structured educational after-school and summer enrichment programs, as well as, STEM Robotics, Male & Female Group Mentoring, Culinary Arts, Dance, Girl Scouts, SAT-ACT Prep,College Tours and a full array of athletic programs for youth within many of our low-income, underserved and most fragile and threatened communities. For PAL to continue its mission, they reached out to us for sponsorship opportunities. Without a second thought we were happy to be able to help out such a wonderful cause. In recognition of Chief Rodney Monroe and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department for their support of the Police Activities League, event co-chairs Brett Carter, Stoney Sellars, Tim Bailey, Bill Schoening and Jeff Hood attended and paid tribute to Chief Monroe. The 4th Annual "Chief 's Challenge" took place on Monday, June 23rd 2014 at the Trump National Golf Club Charlotte—one of the most beautiful, challenging, prestigious and picturesque golf courses in the region. Some of the country's most popular names in sports and entertainment have been invited to the Classic. Each celebrity who attended this event does so with their commitment to join us in raising funds to assist the youth of our community.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
chelsea court proposal passes one hurdle, faces another (updated) UPDATE: I made a few corrections to this post after publication, which are in bold. With fewer houses and a reconfigured layout, Chelsea Court, a proposed townhouse development less than a block from downtown Silver Spring, got the nod from MoCo's hearing examiner, bringing it one step closer to reality. The County Council next has to approve the project, and they should. Townhomes like these at Clarendon Park in Arlington could soon becoming to Silver Spring. Two years ago, Bethesda-based developer EYA bought planned a development on the five-acre Chelsea School campus at Pershing Drive and Springvale Road after the school decided to move. Noting the site's proximity to the Silver Spring Metro and demand for transit-accessible housing, EYA sought to have the site rezoned from R-60, which allows single-family homes, to RT-15, which allows townhouses. The zoning change was approved by the county Planning Board, which pointed to the twelve-story Colesville Towers apartments across the street and said townhouses weren't too dense for the neighborhood. Then it went to the County Council, but they rejected the zoning change due to opposition from residents only want single-family homes in their neighborhood. The County Council asked EYA to come back with a new proposal, and they did, which was just approved by the Hearing Examiner, Lynn Robeson, who basically serves as a judge for the county's zoning code. The examiner's office released this 111-page report detailing how they came to their conclusion. The originally proposed site plan. The new site plan. The site will now be zoned RT-12.5, which still allows townhouses, but at a lower density. There will be only 64 townhouses, instead of 77 as EYA first proposed, while the number of county-mandated moderately-priced dwelling units will drop from 13 10 to 8. The houses will be placed further away from Springvale Road to appease residents of that street, while a private street for the new development has been moved. Because of these changes, half of the site is set aside as open space, including wider courtyards between townhouse rows and a larger park at the corner of Springvale Road and Pershing Drive. There's also more open space around the historic Riggs-Thompson House, which was built by the founder of Riggs Bank was originally going to be saved in the first proposal. Nonetheless, some neighbors weren't satisfied. No fewer than six civic associations opposed the project, including the adjacent Seven Oaks-Evanswood Civic Association (SOECA), but also Lyttonsville and South Four Corners, both of which are several miles away from the site. Residents complained about the loss of large trees, while others questioned that EYA's traffic studies showing no increase in nearby congestion. SOECA president vice president Vicki Warren said there wasn't enough open space around the Riggs-Thompson House, though historic preservation planner Judith Christensen said she could "live with" what was provided because the county's Historic Preservation Commission would have a say in how it was used. Many complained that the project's layout resembled military barracks, though the "alternative plan" submitted by Kenneth Doggett, SOECA's "expert land planner," looks much like EYA's proposal, but with fewer houses. Doggett's proposal for the Chelsea Court site. In response, EYA tried to show how Chelsea Court fit into the local context. Vice president Aakash Thakkar displayed a model of Clarendon Park, a project they built in Arlington with a similar layout, and noted how the end houses were designed to look like single-family homes, helping them blend into the neighborhood. Miguel Iraola, a planner at Hord Coplan Macht who's designing the project, offered several precedents throughout Silver Spring, Wheaton and Bethesda that are similar in design or density to their proposal. Neighbors Maria Schmit and Tom Anderson claimed that they weren't comparable to Chelsea Court, but Robeson agreed with Iraola's conclusion. With the hearing examiner's approval, the new Chelsea Court proposal will now go before the County Council once again, and I hope they approve it as well. EYA has worked hard to meet the neighborhood's concerns, crafting a project that not only respects the site's history but its current surroundings. They also have a good track record for creating quality infill projects, which many neighbors recognize. "Based on EYA's National Park Seminary [in Forest Glen], I am convinced this new development will be attractive – just as attractive as our existing neighborhood and perhaps even more so," wrote SOECA resident Leslie Downey in a letter to the Planning Board last year. Many Silver Spring residents say they want to support local businesses, are upset about traffic congestion, and are concerned about safety. Yet they are often the same ones who oppose projects like Chelsea Court, which would generate more customers, allow more people to walk, bike or use transit instead of driving, and provide more "eyes on the street." We could do far worse than this. Chelsea Court has been fully vetted and dutifully revised, and now it's time to get it built. (Thanks to reader David Adams for the heads-up.) "county-mandated moderately-priced dwelling units will drop from 13 to 8" I'm pretty sure it dropped from 10 to 8 (77x.125=9.625). The Council better approve the proposal. EYA has been more than generous with the NIMBYs. My b. I fixed it! I believe it was the hearing examiner who rejected EYA's initial plan, not the Council. SSRES20910 said... You write from the perspective of a young adult who is still moving around and not settled down. You lack the perspective of people who are older and have made the largest purchase of their lives: in this case, people who bought homes in the Seven Oaks/Evanswood neighborhood, expecting a certain level of density for a community they plan to live in for the next several decades, where they will raise families and perhaps even stay until they die. If the Council approves this development, then the Council will betray the trust of the residents of Seven Oaks/Evanswood. The Master Plan for North and West Silver Spring explicitly reaffirmed the existing zoning in residential neighborhoods like Seven Oaks/Evanswood. The fact that the Planning Board eagerly rubberstamped EYA's RT-15 proposal, and then its RT-12.5 proposal, demonstrates how deep in the pocket of developers they are, along with their complete disregard for the county citizens they ostensibly serve. Even at RT 12.5, this will be the most dense townhouse development in North Silver Spring. It will dump up to 120 cars into a quiet residential neighborhood of single family detached homes and quiet streets. EYA plans to cut down 77 trees, many of them tall and mature and perhaps 100 years old. How is that "Smart Growth"? Its plan infringes upon the traditional historic setting of the Riggs Thompson House, and it will create an imperviously surfaced heat trap where there is now grass and trees. It has no place in Seven Oaks/Evanswood, and if it wasn't for the greed and arrogance of the Planning Board, it wouldn't even be considered. Seven Oaks/Evanswood is beautiful and valuable precisely because it is a low density, green neighborhood. "Chelsea Courts" at RT 12.5 will destroy part of what makes the neighborhood so beautiful, for the profit of people who do not live in it. SOECA scored a significant victory in its David versus Goliath fight against EYA when it stopped EYA from its disastrous RT-15 plans. The County Council hearing was a bad joke, as it was clear that the pro-EYA Councilmembers didn't even bother to read the Hearing Examiners' report and voted based on their own craven interests. Don't buy for a second their stated concern for MPDU's; do buy their concern for contributions from developers, however. If you don't believe that, then consider that EYA can have the same number of MPDU's under a lower RT zoning level, if they wanted to. If that's what the Council really cares about, then let them choose something lower than RT-12.5 (don't hold your breath). That SOECA managed to win was a miracle, given the combination of willful ignorance and greed displayed by so many of the Council members. "Smart Growth" sounds good in theory, but it has become a ruse used by developers to justify high density development that is not compatible with existing neighborhoods. It is a bad lie, in other words, like so much other propaganda. SOECA has fought, and continues to fight, the good fight. If the allegedly liberal and progressive County Council chooses to side with an outside developer over the needs and concerns of the people they are paid to represent, then it will be to their everlasting shame. @Woody, The Council voted 5-4 to reject EYA's plan. @SSRES20910 You write from the perspective of a young adult who is still moving around and not settled down. You lack the perspective of people who are older and have made the largest purchase of their lives. Well, color me patronized. I'd be happy to respond to your generalizations about me and my life with some generalizations about yours, but I'll let you in about me first. I grew up in an apartment building in downtown Silver Spring in the 1990's. I know what it used to be like. My family moved away because even when prices were reasonable, neighborhoods like yours were still out of reach to them. But I love coming back to downtown Silver Spring because of all the great stuff we have down here: restaurants, shops, jobs, parks, and so on. And, of course, the Metro. I don't want to generalize about you, but I know you live within a mile of a Metro station and within walking distance of all those great things I just mentioned. Those things are not supported solely by your "low-density, single-family neighborhood." You need more people, some of whom will live in apartments (as my family did) and townhouses (like your potential new neighbors in Chelsea Court). Those things are why your house is so valuable and why others want to live in your neighborhood. Call me a conservative, but I believe in property rights. The planning board and hearing examiner agree that all y'all in SOECA are crying wolf because there's a 12-story apartment building in your backyard. So if someone wants to buy property in your neighborhood and build townhouses, and the county planners says it's okay, then so be it. We're kind of both right. The council voted to affirm the hearing examiner's recommendation to downsize the original EYA proposal. I think it's important to point out that the neutral hearing examiner found that the original EYA plan put too many townhouses on the site. Of course, the hearing examiner did not agree with the neighborhood's position either. I hope this case is an exception. We need to protect the single-family neighborhoods in the down county area while at the same time supporting a mix of residential and commercial in the business areas. We also need to make sure that the down county area continues to be served by churches, nursing homes and other service institutions. I am afraid this decision might encourage some of them to sell and move out. Dan, it great to believe in property rights. EYA bought 5 acres with the right to build single family homes. That is their right of property - nothing more. Presumably other potential bidders for the property were operating under that assumption. Neighbors bought their houses with the belief that the Chelsea school would, at most, hold single family homes. That's what the county had decided was the correct use of the land. EYA, as they can, is trying to get more than they paid for. Worth a shot I would say - but why is the county willing to go along with this? Favoring one corporate person over many other "real" people and infringing on their property rights is what is causing the anger here. You're right: property owners are given protections against things that would affect the use of their land. But I'm not sure why townhouses harm your property rights. It's not a factory belching chemicals, or a new highway, or a skyscraper that blocks the sun. It's houses, just like yours, except with common walls. It's still a residential use. I'm not clear how this affects your property rights. Dan, I count myself as older (by the minute!) and have made not one but three of the largest purchases of my life in Seven Oaks. Three houses in the past 17 years within 2 blocks of the site, moving as my family expanded. There are many of us in the neighborhood that completely support higher density. It is distressing that we lost 2 MPDU's to the drama of SOECA as evidenced by the comments above. Please folks, if you want everything to stay just as you envisioned it for the rest of your lives, this is not the place. This is exactly the kind of project we have the responsibility to support. And the county should be ashamed that they let a small group of people lower the density and reduce MPDU's. Liz Brent. Resident and yes, I'll point it out before someone else jumps to do so, real estate agent. "It will dump up to 120 cars into a quiet residential neighborhood" "it will create an imperviously surfaced heat trap where there is now grass and trees" I'm sorry, but it is just embarrassing if those are the arguments against the project. HELLO, it was a school - the site is currently two large buildings and a giant parking lot! Its current use is the situation in which you see 2 massive heat islands and 120 cars dumped on the street at the same time, not the EYA proposal! Not to mention it's flanked on 3 sides by a large retirement community structure/parking lot, a massive apartment building, and SFHs that are zoned for commercial use along a major road (Cedar). Of course the community should have input on the design/use of the site, but SOECA has long since lost all credibility on the issue in the eyes of most everyone. @jag2933, As someone who has lived across from the Chelsea School for the last 12 years, I can tell you that you are wrong regarding the current traffic and site situation at the Chelsea School. Traffic to and from the school has a minimal impact on our neighborhood. It is generally restricted to two time perionds: when the employees and students arrive, and when they leave. By the time most of us get home from work, the cars and buses are long gone. Moreoever, except on rare occasions, there is no school-related traffic on evenings, weekends, and holidays. By contrast, EYA wants to build 63 townhouses with two-car garages. This will create significant new traffic, at all hours, all days, on what is now a quiet street. Were the site to remain R60, then, after deducting the environmental setting of the Riggs-Thompson House, there would be roughly two and half times fewer new cars letting out into our neighborhood. You also are wrong about the environmental impact EYA's plan will have. They propose to cut down 77 trees, many of which are old growth and very tall, with huge canopies. Whatever decorative trees they plant will not reach such heights, and it will take decades for them to mature. The negative effects of this mass destruction of trees on our air and water and soil, as well as noise pollution and screening of downtown, will be terrible. Lastly, contrary to your last assertion, I believe that SOECA has done itself a great service in opposing this reckless plan. It has gained significant allies among other community associations and groups like Preservation Montgomery. SOECA members like myself who have been heavily involved in this struggle have learned a great deal about the development process in MoCo (and we've had our eyes opened to how dirty so much of it is), and I am happy to say that wonderful frienships have developed among the neighbors who have worked together these last two years. I am proud of my community. And believe me when I tell you that we will be ready for any new misguided development plans that might come next. We were told that we stood no chance of stopping EYA's plans. We proved the naysayers wrong by stopping EYA's first plan, and we will continue to do all we can to make this townhouse development as compatible with our neighborhood as we possibly can. Dan, what happened to Jean Cavanaugh's comments? I like to think of this blog as a place for relatively civilized discussion, including reasoned arguments based not only on fact but on some level of respect for others. I understand that emotions are running high about this proposal, and I realize that not everyone's gonna be happy with the solution. But complaining that people are "wrong" or "don't have their facts" or are "dirty" because they disagree with you is not only unhelpful but, frankly, rather childish. So that's why I deleted Jean's comments. I told her that I'm willing to accept a guest post from her if she can provide a reasoned, insult-free argument for her case. With all due respect, I thought Jean was polite and that she accurately pointed out the factual errors in your article. While I sincerely appreciate your desire to keep letters civil, I would note that some of the anti-SOECA sentiments you've left here are as vigourous, so to speak, as anything that Jean said. I think labeling me "anti-SOECA" because I disagree with the position of a handful of people in your neighborhood association made my point. I did not label you anti-SOECA, and I was not referring to anything you wrote. Okay, I'm done. It's a gorgeous Saturday afternoon and I'm not spending any more time at the keyboard. David Adams said... Mr. Gurwitz asserts that 63 townhomes will cause traffic at all hours because each has a two car garage (strongly implying that each Townhome's occupants will have and use two cars rather than public transportation). Mr. Gurwitz testified before the hearing examiner and, ironically, in cross examination admitted that both he and his wife frequently use metro to get to/from work and leave both of their cars at home. This is part of the public record, not my opinion. How then can Mr. Gurwitz or anyone rationally claim that the new owners of the townhomes will be driving everwhere and "dumping120 cars" into the neighborhood? People will buy these townhomes because they can walk and take public transit frequently--just as their across -the-street neighbors, the Gurwitzes, do all the time. D said... I can't believe you deleted Jean's comments. They were cogent, thorough and well documented. Is it your policy to delete all posts that do not agree with your position? mariagiroux said... Eesch. So this blog only wants to hear one aspect, a supportive one, re: given issue? I for one, would have liked to have heard what Jean had to say, she is President of one of the civic associations you mentioned, and likely speaks for more than herself ~ and for more than a "small handful." Doesn't being "President" carry a certain amount of respect that any blogger would want to uphold? As far as "property rights" sounds like all of this boils down to just that: If one cannot purchase in an area relying on the Master Plan and similar; then it makes all of our purchases shakey and unsure. Perhaps one day, when Mr. Reed decides to purchase for his family and spends decades paying his mortgage, he might understand changes such as this (where traffic & lack of schools/similar may affect his children's welfare on some level). Dear Mr. Adams, Allow me to set the record straight. There is nothing ironic about my having testified about taking the Metro to work. I also testified that we still use our cars to drive to stores, friends, and occasionally to work. I fully expect the townhouse residents to do the same. You should also know, having apparently read the hearing transcripts, that a neighbor testified that based on his quizzing of our street, my wife and I are the only two people who regularly Metro to work. Everyone else drives. Moreover, other witnesses testified that many of the jobs in our area are along the I-270 technology corridor or otherwise accessible mainly via the Beltway. As I expect you know, due to the one way restriction at the corner of Ellsworth and Springvale, the townhouse residents will most likely cut through our neighborhood to get to the Beltway. Also, given the right turn only onto Cedar Street from Ellsworth, they will cut through our neighborhood to get to Wayne Avenue and shops like Whole Foods and the rest of downtown Silver Spring. That is 63 townhouses-worth of cars, exiting onto Springvale Road, currently a quiet street. That is a significant change by anyone's standards. Do you recall, by the way, that EYA testified before the Planning Board that they had promised SOECA that they would not put a road onto Springvale Road? That they testified that the development would work with only one exit (and that was under the older, 76-unit plan, not the newer, 63-unit plan)? Do you recall my testimony, which was not disputed, that EYA is under no legal obligation to put a second exit onto Springvale Road, because under the law, given the number of units they propose to build, they are allowed to have only one exit? Incidentally, I am curious if you are same David Adams who is employed as a reviewer for the Montgomery County Development Review Team. @D No. It's my policy to delete posts that just say "you are wrong" without providing an actual argument. That's all I'm asking for. @Maria I'm sorry, but you don't know me and I don't know you. My life experience is not relevant to whether a development project has any merit. Agent499% said... That Jean's fact based point by point correction of this blogs inaccuracies was removed, is indicative of censorship. She represents the Neighborhood perspective and I Am sure many in the blogosphere are interested to hear from resident, in their own words, that live in the surrounding neighborhood where this proposed townhouse development is proposed for a civil war site and on school land. In a civil society discourse and dialogue is respectfully administered, but the removal of the facts and truths from this blog, by voices from the affected Neighborhoods perspective - is a perspective this blogger can't tolerate. This blogger is undemocratic and his cowardice in censorship is evidence that the underlying issue is the blogger wants to dictate. C. P. Zilliacus said... I grew up in the Four Corners area of Silver Spring, having moved there in 1960 - probably before many of the commenters on this topic were even born. From 1985 to 2009, I lived in the Silver Spring part of the Fairland Master Plan area, so I know something about traffic congestion. I am disgusted, sick and tired of "traffic" being used as an excuse to prevent and hinder development and progres (even new development built by developers), and to promote a pro-stagnation agenda. Over and over again, the same entities and groups that use "traffic" as an excuse to oppose something (and everything) are also opposed to traffic solutions, including the InterCounty Connector (and yes, I know the ICC runs noplace near this project) and improvements to U.S. 29. Dan is one of the better observers of the East County scene, and I very much resent comments about his age (and other irrelevant and personal attributes). Pardon my rant. How is this smart growth? Putting density and walkability near transit is the core of smart growth. Taking land within walking distance of the downtown and the metro stop and zoning it for some denser and more walkable is exactly what smart growth is all about. This may be hard for detached single family owners to grasp, but many people like to walk places. The kinds of people that buy townhouses tend to walk a lot more than people who own single family homes. Filling that land with a bunch of detached SFHs would cause more traffic than townhouse owners. Townhouses will deliver less traffic on our streets than detached SFHs. Many of the parking spaces mandated by the county will go unused. I have two parking spaces with my condo and only use one. I drive a car maybe a few times a month. I have legs. I use them. That's why I live here, and that's why other people in my generation live here (or don't, if they can't find a housing style they like -- a townhouse, for instance). People need to live somewhere. Stopping development does not stop people from having babies. If we don't put density within walking distance of the DTSS metro, people will build elsewhere. But those developments won't be walkable, causing more pollution, more sprawl, more traffic and more trees to be cut down. Opposing this development has the amazing ability to both be incredibly un-progressive and non-conservative. Progressives/liberals should love a development that will be good for the environment and get people out of their cars. Conservatives should love to see the market at work and want see zoning loosened, since zoning is at its heart a very non-market idea. Instead we have some NIMBYs who thnk that land they don't own is theirs. Who oppose a development because they don't want to deal with a few years of construction. Shame on you. I'm a homeowner in Silver Spring. I made a big investment in this community, and I fully support this development. We must build for the future. Younger cohorts no longer want what most of Silver Spring and Montgomery County has. The DTSS area lacks townhouses, and many younger home owners may one day like to go from owning a condo to a townhouse, but if there aren't any available they'll leave for other jurisdictions. That's just the facts. The county would be committing a grave dereliction of duty if they do not let these townhouses and other walkable developments proceed. Dan, can you highlight the corrections that you made? I read this article when you published it, and I don't have any visual clue as to the corrections you incorporated. Full disclosure - I work for NPR, so this is something I talk about with them as well. Also: have you been doing some DJing for WXPN? @kate When I make corrections, I usually do a strikeout over what I'd written before. For this post, I'll also put the new text in bold to be clearer. Unfortunately, I don't work at WXPN, but I enjoy listening to their music director, Dan Reed! I briefly thought about applying to work there, but I felt that my qualifications, namely having the same name, weren't good enough.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Mainstream media doesn't want kids back in school; top pediatricians disagree Get your Covid-1984 t-shirt today! Get your copy of China Virus today! Read about how Justin Trudeau's Pro-Communist ideology is putting Canadians in danger! Critics and politicians have seemingly stopped pointing to the coronavirus death rate now that it has dropped substantially, opting instead for reporting on rising case numbers as the reason to keep everything closed. In Canada, much of the justification is, "look at all the cases in the US, that's what's gonna happen here if we open up too soon." If you're wondering, "but I thought people dying was the number one concern here?" you aren't alone. For example, 82 per cent of coronavirus deaths in Canada come from long-term care homes. A stat you should be aware of. There are very few recent deaths — and even cases — in the country as I showed you last week. Yet some regions are still under restrictions, even though they are down to zero deaths AND hospitalizations. But death rates continue to drop and that should be the main focus. The Atlantic poses the question: COVID-19 Cases Are Rising in the US, So Why Are Deaths Flatlining? At the same time, these media outlets will tell you President Trump is wrong if he says it's because there's more testing being conducted. Almost 50 million tests have been carried out in the United States, with around a nine per cent positive rate. There's so much testing available, that sometimes facilities are virtually empty. One amateur reporter, Eric Butler, has been visiting a Brooklyn testing site for months, telling us: Between April 10 and June 24, 2020, I visited the "testing site" in Flatbush, Brooklyn at least 3 times per week and it has remained almost completely empty throughout. Government workers have had time to nap in hammocks, sleep in vans and throw around a makeshift football. He's not kidding. Check out this video from his Instagram page Report and Opine where he catches what appears to be a National Guardsman sleeping in a van, at the empty testing grounds: Pointing to rising case numbers in the US is not a cause for concern, rather a sign that far more people have the illness than once thought, meaning the risk of serious harm or death is far lower. Trump is also under fire for DARING to suggest that children need to go back to school. Comments like this from PBS News correspondent Yamiche Alcindor are common: President Trump is now openly taking on the CDC and criticizing the agency's guidelines for opening schools. Incredible. https://t.co/SkjRiCzx4h — Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) July 8, 2020 Bestselling author Don Winslow released this ad, called #NotMyChild: "This isn't a choice between Trump and Biden, this is a choice between Trump and your child." pic.twitter.com/d7MfdsDaSS — Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) July 16, 2020 By the sounds of these comments, you'd think sending your kids back to school has to be the dumbest and most dangerous thing you could do. MSNBC also reached out to what they called "five of the top pediatrician in the country" and they got an answer completely different than what you might expect. If doctor's are saying they wouldn't hesitate to send their own children back to school, and death rates are way down, why aren't we back to normal yet? I'll let you answer that one. If you would to see more exclusive Rebel News content, go to RebelNewsPlus.com and sign up for more videos, that you otherwise won't see. Coronavirus Media Party Independent Press Gallery condemns Parliamentary Press Gallery for considering accreditation to Xinhua
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home / Actor / Ayo Olaiya / Ayo Olaiya Actor says he almost lost his eye in an accident Ayo Olaiya Actor says he almost lost his eye in an accident Nollywood actor Ayo Olaiya was involved in a ghastly motor accident that nearly took his life back in April. Ayo Olaiya, son of octogenarian and enterprising high life musician, Sir Victor Olaiya, has now opened up about the accident which almost cost him his eye. play Ayo Olaiya involved in a motor accident (Instagram) Narrating how he survived the accident, "My auto accident story was very horrible. I was coming from a movie location at Agbado crossing area of Lagos state. I was going for another production meeting at Agege and suddenly, a motorcycle rider crossed my car recklessly. In an attempt to avert a head-on collision with the motorcyclist and save his life, I swerved my car off the road and accidentally rammed into an electric poll beside the road. The impact of the smash was devastating. Immediately, I lost consciousness, only to wake up on the hospital bed after some hours. I thank God I'm alive today with my two eyes because the accident nearly made me blind. I was later told that a good Samaritan took me to a nearby hospital with the help of the producer of the movie I was actually going meet. He said they immediately took me to the hospital. I can't really remember the name of the hospital I was taken to because I was unconscious. All that matters to me then was my sight. I spent just three days at the hospital and the accident only affected my face. My sight regained strength and I can see clearly now." Eyewitness say Ayo Olaiya, was returning from a movie shoot location before the unfortunate incident happened. Ayo Olaiya has featured in many movies including "Jemiriye" "Seven Days", "One Cast" amongst many others, and has starred alongside top-rated actors and actresses in several movies. Ayo Olaiya Actor says he almost lost his eye in an accident Reviewed by opeyemi on 7:29:00 am Rating: 5 Tags Actor Ayo Olaiya Ayo Olaiya
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
L'Opel GT è un'automobile sportiva prodotta dalla casa tedesca Opel presentata per la prima volta nel 1968 e prodotta sino al 1973. Storia e profilo Genesi del modello La genesi della GT risale ai primi anni '60 del secolo scorso: fu infatti nel 1962 che i vertici General Motors (di cui la Opel all'epoca faceva parte) decisero di dare un'impronta differente alla gamma delle vetture Opel, fino a quel momento caratterizzate da una rassicurante aura di solidità, razionalità e tranquillità nelle prestazioni, ma assolutamente non da grinta e non da una certa dose di sportività per renderle più appetibili anche da una clientela tradizionalmente orientata verso altri marchi. Per questo motivo, alla sede di Rüsselsheim venne trasferito l'americano Clare MacKichan come capo del design del marchio tedesco. Al suo fianco venne costituita una folta équipe di designer, tra cui il tedesco Erhard Schnell, assegnato alla direzione del reparto N10. Ufficialmente, il compito della nuova squadra fu quella di rendere più accattivante la gamma delle berline fino a quel momento in gamma. In realtà, fu proprio Schnell a lavorare di nascosto ad una coupé di fascia media quando non impegnato negli incarichi ufficiali. Solo il suo diretto superiore MacKichan sapeva di questa sua attività sottobanco, ma lasciò correre in modo da lasciare libero sfogo alla creatività di Schnell. Tale progetto segreto venne svelato al resto della dirigenza Opel e General Motors solo nel 1964, quando venne inaugurato il nuovo Centro Stile Opel, il più grande polo di design automobilistico d'Europa. Non vi era ancora una vettura vera e propria, ma solo alcuni abbozzi su carta o poco più. L'idea di Schnell venne presentata come dimostrazione delle potenzialità del nuovo Centro Stile in modo da stimolare maggiormente la potenziale clientela ad avvicinarsi finalmente al marchio Opel. L'idea venne approvata dai vertici GM e immediatamente iniziò il lavoro per cercare di definire nel più breve tempo possibile le linee della nuova sportiva, una sportiva che si voleva lontana dal resto della produzione per quanto riguardava il design. Non si voleva, cioè, realizzare una coupé che fosse solo una versione a due porte e padiglione basso di una berlina già esistente, ma qualcosa di nettamente diverso, pur se basata su meccanica derivata dalla grande produzione in serie. Per realizzare il primo modello in scala 1:1, si scelse di partire dall'abitacolo, perché prima di tutto si cercò di conferire il massimo livello di ergonomia e di impostazione sportiva del posto guida. Da lì vennero poi disposte la meccanica e il motore, dopodiché solo in ultima battuta, attorno a questo complesso venne disegnata e realizzata la carrozzeria. Quest'ultima venne scelta fra più proposte di stile in quanto particolarmente grintosa nelle forme, ma anche in grado di soddisfare i requisiti relativi alla disposizione di meccanica, motore ed abitacolo. Il primo modello in scala 1:1 venne realizzato in creta. Si arrivò così al salone dell'automobile di Francoforte del 1965, quando fu presentato il prototipo Opel Experimental GT, primo vagito in pubblico del progetto destinato a realizzare la futura GT. La Experimental GT era una vettura creata sulla base della Kadett B e con un propulsore 1900 cm³ da 90 CV, derivato da quello montato sulle contemporanee Rekord B. Il prototipo suscitò clamore per via delle sue linee aerodinamiche, per gli allestimenti interni di stampo nettamente sportivo e per il corpo vettura dal baricentro basso che ricordava abbastanza da vicino la concept car Mako Shark II presentata a New York alcuni mesi prima con marchio Chevrolet (anche la Chevrolet era appartenente al gruppo General Motors). La concept Experimental GT fu in pratica un modo per saggiare il gradimento del pubblico nei confronti di un'eventuale inedita sportiva Opel. E il pubblico, di fatto gradì, anche se il consiglio di amministrazione della General Motors faticò ancora a digerire completamente l'idea di una sportiva da inserire in una gamma fatta di paciose berline e giardinette. Inoltre, prevedendo che questo modello avrebbe fatto gola anche al mercato statunitense, il direttivo GM impose di rendere più americaneggianti le linee della concept Experimental GT, certamente gradevoli, ma anche migliorabili. Per questo motivo, ci si rifece allo stile della Mako Shark II, simile in più punti alla concept di Francoforte, ma anche più sinuosa ed accattivante. A tale scopo vennero richiamati in Germania altri designer, tra cui Anatole Lapine, George Gallion e Chuck Jordan, che sostituì MacKichan alla guida del settore design della Opel. Oltre ad apportare le necessarie migliorie stilistiche, vennero condotti anche studi sul fronte dell'aerodinamica: gli ultimi affinamenti effettuati in galleria del vento portarono così all'ottenimento di un Cx migliore rispetto alla Porsche 911. Un ulteriore problema si ebbe quando il successo di vendite della Kadett B portò allo sfruttamento totale delle linee di assemblaggio dello stabilimento di Bochum, in precedenza designato come impianto destinato anche alla produzione della futura GT. L'impossibilità di utilizzare l'impianto di Bochum costrinse quindi lo stato maggiore della Opel a cercare un carrozziere esterno per la realizzazione delle scocche nude. Tale carrozziere venne individuato nella francese Brissonneau & Lotz che, per motivi organizzativi, appaltò gran parte del lavoro alla carrozzeria Chausson di Gennevilliers, che realizzò le scocche grezze, mentre la Brissoneau & Lotz si occupò della verniciatura e delle finiture. Le scocche così approntate vennero poi inviate a Bochum, dove venne effettuato l'assemblaggio definitivo con il montaggio dei gruppi meccanici. Il debutto ufficiale del modello definitivo avvenne in concomitanza coi Saloni autunnali del 1968. Design esterno ed interno Compatta ma filante, la GT era caratterizzata da una linea muscolosa ed aggressiva, che riprendeva in toto quelli che erano i motivi stilistici salienti della concept Mako Shark II, compresa la particolare forma "a bottiglia di Coca-Cola" visibile osservando la vettura dall'alto. Il frontale era appuntito (tra l'altro proprio grazie all'arretramento del motore) e caratterizzato dalla presenza di fari a scomparsa che venivano azionati mediante un comando meccanico a ruotavano sul loro asse longitudinale. I parafanghi anteriori molto prominenti, si sviluppavano fino ad oltre l'altezza del lungo cofano motore disegnando un profilo a onda che percorreva l'intera vettura lungo la linea di cintura e lungo la sagoma del parafango posteriore. Il parabrezza era relativamente generoso come superficie, mentre sensibilmente più ridotte erano le altre superfici vetrate, un aspetto peraltro comprensibile se si considera la tipologia di vettura. Il padiglione era molto rastremato e introduceva ad una coda raccolta e tronca, provvista di un piccolo accenno di spoiler integrato e dominata dai doppi fari circolari, anch'essi ispirati a quelli della Corvette C3. Altra particolarità della parte posteriore erano le feritoie di sfiato sopra il lunotto per lo smaltimento dell'aria dall'abitacolo. L'abitacolo era omologato per sole due persone, con un posto guida dominato dal grande gruppo plancia-cruscotto di forma squadrata, con due grandi strumenti circolari dietro al volante a calice a tre razze e tre strumenti secondari sulla console centrale (amperometro, manometro per l'olio e termometro dell'acqua). Degno di nota era l'utilizzo di sedili sportivi sagomati e con poggiatesta integrato. La GT debuttò solo tre anni dopo la pubblicazione del libro Unsafe at any speed di Ralph Nader, un libro che fra l'altro coinvolse direttamente il gruppo GM, accusato di produrre auto molto insicure e pericolose. Per questa ragione, si cercò di indirizzare parte della progettazione anche in direzione della sicurezza passiva. In questo senso vanno inquadrate soluzioni come le imbottiture su plancia e volante, oppure gli stessi sedili con poggiatesta integrato che vanno a proteggere il collo degli occupanti in caso di tamponamento da dietro. Per quanto riguardava la dotazione, la pecca più imperdonabile stava però nell'assenza di un vero e proprio bagagliaio: posteriormente non vi era infatti alcun vano apribile, ma semplicemente il serbatoio carburante, e la ruota di scorta si trovava in fondo al piccolo spazio dietro ai due sedili, spazio che fungeva appunto anche da piccolo bagagliaio. Struttura, meccanica e motori Gli accorgimenti sul fronte delle sicurezza erano evidenti anche sul piano tecnico e già a partire dalla struttura stessa della vettura, che prevedeva una scocca portante in lamiera d'acciaio a deformazione programmata. Un'altra soluzione in tal senso degna di essere menzionata era lo sterzo con piantone collassabile. A tal proposito, vale anche la pena aggiungere che lo sterzo si avvaleva di una raffinata soluzione a circolazione di sfere, tipico di vetture di ben più alto lignaggio. La meccanica telaistica era per il resto simile a quella delle contemporanee Kadett B, con tarature affini a quelle delle versioni più potenti, anche se con una differenza sostanziale al retrotreno, sempre del tipo ad assale rigido con barra Panhard, ma con molle elicoidali al posto delle balestre longitudinali. L'avantreno conservò invece la già collaudata soluzione a ruote indipendenti e a bracci sovrapposti con balestra trasversale. Posteriormente era montata anche una barra stabilizzatrice, che all'avantreno era ottenibile a richiesta. Sia davanti sia dietro erano presenti ammortizzatori idraulici telescopici.L'impianto frenante era di tipo misto come nelle Kadett di fascia alta e medio-alta. Al suo debutto, la Opel GT fu prevista in due motorizzazioni: GT 1100, equipaggiata con lo stesso motore della Kadett SR 1100, ossia un'unità da 1078 cm3 con alimentazione a due carburatori Solex, distribuzione ad asse a camme laterale ed in grado di erogare una potenza massima di 60 CV, versione non prevista per il mercato italiano. GT 1900, spinta da un motore di origine Rekord C, anche se da un anno esso venne montato anche sotto il cofano di alcune Kadett Coupé. Si trattava di un motore da 1897 cm3, con alimentazione a carburatore doppio corpo Solex, distribuzione ad asse a camme in testa e con potenza massima di 90 CV.Non venne adottato,neppure a richiesta,nonostante anticipazioni contrarie,il motore "Sprint" capace di 106 CV. Scelta obbligata per il tipo di cambio, un manuale a 4 marce dotato di coppia conica ipoide. A richiesta, sulla GT 1900 era possibile avere il differenziale autobloccante, non previsto invece sulla GT 1100. Sempre a richiesta e sempre solo sulla GT 1900, era possibile avere un cambio automatico a 3 rapporti. La carriera commerciale Mentre gli esemplari destinati al Vecchio Continente vennero distribuiti dalla rete ufficiale Opel, quell destinati al mercato USA vennero distribuiti oltreoceano mediante la rete Buick, altro marchio gravitante nell'orbita della General Motors. Gli aggiornamenti occorsi alla gamma della GT furono quasi tutti di dettaglio. A fine estate del 1969, ad esempio, il paraurti anteriore che fino a quel momento era in due pezzi, venne sostituito da uno in un pezzo unico, mentre all'interno comparve un vano portaoggetti sul tunnel. Numerosi altri aggiornamenti di dettaglio (volante, comando fari, posacenere, manovella alzacristalli, ecc) vennero apportati nell'agosto del 1970, anche se la novità più rilevante fu la cancellazione dal listino della versione con motore da 1,1 litri perché poco richiesta dal mercato a causa delle sue prestazioni modeste. In realtà, da quel momento le vendite calarono bruscamente anche per la versione con motore da 1,9 litri, giacché l'entrata in listino della Manta A innescò un fenomeno di cannibalismo commerciale: la Manta era infatti omologata per quattro persone, possedeva un vero bagagliaio e consentiva una maggior praticità. Il 12 marzo del 1971 venne introdotta in listino la GT/J, ossia una 1900 con allestimento semplificato e quindi anche con prezzo ridotto: in questo modo si volle da una parte sostituire la 1100 con un modello più economico della 1900 ma con prestazioni altrettanto brillanti, mentre dall'altra si volle continuare a tenere vivo l'interesse nei confronti di questo modello. Nello stesso anno, a causa delle leggi anti-inquinamento statunitensi, il propulsore da 1,9 litri, l'unico rimasto nella gamma, subì una revisione che portò ad una leggera diminuzione della potenza a 85 CV, ma solo negli esemplari destinati oltreoceano. Ulteriori aggiornamenti (cerchi, luci posteriori con illuminazione per la retromarcia integrata, orologio, scritte identificative, ecc) si ebbero fra il 1971 e il 1973. Nell'autunno del 1972, limitatamente al mercato italiano, arrivarono sul motore 1900 delle cassette di trasformazione ufficiali dovute a Virgilio Conrero che, grazie a 2 carburatori doppio corpo, fecero aumentare la potenza a 125 CV DIN a 6200 giri/min e la velocità massima per GT e GT/J a 205 chilometri orari con un supplemento di prezzo di Lit. 350.000 + montaggio. Nel luglio del 1973 cessò la produzione della GT, che non venne mai sostituita da un modello veramente simile in tutto e per tutto, anche se in genere si assume la Manta come sua legittima erede. La stragrande maggioranza della produzione della GT fu destinata al mercato statunitense e solo in una percentuale molto più bassa sono state commercializzate in Europa. Nell'arco dei suoi anni di produzione ne sono stati prodotti più di 103.463 esemplari, di cui solo 3.573 nella cilindrata minore da 1.1 litri. Di questi, ben 70.564 furono destinati oltreoceano. Attività sportiva Grazie alla robustezza della meccanica, le Opel GT furono impiegate anche nel mondo delle competizioni. In particolare, fu la più potente GT 1900 a trovare spazio in tale campo e validi preparatori si ebbero anche in Italia, dove la Autotecnica Conrero realizzò alcuni esemplari di Gruppo 2 dotati di una potenza massima di 170 CV. Alcuni di questi esemplari ottennero nel 1969 dei buoni risultati in alcune gare in salita. Una delle prime vittorie si ebbe nel 1970, al termine della gara in salita Bressanone-Sant'Andrea: la Opel GT 1900, pilotata da Giampaolo Benedini, capace di 190 CV ed omologata in Gruppo 4, si piazzò davanti ad una dozzina di Porsche 911. Alla Targa Florio del 1971, la Opel GT 1900 pilotata da Salvatore Calascibetta ottenne il primo posto in Gruppo 4 nella sua classe ed il nono posto assoluto, sbaragliando nuovamente avversarie come le temutissime Porsche 911. Nel 1972, una Opel GT 1900 della potenza di 225 CV, e nuovamente preparata da Conrero, fu condotta alla vittoria da Alberto Rosselli, che si piazzò primo nella categoria fino a 2 litri ed ottavo assoluto in occasione della Coppa Intereuropa di Monza. Anche alcuni anni dopo la sua uscita dai listini, la Opel GT continuò ad essere utilizzata nelle competizioni, specialmente da piloti privati. Dati tecnici Note Bibliografia EpocAuto, settembre 2019, pag.9 Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni GT Vetture Gruppo 4
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
"Ridiculous" and "unworkable", but Fenland Council presses on with �50k Horsefair plan Exclusive John Elworthy THE mayor says it's "ridiculous" and taxi drivers say it is "ill-conceived and unworkable" but Fenland District Council is to press ahead with �50,000 changes to Horsefair bus station, Wisbech. A council spokesman described Christmas and New Year consultations as part of the move forward "into the delivery stage of this important project" which effectively amounts to removing three taxi bays. Bus and taxi drivers will also be expected to sign up to a new code of conduct. However, the Mayor of Wisbech, Councillor Jonathan Farmer, believes the changes proposed by Cabinet "are ultra vires and flout a decision of the council". That decision, he claims, was to do nothing at the Horsefair "and there is no authority to review it, never mind change it". He said the report drawn up by Atkins, the council's consultants, contained "overtly a spoon-fed argument from officers and is the sort of amateur essay you would expect from a sixth-former at school. "It is not a piece of research – it is in fact toilet paper and the council should take strenuous efforts not to pay for it. "The proposals as far as I can tell are ridiculous." Councillor Dave Patrick, chairman of Wisbech and District Hackney Carriage Drivers' Association, said: "The general consensus is that taxi drivers will vehemently oppose the council's relocation plans using all legal means at their disposal." A meeting of the association has been called for January 4 "when our constitution will be suspended to allow non-member drivers to attend to discuss the proposals and what course of action they wish to be taken". But a council spokesman said the work now being carried out was authorised by Cabinet. "All the representations received both before and after the Cabinet decision have already been fully taken into account," he said. "We are now giving everyone involved – particularly taxi drivers, bus operators and those responsible for the management of the bus station – the chance to comment on the details of the proposal prior to implementation of the scheme. "It should be made clear that this is not a question of whether the taxis should be sited in the Horsefair and, if so, where. Rather, it is a case of ensuring that everyone understands and can incorporate practical adjustments to proposals which will ensure that the scheme works as well as possible." Cllr Patrick said: "My biggest issue is that by forcing the public to cross the busy bus lanes in order to obtain their taxis they are being exposed to potential hazards far in excess of those they face now. "It is extremely unlikely that they will – under the present system which has worked well for at least 12 years – be run over by a bus. The new layout, however, will greatly increase the likelihood of conflict between pedestrians and traffic." He added: "Little or no consideration seems to have been taken with respect towards the disabled, frail and elderly who I feel it must be considered are potentially even more at risk." The new layout arose from a report by Atkins which claimed that the level of damage and/or slight injuries over the past five years "suggests that there is a risk that a more serious incident involving personal injury will occur". The report added: "No change is not an option. The risk associated with authorised users which can most easily be controlled arises through reversing movements made by taxis." But Cllr Patrick retorted: "The report by Atkins is flawed with regards to the personal injury accidents which happened on the approach road to the Horsefair and not on the Horsefair itself as stated in the report."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: GitLab Community Edition with Google OAuth does not allow main GitLab login page to appear can only use Google to login We have Google OAuth setup in our GitLab CE 8.17.2 instance. Our organization's users are all Google Accounts so if was an easy decision to set up Google OAuth. Google OAuth is the only OAuth provider we have set. We have sent email to external users to sign up for an account in our GitLab CE instance. Before we turned on/configured OAuth, these external users would see the main GitLab login/register page. When that external user attempts to access our site, they are presented with the Google Login Page and no way to get around it to have the main Login/Register page appear for GitLab. There is no "Skip" or "Back" or "Cancel" links to get around this Google login page. The external user would have to create a Google account just to register which is confusing to me. We have had external users try different browsers with the cache completely cleared (history, passwords, auto complete forms, etc.) -- Firefox, IE, Chrome -- and they still get this Google login page: I thought that the main GitLab Login/Register page would appear where you can login or register, and the Google logo would be visible to use as the authenticator. From how it works for us, you have to have a Google Account to access and cannot get around the Google login page. Here are the gitlab.rb OAuth settings: ## For setting up omniauth ## see https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/integration/omniauth.html gitlab_rails['omniauth_enabled'] = true gitlab_rails['omniauth_allow_single_sign_on'] = ['google_oauth2'] gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_sign_in_with_provider'] = 'google_oauth2' gitlab_rails['omniauth_block_auto_created_users'] = false gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_ldap_user'] = true # gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_saml_user'] = false # gitlab_rails['omniauth_external_providers'] = ['google_oauth2'] gitlab_rails['omniauth_providers'] = [ { "name" => "google_oauth2", "app_id" => "(the app id)", "app_secret" => "(the app secret)", "args" => { "access_type" => "offline", "approval_prompt" => "" } } ] If there is a setting we are missing, please let us know. If not, I get the feeling Google OAuth may not work for us. A: We commented/remarked out: gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_sign_in_with_provider'] = 'google_oauth2' in our gitlab.rb file. The section now looks like this: ## For setting up omniauth ## see https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/integration/omniauth.html gitlab_rails['omniauth_enabled'] = true gitlab_rails['omniauth_allow_single_sign_on'] = ['google_oauth2'] # gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_sign_in_with_provider'] = 'google_oauth2' gitlab_rails['omniauth_block_auto_created_users'] = false gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_ldap_user'] = true # gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_saml_user'] = false # gitlab_rails['omniauth_external_providers'] = ['google_oauth2'] gitlab_rails['omniauth_providers'] = [ { "name" => "google_oauth2", "app_id" => "(the app id)", "app_secret" => "(the app secret)", "args" => { "access_type" => "offline", "approval_prompt" => "" } } ]
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
BK Bots Instructors are vetted by education veteran and founder Sean Spillane. Each instructor has experience working with both kids and robotics. Sean Spillane, Founder + Lead Instructor A San Francisco native, Sean offers 15 years of experience working with children on both the East and West coasts. He holds undergraduate degrees in Economics and Mechanical Engineering as well as a Masters in Mathematics Education. He taught math, physics and robotics for 6 years at two Brooklyn high schools before leaving the profession to pursue his Mechanical Engineering degree. He started BK Bots in 2012 with the goal of helping kids learn through discovery! Ruben Toussaint, Instructor Ruben Toussaint is a native New Yorker with a passion for math, science, and education. He holds a BA in history education but discovered his passion lies in math education. He works with underperforming students to raise their Math Regents test performance to meet and exceed their grade level standards. He has two years of experience educating NYC students and he continues to inspire students to reach their potential through the use of math and science at BK Bots! BK Bots partners with Girls Who Code and the Red Hook Initiative in furthering education for students interested in STEM and technology. We handpick our assistants from these organizations. Nylajah Day Nylajah is a senior at Health Professions and Human Services High School. She has worked with Lego robotics kits for 3 years and started out as a participant in the class. She loves working with kids and has a special talent for solving Rubik's Cubes. Quincy Philips Quincy is a senior at Summit Academy Charter School. Idalia Gonzales Idalia is a senior at Brooklyn Collaborative Studies High School. She has worked with Lego robotics for 4 years, Arduino and JavaScript for two years. She also started out as a participant in the class. She is an avid photographer. Marty Spillane The most recent addition to the Spillane family, you may see young Marty hanging out at the occasional BK Bots class. We're working on his dexterity for Lego building but he currently serves as a project manager / boss man. Meghan Butler A tech industry veteran, Meghan assists Sean behind the scenes with all-things marketing and operations. She's also the chief baby carrier, commonly known as "Mom". Kelly Korshak Artist, UX expert, dance party fanatic, renaissance woman. The gifs and images on these pages were created by @KellyAnnKor! Questions? Email us at info@bkbots.com Sign up with your email address to receive BK Bots updates and interesting STEM news. We only send 1-2 emails a month, promise!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Image Title: Pirate Ship Bedroom Set Kids Furniture In Plan 11. Post Title: Pirate Bedroom Furniture. Filename: pirate-ship-bedroom-set-kids-furniture-in-plan-11.jpg. Image Dimension: 1000 x 800 pixels. Images Format: jpg/jpeg. Publisher/Author: Tobin Lubowitz. Uploaded Date: Friday - October 19th. 2018 08:03:17 AM. Category: Architecture. Image Source: homedepot.com. Pirate Furniture Interior Bedroom Photos And Video With Prepare 5. 8 Best Pirate Bedroom Furniture Images On Pinterest Bed In Prepare 16. Http Astracel Com Pirate Bedroom Set Regarding Your Property In Furniture Ideas 9. Pirate Bedroom Furniture Ship Beach Style Kids Turbo Beds Disney Regarding Ideas 1. Boys Pirate Bedroom View In Gallery Furniture For Small Pertaining To Ideas 13. Pirate Bedroom Set Room Ding Kinggeorge6 Org Inside Furniture Prepare 17. Pirate Ship Bedroom Ideas Awesome Kids Furniture In Decor 6. Pin By Luciver Sanom On Bedroom Interior Design Pinterest Pirate With Furniture Prepare 3. Lofty Idea Pirate Bedroom Furniture Themed For Your Kids Adventure Pertaining To Ideas 8. Pirate Bedroom And The Childrens Within Furniture Remodel 12.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Tara, a former TJC Apache Belle, is the spirit program director, coaching the cheerleaders (2012-present), drill team (2015-present) and freshmen pom squad (2007-present). She is married to Justin, a graduate of Grace (Class of '00), and they attend Green Acres Baptist Church. Kristie grew up in Mesquite, Tx and moved to Tyler to be an Apache Belle. Kristie graduated with her Associate's degree in Sign Language in 2001 and worked as an interpreter for 16 years. She returned to school at UTT where she graduated 2017 with a Bachelors degree in Health and Kinesiology. She currently works with Cougarettes, Pom squad and coaches JH track. Kristie and her husband Jarrod have been married since 2001 and together they have 3 children Reagan, Kenedi, Caleb and are members at Grace Community Church. Madie graduated from Bullard High School, and went on to be an Apache Belle at Tyler Junior College where she earned an Associates Degree in Kinesiology. She is Director of the Cougarettes and teaches dance classes at Dance-N-Drill studio in Tyler. She is a student at The University of Texas at Tyler, majoring in Kinesiology with a Physical Education Specialization. She attends LifePoint Fellowship Church with her family.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
