QUESTION: Which entry level sales job is the best to learn how to sell? - ANSWER: My first job in sales is still the one that I learnt the most about the craft of selling and is also the one where strong salesmanship made the biggest difference to my success - I was a commission only Windows salesman for a national firm., The two most important things it taught me were that perseverance and passion were key. If you don't follow the process and don't believe in what you do you will not be successful., That was almost 13 years ago and I am still in sales and still enjoy it., So many people start their sales careers in ‘inside sales’ these days. Where they act as business development individuals, finding an opportunity for someone else to work on before making the step up themselves. Avoid this career track. Start at the bottom but always own as much of the process as you can. That is the only way to truly learn.
QUESTION: Can I sell fan made videos made with The Sims video game? I customized the characters and created a story for a school project. Is it legal to create more videos for people and sell them? Of course I will credit the game in the videos. - ANSWER: Short answer: No., Maybe.. Long answer: , Here's the deal. EA and the game studio (can't recall the name rn oops) own the rights to the Sims. You as a consumer has purchased the game and has the right to enjoy the game in any way you see fit, . as long as you are not using it in a way to profit., as a whole) is illegal.. Making money off of stuff you don't actually own (you own a copy of the game, but you don't own . The Sims , from the creators.. Of course there is a way around this: . Get the rights/permission , Give the company a call. Give them your situation and I'm sure they will gladly dorect you to the correct person to talk to. Pitch your idea and somewhere down the line it may get approved. Either you can keep all profits, or they will ask for a cut, or they will deny the request and ask you to not., Either way respect their decision, as you are working with . their property . and that should be respected.
QUESTION: What did or does Paul McCartney think of Oasis? - ANSWER: Paul McCartney has been around long enough to know better., Sir Paul isn't about to slag off any upcoming bands, but he had been known to make a few minor jabs about their sound and style, seeing as Oasis were taking serious cues from the legendary Beatles., What he did clearly say though, upon hearing Oasis singer/songwriter, Noel Gallagher claim they'd ‘be bigger than the Beatles’, was that it was the kiss of death to suggest such a thing., “Oasis were young, fresh and writing good tunes,” McCartney told Q. “I thought the biggest mistake they made was when they said ‘We’re going to be bigger than The Beatles’. I thought ‘So many people have said that, and it’s the kiss of death.’ Be bigger than The Beatles, but don’t say it. The minute you say it, everything you do from then on is going to be looked at in the light of that statement.”, don't . say it… What a seasoned response. Beautiful.. Be . bigger than us (and good luck with that), but , Paul McCartney: 'Oasis’ biggest mistake was saying they were bigger than The Beatles’, Source: NME
QUESTION: Did Native Americans ever have female leaders? - ANSWER: My tribe never had what Europeans would consider an official “leader” until we were starved into surrendering the US government rule. In the microcosm families tended to be headed by grandmothers and great grandmothers. Until we were forced into a sedentary lifestyle individuals might, or might not, listen to (and follow the suggestions of) certain individuals who had a proven track record of good decision making and complete generosity (giving away everything they acquired to others). Some of these individuals proved themselves in battle some in other situations. Some of these individuals were women. According to oral histories the “leader” who came up with and successfully implemented the plan to acquire horses from the Spanish was a woman. However white historians and writers like to project their sexist fantasies onto my tribe, and without citing a single source within my tribe will describe us as extremely sexist, because they can’t imagine that a warrior culture was also matrilineal and matriarchal. My great great grandmother Weckeah Old Bear rode beside her husband into battle against the Texas Rangers and was in fact his chief military strategist.
QUESTION: What are some of your best quilling works? - ANSWER: , , These are a few of mine.. I prefer doing up cards for people on occasions rather than going out and buying :) Gives it a personal touch..
QUESTION: Who helped Alexander defeat Porus? - ANSWER: Ambhiraj of Taxila,Abhisar of Kashmir and the kings of ang,awanti and gandhar had sold their honour to Alexander.Ang,Awanti and Gandhar were destroyed by Porus.The king Abhisar was killed by Malayketu during the Battle of Hydaspes.Ambhiraj later was killed byPorus after the war
QUESTION: What Hawaiian island is most worth visiting? - ANSWER: All islands are unique and have their own charms. If you are looking for an urban tropical experience with a active nightlife, then Oahu is your island. It is also home to the famous Waikiki beach, the world famous Ala Moana shopping center and numerous other tourist sites. , For a laid back beach experience with great island ambiance, you can't beat Maui. Great golf, beaches on the side of the road that are truly accessible and the views of other islands (Molokai, Lanai and Oahu) fro Maui. , For a slow, local pace that favors a resortist lifestyle Kauai is your choice. Great resorts, golf, expansive beaches and natural and diverse beauty. , My favorite island is also my home island, so I am a bit biased. It is Hawaii aka The Big Island. It is the most diverse island in terms of climatic and geographical zones. Deserts, snow capped mountains, tropical rainforests, beaches, valleys, waterfalls, small plantation era towns and diverse beaches. There are white sand beaches (famous Hapuna Beach), black sand beaches in the east side of the island including Waipio Valley and even a green sand beach near the southern part of the island in the district of Kau. World famous golf courses including top-ranked Mauna Kea Beach. Billionaires love to call the Big Island a vacation home away from home and have created exclusive developments in Kukio, Hualalai, Mauna Lani, Mauna Kea, etc.
QUESTION: Are the Mushoku Tensei light novels worth reading if I'm enjoying the anime? - ANSWER: Belive me I've read it twice and haven't lost intrest even once , it's cause the story very very satisfying , and unlike many other protagonists the protagonist here doesn't go spreading his ideologies like a saint in heat also whenever you'd just think that yeah now the story is going all how you forsee it the author puts totally unexpected twist you can't ever ever forsee., Honestly after I read it once I've bugging all my friends for reading it , so well I'd like to recommend it to you too.
QUESTION: Why do people leave alcoholics anonymous? - ANSWER: I have a lot of love for AA; I give it full credit for GETTING me alcohol-free. But STAYING that way consistently on a strict abstinence based program started to feel difficult. Marijuana has played a big part in the restlessness I felt in the early days, and I still love how it helps my otherwise non-existent appetite. I have my MMJ card to help pain (from 14 years of massage therapy) and severe nausea that keeps me from eating enough and winding up unintentionally malnourished. Anyway, few people will sponsor or work with you when you tell them you use THC, and you have to tell them, cause really, honesty is what makes the program work. Or they work with you saying “it will no longer serve you and you’ll want it gone from your life.” But months later they’re surprised, cause I’m still using it and yes, it’s still serving me. I just don’t know…I’m lucky that my fiancé, also in recovery, feels the same way I do. We just don’t fit into any program, so we show up once a week and just listen, to a meeting near my house. Sometimes it’s relevant but when it’s not, it’s a few weeks before we take a deep breath and go back. Theres a lot of mental illness and ego in those rooms, it’s too much sometimes!, There’s my take!! Sorry for going on longer than I meant to! Hopefully you got something from that.
QUESTION: Is 41 young to have gout? - ANSWER: Gout used to be called the “disease of kings.” Charlemagne had it, formerly athletic Henry VIII lost his mobility and even Leonardo da Vinci and Benjamin Franklin suffered from this agonizing form of inflammatory arthritis., Gout happens when excess uric acid in the blood forms needle-like crystals in the joints, usually the toe joints. This is as painful as it sounds. Gout can become chronic if the uric acid keeps forming crystals and causing permanent joint damage., There a variety of factors scientists and doctors believe have led to the rise in gout cases. In the U.S. and U.K., we’re eating more red meat. Fructose is added to more processed foods. And there’s been a big rise in beer consumption and binge-drinking., For years my painful gout was getting worse… Then I found out how other people were making themselves gout-free… in just weeks - Click Here to Read
QUESTION: What is the pass mark for maths 2 at SRM University? - ANSWER: It is optional subject so it will be having relative grading. But try to maintain 50 as minimum.
QUESTION: Do I have to major in marine biology to become a marine biologist? - ANSWER: No. I am a marine biologist with a Ph.D. in oceanography. My undergrad major was in general Biology. I have colleagues that have majored in Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Geology, Engineering, Economics, Environmental Science, and even Canadian Studies., In many cases, you’ll have to take a few extra courses to get into grad school if you have a “non-traditional” major. For example, my graduate program required physics, organic chemistry, and calculus. So if you didn’t take those courses, you’ll have to take them before matriculating.
QUESTION: What is the average blogger's annual income? - ANSWER: The average blogger, probably next to zero. Most bloggers give up after a few months or maybe a year. It takes either time or/and knowledge of content, how search engines work and time invested in generating interest (backlinks). Most fail because they think writing a few articles will pull in the cash. In the early internet days, that was actually quite feasible. These days, you have to do your research and up your game.
QUESTION: Is the Indian economy’s recent 7.2% growth rate a one-off, or will it be part of a larger economic surge? - ANSWER: I doubt that it is one-off. It’s more likely to be part of long-term growth. But, “surge?” No, it’s not a surge. India has achieved higher growth rates in the past - see the chart below. There’s no ‘Modi magic’ here. Still, it’s good news., , Unfortunately, the Indian economic growth model does not create enough jobs. Nor does it provide enough rural incomes. These problems remain there even after the growth rate increases. They were there were with higher growth rates under the UPA., achhe din . (good days) are here.. Worse, now there are many more young people looking for jobs. Unless they can get reasonable jobs - over Rs. 15,000 per month - we cannot say that , :. Added March 1, 2018, Just as the GDP numbers, Modi govt too performing short of its potential?. See this article . Key excerpts:, …. few will be celebrating. For one, the slowdown India has endured has been largely self-inflicted. A bad-debt crisis, an inexplicable decision to ban cash holdings overnight and then a poorly planned rollout of a new goods-and-services tax combined to push Indian growth well below six percent., It’s hard to cheer a recovery when you shouldn’t have had anything to recover from in the first place, n fact, the biggest engine of growth continues to be government spending, which is supposed to grow by almost 11 percent in real terms this year.. I, Put that together with India’s troubling fiscal deficit - which is pushing seven percent of . when both the federal and state governments are included, one of the worst figures in the G-20 - and this revival starts to look a bit unsustainable.. GDP , “India growing at five percent, six percent or even seven percent is not an India that is going to face up to [the challenge of youth unemployment],” . Finance Minister Arun Jaitley warned back then., And he was right. In India, a country where a million young people join the job market every month, seven percent growth simply isn’t enough.
QUESTION: What happened to RFK Jr.’s voice? - ANSWER: He has a congenital condition called spasmodic dysphonia, which makes his voice raspy. Retired radio talk-show host Diane Rehm is also afflicted with it., It’s incurable but manageable and is treated by Botox injections directly into the vocal cords every two to four weeks. (Aren’t you glad you don’t have it?)
QUESTION: How important it is to have a sitemap for a website? - ANSWER: Yes it is, for a better SEO you need one., Sitemap is the “tree” of your website and helps Google to understand.
