QUESTION: Is Jim Rogers right that gold will drop to $900 per oz in the next 1-2 years? - ANSWER: Investors have been buy gold for a while to “park” the money. If the economy improves they will sell it and it will flood the market and the price will fall. And turn that money into what is hot at that time.
QUESTION: What tips can you share for planning a successful sightseeing trip abroad? - ANSWER: Here are some tips for planning a successful sightseeing trip abroad:, Research your destination: Before you begin planning your trip, it's a good idea to research your destination to learn about the culture, history, and attractions of the place you'll be visiting. This will help you identify the sights you want to see and plan your itinerary accordingly., Book accommodation and flights in advance: It's a good idea to book your accommodation and flights in advance to ensure that you get the best rates and availability. You may be able to save money by booking your flights and accommodation as a package deal., Consider purchasing travel insurance: Travel insurance can provide protection against unexpected events such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and lost or stolen luggage. It's a good idea to research different travel insurance options and choose a policy that meets your specific needs., Make a packing list: Before you leave, it's a good idea to make a packing list to ensure that you have everything you need for your trip. Make sure to include essentials such as your passport, visas, tickets, and any medications you may need., Learn some basic phrases in the local language: Knowing a few basic phrases in the local language can be helpful when communicating with locals or seeking assistance while traveling. It's a good idea to learn some basic phrases before you leave, or to carry a phrasebook or translation app with you., Stay safe: When sightseeing abroad, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and take steps to protect yourself. This includes being cautious of pickpockets, keeping your belongings secure, and following local customs and laws., Overall, careful planning and preparation can help ensure that your sightseeing trip abroad is successful and enjoyable.
QUESTION: How is it that in the past I wasn’t able to run fast AT ALL in my dreams but as I'm getting older & more spiritual, I can now run very fast in all my dreams? And no I'm not lucid dreaming, I'm talking about an average dream. Where I have no control. - ANSWER: In my own experiences, ive found that running slow in my dreams was a subconscious expression of inadequacy or self doubt. Almost like those dreams where you throw a mighty punch to no effect , but a little more about circumstances than self worth. I used to have this one dream where my truck was being stolen on a dark foggy night and no matter how hard i ran, i felt lethargic. I remember having to drag myself along the fence line just to stay moving. It sounds like you are becoming more sure of yourself with regards to spirituality and age. Perhaps more confidence in your conscience life is translating to your subconscious. Dreams are wild mang.
QUESTION: Is voice disorder a speech disorder? - ANSWER: No. Voice disorders and speech disorders are separate examples of ‘communication disorders’. Voice disorders have to do with voice production itself (vocal folds issues, breathing issues, etc). For example, breathy voice due to vocal nodules is a ‘voice disorder’., On the other hand, speech disorders have to do with the shaping of the articulators (lips, tongue, teeth, hard and soft palate) into various sounds. For example difficulties producing the /s/ sound correctly is a ‘speech disorder’..
QUESTION: What should I check for before buying Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash? - ANSWER: Checklist:, Check your enthusiasm at the door. Emotions are a lead weight. Therefore, avoid the mascara-wearing crowd., Buy a Ledger or Trezor. Put 99.99% on it, the rest on an app for buying altcoins or more buying on dips. Put Trezor in a fireproof safe, and your passwords in another post code, or if you're really paranoid, only store them in your head., Don't spend more than 5% of your liquidity on crypto. If you make $50,000 nett pet year, never invest more than $2,500., Never tell anyone you own crypto unless they specifically ask you. And never brag. Bragging that you own BTC is putting a target on your back. I know someone who owns a staggering 15,000 BTC. Only a handful of people even knows he exists, let alone owns bitcoin. He has his BTC spread over a dozen Ledger across town with the real seeds memorized. And he drives a shitty car, like mine., If you're unsure, just buy Bitcoin. Check what you think you know at the door. What you know means nothing to a whale. Your faith in any altcoin (even BCH) is just that - faith. And faith doesn't move mountains. Caterpillars do. Faith keeps you going. Faith overcomes obstacles. Faith doesn't affect prices., , Be patient.
QUESTION: Is IB or CBSE accepted worldwide? - ANSWER: From a school that offered both CBSE and IB, I can say that IB is definitely much more widely recognised as a course in the world., However, that does not mean that CBSE is not recognised. To my knowledge, universities are aware of the differing course in the world. While they might not know all of them, they definitely would know of CBSE., If not, just drop them a mail regarding your issue! They'll be more than happy to answer your questions!
QUESTION: How was US senator Henry Clay significant to US history? - ANSWER: .. If there's one thing you need to know about this guy, it's that he was . very, very important, , Henry Clay loved the United States. Born right after 1776 in Virginia, he was born and raised American. Elected to the House of Representatives at 34 and dying as a Senator at 75., Clay influenced the American party system. He was part of the first and second American party systems, elected John Quincy Adams as speaker of the House, ran for president and lost a lot of times., Clay was a compromiser. He was the creator and/or very very influential in the passing of the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise Tariff, and the Compromise of 1850. Regardless of personal opinion on slavery, Clay worked to keep the Union together., Perhaps most important to us today is Clay's "American System". This was a systematic plan to improve American, including high import tariffs, a connection of roads and canals, and a central bank. These ideas still inspire us today (federal highways, the Fed, etc.)
QUESTION: What is an SEO daily schedule for boosting traffic to my site? - ANSWER: Higher Presence -> Higher Click Rate -> Better SEO, Influencer marketing is very effective in significantly boosting the former, as long as you’re confident in your content and just need a kick to your online presence, then influencer marketing can be a great way to achieve your goal. If you’re interested in knowing more, try checking out the available platforms for it, one of the notable ones i know of is phlanx
QUESTION: There is a box, inside is the formula that heals cancer. The lid of the box, however, is connected to a switch that sends a lethal current to your parents tied up nearby. You have a minute to decide whether to open it. What are you doing? - ANSWER: Kobayashi Maru. Hunting down the sick bastard who tied up my parents and making my opinions known to him. A cricket bat with nails in it would be my preferred rhetorical tool to make my points. With any luck, the sicko will shortly see reason, release my parents, open the box, and also say he is very very sorry and give me ten million dollars. See? Why should I have to choose? Save the . also. and . blow up the Romulans, I say!
QUESTION: Can two products have the same UPC code? - ANSWER: Yes, but it’s not supposed to happen in most circumstances., Someone goofed and assigned the same number to two different products from the same block of numbers., A typographical error crept in somewhere between assigning a number to the product and printing the label art for the package on the product. The number on the packaging might or might not be in a block you own., Someone put the wrong label on the wrong product. This might not be difficult if you have a T-shirt for sale with 4 sizes, 5 colors, and 10 designs, for a total of 200 numbers for that T-shirt., Someone used old GS1 rules to re-use a number for a long-discontinued product on a new product., Someone bought a block of numbers from a so-called “third party provider” who sold the same block of numbers to several people, or who just made up numbers that were legitimately in use by someone else. According to GS1, there are no legitimate “third-party providers”., You might find that if you buy a company, it has a partially-used block of UPC codes, and you laid off the guy who knows which codes were used before you found out where he kept the list of which codes were used and for what., Someone just made up a number., Certain ranges of numbers are reserved for in-store use and they may be legitimately re-used in other stores. Examples include cut meat and vegetables sold by weight. You might also use this in a lumber yard for lumber and sheet glass cut to customer specifications. In this situation, the store is only supposed to sell these products to end users, not sell them for resale to other stores.
QUESTION: Can I join back with Infosys if I left it without informing anyone, and I didn’t even pay attention to their warning emails or termination warning? - ANSWER: Its better to be upfront about this history to HR. I would not totally shut the door on the option of joining . Its better to discuss this upfront with HR.
QUESTION: If we have no certainties in life, why do people insist assuming the existence or the non existence of god dogmatically? - ANSWER: We hold many beliefs without benefit of certainty. In the case of God some people believe because they deem they have experienced his existence and personhood so directly and intimately that they cannot doubt., Others believe, even firmly—the world may seem to them to make little sense without the assumption of a divine mind. But recognizing that fallibility and finitude of man they do not claim certainty., I believe dogmatic atheists disbelieve on the grounds that science and scholarship have undermined the authority of holy scripture and other forms of purported authority claiming the existence of God; and there is nothing to be perceived objectively that would constitute evidence of his existence.
QUESTION: What is the difference between dating in high school and the real world? - ANSWER: The difference between the two is the amount of maturity and sensitivity towards a relationship., Basically for some teenagers, it's a start in the dating process, so to speak. (Some students start earlier) You're in a social clime where the participants are becoming of age. The sex hormones are starting to rage at this age., It's awkward time for most, not knowing what to say or do. But really, you have to start somewhere, so mistakes are going to happen., If you are worried about some kind of smooth transition or glibness, that doesn't usually happen., In the real world, you work or earn money somehow and a car and a place to live. You have bills and go do things and shop., The basic drive to be with someone and have a relationship , maybe have a family doesnt change, but the psychological messes people tend to get themselves into continually revolve.
