ax, xs_ct, ys_ct, ws_ct, hs_ct, facecolor='black') # Gt_dict = {} for i in range(npoints): Gt_dict['%02d' % i] = {} # tid = 1, 2, 3, 4 Gt_dict['%02d' % i]['victor']=[recttl_xs_cv[i], recttl_ys_cv[i], ws_cv[i], hs_cv[i], theta_cv[i]] Gt_dict['%02d' % i]['amelia']=[recttl_xs_ca[i], recttl_ys_ca[i], ws_ca[i], hs_ca[i], theta_ca[i]] Gt_dict['%02d' % i]['urich' ]=[recttl_xs_circ[i],recttl_ys_circ[i],ws_circ[i], hs_circ[i], theta_circ[i]] #Gt_dict['%02d' % i]['line' ] =[recttl_xs_cvline[i], recttl_ys_cvline[i], ws_cvline[i], hs_cvline[i], theta_cvline[i]] #Gt_dict['%02d' % i]['dormy']=[xs_ct[i], ys_ct[i], ws_ct[i], hs_ct[i], theta_ct[i]] # # add target on the clutter background # # results can be viewed on a canvas(300,300). # img_w = 300 # img_h = 300 # # rayscale = 1 # Base uint for computing the snr. # rayclutter = rayleigh.rvs(loc=0, scale=rayscale, size=(img_h, img_w)) # samples generation # Erc = np.sum(rayclutter ** 2) / rayclutter.size # # snr = 10 # frame_nums = len(Gt_dict) # for key in Gt_dict: # print('frame %s' % key) # gt_targets = Gt_dict[key] # for tid in gt_targets: # x, y, w, h, theta = gt_targets[tid] # et_clutter_frame = add_gaussian_template_on_clutter(x, y, w, h, theta, snr, rayclutter) # plt.imshow(et_clutter_frame) # plt.pause(0.1) return Gt_dict def mtt_sim(): ''' simulate 4 targets in a roi to test the JPDA algorithm. :return: ''' x0 = 10 y0 = 20 velo = (1.5, 1.7) npoints = 50 x1s, y1s = constant_velocity(x0, y0, velo, npoints) x0 = 10 y0 = 80 velo = (1.5, -2) npoints = 50 x2s, y2s = constant_velocity(x0, y0, velo, npoints) radius = 60 omega = 0.0685 npoints =50 x0 = 30 y0 = 50 x3s,y3s = constant_turn(x0, y0, radius, omega, npoints) radius = 50 omega = -0.15 npoints =50 x0 = 60 y0 = 100 x4s,y4s = constant_turn(x0, y0, radius, omega, npoints) plt.axis([0, 200, 0, 200]) plt.plot(x1s, y1s, '.', color='red') plt.plot(x2s, y2s, '.', color='green') plt.plot(x3s, y3s, '.', color='blue') plt.plot(x4s, y4s, '.', color='yellow') tx = [str(i) for i in range(1,51)] # x = x1s # y = y1s # for i in range(50): # plt.text(x[i], y[i], tx[i]) #plt.text(x1s, y1s, tx) show_text(x1s, y1s, tx) show_text(x2s, y2s, tx) show_text(x3s, y3s, tx) show_text(x4s, y4s, tx) def plot_ellipse(ax, xs, ys, ws, hs, facecolor): ''' Plot ellipse based on the ground truth sequential points: :param ax: axis object :param xs: x vector :param ys: y vector :param ws: width vector :param hs: height vector :return: ''' dys = np.diff(ys) dxs = np.diff(xs) thetas_less = np.arctan2(dys, dxs) # len(dxs) - 1 thetas = np.pad(thetas_less,(0,1),'edge') # add one elements to the end #ellipse_gate1 = [] #fig, ax = plt.subplots() #plot_trajectory(xs, ys, color=facecolor) for i in range(len(xs)): #rect = Rectangle(xy=[x1s[i], y1s[i]], width=w1s[i], height=y1s[i], angle=theta1s[i]) angle_deg = thetas[i]*180/np.pi e = Ellipse(xy=[xs[i], ys[i]], width=ws[i], height=hs[i], angle=angle_deg, alpha=0.5, color=facecolor) #ellipse_gate1.append(e) plt.plot(xs, ys, '.', color=facecolor, markersize=2) ax.add_patch(e) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.autoscale() ax.text(xs[i], ys[i], str(i), fontsize=9, color=facecolor) def multiple_extended_targets_sim(): ''' simulate 4 extended targets in a roi, pay attention to rotation. theta = atan(dy/dx) :return: ''' x0 = 10 y0 = 20 #velo = (1.5, 1.7) velo = (1.5, 2.7) npoints = 50 x1m, y1m = constant_velocity(x0, y0, velo, npoints) motion_noise = np.random.normal(3,0.4,2*npoints) observation_noise = np.random.normal(2,0.5,2*npoints) x1t = x1m + motion_noise[0:npoints] y1t = y1m + motion_noise[npoints:2*npoints] w1t = 4 h1t = 2 x1s = x1t + observation_noise[:npoints] y1s = y1t + observation_noise[npoints:2*npoints] w1s = np.random.normal(w1t, 0.5, npoints) h1s = np.random.normal(h1t, 0.5, npoints) x0 = 10 y0 = 80 velo = (1.5, -2) npoints = 50 x2m, y2m = constant_velocity(x0, y0, velo, npoints) motion_noise = np.random.normal(4,0.5,2*npoints) observation_noise = np.random.normal(2,0.5,2*npoints) x2t = x2m + motion_noise[0:npoints] y2t = y2m + motion_noise[npoints:2*npoints] w2t = 4 h2t = 3 x2s = x2t + observation_noise[:npoints] y2s = y2t + observation_noise[npoints:2*npoints] w2s = np.random.normal(w2t, 0.5, npoints) h2s = np.random.normal(h2t, 0.5, npoints) radius = 60 omega = 0.0685 npoints =50 x0 = 30 y0 = 50 x3m, y3m = constant_turn(x0, y0, radius, omega, npoints) motion_noise = np.random.normal(3,0.5,2*npoints) observation_noise = np.random.normal(2,0.5,2*npoints) x3t = x3m + motion_noise[0:npoints] y3t = y3m + motion_noise[npoints:2*npoints] w3t = 6 h3t = 3 x3s = x3t + observation_noise[:npoints] y3s = y3t + observation_noise[npoints:2*npoints] w3s = np.random.normal(w3t, 0.5, npoints) h3s = np.random.normal(h3t, 0.5, npoints) radius = 50 omega = -0.15 npoints =50 x0 = 60 y0 = 100 x4m,y4m =
{} form_params = [] body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params["Accept"] = self.api_client.select_header_accept( ["application/json"] ) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ["OAuth2"] url = self.get_resource_url("/LinkedTransactions/{LinkedTransactionID}") try: return self.api_client.call_api( url, "DELETE", path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type=None, response_model_finder=self.get_model_finder(), auth_settings=auth_settings, _return_http_data_only=_return_http_data_only, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, collection_formats=collection_formats, ) except exceptions.HTTPStatusException as error: raise translate_status_exception(error, self, "delete_linked_transaction") def delete_payment( self, xero_tenant_id, payment_id, payment_delete, _return_http_data_only=True, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None, ): """Updates a specific payment for invoices and credit notes # noqa: E501 OAuth2 scope: accounting.transactions :param str xero_tenant_id: Xero identifier for Tenant (required) :param str payment_id: Unique identifier for a Payment (required) :param PaymentDelete payment_delete: (required) :param bool _return_http_data_only: return received data only :param bool _preload_content: load received data in models :param bool _request_timeout: maximum wait time for response :return: Payments """ # verify the required parameter 'xero_tenant_id' is set if xero_tenant_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `xero_tenant_id` " "when calling `delete_payment`" ) # verify the required parameter 'payment_id' is set if payment_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `payment_id` " "when calling `delete_payment`" ) # verify the required parameter 'payment_delete' is set if payment_delete is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `payment_delete` " "when calling `delete_payment`" ) collection_formats = {} path_params = { "PaymentID": payment_id, } query_params = [] header_params = { "xero-tenant-id": xero_tenant_id, } local_var_files = {} form_params = [] body_params = payment_delete # HTTP header `Accept` header_params["Accept"] = self.api_client.select_header_accept( ["application/json"] ) # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params["Content-Type"] = self.api_client.select_header_content_type( ["application/json"] ) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ["OAuth2"] url = self.get_resource_url("/Payments/{PaymentID}") try: return self.api_client.call_api( url, "POST", path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type="Payments", response_model_finder=self.get_model_finder(), auth_settings=auth_settings, _return_http_data_only=_return_http_data_only, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, collection_formats=collection_formats, ) except exceptions.HTTPStatusException as error: raise translate_status_exception(error, self, "delete_payment") def delete_tracking_category( self, xero_tenant_id, tracking_category_id, _return_http_data_only=True, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None, ): """Deletes a specific tracking category # noqa: E501 OAuth2 scope: accounting.settings :param str xero_tenant_id: Xero identifier for Tenant (required) :param str tracking_category_id: Unique identifier for a TrackingCategory (required) :param bool _return_http_data_only: return received data only :param bool _preload_content: load received data in models :param bool _request_timeout: maximum wait time for response :return: TrackingCategories """ # verify the required parameter 'xero_tenant_id' is set if xero_tenant_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `xero_tenant_id` " "when calling `delete_tracking_category`" ) # verify the required parameter 'tracking_category_id' is set if tracking_category_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `tracking_category_id` " "when calling `delete_tracking_category`" ) collection_formats = {} path_params = { "TrackingCategoryID": tracking_category_id, } query_params = [] header_params = { "xero-tenant-id": xero_tenant_id, } local_var_files = {} form_params = [] body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params["Accept"] = self.api_client.select_header_accept( ["application/json"] ) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ["OAuth2"] url = self.get_resource_url("/TrackingCategories/{TrackingCategoryID}") try: return self.api_client.call_api( url, "DELETE", path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type="TrackingCategories", response_model_finder=self.get_model_finder(), auth_settings=auth_settings, _return_http_data_only=_return_http_data_only, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, collection_formats=collection_formats, ) except exceptions.HTTPStatusException as error: raise translate_status_exception(error, self, "delete_tracking_category") def delete_tracking_options( self, xero_tenant_id, tracking_category_id, tracking_option_id, _return_http_data_only=True, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None, ): """Deletes a specific option for a specific tracking category # noqa: E501 OAuth2 scope: accounting.settings :param str xero_tenant_id: Xero identifier for Tenant (required) :param str tracking_category_id: Unique identifier for a TrackingCategory (required) :param str tracking_option_id: Unique identifier for a Tracking Option (required) :param bool _return_http_data_only: return received data only :param bool _preload_content: load received data in models :param bool _request_timeout: maximum wait time for response :return: TrackingOptions """ # verify the required parameter 'xero_tenant_id' is set if xero_tenant_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `xero_tenant_id` " "when calling `delete_tracking_options`" ) # verify the required parameter 'tracking_category_id' is set if tracking_category_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `tracking_category_id` " "when calling `delete_tracking_options`" ) # verify the required parameter 'tracking_option_id' is set if tracking_option_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `tracking_option_id` " "when calling `delete_tracking_options`" ) collection_formats = {} path_params = { "TrackingCategoryID": tracking_category_id, "TrackingOptionID": tracking_option_id, } query_params = [] header_params = { "xero-tenant-id": xero_tenant_id, } local_var_files = {} form_params = [] body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params["Accept"] = self.api_client.select_header_accept( ["application/json"] ) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ["OAuth2"] url = self.get_resource_url( "/TrackingCategories/{TrackingCategoryID}/Options/{TrackingOptionID}" ) try: return self.api_client.call_api( url, "DELETE", path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type="TrackingOptions", response_model_finder=self.get_model_finder(), auth_settings=auth_settings, _return_http_data_only=_return_http_data_only, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, collection_formats=collection_formats, ) except exceptions.HTTPStatusException as error: raise translate_status_exception(error, self, "delete_tracking_options") def email_invoice( self, xero_tenant_id, invoice_id, request_empty, _return_http_data_only=True, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None, ): """Sends a copy of a specific invoice to related contact via email # noqa: E501 OAuth2 scope: accounting.transactions :param str xero_tenant_id: Xero identifier for Tenant (required) :param str invoice_id: Unique identifier for an Invoice (required) :param RequestEmpty request_empty: (required) :param bool _return_http_data_only: return received data only :param bool _preload_content: load received data in models :param bool _request_timeout: maximum wait time for response :return: None """ # verify the required parameter 'xero_tenant_id' is set if xero_tenant_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `xero_tenant_id` " "when calling `email_invoice`" ) # verify the required parameter 'invoice_id' is set if invoice_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `invoice_id` " "when calling `email_invoice`" ) # verify the required parameter 'request_empty' is set if request_empty is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `request_empty` " "when calling `email_invoice`" ) collection_formats = {} path_params = { "InvoiceID": invoice_id, } query_params = [] header_params = { "xero-tenant-id": xero_tenant_id, } local_var_files = {} form_params = [] body_params = request_empty # HTTP header `Accept` header_params["Accept"] = self.api_client.select_header_accept( ["application/json"] ) # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params["Content-Type"] = self.api_client.select_header_content_type( ["application/json"] ) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ["OAuth2"] url = self.get_resource_url("/Invoices/{InvoiceID}/Email") try: return self.api_client.call_api( url, "POST", path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type=None, response_model_finder=self.get_model_finder(), auth_settings=auth_settings, _return_http_data_only=_return_http_data_only, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, collection_formats=collection_formats, ) except exceptions.HTTPStatusException as error: raise translate_status_exception(error, self, "email_invoice") def get_account( self, xero_tenant_id, account_id, _return_http_data_only=True, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None, ): """Retrieves a single chart of accounts by using a unique account Id # noqa: E501 OAuth2 scope: accounting.settings, :param str xero_tenant_id: Xero identifier for Tenant (required) :param str account_id: Unique identifier for Account object (required) :param bool _return_http_data_only: return received data only :param bool _preload_content: load received data in models :param bool _request_timeout: maximum wait time for response :return: Accounts """ # verify the required parameter 'xero_tenant_id' is set if xero_tenant_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `xero_tenant_id` " "when calling `get_account`" ) # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set if account_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `account_id` " "when calling `get_account`" ) collection_formats = {} path_params = { "AccountID": account_id, } query_params = [] header_params = { "xero-tenant-id": xero_tenant_id, } local_var_files = {} form_params = [] body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params["Accept"] = self.api_client.select_header_accept( ["application/json"] ) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ["OAuth2"] url = self.get_resource_url("/Accounts/{AccountID}") try: return self.api_client.call_api( url, "GET", path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type="Accounts", response_model_finder=self.get_model_finder(), auth_settings=auth_settings, _return_http_data_only=_return_http_data_only, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, collection_formats=collection_formats, ) except exceptions.HTTPStatusException as error: raise translate_status_exception(error, self, "get_account") def get_account_attachment_by_file_name( self, xero_tenant_id, account_id, file_name, content_type, _return_http_data_only=True, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None, ): """Retrieves an attachment for a specific account by filename # noqa: E501 OAuth2 scope: accounting.attachments, :param str xero_tenant_id: Xero identifier for Tenant (required) :param str account_id: Unique identifier for Account object (required) :param str file_name: Name of the attachment (required) :param str content_type: The mime type of the attachment file you are retrieving i.e image/jpg, application/pdf (required) :param bool _return_http_data_only: return received data only :param bool _preload_content: load received data in models :param bool _request_timeout: maximum wait time for response :return: file """ # verify the required parameter 'xero_tenant_id' is set if xero_tenant_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `xero_tenant_id` " "when calling `get_account_attachment_by_file_name`" ) # verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set if account_id is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `account_id` " "when calling `get_account_attachment_by_file_name`" ) # verify the required parameter 'file_name' is set if file_name is None: raise ValueError( "Missing the required parameter `file_name` " "when calling `get_account_attachment_by_file_name`" ) # verify the required parameter 'content_type' is set
import os import sys import threading from fanstatic import compat import fanstatic.checksum import fanstatic.registry DEFAULT_SIGNATURE = 'fanstatic' VERSION_PREFIX = ':version:' BUNDLE_PREFIX = ':bundle:' NEEDED = 'fanstatic.needed' DEBUG = 'debug' MINIFIED = 'minified' _resource_file_existence_checking = True _auto_register_library = False def set_resource_file_existence_checking(v): """Set resource file existence checking to True or False. By default, this is set to True, so that resources that point to non-existent files will result in an error. We recommend you keep it at this value when using Fanstatic. An :py:class:`UnknownResourceError` will then be raised if you accidentally refer to a non-existent resource. When running tests it's often useful to make fake resources that don't really have a filesystem representation, so this is set to False temporarily; for the Fanstatic tests this is done. Inside a test for this particular feature, this can temporarily be set to True. """ global _resource_file_existence_checking _resource_file_existence_checking = v def set_auto_register_library(v): """ Global to say whether the Library instances should auto-register themselves to the Library registry. Defaults to False, is useful in tests. """ global _auto_register_library _auto_register_library = v class UnknownResourceExtensionError(Exception): """A resource has an unrecognized extension. """ class ModeResourceDependencyError(Exception): """A Mode Resource does not have the same dependencies as the resource it replaces. """ # BBB backwards compatibility UnknownResourceExtension = UnknownResourceExtensionError class UnknownResourceError(Exception): """Resource refers to non-existent resource file. """ class ConfigurationError(Exception): """Impossible or illegal configuration. """ class LibraryDependencyCycleError(Exception): """Dependency cycles between libraries aren't allowed. A dependency cycle between libraries occurs when the file in one library depends on a file in another library, while that library depends on a file in the first library. """ class SlotError(Exception): """A slot was filled in incorrectly. If a slot is required, it must be filled in by passing an extra dictionary parameter to the ``.need`` method, containing a mapping from the required :py:class:`Slot` to :py:class:`Resource`. When a slot is filled, the resource filled in should have the same dependencies as the slot, or a subset of the dependencies of the slot. It should also have the same extension as the slot. If this is not the case, it is an error. """ class Library(object): """The resource library. This object defines which directory is published and can be referred to by :py:class:`Resource` objects to describe these resources. :param name: A string that uniquely identifies this library. :param rootpath: An absolute or relative path to the directory that contains the static resources this library publishes. If relative, it will be relative to the directory of the module that initializes the library. :param ignores: A list of globs used to determine which files and directories not to publish. """ path = None """ The absolute path to the directory which contains the static resources this library publishes. """ _signature = None def __init__(self, name, rootpath, ignores=None, version=None, compilers=None, minifiers=None): = name self.rootpath = rootpath self.ignores = ignores or [] self.path = os.path.join(caller_dir(), rootpath) self.version = version self._library_deps = set() self.known_resources = {} self.known_assets = [] self.library_nr = None self.module = sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__'] self.compilers = compilers if self.compilers is None: self.compilers = {} self.minifiers = minifiers if self.minifiers is None: self.minifiers = {} if _auto_register_library: fanstatic.get_library_registry().add(self) def __repr__(self): return "<Library '%s' at '%s'>" % (, self.path) def init_library_nr(self): """This can only be called once all resources are known. i.e. once sort_resources is called this can be called. once library numbers are calculated once this will be done very quickly. """ # if there already is a known library nr, we're done if self.library_nr is not None: return # the maximum library number is the maximum number of the # depending libraries + 1 max_library_nr = 0 for resource in compat.itervalues(self.known_resources): for depend in resource.depends: for asset in depend.list_assets(): # we don't care about resources in the same library if asset.library is self: continue # assign library number of library we are dependent on # recursively if necessary if asset.library.library_nr is None: asset.library.init_library_nr() max_library_nr = max( max_library_nr, asset.library.library_nr + 1) self.library_nr = max_library_nr def check_dependency_cycle(self, resource): for dependency in resource.resources: self._library_deps.add(dependency.library) for dep in self._library_deps: if dep is self: continue if self in dep._library_deps: raise LibraryDependencyCycleError( 'Library cycle detected in resource %s' % resource) def register(self, resource): """Register a Resource with this Library. A Resource knows about its Library. After a Resource has registered itself with its Library, the Library knows about the Resources associated to it. """ if isinstance(resource, Resource): if resource.relpath in self.known_resources: raise ConfigurationError( 'Resource path %s is already defined.' % resource.relpath) self.known_resources[resource.relpath] = resource self.known_assets.append(resource) def signature(self, recompute_hashes=False, version_method=None): """Get a unique signature for this Library. If a version has been defined, we return the version. If no version is defined, a hash of the contents of the directory indicated by ``path`` is calculated. If ``recompute_hashes`` is set to ``True``, the signature will be recalculated each time, which is useful during development when changing Javascript/css code and images. """ if self.version is not None: return VERSION_PREFIX + self.version if recompute_hashes: # Always re-compute. sig = version_method(self.path) elif self._signature is None: # Only compute if not computed before. sig = self._signature = version_method(self.path) else: # Use cached value. sig = self._signature return VERSION_PREFIX + sig # Total hack to be able to get the dir the resources will be in. def caller_dir(): return os.path.dirname(sys._getframe(2).f_globals['__file__']) class InclusionRenderers(dict): _default_order = 0 def register(self, extension, renderer, order=None): """Register a renderer function for a given filename extension. :param extension: the filename extension to register the renderer for. :param renderer: a callable that should accept a URL argument and return a rendered HTML snippet for this resource. :param order: optionally, to control the order in which the snippets are included in the HTML document. If no order is given, the resource will be included after all other resource inclusions. The lower the order number, the earlier in the rendering the inclusion will appear. """ if order is None: order = self._default_order else: self._default_order = max(self._default_order, order + 1) self[extension] = (order, renderer) inclusion_renderers = InclusionRenderers() register_inclusion_renderer = inclusion_renderers.register def render_ico(url): return '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="%s"/>' % (url,) def render_css(url): return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" />' % (url,) def render_js(url): return '<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>' % (url,) def render_print_css(url): return ( '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" ' 'media="print" />') % (url,) def render_screen_css(url): return ( '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" ' 'href="%s" />') % (url,) register_inclusion_renderer('.css', render_css, 10) register_inclusion_renderer('.js', render_js, 20) register_inclusion_renderer('.ico', render_ico, 30) class Renderable(object): """A renderable. A renderable must have a library attribute and a dependency_nr. """ def render(self, library_url): """Render this renderable as something to insert in HTML. This returns a snippet. """ raise NotImplementedError() class Dependable(object): """Dependables have a dependencies and an a resources attributes. """ resources = None depends = None supports = None def add_dependency(self, dependency): if dependency in self.depends: return if dependency in self.list_supporting(): raise ValueError('Cannot create dependencies loops') new_dependencies = set(self.depends) new_dependencies.add(dependency) self.set_dependencies(new_dependencies) def set_dependencies(self, dependencies): raise NotImplementedError() def list_assets(self): raise NotImplementedError() def list_supporting(self): supports = set() for dependable in self.supports: supports.add(dependable) supports.update(dependable.list_supporting()) return supports class Asset(Dependable): """An asset can either a resource or a slot. """ def __init__(self, library, depends=None): self.library = library self.supports = set() self.set_dependencies(depends) self.library.register(self) def set_dependencies(self, depends): assert not isinstance(depends, compat.basestring) if depends is not None: self.depends = set(depends) else: self.depends = set() self.resources = set([self]) for depend in self.depends: depend.supports.add(self) self.resources.update(depend.resources) # Update resources if needed. for dependable in self.list_supporting(): dependable.resources.update(self.resources) # Check for library dependency cycles. self.library.check_dependency_cycle(self) def list_assets(self): return set([self]) def init_dependency_nr(self): # on dependency within the library dependency_nr = 0 for depend in self.depends: for asset in depend.list_assets(): dependency_nr = max(asset.dependency_nr + 1, dependency_nr) self.dependency_nr = dependency_nr NOTHING = object() class Resource(Renderable, Asset): """A resource. A resource specifies a single resource in a library so that it can be included in a web page. This is useful for Javascript and CSS resources in particular. Some static resources such as images are not included in this way and therefore do not have to be defined this way. :param library: the :py:class:`Library` this resource is in. :param relpath: the relative path (from
<gh_stars>1-10 import requests import json import base64 import threading import time from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtPrintSupport import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5 import sip import sys # import win32api # import win32con from PIL import Image import numpy as np import io import os # from imageProcessing import image_process class Chat2Comm: def __init__(self, server_choose=1): # self.servers = ["", # ""] self.servers = ["", ""] self.SERVER = self.servers[server_choose] self.MAIN = "" self.ABOUT = "about" self.BEAT = "beat" self.LOGIN = "login" self.SIGNUP = "signup" self.GET_MESSAGES = "get_messages" self.SEND_MESSAGE = "send_message" self.GET_HEAD = "get_head" self.CLEAR_ALL = "clear_all" self.SET_USER = "set_user" self.JOIN_IN = "join_in" self.CREATE_ROOM = "create_room" self.SET_ROOM = "set_room" self.GET_ROOM = "get_room" self.GET_ROOM_ALL = "get_room_all" self.GET_ROOM_INFO = "get_room_info" self.SET_ROOM_INFO = "set_room_info" self.UPLOAD = "upload" self.MAKE_FRIENDS = "make_friends" self.UID = 'uid' self.MID = 'mid' self.GID = 'gid' self.AUTH = 'auth' self.MESSAGE_TYPE = 'message_type' self.USERNAME = 'username' self.PASSWORD = 'password' self.EMAIL = 'email' self.NAME = 'name' # 异步post请求 # v2 def post_(self, url: str, params: dict, callback): def post_request(murl: str, mparams: dict, mcallback): mcallback(, data=mparams)) t = threading.Thread(target=post_request, args=(url, params, callback)) # t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # v3 def post(self, action: str, params: dict): params['action'] = action r =, data=params) if r.status_code != 200: return {'code': '-1', 'message': "Server Error."} return r.json() # v2 def get(self, url: str): r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: return {'code': '-1', 'message': "Server Error."} return r.json() # 异步get请求 # v2 def get_(self, url: str, callback): def post_request(murl: str, mcallback): mcallback(requests.get(murl)) t = threading.Thread(target=post_request, args=(url, callback)) # t.setDaemon(True) t.start() class Chat2Client: def __init__(self, server_choose=1): self.comm = Chat2Comm(server_choose=server_choose) self.username = "" self.auth = "" self.gid = 0 self.latest_mid = 0 self.load() def init(self): self.username = "" self.auth = "" self.gid = 0 self.latest_mid = 0 def save(self): with open('save.json', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps({ 'username': self.username, 'auth': self.auth, 'latest_mid': self.latest_mid})) def load(self): try: with open('save.json', 'r') as f: settings = json.load(f) self.username = settings['username'] self.auth = settings['auth'] self.latest_mid = settings['latest_mid'] except Exception as e: print(e) def parse_errors(self, result): print(result['message']) def post_auth(self, action: str, params: dict): params['auth'] = self.auth return, params) def login_(self, username, password): def login_callback(request): result = json.loads(request.text) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) self.auth = result['data']['auth'] self.username = username self.comm.post_(self.comm.LOGIN, {'username': username, 'password': password}, login_callback) return def login(self, username, password): result = self.post_auth(self.comm.LOGIN, {'username': username, 'password': password}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) self.username = username self.auth = result['data']['user_info']['auth'] return int(result['code']) def signup(self, username, password, email='<EMAIL>', name='Lance', user_type='printer'): result = self.post_auth(self.comm.SIGNUP, {'username': username, 'password': password, 'email': email, 'name': name, 'user_type': user_type}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) return int(result['code']) def logout(self): self.auth = '' def beat(self): result = self.post_auth(self.comm.BEAT, {}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) return int(result['code']) def create_room(self, room_name): result = self.post_auth(self.comm.CREATE_ROOM, {'name': room_name}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) return int(result['code']) def get_rooms(self): result = self.post_auth(self.comm.GET_ROOM_ALL, {}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) return result['data']['room_data'] def enter_room(self, gid: int): self.gid = gid def quit_room(self): self.gid = 0 def get_messages(self, gid: int=0): # must init gid to get single room messages if gid == 0: gid = self.gid result = self.post_auth(self.comm.GET_MESSAGES, {'since': self.latest_mid, 'gid': gid}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return messages = result['data']['message'] for m in messages: self.latest_mid = max(self.latest_mid, m['mid']) # print("\t\tlatest_mid:", self.latest_mid) return messages def send_message(self, text: str, message_type='text', gid=0): if gid == 0: gid = self.gid result = self.post_auth(self.comm.SEND_MESSAGE, {'message_type': message_type, 'text': text, 'gid': gid}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) return int(result['code']) def upload(self, filename, data): result = self.post_auth(self.comm.UPLOAD, {'data': data, 'filename': filename}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) return result['data']['upload_result'] def clear_all(self): # result = self.post_auth(self.comm.CLEAR_ALL, {}) result = self.comm.get(self.comm.SERVER + '/clear_all') print('Clear_ALL:', result) return int(result['code']) def make_friends(self, friend: str): result = self.post_auth(self.comm.MAKE_FRIENDS, {'friend': friend}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) return int(result['code']) def join_in(self, gid: int): result = self.post_auth(self.comm.JOIN_IN, {'gid': str(gid)}) if result['code'] != '0': self.parse_errors(result) return int(result['code']) return int(result['code']) def get_image(self, url): content = requests.get(url).content stream = io.BytesIO(content) image = return image ''' def delay_enter(): time.sleep(0.5) win32api.keybd_event(0x0D, 0, 0, 0) # Enter win32api.keybd_event(0x0D, 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) # 释放按键 ''' class TextPrinterWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None, text=None, paper_type='58'): super(TextPrinterWindow, self).__init__(parent) printer = QPrinter() # printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) # printer.setOutputFileName("pdf.pdf") # rect = QRectF(0, 0, 180, 3276) if paper_type == 'A4': width = printer.logicalDpiX() * (210 / 25.4) height = printer.logicalDpiY() * (297 / 25.4) rect = QRectF(0, 0, width, height) else: width = 180 height = 3276 rect = QRectF(0, 0, width, height) option = QTextOption(Qt.AlignLeft) option.setWrapMode(QTextOption.WordWrap) painter = QPainter() printer.setPageMargins(0, 0, 0, 0, QPrinter.Millimeter) painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 3)) painter.begin(printer) if text is not None: painter.drawText(rect, text, option) painter.end() class ImagePrinterWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None, image=None, paper_type='58'): super(ImagePrinterWindow, self).__init__(parent) printer = QPrinter() # printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) # printer.setOutputFileName("pdf.pdf") option = QTextOption(Qt.AlignLeft) option.setWrapMode(QTextOption.WordWrap) painter = QPainter() printer.setPageMargins(0, 0, 0, 0, QPrinter.Millimeter) painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 3)) painter.begin(printer) if image is not None: # image = QImage(image) # image = if image.size[1] < image.size[0]: image = image.rotate(90, expand=True) if paper_type == 'A4': width = printer.logicalDpiX() * (210 / 25.4) height = printer.logicalDpiY() * (297 / 25.4) if width / height < image.size[0] / image.size[1]: rect = QRectF(0, 0, width, image.size[1] * (width / image.size[0])) else: rect = QRectF(0, 0, image.size[0] * (height / image.size[1]), height) else: width = 180 rect = QRectF(0, 0, width, image.size[1] * (width / image.size[0])) img = np.array(image) im = QImage(img[:], img.shape[1], img.shape[0], img.shape[1] * 3, QImage.Format_RGB888) painter.drawImage(rect, im) painter.end() class Chat2Printer: def print_text(self, text, paper_type='58'): global app window = TextPrinterWindow(text=text) app.closeAllWindows() def print_image(self, image, paper_type='58'): global app window = ImagePrinterWindow(image=image, paper_type=paper_type) app.closeAllWindows() def module_test(): client = Chat2Client(server_choose=0) client.init() # client.clear_all() client.signup('Lance', '') client.login('Lance', '') # time.sleep(1) print(client.username, client.auth) client.create_room('NameLose') rooms = client.get_rooms() print(rooms) client.enter_room(rooms[0]['gid']) messages = client.get_new_message() print(len(messages), messages) messages = client.get_new_message() print(len(messages), messages) client.send_message('First commit~') messages = client.get_new_message() print(len(messages), messages) with open('save.json', 'rb') as f: data = b64 = base64.b64encode(data) upload_result = client.upload('save.json', b64) print(upload_result) client.send_message(upload_result['url'], message_type='file') messages = client.get_new_message() print(len(messages), messages) def mini_test(): client = Chat2Client() client.login('Lance', '') print(client.username, client.auth) rooms = client.get_rooms() print(rooms) client.enter_room(rooms[0]['gid']) while True: messages = client.get_new_message() print(len(messages), messages) for m in messages: client.send_message('我反对 @%s的观点!' % m['username']) client.latest_mid = client.latest_mid + 1 time.sleep(10) def friend_test(): client = Chat2Client(server_choose=0) client.login('Tony', '') rooms = client.get_rooms() print(rooms) # client.join_in(2) # client.make_friends('Lance') # rooms = client.get_rooms() # print(rooms) client.enter_room(4) try: while True: messages = client.get_new_message() # print(messages) for m in messages: if m['username'] == client.username: continue print(m) if m['type'] == 'image': image = client.get_image(m['text']) printer = Chat2Printer() printer.print_image(image=image) if m['type'] == 'text': text = "@{username}\n{text}".format(username=m['username'], text=m['text']) printer = Chat2Printer() printer.print_text(text=text) # time.sleep(1) # time.sleep(10) except Exception as e: print(e) return class LatinaPrinter: def __init__(self): global app global default_font app.setFont(default_font) self.default_option = {} self.scenery_option = { 'black_white': True, 'intensity': True, 'high_enhance': True, } self.comic_option = { 'black_white': True, } self.black_white_option = { 'black_white': True, } self.options = {} self.print_options = { 'comic': self.comic_option, 'default': self.default_option, 'black_white': self.black_white_option } self.font_options = {} self.default_font_option = { 'font-family': '微软雅黑', 'font-size': 10, } self.sdk_running = False self.quit_confirm = False self.font_families = ['微软雅黑', '宋体', '仿宋', '黑体', 'Microsoft YaHei Mono', '幼圆', '楷体', '隶书'] self.client = Chat2Client(server_choose=0) self.load() def save(self): with open('options.json', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps({ 'options': self.options, 'font_options': self.font_options })) def load(self): try: with open('options.json', 'r') as f: save_options = json.load(f) self.options = save_options['options'] self.font_options = save_options['font_options'] except Exception as e: print(e, 'try to save...') def set_option(self, username: str, option: str): if option not in self.print_options: return '修改设置失败!' self.options[username] = self.print_options[option] return '修改设置成功!' def set_font_option(self, username: str, size: int=None, family: str=None): if family is not None and family not in self.font_families: return '修改设置失败!' if size is not None and size > 30: return '修改设置失败!' option = self.default_font_option if family is not None: option['font-family'] = family if size is not None: option['font-size'] = size self.font_options[username] = option return '修改设置成功!' def mainloop(self, username='Printer', password='<PASSWORD>'): global app global default_font self.client.logout() code = self.client.login(username, password) if code != 0: print("新用户,注册...") code = self.client.signup(username=username, password=password, user_type='printer') if code != 0:
== easy_read_format_from_detection_corpus( corpus_format), easyread_format + "VS\n" + \ easy_read_format_from_detection_corpus(corpus_format) assert corpus_format == detection_corpus_format_from_easy_read( easyread_format), corpus_format + "VS\n" + \ detection_corpus_format_from_easy_read(easyread_format) # add to corpus, new line separated corpus += corpus_format + "\n" easyread_corpus += easyread_format + "\n" # counting totalRepairs += len(re.findall("<rps", wordstring, re.S)) wordCount += len(wordstring.split()) # write corpus string to file if partial: filepartial = "_partial" # suffix for file name else: filepartial = "" if writeFile: disffile = open(filename + filepartial + "_data.csv", "w") disffile.write(corpus) disffile.close() print>>self.errorlog, "Problematic repairs removed = " + \ str(problem_repairs) print "Problematic repairs removed = " + str(problem_repairs) print>>self.errorlog, "Disfluency corpus constructed with\ {} Errors and {} Warnings".format( errors, warnings) print "Disfluency corpus constructed with \ {} Errors and {} Warnings".format(errors, warnings) print "Disfluency detection corpus complete" print "number trans = " + str(numberTrans) print "number utts = " + str(len(uttList)) print "number words = " + str(wordCount) print "number repairs = " + str(totalRepairs) for k, v in sorted(dialogue_act.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True): print k, v return easyread_corpus # Always return the corpus as a string def write_clean_corpus(self, testcorpus, targetfilename, debug=False): """Write a file cleaned of reparanda and edit terms from a test corpus. Keyword Arguments: testcorpus -- a string separated by newline markers which has all the disfluency markup. targetfilename -- a string giving the location of the cleaned corpus. """ print "Writing clean corpus..." clean_corpus = open(targetfilename + "_clean.text", "w") for line in testcorpus.split("\n"): # print line if line == "": continue split = line.split(",") # no need to write the indices to source data if split[0] == "REF": continue elif split[0] == "POS": pos = split[1] else: uttref = split[0] text = split[1] continue words = strip_disf_tags_from_easy_read(text) pos_tags = strip_disf_tags_from_easy_read(pos) disfluencies = disf_tags_from_easy_read(text) clean_word_string = "" clean_pos_string = "" for i in range(0, len(disfluencies)): if "<e" in disfluencies[i] or "<rm" in disfluencies[i] \ or "<i" in disfluencies[i]: continue clean_word_string += words[i] + " " clean_pos_string += pos_tags[i] + " " clean_word_string = clean_word_string.strip() clean_pos_string = clean_pos_string.strip() if clean_word_string == "": continue clean_corpus.write( uttref + "," + clean_word_string + "\nPOS," + clean_pos_string + "\n") clean_corpus.close() print "done" return def write_edit_term_corpus(self, testcorpus, targetfilename, debug=False): """Write a file cleaned of reparanda and edit terms from a test corpus. Keyword Arguments: testcorpus -- a string separated by newline markers which has all the disfluency markup. targetfilename -- a string giving the location of the edit term filled corpus. """ print "Writing edit term corpus..." edit_term_corpus = open(targetfilename + "_edit.text", "w") for line in testcorpus.split("\n"): if line == "": continue split = line.split(",") # no need to write the indices to source data if split[0] == "REF": continue elif split[0] == "POS": pos = split[1] else: uttref = split[0] text = split[1] continue editterm_examples = get_edit_terms_from_easy_read(text, pos) if editterm_examples != []: for my_editterm, my_poseditterm in editterm_examples: edit_term_corpus.write( uttref + "," + my_editterm + "\nPOS," + my_poseditterm + "\n") edit_term_corpus.close() print "done" return # def write_tree_corpus(self, testcorpus, targetfilename, debug=False): # #TODO finish and test # reffile = open(targetfilename+"TreeCorpus.text","w") # overallCount = 0 # stringlist = [] # uttlist = [] # overallPOSList = [] # overallIndexList = [] # dodgy = ["NNP","NNPS","CD","LS","SYM","FW"] # totalRepairs = 0 # thirdPos = 0 # firstPos = 0 # typedict = defaultdict(list) # printdict = defaultdict(list) # # self.editingTermList = [[]] # # preprocessing step to get all the editing terms seen # #in whole corpus, list of lists # #what do we do for held out data again.., # # for realistic test should see how we do with the edit dict. # numberTrans = 0 # for trans in self.corpus.iter_transcripts(): # repairStack = [] #can be both speakers/callers or just one # count=0 # transnumber = int(trans.swda_filename[19:23]) # #conversationNumber = int(trans.conversation_no) # if transnumber < 1: continue #from # #if ranges and not trans.has_trees(): # # continue # # # if transnumber > 1210: break # #up to test files 1210, none beyond this # # numberTrans+=1 # while count < len(trans.utterances): # utt = trans.utterances[count] # mytreemap = None # myPOSmap = None # treepaths = None #will be a defaultdict # if trans.has_trees(): # mytreemap = self.__treemaplist__.get_treemap(trans,utt) # if mytreemap: # mypos = mytreemap.get_POS(trans,utt) # try: # treepaths = mytreemap.get_path_lengths( # trans,utt.transcript_index) # except: # print "treepath problem" # print sys.exc_info() # else: # count+=1 # continue # else: # for POS files # myPOSmap = self.__POSmaplist__.get_POSmap(trans,utt) # if myPOSmap: # mypos = myPOSmap.get_POS(utt) # else: # count+=1 # continue # #TODO get corresponding repair line from the test corpus # return def disfluency_type_corpus_analysis(self, testcorpus, targetfilename): """Take a test corpus and compute distributions over the types of disfluencies. For repairs, the types we're looking at are the structures from the minimal edit distance alignment of repair and reparandum. For edit terms/interregna this is the probability of words being edit terms at all, and the probability of them being interregna. Keyword Arguments: testcorpus -- a string separated by newline markers which has all the disfluency markup. targetfilename -- a string giving the location of the edit term filled corpus. """ # TODO finish and test typedict = defaultdict(list) printdict = defaultdict(list) editingTermList = [[]] for line in testcorpus.split("\n"): if line == "": continue split = line.split(",") ref = split[0] text = split[1] if ref == "REF": continue disfluencies = disf_tags_from_easy_read(text) for i in range(0, len(disfluencies)): if "<rpn" in disfluencies[i]: repair = None # TODO place holder # TODO get the general class rep/sub/delete from the words simpleclass = None try: if not repair.reparandumWords == []: complexclass = classify_repair( repair.reparandumWords, repair.repairWords, repair.continuationWords ) # ONLY ADD ONE EXAMPLE, the top one.. if not complexclass in typedict[simpleclass]: output = graph_viz_repair( complexclass, repair.reparandumWords, repair.repairWords, repair.continuationWords) if not output in printdict[simpleclass]: printdict[simpleclass].extend(output, 1) typedict[simpleclass].append( [complexclass, output, 1]) else: for mytype in typedict[simpleclass]: if mytype[0] == complexclass: # allows us to get the count for each # complex type mytype[2] += 1 except BaseException: print sys.exc_info() print repair.reparandumWords print repair.repairWords print repair.continuationWords raw_input("third one") # Do the interregnum and edit term analysis interregDict = defaultdict(int) for edit in editingTermList: if edit == []: continue editstring = "" for string in edit: editstring += string + " " editstring = editstring[:-1] interregDict[editstring] += 1 # now turn it into a dict list for corpus analysis # this will be used in below method, dict of [incleanCorpus,FLD,Repair] editingTermList = defaultdict(list) # creates for w in sorted(interregDict, key=interregDict.get, reverse=True): print w, interregDict[w] editingTermList[w] = [0, 0, 0] # interregFile.write(w+","+str(interregDict[w])+"\n") # interregFile.close() typefile = open(targetfilename + "RepairTypeDistributions.text", "w") print "writing to typefile" + for key in printdict.keys(): print str(key) + str(len(typedict[key])) typefile.write("\n\n\n\n\n" + str(key) + "MAINTYPE:" + str(len(printdict[key])) + "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n") # writes the most popular mappings-- should do this is order of # occurence? for repairtype in printdict[key]: typefile.write(repairtype + "\n") # for key in typedict.keys(): # print key # print typefile.close() return def make_corpus(self, target_folder=None, corpus=None, range_files=None, edit_terms_marked=True, mode=None, debug=False): """Write a disfluency related corpus according to the mode required.""" self.dRepairs = defaultdict(list) # all the edit terms ranges, may be able to get round this easier below self.dEditTerms = defaultdict(list) self.dRelaxedRepairs = None # get the repair annotations if self.annotationFiles: self.read_in_self_repair_files() if self.annotationFilesRelaxed: self.read_in_relaxed_self_repair_files self.ranges = [] # get the ranges of the source corpus to extract data from if range_files: for range_file_name in range_files: rangeFile = open(range_file_name, "r") for line in rangeFile: a = line.strip("\n") self.ranges.append(a) # conversation_no # print a rangeFile.close() print "files in ranges = " + str(len(self.ranges)) else: self.ranges = None # write the corpus for the accepted mode if mode in ["both", "clean", "disfluency"]: if mode == "disfluency": write_edit = False else: write_edit = True if mode == "clean": save_test = False else: save_test = True test_corpus = self.write_test_corpus(target_folder + os.sep + corpus, ranges=self.ranges, partial=args.partialWords, writeFile=save_test, edit_terms_marked=edit_terms_marked, debug=debug) if mode in ["clean", "both"]: self.write_clean_corpus( test_corpus, target_folder + os.sep + corpus, debug=debug) if write_edit: self.write_edit_term_corpus( test_corpus, target_folder + os.sep + corpus, debug=debug) if mode == "tree": self.write_tree_corpus(target_folder + os.sep + corpus + os.sep + "TREEPATHS" + corpus, ranges=self.ranges, partial=self.partial_words) if __name__ == '__main__': # parse command line parameters # Optional arguments: # -i string, path of source data (in swda
<gh_stars>0 import os import re import logging from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.gis.db import models from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.formats import date_format from easy_thumbnails.alias import aliases from easy_thumbnails.exceptions import InvalidImageFormatError from easy_thumbnails.files import get_thumbnailer from mapentity.registry import registry from mapentity.models import MapEntityMixin from mapentity.serializers import plain_text, smart_plain_text from geotrek.authent.models import StructureRelated from geotrek.core.models import Topology from geotrek.common.mixins import (NoDeleteMixin, TimeStampedModelMixin, PictogramMixin, OptionalPictogramMixin, PublishableMixin, PicturesMixin, AddPropertyMixin) from geotrek.common.models import Theme from geotrek.common.utils import intersecting from extended_choices import Choices if 'modeltranslation' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from modeltranslation.manager import MultilingualManager else: from django.db.models import Manager as MultilingualManager logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_target_choices(): """ Populate choices using installed apps names. """ apps = [('public', _("Public website"))] for model, entity in registry.registry.items(): if appname = model._meta.app_label.lower() apps.append((appname, unicode(entity.label))) return tuple(apps) class InformationDeskType(PictogramMixin): label = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Label"), max_length=128, db_column='label') class Meta: db_table = 't_b_type_renseignement' verbose_name = _(u"Information desk type") verbose_name_plural = _(u"Information desk types") ordering = ['label'] def __unicode__(self): return self.label class InformationDesk(models.Model): name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Title"), max_length=256, db_column='nom') type = models.ForeignKey(InformationDeskType, verbose_name=_(u"Type"), related_name='desks', db_column='type') description = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Description"), blank=True, db_column='description', help_text=_(u"Brief description")) phone = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Phone"), max_length=32, blank=True, null=True, db_column='telephone') email = models.EmailField(verbose_name=_(u"Email"), max_length=256, db_column='email', blank=True, null=True) website = models.URLField(verbose_name=_(u"Website"), max_length=256, db_column='website', blank=True, null=True) photo = models.FileField(verbose_name=_(u"Photo"), upload_to=settings.UPLOAD_DIR, db_column='photo', max_length=512, blank=True, null=True) street = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Street"), max_length=256, blank=True, null=True, db_column='rue') postal_code = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Postal code"), max_length=8, blank=True, null=True, db_column='code') municipality = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Municipality"), blank=True, null=True, max_length=256, db_column='commune') geom = models.PointField(verbose_name=_(u"Emplacement"), db_column='geom', blank=True, null=True, srid=settings.SRID, spatial_index=False) objects = models.GeoManager() class Meta: db_table = 't_b_renseignement' verbose_name = _(u"Information desk") verbose_name_plural = _(u"Information desks") ordering = ['name'] def __unicode__(self): return @property def description_strip(self): """Used in trek public template. """ nobr = re.compile(r'(\s*<br.*?>)+\s*', re.I) newlines = nobr.sub("\n", self.description) return smart_plain_text(newlines) @property def serializable_type(self): return { 'id':, 'label': self.type.label, 'pictogram': self.type.pictogram.url, } @property def latitude(self): if self.geom: api_geom = self.geom.transform(settings.API_SRID, clone=True) return api_geom.y return None @property def longitude(self): if self.geom: api_geom = self.geom.transform(settings.API_SRID, clone=True) return api_geom.x return None @property def thumbnail(self): if not return None thumbnailer = get_thumbnailer( try: return thumbnailer.get_thumbnail(aliases.get('thumbnail')) except InvalidImageFormatError: logger.warning(_("Image %s invalid or missing from disk.") % return None @property def photo_url(self): thumbnail = self.thumbnail if not thumbnail: return None return os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_URL, GEOMETRY_TYPES = Choices( ('POINT', 'point', _('Point')), ('LINE', 'line', _('Line')), ('POLYGON', 'polygon', _('Polygon')), ('ANY', 'any', _('Any')), ) class TouristicContentCategory(PictogramMixin): label = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Label"), max_length=128, db_column='nom') geometry_type = models.CharField(db_column="type_geometrie", max_length=16, choices=GEOMETRY_TYPES, default=GEOMETRY_TYPES.POINT) type1_label = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"First list label"), max_length=128, db_column='label_type1', blank=True) type2_label = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Second list label"), max_length=128, db_column='label_type2', blank=True) order = models.IntegerField(verbose_name=_(u"Order"), null=True, blank=True, db_column='tri', help_text=_(u"Alphabetical order if blank")) id_prefix = 'C' class Meta: db_table = 't_b_contenu_touristique_categorie' verbose_name = _(u"Touristic content category") verbose_name_plural = _(u"Touristic content categories") ordering = ['order', 'label'] def __unicode__(self): return self.label @property def prefixed_id(self): return '{prefix}{id}'.format(prefix=self.id_prefix, class TouristicContentType(OptionalPictogramMixin): label = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Label"), max_length=128, db_column='nom') category = models.ForeignKey(TouristicContentCategory, related_name='types', verbose_name=_(u"Category"), db_column='categorie') # Choose in which list of choices this type will appear in_list = models.IntegerField(choices=((1, _(u"First")), (2, _(u"Second"))), db_column='liste_choix') class Meta: db_table = 't_b_contenu_touristique_type' verbose_name = _(u"Touristic content type") verbose_name_plural = _(u"Touristic content type") ordering = ['label'] def __unicode__(self): return self.label class TouristicContentType1Manager(MultilingualManager): def get_queryset(self): return super(TouristicContentType1Manager, self).get_queryset().filter(in_list=1) class TouristicContentType2Manager(MultilingualManager): def get_queryset(self): return super(TouristicContentType2Manager, self).get_queryset().filter(in_list=2) class TouristicContentType1(TouristicContentType): objects = TouristicContentType1Manager() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._meta.get_field('in_list').default = 1 super(TouristicContentType1, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: proxy = True verbose_name = _(u"Type") verbose_name_plural = _(u"First list types") class TouristicContentType2(TouristicContentType): objects = TouristicContentType2Manager() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._meta.get_field('in_list').default = 2 super(TouristicContentType2, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: proxy = True verbose_name = _(u"Type") verbose_name_plural = _(u"Second list types") class ReservationSystem(models.Model): name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Name"), max_length=256, blank=False, null=False, unique=True) def __unicode__(self): return class Meta: db_table = 't_b_systeme_reservation' verbose_name = _(u"Reservation system") verbose_name_plural = _(u"Reservation systems") class TouristicContent(AddPropertyMixin, PublishableMixin, MapEntityMixin, StructureRelated, TimeStampedModelMixin, PicturesMixin, NoDeleteMixin): """ A generic touristic content (accomodation, museum, etc.) in the park """ description_teaser = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Description teaser"), blank=True, help_text=_(u"A brief summary"), db_column='chapeau') description = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Description"), blank=True, db_column='description', help_text=_(u"Complete description")) themes = models.ManyToManyField(Theme, related_name="touristiccontents", db_table="t_r_contenu_touristique_theme", blank=True, verbose_name=_(u"Themes"), help_text=_(u"Main theme(s)")) geom = models.GeometryField(verbose_name=_(u"Location"), srid=settings.SRID) category = models.ForeignKey(TouristicContentCategory, related_name='contents', verbose_name=_(u"Category"), db_column='categorie') contact = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Contact"), blank=True, db_column='contact', help_text=_(u"Address, phone, etc.")) email = models.EmailField(verbose_name=_(u"Email"), max_length=256, db_column='email', blank=True, null=True) website = models.URLField(verbose_name=_(u"Website"), max_length=256, db_column='website', blank=True, null=True) practical_info = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Practical info"), blank=True, db_column='infos_pratiques', help_text=_(u"Anything worth to know")) type1 = models.ManyToManyField(TouristicContentType, related_name='contents1', verbose_name=_(u"Type 1"), db_table="t_r_contenu_touristique_type1", blank=True) type2 = models.ManyToManyField(TouristicContentType, related_name='contents2', verbose_name=_(u"Type 2"), db_table="t_r_contenu_touristique_type2", blank=True) source = models.ManyToManyField('common.RecordSource', blank=True, related_name='touristiccontents', verbose_name=_("Source"), db_table='t_r_contenu_touristique_source') portal = models.ManyToManyField('common.TargetPortal', blank=True, related_name='touristiccontents', verbose_name=_("Portal"), db_table='t_r_contenu_touristique_portal') eid = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"External id"), max_length=1024, blank=True, null=True, db_column='id_externe') reservation_system = models.ForeignKey(ReservationSystem, verbose_name=_(u"Reservation system"), blank=True, null=True) reservation_id = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Reservation ID"), max_length=1024, blank=True, db_column='id_reservation') approved = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_(u"Approved"), default=False, db_column='labellise') objects = NoDeleteMixin.get_manager_cls(models.GeoManager)() class Meta: db_table = 't_t_contenu_touristique' verbose_name = _(u"Touristic content") verbose_name_plural = _(u"Touristic contents") def __unicode__(self): return @property def districts_display(self): return ', '.join([unicode(d) for d in self.districts]) @property def type1_label(self): return self.category.type1_label @property def type2_label(self): return self.category.type2_label @property def type1_display(self): return ', '.join([unicode(n) for n in self.type1.all()]) @property def type2_display(self): return ', '.join([unicode(n) for n in self.type2.all()]) @property def prefixed_category_id(self): return self.category.prefixed_id def distance(self, to_cls): return settings.TOURISM_INTERSECTION_MARGIN @property def type(self): """Fake type to simulate POI for mobile app v1""" return self.category @property def min_elevation(self): return 0 @property def max_elevation(self): return 0 @property def portal_display(self): return ', '.join([unicode(portal) for portal in self.portal.all()]) @property def source_display(self): return ','.join([unicode(source) for source in self.source.all()]) @property def themes_display(self): return ','.join([unicode(source) for source in self.themes.all()]) @property def extent(self): return self.geom.buffer(10).transform(settings.API_SRID, clone=True).extent @property def rando_url(self): category_slug = _(u'touristic-content') return '{}/{}/'.format(category_slug, self.slug) @property def meta_description(self): return plain_text(self.description_teaser or self.description)[:500] Topology.add_property('touristic_contents', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicContent, self), _(u"Touristic contents")) Topology.add_property('published_touristic_contents', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicContent, self).filter(published=True), _(u"Published touristic contents")) TouristicContent.add_property('touristic_contents', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicContent, self), _(u"Touristic contents")) TouristicContent.add_property('published_touristic_contents', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicContent, self).filter(published=True), _(u"Published touristic contents")) class TouristicEventType(OptionalPictogramMixin): type = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Type"), max_length=128, db_column='type') class Meta: db_table = 't_b_evenement_touristique_type' verbose_name = _(u"Touristic event type") verbose_name_plural = _(u"Touristic event types") ordering = ['type'] def __unicode__(self): return self.type class TouristicEvent(AddPropertyMixin, PublishableMixin, MapEntityMixin, StructureRelated, PicturesMixin, TimeStampedModelMixin, NoDeleteMixin): """ A touristic event (conference, workshop, etc.) in the park """ description_teaser = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Description teaser"), blank=True, help_text=_(u"A brief summary"), db_column='chapeau') description = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Description"), blank=True, db_column='description', help_text=_(u"Complete description")) themes = models.ManyToManyField(Theme, related_name="touristic_events", db_table="t_r_evenement_touristique_theme", blank=True, verbose_name=_(u"Themes"), help_text=_(u"Main theme(s)")) geom = models.PointField(verbose_name=_(u"Location"), srid=settings.SRID) begin_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_(u"Begin date"), db_column='date_debut') end_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_(u"End date"), db_column='date_fin') duration = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Duration"), max_length=64, blank=True, db_column='duree', help_text=_(u"3 days, season, ...")) meeting_point = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Meeting point"), max_length=256, blank=True, db_column='point_rdv', help_text=_(u"Where exactly ?")) meeting_time = models.TimeField(verbose_name=_(u"Meeting time"), blank=True, null=True, db_column='heure_rdv', help_text=_(u"11:00, 23:30")) contact = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Contact"), blank=True, db_column='contact') email = models.EmailField(verbose_name=_(u"Email"), max_length=256, db_column='email', blank=True, null=True) website = models.URLField(verbose_name=_(u"Website"), max_length=256, db_column='website', blank=True, null=True) organizer = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Organizer"), max_length=256, blank=True, db_column='organisateur') speaker = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Speaker"), max_length=256, blank=True, db_column='intervenant') type = models.ForeignKey(TouristicEventType, verbose_name=_(u"Type"), blank=True, null=True, db_column='type') accessibility = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Accessibility"), max_length=256, blank=True, db_column='accessibilite') participant_number = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Number of participants"), max_length=256, blank=True, db_column='nb_places') booking = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Booking"), blank=True, db_column='reservation') target_audience = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"Target audience"), max_length=128, blank=True, null=True, db_column='public_vise') practical_info = models.TextField(verbose_name=_(u"Practical info"), blank=True, db_column='infos_pratiques', help_text=_(u"Recommandations / To plan / Advices")) source = models.ManyToManyField('common.RecordSource', blank=True, related_name='touristicevents', verbose_name=_("Source"), db_table='t_r_evenement_touristique_source') portal = models.ManyToManyField('common.TargetPortal', blank=True, related_name='touristicevents', verbose_name=_("Portal"), db_table='t_r_evenement_touristique_portal') eid = models.CharField(verbose_name=_(u"External id"), max_length=1024, blank=True, null=True, db_column='id_externe') approved = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_(u"Approved"), default=False, db_column='labellise') objects = NoDeleteMixin.get_manager_cls(models.GeoManager)() category_id_prefix = 'E' class Meta: db_table = 't_t_evenement_touristique' verbose_name = _(u"Touristic event") verbose_name_plural = _(u"Touristic events") ordering = ['-begin_date'] def __unicode__(self): return @property def type1(self): return [self.type] if self.type else [] @property def type2(self): return [] @property def districts_display(self): return ', '.join([unicode(d) for d in self.districts]) @property def dates_display(self): if not self.begin_date and not self.end_date: return u"" elif not self.end_date: return _(u"starting from {begin}").format( begin=date_format(self.begin_date, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT')) elif not self.begin_date: return _(u"up to {end}").format( end=date_format(self.end_date, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT')) elif self.begin_date == self.end_date: return date_format(self.begin_date, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT') else: return _(u"from {begin} to {end}").format( begin=date_format(self.begin_date, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT'), end=date_format(self.end_date, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT')) @property def prefixed_category_id(self): return self.category_id_prefix def distance(self, to_cls): return settings.TOURISM_INTERSECTION_MARGIN @property def portal_display(self): return ', '.join([unicode(portal) for portal in self.portal.all()]) @property def source_display(self): return ', '.join([unicode(source) for source in self.source.all()]) @property def themes_display(self): return ','.join([unicode(source) for source in self.themes.all()]) @property def rando_url(self): category_slug = _(u'touristic-event') return '{}/{}/'.format(category_slug, self.slug) @property def meta_description(self): return plain_text(self.description_teaser or self.description)[:500] TouristicEvent.add_property('touristic_contents', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicContent, self), _(u"Touristic contents")) TouristicEvent.add_property('published_touristic_contents', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicContent, self).filter(published=True), _(u"Published touristic contents")) Topology.add_property('touristic_events', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicEvent, self), _(u"Touristic events")) Topology.add_property('published_touristic_events', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicEvent, self).filter(published=True), _(u"Published touristic events")) TouristicContent.add_property('touristic_events', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicEvent, self), _(u"Touristic events")) TouristicContent.add_property('published_touristic_events', lambda self: intersecting(TouristicEvent, self).filter(published=True),
<filename>engine/2.80/scripts/addons/archipack/ # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110- 1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # <pep8 compliant> # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Author: <NAME> (s-leger) # # ---------------------------------------------------------- import bpy from bpy.types import Operator, PropertyGroup, Object, Panel from bpy.props import ( FloatVectorProperty, CollectionProperty, FloatProperty, EnumProperty ) from mathutils import Vector from .bmesh_utils import BmeshEdit as bmed from .archipack_object import ArchipackCollectionManager def update(self, context): self.update(context) class archipack_reference_point(PropertyGroup): location_2d : FloatVectorProperty( subtype='XYZ', name="position 2d", default=Vector((0, 0, 0)) ) location_3d : FloatVectorProperty( subtype='XYZ', name="position 3d", default=Vector((0, 0, 0)) ) symbol_scale : FloatProperty( name="Screen scale", default=1, min=0.01, update=update) symbol_type : EnumProperty( name="Symbol type", default='WALL', items=( ('WALL', 'Wall', '', 0), ('ROOF', 'Roof', '', 1)), update=update) @classmethod def filter(cls, o): """ Filter object with this class in data return True when object contains this datablock False otherwise usage: class_name.filter(object) from outside world self.__class__.filter(object) from instance """ try: return cls.__name__ in o except: pass return False @classmethod def datablock(cls, o): """ Retrieve datablock from base object return datablock when found None when not found usage: class_name.datablock(object) from outside world self.__class__.datablock(object) from instance """ try: return getattr(o, cls.__name__)[0] except: pass return None def update(self, context): o = context.active_object if self.datablock(o) != self: return s = self.symbol_scale if self.symbol_type == 'WALL': verts = [(s * x, s * y, s * z) for x, y, z in [ (-0.25, 0.25, 0.0), (0.25, 0.25, 0.0), (-0.25, -0.25, 0.0), (0.25, -0.25, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.487), (-0.107, 0.107, 0.216), (0.108, 0.107, 0.216), (-0.107, -0.107, 0.216), (0.108, -0.107, 0.216), (-0.05, 0.05, 0.5), (0.05, 0.05, 0.5), (0.05, -0.05, 0.5), (-0.05, -0.05, 0.5), (-0.193, 0.193, 0.0), (0.193, 0.193, 0.0), (0.193, -0.193, 0.0), (-0.193, -0.193, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.8), (0.0, 0.8, -0.0), (0.0, 0.0, -0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.05, 0.05, 0.674), (-0.05, 0.674, -0.05), (0.0, 0.8, -0.0), (-0.05, -0.05, 0.674), (-0.05, 0.674, 0.05), (0.05, 0.674, -0.05), (-0.129, 0.129, 0.162), (0.129, 0.129, 0.162), (-0.129, -0.129, 0.162), (0.129, -0.129, 0.162), (0.0, 0.0, 0.8), (-0.05, 0.05, 0.674), (0.05, -0.05, 0.674), (0.05, 0.674, 0.05), (0.8, -0.0, -0.0), (0.0, -0.0, -0.0), (0.674, 0.05, -0.05), (0.8, -0.0, -0.0), (0.674, 0.05, 0.05), (0.674, -0.05, -0.05), (0.674, -0.05, 0.05)]] edges = [(1, 0), (0, 9), (9, 10), (10, 1), (3, 1), (10, 11), (11, 3), (2, 3), (11, 12), (12, 2), (0, 2), (12, 9), (6, 5), (8, 6), (7, 8), (5, 7), (17, 24), (17, 20), (18, 25), (18, 19), (13, 14), (14, 15), (15, 16), (16, 13), (4, 6), (15, 30), (17, 21), (26, 22), (23, 22), (23, 34), (18, 26), (28, 27), (30, 28), (29, 30), (27, 29), (14, 28), (13, 27), (16, 29), (4, 7), (4, 8), (4, 5), (31, 33), (31, 32), (21, 32), (24, 32), (24, 33), (21, 33), (25, 22), (25, 34), (26, 34), (35, 39), (35, 36), (40, 37), (38, 37), (38, 41), (35, 40), (39, 37), (39, 41), (40, 41)] elif self.symbol_type == 'ROOF': verts = [(s * x, s * y, s * z) for x, y, z in [ (-0.25, 0.25, 0.0), (0.25, 0.25, 0.0), (-0.25, -0.25, 0.0), (0.25, -0.25, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.487), (-0.107, 0.107, 0.216), (0.108, 0.107, 0.216), (-0.107, -0.107, 0.216), (0.108, -0.107, 0.216), (-0.05, 0.05, 0.5), (0.05, 0.05, 0.5), (0.05, -0.05, 0.5), (-0.05, -0.05, 0.5), (-0.193, 0.193, 0.0), (0.193, 0.193, 0.0), (0.193, -0.193, 0.0), (-0.193, -0.193, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.8), (0.0, 0.8, -0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.05, 0.05, 0.673), (-0.05, 0.674, -0.05), (-0.05, -0.05, 0.673), (-0.05, 0.674, 0.05), (0.05, 0.674, -0.05), (-0.129, 0.129, 0.162), (0.129, 0.129, 0.162), (-0.129, -0.129, 0.162), (0.129, -0.129, 0.162), (-0.05, 0.05, 0.673), (0.05, -0.05, 0.673), (0.05, 0.674, 0.05), (0.8, -0.0, -0.0), (0.674, 0.05, -0.05), (0.674, 0.05, 0.05), (0.674, -0.05, -0.05), (0.674, -0.05, 0.05), (0.108, 0.0, 0.216), (0.09, 0.0, 0.261), (0.001, 0.107, 0.216), (0.001, -0.107, 0.216), (-0.107, 0.0, 0.216), (0.0, -0.089, 0.261), (0.0, 0.089, 0.261), (-0.089, 0.0, 0.261), (0.0, 0.042, 0.694), (-0.042, 0.0, 0.694), (0.0, -0.042, 0.694), (0.042, 0.0, 0.694)]] edges = [ (1, 0), (0, 9), (10, 1), (3, 1), (11, 3), (2, 3), (12, 2), (0, 2), (17, 22), (17, 19), (18, 23), (13, 14), (14, 15), (15, 16), (16, 13), (15, 28), (17, 20), (24, 21), (18, 24), (14, 26), (13, 25), (16, 27), (45, 29), (46, 29), (47, 30), (48, 30), (23, 21), (23, 31), (24, 31), (32, 34), (35, 33), (32, 35), (34, 33), (34, 36), (35, 36), (28, 37), (6, 38), (26, 37), (26, 39), (25, 39), (5, 43), (5, 44), (25, 41), (27, 41), (7, 44), (8, 42), (28, 40), (27, 40), (20, 45), (22, 46), (22, 47), (20, 48), (18, 19), (18, 21), (18, 31), (17, 30), (17, 29), (32, 19), (32, 33), (32, 36), (4, 6), (4, 7), (4, 8), (4, 5), (8, 38), (6, 43), (7, 42), (9, 10), (10, 11), (11, 12), (12, 9)] bm = bmed._start(context, o) bm.clear() for v in verts: bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() for ed in edges:[ed[0]], bm.verts[ed[1]])) bmed._end(bm, o) class ARCHIPACK_PT_reference_point(Panel): bl_idname = "ARCHIPACK_PT_reference_point" bl_label = "Reference point" bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_category = 'Archipack' @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return archipack_reference_point.filter(context.active_object) def draw(self, context): o = context.active_object props = archipack_reference_point.datablock(o) if props is None: return layout = self.layout if (o.location - props.location_2d).length < 0.01: layout.operator('archipack.move_to_3d') layout.operator('archipack.move_2d_reference_to_cursor') else: layout.operator('archipack.move_to_2d') layout.prop(props, 'symbol_scale') layout.separator() layout.operator('archipack.apply_holes') class ARCHIPACK_OT_reference_point(ArchipackCollectionManager, Operator): """Add reference point""" bl_idname = "archipack.reference_point" bl_label = "Reference point" bl_description = "Add reference point" bl_category = 'Archipack' bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} location_3d : FloatVectorProperty( subtype='XYZ', name="position 3d", default=Vector((0, 0, 0)) ) symbol_type : EnumProperty( name="Symbol type", default='WALL', items=( ('WALL', 'Wall', '', 0), ('ROOF', 'Roof', '', 1)) ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.active_object is not None def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout row = layout.row() row.label(text="Use Properties panel (N) to define parms", icon='INFO') def create(self, context): x, y, z = context.scene.cursor_location # bpy.ops.object.empty_add(type='ARROWS', radius=0.5, location=Vector((x, y, 0))) m ="Reference") o ="Reference", m) o.location = Vector((x, y, 0)) self.link_object_to_scene(context, o) d = o.archipack_reference_point.add() d.location_2d = Vector((x, y, 0)) d.location_3d = self.location_3d d.symbol_type = self.symbol_type o.select_set(state=True) = o d.update(context) return o def execute(self, context): if context.mode == "OBJECT": o = self.create(context) o.select_set(state=True) = o return {'FINISHED'} else:{'WARNING'}, "Archipack: Option only valid in Object mode") return {'CANCELLED'} class ARCHIPACK_OT_move_to_3d(Operator): bl_idname = "archipack.move_to_3d" bl_label = "Move to 3d" bl_description = "Move point to 3d position" bl_category = 'Archipack' bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return archipack_reference_point.filter(context.active_object) def execute(self, context): if context.mode == "OBJECT": o = context.active_object props = archipack_reference_point.datablock(o) if props is None: return {'CANCELLED'} o.location = props.location_3d return {'FINISHED'} else:{'WARNING'}, "Archipack: Option only valid in Object mode") return {'CANCELLED'} class ARCHIPACK_OT_apply_holes(Operator): bl_idname = "archipack.apply_holes" bl_label = "Apply holes" bl_description = "Apply and remove holes from scene" bl_category = 'Archipack' bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return archipack_reference_point.filter(context.active_object) def apply_boolean(self, context, o): # mods = [m for m in o.modifiers if m.type == 'BOOLEAN'] ctx = bpy.context.copy() ctx['object'] = o for mod in o.modifiers[:]: ctx['modifier'] = mod try: bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(ctx, apply_as='DATA', except: pass def execute(self, context): if context.mode == "OBJECT": o = context.active_object to_remove = [] for c in o.children: if 'archipack_hybridhole' in c: self.apply_boolean(context, c) to_remove.append(c) for c in o.children: if is not None and "archipack_wall2" in self.apply_boolean(context, c) for c in o.children: if is not None
9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrHourlyByHour(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(HOURLY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrHourlyByMinute(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(HOURLY, count=3, byminute=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrHourlyBySecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(HOURLY, count=3, bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrHourlyByHourAndMinute(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(HOURLY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), byminute=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrHourlyByHourAndSecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(HOURLY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrHourlyByMinuteAndSecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(HOURLY, count=3, byminute=(6, 18), bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrHourlyByHourAndMinuteAndSecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(HOURLY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), byminute=(6, 18), bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrHourlyBySetPos(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(HOURLY, count=3, byminute=(15, 45), bysecond=(15, 45), bysetpos=(3, -3), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutely(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyInterval(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, interval=2, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyIntervalLarge(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, interval=1501, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMonth(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMonthDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, bymonthday=(1, 3), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMonthAndMonthDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), bymonthday=(5, 7), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byweekday=(TU, TH), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByNWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byweekday=(TU(1), TH(-1)), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMonthAndWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), byweekday=(TU, TH), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMonthAndNWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), byweekday=(TU(1), TH(-1)), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMonthDayAndWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, bymonthday=(1, 3), byweekday=(TU, TH), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMonthAndMonthDayAndWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), bymonthday=(1, 3), byweekday=(TU, TH), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByYearDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=4, byyearday=(1, 100, 200, 365), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByYearDayNeg(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=4, byyearday=(-365, -266, -166, -1), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMonthAndYearDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=4, bymonth=(4, 7), byyearday=(1, 100, 200, 365), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMonthAndYearDayNeg(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=4, bymonth=(4, 7), byyearday=(-365, -266, -166, -1), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByWeekNo(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byweekno=20, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByWeekNoAndWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byweekno=1, byweekday=MO, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByWeekNoAndWeekDayLarge(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byweekno=52, byweekday=SU, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByWeekNoAndWeekDayLast(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byweekno=-1, byweekday=SU, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByWeekNoAndWeekDay53(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byweekno=53, byweekday=MO, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByEaster(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byeaster=0, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByEasterPos(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byeaster=1, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByEasterNeg(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byeaster=-1, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByHour(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMinute(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byminute=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyBySecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByHourAndMinute(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), byminute=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByHourAndSecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByMinuteAndSecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byminute=(6, 18), bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyByHourAndMinuteAndSecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), byminute=(6, 18), bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrMinutelyBySetPos(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=3, bysecond=(15, 30, 45), bysetpos=(3, -3), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondly(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyInterval(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, interval=2, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyIntervalLarge(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, interval=90061, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMonth(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMonthDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, bymonthday=(1, 3), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMonthAndMonthDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), bymonthday=(5, 7), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byweekday=(TU, TH), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByNWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byweekday=(TU(1), TH(-1)), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMonthAndWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), byweekday=(TU, TH), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMonthAndNWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), byweekday=(TU(1), TH(-1)), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMonthDayAndWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, bymonthday=(1, 3), byweekday=(TU, TH), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMonthAndMonthDayAndWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, bymonth=(1, 3), bymonthday=(1, 3), byweekday=(TU, TH), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByYearDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=4, byyearday=(1, 100, 200, 365), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByYearDayNeg(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=4, byyearday=(-365, -266, -166, -1), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMonthAndYearDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=4, bymonth=(4, 7), byyearday=(1, 100, 200, 365), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMonthAndYearDayNeg(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=4, bymonth=(4, 7), byyearday=(-365, -266, -166, -1), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByWeekNo(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byweekno=20, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByWeekNoAndWeekDay(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byweekno=1, byweekday=MO, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByWeekNoAndWeekDayLarge(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byweekno=52, byweekday=SU, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByWeekNoAndWeekDayLast(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byweekno=-1, byweekday=SU, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByWeekNoAndWeekDay53(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byweekno=53, byweekday=MO, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByEaster(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byeaster=0, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByEasterPos(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byeaster=1, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByEasterNeg(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byeaster=-1, dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByHour(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMinute(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byminute=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyBySecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByHourAndMinute(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), byminute=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByHourAndSecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByMinuteAndSecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byminute=(6, 18), bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByHourAndMinuteAndSecond(self): self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, byhour=(6, 18), byminute=(6, 18), bysecond=(6, 18), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) def testToStrSecondlyByHourAndMinuteAndSecondBug(self): # This explores a bug found by <NAME>. self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(SECONDLY, count=3, bysecond=(0,), byminute=(1,), dtstart=datetime(2010, 3, 22, 12, 1))) def testToStrLongIntegers(self): if not PY3: # There is no longs in python3 self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(MINUTELY, count=long(2), interval=long(2), bymonth=long(2), byweekday=long(3), byhour=long(6), byminute=long(6), bysecond=long(6), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) self._rrulestr_reverse_test(rrule(YEARLY, count=long(2), bymonthday=long(5), byweekno=long(2), dtstart=datetime(1997, 9, 2, 9, 0))) class ParserTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tzinfos = {"BRST": -10800} self.brsttz = tzoffset("BRST", -10800) self.default = datetime(2003, 9, 25) # Parser should be able to handle bytestring and unicode base_str = '2014-05-01 08:00:00' try: # Python 2.x self.uni_str = unicode(base_str) self.str_str = str(base_str) except NameError: self.uni_str = str(base_str) self.str_str = bytes(base_str.encode()) def testDateCommandFormat(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Thu Sep 25 10:36:28 BRST 2003", tzinfos=self.tzinfos), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28, tzinfo=self.brsttz)) def testDateCommandFormatUnicode(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Thu Sep 25 10:36:28 BRST 2003", tzinfos=self.tzinfos), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28, tzinfo=self.brsttz)) def testDateCommandFormatReversed(self): self.assertEqual(parse("2003 10:36:28 BRST 25 Sep Thu", tzinfos=self.tzinfos), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28, tzinfo=self.brsttz)) def testDateCommandFormatWithLong(self): if not PY3: self.assertEqual(parse("Thu Sep 25 10:36:28 BRST 2003", tzinfos={"BRST": long(-10800)}), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28, tzinfo=self.brsttz)) def testDateCommandFormatIgnoreTz(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Thu Sep 25 10:36:28 BRST 2003", ignoretz=True), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip1(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Thu Sep 25 10:36:28 2003"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip2(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Thu Sep 25 10:36:28", default=self.default), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip3(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Thu Sep 10:36:28", default=self.default), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip4(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Thu 10:36:28", default=self.default), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip5(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Sep 10:36:28", default=self.default), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip6(self): self.assertEqual(parse("10:36:28", default=self.default), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36, 28)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip7(self): self.assertEqual(parse("10:36", default=self.default), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 36)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip8(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Thu Sep 25 2003"), datetime(2003, 9, 25)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip9(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Sep 25 2003"), datetime(2003, 9, 25)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip10(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Sep 2003", default=self.default), datetime(2003, 9, 25)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip11(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Sep", default=self.default), datetime(2003, 9, 25)) def testDateCommandFormatStrip12(self): self.assertEqual(parse("2003", default=self.default), datetime(2003, 9, 25)) def testDateRCommandFormat(self): self.assertEqual(parse("Thu, 25 Sep 2003 10:49:41 -0300"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 49, 41, tzinfo=self.brsttz)) def testISOFormat(self): self.assertEqual(parse("2003-09-25T10:49:41.5-03:00"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 49, 41, 500000, tzinfo=self.brsttz)) def testISOFormatStrip1(self): self.assertEqual(parse("2003-09-25T10:49:41-03:00"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 49, 41, tzinfo=self.brsttz)) def testISOFormatStrip2(self): self.assertEqual(parse("2003-09-25T10:49:41"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 49, 41)) def testISOFormatStrip3(self): self.assertEqual(parse("2003-09-25T10:49"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 49)) def testISOFormatStrip4(self): self.assertEqual(parse("2003-09-25T10"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10)) def testISOFormatStrip5(self): self.assertEqual(parse("2003-09-25"), datetime(2003, 9, 25)) def testISOStrippedFormat(self): self.assertEqual(parse("20030925T104941.5-0300"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 49, 41, 500000, tzinfo=self.brsttz)) def testISOStrippedFormatStrip1(self): self.assertEqual(parse("20030925T104941-0300"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 49, 41, tzinfo=self.brsttz)) def testISOStrippedFormatStrip2(self): self.assertEqual(parse("20030925T104941"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 49, 41)) def testISOStrippedFormatStrip3(self): self.assertEqual(parse("20030925T1049"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10, 49, 0)) def testISOStrippedFormatStrip4(self): self.assertEqual(parse("20030925T10"), datetime(2003, 9, 25, 10)) def testISOStrippedFormatStrip5(self): self.assertEqual(parse("20030925"), datetime(2003, 9, 25)) def testNoSeparator1(self): self.assertEqual(parse("199709020908"), datetime(1997, 9,
