3 values
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 302 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Canada Moves to Eliminate Single Use PlasticsContents: The Government of Canada announced today a series of moves aimed at keeping single-use plastics out of the environment, including the introduction of bans on single-use plastic shopping bags and most plastic straws.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 303 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Canada to Require 100% of New Cars Sold to be Zero Emission Vehicles by 2035Contents: With the announcement of the new sales mandates, Canada joins several other jurisdictions that have introduced their own ZEV requirements, including the EU, the UK, and the US.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 304 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Canada’s BDC Launches ESG Reporting Tool for Venture InvestorsContents: BDC provides financing, advisory services and capital to small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada. The company said that it developed the framework following consultations with industry partners and stakeholders on the need to bring more transparency and embed ESG disclosure and reporting standards within the Canadian venture capital space.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 305 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Canada’s BDC Launches ESG Reporting Tool for Venture InvestorsContents: Sandra Odendahl, Senior Vice President and Head, Sustainability and Diversity, BDC, said: “We know Canadian firms want to be agents for good and value the competitive business advantages it offers, but they don’t always have the knowledge, tools, or capital to make it happen. Our role as a development bank is to give them those tools, with a goal of creating more sustainable businesses and a stronger, greener, and more inclusive Canadian economy in the process.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 306 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: CANDRIAM Launches Circular Economy FundContents: CANDRIAM also announced that it will donate up to 10% of the sub-fund’s net annual management fees to charities and organisations providing solutions to promote the transition towards a circular economy, selecting “Close the Gap” as its first beneficiary. Close the Gap is an international social enterprise that aims to bridge the digital divide by offering high-quality, pre-owned computers donated by European and international companies to educational, medical and social projects in developing and emerging countries.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 307 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Carlyle, Schneider Electric JV to Provide Massive Rooftop Solar Array for New JFK Airport TerminalContents: The microgrid will be financed by Carlyle, with technology, software and services to be provided by Schneider Electric.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 308 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Carlyle, Schneider Electric JV to Provide Massive Rooftop Solar Array for New JFK Airport TerminalContents: The terminal’s 11.34 MW microgrid, which will include 7.66 MW of rooftop solar and 3.68 MW of fuel cells, in addition to 4 MW-hours of battery energy storage, will enable the terminal to function independently of the power grid, and maintain 100% of airport operations during power disruptions.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 309 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Carmignac Appoints Lloyd McAllister as Head of Sustainable InvestmentContents: McAllister’s appointment coincides with Sandra Crowl’s retirement from her current role as Stewardship Director. McAllister will report to Maxime Carmignac, Managing Director of Carmignac UK and Executive Sponsor of ESG at Carmignac.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 310 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: CDP: Lack of Action on Water Risks Could Cost Companies More than $300 BillionContents: Lamb added: “Some of the world’s thirstiest companies are already innovating by reusing water in creative ways, developing water-smart products, and remodelling their strategies to adapt to the water crisis. We can turn this situation around, but we need much more transformative action. As investors pay closer attention to companies’ management of water risks, CDP is calling for all companies to develop ambitious targets to reduce water withdrawals and eliminate water pollution, including net-zero water targets. Companies must take bold action now to transform their business models.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 311 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: CDP: Lack of Action on Water Risks Could Cost Companies More than $300 BillionContents: Pollution efforts lagging: While company efforts on water quantity are improving, water quality initiatives are lagging. Only 4.4% of companies are setting and progress against pollution reduction targets, and only 20% of the world’s wastewater is currently treated.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 312 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: CDP: Lack of Action on Water Risks Could Cost Companies More than $300 BillionContents: Transparency improving: In 2020, CDP saw a 20% increase in corporate disclosure through its water security questionnaire. The increase in responses was particularly strong in the materials, retail and transportation sectors.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 313 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: CDPQ & S2G Sustainable Venture Fund Makes First Investment in Food Tech Company Benson HillContents: Mario Therrien, Head of Investment Funds and External Management at CDPQ, said: “Benson Hill’s mission, focused on improving the sustainability and efficiency of the global agriculture and food supply chain, is aligned with CDPQ’s conviction that performance and progress go hand in hand. As a company with deep technology expertise across the food and agriculture value chain, Benson Hill is well equipped to deliver more sustainable options to consumers while helping reduce the agri-food industry’s carbon footprint. We are delighted to support its growth while delivering returns for our clients.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 314 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: CDPQ & S2G Sustainable Venture Fund Makes First Investment in Food Tech Company Benson HillContents: Matt Crisp, Benson Hill Chief Executive Officer, said: “The food and agriculture system is under enormous pressure to evolve beyond the traditional commodity model to meet the demands of today’s consumers and boost resiliency in the face of climate change. CDPQ and S2G recognize the urgency of accelerating the evolution of the current agri-food system through innovation, and the critical role of innovators such as Benson Hill to help ensure that food is better from the beginning – better for people, better for farmers and better for the planet. Benson Hill is proud to be a part of this initiative by CDPQ and S2G, and of our partnerships across the food and agriculture supply chain.”
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 315 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: CDP코리아, ESG 공시 대응 글로벌 컨퍼런스 개최Contents: 2025년부터 국내에도 시작되는 ESG공시 의무화의 대응책을 모색할 글로벌 컨퍼런스가 서울에서 열린다. BDO성현회계법인은 오는 23일 서울 여의도 글래드호텔에서 ‘대한민국의 지속가능한 미래’라는 주제로 ‘2023 ESG 글로벌 스탠다드 컨퍼런스’를 개최한다고 3일 밝혔다. CDP Korea 한국위원회가 주최하고, 한국회계학회와 성현회계법인이 공동 주관하는 이번 컨퍼런스는 ▶ESG공시와 평가 ▶기후시나리오 분석 ▶ESG 기반 투자 등에 대한 글로벌 스탠다드와 해외 선진사례를 소개한다. 또 국내 기업의 ESG공시 수준을 높이고 평가 대응에 도움이 되는 내용들을 담을 예정이다. 이번 행사는 총 4개 파트로 진행된다. 1부에서는 국내외 ESG공시 및 평가 문제점을 진단하고, 글로벌 ESG 데이터 플랫폼 ESG BOOK을 이용한 공시와 평가방법론을 소개함으로써 국내 기업에게 가장 시급한 ESG 공시와 평가 분야의 향후 나아갈 방향을 제시한다. 2부에서는 국내 기업들의 기후리스크 관리현황과 문제점을 분석하고, TCFD 요구사항을 충족하기 위해 활용되는 AI기반의 기후 시나리오 활용사례를 소개함으로써 향후 개선방향을 제시한다. 3부에서는 효율적인 공급망관리 및 Scope3 측정할 수 있는 방법으로 ESG 데이터 플랫폼을 어떻게 활용하는지 선진사례를 소개한다. 마지막 4부에서는 금융기관의 임팩트 투자현황, 지속가능성 평가 기반의 AI투자 소개, 금융기관 임팩트 투자의 미래를 논의한다. 컨퍼런스에는 ▶글로벌 ESG공시 플랫폼 ESG Book의 CEO 다니엘 클라이어(Daniel Klier) ▶기후인텔리전스 플랫폼 세르베스트(Cervest)의 부사장 존화이트(John White) ▶지속가능한 금융투자 솔루션 회사인 아라베스트(Arabesque AI) 및 기후 컨설팅 회사인 사우스폴(South Pole) 등 해외 전문가들이 참여한다. 한국에서는 ▶대구대 정준희 교수 ▶이화여대 최용상 교수 ▶성현 ESG센터의 정종철 센터장 등이 나와 발표한다. 성현회계법인의 윤길배 대표는 “이번 ESG 글로벌 스탠다드 컨퍼런스는 ESG 개념이나 제도 설명보다는 공시와 평가, 공급망관리, Scope3측정, 펀드의 지속가능성 평가 등 현실적인 이슈에 대한 솔루션을 공유할 예정”이라며 “구체적이고 실행가능한 해결책과 글로벌 사례들을 소개함으로써 국내 기업의 ESG경영 수준을 빠르게 향상시키는데 기여할 것”이라고 말했다. 이번 컨퍼런스는 23일 여의도 글래드 호텔에서 오전 10시부터 오후 4시30분까지 무료로 진행한다.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 316 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: CFA Institute Launches Global ESG Investing Certificate for Investment ProfessionalsContents: Global investment professional association CFA Institute announced today the global launch of its Certificate in ESG Investing, an education program aimed at enabling investment practitioners to analyse and integrate ESG factors in their daily practice.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 317 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chaos dans les transports publics : le pari risqué de l'ouverture à la concurrenceContents: C'est une nouvelle piqûre de rappel après la pétition Stop Galère, signée par plus de 50 maires, qui demande "l'abandon de la privatisation" et dénonce le chaos actuel dans les transports d'Île de France lié à un manque d'effectifs. Une lettre de l'ancienne directrice générale de la RATP à Valérie Pécresse, présidente d'Île de France Mobilités, l'autorité organisatrice des transports, alertait aussi en septembre sur des risques de l'ouverture à la concurrence.