2018年9月のライフステップはお休みします。10月より再開します。Life Step in September is canceled. It will be back in October. Life Steps is gathering made up of 4 steps that help equip you to follow Jesus, connect to the church and live out the life God created for you. The vision of Life Church is to Love Jesus, Love people and Love life. Participating in Life Steps helps you partner in the vision God has for Life Church and pursue it together. "Life Steps" happens every month in four consecutive Sundays during the message time, starting with Step One on the first Sunday of the month. You are free to jump in at any time. At Life Steps you'll be able to interact with Life Church leaders and develop relationships in a relaxed atmosphere and, of course, there will be delicious snacks to nibble on! How do I start attending Life Steps? There is no need to sign up. Just come on up to the 4th Floor C Room during the break time and get ready to discover practically how you can follow, discover and make a difference!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
<h1>Credits</h1> <p> The people responsible and technology colophon:<br> <small>(The content of this page was derived from <a href="//humanstxt.org/">Humans TXT</a>.)</small> </p> <ul> <li> <strong>Technology Colophon</strong> <ul> <li> Components <ul> <li>Website built using the <a href="//angularjs.org/">AngularJS</a> web framework</li> <li>Theme modified from <a href="//orderedlist.com/">Steve Smith</a>'s <a href="//github.com/orderedlist/minimal">Minimal</a> theme</li> <li><a href="//requirejs.org/">RequireJS</a> for keeping me sane and maintaining order in an otherwise chaotic codebase. Also, the <a href="//requirejs.org/docs/optimization.html">RequireJS Optimizer</a> is near irreplaceable.</li> <li>RequireJS's <a href="//requirejs.org/docs/api.html#pageload">domReady</a> plugin</li> <li><a href="//github.com/angular-ui/ui-router">AngularUI Router</a> for their intuitive "<a href="//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite-state_machine">finite-state machine</a>"-like routing</li> <li><a href="//github.com/angular/bower-angular-animate">Angular Animate</a> module for creating simple, yet elegant transition animations</li> <li><a href="//github.com/likeastore/ngDialog">ngDialog</a> for their highly customizable lightweight <a href="//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightbox_(JavaScript)">lightboxes</a></li> <li><a href="//html5boilerplate.com/">HTML5 Boilerplate</a></li> <li><a href="//necolas.github.io/normalize.css/">Normalize.css</a></li> <li><a href="//nodejs.org/">Node.js</a></li> <li><a href="//www.npmjs.org/">Node Package Manager (npm)</a></a> <li><a href="//bower.io/">Bower</a></li> <li><a href="//gulpjs.com/">Gulp.js</a> for managing the tedium of mundane build processes</li> <li><a href="//www.jshint.com/">JSHint</a>, my invaluable (albeit annoying) code grammar teacher</li> <li><a href="//luisfarzati.github.io/angulartics/">Angulartics</a></li> <li><a href="//fontello.com/">Fontello</a> for creating custom icon font builds</li> <li><a href="//fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/">Font Awesome</a> for their awesome (icon) fonts</li> <li><a href="//plus.google.com/106163021290874968147">&Lstrok;ukasz Dziedzic</a>'s <a href="//www.latofonts.com/">Lato Font</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> Software <ul> <li><a href="//www.sublimetext.com/">Sublime Text</a>, the text editor I fell in love with</li> <li><a href="//getfirebug.com/">Firebug</a>, the web developer's swiss army knife</li> <li><a href="//git-scm.com/">Git</a>, the distributed revision control and source code management</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul>
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
About Lodge Devotion 723‎ > ‎In Memorial‎ > ‎Lodge Devotion Members‎ > ‎ WBro Ken Nice Our greatly esteemed Friend and Brother WBro Kenneth Nice PGStdB, passed away at his home on Thursday 4 October at the age of 86. Ken's funeral on Tuesday 8 October was strongly attended by members of Devotion and incorporated a Masonic Memorial Service. Ken's ties to Devotion were both Fraternal and of his Family. His son-in-law Don has shared some thoughts in Don's Diary. Ken was a Past Master of Lodge of Renown No 270 which surrendered its Warrant in December 2003 and he found his Masonic home at Devotion where he supported his son-in-law and also a grandson through the Chair through four Masterships. However Ken's warmth and friendship was extended to all members of Devotion and he enriched our lodge. I remember him regressing to have a beer "with my mate Damien" on several occasions putting aside his preferred white wine. Every Master at Devotion since Ken joined must feel a debt of gratitude towards Ken for his warmth and support. At his funeral and during his Eulogy, his grandson Bro David P recalled Ken's love of Jazz and during his childhood sitting on his knee as Ken played the drums, cigarette in mouth and beer under his stool surrounded by Ken's friends describing how he "closed that loop" at Bro Stephen P's wedding, playing with Ken in the band Ken was born in Footscray, Nov. 30, 1925, initiated into Freemasonry at Lodge of Renown, Aug. 1987 and joined Lodge Devotion Aug. 2004 after visiting us. His War Time service saw him stationed in Australia. He told me he was keen to get overseas, but as he was a Radar Operator, he was deemed too valuable and his requests to transfer were refused. He was stationed in Western Australia giving early warning of Japanese Aircraft attacks. Darwin alone was attacked from the air 64 times. Ken laughed and dismissed the image shown in movies of a sweeping line moving around a point within a circle – that was late in the war. He explained his job was to watch a wavy line which gave altitude while other operators watched something similar which gave distance. Analysing the two in conjunction with direction and air speed gave operators a very good guess at the enemy's destination. Following the War, he became an accountant and married Yvonne P.'s mother Marie, living with Don & Yvonne's family in 1966/67 while Don was in South Vietnam. Ken nursed Marie with patience and love through her final illness. Later he found happiness with Peg, and Ken and Peg were often seen at Devotion's events. They always brought fun & joy with them. Our heart and sympathy goes out to the Nice and P Family and all who knew Ken, but particularly to Peggy. As Bro Eric P eloquently said at Ken's funeral, he was a great example to all of us. There is another article written by Don about Ken here
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Dissolve using ogr2ogr gives 'no such function: ST_union' I am trying to dissolve a shapefile using ogr2ogr but I am getting error no such function: ST_union: Command: C:\ms4w>ogr2ogr "C:\output\test-dissolved.sh p" "C:\input\test.shp" -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT ST_union(geometry) FROM test " Error: ERROR 1: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare(SELECT ST_union(geometry) FROM test ): no such function: ST_union A: I should use GUnion instead of ST_Union, I tried it and it worked. below is a list of all spatialite functions where it shows the ST & GEOS functions: https://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/spatialite-sql-4.3.0.html
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Sibrandes Poppema (geboren 24 juli 1949 in Emmen) is een Nederlands professor en academisch bestuurder. Hij was van 1 september 2008 tot 30 september 2018 voorzitter van het College van Bestuur van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Per 1 oktober 2018 wordt hij als voorzitter van het College van Bestuur opgevolgd door Jouke de Vries. Tijdens het bestuur van Poppema verbeterde het studieresultaat van de bachelors; behaalde eerst slechts 50% het bachelordiploma binnen 4 jaar, nu is dat 75%., de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen werd de beste klassieke universiteit in Nederland volgens het studententevredenheidonderzoek, uitgevoerd door de "Keuzegids Universiteiten" en in de rangorde van de "Academic Ranking of World Universities" (ARWU) ook wel de Shanghairanking genoemd, steeg de universiteit van positie 112 naar positie 59 wereldwijd. Poppema was van september 1999 tot en met 2008 aangesteld als decaan van de medische faculteit en vice-voorzitter van het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen. Daarvoor was hij voorzitter van de afdeling pathologie en laboratoriumgeneeskunde van het academisch ziekenhuis van de Universiteit van Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. Van 1980 tot 1987 was Poppema werkzaam als klinisch wetenschapper op de afdeling pathologie van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. In 1985 werd hij de eerste J.K. de Cock Professor immunopathologie. Vanaf september 2015 is Poppema vice-voorzitter van de Vereniging van Universiteiten (VSNU). Vanaf december 2015 is hij lid van de Raad van Bestuur van de Confucius Instituten. Onderscheiding Op 27 april 2007 heeft koningin Beatrix Poppema gedecoreerd als Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw voor zijn wetenschappelijke prestaties. Poppema is lid van de Nederlandse Academie voor Technologie en Innovatie (ACTI). Sinds oktober 2011 is hij honorair consul in Noord-Nederland voor de Republiek Korea. Opleiding Poppema behaalde zijn gymnasium B-diploma aan het Ubbo Emmius College in Stadskanaal in 1968 en studeerde Geneeskunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen van 1968 tot 1974. Hij is opgeleid als patholoog-anatoom en promoveerde op zijn onderzoek naar de immunopathologie van de ziekte van Hodgkin bij de afdeling pathologie van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (1975-1979). In 1978 werkte hij onder leiding van prof. Karl Lennert op de afdeling pathologie van de Christian Albrechts Universiteit in Kiel, Duitsland. Van 1979 tot 1980 was hij postdoc aan de afdeling pathologie van de Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts in de Verenigde Staten. Persoonlijk Poppema is getrouwd en heeft 3 kinderen en 10 kleinkinderen. Nederlands medicus Hoogleraar aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Nederlands onderwijsbestuurder
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Elena Letuchaya said that he had lost a best friend The presenter shared a sentimental story. Elena Volatile and dog Poker Photo: @Instagram elenapegas Helena Fly Elena Volatile the effect is not very sentimental person. And yet, it turns out that sometimes in life, famous TV presenter events occur that remain in her memory forever. So, the other day she spoke about the severe loss of his close friend — dog named Kashtanka, where Helen spent her childhood. "I want to tell You a story from my life! When I was a child, my mother found a puppy on the street. He was dirty, hungry and no one needs. Mom took it, brought it to our house and left to live with us, we gave her the nickname Kashtanka, she was a real "Chekhov By Kashtanka". This dog was devoted to our family life, was the best other. We absolutely loved her, she lived with us for 16 years, and very old left. I'm very happy that I was a child, and she was a little puppy, we lived our combines interesting and full of lessons of life. I took care of her, developed a sense of responsibility, and she protected me…" — wrote in the microblog Volatile. As it turned out, the story the presenter told us not just. She called their fans to actively participate in the life of abandoned and stray dogs, help the hospices, which contain these unfortunate animals. By the way, Elena and still is an ardent lover and defender Recall that fans of the Fly froze in anticipation, waiting for the wedding of their darling with her lover — see Analogovym scheduled for a few days. To the preparation of the celebration TV presenter went very responsibly. However, it is not surprisingly, as Elena became famous thanks to his love of order. It for a long time was the permanent host of "Revizorro," which it was created to protect the public from unscrupulous owners. Surprise the bride Pippa Middleton was the Lord! Ales Kafelnikov was the best part of the body
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge Fish and Wildlife Service, Mississippi. Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge was established on October 27, 2000 as the 526th refuge in the National Wildlife Refuge System. It is located near the town of St. Francisville, Louisiana, which is 30 miles north of Baton Rouge. The refuge was established to conserve, restore, and manage native forested wetland habitats for migratory birds, aquatic resources, and endangered and threatened plants and animals. Additionally, it was created to encourage the use of volunteers and facilitate partnerships among the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, local communities, and conservation organizations to promote public awareness of resources of the refuge and the National Wildlife Refuge System. Interpretive Programs Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge is located in St. Francisville, Louisiana, approximately 30 miles north of Baton Rouge. This refuge is administered from St. Catherine Creek National Wildlife Refuge in Sibley, Mississippi. In general, we strongly recommend you do not rely on an electronic navigation device to find your way around the refuge. Inaccurate maps and limited reception can lead you astray. For visitor information, please stop at the St. Francisville Historical Society at 11757 Ferdinand Street in St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775. Visitor maps are also located at the entrance to the refuge. From Natchez, MS: From U.S. Highway 61S, turn right onto Highway 66 and turn left (west toward Angola). Continue 1.5 miles, and then turn left on Solitude Road. Continue approximately 3.5 miles, and then turn right at the refuge sign. Continue another 1.5 miles to the refuge entrance. From St. Francisville, LA: From Commerce St. take Ferdinand St. one mile and take a right on Mahoney Rd. Go three miles, cross the low-water crossing bridge and take a left on Creek Rd. Take a slight left to stay on Creek Rd. Creek Rd continues to the Cat Island NWR Entrance. Be aware that this route may not be accessible when river levels are high.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Fast Company asked several of the most creative ad agencies in the world to rebrand baby girls. Their mock campaigns recast girls as the No. 1 choice for consumers from China to the U.S. Shout is part of She Says, a network of 3,000 ad women who collaborate outside their day jobs on campaigns directed at women. has worked with Corona, Hilton, and Porsche. retail outlets steer prospective parents to more data at hopeitsagirl.com. This digital agency headquartered in San Francisco has done campaigns for Heineken, Gap, Nike, and the Xbox 360. female version of the word ni ("you"). The ad aims to speak to those who know they have value and those who don't yet see that. iconoclastic women, like Lady Gaga. you K-Swiss sneakers "sponsored by" Kenny Powers. hyping baby girls as the "high-performance" child. The downloadable configurator app borrows from popular high-performance automobile apps. Your girl as a souped-up Mustang–that's an equation a guy can love. campaigns for Domino's and Starburst in the Hispanic market. according to the data, girls have those traits more often. The ad makes a case for why girls deserve a chance in a heartfelt, yet provocative way. The "positions" series could be a campaign that also becomes a series of stunts to get people talking about the many reasons why they "do it," including quirky yet, uh, educational executions. Point is: However you do it–just do it for her. For our challenge, the competition between the two offices of Cramer-Krasselt pitted two of their creative teams in two different offices–Milwaukee and Chicago–to compete for the top ad spot. The Milwaukee team's "Hope It's A Girl" campaign made it into the magazine but their second runner-up, "Don't Diss Daughters" was too good to leave on the cutting room floor. The message is a humorous reality check: your future little girl doesn't get to choose you either. A fully-function website, www.dontdissdaughters.com, helps drive the point home: before you go dissing girls, take a good look at yourself as a future dad. The award-winning global marketing company, headquartered in South Korea (with offices in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada) specializes in Asian markets and has been the longtime agency of Samsung. Here, the potential of a young woman is realized–in the form of an ad for a bestselling book by a fictional future CEO. That is, if she had been allowed to be born. The exploration of that thwarted potential is sobering and impactful–yet still remains optimistic.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
STO - Promote your Legally Lucrative Investment! Security Token is the next trendsetter in the cryptocurrency market. The tokenized securities market will be driven predominantly by the larger vision of growth, trusting investors and the ever-changing cryptocurrency landscapes. At Blockchain App Factory, our vision is to create a well balanced and integrated marketing communication strategy which is aimed towards the ultimate goal of raising the brand value of your company in the eye of the investors. Security Token Marketing (STO) needs a comprehensive outlook. The challenge is for the investors to find you in the first try. We will guide you to get better results through precise planning and organized execution in consultation with you to build investor trust and help you reach your goal. Our team is well-versed in technology as well as marketing of the investment opportunities through the right strategy to get desired results. Use password protection preventing general public the general access to investment information on the websites. Our security token strategy is built on five pillars which are Consult, Research, Strategize, Deal Marketingand Proxy Marketing. These pillars form the backbone for any successful marketing. We plan and deliver with our team of compelling content writers, skilled SEO experts and enthusiastic marketers to make your vision a reality. We offer visuals, contents, updated marketing strategies and the most of all, a compelling message to your investors to fund your project. We do not want to stop at offering what others do. We are going a step ahead to offer you with our own specialties. Through our strategic partnerships, we want to help our clients' to find the most suited investors they can pitch about their projects with deal marketing. Our panel of experts will talk about the projects through press releases, magazine interviews, and their official blogs/vlogs. These experts will be guided by the Proxy marketing team. Our marketing consultants have worked with the biggest ICOs and also helped in promoting traditional investments to fund managers. We are blessed with a team of skilful Market Analysts to promote your STO tokens to the investors and fund managers. It is the perfect time to enter the Security Tokens Market with few players and huge opportunities in the market. We help you with Investor Outreach and the perfect Pitchdeck for your project. Our Security token consulting team is here with a difference. Our marketing specialists strive with their consistent efforts to communicate the vision to your investors. We have our specialists in marketing working with you. Our team do not have a pre-determined strategy for you. We don't do trial and error security token marketing strategy, we work on evidence-based market analysis. The security token market is green, however, your token could be the one to set the trend for your investors and potential investors to profit. Marketing is driven by expertise, meticulous planning and expert analytical skills. Reducing Risk & removing wasted efforts. We have been through the ICO markets and have been successful in strategizing for the successful fundraising. Marketing starts with a Strategy. Without a strategy, a project cannot survive the test of time. In addition, we do strategy reviews to get more insights from the market for future marketing activities. If you have a Whitepaper/Owner's manual ready, our team of expert technical, marketing and content advisors will guide you to make the owner's manual attractive for investors. In addition, our team of designers will add creatives for a better explanation of the project. The company's brand plays an integral part in investors to fund your project. The message about who you are and what you stand for is important to prove your value to the investors. We make sure that the brand integrity of the project is maintained. Investors are picky about the projects they chose to fund. Any drop in reputation will hurt the company. We love to maintain your reputation in the crypto-communities, telegram and other social media channels thereby protecting your brand from negative reviews. The word of mouth marketing is the oldest tricks in the book. However, our relationships with influencers allow your project to have a voice which will drive the target audience to the project. The team includes bloggers, social media stars in crypto-community and Youtube Vloggers. The content marketing program will help your project build and maintain visibility as a solution provider to an existing problem. The content team is a driving force for your project through an engaging and a value-creating content which matches the goals and strategy of the project. We aim to remarket and upsell the value of the project while creating targeted campaigns to the investors. The E-mail blast service is initiated through newsletters, tracking of the performance through monthly reports and analytics. The signals received through social media and communities play an essential role in understanding investor behavior especially, the retail investors. In addition, it creates a positive brand awareness and a digital footprint thereby increasing the conversation rates. Be present in front of your investors through roadshows. These include the leadership team attending as delegates, speaking as visionaries, sponsoring as leaders and exhibiting their future in blockchain & investment related events. Press Release adds a layer of credibility to your security token. We work with leading PR distribution agencies to create a compelling story that provides the right overview of your project. In addition, your passion for the project and problems you aim to solve can be communicated. Blockchain App Factory aims to create an optimal strategy for penetration into the minds of the investors. We help Security Token Offerings reach their goals through effective marketing strategy, by analyzing the brand message and perception in the communities. Our Team will evaluate the product value created for your investors as well as the company. The value of the offerings to the fund managers must be more than just discounts, rather an investment with long-term benefits. We will analyze the offering among your competitors and find the unique selling points(USPs) about your product or service. The USPs tend to attract investors who will take a chance in investing in your company. A right communication strategy is a key to creating and capturing value. It is important that all sources of official communications carry the same message; online & offline. We will provide you with a branding kit with logo, brochures etc. The project can be delivered with our team of blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts who will create security tokens on your own blockchain. The fully customized blockchain allows you to be in forefront of security token industry in a safe and secure way. Schedule Your Call Now to Find Your STO Marketing Strategy!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
If you are looking for an Arizona Home Birth Midwife give us a call! Merging quality clinical care and skill with personal attention is a mission that we take to heart. We want our families to feel welcomed and supported so we strive to maintain a friendly atmosphere where relaxation, education and comprehensive pregnancy care go hand in hand. Your Care with Midwives Rising!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Costa Rica has just run on 100 percent renewable energy for 300 days "However, it's not just a hotspot for newlyweds or keen surfers either, the popular travel destination has also set its sights on saving the world, via its advances with renewable energy. Back in 2015 it managed to generate 100 per cent of its electricity from renewable energy sources for 299 days, and in 2016, it ran for 271 days on everything but fossil fuels. Now, it appears that Costa Rica has done it again. The small country has purportedly run for a whopping 300 days solely on a mixture of hydro, geothermal, wind, biomass and solar energy." Click here to read more from VT. U.S. Wind Turbine Database It's the No. 1 power source, but natural gas faces headwinds California leads subnational efforts to curb climate change
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
OSU Photo Store Lacrosse | Ohio State rallies from four down to reach title game Mark Znidar The Columbus Dispatch @MarkZnidar It was at halftime, when his team was fighting itself as much as the opponent, that Ohio State coach Nick Myers reminded the players how many times they had been able to recalculate and come back to win. The Buckeyes were out of sync in trailing Towson by four goals after the first 30 minutes of an NCAA national semifinal. In the first minutes alone, they had two turnovers and drew two pushing penalties on the same possession in giving up a two-man-down goal. They could have thought it just wasn't their day when an error by an official gave the Tigers another goal even though replays clearly showed the ball had not crossed the goal line. But Ohio State got a tying goal from freshman Tre Leclaire, a go-ahead goal from J.T. Blubaugh of DeSales, and what turned out to be the deciding goal from Johnny Pearson in coming away with an 11-10 victory Saturday at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. What fueled the offense was senior Jake Withers winning 10 of 13 face-offs in the second half. The Buckeyes (16-4) will play for the national championship against Maryland (15-3) at 1 p.m. Monday. "We got into halftime and really needed to take a hard look at ourselves," Myers said. "We said, 'Look, we are going to close the gap in the third and win it in the fourth.' That was a calming sense. We said, 'Yes, we can do that.' We had to establish some rhythm and tempo and give our defense a break." Towson had held nine straight opponents to less than 10 goals and had won 29 straight games when leading after three quarters. "In the second half we said take a deep breath and just run our offense, and it worked," Leclaire said. The situation looked grim after attacker Joe Seider gave Towson an 8-3 lead with 11:46 left in the third quarter after an Ohio State turnover. But the Buckeyes got consecutive goals by Austin Shanks, Leclaire, Shanks on a man advantage and Eric Fannell to cut the deficit to 8-7 with 4:11 left in the quarter. Blubaugh scored from about 10 yards to the right of the goal with 10:26 left in the game to provide a 10-9 lead. Officials went to replay because the ball popped out of the net so quickly. "I wasn't sure there was replay in lacrosse, but we were pretty certain it was a goal," Blubaugh said. "We talked about what we were going to do on the next play." The comeback, he said, was the result of patience. "We just stacked plays on top of one another," he said. "You can't come back from a four-goal deficit in one play." Ryan Drenner got the Tigers (12-5) within a goal with 3:17 left. Towson gained possession with 52 seconds left. A shot by Seider was wide with 15 seconds left, and defenseman Erik Evans secured the win by getting a ground ball with 3.5 seconds left. "What a big-time stop," Myers said. "But we have one more to do. We haven't finished business. We've got one more Monday." mznidar@dispatch.com @MarkZnidar DMG Rewards DMG + ThriveHive Dispatch careers Buckeyextra ~ 62 E. Broad St. Columbus OH 43215 ~ Do Not Sell My Personal Information ~ Cookie Policy ~ Do Not Sell My Personal Information ~ Privacy Policy ~ Terms Of Service ~ Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy Stats & Stuff Football Database
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Concerts/Stars Sky High Fun Las Vegas Concerts and Headliners Las Vegas Reviews Clubs and Lounges Las Vegas News Las Vegas Visitor News and Reviews Free Las Vegas Newsletter Online Casinos, Gambling, and the Law by admin · Published February 10, 2018 · Updated July 18, 2018 Gambling Tips: Online Casinos, Gambling, and the Law By: Victor H. Royer In the USA, Online Poker is currently available only in Nevada, Delaware, and New Jersey. These three States have created their own, independent, legislation that permits licensed operators in these States to offer online Poker. In New Jersey, this also include Online Slots and other casino games. Unlike the US Federal Legislation, which in 2006 killed all online poker, and online casinos, these three States have progressed into the 21st Century. Similarly to what is happening in the UK – the United Kingdom – which, after the recent Scottish vote will still remain so united – the most important thing for an Online Casino Player is to know that the site where you are playing is properly licensed. Currently, in the UK, new Laws have been passed, and this has caused several of the already-operating casinos to close, due to the complexities of the licensing process, and the requirement that all UK players are subject to a 15% tax on any profits that they make as a result of their gaming on UK licensed Online Casinos. So – since many of my readers come from the UK, and it is important to advise them, and you, that it's essential – to the preservation of your profits – to retain and maintain all your player's privileges, such as comp points, VIP Status, etc., no matter what is happening in these transitions to the new licensed casinos. You can do this by making sure that you take full advantage of online casino bonuses, and always look for new opportunities for additional UK casino awards. As of the time of this writing, several online casinos in the UK have still not received their new licenses, in order to operate under the new law, and therefore – at least for now – cannot accept new players from the UK. Among these online casinos are All Slots Casino and All Jackpots Casino, which have stopped accepting new players from the UK, as well as Casino UK. This of course applies only to new players from the UK, while all existing UK players can continue playing. And as this entire situation is being resolved, players from other countries are being moved to other casinos belonging to the Vegas Partners Lounge. Among other temporarily affected web sites are Jackpot City Casino, Gaming Club Casino, Lucky Nugget Casino, Casino Epoca and Spin Palace Casino. William Hill, on the other hand, have received their license, and are therefore unaffected by these matters at this time. Consequently, if you are an existing UK player, you can still continue playing on those sites that are actively continuing operations. Naturally, if you are a player at William Hill, then you are perfectly OK as is. And, of course, you can also become a new player as well on this site. That may be an opportunity at this time, for new players, as well as those who may temporarily not be able to play on the other sites. However, the most important thing to remember is that no matter what happens, if you are an existing player – or a new player – you must protect your bonuses, points, and rewards. Now, more than ever, it is even more critical to your profitability, and enjoyment, that you look for all the new offers, while at the same time keep and preserve the awards you already may have. To do this, look for online casino bonuses, as well as UK casino awards. By following these few simple steps, you can not only preserve the bonuses and awards which you have already earned, but can also always be up-to-date with whatever else is being offered – especially in this ever-changing UK Online Casinos scene. For more information you can always check back with me right here. So, until next time, this is Vegas Vic saying – See you in the Casino, and Best of Luck! Victor H. Royer, known as Vegas Vic, is the author of 42 books. Mostly known for books, articles, and columns on casino games and gambling, he is also the author of New Casino Slots, Great Gamblers: True Stories and Amazing Facts, The Great American Joke Book, as well as his works of Fiction, which include: Another Day, and the Western: Riders on the Wind. Versatile and multitalented, Royer is the creator, producer, and host of the Web-TV show Great Casino Slots, now showing at www.LasVegasLiveTV.com. He also composes music and performs under the names Glenn Diamond, Pappy Jones, Hans Dorfmann, and Miguel Armandaiz. For more information, please visit him at www.MoreCasinoDeals.com and www.GamingAuthor.com. Sign up for the Insider Advantage Newsletter at: https://www.accessvegas.com/old-access/membership His books can be ordered through this website, by following the links provided (c) Copyright 2016 Victor H. Royer. All rights reserved. For syndication purposes, contact GSR Holdings Inc. at: [email protected] Return To Las Vegas Gambling Tips AccessVegas.com respects your privacy. Email addresses are not sold, rented, or used in any other way. Each free issue contains a working unsubscribe link. Luxury Vegas Flights, Private Terminal (no TSA), Start At $89. This is a bucket list item: Hot Headliners Upcoming Concerts and Headliners! 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Home » Investment Banking Tutorials » Private Equity Tutorials » Private Equity in France | Top Equity Firms | Services Private Equity in France Private equity in France is another story, and yes, it's a different story altogether. In this article, we will go into the nitty-gritty of the private equity market in France so that you can get an overview of what works and what doesn't. If you're an aspirant, here's how we will talk about private equity in France – Overview of Private Equity in France Private Equity Services Offered in France Top Private Equity firms in France Private Equity Recruitment in France Private Equity Culture in France Salaries in Private Equity in France Private Equity Exit Opportunities in France If you are new to Private equity, then you may have a look at this detailed guide on what is Private Equity? If you are an aspirant and would like to make a career in private equity in France, there's good news. In 2016, France's private equity firms raised over EUR 14.7 billion in total capital commitment. Compared to the total capital commitment in 2015, it is around a 51% increase. Rarely can we see such growth in total capital raised just within a year? Out of EUR 14.7 billion, EUR 4.1 billion was raised by a Paris based private equity firm, and 45% of the entire capital commitment came from abroad. The foreign investment is important here, because during the last 10 years prior to 2016 (from 2006 to 2015), the foreign investment was only around 37%. In 2016, it increased to 45%. The increase in foreign investment funds was due to the notable returns made by the French banks and insurance companies. The fascinating part of the private equity in France is the amount they invested in the companies involved in growth projects. It is a whopping EUR 12.4 billion in 2016 only. If we compare the amount with the amount invested in 2015, it would be around a sharp 15% increase. Out of these investments, 54% of the investments were done in new companies inviting new shareholders for the very first time. What's more surprising is the number of companies in France & elsewhere who decided to take assistance from private equity in France. The number is 1893. For the last 10 years prior to 2016, the basic average of companies who took the assistance of private equity firms is 1600. However, the percentage of French companies taking assistance from private equity remained similar, around 85% of the total numbers of private equity firms. And most of the investments are made in digital and information technology companies. Around 1376, companies changed their ownership structure as well, which is around a 14% increase in comparison with the changes in 2015. This change in structure ultimately strengthens the liquidity of the asset class. Let's have a glance at the three types of services private equity firms in France offer – Development Capital: Private equity in France concentrates on companies that are high growth-oriented and are super innovative and technologically superior. As a result, the investment yields better growth for the company and generates better returns for the private equity firm. Emerging Economies: Emerging markets are the markets that can generate maximum growth and which need maximum attention. Private equity firms in France invest in emerging economies to assist in strategic advisory, financing, and portfolio construction. As a result, these private equity firms earn attractive returns and help a lot of companies in emerging economies. Real Assets: You would agree that France is a lot of art, culture, and community values. Maintaining a similar credo, private equity firms in France invest in sustainable assets that provide social and structural benefits to local communities. These assets generate a lot of revenue for a long period of time for private equity firms in France. According to Preqin, here are the top 10 France based private equity fund managers on the basis of total capital raised in the last 10 years – source: prequin.com As you can see, Adrian, by taking the balanced strategy, could raise around EUR 29 billion in the last 10 years. The rest is just a meager amount compared to Adrian's total capital commitment over the years. You can target these funds when you would be applying for private equity jobs in France. Keep your eye for Adrian if you want to work in a top-notch private equity firm. Also, look at the List of top 10 private equity firms. In France, the recruitment process is a bit different than the other countries in Europe. Let's have a look at the step-by-step process – Eligibility/Pre-requisites: There are some prerequisites for breaking into private equity in France. The first thing you should do if you're aspiring to enter the PE market is to enroll yourself in one of the top business schools there. It's mandatory because otherwise, the road would be very bumpy for you. The second thing you need to consider is to earn a few years of experience in M&A or consulting in a top-notch bank or a boutique investment bank. Third, you better be from France to get selected for a junior role. You can be a foreign national and get an opportunity in France but at top-most/senior positions. Yes, exceptions can be there, but for that, you need to network a lot. Networking: France's PE firms value your education a lot more than you think. Depending on which degree you completed, you will get compensated. If you're from a top B-school, then your pay grade would be much higher. But if you're from a so-so school, you will be compensated much less. And there lies the importance of networking. Of course, if you can enroll yourself in a top B-school, but if not, you need to network extensively. Your job would be to connect with your alumni network and then find out people who have been working in private equity and try to get an internship in PE. If your alumni network can't help, try out Linked-In and find out people who can help you get an interview for an internship. An internship is important if you don't have any consulting experience, and you aren't even from a top-notch college. Internships: Networking is your only tool if you want to do internships. A couple of internships will definitely help. What's killer is having a few years of experience in a consulting job and then having two internships in your arsenal? While doing these internships, make sure that you learn the secrets of the trade. But know that in France, it's pretty difficult to turn your internship into a full-time role. So, you may look for options in other countries (both for internships and full-time jobs) and then can come back to France for progressing in your PE career. Interviews: Like any other country, you need to go through similar rounds of interviews. You will be going through 3 to 6 rounds of interview, and you will be asked questions on accounting, valuation, and the LBO model. The most noteworthy thing to mention here is that in France, PE firms concentrate on the process of every technical question than the result. For example, what sort of purchase price adjustments a buyer may make, how one can co-ordinate financing a deal with non-traditional lenders etc. And one more thing that is important is the know-how of that particular firms' strategy. Before going for an interview, you need to thoroughly research the firm, its investment strategy, how many investment deals it has made, and the approach and focus of the firm. Knowing all of these will help you answer questions during the interview, and you would be able to stand out in the crowd. At the end of the interview, you also need to present a case analysis. In France's private equity firm, they will ask you about the "2 slide analysis" of a company where you need to create a short presentation on whether you should invest in the company or not. Language & entry barriers: You must know French. But only French will not cut. You also need to know English. And you need to be proficient in both of these languages. To test the knowledge of English, many firms conduct 20% of interviews in English and the rest in French. There's almost no entry barrier, but as a foreigner, you need to face a lot of competition with native people. As a result, it would be very hard for you to grab junior roles as a foreigner. The best option is to have a few years of experience elsewhere (in the UK or US) and then come back to France to have a senior position/s. Do you have a look at this How to Get Into Private Equity? In France, the work-life balance is pretty important. And that's why you will be working lesser than what you would do in PE firm in other countries. You may need to work 60+ hours. But if you're on a live deal, you may need to work much harder. Usually, you will be going home around 11 pm. in normal situations. But when you're handling too many deals, or you need to create a report for the client's requirement, you may need to extend the time. Another thing that bothers the full-time employees in PE firms in France is that it's very difficult to make progress. If you don't get promoted in your career, how would you build up your career in private equity in France! Still, the most surprising thing is the attrition rate is pretty low in PE firms in France, and everyone loves to grind day in and day out. Compensation may be the thing for which people stick to their jobs and don't seem to leave private equity in France at all. Let's have a look at the graph created by statista.com, and then we will discuss the salary of private equity professional in France – source: robertwalters.com As you can see the chart, shows that as a junior employee, you will earn EUR 60,000 – 80,000per annum, which is not at all bad. If you have more experience, you will earn much more (i.e., around EUR 80,000 – 150,000 per annum on average. When you have 12+ years of experience, you will earn more than EUR 150,000 per annum. It is strange to know that even after there's little or no growth in private equity in France, people don't seem to leave their job. For which there are two problems arise – First, as they don't leave their job, newcomers don't get an opportunity to enter the PE market. Second, the chances of growth of those full-time employees get stunted. But, you still can look for exit opportunities if you think prudently. You can leave the job in France and can try your luck in the US or in the UK. If you can go to London, it would be difficult to stand out because there are many French people out there. But if you aim to work in the PE market in the US, you would be able to stand out in the crowd, and it would also be good for your career growth. In a nutshell, Private equity in France is good for pursuing your PE career, but there are few issues you need to consider. First, you will not get the job easily because the attrition rate in the PE market is too low (no-one leaves the job easily). Second, there's almost no progress for full-time employees. Third, educational background is a big decider for your compensation. So you need to get clear about your priorities and then take action accordingly. This article has been a guide to Private Equity in France, their services offered, the recruitment process, their culture, top private equity firms in France, salaries, and exit opportunities. You may also have a look at the following article for learning more about Private Equity Investment Banking in Ireland Private Equity Culture in India
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peru weather in january Peru weather averages and temperatures for January; Location Avg temp (°C °F)Max temp (°C °F)Min temp (°C °F)Rainfall (mm) The Inca Trail closes during February for cleanup. Temperature In Chachapoyas, Peru, the average high-temperature in January is essentially the same as in December - a still agreeable 20.1°C (68.2°F). Peru Weather. The Inca Trail is closed in February, but all other sites including Machu Picchu are fully open. The climate in Máncora during January can be summarized as hot, humid and very dry. ... Peru, IL Monthly Weather. Having a tropical weather, mosquito repelent is highly recommended. This, of course, makes it the most popular time to visit the country with travelers flocking in to take advantage of the good weather. Arequipa Weather: January. The average maximum temperature lies around 26.0°C (78.8°F). Average Weather during January in Cusco (Cusco), Peru. The wettest time to visit the Andes and the Amazon, with the Inca Trail closing for the month of February. Peru has three distinctive regions with three distinctive climates. Winter is the dry season there, and it … Further inland in the highlands of the Andes, there are two distinctive seasons the wet season from December through to the end […] Also, there are around 14 days of rain, so it is advisable to take appropriate clothes. Travel is still possible however, and Machu Picchu remains open - it will just be more challenging for those wishing to trek. 21°C sea temperature; Recommended for Peru. The climate here in Peru is very diverse. Internacional Jorgechavez, which is 6 miles from Lima. Maximum precipitation falls in Peru in January. The Climate in the Peruvian Highlands. The coast, which is covered in beaches, bays and cities, is part of the desert. ... Peru, IN Monthly Weather. Even then, it is highly unpredictable! January Temperature Averages for South American Cities Temperature averages for January at major cities throughout South America are listed below in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. Average Day Temperature: 60.2°F: Average Night Temperature: 44.3°F: Number of Sunny Days: 16 days: Sunshine Hours: 12.7 - 12.9 hours: Number of Rainy Days: 10 days: Precipitation Totals: 5.4 in: detailed information: 14 day weather forecast. Though many factors can come into play when choosing your beach destination, the beach weather will often be a deciding factor. Annual Weather Averages Near Lima. Ideal for less-crowded visits. Spring and fall weather in the highlands. World Resorts Peru Cusco Weather January Weather in Cusco. Consider visiting Paracas in the months of January, February, March, April, for the best beach weather.Also consider one of our other suggestions for January. TransferWise; Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec. Climate of Peru describes the diverse climates of this large South American country with an area of 1,285,216 km 2 (496,225 sq mi). Especially high humidity in the Rainforest. Here we list the top beaches based on the average weather conditions and sea temperature. The high elevation of the Andes Mountains results in cooler temperatures, the Amazon rainforest is characterized by heat & humidity, and the seasons bring different weather. September to November for good rainforest trekking. Very … Summer in Peru is from December to February and winter from July to September. The weather of Peru is greatly determined by what region you are visiting. The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Cusco in January is 6.0°C (42.8°F). Weather.com brings you the most accurate monthly weather forecast for with average/record and high/low temperatures, precipitation and more. Peru Weather Forecasts. HomeAway; Travelzoo; Explore! Peru's seasons are the reverse of those in the northern hemisphere. Average Day Temperature: 64.5°F: Average Night Temperature: 55.5°F: Number of Sunny Days: 12 days: Sunshine Hours: 12.8 - 13.1 hours: Number of Rainy Days: 9 days: Precipitation Totals: ... Peru Resorts: NAME. These are the best beaches in Peru in January, based on average sunshine, sea temperature, rainfall and temperature. This region rarely sees rain and has a summer peak of January to March. The amount of rain in January is extremely low with an average of 1mm (0.0in). January weather forecast for Lake Titicaca, Peru. Peru temperatures & weather in January. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a steamy 30°C (86°F), whilst at night 21°C (69°F) is normal. The hottest weather in Peru in summer in February. Northern Peru Weather ... April and May, but expect the strong rains from January to March. Peru weather & climate: all about temperatures, precipitation, sunshine, snow, heat and more Peru weather information. High season for the coast and beach activities. Each have very distinct climates. Below, check out the weather forecast for february for most popular cities in Peru. Weather.com brings you the most accurate monthly weather forecast for with average/record and high/low temperatures, precipitation and more. Peru's Andean highlands encompass major attractions, such as Cusco, Arequipa and Lake Titicaca. The weather in Peru varies according to area – the changes in altitude are so extreme that the climate goes from freezing snow in the mountains to boiling sun on the coast. January is a hot time for sunbathing in Paracas.January is a good month for swimming in Paracas with warm sea temperatures. Climate And Weather In Peru's Amazon The climate in Iquitos, Peru, our Amazon River cruise point of departure and return is warm and humid year-round, with an average annual maximum temperature of 31°C (88°F) and a minimum of 21°C (70°F). The weather in Ayacucho in January is variable, when the days are comfortable with over 22 degrees, while it might get colder when night falls with less than 9 degrees on average. January is generally a time to avoid Lake Titicaca as the lake waters swell, and the trails are muddy and slippery. Lima, Peru: Annual Weather Averages February is the hottest month in Lima with an average temperature of 23.5°C (74°F) and the coldest is August at 17°C (63°F) with … Average Weather during January in Lima (Provincia de Lima), Peru. Averages are for Lima-Callao / Aerop. These datas are statistics for february from weather reports for many years. See what the weather in Peru is like during any month of the year. The air temperature in this month is 1-2 degrees above the December and January level and is approximately 28 °C (82 °F). January, like December, is an agreeable summer month in Chachapoyas, Peru, with average temperature ranging between min 9.7°C (49.5°F) and max 20.1°C (68.2°F). The coastal region, which is mainly desert has a dry hot climate all year round, with temperatures reaching 45°C (110°F) from December through April. What's the weather like in Máncora, Peru in January 2021? Generally in Peru, it won't be pouring all day even if there is some rain in January or February. The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Lima in January is 19.0°C (66.2°F). Summer is from December to March but, it is the rainy season on the highlands and the jungle. During February the Inca Trail is closed for tourists.In summer the beaches south of Lima are great. As noted, Peru's dry season occurs from May to October each year. Here the temperatures goes from 19ºC to 25ºC and an average of 28ºC. Low Season (Dec–Feb) Rainy season in the highlands. If you are considering Chile or Argentina, Patagonia (both Chile & Argentina) will be nice in January or February. It's a mixture of climates and microclimates, including 30 of the 32 world climates. Based on weather reports collected during 1985–2015. Peru is a vast country with three different topographical regions: the coast, mountain and rainforest. Weather in Peru. January falls in the rainy season with an average precipitation of 160mm (6.3in). Cusco Weather: January. The weather in Per January … Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Peru area. Included in this group are South America's national capitals plus cities with … Weather in Peru in february 2021. Because of this, you can expect heavier than normal traffic at all of the top tourist spots, as well as airports, hotels, trains, and restaurants. Variety keeps things interesting! The January weather guide for Trujillo, Peru shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute.Find out more about our data sources. January is usually the wettest month of the year at Lake Titicaca, with 134.6mm (5.3") of heavy rainfall. Peru can be visited all year round, but it all depends what do you want to do or visit. January is in the summer in Máncora and is typically the 4th warmest month of the year. World Resorts Peru Arequipa Weather January Weather in Arequipa. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather indicated. Likewise, the coast covers such a large stretch of longitude that the temperature changes dramatically as you head further south. Climate of the Summer Months As February ends, the Inca Trail re-opens and more visitors begin to arrive; particularly as Easter approaches. Visiting Peru in January - April. Current weather in Lima and forecast for today, tomorrow, and next 14 days March but, it is advisable to take appropriate clothes, but other. Nice in January is a hot time for sunbathing in Paracas.January is a hot time for sunbathing in Paracas.January a. Of 160mm ( 6.3in ) 28 °C ( 82 °F ) 19.0°C ( 66.2°F ) having the weather Cusco! ( usually the minimum temperature ( usually the minimum temperature is noted during the )... Is the rainy season with an average peru weather in january of 160mm ( 6.3in...., which is 6 miles from Lima highly recommended for most popular cities in Peru, it is rainy. Choosing your beach destination, the Inca Trail is closed in February typically the 4th warmest of. Is covered in beaches, bays and cities, is part of 32... 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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Methiocarb is a carbamate pesticide currently approved for use in the EU. It has a low aqueous solubility, low volatility and, based on its chemical properties, it would not normally be expected to leach to groundwater. However, it has been detected in several countries. It is not normally persistent in soil or water systems. It is highly toxic to mammals, a cholinesterase inhibitor and a neurotoxin. It is also highly toxic to most fauna and flora including honey bees. The main exception is earthworms where the toxicity appears to be low. Descripción: A molluscicide and insecticide for control of a variety of plant pests. It also has application as a pheasant repellent. Eficacia y actividad: Efficiacy is supported by long-term use across Europe and experimental work in various EU countries. Modo de acción Non-systemic with neurotoxic contact and stomach action. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor. Otra información de estado Potential groundwater contaminant - previously detected in US, Australia, Mexico and Spain; Not approved for use as pelleted molluscicide in the EU. Formulation and application details Often supplied for use as a seed treatment but also available as pellets or granules and applied directly to soil surface.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Курегово — присілок, Глазовський район, Удмуртія Курегово — присілок, Зав'яловський район, Удмуртія Курегово — присілок, Малопургинський район, Удмуртія