QUESTION: How do I improve my presentation skills? - ANSWER: Before the preparation, What does an average person sitting in the auditorium look like? Feel them, imagine them, draw them. What level of competency do they have in the subject you are going to present? Tailor the content to your audience. Never try to go over their heads or beneath their feet. Once you start visualizing the audience and get them into their heads, you can make an emotional bond with them.. Who: Understand the target., Why are you presenting? What are you planning to achieve after the presentation? Is it to attract investors? Is it to convince a scientific audience about the validity of your work? The presentation is just the marketing of your content and cannot be a replacement for your main content (a detailed deck & metrics in case of fund raising & a paper in case of a research presentation). The presentation is one of the weapons that should lead you to that strategic objective.. Why: Understand your motive. , , What is the broad context of your presentation. Is it a part of a demo day? Is it part of an academic conference? Is it a company meeting? Is it a fund raising event for a charity? Is it a product demo? The context should drive your content and intent.. What: Understand the context. , Understand the Bikini rule of life - . Reveal enough and conceal enough to spark interest. Most of us have the temptation to dump all the stuff we got into the poor little Powerpoint. That leads to intimidation and confusion. The goal of the presentation should be to spark that interest in your work so that your target comes towards you. In essence it is a conversation starter by gaining their attention., The Marketing Mindset, When you are presenting, you are actually marketing [to eventually lead to a "sale" - of whatever you are attempting]. Get into that mindset. You can never sell someone an important idea through a single shot. You need go through a series of stages in the process of them buying your idea. First get them to be aware of your product, generate an interest and eventually lead them to process that leads them to "purchase". Your presentation should do the first two stages below., , Preparing for your presentation, The . . Don't be that guy handing out irrelevant printouts of your powerpoint. Prepare a document handout prepared through a document creator like MS Word or InDesign.. powerpoint deck is not a handout, The . powerpoint deck should not be a readable one. . Certainly not a printable one. [If they are reading, they are not listening to you]. It should be to connect. To get your audience to be interested in you. No more than 7-10 words. Once the audience like your idea, they should have the handout to read more and then come to you for a much detailed walk through., Prepare a script. . Powerpoint deck is not your cheatsheet to read from. Don't rest on that. Have a strong script and use the projection to complement what you say. When you have finished rehearsing, rehearse hard. Whenever I present without rehearsing, the result shows immediately in the audience [boredom]., Before an important presentation, get to the stage when the whole place is empty. Pace the stage and let the physical world consume you. Feel at home and let the environment absorb you.. Get to the empty stage. , Do a dry run. . During one of my recent presentations, I didn't do a tech dry run. Not surprisingly the tech melted down and there was precious minutes lost. Make sure the technology doesn't fail you., you are going to wear. You should feel those clothes are an extension of your body. I have a favorite suit I bought 7 years ago and I don't wear any of my other suits for the most important presentations. I take it ceremonially and feel like a knight in his armor. That suit provides the cloak of invincibility. Once I'm in, I feel all the good omens from the past presentations come in and push me and give the confidence.. Be very comfortable with the clothes, , When I'm in my favorite suit, I feel I can convince anyone in the world., During the presentation, with a strong smile [you can see that great leaders always do that before they start their speech]. That is when you are conveying you can be trusted. That brief 2-3 seconds can be very crucial.. Have a good look at the audience and your preparation should have made you feel very close to that target. After you get to the stage and have setup your mike, don't start talking immediately. . Pause a couple of seconds taking a good strong look, . Get your first joke on yourself. Let the audience laugh. While I was once presenting to a group of rich southerners in Nashville, I made fun of my accent. The audience were smiling the whole time as I turned by weakness into an advantage [they were more attentive due to my accent, after that point].. mild self-deprecation. Disarm and charm the audience with , , I opened with this slide on 2 different occassions [both very important] and on both occassions, the audience burst out laughing & remembered the presentation. A designer friend crafted this deck for me., Coming forward conveys trust.. Don't turn your back on the audience and look to move a bit. A . So, when you are conveying your big idea or getting to the ask, move a few inches forward. That little movement forward can send a lot of subtle cues. Going back can send messages of dishonesty. Thus, . [unless you are taking a joke on you] and always make a small movement forward - and make that movement so subtle that the audience doesn't even know you are walking towards them. Also avoid showing the back of your hand or the back of the body - those all increases distrust.. expert once coached on the right way to move & make the audience trust. . body language. avoid moving back, Master your pauses. . This is the hardest thing to do for non-professionals. Masters of drama know when to pause to give that impact. After your big idea got to the screen, wait a second or two to give that dramatic effect. Let the audience absorb the drama., with a chunk of the audience, . Keep your basics correct - making . changing your tones. eye contact. a bit., As a parting note, give the presentation its due importance. Give the audience their due respect. A presentation can change your whole life. Thus, take it seriously and do the homework.
QUESTION: What are the pros and cons of being debt-free? - ANSWER: My only debt is my Mortgage. I only pay 2.5% and only owe a fraction of what my house is worth. I pay all credit cards in full every month and both cars are paid for., Pros: No interest payments, high FICO score, peace of mind., I think another advantage is how credit card companies treat you. Every time I see a charge I do not recognize, the credit card company immediately reverses the charge. My last complaint was when I had purchased hundreds of dollars in concert tickets before Covid, and the ticket sellers were no issuing refunds. The credit card company reimbursed me, and told me one of the factors they consider is my credit history., Cons: I can’t think of any, unless you enjoy living beyond you means.
QUESTION: Are IBPS PO and clerk jobs permanent? - ANSWER: Yes they are, Probationary period for clerk is 6 month, while for PO it is 2 year. Most of the candidates get confirm after their probation period.
QUESTION: I started high school 3 months ago and my grades are significantly worse than middle school grades, and all my friends seem to be doing really fine. Is this normal? - ANSWER: No. High school should be more challenging than middle school, but your grades shouldn’t drop off like that, or even at all. Ask your teachers for help. If they can’t or won’t help, see if your classmates, parents, or others, can help you. If your school offers tutoring, or you can find someone who does that, get tutoring., You can also use the Internet to learn math, English, reading, etc. Since you’ve managed to post to Quora, I know you can use the Internet to find information. Use a search engine (Google, Bing, Duck Duck Go, etc.) to find information., Good luck!
QUESTION: Why are newer USB C ports not yet present on front panels of most PC cases, even newer ones? Are they significantly costlier than USB 2.0 ports? - ANSWER: USB-C ports at the front of PC cases would be over-engineering:, The vast majority of connecting devices still use USB-A because of cost and ubiquity. Making USB-C flash drives or connectors between keyboards and mice accomplish nothing because there would be no increase to wattage required nor data transferred. That would only change if, say, keyboards also started putting hard drives or GPUs inside them., USB-C’s greatest strength is allowing more devices to be connected through one port, a benefit that’s only realized if desktop users also had to buy USB-C hubs, which by virtue of being desktops is meaningless.
QUESTION: What are your reincarnation stories? - ANSWER: I didn’t really ever consider sharing my story because I guess most people don’t believe in it. I do have an ‘experience,’ but I don’t even know if I fully believe in it., It is, without a doubt unnerving., Ever since I was little, I’ve had multiple recurring fears that have impacted my life tremendously. I have an intense fear of drowning, but not water. As a matter of fact, I have loved water ever since I was a baby. While all of my siblings hated it, I would cry when taken out of the pool or bathtub. For a VERY long time, I remember dreaming that I had a hole in my chest (I have a birthmark in that area) t that was bleeding as I slowly sank into the deep ocean. Sometimes, I could hear screaming, but other times not. Sometimes I could see fire above the water. Whenever I have a fever, my mom says I cry out “It’s my fault that they’re dead. I killed them.”, A couple of years ago, I met my current best friend. He was a loner who had never connected with anybody before, until now. His mother is very picky with friends but immediately liked me. Our families became so close that I even consider them extended family., Last year, I dreamt that I was on a sinking up that was partly on fire. The water was swallowing it fast. The lifeboats had been destroyed by me and I knew everything was my fault, but for some reason, I was smiling. I felt glad and angry. I felt frustrated at them. I was the only woman on-board. One of the men detaining me pushed me to my knees roughly and a man in front of me slapped me so hard that I could feel my cheek throb. I looked up and met my best friend’s eyes, but they were full of anger and confusion. He pulled me up and took out a pistol, pointing it at me. I broke free and tried to run away, but the sailors surrounded me. I was cornered and holding onto the rail of the ship, in tears, but I was laughing., Hesitantly, he rose his gun again and fired, sending a piercing pain into my chest. I fell backward and into the icy water— I woke up., I asked my friend if he was afraid of water or drowning. Strangely, he gave me an eerily similar telling of a dream he had. He says the woman kinda looked like me., So… I guess that’s one life., I’ve also always had a fear of bombing sirens, as well. I’ve had dreams of running with a man through a city that I originally thought was a town in Mexico. The ground felt like it was shaking every now and then, and everything would shake. There were children running through the dark streets laughing. I ran into a large, two-story house. He waited downstairs while I rummaged upstairs. I was panicked, but I was looking for something., Then, I felt nothing and I woke up., Just so you know, I’ve always fascination towards items from the early 1900s. I’ve collected old opera and movie posters, watched many silent films, listened to many old operas, etc. My favorite one of my posters is of “La Boheme” with Lillian Gish., As I was looking at pictures of old opera singers, I saw a photo of a young woman who looks uncannily similar to me., , , , , Her name was Lina Cavalieri. I think I believe I was her. I did some research on her life and I found out that she was an Italian opera singer named “the most beautiful woman in the world.” She died in Italy during a bombing raid in WW2. She died because instead of getting to safety, she ran back into her house with her husband to grab her jewelry., I don’t know what to think, but I believe that I might have found one of my past lives., Does anyone have any opinions?
QUESTION: What should you do if a law enforcement officer starts preaching you about morality regarding an act that is not illegal? - ANSWER: In my world we do not overreact to minor forms of disrespect. If what you have described is a short, calm and minor preaching, I would listen and move on. It even may be a subject that really is worth discussing, in which I would talk to the officer., For example, second hand smoke. I am not sure if there is a law anywhere that prohibits an adult from smoking with a baby in the car. Also, I am not sure that is a “moral” issue, but it is . . In that case, I would listen carefully and move on. I know it is my conduct (and probably my inability to stop it) and it certainly is not good for my baby, so perhaps a bit of scolding from anyone is sensible. On something like that, I listen and move on, regardless of who says it. Once I move on, I might light a cigarette and say to myself, “What an asshole.” Nevertheless, there was no downside to listening politely and perhaps a third person who is meeting dozens of people a day has something good to say. Also, it may even be something worth discussing. The fact that he is a police officer does not render him inhuman.. something, If the “preaching” was over-the-top yelling, I would absolutely shut my mouth in rage. I imagine that most fellow officers do not want to have that BS happen, so perhaps a complaint to the precinct is sensible. In fact, it is probably a “moral obligation” to complain. Part of maintaining a civil society is ensuring fair treatment from law enforcement. Without input, police leadership are likely to allow the officer to continue “as is”.