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 318 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chaos dans les transports publics : le pari risqué de l'ouverture à la concurrenceContents: Journées de 13 heures, conflits à gérer, salaires jugés insuffisants... Les salariés des transports en commun en Île-de-France craignent une dégradation de leurs conditions de travail, déjà difficiles, avec l'ouverture à la concurrence. Celle-ci se déroule progressivement, sous le signe d'une réduction des coûts. La qualité du service, déjà fortement critiquée alors que c'est un élément clé de la décarbonation, risque également d'en pâtir. Le décalage des échéances est de plus en plus envisagé.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 319 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chaos dans les transports publics : le pari risqué de l'ouverture à la concurrenceContents: Toutefois, les salariés s'inquiètent. "Les opérateurs en compétition contractent les coûts au maximum dont le premier poste de dépenses dans ce type de service : la masse salariale qui représente environ 70 % du prix de production" affirme la tribune dans Le Monde. Les conséquences se font déjà sentir là où les effectifs ont été réduits. "Augmentations des rotations, des amplitudes horaires, réduction voire disparition des temps de pause, baisse des salaires à temps de travail équivalent, défaut de formation, mise en danger de personnels et d'usagers" énumère la tribune.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 320 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: ChemScore: New Tool to Benchmark Chemical Industry SustainabilityContents: ChemScore identifies the best and worst performers in the chemical industry, ranking the companies in 4 categories: Hazardous Product Portfolio, Development of Safer Chemicals, Management & Transparency, and Controversies.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 321 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: ChemScore: New Tool to Benchmark Chemical Industry SustainabilityContents: Several companies have stepped up their game lately on reducing use of hazardous chemicals, such as PFAS. DuPont, for example, recently announced the achievement of several milestones in its PFAS reduction efforts. However, significant work remains to be done.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 322 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chicago to Transition Buildings, Airports & Operations to 100% Renewable Energy by 2025Contents: Jim McHugh, Chief Commercial Officer, Constellation, said: “We are providing a clean energy solution that will help the City of Chicago significantly reduce its carbon footprint and make a tangible, positive impact in the fight against climate change. As we work with our customers to implement sustainability initiatives, it is especially important that we help underserved and under-resourced communities participate in the transition to a carbon free future.”
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 323 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chine : la plus grande usine d’iPhone du monde, théâtre de manifestationsContents: Ce mercredi 23 novembre, les salariés de l’usine Foxconn située à Zhengzhou, dans le centre de la Chine, ont protesté suite au confinement total du site pour cause de Covid-19. Le principal sous-traitant d'Apple se retrouve ainsi au cœur d’une nouvelle controverse, alors que la grogne sociale monte dans tout le pays face à la politique sanitaire drastique du gouvernement.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 324 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chine : la plus grande usine d’iPhone du monde, théâtre de manifestationsContents: Depuis plusieurs mois, la Chine met tout en place pour sécuriser sa production industrielle, tout en maintenant une politique sanitaire zéro Covid-19 très contraignante. Mais entre confinements stricts, quarantaines obligatoires pour les personnes testées positives et tests PCR quasi quotidiens, la grogne monte au sein de la population.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 325 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chine : la plus grande usine d’iPhone du monde, théâtre de manifestationsContents: Et pour cause : confrontée ces derniers mois à une hausse des cas de Covid-19, l’entreprise a pris la décision de confiner les ouvriers à l’intérieur de l’usine. Une situation intenable qui avait poussé début novembre des centaines de travailleurs paniqués à prendre la fuite à pied. Pour maintenir la production, Foxconn a offert d'importantes primes aux employés restants et tenté de recruter de nouveaux ouvriers en faisant appel à des membres du Parti communiste chinois et des villageois de la région.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 326 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chine : la plus grande usine d’iPhone du monde, théâtre de manifestationsContents: Un nouveau scandale pour le géant de l'électronique, plus grand employeur du secteur privé en Chine, avec plus d'un million d'employés à travers le pays dans une trentaine d'usines et d'instituts de recherche. Foxconn, principal sous-traitant d'Apple, est en effet régulièrement mis en cause pour ses mauvaises conditions de travail.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 327 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chipotle Ties Exec Compensation to Sustainability GoalsContents: Chipotle’s new initiative is part of a growing trend among companies across a variety of industries to tie compensation to ESG progress. Recently, Apple revealed that it will introduce an ESG modifier to its executive bonus payouts, Deutsche Bank announced that it plans to link top level executive and management compensation to ESG and sustainable finance criteria, and Marathon Oil restructured its incentive programs to prioritize issues including environmental performance and safety.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 328 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Chipotle Ties Exec Compensation to Sustainability GoalsContents: Under the Food & Animals category, the company’s goals include increasing pounds of organic, local, and/or regeneratively grown/raised food used in its restaurants year over year. Chipotle ended 2020 at 31 million pounds of local produce and has a goal of reaching 37 million pounds of local produce by the end of 2021.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 329 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cinq entreprises de l’énergie réclament près de 4 milliards d’euros à des États européens pour leurs politiques climatiquesContents: "Il y a un risque réel de contentieux. L’un des grands investisseurs du projet, le milliardaire russe Mikhaïl Fridman, a dit qu’il attendait des compensations et qu’il envisageait pour cela des voies légales. Le nouveau délai imposé par l’Allemagne viole l’un des articles du TCE. D’autres investisseurs, comme Shell, EON ou Engie, pourraient aussi se saisir d’un tribunal d’arbitrage en vertu du TCE", commente Lukas Shaugg de l’IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development).
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 330 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cinq entreprises de l’énergie réclament près de 4 milliards d’euros à des États européens pour leurs politiques climatiquesContents: 3,7 milliards d’euros, c’est la somme précise que réclament cinq entreprises de l’énergie à quatre États membres de l’Union européenne pour leurs politiques climatiques. Elles s’appuient pour cela sur le Traité sur la charte de l’énergie (TCE). Un accord signé en 1994, à la sortie de la guerre froide, pour faciliter les relations énergétiques dans l’ensemble du continent eurasien. Le TCE compte une cinquantaine de pays signataires, parmi lesquels tous les États de l’Union européenne (à l’exception de l’Italie, qui en est sorti en 2016), les pays de l’ancien bloc soviétique, le Japon, le Yémen ou encore l’Afghanistan.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 331 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cinq entreprises de l’énergie réclament près de 4 milliards d’euros à des États européens pour leurs politiques climatiquesContents: À ces quatre affaires pourraient bien venir s’en ajouter une cinquième, après la mise en pause du gazoduc Nord Stream 2 par l’Allemagne, en représailles face à l’invasion russe en Ukraine. Berlin a en effet décidé de bloquer le processus de certification, rendant impossible la mise en service du projet, tout en prenant soin de ne pas l’enterrer définitivement afin d’éviter toutes poursuites juridiques. À noter qu’Uniper, qui attaque les Pays-Bas, fait partie des financeurs de Nord Stream 2.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 332 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cinq entreprises de l’énergie réclament près de 4 milliards d’euros à des États européens pour leurs politiques climatiquesContents: Cinq entreprises des énergies fossiles, parmi lesquelles RWE, Uniper ou Rockhopper, attaquent des États européens pour leurs engagements climatiques. Une aberration alors que les rapports du Giec se multiplient pour alerter sur l'accélération et les impacts du changement climatique. Cela représente aussi une lourde facture. Dans ces quatre affaires, ce sont près de quatre milliards d'euros qui sont réclamés à titre de compensation par les entreprises.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 333 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cinq entreprises de l’énergie réclament près de 4 milliards d’euros à des États européens pour leurs politiques climatiquesContents: La mise en pause de Nord Stream 2 : vers un futur litige ? "Les entreprises du secteur des énergies fossiles devraient payer pour réparer la crise climatique qu’elles ont causée, mais au lieu de cela, elles veulent être grassement indemnisées, renchérissant considérablement le coût des mesures climatiques", s’indigne Jean Blaylock, chargée de campagne sur le commerce à Global Justice Now. Du côté des entreprises, RWE déclare approuver "l'importance de la transition énergétique" mais "ne considère pas juste" que l'élimination progressive du charbon néerlandais "ne prévoie pas de compensation de l'entreprise".