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Kedrai; 18km from Marmaris on the Gulf of Gokova is Camli Quay from where boats depart for Sedir Island taking visitors to the famous Cleopatra Beach and ruins of the ancient Carian city of Kedrai. Kedrai is actually the Greek word for cedar and although today there are no cedar trees there it is thought that they once grew here and used to build frames for ships in ancient times. The island sits directly opposite the Greek island of Rhodes and was once part of the Rhodian State. Kedrai ancient city was surrounded by walls and towers, some of which are still visible along the coastline, and there are foundation remains of a Temple of Apollo. Other ruins include buildings, an agora, necropolis, and on the east of the island is the theatre that has remained in fairly good condition. The historian Ksenophon wrote of a Peloponnesian War that took place in 450 BC between Athens and Sparta, the island was attacked by Spartan General Lysander for siding with Athens and enslaved the local people that Ksenophon described as being half barbarian. Cleopatra's Beach is so named as it is said that the Roman Emperor Mark Anthony brought the golden sand by ship from Egypt for her to enjoy when visiting the island.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Atlas V is an expendable launch system and the fifth major version in the Atlas launch vehicle family. It was originally designed by Lockheed Martin, now being operated by United Launch Alliance, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Atlas V is also a major NASA launch vehicle. It is America's longest-serving active rocket. In August 2021, ULA announced that Atlas V would be retired, and all 29 remaining launches had been sold. As of 5 August 2022, 21 launches remain. Each Atlas V launch vehicle consists of two main stages. The first stage is powered by a Russian RD-180 engine manufactured by Energomash and burning kerosene and liquid oxygen. The Centaur upper stage is powered by one or two American RL10 engine manufactured by Aerojet Rocketdyne and burns liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The Star 48 upper stage was used on the New Horizons mission as a third stage. Strap-on solid rocket boosters are used in most configurations. Kerbal Space Program 2 to feature Atlas V rocket launch audio NOAA JPSS-2 Polar Satellite Launches on Powerful Atlas V 401 Rocket Powerful JPSS-2 weather satellite launches with Mars heat shield test on final Atlas V flight from West Coast Watch Atlas V rocket launch powerful JPSS-2 weather satellite early Thursday Atlas V rocket launches 2 communications satellites to orbit These Atlas V rocket Space Force launch photos and videos are simply epic Atlas V rocket launches missile-detecting satellite for U.S. Space Force Watch an Atlas V rocket launch a missile warning satellite for US Space Force on Thursday Atlas V rocket launches classified missile-tracking satellite for US Space Force Watch an Atlas V rocket launch a missile-warning satellite for the US military on Thursday Vulcan vs Atlas V + How Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Plays a Part Boeing's Orbital Flight Test-2 Starliner and Atlas V Rocket Roll Out To Launch Pad Boeing's Starliner rolls to launch pad on Atlas V rocket for critical NASA test flight Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Spacecraft Joins ULA Atlas V Rocket Boeing's Starliner capsule stacked atop Atlas V rocket ahead of crucial May 19 launch (photos) Stunning Photos from Air, Space and Ground of the Atlas V GOES-T Launch Atlas V rocket will launch powerful GOES-T weather satellite today. Here's how to watch live. Atlas V rocket rolls out to launch pad with GOES-T weather satellite for NASA, NOAA (video replay)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Scientists in Odessa unable to explain for tidal wave that rushed ashore Researchers had not confirmed the versions of either an underwater blast or the so-called rump wave © EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA, File ODESSA, June 27 /ITAR-TASS/. Scientists in the city of Odessa have failed to explain for the causes of an unusually tall tidal wave that rushed ashore Friday in the city's beach areas and in the neighboring port town of Ilyichevsk. "Measuring equipment didn't register any tremors of the crust or any other geophysical events that might have triggered a tsunami of this kind," Dr. Konstantin Yegupov, the chief of a seismic survey station at the Odessa State Academy of Construction told reporters. He said the researchers had not confirmed the versions of either an underwater blast or the so-called rump wave. "All the evidence available to us points to a local surge of the sea, presumably in the area of Chernomorka and the wave moved from the northeast to the southwest but we can only theorize about the nature of that surge," Dr. Yegupov said. A special commission has been set up by the regional branch of the state service for emergency situations response to establish the causes of the phenomenon. "A total of six people, including four children, received traumas and were taken to the region's central hospital," Dr. Yegupov said. Along with it, rescue services did not confirm the reports on a child who had allegedly died that went viral in social networks. The press office of the emergencies service claimed the number of injured was so small and no one had died owing to the fact that there were too few visiting holidaymakers in Odessa this year because of the tense situation in all the parts of Ukraine. A tidal wave more than 2 meters tall battered the beaches of Odessa and Ilyichevsk Friday. Eyewitnesses claimed its emergence had been preceded by an obtuse sound of an explosion. Protests in Kazakhstan The Il-76 military transport planes will deliver personnel and equipment of the airborne units to the Vostochny air field in the Ulyanovsk Region and Chkalovsky air field in the Moscow Region
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Rishi Sunak will face an "ungovernable" Tory party, warns a Johnson supporter Rishi Sunak's hopes of a gradual rise to power took a hit after Boris Johnson's supporters warned he would face an "ungovernable" conservative parliamentary party, while Penny Mordaunt's campaign insisted he stay in. race. The former chancellor could be appointed successor to Liz Truss as party leader, and therefore prime minister, as early as 2pm on Monday if Mordaunt, the leader of the municipalities, fails to collect the necessary 100 nominations from parliamentarians. Sunak, who has more than 160 nominations, became the very likely winner after Johnson announced Sunday night that he would not be running. The former prime minister said he had more than 100 MPs supporting him, but others were skeptical. Christopher Chope, the Christchurch MP and Johnson's supporter, warned on Monday that Sunak was seen as undermining Johnson and Truss, and therefore could not expect loyalty from Conservative MPs. To get a mandate, Chope said, Sunak had to hold a general election. "We have a parliamentary party that is completely torn apart and is ungovernable," Chope told BBC Radio 4's Today program. to guarantee him his support in the event that he is elected leader of the party and of the country. "Unless we can have someone as our leader in parliament who demands the support and respect of the parliamentary party, we are in fact ungovernable. Watch: Boris Johnson withdraws from the race for 10 Downing Street "Unlike Boris, who had a mandate, we now have the prospect of having a Conservative party leader who does not have a mandate from the country and will not even have a mandate from the members." Asked if he would support Sunak if we won, Chope replied: "I supported Boris Johnson and I supported Liz Truss, and I saw before my eyes their authority undermined by the people who now wish to take control and inherit the crown. "Respect is a mutual thing. If the people who are now seeking the crown want to have the respect that comes with having a mandate, then what I'm saying is that the best way to get that respect is to win a mandate with people, which is why I think a ' general election is essentially the only answer. "Otherwise we will go from bad to worse. We will have constant rebellions as we try to change policies ". Related: "Such a Disappointment of Democracy": Uproar over UK Early General Elections Mordaunt is stuck on around 30 publicly declared MP nominations, though her team hopes to be encouraged by some Johnson supporters moving in with her. Mordaunt supporters on Sunday swore she was still in the running and on Monday morning they released details of a poll which they claimed showed she was the best placed candidate to unite the nation. The Deltapoll poll of 4,000 voters found that Mordaunt was more attractive to voters in the seats earned by the Tories in 2019 than Sunak or Johnson. She also found that she was considered more trustworthy, "pointing out that she is the only candidate who can unite the country and restore confidence in the government," she claimed in her campaign. Owen Farrell in doubt about clash with Argentina due to concussion protocols Japan steps up its push to gain public membership of digital IDs Athena Strand's mother says her 'princess' was kidnapped by a 'cruel monster' Martin Lewis demonstrates a quick trick to check if your phone is out of contract Oat milk producers accused of hypocrisy for selling by-products as animal feed
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Political commentators sympathetic to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Fatah Movement, in particular, fanned out as soon as the news was announced of Muhammad Ishtayeh's appointment as the new Palestinian Prime Minister. It is no surprise to witness this gush of support and enthusiasm, for Ishtayeh is a Fatah man, par excellence. Gone are the days of the factional uncertainty of Rami Hamdallah, an independent Prime Minister who served from 2014 until he was brushed aside earlier this year. Hamdallah was meant to change all of this, but his efforts were thwarted, partly because his power was largely curbed by those who truly managed the PA - the Fatah strongmen, an influential and corrupt clique that has learned to co-exist with and, in fact, profit from any situation, including the Israeli occupation itself. For them, Muhammad Ishtayeh's recent appointment is the most logical answer. Ishtayeh possesses all the features that qualify him for the new role. His 'seven-point letter of assignment', which he received from Abbas, calls on him to prioritize national unity. But that would make no sense since Ishtayeh, who has been close to Abbas since the early 1990s, has a poor track record on that front. Aside from accommodating the whims of Abbas and his grouping within Fatah, Ishtayeh will try to appeal to a younger generation within Palestine that has lost faith in Abbas, his authority and all the hogwash about the two-state solution. That is, in fact, Ishtayeh's main mission. Ishtayeh is a two-state solution enthusiast as his legacy in the Palestine negotiations team clearly demonstrates. His article in the New York Times on October 26, 2016 was a desperate attempt to breathe life into a dead option. His language is very similar to the language used by a younger and more energetic Abbas during the heyday of the Oslo Accords. But Ishtayeh is different from Abbas, at least in the appeal of his own persona. He hails from the First Intifada generation of 1987. He was dean of students at Birzeit University in the early 1990s. Birzeit has served as a symbol of the revolutionary class of Palestinian intellectuals in the West Bank, and even Gaza. Ishtayeh's ability to connect with young people, as he places constant, but guarded emphasis on the resistance against Israeli Occupation, will certainly bring new blood to the aging, irrelevant PA leadership or, at least, that is what Abbas hopes. "We do not want to preserve the same status quo," Ishtayeh told Al Quds newspaper in a statement on August 30, 2017. "The Palestinian government ... has to ... turn into a resistance authority against Israeli settlements. We should be able to take measures without the permission of Israel, such as digging water wells and reforesting Area C in the West Bank," he said. That type of 'resistance', proposed by Ishtayeh hardly pushes Abbas out of his comfort zone. However, the aim of this language is barely concerned with digging a few wells, but to reintroduce 'revolutionary' rhetoric to the Prime Minister's office, hoping to reinvent the PA and renew confidence in its ailing and corrupt institutions. Ishtayeh's mission will ultimately fail, for his actual mandate is to reunite Fatah behind Abbas, not the Palestinian people behind a truly democratic and representative leadership aimed at ridding Palestine from its Israeli occupiers.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This butterscotch beauty, his look determined, his eyes bright, seldom stops smiling. After being struck by a car and left battered and broken, the feisty pup fought his way back from the threat of death to the promise of life and all of its possibilities. Aptly named Oakley after the solid strength of the oak, he may have lost a leg in the battle, but his spirit has remained strong as he continues to heal. In fact, nothing holds this determined little dog down or back, as he regains his footing as a regular, rowdy and roguish pup. Playful and curious, happy to chomp on a toy or a flip-flop, Oakley is comfortable with children and gets along with other calm, well-mannered dogs. Although he tires quickly after a romp or a run, his fosters are working to build up his endurance, while teaching him basic obedience, and correcting any jumpy/mouthy behavior he may display. Understandably fearful of cars, he's slowly and patiently being taught that a car isn't a frightening thing but a safe place to be. Then, of course, there's cuddle time, which loving Oakley thoroughly enjoys, when he's the center of affection and attention. And who can blame him? Soon he'll be fit enough to find a loving, forever home, where the remarkable journey he's on can happily continue. Donate NOW to Oakley's surgery fund! Complete an adoption application today to meet Oakley. Oakley's on his way to his foster home! I'm ready to get out of the vet hospital and go home! Oakley heading home to his foster home after spending two weeks at the vet hospital for recovery. Yum, I found a sandal. Which was quickly swapped out for an appropriate chew toy. Followed by a good game of tug-of-war with a sock.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Dean Gray By Mike Prevatt (Internet Bootleg) It didn't take long for the mash-up to become played out. The practice of editing and fusing two or more songs into one peaked with last year's controversial--and acclaimed--The Grey Album, on which then-bedroom producer Danger Mouse combined the vocals of Jay-Z's The Black Album and music from the Beatles' self-titled album (aka The White Album). Since then, the art form's sudden ubiquity has nearly reduced it to novelty status. There also hasn't been widespread clamor for any particular mash-up project--until last month. On Dec. 13, some reported 200 Web sites participated in "Dean Gray Tuesday," making available for download American Edit, an entire album of mash-ups credited to a shared alias known as Dean Gray. The album centering on Green Day's 2004 popular American Idiot defied a cease-and-desist order by Warner Bros. American Edit doesn't greatly advance the mash-up aesthetic, but it's well-produced, fun to listen to and exhibits a scope almost as impressive as its source material, each track interweaving American Idiot songs with at least two other pop nuggets. "Boulevard of Broken Songs" deftly splices Green Day with Oasis ("Wonderwall"), Travis ("Writing to Reach You," which references "Wonderwall") and Aerosmith ("Dream On"). "Greenday Massacre" syncopates Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends" with the Eagles' "Lyin' Eyes" and Talking Heads' "Road to Nowhere," among others. Infused throughout the album are several saber-rattling proclamations from President Bush, further enhancing the socio-political flavor of American Idiot, as well as the project's rebellious spirit. For more information, visit americanedit.org. Mike Prevatt
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
/* $NetBSD: cpuvar.h,v 1.3 2003/10/27 13:43:48 junyoung Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by RedBack Networks Inc. * * Author: Bill Sommerfeld * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the NetBSD * Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1999 Stefan Grefen * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the NetBSD * Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ struct cpu_functions { int (*start)(struct cpu_info *); int (*stop)(struct cpu_info *); void (*cleanup)(struct cpu_info *); }; extern struct cpu_functions mp_cpu_funcs; #define CPU_ROLE_SP 0 #define CPU_ROLE_BP 1 #define CPU_ROLE_AP 2 struct cpu_attach_args { const char *caa_name; int cpu_number; int cpu_role; struct cpu_functions *cpu_func; }; #define MP_PICMODE 0x00000001 /* System booted in picmode */ #ifdef _KERNEL #include "opt_multiprocessor.h" #ifdef MULTIPROCESSOR extern u_int32_t cpus_running; #endif int x86_ipi(int,int,int); void x86_self_ipi(int); int x86_ipi_init(int); void identifycpu(struct cpu_info *); void cpu_init(struct cpu_info *); void cpu_init_first(void); #endif
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
National neglect and our death penalty struggle Also in The Daily Texan In August the nation saw the result of months of the Texas anti-death penalty movement's tireless work: the commutation of Kenneth Foster's death sentence, mere hours before his scheduled execution. In September the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would take a Kentucky case to decide if the method of lethal injection used by many states, including Texas, constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. As a result, there could be a de facto moratorium on executions nation-wide, and possibly in Texas, until there is a ruling on this case. However, despite the recent successes at the Supreme Court and of the Kenneth Foster campaign, the Texas anti-death penalty movement is in troubling shape. Major foundations and national anti-death penalty leaders see Texas as a lost cause and are choosing not to fund a grassroots infrastructure here. An enormous opportunity looms in Texas to actually achieve a moratorium on executions because of growing awareness that innocent people can be caught up in the system. But, lacking support on the national scale, Texas groups working to stop executions are not as well-equipped as they could be to take advantage of this ripe political moment. The Kenneth Foster campaign taught us that organizing at the grassroots level works. Gov. Rick Perry would not have stopped Kenneth Foster's execution if there had been no public outrage concerning the planned death of a person who had not killed anyone. The group that played the biggest role in stopping Foster's execution was a student organization right here at UT: the Campaign to End the Death Penalty. In a thank-you letter after his commutation, Kenneth Foster wrote, "these people are gladiators when it comes to grassroots activism, and they definitely were the force behind this frontline." The Texas nonprofit groups dedicated to abolishing the death penalty are run mainly by volunteers, and they lack funding and professional staff. There is not a single person in any grassroots anti-death penalty organization in Texas who is paid to work full-time. However, other states with far fewer executions than Texas have several full time staff members and much more funding. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been directed to fight the death penalty in states such as New York and New Jersey, where there have not even been any executions since the 1960s. If that kind of money could come to Texas, it would be much easier to put pressure on policymakers. A bill to create an Innocence Commission in Texas died last May in the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee, and its failure to pass was a direct result of misplaced priorities by the national anti-death penalty movement. The Tides Foundation's Death Penalty Mobilization Fund donated $50,000 last year to the Wisconsin Coalition Against the Death Penalty and $20,000 to Iowans Against the Death Penalty. What's wrong with this picture? Neither Wisconsin nor Iowa even has a death penalty. Wisconsin has not executed anyone since the mid-19th century. Meanwhile, five Texas executions were scheduled in September alone, and more than 400 people have been executed in Texas since 1982. Still, a group of several Texas anti-death penalty organizations applied to the same Tides funding program but received nothing. The JEHT Foundation (Justice, Equality, Human dignity and Tolerance) gave a total of $542,400 to New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty from 2004 to 2006, but there hasn't been an execution in New York since 1963, and there is one person on that state's death row. Working against the death penalty in Texas is not a lost cause, as working against segregation in Montgomery, Ala., was also not a lost cause during the civil rights movement in the 1960s. While Texas is ground zero in the fight to abolish the death penalty, we are making progress. But to continue this progress, the national anti-death penalty movement should invest more time and money in our state. How many lives could have been saved, as was Kenneth Foster's, if national campaigns channeled more funds into Texas over the last 10 years? Posted by Hooman Hedayati at 10:34 AM Labels: Daily Texan, Hooman Hedayati, Tides Foundationm 5,000,000 signatures for moratorium collected Media coverage of Sharon Keller protest Daily Texan coverage of Sharon Keller protest Video of 8th Annual March to Stop Executions (pt 1... Monday C-Span: ABA's discussion on death penalty Report on the 8th Annual March to Stop Executions ... Pictures from the 2008 March to Stop Executions in... Editorial by Mr. Hood Today: March to Stop Executions in Houston Houston Chronicle: Anti-execution march moves to H... Sharon Keller on CBS Evening New with Katie Couric... NYT: National Group with 13,000 Lawyers Files Comp... ACLU and Texas Innocence Network Appeal Innocent The Lariat Online: Group hopes to raise death pena... This weekend: March to Stop Executions in Houston Sharon Keller's controversial rulings A shame, and a surprise, what Keller did CSI: East Lansing – science shows innocent man han... On execution of Michael Dewayne Johnson Killer Keller must resign Journey of Hope in Austin Sharon "Killer" Keller is on Notice! Houston Chronicle: Remove Sharon Keller from offic... Rep. Lon Burnam files a complaint against Judge Sh... Sign on to the general public members' Judicial Co... Statesman bashes Sharon Keller Youth Summit on the Death Penalty Al Gore and IPCC share the 2007 Noble Peace Prize Justice Hours 9-5 PM Mark White and Jim Mattox criticize Greg Abbott Lawyers file complaint over court closure in death... RODNEY REED: Rally in Bastrop, Texas Happy Birthday Troy Davis Sharon Keller's Action Shows How Death Penalty is ... Things to remember about executions Dems Dance Around Death Penalty Kinky Friedman on CNN's Situation Room Texas Civil Rights Project might also file a compl... Commission on Judicial Conduct should investigate ... Judge Sharon killer must resign! We Close at 5 Appeals court halts execution of Honduran man Nueces D.A. won't seek death penalty while Supreme... Videos from the Kenenth Foster victory rally 8-30-... Atlanta Journal Constitution: Death penalty unfai... New trial for Robert Fratta Council of Europe Secretary General on the refusal...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Specific herbal treatments made an appearance to become invaluable if this involves growing breast size naturally. Generally, the phyto-estrogens contained in herbal treatments are exclusively accountable for this health bonus. Also, it really works like oestrogen, yielding exactly the same effects with no disadvantages that certain might get from surgery. Instead of surgical treatments, these herbal treatments don't initiate skin damage along with other negative results on our bodies. In addition, you can virtually find a great number of herbal treatments to become a cup bigger by web surfing. Here the the best herbal treatments that were employed for centuries like a natural way to increase breast size. Fenugreek is among the best-known plant to improve breast size naturally. It consists of seed products often known as phytoestrogens that function such as the oestrogen in producing more the body's hormones. Also, it's probably the most effective prolactin stimulants. Prolactin and oestrogen are generally required for animal-development and fenugreek provides you with both. For brand new moms, fennel have been useful for centuries to be able to increase breast size while increasing milk production. Though, in estrogenic compound, it is simply second to fenugreek. Fennel may be incorporated in product and rubbed into the breasts or it may be combined with tea. It's wealthy in nutrients and is a perfect plant to improve breast size. Red-colored clover is yet another plant that's been accustomed to subdue a number of ailments. Nonetheless, its breast-increasing the size of forces are regarded as first rate. It carries four different phythoestrogens which includes a compound known as genistein. This compound is particularly advantageous if this involves breast development because it binds to estradiol receptors that are based on breast type tissue. First discovered through the American Indians for stopping female problems, saw palmetto is proven to be very efficient in growing breast size naturally. In addition to that, it is also utilized by males to deal with an enlarged prostrate. Because of the truth that it might control excessive manufacture of testosterone, reports say that could also trigger breast type tissue. Wild Yam have been useful for years due to its many advantages in women's reproductive health for example menopause problems and premenstrual syndrome or pms. In addition, it can go like a capsule form or like a tea. The powder might be combined with vaginal creams or creams. It may be put into your product for breast massage. The nutrients present in wild yam are the same ones present in fenugreeks that encourages breast type tissue. In conclusion, women have been using natural ingredients for 1000's of years for breast type tissue. From ancient medication to present day technology, you will find organic methods to trigger the development of the breasts. Furthermore, studies have shown that could be incorporated to mental healing, specifically for girls that convey more compact tissue and feel insecure. On top of that, fenugreek, fennel, saw palmetto extract, red-colored clover, and wild yam could be easily present in organic stores or you might get them organized online. However, it isn't better to try many of these herbal treatments simultaneously. Whenever possible, stay with one plant at any given time, or at most 2-3 herbal treatments. Using a number of herbal treatments every so often is paramount to continuous breast development.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Sesame Oil – Lake George Olive Oil Co. Made from toasted Japanese sesame seeds, this oil adds a unique quality to any dish. Add to veggies, soba noodles for a stir fry, over rice, or even on toasty bread. This oil is pungent and definitely a special addition to any dish.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
F1 Standings F1 Legends Are you a F1 Fan? Follow GP Fans Magnussen "pumped" to begin Hulkenberg relationship Sam Hall Saturday 26 November 2022 12:00 Kevin Magnussen is eager to start pushing Haas forward with new team-mate Nico Hulkenberg. The Dane will be partnered at Haas next year by former Aston Martin reserve driver Hulkenberg after the team elected to part company with Mick Schumacher. Despite an incident in 2017 highlighting the particularly frosty relationship between Magnussen and his new team-mate, who was then driving for Renault, the pair have since buried the hatchet. "I'm really looking forward to working with Nico," said Magnussen. "I think he is going to be great for the team with all his experience and talent. "Everyone in the team is pumped for next year for many different reasons. "I'm certainly going to do my part and I'm sure Nico is, too." Unlike the majority of the field, the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix was not the final event of the year for Magnussen, with the Dane set to contest the Gulf 12 Hours alongside his father in December. This will see him return to the Yas Marina Circuit where he will drive a Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo entered by MDK Motorsports. "I'm looking forward to the race with my dad, of course," he added. "That's a bit of fun for me and my dad will have during the off-season, so I'm looking forward to that." F1 News 24/7 Steiner proposes future Sargeant 'American team' switch Haas complete F1 2023 launch schedule Magnussen and Hulkenberg back-up retained by Haas Schumacher reveals 2022 points that got away Helmet cams become mandatory for all 20 drivers after F1 deal struck 24 january 150.000+ views F1 LIVE - Williams reserve driver departs Yesterday 11:10 100.000+ views Alonso worst team-mate as Horner is 'waste of time' - GPFans F1 Recap 22 january 75.000+ views Verstappen fires Ricciardo warning as Red Bull sense Mercedes problems - GPFans F1 Recap Ricciardo warned off by Verstappen after Red Bull return Drivers 2023 Full drivers Gulf Air Grand Prix of Bahrain 2023 Grand Prix of Australia 2023 Grand Prix of China 2023 Grand Prix of Azerbaijan 2023 Grand Prix of Monaco 2023 Grand Prix of Spain 2023 Grand Prix of Canada 2023 Grand Prix of Austria 2023 Grand Prix of Great Britain 2023 Grand Prix of Hungary 2023 Grand Prix of Belgium 2023 Grand Prix of Italy 2023 Grand Prix of Singapore 2023 Grand Prix of Japan 2023 Grand Prix of the United States 2023 Grand Prix of Brazil 2023 Grand Prix of Abu Dhabi 2023 About GPFans GPFans is a multi-platform, multi-language brand dedicated to Formula One coverage. We bring you all the ins and outs of the sport, 24/7, everything from up-to-the-minute news and features to the latest viral stories and clips. We believe that a new generation of exciting, outspoken drivers will make F1 more popular than ever before, and we want to give our users access to as much of their heroes as possible, on and off the track. From Lewis Hamilton to Max Verstappen, Daniel Ricciardo to Sebastian Vettel, we provide in-depth analysis of every every Grand Prix in the season, from Australia to Abu Dhabi. With Formula One under the new ownership of Liberty Media, how the sport is being covered is evolving, and GPFans will look to be at the heart of this progression into new media, as one of the fastest-growing sites covering the king of motorsports. Follow us on your favorite social media channel /formula1fanpage @gpfansglobal /GPFansGlobal
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: How to modify grunt watch tasks based on the file changed? I'm writing a node.js program that will watch a directory filled with a large (300-ish) amount of scss projects. Grunt-watch (run either through the node module or on its own, whatever works) will be configured so that whenever a scss file is changed, it will be compiled with compass, the output file moved to a separate directory, for example: ./1234/style.scss was changed >> grunt-watch runs grunt-compass >> /foo/bar/baz/1234/style.css updated The project directory that the file was in is obviously very important (if grunt-compass sent all the compiled files to the same directory, they would be jumbled and unusable and the grunt automation would be purposeless). I order to make sure all files are routed to the correct place, I am dynamically changing the grunt-compass settings every time a css file is updated. Sample gruntfile: module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), watch: { files: './*/*.scss', tasks: ['compass'] }, compass: { origin:{ options: { //temportary settings to be changed later sassDir: './', cssDir: './bar', specify: './foo.scss' } } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-compass'); grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath, target) { var path = require('path'); grunt.log.writeln(target + ': ' + filepath + ' might have ' + action); var siteDirectory = path.dirname(filepath); //changes sass directory to that of the changed file var option = 'compass.origin.options.sassDir'; var result = __dirname + '/' + siteDirectory; grunt.log.writeln(option + ' changed to ' + result); grunt.config(option, result); //customizes css output directory so that file goes to correct place option = 'compass.origin.options.cssDir'; result = path.resolve(__dirname, '../', siteDirectory); grunt.log.writeln(option + ' changed to ' + result); grunt.config(option, result); //grunt.task.run(['compass']); }); }; However this doesn't work. If you run 'grunt watch' in verbose mode, you will see that grunt runs both the grunt.event.on function and the watch task in separate processes. The second parsing of the gruntfile reverts all my event.on config changes to the defaults above, and compass fails to run. As seen in the event.on comments, I attempted to add a grunt.task.run() to make sure that compass was run in the same process as the event.on function, which would preserve my config changes. However the task refused to run, likely because I'm doing it wrong. Unfortunately, the grunt.event.on variables are not sent to the defined grunt-watch task, otherwise I could write a custom function that would change the compass settings and then run compass in the same process. I've tried implementing this without grunt, using the watch function build into compass, however compass can only store one static output path per project and can only watch one project at once. I have currently gotten around this issue by adding a node program that takes the site name as a parameter, rewrites the grunfile.js by running using fs, and then running 'grunt watch' via an exec function. This however has it's own drawbacks (I can't view the grunt.log data) and is horribly convoluted, so I'd like to change it. Thank you so much for any insight. A: You need to specify options : { nospawn : true } in your watch task config to have the watch run in the same context: watch: { files: './*/*.scss', tasks: ['compass'], options : { nospawn : true } } See this section of documentation for more info on this.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
The Logic Of Greed May 28, 2008 August 31, 2009 / junasun / 2 Comments (Or, The Long Process Of Moral Evolution) We Bikolanos can only hope for a miracle: That in view of 2010's election, these trapos(traditional politicians) are also thinking genuinely about the welfare of the Bikolanos, and not only that of maintaining their staus quo. However,given this more or less the same configurations of trapos in Bicol region running for "Office" in 2010- and most probably the same story in all other regions of the Philippines- I see 2010 not really as a chance for a profound or deep change in the politics of our country but just to keep things the way they currently are. So we Bikolanos should rather expect more from ourselves with regards to our own personal political education and thinking for a deep, qualitative social change will happen only if each one of us arrives at this level of political maturity and wisdom, that missing factor that is at the root of all these socio-political chaos in our nation. I also do not believe in the battlecry for moral revolution now happening in Manila for it is again just an emotional campaign of some people whose motives and consciousness are corrupted themselves as in the case of Jose de Venecia, Jr., the former Speaker of the House of Representatives.We may recall that, during the height of his power, de Venecia was the epitome of the corrupt traditional politician. "We need a moral revolution today and make a fresh start, we badly need cleansing," says de VeneziaI. But I suspect such loud cry for cleansing for behind it is again the abuse of the Christian doctrine of repentance and forgiveness. That after all my transgressions, all my cheating, my killings, denunciation, injustice done to the society, corruption and plundering the town or the nation,I can simply turn to my catholic belief and ask for spiritual cleansing. Thus a "moral revolution" that will "dramatically reduce political corruption in the country," so the ousted Speaker de Venezia. He goes further,"When I say this, I mean I am not without sin,…I am 70, and I want to leave a good legacy for my country, for my children and for my grandchildren. We must now do something to lead our country from corruption, from despair and from poverty." Yes, suddenly this urgency from a former Trapo King, now leading the crusade for moral revolution (a case of a trapo king becoming a political saint?) while sounding like confessing to a bishop for his own salvation. His salvation, but not for the nation. Corruption cannot be curbed this way if we want to be honest with ourselves. For as we have said before, corruption is just the tip of an iceberg. It takes more than just a ningas cogon to remove it, more than just a moral revolution and it needs a lot of time. Therefore, I think the the real thing is moral evolution, a natural social evolutionary process of replacing gradually our present moral make-up with something that has a future and sustainable for each one and for the whole nation to survive, where objectivity and rationalism, maturity and genuine political will has the upperhand and not the other way around,yes, this other way, where and how we are at the moment- a nation run like hell by emotions and by the logic of greed, hypocrisy and pseudo-morality – and corruption. Our current moral make-up has no future, and so our current political culture for it is badly flawed. Our elected public officials are the rebels themselves against the law of the land. Now, how can a sane man expect them to deliver basic services and social justice to the people when they become interested only in their own pockets and lowly desires the moment they are exposed to the power a government office brings with it? The Filipino politicians regress to primitivity and to his jungle past once given the chance to govern. This is a sad fact, an attest that there is something fundamentally primitive yet with our social perception.The Philippines is governed by thieves from Malacanang down to many municipalities- including Bulan. So don't expect our nation and our town Bulan to progress as long as our system is rotten and as long as we have not evolved morally into politically-matured people. Paraphrasing Hegel, Karl Marx noted that each historical fact repeats itself twice–the original drama becoming a farce. But Marx proved himself wrong for history has shown us that history repeats itself much more frequently. Look at the facts: Before de Venezia, Marcos himself cried out for reforms and self-discipline ("Sa Ikauunlad ng Bayan, Disiplina ang Kailangan") But what happened? Estrada advocated the same.What happened? C. Aquino did the same. What happened? Ramos cried out for the same moral revolution? What happened? And the sitting Arroyo? Let's listen to her speaker Ermita ," the President has pushed for the creation of the transparency group that monitors public biddings; the conduct of automated counting and anti-dynasty bill as part of several political reforms, and the Executive branch has been strongly supporting the independent function of the Office of the Ombudsman and the Commission on Human Rights(CHR)" and that " it has been the duty of every leader to pursue a program on moral revolution to provide a better future for the people." Defending like a rotweiler dog his Honorable President, he continued , "It can come out in any other term, any other form, but definitely the stability of our country, the welfare of our people, and the moral stability of our country is paramount in the mind of every leader, every President, and that includes definitely President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo," so the blinded Ermita. I just wonder how much he was paid for talking as idiotic as this. Statements like this one from Ermita is a proof that the age of Enlightenment has not yet arrived in our nation's history. We still are in the Dark Ages like that time in Europe, when lies were a plenty so as political murders, corruption and religious persecutions for the church dictated politics at that time,- as it is today in the Philippines. But things have changed since then in Europe, though it slid back from time to time in its history to situations comparable to the Middle Age. This is simply the mechanics of social evolution. Albert Einstein once said that "one cannot cure the ills of society from the very consciousness that created the ills in the first place." Therefore, be catious, my fellow Filipinos, may fellow tagaBulans. De Venezia's consciousness is corrupted itself and his motives is one of egoism, of revenge. And there is something suspicious with his method when he surrounds himself with bishops from different churches of the country. This is more of a religious crusade, reminds me somewhat of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages that burned the church heretics. (see my Response To Timothy). This is leading to nowhere for this movement is superficial,hypocritical, very emotional and childish and is doomed to last only short. This applies naturally a considerable pressure to Arroyo but in the long term- or at least for 2010's election- this will not result in having morally upright people getting elected. We need to progress morally but we need a new ground to start with for as I see it, everything that we have now in our moral department has only led us to defeat and failure as a nation. Something must change fundamentally with our character if we really want to get out of the pit.This is possible to happen, though it will take hundreds of years if we follow the natural course of social evolution. Events to come will gradually transform us to new social beings with genuine sincerity, rationality, better moral instinct and politically mature individuals, a nation of people which has transcended its past and its old maladaptive personality.This moral revolution movement now and in the past is just a small, natural step to this moral evolution in its long process. So again, don't overrate (or expect too much) this moral revolution happening now for it will not yield good fruits in the coming 2010 election. But in the long run, this is part of those natural procesess that are shaping our future as a nation. Deep within our collective soul, the process of natural self-correction is running incessantly, slowly but surely, in an effort to adapt and survive as a nation. It simply needs a lot of time. And history has shown us that societies evolve and tend to be better with time. In this sense, Taoism's doctrine of " do nothing and everything will be done" applies. Middle Age is also present in Bulan and is best exemplified by the present government of Bulan. For there is no trace of rationality, transparency but an apparent lack of political understanding and social responsibility. They, too, are rebels against the law of the land, against the constitution, against the Bill of Rights and is ruled not by democratic logic but by the logic of greed. How do you expect them also to deliver genuinely basic services to the people of Bulan? Like a decent hospital and better school buildings in the remote barangays, security and protection for the people, environmental protection. These things are not in their heads for the logic of greed follows that they think first on how they can run away with their spoils of war as they go on fooling the people of Bulan by a little feeding program here and some repaintings of old walls there.This is trickery and superficiality. It is therefore not upon an oath to serve the people and upon an oath to protect the law of the land that this municipal government is based but upon rebellion against the people and of the existings laws of the land. A CALL FOR MORAL REVOLUTION? May 22, 2008 May 23, 2008 / junasun / 9 Comments Or, A Change Must Come From Within! by: atty. benji "Watch your thoughts, they become words; Watch your words, they become actions; Watch your actions, they become habits; Watch your habits, they become character; Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny." -Anonymous- Ours is a nation (or a town, province) gravely afflicted with interlocking diseases of poverty, passivity, cheating, graft and corruption, exploitative patronage, nepotism, factionalism, political instability, love for intrigue, lack of discipline, lack of patriotism, greed for power and the desire for instant gratification, etc. A cancerous growth is affecting the vital organs of our society to the extent that we seem to be in a state of paralysis; the patient is not responding to the problems confronting it. The times call for analysis of the social cancer. And, we are both the doctor and patient. As Jesus Christ said in quoting the proverb: "Physician, heal thyself". Many years back, then former Senator Leticia Ramos-Shahani, in her sponsorship speech calling for Moral Recovery Program (MRP), has emphasized that "the sickness afflicting this country is moral in nature." It is her view that at the bottom of our economic problems and political instability is the weakness and corruption of the moral foundations of our society. We don't need an economic recovery program; we also urgently need a moral, intellectual and spiritual recovery program. Senator Shahani continued that "aside from the widespread problem of corruption, there is violence, hatred, hostility, greed for power, divisiveness which has become part of the everyday atmosphere which we breathe. We have to cleanse our national body, to rid it of its poisons and toxins, if the country is to survive. This times demand self-examination. Let us remember the words of the Greek philosopher, Socrates when he said: "The unexamined life is not worth living." Let us translate this wise saying to the national level and examine our own character as a people to ensure that we are growing in the proper direction, with proper values and proper priorities." Why concentrate on the weakness of the people, it might be asked? and you might be asked too? -Because, as in every sick person, we must analyze his disease or diseases. There is a need to examine how society shapes our character, of how Filipino children are brought up. If the children and youth age 12 to 16 years old are already encouraged by their parents to practice child prostitution to add to the family income, can we expect these children to be upright and law abiding citizens? If the child sees so much physical violence and brutality at home and in society, is it normal to expect that he will long to handle guns and keep company with goons at a later age, not only during the period of elections but on a daily basis? Is the economic situation so desperate that thousands of our women refuse to learn other skills other than selling their bodies several times over every night? Why do we always disobey traffic rules and regulations? Why has cheating become a normal way of life in the Philippines particularly during the elections? Several years ago, the Philippine was considered one of the most promising counties in Asia. Today, the Philippines is still called the "Sick Man of Asia". What has gone wrong? Can't we put our own house in order? Why is there such a big demand for pornography and smut? It is also important to realize the extent of this sickness and to be aware that in order to eliminate graft and corruption, society as a whole must change and we must change too. This means not only the government but the private sector and the entire people as well. Do we have the political will to change ourselves, undergo a major surgery, make the necessary sacrifices and go back to the basic virtues of honesty, self-reliance and responsibility for the community and the nation, and in our town, too. Can our educators realize that it is not enough to change the child and the homes but also the whole of society? "Let us minimize our weakness and strengthen our virtues, of which we have many. Let us look inward and cleanse and heal ourselves before it is too late. We cannot expect to implement our national vision unless we have a clean hands and pure hearts", said President Fidel V. Ramos in his Proclamation No. 62 . After the sponsorship speech of then Senator Shahani on the Urgent Need for Moral Recovery Program (MRP) and the Senate Resolution No. 10 adopted on September 18, 1987, which directed Senate Committee on Education, Arts & Culture, & the Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and Development to conduct joint inquiry into the strengths and weaknesses of Filipino character with a view to solve the social ills and strengthening the nation's moral fiber. -Reinforced by Presidential Proclamation No. 62, issued by then, President FVR on 1992 declaring a Moral Recovery Program of the government & calling for the active participation of all sectors of the society in the MRP. After that mukhang walang nabago sa ating mga Pilipino, ganun parin tayo! Sa kabila ng itinatag na Moral Recovery Program ng ating gobierno upang itaguyod ang mithiing maka-BAYAN, maka-TAO, maka-KALIKASAN at maka-DIYOS, ay laganap parin ang kurapsyon at kawatan sa lahat ng sangay ng pamahalaan, dayaan sa eleksyon, gahaman sa poder, palakasan o padrino system, laganap ang prostitution, talamak ang bintahan at paggamit ng bawal na gamot o droga sangkot ang kapulisan at tagapagpatupad ng batas, kawalan ng paggalang sa magulang at nakakatanda, tahasang paglabag sa batas trapiko, walang disiplina sa sarili, kulang sa pagmamahal sa bayan, kanya-kanya o walang paki-alam syndrome, crab mentality at iba pa. In short, bagsak ang "moral character" o "moral values" nating mga Pilipino. Thus, there is a need for self examination as a means to transform the nation, as advocated by Senator Shahani. There is an urgent need for moral revolution to eradicate moral decadence in our community, and government, (or in the municipal government of bulan). Mabuhay ang maka-tao, maka-bayan, maka-kalikasan at maka-diyos na Pilipino. It is the moral character which determines the destiny of an individual as well as that of the nation (town, or province). For an individual and nation to survive with dignity and prosperity that character has to be based on moral and ethical values. Our greatest hope lies within ourselves! Sabi nga ni dating Presidente Marcos, "Sa Ikauunlad ng Bayan, Disiplina ang Kailangan". Tayo ba ay may disiplina sa sarili? tayo ba ay masunurrin sa ating batas? tayo ba ay masunurin sa ating mga magulang? at may pagpapahalaga sa ating kalikasan at sa bayan? HONOR THY FATHER & THY MOTHER! May 19, 2008 May 22, 2008 / junasun / 1 Comment Or, Belated Happy Mother's Day. by : attybenji Honor thy Father and thy Mother – is the best and everlasting presents that child can give to the his/her parents, specially the mother (free of charge), when we all celebrated the MOTHER's DAY a week ago – though the message is a little bit late, but it does'nt matter, as the saying goes "better late than never". This fifth commandment (in the Old Testament) is a command rather than a request. No "ifs" no "buts". That regardless of their character, (whether they're wicked, irresponsible, etc.) children are bound to honor and respect their parents. No condition! That's an order… Hereunder are the lyrics of "Nanay ko Tatay Ko", a popular bicol song has a sentimental message to the "ANAK" – to shower her "TATAY y NANAY" with love, care and respect without condition, because of his "Dakulang Utang na Boot sa Magurang". "Si Nanay si Tatay" Si Nanay si Tatay di co babayaan. Balaquid na boot an sacuyang utang Si pagdara saco nin siyam na bulan Gatas cong dinodo di co mabayadan. Ay Nanay ay Tatay con ako humale, Hihidawon mo man sa gabos mong aki Macacoa ca man nin macacasangli Dai macaarog kan sacong ugali Ay Nanay ay Tatay kun ako maraot Pogotan nin payo ibontog sa lawod Con mahiling nindo na naganod-anod Ay Nanay ay Tatay sapuda man tolos. But today, the realities of life differ from the actual message of the above song under the following incidents, please consider the day to day headlines news as published in the newspaper tabloid, FRONTPAGE headlines: such as, Ama pinatay ng sariling Anak: Drug Adik na Anak, kumitil ng sariling Ama: Anak minasaker ang kanyang Nanay at Tatay: Anak na pasaway, binaril ang sariling Nanay: Anak naghuramentado, pinagpapatay ang sariling pamilya: Anak na ayaw padisiplina, tinaga ang sariling Ama; etc… The reason is simple – kawalan ng disiplina sa sarili at paggalang sa magulang, at sa batas. What many seemingly have never learned or forgotten is that duty to parents does not end with childhood days at home and under parental supervision. A very famous song entitled "ANAK" popularized by Freddie Aguilar has another message – is about the child who disobeyed his parents despite love and care given by his parents, but in the end, "Ang Anak ay Nagbago at Nagsisi". by: freddie aguilar Nang isilang ka sa mundong ito, Laking tuwa ng magulang mo. At ang kamay nila Ang iyong ilaw. At ang nanay at tatay mo, 'di malaman ang gagawin. Minamasdan pati pagtulog mo. Sa gabi napupuyat ang iyong nanay Sa pagtimpla ng gatas mo. At sa umaga nama'y kalong Ka ng iyong amang tuwang-tuwa sa iyo. Ngayon nga'y malaki ka na, Nais mo'y maging malaya. 