True @receiver(post_save, sender=User) def create_associated_email(sender, **kwargs): """ Creates and attaches a primary AssociatedEmail when a User object is created. """ user = kwargs['instance'] if kwargs['created']: email = AssociatedEmail(user=user,, is_primary_email=True) if user.is_active: email.verification_date = email.is_verified = True @receiver(post_save, sender=User) def update_associated_emails(sender, **kwargs): """ Updates the primary/non-primary status of AssociatedEmails when the User object's email field is updated. """ user = kwargs['instance'] if not kwargs['created'] and kwargs['update_fields'] and 'email' in kwargs['update_fields']: old_primary_email = AssociatedEmail.objects.get(user=user, is_primary_email=True) new_primary_email = AssociatedEmail.objects.get(user=user, old_primary_email.is_primary_email = False new_primary_email.is_primary_email = True def photo_path(instance, filename): """ Storage path of profile photo relative to media root. Keep the original file extension only. """ return 'users/{0}/{1}'.format(instance.user.username, '.'.join(['profile-photo', filename.split('.')[-1]])) def training_report_path(instance, filename): """ Storage path of CITI training report """ return 'credential-applications/{}/{}'.format(instance.slug, 'training-report.pdf') class LegacyCredential(models.Model): """ Stores instances of profiles that were credentialed on the old pn website. """ first_names = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, default='') last_name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, default='') email = models.EmailField(max_length=255, unique=True) country = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, default='') # These dates are stored as strings in the legacy system. # All are credentialed for mimic mimic_approval_date = models.CharField(max_length=100) eicu_approval_date = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, default='') # Their stated reason for using the data info = models.CharField(max_length=300, blank=True, default='') # Whether the credentialing has been migrated to an account on the # new site migrated = models.BooleanField(default=False) migration_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True) migrated_user = models.ForeignKey('user.User', null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) reference_email = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, default='') revoked_datetime = models.DateTimeField(null=True) def __str__(self): return def is_legacy(self): return True def revoke(self): """ Revokes a legacy application. """ # Removes credentialing from the user with transaction.atomic(): self.revoked_datetime = self.migrated_user.is_credentialed = False self.migrated_user.credential_datetime = None'Credentialing for user {0} has been removed.'.format( class Profile(models.Model): """ Class storing profile information which is not directly related to account activity or authentication. This model should contain some fields which help map projects to datacite: """ user = models.OneToOneField('user.User', related_name='profile', on_delete=models.CASCADE) first_names = models.CharField(max_length=100, validators=[validators.validate_name]) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=50, validators=[validators.validate_name]) affiliation = models.CharField(max_length=250, blank=True, default='', validators=[validators.validate_affiliation]) location = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, default='', validators=[validators.validate_location]) website = models.URLField(default='', blank=True, null=True) photo = models.ImageField(upload_to=photo_path, blank=True, null=True, validators=[FileExtensionValidator(['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'], 'Allowed filetypes are png and jpg only.')]) MAX_PHOTO_SIZE = 2 * 1024 ** 2 # Where all the users' files are kept FILE_ROOT = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'users') def __str__(self): return self.get_full_name() def get_full_name(self): return ' '.join([self.first_names, self.last_name]) def get_names(self): return self.first_names, self.last_name def delete_photo(self): """ Delete the photo """ if os.remove( = None def file_root(self): "Where the profile's files are stored" return os.path.join(Profile.FILE_ROOT, self.username) class Orcid(models.Model): """ Class for storing ORCID account information. Here are examples of expected formats from a sandbox account: orcid_id: 0000-0002-8983-9907 access_token: <PASSWORD> refresh_token: <PASSWORD> token_expiration: 2242899965.166591 where the token_expiration is in unix timestamp format (seconds since Jan 1st 1970) """ user = models.OneToOneField('user.User', related_name='orcid', on_delete=models.CASCADE) orcid_id = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='', blank=True, validators=[validators.validate_orcid_id]) name = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='', blank=True) access_token = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='', blank=True, validators=[validators.validate_orcid_token]) refresh_token = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='', blank=True, validators=[validators.validate_orcid_token]) token_type = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='', blank=True) token_scope = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='', blank=True) token_expiration = models.DecimalField(max_digits=50, decimal_places=40, default=0) @staticmethod def get_orcid_url(): return settings.ORCID_DOMAIN class DualAuthModelBackend(): """ This is a ModelBacked that allows authentication with either a username or an email address. """ def authenticate(self, request, username=None, password=None): if '@' in username: kwargs = {'email': username.lower()} else: kwargs = {'username': username.lower()} try: user = get_user_model().objects.get(**kwargs) if user.check_password(password): return user except User.DoesNotExist: logger.error('Unsuccessful authentication {0}'.format(username.lower())) return None def get_user(self, user_id): try: return get_user_model().objects.get(pk=user_id) except get_user_model().DoesNotExist: return None class CredentialApplication(models.Model): """ An application to become PhysioNet credentialed """ RESEARCHER_CATEGORIES = ( (0, 'Student'), (7, 'Graduate Student'), (1, 'Postdoc'), (2, 'Academic Researcher'), (3, 'Hospital Researcher'), (4, 'Industry Researcher'), (5, 'Government Researcher'), (6, 'Independent Researcher'), ) REFERENCE_CATEGORIES = ( (0, 'Supervisor (required for students and Postdocs)'), (1, 'Colleague'), (2, 'Coauthor'), (3, 'Other'), ) COURSE_CATEGORIES = ( (0, 'Not for a course'), (1, 'I am taking a course using the data'), ) REFERENCE_RESPONSES = ( ('', '-----------'), (1, 'No'), (2, 'Yes') ) REJECT_ACCEPT_WITHDRAW = ( ('', '-----------'), (1, 'Reject'), (2, 'Accept'), (3, 'Withdrawn'), (4, 'Revoked') ) # Maximum size for training_completion_report MAX_REPORT_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024 # Location for storing files associated with the application FILE_ROOT = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'credential-applications') slug = models.SlugField(max_length=20, unique=True, db_index=True) application_datetime = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) user = models.ForeignKey('user.User', related_name='credential_applications', on_delete=models.CASCADE) # Personal fields first_names = models.CharField(max_length=100, validators=[validators.validate_name]) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=50, validators=[validators.validate_name]) researcher_category = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=RESEARCHER_CATEGORIES) # Organization fields organization_name = models.CharField(max_length=200, validators=[validators.validate_organization]) job_title = models.CharField(max_length=60, validators=[validators.validate_job_title]) city = models.CharField(max_length=100, validators=[validators.validate_city]) state_province = models.CharField(max_length=100, validators=[validators.validate_state], default='', blank=True) country = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=COUNTRIES) webpage = models.URLField(default='', blank=True) zip_code = models.CharField(max_length=60, validators=[validators.validate_zipcode]) suffix = models.CharField(max_length=60, validators=[validators.validate_suffix], default='', blank=True) # Human resources training training_course_name = models.CharField(max_length=100, default='', blank=True, validators=[validators.validate_training_course]) training_completion_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) training_completion_report = models.FileField( upload_to=training_report_path, validators=[FileExtensionValidator( ['pdf'], 'File must be a pdf.')]) training_completion_report_url = models.URLField(blank=True, null=True) # Course info course_category = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=COURSE_CATEGORIES, null=True, blank=True) course_info = models.CharField(max_length=100, default='', blank=True, validators=[validators.validate_course]) # Reference reference_category = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(null=True, blank=True, choices=REFERENCE_CATEGORIES) reference_name = models.CharField(max_length=202, default='', blank=True, validators=[validators.validate_reference_name]) reference_email = models.EmailField(default='', blank=True) reference_organization = models.CharField(max_length=200, validators=[validators.validate_organization], blank=True) reference_title = models.CharField(max_length=60, default='', blank=True, validators=[validators.validate_reference_title]) # 0 1 2 3 = pending, rejected, accepted, withdrawn status = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0, choices=REJECT_ACCEPT_WITHDRAW) reference_contact_datetime = models.DateTimeField(null=True) reference_response_datetime = models.DateTimeField(null=True) # Whether reference verifies the applicant. 0 1 2 = null, no, yes reference_response = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0, choices=REFERENCE_RESPONSES) reference_response_text = models.CharField(max_length=2000, validators=[validators.validate_reference_response]) research_summary = models.CharField(max_length=1000, validators=[validators.validate_research_summary]) project_of_interest = models.ForeignKey('project.PublishedProject', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, limit_choices_to={'access_policy': 2},) decision_datetime = models.DateTimeField(null=True) responder = models.ForeignKey('user.User', null=True, related_name='responded_applications', on_delete=models.SET_NULL) responder_comments = models.CharField(max_length=500, default='', blank=True) revoked_datetime = models.DateTimeField(null=True) def file_root(self): """Location for storing files associated with the application""" return os.path.join(CredentialApplication.FILE_ROOT, self.slug) def get_full_name(self): return ' '.join([self.first_names, self.last_name]) def get_latest_by_user(self): return CredentialApplication.objects.filter(user=self.user).last() def is_latest_by_user(self): if self == CredentialApplication.objects.filter(user=self.user).last(): return True else: return False def is_legacy(self): return False def time_elapsed(self): return ( - self.application_datetime).days def _apply_decision(self, decision, responder): """ Reject, accept, or withdraw a credentialing application. Args: decision (int): 1 = reject, 2 = accept, 3 = withdraw. responder (str): User object """ self.responder = responder self.status = decision self.decision_datetime = def reject(self, responder): """ Reject a credentialing application. """ self._apply_decision(1, responder) def accept(self, responder): """ Reject a credentialing application. """ try: with transaction.atomic(): self._apply_decision(2, responder) # update the user credentials user = self.user user.is_credentialed = True user.credential_datetime = except DatabaseError: messages.error(request, 'Database error. Please try again.') def withdraw(self, responder): """ Reject a credentialing application. """ self._apply_decision(3, responder) def ref_known_flag(self): """ Returns True if the reference is known, else False. By "Known" we mean that the reference has been previously contacted. """ if CredentialApplication.objects.filter( reference_email__iexact=self.reference_email, reference_contact_datetime__isnull=False).exclude( reference_email=''): return True elif LegacyCredential.objects.filter( reference_email__iexact=self.reference_email).exclude( reference_email=''): return True else: return False def ref_user_flag(self): """ Returns True if the reference is a registered user, else False. """ try: ref = User.objects.get( associated_emails__email__iexact=self.reference_email, associated_emails__is_verified=True) return True except ObjectDoesNotExist: return False def get_reference_user(self): """ Returns reference User if the reference is a registered user, else None. """ try: ref = User.objects.get( associated_emails__email__iexact=self.reference_email, associated_emails__is_verified=True) return ref except ObjectDoesNotExist: return None def ref_credentialed_flag(self): """ Returns True if the reference is a credentialed registered user, else False. """ try: ref = User.objects.get( associated_emails__email__iexact=self.reference_email, associated_emails__is_verified=True) return ref.is_credentialed except ObjectDoesNotExist: return False def revoke(self): """ Revokes an approved application. """ # Set the application as unsucessful with the current datetime self.status = 4 self.revoked_datetime = # Removes credentialing from the user self.user.is_credentialed = False self.user.credential_datetime = None with transaction.atomic():'Credentialing for user {0} has been removed.'.format( def remove_contact_reference(self): """ Remove the date that indicates when the reference was contacted. Note that this may also affect the "known" status of the reference. """ self.reference_contact_datetime = None def update_review_status(self, review_status): """ Update the review status of a credentialing application. Args: """ self.credential_review.status = review_status class CredentialReview(models.Model): """ Reviews for the CredentialApplications. NOTES ----- This relational model will be deleted in the case that a credential reviewer decides to "reset" the application, meaning reset it back to the "initial review" stage. """ REVIEW_STATUS_LABELS = ( ('',
R16 = params["R16"] R17 = params["R17"] R18 = params["R18"] R19 = params["R19"] R20 = params["R20"] R21 = params["R21"] R22 = params["R22"] R23 = params["R23"] R24 = params["R24"] R25 = params["R25"] R26 = params["R26"] R27 = params["R27"] R28 = params["R28"] R29 = params["R29"] R30 = params["R30"] R31 = params["R31"] R32 = params["R32"] R33 = params["R33"] R34 = params["R34"] R35 = params["R35"] R36 = params["R36"] R37 = params["R37"] R38 = params["R38"] R39 = params["R39"] R40 = params["R40"] R41 = params["R41"] R42 = params["R42"] R43 = params["R43"] R44 = params["R44"] R45 = params["R45"] R46 = params["R46"] R47 = params["R47"] R48 = params["R48"] R49 = params["R49"] R50 = params["R50"] R51 = params["R51"] R52 = params["R52"] R53 = params["R53"] R54 = params["R54"] R55 = params["R55"] R56 = params["R56"] R57 = params["R57"] R58 = params["R58"] R59 = params["R59"] R60 = params["R60"] R61 = params["R61"] R62 = params["R62"] R63 = params["R63"] R64 = params["R64"] R65 = params["R65"] R66 = params["R66"] R67 = params["R67"] return ( Rs + (R1 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[0])) + (R2 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[1])) + (R3 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[2])) + (R4 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[3])) + (R5 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[4])) + (R6 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[5])) + (R7 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[6])) + (R8 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[7])) + (R9 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[8])) + (R10 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[9])) + (R11 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[10])) + (R12 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[11])) + (R13 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[12])) + (R14 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[13])) + (R15 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[14])) + (R16 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[15])) + (R17 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[16])) + (R18 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[17])) + (R19 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[18])) + (R20 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[19])) + (R21 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[20])) + (R22 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[21])) + (R23 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[22])) + (R24 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[23])) + (R25 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[24])) + (R26 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[25])) + (R27 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[26])) + (R28 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[27])) + (R29 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[28])) + (R30 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[29])) + (R31 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[30])) + (R32 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[31])) + (R33 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[32])) + (R34 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[33])) + (R35 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[34])) + (R36 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[35])) + (R37 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[36])) + (R38 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[37])) + (R39 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[38])) + (R40 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[39])) + (R41 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[40])) + (R42 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[41])) + (R43 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[42])) + (R44 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[43])) + (R45 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[44])) + (R46 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[45])) + (R47 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[46])) + (R48 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[47])) + (R49 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[48])) + (R50 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[49])) + (R51 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[50])) + (R52 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[51])) + (R53 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[52])) + (R54 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[53])) + (R55 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[54])) + (R56 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[55])) + (R57 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[56])) + (R58 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[57])) + (R59 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[58])) + (R60 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[59])) + (R61 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[60])) + (R62 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[61])) + (R63 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[62])) + (R64 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[63])) + (R65 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[64])) + (R66 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[65])) + (R67 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[66])) ) def KK_RC68_fit(params, w, t_values): """ Kramers-Kronig Function: -RC- <NAME> (<EMAIL> / <EMAIL>) """ Rs = params["Rs"] R1 = params["R1"] R2 = params["R2"] R3 = params["R3"] R4 = params["R4"] R5 = params["R5"] R6 = params["R6"] R7 = params["R7"] R8 = params["R8"] R9 = params["R9"] R10 = params["R10"] R11 = params["R11"] R12 = params["R12"] R13 = params["R13"] R14 = params["R14"] R15 = params["R15"] R16 = params["R16"] R17 = params["R17"] R18 = params["R18"] R19 = params["R19"] R20 = params["R20"] R21 = params["R21"] R22 = params["R22"] R23 = params["R23"] R24 = params["R24"] R25 = params["R25"] R26 = params["R26"] R27 = params["R27"] R28 = params["R28"] R29 = params["R29"] R30 = params["R30"] R31 = params["R31"] R32 = params["R32"] R33 = params["R33"] R34 = params["R34"] R35 = params["R35"] R36 = params["R36"] R37 = params["R37"] R38 = params["R38"] R39 = params["R39"] R40 = params["R40"] R41 = params["R41"] R42 = params["R42"] R43 = params["R43"] R44 = params["R44"] R45 = params["R45"] R46 = params["R46"] R47 = params["R47"] R48 = params["R48"] R49 = params["R49"] R50 = params["R50"] R51 = params["R51"] R52 = params["R52"] R53 = params["R53"] R54 = params["R54"] R55 = params["R55"] R56 = params["R56"] R57 = params["R57"] R58 = params["R58"] R59 = params["R59"] R60 = params["R60"] R61 = params["R61"] R62 = params["R62"] R63 = params["R63"] R64 = params["R64"] R65 = params["R65"] R66 = params["R66"] R67 = params["R67"] R68 = params["R68"] return ( Rs + (R1 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[0])) + (R2 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[1])) + (R3 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[2])) + (R4 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[3])) + (R5 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[4])) + (R6 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[5])) + (R7 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[6])) + (R8 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[7])) + (R9 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[8])) + (R10 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[9])) + (R11 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[10])) + (R12 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[11])) + (R13 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[12])) + (R14 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[13])) + (R15 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[14])) + (R16 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[15])) + (R17 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[16])) + (R18 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[17])) + (R19 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[18])) + (R20 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[19])) + (R21 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[20])) + (R22 / (1 + w * 1j * t_values[21])) + (R23 / (1 + w * 1j
<gh_stars>1-10 # # Copyright (c) 2018, 2021 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # import copy import inspect from WBC import constants from WBC import fermentables from WBC.getparam import getparam from WBC.addition import Addition, Opaque from WBC.utils import * from WBC.units import * from WBC.units import _Mass, _Strength, _Temperature, _Volume, _Duration from WBC.hop import Hop from WBC.mash import Mash from WBC.worter import Worter from WBC import brewutils, timespec from WBC.timespec import Timespec, Boil def checkconfig(): return True def _ismass(type): return istype(type, Mass) def _isvolume(type): return istype(type, Volume) def _ismassvolume(type): return istupletype(type, (Mass, Volume)) def _isvolumevolume(type): return istupletype(type, (Volume, Volume)) class WBC: pass class Recipe: def __init__(self, name, yeast, volume, boiltime = None): # volume may be None if the recipe contains only relative units if volume is not None: checktype(volume, Volume) input = {} input['name' ] = name input['yeast'] = yeast input['notes'] = {} input['notes']['water'] = None input['notes']['brewday'] = [] input['notes']['recipe'] = [] self.boiltime = input['boiltime'] = boiltime timespec.set_boiltime(boiltime) self.input = input self.volume_inherent = volume self.volume_set = self.volume_scaled = None self.needinherent = [] self.hops = [] self.hops_recipeIBUBUGU = None self.ferms_in = [] # the current "best guess" for additional extract needed # to reach final-strength target (for applicable recipes) self.fermentable_extadj = _Mass(0) self.final_strength = None # cached educated guess of the water # amount used in the forward calculation self.waterguess = None self.opaques = [] self.input['stolen_wort'] = Worter() self._boiladj = _Mass(0) self.hopsdrunk = {'kettle':_Volume(0), 'fermentor':_Volume(0), 'package':_Volume(0)} self.fermentables = [] self._calculatestatus = 0 self.mash = Mash() self._oncelst = [] sysparams.processdefaults() def paramfile(self, filename): Sysparams.processfile(filename) THEREST= 'rest' def _final_volume(self): assert(self._calculatestatus > 0) v = [self.volume_scaled, self.volume_set, self.volume_inherent ] return ([x for x in v if x is not None] + [None])[0] def _final_extract(self): if self.final_strength is None: return None w = Worter() w.set_volstrength(self._final_volume(), self.final_strength) return w.extract() def _grain_absorption(self): rv = getparam('grain_absorption') absorp = rv[0] / rv[1] return absorp def _boiloff(self): if self.boiltime is None: return _Volume(0) return _Volume(getparam('boiloff_perhour') * (self.boiltime/60.0)) def _reference_temp(self): return getparam('ambient_temp') def _needinherentvol(self, what): if what not in self.needinherent: self.needinherent.append(what) # # various scaling routines # def _scale(self, what): if self.volume_inherent is None or self.volume_scaled is None: return what assert(isinstance(what, Mass) or isinstance(what, Volume)) scale = self.volume_scaled / self.volume_inherent return what.__class__(scale * what, what.defaultunit) def _xvol2x(self, x): assert(istupletype(x, (Mass, Volume)) or istupletype(x, (Volume, Volume))) return x[0].__class__(x[0]/x[1] * self._final_volume(), x[0].defaultunit) # # other helpers # def _once(self, callme, *args): cf = inspect.stack()[1] caller = cf[1] + '/' + str(cf[2]) + '/' + cf[3] if caller in self._oncelst: return self._oncelst.append(caller) callme(*args) def _addunit(self, checkfuns, unit, fname): rv = ([x for x in checkfuns if x(unit)] + [None])[0] if rv is None: raise PilotError('invalid input type for: ' + fname) if isinstance(unit, tuple): scale = self._xvol2x else: scale = self._scale self._needinherentvol(fname) return scale # # user interfaces # def set_volume_and_scale(self, volume): checktype(volume, Volume) self.volume_scaled = volume def set_volume(self, volume): checktype(volume, Volume) self.volume_set = volume # set opaque water notes to be printed with recipe def set_waternotes(self, waternotes): checktype(waternotes, str) if self.input['notes']['water'] is not None: warn('water notes already set') self.input['notes']['water'] = waternotes def add_brewdaynote(self, note): checktype(note, str) self.input['notes']['brewday'].append(note) def add_recipenote(self, note): checktype(note, str) self.input['notes']['recipe'].append(note) # # Hops. # def _hopstore(self, hop, amount, resolver, time, cookie): checktypes([(hop, Hop), (time, Timespec)]) a = Addition(hop, amount, resolver, time, cookie = cookie) self.hops.append(a) return a def hop_byunit(self, name, unit, time): scale = self._addunit([_ismass, _ismassvolume], unit, __name__) self._hopstore(name, unit, scale, time, 'm') # alpha acid mass def hop_byAA(self, hop, mass, time): checktype(mass, Mass) self._needinherentvol('hop_byAA') amount = _Mass(mass / hop.aa) self._hopstore(hop, amount, self._scale, time, 'm') # alpha acid mass per final volume def hop_byAAvolratio(self, hop, mv, time): (mass, vol) = mv checktypes([(mass, Mass), (vol, Volume)]) amount = (_Mass(mass / hop.aa), vol) self._hopstore(hop, amount, self._xvol2x, time, 'm') def hop_byIBU(self, hop, IBU, time): a = self._hopstore(hop, None, None, time, 'i') = IBU def _setIBUBUGU(self, hop, time, value, what): if self.hops_recipeIBUBUGU is not None: raise PilotError('total IBU/BUGU specified >once') checktypes([(hop, Hop), (time, Timespec)]) self.hops_recipeIBUBUGU = { 'hop': hop, 'time': time, 'value': value, 'type': what, } def hop_byrecipeIBU(self, hop, IBU, time): if IBU > 120.0: warn("Hop \"" + + "\" has high IBU (" + str(IBU) + ")\n") self._setIBUBUGU(hop, time, IBU, 'IBU') def hop_byrecipeBUGU(self, hop, BUGU, time): if BUGU > 2.0: warn("Hop \"" + + "\" has high BUGU (" + str(BUGU) + ")\n") self._setIBUBUGU(hop, time, BUGU, 'BUGU') # opaque additions. not used for in-recipe calculations, # just printed out in timed additions. def _opaquestore(self, opaque, amount, resolver, time): checktype(time, Timespec) a = Addition(Opaque(opaque), amount, resolver, time) self.opaques.append(a) def opaque_byunit(self, name, unit, time): scale = self._addunit([_ismass, _isvolume, _ismassvolume, _isvolumevolume], unit, __name__) self._opaquestore(name, unit, scale, time) def opaque_byopaque(self, opaque, ospec, time): checktype(time, Timespec) if ospec.__class__ != str: raise PilotError('opaque spec must be a string') self._opaquestore(opaque, ospec, None, time) def anchor_bystrength(self, strength): checktype(strength, Strength) if self.final_strength is not None: raise PilotError('final strength already set') self.final_strength = strength self.input['strength'] = strength def _fermstore(self, name, amount, resolver, time, cookie): ferm = fermentables.Get(name) v = [x for x in self.ferms_in if == name.lower() and x.time == time ] if len(v) > 0: raise PilotError('fermentables may be specified max ' + 'once per stage') checktypes([(ferm, fermentables.Fermentable), (time, Timespec)]) a = Addition(ferm, amount, resolver, time, cookie = cookie) self.ferms_in.append(a) return a def fermentable_byunit(self, name, unit, time): scale = self._addunit([_ismass, _ismassvolume], unit, __name__) self._fermstore(name, unit, scale, time, 'm') # percent of fermentable's mass, not extract's mass def fermentable_bypercent(self, name, percent, time): if percent != self.THEREST: if percent <= 0: raise PilotError('grain percentage must be ' + 'positive (it is a fun thing!)') if sum([x.get_amount() for x in self.ferms_in if x.cookie == 'p']) + percent > 100.0001: raise PilotError('captain, I cannot change the' + ' laws of math; 100% fermentables max!') self._fermstore(name, percent, None, time, 'p' if percent != self.THEREST else 'r') # indicate that we want to "borrow" some wort at the preboil stage # for e.g. building starters. def steal_preboil_wort(self, vol, strength): checktypes([(vol, Volume), (strength, Strength)]) self.input['stolen_wort'].set_volstrength(vol, strength) def _fermentable_percentage(self, what, theoretical=False): f = what.obj percent = f.extract.cgai() if f.conversion and not theoretical: percent *= getparam('mash_efficiency')/100.0 return percent def _fermentable_extract(self, what, theoretical=False): return _Mass(what.get_amount() * self._fermentable_percentage(what, theoretical)/100.0) def _fermentables_bytimespec(self, when): spec = timespec.stage2timespec[when] return [x for x in self.fermentables \ if x.time.__class__ in spec] def _fermentables_massof(self, fermlist): return sum(x.get_amount() for x in fermlist) def _fermfilter(self, sel): return [x for x in self.ferms_in if x.cookie in tuple(sel)] def _extract_bytimespec(self, stage, theoretical=False): assert(stage in Timespec.stages) return _Mass(sum([self._fermentable_extract(x, theoretical) \ for x in self._fermentables_bytimespec(stage)])) def _sanity_check(self): # XXX: none at the time pass # set initial guesses for fermentables def _dofermentables_preprocess(self): rlst, plst = self._fermfilter('r'), self._fermfilter('p') if len(rlst + plst) == 0: return ptot = sum([x.get_amount() for x in plst]) if len(rlst) == 0: if abs(ptot - 100.) > .00001: raise PilotError('need 100% fermentables. ' + 'literally forgot "rest"?') return missing = 100. - ptot if missing > .000001: for f in rlst: f.set_amount(missing / len(rlst)) # note: by-percent fermentables are 100% here. # all fermentables (if by-mass are specified) # might be over. we'll adjust the guess for # "rest" later so that sum of fermentables is 100%. assert(abs(sum([x.get_amount() for x in rlst+plst]) - 100.) < .000001) def _dofermentables_bypercent(self, ferms): # # # Calculate fermentables given as percentages + strength. # # We do it iteratively, since analytically figuring out # a loss-function is "difficult" (it depends on the # strength, stage the fermentable is added at, amount # of hop thirst, etc). # # # Guess extract we get from "bymass" fermentables. mext = _Mass(sum([self._fermentable_extract(x) for x in ferms])) extract = self._final_extract() + self.fermentable_extadj # set the amount of extract we need from by-percent # fermentables (= total - yield_bymass) # per-mass additions if mext > extract: raise PilotError('strength anchor and ' 'by-mass addition mismatch (overshooting strength)') extract -= mext # produce one best-current-guess for fermentable masses. def guess(f_in): allp = self._fermfilter(('r', 'p')) # solve for the total mass of fermentables # we need to reach our extract goal: # # extract = yield1 * m1 + yield2 * m2 + ... # where yieldn = whatever extract we get out of the # mass (e.g. ~80% for honey, 100% # for white sugar, masheff * extract # for malts, ...) # and mn = %n * totmass # and then solve: totmass = extract / (sum(yieldn*pn)) thesum = sum([self._fermentable_percentage(x)/100.0 * x.get_amount()/100.0 for x in allp]) totmass = _Mass(extract / thesum) f_out = [] f_out += f_in # set the masses of each individual fermentable for x in allp: # limit mass to 0.1g accuracy m = (int(10000*(x.get_amount()/100.0 * totmass)) / 10000.0) n = copy.copy(x) # save original percent in info for later = x.get_amount() n.set_amount(_Mass(m)) f_out.append(n) return f_out # handle the situation where we have: # 1) mixed mass/percent fermentable quantities # AND # 2) one or more "rest" grains # # adjust the non-rest percentages to be as specified. # not sure if this could be solved analytically instead of # with iteration, but, as usual, my head started hurting # when thinking about it. # # we need to both reduce "rest" until the sum of the # percentages is 100% (otherwise the fixed percentages # are
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Automatically generated by Colaboratory. Original file is located at Package Imports """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from collections import Counter # imports for Part II from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn import svm from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.ensemble import VotingClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from numpy.linalg import norm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt """# **Part I** ### 1. K-NearestNeighbour Algorithm """ def KNN(X_train, X_test, y_train, k=8): """:type X_train: numpy.ndarray :type X_test: numpy.ndarray :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :rtype: numpy.ndarray""" X_train = X_train.to_numpy() X_test = X_test.to_numpy() y_train = y_train.to_numpy() y_pred = [] distance = [np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(X_train, X_test[i])),axis=1)) for i in range(len(X_test))] distance = np.asarray(distance) for i in range(0,distance.shape[0]): distance_value = distance[i] indexes = distance_value.argsort() class_pred = y_train[indexes] mode = Counter(class_pred[0:k]) y_pred.append(mode.most_common(1)[0][0]) return y_pred """### 2. Random Forest""" def RandomForest(X_train, Y_train, X_test): """:type X_train: numpy.ndarray :type X_test: numpy.ndarray :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :rtype: numpy.ndarray""" class RandomForestClassifier: def __init__(self, X, y, max_samples, max_features=10, n_estimators=10, max_depth=6, min_samples_leaf=1): np.random.seed(50) self.X, self.y = X, y self.n_estimators = n_estimators # Number of Trees in a forest, default = 20 self.max_depth = max_depth # Maximum depth of a tree, default = None. self.max_features = max_features # Maximum number of features to pass onto each tree. self.min_sample_leaf = min_samples_leaf # Minimum number of samples to be present in a leaf. self.max_samples = max_samples # Maximum random samples to draw from X. self.unique_elements = np.unique(self.y) self.trees = [self.grow_tree() for tree in range(n_estimators)] def grow_tree(self): # Convert to fit if to pass only X and y indices = np.random.permutation(len(self.y))[:self.max_samples] feature_indices = np.random.permutation(self.X.shape[1])[:self.max_features] tree = DecisionTree(self.X.iloc[indices], self.y.iloc[indices], self.unique_elements, self.max_features, feature_indices, indices=np.array(range(self.max_samples)), max_depth=self.max_depth, min_sample_leaf = self.min_sample_leaf) return tree def predict(self, X_test): predicted = [tree.predict(X_test) for tree in self.trees] column_mode = pd.DataFrame(predicted) mode_df = [] for x in column_mode.columns: mode = Counter(column_mode[x]) mode = mode.most_common()[0][0] mode = mode_df.append(mode) self.random_forest_predictions = pd.DataFrame(mode_df) self.random_forest_predictions = (self.random_forest_predictions.reset_index(drop=True)).to_numpy() return self.random_forest_predictions def calculate_accuracy(self, y_test): y_test = (y_test.reset_index(drop=True)).to_numpy() accuracy = np.sum(np.where(self.random_forest_predictions.flatten()==y_test.flatten(),1,0))/(len(y_test)) return accuracy*100 class DecisionTree: def __init__(self, X, y, master_unique_elements, max_features, feature_indices, indices, max_depth, min_sample_leaf): self.X = X self.y = y self.max_features = max_features self.indices = indices self.feature_indices = feature_indices self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_sample_leaf = min_sample_leaf self.m = len(indices) # Number of samples self.n = X.shape[1] # Number of features self.master_unique_elements = master_unique_elements self.unique_elements = list(set(self.y)) self.target_count = [self.unique_elements.count(target) for target in self.master_unique_elements] self.score = float('inf') # Initiating a Inf Score self.classify = float('inf') if len(np.unique(self.y.values[self.indices])) == 1 or (self.max_depth <= 0) or (len(self.indices) <= min_sample_leaf): # self.classify = self.classification(y.values[self.indices]) else: self.grow_tree() def split_data(self): return self.X.values[self.indices, self.feature_index] def classification(self, y): unique_classes, counts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True) classification = unique_classes[counts.argmax()] return classification def grow_tree(self): for feature_index in range(self.max_features): self.best_split(feature_index) if self.score == float('inf') or self.max_depth <= 0: return data_split = self.split_data() left = np.nonzero(data_split <= self.split_threshold) right = np.nonzero(data_split > self.split_threshold) if len(left)== 0 or len(right) == 0: self.classify = self.classification(self.y.values[self.indices]) left_indices = np.random.permutation(self.X.shape[1])[:self.max_features] right_indices = np.random.permutation(self.X.shape[1])[:self.max_features] self.left = DecisionTree(self.X, self.y, self.master_unique_elements, self.max_features, left_indices, self.indices[left], max_depth=self.max_depth-1, min_sample_leaf=self.min_sample_leaf) self.right = DecisionTree(self.X, self.y, self.master_unique_elements, self.max_features, right_indices, self.indices[right], max_depth=self.max_depth-1, min_sample_leaf=self.min_sample_leaf) def calculate_entropy(self, y): _, counts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True) prob = counts / counts.sum() entropy = sum(prob * -np.log2(prob)) return entropy def calculate_column_entropy(self, below_threshold, above_threshold, y_data_below, y_data_above): n = len(below_threshold) + len(above_threshold) prob_below_threshold = len(below_threshold) / n prob_above_threshold = len(above_threshold) / n overall_entropy = (prob_below_threshold * self.calculate_entropy(y_data_below) + prob_above_threshold * self.calculate_entropy(y_data_above)) return overall_entropy def best_split(self, feature_index): X, y = self.X.values[self.indices, feature_index], self.y.values[self.indices] sorted_indices = np.argsort(X) sort_x, sort_y = X[sorted_indices], y[sorted_indices] # Entropy Calculation for row in range(self.m-1): data_below = sort_x[:row+1] data_above = sort_x[row+1:] current_X = sort_x[row] y_data_below = sort_y[:row+1] y_data_above = sort_y[row+1:] current_score = self.calculate_column_entropy(data_below, data_above, y_data_below, y_data_above) if X[row] == X[row-1]: continue if current_score < self.score: self.feature_index, self.score, self.split_threshold = feature_index, current_score, current_X def predict(self, X_test): X_test = np.array(X_test) predicted = np.array([self.predict_row(predict) for predict in X_test]) return predicted def predict_row(self, predict): if self.max_depth == 0 or self.classify != float('inf'): if self.classify != float('inf'): return self.classify else: return int(self.y[self.indices].mode().sample(1)) predicted = self.left if predict[self.feature_index] <= self.split_threshold else self.right return predicted.predict_row(predict) random_forest_classifier = RandomForestClassifier(X_train, Y_train, 950, 30, 20, 11) y_pred = random_forest_classifier.predict(X_test) # print("Accuracy of Random Forest: " + str(random_forest_classifier.calculate_accuracy(y_test))) return y_pred """### 3. PCA""" def PCA(X_train, N): """ :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :type N: int :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ covariance_matrix = np.cov(X_train.T) eigen_values, eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eig(covariance_matrix) eigen_pairs = [] for i in range(0,len(eigen_values)): eigen_pairs.append([np.abs(eigen_values[i]), eigen_vectors[:,i]]) eigen_pairs.sort(reverse = True) result = 0 for i in eigen_pairs: if (i[0]/sum(eigen_values) * 100 > 1): result+=i[0]/sum(eigen_values) * 100 transformed_matrix = [] for i in range(0,N): transformed_matrix.append(eigen_pairs[i][1]) transformed_matrix = np.asarray(transformed_matrix) transformed_matrix = transformed_matrix.reshape(len(data.columns)-1,N) Y = return Y """### 4. K-Means Clustering""" def Kmeans(X_train, N): """:type X_train: numpy.ndarray :type N: int :rtype: List[numpy.ndarray]""" input_X = np.array(X_train) centroids = input_X[np.random.choice(input_X.shape[0], N, replace=False)] for i in range(200): old_centroids = centroids distance = np.zeros((input_X.shape[0], N)) intermediate_centroids = np.zeros((N, input_X.shape[1])) for i in range(N): row_norm = norm(input_X - old_centroids[i, :], axis=1) distance[:, i] = np.square(row_norm) classes = np.argmin(distance, axis=1) for j in range(N): intermediate_centroids[j, :] = np.mean(input_X[classes == j, :], axis=0) centroids = intermediate_centroids if np.all(old_centroids == centroids): break cluster_list = [input_X[classes == i] for i in range(N)] return cluster_list def Accuracy(y_true, y_pred): """:type y_true: numpy.ndarray :type y_pred: numpy.ndarray :rtype: float""" accuracy = 0 for true, pred in zip(y_true,y_pred): if true == pred: accuracy += 1 return (accuracy/len(y_true) * 100) """### 6. Recall""" def Recall(y_true, y_pred): """:type y_true: numpy.ndarray :type y_pred: numpy.ndarray :rtype: float""" confusion_matrix = ConfusionMatrix(y_true,y_pred) rows, columns = confusion_matrix.shape total_sum = 0 for label in range(columns): row = confusion_matrix[label, :] a = confusion_matrix[label, label] / row.sum() total_sum += a return total_sum / columns """### 7. Precision""" def Precision(y_true, y_pred): """:type y_true: numpy.ndarray :type y_pred: numpy.ndarray :rtype: float""" confusion_matrix = ConfusionMatrix(y_true,y_pred) rows, columns = confusion_matrix.shape total_sum = 0 for label in range(rows): col = confusion_matrix[:, label] a = confusion_matrix[label, label] / col.sum() total_sum += a return total_sum / rows """### 8. Within Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS)""" def WCSS(clusters): """:Clusters List[numpy.ndarray] :rtype: float""" wcss = 0 m = 0 for x in clusters: wcss+= np.sum(np.square((np.subtract(np.mean(x,axis=0),clusters[m])))) m+=1 return wcss """# **Part II** ### Implementation of Supervised Algorithms: SVM, Logistics Regression, Decision Tree, and KNN using Scikit-learn """ def SklearnSupervisedLearning(X_train, Y_train, X_test): """:type X_train: numpy.ndarray :type X_test: numpy.ndarray :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :rtype: List[numpy.ndarray]""" y_preds = [] # SVM implementation in Sklearn svm = SVC(kernel='rbf', C = 10, gamma=1) svm_model =, Y_train) svm_pred = svm_model.predict(X_test) # Logistic Regression implementation using Sklearn. logistic_regression = LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000,C=50) logistic_model =, Y_train) logistic_pred = logistic_model.predict(X_test) # Decision Tree implementation using Sklearn gini_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion="gini", random_state=100, max_depth=7, min_samples_leaf=5) decisiontree_model =, Y_train) decision_tree_pred = decisiontree_model.predict(X_test) # KNN implementation using Sklearn knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=8) knn_model =, Y_train) knn_pred = knn.predict(X_test) # List of predictions by Sklearn Models y_preds = [svm_pred, logistic_pred, decision_tree_pred, knn_pred] return y_preds """### Ensemble model using the voting classifier""" def SklearnVotingClassifier(X_train, Y_train, X_test): """:type X_train: numpy.ndarray :type X_test: numpy.ndarray :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :rtype: List[numpy.ndarray]""" estimators = [] svm = SVC(kernel='rbf', C = 10, gamma=1) estimators.append(('svm', svm)) svm_model =, y_train) svm_pred = svm_model.predict(X_test) logistic_regression = LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000, C=50) estimators.append(('logistic', logistic_regression)) logistic_model =, y_train) logistic_pred = logistic_model.predict(X_test) gini_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion="gini", random_state=42, max_depth=8, min_samples_leaf=5) estimators.append(('decision', gini_tree)) decisiontree_model =, y_train) decision_tree_pred = decisiontree_model.predict(X_test) knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=8) estimators.append(('knn', knn)) knn_model =, y_train) knn_pred = knn_model.predict(X_test) ensemble = VotingClassifier(estimators) ensemble_model =, y_train) ensemble_pred = ensemble_model.predict(X_test) y_preds = [logistic_pred, decision_tree_pred, svm_pred, knn_pred, ensemble_pred] return y_preds """### Confusion Matrix""" def ConfusionMatrix(y_true, y_pred): """:type y_true: numpy.ndarray :type y_pred: numpy.ndarray :rtype: float""" result = np.zeros((12, 12)) for i, j in zip(y_true, y_pred): i = int(i) j = int(j) result[i][j] += 1 result = np.delete(result, (0), axis=0) result = np.delete(result, (0), axis=1) return result def confusion_matrix_plot(confusion_matrix, ax): ax.imshow(np.array(confusion_matrix), cmap=plt.get_cmap("Pastel1"), interpolation='nearest') for x in range(len(confusion_matrix)): for y in range(len(confusion_matrix[0])): ax.annotate(int(confusion_matrix[x][y]), xy=(y, x), horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center') ylabels=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11'] xlabels=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11'] ax.set_yticks(range(confusion_matrix.shape[0])) ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) ax.set_xticks(range(confusion_matrix.shape[1])) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels)'classic') def confusion_matrix_plots(y_preds_ensemble): fig,(ax0,ax1, ax2,ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, sharey=False, sharex=False, figsize=(40,50)) fig.patch.set_facecolor('xkcd:white') ax0.set_title('Logistic Confusion Matrix') ax1.set_title('Decision Tree Confusion Matrix') ax2.set_title('SVM Confusion Matrix') ax3.set_title('KNN Confusion Matrix') ax4.set_title('Ensemble Confusion Matrix') confusion_matrix_plot(ConfusionMatrix(y_test,
