3 values
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1395 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Devoir de vigilance : la pression monte sur BNP Paribas après sa mise en demeureContents: "Pour cela, on s’appuie sur le chiffre d’affaires de nos clients. Cela signifie donc que ceux qui ont une grosse partie dédiée à l’exploration et à la production de pétrole verront le montant de leurs crédits réduire drastiquement. Car notre message est bien de dire qu’il faut de moins en moins d’exploration et de production de pétrole, et dans une moindre mesure de gaz", détaille auprès de Novethic Laurence Pessez, directrice de la RSE au sein de BNP Paribas depuis 2010. "Notre portefeuille va évoluer en fonction des engagements de nos clients dans la transition énergétique", ajoute-t-elle.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1375 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: La France porte un projet de pipeline qui transportera de l’hydrogène vert depuis la péninsule ibérique d’ici 2030Contents: L’industrie constitue le fer de lance de la massification de la filière En France, si l'hydrogène n'a représenté que 0,6% de la consommation énergétique de l'industrie en 2021, son développement devrait suivre le scénario le plus ambitieux imaginé par la filière, avec plus de 250 projets recensés et 225 stations de recharge pour véhicules d’ici à 2025. C’est ce que révèle une nouvelle étude publiée le 7 décembre dernier par France Hydrogène. La consommation d’hydrogène bas-carbone et renouvelable devrait ainsi dépasser 1 million de tonnes par an d’ici 2030.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1455 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Objectif, Sanction, Protection : cinq questions pour comprendre le RGPD, le nouveau règlement de protection des données personnellesContents: Les entreprises doivent également informer immédiatement leurs clients d’un piratage de données personnelles. "Ce nouveau cadre repose sur une logique de responsabilisation des organismes qui traitent les données, qu’ils soient responsables de traitements ou sous-traitants", explique la Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL). "Cette notion de responsabilisation se traduit par la prise en compte de la protection des données dès la conception du service ou du produit et par défaut (privacy by design et by default)".
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1673 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 一千度也燒不壞的環保決心!台泥董座張安平,投資儲能領域只為「這件事」Contents: 「失控的碳排放,是當今世代的大洪水,我們必須竭盡所能地,與二氧化碳的排放以及時間的流逝搏鬥。」說這話的是張安平,今年十一月十五日,在台泥企業團法說會中,對著媒體和投資人大聲疾呼著,臉上寫滿著對地球暖化的擔憂和急迫。 這並非他首次在公開場合大談減碳議題。早在二○一七年,他緊急接下台泥董事長的那一刻起,就為台泥規畫了一條綠色能源轉型之路。 「生產水泥必然會產生二氧化碳,但我們的目標是二○五○年要做到碳中和,怎麼辦呢?我們只能用別的東西去平衡。」他說著帶領台泥投入能源事業的初心,也是他站在超過一千度高溫燃燒的水泥窯前,按下「環保」啟動鍵的決心。 張安平沒打誑語,過去幾年,台泥積極在彰濱工業區發展綠能事業,今年四月,台泥又以一.三二億歐元(約四十四.七億元新台幣)收購歐洲NHΩA儲能公司逾六成股權,躋身儲能系統建置容量全球排名第四的公司。 緊接著,九月底台泥董事會又通過多個綠能投資案、十月宣布已拿下澳洲南部Synergy授權的二○○MWh(百萬瓦時)儲能案場,同時在高雄打造台灣第一座鋰電池工廠,將藉此與世界其他電力公司、電池廠共同開發全球龐大的儲能需求。加上台泥日前拍板投資五十五億元,於蘇澳水泥廠區、花蓮和平工業區內各建置八十七.五MWh以及二五○MWh的大型儲能系統,完成後,台泥將成為台灣唯一具有建置長效型、大型儲能系統的公司。 「綠能沒有儲能的話,沒有辦法support(支持)一個電網結構,所以儲能是必須的。」張安平解釋台泥近期一系列能源投資的布局。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1657 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 來自地獄的「血水」?虎尾溪成「紅色多瑙河」嚇壞人,福懋興業偷排汙水遭重罰2千萬停工Contents: 《斗六人社交圈》臉書6日有網友PO文指「是誰搞的鬼?空氣已經毀了,連水都不放過?」並附上2張溪水被染紅照片。引發許多網友關注,有人出動空拍機沿溪一路偵查,發現1處疑似偷排廢水工廠,估汙染長度至少4.7公里,直呼工廠明目張膽排廢水,簡直不把環保單位放眼裡,還有網友說,遭汙染的溪流如紅色多瑙河,令人心痛。 雲林環保局6日下午3點接獲民眾陳情,指稱虎尾溪水全遭不明物體染紅。環保局人員抵達現場後,沿岸空拍追查汙染物來源,發現廢污水為福懋興業公司自放流口所排放,污染範圍長約3至5公里。雲林環保局水質保護科16名稽查人員會同4名員警,下午5點多進入該公司,到放流口、放流池及不明貯槽分別採樣,現場發現有不明貯槽設施,查出有繞流排放廢污水至放流池的情況。 雲林環保局指出,稽查人員進入福懋興業,於放流口、放流池及不明貯槽分別採樣,採樣項目為SS、COD、BOD、氨氮及真色色度,現場查核有不明貯槽設施,並有繞流排放廢汙水至放流池情況,因違規明顯,依據《水污法》對福懋興業公司祭出最高罰則,處罰2000萬元並勒令停工。而福懋興業是台塑集團旗下公司,台塑強調,將全力配合環保局調查,若錯在福懋,絕對接受開罰且儘速改善;福懋興業回應,確定檢測數據出來後才能有正式回應。 ※本文授權自新頭殼,原文見此。 延伸閱讀: 高美館全都露恐成防疫破口?王文翠:有1人確診就下台 國際醫院聯盟表彰傑出防疫貢獻者 台灣診所獲獎 「我愛您中國」高舉五星旗 愛國同心會違集遊法遭函送
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 56 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: LG화학, 1246억원 투자해 청주에 역삼투막 공장 증설Contents: LG화학이 1,246억원을 투입해 충북 청주에 역삼투막(RO멤브레인) 생산기지를 증설한다. RO멤브레인은 역삼투압을 통해 바닷물을 담수로 바꾸거나 하·폐수 재 처리 등에 쓰이는 수처리 소재다. 2025년 7월까지 증설되는 공장은 연산 40만개 규모로 지어지는데, 이는 연간 15억7,000만t(하루 432만t)의 물을 담수화할 수 있는 물량으로 우리 국민 약 1,600만명이 매일 사용하는 양이다. 증설 공장을 포함해 청주 RO멤브레인 공장은 2030년까지 100% 재생에너지로 가동된다. LG화학은 이번 증설을 바탕으로 현재 매출 2,000억원 규모인 RO멤브레인 사업을 향후 5년 내 두 배로 성장시킬 계획이다. LG화학은 2014년 미국 나노에이치투오(NanoH2O)를 인수해 수처리 사업에 진출했으며, 현재 전 세계 해수담수화 RO멤브레인 시장에서 점유율 2위를 기록중이다. 글로벌 수처리 조사기관 GWI에 따르면 수처리 필터 시장은 2019년 5조3,000억원에서 2024년 6조4,000억원으로 연평균 3.9%씩 성장할 전망이다. 신학철 LG화학 부회장은 "RO멤브레인 생산 거점인 청주에 추가 투자를 통해 생산능력을 대폭 확대하고 해수담수화 시장에 이어 산업용 시장을 적극 공략해 글로벌 선두 업체로 도약하겠다"고 포부를 밝혔다.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1555 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Moody’s Adds Climate Data into Ratings for Real Estate-Linked Securities and DebtContents: Nicholas Levidy, Managing Director with Moody’s Structured Finance Group, said: “CRE market participants are particularly exposed to physical risks associated with climate change, which could impact both properties and the surrounding communities. In the coming decades, climate hazards could disrupt access to certain locations and operations, damaging infrastructure and, where climate events become chronic, undermining an asset’s viability. The Four Twenty Seven scoring system provides a systematic way for us to monitor the impacts of gradually worsening extreme weather hazards.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1474 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Jean Gadrey : "le risque climatique, une opportunité pour un autre développement économique et social"Contents: L’une des étapes essentielles pour atteindre ce refoulement de la zone de domination absolue serait de reprendre la main sur ce bien commun malheureusement privatisé qu’est la monnaie, le crédit, le système bancaire et financier. C’est le nerf de la guerre contre le réchauffement climatique sur le plan économique. Il est aberrant de le laisser entre les mains d’actionnaires privés et de spéculateurs. On pourrait envisager de très larges alliances pour que la finance redevienne ce qu’elle a cessé d’être, à savoir un bien public au service notamment du climat.