QUESTION: How do electricians add new outlets? - ANSWER: It depends on the situation. Sometimes they go on the surface of the wall, sometimes inside the wall. I’m not an electrician but I’ve done both.
QUESTION: How clean can water possibly be? - ANSWER: I am a metals chemist in the semiconductor industry and when you have super clean water they start measuring the water by the resistance of the water to electric current. Distilled water can often have a few mega ohms per cm of resistance. At this level water tastes normal., Cleaner water can be obtained by deionisation, DI water uses ion exchange resins to remove further ionic impurities taking the water up to 16 or even 17 megaohm (MΩ) resistance. Water starts tasting strange at this level of resistance—not bad, just a little bit strange., Then there are ultrapure water systems that further filter DI water; these systems are capable of greater than 18 MΩ per centimeter resistance. At this level the contaminant level of the water will be in the very low ppt (parts per trillion) range. At these levels, the water tastes about the same as DI water: a little bit strange, but you would probably not even notice unless you were thinking about or comparing flavors., By the way, the claims that drinking ultrapure water will hurt your electrolyte balance is a complete urban myth. The electrolytes they are talking about are naturally occurring salts, and with the possible exception of potassium salt, most people have way more electrolytes than they need. Even with potassium you would have to drink enough to burst your kidneys for it to be dangerous to your electrolyte levels. This much water would be dangerous to your body for many other reasons before your electrolyte levels would affect you., PS, I knew a technician who would take ultrapure 18 MΩ water home every day and used it to drink as well as to make all of her coffee and tea. She did this for more than 20 years and swore by it. I would not endorse this., EDIT, The question “How is clean water made” , is not the question I set out to answer; for some reason my answer was moved to this question. The question I set out to answer was something like “what does ultraclean water taste like?”, This is the first time I have had an answer moved to a completely different question and I think that Quora should not allow answers to be moved to different questions!
QUESTION: Is it better to take any job even if it doesn't pay well right away? - ANSWER: Yes I think it is., Take me for example. I had been happily travelling and working in Asia for 10 years. I returned to the UK at 30 with no money, a wife a kid and one more on the way., I applied for various jobs with no luck so ended up picking potatoes on a farm, then washing dishes in a local country club. I did that for a month. I worked hard to support my family. I only earned a modest wage but I had self respect. It was honest money., A fellow kitchen hand saw my work ethic and recommended me to her husband as a labourer digging holes in the road. It was hard work but more money. It kept me fit and I learned new skills, like using a pneumatic drill and laying pipes., After 6 weeks of that I got a much better job using my degree. The pipe layers were disappointed. They said if I'd stayed on I would have quickly worked my way up., I got a big pay rise, a car, and benefits. However the things I learned in those humble jobs stayed with me for life., Work hard. You never know who's watching., There's no shame in any honest work., Grab any job you can. You never know where it will lead
QUESTION: What is the healthiest granola bar? - ANSWER: A homemade one. Toasted oats, honey, dried apricot (chopped)your choice of nuts. Mix, roll/shape into bars or a thin log let set at room temperature in waxwd paper. Once holding their shape, unwrap and cut to desired sizes. Bake on foil lined trays 5-7 minutes at 340°F . Let rest/cool and enjoy.
QUESTION: How do I make Google Drive my default storage in Chromebook? - ANSWER: It should be the default cloud storage option on your Chromebook already. It can't be the default local storage if that is what you're after. You laptop needs a local drive for the operating system to do its thing.
QUESTION: What would have happend in Halo if instead of the Covenant, the UNSC met Orks at harvest (the second Waaagh that attacked Armageddon a few hundred million orks)? - ANSWER: If the entire WAAAGH was on-planet, either since they had no ships or they were on a Space Hulk that was crashed into Harvest, then the UNSC would just try to evacuate the planet before dropping a NOVA bomb on the planet., That's pretty much the best chance the UNSC has here. Yeah, the loss of Harvest will be painful, but the UNSC weaponry, vehicles and aircraft aren't enough to do much. The prototype and heavy gear like the Sparrowhawk, Rhino, Vulture etc, might make a dent but the UNSC just don't have enough of these vehicles to make any considerable impact., If there's a space fleet, again. The best option is a Longsword squadron remote controlled by an AI slipping in and detonating a NOVA bomb or ten in strategic locations of the fleet., The UNSC aren't going to be winning this fight conventionally. But luckily for them, flinging nuclear weaponry around like it's going out of style isn't an issue.
QUESTION: Which ELSS is best to save tax? - ANSWER: For any investor, tax planning is the most crucial and cumbersome part of their financial plannings., ELSS(Equity Linked Savings Schemes) is one of the best way to save income tax as ELSS mutual funds are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act., Investments in ELSS or tax saving/planning mutual fund schemes qualify for tax deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh in India., As per SEBI guidelines, ELSS mutual funds have to invest 80% or more of their assets in equities. These funds have a lock-in period of 3 years (lowest of any tax-saving option) and hence the investors can not withdraw their money before the 3-year period. If a SIP is done in ELSS, then each investment will be locked in for 3 years from the investment date., The comparison between ELSS and popular other tax-saving options in India:, , The best ELSS funds to save tax are as follows:, 1. Reliance Tax Saver Fund, 2. DSP Tax Saver Fund, 3. Axis Long Term Equity Fund, 4. Aditya Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96, 5. SBI Magnum Taxgain Scheme, 6. ICICI Prudential Long Term Equity Fund, , 1. Reliance Tax Saver Fund:, The primary objective of the scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation from a portfolio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity related instruments., With a 10-year return of 18.52%, the Scheme has outperformed both the benchmark index (11.83%) and the category average (12.66%). It has retained a three-star or higher ranking for much of its life. This is an aggressive Scheme in the ELSS space., 2. DSP Tax Saver Fund:, DSP Tax Saver Fund is an equity-linked saving scheme (ELSS) that constitutes of equity funds and equity-related securities of corporate portfolio. The aim of this fund is to generate medium to long-term capital value and enable investors to avail deduction under Section 80C., The fund also has dividend options based solely on fund house discretion. For this fund, short-term capital gains made on the sale of units within 1 year from the date of allotment will be taxed at the rate of 15%., The long-term capital gains, over and above Rs 1 lakh, made on the sale of units after 1 year from the date of allotment will be taxable at the rate of 10% (without indexation)., The Fund has managed to deliver good results so far, in spite of competition in this particular category of funds. DSP Black Rock Tax Saver Fund would need more time to mature and upgrade in this category., Currently, the fund performance is neutral., 3. Axis Long Term Equity Fund:, Axis Long Term Equity Fund was launched on 29 December 2009 by Axis Mutual Fund. Being a multi-cap fund, Axis Long Term Equity Fund is a moderately risky bet and suitable for investors who have a long-term investment horizon of more than 5 years., It is a high-risk tax saving fund in the multi-cap category. The fund’s investment strategy focuses on buying quality growth stocks. While selecting stocks, the fund looks for superior and scale able businesses, a high return on capital and secular growth. It invests in quality businesses for the long-term through bottom-up stock picking., The fund outperformed its category average by 4-10 percentage points in the 3 and 5-year returns and benchmark by 1-7 percentage points in the 3 and 5-year return. A SIP of Rs 5,000 in this fund started 5 years ago is worth Rs 4.27 lakhs now., 4. Aditya Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96:, Aditya Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96 Fund is one of the oldest funds in the ELSS category and an industry veteran with a credible track record. The fund’s returns for one, three and five-year are -2.9%, 11.8%, and 19.8%. The fund gave 24.49% return since its inception in March 1996. The fund follows a combination of a top-down and bottom-up approach for picking stocks. It follows a multi-cap strategy., 5. SBI Magnum Tax gain Scheme:, This fund was launched on 31 March 1993 by SBI Funds Management Pvt Ltd. Risk is below average as fund’s performance is driven by the market’s wide fluctuations. One can get tax benefit up to Rs 1.5 lakh investment under Section 80C by investing in SBI Magnum TaxGain. If the return is above Rs 1 lakh at the time of sale, from the date of allotment a rate of 10% (without indexation) will be taxable., 6. ICICI Prudential Long Term Equity Fund:, The fund follows a multi-cap portfolio with a blend of large, mid and small cap stocks. The fund being one in the ELSS category enables the fund manager to concentrate on long-term while picking stocks with no short-term redemption pressures. This provides an opportunity for earning higher potential returns., The fund focuses on the fundamentals of the business like industry structure, quality of management,sensitivity to economic factors, the financial strength of the company and the key earnings drivers. The fund outperformed its category average by 1-6 percentage points in the 3 and 5-year returns and benchmark by 3 percentage points in the 5-year return. A SIP of Rs 5,000 in this fund started 5 years ago is worth Rs 3.97 lakhs now.
QUESTION: What does timid mean? Can you use it in a sentence? - ANSWER: TIMID:, Lacking in courage, self esteem or confidence i.e. low self belief..easily scared, lacking in boldness or determination, overtly cautious, unsure or careful, Those who are timid often worry that things will go wrong...or just simply not according to plan, or a preset path or direction, Contexts where TIMID is used:, Easily anxious or frightened, Readily conforming to the authority or will of others, Easily frightened or alarmed, Intimidated or overwhelmed by a nagging or overbearing wife or girlfriend, Not offering, involving, or eager for new or stimulating things, Averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values, Not securely fixed, Unable to express oneself clearly or fluently, Having a base, nasty, petty, or malevolent disposition, Sentences:, India's current political scenario calls for...
QUESTION: What can I do to prevent a bad astral projection experience? - ANSWER: I read about that too; here are my thoughts: , You are lucid during AP, and you know that although the characters you may encounter act on their own volition, so do you. They can't hurt you, because during AP, you are pure energy. You may have had the sensation of leaving your body, and exploring stuff, and being in your physical form, but this is just a 'trick' so that you can feel comfortable in what you are doing, and also comprehend your environment in a familiar way that compares to the actual physical environment you see with your real eyes. , So you can't destroy energy. During AP, you are tapping into a world of 'code'. And 'code' does not know fear, or the difference between bad or good. So it is only your conscious mind that may inject these ideas into an AP experience. So just know that. If the Devil himself appears, just change yourself into a God or something, and defeat it. , I believe there is just one emotion. And it is up to our conscious minds to keep a balance between what we regard as good and bad emotions. Because AP exists in the realm of our subconscious minds, where emotions are not judged. Only our conscious minds judge, and we are conscious during AP. So just be a bad ass during AP, and everything else will respect you for that, and leave you alone :)
QUESTION: Is it worth insuring my bicycle? - ANSWER: If you have a standard homeowners or renters policy, your bicycle is already likely to be included, though you should read the policy to be sure.