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 334 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cinq entreprises de l’énergie réclament près de 4 milliards d’euros à des États européens pour leurs politiques climatiquesContents: Le texte prévoit que les multinationales et les investisseurs puissent attaquer en justice les gouvernements dès lors que ces derniers modifient leurs politiques énergétiques dans un sens contraire à leurs intérêts. C’est ce que font en ce moment RWE et Uniper aux Pays-Bas, poursuivis pour leur sortie du charbon, Rockhopper en Italie, pour un refus d’attribution de concession pétrolière, Ascent Resources en Slovénie pour contester une étude d’impact environnemental sur une exploitation de gaz de schiste, ou encore Prairie Mining en Pologne sur une mine de charbon. Le TCE détient ainsi le record de litiges parmi les accords protégeant les investisseurs.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 335 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cinq entreprises de l’énergie réclament près de 4 milliards d’euros à des États européens pour leurs politiques climatiquesContents: Une position soutenue par de nombreux députés européens, lors d’un débat le 24 mars dernier. "Les députés européens du PPE, de Renew, du S&D, des Verts et de la gauche ont tous exhorté la Commission européenne à se préparer à un retrait coordonné du TCE. Il est temps d'agir et de sortir de ce traité anti-climat !", a réagi sur Twitter Laurence Tubiana, à la tête de la Fondation européenne pour le climat.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 336 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Circular Economy Platform Loop Launches in CanadaContents: Galen Weston, Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited, said: “The fact is that there’s too much plastic waste in our environment. We are part of the problem and must be part of the solution. We are actively reducing plastic waste in hundreds of ways in our business today through better processes, new materials, and packaging design. Loop is one of the most innovative opportunities as we work with them to make it easier for consumers to be part of the solution.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 337 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Circular Economy Platform Loop Launches in CanadaContents: Loop is an initiative launched by waste management and recycling company TerraCycle. The platform enables consumers to shop for products in durable packaging that is used, cleaned, refilled and used again, and then fully recyclable after 20 to 100 uses. Since its founding in 2019 by TerraCycle, Loop has enlisted over well over 100 brands globally, and currently offers more than 400 products.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 338 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Circular Economy Platform Loop Launches in CanadaContents: Zero-waste platform Loop made its official launch in Canada today, announcing national retailer Loblaw Companies Limited as its retail partner. The partnership will enable Canadians, starting with Ontario residents, to shop for a wide variety of food and household products in refillable packaging. Several brands announced their participation in the Loop program, including Häagen-Dazs, Heinz Ketchup, Nature’s Path Foods and Hershey Canada, along with select products from Loblaw’s President’s Choice brand.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 339 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Circular Economy-Focused TerraCycle Completes $25M Capital Raise for Loop PlatformContents: Antonia Wanner, Head of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Strategy and Deployment Unit at Nestlé, said: “Reusability involves profound changes in the way people shop and consume. In collaboration with Loop, we have been introducing reusable option to our consumers for different types of products including ice cream, water and pet care. This new investment in Loop will help accelerate the delivery of products in zero-waste packaging. Reusable option is an important part of Nestlé’s broader set of actions to meet our commitment of making 100% of our packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 340 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Circular Economy-Focused TerraCycle Completes $25M Capital Raise for Loop PlatformContents: Stephan B. Tanda, Aptar President and CEO, said: “Our partnership with Loop represents our vision, and our customers’ vision, for a more circular economy where packaging does not become waste. Participating in Loop is one way Aptar can help lead the essential and overdue packaging transition from disposable to reusable.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 341 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Circular Economy-Focused TerraCycle Completes $25M Capital Raise for Loop PlatformContents: Tom Szaky, TerraCycle CEO, said: “Given Loop’s global momentum and the limited amount of capital being raised, it was important for us to pick partners who firmly believe in Loop’s mission to establish modern-day reuse systems. With this community of partners, Loop is the beginning of the end of disposability, making reuse a viable and accessible option for CPGs, retailers and consumers.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 342 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Circular Metals Provider Continuum Raises $36 Million to Meet Demand for Sustainable MaterialsContents: Metal recycling and supply company Continuum announced today that it has raised $36 million, with proceeds aimed at helping the company meet growing demand for sustainable materials.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 343 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cleantech Startup Summit Nanotech Raises $50 Million from Climate Investors for Sustainable Lithium SolutionContents: The capital raise was led by climate-focused investors including by Evok Innovations and BDC Capital’s Climate Tech Fund, and included participation from existing investors Xora Innovation and Capricorn Investment Group. Several other new climate-focused investors joined the capital raise, including Volta Energy Technologies, NGP, Helios Climate Ventures, and The Grantham Foundation.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 344 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Climat : aucun des pays du G20 n’est sur la bonne trajectoire de décarbonationContents: "Ces résultats très alarmants concernant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre au 1er trimestre 2022 doivent être un électrochoc pour le parlement : ne pas baisser les dépenses néfastes pour le climat dans le PLF2023 (projet de loi de finances, ndr) et sous-investir dans la transition serait irresponsable", commente sur Twitter Anne Bringault, la coordinatrice des programmes au sein du RAC. Les députés viennent de démarrer l’examen du Projet de loi de finances pour 2023 qui prévoit notamment 45 milliards d’euros pour le bouclier tarifaire.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 345 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Climat : aucun des pays du G20 n’est sur la bonne trajectoire de décarbonationContents: "Des résultats très alarmants" en France A contrario, les États-Unis (+0,1%), l’Inde (+2,9%), le Japon (+0,6%), l’Allemagne (+1,7%) et la France (+1,4%) ont tous connu des augmentations de leur intensité carbone en 2021, en partie en raison de la reprise post pandémie. L’Hexagone, qui reste l’économie mondiale la plus décarbonée parmi le G20, a vu ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre augmenter de 6,4 % par rapport à 2020. Selon l'observatoire Climat-Énergie, mis en place par le Réseau Action Climat (RAC), la France ne respecte ainsi pas son objectif d’émissions nettes pour l’année 2021. "Le principal écart vient de la moindre absorption des émissions par les forêts et les sols", alerte le RAC.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 346 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Climat : aucun des pays du G20 n’est sur la bonne trajectoire de décarbonationContents: "La dernière baisse trimestrielle a été entraînée par la crise immobilière en cours en Chine, les mesures strictes de contrôle de Covid, la faible croissance de la demande d'électricité et la forte croissance de la production d'énergie renouvelable", explique le site. "Si ces données se confirment et se prolongent, ce serait une excellente nouvelle en matière de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique", réagit sur Twitter l'économiste Maxime Combes.