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1675 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 東友招募 30 位星兒員工!黃育仁推動自閉症平權改革Contents: 黃育仁表示,全球企業面臨生產線缺工、效能不彰、流動率高等問題,東友科技提出解決方案,提供環境讓 ASD 員工發揮長才,並從即日起公開招募 30 位星兒員工,歡迎星兒家長帶著孩子來應徵,一起加入改變的行列。 東友 SPA 部門在 7 年前開始任用星兒員工,從一開始 4 位員工,目前一共有 10 位星兒員工發揮所長,有許多的數據資料,佐證星兒是真正在職場上有明顯的產值,零件檢驗比 15 年資歷的工程師快 20%,設備操作速度比 15 年資歷工程師快 32.8%,影像校對比 15 年資歷的工程師快 29.7%。 黃育仁指出,星兒的離職率僅僅只有 5%,離職率低,代表公司人才培育耗費大幅地降低,效率的提升對於公司的營運成本,也有顯著的差異,強調東友並沒有期待能處事圓融、面面俱到的員工,願意接受星兒本身的獨特和異於常人,並成功發掘星兒天賦,成為企業強大後盾。 自閉兒被稱為星兒,是因為他們在社交、情緒、認知和感官方面與常人不同,但卻在某些方面特別厲害或突出,簡直像外星人一樣,他們是從星星來到地球的孩子,這代表他們在智能方面不一定是有缺陷的,有些其實還特別聰明,只是外在表現與一般人不一樣,所以很多人對他們有誤解。 期盼打破外界誤解,展開平權改革,黃育仁強調,東友不僅要招募星兒員工,還要推動平權改革,讓大家了解自閉症譜系障礙的患者,並呼籲企業接受星兒的與眾不同,發掘他們的獨特天賦,以更實際的行動,支持這場平權改革運動。 ※本文授權自科技新報,原文見此。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1485 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Amazon : en Allemagne, derrière la success story, la dure réalité des entrepôtsContents: "Franchement, on a l’impression d’être des robots. Le travail est monotone et éreintant. Nos managers nous mettent constamment sous pression. Leurs systèmes informatiques leur indiquent à la seconde près tous nos faits et gestes. Même lorsque nous sommes aux toilettes, raconte Christian Krähling. Et tout ça pour des salaires minimes." En quelques mots, ce solide gaillard de 37 ans, drapeau du syndicat Verdi dans les mains, a tôt fait de résumer les revendications des quelque 600 salariés (chiffre Verdi) en grève ce jour-là sur le site d’Amazon à Bad Hersfeld (Land de Hesse).
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1471 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 13e baromètre de la finance solidaire : l’épargne bancaire en forte hausseContents: La MAIF a, quant à elle, innové avec des produits comme l’assurance vie responsable et solidaire, ou le Fonds d’investissement de proximité (FIP) solidaire. "Ce FIP est investi à 10 % dans des entreprises solidaires, et les 90 % restants financent des PME dans des secteurs non délocalisables comme l'hôtellerie, la dépendance ou la santé" explique Dominique Mahé, son président. "Quelle que soit la nature des produits proposés, leur dimension solidaire est un gage de succès puisqu’il y a une proximité de valeurs  entre celle de nos sociétaires et celles de l’économie solidaire.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1693 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 「台灣還只停留在收碳費...」碳市場發展慢,彭啟明:台恐淪為氣候殖民地Contents: 歐盟將自二○二七年起課徵碳關稅,彭啟明指出,產業憂心的是綠色金融及碳市場的緩慢發展。他直言,全球多國完成碳市場機制,「台灣還只停留在收碳費,由政府編預算,試圖達成淨零,跟全世界國家發展公私協力完全不同」。 他舉例說,此次峰會看到日本政府帶著廠商出席,將氣候會議當成公私協力,對外宣示的舞台,展現他們可以減碳又可以帶動本國產業,「相對地,台灣仍只有政府對國際宣傳的形式,這是不夠的」。 他說,國外將氣候投資當成一種新創產業,台灣政府只做示範案例,無法商業化;由環保署單純治理氣候是錯誤的,因為氣候不只是空氣汙染物,也是金融一環。 彭啟明表示,全球各國將碳視為金融商品,建立碳權交易市場,才能帶動民間供需及創新能力。他指出,政府雖提出淨零目標,但離岸風電和太陽能投資,都需要大量民間資金,現在已出現很大的資金缺口,「所以在綠色金融這塊,政府應該更開放」。 彭啟明強調,發展再生能源或氣候創新科技光靠政府的資金不夠,長遠須仰賴產業和金融界大力投入。他擔憂台灣政府未積極推動綠色金融,大多數的金融機構不瞭解氣候議題,認為有很高風險性,對氣候投資裹足不前。 彭啟明認為,環保署長久以來將氣候變遷視為空氣汙染物管理,相對國外發展慢,他更示警,把減碳當成國家大轉型,「轉不成功,恐怕以後變成別人的能源或氣候殖民地」。 延伸閱讀: 拜登:1.5億美元助非洲氣候調適 「別信美國」 非洲批美濫用能源 ※本文授權自聯合新聞網,原文見此。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1499 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: [Révolution au travail] Ces entreprises qui se plient en quatre pour le bien-être de leurs salariésContents: "Beaucoup d’entreprises ont mis en place un certain nombre de choses, comme des kinés, des séances de sport, des paniers de fruits afin de souder les équipes et prendre un peu de distance avec la pression du travail. Mais le bien-être au travail, ce ne sont pas juste des beaux bureaux et des afterworks. Cela implique avant tout une relation saine entre collaborateurs et managers que la qualité de vie au travail peut permettre d’établir en plaçant tout le monde dans de bonnes conditions" explique Julien Roubaud, chef de projet Great Place to Work.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1506 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Objectif, Sanction, Protection : cinq questions pour comprendre le RGPD, le nouveau règlement de protection des données personnellesContents: Qu’est-ce-qui va changer ? La nouvelle réglementation concerne toutes les entreprises ou associations gérant des données de citoyens européens. Des géants du numérique comme Google ou Facebook sont donc soumis au RGPD, même si leur siège social est situé en dehors de l’Union européenne. Elle octroie aux citoyens européens un droit à l’oubli ou encore un droit à la portabilité des données. Un internaute pourrait ainsi décider de récupérer tout son historique Facebook pour le transférer vers un autre réseau social.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1403 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Plan covoiturage : le gouvernement veut en faire un transport en commun comme les autresContents: De quoi réjouir Thomas Matagne, le fondateur d'Ecov, opérateur de lignes de covoiturage. Ces dernières imitent le fonctionnement d'une ligne de bus en étant sans réservation et avec des arrêts dédiés. Sur les lignes déjà installées, comme à Reims ou dans l'agglomération lyonnaise, Ecov indique un temps d'attente moyen de 4 minutes. Sur certains réseaux, le service garantit aussi un maximum d'attente de 20 minutes, avec l'envoi, dans de rares cas, d'un taxi pris en charge par la société, par exemple "lors de l'amorçage du service", explique Thomas Matagne.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1452 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: La France choisit Microsoft pour héberger ses données de santé et créé la polémiqueContents: "Une atteinte grave aux droits des Français" Selon Mediapart, plusieurs collectifs comme le Syndicat de la médecine générale (SMG), l’Union française pour une médecine libre (UFML) ou encore le collectif InterHop ont déposé un référé libéré devant le Conseil d’Etat estimant que Health Data Hub "porte une atteinte grave et sûrement irréversible aux droits de 67 millions d’habitants de disposer de la protection de leur vie privée notamment celle de leurs données parmi les plus intimes, protégées de façon absolue par le secret médical : leurs données de santé".