QUESTION: Is any NFL team a good NFL team to play for? - ANSWER: not playing for money. It has its downsides - not least among them long-term health considerations! - but yeah, given the choice of playing for any one of the 32 teams and . , most football players would jump at the chance.. Being paid to play football professionally is a pretty good gig. , A player might . to play at a certain franchise for any number of reasons. Maybe they grew up watching a certain team, or maybe one team is willing to pay them quite a bit more in free agency, or maybe they’re getting older and want to take one last run at winning a Super Bowl ring. But all of those considerations presuppose that a player has a choice between teams, and that may not be the case.. prefer, Remember, a regular season gameday roster has just 53 players on it, with only 46 of them active. But teams bring 90 players (not counting injured reserves) to training camp. So that’s over a thousand players league-wide who’ll be cut from the active roster by the end of the preseason and whose only chance at remaining active is on a team’s practice squad., any . team is a good team.. Under those circumstances, especially for marginal players,
QUESTION: Why did Pope Francis say that the Jewish covenant with God has never been broken? - ANSWER: Because God does not break his promises.
QUESTION: Why does the Quran mention one day of judgment/resurrection (the last day of Satan's mischief), yet it seems that some Muslims believe that everyone is judged as soon as they die and sent to either to heaven or hell? - ANSWER: As soon as a person dies, Akhirah/Akhirat or Afterlife starts for that person. Believing in Akhirah is one of the rudimentary beliefs of Islam. If one doesn't believe in Akhirah then he won’t be a Muslim. This afterlife is unending and it has some stages also., Akhirah starts with death itself so whoever dies, he steps in the afterlife. Some people die early and some will die later, that’s the difference. There will be people also before Qiyamah (Destruction of everything/The Doomsday) but there won’t be any believers before Qiyamah. There will be basically all sinners., When the sun will rise from the west (Day of destruction), no matter how much someone repents it won’t be granted. So chance of earning rewards and mercy from Allah will be concluded., Now Similar happens before someone’s death too, there is a time before death when your repentance won’t be granted. That’s why when someone is dying, Muslims nearby that person try so that he utters Shahadah (Islamic testimony of faith) one last time. This is most important for a case of non-muslim because that will be his final chance to become a Muslim., Now let me clarify a bit., 1. Death (1st stage of Akhirah), 2. Grave(2nd stage of Akhirah; sinners will start to get the taste of Hell already and true believers will start to feel the fresh wind of heaven). You start to feel the heat before putting your finger in the fire, right? Grave for sinners will be like that., “And indeed, for those who have wronged . is a punishment before that,. but most of them do not know.” - (Surah At-Tur 47), This punishment before the ultimate punishment is known as punishment in grave. That’s why this stage is also called ‘Barzakh’ or ‘Barrier’. True believers will easily overcome this barrier as grave will feel like almost heaven to them., behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected. “That I might do righteousness in that which I left behind." No! It is only a word he is saying; and . .”- (Surah Al Mu’minun: 100), So grave is a barrier that we all have to cross before we face the Day of Judgment., 3. Qiyamah (Dooms day/Day of destruction) (3rd stage of Akhirah): Unfortunately both sinners and Satan will observe this particular stage of Akhirah. This will remind them that whatever mentioned in the Qur’an was true. Now there is no going back. Archangel Israfil (Raphael) will blow his trumpet for the first time and dooms day will occur. Everything and everyone on earth will die. Finally Satan will die after living for so long. Satan along with other sinners will enter . stage 1 (Death). ., Satan was living all this time because Allah promised him to give a long life until Dooms day:, [Satan] said, "Reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected." [ Allah ] said, "Indeed, you are of those reprieved." (Surah Al-Araf 14–15), Now we don’t know how long it will be before the next stage starts (Hashr) where everyone will stand. In between, Collapse of the universe might happen and Allah might again recreate suitable conditions for Hashr., 4. Hashr/the grand gathering in front of Allah/the judgment day(4th stage of Akhirah). Allah will order Israfil again to blow his trumpet for the 2nd time so that everyone stands up from grave. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will be the first one to wake up from grave., 5. Mizaan (weighing of good and bad deeds) (5th stage of Akhirah; at this stage it will be mostly clear who will ultimately make it to heaven or who earned hell., 6. Shafaat (6th stage of Akhirah) (Intercession of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the holy Qur’an so that Allah pardons some people among sinners because they might had some faith inside them as well). Mainly People who respected Qur’an and previous prophets of Islam and also who led their life according to the teachings of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will get this special shafaat., 7. Siraat (7th stage of Akhirah) (The bridge over Hell): All have to go through this dark bridge which is over Hell. True believers will pass it with ease and with lighting speed and sinners will fall since it will be dark for them., 8. Hell/Heaven (Final stage of Akhirah): Sinners will be in Hell. Munafiqs (Hypocrites) will be at the bottom. There will be seven hells. True believers will be in Heaven. There are eight heavens/Jannah. There will be a special border (a wall) between hell and heaven which would be called ‘Araf’ (7th Chapter of Qur’an was named after this place). The place will be inhabited by people who are evenly balanced in good and bad deeds. They will listen what is happening on both side. Mostly they will be happy to find themselves not in Hell. It is said that by the grace of almighty Allah one day they will be in heaven too., So after death one does not simply sent to hell or heaven. People experience in grave a little bit of what would it really feel like in heaven/hell before the ultimate judgment.
QUESTION: Do you believe AI is replacing jobs? - ANSWER: Depends on the timeframe. AI has already replaced humans in a variety of tasks. If we succeed at creating a general artificial intelligence, then they could replace all humans given enough time and resources. (Insert your favorite dystopian robot movie here.), , In the next several years, maybe as long as 2–3 decades, AI will replace anything that:, Currently involves a lot of people paid a decent amount of money (thus, worth the cost of implementation)., Is something repetitive that can be done without intense human focus: the mentally easy jobs., But isn’t able to be boiled down to a relatively simple set of rules: that can be handled by standard computer programming., Basically anything relatively easy for humans is vulnerable, as long as the money to be made is more than the cost of training the system. Driving automobiles is a clear one.
QUESTION: What do you think of Donald Trump as the president? - ANSWER: Seriously? He was the worst president of my 60+ year lifetime, and one of the two or three worst of all time. Not only was he totally incompetent, but he was (and remains) actually dangerous. He expected loyalty to him personally, not to the country or the Constitution. He insulted and denigrated everyone. He was ignorant and uninformed. He babbled like a crazy person. He cozies up to dictators, clearly indicating that he wanted to be one. He denied reality—including the reality that he lost t...
QUESTION: What does this new Union budget of India 2016-17 mean to us? - ANSWER: Judging a budget almost eventually always comes down to personal views and opinions based on how the budget impacts that person(or category of persons)., Having said that, I feel this was a good budget which has addressed a portion of the general populous which has been overlooked for a few years now, i.e. the rural class. This has brought about a lot of initiatives that will impact rural India positively and will allow them to prosper through future initiatives all Governments will push through., This budget also brought about some significant changes for the working class through moves such as increasing ceiling for rental deduction u/s 80 GG and increases in the increase in the deduction u/s 87A. One could say this budget has been geared largely towards the lower class and middle class of India., In a rather significant move, the Voluntary Disclosure Scheme has been brought with a compliance window from June to September. This could play a key role in converting black money to white money for a lot of people who are hesitant to disclose their incomes. These incomes will be taxed at a rate of 45% including cess and penalties., There were also some incentives and tax exemptions announced for Start-Ups which was expected based on the announcement in January and is a welcome move to promote growth in Tech Entrepreneurship., The Corporates who were expected some major incentives in their favour were neglected this time(almost completely) but hopefully will prosper through some of the significant macro-economic policies announced.
QUESTION: My Redmi 4a lags a lot. It is eating more RAM and it results in hanging. What is a perfect remedy for this issue? - ANSWER: Let me start with the specification of Redmi 4A, OS=. Android 6.0.1 (Marshmallow), Qualcomm MSM8917 Snapdragon 425. Chipset=, Quad-core 1.4 GHz Cortex-A53. CPU=, Adreno 308. GPU=, 2GB . (Here is where the problem lies). RAM=, The snapdragon 425 processor is an average processors but gives a memory limitation. And due to this limitation we are left with a phone with clutter that hangs a lot., We can make it clutter free by following some of the useful tricks, I assume you have a official ROM and you havent played around with your ROM as it may cause serious damage to mobile phone performance., Firstly never fill up your memory space by . unuseful apps like Cache cleaner, Clean Master etc they do not do any good to your mobile all advertisement are total fake, , Free up the memory as much as you can as the more your memory will be filled the more lag you will experience so free up the memory. have atleast 4 to 5 GB of free space in your mobile., If that do not works you can try to factory reset the mobile, it can be done in the following way, Switch off your mobile phone, Hold down power and volume up keys unti Mi logo appears. leave the power button and keep holding volume up button, use volume button to navigate and power button to select. Select English language, By navigating chose wipe & reset and select wipe all data and wipe cache and then reboot your mobile phone, and phone will works as a brand new phone for sure try it out for your luck. You will lose all your data, Thank you
QUESTION: How do you differentiate between a valve knock or a rod knock? - ANSWER: Valves with excessive clearance make a constant, repetitive “ticking” sound. The ticking comes from the valvetrain area and will increase in volume with the severity of the problem. Note that some level of ticking is common on certain engines with mechanical (not hydraulic) valve lifters., A bottom-end connecting rod knock (rod bearing at the crankshaft) can range from a light “tapping” to a much deeper “thunking” sound depending on the severity of the problem. The noise comes from deep inside the engine and typically occurs at idle and/or when the engine is under light throttle at a fixed driving speed., A worn upper-end connecting rod wrist pin bushing (and/or the pin bore in the piston) makes a hard, sharp, metallic “tapping” sound that is most notable with the engine is idling when hot. In some cases it can sound like a double knock. Wrist pin issues are rare in modern engines., Piston slap, caused by excessive piston to cylinder bore clearance, is a related issue that produces a hollow, bell-like sound that is most common when the engine is cold and may get louder as the engine is placed under load., Diagnosing engine noises take a practiced ear. Familiarity with the type of engine being worked on helps as well. Every engine has its own unique sounds, and a noise that is perfectly normal in engine may indicate a problem in another.
QUESTION: I got 9.4/10 in 10th and 78% in 12th, is there any chance to get an IIM? - ANSWER: For appearing in CAT you need to graduate first then u can apply for IIM., There is nothing like on the basis of previous academics you gonna judge yourself, try hard and you will easily get through them .
QUESTION: What tennis player had the most unexpectedly successful career? - ANSWER: Dominika Cibulkova comes to my mind. She is a small girl (5.3 or 1.6) coming from a small country (Slovakia). And she was starting her career in the times of high players. But. Just month ago she ended her unbelievable career full of ups and downs. But most importantly she has won Masters in 2016, been runner up at AO 2014 and won 8 wta titles. A former no. 4 was put in a outsider position in so many matches, and yet, won the most of them. One of the proofs is also fact, that she was playing at Fed Cup for Slovakia as 16 years old which makes her the youngest slovakian to do so. And with Dominik Hrbatý, another former slovakian tennis player, she has won Hopman Cup, now canceled tournament of mixed doubles. So yes. I think one of the most unexpected successes is Domi’s career.,
QUESTION: How many nations are in SAARC? - ANSWER: The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (. SAARC. ) is the regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union of states in South Asia. Its member states comprise Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
QUESTION: Why do some people no longer have autism? - ANSWER: Anyone who has ever had autism, still has autism. So, the premise of the question is incorrect.