QUESTION: Which is the simplest type of evaporator? - ANSWER: Falling film evaporator - This type of evaporator is generally made of 4–8 m (13–26 ft) tubes enclosed by steam jackets. The uniform distribution of the solution is important when using this type of evaporator. The solution enters and gains velocity as it flows downward. This gain in velocity is attributed to the vapor being evolved against the heating medium, which flows downward as well. This evaporator is usually applied to highly viscous solutions, so it is frequently used in the chemical, sugar, food, and fermentation industries., A rising film evaporator - In this type of evaporator, boiling takes place inside the tubes, due to heating made (usually by steam) outside the same. Submergence is therefore not desired; the creation of water vapor bubbles inside the tube creates an ascensional flow enhancing the heat transfer coefficient. This type of evaporator is therefore quite efficient, the disadvantage being to be prone to quick scaling of the internal surface of the tubes. This design is then usually applied to clear, non-salting solutions. Tubes are usually quite long, typically 4+ meters (13+ ft). Sometimes a small recycle is provided. Sizing this type of evaporator is usually a delicate task since it requires a precise evaluation of the actual level of the process liquor inside the tubes. Recent applications tend to favor the falling-film pattern rather than rising-film and also it is very useful., Climbing and falling-film plate evaporators have a relatively large surface area. The plates are usually corrugated and are supported by the frame. During evaporation, steam flows through the channels formed by the free spaces between the plates. The steam alternately climbs and falls parallel to the concentrated liquid. The steam follows a co-current, counter-current path in relation to the liquid. The concentrate and the vapor are both fed into the separation stage where the vapor is sent to a condenser. This type of plate evaporator is frequently applied in the dairy and fermentation industries since they have spatial flexibility. A negative point of this type of evaporator is that it is limited in its ability to treat viscous or solid-containing products. There are other types of plate evaporators, which work with only climbing film., Unlike single-stage evaporators, these evaporators can be composed of up to seven evaporator stages (effects). The energy consumption for single-effect evaporators is very high and is most of the cost of an evaporation system. Putting together evaporators saves heat and thus requires less energy. Adding one evaporator to the original decreases energy consumption to 50%. Adding another effect reduces it to 33% and so on. A heat-saving-percent equation can be used to estimate how much one will save by adding a certain number of effects., The number of effects in a multiple-effect evaporator is usually restricted to seven because, after that, the equipment cost approaches the cost savings of the energy-requirement drop., There are two types of feeding that can be used when dealing with multiple-effect evaporators. Forward feeding takes place when the product enters the system through the first effect, which is at the highest temperature. The product is then partially concentrated as some of the water is transformed into vapor and carried away. It is then fed into the second effect which is slightly lower in temperature. The second effect uses the heated vapor created in the first stage as its heat source (hence the saving in energy expenditure). The combination of lower temperatures and higher viscosities in subsequent effects provides good conditions for treating heat-sensitive products, such as enzymes and proteins. In this system, an increase in the heating surface area of subsequent effects is required., Agitated thin-film evaporation has been very successful with difficult-to-handle products. Simply stated, the method quickly separates the volatile from the less volatile components using indirect heat transfer and mechanical agitation of the flowing product film under controlled conditions. The separation is normally made under vacuum conditions to maximize ∆T while maintaining the most favorable product temperature so that the product only sees equilibrium conditions inside the evaporator and can maximize volatile stripping and recovery., Problems - Technical problems can arise during evaporation, especially when the process is applied to the food industry. Some evaporators are sensitive to differences in viscosity and consistency of the dilute solution. These evaporators could work inefficiently because of a loss of circulation. The pump of an evaporator may need to be changed if the evaporator needs to be used to concentrate a highly viscous solution. Fouling also occurs when hard deposits form on the surfaces of the heating mediums in the evaporators. In foods, proteins and polysaccharides can create such deposits that reduce the efficiency of heat transfer. Foaming can also create a problem since dealing with excess foam can be costly in time and efficiency. Antifoam agents are to be used, but only a few can be used when food is being processed. Corrosion can also occur when acidic solutions such as citrus juices are concentrated. The surface damage caused can shorten the long-life of evaporators. The quality and flavor of food can also suffer during evaporation. Overall, when choosing an evaporator, the qualities of the product solution need to be taken into careful consideration., Have fun! ☺
QUESTION: Did someone save your life but you didn't know who it was? - ANSWER: Yes, once but I knew the NCO. I was sent on a 30 day operation while a member of A-404 the Airboat Team. The problem, I only had four weeks left in country; short very short., The A-404 commander blew smoke up my ass by saying, “yes I know you are short but I need your experience out there in the Tram. (The Tram was an area of huge rice paddies with water knee deep as far as one could see and the NVA would bring supplies from Cambodian into the Nam). Captain Trevino said that after two weeks he’d send out a replacement.” I then asked what day? “August 28 a Thursday., So I went to the Tram in my Airboat (Aircat Swamp Boat). We ran patrols every day all day long. We had a few contacts where we made gun runs using a wheel formation. We traveled in a big circle and when your Airboat was parallel to the enemy the gunner would fire the A-6 MG 30 cal. Until we were past the enemy location. We also had a spotter in a small single aircraft that directed us to where he spotted NVA movement., towards the end of my second week I started packing. We were operating out of an old schoolhouse. On Wednesday SGT Tvedt arrived to replace me. I had graduated with Tvedt from the Special Forces Training Group, August 15, 1969 (now called the Q Course).he was with six other Airboats with more troops and supplies. I looked at Tvedt and said that I was expecting him on Thursday. He smiled and said that he could come back the next day. I said, “hell no I’m packed and ready.” I use his airboat to return to A-404. When I arrived there was a flurry of activity. I asked Bacsi Blue (Bacsi is doctor) I inquired about all of the activity. He said, “shortly after you left the airboats had channeled and were ambushed. One USSF (the term we used in the Nam when referring to a teammate United States Special Forces) was KIA and Tvedt in my boat and had the lead position in the column of boats. He was hit in both thighs by their 51 cal MG and the rounds went through both thighs. My interpreter was KIA and my Cambodian gunner was WIA. The gunner carried Tvedt out of the kill zone under murderous machine gun fire. The gunner was awarded the US Bronze Star with V for his act of Valor. I said, “Don I have all my equipment and I know where they are located.” He then told me that I wasn’t going. I shouted that Tvedt was a friend of mine and I’m going with the relearn column. He had the Team XO give me a direct order to stand down. I was pissed., Fast forward while in San Antonio I found out that Don Blue was stations at Ft Sam Houston. I paid him a visit and during our conversation I asked why he s...
QUESTION: How do you get your probation officer to let you move to another state? - ANSWER: You talk to your probation officer and tell him why you want to move out of state. If it's a good reason he will do the paperwork and send it to the state that you want to move to. It's up to the other state to approve you after that. Some states won't accept felons while on probation. It's important that you have good communication with your PO. If you are honest with them they are usually there to help you and work with you anyway they can. It isn't the PO that sends you to jail. They just do the paperwork, it's how you behave that sends you.
QUESTION: What would have been US’s reaction if it knew about India’s Pokhran nuclear test beforehand? - ANSWER: I am not military strategist nor I have full knowledge but US has no permanent friends or enemies it has only permanent interest, In 1962 during or after China war, to counter China, US secretly gave a nuclear device “blue diamond”. It was kept in yole cantt area near Dharamshala. One of best kept secret in indo US relationship. The present whereabouts is unknown., In 1995 US stopped Rao Government to conduct nuclear weapons testing because of his friendship with Pakistan and our closeness with former USSR., In 1998, although things started changing yet US under Bill Clinton was hostile towards india., Our missile program was banned and looked down. US run vigorous program of declaring our Prithvi or Agni missiles are rebranded versions of USSR Scud missiles., If US knew about our testing it would have stopped it by any means. Vajpayee Government was in minority and things would be disaster for us, Only scenario US would allowed us to do nuclear testing if we directed it against China. See all the statements of our leaders (particularly Defence Minister) after the testing. It was all against China. Not a single word against Pakistan., Contrary to popular belief, INDIA tested 7 weapons., Any way, it was completely successful operation undertaken by group of very determined persons. Unlike the movie, it’s statement of Sh Atal Bihari Vajpayee which open the secret of nuclear testing to America. Dr APJ Kalaam was aliased major general Prithvi Raj Chouhan. For further details contact me., Thanks for reading, This answer was dictated by someone who is very passionate about this country and our army, On his request I am ending this answer with, Jai Hind
QUESTION: What are a few tips to score from 100 to 200 in JEE main 2018? - ANSWER: We all know that getting 200 score is not cake walk still there are some tips to enhance your marks atleast by 50 marks from previous years score., 1. Rote all the organic reaction mentioned in Chemistry NCERT., 2. periodic table is very important for inorganic as it will help in some guess work too., 3. Study NCERT exampler for chemistry., 4. For physics H. C VERMA is must., 5. For mathematics you can use any good coaching materials for reference as it will be concise., SOME VERY IMPORTANT HACKS., 1. Use elimination method,even if you are able to eliminate 2 options your chance of getting correct answer will increases and can go for any one., 2. Use odd one out for answer (some it works very well)., 3. In case of trigonometry put some random value of “theta ” and match answer., 4. You can use calculated guess in case of integration and differentiation problem., 5. In physics most important is dimension matching., Note : Use above mentioned hacks only when you have no choice.
QUESTION: If I am 38 kg and I want to reduce 7 kg how many days will it take? - ANSWER: There are only three possibilities:, You are a child who should not be asking this question at all., You are a person with a genetic or medical disorder who is asking strangers on the internet for advice about losing more than 20% of your body weight, which is something that you should be asking your physician instead., You are a troll asking a non-serious question., In all three cases, no further answer is required.
QUESTION: An information technology-driven, knowledge-based revolution is a major driver of globalization. How is the role of ICT in a globalized economy with reference to organizational behavior? - ANSWER: technology-driven, knowledge-based revolution is a major driver of globalization….., Incorrect. The capitalist search for cheap labor and new customers drives globalization., technology-driven, knowledge-based revolution.. Wait, soon the consumer will be so broke, there will be no more demand for goods and services provided by those currently enjoying any so-called… , Technology….needs a customer. The customer of their customer…is going broke.
QUESTION: Is lacrosse played in Greece (girls lacrosse)? - ANSWER: The sport is mostly unknown in Greece, but I was very surprised to find out there is a Lacrosse Association here. They even have a facebook page with 342 likes. It appears that all its activity is centered in Thessaloniki though.
QUESTION: 49ers’ Cornerback Richard Sherman: ‘I doubt’ I’ll visit the White House if we win the Super Bowl. What are your thoughts in his statement? - ANSWER: Ronald Reagan was the first President to regularly honor championship teams at the White House and Larry Bird skipped the Celtics visit with him. Every president since has seen athletes skip teams White House visits. Some have been for political reasons while others just didn’t care to go. When a team is invited, the individual players still have the right to refuse to go. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. If I were one of these athletes and my team was invited by Trump, there is no way that I would go because he goes against so much of what I believe in. Why would I go and have my picture taken with him? This is why there were many members of the 2018 Winter Olympic team that skipped the visit. There is nothing wrong with an athlete deciding to skip the White House visit for whatever the reason might be.
QUESTION: Does the Avengers dislike Captain Marvel in real life? - ANSWER: Um.. the Avengers and Captain Marvel don’t actually exist in real life.
QUESTION: Who is Anguy? - ANSWER: Who is Anguy? Anguy is a very skilled archer who is a member of the Brotherhood Without Banners in GRR Martin’s fantasy fiction series “A Song Of Ice And Fire”., Anguy is first seen at the Hand’s Tourney that was held in King’s Landing where he won the Archery Tournament. Ned Stark sent an offer of employment but Anguy rejected it as he preferred to say in King’s Landing and spend his winnings on having a Good Time., That’s who Anguy is.