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1565 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: DuPont Makes Progress on PFAS Milestones, Sustainability GoalsContents: PFAS are a group of chemicals that have been in use in a wide range of consumer and industrial products since the 1940s. They are commonly found in food packaging, fabrics, kitchenware products, fire-fighting foam, and electronics, among other products. The chemicals tend to be very persistent, and don’t break down over time, and have been found to accumulate in the human body and in the environment. It is believed that PFAS can have cause adverse health effects in humans, including low birth weights, cancers, thyroid hormone disruption as well as affecting the immune system.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1578 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Marathon Oil Links Pay to Sustainability PerformanceContents: On the compensation front, Marathon has restructured its short term incentive program, which includes performance on the company’s ESG framework. According to the company, its short term incentive scorecard now prioritizes safety, environmental performance, capital efficiency, capital discipline/free cash flow generation, and financial/balance sheet strength. The new initiatives also include reductions in annual Board compensation by 25% with the mix shifted more toward equity, as well as CEO total direct compensation by 25%, including a 35% reduction to long-term incentive awards.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1382 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Le secteur ferroviaire s'organise pour rendre le train plus écologique et accessibleContents: Les exigences augmentent Une réduction des coûts et des retards est attendue sur l'ensemble de la chaîne de fabrication des infrastructures du rail et du matériel roulant. L'originalité de la démarche est de confier l'accompagnement pour chaque "grappe" régionale d'innovation à un expert indépendant d'Alstom. Il pourra échanger sans tabou avec un groupe de six PME. Les résultats de la première "grappe" dans les Hauts-de-France sont encourageants. Selon Care, le travail a abouti à une réduction d'un tiers des non-conformités et de 60% des retards.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1389 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Les énergies renouvelables vont générer plus de 14 milliards d’euros de revenus pour l’État sur deux ansContents: Face à l'envolée des prix de l'électricité, les énergies renouvelables (ENR) tirent leur épingle du jeu. Régulièrement accusées d'être subventionnées, elles font cette fois la preuve de leur compétitivité et de leur intérêt. En effet, grâce au mécanisme de complément de revenu, quand les prix du marché sont supérieurs à un prix cible fixé à l'avance, ce qui est le cas en ce moment, ce sont les producteurs d'ENR qui versent à l’État la différence. Pour 2021 et 2022, la filière va ainsi rapporter 14,4 milliards d'euros à l’État.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1619 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Broadband with Speeds Up to 1 GIG is Provided at No Cost to Families Through the FCC’s Emergency Connectivity FundContents: The company also announced in December that it is opening three new AT&T Connected Learning Centers in Los Angeles to provide internet access and education tools for those who face connectivity barriers vital to their long-term success. AT&T has already opened a center at the Coalition for Responsible Community Development’s YouthSource Center. The next opens today at the Salvadoran American Leadership & Education Fund (SALEF) and the Vermont Slauson EDC Technology Training Center is planned for later this year.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1558 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Sustainability Groups Call IPCC Report a Wake-Up Call to Ramp Investor, Corporate Climate ActionContents: The new report follows the publication in August 2021 by the IPCC of a report detailing the current state of the global climate system and impacts of climate change. The new report digs deeper into the causes and impacts of climate change, noting that “Human-induced climate change, including more frequent and intense extreme events, has caused widespread adverse impacts and related losses and damages to nature and people, beyond natural climate variability. Some development and adaptation efforts have reduced vulnerability.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1582 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Lafarge Teams with European Industrial Group to Capture CO2Contents: OMV produces oil and gas, innovative energy solutions and petrochemicals. VERBUND is an Austrian utility company that derives 95% of its electricity from renewables. Borealis is a provider of polyolefin, base chemical and fertilizer solutions. The project, ‘Carbon2ProductAustria’ (C2PAT), brings together several large industrial players representing multiple sectors to address a significant environmental issue. Cement production has come under considerable scrutiny in recent years for its climate impact, contributing approximately 8% of global CO2 emissions.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1459 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Amazon ne paie pas assez d'impôts malgré ses profits records : une pratique de plus en plus contestéeContents: Des organisations syndicales font par ailleurs le lien entre les pratiques fiscales et les pratiques sociales d’Amazon, et commencent à donner de la voix. La coalition "Make Amazon Pay" réunit ainsi 70 organisations (syndicats, ONG, etc.) pour demander à la multinationale de payer sa "part juste d’impôts" et de rémunérer correctement ses salariés. La coalition a, deux années de suite, organisé des mouvements de grève et de protestation dans certains des sites de l’entreprise pendant le Black Friday, fin novembre.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1647 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: ShareAction Highlights Leading Asset Manager Practices on ESGContents: The NGO also highlights proxy voting practices as a key test of investors’ commitment to environmental and social goals. In the report, ShareAction states: “Proxy voting policies form the backbone of an effective stewardship approach: They dictate voting outcomes as well as communicate an investors’ expectations and red lines for investee companies. Voting policies should therefore provide clear and comprehensive breakdowns of voting approaches across ESG topics, whether in favour of shareholder proposals or against traditional governance resolutions.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1496 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Le tutorat, un passeport pour la diversité en entrepriseContents: En un an, soutenu par sa hiérarchie, Victor a mobilisé ses collègues et organisé trois éditions, deux à Paris et une à Saint-Denis. "Tous les collaborateurs que j’ai contactés ont accepté de consacrer deux heures pour parler de leur métier et échanger avec les jeunes. Ils ont à nouveau répondu présents aux éditions suivantes. Cette démarche a été vécue très positivement. L’adhésion à l’entreprise s’en est trouvée renforcée car elle nous donne la possibilité d’avoir un impact social. Et tous ont été impressionnés par l’envie et la motivation de ces jeunes.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1480 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Engagement actionnarial : la stratégie européenne des ONGContents: "Votre banque prétend pourtant utiliser des normes environnementales et sociales ambitieuses afin, je cite, de concilier le monde des affaires avec la protection de la planète. Est-ce que vous faites allusion ici au crédit accordé aux entreprises qui dynamitent les montagnes des Appalaches ? Ou bien le rachat d’actions pour Bumi Resources, une entreprise qui transforme la forêt vierge de Bornéo en exploitation à ciel ouvert ? Ou encore la coopération avec l’entreprise Coal of Africa, qui veut défigurer une biosphère de l’Unesco avec sa mine de charbon" ?
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1544 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Aon: Damage from Natural Disasters Reach $268B in 2020, Climate Change Driving IncreasesContents: Global professional services firm Aon announced the launch of its global Weather, Climate & Catastrophe Insight: 2020 Annual Report, evaluating the impact of global natural disaster events. According to the new report, there were 416 natural catastrophe events in 2020, resulting in economic losses of $268 billion. The company noted that this represents increased losses of 8%, compared to the century average, citing causes including climate change, more people moving into hazard-prone areas and an increase in global wealth.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1641 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Glencore Targets Net Zero Emissions by 2050, Sees Opportunities in Low Carbon TransitionContents: Glencore outlined numerous initiatives that it will pursue in order to achieve its new goals, including addressing Scope 3 emissions through investments in its metals portfolio, reducing coal production and supporting deployment of low emission technologies, allocating capital to prioritise transition metals, working with customers and supply chain partners to enable greater use of low-carbon metals and to support progress towards technological solutions, and contributing to circular economy initiatives, among other steps.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1415 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Doctolib, Maiia, Keldoc… Les plateformes numériques françaises se lancent dans la course pour la vaccinationContents: Un rôle clé à une semaine de l'ouverture, le 18 janvier, de la vaccination à toutes les personnes âgées de plus de 75 ans, avec une prise de rendez-vous promise par le gouvernement depuis le 14 janvier via le site d'information public ou à partir de vendredi 15 janvier au 0800 009 110. Devançant ce calendrier, Doctolib affirme que "les patients prioritaires peuvent d'ores et déjà prendre rendez-vous" et revendique "150 centres de vaccination" équipés avec son logiciel "dans toute la France".