<reponame>zysszy/Recoder<filename><gh_stars>10-100 import os import javalang #from ast import nodes from graphviz import Digraph import json import pickle from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np from run import * from stringfycode import stringfyRoot from copy import deepcopy import time import io import subprocess from Searchnode import Node linenode = ['Statement_ter', 'BreakStatement_ter', 'ReturnStatement_ter', 'ContinueStatement', 'ContinueStatement_ter', 'LocalVariableDeclaration', 'condition', 'control', 'BreakStatement', 'ContinueStatement', 'ReturnStatement', "parameters", 'StatementExpression', 'return_type'] #os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]="1, 4" def getLocVar(node): varnames = [] if == 'VariableDeclarator': currnode = -1 for x in node.child: if == 'name': currnode = x break varnames.append((currnode.child[0].name, node)) if == 'FormalParameter': currnode = -1 for x in node.child: if == 'name': currnode = x break varnames.append((currnode.child[0].name, node)) if == 'InferredFormalParameter': currnode = -1 for x in node.child: if == 'name': currnode = x break varnames.append((currnode.child[0].name, node)) for x in node.child: varnames.extend(getLocVar(x)) return varnames n = 0 def setid(root): global n = n n += 1 for x in root.child: setid(x) def solveLongTree(root, subroot): global n m = 'None' troot = 'None' for x in root.child: if == 'name': m = x.child[0].name if len(root.getTreestr().strip().split()) >= 1000: tmp = subroot if len(tmp.getTreestr().split()) >= 1000: assert(0) lasttmp = None while True: if len(tmp.getTreestr().split()) >= 1000: break lasttmp = tmp tmp = tmp.father index = tmp.child.index(lasttmp) ansroot = Node(, 0) ansroot.child.append(lasttmp) ansroot.num = 2 + len(lasttmp.getTreestr().strip().split()) while True: b = True afternode = tmp.child.index(ansroot.child[-1]) + 1 if afternode < len(tmp.child) and ansroot.num + tmp.child[afternode].getNum() < 1000: b = False ansroot.child.append(tmp.child[afternode]) ansroot.num += tmp.child[afternode].getNum() prenode = tmp.child.index(ansroot.child[0]) - 1 if prenode >= 0 and ansroot.num + tmp.child[prenode].getNum() < 1000: b = False ansroot.child.append(tmp.child[prenode]) ansroot.num += tmp.child[prenode].getNum() if b: break troot = ansroot else: troot = root n = 0 setid(troot) varnames = getLocVar(troot) fnum = -1 vnum = -1 vardic = {} vardic[m] = 'meth0' typedic = {} for x in varnames: if x[1].name == 'VariableDeclarator': vnum += 1 vardic[x[0]] = 'loc' + str(vnum) t = -1 for s in x[1].father.father.child: #print( if == 'type': t = s.child[0].child[0].child[0].name[:-4] break assert(t != -1) typedic[x[0]] = t else: fnum += 1 vardic[x[0]] = 'par' + str(fnum) t = -1 for s in x[1].child: if == 'type': t = s.child[0].child[0].child[0].name[:-4] break assert(t != -1) typedic[x[0]] = t return troot, vardic, typedic def addter(root): if len(root.child) == 0: += "_ter" for x in root.child: addter(x) return def setProb(r, p): r.possibility = p#max(min(np.random.normal(0.8, 0.1, 10)[0], 1), 0) for x in r.child: setProb(x, p) def getLineNode(root, block, add=True): ans = [] block = block + #print(, 'lll') for x in root.child: if in linenode: if 'info' in x.getTreestr() or 'assert' in x.getTreestr() or 'logger' in x.getTreestr() or 'LOGGER' in x.getTreestr() or 'system.out' in x.getTreestr().lower(): continue x.block = block ans.append(x) else: #print( s = "" if not add: s = block #tmp = getLineNode(x, block) else: s = block + #print(block + + "--------") tmp = getLineNode(x, block) '''if == 'then_statement' and tmp == []: print(tmp) print(x.father.printTree(x.father)) assert(0)''' ans.extend(tmp) return ans def getroottree(tokens, isex=False): root = Node(tokens[0], 0) currnode = root idx = 1 for i, x in enumerate(tokens[1:]): if x != "^": if isinstance(x, tuple): nnode = Node(x[0], idx) nnode.position = x[1] else: nnode = Node(x, idx) nnode.father = currnode currnode.child.append(nnode) currnode = nnode idx += 1 else: currnode = currnode.father return root def ismatch(root, subroot): index = 0 #assert(len(subroot.child) <= len(root.child)) #print(len(subroot.child), len(root.child)) for x in subroot.child: while index < len(root.child) and root.child[index].name != index += 1 if index == len(root.child): return False if not ismatch(root.child[index], x): return False index += 1 return True def findSubtree(root, subroot): if == if ismatch(root, subroot): return root for x in root.child: tmp = findSubtree(x, subroot) if tmp: return tmp return None def generateAST(tree): sub = [] if not tree: return ['None', '^'] if isinstance(tree, str): tmpStr = tree tmpStr = tmpStr.replace(" ", "").replace(":", "") if "\t" in tmpStr or "'" in tmpStr or "\"" in tmpStr: tmpStr = "<string>" if len(tmpStr) == 0: tmpStr = "<empty>" if tmpStr[-1] == "^": tmpStr += "<>" sub.append(tmpStr) sub.append("^") return sub if isinstance(tree, list): if len(tree) == 0: sub.append("empty") sub.append("^") else: for ch in tree: subtree = generateAST(ch) sub.extend(subtree) return sub position = None if hasattr(tree, 'position'): #assert(0) position = tree.position curr = type(tree).__name__ #print(curr) if True: if False: assert(0)#sub.append((str(getLiteral(tree.children))) else: sub.append((curr, position)) try: for x in tree.attrs: if x == "documentation": continue if not getattr(tree, x): continue '''if x == 'prefix_operators': node = getattr(tree, x) print(type(node)) print(len(node)) print(node[0]) assert(0) if type(getattr(tree, x)).__name__ not in nodes: print(type(getattr(tree, x)).__name__) continue''' sub.append(x) node = getattr(tree, x) if isinstance(node, list): if len(node) == 0: sub.append("empty") sub.append("^") else: for ch in node: subtree = generateAST(ch) sub.extend(subtree) elif isinstance(node, javalang.tree.Node): subtree = generateAST(node) sub.extend(subtree) elif not node: continue elif isinstance(node, str): tmpStr = node tmpStr = tmpStr.replace(" ", "").replace(":", "") if "\t" in tmpStr or "'" in tmpStr or "\"" in tmpStr: tmpStr = "<string>" if len(tmpStr) == 0: tmpStr = "<empty>" if tmpStr[-1] == "^": tmpStr += "<>" sub.append(tmpStr) sub.append("^") elif isinstance(node, set): for ch in node: subtree = generateAST(ch) sub.extend(subtree) elif isinstance(node, bool): sub.append(str(node)) sub.append("^") else: print(type(node)) assert(0) sub.append("^") except AttributeError: assert(0) pass sub.append('^') return sub else: print(curr) return sub '''def setProb(root, subroot, prob): root.possibility = max(min(max(root.possibility, prob), 0.98), 0.01) index = 0 assert(len(subroot.child) <= len(root.child)) #print(len(subroot.child), len(root.child)) for x in subroot.child: while root.child[index].name != #print(root.child[index].name, index += 1 setProb(root.child[index], x, prob) index += 1''' def getSubroot(treeroot): currnode = treeroot lnode = None mnode = None while currnode: if in linenode: lnode = currnode break currnode = currnode.father currnode = treeroot while currnode: if == 'MethodDeclaration' or == 'ConstructorDeclaration': mnode = currnode break currnode = currnode.father return lnode, mnode def repair(treeroot, troot, oldcode, filepath, filepath2, patchpath, patchnum, isIf, mode, subroot, vardic, typedic, idxs, testmethods, idss, classname): global aftercode global precode actionlist = solveone(troot.printTreeWithVar(troot, vardic), troot.getTreeProb(troot), model, subroot, vardic, typedic, idxs, idss, classname, mode) for x in actionlist: if x.strip() in patchdict: continue #print('-', x) patchdict[x.strip()] = 1 #print(x.split()) root = getroottree(x.split()) code = stringfyRoot(root, isIf, mode) #print(oldcode) print(precode[-1000:]) print(code) print(aftercode[:1000]) #copycode = deepcopy(liness) #copycode[lineid - 1] = code lnum = 0 for x in code.splitlines(): if x.strip() != "": lnum += 1 else: continue print('lnum', lnum, mode) if lnum == 1 and 'if' in code: if mode == 0: continue afterlines = aftercode.splitlines() lnum = 0 rnum = 0 for p, x in enumerate(afterlines): if '{' in x: lnum += 1 if '}' in x: if lnum == 0: aftercode = "\n".join(afterlines[:p] + ['}'] + afterlines[p:]) #print(aftercode) #assert(0) break lnum -= 1 tmpcode = precode + "\n" + code + aftercode tokens = javalang.tokenizer.tokenize(tmpcode) parser = javalang.parser.Parser(tokens) else: tmpcode = precode + "\n" + code + aftercode tokens = javalang.tokenizer.tokenize(tmpcode) parser = javalang.parser.Parser(tokens) try: tree = parser.parse() except: #assert(0) print(code) continue open(filepath2, "w").write(tmpcode) bugg = False for t in testmethods: cmd = 'defects4j test -w buggy2/ -t %s' % t.strip() Returncode = "" child = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=-1) while_begin = time.time() while True: Flag = child.poll() print(Flag) if Flag == 0: Returncode = child.stdout.readlines() break elif Flag != 0 and time.time() - while_begin > 10: child.kill() break else: time.sleep(1) log = Returncode if len(log) > 0 and log[-1].decode('utf-8') == "Failing tests: 0\n": continue else: bugg = True break if not bugg: print('success') patchnum += 1 wf = open(patchpath + 'patch' + str(patchnum) + ".txt", 'w') wf.write(filepath + "\n") wf.write("-" + oldcode + "\n") wf.write("+" + code + "\n") if patchnum >= 5: return patchnum return patchnum def getNodeById(root, line): if root.position: if root.position.line == line and != 'IfStatement' and != 'ForStatement': return root for x in root.child: t = getNodeById(x, line) if t: return t return None def containID(root): ans = [] if root.position is not None: ans.extend([root.position.line]) for x in root.child: ans.extend(containID(x)) return ans def getAssignMent(root): if == 'Assignment': return root for x in root.child: t = getAssignMent(x) if
"end is restoring the boresight" self.moveBoresight( self.begBoreXYDeg, doWait = False, ) if self.didTakeImage and (self.doWindow or doRestoreBoresight): if print "end is taking a final exposure" exposeCmdDict = self.getExposeCmdDict(doWindow=False) sr.startCmd(**exposeCmdDict) def formatBinFactorArg(self): """Return bin factor argument for expose/centroid/findstars command""" #print "defBinFactor=%r, binFactor=%r" % (self.defBinFactor, self.binFactor) # if defBinFactor None then bin factor cannot be set if self.defBinFactor is None: return "" return "bin=%d" % (self.binFactor,) def formatExposeArgs(self, doWindow=True): """Format arguments for exposure command. Inputs: - doWindow: if true, window the exposure (if permitted) """ argList = [ "time=%s" % (self.expTime,), self.formatBinFactorArg(), self.formatWindowArg(doWindow), ] argList = [arg for arg in argList if arg] return " ".join(argList) def formatWindowArg(self, doWindow=True): """Format window argument for expose/centroid/findstars command. Inputs: - doWindow: if true, window the exposure (if permitted) """ if not doWindow or not self.doWindow: return "" if self.windowIsInclusive: urOffset = self.windowOrigin else: urOffset = self.windowOrigin + 1 windowLL = [self.window[ii] + self.windowOrigin for ii in range(2)] windowUR = [self.window[ii+2] + urOffset for ii in range(2)] return "window=%d,%d,%d,%d" % (windowLL[0], windowLL[1], windowUR[0], windowUR[1]) def getInstInfo(self): """Obtains instrument data. Verifies the correct instrument and sets these attributes: - instScale: x,y image scale in unbinned pixels/degree - instCtr: x,y image center in unbinned pixels - instLim: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax image limits, inclusive, in unbinned pixels - arcsecPerPixel: image scale in arcsec/unbinned pixel; average of x and y scales Raises ScriptError if wrong instrument. """ sr = if self.tccInstPrefix and not sr.debug: # Make sure current instrument is correct try: currInstName = sr.getKeyVar(self.tccModel.inst) except sr.ScriptError: raise sr.ScriptError("current instrument unknown") if not currInstName.lower().startswith(self.tccInstPrefix.lower()): raise sr.ScriptError("%s is not the current instrument (%s)!" % (self.instName, currInstName)) self.instScale = sr.getKeyVar(self.tccModel.iimScale, ind=None) self.instCtr = sr.getKeyVar(self.tccModel.iimCtr, ind=None) self.instLim = sr.getKeyVar(self.tccModel.iimLim, ind=None) else: # data from tcc tinst:I_NA2_DIS.DAT 18-OCT-2006 self.instScale = [-12066.6, 12090.5] # unbinned pixels/deg self.instCtr = [240, 224] self.instLim = [0, 0, 524, 511] self.arcsecPerPixel = 3600.0 * 2 / (abs(self.instScale[0]) + abs(self.instScale[1])) def getEntryNum(self, wdg): """Return the numeric value of a widget, or raise ScriptError if blank. """ numVal = wdg.getNumOrNone() if numVal is not None: return numVal raise + " not specified") def getExposeCmdDict(self, doWindow=True): """Get basic command arument dict for an expose command This includes actor, cmdStr, abortCmdStr """ return dict( actor = self.gcamActor, cmdStr = "expose " + self.formatExposeArgs(doWindow), abortCmdStr = "abort", ) def graphFocusMeas(self, focPosFWHMList, extremeFocPos=None, extremeFWHM=None): """Graph measured fwhm vs focus. Inputs: - focPosFWHMList: list of data items: - focus position (um) - measured FWHM (binned pixels) - extremeFocPos: extremes of focus position - extremeFWHM: extremes of FWHM - setFocRange: adjust displayed focus range? extremes are an Extremes object with .minVal and .maxVal """ # "graphFocusMeas(focPosFWHMList=%s, extremeFocPos=%r, extremeFWHM=%r)" % (focPosFWHMList, extremeFocPos, extremeFWHM) numMeas = len(focPosFWHMList) if numMeas == 0: return focList, fwhmList = zip(*focPosFWHMList) if not self.plotLine: self.plotLine = self.plotAxis.plot(focList, fwhmList, 'bo')[0] else: self.plotLine.set_data(focList[:], fwhmList[:]) self.setGraphRange(extremeFocPos=extremeFocPos, extremeFWHM=extremeFWHM) def initAll(self): """Initialize variables, table and graph. """ # initialize shared variables self.didTakeImage = False self.focDir = None self.currBoreXYDeg = None self.begBoreXYDeg = None self.instScale = None self.arcsecPerPixel = None self.instCtr = None self.instLim = None self.cmdMode = None self.focPosToRestore = None self.expTime = None self.absStarPos = None self.relStarPos = None self.binFactor = None self.window = None # LL pixel is 0, UL pixel is included self.enableCmdBtns(False) def logFitFWHM(self, name, focPos, fwhm): """Log a fit value of FWHM or FWHM error. """ if fwhm is not None: fwhmArcSec = fwhm * self.arcsecPerPixel * self.binFactor else: fwhmArcSec = None dataStrs = ( formatNum(focPos, "%0.0f"), formatNum(fwhm, "%0.1f"), formatNum(fwhmArcSec, "%0.2f"), ) outStr = "%s\t%s" % (name, "\t".join(dataStrs)) self.logWdg.addMsg(outStr) def logStarMeas(self, name, focPos, starMeas): """Log a star measurement. The name should be less than 8 characters long. Any or all data fields in starMeas may be None. Inputs: - focPos: focus position, in um - starMeas: StarMeas object If fwhm is None, it is reported as NaN. """ fwhm = starMeas.fwhm if fwhm is not None: fwhmArcSec = fwhm * self.arcsecPerPixel * self.binFactor else: fwhmArcSec = None if None not in (starMeas.ampl, skyPlusAmpl = starMeas.ampl + else: skyPlusAmpl = None dataStrs = ( formatNum(focPos, "%0.0f"), formatNum(fwhm, "%0.1f"), formatNum(fwhmArcSec, "%0.2f"), formatNum(, "%0.0f"), formatNum(starMeas.ampl, "%0.0f"), formatNum(skyPlusAmpl, "%0.0f"), ) outStr = "%s\t%s" % (name, "\t".join(dataStrs)) self.logWdg.addMsg(outStr) def recordUserParams(self, doStarPos=True): """Record user-set parameters relating to exposures but not to focus Inputs: - doStarPos: if true: save star position and related information; warning: if doStarPos true then there must *be* a valid star position Set the following instance variables: - expTime - centroidRadPix The following are set to None if doStarPos false: - absStarPos - relStarPos - window """ self.expTime = self.getEntryNum(self.expTimeWdg) self.binFactor = self.dispBinFactor centroidRadArcSec = self.getEntryNum(self.centroidRadWdg) self.centroidRadPix = centroidRadArcSec / (self.arcsecPerPixel * self.binFactor) if doStarPos: winRad = self.centroidRadPix * self.WinSizeMult self.absStarPos = [None, None] for ii in range(2): wdg = self.starPosWdgSet[ii] self.absStarPos[ii] = self.getEntryNum(wdg) if self.doWindow: windowMinXY = [max(self.instLim[ii], int(0.5 + self.absStarPos[ii] - winRad)) for ii in range(2)] windowMaxXY = [min(self.instLim[ii-2], int(0.5 + self.absStarPos[ii] + winRad)) for ii in range(2)] self.window = windowMinXY + windowMaxXY self.relStarPos = [self.absStarPos[ii] - windowMinXY[ii] for ii in range(2)] #print "winRad=%s, windowMinXY=%s, relStarPos=%s" % (winRad, windowMinXY, self.relStarPos) else: self.window = None self.relStarPos = self.absStarPos[:] else: self.absStarPos = None self.relStarPos = None self.window = None def run(self, sr): """Run the focus script. """ self.initAll() # fake data for debug mode # iteration #, FWHM self.debugIterFWHM = (1, 2.0) self.getInstInfo() yield self.waitExtraSetup() # open image viewer window, if any if self.imageViewerTLName: self.tuiModel.tlSet.makeVisible(self.imageViewerTLName) focPosFWHMList = [] extremeFocPos = Extremes() extremeFWHM = Extremes() # check that the gcam actor is alive. This is important because # centroid commands can fail due to no actor or no star # so we want to halt in the former case yield sr.waitCmd( actor = self.gcamActor, cmdStr = "ping", ) # command loop; repeat until error or user explicitly presses Stop if self.maxFindAmpl is None: btnStr = "Measure or Sweep" else: btnStr = "Find, Measure or Sweep" waitMsg = "Press %s to continue" % (btnStr,) testNum = 0 while True: # wait for user to press the Expose or Sweep button # note: the only time they should be enabled is during this wait self.enableCmdBtns(True) sr.showMsg(waitMsg, RO.Constants.sevWarning) yield sr.waitUser() self.enableCmdBtns(False) if self.cmdMode == self.cmd_Sweep: break if testNum == 0: self.clearGraph() if self.maxFindAmpl is None: self.logWdg.addMsg("===== Measure =====") else: self.logWdg.addMsg("===== Find/Measure =====") testNum += 1 focPos = float(self.centerFocPosWdg.get()) if focPos is None: raise sr.ScriptError("must specify center focus") yield self.waitSetFocus(focPos, False) if self.cmdMode == self.cmd_Measure: cmdName = "Meas" self.recordUserParams(doStarPos=True) yield self.waitCentroid() elif self.cmdMode == self.cmd_Find: cmdName = "Find" self.recordUserParams(doStarPos=False) yield self.waitFindStar() starData = sr.value if starData.xyPos is not None: sr.showMsg("Found star at %0.1f, %0.1f" % tuple(starData.xyPos)) self.setStarPos(starData.xyPos) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown command mode: %r" % (self.cmdMode,)) starMeas = sr.value self.logStarMeas("%s %d" % (cmdName, testNum,), focPos, starMeas) fwhm = starMeas.fwhm if fwhm is None: waitMsg = "No star found! Fix and then press %s" % (btnStr,) self.setGraphRange(extremeFocPos=extremeFocPos) else: extremeFocPos.addVal(focPos) extremeFWHM.addVal(starMeas.fwhm) focPosFWHMList.append((focPos, fwhm)) self.graphFocusMeas(focPosFWHMList, extremeFocPos, extremeFWHM) waitMsg = "%s done; press %s to continue" % (cmdName, btnStr,) self.recordUserParams(doStarPos=True) yield self.waitFocusSweep() doRestoreBoresight = self.begBoreXYDeg != self.currBoreXYDeg if doRestoreBoresight: yield self.moveBoresight( self.begBoreXYDeg, msgStr ="Restoring original boresight position", doWait = True, ) if self.didTakeImage and (self.doWindow or doRestoreBoresight): self.didTakeImage = False # to prevent end from taking another image"Taking a final image") exposeCmdDict = self.getExposeCmdDict(doWindow=False) yield sr.waitCmd(**exposeCmdDict) def setCurrFocus(self, *args): """Set center focus to current focus. """ currFocus =, defVal=None) if currFocus is None:"Current focus not known", severity=RO.Constants.sevWarning, ) return self.centerFocPosWdg.set(currFocus)"") def setGraphRange(self, extremeFocPos=None, extremeFWHM=None): """Sets the displayed range of the graph. Inputs: - extremeFocPos: focus extremes - extremeFWHM: FWHM extremes """ # "setGraphRange(extremeFocPos=%s, extremeFWHM=%s)"
= feeders[feeders['id_f'] == inbound] #st.write("handle*Id, feeders_1= ", feeders_1) feeders_1['id_f_nf'] = feeders_1['id_f'] + '_' + feeders_1['id_nf'] # extract these outgoings from the FSU database # if outbounds has ids not in fsu, this approach will not work fsu_outbound = pd.merge(fsu, outbounds, how='inner', left_on='id', right_on='id_nf') fsu_outbound['id_f_nf'] = fsu_outbound['id_f'] + '_' + fsu_outbound['id_nf'] #st.write("fsu_outbound= ", fsu_outbound) fsu_pax = pd.merge(fsu_outbound, feeders_1, how='inner', left_on='id_f_nf', right_on='id_f_nf') #st.write("top level: fsu_pax.shape: ", fsu_pax.shape) #fsu_outbound.to_csv("outbound_cityGraph.csv", index=0) fsu_pax.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) #st.write("fsu_pax= ", fsu_pax) # Compute connection time (inbound.IN - outbound.sch_dep) id_f = fsu_pax.id_f_x id_nf = fsu_pax.id_nf_x # Node metadata fsu_pax['dep_delay'] = (fsu_pax.OUT_DTMZ - fsu_pax.SCH_DEP_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 if only_keep_late_dep: fsu_pax = fsu_pax[fsu_pax['dep_delay'] > 0] dep_delay = (fsu_pax.OUT_DTMZ - fsu_pax.SCH_DEP_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 arr_delay = (fsu_pax.IN_DTMZ - fsu_pax.SCH_ARR_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 # outbound flt_num = fsu_pax.FLT_NUM tail = fsu_pax.TAIL od = fsu_pax.OD sch_dep_tmz = fsu_pax.SCH_DEP_TMZ sch_arr_tmz = fsu_pax.SCH_ARR_TMZ node_nf_dict = {'id':id_nf, 'arr_delay':arr_delay, 'dep_delay':dep_delay, 'od':od, 'FLT_NUM':flt_num, 'TAIL':tail, 'SCH_DEP_TMZ':sch_dep_tmz, 'SCH_ARR_TMZ':sch_arr_tmz} d_nf = pd.DataFrame(node_nf_dict) #st.write("d_nf= ", d_nf) # Add feeder row # Find inbound in FSU data # fsu_inbound is a Series. Another way to access : fsu_inbound.loc['SCH_DEP_DTMZ',0] #st.write("fsu_inbound= ", fsu_inbound) # I removed the transpose. Not clear why. #dep_delay = (fsu_inbound.OUT_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.transpose().SCH_DEP_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 dep_delay = (fsu_inbound.OUT_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.SCH_DEP_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 arr_delay = (fsu_inbound.IN_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.SCH_ARR_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 # outbound dep_delay = dep_delay.values[0] # Must fix this. Not clear why needed here. arr_delay = arr_delay.values[0] od = fsu_inbound.OD.values[0] # Series flt_num = fsu_inbound.FLT_NUM.values[0] tail = fsu_inbound.TAIL.values[0] #### IT is zero on second level of inbound flights to PTY. WHY? (2021-06-09) #st.write("fsu_pax.shape: ", fsu_pax.shape) if fsu_pax.shape[0] == 0: continue #st.write("fsu_inbound: ", fsu_inbound.SCH_DEP_TMZ) #st.write("inbound: " , flight_id) #st.write("fsu_pax: ", fsu_pax[['id','SCH_DEP_TMZ']]) #sch_dep_tmz = fsu_pax.SCH_DEP_TMZ.values[0] #sch_arr_tmz = fsu_pax.SCH_ARR_TMZ.values[0] sch_dep_tmz = fsu_inbound.SCH_DEP_TMZ.values[0] sch_arr_tmz = fsu_inbound.SCH_ARR_TMZ.values[0] row_f = {'id':inbound, 'arr_delay':arr_delay, 'dep_delay':dep_delay, 'od':od, 'lev':flight_id_level, 'FLT_NUM':flt_num, 'TAIL':tail, 'SCH_DEP_TMZ':sch_dep_tmz, 'SCH_ARR_TMZ':sch_arr_tmz} #st.write(row_f) #print(type(fsu_inbound)) d_nf.loc[-1] = row_f # drop=True: do not keep the new index column created by default node_df = d_nf.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True) node_df.loc[:,'lev'] = flight_id_level node_df.loc[1:,'lev'] = flight_id_level + 1 # The first node is the feeder # All the other nodes are the outbounds # Create Graph edges and metadata id_f_nf = id_f + "_" + id_nf # Why isn't IN_DTMZ a scalar like in the method handleCitiesGraph()? available = (fsu_outbound.SCH_DEP_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.IN_DTMZ.values[0]) / 1e9 / 60 planned = (fsu_outbound.SCH_DEP_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.SCH_ARR_DTMZ.values[0]) / 1e9 / 60 if debug: st.write("id: ", st.write("inbound arrival: ", fsu_inbound.SCH_ARR_TMZ) st.write("outbound departure: ", fsu_outbound[['id','SCH_DEP_TMZ']]) st.write("planned: ", planned); #pax_id_nf = fsu_pax.id_nf_y #pax_id_f = fsu_pax.id_f_y #pax_avail = (fsu_pax.SCH_DEP_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.IN_DTMZ.values[0]) / 1e9 / 60 #pax_planned = (fsu_pax.SCH_DEP_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.SCH_ARR_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 #if debug: #st.write("pax planned: ", pax_planned); #st.write("planned, pax_planned: ", planned, pax_planned) #st.write("available, pax_avail: ", available, pax_avail) #dfx = pd.DataFrame([pax_id_f, pax_id_nf, pax_avail, pax_planned]).transpose() #st.write("1 node_df: ", node_df) fsux = fsu[fsu['id'] == '2019/10/01SJOPTY10:29459'] fsuy = fsu[fsu['id'] == '2019/10/01PTYTPA14:12393'] delta = planned - available # = IN - SCH_ARR edge_nf_zip = zip(available, planned, delta) id_f = fsu_pax['id_f_y'] id_nf = fsu_pax['id_nf_y'] id_f_nf = fsu_pax['id_f_nf'] edge_df = pd.DataFrame() edge_df = pd.concat([edge_df, id_f_nf, id_f, id_nf], axis=1) #st.write("ID, edge_df: ", edge_df.shape) ## Reorder the columns for clarity edge_df['avail'] = available edge_df['planned'] = planned edge_df['delta'] = delta edge_df['pax'] = fsu_pax.pax_nf #st.write("ID, fsu_pax: ", fsu_pax.shape) ## EDGE correct. Now add metadata: avail, planned, delta # Remove edges and nodes for flights with less available connection time than `delay` # (I could either simplify the graph, or use brushing in the graph. Or both.) # Let us do both. Simplification in this method, and brushing in Altair. #st.write(node_df.columns) #st.write(edge_df.columns) # 1. find all nodes to remove # The passengers that "could" miss their flights have less available time than needed. # We keep the flights that potentially have the most impact on the network #st.write("delay= ", delay) ids_nf_to_keep = edge_df[edge_df['avail'] < delay]['id_nf_y'] #st.write("ID, ids_nf_to_keep: ", ids_nf_to_keep) #st.write("ID, edge_df after filtering delays: ", edge_df.shape) #st.write("ids_nf_to_keep: ", ids_nf_to_keep) # 2. delete nodes from node DataFrame #st.write("node_df: ", node_df) #st.write("edge_df= ", edge_df) #st.write("delay= ", delay) node_df = node_df.set_index('id').loc[ids_nf_to_keep,:].reset_index() #st.write("3 node_df: ", node_df) # EMPTY # Add back the first row that is the feeder (it stays) node_df.loc[-1] = row_f node_df = node_df.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True) # 3. delete edges from edge DataFrame edge_df = edge_df.set_index('id_nf_y').loc[ids_nf_to_keep,:].reset_index() #st.write("ID, last node_df: ", node_df) #st.write("ID, last edge_df: ", edge_df) #st.write("node_df: ", node_df) #st.write("edge_df: ", edge_df) #if nb_search > 0: st.stop() # DEBUGGING #st.write(node_df.shape, edge_df.shape) # Only the first ix #st.write(node_df) #st.write(edge_df) if debug: st.write("edge_df: ", edge_df) #st.write("handle: node_df: ", node_df) return node_df, edge_df #--------------------------------------------------------- def handleCityGraphIdLev2_xxx(flight_id, keep_early_arr, id_list, fsu, bookings_f, feeders, is_print=True, delay=45, flight_id_level=0): """ Given an inbound flight to PTY return the corresponding outbound flighs Return a tuple of Dataframes with node and edges >>> Second tier flights <<< Arguments flight_id_level: level of flight_id in the graph network. The root has level zero. Children of flight_id have level 1, grandchildren of flight_id have level 2. Each leg of a flight increases the level by 1. """ #st.write("enter handleCityGraphId") # I need to return two structures: nodes and edges. # This pair of structures should be returned for each flight I am working with. # Nodes are single IDs with arr and dep times, arr and dep delays. # Edges are double IDs with PAX, rotation, and connection times. #st.write("Enter handleCityGraph") inbound = flight_id #city_inbounds = findCity(bookings_f, city) """ if choice_ix == 'all': min_ix = 0 max_ix = city_inbounds.shape[0] else: min_ix = choice_ix max_ix = choice_ix+1 """ min_ix, max_ix = 0, 1 # For each inbound flight, compute the corresponding outbound flights for which_ix in range(min_ix, max_ix): nodes = [] inbound = pd.DataFrame({'id':[inbound]}) # New, created from method argument try: nodes.append(inbound) fsu_inbound = fsu[fsu['id'] == inbound['id'].values[0]] except: st.write("except") continue inbound_arr_delay = fsu_inbound.ARR_DELAY_MINUTES.values[0] # if the arrival delay of the inbound is negative, the plane arrived early, and the # passengers have time to connect if keep_early_arr == False and inbound_arr_delay < 0: #st.write("continue") ## Must keep keep_early_arrivals to TRUE for now. 2021-06-07. continue # just a collection of 'id_nf' ==> nodes inbound = inbound['id'].values[0] # Series convert to list using .values outbounds = findOutboundIds(id_list, inbound).to_frame() outbounds['id_f'] = inbound nodes.extend(outbounds['id_nf'].tolist()) # This is the list of nodes edges = outbounds['id_nf'].to_frame('e2') # e2 is id_nf edges['e1'] = inbound # e1 is id_f edges['id'] = edges['e1'] + '_' + edges['e2'] # What is left to do is add the metadata to these lists # Nodes: the data comes from FSU files # Edges: the data comes from PAX files # Create a unique id that combines inbound (feeder) and outbound flights # This will allow me to merge two files with feeder/non-feeder columns feeders_1 = feeders[feeders['id_f'] == inbound] feeders_1['id_f_nf'] = feeders_1['id_f'] + '_' + feeders_1['id_nf'] # extract these outgoings from the FSU database # if outbounds has ids not in fsu, this approach will not work fsu_outbound = pd.merge(fsu, outbounds, how='inner', left_on='id', right_on='id_nf') fsu_outbound['id_f_nf'] = fsu_outbound['id_f'] + '_' + fsu_outbound['id_nf'] fsu_pax = pd.merge(fsu_outbound, feeders_1, how='inner', left_on='id_f_nf', right_on='id_f_nf') #st.write("top level: fsu_pax.shape: ", fsu_pax.shape) fsu_pax.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) # Compute connection time (inbound.IN - outbound.sch_dep) id_f = fsu_pax.id_f_x id_nf = fsu_pax.id_nf_x # Node metadata dep_delay = (fsu_pax.OUT_DTMZ - fsu_pax.SCH_DEP_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 arr_delay = (fsu_pax.IN_DTMZ - fsu_pax.SCH_ARR_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 # outbound flt_num = fsu_pax.FLT_NUM tail = fsu_pax.TAIL od = fsu_pax.OD sch_dep_tmz = fsu_pax.SCH_DEP_TMZ sch_arr_tmz = fsu_pax.SCH_ARR_TMZ node_nf_dict = {'id':id_nf, 'arr_delay':arr_delay, 'dep_delay':dep_delay, 'od':od, 'FLT_NUM':flt_num, 'TAIL':tail, 'SCH_DEP_TMZ':sch_dep_tmz, 'SCH_ARR_TMZ':sch_arr_tmz} d_nf = pd.DataFrame(node_nf_dict) #st.write("d_nf= ", d_nf) # Add feeder row # Find inbound in FSU data # fsu_inbound is a Series. Another way to access : fsu_inbound.loc['SCH_DEP_DTMZ',0] #st.write("fsu_inbound= ", fsu_inbound) # I removed the transpose. Not clear why. #dep_delay = (fsu_inbound.OUT_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.transpose().SCH_DEP_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 dep_delay = (fsu_inbound.OUT_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.SCH_DEP_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 arr_delay = (fsu_inbound.IN_DTMZ - fsu_inbound.SCH_ARR_DTMZ) / 1e9 / 60 # outbound dep_delay = dep_delay.values[0] # Must
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Authors: # <NAME> (<EMAIL>) from __future__ import print_function from collections import OrderedDict import nir_algebraic from nir_opcodes import type_sizes import itertools import struct from math import pi # Convenience variables a = 'a' b = 'b' c = 'c' d = 'd' e = 'e' signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_16 = 'nir_is_float_control_signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve(info->float_controls_execution_mode, 16)' signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_32 = 'nir_is_float_control_signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve(info->float_controls_execution_mode, 32)' # Written in the form (<search>, <replace>) where <search> is an expression # and <replace> is either an expression or a value. An expression is # defined as a tuple of the form ([~]<op>, <src0>, <src1>, <src2>, <src3>) # where each source is either an expression or a value. A value can be # either a numeric constant or a string representing a variable name. # # If the opcode in a search expression is prefixed by a '~' character, this # indicates that the operation is inexact. Such operations will only get # applied to SSA values that do not have the exact bit set. This should be # used by by any optimizations that are not bit-for-bit exact. It should not, # however, be used for backend-requested lowering operations as those need to # happen regardless of precision. # # Variable names are specified as "[#]name[@type][(cond)][.swiz]" where: # "#" indicates that the given variable will only match constants, # type indicates that the given variable will only match values from ALU # instructions with the given output type, # (cond) specifies an additional condition function (see nir_search_helpers.h), # swiz is a swizzle applied to the variable (only in the <replace> expression) # # For constants, you have to be careful to make sure that it is the right # type because python is unaware of the source and destination types of the # opcodes. # # All expression types can have a bit-size specified. For opcodes, this # looks like "op@32", for variables it is "a@32" or "a@uint32" to specify a # type and size. In the search half of the expression this indicates that it # should only match that particular bit-size. In the replace half of the # expression this indicates that the constructed value should have that # bit-size. # # If the opcode in a replacement expression is prefixed by a '!' character, # this indicated that the new expression will be marked exact. # # A special condition "many-comm-expr" can be used with expressions to note # that the expression and its subexpressions have more commutative expressions # than nir_replace_instr can handle. If this special condition is needed with # another condition, the two can be separated by a comma (e.g., # "(many-comm-expr,is_used_once)"). # based on def lowered_sincos(c): x = ('fsub', ('fmul', 2.0, ('ffract', ('fadd', ('fmul', 0.5 / pi, a), c))), 1.0) x = ('fmul', ('fsub', x, ('fmul', x, ('fabs', x))), 4.0) return ('ffma', ('ffma', x, ('fabs', x), ('fneg', x)), 0.225, x) def intBitsToFloat(i): return struct.unpack('!f', struct.pack('!I', i))[0] optimizations = [ (('imul', a, '#b(is_pos_power_of_two)'), ('ishl', a, ('find_lsb', b)), '!options->lower_bitops'), (('imul', a, '#b(is_neg_power_of_two)'), ('ineg', ('ishl', a, ('find_lsb', ('iabs', b)))), '!options->lower_bitops'), (('ishl', a, '#b'), ('imul', a, ('ishl', 1, b)), 'options->lower_bitops'), (('unpack_64_2x32_split_x', ('imul_2x32_64(is_used_once)', a, b)), ('imul', a, b)), (('unpack_64_2x32_split_x', ('umul_2x32_64(is_used_once)', a, b)), ('imul', a, b)), (('imul_2x32_64', a, b), ('pack_64_2x32_split', ('imul', a, b), ('imul_high', a, b)), 'options->lower_mul_2x32_64'), (('umul_2x32_64', a, b), ('pack_64_2x32_split', ('imul', a, b), ('umul_high', a, b)), 'options->lower_mul_2x32_64'), (('udiv', a, 1), a), (('idiv', a, 1), a), (('umod', a, 1), 0), (('imod', a, 1), 0), (('imod', a, -1), 0), (('irem', a, 1), 0), (('irem', a, -1), 0), (('udiv', a, '#b(is_pos_power_of_two)'), ('ushr', a, ('find_lsb', b)), '!options->lower_bitops'), (('idiv', a, '#b(is_pos_power_of_two)'), ('imul', ('isign', a), ('ushr', ('iabs', a), ('find_lsb', b))), '!options->lower_bitops'), (('idiv', a, '#b(is_neg_power_of_two)'), ('ineg', ('imul', ('isign', a), ('ushr', ('iabs', a), ('find_lsb', ('iabs', b))))), '!options->lower_bitops'), (('umod', a, '#b(is_pos_power_of_two)'), ('iand', a, ('isub', b, 1))), (('imod', a, '#b(is_pos_power_of_two)'), ('iand', a, ('isub', b, 1))), (('imod', a, '#b(is_neg_power_of_two)'), ('ior', a, b)), (('irem', a, '#b(is_pos_power_of_two)'), ('bcsel', ('ige', a, 0), ('iand', a, ('isub', b, 1)), ('ior', a, ('ineg', b)))), (('irem', a, '#b(is_neg_power_of_two)'), ('bcsel', ('ige', a, 0), ('iand', a, ('inot', b)), ('ior', a, b))), (('~fneg', ('fneg', a)), a), (('ineg', ('ineg', a)), a), (('fabs', ('fneg', a)), ('fabs', a)), (('fabs', ('u2f', a)), ('u2f', a)), (('iabs', ('iabs', a)), ('iabs', a)), (('iabs', ('ineg', a)), ('iabs', a)), (('f2b', ('fneg', a)), ('f2b', a)), (('i2b', ('ineg', a)), ('i2b', a)), (('~fadd', a, 0.0), a), # a+0.0 is 'a' unless 'a' is denormal or -0.0. If it's only used by a # floating point instruction, they should flush any input denormals and we # can replace -0.0 with 0.0 if the float execution mode allows it. (('fadd(is_only_used_as_float)', 'a@16', 0.0), a, '!'+signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_16), (('fadd(is_only_used_as_float)', 'a@32', 0.0), a, '!'+signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_32), (('iadd', a, 0), a), (('usadd_4x8', a, 0), a), (('usadd_4x8', a, ~0), ~0), (('~fadd', ('fmul', a, b), ('fmul', a, c)), ('fmul', a, ('fadd', b, c))), (('iadd', ('imul', a, b), ('imul', a, c)), ('imul', a, ('iadd', b, c))), (('iand', ('ior', a, b), ('ior', a, c)), ('ior', a, ('iand', b, c))), (('ior', ('iand', a, b), ('iand', a, c)), ('iand', a, ('ior', b, c))), (('~fadd', ('fneg', a), a), 0.0), (('iadd', ('ineg', a), a), 0), (('iadd', ('ineg', a), ('iadd', a, b)), b), (('iadd', a, ('iadd', ('ineg', a), b)), b), (('~fadd', ('fneg', a), ('fadd', a, b)), b), (('~fadd', a, ('fadd', ('fneg', a), b)), b), (('fadd', ('fsat', a), ('fsat', ('fneg', a))), ('fsat', ('fabs', a))), (('~fmul', a, 0.0), 0.0), # The only effect a*0.0 should have is when 'a' is infinity, -0.0 or NaN (('fmul', 'a@16', 0.0), 0.0, '!'+signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_16), (('fmul', 'a@32', 0.0), 0.0, '!'+signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_32), (('imul', a, 0), 0), (('umul_unorm_4x8', a, 0), 0), (('umul_unorm_4x8', a, ~0), a), (('~fmul', a, 1.0), a), # The only effect a*1.0 can have is flushing denormals. If it's only used by # a floating point instruction, they should flush any input denormals and # this multiplication isn't needed. (('fmul(is_only_used_as_float)', a, 1.0), a), (('imul', a, 1), a), (('fmul', a, -1.0), ('fneg', a)), (('imul', a, -1), ('ineg', a)), # If a < 0: fsign(a)*a*a => -1*a*a => -a*a => abs(a)*a # If a > 0: fsign(a)*a*a => 1*a*a => a*a => abs(a)*a # If a == 0: fsign(a)*a*a => 0*0*0 => abs(0)*0 # If a != a: fsign(a)*a*a => 0*NaN*NaN => abs(NaN)*NaN (('fmul', ('fsign', a), ('fmul', a, a)), ('fmul', ('fabs', a), a)), (('fmul', ('fmul', ('fsign', a), a), a), ('fmul', ('fabs', a), a)), (('~ffma', 0.0, a, b), b), (('ffma@16(is_only_used_as_float)', 0.0, a, b), b, '!'+signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_16), (('ffma@32(is_only_used_as_float)', 0.0, a, b), b, '!'+signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_32), (('~ffma', a, b, 0.0), ('fmul', a, b)), (('ffma@16', a, b, 0.0), ('fmul', a, b), '!'+signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_16), (('ffma@32', a, b, 0.0), ('fmul', a, b), '!'+signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_32), (('ffma', 1.0, a, b), ('fadd', a, b)), (('ffma', -1.0, a, b), ('fadd', ('fneg', a), b)), (('~flrp', a, b, 0.0), a), (('~flrp', a, b, 1.0), b), (('~flrp', a, a, b), a), (('~flrp', 0.0, a, b), ('fmul', a, b)), # flrp(a, a + b, c) => a + flrp(0, b, c) => a + (b * c) (('~flrp', a, ('fadd(is_used_once)', a, b), c), ('fadd', ('fmul', b, c), a)), ] # Float sizes for s in [16, 32, 64]: optimizations.extend([ (('~flrp@{}'.format(s), a, b, ('b2f', 'c@1')), ('bcsel', c, b, a), 'options->lower_flrp{}'.format(s)), (('~flrp@{}'.format(s), a, ('fadd', a, b), c), ('fadd', ('fmul', b, c), a), 'options->lower_flrp{}'.format(s)), (('~flrp@{}'.format(s), ('fadd', a, b), ('fadd', a, c), d), ('fadd', ('flrp',