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 347 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Climat : aucun des pays du G20 n’est sur la bonne trajectoire de décarbonationContents: "Les résultats de cette année sont un rappel urgent que nous devons agir pour atteindre des objectifs ambitieux de neutralité carbone", réagit Emma Cox, responsable climat mondial au sein de PwC UK. "Désormais, il faut atteindre un taux annuel de décarbonisation de 15,2 % pour combler le fossé entre l'urgence climatique et une économie forte et durable", complète Dan Dowling, associé, stratégie et transformation Net Zero. Cela équivaut à une réduction de l’intensité carbone de 77 % d’ici 2030 pour limiter le réchauffement à 1,5°C.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 348 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Climat : aucun des pays du G20 n’est sur la bonne trajectoire de décarbonationContents: Une nouvelle étude, publiée par le cabinet PwC, montre qu'aucun des pays du G20 n'a pris les mesures nécessaires pour décarboner son économie, au rythme imposé par l'Accord de Paris. Cela reporte l'effort sur les prochaines années, avec une baisse de l'intensité carbone qui doit désormais atteindre 15,2 % en moyenne annuelle... contre 0,5 % atteinte en 2021. En France notamment, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre ont encore stagné au premier semestre 2022, à rebours des engagements pris.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 349 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Climate Action 100+ Flags Key Shareholder Climate Votes for 2021 Proxy SeasonContents: The group stated that its members have filed 37 shareholder proposals at North American focus companies seeking disclosure of climate-related risks, alignment of business plans with the goals of the Paris Agreement, and transparency around corporate lobbying practices that influence climate and energy regulations. Some of the key proposals flagged by Climate Action 100+ include:
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 350 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Climate Tech Provider Aurora Solar Raises $200 Million to Speed Product Development & ExpansionContents: Last year, Aurora achieved ‘unicorn’ status, reaching a $2 billion valuation in its $250 million series C financing. Today’s deal nearly doubles the valuation to around $4 billion.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 351 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Climate Tech Startup Sublime Raises $40 Million for Solution to Decarbonize CementContents: Cement production is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, and one of the more difficult sectors to decarbonize. Cement currently accounts for approximately 8% of global carbon dioxide emissions, with over 900 kg of CO2 emissions generated for every 1,000 kg of material produced.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 352 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Climeworks Provides First-Ever Certified Carbon Removal for Microsoft, Shopify and StripeContents: Zurich-based Direct Air Capture (DAC) startup Climeworks announced today the delivery of the first-ever third-party certified carbon dioxide removal (CDR) for corporate customers, including Microsoft, Shopify and Stripe.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 353 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Consumer Goods Coalition Announces Progress on Plastic Waste Reduction InitiativeContents: According to the coalition, it has finalised the first two of a series of “Golden Design Rules” for the design of plastic packaging. The rules aim to accelerate progress towards using less and better plastic, including reducing the complexity of the recycling process for different types of materials, in order to increase recycling rates. The new rules focus on increasing the value of PET bottle recycling and removing problematic elements from packaging, such as carbon black, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and EPS (expanded polystyrene), which complicate the recycling process. Members of the coalition have committed to adopting these rules wherever possible by 2025.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 354 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP27 : L’Afrique, eldorado pour le développement de nouveaux projets fossiles qui profitent aux autresContents: "La dépendance aux combustibles fossiles de l'Europe est un moteur majeur derrière les nouveaux projets de GNL en Afrique. La ruée vers le pétrole et le gaz de l'Afrique n'a rien à voir avec l'amélioration de l'accès à l'énergie pour les Africains", déplore Anabela Lemos, directrice des Amis de la Terre Mozambique. Pour rappel, en Afrique, 600 millions de personnes sont toujours privées d’électricité. "Les combustibles fossiles sont à l'origine de la crise climatique et l'Afrique est plus durement touchée par cette crise que tout autre continent. Pourtant, 200 entreprises charbonnières, pétrolières et gazières inondent le continent de projets d'énergie sale totalement incompatibles avec les objectifs climatiques de Paris et la limite de 1,5°C", s'insurge Omar Elmawi de la campagne Stop EACOP.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 355 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP27 : L’Afrique, eldorado pour le développement de nouveaux projets fossiles qui profitent aux autresContents: Depuis 2017, 886 000 km2 ont été autorisées pour de nouvelles explorations pétrolières et gazières en Afrique. Une superficie plus grande que celles de la France et de l'Italie réunies. C’est ce que révèle un nouveau rapport, publié mardi 15 novembre, par Urgewald, Stop EACOP, Oilwatch Africa, Africa Coal Network et 33 autres ONG africaines. Les auteurs identifient ainsi 200 entreprises qui explorent ou développent de nouvelles réserves et infrastructures de combustibles fossiles telles que des terminaux de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL), des pipelines ou des centrales électriques au gaz et au charbon dans 48 des 55 pays africains.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 356 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP27 : L’Afrique, eldorado pour le développement de nouveaux projets fossiles qui profitent aux autresContents: Du côté des investisseurs, c’est le géant américain BlackRock qui arrive en tête des financements de l'expansion des combustibles fossiles en Afrique avec des actifs de plus de 12 milliards de dollars. Le premier banquier des développeurs de combustibles fossiles en Afrique est Citigroup (5,6 milliards de dollars), suivi de JPMorgan Chase (5,1 milliards de dollars) et de BNP Paribas (4,6 milliards de dollars). Selon le rapport des ONG, 71% du soutien bancaire aux développeurs de combustibles fossiles en Afrique provenaient de banques membres de la "Net Zero Banking Alliance", qui défend l’objectif 1,5°C.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 357 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP27 : L’Afrique, eldorado pour le développement de nouveaux projets fossiles qui profitent aux autresContents: En pleine COP27 sur le climat, une COP africaine qui se déroule en Egypte, un nouveau rapport de l'ONG Urgewald vient pointer le niveau très élevé de projets d'énergies fossiles sur le continent. TotalEnergies apparaît comme le premier développeur de projets fossiles en Afrique. Des projets le plus souvent tournés vers l'étranger, qui ne bénéficient pas aux populations alors que 600 millions d'Africains n'ont toujours pas accès à l'électricité.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 358 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP27 : L’Afrique, eldorado pour le développement de nouveaux projets fossiles qui profitent aux autresContents: L’Afrique, qui ne représente que 3% des émissions mondiales subit de plein fouet les conséquences du changement climatique. Et le paye cher : les économies africaines perdent 5 à 15% de croissance du PIB par habitant chaque année en raison du changement climatique. Selon le Giec, l'Afrique subsaharienne pourrait perdre 12% de son PIB d'ici 2050 et 80% d'ici 2100. Dans la plupart des pays africains, le PIB par habitant serait inférieur d'au moins 5% d'ici 2050 et de 10 à 20% d'ici 2100 dans un scénario de réchauffement de 2°C par rapport à 1,5°C.