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1637 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: WBCSD Launches Initiative for Scope 3 Emissions Transparency and DecarbonizationContents: Joanna Fowler, Global IT Sustainability Manager at Nestlé, said: “We recognize that we cannot solve what cannot be measured and tracked. This is why we are actively engaging in the Carbon Transparency Pathfinder to collectively develop a transparent solution to share primary data along sectoral value chains and ultimately decarbonize industries at scale. There is an urgent need for an ecosystem of committed companies and stakeholders to tackle this planetary issue and we are excited to contribute to this global transformation.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1652 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Henkel Sources Renewable Ingredients to Replace Fossil Feedstocks for Key Laundry Brands from ShellContents: Under the new agreement, Shell will produce renewable-based surfactants – an ingredient in cleaning products that help lather and lift dirt – in North America for use in Henkel’s laundry product brands including Persil, Purex and all. The renewable feedstocks will be combined with fossil feedstocks using a mass balance approach, in which Shell will attribute the total tonnes of renewable feedstocks used in the process solely to Henkel. The mass balance approach will be verified by an independent third party.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1528 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: European Stability Mechanism Ready to use Social Bonds for Pandemic Crisis SupportContents: The ESM was established in 2012 by euro area Member States, in the wake of the financial crisis, as an international financial institution designed to help euro area countries experiencing or threatened by severe financing problems. The goal of the ESM is to safeguard the financial stability of the Euro area and Member States. Social bonds are a type of debt instrument whose proceeds are intended for projects that generate positive social outcomes, or to finance investments supporting the social needs of particular groups.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1622 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: HVAC Giant Trane Links Exec Compensation to Sustainability GoalsContents: Trane’s new initiative is part of a growing trend among companies across a wide range of industries to tie compensation to ESG progress. Recently, Apple revealed that it will introduce an ESG modifier to its executive bonus payouts, Deutsche Bank announced that it plans to link top level executive and management compensation to ESG and sustainable finance criteria, and Mastercard linked senior executive incentive compensation to progress towards the company’s progress towards carbon neutrality, financial inclusion, and gender pay parity.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1636 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Citi Ventures, IKEA Parent Ingka Invest in Consumer Carbon Footprint Tracking Solution Provider DoconomyContents: Doconomy’s solutions help consumers to measure and understand the environmental impact of their transactions, enabling more sustainable choices. Solutions include the financial transaction API, which allows companies such as Mastercard to enable customers to track the environmental footprint of each purchase they make and set individual carbon budgets, the 2030 calculator, which allows brands to quantify the carbon footprint of the products they manufacture using a common universal scoring system.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1484 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Amazon : en Allemagne, derrière la success story, la dure réalité des entrepôtsContents: "Hands", c’est ainsi qu’Amazon nomme ses salariés : "les mains". Invisibles derrière l’écran lisse de nos ordinateurs, ces "petites mains" contribuent pleinement à faire de la plateforme Internet le numéro un mondial de la vente en ligne. Pour Christian Krähling, salarié sur le site de Bad Hersfeld, le plus grand et le plus ancien des neuf centres qu’Amazon opère en Allemagne, les conditions de travail sont misérables. C’est pour les dénoncer qu’il participe au mouvement de grève lancé par le syndicat Verdi. Rencontre.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1605 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: The DOL Strikes Again; Proxy Rules Could Chill ESG Engagement EffortsContents: Specifically, the proposed rule indicates that voting cannot be used to pursue non-pecuniary objectives. The proposal states: “A fiduciary’s exercise of voting rights (or other shareholder rights) must be performed solely for the plan’s economic interests, which under no circumstances may be subordinated to non-pecuniary goals. Accordingly, the use of plan assets for purposes other than enhancing the value of the plan’s investments—through proxy voting or otherwise— violates the fiduciary duties of loyalty and care under ERISA.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1447 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Le PDG de Total visé par une plainte pour "prise illégale d'intérêt" à l'école polytechniqueContents: Au cœur des dissensions : l'implantation d'un centre de recherche Total de 10 000 m2 au milieu du campus de l'École polytechnique à Saclay. Des protestations d'élèves et anciens élèves avaient cours depuis longtemps, mais l'angle d'attaque change. Trois associations, dont celle qui regroupe les anciens élèves de l'école, ont déposé plainte contre le PDG du groupe, Patrick Pouyanné, pour prise illégale d'intérêt. Elles craignent une tentative de lobbying. Total s'est fermement opposé aux accusations.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1379 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Le secteur ferroviaire s'organise pour rendre le train plus écologique et accessibleContents: Le train est la star de la mobilité écologique. Pourtant, le secteur ferroviaire français doit faire face à plusieurs défis, notamment le vieillissement du réseau. Pour y faire face, l'association Care accompagne des PME sous-traitantes d'Alstom pour qu'elles gagnent en efficacité. À terme, la qualité du service pour les voyageurs et une réduction du prix des billets sont attendus. L'association veut également soutenir des innovations qui renforcent les aspects écologiques de ce mode de transport.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1468 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Assemblées générales : les pétroliers BP et ExxonMobil sous le feu des investisseurs engagésContents: De l’autre côté de l’Atlantique, les investisseurs actifs ont un peu moins de chance. ExxonMobil, qui se tient le 29 mai, a réussi cette année à faire annuler une résolution d’actionnaires par la SEC (Security and Exchange Commission), le gendarme de la Bourse américaine. Menée par le fonds de pension de l’État de New York et l’Église d’Angleterre, également membres de l’initiative Climate Action 100+, la résolution demandait à ExxonMobil de se fixer des objectifs de réduction d’émissions.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1397 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: La prolongation des centrales nucléaires à l'épreuve du risque climatiqueContents: La prolongation des centrales nucléaires au-delà de 60 ans, espérée par EDF et par le gouvernement, passera-t-elle le test climatique ? L'Autorité de sûreté nucléaire exige que les impacts à long terme du changement climatique soient désormais inclus dans les documents que doit lui fournir l'énergéticien en vue de prolonger ses réacteurs. Partage de la ressource en eau, prévisions à la baisse de la production d'électricité, impacts sur les milieux naturels, tout autant d'enjeux qui devront être intégrés.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1406 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Plan covoiturage : le gouvernement veut en faire un transport en commun comme les autresContents: Le covoiturage reste donc pertinent dans les zones peu denses selon le Shift Project qui veut faire évoluer l'occupation moyenne des voitures de 1,4 personne à 1,6. Reste à rassurer les passagers qui ont "peur d'être dépendants, de ne pas pouvoir rentrer chez eux plus tard en cas d'imprévu" explique Laura Foglia. C'est justement pour améliorer le service de covoiturage et en faire un vrai réseau "libre, fiable et à haute fréquence" que le gouvernement veut agir, rétorque Thomas Matagne.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1418 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Covid-19 : En privant les pays pauvres de vaccins, les pays riches et les laboratoires prolongent la pandémieContents: "Les pays du Nord continuent de protéger leur industrie, et donc leurs brevets, sous la pression des lobbys pharmaceutiques", décrypte dans Marianne, Nathalie Coutinet, économiste de la Santé. "Le vaccin est un produit hyper rentable et, parmi les actionnaires de ces industries, on trouve des fonds de pension comme BlackRock. Ce ne sont pas des philanthropes, mais des financiers. Ce sont eux qui influencent la stratégie de l'industrie pharmaceutique", ajoute-t-elle.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1408 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: France Nation Verte : la planification écologique comme nouvelle boussole du gouvernementContents: "Nous devons dépasser les caricatures et poser les vrais débats. Évitons de nous fragmenter. (…) Les débats sur l’écologie se perdent depuis trop longtemps dans des courses au symbole. La transition écologique ne connaît malheureusement pas de solution miracle. Et pourtant, beaucoup ne cessent de la réclamer et de choisir des totems plutôt que des changements structurels. Ma conviction, c’est que nous devons agir, en même temps, et sur tous les fronts", a déclaré la Première ministre.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1508 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Catherine Dauriac, Fashion Révolution : "Notre civilisation est addict à la mode, encore plus qu'au sucre"Contents: Reste qu’à l’autre bout de la chaîne, les travailleurs et travailleuses sont toujours sous-payés. En Asie, les ouvrières du textile gagnent en moyenne cinq dollars pour une journée de travail de 12 heures. Leurs conditions progressent très peu et les consommateurs, eux, continuent d'acheter des vêtements à bas coût. Chaque jour, plus de 410 millions de vêtements sont produits alors qu'on a aujourd’hui produit assez de vêtements pour habiller la planète jusqu’en 2100 !