QUESTION: Should I buy an antivirus for my PCs? - ANSWER: No, you don’t. What Microsoft offers for free is enough. I never used any 3rd party antivirus since Windows Vista and NEVER had any issues., The most important thing to do is to learn what to do and what not do to with your computer. I already copy/pasted my list today, but let’s do a new copy/paste. Here is the list of rules I consider essential for any computer user:, NEVER modify UAC settings and, for everyday use, create for yourself a simple user account. Do not use an administrator account. This way, every time an UAC prompt pops up, you have to enter a password and this gives you time to think if it is a legitimate request or not…, NEVER open any links received over the internet in any form (e-mail, any kind of messenger, etc.) unless you are ABSOLUTELY sure that you received them from a legitimate source. Double and triple check any link before opening it., VirusTotal. NEVER install any software from dubious sources. If you must install such software, scan it first with . ., Even when you install legitimate software, downloaded from known websites, be VERY CAREFUL and always check each install step to avoid the install of bundled unwanted apps. NEVER use the “NEXT-NEXT-NEXT” install “method”., Avoid accessing dubious websites for any reason. But if you must access such websites, do it from a virtual machine. Set up such a machine and use it for any “dangerous” operations. A VM is very easy to repair. Just take a VM snapshot and restore it if it gets infected., NEVER click any links in ANY web pop-ups, no matter what problem they say your computer has (and what super-fantastic repair method they offer)., The most important rule of all is BACKUP-BACKUP-BACKUP. Do daily backups of your user files (or keep them in the cloud if you don’t have too many). I keep all my documents in the cloud (though I also have local backups)., Also, do periodic system images. This is also VERY IMPORTANT. I take a new system image every month and always keep 2 copies. This way, even if a cryptolocker like malware infects your computer, you just restore the system image from backup and the problem is solved.
QUESTION: How is the social life of a MS/MTECH student at IIT Madras? - ANSWER: It’s all upto the individual., Most MS/Mtech/Ph.D students stay in lab and room. They rarely go out on the crazy IIT life as you mentioned. I have seen my peers do it. I have seen exceptions too. So, it’s all upto YOU. If you want to have fun, there is nothing stopping you from hanging around in all the activities happening at institute. Go to CFI, go to all events, talks, EMLs, take part in TechSoc, LitSoc, Sports, Gym, Swimming, Art, volunteer, and be part of Shaastra, Saarang team, etc etc and list goes on. I have been to most freshie events conducted, CFI, Shaastra, Saarang events, Techsoc, volunteered for some events, Martial arts, EMLs, talks, shows etc. It’s fun. So, don’t miss out., Don’t filter your smails. Look at them. If you find something interesting, just go., BTW, there is no shortage of time or pressure. Just plan your research well & execute. In fact, you will have more time during summer & winter vacation at institute.
QUESTION: Should I do a BBA or a B.Tech before pursuing an MBA? - ANSWER: Hi,, Yes MBA has no direct link to B.tech but you need to understand that MBA is a degree that teaches you management skill,which are valid for every stream and for every arena So the decision of BBA and B.Tech is entirely your decision and shouldnt not be overlapped with MBA. When you do B.tech you would gain technical know how and an MBA will enhance you Management skills,creating a holistic view. So think where do you want to see yourself in next 5 years and then make the decision., I made the decision of doing MBA after my B.tech; but when i had joined B.tech i didnt have a vision for MBA.Your outlook and your aptitude for engineering help you make the decision of BBA or B.tech.
QUESTION: What are the biggest misconceptions about self-awareness? - ANSWER: Thanks Vojtech for A2A., There are a few like self-awareness is a futile exercise. It does not help much as has been hyped. it is basically a wastage of time. Self-awareness may make one selfish. So on and so forth., Here is an article that I think is useful:, 4 Common Misconceptions of Self-Awareness And How to Overcome Them, You may like to see this as well. On Quora this was asked with slight variation nearly four years ago:, What are the biggest misconceptions about self-awareness?, You may like to go through the first one; more can be written. Thanks for reading.
QUESTION: Is there a reason why they are making new apartments with paper thin walls where people hear everything their upstairs, downstairs, or next door neighbor is doing? How is this legal to rent noisy apartments? - ANSWER: I know exactly what you mean by thin walls. And people are generally louder and ruder these days just to add insult to injury., It doesn't seem legal, but who reports it, where do you report it, and what happens if someone does report it? Many times nothing happens., There are a few things you can do to help dampen noise. First, understand how sound travels. You have to block the way it reverberates through hollow walls and floors., Area rugs on the floor help dampen noise from below. Tapestries, wall hangings, even drapes on walls can help. If you have the money, you can put up noise cancelling wall tiles, just don't install them to the walls. Get some panels and attach the tiles to the panels. Then place the panels against the wall. This way, you don't damage the walls, and you can move the panels anywhere you want., Noise from upstairs is more difficult. What do you put on the ceiling? I can't think of anything., You can place a cheap radio near noisy walls, or use a white noise machine to disrupt sound waves. I don't recommend places speakers or amplifiers near walls though, because then you become the neighbor other people complain about., The only other option I can think of is to move out of the apartment and find a house to rent.
QUESTION: Are ICAI study materials enough for CA-IPCC Nov 14 preparation? Or is it necessary to refer to other books as well? - ANSWER: Trust me, I ask that question to myself many a time during my ongoing CA Final studies :D The fact is, ICAI study material will help you in understanding the basics well and also, to a decent extent, their practical applicability. Also, since you're studying from them yourself, it'll help you think about stuff and brainstorm - a vital part of learning. However, most people, myself attend classes, mug up what we're taught, without grasping the practical significance of what we're taught. Also, the scope for thinking about them yourself also remains reduced. In my case, I had to go through every AS to understand it's practical applicability, the issues that arise and how they're resolved, during my articleship. In fact I was even told that guidance notes of the ICAI (on accounting as well as auditing matters) were a waste of time, when in fact they're of utmost importance when it comes to deepening your understanding of concepts. Now coming to your question, to be specific, when you know how are questions asked, study material is not only sufficient, but also the best. To know that, you will have to go through past question papers, suggestions and write mock tests to see where you stand. This is where classes /notes by authors come in handy. With their vast experience, they are able to provide notes which are to the point and exam oriented - which MAY not be enough to get your concepts crystal clear and razor sharp - but MAY help you clear the examination. So if you feel that you have the necessary time available with you, then prefer the study material. Else just go through other notes. Hope this helps to answer your question. All the best :)
QUESTION: How do you determine if experiment results are accurate? - ANSWER: When you undertake an experiment the first thing you have to do is work out the error tolerance (or error bars)., If you are using instruments with digital output then each digit can be one unit wrong (nearly). Using similar logic you build up a list of all the possible errors and then you add them all together., After you have undertaken the experiment your results are whatever you found +/- the errors involved. If this fits with your expectations (such as the theory) then it can be published and others will be free to undertake further experiments but, hopefully, with fewer error bars (and therefore ever more accuracy).
QUESTION: Were there castles in Asia in the Middle Ages? - ANSWER: There were certainly fortified structures in Asia in the Middle Ages. Whether or not we want to classify them as . castles. is a more complicated question., “Castle” is usually used to describe the fortified homes of aristocrats, typically found in rural areas. These are distinct from fortresses, fortified structures used as garrisons, watch towers, and strong points by the standing armies of larger states, fortified cities, large population centers with walls around them, and fortified palaces, very large administrative centers which doubled as residences for monarchs., By that definition, then, there were some castles in Europe. Japan, where power largely devolved on a decentralized warrior aristocracy, had a culture of castles. And for various periods of Indian history, the fortified homes of local warlords could reasonably be considered castles. However, there’s also a lot of imperial military architecture in India and China which should probably not, on technical grounds, be called castles.
QUESTION: How do you restore weathered garden furniture? - ANSWER: , Wooden furniture is perfect for a garden, but it should be periodically renovated., I can share a few simple tips to renovate your garden furniture, based on my experience., It is preferable to do so at the beginning of the season., Even with accurate caring and normal storage in the cold season, the furniture looks a little shabby after winter., Of course, I mean that the hardware is initially of very good quality and made of quality wood., For example, I have been using furniture from . gardenfurniture.co.uk . for a long time and I am delighted with their quality., I have been cleaning dirt and dust with a stiff brush for a long time., It also helps clear cobwebs and moss., Then I check the stability of the tables and chairs, check the bolts, and replace the rusty ones., Furniture cleaning is carried out only with soapy water and by thorough washing., For any stains, I usually use a mild wine vinegar solution., I would advise you to check the effect of the substance on some inconspicuous areas because it can harm the wood., Next, I carefully sand the furniture and further actions depend on the material that was used for the furniture., I usually prefer hardwoods like larch and oak because they will withstand all kinds of environmental influences., Soft breeds require reliable protection., Each type of wood has its methods of preserving strength and natural beauty., After all these actions, I apply several layers of varnish, at intervals of several hours., Teak oil is a great solution., You can also use a water-based varnish., It is very important to apply the oil evenly and in small layers so that it dries faster., By the way, after these procedures, the wood is more resistant to cracking and ultraviolet radiation, so you first need to use the furniture in a gentle mode., If you assembled your garden furniture, then you will need more care of it., In this video, you can learn more about DIY furniture and how to care for it,
QUESTION: What do you know about Rumi? - ANSWER: That such a person does not exist. Mowlana Jalaludding Rumi Balkhi was born in then Iranian province of Khorasan, now part of Tajikistan, and died in another part of the region under Iranian influence and control, now part of Turkey. He is therefore and rightly “famous” as an Iranian poet, not Tajik or Turkish, never mind Afghan. Hope that helps you better know him.
QUESTION: Does a BBA include entrepreneurship? - ANSWER: BBA as a course does not include the modules in entrepreneurship area it is related to general BBA. If you are looking for Entrepreneurship you will have to opt for BBA with specialization in Entrepreneurship i.e. BBA in Entrepreneurship at the undergraduate level., At IILM, Lodhi Road we provide you with courses like: BBA in Entrepreneurship, BBA in International Management, BBA with Psychology and BBA with Communication., At IILM, BBA in Entrepreneurship course ignites the spirit of the entrepreneur in you and makes you ready to start your own venture or scale up your family business. It helps in developing and strengthening entrepreneurial mindset which is critical to success. The course delivers fundamentals towards understanding the entrepreneurship and startup Eco system. The students are involved in ideation,researching the idea and knowledge about generating finances in an entrepreneurial space., You can look into our website or contact the Admissions Manager for the same.Hope this helps!