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 359 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP27 : L’Afrique, eldorado pour le développement de nouveaux projets fossiles qui profitent aux autresContents: Les économies africaines perdent 5 à 15 % de croissance du PIB par habitant chaque année  À l’inverse, le développement des énergies renouvelables sur le continent est à la traîne. Selon une nouvelle analyse d’Energy Monitor, contrairement au reste du monde, les installations solaires photovoltaïques ont fortement chuté en Afrique en 2020, et en 2021 elles sont restées en dessous de leur niveau pré-pandémique. Ainsi, à peine 1,6 gigawatt a été installé en 2021 sur le continent, soit environ 1% de ce qui s'est installé ailleurs dans le monde... "L'Afrique possède 39% du potentiel renouvelable total du monde, mais les investisseurs étrangers continuent de financer un avenir fossile pour notre continent", regrette Bobby Peek de la campagne Life After Coal en Afrique du Sud.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 360 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP27 : L’Afrique, eldorado pour le développement de nouveaux projets fossiles qui profitent aux autresContents: TotalEnergies est le plus grand développeur de nouvelles ressources pétrolières et gazières en Afrique Parmi ces 200 entreprises, c’est le Français TotalEnergies qui arrive en tête et qui décroche le titre de plus grand développeur de nouvelles ressources pétrolières et gazières en Afrique, loin devant l’Algérien Sonatrach et l’Italien Eni. La major tire déjà 25% de sa production d'hydrocarbures d'Afrique et vise à ajouter 2,27 milliards de barils équivalent pétrole à son portefeuille à court terme. L'extraction et la combustion de ces nouvelles ressources équivaudraient à trois années d'émissions annuelles de gaz à effet de serre de la France.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 361 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP27現場直擊》多國鬧飢荒!糧食危機首次躍氣候峰會焦點Contents: 聯合國氣候峰會歷年設有展攤(Pavilion),各國政府及公民團體可申請於會場設立攤位,舉辦演講或介紹各組織的氣候行動。 糧食與農業展攤(Food and Agriculture Pavilion)主辦成員、國際農業研究諮商組織(CGIAR)資深溝通長強森(Toby Johnson)接受專訪指出,今年是聯合國氣候峰會第一次出現有關糧食及農業的展攤,數量高達五個,「這是明確的訊號。」 「各國政府開始了解,人類要解決氣候變遷,就無法忽視當前的糧食系統危機,這兩者關聯性非常高。」強森指出,糧食系統造成的碳排放高達三分之一,不僅如此,為全球生產大部分糧食的農民卻受極端氣候最直接的衝擊,特別是正面臨乾旱、洪水的發展中國家,「如果要減少飢荒、創造食物,那麼氣候變遷是巨大威脅。」 強森認為,讓糧食系統變得更永續(sustainable)、更具韌性(resilient)非常重要,各國已有許多創新案例,例如孟加拉近年研發耐旱品種的稻米和蕃薯,有助農民面對乾旱;印度積極協助農民建置社區型光電板,能讓農民透過賣電取得收益,讓糧食生產系統更平等。 「我們期望全球農業調適有新進展。」強森表示,COP27在糧食議題的成功關鍵是,各國能否提出機制將資金引入農業調適,讓農民在全球糧食體系有更好的處境,這對於因應氣候危機將有巨大意義。 聯合國氣候峰會歷年設有展攤(Pavilion),各國政府及公民團體可申請於會場設立攤位,舉辦演講或介紹各組織的氣候行動。記者蘇彥誠/攝影 來自巴西的糧食系統變革倡議者穆里阿拿(Fabricio Muriana)指出,損失與損害、調適及公正轉型這幾個COP27關鍵議題,都和全球農業有關。 「我們不只需要糧食安全,也要糧食自主,人們想要生產自己的食物。」穆里阿拿認為,工業化農業造成社會不平等,在巴西就有許多人正面臨飢餓的恐懼,無法取得下一餐。他呼籲各國政府鼓勵在地生產,讓糧食生產系統與地方社群有更多連結。 穆里阿拿曾深入研究巴西非裔農村社區奇隆博勒斯(Quilombolas),該社區的糧食生產是以社區為基礎,在疫情期間自主分配食物給社區裡的弱勢者,可成為各國思考飢荒、氣候危機解方時的重要借鏡。 今年有15個糧食及農業組織聯合指出,去年格拉斯哥COP26高度聚焦在潔淨能源、金融解方,即便有一百多國簽署全球甲烷承諾,仍嚴重忽略糧食系統在全球氣候行動的重要性,期望今年COP27能有具體進展。 巴西糧食系統變革倡議者穆里阿拿(Fabricio Muriana)指出,損失與損害、調適及公正轉型等關鍵議題都與農業系統有關。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 362 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP27現場直擊》國際勞工組織:「封城世代」不堪氣候變遷,淨零也助青年就業Contents: ILO聯合歐盟,首次在聯合國第27屆氣候峰會(COP27)設立「公正轉型館」,探討綠色經濟轉型期間,如何創造新的工作機會,並減少高碳排、轉型不易的產業所要面對的風險。 願景工程記者在埃及時間8日傍晚,參與ILO於「公正轉型館」舉辦的「為青年投資綠色轉型的未來」(Investing in transforming futures for young people)會議,出席講者包括千里達、喀麥隆、孟加拉等從事綠色工作的年輕工作者。會議現場坐滿不同膚色的青年聽眾,顯示年輕世代對綠色職涯的關注。 史崔雅在會議中分享,2022年,全球失業青年估計有7,300萬人,相較疫情前多了600萬人。她表示,根據ILO今年出版的報告,15到24歲的青年未就學、就業的比率很高,「而且還在上升」,她稱他們為「封城世代」(lockdown generation)。 史崔雅指出,綠色經濟是活絡就業市場的機會;永續能源、廢棄物管理,或與減緩暖化、氣候調適有關的工作機會是否增加,取決於各國政府對淨零碳排的積極程度。 ILO專家史崔雅與青年討論綠色工作的發展性。記者周妤靜/攝影 來自非洲喀麥隆的講者齊瓜(Hubert Stephy Tchuigua)分享,他在非洲村落發起資源回收、二次運用農業廢棄物之外,也與村民共同研究沼氣發電。非洲仍有許多地區要傾全家族之力燒柴煮飯,齊瓜積極推動綠色能源,除了提升當地人的生活品質,也為創造更優質的就業機會。 環保倡議組織「地球日網絡」(Earth Day Network)孟加拉經理柯沙克(Zuhair Ahmed Kowshik)也是出席講者之一,他接受願景工程記者訪問表示,「年輕人需要投入綠色經濟的技能和教育,但這是課堂上學不到的。」他認為,綠色經濟轉型過程,需要更多實用性課程、推廣相關職業教育。 史崔雅強調,氣候政策應與勞動政策綜合研擬,才能兼顧勞工的技術提升與在職訓練,創造更好的就業市場。她與聽眾分享一項研究報告:政府投資儲能、節能系統等永續產業,能為年輕人創造數百萬個新的工作機會、為封城世代「解封」。此外,當淨零碳排的努力有了成果,「經濟就不會因極端氣候而停擺。」
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 363 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: COP28 의장국, ‘30년까지 재생에너지 3배 확충 촉구Contents: 다음 달 열리는 제28차 유엔 기후변화협약 당사국총회(COP28)를 앞두고 COP28 의장국인 아랍에미레이트(UAE)와 국제재생에너지기구(IRENA), 글로벌재생에너지동맹(GRA) 등이 2030년까지 세계의 재생에너지 발전용량을 11000GW로 3배 확충할 것을 촉구하고 나섰다. IRENA에 따르면 UAE와 이들 재생에너지 관련 단체는 30일 발간한 ’세계 에너지전환 전망 2023: 1.5도 경로‘라는 제목의 공동 보고서를 통해 이같이 밝혔다. 술탄 알 자베르 COP28 의장은 ”재생에너지 발전을 3배로 늘리고 에너지 효율을 2배로 늘리는 것은 온실가스 배출량을 줄이기 위한 가장 중요한 수단 중 하나“라며 ”우리의 야심찬 목표를 현실로 만들기 위해 모두가 함께 공동 목표 달성을 약속하고 포괄적인 조치를 취해야 한다“고 강조했다. 프란치스코 라 카메라 IRENA총재는 ”2030년까지 재생에너지 발전 능력을 3배로 늘리기 위해 화석연료 시대로부터 이어진 정책과 인프라와 같은 뿌리 깊은 구조적 장벽을 제거하기 위한 공동의 노력이 필요하다“며 ”IRENA의 ’세계에너지전환전망‘ 보고서는 에너지 전환이 위험스러울 정도로 궤도에서 이탈해 있고 급진적인 공동의 조치가 필요하다고 경고하고 있다“고 지적했다. IRENA의 보고서는 각국 정부가 기온 상승을 산업화 이전 대비 1.5도로 억제한다는 파리기후협약의 목표를 달성하려면 에너지 전환의 신속한 추진에 정책의 우선순위를 둬야 한다고 강조하고 있다. COP 28 의장국과 재생에너지 단체가 이날 내놓은 보고서는 ▲ 전력망과 에너지 저장장치, 섹터 커플링, 인프라 설계 등 인프라 구축과 에너지시스템 운영 ▲에너지 효율성 개선과 인센티브 제공, 재정정책, 전력시장 설계와 규제, 사회와 환경적 영향 극대화 및 부작용 최소화 등의 정책과 규제 방안 ▲공급망과 전문 인력 양성, 발전 능력 구축 ▲자금조달 확충 ▲국제협력 증진 방안 등을 다루고 있다. EU 등 재생에너지 확충과 함께 화석연료 퇴출 요구 주요 20개국(G20)은 이미 지난 9월 재생에너지 발전량을 2030년까지 3배 확충한다는 데 합의했다. 하지만 로이터통신은 200개 가까운 나라가 참석하는 COP28에서 이런 합의를 도출하기 쉽지 않을 것이라고 보도했다. 화석연료 퇴출 문제는 더 큰 쟁점이 될 전망이다. 유럽 국가들과 기후변화 피해가 큰 나라들은 기후변화를 막으려면 재생에너지 발전 용량 확충뿐 아니라 화석연료의 단계적 퇴출 합의도 필요하다는 입장이다. 하지만 산유국인 사우디아라비아와 러시아 등은 화석연료 퇴출에 반대하고 있어 합의가 쉽지 않을 전망이다. 유럽연합(EU)의 봅커 훅스트라 기후담당 집행위원은 ”재생에너지 확충 목표에 합의한 것만으로는 COP 성공을 언급할 수 없다“고 잘라 말했다. G20은 지난 9월 인도 뉴델리에서 열린 정상회의 정상 선언에서 “탄소를 제거하지 않는 석탄 발전의 단계적 감축”에 합의했으나, 개별 국가의 상황을 고려한다”는 문구를 포함시켰다. 석유와 가스 감축에 관해서는 언급조차 하지 않았다. 산유국인 사우디아라비아 등의 반대 때문이었다.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 364 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cority Acquires Responsible Business Management Software Provider WeSustainContents: Enterprise Environmental health and safety (EHS) software provider Cority announced the acquisition of responsible business management software company WeSustain.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 365 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Corrosion, changement climatique, retraitement… Voici les cinq risques auxquels est confronté le nucléaireContents: 2) Choisir entre sécurité et sûreté électrique ? Actuellement, c'est plus de la moitié du parc qui est à l’arrêt, en raison des problèmes de corrosion mais aussi pour des opérations de maintenance, de rechargement du combustible, et pour les visites décennales décalées en raison du Covid-19. Ce niveau de production historiquement bas fait peser des risques sur l’approvisionnement en électricité, dans un contexte de crise énergétique exacerbée par la guerre en Ukraine. Cela peut avoir des conséquences sur la sûreté car nous pourrions nous retrouver à devoir choisir entre arrêter un réacteur ou fournir de l’électricité. "L’ASN a maintes fois exprimé le besoin de maintenir des marges dans le dimensionnement du système électrique et des installations, pour pouvoir faire face à des aléas. Or, aujourd’hui, il n’y a pas de marge !", réagissait en janvier le président de l’ASN, Bernard Doroszczuk, dans un entretien au Monde.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 366 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Corrosion, changement climatique, retraitement… Voici les cinq risques auxquels est confronté le nucléaireContents: 3) La menace du changement climatique de plus en plus réelle La centrale nucléaire de Blayais (Gironde) a été contrainte de ralentir son activité début mai en raison des fortes chaleurs. La puissance a été réduite de 900 MW à 100 MW pendant quelques heures. Pour refroidir ses réacteurs, la centrale pompe l’eau du fleuve, puis la rejette, mais cette eau rejetée ne doit pas dépasser les 30°C en période hivernale. Une situation inédite pour un mois de mai mais qui va être amenée à se reproduire en raison du changement climatique. Selon RTE, "en cas d'augmentation des sécheresses et des canicules, et en l'absence d'adaptations supplémentaires par l'exploitant, il pourrait y avoir des pertes de production sur quelques sites, notamment sur la Meuse". Environ 10 % de la capacité installée a déjà été affectée par des canicules et sécheresses de façon simultanée.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 367 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Corrosion, changement climatique, retraitement… Voici les cinq risques auxquels est confronté le nucléaireContents: 5) Le chantier de Flamanville encore retardé ?   "La filière nucléaire souffre d’une pénurie de soudeurs spécialisés. À tel point qu’EDF envisage de retarder encore le chantier de l’EPR de Flamanville (Manche), pour demander aux équipes présentes sur le site d’aller jouer les dépanneurs dans les autres centrales." C’est ce que révélait Le Canard Enchaîné dans son édition du 27 avril dernier. En chantier depuis 2007, l’EPR de Flamanville devait entrer en service en 2012 mais il multiplie les déboires et les surcoûts (12,7 milliards d’euros). Son démarrage a encore été repoussé au second trimestre de 2023. En Angleterre, l'EPR d’Hinkley Point, porté par EDF, affiche lui aussi des surcoûts importants et de nouveaux retards avec une mise en service en 2027. De quoi inquiéter alors que le président Emmanuel Macron s’est engagé à construire six nouveaux EPR2 (EPR de deuxième génération plus simple et moins coûteux que l’EPR de Flamanville) et le lancement d’études pour huit EPR2 additionnels.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 368 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Coupures de gaz à la Pologne et la Bulgarie : l'étau se resserre sur l'Union européenne pour accélérer son indépendance énergétiqueContents: "C’est une nouvelle provocation de la Russie qui utilise le gaz comme instrument de chantage. C'est injustifié et inacceptable. Mais ce n’est pas une surprise, nous sommes préparés à ce scénario. Notre réponse sera immédiate, unie et coordonnée car le Kremlin n’a pas réussi à semer la division entre nous", a tout de suite réagi Ursula von der Leyen, la présidente de la Commission européenne. L’Union européenne planche sur un sixième train de sanctions qui devrait a priori uniquement cibler le pétrole, après un embargo sur le charbon décidé quelques semaines auparavant.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 369 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Coupures de gaz à la Pologne et la Bulgarie : l'étau se resserre sur l'Union européenne pour accélérer son indépendance énergétiqueContents: Cela passe majoritairement par un approvisionnement en gaz naturel liquéfié, notamment à partir des États-Unis, la recherche d’autres sources alternatives, le déploiement du solaire, de l’éolien et du biogaz, la rénovation énergétique des bâtiments et la sobriété. "L'ère des combustibles fossiles russes en Europe va bientôt être révolue", a déclaré Ursula von der Leyen. La présidente de la Commission européenne a également mis en garde les entreprises qui paieraient leurs transactions en roubles, quand ce n’est pas indiqué dans leurs contrats (97% des contrats). Elles feraient feraient face à un risque juridique élevé pour violation des sanctions à l’encontre de Moscou.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 370 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Coupures de gaz à la Pologne et la Bulgarie : l'étau se resserre sur l'Union européenne pour accélérer son indépendance énergétiqueContents: La pression s'accroît sur l'Union européenne. Alors qu'un sixième train de sanctions est en préparation à Bruxelles, la Russie a mis ses menaces à exécution en suspendant ses livraisons de gaz à la Bulgarie et à la Pologne. Les deux pays avaient refusé de payer en roubles, comme l'exige Moscou depuis le 1er avril. Les entreprises européennes qui se plieraient à cette nouvelle exigence feraient face à un risque juridique élevé pour violations des sanctions à l'égard de la Russie.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 371 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Coupures de gaz à la Pologne et la Bulgarie : l'étau se resserre sur l'Union européenne pour accélérer son indépendance énergétiqueContents: L'Allemagne plus gros importateur d'hydrocarbures russes au monde Une réunion des ministres de l’Énergie va être convoquée le plus vite possible, sous l’impulsion de la France, qui préside le conseil de l’Union européenne jusqu’à fin juin. La question d’un embargo sur le gaz russe devrait y être débattue. L’Allemagne, qui s’y oppose, est mise sous pression. Le pays est le plus gros importateur d’hydrocarbures russes au monde, et notamment de gaz. Selon un nouveau rapport du Centre for Research on Energy and clean Air (Cera), Berlin a versé plus de 9 milliards d’euros à Moscou depuis le début du conflit. L’Italie se classe deuxième avec 6,9 milliards d'euros, devant la Chine, les Pays-Bas, la Turquie et la France.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 372 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Coupures de gaz à la Pologne et la Bulgarie : l'étau se resserre sur l'Union européenne pour accélérer son indépendance énergétiqueContents: Les entreprises mises en garde Depuis le début de l’invasion russe en Ukraine, l'UE a versé 44 milliards d’euros à la Russie pour s'approvisionner en énergies fossiles, soit 71 % du revenu total de la Russie provenant du pétrole, du gaz et du charbon. Mais la Commission européenne, qui doit présenter son plan détaillé Repower EU le 18 mai, a déjà mis sur la table des pistes pour se sevrer des deux tiers des hydrocarbures russes d’ici la fin de l’année et de 100% à compter de 2027.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 373 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Coupures de gaz à la Pologne et la Bulgarie : l'étau se resserre sur l'Union européenne pour accélérer son indépendance énergétiqueContents: Or, selon Bloomberg, quatre acheteurs de gaz européens auraient déjà payé leurs livraisons en roubles, comme l’exigeait la Russie, citant une source anonyme proche du géant gazier russe Gazprom. L’agence ajoute que dix entreprises européennes auraient ouvert les comptes nécessaires auprès de Gazprombank pour répondre aux demandes de paiement du président Vladimir Poutine. L’agence Bloomberg ne cite pas le nom des entreprises.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 374 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Covoiturage, vélo, voiture électrique... La flambée des prix de l'énergie change les habitudes des FrançaisContents: "Combattez Poutine, faites du vélo". Le slogan est devenu viral sur les réseaux sociaux. Lancé par un internaute britannique, il vise à pousser les citoyens à laisser leur voiture au garage afin de moins dépendre des énergies fossiles russes. Depuis le début de la guerre en Ukraine, le 24 février, l’Union européenne a ainsi acheté pour près de 17 milliards d’euros d’hydrocarbures à la Russie. Le vélo est l’une des alternatives possibles. Alors qu’il avait déjà connu un formidable essor avec la pandémie de Covid-19 et le déploiement de nombreuses coronapistes, les Français continuent massivement de s’y convertir.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 375 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Covoiturage, vélo, voiture électrique... La flambée des prix de l'énergie change les habitudes des FrançaisContents: "Je préfère accompagner nos compatriotes pour les aider à acheter des véhicules qui consomment moins plutôt que de continuer à payer une partie de leur plein d'essence" a déclaré le Président candidat lors d’un déplacement en région parisienne. Ce principe de leasing électrique s’adresserait notamment aux ménages modestes et aux professionnels socio-médicaux, qui ont besoin d’une voiture pour se rendre au travail. L’objectif serait d’atteindre 100 000 voitures électriques en leasing par an, pour un coût de 100 euros par mois pour les ménages.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 376 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Covoiturage, vélo, voiture électrique... La flambée des prix de l'énergie change les habitudes des FrançaisContents: "La hausse des prix de l’énergie constitue un coup d’accélérateur dans l’essor du vélo" analyse Thomas Beaurain, le cofondateur de Zenride, qui propose de la location de vélos en entreprise. "Ça s’est réveillé depuis le 7 mars. En quinze jours, on a eu une quinzaine d’entreprises, employant 5 000 salariés, qui nous ont contactés sous la pression de leurs salariés. Ils se plaignent du coût trop élevé du carburant et veulent être aidés dans la location de vélos électriques principalement". En 2021, 1 000 vélos loués via Zenride étaient en circulation dans toute la France. Depuis le début de l’année, plus de 3 000 ont déjà été livrés.