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1554 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Salesforce Adds Climate to its Public Policy Platform, Will Advocate for Science-Based Climate PoliciesContents: Loeb and DiBianca added: “Climate change is one of the most pressing issues humanity has ever faced. And, the costs weigh heaviest on the world’s most vulnerable communities, amplifying global inequality. It will require collaboration, regulatory changes and technological advances to meet this urgent challenge of climate change and the opportunities that come when we succeed — equality, improved health, economic growth, job creation and a more sustainable world for all.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1634 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Nestlé Targets Agriculture in EMEA on Path to Reaching Net Zero Climate GoalsContents: In December 2020, Nestlé released its ‘time-bound plan,’ outlining specific details on the company’s plans to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and to achieve net zero by 2050, with initiatives including advancing regenerative agriculture (improving soil health and maintain and restore diverse ecosystems), planting hundreds of millions of trees, completing the company’s transition to 100 percent renewable electricity by 2025, and continuously increasing the number of ‘carbon neutral’ brands.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1629 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: TPG Launches Fund to Invest in Underrepresented Asset ManagersContents: Pamela Pavkov, Partner and Head of TPG NEXT, said: “TPG NEXT seeks to address the talent gap through a suite of capital solutions and value-add support that is designed to address frequent pain points of new firms in a comprehensive way. Our aim is that this fund will not only advance diverse-led firms but also the diverse communities that these managers are connected to, bringing our industry more in line with demographic trends while also providing unique access to differentiated investment opportunities.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1572 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Mercedes-Benz Commits to Integrate Green Steel in Vehicles By 2025Contents: Markus Schäfer, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, and Daimler Group Research & Mercedes-Benz Cars COO, said: “With an equity stake in H2 Green Steel, Mercedes-Benz is sending an important signal to accelerate change in the steel industry and increase the availability of carbon-free steel. As a first step, we are investing a single-digit million amount. As a preferred partner of the start-up, we will be launching green steel in various vehicle models as early as 2025.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1428 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Danone : le conseil d'administration s'est "compromis" avec les actionnaires activistes, assure Emmanuel FaberContents: "Certains activistes internes au conseil ont utilisé ces activistes actionnariaux à des fins qui leur étaient personnelles et qui ont abouti au résultat dont on ne voit que le début aujourd'hui, avec mon départ", a-t-il ajouté. Il juge même que des "visions d'arrière-garde" l'ont emporté. "Ce conseil, en tout cas certains de ces membres, mais collectivement finalement, a permis un jeu extrêmement malsain avec des activistes", a-t-il déclaré un peu plus tard.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1391 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: La France met le cap sur l'éolien en mer flottant avec deux projets lancés en MéditerranéeContents: Elles mesurent 150 mètres de haut mais peuvent s’élever jusqu’à 176 mètres en bout de pale au-dessus de la mer, soit l’équivalent d’une demi-Tour Eiffel. Les éoliennes en mer font leur arrivée en France. Un tout premier parc, face à Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), doit commencer à produire de l'électricité mi-mai, pour une mise en service générale fin 2022. Sept autres suivront jusqu’en 2029. Cette première vague concernera uniquement des éoliennes posées au fond de la mer.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1445 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Le PDG de Total visé par une plainte pour "prise illégale d'intérêt" à l'école polytechniqueContents: "Total ne fait pas du X [nom de l'École polytechnique] par hasard", lit-on sur la pancarte d'un activiste de Greenpeace lors d'une manifestation le 12 mars à Saclay (Essonne). Trois associations opposées à l'implantation d'un bâtiment de Total sur le campus de Polytechnique ont annoncé avoir déposé une plainte le 22 avril contre le PDG du groupe Patrick Pouyanné, qui siège au conseil d'administration de la prestigieuse école d'ingénieurs, l'accusant de conflit d'intérêts.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1400 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Plan covoiturage : le gouvernement veut en faire un transport en commun comme les autresContents: Plus question de rouler seul, le gouvernement passe la vitesse supérieure pour faire du covoiturage une solution de transport du quotidien. "Chaque jour, environ 100 millions de déplacements sont effectués en voiture pour se rendre au travail, à l'école ou pour faire ses courses mais la majorité de ces trajets sont effectués avec une seule personne dans la voiture", souligne le communiqué de presse du nouveau Plan national covoiturage du quotidien, lancé par le gouvernement.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1550 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Sustainability Groups Call IPCC Report a Wake-Up Call to Ramp Investor, Corporate Climate ActionContents: Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) CEO Rebecca Mikula-Wright said: “Institutional investors… have systemic exposure to climate change risks. Unless emissions are reduced, extreme weather will have worsening impacts on property, infrastructure, agricultural production and other climate dependent industries.“Climate change will also have indirect impacts on sovereign credit risks, supply chains, the property market, insurance pricing or wider economic conditions.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1691 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 汽柴油車退場!加速電動車普及,這家銀行2025年拒燃油車貸款Contents: CNBC報導,Bank Australia 8月19日發新聞稿宣佈,決定於2025年起停止向新購燃油車提供貸款,包括油電車在內,至於二手車則不在此限。Bank Australia指出,澳洲公路運輸溫室氣體排放量,高達43%是來自客車(passenger vehicle),而澳洲的電動化轉型腳步還不夠快,希望藉由此舉帶動民眾購買電動車的意願。 據澳洲政府表示,2021年該國售出的新車中,低碳車款僅佔2%,遠低於全球平均水準9%,因此需要由政府帶頭,研擬具體行動計畫,積極推動電動車環境的發展。 報導指出,Bank Australia並非唯一一家實施這項政策的銀行。2020年,丹麥Merkur Cooperative Bank已宣佈,購買新汽柴油車將不予核貸。 目前全球多個國家已宣示汽柴油車退場計畫,包括愛爾蘭、冰島、丹麥預計在2030年起禁售汽、柴油新車。 根據國際能源總署(IEA)的數據,2021年全球合計新售660萬輛電動車,2022年第一季銷量達200萬輛,相較2021年第一季大增75%。 延伸閱讀: 歐洲電價高漲以及中國四川限電都影響到鋅產量 集中火力發展電動車 福特證實裁3,000名白領員工 ※本文授權自MoneyDJ理財網,原文見此。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1579 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Budweiser APAC Signs $500M Sustainability-Linked Loan, with Interest Tied to Climate, Water, Other ESG GoalsContents: Sustainability linked securities and loans are an emerging form of sustainable finance, with attributes including interest payments tied to an issuer’s achievement of key sustainability targets. The market for sustainability-linked debt is currently experiencing rapid growth, with a recent report from Moody’s Investor Service revealing that global sustainability-linked loans reached $97 billion in the first quarter of 2021, up 29% over the prior quarter.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1414 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Doctolib, Maiia, Keldoc… Les plateformes numériques françaises se lancent dans la course pour la vaccinationContents: Alors que le gouvernement vise un million de personnes vaccinées d'ici la fin du mois, il a fait le choix de s'appuyer sur des plateformes numériques françaises spécialistes comme Doctolib, Maiia ou encore Keldoc pour booster sa campagne. Ces dernières vont gérer la prise de rendez-vous des citoyens voulant être vaccinés. En s'appuyant sur des entreprises compétentes au lieu de "partir de zéro", il répond à l'urgence de la crise, défend Olivier Véran.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1465 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: [INFOGRAPHIE] Une entreprise du CAC 40 coûte 300 millions d'euros à la sociétéContents: La priorité affichée du gouvernement en cette rentrée porte sur la loi Pacte. Elle doit notamment permettre une transformation des entreprises. Un engagement à mettre en regard de l'impact du CAC 40, le Basic (Bureau d’analyse sociétale pour une information citoyenne) et l'Observatoire des multinationales ont dressé "le vrai bilan" des plus grandes entreprises françaises : 1 300 milliards d'euros de chiffre d'affaires, 5 millions de salariés, 47 milliards d'euros de dividendes...