QUESTION: I am starting medical school next year. How do I plan for finances and student loan debt reduction? - ANSWER: From someone who had no student debt before graduating medical school through intricate planning and imaginative ideas that are replicable:, Ignore military “scholarship” options unless you want to serve your country. You end up with less over time unless your school is extremely pricey., Look at scholarships and state loans especially if you are a in state resident. Some are 0%-4% interest in Texas. Borrow using federal unsubsidized first (assuming you don’t qualify for Pell etc). Send a partial refund to your loan servicer in unsubsidized within 120 days for an interest free loan., Look into private variable interest rate student loans on top of these fixed interest rates as it’s very likely the Fed will have a dovish tilt (unless you are aiming for the fickle PSLF). Discover if I recall correctly does 3-month LIBOR + 1.6% and 1% cash back for good grades in the health profession. You can always borrow at a different provider or refinance to fixed rates later if the Fed projections become too hawkish by surprise. Don’t get scared into paying higher cost fixed rates when it’s unlikely to go up. EU and Australia is in shambles with EU zombie banks. Canada’s banks are late cycle. It’s unlikely for too many rate hikes. Not only this, your secret weapon is the implied probability of interest swaps and the time lag in adjusting your variable interest rate loans. Take advantage of the crystal ball!, This will save you several thousands of dollars per year for your whole loan period. This might add up to $100,000 over time!!, Choose the name brand school if you want out of medicine or academic medicine. Cheaper school is 10x better for practicing. Almost all patients never ask where you went to school. Pay is the same RVUs. I went to the cheapest and chillest school in the nation even with top MCAT/GPA., Check out Medicaid or Obamacare. Free health insurance is a huge money saver., If you’re a bit on the riskier side and fully understand how this works - take out a mortgage if you are sure the cashflow will pay off. My cutoff is 2% rent per month at least based on accurate rent data. Don’t compromise on the cashflow!! I know a few classmates who got in real estate and graduated debt free. Note that you have to be very very careful and hopefully most of your tenants are med students etc. But the upside is you’ll qualify for Obamacare if your school doesn’t accept Medicaid as “equivalent health insurance” and you can lower taxes by paying off some student loan interest up to $2,500 and then borrowing again. You also probably qualify for some free weatherization/other grants from the USDA to fix up a home for free., If you are even more adventurous, look into converted van living. Or if you have super cheap school subsidized rent that includes electricity (assume they don’t specify anything on the lease legally speaking), put in a ton of cryptocurrency miners if you know how they work. You’ll probably make more than rent., Get a beater car. Ideally one with aesthetic hail damage. $200 running 2004 Ford Focus with low miles was possible. If the title isn’t salvage, max out auto loan at credit union for ~2%. Some of them don’t check for full insurance coverage. Buy minimum car insurance by law only. Nobody sues someone that looks poor. Drive as an Uber driver by setting your destination on the app and picking people on the way only. You’ll make more than car expenses without much extra time. Extra 2-3 min per day commute for $5 twice a day adds up., Look for NIH funded summer research, got me $2000/month and if you have credit cards for big purchases (over $3000) take advantage of the 0% balance transfer programs. Bank of America currently has a no fee 0% balance transfer promo. There may also be federal work study programs where you just look after the study rooms while studying for $4000 a semester.
QUESTION: How is the MBA program at Christ University Bangalore? - ANSWER: , I am currently studying in Christ University Bangalore; it's a one of the well structured and managed university. My program is MBA -General Category (The flagship course). I got shortlisted through my MAT score. Thereafter I was called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview. During my admission process they gave us a tour of University with all the profound details. The admission process started with an essay writing which I had to complete in a given time frame, which followed by a Group Discussion with 6 candidates and a mentor to judge us. The final process was of Personal Interview where they asked me general questions like why did you choose MBA, what's your 5 year goal plan, what are the 4P's of marketing. I would suggest you to be well verse and be confident. My interview went great and I got my admission letter in a month. The management of Amity is well driven; I was duly attended with all the specific instructions., The faculties in Christ University have high level of experience and are PhD holders. The respected faculties offer us best of knowledge and wisdom. I currently have 6 subjects for this semester, we are given different projects, group projects to work to develop our inter personal skills. The faculties give us varied case studies to develop perspective and corporate knowledge., The placement cell of Christ University is well structured which invites all the leading companies offering best opportunity for us. I being a member of this cell have an avid idea of the effort it is putting to ensure and develop relationship with all the leading companies. Some of the respected companies which visited our campus are Unilever, Vodafone, Hotel Raddison, Honda Motors, Nokia, Piaggio, Deloitte etc. The average package my batch mates received are around approximately Rs. 7 LPA which is a good push for freshers. Deloitte did a mass placement and took around 14 candidates. Amity ensures 100% placement guarantee., Christ University situated at Koramangala campus with total area of about 40 acres of the campus. Its infrastructure is considered the best in India. The red bricks building for which it is known by are full facilitated with modern classrooms, wi-fi enabled buildings. It has a big library with elevators to commute. It has a canteen in every building providing quality food. The hostel area has a general store, stationary store, book shop, salon, Amul dairy, fruit shop. Every requirement is considered for the students and is facilitated. The campus also has Laundry service from the famous London House. It is also equipped with an in house Hospital for any kind of medical emergency., The campus life is fascinating with different activities going around on daily basis. The campus is filled with varied culture, students from different parts of country study here defining their culture. Because of huge campus I am learning variety of art and knowledge. The university organizes Annual Fest with varied stalls and guest performances. The university invites different colleges, sponsors and investors to raise the funding. It has variety of clubs, I am a member of HR club, we organized a treasure hunt for the event and it was a big success.
QUESTION: What is the importance of cram schools in Japan? - ANSWER: Cram schools are one of essential academic resources to achieve success in this society. They are also one of the main reason attributed for expansion of Japan’s opportunity inequality., , Above: typical cram schools in Japan. Most cram school are like economy class seating which they cram students as much as they can for more profits. There are exceptions such as one to one tutoring which is getting more popular these days., Cram schools are almost mandatory if one is planning to go to higher education (which itself is almost mandatory if you are seeking healthy stable job)., Entrance examination is extremely difficult and 6 hour standard school programs are no where near as enough to cover the entire educational requirement to achieve considerable results., Usually, it is very difficult for students who attends public secondary education to enter top, secondary, or even higher end of thirty tier universities even with the aid of cram schools unless the student is naturally talented. Hence, many students choose private education which also require intense exam competition. Also, statutory education ends at ninth grade (or age 15) so people who are willing to study until 12th grade also must take exams., Most higher tier students take three examination during their adolescence, Middle School entrance exam. Increasingly popular among parents, particularity six year program course has high competition.. 6th grade (age 11–12), 9th grade (age 14–15). High School entrance exam. Mandatory to receive diploma unless the student attends a 6 year program., Collage Examination. 12th grade (age 17<), Each examination typically requires two to three years of intense studying with the aid of cram schools. Many students begin intense studying at around the end of third grade or fourth grade (age 9 to 10) which would make them advantageous during their teenage years as they are likely able to go to a more sophisticated secondary schools which offer better education, sparing them from extra after-school learning., I personally started my intense studying at around fourth grade when I was still in the United States. I took the examination about half a year after I returned to Japan and entered a marginal private school., So how intense is this studying?, As for my case, it was around 12 to 14 hours of study time every day during my younger period. I skipped the 9th grade exam since I was at a 6 year program. I studied around 16 hours during my high school periods during peak times, particularly before end semester exams with the aid of cram schools. I also did that for around two thirds of a year before higher education entrance exam. Some cram schools allowed beating and physical punishment and sometimes I travel around the city by trains attending multiple cram schools in a day so it was quite tough to be honest. Looking back, I wander how the hell I was able to withstand that (actually, maybe I haven't because I ended up hospitalized multiple times during that period), The problem with this system is that cram schools are usually only available in large cities, usually with places within the metropolitan area of over one million residents such as Fukuoka and Hiroshima. Out of those area, the majority of the schools are located in the central Tokyo Metropolitan area. Hence, students in large cities have better chances of entering cram schools. The difference in opportunity among urban and rural areas have been a huge social problem in Japan for the past decades. This is actually accelerating the population crisis in Japan.
QUESTION: How are the units of the international system defined? - ANSWER: At one time they were arbitrarily defined and implemented as physical standards such as a one meter long bar and a 1 kg weight. As such they were carefully crafted so as to resist changes due to aging and temperature etc. And carefully guarded to minimize changes due to handling. Distribution of standards was done by carefully cloning the standards but as generations are made they lose accuracy to errors along the way., As time went on the physical standards have been replaced by natural physical constants. that is wavelengths of light, frequency of pure material resonances, speed of light, etc. In this way the standards can be reproduced independently of a prized and carefully guarded physical standard. and it will be the same in every place.
QUESTION: Do you think black cats are smart? - ANSWER: cute! He used to ‘talk’ to me, but I hadn’t got a clue what he was saying, so he may have been explaining the theory of special relativity in cat language, but I’ll never know - I didn’t care!. incredibly. Not necessarily! My black cat, Sonny, was incredibly dumb! But believe me when I say that he was , thing in the world? I fussed him some more but I gently told him that ‘. Look, Bear. ‘Bear’ because when he was a kitten, his ears were rounded - like a bear cub’s!). Daddy’s got some important work to do!. , I love you, but I’m very busy’! He seemed to understand because when I put him on the floor, he jumped onto one of the desk shelves and happy that his ‘Daddy’ was there, went to sleep - or so I thought?. had to. ’ and despite enjoying his company, I gently put him on the floor. He looked at me - confused - and then jumped up onto the desk and decided that the keyboard of the pc was the most comfortable thing he’d ever lain on! I sighed! He wasn’t going to move - I knew this when he started dribbling - he always dribbled when he was relaxed? However, I simply . (I sometimes called him . One day, I was sat in front of my then desktop pc, working on an important essay for university (college) and Sonny came in because he had something important to tell me? He jumped up onto my lap, ‘head booped’ me and then continued to tell me the . most important. get the essay finished, so I picked him up and said something like, ‘, After a couple of hours or so, I finished the essay! Phew! I checked it and rechecked it (8k words) and decided that it was ready? I hit the ‘print’ button…and nothing happened! I looked down and saw that on the printer, the green and amber lights were flashing! A jam? No way! I had only put fresh paper in a couple of hours earlier and the paper was quite expensive, so it shouldn’t jam? Then I peered under the desk and there was Sonny biting bits off a sheet of coloured card and then watching them drop into the printer! I don’t know how long he’d been at it because the rollers of the printer had got quite a lot of chewed red card which was stopping my essay being printed! Quite what he thought he was achieving, I simply don’t know? I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry? I did only the only thing I could - I scooped him up, kissed and cuddled him and thanked him for his ‘. ’!. help, The essay was (eventually) a success!
QUESTION: I got 68 percent in class 12. Am I eligible to get admission into ICT Bombay? - ANSWER: Please refer . fro details on admission process for various courses offered by ICT. ICT - MUMBAI, Admissions to various courses offered are based on performance of the candidate in entrance examination conducted by ICT., 68% at 12 is the best score to appear for entrance examination
QUESTION: Why can't narcissistic people can't understand emotions? - ANSWER: enjoyed . causing hurt. She boasted - with a smirk - that you ‘Can make someone's life a misery without ever hitting them’. your. only their own. . emotions . They have no empathy. My NPD mother understood perfectly well when she caused hurt in fact she . They do understand emotions. They just don't . about . care, And boy, she made sure mychildhood was ‘a misery’ evil bi##h.