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 377 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Covoiturage, vélo, voiture électrique... La flambée des prix de l'énergie change les habitudes des FrançaisContents: + 60 % pour les ventes de voitures électriques Le covoiturage a aussi le vent en poupe. Sur le site Blablacar longue distance, les sièges proposés ont augmenté de 60 % en une semaine. Blablacar Daily, pour les trajets du quotidien, a quant à lui enregistré plus de 500 000 nouveaux inscrits ces six derniers mois, et compte désormais 2,5 millions membres. "En ce moment, il y a deux fois plus d'inscriptions quotidiennes qu'en temps normal, car les opportunités de réduction des dépenses sont importantes sur les trajets domicile-travail", explique un porte-parole de la plateforme. Un conducteur moyen et régulier peut ainsi gagner entre 1 à 2 pleins d'essence par mois.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 378 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Covoiturage, vélo, voiture électrique... La flambée des prix de l'énergie change les habitudes des FrançaisContents: Face à l'envolée des prix du gaz et du pétrole, les Français cherchent des alternatives. Vélo, covoiturage, voiture électrique, chaudières bas-carbone... Cette crise énergétique pourrait ainsi ancrer de nouvelles habitudes dans notre quotidien, mais aussi entraîner des changements profonds dans nos habitats, accélérant ainsi la transition énergétique.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 379 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Covoiturage, vélo, voiture électrique... La flambée des prix de l'énergie change les habitudes des FrançaisContents: Les Français se tournent aussi vers les véhicules électriques. Leurs ventes ont augmenté de 60 % en février, représentant 12 % des ventes totales alors que globalement le marché automobile est en repli de 13 %. Les voitures diesel ne représentent plus qu’une vente sur cinq ; en baisse de 39 %. C’est dans ce contexte qu’Emmanuel Macron prévoit de lancer un nouveau dispositif de leasing, en plus de la prime à la conversion et du bonus écologique.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 380 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Covoiturage, vélo, voiture électrique... La flambée des prix de l'énergie change les habitudes des FrançaisContents: Selon le bilan annuel dressé par Uniclima, le syndicat professionnel du chauffage, pour l’année 2021, la hausse des prix de l’énergie et les aides de l’État ont amené les Français à accélérer le renouvellement de leur système de chauffage pour des appareils plus économes en énergie. Les chaudières biomasse, en particulier, sont particulièrement plébiscitées, leurs ventes ayant plus que doublé en un an. Les ventes de pompes à chaleur (PAC) ont aussi enregistré une progression record de 52 % en un an.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 381 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Covoiturage, vélo, voiture électrique... La flambée des prix de l'énergie change les habitudes des FrançaisContents: Un boom des chaudières biomasse et des pompes à chaleur À la maison, outre la baisse du thermostat, certains Français se décident à aller plus loin et à changer de chaudière. "Il est encore trop tôt pour constater les effets de la hausse des prix du gaz, d'autant que cette période n'est pas propice au changement, mais la demande en équipements bois ou pompes à chaleur devrait logiquement se poursuivre cette année" estime Frédéric Plan, le délègue général de la Fédération des combustibles carburants et chauffage (FF3C).
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 382 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cowen Raises over $900 Million for Inaugural Sustainability FundContents: Vusal Najafov, Co-Head of CSI, added: “The fundamental environment for ESG-focused investments is quite attractive, and the level of innovation and disruption has tremendous velocity. Furthermore, the gap between data-driven business models and the rest continues to expand. Key to understanding a sector in such extreme forward motion, CSI actively utilizes technology and data analytics in all phases of the investment process from sourcing to portfolio management. CSI is actively looking to utilize its data analytics software platform to help companies create value.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 383 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Crise énergétique : aucun risque de coupure avant mi-janvier, les inquiétudes se focalisent sur les prochains hiversContents: "Avènement d’un régime géostratégique sous contraintes" En cause : une vive concurrence d’approvisionnement sur le marché du Gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL). Aujourd’hui, l’Asie et l’Europe sont les deux plus gros importateurs mondiaux de gaz naturel. La demande de la Chine notamment devrait continuer à croître à un rythme soutenu. À celle-ci vient s’ajouter l’essor de nouveaux besoins massifs ailleurs en Asie (Inde, Pakistan, Thaïlande, Bangladesh, Indonésie,…). Or, selon les données de Rystad Energy sur lesquelles s'appuie l’étude, le taux de couverture de ces besoins par des contrats à long-terme sont plus importants en Asie que dans l’Union européenne jusqu’en 2035.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 384 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Crise énergétique : aucun risque de coupure avant mi-janvier, les inquiétudes se focalisent sur les prochains hiversContents: "Les tensions d’approvisionnement risquent de s’aggraver, compte tenu de la croissance attendue des besoins asiatiques d’importations d’une part, et de la lenteur dans la mise en œuvre des objectifs européens de sortie des énergies fossiles d’autre part. Ce risque semble confirmer l’avènement d’un régime géostratégique s’exerçant de façon systématique sous contraintes de disponibilité en énergie et en matière. Un régime redoutable pour les puissances importatrices", explique le Shift Project.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 385 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Crise énergétique : aucun risque de coupure avant mi-janvier, les inquiétudes se focalisent sur les prochains hiversContents: 26 nouveaux projets de terminaux de regazéification de GNL lancés dans l'UE Cette pression sur la demande mondiale en GNL va conduire à des prix élevés et volatils, d’autant plus si l’UE doit recourir à des contrats à court-terme, menaçant les industriels européens déjà asphyxiés par l’actuelle flambée des prix. Du côté de la production, les États-Unis et le Qatar pourraient occuper des positions de plus en plus maîtresses, indique le Shift Project, mettant à mal la souveraineté européenne. Après le Qatargate au Parlement, le Qatar n’a pas hésité à se servir de la dépendance au gaz des économies européennes comme arme de dissuasion contre toute sanction. Il reste un pays controversé pour son manque de respect des droits humains comme l’explique l’étude dédiée au sujet, publiée sur Novethic Essentiel.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 386 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Crise énergétique : aucun risque de coupure avant mi-janvier, les inquiétudes se focalisent sur les prochains hiversContents: Le nouveau retard pour la mise en service de l’EPR de Flamanville, annoncée pour le premier trimestre 2024, ne devrait pas améliorer la situation. Il accentue les tensions sur l’approvisionnement en électricité à l’hiver 2023-2024, dans un contexte déjà extrêmement difficile du fait de la guerre en Ukraine et de la diminution des importations de gaz russe. Le Shift Project anticipe ainsi, dans une récente étude, qu’en cas d’arrêt durable des approvisionnements de gaz russe, qui semble être la voie envisagée, la part des approvisionnements non-identifiés au sein de l’Union européenne atteindrait en 2025 pas moins de 40% de la demande en gaz de l’Union à cette date. Cela équivaut à un peu plus que les exportations totales du Qatar, le premier exportateur mondial de gaz en 2021.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 387 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Crise énergétique : aucun risque de coupure avant mi-janvier, les inquiétudes se focalisent sur les prochains hiversContents: Les efforts de sobriété et la météo particulièrement clémente ont pour l’heure réussi à éviter le black-out tant redouté. Selon la Commission de régulation de l’énergie, la France ne court aucun risque de coupure avant mi-janvier. Depuis le mois d'août, nous avons consommé près de 11% de gaz en moins, par rapport à la même période en 2018. Cependant, pour compenser les défaillances du parc nucléaire et hydraulique, la France n'a jamais consommé autant de gaz pour sa production d'électricité - le pays compte douze centrales au gaz. GRDF, le principal distributeur de gaz naturel en France parle ainsi d'une année 2022 "record".