if try_times > connect_try: break msg_from_client_str = str(msg_from_client.decode('utf-8')) print(msg_from_client_str + " " + "try_time: " + str(try_times)) # try_times = try_times + 1 matched = re.match(legal_pattern, msg_from_client_str) if matched is not None: break if not msg_from_client: break response = "403 " + "Message-error!" conn.send(bytes(response, 'utf-8')) msg_from_client = conn.recv(4096) try_times = try_times + 1 # msg_from_client_str = str(msg_from_client.decode('utf-8')) if matched is None: conn.close() lock.acquire() # lock.release() tmp = dictionary['running_number'] tmp = tmp - 1 dictionary['running_number'] = tmp lock.release() return print("connect success!") measure = pre_list = measure.split(" ") measure_s = pre_list[0] + 'S' + pre_list[-1] measure_t = pre_list[0] + 'T' + pre_list[-1] measure_up = pre_list[0] + 'U' + pre_list[-1] measure_write = pre_list[0] + 'W' + pre_list[-1] lock.acquire() # lock.release() tmp_running = dictionary['running_number'] lock.release() res_pool = pool_size - tmp_running response = "400 " + pre_list[0] + " " + pre_list[-1] + " " + str(res_pool) conn.send(bytes(response, 'utf-8')) catched_job = pre_list[0] catched_job = catched_job.lower() if catched_job == 'xce': aim_ns = 'xception-' + pre_list[-1] + '-' + pre_list[-1] else: aim_ns = catched_job + "-" + pre_list[-1] + "-" + pre_list[-1] #/tfdata/k8snfs/setfix/ job_con_path = "/tfdata/k8snfs/setad2/%s/%s.json" % (aim_ns, aim_ns) # job_con_path = "/tfdata/k8snfs/%s/%s.json" % (aim_ns, aim_ns) job_config = load_config(job_con_path) print("load job config success!!") # allow_path = "/tfdata/k8snfs/%s/%s.json" % (aim_ns, measure_t) allow_path = "/tfdata/k8snfs/setad2/%s/%s.json" % (aim_ns, measure_t) # allow_path2 = "/tfdata/k8snfs/%s/%s_r.json" % (measure_t,measure_t) allow_p, created = check_path(aim_ns) print(allow_p) if created: allow_read = {} # allow_readr = {} allow_read['OK'] = True allow_read['retry'] = job_config['retry'] save_config2(allow_read, allow_path) # save_config2(allow_readr,allow_path2) if not os.path.exists(allow_path): allow_read = {} # allow_readr = {} allow_read['OK'] = True allow_read['retry'] = job_config['retry'] save_config2(allow_read, allow_path) ns_list = get_ns(v1) ceshi_count = 0 ceshi_in = False while True: if ceshi_count > 35: break ns_list = get_ns(v1) write_ss = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_write + " order by desc limit 1") key_write = write_ss.keys() print(key_write[:]) write_inter = write_ss[key_write[0]] write_items = list(write_inter) print(write_items[:]) write_now = int(write_items[0]['modulate']) if aim_ns not in ns_list and (write_now == 0): ceshi_count += 1 time.sleep(15) else: ceshi_in = True break if not ceshi_in: conn.close() lock.acquire() # lock.release() tmp = dictionary['running_number'] tmp = tmp - 1 dictionary['running_number'] = tmp lock.release() print("namespace created error!") return result = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_t + " order by desc limit 1") key = result.keys() print(key) result_inter = result[key[0]] result_items = list(result_inter) print(result_items) trains_step = int(result_items[0]['training_step']) tmp_item = dict(result_items[0]) key_tmp = tmp_item.keys() if 'retry' not in key_tmp: retry_now = int(job_config['retry']) else: retry_now = int(result_items[0]['retry']) allow_read = load_config(allow_path) print("Reload success!!") allow_read['retry'] = retry_now # 'ps_replicas': job.ps_replicas, # 'worker_replicas': job.worker_replicas if 'ps' not in key_tmp: ps_now = int(job_config['ps_replicas']) else: ps_now = int(result_items[0]['ps']) if 'worker' not in key_tmp: worker_now = int(job_config['worker_replicas']) else: worker_now = int(result_items[0]['worker']) allow_read['worker'] = worker_now allow_read['ps'] = ps_now save_config2(allow_read, allow_path) print("save success!!") result2 = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_up + " order by desc limit 1") key2 = result2.keys() print(key2) result_inter2 = result2[key2[0]] result_items2 = list(result_inter2) print(result_items2) retry_top = int(result_items2[0]['retry']) print(retry_top) print(type(retry_top)) print(retry_now) print(type(retry_now)) if retry_top != retry_now: new_ps = int(result_items2[0]['ps']) new_worker = int(result_items2[0]['worker']) trains_step = math.ceil(trains_step * worker_now / new_worker) allow_read = load_config(allow_path) allow_read['retry'] = retry_top allow_read['ps'] = new_ps allow_read['worker'] = new_worker save_config2(allow_read, allow_path) print("saved successful!!") print(trains_step) modekk = 0 if trains_step <= 200: step_items = [ { 'measurement': measure_t, 'tags': { 'task': int(pre_list[-1]), 'runtimes': int(pre_list[-1]), 'retry': int(retry_top) }, 'fields': { 'training_step': int(trains_step), 'ps': int(allow_read['ps']), 'worker': int(allow_read['worker']) } } ] print("saved in db") print(trains_step) influx_client.write_points(step_items, time_precision="ms", database="PREDICT") print("Writed in db") # conn.close() # lock.acquire() # # lock.release() # tmp = dictionary['running_number'] # tmp = tmp - 1 # dictionary['running_number'] = tmp # lock.release() print("Do not need to predict,return") modekk = 1 min_steps = math.ceil(trains_step * 0.2) length = math.ceil(min_steps * 0.4) print("Initial Config Success!" + "min_steps:" + str(min_steps)) time_start = time.time() print("start to load data") loss, max_loss, modekk_z = load_data_nnls(min_steps=min_steps, length=length, measure=measure, first=True) if not loss: conn.close() lock.acquire() # lock.release() tmp = dictionary['running_number'] tmp = tmp - 1 dictionary['running_number'] = tmp lock.release() return # loss_array = normalization(loss,max_loss) result = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_t + " order by desc limit 1") key = result.keys() result_inter = result[key[0]] result_items = list(result_inter) trains_step = int(result_items[0]['training_step']) step_to_train = trains_step if trains_step <= 200: modekk_z = 1 if modekk_z != 1: print("Get data first time") data_in, step_x = make_dataset_nnls(loss, max_loss) step_to_train = predict_step_nnls(data_in, step_x, measure, trains_step, math.ceil(trains_step * 0.5)) else: step_to_train = trains_step res1 = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_up + " order by desc limit 1") key1 = res1.keys() res1_inter = res1[key1[0]] res1_items = list(res1_inter) retry = int(res1_items[0]['retry']) allow_read = load_config(allow_path) retry_now = int(allow_read['retry']) if retry_now != retry: new_ps = int(res1_items[0]['ps']) new_worker = int(res1_items[0]['worker']) step_to_train = math.ceil(step_to_train * int(allow_read['worker']) / new_worker) allow_read['retry'] = retry allow_read['ps'] = new_ps allow_read['worker'] = new_worker save_config2(allow_read, allow_path) step_items = [ { 'measurement': measure_t, 'tags': { 'task': int(pre_list[-1]), 'runtimes': int(pre_list[-1]), 'retry': int(retry) }, 'fields': { 'training_step': step_to_train, 'ps': int(allow_read['ps']), 'worker': int(allow_read['worker']) } } ] print("saved in db") print(step_to_train) influx_client.write_points(step_items, time_precision="ms", database="PREDICT") print("Writed in db") print("First prdict cost time: " + str(time.time() - time_start)) iftrain = 0 time_total = 0 if modekk != 1: modekk = modekk_z while True: if modekk == 1: break # selected_node = select_node(influx_client, measure_s) res1 = influx_client.query( "select * from " + measure_s + " where nodes='worker0' order by desc limit 10") key1 = res1.keys() print(key1[:]) res1_inter = res1[key1[0]] res1_items = list(res1_inter) print(res1_items[:]) step_now = int(res1_items[0]['step']) time_mean_list = [float(i['time_d']) for i in res1_items] time_mean = np.mean(time_mean_list) print(time_mean) # time_sleep = predict_fre * time_mean print(step_now) ns_list = get_ns(v1) print(ns_list) print(aim_ns) print(aim_ns in ns_list) write_ss = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_write + " order by desc limit 1") key_write = write_ss.keys() print(key_write[:]) write_inter = write_ss[key_write[0]] write_items = list(write_inter) print(write_items[:]) write_now = int(write_items[0]['modulate']) if (aim_ns not in ns_list) and (write_now == 0): time.sleep(15) ns_list = get_ns(v1) write_ss = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_write + " order by desc limit 1") key_write = write_ss.keys() # print(key_write[:]) write_inter = write_ss[key_write[0]] write_items = list(write_inter) # print(write_items[:]) write_now = int(write_items[0]['modulate']) if (aim_ns not in ns_list) and (write_now == 0): print("namespace is missing") break pod_status = [i.status.phase for i in v1.list_namespaced_pod(aim_ns).items] print(pod_status) print("going on") print(measure) print(math.ceil(step_to_train * 0.85)) print(step_now) write_ss = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_write + " order by desc limit 1") key_write = write_ss.keys() write_inter = write_ss[key_write[0]] write_items = list(write_inter) write_now = int(write_items[0]['modulate']) if ('Succeeded' in pod_status or 'Failed' in pod_status) and (write_now == 0): print("Job is ended") break else: time.sleep(3) print("Job is going") print(math.ceil(step_to_train * 0.85)) print(step_now) panduan_going = math.ceil(step_to_train * 0.85) print(type(step_now)) step_now = int(step_now) print(type(step_now)) print(step_now) if step_now >= panduan_going: print("It need not to predict") modekk = 1 break else: time.sleep(2) print("Job is going to load") time.sleep(2.5) print(measure) print(length) print(type(length)) print("load data again") if time_total >= predict_fre: result = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_t + " order by desc limit 1") key = result.keys() result_inter = result[key[0]] result_items = list(result_inter) trains_step = int(result_items[0]['training_step']) if step_now >= trains_step - 3: print("This process is ended!!") break # loss, max_loss = load_data_nnls(min_steps=min_steps, length=length, measure=measure, first=False) loss,max_loss = load_data_nnls(min_steps=min_steps,length=length,measure=measure,first=False) print("start to nnls process!!") data_in,step_x = make_dataset_nnls(loss,max_loss) step_to_train = predict_step_nnls(data_in,step_x,measure,trains_step,math.ceil(trains_step*0.5)) # step_to_train = step_predict(data=loss[:], model=model, input_dim=1, predict_step=10, time_step=20, # div=0.01, top_step=trains_step, low_step=math.ceil(trains_step * 0.5), # measure=measure) res2 = influx_client.query("select * from " + measure_up + " order by desc limit 1") key2 = list(res2.keys()) res2_inter = res2[key2[0]] res2_items = list(res2_inter) retry = int(res2_items[0]['retry']) allow_read = load_config(allow_path) retry_now = int(allow_read['retry']) new_ps = int(allow_read['ps']) new_worker = int(allow_read['worker']) if retry_now != retry: new_ps = int(res2_items[0]['ps']) new_worker = int(res2_items[0]['worker']) step_to_train = math.ceil(step_to_train * int(allow_read['worker']) / new_worker) allow_read['retry'] = retry allow_read['worker'] = new_worker allow_read['ps'] = new_ps save_config2(allow_read, allow_path) step_items = [ { 'measurement': measure_t, 'tags': { 'task': int(pre_list[-1]), 'runtimes': int(pre_list[-1]), 'retry': int(retry) }, 'fields': { 'training_step': step_to_train, 'ps': new_ps, 'worker': new_worker } } ] print(step_to_train) influx_client.write_points(step_items, time_precision="ms", database="PREDICT") print("Writed result in db") iftrain = iftrain + 1 print("Predict " + str(iftrain) + " costs time: " + str(time.time() - time_start))
<filename>BPG/ import os import sys import bag import import abc import yaml import logging import math import string from .logger import setup_logger from pathlib import Path from itertools import chain # BAG imports from bag.core import BagProject, create_tech_info, _import_class_from_str from bag.layout.util import BBox from import read_yaml, read_file from bag.layout.core import BagLayout, DummyTechInfo # BPG imports import BPG from BPG.content_list import ContentList from BPG.geometry import BBoxMut from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Callable, Union, Tuple, Dict, Optional, Any from BPG.bpg_custom_types import layer_or_lpp_type, dim_type # Typing imports if TYPE_CHECKING: from BPG.objects import PhotonicRound, PhotonicPath from bag.layout.objects import InstanceInfo from bag.layout.core import TechInfo try: import cybagoa except ImportError: cybagoa = None def _parse_yaml_file(fname): # type: (str) -> Dict[str, Any] """Parse YAML file with environment variable substitution. Parameters ---------- fname : str yaml file name. Returns ------- table : Dict[str, Any] the yaml file as a dictionary. """ content = read_file(fname) # substitute environment variables content = string.Template(content).substitute(os.environ) return yaml.load(content) # From bag/core class PhotonicBagProject(BagProject): """ The main bag controller class. This class extracts user configuration variables and issues high level bag commands. Most config variables have defaults pointing to files in the BPG/examples/tech folder Parameters ---------- bag_config_path : Optional[str] the bag configuration file path. If None, will attempt to read from environment variable BAG_CONFIG_PATH. port : Optional[int] the BAG server process port number. If not given, will read from port file. """ def __init__(self, bag_config_path: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None) -> None: BagProject.__init__(self, bag_config_path, port) # Init empty path variables to be set by user spec file self.log_path = None self.log_filename = 'output.log' self.project_dir: Optional[Path] = None self.scripts_dir: Optional[Path] = None self.data_dir: Optional[Path] = None self.content_dir: Optional[Path] = None self.lsf_path = None self.gds_path = None BPG.run_settings.load_new_configuration(config_dict={}) def load_spec_file_paths(self, spec_file: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ): """ Receives a specification file from the user and configures the project paths accordingly """ specs = self.load_yaml(spec_file) specs.update(**kwargs) # Update the read specs with any passed variables # If a new bag configuration is passed in the yaml, load it if 'bag_config_path' in specs: BPG.run_settings.update_configuration(self.load_yaml(specs['bag_config_path'])) BPG.run_settings.update_configuration(specs) # Update the base run_settings with anything from the yaml # Get root path for the project bag_work_dir = Path(os.environ['BAG_WORK_DIR']) # self.tech_info = create_tech_info(bag_config_path=BPG.run_settings['bag_config_path']) tech_params = _parse_yaml_file(BPG.run_settings['tech_config_path']) if 'class' in tech_params: tech_cls = _import_class_from_str(tech_params['class']) self.tech_info = tech_cls(tech_params) else: # just make a default tech_info object as place holder. print('*WARNING*: No TechInfo class defined. Using a dummy version.') self.tech_info = DummyTechInfo(tech_params) # BAG might reset the photonic_tech_info config, need to reset it self.photonic_tech_info = create_photonic_tech_info( bpg_config=BPG.run_settings['bpg_config'], tech_info=self.tech_info, ) print(f"BPG.run_settings: {BPG.run_settings['bpg_config']}") self.photonic_tech_info.load_tech_files() if 'photonic_tech_config_path' in BPG.run_settings: self.photonic_tech_info = create_photonic_tech_info( bpg_config=dict(photonic_tech_config_path=BPG.run_settings['photonic_tech_config_path']), tech_info=self.tech_info, ) self.photonic_tech_info.load_tech_files() # Setup relevant output files and directories if 'project_dir' in BPG.run_settings: self.project_dir = Path(BPG.run_settings['project_dir']).expanduser() else: default_path = Path(BPG.run_settings['database']['default_lib_path']) self.project_dir = default_path / BPG.run_settings['project_name'] self.scripts_dir = self.project_dir / 'scripts' self.data_dir = self.project_dir / 'data' self.content_dir = self.project_dir / 'content' # If users provide paths to add provide them here if 'path_setup' in BPG.run_settings: for path in BPG.run_settings['path_setup']: if path not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, path) print(f'Adding {path} to python module search path') # Make the project directories if they do not exists self.project_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self.scripts_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.data_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.content_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Enable logging for BPG if 'logfile' in BPG.run_settings: # If logfile is specified in specs, dump all logs in that location log_path = bag_work_dir / BPG.run_settings['logfile'] if log_path.is_dir(): self.log_path = log_path self.log_filename = 'output.log' else: self.log_path = log_path.parent self.log_filename = else: self.log_path = self.project_dir self.log_filename = 'output.log' setup_logger(log_path=str(self.log_path), log_filename=str(self.log_filename))'PhotonicCoreLayout initialized from spec file: {spec_file}') # Overwrite tech parameters if specified in the spec file # Setup the abstract tech layermap if 'layermap' in BPG.run_settings: self.photonic_tech_info.layermap_path = bag_work_dir / BPG.run_settings['layermap']'loading layermap from {self.photonic_tech_info.layermap_path}') # Setup the dataprep procedure if 'dataprep' in BPG.run_settings: self.photonic_tech_info.dataprep_routine_filepath = bag_work_dir / BPG.run_settings['dataprep']'loading dataprep procedure from {self.photonic_tech_info.dataprep_routine_filepath}') if 'dataprep_params' in BPG.run_settings: self.photonic_tech_info.dataprep_parameters_filepath = bag_work_dir / BPG.run_settings['dataprep_params']'loading dataprep and DRC parameters from ' f'{self.photonic_tech_info.dataprep_parameters_filepath}') if 'dataprep_label_depth' in BPG.run_settings: self.photonic_tech_info.dataprep_label_depth = BPG.run_settings['dataprep_label_depth']'dataprep_label_depth set to ' f'{self.photonic_tech_info.dataprep_label_depth}') # Setup the lumerical export map if 'lsf_export_map' in BPG.run_settings: self.photonic_tech_info.lsf_export_path = bag_work_dir / BPG.run_settings['lsf_export_map']'loading lumerical export configuration from {self.photonic_tech_info.lsf_export_path}') # Now that paths are fully settled, load the tech files self.photonic_tech_info.load_tech_files() # Set the paths of the output files self.lsf_path = str(self.scripts_dir / BPG.run_settings['lsf_filename']) self.gds_path = str(self.data_dir / BPG.run_settings['gds_filename'])'loaded paths successfully') @staticmethod def load_yaml(filepath): """ Setup standardized method for yaml loading """ return _parse_yaml_file(filepath) def create_photonic_tech_info(bpg_config: Dict, tech_info: "TechInfo", ) -> "PhotonicTechInfo": """Create PhotonicTechInfo object.""" if 'photonic_tech_config_path' not in bpg_config: raise ValueError('photonic_tech_config_path not defined in bag_config.yaml.') photonic_tech_params = _parse_yaml_file(bpg_config['photonic_tech_config_path']) if 'photonic_tech_class' in photonic_tech_params: photonic_tech_cls = _import_class_from_str(photonic_tech_params['photonic_tech_class']) photonic_tech_info = photonic_tech_cls(photonic_tech_params, tech_info.resolution, tech_info.layout_unit, ) else: # Make a default photonic_tech_info as a place holder. print('*WARNING*: No PhotonicTechInfo class defined. Using a dummy version.') photonic_tech_info = DummyPhotonicTechInfo(photonic_tech_params, tech_info.resolution, tech_info.layout_unit ) return photonic_tech_info class PhotonicBagLayout(BagLayout): """ This class contains layout information of a cell. Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`bag.layout.routing.RoutingGrid` the routing grid instance. use_cybagoa : bool True to use cybagoa package to accelerate layout. """ def __init__(self, grid, use_cybagoa=False): BagLayout.__init__(self, grid, use_cybagoa) # Add new features to be supported in content list self._round_list: List["PhotonicRound"] = [] self._sim_list = [] self._source_list = [] self._monitor_list = [] # The angle to rotate this master by upon finalization self._mod_angle = 0 # TODO: fix bound box during rotation # Initialize the boundary of this cell with zero area at the origin self._bound_box = BBoxMut(0, 0, 0, 0, resolution=self._res, unit_mode=True) @property def mod_angle(self): """ Angle that this master must be rotated by during finalization """ return self._mod_angle @mod_angle.setter def mod_angle(self, val): """ Ensure that the provided angle is between 0 and pi/2 """ if val < 0 or val > math.pi / 2: raise ValueError(f"Angle {val} is not in modulo format") self._mod_angle = val @property def bound_box(self) -> BBoxMut: return self._bound_box def finalize(self): # type: () -> None """ Prevents any further changes to this layout. """ # TODO: change this to be a 'close to 0' check if self.mod_angle != 0: self.rotate_all_by(self.mod_angle) self._finalized = True # get rectangles rect_list = [] for obj in self._rect_list: if obj.valid: if not obj.bbox.is_physical(): print('WARNING: rectangle with non-physical bounding box found.', obj.layer) else: obj_content = obj.content rect_list.append(obj_content) # filter out invalid geometries path_list = [] polygon_list = [] blockage_list = [] boundary_list = [] via_list = [] round_list = [] sim_list = [] for targ_list, obj_list in ((path_list, self._path_list), (polygon_list, self._polygon_list), (blockage_list, self._blockage_list), (boundary_list, self._boundary_list), (via_list, self._via_list), (round_list, self._round_list), (sim_list, self._sim_list) ): for obj in obj_list: if obj.valid: targ_list.append(obj.content) # get via primitives via_list.extend(self._via_primitives) # get instances inst_list = [] # type: List[InstanceInfo] for obj in self._inst_list: if obj.valid: obj_content = self._format_inst(obj) inst_list.append(obj_content) # Assemble raw content list from all self._raw_content = [inst_list, self._inst_primitives, rect_list, via_list, self._pin_list, path_list, blockage_list, boundary_list, polygon_list, round_list, sim_list, self._source_list, self._monitor_list ] if (not inst_list and not self._inst_primitives and not rect_list and not blockage_list and not boundary_list and not via_list and not self._pin_list and not path_list and not polygon_list and not round_list and not self._sim_list and not self._source_list and not self._monitor_list): self._is_empty = True else: self._is_empty = False # Calculate the bounding box for the overall layout for inst in self._inst_list: self._bound_box.merge(inst.bound_box) for rect in self._rect_list: self._bound_box.merge(rect.bound_box) if self._via_list != []: logging.warning("vias are currently not considered in master bounding box calculations") # if self._pin_list != []: # logging.warning("pins are currently not considered in master bounding box calculations") for path in self._path_list: self._bound_box.merge(path.bound_box) if self._blockage_list != []: logging.warning("blockages are currently not considered in master bounding box calculations") if self._boundary_list != []: logging.warning("boundaries are currently not considered in master bounding box calculations") for poly in self._polygon_list: self._bound_box.merge(poly.bound_box) if self._round_list != []: for round in self._round_list: self._bound_box.merge(round.bound_box) def get_content(self, lib_name: str, cell_name: str, rename_fun: Callable[[str], str], ) -> Union[ContentList, Tuple[str, 'cybagoa.PyOALayout']]: """ Returns a list describing geometries in this layout. Parameters ---------- lib_name : str the layout library name. cell_name : str the layout top level cell name. rename_fun : Callable[[str], str] the layout cell renaming function. Returns ------- content : Union[ContentList, Tuple[str, 'cybagoa.PyOALayout']] a ContentList describing this
start: Time of the first log entry to be gathered. Defaults to 0. :type start: int, optional :param end: Time of the last log entry to be gathered. Defaults to current time. :type end: int, optional :param excludeInfo: Filter Info log level messages :type excludeInfo: bool, optional :param excludeWarning: Filter Warning log level messages :type excludeWarning: bool, optional :param excludeCritical: Filter Critical log level messages :type excludeCritical: bool, optional :param excludeError: Filter Error log level messages :type excludeError: bool, optional :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: A dictionary containing the requested log messages :rtype: dict """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() return { 'data': device_manager_service.get_log( start, end, { 'info': excludeInfo, 'warning': excludeWarning, 'critical': excludeCritical, 'error': excludeError }) } @app.get('/api/bookings') def get_booking_list(start: int = 0, end: int = 2**32 - 1, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Fetches the registered bookings from the postgreSQL database :param start: The time of the first booking to be gathered. Defaults to 0. :type start: int, optional :param end: The time of the last booking to be gathered. :type end: int, optional :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: A list of all bookings :rtype: List[booking_info] """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() return {'data': device_manager_service.get_bookings(start, end)}'/api/bookings') def book_device(bookingInfo: BookingModel, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Store a booking for a device in the postgreSQL database :param bookingInfo: The booking information :type bookingInfo: BookingModel :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() device_manager_service.book_device(, bookingInfo.user, bookingInfo.device, bookingInfo.start, bookingInfo.end) return @app.get('/api/bookings/device/{uuid}') def get_device_booking_list(uuid: str, start: int = 0, end: int =, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Fetches a list of device bookings :param uuid: Internally assigned device uuid :type uuid: str :param start: The time of the first booking entry to be gathered. Defaults to 0. :type start: int, optional :param end: The time of the last booking entry to be gathered. Defaults to current time. :type end: int, optional :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: List of booking information objects for the device :rtype: List[BookingInfoWithNames] """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() return { 'data': device_manager_service.get_device_bookings(uuid, start, end) } @app.get('/api/bookings/{bookingID}') #, methods=['GET', 'DELETE']) def get_booking(bookingID: int, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Get booking information for a booking id :param bookingID: The id of the requested booking :type bookingID: int :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: Information of the booking :rtype: BookingInfo """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() return {'data': device_manager_service.get_booking_entry(bookingID)} @app.delete('/api/bookings/{bookingID}') #, methods=['GET', 'DELETE']) def delete_booking(bookingID: int, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Delete a booking from the postgreSQL by id :param bookingID: The booking id :type bookingID: int :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ current_user = user.get_user_by_name(username) device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() booking_entry = device_manager_service.get_booking_entry(bookingID) if (booking_entry.user != and (current_user.role != 'admin'): raise HTTPException( 403, "Can't delete the booking entry. Only the owning user or an administrator can delete a booking entry" ) device_manager_service.delete_booking_entry(bookingID) return @app.get('/api/experiments') def get_experiments(username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Get information of all stored experiments :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: Returns a list of experiments with the corresponding information :rtype: List[Experiment] """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() return {'data': device_manager_service.get_all_experiments()}'/api/experiments') def create_experiment(experiment: ExperimentBookingModel, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Store a new experiment in the postgreSQL database :param experiment: The new experiment :type experiment: ExperimentBookingModel :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ userID = user.get_user_by_name(username).id device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() device_manager_service.create_experiment(, experiment.start, experiment.end, userID, experiment.devices, experiment.scriptID) return @app.put('/api/experiments/edit/{experimentID}') def edit_experiment(experimentID: int, experiment: ExperimentBookingModel, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Edit an already existing experiment :param experimentID: The internal experiment id :type experimentID: int :param experiment: The experiment information object :type experiment: ExperimentBookingModel :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ print(f'experiment data {experiment}') userID = user.get_user_by_name(username).id device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() device_manager_service.edit_experiment(experimentID,, experiment.start, experiment.end, userID, experiment.devices, experiment.scriptID) return @app.delete('/api/experiments/{experimentID}') def delete_experiment(experimentID: int, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Delete an experiment from the postgreSQL database. :param experimentID: The internal id of the experiment to be deleted :type experimentID: str :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ current_user = user.get_user_by_name(username) device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() if (get_experiment_user(experimentID) != and (current_user.role != 'admin'): raise HTTPException( 403, "Can't delete the experiment. Only the owning user or an administrator can delete an experiment" ) device_manager_service.delete_experiment(experimentID) return @app.get('/api/scripts') def get_user_scripts_info(username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Get the information of all registered user-scripts :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: A list of script objects that contain the script content and information :rtype: List[Script] """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() current_user = user.get_user_by_name(username) return { 'data': device_manager_service.get_user_scripts_info( } @app.get('/api/scripts/{scriptID}') def get_user_script(scriptID: int, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Get the information of a specific user-scripts :param scriptID: The internally assigned script id :type scriptID: int :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: The script object containing the scripts content and information :rtype: Script """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() current_user = user.get_user_by_name(username) script_info = device_manager_service.get_user_script_info(scriptID) if (script_info.user != and (current_user.role != 'admin'): raise HTTPException( 403, "Can't get the script. Only the owning user or an administrator can get a script" ) return device_manager_service.get_user_script(scriptID)'/api/scripts') def upload_user_script(script: ScriptModel, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Add a new script object to the postgreSQL database :param script: The script object containing content and additional information :type script: ScriptModel :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() current_user = user.get_user_by_name(username) device_manager_service.create_user_script(, script.fileName,, return @app.delete('/api/scripts/{scriptID}') def delete_user_script(scriptID: int, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Delete a specific user-script from the postgreSQL database :param scriptID: The id of the script :type scriptID: str :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() current_user = user.get_user_by_name(username) script_info = device_manager_service.get_user_script_info(scriptID) if (script_info.user != and (current_user.role != 'admin'): raise HTTPException( 403, "Can't delete the script. Only the owning user or an administrator can delete a script" ) device_manager_service.delete_user_script(scriptID) return @app.put('/api/scripts/{scriptID}/info') def set_user_script_info(scriptID: int, info: ScriptInfoModel, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ :param scriptID: The id of the script :type scriptID: int :param info: The object containing information and content of the script :type info: ScriptInfoModel :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() current_user = user.get_user_by_name(username) script_info = device_manager_service.get_user_script_info(scriptID) if (script_info.user != and (current_user.role != 'admin'): raise HTTPException( 403, "Can't modify the script. Only the owning user or an administrator can modify a script" ) device_manager_service.set_user_script_info(scriptID,, info.fileName, return @app.put('/api/scripts/{scriptID}/') def set_user_script(scriptID: int, script: ScriptModel, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ :param scriptID: The id of the script :type scriptID: int :param script: The object containing the script content and information :type script: ScriptModel :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ device_manager_service = DeviceManagerService() current_user = user.get_user_by_name(username) script_info = device_manager_service.get_user_script_info(scriptID) if (script_info.user != and (current_user.role != 'admin'): raise HTTPException( 403, "Can't modify the script. Only the owning user or an administrator can modify a script" ) device_manager_service.set_user_script(scriptID,, script.fileName,, return @app.put('/api/experiments/{experimentID}/status') async def control_experiment(status: Status, experimentID: int, username: str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Asynchronous function to keep track of the experiment status. Updates the experiment status in the databse. :param status: The status whether the experiment is running or not :type status: bool :param experimentID: The id of the experiment :type experimentID: int :param username: The name of the executing user :type username: str :return: None """ if status.running: await start_experiment(experimentID) else: await stop_experiment(experimentID) return # Todo allow authentication ! @app.websocket("/ws/experiments_status") async def experiment_status_websocket( websocket: WebSocket): # , username:str = Depends(decode_token)): """ Asynchronous function that forwards the experiment status via websocket :param websocket: The websocket the information is transferred by :type websocket: Websocket :return: None """ pool = await get_redis_pool() channels = await pool.subscribe('experiment_status')
return m class SpatialCrop: """ General purpose cropper to produce sub-volume region of interest (ROI). If a dimension of the expected ROI size is bigger than the input image size, will not crop that dimension. So the cropped result may be smaller than the expected ROI, and the cropped results of several images may not have exactly the same shape. It can support to crop ND spatial (channel-first) data. The cropped region can be parameterised in various ways: - a list of slices for each spatial dimension (allows for use of -ve indexing and `None`) - a spatial center and size - the start and end coordinates of the ROI """ def __init__( self, roi_center: Union[Sequence[int], np.ndarray, None] = None, roi_size: Union[Sequence[int], np.ndarray, None] = None, roi_start: Union[Sequence[int], np.ndarray, None] = None, roi_end: Union[Sequence[int], np.ndarray, None] = None, ) -> None: """ Args: roi_center: voxel coordinates for center of the crop ROI. roi_size: size of the crop ROI, if a dimension of ROI size is bigger than image size, will not crop that dimension of the image. roi_start: voxel coordinates for start of the crop ROI. roi_end: voxel coordinates for end of the crop ROI, if a coordinate is out of image, use the end coordinate of image. roi_slices: list of slices for each of the spatial dimensions. """ if roi_center is not None and roi_size is not None: roi_center = np.asarray(roi_center, dtype=np.int16) roi_size = np.asarray(roi_size, dtype=np.int16) roi_start_np = np.maximum(roi_center - np.floor_divide(roi_size, 2), 0) roi_end_np = np.maximum(roi_start_np + roi_size, roi_start_np) else: if roi_start is None or roi_end is None: raise ValueError("Please specify either roi_center, roi_size or roi_start, roi_end.") roi_start_np = np.maximum(np.asarray(roi_start, dtype=np.int16), 0) roi_end_np = np.maximum(np.asarray(roi_end, dtype=np.int16), roi_start_np) # Allow for 1D by converting back to np.array (since np.maximum will convert to int) roi_start_np = roi_start_np if isinstance(roi_start_np, np.ndarray) else np.array([roi_start_np]) roi_end_np = roi_end_np if isinstance(roi_end_np, np.ndarray) else np.array([roi_end_np]) # convert to slices self.slices = [slice(s, e) for s, e in zip(roi_start_np, roi_end_np)] def __call__(self, img: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): """ Apply the transform to `img`, assuming `img` is channel-first and slicing doesn't apply to the channel dim. """ sd = min(len(self.slices), len(img.shape[1:])) # spatial dims slices = [slice(None)] + self.slices[:sd] return img[tuple(slices)] class CenterSpatialCrop: """ Crop at the center of image with specified ROI size. If a dimension of the expected ROI size is bigger than the input image size, will not crop that dimension. So the cropped result may be smaller than the expected ROI, and the cropped results of several images may not have exactly the same shape. Args: roi_size: the spatial size of the crop region e.g. [224,224,128] if a dimension of ROI size is bigger than image size, will not crop that dimension of the image. If its components have non-positive values, the corresponding size of input image will be used. for example: if the spatial size of input data is [40, 40, 40] and `roi_size=[32, 64, -1]`, the spatial size of output data will be [32, 40, 40]. """ def __init__(self, roi_size: Union[Sequence[int], int]) -> None: self.roi_size = roi_size def __call__(self, img: np.ndarray): """ Apply the transform to `img`, assuming `img` is channel-first and slicing doesn't apply to the channel dim. """ assert img.ndim == 4, "img ndim 必须为4, (channel, W, H, D)" center = [i // 2 for i in img.shape[1:]] cropper = SpatialCrop(roi_center=center, roi_size=self.roi_size) return cropper(img) def map_binary_to_indices( label: np.ndarray, image: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, image_threshold: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Compute the foreground and background of input label data, return the indices after fattening. For example: ``label = np.array([[[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]])`` ``foreground indices = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7])`` and ``background indices = np.array([0, 4, 8])`` Args: label: use the label data to get the foreground/background information. image: if image is not None, use ``label = 0 & image > image_threshold`` to define background. so the output items will not map to all the voxels in the label. image_threshold: if enabled `image`, use ``image > image_threshold`` to determine the valid image content area and select background only in this area. """ # Prepare fg/bg indices if label.shape[0] > 1: label = label[1:] # for One-Hot format data, remove the background channel label_flat = np.any(label, axis=0).ravel() # in case label has multiple dimensions fg_indices = np.nonzero(label_flat)[0] if image is not None: img_flat = np.any(image > image_threshold, axis=0).ravel() bg_indices = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(img_flat, ~label_flat))[0] else: bg_indices = np.nonzero(~label_flat)[0] return fg_indices, bg_indices class RandCropByPosNegLabel: """ Crop random fixed sized regions with the center being a foreground or background voxel based on the Pos Neg Ratio. And will return a list of arrays for all the cropped images. For example, crop two (3 x 3) arrays from (5 x 5) array with pos/neg=1:: [[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 1, 0], [[0, 1, 2], [[2, 1, 0], [0, 1, 3, 0, 0], --> [0, 1, 3], [3, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] [0, 0, 0]] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]] If a dimension of the expected spatial size is bigger than the input image size, will not crop that dimension. So the cropped result may be smaller than expected size, and the cropped results of several images may not have exactly same shape. Args: spatial_size: the spatial size of the crop region e.g. [224, 224, 128]. if a dimension of ROI size is bigger than image size, will not crop that dimension of the image. if its components have non-positive values, the corresponding size of `label` will be used. for example: if the spatial size of input data is [40, 40, 40] and `spatial_size=[32, 64, -1]`, the spatial size of output data will be [32, 40, 40]. label: the label image that is used for finding foreground/background, if None, must set at `self.__call__`. Non-zero indicates foreground, zero indicates background. pos: used with `neg` together to calculate the ratio ``pos / (pos + neg)`` for the probability to pick a foreground voxel as a center rather than a background voxel. neg: used with `pos` together to calculate the ratio ``pos / (pos + neg)`` for the probability to pick a foreground voxel as a center rather than a background voxel. num_samples: number of samples (crop regions) to take in each list. image: optional image data to help select valid area, can be same as `img` or another image array. if not None, use ``label == 0 & image > image_threshold`` to select the negative sample (background) center. So the crop center will only come from the valid image areas. image_threshold: if enabled `image`, use ``image > image_threshold`` to determine the valid image content areas. fg_indices: if provided pre-computed foreground indices of `label`, will ignore above `image` and `image_threshold`, and randomly select crop centers based on them, need to provide `fg_indices` and `bg_indices` together, expect to be 1 dim array of spatial indices after flattening. a typical usage is to call `FgBgToIndices` transform first and cache the results. bg_indices: if provided pre-computed background indices of `label`, will ignore above `image` and `image_threshold`, and randomly select crop centers based on them, need to provide `fg_indices` and `bg_indices` together, expect to be 1 dim array of spatial indices after flattening. a typical usage is to call `FgBgToIndices` transform first and cache the results. Raises: ValueError: When ``pos`` or ``neg`` are negative. ValueError: When ``pos=0`` and ``neg=0``. Incompatible values. """ def __init__( self, spatial_size: Union[Sequence[int], int], label: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, pos: float = 1.0, neg: float = 1.0, num_samples: int = 1, image: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, image_threshold: float = 0.0, random_state: np.random.RandomState = None, ) -> None: self.spatial_size = spatial_size self.label = label if pos < 0 or neg < 0: raise ValueError(f"pos and neg must be nonnegative, got pos={pos} neg={neg}.")
