### Instruction: Disease name: Wax Blockage Of The Ear Canal : What Is It?
In the outer part of the ear canal, cells produce a wax called cerumen that traps particles of dust and dirt. The wax also repels water, protecting the delicate eardrum from damage. The wax is moved outward gradually by the lining of the ear canal, carrying any dirt it has trapped. Eventually, the wax dries and falls out of the ear in small, unnoticeable flakes. Normal production of earwax is healthy and good for your ears. If too much wax is being produced, it can block the ear, but more commonly, the ear becomes blocked because of improper ear care and ear cleaning. If you push cotton swabs, pencils, your finger or other objects into your ear canal to try to remove wax, the force can push the wax further into the ear and compress it against the eardrum. Earwax blockage, also called cerumen impaction, is a common cause of temporary hearing loss.
### Instruction: Disease name: Wilms' Tumor : What Is It?
Wilms' tumor, also called nephroblastoma, is the most common form of kidney cancer in children. It develops when cancerous (malignant) kidney cells multiply out of control, eventually forming a mass. This mass usually is smooth and fairly round. As it grows, Wilms' tumor changes the normal shape and appearance of the kidney. It also can destroy normal kidney tissue and cause bleeding into the urine. In some cases, the tumor eventually becomes noticeable as a firm, smooth lump in the child's side or abdomen. Without proper treatment, the cancer can spread to other organs鈥攗sually the lungs and liver.
### Instruction: Disease name: Wrist Sprain : What Is It?
A sprain in the wrist is an injury to its ligaments, the tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones to one another inside a joint. Although most people speak of the wrist as a single joint between the forearm and hand, the wrist actually contains many joints that link 15 separate bones. The ligaments that connect these bones can be torn by any extreme twist, bend or impact that suddenly forces the wrist into a position beyond its normal range of motion. There are three levels of sprain:
### Instruction: Disease name: Yaws : What Is It?
Yaws is an infectious disease that affects the skin and bones. It's a tropical illness that was once common in West Africa, Indonesia, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Haiti, Dominica, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and parts of Brazil. In these countries, yaws most often affects children between the ages of 2 and 5, especially children who wear few clothes, have frequent skin injuries and live in areas of poor hygiene.聽聽 During the 1950s, yaws was a common tropical illness, infecting 50 million to 100 million people. Since that time, the World Health Organization (WHO) has battled yaws in many tropical areas of the world. More than 160 million people have been examined in 46 countries, and more than 50 million cases of yaws have been treated with penicillin. As a result, the incidence of yaws declined dramatically worldwide. This disease always has been extremely rare in the United States.