'di man sila payag, Walang magagawa. Ikaw nga'y biglang nagbago, Naging matigas ang iyong ulo. At ang payo nila'y, Sinuway mo. Hindi mo man lang inisip Na ang kanilang ginagawa'y para sa iyo. Pagka't ang nais mo masunod ang layaw mo, 'di mo sila pinapansin. Nagdaan pa ang mga araw At ang landas mo'y naligaw Ikaw ay nalulon Sa masamang bisyo. At ang una mong nilapitan Ang iyong inang lumuluha. At ang tanong, "anak, ba't ka nagkaganyan?" At ang iyong mga mata'y biglang lumuha Ng 'di mo napapansin Pagsisisi ang sa isip mo, Nalaman mong ika'y nagkamali. What is the true way to honor parents? To live a godly and decent life before all men! The greatest honor a child can bestow upon his parents is to live a consecrated and faithful Christian life. True honor begins with genuine love for parents. It is manifested even in "little things," like keeping in contact with them, showing interest in their lives, as well as doing those things for them that need to be done. Letters, calls, gifts, remembrances, words, visits, honor of their views and respect for their advice are such things that parents may lawfully claim and expect from their children. Charity is not the only thing that begins at home, but also thoughtfulness, truthfulness, honesty, uprightness, good citizenship and respect for authority all begin in the home. Lawlessness often begins in the home because there one can learn to disrespect authority as well as learn to respect it. If the world is ever going to be a better place there first must be better homes. The welfare of society rests in the family and the reconstruction of family virtues and values, parental authority and responsibility, and the obedience of children to their parents. The fifth commandment, learned, believed and obeyed is one of the surest safeguards, and is a near guarantee for correct and righteous human behavior. It gives the blueprint for the reign of law and order. It makes possible a life of peace, security and happiness. It will provide, especially for the young, a solid foundation upon which life can be built and lived as God would have it. When children obey their parents they learn to obey those in charge of schools, government officials, employers, and all others with whom they will have to deal in life. While children obey parents they are doing more than learning the right ways and obeying parents. Christ set the example for honoring parents. His first miracle was undertaken at the request of His mother. As He died on the cross He remarked, "Woman behold thy son," and to another (probably John) He said, "Behold thy mother." In this fashion, even as His life was going from Him, He showed care and concern for His mother and instigated the means for her continued provisions in this life. The obligation children have to parents is not a one-way street. Parents have obligations to their children. There is no law of God that says children must obey their parents in doing that which is wicked. Many parents are not respected because they are not respectable. To be honored one must strive to be honorable. Parents must in some measure earn and deserve respect as well as demand it. Parents earn it and children learn it. It is futile to expect children to respect parental authority when the same parents do not have respect for divine authority. Belated HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mothers out there! Kayo po ang ILAW NG TAHANAN. Mabuhay! THERE'S NO FAILURE, ONLY SUCCESS DELAYED! "I have persevered against difficulties, I rose up against defeats &, I conquered the failures of the past". by atty. benji A billboard in one of the sweepstakes ticket outlets in Quiapo, reads "A quitter never wins; a winner never quits". Of course, if you quit or stop dreaming you will never win in any contest, challenge or any kind of endeavor that you wanted to carry out. If you fail, never, never, never, give up! Failing is a vital component of growing up process. It's a baptism of fire! If you encountered fiascos and failures in your board exams in the past, this is a must read article for you! – Be inspired and enlightened! If you encountered setbacks in your political career or business in the past, this is a must read for you, too. If your experienced frustrations and desperations in your chosen profession or vocation, this is a must read for you, also. And, if you encountered denials and rejections in courting a woman of your choice, never give up, this article is probably a must read for you. I hope so, he-he-he. -Be inspired! Believe that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I would like to share this article to all of you, who, or to whomsoever, (as an inspiration, motivation or a challenge) had experienced the pain and nightmare of failing in their chosen career, business & profession several times already (e.g. exams, sports or politics, etc). Failure is an inevitable circumstance! That's life! I did experience several tumultuous failures and frustrations in my chosen career. I did encounter my first major debacle in my chosen profession in 1996 onwards when I flanked the bar exams. But, failure/s did not stop me from pursuing my dream until I claimed victory over it, and conquered the disaster of the past! Despite depression, I did not surrender; despite desperation, I did not quit; despite anxiety, I did not give up my dreams, my mentor called it, "Spirit". The "pyerdido" (loser) of yesterday will be the "ganador" (victor) of tomorrow, I believe so, after all, our past does not define our future! With this, I was reminded by a comment of a certain "Lazarus" in the sorsogonnews blog against the Guyalas branding them as "pyerdido na politico". The comment of Lazarus, regardless of his motive or intention, (whether to insult them or otherwise) is uncalled for. For nobody knows, and who knows in the near future, the Guyala will become the next Mayor of Bulan, or Congressman of the 2nd District, or Governor of Sorsogon, or even Senator of the Republic someday. Time will come that a loser will emerge as the victor, and time will come that Guyalas' debacle will be translated into victory someday. (Sabi nga sa Biblia, an mga nauuna ay mahuhuli at ang mga nahuhuli ay mauuna) –And, time will come, I'm sure, na an kadaghanan san mga botantes sa Bulan magsasawa man sa mga de Castro sa maabot na panahon! And that time is yet to come. Though, the Guyalas, particularly (atty. rene) had lost several times in his political bid many years back but time will come he will emerge as victorious man on earth. The case of the late Senator Rene "Compañero" Cayetano is a classic example of success after so many setbacks in politics. He lost several times in his bid to challenge then incumbent Congressman Dante Tinga of Taguig-Pateros District (laging talunan nuon si cayetano, hindi man lang nakatikim ng panalo) but when the opportunity comes right during the Ramos Presidency, he instead ran for Senator and topped the senatorial elections. You see! For man's past does not define his future. Likewise, the compelling story of Abraham Lincoln is one of the best examples of success after so many defeats in politics. Lincoln had a very strong desire to make a difference, so he entered politics. In August, 1832, he finished eighth out of 13 in a race for the Illinois House of Representatives. In 1834, while practicing law in a firm he had established with several partners, Lincoln ran for and won a seat in the Illinois Legislature. He served a four-year term, and he soon developed a reputation as a capable and honest politician. Unfortunately, over the next decade he experienced numerous business and political setbacks. But unlike most people, Lincoln did not let any of these challenges — including a business and personal bankruptcy — discourage him from going after his dreams. In 1836, Lincoln won an election to Congress. It was during this time that he took an unpopular stand against President James K. Polk regarding the Mexican War. Abraham thought the war was unjust. After his term ended in 1849, Lincoln took the next five years off from politics and focused on his law practice. Again, he encountered more business setbacks. But again, he persisted, and did not let "so-called" failures discourage him. In 1854, he returned to the political arena. One of the first things he did was to oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which threatened to extend slavery to other states. In 1855, he ran for the Senate but was defeated. The next year he went after the Vice Presidency position, and was also defeated. With so many failures, a lot of people, in Lincoln's position, probably would have given up. But because he was determined and committed to make his political dreams come true, he would get up each time he was knocked down. He knew the only way to gain ground, to move forward, to march on, and to turn his goals into reality, was to learn from his setbacks and failures. Finally, in 1860, Lincoln's years of persistence and hard work paid off when he was elected the 16th President of the United States of America. Abraham Lincoln represents the finest example of persistence. Although he faced countless defeats throughout his life — many that must have seemed insurmountable — he never gave up on his dreams. LINCOLN LOST EIGHT ( ELECTIONS, failed in business many times, and suffered a nervous breakdown. He could have quit many times, but he didn't. Instead, after each defeat he would pick himself up and press forward until he achieved his aspirations. Malaysian international speaker, Billi Lim, in his Dare to Fail magazines' series said that from school days we are indoctrinated to adore success. Success and failures are like heaven and hell. Heaven forbids that you should fail. Many believe when we fail, we are condemned. Failure is not an irreversible chemical reaction. Numerous success stories have their origins in failures. Sowing the seeds of failure brings the fruits of success. A lot of successful people were once called failures. Failure is not a black hole that we fall into and get stuck there permanently. It is only temporary. Failure is success delayed. We have merely postponed our success. David Ireland authors the book aptly entitled "Failure is Written in Pencil". Failure is erasable. It is not cast in stone. Erase failure now and begin a new life on a brand new page! Failing must be courageous! "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever hope to achieve greatly" says Robert F. Kennedy During World War II, Japanese Kamikaze pilots sang patriotic songs before they flew their fighter planes in suicide mission. They pledged to their beloved country that they will strike deep into enemy's territories and would perish in their dangerous missions. Because of their courage to die for their country, kamikaze pilots often returned alive. Failing is a privilege! Failure is not an option. We don't chose to fail neither we opted to become a loser. It is an honor to fail. Failure is the baptism of fire. Failure is a wake up call. From failing, we evaluate our strengths and weaknesses. We scout for opportunities and prepare for threats. Failure is not final! "Success is never ending; Failure is never final" says Robert Schuller. Failing does not issue death sentence. It is not the end all. There is always another opportunity to try again. Likewise, success is not a final destination. It is a journey that we strive continuously. Failure shall not drown us. Instead, it is the bridge that connects us over troubled waters to success. "He is no failure. He's not dead yet" say W.L. George We must not be ashamed of failures! It is a daily test of our courage and ingenuinity. Failing is not a taboo. Failure occurs mainly in isolated cases and is often beyond our control. We must distinguish failures from the acts of failing. If we cast ourselves as failures, it leaves behind a psychological scar. Don't take failure as an act of not attaining certain bench marks, we can still walk upright with pride. "We do not fail ourselves; it is primarily the work we do that fails". We must permit ourselves to fail! "When we give ourselves permission to fail, we at the same time give ourselves permission to excel", says Eloise Ristad We must not fear failure. The minute we stop trying is the minute that heralds failure. We must not stigmatize Failures! "He that lies on the ground cannot fail" according to Yiddish Proverb. The Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) practice a traditional ritual for gang members who failed in their missions or assignments. They chop off their fingers to atone for their failures. Failing is not a stigma. We must not punish ourselves for failures like Yakuza members whose cut fingers are permanent reminders of their failed missions. Failing is honorable. It is not a misdemeanor. Just remember every genius was once a failure. Ask any genius! "Even the best of men get knocked down many times in a lifetime. Occasional knock downs are not anything to be afraid of. In fact, they make the game of life interesting; they are the hazard and bunkers and sand traps that force us to keep our mind on the game and play our best", says Clinton Bernard. Failure is a prelude to success! We treat failure as the wrong answer and success as the right answer. Failure is not actually the opposite of success. Failure is actually the step preceding success. If we make a decision, it will inevitably result in two results – failure or success. If the result is failure, acknowledge it is a learning process before success beckons. Failure is necessary part of success. In the book entitled "Think & Grow Rich", I forgot the name of the Author, it says that "failure is a fertilizer of success". That's correct! In fact, many people on the failure track are so close to success when they call it quits. Only if they persevere a little longer, success will be attained. Success is like the bride waiting at the end of the aisle. Thomas Edison hit the nail on the head when he said "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up" Failure is an asset! "Every adversity, every failure, every headache, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit", says Napoleon Bonaparte "The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart", says Robert Ingersoll. "Our greatest glory is not never falling but rising every time we fall", says Oliver Goldsmith. Never, never, never give up! "There is no failure except in no longer trying", says Elbert Hubbard. The annals of history were laced by great people who failed. Sir Winston Churchill once admonished, "Never, Never, Never give in, in whatever you do". Do not judge people who try and fail but those who fail to try. Tom Hopkins, Americas Top sale trainer, advocates, "I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed. The number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I fail and keep trying". The genius, Sir Albert Einstein failed many times! He disliked schools because of strict regimentations and structure. At 15, he dropped out of school, He taught himself calculus. Einstein's poor memory especially for words led to his dismal performance in Greek. His teacher belittled Einstein, "No Matter what you do, you will never amount to anything". Another teacher ridiculed him, "Your mere presence spoils the respect of the class for me". His father once sought his head master's advice on what profession Einstein should pursue. The head master admonished, "It doesn't matter, he will never make a success of anything. Albert Einstein was named by the Time Magazine as the Person of the Century. Einstein famous theory of relativity led the foundation for the atomic bombs that were dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It forced the Japanese to surrender and brought WWII on an abrupt halt. Another genius, Sir Thomas Edison has failed several times too! At a press conference, a young journalist asked Sir Thomas Edison how many times he failed before he invented the light bulb. Thomas Edison politely replied, "I was actually successful in knowing 1800 ways of how not to make a light bulb. In his wisdom Edison further enlighten him, "In every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward". If you fail once, twice, thrice and more already in your chosen career, don't be discourage, and don't lose hope for there is always sunshine after darkness, as there is always a rainbow after thunderstorm. That's for sure! Believe that there are no failures. We merely postpone our success. There are no failures in life, only delays. But I'm sure you can remember Robert F. Kennedy, the man who failed to be President. You can remember Martin Luther King Jr. Nelson Mandela waited 27 years to be President. And President Kim Dae Jung of South Korea; he has been beaten, kidnapped, imprisoned, sentenced to death but he not only became President, he has also been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2000. Many of us don't understand why sometimes we have to lose. In fact sometimes to win we have to yield just like the grass yielding to the great wind. Those who can't yield sometimes got uprooted by the great typhoon. Kusog lawas, labanan an mga Kabiguan sa buhay! Mabuhay kita gabos! God bless us all. Keep fighting, never give up! A DEGREE IS JUST A PIECE OF PAPER! May 12, 2008 / junasun / Leave a comment (You can be Billionaire even if you are School Drop outs) A bachelor degree is just a piece of paper. (e.g. PHD stands for Permanent Head Damage, just kidding) It is not the degree that makes the man. It is man who makes himself. "You can be a millionaire or billionaire even if you are school dropouts", says Billi Lim Below is a very interesting and compelling part of the speech delivered by Lawrence "Larry" Ellison, the CEO of Oracle Corp. and the 2nd richest man in the world, at the Yale University last month. "Graduates of Yale University, I apologize if you have endured this type of prologue before, but I want you to do something for me. Please, take a good look around you. Look at the classmate on your left. Look at the classmate on your right. Now, consider this: Five years from now, 10 years from now, even 30 years from now, odds are the person on your left is going to be a loser. The person on your right, meanwhile, will also be a loser. And you, in the middle? What can you expect? Loser. Loser hood. Loser Cum Laude. In fact, as I look out before me today, I don't see a thousand hopes for a bright tomorrow. I don't see a thousand future leaders in a thousand industries. I see a thousand losers. You're upset. That's understandable. After all, how can I, Lawrence "Larry' Ellison, college dropout, have the audacity to spout such heresy to the graduating class of one of the nation's most prestigious institutions? I'll tell you why. Because I, Lawrence 'Larry' Ellison, second richest man on the planet, am a college dropout, and you are not. Because Bill Gates, richest man on the planet .. for now, anyway – is a college dropout, and you did not. Because Paul Allen, the third richest man on the planet, dropped out of college, and you did not. And for good measure, because Michael Dell, No. 9 on the list and moving up fast, is a college dropout, and you, yet again are not. …. Finally, I realize that many of you, and hopefully by now most of you, are wondering, "Is there anything I can do? Actually, no; it's too late. You've absorbed too much, think you know too much. You have a built-in cap, and I'm not referring to the mortar boards on your heads. …. I want to give hope to any underclassman here today. I say to you, and I can't stress this enough: Leave. Pack your things and your ideas and don't come back. Drop out. Start up. For I can tell you that a cap and gown will keep you down just as surely as these security guards dragging me off this stage are keeping me down…" – End of speech – CNH (Central Nautical Highway) – An Opportunity (And A Challenge…) May 6, 2008 May 6, 2008 / junasun / 13 Comments by rudy bellen Attached is an excerpt from a news article of Manila Bulletin last April 29, 2008 during the launching of the Central Nautical Highway by no less than Pres. Gloria Arroyo seeing off roll-on roll-off (Ro-Ro) three day sea caravan plying the maiden route taking off from Bulan port. This is the last leg that completes a sea route connecting Bicol and Mindanao, the final component of the Strong Republic Nautical Highway (SRNH) via the central seaboard. The other two are : 1.) Western Nautical Highway (western seaboard) via Batangas port linking Manila and Dipolog, and 2.) Eastern Nautical Highway (eastern seaboard) via Matnog connecting Samar/Leyte to Surigao City. The CNH is an intermodal transport system offering a safe, affordable transport alternative to travel across the central Philippines or the Visayas. It links Sorsogon, Masbate, Cebu, Bohol, Camiguin, and Misamis Oriental in Mindanao, it also seeks to reduce travel and trade costs and consequently boost economic development in the countryside. –> see Manila Bulletin Online for the original of the following report: by Genalyn D. Kabiling "Filipinos can now enjoy a safe, affordable transport alternative to travel across the central Philippines or the Visayas. President Arroyo yesterday launched the Central Nautical Highway (CNH) that seeks to reduce travel and trade costs and consequently boost economic development in the countryside. The Central Nautical Highway is an intermodal transport system linking Sorsogon, Masbate, Cebu, Bohol, Camiguin, and Misamis Oriental. It completes the Strong Republic Nautical Highway (SRNH) composed of 17 ports across the country, inaugurated by the President in 2003. Accompanied by Transportation and Communications Secretary Leandro R. Mendoza, transport officials, and local executives, Mrs. Arroyo kicked off a three-day sea caravan in Bulan, Sorsogon, where she switched on the lights showing the ports in the central seaboard. Under the Central Nautical Highway, the ports are located in Bulan, Sorsogon, Masbate City, and Cawayan in Masbate; Bogo and Cebu City in Cebu, Tubigon and Jagna in Bohol, Mambajao and Benoni in Camiguin, and Balingoan, Misamis Oriental. The President later sent off the RORO (roll on, roll off) caravan, boarded by passengers mostly members of the media, in Bulan. From Sorsogon, Mrs. Arroyo boarded a helicopter and travelled to the two ports of Masbate for similar send-off ceremonies. The President first inaugurated the port of Masbate City, the first national port in the island province. The port exclusively handles containerized cargo among the Bicol terminals, aside from bulk commodities. Its fastcraft operations connect Bicol main with the port of Pilar, Sorsogon. " So what does it means for us? For me, I can see a great opportunity and benefits that Bulan would gain as the main gateway to one of the most dynamic regions in the Visayas and northern Mindanao. This nautical highway has put Bulan as the most strategic location linking directly to the tourist famous destinations of Cebu, Bohol and Camiguin. It also links us directly to Misamis Oriental in northern Mindanao – site of the biggest Hanjin Heavy Industries' (HHI) investments (a staggering US$2B), together with the other HHI facility at Subic, these investments when completed would propel the Philippines as the 3rd biggest shipbuilder in the world just behind South Korea and Japan even surpassing Spain. Just imagine, if the enterprising Cebuanos – comparable to Japanese, with no mango plantations yet they are best known for their dried mangoes, guitars, and other famous Cebuano products, would be directly passing Bulan, they might as well discover our native products and services which they can probably help us market through out the world. Or, help us develop our beautiful natural sites not only in Bulan but at the other places in Bicol as well, by putting up and developing tourism oriented facilities. Germans in Bohol are only confined today in their sanctuary in Panglao and other Bohol beaches but once they started to discover the beauty of Bicol they might change their mind. I was once surprised to find in the internet spectacular photos of the Butag bay and sunset at Sabang beach taken by no less than German adventurers! This direct "contact" is not feasible before as there's no alternative land/Ro-Ro transport to offer, Cebuanos, Boholanos and other Visayans prefer to fly or take ferries direct from Manila to their final destinations thereby bypassing Bicol. But now they have the choice and option increasing the chances of more regional trades and tourism activities subsequently capital movements that would boost economic developments. This will also open up intra regional migrations, both for Bulan and the greater Bicol area vis a vis Central Visayas and Northern Mindanao. Let us not forget foreign tourists as well, with the big Hanjin investment at PHIVIDEC, Misamis Oriental, expect a throng of Koreans and other nationalities excitingly discovering this part of the country – and what does it means for us? Well, this is another opportunity to take advantage of, for us to globalize our products and services catering to international customers and so on. There is a never ending prospect for us! This is exactly what I told Letty in my response to her Kabatas' blog on her gripes about the status of Bulan today, that there are now lots of strangers and "invaders". I informed her that this is the strength of our town – a local melting pot, naturally and strategically situated at the crossroads of an important, very dynamic region, they know there is an opportunity. That this is a challenge for the local leadership to hasten, tap and reap the benefits of the blended talents of the local and "migrants" and transform our town to be one of the most vibrant, prosperous and flourishing trading post in our region. What should be done? There are lots of things to do if we don't want to miss this once a in a lifetime opportunity. First we must get our acts together. We need to apply the three C's of progress – Collaborate, Complement and Cooperate. · Collaborate – Team up, this call for the public and private sector to work together in partnership. Be proactive. Put first things first and begin with the end mind – no place for lapses, blunder and oversight. · Complement – Harmonize and supplement, make up for the weakness of the other. Seek first to understand then to be understood. Instead of opposing and rivalry that would create hostile environment, identify strength and niche products or services specific to a place that would give rise to specialization and originality. · Cooperate – Assist, pool resources, do your part, synergize. Another C to watch out is competition, be prepared and organize ourselves for a tough and challenging competition from other contenders. Though Bulan is the official designated CNH Ro-Ro port, Pilar town is aggressively gearing up themselves as an alternative route of the CNH, its fastcraft operations connect Bicol main with the ports of Masbate city or Aroroy town. While they have fastcrafts Bulan has nothing to speak of. Second, we must educate our people and make liquid clear the importance of being a tourist or stranger friendly citizens. This negative trait of some of our folks has been with us ever since. I remember one time on one of my occasional break when I went home together with my wife and daughter; we took a bus and upon arrival at the Bulan bus terminal the usual boorish "baggage" boys were banging each other to get first and grabbed our luggage. My wife and daughter were so shocked and afraid so I have to step up and threatened them; coincidentally I was sporting a short cut hair then, they thought I was a military man and they backed off. But the experience doesn't stop there, after several days of our stay; there was news of a man from Masbate who ran amock at the market. The poor man was "pushed to the wall" by successive depressing events that happened to him – he is traveling back home because his wife passed away, he and his daughters did not catch the last trip to the island and was forced to sleep and wait for the next day trip at the bus terminal, when they woke up, their belongings were nowhere to be found. He reported the incident to the police but instead of helping him, he was passed around and worst of all his young daughters were harassed and molested by the ill mannered "baggage" boys. So there he goes, he went wild and stab every person in his way. If you have spent some vacation trip at Bohol, there you'll discover the true meaning of tourist friendly phrase. Hotel staff would politely refuse any form of tips; folks are so friendly and always ready to assist any stranger in their community. What do we have to offer? I think we have ample natural and human resources readily available for development and advancement. Butandings (whale sharks) is not exclusive to Donsol alone; we have plenty of it in our waters too. These gentle giants are not confined at Sorsogon bay for their food requirement, in fact they are grazing outside of the bay and most are in Ticao Pass because their food (planktons and small shrimps) are carried upstream by the converging Pacific Ocean and China sea in San Bernardino Strait. Many of our fishermen can attest to this phenomenon. We also have the giant Pasa-pasa (Manta Rays) and plenty of it is right in our waters. We have beautiful and unique (margaja sand) beaches from Danao all the way to Marinab, there are exciting diving sites, too, especially in the Butag bay. Possibly under our waters were old age shipwrecks – from Spanish to WWII eras which are a main draw for the diving enthusiasts. Maybe we can convince tours and travel agencies to put Bulan (and Sorsogon province) in their radar maps for their tourist promos as an alternative to other known and crowded beaches of the country. We have an airstrip that should have been fully maximized instead of being a grazing place for the carabaos (some portions were already converted to rice paddies). This is one asset that other towns doesn't have aside from Bacon, and should be an enticing factor for those who don't want to travel overland from Manila all the way down to Bulan. Small aircrafts and STOL (short take off/landing) crafts can easily be accommodated by this facility. I can still remember when Air Force can even land their cargo planes on it. Maybe some enterprising entrepreneurs can start a chartering business for this purpose. Other things to remember. We should also learn from the experience of other towns, like Matnog – it is one of the first municipalities to have the Ro-Ro facility and has been there for some time now, but no significant progress has been achieved by the town. Why? We should gain knowledge and be taught from their failures, acquire and leverage from the know how and technology of the progressive ones. As a logistics person, I recognize and see a need for support facilities for the Ro-Ro port to operate efficiently. I think the controversial Bulan Central Terminal (BCT) has its function and purpose after all. But from my point of view, I cannot see the relevance – in any way I look at it, how it would best support the Ro-Ro port from its current site. It is too far! The ideal site should be right beside the port so the arriving and departing passengers would not be inconveniently shuttling or going back and forth. This will irritate the exhausted travelers, besides being time consuming additional expenses would be incurred by the passengers just to catch up with connecting rides. It can be also a temporary holding area for the cars and buses that are waiting for their turn to board Ro-Ro ships, eliminating long queues and crowding of vehicle thereby resulting to a smooth and efficient port operation. Lastly, I see a need to relocate the port in five years time or less with an assumption that there would be an unprecedented growth in the number of travelers. The port should be relocated outside of the town proper with enough provisions and support facilities to encourage and promote continued usage. The current road leading to the facility is too narrow and not adequate enough to sustain the volume of vehicles that would be traveling to and from the docks. This would create congestions and gridlock I know this is only a fraction of a long list of what to do and what do we have and may have forgotten other things that should be done to make our town an organized, equipped and a prepared community for the forthcoming progress. You may add other relevant infos and suggestions that would be of help. I firmly believe that our town has a bright future and it is starting to manifest now. Bless us all. On The 18th World Press Freedom Day- May 3,2008 May 4, 2008 June 24, 2008 / junasun / Leave a comment ( or Observe Bulan And Win! ) A free press can of course be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom it will never be anything but bad. . . . Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better, whereas enslavement is a certainty of the worse." Albert Camus "Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it." –Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 1786. Yesterday, the world celebrated the 18th World Press Freedom Day. As expected, the Internet and news media were filled with reports of all kinds pertaining to freedom of the press. It is true that we Filipinos are freedom-loving people for we had in the past expelled out of the country all those foreign invaders. Coming out from those hundreds of years of forced silence, it is no wonder why the freedom of expression and of the press has been given importance right on day one as a free republic as can found in the 1897 Constitution of Biak-na-Bato in ARTICLE XXII:RELIGIOUS LIBERTY which states, "Religious liberty, the right of association, the freedom of education , the freedom of the press , as well as freedom in the exercise of all classes of professions, arts, trades and industries are established." Today, 111 years after 1897, the Philippines is famous for intimidating or killing investigative journalists, a clear transgression of the law of the land. Protection for journalists at work is also poor. In fact, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Impunity Index lists the Philippines one among the worst countries ( together with Somalia, Russia, etc.) in the world at prosecuting journalists' killers.This is a clear-cut evidence that corruption is embedded strongly in our politics, in the heads of many of our politicians and that all claims of democracy is but a sham. For the logic of our powerful oligarchs is greed and they control the machinery to sanction truth-oriented journalism. Still, no matter how the powerful few play around with our constitution, we will continue to hold on to it for it is the truth that we have agreed upon as a nation to guide us as we blaze the trail of civilization. Here's what our 1987 Constitution says about communication and press under Bill Of Rights: Section 3. (1) The privacy of communication and correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety or order requires otherwise, as prescribed by law. Section 4. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances. Section 7. The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law. Here's are two examples of using power to disregard Section 7 of the Bill Of Rights: In the Manila, here is a case in point: "We are deeply concerned that the First Gentleman, Mike Arroyo, is not using this libel suit to seek legitimate redress. Rather he is redefining libel, a clear affront to the Philippine press. As we know, the test of libel is the presence of malice. But Mr. Arroyo disregards this basic tenet and recklessly uses libel to intimidate and silence the press. The message we're getting is this: anything that hints of criticism of the First Gentleman or is considered unfavorable coverage of his activities is "libelous." In effect, he hinders the public's right to information on matters of public concern." Pinoy Press In Bulan, the incumbent mayor caused a scandal that went around the world for refusing to show to the mandamus petitioners the documents pertaining to her and her husband's controversial Central Bus Terminal Project. Visit the Sorsogonnews "Kabatas" blogsite ( see Blogroll ) and search for Luisito Panelo's entry entitled "The Truth About The P80 Million Bulan Bus Terminal Mandamus". If you have been reading carefully, you would have noticed that Section 4 is a very defined written law- for it does not express any exception or limitation as opposed to Sections 3 and 7. But all together, these three Sections form a formidable unit of protection and legal basis for every citizen's right to inform and be informed- verbally or in written form. Here's a good news for all Bicol, Bulan Journalists ! According to the Center For Media Freedom And Responsibilty, "the 2008 Jaime V. Ongpin Awards for Excellence in Journalism (JVOAEJ) will focus on corruption/governance, human rights and environmental issues, for reason that " The country has been rocked by one corruption scandal after another, even as the human rights situation and environmental degradation have worsened." For Bulan-related articles, go to Sorsogonnews "Kabatas" blogsite and search for the entry " Bulan's "Blood" Sand". The winning articles can be either investigative or explanatory reports, and will receive the usual cash prize of P70,000 each. Other meritorious investigative/explanatory articles will also be recognized and accordingly awarded. The awardees will be presented in a ceremony preceded by the JVOAEJ journalism seminar, which this year will be on June 26." So, go with your pens, photo/video cameras, observe Bulan write and win! Your Welfare is my Concern "The Transparency International Global Corruption Barometer is a public opinion survey that has been administered around the world each year since 2003. The Barometer explores how corruption affects the daily lives of ordinary citizens, asking about the general public's attitudes toward corruption, the extent to which they believe corruption pervades public institutions, their experience with petty bribery and their sense of how the fight against corruption will fare in the future" "Key findings in the Global Corruption Barometer 2007 are: The poor, whether in developing or highly industrialised countries, are the most penalised by corruption. They are also more pessimistic about the prospects for less corruption in the future. About 1 in 10 people around the world had to pay a bribe in the past year; reported bribery has increased in some regions, such as Asia-Pacific and South East Europe Bribery is particularly widespread in interactions with the police, the judiciary and registry and permit services. The general public believe political parties, parliament, the police and the judicial/legal system are the most corrupt institutions in their societies. Half of those interviewed – and significantly more than four years ago – expect corruption in their country to increase in the next three years, with some African countries the exception. Half of those interviewed also think that their government's efforts to fight corruption are ineffective. " Global Corruption Barometer We all know that the topic of corruption is not a new subject for us TagaBulans, for us Filipinos. But if you want a thorough read about this subject, then visit the website of Transparency International (see Blogroll). Study results and strategies suggested by TI (Tranparency International) represent only one thing. Corruption is an attitude, a mode of social behavior and interaction. That means that without the individuals' "willingness" to leave this attitude behind, all those studies and strategies are of no use. The fact that we have a problem of corruption, I think, is a proof that our dream of democracy will remain a dream. For the first step in building a democracy is the reversal of corruption, which means, switching to "your- welfare- is- my- concern"- attitude. Only upon this attitude can you start building democracy, the attitude that's in the minds of advanced democratic nations. On the other side, a reversal of this attitude to "my- welfare -is my -only -concern" is the downfall of democracy also, a trend noticeable in the politics of highly-capitalized democratic countries of today where people think only of nothinh else but profit after profit. Here, the zenith is almost reached and so the machiavellian's wheel of history rolling down again.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Dashboards provide a unified view of selected KPIs, targets, and contests, plus real-time indicators to highlight areas of interest. Various types of tiles can be placed in a dashboard. KPIs are metrics that sales managers can use to evaluate sales activities and results. KPIs can be displayed as individual, team, and company totals or as leaderboards. Targets are goals you set to focus your team on key sales activities (e.g., lead creation, potential creation, etc.). Targets can be displayed as individual, team, and company scorecards or as leaderboards. Leaderboards show the names and scores of the leading individuals or teams for specific KPI or target. To show the leaderboard, configure tile and select appropriate leaderboard in the People section. Contests are a fun way to energize your team around selected sales activities. Contest tiles display the top three leaders and their scores. Drag any tile on the dashboard to reorder. Click on any tile to see more details. Click Action Menu icon [...] in the top-right corner of any tile to show available options. Click +KPI, +TARGET, or +CONTEST button at the top of the page. Click Action Menu icon [...] in the top-right corner of each tile and select Change KPI/Target Filter. Select your desired configuration options. The options shown depend on the type of tile selected. Click Action Menu icon [...] in the top-right corner of the tile you want to hide. Click Action Menu icon [...] in the top-right corner of the tile you want to duplicate. Select Remove KPI/Target/Contest from this Dashboard. In the All KPIs dashboard, you can filter using an additional option (compared results). See Filter KPIs (in the All KPIs dashboard) for detail. Click FILTER button at the top right of the page. Once the filter is applied, the FILTER bar will appear above the tiles. To hide the FILTER bar, click x in the right. Select filter from the available options. People: Select whose KPIs to show - company, teams, or individuals. Period: Select the duration of KPIs to show - daily/weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/quarterly/half yearly/yearly/custom period. Click DASHBOARDS button in the top navigation bar and select Manage. Enter the Dashboard Name, then click Save. Click MORE button at the top of the dashboard which you want to duplicate. Click Share button corresponding to the dashboard you want to share. Company: All active Motivator users. Team: Groups of active Motivator users (see Settings Help for more details on Team creation). Individuals: Individual active Motivator users. You can also click MORE button on the top to rename, share, or duplicate the dashboard.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Nike England 16/17 Away SS Vapor Match Shirt - Challenge Red/Deep Royal Blue/White.Show your support on the pitch with the new Nike England 16/17 Away SS Vapor Match Shirt, to be worn by the national team at this summer's EURO 2016 tournament.. The Match edition of the new England shirt is an exact replica of the kit that will be worn by the likes of Wayne Rooney, Harry Kane and Raheem Sterling at this year's European Championships, complete with all the cutting-edge technology that elite players expect. The major innovation in the new Match shirt comes in the form of AeroSwift Technology – Nike's proprietary fabric construction that improves both breathability and fit. Made with a new yarn, the Vapor kits that feature AeroSwift manage moisture more effectively than ever before, wicking sweat away from the body 20% faster than previous shirts, while also drying 25% quicker. In addition to its sweat-wicking properties, the yarn used in AeroSwift has been optimised for improved fit and feel – an AeroSwift shirt is 10% lighter and allows 50% more stretch compared to previous kits. By using a combination of single and double knit yarn – single in areas where breathability is important, double for areas that require structure – the shirt adapts to different types of movement and different conditions. Three Lions detailing on the sleeve cuffs celebrates English pride, while the seamless silicon mesh crest gives the shirt its authentic identity. On the reverse of the crest, a rose graphic pays tribute to the heritage of the England kit, referencing the symbol found on the early England caps given to players in the 19th century. Running down the side of the shirt all the way from the sleeve cuff to the hem, a bold blue stripe adds definition and further improves breathability, expanding when stretched to reveal a flash of red as you move through the gears. Lightweight AeroSwift Dri-FIT fabric for sweat management and ventilation. Hem vents allow for full range of motion. Replica design is the same jersey players wear on the pitch. Lightweight England team crest is stitched on the left chest. An inner pride label is screen printed behind the crest. Team pride labels are stitched on the outer back neck and inside the sleeve cuffs. Laser perforations on the back and shoulder panels enhance breathability. They each have a flat ink heat-transferred overlay for durability. Swoosh design trademark is heat-transferred on the right chest.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
1. Am I not free? Am I not an Apostle? Have I not seen Christ Jesus our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord? 2. And if I am not an Apostle to others, yet still I am to you. For you are the seal of my Apostleship in the Lord. 4. Do we not have the authority to eat and to drink? 5. Do we not have the authority to travel around with a woman who is a sister, just as do the other Apostles, and the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas? 6. Or is it only myself and Barnabas who do not have the authority to act in this way? 7. Who has ever served as a soldier and paid his own stipend? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat from its produce? Who pastures a flock and does not drink from the milk of the flock? 8. Am I saying these things according to man? Or does the law not also say these things? 9. For it is written in the law of Moses: "You shall not bind the mouth of an ox, while it is treading out the grain." Is God here concerned with the oxen? 10. Or is he saying this, indeed, for our sake? These things were written specifically for us, because he who plows, ought to plow in hope, and he who threshes, too, in hope of receiving the produce. 11. If we have sown spiritual things in you, is it important if we harvest from your worldly things? 12. If others are sharers in this authority over you, why are we not more entitled? And yet we have not used this authority. Instead, we bear all things, lest we give any hindrance to the Gospel of Christ. 13. Do you not know that those who work in the holy place eat the things that are for the holy place, and that those who serve at the altar also share with the altar? 14. So, too, has the Lord ordained that those who announce the Gospel should live by the Gospel. 15. Yet I have used none of these things. And I have not written so that these things may be done for me. For it is better for me to die, rather than to let anyone empty out my glory. 16. For if I preach the Gospel, it is not glory for me. For an obligation has been laid upon me. And woe to me, if I do not preach the Gospel. 17. For if I do this willingly, I have a reward. But if I do this reluctantly, a dispensation is granted to me. 18. And what, then, would be my reward? So, when preaching the Gospel, I should give the Gospel without taking, so that I may not misuse my authority in the Gospel. 19. For when I was a free man to all, I made myself the servant of all, so that I might gain all the more. 20. And so, to the Jews, I became like a Jew, so that I might gain the Jews. 21. To those who are under the law, I became as if I were under the law, (though I was not under the law) so that I might gain those who were under the law. To those who were without the law, I became as if I were without the law, (though I was not without the law of God, being in the law of Christ) so that I might gain those who were without the law. 22. To the weak, I became weak, so that I might gain the weak. To all, I became all, so that I might save all. 23. And I do everything for the sake of the Gospel, so that I may become its partner. 24. Do you not know that, of those who run in a race, all of them, certainly, are runners, but only one achieves the prize. Similarly, you must run, so that you may achieve. 25. And one who competes in a contest abstains from all things. And they do this, of course, so that they may achieve a corruptible crown. But we do this, so that we may achieve what is incorruptible. 26. And so I run, but not with uncertainty. And so I fight, but not by flailing in the air. 27. Instead, I chastise my body, so as to redirect it into servitude. Otherwise, I might preach to others, but become myself an outcast.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
ART CARD SALE Fundraiser— The Power of Imagination Art & Writing Workshop empowers children ages 8-13 by helping them to envision their imagination as a tool to dream and do big! The cards will ship to you via Priority Mail, in time for the fast approaching holidays! For Immediate Release: Douglas Turner will be among guest speakers who will give 20-minute talks in each classroom. Turner hopes to instill a passion for the arts and a love for creativity because they are crucial components in healthy development. He also aims to nurture the seed of confidence. Events, News and Events, T.E.E.I. Updates / January 15, 2016 / Comments Off on Crowdfund and Membership CAMPAIGN LAUNCH PARTY on MLK Day! ARCHITECTURE OF TOMORROW CAMPAIGN LAUNCH PARTY Monday 1/18 MLK Day 7-10p Pangea Restaurant 178 Second Ave., East Village Hors D'oeuvres & Wine | RSVP |This is going to be an amazing evening for everyone! The Architecture of Tomorrow is set to become a membership driven initiative and I couldn't be more excited about this. T.E.E.I. Updates / November 10, 2015 / Comments Off on HELP US WIN A $10K GRANT BY CHOOSING AOT AS YOUR FAVORITE CAUSE! HELP US WIN A $10K GRANT BY CHOOSING AOT AS YOUR FAVORITE CAUSE! Show up on Saturday the 24th from 1-3p, Senator Jesse E. Hamilton has organized a Youth Resource Fair at Brownsville NeON. Stop by AOTps' Equal Education Initiative Booth we'll be providing consultations, and artist internship connections! Proudly powered by WordPress Theme: Upright.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
'Why India' to 'Why Not India': Modi on change his reforms have brought New Delhi, Dec 19 (PTI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday hard sold his government's reforms spanning from manufacturing to taxation to labour, saying they have changed the world perception about the country from 'why India' to 'why not India' and went on to quote record foreign investment during the pandemic as a testimony to that. Speaking at industry association Assocham's Foundation Week event, Modi also said agriculture reforms brought by his government six months back have started benefiting farmers. 'There was a situation in the past when investors would question 'why India' (for investing in the country). With reforms (of past six years) and their effects, its proposition has changed to 'why not India',' he said. He cited scrapping of 1,500 old and obsolete laws and farming new ones that in tune with the changing investment order as an example of his government's outlook. 'Earlier investors cited high tax rates to say Why India but today (corporate) tax rates are so competitive that they say 'why not India',' he said. Previously, a web of regulations and rules were cited by investors to ask why to invest in India but easing compliance burden in the new labour laws have made them say 'why not India', he said. Red tape previously made investors say Why India but a red carpet is now making them say 'why not India', he said. "From a non-existent culture for innovation to a new ecosystem promoting and nurturing startups has given the world confidence to say 'why not India'. 'Earlier there was so much government interference that investors said 'why India'. Today the faith reposed by the government in the private sector and encouragement of foreign investors have made the same people say 'why not India',' he said. He stated that new India is pushing towards AatmaNirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India). The government's main focus is on manufacturing and production linked incentives have been given to boost domestic capabilities and capacity, he said. The Prime Minister called on the industry to make all efforts to make India self-reliant. 'Reforms have changed global perception from 'why India' to 'why not India',' he said. 'The world trusts the Indian economy. Record FDI and FPI during pandemic testimony of that.' Modi asked the industry to adopt the best corporate governance and profit-sharing practices. He also said investment in research and development (R&D) must be increased and the private sector must scale up investments. 'There is a great need to increase investment in R&D. In the US, 70 per cent of investments in R&D is done by the private sector, in India the same is done by the public sector. A big chunk of this is in the IT, pharma and transport sectors. Today the need is of increasing the private sector share of investment in R&D,' he said. More R&D funds should be set aside across sectors such as agriculture, defence, space, energy, and construction. 'Today when we are on mission mode to make local-global, we have to react fast to geopolitical developments. A mechanism has to be developed to see how India can meet any sudden spurt in demand in the global supply chain,' he said adding there was a need for better coordination between the Ministry of External Affairs, Commerce and Trade, and industry associations. 'I would urge you to give suggestions on how to react fast and respond on global transformation, how better mechanism can be developed,' he told India Inc. PTI JD ANZ ANZ ANS ANS Mike Pence Reaches Out to US Capitol Cop Who Kept the Mob Away from Senate Chambers During Attack Many in Pence's orbit remain furious at how Trump behaved the day of the insurrection attempt, which brought rioters within seconds of encountering Pence and members of his family in the hallways outside the Senate chamber.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Use 3 large eggs and one egg white beaten with 1 tablespoon water instead of the egg egg substitute, but you'll increase the SmartPoints value. Adjust the broiler rack to 5 inches below the heat; preheat the broiler. Combine the egg substitute, artichoke hearts, mozzarella, pimiento, parsley, salt, and pepper in a bowl; set aside. Heat the oil in an ovenproof, medium skillet over medium-high heat; add the garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Pour in the egg mixture, stirring to distribute it evenly. Reduce the heat to medium and cook until the bottom of the egg mixture is lightly browned, about 1 minute. Place under the broiler and cook until lightly browned on the top, about 2 minutes. Yields 1 frittata per serving.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We adjusted the default alert thresholds for CPU, Memory, and Filesystem to better represent true alarm conditions. After analyzing months of data collected from previous alarms, we determined the current default thresholds were set too low. As a result, we will be adjusting these level to values which will help to reduce false positives. Any custom alert levels that you requested will not be affected by this change. We identified an edge case where an EC2 instance will stop reporting metrics, but won't generate an alert. The EC2 instance hardware and Hypervisor may still be responding to status checks, but the server metrics are not reporting due to an application/OS "lock." To account for this, we are now capturing no-data events and generating alerts. We have made improvements to the language included in any EC2 alert tickets generated by Oxygen. We are now including more detail in the body of the alert as well as more information on next steps. We highlighted this feature in last month's update. The first step in implementing this feature has been to monitor the activity generated internally in order to get a better feel for the amount of alerts that may be generated and sent to your inbox. Our analysis identified the potential for a dramatic increase in alert "noise". For this reason, we have decided to change our strategy and only send a weekly alert via support ticket to notify you of any unmanaged instances in your account. The weekly alert will list any instances requiring SSM. Cloudticity support will take the lead on working with you to remediate these instances. We highlighted this feature in January's update and are excited to announce Unified Logging is ready for general release! Cloudticity's Unified Logging service provides a logging solution that captures server access and security events, aggregating them in a single storage location for querying and visualization. We have built this system on native AWS services with an emphasis on providing a scalable, configurable system at a fraction of the cost to run similar systems using 3rd party solutions. If you are interested in learning more about this service please reach out Steven Middleton.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This page is part of a FREE site located at http://www.usgwarchives.net/oh/tompics/index.htm. If you have arrived here from somewhere else, and are in a frame, you can click the correct url of this page to break free of the frame. Concord Cemetery Liberty Twp. To donate memorial photos for any of the cemeteries located in Ohio, please read our How to Donate Page. We need your help to grow! For those that are perhaps seeing these transcriptions for the first time, the transcriptions may give on first glance, the appearance of a great many typos, so I feel obligated to explain that the abundance of y, m, and d represent abbreviations for year, month and day. Although you will find most engravers follow similar patterns, it seems there are several different abbreviations used to represent these three time terms including: y, yr, yrs, yr's & years; m. mo, mos, mo's, and months; d. da, das, da's, and days and on rare occasions, h, hr, hrs, hr's, and hours. I tend not to use commas except to separate surname from given name, given name from date, except where found on actual inscription, same goes for the [.] (period). When you see the symbol [_] (underscore), I use it to represent missing or unreadable letters, or if a lot of letters are unreadable I may express it by several periods, such as Jos...h . Sometimes you will find raised letters such as "c" in surnames such as in McClain, or if the engraver added smaller letters that were left out and added later, when I encounter them, tend to express them, when possible, as found on the stone. Sometimes engravers will use the latin term Æ or æ, this is just a term that generally replaces the word "aged". One last comment, all actual text found engraved, will come first in bold text. All comments, observations, personal knowledge remarks added by submitter, concerning an individual, but not inscribed on stone, will then proceed in regular text. ~R.M.Sizelove~ These tombstone photos have been generously donated by Dan Disbennett, on 30 Dec., 2006. The most recent update to this page made on 7 Apr., 2008. Please Note: Click on underlined name to view tombstone image. Adams, Frank Hamlin, 1863 - 1945; Mary "Morrison", 1868 - 1922 My Great Grandparents. I had the plate put on for Frank. Row 21 Bowen, Alice Mae, born January 17, 1955, died May 5, 1956, aged 15 months, daughter of Robert & Syllvia Bowen Bowen, Robert J., June 6, 1918 - April 11, 1998; Sylvia M., March 22, 1915 - March 17, 1992 Bullock, Anna L., 1896 - 1950, Mother Daughter of Frank Adams & Mary "Morrison" Adams. Row 20 Helweg, Daniel W., 1888 - 1972; Indus D., 1904 - 2005 Disbennett, Walla S., 1886 - 1963 -Father- ; Ora M., 1888 - 1953 -Mother- Walla is the son of Lemuel R. & Flora L. (Ford) Disbennett. Ora M., wife of Lemmuel is the daughter of Frank Adams. Row 19, My grandparents. Disbennett, Infants of Mr, & Mrs Walla S. Disbennett Unnamed infant daughter & infant son, Raymond Lee Disbennett, children of Walla S. & Ora M. Disbennett. Row. 19 Disbennett, Lemuel R., 1857 - 1935; Flora L., 1861 - 1919 Lemuel is the son of Noah Disbennett. Flora is the daughter of Sylvester Ford. Disbennett, Truxton, 1890 - 1935; Rose, 1894 - 1961 Truxton is the son of Lemuel & Flora Disbennett. Row. 16 Disbennett, John L., Ohio AS USNR, World War II, May 29, 1925 - Feb. 25, 1968 John is the son of Truxton & Rosa Disbennett. Row 16 Disbennett, William J., 1851 - 1929; Mary A., 1855 - 1910; Cora A., 1873 - 1894 William, son of Lemuel & Catherine (Beery) Disbennett of Hocking Co., OH. Not to be confused with Lemuel R. of Licking Co., OH. Mary A., Daughter of Levi Disbennett. William & Mary were cousins. Cora M., daughter of William. Row 12 Disbennett, Clark W., 1859 - 1917 Disbennett Headstone overview Disbennett, Letha F., 1902 - 1914 Disbennett, Harvey B., 1876 - 1954; Lulu Foster, 1878 - 19_ Disbennett, Merle E., Sr. March 9, 1911 - December 15, 1977; Geraldine B., Aug. 24 1928 - Click here for view of his military marker. Duke, Mary F. (Disbennett), May 18, 1913 - July 6, 2007 -Beloved mother, grandmother & great grandmother- Disbennett, Della Florence Longwell, wife of Albert Disbennett, born Aug. 20, 1863, died Sept. 9, 1897 Row 8. Longwell, Clark, born Apr. 14, 1818, died Aug. 2, 1889; Anna Eliza Kelly [Dispennet], his wife, born Oct. 3, 1829, died Nov. 5, 1899 Anna, daughter of George Dispenney & Mary Jane Rorick. Row 7 Back to Licking County Index Return to the OHGenWeb Tombstone Photo Project Index Return to the OHGenWeb Tombstone Project Return to the OHGenWeb Archives This page is maintained by, Robert M. Sizelove, Sr., your Project Manager. Files contributed are for use by the OHGenWeb Tombstone Photo Project and by the OHGenWeb Archives Project USGENWEB NOTICE: All documents, including these electronic photographs placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities, when written permission is obtained from the contributor, so long as all notices and submitter information are included. These electronic pages, may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. © 2001-2017 Robert M. Sizelove, Sr. © 2001 Mary Ann Hetrick © 2000 Debbie Barrett