#! python from behave import given, then from renderer.bolts import Tuple, Point, Vector, Color from math import isclose, sqrt, pi from renderer.matrix import IdentityMatrix EPSILON = 0.0001 #def determineValue(stringval): # if stringval == 'π': # return pi # else: # return float(stringval) #def determineNumeric(stringval): # fractional = stringval.split('/') # assert len(fractional) < 3 # denominator = 1 # numerator = 1 # if len(fractional) == 2: # denominator = determineValue(fractional[1]) # sqrtsplit = fractional[0].split('√') # assert len(sqrtsplit) < 3 # if len(sqrtsplit) == 2: # numerator *= sqrt(determineValue(sqrtsplit[1])) # if len(sqrtsplit[0]) > 0: # if len(sqrtsplit[0]) == 1 and sqrtsplit[0][0] == '-': # numerator *= -1 # else: # numerator *= determineValue(sqrtsplit[0]) # return numerator / denominator @given(u'{var:w} ← tuple({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g}, {w:g})') def step_impl(context, var, x, y, z, w): print(u'STEP: {} ← tuple({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(var, x, y, z, w)) context.result[var] = Tuple(x,y,z,w) pass @then(u'{var:w}.x = {val:g}') def step_impl(context, var, val): print(u'STEP: THEN {}.x = {}'.format(var,val)) assert isclose(context.result[var][0], val), 'Expected {}, got {}'.format(val, context.result[var][0]) @then(u'{var:w}.y = {val:g}') def step_impl(context, var, val): print(u'STEP: THEN {}.y = {}'.format(var,val)) assert isclose(context.result[var][1], val), 'Expected {}, got {}'.format(val, context.result[var][1]) @then(u'{var:w}.z = {val:g}') def step_impl(context, var, val): print(u'STEP: THEN {}.z = {}'.format(var,val)) assert isclose(context.result[var][2], val), 'Expected {}, got {}'.format(val, context.result[var][2]) @then(u'{var:w}.w = {val:g}') def step_impl(context, var, val): print(u'STEP: THEN {}.w = {}'.format(var,val)) assert isclose(context.result[var][3], val), 'Expected {}, got {}'.format(val, context.result[var][3]) @then(u'{var:w} is a point') def step_impl(context, var): print(u'STEP: THEN {} is a point'.format(var)) assert context.result[var].isPoint(), 'Expected isPoint({}), got False'.format(context.result[var]) @then(u'{var:w} is not a vector') def step_impl(context, var): print(u'STEP: THEN {} is not a vector'.format(var)) assert not context.result[var].isVector(), 'Expected !isVector({}), got True'.format(var) @then(u'{var:w} is not a point') def step_impl(context, var): print(u'STEP: THEN {} is not a point'.format(var)) assert not context.result[var].isPoint(), 'Expected !isPoint({}), got True'.format(var) @then(u'{var:w} is a vector') def step_impl(context, var): print(u'STEP: THEN {} is a vector'.format(var)) assert context.result[var].isVector(), 'Expected !isVector({}), got False'.format(var) @given(u'{var:w} ← point({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g})') def step_impl(context, var, x, y, z): print(u'STEP: {} ← point({}, {}, {})'.format(var, x, y, z)) #SetupContext(context) context.result[var] = Point(x,y,z) pass @then(u'{var1:w} + {var2:w} = tuple({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g}, {w:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, var2, x, y, z, w): print(u'STEP: {} + {} = tuple({},{},{},{})'.format(var1, var2, x, y, z, w)) expected = Tuple(x,y,z,w) result = context.result[var1] + context.result[var2] assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == {} + {} ({} = {} + {})'.format(expected,var1, var2,result,context.result[var1],context.result[var2]) @then(u'{var1:w} * {scalar:g} = tuple({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g}, {w:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, scalar, x, y, z, w): print(u'STEP: {} * {} = tuple({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(var1, scalar, x, y, z, w)) expected = Tuple(x,y,z,w) result = context.result[var1] * scalar assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == {} * {} ({} = {} * {})'.format(expected,var1,scalar,result,context.result[var1],scalar) @then(u'{var1:w} / {scalar:g} = tuple({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g}, {w:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, scalar, x, y, z, w): print(u'STEP: {} / {} = tuple({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(var1, scalar, x, y, z, w)) expected = Tuple(x,y,z,w) result = context.result[var1] / scalar assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == {} / {} ({} = {} / {})'.format(expected,var1,scalar,result,context.result[var1],scalar) @then(u'-{var1:w} = tuple({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g}, {w:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, x, y, z, w): print(u'STEP: -{} = tuple({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(var1, x, y, z, w)) expected = Tuple(x,y,z,w) result = -context.result[var1] assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == -{} ({})'.format(expected,var1,result) @then(u'{var1:w} = tuple({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g}, {w:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, x, y, z, w): print(u'STEP: {} = tuple({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(var1, x, y, z, w)) assert var1 in context.result, 'Tuple {} not found in context'.format(var1) expected = Tuple(x,y,z,w) assert expected == context.result[var1], 'Expected {} == {} ({})'.format(expected,var1, context.result['p']) @then(u'{var1:w} - {var2:w} = vector({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, var2, x, y, z): print(u'STEP: {} - {} = vector({}, {}, {})'.format(var1, var2, x, y, z)) expected = Vector(x,y,z) assert var1 in context.result, 'Expected to find {} in context'.format(var1) assert var2 in context.result, 'Expected to find {} in context'.format(var2) result = context.result[var1] - context.result[var2] assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == {} - {} ({} = {} - {})'.format(expected,var1,var2,result,context.result[var1],context.result[var2]) @then(u'{var1:w} - {var2:w} = point({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, var2, x, y, z): print(u'STEP: {} - {} = vector({}, {}, {})'.format(var1, var2, x, y, z)) expected = Point(x,y,z) result = context.result[var1] - context.result[var2] assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == {} - {} ({} = {} - {})'.format(expected,var1,var2,result,context.result[var1],context.result[var2]) @then(u'magnitude({var1:w}) = {val:S}') def step_impl(context, var1, val): print(u'STEP: magnitude({}) = {}'.format(var1,val)) expected = context.helpers['determineNumeric'](val) result = context.result[var1].magnitude() assert isclose(expected, result), 'Expected {} = magnitude({}) = {}'.format(expected, var1, result) @then(u'normalize({var1:w}) = vector({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, x, y, z): print(u'STEP: normalize({}) = vector({}, {}, {})'.format(var1, x, y, z)) expected = Vector(x,y,z) result = context.result[var1].normalize() assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == normalize({}) = {}'.format( expected, var1, result ) @then(u'normalize({var1:w}) = approximately vector({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g})') def step_impl(context,var1,x,y,z): print(u'STEP: normalize({}) = approximately vector({}, {}, {})'.format(var1,x,y,z)) expected = Vector(x,y,z) result = context.result[var1].normalize() assert,0.00001), 'Expected {} == normalize({}) = {}'.format( expected, var1, result ) @when(u'{var1:w} ← normalize({var2:w})') def step_impl(context, var1, var2): print(u'STEP: {} ← normalize({})'.format(var1,var2)) context.result[var1] = context.result[var2].normalize() pass @then(u'dot({var1:w}, {var2:w}) = {val:g}') def step_impl(context,var1,var2,val): print(u'STEP: dot({},{}) = {}'.format(var1,var2,val)) assert isclose(val,context.result[var1].dot(context.result[var2])), 'Expected {} == dot({},{}) = dot({},{})'.format( val, var1, var2, context.result[var1], context.result[var2]) @then(u'cross({var1:w}, {var2:w}) = vector({x:g}, {y:g}, {z:g})') def step_impl(context,var1,var2,x,y,z): print(u'STEP: cross({},{}) = vector({},{},{})'.format(var1,var2,x,y,z)) expected = Vector(x,y,z) result = context.result[var1].cross(context.result[var2]) assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == cross({},{}) = cross({},{}) = {}'.format(expected,var1,var2,context.result[var1],context.result[var2],result) @given(u'{var1:w} ← color({red:g}, {green:g}, {blue:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, red, green, blue): print(u'STEP: {} ← color({}, {}, {})'.format(var1,red,green,blue)) #SetupContext(context) context.result[var1] = Color(red,green,blue) pass @then(u'{var1:w}.red = {val:g}') def step_impl(context, var1, val): print(u'STEP: {}.red = {}'.format(context.result[var1],val)) assert isclose( context.result[var1]['red'], val ), 'Expected {} == {}.red = {}'.format( val, var1, context.result[var1] ) @then(u'{var1:w}.green = {val:g}') def step_impl(context, var1, val): print(u'STEP: {}.green = {}'.format(context.result[var1],val)) assert isclose( context.result[var1]['green'], val ), 'Expected {} == {}.green = {}'.format( val, var1, context.result[var1] ) @then(u'{var1:w}.blue = {val:g}') def step_impl(context, var1, val): print(u'STEP: {}.blue = {}'.format(context.result[var1],val)) assert isclose( context.result[var1]['blue'], val ), 'Expected {} == {}.blue = {}'.format( val, var1, context.result[var1] ) @then(u'{var1:w} + {var2:w} = color({r:g}, {g:g}, {b:g})') def step_impl(context,var1,var2,r,g,b): print(u'STEP: {} + {} = color({}, {}, {})'.format(var1,var2,r,g,b)) expected = Color(r,g,b) result = context.result[var1] + context.result[var2] assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == {} + {} = {}'.format(expected, var1, var2, result) @then(u'{var1:w} - {var2:w} = color({r:g}, {g:g}, {b:g})') def step_impl(context,var1,var2,r,g,b): print(u'STEP: {} - {} = color({}, {}, {})'.format(var1,var2,r,g,b)) expected = Color(r,g,b) result = context.result[var1] - context.result[var2] assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == {} + {} = {}'.format(expected, var1, var2, result) @then(u'{var:w} * 2 = color({r:g}, {g:g}, {b:g})') def step_impl(context, var, r, g, b): scalar = 2 print(u'STEP: {} * {} = color({}, {}, {})'.format(var,scalar,r,g,b)) expected = Color(r,g,b) result = context.result[var] * scalar assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == {} * {} = {}'.format(expected,var,scalar,result) @then(u'{var:w} = color({r:g}, {g:g}, {b:g})') def step_impl(context, var, r, g, b): print(u'STEP: Then {} = color({}, {}, {})'.format(var, r, g, b)) expected = Color(r,g,b) result = context.result[var] assert, 'Expected {} to be {}, found it to be {} instead'.format( var, expected, result ) @then(u'{var1:w} * {var2:w} = color({r:g}, {g:g}, {b:g})') def step_impl(context, var1, var2, r, g, b): print(u'STEP: {} * {} = color({}, {}, {})'.format(var1,var2,r,g,b)) expected = Color(r,g,b) result = context.result[var1].multiply(context.result[var2]) assert expected == result, 'Expected {} == {} * {} = {} * {} = {}'.format(expected, var1, var2, context.result[var1], context.result[var2], result) @when(u'{result:w} ← reflect({vectorvar:w}, {normalvar:w})') def step_impl(context, result, vectorvar, normalvar): print(u'STEP: When {} ← reflect(v, n)'.format(result, vectorvar, normalvar)) assert vectorvar in context.result assert normalvar in context.result context.result[result] = context.result[vectorvar].reflect(context.result[normalvar]) @then(u'{var:w} = vector({x:S}, {y:S}, {z:S})') def step_impl(context, var, x, y, z): print(u'STEP: Then {} = vector({}, {}, {})'.format(var, x, y, z)) assert var in context.result expected = Vector( context.helpers['determineNumeric'](x), context.helpers['determineNumeric'](y), context.helpers['determineNumeric'](z) ) result = context.result[var] assert, 'Expected {} to be {}, but found it is {}'.format(var, expected, result) @then(u'{var1:w} = normalize({var2:w})') def step_impl(context, var1, var2): print(u'STEP: Then {} = normalize({})'.format(var1, var2)) assert var1 in context.result assert var2 in context.result expected = context.result[var1] result = context.result[var2].normalize() assert expected == result, 'Expected normalize({}) = {}, found it is {} instead'.format(var2, expected, result) @given(u'{resultvar:w} ← vector({x:S}, {y:S}, {z:S})') def step_impl(context, resultvar, x, y, z): print(u'STEP: Given {} ← vector({}, {}, {})'.format(resultvar, x, y, z)) #SetupContext(context) context.result[resultvar] = Vector( context.helpers['determineNumeric'](x), context.helpers['determineNumeric'](y), context.helpers['determineNumeric'](z) ) @then(u'{compsvar:w}.point = point({x:S}, {y:S}, {z:S})') def step_impl(context, compsvar, x, y, z): print(u'STEP: Then {}.point = point({}, {}, {})'.format(compsvar, x, y, z)) assert compsvar in context.result expected = Point( context.helpers['determineNumeric'](x), context.helpers['determineNumeric'](y), context.helpers['determineNumeric'](z) ) result = context.result[compsvar]['point'] assert, 'Expected computation {} point is {}, found it as {}'.format(compsvar, expected, result) @then(u'{compsvar}.eyev = vector({x:S}, {y:S}, {z:S})') def step_impl(context,
**kwargs): """ Compute standard deviation of groups For multiple groupings, the result will be a MultiSet Parameters ---------- ddof : integer, default 1 degrees of freedom """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_STD, *args, **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def nanstd(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Compute standard deviation of groups, excluding missing values """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_NANSTD, *args, **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def var(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Compute variance of groups For multiple groupings, the result will be a MultiSet Parameters ---------- ddof : integer, default 1 degrees of freedom """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_VAR, *args, **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def nanvar(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Compute variance of groups, excluding missing values For multiple groupings, the result will be a MultiSet """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_NANVAR, *args, **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def rolling_sum(self, *args, window=3, **kwargs): """rolling sum for each group Parameters ---------- window: optional, window size, defaults to 3 Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_ROLLING_SUM, *args, func_param=(window), **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def rolling_nansum(self, *args, window=3, **kwargs): """rolling nan sum for each group Parameters ---------- window: optional, window size, defaults to 3 Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_ROLLING_NANSUM, *args, func_param=(window), **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def rolling_mean(self, *args, window=3, **kwargs): """rolling mean for each group Parameters ---------- window: optional, window size, defaults to 3 Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_ROLLING_MEAN, *args, func_param=(window), **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def rolling_nanmean(self, *args, window=3, **kwargs): """rolling nan mean for each group Parameters ---------- window: optional, window size, defaults to 3 Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_ROLLING_NANMEAN, *args, func_param=(window), **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def rolling_count(self, *args, window=3, **kwargs): """rolling count for each group Parameters ---------- window: optional, window size, defaults to 3 Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_ROLLING_COUNT, *args, func_param=(window), **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def rolling_shift(self, *args, window=1, **kwargs): """rolling shift for each group Parameters ---------- window: optional, window size, defaults to 1 windows can be negative Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_ROLLING_SHIFT, *args, func_param=(window), **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def rolling_diff(self, *args, window=1, **kwargs): """rolling diff for each group Parameters ---------- window: optional, window size, defaults to 1 Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_ROLLING_DIFF, *args, func_param=(window), **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def cumcount(self, *args, ascending=True, **kwargs): """rolling count for each group Number each item in each group from 0 to the length of that group - 1. Parameters ---------- ascending : bool, default True Returns ------- A single array, same size as the original grouping dict/categorical. If a filter was applied, integer sentinels will appear in those slots. """ param=1 if not ascending: param=-1 # cumcount doesn't need an origdict, pass it in empty result= self.grouping._calculate_all({}, GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_ROLLING_COUNT, func_param=(param), keychain=self.gb_keychain, **kwargs) return result #--------------------------------------------------------------- def cumsum(self, *args, filter = None, reset_filter=None, **kwargs): """Cumulative sum for each group Parameters ---------- filter: optional, boolean mask array of included reset_filter: optional, boolean mask array Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ if filter is None: filter = self._filter return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_CUMSUM, *args, func_param=(0.0, None, filter, reset_filter),**kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def cumprod(self, *args, filter = None, reset_filter=None, **kwargs): """Cumulative product for each group Parameters ---------- filter: optional, boolean mask array of included reset_filter: optional, boolean mask array Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ if filter is None: filter = self._filter return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_CUMPROD, *args, func_param=(0.0, None, filter, reset_filter),**kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def findnth(self, *args, filter = None, **kwargs): """FindNth Parameters ---------- filter: optional, boolean mask array of included TAKES NO ARGUMENTS -- operates on bin Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ if filter is None: filter = self._filter return self._calculate_all(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_FINDNTH, *args, func_param=(0.0, None, filter, None),**kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def _ema_op(self, function, *args, time=None, decay_rate = 1.0, filter = None, reset_filter=None, **kwargs): """ Ema base function for time based ema functions Formula ------- grp loops over each item in a groupby group i loops over eachitem in the original dataset Output[i] = <some formula> Parameters ---------- time: float or int array used to calculate time difference decay_rate: see formula, used a half life filter: optional, boolean mask array of included reset_filter: optional, boolean mask array Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset """ if time is None: raise ValueError("The 'time' kwarg is required when calling ema functions") if filter is None: filter = self._filter if filter is not None: if len(time) != len(filter): raise ValueError(f"The 'time' array length {len(time)} must match the length of the filter") return self._calculate_all(function, *args, func_param=(decay_rate, time, filter, reset_filter), **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def ema_decay(self, *args, time=None, decay_rate = None, filter = None, reset_filter=None, **kwargs): """ Ema decay for each group Formula ------- grp loops over each item in a groupby group i loops over eachitem in the original dataset Output[i] = Column[i] + LastEma[grp] * exp(-decay_rate * (Time[i] - LastTime[grp])); LastEma[grp] = Output[i] LastTime[grp] = Time[i] Parameters ---------- time: float or int array used to calculate time difference decay_rate: see formula, used a half life filter: optional, boolean mask array of included reset_filter: optional, boolean mask array Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset Example ------- >>> aapl # delta sym org time - ------ ---- ------ ----- 0 -3.11 AAPL -3.11 25.65 1 210.54 AAPL 210.54 38.37 2 49.97 AAPL 42.11 41.66 >>> np.log(2)/(1e3*100) 6.9314718055994526e-06 >>> aapl.groupby('sym')['delta'].ema_decay(time=aapl.time, decay_rate=np.log(2)/(1e3*100))[0] FastArray([ -3.11271882, 207.42784495, 257.39155897]) """ if decay_rate is None: raise ValueError("ema_decay function requires a kwarg 'decay_rate' floating point value as input") return self._ema_op(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_EMADECAY, *args, time=time, decay_rate=decay_rate, filter=filter, reset_filter=reset_filter, **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def ema_normal(self, *args, time=None, decay_rate = None, filter = None, reset_filter=None, **kwargs): """ Ema decay for each group Formula ------- grp loops over each item in a groupby group i loops over eachitem in the original dataset decayedWeight = exp(-decayRate * (Time[i] - LastTime[grp])); LastEma[grp] = Column[i] * (1 - decayedWeight) + LastEma[grp] * decayedWeight Output[i] = LastEma[grp] LastTime[grp] = Time[i] Parameters ---------- time: float or int array used to calculate time difference decay_rate: see formula, used a half life (defaults to 1.0) filter: optional, boolean mask array of included reset_filter: optional, boolean mask array Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset Example ------- >>> ds = rt.Dataset({'test': rt.arange(10), 'group2': rt.arange(10) % 3}) >>> ds.normal ='group2')['test'].ema_normal(decay_rate=1.0, time = rt.arange(10))['test'] >>> ds.weighted ='group2')['test'].ema_weighted(decay_rate=0.5)['test'] >>> ds # test group2 normal weighted - ---- ------ ------ -------- 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1 1 1 1.00 1.00 2 2 2 2.00 2.00 3 3 0 2.85 1.50 4 4 1 3.85 2.50 5 5 2 4.85 3.50 6 6 0 5.84 3.75 7 7 1 6.84 4.75 8 8 2 7.84 5.75 9 9 0 8.84 6.38 See Also -------- ema_weighted ema_decay """ if decay_rate is None: raise ValueError('ema_normal function requires a decay_rate floating point value') if time is None: raise ValueError('ema_normal function requires a time array. Use the "time" kwarg') if not isinstance(time, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('ema_normal function requires a time numpy array.') # cannot support int16/uint16 if time.dtype.num < 5: time = time.astype(np.int32) return self._ema_op(GB_FUNCTIONS.GB_EMANORMAL, *args, time=time, decay_rate=decay_rate, filter=filter, reset_filter=reset_filter, **kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------- def ema_weighted(self, *args, decay_rate = None, filter = None, reset_filter=None, **kwargs): """ Ema decay for each group with constant decay value (no time parameter) Formula ------- grp loops over each item in a groupby group i loops over eachitem in the original dataset LastEma[grp] = Column[i] * (1 - decay_rate) + LastEma[grp] * decay_rate Output[i] = LastEma[grp] Parameters ---------- time: <not used> decay_rate: see formula, used a half life filter: optional, boolean mask array of included reset_filter: optional, boolean mask array Returns ------- Dataset same rows as original dataset Example ------- >>> ds = rt.Dataset({'test': rt.arange(10), 'group2': rt.arange(10) % 3}) >>> ds.normal ='group2')['test'].ema_normal(decay_rate=1.0, time=rt.arange(10))['test'] >>> ds.weighted ='group2')['test'].ema_weighted(decay_rate=0.5)['test'] >>> ds # test group2 normal weighted - ---- ------ ------ -------- 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1 1 1 1.00 1.00 2 2 2 2.00 2.00 3 3 0 2.85 1.50 4 4 1
X): """ Predicts the output given an array of instances. Parameters ---------- X : (n, d) array like The covariates on which to predict Returns ------- predictions : {(n,) array, (n,p) array} The predicted mean outcomes """ if X is None: X = np.empty((1, 0)) if self.fit_intercept: X = add_constant(X, has_constant='add') return np.matmul(X, self._param) @property def coef_(self): """ Get the model's coefficients on the covariates. Returns ------- coef_ : {(d,), (p, d)} nd array like The coefficients of the variables in the linear regression. If label y was p-dimensional, then the result is a matrix of coefficents, whose p-th row containts the coefficients corresponding to the p-th coordinate of the label. """ if self.fit_intercept: if self._n_out == 0: return self._param[1:] else: return self._param[1:].T else: if self._n_out == 0: return self._param else: return self._param.T @property def intercept_(self): """ Get the intercept(s) (or 0 if no intercept was fit). Returns ------- intercept_ : float or (p,) nd array like The intercept of the linear regresion. If label y was p-dimensional, then the result is a vector whose p-th entry containts the intercept corresponding to the p-th coordinate of the label. """ return self._param[0] if self.fit_intercept else (0 if self._n_out == 0 else np.zeros(self._n_out)) @property def _param_stderr(self): """ The standard error of each parameter that was estimated. Returns ------- _param_stderr : {(d (+1),) (d (+1), p)} nd array like The standard error of each parameter that was estimated. """ if self._n_out == 0: return np.sqrt(np.clip(np.diag(self._param_var), 0, np.inf)) else: return np.array([np.sqrt(np.clip(np.diag(v), 0, np.inf)) for v in self._param_var]).T @property def coef_stderr_(self): """ Gets the standard error of the fitted coefficients. Returns ------- coef_stderr_ : {(d,), (p, d)} nd array like The standard error of the coefficients """ return self._param_stderr[1:].T if self.fit_intercept else self._param_stderr.T @property def intercept_stderr_(self): """ Gets the standard error of the intercept(s) (or 0 if no intercept was fit). Returns ------- intercept_stderr_ : float or (p,) nd array like The standard error of the intercept(s) """ return self._param_stderr[0] if self.fit_intercept else (0 if self._n_out == 0 else np.zeros(self._n_out)) def prediction_stderr(self, X): """ Gets the standard error of the predictions. Parameters ---------- X : (n, d) array like The covariates at which to predict Returns ------- prediction_stderr : (n, p) array like The standard error of each coordinate of the output at each point we predict """ if X is None: X = np.empty((1, 0)) if self.fit_intercept: X = add_constant(X, has_constant='add') if self._n_out == 0: return np.sqrt(np.clip(np.sum(np.matmul(X, self._param_var) * X, axis=1), 0, np.inf)) else: return np.array([np.sqrt(np.clip(np.sum(np.matmul(X, v) * X, axis=1), 0, np.inf)) for v in self._param_var]).T def coef__interval(self, alpha=.05): """ Gets a confidence interval bounding the fitted coefficients. Parameters ---------- alpha : float The confidence level. Will calculate the alpha/2-quantile and the (1-alpha/2)-quantile of the parameter distribution as confidence interval Returns ------- coef__interval : {tuple ((p, d) array, (p,d) array), tuple ((d,) array, (d,) array)} The lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval of the coefficients """ return np.array([_safe_norm_ppf(alpha / 2, loc=p, scale=err) for p, err in zip(self.coef_, self.coef_stderr_)]),\ np.array([_safe_norm_ppf(1 - alpha / 2, loc=p, scale=err) for p, err in zip(self.coef_, self.coef_stderr_)]) def intercept__interval(self, alpha=.05): """ Gets a confidence interval bounding the intercept(s) (or 0 if no intercept was fit). Parameters ---------- alpha : float The confidence level. Will calculate the alpha/2-quantile and the (1-alpha/2)-quantile of the parameter distribution as confidence interval Returns ------- intercept__interval : {tuple ((p,) array, (p,) array), tuple (float, float)} The lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval of the intercept(s) """ if not self.fit_intercept: return (0 if self._n_out == 0 else np.zeros(self._n_out)),\ (0 if self._n_out == 0 else np.zeros(self._n_out)) if self._n_out == 0: return _safe_norm_ppf(alpha / 2, loc=self.intercept_, scale=self.intercept_stderr_),\ _safe_norm_ppf(1 - alpha / 2, loc=self.intercept_, scale=self.intercept_stderr_) else: return np.array([_safe_norm_ppf(alpha / 2, loc=p, scale=err) for p, err in zip(self.intercept_, self.intercept_stderr_)]),\ np.array([_safe_norm_ppf(1 - alpha / 2, loc=p, scale=err) for p, err in zip(self.intercept_, self.intercept_stderr_)]) def predict_interval(self, X, alpha=.05): """ Gets a confidence interval bounding the prediction. Parameters ---------- X : (n, d) array like The covariates on which to predict alpha : float The confidence level. Will calculate the alpha/2-quantile and the (1-alpha/2)-quantile of the parameter distribution as confidence interval Returns ------- prediction_intervals : {tuple ((n,) array, (n,) array), tuple ((n,p) array, (n,p) array)} The lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals of the predicted mean outcomes """ return np.array([_safe_norm_ppf(alpha / 2, loc=p, scale=err) for p, err in zip(self.predict(X), self.prediction_stderr(X))]),\ np.array([_safe_norm_ppf(1 - alpha / 2, loc=p, scale=err) for p, err in zip(self.predict(X), self.prediction_stderr(X))]) class StatsModelsLinearRegression(_StatsModelsWrapper): """ Class which mimics weighted linear regression from the statsmodels package. However, unlike statsmodels WLS, this class also supports sample variances in addition to sample weights, which enables more accurate inference when working with summarized data. Parameters ---------- fit_intercept : bool (optional, default=True) Whether to fit an intercept in this model fit_args : dict (optional, default=`{}`) The statsmodels-style fit arguments; keys can include 'cov_type' """ def __init__(self, fit_intercept=True, cov_type="HC0"): self.cov_type = cov_type self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept return def _check_input(self, X, y, sample_weight, freq_weight, sample_var): """Check dimensions and other assertions.""" if X is None: X = np.empty((y.shape[0], 0)) if self.fit_intercept: X = add_constant(X, has_constant='add') # set default values for None if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = np.ones(y.shape[0]) if freq_weight is None: freq_weight = np.ones(y.shape[0]) if sample_var is None: sample_var = np.zeros(y.shape) # check freq_weight should be integer and should be accompanied by sample_var if np.any(np.not_equal(np.mod(freq_weight, 1), 0)): raise AttributeError("Frequency weights must all be integers for inference to be valid!") if sample_var.ndim < 2: if np.any(np.equal(freq_weight, 1) & np.not_equal(sample_var, 0)): warnings.warn( "Variance was set to non-zero for an observation with freq_weight=1! " "sample_var represents the variance of the original observations that are " "summarized in this sample. Hence, cannot have a non-zero variance if only " "one observations was summarized. Inference will be invalid!") elif np.any(np.not_equal(freq_weight, 1) & np.equal(sample_var, 0)): warnings.warn( "Variance was set to zero for an observation with freq_weight>1! " "sample_var represents the variance of the original observations that are " "summarized in this sample. If it's zero, please use sample_wegiht instead " "to reflect the weight for each individual sample!") else: if np.any(np.equal(freq_weight, 1) & np.not_equal(np.sum(sample_var, axis=1), 0)): warnings.warn( "Variance was set to non-zero for an observation with freq_weight=1! " "sample_var represents the variance of the original observations that are " "summarized in this sample. Hence, cannot have a non-zero variance if only " "one observations was summarized. Inference will be invalid!") elif np.any(np.not_equal(freq_weight, 1) & np.equal(np.sum(sample_var, axis=1), 0)): warnings.warn( "Variance was set to zero for an observation with freq_weight>1! " "sample_var represents the variance of the original observations that are " "summarized in this sample. If it's zero, please use sample_wegiht instead " "to reflect the weight for each individual sample!") # check array shape assert (X.shape[0] == y.shape[0] == sample_weight.shape[0] == freq_weight.shape[0] == sample_var.shape[0]), "Input lengths not compatible!" if y.ndim >= 2: assert (y.ndim == sample_var.ndim and y.shape[1] == sample_var.shape[1]), "Input shapes not compatible: {}, {}!".format( y.shape, sample_var.shape) # weight X and y and sample_var weighted_X = X * np.sqrt(sample_weight).reshape(-1, 1) if y.ndim < 2: weighted_y = y * np.sqrt(sample_weight) sample_var = sample_var * sample_weight else: weighted_y = y * np.sqrt(sample_weight).reshape(-1, 1) sample_var = sample_var * (sample_weight.reshape(-1, 1)) return weighted_X, weighted_y, freq_weight, sample_var def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, freq_weight=None, sample_var=None): """ Fits the model. Parameters ---------- X : (N, d) nd array like co-variates y : {(N,), (N, p)} nd array like output variable(s) sample_weight : (N,) array like or None Individual weights for each sample. If None, it assumes equal weight. freq_weight: (N, ) array like of integers or None Weight for the observation. Observation i is treated as the mean outcome of freq_weight[i] independent observations. When ``sample_var`` is not None, this should be provided. sample_var : {(N,), (N, p)} nd array like or None Variance of the outcome(s) of the
= elements['font-style'] if fontStyle == 'italic' or fontStyle == 'oblique': font.slant = 0.2 elif fontStyle == 'normal': font.slant = 0.0 if 'font-weight' in elements: fontWeight = elements['font-weight'] if fontWeight == 'normal': weight = 400 elif fontWeight == 'bold': weight = 700 elif fontWeight == 'bolder': weight = 900 elif fontWeight == 'lighter': weight = 200 else: weight = int(fontWeight) font.embolden = (float(weight) - 400.0)/2666.0 if 'text-align' in elements: font.alignment = textAlignMap[elements['text-align']] if 'text-anchor' in elements: font.alignment = textAnchorMap[elements['text-anchor']] if 'line-height' in elements: try: font.lineHeight = float(elements['line-height']) except: font.lineHeight = sizeFromString(elements['line-height'], font.size)/font.size if 'textLength' in elements: font.maxLength = sizeFromString(elements['textLength'], width) if 'inline-size' in elements: font.maxLength = sizeFromString(elements['inline-size'], width) if 'opacity' in elements: opacity = float(elements['opacity']) if not group and not fill and not stroke: raise Exception("Shape doesn't have a stroke or a fill.") if hasAny or opacity != 1.0: return Style(fill, stroke, font, opacity) return None def write(self, builder): offsets = [] if self.fill: materialOffset = builder.CreateString(self.fill.material) FillPathCommand.Start(builder) FillPathCommand.AddMaterial(builder, materialOffset) FillPathCommand.AddOpacity(builder, self.fill.opacity*self.opacity) FillPathCommand.AddFillRule(builder, self.fill.fillRule) commandOffset = FillPathCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.FillPathCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) if self.stroke: materialOffset = builder.CreateString(self.stroke.material) StrokePathCommand.Start(builder) StrokePathCommand.AddMaterial(builder, materialOffset) StrokePathCommand.AddOpacity(builder, self.stroke.opacity*self.opacity) StrokePathCommand.AddJoinType(builder, self.stroke.join) StrokePathCommand.AddCapType(builder, self.stroke.cap) StrokePathCommand.AddWidth(builder, self.stroke.width) StrokePathCommand.AddMiterLimit(builder, self.stroke.miterLimit) StrokePathCommand.AddDashArray(builder, CreateDashArray(builder, self.stroke.dashArray[0], self.stroke.dashArray[1], self.stroke.dashArray[2], self.stroke.dashArray[3])) commandOffset = StrokePathCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.StrokePathCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) return offsets class TextRange: """Class containing a range of text to draw.""" def __init__(self, start, count, position, positionType, style): self.start = start self.count = count self.position = position self.positionType = positionType = style def writeStartPath(builder, transform, simple): StartPathCommand.Start(builder) StartPathCommand.AddTransform(builder, transform.createMatrix33f(builder)) StartPathCommand.AddSimple(builder, simple) commandOffset = StartPathCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.StartPathCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) return [VectorCommand.End(builder)] def writeEllipse(builder, transform, style, center, radius): offsets = writeStartPath(builder, transform, True) EllipseCommand.Start(builder) EllipseCommand.AddCenter(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, center[0], center[1])) EllipseCommand.AddRadius(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, radius[0], radius[1])) commandOffset = EllipseCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.EllipseCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) offsets.extend(style.write(builder)) return offsets def writeImage(builder, transform, style, upperLeft, size, location): name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(location))[0] nameOffset = builder.CreateString(name) ImageCommand.Start(builder) ImageCommand.AddImage(builder, nameOffset) ImageCommand.AddUpperLeft(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, upperLeft[0], upperLeft[1])) ImageCommand.AddLowerRight(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, upperLeft[0] + size[0], upperLeft[1] + size[1])) ImageCommand.AddOpacity(builder, 1.0 if not style else style.opacity) ImageCommand.AddTransform(builder, transform.createMatrix33f(builder)) commandOffset = ImageCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.ImageCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) return [VectorCommand.End(builder)] def writeLines(builder, transform, style, points, closePath = False): if not points: raise Exception("No points available.") offsets = writeStartPath(builder, transform, False) MoveCommand.Start(builder) MoveCommand.AddPosition(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, points[0][0], points[0][1])) commandOffset = MoveCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.MoveCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) for point in points[1:]: LineCommand.Start(builder) LineCommand.AddEnd(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, point[0], point[1])) commandOffset = LineCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.LineCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) if closePath: ClosePathCommand.Start(builder) commandOffset = ClosePathCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.ClosePathCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) offsets.extend(style.write(builder)) return offsets def parsePointList(pointStr, size): tokens = re.findall(r"[-+0-9.e]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?(?:cm|mm|Q|in|pc|pt|em|px|%)?", pointStr) points = [] for i in range(int(len(tokens)/2)): points.append((sizeFromString(tokens[i*2], size[0]), sizeFromString(tokens[i*2 + 1], size[1]))) return points def writePolygon(builder, transform, style, pointStr, size): points = parsePointList(pointStr, size) return writeLines(builder, transform, style, points, True) def writePolyline(builder, transform, style, pointStr, size): points = parsePointList(pointStr, size) return writeLines(builder, transform, style, points) def writePath(builder, transform, style, path, size, diagonalSize): offsets = writeStartPath(builder, transform, False) tokens = re.findall( r"[mMzZlLhHvVcCsSqQtTaAbB]|[-+]?[0-9.]