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1542 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: BorgWarner Adds Scope 3 Value Chain Emissions to Climate GoalsContents: BorgWarner’s new Scope 3 target, follows the company’s recently announced commitment to achieve 85% absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reductions by 2030. In the company’s most recent sustainability report, BorgWarner said that its was moving forward with a project to calculate its Scope 3 emissions, in order to develop and submit a target to the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). The company said that its Scope 1, 2 and 3 targets have now been formally submitted to SBTi for validation.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1603 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Major Investors Blast DOL’s ESG Rule, Propose Big Changes or WithdrawalContents: The primary purpose of the new rule is to ensure that plan fiduciaries focus on financial objectives in their decision-making process, and not sacrifice performance for non-financial considerations. Specifically, the new rule would “make clear that ERISA plan fiduciaries may not invest in ESG vehicles when they understand an underlying investment strategy of the vehicle is to subordinate return or increase risk for the purpose of non-financial objectives,” according to a DOL statement.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1592 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: JetBlue Launches Equity, Inclusion, Diversity and Career Access InitiativesContents: Mike Elliott, Chief People Officer, JetBlue, said: “We created these initiatives because at JetBlue our crewmembers and culture are key to our success. Our new initiatives will help remove some of the barriers candidates may face so we can better help talent continue to grow. Realizing we don’t all start from the same place, equity and accessibility are at the center of our new crewmember development efforts. These new programs will help us build a more diverse internal pipeline.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1427 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Danone : le conseil d'administration s'est "compromis" avec les actionnaires activistes, assure Emmanuel FaberContents: Dysfonctionnement du conseil Des fonds d'investissement reprochaient au groupe des performances insuffisantes, notamment en termes de rentabilité. Emmanuel Faber a encore contesté cette critique, évoquant un "faux sujet". "Les activistes sont venus en raison de dysfonctionnements du conseil. Ils en sont autant la conséquence qu'ils en sont la cause", a avancé l'ex-dirigeant, remarquant s'exprimer désormais "en tant que simple citoyen français".
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 134 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 주유소에 '수소연료전지 설치 통한 전력생산' 허용된다Contents: 앞으로 주유소에 수소연료전지를 설치해 전력을 생산하는 일이 가능해진다. 산업통상자원부는 지난 2021년 12월부터 추진된 '규제샌드박스 실증사업'을 통해 안전성이 입증되고, 소방청이 개정한 '위험물안전관리 세부기준'이 지난 9일 시행된 데 따라 주유소에 수소연료전지 설치가 가능해졌다고 28일 밝혔다. 소방청의 위험물안전관리 세부기준에는 주유소에 설치할 수 있는 설비에 '발전용 수소연료전지'가 추가됐다. 이와 관련 규제샌드박스 실증사업에 나선 SK에너지는 주유소에 태양광 발전설비와 연료전지를 설치해 전기를 생산하고, 이를 전기차 충전 등에 공급하는 '미래형 융복합 충전소'(에너지슈퍼스테이션)를 구축했다. 기존 '위험물안전관리 세부기준'에서는 태양광 발전설비, 전기차 충전기와는 달리 연료전지의 주유소 내 설치를 허용하지 않았는데, 정부가 SK에너지 측에 사업 기회를 부여하고 법령 정비를 검토하게 된 것이다. SK에너지는 향후 실증사업을 본사업으로 전환해 약 2,000여개의 에너지슈퍼스테이션을 구축하기 위한 투자계획을 구체화할 계획이다.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1472 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: ChatGPT : derrière l'engouement, des travailleurs kenyans exploitésContents: ChatGPT n’en finit plus de faire parler de lui. Si les prouesses de ce nouvel agent conversationnel utilisant l’intelligence artificielle concentrent l’essentiel de l’attention du public, les coulisses de sa conception sont moins reluisantes. Loin des bureaux californiens où est implantée OpenAI, la start-up à l’origine de l’outil, une main-d’œuvre peu rémunérée aux conditions de travail difficiles œuvre dans l’ombre pour limiter les dérapages du chatbot, révèle une enquête du Time.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1483 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Des diamants du sang en circulation sur le marché internationalContents: Les Nations unies, de leur côté, ont déjà mis sur liste noire le 2e négociant du pays, Badica, et sa filiale belge Kardiam, pour trafic de diamants venant de mines contrôlées par l’ex-rébellion Séléka, dans l’est du pays. "Le gouvernement doit saisir tous les diamants du sang, les vendre et utiliser l'argent dans l'intérêt public, s'alarme Lucy Graham, conseillère juridique à Amnesty International. La population centrafricaine doit pouvoir profiter de ses propres ressources naturelles".
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1424 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: EDF, Renault, Total… Les pertes abyssales des grands groupes français au premier semestre illustrent la gravité de la criseContents: Quant à Total, pour le seul deuxième trimestre, c’est une perte nette de 8,4 milliards de dollars qui a été annoncée, contre un bénéfice de 2,8 milliards un an plus tôt. Ce résultat inclut de lourdes dépréciations d'actifs pour 8,1 milliards de dollars. Cette réévaluation comptable, motivée par la déprime des cours mais aussi la dynamique de la transition énergétique, porte pour l'essentiel sur les sables bitumineux au Canada.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1522 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Macquarie’s Green Investment Group Announces 3 Senior AppointmentsContents: Professor Viner has been appointed as Head of GIG’s Green Impact Advisory Team. Viner is a Coordinating Lead Author for the IPCC’s Working Group 2 Sixth Assessment Report and Lead Author on the IPCC’s Special Report on Climate Change and Land-use, with over 25 years of experience at the forefront of climate science. Viner joins GIG from his role as Global Practice Leader, Global Head of Climate Science and International Resilience Strategist at civil engineering firm Mott MacDonald
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1598 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Carbon Measurement Platform Persefoni Raises $9.7 MillionContents: Lyons said: “NGP ETP only invests in companies that can meaningfully and cost-effectively contribute to global decarbonization efforts, like Persefoni. Persefoni has built a sophisticated enterprise-grade data management platform that should ultimately allow for transparency and accountability around organizational emissions targets. And the market need for carbon calculations and reporting that are accurate and auditable is exploding even before most major regulation can come into effect.”
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1593 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: The Conference Board Launches ESG Benchmarking Platform for US CompaniesContents: As investors and consumers become increasingly aware of sustainability issues, demanding improved performance from the companies they interact with and invest in, companies are coming under increasing pressure to stay ahead of the curve on ESG issues. The Conference Board’s new platform is intended to address these companies’ unmet needs for reliable, relevant and timely data, enabling them to know where they stand relative to their peers in their practices and progress.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1679 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 新光銀行幸福一畝田,創造環境與公益共好循環Contents: 新光銀行謝長融總經理表示,新光長期致力落實企業社會責任,面對未來氣候變遷下對環境的衝擊,與花蓮「稻寶地.幸福農」合作認養稻田,支持小農謝景貴固本養土,不用化學農藥及肥料傷害土地,與大自然共生環境友善的理念。為了讓利害關係人有更多的參與,去年11月亦安排花蓮分行吳俊宏協理帶領同仁及家眷,至田地進行稻米採收體驗,同仁透過實際親身參與,更能理解憫農詩中:誰知盤中飧,粒粒皆辛苦的意涵。 在社會共融的目標下,新光銀行將認養土地所生產出來的稻米轉捐贈予花蓮公益機構「黎明教養院」及「華山基金會」各500公斤,關懷心智障礙者及獨居長者,讓善的力量發揮最大的效益。黎明教養院院長邱淑義表示,感謝新光銀行將最好的米送到黎明教養院,白米是院內平時午餐與晚餐最重要的主食,讓院生感受到社會各界的溫暖,吃下去的每一口都是幸福滿溢。 因應全球永續發展趨勢,新光銀行持續推動倡議行動響應氣候變遷議題,與「荒野保護協會」合作「地球一小時EARTH DAY」亦邁入第15年,全國104間分行共同提前關閉招牌燈等,以達節能減碳的目的,致力落實聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs2)消除飢餓、(SDGs13)氣候行動等精神,以實際行動降低氣候變遷對於地球的衝擊,為永續發展善盡心力。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1639 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Toyota Financial Services Issues $1.6 Billion Asset-Backed Green BondContents: According to the company, net proceeds will be used for the acquisition of new retail installment sales contracts and operating lease contracts financing Toyota’s vehicles from model year 2020 or later. The vehicles have to meet eligibility criteria, including being either a hybrid, plug-in, fuel cell or battery electric vehicle. Conditions outlined for use of proceeds also specify tailpipe emissions criteria for the financed vehicles, and EPA-aligned vehicle smog ratings.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1643 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Goldman Sachs, Bank of America Invest in Environmental Markets Platform XpansivContents: Alongside the capital raise, Xpansiv also announced the closing of its acquisition of environmental markets transaction and advisory services provider Evolution Markets. According to Xpansiv, the transaction will expand its service offerings and product development capabilities, and enhance Evolution Markets’ services to its global client base of 2,000 customers, including many of the world’s largest energy firms, companies, utilities, and financial institutions.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1467 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Nestlé, Leroy Merlin, Auchan... Les appels au boycott se multiplient contre les entreprises qui restent en RussieContents: À l’origine de cette déferlante de haine, les déclarations des dirigeants ukrainiens qui ont dénoncé sur les réseaux sociaux la multinationale pour avoir refusé de se retirer de Russie après des échanges avec eux. Indignée, le ministre des affaires étrangères, Dmytro Kuleba, a déclaré : "Les dommages à long terme pour la réputation de l’entreprise sont proportionnels à l’ampleur des crimes de guerre russes en Ukraine (énormes).