QUESTION: Why don't more Israeli businesses develop internship programs? - ANSWER: I can think of three possible reasons:, , frayers. or a . (ie, a . . This mentality would certainly discourage people from wanting to be interns and it might even discourage companies from wanting to create internship programs: companies want go-getters, not . mark. The most important thing to anyone in Israel is never to be a . sucker. , working for them.. ). Someone who works for free, or for less than he appears to be worth, is the ultimate . frayer, Besides certain specific fields like medicine or, I don't know, architecture, internships in America are primarily about credentialing, not about educating or training. Having done a few good internships is a class marker for Americans today in the way that having attended college once was: it's practically essential to getting a leg up in one's chosen profession, but it's not economically feasible for a lot of people. Israelis still use a different system for assigning status that is based more on personal relationships between people and less on individual achievement, accomplishments and credentials., frayers. employees, but called them . interns. ). I know of at least one company that recruited and trained . entry-level. . I explained the differences between those two terms, but when I last checked, they were still attempting to recruit "interns" for what was not really an internship at all.. Even a lot of Israeli companies that see themselves as internationally-oriented don't really understand what an internship is and why somebody would want to do one (this may have a lot to do with what I wrote about not wanting to be a . or associate oneself with . frayer
QUESTION: How fast does a shark swim? - ANSWER: , Being cartilaginous fish, sharks have a perfectly-adapted anatomy that lets them glide through the sea with little effort. For example, their skin is covered with tiny teeth that break up the boundary layer between their body and the water, thus reducing drag and allowing them to swim more efficiently than we do., , Sharks swim by driving themselves forward with a S-shaped wave passing down the entire length of the body, until it reaches the main propulsive surface: the tail, which is used for explosive bursts of speed to catch prey., , Sure enough, when on the hunt, sharks can reach the speed of around 12 miles per hour (20 kilometers per hour), faster than a running human being. As such, if you’re in the water face-to-face with any attacking shark, you will undoubtedly have little chances of swimming fast enough to escape., , All sharks are fast swimmers, but the fastest of them all is the streamlined shortfin mako shark . , which is reported to have been clocked at 31 mph (50 kph), although some sources say it can reach speeds as high as 60 mph (96 kph)! In fact, it swims so fast it can chase and catch even faster fish, such as swordfishes, which can reach speeds over 60 mph when leaping.. (see above)
QUESTION: Why have we not found an alternative to gasoline that would work in existing automobile engines? - ANSWER: Because one gallon of gasoline contains 130,000,000 joules of energy (or 123,216 BTUs or 310,000 calories). That amount of kaboom for a few dollars is really REALLY hard to beat. , To put it in perspective, it would take just under twice the weight in coal to get your car to reach the typical 300 mile range of a tank of gas (about 16gal of gas is 110 lb yielding approximately the same amount of energy as 180 lb of coal). Or 250 lbs of dried wood., So once you get over the energy density issue, you have to figure out a distribution scheme and then some way to work out onboard storage and delivery to the power plant.... I have to stop. I'm getting sad., It's a tough, tough problem. Way more than a billion dollars worth.
QUESTION: Should I apply for re-evaluation in economics if I scored 94 in the subject? I'm particularly concerned because I wish to pursue Eco hons and it affects my best four. - ANSWER: Answer: If you scored 94/100, then it is a high distinction and as such, it will give you a better GPA score to gain entry for an honours year. Of course unless, you did poorly on the ofter three subjects., However, a GPA is based on the highest overall grade from your three or four years of studies for the course, not just thd dinhle final year. Check this out with the institution, you intend to do your Econ honours year., Best wishes.
QUESTION: Why in the process of extraction, while we shake the sepfunnel we open and close the stopcock? - ANSWER: Sometimes vapor pressure builds up, especially in low boiling solvents, like methylene chloride: the heat from agitation can do this. In other cases, carbonate or bicarbonate salts may pick up acid protons, in which case unstable carbonic acid forms; subsequently water and CO2 gas are generated. The latter needs to be vented.
QUESTION: Why did Republicans not have control of Congress for 50 years? - ANSWER: Two good answers already., Let me add another factor: brand loyalty., Quorans familiar with business should be familiar with this. People try something, like it and stick to it. Many people who like their first care (e.g., Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota) tend to stick to the same brand car after car. If it is not broken, do not fix it., This shows up surprisingly often in politics. People identify with a party label and stick with it, rather than follow their pragmatic and/or ideological interests., Your example. An entire generation of voters grew up with the Democrats as the party of FDR or Truman. they grew up believing FDR helped lift the country out of the Depression, then helped win WWII. Until the generation died off, the Democrats had a huge advantage., The Democrats as the party of Jim Crow. Roughly corresponding to this period, the Democrats were seen as the party of Southern Farmers. Although Roosevelt made a few tentative moves toward civil rights and Harry S. Truman integrated the Armed Forces, many Southern whites still supported the Democratic Party until the Civil Rights Act (1964). After that Southern Whites gradually migrated to the Republican Party. Richard Nixon accelerated this process thorugh his southern Strategy., Many Socially Conservative voters became Republican due to opposition to 1) integration of Northern schools, 2) sexual promiscuity especially abortion on demand, and 3) perceived weak responses to the USSR during the cold War. They coalesced in the Reagan Republican Party. Many of these people have continued their support for the GOP since then even though 1) integration at work is settled law 2) the Soviet Union ended 3) they themselves have engaged or promoted in many of the sexually promiscuous behaviors (e.g., divorce, marital infidelity, abortion) they claimed to oppose. The gradual decline of the GOP’s voting strength is largely due to the aging of the Reagan Democrat Bloc and the gradual emergence of Millenial voters who do not share these voting priorities., Bottom line: if it is not broke, many voters do not fix it., Thanks for the A2A, Jai.
QUESTION: How would a debate between 'beer', 'wine', and 'liquor' go? - ANSWER: Beer would get up and head for the restroom after 20 minutes. Wine would sit around and do nothing but whine and order cheese. Liquor would win the debate. ;)
QUESTION: If it is zero degrees Celsius near the surface on a cloudy day, does that mean it has to be below zero or zero as you go up into the atmosphere? - ANSWER: Definitely not., I can recall an incident some years ago in Santa Barbara. The airport, along with much of southern California, was overcast, with cloud tops at about 2500 feet msl. I had flown up there to practice ILS approaches, The temperature on the ground, as reported by the airport, was about 68 degrees F, whereas up above the tops the temperature was higher than 100 degrees F., As Mr. Odira mentions, the standard atmosphere has a definite lapse rate with temperatures that decrease with increasing altitude. However, in practice, deviations from the standard atmosphere are the rule, rather than the exception, including temperature inversions where the temperature increases with altitude locally. I’ve seen this many times, but never before or since as extreme as that day in Santa Barbara.
QUESTION: Is an MBA suitable for INFP personalities? - ANSWER: I am an INFP & I am doing an MBA right now, MBA has helped me a lot in knowing about my capabilities and it has taught me skills that are useful in a professional environment, Doing an MBA as an INFP is draining. MBTI personality wise, probably we are least compatible with an MBA lifestyle. But it has given me a confidence in handling people and stressful conditions., I am no longer uncertain about my paychecks. I will no longer be stuck with monotonous job profiles. MBA has opened a whole lot of avenues for me, If you think your MBA will be a good value addition to your professional life, go ahead and get one., All the best!
QUESTION: I failed my year 12 exams and now the school is telling me to find another school. What do I do? - ANSWER: Well you give your best shot to get a second chance from that school and if not then you do as told. Find another school. Do not take this setback as a demotivating thing in your life.
QUESTION: Do you ever feel so alone? - ANSWER: I understand this feeling all too well., If you met and spoke to me I don’t think that you would get the impression that I am depressed: I am warm and friendly in person and tend to be expressive rather than inhibited. On the surface my life is very full - I have a close, loving family, a very attentive and kind husband, a fulfilling job…, But I am lonely., I feel as if I am passing through life holding onto memories that grow more and more faded by the minute. I am always looking for that moment of happiness, of perfect bliss, in the past, in the world of my childhood and youth. I crave simplicity, and of course adult relationships are anything but simple and only grow more complicated as we age. That leaves me feeling strangely isolated, though I honestly have nothing obvious to complain about., I don’t know what underlies your loneliness: is it that you have never really connected with anyone on a more than superficial level, or, like me, do you feel that life’s changes, its endless motion, marginalise you more and more? The only solace I can offer for the lonely heart is in literature, for it will allow you to connect with another mind, and with many imagined minds and hearts. We are imaginative beings and we can conjure a world that outstrips our own - a landscape far more vivid and less threatening than our world in which we can play out endless possibilities., We are all really alone, even the most sociable among us. But we are also connected in our loneliness. Literature unmasks the human soul and shows us ourselves in a more profound way than most friends can. Let it work its healing magic and don’t dwell too much on your feelings - there are many more of us than you realise that share them.