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 388 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Crise énergétique : aucun risque de coupure avant mi-janvier, les inquiétudes se focalisent sur les prochains hiversContents: Pour l'ONG, "ces propositions de projets menacent de faire dérailler les objectifs climatiques de l'UE tout en faisant peu pour répondre à la crise énergétique, car la plupart des contrats de GNL garantis à ce stade par les acheteurs de l'UE devraient commencer à partir de 2026 pour une durée de 15 à 20 ans". Pour rappel, la mise en œuvre complète de Fit for 55 doit permettre de réduire la consommation de gaz de l’UE de 30%, d’ici à 2030. Dès lors, "la transformation vers une économie européenne sobre en énergie et en matière apparaît comme un enjeu existentiel", rappelle le Shift Project.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 389 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Crise énergétique : aucun risque de coupure avant mi-janvier, les inquiétudes se focalisent sur les prochains hiversContents: Si l'hiver 2022-2023 semble pour l'instant se dérouler sans accroc en France, les inquiétudes se font de plus en plus vives quant aux prochains hivers, avec le nouveau retard annoncé sur l'EPR de Flamanville et la guerre en Ukraine qui se poursuit. Alors que les importations de gaz russe devraient complètement cesser l'hiver prochain, l'Union européenne tente à tout prix de trouver des alternatives. 26 projets de terminaux gaziers ont été lancés en urgence, à contre-courant de la transition écologique qui impose une réduction de notre consommation de gaz.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 390 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Cyber security To Become A Crucial Part Of Sustainability Endeavors For Companies Globally: Astra ESG SolutionsContents: An uptake in high-profile data breaches and the exponential rise in digitization have redefined the dynamics in the cybersecurity industry. Stakeholders have become cagey towards data management practices and cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Lately, companies have started reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, largely spurred by public opinion, regulatory requirements and soaring demand from stakeholders. ESG-focused businesses and organizational practices are expected to gain ground to maintain and achieve cyber resilience. With sectors such as fintech companies, oil and gas, financial services, public utilities and retail under immense pressure from the board of directors, investors and other stakeholders to be more transparent, industry players are expected to bank on sustainability.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 391 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Daimler Truck, Volvo, Shell, OMV & IVECO Launch Coalition to Bring Hydrogen Trucking to Mass MarketContents: In addition to the environmental benefits provided by hydrogen trucking, the participant stated that rollout of the new sector is expected to create new industries, including zero-carbon hydrogen production facilities, large-scale hydrogen distribution systems, a network of high-capacity refuelling stations for liquid and gaseous hydrogen, and the production of the hydrogen fuelled trucks.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 392 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Daimler Truck, Volvo, Shell, OMV & IVECO Launch Coalition to Bring Hydrogen Trucking to Mass MarketContents: Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck AG and Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, said: “The participant companies in H2Accelerate agree that hydrogen-powered trucks will be key for enabling CO2-neutral transportation in the future. This unprecedented collaboration is an important milestone for driving forward the right framework conditions for establishing a mass market for hydrogen-based trucking. It is also a call to action for policymakers, further players involved and society as a whole.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 393 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Daimler Truck, Volvo, Shell, OMV & IVECO Launch Coalition to Bring Hydrogen Trucking to Mass MarketContents: Martin Lundstedt, President and CEO of the Volvo Group, said: “Climate change is the challenge of our generation and we are fully committed to the Paris Climate Agreement for decarbonizing road transport. In the future, the world will be powered by a combination of battery-electric and fuel-cell electric vehicles, along with other renewable fuels to some extent. The formation of the H2Accelerate collaboration is an important step in shaping a world we want to live in.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 394 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Danone Launches Plan to Address Methane Emissions From Dairy Supply ChainContents: Danone stated that it expects to remove 1.2 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent of methane emissions by 2030.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 395 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Danone Launches Plan to Address Methane Emissions From Dairy Supply ChainContents: de Saint-Affrique added: “Our ambitious plan to reduce methane emissions – in line with Global Methane Pledges from 150 countries – is a commitment to build regenerative dairy. “This step change requires a collective effort. Working with farmers, partners and governments, we have the power and duty to build farming models that benefit the climate and society, taking a step forward to tackling global warming together.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 396 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Dans un contexte de risque de coupures électriques, les députés doivent se prononcer sur l’accélération des énergies renouvelablesContents: "Pour avoir une vraie dynamique positive sur les énergies renouvelables, il est crucial qu’un projet de loi soit voté à l’Assemblée nationale, à condition que ce dernier soit à la hauteur des enjeux. Or pour l’instant, celui proposé doit être amélioré sur son ambition d’accélération", déplore le Réseau action climat dans un communiqué.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 397 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Dans un contexte de risque de coupures électriques, les députés doivent se prononcer sur l’accélération des énergies renouvelablesContents: Changement de ton au sein du gouvernement. D’abord rassurant quant à un éventuel risque de coupures cet hiver, il semble désormais plus inquiet. La semaine dernière, une circulaire a ainsi été envoyée aux préfets pour leur demander d’anticiper d’éventuelles coupures programmées en janvier. Celles-ci pourraient concerner 60% de la population qui ne se trouve pas en zone "prioritaire" (environ 14 000 sites prioritaires, hôpitaux, sites sensibles pour la défense nationale, etc.). Les coupures auraient lieu aux moments des pics de consommation, entre 8h et 13h le matin, et entre 18h et 20h le soir, et dureraient deux heures maximum. Elles seraient aussi réparties sur tout le territoire et ne concerneraient jamais un département entier.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 398 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Dans un contexte de risque de coupures électriques, les députés doivent se prononcer sur l’accélération des énergies renouvelablesContents: En conséquence, la téléphonie mobile et l'internet ne fonctionneraient pas dans les zones délestées, tout comme le téléphone fixe, avec un risque de ne pas pouvoir joindre le numéro d’urgence 112. Les écoles ne seraient pas non plus épargnées et seraient fermées le matin pour ne pas accueillir les enfants sans chauffage, ni lumière, ni alarme. Des trains, métros ou tramways pourront être annulés ou interrompus pour éviter d'avoir des passagers bloqués en pleine voie. L'éclairage public pouvant s'éteindre, il sera également demandé aux Français de limiter au maximum leurs déplacements en voiture en cas de coupure le soir. De quoi provoquer de nombres réactions indignées sur les réseaux sociaux.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 399 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Dans un contexte de risque de coupures électriques, les députés doivent se prononcer sur l’accélération des énergies renouvelablesContents: La France, seul pays de l'UE à ne pas avoir atteint ses objectifs L’adoption du projet de loi apparaît néanmoins crucial pour faire face aux tensions actuelles sur le réseau électrique. Ce qui est en cause, c'est la baisse de la production d’électricité nucléaire, elle-même liée à des retards de maintenance et des problèmes de corrosion, mais aussi le retard pris par la France sur le développement des énergies renouvelables. Le pays est le seul à ne pas avoir atteint ses objectifs européens en 2020. Et n’est toujours pas sur la bonne trajectoire.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 400 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Dans un contexte de risque de coupures électriques, les députés doivent se prononcer sur l’accélération des énergies renouvelablesContents: Premier revers pour le gouvernement Dans ce contexte pour le moins tendu, les députés débutent ce lundi 5 décembre l’examen du projet de loi sur l’accélération des énergies renouvelables, un texte clé pour augmenter nos capacités de production électrique et rattraper notre retard en la matière. Mais le gouvernement a déjà essuyé un premier revers en commission, avec le rejet d'un article clé visant à limiter les recours contre les projets éoliens et solaires. Des députés écologistes, LR et RN ont critiqué une menace pour la préservation de la biodiversité. Cet article est une "sérieuse régression environnementale", a accusé Nicolas Thierry (EELV).
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 401 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Dans un contexte de risque de coupures électriques, les députés doivent se prononcer sur l’accélération des énergies renouvelablesContents: Selon de nouvelles données publiées vendredi 25 novembre, le parc éolien français atteignait une puissance de 20,4 gigawatts (GW) au troisième trimestre 2022. L’objectif du pays est d’atteindre 24,1 GW d'électricité éolienne d'ici fin 2023. Du côté du solaire photovoltaïque, la puissance atteint 15,8 GW, contre un objectif de 20,1 GW à fin 2023. Les écarts à combler restent donc importants. D’où l’importance d’accélérer… mais pas n'importe comment, préviennent les ONG.