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Business groups reflect on a 'positive' 2014 Business groups have hailed 2014 as a "landmark" year for Greater Manchester (Image: Mark Waugh) Business groups have hailed 2014 as a "landmark" year for Greater Manchester. The historic devolution deal for Greater Manchester's combined authority, the progress of the £800m Airport City development and Metrolink line to the airport completing a full year ahead of schedule were all cited as highpoints. Leaders at the Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, CBI North West, the Federation of Small Businesses and the Forum of Private Business also agreed that it had been a strong 12 months for exports and the region's rapidly growing science sector. The introduction of the 'Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill', following the Queen's Speech has also been described as important for the region's firms. As has the data showing 38,100 people in Greater Manchester were pocketing Jobseekers' Allowance in November, the lowest number of people claiming since 2005. Chris Fletcher, director of policy and communications at Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce "2014 was the year when the issue of local devolution went from a pipe dream to reality in the space of a few months. "Following the Chancellor's 'Northern Powerhouse' speech in June not many would have thought that just five months later a deal would have been done with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority that well and truly put Greater Manchester back in the driving seat for innovative thinking as regards local government. "Of course much still needs sorting out however the framework is there and while detail is still sparse many chamber members are anticipating the new governance model allowing them a greater say in local issues." "Though many businesses have already stated that without local tax raising powers for example through a reformed business rates mechanism then there may be a significant gap in what the mayor could actually deliver. "2014 also saw the publication of the Chamber's "Campaign for Business" in the lead up to the 2015 election. "The campaign builds on previous work but is delivered in a completely different style which allows complete business engagement which ensures its continued accuracy. Following several months of consultations and evidence gathering from members the 5 themes in the campaign accurately represent the views of Chamber members and what they want from the next government. "Local devolution looms large over much of this so the deal struck with government last November will continue to play a crucial part in our campaign work. "From a Chamber perspective the other highlight of 2014 was the move to our new premises in Elliot House on Deansgate in med-December." Mike Blackburn, chair of Greater Manchester LEP "2014 has been a landmark year for Greater Manchester, with some significant milestones reached as the culmination of many years of action and policy shaping. "It goes without saying that 2014 will be remembered for the historic devolution deal for Greater Manchester's combined authority. The implications of the deal will mean that our city-region can now lead the way in transforming the central nature of the UK's economy; in asserting greater control over some important areas of spending and new decision-making powers. " "It has also been a momentous year for Manchester's scientific legacy, fittingly in what became Manchester's first year as European City of Science. Recent announcements including the £235m Sir Henry Royce Advanced Materials Institute, £40m in life sciences funding for Manchester Science Partnerships, and a £3m grant for the Museum of Science and Industry have been tremendous news for our academic and business community. "Furthermore, Manchester Airport in particular has been central to several success stories with its passenger numbers growing consistently throughout the year. Airport City has progressed well, with DHL becoming the first company to agree to relocate to the £800m development. "The Metrolink line to the airport completing a full year ahead of schedule was also another highpoint, increasing connectivity across the conurbation." Phil Orford MBE, chief executive at the Forum of Private Business "On the positive side, the UK economy has continued to grow at levels above those of our international competitors. "Business support initiatives including regional growth support, research & development tax credits, investment tax incentives and devolved powers will help to support future growth. Access to Start-Up Loans has continued to foster innovation and the birth of new businesses." "On the downside though, we have continued to see sizeable additions to the already significant regulatory burdens placed on small business owners as highlighted in our Cost of Compliance research and the recent Reform Report." "In 2015 pension auto-enrolment will continue to add to small firms' compliance costs in what will remain a challenging time for many." "SME lending figures remain disappointing, despite efforts by the Treasury and the Bank of England through Funding for Lending and the formation of the British Business Bank. Late payment remains an issue for many small firms. "Worryingly, we are now seeing a rising trend of new regressive practices by large retailers which further burden their suppliers' ability to operate profitably with positive cash flow." CBI North West Director Damian Waters "2014 has been a positive year. As I've visited businesses of all types and sizes in all parts of the North West, I've sensed a greater level of optimism than for some time. "It's private sector growth that's driving the UK recovery and this region is playing a significant role in that. Growth in mid-sized businesses here has been very impressive, higher than in most other regions both in turnover and jobs. "The north west is now one of the strongest parts of the UK for exports. The USA is a key market for companies here and growth has been good. "I've also been very pleased to see some important developments this year which can help the region build on this success, not just in the immediate future, but over the second half of the decade and beyond. "Boosting exports is critical to the UK's future growth. Manchester Airports Group's airport city plan got the go ahead and will be a game changer for the region. Without a network of thriving international airports the UK risks missing out on export links to the world's emerging and fastest-growing markets. "The notion of a Northern powerhouse of cities, helped to fulfil their jobs and wealth-generating potential, is exciting. It puts our region at the centre of national attention. Manchester's deal with the Chancellor broke new ground. "Our transport networks are the arteries of our economy which is why the businesses I speak to are encouraged by support for our infrastructure which is vital to attracting new business investment. And, just yesterday new CBI figures showed that, as recovery continues, firms here have some of the strongest job-creation intentions in the UK. "The balance between companies expecting to add to their workforce and those planning to cut jobs is a positive 49 per cent in the north west, beaten only by Scotland. "More and more of those jobs will be permanent and the outlook for young people is also brighter. Firms are looking to boost their graduate in-take and expand apprenticeships." Simon Edmondson, regional chair for Manchester & North Cheshire, Federation of Small Businesses "There have been so many highlights over the past 12 months, it's hard to pick the few that really stand out. For me personally though, May's National Conference which was held here in Manchester in the FSB's 40th anniversary year was a great experience. "Not only did we have George Osborne there on the opening day, but later in the week we also welcomed Ed Milliband and various other MPs. "I think the event showed just how far the FSB has come as a business support and lobbying organisation, and also underlines how well regarded we are in the corridors of power. FSB speaks, politicians listen. "The Queen's Speech in June was also a landmark moment with the introduction of the 'Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill'. This was a significant piece of legislation that, for the first time, specifically addresses the needs of small businesses. "The proposed legislation represents a major achievement for the FSB, which has long campaigned for measures to create a fairer marketplace and improve the general operating environment for small businesses. "Tackling issues around prompt payment, access to finance, employment law, procurement and large pub companies controlling rent increases and beer prices for smaller public establishments – are all issues that really impact on small business so it's great to see some positive movement to address them." Follow @MENBusinessDesk Airport City Greater Manchester Combined Authority Local Enterprise Partnership EmploymentThis high street bank is helping Mancunians improve their digital skills for FREE - find out whyLloyds Banking Group has pledged to provide digital skills training for 1.8 million individuals, SMEs and charities across the UK by 2020 EconomyWhat would YOU change if you were Greater Manchester's mayor for the day?Share your best ideas to improve the city region's economy and be in with a chance of winning a spa day and meal at a top Manchester hotel HattersleyTameside to get new £10m science park which will bring 200 new jobsAn engineering firm wants to set up on the site of the Hattersley Industrial Estate IRA Manchester bombRecap: The IRA bomb in Manchester... what happened on June 15, 1996Twenty years ago today the heart of Manchester was blown apart by mainland Britain's biggest peacetime bomb, planted by the IRA BoltonHow a landscape gardening firm used a community platform to turn business aroundMoss Hall Home Services is witnessing strong growth after using InYourArea.co.uk to reach new hyperlocal customers
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JAY WRIGHT Jay Wright at ease leaving Nova after 'fighting it' as coach Former Villanova coach Jay Wright says he is at ease with his decision to retire after saying he was "fighting it" to stay engaged during the Wildcats' Final Four season last year. North Carolina, Gonzaga are 1-2 atop AP Top 25 men's poll North Carolina and Gonzaga are 1-2 in the first regular-season men's college basketball poll from The Associated Press. Dunn's late free throws help Temple stun No. 16 Villanova Damian Dunn drew a foul on a driving layup with 1.1 seconds left and made both free throws to send Temple past No. 16 Villanova 68-64 on Friday night. Big East basketball preview: Can Creighton finally knock off Villanova in the post-Jay Wright era? Here's everything you need to know about the Big East:Ranked Big East TeamsFor the full Associated Press preseason Top 25 poll, click here. VillanovaOthers receiving votes: UConn (101), Xavier (29)Preseason Coaches' PollThis poll was conducted by the Big East . His Creighton squad is not only capable of claiming its first solo Big East title, but making a deep run in the NCAA tournament. With this group, there's no reason why the Blue Jays can't finally take over the Big East and successfully make a deep tournament run. Villanova will undoubtedly be in the mix to win one of the Big East titles for a 10th consecutive season this spring. Phillies' World Series run leads wild run of Philly success The Philadelphia Phillies are leading a sports renaissance in the city. Former Villanova coach Jay Wright reportedly joining CBS, Turner Sports as a broadcaster Jay Wright is joining CBS. The longtime Villanova coach and Hall of Famer will join CBS and Turner Sports this season as a broadcaster, according to The New York Post's Andrew Marchand . Wright will both call games and work in-studio for CBS throughout the college basketball season, and then work in studio for the networks during the Final Four. The two-time Coach of the Year finished with a career 642-282 overall record, and was inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame last year. Wright was widely considered a top target to join a network as a college basketball analyst since he announced his retirement. North Carolina No. 1 in preseason AP Top 25 men's basketball North Carolina is No. 1 in the preseason AP Top 25 men's basketball poll. Wright cites lost 'edge' in surprise Villanova retirement Villanova Wright Basketball Jay Wright speaks at a news conference about his resignation as NCAA college basketball coach at Villanova, in Villanova, Pa., Friday, April 22, 2022. The 60-year-old Wright shocked college basketball this week with his retirement from the Big East program he led to two national championships and four Final Fours in a Hall of Fame career. "I started to feel like I didn't have the edge that I've always had," Wright said. Wright needed three years to build a foundation before Villanova broke through with a trip to the 2005 Sweet 16. ___More AP college basketball: https://apnews.com/hub/college-basketball and https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-basketball-poll and https://twitter.com/AP_Top25Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. Jay Wright says he no longer had the mental edge he needed to continue his career and that's why he decided to retire at Villanova. Wright resigns as Villanova coach, Neptune takes over Villanova Wright Basketball FILE - Villanova coach Jay Wright celebrates after the NCAA men's college basketball tournament championship game against North Carolina, April 4, 2016, in Houston. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File) (David J. Phillip)PHILADELPHIA — (AP) — Jay Wright, the Villanova basketball coach who led the Wildcats to two national championships and four Final Fours, stunned college basketball with his resignation Wednesday night. "It's time for us to enter a new era of Villanova basketball," Wright said in a statement. I am excited to remain a part of Villanova and look forward to working with (Villanova) and the rest of the leadership team."Kyle Neptune, who served on the Villanova coaching staff before accepting the head coaching position at Fordham in 2021, returned to replace Wright. ___More AP college basketball: https://apnews.com/hub/college-basketball and https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-basketball-poll and https://twitter.com/AP_Top25Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. Jay Wright shocked college basketball Wednesday night with his immediate resignation at Villanova, the Big East program he led to two national championships and four Final Fours in a Hall of Fame career. Final Four sparks debate: What merits blueblood status? NCAA Final Four Villanova Basketball The Villanova team poses after practice for the men's Final Four NCAA college basketball tournament, Friday, April 1, 2022, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) (David J. Phillip)NEW ORLEANS — (AP) — North Carolina has won six national championships and reached more Final Fours than any program in college basketball. Nobody disputes the blueblood status of any of those programs. "Our program, without question, it's one of the top programs in the country," Kansas coach Bill Self said, "and nobody can debate that at all. "A blueblood is a really successful program that was built from the ground up," the Wildcats' Jermaine Samuels said. North Carolina, Duke and Kansas are bona fide basketball bluebloods, the best of the best in the men's college game. Final Four gets experience boost from transfer portal, COVID Exactly 10 years after a bunch of one-and-done phenoms for Kentucky cut down the nets in the Big Easy, there is a much more old-school feel to this year's Final Four. Villanova's Justin Moore has torn Achilles tendon Villanova guard and second-leading scorer Justin Moore will undergo surgery this week for a torn Achilles tendon. Duke-Carolina, Kansas-Nova set for epic Final Four showdowns Duke and North Carolina will meet for the 257th time but first in the NCAA Tournament when they tip off Saturday night in the Final Four in New Orleans. Kansas races past Miami in 2nd half, reaches 16th Final Four Ochai Agbaji, David McCormack and Christian Braun powered a dazzling second half for Kansas, and the top-seeded Jayhawks pounded Miami 76-50 to advance to the program's 16th Final Four. Villanova to 7th Final Four, beats Houston 50-44 in South NCAA Houston Villanova Basketball Villanova guard Collin Gillespie passes around Houston guard Jamal Shead during the first half of a college basketball game in the Elite Eight round of the NCAA tournament on Saturday, March 26, 2022, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) (David J. Phillip)SAN ANTONIO — (AP) — Jermaine Samuels had 16 points and 10 rebounds as Villanova advanced to its third NCAA Final Four in the last six NCAA Tournaments with a grind-it-out 50-44 victory over Houston in the South Region final Saturday. After Villanova missed three shots on the same possession — and was still without any second-chance points in the game — Moore got the long rebound on the break. Villanova had scored the first five points of the game, including a 3-pointer by Samuels on the first shot. Villanova: This is the fourth time in a row that Villanova won when getting to a regional final and advanced to the Final Four, following 2009, 2016 and 2018. Jermaine Samuels had 16 points and 10 rebounds as Villanova advanced to its third Final Four in the last six NCAA Tournaments with a 50-44 victory over Houston in the South Region final. TIPPING OFF: Coach K win away from record 13th Final Four Mike Krzyzewski would pass famed UCLA coach John Wooden for most Final Four appearances if No. 2 seed Duke can beat fourth-seeded Arkansas in the West Region final in San Francisco. Sweet 16: Coach K says 'It's not the coaching.' But it is Duke keeps winning games in the NCAA Tournament and Mike Krzyzewski keeps telling anyone who will listen, "It's not the coaching.". Samuels powers Villanova over Michigan 63-55 in Sweet 16 Jermaine Samuels scored 22 points and Villanova controlled Michigan in a 63-55 Sweet 16 victory in the NCAA Tournament. Villanova back to Sweet 16 after 71-61 win over Ohio State Collin Gillespie scored 20 points, Eric Dixon hit a big 3-pointer late and second-seeded Villanova fended off seventh-seeded Ohio State 71-61 in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. TIPPING OFF: Izzo, Coach K meet for last time, Sweet 16 spot The matchup between Hall of Fame coaches Mike Krzyzewski of Duke and Tom Izzo of Michigan State highlights the final day of the NCAA Tournament's opening weekend. March Madness brings back feel of the good ol' days College basketball fans hungering for a return to normal this March should feel happy. Back to normal: Zags, Baylor join KU, Arizona as NCAA No. 1s WCC Saint Marys Gonzaga Basketball Gonzaga's Julian Strawther (0) celebrates during the second half of an NCAA college basketball championship game against Saint Mary's at the West Coast Conference tournament Tuesday, March 8, 2022, in Las Vegas. Gonzaga is the overall top seed, with Arizona, Kansas and Baylor joining them on the "1" line for this "seems like old times" NCAA Tournament. 1 seeds again, with the Zags the 15-4 favorite to win the title, according to FanDuel Sportsbook. Dayton would have been in were it not for an upset in its Atlantic 10 conference tournament. The Big East, Big 12 and Southeastern Conference placed six teams each. Gonzaga gets top nod for NCAAs, Arizona, KU, Baylor next (AP Photo/John Locher) (John Locher)Gonzaga received the top overall seed for the NCAA Tournament, with Arizona, Kansas and defending champion Baylor joining the Zags as No. 2 seed, won the Big East title in front of a packed house at Madison Square Garden. Last year, all the teams played in front of limited crowds in a makeshift bubble in and around Indianapolis. One thing that remains the same: Last year's finalists, Gonzaga and Baylor, are top seeds, with the Zags the favorite to win it all. Coach Mike Krzyzewski's last tournament has Duke playing in the West, meaning he might have to get past Gonzaga in the regional final to make his 13th Final Four. The March Madness bracket is out. Champs again: Villanova tops Creighton to win Big East title BEast Creighton Villanova Basketball Villanova's Caleb Daniels (14) drives past Creighton's Arthur Kaluma (24) during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game in the final of the Big East conference tournament Saturday, March 12, 2022, in New York. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II) (Frank Franklin II)NEW YORK — (AP) — Collin Gillespie buried consecutive 3-pointers late in the game that put No. 8 Villanova ahead for good, and the Wildcats beat Creighton 54-48 to win the Big East Tournament championship Saturday night at Madison Square Garden. Villanova won Big East Tournament titles under Wright in 2015 and from 2017-2019. Creighton has now lost four Big East championship games, in 2014, 2017, and last season to Georgetown. Collin Gillespie nailed consecutive 3-pointers late in the game that put No. 8 Villanova ahead for good, and the Wildcats beat Creighton 54-48 to win the Big East Tournament championship at Madison Square Garden. While Collin Gillespie waited to twirl the souvenir net from atop a ladder he could not have climbed a year ago, he was spotted by another former Villanova star who knows how to win a championship game in crunch time. Kris Jenkins joked maybe it was his and Gillespie's shared uniform No. 2 that made the Wildcats so fearless when the outcome was at stake. Or maybe it's just the Wildcat Way forged under coach Jay Wright of shaking off nerves, bad shots, a stifling defense, whatever distraction got in their way, to always hit that next big shot and win the next big game. No. 14 Villanova hits 12 3s in 82-42 romp over Butler 14 Villanova to its sixth straight win, 82-42 over Butler on Sunday. The Wildcats (13-4, 6-1 Big East) are rolling again since dropping their conference opener and never let Butler get comfortable at the Wells Fargo Center. Butler (9-7, 2-3) had given coach Jay Wright's Wildcats fits more than any other team in the Big East since 2016. Gillespie and Eric Dixon each made all four of their shots and Villanova was 5 of 7 on 3s. Villanova: Retire 2017 Big East player of the year and current New Orleans Pelicans guard Josh Hart's jersey on Wednesday against Marquette. Collin Gillespie hit five 3-pointers and scored 17 points, and Justin Moore scored 15 points to lead No. 14 Villanova to an 82-42 win over Butler. No. 2 Baylor primed for top after 57-36 win over No. 6 Nova Villanova Baylor Basketball Villanova guard Justin Moore, left, drives past Baylor forward Jonathan Tchamwa Tchatchoua (23) to the basket during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game on Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021, in Waco, Texas. (AP Photo/Ray Carlin) (Ray Carlin)WACO, Texas — (AP) — James Akinjo had 16 points with seven rebounds and second-ranked Baylor defensively dominated No. 6 Villanova 57-36 on Sunday, a victory that's likely to put the defending national champion Bears in the top spot in the new poll. Wright has won two NCAA titles, both in Texas — in Houston in 2016 and San Antonio in 2018. Baylor: Akinjo, a senior transfer in his first season at Baylor, began his college career in the Big East at Georgetown before playing at Arizona last year. James Akinjo had 16 points with seven rebounds and second-ranked Baylor defensively dominated No. 6 Villanova 57-36. Purdue beats Villanova 80-74 to win Tip-Off tournament UNCASVILLE, Conn. — (AP) — Purdue's biggest men came up large in a huge early season game. 5 Villanova 80-74 on Sunday and win the Hall of Fame Tip-Off Tournament. It doesn't show up in this box score, but it shows up with our staff."Caleb Furst and Isaiah Thompson each had 12 points for Purdue. "They just played a really intelligent game for 40 minutes," Villanova coach Jay Wright said. This was the first time this season Purdue has failed to reach 90 points. Zach Edey scored 21 points and No. 6 Purdue overcame an 11-point second-half deficit to beat No. 5 Villanova 80-74 and win the Hall of Fame Tip-Off Tournament. Purdue's biggest men came up large in a huge early season game. Zach Edey scored 21 points and No. 6 Purdue overcame an 11-point second-half deficit to beat No. 5 Villanova 80-74 on Sunday and win the Hall of Fame Tip-Off Tournament. The team's other post, 6-10 Trevion Williams, added nine points and four boards for the Boilermakers (5-0), who dominated underneath, outscoring the Wildcats 38-18 in the paint and outrebounding them 38-26. No. 5 Villanova routs No. 17 Tennessee 71-53 in Tip-Off Jermaine Samuels scored 14 points and grabbed 11 rebounds as No. 5 Villanova eased to a 71-53 win over No. 17 Tennessee Saturday in the opening round of the Hall of Fame Tip-Off tournament in Connecticut. Hall of Fame Tip-Off tourney to feature 4 ranked teams Villanova UCLA Basketball Villanova head coach Jay Wright claps from the bench during overtime of an NCAA college basketball game against UCLA Friday, Nov. 12, 2021, in Los Angeles. The second week is mostly filled with pay-to-play games, with one exception: the Hall of Fame Tip-Off Tournament in Uncasville, Connecticut, this weekend. "I think we can be a good team but we still have work to do," Villanova coach Jay Wright said. New-look Tennessee (2-0) has rolled through its early schedule, beating UT-Martin and East Tennessee State by a combined 60 points. "They're elite on both ends of the floor, have incredible size and great talent," Indiana State coach Josh Schertz said. The opening week of the college basketball season, as it usually is, was filled with marquee games. No. 2 UCLA rallies to beat No. 4 Villanova 86-77 Villanova UCLA Basketball UCLA player huddle in the closing seconds of an overtime win over Villanova during an NCAA college basketball game Friday, Nov. 12, 2021, in Los Angeles. 2 UCLA backed up its Final Four run last spring with an 86-77 overtime victory against fourth-ranked Villanova on Friday night. Samuels scored 20 points and Gillespie scored 18 points to lead Villanova (1-1). The first was in the 1971 national championship game at the Houston Astrodome, with UCLA beating Villanova 68-62. ... Cedric the Entertainer and actor Jessica Alba, the daughter-in-law of UCLA great Mike Warren, and Jamaal Wilkes were on hand. Timme, Juzang, Cockburn headline AP preseason All-Americans Drew Timme of Gonzaga is the lone unanimous selection on The Associated Press preseason All-America team. Pierce, Bosh, and Russell (again) inducted into hoops Hall Four months after the pandemic-delayed induction of the Class of 2020, the Basketball Hall of Fame gathered to enshrine 16 more new members. Pierce leads class of 16 into basketball Hall of Fame I guess somebody has to be the villain," Pierce said Friday, a day before he is to be inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. "I'm comfortable with that."A 10-time All-Star and the MVP of the 2008 NBA finals, Pierce was in a class of 16 scheduled to be honored at the Springfield, Massachusetts, shrine Saturday night. Pierce has long held a grudge over slipping in the draft — behind such players as Michael Olowokandi (first), Raef LaFrentz (third) and Robert Traylor (sixth). It has been really, really great to see."Wright was selling tickets for a USFL team when a friend turned down a college coaching offer and passed along Wright's name instead. The daughter of two Australian national team players, Jackson was the WNBA MVP three times and she also played for her homeland in four Olympics, winning three silver medals and a bronze. Boston Celtics star Paul Pierce was in a class of 16 scheduled to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame this weekend. Spoelstra to help coach USA Basketball select team in Vegas Erik Spoelstra and Gregg Popovich have often spoken of how much they enjoy coaching against one another. The Hall calls: Wright, Wallace, Griffith among 2021 class Hall Of Fame 2021 Class Basketball FILE - Villanova head coach Jay Wright celebrates after the NCAA Final Four tournament college basketball championship game against North Carolina, Monday, April 4, 2016, in Houston. Wright is among those announced Sunday, May 16, 2021 as the 2021 class for the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Yolanda Griffith got a job repossessing cars so she could take care of herself and her infant daughter while playing community college basketball. Wright, Wallace and Griffith were part of a 16-person class that was announced Sunday as the 2021 inductees for the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Fitzsimmons was a two-time NBA coach of the year who coached, among others, Charles Barkley, Jason Kidd and Steve Nash. The Hall calls: Bosh, Webber, Wright among the 2021 class Hall Of Fame 2021 Class Basketball FILE - Miami Heat center Chris Bosh celebrates after scoring during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the New York Knicks, Monday, Feb. 9, 2015, in Miami. Bosh is among those announced Sunday, May 16, 2021 as the 2021 class for the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. — (AP) — Jay Wright was in trouble three years into his tenure at Villanova, with speculation swirling that he would be fired. Chris Webber had been a finalist for years, only to be let down time and time again. Bosh, Webber and Wright were among the names announced Sunday as this year's Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame enshrinement class, a group that also includes Paul Pierce and WNBA stars Yolanda Griffith and Lauren Jackson. Jay Wright used to sell tickets to games in the long-defunct United States Football League. Close range: Baylor grinds to Elite 8 in 62-51 win ova 'Nova Davion Mitchell, a 46% shooter from 3 this season, went 0 for 3 from long range on a 14-point day. Jared Butler scored nine points on 1-for-9 shooting from 3, and MaCio Teague had five points without a 3. The guards did a great job of not settling and probing more."Because of that, Baylor shot 53% in the second half, even though it made only one 3. Constantly harassing Villanova shooters who'd carved out space in the first half, Baylor held Villanova to 37.5% shooting in the second and 0 for 9 from 3. Forward Brandon Slater left the game about midway through the second half after landing awkwardly during a fight for a rebound. The Latest: Every seed except 16 has a team in second round In 2016, 2013 and 1991, seed lines 1-15 all had a team reach the second round. UMBC in 2018 is still the only 16 seed to make the round of 32, but no 15 seed won that year. Ad___8:00 p.m.Don't expect a track meet when Villanova and North Texas play in the second round of the South Region on Sunday. The matchup between the fifth-seeded Wildcats and 13th-seeded Mean Green features two of the most deliberately paced teams in the NCAA Tournament. UNC Wilmington's John Goldsberry holds the record for most 3-point attempts without a miss in an NCAA Tournament game. Georgetown upsets Big East top seed Villanova 72-71 at MSG The Hoyas are back in the Big East Tournament semifinals for the first time in six years, with the former Georgetown and Knicks star leading the way. Georgetown last reached the Big East semifinals in 2015. "We played against the Cadillac, the Bentley, whatever you want to call them, of the Big East — the class of the Big East. The quarterfinal day at the Garden is often the best of the Big East Tournament. They had not won even a single Big East Tournament game since 2016 before beating Marquette in the first round Wednesday. Kawhi and Popovich reunited? Leonard wants to go to Olympics Los Angeles Clippers forward Kawhi Leonard (2) shoots against Washington Wizards center Moritz Wagner, left, during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Thursday, March 4, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)Kawhi Leonard is planning to play for Gregg Popovich again and chase a gold medal. Leonard said Sunday at the All-Star Game in Atlanta that he is planning to compete with USA Basketball this summer at the rescheduled Tokyo Olympics — which would reunite him with Popovich. Popovich will serve as head coach at the Olympics for the first time. "If I feel up to it and feel ready to go around that time, then I'm going to play," Leonard said. Late tip-in helps Providence hold off No. 10 Villanova 54-52 (AP Photo/Stew Milne)David Duke made a tiebreaking tip-in with 2.8 seconds left on Saturday and Providence held on after blowing a 20-point lead to beat No. Duke and Nate Watson scored 20 points apiece, and Noah Horchler had 10 points and 13 rebounds for Providence (13-12, 9-10 Big East). PC led 38-18 in the first before Villanova scored the first 11 points of the second. He joined Gillespie on the bench for the second half, wearing a boot. SECOND HALF WOESProvidence took an 11-point lead into halftime in its last game, against St. John's on Wednesday. Villanova wins Big East title; McDermott coaches under fire McDermott's use of a phrase evoking slavery overshadowed what was expected to be fantastic showdown between the top two teams in the Big East. 10 Villanova capture the Big East title with a 72-60 win over 14th-ranked Creighton. "The pain I saw in their eyes was immense," McDermott said after the game. The Big East title was a formality on the Main Line — Villanova is 114-26 with two national titles since the conference was reconfigured in 2013. BIG PICTURECreighton: McDermott isn't off the hot seat yet. The Latest: Boston's Charlie Coyle enters NHL COVID protocol Coyle becomes just the second Bruins' player added to the protocol, and first since Karson Kuhlman spent the first two days of the season on the list in January. Each person attending the games will be required to comply with all state public health regulations and arena policies. ___The Atlantic Coast Conference announced Wednesday that Virginia Tech's men's basketball game at North Carolina State on Saturday has been canceled. The cancellation follows quarantining and a contract tracing review within the Virginia Tech men's program. NC State says it would like to find another league game to replace it if they can. No. 19 Creighton rolls past No. 5 'Nova behind Zegarowski The Bluejays pulled away early in the second half of the meeting of the Big East's top two teams. Early in the second half, Zegarowski made a move to get Gillespie to go the other way, then swished a one-handed floater in the lane. The Wildcats had shot 70% in the second half of that game and a season-best 63% overall. The Wildcats weren't nearly as good at CHI Health Center, shooting 33% in the second half and 37.5% for the game. Creighton: This was the performance the Bluejays had been looking for from Zegarowski, who had been up and down following offseason knee surgery. St. John's shuts down No. 3 Villanova in 70-59 upset Alexander scored 16 points and St. John's smothered No. The latest victory gave St. John's its first four-game Big East winning streak since the 2014-15 NCAA Tournament team. '"AdVillanova was the first top-5 opponent to play in the Queens gym since St. John's lost 72-71 to No. If we can get a Big East game, we've got to play the Big East game. St. John's: Saturday at Providence, which has won nine of the past 11 meetings. The Latest: Boston College down to 4 scholarship players Four games were postponed because of players testing positive or quarantining under the COVID-19 protocol. DePaul's previously postponed game at St. John's on Jan. 2 has been rescheduled for Feb. 20. Major League Baseball last week proposed a one-month delay in starting spring training due to the coronavirus pandemic. ___The Cleveland Indians will not be allowing fans to watch their spring training workouts in Arizona due to the COVID-19 pandemic. AdThere has not yet been a decision on whether fans will be able to attend spring training games. No. 3 Villanova rolls to 9th straight, handles Seton Hall 3 Villanova went up by 16 points in the second half, Jay Wright never felt comfortable against Seton Hall. Jeremiah Robinson-Earl scored 23 points in a foul-plagued 21 minutes and Villanova rolled to ninth straight victory with an unexpectedly easy 80-72 decision over Seton Hall on Saturday. Seton Hall coach Kevin Willard was disappointed. That kills you against really good teams."UP NEXTVillanova: at St. John's on Wednesday. Seton Hall: at Providence on Wednesday. No. 3 Villanova edges Seton Hall in return from 27-day break 3 Villanova win its first game in 27 days, 76-74 over Seton Hall on Tuesday night. Mamukelashvili scored 23 points and Rhoden had 19. Myles Cale pulled Seton Hall to 72-70 with 2:33 left and Nova's Justin Moore was whistled for an offensive foul. Mamukelashvili tied it and the Seton Hall bench started chanting "Defense! Gillespie missed a 3 and Shavar Reynolds grabbed the defensive board to set up a late look for Seton Hall. Duke falls out of AP Top 25; Gonzaga, Baylor remain 1-2 (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)Gonzaga and Baylor maintained their grip on the top two spots in The Associated Press men's basketball poll Monday. "Everyone has dealt with this," said Wright, whose team finally gets back on the court Tuesday night against Seton Hall. The Golden Gophers were followed by Auburn, one of this week's poll newcomers, Missouri and Clemson. "We're still finding out about our team," said coach Mike Krzyzewski, whose team nearly rallied from an 18-point deficit against Virginia Tech. IN AND OUTThe Bruins were the other newcomer to this week's poll after improving to 11-2 and 7-0 in the Pac-12 with consecutive wins over Washington State and Washington. The Latest: South Carolina coach Martin to miss game at LSU FILE - Villanova head coach Jay Wright gestures during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game against Georgetown in Washington, in this Saturday, March 7, 2020, file photo. South Carolina, 3-2 this season, has had seven scheduled games called off because of COVID-19. ___Xavier's scheduled men's basketball game Saturday at Seton Hall has been postponed because of COVID-19 related issues within the Xavier program. ___The Atlantic Coast Conference says Saturday's men's basketball game between Georgia Tech and North Carolina State has been postponed. ___Michigan State is postponing a second straight men's basketball game due to a COVID-19 outbreak within its basketball program. The Latest: 3 Mavericks players out under COVID-19 protocols The people say one was because of a positive test for COVID-19 and the other two for contact tracing protocols. On the women's side, the Cavaliers remain in COVID-19 protocols and haven't played since Dec. 13 with four straight games postponed. LSU will visit Mississippi on Saturday night after both teams had their originally scheduled games postponed. ___Defender Matthijs De Ligt is the third Juventus player to test positive for COVID-19 in a week. ___The Georgia State men's basketball team postponed games against Troy on Friday and Saturday and paused all team activities following multiple positive COVID-19 tests. The Latest: No. 3 Villanova's next 3 games postponed 3 Villanova's next three games have been postponed because of COVID-19 issues within the program. The Wildcats (8-1) were scheduled to play Tuesday at DePaul, Friday vs. Marquette, and Jan. 13 at Xavier. Coach Jay Wright announced last week he had tested positive for COVID-19 and the program paused all activities. Wright was scheduled to return to practice on Tuesday. ___More AP sports: https://apnews.com/apf-sports and https://twitter.com/AP_SportsThe Latest on xxxxxxx (all times local): Big Ten grind highlights marquee matchups of ranked teams 17 Michigan State — sets the stage for what could be an epic start to the new year in the improbably deep Big Ten. 15 Illinois and Michigan State visits the Cornhuskers. The weekend wraps up Sunday with Wisconsin visiting Penn State, Northwestern heading to Michigan and Ohio State traveling to Minnesota in a pair of matchups involving ranked teams. The Hokies already have wins over teams that were ranked in Villanova and Clemson. BIG 12 BATTLESThe Big Ten has the most teams in the Top 25 but the Big 12 may have the best — the league has five teams ranked in the top 13. The Latest: 'Nova pauses hoops, coach Wright tests positive Wright says in a statement issued Sunday by Villanova that he another staff member tested positive. ___Syracuse has paused all women's basketball-related activities and contact tracing is underway after a positive COVID-19 test was confirmed within the program. Their next scheduled game is Thursday at home against North Carolina. One of the Bulls players tested positive after the game. The Gamecocks last played Dec. 17 against Temple. Villanova coach Wright gets 600th win in victory over Butler 7 Villanova, and coach Jay Wright won his 600th career game in an 85-66 victory over Butler on Wednesday night. Wright (600-268) was already Villanova's winningest coach and he became the 39th coach in Division I history to reach 600 wins. Wright is 478-183 since he was hired in 2001 and he has built the Wildcats into one of the elite programs in college basketball. Villanova: The Wildcats hit 10 3s and showed they have the talent to again win the Big East. ___More AP college basketball: https://apnews.com/hub/college-basketball and https://twitter.com/AP_Top25
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Pontius Pilatus was een Romeins politicus uit de eerste eeuw na Chr. Hij stamde uit het oude Samnitische geslacht van de Pontii en behoorde tot de stand van de equites. Pilatus was van 26 tot 36 na Chr. de 5e praefectus civitatum van Judea (de praefectus Iudaeae), onder het gezag van het Romeinse Rijk ten tijde van keizer Tiberius. Hij was de opvolger van Valerius Gratus. Pilatus wordt in het Nieuwe Testament en de Apostolische geloofsbelijdenis genoemd als degene die Jezus van Nazareth liet kruisigen. De onbuigzame Pilatus Philo van Alexandrië beschrijft hem als een harde, onbuigzame man. Volgens de Joodse geschiedschrijver Flavius Josephus kwetste hij de Joden diep door na verplaatsing van het Romeinse garnizoen van Caesarea naar Jeruzalem heimelijk midden in de nacht Romeinse insignia met de beeltenis van de keizer, de princeps, op een openbare plaats in Jeruzalem neer te laten zetten. Voor de Joden was het vereren van beeltenissen van personen een gruwel (een van de Tien geboden). Zijn voorgangers hadden daar rekening mee gehouden, maar Pilatus negeerde deze gevoeligheid. Deze daad veroorzaakte een volksopstand in Caesarea. Na lang aanhouden van beide kanten zwichtte Pilatus uiteindelijk en verplaatste de beeltenissen van de princeps van Jeruzalem terug naar Caesarea. Ook gebruikte Pilatus volgens Philo en Josephus geld uit de tempelkas om een watervoorziening te laten aanleggen. Tienduizenden Joden, waaronder veel Galileërs, stroomden naar Jeruzalem voor een massaal protest, wat eindigde in een bloedbad. Soldaten als burgers vermomd doodden zonder onderscheid een groot aantal demonstranten. Dit alles zette natuurlijk kwaad bloed. Proces tegen Jezus Het verhaal in het Nieuwe Testament over het proces tegen Jezus kan niet zonder historisch-kritische evaluatie worden gebruikt om een goed beeld te krijgen van de historische persoon Pontius Pilatus. De verhalen waren er mede op gericht de schuld voor Jezus' kruisiging bij de Joden neer te leggen om problemen voor christenen met de Romeinen te voorkomen. Waarom de Romeinen Jezus veroordeelden en executeerden kan niet met zekerheid worden vastgesteld. Er zijn echter enkele mogelijkheden die door diverse godsdiensthistorici als waarschijnlijk of mogelijk worden beschouwd: De meeste historici beschouwen het incident in de tempel als belangrijkste aanleiding. Ook volgens de evangeliën begint de behandeling van Jezus' zaak met de aanklacht van zijn dreigement jegens de tempel, maar waren de getuigenverklaringen niet "afdoende". Als de hogepriester Kajafas en zijn adviseurs hadden geweten dat Jezus als een "koning" zou zijn onthaald, hadden ze zich al eerder met zijn zaak beziggehouden. De hogepriester was verantwoordelijk voor de orde in Judea en Jeruzalem in het bijzonder. Aangezien Kajafas langer als hogepriester onder de Romeinen diende dan wie dan ook, kan worden aangenomen dat hij capabel was. De hogepriester wilde Jezus daarom dood om dezelfde reden waarom Antipas Johannes dood wilde: hij zou problemen kunnen veroorzaken.Jezus was gevaarlijk, want hij had volgelingen. Hij had enige tijd over "het koninkrijk" onderwezen. Hij had fysieke actie ondernomen in de tempel. Hij was niet gek en dus potentieel gevaarlijk. Daarom adviseerde Kajafas Pilatus Jezus te executeren. Volgens de evangeliën zette Kajafas zijn oordeel kracht bij door Jezus te beschuldigen van godslastering, wat kan duiden op een ultieme poging steun te krijgen voor het doodsvonnis dat hij hoe dan ook wilde vellen (ongeacht of dit een terechte grondslag van de veroordeling was).De Romeinen wilden onrust tijdens Pesach vermijden, beschouwden Jezus als een onruststoker en executeerden hem daarom. De tweede richting zoekt de verklaring voor de executie in de eerste plaats bij het gegeven dat Jezus en zijn aanhangers door Pontius Pilatus, al dan niet terecht, voor opstandelingen tegen het Romeinse gezag in Judea werden aangezien. De formulering 'koning van de Joden' verraadt het perspectief van buitenstaanders. Hieruit volgt, dat de Romeinen Jezus executeerden omdat ze hem beschouwden als iemand die de macht over de Joden wilde grijpen.In dit geval blijft wel de vraag open, waarom alleen Jezus als leider van de vermeende opstand werd vervolgd, aangezien de Romeinen in andere gevallen tot collectieve straffen overgingen. Het precieze verloop van de gerechtelijke procedure tegen Jezus bij de Joodse en Romeinse autoriteiten is onmogelijk te reconstrueren. Uit wat we weten over Pilatus' verdere handelen bij processen en executies, kunnen we met grote waarschijnlijkheid concluderen dat het verslag in de evangeliën over Jezus' ondervraging een poging was problemen met de Romeinen te voorkomen: Philo (tijdgenoot van Pilatus) schreef over Pilatus' executies zonder proces en Pilatus werd uiteindelijk uit zijn ambt gezet vanwege grootschalige en slecht doordachte executies. Naar alle waarschijnlijkheid ontving Pilatus Kajafas' aanklacht, liet Jezus geselen en ondervroeg hem kort. Toen de antwoorden niet bevredigend waren, stuurde hij hem naar het kruis zonder er verder over te hoeven nadenken. Een voorzichtiger Pilatus Op 18 oktober van het jaar 31 werd Pilatus' positie verzwakt door de val van zijn vriend Lucius Aelius Seianus, een gunsteling van Tiberius. Door gekonkel en intriges had deze Seianus veel macht in het Romeinse Rijk verworven. Maar toen een complot werd ontdekt om de macht te grijpen werd hij terechtgesteld. Het is mogelijk dat Pilatus vanaf die tijd heel beducht was voor enige verdenking vanuit Rome dat hij de princeps ontrouw zou zijn. Val van Pilatus In 36 na Chr. kwam Pilatus ten val. De directe aanleiding was een incident op de berg Gerizim, een voor Samaritanen zeer heilige berg, waar een grote groep van hen op aanwijzing van een profeet naar de heilige Ark van het Verbond wilden graven. Deze Ark was vermist sinds de verwoesting van de Tempel van Salomo. Pilatus vertrouwde de samenscholing niet en liet een aantal van de gravers ombrengen. Er ging een klacht met een beschuldiging van moord op onschuldige burgers naar Lucius Vitellius, gouverneur van Syrië. Die gebood Pilatus naar Rome te gaan om tekst en uitleg te geven aan princeps Tiberius en benoemde direct Marcellus als procurator van Judea en Jeruzalem in zijn plaats. Toen Pilatus, die Vitellius niet ongehoorzaam durfde te zijn, op 16 maart 37 in Rome aankwam, was Tiberius al gestorven. Volgens min of meer legendarische bronnen zou Pilatus daarna onder Caligula en Claudius I als keizerlijk ambtenaar gediend hebben in Zuid-Frankrijk waar hij ook overleden zou zijn. Het is niet zeker of Pilatus volgens de legende zelfmoord pleegde of door een natuurlijke oorzaak aan zijn einde kwam. Titel, Pilatusinscriptie en de zegelring Lange tijd is onduidelijk geweest of de eerste Romeinse bestuurders van Judea praefecti of procuratores waren. Sinds de vondst van een inscriptie op een kalksteenblok dat tot in de jaren zeventig van de twintigste eeuw hergebruikt zat ingemetseld in het Romeinse theater van Caesarea (waar de bestuurders hun residentie hadden), staat echter vast dat Pilatus prefect was. Bovendien concludeert men uit de inscriptie gewoonlijk dat alle bestuurders van Judea vóór keizer Claudius deze titel droegen. Tacitus' vermelding van deze bestuurders als procuratoren wordt dan opgevat als een terugprojecteren van later gebruik. De tekst van de inscriptie luidt: TIBERIEUM NTIUS PILATUS ECTUS IUDAEE De complete tekst van de inscriptie luidde vermoedelijk oorspronkelijk: DIS AUGUSTIS TIBERIEUM PONTIUS PILATUS PRAEFECTUS IUDAEAE DEDIT DEDICAVIT Archeologen hebben rond 1968 op de westelijke Jordaanoever een Romeinse ring gevonden. In 2018 werd ontdekt dat de inscriptie in de ring de letters van de naam van Pontius Pilatus weergeven. Volgens de archeologen zou dit slechts het tweede archeologisch bewijsstuk zijn dat hij werkelijk heeft bestaan. De archeologische site waar de ring werd ontdekt, bevindt zich in de onmiddellijke omgeving van het graf van koning Herodes. Volgens andere bronnen echter zou het niet gaan om de originele ring maar om een exemplaar vervaardigd uit minderwaardig materiaal dat eventueel door zijn personeel werd gebruikt om documenten e.a. te verzegelen. Trivia Pontius Pilatus-syndroom "Wat ik geschreven heb, heb ik geschreven" (Quod scripsi, scripsi) zei Pontius Pilatus volgens Johannes 19:22 toen hem werd voorgesteld het opschrift INRI op het kruis te veranderen. Deze uitspraak typeert een probleem van veel schrijvers: ze voelen een soort innerlijke weerstand tegen veranderingen. Ze kunnen niet genoeg afstand nemen van hun eigen tekst. Daardoor komen ze moeilijk op alternatieven voor woordkeus en zinsbouw die de tekst misschien verbeteren. Dit wordt het Pontius Pilatus-syndroom genoemd. Van mis tot toverspreuk In de geloofsbelijdenis van Nicea, het credo, dat nog dagelijks in katholieke missen wordt gebeden, komt de zin voor die over Jezus Christus zegt dat hij "geleden heeft onder Pontius Pilatus, is gekruisigd, gestorven en begraven". In het Latijn luidt die regel: "Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato, passus et sepultus est". Deze woorden werden, gecombineerd met de woorden "Hoc est corpus" ("Dit is het lichaam") in de volksmond verbasterd tot "hocus pocus pilatus pas", woorden die aanvankelijk waarschijnlijk magisch klonken, maar nu meestal te horen zijn bij goochelaars. Pilatus terug in Rome Simon Vestdijk beschreef het (fictieve) leven van Pontius Pilatus na zijn terugkomst in Rome in zijn roman De nadagen van Pilatus (1938). Referenties The Pilate Inscription , Pontius Pilate op www.livius.org , Pontius Pilatus, der fünfte Prokurator von Judäa und Richter Jesu von Nazareth. Stuttgart, 1988. , Pilatus; de biografie van een verzonnen man. Amsterdam / Antwerpen: Contact, 1999. Noten Persoon uit het Nieuwe Testament Gouverneur van Romeins Judea Persoon in de 1e eeuw
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has rebuked the American officials' "flip-flop" on Iran's might, mocking the Trump administration for making contradictory claims. The Iranian foreign minister has called for unity in the Muslim world to counter plots by the US and the Israeli regime, saying they seek to "steal" the lands of Arab countries even though they apparently offer handshakes to Arab leaders. Syrian envoy to the United Nations Bashar al-Jaafari has suggested that the United States offer Israel two of its own states – which Washington actually had jurisdiction over – rather than the occupied Golan Heights. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi says the "cheap" remarks made by US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook regarding Iran oil waivers show he lacks a proper understanding of the world's developments and the degraded position of his country in the world. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has hailed a Luxembourg court's decision to reject the US government's request to seize Iranian assets over 9/11 attacks, saying the "success" was achieved thanks to extensive efforts by various Iranian bodies.
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MSV Gives First Responders New Satphone Options by SpaceNews Editor — June 29, 2004 Space News Business By BECKY IANNOTTA Space News Staff Writer — Emergency responders like those along the U.S. Gulf coast have a new tool for communicating while terrestrial phone lines and cell towers are down: a push-to-talk service that turns their mobile satellite phones into a network of walkie-talkies. Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) of , has created regional "talkgroups" among its existing customers, which enables emergency responders to communicate using a push-to-talk button on the side of their handsets. Under the company's Satellite Mutual Aid Radio Talkgroups (SMART) service, local firefighters conducting a rescue in the same neighborhood as a National Guard unit, for example, can communicate with guard members on their MSV satellite phones without first dialing 10-digit phone numbers. "What we had before is everyone had their own network as far as satellite phones and radio networks and other communications. It all goes away except the satellite network in a storm," said David Stone, deputy director of information technology in the governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Stone oversees an MSV talkgroup region, called G-SMART, which includes the states of MSV has launched seven of nine planned regions across the nation and expects the final two regions covering the northeast and southeast states to be activated in September. Each region is managed by an organization involved in emergency response, such as a state police department or emergency management division. Joining a talkgroup is free to existing MSV customers, but they must apply through the agency serving as regional manager, said Jim Corry, MSV vice president of government solutions and architect of the SMART program. , where hurricanes Gustav and Ike disrupted land-based and cell phone service, the satellite phones were the only way to communicate in recent weeks, Stone said. Tom Surface, spokesman for MSV, said the company has seen an upturn in purchases of its satellite phone kits since it began activating the regional talkgroups in November 2007. There are more than 1,500 SMART users across the country, and many of the locations have MSV equipment loaded with multiple talkgroups. There are a variety of monthly subscription plans for MSV service, similar to the variety of plans offered by cellular phone services, Surface said. "We've been very busy putting kits on the street and loading customers into talk groups," he said. MSV has been unveiling the regional talkgroups one by one, with Stone's region going online first in November. In many cases, the talkgroups overlap, allowing one state to join multiple regions. That overlap allows emergency responders from other states to coordinate and communicate with their counterparts at the scene of a disaster, Corry said. , for example, is at the heart of G-SMART but also will join SE-SMART, the southeastern regional talkgroup, when activated. is part of G-SMART and SW-SMART, which includes The SMART talkgroup is activated when an MSV customer uses the handset to select the talkgroup he or she wants to communicate with and pushes the transmit button, sending up an L-band signal to the MSV-operated MSAT satellite. The satellite sends the transmission via a Ku-band feeder link to a ground station in , which locates the rest of the talkgroup members and sends the information back to the satellite. The talkgroup is opened, and the originator can begin to use the mobile satellite telephone as a walkie-talkie. Other members of the group can join the conversation by using their push-to-talk option on the handset, Corry said. The SMART program was launched first in August 2007 for the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations. In addition to this J-SMART talkgroup, the Department of Justice's Wireless Management Office also created an ad hoc, tactical talkgroup called SMART-T. SMART-T resides on all MSV units operated by the department's law enforcement agencies. During a joint tactical operation with state and local law enforcement agencies also using MSV equipment, communications can begin on J-SMART, while on-scene federal officials collect the serial numbers of non-Justice Department units. Within minutes, MSV can download specific handsets to SMART-T, so that all officers on the scene can move to the smaller, more private SMART-T. Once the operation is completed, SMART-T is removed from non-Justice Department units for the next operation in a different location, Corry said. "It allows them to clean the slate," Corry said. MSV also is creating other talkgroups among government agencies and emergency responders, including one for public health and medical facilities and for national security, Corry said.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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To install: npm install To run the already passing tests: npm test tests/already_passing_tests.js To run a failing test: npm test tests/failing_test_1.js
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Books like Loved The Thursday Murder Club? We think you'll like these books too The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman What books are like The Thursday Murder Club in offering light entertainment and making fun of the murder-mystery genre? Five Books editor Sophie Roell, an avid reader of murder mysteries, has some recommendations. The Marlow Murder Club by Robert Thorogood Brat Farrar by Josephine Tey A Murder is Announced The Quiche of Death by M C Beaton Cast, in Order of Disappearance by Simon Brett 1 The Marlow Murder Club by Robert Thorogood 2 Brat Farrar by Josephine Tey 3 A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie 4 The Quiche of Death by M C Beaton 5 Cast, in Order of Disappearance by Simon Brett If you enjoyed Richard Osman's The Thursday Murder Club, what books like it might you also enjoy (other than the sequel, The Man Who Died Twice, which was released in September 2021)? First, to clarify what The Thursday Murder Club is about, in my view. It's about a group of pensioners living in a pleasant, affluent community in the UK who solve a murder mystery. It's not about a glamorous and beautiful FBI agent or a cynical, hard-drinking detective, it doesn't bring alive the seedy side of life in a grim urban setting. There are no drug smugglers or people traffickers. All in all, it's very firmly in the 'cosy mystery' genre. It's also very funny, a parody of a murder mystery, really. The author, Richard Osman, is not entirely evading the challenges of real life—after all, getting old and dying is not a lot of fun, and it's going to happen to all of us—but mostly he's providing light entertainment. What other books are like it? To start with the most recent one, Robert Thorogood, creator of the Death in Paradise TV series (now in its 10th season), another mainstay of British light entertainment, has also just written a murder mystery. It's called The Marlow Murder Club and is set in the town of Marlow on the River Thames. It features Judith as the main character. In her 70s, she still works setting cryptic crossword puzzles for newspapers. The action starts when she hears her neighbour across the river shouting 'Hey, no!' Like The Thursday Murder Club, it's a very pleasant murder mystery, an enjoyable relaxing read. The setting is rather lovely, making you want to swim in a river. To find real classics of the genre, however, you have to go further back in time. One of the best authors of easy to read but highly satisfying murder mysteries is Josephine Tey. Born in Inverness in Scotland, her real name was Elizabeth Mackintosh and she was also a playwright. Many of her novels feature Detective Inspector Alan Grant of Scotland Yard, and they are all worth reading. My favourite book by her, however, is Brat Farrar. It's set on the south coast of England after World War II and it's about a family called Ashby. Both parents have died, so it's Aunt Beatrice who is bringing up her nieces and nephews. On no account find out anything else about this book online before reading it! In writing The Thursday Murder Club, Richard Osman doubtless took inspiration from the Miss Marple books by Agatha Christie. Yes, everyone has heard of them, but they really are among the best. No one has really ever managed to do plots as well as Agatha Christie did, which is probably why she remains so widely read and translated. In terms of which Miss Marple to read, there are 15 of them (including two books of short stories) in total, but some of the best ones are A Murder is Announced, Murder at the Vicarage and 4.50 from Paddington. They're also fun to listen to as audiobooks. Often Joan Hickson, who plays Miss Marple on TV, is the audiobook narrator (even when, as in the case of Murder at the Vicarage, the 'I' in the book is not Miss Marple, but the vicar). I found her voice hard to adjust to at first, but unforgettable: I can still hear her speaking to me now. Perhaps the modern book series that most closely resembles The Thursday Murder Club—in featuring a well-heeled female heroine aged 50+ living in the English countryside and in being a parody of the murder-mystery genre—is by MC Beaton, who sadly died last year. Her detective is former PR executive Agatha Raisin, and the first book in the series is called The Quiche of Death. To me, the Agatha Raisin books are hilarious. I read all of them when my kids were tiny and I was home without other adult company a lot. Like The Thursday Murder Club, these are books that offer light-hearted escapism. Lastly of books that, like The Thursday Murder Club, embrace the ridiculous, I highly recommend the Charles Paris series by Simon Brett. The main character is a louche, out-of-work actor who lives in a bedsit in London. The first book in the series, and the one to start with, is called Cast, In Order of Disappearance. First published in 1975, these books, as well as being laugh-out-loud funny, capture life in an era which seems very different to life now, nearly half a century on. If you like audiobooks, they've also been adapted by the BBC into radio plays, starring Bill Nighy as Charles Paris.
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Poland could be without Kamil Glik at the World Cup after the defender injured himself within hours of being included in Adam Nawalka's 23-man squad. The Monaco defender hurt his shoulder while reportedly attempting a bicycle kick in a hybrid game of football-volleyball in training on Monday. The 30-year-old had already been included in the list of players Nawalka submitted to FIFA and will undergo assessment in Nice on Tuesday. Stuttgart defender Marcin Kaminski, one of 12 cut from the 35-player preliminary squad, will remain on stand-by until the extent of Glik's injury is known. While the absence of the former Torino man would come as a major blow, Poland are able to call on star striker Robert Lewandowski for their first World Cup appearance since 2006. Juventus goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny and Napoli pair Arkadiusz Milik and Piotr Zielinski are the other headline acts, while Southampton defender Jan Bednarek looms as an alternative to Glik. Drawn in Group H, Poland first face Senegal on June 19 before further clashes with Colombia on June 24 and Japan on June 28.