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?" \ "(?:cm|mm|Q|in|pc|pt|em|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|%)?", path) pos = (0.0, 0.0) lastControlPos = None lastQuadraticPos = None index = 0 command = '' while index < len(tokens): if tokens[index][0] == '.' or tokens[index][0] == '-' or tokens[index][0] == '+' or \ (ord(tokens[index][0]) >= ord('0') and ord(tokens[index][0]) <= ord('9')): x = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[0]) index += 1 if command != 'b' and command != 'B' and command != 'h' and command != 'H' and \ command != 'v' and command != 'V': y = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[1]) index += 1 if command == 'm' or command == 'M': if command == 'm': pos = (pos[0] + x, pos[1] + y) command = 'l' else: pos = (x, y) command = 'L' MoveCommand.Start(builder) MoveCommand.AddPosition(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, pos[0], pos[1])) commandOffset = MoveCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.MoveCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) elif command == 'l' or command == 'L' or command == 'h' or command == 'H' or \ command == 'v' or command == 'V': if command == 'l': pos = (pos[0] + x, pos[1] + y) elif command == 'L': pos = (x, y) elif command == 'h': pos = (pos[0] + x, pos[1]) elif command == 'H': pos = (x, pos[1]) elif command == 'v': pos = (pos[0], pos[1] + x) elif command == 'V': pos = (pos[0], x) LineCommand.Start(builder) LineCommand.AddEnd(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, pos[0], pos[1])) commandOffset = LineCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.LineCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) elif command == 'c' or command == 'C' or command == 's' or command == 'S': if command == 's' or command == 'S': if lastControlPos: diff = (lastControlPos[0] - pos[0], lastControlPos[1] - pos[1]) control1 = (pos[0] - diff[0], pos[1] - diff[1]) else: control1 = pos if command == 's': control2 = (pos[0] + x, pos[1] + y) else: control2 = (x, y) elif command == 'c': control1 = (pos[0] + x, pos[1] + y) x = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[0]) index += 1 y = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[1]) index += 1 control2 = (pos[0] + x, pos[1] + y) elif command == 'C': control1 = (x, y) x = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[0]) index += 1 y = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[1]) index += 1 control2 = (x, y) x = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[0]) index += 1 y = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[1]) index += 1 if command == 'c' or command == 's': end = (pos[0] + x, pos[1] + y) else: end = (x, y) BezierCommand.Start(builder) BezierCommand.AddControl1(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, control1[0], control1[1])) BezierCommand.AddControl2(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, control2[0], control2[1])) BezierCommand.AddEnd(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, end[0], end[1])) commandOffset = BezierCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.BezierCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) pos = end lastControlPos = control2 elif command == 'q' or command == 'Q' or command == 't' or command == 'T': if command == 't' or command == 'T': if lastQuadraticPos: diff = (lastQuadraticPos[0] - pos[0], lastQuadraticPos[1] - pos[1]) control = (pos[0] - diff[0], pos[1] - diff[1]) else: control = pos else: if command == 'q': control = (pos[0] + x, pos[1] + y) elif command == 'Q': control = (x, y) x = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[0]) index += 1 y = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[1]) index += 1 if command == 'q' or command == 't': end = (pos[0] + x, pos[1] + y) else: end = (x, y) QuadraticCommand.Start(builder) QuadraticCommand.AddControl(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, control[0], control[1])) QuadraticCommand.AddEnd(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, end[0], end[1])) commandOffset = QuadraticCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.QuadraticCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) pos = end lastQuadraticPos = control elif command == 'a' or command == 'A': radius = (x, y) rotation = angleFromString(tokens[index]) index += 1 largeArc = int(tokens[index]) != 0 index += 1 sweep = int(tokens[index]) != 0 index += 1 x = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[0]) index += 1 y = sizeFromString(tokens[index], size[1]) index += 1 if command == 'a': end = (pos[0] + x, pos[1] + y) else: end = (x, y) ArcCommand.Start(builder) ArcCommand.AddRadius(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, radius[0], radius[1])) ArcCommand.AddRotation(builder, rotation) ArcCommand.AddLargeArc(builder, largeArc) ArcCommand.AddClockwise(builder, sweep) ArcCommand.AddEnd(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, end[0], end[1])) commandOffset = ArcCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.ArcCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) pos = end elif command == 'b' or command == 'B': raise Exception('Bearing currently not implemented. ' \ 'It is generally not implemented by other SVG renderers either.') elif tokens[index] == 'z' or tokens[index] == 'Z': ClosePathCommand.Start(builder) commandOffset = ClosePathCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.ClosePathCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) lastControlPos = None lastQuadraticPos = None index += 1 else: # Reset the last control pos if not a curve command. if command != 'c' and command != 'C' and command != 's' and command != 'S': lastControlPos = None if command != 'q' and command != 'Q' and command != 't' and command != 'T': lastQuadraticPos = None command = tokens[index] index += 1 offsets.extend(style.write(builder)) return offsets def writeRectangle(builder, transform, style, upperLeft, rectSize, radius): offsets = writeStartPath(builder, transform, True) RectangleCommand.Start(builder) RectangleCommand.AddUpperLeft(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, upperLeft[0], upperLeft[1])) RectangleCommand.AddLowerRight(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, upperLeft[0] + rectSize[0], upperLeft[1] + rectSize[1])) RectangleCommand.AddCornerRadius(builder, CreateVector2f(builder, radius[0], radius[1])) commandOffset = RectangleCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.RectangleCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) offsets.append(VectorCommand.End(builder)) offsets.extend(style.write(builder)) return offsets def writeText(builder, transform, font, text, rangeCount): textOffset = builder.CreateString(text) fontOffset = builder.CreateString(font.font) TextCommand.Start(builder) TextCommand.AddText(builder, textOffset) TextCommand.AddFont(builder, fontOffset) TextCommand.AddAlignment(builder, font.alignment) TextCommand.AddMaxLength(builder, font.maxLength if font.maxLength else 3.402823e+38) TextCommand.AddLineHeight(builder, font.lineHeight) TextCommand.AddTransform(builder, transform.createMatrix33f(builder)) TextCommand.AddRangeCount(builder, rangeCount) commandOffset = TextCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.TextCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) return [VectorCommand.End(builder)] def writeTextRange(builder, textRange): style = fillMaterialOffset = 0 fillOpacity = 0.0 if style.fill: fillMaterialOffset = builder.CreateString(style.fill.material) fillOpacity = style.opacity*style.fill.opacity outlineMaterialOffset = 0 outlineOpacity = 0.0 outlineWidth = 0.0 if style.stroke: outlineMaterialOffset = builder.CreateString(style.stroke.material) outlineOpacity = style.opacity*style.stroke.opacity sizeToWidthFactor = 1.5/style.font.size outlineWidth = style.stroke.width*sizeToWidthFactor TextRangeCommand.Start(builder) TextRangeCommand.AddStart(builder, textRange.start) TextRangeCommand.AddCount(builder, textRange.count) TextRangeCommand.AddPositionType(builder, textRange.positionType) TextRangeCommand.AddPosition(builder, \ CreateVector2f(builder, textRange.position[0], textRange.position[1])) TextRangeCommand.AddFillMaterial(builder, fillMaterialOffset) TextRangeCommand.AddOutlineMaterial(builder, outlineMaterialOffset) TextRangeCommand.AddFillOpacity(builder, fillOpacity) TextRangeCommand.AddOutlineOpacity(builder, outlineOpacity) TextRangeCommand.AddSize(builder, style.font.size) TextRangeCommand.AddEmbolden(builder, style.font.embolden) TextRangeCommand.AddSlant(builder, style.font.slant) TextRangeCommand.AddOutlineWidth(builder, outlineWidth) TextRangeCommand.AddFuziness(builder, 1.0) commandOffset = TextRangeCommand.End(builder) VectorCommand.Start(builder) VectorCommand.AddCommandType(builder, VectorCommandUnion.TextRangeCommand) VectorCommand.AddCommand(builder, commandOffset) return [VectorCommand.End(builder)] def readMaterials(node, materials, size, diagonalSize): for defNode in node.childNodes: if defNode.nodeType != xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: continue if defNode.tagName == 'linearGradient': gradient = LinearGradientMaterial(defNode, size, materials) materials.addLinearGradient(gradient) elif defNode.tagName == 'radialGradient': gradient = RadialGradientMaterial(defNode, size, diagonalSize, materials) materials.addRadialGradient(gradient) def readText(node, defaultFont, size, diagonalSize, materials, style = None): if not node or node.tagName != 'text': return None, None, None rootStyle = Style.create(node, materials, diagonalSize, style, defaultFont = defaultFont, \ width = size[0], text = True) text = u"" initialPosition = (0.0, 0.0) if node.hasAttribute('x') and node.hasAttribute('y'): initialPosition = (sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('x'), size[0]), \ sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('y'), size[1])) ranges = [TextRange(0, 0, initialPosition, TextPosition.Absolute, rootStyle)] for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: rangeStyle = Style.create(child, materials, diagonalSize, rootStyle, \ defaultFont = defaultFont, width = size[0], text = True) curText = u"" for nextChild in child.childNodes: if nextChild.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): textPiece = unicode( else: textPiece = if curText: curText += ' ' curText += textPiece.strip() if text: curText = ' ' + curText position = (0.0, 0.0) positionType = TextPosition.Offset if not rootStyle.font.maxLength and child.hasAttribute('x') and \ child.hasAttribute('y'): position = (sizeFromString(child.getAttribute('x'), size[0]), \ sizeFromString(child.getAttribute('y'), size[1])) positionType = TextPosition.Absolute elif child.hasAttribute('dx') or child.hasAttribute('dy'): if child.hasAttribute('dx'): position = (sizeFromString(child.getAttribute('dx'), size[0]), 0.0) if child.hasAttribute('dy'): position = (position[0], sizeFromString(child.getAttribute('dy'), size[1])) positionType = TextPosition.Offset if curText: ranges.append(TextRange(len(text), len(curText), position, positionType, \ rangeStyle)) text += curText elif child.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): curText = unicode( else: curText = curText = curText.strip() if curText: if text: curText = ' ' + curText if ranges[-1].style == rootStyle: ranges[-1].count += len(curText) else: ranges.append(TextRange(len(text), len(curText), (0.0, 0.0), \ TextPosition.Offset, rootStyle)) text += curText return rootStyle.font, text, ranges def readShapes(node, defaultFont, materials, size, diagonalSize, transform, style = None): commands = [] if node.tagName == 'g': groupTransform = transform*Transform.fromNode(node) groupStyle = Style.create(node, materials, diagonalSize, style, group = True, \ defaultFont = defaultFont, width = size[0]) for groupNode in node.childNodes: if groupNode.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE: commands.extend(readShapes(groupNode, defaultFont, materials, size, diagonalSize, groupTransform, groupStyle)) elif node.tagName == 'circle': commands.append(lambda builder, transform = transform*Transform.fromNode(node), style = Style.create(node, materials, diagonalSize, style), center = (sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('cx'), size[0]), sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('cy'), size[1])), radius = sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('r'), diagonalSize): writeEllipse(builder, transform, style, center, (radius, radius))) elif node.tagName == 'ellipse': commands.append(lambda builder, transform = transform*Transform.fromNode(node), style = Style.create(node, materials, diagonalSize, style), center = (sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('cx'), size[0]), sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('cy'), size[1])), radius = (sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('rx'), diagonalSize), sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('ry'), diagonalSize)): writeEllipse(builder, transform, style, center, radius)) elif node.tagName == 'image': commands.append(lambda builder, transform = transform*Transform.fromNode(node), style = Style.create(node, materials, diagonalSize, style), upperLeft = (sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('x'), size[0]), sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('y'), size[1])), imageSize = (sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('width'), size[0]), sizeFromString(node.getAttribute('height'), size[1])), location =
''' This submodule provides basic preprocessing functionality to work with hyperspectral data/images. E.g. - Normalization - Baseline Correction/Removal - RGB-Image standardization - Scatter correction (especially RMieS-correction) - Data transformations from 3D to 2D and reverse - ... ''' # IMPORTS ######### import numpy as np # FUNCTIONS ########### def _baseline_corr(data, lam=1000, p=0.05, n_iter=10): ''' Asymmetric least squares smoothing for baseline removal/correction. Adapted from Eilers and Boelens (2005) and with optimized memory usage. Two parameters: lam (lambda) for smoothness and p for asymmetry. Generally for data with positive peaks 0.001 <= p <= 0.1 is a good choice and 10^2 <= lam <= 10^9 Although iteration number is fixed at 10 your mileage may vary if the weights do not converge in this time. Returns the baseline corrected data. ''' from scipy import sparse from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve data_length = len(data) D = sparse.diags([1, -2, 1], [0, -1, -2], shape=(data_length, data_length - 2)) D = lam * weights = np.ones(data_length) W = sparse.spdiags(weights, 0, data_length, data_length) for i in range(n_iter): W.setdiag(weights) Z = W + D z = spsolve(Z, weights * data) weights = p * (data > z) + (1 - p) * (data < z) return z def baseline_als(data, lam=1000, p=0.05, n_iter=10): '''Checks input data shape. If it's a single spectrum defaults to calling subfunction _baseline_corr. Otherwise loops through the data of shape (number of spectra, data points) and applies correction to each spectrum. Returns the baseline corrected data as a numpy array. ''' if len(data.shape) == 1: result = np.array(_baseline_corr(data, lam, p, n_iter)) return result elif len(data.shape) == 2: result = np.array([_baseline_corr(i, lam, p, n_iter) for i in data]) return result else: print( 'Data shape error! Please check your input values accordingly. Desired shape of (number of spectra, data points)') # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AS IMPLEMENTED BY <NAME> DURING THE INITIAL HACKATHON # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- from typing import Union as U, Tuple as T, Optional from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneGroupOut from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix import numpy as np def emsc(spectra: np.ndarray, wavenumbers: np.ndarray, poly_order: Optional[int] = 2, reference: np.ndarray = None, constituents: np.ndarray = None, use_reference: bool = True, return_coefs: bool = False) -> U[np.ndarray, T[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """ Preprocess all spectra with EMSC :param spectra: ndarray of shape [n_samples, n_channels] :param wavenumbers: ndarray of shape [n_channels] :param poly_order: order of polynomial None: EMSC without polynomial components :param reference: reference spectrum None: use average spectrum as reference; :param constituents: ndarray of shape [n_consituents, n_channels] Except constituents it can also take orthogonal vectors, for example from PCA. :param use_reference: if False not include reference in the model :param return_coefs: if True returns coefficients [n_samples, n_coeffs], where n_coeffs = 1 + len(costituents) + (order + 1). Order of returned coefficients: 1) b*reference + # reference coeff k) c_0*constituent[0] + ... + c_k*constituent[k] + # constituents coeffs a_0 + a_1*w + a_2*w^2 + ... # polynomial coeffs :return: preprocessed spectra, [coefficients] """ # assert poly_order >= 0, 'poly_order must be >= 0' if reference is None: reference = np.mean(spectra, axis=0) reference = reference[:, np.newaxis] half_rng = np.abs(wavenumbers[0] - wavenumbers[-1]) / 2 normalized_wns = (wavenumbers - np.mean(wavenumbers)) / half_rng if poly_order is None: if constituents is None: columns = (reference) else: columns = (reference, constituents.T) else: polynomial_columns = [np.ones(len(wavenumbers))] for j in range(1, poly_order + 1): polynomial_columns.append(normalized_wns ** j) polynomial_columns = np.stack(polynomial_columns, axis=1) # spectrum = X*coefs + residues # least squares -> A = (X.T*X)^-1 * X.T; coefs = A * spectrum if constituents is None: columns = (reference, polynomial_columns) else: columns = (reference, constituents.T, polynomial_columns) if not use_reference: columns = columns[1:] if isinstance(columns, tuple): X = np.concatenate(columns, axis=1) else: X = columns.copy() A =, X)), X.T) spectra_columns = spectra.T coefs =, spectra_columns) residues = spectra_columns -, coefs) if use_reference: preprocessed_spectra = residues / coefs[0] + reference else: preprocessed_spectra = residues.copy() if return_coefs: return preprocessed_spectra.T, coefs.T return preprocessed_spectra.T def rep_emsc(spectra: np.ndarray, wavenumbers: np.ndarray, replicate: np.ndarray, poly_order: Optional[int] = 2, reference: np.ndarray = None, n_comp: int = 1, use_reference: bool = True, return_coefs: bool = False): """ Preprocess all spectra with replicate EMSC :param spectra: ndarray of shape [n_samples, n_channels] :param wavenumbers: ndarray of shape [n_channels] :param replicate: ndarray of shape [n_samples] :param poly_order: order of polynomial None: EMSC without polynomial components :param reference: reference spectrum None: use average spectrum as reference; :param n_comp: number of principal components used for replicate correction :param use_reference: if False not include reference in the model :param return_coefs: if True returns coefficients [n_samples, n_coeffs], where n_coeffs = 1 + n_comp + (order + 1). Order of returned coefficients: 1) b*reference + # reference coeff n) r_0*loading_rep[0] + ... + r_n*loading_rep[n] + # replicate coeffs a_0 + a_1*w + a_2*w^2 + ... # polynomial coeffs :return: preprocessed spectra, [coefficients] """ constituents = cal_rep_matrix(spectra=spectra, wavenumbers=wavenumbers, replicate=replicate, do_PCA=True, n_comp=n_comp)[1] res = emsc(spectra=spectra, wavenumbers=wavenumbers, poly_order=poly_order, reference=reference, constituents=constituents, use_reference=use_reference, return_coefs=return_coefs) return res def cal_rep_matrix(spectra: np.ndarray, wavenumbers: np.ndarray, replicate: np.ndarray, do_PCA: bool = False, n_comp: int = 1): """ Calculate mean spectra for each replicate, and do PCA if required :param spectra: ndarray of shape [n_samples, n_channels] :param wavenumbers: ndarray of shape [n_channels] :param replicate: ndarray of shape [n_samples] :param do_PCA: if True returns loadings from PCA :param n_comp: number of principal components used for replicate correction :return: mean spectra of each replicate """ n_rep = len(replicate) n_sample = np.shape(spectra)[0] assert n_rep == n_sample rep_mean = [] rep_uni = np.unique(replicate) #### replace for loop with map #### rep_mean = list(map(lambda x: np.mean(spectra[replicate == x, :], axis=0), rep_uni)) # for j in range(len(rep_uni)): # rep_mean.append(np.mean(spectra[replicate==rep_uni[j],:], axis=0)) rep_mean = np.stack(rep_mean, axis=0) if do_PCA: n_comp = np.min((n_rep, n_comp)) model_pca = PCA(n_comp) rep_mean_c = rep_mean - np.mean(rep_mean, axis=0) rep_columns = return rep_mean, rep_columns else: return rep_mean def cal_merit_lda(spectra: np.ndarray, wavenumbers: np.ndarray, replicate: np.ndarray, label: np.ndarray): """ Benchmark of replicate EMSC correction based on LDA classification :param spectra: ndarray of shape [n_samples, n_channels] :param wavenumbers: ndarray of shape [n_channels] :param replicate: ndarray of shape [n_samples] :param label: ndarray of shape [n_samples] :return: mean sensitivity of leave-one-replicate-out cross-validation """ logo = LeaveOneGroupOut() res_true = [] res_pred = [] for train, test in logo.split(spectra, label, groups=replicate): tmp_model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()[train], label[train]) res_pred = np.append(res_pred, tmp_model.predict(spectra[test])) res_true = np.append(res_true, label[test]) c_m = confusion_matrix(res_true, res_pred, labels=np.unique(label)) res = np.mean(np.diag(c_m) / np.sum(c_m, axis=1)) return res def rep_emsc_opt(spectra: np.ndarray, wavenumbers: np.ndarray, replicate: np.ndarray, label: np.ndarray, poly_order: Optional[int] = 2, reference: np.ndarray = None, n_comp_all: np.ndarray = (1, 2, 3), use_reference: bool = True, return_coefs: bool = False, fun_merit=cal_merit_lda, do_correction: bool = True): """ Preprocess all spectra with replicate EMSC, wit automatically optimization of n_comp :param spectra: ndarray of shape [n_samples, n_channels] :param wavenumbers: ndarray of shape [n_channels] :param replicate: ndarray of shape [n_samples] :param label: ndarray of shape [n_samples] :param poly_order: order of polynomial None: EMSC without polynomial components :param reference: reference spectrum None: use average spectrum as reference; :param n_comp_all: calidated number of principal components used for replicate correction :param use_reference: if False not include reference in the model :param return_coefs: if True returns coefficients [n_samples, n_coeffs], where n_coeffs = 1 + n_comp + (order + 1). Order of returned coefficients: 1) b*reference + # reference coeff n) r_0*loading_rep[0] + ... + r_n*loading_rep[n] + # replicate coeffs a_0 + a_1*w + a_2*w^2 + ... # polynomial coeffs :param fun_merit: function used to calculate the merits benchmarking the goodness of replicate correction :param do_correction: if or not do replicate EMSC correction using optimal n_comp :return: [preprocessed spectra, [coefficients]], merits, opt_comp """ uni_rep = np.unique(replicate) merits = [] for n_comp in n_comp_all: if n_comp >= len(uni_rep): break prep_spectra = rep_emsc(spectra=spectra, wavenumbers=wavenumbers, replicate=replicate, poly_order=poly_order, reference=reference, n_comp=n_comp, use_reference=use_reference, return_coefs=False) met = fun_merit(spectra=prep_spectra, wavenumbers=wavenumbers, replicate=replicate, label=label) merits.append(met) opt_comp = n_comp_all[np.argmax(merits)] if do_correction: res = rep_emsc(spectra=spectra, wavenumbers=wavenumbers, replicate=replicate, poly_order=poly_order, reference=reference, n_comp=opt_comp, use_reference=use_reference, return_coefs=return_coefs) return res, merits, opt_comp else: return merits, opt_comp # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following Part
import time import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation import pandas as pd import sys from matplotlib import gridspec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cartopy import as shpreader import as ccrs import geopandas as gpd def find_absbm3(id_target, target, net): """ this is the brains of the Self Organizing Maps - passes in a real normalized data vector - identifies which target is closest to which vector (target vs trial) - returns the identifier and the vector - instead of using Euclidean distance it uses the sum of the absolute values as a measure of distance - any consistent measure of distance works """ absbm_id = np.array([0, 0]) nFeatures = net.shape[2] min_dist = sys.maxsize # run thru 2 dimensions for x in range(net.shape[0]): for y in range(net.shape[1]): # pick a vector trial = net[x, y, :].reshape(nFeatures, 1) # see how far away the two vectors are using absolute values ### abs_dist = np.sum((w - t) ** 2) abs_dist = np.sum(abs(trial - target)) ### large difference if abs_dist < min_dist: min_dist = abs_dist absbm_id = np.array([x, y]) absbm = net[absbm_id[0], absbm_id[1], :].reshape(nFeatures, 1) return (absbm, absbm_id) def find_bmu(id_target, target, net): """ Find the best matching unit for a given target vector in the SOM Returns: (bmu, bmu_idx) where bmu is the high-dimensional BMU and bmu_idx is the index of this vector in the SOM """ nFeatures = net.shape[2] bmu_idx = np.array([0, 0]) # set the initial minimum distance to a huge number # min_dist = np.iinfo( # print("start min dist: ",min_dist) min_dist = sys.maxsize # calculate the high-dimensional distance between each neuron and the input for x in range(net.shape[0]): for y in range(net.shape[1]): trial = net[x, y, :].reshape(nFeatures, 1) sq_dist = np.sum((trial - target) ** 2) if sq_dist < min_dist: min_dist = sq_dist bmu_idx = np.array([x, y]) # get vector corresponding to bmu_idx bmu = net[bmu_idx[0], bmu_idx[1], :].reshape(nFeatures, 1) return (bmu, bmu_idx) def generateReport(net,lstVars): """ this is the reporter for Self Organizing Maps - report occurs at the end of all iterations - routine for identifying and reporting membership of Countries in clusters - returns the count of Countries in each cluster """ nFeatures = net.shape[2] # print("************* membership of Countries ********************") cntGps = np.zeros([nXs,nYs], print("countries: \n", countries) vec=[] for iRow in range(nCountrys): sov = countries[iRow] train = data[:, iRow].reshape(np.array([nFeatures, 1])) # absbm, absbm_id = find_absbm3(iRow,train, net) absbm, absbm_id = find_bmu(iRow, train, net) # print(iRow, np.array(absbm_id)+1, countries[iRow]) ## vec.append([iRow,absbm_id, absbm.T]) iiX = absbm_id[0] iiY = absbm_id[1] cntGps[iiX,iiY]+=1 # print(">>>>**** iRow, iiX, iiY,sov: ", iRow, iiX, iiY, sov) for x in range(net.shape[0]): for y in range(net.shape[1]): train = net[x, y, :].reshape(np.array([nFeatures, 1, 1])) iRow+=1 absbm_id = str([x,y]).replace(',','') absbm = train vec.append([iRow,absbm_id, absbm.T]) # print("************* Features of Countries ********************") # print("Features: \n", lstVars) unique, counts = np.unique(([str(vec[i][1]) for i in range(len(vec))]), return_counts=True) cntList = list(zip(unique,counts)) cnt = [cntList[i][1] -1 for i in range(len(cntList))] return cntGps def generatePlot(iIter,net,cntGps,nColx): """ this is the plotter for Self Organizing Maps - after every 1000 iterations (in this case) plots the status of the net - figures out which are the 3 most important features based on the estimated Self Organizing Map - takes each vector of the 3 by 3 by 4 net and figures out its color based on the 3 most important features - creates a rectangle for each element of the net, colors and annotates the rectangle - in the final plot, includes the count of the number of Countries in each cluster """ global countries, nFeatures patch = [] axes[0].clear() axes[0].annotate(('iter: %d out of %d' % (iIter+1,nCnt)),xy=(0.05,0.95),xycoords='axes fraction') nFeatures = net.shape[2] nPtMax = 5 nColorMax = 3 nColorPts = min(nFeatures,nColorMax) orderFace = np.argsort(np.abs(net.std(axis=(0,1))))[::-1][:nFeatures] for x in range(1, net.shape[0] + 1): for y in range(1, net.shape[1] + 1): face = net[x-1,y-1,:] # print("face: ", face) faceX = [] for i in range(nColorPts): faceX.append(face[orderFace[i]]) varX = '1st>>'+str(orderFace[0]+1)+": " + \ lstVars[orderFace[0]][:9]+' 2nd>>'+str(orderFace[1]+1)+": "+lstVars[orderFace[1]][:9]+ \ ' 3rd>>'+str(orderFace[2]+1)+": "+lstVars[orderFace[2]][:9]+' 4th>>'+str(orderFace[3]+1)+ \ ": "+lstVars[orderFace[3]][:9] axes[0].annotate(varX,xy=(0.05,0.015),xycoords='axes fraction',fontsize=9,fontweight='normal') rect = plt.Rectangle((0.05+(x-1.0)/8, 0.014+(y-0.68)/8), 1.0/8.0, 1.0/8.0, facecolor=faceX,edgecolor='gray') patch.append(axes[0].add_patch(rect)) face = [int(1000*face[i])/1000.0 for i in range(nFeatures)] strFace = "" for i in range(nColx): strFace+=(str(orderFace[i]+1)+": "+str(face[orderFace[i]])+'\n') strXYZ = "["+str(x)+","+str(y)+"]" if iIter >= nCnt-1: cntGp = cntGps[x-1][y-1] strXYZ+= ": ("+str(cntGp)+")" strFace+=strXYZ #----------------------------------------------------- colorX = 'orange' if faceX[0]>0.7 or faceX[1]>0.6 or faceX[2]>0.75: colorX = 'black' # axes[0].annotate(strFace,xy=((x-0.78)/(nXs+0.20),(y-0.78)/(nYs+0.20)),xycoords='axes fraction', # fontsize=7, color=colorX, fontweight='bold') axes[0].annotate(strFace,xy=((x-0.45)/(nXs+1),(y-0.55)/(nYs+1)),xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=7, color=colorX, fontweight='bold') if iIter >= nCnt-1 or iIter%5 == 0: # print("**************************** plot map for iIter: ", iIter) # print("\n*****plotMap") plotMap(plt, axes, orderFace) return patch def plotMap(plt, axes, orderFace): lstCntClusters = [] if iIter >= nCnt-1 or iIter%5 == 0: axes[1].clear() #ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAND) axes[1].add_feature(cartopy.feature.OCEAN) #ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.COASTLINE) #ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, linestyle='-', alpha=.5) #ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAKES, alpha=0.95) #ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.RIVERS) axes[1].set_extent([-150, 60, -25, 60]) cntGps = np.zeros([nXs,nYs], lstCountrys = [[[] for i in range(nYs)] for j in range(nXs)] vec=[] for iRow in range(nCountrys): train = data[:, iRow].reshape(np.array([nFeatures, 1])) # find its Best Matching Unit bmu, bmu_idx = find_bmu(iRow, train, net) vec.append([iRow,bmu_idx, bmu.T]) iiRow = bmu_idx[0] iiCol = bmu_idx[1] strCountry = countries[iRow] # print("strCountry: ", strCountry) cntGps[iiRow,iiCol]+=1 lstCountrys[iiRow][iiCol].append(countries[iRow]) lstCntClusters.append([iiRow,iiCol]) if iIter >= nCnt-1: for i in range(nYs): for j in range(nXs): print("[",j+1,i+1,"] ",lstCountrys[j][i]) for x in range(net.shape[0]): for y in range(net.shape[1]): train = net[x, y, :].reshape(np.array([nFeatures, 1])) # set to Best Matching Unit # bmu, bmu_idx = find_bmu(train, net, m) iRow+=1 bmu_idx = str([x,y]).replace(',','') bmu = train vec.append([iRow,bmu_idx, bmu.T]) unique, counts = np.unique(([str(vec[i][1]) for i in range(len(vec))]), return_counts=True) cntList = list(zip(unique,counts)) cnt = [cntList[i][1] -1 for i in range(len(cntList))] Countries = reader.records() Countries1 = gpd.read_file('./world/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp') qTest0 = True if qTest0: nUsed = 0 for country in Countries: # print("\n ============ country: ", country) sov = country.attributes['name'] lab = country.attributes['adm0_a3'] # print("sov: ", sov) # print("lab: ", lab) bounds = country.bounds if lab != 'RUS': x = ((bounds[0]+bounds[2])/2.0+178.0)/360.0 else: x = ((45.0+bounds[2])/2.0+178.0)/360.0 y = ((bounds[1]+bounds[3])/2.0+59)/145.0 valXY = (x,y) if sov in countries: nUsed+=1 ind1 = countries.index(sov) # print("ind1: ",ind1) ind2 = lstCntClusters[ind1] # print("ind2: ",ind2) color = (net[ind2[0],ind2[1],0],net[ind2[0],ind2[1],1],net[ind2[0],ind2[1],2]) color = (net[ind2[0],ind2[1],orderFace[0]],net[ind2[0],ind2[1],orderFace[1]],net[ind2[0],ind2[1],orderFace[2]]) # print(">>>>**** sov, ind1, ind2, color, nUsed: ",sov, ind1, ind2, color, nUsed) axes[1].add_geometries(country.geometry, ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor = color, label=lab) colorX = 'orange' axes[1].annotate(lab,valXY,xycoords='axes fraction',fontsize=8,color=colorX,fontweight='bold') else: axes[1].add_geometries(country.geometry, ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), label=lab) colorX = 'grey' axes[1].annotate(lab,valXY,xycoords='axes fraction',fontsize=8,color=colorX,fontweight='bold') qTest1 = False if qTest1: nUsed = 0 sovs = Countries1.NAME labs = Countries1.ISO3 geos = Countries1.geometry nCountries = len(sovs) for iCountry in range(nCountries): sov = sovs[iCountry] lab = labs[iCountry] geo = geos[iCountry] bounds = geo.bounds print("sov: ", sov) print("lab: ", lab) print("bounds: ", bounds) if lab != 'RUS': x = ((bounds[0]+bounds[2])/2.0+178.0)/360.0 else: x = ((45.0+bounds[2])/2.0+178.0)/360.0 y = ((bounds[1]+bounds[3])/2.0+59)/145.0 valXY = (x,y) if sov in countries: nUsed+=1 ind1 = countries.index(sov) # print("ind1: ",ind1) ind2 = lstCntClusters[ind1] # print("ind2: ",ind2) color = (net[ind2[0],ind2[1],0],net[ind2[0],ind2[1],1],net[ind2[0],ind2[1],2]) color = (net[ind2[0],ind2[1],orderFace[0]],net[ind2[0],ind2[1],orderFace[1]],net[ind2[0],ind2[1],orderFace[2]]) # print(">>>>**** sov, ind1, ind2, color, nUsed: ",sov, ind1, ind2, color, nUsed) axes[1].add_geometries(geo, ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor = color, label=lab) colorX = 'orange' axes[1].annotate(lab,valXY,xycoords='axes fraction',fontsize=8,color=colorX,fontweight='bold') else: axes[1].add_geometries(geo, ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), label=lab) colorX = 'grey' axes[1].annotate(lab,valXY,xycoords='axes fraction',fontsize=8,color=colorX,fontweight='bold') Countries.close() plt.gca().set_yticks([-60, -30, 0, 30, 60], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plt.gca().set_xticks(np.arange(-180,240,60), crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) plt.gca().gridlines() return def decay_radius(initial_radius, i, time_constant): return initial_radius * np.exp(-i / time_constant) def decay_learning_rate(initial_learning_rate, i, n_iterations): return initial_learning_rate * np.exp(-i / n_iterations) def calculate_influence(distance, radius): return np.exp(-distance / (2* (radius**2))) def getRawData(): """ this routine pulls in the raw data """ import csv df = pd.read_csv('./Data/factbook.csv', sep=';') lstVars = list(df.columns[1:45]) vars1 = ['Area(sq km)','Birth rate(births/1000 population)','Death rate(deaths/1000 population)', 'Infant mortality rate(deaths/1000 live births)','Life expectancy at birth(years)','Population'] vars2 = ['Electricity - consumption(kWh)','Electricity - production(kWh)','Exports','Highways(km)','Imports', 'Internet users','Oil - consumption(bbl/day)','Oil - production(bbl/day)', 'Telephones - main lines in use','Telephones - mobile cellular'] vars3 = ['Debt - external','GDP','GDP - per capita','GDP - real growth rate(%)', 'Inflation rate (consumer prices)(%)'] lstVars = vars1+vars2+vars3 subset = df[lstVars].drop(0) xCnt = list(len(subset.loc[pd.notnull(df[lstVars[i]])]) for i in range(len(lstVars))) nCutOff = 160 lstVars = [lstVars[i] for i in range(len(lstVars)) if xCnt[i] > nCutOff] subset = subset[lstVars] print(lstVars) for i in range(len(lstVars)): print(i,lstVars[i]) subset = subset.loc[pd.notnull(df[lstVars[i]])] countries = list(df['Country'][subset.index][1:]) print("countries: ",countries) subset = subset.astype(float) # subset = subset.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) groups = df[['Country']]
<reponame>Agoniii/tensorflow<filename>tensorflow/python/framework/<gh_stars>1-10 # Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Functions for configuring TensorFlow execution.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export @tf_export('config.threading.get_intra_op_parallelism_threads') def get_intra_op_parallelism_threads(): """Get number of threads used within an individual op for parallelism. Certain operations like matrix multiplication and reductions can utilize parallel threads for speed ups. A value of 0 means the system picks an appropriate number. Returns: Number of parallel threads """ return context.context().intra_op_parallelism_threads @tf_export('config.threading.set_intra_op_parallelism_threads') def set_intra_op_parallelism_threads(num_threads): """Set number of threads used within an individual op for parallelism. Certain operations like matrix multiplication and reductions can utilize parallel threads for speed ups. A value of 0 means the system picks an appropriate number. Args: num_threads: Number of parallel threads """ context.context().intra_op_parallelism_threads = num_threads @tf_export('config.threading.get_inter_op_parallelism_threads') def get_inter_op_parallelism_threads(): """Get number of threads used for parallelism between independent operations. Determines the number of threads used by independent non-blocking operations. 0 means the system picks an appropriate number. Returns: Number of parallel threads """ return context.context().inter_op_parallelism_threads @tf_export('config.threading.set_inter_op_parallelism_threads') def set_inter_op_parallelism_threads(num_threads): """Set number of threads used for parallelism between independent operations. Determines the number of threads used by independent non-blocking operations. 0 means the system picks an appropriate number. Args: num_threads: Number of parallel threads """ context.context().inter_op_parallelism_threads = num_threads @tf_export('config.optimizer.get_jit') def get_optimizer_jit(): """Get if JIT compilation is enabled. Note that optimizations are only applied in graph mode, (within tf.function). Returns: If JIT compilation is enabled. """ return context.context().optimizer_jit @tf_export('config.optimizer.set_jit') def set_optimizer_jit(enabled): """Set if JIT compilation is enabled. Args: enabled: Whether to enable JIT compilation. """ context.context().optimizer_jit = enabled @tf_export('config.optimizer.get_experimental_options') def get_optimizer_experimental_options(): """Get experimental optimizer options. Refer to tf.config.optimizer.set_experimental_options for a list of current options. Note that optimizations are only applied in graph mode, (within tf.function). In addition, as these are experimental options, the list is subject to change. Returns: Dictionary of configured experimental optimizer options """ return context.context().get_optimizer_experimental_options() @tf_export('config.optimizer.set_experimental_options') def set_optimizer_experimental_options(options): """Set experimental optimizer options. Note that optimizations are only applied in graph mode, (within tf.function). In addition, as these are experimental options, the list is subject to change. Args: options: Dictionary of experimental optimizer options to configure. Valid keys: - layout_optimizer: Optimize tensor layouts e.g. This will try to use NCHW layout on GPU which is faster. - constant_folding: Fold constants Statically infer the value of tensors when possible, and materialize the result using constants. - shape_optimization: Simplify computations made on shapes. - remapping: Remap subgraphs onto more efficient implementations. - arithmetic_optimization: Simplify arithmetic ops with common sub-expression elimination and arithmetic simplification. - dependency_optimization: Control dependency optimizations. Remove redundant control dependencies, which may enable other optimization. This optimizer is also essential for pruning Identity and NoOp nodes. - loop_optimization: Loop optimizations. - function_optimization: Function optimizations and inlining. - debug_stripper: Strips debug-related nodes from the graph. - disable_model_pruning: Disable removal of unnecessary ops from the graph - scoped_allocator_optimization: Try to allocate some independent Op outputs contiguously in order to merge or eliminate downstream Ops. - pin_to_host_optimization: Force small ops onto the CPU. - implementation_selector: Enable the swap of kernel implementations based on the device placement. - auto_mixed_precision: Change certain float32 ops to float16 on Volta GPUs and above. Without the use of loss scaling, this can cause numerical underflow (see `keras.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScaleOptimizer`). - disable_meta_optimizer: Disable the entire meta optimizer. - min_graph_nodes: The minimum number of nodes in a graph to optimizer. For smaller graphs, optimization is skipped. """ context.context().set_optimizer_experimental_options(options) @tf_export('config.get_soft_device_placement') def get_soft_device_placement(): """Get if soft device placement is enabled. If enabled, an op will be placed on CPU if any of the following are true 1. there's no GPU implementation for the OP 2. no GPU devices are known or registered 3. need to co-locate with reftype input(s) which are from CPU Returns: If soft placement is enabled. """ return context.context().soft_device_placement @tf_export('config.set_soft_device_placement') def set_soft_device_placement(enabled): """Set if soft device placement is enabled. If enabled, an op will be placed on CPU if any of the following are true 1. there's no GPU implementation for the OP 2. no GPU devices are known or registered 3. need to co-locate with reftype input(s) which are from CPU Args: enabled: Whether to enable soft placement. """ context.context().soft_device_placement = enabled @tf_export('config.experimental.get_device_policy') def get_device_policy(): """Gets the current device policy. The device policy controls how operations requiring inputs on a specific device (e.g., on GPU:0) handle inputs on a different device (e.g. GPU:1). This function only gets the device policy for the current thread. Any subsequently started thread will again use the default policy. Returns: Current thread device policy """ device_policy = context.context().device_policy if device_policy == context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_SILENT: return 'silent' elif device_policy == context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_SILENT_FOR_INT32: return 'silent_for_int32' elif device_policy == context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_WARN: return 'warn' elif device_policy == context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT: return 'explicit' else: raise ValueError('Not a valid device policy: %r' % device_policy) @tf_export('config.experimental.set_device_policy') def set_device_policy(device_policy): """Sets the current thread device policy. The device policy controls how operations requiring inputs on a specific device (e.g., on GPU:0) handle inputs on a different device (e.g. GPU:1). When using the default, an appropriate policy will be picked automatically. The default policy may change over time. This function only sets the device policy for the current thread. Any subsequently started thread will again use the default policy. Args: device_policy: A device policy. Valid values: - None: Switch to a system default. - 'warn': Copies the tensors which are not on the right device and logs a warning. - 'explicit': Raises an error if the placement is not as required. - 'silent': Silently copies the tensors. Note that this may hide performance problems as there is no notification provided when operations are blocked on the tensor being copied between devices. - 'silent_for_int32': silently copies `int32` tensors, raising errors on the other ones. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid `device_policy` is passed. """ if device_policy == 'silent': context.context().device_policy = context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_SILENT elif device_policy == 'silent_for_int32': context.context().device_policy = context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_SILENT_FOR_INT32 elif device_policy == 'warn': context.context().device_policy = context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_WARN elif device_policy == 'explicit': context.context().device_policy = context.DEVICE_PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT elif device_policy is None: context.context().device_policy = None else: raise ValueError('Not a valid device policy: %r' % device_policy) @tf_export('config.experimental.get_synchronous_execution') def get_synchronous_execution(): """Gets whether operations are executed synchronously or asynchronously. TensorFlow can execute operations synchronously or asynchronously. If asynchronous execution is enabled, operations may return "non-ready" handles. Returns: Current thread execution mode """ return context.context().execution_mode == context.SYNC @tf_export('config.experimental.set_synchronous_execution') def set_synchronous_execution(enable): """Specifies whether operations are executed synchronously or asynchronously. TensorFlow can execute operations synchronously or asynchronously. If asynchronous execution is enabled, operations may return "non-ready" handles. When `enable` is set to None, an appropriate value will be picked automatically. The value picked may change between TensorFlow releases. Args: enable: Whether operations should be dispatched synchronously. Valid values: - None: sets the system default. - True: executes each operation synchronously. - False: executes each operation asynchronously. """ if enable is None: context.context().execution_mode = None elif enable: context.context().execution_mode = context.SYNC else: context.context().execution_mode = context.ASYNC @tf_export('config.experimental.list_physical_devices') def list_physical_devices(device_type=None): """Return a list of physical devices visible to the runtime. Physical devices are hardware devices locally present on the current machine. By default all discovered CPU and GPU devices are considered visible. The `list_physical_devices` allows querying the hardware prior to runtime initialization. The following example ensures the machine can see at least 1 GPU. >>> physical_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') >>> print("Num GPUs:", len(physical_devices)) Num GPUs: ... Args: device_type: (optional) Device type to filter by such as "CPU" or "GPU" Returns: List of PhysicalDevice objects """ return context.context().list_physical_devices(device_type) @tf_export('config.experimental.list_logical_devices') def list_logical_devices(device_type=None): """Return a list of logical devices created by runtime. Logical devices may correspond to physical devices or remote devices in the cluster. Operations and tensors may