QUESTION: What are the cons of dropbox? - ANSWER: I stopped using my account some time ago, and it’s close to full., They send scary email reminders that I’ll suffer from data loss.
QUESTION: What is Sega Heroes? - ANSWER: SEGA Heroes is a Match-3 RPG for mobile (Android and iOS)., , Just like the games Candy Crush and lot of other Match-3 games but with heroes of Sega legacy added to the game., Each match you pick 4 heroes that are categorized by colors (Yellow, Blue, Green & Red); you can pick one hero per color. You will then fight 4 other heroes or villains if you prefer. ;-) Often you will fight heroes that are available to you, but there is also a lot of famous SEGA villains that are only there as opponent like Dr. Eggman., There is power-up skills (when you accumulate a lot of tile of the same color) and also stars tiles that are created when you match 4+ tiles together and they will also trigger certains hero's skills., There is a main campaign with a small story line along the way, the main evil of that quest is named Dremagen and she is creating clones of a lot of SEGA heroes and villains to fight you. So far it is endless, as far as I know there is no end. I don't know if they plan to make one, can be nice, but might also kill the dynamic of a daily grind in this kind of game., There is also a side quest named "Beyondering" where you can only use certain heroes., There is Arena battles where you fight other players daily. Your daily rank give you bonus., There is also a lot of "events" that are mostly renewed daily that also give you a lot of bonus. Some events are up for multiple days at time. Most events limit the heroes you can pick (e.g., some event are oriented to Crazy Taxi heroes, and they will either limit you to these or give you extra power for these specific heroes)., As I write this, they also added the possibility for us to build Guild of up to 30 players, but they have not enabled anything else regarding guild yet. It will be the next big update I guess., And of course, like all good mobile games nowadays, there is a lot of in-games purchase available. If you want to upgrade faster, unlock characters, etc. Some characters can cost a lot to unlock (I have saw as high as 90$ for example)., Personally, I have been playing a bit before they officially announced it and I really enjoy that game. It is the only game I play daily on my phone nowadays. I highly recommend it!, Relevant links:, SEGA Heroes @ Sega, SEGA Heroes: Match-3 RPG Quest @ Google Play, ‎SEGA Heroes: Match-3 RPG Quest @ Apple App Store, SEGA Heroes @ Sonic News Network
QUESTION: Which number comes next in this series 68,93,16? - ANSWER: .. The number of terms is too less, so it is easy to fit an example sequence just by mental inspection and utilizing control terms. According to the example sequence below, the next term is . 137, a[n+1]=a[n]+[(-1)^{n}(2n+1)25]-2n. , . n=0,1,2.., and that’s it — the numbers fit!. Assume . a[0]=68, n=0. ,, (fits). a[1]=a[0]+[(-1)^0(1)25]-0=68+25=93, n=1. ,, a[2]=a[1]+[(-1)^1(3)25]-2=93–75–2=16. (fits), ,. n=2, a[3]=a[2]+[(-1)^2(5)25]-4=16+125–4=137. , which is what you ask for., PS: I think that most “competitive” exam Qs with multi-choice answers are flawed. You could perhaps fit each of the answer choices to a Q into a corresponding sequence with the given numbers in the Q. Only the wackiness of the sequences may vary.
QUESTION: Neither Buddha nor Mahavira preached in Sanskrit? Why do you think this is so? - ANSWER: Buddha and Mahavira both were teaching the common class of their time. It is true their followers consist of all parts of society but main focus was on non-Brahman class. The Sanskrit was limited to Brahmins only. All others were prohibited from learning (reading, writing, speaking and all type language functions) Sanskrit. The Peoples language during the era of Mahavira was Ardhmagdhi and Pali during Buddha era. These facts are noted everywhere and even a pre-primary level reader of our religious literature comes to know these fact very easily. Both Buddha and Mahavira wanted to free the masses from vedic brahmani jail of all types of harassment. Hence, they insisted the use of language of the mass. It so simple and so clear., I think there is no need to go in deep detailing the brahmani barricades on each and every road of knowledge. One of those barricades was “Ban on learning of Dharma Shastras”. The shastras were allowed for brahmins only. All other classes of society were kept away from them. The language of Shastras was Sanskrit. And hence, it was also kept away from the masses. And thereby both Buddha and Mahavira were made to opt for the language of masses of their times.
QUESTION: Why is President Trump’s approval rating plummeting during his shutdown? - ANSWER: Is it? I wouldn’t be surprised, but I haven’t seen any polls or solid evidence blown my way about his approval ratings, which of course doesn’t mean there isnt any. If they are dropping (lower than they already were), then it’s most likely a sign that a majority of Americans blame him for the shutdown- I mean, how can you not? Trump himself said the shutdown was his, and that he’d be “proud” to shut down the government over the border wall. Speaking of which, it didn’t seem like the border wall was an immensely popular idea in the first place; I think the people who want the wall are a relatively small-yet-intense faction of conservatives who won’t shut up about it, making it seem like the idea has more traction than it really does. I would think even other conservatives would be able to see that that money would be much better spent taking care of veterans and improving healthcare and infrastructure- you know, things they said they wanted. Wanna take care of our own? Start doing it, the wall is superfluous. Trump and his GOP are more interested in sending a message of hate and aggression than strengthening the country, it seems, and that must not sit well with most of America.
QUESTION: What is the FCD at VTU? What percentage is required to get into the FCD criteria? - ANSWER: VTU results are divided in three grades or class .These are as follows., SECOND CLASS - UPTO 59.99%, FIRST CLASS - UPTO 69.99 %, FIRST CLASS WITH DISTONCTION -70%and above., Hope it will clear your doubt., Thanks.
QUESTION: What is the English translation of “main wahi purana number istemal kar raha ho”? - ANSWER: Yet im using that old number only?☺
QUESTION: Is it common for a 40-year-old single man to get excluded from social gatherings? - ANSWER: It depends on the man., I have several male friends in that demographic., Two of them have busy social lives. They are involved in adult sport leagues, and meet friends for drinks or dinner at least once a week., They are also fun, interesting, pleasant men. So people want to be around them., Another guy has a demanding job, is raising two teens, and has a second job on the weekends. While he is invited to social gatherings, he seldom has the time., I know another man, a couple of years older. He is miserable, bigoted and spouts off about his support for Trump and his hatred for snowflakes and libtards without any provocation., As you can imagine, he is excluded from most social gatherings., So if you want to socialize, make an effort to be sociable.
QUESTION: To be an OBC-NCL, is the present income status or the joining income status of parents checked (if parents are government employees)? - ANSWER: As far as I know, if both of your parents are group B gazetted officers ( or higher post) you won't be falling under NCL. If one of your parent is a group A gazetted officer then forget about NCL. If your parent is a group B gazetted officer and won't be promoted to group A officer before completing his 40 years, then also you are NCL. Although I have read this somewhere, you may better confirm this once…, , Source : https://www.clearias.com/obc-reservation-eligibility/, Signing off, ~ Kamal Utla
QUESTION: Which is the best for personal use, Kali Linux in VirtualBox or in VMware? - ANSWER: As with all these questions about Kali, if you have to ask here, you should be using a different distribution. That honeypot to catch hackers seems to be working well!
QUESTION: Trump said he would "terminate" the payroll tax if he is reelected. If he did so, how do you think he would go about funding Social Security? - ANSWER: He wouldn’t. He doesn’t care, because one of his goals is to strangle Social Security and Medicare out of existence. Then the consevatives that keep robbing the trust fund can say, “I told you so.” It’s easy to predict a programs demise if you embezzle from it. So a few years from now, you’ll have to let Grandma live with you, because they kicked her out of a nursing home or senior living. And it might even be you. Of course you might save that tax money you no longer have to pay. But who does that? Trump doesn’t care if you get what you have coming to you. Just ask his disabled nephew. It’s time to make him get a new job. Maybe, he can run a casino or start a university. One thing for sure he will fuck anybody out of their due.
QUESTION: Is Hillary Clinton's higher education plan fatally flawed? - ANSWER: reduce . Neither Hillary or Bernie have suggested ways to . the cost of college. Both have focused on getting money to students to help them pay the steadily increasing costs of college. All such plans run into the same problem: Colleges can just keep increasing their costs to absorb as much money as we make available., This isn’t only true for elite private schools like Harvard. States keep decreasing their financial support for “state” colleges and universities. In good ol’ liberal New York State, the legislature reduced its funding by the same amount as the last tuition increase. In effect, that tuition increase was paid to the state, for other programs, and none of it went to the schools., The federal government doesn’t run any universities (except for the service academies. See . User-10101980509374502950. ’s comment). If you want college costs held down, and if you want the whole community to share the costs of educating college students, then you need to focus on your state government — your state legislators, and your governor. Do you know who represents you in your state equivalents of the Senate and House of Representatives? Do you know their positions on funding colleges and universities? Or are you just happy when you hear them say, “We held down taxes last year”?
QUESTION: What manga got you hooked from the first chapter? - ANSWER: All You Need is Kill, , Obata Takeshi illustrated the manga, whom some may recognize as the illustrator of Death Note and Bakuman., Holyland, , Apocalypse no Toride, , Horimiya, , A complete 180 to the other mangas I mentioned when it comes to the genre. It’s a Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen, Slice of Life manga.
QUESTION: Has the advent of the Internet made having a good memory less valuable? - ANSWER: I believe having a good memory will always find a place of value whether we’re tied in to Google (or another search engine), or not. A good memory doesn’t necessarily indicate a high intelligence but a high intelligence is usually accompanied by a strong ability to associate. The guy who can remember the search terms that sped up things will remember those terms next time. The 12 times he needed to change his password for this site or that, he’ll be thankful he has a good memory., Our processors are what sets us apart from each other. Like our computers, we can install all the ram we want but if we’re not running a quick witted processor it doesn’t help us get pages loaded much faster. I really can’t think of any down side to having a good memory. People want to forget things when they have caused them grief. Having a good memory might be in conflict with sweeping things under rugs., I believe the advent of the internet and Google specifically has made an even playing field for many curious, smart, knowledge-hungry people. Being good with search terms is where the next separation takes place. Our machines keep track of everything now. My phone replaced my alarm clock and my watch and about 20 other things. The only thing new technology can’t replace is my past. That is all mine.