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Sanchez's Wednesday News Conference Transcript of quarterback Mark Sanchez's news conference before Wednesday's afternoon practice at the Atlantic Health Jets Training Center: On if the game against the Giants is going to be special… It's a city rivalry and something that we take seriously here and you want to win the city, you want to win your division and you want to win the Super Bowl. So that is one of our goals each year, whether we play in the pre-season or in the regular season, this year we do it both times. We would love to play well both games and hopefully win them both, but we have a lot of work to do as a team and from a defensive standpoint, I saw they lost Terrell Thomas last week, a USC guy, so that's a big blow for them, but they will recover I'm sure and have some good guys up front and they look tough. On how last week was a good "dress rehearsal" for Dallas… This is a good warm up for Dallas. We need to play well through half time, maybe the third quarter, but that's the way it's gone the last two years. You play into the third quarter and we get to work a lot of different situations, maybe another two minute drill, hopefully a couple of red-zone situations and third downs, maybe goal-line stuff. It's a good opportunity for our team to rep those situations and be comfortable with them by the time we play on September 11th. On the first team offense… I think we are coming along. We made a push in these last couple of days especially with the pre-season games, you finally get to see another defense, get to see, as basic as it might be in the pre season, its still a different defense so it's a little more exciting than playing your own team. After a week, it kind of gets old playing our defense. Those guys are so good it's frustrating at times. The offense came along slowly but surely and we made a good push the last couple of weeks. On what he is looking for from the first offense on Saturday… I think getting ahead of the sticks on first down. We were second-and-long almost all night against the Bengals. You look at our third-down conversions and it wasn't where we should be, but it's because we did so poorly on first down, whether it was an incompletion or a run for negative yards. That hurts. Second-and-long is hard. It really handcuffs the offense and it lets the defense do whatever they want. If we can just get to second-and-medium, second-and-short, it gives us a lot of opportunities on offense to play well and, hopefully, get a third-and-manageable. On what the meaning of this week is to Plaxico Burress… Well, he's excited, but he's a pro, and he's done this for so long that he won't have any distractions. He's excited he's understanding the offense really well and starting to find his groove. So we'll support him in any way we can, and we know a game like this has extra meaning, but each week, it'll be something. Whether it's Plax or Santonio, or somebody playing a former teammate, or Coach Ryan coaching against his brother, Rob, there's something every week. So you just help those guys that week, make sure they're focused, and go out and play. On if he has any concerns about Burress tweaking his back… I don't have any concerns. He's fine. On his relationship with Dustin Keller and how it helps on the field… Off the field, we're great friends. Had a blast at his wedding this summer. He's one of those guys that you love to be around. He's got a great family, his brothers are around a lot. So I know him really well off the field. And then it helps when you get on the field, we always know that even in those tough situations when we're upset at each other, or I miss a throw or he misses a catch, it's never personal. We're just trying to win, and it helps when you have that off-the-field chemistry, too. On the field, he's only grown in his route-running ability, he has all of the physical tools, he has great hands, he's got speed, he's got size and he's really learning how to block well, and his routes are getting better by the year, and by the practice. So he's made it a point to really seek me out outside of meetings, "Hey, let's sit down and watch this," or, "What are you thinking on this specific route?" I remember when we had this in the playoffs last year, "Why'd you look that way, instead of this way? What can I do?" If it's just tagging, saying his route before we break the huddle, trying to remind me that there's not just three really good receivers, there's a good tight end, too. He'll do stuff like that, too, one, to mess with me, and two, to try and get the ball. On what his relationship with Eli Manning is like… We've talked, I guess, sparingly, but most of the time, it's either at a charity event or something in the Super Bowl, unfortunately, neither of us have been playing in it. We see each other doing promotional stuff, whether it's for Toyota or for whoever, but it's always good, we're always cordial. I saw him at a benefit with [Mark] Brunell, I took Brunell as my date. He was there with his wife and daughter, I believe, so they were great, seems like a great family. We're not best buds or anything. There's nothing wrong with it, we're just not that close that way. On if he was impressed by Burress' performance against the Bengals… I don't know, I think it's kind of what we expected. Not that there's anything wrong with that. He's a great player, and that's just what you expect. The other thing was, to me, everything came out so positive from that game, but there's still plenty of stuff to work on, and it's a preseason game, and we're playing a Cincinnati game that didn't have Keith Rivers, that pulled a lot of their starters pretty early. Sure, we won the game and that's great, but that's not anything to hang your hat on. We still have a lot to prove still. On the significance of him wearing an "FDNY" shirt… Sure, if you guys remember the Muze clothing company. They made that "Wonder Boy" shirt that I wore a couple of years ago that got pretty popular. So we teamed up again, and we're helping a charity here in New York, right around 9/11 time and this 10-year anniversary, so we wanted to make a shirt that we could sell online and all of the proceeds would go to the New York Police and Fire Widows & Children's Benefit Fund. So we're selling it on the Facebook Pro Shop site, so it's Facebook.com/OfficialMarkSanchez and then for the benefit fund, it's AnswerTheCall.org and basically, we're selling shirts and all the proceeds are going to the widowed families of these rescue workers and first responders. So it was a cool idea that Muze kind of came up with. The FDNY let us use their logo and saying, "You go, we go." So I'm happy to be a part of it. It's a cool-looking t-shirt, so I'll be wearing it. Hopefully I'm not the only one. On if it is special to play the regular-season opener on September 11… No question. My dad, obviously a firefighter, but my step mom's daughter's husband, so like a step-brother-in-law, like a brother-in-law, is a firefighter, also, and he's up in Oakland, Michael Donner. He'll be out here that week. Their celebrating, doing some stuff with firefighter rescue workers that they met and have been friends with for 10 years now. And then having my dad here, the firefighters I've met, whether it was somewhere around the city or firefighters back in Orange County that I know, it's an exciting time. That week it's Rex vs. Rob, Jets-Cowboys, and 9/11, so there's going to be a lot going on. As much as we want to respect that anniversary, we need to stay focused for the game and honor that 10-year anniversary with a great performance, hopefully. On the most challenging part about trying to score in the red zone… I think it's just the same thing, and one, not to get too caught up in it, sometimes we build it up, now it's like, "We haven't been good in the red zone, we have to do something." That doesn't mean you have to do something big. It could mean a 4-yard run on first down. It could mean complete a flat route to LT [LaDainian Tomlinson] and watch him break a tackle and run for 6 yards. That's fine, that's a victory, just getting something positive on first down, and then getting into a third-and-manageable, having our checks and alerts up when you all out pressure us, and be ready to play. Other than that, we have weapons, we have a big target in Plax [Plaxico Burress], we have a slot guy in Derrick Mason, who really knows how to do well in the red zone, and Santonio, I mean, that's all the guy does, is find the ball in the air and get in the end zone, so we have all of the tools. It's important not to get too caught up in it. On what Mason does in the red zone that makes him dangerous… It's one of those situations where obviously, the defensive backs, they know there's less field to cover, so as a receiver, just being fast doesn't help down in the red zone, you've got to know spacing, you've got to understand what concept you have on, understand the coverage and really be able to read the defense on the fly and those are all his strong suits. So he's quick, he's shifty, he knows how to screen a defender away, and keep his body in between the ball and the defender, and that's what you need. He's one of those guys who knows how to make a big catch, he's got great hands, a solid receiver, so he can be a great help for us. On if he is looking forward to practicing at Hofstra on Thursday… It's great. You get a lot of fans on Twitter and people you see in passing in the city or in New Jersey, wherever, "I'm from Long Island, I wish you guys were still out here." So this is kind of us paying respect to them and thanking them for being great fans for such a long time. Sure, we moved to New Jersey, but that's still our home over there, too, so we're excited to go back. On Santonio Holmes' catch in practice Tuesday… It was sweet. That was a sweet catch, oh my God. I called my brother right after practice, I thought it was better than the Super Bowl catch that he had a couple of years ago, I thought it was better than the Houston Texans catch. It was sick. Even guys on defense looked like, "Man..." You get a guy who does that in practice, it's no surprise why he can do it on game day. There was no communication about that, that was something that just kind of happened, and the last play of the game and he makes a huge catch, so that's pretty cool. On if he purposely underthrew the ball… Yeah, just kind of led him. Everything was jumbled up there in the middle and it was the last play of the game so you either throw a jump ball for somebody and hope it works or you just wait for Tone [Santonio Holmes] to move around somewhere and find a hole, but that's something Derrick Mason can do, that's something Plax can do, and having all of them back at one time will be nice. On what has been his best throw of camp so far… Let me think. Maybe the one completion against Revis is like a little victory. Kind of went like 1-for-50. On if he is bothered by Revis in practice… Darrelle? Heck no. It's good because you get to really work against a solid corner. You got to be perfect. A lot of times it's where your guy can get it or nobody, and your guy's going to have to make a good catch to secure the football and get a completion. So it's a good test for us every day in practice and when you play that premier corner on the other team, you've had good work at it all week, and it gives [Antonio] Cromartie a lot of work, too, so he's looking really good. On if he's noticed Kyle Wilson's improvement… He's done a much better job. One of the things that I noticed right away, at the beginning of camp, it might have been just day one or that first week, just the way he communicates on defense. He's talking a lot more, and last year he was so quiet. You tend to get that way, I'm more vocal, obviously, at the line. I'm understanding coverages and stuff, so it's just natural to want to talk to Nick [Mangold] and remind guys what they have going on. Well, he's the same way. Before, you'd try to pick on Kyle, and understand exactly what they're doing on defense, and he'd kind of give it away. You can't help yourself, you don't want to be wrong and you're new, so you're just looking inside, and you're supposed to be pretending to cover a receiver, but you're looking inside, looking inside, and it's obvious he's coming on a blitz, so we'd adjust the protection, and you'd send Wayne Hunter out there and he'd just knock him over. That's what happens rookie year. Well, now, he's moving around in the slot, him and Dwight Lowery and Jim Leonhard. They're all like the same player, moving all over the place, so it makes it a lot more difficult, and so he's come through a couple of times clean and just totally fooled us. He's having a great camp and he's a first-round pick, he's supposed to be a stud. And we saw flashes of it last year and now he's starting to be more consistent, so he can really help us in the slot, and he's got great help around him. On being compared to Eli Manning… That's OK. That's fine. And in our division you're compared to [Tom] Brady, and guys who have done it before, who have been success. He's won a Super Bowl, so that puts him in that category and a certain status. There's a lot to live up to in this town, whether it's on your own team, a crosstown rival. There's always going to be a Joe Namath comparison, an Eli Manning comparison, a Tom Brady comparison. So that's the world we live in, playing for the Jets and being the quarterback. I respect him a lot. I think he's got great feel for the game. He's definitely a leader on that team, and they all look to him to make plays in crunch time, and in crucial situations, and he does that. He's put up big numbers, and we have a lot of respect for him. As Nathaniel Hackett Arrives, Jets Are Committed to Find a Veteran Quarterback Robert Saleh Says It's About Finding the Right Guy Jets Hire Nathaniel Hackett to Offensive Coordinator Post Hackett Has Fielded a Top 10 Scoring Offense Three Times as OC Jets Hire Keith Carter as O-Line Coach / Run Game Coordinator Carter, Robert Saleh Worked Together with Seahawks; Spent the Past 5 Seasons with Titans Jets OL Look Ahead | Hampered by Injuries Last Season, Offensive Front Focused on a Healthy 2023 LG Laken Tomlinson, C Connor McGovern Sturdy in '22; Mekhi Becton and Alijah Vera-Tucker Expected Back Where Are They Now: Mac Stephens Catch Up with the Jets Legend from Minnesota Notebook | Jets RB Breece Hall: 'Something Just Clicked' Standout CB Sauce Gardner Also Excelled Defending Against the Run Jets Sauce Gardner and Garrett Wilson Win Writers Awards CB Is Named NFL Rookie of the Year; WR the Offensive Rookie of the Year Jets CB D.J. Reed Excelled in Transition from West Coast to East Coast Veteran Mentored and Marveled at Play of Rookie Sauce Gardner Sauce Gardner, Garrett Wilson Crack ESPN's Top 5 Rookie Rankings No. 4 Overall Pick Co-Led NFL in Pass Defenses; No. 10 Overall Pick Eclipsed 1,000 Receiving Yards One Season Achilles After Injury, Jets DL Carl Lawson Regained His Edge He Made 'Leaps & Bounds' in '22 and Says, 'I'm Just Looking Forward to Continue to Grow upon That' Jets DL Look Ahead | Still Work to Do, but What a Rush in '22 Young Yet Experienced Group Benefited from Rotation, Put Up Big Numbers in the QB Pressure Department Alijah Vera-Tucker: 'I'll Be 100% for Training Camp' Jets Versatile OL Says 'The Mentals Are Good'
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Mark Urban-Lurain is the Associate Director for Engineering Education Research at Michigan State University. He's also the Principle Investigator on an NSF-sponsored project developing methods and software for Automated Analysis of Constructed Responses. Open-ended questions force students to think differently than multiple choice questions, but are much harder to grade. In this episode we talk to Mark about how the project uses machine learning to evaluate and analyze free text answers in order to shed new light on student understanding and misconceptions. 0:35 ⏯ Welcome Mark Urban-Lurain! Where pedagogy and technology meet at automated analysis of constructed responses. How Mark got started combining technology and teaching–and a long history at Michigan State University going back to instructional TV. Using mainframes, teletype machines, and statistics to improve teaching. People are sometimes more open with computers than with other humans. 4:30 ⏯ It's not about the technology, it's the learning, says a Spartan through-and-through. Starting to analyze short-answer questions with data from a biology professor by adapting a tool for analyzing survey responses. From biology to statistics, chemistry, chemical engineering, and now physiology. K-12 pedagogical content knowledge and middle-school science argumentation. 7:11 ⏯ Why free response vs. multiple choice? Students study differently and using higher-order strategies when studying for an open-response format test and perform better on the m/c questions. Getting more insight into the mix of right and wrong ideas about the topic. You can also discover misconceptions this way. How this is different from analyzing essays, as ETS does. An example from genetics which gets at a central concept in biology. The development of the questions is very labor-intensive. Students are very confused about this topic. Mark and his team have used additional interviews and questions to identify why, and this paved the way for instructional materials which actually improve performance on these questions. 14:46 ⏯ Another example question, this one from cellular biology: cellular respiration and energy from glucose. Explaining a phenomenon vs. demonstrating your knowledge of the discipline's vocabulary. The software reads hundreds of correct and wrong answers and "learns" to recognize the differences. Using analytical vs. holistic scoring rubrics. The whole process requires a lot of work up front, but eventually the process takes only a few minutes to "understand" the differences between right and wrong answers. 19:19 ⏯ The computer is matching words and groups of words: It works at the lexical level. The goal is to get the same level of inter-rater reliablity between the machine learning and experts as between experts: The kappa should be 0.80 or better. The wrong answers represent conceptual errors that can be addressed through instruction. Preliminary evidence suggests that the software can ignore things like poor language skills. The software is intended for formative assessment. 24:28 ⏯ This machine learning approach has limitations: It can't evaluate well, for instance, compare/contrast answers. The wording of the question can be critical to getting the software to learn which answers or better. It can't just be a vocab test. A first-year biology textbook has more vocabulary than a first-year French textbook. The vocabulary is shorthand for ideas. 32:32 ⏯ Many professors are skeptical at first. Then they often simply want to know how many got the questions right. But after that, professors drill down to what students are NOT understanding, and the instructional strategies that can remedy the problems. AACR as faculty development is not about the technique: it's about understanding what students DON'T know. One way to address student misconceptions is to drive the student reach a contradiction: i.e., the Socratic method. Faculty have developed exercises for addressing common misconceptions. And these are the kinds of issues that interest faculty, and faculty enjoy talking to peers about them. 38:11 ⏯ This is a research project, so they're still learning. One next step is to develop heuristics to speed up the process of developing questions and 'teaching' the machine. Doug on research: "If you found it the first time, it would just be called 'search.'" Doug heard this from Desika Narayanan who quoted his PhD advisor on The Pulse. Science as a process rather than a pile of facts. 43:09 ⏯ Thanks and signing off.
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I got a question today if you could script that setting, so after a little bit of WMI browsing I found the value that needs to changed, as I couldn't find it in the SDK for Configuration Manager 2012, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough. However here is a code snippet that you can use together together with the example on MSDN on how to call an example snippet: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh949053.aspx. ' Define a constant with the hex value for USE_PKGSHARE. ' Get the specific advertisement instance to modify. ' List the existing property values. Wscript.Echo "Values before change: " ' Set the new property value. ' Output the new property values. Wscript.Echo "Values after change: " Hi, great snippet, it got me on the right track. Hi, Great! Thanks for the update, will use it as well.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This is the Enneagram, a self-development tool which categorizes us all into one of nine different personality types. The numbers around the perimeter represent each personality type and the lines between them explain how they interact with each other. Many people study the Enneagram to gain spiritual understanding and self-knowledge. Take our quiz to find out which type you are, and you can begin to use the Enneagram as a tool for personal growth. Choose as many answers from each section that apply to you and count the amount of answers you get for each number. Count how many answers you got for each number. The number with the most answers that fit you could be your Enneagram type. Places a great deal of value on morals, standards, and doing things in the right way. Has a tendency to be judgmental and critical. Always wants to assist others and often forgets their own needs as is so selfless. Has a tendency to feel used by others. Loves to work hard, make great achievements and do their best in life. Has a tendency to be very competitive. Places a lot of importance on identity and their own uniqueness and individuality. Has a tendency to get depressed. Loves to discover and learn about new things and be the most well-informed person. Has a tendency to get lost in knowledge and forget the outside world. Enjoys organizing, risk-minimizing and putting things in order. Has a tendency to worry. Enjoys new experiences and wants to get the most out of life. Has a tendency to be restless and find it hard to settle down. Takes bold decisions and fights for what they believe in. Has a tendency to be too pushy and alienate people. Is laid-back and fairly content in whatever situation they find themselves in. Has a tendency to lack self-assertion. It is important that you decide for yourself which type you best fit in to. One test can provide an idea of your personality, but no one knows you better than yourself, friends and family. It is a good idea to read around different types in more detail to find your best fit. But once we have found our type, it doesn't stop there. We can use the Enneagam to find self-development advice that best fits us.
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Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, PhD Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic holds the title of University Professor, Columbia University's highest rank reserved for a small number of faculty who have made important contributions to their field of study, and serve the university as a whole. She is a leading expert in engineering of human tissues for regenerative medicine and modeling of disease. With over 36,000 citations and h=109, she is one of the most highly cited individuals of all times, in all disciplines. With her students, she founded four biotech companies, all based in New York City. Among her many distinctions, she is a member of the Academia Europaea, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Medicine, and National Academy of Inventors. Mikati Foundation Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Professor of Medical Sciences (in Medicine) Administrative Titles PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Belgrade,Yugoslavia Fellowship: 1987 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2017: Robert A. Pritzker Award for 2017, Biomedical Engineering Society 2017: NIBIB National Advisory Council speaker, NIH, January 24, 2017. 2017: Doctorate in Science Honoris Causa, University of Novi Sad, Serbia 2015-2020: Bioengineering Peer Committee, National Academy of Engineering 2016-2017: Chair, College of Fellows, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIBME) 2016: Board of Directors, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIBME) 2016: Award of the Materials Research Society for Lasting and Outstanding Contribution to Material Science and Engineering 2014: National Academy of Inventors 2014: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2014: National Academy of Medicine 2014: Foreign Policy's 100 Leading Global Thinkers of 2014 2013-2019: National Academy of Engineering, Executive Committee, Section for Bioengineering 2013-2016: National Academy of Engineering, Fritz J and Dolores H Russ Prize Committee 2013: Founding Class, International Fellows of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2012: National Academy of Engineering 2012: Academia Europea, Cell and Development Biology section 2012: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2012: Serbian National Academy of Engineering 2012: Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2010: Clemson award of the Society of Biomaterials "for significant contributions to the literature on the science or technology of biomaterials" 2009-2019: New York Academy of Sciences 2008: Hall of Fame, Women in Technology International (one of 5 leaders in science and technology in 2008) 2008-2019: US Section Head, Musculoskeletal Repair & Regeneration Section, Faculty 1000 of Medicine 2007: Director's lecture, NIH, October 17, 2007; the first woman engineer to receive this distinction 2006: NASA Award for a patent "BMP-2, BMP-12, and BMP-13 Modulate in Vitro Development of Engineered Cartilage" 2005: The Association of Orthopedic Research, Switzerland; team award "for the best science in orthopaedics" (with Meinel, Ziechner. Fajardo, and Kaplan) 2004: Outstanding Performance Medal, World Congress of in vitro Biology. 2004: Space Act Award, NASA, for patent describing bioengineering of anterior cruciate ligaments (US patent 6,287,340, issued September 11, 2001) 2004-2019: Faculty of 1000 Medicine, Regenerative Medicine Section 2004: Space Act Award, NASA, for patent describing gene transfer of a growth factor to enhance tissue engineering of cartilage 2000-2019: American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), Fellow 1997: Medal of recognition, Centennial of the Serbian Chemical Society, Belgrade YU 1996 – 1997: Space study of cartilage tissue engineering aboard "Mir", in collaboration with NASA Johnson Space Center (co-lead of the 13-member team, with LE Freed); the longest cell experiment ever conducted in space; study reported in PNAS) 1987: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Biomass Committee 1980: City of Belgrade award for the best PhD thesis in engineering 1975: Belgrade Chamber of Commerce award for the best MS thesis in engineering UG3 EB025765 (Vunjak-Novakovic) 9/1/17-6/30/22 Multi-tissue platform for modeling systemic pathologies 2R01 DE016525 (Vunjak-Novakovic) 4/1/13 – 3/31/18 Craniofacial Tissue Engineering 2R01 HL076485-07 (Vunjak-Novakovic) 4/17/13 – 4/01/18 Vascularized cardiac muscle R01 HL120046-01 (Vunjak-Novakovic and Snoeck MPI) 8/7/13 – 5/31/18 = Bioengineering a chimeric human lung U01HL134760 (Snoeck and Vunjak-Novakovic MPI) 9/20/16-9/19/23 Modeling, pathogenesis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis U01HL134760-S3 (Snoeck and Vunjak-Novakovic MPI) 10/1/17-9/30/18 UH3 EB17103 (Vunjak-Novakovic) 7/1/14-12/31/17 Integrated heart-liver-vascular systems for drug testing in human health and disease P41 EB002520 (Kaplan PG; role:Associated PD) 08/1/14 – 07/31/19 Tissue Engineering Resource Center – Bioreactor Core NYSTEM IIRP (Vunjak-Novakovic) 7/1/17-6/30/20 Optogenetic regulation of cardiac arrhythmia using patient-derived IPS cell models C030291 NYSTEM (Vunjak-Novakovic) 07/01/16 – 06/30/21 Columbia training program in stem cell research 3UH3EB017103-05S2 (Vunjak-Novakovic) 7/1/16-12/31//17 Integrated cardiac and bone tissue chip for rare disease research 3UH3EB017103-05S1 (Vunjak-Novakovic) 7/1/16-12/31/17 Tissue chip for integrating testis as a missing organ 3UH3EB017103-04S2 7/1/15-12/31/17 NSF16478 Engineering Resource Center (Bishop) 9/1/17 – 7/31/22 Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET Role: Subcontract PI Coulter Foundation (Vunjak-Novakovic) 8/1/14 – 5/31/15 A stem cell therapy to reduce morbidity and mortality from graft-vs-host-disease in bone marrow transplant patients R41HL129754 (Spotnitz) Advanced cannula development for coronary sinus access 9/1/17-8/31/18 Role: Collaborator DOD_W81XWH (Fine) Cardiomyocyte chirality defects in congenital heart disease 05/01/17 – 10/30/18 Role: Co-I Lisa and Mark Schwartz Program to Reverse Heart Failure 1/1/13 – 12/31/17 (Vunjak-Novakovic: Scientific Director) T32 HL120826 (Marks) 1/1/14 – 12/31/18 Training in cardiovascular translational research. Role: mentor T32 (Hardy) 1/1/2011 – 12/31/16 Cardiology-Surgery training grant T32 (Ateshian) 1/1/2012 – 12/31/17 Multidisciplinary Engineering Training in Musculoskeletal Research T32 (Bickers) 1/1/2012 – 12/31/17 Genetic Mechanism in Skin Disease Training Grant T32 (Shelanski) 1/1/2012 – 12/31/17 Medical Scientist Training Program With over 36,000 citations and h=109, Dr Vunjak-Novakovic is one of the most cited individuals of all tims, in all disciplines. The complete list of publiacations is avaliable on the link pasted below. For a complete list of publications, please visit PubMed.gov Where Cancer Goes, We Follow Precision Cancer Medicine
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
337hammer Evening news round-up for Monday 28/11/16 by 337hammer. Slaven Bilic wants more confidence from West Ham after draw. West Ham manager Slaven Bilic was pleased with his side's performance in a 1-1 draw at Manchester United but chided his players for appearing "afraid" after taking the lead. "I am very pleased with the performance for the point," Bilic said. "The only thing I didn't like, and I said it at half-time, is when you score a goal you should be more confident than before you score. That is kind of natural but the mentality is you are afraid after you score at Old Trafford. "From our goal to their equaliser we lost 11 or 12 balls unnecessarily when we could exploit that. So in the first half they were better than us. "At half-time we told the players and the way we played second half was really good, if not great, so I have to praise the players. espn.co.uk Slaven Bilic confident the tide is turning. West Ham added to the mounting problems facing Jose Mourinho and provided more belief Slaven Bilic will steer them away from relegation trouble. West Ham frustrated United and, after their heartbreaking last-gasp defeat at Tottenham, this performance shows they should start to climb the table. "It is a difficult season," he said. "I am not trying to avoid saying that but even after Spurs, when we lost the game in the way we did, I was positive because it hurts but you have something to build on. I am not happy with the position but recently there have been good performances from us. It is only a matter of time when we get the points." Bilic must decide whether to make changes to his team for the EFL Cup fixture on Wednesday night, with Arsenal coming to the London Stadium on Saturday. He knows a win could build more momentum. standard.co.uk Ogbonna – Concentration was key. Hammers defender Angelo Ogbonna believes his side's concentration in defence helped the visitors earn a vital point against Manchester United on Sunday in the Premier League. The visitors battled hard to ensure they returned to east London with a draw in the bag. Ogbonna's marvellous defensive display, which included a number of important blocks and last-ditch tackles, contributed to the result and the Italian was left thrilled at the final whistle. He said: "I think it is a really crucial point for us. We had a really good game and a good performance and it was so important for us because we were so disappointed about the last match. "It was great to put a good performance in. We were so concentrated at the back and maybe this is why this game is a great moment. "In the table, we are not great at the moment but we have to take it step-by-step and focus each time for every game." "At the end of the game, it's a draw and we keep this point and we have to look forward and get back here on Wednesday. "It's important for the first match to draw and it's a really good point for us." whufc.com Ex-West Ham player full of praise for former club after draw. Speaking in BBC's Match of the Day 2, former Hammers star Trevor Sinclair explained West Ham fans will be pleased with a point against Manchester united. "Good point, good performance. It was a great reaction from the players after getting beaten by Tottenham last week. And if there are two teams who West Ham fans want to do well against it's Tottenham and Manchester United, and they've managed to get something at Old Trafford so they will be pleased about that." hitc.com West Ham defender praises Fletcher's impact against former club. Angelo Ogbonna has praised the impact of former Manchester United striker Ashley Fletcher as West Ham earned a draw at Old Trafford on Sunday. Fletcher, who came through the youth ranks at Manchester United before leaving the club in the summer to join the Hammers on a free, came on for Diafra Sakho with 24 minutes to go. The 21-year-old came close to winning the match late on for West Ham, when he worked his way into the box and forced a good save from David de Gea from close range. "Fletcher came on and was brilliant as well. We need to get our confidence back sometimes, but this is a good way to get it back. "He got chances and maybe if he puts the ball in for us then I'm talking about three points! But it's OK – he's still young and he is a good player. "He can keep the ball and run in behind and he's very good for us that we have a good lot of young players who can improve and help the team and we have to keep our feet on the ground and work hard and take it step-by-step." essexlive.news From the Boardroom – David Sullivan. This was always going to be a testing time for the Club with the run of hard games we were facing, but there is no doubt that the team is playing a lot better. Nobody is enjoying looking at the table at the moment but I hope we have now turned a corner. We got off to a perfect start against Manchester United on Sunday and it was unfortunate that we could not hold onto the lead. But I thought the players showed great determination and a fighting spirit to help us come away with a point. It was a real team effort starting with Darren Randolph who once again showed his quality and produced an outstanding display. There were a number of positives to take from the performance and it was very pleasing to see Diafra Sakho back in action. He showed his quality once again when he opened the scoring after just two minutes and it was really unfortunate that he picked up a hamstring injury during the second half. Diafra will now undergo a scan and although the early signs suggest it will not be a lengthy injury, we will know a lot more when we see the results in the next few days. This is another important week for the Club and a victory on Wednesday would set us up nicely for another big game against Arsenal on Saturday. whufc.com West Ham PL2 aim for six unbeaten. West Ham United PL2 will aim to go six games unbeaten in all competitions this evening, when they face Fulham at Craven Cottage (7pm kick-off). The Hammers are on a good run of form despite being frustrated last Monday when they were held to a 1-1 draw with Blackburn Rovers. It's the start of a busy week for Terry Wesley's players. Tonight's match is swiftly followed on Thursday with the visit of Brighton and Hove Albion in the Premier League Cup. The Hammers will be boosted by the news that Martin Samuelsen has returned to the club after his loan spell at Blackburn was cancelled. The young Norwegian has found game time hard to come by in Lancashire and that is despite making his senior debut and scoring his first goal for Norway this season. Samuelsen also bagged his first PL2 goal of the season in the draw with Rovers and is looking forward to knuckling down over the next few months and getting some much needed minutes. "I'm not allowed to play for the first team until January so the main thing for me it just to get back playing and get back to the joy of playing football," he said. "I'm looking forward to playing every week. It's been a really tough time and I've gone every week knowing I'm not going to play. "Hopefully now I can get the smile back on my face and enjoy playing football again." whufc.com West Ham United boost! AC Milan planning to sell Bacca in January. AC Milan have decided to cash in on Carlos Bacca, according to reports in Italy. The striker almost left the San Siro in the summer after spending only one season in Serie A. However, despite reportedly having a bid accepted, Bacca snubbed the Hammers in favour of staying put. Since then the Colombian has continued to impress and he has bagged six goals this season in 13 games. West Ham remain interested in signing the 30-year-old, while PSG and Valencia are keen too. And, according to Leggo, their chances of snapping up Bacca have significantly increased as Milan are ready to sell. The Italian club need funds for the January transfer window and believe they can bank at least £25m by flogging their star striker. talksport.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
What Happened on Easter Saturday? For good reason the Gospels devote a great deal of space to the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion on Thursday and Friday of Passover week, as well as Jesus' glorious resurrection on Sunday, the "Lord's Day." Yet little space is given in the Gospels to the day between "Good Friday" and Easter Sunday, sometimes known as "Holy Saturday." None of the Gospels records any of the activities of the disciples on the Sabbath after his burial and prior to his resurrection, except for Luke, who simply writes, "On the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment" (Luke 23:56, ESV). However, this passing reference to the disciples' Sabbath rest may veil the considerable inner turmoil they were likely experiencing. It is probable that Jesus' followers were doing on Saturday what they were doing on Sunday when Jesus appeared in their midst: meeting together behind closed doors for fear of the Jewish leaders. Their hopes and expectations had been crushed. The one they hoped was the Messiah had been killed as a criminal. They hadn't understood Jesus' predictions about suffering and dying before the crucifixion took place (Matt. 16:21–23; 17:22–23; 20:17–19 and parallels), and it would not be until Jesus appeared among them the following day as the risen Victor and conqueror of death that they would begin to understand. Most likely, they were concerned, if not anxious or even terrified, that what had happened to their leader would now happen to them as well. Only Matthew gives any concrete details as to what took place that day behind the scenes while activity was limited due to the Sabbath. According to his account, it was on Saturday that the Pharisees and chief priests came to Pilate and asked for a guard to be posted at Jesus' tomb, saying, "Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, 'After three days I will rise.' Therefore order the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people, 'He has risen from the dead,' and the last fraud will be worse than the first" (Matt. 27:63–64). It seems that the disciples were not the only ones who were afraid! Perhaps the unusual circumstances surrounding Jesus' death—darkness covering the land, an earthquake, the tearing of the temple curtain—gave the Jewish leaders reason to be concerned. The Pharisees were obviously aware of the predictions Jesus had made about his resurrection, although they were not necessarily inclined to think that his words may actually come true. In fact, their words show nothing but disdain for Jesus whom they call "that impostor" and "fraud." Nevertheless, it is ironic that not only were the Jewish leaders aware of Jesus' prediction that he would rise on the third day, they acted on it, which exhibits more "faith" than Jesus' own followers were able to muster at that time. Pilate's response, "You have a guard of soldiers" (Matt. 27:65), is somewhat ambiguous. It may be that the Roman governor grants the Jewish leaders' request and provides them with a detachment of Roman soldiers. Alternatively, he may simply be telling them, with thinly veiled antagonism, to use their own temple police to do the job. In either case, he grants them permission to guard the tomb, and they proceed to do so. While the Jewish authorities didn't believe Jesus' words any more than the disciples did, they were adamant that the body placed in the tomb must stay there and not be removed. In the context of Matthew's account, these activities on Holy Saturday serve as proof that the Romans and the Jewish authorities secured Jesus' tomb, which makes it unlikely that grave robbers (such as Jesus' own disciples, Matt. 27:64) could have stolen the body or that it could have disappeared through some sort of foul play in another way. In this way, Matthew sets up his narrative perfectly for what is to ensue on Easter Sunday at the crack of dawn. Adapted from Andreas Köstenberger and Justin Taylor, The Final Days of Jesus: The Most Important Week of the Most Important Person Who Ever Lived (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2014), 169–71. Note: this blog was originally posted on Blog.Vyrso.com. For more Easter resources, see www.biblicalfoundations.org/easter.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Strange things can happen when someone is over-eager or even desperate to find work, or to come up with a way to make some money. In today's world, many people go searching for solutions online. It's when you're looking for work opportunities on the Internet that you might accidently walk right into a trap—a fraudulent scheme or job that can cost you money, pride and much more. You could, for instance, find yourself becoming a money mule—that's a name and a role that you don't want be saddled with. A beast of a burden. There are certainly many money mules who know they're involved with illegal activity. Just like drug mules who knowingly stash cocaine and such in suitcases or strange objects and try to sneak them through airports, there are plenty of money mules willing to help crooks move cash around for payments in goods or cash. However, it's common for someone to become a money mule quite by accident. And that's why you must be careful and protect your friends and loved ones, too. What kind of work do mules do? After money or merchandise has been stolen, the mastermind behind the scenes uses a mule to transfer the money or goods, hiding the real criminal's identity, location and involvement from the victim of the crime and the authorities. The real crook will oftentimes have the mule use Western Union or a Money Gram to make a traceable transaction or a reversible traceable into an "irreversible and untraceable" one. Typically, the mule is told he'll be paid for services with a small part of the money transferred. That is, unless the mule is himself duped into doing it for free, not realizing what's going on until it's too late. The Department of Homeland Security reports that too often today, money mules are recruited on-line for what they think is legitimate employment—but little do they know that they're getting involved transferring money that is a byproduct of crime, and therefore getting involved in the criminal activity themselves. "WANTED. Dumbass for mule work." One day, someone you know might be excited about finally getting a new job they found online, a job with an interesting title such as mystery shopper, payment processing agent, or money transfer agent. But it's not a real job at all. It's typically a "work-from-home" recruiting scheme run by criminals to herd a pack of money mules. Work-from-home mule schemes are cleverly created to look like a job for a legitimate company. The herders will steal trademarks, logos and company names to took legitimate. As part of their "onboarding" for the job, the new-hire (the money mule) provides their bank account details. They don't know it at the time, but solely it's for receiving a deposit or maybe even a counterfeit check. A money mule could also wind up being a victim of identity theft, because the criminals have information from their "job" application: home address, phone number, and perhaps, even a Social Security number. The position involves transferring money or goods. The specific job duties are not described. The company is in another country. The position does not list education or experience requirements. All interactions and transactions will be done online. The offer promises significant earning potential for little effort. The writing is awkward and includes poor sentence structure. The email address associated with the offer uses a Web-based service (Gmail, Yahoo, Windows Live, Hotmail, etc.) instead of an organization-based domain. You can get more advice on avoiding online criminal schemes from the US-CERT website.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A new phishing email bearing the subject 'Tesco Bank Changes to Interest rate' is currently targeting Tesco Bank's customers. The email tells its recipients that they can have a look at the most recent interest-rates and modifications from the Bank by simply opening an attachment, reported hoax-slayer.com. I picked up on the post on SPAMFilter. But, the email has no link with Tesco Bank, based in UK. It's a phishing email campaign orchestrated to embezzle users' login credentials. The attached file within the fake email if opened loads a fake webpage on the user's default browser. It comprises the logo of Tesco Bank. It also recommends the user to click on a login link so as to view his net-banking services and the latest changes made to their account. The link directs the user to a hoax website that very closely emulates the real website of Tesco website. Landing on the bogus website, instructs the user to give his username, password and security number. Identical to Tesco's actual login process, the fake webpage asserts that the user has been texted an access code on his registered mobile number. But, as the scammers are clueless of the user's mobile number no text arrives. Consequently, out of mere curiosity the user may end up clicking 'Didn't get our text message'. Clicking on this link leads to the opening of another phony Tesco webpage that instructs the user to give their personal as well as financial details along with their security Q&A. Subsequently, the user automatically gets redirected to the actual Tesco website. In the meantime, fraudsters can gather all the submitted details by the user and equipped with it can easily hijack their bank account or embezzle their identity. Cybercriminals frequently target banking customers with the help of phishing emails, fake texts messages and fake voice calls pretending to be from their banks. While online scamming is becoming increasingly advanced a large number of users still fall prey to these rudimentary ways of conning innocent people, hence, users need to be cautious of them, security experts comment. Now imagine the same email being read on a mobile device. Most people read email first on mobile devices. While you have some protection from malicious links from mainstream desktop browsers, no protection is offered by mobile browsers. Now consider the millions of browser-like apps that have the ability to open web links inside the app. It's easier to target end-users who automatically trust content inside legitimate apps and the WebView inside the app probably won't display the URL, making it even more difficult to check the validity of a link and easier for attackers to spoof websites. If you found this post interesting, you might want to read other posts I've written about the security vulnerabilities of apps with a WebView. Click here to read more. You can read the article on SPAMFilter here.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Age-Friendly Ambassador Program is an opportunity to learn about what "age-friendly" means and what strategies can help make communities more livable. An age-friendly online training will provide more information and resources and prepare you to advocate for older adults wants and needs in the community. This will be an asset to religious, civic, and community organizations you belong to (or others you may want to join) because you will be able to help the groups better include older adults and consider their needs. To sign up to be notified when the training is available or for more information, please complete the form below or contact AFI-Ambassadors@unitedwaymiami.org.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Military Style Fleece Coat & Black PVC Women's Pant is a super save $30 Deal you can get your Beloved jacket & Pant in Special Price. This is Limited offer By Destiny Store. Military Style Fleece Coat & Black PVC Women's Pant is a super save $30 deal & comes with following specifications.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Gildernew welcomes Dale Farm investment Sinn Féin Agriculture Minister Michelle Gildernew MP MLA officially opened the latest phase of investment at Dale Farm's Dunmanbridge factory in Cookstown. The £2.1million cheese and whey processing facilities were part funded by the EU Processing and Marketing Grant Scheme administered by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development with Invest NI providing national funding. The new equipment increases cheese production capacity to 20,000 tonnes per annum and expands whey processing facilities at the Dunmanbridge site. The Minister complimented Dale Farm on their investment programme, saying that: "This investment demonstrates a very high degree of confidence in our local dairy farmers and Dale Farm's workforce. I congratulate United Dairy Farmers and Dale Farm for their foresight and commitment to the future of the local dairy industry, which makes such an important contribution to employment and the future sustainability of rural areas." The EU Processing and Marketing Grant Scheme has now been superseded by the new Forestry and Agriculture Processing and Marketing Grant (PMG) Scheme. The scheme is worth £21.5million and forms part of the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme which is part-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The new scheme will be available to a wide range of small to intermediate sized businesses that are either involved or wishing to become involved in the processing and marketing of agricultural, horticultural or forestry products. This includes processors, groups of producers and individual producers. The PMG scheme encourages the agriculture, horticulture and forestry sectors to become more competitive, to respond to customer demand, to be more innovative and to add value to their produce. The scheme provides support towards capital investment including the construction of new buildings, the refurbishment of old buildings and the purchase of new equipment for the processing of primary products. The EU Agricultural Processing and Marketing Grants were made under Council Regulation (EC) No. 1257/1999. Grant aid was at a rate of up to 40%, comprising 35% from the EU (subject to a maximum of £0.5million) and 5% from national funds. The Scheme closed for new applications in October 2006. The new Forestry and Agriculture Processing and Marketing Grant Scheme opened for applications in December 2007.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Reduce log level in Sonar 2.1.x I have a Maven 3.x build that uses Sonar 2.1.x for quality control. The maven-sonar plugin is used from inside Jenkins to run the Sonar checks. During the Jenkins build, when Sonar kicks in, it logs A LOT of not so useful information at INFO level: [INFO] [15:29:14.195] Java version: 1.6 [INFO] [15:29:20.853] Execute PMD 4.3 done: 6658 ms [INFO] [15:29:20.853] Sensor PmdSensor done: 6658 ms [INFO] [15:29:20.854] Sensor ProfileSensor... [INFO] [15:29:21.186] Sensor ProfileSensor done: 332 ms [INFO] [15:29:21.187] Sensor ProfileEventsSensor... [INFO] [15:29:21.190] Sensor ProfileEventsSensor done: 3 ms [INFO] [15:29:21.190] Sensor ProjectLinksSensor... [INFO] [15:29:21.192] Sensor ProjectLinksSensor done: 2 ms [INFO] [15:29:21.192] Sensor VersionEventsSensor... [INFO] [15:29:21.198] Sensor VersionEventsSensor done: 6 ms [INFO] [15:29:21.198] Sensor Maven dependencies... [INFO] [15:29:21.261] Sensor Maven dependencies done: 63 ms ... The log is quite big. I have been trying to find a way to set the log level to WARN with no luck. Any idea? Thanks! A: Unfortunately, there's no way to mute this INFO-level log. A: As discussed here log level can be changed at the maven plugin level. Run mvn with -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.showLogName=true it will show the logger name with log like below 2022-11-09T05:47:18.8604059Z [INFO] org.sonarsource.scanner.maven.SonarQubeMojo - SCM writing changed lines (done) | time=83ms 2022-11-09T05:47:18.8604819Z [INFO] org.sonarsource.scanner.maven.SonarQubeMojo - Analysis report generated in 287ms, dir size=5.2 MB 2022-11-09T05:47:18.8605606Z [INFO] org.sonarsource.scanner.maven.SonarQubeMojo - Analysis report compressed in 1993ms, zip size=4.1 MB 2022-11-09T05:47:18.8606333Z [INFO] org.sonarsource.scanner.maven.SonarQubeMojo - Analysis report uploaded in 282ms then on executing mvn with -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.org.sonarsource.scanner.maven.SonarQubeMojo=error it will change the log level.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Youth Assembly, 22 – 24 January 2016 at Whitemoor Lakes, Alrewas, Staffordshire. Age: Year 10 / S3 up to 25 yeard olds. A weekend to focus on Jesus, to share in community with other young people, and to explore what it means to be church together. Places are funded by Wessex Synod.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
All posts tagged Abraham Lincoln The Pre-Civil War America Posted by EJaredAllen on May 6, 2016 Posted in: Educational, History, Politics, Spiritual, Storytelling. Tagged: Abraham Lincoln, america, choice, Civil War, confederate, democrat, election, nation, president, republican, revolution, truth, union, war. 2 Comments America before the Civil War, or the War Between the States by the descendants of the Confederate party, was a country of two opinions. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president of the United States of America. Except, when he was elected the states could only loosely be called united. After the Revolutionary War ended in 1783, the majority of the United States held to the tradition of their mother country: England; both allowing and promoting slavery at large, particularly among the wealthy and prominent. Over the course of nearly a century the once united states of America had become two political states; both holding to uncompromising convictions about the freedom and rights of men. By the time "Honest Abe" enters history these differences of morals became a division of the union. Abe Lincoln's presidency sparked the beginnings of a four-year war, which began in 1861 and ended with the capture of Confederate president Jefferson Davis in 1865. The pre-Civil War United States, were anything but united. A difference of opinion on a single issue had dramatic effects upon this country and instigated a war that cost the lives of over 625,000 soldiers. Before the Civil War, slavery was as far reaching as the home of Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson; the writer of these words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." –Thomas Jefferson (excerpt from the Declaration of Independence) Even Jefferson, who penned what are possibly the most powerful words against slavery, had himself over 600 slaves. Regardless of his treatment of them, this goes to show how far slavery reached before the Civil War. It only began then, and grew exponentially during the Antebellum Period. Antebellum was a time between the War of 1812 and the Civil War; it was a time of specific growth in the cotton franchise of the southern states and the industrial manufacturing and modernization of the northern states nearly half again as populated as the south. During the later years of the Antebellum Period, somewhere around 1840, the rise of the abolitionists began. Almost as long as there has been slavery, there have been abolitionists. But only when they began to put actions behind their ideals did the movement become a wedge between two peoples. The Confederates would not give up their slaves because their economy was centered around slavery. The Union would not give in to slavery because of their morality, the integrity of the nation, and their conviction that all life has worth and rights. Like James Madison wrote, "…among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.". Liberty, that's what the abolitionists wanted. Liberty for all men. The current state of American politics is a mock-up of our pre-disaster country. There exist two different opinions which have split our country into two political states: republican and democrat. Contrary to their titles, neither one is a party. We are a country divided. Moral conviction now holds no place in politics, and politics no longer hold a place in polite conversation. "We forgot we were Americans. Suddenly we were democrats and republicans." –Caleb Allen Democrats seem fixed upon bringing a moral collapse of our nation's religious economy to rival the financial downfall of the Great Depression. Republicans seem to care about the capitalistic welfare of this 1st world country, but focus more upon tearing down the democratic party than working along with it to better the situation of our country. We are in a pre-Civil War country, on the brink of a devastating divide that could ruin or heal us. Unlike those ascribing to the apocalyptic demise and then, like Phoenix, resurrection of this country to renewed glory and vigor, I believe any division would be the end of this great nation. Democracy has become socialist liberalism. Republic has become self-righteous, conservative capitalism. Neither side will admit that the other holds any manner of value. Both are susceptible to corruption and have been thus corrupted. We have forgotten that we are Americans. Suddenly we have become democrats and republicans: shells of idealistic cultures and banner holders for the coming communism of the Antichrist and his revolution. We have paved the road for a destruction to fall upon us like there has never been seen in this country. A Civil war between Hell and earth. Where there is no vision, the people perish. When there is no longer a right choice, a good choice, or even a shadow of a godly choice, we must turn away from our reliance upon man and government for salvation. Jesus is the only incorruptible, unchanging one. It is to Him we should run and cling; and the gates of Hell shall not prevail. We are on the brink of an uncivil war. It's time we started acting like we cared about the fate of this nation and its people and stopped this inner warfare, this segregation of opinions to once again unite as American citizens, blessed to tread the soil of the greatest nation on earth! MRM: They Died With Their Boots On Posted in: Reviews. Tagged: Abraham Lincoln, Black Hills, Cavalry, Civil War, Classics, Crazy Horse, Custer, Errol Flynn, Indians, Old Movies, Ulysses Grant, Warner Brothers. Leave a comment I know it's a long movie title, I didn't name the film. We're visiting the oldies with this review and a class-act actor, Errol Flynn. Some of you may know Flynn from the 1938 film "The Adventures of Robin Hood". Flynn was an iconic actor for many years, starring in a flurry of films during the span of a rather short career, Flynn set the bar for what a flamboyant, brash, devil-may-care character should be. As a result, he was most often typecast in this particular role. Moving forward to our current topic, a 1941 film in which Errol Flynn portrays the character of Gen. George Armstrong Custer, or General Custer, as he is most commonly called. Given Flynn's track record, you can guess what kind of Custer he portrayed. This film was not historically accurate, which is, in a way both a good and a bad thing. On the one hand, I rather enjoy watching the acting out of real events as they would've happened. On the other hand, sometimes history gets redundant, and it's difficult to keep a movie interesting if everyone knows what's coming all the time. Now, there will be very little need for me to micro-analyze this film as many of you have not seen it, and if you do see it, won't do so with a review in mind. The purpose of this review is to simply have another study area for the topic of worldview in media, and the classics have yet to be touched upon…until today. This may be the only area of critique, as it concerns the direct purpose of this review. Custer, in this movie is a man of passion: passion for his country, passion to fight and serve. Once he reaches the pinnacle of his army success he lives an average life of an average man. But the restlessness nearly kills him. This movie is the story of a man who fights for honor and glory. Sure, he fights for a free country, but his motives are all wrong. Custer is a man that lives for the moment, one who is filled with visions of war and vengeance. He's a spiteful character. Whether his motives are good or no, his methods are wrong. In terms of the character of Custer, he views the world all wrong. We love him because he's a hero, he fights for the little guy. But, simply because we can stand behind and cheer for him, that doesn't make him right. He bends the rules and breaks the laws in ways that he ends up being justified for, and the end justifies the means for Custer. He plays a similar character to that of Robin Hood, but Robin wasn't a drunkard, he didn't fight or kill for pleasure. Custer is portrayed as a hardcore soldier, and he is generally a good man. But, even Custer falls into a trap. He is taken out of the way in order for a conspiracy to take place that will wipe out the Indians. He's played and ends up throwing himself into death for glory as his last stroke to spite the twisted bureaucrats. The strange thing is, he knows he'll die, so he dies in selfishness; leaving his wife, disobeying his authority, and depriving the US of a fearsome general. He dies for glory, and dies alone, friendless in the world. His wife he abandons, his mates, who can hardly be deemed friends, he dies alongside or leaves to die in battles of their own. It's a sad ending to a twisted and, at times, stupid tale of love of and war. Custer dies a glorious death, Mrs. Custer dies of a broken heart, and Custer ends up loosing what he had fought so hard for: his good name and the integrity of his word of honor. I enjoyed it as a film, though I still think it's stupid, but as a worldview… Custer is not a man I would in any way aspire to be save one. He was a man of conviction and stood fast upon what he believed, unshaken to the point of idiocy, brash and daring unto death. Had he a better cause for which to fight, Custer would've been one of the greatest heroes of all time. So, watch it if you will. Enjoy the story for what it is, knowing that it isn't historically accurate. But, think about who the man is, what he stands for, and how he lived his life.
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Incredibly honored to have been selected for this year's Sundance Film Music and Sound Design Lab Added on June 26, 2019 by Gene Back. See press release! https://www.sundance.org/blogs/news/2019-film-music-sound-design-lab Excited to see SOJOURN streaming on Amazon Prime's inaugural All Voices Film Festival Scored with a mix of orchestral and electronic tones, it was a pleasure to work on this emotional and poetic film. Hey Guys, Sojourn will be streaming on @amazonprimevideo starting today - June 24th apart of the #AllVoicesFilmFestival . We are one of the finalists and need your support! Head over to the link in the bio to watch Sojourn! The judges are looking at the quality of the film, streams, metrics and algorithms so your support matters! Ways To Stream Sojourn: Free for Amazon Prime Members $2.99 to Rent $9.99 to Buy Thanks to @amazonprimevideo for the amazing opportunity. Thanks to my producers our superb cast @jermellesimon @phredericsemaj @tajavsimpson crew, and the crazy amount of support from friends and family! And this this is just the beginning 👀😳 #sojournthefilm #BlackMaleMentalWealth Thanks! Sojourn Team ✊🏿🌸 Honored and thrilled to have been selected into the THEatre Accelerator Winter 2019 development program for Burning Man: The Musical Added on January 23, 2019 by Gene Back. Nearly four years of hard work into composing Burning Man: The Musical, it's incredibly exciting to be invited to participate in one of the coolest theatre development programs out there. Getting ready for two weeks of figuring out how to best place our show with some of the most innovative people in the industry. Check out more details about the other shows and info about THEatre Accelerator here! Excited to share new co-write, "Countdown Forever" by Berlin-based artist, Jinka Added on March 27, 2018 by Gene Back. As the artist herself describes it: Happy Trip Pop. "Countdown Forever" was actually the first song we've co-written together. And expect more to come. We wanted to convey the idea of weightlessness, as if drifting into space in convoluted space-time. All pulled in together under the production world of Tobias Kuhn. Special shoutout to "Cake" directed by Anne Hu, from Bushwick to Taiwan Having had the pleasure of scoring the music for this film, "Cake" has now shown (and continues to show!) at more than a dozen festivals around the world, with several awards attached. The amazing director, Anne Hu, is literally making waves at the Women Make Waves festival in Taiwan, and if you get a chance to see the film a screening near you, you owe it to yourself to follow the Facebook page/blog! www.cakethefilm.com All recent commercial finishes will no longer be posted on news! Instead... Added on July 25, 2017 by Gene Back. Please check periodically at this link: www.genebackmusic.com/recent Scoring "The Wolf" Featuring Christian Slater Added on February 10, 2017 by Gene Back. Excited to have been part of this new short film from HP Studios, featuring Christian Slater, titled "The Wolf." The trailer gives a sneak peak at the score, which involved lots of synth, fx processing, and rethinking how I look at my printer. Sounds funny, but you'll see why when the full film comes out Feb 14! "Dear Angelica" from Oculus' Story Studio at Sundance Proud to have been part of the team that composed the soundtrack for this groundbreaking VR film, "Dear Angelica" premiered at Sundance New Frontiers to much acclaim. There's a lot that went behind making this film, so check out what Wired and Variety had to say. What happy holidays can mean on a whole other level Added on December 19, 2016 by Gene Back. Honda really brought it with this campaign, where they provided amazing holiday VR magic to kids in the hospital. An inspiring and emotional video to work on. Wishing everyone a happy and compassionate holiday season. Bringing out the big strings on Mercedes Benz Added on October 3, 2016 by Gene Back. Featuring celebrity chef Dabiz Munoz and the new GLC Coupe, this one references Handel turned up to 11. Figuring out ways to amp up the Baroque sound into something huge and modern is not something one gets to do everyday, so this was especially fun to compose and record. Also, switching between multiple overdubs of violin and viola made me appreciate how small the violin really is. Drumroll, and presenting, Burning Man: The Musical "A Burning Mixtape" Added on August 22, 2016 by Gene Back. After months of hard work and serious multi-tasking, we (Matt Werner, writer/ myself, composer) are proud to release the first album of songs for Burning Man: The Musical! For those just hopping aboard this crazy train, check out Broadway World's preview. Composing and producing the music has been a uniquely fun and challenging task, juggling between EDM, fugue, 60s folk, psychedelic rock n' roll, and hip hop, all the while maintaining some of that Broadway tone. BTW if you can figure out which Mozart piece we re-purposed into a contrapuntal dance anthem, and why we chose this particular piece, you'll see where our head's been at lately. And this is just the beginning... Listen/Download for free at burningmanthemusical.com. Making soundtrack DEWcisions for Mountain Dew's new VR Campaign Added on May 31, 2016 by Gene Back. Making music flavors for this NASCAR themed campaign took a bit more than what genre fit the best. Between setting the mood with some head banging hard rock as you're sitting next to Dale Earnhardt Jr., punching out surf punk during "Baja Blast," and laying down futuristic electro in "Pitch Black," making sure all these cues blended together with accompanying slo-mo cues was the real fun. Check out Mountain Dew's interactive YouTube videos where you can rotate the screen as you drive. Flexing sinister synth work for Met-Rx Added on April 29, 2016 by Gene Back. Excited to have worked on Met-Rx's new and furious ad campaign, this one required pulling out tricks from the engineering toolbox. The slow minimal includes menacing low strings, deep percussion, synthetic sound design elements, a continually evolving synth theme, and plenty of sound modulation/filtering. Gotta love the monster. Some quick slaps, snaps and funkiness with new Dick's Sporting Goods spot Making the soundtrack for this one was a fun challenge. This cool new spot features quick footwork from across the spectrum of sports. And since the piece gets faster and faster, recording multiple takes of the thigh slapping and snapping by the end worked a few muscles. Fun times from working on soundtrack for hilarious new video featuring Andy Samberg With monsters getting ready for the big game, GB soundtracking kicks in for the second cue starting at :55 with some soft electric guitars transitioning into a full blown inspirational brass filled jam. End of Winter Highlights. Hooray for Spring. A few soundtrack highlights from the last season. Coming soon: new "Burning Man: The Musical" tracks, some VR action, a couple short films, and more ads. Featured on the Ad Club of New York Insider front page with Wakey!Wakey! A crazy coincidence brought an old friend, Mike Grubbs of Wakey!Wakey!, and I together to play a short set for an awesome event on music in advertising, presented by the Advertising Club of New York. Back in the old days I used to play violin for Wakey!Wakey!. And now as an Ad Club member, this little live reunion couldn't have been more fun and appropriate! Check out the interview and videos in time for Wakey!Wakey!'s new record release, which also features some GB violin action. "Burning Man: The Musical" begins its first round of online music videos It's exactly what the title suggests...Burning Man: The Musical! A project that started a few months ago in collaboration with the musical's executive producer/creator, Matt Werner, the opening sequence has now been made into a music video for YouTube. Composing and recording the music brought a unique GB challenge to bring unlikely genres of music together, such as EDM, dub step, drum circling, and epic power ballads. We're on track to release more videos, and who knows, take the whole thing to Broadway? Visit www.burningmanthemusical.com. Wrapping up Amazon Audible's "Stories That Surround You" Artist Profile Campaign Honored to have worked on a project involving such amazing artists, Audible's "Stories That Surround You" Artist Profile campaign comes to an end with a great behind-the-scenes video. The Artist Profile series features original GB soundtracks and variations tailored for each individual artist, including the finale video below. Original soundtrack for the official int'l trailer of "Queen of the Desert" starring Nicole Kidman, directed by Werner Herzog This international trailer of "Queen of the Desert" – the latest feature film directed by Werner Herzog starring Nicole Kidman, James Franco, and Damien Lewis – features an original GB soundtrack from start to finish. Elements include epic orchestral arrangements, themes to help support the historical and cultural contexts of the film, and some serious drama. Check out the film website and the trailer below.