{'url': '/jobs/{id}'} def purge_command_queue( self, id, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Delete all the pending commands for this device from the IoT hub. :param id: Device ID. :type id: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :return: PurgeMessageQueueResult or ClientRawResponse if raw=true :rtype: ~service.models.PurgeMessageQueueResult or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = self.purge_command_queue.metadata['url'] path_format_arguments = { 'id': self._serialize.url("id", id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.delete(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('PurgeMessageQueueResult', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized purge_command_queue.metadata = {'url': '/devices/{id}/commands'} def get_twin( self, id, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Get a device twin. Get a device twin. See for more information. :param id: Device ID. :type id: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :return: Twin or ClientRawResponse if raw=true :rtype: ~service.models.Twin or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = self.get_twin.metadata['url'] path_format_arguments = { 'id': self._serialize.url("id", id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None # @digimaun - change device param from 'Twin' to {object} if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('{object}', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized get_twin.metadata = {'url': '/twins/{id}'} def replace_twin( self, id, device_twin_info, if_match=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Replaces tags and desired properties of a device twin. Replaces a device twin. See for more information. :param id: Device ID. :type id: str :param device_twin_info: Device twin info :type device_twin_info: ~service.models.Twin :param if_match: :type if_match: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :return: Twin or ClientRawResponse if raw=true :rtype: ~service.models.Twin or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = self.replace_twin.metadata['url'] path_format_arguments = { 'id': self._serialize.url("id", id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if if_match is not None: header_parameters['If-Match'] = self._serialize.header("if_match", if_match, 'str') if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct body # @digimaun - Change deserialize type to {object} from Twin body_content = self._serialize.body(device_twin_info, '{object}') # Construct and send request request = self._client.put(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, body_content, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('Twin', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized replace_twin.metadata = {'url': '/twins/{id}'} def update_twin( self, id, device_twin_info, if_match=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Updates tags and desired properties of a device twin. Updates a device twin. See for more information. :param id: Device ID. :type id: str :param device_twin_info: Device twin info :type device_twin_info: ~service.models.Twin :param if_match: :type if_match: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :return: Twin or ClientRawResponse if raw=true :rtype: ~service.models.Twin or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = self.update_twin.metadata['url'] path_format_arguments = { 'id': self._serialize.url("id", id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if if_match is not None: header_parameters['If-Match'] = self._serialize.header("if_match", if_match, 'str') if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct body body_content = self._serialize.body(device_twin_info, 'Twin') # Construct and send request request = self._client.patch(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, body_content, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('Twin', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized update_twin.metadata = {'url': '/twins/{id}'} def get_module_twin( self, id, mid, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Gets a module twin. Gets a module twin. See for more information. :param id: Device ID. :type id: str :param mid: Module ID. :type mid: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :return: Twin or ClientRawResponse if raw=true :rtype: ~service.models.Twin or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = self.get_module_twin.metadata['url'] path_format_arguments = { 'id': self._serialize.url("id", id, 'str'), 'mid': self._serialize.url("mid", mid, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: # @digimaun - Change deserialize type to {object} from Twin deserialized = self._deserialize('{object}', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized get_module_twin.metadata = {'url': '/twins/{id}/modules/{mid}'} def replace_module_twin( self, id, mid, device_twin_info, if_match=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Replaces tags and desired properties of a module twin. Replaces a module twin. See for more information. :param id: Device ID. :type id: str :param mid: Module ID. :type mid: str :param device_twin_info: Device twin info :type device_twin_info: ~service.models.Twin :param if_match: :type if_match: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :return: Twin or ClientRawResponse if raw=true :rtype: ~service.models.Twin or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = self.replace_module_twin.metadata['url'] path_format_arguments = { 'id': self._serialize.url("id", id, 'str'), 'mid': self._serialize.url("mid", mid, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if if_match is not None: header_parameters['If-Match'] = self._serialize.header("if_match", if_match, 'str') if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct body # @digimaun - Change deserialize type to {object} from Twin body_content = self._serialize.body(device_twin_info, '{object}') # Construct and send request request = self._client.put(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, body_content, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('Twin', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized replace_module_twin.metadata = {'url': '/twins/{id}/modules/{mid}'} def update_module_twin( self, id, mid, device_twin_info, if_match=None, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Updates tags and desired properties of a module twin. Updates a module twin. See for more information. :param id: Device ID. :type id: str :param
import sys import re import json import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from colorama import Fore, Style from kneed import KneeLocator import copy import time import pickle import os def error_msg(error_msg, arg): """ Helper function to display error message on the screen. Input: The error message along with its respective argument. (Values include - filename, selected action). Output: The formatted error message on the screen along with the argument. """ print("****************************") print(Fore.RED, end='') print(error_msg,":", arg) print(Style.RESET_ALL, end='') print("****************************") sys.exit(0) def printINFO(info): """ Helper function to ask the user for Input. Input: The message that is to be displayed. Output: The formatted message on the screen. """ print(Fore.BLUE, end='') print(info) print(Style.RESET_ALL, end='') # ***************************************************************************** # ***************************************************************************** # Helper Methods Start def calculate_num_clusters(df, acl_weights): """ Calculates the optimal number of clusters using the elbow_graph approach. Input: The Pandas dataframe of the input file (ACL.json) output: The value of k that provides the least MSE. """ files = ['IP_Access_List', 'Route_Filter_List', 'VRF', 'AS_Path_Access_List', 'IKE_Phase1_Keys', 'IPsec_Phase2_Proposals', 'Routing_Policy'] k_select_vals = [41, 17, 42, 5, 3, 2, 58] curr_file = file_name.split(".")[0] file_index = files.index(curr_file) return k_select_vals[file_index] features = df[df.columns] ran = min(len(df.columns), len(discrete_namedstructure)) if ran > 50: k_range = range(1, 587) else: k_range = range(1, ran) print(k_range) k_range = range(1, 580) distortions = [] np.seed = 0 clusters_list = [] f = open('distortions.txt', 'w') for k in k_range: print(k) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k).fit(features, None, sample_weight=acl_weights) clusters_list.append(kmeans) cluster_centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_ k_distance = cdist(features, cluster_centers, "euclidean") distance = np.min(k_distance, axis=1) distortion = np.sum(distance)/features.shape[0] distortions.append(distortion) f.write(str(distortion)) f.write("\n") kn = KneeLocator(list(k_range), distortions, S=3.0, curve='convex', direction='decreasing') print("Knee is: ", kn.knee) plt.xlabel('k') plt.ylabel('Distortion') plt.title('The Elbow Method showing the optimal k') plt.plot(k_range, distortions, 'bx-') plt.vlines(kn.knee, plt.ylim()[0], plt.ylim()[1], linestyles='dashed') if kn.knee is None: if ran < 5: return ran - 1 else: return 5 return kn.knee ''' for i in range(1, len(avg_within)): if (avg_within[i-1] - avg_within[i]) < 1: break # return i-1 if len(avg_within) > 1 else 1 # return i - 1 if i > 1 else 1 ''' def perform_kmeans_clustering(df, ns_weights): """ To get a mapping of the rows into respective clusters generated using the K-means algorithm. Input: df:The Pandas data-frame of the input file (ACL.json) ns_weights: The weights of each name structure which allows the weighted k-means algorithm to work. Output: Adding respective K-means cluster label to the input dataframe. Example: Row1 - Label 0 //Belongs to Cluster 0 Row2 - Label 0 //Belongs to Cluster 0 Row3 - Label 1 //Belongs to Cluster 1 """ global k_select k_select = calculate_num_clusters(df, ns_weights) features = df[df.columns] kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k_select), None, sample_weight=ns_weights) labels = kmeans.labels_ df["kmeans_cluster_number"] = pd.Series(labels) def extract_keys(the_dict, prefix=''): """ Recursive approach to gather all the keys that have nested keys in the input file. Input: The dictionary file to find all the keys in. Output: All the keys found in the nested dictionary. Example: Consider {key1:value1, key2:{key3:value3}, key4:[value4], key5:[key6:{key7:value7}]} The function returns key2, key5=key6 """ key_list = [] for key, value in the_dict.items(): if len(prefix) == 0: new_prefix = key else: new_prefix = prefix + '=' + key try: if type(value) == dict: key_list.extend(extract_keys(value, new_prefix)) elif type(value) == list and type(value[0]) == dict: key_list.extend(extract_keys(value[0], new_prefix)) elif type(value) == list and type(value[0]) != dict: key_list.append(new_prefix) else: key_list.append(new_prefix) except: key_list.append(new_prefix) return key_list def get_uniques(data): """ A helper function to get unique elements in a List. Input: A list that we need to capture uniques from. Output: A dictionary with unique entries and count of occurrences. """ acl_count_dict = {} for acl in data: acl = json.dumps(acl) if acl not in acl_count_dict: acl_count_dict[acl] = 1 else: value = acl_count_dict[acl] value += 1 acl_count_dict[acl] = value keys = [] values = [] for key, value in acl_count_dict.items(): keys.append(key) values.append(value) return keys, values def overall_dict(data_final): """ Parses through the dictionary and appends the frequency with which the keys occur. Input: A nested dictionary. Example: {key1:{key2:value1, key3:value2, key4:{key5:value3}} {key6:{key7:value2} {key8:{key3:value3, key4:value5, key6:value3}} Output: Returns a new array with the nested keys appended along with a tuple containing the un-nested value along with the frequency count. [{ key1=key2:{'value1':1}, key1=key3:{'value2':2}, key1=key4=key5:{'value3':3}, key6=key7:{'value2':2}, key8=key3:{'value3':3}, key8=key4:{'value5':1}, key8=key6:{'value3':1} }] """ overall_array = [] for data in data_final: overall = {} for item in data: if item[0] is None: continue result = extract_keys(item[0]) for element in result: value = item[0] for key in element.split("="): new_value = value[key] if type(new_value) == list: if len(new_value) != 0: new_value = new_value[0] else: new_value = "#BUG#" value = new_value if element not in overall: overall[element] = {} if value not in overall[element]: overall[element][value] = 1 else: overall[element][value] += 1 overall_array.append(overall) return overall_array def get_overall_dict(data_final): """ Parses through the dictionary and appends the frequency with which the keys occur. Input: A nested dictionary. Example: {key1:{key2:value1, key3:value2, key4:{key5:value3}} {key6:{key7:value2} {key8:{key3:value3, key4:value5, key6:value3}} Output: Returns a new array with the nested keys appended along with a tuple containing the unnested value along with the frequency count. [{ key1=key2:{'value1':1}, key1=key3:{'value2':2}, key1=key4=key5:{'value3':3}, key6=key7:{'value2':2}, key8=key3:{'value3':3}, key8=key4:{'value5':1}, key8=key6:{'value3':1} }] """ overall_array = [] for data in data_final: overall = {} new_value = None flag = 0 for item in data: visited = {"lines=name":1} if item[0] is None: continue result = extract_keys(item[0]) for element in result: value = item[0] for key in element.split("="): if element not in visited: visited[element] = 1 new_value = value[key] flag = 0 if type(new_value) == list: if len(new_value) > 0: for list_data in new_value: if element not in overall: overall[element] = {} temp = element temp_val = list_data temp = temp.split("=", 1)[-1] while len(temp.split("=")) > 1: temp_val = temp_val[temp.split("=")[0]] temp = temp.split("=", 1)[-1] list_key = temp check = 0 try: if type(temp_val[list_key]) == list: if temp_val[list_key][0] not in overall[element]: overall[element][temp_val[list_key][0]] = 1 check = 1 else: if temp_val[list_key] not in overall[element]: overall[element][temp_val[list_key]] = 1 check = 1 except: dummy=0 ''' do nothing ''' try: if check == 0: if type(temp_val[list_key]) == list: if temp_val[list_key][0] in overall[element]: overall[element][temp_val[list_key][0]] += 1 else: if temp_val[list_key] in overall[element]: overall[element][temp_val[list_key]] += 1 except: dummy=0 flag = 1 value = new_value else: ''' Type is not list ''' value = new_value else: if flag == 0: if element not in overall: overall[element] = {} if new_value not in overall[element]: overall[element][new_value] = 1 else: overall[element][new_value] += 1 if flag == 0: if element not in overall: overall[element] = {} if new_value not in overall[element]: overall[element][new_value] = 1 else: overall[element][new_value] += 1 overall_array.append(overall) return overall_array def calculate_z_score(arr): """ Calculates the Z-score (uses mean) (or) Modified Z-score (uses median) of data-points Input: Data points generated from parsing through the input file. Also considers the Z_SCORE_FLAG that is set previously with 0 (default) using the Modified Z-score and 1 using Z-score. Output: The Z-score of given data-points array. """ if len(arr) == 1: return arr z_score = [] ''' Calculates the Z-score using mean. Generally used if distribution is normal (Bell curve). ''' if Z_SCORE_FLAG: mean = np.mean(arr) std = np.std(arr) if std == 0: return np.ones(len(arr)) * 1000 for val in arr: z_score.append((val - mean) / std) ''' Modified Z-score approach. Calculates the Z-score using median. Generally used if distribution is skewed. ''' else: median_y = np.median(arr) medians = [np.abs(y - median_y) for y in arr] med = np.median(medians) median_absolute_deviation_y = np.median([np.abs(y - median_y) for y in arr]) if median_absolute_deviation_y == 0: return np.ones(len(arr)) * 1000 z_score = [0.6745 * (y - median_y) / median_absolute_deviation_y for y in arr] return z_score def calculate_signature_d(overall_arr): """ Uses Z-score to generate the signatures of data-points and also maps points on level of significance (include for signature calculation, include for bug calculation, no significance). If Z-score is equal to 1000.0 or in between sig_threshold and bug_threshold, no-significance. If Z-score is >= sig_threshold, include for signature calculation. If Z-score is <= bug_threshold, include for bug calculation. Input: The individual master-signature generated for each Cluster. Output: An array containing dictionaries marked with tags that represent the action that needs to
SMALL LIGATURE FF}', u'ff', decode=False) self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}', u'\\alpha', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA}', u'\\beta', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA}', u'\\gamma', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA}', u'\\delta', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON}', u'\\epsilon', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA}', u'\\zeta', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA}', u'\\eta', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA}', u'\\theta', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA}', u'\\texttheta', package='textgreek', encode=False) self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA}', u'\\iota', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA}', u'\\kappa', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA}', u'\\lambda', mode='math') # LAMDA not LAMBDA self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER MU}', u'\\mu', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER NU}', u'\\nu', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER XI}', u'\\xi', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON}', u'\\omicron', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}', u'\\pi', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO}', u'\\rho', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA}', u'\\sigma', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU}', u'\\tau', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON}', u'\\upsilon', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI}', u'\\phi', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK PHI SYMBOL}', u'\\varphi', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI}', u'\\chi', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI}', u'\\psi', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA}', u'\\omega', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA}', u'\\Alpha', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA}', u'\\Beta', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA}', u'\\Gamma', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA}', u'\\Delta', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON}', u'\\Epsilon', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA}', u'\\Zeta', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA}', u'\\Eta', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA}', u'\\Theta', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA}', u'\\Iota', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA}', u'\\Kappa', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA}', u'\\Lambda', mode='math') # LAMDA not LAMBDA self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU}', u'\\Mu', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU}', u'\\Nu', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI}', u'\\Xi', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON}', u'\\Omicron', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI}', u'\\Pi', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO}', u'\\Rho', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA}', u'\\Sigma', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU}', u'\\Tau', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON}', u'\\Upsilon', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI}', u'\\Phi', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI}', u'\\Chi', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI}', u'\\Psi', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA}', u'\\Omega', mode='math') self.register(u'\N{COPYRIGHT SIGN}', u'\\copyright') self.register(u'\N{COPYRIGHT SIGN}', u'\\textcopyright') self.register(u'\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}', u"\\'A") self.register(u'\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE}', u"\\'I") self.register(u'\N{HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS}', u'\\ldots') self.register(u'\N{TRADE MARK SIGN}', u'^{TM}', mode='math') self.register( u'\N{TRADE MARK SIGN}', u'\\texttrademark', package='textcomp') self.register( u'\N{REGISTERED SIGN}', u'\\textregistered', package='textcomp') # \=O and \=o will be translated into Ō and ō before we can # match the full latex string... so decoding disabled for now self.register(u'Ǭ', text_type(r'\textogonekcentered{\=O}'), decode=False) self.register(u'ǭ', text_type(r'\textogonekcentered{\=o}'), decode=False) self.register(u'ℕ', text_type(r'\mathbb{N}'), mode='math') self.register(u'ℕ', text_type(r'\mathbb N'), mode='math', decode=False) self.register(u'ℤ', text_type(r'\mathbb{Z}'), mode='math') self.register(u'ℤ', text_type(r'\mathbb Z'), mode='math', decode=False) self.register(u'ℚ', text_type(r'\mathbb{Q}'), mode='math') self.register(u'ℚ', text_type(r'\mathbb Q'), mode='math', decode=False) self.register(u'ℝ', text_type(r'\mathbb{R}'), mode='math') self.register(u'ℝ', text_type(r'\mathbb R'), mode='math', decode=False) self.register(u'ℂ', text_type(r'\mathbb{C}'), mode='math') self.register(u'ℂ', text_type(r'\mathbb C'), mode='math', decode=False) def register(self, unicode_text, latex_text, mode='text', package=None, decode=True, encode=True): """Register a correspondence between *unicode_text* and *latex_text*. :param str unicode_text: A unicode character. :param str latex_text: Its corresponding LaTeX translation. :param str mode: LaTeX mode in which the translation applies (``'text'`` or ``'math'``). :param str package: LaTeX package requirements (currently ignored). :param bool decode: Whether this translation applies to decoding (default: ``True``). :param bool encode: Whether this translation applies to encoding (default: ``True``). """ if mode == 'math': # also register text version self.register(unicode_text, u'$' + latex_text + u'$', mode='text', package=package, decode=decode, encode=encode) self.register(unicode_text, text_type(r'\(') + latex_text + text_type(r'\)'), mode='text', package=package, decode=decode, encode=encode) # XXX for the time being, we do not perform in-math substitutions return if package is not None: # TODO implement packages pass # tokenize, and register unicode translation self.lexer.reset() self.lexer.state = 'M' tokens = tuple(self.lexer.get_tokens(latex_text, final=True)) if decode: if tokens not in self.unicode_map: self.max_length = max(self.max_length, len(tokens)) self.unicode_map[tokens] = unicode_text # also register token variant with brackets, if appropriate # for instance, "\'{e}" for "\'e", "\c{c}" for "\c c", etc. # note: we do not remove brackets (they sometimes matter, # e.g. bibtex uses them to prevent lower case transformation) if (len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[0].name.startswith(u'control') and tokens[1].name == u'chars'): alt_tokens = (tokens[0], self.lexer.curlylefttoken, tokens[1], self.lexer.curlyrighttoken) if alt_tokens not in self.unicode_map: self.max_length = max(self.max_length, len(alt_tokens)) self.unicode_map[alt_tokens] = u"{" + unicode_text + u"}" if encode and unicode_text not in self.latex_map: assert len(unicode_text) == 1 self.latex_map[unicode_text] = (latex_text, tokens) _LATEX_UNICODE_TABLE = LatexUnicodeTable(lexer.LatexIncrementalDecoder()) _ULATEX_UNICODE_TABLE = LatexUnicodeTable( lexer.UnicodeLatexIncrementalDecoder()) # incremental encoder does not need a buffer # but decoder does class LatexIncrementalEncoder(lexer.LatexIncrementalEncoder): """Translating incremental encoder for latex. Maintains a state to determine whether control spaces etc. need to be inserted. """ emptytoken = lexer.Token(u"unknown", u"") """The empty token.""" table = _LATEX_UNICODE_TABLE """Translation table.""" def __init__(self, errors='strict'): super(LatexIncrementalEncoder, self).__init__(errors=errors) self.reset() def reset(self): super(LatexIncrementalEncoder, self).reset() self.state = 'M' def get_space_bytes(self, bytes_): """Inserts space bytes in space eating mode.""" if self.state == 'S': # in space eating mode # control space needed? if bytes_.startswith(u' '): # replace by control space return u'\\ ', bytes_[1:] else: # insert space (it is eaten, but needed for separation) return u' ', bytes_ else: return u'', bytes_ def _get_latex_chars_tokens_from_char(self, c): # if ascii, try latex equivalents # (this covers \, #, &, and other special LaTeX characters) if ord(c) < 128: try: return self.table.latex_map[c] except KeyError: pass # next, try input encoding try: bytes_ = c.encode(self.inputenc, 'strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: return c, (lexer.Token(name=u'chars', text=c),) # next, try latex equivalents of common unicode characters try: return self.table.latex_map[c] except KeyError: # translation failed if self.errors == 'strict': raise UnicodeEncodeError( "latex", # codec c, # problematic input 0, 1, # location of problematic character "don't know how to translate {0} into latex" .format(repr(c))) elif self.errors == 'ignore': return u'', (self.emptytoken,) elif self.errors == 'replace': # use the \\char command # this assumes # \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} # \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} bytes_ = u'{\\char' + str(ord(c)) + u'}' return bytes_, (lexer.Token(name=u'chars', text=bytes_),) elif self.errors == 'keep' and not self.binary_mode: return c, (lexer.Token(name=u'chars', text=c),) else: raise ValueError( "latex codec does not support {0} errors" .format(self.errors)) def get_latex_chars(self, unicode_, final=False): if not isinstance(unicode_, string_types): raise TypeError( "expected unicode for encode input, but got {0} instead" .format(unicode_.__class__.__name__)) # convert character by character for pos, c in enumerate(unicode_): bytes_, tokens = self._get_latex_chars_tokens_from_char(c) space, bytes_ = self.get_space_bytes(bytes_) # update state if tokens[-1].name == u'control_word': # we're eating spaces self.state = 'S' else: self.state = 'M' if space: yield space yield bytes_ class LatexIncrementalDecoder(lexer.LatexIncrementalDecoder): """Translating incremental decoder for LaTeX.""" table = _LATEX_UNICODE_TABLE """Translation table.""" def __init__(self, errors='strict'): lexer.LatexIncrementalDecoder.__init__(self, errors=errors) def reset(self): lexer.LatexIncrementalDecoder.reset(self) self.token_buffer = [] # python codecs API does not support multibuffer incremental decoders def getstate(self): raise NotImplementedError def setstate(self, state): raise NotImplementedError def get_unicode_tokens(self, chars, final=False): for token in self.get_tokens(chars, final=final): # at this point, token_buffer does not match anything self.token_buffer.append(token) # new token appended at the end, see if we have a match now # note: match is only possible at the *end* of the buffer # because all other positions have already been checked in # earlier iterations for i in range(len(self.token_buffer), 0, -1): last_tokens = tuple(self.token_buffer[-i:]) # last i tokens try: unicode_text = self.table.unicode_map[last_tokens] except KeyError: # no match: continue continue else: # match!! flush buffer, and translate last bit # exclude last i tokens for token in self.token_buffer[:-i]: yield self.decode_token(token) yield unicode_text self.token_buffer = [] break # flush tokens that can no longer match while len(self.token_buffer) >= self.table.max_length: yield self.decode_token(self.token_buffer.pop(0)) # also flush the buffer at the end if final: for token in self.token_buffer: yield self.decode_token(token) self.token_buffer = [] class LatexCodec(codecs.Codec): IncrementalEncoder = None IncrementalDecoder = None def encode(self, unicode_, errors='strict'): """Convert unicode string to LaTeX bytes.""" encoder = self.IncrementalEncoder(errors=errors) return ( encoder.encode(unicode_, final=True), len(unicode_), ) def decode(self, bytes_, errors='strict'): """Convert LaTeX bytes to unicode string.""" decoder = self.IncrementalDecoder(errors=errors) return ( decoder.decode(bytes_, final=True), len(bytes_), ) class UnicodeLatexIncrementalDecoder(LatexIncrementalDecoder): table = _ULATEX_UNICODE_TABLE binary_mode = False class UnicodeLatexIncrementalEncoder(LatexIncrementalEncoder): table = _ULATEX_UNICODE_TABLE binary_mode = False def find_latex(encoding): """Return a :class:`codecs.CodecInfo` instance for the requested LaTeX *encoding*, which must be equal to ``latex``, or to ``latex+<encoding>`` where ``<encoding>`` describes another encoding. """ if u'_' in encoding: # Python 3.9 now normalizes "latex+latin1" to
text) text = re_sub(r'№№?', r' № ', text) # апостроф в начале или в конце строки - кавычки text = re_sub(r"^'|'$", '"', text) # если несколько символов ., ?, !, подряд, то если среди них есть # ?, то меняем всё на него, если есть !, то на него, иначе ставим # три точки text = re_sub(r'[.?!]{2,}', lambda x: ' ' + re_sub(r'.*\..*', '...', re_sub(r'.*\!.*', '!', re_sub(r'.*\?.*', '?', + ' ', text) # === PERIODS === # --------------- # --- names --- # инициал: одна заглая буква; м.б. 1 или 2 инициала # фамилия: с заглавной буквы; не меньше двух символов; # если в середине дефис, то обе части фамилии # с заглавной буквы и каждая не меньше двух символов for re_lname, re_init in [ ( r'[A-Z](?:[a-z]+-[A-Z])?[a-z]+' , r'[A-Z]\.'), (r'[ЁА-Я](?:[ёа-я]+-[ЁА-Я])?[ёа-я]+', r'[ЁА-Я]\.') ]: # инициалы в начале: text = re_sub(r'\b({0})({0})? ?({1})\b' .format(re_init, re_lname), r' \g<1> \g<2> \g<3> ', text, flags=flags) # инициалы в конце: text = re_sub(r'\b({1}) ({0})({0})?\b' .format(re_init, re_lname), r' \g<1> \g<2> \g<3> ', text, flags=flags) # --- end of sentence w/o space after period --- def process(match): a, b = match.groups() return a + '. ' + b if b.lower() not in [ 'com', 'org', 'edu', 'net', 'info', 'de', 'cn', 'uk', 'ru', 'su', 'us', 'jp', 'бг', 'бел', 'рф', 'срб', 'укр' ] and (wform_isknown(a) or wform_isknown(b)) else text = re_sub(r'(\w+)\.(\w+)', process, text) text = re_sub(r'(\w+)\.(\w+)', process, text) # sic! # period just before a word text = re_sub(r'(^|\W)\.(\w)', r'\g<1>. \g<2>', text) # period before of quotation: text = re_sub(r'(\w+)\.\s*(["`«„]\s*\b)', r'\g<1> . \g<2>', text) # known bugs of russian nltk punkt: text = re_sub(r'\b(я|театр|нас|прав)\.', r'\g<1> .', text) # --- known shortcuts --- ''' re_0 = r'\b' re_1 = r'\b\.?\s*([ЁА-Я])?' # конец слова; дальше м.б. точка и/или # заглавная буква через пробелы или без # них re_2 = r'\s*\.?\s*' re_3 = r'\b\s*\.?\s*' # конец слова, после которого возможны # пробелы и/или точка re_4 = r'\s*' re_5 = r'\s+' #TODO: capitalization for a, b in [(r'{0}[иИ]{4}т{2}д{1}', r'и так далее'), (r'{0}[иИ]{4}т{2}п{1}', r'и тому подобное'), (r'{0}[мМ]{3}б{1}', r'может быть'), (r'{0}[тТ]{3}е{1}', r'то есть'), (r'{0}[тТ]{2}к{1}', r'так как')]: text = re_sub(a.format(re_0, re_1, re_2, re_3, re_4, re_5), # если после сокращения идёт слово # с заглавной буквы, то ставим перед ним точку lambda x: ' {} {}' .format(b, ('. ' + if else ''), text) for a, b in [(r'{0}г-ж([аеиу]|ой){0}', r'госпож\g<1>'), (r'{0}г-н([аеу]|ом)?{0}', r'господин\g<1>')]: text = re_sub(a.format(re_0), ' {} '.format(b), text) ''' re_0 = r'\b' re_1 = r'\s*([ЁА-Я])?' # заглавная буква через пробелы или без них re_2 = r'\b\s*\.?' # конец слова, после которого возможны пробелы # и/или точка re_3 = re_2 + r'\s*' # то же, что и re_2, но в конце ещё может быть # пробел re_4 = r'\s*' re_5 = r'\s+' #TODO: capitalization for a, b in [(r'({0}[иИ]{4}т{2}д{2}){1}', r'и так далее'), (r'({0}[иИ]{4}т{2}п{2}){1}', r'и тому подобное'), (r'({0}[мМ]{3}б{2}){1}', r'может быть'), (r'({0}[тТ]{3}е{2}){1}', r'то есть'), (r'({0}[тТ]{3}к{2}){1}', r'так как')]: text = re_sub(a.format(re_0, re_1, re_2, re_3, re_4, re_5), # если после сокращения идёт слово # с заглавной буквы, то ставим перед ним точку lambda x: ' {} {}' .format(self.add_shortcut(, b), ('. ' + if else ''), text) for a, b in [(r'({0}г-ж([аеиу]|ой){0})', r'госпож'), (r'({0}г-н([аеу]|ом)?{0})', r'господин')]: text = re_sub(a.format(re_0), lambda x: ' {} '.format( self.add_shortcut(, b + ( if else '')) ), text) # === HYPHENS === # --------------- # --- searching dashes between hyphens --- def process(match): # если один из токенов - наш тэг, то ничего не меняем if self.CHAR_DELIM in [,]: return token = # сохраняем разделители hyphens = re_findall('\W+', token) res = '' words = token.replace(' ', '').split('-') test_word = '{}-{}'.format(words[0], words[1]) if len(words) == 2 and ( wform_isknown(test_word) or ( words[0].isdecimal() and words[1].isalpha() ) ): return '{}-{}'.format(words[0], words[1]) # поиск: -i- # [xxx....] 0 # [.xxx...] 1 # [xx.....][] 2 # [_xx....][] 3 # [__xx...][] 4 # [___xx..] 5 # [____xx.] 6 # [_____xx] 7 # проверяем на реальность тройные и двойные сочетания слов с дефисами # и без них len_words = len(words) last_3 = len_words - 3 i = 0 maybehyphen = -1 # -1: absolutely never (i == 0) # 0: never (word with hyphen have just been added) # 1: maybe (known word have just been added) # 2: highly likely (unknown word have just been added) def add_word(i): nonlocal res, words, maybehyphen word = words[i] word_lower = word.lower() # если мы в самом начале или если у нас частица if maybehyphen == -1: res += ' ' + word maybehyphen = 2 - wform_isknown(word) # частые ошибки elif word_lower in ['бы', 'же', 'ли']: res += ' ' + word maybehyphen = 0 # частые ошибки elif word_lower == 'равно' and \ words[i-1].lower().replace('ё', 'е') == 'все': res += ' ' + word maybehyphen = 0 # если предыдущее слово - с дефисом, то ставим тире elif maybehyphen == 0: res += ' - ' + word maybehyphen = 2 - wform_isknown(word) else: # maybehyphen in [1, 2] isknown = wform_isknown(word) ## если и предыдущее, и текущее слово известны if maybehyphen == 1 and isknown: ## если автор не добавлял пробелов, то и мы не будем #if hyphens[i-1] == '-': # safe... I think %) # res += '-' + word # #maybehyphen = 1 #else: # res += ' - ' + word # maybehyphen = 2 res += ' - ' + word maybehyphen = 1 ## если хотя бы одно слово неизвестно, то дефис else: res += '-' + word while True: has1more = i > 0 if i >= 2: for word in [words[i - 2] + '-' + words[i - 1], words[i - 2] + '' + words[i - 1]]: if wform_isknown(word): res += ' ' + word has1more = False maybehyphen = 0 break else: add_word(i - 2) if i >= len_words: if has1more: add_word(i - 1) break if i <= last_3: for word in [ words[i] + '-' + words[i + 1] + '-' + words[i + 2], words[i] + '' + words[i + 1] + '-' + words[i + 2], words[i] + '-' + words[i + 1] + '' + words[i + 2], words[i] + '' + words[i + 1] + '' + words[i + 2] ]: if wform_isknown(word): if has1more: add_word(i - 1) res += ' ' + word words = words[i + 3:] len_words = len(words) last_3 = len_words - 3 i = 0 maybehyphen = 0 break else: i += 1 else: i += 1 #print('{:40}{}'.format('(' + token + ')', '(' + res + ' )')) return res + ' ' # находим все слова c дефисами; с одной стороны от дефиса м.б. пробел text = re_sub(r'(\{})?(\w+(?:(?:-| -|- )\w+)(\{})?)+' .format(self.CHAR_DELIM, self.CHAR_DELIM), process, text) # дефис в начале русского слова = тире text = re_sub(r'(^|[^0-9ЁА-Яёа-я])-([ЁА-Яёа-я])', '\g<1>- \g<2>', text) # дефис после знака препинания = тире text = re_sub(r'([.!?])-(\s|$)', '\g<1> -\g<2>', text) return text def sent_tokenize(self, text, kill_empty=True): """Return sentence-tokenized copy of a *text* :rtype: list """ text = text.replace('«', '``').replace('“', '``').replace('„', "``") \ .replace('»', "''").replace('”', "''").replace('‟', "''") sents_ = nltk_sent_tokenize(text, language='russian') re_ellipsis = re_compile(r'(\.\.\.)\s+([0-9A-ZЁА-Я])') def parse_el(sent): sents = [] ellipsis = self.CHAR_DELIM + 'ellipsis' + self.CHAR_DELIM len_ellipsis = len(ellipsis) sent = re_ellipsis.sub(r'\g<1>{}\g<2>'.format(ellipsis), sent) i = 0 while True: i = sent.find(ellipsis) if i == -1: break sents.append(sent[:i]) sent = sent[i + len_ellipsis:] if sent: sents.append(sent) return sents def notempty(text): return re_search(r'[\d\w]', text) sents, is_join_candidate = [], False re_quot = re_compile(r'\d+' + '\\' + self.TAG_QUOTATION_END) for sent in sents_: match = re_quot.match(sent) if sents and match: quot = sents[-1] += ' ' + quot sent = sent[len(quot):] if not notempty(sent): sents[-1] += sent #if sent: # if is_join_candidate and sent[0] in '!?.': # sents[-1] += sent # else: # sents.append(sent) # is_join_candidate = sent[-1] in '!?.' continue for s_ in parse_el(sent): for s in parse_el(s_): if is_join_candidate and