QUESTION: Had Genghis Khan ever fought more than two fronts in a war? If so, was he defeated? - ANSWER: He did. One is regarded as his most comprehensive and stunning campaign, the other was the most difficult campaign waged in Genghis’s lifetime., Let me inform this hyperbole; Muqali conquered the heartland of the Jin Empire in Hebei and northern Shandong and Shaanxi provinces between 1217 CE and 1223 CE. These are the areas in the immediate vicinity of Beijing on a geographic map (immediate meaning ‘few hundred miles’). This was done primarily with Jurchen, Khitan, Han, Ongud, and Tangut auxiliaries, with a hardened corps of maybe 15,000 Mongol troops. He accomplished this task against hundreds of thousands of hardened Jin troops, determined to resist every step, while also facing constant rebellions by the ‘Redcoat’ faction in the area. Setbacks were constant, fierce opposition, field battles where vastly outnumbered Mongol armies shattered Jin opponents, only to face constant guerilla harassment by the remnants of those armies., Every step was a remorseless, bloody slog. But Muqali managed it. He was an expert at maintaining unit cohesion in his auxiliaries by promoting their most talented commanders, and insuring they were given equal treatment to his Mongolian corp. In turn, when battle came, Muqali used his elite troops as a precise hammer; fighting the majority of the engagement with his less vital foreign troops, then shattering the cohesion of the enemy with torrents of deadly arrows and a heavy charge of impeccable timing. He correctly identified northern Shaanxi as the lynchpin of the area, and decisively conquered it by 1219. In doing so, he essentially isolated Shandong and Hebei from the Jin capital, at Kaifeng. His auxiliaries developed a real and potent motivation to follow him. When he had to turn back to face revolt after revolt, a constant barrage of setback after setback, Muqali was able to appoint loyal and competent commanders to maintain his momentum while he dealt with the issue., The opposition he faced was multi-faceted, entrenched, and heavily motivated. The theory of ‘compression’ is not always applicable, but here it came into effect; as the Mongols took more territory, their foes retreated and took their armies with them - resulting in more enemy combatants per square mile. Muqali was forced to fight these armies with subpar troops, outnumbered and sometimes isolated, and then turn and neutralise the guerilla remnants. His flair for this task led to Genghis refusing his request to retire; no other commander could manage the immense task of breaking the Jin at their most resilient., In contrast, the Khwarezmian campaign was a masterwork of strategy, intelligence work, and sheer competency. An army under Jebe and Jochi moved into the headlands of the Ferghana valley, crossing the Dzungarian Altau range in freezing temperatures, and reeked havoc. Shah Mohammad II moved up to engage this force. He was badly mauled by this inferior force, but did force the Mongols to retreat. As he did so, the main Mongolian force, consisting of maybe 110,000 first-class Mongolian troops, moved through Dzungarian Gate - the primary gateway into Transoxiana., Mohammad retreated, and determined to fortify the cities around the Syr Darya and Amu Darya, and let the Mongols waste their strength against the wall. Instead, the Mongols broke these cities, with Genghis himself crossing the Syr Darya and circling behind the main line of fortress cities to attack the colossal city of Bukhara. No major field battle between Mohammad II and the Mongols were ever fought. His entire empire was demolished piece by piece in the most intense siege campaign waged in that century. These cities were made from granite and limestone, their citadels were designed by Arabic and Egyptian architects, and they were manned by determined garrisons. But by constantly improving their siege methods, the Mongols systematically broke each and everyone of these great fortresses, using the citizens of the previous city as cannon fodder and slave labour against the next., Samarkand. Bukhara. Urgench. Merv. Four cities with populations in excess of a hundred thousand each, that were demolished and brutalised by the Mongolian invasion. These are only four of the many population centers torn apart., Yet I will point out that this great conquest was almost laughably in the favour of the Mongols. Khwarezmian conquests in Transoxiana were a fragile thing, and Mohammad II was an incompetent, foolish ruler; he refused to engage the Mongols, hid behind walls, and fled from Samarkand only to have his support disintegrate. He inspired no loyalty in his subjects or his soldiers. In two years, the heart of his empire was torn out. The heir, Jalad ad-Din, was a deeply flawed ruler but a first class soldier. He delivered the Mongols a stinging defeat at Parwan, before finally being cornered. But I want you to look up where Parwan is, in comparison to the four cities I mentioned above., That is how far the Mongols got before they were fought in a field battle., This was the two front war that Genghis Khan fought. One was against an unstable realm plagued by an idiotic ruler and infighting, with the finest steppe army ever produced, while one was against a determined, hardened opposition who fought to the bitter end. The conquest of Jin China would not end until Kaifeng’s fall in 1234, while Khwarezmia became the heartland of the Ilkhanate., As always, I have tried to give a brief overview of these two campaigns to illustrate what occurred, and why they were successful. Muqali’s first class generalship was the primary reason for success in Shaanxi, while the military competence of the Mongols in comparison to the Khwarezmian incompetency was the cause of the second campaign’s success., ‘well, they were the Mongols’.. There is no ‘trick’ to fighting upon two fronts. The Mongols were a unique people, perhaps the greatest conquerors we have ever seen, and most explanations for their military success can be summed up as
QUESTION: How can I have an eating disorder if my weight is normal? - ANSWER: This is a really common feeling in eating disorders. Let me reassure you that your diagnosis is valid, and your weight is in no way related to whether or not you "qualify" as having an eating disorder. , not otherwise specified. specified: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. This doesn't mean they're more valid than unspecified disorders, it's just that those two disorders have very clear patterns. Unfortunately for medical science, humans are so vastly different that most people don't fall into easily classified categories and patters. . Think about the actual phrase. "Eating. Disorder." It doesn't say "chronic weight loss" or "refusal to eat", it says your eating habits are disordered. That might mean that you eat in a perfectly healthy way for weeks and then have a massive binge one weekend. It could mean that you eat normally for the most part, but you refuse to eat food after 9pm. The acronym EDNOS stands for "eating disorder, . are. ". There are only two eating disorders that , Again, your eating disorder diagnosis refers to your EATING HABITS only, not your weight or physical health at all. When you say you want to be thinner to prove that your struggle is real, that sounds like your ED talking. It actually sounds a lot like my ED, when it's being loud. You don't need to "prove" your struggle to anyone in any way! Just do your best to learn about eating disorders and nutrition, and try to apply what you learn in your daily life. It will be easier to learn if you have support from family, decent doctors, and sensitive friends, but those aren't privileges everyone is granted. , I wish you lots of luck! If you have any other ED questions like this, feel free to ask me.
QUESTION: Is there a reason to be scared of having an Amazon Alexa in your home? - ANSWER: No. What is there to be scared of? Worse case scenario is you have top secret conversations near the speaker and someone (not just a machine) is listening in without your permission., Whenever I speak to someone spooked about an Amazon Alexa, I remind them that their smart phone has the same capabilities and controls, some smart TVs have built-in microphones and every laptop has a microphone. The last two are easier to hack., Maybe the scariest thing about an Amazon Alexa is the very unlikely but possible (until they strengthen the listening skills) inadvertently sending of a message. However, you can train Alexa to your voice to reduce this. Also there is confirmation response that avoids inadvertent messages if the volume is not too low., The second but real possibly scary thing is the ease to order items. I don't use this skill yet so I really don't know if this is a real issue but I like having a little friction in the order process. And I like to batch my orders. Asking Alexa for a reminder to order something is beneficial feature., On the other hand, my 7 year-old son has a way to call either my wife or me if he's home with one us and there's an emergency. Especially since we do not have a wireline house phone and he does not have mobile phone. This outweighs any scary thought about AI/listening speakers.
QUESTION: How can I invest Rs. 5000 Per month up to 3 to 5 years for best possible returns? - ANSWER: Hi,, Mutual fund will be the best option for you in this case. Invest in, Kotak Infrastructure & Economic Reform Fund for next 5 years.You will get good returns, It is a sector fund high Risk is involved.
QUESTION: Why do invasive bacterias/viruses have surface presenting antigens? - ANSWER: That’s a good question. Antigens are the molecules (or parts of molecules) our immune system uses to recognize foreign things, like bacteria, virus, toxins, etc. So why don’t bacteria and virus simply get rid of any surface molecule that can use to identify them? Theoretically an invasive microorganism which is covered in a “clean” phospholipid cell membrane, without any other molecules that could serve as antigens, would go undetected. So there should be evolutionary pressure for viruses and pathogenic bacteria to do this. So why doesn’t it happen?, Simply put: they’re there for a reason. They are functional. Bacteria have receptors on the surface to detect certain molecules in the environment, they have flagella for locomotion, fimbrae to attach to surfaces, transport proteins to move things in and out of the cell, etc. All of those can serve as antigens and trigger an immune response. The outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria contain lipopolysaccharides that are antigens. Bacteria can’t lose any of these things without suffering serious drawbacks. Especially when living out in the environment. Even pathogenic bacteria live mostly outside of the body of humans or animals., Viruses on the other hand are a lot simpler. They are just DNA or RNA enclosed in a protein coating or capsule. However, that coating/capsule itself serves as an antigen. They can also have specialized proteins to identify, bind to, and invade target cells or inject genetic material inside them. Those can also serve as antigens., Many viruses envelop themselves in the membrane of the host cell as they bud out of it, in order to hide their coating from the immune system. Would be a perfect system if they could then spontaneously fuse with uninfected cells, but they can’t. Lipid membranes are stable. Otherwise cells would spontaneously merge all the time. So these viruses have unique proteins in order to force the fusion with the membrane of uninfected cells. These fusion proteins protrude the membrane and are therefore surface antigens., The influenza virus (responsible for the flu) is one of these enveloped viruses. Vaccines against influenza target its fusion proteins. If antibodies are present that bind to these proteins, the infection can be stopped before it even starts.
QUESTION: How do deaf people have sex? - ANSWER: Let’s see. I didn’t realize having sex required a pair of working ears., I’ve been Deaf since birth, yet I managed to have sex, get pregnant, and give birth to two children. WOW!, The process for me as a Deaf woman involved some flirting, dating, kissing, and at a certain point, getting naked with the other person. . And I managed to do all of that without using my ears. Imagine that., OP, do tell us how you used your ears during sex. Did you press your ear against the other person’s lips? Or did you rub your ear against the other person’s private parts? You know, you remind me of this group of aliens:,
QUESTION: Was Mitt Romney's math incorrect when he claimed that 47 percent of Americans paid no taxes? - ANSWER: Here are the IRS figures for Income taxes, Top 50% 97.7% Bottom 50% 2.3% So he is more right than wrong
QUESTION: What is the full form of M.P.S.C.? - ANSWER: M.P.S.C stands for the Maharashtra Public Service Commission, which is a government organization in India responsible for appointing civil servants and police officers in the state of Maharashtra., The MPSC is also responsible for conducting examinations to fill these vacancies, as well as reviewing the work of civil servants once they are appointed.
QUESTION: I'm a 2nd year computer science and engineering student. Should I do a summer internship or some kind of course? - ANSWER: I would say do both., Don't view the 2 (internships and course-work) as mutually exclusive entities. An internship after your 2nd year should not be too stress-full with long working hours. That would leave you with enough time to take up any course work that you like. There are a ton of MOOCs available online which would provide you the luxury of sitting at your home and reading up on whatever you feel like: data structures, algorithms or any other CS fundamentals. You may be required to read up on a few topics as part of your intern project itself. For example, I learnt everything that I know about web development (HTML, PHP and JavaScript) as a result of the internship after my 2nd year. , I have known people who have managed to balance 2 internships concurrently and emerged successful. All you need is a keen interest and passion to learn!
QUESTION: Many species have evolved to either make a shelter or use their natural surroundings as shelter. Why does it seem that humans are the only ones to have evolved into using clothing? - ANSWER: It really depends on the definition of “clothing”. Hermit crabs “clothe” themselves in the empty shells of molluscs. Not just shells but bottle tops and plastic containers. Octopus will clothe themselves in all sorts of objects they pick up ff the ocean floor. There are species of crab that attach seaweed and even sea anemones to their bodies as protection, isnt that a primitive form of clothing. Caterpillars spin cocoons around their bodies made of silk. So the argument that humans are the only species to wear clothing is certainly open to debate.
QUESTION: Why do my calls drop from T-mobile on my iPhone 7+? - ANSWER: Calls usually drop when the signal from the tower is weak or if you are moving from cell to cell and the handoff is not clean. If your call routinely drops, even if you are not moving from one cell to another, you have a coverage problem and the nearest T Mobile cell tower is likely too far away.
QUESTION: What does it mean if a guy says “I want you but not a relationship”? - ANSWER: No hidden message here. He wants a physical relationship but isn’t ready for a serious emotional one with you., If you want a good time, he’s the one for you, if you want more break it off and start looking for “Mr. Right, not Mr. Right now.”
QUESTION: How do you know if you are going to succeed at something? - ANSWER: To some extent we begin the journey in faith Chris., The truth is, both faith and fear produce things in our lives. The former promotes positive action the later only serves to reinforce our insecurities and keep us chained to the shallows in life., How can we expect others to believe in us, if we first dont believe in ourselves?, Identify your God given talent, nurture its development then place yourself within a construct that both supports it and provides an outlet for it., Like anything the more we do it the better we tend to get at it., Keep this in mind:, Never despise small beginings! Consistent small gains have a way of reaching a tipping point that lead to something far more significant down the line., All the best to you!