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1695 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 推動永續計畫十年 聯合利華如何建立「永續策略」?Contents: 規劃期:確立重要的永續議題與推動方向 時間拉回到2010年,當聯合利華在公佈計劃時,就訂定了三個大方向,在這三大方向之下,聯合利華訂定了2020年目標,以及該目標的量化指標,也就是在今年需要達成的目標。 改善健康與福祉 –幫助10億人改善衛生習慣、為5億人帶來乾淨的飲用水、讓高營養產品的比例翻倍。 減少環境衝擊 – 產品生命週期的的溫室氣體、廢棄物產生減半、產品生命週期使用的水資源減半、100%的產品都採購永續的原物料。 提升生活條件 – 100%的產品都採購永續的原物料、在供應鏈中連結50萬的小農與小批發商。 圖片來源:聯合利華 推動期:定期追蹤並報告進度、適當調整不合理的目標 自2010年起,每年聯合利華則會公布進度報告或摘要,針對上述的目標說明他們目前的進度,包含目標達成的比例、有沒有達標等等,與一般的CSR報告書比起來,我認為聯合利華的進度報告更聚焦,且透過量化的數字與進度呈現,讓讀者可以快速地了解計畫的執行現況。 而在今年計畫的尾聲,聯合利華也在他們網站上公布了他們十年計劃的總結摘要,但首先,讓我們來看看2020年的目標與2010年有什麼差距,以及在這十年中做了哪些調整? 圖片來源:聯合利華
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1429 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Sanctions du Parlement européen et gaz qatari : un cocktail explosif aux effets puissantsContents: Avec la guerre de Vladimir Poutine en Ukraine, la diplomatie par le commerce prônée par Angela Merkel a montré ses limites. Avec les menaces qataries sur le gaz, la diplomatie par le sport montre une autre limite. La dépendance énergétique européenne à des pays comme le Qatar lui permet d’acheter bien plus que la Coupe du Monde, le droit de faire taire ceux qui tentent d’exercer une pression sur lui pour qu’il respecte les droits humains fondamentaux.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1420 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Doctolib, Maiia, Keldoc… Les plateformes numériques françaises se lancent dans la course pour la vaccinationContents: [Mise à jour le 14 janvier] Le gouvernement compte bien s’appuyer sur les entreprises françaises pour booster la cadence de sa campagne de vaccination contre le Covid-19, très critiquée pour sa lenteur. Le leader des rendez-vous médical en ligne, Doctolib, a ainsi annoncé dans un communiqué avoir été sélectionné comme partenaire officiel de l’État pour "permettre aux Français de prendre des rendez-vous en ligne contre la Covid-19".
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1450 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: La leçon de management responsable d'Abigail Disney face aux bonus des dirigeants du groupeContents: Mais ce qui ne passe pas auprès d’Abigail Disney, outre le fait de laisser des employés sur le carreau, c’est l’avidité des dirigeants du groupe. "Le véritable scandale, bien sûr, ce sont ces bonus", s’exclame-t-elle. L’enveloppe des bonus, qui constitue la part variable de la rémunération des dirigeants, s’élève à pas moins de 1,5 milliard de dollars. "Cela paierait trois mois de salaire des salariés de première ligne", s’indigne Abigail Disney.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1376 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Accélération des énergies renouvelables : les cinq mesures phares à retenir du projet de loiContents: L’examen du projet de loi sur l’accélération des énergies renouvelables en première lecture à l’Assemblée nationale s’est achevé dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi 19 décembre. Un vote solennel doit avoir lieu le 10 janvier. Il devrait être favorable même si certains redoutent que le scrutin ne soit parasité par la présentation, le même jour, de la réforme des retraites par le gouvernement… Novethic a sélectionné les cinq mesures phare du texte.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1423 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: EDF, Renault, Total… Les pertes abyssales des grands groupes français au premier semestre illustrent la gravité de la criseContents: Le constructeur a annoncé des dépréciations d'actifs pour 445 millions d'euros, afin de prendre en compte des "hypothèses de volume revues" à la baisse "pour certains véhicules", ainsi que des provisions pour charges de restructuration pour 166 millions d'euros "principalement liées au plan de départs anticipés en France". Le groupe avait annoncé, fin mai, 15 000 suppressions d'emplois (dont 4600 en France).
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1436 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: De nouveaux efforts demandés aux entreprises pour améliorer l’égalité femmes-hommesContents: Dimanche 3 mars, une cinquantaine de dirigeants d’entreprise (Accor, BNP Paribas, Orange ou Engie) se sont engagés, dans une tribune initiée par la secrétaire d'État Agnès Pannier-Runacher, à "déployer plus d’efforts" pour soutenir l’évolution de carrière des femmes et en "finir avec le plafond de verre". Mais pour faire avancer cette cause plus rapidement, ces derniers mois, plusieurs dispositions législatives ont été prises ou sont en réflexion.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1503 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: L’application StopCovid de suivi des Français n’est pas la solution à tout, prévient la CnilContents: À l’image des solutions techniques employées en Corée du Sud ou à Singapour pour pister les malades et éviter la propagation du Covid-19, le France veut déployer une application de suivi baptisée Stop Covid. La Cnil, garante de la protection des données de la population, ne s’y oppose pas mais demande des garanties sur le volontariat et l’anonymat. Elle prévient toutefois que cette technologie est inutile sans stratégie sanitaire globale.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1644 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: DOL Allows Climate and ESG Investing in Retirement PlansContents: U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh said: “Today’s rule clarifies that retirement plan fiduciaries can take into account the potential financial benefits of investing in companies committed to positive environmental, social and governance actions as they help plan participants make the most of their retirement benefits. Removing the prior administration’s restrictions on plan fiduciaries will help America’s workers and their families as they save for a secure retirement.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1564 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: CDP: Lack of Action on Water Risks Could Cost Companies More than $300 BillionContents: Climate research provider and environmental disclosure platform CDP announced the release of A Wave of Change, its 2020 global water report. The report, based on data from 2,934 companies that disclosed through CDP’s water security questionnaire in 2020, found that the cost to companies of not addressing water risks stands to reach $301 billion in lost business value. By contrast, the report estimates the cost of addressing the risk at $55 billion.