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Equation and calculator to determine the mean heat transfer coefficient for simultaneously developing velocity and temperature fields in a circular smooth tube. If (Re Pr / L / D)(1/3) ( v/ vw ) 0.14 >= 2.0 ; flow is developing. Incropera, De Witt., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer , 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, eq.8.57, 8.63a & 8.63b, 1990. Rohsenow, W. R., J. P. Hartnett and Y. I. Cho, Handbook of Heat Transfer , 3rd ed., McGraw Hill, 1998, p. 5.29.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Emma Gonzales' Coughing Fit At School Underlines Why It's So Important For Both Staff & Parents To Be On The Same Page About School Medication Policies By Jaime Lutz Dealing with medicine at school can be a complicated matter — but the story of a 9-year-old girl in Utah who was denied her inhaler after a coughing fit at school drives home why it's so important for everyone to be on the same page about school policies. According to Fox 13 in Salt Lake City, fourth grader Emma Gonzales had just recieved an inhaler over the weekend after going to the emergency room for a coughing fit. When she started coughing in class, she took the inhaler out; however, because her school, Columbia Elementary, was not aware that Gonzales had been prescribed the inhaler, the girl's teacher sent her with it to the office, where staff took it. School district officials said that the staff were required to verify that the inhaler was Gonzales' for safety purposes. "When I get into the coughing fit, I kind of hurtle up on the ground, can't breathe and then I start to kind of feel a little nauseous," Gonzales told Fox 13. She says that this coughing episode got so bad that she threw up on her pants. Fox 13 reported that officials for the school district said that staff had been correct in taking the inhaler; they needed to make sure that it was Gonzales', not another student's. The inhaler did not have her name on it, and Gonzales's parent had not yet filled out the paperwork documenting it as hers that the school's medication policy requires. "There could be all sorts of problems if children were just allowed to take any medication and we didn't have that verification. Again, this is for the student's safety," said district spokeswoman Sandy Riesgraf. Gonzales' parents believe that the school should have rethought the medication policy when their daughter began throwing up; said Britney Badger, Gonzales' mother, to Fox 13, "When a child is puking all over themselves and they can't breathe, you know you kind of have to take action right then and there." School officials state that they monitored Gonzales carefully, and that if she had been in serious jeopardy, they would have called 911. Gonzales' parents are keeping her out of school for the moment. I understand the school's reasoning; safety is important, as is proper documentation, especially in the case of minors. At the same time, though, an inhaler is not a particularly dangerous drug. If I were an administrator, I probably would have concluded that it was more dangerous not to let the child take the medicine. In any event, what the story illustrates the most is the importance of everyone — parents, staff, and all — being aware of what a school's policies are to avoid such incidents happening in the first place. Image: Aerial M./Flickr
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This contains pages for graves, gravestones, and memorials for literary figures of note. It is our hope that this will provide information for educators, those working on the authors whose graves are included, and also for those who plan to visit literary graves. We plan to launch this page by December, 2013. This page will feature a grave each week with an accompanying short essay written by a collaborator describing the grave and how it relates to their own scholarly and / or artistic interests. This will contain pages for pet cemeteries. We hope to launch this by mid-autumn 2013. Once we have reached critical mass, as it were, we will begin tagging the data gathered thus far, and will begin mapping the data for historical, regional, and conceptual trends.
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greatcharlie Commentary and advice for foreign and defense policymakers, political and business leaders and policy aficionados worldwide. Combatting Violent Extremism To Our Readers: An Important Note Category Archives: Central Treaty Organization Russia Tells Iraq It's "Ready" to Support Fight Against ISIS; But Russia Must Take "Direct Action" in Iraq and Syria for the Sake of Its Own Security Posted on September 26, 2014 by greatcharlie Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin greets members of Directorate "A" of the FSB Special Purpose Center (Alpha Group). Russia has pledged to support Iraq and Syria in the fight against ISIS and other Islamic militant groups. However, the threat to Russian security posed by Russian citizens in those groups makes action by Putin in those countries imperative. According to a September 26, 2014 NBCNews.com report entitled, "Russia Tells Iraq It's 'Ready' to Support Fight Against ISIS", Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made the pledge to Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York that Russia would help support Iraqi in the fight against ISIS. The Russian Foreign Ministry stated through the Itar-Tass state-run news agency that "During the meeting, Lavrov confirmed Russia's support for Iraq's independence, territory integrity, and sovereignty." The Russian Foreign Ministry further stated "Moscow is ready to continue supporting Iraq in its efforts in fighting the terrorist threat, and, first of all, the one from the Islamic State." On September 19th, Ilya Rogachev, head of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Department for New Challenges and Threats, told the Interfax news agency that Russia still declines to participate in the US-led effort against Islamic militant groups in Iraq or Syria. However, Russia pledges to continue its aid to Iraq, Syria, and other nations that are fighting terrorists. Indeed, in the form of a sillitude he explained, "The anti-ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq in the Levant used interchangeably with the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS)] coalition is not a club party—we do not expect any invitations and we are not going to buy tickets." Apparently, the Russian government has not amended its position even though the first round of US-led airstrikes on Islamic militant groups that began on September 23rd obviated its contention that the air strikes would be used as a pretext to attack the armed forces or any other elements of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime. The air strikes actually hit a range of target including leaders, command and control centers, communications facilities, training camps, and supply depots of the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, the Al-Qaeda linked Khorasan Group, and its parent organization, the Al-Nusra Front. While the US executed the majority of the strikes from bombers, fighters, cruise missiles, and drones, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, and Qatar in the second and third wave of attacks in the strike formation and through reconnaissance flights. The US began air strikes against ISIS in Iraq on August 8th. The Khorasan Group, a collection of seasoned Al-Qaeda operatives, that the West feels poses a direct threat to targets in Europe and the US, should be of particular interest to Russia. Its members include several fighters from Chechnya, as well as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen are included among its members. Khorasan's leader, Muhsin al-Fadhli, fought against Russian forces in Chechnya and was trained there in the use of firearms, anti-aircraft weapons, and explosive. Since the initial days of the Syrian conflict, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin made it clear that he had no plans to intervene on the ground in Syria with Russian forces. At the same time, he made it clear last year that he was following the movement of Russians and Europeans to Syria very closely, and was concerned about their capabilities and possibilities for action against Russia. Surely, the conscience of the Russian people has been struck while watching the Islamic militants move through Syria as well as Iraq. Some may recall the ruthlessness of Nazi forces in the rear areas as they moved through Russia during World War II. Unlike some Western countries, Putin has not been compelled to respond with force to the anguish and outrage of Russian citizens, after witnessing a public execution of a Russian citizen by extremist Islamic militants in Syria or Iraq. Putin wants Russia to look strong, but sitting on the sidelines and relying on the US to manage the entire situation does not allow Russia to look strong. Interestingly, standing aside practically amounts to a conceit that US leadership and support for countries, militarily, financially, or politically can ensure positive things are accomplished internationally, and that the importance of the US is unmatched on the world stage. That is precisely the perspective of the US that Putin has tried so hard to knock down in speeches and published statements. It is also a gamble. ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front, and its off-shoot, Khorasan pose a genuine threat to the Russian homeland. They have declared that. Only force will have a sustained impact and strong educational effect on these groups. Some of Putin's advisers may counsel that using force in Iraq and Syria would prove ineffective and pointless. Others may reject the idea fearing Western condemnation and retribution over unilateral intervention by Russia. Yet, if a search and destroy operation by Russian military or other security organizations against Russian elements in Islamic militant groups in Iraq and Syria will make Russia more secure, it should be undertaken. Virtus tentamine gaudet! (Strength welcomes the challenge!) Russia and Islamic Militant Groups Putin has been continuously engaged in an effective fight against Islamic militant groups in Russia. Counter-terrorism has been a key aspect of Russia's national security policy for many years due in great part to longstanding security problems the government has faced from the Islamic insurgency near the Caucasus Mountains. The insurgency, organized into a loose alliance of rebel groups known as Imarat Kavkaz (Caucasus Emirate), has been simmering more than a decade after it drove separatists from power in the North Caucasus province of Chechnya during Putin's first term. They seek to carve an Islamic state out known as the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria from a swath of southern Russia. That group posed the greatest threat to the Olympic Games in Sochi. The possibility that Russian fighters from these groups that have fought in Iraq and Syria may return home to engage in terrorist activities remains one of Putin's greatest concerns. Back in June 21, 2013, at a conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, Putin made the claim that 600 Russians and Europeans were within the Syrian opposition fighters' ranks. While the US and European intelligence services expressed concern over the viability of vetting Syrian opposition fighters to discover who among them are Islamic militants, the Russian intelligence service apparently already possessed files on the identities of a considerable number of Syrian opposition fighters. The London-based International Centre for the Study of Radicalization estimates that the number of Russian fighters in Islamic militant groups in Iraq and Syria, including those in the field now and those that have returned home, is around 800. Putin has not provided any new estimates publicly. In his September 11, 2013 New York Times Op-Ed, Putin discussed the danger posed to international peace and security by Islamic militant groups in Syria. Putin explained, "There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government. The United States State Department has designated Al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fighting with the opposition, as terrorist organizations. This internal conflict, fueled by foreign weapons supplied to the opposition, is one of the bloodiest in the world. Mercenaries from Arab countries fighting there, and hundreds of militants from Western countries and even Russia, are an issue of our deep concern. Might they not return to our countries with experience acquired in Syria? After all, after fighting in Libya, extremists moved on to Mali. This threatens us all." Assad and Abadi would most likely give their consent for Russia to conduct operations in their countries and provide Russia valuable support in its efforts. Finding Russian citizens in Iraq and Syria among reportedly over 30,000 fighters of ISIS may be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Yet again, the potential benefit of thwarting potential attacks in Russia by extremists Islamic militants underscores the efficacy of such an undertaking. Given the degree of difficulty involved, Russia should use special forces units from the Federal'naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsi (Federal Security Service) or FSB, Directorate "A" of the FSB Special Purpose Center (Alpha Group) and Directorate V of the FSB Special Purpose Center (Vympel) groups. Russia could also employ Zaslon (Barrier), a special services group of the Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki (Foreign Intelligence Service) or SVR. Of the many special service groups established in Russia, Alpha Group and Vympel are the most well-known and respected. Alpha Group, an elite stand alone sub unit of Russia's special services, is a dedicated counter-terrorism task force of the FSB. It primarily prevents and responds to violent acts in public transportation and buildings. Vympel is officially tasked with protecting Russia's strategic installations, however it is also available for extended police duties, paramilitary applications, and covert operations in Russia or abroad. The profile and capabilities of both units have increased, and they have taken over and consolidated roles and personnel from other organizations. Over many years, Alpha Group has acquired a reputation for using ruthless methods in response to terrorist acts. Zaslon has not been publicly recognized by the Russian government. Zaslon personnel are said to be former spetsnaz troops and serve under the sole command of Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) headquarters in Yasenevo, on the outskirts of Moscow. In his book Russian Security and Paramilitary Forces Since 1991 (Osprey, 2013), Mark Galeotti, of NYU's Center for Global Affairs, explains that Zaslon has been linked with everything from assassinations abroad to gathering up documents and technology that the Russian government did not want the US to seize when Baghdad fell. In Syria, Galeotti suspects Zaslon may be providing additional support for Russian military and diplomatic personnel, and is likely already earmarked to extract people, documents, or technologies Russia would not want to share if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime began to collapse. Air strikes should continue to disperse ISIS fighters as they try to avoid certain death from US bombs and cruise missiles. Perhaps operating as mixed "combined special groups" (svodnye spetsialnye gruppy (mixed special groups) or SSGs, Russian special operations forces could go into ISIS and Al-Nusra Front controlled areas and kill Russian elements or when the opportunity presents itself, collect prisoners. If ordered by Putin to present a plan for such an operation, senior Russian special services' planners will more than likely produce something that displays a high level of acumen and creativity, utilizing advanced technologies in a manner that neither analysts nor the potential opponent could foresee. In Syria, for example, Russia special services' efforts might entail some of the following steps. Russian special services should exploit all of its intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities to assist in locating rouge Russian elements on the ground in Syria. FSB and other Russian intelligence and security services apparently already possessed files on the identities of Russians who have traveled to Syria. Support from FSB operating in areas of Russia from which the suspected nationals originate will also support Alpha Group, Vympel, and Zaslon operations. With assistance from the Syrian military intelligence services, Mukhabarat, Russian special services could interact with Syrian citizens to collect granular information on the Islamic militant groups including the size of specific units, the locations of its fighters, the backgrounds of individual fighters and commanders, unit capabilities, and its combat and nonlethal resources. Russian special services may benefit from liasing with elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps' Quds Force. From that work, an effective operational plan can be developed. Russian special reconnaissance and electronic surveillance means would be used to monitor the locations, daily movements, and activities of the hostile Islamic militant groups. Leaders, arms, supply lines and depots, and financial support would be targeted. All entry points of Islamic militants could be identified and placed under special reconnaissance and electronic surveillance. Penetrating the Islamic militant groups, if Russia's SVR has not already done so, would unlikely be helpful and would place any assets engaged in that effort at risk, especially once direct action is taken against those groups. All of that would be done while trying not to cross paths with US-led air assets. Eventual strikes against Russian targets in the Islamic militant groups must be executed swiftly and covertly. Retired US General Stanley McChrystal, former commander of the US Joint Special Operations Command, has offered hints on how to exploit situational awareness which were summarized in the January 7, 2014 greatcharlie.com post entitled, "Obama, Putin discuss Olympics Security in Call; Putin Has Got It Covered and He Will Keep His Promise to the Terrorists, Too!" When striking at a terrorist group's network, the goal is to paralyze its nervous system. Hitting it intermittently, or every other night, allows the opponent to become stronger, having become accustomed to resurrecting itself. However, McChrystal explains that if you strike at enough targets simultaneously, taking down key leaders, the group will be thrown into chaos and confusion and have a difficult time "regenerating." That will allow for decisive effects. Units also can be better utilized as a result of excellent situational awareness. As McChrystal explained "Traditionally, if we did a raid and we thought we were going to need 20 commandos, to actually be on the target, we might take 120, because we had to put security around the site to protect it from enemy reinforcements, and we might have to put a support section and a command and control section there because you need all those things to account for the unexpected. But when you have very good situational awareness and good communications, you only send the 20, because your security comes from being able to see, and then you can maneuver forces if you need them. So suddenly, the 120 commandos aren't doing one raid; their doing six raids, simultaneously, and you start to get the ability to do 300 raids a month." To speed the process and achieve a high level of success, the Russians could adapt a form of "find, fix, finish, exploit, and analyze" (F3EA) developed by McChrystal. Under the concept, security forces would understand who or what is a target, locate it, capture or kill it, take what intelligence one can from people and documents, analyze that, then go back out execute the same cycle again. If Russian security services want to act at a speed as fast as US special operators in Iraq under McChrystal 's command, decision-making would need to be de-centralized because of the high number of raids. Subordinate elements must be allowed to operate quickly. It is very likely that FSB has been using sophisticated technical means to monitor the movements and activities of individuals and groups, likely to engage in terrorist acts, has been on-going. Such surveillance efforts could also be used to develop leads for the operation. On September 11, 2014, US Secretary of State John Kerry stated on a Voice of America radio broadcast that the administration of US President Barack Obama was disappointed by Russia's initial reaction to the president's speech on ISIS, which indicated the group represented a direct threat to Russia itself. Kerry explained in his view Russia must join the international fight against ISIS. Prompting by the Obama administration will unlikely cause Putin change his position and join the multinational effort against Islamic militants groups in Iraq and Syria. Indeed, it would more likely cause him to turn away from it. Yet, clear headed, practical choices must be made on Iraq and Syria in the Kremlin. As a result of US-led air strikes, there are opportunities being created for Russia in Iraq and Syria to enhance its security. Putin, his military commanders, and senior security officials know the capabilities of specific individuals and units in Russia, the effectiveness of their weapons systems, and what the real possibility for success of any given operation would be. They must also recognize the real possibility for success in enhancing Russia's security if Russian special services acted in Iraq and Syria against Russian targets. Of course, if Putin targeted Russian members of Islamic militant groups in Iraq and Syria, he would be contributing immensely to the international effort against those groups. Indeed, in addition to the Chechen members of Khorasan, a number of the senior leaders of ISIS are Chechen. An ethnic Chechen named Omar al-Shishani is one of ISIS' most prominent commanders and at one point was the face of the group. Putin demands that Russia should be recognized as a world power, but Russia also must act in a manner consistent with that title. While he has shown a willingness to intervene in the former Soviet republics bordering Russia, Putin has certainly not had Russian forces gallivanting outside of its region, attempting to secure Russian interests. Taking action in Iraq and Syria as proposed here would be more about establishing Russia's security than posturing. Yet, as result of the action, Putin would demonstrate not only to the Russian people, but to the world, he is a leader who is able to respond effectively to security issues. Putin would be able to show the Russian people and the world, that Russia is a global power. Posted in #Obama, 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Abadi, Afghanistan, Al-Nusra Front, Alpha Group, Bahrain, Britain, Causasus Mountains, Central Treaty Organization, Chechnya, Directorate "A" of the FSB Special Purpose Center, Directorate "V" of the FSB Special Purpose Center, Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsi, Foreign Intelligence Service, FSB, God, Ilya Rogachev, Interfax, Iran, Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, Iraq, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, IRGC, ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham, Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, Jordan, Khorasan Group, Kremlin, Lavrov, Mark Galeotti, Moscow, Mukhabarat, Syrian, NBC News, Obama, Pakistan, Putin, Qatar, Quds Force, Russia, Russian Federal Security Service, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Russian Foreign Minister, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Saudi Arabia, Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki, Sochi, Sochi Olympic Games, Southern Federal District, Soviet Union, Spetsnaz, St. Petersburg, Stanley McChrystal, SVR, Syria, Syrian Armed Forces, Syrian Army, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Ukraine, UN General Assembly, United Arab Emirates, US President Barack Obama, US Secretary of State, US Secretary of State John Kerry, Vympel, Yasenevo, Yemen, Zaslon | Leave a reply Chechen in Syria a Rising Star in Extremist Group; US Must Act in Iraq Now to Eclipse Such Stars! Posted on July 9, 2014 by greatcharlie Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria military commander, Omar al-Shishani, is an ethnic Chechen and one of the many Russians and Europeans fighters that Russian President Vladimir Putin warned in 2013 were going into Syria and becoming part of a dangerous, internationalized Islamic militant group. According to a July 2, 2014, Washington Post article entitled, "Chechen in Syria a Rising Star in Extremist Group, " a young, red-bearded ethnic Chechen named Omar al-Shishani has rapidly become one of the most prominent commanders and was the face of the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), the Al-Qaeda linked group as it recently overwhelmed Iraqi security forces and took control of large swaths of Iraq. Al-Shishani, whose real name is Tarkhan Batirashvili, is an ethnic Chechen from the Caucasus nation of Georgia, specifically from the Pankisi Valley, a center of Georgia's Chechen community and a stronghold for militants. He is also one of the hundreds of Chechens who have been among the toughest jihadi fighters in Syria, hardened from years of wars with Russia in the Caucasus region. Al-Shishani has been the group's military commander in Syria, leading it on an offensive to take over a broad stretch of territory leading to the Iraq border. Al-Shishani surfaced in Syria in 2013 with his nom de guerre, which means "Omar the Chechen" in Arabic, leading an Al-Qaeda-inspired group called "The Army of Emigrants and Partisans," which included a large number of fighters from the former Soviet Union. A meeting was soon organized with al-Baghdadi in which al-Shishani pledged loyalty to him, according to Lebanon's al-Akhbar newspaper, which follows jihadi groups. He first showed his battlefield prowess in August 2013, when his fighters proved pivotal in taking the Syrian military's Managh air base in the north of the country. Rebels had been trying for months to take the base, but it fell soon after al-Shishani joined the battle, said an activist from the region, Abu al-Hassan Maraee. He may have risen to become the group's overall military chief, a post that has been vacant after the Iraqi militant who once held it—known as Abu Abdul-Rahman al-Bilawi al-Anbari—was killed in the Iraqi city of Mosul in early June. ISIS began as Al-Qaeda's branch in Iraq, and many of its top leaders are Iraqi. But after it intervened in Syria's civil war last year, it drew hundreds of foreign fighters into its operations in Syria. Now with victories on the two sides of the border, the two branches are swapping fighters, equipment and weapons to an even greater extent than before, becoming a more integrated organization. Its declaration of the caliphate—aspiring to be a state for all Muslims—could mean an even greater internationalization of its ranks. Interestingly enough, in June 2013, at conference in St. Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly stated 600 Russians and Europeans were within the Syrian opposition fighters' ranks. While the US and European intelligence services expressed concern over the viability of vetting Syrian opposition fighters to discover who among them are Islamic militants, the Russian intelligence service apparently already possessed files on the identities of a considerable number of Syrian opposition fighters. US power is not only measured by its size, but its moral behavior in the world. The virtues of the US have stood out in the world in the presence of vice. While grave errors in foreign policy decision making during the administration of former US President George W. Bush have been very apparent, the history of US foreign policy did not begin and end in those eight years. There is a greater history of success in US foreign and defense policy and decision making which must not be forgotten. For years as a leader in world affairs, the US has set the standard for performance in international affairs. Its behavior on the world stage manifested US values and principles. Discussion of the ability of the US to meet that standard does mean waxing nostalgically of the past. If it put its mind to it, the administration of US President Barack Obama could very well meet that standard today. What has been promoted instead is a type of international philanthropy proffered by the current administration that scoffs at military power, without realistic alternative options. In speeches, press conferences, and interviews of Obama and administration officials, the discourse on foreign policy appears more as form of pastoral guidance, helping the US public understand and accept a new, less active role of the US in the world. For some in the US public, less desirous of military intervention overseas given the Iraq and Afghanistan experiences, expressions of a reformed approach to foreign policy has been seductive and caused some satisfaction. This approach has also helped to guide the establishment of the defense posture, by providing a further rationale for dramatic cuts in the US military and its capabilities. However, the notion that the US can remain dominant in world affairs by doing nothing is false. In the long run that would require reaching agreements with evil maniacs or turning a blind-eye toward their acts to maintain peace. Lately, when US interests or the interest of an ally or partner have been threatened, questions over the availability of the military means to limit that behavior usually arise. That has been the case regarding ISIS in Iraq. Superficial discussions of facts, use of sensationalism, sophistic arguments on military power, and intellectualized explanations of recent events veiled the growing problem of ISIS in Iraq as well as Syria. The Obama administration has taken the US down a path, requiring it to respond or tolerate Iraq's unraveling and the emergence of ISIS. Obama has explained that the US isis still the world's leader. However, the US must act in a manner consistent with that title if the administration wishes to retain it Managing News on the Islamic Militant Problem in Syria The situation in Syria was presented as urgent issue by Obama administration officials, yet manageable. Once the anti-regime movement in Syria became an armed struggle, the US considered various ways to support the opposition. Multilateral approaches were taken toward organizing opposition political groups as well as their fighters on the ground Among steps taken was the establishment of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the umbrella group for the multitude of different opposition fighting units. Its leadership was placed under the Supreme Military Council. As a possible military response in support of policy goals, the idea of the US launching kinetic strikes against targets in Syria was bandied about. However, there was an understanding established that such strikes would be impeded by the lack of intelligence from the ground, and there was the risk of civilian causalities and US losses. Indeed, the idea of "boots on the ground" was soundly rejected from the start. Eventually, it was reasoned that the FSA, with US supplied arms and training would advance against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and pressure him into stepping down at the negotiation table. Pressing this issue with US Congress, the Obama administration sent it senior foreign and defense policy officials to Capitol Hill to promote the matter with relevant committees. Yet, Members of Congress were skeptical of the feasibility of that approach. US Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly told Congress on September 3, 2013, that "the opposition is getting stronger by the day." However, Representative Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican, challenged Kerry's assertions at the House Foreign Affairs Committee on September 4, 2013. McCaul asked Kerry: "Who are the rebel forces? Who are they? I ask that in my briefings all the time." McCaul then explained, "And every time I get briefed on this it gets worse and worse, because the majority now of these rebel forces—and I say majority now—are radical Islamists pouring in from all over the world." Kerry replied: "I just don't agree that a majority are al-Qaida and the bad guys. That's not true. There are about 70,000 to 100,000 oppositionists . . . Maybe 15 percent to 25 percent might be in one group or another who are what we would deem to be bad guys." The administration's public assessments were captivating and satisfying enough for those who chose not to look deeply and those who chose simple answers. Yet, evidence of the true nature of the situation in Syria was being presented from other sources (i.e., nongovernment policy analysts, journalists, as well as pundits). That information, while not rejected by the administration, was never confirmed. Instead, the administration stated the realities about the Islamic militant presence and growing strength was said to be unavailable. Administration officials proffered the idea that it could not gain a full picture of what was happening on the ground. For the US public, this was a pleasant and unchallenging fantasy. For whatever reasons, perhaps the national elections for the presidency and the Congress were among them, the conscience of the US public appears to have been deemed too delicate for the reality of the situation. There apparently was some fear that a type of upheaval within the US public over Syria would have occurred. However, the truth was not inaudible to the public's ears. The perpetuation of the inaccuracy that the situation was under control would lead to disappointment for the US public. Indeed, the truth would eventually overwhelm the superficial assessments being offered. It is now accepted that unlike the secular groups and moderate Islamists in the Syrian opposition, Islamic militant groups as ISIS never intended to cease their struggle with the Assad regime under any peace agreement. The Islamic militants' goals were never compatible with the concepts and intent of the Syrian opposition's leadership. While mainstream FSA forces have been directed toward creating the basis for a transition to a democratic style government in Damascus for all Syrians, ISIS and other rogue Islamic militant groups have only wanted to create a separate Islamic state on Syrian territory, under Sharia law. Indeed, before the new Islamic Caliphate was established, in towns and villages of rather large segments of Syria that ISIS and rogue Islamic militant groups control, they have imposed a strict form of Sharia law on inhabitants. Infractions of that law have resulted in merciless abuses and gruesome murders of Syrian citizens. Syrian military personnel and regime supporters are rarely spared by the rogue Islamic fighters. ISIS, while still viewed as part of opposition forces, began regularly attacking more moderate Islamic militant groups and secular units. As the FSA was not truly successful at all on the ground, the added pressure of an additional struggle with ISIS helped to derail the Syria effort of the administration of US President Barack Obama. The US effort in Syria hinged on how it would respond to the Islamic militant presence. The Obama administration needed to see this truth early on. Yet, the administration seemingly closed its eyes to this fact. Without military action, US policy could not be advanced. The administration appeared willing to let the entire Syrian situation fall into stalemate while continuing a small, ineffective assistance effort, projecting toughness through legal maneuvers and military exercise, avoiding military action, and allowing Assad to remain in power. Sensationalism: The Threat to the Homeland From Syria Soon enough there was a shift in perspective from the administration. The presence of ISIS and other Islamic militant groups in Syria was recognized as a danger, but far beyond the Middle East. At a US Senate Intelligence Committee hearing held on January 29, 2014, Committee Chairman, Senator Dianne Feinstein, stated: "Because large swaths of the country . . . of Syria are beyond the regime's control or that of the moderate opposition, this leads to the major concern of the establishment of a safe haven and the real prospect that Syria could become a launching point or way station for terrorists seeking to attack the United States or other nations. Not only are fighters being drawn to Syria, but so are technologies and techniques that pose particular problems to our defenses." Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center testified the same day to Senator Feinstein's committee that "a permissive environment, extremist groups like Al-Nusra and the number of foreign fighters combine to make Syria a place that we are very concerned about—in particular, the potential for terrorist attacks emanating from Syria to the West." The National Director for Intelligence, James Clapper, in his testimony that day explained succinctly, "What's going on in there [Syria], and the attraction of these foreign fighters is very, very, worrisome." Given such grim assessments from senior US officials, a decision to take action in Syria would seem inevitable. These synoptic assessments of potential attacks on the US came from the same sources that had minimized the capabilities and possibilities of the Islamic militants only a few short months before. Evidence of the problem was not being rejected by Obama administration officials, it was, to some extent, being sensationalized. Alerts to threats from Islamic militant groups, even those that were Al-Qaeda linked, no longer create real urgency in the US public. Such alerts came so regularly during the Bush administration that to some degree the US public became desensitized to them. Moreover, for many in the US public, media reports of such threats came as interesting stories or amusements. Interest was heightened, only to be doused by the next things that came along. In January 2014, the "next things" were events surrounding Super Bowl XLVIII, the Winter Olympics in Sochi, and pop singer Miley Cyrus. Wielding US Power in the Middle East French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, at one point gravely concerned over the course the P5+1 nuclear negotiations with Iran, lamented about the Obama administration's handling of US foreign policy. He explained that without US engagement, the world would find "major crises left to themselves," and "a strategic void could be created in the Middle East," with widespread perception of "Western indecision" in a world less multipolar than "zero-polar." Fabius was disappointed and discouraged by "the non-response by strikes to the use of chemical weapons by the Damascus regime, whatever the red lines set a year earlier." Fabius stated a redirection of US interests may be a manifestation of the "heavy trauma of the interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan" and his perception of a "rather isolationist tendency" in US public opinion. Yet, despite such pleas from close allies as the French regarding his administration's approach to foreign policy, Obama confirmed the worst assumptions made by Fabius in his May 28, 2014 Commencement Address at West Point. Obama explained: "For the foreseeable future, the most direct threat to America, at home and abroad, remains terrorism, but a strategy that involves invading every country that harbors terrorist networks is naive and unsustainable. I believe we must shift our counterterrorism strategy, drawing on the successes and shortcomings of our experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, to more effectively partner with countries where terrorist networks seek a foothold." Obama further explained that there was a need for: "a new strategy reflects the fact that today's principal threat no longer comes from a centralized Al-Qaeda leadership. Instead it comes from decentralized Al-Qaeda affiliates and extremists, many with agendas focused in the countries where they operate. And this lessens the possibility of large-scale 9/11-style attacks against the homeland, but it heightens the danger of US personnel overseas being attacked, as we saw in Benghazi. It heightens the danger to less defensible targets, as we saw in a shopping mall in Nairobi. So we have to develop a strategy that matches this diffuse threat, one that expands our reach without sending forces that stretch our military too thin or stir up local resentments." Through this mellifluous speech about multilateral approaches to threat to peace and stability and terrorism in particular, Obama presented a world where problems could be handled through cooperation. This is not a new idea. Regional alliances such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, Central Treaty Organization, and the Organization of American States were created to bring resources of nations together to cope with the "Communist threat." Even on terrorism, multilateral approaches were viewed as required when modern-era counterterrorism was established during the administration of former US President Ronald Reagan. Yet, the idea that the US can today rely upon multilateral solutions requiring joint action with allies and partners who themselves face drastic military cuts and economic difficulties is unwise. No Western European state with real military capabilities will go into Iraq now, to take on risks while fighting ISIS, especially when its political leaders feel that issue does not fall within their interests. Obama spoke of a hesitancy of the US to act militarily, yet assumes others in the region possessing far less capabilities than the US would subordinate their own interests. concerns, and limitations, to support and defend others. Most states are aware that warfare lately has been asymmetric and not set piece engagements to win quickly. Obama presents this notion of multilateralism to a US public confused about the contrast between the certitude with which Obama speaks, and regular breakdowns in administration foreign policy initiatives that they witness. The US must look strong. In past cases, what others have thought about the US has deterred them from hostile action. Relative peace was maintained through strength. US diplomacy has been supported in many cases by the credible threat of force. The failure of Obama administration to project authentic US strength globally is not subject to rationalization by its officials. ISIS is unconcerned with US military power and possible US intervention. Among such unenlightened, uncivilized, violent men, reason has little place. Hoping that they might eventually establish some concordance with the government to work toward peace and stability in Iraq and obey international law is absurd. Only the use of force will have a strong educational effect upon them. Given that, the administration's approach is questionable. Intellectualization of the Iraq Crisis ISIS and other insurgent groups have rapidly advanced through the mostly Sunni areas of Iraq. In a matter of days, they have captured several cities including Mosul, Tikrit, Tal Afar, and are driving on Baghdad from two directions. It has declared the captured territory the Islamic Caliphate. The leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, recently appeared in public to make that declaration. As for US airstrikes to reduce ISIS controlled territory, military experts have explained that they would be impeded by the lack of intelligence from the ground. The idea of multilateral action was dead from the start. Although Obama explained that the goal is to prevent ISIS from achieving a permanent foothold in either Iraq or Syria, for that matter, he proffered that the issue goes beyond security assistance. Confronted with this unacceptable situation, Obama has rationalized that part of the challenge is the lack of representation of Sunni, Shi'a and Kurds in the Iraqi government. Obama blames divisions for Iraq's inability to cope with ISIS. Administration officials, at least publicly, have focused not on the ISIS assault, but rather on the idea that from the chaos, they can cobble together a new, more inclusive government in Baghdad. In Obama's view the formation of a new government will be an opportunity to begin a genuine dialogue and forge a government that represents the legitimate interests of all Iraqis. Obama believes leaders who can govern with an inclusive agenda will be able to truly bring the Iraqi people together and help them through this crisis. It is difficult to understand why the Obama would believe the type of representative government he seeks for Iraq could be designed at the point of an ISIS gun. The majority of Sunnis, Shi'as, and Kurds would never genuinely subsume their interests to satisfy the US regardless of the circumstances. The fact that Maliki came to power evinces the limited US understanding of Iraq's political situation. Obama has been pilloried with scathing criticisms from his Republican Members of Congress and other political rivals over his handling of Syria, Iraq, and the crisis with ISIS. Many of Obama's harshest critics are former officials from the Bush administration who were themselves directly responsible for plunging the US, unprepared and off-balance, into the Middle East. Polls on the US public's satisfaction with the Obama administration's handling of foreign policy rely on snap judgments of a sample of the population. It is easy to say things. Yet, a mature examination of the innermost feelings of the US public would likely yield that there is great disappointment over the handling of US foreign policy. Obama does not want the US military to intervene on the ground in the Syria. However, the conscience of the US public has been struck by news media reports that ISIS fighters have moved en mass with near impunity through Iraq, a country in which the US, for over eight years, invested so much blood and treasure. Watching reports on mass executions and the establishment of a terrorist state in the heart of the Middle East, many are left with a vapid, noncommittal sadness. Hearing the Obama administration claim that there is little the US can do just makes things worse. Leaving the Iraqis to their own devices against what has appeared as an unstoppable blitzkrieg will somehow return to haunt the US. There is a sense of "Minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus" (He threatens the innocent who spares the guilty). In the long-run, the US public will not concede to this situation. The US public seeks to meet the fullness of its humanity. Where there is a need to act in the name of humanity to defend civilization against darkness, they expect action. That is how the US, as the world's leader, is expected to behave. Posted in 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Afghanistan, Al-Nusra Front, Baghdad, Central Treaty Organization, Communist threat, Director of National Intelliigence James Clapper, Director of the Natonal Counterterrorism Center Matthew Olsen, France, Free Syrian Army, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, French Foreign Ministry, FSA, George W. Bush, God, House Foreign Affairs Committee, House Intelligence Committee, Iran, Iraq, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Iraqi Shi'a militia, ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham, Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, Kerry, kinetic strikes, Kurds, Laurent Fabius, Maliki, Matthew Olsen, NATO, News Syria, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, North Caucasus Federal District, Obama, P5+1, pundit, Putin, Representative Michael McCaul, Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Shi'a, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, Syria, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, US Congress, US House of Representatives, US Military Academy, US President Barack Obama, US President George W. Bush, US President Ronald Reagan, US Secretary of State, Washington Post, West Point | Leave a reply Amplifying the Truth about the Denuclearization Diplomacy to Counter Flawed Interpretations and Negative Expectations: A Response to Readers' Comments George VI's Royal Christmas Message of 1939: Words of Hope for Humankind in Tumultuous Times Commentary: A US-North Korea Denuclearization Agreement, if Reached, Must Not Be Left Open to Destruction by Others Book Review: Markus Wolf, Man without a Face: The Autobiography of Communism's Greatest Spymaster (Times Books, 1997) Commentary: Telephone Vigilance Must Be Intensified as Trump's Conversations with Foreign Leaders Are Leaked and Interpreted by Adversaries Obama Urges Putin to… on Ties Fraying, Obama Drops Puti… Russia Calls on US M… on Ties Fraying, Obama Drops Puti… Russia Calls on US M… on Obama, Putin Discuss Olympics… Obama, Putin Discuss… on Putin Vows to Annihilate Terro… bet365 free bet on Politics and a Ruptured Tendon… "S" Department of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service #2020 US Presidential Campaign #ArgentinaG20 #BalticStates #Bolton #DimitryRogozin #Kelly #Kim Jong-un #Lukashenko #Mattis #McMaster #Obama #PavelFilip #Pompeo #Tillerson #Zelensky 100th Anniversary of the World War I Armistice 12th Supreme People's Assembly 1954 NCAA Basketball Champions 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis 1973 Arab Israeli War 1979 Hostage Crisis 1979 US Embassy Takeover 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta 2008 US Presidential Campaign 2010 Belarusian Presidential Election 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London 2013 Boston Marathon 2013 G-8 Meeting in Northern Ireland 2014 Counter-ISIL Ministerial in Brussels 2014 Wales Summit Declaration 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi 2015 National Drug Threat Assessment 2016 State Security Concept 2017 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit Meeting 2017 Munich Security Conference 2017 National Defense Authorization Act 2018 Brussels Summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018 NATO Summit 2018 US Congressional Campaign 2018 US-DPRK Summit in Singapore 2018 US-Russia Summit in Helsinki 2018 World Cup in Russia 2019 US-DPRK Summit in Hanoi 5+2 Talks on the Transnistria Peace Settlement 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly Abbas Araqchi Abbey of Monte Cassino Abu Ayyub al-Masri Academy of Foreign Intelligence ADST Adviser to the Foreign Minister of Iran Ali Khoram Afghan Shi'a Liwa al-Fatimiyoun Ahmed al-Alwani AirLand Battle Doctrine AirLand Battle Strategy Akbar Hashem Rafsanjani Al-Anbar Province Al-Mayadeen Television Al-Nusra Front Al-Qaeda in Iraq Al-Qaeda in the Land of Two Rivers Al-Qurayatayn Alaeddin Borujerdi Albert Frederick Arthur George Aleksandr Prokhorenko Alexander Lavrentyev Alfred Lloyd Tennyson Ali Hassan Salameh Ali Khoram Ali Larijani Ali Shamkhani Alistair Baskey Allawite Special Forces Allied Commission on the Democratization of Italy Alpenfestung Alpha Group AMAD Plan Ambassador Donald P. Gregg America First Foreign Policy An Essay on Man Anakrino Anatoly Semyonovich Rakhlin Anatoly Serdyukov Anbar Province Andrei Piontovsky Andrew Daulton Lee Andropov Red Banner Institute Anschullus Ante Pavelic Anti-IED Technology Anti-Missile Defense Antony Blinken apparatchiks Aquacade Aquacade satellite program Arak Heavy Water Reactor Ardakan Uranium Production Plant Argus satellite program Arkadan Milling Facility Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer Arms Control Association Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina Asia-Europe Meeting At the Gate of the Year Atlantic Charter of 1941 Augustus Caesar Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot Authorization for the Use of Military Force Auxiliary Bishop of Paris Emmanuele-Anatole-Raphael Chaptal de Chanteloupe Avery Cardinal Dulles Ayatollah Ahmad Alamolhoda Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami Ayatollah Mohammad Husayn Fadlallah Azov Battalion Azov Battalion National Guard of Ukraine Azov Sea Azraq Refugee Camp Édouard Daladier B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber Baku-Supsa pipeline Baldassare Castiglione Baltic Air Policing Baltic Assembly Baltic Council of Ministers Bashar Ja'afari Basij Battle of Flanders 1940 Battles of the Minsk and Smolensk 1941 Bekaa Valley Air Battle 1982 Belarusian Defense Minister Lieutenant General Andrei Ravkov Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko Bernard Brodie Bessarabia Province Bishop Alojzije Mišić Bishop Felix Roeder Bishop Johann Konrad Maria Augustin Felix Graff von Preysing Lichtenegg-Moos Black Vault Blue Cube Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin Boris Yeltsin Bosnia and Herzegovina Armija Bosnian Federation Armija Brigadier General Hassan Shateri Brigadier General Hossein Salami British Expeditionary Force British Foreign Secretary William Hague British General Sir Michael Jackson British Secret Intelligence Service British Security Service British Securty Coordination Bruce Ollstein Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus Cardinal Gerlier of Lyon Carl von Clausewitz Cato the Elder Causasus Mountains CENTCOM Combined Air Operations Center Center for Analyses of Strategies and Technologies Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Treaty Organization Chairman Kim Jong-un Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea Kim Jong-un Chekist Chekisty Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation General Valery Gerasimov Chief of the General Staff of the IDF Lieutenant General (Rav Aluf) Gabi Ashkenazi Chief of the General Staff of the IDF Lieutenant General (Rav Aluf) Gadi Eizenkot Chief Pentagon Spokesperson Dana White Chinese CCTV Chinese Chairman Mao Tse-Tung Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi Chollima Movement Christel Guillaume Christopher John Boyce Cleobulos of Lindos Coalition for a Democratic Syria Collective Security Treaty Organization Colonel Bach Van Hien Colonel Nguyen Cong Vinh Combatting Terrorism Center at West Point Communist threat Conexus Baltic Grid confidence building measures Count Francisco Gomez-Jordana Counter ISIL Coalition Ministerial in Brussels counterespionage Countering Violent Extremism counterintelligence Coupe en deux pieces Daryābān David Salahuddin Deborah Lee James Deir al-Zor Democratic Majority Whip Steny Hoyer Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Deputy National Security Adviser Design Information Questionnaire Deutsch Demokratische Republik Diakrino Dignity and Truth Platform Party Dimitry Peskov Dimitry Rogozin Diplomatic Security Service Director of National Intelliigence James Clapper Director of the Natonal Counterterrorism Center Matthew Olsen Directorate "A" of the FSB Special Purpose Center Directorate "V" of the FSB Special Purpose Center Directorate of Plans Doku Umarov Donald Gregg Donald P. Gregg Donetsk People's Republic Double Cross System DPRK Chairman Kim Jong-un DPRK Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho DPRK Supreme People's Assembly DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui E60 Highway Republic of Georgia Eastern Zone of the Allied Occupation Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon Elizabeth Windsor Emperor Bao Dai Emperor Diocletian Emperor Maximian Emperor Napoleon I Enriched EUO2 Powder Plant enriched uranium hexafluoride gas Esenboga Esenboga Airport EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini Euphrates River EUPP Euromaidan Revolution Europe USAF General Philip Breedlove Expediency Council Expediency Discernment Council Expediency Discernment Council Strategic Research Center F-15C F-15C fighter F-22 Fighter F-X fighter F3EA Falaise Pocket false-consensus effect Fars News Fatah's Revolutionary Council Fatah's Revolutionary Security Apparatus Father George Rutler FBI General Intelligence Division FBI Specal Intelligence Service FBI Special Intelligence Service Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsi fighting freezes First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia's President flamboyant discretion Fordow Fuel Enrichment Facility Fordow Nuclear Facility Foreign Intelligence Service Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki Former IRGC Commander General (Sarlashkar) Yahya Rahim Safavi Former IRGC Commander General Yahya Rahim Safavi Forward Defense Forward Defense Strategy Fredric Neuman French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian French Emperor Napolean Bonaparte French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault French Foreign Ministry French President François Hollande French President Georges Pompidou French Prime Minister Édouard Daladier Friedrich Wolf FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov Fua Gagauzia Gaius Musonius Rufus Gaius Seutonius Tranquillus Gary Schroen gas centrifuge uranium enrichment Gas Wars Gchine Mine GDR Generaloberst Markus Wolf GE-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy General Creighton Abrams General Curtis LeMay General David H. Petraeus General Douglas MacArthur General Earl Wheeler General H.R. McMaster General Intelligence Division General James Hollingsworth General James Jones General Jangnai Sohn General John McGiffert General Marcus Vispanius Agrippa General Mark Clark General Martin Dempsey General Martin Dempsey US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Maxwell Taylor General Nguyen Van Minh General Paul Harkins General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Josef Stalin General Valery Gerasimov General Valery Gerasimov Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Generaloberst Markus Wolf Geneva III Peace Talks George Charles Lang George Kennan George William Rutler German Army Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg German Army Colonel Rudolf von Gersdorff German Army General Gunther von Kluge German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen German Field Marshal Walter Model German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier German Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler Gorisont-Air S100 Governor Jennifer Granholm Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani Great Leader Greater Serbia green men Group of 7 Gunter Guillaume Hafez al-Assad Hamburg grab Hamgyöng Bukto Hamid Abutalebi Hansjoachim Tiedge Harandi Harvard University Program on Negotiation Hassan Hassan Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung Head of the Intelligence Service (Mossad) Meir Dagan Hellenic Air Force INIOXOS-2015 Exercise Helsinki Summit Heroic Flexibility Hojjat al-Eslam Sheikh Jalaleddin al-Qassir Hoover's Secret War Against Axis Spies Horace Wilson Hossein Dehghan Hossein Naghavi Hosseini House Foreign Affairs Committee House Homeland Security Committee Hussane Laqees HVA Department 9 Hybrid Warfare Idlib IJO Il Cortegiano Ilya Rogachev Imad Mughniyah Imarat Kavkaz Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus Imperator Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus Incukalns Independent Special Designation Brigades Index Mundi Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung Institute for Economic Research Institute for Strategic Dialogue Intelligence and National Security Inter-German Border Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Internal Troops Internet Caucus Iodine and Xenon Radioisotope Production Facility IR-2M centrifuge IR-40 IR-5 centrifuge Iran's Islamic Consultative Assembly Iran-Iraq War IranContra Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi Iranian Foreign Minister Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif Iranian Foreign Ministry Iranian Parliament Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Iranian President Akbar Hashem Rafsanjani Iranian President Hassan Rouhani Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iranian President Mohammad Khatami Iranian Rear Admiral (Daryābān) Ali Shamkhani Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Iranian State Television Iranian Students News Agency Iranian Supreme National Securty Council Iraqi Parliament Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Iraqi Security Forces Iraqi Shi'a militia Iraqi Vice President Nuri Kamal al-Maliki Iraqi Vice President Osama al-Nujaifi IRGC Brigadier General (Sartip-e Dovom) Yadollah Javani IRGC Brigadier General (Sartip-e Yekom) Ahmad Vahidi IRGC Brigadier General (Sartip-e Yekom) Mohammad Jafar Assadi IRGC Brigadier General Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam IRGC Commander, General (Sarlashkar) Mohammad Ali Jafari IRGC Deputy Commander Brigadier General (Sartip-e Yekom) Hossein Salami IRGC Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari IRGC Quds Force Commander General (Sarlashkar) Qassem Suleimani IRNA IRNA News Agency Irving Janis IS State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror Islamic Caliphate Islamic Jihad Organization Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria Islamic Ummah Ismail Kowsari Israeli Chief of the General Staff Israeli Chief of the General Staff IDF Lieutenant General (Rav Aluf) Gadi Eizenkot Israeli Defense Forces Israeli F-16I Sufa fighter jet Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin Israelis Italian Duce and Prime Minister Benito Mussolini Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri Jabhat al-Nusra Jabhat Fateh al-Sham James Critchfield James Lilley Jan Gossaert Jan Mabuse Jang Song Thaek Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe Jaysh al-Fateh Jean-Marie Lustiger Joachim Moitzheim John McCone Joint Airbase Andrews Joint Chiefs Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Joint