QUESTION: Is it better to eat nothing at all than eating fast food? - ANSWER: Certainly not in the long run, and not even in the medium run. If fast food is your only option but in half an hour or an hour you will be home, then wait until you get home and have a good meal. If you know that you will be in the position of only having fat food available for the day, pack your mral from home and eat that (it will also be cheaper). But if you have fast food or plain fasting available for the day, then go fast food. Just as ling as fast food does not become a daily habit you are OK eating some fast food once or twice a week, be it out of necessity or out of taste.
QUESTION: We might live in a multiverse. Do parallel universes exist? How exactly could we know that there exists one? - ANSWER: There’s still debate over the existence of cosmological parallel universes but the ones stemming from quantum mechanics are real and have been shown to exist through physical, documented experiments.
QUESTION: The US Constitution does not explicitly grant women an equality of rights under the law. Should the Civil Rights Act be overturned on this basis? - ANSWER: How explicit do you need? Are women persons? Try reading the 14th Amendment., All persons. born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws., That sounds pretty comprehensive to me! In fact it is so comprehensive that we could cancel the 13th, 15th, and 19th Amendments as being redundant. They include nothing which isn't covered by the first section of the 14th., Do you really think anyone deserves any extra entitlements? Those days are over.if we are all to be considered equal before the law. You are either a citizen or you are not.
QUESTION: Which city is better to live in, Pune or Vadodara? - ANSWER: I originally hail from Vadodara and have spent quality time in Pune ( 2.5 years ) before switching my job to Silicon Valley of India., To be honest, it is a very tricky question to be answered since both the cities are simply the best and you can take a person out of these cities but you can never take their cultural impact out of a person., Where Pune wins, combined. will be able to beat Pune in these two sectors but as a city alone, I doubt any other city has the potential to lead let alone Vadodara. The industrial sector and the IT sector beats Vadodara hands down. Bangalore and Chennai , Places to visit nearby. Pavagadh, Sindhrot and a few other places nearby may be able to satisfy the “natural” craving but these places are nothing compared to what Pune offers in a radius of 60 kms. Lavasa, Khandala and Lonavala have breathtaking views especially in Monsoons. Extend the radius to 150 and you can get to Matheran and Mahabaleshwar as well. Beautiful beaches are also covered under 125km, Education. Pune is called “Oxford of the East” and it justifies. With Vadodara having only MSU under its belt, Pune has SPPU, Symbiosis, Ferguson, COEP and a few others to land the punch., Daily facilities like Uber, Ola, Bigbasket, Zomato, Dunzo, Rapido, and many others are available at much ease in Pune., Proximity to Mumbai. It does play a vital role. Being near to the financial capital of India has its own pros and Pune might be living under the shadow of Mumbai, but not as eclipsed as Vadodara is to Ahmedabad or Surat., Night life. Vadodara has no competition here. Forget Pune, I think Koregaon Park alone is enough to beat Vadodara’s entire night life., Mesmerizing views if you choose your home at a good place., , This was the view from my balcony. A fresh view with cool breeze with an unparalleled touch of nature. Cant express how much I miss waking up and watching this view daily., Where Vadodara wins, Acceptance to people. I may be brutal over this point and sorry, but not sorry. Pune might be having a wider spectrum of cultural diversity but Vadodara houses an equivalent array of people all across the nation and countries and the way people from Pune treated me was simply arrogant and rude to be least., I was being made fun of not knowing Marathi despite showing my eagerness to learn the language. I was barely helped by the people and mocked more for the normal mistakes any beginner would have made in my place. I am not Gujju but never felt alien in my 25 years of existence in Baroda., Also, the usual Puneri habit of ending sentences with sarcasm may backfire when talking business. Barodians never ever perform that kind of stunts., Small scale business mindset. Punekars feel pride to open their shops at 10, closing from 1 to 4, and then barely stretching it to 8. This really makes it difficult for a person who hails from Gujarat/Rajasthan where the small scale shops explode in abundance and are open 8 AM to 10 PM most of the times., Government facilities. The bus stand, railways station, airport, roads, highways, water, electricity and government offices in Vadodara are on a next level when compared to the age old crumbling government infrastructure of Pune, Festival mashup. I dont think any other state of India can beat Vadodara ( or Gujarat ) in celebrating Uttarayan, Holi, Navratri, Durga Puja, Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi, Christmas as an entire package. No chance., Safety. Vadodara has been historically ranked as one of the safest cities of India and I am yet to see anything unethical happen in my city at any hour of the night, Where its a draw :, History. Both the cities have enough of history packed under their belt and I cannot think of a winner over this point, Cleanliness. Pune and Vadoara have been pretty close to each other as a matter of cleanliness overall. Sometimes its Pune and sometimes its Baroda that gets ahead
QUESTION: Was the immense popularity in the late 1960s of the TV show "Laugh-In" a function of the fact there were so few shows on television? It doesn't seem to hold up very well. - ANSWER: “Laugh-In” was a product of it’s time., It was a show that aired in the late ‘60s-early ‘70s, and it was a very topical show, meaning that the humor and style were reflective of the time period. The show is not ageless., It was not attempting to be a show for the ages. It was meant to be partly a commentary on issues that were significant at the time, and to feature personalities/celebrities that were popular/hip at the time. The humor and guests were selected with that goal in mind., It doesn’t age very well because the things that were funny in the ’60s and ‘70’s aren’t funny in the 2000s. The people who were considered to be popular or hip enough in the 60s and 70’s aren’t considered to be that way in the 2000s.
QUESTION: Do foxes belong in this world? Or do they secretly belong/live somewhere else? - ANSWER: Do foxes belong in this world? Or do they secretly belong/live somewhere else?, , ultimately from the Latin . vulpecula. That is an interesting premise, and one that deserves closer investigation. You will be aware that the modern French word for ‘fox’ is . . This word actually derives from a lengthy mediæval epic poem, titled . .. Van den vos Reynaerde. , that is, ‘the tales of Reynard the Fox’. The original French word for ‘fox’ was . goupil. renard, ’. We do not know who exactly this William was, since his . was written in the mid-13th century, probably somewhere north of Bruges, by one ‘William who wrote . Madocke. Van den vos Reynaerde. poem has been lost in the mists of time. Reynard, a talking fox whose mischief has had him evicted from the court, attempts to ingratiate himself once again with his masters, who are also talking animals, as are all his friends and adversaries, such as Chanticleer the cock and Tybalt the cat. But Reynard, being a fox, is too cunning for his own good. He comes up with various ruses and subterfuges that land him into trouble and ends up as the author of his own demise, all the while mocking everything and everyone. Reynard is an antihero of the anarchic kind., , (. ). Image: literairecanon.be, This animal tale had quite some impact upon mediæval European literature and was translated from Middle Dutch into several other tongues, William Caxton being the first to make an English translation. One may argue that it is entirely ‘out of this world’ and was influential to such an extent that the French took the protagonist’s name, Reynard, and adopted it as their new word for a fox.
QUESTION: How can I get a seat in SASTRA with 988/1000 marks (CSE)? - ANSWER: You can secure a seat in SASTRA by applying in the Online Application., If you want to enter SASTRA through the Stream 2 category (Only IPE marks), There are quite a chance for securing a seat in EEE, ICT, IT, Mechanical. I cant assure you a seat in CSE, ECE and IT., Cheers,, Yashwanth
QUESTION: Is there a Paypal for invoicing? - ANSWER: Yes, It's true that you can create multiple invoices in PayPal but If you need a professional invoice or customizable invoice to look professional then you need professional software like Moon Invoice. In moon invoices, you can create multiple invoices in a very short time. you can access Moon Invoice from any device like Mobile, Laptop, Ipad, desktop, or Web., Moon Invoice provides so many useful features like:, Multiple Payments Gateways, Automated Data Backup, Multiple Languages, Interactive reports Reports, Thermal Printouts, Share Digital Receipt by Email., Add Multi-User, Multi-Device, 24/7 Online Support, Add Multiple Company, Offline - online billing solutions, To know more about the software just visit here:,
QUESTION: Why does gmail search not work well on the iPhone mail app? - ANSWER: The iPhone mail app uses the iPhone mail searching process, (which feels like the Outlook search process) not the gmail searching process., When you switch to the gmail app, you will see that blazing search speed you know and love.
QUESTION: Is it true that no one ever learns anything from their punishments? - ANSWER: The purpose of punishment is not to teach something. It is indication that if someone will behave in certain ways there will be specific consequences of his/her behavior., Most often the punisher is physically/mentally stronger than the punished and the punishment itself is just a demonstration of power. For example, yelling, beating or grounding a child for being disobidient., I feel bad, so I will make you feel bad as well.. would teach a lesson, . but in reality acts solely on emotions - . Sometimes the punisher is justifying his/her actions by thinking that the punishment , Although the unwanted behavior is stopped, not always the punished person understands the reasoning behind it. Often it builds inner resentment as there are no other ways to express emotions towards punisher. And this damages the relationship between both in future., learn a lesson why such and such behavior was wrong . In order to . a person must understand the reason of consequences. Instead of punishment more useful approach would be explaining the effects of this behavior., Only if the reasoning does not work and the expected consequences will not be reversable (letting the person to learn from his/her own mistakes), then considerate punishment can be justified.
QUESTION: How is the percent ionic character calculated? - ANSWER: Percent ionic character can be approximated from the difference in electronegativity, ΔEN., % ionic character = 100(1 - e^(-ΔEN² / 4)), From L. Pauling
QUESTION: What makes concrete brittle? - ANSWER: There are many ways concrete can become brittle. This can happen due to an improper ratio of pozzolan to aggregate. Too much of one and not enough of the other, for instance., Also, the environmental conditions can affect the concrete. The strength of concrete is dependent upon proper curing, and this can be affected in many ways. The slower the curing process is, the stronger the concrete will be. If it is too hot and dry out and the mixture dries too rapidly, this will weaken the integrity. Ideally, the concrete should be re-moistened by misting with water several times as it dries in very hot conditions in order to prevent cracking., Extreme fluctuations in temperature will also cause weakening. Therefore in Northern regions, where winters are very cold and summers relatively hot, the concrete will weaken significantly faster than in temperate zones., Next there are a multitude of chemical reactions that will cause embrittlement, such as carbonation caused by the absorption of carbon dioxide from the air. There is an alkali-silicate reaction where amorphous siliceous aggregates react with the alkaline cement creating sodium silicate, which is a slime-like gel that will get trapped in the concrete and cause deterioration. Concrete poured in very moist conditions causes efflorescence, a type of crystalline growth of salts that is unsightly and demonstrates the very reactive chemistry of alkaline mixtures., Heat is also very deleterious for the integrity of concrete. Exposure to fires and other high temperatures will seriously undermine the structural integrity by creating microfractures that will expand and combime over time, leading to stress fractures.