QUESTION: Why do socialists call themselves liberals when they don't care about freedom? - ANSWER: Okay, first, socialists don´t call themselves liberals. Socialists call themselves socialists, maybe social-democrats at best. Some people call liberals socialists and vice versa, but that is about the same as saying that conservatives are basically the same as fascists or nazis., So first, socialists and liberals are kinda different animals. Liberals do care a fair bit about freedom, and guess what - many socialists do, too. However, they stress on freedom from economic oppression. How free is a man or woman who must work 10 hours to barely make ends meet and lives in a hole? Can they really develop their talents the way they want? Can they really set a family and raise it as they want? Can they really say what they want, when they can be fired or evicted at the whim of their boss or their landlord? The government is just one possible source of oppression., Here is a quote by MLK:, “You can't talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You're really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry. Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism. There must be a better distribution of wealth, and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.”, Not like he cared about freedom, right?
QUESTION: What do you call someone who doesn't eat salt? - ANSWER: A dead man. Your body cannot survive without . any. sodium.
QUESTION: What are the pros and cons of client-side rendering? - ANSWER: I've spent some time working on transitioning LinkedIn to use dust.js (http://engineering.linkedin.com/frontend/leaving-jsps-dust-moving-linkedin-dustjs-client-side-templates). Here are some of the lessons we've learned:, . Pros, : the markup for your page is served by a CDN, so latency is lower. The markup isn't fully expanded (e.g. for loops haven't run yet), so bandwidth usage is lower. Best of all, the templates are cached by the browser, so after the first page load, every refresh, you more or less send . Speed. the dynamic data (mostly JSON).. only, Reuse. : JS templates can be obviously rendered on the client. Some people above say that if JS is disabled, they no longer work. This is entirely untrue. Using v8 or some other embedded JS engine, it's possible to render the exact same template server side., : having all your view layer in JS templates makes it much easier to transition to rich client apps and client MVC (e.g. backbone.js). . Rich client apps, : at LinkedIn, we have a number of different webapp technologies (servlets, Grails, JRuby, etc). When they all used their own server-side rendering technologies (JSP, GPS, ERB), we couldn't share any UI code. Now that they all are moving to dust, we can share almost everything. . Sharing, Decoupling. : you can build out the entire view layer for your app without ever firing up a server; simply put your mock data in a JSON file or object and start coding. In time, this mock JSON becomes the "contract" between the client-side developer and the server-side developer. It can even be used for testing. , . Cons, : server-side languages can easily access resource bundles and complex formatter code for translations. On the client-side, it can be expensive to send down huge dictionaries and formatting logic.. i18n, : while most client-templates have a simple syntax and can be learned quickly, learning how to do client-side rendering in general is quite hard. You can't directly port over all the practices from server-side rendering and hope they work. i18n is one concrete example; others that require a new approach include generating links (e.g. to static content on a CDN or some signed URL), A/B testing, and security (xss, csrf).. Learning curve, : client-side rendering definitely isn't new, but it's not nearly as mainstream as server-side rendering. The available solutions, including the one we picked, are just not as mature and we've had to build a lot of features from scratch (see our dust.js fork: https://github.com/linkedin/dustjs). . Maturity, can. render JS templates on the server side, it's not always easy. You have to ensure that the rendering logic doesn't rely on anything in the DOM. This is especially tricky when integrating with something like client-side MVC, which wants to control all the rendering & logic and often is tied to the DOM. Best practices in this area are still being developed. . : although I said above you . Server-side support, Logic-less is hard. : this is specific to the dust/mustache family of templating technologies, but trying to keep a template totally logic-less is incredibly hard. It's a good strategy to keep your views clean & reusable, and it helps guarantee server-side rendering will work, but it comes at a cost. The fact is that views . do. have logic, and quite a bit of it. Encoding all of this into the JSON can be incredibly impractical. To work around it, we've built a suite of helpers (https://github.com/linkedin/dustjs-helpers) for all the common tasks, but sometimes it feels like we're trying implement a Turing complete language in helper syntax.
QUESTION: My 17-year-old daughter engaged in adult activities with an 18-year-old. Is this illegal? - ANSWER: FFS. Maybe depending on jurisdiction. Definitely not here in the UK. But she’s not a child and he/she’s not a creepy old person. I don’t see anything wrong here., Why don’t you sit and talk to your daughter? And try and remember what you were like at that age and if you had a chance maybe you would be doing the same. Just make sure she’s taking the right precautions and is having a bit of teenage fun instead of ruining her life. The world is different now.
QUESTION: Which bike is better: Yamaha FZS FI or Tvs apache RTR 180 ABS? - ANSWER: I own a FZS ver 1.0 (not the FI) and have been able to get my hands on the Apache 180. I am listing a few pros and cons of each bike which i have observed. This might help you decide better., Yamaha FZS FI, Pros, Definitely Better handing than the Apache, Wide rear tire gives absolute confidence in cornering, Quality of plastics, fit and finish is far better from the TVS, Cons, Just 150 cc, which is very much under powered for such a stable bike, you will want more power when you are on the highway, No ABS, but the brakes are quite adequate for emergency stops as you have wider rear tires., The childish looking center console (a personal opinion though), Apache 180 ABS, Pros, 180 cc engine with RTR which is absolutely amazing, Can race past the FZS on the highway with ease., Discs on both front and rear brakes with ABS which is pretty much spot on., Cons, The quality of plastics which start rattling after a few thousand km on Indian roads, Handles well but not on par with the Yamaha, But ultimately it is you who could decide which bike looks pleasing to you.. If you can get a Suzuki dealership in you city, I would suggest you try the Suzuki Gixxer which is also an amazing performer. , :. Resources, , , . It is purely based on personal experience.. Disclaimer: The above comparison . is not exhaustive and is completely. unofficial
QUESTION: Will I get into the Rutgers New Brunswick business? - ANSWER: It seems like you would be a very good candidate for the Rutgers NB business program. Your standardized test scores a very solid and it seems like you’ve done community work too. Maybe it would be good too if you show that you have leadership skills. Also, do you speak another language? That’s always something good to have on your resume. There’s room for improvement for your GPA but this should not keep you from getting into the business program., Good luck!
QUESTION: Does WhatsApp/Signal/Telegram has my private encryption key, so they can read my message content if they want? - ANSWER: That’s a whole bunch of different questions :), First, for whatsapp/signal (as they both use the same protocol), No, they don’t have your private key (nor do you have a single private key; per each correspondent, there is one private key per device you have., Which gives them a way to read messages (well, technically; there is no evidence they do this) by adding another key they DO have the private key for, to the set of keys your correspondent has for you, they can get a copy of every message. and the other way about of course, as you have a set of keys for them, too., With Telegram, things change., for person-to-person “private” links, there is a shared key known only to you and the other person, and you are meant to confirm that key using a key “fingerprint” expressed as emoji (no, I don’t know why they do that), For group chat though, there is no end-to-end encryption. You should not consider group chat in Telegram secure.
QUESTION: How do I choose a stream after 10th? - ANSWER: Choice of Stream after class 10 is totally your choice. So few points you should keep in mind while choosing your subjects are-, The subject which you can study for hours with full interest., 2. The subject which always keeps your interest on for knowing more., Now next is if your 10th marks which is having a great influence in getting the stream so decide earlier and study accordingly. If you cannot decide your stream after all this thoughts u can ask a person whom u can trust and who guided you in your studies because most of the times the tender age makes us confuse whether to go with our heart or with the thoughts of our society. See at the end you r going to study , u r going to deal with the subject so your choice should always be according to your interest. Now if you are having equal interest in subjects which you cannot include d in a single stream then comes the marks factor , availability of guidance factor etc. Be confident and never loose your self esteem. At the end with focus and hard work you can conquer anything you want.
QUESTION: How do I score 90 in exam? - ANSWER: 1: punctuality for your work, 2: confidence on your self, 3: patience, Just these 3 things will surely excel you., upvote. if you liked the suggestion. Give a
QUESTION: Is the Bitcoin Revolution a scam? - ANSWER: There is a lot of fraud in the cryptocurrency world. To stay safe, always research a coin or token before investing. A great resource for doing this is . Cryptoscam.info!. Crypto Scams exposed: Don't get scammed with. . This website provides an up-to-date list of all known scams in the crypto world. Always be vigilant when investing in cryptocurrencies!, The Bitcoin Revolution website claims that its software can generate "predictable and profitable" results by autonomously trading bitcoins on behalf of their investors. However, there is no evidence that their software actually works as advertised. In fact, it seems more likely that those behind the Bitcoin Revolution are simply looking to take advantage of unsuspecting investors.
QUESTION: When the transistor is on, can current flow both ways through it? Why? - ANSWER: A2A: It depends., in theory. is basically a switchable diode. When you supply current to the base, it conducts electricity in one direction between emitter and collector. That’s why the schematic symbol for a transistor looks the way it does.. An idealized simple bipolar junction transistor, like a 2N2222 used commonly in home electronics, , , Diode symbol, , Transistor symbol. It basically has the diode symbol built into it., That’s in theory. In practice, bipolar junction transistors can indeed conduct “backward,” though the resistance isn’t the same. There’s a preferred direction of flow, which is why there are PNP and NPN transistors. And trying to get current to flow the other way can destroy the transistor if you aren’t careful. (I’ve done this. The transistor physically blew apart with a loud “pop.”), Now, having said that, the bipolar junction transistor isn’t the only kind of transistor!, Different transistors have different properties. The MOSFET transistor conducts in either direction when current is supplied to the gate. (I use MOSFETs for motor control, a common application.) MOSFETs act as electrically signallable switches., There’s also a semiconductor called a triac, which like a MOSFET conducts either way but unlike a MOSFET latches on—even if you remove the signal to the gate, it will continue to conduct until the load it’s carrying is removed. It has a companion, the silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) or thyristor, which acts the same way but conducts in only one direction.
QUESTION: How much do you swear in a day? - ANSWER: I speak less than 10 profanities a day, depending on what’s going on., My go-to curse word is a simple “damn”. I say it from time to time, often impulsively. I don’t really think expletives are that bad, I just prefer to abstain from them because they tend to detract from other words I’m speaking., I also don’t like speaking profanities because it always results in one other person deciding that they should too. And nothing is more tacky than when someone swears unnecessarily. Cursing is an artform, that when perfected adds emphasis to your words, instead of detracting from their importance., by The Fixx.. Written in 3 minutes while listening to . Less Cities, More Moving People
QUESTION: How do I get 95% in the commerce HSC boards in 15 days? - ANSWER: You just contact Dr vashikaran of robot he can help you because 95 percent in 15 days is impossible I got 92 after studying for the whole year .
QUESTION: Will oil shale ever be commercially viable? - ANSWER: One of the problems with converting deposits to fuel is that it takes energy to separate the fuel from the rock. As the price of oil rises so does the cost to separate. Oil shale is a desperate attempt at producing fuel as deposits decline. Part of the price is the destruction of the planet. Much like the deepwater disaster, if the true cost were included up front it would not be allowed.
QUESTION: Why is it important to backup your files to prevent cyber attacks? - ANSWER: Its just like saving money in case of emergency or mishappening you have some backup .same in case of data if it is lost or hacked your work wouldn’t be affected as you have a backup.Chance of your loss become less
QUESTION: What is reverse pizzicato? - ANSWER: When using a pizzicato technique on stringed instruments, such as a violin or viola, to play an arpeggiated chord (a chord played one note at a time), the notes are usually plucked from the bottom up. Playing the arpeggiated chord by plucking the notes from the top down is called "reverse pizzicato". A rath...