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1456 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Œufs Kinder, pizzas Buitoni, fromages Lactalis contaminés : quand la rentabilité prime sur la sécuritéContents: Après les pizzas Buitoni, filiale du groupe Nestlé, contaminées par la bactérie Escherichia coli (E.coli), les chocolats Kinder du géant Ferrero infectés par la salmonelle, c’est au tour de fromages du groupe Lactalis d’être porteurs de la listeria. Résultat : la confiance des consommateurs dans l’industrie agro-alimentaire chute. Des experts mettent en cause un système défaillant et des acteurs obsédés par la rentabilité.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1378 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: L’industrie automobile en route vers l’électrification peine encore à changer de modèleContents: L’industrie automobile apparaît bien engagée pour passer au véhicule électrique, les annonces en ce sens se multipliant sous l'effet du durcissement des normes. Mais la transition se passe moins facilement qu'il n'y parait car les constructeurs automobiles demeurent encore bien accros au moteur thermique. Ils poursuivent un travail intense de lobbying au niveau européen pour amoindrir les réglementations sur les émissions des véhicules.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1478 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Inde : la banque publique des femmes se développeContents: Les parents peuvent également y ouvrir un compte épargne pour leur fille, et placer dès la naissance de l’enfant des sommes dont le minimum s’élève à 50 roupies (environ 60 centimes d’euros). " Toutes les banques commerciales ont déjà des programmes pour les femmes chefs de PME (petite et moyennes entreprises, NDLR). Pour atteindre une véritable inclusion financière, la Bharatiya Mahila Bank ne doit pas oublier le secteur des micro-entreprises " conclut Sawasti Chakravarty.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1495 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Le tutorat, un passeport pour la diversité en entrepriseContents: Cela fait dix ans que la Fondation SFR s’engage sur l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes de quartiers populaires, mais il a le sentiment que les salariés s’impliquent plus depuis que les associations partenaires viennent présenter tous les ans leurs actions sur le campus. "Ces rendez-vous nous permettent d’expliquer la démarche du tutorat et d’agir sur les représentations parfois négatives de certains collègues, que l’idée de jeunes de banlieue peut effrayer.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1461 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Swiss Leaks : HSBC a sciemment mis en place un immense système de fraude fiscaleContents: Alors que le journal Le Monde diffuse jour après jour de nouvelles révélations sur la vaste opération de fraude fiscale orchestrée par HSBC, la question de la lutte contre la fraude fiscale internationale revient sur le devant de la scène. Baptisée Swiss Leaks, ce scandale financier démontre de manière incontestable la responsabilité de la banque. Il rappelle aussi combien la transparence fiscale est une règle complexe à mettre en œuvre.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1399 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Plan covoiturage : le gouvernement veut en faire un transport en commun comme les autresContents: Le covoiturage prend sa place dans l'arsenal de la mobilité durable et partagée. 150 millions d'euros lui sont alloués par le gouvernement pour tripler son usage d'ici 2027. Lignes de covoiturage avec arrêts dédiés, voies réservées, plateformes en ligne... Tous les moyens sont bons pour encourager ce mode de transport particulièrement adapté dans les zones peu denses où les transports en commun sont difficiles à mettre en place.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1523 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: LyondellBasell Launches Suite of Circular Polymers to Improve Sustainability of Consumer ProductsContents: Plastics, chemicals and refining company LyondellBasell announced today the launch of Circulen, a suite of circular polymers, aimed at improving the sustainability of consumer products. The Circulen product family supports the reduction of plastic waste through the use of recycled content, and a lower carbon footprint through the use of renewable-based content as compared to feedstock from fossil-based sources.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1411 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: France Nation Verte : la planification écologique comme nouvelle boussole du gouvernementContents: "Je parle chantiers. Je parle méthode. C’est vrai, vouloir changer tout un système, identifier des leviers, se fonder sur des séries d’indicateurs peut paraître complexe ou abstrait. Mais je l'assume. Tous les enjeux sont liés. Alors, quand on veut mener des transformations d'ampleur, on doit réfléchir de manière globale, organisée, systémique. C’est bien la nouveauté de cette démarche", explique la Première ministre.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 155 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 美 국방부 “기후변화는 국가안보에도 위협”Contents: 미국 국방부가 기후변화가 미국의 국가안보에 심각한 위협이 되고 있다고 주장했다. 캐서린 힉스 국방부 차관은 26일(현지시간) GPD 뉴스와의 인터뷰에서 “기후변화의 영향을 이미 실감하고 있다”면서 “폭풍이 미군 기지에 피해를 입혔고, 해수면 상승으로 태평양에 설치된 미국 시설들을 침수될 수 있다”며 이와 같이 밝혔다. 그는 또 기후변화로 미군의 임무수행 횟수와 빈도가 늘어나고 있다는 점도 지적했다. 예를 들어, 심각한 가뭄으로 화재 발생이 늘어나면서 화재 진압을 위해 미국 국가방위군이 투입되는 사례가 증가하고 있다는 것이다. 힉스 차관에 따르면, 지난 5년 동안 국가안보군이 화재 진압에 1만 4,000 인일(한 사람이 하루에 처리하는 작업량의 단위) 투입됐지만, 올해에는 인일이 17만 6,000일로 늘어났다. 그는 기후변화가 미치는 영향을 주시하고 있다면서 국방부가 기후변화를 막을 수는 없지만 기후변화의 영향을 철저히 검토해서 향후 대책을 강구하겠다고 밝혔다.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1587 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Amundi Files Proposal with McDonald’s Calling for Transparency on Antibiotic Use in Supply ChainContents: Professor Dame Sally Davies, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge University, added: “AMR is a complex challenge which requires collaborative action by governments, NGOs, and corporations. We were are all pleased to see Yum! take this important step in March, and would now like to see McDonald’s follow suit and join global best practices on AMR by aligning its supply chain with the needs of people and planet.”
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1595 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: AllianzGI to Vote Against Companies That Fail to Link Exec Pay to ESG GoalsContents: AllianzGI disclosed that in 2021, it voted against nearly half (47%) of all compensation-related management proposals, increased the number of engagements with investee companies seeking improvements in compensation plans, and introduced a policy to scrutinize generous pay proposals for companies receiving substantial state aid, recording high numbers of layoffs, or announcing dividend cuts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1384 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Le secteur ferroviaire s'organise pour rendre le train plus écologique et accessibleContents: "C'est un changement culturel", estime Jean-Pierre Audoux. Pour réussir cette transformation de la filière, la dynamique collective doit en effet prendre le contre-pied des logiques habituelles de concurrence. C'est le succès du programme Space, ayant accompagné plus de 700 entreprises du secteur de l'aéronautique, qui a inspiré la démarche. L'objectif de Care est d'accompagner une centaine d'entreprises en cinq ans.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1510 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Suisse Secrets : le Crédit Suisse se retrouve au cœur d’un scandale de financement de la corruptionContents: Les données proviennent d’une fuite et ont été remises anonymement il y a un peu plus d’un an au quotidien allemand Süddeutsche Zeitung. Elles concernent des comptes appartenant à 37 000 personnes ou entreprises, pour un montant total de plus de 100 milliards de dollars (plus de 88 milliards d'euros), "dont au moins huit milliards liés à des clients identifiés comme problématiques", assure Le Monde.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1509 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Amazon ne paie pas assez d'impôts malgré ses profits records : une pratique de plus en plus contestéeContents: Plus anecdotique, la version française de la plateforme de streaming d’Amazon a demandé à ses followers de lui donner des idées pour changer sa "bio", le petit texte descriptif présent sur son profil Instagram. Mais elle a connu un vif retour de bâton. Le message le plus partagé par les internautes était en effet "Promis, on paiera nos impôts en France". Prime Video a toutefois préféré l’ignorer…
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1665 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: 遠東集團遭陸重罰!遠東新證實:9成已改善,很多企業都受檢遭罰、納悶為何遭點名Contents: 根據中國媒體《新華社》11月22日早上報導,上海、江蘇、江西、湖北、四川等五省市有關執法部門開展執法檢查,發現台灣遠東集團在當地投資的化纖紡織、水泥企業在環保、土地利用、員工職業健康、安全生產及消防、稅務、產品質量等方面存在一系列違法違規行為,依據國家法律法規對涉事企業採取罰款、追繳稅款、限期整改等措施,並收回該企業閒置建設用地。 遠東集團涉事企業承認存在違法違規事實,已繳納或正按程序繳納罰款及稅款;查處違法違規問題仍在進行中。 對此《存股助理電子報》致電遠東新詢問。遠東新主管表示,中國當局為落實環保、公共安全、消防等規定,並對各企業進行檢查考核是自今年5月就已展開,遠東新在中國許多廠區的確收到了數項需要改進的通知,的確也有罰款之情事。 截自今日為止,遠東集團已經針對需要改進事項完成90%的進度,預計年底可完成100%。該名主管表示,由於罰款金額大多不大,未達重大訊息公告標準,因此並未發布重訊。 而且據遠東新了解,很多企業也有受檢遭罰,至於為何中國新聞傳媒會特別針對遠東新發布新聞,公司也深感納悶。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1511 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Pandora Papers : Malgré le sursaut réglementaire, l'évasion fiscale reste massiveContents: Le Consortium international de journalistes d’investigation a dévoilé sa nouvelle grande enquête sur l’évasion fiscale. Plus de 300 hommes et femmes détenteurs de l’autorité publique y sont épinglés pour leurs pratiques pour échapper à l’impôt. L’enquête montre également que, malgré les nouvelles réglementations fiscales internationales, des pays continuent de profiter de ces activités et d’attirer des capitaux.
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1569 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Eni Transforms More than €4 Billion Financial Instruments to SDG-tied Sustainability Linked AgreementsContents: Energy company Eni announced today that it has signed agreements with several banks to amend €4.35 billion of existing financial instruments to be linked with the company’s achievement of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The amended agreements include €1.5 billion of loans, €2.4 billion of committed credit lines and €450 million of derivatives to hedge interest rate risk.
More than 5 years