QUESTION: When deep frying chicken, why does the coating not stick and not crisp up either? - ANSWER: I was watching Emeril. He is not a shit. He said the staff that do the cooking in the background told him to refrigerate the battered chicken for two hours. He does and it works. I have a lot of admiration for the man because he isn’t a prima donna. I do this and find it works very well. As for not crisping, your temperature is way too low. No way if you have a 350F - 375F would you not get a crisp coating.
QUESTION: Has Chelsea's transfer ban done the club a favour? - ANSWER: Curiously, on 11 November 2019, the answer seems to be yes., Their results have been great considering the average age of their team and the fact that they have a new manager with almost no experience., With the ban, I think the true heavyweight managers were not interested in the job last year. I am not saying they “settled” for Lampard, but that certainly is a scenario with which many people would agree. In effect, they may have put a potentially excellent manager in an advanced position in the ‘pecking order’ simply because it was a very attractive job for him., It is impossible to deny that the unexpected emergence of the pups like James, Loftus-Cheeks, Pulisic, Mount, Abraham, and, perhaps, Hudson-Odoi. Other than Pulisic, how many of those up and coming boys would be sitting on the bench if three new signings came in over the summer?, Finally, while not impacting the play on the pitch, Abramovich (as the embodiment the club) must love this. Except for the Pulisic purchase, which was already in place before the summer, he has not spent anything on the club and is getting perhaps better results that he would have if the ban were not in place.
QUESTION: What are some medical school interview tips? - ANSWER: Common questions asked in medical school are: "Why do you want to be a doctor?", "Why do you think you will survive medical school?", "What will your specialty be? why?", All you have to do is answer from the heart and show them you have the passion for it.
QUESTION: Dietetics: - ANSWER: Much the same as including an excess of treats, cakes and confections in your eating regimen, getting a lot of high fructose corn syrup can really bring about diabetes. The issue is that such a variety of prepared foods incorporate high fructose corn syrup that you may be getting a lot of it in your eating routine and not even know. On the off chance that you eat them consistently, you could be putting yourself at danger of getting diabetes, which you will then need to screen for whatever remains of your life. , On the off chance that high fructose corn syrup can bring about obesity, it can likewise essentially spoil numerous other imperative elements of the body. As you put on weight, will be putting more strain on your heart and your circulatory framework. Therefore, high fructose corn syrup can bring about your circulatory strain to soar. , In the event that you need to maintain a strategic distance from high fructose corn syrup, take a stab at eating more natural foods or foods that are developed and not handled. Foods grown from the ground, for case, contain common sugars that can be digested effectively by the body. Avoid prepared foods to maintain a strategic distance from the hurtful impacts of high fructose corn syrup.
QUESTION: What is the best website for worldwide news? - ANSWER: The BBC; - it has more journalists in more countries than any other international news broadcaster - it is not funded by a government or a corporation, but by a licence paid by the British public, so it is free from commercial or political influence - it has a long-held and fiercely guarded commitment to reporting the news impartially - the quality of journalism is of the highest standard - it is working very hard to embrace new technologies and bring stories to life in a more engaging manner
QUESTION: Will I get admission into DU with 90.5% in 12th for a B.Sc in chemistry? I belong to the general category. - ANSWER: DU first cutoff for UG admissions 2017 has been released., You can get-, DDU college., Rajdhani College., Also wait for the second cutoff list.
QUESTION: How can one prepare for the GRE quantitative? How can I start it from scratch and complete it before 3 months (before actual GRE test)? - ANSWER: First, get your basics right, do not cram the formulae over the period of 3 months, that is not going to yield anything. Get to know what are the topic that will appear on GRE and learn the basics. Next, make sure u get to practice a lot of questions(different formats). Make a lot of mistakes in the beginning and make sure u learn from them. By the end of 2 months u should be able to see the mistakes reduce., Material to use: ETS Official guide, Magoosh, Manhattan prep 5lb and Tata McGrawhill Conquering GRE math for basics., All the Best.
QUESTION: Can I get into AFMC if my power is -6D at the age of 18 if I get a LASIK surgery done? - ANSWER: Unfortunately, no., The maximum permissible eye power for AFMC lies somewhere between -3D to -4D. Even the upper limit of -4D are rejected as far as I came to know during screening., And for eye correction using LASIK, what I saw written on the blackboard in the eye checkup room during medical fitness tests was that, surgery within one year before the date of admission is not allowed., Again, the rules might change and I'm not demotivating you, sit for the screening if you clear the cutoffs., Regards.
QUESTION: How would you describe someone with cancer sun/scorpio rising/capricorn moon? - ANSWER: Briefly, this can be a relatively shy, moody individual but capable of achieving much careerwise through his imagination, tenacity and good analytical skills., However, main drawbacks could be someone who is a weak communicator, a secretive cynic and one with a passionate outlook. This person has the ability to project himself in both a positive and negative light to others., More traits, including Chinese signs can be found in: Zodiac Guide to Successful Relationships & Careers.
QUESTION: Is there a site like eBay but in reverse? Instead of listing an item to sell, is there a website where you place a buy order for an item and then receive offers from people trying to sell you that item? - ANSWER: On Poshmark some users who are searching for a specific thing will post a listing for that thing, and set the price very high — much higher than anyone would ever pay — and a message that they are looking for this thing, and please message them if you post one., They know that when a user lists an item they look at comparable items to decide how to price it.
QUESTION: How did Australia manage to get zero Covid19 cases? - ANSWER: Steady on. We haven’t got “zero Covid-19 cases”., We have (assuming the figures I can call up easily are accurate) 175 active cases across the country, and have had 27,595 over the course of the pandemic to date. Neither of those numbers are zero., did. What we . achieve yesterday, however, is a day where there were no cases of community transmission anywhere in the country. That is to say, any new cases were in hotel quarantine, rather than brought about by people who’d been out in the community. I’m not sure that record will continue, though, as there are a couple of minor outbreaks still., So how did we get there?, We got there by implementing and following restrictions. In most of the country, this was a case of limiting gathering numbers, closing businesses, and limiting movement for a while. The international border has been effectively closed to most of the world for most of the year, and those who can come in have been quarantining for a fortnight in a hotel. To begin with, most states and territories closed their borders, too, although that’s been something which has evolved over the year., In Victoria, there was a mistake in the hotel quarantine system which led to widespread community transmission and a full-blown “second wave”. That state, therefore, had very strict restrictions reimposed, but has been out of that position for just under a week now as well., In short, we took this thing seriously.
QUESTION: Why do I always seem to lose a phone signal in multi-storey car parks? - ANSWER: Multi-level parking structures have reinforced concrete to deal with the stress and weight of the vehicles., The reinforcement is in the form of metal rebar., , You’re essentially inside a faraday cage. The cell phone signals can’t penetrate the structure.
QUESTION: What happens when the papers of property already purchased hasn't been given to the buyer? - ANSWER: I assume you mean the deed to the property and the mortgage and mortgage note from the buyer’s lender., The deed and the mortgage are recorded at the register of deeds and they are returned by mail to the address that the buyer asked them to be returned to., If the mortgage note or any other papers were left at the place of closing the buyer could ask for them to be returned. The lender, who has the originals, could make new copies for the buyer. Any recorded copies could be obtained from the Register of Deeds for a fee.
QUESTION: Will an artificial neural network with a complexity similar to that of the human brain spawn consciousness? - ANSWER: Let me ask a question that’s an excellent analogy for this one., If you had a virus the size of the Milky Way galaxy, would antibiotics still be effective against it?, The two rather hilarious errors in that question map very well to the far less obvious errors in the original., are both far too complex for us to model computationally. And the brain has billions of synapses. The difference in complexity between the most complex current neural networks and the brain is so large that I’m not sure we can truly grasp it.. individual neuron and synapse. The , In terms of the way information is stored and processed, neural networks bear almost no similarity to the brain. They both have nodes that are connected. That’s it., This misunderstanding is not your fault. Advocates of neural networks (and of the “connectionist” theory of the brain) don’t know either of these things., But it’s also true that any AI simulation of the brain will lack consciousness. The neuroscience of that is clear.
QUESTION: How do you vacuum seal mason jars? - ANSWER: For standard canning? Short term refrigerated storage? Or just dry goods for better shelf stable storage. I'll do all three., #1. Long term shelf stable canning requires full sterilization, so must be done veth carefully & precisely under extended heat & pressure in a pressure cooker., The lids, without the screw rings, just sit atop the jars with food inside as it's all being hwated in the pressurized steam environmemt. Heating, aside from sterilizing, causes the food & air in the jar to expand, pushing out most of the excess air., Then as the food cools & contracts, the internal presure drops pulling down the lid tightly crastinb the “vacuum". But not really a vscuim, just negative relative pressure, as there’s still air, water & food in there, but at much lower pressure than outside., #2 For short term storage of perishables that will be chilled, just put some very hot food in a jar, put on the lid & let cool. A vacuum will form., WARNING! This food is NOT STERILE, so should not be kept much longer than more simply stored food. Esp. because it can make cold storage worse by creatinge an anaerobic environmemt, which may promote nasty things like botulism, which thrives best without much oxygen., #3 For longer term more stable dry storage (grains, nuts, cereal, rice, chips, pasta, flours, sweets, candy, spices, herbs, dried fruits & veggies etc.) you can use a va...
QUESTION: What are the laws around using a song in a short film? I want to use a 1943 song. The short film will be submitted to film festivals. - ANSWER: Most festivals will ask you to confirm or prove you have the legal right to any music used in your film., Your best bet is to follow what others have said here, contact the copyright holders as they describe, otherwise it could end up your film being rejected from those festivals., I’ve done several shorts that played festivals and always got original music composed just for my films. That’s the totally safe way to do it.
QUESTION: How do small businesses keep track of sales and inventory? - ANSWER: There are a number of ways that small businesses keep track of sales and inventory. Some small businesses use spreadsheets, some use pen and paper, and some use software, like Quickbooks and Netsuite. The business owner should decide which method is best for their company based on the needs of the company.
QUESTION: Why has the US had only one Constitution and the majority of the other countries have had more than one? - ANSWER: Because the US has been broadly stable since it was founded, and it was founded by people with a respect for law and order. And it has not been invaded or defeated by any other country, in part due to its isolated position,, It had one cataclysmic Civil War, but the side supporting the Constitution won convincingly. Most other constitutions have been adopted by countries already with a weak sense of identity, or by countries that have been devastated by invasions.
QUESTION: Are watts additive? That is, are two sixty-watt bulbs in fixture approximately twenty percent brighter than a single 100-watt bulb? - ANSWER: The watts consumed are additive, but the brightness is not. Just look at the lumen ratings on the boxes for the 60w and 100w bulbs. If you can still find them., Every incandescent bulb is a compromise between efficiency and lifetime. Bulbs with higher wattage use a thicker filament, so for a given lifetime they can be designed to run hotter. Therefore, they can produce more lumens per watt than the lower wattage bulbs., On the other hand, for many fixtures, a 100W bulb will be too large and hot., But who cares? This is academic since you can’t find many incandescent bulbs, and why would you want them anyway? You really want LED bulbs,
QUESTION: Is there no negative marking in the ISI entrance exam? - ANSWER: No. If you leave a question you get 1 mark, if you mark wrong, you get 0. So there is penalty for wrong answers but no negative marking., Quick question to the people taking prep for isi entrance: can you tell what are the marks between 0 to 120, both included, that you can actually score in this mcq test? For example, 0 if you answer all questions wrong, 120 if all right, 30 if you leave all unanswered, etc.
QUESTION: Should I read the extra content other than NCERT in chemistry, which I find in Unacademy NEET and Aakash modules for NEET prep? - ANSWER: See, there is nothing more to worry about Chemistry., Just focus on your Ncert ,it is more than sufficient for you to score easily more than 130 marks in chemistry., You have to simply follow these points —-, $$$ Organic chemistry--, 1.Read Ncert carefully and put your effort more on dark and highlighted points given inside the chapters., 2.Learn those conversions ( very important), 3. Practice solved intext questions(very imp) and solve exercises that are given in the last pages of each chapter.( especially that conversion questions), 4.Read last 3 chapters of 2 nd part of 12 th Organic chemistry.( 3 to 4 will come from these topics)., $$$ Inorganic Chemistry--, same as point 1 of Organic chemistry, Learn those intext solved questions( believe me 4 to 5 ques will definitely come from that blue boxes) especially chapters like s, p ,d & f blocks ., Do previous year papers ( 3 to 4 ques are repeated every year), $$$$$ Physical Chemistry--, 1.Learn important formulas of each topic and write down them in a special diary and try to recall it everytime when u have free time ., 2. Do previous year papers with speed and accuracy., 3.Read summary of chapters ( for theory based ques) and solve intext blue boxes., Hope this will help you.😊😊😊, Best of luck for your paper.🥼🥼🥼🥼🥼😊😊😊
QUESTION: I noticed that there are a lot of Asian people in America who are trying so hard to act American. As an Asian-American myself, I cringe to see them differentiate themselves from other Asians. Why do they do that? - ANSWER: Lol, some of the White answerers are offended by this question. Anyways, I won't get offended, AND I'M AN ACTUAL FULL ASIAN. That by default makes me, or any other Asian, more qualified to answer this question than any White person. There are many reasons for this., Many Asians (primarily East Asians) grew up and live in a majority White suburban all their life so they are gonna absorb that culture in the environment. I'm an Asian who grew up in an urban environment with a good variety of all races most of my life (Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and some White) so culturally I am a real American - a melting pot., If you let those Asian that lived in suburbs all their lives, or any other race for the matter, live in an urban environment like I did for +20 years then they are going to be culturally like that urban environment. It's just nature, people no matter what race, will most likely be the culture of where they live given a good amount of time., I guess it also doesn't help that your average non-Asian American only thinks of East Asians (eg. Every Asian is Chinese) when they see or think of Asians. Many Asians such as Laotians, Cambodians, etc. live in urban environments so they are not your typical White-acting-Asian since they grew up in a diverse environment., And finally there are Asians who are racists themselves, they hate everything except other East Asians and Whites, so they are going to want to act White more… but, will pull out their Asian Card (the race card) when they need it for some type of defense or ammunition.
QUESTION: What is a row in RDBMS? - ANSWER: Relational databases are organized into tables containing records and fields, commonly called rows and columns in spreadsheet-type notation. A row is simply a record, containing the number and type of fields specified in the schema. At least one of the fields is a unique identifier by which the record can be retrieved. In an RDBMS, a record contains a collection of fields of simple data types: integers, binary large objects (blobs), character, boolean, or strin...
QUESTION: What's the best Linux distribution to learn for an aspiring Linux System Administrator? - ANSWER: Cloud services are overwhelmingly deployed on Debian based distros. Big corps tend to use RH-based systems, and everybody else is gradually shifting towards Debian-based distros., However, it doesn’t really matter. When you’re learning, there’s very little practical difference. I would argue that out in the real world, the vast majority of examples of things you’d want to do are in Ubuntu. Learning on Debian or Ubuntu and then shifting to Cent or something later will be easy. Annoying, because you’ll be missing a ton of the tools and stuff that actually work, but it won’t be difficult., Just keep the rules in mind:, Don’t do it in the GUI. Ever. No, not even just this once., Find a mentor, Always be considering how you’d do whatever you’re doing on 1,000 servers instead of just one, Don’t ever paste something into the commandline from someplace like stackoverflow without knowing how it works. Not for safety, but because you need to understand it., Good luck!
QUESTION: Who discovered wireless technology? - ANSWER: n the 1890s sent voice messages at audio frequencies between parallel phone lines. Stubblefield sent voice and music via earth conduction at audio frequencies. Bell sent voice messages via a light beam modulated at audio frequencies. Stubblefield predicted radio would be used for broadcasting news and entertainment, in addition to earlier point to point messaging. Tesla invented a tuning method for radio and sent wireless signals considerable distances before Marconi, but did not develop it into a communication system. Collins, Alexanderson, and Fessenden sent radio frequency voice messages in the early 20th century. After vacuum tubes were invented, by Fleming (based on Edison's 1880 tube), DeForest and Langmuir, pretty modern radio voice communication was developed after World War 1.. Oersted discovered in 1820 that an electric current produces a magnetic field. Faraday and Henry . i. n the 1830s discovered that electricity could pass from one circuit to another. Morse and Lindsay sent sent telegraph signals through the ground and water, without radio, just through DC. Edison discovered in 1875 what he called "etheric force," by which intermittent high frequency current from an induction coil could produce a visible spark in a detector remote from the circuit. Scientists said it was "just induction," but it was a radio signal. Maxwell worked out the mathematics of electromagnetic fields in 1873, and said his understanding of it was the same as Faraday's non-mathematical explanation. Preece, Lodge and Bose sent wireless radio signals. Edison used a low frequency induction system called the "Grasshopper Telegraph " to send messages to and from moving trains. Hertz did laboratory verification in the 1880s of Maxwell's theory. Popov invented a receiver for radio waves while researching lightning. Marconi used Hertzian waves in the 1890s to send telegraph signals beyond the line of sight with radio. It allowed ships to communicate with land and each other before thus, radio had just been a novelty or a laboratory curiosity. Preece and Stubblefield , Invention of radio - Wikipedia, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Christian_%C3%98rsted, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Faraday, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Henry, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_telegraphy, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etheric_forex, https://biography.wales/article/s-PREE-HEN-1834, Alexander Stepanovich Popov - Wikipedia, Guglielmo Marconi - Wikipedia, Reginald Fessenden - Wikipedia, Master of Lightning: Who Invented Radio?, Vacuum tube - Wikipedia, Irving Langmuir - Wikipedia
QUESTION: How do I get better grades at English/essay writing and text interpretation subjects? - ANSWER: You want better English grades?, Read. Seriously. Everyday., It improves your sentence synthesis, your analytical skills, improves your focus and general knowledge, and exposes you to many different interpretations of grammar and ideas, just to name a few., There isn't a way you can cram for this thou...
QUESTION: Would you text your ex if he always there in your dreams? - ANSWER: I would. For you though, that depends on how your relationship was and how your breakup was. It also depends on if either are in a relationship.
QUESTION: Why do most guys like bad girls--girls who are flaky and manipulative--most guys won't admit to it? - ANSWER: Yes men like Bad girls. But definitely not the manipulative ones. Manipulative girls are actually the opposite of Bad. They appear to be perfectly goody two shoes. Over calculative girls, overbearing girls, manipulative girls are a huge turn off. Bad girls are not necessarily these things. A girl can be bad with her manners. She might have anger issues. She might have drinking issues. She might not get along well with people, but deep down if she is a positive soul. If she does not hurt anybody with her caustic words. If she actually feels kindness ( not the pretentious kind). If she does not believe in showoff. If she is all those things then a man would be lucky to have her by his side for the rest of his life !!!
QUESTION: What would happen if the Sun was 1 meter closer to Earth than it is now? - ANSWER: What would happen if the Sun was 1 meter closer to Earth than it is now?, Absolutely nothing, the Earth’s orbit is not completely circular but is actually an ellipse with a range of 147,100,000 to 152,100,000 km. This gives an irregularity of some 5 million kilometers in the orbit, one meter will make no difference.
QUESTION: Which person is known for publishing "The Interpretation of Dreams"? - ANSWER: If you mean who wrote The Interpretation of Dreams, that would be Freud. The first edition was in German published in 1900 by Franz Deuticke.,
QUESTION: Who uses AES encryption? - ANSWER: AES encryption is used daily by the National Security Agency (NSA) and numerous other U.S. government agencies, including the military, for secure data storage and encrypted communications., The passwords of users of the password management service LastPass are protected from hackers and even employees of LastPass by employing AES encryption., Another illustration of how a 256-bit AES-encrypted message might look is provided in the following example:, Example of plaintext before 256-bit AES encryption:. At Trenton Systems, we are serious about cybersecurity., yJXijxO47dH9TMKXTG3a+ZJZWRLdbof9dU7P9lTVLFH47Uaf6n0qEft0RmrHPQN6ZOyjfBDfKXbQb6nBOvAQjA==. After applying 256-bit AES encryption, the ciphertext: , Plaintext, when the 256-bit AES encryption process is switched for unscrambling: . At Trenton Systems, we are serious about cybersecurity.
QUESTION: Why am I growing a flap of gum at the back of my molars, and how do I get rid of it? - ANSWER: If its an unerupted wisdom tooth it can be a operculum or a swollen gum also. Need to see a pic of it to confirm., In general for the last tooth, operculectomy can be done to prevent the food accumulation and infection in that site., For a swollen gum, warm saline rinsing can be done alongwith antibiotics and antiinflammatorys.
QUESTION: Why did Rhea Chakraborty plead in the Supreme Court not to arrest her now in Sushant Singh Rajput's case? - ANSWER: No Such Plea has been made by her. The Supreme Court has heard today the plea of Bollywood actress . , from Patna to Mumbai. Amid unprecedented tug of war between police of . Sushant Singh Rajput. and Maharashtra over the right to probe the death of the actor who was found hanging at his Mumbai residence on June 14, the actress has sought transfer of FIR lodged in Patna on ground of jurisdiction.. transfer. Rhea Chakraborty. of an FIR, accusing her of abetting suicide of actor . Bihar. seeking , , Sushant Singh Rajput. Supreme Court, today told all the parties to file their respective replies in the . death case within three days, while hearing the petition filed by . Rhea Chakraborty, Further hearing in the matter to be held after a week, If you like the content Do Hit the Upvote Button and follow my space Befirendly for more related queries.