QUESTION: How do I create an array of a specific size in Python? - ANSWER: Python doesn’t really have arrays in the sense you’re used to if you’re coming from a language like C or Java. Python has lists. Lists do not have a fixed length. You can always append or delete elements from them. They are more like Java’s ArrayList or C++’s Vector., So most people will just start with an empty list and append more stuff to it until it is the right length or has all the things you want. Or better, generate it with all the right stuff from the moment of creation using a list comprehension., right now. and you don’t yet have the data that you are going to put in that list, you could do:. But if you really need a list of a specific length , l=[0]*n, That’ll give you a list of n zeroes, and you can replace the zeroes with whatever you want later., Still, I would consider the latter a code smell, and I have a strong suspicion you are coming to Python from a very different sort of language and are imagining you need to go about this in a very unPythonic way.
QUESTION: How does Delta winding circulate third harmonics within? - ANSWER: , and . v_A. v_B. v_C. To see how this works, imagine a three-phase set of voltage sources . , . supplying three single-phase transformers each connected to identical single-phase non-linear loads as shown below:, , To make this simple, each non-linear load will only contain the 1st and 3rd harmonic components of current such that the primary side line currents will be, i_A(t)=I_1cos(\omega t)+I_3cos(3\omega t)\tag*{}, i_B(t)=I_1cos(\omega t -120^o)+I_3cos[3(\omega t - 120^o)]\tag*{}, i_C(t)=I_1cos(\omega t +120^o)+I_3cos[3(\omega t + 120^o)]\tag*{}, 3(-120^o)=3(+120^o)=360^o=0^o. . This results in. Note that the 3rd harmonic components in each equation are equal since , i_A(t)=I_1cos(\omega t)+I_3cos(3\omega t)\tag*{}, i_B(t)=I_1cos(\omega t -120^o)+I_3cos(3\omega t)\tag*{}, i_C(t)=I_1cos(\omega t +120^o)+I_3cos(3\omega t)\tag*{}, , Now, without changing the loads, we reconnect the transformers with a primary side DELTA connection:, , The primary currents . i_C. will remain the same since each transformer is still connected to the same set of terminals of the three-phase voltage sources.. i_A. , . and . i_B, Let’s take a look at the line current . What happens to the line current?. in phase-A. By summing the currents at the upper connection node, we can write. i_{AL}, i_{AL}=i_A-i_C=\sqrt{3}cos(\omega t - 30^o)\tag*{}, Note that the 3rd harmonic component of current is cancelled out in the summation and that the line current only contains the 1st harmonic (or fundamental) component of current. No 3rd harmonics flow in the line current!, Since the 3rd harmonic current in each phase is equal in magnitude and phase angle, it circulates in the DELTA connection as shown in RED. Hence, the delta connection forms a trap for 3rd harmonics in a balanced 3-phase system., It should be apparent from this example that perfect cancellation only occurs when each phase has equal magnitudes of 3rd harmonic current. If these magnitudes are not equal, then there will be a component of 3rd harmonic which flows in the line. If we take this to the extreme case and only connect one non-linear load, then all the 3rd harmonic would flow in the line and none would circulate in the DELTA.
QUESTION: Why is the BJP not granting the railway zone at Visakhapatnam? - ANSWER: Unfortunately the trend for a separate rly. zonal HQ for each state capital was started by the Andhras in the late 60s. We had just 8 zones managed by 8 GMs with just the required officers at different levels. Now we have 17 zones managed by 17 GMs by the equivalent no of HODs, Addl HODs etc. I have worked in the rlys. for 36 yrs. upto the level of GM, so I know what I am talking about. If someone is saying that more zones are required because the workload is increased, it is rubbish. The workload increases at the field level, not at the Zonal HQ level. One GM managed even 8 divisions, now there are zones with just 3 divisions. Pl. do not also believe that more zones means better operational efficiency. It actually leads to more conflicts between the zones in day to day operation. More zonal HQs mean the area of influence of politicians increases, because they are nearer the HQ. The MP from Vijayawada does not command the same weight at Bhubaneswar as he would at Vishakapatnam., So demand for more zones emanates only from politicians and not from the rlys. It is sheer waste of public money.
QUESTION: Where's the silliest place your cat has ever slept? - ANSWER: I’m sure there are sillier places, but Foxy sleeping in the fruit bowl ranks pretty high in our house., , Second place goes to Sooty in the bathroom sink, , Third place to Weasley on the wardrobe. He felt safe up there.,
QUESTION: How is a GTX750 Ti 2GB video card for current games? - ANSWER: It uses power saving Maxwell Architecture..No extra power connector and it uses PCI- e slot electricity..Therefore it’s somewhat weaker and cheaper graphic card..one of my friends has an EVGA 750 Ti couldn't hit decent frame rates while older generation Radeons hit the spot (I think every Maxwell card is like this)
QUESTION: How do I set up an single e-mail account accessible for sending and receiving by multiple users? - ANSWER: For instance, Set up a new email account “all.my.sales.reps@gmail.com”, Give all your sales reps the email address and password., There are probably another dozen ways to do it with varying degrees of security, read/write, authorship, and accountability controls.
QUESTION: What is a tu quoque? - ANSWER: Ah, tu quoque. So common. So easy to do. And, like the Monty Hall Problem, the reason why it’s a fallacy is counter-intuitive., Here is a simple tu quoque:, Hey, are you eating a third bacon & cheeseburger? You know, you shouldn’t, they’re really fattening.. A: , But you eat eight bacon & cheeseburgers per day, and as a result, you’re morbidly obese and have had three heart attacks. So you can’t talk to me about that. Bingo! Ya burned!. B: , absolutely nothing to do with the fact. that three bacon & cheeseburgers really are fattening.. Here’s why B has committed a fallacy: the fact that A eats eight bacon & cheeseburgers per day has , A’s observation that B is eating unhealthily is absolutely correct. The fact that A also eats unhealthily doesn’t make A wrong., , you will say, . But. hypocrisy. !, hypocritical, sure, but still 100% true. B should not eat three bacon & cheeseburgers, any more than A should eat eight.. we reply, . Yes, , The hypocrisy could be said to lie in the act of A . that B is eating unhealthily. It’s irritating to B that A, of all people, should say this, but that still doesn’t make it untrue.. pointing out , , fallacy. It is of course obvious that the tu quoque fallacy is one of the central weapons in political discourse today, and people don’t call it out because the fact that tu quoque is a logical . has no purchase on people who are thinking not logically, but in terms of their tribal loyalties.
QUESTION: How close can a fig tree be planted to a house? - ANSWER: Aunt Katy in San Antonio had a fig tree planted many years ago, right nest to the foundation of her house. She didn’t like figs, and tried to cut it down a number of times. It grew back ever stronger, and ever more bounteous in its production of figs. So I guess all it really needs is full sun to thrive.
QUESTION: How were the Time Lords (Doctor Who) so powerful and dangerous when they didn’t have any powers (besides telepathy and regeneration)? - ANSWER: By being the first. The Time Lords emerged out of the Dark Times, when things like the Carrionites doing magic were common and powerful. During the Dark Times, reality was more flexible and squishy. The rules we live with? Time Lord impositions on reality. They ensured the supremacy of science and technology, by setting up things like the Web of Time. So while an individual Time Lord might not be the most physically imposing for, a properly equipped Time Lord will have already peaked at their enemy's timeline to know what capabilities they have, and will have used their TARDIS to assemble the tools and equipment necessary to neutralize all of those capabilities. That's why the Time Lords were powerful: they set up the rules, and made sure the rules kept them on top.
QUESTION: What is the major difference between automotive design engineering, automobile designing, and automobile engineering? - ANSWER: It is a pretty tricky question and those who don't quite have interest in the automobile field may get confused if asked about it. Thus, it becomes important to make it clear of what comes under what. All the three are different courses which come under the same branch of automobile engineering., Automotive Design Engineering., Firstly, let us talk about automotive design engineering. This is the most common course among the three and is one with the most potential. Automotive design engineering is one which involves the designing and creation of accessories and parts for a motor. It requires a skilled set of taskforce or engineers to make the final product come true., 2. Automobile designing., Automobile designing in simple words is the process of creating the external design of a vehicle, part or an accessory coming under it. This is the most related out of the three with a major part of it spent in sketching and making a blueprint of the model to be developed. It is among the highest paid jobs in the automotive sector and is worth giving a try if you have a fascination of drawing automobiles. But, it does require rigorous workshops and can become a bit stressful at times depending upon the final sketch obtained., 3. Automobile Engineering., Automotive engineering is the same as automotive design engineering, but the difference is that it does not involve designing the final model. There is no such blueprint required to obtain the desired shape and size of the object when worked upon. One example i can give is that of designing a normal screw. It does not involve reducing itself to a required shape and size unless it is said to be made., These are a few differences that can be kept in mind if asked about. The three sub-branches mainly come under the Mechanical Engineering field and are among the most chosen fields in our country. It is said that the automotive sector as a whole contributes to about 18 percent of total GDP in Indian engineering., Thank you.
QUESTION: Will Tumblr bring back safe mode? - ANSWER: of safe mode. Currently, the entire site is forcibly in safe mode. But the answer is most likely not. Verizon, the owners of Tumblr, are not known for actually caring about their consumers. Doesn’t matter how mad Tumblr users are, Verizon doesn’t care.. The better question is will they ever bring back the . option
QUESTION: What is pomology? - ANSWER: POmology, Pomology is a mainly focused on the development, cultivation and physiological studies of fruit trees. The goals of fruit tree improvement include enhancement of fruit quality, regulation of production periods, and reduction of production.
QUESTION: How do I find the next big thing like Bitcoin? - ANSWER: Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, was once asked , “What’s going to change in the next 10 years?”. The interviewer was also hoping to hear the ‘The Next Big Thing’., ‘What’s NOT going to change in the next 10 years?’ . However, Jeff’s reply was a smile and, “ That is a very interesting question; it’s a very common one. I almost never get the question:. ”, With the changing dynamics of markets and human behaviors, it seems difficult to predict the right choice. However, we can predict things that will stay with us and choose what to invest on. Let’s look at Jeff and Amazon. For him the thing that will stick with his brand will be timely delivery and low cost. No one in 10 years would like late delivery times and super expensive stuff. So he invested his time and money on improving that and today we see Amazon, a leader in the online market., The secret that Jeff threw at us to find the ‘The Next Big Thing’, is not by looking at something that will drop from the blue but something that will stick with us. That’s where you make money., What is the future of banks?. As to answer the question in relevance to Bitcoin. Just ask yourself, ‘. ’, There are no banks in the future. A wise person once answered that with, “. ”.
QUESTION: What was the best fighter aircraft of the 1980's? - ANSWER: Id argue the F15C., Though it technically entered service as the A model in the late 70s the C model was the definitive version of the F15 and it has an unbeaten kill record.