Plan of Action Joint Special Operations Command Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate Jozef-Ernest Cardinal van Roey Judgment of Nations Jusztinian Cardinal Seredi Kagnew Station Kalibr 3M-14 sea based cruise missile Kalibr Cruise Missile Kalibr KH-101 air launched cruise missile Karen Dawisha Karl-Christoph Grossmann KCIA Kefraya Kerch Strait Khabur River Khobar Towers Khorasan Group Kim Il-sung Kim Strassel Kim Yong-chul kinetic strikes King Abdullah II of Jordan King George VI of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth King Hassan II of Morocco King of Prussia Frederick II King of Prussia Frederick the Great King Umberto of Italy Klaus Kuron Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti Konrad Wolf Korean Central Intelligence Agency Korean Central News Agency Korean People's Army Kriegsakademie Kurdish Democratic Unity Party Kurdish fighters Kwangju La Salle College laser separation uranium enrichment Lashkar Ab'ad Laser Center Latvian Minister of Defense Raimonds Bergmanis Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics Latvian Saeima Le Régiment de Sambre et Meuse Lebanese Hezbollah Lend-Lease Act of 1941 Lord Edward Halifax Lord Halifax Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Luhansk People's Republic Magnitsky Act Magnitsky law Main Intelligence Directorate Main Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Majles-e Shoraye Eslami Major General Qassem Suleimani Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Manbij Mar-A-Largo Mar-o-largo Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus Marcus Vispanius Agrippa Mark Edmond Clark Mashhad Friday Prayer Matthew Levitt Matthew Olsen Maxwell Taylor Membrane Optical Image for Real-Time Exploitation Merrill's Marauders Michael Fallon Michael Levinson Michel de Nostradamus Mikhail Saakashvili Mikhail Vasilyevich Muzankov Ministry of Defense, Iran Ministry of Foregn Affairs, Iran Ministry of Intelligence and Security, Iran Minnie Haskins Mission of Iran to the UN MIX Facility Mohammad Alaa Ghanem Mohammad Hossein Saffar Harandi Mohammad Khazee Mohammad-Hassan Aboutorabi-Fard Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip Monroe Doctrine Monsignor Alojzije Stepinac Monsignor Aloysius Stepinac moral absolutism Moscow Times Mount Mezzah MQ-1 Predator drone MQ-9 Reaper drone Mukhabarat, Syrian Multinational Force in Lebanon Munich Security Conference February 13 Musa al-Sadr Mustafa Zein Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor of France Natanz Nuclear Facility National Center for Laser Science and Technology National Defense Forces National Intelligence Officer for the Near East National Intelligence Service National Reconnaissance Office National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian Parliament National Student Association NATO Force Integration Units NATO Rapid Reaction Force NATO Response Force NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg NATO Standing Committee NATO Summit in Wales 2014 NATO Supreme Allied Commander NATO Supreme Allied Commander General Philip Breedlove NATO-Russia Council near abroad Neutrality Act of 1939 Nevile Henderson New Russia News Iran News Syria Nicholas de la Riviere Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari Nikolai Patrushev Nord Stream-1 Norrh Korean Hwasong-14 ICBM North Caucasus Federal District North Hamgyong Province North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho North Korean Supreme People's Assembly North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-huiui November 2011 IAEA Safeguards Report OBrON Office of Strategic Services Office of the Permanent Representative to the UN Office of the Special Counsel Operation Freedom's Sentinel Operation Oluja Operation Opera Operation Peace Spring Operation Sana Operation Unified Protector Operations (FM 3-0) Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Organization of Arab Students OSCE's Vienna Document Osirak Nuclear Reactor Osirak Raid 1981 Oslo Peace Process Otto Wambier P5+1 PAK-FA T-50 Stealth Fighter Palestinian Liberation Organization Pashtun People's Liberation Air Force People's Liberation Army People's Protection Units Permanent Representative of Syria to the UN Bashar Ja'afari Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN Mohammad Khazee Philip Habib Plan of Defense of the Russian Federation Platsun scout robots PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat pokazuhka Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski political warfare President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Prince of Denmark Principalities and Powers Provokatsiya Prussian Army General August Gneisenau Prussian Army Marshal Leberecht von Blücher Putin's Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia? Pyotr Tchiachovsky Quds Force Qusayr Ralph Ladestein Ramzan Kadyrov Rapid Reaction Force Raqqa Raymond Batvinis Readiness Action Plan Rear Admiral (Daryābān) Ali Shamkhani Reforger Exercise Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler Representative Michael McCaul Representative Mike Rogers Republic of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko Republic of Korea National Intelligence Service Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor Resource Wars Reverend R. H. W. Regout Rhyolite satellite program Richard Metz Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi Richmond Lattimore Ring of Steel Robert Ames Robert Korb Robert Lindsey Robin Niblett Roger Hilsman Roman Emperor Hadrian Rowhani Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012 Russia at the Turn of the Millenium Russia Federation Black Sea Fleet Russia Federation President Boris Yeltsin Russia vs. ISIL Russia vs. ISIS Russian Black Sea Fleet Russian Defense Minister Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Russian Federal Security Service Russian Federation Air Force Russian Federation Airspace Force Russian Federation Army Colonel General Aleksandr Dvornikov Russian Federation Army Colonel Ruslan Galitsky Russian Federation Baltic Fleet Russian Federation Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov Russian Federation Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov Russian Federation Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu Russian Federation Deputy Prime Minister Dimitry Rogozin Russian Federation Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu Russian Federation Lieutenant General Aleksandr Zhuravlev Russian Federation Lieutenant General Sergei Rudskoi Russian Federation President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin Russian Federation President Boris Yeltsin Russian Federation President Dimitry Medvedev Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin Russian Federation President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Russian Federation Presidential Spokesperson Dimitry Peskov Russian Federation Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev Russian Federation Special Operations Command Russian Federation Tu-95 Bear H bomber Russian Federation Tupolev Tu22M3 Strategic Bomber Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Russian FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov Russian Interior Ministry Russian Intervention in Syria Russian Ministry of Ithe nterior Russian Ministry of the Interior Russian Northern Fleet Russian President Boris Yeltsin Russian President Dimitry Medvedev Russian President Vladimir Putin Russian T-90 tank Russian Tu-95 Bear H Bomber Russian-Abkhazian Agreement on Alliance and Strategic Partnership Russian-South Ossetian Treaty of Alliance and Integration Russo-Turkish War 1806-1812 S-300PMU-1 Sacred Defense Safe Sochi Saghand Mine Saint Artemius Saint Demetrios Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina Saint Procopius Salim Idriss Samuel Finer Sarlashkar Sartip-e Dovom Sasha Havlicek Savior of Iraq Säpo Sector for Science and Technology Secure Fence Act of 2006 Sektor Wissenschaft und Technik Senate Armed Services Committee Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senate Select Intelligence Committee Senator Dianne Feinstein Senator Mark Kirk Senator Rick Santorum Senator Robert Menendez Senior Military Adviser to the Supreme Leader and Former IRGC Commander General (Sarlashkar) Yahya Rahim Safavi Senior Military Advisor to the Supreme Leader Senior Military Advisor to the Supreme Leader and Former IRGC Commander General Yahya Rahim Safavi Senior Policy Adviser to the Supreme Leader and Head if the Expediency Discernment Council Strategic Research Center Ali Akbar Velayati separation of isotopes by laser excitation September 1st Ceasefire Sergei Ivanov Sergei Magnitsky Sergei Mikhalkov Sergei Ryabkov Sergei Shoigu Sergey Shoigu Seyed Hossein Naghavi Hosseini Shabiha, Syrian Shahab Shahab-3 Shahid Alimohammadi Fuel Enrichment Facility Sherman Kent Shiism Sian Beilock Siegfried Matthias Silex Systems Siloviki Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki Sochi Olympic Games SORM SORM-1 South Korean President Chun Doo-wan South Korean President Kim Dae-jung South Korean President Moon Jae-in South Korean President Park Chung-hee South Korean President Roh Tae-woo Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Southern Border Soviet Army Marshal Ivan Konev Soviet Embassy Mexico City Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Ali Larijani Special Counsel to Investigate Russian Interference with the 2016 Presidential Election and Related Matters Special Forces Operational Detachments Special Security Organization Spiridon Ivanovich Putin Staatssicherheitsdienst Staffan de Mistura Stanley McChrystal Stansfield Turner Stephen Bannon Stephen Henderson Stephen Marrin Suhkoi Su-24 fighter bomber Sukhoi Su-34 Strike Fighter Summit on Countering Violent Extremism February 2015 Supreme Allied Commander Supreme Leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong'-un" Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un Supreme Military Council Suriya al-Mufida Suwalki Gap Syrian Arab Air Force Syrian Arab Army Syrian Arab Republic Ministry of Defense Syrian Arab Republic President Bashar al-Assad Syrian Armed Forces Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies Syrian Defense Forces Syrian Express Syrian Kurd People's Protection Units Syrian National Council Syrian Opposition Movement Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center System of Operative Investigative Measures Taqba Ted Shackley Tehran Research Reactor terror blacklist The Adoration of the Kings The Baltic Council The Charlie Rose Show The Crimea The Desert The Dominant System The Donbass The Gate of the Year The King of Prussia's Military Instruction to His Generals The Korea Society The Life of King Henry the Fifth The Man on Horseback The Marshall Plan The Minsk Agreement The Munich Agreement The Pacific Century Institute The Parables of Christ The Roman Socrates The Seven Sages of Greece The Spirit of the IDF The Suq The Threatening Storm The Times of London The Tragedy of Hamlet The Tragedy of Julius Caesar The Tragedy of Macbeth The United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth Tomahawk cruise missile Tomb of Jonah Tongchang-ri top us national security threat Tornado GR4 aircraft Transnistrian President Evgeniy Shevchuk Trolius and Cressida Tsentr 2019 Tu-95 Bear H bomber Tu-95 H Bear bomber Tumen River Tupolev Tu22M3 Strategic Bomber Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan UF6 gas Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky un fil di voce UN General Assembly UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon UN Security Council Resolution 1973 Under Secretary of State Under Secretary of the Treasury Under Secretary of the Treasury David Cohen United Kingdom Ambassador to Germany Nevile Henderson United Kingdom Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson United Kingdom Defense Secretary Michael Fallon United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron United Kingdom Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill uranium hexafluoride gas US A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter US Air Force Brigadier General Robert Coe US Air Force General Philip Breedlove US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeffrey Harrigan US Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany US Ambassador to the UN US Ambassador Vernon A. Walters US Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno US Army Field Manual 3-0 US Army General Douglas MacArthur US Army General George Patton US Army General George S. Patton US Army General Joseph Votel US Army Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster US Army Middle East Signal Communications Agency US Central Command US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Maxwell Taylor US Chief of Naval Operations Admiral George Anderson US Cyber Command US Deputy National Security Adviser Antony Blinken US Deputy National Security Adviser Benjamin Rhodes US General Wesley Clark US Immigration and Customs Enforcement US Marine Corps Commandant General Joseph Dunford US Marine Corps Commandant Joseph Dunford US Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford US Marine Corps Lieutenant General Kenneth McKenzie Jr. US Military Academy US Military Assistance Command Vietnam US National Security Adviser US National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster US National Security Adviser John Bolton US National Security Adviser Susan Rice US National Security Agency US National Security Council US National Security Council Spokesman Alistair Baskey US Navy Admiral George Anderson US Nuclear Regulatory Commission US Permanent Representative to the UN US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikky Haley US President Abraham Lincoln US President Barack Obama US President Bill Clinton US President Donald Trump US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt US President Franklin Roosevelt US President George H. W. Bush US President George W. Bush US President Grover Cleveland US President Harry Truman US President Jimmy Carter US President John F. Kennedy US President Lyndon Johnson US President Richard M. Nixon US President Ronald Reagan US President Woodrow Wilson US Secretary of Defense US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel US Secretary of Defense James Mattis US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara US Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State James Baker US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles US Secretary of State John Kerry US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson US Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James US Senator Amy Klobuchar US Senator Hillary Clinton US Senator John McCain US Senator Lindsey Graham US Senator Marco Rubio US State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin US Under Secretary of State US Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman US Vice President Joe Biden US Vice President Mike Pence US-Mexico-Canada Agreement Useful Syria USMC General James Mattis USMC General John Kelly USS George H.W. Bush USS Gerald R. Ford USS Pueblo USS Ronald Reagan Vasily Ivanovich Okana Vasily Kashin Vernon A. Walters Vernon Walters Very High Readiness Joint Task Force Vice Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea Vice Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea Kim Yong-chul Vichy French Chief of State Philippe Petain Vichy French Prime Minister Pierre Laval Virginia class submarine Vlad Plahotniuc Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin Vostok 2018 Vympel Walter Ulbricht War and Politics War As I Knew It Warsaw Pact weaponization Wendy Sherman West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Western Military District Wharton School of Business White House Chief of Staff John Kelly White House Economic Adviser Gary Cohn William Buckley William Colby William Donovan William Stephenson Willmoore Kendall Wolfgang Ischinger Yahya Rahim Safavi Yasenevo Yujing Zhang Yuri Ushakov Za'atari Refugee Camp Zala drones Zapad 2017 Zersetzung
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Kate Upton Attacked Online For 9/11 Tweets Story from Pop Culture Everyone Is Hating On Kate Upton For These Tweets & It's Not Okay Shannon Carlin Photo: Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock. Soon after criticizing the Miami Dolphins for protesting during the national anthem on Sunday, Kate Upton was attacked on Twitter with sexist messages. Upton chose to pay tribute to those who lost their lives on 9/11 on Instagram with a photo of her boyfriend, baseball player Justin Verlander, standing with his hand over his heart during the national anthem. "I choose to stand. Remembering all those who lost their lives 15 years ago on 9/11," she wrote. "Also, the countless who've given their lives defending our freedom here at home. #NeverForget #PatriotDay." But, after the Dolphins chose to take a knee as the national anthem played during their afternoon game, Upton took to Twitter to comment on what she felt was a sign of disrespect. "This is unacceptable. You should be proud to be an American. Especially on 9/11 when we should support each other," she wrote. "Protest & speak ur mind whenever u want but during the 120 secs you should support the people who protect our freedom." She added, "In my opinion, the national anthem is a symbolic song about our country. It represents honoring." #Repost @justinverlander I choose to stand. Remembering all those who lost their lives 15 years ago on 9/11. Also, the countless who've given their lives defending our freedom here at home. #NeverForget #PatriotDay A photo posted by Kate Upton (@kateupton) on Sep 11, 2016 at 10:48am PDT This is unacceptable. You should be proud to be an American. Especially on 9/11 when we should support each other. https://t.co/qFozwaH9Bu — Kate Upton (@KateUpton) September 11, 2016 Protest&speak ur mind whenever u want but during the 120secs you should support the people who protect our freedom. https://t.co/qFozwaH9Bu In my opinion, the national anthem is a symbolic song about our country. It represents honoring… https://t.co/lFvg2Nfk0r Soon after Upton shared that tweet, many started going after her on Twitter. But, instead of commenting on her opinions of the Dolphins and other football players who demonstrated on Sunday, many chose to go after her personally. As Perez Hilton pointed out, many of these messages were sexist. One person wrote, "Kate Upton upset at dolphins players for kneeling. real patriots give the flag respect by sticking it in their teeth," alongside a photo of Upton in a bikini with an American Flag in her mouth. Another person posted a photo of Upton in an American flag bikini writing, "We all know true patriots honor the flag by strapping it to their butthole." Other people chose to body-shame her, writing things like "Kate Upton built like a Samsung charger" and "sentient rectangle Kate Upton can shut all the way up." While there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with Upton's views, shaming her appearance is completely unnecessary and doesn't push this conversation of equality further. Lol thanks @KateUpton. We all know true patriots honor the flag by strapping it to their butthole. pic.twitter.com/U7lracvpkk — Rob Fee (@robfee) September 11, 2016 kate upton upset at dolphins players for kneeling. real patriots give the flag respect by sticking it in their teeth pic.twitter.com/qIoOLefYoZ — Oliver Willis (@owillis) September 12, 2016 Kate Upton built like a Samsung charger. — scottiebeam (@ScottieBeam) September 11, 2016 sentient rectangle kate upton can shut all the way up — Deaux (@dstfelix) September 11, 2016 Kate Upton is shaped like a box of Oatmeal Creme Pies. — Charles Broccoli (@hotterthanjuly) September 12, 2016 Upton chose not comment on these sexist tweets, but would later defend her views on Instagram writing, "Protest all you want and use social media all you want. However, during the nearly two minutes when that song is playing, I believe everyone should put their hands on their heart and be proud of our country for we are all truly blessed." She then tweeted that the players "have every right and SHOULD protest just not during those 2 minutes on 9/11." That they "should stand up for beliefs," but it's "not the time during anthem on 9/11." Upton would then tweet that it would never be acceptable to protest "during our national anthem. Especially on 9/11 #NeverForget." In my opinion, the national anthem is a symbolic song about our country. It represents honoring the many brave men and women who sacrifice and have sacrificed their lives each and every single day to protect our freedom. Sitting or kneeling down during the national anthem is a disgrace to those people who have served and currently serve our country. Sitting down during the national anthem on September 11th is even more horrific. Protest all you want and use social media all you want. However, during the nearly two minutes when that song is playing, I believe everyone should put their hands on their heart and be proud of our country for we are all truly blessed. Recent history has shown that it is a place where anyone no matter what race or gender has the potential to become President of the United States. We live in the most special place in the world and should be thankful. After the song is over, I would encourage everyone to please use the podium they have, stand up for their beliefs, and make America a better place. The rebuilding of battery park and the freedom tower demonstrates that amazing things can be done in this country when we work together towards a common goal. It is a shame how quickly we have forgotten this as a society. Today we are more divided then ever before. I could never imagine multiple people sitting down during the national anthem on the September 11th anniversary. The lessons of 911 should teach us that if we come together, the world can be a better and more peaceful place #neverforget. A photo posted by Kate Upton (@kateupton) on Sep 11, 2016 at 4:12pm PDT Read my Instagram post. They have every right and SHOULD protest just not during those 2minutes on 9/11 https://t.co/ecBMmUifnw Have every right to protest&should stand up for beliefs.Justice system IS corrupt.Not the time during anthem on 9/11 https://t.co/JH1J9gTusV Sorry I wasn't clear. Never during our national anthem. Especially on 9/11 #NeverForget https://t.co/UEDIsqbXEr Kate Upton Dolphins Sexist Tweets Pop Culture • Entertainment • Kate Upton written by Shannon Carlin More from Pop Culture In Defense Of Ari Lennox's Trip to Ghana: The Power and Pro... Grammy-nominated musician Ari Lennox recently performed at Ghana's Afrochella music festival and shared her experience in the West African nation on Twit by Qali Id It's Time For Black TikTok Creators To Be Paid Their Worth Forbes recently named TikTok's top-earning creators, including Charlie and Dixie D'Amelio and Addison Rae. by Venesa Coger 24 Geeky Gifts For The Fandom Nerds On Your List Do you have a geeky and/or fandom-obsessed person on your list and have no idea how where to start your gift-giving search? We've got you. As our residen It's Time To Let Go Of Celebrity #RelationshipGoals It doesn't take much for two extremely attractive, very famous people to go from individual objects of thirst to a certified Celebrity Couple. Some strat by Kathleen Newman-B... OnlyFans Star Elexus Jionde On Knowing Your Worth And Adding Tax I've always been atrocious at math, so it wasn't too shocking back in October 2018 when I realized that I had miscalculated how quickly I would earn $5 by Elexus Jionde To All The Black Church Kids For Whom Halloween Was Not An Option The end of fall signals a number of things; cooler temperatures, the return (and inevitable pervasiveness) of pumpkin spice, and, most importantly, the sta Ellen Pompeo Just Outed Herself As A Karen Unprovoked Grey's Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo just gave us an unsolicited glimpse of her surprising, behind-the-scenes power trip, revealing that the woman behind you She Was One In A Million — The R29Unbothered Team Remembers Aaliyah There's a clip going viral of Aaliyah appearing on BET's 106 & Park on August 21, 2001. In the video, the then 22-year-old singer is just as you re by R29 Unbothered Caramel Curves Motorcycle Club On Being Co-Signed By Rihanna And ... The recent ad campaign for Rihanna's lingerie line Savage x Fenty features a group of five badass Black women in bustiers, panties and fishnets riding on by Hanna Phifer The Reaction To Chadwick Boseman's Last MCU Performance Will Have... It's an emotional and bittersweet day for fans of the late Chadwick Boseman as Disney+ streams the second episode of the animated series What if…? whic by Tayo Bero Serena Williams On Slowing Down & Getting Emotional During The There is a lot about Serena Williams the public knows: she's a 23-time grand slam winner, a fashion mogul, a wife, mother and the greatest athlete of all Leave Fat Black Women The F*ck Alone "They don't know I do it for the culture, goddamn," Lizzo sings on her newest single, "Rumors." Though it's the opening line of the upbeat pop by Brooke Obie
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Insanity and godlike genetics. Those are the qualities needed to achieve extreme success, à la Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. That's according to the intimate perspective of Justine Musk, who was, of course, Elon's wife. Elon Musk is a co-founder of online payment processing system PayPal, the founder and CEO of both spacecraft company SpaceX and electric vehicle manufacturing company Tesla Motors and the chairman of solar power company SolarCity. He is, categorically, a super success. Justine met Elon as students at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, and married in 2000. They lost their first child to sudden infant death syndrome and then went on to have a set of twins and a set of triplets -- all boys. As her husband achieved astronomical success, Justine, who is a writer, watched herself slowly take a back seat to his work. She watched herself become a trophy wife, she revealed in Marie Claire in 2010. Once you have found a topic that compels you, then find a problem. And in your obsessive pursuit to solve that problem, don't expect to have role models. You will be forging your own path, she says. Six weeks after after they separated, Elon texted Justine to let her know that he was now engaged to be married to a young, British actress named Talulah Riley. He and Riley would go on to divorce, remarry, and divorce again. While insanity and superhuman levels of energy are required to achieve extreme levels of success, wisdom in the world of love is, apparently, not.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Movable-weight technology offers a simple way to customize your driver for a desired ball flight so you can swing fearlessly and hit a lot more fairways. Trajectory Tuning 2.0 expands your loft and lie options utilizing a new patented eight-setting, lightweight hosel. Three positions for the ultra-high-density tungsten back weight shift the CG position. For fine-tuning your fit, a new lightweight eight-position sleeve offers a wider range of loft (±1.5°) and lie combinations. Our first-ever adjustable hybrid allows you to customize your ball flight eight different ways through more loft (±1.5°) and lie combinations for consistently better results. Thinner and more flexible, the maraging-steel face generates faster ball speeds and higher launch so you carry trouble while hitting (and holding) more greens. A larger-profile provides added stability and helps elevate MOI heel to toe. A shorter blade length and narrower sole make the Crossover look and play more like an iron. Game-improvement technology has been reshaped. We reduced offset and shortened the blade length while elevating MOI 8% to create a compact head with the most forgiveness for an iron its size. Precision-milled, sharper grooves in the wedges maximize spin and control. Fast ball speeds, high trajectories and added distance come from more face flexing.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Fidel Castro dies: Music, dancing, parades fill Miami streets Antonio Fins afins@pbpost.com The news that much of Miami has been waiting decades to hear finally arrived Friday night when Cuba's state-run television announced that Fidel Castro was dead. Within hours spontaneous celebrations had broken out on the streets of Little Havana. The party rumbled right into Saturday as hundreds gathered outside the neighborhood's Versailles restaurant, an iconic gathering spot for Cuban exiles for nearly as long as the 90-year-old Castro held power over the island nation. Exiles recall ordeal with sorrow, freedom with joy Police were forced to block off several streets as revelers, many draped in Cuban flags, uncorked bottles of champagne, sang '"Guantanamera" and "La Vida es un Carnaval" and danced salsa and merengue while partying like it was 1959 — the year Castro's rule began. "This is going to go on for a week — at least," said Elliete Rodriguez, of Miami, adding she was on hand to honor her father whom she said died in exile without ever returning to Cuba. Commentary: Life in the time of Fidel was about waiting — and death By 10 a.m. Saturday, the cacophony created by honking horns, blaring car stereos and the banging of pots and pans along Calle Ocho — Eighth Street — had reached rock-concert decibels with no end in sight. "It's a huge moment in history," said Michael Porta, who said his grandfather was imprisoned by Castro's government for his political views. "One of the last tyrants of the 20th century just passed away. It may not change much on the island right away, but it is a cause for celebration in the exile community and anybody who loves freedom." Rumors of Castro's death had toyed with exiles' emotions for years. Speculation of his demise began ramping up after Castro fell ill in 2006 and peaked in 2012 when a Venezuelan doctor who treated the Cuban leader said Castro had suffered a heart attack and was unresponsive. In January 2015, Castro's death became the source of conjecture again following his prolonged absence from public appearances. That caused Univision anchor Jorge Ramos to warn on his Twitter account: "Careful. Remember that here in Miami, almost like a ritual, Fidel Castro is killed several times a year." Full Coverage: The life and death of Fidel Castro Like the boogeyman in a horror movie, Castro emerged every time. Until Friday. "No one is eternal," said Angela Williams, who held a sign in one hand stating "Cuba Libre" and another placard denouncing "57 years of dictatorship and suppression of human rights" in the other. "You have to die some time." Williams stressed that she was not "celebrating" the death of another human being as much as she was honoring loved ones and extolling political freedom. But that view was certainly in the minority Saturday. In West Palm, few Cuban-Americans shed tears "I'm a Christian, so I feel a little like a hypocrite, but I'm happy inside," said Claudia Ortiz of Miami. Damian Maytin, 17, was less diplomatic. His family left Cuba eight years ago after Raul Castro took the reigns of power from his older brother. Raul Castro, 85, has announced that he will not serve beyond 2018, but Maytin believes he will maintain control as long as he lives. "One Castro is down, and we hope the other one dies soon," Maytin said. Photos: Cubans in Little Havana celebrate Castro's death Exiles once believed that Fidel Castro's death would result in the collapse of Cuba's one-party, totalitarian system. But Henry Marinello said that as long as Raul Castro and other Communist party stalwarts remain in power, nothing will change. Marinello arrived on Calle Ocho early Saturday holding a sign with the names "Che, Fidel and Raul" written inside bubbles. The names Che — for Cuban revolutionary figure Che Guevara — and Fidel had lines crossed through them. Under the bubbles were the words, "Falta uno," Spanish for "one's left." Marinello said that he and his brothers came to the U.S. as children in the 1960s while their father stayed behind working with anti-Castro dissident groups. His father was eventually arrested and then executed by a firing squad, he said. "My father was an idealist," Marinello said. "He believed in freedom. He stayed trying to overturn the Castro regime, and he died doing it." Beyond the abundance of Cuban and American flags flying in Little Havana Saturday were those from Brazil, Israel, Venezuela and other countries. Ben Lightfoot of New Zealand biked to Calle Ocho with his 3-year-old son Niko in tow. "We wanted to see a little history," Lightfoot said. Salvador and Celena Parisi of Venezuela said they were on hand to show solidarity with Cuban-Americans. When Fidel Castro and Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez were alive, they formed a close bond that many Venezuelans say has led to the South American country's collapse. "We're living through what many Cubans have already experienced," Salvador Parisi said. "The body of a totalitarian system remains in Cuba, but now the head has been cut off." One celebrant reminded a reporter that Cuban-Americans have long toasted the New Year with the refrain: "Next year in Cuba!" With Castro's death, Claudia Ortiz said that hope may be closer to reality. "I don't think Cuba is going to change overnight," said Ortiz, born in Cuba before moving to Miami 23 years ago. "You can't change 57 years in a week or even a month. We're going to need years to change. But it's a beginning."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Tag: Experimental All the Women I Know (Sandra, Dani, Roma, Alex) by Christine Hume and Laura Larson By Christine Hume and Laura Larson | HWC, Flash CNF, CNF | August 8, 2022 After Lorna Simpson's Head on Ice series and using language from testimonies of eleven Jane Does in the lawsuit against the handling of their sexual assault cases at Eastern Michigan University. Sandra No woman I know got ready with… Always with You by Robert Maynor By Robert Maynor | Fiction, Short Stories | February 4, 2022 Document I: Letter from S. Bethany Dear Father Sister, Mother, Lover who art in Heaven Home, Hell, Hotel, Hospital When you find this, please: Load me like a bullet in the chamber of your gun. Lay me by your… Shaping, Containing, and Dissecting Emotion in Kristen Radtke's SEEK YOU By Guest Author | Craft, Books, Classroom, Critical Essays | October 26, 2021 By Stephanie Trott • I learned to love long-form graphic narratives during a time often associated with loneliness: college. Neither wunderkind nor department darling, I often felt an imposter in my undergraduate English classes and struggled to determine one… User's Guide to Point Guards & Girlfriends by Marisa Crane By Marisa Crane | Flash CNF, CNF | March 24, 2021 When you're the point guard, you've got to be an extension of the coach on the court, & when you're the girlfriend, you've got to be an extension of your abuser in public. Be careful not to embarrass either… Consult Your Doctor if Symptoms Persist by Amanda McLeod By Amanda McLeod | Flash Fiction, Fiction | January 22, 2021 Dr E. Foster General Practitioner 4/16/2017 Patient: Mrs Zoe Smith 5/162 South Street Civic Prescription: LEVONORGESTREL 150mcg / ETHINYLOESTRADIOL 30mcg (generic for Nordette-28) tablet Take one (1) tablet by mouth at the same time each day. Oral contraceptive. QTY:… Interview: Joe Sacksteder By Guest Author | Interviews, Craft, Classroom | July 21, 2020 Joe Sacksteder debuted twice last year: with his first full-length story collection Make/Shift in April, and his first novel Driftless Quintet in November. Between the two, he showcases a number of forms and a blend of genres. Flip through… Interiors by Mike Corrao By Mike Corrao | Fiction, Short Stories | June 18, 2020 I prepare my tools for the excavation. Placing the suspect object onto a sterilized operating surface and unpackaging fresh picks and scalpels. It is 4.3 x 7 x 1.2 inches. A small rectangular stack of papers bound together. With… Click Here to Read the Author's Note on This Story Author's Note "Interiors" is very much the product of my fascination with the physicality of the book-object. The way in which this thing can have such strong roots in the 'real world.' In January when I was starting to plan the story, I was reading Grant Maierhofer's Peripatet (Inside the Castle 2019), which is this very enigmatic tome. It has large two-page spreads, text running across the gutter, photo-scans, URLs, etc. All of this incredibly innovative and unique layout. I was really drawn to the style that permeated this object. It felt like a kind of architecture, like something that the reader navigates rather than reads (at least in the traditional sense). This story is kind of a fantasy of how enigmatic a text like that could really be, of what kind of secrets / mysteries could be hiding inside of it. The process of writing "Interiors" was somewhat strange. I tend to work in a kind of distracted or overstimulated state. I like to play videos in the background, or noise music, jazz, usually something abrasive. I think it adds this potential for chaos and expansion. It allows a story to move in ways that I might not expect it to. It allows for this external input. If I'm watching videos, it might be overhearing a certain sentence that leads me in one direction. Or if its instrumental music, it might be the feeling that a certain sound provokes. Going into "Interiors" I didn't have a very rigid outline. I knew that I wanted to investigate an anomalous object. I knew I wanted the environment to be controlled and the researcher to be systematic in their approach. But beyond that, I left all possibilities open. I did not map the potential effects of the text, or its layout. Or what anomalies might lie inside. I wanted it all to come out, as if being drawn through me rather than from me. And because of this, the process was very intensive. I started putting the text together on January 31 and finished it on February 2. It was the only thing I was working on over the course of those three days. Most of each day was either spent writing or editing. At the end, "Interiors" came out as you see it now (excluding some edits thanks to the adept insight of the CRAFT editorial team). John Trefry says, "Books are not places apart from this world. They are impossible places within it." And I very much think that this is the philosophy that guides "Interiors." The book is not a portal to fantasy, it is an object-of-power. It is the thing on the table / desk / shelf in front of you. MIKE CORRAO is the author of two novels, Man, Oh Man (Orson's Publishing) and Gut Text (11:11 Press); one book of poetry, Two Novels (Orson's Publishing); two plays, Smut-Maker (Inside the Castle) and Andromedusa (forthcoming—Plays Inverse); and two chapbooks, Avian Funeral March (Self-Fuck) and Spelunker (Schism—Neuronics). Along with earning multiple Best of the Net nominations, Mike's work has been featured in publications such as 3:AM, Collagist, Always Crashing, and The Portland Review. He lives in Minneapolis.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Die Liste der Naturdenkmale in Saarwellingen nennt die auf dem Gebiet der Gemeinde Saarwellingen im Landkreis Saarlouis im Saarland gelegenen Naturdenkmale. Naturdenkmale |} Belege Saarwellingen Naturdenkmale
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Cipla Ltd 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE Product #: SOM Price: Rs.256.89 Rs.256.89 Available from: SAVEONMEDICALS.COM In stock! Order now! What is the frequency of use of 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE? Have you been prescribed 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE by a doctor? How do you rate 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE on price? Q1) Is 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE effective? Q2) What is the frequency of use of 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE? Q3) Have you been prescribed 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE by a doctor? Q4) How do you rate 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE on price? Q5) What is your overall rating of 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE? Is 1ST AID MICRO PLAST BANDAGE effective?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
He wants to repeal the health care act, have fewer bank regulations … keep the minimum wage at current levels. The Capital News sure got involved with the results of the USA election and why not. No future president in recent history has all the nasty personality traits that The Donald shows. With a major upswing in American financials and a likely change to the Dodd Frank banking regulations [Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act]; it appears to me that Mr. Trump will help the Wall Street banks. Keep in mind that after four bankruptcies of corporations in his empire the banks have helped him restructure his assets for 30 plus years. George W. Bush was the pitch man for the oil industry. I can remember the good old days when oil was $140 plus a barrel. I can remember when banks set up subprime mortgages. Check out the movie The Big Short to see how these banks got away with the biggest fraud in history. They even got money from the government while millions lost their jobs as well as their houses in many cases. Donald Trump is not going to help the poor or the middle class. He wants to repeal the health care act, have fewer bank regulations and for sure keep the minimum wage at current levels. P.S.: The real truth is 97 million eligible voters did not vote in the 2016 election.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
var _ = require('underscore'); var Department = Parse.Object.extend('Department'); exports.index = function(req, res) { var query = new Parse.Query(Department); query.descending('createdAt'); query.find().then(function(results) { res.render('departments/all', {departments: results}); }, function() { res.render(500, 'Failed to load departments'); }); }; exports.new = function(req, res) { var Faculty = Parse.Object.extend('Faculty'); var facultyQuery = new Parse.Query(Faculty); facultyQuery.descending('createdAt'); facultyQuery.find() .then(function(results) { console.log('departments: ' + results); res.render('departments/create', { faculties: results }); }, function() { res.render('departments/create', { faculties: [] }); }); }; exports.create = function(req, res) { var department = new Department(); // var Faculty = Parse.Object.extend('Faculty'); // TODO retreive Faculty object with specified name department.save(_.pick(req.body, 'name', 'number', 'email', 'hod', 'faculty')) .then(function() { res.redirect('/departments'); }); }; exports.indexJSON = function(req, res) { var query = new Parse.Qeury(Department); query.descending('createdAt'); query.find().then(function(results) { res.json(results); }); }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
HBO Max Watch Party: T. Thomas Fortune Hits the Big Screen! The T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center will host a watch party of the HBO Max new series, WHEN: January 24, 2022, 8 PM WHERE: T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center, 94 Drs. James Parker Blvd., Red Bank For more information visit https://www.tthomasfortuneculturalcenter.org/fortune-on-hbo and contact evelynfortunefoundation@gmail.com for further questions. Follow us on Instagram @t.thomasfortune and Twitter @TThomasFortune9 The show will feature the character of T. Thomas Fortune, played by actor Sullivan Jones. It takes place in New York in 1882 during the American Gilded Age, a time of economic change and conflict between the old world and the new world. Jones, who visited the T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center last spring after accepting the role, learned the rich history of the trailblazing giant. Jones has big shoes to fill in his portrayal of Fortune, who was born into slavery in 1856 in Florida. Fortune made a name for himself as a journalist and newspaper publisher, during the Gilded Age in New York, where his newspapers, the New York Globe, Freeman and the New York Age, were published. Fortune was a dynamic orator, who spoke truth to power and someone many politicians feared. Jones learned quite a bit about Fortune (left), who started the first successful black political organization in 1887, The National Afro-American League, a precursor to the NAACP. The actor spoke with Lynn Humphrey, who is the Cultural Center's archivist, and she provided him information on Fortune and his family, who lived in Red Bank from 1901-1910. The information Jones gained that day from his visit reassured the actor as he steps into this role. Most people have never heard of T. Thomas Fortune. However, this highly anticipated series, with Jones appearing in almost every episode, will introduce them to Fortune, who was a force to be reckoned with during this time. The show will also feature The Good Fight's Christine Baranski, And Just Like That's Cynthia Nixon and Meryl Streep's youngest daughter making her series debut. This will be an exciting event celebrating Fortune on the big screen. Don't miss it!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Book Review: America's Great Railroad Stations by Peter Strauss III, Ed Breslin, and Hugh Van Dusen Posted on May 2, 2019 by Jechiel The age of the great American railroad, which emerged at the turn of the century, spurred a period of great American railroad stations all coming to fruition at the core of the Industrial Revolution. Now with the world steep in the computer age, the day of the great American railroad and train stations seem to have slipped away, but authors Peter Strauss III, Ed Breslin, and Hugh Van Dusen show that a handful of these period pieces continue to flourish in this modern age. Their book "America's Great Railroad Stations " from Penguin Books is a detailed encyclopedia of the remaining railroad stations that were born at the height of the Industrial Revolution in America. Stations such as Philadelphia's 30 th Street Station and Washington, D.C.'s Union Station are massive structures that are an integral part of their city's landscape. They can be found on any map of these cities servicing hundreds of thousands of people each day whether in terms of supplying public transportation or in other areas of commercial endeavors such as food courts, gift shops, or convenience and specialty stores. The authors revel in the glorious structures of the American railroad station of yesteryear. Though antique stations have been converted into museums such as Richmond Virginia's Broad Street Station or operated by Amtrak like the Hudson River Stations and Adirondacks Lines, these structures still rival the grandeur of stations like Gare du Nord in Paris and Charing Cross in London. The authors ruminate about the European features of these structures such as elaborate cornices, Doric columns, domed ceilings with a glass oculus in the center, butterfly canopies, ornamented spires, elaborate mascarons, arched entrance ways, domed rotundas, and stone friezes. They also discuss the materials used to build these multi-ton structures such as rustic brick, durable granite, speckled marble, and classic limestone and terra cotta. It was a time when masonry work was in vast demand, and buildings were complimented by geometrical shapes and art deco floor patterns. The authors offer a large volume of information regarding turn of the century railroad stations and their historical significance. They show that as communities grew, so too did the American railroad and the train stations which were designed to accommodate the expansion. But as planes and vehicles came into the public market, the need to use the railroad waned. The authors demonstrate how a number of antique railroad stations survived by adapting to the new conditions of their environment and servicing a modern society. Previous: Bendable Candle Next: Bottle Lid Christmas Advent Calendar
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
I have a hard time getting started. Or too dry and clinical. It depends on how you spend your time, how you make your living, and who you primarily share your life with. There are book resources on the market for these folks. Open Preview, see a Problem?This means shaping your life to fit your impulsiveness, distractibility, high energy, and need for stimulation.For example, ADD people often have too many interests to fit easily into a narrow job.Whether youre brand new to the diagnosis or an experienced old-timer, you will find plenty of useful ideas.Community Reviews (showing 1-30).In fact, ADD adults may be perfectly suited to succeed in the culture emerging from technological innovation and globalization.As usual, Stephanie Sarkis has done a masterful job of assembling a countless number of tips and strategies to improve the lives of adults with ADD.For an adult with ADD, the key to success is to find the courage to be who you are.Skills offered in this book will enhance daily productivity and self-confidence, leading to a more satisfying life. Reader Q A, to ask other readers questions about. The book is concise and to the point on issues that challenge adults with ADD and their families. For those of us who struggle with attention deficit disorder (ADD the question remains: Is ADD a gift or a curse?Sarkis combines her wealth of information with the latest research findings for an enriched second edition of this popular book.People think of ADD as a kids problem, but many adults also struggle with ADD, and are looking for solutions.But they are often too long.Let us know whats wrong with this preview of The Gift of Adult ADD by Lara Honos-Webb.Adults with ADD need straightforward tools for coping with real nativeunion com coupon code experiences.Goodman, MD, Assistant professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and director at Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Center of Maryland.Don't change yourself to fit a world that others have created; rather, create your own world to be the perfect match for your strengths and weaknesses.It can only help.The defiance of an ADD child can transform into self-reliance as an adult, leading to both new ways of looking at the world and new solutions to old problems. The Solution Even as consumers have gotten more savvy, the marketplace has been pretty much slow to respond and the window is still open for anyone that wants.Just like Bill Gates created Windows.They make it very simple for you to get set up.. Graduates and their families and friends are encouraged to leave ample time to arrive at the arena.Get Deal openbucks gift card Authored By Rotman Items As Low As 22 Be budget savvy and use the great deal we offer for.The Loyola University Maryland..
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: opengrok Index database(s) not found I'm using OpenGrok and get an issue when I try to search on a project. I get the error "Index database(s) not found..." It's a bit weird, because there are other projects on this instance and they work perfectly. It's only with the last project in my list that I have this problem... Does anyone have any idea? A: You will see this error, when there is a problem with indexing of given repository. opengrok creates a "dirty" file in such cases under index folder eg. /home/opengrok/data/index/ Please follow the below steps to solve such errors. * *Identify the repository on which this error is being appeared eg. test *Login to opengrok server *cd /home/opengrok/data/index/ eg. /home/opengrok/data/index/test *Move the contents to a temp location eg. mkdir /tmp/test; mv /home/opengrok/data/index/test/* /tmp/test *Start indexing again. A: Finally I found how to resolve it. It was because the indexes where to big. So I went in the OpenGrok directory and clear them. Then I launched OpenGrok again and everything went fine. Hope this can help someone else!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
package com.example.test3; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.AnimatorSet; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Point; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnTouchListener; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; public class FeatherRevealView extends RelativeLayout implements OnTouchListener { ImageView fadeImage, frame, leftImage, rightImage; float diffrence; int preConeL =0; int preConeR=0; float preAlpha = 1; private int width; private int height; private Context mContext; private Matrix transform = new Matrix(); private Vector2D position = new Vector2D(); private float scale = 1; private float angle = 0; private TouchManager touchManager = new TouchManager(2); private boolean isInitialized = false; // Debug helpers to draw lines between the two touch points private Vector2D vca = null; private Vector2D vcb = null; private Vector2D vpa = null; private Vector2D vpb = null; public FeatherRevealView(Context context) { super(context); init(context); } /** * @param context * @param attrs */ public FeatherRevealView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init(context); } public FeatherRevealView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); init(context); } private void init(Context context) { mContext = context; setWillNotDraw(false); setOnTouchListener(this); View inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.activity_main, this, true); leftImage = (ImageView) inflater.findViewById(R.id.leftImage); rightImage = (ImageView) inflater.findViewById(R.id.rightImage); fadeImage = (ImageView) inflater.findViewById(R.id.fadeImg); frame = (ImageView) inflater.findViewById(R.id.frame); WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Display display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay(); Point size = new Point(); display.getSize(size); int width = size.x; int height = size.y; this.width = width; this.height = height; // leftImage.setX(width); leftImage.setX(-100); leftImage.setY(height - 1200); rightImage.setX(200); rightImage.setY(height -1200); // animateR(); } @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { vca = null; vcb = null; vpa = null; vpb = null; try { touchManager.update(event); Log.v("TAG", String.valueOf("Touches >>>>>>" + touchManager.getPressCount())); if (touchManager.getPressCount() == 2) { vca = touchManager.getPoint(0); vpa = touchManager.getPreviousPoint(0); vcb = touchManager.getPoint(1); vpb = touchManager.getPreviousPoint(1); Vector2D current = touchManager.getVector(0, 1); Vector2D previous = touchManager.getPreviousVector(0, 1); float currentDistance = current.getLength(); float previousDistance = previous.getLength(); if (previousDistance != 0) { scale *= currentDistance / previousDistance; } angle -= Vector2D.getSignedAngleBetween(current, previous); } // invalidate(); // animateR(); revealFeather(scale); } catch (Throwable t) { // So lazy... } return true; } public void revealFeather(float diff) { // AnimatorProxy.wrap(leftImage).setPivotX(100); // AnimatorProxy.wrap(leftImage).setPivotY(100); WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Display display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay(); Point size = new Point(); display.getSize(size); int width = size.x; int height = size.y; leftImage.setPivotX(width / 2); leftImage.setPivotY(height - 100); rightImage.setPivotX(width / 2); rightImage.setPivotY(height - 100); Log.v("TAF", "******* > " + diff); // boolean flag = animateOnRange(diff); // if (flag == true) moveOnSpecifix(diff); } private boolean animateOnRange(float diff){ if(1<=diff && diff < 3){ animateFeatherParas(0, 1); return true; } if(3<=diff && diff < 5){ animateFeatherParas(100, 0); return true; } return false; } private void moveOnSpecifix(float diff){ diffrence = diff; int distanceBetweenFingers = (int) Math.round(diff); switch (distanceBetweenFingers) { case 0: case 1: changeFeatherParas(0, 1); break; case 2: changeFeatherParas(18, 0.8f); break; case 3: changeFeatherParas(36, 0.6f); break; case 4: changeFeatherParas(54, 0.4f); break; case 5: changeFeatherParas(72, 0.2f); break; case 6: changeFeatherParas(100, 0); break; default: break; } } private void changeFeatherParas(int angle, float alpha){ AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet(); set.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(leftImage, "rotation", preConeL, angle*-1), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(rightImage, "rotation", preConeR, angle), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(fadeImage, "alpha", preAlpha, alpha), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frame, "alpha", preAlpha, alpha) ); set.start(); preConeL = angle*-1; preConeR = angle; preAlpha = alpha; animateOnRange(diffrence); } private void animateFeatherParas(int angle, float alpha){ AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet(); set.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(leftImage, "rotation", preConeL, angle*-1), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(rightImage, "rotation", preConeR, angle), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(fadeImage, "alpha", preAlpha, alpha), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frame, "alpha", preAlpha, alpha) ); set.setDuration(5 * 1000).start(); preConeL = angle*-1; preConeR = angle; preAlpha = alpha; } public void animateR() { // AnimatorProxy.wrap(leftImage).setPivotX(100); // AnimatorProxy.wrap(leftImage).setPivotY(100); WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Display display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay(); Point size = new Point(); display.getSize(size); int width = size.x; int height = size.y; leftImage.setPivotX(width / 2); leftImage.setPivotY(height - 100); rightImage.setPivotX(width / 2); rightImage.setPivotY(height - 100); AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet(); set.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(leftImage, "rotation", 0, -90), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(rightImage, "rotation", 0, 90), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(fadeImage, "alpha", 1, 0.25f, 0) ); set.setDuration(5 * 1000).start(); } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
A city travel guide to Avignon, France providing Avignon tourism and travel information, hotels, attractions, restaurants and shopping. Located in the south of the country, Avignon is France's jewel of the south. History stretches back here for thousands of years, each century contributing to the culture, the style and the beauty of the city, making it one of the best destinations in the country. The city may not be as large as Paris but its big personality makes up for this. Avignon has a large bustling student population, with students coming here from all over the world to study history, culture, art and languages. This gives Avignon a cultured, cosmopolitan feel to it, allowing visitors on tour here to relax and soak up the sophistication. There are many attractions to visit here but one thing to do is to explore the city walls. These magnificent stone ramparts surround the city between 1359 and 1370. Even with the weapons the walls were not the state-of-the-art defence system in 14th century but they are an iconic part of the city and an essential element in its character. Within the walls themselves you will find the museums, giving you the chance to understand more about the history of the region. For art lovers the Musée Angladon is a must-see. It can be found in the heart of the city and features the only Vincent van Gough painting in Provence, named Railway Wagons. There are also other works by Picasso, Cézanne, Sisley, Manet, Degas and many others, each of them guaranteed to take your breath away. Upstairs you will find a collection of historical and cultural artefacts. For those who prefer modern art and photography, the Collection Lambert highlights the best in artworks produced from the 1960s and 70s. The Palais des Papes draws visitors to it like a magnet. It has claimed the title of the largest Gothic palace in the world, testifying to the wealth of papacy of the medieval period. In 1342 a massive banquet was held here to celebrate the coronation of Clement IV. This included 95,000 loafs of bread, 39,980 eggs, 50,000 sweet tarts, 118 oxen, 1033 spit-roasted sheep, 7428 chickens and 1195 geese. A tour around the palace leaves you in awe as you discover what life was like here centuries ago. For somewhere to capture your imagination, take a stroll down to Pont St-Bénézet. This ancient bridge was built in 1185 and was the link that allowed access over the river to allow the establishment of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon. Over the years many of its 22 spans have been destroyed and only four remain, but it is a testament to its long life. The menus here highlight the very best of the regional cuisine and the presentation is so artistic that you may have trouble taking that first bite. Some restaurants can be found in historic grand palaces, allowing each diner to be treated like a king or queen. Little quaint cafes offer the very best in simple home-cooked meals, but whatever your choice you won't be disappointed. Avignon's hotels are some of the finest in the world. Not only do they give you all the comforts of modern life, but as many hotels are established in old buildings, travellers get the full feel of the city's long history. Avignon is an ideal holiday spot for travellers; it gives you a good base to explore the region and it has the history, art and culture which appeals to many. Ask anyone who has visited the city and they will confirm that it is simply a magical place in a beautiful country. Help your favorite places get listed on Avignon travel guide: suggest a hotel, a restaurant or an attraction.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }