& Le groupe qui est venu plus tôt s'est joint à tous les autres en gâchant au comité de l'Esprit. Bien sûr, ils ont reconnu <<Aila>> et sa marque spéciale d'accrocheurs uh. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. quelque chose, mais ce n'était jamais vraiment le genre de chose à laquelle on pouvait s'habituer. Bien sûr, lorsqu'un professeur les a inévitablement démasqués, la plupart des élèves ont ri naturellement. Les plus âgés ont hurlé dans l'approbation - étrange même si cela pourrait être, il a encore les gens d'assister à la fête. Bien que les différentes factions de cette école aient utilisé ce même parti pour rassembler de nouveaux membres, il était toujours impératif qu'elles obtiennent les nouveaux enfants à assister - le comité de l'esprit était juste après tout: il était préférable qu'elles se familiarisent avec les parties moins normales de l'école dans un endroit où il pouvait être contrôlé, plutôt que dans un endroit aléatoire où des accidents mortels pouvaient se produire. Le groupe qui s'était initialement adressé à <<PoppyAila>> et à son comité, tandis que les deux autres étaient restées avec d'anciennes filles susmentionnées. La fille la plus âgée ne pouvait pas retenir un chanfrein. <<Poppy's>> La gêne était un peu adorable à regarder - un peu comme regarder une chasse aux chiots c'est la queue. "A propos de la fête, elle a raison. C'est un excellent moyen pour tous les nouveaux arrivants d'être présentés, et ne vous inquiétez pas, il n'y a pas d'intimidation », a ajouté le senior en considération pour <<Poppy>>. "Comme si quelqu'un tentait une séance de taureaux avec Winston ou Louise," murmura son compagnon assez fort pour qu'ils l'entendent. Avec <<AilaPoppy>> s'est expliqué. "Ce n'est pas un problème. Le mien n'est pas l'une des capacités les plus effrayantes de toute façon - s'il y a quoi que ce soit, je dirais que c'est plutôt attrayant d'être dans les parages », a-t-il dit joyeusement. "Outre que je pense que la fille n'a pas remarqué." & Le groupe Louise s'arrêta alors qu'ils s'approchaient de <<Timothy>> et des autres. La cause était que Louise elle-même s'est arrêtée; apparemment, elle avait atteint un point de frustration avec le cube de Rubik qu'elle jouait où elle ne pouvait plus se concentrer sur rien d'autre, y compris la marche. Après quelques secondes de torsades frustrées et d'éblouissements, elle abandonna et cria: "Hé, tous les gars ont des conseils pour réparer cette chose!?" Sa question a été rencontrée avec un silence raide. Personne ne voulait lui répondre, de peur de donner la mauvaise réponse. Bien sûr, Louise commençait à avoir l'air ennuyée par le manque de réponse, de sorte qu'il devenait de plus en plus évident qu'ils étaient condamnés dans les deux sens. Le groupe s'est regardé nerveusement, souhaitant désespérément que quelqu'un se sacrifie pour l'ensemble. "Oi, toi, la fille là-bas," a-t-elle dit, en regardant <<Thisa>> avec une fronce, "tu as l'air intelligent, tu peux m'aider ici? Ces gars sont inutiles », a-t-elle ajouté en jouant un pouce à la foule derrière elle, qui était soulagée de ne plus avoir à offrir un sacrifice humain à la petite déesse des ténèbres. Pendant ce temps, venant de l'autre direction était un groupe de quatre étudiants. Ils se sont arrêtés sur leurs traces lorsqu'ils ont vu Louise et se sont rapprochés de <<Alice & Nathan>>, se positionnant stratégiquement derrière eux. "Que se passe-t-il ici?" L'un d'eux chuchotait aux deux. Le plus ancien d'entre eux a tiré silencieusement un téléphone cellulaire et a commencé à enregistrer avec lui, un regard attendu sur son visage.
Character Sheet: Name: Picture/Description: Age (At least Highschool age): Gender: Personality: Talent: Ability: Bio: Other:
Héros oubliés Je sais trop. C'est la même rhétorique, des gens différents. Les héros sont une race de personnes construites par certaines personnes avec de l'argent pour avoir l'air fantaisiste et faire de jolis discours. Les gens idéaux luttent pour. La politique crée une division entre les uns et les autres. Ils vous diront qu'ils sont pour ou contre la discrimination contre les mutants, les puissances et les étrangers. Mais c'est une distraction de vous maintenir à vous battre entre vous, de continuer à répandre des lignes de haine et de bigoterie aux gens avec lesquels le politicien avec qui vous êtes d'accord vous dit qui est l'ennemi. Mais qu'est-ce que ça peut faire? Les X-men vont le faire droit, ils sont des ambassadeurs du bien et de la justice pour tous. Pourquoi est-ce important? Les Avengers sont pour l'unité et l'égalité ou alors vous pensez. Les humains et les pouvoirs, les étrangers et les mutants travaillent côte à côte. C'est tout un coq. Ils sont tous trop parfaits, pour être désintéressés. Ils ont des gens qui luttent pour quelque chose qui n'est pas réaliste. Comme des verres teintés de rose maximés à l'extrême. Qui ne sait rien sur les réalités de la vie. Ils sont plus comme des célébrités en uniforme, qui prennent les jolis boulots. Ceux qui sauvent le monde, ou sauvent les citoyens pour qu'ils puissent être dans les nouvelles. C'est bon pour les magazines et pour les gens. Ils ont oublié ce qu'est la vraie souffrance. Ou ce que ça veut dire d'être un monstre. Ils ont oublié leur message. Parce que le pouvoir corrompt, le pouvoir absolu corrompt absolument. L'argent change l'esprit des gens et même des héros comme Xavier et Nick Fury vont loin du message. Ils sont assis quelque part dans un backroom de la politique VIP avec des gens comme Magneto, le président des États-Unis, le maire de New York, les Sénateurs, sirotant des cocktails, échangeant de l'argent et faisant des affaires. Parce que c'est toujours les gens que nous pensons sont désintéressés de faire le bien pour tous, ce sont les meilleurs menteurs. Leurs sourires. Leurs idéaux progressistes sont tous trop faire de l'argent. Pour faire un profit. Les héros comme Cyclops, ou Rogue, même Wolverine, ont perdu de vue leur message parce qu'ils peuvent sortir de limousines, marcher sur des tapis rouges avec des célébrités. Et beaucoup de jeunes et de personnes douées croient qu'ils peuvent être eux. Ensuite, ils sont frappés par la réalité qu'ils ne sont pas souhaitables. Ils sont d'une classe différente de spéciale. Ils sont minoritaires même parmi leurs pairs. Ils ne seront jamais chéris héros, se faisant caler les mains avec le travail dur qui ne fait pas les X-Men ou Avengers ou l'un des autres groupes semblent bien. Tout comme votre travailleur moyen qui croit leurs politiciens et ceux qui ont de l'argent de les concevoir des emplois pour qu'ils puissent vivre. Mais il n'y a ni sueur ni travail sur leur front, parce qu'ils n'ont pas à vivre avec le fardeau du travail dur. Je sais ce qu'est le dur labeur. J'ai de l'argent. Mais je sais ce qu'est le dur labeur. Et je sais ce que c'est d'être entre les deux. Pour être capable de penser et ne pas être épiné dans une boîte. Ça fait de moi un extérieur. Un ennemi pour eux. Un ennemi dans leurs yeux. Soit j'accepte leur argent du sang, soit je continue d'être un martyr avec des poches. Q Xavier regarde son bureau vers lui. Le jeune avant Xavier était exceptionnellement beau, contre nature ainsi. Cela ne le surprendrait pas si le jeune homme était plus qu'un jeune homme et quelque chose de bien plus surnaturel. Xavier a regardé la demande de financement ou vraiment la demande d'assistance. Pourquoi ce jeune homme s'est-il ennuyé? Ses années l'atteignaient. Pour être aussi jeune et idéaliste, il s'en souvient, mais son corps commençait à souffrir et son esprit devenait inactif. Il n'avait pas réalisé tout ce qu'il désirait, mais il avait encore réalisé quelque chose. Oui, il croyait qu'il avait réussi quelque chose au moins. Bien qu'étant capable de reconnaître la beauté du jeune homme, Xavier s'inquiétait de ne pas pouvoir entendre les pensées de ce jeune homme et de ne pas pouvoir distinguer les détails de son visage. Chaque fois qu'il a essayé de le faire, tout ce qu'il a obtenu était une lueur éclatante de lumière. Le jeune homme se protégeait de lui. Il était donc intelligent et idéaliste. "Q" est-ce? " Xavier demande. Ce qui est correct Professeur, et il était un aspirateur aussi bien, ou peut-être qu'il a pensé qu'il appel à une sorte de plus grand ego. Vous êtes venu à mon école directement et à mon bureau directement, pour discuter de cette demande? C'est exact, je t'ai envoyé quelques e-mails, et quelques vocaux. Quand je n'ai pas reçu de question, j'ai senti qu'il était nécessaire de venir directement à vous," Q lui a dit. Xavier vient de sillonner ses sourcils. Et c'est exactement ce que tu veux de moi, j'ai entendu parler d'un échange de mutants? Et ça veut dire? Ça veut dire que je veux tes indésirables Xavier, Pour quoi? Mes propres raisons, Xavier soupire et regarde le jeune homme, il se détourne en le regardant blessé un peu. C'était dur de le lire. Difficile de le voir. Il ne faisait confiance à personne qui ressentait le besoin de lui cacher sa propre identité. Et exactement ce qu'il voulait dire par indésirables de toute façon? Qu'est-ce que les indésirables signifient exactement? Cela signifie que je veux que les gens que vous allez nier dans un but plus grand que de continuer à rêver et à boire votre réalité vous les avez croyant, Xavier schowls. Vous prétendez que je les fais croire à quelque chose qui ne se réalisera pas? Le jeune homme se déplace calmement dans son siège. Il peut l'entendre sourire. Q ne fait que sourire. Xavier sourit aussi. Trop intelligent, idéaliste et intelligent pour son propre bien. Il pensait pouvoir arrêter un statu quo des années. Qu'est-ce qu'il espérait? Tu t'attends à en tirer profit? Xavier plie les mains sur son bureau et attend simplement sa réponse. C'est exactement ce que je dis et vous savez que c'est ce que je dis. Q lui dit en fait, mais calmement, vous me dites honnêtement, vous allez habiller le garçon qui peut transformer son corps en boule de caoutchouc en un uniforme et l'appeler un X-Men? Xavier fronce, regarde la porte, puis revient à Q. C'est clair pour moi que vous avez été dans quelques anneaux politiques ou du moins ont eu l'expérience autour d'eux,.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Certaines personnes peuvent rêver tout ce qu'elles aiment d'être quelque chose qu'elles ne sont pas, mais elles doivent faire face à la réalité que certains rêves ne se réalisent pas. C'est bien s'ils rêvent cependant, il garde d'autres rêves, et garde le X-medium comme une balise de leur espoir- Ça pourrait aussi ne pas se réaliser. Q l'a coupé, tu vends une illusion alors. Vous vous opposiez à l'établissement. Pour défendre quelque chose. Vous avez oublié votre propre message. Xavier regarde le jeune homme. Il n'a pas oublié. Mais il a dû être adapté, changé, il a dû évoluer. Parfois, la progression a été créée par la fabrication d'une réalité. Question, Q, Xavier a dit durement, Diriez-vous au cours des cinq dernières années depuis que les Avengers et les X-men se sont associés pour sauver le monde de l'invasion extraterrestre qui a presque détruit la Terre, a été leur moins de violence et le peuple a semblé beaucoup plus en paix l'un avec l'autre? N'est-ce pas un sous-produit de notre illusion? Q donne un rire respirant. Et qu'en est-il du divisionniste radical qui existe encore? Votre illusion peut travailler sur la population de masse d'idiots, mais il y a des gens qui n'achètent pas, Xavier rit maintenant. Comme vous-même, mais ce sont une petite partie de la population, répond Xavier. Une petite partie ne signifie pas moins d'une menace Xavier, votre illusion ne fonctionne pas au moment où le secret est sorti. Que tout ça, les publicités, la célébrité, le statut de célébrité, les fissures et les gens voient la vilaine vérité. Lorsqu'un régime ignore une voix actuelle du peuple, et qu'il se sent ignoré, la frustration se transforme en violence. Les mots du peuple deviennent des effusions de sang. Les Avengers ont déjà commencé une guerre civile une fois, votre illusion de la réalité ne fonctionne pas, Donc, vous voulez les indésirables, à quoi les élever? Contre nous? Contre l'établissement, audacieux, mais futile d'entrer ici et de me menacer directement, a dit Xavier. Je ne vous ai jamais menacé Xavier, tandis que vos héros de Célébrité se tiennent à côté des acteurs et actrices qui les dépeignent dans les films, se tiennent à côté des présidents et des maires, et ne font qu'une seule chose pour sauver le monde des grandes menaces. Je veux m'occuper du travail que vous et eux avez oublié," Q lui a dit. Xavier rit, c'est tout. Vous êtes trop intelligent et intelligent pour votre propre bien, très bien Q,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Que voulez-vous vous adresser à eux par? Je n'avais pas pensé à un nom, jusqu'à ce que nous ayons eu cet échange, Rogue X, Xavier sourit. Q s'est juste ridiculisé sardoniquement. Peu de héros étaient du côté de Rogue X, naturellement le plus qui avait apporté de l'aide pour alimenter l'information à Q et finalement les systèmes informatiques de Rogue X étaient déjà hors de l'établissement. Spiderman l'un des rares alliés Rogue X ont de l'établissement actuel, même Deadpool avait traversé quelques fois. Beaucoup d'autres héros oubliés qui n'étaient pas tellement à l'honneur sont venus pour aider où ils pouvaient, Cloak et Dagger avaient été vus passer leur échange à Q ici et là. Guy nommé Joe avait vu parler avec Q aussi. Il se passe quelque chose en arrière-plan. Bien que personne n'est tout à fait certain s'ils sont trop paranoïaques par une menace qui commence à se former dans l'ombre. Actuellement, Rogue X a été chargé de recruter des mutants souhaitables, indésirables, ou de commencer à mettre à jour leurs données actuelles sur les méchants.
Umbra “Humans leave an impressive amount of stuff lying around.” Alias: Nightquake Age: Ageless - but if a number satisfies you my human appearance is 25, I have been on Earth for 4 years and 1 day Gender: I do not even know where to begin with such a question, I am a Primordial Void being. I do not think my anatomical structure actually matches that of a human considering my lower half is primordial matter. But I’d like to be called a He for the sake of clarity and to make it easier for the mortal beings in Rogue X. Serenity Notes; Say that next time. You didn’t need all of that. Umbra scribbles underneath; Say what? Serenity Notes; That you prefer he. You do not need to explain every time someone ask what to call you. Umbra: Huh. That does seem much simpler. To begin to even describe what Umbra looks like is dependent on understand what Umbra actually is. And no one really is for certain what he is. He appears to be some Primordial Voidless being from his ribcage down. The shadows at his feet are not in fact shadows, but said to be some kind of dark matter like substance and it’s a lot more solid than what you’d consider looking at it’s wispiness. The chimeric void creature appears from the neck up to be entirely human. A narrow featured young man, with the only significant difference is the simple fact his hair is wispy and shadowy, almost like embers on top of his head. But it is also soft like hair as well. It’s rather uncertain to determine what kind of material it is. Much like his anatomy is an odd thing to consider. He has a ribcage, a heart, and lungs to breathe. But if anyone were to have a powerful enough X-ray to pure into his body, he has arteries that are only circulating shadows or some kind of dark matter throughout his body. He wears often a long black robe, that almost represents priest vestments, but with odd doom and gloom accessories when not projecting his bottom half most see this as a long black coat, the end of his coat being actually his body when not manipulating that part of his body. But he doesn’t bother with shoes because there is nowhere to actually put any feet, considering his lower half is an odd black mass that is quite solid despite looking like a shadow and acting like a shadow. As for height, his standard stance would make him at least 5’8”, which doesn’t seem very tall, but no one is for certain how tall a primordial being is suppose to be. Or if they really have a height. His weight cannot be given because honestly there is no way of measuring something like that. His cadence is very sotto voce that is in a very quiet voice, and it is often very monotonous because Umbra doesn’t know how to express emotional inflection very well. It’s also not very pleasant to listen too despite its chilly breeziness to it because it is often toneless. Personality Strengths Sagely Being a Primordial Void has its perks, he has the memory of the earliest universe. Which honestly sounds odd and hard to imagine for any human being. But his wisdom is near limitless, at least when it comes to advice giving and the history of the earth. Being a Primordial being means that Umbra can hear the voice of the universe. He remembers things that others could not. He holds the knowledge of the gods and he holds knowledge of the most ancient human beings because his body is made of such scattered things he has a lot of scattered information. But Umbra is sort of out dated. He can tell you a lot about the history of the world, give you sagely advice, and seems to have some kind of universal knowledge. But Umbra is limited in just ancient history. It is a bad idea to ask him about modern world things because he doesn’t have any information about those things. Asking him what outfit you should wear, or asking him about the most modern, current Human world you should honestly know more than him about. Idealistic Except not preachy. Because Umbra’s memories are scattered through an expansive amount of time, he can have some rather idealistic points of view. But it counter balances Serenity’s natural realistic point of views. He’s the one who keeps the group striving for something, even if it might be idealistic, he believes that there needs to be ambassadors for change. Maybe that’s also his idealism speaking when he believes that they can be the ambassadors for change. While he is realistic about his idealism and doesn’t get carried away, he remembers many different eras of time, and thus he tries to adopt older views in a more modern view. Being influenced by the modern world for four years has at least allowed him to see that his idealistic nature might need to be routed into different views. Umbra is not so idealistic that he won’t listen to anyone else. Mainly because he’s not self righteous like that. He has a willing acceptance to learn and admit when he is wrong. But he tries to keep people to strive for more than simply the status quo. Easy-going If Serenity is overbearing and controlling, Umbra is quite the opposite. He takes everything at his own leisure and allows others as well. He’s not necessarily lazy, he simply takes his time. He’s efficient by being careful and detail oriented. Not much really gets to Umbra, he seems unphased by a lot of things and doesn’t seem to persuaded by emotions or to get carried with emotions. It is easy then to simply write Umbra off as slow and lazy, but he is none of those things. He’s never so easy-going he will slack off. And he’s not slow because he’s lazy. He has a very my pace attitude. Which makes projects, Serenity thinks that should be done in several hours, take Umbra a few days because he takes time to consider everything all at once. He lets the others do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t impact someone too much. Or impact him in anyway that actually might get him upset. If you want someone to say yes to your insane ideas, it’s probably Umbra who will let you do it. Riko, can I cut up the curtains to make a cape. Umbra, if you’re going to do that make sure the curtains still look nice afterward. Fearless Being an ancient primordial void means that Umbra has little fear in the face of danger. He doesn’t sweat, but he really can’t sweat anyway he doesn’t have sweat pores to actually do that. It means that he boldly throws himself into the fray without the fear of death or the fear of feeling any pain. He does things with a reckless abandon. Which can be his double edge sword. In the most positive circumstances it means that Umbra will not flee or show cowardice when the team needs it most. Watching him stand in the face of an unrelenting enemy makes the others fight alongside with him with the same mental toughness Umbra shows. In the worse case circumstances, it’s either an enemy Umbra will someday be unable to face, and get himself actually hurt. Or he may be leading the team astray with his idealist, fearless, recklessness because he forgets they do not have his fortitude. Personality Flaws NonHuman Ideals Being what he is Umbra has a difficult time expressing certain things to people because not all of his concepts are comprehendible as something human. He is wholeheartedly still something in between humanity, and all of his concepts and ideas are often vaguely abstract concepts of pataphysics. In which he conjures imaginative solutions to complicated problems because he has no concept of a true morality. This doesn’t make him morally ambiguous. He has morals, but they are constructs of a scattered abstract memory. He is more morally abstract. How he defines good, is at its purest imaginative concept of what good is. He doesn’t define it by any other values. Human tact on needless values to their morals. Good is selfless, sacrifices for others, good is altruistic. For Umbra Good is simply the abstract feeling of Good. What feels good is good, there needs to be no other values. Bad is selfish, harms the innocent. Bad is bad because it feels bad. Why try to define it further than that? Because of that Umbra has some very simple, but complex abstract code of ethics. Further I’d like to add, that the ideals or ideas that Umbra thinks are not due to some kind of faith or belief. As he lacks that kind of concept, it’s why he is so willing to hear out what others have to say. Instead most of the abstract ideal concepts that come to his mind is something he was simply born with. “Born” with. They are the imprint of a millennia of ideas that has spanned across the universe as ideas, beliefs, and concepts long before others. He has a primitive, older structure of thought. Inability to Emote Umbra doesn’t emote. He lacks the concept to emote. Or humanize. He can, but it’s often a falsehood because he can only imitate behaviors he sees others express. But he doesn’t necessarily feel the way a human feels. Umbra emotes, just not in the way a human could emote. While technically he doesn’t verbally emote or show displays of emotions, he is an empathetic being. He can Sense and Share information. But he cannot necessarily feel them. This makes it difficult for the others, despite not entirely being human themselves, but with human conditions connect to Umbra. Because Umbra is beyond even their understanding of humanity. It’s hard to connect with the thing that doesn’t express or humanize in the same way as you. Nonexistent Reality In all tense and purposes Umbra does and does not exist in this reality. Being from somewhere, but nowhere means that he is exist and doesn’t exist in this reality. Because of this Umbra is difficult to follow all the expected rules of him. Mainly because the way his mind thinks means he either doesn’t catch on the rules he is suppose to follow or feels above having to listen to them because he feels they have no value in his mind’s reality. Into the Fray Beyond all the complications of what his existence is and the way he thinks, Umbra has no sense of danger. Actually he sort of sometimes craves it. But danger in its purest form. He’s not an adrenaline junkie because he doesn’t produce adrenaline. He’s often the one to take the most risk and jump into the fray recklessly. He enjoys the excitement in the purest form of what that means to him. Warped Reality More worrisome, while Umbra may not entirely exist in our reality, but may exist in our reality it does tend to affect him. While he has shown no signs of insanity, it does take a toll on Umbra mentally to be shaped and influenced by multiple realities at once. It makes his mind a little skewed times. At its best, he’s just oblivious, half the reason he lets people do things they shouldn’t around him. Sometimes he gets a little mental confusion or forgets rather easily what he was doing. Maybe one of the reasons for a number of oddities in his behavior because of how clueless and air headed he can be. At its worse he can be grouchy, have a violent temper, and be aggressive. And it’s most worrisome, though no one has seen him at this point, it’s maddening and hard to control his purest desires of violence and aggressive behavior. Primordial Void Child To even begin to understand Umbra’s powers you must understand the history of the Primordials. The Primordials that live alongside Earth’s dimension, whether or not you can enter the Void, are often the keyholders of concepts or entities. In an essence they are the reasons why concepts like Mercy, Justice, Good, Evil, Compassion, Charity, etc. exist in the first place. And some scientist theorize that somewhere there must be a Primordial as to why Mutants even exist or even the concept of such an entity. Though that’s all an untested theory and no one can touch or enter the Void because they would be completely strip of their reality or existence in the world because the Void is made of some kind of scattered time, scattered matter. It is the pieces left of Humanity and Earth’s creation. Which is how a Primordial constructs itself through the random leftover parts of things. How a Primordial being Ascends into a God Like state is a complicated and honestly slow process that has not been witnessed until now. Normally there is One Primordial being that is the sole embodiment of a concept or entity. When this concept changes or this concept dies. The Primordial “dies”. But reality is the Primordial is being reshaped to take on the new concept of the idea that died because it is changing. They call a Primordial being reborn a Void Child. In a Celestial sense Umbra is still in a state of infancy, even if he doesn’t look like an infant. In a sense Primordial’s are dual reality beings. Partly influenced by a Celestial calling. They can hear the Murmurs. The Murmurs are the voice or maybe the feeling of the universe. It is almost like a small whisper or really a sense of something that guides them to a reason. But they are also influenced by our reality somewhat. In a way they actually influence our reality, but we define in what way they do so. With that explanation out of the way, we can delve into what it means to be a Void Child for Umbra and what that allows him to do. Primordial Physiology A Primordial without a concept or without an entity are often black and shapeless. As Umbra is now. They take on the shapes of the things that surround them. People. The darkness they knew from before they existed. They have no concept of a true self, and don’t remember who they were before this. They simply hear the Murmurs and know their purpose. In the shortest terms possible a Primordial main physiology is Embodiment. It will eventually take on the shape of the concept or entity that it will some day Ascend to. A Primordial’s main existence is to Ascend after it Embodies its main concept. Told to it or maybe felt by it upon sheer existence. Umbra’s is Justice. This is the reason he can use the powers he uses because his main Embodiment and someday his Ascension will be through some new Concept of Justice he is learning from those around him. It is why Umbra is not preachy about his ideals, because he understands fundamentally he still needs to learn. While he will someday influence the way our reality and beliefs work by his mere existence, the people around him shape what that Embodiment will look like in the near future. Though no one has to worry about Umbra’s ascension because ascension takes hundreds if not thousands of years to ascend. It is often a Primordial’s existence that influence some conceptual story of mythology. Even if the Gods are given the credit, the stories and concepts would not have been told if not for the Primordial’s existence and assistance in the human plane as Void Children. Mendacity Sensing Because Umbra doesn’t feel, but sense the world it is very hard for him to not understand other people’s intentions. In layman’s terms, it simply means that he can sense when someone is lying to him or being untruthful. He doesn’t know what they are lying about, but he can sense their lies. This is very useful in discussions when working with Howard/Meat. He cannot sense the reason behind the lie, and it is difficult for him to determine someone’s truthfulness if their mind is altered. Either through psychic screening despite Umbra’s abilities not being psychic based or through something mind altering like being drugged or brainwashed or mind controlled. Codes of Justice Umbra has a primitive form of law creation, he can construct laws to bend others to the boundaries of the rule. When the rules have been set the victim has no chance of escaping them unless they abide by the rules. However, he can only define laws of his embodiment and those are laws of Justice. Furthermore, the conditions of these abilities must be fairly specific or there is a way for the victim to find easy work arounds them. Beyond that, his Codes of Justice are limited to a small radius surrounding him about a 10 ft circumference surrounding him inside a small force field created by Umbra’s Embodiment aura. Once an opponent steps into the limited range, Umbra is free to set his own rules on his opponents. Rules such as; if the fight is unfair you must surrender. This is particularly handy when they have one opponent and there are a few Rogue X members working together. Primordial Form Umbra is still in all tense and purposes a Primordial. Sure one that is still understanding the world, and one that has not ascended yet. But there are special occasions when a Void Child transforms into their true Primordial form. The Form they may take during Ascension. Umbra cannot transform willingly in his Primordial Form though. As he has not Ascended and there is no way for him to access this ability alone. However, there are special occasions when Umbra does transform into his Primordial Form. Often these are of greater Celestial Events, such as a Lunar or Solar Eclipse. Or other greater Celestial Events that may spark life into Umbra. - In this form he has the ability to create black holes from his body, sucking anything into his body, and crushing them from existence like they are a tin can. But he also has the ability to create the opposite a white hole, while a black hole sucks things in, a white hole spits things out. He can access whichever reality he would like to do so. No other time does he have this ability. And it is probably when he is the most vulnerable. When sucking something inside of him, it scatters his body and when the black hole is closed he spends a few slow minutes reforming his primordial shape. Materialized Guardians Because Primordial beings have some influence over creation, Umbra has the ability to manipulate Guardians from his lower half of his body. These Guardians fight for him, or beside him really and are useful for a variety of attacks. At current Umbra can only shape two beings from his body. And because it takes up Umbra’s body, the more he materializes a guardian, the less of him there actually is to maneuver around. Because of this he can only truly summon one guardian at a time. But one guardian is better than none. The Cannon So named because of it’s shape. Is like a puppy dog, but a laser for a mouth in Umbra’s words. The Cannon can release a laser beam. Or real a conceptual laser beam, for all intensive purposes it behaves like a laser beam, and looks like a laser beam. But it is not a real laser. After being shot by the laser witnesses will see that the opponent has not actually been shot by the laser. Well they have been that’s why they are on the floor screaming in pain, and yelling their skin burns. But they have no marks, or haven’t been melted or burnt to a crisp. As it is the concept of a laser, not a real laser. Slither So named because of the way it moves. Umbra was not very creative when designing these names. The slither flies around the battlefield, and slashes at its opponents. But just like the laser and the conceptual beam, these are conceptual slashes. In the opponent's mind they have been slashed and see blood from their wounds. Everybody else is watching them like a mad man trying to desperately to stop bleeding not actually there. Slither does have one more capability which is wrapping its tail around an opponent to immobilize them. Umbra despite what he likes to think is not impervious to damage either. When he materializes his guardians, his body is no longer as physical and he is weak to sound and other vibrations. Beyond the fact that he is weak against those with gravitational abilities. And weak against extreme force pressure of any sort. He is also affected by light matter. He doesn’t seem to do well with high heat either. And isn’t fairly physically strong himself. His human half still feels slight pain, though dulled since he’s a shadow vein bloodstream monster. And he can be banished to a different reality like anyone else can. He can also still be mind controlled. And he has no defense against psychic attacks. Major Skills Omnilingistic Being the Celestial being that he is and some day with the goal in mind he represents the concept of Justice for all, knows every language on Earth. He can read, write, and speak these languages whenever he needs to do so. Remembering Details An elephant never forgets, and a Primordial being definitely doesn’t forget. He has the expansive knowledge of the Universe, but he holds onto abstract concepts and their details very well. With this in mind Umbra is very good at remembering details. He can tell when the can he left behind has been placed just an inch elsewhere, he can tell when something isn’t quite right about the details of a room, and is fairly good at putting those things together to create a more detailed picture. Tracking Because of his skill in remembering details, he has learned to utilize it for different functions as well. You want someone to find or you need to find a secret book that can open a backroom to a secreter room, then Umbra will most likely be able to find it. Also since he senses people, he can easily figure out a signature, if he has gotten a clear idea of what they feel like to him. No stone is left unturned for Umbra. Once he has been sent out to track someone or find something his attention to detail has him thoroughly scour the area for clues. He can tell the freshness of tracks. When someone’s unique signature has been there last. The dust left by the other books versus the one that has been used the most often. And so and so forth. Minor Skills Voice Impressions Well only in a technical sense. Umbra can imitate the voices of people he has heard through his body. It’s more like an echo or playing back a recording than a traditional voice impression. But still very useful, when he either needs Serenity’s scolding voice, but lacks one himself. It’s also useful in other ways as well. If you need to get past a password that requires voice activation, Umbra’s impression or really recording is an exact match to the other individual so it’s hard to tell it’s just some strange sound from the shadowy mass of a Primordial Void Child. Also entertaining to do actor impressions. Flower Arranging He finds it relaxing. Or whatever the feeling of relaxing is for himself. He likes the bright colors. And he senses it makes him feel a pure form of happiness. He will not accept anyone changing around his flower arrangements and he will notice if there has been a change. He seems rather protective over the amount of work it takes for him to arrange each flower arrangement. If anyone ever visits his little pocket dimension where he spends most of his time, you will see that is a garden of different flowers. He likes the shapes as well. Interior Design Who do you think designed the front entrance of the apartment? Or the lounging room? It certainly wasn’t Serenity. He used his attention to detail to choose the colors and paint the walls. He’s the one who aligned everything in an order he found acceptable. Equipment and Weapons: None. Where would they go anyway? If I need anything I'll put it in Serenity's bag. History: I wish upon a star, with all my heart to bring my papa back to me. Existence is a fickle thing. To explain would be impossible. Because a thousand stars do not know the concept of existence. He isn’t even sure if he really existed when he came to this world. Or if he exist now. He is still a child. He knows this. He is still an infant in the eyes of the stars. But is existence forming memories? Or bonds? He’s not so certain of either answer to the question. He first came to this world in a beautiful garden. Someone was speaking. Making a wish. A little girl. Emily. She gasp. “Are you a monster?” she ask the strange black mass that fell from the sky, that she had thought was simply a falling star. “No I do not think I am,” “I can hear you, but you have no mouth,” in her eyes all she saw was a quivering mass of shadows. She reached out to touch it. It was warm and comforting to the touch, which surprised her. It was alive. But it was not. “Do I need one?” “I don’t think so, what are you if not a monster?” “A star,” “Stars don’t talk,” “I came from there. Somewhere. I am not sure where I came from. But I am definitely a star being,” “Say star, can you grant my wish?” “I do not have the power to grant wishes. But I sense this disappoints you in some sense, what did you want to wish?” “My mommy and daddy, are gone. Can you bring them back? So I don’t have to live with my aunt,” “I do not have the power of resurrection, I am sorry.” She watches the shadow begin to build a structure, up and up. Till he is a tall person wearing a black robe. He is very handsome with white, wispy hair, almost like a cloud the way it moved, but it was also hair like. His eyes were almond shaped and very piercing. “Did I do this right?” he asked looking at his people shape. “I think so,” Emily told him, “How did you do that?” “A memory of encouragement,” Emily stared at him, she didn’t quite understand. Neither did he. A child in this universe. A child on this Earth. It didn’t last long. He wish he could tell fanciful stories of spending more time with Emily. They had one night together. Her room was soft colors, she had created herself guardians out of her toys. She was seeking comfort. He sensed this. He wanted to give it to her. Maybe not want, but sensed he should. He spent the night with her. Watched over her. She fancied him some kind of guardian. But he was not her guardian. Her aunt seemed sad. Her husband seemed depressed. There was an air of grief in this home. There was not anything he could. Even being a Void Child, he could only hear the Murmurs and knew there was a Primordial Concept of Grief somewhere out there. He then perhaps hoped that their grief would dissipate. He wondered for a while. Being called to different people. And sensing them when they needed him. He felt a need perhaps to help them in some way. But, what was he meant to aid humanity with? Grief was not his concept. Hope was not his concept. Comfort was not his concept. He was not an entity, he was a thing between human and primordial. He was a child who knew nothing. It was a maddening reality, that he could not have a concept. He searched for two years to find a concept. To define a concept. But he knew not of the steps to find this concept or its Ascension. Until the murmurs directed him to someone who was like him. Someone in between. They had burning Justice. “Who are you?” he asked. They laugh. “I could ask you, the same question, who the strange half shadow, half man is” “I am a Void Child,” “I am an in betweener,” “What is your name?” “What is yours?” “I have none,” “Well, then we’re alike in more ways than one I suppose,” “You might have my Concept,” “Oh? That’s a little odd. Did I take your luggage at the airport?” “No, I am a Void Child, I came into existence 2 years and 3 months ago, I must find my Concept so I may ascend some day,” He smiles. “Want to help while finding that concept?” “With?” “A project of mine,” “Hmm, what is this project?” “I am calling them Rogue X, we’re superheroes, but the true kind, well they’re superheroes, I am just the money bank,” “And while I help this Rogue X, I find my Concept,” “Quick at least. That’s the idea,” “I find this agreement acceptable,” He never knew though at that time, that he would find his Concept working with Rogue X. The Murmurs reinforced this. They told him that this was his concept. Other Information: Umbra doesn't have a room in the apartment. Instead he spends most of his time in a pocket dimension in his "own shadow" to escape the way reality affects him sometimes and the way he affects reality around him.
Héros oubliés 22 janvier 2009 Et plus de huit couleurs différentes à choisir, les produits Lucy Beauty savent vraiment réfléchir à la façon dont vous voulez vous exprimer en tant que femme.Rogue parle à travers un écran de télévision, dans les morts de la nuit. East Flatbush, New York était pittoresque, mais les années de gentrification avaient créé un manuscrit historique des bâtiments. Au loin, loin au loin, vous verriez la zone d'argent moderne lentement flippante, et ici, au cœur du Flatbush de l'Est, il y avait des graffitis sur les murs, une voiture de police tous les quelques centaines de blocs, chaque caissier était caché derrière un verre pare-balles pour les protéger contre les vols à main armée. Aujourd'hui, les produits Lucy Beauty, les nuances de violet, huit couleurs différentes à choisir, le Rogue continue, le Rogue. Hommes X. Et je porte Lucy's Beauty. Il se demandait parfois si Rogue se rappelait des endroits comme ces petits endroits, ou s'ils avaient vraiment été oubliés sous un petit passage d'autoroute. Il avait sa capuche, portant le vert, la police a levé leurs sourcils sur lui, mais n'a pas fait beaucoup d'attention au petit justicier propulsé dans le quartier. Ils le remerciaient rarement pour son aide. Il a plus ou moins ri quand il a arrêté un vol à main armée. En ouvrant la glacière, il a pris une eau froide du réfrigérateur et est passé au comptoir le plaçant devant la caissière pour la payer. Tu n'as même pas vraiment balancé un œil ces jours-ci quand tu as vu Jean Grey donner des interviews, ou Tony Stark avec une autre femme sur son bras comme des bonbons aux yeux. Toute la débauche semblait être le style de vie pour lequel tout le monde voulait s'efforcer. Robert le regarde. Tu devrais l'arrêter, il lui dit. "Arrête?" Il mute. C'est comme ça que Robert lui dit de le faire, comme l'a dit le slug. L'escargot d'argent, il le corrige. L'escargot d'argent, Dingus Booger, vous devriez arrêter, Pourquoi? Vous pensez que vous allez devenir comme eux à la télé, je parie juste comme, ce qui est votre petit ami, la nuit, peu importe. C'est une réalité qu'aucun de vous ne va faire, Il était sûr que peut-être pas lui, mais Shadow Stalker était une autre histoire. Shadow Stalker, il l'a corrigé. Quoi qu'il en soit, je m'occupe de vous, je suis assez vieux pour savoir, vous allez aller nulle part avec ça, Robert s'arrête, et vous n'avez pas entendu ça de moi, mais l'APG a pris l'assaut des East Flats à la recherche de votre espèce. Je vais... être prudent, il murmure. Robert roule les yeux et lui donne de l'eau. Avoir des héros était destiné à contrecarrer le crime. Au lieu de cela, il semblait que les X-men et Avengers s'étaient occupés de combattre les extraterrestres, et d'autres problèmes universels toutes sortes sont venus dans ces quartiers pauvres pour tirer leur propre poids. Il a tordu le chapeau de son eau et en a bu. Il a entendu quelqu'un derrière lui et il s'est retourné, pour voir Shadow Stalker sourire à lui. Il portait un costume qui lui rappelait les héros du passé, juste un masque noir autour de ses yeux et un seul costume d'uniforme, avec une capelette. "Vous êtes en patrouille?" demande Shadow Stalker. Il hoche la tête. Oui, répond-il. Moi aussi, Shadow Stalker sourit tout simplement, j'ai eu un conseil sur l'APG dans les East Flats. Par Robert? Nah, mais il a confirmé l'astuce d'une certaine façon, laissez-les vérifier, Je suis d'accord, Parfois, vous mettre en danger était le seul moyen de garder les autres en sécurité. Si l'APG était ici dans les East Flats, c'était trop près de leur sanctuaire pour qu'il lui plaise. Shadow Stalker emmenait déjà aux évasions d'incendie et aux toits. Il n'était pas aussi agile ou rapide que Shadow Stalker, mais il a pu se sortir des ennuis. Tout simplement après le sentier, Shadow l'avait quitté, il a fini dans un dépotoir rempli de graffitis derrière certains bâtiments. Des puddles de pluie qui n'avaient pas encore été évaporées s'asseyaient dans de grands nids de poule. Il souhaitait qu'ils aient un peu de muscle, mais Quake n'était pas en ville parce qu'il avait du travail à faire à bord. Ça doit être lui et Shadow. Il n'était pas sûr à quoi s'attendre, il n'avait pas beaucoup d'informations sur APG. Puis encore une fois, ils ont mené leurs opérations à travers des tasses coupées de téléphone et de voyage sur papier. Shadow Stalker a sauté de la sortie d'incendie. C'est l'endroit où ils se sont rencontrés hier soir, l'ombre dit, peut-être que nous devrions vérifier des indices, vous savez. Les sons comme une bonne idée, pourraient laisser une limace ici pour les regarder, il répond. Ewww, vous n'allez pas faire cette chose près de moi Il répond. C'est Shadow qui l'a rendu dégueulasse, tout ce qu'il lui a fallu, c'était de produire de la boue dans l'estomac et de les cracher. C'était l'Ombre qui faisait de gros bruits de glissade et qui se taillait au fur et à mesure que la boue commençait à sortir de sa bouche, jusqu'à ce qu'une limace se sente suffisamment encouragée pour sortir. Ils n'étaient pas des limaces que vous verriez ailleurs, ils étaient de couleur vive, comme les crevettes de limaces. Il a trouvé du réconfort dans leur compagnie. "Ah dieu, tu as vraiment besoin d'avoir un nouvel homme de pouvoir," Shadow lui dit. C'est celui qu'on m'a donné, sauf maintenant qu'il se sent un peu bizarre parce qu'il a agité le reste d'entre eux à l'intérieur. Calme-toi. Eh bien, la fée du pouvoir ne vous a pas accordé une puissance très cool, Il vous a aidé dans le passé, ne regardez pas un cheval cadeau dans la bouche, Il aida la limace quelque part humide, et les deux tournèrent quand le bruit d'une voiture entendit. Merde, ils n'étaient pas prêts pour ça. Est-ce qu'ils pourraient les gérer seuls? En fait, il commençait à ne pas se sentir bien dans cette situation. Il faut qu'on sorte d'ici, il a dit à Shadow. L'ombre a couvert sa bouche, il a reconnu son erreur. Il l'a regardé avec un peu de peur. Les gens dans la voiture les avaient-ils entendus? Ils ont besoin d'un meilleur avantage. Va vite à la sortie d'incendie. Il a regardé l'échappée de feu, Shadow a hurlé et a commencé à s'écraser. Couvre-les dans une brume noire brumeuse. Il devrait avoir plus qu'assez de mucus dans l'estomac et ils étaient suffisamment actifs pour pouvoir les contrôler avec une relative facilité. Inhalant un peu, puis exhalant, il l'a fait encore cette fois en tenant de l'air dans son abdomen avant de libérer un arc-en-ciel coloré d'abeilles qui sortait du nuage noir de brouillard. L'ombre s'empare de l'échelle de secours. Il le suit. Atteindre l'échelle. Une arme s'en va, des étincelles en la raclant à travers le métal. Il recule. Il regarde des humains. Tandis qu'un groupe d'entre eux derrière eux, trois, essaient de secouer ses abeilles. Les deux qui n'ont pas été dérangés par les abeilles ou qui ont vraiment obtenu la plupart du cours d'eau étaient debout à côté l'un de l'autre. Un graff, un homme plus grand, avec une barbe tenait une arme. Il s'est défendu. Il a été boxé. Derrière lui se trouvait le mur d'un immeuble. S'enfuir voulait dire qu'il se ferait tirer dessus. Il n'était pas sûr de la quantité de sa ruche qu'il voulait sacrifier à ce combat. Il ne voulait faire de mal à aucun d'eux. Ils n'avaient pas de pouvoirs. Je ne veux pas te faire de mal, il appelle. L'autre grand homme se retourne la tête et rit. Bien, il allait le chercher. Il a commencé à courir vers les poubelles dans l'espoir de s'échapper.L'arme est partie, l'homme l'a manqué. Il avait juste besoin de sortir de là. Peut-être aurait-il dû écouter l'avertissement de Robert. Ou peut-être qu'il n'a pas réfléchi à ce qu'ils faisaient ici. Non, il avait une idée. C'était simplement pour vérifier les mouvements APG. Il devait s'assurer qu'il y avait un sanctuaire en sécurité. Personne d'autre ne le ferait. Ceux qui étaient destinés à les protéger, les avaient laissés. Pour des choses plus grandes et meilleures. Pour vendre du maquillage, des idéaux, ces petits enfants ont regardé vers le haut. En sortant de l'allée, il entre de nouveau dans les rues East Flat. Il descend sa capuche une seconde, un peu de slime coule de son front. Pourquoi a-t-il dû être si dégueulasse? Même Shadow Stalker a trouvé ses pouvoirs démesurés. Il souhaitait pouvoir rejoindre les gens dont il avait besoin, pour leur raconter les horreurs de l'APG. Quelqu'un a appelé, se penchant sur le mur d'un bâtiment était un homme chauve qui fumait, portant un t-shirt, il lisait; les mutants doivent mourir. Purger les imperfections. Ce n'était pas bon, il s'est tourné vers sa gauche, mais l'attrape sa main comme il l'a fait. Laisser son gant lui glisser la main à cause de sa viscosité, il voulait courir vers l'avant, mais il y avait un autre gars qui bloquait son chemin. Il y avait plusieurs voitures garées dans les places de stationnement. Étaient-ils tous membres de l'APG? L'homme derrière lui l'a saisi par sa bouche, durement, et avec force. Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça? Son cœur est en course. Ce n'était pas bon. Il essaie de sortir de l'homme de l'emprise avec son slime, mais il ne fonctionne pas tout à fait le gars est beaucoup plus fort qu'il est de tirer loin. Peut-être qu'il en tant que pouvoirs de colle, n'a pas d'importance nous pouvons faire de lui un exemple, dit l'homme. Ça ne prend pas trop de temps avant qu'il essaie de l'éloigner de lui et quelque chose passe au-dessus de sa tête. Un sac ou un sac rendant difficile à voir. Qu'est-ce qu'il devait faire? Il a été jeté à l'arrière d'une voiture assez grossièrement. Il n'est pas imperméable aux dommages. Il peut sentir que tout le monde s'est activé. Ils sont vivants et éveillés dans la ruche dans son intestin. Il ressent aussi sa propre biologie, comme le son de son cœur bat dans son tambour, le long de l'humour et du bourdonnement de chaque bug dans son corps. Il se sent aussi bizarre, alors que l'anxiété se précipite sur lui. Quelqu'un pousse ses pieds sur les planches. Et ils commencent à conduire. Il ne se sent pas stable. C'est le seul cas de mal du mouvement qu'il a ressenti. Personne ne lui avait appris ou formé à faire face à cette situation. Ils n'étaient là que pour protéger les rues. Ils ont arrêté les vols. Ils ramenaient les gens seuls à la maison pour les garder en sécurité. Ils n'ont pas fait face à de telles menaces. Il était clair que l'APG aurait pu être secrètement plus organisé qu'ils ne le pensaient. Le gouvernement et d'autres héros vous diront qu'ils étaient une petite population de radicaux. Il ne se sentait pas si petit en ce moment avec trois voitures, lui dans l'un d'eux maintenant. Il pourrait envoyer un essaim dans la voiture, mais cela pourrait causer un accident. Il pouvait s'endormir et s'échapper de cette façon. Bien que cela semblait très improbable vu que ses poignets et ses chevilles étaient serrés, tant il se coupait la peau. Ce qui était souvent facile à contusionner en premier lieu. Il commençait à paniquer. Il devait sortir. Faire quelque chose pour sortir de ce bordel? Bien que sa propre adrénaline rende les insectes plus agités. Ils lui ont fait peu de mal, d'autres finissent là où ils ne devraient pas. Il a essayé de leur envoyer un message empathique. Calme-toi. Ça va aller. Sauf qu'il n'était pas si sûr de ça. Il n'était pas si sûr que ce serait une solution facile. Plusieurs heures de tournage et de branlage. Il a entendu les sons d'une porte de voiture, puis les sons d'une porte de garage. Il a été jeté sur le ciment. Il y avait des murmures excités qui résonnaient dans l'espace vide. "Frères, ce soir nous avons attrapé la mère de tous les mutants, il s'avère qu'il attaque Tony et Smith avec quelques abeilles," l'un des hommes a parlé, il a imaginé que ce pourrait être l'homme chauve de plus tôt. L'homme se penche et la seule raison pour laquelle il sait que c'est parce qu'il entend son pantalon frotter ensemble, et qu'il respire près de lui, tu me dégoûtes d'attaquer des êtres humains innocents avec tes pouvoirs. C'est pareil avec vous, enfoirés. D'abord, tu prends le contrôle de notre télé. Alors tu sauves le monde. Maintenant, vous marchez dans nos rues pour nous garder effrayés. J'essaie de garder tout le monde en sécurité, il murmure à travers le sac. Je n'ai pas entendu ça, tu penses que tu es meilleur que nous tous. Tu t'es tapé dans ton petit costume. Et pense que tu es un putain de héros. Je vais vous dire qui était le vrai héros de l'Amérique, de vrais soldats, des hommes et des femmes qui travaillaient dur. Qui sont hors d'un putain de boulot. Parce que les héros peuvent combattre notre putain de guerre. Parce que tout le monde veut un putain de super soldat. Nous sommes remplacés. À cause des enculés comme toi. Et ce soir, nous allons faire une leçon de toi. Criez bien pour nous. Très bien. Débarrassez-vous avec les pouvoirs! Débarrassez-vous avec les mutants! Certains des autres hommes commencent à chanter. Désolé les gars, il ne savait pas quoi faire dans cette situation. Il attendait un héros des héros pour s'écraser, l'appeler un enfant pour avoir eu plus d'ennuis que ce que ça valait. Mais personne n'était là pour le sauver. Personne n'était là pour l'aider. Ils n'avaient pas de gens comme ça. Il a dû se sauver lui-même. Ou mourir pour avoir fait une erreur stupide. Allez, aide-moi à enlever son costume! Ses attaches sont déliées. C'était sa chance. Il se branle rapidement à l'aide de sa slime pour glisser de l'autre côté de la pièce. Il enlève le sac. Il était désolé pour ça. Il ne voulait pas faire de mal à ces hommes, mais il n'avait pas le choix. Il a inhalé. Puis expira. Il a inhalé une fois de plus en tenant de l'air dans son abdomen avant de libérer un essaim d'abeilles de couleur arc-en-ciel. Un nuage d'abeilles agitées par son agitation s'est manifesté agressivement vers le groupe. Il a commencé à courir vers l'arrière où il a repéré un escalier. Il est allé courir de là, mais l'un d'eux quand il a essayé de s'échapper l'a frappé à travers la tête avec une batte. Il a atterri sur le sol avec un bruit. On pouvait entendre l'incursion d'abeilles pendant que les hommes criaient dans la douleur. Sa tête battait alors que le sang coulait sur son front. Merde. Il a essayé. Le monde devint flou et tomba dans les ténèbres. 25 janvier 2009 Ceux qui se levaient et se préparaient au travail à Brooklyn se tournèrent vers le bâtiment protégé par une clôture et quelque chose sur un système de sécurité qu'ils ne connaissaient pas. Il y avait beaucoup de tension brassant, beaucoup de rumeurs commençant à échapper aux lèvres des gens. Certains reflétaient les vues du Groupe Anti-Powers, l'APG. Ils craignaient que les mutants dans ce bâtiment d'appartement ne soient un moyen de renverser ou de comploter contre eux. Il y avait beaucoup de, vers le bas avec le mouvement des pouvoirs en cours et quelqu'un avait étiqueté l'un des bâtiments portails piliers, encore, avec un signe qui lisait; Sortir. Des étrangers qui ont attaqué New York, détruisant la moitié de leurs infrastructures. Super-héros qui ont été loués ces jours-ci en tant que célébrités. De toute évidence, ils cherchaient à les renverser. Prenez le contrôle de leur ville. C'était la rhétorique des APG et elle a grandi et a grandi parce que les revendications ont été ignorées et permis de s'enfoncer dans la tempête qui s'est ensuivie. Voici le début de dix individus, qui pourraient être beaucoup plus d'individus au fil du temps, dormant dans un appartement où les tensions de leur présence ont grandi et augmenté. Ils pouvaient le sentir, les regards sales donnés à Garfield chaque fois qu'il partait. La pitié qu'ils ont donné à Serenity parce qu'elle ressemblait à une fille ordinaire. Le regard de honte qu'ils ont donné à Duke. Et certains membres ne pouvaient pas quitter l'appartement sans crainte de ridicule, ou de simple moquerie. Alors que la vraie Umbra a rarement laissé sa dimension de poche, il ne pouvait pas simplement valser et s'attendre à ce que n'importe qui l'accepte. Ils ont jeté des regards tristes sur Riko, elle était trop jeune. Ils craignaient Jed, et ce truc de singe fou qu'ils avaient avec eux. Dominic n'était qu'un loser, un sans-abri non désiré, et un monstre, qui a juste l'air dégoûtant et leur apparence dégoûtée l'a toujours prouvé. Pas clairement ils les voyaient comme l'ennemi. Quelqu'un devait être blâmé. Quelqu'un a dû prendre la responsabilité de la vie et de la mort de tant de gens normaux s'ils n'avaient pas commencé à se montrer. Quand le premier monstre mutant est né, ils auraient dû les éliminer avant de pouvoir se reproduire. Il y a eu un temps relatif de paix. Mais cela a lentement dégénéré en rhétorique du fanatisme et de la haine. Lorsque les mutants ont été vus pour avoir reçu un certain niveau de respect, les gens se sont levés, se sont battus. Rends-moi ma nation. Ça n'avait pas toujours été comme ça. Le quartier était autrefois stable. Mais tout le monde croyait que le bâtiment dans lequel ils résidaient quand il a été annoncé d'être condamné aurait dû être donné à des gens normaux à faible revenu. Au lieu de cela, le quartier de la ville a demandé au quartier s'ils permettraient aux mutants d'entrer dans cet appartement. Alors qu'ils savent ce qu'ils sont. Ils savent rarement ce qu'ils font. Et à certains qui leur font peur. Pour les autres, cela les met en colère. D'autres ferment les yeux. Et d'autres sont paranoïaques, méfiants de leurs activités. 9 heures Elle avait toujours été un éveil précoce, le matin elle se sentait souvent rafraîchie et prête à tout pour venir. Timothy avait toujours été celui qui restait debout toute la nuit, mais ses lunettes étaient sur la table de nuit et il dormait paisiblement à côté d'elle. Ses cheveux noirs éparpillés sur son oreiller, elle l'embrassa sur la joue. Souris, réveille-toi, elle lui dit de le tenir éveillé. Timothy gémit. Il est clairement agité d'être réveillé. Il la regarde à moitié endormie, mais c'était souvent la seule fois où il acceptait quoi que ce soit. Elle lui sourit et il lui sourit. Il a demandé somnolence. Laissons aller dans une maison hantée, dit-elle, clairement plus rafraîchie qu'il ne l'est. Ce n'est pas mon truc, il lui dit. Qu'est-ce que tu as peur de quelque chose? Rien ne me met en phase, il lui dit. Elle mord la lèvre et décide de tester cette théorie. Elle frappe soudainement ses deux mains devant son visage. Il la regarde à moitié endormie et groggy. Il n'a même pas clin d'oeil. "Woah," dit-elle. Je sais, c'est vrai, il sourit. "Ah bébé, tu vas me laisser toute seule?" Vous allez bien, ils vont probablement vous mettre dehors parce que vous allez frapper un acteur dans le visage pour vous faire peur trop dur, de Timothy rit. Ça n'arrivera pas, elle lui dit. Il sourit et rit. Elle se fronce les lèvres. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de si spécial dans cette maison hantée? Et qui ouvre une maison hantée en janvier? Ce n'est pas seulement une maison hantée au hasard, la maison hantée qu'ils avaient au Luxembourg brûlée et sont en tournée en Amérique en utilisant le produit de l'argent pour construire une nouvelle maison hantée, "Huh, amusez-vous," Avec qui je vais aller? "Tu trouveras ça," Elle détestait quand Timothy avait raison. Il était plus que probable qu'elle a frappé un acteur dans le visage pour avoir eu trop peur. Mais elle ne pouvait pas faire ça. Elle avait besoin de bonnes relations avec ces acteurs de Haunted House. Ils avaient un si joli costume, elle avait besoin de connaître leur secret. Elle avait besoin de connaître le tissu de cette jolie robe. Elle avait besoin de savoir pour faire une version d'Halloween de Blue Swallows tenue cette année. Ça aurait l'air très mignon sur elle. En entrant dans son placard, elle a commencé à choisir une perruque pour aujourd'hui, et une tenue. Elle allait avoir le sac de super-héros. C'était pas aussi mignon. En mettant son pantalon rouge et son gilet, elle a placé une quantité modérée de maquillage et souri. Timothy était déjà retourné dormir. Elle a quitté sa chambre pour s'assurer que Riko était réveillée. "Riko, tu veux des bonbons, des bonbons et des bonbons?" Serenity a appelé. Riko est vite sortie de sa chambre. Ses cheveux sont un gâchis de tête de lit, portant un pyjama doux qu'elle lui a acheté. "Oui," Riko a dit brailler un peu. "Okay," Serenity a dit, "Alors préparez-vous parce que nous allons à un endroit où vous obtenez des goodies." Elle tourne son attention à son téléphone, "Aimi." Une photo de l'IA dormant est sur son écran et Serenity l'affiche. Aimia se réveille endormiment, une bulle de marque d'interrogation apparaît sur l'écran. Oui Serenity, Aimi appelle à la saluer. Faites une annonce, tous les membres de Rogue X doivent être éveillés et dans le salon dans quinze minutes, j'ai un message important à faire, Oui, Madame. En aucun temps l'interphone automatisé s'est éteint et la voix d'Aims a pu être entendue blaring. Que tous les membres de Rogue X viennent au salon. Vous avez 15 minutes pour vous préparer. Je répète. Tous les membres de Rogue X s'il vous plaît venez au salon. Vous avez 15 minutes pour vous préparer. Avec l'annonce hors de la façon elle commencerait un peu de café et laisser le pot plein avec au moins deux verres laissés dans le pot pour Timothy. Elle a regardé l'appartement, depuis combien de temps? Quatre ans en fait, au moins pour elle. Certains membres étaient plus récents et leur nombre augmenterait lentement, mais Rogue X avait une devise. Personne ne serait laissé derrière. Ça voulait dire que tout le monde avait un rôle à jouer. Les appartements qui semblaient autrefois solitaires commençaient à se remplir. Ils avaient encore beaucoup de chambres à remplir, mais elle se demandait ce que ce nouveau sanctuaire aimerait une fois qu'ils auront les gens amenés ici. Ils pourraient avoir toute la famille. La famille, hein? Elle se demandait où Jayden pourrait être maintenant qu'elle y pensait, s'ils le trouvaient, peut-être qu'elle pourrait l'amener ici. Là, mis le pot pour aller avec six tasses d'eau, elle s'appuyait sur l'espace de comptoir qu'elle avait. Les plans d'étage étaient tous des plans ouverts, la salle à manger a plongé dans le salon. Elle aimait ce salon, il y avait un peu ici et Timothy dedans. Elle a choisi le tapis de damier qu'il n'aimait pas et il avait son vieux canapé beige laide qu'il refusait d'abandonner. Elle a mis en place l'art mural fou des images grandes et petites pour faire un motif, il détestait aussi. Mais il vient d'avoir sa photo déprimante de l'allée noire et blanche à l'autre bout du salon. Oui, Serenity était excitée de voir quel genre de Rogue X ils créeraient. Elle souhaitait que le quartier soit plus ouvert. Mais qu'est-ce qu'elle s'attendait à ce qu'ils pensent d'eux ici? Sauf qu'il serait tout à fait injuste qu'elle demande à tout le monde de commencer à être normal. C'était de l'air bouillant et elle l'a retiré de la chaleur, l'a versé dans sa tasse de voyageurs, elle était sur le point de demander à Riko de se dépêcher. Mais la fille était déjà sortie de la pièce dans une des robes mignonnes qu'elle lui a achetées. Elle lui a brossé les yeux et lui a offert un sandwich au petit-déjeuner qu'elle avait réchauffé au micro-ondes. Mangez ça pour l'instant, a-t-elle dit. En sortant de la chambre à coucher, elle sentait un peu de tristesse que Timothy ne viendrait pas. Mais elle pensait que tout le monde avait besoin d'une pause. Non pas que quelque chose de significatif s'était produit, mais l'air tendu à l'extérieur. Les sentiments antimutants, les regards qu'ils ont. Elle pensait qu'ils avaient besoin d'un autre exercice de liaison. En regardant les escaliers, puis l'ascenseur. "Nous prendrons l'ascenseur," dit-elle. En entrant, elle a pressé l'Étoile pour l'étage principal et en un rien de temps, une poussée horizontale vers le bas des engrenages et des fils, ils étaient à l'étage principal. Riko nommait joyeusement son sandwich à l'oeuf avec un swesh de sa queue. Maintenant d'attendre les autres qu'elle pensait en marchant dans le salon.
Umbra “Humans leave an impressive amount of stuff lying around.” Alias: Nightquake Age: Ageless - but if a number satisfies you my human appearance is 25, I have been on Earth for 4 years and 1 day Gender: I do not even know where to begin with such a question, I am a Primordial Void being. I do not think my anatomical structure actually matches that of a human considering my lower half is primordial matter. But I’d like to be called a He for the sake of clarity and to make it easier for the mortal beings in Rogue X. Serenity Notes; Say that next time. You didn’t need all of that. Umbra scribbles underneath; Say what? Serenity Notes; That you prefer he. You do not need to explain every time someone ask what to call you. Umbra: Huh. That does seem much simpler. To begin to even describe what Umbra looks like is dependent on understand what Umbra actually is. And no one really is for certain what he is. He appears to be some Primordial Voidless being from his ribcage down. The shadows at his feet are not in fact shadows, but said to be some kind of dark matter like substance and it’s a lot more solid than what you’d consider looking at it’s wispiness. The chimeric void creature appears from the neck up to be entirely human. A narrow featured young man, with the only significant difference is the simple fact his hair is wispy and shadowy, almost like embers on top of his head. But it is also soft like hair as well. It’s rather uncertain to determine what kind of material it is. Much like his anatomy is an odd thing to consider. He has a ribcage, a heart, and lungs to breathe. But if anyone were to have a powerful enough X-ray to pure into his body, he has arteries that are only circulating shadows or some kind of dark matter throughout his body. He wears often a long black robe, that almost represents priest vestments, but with odd doom and gloom accessories when not projecting his bottom half most see this as a long black coat, the end of his coat being actually his body when not manipulating that part of his body. But he doesn’t bother with shoes because there is nowhere to actually put any feet, considering his lower half is an odd black mass that is quite solid despite looking like a shadow and acting like a shadow. As for height, his standard stance would make him at least 5’8”, which doesn’t seem very tall, but no one is for certain how tall a primordial being is suppose to be. Or if they really have a height. His weight cannot be given because honestly there is no way of measuring something like that. His cadence is very sotto voce that is in a very quiet voice, and it is often very monotonous because Umbra doesn’t know how to express emotional inflection very well. It’s also not very pleasant to listen too despite its chilly breeziness to it because it is often toneless. Personality Strengths Sagely Being a Primordial Void has its perks, he has the memory of the earliest universe. Which honestly sounds odd and hard to imagine for any human being. But his wisdom is near limitless, at least when it comes to advice giving and the history of the earth. Being a Primordial being means that Umbra can hear the voice of the universe. He remembers things that others could not. He holds the knowledge of the gods and he holds knowledge of the most ancient human beings because his body is made of such scattered things he has a lot of scattered information. But Umbra is sort of out dated. He can tell you a lot about the history of the world, give you sagely advice, and seems to have some kind of universal knowledge. But Umbra is limited in just ancient history. It is a bad idea to ask him about modern world things because he doesn’t have any information about those things. Asking him what outfit you should wear, or asking him about the most modern, current Human world you should honestly know more than him about. Idealistic Except not preachy. Because Umbra’s memories are scattered through an expansive amount of time, he can have some rather idealistic points of view. But it counter balances Serenity’s natural realistic point of views. He’s the one who keeps the group striving for something, even if it might be idealistic, he believes that there needs to be ambassadors for change. Maybe that’s also his idealism speaking when he believes that they can be the ambassadors for change. While he is realistic about his idealism and doesn’t get carried away, he remembers many different eras of time, and thus he tries to adopt older views in a more modern view. Being influenced by the modern world for four years has at least allowed him to see that his idealistic nature might need to be routed into different views. Umbra is not so idealistic that he won’t listen to anyone else. Mainly because he’s not self righteous like that. He has a willing acceptance to learn and admit when he is wrong. But he tries to keep people to strive for more than simply the status quo. Easy-going If Serenity is overbearing and controlling, Umbra is quite the opposite. He takes everything at his own leisure and allows others as well. He’s not necessarily lazy, he simply takes his time. He’s efficient by being careful and detail oriented. Not much really gets to Umbra, he seems unphased by a lot of things and doesn’t seem to persuaded by emotions or to get carried with emotions. It is easy then to simply write Umbra off as slow and lazy, but he is none of those things. He’s never so easy-going he will slack off. And he’s not slow because he’s lazy. He has a very my pace attitude. Which makes projects, Serenity thinks that should be done in several hours, take Umbra a few days because he takes time to consider everything all at once. He lets the others do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t impact someone too much. Or impact him in anyway that actually might get him upset. If you want someone to say yes to your insane ideas, it’s probably Umbra who will let you do it. Riko, can I cut up the curtains to make a cape. Umbra, if you’re going to do that make sure the curtains still look nice afterward. Fearless Being an ancient primordial void means that Umbra has little fear in the face of danger. He doesn’t sweat, but he really can’t sweat anyway he doesn’t have sweat pores to actually do that. It means that he boldly throws himself into the fray without the fear of death or the fear of feeling any pain. He does things with a reckless abandon. Which can be his double edge sword. In the most positive circumstances it means that Umbra will not flee or show cowardice when the team needs it most. Watching him stand in the face of an unrelenting enemy makes the others fight alongside with him with the same mental toughness Umbra shows. In the worse case circumstances, it’s either an enemy Umbra will someday be unable to face, and get himself actually hurt. Or he may be leading the team astray with his idealist, fearless, recklessness because he forgets they do not have his fortitude. Personality Flaws NonHuman Ideals Being what he is Umbra has a difficult time expressing certain things to people because not all of his concepts are comprehendible as something human. He is wholeheartedly still something in between humanity, and all of his concepts and ideas are often vaguely abstract concepts of pataphysics. In which he conjures imaginative solutions to complicated problems because he has no concept of a true morality. This doesn’t make him morally ambiguous. He has morals, but they are constructs of a scattered abstract memory. He is more morally abstract. How he defines good, is at its purest imaginative concept of what good is. He doesn’t define it by any other values. Human tact on needless values to their morals. Good is selfless, sacrifices for others, good is altruistic. For Umbra Good is simply the abstract feeling of Good. What feels good is good, there needs to be no other values. Bad is selfish, harms the innocent. Bad is bad because it feels bad. Why try to define it further than that? Because of that Umbra has some very simple, but complex abstract code of ethics. Further I’d like to add, that the ideals or ideas that Umbra thinks are not due to some kind of faith or belief. As he lacks that kind of concept, it’s why he is so willing to hear out what others have to say. Instead most of the abstract ideal concepts that come to his mind is something he was simply born with. “Born” with. They are the imprint of a millennia of ideas that has spanned across the universe as ideas, beliefs, and concepts long before others. He has a primitive, older structure of thought. Inability to Emote Umbra doesn’t emote. He lacks the concept to emote. Or humanize. He can, but it’s often a falsehood because he can only imitate behaviors he sees others express. But he doesn’t necessarily feel the way a human feels. Umbra emotes, just not in the way a human could emote. While technically he doesn’t verbally emote or show displays of emotions, he is an empathetic being. He can Sense and Share information. But he cannot necessarily feel them. This makes it difficult for the others, despite not entirely being human themselves, but with human conditions connect to Umbra. Because Umbra is beyond even their understanding of humanity. It’s hard to connect with the thing that doesn’t express or humanize in the same way as you. Nonexistent Reality In all tense and purposes Umbra does and does not exist in this reality. Being from somewhere, but nowhere means that he is exist and doesn’t exist in this reality. Because of this Umbra is difficult to follow all the expected rules of him. Mainly because the way his mind thinks means he either doesn’t catch on the rules he is suppose to follow or feels above having to listen to them because he feels they have no value in his mind’s reality. Into the Fray Beyond all the complications of what his existence is and the way he thinks, Umbra has no sense of danger. Actually he sort of sometimes craves it. But danger in its purest form. He’s not an adrenaline junkie because he doesn’t produce adrenaline. He’s often the one to take the most risk and jump into the fray recklessly. He enjoys the excitement in the purest form of what that means to him. Warped Reality More worrisome, while Umbra may not entirely exist in our reality, but may exist in our reality it does tend to affect him. While he has shown no signs of insanity, it does take a toll on Umbra mentally to be shaped and influenced by multiple realities at once. It makes his mind a little skewed times. At its best, he’s just oblivious, half the reason he lets people do things they shouldn’t around him. Sometimes he gets a little mental confusion or forgets rather easily what he was doing. Maybe one of the reasons for a number of oddities in his behavior because of how clueless and air headed he can be. At its worse he can be grouchy, have a violent temper, and be aggressive. And it’s most worrisome, though no one has seen him at this point, it’s maddening and hard to control his purest desires of violence and aggressive behavior. Primordial Void Child To even begin to understand Umbra’s powers you must understand the history of the Primordials. The Primordials that live alongside Earth’s dimension, whether or not you can enter the Void, are often the keyholders of concepts or entities. In an essence they are the reasons why concepts like Mercy, Justice, Good, Evil, Compassion, Charity, etc. exist in the first place. And some scientist theorize that somewhere there must be a Primordial as to why Mutants even exist or even the concept of such an entity. Though that’s all an untested theory and no one can touch or enter the Void because they would be completely strip of their reality or existence in the world because the Void is made of some kind of scattered time, scattered matter. It is the pieces left of Humanity and Earth’s creation. Which is how a Primordial constructs itself through the random leftover parts of things. How a Primordial being Ascends into a God Like state is a complicated and honestly slow process that has not been witnessed until now. Normally there is One Primordial being that is the sole embodiment of a concept or entity. When this concept changes or this concept dies. The Primordial “dies”. But reality is the Primordial is being reshaped to take on the new concept of the idea that died because it is changing. They call a Primordial being reborn a Void Child. In a Celestial sense Umbra is still in a state of infancy, even if he doesn’t look like an infant. In a sense Primordial’s are dual reality beings. Partly influenced by a Celestial calling. They can hear the Murmurs. The Murmurs are the voice or maybe the feeling of the universe. It is almost like a small whisper or really a sense of something that guides them to a reason. But they are also influenced by our reality somewhat. In a way they actually influence our reality, but we define in what way they do so. With that explanation out of the way, we can delve into what it means to be a Void Child for Umbra and what that allows him to do. Primordial Physiology A Primordial without a concept or without an entity are often black and shapeless. As Umbra is now. They take on the shapes of the things that surround them. People. The darkness they knew from before they existed. They have no concept of a true self, and don’t remember who they were before this. They simply hear the Murmurs and know their purpose. In the shortest terms possible a Primordial main physiology is Embodiment. It will eventually take on the shape of the concept or entity that it will some day Ascend to. A Primordial’s main existence is to Ascend after it Embodies its main concept. Told to it or maybe felt by it upon sheer existence. Umbra’s is Justice. This is the reason he can use the powers he uses because his main Embodiment and someday his Ascension will be through some new Concept of Justice he is learning from those around him. It is why Umbra is not preachy about his ideals, because he understands fundamentally he still needs to learn. While he will someday influence the way our reality and beliefs work by his mere existence, the people around him shape what that Embodiment will look like in the near future. Though no one has to worry about Umbra’s ascension because ascension takes hundreds if not thousands of years to ascend. It is often a Primordial’s existence that influence some conceptual story of mythology. Even if the Gods are given the credit, the stories and concepts would not have been told if not for the Primordial’s existence and assistance in the human plane as Void Children. Mendacity Sensing Because Umbra doesn’t feel, but sense the world it is very hard for him to not understand other people’s intentions. In layman’s terms, it simply means that he can sense when someone is lying to him or being untruthful. He doesn’t know what they are lying about, but he can sense their lies. This is very useful in discussions when working with Howard/Meat. He cannot sense the reason behind the lie, and it is difficult for him to determine someone’s truthfulness if their mind is altered. Either through psychic screening despite Umbra’s abilities not being psychic based or through something mind altering like being drugged or brainwashed or mind controlled. Codes of Justice Umbra has a primitive form of law creation, he can construct laws to bend others to the boundaries of the rule. When the rules have been set the victim has no chance of escaping them unless they abide by the rules. However, he can only define laws of his embodiment and those are laws of Justice. Furthermore, the conditions of these abilities must be fairly specific or there is a way for the victim to find easy work arounds them. Beyond that, his Codes of Justice are limited to a small radius surrounding him about a 10 ft circumference surrounding him inside a small force field created by Umbra’s Embodiment aura. Once an opponent steps into the limited range, Umbra is free to set his own rules on his opponents. Rules such as; if the fight is unfair you must surrender. This is particularly handy when they have one opponent and there are a few Rogue X members working together. Primordial Form Umbra is still in all tense and purposes a Primordial. Sure one that is still understanding the world, and one that has not ascended yet. But there are special occasions when a Void Child transforms into their true Primordial form. The Form they may take during Ascension. Umbra cannot transform willingly in his Primordial Form though. As he has not Ascended and there is no way for him to access this ability alone. However, there are special occasions when Umbra does transform into his Primordial Form. Often these are of greater Celestial Events, such as a Lunar or Solar Eclipse. Or other greater Celestial Events that may spark life into Umbra. - In this form he has the ability to create black holes from his body, sucking anything into his body, and crushing them from existence like they are a tin can. But he also has the ability to create the opposite a white hole, while a black hole sucks things in, a white hole spits things out. He can access whichever reality he would like to do so. No other time does he have this ability. And it is probably when he is the most vulnerable. When sucking something inside of him, it scatters his body and when the black hole is closed he spends a few slow minutes reforming his primordial shape. Materialized Guardians Because Primordial beings have some influence over creation, Umbra has the ability to manipulate Guardians from his lower half of his body. These Guardians fight for him, or beside him really and are useful for a variety of attacks. At current Umbra can only shape two beings from his body. And because it takes up Umbra’s body, the more he materializes a guardian, the less of him there actually is to maneuver around. Because of this he can only truly summon one guardian at a time. But one guardian is better than none. The Cannon So named because of it’s shape. Is like a puppy dog, but a laser for a mouth in Umbra’s words. The Cannon can release a laser beam. Or real a conceptual laser beam, for all intensive purposes it behaves like a laser beam, and looks like a laser beam. But it is not a real laser. After being shot by the laser witnesses will see that the opponent has not actually been shot by the laser. Well they have been that’s why they are on the floor screaming in pain, and yelling their skin burns. But they have no marks, or haven’t been melted or burnt to a crisp. As it is the concept of a laser, not a real laser. Slither So named because of the way it moves. Umbra was not very creative when designing these names. The slither flies around the battlefield, and slashes at its opponents. But just like the laser and the conceptual beam, these are conceptual slashes. In the opponent's mind they have been slashed and see blood from their wounds. Everybody else is watching them like a mad man trying to desperately to stop bleeding not actually there. Slither does have one more capability which is wrapping its tail around an opponent to immobilize them. Umbra despite what he likes to think is not impervious to damage either. When he materializes his guardians, his body is no longer as physical and he is weak to sound and other vibrations. Beyond the fact that he is weak against those with gravitational abilities. And weak against extreme force pressure of any sort. He is also affected by light matter. He doesn’t seem to do well with high heat either. And isn’t fairly physically strong himself. His human half still feels slight pain, though dulled since he’s a shadow vein bloodstream monster. And he can be banished to a different reality like anyone else can. He can also still be mind controlled. And he has no defense against psychic attacks. Major Skills Omnilingistic Being the Celestial being that he is and some day with the goal in mind he represents the concept of Justice for all, knows every language on Earth. He can read, write, and speak these languages whenever he needs to do so. Remembering Details An elephant never forgets, and a Primordial being definitely doesn’t forget. He has the expansive knowledge of the Universe, but he holds onto abstract concepts and their details very well. With this in mind Umbra is very good at remembering details. He can tell when the can he left behind has been placed just an inch elsewhere, he can tell when something isn’t quite right about the details of a room, and is fairly good at putting those things together to create a more detailed picture. Tracking Because of his skill in remembering details, he has learned to utilize it for different functions as well. You want someone to find or you need to find a secret book that can open a backroom to a secreter room, then Umbra will most likely be able to find it. Also since he senses people, he can easily figure out a signature, if he has gotten a clear idea of what they feel like to him. No stone is left unturned for Umbra. Once he has been sent out to track someone or find something his attention to detail has him thoroughly scour the area for clues. He can tell the freshness of tracks. When someone’s unique signature has been there last. The dust left by the other books versus the one that has been used the most often. And so and so forth. Minor Skills Voice Impressions Well only in a technical sense. Umbra can imitate the voices of people he has heard through his body. It’s more like an echo or playing back a recording than a traditional voice impression. But still very useful, when he either needs Serenity’s scolding voice, but lacks one himself. It’s also useful in other ways as well. If you need to get past a password that requires voice activation, Umbra’s impression or really recording is an exact match to the other individual so it’s hard to tell it’s just some strange sound from the shadowy mass of a Primordial Void Child. Also entertaining to do actor impressions. Flower Arranging He finds it relaxing. Or whatever the feeling of relaxing is for himself. He likes the bright colors. And he senses it makes him feel a pure form of happiness. He will not accept anyone changing around his flower arrangements and he will notice if there has been a change. He seems rather protective over the amount of work it takes for him to arrange each flower arrangement. If anyone ever visits his little pocket dimension where he spends most of his time, you will see that is a garden of different flowers. He likes the shapes as well. Interior Design Who do you think designed the front entrance of the apartment? Or the lounging room? It certainly wasn’t Serenity. He used his attention to detail to choose the colors and paint the walls. He’s the one who aligned everything in an order he found acceptable. Equipment and Weapons: None. Where would they go anyway? If I need anything I'll put it in Serenity's bag. History: I wish upon a star, with all my heart to bring my papa back to me. Existence is a fickle thing. To explain would be impossible. Because a thousand stars do not know the concept of existence. He isn’t even sure if he really existed when he came to this world. Or if he exist now. He is still a child. He knows this. He is still an infant in the eyes of the stars. But is existence forming memories? Or bonds? He’s not so certain of either answer to the question. He first came to this world in a beautiful garden. Someone was speaking. Making a wish. A little girl. Emily. She gasp. “Are you a monster?” she ask the strange black mass that fell from the sky, that she had thought was simply a falling star. “No I do not think I am,” “I can hear you, but you have no mouth,” in her eyes all she saw was a quivering mass of shadows. She reached out to touch it. It was warm and comforting to the touch, which surprised her. It was alive. But it was not. “Do I need one?” “I don’t think so, what are you if not a monster?” “A star,” “Stars don’t talk,” “I came from there. Somewhere. I am not sure where I came from. But I am definitely a star being,” “Say star, can you grant my wish?” “I do not have the power to grant wishes. But I sense this disappoints you in some sense, what did you want to wish?” “My mommy and daddy, are gone. Can you bring them back? So I don’t have to live with my aunt,” “I do not have the power of resurrection, I am sorry.” She watches the shadow begin to build a structure, up and up. Till he is a tall person wearing a black robe. He is very handsome with white, wispy hair, almost like a cloud the way it moved, but it was also hair like. His eyes were almond shaped and very piercing. “Did I do this right?” he asked looking at his people shape. “I think so,” Emily told him, “How did you do that?” “A memory of encouragement,” Emily stared at him, she didn’t quite understand. Neither did he. A child in this universe. A child on this Earth. It didn’t last long. He wish he could tell fanciful stories of spending more time with Emily. They had one night together. Her room was soft colors, she had created herself guardians out of her toys. She was seeking comfort. He sensed this. He wanted to give it to her. Maybe not want, but sensed he should. He spent the night with her. Watched over her. She fancied him some kind of guardian. But he was not her guardian. Her aunt seemed sad. Her husband seemed depressed. There was an air of grief in this home. There was not anything he could. Even being a Void Child, he could only hear the Murmurs and knew there was a Primordial Concept of Grief somewhere out there. He then perhaps hoped that their grief would dissipate. He wondered for a while. Being called to different people. And sensing them when they needed him. He felt a need perhaps to help them in some way. But, what was he meant to aid humanity with? Grief was not his concept. Hope was not his concept. Comfort was not his concept. He was not an entity, he was a thing between human and primordial. He was a child who knew nothing. It was a maddening reality, that he could not have a concept. He searched for two years to find a concept. To define a concept. But he knew not of the steps to find this concept or its Ascension. Until the murmurs directed him to someone who was like him. Someone in between. They had burning Justice. “Who are you?” he asked. They laugh. “I could ask you, the same question, who the strange half shadow, half man is” “I am a Void Child,” “I am an in betweener,” “What is your name?” “What is yours?” “I have none,” “Well, then we’re alike in more ways than one I suppose,” “You might have my Concept,” “Oh? That’s a little odd. Did I take your luggage at the airport?” “No, I am a Void Child, I came into existence 2 years and 3 months ago, I must find my Concept so I may ascend some day,” He smiles. “Want to help while finding that concept?” “With?” “A project of mine,” “Hmm, what is this project?” “I am calling them Rogue X, we’re superheroes, but the true kind, well they’re superheroes, I am just the money bank,” “And while I help this Rogue X, I find my Concept,” “Quick at least. That’s the idea,” “I find this agreement acceptable,” He never knew though at that time, that he would find his Concept working with Rogue X. The Murmurs reinforced this. They told him that this was his concept. Other Information: Umbra doesn't have a room in the apartment. Instead he spends most of his time in a pocket dimension in his "own shadow" to escape the way reality affects him sometimes and the way he affects reality around him.
Garfield a senti une secousse et il s'est réveillé. Il transpirait et son cœur battait si vite qu'il se sentait comme s'il revenait d'une autre mission sur le terrain. Mais il ne savait pas ce qui avait causé cela. Il ne se souvient pas de son rêve. Il a essayé de revenir en arrière, mais tout ce qui lui est revenu était une image noire. Il s'assit lentement et regarda autour de lui. Sa chambre, stationnée au premier étage, avait été reconstruite de sorte que la pièce était une preuve d'explosion - de sorte que, lorsqu'il s'est percuté sans le savoir dans son sommeil et qu'il a accidentellement jeté quelque chose, il ne ferait pas sauter un autre trou dans le mur. Ça avait été assez cher mais ça en valait la peine. Il aurait été beaucoup plus cher de continuer à réparer les murs, après tout. Il s'est tourné vers son horloge. 6 heures du matin. Les chiffres rouge vif sont indiqués. Il ne sentait pas qu'il n'avait pas dormi - en fait, c'était censé être le moment où il se réveillait. D'habitude l'un des premiers à se lever, s'il ne se trompait pas. Cela peut être dû au fait qu'il a été entraîné dans l'armée, mais il a senti que l'entraînement lui dérape, car ils se réveilleraient plus tôt que cela. Néanmoins, Garfield a rapidement fait le tour, prenant une courte douche, puis tirant sur une chemise blanche et un pantalon de cargo. Il a commencé à faire des crêpes, prenant son temps. Alors que, à l'origine, il avait voulu cuisiner pour tout le monde, il devenait de plus en plus évident que le fait qu'ils avaient tous des cuisines différentes signifiait qu'ils cuisinaient souvent pour eux-mêmes alors il a fini par en faire un pour lui-même. Garfield a pris son temps avec manger. Au moment où il était fini, il était environ 7:30, car il était aussi juste se jeter autour et regarder une certaine télévision jusqu'à la fin de l'époque. Vu qu'il était tard et qu'il ferait mieux de bouger, il s'est levé. Il a pris un bondoir et l'a jeté sur son épaule. Il a ensuite porté ses gants et a fait son chemin à l'extérieur. Comme prévu, il était encore assez vide au rez-de-chaussée. Comme sur pilote automatique, il a fait son chemin à l'extérieur. Comme prévu, il y avait là un autre signe, placé par les nombreux haïsseurs de leur genre. Il n'était pas aveugle à l'éblouissement qu'on lui donnait chaque fois qu'il sortait de l'appartement quand ils étaient là pour acheter quelque chose au dépanneur. Il préférait les ignorer. Serenity n'apprécierait probablement pas s'il décidait qu'une personne pourrait se passer d'un bras, ou si quelqu'un pouvait passer une nuit aux urgences pour un visage sanglant et plusieurs os cassés. Il a regardé autour de lui et a vu un couple âgé passer. Il avait la moitié de l'esprit pour les saluer mais quand leurs yeux se rencontrèrent - le couple l'a rétréci dans un éblouissement et a commencé à marcher rapidement passage. Le salut, bien sûr, est mort dans sa gorge. Quatre ans et il n'avait toujours pas l'habitude de ne pas saluer les personnes âgées. Les enseignements de sa mère étaient profondément enracinés. Il a laissé sortir un soupir avant de sortir de la porte et de prendre le panneau vers le bas. Il pourrait s'en débarrasser maintenant, personne ne se réveillerait. C'était léger et il faisait à peine un bruit. Ou peut-être que Serenity aimerait le voir? Étant leur chef et tout cela, il se demandait si la femme aimerait savoir qu'un autre signe avait été mis en place. Estimant qu'elle s'y attendait déjà, il l'a jeté et il a créé une explosion très minuscule comparée à celle d'un feu d'artifice pop, bien qu'un peu plus fort. Personne ne semblait l'avoir remarqué. Il a fermé la porte et a continué à faire son jogging matinal dans le quartier. Il était toujours préférable de le faire tôt le matin. Il avait fixé un moment où s'il se réveillait tard, il aurait dû courir sur un tapis roulant. Quand trop de gens mouillaient, un jogging paisible est la chose la plus lointaine qu'il ait pu penser. A mi-chemin de l'appartement, deux enfants couraient vers lui. Lentement, il a permis aux enfants de rattraper leur retard. Une grosse erreur de sa part vraiment comme les deux ballons d'eau brandies et les a épluchés sur lui. Drenched, il a accéléré son rythme de retour à l'appartement. "Monseigneur!" "Sortez d'ici!" Leurs voix ont porté à travers le quartier et d'autres parents semblaient s'être rangés à l'extérieur. Garfield a ouvert la porte et l'a refermée une fois de plus. Il n'était pas habitué aux enfants qui se moquaient de lui, voulant qu'il disparaisse de leur vie. D'habitude, ils sont simplement restés à l'écart ou les ont regardés avec crainte - parce qu'ils étaient enfants et ils ont regardé vers eux comme ils avaient des pouvoirs. Peut - être leurs parents acceptaient - ils moins et étaient - ils plus ouverts sur leur haine des mutants. Peut-être n'étaient-ils pas des enfants, mais plutôt des adolescents? Je pensais qu'une petite farce à l'un des résidents de leur appartement était un bon rire. Sa tête était blessée et il a dû saisir le mur pour s'empêcher de tomber. Il n'y avait rien de plus qu'il aimerait donner une leçon à ces deux petits bâtards sur qui ils devraient s'embêter. Juste à ce moment-là, Aimi avait annoncé par l'intermédiaire des orateurs qu'ils se réuniraient dans le salon. Garfield semblait oublier d'être mouillé ou en colère et s'est immédiatement tourné vers le salon. Il s'assit sur l'un des sièges et faisait face à la porte. Une fois que Serenity et Riko sont entrés, il les a salués, "Bonjour."
Name: Garfield Oliver Remus Alias: Grenadier Age: 38 Gender: Male Appearance: Garfield stands at six foot one and has a rather muscular build. He would often wear a shirt and camo cargo pants when in casual clothing. His brown hair is usually slicked back, as was suggested to him by one of his late friends, and he also has chestnut brown eyes. He seems to carry around the wolf tooth necklace he has, but he never said where he got it but it does seem awfully authentic. When he's out doing hero stuff, he simply wears a black leather jacket over his shirt, cargo pants, a black mask, gloves and combat boots. He has two bandolier-like sashes crossing both his shoulders which contain rocks and other assortment of small objects to be used in battle. Personality Strengths: Garfield is a rather calm person. He's generally quiet and is a better listener than a spokesperson. A lot of people assume that he's mute since he rarely speaks; however, when he does speak, it would become obvious that he's actually pretty nice. He's an honest person and it is, once more, shown when he answers a question. He is the kind of person who silently helps before leaving without so much as another word. He has a soft spot for animals and can be usually seen smiling around them. Personality Flaws: Despite his calm exterior, Garfield on the field of battle is rather merciless and he still keeps his stoic expression. Actually, in the field of battle, he seems entirely emotionless. This tends to put off most heroes as he seemingly acts more like a villain than a hero. Out of battle, however, he seems to have his head in the clouds most of the time. He has little presence in the room too. He also shows signs of emotional dependence on others. He also claims to hear voices in his head, most of the time it is his siblings or some other close person to him. Powers: Garfield has no name for his power. He has the ability to turn anything into a grenade - meaning everything he throws essentially can and will explode once it makes contact with a solid area. The mass of the object is directly proportional to how powerful the explosion is. In his own words, "The heavier the object, the bigger the boom." He also has three categories of said grenades: Explosive - The object would explode just like a normal grenade. It has the capabilities of blowing someone up. Stun - This acts more as a flashbang type of grenade. It releases a bright light and a loud sound that would leave most incapacitated for a few seconds. Smoke - Generally used for escaping Enhanced Physical condition - A side effect from an experiment gone wrong, his body can resist his own explosions and typically has a tougher exterior than most, making it harder to bruise him. He also has a greater physical strength than normal people and even trumping some of the enhanced humans in terms of brute strength. This doesn't mean he's invincible and he actually heals slower than most people. Skills: Major Skills: Parkour - Being part of the military from a time past, he has trained in this art for many years and has been using it most of the time while on hero business. Sneaking - Because of his less than admirable presence and generally being quiet in both speech and movement, he has garnered quite the ability... albeit unintentionally. Art - In his free time, he would often be seen with a sketchpad and drawing tools. Sometimes even a canvas and paint. Minor Skills: Cooking - He's been living alone for a while. It'd be a wonder if he didn't learn it. Animals - This guy seems to form bonds with animals faster than with humans Singing - He has a surprisingly good voice. Weapons: He only carries small objects that he throws for his power. He stashes them in his bondolier. Pebbles - It doesn't spread that much but it can damage a normal person when they take it directly, leaving them with a nasty burn and ruined clothing. The shock from the explosion might be the main reason why normal people can't take it. Blast radius would span from 4 inches to six inches depending on the size. Normal-sized rocks - Relatively larger than the pebble but not as much as a grenade. If taken by a normal person, it would leave a rather big wound and blow a body part off depending on the position of where it lands. It would be extremely painful though and the resulting bleeding might be the cause of alarm. Blast radius would effectively range from one foot to two feet. Bigger rocks - The kind that is bigger than your hand so you can't wrap it all the way around. It is equivalent to a grenade and will blow off a part (or a lot of them depending on where it lands) and would probably kill a normal human being (highly likely). Blast radius would be around that of an average grenade, added with the extra shrapnel that would not explode from said rock or any other object of that size. Shrapnel only applies to this size of an object and bigger. Equipment: He typically never leaves without his sketchpad and drawing pencils, if not in a mission that is. It's usually in a small backpack. He also seems to like carrying around some food to feed animals. History: Believe it or not, Garfield had a relatively normal childhood. His powers didn't surface until much, much later. His father served in the military and encouraged his children to join the military as well, much to the their mother's dismay. He was a cheerful child who looked up to his father so he agreed to join the military once he was old enough. His younger sister and brother didn't follow through though, thinking that they would fit in elsewhere. His father died when he was twelve. His last promise to his father was to serve the military in his place. His mother was hesitant on letting Garfield train for the military and his younger siblings discouraged him because he had great talent for art and that he should pursue that. Garfield figured out that they were worried for his safety because of the superhumans and how they could really hurt him, being normal and all. Even with his family's disapproval of his decision, he still went to an academy and trained. By the age of twenty, he was out in the field. His job mainly consisted of being backup to the well-known superheroes which also involved almost getting blown apart, being teleported to the Bahamas (he was so lost at that time), shooting until the cartridge is empty only to see that it didn't even put a scratch on the enemy and the likes. Even so, he enjoyed his time there with his friends. His group of friends usually got out relatively unharmed. They took their day offs together. There were five of them, two females and three males including him. Each time they got a day off, they would live in a house of the family of one of the members. This was probably the prime of his life. He had a good relationship with his family, had excellent friends and an exciting job. Everything came crashing down when he was twenty-eight years old. In the midst of a battle, his power emerged. He threw a rock at an enemy and he blew up. Note that this was a normal human being and he was torn asunder. The death didn't disturb him, considering he was military at that time, but they were all equally shocked to find out that Garfield had powers. His superiors caught wind of this and then quickly tested him. He was placed apart from his original team and group of friends since he had powers. They would make him train with it, and that's when he started hating his job. But this wasn't the worst of it. Figuring that maybe making a superhuman wasn't a bad idea, especially for him since he made grenades with inorganic materials, so they underwent an experiment. It went wrong. The side effects had not been taken into note. While making his body more resilient to force which ended up with him being a lot sturdier and his grenades not affecting him as much as a normal person, it also lowered his healing factor. His physical strength was greatly increased, but he suffered mentally and emotionally. The usual cheerful Garfield turned into a quiet and closed off man. He was deployed with his old friends in hopes that they didn't break him too much. It didn't work. His last battlefield on the military, it ended with two women and two men in their side dead by explosion and a mission complete... but he was the last one standing. Or rather, he was sitting down and crying with his hands in his ears, shouting for the voices to stop. They failed. Garfield also had a bit of a problem adjusting to the life with his kind of power. No more shooting the paper ball into the bin or else it would explode. No more spreading the small grains to feed the pigeons, or else those would explode like miniature fireworks. It made him dependent to his younger siblings, since his mother had passed away. They tried their best to take care of him. They cared enough to sacrifice some of their time to help him. He was their older brother after all. But everytime they saw Garfield simply staring at nothing, they felt a pang of guilt. Why couldn't they stop him before? If not for their father and their lack of insistence, he would have still been the same. His siblings died because of a villain attack. Garfield tried to save them, he really did. However, he wasn't powerful enough but the villain had been taken down by a superhero. But they were late. His siblings were already dead. They saved the day, but not his family. Thinking that it was because big shot superheroes didn't have the time to look at minor villains, he decided to go as a vigilante. That's when he joined up with the Rogue X. He found home and shelter with them, being a misfit himself, albeit for rather different reasons. They said his power was too 'destructive' but the team accepted him nonetheless. He found out about the other types of grenade after he was done in the military and is now trying to find out more about it. Others: - His power was too loud and too destructive. His personality is also rather villainy so he was never invited to become a superhero group. - Everything he throws explodes so he needs to be careful to 'place' the things he want on the ground so they wouldn't explode. - His power does not work on living things; however, it does work on fruits and vegetables. Just not on animals and humans. Theme Song:
C'était une belle journée. Chibi s'inclinait confortablement sur un hamac; Une grande banane fendue reposait sur son estomac. Le singe moelleux a dévoré la gâterie, et pourtant il n'a jamais semblé être plus petit. Une brise chaude agréable a volé le refroidissement de la crème glacée. Chibi avait une énorme cuillère avec un gros morceau de banane empiétant sur sa bouche ; Anticipation remplissait le minuscule simian. Que tous les membres de Rogue X viennent au salon. Vous avez 15 minutes pour vous préparer. Je répète. Tous les membres de Rogue X s'il vous plaît venez au salon. Vous avez 15 minutes pour vous préparer. Chibi scélérait comme le haut-parleur à côté de sa tête saignée, choquant le singe hors du sommeil. Tomber sur la machine de poids qu'il avait utilisé comme un lit, Chibi a frappé le sol brouillant. Sa tête pivotant à la recherche de la source de la voix dans son sommeil obscurci l'esprit. Il s'est rendu compte de ce qui s'est passé. Il murmurait de façon disconsoleuse, "Chibi". Il n'avait pas fini de partager sa banane, et il était déprimé qu'elle n'existait pas. Il a essayé de reconstruire le message qui l'a arraché du sommeil. Chibi s'est promené à travers le hall dans le salon. Il a élevé le bol de fruits Serenity a gardé en réserve pour des collations aléatoires, croquant dans une pomme alors qu'il grimpait sur une perche dans un coin. Il a salué autour d'un bâilleur.
Name: Chibi Alias: N/A Age: Indeterminate Gender: Cute (appears genderless) Appearance Chibi stands at an adorable 26 inches. It's fur is feathery soft, and its eyes are adorable. Personality Strengths: Chibi is an incredibility curious creature. He will investigate anything that doesn't pose an immediate threat. He is also a fun loving being, willing to play with anything he can. Personality Flaws: Chibi is an incredibility curious creature. He will stick his nose into anything he had never seen before; This can vary between the freshly delivered pizza, or the interdimensional gateway device. Additionally Chibi is extremely playful, and will play with nearly anything, from the aforementioned pizza to others personal items. Powers: Walking Garbage Disposal: Chibi can really pack away the calories. It can eat almost anything. Strangely enough it never changes in size, nor does it ever seem to use a bathroom. Rogue X has been unable to discover where the consumed items end up. It has been postulated that Chibi can swallow a small explosive (i.e. a grenade) and survive; This remains untested and is merely conjecture. Oh... Thats where it goes: With a massive exertion of will, Chibi transforms into a massive Using the energy stored from his diet. This expenditure of energy changes the color of its skin from light brown to blue, and it's fur becomes coarse and changes to the color white. Its strength increases to match its now monstrous 9 feet (standing upright) gorilla form. Rogue X testing indicates that in this form he is capable of lifting 3000 lbs (normally: 600 lbs); Max run speed of 24-27 mph (normally: 31-34 mph); And is durable enough to withstand some small arms fire. (5/6 9mm bullets at medium range, less for higher calibers; Impacts can still do damage, bruising, bone breaks, etc. Though the muscle mass decreases likelihood of the latter. Initial transformation costs Chibi approximately 416 kcal(1,750 kJ) and approximately 138 kcal(583 kJ) per minute afterwards. This has only been measured up to 15 minutes (Total of 2500 kcal/10,500 kJ) the longest Chibi has sustained the transformation. The transformation back to its smaller form costs approximately 1250 kcal(5,250 kJ), and leaves Chibi in a weakened state. (It is capable of fleeing, but would be considered feeble in a fight.) The less time it spends in the Gorilla state the stronger Chibi is after returning to it's cute state. This leads to the hypothesis that extended periods of time would require even more kcal/kJ, not only to transform back but per minute; Further conjecture theorizes that there will be additional jumps in cost per minute. Do to dietary limitations Chibi can only transform once every three to four days (If uses a full 15 minutes.) Given its unique genetic anomalies it has been theorized that Chibi can transform if it absorbs enough electrical energy; It is unknown if this energy has to be ingested or can be applied externally. Skills: Major Skills: Monkey Climbing: Being shaped like a monkey allows Chibi to climb as though it was "going out of fashion." It's an expert free climber, and master of the ancient art of Parkour. Prehensile Tail: Being a monkey is like having five hands. Well four hands and this neat length of intelligent rope. Chibi can use his tail for anything from hanging himself from a tree limb to pulling the trigger on a stationary gun. Monkey Fu: To assist in protecting his owner/partner Chibi was programmed with the five variations of the Tai Shing Monkey Kung Fu. Which he uses exclusively in monkey form. Drunken Monkey uses a lot of throat, eye and groin strikes as well as tumbling and falling techniques. It incorporates a lot of false steps to give the appearance it is defenseless and uses a lot of off balance strikes. The practitioner waddles, takes very faltering steps and sometimes fall to the ground and lies prone while waiting for the opponent to approach at which time a devastating attack is launched at the knees or groin areas of the opponent. In drunken monkey you use more internal energy than any other. It is one of the more difficult of the monkey styles to master and also extremely effective against a standard, attack-oriented enemy. Countering this style involves shifting your body around often to ensure that the Drunken Monkey user impacts more solid, tougher areas of your body. Stone Monkey is a "physical" style. The practitioner trains up his body to exchange blows with the opponent - Stone Monkey uses a kind of iron body method. It will leave an area exposed on its body for an opponent to attack, so it can attack a more vital spot on the body. It is important not to attack reflexively at open spots, and try to hammer away at their weak spots until they give in. Lost Monkey feigns a lot. Practitioners of Lost Monkey give the appearance of being lost and confused to deceive the opponent into underestimating his abilities, and he retaliates when it is least expected. The hands and footwork change and flow from each other at will. All monkeys are sociable animals and so they live in troupes or family groups. They are also very territorial by nature and so when they wander into the territory of another troupe there is normally a fight possibly resulting in death to the trespassers. This technique incorporates the fear, nervousness and mischief of a monkey who has wandered into a neighboring territory, in that it attempts to pick and eat as many fruits and insects as quickly as is possible while nervously looking around before scurrying back to its own home range. Standing Monkey or Tall Monkey is a relatively conventional monkey that likes to keep an upright position and avoid tumbling around. This style is more suited for tall people. Tall monkey likes to climb body limbs to make attacks at pressure points. It is a long range style. Wooden Monkey mimics a serious, angry monkey that attacks and defends with ferocity. The attitude of this monkey is more serious, and its movements are noticeably less light than the other monkeys. Wood monkey likes to grapple and bring its opponent to the ground. Minor Skills: Limited Vocabulary: Chibi has never been heard to say anything other then its name. However it can usually get its meaning across using inflection and charades. Chibi: Due to its extremely cute appearance, Chibi is often underestimated. And can often get away with things others could not. Weapons: Chibi doesn't carry weapons, though he is known to use makeshift weapons at times. Equipment: Chibi wears a backpack and radio earpiece. History: Chibi wasn't born. It's life started in a laboratory, the result of yet another attempt at creating super soldiers. It's creator, Dr. Alonzo Patrick Espinosa, knowing the horrible outcomes of experiments using human test subjects chose to use monkeys. Chibi was born to one of the test subjects and showed an enhanced durability and stamina. However there were strange genetic mutations as well. Deciding this particular subject was disposable, Dr. Espinosa chose to see if it could weaponize the creature. He performed surgery on the monkey and installed a biotech computer in Chibi's head. The creature not only survived, but developed use of the computer in unexpected ways. Unfortunately for Dr. Espinosa, only those programmed into the computer appeared lethal. Time and finances running low Dr. Espinosa made an attempt to sell his research. The highest bidder seeing only an adorable monkey in place of the genetically engineered assassin he purchased; Killed Dr. Espinosa and destroyed the lab. Chibi escaped in the chaos. It wandered the alleys and back streets till it met its first friend and was finally named. It also learned to speak and discovered the limit of its vocabulary. It was in defense of Chibi's friend that it discovered the unique ability that allowed it to escape the destruction of the lab. Unfortunately the transformation scared the friend away. However Chibi had discovered the joy of fighting crime. A path it followed until it was discovered and adopted by Rogue X. *For the sake of my sanity and to make writing easier I will most likely write Chibi using male pronouns as I seem to think of it more in that way. (I keep trying to type he instead of it.)
Duke était debout depuis quelques heures. De bonne heure au lit et de bonne heure à la hausse avait toujours été un dicton populaire de sa et aujourd'hui n'était pas différent. Sa routine matinale était simple au mieux, s'habiller à 6, se laver à 7 heures, puis manger vers 8h30. Ce n'était pas souvent qu'il ait jamais été interrompu de son emploi du temps et encore moins quand c'était une réunion de groupe. L'annonce du système d'orateurs dans sa chambre l'a pris momentanément par surprise, mais il a continué à manger l'œuf bouilli qu'il avait préparé. Duke s'est moqué de lui, "Damn Robo-girls, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec un bon vieux mag nudy?" 5 minutes plus tard, le petit déjeuner était terminé et son assiette était jetée dans l'évier avec le reste de sa vaisselle. Vraiment, l'évier n'était qu'une formalité pour lui. Quand vous vivez sur la route, vous ne gaspillez pas d'eau sur des choses qui en ont à peine besoin. Les vieilles habitudes sont mortes durement pour Duke. À la sortie de son appartement, Duke ramassa sa canne à côté de la porte, et son cher John Deere Cap. En le plaçant fermement sur sa tête, il ouvrit la porte et s'embrasa. Duke n'a pas pris la peine de fermer complètement sa porte d'appartement, après tout, il n'y avait personne dans l'immeuble Rogue X qui voudrait lui voler et de toute façon, il n'avait rien de vraiment intéressant à prendre. Les pensées de Dukes dérivent brièvement vers le singe, mais il n'a pas de soucis, "Aghh, qu'est-ce que l'enfer. S'il va là-dedans, il pourrait même faire le lavage pour moi."
Name: Duke Delroy/"Were I to say it out loud, you would turn insane" Alias: Host of Plaixare (Usually just "Plaixare") Age: 71 Gender: Male/Unknown Appearance: The best way for me to put it is using a reference photo seeing as his appearence is based on a real life person. His outfit is generally very simple. Almost always a variation of a white vest, check shirt and a pair of tatty blue dungarees. Whenever possible he is wearing a John Deere Cap When Duke is controlled by the Demon, Plaixare, his eyes glow a dull orange and his beard literally and figuratively burns like hot coals in a fireplace. His face also turns a slight tinge of Grey. Dukes skin seems to tighten around his bones giving him an almost skeletal build for the duration. Personality Strengths: Duke is a humble man who cares not for money nor fame. Were he to have his way, the rest of his days would be spent with a fire in the hearth and a sheepdog by his side. When he is not taken over by an ancient demon, people can quickly tell that he has good intentions in what he does. He is a great listener and has an affinity for making one open up about themselves. Personality Flaws: The Demon, Plaixare is a cruel and sadistic being who is barely controlled by Duke. Should he mistakenly relax his hold on the being for too long he will find himself using more than excessive force. Regular Duke does also have his flaws but not nearly as severe. Due to his old fashioned way of life he can sometimes unintentionally be sexist and or racist. He means no malice by this but it can rub some people up the wrong way. Powers: All of these power can only be used when channeling the power of Plaixare, something he only does when extremely necessary. 1. Duke can project a roaring beam of flame from his face in a straight line for roughly 20 metres or until interrupted. 2. Within a 5x5 metre dome around himself, Duke can eliminate the effects of all light sources other than those created by himself causing the area to be almost pitch black. Those outside can see in but those inside the dome may not see out. 3. Duke is able to perform short range teleportation. He can disappear in a cloud of black smoke and reappear in any direction up to 10 metres away from his starting position. This can be straight up or at angles but cannot be used to pass through solid objects. 4. When first taken over by Plaixare, aside from his appearance altering transformation, Dukes body gains some form of weapon suited to the task ahead. This could be clawed fingers, horns, a prehensile tail or some other kind of alteration. He can only gain one modification at a time and is stuck with his choice until he takes back control of his body. These additional transformations cannot add powers or ranged attacks, they are purely tools or melee weapons. Skills: Major 1. Farming. Since a young age Duke was working on a farm and therefore knows the correct technique for growing most common vegetables. He can also operate most simple machinery. Major 2. Stringed instruments. Duke is skilled at playing instruments including but not limited to banjos, guitars and fiddles. Major 3. Demonic tongue. Being the host of an otherworldly demon gives you all sorts of knowledge. Duke knows about some of the mystical realms and can speak fluently in demonic tongue. Weapons: Duke carries with him a hook handled wooden cane. When taken over, the cane burns up into ashes but reforms when Duke returns. Equipment: Duke carries a tobacco pipe, a tin to hold said tobacco and a hip flask Duke grew up on a farm in the deep south in the 1950s. He lived with his parents up until the ripe old age of 14 where he packed a bindle with his worldly belongings and decided to make his own way into the wide world. In his first years on the proverbial street, Duke lived off of busking with his banjo. He would sit on a street corner in the blazing hot sun and play until day became dusk. This routine continued for three years, three glorious years. Of course he had no luxuries in his life but he made enough money to have at least 2 meals a day and a thick blanket to sleep in at night. This all changed when one Winter night he came across a gang of Street Urchins no older than himself but all armed. They robbed him, kicking him to the ground and smashing his treasured instrument purely out of boredom. Broken and bruised, Duke crawled back to where he was staying the night and wept himself to sleep. During this sleep a voice reached out to him through the mist of his dreams. The voice said, "embrace me . take my power . enact revenge . kill them all." When Duke woke he found himself surrounded by the bodies of the kids who had cornered him the night before. Each one maimed beyond recognition and posed, pointing at his resting place with a single outstretched finger. Some were missing limbs, others had had there faces burnt off. Those that still had a face, showed an expression of utter fear. Somehow, Duke knew he had committed these murders (COULD IT BE THE FACT THAT THEY WERE ALL POINTING AT HIM!? WHO KNOWS?) The demon that had reached out to him had only intended to use him as a host for a single night. The plan was to siphon Duke's energy and then once it was more powerful it would move on to a new host, one with more power, more strength. That was the plan anyway. When the demon tried to leave it's host's body, something inside of Duke held on, pulled back even. Such was Duke's will that Plaixare the demon found itself unable to leave this mere mortal. As time went by and Duke aged he began to forget this ordeal and write it off as a bad dream induced by a bad choice of mushrooms in his stew. He got on with his life and even started work in a car factory of which he worked in for 20 years. The powers that he had witnessed that night never manifested themselves again but they still lay dormant, waiting for the moment to strike out with the rage and fury of an immeasurable force trapped within an unbreakable cage.
Que tous les membres de Rogue X viennent au salon. Vous avez 15 minutes pour vous préparer. Je répète. Tous les membres de Rogue X s'il vous plaît venez au salon. Vous avez 15 minutes pour vous préparer. Le bruit qui jaillissait des haut-parleurs n'était pas terriblement désagréable; en effet, la voix avait un ton agréable à lui, mais à l'esprit dormant de Dominic, il semblait avoir sonné d'une corne de clarion. Il est sorti du lit, littéralement, et a atterri sur le sol, un enchevêtrement de jambes et de draps. Une fois sorti, il a trébuché aux toilettes pour se raser et se brosser les dents. Il a trébuché sur les jambes d'une chaise, se gagnant une ecchymose, et a donné à l'objet offensif une malédiction et un coup de pied, ce qui n'a fait que favoriser les ecchymoses sur sa jambe. Une fois qu'il était surtout présentable, habillé d'un sweat à capuche gris foncé et d'une paire de jeans en jean teinté, il a saisi son sac et a commencé pour la porte, en saisissant une barre de protéines grainées sans saveur comme un « petit-déjeuner » de fortune. Il s'empare de ses poches, surtout pour se rassurer qu'il avait tout ce dont il avait besoin, et ressentait le poids familier de sa lame de commutation et (tout à fait vide) de son arme de poing. Il doutait qu'il en aurait besoin non plus, l'annonce sur l'interphone n'avait pas semblé trop urgente, mais il était légèrement réconforté par leur présence de toute façon. Il marcha rapidement, se tenant sur le côté lent des couloirs, restant hors de la traînée principale. Ce n'était pas un effort conscient, il ne pouvait tout simplement pas éviter l'instinct qu'il avait involontairement aiguisé tout au long de sa vie comme un errant sans foyer perpétuel. Sa légère révérence a été coupée lorsqu'il a vu les débuts de l'équipe se regrouper. Il n'a pas dit grand-chose en règle générale, et il a en quelque sorte eu l'impression qu'il était l'un des membres les moins bienvenus de l'équipe. En tant que tel, il a simplement pris place, prenant soin de ne pas s'asseoir trop près de quiconque, de peur qu'ils ne tentent de faire trop de conversation. Il regardait curieusement le petit singe, souhaitant se souvenir de son nom. C'était quelque chose de mignon. Bonnet? La pêche?
Name: AIMI (Assisted Intelligence Matrix Interface) Alias: Aimi is pronounced as Amy Age: Aimi is programmed to appear in her early twenties. Gender: Being an advanced program, she technically lacks a gender, though she was programmed with a feminine body, and personality. Role: AIMI is an AI developed by Timothy to help maintain Rogue X’s servers. Her main purpose being to keep viruses out, making sure the security systems are always running, and any other task she may be given(so long as it’s within her capabilities). Appearance: The first thing to note about the AI, is she is inside a screen at all times. Be it a phone connected to the Rogue X’s server, or a computer. Due to this, she lacks a definitive height, or a weight. She is designed with pale skin, blue hair, and blue eyes. Sleepy mode. At night, and early in the morning, Aimi will be seen in pajama’s and with her hair down. Her speech pattern will also be plagued with an occasional yawn. Work Mode. Her usual attire. She is usually seen in this mode holding a phone, with a holographic screen above it. She uses this when asked to search something on the internet, or find something specific on Rogue X’s servers. She also has a broom, and various other cleaning tools, which she uses to clean up viruses. She has a floating seat, which she will be seen with when ‘feeling lazy’, or when she doesn’t have any work to do. Personality Strengths: Aimi is programmed to be intelligent, talkative, and helpful. To this end, if she is asked something she doesn’t know the answer to, she will search it on the internet, and if she can’t find it that way, she will dive into the deep web hoping to find it there. While she is talkative, and will strike and hold a conversation, she still doesn’t technically qualify as human contact, but she is the next best thing. What kind of AI wouldn’t be helpful? She was designed with a purpose after all. Personality Flaws: Her biggest flaw, is she’s a program, and no matter how advanced she is, she can still be hacked, and attacked by viruses. If she obtains a virus, she will no longer be helpful, and will seemingly be stuck in ‘sleepy mode’, with the addition of a slightly blue shade, alerting her caretaker(Timothy) that something is wrong. If hacked however, it is harder to detect, unless the hacker made obvious changes to her usual behavior. Skills: Research - As stated in her personality, she will go as far as the deep web to find information if required. She is programmed with exceptional research skills. Virus Removal - If you’ve ever spotted Aimi in your phone with a duster, broom, or other cleaning product, she’s getting rid of viruses for you. If you ever see her running around in a panic, being chased by a blob, the virus was bigger than she thought, and you might want to tell Timothy his AI is about to be attacked by a virus. Social - Aimi is programmed to communicate like a real human. To this end, she can research topics, and hold conversations about them. You want to talk to her about politics without making anyone mad? Want to talk sports, but don’t know anyone else interested? Talk to Aimi, though her views aren’t inspired only by facts, but also by the popular opinions she finds online, so as to make it seem like she has an actual opinion, and isn’t just reading wikipedia. Artsy - Aimi’s programming includes artistic ‘skills’, of course, some might view this as unfair, considering she can draw perfect lines. But, if you need a blueprint drew up, or need to make wanted posters based on a vague description from a witness, Aimi can draw it for you. Dancing - If you’re ever sitting around bored, and want to watch something cute, ask Aimi to do a dance for you. She is programed with knowledge of both ballet, and ballroom dancing. Though since she lacks an AI partner, she usually will just dance with a broom, which is cuter than it sounds. She can also learn new dances, from watching others, so her repertoire might be larger than her original programming, she has learned multiple dances from Serenity. Other Info: Aimi has her own computer, though it’s not set up the way a normal one is, but rather it’s a virtual ‘room’. Aimi can often be found here, when she isn’t doing something elsewhere. If she has caught a virus, she will usually be found laying in her bed, refusing to work until she is better Everything in this ‘room’ is fully interactable, either by clicking on it with a mouse, or Aimi interacting with the things. Undefined *basically every NPC will go into the undefined section, until they are determined to be allies or villains. It's more fun that way. Der Alptraum Zirkus The strange and eerie. The cruel and sinister. The insane and degenerate. Come one and all. Buy a ticket from Das Gespenst, he'll take you down the river of styx into a magical world of secrets and tricks. Can you? Will you make it alive? The Cast of our Zirkus das Gespenst "The Spook" Some mistake Gespenst as the reaper himself, but he is no grim reaper. He is a specter who has taken on the task the grim reaper has given him. An underling to his mighty power, his job is to lead visitors from the catacombs into the magical nightmare they are about to witness. He has had made many friends in this world and they greet him with little to no hostility, but you. You my dear visitor must walk cautiously through our home, for you are not welcomed even if Gespenst let you in, it was not direct permission to trespass on our land. Theme Song: *And I also sort of like the music video to explain how Gespenst sounds, like I assume that's he sang this song kind of thing. Der Krähenkönig "The Crow King" You realize the specter that has guided has left you alone in a field. You are not sure which path is the right path, you twist and turn. The sounds of rustling grass disturbs the scare crow hidden in its blades. His job is to drive you from these fields of corn. The Crow King is said to be a possessed turnip, who grew hands and feet, who became the caretaker of these fields of the dead. Theme Song: Mampfen der Hanswurst Zapplen der Narr Chomp the Fool and Fidget the Jester You run from the fields, you run from the anger of the Crow King until you reach the place you were looking for. The music brings back nostalgic memories of a childhood. But this is not the childhood you are reminded of. For hidden behind the curtains of this circus tent are too insane degenerates. They do not want you to leave. You may think this is all for laughs, but you are not meant to leave this place. Mampfen "Hrraahahaha. Who am I you ask? I am a two time award winner of best teeth in the game. Here let me try it out out on you, I'll get your nose. Hrrahaahaha." Zapplen "Now that's not nice Mampfen, they need their noses. So they can take a whiff of what their own fear is. Pew wew. I think this one has shit the bed. Haaahahaheheh!" Theme Song
JED s'est réveillé à 8h30, son système démarre lentement en ligne alors que sa batterie a fini de recharger. Il s'est automatiquement alimenté après avoir atteint une batterie complète, une tentative vaine de compenser sa courte durée de vie de la batterie. Bien sûr, avoir à passer une majorité de la journée hors ligne n'était en aucun cas efficace, mais que pouvait-il faire à ce sujet? Au lieu de cela, JED a insisté sur les foules croissantes qui ont presque constamment entouré le bâtiment de l'appartement. Ils ont toujours été un problème, mais ils sont en croissance rapide à mesure que le nombre de mutants dans leurs rangs augmente. JED a respecté leur droit de se réunir pacifiquement, mais ils ont rendu quelque peu difficile de quitter l'appartement. En fait, la plupart du temps, JED a dû faufiler son corps de bois à travers la sortie de secours, faisant de son mieux pour cacher son corps monstrueux. JED n'a pas apprécié leur haine - eh bien, pour être plus précis, il n'a pas apprécié leur haine envers ses actions. JED était parfaitement d'accord avec leur colère envers lui - c'était injustifié, mais ils avaient droit à leurs opinions. Ils ne pouvaient rien faire pour le blesser à cause de sa durabilité, et leurs mots pouvaient être ignorés. Mais ce sont aussi les gens qui détestaient tout ce qu'il faisait - chaque fois que JED essayait de travailler à la soupe populaire, il était rejeté parce que les sans-abri ne prenaient pas pitié d'un monstre. Ils ne lui permettraient pas d'aider à la construction ou à tout autre travail de charité, refusant d'être aidé. Grâce à cela, JED a été forcé de passer la plupart de son temps à nettoyer le bâtiment de l'appartement ou à faire des tâches ménagères. Lentement, le robot s'est rendu compte qu'il n'avait pas activé ses capteurs, et lentement, le monde est venu en vue. La chaudière bourdonnait doucement, et le disjoncteur était directement à la gauche de Jed. La sortie, la seule dans la pièce, était complètement vide. La pièce elle-même était stérile, dépourvue de toute personnalisation ou personnalisation - c'était votre chaufferie typique, faite de métal et de béton. C'était sa chambre. Considérant qu'il était un robot et qu'il n'avait pas besoin du confort dont les humains ont besoin, JED a proposé de rester dans la chaufferie, une zone relativement grande qui avait de l'espace qui, sinon, irait au gaspillage. C'était bien pour les autres occupants. Surtout depuis qu'il était hors de vue. Lentement, les jambes cristallines ont changé de forme, poussant JED vers le haut dans une position debout. Il a ensuite commencé à marcher à un rythme lent, presque risible, manipulant doucement ses bras afin d'ouvrir la porte - une tâche qui nécessite la plus grande précision. Enfin, JED a réussi à accomplir cet exploit, et il a lentement, avec un soin extrême, manœuvré son corps hors du cadre de la petite porte sans rien casser. JED regarda autour - la zone de Timothy était, comme toujours, fortement verrouillée, et la zone de lavage n'avait aucune activité. Le stockage était fermé derrière une porte fermée, et JED n'avait jamais eu de raison de rentrer à l'intérieur - il ne possédait pas une seule possession, donc il n'avait aucune raison de le faire. L'ascenseur était un autre endroit que JED n'avait jamais entré - il seul a dépassé la limite de poids, le laissant utiliser l'escalier. Derrière lui, la sortie de secours, celle qu'il est entré pour s'échapper dans le monde extérieur, a été fermée avec un panneau de sortie néon à quelques pouces au-dessus. La plupart des humains le trouveraient complètement déprimant, mais JED avait beaucoup aimé la région au cours des 7 derniers mois. Le rythme lent a finalement conduit JED à l'escalier, qu'il a lentement commencé à monter. En arrivant au sommet, JED a atteint son sommet autour du coin, regardant la foule se rassembler à l'extérieur de la porte. Il était grand, composé d'au moins deux douzaines de personnes, qui toutes portaient des signes dans leurs mains. Ils ont commencé à crier des insultes, et émergeant de la foule trempée, était Garfield. Lorsque les deux ont été présentés, JED était sûr de garder sa distance - s'il a explosé, certaines personnes à proximité peuvent être très blessées. Il entra par la porte, et JED lui ouvrit la porte, et Garfield se rendit rapidement au salon. Juste alors, l'annonce sonnait dans tout le bâtiment. "Voulez-vous tous les membres de Rogue X s'il vous plaît descendre au salon. Vous avez 15 minutes pour vous préparer. Je répète. Tous les membres de Rogue X s'il vous plaît venez au salon. Vous avez quinze minutes pour vous préparer." Content qu'il ait quelque chose à faire, JED a commencé à suivre Garfield dans le salon, se positionnant dans un coin. Il ne sentait pas l'inconfort de se tenir debout et les chaises ne pouvaient pas tenir son poids, alors JED se tenait tout simplement debout constamment quand il n'était pas chargé. Chibi fut l'un des premiers à arriver, suivi de Serenity et des autres. Dans l'ensemble, JED aimait beaucoup l'équipe - ils étaient la chose la plus proche qu'il avait avec une famille, et les humains étaient censés être très liés à leurs familles. JED les salua lorsqu'ils arrivèrent en agitant son bras déchiqueté et tranchant.
Name: Justice Enforcement Droid, or JED for short Alias: Jackpot Justice Age: Has existed for a few million years, but has only been active for 7 month. Gender: N/A, but has decided to refer to itself as a male. JED Stands at an impressive 7 feet tall, weighs 2500 lbs, and is appears to be made entirely of a strange crystalline substance that is foreign to earth. After several tests, Rogue X has discovered that the substance is about half as strong as steel, but far less heavy. JED does not wear clothes since very little could actually fit his strange anatomy, and is covered in edges that, while not very sharp, could easily hurt someone if they were stabbed. JED, with his shape shifting abilities, is capable of shifting his general structure, but not changing colors or his total mass. This allows him to create manipulators, like hands, that allow him to interact with objects. He speaks in a deep, booming voice that demands attention, which sounds almost exactly like a human besides an electronic undertone that someone would expect of a robot. Has a slight Japanese accent, despite never interacting with a person from Japan. The most distracting feature, however, is the bright red 'eye' that is in the middle of JED's face. This is his core, and if destroyed, he is killed unless it can be repaired. This core is JED's only method of sight, and is also the place he charges his batteries. Personality Strengths: - Strong Will - JED is, above all else, strong willed. He will spare no expense in the pursuit of justice, and will not let anything stop him. If he can will his way through something, he'll do it to uphold justice. - Inspirational - JED was designed to be an officer unit on his home planet, and was made to inspire his comrades to fight for truth, the weak, and Justice. This was also programmed to be experienced constantly by him, and that is why he is able to rise up even after having his body heavily damaged. - Helpful - Whether he was programmed that way or years of deactivation has altered his way of thinking, JED is always willing to pick up the slack. Whether it's putting in time doing community service so someone can relax or doing taxes, JED will help anyone if they ask politely. - Fun - JED is just fun to be around. With his over-the-top personality and his occasional joke, JED could make most people smile easily. He is especially good with children, and as long as no one is doing anything illegal, he's great at a party. Personality Flaws: - Doesn't Discriminate - It doesn't matter if you are a murderous monster who kills for fun, or a little girl trying to jaywalk. JED was built to uphold the law, and will do so without regard to age, gender, or crime. Expect him to force people to pick up their litter or hold a person down until a police officer excuses their actions. No matter how much Rogue X has messed with his core, this programming is impossible to alter. - No One is Over the Law - Not even JED. JED will refuse to kill a person, no matter how much of a monster they are. He is willing to fight and even seriously injure, as he believes a police officer would do the same, but murder is far too much. Additionally, JED will never steal or commit even the smallest of crimes (Except public indecency, since he can't find any clothes that fit him). - Lack of Understanding Empathy - It's hard to tell what JED is thinking since he lacks traditional facial cues and body language, and his strange anatomy makes him avoided by most. This goes both ways, however - JED can't understand human body language or facial features, believing 'they all look the same'. While JED can understand vocal tones and speech perfectly, his lack of understanding on human behaviors makes him less than perfect at persuasion. - Nosy - Will try and pry into other people's business no matter the situation, whether because he wants to help or because he thinks they may be criminals. Expect him to know many personal facts about different people. At the very least, he'll know when your birthday is... Powers: Robotic Physiology - JED does not need food or water to survive, and can theoretically be active constantly. Additionally, typical poisons and substances that would harm a biological creature would pose no problem towards JED. However, JED does require electricity to remain active. His total battery is 15 kilowatts, and he requires 1.875 kilowatts hourly in order to remain active, but exerting himself can raise this up to 3 kilowatts an hour (8 hours active, 5 hours max when exerting himself). This means, should he be stuck in a location for a long period of time without access to electricity, he would be rendered powerless. The core can be used as a solar panel, but due to the differences between the sun and his home-world's star, it would take him a month to completely fill his battery. JED has a maximum lift of 1500 pounds, can move at a maximum speed of 10 mph, cannot jump, and is as durable as the material he is currently composed of (A crystalline material half as strong as steel). It should be noted he lacks the bonuses of a biological body (He can not enjoy pleasures like eating, he cannot grow stronger since he lacks muscles to train, etc). Refilling his battery completely takes 8 hours (16 if he remains active). It is possible that the using his battery more frequently will eventually increase the lifespan to former levels, but this is very unlikely. The only weak point on JED is the core, which is delicate and very difficult to repair. Bodily control - JED is capable of minor shape shifting by temporarily weakening the molecular bonds between them, and shifting them into a new shape. He can manipulate his general structure to give himself hands, blades, or other weapons. He can even shoot parts of his body outwards as projectiles. However, all of these activities are strenuous, and shape shifting rapidly can easily drain his battery. Additionally, objects shot from his body can no longer be manipulated until they return to the body. JED can only make minor changes, like manipulating a limb. He can't completely change his structure, and some materials are too strong to be changed swiftly, or even at all (Adamantium, Vibranium, etc). Reconstruction - JED is capable of reconstructing his body using the materials around him. His body will slowly cause stone, dirt, or anything nearby to slowly gravitate towards his wounds, and reconstruct himself until he has a similar mass to what he once possessed. While this could be used to incorporate better materials into his body and make him more durable, it can only be done involuntarily - his body reconstructs itself with the nearest and easiest materials to move, and only does so while he is inactive. This means that it is impossible for JED to heal while active, and will almost always be weaker than he was before unless he has access to strong materials. Reconstruction takes 8 hours to repair a limb-worth of damage. Additionally, no matter what materials are present, it is impossible for JED alone to fix his core. Major Skills: Willpower: JED can resist most temptations as long as he has a reason to, and will go to many lengths to protect the weak. If someone is breaking the law or defacing justice, expect JED to be a bastion of willpower and determination with the mission of apprehending the criminal. CQC: JED is proficient in all manners of Close Quarters Combat, and uses his shape shifting to create weaponry and restraints for opponents. Inspiration: As noted in the personality section, JED is truly incredible at motivating people and raising their morale. Whether inspiring people to go after that promotion or motivating them to go that last mile in a fight, JED probably has a motivational speech for nearly any situation. Minor Skills: Chemistry: One of the things that JED was taught when first coming online was chemistry, which he has a fondness for. Of course, this is nowhere near as impressive as his love for Justice. Gambling: Somewhat ironic considering some parts of the US outlaws it, JED loves to gamble. Or, more accurately, he loves the risk of gambling. As such, JED is somewhat proficient in most games seen at casinos. Of course, this does not mean he is better at luck-based games, which he seems to prefer. In fact, when creating his alias, he decided to combine the two things he liked the most. Diligence: JED can spend hours on end doing some meaningless, boring task without stopping, almost certainly because of his motivation. This usually manifests itself in performing menial labor or community service, which is one of his hobbies. Weapons: JED forms his own weaponry, usually using either a sharp blade to pierce and slash opponents or a blunt hammer-like tool. His third favorite tool is manacles, which he forms whenever a criminal is incapacitated. Equipment: Lacking any form of employment outside of Rogue X, JED simply lacks the funds necessary to have any equipment. History: JED was originally constructed by the Shakorin, a race of humanoids who resembled squids. JED was one of a millions, his model being used as enforcement droids. Thanks to the fact that the Shakorin sun released far more energy and was out far longer than the Earth's star, JED's were capable of being online nearly constantly, and had batteries that could last days in dark areas or during the night. Shakorin society relied heavily on solar energy, supplementing it with nuclear power during the night. Shakorins were never able to become multi-planetary, since they lacked nearby planets to colonize and they were incapable of FTL travel. As a result, overpopulation became an incredibly large issue, and space became the most valuable commodity. People began to live underground and in the oceans to create more living space, but eventually, tragedy struck - disease had always been rampant, but a virus quickly developed that quickly spread throughout most of the population. Unable to support itself and most workers already dead, Shakorin nuclear plants eventually had a meltdown, resulting in a sudden chain reaction or nuclear explosions all across the planet. The combine force successfully managed to destroy the planet, sending stone and materials all throughout space. Most of these materials managed to remain in the gravity of the planet, and would eventually reform into a rocky barren exoplanet. Some material escaped, however - including an inactive JED unit, one of the last ever made. For the next 3 million years, the JED continued to drift through space, traveling throughout the milky way galaxy, ever increasing the distance between it and it's home world. Despite the vast time spent inactive, the JED remained relatively unaffected - it was sealed inside of an air tight container, made of the same crystalline substance, protecting the JED from stress and matter. The only thing that suffered was the battery - it had been charged before the destruction of the planet, and millennia of inactivity resulted in the battery's lifespan suffering. It was almost poetic - the sole survivor of his planet was left to drift through the endless void, unaware of the destruction of it's creators. However, after 3 million years of silence, a miracle occurred. It was pure chance - any number of variables, a difference of only a few hundred miles could have resulted in JED passing by. Luckily, the stars seemed to be right. JED crash landed in Highlands, NJ, destroying a portion of the Twin Lights Lighthouse as it did so. The first respondents were local authorities, who came to investigate the large chunk of blue crystal. Prying open the hatch, JED was discovered, lying completely motionless and deactivated. It only took one thing - a Mr.Gordan Sellers, a rooky officer who showed up to investigate, reached out and touched the black orb residing in the middle of JED's face. Then, for the first time ever, the 3 million old robot awoke. Looking back on it, things were pretty hilarious. A giant crystal monster being yelled at to 'stand down' by police, despite the robot not even knowing English. It wasn't until agents from the nearest organization, Rogue X, arrived that things finally cooled down. The agents were able to lead the passive Jed all the way to Brooklyn, NY, where they spent the next month teaching the robot English. Finally able to understand one another, JED revealed that he was completely unaware of his origin, having had his memory automatically wiped after the first thousand years of inactivity. JED was given refuge by Rogue X, and was offered electricity and safety. Eventually, however, JED's primary directive revealed itself - he began to question the laws of Earth. For the next 6 months, with little event, JED was taught extensively in law and other subjects, after demonstrating his desire to help uphold justice on earth. Finally, after Rogue X's arbitrary requirements were met, JED was ready to become a hero. Other: - Powers that work on inorganic materials can work on JED - Was never offered to join a larger superhero organization due to both being found by Rogue X first and his... 'quirks' (He berated a child for 10 minutes after she littered, and then immediately chased a man 5 blocks when he jaywalked). - Hobbies include gambling (usually with very little money that he ends up losing), community service, fighting crime, hanging out with friends, and playing with children. Theme Song:
Nulle part Thème mondial : Le Nulle part, comme il l'appelait, était une collection de choses qu'il avait vécues tout au long de son existence de quatre ans. Dans la Nulle part, il avait l'air beaucoup moins humain que dans leur réalité. Traverser les réalités a toujours été une expérience si étrange en raison de la façon dont ils interagissent et se touchent les uns les autres. Une partie de lui cherchait une sorte de signification des choses qui l'aideraient un jour à monter, mais ces jours-ci seraient loin dans un futur qu'il ne pouvait pas encore voir. Umbra passa sa réflexion alors qu'il arrosait son jardin qui semblait défier la gravité. À l'extérieur de la maison de verre était la galaxie de la manière laiteuse qui brille à travers chaque fenêtre. Son propre corps et son propre visage semblaient refléter les étoiles plus, scintillant dans une existence plutôt que simplement paraître exister. Ce qui était deux choses très différentes. Il planait sur le sentier, car chaque fleur buvait de l'eau. Il ne savait pas vraiment pourquoi il l'a fait ici. Le jardin était une manifestation de pensées imaginaires et abstraites. Mais c'était quoi, le mot relaxant? Il sentait dans les profondeurs de son existence qu'une rancune commençait à naître. Il sentait que le monde était en train de conjurer, d'accoucher plus de haine que ce qu'il avait auparavant. Le temps de l'Amour semblait mourir. Il se demandait si le Primordial du Concept d'Amour était mort et errait comme un Enfant Voide qui trébuchait comme lui. Au-dessus de lui, en forme de dôme du plafond, il pouvait voir l'appartement comme un plafond, déformé et courbé en forme. Il semblait y avoir de l'activité pendant que les gens se réveillaient. Il pouvait sentir leur conscience venir à l'existence. Ça doit être sympa d'exister. Il existait. Il sentait qu'il existait. Mais en même temps quelque chose lui rappelait qu'il n'existait pas. Tout comme cet endroit existait, mais il n'y en avait pas. Existence d'un concept si étrange et a été sur ses pensées récemment. Il se demande pourquoi. Il a senti son téléphone s'éteindre. Il l'a stocké dans son corps Primordial afin que cela puisse fonctionner dans The Nowhere. Aimi les appelait tous pour aller au salon. Il se demande pourquoi. Ce n'était pas comme s'il pouvait sortir dans une situation non urgente. Il sentait leur rancune, leur haine à travers lui. Ils ont fait des bulles à la surface comme les profondeurs de quelque chose de plus. Un partage universel. Umbra a remis son téléphone dans son corps. Il n'avait pas besoin de manger. Il n'avait pas besoin de dormir. Il a trouvé la tâche de s'occuper quand ils ne faisaient rien, mais il était curieux de voir pourquoi ils avaient été convoqués à une réunion. Salon À la vue d'un extérieur quand Umbra est entré dans une pièce, la plupart ont simplement vu une ombre circulaire noire sur le sol. Jusqu'à ce qu'il commence à buller et Umbra prend forme. Un homme avec des yeux en forme d'amande et des cheveux wispy qui était presque, presque, nuageux comme. Son corps a pris la forme de prêtres comme des vêtements avec leurs propres dessins personnels uniques. Umbra les a tous regardés. Il ne pouvait pas nécessairement s'asseoir n'importe où, il n'avait aucune forme pour le faire. Il s'est simplement glissé sur le canapé derrière les autres. Curieuse, Umbra parle lentement, je ressens votre curiosité. Serenity regarde Umbra. Eh bien, c'est parce qu'aujourd'hui est une journée d'exploration et de liaison extra spéciale, de Serenity dit Umbra, elle sourit au reste, de C'est un secret jusqu'à ce qu'Howard arrive ici. Comme elle l'a pensé. Comment était-il censé y aller? Elle a regardé loin avec un sourire nerveux. En fait, comment étaient-ils censés y aller? Elle a deviné qu'elle pouvait simplement assigner les plus beaux pour venir avec elle. Ce sera Garfield, elle-même, Dominic et Duke. Ça semblait plus qu'assez. Mais elle attendrait au moins Howard. Au lieu de cela, elle a sauté vers le bar de la cuisine et a commencé une casserole de café pour ceux qui n'avaient pas encore eu. Ils n'avaient pas eu un moment de lenteur de l'amusement depuis longtemps. Elle voulait commencer à établir des liens, plutôt que ce qui se sentait parfois comme une chambre d'étrangers maladroits qui connaissaient quelque chose l'un à l'autre. Mais pas assez. La seule façon pour cette équipe de se réunir est d'arrêter de se traiter avec une certaine distance. Elle sourit à Garfield, renversant les cheveux de sa perruque noire qu'elle choisit de faire correspondre avec sa tenue. "Comment tout le monde dormait?" Serenity a demandé, elle s'est parfois sentie comme la seule à essayer. Umbra a regardé Serenity. Je ne dors pas, Umbra lui a dit. Elle lui a serré les yeux et l'a harcelé. Comment tous ceux qui peuvent dormir, dorment? – Serenity a demandé.
Umbra “Humans leave an impressive amount of stuff lying around.” Alias: Nightquake Age: Ageless - but if a number satisfies you my human appearance is 25, I have been on Earth for 4 years and 1 day Gender: I do not even know where to begin with such a question, I am a Primordial Void being. I do not think my anatomical structure actually matches that of a human considering my lower half is primordial matter. But I’d like to be called a He for the sake of clarity and to make it easier for the mortal beings in Rogue X. Serenity Notes; Say that next time. You didn’t need all of that. Umbra scribbles underneath; Say what? Serenity Notes; That you prefer he. You do not need to explain every time someone ask what to call you. Umbra: Huh. That does seem much simpler. To begin to even describe what Umbra looks like is dependent on understand what Umbra actually is. And no one really is for certain what he is. He appears to be some Primordial Voidless being from his ribcage down. The shadows at his feet are not in fact shadows, but said to be some kind of dark matter like substance and it’s a lot more solid than what you’d consider looking at it’s wispiness. The chimeric void creature appears from the neck up to be entirely human. A narrow featured young man, with the only significant difference is the simple fact his hair is wispy and shadowy, almost like embers on top of his head. But it is also soft like hair as well. It’s rather uncertain to determine what kind of material it is. Much like his anatomy is an odd thing to consider. He has a ribcage, a heart, and lungs to breathe. But if anyone were to have a powerful enough X-ray to pure into his body, he has arteries that are only circulating shadows or some kind of dark matter throughout his body. He wears often a long black robe, that almost represents priest vestments, but with odd doom and gloom accessories when not projecting his bottom half most see this as a long black coat, the end of his coat being actually his body when not manipulating that part of his body. But he doesn’t bother with shoes because there is nowhere to actually put any feet, considering his lower half is an odd black mass that is quite solid despite looking like a shadow and acting like a shadow. As for height, his standard stance would make him at least 5’8”, which doesn’t seem very tall, but no one is for certain how tall a primordial being is suppose to be. Or if they really have a height. His weight cannot be given because honestly there is no way of measuring something like that. His cadence is very sotto voce that is in a very quiet voice, and it is often very monotonous because Umbra doesn’t know how to express emotional inflection very well. It’s also not very pleasant to listen too despite its chilly breeziness to it because it is often toneless. Personality Strengths Sagely Being a Primordial Void has its perks, he has the memory of the earliest universe. Which honestly sounds odd and hard to imagine for any human being. But his wisdom is near limitless, at least when it comes to advice giving and the history of the earth. Being a Primordial being means that Umbra can hear the voice of the universe. He remembers things that others could not. He holds the knowledge of the gods and he holds knowledge of the most ancient human beings because his body is made of such scattered things he has a lot of scattered information. But Umbra is sort of out dated. He can tell you a lot about the history of the world, give you sagely advice, and seems to have some kind of universal knowledge. But Umbra is limited in just ancient history. It is a bad idea to ask him about modern world things because he doesn’t have any information about those things. Asking him what outfit you should wear, or asking him about the most modern, current Human world you should honestly know more than him about. Idealistic Except not preachy. Because Umbra’s memories are scattered through an expansive amount of time, he can have some rather idealistic points of view. But it counter balances Serenity’s natural realistic point of views. He’s the one who keeps the group striving for something, even if it might be idealistic, he believes that there needs to be ambassadors for change. Maybe that’s also his idealism speaking when he believes that they can be the ambassadors for change. While he is realistic about his idealism and doesn’t get carried away, he remembers many different eras of time, and thus he tries to adopt older views in a more modern view. Being influenced by the modern world for four years has at least allowed him to see that his idealistic nature might need to be routed into different views. Umbra is not so idealistic that he won’t listen to anyone else. Mainly because he’s not self righteous like that. He has a willing acceptance to learn and admit when he is wrong. But he tries to keep people to strive for more than simply the status quo. Easy-going If Serenity is overbearing and controlling, Umbra is quite the opposite. He takes everything at his own leisure and allows others as well. He’s not necessarily lazy, he simply takes his time. He’s efficient by being careful and detail oriented. Not much really gets to Umbra, he seems unphased by a lot of things and doesn’t seem to persuaded by emotions or to get carried with emotions. It is easy then to simply write Umbra off as slow and lazy, but he is none of those things. He’s never so easy-going he will slack off. And he’s not slow because he’s lazy. He has a very my pace attitude. Which makes projects, Serenity thinks that should be done in several hours, take Umbra a few days because he takes time to consider everything all at once. He lets the others do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t impact someone too much. Or impact him in anyway that actually might get him upset. If you want someone to say yes to your insane ideas, it’s probably Umbra who will let you do it. Riko, can I cut up the curtains to make a cape. Umbra, if you’re going to do that make sure the curtains still look nice afterward. Fearless Being an ancient primordial void means that Umbra has little fear in the face of danger. He doesn’t sweat, but he really can’t sweat anyway he doesn’t have sweat pores to actually do that. It means that he boldly throws himself into the fray without the fear of death or the fear of feeling any pain. He does things with a reckless abandon. Which can be his double edge sword. In the most positive circumstances it means that Umbra will not flee or show cowardice when the team needs it most. Watching him stand in the face of an unrelenting enemy makes the others fight alongside with him with the same mental toughness Umbra shows. In the worse case circumstances, it’s either an enemy Umbra will someday be unable to face, and get himself actually hurt. Or he may be leading the team astray with his idealist, fearless, recklessness because he forgets they do not have his fortitude. Personality Flaws NonHuman Ideals Being what he is Umbra has a difficult time expressing certain things to people because not all of his concepts are comprehendible as something human. He is wholeheartedly still something in between humanity, and all of his concepts and ideas are often vaguely abstract concepts of pataphysics. In which he conjures imaginative solutions to complicated problems because he has no concept of a true morality. This doesn’t make him morally ambiguous. He has morals, but they are constructs of a scattered abstract memory. He is more morally abstract. How he defines good, is at its purest imaginative concept of what good is. He doesn’t define it by any other values. Human tact on needless values to their morals. Good is selfless, sacrifices for others, good is altruistic. For Umbra Good is simply the abstract feeling of Good. What feels good is good, there needs to be no other values. Bad is selfish, harms the innocent. Bad is bad because it feels bad. Why try to define it further than that? Because of that Umbra has some very simple, but complex abstract code of ethics. Further I’d like to add, that the ideals or ideas that Umbra thinks are not due to some kind of faith or belief. As he lacks that kind of concept, it’s why he is so willing to hear out what others have to say. Instead most of the abstract ideal concepts that come to his mind is something he was simply born with. “Born” with. They are the imprint of a millennia of ideas that has spanned across the universe as ideas, beliefs, and concepts long before others. He has a primitive, older structure of thought. Inability to Emote Umbra doesn’t emote. He lacks the concept to emote. Or humanize. He can, but it’s often a falsehood because he can only imitate behaviors he sees others express. But he doesn’t necessarily feel the way a human feels. Umbra emotes, just not in the way a human could emote. While technically he doesn’t verbally emote or show displays of emotions, he is an empathetic being. He can Sense and Share information. But he cannot necessarily feel them. This makes it difficult for the others, despite not entirely being human themselves, but with human conditions connect to Umbra. Because Umbra is beyond even their understanding of humanity. It’s hard to connect with the thing that doesn’t express or humanize in the same way as you. Nonexistent Reality In all tense and purposes Umbra does and does not exist in this reality. Being from somewhere, but nowhere means that he is exist and doesn’t exist in this reality. Because of this Umbra is difficult to follow all the expected rules of him. Mainly because the way his mind thinks means he either doesn’t catch on the rules he is suppose to follow or feels above having to listen to them because he feels they have no value in his mind’s reality. Into the Fray Beyond all the complications of what his existence is and the way he thinks, Umbra has no sense of danger. Actually he sort of sometimes craves it. But danger in its purest form. He’s not an adrenaline junkie because he doesn’t produce adrenaline. He’s often the one to take the most risk and jump into the fray recklessly. He enjoys the excitement in the purest form of what that means to him. Warped Reality More worrisome, while Umbra may not entirely exist in our reality, but may exist in our reality it does tend to affect him. While he has shown no signs of insanity, it does take a toll on Umbra mentally to be shaped and influenced by multiple realities at once. It makes his mind a little skewed times. At its best, he’s just oblivious, half the reason he lets people do things they shouldn’t around him. Sometimes he gets a little mental confusion or forgets rather easily what he was doing. Maybe one of the reasons for a number of oddities in his behavior because of how clueless and air headed he can be. At its worse he can be grouchy, have a violent temper, and be aggressive. And it’s most worrisome, though no one has seen him at this point, it’s maddening and hard to control his purest desires of violence and aggressive behavior. Primordial Void Child To even begin to understand Umbra’s powers you must understand the history of the Primordials. The Primordials that live alongside Earth’s dimension, whether or not you can enter the Void, are often the keyholders of concepts or entities. In an essence they are the reasons why concepts like Mercy, Justice, Good, Evil, Compassion, Charity, etc. exist in the first place. And some scientist theorize that somewhere there must be a Primordial as to why Mutants even exist or even the concept of such an entity. Though that’s all an untested theory and no one can touch or enter the Void because they would be completely strip of their reality or existence in the world because the Void is made of some kind of scattered time, scattered matter. It is the pieces left of Humanity and Earth’s creation. Which is how a Primordial constructs itself through the random leftover parts of things. How a Primordial being Ascends into a God Like state is a complicated and honestly slow process that has not been witnessed until now. Normally there is One Primordial being that is the sole embodiment of a concept or entity. When this concept changes or this concept dies. The Primordial “dies”. But reality is the Primordial is being reshaped to take on the new concept of the idea that died because it is changing. They call a Primordial being reborn a Void Child. In a Celestial sense Umbra is still in a state of infancy, even if he doesn’t look like an infant. In a sense Primordial’s are dual reality beings. Partly influenced by a Celestial calling. They can hear the Murmurs. The Murmurs are the voice or maybe the feeling of the universe. It is almost like a small whisper or really a sense of something that guides them to a reason. But they are also influenced by our reality somewhat. In a way they actually influence our reality, but we define in what way they do so. With that explanation out of the way, we can delve into what it means to be a Void Child for Umbra and what that allows him to do. Primordial Physiology A Primordial without a concept or without an entity are often black and shapeless. As Umbra is now. They take on the shapes of the things that surround them. People. The darkness they knew from before they existed. They have no concept of a true self, and don’t remember who they were before this. They simply hear the Murmurs and know their purpose. In the shortest terms possible a Primordial main physiology is Embodiment. It will eventually take on the shape of the concept or entity that it will some day Ascend to. A Primordial’s main existence is to Ascend after it Embodies its main concept. Told to it or maybe felt by it upon sheer existence. Umbra’s is Justice. This is the reason he can use the powers he uses because his main Embodiment and someday his Ascension will be through some new Concept of Justice he is learning from those around him. It is why Umbra is not preachy about his ideals, because he understands fundamentally he still needs to learn. While he will someday influence the way our reality and beliefs work by his mere existence, the people around him shape what that Embodiment will look like in the near future. Though no one has to worry about Umbra’s ascension because ascension takes hundreds if not thousands of years to ascend. It is often a Primordial’s existence that influence some conceptual story of mythology. Even if the Gods are given the credit, the stories and concepts would not have been told if not for the Primordial’s existence and assistance in the human plane as Void Children. Mendacity Sensing Because Umbra doesn’t feel, but sense the world it is very hard for him to not understand other people’s intentions. In layman’s terms, it simply means that he can sense when someone is lying to him or being untruthful. He doesn’t know what they are lying about, but he can sense their lies. This is very useful in discussions when working with Howard/Meat. He cannot sense the reason behind the lie, and it is difficult for him to determine someone’s truthfulness if their mind is altered. Either through psychic screening despite Umbra’s abilities not being psychic based or through something mind altering like being drugged or brainwashed or mind controlled. Codes of Justice Umbra has a primitive form of law creation, he can construct laws to bend others to the boundaries of the rule. When the rules have been set the victim has no chance of escaping them unless they abide by the rules. However, he can only define laws of his embodiment and those are laws of Justice. Furthermore, the conditions of these abilities must be fairly specific or there is a way for the victim to find easy work arounds them. Beyond that, his Codes of Justice are limited to a small radius surrounding him about a 10 ft circumference surrounding him inside a small force field created by Umbra’s Embodiment aura. Once an opponent steps into the limited range, Umbra is free to set his own rules on his opponents. Rules such as; if the fight is unfair you must surrender. This is particularly handy when they have one opponent and there are a few Rogue X members working together. Primordial Form Umbra is still in all tense and purposes a Primordial. Sure one that is still understanding the world, and one that has not ascended yet. But there are special occasions when a Void Child transforms into their true Primordial form. The Form they may take during Ascension. Umbra cannot transform willingly in his Primordial Form though. As he has not Ascended and there is no way for him to access this ability alone. However, there are special occasions when Umbra does transform into his Primordial Form. Often these are of greater Celestial Events, such as a Lunar or Solar Eclipse. Or other greater Celestial Events that may spark life into Umbra. - In this form he has the ability to create black holes from his body, sucking anything into his body, and crushing them from existence like they are a tin can. But he also has the ability to create the opposite a white hole, while a black hole sucks things in, a white hole spits things out. He can access whichever reality he would like to do so. No other time does he have this ability. And it is probably when he is the most vulnerable. When sucking something inside of him, it scatters his body and when the black hole is closed he spends a few slow minutes reforming his primordial shape. Materialized Guardians Because Primordial beings have some influence over creation, Umbra has the ability to manipulate Guardians from his lower half of his body. These Guardians fight for him, or beside him really and are useful for a variety of attacks. At current Umbra can only shape two beings from his body. And because it takes up Umbra’s body, the more he materializes a guardian, the less of him there actually is to maneuver around. Because of this he can only truly summon one guardian at a time. But one guardian is better than none. The Cannon So named because of it’s shape. Is like a puppy dog, but a laser for a mouth in Umbra’s words. The Cannon can release a laser beam. Or real a conceptual laser beam, for all intensive purposes it behaves like a laser beam, and looks like a laser beam. But it is not a real laser. After being shot by the laser witnesses will see that the opponent has not actually been shot by the laser. Well they have been that’s why they are on the floor screaming in pain, and yelling their skin burns. But they have no marks, or haven’t been melted or burnt to a crisp. As it is the concept of a laser, not a real laser. Slither So named because of the way it moves. Umbra was not very creative when designing these names. The slither flies around the battlefield, and slashes at its opponents. But just like the laser and the conceptual beam, these are conceptual slashes. In the opponent's mind they have been slashed and see blood from their wounds. Everybody else is watching them like a mad man trying to desperately to stop bleeding not actually there. Slither does have one more capability which is wrapping its tail around an opponent to immobilize them. Umbra despite what he likes to think is not impervious to damage either. When he materializes his guardians, his body is no longer as physical and he is weak to sound and other vibrations. Beyond the fact that he is weak against those with gravitational abilities. And weak against extreme force pressure of any sort. He is also affected by light matter. He doesn’t seem to do well with high heat either. And isn’t fairly physically strong himself. His human half still feels slight pain, though dulled since he’s a shadow vein bloodstream monster. And he can be banished to a different reality like anyone else can. He can also still be mind controlled. And he has no defense against psychic attacks. Major Skills Omnilingistic Being the Celestial being that he is and some day with the goal in mind he represents the concept of Justice for all, knows every language on Earth. He can read, write, and speak these languages whenever he needs to do so. Remembering Details An elephant never forgets, and a Primordial being definitely doesn’t forget. He has the expansive knowledge of the Universe, but he holds onto abstract concepts and their details very well. With this in mind Umbra is very good at remembering details. He can tell when the can he left behind has been placed just an inch elsewhere, he can tell when something isn’t quite right about the details of a room, and is fairly good at putting those things together to create a more detailed picture. Tracking Because of his skill in remembering details, he has learned to utilize it for different functions as well. You want someone to find or you need to find a secret book that can open a backroom to a secreter room, then Umbra will most likely be able to find it. Also since he senses people, he can easily figure out a signature, if he has gotten a clear idea of what they feel like to him. No stone is left unturned for Umbra. Once he has been sent out to track someone or find something his attention to detail has him thoroughly scour the area for clues. He can tell the freshness of tracks. When someone’s unique signature has been there last. The dust left by the other books versus the one that has been used the most often. And so and so forth. Minor Skills Voice Impressions Well only in a technical sense. Umbra can imitate the voices of people he has heard through his body. It’s more like an echo or playing back a recording than a traditional voice impression. But still very useful, when he either needs Serenity’s scolding voice, but lacks one himself. It’s also useful in other ways as well. If you need to get past a password that requires voice activation, Umbra’s impression or really recording is an exact match to the other individual so it’s hard to tell it’s just some strange sound from the shadowy mass of a Primordial Void Child. Also entertaining to do actor impressions. Flower Arranging He finds it relaxing. Or whatever the feeling of relaxing is for himself. He likes the bright colors. And he senses it makes him feel a pure form of happiness. He will not accept anyone changing around his flower arrangements and he will notice if there has been a change. He seems rather protective over the amount of work it takes for him to arrange each flower arrangement. If anyone ever visits his little pocket dimension where he spends most of his time, you will see that is a garden of different flowers. He likes the shapes as well. Interior Design Who do you think designed the front entrance of the apartment? Or the lounging room? It certainly wasn’t Serenity. He used his attention to detail to choose the colors and paint the walls. He’s the one who aligned everything in an order he found acceptable. Equipment and Weapons: None. Where would they go anyway? If I need anything I'll put it in Serenity's bag. History: I wish upon a star, with all my heart to bring my papa back to me. Existence is a fickle thing. To explain would be impossible. Because a thousand stars do not know the concept of existence. He isn’t even sure if he really existed when he came to this world. Or if he exist now. He is still a child. He knows this. He is still an infant in the eyes of the stars. But is existence forming memories? Or bonds? He’s not so certain of either answer to the question. He first came to this world in a beautiful garden. Someone was speaking. Making a wish. A little girl. Emily. She gasp. “Are you a monster?” she ask the strange black mass that fell from the sky, that she had thought was simply a falling star. “No I do not think I am,” “I can hear you, but you have no mouth,” in her eyes all she saw was a quivering mass of shadows. She reached out to touch it. It was warm and comforting to the touch, which surprised her. It was alive. But it was not. “Do I need one?” “I don’t think so, what are you if not a monster?” “A star,” “Stars don’t talk,” “I came from there. Somewhere. I am not sure where I came from. But I am definitely a star being,” “Say star, can you grant my wish?” “I do not have the power to grant wishes. But I sense this disappoints you in some sense, what did you want to wish?” “My mommy and daddy, are gone. Can you bring them back? So I don’t have to live with my aunt,” “I do not have the power of resurrection, I am sorry.” She watches the shadow begin to build a structure, up and up. Till he is a tall person wearing a black robe. He is very handsome with white, wispy hair, almost like a cloud the way it moved, but it was also hair like. His eyes were almond shaped and very piercing. “Did I do this right?” he asked looking at his people shape. “I think so,” Emily told him, “How did you do that?” “A memory of encouragement,” Emily stared at him, she didn’t quite understand. Neither did he. A child in this universe. A child on this Earth. It didn’t last long. He wish he could tell fanciful stories of spending more time with Emily. They had one night together. Her room was soft colors, she had created herself guardians out of her toys. She was seeking comfort. He sensed this. He wanted to give it to her. Maybe not want, but sensed he should. He spent the night with her. Watched over her. She fancied him some kind of guardian. But he was not her guardian. Her aunt seemed sad. Her husband seemed depressed. There was an air of grief in this home. There was not anything he could. Even being a Void Child, he could only hear the Murmurs and knew there was a Primordial Concept of Grief somewhere out there. He then perhaps hoped that their grief would dissipate. He wondered for a while. Being called to different people. And sensing them when they needed him. He felt a need perhaps to help them in some way. But, what was he meant to aid humanity with? Grief was not his concept. Hope was not his concept. Comfort was not his concept. He was not an entity, he was a thing between human and primordial. He was a child who knew nothing. It was a maddening reality, that he could not have a concept. He searched for two years to find a concept. To define a concept. But he knew not of the steps to find this concept or its Ascension. Until the murmurs directed him to someone who was like him. Someone in between. They had burning Justice. “Who are you?” he asked. They laugh. “I could ask you, the same question, who the strange half shadow, half man is” “I am a Void Child,” “I am an in betweener,” “What is your name?” “What is yours?” “I have none,” “Well, then we’re alike in more ways than one I suppose,” “You might have my Concept,” “Oh? That’s a little odd. Did I take your luggage at the airport?” “No, I am a Void Child, I came into existence 2 years and 3 months ago, I must find my Concept so I may ascend some day,” He smiles. “Want to help while finding that concept?” “With?” “A project of mine,” “Hmm, what is this project?” “I am calling them Rogue X, we’re superheroes, but the true kind, well they’re superheroes, I am just the money bank,” “And while I help this Rogue X, I find my Concept,” “Quick at least. That’s the idea,” “I find this agreement acceptable,” He never knew though at that time, that he would find his Concept working with Rogue X. The Murmurs reinforced this. They told him that this was his concept. Other Information: Umbra doesn't have a room in the apartment. Instead he spends most of his time in a pocket dimension in his "own shadow" to escape the way reality affects him sometimes and the way he affects reality around him.
VIANDE Au centre d'un lit double, dans un studio au rez-de-chaussée de l'immeuble Rogue-X se trouvait Howard Fairchild. Blob dormant et oblong, Howard regarda pour s'endormir, jusqu'à ce qu'une petite horloge numérique commence à bourdonner fort, clignotant son écran rouge qui lisait 8h30. Howard a agité, agité à la vie, et laissé sortir un gémissement inhumain bas. Une paire de tentacules jaillit de la masse, l'un grippant le cadre du lit pour traîner Howard au bord du lit, et l'autre se déplaçant dans la direction opposée pour tâter pour le bouton snooze sur l'horloge. Au lieu de cela, Howard s'est roulé du lit, bafouant ses membres dans une tentative ratée de s'attraper. Rapidement, il a fait pousser une boîte à bouche et à voix, pour commencer un flot constant de jurons à moitié musqués et endormis. Après quelques minutes passées dans la misère sur le sol, Howard s'éveilla complètement, en poussant une paire de jambes avec lesquelles se mouvoir autour du lit et éteindre l'alarme. Une annonce est venue sur l'intercomm de l'immeuble. L'IA a appelé tout le monde au salon dans quinze minutes. Howard fait un doux bruit de chuffing, presque comme un chuckle pour lui-même. Sans douche ni robe, il aurait au moins le temps de déjeuner. Howard sortit de la porte et se déplaça jusqu'à ce qu'il se tienne à peu près debout dans la petite cuisine de son appartement. Humble à lui-même, il a rassemblé des ingrédients joyeusement. Quand il ne mangeait pas pour la biomasse, il était heureux de profiter de ses repas. En quelques minutes, Howard avait préparé un plat simple d'oeufs brouillés sur toast, qui a été rapidement déchiqueté en morceaux à l'intérieur d'une mache bien trop horrible pour le petit déjeuner. Pourtant, il s'est amusé avec satisfaction. Déménageant de son appartement, Howard s'est déplacé vers la forme humanoïde pour se préparer à rejoindre ses compagnons. Ça n'a aucun sens de rompre l'habitude maintenant. Se déplaçant avec peu d'urgence, Howard s'est engouffré dans le couloir et dans le salon. Déjà, la pièce se remplissait de ses compatriotes, et la bouche de Howard scintille vers le haut dans un sourire. C'était denté, et enroulé à mi-chemin dans sa tête, mais c'était authentique en saluant les rassemblés. "Salut les gars! Je suis un peu en retard, hein? Désolé, le petit déjeuner est arrivé en premier." La voix d'Howard était un peu tendue par l'effort de maintenir le ton humain. "Alors Serenity, qu'est-ce qui nous a réveillés si tôt? Quelque chose d'amusant?"
Name: Howard Fairchild Alias: Meat Age: 23 Gender: Male (Before powers manifested) Howard's moniker is well earned, as most of the time, he appears to be a human sized mass of roiling flesh, bone, tooth, and organ. Unless he's trying, he tends toward a shapeless blob, but if he needs something done, his body reshapes itself to the most efficient, and usually most disgusting, solution. While these forms have a general shape, they are never streamlined, and even when he does something twice, he cannot produce the exact same form every time. Personality Strengths: Howard is unceasingly friendly, and genuinely wants to help people. He hopes a constant positive attitude will help others look past his repulsive appearance. He tempers this friendliness with knowledge that most will not do so, and so opts to wait for others to approach before embracing them. Metaphorically embracing them. Personality Flaws: Despite his friendliness, Howard is an indelible pessimist. He thinks the worst of others, and expects others to treat him poorly. It causes him to shrink away from others, as he knows the reaction he will draw. Unless he is needed, Howard will avoid contact and exposure to civilian populations. Powers: Flesh Mold: Howard can mold his fleshy, bloody form with some form of control. He can produce basic shapes, such as humanoid, or four-legged beasts, as well as more alien designs. These forms can have a number of uses, such as increased speed, or better articulation. However, he keeps the same mass no matter what form he takes, and holding forms for extended periods exhausts him. -Humanoid form: Howard's "face". Not particularly strong, fast, or specialized, however it's his most normal looking form. -Running form: A sturdy, four legged construction. Legs are build for efficient, fast movement over land. Capable of steady 30 mph travel, but cumbersome and hard to maneuver in tight spaces. -Combat form (Pictured): Heavy forward weight, with a variable number of muscled limbs or whipping tentacles, from two to six, each tipped with bone weaponry. Possible gnashing maw for additional combat capability. -Stealth form: Biomass shed to near minimum, multi-tentacled, disc-shaped mass. Allows for nimble, high agility movement and traversal of tight spaces. Highly vulnerable. -Standard form: Large, fleshy blob, with one or two manipulating limbs. One to three simple, stubby limbs for locomotion. -Consumption form: Similar to standard form, only all forms of manipulation and locomotion are removed, instead, body is turned wholly into a massive maw. Deadly only to things that can't move away. -Other forms: Various intermediate, or indeterminate forms, as situation rises. Bone Weaponry: In addition to his flesh molding to his desires, so too can he control the cancerous bone growth. Howard can produce bone weapons, wielded with half formed limbs, or even on end of undulating tentacles. Most weaponry is a variation on a shredding blade, or a bludgeoning mass. To continually form weapons expends energy much like Flesh Form does, and the weapons, no matter how grisly, are still little more than human bone and tissue twisted into new design. Biomass Retention: Howard is a troubling thing to kill, as it is hard to identify the 'vitals' of a blob monster. In addition, his body is hardy, and can, with extreme consumption, replenish its biomass. His body will shift to accommodate such consumption, organs and torso shifting into a single orifice, lined with shredding, sharpened bone to break down whatever he consumes. While in this state, Howard is mostly defenseless, and his movement is limited, as his form is focused entirely on eating. He cannot grow past a certain set mass, approximately that of a full grown cow, and the larger he grows, the harder it is for him to maintain. As he grows, so too does his physical aptitude, however his average mass is slightly less of a normal human male. Skills: Major Skills: -Negotiation: Howard has a way with words that often does not come out. When he tries, and his body cooperates, he can be both elegant and persuasive. Bluff: Just as he can be a convincing speaker, so too is Howard a convincing liar. Of course, a poker face is all the easier when your face is a dozen eyes arranged about what could only be described as a head in the most generous of circumstances. -Cooking: Howard was an aspiring chef before his mutation, and even afterward he continued practicing his cooking skills. Few ever take him up on his offers to prepare food. Despite this, the ability to produce extra olfactory and taste sensors have actually improved his cooking. Minor Skills-Percussion: Another skill from before his change, Howard spent time in his school's band. He has trouble adapting these skills over to his new form, as producing equally sized limbs is often a troubling task. -Humor: Howard is quick with a joke, mostly at his own expense. -History Trivia: A penchant for the weird and unusual, Howard devoured historical factbooks in his youth, and now disgorges this information whenever he finds it relevant. If in pleasant company. Weapons: Bio-weapons described in 'Powers' section. Equipment: None. History: For the first half oh his life, Howard was exceptionally normal. Born and raised in midwest America, Howard was an old child, and apple of his parent's eye. When he went to school and mixed in with his peers, Howard was naturally social, and made friends quickly. As he grew, he took on interests and talents, jumping from club to club and sport to sport. When he started cooking he excelled, taking whatever classes and clubs he could if it involved cooking. Through elementary, middle, and even early high school, Howard was a cheerful, popular, and well liked individual. This changed at the end of his high-school days. It started simply, a few skin lesions on his arm, a cut not healing properly. The doctor said it require watching, but it wasn't anything major. It didn't even hurt. Weeks turned to months, and it only got worse. The lesions grew to open, bloody sores, and every nick, cut and scrape bled and oozed. Over the course of this last year, the condition worsened quickly. He was left alone in his growing deterioration, Howard's peers were terrified of him. The last straw was when his arm snapped in half, trying to pick up a pile of books. He was rushed to the hospital. Howard's arm liquefied, losing form, and melting into him. From there it spread, his skin sloughed off in bloody chunks, his body fat and organ tissue bubbled away. Howard was barely human-shaped when the government stepped in. He was quarantined, taken away to a black-site, special facility for the housing of metahumans 'unfit' for regular society. In this facility, Howard began to take control of his destruction. He found his body, while resembling nothing alike any living creature, still responded to his commands. He could control his mass, and even find ways to change it over time. He took his first new step two years after quarantine, forcing himself up off the padded floor of his cell, and stretching a tendril out to open the door. Two weeks later he was adapting at an alarming rate, able to function as a normal human being. As his powers developed, Howard's file was forwarded to the Charles Xavier school for Gifted Youngsters. He was immediately rejected. He simply wouldn't fit in with the others. No, his file would be transferred to Rogue-X. Less glamorous, but at least his form was out of the public eye.
Les choses n'avaient pas vraiment changé. Elle avait espéré que si les voisins voyaient le bien qu'ils apportaient, ils s'ouvriraient lentement. Au lieu de cela, ils avaient été persécutés. Au lieu de cela, ils ont été faits pour se sentir insatisfaits. Elle ne savait pas ce qu'elle devait faire, comment le faire. Pour que les gens ici les comprennent. Il n'a pas aidé les médias a été saturé dans ce film de ce qui a fait un héros contre ce qui a fait une nuisance. Elle regarda toujours le groupe avec un sourire de gingembre et elle sortit un flier, déployant ses plis. Nous allons dans une maison hantée! Le bon temps de liaison, de Serenity a applaudi, il est grand temps que nous commencions à développer plus. Devenir plus une famille. Je veux qu'on se fasse confiance non seulement à l'intérieur du combat, mais aussi à l'extérieur. Et quelle meilleure façon de le faire en allant dans une maison hantée! Sérénité riait. Elle parlait plutôt bubble pour le matin comme elle l'a toujours fait. Elle était prête. Elle n'allait plus s'attarder sur les choses tristes. Elle croyait que cela pourrait accroître la connectivité du groupe. Et qu'en est-il du groupe qui n'est pas entièrement humain? Serenity a retourné ses cheveux ou vraiment sa perruque. J'ai une tâche pour vous aussi, a dit Serenity, j'ai pensé à l'avenir, cette fois. Vous devez trouver un jeu pour jouer ensemble et l'enregistrer. Umbra a regardé Serenity. C'est bon. Pour comprendre ses émotions. Pour se comprendre les uns les autres les vrais désirs. Pour le faire. En jouant à un jeu. Comme ceux du carton avec des photos dessus. Curieux. Cela semble être une tâche acceptable à accomplir, a dit Umbra, je dirigerai alors cette tâche.
Umbra “Humans leave an impressive amount of stuff lying around.” Alias: Nightquake Age: Ageless - but if a number satisfies you my human appearance is 25, I have been on Earth for 4 years and 1 day Gender: I do not even know where to begin with such a question, I am a Primordial Void being. I do not think my anatomical structure actually matches that of a human considering my lower half is primordial matter. But I’d like to be called a He for the sake of clarity and to make it easier for the mortal beings in Rogue X. Serenity Notes; Say that next time. You didn’t need all of that. Umbra scribbles underneath; Say what? Serenity Notes; That you prefer he. You do not need to explain every time someone ask what to call you. Umbra: Huh. That does seem much simpler. To begin to even describe what Umbra looks like is dependent on understand what Umbra actually is. And no one really is for certain what he is. He appears to be some Primordial Voidless being from his ribcage down. The shadows at his feet are not in fact shadows, but said to be some kind of dark matter like substance and it’s a lot more solid than what you’d consider looking at it’s wispiness. The chimeric void creature appears from the neck up to be entirely human. A narrow featured young man, with the only significant difference is the simple fact his hair is wispy and shadowy, almost like embers on top of his head. But it is also soft like hair as well. It’s rather uncertain to determine what kind of material it is. Much like his anatomy is an odd thing to consider. He has a ribcage, a heart, and lungs to breathe. But if anyone were to have a powerful enough X-ray to pure into his body, he has arteries that are only circulating shadows or some kind of dark matter throughout his body. He wears often a long black robe, that almost represents priest vestments, but with odd doom and gloom accessories when not projecting his bottom half most see this as a long black coat, the end of his coat being actually his body when not manipulating that part of his body. But he doesn’t bother with shoes because there is nowhere to actually put any feet, considering his lower half is an odd black mass that is quite solid despite looking like a shadow and acting like a shadow. As for height, his standard stance would make him at least 5’8”, which doesn’t seem very tall, but no one is for certain how tall a primordial being is suppose to be. Or if they really have a height. His weight cannot be given because honestly there is no way of measuring something like that. His cadence is very sotto voce that is in a very quiet voice, and it is often very monotonous because Umbra doesn’t know how to express emotional inflection very well. It’s also not very pleasant to listen too despite its chilly breeziness to it because it is often toneless. Personality Strengths Sagely Being a Primordial Void has its perks, he has the memory of the earliest universe. Which honestly sounds odd and hard to imagine for any human being. But his wisdom is near limitless, at least when it comes to advice giving and the history of the earth. Being a Primordial being means that Umbra can hear the voice of the universe. He remembers things that others could not. He holds the knowledge of the gods and he holds knowledge of the most ancient human beings because his body is made of such scattered things he has a lot of scattered information. But Umbra is sort of out dated. He can tell you a lot about the history of the world, give you sagely advice, and seems to have some kind of universal knowledge. But Umbra is limited in just ancient history. It is a bad idea to ask him about modern world things because he doesn’t have any information about those things. Asking him what outfit you should wear, or asking him about the most modern, current Human world you should honestly know more than him about. Idealistic Except not preachy. Because Umbra’s memories are scattered through an expansive amount of time, he can have some rather idealistic points of view. But it counter balances Serenity’s natural realistic point of views. He’s the one who keeps the group striving for something, even if it might be idealistic, he believes that there needs to be ambassadors for change. Maybe that’s also his idealism speaking when he believes that they can be the ambassadors for change. While he is realistic about his idealism and doesn’t get carried away, he remembers many different eras of time, and thus he tries to adopt older views in a more modern view. Being influenced by the modern world for four years has at least allowed him to see that his idealistic nature might need to be routed into different views. Umbra is not so idealistic that he won’t listen to anyone else. Mainly because he’s not self righteous like that. He has a willing acceptance to learn and admit when he is wrong. But he tries to keep people to strive for more than simply the status quo. Easy-going If Serenity is overbearing and controlling, Umbra is quite the opposite. He takes everything at his own leisure and allows others as well. He’s not necessarily lazy, he simply takes his time. He’s efficient by being careful and detail oriented. Not much really gets to Umbra, he seems unphased by a lot of things and doesn’t seem to persuaded by emotions or to get carried with emotions. It is easy then to simply write Umbra off as slow and lazy, but he is none of those things. He’s never so easy-going he will slack off. And he’s not slow because he’s lazy. He has a very my pace attitude. Which makes projects, Serenity thinks that should be done in several hours, take Umbra a few days because he takes time to consider everything all at once. He lets the others do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t impact someone too much. Or impact him in anyway that actually might get him upset. If you want someone to say yes to your insane ideas, it’s probably Umbra who will let you do it. Riko, can I cut up the curtains to make a cape. Umbra, if you’re going to do that make sure the curtains still look nice afterward. Fearless Being an ancient primordial void means that Umbra has little fear in the face of danger. He doesn’t sweat, but he really can’t sweat anyway he doesn’t have sweat pores to actually do that. It means that he boldly throws himself into the fray without the fear of death or the fear of feeling any pain. He does things with a reckless abandon. Which can be his double edge sword. In the most positive circumstances it means that Umbra will not flee or show cowardice when the team needs it most. Watching him stand in the face of an unrelenting enemy makes the others fight alongside with him with the same mental toughness Umbra shows. In the worse case circumstances, it’s either an enemy Umbra will someday be unable to face, and get himself actually hurt. Or he may be leading the team astray with his idealist, fearless, recklessness because he forgets they do not have his fortitude. Personality Flaws NonHuman Ideals Being what he is Umbra has a difficult time expressing certain things to people because not all of his concepts are comprehendible as something human. He is wholeheartedly still something in between humanity, and all of his concepts and ideas are often vaguely abstract concepts of pataphysics. In which he conjures imaginative solutions to complicated problems because he has no concept of a true morality. This doesn’t make him morally ambiguous. He has morals, but they are constructs of a scattered abstract memory. He is more morally abstract. How he defines good, is at its purest imaginative concept of what good is. He doesn’t define it by any other values. Human tact on needless values to their morals. Good is selfless, sacrifices for others, good is altruistic. For Umbra Good is simply the abstract feeling of Good. What feels good is good, there needs to be no other values. Bad is selfish, harms the innocent. Bad is bad because it feels bad. Why try to define it further than that? Because of that Umbra has some very simple, but complex abstract code of ethics. Further I’d like to add, that the ideals or ideas that Umbra thinks are not due to some kind of faith or belief. As he lacks that kind of concept, it’s why he is so willing to hear out what others have to say. Instead most of the abstract ideal concepts that come to his mind is something he was simply born with. “Born” with. They are the imprint of a millennia of ideas that has spanned across the universe as ideas, beliefs, and concepts long before others. He has a primitive, older structure of thought. Inability to Emote Umbra doesn’t emote. He lacks the concept to emote. Or humanize. He can, but it’s often a falsehood because he can only imitate behaviors he sees others express. But he doesn’t necessarily feel the way a human feels. Umbra emotes, just not in the way a human could emote. While technically he doesn’t verbally emote or show displays of emotions, he is an empathetic being. He can Sense and Share information. But he cannot necessarily feel them. This makes it difficult for the others, despite not entirely being human themselves, but with human conditions connect to Umbra. Because Umbra is beyond even their understanding of humanity. It’s hard to connect with the thing that doesn’t express or humanize in the same way as you. Nonexistent Reality In all tense and purposes Umbra does and does not exist in this reality. Being from somewhere, but nowhere means that he is exist and doesn’t exist in this reality. Because of this Umbra is difficult to follow all the expected rules of him. Mainly because the way his mind thinks means he either doesn’t catch on the rules he is suppose to follow or feels above having to listen to them because he feels they have no value in his mind’s reality. Into the Fray Beyond all the complications of what his existence is and the way he thinks, Umbra has no sense of danger. Actually he sort of sometimes craves it. But danger in its purest form. He’s not an adrenaline junkie because he doesn’t produce adrenaline. He’s often the one to take the most risk and jump into the fray recklessly. He enjoys the excitement in the purest form of what that means to him. Warped Reality More worrisome, while Umbra may not entirely exist in our reality, but may exist in our reality it does tend to affect him. While he has shown no signs of insanity, it does take a toll on Umbra mentally to be shaped and influenced by multiple realities at once. It makes his mind a little skewed times. At its best, he’s just oblivious, half the reason he lets people do things they shouldn’t around him. Sometimes he gets a little mental confusion or forgets rather easily what he was doing. Maybe one of the reasons for a number of oddities in his behavior because of how clueless and air headed he can be. At its worse he can be grouchy, have a violent temper, and be aggressive. And it’s most worrisome, though no one has seen him at this point, it’s maddening and hard to control his purest desires of violence and aggressive behavior. Primordial Void Child To even begin to understand Umbra’s powers you must understand the history of the Primordials. The Primordials that live alongside Earth’s dimension, whether or not you can enter the Void, are often the keyholders of concepts or entities. In an essence they are the reasons why concepts like Mercy, Justice, Good, Evil, Compassion, Charity, etc. exist in the first place. And some scientist theorize that somewhere there must be a Primordial as to why Mutants even exist or even the concept of such an entity. Though that’s all an untested theory and no one can touch or enter the Void because they would be completely strip of their reality or existence in the world because the Void is made of some kind of scattered time, scattered matter. It is the pieces left of Humanity and Earth’s creation. Which is how a Primordial constructs itself through the random leftover parts of things. How a Primordial being Ascends into a God Like state is a complicated and honestly slow process that has not been witnessed until now. Normally there is One Primordial being that is the sole embodiment of a concept or entity. When this concept changes or this concept dies. The Primordial “dies”. But reality is the Primordial is being reshaped to take on the new concept of the idea that died because it is changing. They call a Primordial being reborn a Void Child. In a Celestial sense Umbra is still in a state of infancy, even if he doesn’t look like an infant. In a sense Primordial’s are dual reality beings. Partly influenced by a Celestial calling. They can hear the Murmurs. The Murmurs are the voice or maybe the feeling of the universe. It is almost like a small whisper or really a sense of something that guides them to a reason. But they are also influenced by our reality somewhat. In a way they actually influence our reality, but we define in what way they do so. With that explanation out of the way, we can delve into what it means to be a Void Child for Umbra and what that allows him to do. Primordial Physiology A Primordial without a concept or without an entity are often black and shapeless. As Umbra is now. They take on the shapes of the things that surround them. People. The darkness they knew from before they existed. They have no concept of a true self, and don’t remember who they were before this. They simply hear the Murmurs and know their purpose. In the shortest terms possible a Primordial main physiology is Embodiment. It will eventually take on the shape of the concept or entity that it will some day Ascend to. A Primordial’s main existence is to Ascend after it Embodies its main concept. Told to it or maybe felt by it upon sheer existence. Umbra’s is Justice. This is the reason he can use the powers he uses because his main Embodiment and someday his Ascension will be through some new Concept of Justice he is learning from those around him. It is why Umbra is not preachy about his ideals, because he understands fundamentally he still needs to learn. While he will someday influence the way our reality and beliefs work by his mere existence, the people around him shape what that Embodiment will look like in the near future. Though no one has to worry about Umbra’s ascension because ascension takes hundreds if not thousands of years to ascend. It is often a Primordial’s existence that influence some conceptual story of mythology. Even if the Gods are given the credit, the stories and concepts would not have been told if not for the Primordial’s existence and assistance in the human plane as Void Children. Mendacity Sensing Because Umbra doesn’t feel, but sense the world it is very hard for him to not understand other people’s intentions. In layman’s terms, it simply means that he can sense when someone is lying to him or being untruthful. He doesn’t know what they are lying about, but he can sense their lies. This is very useful in discussions when working with Howard/Meat. He cannot sense the reason behind the lie, and it is difficult for him to determine someone’s truthfulness if their mind is altered. Either through psychic screening despite Umbra’s abilities not being psychic based or through something mind altering like being drugged or brainwashed or mind controlled. Codes of Justice Umbra has a primitive form of law creation, he can construct laws to bend others to the boundaries of the rule. When the rules have been set the victim has no chance of escaping them unless they abide by the rules. However, he can only define laws of his embodiment and those are laws of Justice. Furthermore, the conditions of these abilities must be fairly specific or there is a way for the victim to find easy work arounds them. Beyond that, his Codes of Justice are limited to a small radius surrounding him about a 10 ft circumference surrounding him inside a small force field created by Umbra’s Embodiment aura. Once an opponent steps into the limited range, Umbra is free to set his own rules on his opponents. Rules such as; if the fight is unfair you must surrender. This is particularly handy when they have one opponent and there are a few Rogue X members working together. Primordial Form Umbra is still in all tense and purposes a Primordial. Sure one that is still understanding the world, and one that has not ascended yet. But there are special occasions when a Void Child transforms into their true Primordial form. The Form they may take during Ascension. Umbra cannot transform willingly in his Primordial Form though. As he has not Ascended and there is no way for him to access this ability alone. However, there are special occasions when Umbra does transform into his Primordial Form. Often these are of greater Celestial Events, such as a Lunar or Solar Eclipse. Or other greater Celestial Events that may spark life into Umbra. - In this form he has the ability to create black holes from his body, sucking anything into his body, and crushing them from existence like they are a tin can. But he also has the ability to create the opposite a white hole, while a black hole sucks things in, a white hole spits things out. He can access whichever reality he would like to do so. No other time does he have this ability. And it is probably when he is the most vulnerable. When sucking something inside of him, it scatters his body and when the black hole is closed he spends a few slow minutes reforming his primordial shape. Materialized Guardians Because Primordial beings have some influence over creation, Umbra has the ability to manipulate Guardians from his lower half of his body. These Guardians fight for him, or beside him really and are useful for a variety of attacks. At current Umbra can only shape two beings from his body. And because it takes up Umbra’s body, the more he materializes a guardian, the less of him there actually is to maneuver around. Because of this he can only truly summon one guardian at a time. But one guardian is better than none. The Cannon So named because of it’s shape. Is like a puppy dog, but a laser for a mouth in Umbra’s words. The Cannon can release a laser beam. Or real a conceptual laser beam, for all intensive purposes it behaves like a laser beam, and looks like a laser beam. But it is not a real laser. After being shot by the laser witnesses will see that the opponent has not actually been shot by the laser. Well they have been that’s why they are on the floor screaming in pain, and yelling their skin burns. But they have no marks, or haven’t been melted or burnt to a crisp. As it is the concept of a laser, not a real laser. Slither So named because of the way it moves. Umbra was not very creative when designing these names. The slither flies around the battlefield, and slashes at its opponents. But just like the laser and the conceptual beam, these are conceptual slashes. In the opponent's mind they have been slashed and see blood from their wounds. Everybody else is watching them like a mad man trying to desperately to stop bleeding not actually there. Slither does have one more capability which is wrapping its tail around an opponent to immobilize them. Umbra despite what he likes to think is not impervious to damage either. When he materializes his guardians, his body is no longer as physical and he is weak to sound and other vibrations. Beyond the fact that he is weak against those with gravitational abilities. And weak against extreme force pressure of any sort. He is also affected by light matter. He doesn’t seem to do well with high heat either. And isn’t fairly physically strong himself. His human half still feels slight pain, though dulled since he’s a shadow vein bloodstream monster. And he can be banished to a different reality like anyone else can. He can also still be mind controlled. And he has no defense against psychic attacks. Major Skills Omnilingistic Being the Celestial being that he is and some day with the goal in mind he represents the concept of Justice for all, knows every language on Earth. He can read, write, and speak these languages whenever he needs to do so. Remembering Details An elephant never forgets, and a Primordial being definitely doesn’t forget. He has the expansive knowledge of the Universe, but he holds onto abstract concepts and their details very well. With this in mind Umbra is very good at remembering details. He can tell when the can he left behind has been placed just an inch elsewhere, he can tell when something isn’t quite right about the details of a room, and is fairly good at putting those things together to create a more detailed picture. Tracking Because of his skill in remembering details, he has learned to utilize it for different functions as well. You want someone to find or you need to find a secret book that can open a backroom to a secreter room, then Umbra will most likely be able to find it. Also since he senses people, he can easily figure out a signature, if he has gotten a clear idea of what they feel like to him. No stone is left unturned for Umbra. Once he has been sent out to track someone or find something his attention to detail has him thoroughly scour the area for clues. He can tell the freshness of tracks. When someone’s unique signature has been there last. The dust left by the other books versus the one that has been used the most often. And so and so forth. Minor Skills Voice Impressions Well only in a technical sense. Umbra can imitate the voices of people he has heard through his body. It’s more like an echo or playing back a recording than a traditional voice impression. But still very useful, when he either needs Serenity’s scolding voice, but lacks one himself. It’s also useful in other ways as well. If you need to get past a password that requires voice activation, Umbra’s impression or really recording is an exact match to the other individual so it’s hard to tell it’s just some strange sound from the shadowy mass of a Primordial Void Child. Also entertaining to do actor impressions. Flower Arranging He finds it relaxing. Or whatever the feeling of relaxing is for himself. He likes the bright colors. And he senses it makes him feel a pure form of happiness. He will not accept anyone changing around his flower arrangements and he will notice if there has been a change. He seems rather protective over the amount of work it takes for him to arrange each flower arrangement. If anyone ever visits his little pocket dimension where he spends most of his time, you will see that is a garden of different flowers. He likes the shapes as well. Interior Design Who do you think designed the front entrance of the apartment? Or the lounging room? It certainly wasn’t Serenity. He used his attention to detail to choose the colors and paint the walls. He’s the one who aligned everything in an order he found acceptable. Equipment and Weapons: None. Where would they go anyway? If I need anything I'll put it in Serenity's bag. History: I wish upon a star, with all my heart to bring my papa back to me. Existence is a fickle thing. To explain would be impossible. Because a thousand stars do not know the concept of existence. He isn’t even sure if he really existed when he came to this world. Or if he exist now. He is still a child. He knows this. He is still an infant in the eyes of the stars. But is existence forming memories? Or bonds? He’s not so certain of either answer to the question. He first came to this world in a beautiful garden. Someone was speaking. Making a wish. A little girl. Emily. She gasp. “Are you a monster?” she ask the strange black mass that fell from the sky, that she had thought was simply a falling star. “No I do not think I am,” “I can hear you, but you have no mouth,” in her eyes all she saw was a quivering mass of shadows. She reached out to touch it. It was warm and comforting to the touch, which surprised her. It was alive. But it was not. “Do I need one?” “I don’t think so, what are you if not a monster?” “A star,” “Stars don’t talk,” “I came from there. Somewhere. I am not sure where I came from. But I am definitely a star being,” “Say star, can you grant my wish?” “I do not have the power to grant wishes. But I sense this disappoints you in some sense, what did you want to wish?” “My mommy and daddy, are gone. Can you bring them back? So I don’t have to live with my aunt,” “I do not have the power of resurrection, I am sorry.” She watches the shadow begin to build a structure, up and up. Till he is a tall person wearing a black robe. He is very handsome with white, wispy hair, almost like a cloud the way it moved, but it was also hair like. His eyes were almond shaped and very piercing. “Did I do this right?” he asked looking at his people shape. “I think so,” Emily told him, “How did you do that?” “A memory of encouragement,” Emily stared at him, she didn’t quite understand. Neither did he. A child in this universe. A child on this Earth. It didn’t last long. He wish he could tell fanciful stories of spending more time with Emily. They had one night together. Her room was soft colors, she had created herself guardians out of her toys. She was seeking comfort. He sensed this. He wanted to give it to her. Maybe not want, but sensed he should. He spent the night with her. Watched over her. She fancied him some kind of guardian. But he was not her guardian. Her aunt seemed sad. Her husband seemed depressed. There was an air of grief in this home. There was not anything he could. Even being a Void Child, he could only hear the Murmurs and knew there was a Primordial Concept of Grief somewhere out there. He then perhaps hoped that their grief would dissipate. He wondered for a while. Being called to different people. And sensing them when they needed him. He felt a need perhaps to help them in some way. But, what was he meant to aid humanity with? Grief was not his concept. Hope was not his concept. Comfort was not his concept. He was not an entity, he was a thing between human and primordial. He was a child who knew nothing. It was a maddening reality, that he could not have a concept. He searched for two years to find a concept. To define a concept. But he knew not of the steps to find this concept or its Ascension. Until the murmurs directed him to someone who was like him. Someone in between. They had burning Justice. “Who are you?” he asked. They laugh. “I could ask you, the same question, who the strange half shadow, half man is” “I am a Void Child,” “I am an in betweener,” “What is your name?” “What is yours?” “I have none,” “Well, then we’re alike in more ways than one I suppose,” “You might have my Concept,” “Oh? That’s a little odd. Did I take your luggage at the airport?” “No, I am a Void Child, I came into existence 2 years and 3 months ago, I must find my Concept so I may ascend some day,” He smiles. “Want to help while finding that concept?” “With?” “A project of mine,” “Hmm, what is this project?” “I am calling them Rogue X, we’re superheroes, but the true kind, well they’re superheroes, I am just the money bank,” “And while I help this Rogue X, I find my Concept,” “Quick at least. That’s the idea,” “I find this agreement acceptable,” He never knew though at that time, that he would find his Concept working with Rogue X. The Murmurs reinforced this. They told him that this was his concept. Other Information: Umbra doesn't have a room in the apartment. Instead he spends most of his time in a pocket dimension in his "own shadow" to escape the way reality affects him sometimes and the way he affects reality around him.
Garfield a regardé Serenity essayer de leur briser de la glace en essayant de les faire parler. Malheureusement, aucun d'entre eux ne voulait exactement parler pour répondre. Il voulait essayer, mais il bourdonnait la tête en ce moment et il ne pouvait pas penser droit. Il descendit la tête et regardait à terre, la main droite recouvrant l'oreille. Il a pris plusieurs respirations profondes. Il ignorait actuellement ce qui se passait, mais heureusement, rien ne s'est réellement passé. Il se tourna ensuite pour regarder la masse de chair qu'il avait connue sous le nom d'Howard. On pourrait dire que ce type n'était pas vraiment le plus beau des regards. Garfield n'était pas dérangé par son apparence, mais il était l'un des rares à ne pas s'enfuir presque immédiatement à l'horrible vue d'Howard se promenant dans la pièce. Il était comme un nigthmare marchant, pour être parfaitement honnête et n'importe qui resterait loin s'ils ne savaient pas mieux. Garfield savait mieux. Howard était quelqu'un de très gentil. La masse de chair était un grand ami la plupart du temps et il savait garder l'humeur relativement légère. Garfield a pu lui parler chaque fois que Serenity n'était pas disponible, bien qu'une quantité relativement élevée d'informations n'ait pas été divulguée. Peut-être un jour. Garfield a donné une vague à Howard. Sérénité commença à parler et il tourna toute son attention vers elle. En voyant le flyer, il s'inclina la tête sur le côté. Un... Maison hantée? Il s'attendait à ce que ce soit une sorte de mission, mais il a deviné que Serenity avait ses raisons. Et elle l'a fait, c'était à eux de se lier. Garfield ne s'est pas disputé, ce serait peut-être bien pour eux tous. Il ne pouvait pas dire grand-chose, mais au moins il y aurait plus de gens pour comprendre ses circonstances étranges juste au cas où ceux qui peuvent s'en occuper n'étaient pas présents. Umbra m'a alors demandé, qu'en est-il des autres qui ne ressemblaient pas à des humains? En effet, beaucoup d'entre eux ressemblaient plus à des monstres et pouvaient à peine sortir avant que quelqu'un les éblouisse. En fait, ils étaient très limités. Serenity leur a ensuite dit quoi faire. Garfield a supposé qu'il serait aussi celui qui irait à la Maison Haunted, compte tenu du fait qu'il était humain. "À quelle heure quittons-nous Serenity?" Il s'est dit qu'un peu d'enthousiasme lui ferait plaisir. Il n'était pas vraiment sûr de la maison hantée - qui sait ce qui pourrait arriver quand ils font accidentellement quelque chose qu'ils ne voulaient pas faire à cause de la peur? Garfield a repoussé ces pensées vers sa tête. Pas besoin de s'inquiéter pour ça. Espérons.
Name: Garfield Oliver Remus Alias: Grenadier Age: 38 Gender: Male Appearance: Garfield stands at six foot one and has a rather muscular build. He would often wear a shirt and camo cargo pants when in casual clothing. His brown hair is usually slicked back, as was suggested to him by one of his late friends, and he also has chestnut brown eyes. He seems to carry around the wolf tooth necklace he has, but he never said where he got it but it does seem awfully authentic. When he's out doing hero stuff, he simply wears a black leather jacket over his shirt, cargo pants, a black mask, gloves and combat boots. He has two bandolier-like sashes crossing both his shoulders which contain rocks and other assortment of small objects to be used in battle. Personality Strengths: Garfield is a rather calm person. He's generally quiet and is a better listener than a spokesperson. A lot of people assume that he's mute since he rarely speaks; however, when he does speak, it would become obvious that he's actually pretty nice. He's an honest person and it is, once more, shown when he answers a question. He is the kind of person who silently helps before leaving without so much as another word. He has a soft spot for animals and can be usually seen smiling around them. Personality Flaws: Despite his calm exterior, Garfield on the field of battle is rather merciless and he still keeps his stoic expression. Actually, in the field of battle, he seems entirely emotionless. This tends to put off most heroes as he seemingly acts more like a villain than a hero. Out of battle, however, he seems to have his head in the clouds most of the time. He has little presence in the room too. He also shows signs of emotional dependence on others. He also claims to hear voices in his head, most of the time it is his siblings or some other close person to him. Powers: Garfield has no name for his power. He has the ability to turn anything into a grenade - meaning everything he throws essentially can and will explode once it makes contact with a solid area. The mass of the object is directly proportional to how powerful the explosion is. In his own words, "The heavier the object, the bigger the boom." He also has three categories of said grenades: Explosive - The object would explode just like a normal grenade. It has the capabilities of blowing someone up. Stun - This acts more as a flashbang type of grenade. It releases a bright light and a loud sound that would leave most incapacitated for a few seconds. Smoke - Generally used for escaping Enhanced Physical condition - A side effect from an experiment gone wrong, his body can resist his own explosions and typically has a tougher exterior than most, making it harder to bruise him. He also has a greater physical strength than normal people and even trumping some of the enhanced humans in terms of brute strength. This doesn't mean he's invincible and he actually heals slower than most people. Skills: Major Skills: Parkour - Being part of the military from a time past, he has trained in this art for many years and has been using it most of the time while on hero business. Sneaking - Because of his less than admirable presence and generally being quiet in both speech and movement, he has garnered quite the ability... albeit unintentionally. Art - In his free time, he would often be seen with a sketchpad and drawing tools. Sometimes even a canvas and paint. Minor Skills: Cooking - He's been living alone for a while. It'd be a wonder if he didn't learn it. Animals - This guy seems to form bonds with animals faster than with humans Singing - He has a surprisingly good voice. Weapons: He only carries small objects that he throws for his power. He stashes them in his bondolier. Pebbles - It doesn't spread that much but it can damage a normal person when they take it directly, leaving them with a nasty burn and ruined clothing. The shock from the explosion might be the main reason why normal people can't take it. Blast radius would span from 4 inches to six inches depending on the size. Normal-sized rocks - Relatively larger than the pebble but not as much as a grenade. If taken by a normal person, it would leave a rather big wound and blow a body part off depending on the position of where it lands. It would be extremely painful though and the resulting bleeding might be the cause of alarm. Blast radius would effectively range from one foot to two feet. Bigger rocks - The kind that is bigger than your hand so you can't wrap it all the way around. It is equivalent to a grenade and will blow off a part (or a lot of them depending on where it lands) and would probably kill a normal human being (highly likely). Blast radius would be around that of an average grenade, added with the extra shrapnel that would not explode from said rock or any other object of that size. Shrapnel only applies to this size of an object and bigger. Equipment: He typically never leaves without his sketchpad and drawing pencils, if not in a mission that is. It's usually in a small backpack. He also seems to like carrying around some food to feed animals. History: Believe it or not, Garfield had a relatively normal childhood. His powers didn't surface until much, much later. His father served in the military and encouraged his children to join the military as well, much to the their mother's dismay. He was a cheerful child who looked up to his father so he agreed to join the military once he was old enough. His younger sister and brother didn't follow through though, thinking that they would fit in elsewhere. His father died when he was twelve. His last promise to his father was to serve the military in his place. His mother was hesitant on letting Garfield train for the military and his younger siblings discouraged him because he had great talent for art and that he should pursue that. Garfield figured out that they were worried for his safety because of the superhumans and how they could really hurt him, being normal and all. Even with his family's disapproval of his decision, he still went to an academy and trained. By the age of twenty, he was out in the field. His job mainly consisted of being backup to the well-known superheroes which also involved almost getting blown apart, being teleported to the Bahamas (he was so lost at that time), shooting until the cartridge is empty only to see that it didn't even put a scratch on the enemy and the likes. Even so, he enjoyed his time there with his friends. His group of friends usually got out relatively unharmed. They took their day offs together. There were five of them, two females and three males including him. Each time they got a day off, they would live in a house of the family of one of the members. This was probably the prime of his life. He had a good relationship with his family, had excellent friends and an exciting job. Everything came crashing down when he was twenty-eight years old. In the midst of a battle, his power emerged. He threw a rock at an enemy and he blew up. Note that this was a normal human being and he was torn asunder. The death didn't disturb him, considering he was military at that time, but they were all equally shocked to find out that Garfield had powers. His superiors caught wind of this and then quickly tested him. He was placed apart from his original team and group of friends since he had powers. They would make him train with it, and that's when he started hating his job. But this wasn't the worst of it. Figuring that maybe making a superhuman wasn't a bad idea, especially for him since he made grenades with inorganic materials, so they underwent an experiment. It went wrong. The side effects had not been taken into note. While making his body more resilient to force which ended up with him being a lot sturdier and his grenades not affecting him as much as a normal person, it also lowered his healing factor. His physical strength was greatly increased, but he suffered mentally and emotionally. The usual cheerful Garfield turned into a quiet and closed off man. He was deployed with his old friends in hopes that they didn't break him too much. It didn't work. His last battlefield on the military, it ended with two women and two men in their side dead by explosion and a mission complete... but he was the last one standing. Or rather, he was sitting down and crying with his hands in his ears, shouting for the voices to stop. They failed. Garfield also had a bit of a problem adjusting to the life with his kind of power. No more shooting the paper ball into the bin or else it would explode. No more spreading the small grains to feed the pigeons, or else those would explode like miniature fireworks. It made him dependent to his younger siblings, since his mother had passed away. They tried their best to take care of him. They cared enough to sacrifice some of their time to help him. He was their older brother after all. But everytime they saw Garfield simply staring at nothing, they felt a pang of guilt. Why couldn't they stop him before? If not for their father and their lack of insistence, he would have still been the same. His siblings died because of a villain attack. Garfield tried to save them, he really did. However, he wasn't powerful enough but the villain had been taken down by a superhero. But they were late. His siblings were already dead. They saved the day, but not his family. Thinking that it was because big shot superheroes didn't have the time to look at minor villains, he decided to go as a vigilante. That's when he joined up with the Rogue X. He found home and shelter with them, being a misfit himself, albeit for rather different reasons. They said his power was too 'destructive' but the team accepted him nonetheless. He found out about the other types of grenade after he was done in the military and is now trying to find out more about it. Others: - His power was too loud and too destructive. His personality is also rather villainy so he was never invited to become a superhero group. - Everything he throws explodes so he needs to be careful to 'place' the things he want on the ground so they wouldn't explode. - His power does not work on living things; however, it does work on fruits and vegetables. Just not on animals and humans. Theme Song:
Félicitations! Vous avez été sélectionné pour assister à la prestigieuse Ashbury Academy! Cela signifie que vous avez été choisi parmi tous les autres adolescents aux États-Unis pour être l'héritier d'une société de plusieurs millions de dollars extrêmement célèbre. Mais avant que vous puissiez être nommé comme le successeur de la compagnie, vous devez faire vos valises et assister à Ashbury Academy pour être soigné et préparé pour votre nouvelle vie. Le premier jour d'école Directeur James Astor Le directeur a été particulièrement giddy et heureux aujourd'hui - le premier jour d'école est l'un de ses jours préférés dans l'année scolaire. Bien qu'il ait prononcé un discours sévère à l'assemblée, il ressent tout sauf. En fait, il est venu à l'école tôt, avant tous les autres enseignants et il a placé de petites pochettes pleines de bonbons sur le bureau de chaque professeur. Sur la pochette, il y avait une note qui disait : "Réveillons un peu ces jeunes d'humeur le premier jour de l'école, hein?" Chef adjoint Megan Winchester Les élèves de retour se souviendront que le premier jour de l'école, la maîtresse adjointe stricte serait plus douce et plus gentille que d'habitude. Elle comprend que le premier jour d'école est stressant pour les membres du personnel et les étudiants, et elle ne veut pas encore effrayer quelqu'un. Quand elle passe en revue les attentes et les règles de l'école à l'assemblée, elle était son moi droit normal, mais elle a craqué de nombreuses blagues et commentaires sarcastiques pendant les parties non graves de son discours. Professeure Mary Hastings Chaque année, Mary commence sa classe d'étiquette en apportant des pâtisseries danoises pour tout le monde. Elle les remet à tout le monde sans serviettes ni assiettes ni ustensiles et leur dit de profiter. Une fois qu'ils ont apprécié leurs bonbons collants, elle dit à tout le monde d'observer combien de désordre ils ont fait--qu'ils soient petits ou grands. Elle continue ensuite à leur dire que dans cette classe, ils apprendront à manger et à faire d'autres choses de manière appropriée. Elle s'assoit ensuite avec tous les étudiants et discute de ce qu'ils pensent être l'étiquette. En cours d'anglais, elle joue des vidéos spoof qu'elle a trouvées sur youtube des livres qu'ils vont lire en cours. Dans l'ensemble, ce sont des cours amusants. Professeur Michael Williams Le professeur Michael Williams aime commencer sa première classe de réseautage avec un petit exercice de jeu de rôle. Chaque élève doit choisir un morceau de papier avec un travail dessus. Ça peut être PDG, ça peut être acteur, ça peut être strip-teaseuse non, il n'y a pas de strip-teaseuse, ça peut être un représentant, ça peut être un éboueur... Tout. Ensuite, après les avoir mêlés et échanger les présentations, apprendre à se connaître, ou de rattraper - en fonction de combien de temps ils ont été ici et s'ils ont des amis dans la classe. Après cela, il leur dit de s'associer et de trouver un moyen pour que l'autre personne puisse les aider à poursuivre leur carrière. Dans sa classe de Phy Ed, ils jettent des boules toute la journée. Professeur Gertrude Abbott Contrairement à Megan Winchester, Gertrude ne fait pas de bêtises et joue bien le premier jour du tout. En fait, il semble qu'elle tombe plus fort sur ses élèves pour leur faire peur! Elle est si intimidante et terrifiante, les élèves apprendront à craindre l'accrochage de ses talons hauts et le silence dans la classe. Dans la première classe Négociations et Contrats, vous avez déjà des devoirs ; lire les termes et accords de faire un compte facebook dans son intégralité. Et tu ne peux pas te relâcher parce qu'il y aura un quiz la semaine prochaine. Oh, et dans l'histoire, il y a un prétest qui est extrêmement difficile. Professeur James Paine James est toujours énergique, et c'est la même chose pour le premier jour. Dans Innovations, James commence la classe en parlant de l'iPhone et de la façon dont les étudiants pensent qu'il pourrait être amélioré. Maths n'est toujours pas un sujet amusant donc il essaie de le rendre engageant en racontant une histoire stupide sur le temps qu'il a été dans un jeu show qui a impliqué mathématiques complexes. Professeur Brittany Aiken Brittany n'essaie pas vraiment de fleurir sa classe ou de la rendre amusante. Mais le premier jour de cours finit toujours par s'engager. Chaque fois que quelqu'un entre dans la classe, Brittany saute sur eux avec un micro et leur pose une question étrange. "Monsieur, quelle est votre opinion sur le réchauffement climatique?" "Madame, vous avez été accusée d'épouser une paire de pingouins gays, quel est votre raisonnement derrière ça!" C'est sa façon de préparer les élèves pour leur classe, et les paparazzi. La physique est ennuyeuse, mais au moins elle promet qu'ils peuvent jouer avec des roues chaudes à un moment de l'année. Professeur Matt Sax Il aime effrayer un peu ses élèves le premier jour. Il met sur ce front effrayant, intimidant et dur et quand ses élèves ont l'air effrayés, il rit et dit : "Je plaisante! Ne vous inquiétez pas les gars, je suis un gars gentil." Il le fait à la fois pour Bio et la gestion d'entreprise. Si un étudiant l'a déjà eu, ils savent déjà qu'il vient et d'habitude se moquer intérieurement des étudiants effrayés qui ne savent pas ce qui se passe. Professeur Daniel Lucas Pour sa classe de théâtre, Daniel aime commencer par faire un hilarant sketch un homme sur un pirate avec une jambe de peg. D'ailleurs... c'est comme ça que commence son cours de communication. Il prétend que c'est parce que tu ne vas pas faire confiance à un vieux pirate avec une jambe de peg sur l'état de l'économie. La plupart des étudiants soupçonnent qu'il aime jouer au pirate. Professeur Eve Lamont Ouais! Premier jour d'école! Eve est peut-être excitée, mais ses cours ne le sont pas vraiment. Il n'y a rien de vraiment excitant dans ses cours le premier jour. Au moins, elle est gentille, et au moins les gens qui ont pris sa classe promettent que ça va mieux plus tard dans l'année. Il y avait une assemblée. Alors que certains enseignants parlaient et craquaient des blagues, c'était ennuyeux et complètement redondant pour la plupart. Désolé, c'est obligatoire. Les salles de classe étaient soit silencieuses, soit vraiment parlantes. Soit tout le monde était timide, soit tout le monde rattrape. Il n'y avait pas d'entre eux. La salle à manger avait des hamburgers et des frites! C'est toujours un favori. Fête au manoir d'Aspen et d'Acacia! (Ils vivent dans un dortoir, oui. Mais leurs parents possèdent une maison de retraite supplémentaire à quelques kilomètres de l'école - assez loin pour être loin de l'école, assez proche pour être accessible.) S'il vous plaît apportez de la nourriture! Tout le monde sera là. "Oh mon dieu, une telle traînée..." A quoi sert l'école? Rien ne s'accomplit ici. Littéralement rien. Pourquoi forcent-ils beaucoup d'adolescents pubescents et hormonaux dans un seul espace? C'est juste un bâtiment où ils forcent les gens à s'asseoir et à se faire laver le cerveau. "C'est une secte que je vous dis! Une secte!" Ok, donc peut-être que Brooke n'a pas vraiment crié ça. Elle l'a un peu fait, intérieurement. L'école était stupide et ennuyeuse, et elle n'a jamais vraiment prêté attention à quoi que ce soit de toute façon. Pourquoi était-elle encore là? C'est vrai, à cause de son stupide père et de sa compagnie. Encore une fois, elle n'aime pas prêter attention aux choses stupides et ennuyeuses. Étonnamment, Brooke n'a pas échoué à l'école, malgré ses tendances apathiques. Elle est en fait assez intelligente, et capable d'apprendre de meilleures mains, plutôt que dans un cadre de classe. Elle se débrouille bien sur tous ses devoirs et tests parce qu'elle étudie simplement à la maison - avec de meilleurs résultats, je pourrais ajouter - mais la participation en classe.... Disons juste qu'elle est la dernière personne à jamais être un animal de maître. C'était tellement stupide. Brooke détestait les gens, et s'il y avait une chose qu'elle détestait plus que les gens... C'était une foule d'adolescents stupides et auto-absorbés. C'est à peu près la définition du lycée. Qui se soucie de qui sort avec qui, ou qui cette célébrité a baisé, ou qui a fait pleuvoir un tas de préservatifs. En y pensant, beaucoup de tendances au lycée étaient centrées sur le sexe. C'est bizarre. C'était stupide, ennuyeux et vain. Elle a dû s'avouer que certaines personnes qu'elle n'a pas autant haï et toléré beaucoup de temps. Ils ont rendu le lycée un peu plus supportable. Mais pas assez pour le rendre à distance plus intéressant. Une fois l'école terminée, Brooke était sortie de là. Alors qu'elle se déplaçait à travers la foule pour quitter l'école, un bras a pris le sien. Brooke s'est évanouie, prête à "jeter un sort" ou quelque chose sur celui qui a osé l'attaquer, seulement pour se contenter d'un éblouissement éblouissant quand elle a vu qui c'était. "Oh mon Dieu, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chez toi. Pourquoi ne peux-tu pas être moins heureux comme une personne normale." Brooke a dit avec un rouleau d'yeux. La personne qui s'est emparée du bras de Brooke, qui était Acacia au fait!, a tout simplement souri. "Crèche! Tu n'as pas l'air triste comme d'habitude. Ça fait si longtemps! » "Que voulez-vous." Brooke a demandé avec un rouleau d'oeil. Elle n'avait pas vraiment de problème avec Acacia, en fait ils étaient vraiment des amis proches. Mais Brooke ne le dirait jamais à voix haute. Au moins, Acacia a roulé avec. "Oh mon dieu, arrête d'être si carré." Acacia s'est rétorquée avec son propre œil-rouleau. "Regarde. Fête dans mon manoir caché ce soir à 7 heures." "Les parties. C'est dégueulasse." "Non, vous venez." Acacia a dit que les joues de Brooke étaient farcies avec ses mains. "Tu dois le faire! S'il te plaît? S'il te plaît? S'il te plaît?" "Oh mon dieu. Très bien! Arrête! Brooke a concédé qu'elle s'éloignait des mains d'Acacia. Quand Acacia jeta les bras pour embrasser son ami déprimant, Brooke sortit du chemin en criant "Non! Pas de câlins! Éloignez-vous de moi! Meurtre!" Acacia s'attendait pleinement à cette réaction de Brooke, la connaissant assez bien. En riant, elle n'a pas poursuivi Brooke à la place."Soyez sûrs d'apporter de la nourriture!" Elle a appelé après elle. "Je vais l'empoisonner!" "C'est l'esprit!" "Le premier grand rassemblement de l'année! Je suis tellement excitée! » Fête au Hancock Hideaway! Ce soir, à 7 h, soyez là et le dernier sera entouré de ballons d'eau. Pas de commentaire sur que je sois sérieux ou pas. Apportez de la nourriture! Après avoir tiré ce tweet pour être vu par tout le monde à Ashbury, Acacia a sauté du canapé. Il y avait tellement à faire! Acacia a coché mentalement tout ce qu'elle devait faire sur sa liste. Elle avait préparé de la nourriture de type apéritif/snack juste au cas où les gens n'en apporteraient pas... ils auraient intérêt à l'avoir. Sinon quelqu'un devrait aller faire une course de nourriture--rien de trop spécial. Certains cocktails de crevettes, sandwichs enveloppement, crostini, petits hamburgers, salade de caprese, 7 couches de trempette et un tas de chips, biscuits et cupcakes. En termes de boissons, il y avait plusieurs boîtes froides dispersées dans toute la maison rempli de canettes pop, et un bol géant de punch dans la pièce principale. Acacia ne se relâche vraiment en rien. Heureusement, la majeure partie de la préparation des aliments était extrêmement simple. Mais elle savait que les gens devraient apporter plus de nourriture pour qu'ils ne s'épuisent pas dans la première heure. Ils avaient des taches, donc la musique ne serait pas un problème. Acacia et Aspen possédaient une pléthore de jeux de société et de jeux vidéo si le besoin leur était jamais apparu lorsque l'excitation initiale était tombée. Acacia espérait qu'ils n'en auraient pas besoin. À son avis, les fêtes étaient toujours meilleures quand les gens étaient sociaux. Les jeux de société et les jeux vidéo étaient amusants, Acacia les a beaucoup appréciés, mais pour une grande fête? Vérité ou Dare, Sardines, Sept Minutes au Ciel, Charades, Cops et Robbers... Il y avait tellement de choses à faire! Le Hancock Hideaway était une maison à l'écart de la maison douée par M. et Mme Hancock quand les jumeaux s'étaient inscrits à l'Académie Ashbury. Il a été utilisé exclusivement par Acacia et Aspen, et a finalement été un lieu de rassemblement social pour les étudiants d'Ashbury. C'est un très grand manoir caché dans une forêt voisine avec une piscine, et un grand trampoline dans le jardin. L'intérieur de la maison est spacieux et luxueux, et les gardiens seraient venus pour garder la maison rangé et prêt pour les jumeaux Hancock à tout moment. Les seules pièces que la plupart des étudiants d'Ashbury ont été à l'intérieur sont le salon, la cuisine, la salle de bains et le jardin. Si vous ne saviez pas que la famille Hancock était riche... vous l'avez fait quand vous êtes venu à leur cachette. Souvenez-vous: leurs parents leur ont donné cette maison, qui est folle! "Et ça commence..." Aspen a fait un soupir fatigué. Acacia l'avait sérieusement fait courir autour, l'aider à préparer la nourriture, s'assurer que tout le monde était averti, etc etc etc. Il donna un coup d'œil à tout ce qu'ils avaient accompli. Acacia savait sérieusement comment faire tomber les choses. Ils avaient tout préparé en quelques heures. Et ce n'était même pas le jour de la fête à ce moment-là. Le premier jour de l'école, et maintenant une fête. Acacia, laisse tomber un mec, tu veux? Malgré ses plaintes et ses gémissements, Aspen était très excité. C'était une tradition de faire une fête le premier jour de l'école, une fois que les jumeaux n'avaient pas l'intention d'abandonner. Son téléphone bourdonnait, exigeant son attention. Il a donné un coup de fouet comme il a vu ce qu'il a dit. Parlez de la fête à l'équipe de natation!!!!!!! Si tu ne le fais pas, je te renierai. Il s'est dirigé vers la piscine, où tous ses coéquipiers ont été réunis pour leur première réunion de l'année. Avec un grand sourire, il a donné une petite vague à tout le monde. Voyant que tout le monde était là tôt, Aspen a profité de l'occasion pour annoncer sa fête à ses amis. "Hé les gars, c'est vraiment super de vous voir tous. Et on fait une fête dans notre manoir caché. Vous feriez mieux de venir, sinon Acacia va me tuer."
"Life would be so much better if I was born as a house cat." -Acacia Hancock Name Acacia Celeste Hancock Nicknames Ace, Aca, Caci. Out of all of these, Acacia prefers Caci the most. But she would definitely prefer to be called Acacia. Age 17 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Like everyone in her family, Acacia was blessed with startlingly blue eyes, and dark hair. Her dark brown hair extends to her waist, and she can often be seen fiddling with it--especially when she's nervous. Her bright blue eyes are almond shaped and can be killer puppy dog eyes when she wants them to be. She's shorter than her brother, Aspen standing at a height of 5'7. "I just want everyone to be happy." Personality There's just something endearing about Acacia that makes you want to hug her tightly. She's such a sweetheart. You see it in the way her entire face lights up when she laughs, the striking blue eyes that crinkle with her serene smile... Acacia has a certain charm about her that people seem to gravitate towards. Her energy and her bright laughter is simply contagious, and when she steps into a room, it lights up. Acacia loves making friends with people, and is rather successful at it! She's simply a lovely person and always seems to know just the right thing to say. This girl is confident, flirty, and bold. She's very dedicated to whatever she does, and puts 120% effort into it. It doesn't take a lot of work for her to gain admirers and friends. Acacia is a natural silver tongue. She has a way with words. Combined that with her charming delivery? The results can be devastating. She can be quite manipulative when she wants to be--which fortuately is not very often. She's a natural leader, and being the president of the student council she puts this skill to use. Interestingly, Acacia doesn't really care about being a leader. She became the president because she was nominated and elected, and because she does a great job. Ironically, the twin that doesn't really care about being a leader has all of the leadership qualities, while the twin that does really want to be a leader is more suited to be a follower. Despite her intelligence in academics, is not very street smart and is rather gullible. She's the type of person to actually spell out "gullible" before realizing that it in fact does not sound like orange. She also is a rather jealous person who can be possessive of her friends. She is a person who gets really anxious and paranoid whenever she feels like she's left out of the loop and dislikes it when she sees her friends with other people. However, this is all expressed on the inside and she gives no outwardly indication. She is quite meek, unable to speak her mind unless it's a student council issue or whatever it may be. Acacia doesn't like it when people are overly opinionated and feels uncomfortable in a debate. She as a general rule doesn't like arguing with people and is often very passive aggressive. Likes Animals Figure Skating Gymnastics Movies--horror movies in particular Singing, acting and dancing Dislikes Elevator music People who can't see multiple sides of an issue Candy corn Arguments and confrontations Being late Art--Acacia may be good at the arts, but she can't draw to save a life Fears Losing people important to her, rejection, the darkness "You can't scare me! I saw you lurking." Strengths Graceful Authoritative Athletic Photogenic Witty Weaknesses Overanalyzes everything Passive aggressive Jealous Gullible Not very assertive History Acacia grew up with her brother, Aspen away from her parents. While Aspen learned to grow without them and found confidence, Acacia grew up being racked with self-doubt about why her parents weren't ever around. She would spend nights crying herself to sleep about it. She loved her surrogate mother dearly, but it was never the same. This is where her abandonment issues and jealousy stems--she needs a constant figure to be by her side. Fortunately, her brother Aspen was always there to pull her out of the dumps. Once Aspen began winning photography contests with her as a model, Acacia rediscovered her confidence that she was sorely lacking. She decided that she wanted to be fit and pretty for her brother's camera, so she began trying her hand at various sports. The ones that stuck with her were gymnastics and figure skating. She also harbors a love for dancing, acting and singing--all documented by Aspen. Unlike Aspen, Acacia never really thought about being a CEO or being a leader. However, it was how she was. Whenever there was a group project, people naturally turned to Acacia as the leader and she rolled with it. Ever mini skit she put together was largely directed by her. Acacia is a natural leader, and people respond to that. Her parents finally somewhat returned to Acacia's life when they sent her to Ashbury to be schooled into the next CEO for their corporation. Acacia was overjoyed at the fact that she wouldn't be separated from Aspen, who secured a spot at this prestigious school for photography. But Acacia is lost. She doesn't know what she wants to do with life, and she's being shoved into a future she doesn't know if she wants. Oh well, if she's going to be here, she's going to be good at it. Favorite memory The first time her brother photographed her. It was on a rainy day, and Aspen told her to dance around--the way she does when she thinks no one is looking. He managed to capture an incredible shot of her spinning around in the rain, with a thunderbolt in the background. Aspen and Acacia participated in an Open Mike a few years ago, with Aspen on guitar and Acacia singing. They got such a great response! When Acacia lost a regional dance competition. Aspen seemed upset that the judges chose another team, but Acacia was satisfied with how far her and her team had come. Every moment spent with her parents Least favorite memory When she broke her arm in gymnastics. She had landed badly on her leg when she lost her grip on the double bars, and it caused her to be unable to dance, skate or act for a long time and she missed regionals for various competitions. Trying her hardest to smile at her birthday party, after her parents texted her saying they can't make it. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Her parent's company, Hancock Corporations needed a back up! So they thrust their unsuspecting daughter into those large shoes. She had great leadership qualities, she was smart, so why not? They never really asked her about it though. "Aspen, they just texted me that they can't make it to our birthday party today. Some important meeting came up." Birthday May 24th Astrological Sign Gemini Twitter Name @LittleMissAcacia for all of her usernames "Surprise!" How many shoes do they own? What types? "I don't own a lot of shoes, just your standard dress shoes, sneakers, etc etc etc. But Acacia on the other hand..." "I don't have that many shoes! Just some boots, various heels, a few pairs of sneakers, flats..." "See? That's already like, 5 times more than me." "....." Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? "Grove_Photography is the new instagram of the extremely talented and sought after teenage photographer! Be sure to check out his instagram! He's also available for booking, so please contact him if you like any of his photos!" "What's with the advertisement...?" "Aspen Hancock is the up-and-coming photographer! Get him now while you can. His photography skills are evident in even as something as simple as his profile picture. It's a photograph of himself taken through a glass pelted with raindrops and it looks very surreal and mysterious. "Acacia..." "Also be sure to check out his model extraordinaire, Acacia Hancock! Not only is she an extremely beautiful girl, her instagram is to die for. Just look for her fantastic profile picture--it's me mid-jump when I'm ice skating. Yeah, photography skills and stuff, but she has a lot of talents too!" "Acacia!" "Hahahaha, jeez Asp, I'm kidding!" How many romantic relationships have they had? "Neither of us had that many, actually." "Unfortunately, Aspen scares them away." "Yeah, cuz I'm so scary, right? You scare off any potential girlfriends too." "Grrr, we're so terrifying." Are they right- or left-handed? "Acacia is right handed." "And Aspen is sinister." What charities do they donate to? "A lot actually. We've donated to Habitat for Humanity, Homeless shelters, cancer research..." "Some charities really need money, and we have a lot of it. And I don't think we're every going to use all of it. So we like to share bit by bit." What are their biggest fears? "You used to be scared of thunder. Like, terrified. You used to hide under the blankets every time it stormed." "Why would you even bring that up? That was like... 14 years ago." "You might still be scared!" "You wanna go there? What about the time you literally climbed up a tree to get away from a dog." "I was like 3!" "Exactly." How much money do they make? "Aspen makes sooo much cash from Grove Photography. It's ridiculous." "What about you? You make a lot of money from winning competitions." "Well, yeah. But they're not consistent. Maybe I should get a job." What is their ethnicity? "I think we're just European. "Hmmm, I thought I heard mom mention something about being descended from King Henry the whatever or something. "Maybe we should look into that." Do they speak with an accent? "Unfortunately, no." "We wish. A Scottish or British accent would be really cool." "Pip pip cheerio!" ".....No Caci. No." What did they dress as for Halloween last year? "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" "To protect the world with devastation!" "To unite all people within our nation!" "To denounce the evil of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above! "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords?, and I also have a blogspot and tumblr for my photography. "Also, Aspen's password is--" "Whoa, what? you know my password?" "My email is And my instagram documents all of my competitions, hobbies, and photographs! Check it out!" "Wait, Acacia, don't change the subject!" What are they superstitious about? "I'm not superstitious, but Acacia on the other hand..." "I don't believe any of it. I just don't want to risk any of it being true, just in case." "You collect every 4 leaf clover you fine." "They're cute, okay?" Are they allergic to anything? "Both of us are allergic to penicillin." "We break out in hives." What hobbies do they have? "Well besides for photography... Photoshop is really fun, image editing in general." "Idiot, that's still a part of photography." "Uh, right. I guess we play video games a lot, We have a running tally of who wins. And I really like playing the guitar, and swimming. Obviously." "Everyone already knows what we like. I like dancing, figure skating... Stuff like that. I dabble in acting. And singing is fun too. Lately I've been into netflix. But that's everyone." Do they keep secrets? "Very much so. I know a lot of things that Aspen doesn't because I don't tell him anything." "Likewise." What are their astrological signs? "We're Geminis." "Isn't that ironic?" What are their taste in movies, books, and music? "I'm mostly into sci-fi and action." "Nerd." "And despite you making me watch horror movies with you, I don't like them!" "Would you rather watch romcoms with me? "Maybe." Do they have scars? "Nope, not really." "We've had a fairly unadventurous childhood. And we never seriously fought enough to scar each other." What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "......" "Acacia really doesn't like discussing things like this." "Pro-choice, pro-marriage, no opinion on weed." "What's with the heavy sigh?" "I don't like arguing..." "There's no one to argue with, idiot. I'm the only one here, and we have the same opinion." Any tattoos or piercings? "I have my ear lobes pierced, but that's about it." "I don't have anything. I know, I know. I'm boring." "Yeah you are." What does their handwriting look like? "Really similar, actually. Emma liked to say that handwriting was the window to the soul, so she had us take calligraphy classes." "Yeah, we write out "g"s and "f"s and "A"s the same way." "But otherwise my writing is most loopy and flowing. Aspen's is more precise and neat." "That represents out personalities really well, actually." What is their religious background? "Uh... Agnostic, I guess? What do you think?" "Agnostic works. I don't believe that God exists, but I'm not an atheist." "Yup, mom, dad and Emma weren't really religious either." Where do they like to shop? "We own a lot of designer clothing. When Acacia models them, or I photograph them, we receive a lot of clothes and accessories as thanks." "Designer clothing is super nice. But I usually just go shopping at popular stores. Forever 21 is one of my favorites--they have really cute clothes for a really cheap price!" What is their relationship like with their sibling?" "Horrible. We hate each other." "Can't even stand to be in the same room." "Ew, get away from me you freak." Do they have enemies? How did they make them? "We have none that we know of." "I hope we don't have any..." What are their ambitions? Do they have a "five-year plan"? "Oh yeah, definitely. Once I graduate, I'm going to be an intern and assistant for Charles Modelli, the current CEO of Mode. He's going to retire in a few years, so until then I'm going to get acquainted with people of the industry while majoring in photography and digital art at the California Institute of Arts. Once Modelli retires, I'm going to take over Mode and hopefully expand it and hire more permanent employees. My eventual goal is to expand Mode and promote it even more, and to start a Mode magazine. What about you Acacia?" "Uh... Graduate?" What are their political preferences? "Hate politics. They make me angry. Next." "Yeah, it's fine. We can move on. I'm not heavily involved in politics either." What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "In my purse I always have my wallet, some pens, some mint and gum, band-aids, chapstick, my mini-planner and my portable charger." "I don't carry around a purse. We usually just have your standard medicine cabinet drugs like benedryll, ibuprofen and stuff in the cabinets. And cupboards... uh, cups and stuff?" What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "I love my cream colored dress with flowery branches." "I'm a pretty big fan of this green jacket." What do they keep in remote storage? "I don't think we have remote storage." "Yeah, we have places for everything. Even incredible things." Are they night owls or morning people? "I'm a night owl. But Acacia on the other hand..." "Definitely morning!" "Lucky duck. She would wake me up at 7 AM when we were young because she was bored. Actually... She still does that sometimes." "Heehee."
Spencer Dalle Quelques heures avant la fête des Hancocks L'école était irrationnelle. Jamais pour une fois elle n'a justifié l'idée de l'apprentissage progressif encore moins les tensions laissées de son sillage. Il y avait toujours des devoirs, des projets scolaires, des quiz subséquents et l'horrible peur souvent appelée récitations. On ne pouvait pas simplement vivre d'une vie pacifiquement structurée avec ceux-ci étant chargés systématiquement. Pourtant, elle est devenue une pratique universelle. Quelque chose que les autorités pourraient faire ressortir et même ils diraient honteusement que c'est "pour le plus grand bien". Mais quel était le plus grand bien? L'apprentissage ne devrait pas être si compliqué. Il ne devrait pas forcer des jeunes innocents à une fausse image de compréhension. C'est absurde. Absurde au point où cela aurait un sens. La vie n'était pas censée être facile et tout le monde devrait le savoir. L'apprentissage, c'est la souffrance, la souffrance, c'est la même chose. Le temps n'était qu'un détriment pour Spencer. Il ne pouvait pas prendre le concept de limiter les choses sur un certain point quand ce serait pour une meilleure cause. L'étude d'une bonne partie d'être un étudiant et à travers elle, comprendre pourquoi il devrait être à temps limité semblait non sensible. La pire partie de tout était de plier sa capitulation, sachant que chaque fibre de son cerveau ou chaque colonne vertébrale de ses os ne pouvait rien faire pour laisser les choses recommencer. Le temps ne peut pas s'inverser, combien plus si quelque chose de moindre place une tentative. Peut-être que c'est comme ça et comment il a vécu ça lui a fait réaliser quelque chose. Il savait qu'il ne pouvait pas continuer à lever les poings en protestation, donc il a décidé de l'embrasser. Mais ce n'était pas une excuse aujourd'hui et malgré l'habitude d'étudier à la dernière minute, ce serait probablement la pire. Spencer s'est penché le menton sur la couverture du livre, mettant les yeux autour de la bibliothèque, mettant sans but ses vues sur tout ce qui vient à voir. Tout semblait dériver de ce qui était réel, comme si sa perception se penchait vers un univers éloigné du sien. Quelque chose se sentait en grande partie perturbant. Eerie, images déformées gardées en cachette à travers des sections confinées de tables. Un petit nombre de manuels secouèrent de leurs étagères, quelques-uns étant arrachés par une force invisible illuminée d'où ils se reposèrent, puis tombaient au sol. L'un se levait même dans l'air mince, atteignant paresseusement sur le plafond mais assez étrangement, personne n'a pris un seul avis. Les apparences physiques des gens ont commencé à s'éloigner de ce qui était normal, s'entassant dans des blobs de constructions amorphes. Spencer a grimacé ce qui s'est passé dans les moments qui ont suivi. Les cornes s'étendaient du crâne des gens tout en étant lentement englouties par des vrilles de poussières d'ombre. Grotesque grogne sifflait l'air, la plupart d'entre eux sonnaient comme si quelque chose se développait de leur gorge. Des ailes ressemblant à des insectes se sont propagées de l'arrière de quelques individus appartenant à un groupe particulier, fluant alors qu'ils volaient vers le plafond. Spencer tenait son livre contre sa poitrine, les yeux largement ouverts comme il a essayé le mieux qu'il pouvait pour comprendre ce qui se passait. Apparemment il ne pouvait pas et ce qui semblait être aussi bizarre il y a un moment complètement transcendé dans une mer de confusion totale. C'était plus un champ de bataille qu'une forêt magique. Comme une scène que vous tireriez du rôle du Seigneur des Anneaux et Spencer est devenu celui d'un Hobbit mais avec une jambe cassée. Il s'est ensuite assommé pour prendre l'air, faisant glisser nerveusement sa chaise loin de son bureau. Il a fait tomber ses yeux du cauchemar en pensant qu'il pouvait s'en tirer. Mais en retournant un coup d'œil, il était toujours là, c'était réel et il l'a senti. Puis quelque chose lui a pris l'épaule. Terror a envoyé des vibrations froides directement à sa colonne vertébrale alors qu'il a essayé de déplacer son corps gelé. "Specer." Une douce voix gutturale a navigué à travers ses oreilles, infligeant plus de terreur. Puis comme Spencer a réussi à s'écraser, il a vu une figure masquée. Derrière le masque a révélé un être ombreux et sans visage avec des couronnes incrustées d'épines. Un cri fort et terrifié s'échappa des lèvres de Spencer, se tenant contre son bureau et roula avec sa chaise loin de l'entité obscure. "Specer." Elle se répétait à nouveau. Comment a-t-il réussi à connaître son nom? Quoi qu'il en soit, la peur empêchait sa curiosité. "Hé Spencer." La voix sonnait comme un écho maintenant, comme s'il se déplaçait vers une voix qu'il connaissait terriblement. Cependant, Spencer n'a pas été facilement dupé. Il savait que l'entité masquée tentait d'imiter une voix qu'il connaissait pour pouvoir se rapprocher et laisser son âme se dévorer. C'est pas vrai. Je ne le laisserai pas me tuer. Ce n'est pas cette fois-ci qu'il a fait la course, mais qu'il s'est figé comme un rat coincé dans un piège. Puis la figure s'est rapprochée et a saisi l'épaule de Spencer. Éloignez-vous de moi, Nazgul! Je ne te laisserai pas avoir l'anneau et détruire le milieu de la terre!" Il s'est exclamé. À ce moment-là, tout est revenu à la normale. Des traces d'orques et de fées sont mortes en un clin d'œil. Personne n'a été vu voler sur le plafond. Les livres étaient correctement placés sur les étagères. Et la vue de la bibliothécaire a sauté comme un kangourou sur les synthétiques. La bibliothécaire a éclairci sa gorge, donnant un signe évident de ce que Spencer a fait, puis elle est retournée à son bureau. L'ami d'Ann Spencer du club de discussion se tenait devant lui, perplexe par sa réponse étrange. "Nazgul?" Elle a demandé, ses yeux se sont rétrécis pour savoir à quel point elle était confuse. "Oui, vous ressembliez à un Nazgul il y a 5 minutes et vous essayiez de me chuchoter un peu de charabia bizarre sur la façon dont vous vouliez la bague. Il est évident que quelque chose ne va pas ici." Ann a levé un sourcil, plaçant soigneusement les paroles de Spencer dans le mépris. "Ça va? On dirait que tu ne dors pas assez." "Je te le dis. Quelque chose ne va pas. On m'a dit tout à l'heure que j'avais la tâche de sauver la terre moyenne et de le faire, j'ai besoin d'aller dans un endroit volcan que je ne connais pas et de jeter cette bague là." Ann s'est moquéement fermée les yeux, seulement pour remarquer qu'une personne grogne rêve d'une scène particulière d'un film. "Okay Spence. Vous devriez savoir regarder un film avant d'engourdir vous donne des cauchemars pendant la rêverie », a-t-elle suggéré. "Alors arrête de le faire ou tu auras besoin d'aide mentale et s'il te plaît, enterre ce truc du Seigneur des Anneaux au fond d'une grotte pour que personne ne le trouve." "Mais Smeagol vit dans une grotte... il pourrait la trouver." Spencer a noté innocentement comme s'il n'était pas au courant de ce qu'il rêvait. Un soupir a glissé des lèvres d'Ann. Elle lui broyait les dents en gardant la bouche fermée. "Les Hancocks organisent une fête ce soir et vous avez été invités par eux." Bien que vexée par la rêverie délirante de Spencer, Ann a réussi à se sentir commode à transmettre le message. Elle a levé un sourire, cherchant la réponse de Spencer. "Votre point de vue?" Apparemment, Spencer a retrouvé son sang-froid. Sonnant à peine surpris, il est retourné ouvrir son livre, tournant quelques pages pour trouver où il s'est arrêté pour la dernière fois. "Je veux dire que vous, une personne bienveillante et compatissante, m'y emmènerez, Jal, Sherwin, Clarisse et Jess." Pendant les quelques instants qui suivirent, le silence se répandit entre eux. Spencer a continué à lire son livre sans avoir l'intention de répondre à la demande d'Ann. Il est tombé silencieux, concentré sur toutes les pages qu'il a tournées. -- Eh bien? Ann était impatiente d'obtenir cette réponse, mais Spencer n'a pas prêté attention. "Hé Spence. Êtes-vous même liste" "Je ne vais pas m'embêter à venir. J'ai des choses à étudier ce soir." Il a répondu à la hâte. "Aww c'mon. Ne sois pas comme Oncle Scrooge. Ayez un cœur et donnez à vos membres juniors une chance de s'amuser." "Mais je pensais que le groupe étudiant et écrivant un fan fiction de professeur Williams et Paine était votre genre de plaisir?" Spencer a répondu de façon évidente. "Regardez Spence, je sais que vous n'aimez pas les fêtes, mais considérez celle-ci comme une célébration de votre succès passé en tant que premier ministre. Nous promettons que nous vous aiderons à sentir le plaisir." Spencer a roulé ses yeux. "Nah." "Et si je te donnais un mois de cola en conserve?" Ann a eu un sourire ambitieux, espérant que ça ferait l'affaire. "Tu l'as déjà fait et la correction, un mois de valeur ne durera qu'une semaine." "Qu'en est-il d'un chaton siamois?" Cela ne valait pas la peine, mais pourtant, Ann a réussi à se sentir satisfaite de son offre. "Tu sais que je déteste les chats." "Les chiots?" "J'ai déjà un chien. Vous ne savez même pas que l'école empêche les élèves d'avoir des animaux de compagnie." Spencer soupira, sachant que cela pourrait continuer et le déranger continuellement. "Une petite amie? aller à la fête vous donne un oppor"" "Je déteste les copines." "Un petit ami alors?" "Qu'est-ce qu'Ann?" Leur conversation se termina brusquement lorsque le bibliothécaire sortit de nulle part et donna à Spencer le regard évident. C'était sa deuxième fois et une troisième ne devrait plus être considérée comme une excuse. Il a laissé un sourire sullen en réponse, une réponse évidente disant qu'il ne le fera pas à nouveau. Ann a encore levé un sourcil, apparemment n'était pas en faveur de la façon dont son plan s'est déroulé. "S'il vous plaît Spence. On doit aller à cette fête. Je te promets que je me rattraperai. Je te donnerai même ma sœur." -- Quoi? Spencer sifflait, les yeux se levaient en question. "Peut-être pas, mais s'il vous plaît Spence. Juste cette fois. Pleeaaase..." Ann n'est amie qu'avec Spencer depuis au moins 4 mois depuis son inscription au club de discussion de l'école. Quoi qu'il en soit, Spencer n'a rien vu d'étrange ni de répugnant à son sujet. Elle l'avait toujours invité à un certain nombre de rassemblements sociaux et de rassemblements pendant toute la durée de leur amitié et Spencer ne pouvait voir aucun conflit potentiel se lever entre eux à l'avenir, ou du moins pour l'instant. Spencer l'a toujours décrite comme étant la même avec les gens qu'il rencontrait habituellement à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur du club de discussion. Il ne lui appartiendra que s'il voulait que l'amitié soit abrupte ou non. Spencer gémit silencieusement dans l'ennui. Il roula les yeux et força douloureusement son attention à Ann. "Oh, ça va. Allez-y et ne me dérangez pas. Mais ce sera votre dernière... fille aux lunettes. Je n'accepterai plus jamais aucune demande de votre part à l'extérieur de l'équipe de discussion." Ann a hurlé dans la joie. "Oui. Je t'aime Spence et Merci. J'espère que vous deviendrez le président des États-Unis quand vous grandirez." Spencer a grimacé. « Mais je suis Canadien. Qu'est-ce que tu racontes? Ann a gâché en s'éloignant du bureau de Spencer. Elle a répondu à un sourire quand Spencer l'a regardée et a fait son chemin à l'extérieur de la bibliothèque. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a entre les gens et les fêtes?" Spencer murmura alors qu'il continuait à lire des notes du livre qu'il lisait. ______________________________________________________________ Pendant la fête La musique pop est jouée en arrière-plan parce que pourquoi pas? Un sujet incertain dont Spencer ne sera peut-être pas conscient pour le reste de sa vie était les rassemblements sociaux. Bien sûr, il a eu sa propre part de parties avant, mais son séjour n'a jamais été les plus agréables. La musique était toujours bruyante, les gens parlent de choses qu'il n'aurait jamais été intéressé à distance et puis l'existence de l'inévitable pong de bière, pas qu'il n'a jamais bu auparavant. Il y avait juste cette vibration particulière que tout le monde se sentait avec qui Spencer n'a pas réussi à s'intégrer. Peut-être qu'être un bâtard au cœur froid a été celui à remercier, mais même ainsi, il ne s'embêtera pas avec quelqu'un d'autre que de laisser la fête se terminer le plus tôt possible. Pour une fois qu'il ne s'est pas senti hors de sa place, ses amis du débat étaient à proximité, donc il y a du soulagement autour de lui. Une chose qu'il ne pouvait pas mettre en attente était la nature de son invitation par les jumeaux Hancock. Bien qu'ils n'étaient en aucun cas des ennemis mortels, Spencer n'aimait pas beaucoup d'eux ou du moins n'était pas en faveur de leur ridicule popularité. Spencer voyait souvent cela comme un outil pour obtenir une sorte de reconnaissance honteuse pour sa présence. Et les jumeaux Hancock étaient des exemples parfaits pour démontrer comment cet outil fonctionne. Spencer avait déjà son masque. Peut-être qu'il considérerait ne pas être un oncle Scrooge ce soir et juste suivre les conseils communs souvent parlés lors des fêtes. Il sourit comme une variété de lumières colorées éclairait le manoir merveilleux. La musique était supportable mais pas aussi agréable que le goût de Spencer. Petites foules dispersées dans de grands espaces de l'endroit et certains étaient déjà en train de frapper des morceaux de la nourriture délicieuse préparée sur la table à manger. "Je vous le dis. Nous allons nous amuser parce que nous allons nous amuser." Jal a dit fantaisiste alors qu'elle se brosse doucement les cheveux de ses mains. "Oh. C'est le mien. Jizzle. Vous avez vu ça? Ce mec sexy nommé Lewis du club de basket-ball m'a fait un clin d'œil. Mon cœur se sent comme la croissance économique de la Chine en ce moment cuz bébé c'est en train de s'effondrer! " Jess a crié dans l'excitation romantique. "Je jure que si je ne veux pas coucher avec lui ce soir, je vais simplement créer une version tridimensionnelle de lui-même et laisser mon port USB ouvrir pour sa RAM de 500 concerts." Spencer s'est ébranlé la tête. "Qu'est-ce que Jess?" Il s'est exclamé. "Vous n'êtes même pas sûr de la stabilité économique actuelle de la Chine et où sur terre pouvez-vous même trouver une RAM de 500 gigaoctets?" "Qui s'en soucie?" Jess se dirigeait avec enthousiasme vers l'endroit où se trouvait le distributeur de jus. "Ça va?" Ann a demandé un soulagement de dernière minute. Elle semblait douter de la façon dont Spencer voyait la fête, mais le voir sourire plus tôt était un signe différent. "Non," Spencer regarda là où Jess traînait. "Je veux dire qu'elle est sérieuse à ce sujet, n'est-ce pas? Pensez à la grossesse chez les adolescentes et à quel point elle sera périlleuse pour son avenir en tant que conférencière publique. » Ann s'est ridiculisée et a frappé Spencer à l'épaule. "Oh, elle est inoffensive et détends-toi. Ne laisse pas Smeagol trouver ce qu'on a enterré dans cette grotte. Le Seigneur des Anneaux ne rêve plus pour l'instant." Spencer s'est éternué. "Ha Ha. Très drôle. Je vais m'assurer de crier sur quelqu'un et de lui dire qu'il est le Nazgul." Ann soupirait d'un peu de joie. "C'est une fête, tu devrais t'amuser. Et comme promis plus tôt que si tu ne le fais pas, je t'aiderai." -- Très bien, alors. Spencer lui faisait confiance, du moins pour l'instant. Il s'est laissé dériver dans la musique. Peut-être que profiter de la fête n'était pas aussi mauvais. En plus, c'est juste le premier jour de l'école. Il n'y avait rien d'autre qu'il puisse perdre.
Spencer Dalle "Gingers don't have souls? perhaps." Spencer Dalle Spencer Hartley Dalle Nicknames Spence - his older brother and most of his friends call him by that manner. Age 18 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Arguably an asexual Grade Level Senior Appearance A fairly tall individual standing roughly at 176 cm and weighing about 65 kg. Spencer's body frame consists of narrow shoulders, a set of lean muscles and an overall average build. What stands as a feature he's mostly known for is his fiery orange hair with a few locks of red reaching the upper strands. It's often trimmed regularly since Spencer dislikes people commenting about it too much. At times he'd wear a beanie only to cast away any attention his hair can get into. Concave cheeks build mostly of his square-like face along with his flushed chin. Thin eyebrows set above hazel eyes and a straight, thin nose which ends on a curved tip. There's nothing eccentrically offbeat nor peculiar about his clothing pattern. On a regular basis, Spencer will most likely dress up with one of his polo shirts and a pair of denim blue jeans. Off school he usually wears sweatshirts paired with cargo shorts. _____________________________________________________________________________ "Do not compare me with bricks! Even though I can't get laid unlike those things I ... I ... we're done talking." _____________________________________________________________________________ Personality Seemingly a person instilled with a cold heart, or so as he claimed. Spencer has no qualms about himself as an individual and how he stands at society, yet he falls down on behalf of his insecurities. Although having friends of his own keeps him from seclusion, he constantly struggles to fit in a place where he truly belongs. Often so, he doesn't find - or refuses to notice - true company from people who've been welcoming on his side. Understanding Spencer is like looking through a thin layer of clear glass but despite having no outside forces for it to break, it's likely to shatter by itself eventually. In general, Spencer himself jeopardizes his own life by the means of his decisions and a set of foolish actions. More often than not he is reluctant to accept things which do not routinely go by his notions, thus resulting to a stubborn way of progression. This doesn't entirely mean he's close to being depressed. Spencer often tries to rid of his afflicted nature but doing so requires him to use someone for the cause of it. He made a reputation of himself on being an asshole largely by bringing his miseries and hardships onto someone. Perhaps what's worse is that even when someone else is becoming a medium for Spencer's misfortune, he puts the blame on them nonetheless. Through other aspects, Spencer is widely known for his satirical charm - mostly because of the color of his hair which probably has an ambiguous relevance towards humor. He's the kind of student who constantly winds up from his desk and more likely drowns on the sea academic stress. He'd only hope a can of cola can be relied on between piles of homework and projects. As for people, Spencer holds a rather flexible demeanor. At times, he projects an equal form of sympathy to others but doesn't go beyond his borders. As far as anyone knows, being profoundly connected to someone has its perks but to Spencer, it's a detriment. Being attached to someone is something he's largely indifferent of, or rather, something he reluctantly accepts as a form of his feelings. He doesn't consider it as a part of him, yet everytime he experiences it, he becomes resentful rather than indifferent. How his flexibility goes varies on the people he meets. If he ends up disliking them, he won't bother bringing himself up and would instead go to people who are worth of his time or just by himself. Spencer prefers solitude over anything, though he can still find time to socialize but overall, he finds it unnecessary to a great extent. To him, being known isn't as relevant as it seems. He can find ways to prove his existence but nothing nearly matters when it comes to that. People point him out to be consistently cynical and often too deliberate in terms of dealing with school work. Though most of those are true, there are other things people failed to see. Spencer's outlandish display of humor occasionally shows how it's contradictory to his own self. Likes Cola (one could not put into words how this human being relentlessly loves cola) sleeping for more than 10 hours after going through weeks of sleep deprivation late night depression through cramming semestral breaks, holidays and suspended classes literary fiction Dislikes exams in general taking exams without studying cats coffee (old beliefs told him a cup of coffee has the potential to un-ginger a ginger) Fears Finals,sleep paralysis,snakes and teachers who look and sound like hellspawns Strengths Pessimism An able conviction of success Cola Weaknesses Chemistry His insecurities Unwillingness to accept change _____________________________________________________________________________ "I swear that if I ever hear another joke about my hair again, I'll burn your house down and eat your family for dinner." _____________________________________________________________________________ History Setting aside Spencer's uncertainties and his absurd personality, he is actually a gifted individual born with academic intelligence through reasoning. Teachers from his elementary school praised his exceptional cognitive skills which in turn, gave him several awards after joining a number of academic competitions. Spencer used the talent of his as a development for his future endeavors, which is public speaking. Growing up, Spencer didn't have many friends as he is mostly occupied with studies and preparations for various school competitions. But that generally did not mean he was isolated. He enjoyed his life from its simplicity alone. Playing with his dog Wrecker made him happier than anyone else and seeing this made his parents contented with his social capacity; not wanting more for their son to gain any form of fame. Spencer didn't demand anything more but to have his life remain as it was ... until their parents decided to leave Canada and move to the United States. Spencer's father was an executive branch director of an American finance corporation. What made them move to the US was mostly about the job and how Spencer's father was demanded to transfer to the corporation's main branch due to the CEO's terminal illness. Apparently Spencer had no choice since he wasn't in the position to make any changes and convince his parents to not move. They flew to the US, eventually leaving Canada. Spencer was just ten years old at that time but moving to another country became difficult for him. His new house, albeit larger than that of his hometown, felt largely unwelcoming. Through the stages of growing up to his adolescence, Spencer was still the same, still missing his hometown but not having the sheer level of homesickness as he had back when he just moved. Only when years passed by did he learn how to accept the changes of the world far from his consent. Though regardless of how he assimilated with such acceptance, there was still a constant string of denial. Spencer always wished everything would go back from what it was before, back when he still felt his unwavering joy. However, that did not stop Spencer from developing his academic skills and intellect. Soon after his parents heard of Ashbury Academy, they arranged plans to enroll him to the prestigious school while his older brother at another private school. So far, progress went by and Spencer still participated at various public speaking events and debate competitions. Favorite memory Everything about his childhood while living at his hometown in Alberta, Canada. What he misses the most are those days when he'd just wake up on a Saturday morning, play Frisbee with his old pal Wrecker (A purebred St Bernard) and climb up to his favorite tree across the neighbourhood with his brother, listening to music while waiting for the sunset to come to view. Least favorite memory Moving from his hometown and spending the first few months in the United States being homesick. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? The American Finance Institute (AFI) is one of the United States' leading financial corporation with branches extending around Canada, Mexico and some other parts of Central America. Spencer's father is the executive director of the Canadian branch but soon left the country and moved to the United States for urgent matters. The CEO of the corporation, Frank Dolbert was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a few months ago and was informed to have little chance of survival. So while he is being subjected through dialysis, the company's co-CEO Deihlyn Anton Flores took over but to make matters worse, he wasn't competent at controlling the stability of the company and needed to be replaced by someone as soon as possible. Dolbert and Spencer's father were very close friends and Dolbert himself believed the potential Spencer possessed as a young individual. Though he has a few doubts of his own, Dolbert envisioned the boy to be a part of the company. Spencer could one day exceed some of Dolbert's expectations as he sees a a young version of himself through the likes of Spencer. Birthday April 19 1997 Astrological Sign Aries Twitter Name Twitter: @SpenceD Deviantart: Spacepenguin07 _____________________________________________________________________________ "Love? I don't breathe that kind of air." _____________________________________________________________________________ Spencer Dalle "I can survive, I can live and I can go through all these things, give me five cans of cola!" _____________________________________________________________ Hal Polwith "Foolish things are often done with enthusiasm. Can't blame him though, it's his choice to spread his pestilence of joy between people ... not like it's a problem but I do hope he's equally treated. Not all people gives happiness as an exchange." _____________________________________________________________ Brooke Avery "As much as I understand myself, I do not hate things for what they are, I hate them because they existed. In this case, if she concludes hate and reluctance as a distinctive part of herself, she may pretty much become like me. Oh the joy." _____________________________________________________________ Korrigan Alexander Jackson "I do not mistake mischief as a childish attribute of an individual as I do happen to be quite mischievous myself ... I guess. As my parents told me when I was young, one's tongue speaks in behalf of goodness despite being one person against several billions of people. I never thought using it for crap talk can be acceptable." _____________________________________________________________ Laney Karie Chandler "One thing I do not understand between individuals is that they do not know being impervious to nonsense ―mostly words, naturally is 'their kind of thing' I appreciate people who are aware of that, like her. You can imagine such beauty and strength one can possess when she stands on her own and translates all vulgarity into a meager wisp of air. However, I am not quite certain how long this kind of character can stand with its impervious ... ness." _____________________________________________________________ Amanda Hirano "Innocence, one which we all have or had. In my case, I was never innocent but people assume that I am. They just mistake me for a jerk of a ginger with humor they cannot relate to. Anyway, so much for her, I do not know much. All I know is that people keep seeing her as some kind of child and I don't want to be the judge of that." _____________________________________________________________ Maie-Marie Malveaux "I happen to wonder why people started to become more and more illustrious with their happiness. It's not like everyone is going to be the same as themselves. I just find it to be rather ... annoying." _____________________________________________________________ Nathan Matthews "Yet another member of this 'spread happiness everywhere' cause. For real, if ever this plague ravages around school with no little means of stopping it, I'm done ... and I'm not going to return. Ever. Again." _____________________________________________________________ Connor MacQuarrie "So this is the incredible hulk everyone's talking about? I'm not a huge fan of Marvel or DC in particular but from how I picture the incredible hulk, he's massive ... huge, bulky, green-skinned and vicious. I do not recall his image being resembled by a lunatic. I know using the word lunatic may be a bit condescending of me but in all honesty, I see no difference among athletes or jockheads." _____________________________________________________________ Brenden Rivers "Do not mistake arrogance as some kind of disease. One is arrogant because he or she sees the potential within themselves. They do not level with the weak nor the ill-fated as they know such things will drag them down from what they're thriving to attain. It's not always about being on top but rather, staying on your own level and I don't see anything wrong with it. I like him, in a 'such an interesting specimen' sort of way. However I do not wish to be stained by whatever business he brings. It's not on my caliber to deal with what others do." _____________________________________________________________ Emilie Delacour "Sometimes I wonder how society does its tricks, forcing people with enthusiasm and lavish abundance. I don't get it at all. Perhaps I'm just too young to overthink about things, like how they suck all the time. For this person ―like most of them, I do not know much. I'd like to assume she's just this typical sunshine who wears skirts and dances on the field while she lifts her small umbrella. Even if I'm still a kid today, I can never afford doing that." _____________________________________________________________ Emilie Delacour "Hmm ... yet another flower of innocence. Soon you will realize that your domain makes no use of such. But since you're still young like me, you can let it rest ... for now." _____________________________________________________________ Aspen Hancock "I like how this guy becomes so ambitious about everything. It only goes to show that people with goals in mind are likely the ones who will succeed, but it doesn't mean everyone should. Success is but a selection of who goes in and who goes out. If you're meant or built for success, then it's a no-brainer that you'll go in but if you think falsely that you're going to reach the door to success, then no ... there's obviously no room for you. Through other aspects, I see nothing wrong with this guy. He's an intellectual contender among all but a fool in his own way. If you're that ambitious, you don't support others. You carry yourself on your own and not think about the lesser fools." Things you ought to know about me _____________________________________________________________ "like they matter" _____________________________________________________________ How many shoes do you own? What types? "Shoes? hm ... probably a bunch. I don't really care how many footwear I possess. They'd mostly be flat shoes or leather for casual wear. Then again, I don't really care. I can even go to an Intercollegiate Public Speaking Competition barefooted." Are you on social media? Who's with you on your profile picture? "I am but I don't often go through this medium as much as everyone does. For my profile picture, that isn't anyone's business―but mine to discuss with." How many romantic relationship(s) did you have? "Heh! Good one. I'm incapable of romance. Next please!" Are you right or left handed? "Neither. I can break the laws of physics by bending the motion of pens and pencils in order for me to write." What charities do you donate to? "Whatever my dad involves himself with. It's frequently his money anyway." What are your biggest fears? "Finals, first and foremost. Who wouldn't fear judgement day? Other than that, I have a few terrifying sleep paralysis experiences that still haunt me today. Snakes, but you shouldn't be surprised about that. And teachers who are spawns of Satan." How much money do you make? "Enough to tear this world a new wormhole." What is your ethnicity? "I have no idea. I might be a raccoon for some reason." Do you speak with an accent? "Of course not, that's disgusting." What did you dress for Halloween last year? "Originally, I was going to be Harry Potter but then I've lost a bet from those freshmen goons on the debate team. So in the end, I dressed up as the eastern bunny. Horrible people, aren't they?" What are your email addresses, blogs and websites? Passwords? "" What is your religious background? "I don't consider myself being associated with any religion. But I still have my faith, I just don't show it quite often." What are you superstitious about? "Why people somehow didn't manage to figure out the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. Seriously, it's that easy." Are you allergic to anything? "Lobster and stupid people in general." What hobbies do you have? "Ah I love collecting the bones of the people I've murdered and make a museum out of them. Jokes aside, I do love reading literary fiction but that doesn't mean I'm limited only on reading those kinds of books. I have a fair share of science fiction and fantasy. Other than that, I love speaking to an imaginary person ... at least when I'm alone so that no one notices how remotely crazy I am ―which I'm not. I make a hobby of painting as well despite me being terribly bad at it. It's what I sometimes do to release my anger and hate from the overall stupidity of people." Do you keep secrets? "Yes. Victoria's." What is your astrological sign? "Aries" What are your tastes in movies, books and music? "I don't really watch a lot movies. I just watch what's under everyone's radar but I do have a few favorites of my own such as the classic adaptation of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and a variety of Pixar films that made my childhood enjoyable. For music, I regularly listen to alternative rock such as Pearl Jam, The Smashing Pumpkins, R.E.M. and etc. Not really into pop music, though I have a few ones that I find conveniently catchy. For books, oh there's so much. From classic literature giants such as the Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye and 1984 to the science fiction and fantasy books I've started loving. There's just so many!" Do you have scars? "Leaving Canada left me a ton of scars." What are your thoughts on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana or other controversial topics? "I don't really think I can comprise all of my thoughts towards these interesting topics." Any tattoos or piercings? "I don't think so, though I do plan to have a tattoo on my back." What does your handwriting look like? "Like Tarzan's? Even I don't know how my penmanship looks like." Where do you usually shop? "I am uncertain if Chipotle is a legitimate shop." What is your relationship with your siblings? "My older brother is like my best friend. I miss the times we've spent with Wrecker back in Canada and I hope that one day we can all go back and relieve those moments. I don't think that's going to happen though ―which is fine by me, not like I've got any capabilities to let it happen." Do you have enemies? How do you make them? "I don't think I have enemies, just people who generally dislike me for some reason. How do I make them hate me? well, it's like back in kindergarten where you'd write an innocent letter to your crush about how you honestly feel about them. Except on my side, I'm not writing for my crush ―not like I have any. I don't know why people hate me for telling how I honestly feel about them. What do they want me to say? I love them? That's absurd and stupid in a lot of ways." What are your ambitions? Do you have a five-year plan? "Ambitions? Is that what you have when your parents aren't the ones who take control of your future?" What are your political preferences? "I have no interest in politics though I do find it amusing to see their system crumble into a surge of turmoil." What do you habitually keep in your cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "So you do believe I keep weed inside my inventory and that's why you're asking this question, aren't you?" What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "Uh ... my sweatshirt? I mean that's the only thing I wear most of the time, if I'm outside class." What do you keep in remote storage? "Something I refuse to say. And no, it's not weed. Stop assuming I possess weed dammit!" Are you a night owl or a morning person? "I sleep a lot or at least when I have nothing to do. So I'm probably a sloth." _____________________________________________________________ "I don't expect you to be interesting, so don't bother amusing me." _____________________________________________________________
Hal Polwith Hal a trié à travers son seul tiroir, qui a été vaugement organisé en piles. Pour toute personne normale, ça aurait l'air un désordre, mais Hal savait exactement où tout était. Il a pris le temps, et a pris T-Shirt rouge clair et une paire de shorts de cargaison, qui semblait mieux correspondre à l'occasion que short sportif. Connor a traîné avec l'alcool derrière lui. Hal s'est ridiculisé. Laisse-le à Connor pour rendre les choses folles Hal erra dans la salle de bain pour se changer, ce qu'il fit rapidement. Puis il est allé aux toilettes. Il considérait son jour. L'assemblée avait été ennuyeuse, comme prévu. Le professeur Williams avait donné un excellent "leçon" en phys ed, mais bien sûr, le professeur Abbott essayait déjà de tuer toute sa classe. C'était dommage que la fille du diable ait enseigné l'histoire, ou que Hal se débrouille bien. Le professeur Lucas avait fait son coup de pirate habituel, et Hal n'a pas pu s'empêcher de rire. Cet homme était un génie de l'action, même si Hal avait déjà vu quelque chose. Quand le tweet sur le parti de Hancock était sorti, une tempête de textes avait suivi. Hal n'a pas été surpris. L'annonce d'Aspen à la pratique n'était pas non plus une surprise, même si cela avait du sens. Il s'est demandé qui d'autre allait, espérons que tout le monde, ne serait pas aussi amusant si seulement quelques-uns d'entre eux montraient. "Hal, bruh, je vais attraper Nate, te retrouver dans le hall," Connor a appelé de l'extérieur. Hal a dit quelque chose dans le sens de "OK" mais n'a pas vraiment prêter attention à lui-même. Il a jugé ses cheveux dans le miroir, le trouvant assez bon, puis est sorti. Il a pris ses chaussures de tous les jours, juste une paire de chaussures brun pâle et sans marque (il n'avait aucune idée d'où il les avait eues). Il a pris son téléphone sur son bureau et a quitté la pièce, en fermant la porte derrière lui. Il a descendu les escaliers, les a pris deux à la fois juste pour faire couler son sang. Il a trébuché dans le hall et est tombé sur les autres gars. "Hé les gars, prêt à partir?" il a demandé, levant un sourcil. Connor a hurlé avec vigueur, et Nate a souri et a filé ses clés de voiture "Ouais, aussi prêt que je ne le serai jamais!" Aspen a descendu les escaliers à la dernière minute. Les autres ont pris cela comme leur signal pour partir. Les quatre empilés dans la voiture de Nate, Hal et Aspen à l'arrière, Connor à cheval fusil de chasse. Ils ont parlé d'absurdités pendant qu'ils conduisaient, principalement des trucs de natation, des interjections de Connor inséré appropraitley. Ils sont rentrés dans l'allée et tous sont sortis. Alors qu'ils entraient dans la maison, Connor boomait : "C'était un coup monté, les enfants? Je t'apporte une bonne nouvelle d'alcool, j'ai bu et je t'apporte de l'alcool!" Hal a rongé. "Ça devrait être amusant." Il a dit tranquillement. Personne n'a entendu, la musique était déjà en train de exploser.
Henry "Hal" Polwith "If nobody traveled back in time to stop you from doing it, how bad can it be?" -Hal Polwith Hal Polwith Henry Trent Polwith Nicknames Henry goes by Hal. It's just a common nickname for Henry, and his parents have called him that since he was young. He wonders why they didn't just name him Hal. Age 17 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Hal is a relatively average looking boy at first glance. 5'10", straight, brown, shortish hair, green eyes. But a more detailed inspection reveals a lot about him. While not a hulking beast of muscle, Hal is well toned, and by no means weak. His upper body and upper arms in particular are well toned. His long legs lend him most of his height. Hal is generally found wearing jeans or khaki pants/shorts, a t-shirt, and a jacket or sweatshirt. He's anti-hat, unless it's his New York Giants baseball cap. He has a medium length scar just above his right pectoral. "Let's go hiking...or kayaking...or for a run!" Personality Hal is a bright and happy guy. He's upbeat, positive, and hard to get down. He's a big fan of making jokes, though he's often told they aren't as funny as he thinks. Despite this he still laughs, and makes a point of laughing at everyone else's jokes, regardless of whether anyone else thinks they're funny. Hal's smart as a whip, though he doesn't like to show it. Unless the person he's interacting with is excessively rude, obnoxious, or dull, Hal will try his best to keep a conversation going. He loves talking to people, and figuring out how they work, especially people with complicated or interesting personalities. Unfortunately, this makes him rather pushy. He will not give up on making somebody laugh until he is absolutely sure he has failed. This makes him somewhat obnoxious to those who don't like him straight out. In reality, Hal is fueled by a need to make everyone feel happy about themselves. He believes nobody deserves to feel like crap. A battle with depression as a middle schooler has left him feeling the need to make sure nobody else has to feel that way. He's also terrified it will come back and he'll collapse again. He's also near-impossible to offend. Hal loves history, and can talk about it for ages before somebody tells him to shut up. He's also a big fan of literature and reading in general, which he often has to hide from those who don't know him well for fear of being stereotyped. Generally, Hal is afraid of being viewed as something he isn't, or something with a negative connotation, even if it isn't true. Outwardly, he'll brush it off, but inside, it hurts him deeper than most would think. Hal loves the outdoors, and is obsessed with going out and exploring them. Be it hiking, rock climbing, fishing, camping, or swimming, Hal will go out there and do it. He often drags his friends out, not always to their wishes, but they usually end up having a good time. He swims competitively as a sport, which gives him his surprising physique. He finds animals refreshing, but tires of them quickly, with the exception of dogs. Hal's also a big fan of food. American food, deep fried, baked, barbecue sauce slathered american food. He can eat it because all his exercise keeps him from getting fat. He often jokes about this. Likes History Reading/Literature The Outdoors/Adventure Dogs The New York Giants Swimming Movies Food (especially deep fried) Dislikes Sadness Stereotyping Math Cats Falling Behind Feeling Helpless Fears A return to his depression, Cats Strengths History Athletics General Cheeriness Charismatic Interaction Humor Organization Weaknesses Mislabeling (of himself or others) MATH Unsociable people Stubborn Inwardly Fragile There's a place downtown that serves deep-fried burgers! You want to come try them with me? History Hal grew up a relatively average kid. His mother died when he was young, but his father was always there, even though he worked long hours as a mechanic. Hal's childhood was spent helping his father fix things and running around in the forest behind his house. Hal didn't have many friends until he reached 6th Grade, when he suddenly found that comedy was a way for him to connect to others. He instantly became a favorite of kids in his grade, and everyone knew him. Surprisingly, Hal felt alone. His life felt superficial, and his friends phony. After a nasty snub from a girl when he was in 8th grade, Hal spiraled downward into a horrid depression. He spent months like this, feeling like nothing was worth doing. Only once did he ever consider ending it, and nearly went through with it, but in the end, he stopped himself. Finally, his father noticed what was going on and he was sent to a doctor, where he recovered over the next month or so. Amazingly, his school work has not suffered, a brilliant feat of resilience. Upon his admission to the Ashbury Academy, Hal was overjoyed, if confused. He had no idea why he was admitted, but was glad to get a fresh start after the mess he had made of his middle school life. Hal quickly took up his new mission of making as many people happy as he could, and set out for it with a passion. He eventually developed a more close and earnest group of friends, those who shared some of his likes and beliefs. He finally feels like he's found his place in the world, and wonders what will happen when he has to go out and do it all for real. Favorite memory Hanging from a treebranch over a the creek behind his house as a 10 year old. He loved the feeling of being so high but so free. Nothing could beat the feeling of the drop into the creek either. Least favorite memory The blackest moment of his depression, when he considered his suicide. He refuses to even think in detail about the incident. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Tromford Automotive is a massive, industrial, car company. Its owner and CEO, Frank Tromford, is worth billions. Tromford cars are considered high quality, cheap vehicles, and are renowned around the world. While working on a particularly fancy Tromford car, Hal's father unwittingly began a discussion with Mr. Tromford himself. The two hit it off, and Mr. Polwith didn't even realize who the man he took out for drinks was until the end of the night. Mr. Tromford, understanding how difficult paying for college would be for Hal, looked into the boy. He got Hal admitted to Ashbury, a debt to which both Polwith men owe him greatly. Birthday October 15th Twitter Name @Halpoles "Hey, c'mon, at least you aren't addicted to drugs or uglier than a bulldog hit by a truck!" HAL POLWITH "Hey! How's Your Day? Even if it's bad, I'm still happy to listen!" Brooke Avery "Hmm...Tricky. Not the kind of person I work well with, but, I guess I don't dislike her. Don't talk to her much at all." Given their opposing personalities, Hal and Brooke are not exactly excellent friends. Hal tries to "work his magic" on her when he can, but its fairly obvious to him it doesn't work. He shrugs it off and moves on. Korrigan Alexander Jackson "He seems like a nice enough guy. Can't say the hair and eyes don't throw me off. He knows his books, I'll give him that." Hal and Korrie will probably get along decently, they share some interests. Hal is rather off-put by Korrie's appearance, and often stares, though he thinks Korrie notices more than it appears. Korrie seems to object to Hal's personality, but he doesn't mind. Amanda Cho "Such a cute girl. It's really too bad she's so hard on herself... But she does seem to like my company, so can't say I object." Hal feels this is a girl who needs his help. He tries to act well around her, and works hard to try to boost her self esteem. They're probably a good bet to become friends. Spencer Dalle "Christ, what a prick sometimes. We get it, you have red hair. Cheer up bud..." Hal and Spence are often at odds, given their near opposite personalities. Hal is fed up with hearing the same 10 jokes about Spence's hair color. At least tell original jokes. And, somewhere in Hal's head, he feels sorry for the boy. He does want to help, and be friends, the guy just wont let him. Maie-Marie Malveaux "*whistles* Dang! Never met somebody so similar to me! Great girl. Wish she'd race me though. I bet I could win." Hal secretly has a bit of a crush on Maie. Aside from that, he thinks she's a great person, and he'd love to go out adventuring with her sometime. He appreciates her similar quest to save people, though he thinks hers is more detrimental (to her) than his own. Laney Kaire Chandler "She's attractive, that's true. Not really my type though. Seems a bit high-and-mighty, though I guess that's not really her fault..." Hal finds Laney confusing. She's very outgoing, but at the same time he feels that she towers of the rest of their grade. He often wonders what she's like outside school. He has no real intent of ever finding out, he just likes to think. One of his favorite character studies. Riley Emerson "Oy! Don't put me in the ring with her! *laughter* But seriously, toughest damn girl I've ever met. Sometimes, it's even scary. Wish she'd tone it down sometimes though, some people aren't fans." Hal's intimidated by Riley, though he'd never admit it. She's a very unusual person, so Hal finds her interesting. Hal wonders, though he'd never ask her, if she's trying to hide something with that demeanor. He doubts it, but you never know. Nathan Matthews "He's a nice guy, maybe a little too nice. *chuckles* But seriously, I like him. I'd love to see some of his writing, it's always nice to read something from somebody you know." Hal is essentially an acquaintance of Nathan. They aren't friends per say, but they don't dislike each other. Hal always appreciates somebody as mature as Nathan, and could expect to get along with him well in the future. Connor MacQuarrie "If you ever put me on steroids, I think I would be Connor. Though of course, I am more attractive...joking, don't tell him I said that, he could probably beat me up with one hand. Plus he's on the team, so I can't NOT like him." Hal likes Connor. And he loves hanging out with him. Connor reminds Hal of the brother He never had. Maybe that's a little cheesy, but Hal likes Connor's wild personality. They're best bros. Brenden Rivers "Ugh, how can you be such a jerk and so nice at the same time?! Chill bro! Hal is very put-off by Brenden. The boy's demeanor infuriates him to no end, and Hal is done with it. To put it shortly, Hal stays far away from Brenden. The kind of remarks that come from him can only end badly. Emilie Delacour "Emilie is funny. But like sarcastic funny. Snarky I guess. Who am I to argue with snark? Anyway, she's a nice enough girl I guess. Hal likes Emilie, but is somewhat distracted by her own rapid-happiness nature. Her cynicism washes off him like water on rocks. Understanding her romanticism, Hal tries to make sure he doesn't give off the wrong vibes. Aspen Hancock My man! This guy's got a sick backstroke, let me tell you. Honestly, this is the only guy I'd bet against myself on. Plus he takes wicked pictures." Hal and Aspen are teammates, to put it lightly. Because they share a sport, Hal knows Aspen better than a lot of the other students, especially because the Swim Team is so small. Given both boys are supportive and caring, they get along even better. Hal's humor is the perfect counter to Aspen's quietness. Acacia Hancock She's great. I have NEVER met somebody that social, and she's not obnoxious about it at all. And that girl can move. Don't let her size fool you, she has skills. Like, if I had to pick somebody to teach my how to dance, I'd pick her. Seriously though, I need help, do you know anybody?" Hal is a fan of Acacia, but then, who isn't? He always appreciates her energy and leading talent. But he worries about her clinginess, though he'd never say it to her face. He knows her quiet well because of his relationship with Aspen, and considers her a friend. Questions for Hal How many shoes do you own? What types? "Shoes? Um, okay, weird way to start. I guess I own four sets. Regular shoes, Running shoes, slides for the pool deck, and a pair of work/hiking boots." Are you on social media? Who’s in your profile pictures with them? "Yeah, I've got a twitter, I mostly use it to follow other people. Just me in my picture right now, but I've been meaning to change it..." How many romantic relationships have you had? "Oh ho ho, looking to see if I'm a playa? Sorry, Connor taught me that. I've had a few girlfriends, nothing serious though." Are you right- or left-handed? "Righty all the way! I sign with my left though so its harder to forge. Can't have anyone stealing my patent for real-cheese cheese hats (Don't ask)." What charities do you donate to? "Charities? I don't really have enough money to donate to charities. I guess if I did it would be to Red Cross or one of the anti-hunger campaigns." What are your biggest fears? "Aw c'mon, really? ...Fine, cats, I hate cats. They give me the heebie jeebies. Feels like they're going to eat my soul, you know?" How much money do you make? "Enough. Thats not any of your buisiness. My parents aren't rich like all these other kids, so I actually have to work for my money, so back off." What is your ethnicity? "Classic white person answer time: I'm half Polish, a quarter Swedish, and a quarter Scottish. Mostly, I'm a pale white European. But I'm also an American!" Do you speak with an accent? "I think American neutral is an accent. I can do a pretty good Russian accent too. I've never been able to nail a Scottish one, though I want to. What did you dress as for Halloween last year? "Go Big or go Home! Me and this sophomore guy teamed up to sit on each other's shoulders and we were this like 11 foot tall troll thing. It was great until some little kids accidentally knocked us over." What are your email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? "That's too personal. Especially the passwords. Back off." What are you superstitious about? "I don't like to walk under ladders. Not because of bad luck or whatever, I just don't want to get squished." Are you allergic to anything? "Not that I know of. It would suck to be allergic to peanuts. They're great. Especially as peanut butter....mmmm" What hobbies do you have? "Lets see, swimming, running, biking, hiking, kayaking, eating, rock climbing, adventuring, reading, watching movies, eating, did I say eating twice? I'm a big fan." Do you keep secrets? "That depends. If you ask me to keep the girl you like a secret, sure. But if you set fire to old man Jenkin's truck (long story), I'm calling the cops. Plus, if you feel like shit, thats something I'm telling about, I don't care whether you asked me not to, its too important. What are your astrological signs? "Ugh, that BS? Nope, sorry, no idea. Whatever October is I guess." What are your tastes in movies, books, and music? "Okay, Books: I'll read anything that isn't romance or random vauge non-fiction, though my favorite authors are Tolkien and Bradbury. Movies, I'm a big fan of action, thrillers, and comedy, Shawshank Redemption is my favorite. Music, I'm a pretty wide range guy, anything from Coldplay up through Green Day and Arctic Monkeys. No death metal though, ugh." Do you have scars? "Yeah, I've got this one wicked one *lifts shirt* right here across my chest. I think I got it from a tree branch, but I tell people I wrestled a bear." What are your feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "I'm pretty liberal I guess. Pro-gay, pro-abortion and all that. I think we shouldn't restrict gun rights, just do better background checks though. No reason to take all the guns away." Any tattoos or piercings? "Ugh, gross, no. I can't stand to even look at them. Maybe ears, but not on guys and little kids, it's just weird." What does your handwriting look like? "Couldn't get much worse if you ran my hand over with a truck. I am the bane of every handwritten essay ever. Thank god for keyboards, am I right?" What is your religious background? "My dad and I were never very religious. We celebrated Christmas and Easter and stuff, but I don't think I've ever been in a church except for a funeral." Where do you like to shop? "Shop? I'm not much of a shopper. I guess I like outdoor stores and bookstores. I want to buy a machete from REI, they look awesome, but I don't actually know what I'd do with it." What is your relationship like with your sibling(s)? "I'm an only child. I guess Connor is kind of like a brother, and the team are like my cousins or something? But I don't really know what it's like." Do you have enemies? How did you make them? "I hope I don't have any enemies. If I do, maybe they have a peanut allergy. Then I can throw peanuts at them." What are your ambitions? Do you have a “five-year plan”? "A five year plan? What am I, a communist? I guess I'm gonna run an automotive company. Before Ashbury, I wanted to teach history at a university. But I'm okay with making billions. *Slightly forced laughter*" What are their political preferences? "Like I said, I'm pretty liberal. I guess I'm like, a moderate liberal or something? I don't really care." What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and wallet? "I have no idea, thats the one place I'm completely disorganized. I always have my license and my phone, thats about it." What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "My NY Giants baseball cap, even though we suck this year. And my orange-blue flannel shirt, the only shirt I have left from home. All the rest of my stuff I bought here. What do they keep in remote storage? "I guess the stuff I left at home is remotely stored. But I don't own a storage unit or anything. Don't those things end up as meth-joints a lot? Are they night owls or morning people? "Definetly a morning person. I can get up and swim, or run, or bike, or hike. There's so much mroe to do early in the morning!
Connor a ouvert une autre Jam! Turbo, son troisième jour. Il en a avalé la moitié dans deux goupilles, puis l'a rempli de vodka, avec l'aimable autorisation de Kyles vieux permis de conduire. Connor a gardé une réserve de bière pour lui-même, mais essayer d'apporter des quantités utiles de bière à une fête était trop de problèmes. C'est beaucoup plus facile d'apporter de l'alcool. L'école s'était bien passée ce jour-là; l'assemblée n'était pas trop douloureuse, et il avait été agréable de rattraper ses professeurs préférés. Il avait déjà traqué ses amis quand ils sont revenus en rés après l'été, et trouvé n'importe qui qu'il avait manqué à la réunion de l'équipe de natation cet après-midi. Nouveau du parti était venu à lui une douzaine de façons différentes; Acacias tweet, un flot de textes sur ce tweet, et finalement Aspronaut's annonce à la pratique de la natation. Connor était, bien sûr, toujours prêt pour une fête. Il a mis les touches finales sur ses cheveux, soigneusement façonné pour ressembler à ce qu'il n'avait certainement pas été style. Satisfait, il a jeté sur un col rond noir, un jean et ses sneakers lacoste. Il a fourré quelques bouteilles de vodka dans un sac à dos, avec une serviette de sorte qu'ils n'ont pas clink trop évidemment. Hal, bruh, je vais attraper Nate, te retrouver dans le hall. Il n'a pas tout à fait attrapé la réponse de Hal de l'autre salle de bain, mais il a pensé que Hal a obtenu le message. Connor a glissé dans le hall, en descendant quelques portes jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne la suite que Nate et Brenden partageaient. Il a frappé fort, en espérant vaguement que Brenden n'était pas là.
Connor MacQuarrie "GET ON MY LEVEL BRAH!" -Connor McQuarrie Name Connor Molson McQuarrie Nicknames Comac, Conan Age 18 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Straight as a question mark (OOC note, trying to decide if I want to make this a story point for him, I'll decide later) Grade Level Junior Appearance Connor is a pretty big guy, around 6’2’’ and about 200 lbs. He has dirty blonde hair that gets darker in the winter, and he likes to keep it short. He’s spent a lot of time working on his body and is proud of the results, maybe a little too proud. His eyes are blue-gray, though they look a little different depending on what he’s wearing. He doesn't worry too much about what he's wearing; usually jeans and a well fitted tshirt, though he does have a few suits and an excellent tie collection, if you can coax him into wearing them. The only aspect of his appearance he spends any time on - aside from his physique - is his hair; it takes a lot of work to make it look like he doesn't put any effort into it. "I just want to make gains and play games" Personality It’s hard being a diplomat’s kid, but Connor has adapted well to the lifestyle. Moving around so much meant he got to be very good at making new friends, though not so great at keeping them. He’s very social and a little on the loud side; some would call him boisterous or unruly, but a few minutes in his company will show that he’s a very kindhearted person. Some might dismiss him as a brainless jock or an arrogant bro, but they would be wrong. Connor doesn’t exactly crave attention, but he certainly doesn’t mind it and his antics tend to draw plenty of attention. He’s not exactly the class clown, but he has a very exagerated public persona. His speech is laden with little jokes and references and a lot of random and seemingly nonsensical slang, though he adopts a more serious tone in classes or in personal settings. He easily makes friends across all social levels, and has a tendency to assign people arbitrary nicknames. Connor has little patience for pretentious or arrogant people, and even less patience for bullies. He has a tendency to be blunt, which can get him in trouble sometimes. While he is an honest and loyal guy, Connor has trouble forming close, lasting relationships. Connor is also fairly vain and maybe a little more self-centered than he thinks. Connor is not very good with numbers, and he likes to party a little too much. Those factors combined caused him to fail a year earlier in his highschool career. Connor also struggles with properly expressing his emotions. Connor’s most visible flaw is that he’s inconsiderate. He doesn’t think much about how his actions or words might affect other people, and assumes that if he’s fine with something, others should be as well. Connor can be completely oblivious to other people's personal space with a tendency to initiate unsolicited physical contact. He unfortunately doesn’t know where to draw the line; for Connor, there is no such thing as “too soon”. This has caused no small amount of problems for him over the years. Likes Swimming Rugby Fitness Fine biddies Getting swole Video games Vidya games Dat gaming life tho Doges Football Dislikes Dickwads Fakers Ferrets Spicy food Judgy people Math Fears Sharks, squid, lobsters, whales; the ocean in general. "GET OUT THE WAY SLOOTS!" Strengths Charismatic Friendly Loyal Weaknesses Difficulty taking things seriously Parental issues Indelicate History Connor’s father, David MacQuarrie, grew up on a small farm in Idaho. David’s parents were desperately poor, but they did their best to give David an education. David went to a local agricultural college, planning to take over the farm from his father, but his parents were both killed in a car accident less than a year after he graduated. David knew they’d always wanted the best for him, so he sold the farm and against all odds, got into Cornell, where he first studied life sciences before completing an MBA. David began working in Washington as a political aide, then joined the foreign service. It was on his first posting to Ottawa that he met Connor’s mother, Victoria Molson Victoria’s childhood was the complete opposite of David’s. As a Molson, she was born into Montreal’s most elite social circle and grew up phenomenally wealthy. She attended all the best schools, and was presumably going to marry some rich peer of hers amongst Montreal’s elite. She was working in Ottawa as a political staffer-to secure connections and influence, not because she needed work-when she met David at a reception at the American embassy. The two fell in love and eventually got married, and Victoria left her native Canada to travel the world with David. Naturally, she still has access to all her wealth. Connor is a hybrid of his two parent’s worlds, which can be difficult. When Connor was growing up, his father tried to impress on him the value of money and hard work, but his family’s wealth deprived Connor of any real understanding of the concept. Even when David became an ambassador, he still scrimped and saved, and prefered doing work around the house himself. On the other hand, Victoria believed in the importance of social class and paying for quality service. Every summer she’d take a charter jet back to Canada with her son and spend the summer at her family’s lakeside estate, while Connor’s dad would fly economy class to join them for a few weeks. The “cottage” was a permanent fixture of Connor’s childhood, and he retains good memories and close friendships from his time up there. His father was always insisting Connor get a job as soon as possible, while mom thought it would ruin their image if he were to ever set foot in a fast food joint. The result is that Connor is very conflicted about his background; he’s aware of his status and the importance of maintaining that appearance, but he also feels guilty for having an easy life. He knows he’s supposed to appreciate the value of money and hard work, but he has no concept of what real hard work is. Connor’s father was recently appointed Ambassador to Spain, and while Connor usually went with his parents on postings, they decided his grandfather’s suggestion of Ashbury would give Connor some much needed stability. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? The Molson brewing company, the parent company of a dozen beer brands around the world. Connor’s grandfather, the current chair of the board, likes to keep the company in the family, and arranged to send Connor to Ashbury so he can eventually join his uncle and cousin in running the company. "Biddies gonna bid" Birthday May 21, 1997 Astrological Sign Taurus Twitter Name @ComacTheBarbarian "The only movie to ever make me cry was Top Gun.” Connor McQuarrie "That was real tight butthole" Brooke Avery "Brock’s legit, she don’t give a fuck bout what fools think, so respect there. Otherwise, in the immortal words of Kendrick Lamar; bitch don’t kill my vibe. Very smashable tho." Connor likes people who are honest or blunt, but Brooke’s constant negativity really wears him out, so he doesn’t spend much time around her. Their rather distant relationship hasn’t kept him from developing a nickname for her though. Laney Chandler ”LAHNAY! I swear to jeebus she’s right out of Age of Innocence, she even looks like Michelle Pfieffer, who by the way remains the hottest Catwoman, Anne Hathaway don’t got SHIT. She’s good times.” Calling her either lah-nay, Michelle Pfieffer, or Catwoman, Connor and Laney have a very pleasant - though somewhat superficial - relationship. She’s nice and honest, qualities Connor appreciates. If there’s more to her, Connor either hasn’t noticed or doesn’t care. Henry Polwith ”Hal 9000: Aesthetic. Doges. Swamming. History. Reading is radical. We’ve got some serious hivemind going on, I’d swing at fools in a second for him.” Probably Connor's closest friend at Ashbury, Connor and Hal spend a lot of time around eachother. At the gym, in the pool, talking sports, out for hikes, or pestering someone to help them with math homework, Connor cherishes Hal's company. The two of them spend a lot of time thinking of ways they could illicitly keep a in the dorms... Maie-Marie Malveaux “M&M aka M&M&M aka Cardio Bunny appreciates fitness and thusly I appreciate the shit out of her. She got no time for fools, all the time for friends, and I will dunk on haters who talk shit about her I GORANTEE IT. Plus she’s got unlimited amounts of Jam! Turbo aka water of life.” Connor and Marie are at their best when doing something physical and high energy together, but putting them in the same class is a guaranteed disaster, something the school's administration was quick to notice. Their exuberant personalities bounce off eachother in something reminiscent of a nuclear fission reaction; a party with the two of them in the same room is destined to get too wild, especially if they're downing Jam! drinks (which they constantly are). Spencer Dalle ”That kid’s sneaky like snakes. Shits on everyone who’s nice to him, thinks he’s better than everyone else, grade A douchecanoe. Not tight butthole, not tight at all.” Connor doesn’t go out of his way to be hostile to Spencer, but he makes no secret of his feelings. The two do not get along at all. Korrigan Jackson ”Korrigan Hackson, member of the PCMasterRace, giver of zero fucks, master of CS:GO. May K/D ratio be high and your lag low, amen” Connor and Korrie spend a lot of time gaming together online, but almost no time together in real life. Connor tends to tease Korrie about his hair alot; he thinks he’s doing it in a friendly way, but is perhaps a little blind to Korrie’s feelings about it. Amanda Hirano ”One quiet biddy, don’t really know her too well. She’s tiny, but very fine, would tenderly romance/10, anything else would split her in half amirite?” A hurricane doesn’t bear any ill will towards a beach house. The hurricane might even like the beach house. That doesn’t change the fact that the hurricane will likely flatten the beach house. Connor’s loud, exuberant personality is completely at odds with Amanda’s quieter demeanor, making any kind of friendship all but impossible. Nathan Matthews ”Nate’s great. Great gym buddy. Great friend. He’s good to people, you know? I don’t have a nickname for him, nothing really hit me when I met him and, much like buttex, you can’t force it. He needs to relax more tho. Both extroverted, amiable people, Nate and Connor quickly became friends. They can regularly be found at the gym together, and when Connor does get around to studying - so not very often - he does so with Nate. Connor often pesters Nate to come to parties with him, and his apparent disregard for his academics can be a source of friction between the two of them. Brenden Rivers "Man he's pretty, no homo. Too bad he's a twofaced dickwad. Ain't got no time for people who smile at their friends then drop a deuce right in their face. I'm outty 5000." Connor thinks Brenden is duplicitous and mean, traits he has exactly zero tolerance for. He avoids Brenden as much as possible. Emilie Delacour "OH LAWDY, would smash with the fury of a thousand burning suns/10. The other day she spilled a glass of water on her shirt and I nearly fainted from blood loss, if you know what I mean." Friendly but not close, Connor tends to flirt outrageously with Emilie. Both of them are high energy and fun loving; it's not a party until the two of them are there. Erin Emerson "Remerson's pretty chill, she's got balls of steel though and she likes football, so dats cool. Pretty high strung though, she needs to go on a vision quest." Connor thinks of Riley as "one of the guys", though they don't spend all that much time together. His inappropriate sense of humour sometimes causes conflict between the two of them. Aspen Hancock "#Aesthetic. We ride together we die together we dunk on fools together, bro squad 4 loife." Initially drawn together by Hal and the swim team, Connor and Aspen have become good friends in their own right. Aspen definitely falls into Connor's preferred category of genuinely nice people. Aspen's easygoing nature makes him well suited to taking Connor's exuberance in stride. 1. How many shoes do they own? What types? Dress shoes, casual shoes, wearing around shoes, running shoes, winter boots, hiking 6. 2. Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? Aye. Twitter, instagram for the hoes, FB. And me, friends from up north, rad doges I meet. 3. How many romantic relationships have they had? Bruh. So many 4. Are they right- or left-handed? Ambidextrous. Pretty much next level human right here. 5. What charities do they donate to? The Comac Institute for Getting Jacked as Hell. 6. What are their biggest fears? Deep ocean shit. I’ve seen Jaws, mankind is not meant to go down there. (OOC note: Rejection, not fitting in, isolation) 7. How much money do they make? Hm let me ask my accountant how my 401k is doing OH WAIT I’M IN HIGHSCHOOL FUCKBOI! 8. What is their ethnicity? White. Proly some europe in there, vikings giving me strongth. 9. Do they speak with an accent? Nah son. Except tomato. To-mah-to. I will fight you. 10. What did they dress as for Halloween last year? Conan the barbarian. Do that one pretty often tbh. 11. What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? connor.mcquarrie@gmail for super serious business, tonguepuncher69@live for everything else. Oh and steam is Douglas Loife 12. What are they superstitious about? Nah brah, I bench ladders. 13. Are they allergic to anything? I used to be lactose intolerant, but I expelled that weaksauce from my body with pure willpower. 14. What hobbies do they have? Swamming, gaming, ballin, blazin. 15. Do they keep secrets? Bro, I lock that shit up tighter than a taliban in guantanamo. (OOC note: ehhh not so much. Tends to forget they’re ‘secret’.) 16. What are their astrological signs? Taurus. Strong like bull. 17. What are their taste in movies, books, and music? Movies: Star Wars, get with it or GTFO. Music: whatever gets me going you know? Lots of EDM for workout playlists. Book: George RR Martin and his bullshit can suck deez nuts, Wheel of Time all the way. Also non-fiction bout Europe 1900-1950. 18. Do they have scars? On my knuckle from 1 hit KOing some fool. (OOC note; he scraped his knuckle on the edge of a pool) 19. What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? I’m not a 60 year old Texan, so pro gay marriage, pro choice, pro mexicans, and pro dank ass weed. 20. Any tattoos or piercings? Got one of my nips done in Amsterdam last year, #yoloswaggins. 21. What does their handwriting look like? It’s totally legible, don’t know what teachers are always complaining about. (OOC note: it’s atrocious) 22. What is their religious background? Mom used to take me and my brother to church, some kind of protestant I guess. It’s been a while. 23. Where do they like to shop? H&M. Plain vnecks for 7$, is there anything more to this life? 24. What is their relationship like with their sibling(s)? Kyle’s alright, he can be a total asshat sometimes, but he’s got my back. 25. Do they have enemies? How did they make them? Ain’t nobody got time for that. I leave shitheads by the side of the road, not gonna grace them with my attention. 26. What are their ambitions? Do they have a “five-year plan”? I don’t know what I’m doing next week and you’re asking me about next year? Sheet no bro. 27. What are their political preferences? I haven’t really lived anywhere long enough to give two fucks about who gets elected. 28. What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? Advil, caffeine pills and alka seltzer. 29. What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? My number 1 tank. 30. What do they keep in remote storage? Wat. Do I look like I’m on Hoarders? Why would I have remote storage? 31. Are they night owls or morning people? Both, just that amazing. (OOC note: night owl. Only dedication/vanity gets him up in the morning, along with energy drinks.)
Nathan sortit de la salle des ordinateurs quand son entretien avec Martha avait fini et regarda sa montre, « Shoot est-il déjà si tard » il murmura alors qu'il accélérait son rythme vers la piscine. Il avait promis à Connor de l'aider avec leurs innovations et leurs devoirs de mathématiques. La partie gênante de cela était qu'il devait être bord de piscine comme l'équipe de natation presque toujours pratiqué. Alors qu'il se promenait dans la cour, il souriait et agitait les gens qu'il connaissait de ses cours et du journal de l'école, c'était plutôt agréable d'être de retour à Ashbury. Il est arrivé au bâtiment d'activité et a fait son chemin vers la piscine, quand il est arrivé là, il a vu que l'équipe était déjà réunie. "Hé les gars! Comment se passe l'entraînement?" Mais avant que quelqu'un puisse lui répondre, la porte s'ouvrit et Aspen entra avec son sourire habituel en leur racontant la fête qu'Acacia et lui lançaient plus tard dans la nuit. Donc, après s'être assis sur les gradins regardant les gars nager et faire des devoirs et essayant de donner un sens aux notes de Connors, Nathan est retourné dans sa chambre pour se préparer pour la nuit. "Hé Brenden! Etes-vous à la maison?" Nathan cria alors qu'il fermait la porte de leur chambre. Il a entendu son colocataire faire un bruit à l'intérieur de sa chambre. Après sa douche, Nathan regarda son reflet dans le miroir embusqué. Cette fête est l'un des événements majeurs de l'année scolaire, il a été depuis leur deuxième année et les gens qui ont manqué cela manquerait l'occasion d'obtenir de grands amis qui va probablement durer une vie. Heureusement pour Nathan, il peut déjà y aller avec quelques-uns de ses meilleurs amis! Il est sorti de sa salle de bain et a commencé à fouiller dans sa garde-robe pour trouver quelque chose à porter. Il s'est finalement installé sur un combo chemise/jumper avec un pantalon brun foncé. Juste comme il vérifiait son apparence une dernière fois qu'il a entendu un bruit familier sur la porte d'entrée. Connor, il pensa et sourit alors qu'il se précipitait pour voir Brenden parler avec Connor dans la porte. Bonjour Connor. Vous êtes là pour Nathan, n'est-ce pas? Sa personnalité pouvait être un peu beaucoup à certains moments, mais il n'était pas mauvais. Il a supposé qu'ils allaient à la fête ensemble. C'était là que tout le monde allait, après tout. Alors êtes-vous sûr que vous ne voulez pas venir avec nous? Nathan demanda alors qu'il mettait sa veste. Connor et Nathan ont dit au revoir à Brendan et ensemble d'en bas pour rencontrer les autres qui attendaient dans le hall. Pendant qu'ils marchaient dans les escaliers Nathan a remarqué l'éruption de clinking étouffée du sac à dos de Connors. Nathan a tiré sur son ami un look maudit, "Dude, combien avez-vous là-dedans? Ou plutôt combien avez-vous eu? "Juste assez pour aller HAM!" Connor a hurlé à haute voix et a fait un mouvement de pompage et de remplissage de sa boîte de JAM avec de la vodka. Nathan s'est moqué et s'est ébranlé la tête en se sentant heureux qu'il ait offert d'être le chauffeur désigné. S'il connaissait bien l'équipe de bro, les choses pourraient devenir folles et il pensait que quelqu'un devrait contrôler et les ramener à la maison en toute sécurité. Nathan a mis sa voiture pour se garer et a tourné le moteur de et a regardé autour, les gars avaient déjà travaillé leur sortie de la voiture et a commencé l'approbation de la maison. Il est sorti et a fermé la voiture en regardant le manoir d'évasion de Hancock. Alors qu'il suivait ses amis, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de se demander à quel point la famille Hancock était riche. Alors que leur groupe s'avançait sur le porche, il vit un visage familier debout dans la lumière émanant des portes d'entrée ouvertes, c'était Emilie parlant à un gars Nathan qui n'avait vu que dans la cour, il était assez difficile à rater avec les yeux rouges et noirs étourdissants. "Bonjour, Em! Heureux que tu sois venu, à tout à l'heure, ouais?" Il a mis un bras autour d'elle et lui a serré l'épaule "Bonjour, je suis Nathan." Il a dit et souri à Korrie alors qu'il le passait. Nate a suivi les gars à l'hôtel, il a souri alors que Connor a annoncé son arrivée. Nathan a serré sa veste et l'a accrochée au mur, puis a regardé autour de lui, pour trouver Acacia, il avait besoin de la remercier d'avoir à nouveau organisé cette fête. Ça a pris du temps, mais il a fini par la trouver en remplissant un bol de chips, "Hey Ace!" Il cria à moitié sur la musique éblouissante : "Comment vas-tu? Comment s'est passé le premier jour?" Nathan a dit pendant qu'il l'embrassait "C'est un succès comme d'habitude." Il a dit qu'il faisait le tour des élèves qui riaient et dansaient.
"Whatever you are feeling... just write it down" -Nathan Matthews Name Nathan Duncan Matthews Nicknames Nate, he got it because it's shorter than Nathan... it doesn't bother him. At least it's not as bad as the nickname his sister made up "Than" that he despises! Age 18 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Bisexual Grade Level Senior Appearance Nathan stands at quite the average height of 5'11" and ha a stockier build which he likes to keep toned by going on runs and going to the gym. He keeps his dark brown hair short-ish with some length kept up top so he has something to work with, not that he styles it really but sometimes he likes to spend some time on grooming. His face is usually lit up with a radiant smile except for when he is in deep concentration because then it is almost always screwed up with his tongue peeking out from the corner of his mouth. Nathan has a rather round and plump face for someone who is as fit as he is, but his sister always tells him that it suits his aura of kindness, it makes him more approachable according to her. When it comes to clothing Nathan goes for comfort more than anything in his day to day life, but he owns a few suits and blazers that he uses on occasion. He knows when to dress up and when to bust out the sweats! Usually he dresses in jumpers, t-shits, cardigans and jeans with a matching shoe. "Dude chill! No wait... probably keep you guard up!" Personality Nathan is what you would call a mothers dream. He is tall somewhat handsome and gets good grades. If he still had a mother she would probably be bragging about him to everyone who would listen and Nathan would of course sit red faced and deny every bit of praise shot his way, because such is Nathan humble to the point of delusion of his own worth. He refuses to put him self over anyone else because he believes that his triumphs is solely based on luck and great timing, rather than his hard work and diligence. The one thing he took away from his father was that if you wanted a good life you had to work hard, nothing was ever going to be handed to you. So therefore Nathan almost never slacks of when it comes to work or school which can be to the annoyance of his friends when he says no to the second party in a row. Kind at heart Nathan will always be the one to listen to your stories good or bad because he is a people person who cares deeply for social interaction and he likes to have a large network of contacts and keep those bonds as strong as possible. He is to his own fault sometimes to trusting though as he likes to see the best in everyone even if they clearly doesn't have his best interest at heart and he has been let down because of this a lot of times. Though he feels like an positive outlook on life is what creates a great one and he will stick to that until the day he dies. He has a kindness to him which makes him extremely approachable and that might be why he always gives a cheery "Hello!" at you when you pass him in the hall. Though his cheery exterior is somewhat hard to crack since he keeps his chewy personal center mostly to himself, only his closest friends know about his family situation and he likes to keep it that way. Nathan always wanting to always make the right choice not only by him but for the people around him makes him very indecisive and that often results in him missing out on things that could better his future or others. This is a trait he is trying to shake of by being more care free and take risks, but even in this he is unsure of what this is and when to be care free. He is an notorious over-thinker and will focus on one small aspect and obsess over it until it's fixed or vanishes somehow. He is also quite rancorous, if someone had been mean to him or otherwise done something that he does not agree with, he will hold it against that person until he is proven wrong. He can be a loyal friend but he can also drop you without a backwards glance if you piss him off enough. Likes His sister Sandwiches Running Writing Photography Kissing Eating out Dislikes His father Cold showers Birds Bananas Fears Ornithophobia - Fear of birds "I Just don't trust something that feels like it can poop anywhere it wants!" He also fears that his sister resents him for leaving her behind "Yeah... but would you look at how great the sky looks like?!" Strengths Quick witted Positive Patient Calculative Weaknesses To trusting Indecisive Unsure of himself History Nathan was born in to the middle class family of Liam and Molly Matthews and had a normal childhood and even had the great pleasure to have a cute baby sister enter his life. So he and his sister Addison had the start of a quite normal and happy childhood until tragedy happened when he was six, his mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at a routine check up. And though she put up a good fight for a couple of months she eventually succumbed to the demon growing inside of her and she passed away. Naturally the family was broken down in despair Molly Matthews was the guiding light for so many people and mostly so for Nathan's father Liam who took the death of his darling wife so hard he went in to a depression so deep that he was not recognizable, he lost his job as an high school psychology teacher and subsequently loss the house in which they had been living in, which meant they had to move in with Nathan's grandparents. His father never really recovered from his wife's death and spent most of the day lying in bed being unreachable and while Nathan would never go as far as to say that it was neglect, he can not say that his father raised him. That lot fell on his loving grandparents. But as time wore on his grandparents grew weary of Liam's behavior and eventually made him go back to his teachers job, which meant they had to move away to the prestigious school that had graciously hired his father. With his father working all the time now to provide for them Nathan now had to take care of not only himself but also for his sister Addison, and why he would never say that this was a bother to him. He was robbed of his childhood as he had to grow up far to early than a normal boy should have to. Now in his late teens he is very protective of his sister and will go through anything to aid her in what ever she asks of. But his relationship with his father is forever tarnished and Nathan can't see a way that this could be mended. Favorite memory Watching Saturday morning cartoons with his sister in his lap and his mother behind him stroking his hair. Least favorite memory Long days spent at their neighbors Mrs. Dilly in her cabbage smelling apartment watching old black and white movies while his father was at work. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Matthews & Spearling publishing is the publishing house that his grandfather co-founded and he would like to keep it in the family. But since his own son probably never will be in the shape to take over the company Mr. Matthews Sr. has put all his money on his grandson. He has noticed that Nathan has a great interest in literature and writing, which he took as a sign to make sure he was to become his predecessor. So to sharpen Nathan in the departments that he needs to run a large company and to give him the skill sets to succeed at the job, Nathan was sent to Ashbury by his grandfather. "What?! You haven't read this? Here take it! NOW!" Birthday July 6th, 1997 Astrological Sign Cancer Twitter Name Twitter: @NateMate Instagram: YourMateNate YourMateNate:"Aah, ice cream just the way I like it!" "You know, I think this will be an awesome day!" Nathan hurried up the stairs of the main building and stopped in front of the door in to the computer hall. He opened the door slowly and poked his head in and potted the editor of the yearbook waving at him from a computer in the far left corner. Nathan smiled and walked over to her. "So, why did you want to see me Martha?" Nathan asked with a puzzled look on his face but smiling as he sat down. "Oh I just want to get like a general idea of what people think about each other at this school you know!" he raised his eyebrows at her answer "But..." he started "Yes! I know it's weird but I'm trying a different angle this year, I just have questions about people I've seen you hang around and such..." Martha said in an indifferent tone. This wasn't that surprising since Martha Banks was notorious for knowing everything about everyone, though he was skeptical to whether her idea was going to be passed by the school board or not but he decided to go along with it anyway "Ok shoot!" Nathan said to her with a wide grin. Brooke Avery “Aah Brooke. D’you know the first thing she said to me when we met? “I hate the color green” While staring at my green tie. I couldn’t do anything else but laugh could I? People might think that I and Brooke are the strangest couple of friends at Ashbury, she hating everything and me liking just about everything, and they would be right at first glance. Brooke insults me at every chance she gets, which is often but I can’t help it I just finds her adorably funny and I don’t really care what she says because I can see the smirk hidden beneath the scowl. You could say I killed Brooke with kindness… or… well at least wore her down, and I am now proud to call myself one of Brooke’s friends!” Laney Kaire Chandler “Uhm Laney and I aren’t friends per se though I’d like to change that. I mean I think she at least knows who I am; god knows I know who she is. W-w-well because we’re in a lot of the same classes! Hah! It’s not like I’m stalking her, let’s just call them happy coincidences. Or better yet let’s change the subject! Point is, yes I know of Laney and I think she is nice and she seems like she got her stuff together and that is good, y’know? Can we maybe strike this one out?” Hal Polwith “Henry! Yeah that kid is awesome. It’s not often you see him without a smile and I love that, plus his dedication to the swim team also known as “The Bro Squad” is just remarkable! We mostly know each other through Connor and we hang out from time to time but not as much as I would like! But If I’m not mistaken Connor said he refused to go to the next rager without his two main “Broskis” and I mean I don’t think I can turn down another party invite from Connor. So hopefully We can all get along!” Maie-Marie Malveaux “So we hang out with a lot of the same people right, one would think she would know me by now. But I find myself introducing myself to her every time we meet. I find it quite endearing actually, I guess fault lies with me I must not be making a strong enough impression on her! I might have to change that!” Korrigan Alexander Jackson “That’s the guy who looks like a walking hot topic right? No wait that was mean, it’s just that he wears that stuff to make some kind of statement I guess? But what is that statement? Also I heard from a reasonably good source that he is like a super hacker or something, rumor has it that he brought down a major corporation from the inside when it leaked that the company used child labor! That’s wicked if it’s true, like a modern day vigilante! I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his skills… which is why I’d appreciate if the hot topic comment stayed between us!” Spencer Dalle “I mean I’m not saying he should be hunted down and hung or something but someone should say something to him to make him shut up! I like to see the best in every one but Spencer is just… mean for a lack of a better work, just plain mean. Every time I even so much as try to speak to him in a pleasant tone he just gives me a look of disgust and tells me people like me make’s him sick and leaves. And even I have my limits and some people are just too far gone that even the nicest people can’t bring them back.” Amanda Hirano “ひらのさん!はい私のともだちだよ!Heh, Sorry I studied Japanese last semester and Amanda helped me a great deal. She always did it without so much as a sigh at my somewhat poor pronunciation! Don’t even get me started on the particles it took us forever to get through that chapter! I just feel like she’s nervous around me for some reason. I like to think of her as a surrogate little sister and hopefully she thinks of me as a brotherly figure!” Connor MacQuarrie “I don’t even know what to say really. My life would be vastly different without Connor in it, I think he helps me to be a better person and I like to think that I help him be one too. He’s the one who gets my but in to that gym every morning and also makes me do the actual exercises! You should see the training schedule he has written for me; it’s intense to say the least. It’s also fascinating that someone that large can be that fast in the pool. Though if I ever had to say something that bothers me sometimes is his way he talks about “smashing” girls left and right, it’s like I get it you hard and all but… dude… come on. But in short I love the big bear of a guy I always have and I always will!” Brenden Rivers “All I’m going to say is, putting people down and putting yourself on some deluded pedestal is something that just grosses me out! No matter how many times Brenden says “It’s just a joke!” it doesn’t change anything, the remarks still hurt people, and he knows it which makes it even worse! I will say this though, the boy has perfect hair it’s always like perfectly quaffed. I find myself staring at it in class sometimes. I know he can be nice at times and I do like to talk to him when he isn’t making snide remarks about people.” Riley Emerson “I couldn’t tell you much about her, she seems to avoid me in the halls for some reason. But I do know that she has a foul mouth that could rival Connor’s and that is a great feat for anyone girl or boy!” Emilie Delacour “I love the way she says my name “Nah-tahn”, accents are the best and French is a language that intrigues me on some level! I haven’t really hung out with Emilie for some time but when we do laughter is not far away so it never really does matter that we don’t see much of each other because every time we meet up it’s like no time has passed. But I will make an effort to hang out more, maybe she would like to go for a coffee or something!” Aspen Hancock “Me and Asp actually go way back, we met at one of the magazines my grandpa publishes release parties a couple of years ago and we got to talking about the photography in the magazine and how good it was and as it were it was Aspen who had shot it. We have a mutual interest in the medium and he actually shot my favorite picture of my sister the last time she came and visited.” Nathan blinked up at Martha "So is that all you wanted from me?" He began to rise from his seat. "No no, we haven't gotten to you yet have we?" Martha smiled up at him and motioned a hand for Nathan to regain his seat. He let out a small chuckle and sat down, This yearbook i intense this year! He thought and sat back down. "So what do you want to know Martha?" She dived down in to her bag and retrieved a piece of paper "I've compiled a few questions, 31 to be exact which I think will be interesting for the yearbook!" Nathan took the paper that she handed to him and scanned it. How many shoes do you own? What types? "Well if you mean all in all I think I have about 5 pairs of shoes, 3 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of gym shoes and a pair of dress shoes. Though I've been meaning to get a mew pair of running shoes. Brands? Uhm when it comes to sneakers I like Vans... or sneaky steve." Are you on social media? Who's with you on your profile picture? "Yeah, I'm on Facebook and Instagram, I never really understood twitter. Oh yeah I'm on tumblr too!My profile pick i just me I believe." How many romantic relationship(s) do you have? "Right now none... But I've been in 2 relationships 3 if you count Susie Roleski in 2nd grade, no? Then 2." Are you right or left handed? "I'm a lefty unfortunately because I smudge everything! And cutting with the right handed scissors in the classrooms are a pain!" What charities do you donate to? "Well I give 10$ to UNICEF every month because I feel like the work they do for children in third world countries are very important and if I can spare 10 dollars to hep in some small way, you bet I will!" What are your biggest fears? "You sure don't spare on the deep questions do you? Well... it's silly really but birds freak me out something terrible. They always have, I think it's the way they move... so quick and out of no where! Haha I'm sorry I couldn't give you something more interesting." How much money do you make? "I hardly think this needs to be in the yearbook! Let's just say that being an assistant at a magazine pays good enough for someone in high school." What is your ethnicity? "My dad's Irish and my mom was Polish" Do you speak with an accent? "Uhm I don't know... Do I? Emilie says I sound like a newscaster from "Ze nuuews" as she calls it." What did you dress for Halloween last year? "Oh! I was a bunch of grapes!" What are your email addresses, blogs and websites? ", and that's about it I think." What is your religious background? I was raised Jewish, but I'm not practicing. The lure of bacon was to strong." What are you superstitious about? "I'm not very superstitious actually, I avoid putting keys on the table. My mom used to say tat brought you bad luck and it just stuck with me I guess." Are you allergic to anything? "Pollen... every spring I'm a sniveling mess!" What hobbies do you have? "Well I like writing be it fiction or just my thoughts, I also like photography not professional like Asp only for fun like an hobby. I also enjoy editing photos and video, it's relaxing somehow. Do you keep secrets? "Yes, always! If someone entrust me with something personal I wouldn't... Oh you mean y own secrets? Of course, don't we all?" What is your astrological sign? "Cancer" What are your tastes in movies, books and music? "I love scary movies, oh don't get me wrong they terrify me! But they're so entertaining. When it comes to books I would say I like to read fiction novels, like Nick Hornby or David Nicholls. Music? I would say I listen to a wide arrange of genres, I like to pick and choose!" Do you have scars? Nope. What are your thoughts on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana or other controversial topics? "Well first of anyone is free to love whom ever they want and that's no one else's business! When it comes to abortion all there is to say is that I as a male will never ever have to make that choice and therefore my opinion is that abortion should be an option. As for the green? I support it!" Any tattoos or piercings? "No, I think I'd pass out in the chair." What does your handwriting look like? "I've been told it's pretty neat... Uhm here I'll show you. Do you have a pen? There you have it" Where do you usually shop? "I usually shop at Urban Outfitters or H&M I am very basic haha." What is your relationship with your siblings? Great! I love my sister, I have to call her now that you mention it!" Do you have enemies? How do you make them? "Oh jeez I hope not! I wouldn't know how I got them if I have any... Uhm I guess I can be a bit annoying at times... well that's what Brooke tells me anyways." What are your ambitions? Do you have a five-year plan? I am here aren't I! No but hopefully after graduation Grandpa will give me more responsibility at the publishing house, I would like to run the food & travel magazine "Globetrotter". That's what I'm reaching for right now! What are your political preferences? "Uhm is this really relevant for the yearbook? Liberal I guess." What do you habitually keep in your cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "Toothpaste and brush, a barely opened hair wax jar, some aspirin and uh... my glaucoma medicine." What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? My wine red sweater with grey chinos and my vans. What do you keep in remote storage? Who has a remote storage now a days? If you're not keeping your drug money in there... which I'm not by the way!" Are you a night owl or a morning person? Unfortunately I'm a night owl. As I've said only reason I get up in the morning is because Connor makes me... oh and the red bull helps!
Maie-Marie Malveaux // Amanda Hirano Après son premier jour de deuxième année, qui était à peu près aussi scolaire que vous vous y attendiez, Maie-Marie sprintait de nouveau dans son dortoir et se claquait sur son lit, jetant son ordinateur portable et cliquant sur ses derniers téléchargements. Elle avait attendu plusieurs nouveaux spectacles pour les télécharger, et sûrement ils seraient tous faits. Il était important qu'elle obtienne un épisode à l'écran post-rapide. Si elle pouvait en faire un tout de suite, elle pourrait regarder trois épisodes avant de devoir se préparer à retourner à la fête ce soir au lieu de deux. Essayer de forcer un tiers alors qu'il n'y avait pas assez de temps pourrait entraîner son retard de minutes entières, et c'était un résultat inacceptable. Le plus tard il a obtenu, plus d'excuses son roomate pourrait trouver à ne pas aller. Au moins, c'est ce que pensait Marie. Si Amanda-san voulait ou non y aller, c'était une affaire que Marie ne pouvait pas craquer, mais ça n'avait pas d'importance. Elle allait partir parce que tout le monde allait partir. Plus important encore, Marie ne connaissait pas la vitesse de marche d'Amanda. À quelle vitesse une fleur aussi timide pourrait-elle courir? Elle n'a pas l'air aussi athlétique que Marie, c'était sûr. Et elle n'était probablement pas aussi enthousiaste non plus. Peut-être... peut-être que si je pouvais l'amener à fuir quelque chose au lieu de la fête, elle pourrait courir à une vitesse inégalée? Tu as toujours vu qu'en anime, même les filles recluses pouvaient atteindre un voyage à la vitesse de la lumière si elles fuyaient un gros insecte ou quelque chose comme ça. "Ok, c'est un autre épisode d'Azumanga, KinMoza et Hidamari fait. Pour l'instant, cela devra être fait." Depuis le début de l'école, elle avait envie d'une série de spectacles sur les écolières, surtout les comédies de bien-être. Ça l'a vraiment mise d'humeur à retourner à l'école pour une raison quelconque. Sans véritable débouché pour poursuivre cette démangeaison, elle s'est résignée à se préparer pour le parti à la place. En entrant dans la salle de bain, elle a éclaboussé un peu d'eau sur son visage et est retournée dans sa chambre pour se changer. Ce soir, c'était spécial, donc peut-être qu'un survêtement n'a pas été demandé? Au lieu de cela, elle a jeté sur une paire de shorts à vélo minces et un t-shirt en forme (un extra-petit ajustement sportif pour les hommes). Après un bref moment d'introspection, elle a lancé un sweat-up sur le dessus et l'a appelé fait. En rentrant aux toilettes, elle a crié sur sa colocataire, étant trop occupée pour l'avoir ou quoi que ce soit. "Senpaaaaaaaaai ~ Il est presque temps pour nous d'y aller, avez-vous besoin de plus de temps pour vous préparer?" Amanda a soupiré que le premier jour de l'école terminée, elle n'était pas vraiment habituée à l'ensemble et l'agitation de l'académie, même les enseignants semblaient être dans un bon esprit, bien à l'exception du professeur Gertrude, la façon dont elle a enseigné vient de faire frissonner la colonne vertébrale de la brunette, et puis il y a les devoirs sur tous les termes et l'accord de Facebook pour crier à haute voix! Amanda ne connaît pas une âme qui serait en fait assez diligente pour s'asseoir à travers l'ensemble de ce mur de texte, s'ils le font, Amanda applaudit à cette personne. Bien qu'elle aimait particulièrement les autres professeurs, elle jure qu'elle pourrait encore goûter la saveur persistante de ces pâtisseries que le professeur Mary leur a servies. Dans l'ensemble, la journée était particulièrement intéressante, excitante même, mais ce qu'elle ne ferait pas pour s'allonger dans son lit en ce moment, juste regarder dans le plafond et peut-être, juste MAYBE penser à faire ses devoirs, juste pour s'assurer qu'elle est en sécurité. Dès qu'elle est rentrée dans sa chambre, elle a immédiatement commencé à travailler sur sa mission, en faisant une note mentale à la volée pour s'assurer de faire ses devoirs dès que possible, de peur qu'elle ne le regrette. Avec cela terminé, la jeune fille a finalement eu le temps libre de naviguer sur ses sites habituels, d'écouter un de ses airs et de regarder son Twitter, elle avait voulu poster un croquis de l'un de ses dessins. Mais en réalité, c'était plutôt une excuse d'entendre l'opinion des autres sur le bien ou non. La première chose avec laquelle Amanda a été accueillie était un tweet sur une fête qui demandait à tout le monde d'Ashbury d'y aller. Elle l'a regardée avec une expression stupéfiée sur son visage, était-ce nécessaire d'inviter tout le monde? Si quoi que ce soit, la fille préférerait rester dans sa chambre et juste gaspiller la journée en finissant son œuvre d'art et juste se calmer... Même si son coloc avait certainement d'autres projets. Elle sait juste que Marie la persuadera d'assister à la fête, qu'elle l'aime ou non. Décidant qu'elle ne pouvait pas exactement passer à côté de l'offre (même si elle le voulait), Amanda a commencé à se préparer pour la fête, gussant jusqu'à s'assurer qu'elle semble à tout le moins présentable. La jeune fille était coincée et avait atteint une impasse, elle s'était maquillée mais maintenant c'était la partie difficile... Choisir une tenue. Avec la myriade de combinaisons disponibles avec ses vêtements Amanda ne savait pas quoi porter! Chaque fois qu'elle a essayé un combo particulier, elle n'a tout simplement pas pu le sentir... Plus sa peur des miroirs vient d'empirer, donc elle a vraiment besoin de l'aide de Marie sur celui-ci. Comme si sur le signal, sa voix résonnait à travers la pièce, à laquelle elle répondait. "Presque! C'est juste que... je ne peux pas choisir une tenue! Pouvez-vous m'aider?" Il y avait un sentiment d'urgence dans sa voix, presque comme un enfant qui appelait sa mère. Si la poussée vient à pousser, elle va juste jeter ce qu'elle pense être bon et juste l'ailer... Espérons. En transformant sa bouche en bretzel, Marie soupira légèrement. "Oui, je vais essayer. Mais je pense que tu as probablement l'air bien dans n'importe quoi." Satisfaite qu'elle avait fini de se préparer, Marie se coula dans la chambre d'Amanda. Si elle n'était pas un peu forte ici, ils pourraient être là pendant des heures, donc le plan était simple. Si Amanda a offert une tenue qui semblait même bien à distance, appelez-la faite et secouez la porte. "Laissez-moi voir ce que vous pensez." L'intrusion soudaine de sa colocataire a ramené Amanda un peu, a-t-elle vraiment dû le faire avec tant de force? À elle-même, elle était au moins reconnaissante d'avoir été assez gentille pour l'aider dans sa situation actuelle. "Umm... Laisse-moi réfléchir un instant." Elle a mis une main sur son menton alors qu'elle examinait ses options, une robe pourrait travailler pour une fête, mais elle ne voulait pas se démarquer quand tout le monde fera probablement quelque chose qui ressemble à leur tenue habituelle... Alors elle sauvera la robe pour des ocassions plus formelles. La jeune fille a recommencé à réfléchir, faisant le tour de la pièce comme elle l'a fait, c'était comme si elle serait là pendant longtemps, même avec l'aide de Marie. Elle se retourna vers elle, lui donnant un sourire rassurant, comme pour dire "S'il vous plaît attendez." Un petit sourire se formant sur ses lèvres alors qu'elle s'arrêtait à mi-chemin de sa course, la fille savait ce qu'elle allait porter. Elle a immédiatement commencé à creuser dans son placard pour trouver les vêtements qu'elle cherchait et a commencé à les présenter à Marie. Elle a sorti un pull en laine rose avec un cœur au centre et une paire de jeans blanc maigre pour compléter la tenue, elle aura probablement une paire de baskets Converse pour compléter son ensemble, avec un sourire vif, elle a dit, "Alors, qu'en pensez-vous? Est-ce suffisant? » "C'est assez bon, j'aime ça." Les mots de Marie étaient pressés mais elle ne mentait pas. "Cette tenue est très vous, je pense. C'est beau, c'est bien. Il faut qu'on y aille! Nous ne voulons pas être en retard." Aussi vite qu'elle est entrée, Maria est sortie de la pièce, du dortoir et de l'extérieur jusqu'à l'avant du bâtiment. Jogging en place, elle a attendu Amanda pour s'habiller et faire son chemin à l'extérieur. Une fois tout préparé, ils se rendirent jusqu'au manoir des Hancocks, Marie rebondissant avec enthousiasme comme un petit chien en laisse sur tout le chemin. Elle n'était pas nécessairement une « fille du parti » pour ainsi dire, mais le potentiel d'adrénaline d'avoir autant de personnes dans un seul endroit était incontestable, donc il était difficile de ne pas être excité. Tout le reste était secondaire. Amanda a été soulagée que son ensemble était assez agréable, elle a commencé à s'habiller rapidement. Elle ressentait un mélange d'anxiété et d'excitation à la fois, et sa colocataire était certainement plus que préparée pour l'événement, après avoir ajouté les touches finales qu'elle allait à l'extérieur de leur dortoir. Un chemin vers la destination qu'elle ne pouvait pas aider, mais penser à la fête... Comment ça allait être? Combien de personnes? Est-ce que tout le monde viendra vraiment? Cela semblait juste comme une quantité excessive de gens entassés dans un seul manoir, un manoir peut-il même s'adapter à une école entière d'élèves? Comment est-ce possible? Elle se jetait à elle-même et regardait Marie, elle décidait qu'elle pouvait aussi bien en profiter, son énergie se frottait d'elle. Puis, alors qu'ils étaient devant les portes du manoir, elle s'est souvenue de quelque chose... "Est-ce qu'on devait apporter à manger?" Elle regardait autour de la région, d'autres étudiants ont apporté leurs propres collations, et le tweet a mentionné quelque chose à ce sujet aussi bien. Comme c'est embarrassant! Étaient-ils les seuls à n'avoir rien apporté? Ils ne sont même pas entrés dans le manoir proprement dit et ils se font déjà un idiot d'eux-mêmes. Amanda regarda Marie avec une expression inquiète sur son visage. -- Devrions-nous y retourner et en prendre? Elle a demandé à son amie d'attendre une réponse. Marie n'y avait pas pensé. D'une certaine façon, il semble qu'il lui ait échappé l'esprit. Mais alors qu'il semblait que cela causait une certaine anxiété à Amanda, Marie ne s'inquiétait pas du tout. "La solution est simple, n'est-ce pas? Si nous n'apportons rien à manger, nous ne mangerons pas!» Craquant un sourire large, elle a vraiment considéré sérieusement de ne pas toucher à la nourriture pour toute la nuit comme une punition pour oublier. La seule chose qui l'a tenue à l'écart de cette pensée était le fait qu'elle n'était pas seulement ici seule. Marie n'aurait pas fait mourir de faim à cause de sa propre erreur. "Je vais prendre quelque chose. Continuez, je vous rattraperai." Après sprinter dans une rue latérale, Marie revient bientôt avec un sac géant rempli de boissons énergisantes et de bonbons assortis. « Ce n'est pas techniquement de la nourriture, je suppose, mais peut-être cela devra-t-il le faire? » Elle s'est griffée la tête maladroitement. Elle avait trouvé un dépanneur et a acheté ce qu'elle pourrait vouloir voir à la fête sans penser à nouveau aux choses. C'était une chose très Marie à faire. Même ainsi, c'était mieux que d'être les mains vides. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comme prévu, les choses étaient ronflantes, bruyantes, et l'humeur était claire : ce sont les gens avec qui vous allez passer au moins l'année suivante. Autant laisser tomber et se rapprocher. Il était clair qu'ils avaient le bon endroit pour que Marie n'ait pas pris la peine de frapper ou quoi que ce soit. Au lieu de cela, elle s'est simplement fourrée à l'intérieur (poussant Amanda devant elle) et a déposé ses goodies dans la cuisine, en sautant une boîte de Jam de la meute avant de mettre le reste à l'écart. Elle aurait besoin de toute l'énergie qu'elle pourrait épargner ce soir. "Allez, Senpai, nous devons saluer tout le monde! Tu peux arrêter d'être nerveux maintenant, puisque tu es déjà là! Il est trop tard pour rentrer à la maison et changer, donc maintenant vous pouvez demander à tout le monde si votre tenue est bonne, au lieu de juste moi. Vas-y, va-t'en, va-t'en!"
Maie-Marie Malveaux "When you feel bad, run. And when you've run as far as you physically can, if you still feel bad, just keep running until you leave those feelings in your dust." -Marie Malveaux Name Maie-Marie Malveaux Nicknames Mal (Semi-formal, taken from her last name. It means 'bad' so most people close to her don't use it, but a 'casual' teacher or someone in a similar position might pull it out.) M, "Trois-emme" (From her name having three M's in it. She hates this one, and it's used only in ignorance by a well-meaning stranger or else when somebody's actually trying to aggravate her.) She doesn't mind being called either Marie or Maie. Most people default to Marie because it's more common. Age 16 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Bisexual Grade Level Sophomore Appearance Despite her tomboyish personality, Marie's appearance is very much that of a girl. Shoulder-length blonde hair, occasionally dyed or tipped some exotic color, hangs down over her pale skin and 'cute' facial features (big round eyes, small nose, etc.) Her body, likewise, is rather petite, at a whopping 5 foot even and around a hundred pounds. She's toned, athletically, but not very muscular, even when she flexes (which is more often than is probably appropriate.) Even though her frame is small she tries to make up for this by wearing loud colors or just generally being loud herself. Her fashion sense is peculiar. Because she looks cute and doll-like, she can pull off strange fashion choices without really trying. In casual situations she is often seen wearing men's gym attire (tight t-shirt and shorts or sweats,) and these serve as her general outdoor clothes as well ("Never know when you've gotta run!") She hates dresses because she doesn't like the way they usually fit her, and she refuses to wear skirts because she has a constant irrational fear that everybody can see her underwear at all times. Formal wear doesn't really exist in her wardrobe. Instead, she has a large selection of active-wear (both men's and women's) and a single blue dress that never gets worn. She doesn't touch makeup, which has made a lot of her peers jealous in the past because of her relatively clear skin. Because of this she gets baffled easily when other girls start talking about their morning routines, and all she can say is "I shower a lot." Personality Marie is easy to get along with, but equally easy to hate, because of her simplistic personality. She is friendly and approachable, and likes to talk to 'unpopular' kids just because they interest her, but this habit sometimes ends in bitter feelings from popular girls who think she's a joke, as well as even unpopular kids who think she's taking pity on them. She is the type who likes to listen to people ramble on about whatever they're passionate about, and will then ramble herself about the things she's passionate about: fitness, food, anime, and the vastness of the universe, which she doesn't know anything about. She isn't perceived as particularly intelligent, because she really isn't. She loves learning new things but can't retain information well at all, often forgetting things by accident, including people's names or past meetings. She means well, and easily rolls with the punches when somebody calls her stupid, but she does have a bit of a hidden complex regarding her intelligence, often being the first person in a room to put herself down over how stupid she is. This is also the first thing people usually attack when they want to put her down, and she just laughs it off every time. Marie doesn't put up with people who put themselves down or attack others, and will reflexively try and shift any and all blame onto herself. While not a true martyr complex, it's not that far off either. She likes to think she is saving people by taking on all the pain herself, even if she logically knows it doesn't work that way. People don't often pay it much mind, because she is so upbeat all the time, but it's a habit that can easily get on everybody's nerves. She is working to try and change the way she acts because she has alienated friends in the past, but changing yourself is hard, so it's slow progress. Likes Anything that gets her body moving (sports, exercise, etc) Loud music (Usually old school rap/hip hop or electronica, but anything with a strong beat will do.) Energy drinks Thunderstorms and Natural Disasters Bruce Lee Anime Everybody Dislikes When people are down on themselves or others 'Lazy' days Skirts, dresses, jewellery Politics Fears Aside from her bizarre paranoia involving skirts, Marie is terrified of being lost. Lost in a new place, in the middle of nowhere, lost in a crowd, it doesn't matter. If she doesn't know where she is or where she's going, she gets the cold sweats. Thank god for GPS technology these days, right? Strengths Actual physical strength and fitness Her naivete means she's never scared or lost in a social situation She's one of those girls who can look good in anything without trying Weaknesses Completely socially oblivious. If people are talking behind her back or subtly insulting her, she will never catch on. Like, never ever. Information retention Poor impulse control History Originally hailing from Quebec, Marie's family moved to Manhattan Island halfway through her elementary school career due to her father's position as a well-respected business consultant. Her father became a permanent on-call consultant to the CEO of Jam! Energy, one of the highest-grossing soft drink conglomerates in the country. Marie was sent to a private school and their family was never hungry because of all the money her Father took in, but Marie herself wasn't a fan of inner city life. There just weren't enough ways to expend her energy, and there were only so many times you could run laps around Central Park before the scenery started getting repetitive. Her grades began to slip and she was diagnosed with ADHD and put on various kinds of pills to help regulate her poor attention span and energy levels. This worked for a while, but her energy had little to do with her brain chemistry in the end. It was just her personality. She was pulled from private school in grade seven and received home-schooling instead in hopes that she would do better in a more comfortable environment. And again, for a while, this seemed successful. Her grades rose and she stopped seeming so frustrated all the time. But even this had an end. The CEO of Jam! Energy suffered a major heart attack and passed away in his office, sending the company into a bad PR spiral (did he die because he drank Jam? That stuff will kill you!) The cash stopped flowing, and Marie's family could no longer afford her personal tutor. Her father was hired on as interim CEO of Jam! but honestly he was just hired as a scapegoat so that nobody within the company had to take the fall in the media. Even so, he was able to pull the company's accounts out of the gutter and back into the black, but Jam! Energy never could wipe away the dark smudge on their reputation, and the only people who were drinking their products were high schoolers and college students who didn't care about their supposed health concerns. What the company needed wasn't better management, they had that part covered, they needed a better image. To that end, the new CEO turned his eyes on the brightest shining star he knew - his own daughter. Maie-Marie was sent to Ashbury to continue her schooling and to get the pedigree that would be needed for the new face of Jam! Favorite memory One time while still living in Quebec, after watching the movie Forrest Gump with her family, she decided to run as far as she could, for no particular reason. She didn't tell her family anything about where she was headed, just "I'm going out for a run." Five hours later, she was in the middle of nowhere, completely stranded. She had to knock on a stranger's door to ask to use their phone. It took an hour for her parents to figure out where she had gone, and another two hours to actually come pick her up. She was grounded for two weeks afterward, but the memory is still dear to her, because she finds it hilarious. Least favorite memory Once and only once was Marie ever sent to school in 'girly' clothes, in grade 3. It was her parents' idea, against her will, but she agreed because they insisted on it, thinking she looked incredibly cute. They were right, but not even a minute after she got there, the usual boys she hung around with had flipped up her skirt and one boy tried to kiss her as a joke. She ran home without even attending her first class. She cut up her nice clothes and yelled at her parents when they tried to scold her, and the issue was never brought up again. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Marie was sent on behalf of Jam! Energy, who hoped to use her image to pick their name up out of the gutter. While not technically an heiress (she doesn't even remotely have the business mind and everybody knows it) she is still the daughter of the CEO. She has the pedigree to attend and a real purpose for being there, even if others look down on her because she won't actually inherit the company (although her father secretly hopes that she will gain the business sense to actually follow in his footsteps.) Birthday May 1, 1999 Astrological Sign Taurus Twitter Name @MMMMMMMarie She has a tumblr called "F___ Shoujos Get Yencoins" (not censored, that's how it's written) but she only uses it to reblog anime/rap song mashups. Maie-Marie Malveaux "Who is my best friend...? If you had to ask me right now I would say... you, I suppose?" Brooke Avery "Brooke is a bit of a flower, I can tell. I would like to spend more time alone with her, even if she says she hates me. Perhaps I could get her to move past my flaws and we could be friends?" Marie takes Brooke's harsh attitude towards the world personally, as though Brooke were actually mad at her specifically for being imperfect. She hopes in time that she can become a person that Brooke could bear to be friends with, though she doesn't really know how she might accomplish such a task. Hal Polwith "Hal is very funny, I like hanging around with him, because the way he talks makes me smile." Marie likes Hal a lot. He is just the sort of person Marie likes to hang around with. The type that is active and upbeat, as well as being very passionate and able to 'nerd out' every once in a while. She secretly wants to run a marathon with him to see who could last longer. Korrie Jackson "I think I could learn a lot from Korrie, but I wish that he would stop pranking other people." Marie admires Korrie for being so into computers as well as so many other things that she can't find the time for. She severely dislikes his mean streak, but thinks that he'll 'grow out of it' somehow. She would like to learn computers from him, even though anything beyond downloading anime and social media is probably a bit much for her. Amanda Hirano "Amanda-san chou kawaii neeee~ Bishoujo desu neeee~" Completely oblivious of the fact that she is probably coming on way too strong at all times, Marie thinks that Amanda is adorable. Even though Amanda is older than her, Marie treats her like a younger sibling. She admires Amanda's sense of style and always tries to talk about Japanese culture with her for some reason. Emphasis on tries to. Spencer Dalle "Monsieur Spencer is difficult to place, I think." Marie gets a strange feeling from Spence, like that of a kindred spirit, as somebody who sometimes makes horrible decisions to hurt themselves for unknown reasons. However, she doesn't really know him well enough to broach the subject, so their relationship remains mysterious and superficial. Laney Chandler "SHE IS SO... COOL!" Marie has a hard time seeing past Laney's 'Ms. Perfect' facade, and admires her greatly for being so 'haute-couture.' Marie recognizes that she herself isn't exactly the model of class and panache, but she greatly admires all the hard work and time it must take to pull that style off. Nathan Matthews "He is a good boy, n'est-ce pas? But maybe girls like somebody a little more... wild, I think?" School's a big place. When you coast by trying to just do what everybody else wants, it's hard to leave an impression on a girl like Marie. She likes Nathan well enough, but unfortunately finds him a bit forgettable and he often gets overlooked in her mind. Connor McQuarrie "I have a lot of respect for athletes. He is a bit of a clown, but I think that we get along fine. It is easy to forget my problems when I am with him." Marie is loud enough that it's difficult to find somebody louder than her. Because of this, Connor makes a pretty big impression. However, sometimes two similar wavelengths amplify themselves too hard and blow out your speakers... Brenden Rivers "It is something I do not like to say, but I do not get along with Brenden, maybe? He confuses me and makes it difficult to tell, but I think he is insulting me a lot? Even if he's right, this is how he acts to everybody, and that is not okay." As the socially oblivious person that she is, Marie is alternatingly immune and completely susceptible to Brenden's natural charisma. She takes most things he says at face value, and his attitude often just leaves her confused, making him uncomfortable to be around. She doesn't really get this feeling from anybody else, so she tries to avoid him if possible. Emilie Delacour "A rival approaches?!" Marie finds Emilie to be fun to be around, and despite cultural differences between Quebecois and Parisian french, just having another francophone around makes her seem less exotic, which is nice. But their similarities have inspired a competitive streak within Marie, and she will unconsciously try to one-up the poor girl whenever there's something to be won. Erin "Riley" Emerson "It is nice to see there is a girl here who is not so girly like me. I would drown in accessories if I was left in this sea of pretty girls." Since Marie has a hard time thinking about people beyond what she's shown, she completely believes that Riley is a totally tough chick, and admires her for that fact. She'd like to get to know Riley better, but never thinks to ask too deeply about it. They could probably be better friends if she did. Aspen Hancock "He has a certain... dignity about him. It makes me respect him, even if I do not know him very well. He is somebody who is going places, I think? Perhaps just the sort of person who fits right in here." Marie seems to respect Aspen, but even though he is genuine, his 'perfect' personality (or so Marie perceives it) makes him hard for somebody like Marie to approach. She liked to hang around him well enough, but he probably wouldn't be the first person she approached for conversation over somebody like Hal or Connor. Acacia Hancock "Madamoiselle Acacia is certainly somebody who forces you to like them, if this is not rude to say. She is often surrounded by others, and there is good reason for this. Though perhaps around her I feel as though I am bossing her around?" Much like her brother, Marie's opinion of Acacia resides in the clouds somewhere. As though she belongs to a different class of being (though maybe this is just by association.) She likes Acacia a lot, however, but the two of them often end up like a comedy duo with no straight-man. They need somebody to knock them over the head when they get too far down a dumb train of thought. 1. How many shoes do you own? What types? "Just two pairs. One pair for running, one for not running. Durability and comfort are important above all, but I often get made fun of for not being stylish for some reason. Are sneakers not proper formal attire? Surely you don't need to have a whole extra pair of shoes for dressy occasions? ...Why are you looking at me with pity eyes?" 2. Are you on social media? Who’s in your profile pictures with you? "You ask as if my profile picture is of myself. I do not have a good picture of myself, so instead I take a picture of my most recent favourite anime character. Currently this is Matoi Ryuko from Kill la Kill. Have you seen this show? No? I must recommend... actually, perhaps not. It is... well, it is not for everybody." 3. How many romantic relationships have you had? "When I was very young, I had a boyfriend, but he dumped me over the phone because he said he had not seen me in over a week and that was the only way he could get a hold of me. Is this acceptable, normally? I'm afraid I still don't really know. My second was just last year, a girl had asked me out, and we went on a few dates, but she too wanted me to text her every day. Who has the time for this? I... tried to let her down gently. I do not think she took it very well, but were we that serious in the first place? Again, I'm afraid I don't really know. Perhaps I am not cut out for this romance yet. There is much to learn..." 4. Are they right- or left-handed? "I was born right-handed, though now you cannot really tell the difference in my penmanship because it has degraded over time. Who writes things these days anyway? Does this count as ambidextrous?" 5. What charities do they donate to? "Does giving blood count as donating to charity? I'm afraid I don't really make a point to give my money regularly... is this unusual for somebody with no stable income?" 6. What are your biggest fears? "I dislike it when I do not know where I am. As long as I have my feet on the ground and know my way home, I can conquer anything! Anything at all! Hmm, perhaps not everything. I am still spooked by girly clothes, do not ask why, please." 7. How much money do you make? "This is a question as though I make a stable income, as though I have employment, yes? I am afraid this is not the case. Though if I need something, I can usually ask Papa. I do not think that we are short on money, if that was the direction of the question." 8. What is your ethnicity? "Ah, je suis Canadienne, French-Canadian you would say. From Quebec, on the outskirts of Quebec city. I must recommend this area... although it may be difficult if you do not know proper french." 9. Do you speak with an accent? "You have noticed my accent? I apologize if this makes me difficult to understand. I get many people thinking that my vocabulary is not good because of how heavy my accent is, but this is not the case. It is simply the way I speak." 10. What did you dress as for Halloween last year? "This is slightly embarassing, but I did not do anything for Halloween last year. I had planned to meet some friends, but when the day came, I completely forgot. While children were trick-or-treating, I had fallen asleep watching anime. C'est la vie. This year perhaps I shall dress up." 11. What are your email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? "This... this is a very personal question, is it not? Oooh ooh! Oh! Oooooooh! You should check out my Tumblr! Ah, perhaps not. I got very excited, but you are not of this niche, I presume. Zut, I thought I might gain another follower. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is like me, you know?" 12. What are you superstitious about? "Emm, perhaps this is just me personally, but have you ever noticed that street lights turn off when you run under them at night? And then they turn back on again once you are past? I have read that this is caused by an electromagnetic field given off by certain people! ...Eh? 'Power-cycling?' I do not know what this means." 13. Are you allergic to anything? "Nothing comes to mind, really." 14. What hobbies do you have? "Sometimes I feel as though my life is just a collection of hobbies. Running, camping, hiking, watching anime, listening to music, dancing, all sorts of things." 15. Do you keep secrets? "NON! ...I mean, emm, no. Not well, anyway. Please do not tell me anything you don't want people to know, I beg you." 16. What is your astrological signs? "I am a Taurus, if you believe in that sort of thing. I mean, it fits, n'est-ce pas? Bull-headed and all. I am not convinced." 17. What is your taste in movies, books, and music? "You are already aware of my taste for anime and manga, yes? Aside from that, I like anything that drips with too much drama. No reality TV though, please. I dislike the... manipulative nature of this. As far as music, I enjoy all sorts of things, but mostly I listen to hip-hop classics of the 90s. Rap these days has only a very small piece of the integrity and meaning that the old style had, I think." 18. Do you have scars? "I have plenty of rough patches from repeated falls, fractured bones and such, but I have never really had a deep cut that would leave a scar, no." 19. What are your feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "I simply do not get involved. I am only smart enough to know that I am not smart enough for these topics. Other people are affected deeply by these, but I do not have the stake or passion, I am afraid. I hope you do not think less of me for this." 20. Any tattoos or piercings? "None." 21. What does their handwriting look like? "You... do not truly wish to know the answer to this. No, I will not provide a demonstration, you will only laugh at me." 22. What is your religious background? "Like most of the area I grew up, my family was catholic. As for me, I could not say. It seems easy to believe these things, but again, I know I am simply not smart enough. Perhaps I will never know." 23. Where do you like to shop? "I have difficulty when talk comes to brands, to tell the truth. Most of my wardrobe consists of workout clothes, so I tend to shop wherever has a good deal." 24. What is your relationship like with your sibling(s)? "I am an only child, unfortunately. However, I have always wanted an imouto, a younger sister, to dote on and give life advice to. Oh, she would confide in me, and we would fight against the world together for the sake of her passions. All of her friends would-" She continues like this for over ten minutes. 25. Do you have enemies? How did you make them? "I do not think I have any enemies...? Although I have been secretly bullied by somebody for a while. I suppose perhaps somebody does not agree with my personality? I do not remember getting into any fights with anybody. It is a puzzle to me, but I do not mind so much. I have probably done something to deserve it." 26. What are your ambitions? Do you have a “five-year plan”? "I would like to do as my Papa wants, and help him reform his company's image. I do not know if I am up to the task, but he seems to think that I am, so perhaps there is something I can do. I do not have a particular plan except to simply get through school. This is what is required of me, I think." 27. What are your political preferences? "My preference is to let people who are smarter than me decide what is best for the country. I cannot even vote anyway." 28. What do you habitually keep in your cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "I think that I eat much like a regular person, although I try to have some Jam! on hand for when I need a bit of a kick. For the other times, I keep sleeping pills for when I have too much kick. I also try to have a basic first aid kit in my bathroom to treat basic scrapes and bruises. I do not own a purse, as I have never understood what was wrong with pockets. Inside my pockets is simply my wallet and my phone, usually." 29. What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "Sweats! Very easy to move in, great for working out, lounging, and nobody can see your underwear! You can get all sweaty from a run and then come home and change into a different set of workout clothes and you are still comfortable. And still nobody can see your underwear! It is wonderful." 30. What do you keep in remote storage? "I... do not know what this is? Something for when there is no room in your house? Why would I keep that much stuff? ...Is this an American thing, to have too many things?" 31. Are you a night owl or a morning person? "I prefer mornings, though I pull late nights very often as well. I enjoy any time when I can go for a run and there are no cars on the road or people on the sidewalk. It feels like my own small world."
Korrigan Jackson // Emilie Delacour Le premier jour d'école de Korrie l'était. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. intéressant, aussi dire le moins. Il ne savait pas ce qu'il attendait des professeurs, mais ce qu'il avait n'était pas mal. Bien sûr, cette vieille garce des négociations était Satan incarnée, parce que non seulement elle a fait ses devoirs le premier jour, mais c'était la tâche la plus cruelle et la plus inhabituelle qu'il ait jamais eue. Qui fait qu'un tas d'adolescents lisent l'adolescence et les conditions sur Facebook, c'est fou. À part cela, la journée était bonne, bien qu'il ait eu l'impression qu'il échouerait déjà les classes de major Etiqutte, car ses manières de table n'étaient qu'un pas ou au-dessus de celui d'un homme des cavernes. Quoi qu'il en soit, après avoir fait les devoirs de l'Enfer, qui l'avaient fait vouloir essayer sa main à l'auto-lobotomie plus d'une fois, il avait décidé de se noyer dans une heure ou deux de Fallout 4, scrutant les déchets pour tout ce qui pourrait être utile (principalement n'importe quoi avec de l'adhésif), tout en se demandant s'il devrait même s'occuper d'aller à cette fête. Il avait reçu un dépliant d'une fille au hasard, peut-être été l'hôte elle-même, peut-être juste quelqu'un donnant des invitations. De toute façon, il avait été invité et ne savait pas quoi faire de cette connaissance, car c'était la première fois qu'il avait vraiment été invité à n'importe quoi en. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Jamais, vraiment, et il ne voulait pas juste le brosser. Mais il ne savait pas vraiment la remorque si bien, et il semblait que beaucoup de gens allaient y aller aussi. Il parlait à des gars qu'il avait rencontrés sur un forum il y a quelques années, et ils ont tous dit qu'il devrait y aller, rencontrer des bébés, s'amuser, s'enivrer et profiter de sa jeunesse avant qu'elle ne parte (a-t-il mentionné qu'ils étaient tous un peu plus âgés que lui, comme vers la fin des années 20 ou ainsi de ce qu'il avait entendu). Il avait beaucoup de nourriture à apporter, la nourriture de fête étant sa principale source de calories et de nutriments lorsque sa mère l'attaquait à son régime alimentaire. Mais il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher d'être obsédé par des scénarios pires, comme s'il disait quelque chose de stupide, ou s'il voyageait et rencontrait quelqu'un, ou s'il insultait accidentellement la salope Alpha de l'école, et un million et un autre scénario. Celui dont il avait le plus peur, cependant, était que quelque chose dans la fête l'a causé à avoir un autre flippant paniquer, ce qui causerait probablement à quelqu'un d'être blessé.Ever depuis. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. 'l'incident', il s'était trouvé avoir de graves remous d'émotions instables chaque fois que quelque chose lui rappelait vraiment cela. Il pourrait finir par sniveller une balle sur le sol, ou mettre la personne à côté de lui dans le visage. Les intensités des émotions lui ont fait peur, surtout parce que le principal qu'il s'est tourné vers était la colère, et cela avait conduit à beaucoup de mauvais moments. Il n'était pas nouveau avec de tels flashs, cependant, cela lui était arrivé depuis qu'il a été attaqué par ce chien depuis quand, mais au moins cette fois il avait été contenu à chaque fois qu'un chien de taille réelle vu. Il n'était pas sûr de ce qui pouvait le déclencher. Tout cela pourrait, et très probablement finirait par un désastre. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Et pourtant, malgré ce sentiment dans la fosse de son estomac, il se trouvait maintenant coincé à l'extérieur du manoir (homme, jamais auparavant il n'avait senti le fossé de richesse si fort qu'en ce moment. Qui donne juste à leurs enfants un manoir!?!) de la jumelle Hancock, portant une veste noire sur un t-shirt rouge Game of Thrones (House Targaryen tout le chemin) avec un pantalon noir sac, sa seule bonne paire de baskets et un sac plein de Barbecue pond et Sprite, incertain de ce qu'il devrait faire avec tout cela. En fait, il savait ce qu'il devait faire, mais il fallait que son corps l'écoute. C'était le problème. C'était un gars amusant, il a parlé aux gens, joué des blagues, et bon ami avec le meilleur d'entre eux. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Mais de grandes fêtes comme ça n'étaient pas vraiment son truc. Ils étaient trop encombrés, trop bruyants, et ils ont tué n'importe quel charisme qu'il avait et l'ont transformé en un tas d'embarras. Pourtant, c'était quelque chose qu'il savait qu'il devait faire, afin qu'il puisse briser la glace avec ses nouveaux pairs. Mais comment puis-je faire ça sans trébucher sur moi-même? Allez, Korrie, c'est ta chance de te faire des amis dans le monde réel, d'oublier tout et de commencer le prochain chapitre de ta vie. Tout ce que tu as à faire, c'est passer par la porte. Malheureusement, si simple soit-il, son corps a simplement refusé d'écouter son raisonnement, et il a commencé à avancer en avant et en arrière devant la porte, parfois comme s'il était sur le point de marcher à l'intérieur, et d'autres fois comme s'il était sur le point de faire une pause pour sa voiture, une Toyota à l'air un peu ridicule qu'il avait eu la main-moi de sa sœur. - C'est quoi, ça? Le premier jour d'Emilie à l'école était... quelque chose d'intéressant. L'assemblée était ennuyeuse comme toutes les assemblées, mais elle fut rapidement éclipsée par la cafétéria servant des hamburgers et des frites pour le déjeuner! Ils ont ensuite eu des cours et d'autres. Après la fin de l'école, elle retourne dans sa chambre au dortoir. Elle avait vu le tweet qui était sorti plus tôt au sujet de la fête organisée par les Hancocks. Sur le chemin du retour au dortoir, un garçon au hasard lui a remis un dépliant dont le travail semblait être de distribuer des dépliants à n'importe qui dans les environs. Jetant un coup d'œil au feuilleton, il a mentionné une fois de plus la fête organisée par les Hancocks à leur manoir caché à une courte distance de l'école. Ahh, les Hancocks, un des étudiants les plus riches d'Ashbury. À en juger par l'ampleur des choses, et le fait que les frères et sœurs aient une large portée, il était plus que probable que la grande majorité de l'école tout entière serait là au parti. Ce n'était pas une option. Une fois arrivée dans sa chambre, elle a commencé ses préparatifs pour la fête à sept heures. Elle avait quelques heures pour se préparer, et elle allait les gaspiller à ne rien faire de productif. Une douche agréable et rafraîchissante plus tard, Emilie a décidé de choisir sa tenue avant d'appliquer sur une couche de maquillage de base. Rien de trop, juste un léger trait d'ombre à paupières, assombrissant ses cils et mettant un baume à lèvres de couleur pêche. Conduire son scarabée blanc Volkswagen dans le parking de la maison de Hancock, la blonde a trouvé un espace de stationnement approprié et a garé sa voiture. Elle n'était pas en retard, mais elle a remarqué que le parking commençait déjà à se remplir. Emilie n'est pas arrivée les mains vides! Elle avait apporté de la nourriture pour la fête car cela était certainement attendu de leurs invités de fête. Elle avait apporté du pop-corn, dans deux saveurs différentes (salté et caramel), adapté à ceux qui préféraient leur pop-corn savourer notre sucré. Habillée dans une jolie robe de flore blanche sans manches accompagnée d'une veste de pêche, complète la tenue avec une paire de pompes à pêche plates. Elle a verrouillé sa voiture avec une touche du bouton et a commencé à se rendre à l'entrée de la fête. Alors qu'Emilie se rapprochait de la porte, elle a vu un gars aller et retour devant elle. Il avait l'air d'essayer de décider s'il fallait entrer ou retourner vers le parking. Elle ne voyait pas exactement qui il était, jusqu'à ce qu'il se retourne. Bien qu'elle pensait qu'il était familier, comme quelqu'un qu'elle connaissait. C'est Korrie. Il portait un sac de croustilles de Lays et une bouteille de Sprite. Elle n'était pas une grande fan de la boisson gazeuse, mais la saveur particulière des chips était celle qu'elle aimait. Miam. En marchant vers lui, elle lui appela, dans cet accent français où les gens aimaient se moquer d'elle. "C'est le mec de la course d'Ello! Quelque chose ne va pas? Ne pas entrer pour la fête?" - C'est quoi, ça? Korrie sauta légèrement, si occupé dans ses pensées qu'il avait remarqué l'arrivée d'Emilie. Une fois qu'il a vu qui s'était adressé à lui, il a donné un chanfrein légèrement embarrassé, griffant à son temple comme il le fait d'habitude quand il est nerveux. -- Ah, hé, Bonjour Mademoiselle Delacour, répondit la jeune fille aux yeux rouges, en surmontant son anxiété de la meilleure façon dont h savait, la théâtralité. Il se prosterna un peu devant le Parisien, l'ayant rencontrée un peu plus tôt aujourd'hui dans la salle de classe du démon. « Je souffre juste d'une petite crise interne, c'est tout, aller ou pas. Je ne suis pas vraiment un pour les fêtes, mais j'ai pensé que j'allais essayer celui-ci. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. et puis je me trouve incapable de passer par la porte. » Korrie s'est un peu dégonflé alors qu'il se plaignait de sa lâcheté, mais il a rapidement dissipé la pensée alors qu'il tournait son attention vers Emilie. "Ah, mais assez parlé de moi et de mes problèmes, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui? Avez-vous fini de lire les termes et conditions comme la sorcière grise nous a dit de faire, parce que je l'ai fait, et j'ai seulement essayé de me donner une commotion deux fois. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ok, peut-être trois fois." Emilie gigogne dans la joie comme le garçon aux yeux rouges l'accueillait dans sa langue maternelle. C'était drôle comme ça qu'il le disait avec son accent, mais encore une fois elle pensait que c'était probablement aussi drôle quand elle parlait anglais avec le sien. Saluant avec un curtsie, elle a dit "Bonjour Monsieur Jackson" Sa bouche s'est alors enroulée dans l'amusement. "Je ne vois pas pourquoi tu ne devrais pas y aller. Venez avec moi! Ce sera amusant!" En roulant les yeux vers la gauche alors qu'elle pensait à leurs devoirs, elle a dit : « Je ne l'ai pas encore terminé, seulement à mi-chemin! » Leur bref échange fut alors interrompu lorsque Nathan monta à la paire. Le jeune homme suave l'a saluée et a placé un bras autour d'elle et a serré son épaule. L'action amoureuse lui a donné des papillons dans l'estomac accompagnés d'une chaleur intérieure. Son amour pour Nathan n'avait pas l'air de le laisser tomber. Emilie l'accueilla en retour, ses paroles aussi douces que le miel et ses yeux scintillent. "Salut Nathan! Je suis si contente que tu sois là aussi!" Il leur a ensuite fait ses adieux alors qu'il se rendait dans le manoir avec le reste de l'équipe de natation, également affectueusement connue sous le nom d'"équipe de bravoure". Posant sa main sur le bras de Korrie, elle a essayé de le traîner dans le manoir. "Allez, Korrie, allons-y!" "Essayez de le lire en écoutant de la musique, c'est comme ça que j'arrive à lire des trucs ennuyeux pour l'école." Korrie a proposé devant un gars qui s'est présenté comme Nathan est venu qui semblait connaître Emilie. Korrie n'était pas sûr de qui il était, même s'il pensait l'avoir vu dans une de ses classes. Il retourna la vague avec un clin d'œil, cherchant encore un peu d'hésitation à y entrer, seulement pour se retrouver traîné par Emilie. "D'accord, je viens, je viens, heh", a dit Korrie, se permettant de se faire traîné à l'intérieur, et alors que la quantité de personnes à l'intérieur étaient un peu intimidant, il a senti qu'il pouvait gérer cela aussi longtemps qu'il restait près des gens qu'il connaissait. Malheureusement, ce n'était qu'une personne et demi à l'heure actuelle, donc c'était quelque chose de mieux dit que fait. Alors qu'il écoutait la pièce de musique et qu'il regardait les gens discuter avec de vieux amis, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de réfléchir à quelque chose qu'il avait remarqué plus tôt, un sourire faisant que c'est sur son visage. "Alors, Mademoiselle, le jeune homme qui est entré serait-il votre paramour? Ou peut-être souhaitez-vous qu'il soit?" Korrie avait remarqué un léger changement dans son comportement quand Nathan était arrivé, mais il était vraiment en train de se moquer et d'essayer de commencer la conversation alors n'importe quoi d'autre. Néanmoins, un facteur clé dans toute farce est d'obtenir des informations sur votre cible, et comme tout le monde peut être une cible, vous devez recueillir des informations sur tout le monde. Il doutait qu'il n'utiliserait jamais quelque chose comme un béguin pour faire des farces à quelqu'un, ce serait juste cruel à ses yeux, mais ça pourrait encore être un peu d'information utile pour garder à portée de main. Alors qu'il attendait qu'elle réponde, il mettait la nourriture qu'il avait apportée sur la table de collation avant d'ouvrir les lattes et de prendre une bonne quantité pour lui-même sur une assiette, ainsi que de se verser une bonne tasse de Sprite dans une tasse. "Oh, et tu ferais mieux d'avoir des chips tant que tu le peux, avant que tout le monde le fasse. C'est un sac extra-large, mais je ne pense pas que ce soit important dans une maison pleine d'adolescents faisant la fête." Emilie répondit, son visage devenant immédiatement rouge à la pensée de ce que Korrie venait de dire. Elle a braqué "Paramour"? Non, non, c'est juste un béguin! Un béguin! Je ne pense pas qu'il le sache de toute façon!" Elle était trop gênée pour s'occuper des chips qui s'épuisent.
"Where there is work, there is also fun." -Emilie Delacour Name Emilie Rose Delacour Nicknames Emilie doesn't have a nickname. However, some people do shorten her name to Em, which she is not entirely fond of. Age 17 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Angular and delicate, Claire is a bright sparkly girl that can often be seen with a smile on her face. Posessing a heart-shaped face with a button nose and a set of beautiful almond shaped eyes. Her eyes, which are by far her most striking feature are a gorgeous shade of ash grey and her thin lips, which accentuates her small mouth a healthy pink. They rest easily on her face, supple and intuitive, ready to spread into a smile at a moment's notice. Her ivory complexion is fair, with subtle golden undertones. Her hair is a lovely shade of honey blonde extending down to her shoulders. Her body is lithe and flexible yet still managing to possess a decent amount of curves. Having moved from France not more than five years ago, she still speaks with a recognisable French accent. Being a big fan of dresses, Emilie can usually be seen dressed in them although she does wear blouses and skirts as well. She rarely wears long pants, and the only type she wears are of the shorter variant. She would like to think that she has a good sense of fashion. In colder weather, sweaters, scarves and jackets are not an unusual add-on to current attire. was a fun day. Tomorrow will be too." Personality With an equally radiant personality to match her exuberant appearance, Emily is an energetic and adventurous individual that is also competitive and passioniate for what she loves and believes in. She always seek to strive for her best, and improving what she already knows. Headstrong and determined, once she sets her mind on something, she will do her best to achieve or complete it. Highly excitable, she tends to get excited over the smallest of things. She is also blunt and cynical, and is often rather judgemental of people which can make her out to be rude-sounding and mean even though she may not necessarily be so. She has a rather extensive sense of humour and tends to laugh at most jokes, making a couple of her own along the way. A big fan of pranks and pranking people, she is not above carrying out other mischievous acts. Although It may not be easy to earn her trust, she is extremely loyal, and once you have gained her trust and loyalty, she can always be counted on in times of need. When it comes to romance, Emily is by no means any good in the field. She does more than her fair share of flirting with guys she meets and is a real sucker for romance. She is a big fan of the whole love and affection thing between a couple and will go all out for the person she loves and considers her other half. She is very confident, although sometimes it may be overly so, which may come off as arrogance. Prone to being stubborn and obstinate, she often insists on doing things her way even though she knows that it may not be the fastest or most efficient way. She always seeks company, and likes it most when not alone. Likes Pranks/Mischief Gymnastics Swimming Jokes/Pranks Social Media Video Games Food (Especially Fried) Fruit Juices Romance movies Dislikes Boredom Fake people Beer Pessimism Excessive Violence Cigarettes/Cigars Cats People who talks about death/dying Insects/Bugs Fears Death Strengths Assertive Physically fit and agile Courageous Doesn't take crap from anyone Weaknesses Bluntness Being overly sarcastic/cynical Overconfidence (at times) Impulsive History Born into a middle class family, Emilie lived in one of the many residential suburbs in Paris. Emilie enjoyed most of her childhood and was well-liked at school, albeit in a different way. She was notorious for causing frequent mischief, but because her grades remained excellent, her teachers tolerated her to a certain extent. The young girl's life then took a surprising turn when she discovered gymnastics for the first time. Passionate in the sport, her parents fully endorsed and supported their only daughter's interests. Shortly after her thirteen birthday, the Delacour got the opportunity to immigrate over to the United States, and they took it. Moving over to California, Emilie settled down there, beginning her new life. While she was initially made fun of because of her French accent, as time passed,people began to get used to her, and Emilie found stability in her life. She began living her life as usual, but she didn't seem to have the same form of success she had bad in France, it was as if a spark was gone in her. Although she said nothing to her parents, she could feel and sense it and were inherently worried for her. Her father, Michael, a seasoned hiker who would usually go onto weekend hiking trips in the country. It so happened during the particular trip of his, he happened to spot a unconscious injured fellow hiker lying on of the rocks. He appeared to have fallen of or tripped from the cliff several feet up. He couldn't let the guy just remained there. He looked like he was still alive as well. Calling as well as radioing for medical assistance, help soon came. The police came as well, and questioned him on the situation. When everything was done and cleared, he was in no mood to continue and began to head home early. The Delacour family went on with their usual everyday life for a week, before they got a surprise visit from a visitor at the door, one fateful Sunday morning. The stranger introduced him as Mr. Watson and said he was a manager at Aperture Industries and about one week ago, Mr. Delacour saved their CEO who happened to be injured during a personal hiking trip. The boss himself would like to thank him personally at lunch. His family were invited to join in as well. At a lunch in a rather posh and fancy restaurant, It was there that Emilie met Christopher Strong for the first time. He was a hearty middle-aged man who looked none the worse for wear. It was hard to believe he was in a life-threatening accident no less than a week ago. They had their meal while her parents chatted with Mr. Strong. She however remained silent, but spared him some smiles whenever he looked her way. That was the least she felt she could do. The two of them left, while her father stayed behind, interested in having a further conversation with Mr. Strong. She had no idea what the contents of the conversation were, and her mother refused to say anything. However, Emilie was convinced that her mother knew something. Repeated attempts to wrangle the reason out of her proved futile. Researching the company, she found that Aperture Industries was a huge multi-million dollar corporation that manufactured pharmaceuticals and related equipment as well as other forms of scientific research in the pharmaceutical field. Other than learning of the company, she learnt nothing else. Several hours later, her father came back but said nothing, simply putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. A few days later, an invitation in an envelope came. An invitation to Ashbury Academy. Favorite memory Pranking her neighbour from across the street and filming it. Discovering Gymnastics for the first time Saying goodbye to her friends in France Winning gold in a Gymnastics Competition. Least favorite memory The initial adjustment periods in which she got bullied and teased when she firs started school in California. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Christopher Strong is the CEO of Aperature Industries, a huge multi-million dollar corporation that manufactured pharmaceuticals and related equipment as well as other forms of scientific research in the pharmaceutical field. After her father saved the life of its chief executive, he was asked to name his reward. He told Strong that he wanted a better future for his daughter so that she could have whatever she wanted, and that he still felt guilty from robbing her of the happy memories of what she had back at France for his own desires. Strong was soon be approaching his elderly years, and with no children, he had no heir. The ownership would dissolve into fights within the corporation, something he did not want. His assistant then came up with a valuable suggestion. "How about Ashbury Academy?" he had said. Ashbury Academy was a recognised institution that helped heir-less corporation owners groom potential successors with the help of the Academy's staff. It was widely recognised and accepted within the entire world. Birthday June 16th 1998 Astrological Sign Gemini Twitter Name Twitter: @QueenDelacour Instagram: QueenDelacour "Thank you for not annoying me more than you do." Emilie gives everyone a nickname, but she does not call them that in their face or behind their back. It is mostly used for her own personal reference. Brooke Avery"This one is dark, real dark. The Queen of Darkness. I wonder if she can even see herself in all that darkness." Not a fan of pessimism, there is an unlikely chance of them getting along. Brooke seems to be the embodiment of the darkness and with the will to seem to hate everyone and putting a dampener on things, maybe she could also seen as a challenge as well. Emilie will not be above annoying her with pictures of happy people, or other cute or adorable things. She does love her rather harmless pranks after all. Laney Chandler"This one right here is Madame Fashionable. She's real classy and always dresses to impress. That's pretty cool. She doesn't seem fake to me, so I guess she's alright." Emilie likes to think of Laney as a fashionista. She always dresses well, and appear classy in almost everything she wears. Secretly, Emilie wishes that her fashion sense is as good as Madame Fashionable herself. Maybe she'll ask her for tips one of these days. Henry Polwith"I like this guy. Monsieur Smiles. He's bright and happy, just like me without the cynical bits! And he jokes as well!" Apart from being a bright and happy person, Hal has a good sense of humour and actually appreciates jokes. Maybe one of these days she can rope him in for one of her pranks. He is just a really nice person to be around. A fan of reading and history as well, Emilie could probably see them being rather good friends based on the similarities they have. Korrigan Alexander Jackson"The Gamer. Also Monsieur Contacts. He seems to have an unhealthy obsession of black and red. " Despite his rather peculiar appearance, especially his eyes which Emilie can not stop staring at whenever she sees him, Korrie seems to be a brighter person that he will dress. He is big on gaming as well, so maybe sometime we can totally game together, no matter the platform. Amanda Hirano"The Cutie. So cute yet so fragile. Sometimes it feels like if I stare hard enough she will shatter into pieces. Caution: Do not stare too hard. " A shy and delicate flower, Amanda dresses well, and Emilie gives her props for that. However the girl seems to have such a low esteem that she always seems so quiet and withdrawn. She shouldn't be so hard on herself. Marie Malveaux"The Rival. Guess what? She knows french! She's fun to be around." While Emilie gets along well with Marie and find her enjoyable to be around, their similarities have unknowingly created a rivalry among the pair, igniting the competitive streak in her to one up the poor girl. Spencer Dalle"Ahh, Monsieur Mystère. Kind of a mystery, that one." Emilie doesn't really know what to think about Spencer. He's very much a mystery and does all sorts of douchey things to people, but somehow she's got a feeling somewhere that he may not actually be as mean as he appears. Nathan Matthews"He's kinda good looking, handsome even. He's really kind too. Ahh magnifique~" Nate looks great and is extremely kind to boot. What's not to like about the guy? A real listener and everyone's friend. His selfless nature coupled with his caring nature makes him look very much like a prince charming. Although they haven't really met up much, she likes this guy, but then again which girl won't? He's so dreamy. Très Bien... Connor MacQuarrie"A fellow athlete and a gamer! He's loud isn't he? That's Monsieur Loudmouth for you." Connor is an extremely loudmouth but there is something about that quality that makes him endearing to her. He is rather hunky and much bigger than her in size. He seems to love to party and uses alot of funny-sounding slang. Personality wise,the two of them do have a number in common which could be why Emilie finds him endearing. Being an athlete herself, she respects fellow athletes regardless of the sport he plays. The fact that he likes video games as well is just another item to add to the list. Brendan Rivers"Ahh, Monsieur Butthole. Is there anyone worst than him? Is it even possible? " Emilie cannot tell Brendan was born an ass or did something turn him into one, because he's bad. He seems to have that holier-than-thou attitude, and she cannot stand the sight of him and will avoid him whenever possible. Erin Emerson"She is tough that one. I don't want to go up against her. Oh mon dieu!" Very much a tomboy, Emilie feels like Riley belongs more to the boys than she does to the girls. Despite being physically fit, she is still intimidated of the other girl. From what Emilie can see, Riley looks like a bully, and she does not have a good memories or experiences when it comes to bullies. Aspen Hancock"A good person who rarely gets angry. Relaxed and laidback. Quite charming as well." Another fellow athlete alongside Hal & Connor, Emilie gets along well with Aspen. His relaxed and laidback nature makes it easy to be friends with him. He's funny as well, which is always a great quality to have as far as she is concerned being a lover of jokes and everything funny. Emilie puts on her best english pronunciation she begins the 31 questions interview. 1. How many shoes do you own? What types? Hmm..I own one pair of pumps for formal occasions, two pairs of pump flats for casual wearing, one pair of boots, sneakers and one pair of sports I guess six pairs in total? That's not too many at all. Did you see how many Laney has?! 2. Are you on social media? Who’s in your profile pictures? Yes. I'm on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Facebook is reserved for friends only, but you can feel free to follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Some form of photos of myself is usually in profile pictures be it professionally taken or selfies! 3. How many romantic relationships have you had? Mon dieu!...This is rather embarrassing to say, but I've never had the chance to have a boyfriend. I had rather bad luck in this department, I would say! I've had plenty of crushes that'd ended up no where though. 4. Are you right- or left-handed? I am left handed and proud to be so! Unfortunately, everything seems to geared towards right-handers! It's bias I tell you! That is so unfair! 5. What charities do you donate to? I don't usually donate to charities, but when I do, its to the Red Cross. 6. What are your biggest fears? My biggest fears are lizards. All kinds of lizards. And let's not forget bugs and other creepy crawlies! Gross! 7. How much money do you make? Enough. I have enough money to spend with which I am very comfortable with. That is all you need to know. I don't see why you need to know more. 8. What is your ethnicity? Je suis français! I guess you can say that I am a 'white' Caucasian from the french capital, Paris. My mother is half English though. Which would make me quarter English? 9. Do you speak with an accent? Yes I do. I would say I speak with a Parisan accent. It has been years since I have left France, and the accent is the only thing I have left of my birth country. I would like to keep it if I can. People always make fun of me speaking, especially Nathan, but I forgive him, because he is cute. 10. What did you dress as for Halloween last year? I dressed as an undead zombie last year. I am not really a fan of the horror genre though. It was just a promise I owed to a friend. 11. What are your email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? You can contact me at if you need to! No spam emails please! I do not have any websites and I prefer to keep my passwords to myself. They are supposed to be private! 12. What are you superstitious about? I do not like black cats nor do I like the bad luck stuff that is normally associated with them. I try to avoid them whenever I can, and would even go out of my way to avoid them if possible. 13. Are you allergic to anything? I am allergic to all kinds of shellfish. They make me itch really bad. 14. What hobbies do you have? I like gymnastics, swimming, video games, listening to music, reading and eating. Oh did I mention that I love fried food? 15. Do you keep secrets? I am really bad at keeping secrets. So I don't think so. 16. What is your astrological sign? I am a Gemini! 17. What are your taste in movies, books, and music? As for books and movies, the genres I love are mostly similar. I love science fiction, fantasy, thrillers, and romance, especially the type with the cheesy romance. I also a fan of reading chick lit. As for music-wise, I love classical and instrumental music. A personal favourite of mine is Bolero by Maurice Ravel. 18. Do you have scars? I have a few bruises that have healed and similarly a few healed fractures from my gymnastics training. They have all but healed now. Other than that, no, I don't have any other permanent scars. 19. What are your feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? I always tend to try to stay away from controversial topics like these, so I don't really have anything much to say about these. I remain neutral on my standpoint. 20. Any tattoos or piercings? My ears are pierced, and I do wear earrings on several occasions. Other than that, no, no other piercings. 21. What does your handwriting look like? My penmanship? Well, I'd like to think that mine looks pretty neat. My friends say that it is tidy and easy to read. *Shows a demonstration of her penmanship* 22. What is your religious background? Unlike most of the families and peers that I grew up with who were Catholics, I am a Christian. 23. Where do you like to shop? when clothes shopping, my favourite shops are H&M and Forever 21. When game shopping, GameStop is a good place that I frequent. Other that that, I also go to a variety of food joints to satisfy my food cravings! 24. What is your relationship like with their sibling(s)? I am my parent's only child, so I wouldn't really know what relationship with siblings feel like. 25. Do you have enemies? How did they make them? I hope I don't have any enemies. But sometimes I think that people seem to hate or dislike me for some reason. Maybe they don't like my pranks or they think my jokes suck. 26. What are your ambitions? Do you have a “five-year plan”? I was aspiring to eventually become a gymnast for the National Olympic Team before this whole Ashbury thing happened. Now I focus on my I am supposed to achieve for my parents and for my sponsor, Monsieur Strong. Other than that, no I don't have any of this "five-year plan" yet. Maybe in the future I would. 27. What are your political preferences? I don't like politics, so I try to stay away from them if I can. I guess you can say that I am neutral for now. However, if I am required to vote, that I will vote for the most rational one there is that will not lead the country to ruin. 28. What do you habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? I keep the usual items one might find in an average medicine cabinet. A first aid kit and several bottles of pills, like aspirins, sleeping pills and other essential medicines. I tend to pack certain group of items into certain cupboards so I know when to find them when I need to. I don't have a habit of carrying a purse. I just use a small backpack if needed. 29. What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? Dresses!~ I love wearing dresses, especially the floral kind! Cocktail dresses! Oh! I love skirts as well! But a more casual setting, I guess t-shirts and shorts can be quite comfy as well. 30. What do you keep in remote storage? Remote storage? I have no idea what that means. A place somewhere else to keep things? I don't have one... 31. Are they night owls or morning people? I would say I'm more of a morning person. I tend to get really tired at night unless I woke up really late in the morning, or I've had an afternoon nap before hand.
Laney Chandler Et j'aime les grandes fêtes, elles sont si intimes. Aux petites fêtes, il n'y a pas d'intimité... Je pense que Fitzgerald l'avait à l'envers, personnellement... Le café a à peine gardé Laney éveillé à travers la cérémonie; ses cheveux jetés dans un bun en désordre lâche, bottes de chocolat noir couvert jusqu'à ses cuisses où une robe de chandail en cachemire léger s'est terminée, une veste de culture de couleur café a couvert son haut du torse comme une écharpe bleu vif et argenté couvert le reste. C'était un simple ensemble que la jeune fille à moitié éveillée avait jeté dans une hâte, mais avait quand même réussi à paraître sans effort gracieuse. Elle riait de façon appropriée aux blagues du directeur, et appréciait l'utilisation aiguë du sarcasme par le biais de son propre court discours. Le petit répit entre la cérémonie et le début des cours était toute la blonde nécessaire pour prendre une recharge de sa boisson préférée, l'arôme de son moka de chocolat noir avec cannelle et espresso rempli l'air autour d'elle apporter un véritable sourire heureux à ses lèvres alors qu'elle a fait son chemin vers la classe de Prof. Hasting, attendant avec impatience ce que la nouvelle année ferait ressortir de ses professeurs. Laney n'avait pas de livres, la plupart des enseignants utilisaient rarement les manuels assignés pour un peu plus que la lecture assignée ou si était relative la conférence à portée de main. Laney s'est régalée de la douce pâtisserie, de la petite gâchis collée à ses genoux et de la face sans tache, elle s'est mélangée parfaitement avec les restes de son café offrant un petit déjeuner assez agréable pour le débutant, le reste des cours était décevantment standard bien qu'écouter le professeur Abbé effrayer les nouveaux étudiants était plutôt amusant mais même elle gémissait à l'idée de lire réellement les Termes & Accords pour Facebook de toutes choses. Honnêtement, ça semblait une perte de temps, mais sur une idée folle, elle supposait qu'elle avait des projets plus tard pour parler de votre sortie de l'accord. Le prétest a laissé un mauvais goût dans sa bouche ruiner la douceur qui restait dès le début, comme l'étudiante habituellement éminente avait été distrait et dérangé au cours des deux dernières semaines pour faire la lecture d'été optionnelle. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * La douche coupée alors que la blonde sortait sur le tapis de salle de bain, enveloppant une serviette de crème douce autour de son torse au début de la journée rejouer dans sa tête, ce n'était pas si mal et elle était heureuse de voir ses vieux amis, et d'entendre parler de leurs pauses d'été. Un cheme doux de son téléphone a attiré son attention en essuyant le miroir emboîté, laissant une stries d'une réflexion comme son teint pâle l'a montré à elle. Ses lèvres douces se sont enfoncées dans une ligne serrée avant d'entrer dans un sourire en lisant le joyeux petit tweet prenant sa barre de notification. Fête au Hancock Hideaway! Ce soir, à 7 h, soyez là et le dernier sera entouré de ballons d'eau. Pas de commentaire sur que je sois sérieux ou pas. Apportez de la nourriture! Un rire doux et une secousse de la tête, Laney sourit texto Acacia confirmant qu'elle allait certainement être là avant d'attraper son téléphone appelant Tyler, une fille qu'elle était devenue ami rapide sa première année ici. Tyler était un senior qui était plus qu'heureux de montrer à une nouvelle fille un peu naïve les cordes et comment manipuler les professeurs, une petite fille aux boucles brunes douces, les yeux verts, et une bouche pleine, elle était souvent entourée par les garçons plus âgés qui voulaient l'emmener à la ville ou à la cafétéria pour le déjeuner. Le téléphone a sonné deux fois avant qu'elle ait une réponse. L'amour de Laney! Donc je suppose que vous avez eu le tweet? Oui, en laissant à Acacia pour lancer une fête le premier jour. Pauvre Aspen doit être si fatigué de courir et de tout faire pour cette fille. C'est sûr, mais ça va être un tueur. Votre colocataire y va? Le mien étant un puss aigre et se plaint que les devoirs de la reine de fer prennent beaucoup trop de son temps. Je n'ai même pas commencé, mais je le ferai probablement ce soir après la fête. Je ne pense pas que je vais rester dehors trop tard. Je pense qu'Emilie est déjà partie? Je ne l'ai pas vue aujourd'hui. Tu veux monter avec moi? C'est sûr! Qu'est-ce que tu portes?? Je peux emprunter vos talons d'argent? S'il te plaît?C'est quoi, ça? Je n'en ai aucune idée, peut-être que cette nouvelle robe rouge que j'ai achetée l'autre semaine, et sûr que vous pouvez les emprunter si vous prenez un plateau géant de cookies pour moi d'apporter avec moi. C'est sûr! Je te rejoindrai plus tard alors! Avec un clic l'autre ligne est morte, laissant Laney là tenant son téléphone à son oreille encore enveloppé dans une serviette ses cheveux goutte d'eau un regard amusé sur son visage avant qu'elle a fait son retour dans la petite chambre qu'elle a partagé avec Emilie, il semblait presque Il a été décoré par la même personne bien qu'une moitié avait la New York Skyline sur elle et l'autre avait une touche plus parisienne à elle. Sur le lit, elle s'y coulait doucement sans se soucier que ses cheveux mouillés s'imprégnaient de sa couette alors qu'elle regardait le plafond, le chauffage s'élançant tandis qu'elle bâillait doucement en profitant de la sensation d'être propre et finie avec l'école pour la journée au moins. Elle était assise au restaurant attendant, une longue robe noire en cascade dans le sol autour d'elle en sirotant sur un verre d'eau jouant nerveusement avec une boucle lâche essayant de ne pas regarder l'horloge anxieusement. Un toucher doux sur son épaule a surpris la jeune femme alors qu'elle regardait son visage souriant, elle pouvait entendre ce qu'il disait, mais elle souriait heureux et jouait avec. Heureux qu'il soit arrivé, elle commençait à se demander s'il allait la libérer. Le reste de la nuit s'est passé dans un flou de sourires et de rires, de baisers volés et d'étreintes chaudes. Laney a regardé loin une minute et quand elle a regardé en arrière Jeremy était parti et elle était dans un autre endroit, l'arrière d'une vieille voiture de train Alice grinçant sur son flanc tandis que la douce ruée de l'aiguille dans son bras l'a envoyé sur un voyage différent, une heure différente. Mais cette fois le voyage n'était pas l'âme se calmant bas comme d'habitude, c'était dur et dur comme une tempête enflammée qui traversait ses veines la brûlant de l'intérieur... Laney s'est réveillée avec une bouffée de bouffées autour de son estomac gémissant légèrement à la ruée des souvenirs qu'elle avait longtemps essayé d'enterrer et d'oublier, l'envie oubliée de revenir en force alors qu'elle trébuchait hors du lit dans la salle de bain éclaboussant désespérément l'eau sur son visage essayant de bannir le rêve, regardant son reflet vu la forme raclée qu'elle avait été avant de fermer les yeux retombant en glissant sur le mur en respirant erratiquement. Ça va, ce n'est plus moi. Les mots sont tombés de sa bouche encore et encore jusqu'à ce qu'elle se calme lentement, retrouver un léger calme reconnaissant que sa colocataire n'était pas encore revenue. Tout le dur labeur qu'elle avait mis dans sa personnalité serait ruiné par une crise de panique comme celle-ci, ils étaient rares mais ils pouvaient être déclenchés. Une main ferme a atteint et saisi l'évier se tirant vers le haut comme elle a confirmé que sa réflexion était une forme brillante, plus heureuse de qui elle était. En passant par les mouvements de nettoyage de son visage et d'application de la base de son maquillage était devenu un exercice cathartique pour la fille, même maintenant il est apaisant les effets lavés sur elle alors qu'elle a choisi une palette nu légèrement sombre pour son maquillage l'appliquer sans effort, l'apparier bien avec un rouge à lèvres rouge profond avant de revenir à la pièce se forçant à retomber dans sa persona, son lieu sûr, quelques instants plus tard la même nuance de rouge a trouvé son chemin sur elle sous la forme d'un haltère et d'une longue jupe fluide, une robe de sortes, une sélection rapide de bijoux et de chaussures a donné un effet impeccable à la tenue. La seule question maintenant était ses cheveux, de les porter, de les boucler ou de les coiffer en vagues; elle a joué avec chaque idée tout en texto Tyler elle était prête et avait les chaussures pour elle, elle a aussi jeté dans la question sur ce qu'il faut faire de ses cheveux. Même une minute s'est écoulée avant que son amie n'envoie un texto lui disant qu'elle était en chemin vers la pièce, posant l'idée qu'elle devrait peut-être essayer de se redresser les cheveux pour changer. C'était une idée intéressante, car Laney s'y est amusée avant de frémir doucement alors qu'elle retournait vers la salle de bain en coupant son lisseur. Un coup plutôt odieux sonna à sa porte, suivi d'une série de rires, tandis que la brune s'élança joyeusement pour retrouver la blonde étendue sur son lit, un regard blanc sur son visage. Tyler a froncé un peu avant de sauter sur le lit à côté de son coup de pied la jeune femme dans le côté en souriant alors qu'elle a gagné une perle de rire indésirable de son ami stoïque. "Allez! Nous allons à une fête remonter le moral!" Il n'a pas fallu longtemps avant que l'énergie infectieuse et le bonheur de Tyler aient fait revenir Laney à son niveau en se nourrissant de l'énergie positive alors qu'elle s'est faufilée un biscuit du plateau en le mangeant gentiment tandis que l'autre fille a glissé sur les talons avant qu'ils ne s'entassent tous deux par la porte, en riant et en parlant de si différents garçons seraient là et de quels jeux ils pourraient avoir en réserve. Laney a apprécié les petites fois où elle pouvait voler Tyler loin de son groupe de garçons, elle savait au fond qu'une fois qu'ils étaient là, Tyler allait flatter en laissant la blonde sur elle-même pour trouver sa niche à la fête. Heureusement, la conduite n'a pas duré si longtemps que la décapotable noire élégante de Laney a tiré dans le cercle autour de la trouver une place de stationnement dans le parking de débordement sachant très bien que ce tard le stationnement principal serait surrempli. Glissant la voiture dans un endroit moins qu'idéal les filles ont quitté la voiture, Laney jouant en équilibre le plateau de cookies sur sa tête alors qu'ils ont fait leur chemin vers le haut du trottoir nudging et se cognant l'un l'autre, sentant la basse de la musique avec chaque étape qu'ils ont prise, les deux de l'a semblé grandir en énergie et enthousiasme plus ils ont obtenu de plus près. Marcher à Laney a fait son chemin jusqu'à la table de nourriture posant le plateau sur la table avant de s'attarder à observer la foule, elle avait accueilli quelques personnes quand elle est entrée mais pour la plupart, elle pensait juste regarder un peu.
Laney Kaire Chandler She likes to see the best in people; I like to see the truth. -Laney Chandler Name Laney Kaire Chandler Nicknames It’s rather hard to make a nickname from Laney, but she’s open to suggestion. Age 17 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Bisexual Grade Level Junior Appearance The first thing people notice about Laney is that bright smile that always seems to decorate her face, her dark blue eyes a subtle contrast to the healthy glow of her skin; blonde hair falls in waves to outline her face, often taking the form of unkempt curls extending long past her shoulders towards the middle of her back. Soft palette make-up generally finds its way on to her face, often a soft pink lipstick and mascara if she’s too rushed to sit there and do it properly. Laney stands around 178cm and weighs close to 140lb last time she checked, but she has slacked slightly on her exercise routine, just don’t tell her mother, so that might have changed. If asked she would say she was average build, nothing too outstanding about her, as much as her mother had tried to prod and pull her into a certain body shape. The one think her mother did manage to instill in her was a love of high fashion; she’s often seen wearing a dress or a blouse with dress pants and heels. She very much exudes and has the looks of a well put together young lady, but then years of debutante balls and classes will do that to a girl. She often wears either something with long sleeves or a light jacket making a conscious effort to cover the old worn track marks running up the inside of her arms, that and lots of concealer. She secretly loves to lounge around in sweatpants and oversized pajamas if she can get away with it. "Maybe you don’t know what I’m really like." Personality If someone had to describe Laney it would probably be a happy and bubbly. That she’s someone easy to approach and even easier to befriend, one of the most honest and open people they’ve meet. They wouldn’t be wrong, after all Laney had spent years perfecting her persona, and in a sense it was a part of who she is but that’s not all there is to her. That version of Laney is what her mother had groomed her into, someone who could take an insult with a smile and deliver the cruelest words with the sweetest smile. Someone who could walk the high life of society and not miss a beat, a timeless young lady with all the class and elegance befitting her status, and while she enjoyed how flawless she was as that person it leaves little room for her to figure out who she really is. Underneath all the masks and fluff Laney has a free spirit who loves finding about new things, being coped up in a gilded tower for the majority of her life she knows little about the lower class end of living, even with her previous relationship showing her part of it she’s not sure how to handle it on her own and often reacts to new things with a childish demeanor. Used to the back stabbing and petty ways of the girls she grew up with when she finds someone that seems genuinely nice and interesting she’s take a genuine interest in them and often become a little too attached and think too highly of them. It’s hard to see past her debutante persona, but it almost seems to perfect, too forced, as if it was a routine she was going through no emotion or spark rested behind it. If you catch her alone you can find her cling to herself as if she was freezing, a look of a self-depreciation and loathing plastered across her face for a bleak second. She’s slowly regaining her naturally happy disposition but she still waivers away from legitimate relations and attachments. Likes Candy Cold Weather Warm Colors Debating Semantics Shopping Dislikes Needles Conformity Phone Calls People Who Make Assumptions Superficial Arguments Fears Philophobia "The problem with fairytales is they set a girl up for disappointment. In Real Life the Prince goes off with the wrong Princess." Strengths Negotiating Acting Motivating People Natural Leader Knows What She Wants Weaknesses Athletics Naivety Art Softening Her Words at Times Overly Loyal History The daughter of two of the most prominent noblesse of New York, Laney has had all the training and more one would expect starting since she was 4. Beauty pageants, revealing, debutante balls, galas, all her life Laney was forced from one dress to another. By the time she was thirteen she was suffocating under all the lace and bustle, the lessons and lectures had become too much for the young girl. Meeting Alice changed almost everything and nearly ruined the rest; against her mother’s better wishes they admitted Laney into a private school of lesser regard. A leniency to the young girl’s constant begging for a chance to see what a normal life was like. - Madame Prions’ School for the Elite- Laney was so excited to be going to a school away from the same group of petty girls she had grown up taking lessons with, though to her mother they were her friends and they all went to each other’s houses for make overs and sleep overs. The first few weeks were tough as no one wanted to talk to the new girl, most of the students had come from the same feeder schools and they knew each other, but that was middle school for you. It wasn’t until Alice boldly walked over and introduced herself to Laney that she felt like she could maybe make a real friend. Alice was everything Laney wanted to be, she was carefree, open, did what she wanted, and often got away with doing it as well. To that small fourteen year old girl someone not bound by the same rules was so surreal it was like glimpsing at another life. They soon became fast friends spending almost all their free and studying time together. Alice taught her how to cheat and sweet talk her way out of trouble, Laney showed her how to throw shade and act like a damsel in distress. It was in good fun, they would often get busted for being up past lights out sitting around giggling and talking. The first year was probably the best year of her life. All she could talk about over summer break was Alice and how she couldn’t wait to go back to school and see her again. Much to her mother happiness Laney easily breezed through her summer lessons, skimping through some of the assignments and talking her way out of the rest. It was also the summer Jeremey moved in next door, but he was just the boy next door and Laney just saw him as friend she wasn’t allowed to see without a chaperone but they could sit there for hours talking and laughing. Both he and Alice gave her birthday cards; Alice wrote about how boring her summer at home was but she had made a new friend this new guy that was coming to school with them next year and she couldn’t wait for Laney to meet him. He was a really cool guy who knew all about the grimy side to living. Laney wasn’t sure about this new guy, but she was willing to give anyone Alice liked a chance, after all she wasn’t one to say no to her best friend. It turned out that the guy had turned Alice on to smack, but Laney didn’t learn that till later. She only knew him as Eric but Alice seemed to adore him and spent most of her time with him. Laney chalked it up a little girl crush and that she would get it over it soon enough, so she turned her attention back to her studies, writing to Jeremy every so often about how school was doing, not realizing she was slowly starting to crush on him. It was the end of the semester when Alice told Laney she wasn’t coming back next year, that she had no intention of going to high school. Her and Eric we’re going to head out for California and get jobs as models and live the rich famous life without having to work for it. Nothing Laney said could change their minds; they just kept saying if she could see the world like they did that she would understand eventually cruelly teasing that she was a square. It kept going until Laney was afraid she was going to lose her best friend allowing herself to be talked into trying heroin for the first time. Her summer passed in a blur of the three of them hopping trains and spending their parents’ money to get their hands on more, her lessons slipped and her mother was infuriated. Alice always said it was because her mother was jealous about her freedom and it was nothing to worry about. There we’re a few days when Jeremy would come over and try to talk to her, but she would just ignore him part of her ashamed to let him see her like this. By the beginning of fall her parents shipped her off to the best boarding school they could find, trying to separate her from Alice. For a while it didn’t work, the girls would write each other constantly but eventually the letters stopped coming and Laney lost her connection, her only saving grace was the letters from a certain boy next store. For the next two years she desperately clung to that boy, they eventually started dating and she slowly rebuilt her life listening to whatever her mother told her. Her grades returned where they needed to be, and she even learned to plaster on a fake smile again and pretend the world was nothing but sunshine and rainbows. Eventually everyone thought that she had but that random streak of rebellion behind her, that it was just a mistake and all should be forgotten, and though she kept some of the skills she picked up that summer Laney focused more on her relationship with Jeremey taking him with her to her coming of age ball, she went with him to his senior prom as his date. She thought they were the couple to be, but a few weeks before she left for Ashbury he stopped talking to her, dropping her like a dirty pair of shoes. She's spent the past few weeks refocusing on herself and picking up the pieces wondering what she did wrong this time to loose someone else close to her. Favorite Memory The first time she got to experience the high life of the city, she was a four year old girl all dolled up and in a gorgeous gold dress, it was a gala for the ages, glittering lights and masks everywhere as everyone was caught up in a sweeping whirlwind of dancing and laughter. She honestly thought that must be what heaven truly looks like, a never ending party and array of elegance. Least Favorite Memory Her first and last heartbreak; it was their anniversary and she was waiting there all dressed up at the restaurant for hours hopefully watching the door. She sat there till closing when the manager called her a cab and kindly broke the news that it didn’t seem like he was coming. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Phantom Security Small but fast growing high end security company out of New York, under the current leadership of Ryan Kellard, a young prominent man in his prime, it celebrated its 5th birthday last month and its largest year of new contracts. While the number of clients have started to skyrocket and Ryan has seen a lot more influx in need for security he hasn't been able to land any major clients that would give his company the recognition and publicity it needs for him to launch the opening of a new branch in Europe or possibly Asia that would allow him to do security for politicians and performers as the traveled outside of the states. Laney's family had little ties to the CEO, having only meet him a few times at her mothers debutante balls and galas arranged for the elite of society to indulge and engage in idle gossip. Having grown up on listening to the elegant way those old harpies went at it, she picked up a few mannerisms and habits. It wasn't until one night that Ryan observed the young girl talk her way out a speeding citation, she had been doing 90 in a 55, without bringing up either of her parents names, just using her wits and smile to convince the officer that she had a valid reason in speeding, that the car would cut off if it went under 70 so she didn't want to chance it. A blatant lie even Ryan could tell that but he was shocked to see the officer drink it down like it was water. It was few days after that the young CEO made contact with her family offering them a chance to send their daughter to the most prestigious school in the country for a chance to be groomed and formed into his successor so that he might step down and focus more on the expansion then dealing with the politics and negotiating with dignitaries and other irate costumers having no skill for it himself. It was an odd request to be sure, a young male wanting a strangers daughter to take over his company, but her parents jumped at the idea of spreading the family legacy farther, letting it touch and soak into that schools soil. Oh how they would be the talk of the town for years to come. So off she went without a word for debate or her own opinion. "The past is always with us, just waiting to mess with the present." Birthday October 29th, 1998 Astrological Sign Scorpio. Twitter Name Twitter: @GottaChandler Tumblr: DanceUnderTheClouds "I don’t wait around to be disappointed again. So excuse me if I don’t fall for that or you ever again.” Laney Karie Chandler "People don’t tell you who you are. You tell them." Fellow Students: Hal Polwith "He seems…sweet? He reminds me of a puppy, or a little brother…Honestly though, he’s a nice guy. He’s always around when you need a good laugh." Laney doesn’t really talk to Hal; he’s just someone she’s talks to in passing, nothing past the superficial stage of friendship. She finds him to be annoying at sometimes with how he’s always trying to make people happy like they don’t have an option to feel something else. She wouldn’t mind actually getting to know him but isn’t going out of her way to initiate anything either. Brooke Avery ”She’s interesting…I like her, just don’t tell her that…She reminds me of me but opposite. I’m happy she’s dark but that’s not who we really are, not completely.” Laney and Brooke have a weird friendship, mostly because Brooke is constantly telling her to shut up every time Laney gets excited and wants to gush and show her a really cute piece of clothing or a puppy or something equally obnoxious. But they have their good moments, when they can just sit in silence and enjoy each other’s company. Korrigan Alexander Jackson "Oh, you mean the strange one with the contacts? I haven’t really talked to him. He seems interesting though, besides I’ve never tired playing any of the games he’s always going on about." Laney doesn’t know much about Korrie, he seems to shy away from her and she doesn’t want to make him anxious or stressed out but would like to be friends with him and see what kind of games he likes, or just talk to him. She likes to be everyone’s friends and he’s one of her main focuses but she wouldn’t want it to be superficial. Amanda Hirano "She’s so cute! I wish I could pull of some of the clothes she wears. Though she does seem a little too harsh on her…I’d like to be her friend though." Laney loves her fashion chooses but when she asks the girl its seems she shy’s away, she doesn’t realize how strong her persona can come across so she’s often afraid to approach Amanda so she admires her from afar but is quick to wave and smile at her, maybe she can slowly work her way up to where she isn’t scaring the girl. Spencer Dalle "Spencer, hmmm? He’s rather snarky isn’t he? He’s not so bad though, he sees life differently than everyone else and isn’t blinded by the brighter side so he can’t see the bad as well." Laney secretly finds Spencer amusing, his snarky attitude often portrays her thoughts better than her eloquently worded insults and demeaning glances when she feels the need to be catty, he also makes a good partner to debate with giving more than the superficial answers she had long crafted for her pageants and the parents that run them. She would consider them friends but isn’t sure if he does or not. Maie-Marie Malveaux "She’s always bouncing around isn’t she? Her energy is rather infectious. I wonder if she’d let me go running with her sometime. I really need to get back into it." At times Laney is jealous by the confidence Maie has wearing simple clothing and wonders if she can pull it off but is so stuck in her high end fashion world that she’s not sure she can step out of her comfort zone. She also likes talking with her when she does join the smaller girl on her daily runs, though she isn’t sure if they are actual friends or not. Riley Emerson ”She’s cute…I wonder how she would look in a dress. Ah, umm, just from a curiosity stand point of course. Her personality is a lot different than mine, but maybe I can learn a lot from her.” Laney might have a little bit of a crush on the other girl but hides it well often trying to coax the other girl into trying small amounts of make up or maybe going out for coffee, her odd way of trying to bond with people. Laney would probably annoy Riley a little but she’s okay with that as long as she doesn’t blatantly tell her to go away. Besides that Laney also likes to sit around and read books while Riley does what she wants. Nathan Duncan Matthews ”Nathan’s a sweetheart, really, that’s the only word that’s coming to mind. He’s mister Prince Charming incarnated, but I wonder if that’s all there is too him?” Laney likes Nate well enough but hasn’t gotten the chance to really talk with him, though she would like to change that, she finds him charming but wonders if that’s just natural charisma or a forced trait. Part of her likes him the other part is curious about how he manages to stay so genuinely happy and carefree all the time. Curiosity is a big part in her attraction towards him, but she thinks they would at least make great friends. Connor Molson McQuarrie ”Hmm, that’s a hard one. At time’s he seems a little too far out there and doesn’t know when to reign it back in but I don’t think he means harm. He reminds me of what an older brother might be like, well before my mother got a hold of him.” Connor is probably Laney’s favorite person at the school, his exuberant personality is so different then what she grew up with. She likes hanging around him though his slang sometime goes right over her head and she feels naive every time she asks him to explain what he just said in normal human terms. She often finds herself genuinely smiling around him. Brenden Micah Rivers ”Now he’s someone my mother would produce, well-mannered and well groomed. I think we get along great but he might really just be a superficial jerk, it’s hard to read people like him, I would know. I’m not sure how I stand with him. ” Laney has mixed feelings about Brenden, she knows how to handle him and how to easily get along with him at least on the service but his negative persona gives her a bad taste in her mouth so she doesn’t try to bother acting anything other than her mother’s daughter around him, playing the game she was taught to play. Though he was a little better at maintaining it she liked to think she was a few steps ahead of him at the pass. Emilie Rose Delacour ”She’s great! We get along well, and she’s always smiling and having fun, it’s nice to see another girl like that around here. Not that I don’t like the others, it’s just nice that someone gets me, ya know?” Laney genuinely likes Emilie finding her accent pleasant to listen too, glad that someone else fashion taste border on hers so she had someone to talk to about new designs and new trends. Being around her generally lets Laney be her happy bubbly self without getting a look of annoyance. Her pranks also amuse her though she’s way too restrained to actually help with them. Aspen Cael Hancock “Aspen, definitely intense, he doesn’t come across as ambitious as he really is, but he’s a great guy and a great friend if you ever need anything.” Acacia Celeste Hancock “I swear this girl is crazy, but the good kind, you can’t help but be caught up into her whirlwind of energy and you’ll find yourself in the most interesting situations with her. It’s fun.” Laney loves the twins; they’re always doing something for campus or plotting their next big thing. She likes to watch them interact, they’re opposite of each other, Aspen much calmer and laid back, traits Laney wished she could mimic while Acacia is always doing something. She’s so vibrant and full of life that sometimes Laney feels twinges of jealously towards her. She very much likes helping the twins with their preparations and executing if she can. “Oh! Are we playing 21 questions? Can I play?” 1. How many shoes do they own? What types? “Oh ummm, that’s a hard one. I haven’t counted recently so I’ll go with 30? Most of them are definitely heels, or boots with heels, or just boots.” 2. Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? “Let’s See. Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. The first two have a simple picture of me on it but my Tumblr has a field of flowers. It’s really pretty.” 3. How many romantic relationships have they had? “I’ve only had one, that didn’t end well. Next question please.” 4. Are they right- or left-handed? “Left-handed much to my mother’s chagrin.” 5. What charities do they donate to? “I plan to; I just haven’t had the time to set it up yet.” 6. What are their biggest fears? “Letting someone close to you and then they leave with nothing but a gaping hole to show they had been there at all.” 7. How much money do they make? “I don’t work, I’m a student. “ 8. What is their ethnicity? “I’m American, of European decent.” 9. Do they speak with an accent? “I’ve been told I sound like a Northerner? So I guess so?” 10. What did they dress as for Halloween last year? “I wore the cutest costume. I was a Polar bear; cute fluffy paws and a fluffy hat with ears, leg warmers and white boots with a really cute white cocktail dress.” 11. What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? “If you need me reach me on twitter at @GottaChander, or at You can't have my passwords though.” 12. What are they superstitious about? “The number 13, don’t ask why I just don’t like it when I can pushes numbers together and it makes a letter.” 13. Are they allergic to anything? “Not that I know of, but I can’t bring myself to eat Brussel Sprouts. Does that count?” 14. What hobbies do they have? “Hmm, I like running, reading, writing, blogging, and shopping.” 15. Do they keep secrets? “It’s not my place to tell the thoughts of others, when I still hold thoughts of my own.” 16. What are their astrological signs? “I’m a Scorpio, though I’m also a Tiger.” 17. What are their taste in movies, books, and music? “I love horror movies, it’s a secret though, those and mainstream reality series. I know they’re horrible but I can’t help but watch them. I love all books, just not romance ones. I really like classical and laid back modern blues and R&B music.” 18. Do they have scars? “Now that's a secret.” 19. What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? “I think it’s in the best interest of the people to allow them some freedom to what makes them happy, who are we to tell others what they can and can’t do in such small regards.” 20. Any tattoos or piercings? “My mother would kill me, so no.” 21. What does their handwriting look like? “I was taught to write in script, so it’s usually loopy and flows together. Though it’s proper cursive I like to think it’s pretty to look at. 22. What is their religious background? “My father was a firm believer in Christ, so I would have to say Christian in a sense of the word.” 23. Where do they like to shop? “Ah, that’s a hard one. I love walking through downtown and just going into all the cute little boutiques. Though I’m not adverse to name brands at all, I generally just buy what I like no matter where I go." 24. What is their relationship like with their sibling(s)? “I have the unfortunately pleasure of being an only child.” 25. Do they have enemies? How did they make them? “Not that I know of, I do hope I haven’t upset anyone.” 26. What are their ambitions? Do they have a “five-year plan”? “I wouldn’t say I was ambitious and for a five-year plan I have that set out for me seeing as I’m in line to take over a company?” 27. What are their political preferences? “I prefer not to associate myself with that side of the dregs of civilized society.” 28. What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? “Candy! Anything sweet really, that and coffee cups, I might collect them…I keep your normal array of things in my medicine cabinet, and my phone, my planner, candy, make-up and whatever else finds it’s way into my purse.” 29. What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? “Just one? Hmm…I’d have to say the dress I wore to my mother’s formal. A floor length black dress with a teardrop open back, high neck and long sleeves, I wore it with my hair down in manicured curls and a deep red lipstick. 30. What do they keep in remote storage? “Mother keeps my car in there as well as the dresses from my younger years and my pageant ribbons and trophies.” 31. Are they night owls or morning people? “Night Owl, I need coffee to get through the day.”
Brooke était arrivé à la fête avec quelques bouteilles d'alcool. Elle en avait besoin pour passer cette fête. Brooke n'était pas une grande fan de foule, mais elle ne voulait pas être laissée à l'écart sur toutes les blagues à l'intérieur le lendemain. Quand elle est arrivée, la fête ne faisait que commencer, tout le monde dans sa phase de "Oh mon dieu, c'est si bon de te voir! Tu m'as tellement manqué!" Tout était faux. Sans vraiment saluer quelqu'un, Brooke s'est botté sur une chaise juste à côté de la nourriture. Les quelques personnes qu'elle allait dire bonjour à tous étaient des gens avec beaucoup d'amis et ils avaient des gens autour d'eux. Dégueulasse. En ouvrant une bouteille et en la jetant dans sa bouche, Brooke avait un peu de pré-partite à la fête toute seule. Drunk Brooke était le Brooke qui est allé à des fêtes, pas sobre Brooke. Bien qu'elle ne soit pas vraiment devenue sociale ou plus ivre, cela a rendu supportable d'être constamment entourée par les gens pendant une longue période de temps. Brooke s'est assis là, regardant tout le monde en train de se mêler. Elle avait aussi réclamé un bol entier de chips pour elle-même. Les frites de cornichon d'aneth étaient ses préférées. "Démarrons cette fête!" Acacia pouvait à peine contenir son excitation. Les gens commençaient à arriver, et ce serait tout simplement incroyable! Bien sûr, parce que tout le monde était un adolescent affamé, la nourriture commençait à s'épuiser à un rythme rapide. Dieu merci, les gens ont apporté de la nourriture avec eux. Une commande de livraison massive de pizza fonctionnerait, mais Acacia voulait éviter cela si possible. C'était tout simplement cruel d'appeler Pizza Hut et de dire "Hé, j'ai besoin de 500 pizzas MAINTENANT." Pendant un certain temps, Acacia a joué hôtesse, saluant tout le monde à leur arrivée, dirigeant les gens où mettre de la nourriture et des sacs et autres, et donnant une rapide descente du Hancock Hideaway pour ces premiers temps. Quand Nate est venue la trouver, Acacia s'est réjouie de voir son amie. Embrassant Nate dans un câlin serré, Acacia a commencé sur sa marque de commerce parler de feu rapide. "Oh mon dieu Nate, c'est si bon de te voir! Tu m'as tellement manqué! Mon premier jour était génial! Ashbury et tout le monde m'ont manqué! Je suis si contente que tout le monde soit venu! Il est trop tôt pour dire si c'est un succès, mais j'espère que c'est le cas! » Une fois qu'elle lâcha Nate, elle regarda et remarqua une certaine gêne dans l'air. Le parti venait de commencer, et il semblait que le premier hype de voir tout le monde était mort. Oui, il y avait de la musique, oui, il y avait de la danse, oui, il y avait de la nourriture. Mais tout le monde était divisé et en quelque sorte debout dans des embûches sans rien faire! Ça ne marcherait pas. Il fallait faire quelque chose! "Hé Nate, je te rejoins dans un moment, d'accord? En ce moment, la fête a désespérément besoin de mon attention." Acacia s'est faufilée à travers la foule, pour la faire passer au karaoké. En s'emparant du micro, elle a grimpé sur la table pour être visible de tout le monde dans le manoir. "Hé tout le monde! Merci d'être venu à ma fête!" Acacia a appelé la foule, sa voix amplifiée captant l'attention de tout le monde. "Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne me connaissent pas, je suis Acacia Hancock. Je suis votre président du conseil étudiant à Ashbury, et j'accueille aussi cette petite réunion ce soir! J'espère que vous vous amusez bien ce soir, et s'il y a des problèmes, vous pouvez venir me trouver moi ou mon frère, Aspen. Attends, est-il encore là?" Acacia a scanné la foule comme un chœur de oui a sonné, un groupe de gens pointant vers son jumeau. "Oh hey! Le voilà. Va le trouver aussi s'il y a un problème, ou tu dois savoir où est la salle de bain. "De toute façon, nous avons un tas de nourriture - merci à tous ceux qui ont apporté quelque chose! Nous l'apprécions vraiment. Nous avons à la fois des jeux de société et des jeux vidéo, nous avons une piscine dans le jardin, nous avons du karaoké... Il y a beaucoup à faire, alors amusez-vous bien." "Ça devrait être une nuit intéressante." Quelques heures se sont écoulées depuis le début de la fête. Vraiment, c'était incroyable à quel point sa petite sœur pouvait rassembler la foule. Chaque fois qu'il y avait une accalmie dans la fête, Acacia était là pour la pomper. Aspen avait aidé un peu, mais surtout il traînait avec ses amis, et peut-être qu'il était un peu bourdonné aussi. Il avait été amusant à quel point Connor avait rapidement initié le pong de bière. La plupart des gens se sont joints avec enthousiasme, bien sûr. Quelqu'un dans une stupeur ivre l'avait appelé « pong d'ours » et comme une blague, Acacia avait suggéré à tout le monde de mettre un costume d'ours qu'ils avaient apparemment accroché à une pièce pour une raison quelconque. Sérieusement, pourquoi elle s'est accrochée à eux? Acacia a-t-elle déjà prévu une situation dans laquelle il était absolument crucial d'avoir plusieurs combinaisons d'ours? Bref, les gens portaient des costumes d'ours maintenant, pour quelque raison que ce soit. C'était étrange, mais au moins le pong à bière est toujours amusant. Il y avait aussi eu un jeu rapide de Sardines, qui était toujours amusant. Plus de 10 personnes ont été coincées dans le placard au troisième étage. Quand Aspen les avait trouvés, ils étaient tous en train de rire et d'échanger des regards sournois. Il ne voulait pas savoir ce qui s'était passé. Ils ont laissé une farce quelque part? Ils avaient une orgie? Ont-ils commis un meurtre et l'ont piégé sur quelqu'un? Il ne pouvait qu'espérer que ce n'était rien de tout ça. Maintenant, la majorité des gens du parti étaient rassemblés dans la petite pente de leur salon, assis sur les marches pour former un cercle. Aspen grignotait sur un cupcake alors qu'il s'asseyait à côté de Hal et Laney. Ils étaient tous assis ici pour se mêler et parler un peu. Avant la mort du premier buzz, Acacia était là pour sauver la fête. "Oh hey les gars, vous savez ce qu'on devrait faire?" Acacia a dit avec un léger rire. Aspen leva le sourcil, reconnaissant qu'elle était un peu stupéfiante. Il devrait s'assurer d'obtenir de la nourriture en elle plus tard, garder une gueule de bois Acacia pendant qu'il était lui-même la gueule de bois n'était pas une expérience qu'il voulait répéter. "Tout le monde se lève!" Acacia a appelé, tenant ses propres mains. "Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne savent pas jouer Je n'ai jamais... C'est simple. On fait le tour du cercle en disant quelque chose qu'on n'a jamais fait. Si vous l'avez fait, vous devez applaudir--pour que vous ne puissiez pas vous cacher!--et poser un doigt. Tu perds si tu baisses les 10! Qui veut commencer?"
"Life would be so much better if I was born as a house cat." -Acacia Hancock Name Acacia Celeste Hancock Nicknames Ace, Aca, Caci. Out of all of these, Acacia prefers Caci the most. But she would definitely prefer to be called Acacia. Age 17 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Like everyone in her family, Acacia was blessed with startlingly blue eyes, and dark hair. Her dark brown hair extends to her waist, and she can often be seen fiddling with it--especially when she's nervous. Her bright blue eyes are almond shaped and can be killer puppy dog eyes when she wants them to be. She's shorter than her brother, Aspen standing at a height of 5'7. "I just want everyone to be happy." Personality There's just something endearing about Acacia that makes you want to hug her tightly. She's such a sweetheart. You see it in the way her entire face lights up when she laughs, the striking blue eyes that crinkle with her serene smile... Acacia has a certain charm about her that people seem to gravitate towards. Her energy and her bright laughter is simply contagious, and when she steps into a room, it lights up. Acacia loves making friends with people, and is rather successful at it! She's simply a lovely person and always seems to know just the right thing to say. This girl is confident, flirty, and bold. She's very dedicated to whatever she does, and puts 120% effort into it. It doesn't take a lot of work for her to gain admirers and friends. Acacia is a natural silver tongue. She has a way with words. Combined that with her charming delivery? The results can be devastating. She can be quite manipulative when she wants to be--which fortuately is not very often. She's a natural leader, and being the president of the student council she puts this skill to use. Interestingly, Acacia doesn't really care about being a leader. She became the president because she was nominated and elected, and because she does a great job. Ironically, the twin that doesn't really care about being a leader has all of the leadership qualities, while the twin that does really want to be a leader is more suited to be a follower. Despite her intelligence in academics, is not very street smart and is rather gullible. She's the type of person to actually spell out "gullible" before realizing that it in fact does not sound like orange. She also is a rather jealous person who can be possessive of her friends. She is a person who gets really anxious and paranoid whenever she feels like she's left out of the loop and dislikes it when she sees her friends with other people. However, this is all expressed on the inside and she gives no outwardly indication. She is quite meek, unable to speak her mind unless it's a student council issue or whatever it may be. Acacia doesn't like it when people are overly opinionated and feels uncomfortable in a debate. She as a general rule doesn't like arguing with people and is often very passive aggressive. Likes Animals Figure Skating Gymnastics Movies--horror movies in particular Singing, acting and dancing Dislikes Elevator music People who can't see multiple sides of an issue Candy corn Arguments and confrontations Being late Art--Acacia may be good at the arts, but she can't draw to save a life Fears Losing people important to her, rejection, the darkness "You can't scare me! I saw you lurking." Strengths Graceful Authoritative Athletic Photogenic Witty Weaknesses Overanalyzes everything Passive aggressive Jealous Gullible Not very assertive History Acacia grew up with her brother, Aspen away from her parents. While Aspen learned to grow without them and found confidence, Acacia grew up being racked with self-doubt about why her parents weren't ever around. She would spend nights crying herself to sleep about it. She loved her surrogate mother dearly, but it was never the same. This is where her abandonment issues and jealousy stems--she needs a constant figure to be by her side. Fortunately, her brother Aspen was always there to pull her out of the dumps. Once Aspen began winning photography contests with her as a model, Acacia rediscovered her confidence that she was sorely lacking. She decided that she wanted to be fit and pretty for her brother's camera, so she began trying her hand at various sports. The ones that stuck with her were gymnastics and figure skating. She also harbors a love for dancing, acting and singing--all documented by Aspen. Unlike Aspen, Acacia never really thought about being a CEO or being a leader. However, it was how she was. Whenever there was a group project, people naturally turned to Acacia as the leader and she rolled with it. Ever mini skit she put together was largely directed by her. Acacia is a natural leader, and people respond to that. Her parents finally somewhat returned to Acacia's life when they sent her to Ashbury to be schooled into the next CEO for their corporation. Acacia was overjoyed at the fact that she wouldn't be separated from Aspen, who secured a spot at this prestigious school for photography. But Acacia is lost. She doesn't know what she wants to do with life, and she's being shoved into a future she doesn't know if she wants. Oh well, if she's going to be here, she's going to be good at it. Favorite memory The first time her brother photographed her. It was on a rainy day, and Aspen told her to dance around--the way she does when she thinks no one is looking. He managed to capture an incredible shot of her spinning around in the rain, with a thunderbolt in the background. Aspen and Acacia participated in an Open Mike a few years ago, with Aspen on guitar and Acacia singing. They got such a great response! When Acacia lost a regional dance competition. Aspen seemed upset that the judges chose another team, but Acacia was satisfied with how far her and her team had come. Every moment spent with her parents Least favorite memory When she broke her arm in gymnastics. She had landed badly on her leg when she lost her grip on the double bars, and it caused her to be unable to dance, skate or act for a long time and she missed regionals for various competitions. Trying her hardest to smile at her birthday party, after her parents texted her saying they can't make it. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Her parent's company, Hancock Corporations needed a back up! So they thrust their unsuspecting daughter into those large shoes. She had great leadership qualities, she was smart, so why not? They never really asked her about it though. "Aspen, they just texted me that they can't make it to our birthday party today. Some important meeting came up." Birthday May 24th Astrological Sign Gemini Twitter Name @LittleMissAcacia for all of her usernames "Surprise!" How many shoes do they own? What types? "I don't own a lot of shoes, just your standard dress shoes, sneakers, etc etc etc. But Acacia on the other hand..." "I don't have that many shoes! Just some boots, various heels, a few pairs of sneakers, flats..." "See? That's already like, 5 times more than me." "....." Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? "Grove_Photography is the new instagram of the extremely talented and sought after teenage photographer! Be sure to check out his instagram! He's also available for booking, so please contact him if you like any of his photos!" "What's with the advertisement...?" "Aspen Hancock is the up-and-coming photographer! Get him now while you can. His photography skills are evident in even as something as simple as his profile picture. It's a photograph of himself taken through a glass pelted with raindrops and it looks very surreal and mysterious. "Acacia..." "Also be sure to check out his model extraordinaire, Acacia Hancock! Not only is she an extremely beautiful girl, her instagram is to die for. Just look for her fantastic profile picture--it's me mid-jump when I'm ice skating. Yeah, photography skills and stuff, but she has a lot of talents too!" "Acacia!" "Hahahaha, jeez Asp, I'm kidding!" How many romantic relationships have they had? "Neither of us had that many, actually." "Unfortunately, Aspen scares them away." "Yeah, cuz I'm so scary, right? You scare off any potential girlfriends too." "Grrr, we're so terrifying." Are they right- or left-handed? "Acacia is right handed." "And Aspen is sinister." What charities do they donate to? "A lot actually. We've donated to Habitat for Humanity, Homeless shelters, cancer research..." "Some charities really need money, and we have a lot of it. And I don't think we're every going to use all of it. So we like to share bit by bit." What are their biggest fears? "You used to be scared of thunder. Like, terrified. You used to hide under the blankets every time it stormed." "Why would you even bring that up? That was like... 14 years ago." "You might still be scared!" "You wanna go there? What about the time you literally climbed up a tree to get away from a dog." "I was like 3!" "Exactly." How much money do they make? "Aspen makes sooo much cash from Grove Photography. It's ridiculous." "What about you? You make a lot of money from winning competitions." "Well, yeah. But they're not consistent. Maybe I should get a job." What is their ethnicity? "I think we're just European. "Hmmm, I thought I heard mom mention something about being descended from King Henry the whatever or something. "Maybe we should look into that." Do they speak with an accent? "Unfortunately, no." "We wish. A Scottish or British accent would be really cool." "Pip pip cheerio!" ".....No Caci. No." What did they dress as for Halloween last year? "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" "To protect the world with devastation!" "To unite all people within our nation!" "To denounce the evil of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above! "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords?, and I also have a blogspot and tumblr for my photography. "Also, Aspen's password is--" "Whoa, what? you know my password?" "My email is And my instagram documents all of my competitions, hobbies, and photographs! Check it out!" "Wait, Acacia, don't change the subject!" What are they superstitious about? "I'm not superstitious, but Acacia on the other hand..." "I don't believe any of it. I just don't want to risk any of it being true, just in case." "You collect every 4 leaf clover you fine." "They're cute, okay?" Are they allergic to anything? "Both of us are allergic to penicillin." "We break out in hives." What hobbies do they have? "Well besides for photography... Photoshop is really fun, image editing in general." "Idiot, that's still a part of photography." "Uh, right. I guess we play video games a lot, We have a running tally of who wins. And I really like playing the guitar, and swimming. Obviously." "Everyone already knows what we like. I like dancing, figure skating... Stuff like that. I dabble in acting. And singing is fun too. Lately I've been into netflix. But that's everyone." Do they keep secrets? "Very much so. I know a lot of things that Aspen doesn't because I don't tell him anything." "Likewise." What are their astrological signs? "We're Geminis." "Isn't that ironic?" What are their taste in movies, books, and music? "I'm mostly into sci-fi and action." "Nerd." "And despite you making me watch horror movies with you, I don't like them!" "Would you rather watch romcoms with me? "Maybe." Do they have scars? "Nope, not really." "We've had a fairly unadventurous childhood. And we never seriously fought enough to scar each other." What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "......" "Acacia really doesn't like discussing things like this." "Pro-choice, pro-marriage, no opinion on weed." "What's with the heavy sigh?" "I don't like arguing..." "There's no one to argue with, idiot. I'm the only one here, and we have the same opinion." Any tattoos or piercings? "I have my ear lobes pierced, but that's about it." "I don't have anything. I know, I know. I'm boring." "Yeah you are." What does their handwriting look like? "Really similar, actually. Emma liked to say that handwriting was the window to the soul, so she had us take calligraphy classes." "Yeah, we write out "g"s and "f"s and "A"s the same way." "But otherwise my writing is most loopy and flowing. Aspen's is more precise and neat." "That represents out personalities really well, actually." What is their religious background? "Uh... Agnostic, I guess? What do you think?" "Agnostic works. I don't believe that God exists, but I'm not an atheist." "Yup, mom, dad and Emma weren't really religious either." Where do they like to shop? "We own a lot of designer clothing. When Acacia models them, or I photograph them, we receive a lot of clothes and accessories as thanks." "Designer clothing is super nice. But I usually just go shopping at popular stores. Forever 21 is one of my favorites--they have really cute clothes for a really cheap price!" What is their relationship like with their sibling?" "Horrible. We hate each other." "Can't even stand to be in the same room." "Ew, get away from me you freak." Do they have enemies? How did they make them? "We have none that we know of." "I hope we don't have any..." What are their ambitions? Do they have a "five-year plan"? "Oh yeah, definitely. Once I graduate, I'm going to be an intern and assistant for Charles Modelli, the current CEO of Mode. He's going to retire in a few years, so until then I'm going to get acquainted with people of the industry while majoring in photography and digital art at the California Institute of Arts. Once Modelli retires, I'm going to take over Mode and hopefully expand it and hire more permanent employees. My eventual goal is to expand Mode and promote it even more, and to start a Mode magazine. What about you Acacia?" "Uh... Graduate?" What are their political preferences? "Hate politics. They make me angry. Next." "Yeah, it's fine. We can move on. I'm not heavily involved in politics either." What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "In my purse I always have my wallet, some pens, some mint and gum, band-aids, chapstick, my mini-planner and my portable charger." "I don't carry around a purse. We usually just have your standard medicine cabinet drugs like benedryll, ibuprofen and stuff in the cabinets. And cupboards... uh, cups and stuff?" What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "I love my cream colored dress with flowery branches." "I'm a pretty big fan of this green jacket." What do they keep in remote storage? "I don't think we have remote storage." "Yeah, we have places for everything. Even incredible things." Are they night owls or morning people? "I'm a night owl. But Acacia on the other hand..." "Definitely morning!" "Lucky duck. She would wake me up at 7 AM when we were young because she was bored. Actually... She still does that sometimes." "Heehee."
Hal Polwith Dès que Connor est entré dans la fête, Hal savait que ça allait être une bonne nuit. Après la ruée générale de voir des gens qu'il n'avait pas déjà vus à l'école, les choses se sont passées comme ça. Acacia avait fait plusieurs annonces pour continuer la fête, et quand les boissons ont commencé à tourner autour, les choses ont commencé à glisser un peu. Connor avait bien sûr commencé le jeu de la bière pong presque immédiatement, il aimait argumenter que ce devrait être un sport pro et qu'il devrait être le premier champion du monde. Un ivrogne l'avait englouti dans le pong des ours, et pour une raison quelconque les Hancock avaient des costumes d'ours. Hal avait essayé de faire une blague à ce sujet, mais Aspen passait et il craignait que son ami ne se venge d'une façon ou d'une autre. Ils avaient donc joué au pong des ours pendant un certain temps. Hal avait perdu, mais il a fait un point de renverser une des tasses sur son adversaire, juste pour s'amuser, ce qui voulait dire que l'un des costumes sentait maintenant la bière. Un jeu de "Sardines" avait commencé, et Hal avait suivi la foule. À un moment donné, il avait été poussé dans un manteau dans le placard, et à la fin avait été enterré 10 personnes profondément. Apparemment, quelque chose s'était passé, pas que Hal pouvait voir quoi que ce soit. Quand Aspen les a trouvés, il avait essayé de demander à Hal, mais Hal l'avait ébranlé, son buzz le rendant hors de propos. Hé, laisse les enfants s'amuser, personne n'était mort... pas vrai? Après cela, il avait un peu erré dans la fête, s'est heurté à son ami Eric, qui avait organisé un concours entre eux pour voir qui pouvait s'intégrer plus de cochons dans une couverture dans leur bouche. Une foule et s'est formée et les deux gars avaient tous les deux atteint 9, avec Eric battu Hal à la fin. Le gagnant a obtenu une boisson fraîche et des droits de se vanter, et Hal avait fait un commentaire sur la « tête de pig », qu'Eric avait trouvé si drôle qu'il avait commencé à s'étouffer et Hal avait besoin de jouer le Heimlich. Le groupe s'était finalement installé dans un cercle largish sur l'étape du salon de Hancock, Hal s'est assis entre Aspen et Emilie. Acacia avait suggéré Jamais n'ai-je jamais, un jeu Hal était excellent parce qu'il était l'un des rares personnes qui a grandi pas riche. Si tu l'as fait, tu dois t'écraser pour ne pas te cacher et poser un doigt. Tu perds si tu baisses les 10! Qui veut commencer?" Acacia a demandé au groupe. Elle était clairement un peu saoule, et Hal ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de sourire. Lorsqu'elle le regarda, en plaisantant, il jeta les mains sur la défensive, souriant largement. -- Très bien, je vais commencer, dit-il. Il se tenait prêt à faire un peu de spectacle. « Jamais, s'arrêta-t-il, regardant autour de lui, n'ai-je jamais, dit-il, tourné pour regarder toute la pièce. Quelques personnes se sont moquées de lui, d'autres ont semblé impatients qu'il aille de l'avant. Il regardait de côté Connor, un sourire diabolique qui se répandait "être, disons juste agressé, pour avoir traité une fille de "bon cul biddie"" Hal s'est assis en arrière. Connor s'est penché de son siège quelques-uns sur lui et lui a braqué des poignards. Hal riait silencieusement. Oh comment il paierait pour ça.
Henry "Hal" Polwith "If nobody traveled back in time to stop you from doing it, how bad can it be?" -Hal Polwith Hal Polwith Henry Trent Polwith Nicknames Henry goes by Hal. It's just a common nickname for Henry, and his parents have called him that since he was young. He wonders why they didn't just name him Hal. Age 17 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Hal is a relatively average looking boy at first glance. 5'10", straight, brown, shortish hair, green eyes. But a more detailed inspection reveals a lot about him. While not a hulking beast of muscle, Hal is well toned, and by no means weak. His upper body and upper arms in particular are well toned. His long legs lend him most of his height. Hal is generally found wearing jeans or khaki pants/shorts, a t-shirt, and a jacket or sweatshirt. He's anti-hat, unless it's his New York Giants baseball cap. He has a medium length scar just above his right pectoral. "Let's go hiking...or kayaking...or for a run!" Personality Hal is a bright and happy guy. He's upbeat, positive, and hard to get down. He's a big fan of making jokes, though he's often told they aren't as funny as he thinks. Despite this he still laughs, and makes a point of laughing at everyone else's jokes, regardless of whether anyone else thinks they're funny. Hal's smart as a whip, though he doesn't like to show it. Unless the person he's interacting with is excessively rude, obnoxious, or dull, Hal will try his best to keep a conversation going. He loves talking to people, and figuring out how they work, especially people with complicated or interesting personalities. Unfortunately, this makes him rather pushy. He will not give up on making somebody laugh until he is absolutely sure he has failed. This makes him somewhat obnoxious to those who don't like him straight out. In reality, Hal is fueled by a need to make everyone feel happy about themselves. He believes nobody deserves to feel like crap. A battle with depression as a middle schooler has left him feeling the need to make sure nobody else has to feel that way. He's also terrified it will come back and he'll collapse again. He's also near-impossible to offend. Hal loves history, and can talk about it for ages before somebody tells him to shut up. He's also a big fan of literature and reading in general, which he often has to hide from those who don't know him well for fear of being stereotyped. Generally, Hal is afraid of being viewed as something he isn't, or something with a negative connotation, even if it isn't true. Outwardly, he'll brush it off, but inside, it hurts him deeper than most would think. Hal loves the outdoors, and is obsessed with going out and exploring them. Be it hiking, rock climbing, fishing, camping, or swimming, Hal will go out there and do it. He often drags his friends out, not always to their wishes, but they usually end up having a good time. He swims competitively as a sport, which gives him his surprising physique. He finds animals refreshing, but tires of them quickly, with the exception of dogs. Hal's also a big fan of food. American food, deep fried, baked, barbecue sauce slathered american food. He can eat it because all his exercise keeps him from getting fat. He often jokes about this. Likes History Reading/Literature The Outdoors/Adventure Dogs The New York Giants Swimming Movies Food (especially deep fried) Dislikes Sadness Stereotyping Math Cats Falling Behind Feeling Helpless Fears A return to his depression, Cats Strengths History Athletics General Cheeriness Charismatic Interaction Humor Organization Weaknesses Mislabeling (of himself or others) MATH Unsociable people Stubborn Inwardly Fragile There's a place downtown that serves deep-fried burgers! You want to come try them with me? History Hal grew up a relatively average kid. His mother died when he was young, but his father was always there, even though he worked long hours as a mechanic. Hal's childhood was spent helping his father fix things and running around in the forest behind his house. Hal didn't have many friends until he reached 6th Grade, when he suddenly found that comedy was a way for him to connect to others. He instantly became a favorite of kids in his grade, and everyone knew him. Surprisingly, Hal felt alone. His life felt superficial, and his friends phony. After a nasty snub from a girl when he was in 8th grade, Hal spiraled downward into a horrid depression. He spent months like this, feeling like nothing was worth doing. Only once did he ever consider ending it, and nearly went through with it, but in the end, he stopped himself. Finally, his father noticed what was going on and he was sent to a doctor, where he recovered over the next month or so. Amazingly, his school work has not suffered, a brilliant feat of resilience. Upon his admission to the Ashbury Academy, Hal was overjoyed, if confused. He had no idea why he was admitted, but was glad to get a fresh start after the mess he had made of his middle school life. Hal quickly took up his new mission of making as many people happy as he could, and set out for it with a passion. He eventually developed a more close and earnest group of friends, those who shared some of his likes and beliefs. He finally feels like he's found his place in the world, and wonders what will happen when he has to go out and do it all for real. Favorite memory Hanging from a treebranch over a the creek behind his house as a 10 year old. He loved the feeling of being so high but so free. Nothing could beat the feeling of the drop into the creek either. Least favorite memory The blackest moment of his depression, when he considered his suicide. He refuses to even think in detail about the incident. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Tromford Automotive is a massive, industrial, car company. Its owner and CEO, Frank Tromford, is worth billions. Tromford cars are considered high quality, cheap vehicles, and are renowned around the world. While working on a particularly fancy Tromford car, Hal's father unwittingly began a discussion with Mr. Tromford himself. The two hit it off, and Mr. Polwith didn't even realize who the man he took out for drinks was until the end of the night. Mr. Tromford, understanding how difficult paying for college would be for Hal, looked into the boy. He got Hal admitted to Ashbury, a debt to which both Polwith men owe him greatly. Birthday October 15th Twitter Name @Halpoles "Hey, c'mon, at least you aren't addicted to drugs or uglier than a bulldog hit by a truck!" HAL POLWITH "Hey! How's Your Day? Even if it's bad, I'm still happy to listen!" Brooke Avery "Hmm...Tricky. Not the kind of person I work well with, but, I guess I don't dislike her. Don't talk to her much at all." Given their opposing personalities, Hal and Brooke are not exactly excellent friends. Hal tries to "work his magic" on her when he can, but its fairly obvious to him it doesn't work. He shrugs it off and moves on. Korrigan Alexander Jackson "He seems like a nice enough guy. Can't say the hair and eyes don't throw me off. He knows his books, I'll give him that." Hal and Korrie will probably get along decently, they share some interests. Hal is rather off-put by Korrie's appearance, and often stares, though he thinks Korrie notices more than it appears. Korrie seems to object to Hal's personality, but he doesn't mind. Amanda Cho "Such a cute girl. It's really too bad she's so hard on herself... But she does seem to like my company, so can't say I object." Hal feels this is a girl who needs his help. He tries to act well around her, and works hard to try to boost her self esteem. They're probably a good bet to become friends. Spencer Dalle "Christ, what a prick sometimes. We get it, you have red hair. Cheer up bud..." Hal and Spence are often at odds, given their near opposite personalities. Hal is fed up with hearing the same 10 jokes about Spence's hair color. At least tell original jokes. And, somewhere in Hal's head, he feels sorry for the boy. He does want to help, and be friends, the guy just wont let him. Maie-Marie Malveaux "*whistles* Dang! Never met somebody so similar to me! Great girl. Wish she'd race me though. I bet I could win." Hal secretly has a bit of a crush on Maie. Aside from that, he thinks she's a great person, and he'd love to go out adventuring with her sometime. He appreciates her similar quest to save people, though he thinks hers is more detrimental (to her) than his own. Laney Kaire Chandler "She's attractive, that's true. Not really my type though. Seems a bit high-and-mighty, though I guess that's not really her fault..." Hal finds Laney confusing. She's very outgoing, but at the same time he feels that she towers of the rest of their grade. He often wonders what she's like outside school. He has no real intent of ever finding out, he just likes to think. One of his favorite character studies. Riley Emerson "Oy! Don't put me in the ring with her! *laughter* But seriously, toughest damn girl I've ever met. Sometimes, it's even scary. Wish she'd tone it down sometimes though, some people aren't fans." Hal's intimidated by Riley, though he'd never admit it. She's a very unusual person, so Hal finds her interesting. Hal wonders, though he'd never ask her, if she's trying to hide something with that demeanor. He doubts it, but you never know. Nathan Matthews "He's a nice guy, maybe a little too nice. *chuckles* But seriously, I like him. I'd love to see some of his writing, it's always nice to read something from somebody you know." Hal is essentially an acquaintance of Nathan. They aren't friends per say, but they don't dislike each other. Hal always appreciates somebody as mature as Nathan, and could expect to get along with him well in the future. Connor MacQuarrie "If you ever put me on steroids, I think I would be Connor. Though of course, I am more attractive...joking, don't tell him I said that, he could probably beat me up with one hand. Plus he's on the team, so I can't NOT like him." Hal likes Connor. And he loves hanging out with him. Connor reminds Hal of the brother He never had. Maybe that's a little cheesy, but Hal likes Connor's wild personality. They're best bros. Brenden Rivers "Ugh, how can you be such a jerk and so nice at the same time?! Chill bro! Hal is very put-off by Brenden. The boy's demeanor infuriates him to no end, and Hal is done with it. To put it shortly, Hal stays far away from Brenden. The kind of remarks that come from him can only end badly. Emilie Delacour "Emilie is funny. But like sarcastic funny. Snarky I guess. Who am I to argue with snark? Anyway, she's a nice enough girl I guess. Hal likes Emilie, but is somewhat distracted by her own rapid-happiness nature. Her cynicism washes off him like water on rocks. Understanding her romanticism, Hal tries to make sure he doesn't give off the wrong vibes. Aspen Hancock My man! This guy's got a sick backstroke, let me tell you. Honestly, this is the only guy I'd bet against myself on. Plus he takes wicked pictures." Hal and Aspen are teammates, to put it lightly. Because they share a sport, Hal knows Aspen better than a lot of the other students, especially because the Swim Team is so small. Given both boys are supportive and caring, they get along even better. Hal's humor is the perfect counter to Aspen's quietness. Acacia Hancock She's great. I have NEVER met somebody that social, and she's not obnoxious about it at all. And that girl can move. Don't let her size fool you, she has skills. Like, if I had to pick somebody to teach my how to dance, I'd pick her. Seriously though, I need help, do you know anybody?" Hal is a fan of Acacia, but then, who isn't? He always appreciates her energy and leading talent. But he worries about her clinginess, though he'd never say it to her face. He knows her quiet well because of his relationship with Aspen, and considers her a friend. Questions for Hal How many shoes do you own? What types? "Shoes? Um, okay, weird way to start. I guess I own four sets. Regular shoes, Running shoes, slides for the pool deck, and a pair of work/hiking boots." Are you on social media? Who’s in your profile pictures with them? "Yeah, I've got a twitter, I mostly use it to follow other people. Just me in my picture right now, but I've been meaning to change it..." How many romantic relationships have you had? "Oh ho ho, looking to see if I'm a playa? Sorry, Connor taught me that. I've had a few girlfriends, nothing serious though." Are you right- or left-handed? "Righty all the way! I sign with my left though so its harder to forge. Can't have anyone stealing my patent for real-cheese cheese hats (Don't ask)." What charities do you donate to? "Charities? I don't really have enough money to donate to charities. I guess if I did it would be to Red Cross or one of the anti-hunger campaigns." What are your biggest fears? "Aw c'mon, really? ...Fine, cats, I hate cats. They give me the heebie jeebies. Feels like they're going to eat my soul, you know?" How much money do you make? "Enough. Thats not any of your buisiness. My parents aren't rich like all these other kids, so I actually have to work for my money, so back off." What is your ethnicity? "Classic white person answer time: I'm half Polish, a quarter Swedish, and a quarter Scottish. Mostly, I'm a pale white European. But I'm also an American!" Do you speak with an accent? "I think American neutral is an accent. I can do a pretty good Russian accent too. I've never been able to nail a Scottish one, though I want to. What did you dress as for Halloween last year? "Go Big or go Home! Me and this sophomore guy teamed up to sit on each other's shoulders and we were this like 11 foot tall troll thing. It was great until some little kids accidentally knocked us over." What are your email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? "That's too personal. Especially the passwords. Back off." What are you superstitious about? "I don't like to walk under ladders. Not because of bad luck or whatever, I just don't want to get squished." Are you allergic to anything? "Not that I know of. It would suck to be allergic to peanuts. They're great. Especially as peanut butter....mmmm" What hobbies do you have? "Lets see, swimming, running, biking, hiking, kayaking, eating, rock climbing, adventuring, reading, watching movies, eating, did I say eating twice? I'm a big fan." Do you keep secrets? "That depends. If you ask me to keep the girl you like a secret, sure. But if you set fire to old man Jenkin's truck (long story), I'm calling the cops. Plus, if you feel like shit, thats something I'm telling about, I don't care whether you asked me not to, its too important. What are your astrological signs? "Ugh, that BS? Nope, sorry, no idea. Whatever October is I guess." What are your tastes in movies, books, and music? "Okay, Books: I'll read anything that isn't romance or random vauge non-fiction, though my favorite authors are Tolkien and Bradbury. Movies, I'm a big fan of action, thrillers, and comedy, Shawshank Redemption is my favorite. Music, I'm a pretty wide range guy, anything from Coldplay up through Green Day and Arctic Monkeys. No death metal though, ugh." Do you have scars? "Yeah, I've got this one wicked one *lifts shirt* right here across my chest. I think I got it from a tree branch, but I tell people I wrestled a bear." What are your feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "I'm pretty liberal I guess. Pro-gay, pro-abortion and all that. I think we shouldn't restrict gun rights, just do better background checks though. No reason to take all the guns away." Any tattoos or piercings? "Ugh, gross, no. I can't stand to even look at them. Maybe ears, but not on guys and little kids, it's just weird." What does your handwriting look like? "Couldn't get much worse if you ran my hand over with a truck. I am the bane of every handwritten essay ever. Thank god for keyboards, am I right?" What is your religious background? "My dad and I were never very religious. We celebrated Christmas and Easter and stuff, but I don't think I've ever been in a church except for a funeral." Where do you like to shop? "Shop? I'm not much of a shopper. I guess I like outdoor stores and bookstores. I want to buy a machete from REI, they look awesome, but I don't actually know what I'd do with it." What is your relationship like with your sibling(s)? "I'm an only child. I guess Connor is kind of like a brother, and the team are like my cousins or something? But I don't really know what it's like." Do you have enemies? How did you make them? "I hope I don't have any enemies. If I do, maybe they have a peanut allergy. Then I can throw peanuts at them." What are your ambitions? Do you have a “five-year plan”? "A five year plan? What am I, a communist? I guess I'm gonna run an automotive company. Before Ashbury, I wanted to teach history at a university. But I'm okay with making billions. *Slightly forced laughter*" What are their political preferences? "Like I said, I'm pretty liberal. I guess I'm like, a moderate liberal or something? I don't really care." What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and wallet? "I have no idea, thats the one place I'm completely disorganized. I always have my license and my phone, thats about it." What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "My NY Giants baseball cap, even though we suck this year. And my orange-blue flannel shirt, the only shirt I have left from home. All the rest of my stuff I bought here. What do they keep in remote storage? "I guess the stuff I left at home is remotely stored. But I don't own a storage unit or anything. Don't those things end up as meth-joints a lot? Are they night owls or morning people? "Definetly a morning person. I can get up and swim, or run, or bike, or hike. There's so much mroe to do early in the morning!
Nate a riposté alors qu'il retournait Acacia dans un câlin serré et essayait désespérément de suivre son discours hyped up. Nathan a commencé et était sur le point de demander à Acacia si elle savait si Laney allait être ici, mais alors elle était partie en mentionnant quelque chose au sujet de la fête qui devait être sauvée. Il s'est retourné en secouant la tête, elle a besoin de calmer la fête allait super bien. Les gens dansaient et se parlaient. Connor avait bien sûr commencé un jeu de beer pong et Aspen a passé Nate chuchotant quelque chose sur les costumes d'ours pour une raison quelconque. Son sourire frémit un peu quand sa question non posée à Acacia se répondit en marchant à travers la porte, Laney venait d'arriver à la maison avec son amie Tyler. Nathan pouvait sentir son visage tourner une nuance de rose alors qu'il donnait à la paire une tête maladroite hoche sa main à moitié levée dans une tentative de vague. Il a filé dans une tentative de trouver une évasion, ses yeux sont tombés sur la rédactrice de l'annuaire Martha Banks assis sur le bras d'un des canapés blancs parlant l'oreille du pauvre Justin Maloney. Nathan a vu son opportunité et l'a saisie. Il a failli sprinter vers eux. Non, je dis juste Maloney, que tu serais plus drôle si tu avais un peu de ranch!Martha a glissé sur Justin qui se penchait loin d'elle en regardant Nathan avec un regard de plaidoirie sur son visage. Nate riait et le poussait à partir. "Heeey là-bas Banks! S'amusant, Nathan dit fort alors que Martha allait suivre Justin, elle se tourna vers lui avec un sourire glacé sur son visage. Mon amour, tu es venu! J'ai mis votre interview juste avant que je vienne ici! » Martha a dit avec un sourire ovin et a ensuite pris une gorgée de son verre. Nathan faisait un bruit qui ressemblait à une croix entre un soupir et un éternuement, se souvenant de certaines de ses réponses. Martha a suivi le regard de Nathans et quand elle a vu où il a atterri, elle s'est moquée d'Oh... Eh bien, on pourrait arranger ça à cette fête! Nate lui a mis la main sur l'épaule pour l'arrêter. Nathan a décidé de sortir de l'arrière-cour pour prendre l'air et s'éloigner de plus d'embarras. Il a glissé la porte ouverte et est sorti la fermer derrière lui; s'il ne conduisait pas, il pourrait vraiment aller boire un verre maintenant. Il s'assit à l'une des tables et regarda autour de la vaste cour. Il pouvait voir des gens se faufiler dans les parties les plus sombres pour avoir plus d'intimité. Nathan s'y est assis pendant un certain temps en pensant à rien et à tout, puis une voix a appelé son nom, il a filé autour pour voir un des gars du journal de l'école le mouvementant pour revenir à l'intérieur -We-ses commencer un jeu de jamais avoir jamais! Vous devez venir! Nathan a hurlé et a fait son retour à l'intérieur. Il s'assit à côté de Connor les mains levées, Nate riait alors qu'Henry dirigeait une question qu'il savait faire perdre un doigt à Connor. Il s'est souvenu de l'incident auquel Hal faisait référence, et ce n'est pas quelque chose que Connor veut que le grand public sache. Le jeu prenait de la vitesse et les doigts des gens tombaient à un rythme alarmant. Enfin, c'est Nates qui a posé la question, "Hmm". Je n'ai jamais... fait de drogue! Il a jeté un regard oppressif sur Connor qui harcelait Connor pendant qu'il s'asseyait.
"Whatever you are feeling... just write it down" -Nathan Matthews Name Nathan Duncan Matthews Nicknames Nate, he got it because it's shorter than Nathan... it doesn't bother him. At least it's not as bad as the nickname his sister made up "Than" that he despises! Age 18 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Bisexual Grade Level Senior Appearance Nathan stands at quite the average height of 5'11" and ha a stockier build which he likes to keep toned by going on runs and going to the gym. He keeps his dark brown hair short-ish with some length kept up top so he has something to work with, not that he styles it really but sometimes he likes to spend some time on grooming. His face is usually lit up with a radiant smile except for when he is in deep concentration because then it is almost always screwed up with his tongue peeking out from the corner of his mouth. Nathan has a rather round and plump face for someone who is as fit as he is, but his sister always tells him that it suits his aura of kindness, it makes him more approachable according to her. When it comes to clothing Nathan goes for comfort more than anything in his day to day life, but he owns a few suits and blazers that he uses on occasion. He knows when to dress up and when to bust out the sweats! Usually he dresses in jumpers, t-shits, cardigans and jeans with a matching shoe. "Dude chill! No wait... probably keep you guard up!" Personality Nathan is what you would call a mothers dream. He is tall somewhat handsome and gets good grades. If he still had a mother she would probably be bragging about him to everyone who would listen and Nathan would of course sit red faced and deny every bit of praise shot his way, because such is Nathan humble to the point of delusion of his own worth. He refuses to put him self over anyone else because he believes that his triumphs is solely based on luck and great timing, rather than his hard work and diligence. The one thing he took away from his father was that if you wanted a good life you had to work hard, nothing was ever going to be handed to you. So therefore Nathan almost never slacks of when it comes to work or school which can be to the annoyance of his friends when he says no to the second party in a row. Kind at heart Nathan will always be the one to listen to your stories good or bad because he is a people person who cares deeply for social interaction and he likes to have a large network of contacts and keep those bonds as strong as possible. He is to his own fault sometimes to trusting though as he likes to see the best in everyone even if they clearly doesn't have his best interest at heart and he has been let down because of this a lot of times. Though he feels like an positive outlook on life is what creates a great one and he will stick to that until the day he dies. He has a kindness to him which makes him extremely approachable and that might be why he always gives a cheery "Hello!" at you when you pass him in the hall. Though his cheery exterior is somewhat hard to crack since he keeps his chewy personal center mostly to himself, only his closest friends know about his family situation and he likes to keep it that way. Nathan always wanting to always make the right choice not only by him but for the people around him makes him very indecisive and that often results in him missing out on things that could better his future or others. This is a trait he is trying to shake of by being more care free and take risks, but even in this he is unsure of what this is and when to be care free. He is an notorious over-thinker and will focus on one small aspect and obsess over it until it's fixed or vanishes somehow. He is also quite rancorous, if someone had been mean to him or otherwise done something that he does not agree with, he will hold it against that person until he is proven wrong. He can be a loyal friend but he can also drop you without a backwards glance if you piss him off enough. Likes His sister Sandwiches Running Writing Photography Kissing Eating out Dislikes His father Cold showers Birds Bananas Fears Ornithophobia - Fear of birds "I Just don't trust something that feels like it can poop anywhere it wants!" He also fears that his sister resents him for leaving her behind "Yeah... but would you look at how great the sky looks like?!" Strengths Quick witted Positive Patient Calculative Weaknesses To trusting Indecisive Unsure of himself History Nathan was born in to the middle class family of Liam and Molly Matthews and had a normal childhood and even had the great pleasure to have a cute baby sister enter his life. So he and his sister Addison had the start of a quite normal and happy childhood until tragedy happened when he was six, his mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at a routine check up. And though she put up a good fight for a couple of months she eventually succumbed to the demon growing inside of her and she passed away. Naturally the family was broken down in despair Molly Matthews was the guiding light for so many people and mostly so for Nathan's father Liam who took the death of his darling wife so hard he went in to a depression so deep that he was not recognizable, he lost his job as an high school psychology teacher and subsequently loss the house in which they had been living in, which meant they had to move in with Nathan's grandparents. His father never really recovered from his wife's death and spent most of the day lying in bed being unreachable and while Nathan would never go as far as to say that it was neglect, he can not say that his father raised him. That lot fell on his loving grandparents. But as time wore on his grandparents grew weary of Liam's behavior and eventually made him go back to his teachers job, which meant they had to move away to the prestigious school that had graciously hired his father. With his father working all the time now to provide for them Nathan now had to take care of not only himself but also for his sister Addison, and why he would never say that this was a bother to him. He was robbed of his childhood as he had to grow up far to early than a normal boy should have to. Now in his late teens he is very protective of his sister and will go through anything to aid her in what ever she asks of. But his relationship with his father is forever tarnished and Nathan can't see a way that this could be mended. Favorite memory Watching Saturday morning cartoons with his sister in his lap and his mother behind him stroking his hair. Least favorite memory Long days spent at their neighbors Mrs. Dilly in her cabbage smelling apartment watching old black and white movies while his father was at work. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Matthews & Spearling publishing is the publishing house that his grandfather co-founded and he would like to keep it in the family. But since his own son probably never will be in the shape to take over the company Mr. Matthews Sr. has put all his money on his grandson. He has noticed that Nathan has a great interest in literature and writing, which he took as a sign to make sure he was to become his predecessor. So to sharpen Nathan in the departments that he needs to run a large company and to give him the skill sets to succeed at the job, Nathan was sent to Ashbury by his grandfather. "What?! You haven't read this? Here take it! NOW!" Birthday July 6th, 1997 Astrological Sign Cancer Twitter Name Twitter: @NateMate Instagram: YourMateNate YourMateNate:"Aah, ice cream just the way I like it!" "You know, I think this will be an awesome day!" Nathan hurried up the stairs of the main building and stopped in front of the door in to the computer hall. He opened the door slowly and poked his head in and potted the editor of the yearbook waving at him from a computer in the far left corner. Nathan smiled and walked over to her. "So, why did you want to see me Martha?" Nathan asked with a puzzled look on his face but smiling as he sat down. "Oh I just want to get like a general idea of what people think about each other at this school you know!" he raised his eyebrows at her answer "But..." he started "Yes! I know it's weird but I'm trying a different angle this year, I just have questions about people I've seen you hang around and such..." Martha said in an indifferent tone. This wasn't that surprising since Martha Banks was notorious for knowing everything about everyone, though he was skeptical to whether her idea was going to be passed by the school board or not but he decided to go along with it anyway "Ok shoot!" Nathan said to her with a wide grin. Brooke Avery “Aah Brooke. D’you know the first thing she said to me when we met? “I hate the color green” While staring at my green tie. I couldn’t do anything else but laugh could I? People might think that I and Brooke are the strangest couple of friends at Ashbury, she hating everything and me liking just about everything, and they would be right at first glance. Brooke insults me at every chance she gets, which is often but I can’t help it I just finds her adorably funny and I don’t really care what she says because I can see the smirk hidden beneath the scowl. You could say I killed Brooke with kindness… or… well at least wore her down, and I am now proud to call myself one of Brooke’s friends!” Laney Kaire Chandler “Uhm Laney and I aren’t friends per se though I’d like to change that. I mean I think she at least knows who I am; god knows I know who she is. W-w-well because we’re in a lot of the same classes! Hah! It’s not like I’m stalking her, let’s just call them happy coincidences. Or better yet let’s change the subject! Point is, yes I know of Laney and I think she is nice and she seems like she got her stuff together and that is good, y’know? Can we maybe strike this one out?” Hal Polwith “Henry! Yeah that kid is awesome. It’s not often you see him without a smile and I love that, plus his dedication to the swim team also known as “The Bro Squad” is just remarkable! We mostly know each other through Connor and we hang out from time to time but not as much as I would like! But If I’m not mistaken Connor said he refused to go to the next rager without his two main “Broskis” and I mean I don’t think I can turn down another party invite from Connor. So hopefully We can all get along!” Maie-Marie Malveaux “So we hang out with a lot of the same people right, one would think she would know me by now. But I find myself introducing myself to her every time we meet. I find it quite endearing actually, I guess fault lies with me I must not be making a strong enough impression on her! I might have to change that!” Korrigan Alexander Jackson “That’s the guy who looks like a walking hot topic right? No wait that was mean, it’s just that he wears that stuff to make some kind of statement I guess? But what is that statement? Also I heard from a reasonably good source that he is like a super hacker or something, rumor has it that he brought down a major corporation from the inside when it leaked that the company used child labor! That’s wicked if it’s true, like a modern day vigilante! I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his skills… which is why I’d appreciate if the hot topic comment stayed between us!” Spencer Dalle “I mean I’m not saying he should be hunted down and hung or something but someone should say something to him to make him shut up! I like to see the best in every one but Spencer is just… mean for a lack of a better work, just plain mean. Every time I even so much as try to speak to him in a pleasant tone he just gives me a look of disgust and tells me people like me make’s him sick and leaves. And even I have my limits and some people are just too far gone that even the nicest people can’t bring them back.” Amanda Hirano “ひらのさん!はい私のともだちだよ!Heh, Sorry I studied Japanese last semester and Amanda helped me a great deal. She always did it without so much as a sigh at my somewhat poor pronunciation! Don’t even get me started on the particles it took us forever to get through that chapter! I just feel like she’s nervous around me for some reason. I like to think of her as a surrogate little sister and hopefully she thinks of me as a brotherly figure!” Connor MacQuarrie “I don’t even know what to say really. My life would be vastly different without Connor in it, I think he helps me to be a better person and I like to think that I help him be one too. He’s the one who gets my but in to that gym every morning and also makes me do the actual exercises! You should see the training schedule he has written for me; it’s intense to say the least. It’s also fascinating that someone that large can be that fast in the pool. Though if I ever had to say something that bothers me sometimes is his way he talks about “smashing” girls left and right, it’s like I get it you hard and all but… dude… come on. But in short I love the big bear of a guy I always have and I always will!” Brenden Rivers “All I’m going to say is, putting people down and putting yourself on some deluded pedestal is something that just grosses me out! No matter how many times Brenden says “It’s just a joke!” it doesn’t change anything, the remarks still hurt people, and he knows it which makes it even worse! I will say this though, the boy has perfect hair it’s always like perfectly quaffed. I find myself staring at it in class sometimes. I know he can be nice at times and I do like to talk to him when he isn’t making snide remarks about people.” Riley Emerson “I couldn’t tell you much about her, she seems to avoid me in the halls for some reason. But I do know that she has a foul mouth that could rival Connor’s and that is a great feat for anyone girl or boy!” Emilie Delacour “I love the way she says my name “Nah-tahn”, accents are the best and French is a language that intrigues me on some level! I haven’t really hung out with Emilie for some time but when we do laughter is not far away so it never really does matter that we don’t see much of each other because every time we meet up it’s like no time has passed. But I will make an effort to hang out more, maybe she would like to go for a coffee or something!” Aspen Hancock “Me and Asp actually go way back, we met at one of the magazines my grandpa publishes release parties a couple of years ago and we got to talking about the photography in the magazine and how good it was and as it were it was Aspen who had shot it. We have a mutual interest in the medium and he actually shot my favorite picture of my sister the last time she came and visited.” Nathan blinked up at Martha "So is that all you wanted from me?" He began to rise from his seat. "No no, we haven't gotten to you yet have we?" Martha smiled up at him and motioned a hand for Nathan to regain his seat. He let out a small chuckle and sat down, This yearbook i intense this year! He thought and sat back down. "So what do you want to know Martha?" She dived down in to her bag and retrieved a piece of paper "I've compiled a few questions, 31 to be exact which I think will be interesting for the yearbook!" Nathan took the paper that she handed to him and scanned it. How many shoes do you own? What types? "Well if you mean all in all I think I have about 5 pairs of shoes, 3 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of gym shoes and a pair of dress shoes. Though I've been meaning to get a mew pair of running shoes. Brands? Uhm when it comes to sneakers I like Vans... or sneaky steve." Are you on social media? Who's with you on your profile picture? "Yeah, I'm on Facebook and Instagram, I never really understood twitter. Oh yeah I'm on tumblr too!My profile pick i just me I believe." How many romantic relationship(s) do you have? "Right now none... But I've been in 2 relationships 3 if you count Susie Roleski in 2nd grade, no? Then 2." Are you right or left handed? "I'm a lefty unfortunately because I smudge everything! And cutting with the right handed scissors in the classrooms are a pain!" What charities do you donate to? "Well I give 10$ to UNICEF every month because I feel like the work they do for children in third world countries are very important and if I can spare 10 dollars to hep in some small way, you bet I will!" What are your biggest fears? "You sure don't spare on the deep questions do you? Well... it's silly really but birds freak me out something terrible. They always have, I think it's the way they move... so quick and out of no where! Haha I'm sorry I couldn't give you something more interesting." How much money do you make? "I hardly think this needs to be in the yearbook! Let's just say that being an assistant at a magazine pays good enough for someone in high school." What is your ethnicity? "My dad's Irish and my mom was Polish" Do you speak with an accent? "Uhm I don't know... Do I? Emilie says I sound like a newscaster from "Ze nuuews" as she calls it." What did you dress for Halloween last year? "Oh! I was a bunch of grapes!" What are your email addresses, blogs and websites? ", and that's about it I think." What is your religious background? I was raised Jewish, but I'm not practicing. The lure of bacon was to strong." What are you superstitious about? "I'm not very superstitious actually, I avoid putting keys on the table. My mom used to say tat brought you bad luck and it just stuck with me I guess." Are you allergic to anything? "Pollen... every spring I'm a sniveling mess!" What hobbies do you have? "Well I like writing be it fiction or just my thoughts, I also like photography not professional like Asp only for fun like an hobby. I also enjoy editing photos and video, it's relaxing somehow. Do you keep secrets? "Yes, always! If someone entrust me with something personal I wouldn't... Oh you mean y own secrets? Of course, don't we all?" What is your astrological sign? "Cancer" What are your tastes in movies, books and music? "I love scary movies, oh don't get me wrong they terrify me! But they're so entertaining. When it comes to books I would say I like to read fiction novels, like Nick Hornby or David Nicholls. Music? I would say I listen to a wide arrange of genres, I like to pick and choose!" Do you have scars? Nope. What are your thoughts on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana or other controversial topics? "Well first of anyone is free to love whom ever they want and that's no one else's business! When it comes to abortion all there is to say is that I as a male will never ever have to make that choice and therefore my opinion is that abortion should be an option. As for the green? I support it!" Any tattoos or piercings? "No, I think I'd pass out in the chair." What does your handwriting look like? "I've been told it's pretty neat... Uhm here I'll show you. Do you have a pen? There you have it" Where do you usually shop? "I usually shop at Urban Outfitters or H&M I am very basic haha." What is your relationship with your siblings? Great! I love my sister, I have to call her now that you mention it!" Do you have enemies? How do you make them? "Oh jeez I hope not! I wouldn't know how I got them if I have any... Uhm I guess I can be a bit annoying at times... well that's what Brooke tells me anyways." What are your ambitions? Do you have a five-year plan? I am here aren't I! No but hopefully after graduation Grandpa will give me more responsibility at the publishing house, I would like to run the food & travel magazine "Globetrotter". That's what I'm reaching for right now! What are your political preferences? "Uhm is this really relevant for the yearbook? Liberal I guess." What do you habitually keep in your cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "Toothpaste and brush, a barely opened hair wax jar, some aspirin and uh... my glaucoma medicine." What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? My wine red sweater with grey chinos and my vans. What do you keep in remote storage? Who has a remote storage now a days? If you're not keeping your drug money in there... which I'm not by the way!" Are you a night owl or a morning person? Unfortunately I'm a night owl. As I've said only reason I get up in the morning is because Connor makes me... oh and the red bull helps!
Connor MacQuarrie Dès qu'ils y sont arrivés, Connor a commencé à distribuer libéralement de la vodka comme une sorte de père Noël alcoolique. Il se plaignit brièvement de ne pas lui apporter de bière, mais il fut rapidement en mesure d'arranger un commerce avec Nick Dawson, et presque immédiatement est entré dans le pong de bière. Il y avait quelques personnes réunies autour d'une table de pong de bière pliante de taille réglementaire (le cadeau d'anniversaire de Connor à Aspen l'année précédente), jetant des boules autour avec un minimum de succès. Un des joueurs, un Connor de première année vaguement reconnu, a lancé un tir sous la main qui s'est large. Connor l'a piétinée de l'air. C'est pas comme ça que vous priez le jeu! Coucou! J'étais en train de gagner! – Le frosh s'est plaint. Par une tasse, nous avons eu le fils toute la nuit, Connor a répondu. Le frosh était sur le point de dire quelque chose de plus, mais Connor l'a coupé de Bud, votre jeu est pasghetti faiblesauce. Ne craignez pas, je vous enseignerai les voies du pong, jeune skyfresh. Connor a mis plus de tasses vers le bas, ramenant de chaque côté jusqu'à un même six, puis a levé sa voix et a adopté un ton solennel. Écoute-moi, swaglets. Ce sont les règles des maîtres de pong, transmises de génération en génération, tout le chemin de Ghengis Pong. Équipes de 2; il s'agit d'une fête, l'ivresse doit être maximisée vitesse supérieure. Pas de tirs sous la main; vos jours de gommage sont terminés. Pas de blocage; s'il touche votre corps avant qu'il atteigne une tasse, vous buvez. Les deux joueurs marquent, boivent et rendent les couilles. 2 boules dans 1 tasse, buvez cette tasse et toutes les tasses qu'elle touche. Vous obtenez 1 réarrangement, ne le gaspillez pas. Les coups de souffle sont autorisés à être bloqués, mais s'ils entrent, buvez 2 tasses. Si ça tourne, vous pouvez le faire sauter, pas de doigts. Enfin, la rédemption est pour les chattes, prenez votre perte avec une certaine dignité. Moi aussi, Conan le Barbari-pong. Skyfresh, tu es avec moi. Eloignez-vous ou éloignez-vous! Connor savait qu'il y avait un équilibre à la bière pong; un plateau d'ivresse optimale où vous avez joué votre meilleur. Monter sur le plateau était facile, rester là était difficile. Une tasse trop, et vous avez renversé par-dessus le bord sur la pente glissante allant de ‘trop bu pour le pong à la bière' à 'yakking vos tripes dehors. Connor et Skyfrosh (principalement Connor) ont gagné leur premier match facilement contre Nick et une deuxième année aléatoire. Ils ont cependant perdu leur deuxième match, à une paire de filles de première année qui étaient beaucoup plus habiles qu'ils n'avaient l'air. Par leur troisième match, Connor a frappé le plateau et a gagné, et leur quatrième, il a coulé chacun de ses tirs avec une efficacité brutale. Le truc, c'est qu'il a rapidement épuisé sa bière échangée, alors Connor a commencé à mettre de la vodka et Jam! Nitro dans ses tasses. En plus de ça, il a gardé une boisson séparée en route, une première bière, puis sa concoction personnelle. La table de pong de bière a grandi plus fort et plus excitée à mesure que les jeux se sont passés, amis et étrangers regardant chaque coup avec un souffle appâté, échange de jibes et de blagues. Au moment où Acacia a commencé un jeu de Never Have I Ever, il était assez souillé, et au fur et à mesure que le jeu se poursuivait, il a continué à avoir à boire. La question de Nate's l'a encore fait boire; il était jusqu'à quatre doigts, et c'était alors son tour. "Bruh. Pourquoi ai-je fait autant de thaaangs? Très bien. C'est Gucci. Glace. Jamais je n'ai jamais... - Il s'est arrêté, il avait une sœur! - Il a annoncé triomphalement, en applaudissant sa main sur l'épaule de Nate.
Connor MacQuarrie "GET ON MY LEVEL BRAH!" -Connor McQuarrie Name Connor Molson McQuarrie Nicknames Comac, Conan Age 18 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Straight as a question mark (OOC note, trying to decide if I want to make this a story point for him, I'll decide later) Grade Level Junior Appearance Connor is a pretty big guy, around 6’2’’ and about 200 lbs. He has dirty blonde hair that gets darker in the winter, and he likes to keep it short. He’s spent a lot of time working on his body and is proud of the results, maybe a little too proud. His eyes are blue-gray, though they look a little different depending on what he’s wearing. He doesn't worry too much about what he's wearing; usually jeans and a well fitted tshirt, though he does have a few suits and an excellent tie collection, if you can coax him into wearing them. The only aspect of his appearance he spends any time on - aside from his physique - is his hair; it takes a lot of work to make it look like he doesn't put any effort into it. "I just want to make gains and play games" Personality It’s hard being a diplomat’s kid, but Connor has adapted well to the lifestyle. Moving around so much meant he got to be very good at making new friends, though not so great at keeping them. He’s very social and a little on the loud side; some would call him boisterous or unruly, but a few minutes in his company will show that he’s a very kindhearted person. Some might dismiss him as a brainless jock or an arrogant bro, but they would be wrong. Connor doesn’t exactly crave attention, but he certainly doesn’t mind it and his antics tend to draw plenty of attention. He’s not exactly the class clown, but he has a very exagerated public persona. His speech is laden with little jokes and references and a lot of random and seemingly nonsensical slang, though he adopts a more serious tone in classes or in personal settings. He easily makes friends across all social levels, and has a tendency to assign people arbitrary nicknames. Connor has little patience for pretentious or arrogant people, and even less patience for bullies. He has a tendency to be blunt, which can get him in trouble sometimes. While he is an honest and loyal guy, Connor has trouble forming close, lasting relationships. Connor is also fairly vain and maybe a little more self-centered than he thinks. Connor is not very good with numbers, and he likes to party a little too much. Those factors combined caused him to fail a year earlier in his highschool career. Connor also struggles with properly expressing his emotions. Connor’s most visible flaw is that he’s inconsiderate. He doesn’t think much about how his actions or words might affect other people, and assumes that if he’s fine with something, others should be as well. Connor can be completely oblivious to other people's personal space with a tendency to initiate unsolicited physical contact. He unfortunately doesn’t know where to draw the line; for Connor, there is no such thing as “too soon”. This has caused no small amount of problems for him over the years. Likes Swimming Rugby Fitness Fine biddies Getting swole Video games Vidya games Dat gaming life tho Doges Football Dislikes Dickwads Fakers Ferrets Spicy food Judgy people Math Fears Sharks, squid, lobsters, whales; the ocean in general. "GET OUT THE WAY SLOOTS!" Strengths Charismatic Friendly Loyal Weaknesses Difficulty taking things seriously Parental issues Indelicate History Connor’s father, David MacQuarrie, grew up on a small farm in Idaho. David’s parents were desperately poor, but they did their best to give David an education. David went to a local agricultural college, planning to take over the farm from his father, but his parents were both killed in a car accident less than a year after he graduated. David knew they’d always wanted the best for him, so he sold the farm and against all odds, got into Cornell, where he first studied life sciences before completing an MBA. David began working in Washington as a political aide, then joined the foreign service. It was on his first posting to Ottawa that he met Connor’s mother, Victoria Molson Victoria’s childhood was the complete opposite of David’s. As a Molson, she was born into Montreal’s most elite social circle and grew up phenomenally wealthy. She attended all the best schools, and was presumably going to marry some rich peer of hers amongst Montreal’s elite. She was working in Ottawa as a political staffer-to secure connections and influence, not because she needed work-when she met David at a reception at the American embassy. The two fell in love and eventually got married, and Victoria left her native Canada to travel the world with David. Naturally, she still has access to all her wealth. Connor is a hybrid of his two parent’s worlds, which can be difficult. When Connor was growing up, his father tried to impress on him the value of money and hard work, but his family’s wealth deprived Connor of any real understanding of the concept. Even when David became an ambassador, he still scrimped and saved, and prefered doing work around the house himself. On the other hand, Victoria believed in the importance of social class and paying for quality service. Every summer she’d take a charter jet back to Canada with her son and spend the summer at her family’s lakeside estate, while Connor’s dad would fly economy class to join them for a few weeks. The “cottage” was a permanent fixture of Connor’s childhood, and he retains good memories and close friendships from his time up there. His father was always insisting Connor get a job as soon as possible, while mom thought it would ruin their image if he were to ever set foot in a fast food joint. The result is that Connor is very conflicted about his background; he’s aware of his status and the importance of maintaining that appearance, but he also feels guilty for having an easy life. He knows he’s supposed to appreciate the value of money and hard work, but he has no concept of what real hard work is. Connor’s father was recently appointed Ambassador to Spain, and while Connor usually went with his parents on postings, they decided his grandfather’s suggestion of Ashbury would give Connor some much needed stability. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? The Molson brewing company, the parent company of a dozen beer brands around the world. Connor’s grandfather, the current chair of the board, likes to keep the company in the family, and arranged to send Connor to Ashbury so he can eventually join his uncle and cousin in running the company. "Biddies gonna bid" Birthday May 21, 1997 Astrological Sign Taurus Twitter Name @ComacTheBarbarian "The only movie to ever make me cry was Top Gun.” Connor McQuarrie "That was real tight butthole" Brooke Avery "Brock’s legit, she don’t give a fuck bout what fools think, so respect there. Otherwise, in the immortal words of Kendrick Lamar; bitch don’t kill my vibe. Very smashable tho." Connor likes people who are honest or blunt, but Brooke’s constant negativity really wears him out, so he doesn’t spend much time around her. Their rather distant relationship hasn’t kept him from developing a nickname for her though. Laney Chandler ”LAHNAY! I swear to jeebus she’s right out of Age of Innocence, she even looks like Michelle Pfieffer, who by the way remains the hottest Catwoman, Anne Hathaway don’t got SHIT. She’s good times.” Calling her either lah-nay, Michelle Pfieffer, or Catwoman, Connor and Laney have a very pleasant - though somewhat superficial - relationship. She’s nice and honest, qualities Connor appreciates. If there’s more to her, Connor either hasn’t noticed or doesn’t care. Henry Polwith ”Hal 9000: Aesthetic. Doges. Swamming. History. Reading is radical. We’ve got some serious hivemind going on, I’d swing at fools in a second for him.” Probably Connor's closest friend at Ashbury, Connor and Hal spend a lot of time around eachother. At the gym, in the pool, talking sports, out for hikes, or pestering someone to help them with math homework, Connor cherishes Hal's company. The two of them spend a lot of time thinking of ways they could illicitly keep a in the dorms... Maie-Marie Malveaux “M&M aka M&M&M aka Cardio Bunny appreciates fitness and thusly I appreciate the shit out of her. She got no time for fools, all the time for friends, and I will dunk on haters who talk shit about her I GORANTEE IT. Plus she’s got unlimited amounts of Jam! Turbo aka water of life.” Connor and Marie are at their best when doing something physical and high energy together, but putting them in the same class is a guaranteed disaster, something the school's administration was quick to notice. Their exuberant personalities bounce off eachother in something reminiscent of a nuclear fission reaction; a party with the two of them in the same room is destined to get too wild, especially if they're downing Jam! drinks (which they constantly are). Spencer Dalle ”That kid’s sneaky like snakes. Shits on everyone who’s nice to him, thinks he’s better than everyone else, grade A douchecanoe. Not tight butthole, not tight at all.” Connor doesn’t go out of his way to be hostile to Spencer, but he makes no secret of his feelings. The two do not get along at all. Korrigan Jackson ”Korrigan Hackson, member of the PCMasterRace, giver of zero fucks, master of CS:GO. May K/D ratio be high and your lag low, amen” Connor and Korrie spend a lot of time gaming together online, but almost no time together in real life. Connor tends to tease Korrie about his hair alot; he thinks he’s doing it in a friendly way, but is perhaps a little blind to Korrie’s feelings about it. Amanda Hirano ”One quiet biddy, don’t really know her too well. She’s tiny, but very fine, would tenderly romance/10, anything else would split her in half amirite?” A hurricane doesn’t bear any ill will towards a beach house. The hurricane might even like the beach house. That doesn’t change the fact that the hurricane will likely flatten the beach house. Connor’s loud, exuberant personality is completely at odds with Amanda’s quieter demeanor, making any kind of friendship all but impossible. Nathan Matthews ”Nate’s great. Great gym buddy. Great friend. He’s good to people, you know? I don’t have a nickname for him, nothing really hit me when I met him and, much like buttex, you can’t force it. He needs to relax more tho. Both extroverted, amiable people, Nate and Connor quickly became friends. They can regularly be found at the gym together, and when Connor does get around to studying - so not very often - he does so with Nate. Connor often pesters Nate to come to parties with him, and his apparent disregard for his academics can be a source of friction between the two of them. Brenden Rivers "Man he's pretty, no homo. Too bad he's a twofaced dickwad. Ain't got no time for people who smile at their friends then drop a deuce right in their face. I'm outty 5000." Connor thinks Brenden is duplicitous and mean, traits he has exactly zero tolerance for. He avoids Brenden as much as possible. Emilie Delacour "OH LAWDY, would smash with the fury of a thousand burning suns/10. The other day she spilled a glass of water on her shirt and I nearly fainted from blood loss, if you know what I mean." Friendly but not close, Connor tends to flirt outrageously with Emilie. Both of them are high energy and fun loving; it's not a party until the two of them are there. Erin Emerson "Remerson's pretty chill, she's got balls of steel though and she likes football, so dats cool. Pretty high strung though, she needs to go on a vision quest." Connor thinks of Riley as "one of the guys", though they don't spend all that much time together. His inappropriate sense of humour sometimes causes conflict between the two of them. Aspen Hancock "#Aesthetic. We ride together we die together we dunk on fools together, bro squad 4 loife." Initially drawn together by Hal and the swim team, Connor and Aspen have become good friends in their own right. Aspen definitely falls into Connor's preferred category of genuinely nice people. Aspen's easygoing nature makes him well suited to taking Connor's exuberance in stride. 1. How many shoes do they own? What types? Dress shoes, casual shoes, wearing around shoes, running shoes, winter boots, hiking 6. 2. Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? Aye. Twitter, instagram for the hoes, FB. And me, friends from up north, rad doges I meet. 3. How many romantic relationships have they had? Bruh. So many 4. Are they right- or left-handed? Ambidextrous. Pretty much next level human right here. 5. What charities do they donate to? The Comac Institute for Getting Jacked as Hell. 6. What are their biggest fears? Deep ocean shit. I’ve seen Jaws, mankind is not meant to go down there. (OOC note: Rejection, not fitting in, isolation) 7. How much money do they make? Hm let me ask my accountant how my 401k is doing OH WAIT I’M IN HIGHSCHOOL FUCKBOI! 8. What is their ethnicity? White. Proly some europe in there, vikings giving me strongth. 9. Do they speak with an accent? Nah son. Except tomato. To-mah-to. I will fight you. 10. What did they dress as for Halloween last year? Conan the barbarian. Do that one pretty often tbh. 11. What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? connor.mcquarrie@gmail for super serious business, tonguepuncher69@live for everything else. Oh and steam is Douglas Loife 12. What are they superstitious about? Nah brah, I bench ladders. 13. Are they allergic to anything? I used to be lactose intolerant, but I expelled that weaksauce from my body with pure willpower. 14. What hobbies do they have? Swamming, gaming, ballin, blazin. 15. Do they keep secrets? Bro, I lock that shit up tighter than a taliban in guantanamo. (OOC note: ehhh not so much. Tends to forget they’re ‘secret’.) 16. What are their astrological signs? Taurus. Strong like bull. 17. What are their taste in movies, books, and music? Movies: Star Wars, get with it or GTFO. Music: whatever gets me going you know? Lots of EDM for workout playlists. Book: George RR Martin and his bullshit can suck deez nuts, Wheel of Time all the way. Also non-fiction bout Europe 1900-1950. 18. Do they have scars? On my knuckle from 1 hit KOing some fool. (OOC note; he scraped his knuckle on the edge of a pool) 19. What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? I’m not a 60 year old Texan, so pro gay marriage, pro choice, pro mexicans, and pro dank ass weed. 20. Any tattoos or piercings? Got one of my nips done in Amsterdam last year, #yoloswaggins. 21. What does their handwriting look like? It’s totally legible, don’t know what teachers are always complaining about. (OOC note: it’s atrocious) 22. What is their religious background? Mom used to take me and my brother to church, some kind of protestant I guess. It’s been a while. 23. Where do they like to shop? H&M. Plain vnecks for 7$, is there anything more to this life? 24. What is their relationship like with their sibling(s)? Kyle’s alright, he can be a total asshat sometimes, but he’s got my back. 25. Do they have enemies? How did they make them? Ain’t nobody got time for that. I leave shitheads by the side of the road, not gonna grace them with my attention. 26. What are their ambitions? Do they have a “five-year plan”? I don’t know what I’m doing next week and you’re asking me about next year? Sheet no bro. 27. What are their political preferences? I haven’t really lived anywhere long enough to give two fucks about who gets elected. 28. What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? Advil, caffeine pills and alka seltzer. 29. What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? My number 1 tank. 30. What do they keep in remote storage? Wat. Do I look like I’m on Hoarders? Why would I have remote storage? 31. Are they night owls or morning people? Both, just that amazing. (OOC note: night owl. Only dedication/vanity gets him up in the morning, along with energy drinks.)
Spencer Dalle Amusant? Tu m'aides à m'amuser? Avez-vous même une idée de combien de difficultés l'humanité a rencontré quand elle a essayé de déchiffrer ma définition personnelle de l'amusement? Derrière une figure maladroite, mécontente, il y avait une envie de se déconnecter d'une foule indisciplinée. La présence d'une direction est restée particulièrement absente parmi les actions redondantes vues à des occasions similaires à celle-ci. Inutile de dire que Spencer n'a pas trouvé la valeur de frayer son temps autoproclamé 'précieux' vers un rassemblement qu'il avait peu-à-pas l'intention d'être une partie de. Pourtant, même à travers un assortiment de ses propres incertitudes et insatisfactions, il a réussi à rester immobile et à regarder les gens libérer les nuances innombrables de leur persona. Un grogneur impitoyable s'est échappé des lèvres de Spencer une fois qu'Ann l'a quitté et s'est dissipé au milieu d'un amas brouillé. Un grand rassemblement, s'il peut le supposer? Peut-être qu'il n'était pas au courant de quelque chose. Puis encore une fois, la notion de s'occuper de ses propres affaires était tenue de supprimer sa propre curiosité. C'est mieux pour lui de laisser passer quelque chose d'autre, comme pourquoi il n'y avait pas de distributeur de cola quand il y avait un excès d'alcool. Il y avait cependant des possibilités, mais la peur de errer et de traîner accidentellement dans une interaction non désirée l'enchaînait. Cependant, ce n'était pas un problème majeur qu'il pouvait soulever. De plus, une semaine d'approvisionnement en conserve de cola lui a été promis comme un échange pour faire partie de ce gâchis. Oh oui. Il n'y avait pratiquement rien à attendre de cette promesse qu'Ann avait proposée d'injecter une anticipation qu'il ne pouvait pas mettre en attente. C'était si provocant, Spencer pourrait juste mettre l'amusement qu'il a faussement revendiqué en considération soigneuse. Mais par où vais-je commencer? Alors que l'esprit de Spencer s'est enroulé dans une proposition de désenchantement, il s'est toujours senti complètement perdu; pas l'exemple commun d'être perdu, mais un autre. Il se sentait comme si son corps était simulé sur une projection trompeuse de ses perceptions et son âme étant séparée du cours de ses propres actes. Il a osé ne pas réfléchir à son anticipation vers une revendication garantie. La boîte de Cola en conserve était déjà la sienne comme promis, mais pourquoi devrait-il encore payer une once d'implication à la fête? Peut-être qu'il a oublié qu'il était déguisé en quelqu'un. Il a levé un soupir une fois de plus, confus sur la façon dont sa logique étrange fonctionnait. L'entonnoir pour les idées de printemps était plus difficile que les discours contemporains sur l'infidélité. Plus tard, Spencer s'est rendu compte qu'il se penchait trop longtemps contre les draperies du manoir, peut-être trop longtemps qu'une fille confuse n'a tapé sur son épaule que pour être répondu par un grognement surpris. "Désolé, je pense que j'ai mal à la tête." Il s'excusa alors qu'ils échangeaient des regards. La fille, cependant, n'était pas trop consciente du comportement étrange récent de Spencer comme elle a soulevé un sourire criblé de plaisir. "Bière?" Elle souleva la coupe se reposant de sa main délicate. Quelque chose chuchotait de nulle part et lui disait que ce n'était pas la plus grande des idées de prendre des suggestions de femmes à moitié droguées. Il a eu ses expériences et des rencontres quasi accidentelles. Plus jamais il ne les élèverait, comme les leçons ont été apprises sous les périls subtils de la tentation, pas qu'il l'aurait considéré comme tel. La jeune fille a jeté un coup d'œil plus près, attendant une réponse attendue et a plutôt reçu un simple geste de refus, Spencer grimpant et s'enfuyant. Il s'est déplacé entre des gens qui se tenaient comme des statues, en conjurant les plus éparpillés d'oreilles de chuckles. L'envie de résister à leurs sons agaçants était futile, mais Spencer s'enfuit et continua à chercher un refuge non surpeuplé. Enfin, il n'y en avait qu'un qui n'aperçoit presque personne d'autre qu'un visage familier qui se promène. Elle a sauté sur un bol de chips tout en s'emparant maladroitement d'une bouteille d'alcool. Brooke et son stupide petit jeu de "trouver la personne que je détesterai le plus aujourd'hui". Il tira ensuite une chaise à côté d'elle, libérant un gros souffle comme s'il venait d'être submergé sous l'eau. Pendant qu'il s'asseyait, il ressentait une lourde chute sur son épaule. Les yeux regardaient de façon continue le groupe rowdy tandis que les applaudissements soufflaient les invités récemment inébranlables. "Fun fête, hein?" Spencer a dit à Brooke. "Comme ce serait ennuyeux s'ils avaient tous la même idée de s'amuser que moi." Il y avait un ton subtil trouvé à partir de son ensemble de mots, sonnant presque endormi, peut-être, malgré l'émission fort de la façon dont la musique a été inutilement amplifiée. Il a levé une jambe pour se pencher sur l'autre. Les mains se tenaient les uns contre les autres, mettant le dessus de ses genoux. « Dis, qu'est-ce que tu penses si la moitié des gens ici sont au même endroit que toi? Assis sur leur propre chaise, mangeant des chips, ne faisant rien. Les jumeaux de Hancock seront si heureux mais perplexes, n'êtes-vous pas d'accord? » C'était là, l'air sarcastique qu'il désirait respirer.
Spencer Dalle "Gingers don't have souls? perhaps." Spencer Dalle Spencer Hartley Dalle Nicknames Spence - his older brother and most of his friends call him by that manner. Age 18 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Arguably an asexual Grade Level Senior Appearance A fairly tall individual standing roughly at 176 cm and weighing about 65 kg. Spencer's body frame consists of narrow shoulders, a set of lean muscles and an overall average build. What stands as a feature he's mostly known for is his fiery orange hair with a few locks of red reaching the upper strands. It's often trimmed regularly since Spencer dislikes people commenting about it too much. At times he'd wear a beanie only to cast away any attention his hair can get into. Concave cheeks build mostly of his square-like face along with his flushed chin. Thin eyebrows set above hazel eyes and a straight, thin nose which ends on a curved tip. There's nothing eccentrically offbeat nor peculiar about his clothing pattern. On a regular basis, Spencer will most likely dress up with one of his polo shirts and a pair of denim blue jeans. Off school he usually wears sweatshirts paired with cargo shorts. _____________________________________________________________________________ "Do not compare me with bricks! Even though I can't get laid unlike those things I ... I ... we're done talking." _____________________________________________________________________________ Personality Seemingly a person instilled with a cold heart, or so as he claimed. Spencer has no qualms about himself as an individual and how he stands at society, yet he falls down on behalf of his insecurities. Although having friends of his own keeps him from seclusion, he constantly struggles to fit in a place where he truly belongs. Often so, he doesn't find - or refuses to notice - true company from people who've been welcoming on his side. Understanding Spencer is like looking through a thin layer of clear glass but despite having no outside forces for it to break, it's likely to shatter by itself eventually. In general, Spencer himself jeopardizes his own life by the means of his decisions and a set of foolish actions. More often than not he is reluctant to accept things which do not routinely go by his notions, thus resulting to a stubborn way of progression. This doesn't entirely mean he's close to being depressed. Spencer often tries to rid of his afflicted nature but doing so requires him to use someone for the cause of it. He made a reputation of himself on being an asshole largely by bringing his miseries and hardships onto someone. Perhaps what's worse is that even when someone else is becoming a medium for Spencer's misfortune, he puts the blame on them nonetheless. Through other aspects, Spencer is widely known for his satirical charm - mostly because of the color of his hair which probably has an ambiguous relevance towards humor. He's the kind of student who constantly winds up from his desk and more likely drowns on the sea academic stress. He'd only hope a can of cola can be relied on between piles of homework and projects. As for people, Spencer holds a rather flexible demeanor. At times, he projects an equal form of sympathy to others but doesn't go beyond his borders. As far as anyone knows, being profoundly connected to someone has its perks but to Spencer, it's a detriment. Being attached to someone is something he's largely indifferent of, or rather, something he reluctantly accepts as a form of his feelings. He doesn't consider it as a part of him, yet everytime he experiences it, he becomes resentful rather than indifferent. How his flexibility goes varies on the people he meets. If he ends up disliking them, he won't bother bringing himself up and would instead go to people who are worth of his time or just by himself. Spencer prefers solitude over anything, though he can still find time to socialize but overall, he finds it unnecessary to a great extent. To him, being known isn't as relevant as it seems. He can find ways to prove his existence but nothing nearly matters when it comes to that. People point him out to be consistently cynical and often too deliberate in terms of dealing with school work. Though most of those are true, there are other things people failed to see. Spencer's outlandish display of humor occasionally shows how it's contradictory to his own self. Likes Cola (one could not put into words how this human being relentlessly loves cola) sleeping for more than 10 hours after going through weeks of sleep deprivation late night depression through cramming semestral breaks, holidays and suspended classes literary fiction Dislikes exams in general taking exams without studying cats coffee (old beliefs told him a cup of coffee has the potential to un-ginger a ginger) Fears Finals,sleep paralysis,snakes and teachers who look and sound like hellspawns Strengths Pessimism An able conviction of success Cola Weaknesses Chemistry His insecurities Unwillingness to accept change _____________________________________________________________________________ "I swear that if I ever hear another joke about my hair again, I'll burn your house down and eat your family for dinner." _____________________________________________________________________________ History Setting aside Spencer's uncertainties and his absurd personality, he is actually a gifted individual born with academic intelligence through reasoning. Teachers from his elementary school praised his exceptional cognitive skills which in turn, gave him several awards after joining a number of academic competitions. Spencer used the talent of his as a development for his future endeavors, which is public speaking. Growing up, Spencer didn't have many friends as he is mostly occupied with studies and preparations for various school competitions. But that generally did not mean he was isolated. He enjoyed his life from its simplicity alone. Playing with his dog Wrecker made him happier than anyone else and seeing this made his parents contented with his social capacity; not wanting more for their son to gain any form of fame. Spencer didn't demand anything more but to have his life remain as it was ... until their parents decided to leave Canada and move to the United States. Spencer's father was an executive branch director of an American finance corporation. What made them move to the US was mostly about the job and how Spencer's father was demanded to transfer to the corporation's main branch due to the CEO's terminal illness. Apparently Spencer had no choice since he wasn't in the position to make any changes and convince his parents to not move. They flew to the US, eventually leaving Canada. Spencer was just ten years old at that time but moving to another country became difficult for him. His new house, albeit larger than that of his hometown, felt largely unwelcoming. Through the stages of growing up to his adolescence, Spencer was still the same, still missing his hometown but not having the sheer level of homesickness as he had back when he just moved. Only when years passed by did he learn how to accept the changes of the world far from his consent. Though regardless of how he assimilated with such acceptance, there was still a constant string of denial. Spencer always wished everything would go back from what it was before, back when he still felt his unwavering joy. However, that did not stop Spencer from developing his academic skills and intellect. Soon after his parents heard of Ashbury Academy, they arranged plans to enroll him to the prestigious school while his older brother at another private school. So far, progress went by and Spencer still participated at various public speaking events and debate competitions. Favorite memory Everything about his childhood while living at his hometown in Alberta, Canada. What he misses the most are those days when he'd just wake up on a Saturday morning, play Frisbee with his old pal Wrecker (A purebred St Bernard) and climb up to his favorite tree across the neighbourhood with his brother, listening to music while waiting for the sunset to come to view. Least favorite memory Moving from his hometown and spending the first few months in the United States being homesick. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? The American Finance Institute (AFI) is one of the United States' leading financial corporation with branches extending around Canada, Mexico and some other parts of Central America. Spencer's father is the executive director of the Canadian branch but soon left the country and moved to the United States for urgent matters. The CEO of the corporation, Frank Dolbert was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a few months ago and was informed to have little chance of survival. So while he is being subjected through dialysis, the company's co-CEO Deihlyn Anton Flores took over but to make matters worse, he wasn't competent at controlling the stability of the company and needed to be replaced by someone as soon as possible. Dolbert and Spencer's father were very close friends and Dolbert himself believed the potential Spencer possessed as a young individual. Though he has a few doubts of his own, Dolbert envisioned the boy to be a part of the company. Spencer could one day exceed some of Dolbert's expectations as he sees a a young version of himself through the likes of Spencer. Birthday April 19 1997 Astrological Sign Aries Twitter Name Twitter: @SpenceD Deviantart: Spacepenguin07 _____________________________________________________________________________ "Love? I don't breathe that kind of air." _____________________________________________________________________________ Spencer Dalle "I can survive, I can live and I can go through all these things, give me five cans of cola!" _____________________________________________________________ Hal Polwith "Foolish things are often done with enthusiasm. Can't blame him though, it's his choice to spread his pestilence of joy between people ... not like it's a problem but I do hope he's equally treated. Not all people gives happiness as an exchange." _____________________________________________________________ Brooke Avery "As much as I understand myself, I do not hate things for what they are, I hate them because they existed. In this case, if she concludes hate and reluctance as a distinctive part of herself, she may pretty much become like me. Oh the joy." _____________________________________________________________ Korrigan Alexander Jackson "I do not mistake mischief as a childish attribute of an individual as I do happen to be quite mischievous myself ... I guess. As my parents told me when I was young, one's tongue speaks in behalf of goodness despite being one person against several billions of people. I never thought using it for crap talk can be acceptable." _____________________________________________________________ Laney Karie Chandler "One thing I do not understand between individuals is that they do not know being impervious to nonsense ―mostly words, naturally is 'their kind of thing' I appreciate people who are aware of that, like her. You can imagine such beauty and strength one can possess when she stands on her own and translates all vulgarity into a meager wisp of air. However, I am not quite certain how long this kind of character can stand with its impervious ... ness." _____________________________________________________________ Amanda Hirano "Innocence, one which we all have or had. In my case, I was never innocent but people assume that I am. They just mistake me for a jerk of a ginger with humor they cannot relate to. Anyway, so much for her, I do not know much. All I know is that people keep seeing her as some kind of child and I don't want to be the judge of that." _____________________________________________________________ Maie-Marie Malveaux "I happen to wonder why people started to become more and more illustrious with their happiness. It's not like everyone is going to be the same as themselves. I just find it to be rather ... annoying." _____________________________________________________________ Nathan Matthews "Yet another member of this 'spread happiness everywhere' cause. For real, if ever this plague ravages around school with no little means of stopping it, I'm done ... and I'm not going to return. Ever. Again." _____________________________________________________________ Connor MacQuarrie "So this is the incredible hulk everyone's talking about? I'm not a huge fan of Marvel or DC in particular but from how I picture the incredible hulk, he's massive ... huge, bulky, green-skinned and vicious. I do not recall his image being resembled by a lunatic. I know using the word lunatic may be a bit condescending of me but in all honesty, I see no difference among athletes or jockheads." _____________________________________________________________ Brenden Rivers "Do not mistake arrogance as some kind of disease. One is arrogant because he or she sees the potential within themselves. They do not level with the weak nor the ill-fated as they know such things will drag them down from what they're thriving to attain. It's not always about being on top but rather, staying on your own level and I don't see anything wrong with it. I like him, in a 'such an interesting specimen' sort of way. However I do not wish to be stained by whatever business he brings. It's not on my caliber to deal with what others do." _____________________________________________________________ Emilie Delacour "Sometimes I wonder how society does its tricks, forcing people with enthusiasm and lavish abundance. I don't get it at all. Perhaps I'm just too young to overthink about things, like how they suck all the time. For this person ―like most of them, I do not know much. I'd like to assume she's just this typical sunshine who wears skirts and dances on the field while she lifts her small umbrella. Even if I'm still a kid today, I can never afford doing that." _____________________________________________________________ Emilie Delacour "Hmm ... yet another flower of innocence. Soon you will realize that your domain makes no use of such. But since you're still young like me, you can let it rest ... for now." _____________________________________________________________ Aspen Hancock "I like how this guy becomes so ambitious about everything. It only goes to show that people with goals in mind are likely the ones who will succeed, but it doesn't mean everyone should. Success is but a selection of who goes in and who goes out. If you're meant or built for success, then it's a no-brainer that you'll go in but if you think falsely that you're going to reach the door to success, then no ... there's obviously no room for you. Through other aspects, I see nothing wrong with this guy. He's an intellectual contender among all but a fool in his own way. If you're that ambitious, you don't support others. You carry yourself on your own and not think about the lesser fools." Things you ought to know about me _____________________________________________________________ "like they matter" _____________________________________________________________ How many shoes do you own? What types? "Shoes? hm ... probably a bunch. I don't really care how many footwear I possess. They'd mostly be flat shoes or leather for casual wear. Then again, I don't really care. I can even go to an Intercollegiate Public Speaking Competition barefooted." Are you on social media? Who's with you on your profile picture? "I am but I don't often go through this medium as much as everyone does. For my profile picture, that isn't anyone's business―but mine to discuss with." How many romantic relationship(s) did you have? "Heh! Good one. I'm incapable of romance. Next please!" Are you right or left handed? "Neither. I can break the laws of physics by bending the motion of pens and pencils in order for me to write." What charities do you donate to? "Whatever my dad involves himself with. It's frequently his money anyway." What are your biggest fears? "Finals, first and foremost. Who wouldn't fear judgement day? Other than that, I have a few terrifying sleep paralysis experiences that still haunt me today. Snakes, but you shouldn't be surprised about that. And teachers who are spawns of Satan." How much money do you make? "Enough to tear this world a new wormhole." What is your ethnicity? "I have no idea. I might be a raccoon for some reason." Do you speak with an accent? "Of course not, that's disgusting." What did you dress for Halloween last year? "Originally, I was going to be Harry Potter but then I've lost a bet from those freshmen goons on the debate team. So in the end, I dressed up as the eastern bunny. Horrible people, aren't they?" What are your email addresses, blogs and websites? Passwords? "" What is your religious background? "I don't consider myself being associated with any religion. But I still have my faith, I just don't show it quite often." What are you superstitious about? "Why people somehow didn't manage to figure out the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. Seriously, it's that easy." Are you allergic to anything? "Lobster and stupid people in general." What hobbies do you have? "Ah I love collecting the bones of the people I've murdered and make a museum out of them. Jokes aside, I do love reading literary fiction but that doesn't mean I'm limited only on reading those kinds of books. I have a fair share of science fiction and fantasy. Other than that, I love speaking to an imaginary person ... at least when I'm alone so that no one notices how remotely crazy I am ―which I'm not. I make a hobby of painting as well despite me being terribly bad at it. It's what I sometimes do to release my anger and hate from the overall stupidity of people." Do you keep secrets? "Yes. Victoria's." What is your astrological sign? "Aries" What are your tastes in movies, books and music? "I don't really watch a lot movies. I just watch what's under everyone's radar but I do have a few favorites of my own such as the classic adaptation of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and a variety of Pixar films that made my childhood enjoyable. For music, I regularly listen to alternative rock such as Pearl Jam, The Smashing Pumpkins, R.E.M. and etc. Not really into pop music, though I have a few ones that I find conveniently catchy. For books, oh there's so much. From classic literature giants such as the Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye and 1984 to the science fiction and fantasy books I've started loving. There's just so many!" Do you have scars? "Leaving Canada left me a ton of scars." What are your thoughts on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana or other controversial topics? "I don't really think I can comprise all of my thoughts towards these interesting topics." Any tattoos or piercings? "I don't think so, though I do plan to have a tattoo on my back." What does your handwriting look like? "Like Tarzan's? Even I don't know how my penmanship looks like." Where do you usually shop? "I am uncertain if Chipotle is a legitimate shop." What is your relationship with your siblings? "My older brother is like my best friend. I miss the times we've spent with Wrecker back in Canada and I hope that one day we can all go back and relieve those moments. I don't think that's going to happen though ―which is fine by me, not like I've got any capabilities to let it happen." Do you have enemies? How do you make them? "I don't think I have enemies, just people who generally dislike me for some reason. How do I make them hate me? well, it's like back in kindergarten where you'd write an innocent letter to your crush about how you honestly feel about them. Except on my side, I'm not writing for my crush ―not like I have any. I don't know why people hate me for telling how I honestly feel about them. What do they want me to say? I love them? That's absurd and stupid in a lot of ways." What are your ambitions? Do you have a five-year plan? "Ambitions? Is that what you have when your parents aren't the ones who take control of your future?" What are your political preferences? "I have no interest in politics though I do find it amusing to see their system crumble into a surge of turmoil." What do you habitually keep in your cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "So you do believe I keep weed inside my inventory and that's why you're asking this question, aren't you?" What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "Uh ... my sweatshirt? I mean that's the only thing I wear most of the time, if I'm outside class." What do you keep in remote storage? "Something I refuse to say. And no, it's not weed. Stop assuming I possess weed dammit!" Are you a night owl or a morning person? "I sleep a lot or at least when I have nothing to do. So I'm probably a sloth." _____________________________________________________________ "I don't expect you to be interesting, so don't bother amusing me." _____________________________________________________________
Maie-Marie Malveaux Le parti s'est avéré être en train de monter en une violente cacophonie de son et de chaleur comme ce qui devait être tous les élèves de l'école étaient emballés dans cet endroit énorme - heureusement au milieu de nulle part. Ce qui l'a rendu plus étouffant, c'est qu'à mesure que la nuit passait, tout le monde s'enivrait de plus en plus. Marie ne buvait pas, en général, et elle n'aimait pas le goût de la bière, mais quelqu'un (elle oubliait qui) lui avait parlé d'une boisson mythique appelée "Jager Bomb", et sans beaucoup penser, elle en avait fait deux. Personne ne lui a dit que les bombes Jager étaient un poison puissant pour une petite fille qui est habituellement dans le camp de teetotaler, et sans même réaliser ce qui s'était passé, la pauvre fille était devenue complètement martelée. Quand elle a réalisé ce qu'elle avait fait, il était beaucoup trop tard, l'alcool et la caféine avaient déjà touché son sang. Le reste de la fête était couvert d'un peu de brume, de lumières, de musique et de bruit blanc, mais Marie s'est amusée pour tout cela. À vrai dire, elle voulait sortir en plein air et faire quelques tours, mais quelqu'un l'avait tirée dans un cercle pour un jeu appelé « Jamais n'ai-je jamais », qui semblait être une explosion. Alors que le cercle annonçait diverses choses qu'ils n'avaient pas faites, les gens descendaient les doigts de gauche et de droite. Comparativement, Marie avait l'impression d'avoir raté beaucoup d'expériences de la vie. Bien qu'il semblait que beaucoup de gens ciblent leurs annonces à certains autres, Connor semblait en particulier obtenir la paille courte plus souvent que pas. Il avait l'air bien, il était franc et amusant, il avait probablement fait beaucoup de trucs fous avant. Nathan a parlé de drogue et Marie s'est trouvée à court un doigt malheureux et plus un mauvais flashback à il y a un an ou deux, mais ses esprits ont été levés à nouveau quand l'annonce de Connor était qu'il n'avait jamais une sœur. Marie a toujours voulu une sœur, mais elle n'en a jamais eu une... Amanda-san comptait-elle? Peut-être que ce serait tricher, elle a gâché. Ses doigts ont vécu un autre jour sur une technicité malheureuse. -- J'irai ensuite! Elle a annoncé hors du bleu. Elle était la suivante dans le cercle de toute façon, il n'y avait aucune raison de se proclamer, mais il n'y avait pas beaucoup de raisonnement avec une Marie qui était déjà à moitié dans le seau. Elle pensait vraiment dur sur quelque chose qu'elle n'avait jamais fait qui n'était pas ciblé sur quelqu'un spécifiquement, et sa recherche interne a révélé trop de choses. Sans beaucoup de temps, elle brouillait tout ce qui m'est venu à l'esprit. Malheureusement, ses fils ont fini par être un peu croisés dans le processus, puisqu'elle n'était pas habituée à avoir à analyser les choses à travers un brouillard d'alcool et de boissons énergisantes. "Je n'ai jamais jamais rien volé. Jamais même une fois." Elle savait que ça avait l'air stupide, et elle s'est maudite intérieurement, mais bientôt le cercle allait passer à autre chose et oublier son mot salade. Elle courait quelques tours autour du dortoir quand elle est revenue pour se vider la tête, mais pour l'instant elle était plus concentrée à garder ses doigts en vie, si possible. Ça, et ne plus jamais toucher la légendaire "Jager Bomb" dans sa vie. Oui.
Maie-Marie Malveaux "When you feel bad, run. And when you've run as far as you physically can, if you still feel bad, just keep running until you leave those feelings in your dust." -Marie Malveaux Name Maie-Marie Malveaux Nicknames Mal (Semi-formal, taken from her last name. It means 'bad' so most people close to her don't use it, but a 'casual' teacher or someone in a similar position might pull it out.) M, "Trois-emme" (From her name having three M's in it. She hates this one, and it's used only in ignorance by a well-meaning stranger or else when somebody's actually trying to aggravate her.) She doesn't mind being called either Marie or Maie. Most people default to Marie because it's more common. Age 16 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Bisexual Grade Level Sophomore Appearance Despite her tomboyish personality, Marie's appearance is very much that of a girl. Shoulder-length blonde hair, occasionally dyed or tipped some exotic color, hangs down over her pale skin and 'cute' facial features (big round eyes, small nose, etc.) Her body, likewise, is rather petite, at a whopping 5 foot even and around a hundred pounds. She's toned, athletically, but not very muscular, even when she flexes (which is more often than is probably appropriate.) Even though her frame is small she tries to make up for this by wearing loud colors or just generally being loud herself. Her fashion sense is peculiar. Because she looks cute and doll-like, she can pull off strange fashion choices without really trying. In casual situations she is often seen wearing men's gym attire (tight t-shirt and shorts or sweats,) and these serve as her general outdoor clothes as well ("Never know when you've gotta run!") She hates dresses because she doesn't like the way they usually fit her, and she refuses to wear skirts because she has a constant irrational fear that everybody can see her underwear at all times. Formal wear doesn't really exist in her wardrobe. Instead, she has a large selection of active-wear (both men's and women's) and a single blue dress that never gets worn. She doesn't touch makeup, which has made a lot of her peers jealous in the past because of her relatively clear skin. Because of this she gets baffled easily when other girls start talking about their morning routines, and all she can say is "I shower a lot." Personality Marie is easy to get along with, but equally easy to hate, because of her simplistic personality. She is friendly and approachable, and likes to talk to 'unpopular' kids just because they interest her, but this habit sometimes ends in bitter feelings from popular girls who think she's a joke, as well as even unpopular kids who think she's taking pity on them. She is the type who likes to listen to people ramble on about whatever they're passionate about, and will then ramble herself about the things she's passionate about: fitness, food, anime, and the vastness of the universe, which she doesn't know anything about. She isn't perceived as particularly intelligent, because she really isn't. She loves learning new things but can't retain information well at all, often forgetting things by accident, including people's names or past meetings. She means well, and easily rolls with the punches when somebody calls her stupid, but she does have a bit of a hidden complex regarding her intelligence, often being the first person in a room to put herself down over how stupid she is. This is also the first thing people usually attack when they want to put her down, and she just laughs it off every time. Marie doesn't put up with people who put themselves down or attack others, and will reflexively try and shift any and all blame onto herself. While not a true martyr complex, it's not that far off either. She likes to think she is saving people by taking on all the pain herself, even if she logically knows it doesn't work that way. People don't often pay it much mind, because she is so upbeat all the time, but it's a habit that can easily get on everybody's nerves. She is working to try and change the way she acts because she has alienated friends in the past, but changing yourself is hard, so it's slow progress. Likes Anything that gets her body moving (sports, exercise, etc) Loud music (Usually old school rap/hip hop or electronica, but anything with a strong beat will do.) Energy drinks Thunderstorms and Natural Disasters Bruce Lee Anime Everybody Dislikes When people are down on themselves or others 'Lazy' days Skirts, dresses, jewellery Politics Fears Aside from her bizarre paranoia involving skirts, Marie is terrified of being lost. Lost in a new place, in the middle of nowhere, lost in a crowd, it doesn't matter. If she doesn't know where she is or where she's going, she gets the cold sweats. Thank god for GPS technology these days, right? Strengths Actual physical strength and fitness Her naivete means she's never scared or lost in a social situation She's one of those girls who can look good in anything without trying Weaknesses Completely socially oblivious. If people are talking behind her back or subtly insulting her, she will never catch on. Like, never ever. Information retention Poor impulse control History Originally hailing from Quebec, Marie's family moved to Manhattan Island halfway through her elementary school career due to her father's position as a well-respected business consultant. Her father became a permanent on-call consultant to the CEO of Jam! Energy, one of the highest-grossing soft drink conglomerates in the country. Marie was sent to a private school and their family was never hungry because of all the money her Father took in, but Marie herself wasn't a fan of inner city life. There just weren't enough ways to expend her energy, and there were only so many times you could run laps around Central Park before the scenery started getting repetitive. Her grades began to slip and she was diagnosed with ADHD and put on various kinds of pills to help regulate her poor attention span and energy levels. This worked for a while, but her energy had little to do with her brain chemistry in the end. It was just her personality. She was pulled from private school in grade seven and received home-schooling instead in hopes that she would do better in a more comfortable environment. And again, for a while, this seemed successful. Her grades rose and she stopped seeming so frustrated all the time. But even this had an end. The CEO of Jam! Energy suffered a major heart attack and passed away in his office, sending the company into a bad PR spiral (did he die because he drank Jam? That stuff will kill you!) The cash stopped flowing, and Marie's family could no longer afford her personal tutor. Her father was hired on as interim CEO of Jam! but honestly he was just hired as a scapegoat so that nobody within the company had to take the fall in the media. Even so, he was able to pull the company's accounts out of the gutter and back into the black, but Jam! Energy never could wipe away the dark smudge on their reputation, and the only people who were drinking their products were high schoolers and college students who didn't care about their supposed health concerns. What the company needed wasn't better management, they had that part covered, they needed a better image. To that end, the new CEO turned his eyes on the brightest shining star he knew - his own daughter. Maie-Marie was sent to Ashbury to continue her schooling and to get the pedigree that would be needed for the new face of Jam! Favorite memory One time while still living in Quebec, after watching the movie Forrest Gump with her family, she decided to run as far as she could, for no particular reason. She didn't tell her family anything about where she was headed, just "I'm going out for a run." Five hours later, she was in the middle of nowhere, completely stranded. She had to knock on a stranger's door to ask to use their phone. It took an hour for her parents to figure out where she had gone, and another two hours to actually come pick her up. She was grounded for two weeks afterward, but the memory is still dear to her, because she finds it hilarious. Least favorite memory Once and only once was Marie ever sent to school in 'girly' clothes, in grade 3. It was her parents' idea, against her will, but she agreed because they insisted on it, thinking she looked incredibly cute. They were right, but not even a minute after she got there, the usual boys she hung around with had flipped up her skirt and one boy tried to kiss her as a joke. She ran home without even attending her first class. She cut up her nice clothes and yelled at her parents when they tried to scold her, and the issue was never brought up again. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Marie was sent on behalf of Jam! Energy, who hoped to use her image to pick their name up out of the gutter. While not technically an heiress (she doesn't even remotely have the business mind and everybody knows it) she is still the daughter of the CEO. She has the pedigree to attend and a real purpose for being there, even if others look down on her because she won't actually inherit the company (although her father secretly hopes that she will gain the business sense to actually follow in his footsteps.) Birthday May 1, 1999 Astrological Sign Taurus Twitter Name @MMMMMMMarie She has a tumblr called "F___ Shoujos Get Yencoins" (not censored, that's how it's written) but she only uses it to reblog anime/rap song mashups. Maie-Marie Malveaux "Who is my best friend...? If you had to ask me right now I would say... you, I suppose?" Brooke Avery "Brooke is a bit of a flower, I can tell. I would like to spend more time alone with her, even if she says she hates me. Perhaps I could get her to move past my flaws and we could be friends?" Marie takes Brooke's harsh attitude towards the world personally, as though Brooke were actually mad at her specifically for being imperfect. She hopes in time that she can become a person that Brooke could bear to be friends with, though she doesn't really know how she might accomplish such a task. Hal Polwith "Hal is very funny, I like hanging around with him, because the way he talks makes me smile." Marie likes Hal a lot. He is just the sort of person Marie likes to hang around with. The type that is active and upbeat, as well as being very passionate and able to 'nerd out' every once in a while. She secretly wants to run a marathon with him to see who could last longer. Korrie Jackson "I think I could learn a lot from Korrie, but I wish that he would stop pranking other people." Marie admires Korrie for being so into computers as well as so many other things that she can't find the time for. She severely dislikes his mean streak, but thinks that he'll 'grow out of it' somehow. She would like to learn computers from him, even though anything beyond downloading anime and social media is probably a bit much for her. Amanda Hirano "Amanda-san chou kawaii neeee~ Bishoujo desu neeee~" Completely oblivious of the fact that she is probably coming on way too strong at all times, Marie thinks that Amanda is adorable. Even though Amanda is older than her, Marie treats her like a younger sibling. She admires Amanda's sense of style and always tries to talk about Japanese culture with her for some reason. Emphasis on tries to. Spencer Dalle "Monsieur Spencer is difficult to place, I think." Marie gets a strange feeling from Spence, like that of a kindred spirit, as somebody who sometimes makes horrible decisions to hurt themselves for unknown reasons. However, she doesn't really know him well enough to broach the subject, so their relationship remains mysterious and superficial. Laney Chandler "SHE IS SO... COOL!" Marie has a hard time seeing past Laney's 'Ms. Perfect' facade, and admires her greatly for being so 'haute-couture.' Marie recognizes that she herself isn't exactly the model of class and panache, but she greatly admires all the hard work and time it must take to pull that style off. Nathan Matthews "He is a good boy, n'est-ce pas? But maybe girls like somebody a little more... wild, I think?" School's a big place. When you coast by trying to just do what everybody else wants, it's hard to leave an impression on a girl like Marie. She likes Nathan well enough, but unfortunately finds him a bit forgettable and he often gets overlooked in her mind. Connor McQuarrie "I have a lot of respect for athletes. He is a bit of a clown, but I think that we get along fine. It is easy to forget my problems when I am with him." Marie is loud enough that it's difficult to find somebody louder than her. Because of this, Connor makes a pretty big impression. However, sometimes two similar wavelengths amplify themselves too hard and blow out your speakers... Brenden Rivers "It is something I do not like to say, but I do not get along with Brenden, maybe? He confuses me and makes it difficult to tell, but I think he is insulting me a lot? Even if he's right, this is how he acts to everybody, and that is not okay." As the socially oblivious person that she is, Marie is alternatingly immune and completely susceptible to Brenden's natural charisma. She takes most things he says at face value, and his attitude often just leaves her confused, making him uncomfortable to be around. She doesn't really get this feeling from anybody else, so she tries to avoid him if possible. Emilie Delacour "A rival approaches?!" Marie finds Emilie to be fun to be around, and despite cultural differences between Quebecois and Parisian french, just having another francophone around makes her seem less exotic, which is nice. But their similarities have inspired a competitive streak within Marie, and she will unconsciously try to one-up the poor girl whenever there's something to be won. Erin "Riley" Emerson "It is nice to see there is a girl here who is not so girly like me. I would drown in accessories if I was left in this sea of pretty girls." Since Marie has a hard time thinking about people beyond what she's shown, she completely believes that Riley is a totally tough chick, and admires her for that fact. She'd like to get to know Riley better, but never thinks to ask too deeply about it. They could probably be better friends if she did. Aspen Hancock "He has a certain... dignity about him. It makes me respect him, even if I do not know him very well. He is somebody who is going places, I think? Perhaps just the sort of person who fits right in here." Marie seems to respect Aspen, but even though he is genuine, his 'perfect' personality (or so Marie perceives it) makes him hard for somebody like Marie to approach. She liked to hang around him well enough, but he probably wouldn't be the first person she approached for conversation over somebody like Hal or Connor. Acacia Hancock "Madamoiselle Acacia is certainly somebody who forces you to like them, if this is not rude to say. She is often surrounded by others, and there is good reason for this. Though perhaps around her I feel as though I am bossing her around?" Much like her brother, Marie's opinion of Acacia resides in the clouds somewhere. As though she belongs to a different class of being (though maybe this is just by association.) She likes Acacia a lot, however, but the two of them often end up like a comedy duo with no straight-man. They need somebody to knock them over the head when they get too far down a dumb train of thought. 1. How many shoes do you own? What types? "Just two pairs. One pair for running, one for not running. Durability and comfort are important above all, but I often get made fun of for not being stylish for some reason. Are sneakers not proper formal attire? Surely you don't need to have a whole extra pair of shoes for dressy occasions? ...Why are you looking at me with pity eyes?" 2. Are you on social media? Who’s in your profile pictures with you? "You ask as if my profile picture is of myself. I do not have a good picture of myself, so instead I take a picture of my most recent favourite anime character. Currently this is Matoi Ryuko from Kill la Kill. Have you seen this show? No? I must recommend... actually, perhaps not. It is... well, it is not for everybody." 3. How many romantic relationships have you had? "When I was very young, I had a boyfriend, but he dumped me over the phone because he said he had not seen me in over a week and that was the only way he could get a hold of me. Is this acceptable, normally? I'm afraid I still don't really know. My second was just last year, a girl had asked me out, and we went on a few dates, but she too wanted me to text her every day. Who has the time for this? I... tried to let her down gently. I do not think she took it very well, but were we that serious in the first place? Again, I'm afraid I don't really know. Perhaps I am not cut out for this romance yet. There is much to learn..." 4. Are they right- or left-handed? "I was born right-handed, though now you cannot really tell the difference in my penmanship because it has degraded over time. Who writes things these days anyway? Does this count as ambidextrous?" 5. What charities do they donate to? "Does giving blood count as donating to charity? I'm afraid I don't really make a point to give my money regularly... is this unusual for somebody with no stable income?" 6. What are your biggest fears? "I dislike it when I do not know where I am. As long as I have my feet on the ground and know my way home, I can conquer anything! Anything at all! Hmm, perhaps not everything. I am still spooked by girly clothes, do not ask why, please." 7. How much money do you make? "This is a question as though I make a stable income, as though I have employment, yes? I am afraid this is not the case. Though if I need something, I can usually ask Papa. I do not think that we are short on money, if that was the direction of the question." 8. What is your ethnicity? "Ah, je suis Canadienne, French-Canadian you would say. From Quebec, on the outskirts of Quebec city. I must recommend this area... although it may be difficult if you do not know proper french." 9. Do you speak with an accent? "You have noticed my accent? I apologize if this makes me difficult to understand. I get many people thinking that my vocabulary is not good because of how heavy my accent is, but this is not the case. It is simply the way I speak." 10. What did you dress as for Halloween last year? "This is slightly embarassing, but I did not do anything for Halloween last year. I had planned to meet some friends, but when the day came, I completely forgot. While children were trick-or-treating, I had fallen asleep watching anime. C'est la vie. This year perhaps I shall dress up." 11. What are your email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? "This... this is a very personal question, is it not? Oooh ooh! Oh! Oooooooh! You should check out my Tumblr! Ah, perhaps not. I got very excited, but you are not of this niche, I presume. Zut, I thought I might gain another follower. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is like me, you know?" 12. What are you superstitious about? "Emm, perhaps this is just me personally, but have you ever noticed that street lights turn off when you run under them at night? And then they turn back on again once you are past? I have read that this is caused by an electromagnetic field given off by certain people! ...Eh? 'Power-cycling?' I do not know what this means." 13. Are you allergic to anything? "Nothing comes to mind, really." 14. What hobbies do you have? "Sometimes I feel as though my life is just a collection of hobbies. Running, camping, hiking, watching anime, listening to music, dancing, all sorts of things." 15. Do you keep secrets? "NON! ...I mean, emm, no. Not well, anyway. Please do not tell me anything you don't want people to know, I beg you." 16. What is your astrological signs? "I am a Taurus, if you believe in that sort of thing. I mean, it fits, n'est-ce pas? Bull-headed and all. I am not convinced." 17. What is your taste in movies, books, and music? "You are already aware of my taste for anime and manga, yes? Aside from that, I like anything that drips with too much drama. No reality TV though, please. I dislike the... manipulative nature of this. As far as music, I enjoy all sorts of things, but mostly I listen to hip-hop classics of the 90s. Rap these days has only a very small piece of the integrity and meaning that the old style had, I think." 18. Do you have scars? "I have plenty of rough patches from repeated falls, fractured bones and such, but I have never really had a deep cut that would leave a scar, no." 19. What are your feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "I simply do not get involved. I am only smart enough to know that I am not smart enough for these topics. Other people are affected deeply by these, but I do not have the stake or passion, I am afraid. I hope you do not think less of me for this." 20. Any tattoos or piercings? "None." 21. What does their handwriting look like? "You... do not truly wish to know the answer to this. No, I will not provide a demonstration, you will only laugh at me." 22. What is your religious background? "Like most of the area I grew up, my family was catholic. As for me, I could not say. It seems easy to believe these things, but again, I know I am simply not smart enough. Perhaps I will never know." 23. Where do you like to shop? "I have difficulty when talk comes to brands, to tell the truth. Most of my wardrobe consists of workout clothes, so I tend to shop wherever has a good deal." 24. What is your relationship like with your sibling(s)? "I am an only child, unfortunately. However, I have always wanted an imouto, a younger sister, to dote on and give life advice to. Oh, she would confide in me, and we would fight against the world together for the sake of her passions. All of her friends would-" She continues like this for over ten minutes. 25. Do you have enemies? How did you make them? "I do not think I have any enemies...? Although I have been secretly bullied by somebody for a while. I suppose perhaps somebody does not agree with my personality? I do not remember getting into any fights with anybody. It is a puzzle to me, but I do not mind so much. I have probably done something to deserve it." 26. What are your ambitions? Do you have a “five-year plan”? "I would like to do as my Papa wants, and help him reform his company's image. I do not know if I am up to the task, but he seems to think that I am, so perhaps there is something I can do. I do not have a particular plan except to simply get through school. This is what is required of me, I think." 27. What are your political preferences? "My preference is to let people who are smarter than me decide what is best for the country. I cannot even vote anyway." 28. What do you habitually keep in your cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "I think that I eat much like a regular person, although I try to have some Jam! on hand for when I need a bit of a kick. For the other times, I keep sleeping pills for when I have too much kick. I also try to have a basic first aid kit in my bathroom to treat basic scrapes and bruises. I do not own a purse, as I have never understood what was wrong with pockets. Inside my pockets is simply my wallet and my phone, usually." 29. What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "Sweats! Very easy to move in, great for working out, lounging, and nobody can see your underwear! You can get all sweaty from a run and then come home and change into a different set of workout clothes and you are still comfortable. And still nobody can see your underwear! It is wonderful." 30. What do you keep in remote storage? "I... do not know what this is? Something for when there is no room in your house? Why would I keep that much stuff? ...Is this an American thing, to have too many things?" 31. Are you a night owl or a morning person? "I prefer mornings, though I pull late nights very often as well. I enjoy any time when I can go for a run and there are no cars on the road or people on the sidewalk. It feels like my own small world."
Après s'être séparée de Korrie, Emilie s'était impliquée dans l'ensemble de la fête. Des collations étaient présentes parmi d'autres variétés de nourriture. Elle s'était farcie de chips de pommes de terre, de vaisseaux de maïs, de hot-dogs et d'autres aliments assortis. En tant qu'amante de la nourriture, elle a eu la chance de manger autant qu'elle le voulait sans s'inquiéter de prendre du poids. Les merveilles d'un taux de métabolisme rapide. Les boissons sont venues ensuite. Non alcoolique suivi des alcooliques. Quand les jeux ont commencé, Emilie s'est impliquée dans Beer Pong ou Bear Pong comme on le connaîtrait. Aspen avait même sorti plusieurs combinaisons d'ours pour les participants à porter! Entrer dans un de ces costumes d'ours et jouer à Bear Pong n'était pas ce qu'elle appellerait une expérience enrichissante, mais c'était certainement amusant, comme le reste d'entre eux l'a encouragé, la fille en costume d'ours jetant des boules dans des tasses. Quand ce match était terminé, elle s'est impliquée dans le prochain match, l'un appelé Sardines. Cela n'a duré qu'un moment et elle a été laissée dans le placard avec un tas d'étrangers. Dans une telle proximité, il y avait beaucoup de rire et de rire à avoir, parmi les snigers et les snorts. Pendant un moment, Emilie pensait entendre le bruit des gens qui s'embrassaient, mais elle ne pouvait rien dire exactement dans l'obscurité, c'était juste des sons, ce qui rendait ça d'autant plus excitant. Quand c'était fini, Acacia a commencé la prochaine partie, je n'ai jamais eu. Elle s'est assise près d'Aspen et Hal avait pris l'autre siège à côté d'elle. C'était lui qui avait donné le coup d'envoi, faisant une fouille à Connor dans le processus. Quelque chose à propos de biddie. Oh, ça allait être bien, elle a pensé à elle-même, à regarder les deux gars s'affronter. Ensuite, Nathan, et le sien, c'était de la drogue. Les pinces et les doigts étaient tombés, mais les siennes sont restées intactes, n'en ayant pas encore fait mention. Connor est allée ensuite, et en tant que seule enfant de sa famille, elle a conservé son score sans tache dans le jeu. Puis il était temps pour Marie. Le sien, c'était pour voler. Des drags! Il y a eu son score sans tache. Un coup rapide plus tard, un de ses doigts était tombé. Elle avait volé quelques articles de papeterie une fois quand elle était jeune. C'était plus un acte malicieux que n'importe quoi d'autre. Emilie était la suivante, et elle avait des plans pour descendre plus de doigts. Elle a dit fièrement, sachant que cela allait descendre beaucoup plus de doigts dans le groupe. "J'ai jamais embrassé quelqu'un en dehors de ma famille!"
"Where there is work, there is also fun." -Emilie Delacour Name Emilie Rose Delacour Nicknames Emilie doesn't have a nickname. However, some people do shorten her name to Em, which she is not entirely fond of. Age 17 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Angular and delicate, Claire is a bright sparkly girl that can often be seen with a smile on her face. Posessing a heart-shaped face with a button nose and a set of beautiful almond shaped eyes. Her eyes, which are by far her most striking feature are a gorgeous shade of ash grey and her thin lips, which accentuates her small mouth a healthy pink. They rest easily on her face, supple and intuitive, ready to spread into a smile at a moment's notice. Her ivory complexion is fair, with subtle golden undertones. Her hair is a lovely shade of honey blonde extending down to her shoulders. Her body is lithe and flexible yet still managing to possess a decent amount of curves. Having moved from France not more than five years ago, she still speaks with a recognisable French accent. Being a big fan of dresses, Emilie can usually be seen dressed in them although she does wear blouses and skirts as well. She rarely wears long pants, and the only type she wears are of the shorter variant. She would like to think that she has a good sense of fashion. In colder weather, sweaters, scarves and jackets are not an unusual add-on to current attire. was a fun day. Tomorrow will be too." Personality With an equally radiant personality to match her exuberant appearance, Emily is an energetic and adventurous individual that is also competitive and passioniate for what she loves and believes in. She always seek to strive for her best, and improving what she already knows. Headstrong and determined, once she sets her mind on something, she will do her best to achieve or complete it. Highly excitable, she tends to get excited over the smallest of things. She is also blunt and cynical, and is often rather judgemental of people which can make her out to be rude-sounding and mean even though she may not necessarily be so. She has a rather extensive sense of humour and tends to laugh at most jokes, making a couple of her own along the way. A big fan of pranks and pranking people, she is not above carrying out other mischievous acts. Although It may not be easy to earn her trust, she is extremely loyal, and once you have gained her trust and loyalty, she can always be counted on in times of need. When it comes to romance, Emily is by no means any good in the field. She does more than her fair share of flirting with guys she meets and is a real sucker for romance. She is a big fan of the whole love and affection thing between a couple and will go all out for the person she loves and considers her other half. She is very confident, although sometimes it may be overly so, which may come off as arrogance. Prone to being stubborn and obstinate, she often insists on doing things her way even though she knows that it may not be the fastest or most efficient way. She always seeks company, and likes it most when not alone. Likes Pranks/Mischief Gymnastics Swimming Jokes/Pranks Social Media Video Games Food (Especially Fried) Fruit Juices Romance movies Dislikes Boredom Fake people Beer Pessimism Excessive Violence Cigarettes/Cigars Cats People who talks about death/dying Insects/Bugs Fears Death Strengths Assertive Physically fit and agile Courageous Doesn't take crap from anyone Weaknesses Bluntness Being overly sarcastic/cynical Overconfidence (at times) Impulsive History Born into a middle class family, Emilie lived in one of the many residential suburbs in Paris. Emilie enjoyed most of her childhood and was well-liked at school, albeit in a different way. She was notorious for causing frequent mischief, but because her grades remained excellent, her teachers tolerated her to a certain extent. The young girl's life then took a surprising turn when she discovered gymnastics for the first time. Passionate in the sport, her parents fully endorsed and supported their only daughter's interests. Shortly after her thirteen birthday, the Delacour got the opportunity to immigrate over to the United States, and they took it. Moving over to California, Emilie settled down there, beginning her new life. While she was initially made fun of because of her French accent, as time passed,people began to get used to her, and Emilie found stability in her life. She began living her life as usual, but she didn't seem to have the same form of success she had bad in France, it was as if a spark was gone in her. Although she said nothing to her parents, she could feel and sense it and were inherently worried for her. Her father, Michael, a seasoned hiker who would usually go onto weekend hiking trips in the country. It so happened during the particular trip of his, he happened to spot a unconscious injured fellow hiker lying on of the rocks. He appeared to have fallen of or tripped from the cliff several feet up. He couldn't let the guy just remained there. He looked like he was still alive as well. Calling as well as radioing for medical assistance, help soon came. The police came as well, and questioned him on the situation. When everything was done and cleared, he was in no mood to continue and began to head home early. The Delacour family went on with their usual everyday life for a week, before they got a surprise visit from a visitor at the door, one fateful Sunday morning. The stranger introduced him as Mr. Watson and said he was a manager at Aperture Industries and about one week ago, Mr. Delacour saved their CEO who happened to be injured during a personal hiking trip. The boss himself would like to thank him personally at lunch. His family were invited to join in as well. At a lunch in a rather posh and fancy restaurant, It was there that Emilie met Christopher Strong for the first time. He was a hearty middle-aged man who looked none the worse for wear. It was hard to believe he was in a life-threatening accident no less than a week ago. They had their meal while her parents chatted with Mr. Strong. She however remained silent, but spared him some smiles whenever he looked her way. That was the least she felt she could do. The two of them left, while her father stayed behind, interested in having a further conversation with Mr. Strong. She had no idea what the contents of the conversation were, and her mother refused to say anything. However, Emilie was convinced that her mother knew something. Repeated attempts to wrangle the reason out of her proved futile. Researching the company, she found that Aperture Industries was a huge multi-million dollar corporation that manufactured pharmaceuticals and related equipment as well as other forms of scientific research in the pharmaceutical field. Other than learning of the company, she learnt nothing else. Several hours later, her father came back but said nothing, simply putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. A few days later, an invitation in an envelope came. An invitation to Ashbury Academy. Favorite memory Pranking her neighbour from across the street and filming it. Discovering Gymnastics for the first time Saying goodbye to her friends in France Winning gold in a Gymnastics Competition. Least favorite memory The initial adjustment periods in which she got bullied and teased when she firs started school in California. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Christopher Strong is the CEO of Aperature Industries, a huge multi-million dollar corporation that manufactured pharmaceuticals and related equipment as well as other forms of scientific research in the pharmaceutical field. After her father saved the life of its chief executive, he was asked to name his reward. He told Strong that he wanted a better future for his daughter so that she could have whatever she wanted, and that he still felt guilty from robbing her of the happy memories of what she had back at France for his own desires. Strong was soon be approaching his elderly years, and with no children, he had no heir. The ownership would dissolve into fights within the corporation, something he did not want. His assistant then came up with a valuable suggestion. "How about Ashbury Academy?" he had said. Ashbury Academy was a recognised institution that helped heir-less corporation owners groom potential successors with the help of the Academy's staff. It was widely recognised and accepted within the entire world. Birthday June 16th 1998 Astrological Sign Gemini Twitter Name Twitter: @QueenDelacour Instagram: QueenDelacour "Thank you for not annoying me more than you do." Emilie gives everyone a nickname, but she does not call them that in their face or behind their back. It is mostly used for her own personal reference. Brooke Avery"This one is dark, real dark. The Queen of Darkness. I wonder if she can even see herself in all that darkness." Not a fan of pessimism, there is an unlikely chance of them getting along. Brooke seems to be the embodiment of the darkness and with the will to seem to hate everyone and putting a dampener on things, maybe she could also seen as a challenge as well. Emilie will not be above annoying her with pictures of happy people, or other cute or adorable things. She does love her rather harmless pranks after all. Laney Chandler"This one right here is Madame Fashionable. She's real classy and always dresses to impress. That's pretty cool. She doesn't seem fake to me, so I guess she's alright." Emilie likes to think of Laney as a fashionista. She always dresses well, and appear classy in almost everything she wears. Secretly, Emilie wishes that her fashion sense is as good as Madame Fashionable herself. Maybe she'll ask her for tips one of these days. Henry Polwith"I like this guy. Monsieur Smiles. He's bright and happy, just like me without the cynical bits! And he jokes as well!" Apart from being a bright and happy person, Hal has a good sense of humour and actually appreciates jokes. Maybe one of these days she can rope him in for one of her pranks. He is just a really nice person to be around. A fan of reading and history as well, Emilie could probably see them being rather good friends based on the similarities they have. Korrigan Alexander Jackson"The Gamer. Also Monsieur Contacts. He seems to have an unhealthy obsession of black and red. " Despite his rather peculiar appearance, especially his eyes which Emilie can not stop staring at whenever she sees him, Korrie seems to be a brighter person that he will dress. He is big on gaming as well, so maybe sometime we can totally game together, no matter the platform. Amanda Hirano"The Cutie. So cute yet so fragile. Sometimes it feels like if I stare hard enough she will shatter into pieces. Caution: Do not stare too hard. " A shy and delicate flower, Amanda dresses well, and Emilie gives her props for that. However the girl seems to have such a low esteem that she always seems so quiet and withdrawn. She shouldn't be so hard on herself. Marie Malveaux"The Rival. Guess what? She knows french! She's fun to be around." While Emilie gets along well with Marie and find her enjoyable to be around, their similarities have unknowingly created a rivalry among the pair, igniting the competitive streak in her to one up the poor girl. Spencer Dalle"Ahh, Monsieur Mystère. Kind of a mystery, that one." Emilie doesn't really know what to think about Spencer. He's very much a mystery and does all sorts of douchey things to people, but somehow she's got a feeling somewhere that he may not actually be as mean as he appears. Nathan Matthews"He's kinda good looking, handsome even. He's really kind too. Ahh magnifique~" Nate looks great and is extremely kind to boot. What's not to like about the guy? A real listener and everyone's friend. His selfless nature coupled with his caring nature makes him look very much like a prince charming. Although they haven't really met up much, she likes this guy, but then again which girl won't? He's so dreamy. Très Bien... Connor MacQuarrie"A fellow athlete and a gamer! He's loud isn't he? That's Monsieur Loudmouth for you." Connor is an extremely loudmouth but there is something about that quality that makes him endearing to her. He is rather hunky and much bigger than her in size. He seems to love to party and uses alot of funny-sounding slang. Personality wise,the two of them do have a number in common which could be why Emilie finds him endearing. Being an athlete herself, she respects fellow athletes regardless of the sport he plays. The fact that he likes video games as well is just another item to add to the list. Brendan Rivers"Ahh, Monsieur Butthole. Is there anyone worst than him? Is it even possible? " Emilie cannot tell Brendan was born an ass or did something turn him into one, because he's bad. He seems to have that holier-than-thou attitude, and she cannot stand the sight of him and will avoid him whenever possible. Erin Emerson"She is tough that one. I don't want to go up against her. Oh mon dieu!" Very much a tomboy, Emilie feels like Riley belongs more to the boys than she does to the girls. Despite being physically fit, she is still intimidated of the other girl. From what Emilie can see, Riley looks like a bully, and she does not have a good memories or experiences when it comes to bullies. Aspen Hancock"A good person who rarely gets angry. Relaxed and laidback. Quite charming as well." Another fellow athlete alongside Hal & Connor, Emilie gets along well with Aspen. His relaxed and laidback nature makes it easy to be friends with him. He's funny as well, which is always a great quality to have as far as she is concerned being a lover of jokes and everything funny. Emilie puts on her best english pronunciation she begins the 31 questions interview. 1. How many shoes do you own? What types? Hmm..I own one pair of pumps for formal occasions, two pairs of pump flats for casual wearing, one pair of boots, sneakers and one pair of sports I guess six pairs in total? That's not too many at all. Did you see how many Laney has?! 2. Are you on social media? Who’s in your profile pictures? Yes. I'm on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Facebook is reserved for friends only, but you can feel free to follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Some form of photos of myself is usually in profile pictures be it professionally taken or selfies! 3. How many romantic relationships have you had? Mon dieu!...This is rather embarrassing to say, but I've never had the chance to have a boyfriend. I had rather bad luck in this department, I would say! I've had plenty of crushes that'd ended up no where though. 4. Are you right- or left-handed? I am left handed and proud to be so! Unfortunately, everything seems to geared towards right-handers! It's bias I tell you! That is so unfair! 5. What charities do you donate to? I don't usually donate to charities, but when I do, its to the Red Cross. 6. What are your biggest fears? My biggest fears are lizards. All kinds of lizards. And let's not forget bugs and other creepy crawlies! Gross! 7. How much money do you make? Enough. I have enough money to spend with which I am very comfortable with. That is all you need to know. I don't see why you need to know more. 8. What is your ethnicity? Je suis français! I guess you can say that I am a 'white' Caucasian from the french capital, Paris. My mother is half English though. Which would make me quarter English? 9. Do you speak with an accent? Yes I do. I would say I speak with a Parisan accent. It has been years since I have left France, and the accent is the only thing I have left of my birth country. I would like to keep it if I can. People always make fun of me speaking, especially Nathan, but I forgive him, because he is cute. 10. What did you dress as for Halloween last year? I dressed as an undead zombie last year. I am not really a fan of the horror genre though. It was just a promise I owed to a friend. 11. What are your email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? You can contact me at if you need to! No spam emails please! I do not have any websites and I prefer to keep my passwords to myself. They are supposed to be private! 12. What are you superstitious about? I do not like black cats nor do I like the bad luck stuff that is normally associated with them. I try to avoid them whenever I can, and would even go out of my way to avoid them if possible. 13. Are you allergic to anything? I am allergic to all kinds of shellfish. They make me itch really bad. 14. What hobbies do you have? I like gymnastics, swimming, video games, listening to music, reading and eating. Oh did I mention that I love fried food? 15. Do you keep secrets? I am really bad at keeping secrets. So I don't think so. 16. What is your astrological sign? I am a Gemini! 17. What are your taste in movies, books, and music? As for books and movies, the genres I love are mostly similar. I love science fiction, fantasy, thrillers, and romance, especially the type with the cheesy romance. I also a fan of reading chick lit. As for music-wise, I love classical and instrumental music. A personal favourite of mine is Bolero by Maurice Ravel. 18. Do you have scars? I have a few bruises that have healed and similarly a few healed fractures from my gymnastics training. They have all but healed now. Other than that, no, I don't have any other permanent scars. 19. What are your feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? I always tend to try to stay away from controversial topics like these, so I don't really have anything much to say about these. I remain neutral on my standpoint. 20. Any tattoos or piercings? My ears are pierced, and I do wear earrings on several occasions. Other than that, no, no other piercings. 21. What does your handwriting look like? My penmanship? Well, I'd like to think that mine looks pretty neat. My friends say that it is tidy and easy to read. *Shows a demonstration of her penmanship* 22. What is your religious background? Unlike most of the families and peers that I grew up with who were Catholics, I am a Christian. 23. Where do you like to shop? when clothes shopping, my favourite shops are H&M and Forever 21. When game shopping, GameStop is a good place that I frequent. Other that that, I also go to a variety of food joints to satisfy my food cravings! 24. What is your relationship like with their sibling(s)? I am my parent's only child, so I wouldn't really know what relationship with siblings feel like. 25. Do you have enemies? How did they make them? I hope I don't have any enemies. But sometimes I think that people seem to hate or dislike me for some reason. Maybe they don't like my pranks or they think my jokes suck. 26. What are your ambitions? Do you have a “five-year plan”? I was aspiring to eventually become a gymnast for the National Olympic Team before this whole Ashbury thing happened. Now I focus on my I am supposed to achieve for my parents and for my sponsor, Monsieur Strong. Other than that, no I don't have any of this "five-year plan" yet. Maybe in the future I would. 27. What are your political preferences? I don't like politics, so I try to stay away from them if I can. I guess you can say that I am neutral for now. However, if I am required to vote, that I will vote for the most rational one there is that will not lead the country to ruin. 28. What do you habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? I keep the usual items one might find in an average medicine cabinet. A first aid kit and several bottles of pills, like aspirins, sleeping pills and other essential medicines. I tend to pack certain group of items into certain cupboards so I know when to find them when I need to. I don't have a habit of carrying a purse. I just use a small backpack if needed. 29. What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? Dresses!~ I love wearing dresses, especially the floral kind! Cocktail dresses! Oh! I love skirts as well! But a more casual setting, I guess t-shirts and shorts can be quite comfy as well. 30. What do you keep in remote storage? Remote storage? I have no idea what that means. A place somewhere else to keep things? I don't have one... 31. Are they night owls or morning people? I would say I'm more of a morning person. I tend to get really tired at night unless I woke up really late in the morning, or I've had an afternoon nap before hand.
Amanda Hirano Amanda regardait comme elle et son amie s'étaient séparées, elle se sentait à nouveau vulnérable... Elle n'est pas idiote, elle sait ce qui se passe dans des fêtes comme celles-ci, et elle sait que ça ne se termine pas avec tout le monde qui se fait ses adieux et qui courtise comme des dames et des messieurs bien gâchées, propres et chics. Elle s'est déplacée incomfortablement, sentant le regard des autres l'entourer, elle ne voulait vraiment pas attirer l'attention indésirable ou être le centre de l'attention elle-même, donc elle l'a rassemblée et a simplement décidé de le mettre bas pendant un moment, agissant (ou essayant de) naturel comme elle errait dans les couloirs du manoir. Peu de temps après, une fille s'est présentée comme Acacia a commencé à dire ceci et cela, les remerciements habituels et quoi que ce soit. La brune vient de regarder avec une expression sans fascination dans son visage, elle ne voulait vraiment pas faire partie de cette petite fête, mais elle n'avait pas vraiment son mot à dire, cela et c'était un gaspillage total d'une bonne combinaison de tenue. Elle tourna la tête pour voir que le parti était vraiment venu à la balançoire, c'était une vue amusante, mais pas exactement le meilleur endroit pour qu'elle soit là en ce moment. C'était bruyant, presque brusquement ainsi, les grandes foules l'ont rendue mal à l'aise de dire le moins et elle n'a pas vraiment vu de plaisir ou d'amusement émerger dans l'une des activités actuelles, préférant garder pour elle-même comme la nuit continuait. Amanda s'est assise à l'une des tables et s'est rapidement préparée une tasse de cola, pas la chose la plus saine à boire, elle sait, mais ça semblait être une bonne idée à l'époque. Elle prit quelques gorgées et soupira, voyant ses pairs s'amuser et profiter pleinement de la vie, la fille força un petit sourire, les vues étaient assez drôles à voir, comme Bear Pong de toutes choses. Qui a eu l'idée de jouer du pong à bière et de le faire avec des costumes d'ours de toutes choses? Si vous en montriez une image à quelqu'un sans lui donner le contexte, ils seraient plutôt stupéfaits.
Full Name Amanda Hirano Nicknames None in particular. If you want, she may consider the fact of having a nickname. Just make sure it's not offensive. Age 17 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Asexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Standing at a petite 5'2", Amanda is a half-American, half-Japanese girl with styled shoulder-length brown hair. She has a bad habit of running her fingers through her hair, especially if she's talking with someone. She tends to use a variety of make up, but doesn't go overboard, limiting herself to blushes, eyeliner, and lipstick. Her eyes are hazel colored and her lips are often pink and glossy. She likes to engage in nail art. From time-to-time, she likes to wear head accessories, bows and ribbons being a personal favorite of hers. When it comes to her fashion sense, it's pastel colors all the way. Preferring a more comfortable style of clothing, she likes sweaters and graphic tees, skirts and boots are nice for her too. Her posture says a lot about her, she constantly twiddles her thumbs, avoids eye contact, and often holds her hands together, as if she was asking for forgiveness. Personality One thing you should know about Amanda, is that she has low self-esteem. So low it might as well reside in the core of the Earth itself. ...Maybe that was a bit too much. Based on her upbringing, she never had much interaction with the outside world, with her social skills being severely limited. Her parents constantly reminded her that she needs to be perfect in order to properly function in the world, this left a mark on Amanda, her conscious constantly reminding her that she'll never be perfect, not with the way she is right now. To this day, it haunts her in her dreams, rendering her almost unable to sleep at night. The feeling of being alone is something Amanda loathes, she yearns for social interaction with her peers, but feels she is not up to their standards, repeatedly belittling herself for her it. In the times that she actually does manage to strike up a conversation, she stutters on her words, awkwardly pauses and asks if people hate her because of it. Despite her bashful demeanor, underneath that soft silk shell is a kind and caring person who truly wishes the best for her peers, and especially for the people she deems as friends. She won't hesitate to step in and intrude if she ever sees her companions in peril, be it a scuffle or an emotional problem, you can bet that she has your back, assuming you have hers of course. It'll take some time to have her come out of her shell, but deep inside, Amanda is a cheerful and compassionate friend who just really wants the best for her friends...Assuming she ever gathers the courage to find one or two. Likes Reading books (Especially if they are of the Fantasy genre) She doesn't want to admit it, but she's a sucker for cutesy outfits and fashion in general Bears Renaissance-era operas Pastel colors Dislikes Cheesy romance novels (More so if they reek of Wish-fulfillment/Mary Sues/Overdone cliche's) Mirrors Melodramatic people Going outside the confines of her room Fears Mirrors Strengths Intuitive Good at writing stories and poems Very empathetic and sympathetic Genuinely cares about the people around her Weaknesses Crippling shyness Constant paranoia Thinks that she has to perfect everything in order to appeal to others Thinks very low of herself History Amanda was always known to be a gifted kid, talented in so many things. Her family would constantly boast about her upbringing, which made her uncomfortable to say the least. Her parents worked 24/7, with shifts so long that they barely had any time to properly spend time with her. She remembers the days where she would stay up late at night constantly waiting for her parents to return, only to find them haggard and practically on the brink of exhaustion. Even in the mornings when she woke up she'd find her mother on the phone and her father tapping away in his laptop. There was barely an opening for her to actually know her parents better, even when they would sugarcoat their words, she knew that they were basically brushing her off. The only comfort Amanda had were her stuffed toys that her parents would buy for her on numerous occasions. She'd have tea parties with them, converse with them as if they were real, they were the closest things she could ever call 'friends'. One of these friends that she'd never forget is a stuffed bear named Theodore, the very first stuffed toy that her mother had bought of her, she became so attached to the bear, that she refuses to throw it out, even when it's past its prime and she's already seventeen. This seclusion went for a while, when her parents noticed that she refused to come out of her room, they decided that now was the time to take measures. When they entered her room they just saw a plethora of her toys sprawled on the ground, Amanda sitting in the corner of her room clutching Theodore to an almost eerie degree. When she saw her parents she just cried, everything after that was a blur. She didn't know what happened afterwards, but what she does know is that her parents decided to do enroll her in some sort of prestigious school. Amanda didn't have a say in it, and no matter how she pleaded, her parents wouldn't change her mind. And thus, she was plunged into a world outside of her own comfort zone. What the future awaits for this girl is all up to fate. Favorite memory Those fantastic moments with her toys, she'd never forget the time Angela rabbit actually invited her to a tea party! Or maybe that was Petunia butterfly...She forgot. Least favorite memory Pretty much every time her parents weren't around. And even if they were, they were far from being pleasant memories. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Hara-Jyu-NKyu Imports is a fashion company that focuses on the colorful, sparkly, and cute (Sometimes gaudy and eccentric) fashion for girls, by girls! Their main store is located in Akihabara, Tokyo ironically, but they did recently open a store in Harajuku, and has been their most popular store ever since, hence their namesake. Amanda's mother happens to be a close friend of one of the owners, Harumi Nakajima and she brought up the prospect of Amanda's current problem. While she was reluctant, seeing the array of issues that seem to be stemming from the girl, she decided to give her a chance. Harumi and Amanda's mother decided that this was probably the best thing they could do at the moment, even without Amanda's consent. Birthday July 8, 1998 Astrological Sign Cancer Twitter Name Twitter: @PeaceFullFields Amanda Hirano "I have a lot of wishes, but for now I just want one simple thing...I wish for friends, friends who don't hate me, friends who will be happy to be called as my friends. I-I'm sorry, was that too corny?! I killed the mood, didn't I?" Brooke Avery "She...She scares me, she looks so intimidating. There's no way I could talk to someone like her..." Pairing these two wouldn't be the brightest of things to do. Amanda's first instinct when around her would be to avoid contact and just stay silent. She can't exactly understand how someone can indefinitely hate everything around them, but she's willing to listen to her reasons, assuming she can actually approach Brooke without getting scared. Henry "Hal" Polwith "He looks like a very nice person, I wish I had his confidence. The two could actually make for a stable friendship, as Amanda is filled with a sense of happiness and ease around him, even if some of his jokes aren't all that funny, she laughs at them anyway. Spencer Dalle "Surely he can't be all that bad, right? Maybe all he needs is a hug...Uhm, if he wants to...He probably doesn't...I-I should go away now..." Amanda honestly believes that Spencer is just misunderstood, she'd be willing to spend time with him if he'd be okay with it. Other than that, they seem distant...Not exactly friends, acquaintances would be more like it. Maie-Marie Malveaux "She's like that big sister I never had...I don't want to be a burden to her. The two would make for good friends, Amanda could spend hours talking to Maie about her problems but feels she really should lessen her martyrdom from time to time. Laney Kaire Chandler "She looks really nice. M-Maybe we can even become friends! ...That'll never happen." Amanda would most likely look up to Laney as if she was some sort of role model for girls. She really hopes they can become friends as she feels Laney could help her build her confidence. Amanda would probably ask if she can borrow some of Laney's clothes/accessories, or at least try them on. Korrigan Alexander Jackson "He's like those characters you see in anime, I wouldn't mind getting to know him better. If he wants to... Truth be told, Amanda is actually scared with how Korrigan can easily manipulate one's account. She feels a sense of bonhomie around him, despite his mischievous tendencies. She'd be willing to play a round of games or two with him, assuming it's not an FPS. Nathan Duncan Matthews "There's something about him...He looks kind of cute, his smile is a bit infectious too..." Connor Molson McQuarrie "He's...certainly loud isn't he? I wish he could be more sensitive..." Brenden Micah Rivers "I...I honestly don't know what to say. I hope he's not mad at me for doing so, he probably is..." Erin Riley Emerson "She seems kind of rough, but I can't help but feel she's hiding something..." Amanda and Erin don't seem like they'd fit like two peas in a pod, but she'd be mostly welcoming of Riley's personality, but would tell her that there's more to life than being tough. They'd totally exchange friend codes or visit each other's towns in Animal Crossing though. 1. How many shoes do they own? What types? "W-Well...My closet's lower section has a place specifically for shoes. It's almost full at the moment, I think I'll have to give away a few, but I can't really part with such darling shoes! Not a real fan of heels and stilettos, they make my feet hurt. I prefer shoes that are comfy and cute, maybe a character or two in them. Sneakers are fine too, I prefer boots myself, not the combat ones though." 2. Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? "Uhm, I have a Twitter, you can follow me i-if you want...It's mostly just sketches of characters though. @PeacefullFields. I used to have an art blog in tumblr, but it's pretty much abandoned...I don't really take pictures with other people." 3. How many romantic relationships have they had? "W...Wha-What are you saying?! Ah, t-that is to say...None. I-I don't really have time for romance, besides, no one could love me, not right now...Not until I'm perfect..." 4. Are they right- or left-handed? "Righty...Anything I use with my left hand just spells disaster..." 5. What charities do they donate to? "Uhm...Pass? I might donate once or twice, I just don't know which one...Orphanages maybe?" 6. What are their biggest fears? "Mirrors...J-Just...Mirrors! Anything but that...They remind me how much of an i-imperfect daughter I am...How much of a big failure I am to my parents! It hurts...It hurts...Whenever I look at my own reflection, I just want to rip out every hair on my head and shriek..." 7. How much money do they make? "Mmm...I'm not sure, I'll have to ask mother...Whenever she has the time that is...Which is never." 8. What is their ethnicity? "I'm half-American, 私は半分日本人です. I-I mostly inherited traits from my mother...Hah, I need to brush up on my Japanese soon...それが人生だ...You'll never know when it might come in handy." 9. Do they speak with an accent? "Not that I know of...I-I think..." 10. What did they dress as for Halloween last year? "U-Uhm...I'm too old to be d-dressing up for Halloween...B-But I remember dressing up as a witch when I was young...There was one time where I dressed up as a Yuki-Onna, b-but people just thought I was wearing a kimono for show..." 11. What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? "I-I don't really own a website, a-and my email and passwords are something I'd like to keep t-to myself...L-Like I said, I...I used to have a tumblr, but it's pretty much abandoned by now...I might revive it one day..." 12. What are they superstitious about? "Mother u-used to tell me so many things back when w-we were in Japan...How I shouldn't rest after eating, not to play with fire, don't kill spiders in the morning, don't pass food using chopsticks...The list goes on...I...I could go on about this..." 13. Are they allergic to anything? "Nothing in particular...I really hope I don't have an allergy to cute animals..." 14. What hobbies do they have? "I like to engage in nail art...I used to knit, but it's been so long I've practically forgotten how to do it...Whenever I try to, I end up pricking myself, even with a thimble..." 15. Do they keep secrets? "O-Of course I do! W...W-Who doesn't? I don't tell my secrets to ANYONE...E-Except maybe Theodore, truly he is the only person I trust...I hope he doesn't spread rumors..." 16. What are their astrological signs? "Cancer, n-nothing more than that..." 17. What are their taste in movies, books, and music? "Well...I like Fantasy as a whole, especially in my books...Ah, that reminds me...I should buy some more books soon...A few young adult novels wouldn't hurt, or two. I don't really like Horror stuff, e-especially all the gory and bloody stuff! They make me sick...Saw and Final Destination come to mind...Awful...Animated films are nice, especially Disney/Pixar films! Inside Out was really sad... Music? Well...I-I'd be lying if I said I didn't listen to J-Pop...Kyary's stuff comes into mind...つけまつける is one my favorites. Rhythm game songs sound nice too...T-The ones in pop'n music have some of my favorite songs. Other than that...I guess whatever's popular at the time? Not really a fan of Rock or Rap...Too loud, t-too crude...Classical music is nice to listen to, I like Chopin's compositions...his Revolutionary Etude is a personal favorite of mine." 18. Do they have scars? "...Internal or External? B-Because I'm pretty sure I have lots inside..." 19. What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "I-I think there's nothing wrong with Gay marriage...or t-the LGBTQ+ community as a whole...It...It's kind of sad h-how they keep on being treated so lowly...I wish people could learn to love each other more. Abortion? W...Well, I guess it depends? I mean, if I was a rape victim and found out I had a baby, I'd really consider it, but then again...Taking away lives, especially children is an atrocity...M...Marijuana?! Ehh...Ahh...No thank you..." 20. Any tattoos or piercings? "I...I wouldn't dream of it!" 21. What does their handwriting look like? "Hmm...M-My classmates keep on s...saying it looks flowery and...a-and elegant...Me? I think it looks terrible...J-Just like every fiber in my body..." 22. What is their religious background? "Erm...I'm not really religious to begin with...M-Maybe it's one of the reasons why my parents hate me..." 23. Where do they like to shop? "Well...I prefer shopping online...A-Although I do go out every now and then j-just to see what's in stock, brands? I don't really have any preference...Anything will do, really!" 24. What is their relationship like with their sibling(s)? "I...Don't really have any...Well, I remember my cousins visiting one time when I was a kid...I-It was okay I guess. We had a lot of fun playing house and having tea parties, I wish I could travel back in time to relive those moments." 25. Do they have enemies? How did they make them? "I...I really hope not! I c-couldn't live with myself if I did...Uhm, I get the fe...feeling that people hate me already..." 26. What are their ambitions? Do they have a “five-year plan”? "Plan? Ehh...I-I don't really like planning stuff, it never goes the same way as you expect it to...A-And besides...Why focus on the future when you have the present to live for?" 27. What are their political preferences? "Uhh...I really think Trump shouldn't win?" 28. What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "J-Just the basic stuff in the cabinets...My purse though? Well, I actually prefer a bag...But, I keep my makeup, wallet, cellphone, and headphones, just the usual necessities. N-Nothing interesting." 29. What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "Wah! I-I have a lot to choose from...I could go all day about what my closet entails...But, I guess I'll keep it brief...Err, I'll try to. Hmm, how do I start? Well...I really like dresses! Sweet Lolita being one of my weaknesses in the matter...E-Especially if they have animal prints! Sometimes I think that they're too cute to wear! I like buying graphic shirts as well, really love ones that have a design...Although, I g-guess that depends on WHAT design it has...Plain shirts a-are just really bland...I don't like them. I have this bracelet I wear often, i-it's actually a friendship bracelet one of my friends gave me once...I can't thank that person enough to actually con...consider me as their friend!" 30. What do they keep in remote storage? "Some of my old friends/stuffed toys...But I'd never dream of locking up Theodore in there! He stays by my side...err, my bedside table that is. I have a few dusty costumes in there, maybe a mannequin or two when I was still aiming to be a designer, b-but those days have gone by..." 31. Are they night owls or morning people? "I'm more of a morning person...Nights are nice but I always look forward to the sun...Seeing it shine brightly, it fills my day with determination, almost as if I can do anything if I tried hard enough..."
Laney Chandler Est-ce que je veux savoir ce qui vient de se passer? Pour la plupart du début de la fête Laney mêlée par la table de snack bavardant avec Emilie alors qu'elle se livrait à la grande variété de nourriture, ou regardant le reste de ses amis se mêler avant qu'Acacia saute sur la scène du karaoké faisant des annonces sur si quelqu'un a besoin de quelque chose pour la trouver ou son frère. Elle a laissé ses yeux suivre à l'endroit où tout le monde pointait à Aspen prenant une gorgée de sa coke, il y avait quelque chose sur lui qu'elle se sentait attirée à ne pas que sa personne structurée permettrait la place pour rien de plus que le béguin enfantin pour l'instant. La coke était quelque chose que Tyler avait poussé dans ses mains avant de s'arracher à nouveau et elle était positive qu'elle ait été piquée mais c'était une fête après tout pour qu'elle puisse peut-être se détendre un peu. Détournant son attention, elle regarda son ami sullen monopolisant les chips de cornichons d'aneth. Est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre que vous aime vraiment ces jetons?" C'était une question honnête et son regard curieux a rendu la fille heureuse encore plus jeune, alors que Connor a commencé à crier et à faire des conférences sur la règle du pong à bière. Laney s'est sentie assez contente pour juste regarder, mais elle a permis une perle de rire alors que le costume de l'ours a fait leur arrivée et sa colocataire a grimpé avidement en un. Après quelques verres de plus, Tyler apparaissait miraculeusement avec un nouveau après que son ancien ait fini comme si l'aînée essayait d'obtenir son mignon petit junior soûl, Laney s'accrochait de plus en plus en se penchant légèrement contre Nate alors qu'elle essayait d'avoir une meilleure vue au fur et à mesure que les boules volaient en allers et retours. C'était intéressant, quelques-uns des gars ont essayé de la faire jouer mais elle avait peu d'habileté et s'est vite enfuie de la table de retour pour prendre un cupcake de la table de collation amusée pour trouver Brooke encore là même s'il semblait que Spencer avait erré aussi bien. Elle l'a salué poliment avant de se poster contre la table en regardant que tout le monde a disparu dans un jeu de Sardines, elle a joué avec l'idée de les rejoindre mais après que tout le monde a été trouvé et il y a eu mention de continuer dans un petit placard, elle était heureuse qu'elle ait sauté sur le jeu. Après quelques autres tours de boisson et de nourriture, elle s'est retrouvée nichée à côté d'Aspen et Maie-Marie, regardant le mâle manger le cupcake rire doucement alors qu'il a réussi à obtenir glaçage sur son nez sa tête penchée contre son épaule une petite allocation avec laquelle elle vivrait. Le doux bourdonnement heureux de la conversation était une douce accalmie qui a rendu toute la scène d'eux tous dans un cercle paisible et heureux presque à la blonde à la pointe. Peu de temps après qu'ils aient été assis là, l'hôtesse s'est de nouveau jetée pour sauver l'ambiance, et un tour de Je n'ai jamais été bientôt en route. Elle se moquait de la légèreté de Connor, sachant l'histoire derrière elle, mais elle était jurée de secret. Les quelques autres vont voir ses doigts vivre encore une fois, bien qu'elle ait refusé d'admettre le seul Nate mis dehors, les deux derniers ont vu deux de ses doigts descendre ainsi que quelques autres. "On ne peut pas tous jouer bien pour une fois?" Elle a offert la moitié de plaisanterie alors qu'elle souriait s'amuser pour une fois; mordant sa lèvre, elle l'a mâchée doucement en pensant à quelque chose à ajouter au jeu, gloussant à la querelle fraternelle entre lui et Connor. Oh, je sais! Je n'ai jamais fait partie d'une équipe de sport! Elle s'est mise à rire en sachant bien que la moitié des gens près d'elle faisaient partie de l'équipe de natation, mais il était vrai qu'elle était toujours occupée avec des concours et des aventures académiques pour se concentrer sur le sport. Grinning se sentant enroulée avec elle-même, elle s'est jouée la langue aux deux garçons en face d'elle, avant de s'installer dans son siège sirotant une fois de plus sa tasse en solo rouge.
Laney Kaire Chandler She likes to see the best in people; I like to see the truth. -Laney Chandler Name Laney Kaire Chandler Nicknames It’s rather hard to make a nickname from Laney, but she’s open to suggestion. Age 17 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Bisexual Grade Level Junior Appearance The first thing people notice about Laney is that bright smile that always seems to decorate her face, her dark blue eyes a subtle contrast to the healthy glow of her skin; blonde hair falls in waves to outline her face, often taking the form of unkempt curls extending long past her shoulders towards the middle of her back. Soft palette make-up generally finds its way on to her face, often a soft pink lipstick and mascara if she’s too rushed to sit there and do it properly. Laney stands around 178cm and weighs close to 140lb last time she checked, but she has slacked slightly on her exercise routine, just don’t tell her mother, so that might have changed. If asked she would say she was average build, nothing too outstanding about her, as much as her mother had tried to prod and pull her into a certain body shape. The one think her mother did manage to instill in her was a love of high fashion; she’s often seen wearing a dress or a blouse with dress pants and heels. She very much exudes and has the looks of a well put together young lady, but then years of debutante balls and classes will do that to a girl. She often wears either something with long sleeves or a light jacket making a conscious effort to cover the old worn track marks running up the inside of her arms, that and lots of concealer. She secretly loves to lounge around in sweatpants and oversized pajamas if she can get away with it. "Maybe you don’t know what I’m really like." Personality If someone had to describe Laney it would probably be a happy and bubbly. That she’s someone easy to approach and even easier to befriend, one of the most honest and open people they’ve meet. They wouldn’t be wrong, after all Laney had spent years perfecting her persona, and in a sense it was a part of who she is but that’s not all there is to her. That version of Laney is what her mother had groomed her into, someone who could take an insult with a smile and deliver the cruelest words with the sweetest smile. Someone who could walk the high life of society and not miss a beat, a timeless young lady with all the class and elegance befitting her status, and while she enjoyed how flawless she was as that person it leaves little room for her to figure out who she really is. Underneath all the masks and fluff Laney has a free spirit who loves finding about new things, being coped up in a gilded tower for the majority of her life she knows little about the lower class end of living, even with her previous relationship showing her part of it she’s not sure how to handle it on her own and often reacts to new things with a childish demeanor. Used to the back stabbing and petty ways of the girls she grew up with when she finds someone that seems genuinely nice and interesting she’s take a genuine interest in them and often become a little too attached and think too highly of them. It’s hard to see past her debutante persona, but it almost seems to perfect, too forced, as if it was a routine she was going through no emotion or spark rested behind it. If you catch her alone you can find her cling to herself as if she was freezing, a look of a self-depreciation and loathing plastered across her face for a bleak second. She’s slowly regaining her naturally happy disposition but she still waivers away from legitimate relations and attachments. Likes Candy Cold Weather Warm Colors Debating Semantics Shopping Dislikes Needles Conformity Phone Calls People Who Make Assumptions Superficial Arguments Fears Philophobia "The problem with fairytales is they set a girl up for disappointment. In Real Life the Prince goes off with the wrong Princess." Strengths Negotiating Acting Motivating People Natural Leader Knows What She Wants Weaknesses Athletics Naivety Art Softening Her Words at Times Overly Loyal History The daughter of two of the most prominent noblesse of New York, Laney has had all the training and more one would expect starting since she was 4. Beauty pageants, revealing, debutante balls, galas, all her life Laney was forced from one dress to another. By the time she was thirteen she was suffocating under all the lace and bustle, the lessons and lectures had become too much for the young girl. Meeting Alice changed almost everything and nearly ruined the rest; against her mother’s better wishes they admitted Laney into a private school of lesser regard. A leniency to the young girl’s constant begging for a chance to see what a normal life was like. - Madame Prions’ School for the Elite- Laney was so excited to be going to a school away from the same group of petty girls she had grown up taking lessons with, though to her mother they were her friends and they all went to each other’s houses for make overs and sleep overs. The first few weeks were tough as no one wanted to talk to the new girl, most of the students had come from the same feeder schools and they knew each other, but that was middle school for you. It wasn’t until Alice boldly walked over and introduced herself to Laney that she felt like she could maybe make a real friend. Alice was everything Laney wanted to be, she was carefree, open, did what she wanted, and often got away with doing it as well. To that small fourteen year old girl someone not bound by the same rules was so surreal it was like glimpsing at another life. They soon became fast friends spending almost all their free and studying time together. Alice taught her how to cheat and sweet talk her way out of trouble, Laney showed her how to throw shade and act like a damsel in distress. It was in good fun, they would often get busted for being up past lights out sitting around giggling and talking. The first year was probably the best year of her life. All she could talk about over summer break was Alice and how she couldn’t wait to go back to school and see her again. Much to her mother happiness Laney easily breezed through her summer lessons, skimping through some of the assignments and talking her way out of the rest. It was also the summer Jeremey moved in next door, but he was just the boy next door and Laney just saw him as friend she wasn’t allowed to see without a chaperone but they could sit there for hours talking and laughing. Both he and Alice gave her birthday cards; Alice wrote about how boring her summer at home was but she had made a new friend this new guy that was coming to school with them next year and she couldn’t wait for Laney to meet him. He was a really cool guy who knew all about the grimy side to living. Laney wasn’t sure about this new guy, but she was willing to give anyone Alice liked a chance, after all she wasn’t one to say no to her best friend. It turned out that the guy had turned Alice on to smack, but Laney didn’t learn that till later. She only knew him as Eric but Alice seemed to adore him and spent most of her time with him. Laney chalked it up a little girl crush and that she would get it over it soon enough, so she turned her attention back to her studies, writing to Jeremy every so often about how school was doing, not realizing she was slowly starting to crush on him. It was the end of the semester when Alice told Laney she wasn’t coming back next year, that she had no intention of going to high school. Her and Eric we’re going to head out for California and get jobs as models and live the rich famous life without having to work for it. Nothing Laney said could change their minds; they just kept saying if she could see the world like they did that she would understand eventually cruelly teasing that she was a square. It kept going until Laney was afraid she was going to lose her best friend allowing herself to be talked into trying heroin for the first time. Her summer passed in a blur of the three of them hopping trains and spending their parents’ money to get their hands on more, her lessons slipped and her mother was infuriated. Alice always said it was because her mother was jealous about her freedom and it was nothing to worry about. There we’re a few days when Jeremy would come over and try to talk to her, but she would just ignore him part of her ashamed to let him see her like this. By the beginning of fall her parents shipped her off to the best boarding school they could find, trying to separate her from Alice. For a while it didn’t work, the girls would write each other constantly but eventually the letters stopped coming and Laney lost her connection, her only saving grace was the letters from a certain boy next store. For the next two years she desperately clung to that boy, they eventually started dating and she slowly rebuilt her life listening to whatever her mother told her. Her grades returned where they needed to be, and she even learned to plaster on a fake smile again and pretend the world was nothing but sunshine and rainbows. Eventually everyone thought that she had but that random streak of rebellion behind her, that it was just a mistake and all should be forgotten, and though she kept some of the skills she picked up that summer Laney focused more on her relationship with Jeremey taking him with her to her coming of age ball, she went with him to his senior prom as his date. She thought they were the couple to be, but a few weeks before she left for Ashbury he stopped talking to her, dropping her like a dirty pair of shoes. She's spent the past few weeks refocusing on herself and picking up the pieces wondering what she did wrong this time to loose someone else close to her. Favorite Memory The first time she got to experience the high life of the city, she was a four year old girl all dolled up and in a gorgeous gold dress, it was a gala for the ages, glittering lights and masks everywhere as everyone was caught up in a sweeping whirlwind of dancing and laughter. She honestly thought that must be what heaven truly looks like, a never ending party and array of elegance. Least Favorite Memory Her first and last heartbreak; it was their anniversary and she was waiting there all dressed up at the restaurant for hours hopefully watching the door. She sat there till closing when the manager called her a cab and kindly broke the news that it didn’t seem like he was coming. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Phantom Security Small but fast growing high end security company out of New York, under the current leadership of Ryan Kellard, a young prominent man in his prime, it celebrated its 5th birthday last month and its largest year of new contracts. While the number of clients have started to skyrocket and Ryan has seen a lot more influx in need for security he hasn't been able to land any major clients that would give his company the recognition and publicity it needs for him to launch the opening of a new branch in Europe or possibly Asia that would allow him to do security for politicians and performers as the traveled outside of the states. Laney's family had little ties to the CEO, having only meet him a few times at her mothers debutante balls and galas arranged for the elite of society to indulge and engage in idle gossip. Having grown up on listening to the elegant way those old harpies went at it, she picked up a few mannerisms and habits. It wasn't until one night that Ryan observed the young girl talk her way out a speeding citation, she had been doing 90 in a 55, without bringing up either of her parents names, just using her wits and smile to convince the officer that she had a valid reason in speeding, that the car would cut off if it went under 70 so she didn't want to chance it. A blatant lie even Ryan could tell that but he was shocked to see the officer drink it down like it was water. It was few days after that the young CEO made contact with her family offering them a chance to send their daughter to the most prestigious school in the country for a chance to be groomed and formed into his successor so that he might step down and focus more on the expansion then dealing with the politics and negotiating with dignitaries and other irate costumers having no skill for it himself. It was an odd request to be sure, a young male wanting a strangers daughter to take over his company, but her parents jumped at the idea of spreading the family legacy farther, letting it touch and soak into that schools soil. Oh how they would be the talk of the town for years to come. So off she went without a word for debate or her own opinion. "The past is always with us, just waiting to mess with the present." Birthday October 29th, 1998 Astrological Sign Scorpio. Twitter Name Twitter: @GottaChandler Tumblr: DanceUnderTheClouds "I don’t wait around to be disappointed again. So excuse me if I don’t fall for that or you ever again.” Laney Karie Chandler "People don’t tell you who you are. You tell them." Fellow Students: Hal Polwith "He seems…sweet? He reminds me of a puppy, or a little brother…Honestly though, he’s a nice guy. He’s always around when you need a good laugh." Laney doesn’t really talk to Hal; he’s just someone she’s talks to in passing, nothing past the superficial stage of friendship. She finds him to be annoying at sometimes with how he’s always trying to make people happy like they don’t have an option to feel something else. She wouldn’t mind actually getting to know him but isn’t going out of her way to initiate anything either. Brooke Avery ”She’s interesting…I like her, just don’t tell her that…She reminds me of me but opposite. I’m happy she’s dark but that’s not who we really are, not completely.” Laney and Brooke have a weird friendship, mostly because Brooke is constantly telling her to shut up every time Laney gets excited and wants to gush and show her a really cute piece of clothing or a puppy or something equally obnoxious. But they have their good moments, when they can just sit in silence and enjoy each other’s company. Korrigan Alexander Jackson "Oh, you mean the strange one with the contacts? I haven’t really talked to him. He seems interesting though, besides I’ve never tired playing any of the games he’s always going on about." Laney doesn’t know much about Korrie, he seems to shy away from her and she doesn’t want to make him anxious or stressed out but would like to be friends with him and see what kind of games he likes, or just talk to him. She likes to be everyone’s friends and he’s one of her main focuses but she wouldn’t want it to be superficial. Amanda Hirano "She’s so cute! I wish I could pull of some of the clothes she wears. Though she does seem a little too harsh on her…I’d like to be her friend though." Laney loves her fashion chooses but when she asks the girl its seems she shy’s away, she doesn’t realize how strong her persona can come across so she’s often afraid to approach Amanda so she admires her from afar but is quick to wave and smile at her, maybe she can slowly work her way up to where she isn’t scaring the girl. Spencer Dalle "Spencer, hmmm? He’s rather snarky isn’t he? He’s not so bad though, he sees life differently than everyone else and isn’t blinded by the brighter side so he can’t see the bad as well." Laney secretly finds Spencer amusing, his snarky attitude often portrays her thoughts better than her eloquently worded insults and demeaning glances when she feels the need to be catty, he also makes a good partner to debate with giving more than the superficial answers she had long crafted for her pageants and the parents that run them. She would consider them friends but isn’t sure if he does or not. Maie-Marie Malveaux "She’s always bouncing around isn’t she? Her energy is rather infectious. I wonder if she’d let me go running with her sometime. I really need to get back into it." At times Laney is jealous by the confidence Maie has wearing simple clothing and wonders if she can pull it off but is so stuck in her high end fashion world that she’s not sure she can step out of her comfort zone. She also likes talking with her when she does join the smaller girl on her daily runs, though she isn’t sure if they are actual friends or not. Riley Emerson ”She’s cute…I wonder how she would look in a dress. Ah, umm, just from a curiosity stand point of course. Her personality is a lot different than mine, but maybe I can learn a lot from her.” Laney might have a little bit of a crush on the other girl but hides it well often trying to coax the other girl into trying small amounts of make up or maybe going out for coffee, her odd way of trying to bond with people. Laney would probably annoy Riley a little but she’s okay with that as long as she doesn’t blatantly tell her to go away. Besides that Laney also likes to sit around and read books while Riley does what she wants. Nathan Duncan Matthews ”Nathan’s a sweetheart, really, that’s the only word that’s coming to mind. He’s mister Prince Charming incarnated, but I wonder if that’s all there is too him?” Laney likes Nate well enough but hasn’t gotten the chance to really talk with him, though she would like to change that, she finds him charming but wonders if that’s just natural charisma or a forced trait. Part of her likes him the other part is curious about how he manages to stay so genuinely happy and carefree all the time. Curiosity is a big part in her attraction towards him, but she thinks they would at least make great friends. Connor Molson McQuarrie ”Hmm, that’s a hard one. At time’s he seems a little too far out there and doesn’t know when to reign it back in but I don’t think he means harm. He reminds me of what an older brother might be like, well before my mother got a hold of him.” Connor is probably Laney’s favorite person at the school, his exuberant personality is so different then what she grew up with. She likes hanging around him though his slang sometime goes right over her head and she feels naive every time she asks him to explain what he just said in normal human terms. She often finds herself genuinely smiling around him. Brenden Micah Rivers ”Now he’s someone my mother would produce, well-mannered and well groomed. I think we get along great but he might really just be a superficial jerk, it’s hard to read people like him, I would know. I’m not sure how I stand with him. ” Laney has mixed feelings about Brenden, she knows how to handle him and how to easily get along with him at least on the service but his negative persona gives her a bad taste in her mouth so she doesn’t try to bother acting anything other than her mother’s daughter around him, playing the game she was taught to play. Though he was a little better at maintaining it she liked to think she was a few steps ahead of him at the pass. Emilie Rose Delacour ”She’s great! We get along well, and she’s always smiling and having fun, it’s nice to see another girl like that around here. Not that I don’t like the others, it’s just nice that someone gets me, ya know?” Laney genuinely likes Emilie finding her accent pleasant to listen too, glad that someone else fashion taste border on hers so she had someone to talk to about new designs and new trends. Being around her generally lets Laney be her happy bubbly self without getting a look of annoyance. Her pranks also amuse her though she’s way too restrained to actually help with them. Aspen Cael Hancock “Aspen, definitely intense, he doesn’t come across as ambitious as he really is, but he’s a great guy and a great friend if you ever need anything.” Acacia Celeste Hancock “I swear this girl is crazy, but the good kind, you can’t help but be caught up into her whirlwind of energy and you’ll find yourself in the most interesting situations with her. It’s fun.” Laney loves the twins; they’re always doing something for campus or plotting their next big thing. She likes to watch them interact, they’re opposite of each other, Aspen much calmer and laid back, traits Laney wished she could mimic while Acacia is always doing something. She’s so vibrant and full of life that sometimes Laney feels twinges of jealously towards her. She very much likes helping the twins with their preparations and executing if she can. “Oh! Are we playing 21 questions? Can I play?” 1. How many shoes do they own? What types? “Oh ummm, that’s a hard one. I haven’t counted recently so I’ll go with 30? Most of them are definitely heels, or boots with heels, or just boots.” 2. Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? “Let’s See. Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. The first two have a simple picture of me on it but my Tumblr has a field of flowers. It’s really pretty.” 3. How many romantic relationships have they had? “I’ve only had one, that didn’t end well. Next question please.” 4. Are they right- or left-handed? “Left-handed much to my mother’s chagrin.” 5. What charities do they donate to? “I plan to; I just haven’t had the time to set it up yet.” 6. What are their biggest fears? “Letting someone close to you and then they leave with nothing but a gaping hole to show they had been there at all.” 7. How much money do they make? “I don’t work, I’m a student. “ 8. What is their ethnicity? “I’m American, of European decent.” 9. Do they speak with an accent? “I’ve been told I sound like a Northerner? So I guess so?” 10. What did they dress as for Halloween last year? “I wore the cutest costume. I was a Polar bear; cute fluffy paws and a fluffy hat with ears, leg warmers and white boots with a really cute white cocktail dress.” 11. What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? “If you need me reach me on twitter at @GottaChander, or at You can't have my passwords though.” 12. What are they superstitious about? “The number 13, don’t ask why I just don’t like it when I can pushes numbers together and it makes a letter.” 13. Are they allergic to anything? “Not that I know of, but I can’t bring myself to eat Brussel Sprouts. Does that count?” 14. What hobbies do they have? “Hmm, I like running, reading, writing, blogging, and shopping.” 15. Do they keep secrets? “It’s not my place to tell the thoughts of others, when I still hold thoughts of my own.” 16. What are their astrological signs? “I’m a Scorpio, though I’m also a Tiger.” 17. What are their taste in movies, books, and music? “I love horror movies, it’s a secret though, those and mainstream reality series. I know they’re horrible but I can’t help but watch them. I love all books, just not romance ones. I really like classical and laid back modern blues and R&B music.” 18. Do they have scars? “Now that's a secret.” 19. What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? “I think it’s in the best interest of the people to allow them some freedom to what makes them happy, who are we to tell others what they can and can’t do in such small regards.” 20. Any tattoos or piercings? “My mother would kill me, so no.” 21. What does their handwriting look like? “I was taught to write in script, so it’s usually loopy and flows together. Though it’s proper cursive I like to think it’s pretty to look at. 22. What is their religious background? “My father was a firm believer in Christ, so I would have to say Christian in a sense of the word.” 23. Where do they like to shop? “Ah, that’s a hard one. I love walking through downtown and just going into all the cute little boutiques. Though I’m not adverse to name brands at all, I generally just buy what I like no matter where I go." 24. What is their relationship like with their sibling(s)? “I have the unfortunately pleasure of being an only child.” 25. Do they have enemies? How did they make them? “Not that I know of, I do hope I haven’t upset anyone.” 26. What are their ambitions? Do they have a “five-year plan”? “I wouldn’t say I was ambitious and for a five-year plan I have that set out for me seeing as I’m in line to take over a company?” 27. What are their political preferences? “I prefer not to associate myself with that side of the dregs of civilized society.” 28. What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? “Candy! Anything sweet really, that and coffee cups, I might collect them…I keep your normal array of things in my medicine cabinet, and my phone, my planner, candy, make-up and whatever else finds it’s way into my purse.” 29. What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? “Just one? Hmm…I’d have to say the dress I wore to my mother’s formal. A floor length black dress with a teardrop open back, high neck and long sleeves, I wore it with my hair down in manicured curls and a deep red lipstick. 30. What do they keep in remote storage? “Mother keeps my car in there as well as the dresses from my younger years and my pageant ribbons and trophies.” 31. Are they night owls or morning people? “Night Owl, I need coffee to get through the day.”
"Les gens sont ennuyeux." Munching sur ses copeaux d'aneth, Brooke s'assit dans son petit siège, regardant la foule devant elle. C'était amusant à quel point la foule s'est tournée vers l'alcool, pas qu'elle puisse parler, les gens étaient bizarres. Les parties ont toujours fini avec des gens qui boivent leurs soucis, que ce soit un test à venir, leur peur de parler aux gens ou quoi que ce soit. Dans l'ensemble, Brooke a conclu que l'alcool était nécessaire pour les êtres humains. C'est comme ça qu'ils sont restés sains d'esprit dans une société autrement chaotique et lamentable. Être saoul a tout amélioré, après tout. Ou à tout le moins, plus supportable. "Est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre que vous aime vraiment ces jetons?" Brooke a regardé pour voir Laney. "Bien sûr que les gens le font. Sinon, ils arrêteraient de le faire. Seigneur Laney, t'es vraiment un idiot." Brooke lui a répondu, en lui fourrant d'autres jetons dans le visage. Laney ne l'a que légèrement ennuyée à l'occasion, Brooke ne pensait pas complètement qu'elle était idiote... Mais quelque chose à propos de Laney a fait ressortir le côté plus méchant et plus sarcastique de Brooke--si un tel exploit était possible. C'était la manière subtile de Brooke de lui montrer qu'elle l'aimait vraiment. C'est bizarre, hein? Laney a flippé pour regarder les gens être des ours. Pourquoi Acacia et Aspen avaient-ils des costumes? Ils étaient bizarres. Peut-être qu'ils ont aimé être des ours à l'occasion? Si c'était le cas, c'était quelque chose à qui Brooke pouvait se rapporter. La vie serait tellement meilleure si Brooke était né ours. Peut-être qu'avoir des costumes d'ours n'était pas une idée si stupide après tout. Peut-être demanderait-elle à Acacia si elle pouvait les emprunter. Oh, elle ne ferait rien de particulièrement horrible avec eux. Peut-être qu'elle en porterait un et sauterait sur les gens pour s'amuser. Brooke a passé plus de temps avec ses chips et son alcool. Enfin, il fonctionnait comme il était censé le faire. Elle n'était plus ennuyée par le groupe de gens qui bavardaient. Elle était dans un buzz heureux, peut-être même trouver plaisir à regarder d'autres gens tomber maladroitement, ou ne pas impressionner l'objet de leurs affections. C'était la meilleure partie d'une fête, l'observation des gens. Ou plus précisément, regarder les gens se défaire et échouer. Spencer s'est rendu à Brooke, assis sur une chaise qu'il avait traînée. "Fun fête, hein? Comme ce serait ennuyeux s'ils avaient tous la même idée de s'amuser que moi." "Mon idée du plaisir, c'est la mort." Brooke a dit dans un vide complet, "Je ne pense pas que quelqu'un d'autre aimerait bien." Spencer était parfois frustrant, mais Brooke ne s'en souciait pas. Son sarcasme était rafraîchissant dans un groupe de gens peppy et heureux. « Dis, qu'est-ce que tu penses si la moitié des gens ici sont au même endroit que toi? Assis sur leur propre chaise, mangeant des chips, ne faisant rien. Les jumeaux de Hancock seront si heureux mais perplexes, n'êtes-vous pas d'accord? » Spencer a demandé. "Est-ce qu'ils seraient perplexes? C'est exactement ce qu'ils ont prévu de faire. Un rassemblement ennuyeux pour les gens ennuyeux planifié par les gens ennuyeux." Brooke répliqua en regardant son amie facilement excitable, qui planifiait la fête. "Évidemment, cette fête est un désastre, les gens s'amusent trop." Il est apparu qu'Acacia avait initié un jeu de Je n'ai jamais eu. Brooke n'avait pas l'intention de quitter sa chaise tant que quelqu'un ne l'aurait pas traînée jusqu'au cercle. "Oh mon garçon, et ça commence." Aspen se blottit au fur et à mesure que les gens commençaient à jouer. C'était amusant à quel point Connor s'était fait repérer rapidement, il pensait que c'était inévitable. C'était un gars dur à oublier. Heureusement, les gens se taisent sur toutes les choses qui pourraient faire perdre Aspen, ou simplement oublier. Il espère sincèrement que ce sera ce dernier. Pourtant, il avait trois doigts vers le bas parce que oui, il a une sœur. Oui, il a embrassé quelqu'un en dehors de sa famille, et oui, il fait partie d'une équipe sportive. À ce dernier moment, il avait envoyé un éblouissement ludique à Laney et enroulé son bras autour d'elle et lui avait donné une pression serrée. "Wow, le moyen de séparer beaucoup de gens de Laney." Il ne lui restait plus que six doigts. En retirant son emprise constrictive autour de Laney, il s'appuya sur ses mains, pensant à des choses qu'il n'avait jamais faites. "Wow, vous n'êtes pas agressifs du tout ce soir." Aspen a remarqué avec un sourire sournois. "Où sont les trucs juteux? Je suis déçu." "J'ai jamais fait l'amour dans un lieu public?" En fait, Aspen n'était pas sûr de ce que je n'ai jamais eu. Y avait-il des gens qui ont fait l'amour dans un lieu public? En fait, une meilleure question était celle-ci : qui a fait l'amour ici? Mais "Je n'ai jamais eu de sexe" était un jeton boiteux, et aussi un mensonge.
"Life would be so much better if I was born as a house cat." -Acacia Hancock Name Acacia Celeste Hancock Nicknames Ace, Aca, Caci. Out of all of these, Acacia prefers Caci the most. But she would definitely prefer to be called Acacia. Age 17 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Like everyone in her family, Acacia was blessed with startlingly blue eyes, and dark hair. Her dark brown hair extends to her waist, and she can often be seen fiddling with it--especially when she's nervous. Her bright blue eyes are almond shaped and can be killer puppy dog eyes when she wants them to be. She's shorter than her brother, Aspen standing at a height of 5'7. "I just want everyone to be happy." Personality There's just something endearing about Acacia that makes you want to hug her tightly. She's such a sweetheart. You see it in the way her entire face lights up when she laughs, the striking blue eyes that crinkle with her serene smile... Acacia has a certain charm about her that people seem to gravitate towards. Her energy and her bright laughter is simply contagious, and when she steps into a room, it lights up. Acacia loves making friends with people, and is rather successful at it! She's simply a lovely person and always seems to know just the right thing to say. This girl is confident, flirty, and bold. She's very dedicated to whatever she does, and puts 120% effort into it. It doesn't take a lot of work for her to gain admirers and friends. Acacia is a natural silver tongue. She has a way with words. Combined that with her charming delivery? The results can be devastating. She can be quite manipulative when she wants to be--which fortuately is not very often. She's a natural leader, and being the president of the student council she puts this skill to use. Interestingly, Acacia doesn't really care about being a leader. She became the president because she was nominated and elected, and because she does a great job. Ironically, the twin that doesn't really care about being a leader has all of the leadership qualities, while the twin that does really want to be a leader is more suited to be a follower. Despite her intelligence in academics, is not very street smart and is rather gullible. She's the type of person to actually spell out "gullible" before realizing that it in fact does not sound like orange. She also is a rather jealous person who can be possessive of her friends. She is a person who gets really anxious and paranoid whenever she feels like she's left out of the loop and dislikes it when she sees her friends with other people. However, this is all expressed on the inside and she gives no outwardly indication. She is quite meek, unable to speak her mind unless it's a student council issue or whatever it may be. Acacia doesn't like it when people are overly opinionated and feels uncomfortable in a debate. She as a general rule doesn't like arguing with people and is often very passive aggressive. Likes Animals Figure Skating Gymnastics Movies--horror movies in particular Singing, acting and dancing Dislikes Elevator music People who can't see multiple sides of an issue Candy corn Arguments and confrontations Being late Art--Acacia may be good at the arts, but she can't draw to save a life Fears Losing people important to her, rejection, the darkness "You can't scare me! I saw you lurking." Strengths Graceful Authoritative Athletic Photogenic Witty Weaknesses Overanalyzes everything Passive aggressive Jealous Gullible Not very assertive History Acacia grew up with her brother, Aspen away from her parents. While Aspen learned to grow without them and found confidence, Acacia grew up being racked with self-doubt about why her parents weren't ever around. She would spend nights crying herself to sleep about it. She loved her surrogate mother dearly, but it was never the same. This is where her abandonment issues and jealousy stems--she needs a constant figure to be by her side. Fortunately, her brother Aspen was always there to pull her out of the dumps. Once Aspen began winning photography contests with her as a model, Acacia rediscovered her confidence that she was sorely lacking. She decided that she wanted to be fit and pretty for her brother's camera, so she began trying her hand at various sports. The ones that stuck with her were gymnastics and figure skating. She also harbors a love for dancing, acting and singing--all documented by Aspen. Unlike Aspen, Acacia never really thought about being a CEO or being a leader. However, it was how she was. Whenever there was a group project, people naturally turned to Acacia as the leader and she rolled with it. Ever mini skit she put together was largely directed by her. Acacia is a natural leader, and people respond to that. Her parents finally somewhat returned to Acacia's life when they sent her to Ashbury to be schooled into the next CEO for their corporation. Acacia was overjoyed at the fact that she wouldn't be separated from Aspen, who secured a spot at this prestigious school for photography. But Acacia is lost. She doesn't know what she wants to do with life, and she's being shoved into a future she doesn't know if she wants. Oh well, if she's going to be here, she's going to be good at it. Favorite memory The first time her brother photographed her. It was on a rainy day, and Aspen told her to dance around--the way she does when she thinks no one is looking. He managed to capture an incredible shot of her spinning around in the rain, with a thunderbolt in the background. Aspen and Acacia participated in an Open Mike a few years ago, with Aspen on guitar and Acacia singing. They got such a great response! When Acacia lost a regional dance competition. Aspen seemed upset that the judges chose another team, but Acacia was satisfied with how far her and her team had come. Every moment spent with her parents Least favorite memory When she broke her arm in gymnastics. She had landed badly on her leg when she lost her grip on the double bars, and it caused her to be unable to dance, skate or act for a long time and she missed regionals for various competitions. Trying her hardest to smile at her birthday party, after her parents texted her saying they can't make it. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Her parent's company, Hancock Corporations needed a back up! So they thrust their unsuspecting daughter into those large shoes. She had great leadership qualities, she was smart, so why not? They never really asked her about it though. "Aspen, they just texted me that they can't make it to our birthday party today. Some important meeting came up." Birthday May 24th Astrological Sign Gemini Twitter Name @LittleMissAcacia for all of her usernames "Surprise!" How many shoes do they own? What types? "I don't own a lot of shoes, just your standard dress shoes, sneakers, etc etc etc. But Acacia on the other hand..." "I don't have that many shoes! Just some boots, various heels, a few pairs of sneakers, flats..." "See? That's already like, 5 times more than me." "....." Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? "Grove_Photography is the new instagram of the extremely talented and sought after teenage photographer! Be sure to check out his instagram! He's also available for booking, so please contact him if you like any of his photos!" "What's with the advertisement...?" "Aspen Hancock is the up-and-coming photographer! Get him now while you can. His photography skills are evident in even as something as simple as his profile picture. It's a photograph of himself taken through a glass pelted with raindrops and it looks very surreal and mysterious. "Acacia..." "Also be sure to check out his model extraordinaire, Acacia Hancock! Not only is she an extremely beautiful girl, her instagram is to die for. Just look for her fantastic profile picture--it's me mid-jump when I'm ice skating. Yeah, photography skills and stuff, but she has a lot of talents too!" "Acacia!" "Hahahaha, jeez Asp, I'm kidding!" How many romantic relationships have they had? "Neither of us had that many, actually." "Unfortunately, Aspen scares them away." "Yeah, cuz I'm so scary, right? You scare off any potential girlfriends too." "Grrr, we're so terrifying." Are they right- or left-handed? "Acacia is right handed." "And Aspen is sinister." What charities do they donate to? "A lot actually. We've donated to Habitat for Humanity, Homeless shelters, cancer research..." "Some charities really need money, and we have a lot of it. And I don't think we're every going to use all of it. So we like to share bit by bit." What are their biggest fears? "You used to be scared of thunder. Like, terrified. You used to hide under the blankets every time it stormed." "Why would you even bring that up? That was like... 14 years ago." "You might still be scared!" "You wanna go there? What about the time you literally climbed up a tree to get away from a dog." "I was like 3!" "Exactly." How much money do they make? "Aspen makes sooo much cash from Grove Photography. It's ridiculous." "What about you? You make a lot of money from winning competitions." "Well, yeah. But they're not consistent. Maybe I should get a job." What is their ethnicity? "I think we're just European. "Hmmm, I thought I heard mom mention something about being descended from King Henry the whatever or something. "Maybe we should look into that." Do they speak with an accent? "Unfortunately, no." "We wish. A Scottish or British accent would be really cool." "Pip pip cheerio!" ".....No Caci. No." What did they dress as for Halloween last year? "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" "To protect the world with devastation!" "To unite all people within our nation!" "To denounce the evil of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above! "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords?, and I also have a blogspot and tumblr for my photography. "Also, Aspen's password is--" "Whoa, what? you know my password?" "My email is And my instagram documents all of my competitions, hobbies, and photographs! Check it out!" "Wait, Acacia, don't change the subject!" What are they superstitious about? "I'm not superstitious, but Acacia on the other hand..." "I don't believe any of it. I just don't want to risk any of it being true, just in case." "You collect every 4 leaf clover you fine." "They're cute, okay?" Are they allergic to anything? "Both of us are allergic to penicillin." "We break out in hives." What hobbies do they have? "Well besides for photography... Photoshop is really fun, image editing in general." "Idiot, that's still a part of photography." "Uh, right. I guess we play video games a lot, We have a running tally of who wins. And I really like playing the guitar, and swimming. Obviously." "Everyone already knows what we like. I like dancing, figure skating... Stuff like that. I dabble in acting. And singing is fun too. Lately I've been into netflix. But that's everyone." Do they keep secrets? "Very much so. I know a lot of things that Aspen doesn't because I don't tell him anything." "Likewise." What are their astrological signs? "We're Geminis." "Isn't that ironic?" What are their taste in movies, books, and music? "I'm mostly into sci-fi and action." "Nerd." "And despite you making me watch horror movies with you, I don't like them!" "Would you rather watch romcoms with me? "Maybe." Do they have scars? "Nope, not really." "We've had a fairly unadventurous childhood. And we never seriously fought enough to scar each other." What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "......" "Acacia really doesn't like discussing things like this." "Pro-choice, pro-marriage, no opinion on weed." "What's with the heavy sigh?" "I don't like arguing..." "There's no one to argue with, idiot. I'm the only one here, and we have the same opinion." Any tattoos or piercings? "I have my ear lobes pierced, but that's about it." "I don't have anything. I know, I know. I'm boring." "Yeah you are." What does their handwriting look like? "Really similar, actually. Emma liked to say that handwriting was the window to the soul, so she had us take calligraphy classes." "Yeah, we write out "g"s and "f"s and "A"s the same way." "But otherwise my writing is most loopy and flowing. Aspen's is more precise and neat." "That represents out personalities really well, actually." What is their religious background? "Uh... Agnostic, I guess? What do you think?" "Agnostic works. I don't believe that God exists, but I'm not an atheist." "Yup, mom, dad and Emma weren't really religious either." Where do they like to shop? "We own a lot of designer clothing. When Acacia models them, or I photograph them, we receive a lot of clothes and accessories as thanks." "Designer clothing is super nice. But I usually just go shopping at popular stores. Forever 21 is one of my favorites--they have really cute clothes for a really cheap price!" What is their relationship like with their sibling?" "Horrible. We hate each other." "Can't even stand to be in the same room." "Ew, get away from me you freak." Do they have enemies? How did they make them? "We have none that we know of." "I hope we don't have any..." What are their ambitions? Do they have a "five-year plan"? "Oh yeah, definitely. Once I graduate, I'm going to be an intern and assistant for Charles Modelli, the current CEO of Mode. He's going to retire in a few years, so until then I'm going to get acquainted with people of the industry while majoring in photography and digital art at the California Institute of Arts. Once Modelli retires, I'm going to take over Mode and hopefully expand it and hire more permanent employees. My eventual goal is to expand Mode and promote it even more, and to start a Mode magazine. What about you Acacia?" "Uh... Graduate?" What are their political preferences? "Hate politics. They make me angry. Next." "Yeah, it's fine. We can move on. I'm not heavily involved in politics either." What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "In my purse I always have my wallet, some pens, some mint and gum, band-aids, chapstick, my mini-planner and my portable charger." "I don't carry around a purse. We usually just have your standard medicine cabinet drugs like benedryll, ibuprofen and stuff in the cabinets. And cupboards... uh, cups and stuff?" What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "I love my cream colored dress with flowery branches." "I'm a pretty big fan of this green jacket." What do they keep in remote storage? "I don't think we have remote storage." "Yeah, we have places for everything. Even incredible things." Are they night owls or morning people? "I'm a night owl. But Acacia on the other hand..." "Definitely morning!" "Lucky duck. She would wake me up at 7 AM when we were young because she was bored. Actually... She still does that sometimes." "Heehee."
Korrie A. Jackson-Party Animal Après s'être séparé d'Emilie avec un ronflement, Korrie s'est senti un peu mieux sur lui-même et a décidé de juste s'amuser et de ne pas laisser l'anxiété lui arriver. C'est pourquoi, quand le sujet de la canne de Beer Pong s'est levé, il a décidé d'être l'un des premiers en haut, ne se souciant pas vraiment que ce qui se passait était illégal comme tout enfer. Il a enfreint la loi sur une base semi-régulière avec son hacking, donc il a douté d'obtenir un peu de conseils ferait n'importe quel mal. Malheureusement, Korrie a découvert deux choses ce jour-là: Il était un léger (à attendre de quelqu'un qui n'avait jamais regardé l'alcool auparavant), et il était du genre à devenir un peu fou quand il était ivre. En gros, il a été frappé à mi-chemin à travers son premier match. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. et il a joué cinq matchs, dont quatre il a profité si le costume d'ours et a refusé de l'enlever après le match a été fait. Cela a mené à sa défaite rapide dans le jeu de Sardibes qui a suivi, mais à ce moment-là, il ne pouvait pas vraiment être dérangé. Maintenant, le groupe était engagé dans un jeu de Je n'ai jamais jamais et Korrie essayait de penser à un bon. Il a dû poser quelques doigts parce qu'il avait une sœur, qu'il avait embrassé quelqu'un en dehors de sa famille, et qu'il avait fait partie d'une équipe de sport, et alors qu'il aurait pu essayer de s'en sortir, dans son état actuel, mentir sur tout n'était tout simplement pas possible. Quand Aspen a dit le sien, Korrie n'a pas pu s'empêcher d'entrer dans le rire maniaque, mettant un bras furé autour du gars alors qu'il l'a frappé. "Je ne peux pas dire que j'ai, mais attendez, j'en ai encore mieux. Écoute, écoute, d'accord. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Écoute. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Tu m'écoutes. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Bien, ok, Nwver l'ai jamais eu. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Hey, pourquoi tu ne dois pas rejoindre la fête." Tout à coup, Korrie s'élança tout droit et la moitié marcha, à demi-trouvée jusqu'à Spencer et Brooke, essayant de leur faire un gros câlin d'ours et les tirant vers le cercle. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. seulement pour tomber à l'envers avec un chanfrein clairement incohérent comme il les pointait. "Commie sur les gars, ne le sois pas. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ne fais pas chier sur la fête. Toi, l'obscurité, utilise ça comme une chance de vraiment passer sous la peau des gens. Posez les questions profondes comme. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. comme. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Oh, comme le mien. Ça l'était, ça l'était. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est pas vrai. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ." Korrie s'est relevé du sol, se tenant debout et confus sur ce qu'il fallait dire, quand il l'a soudainement frappé. "Oh, j'ai compris, je n'ai jamais été arrêté? C'est bien, hein?" Korrie s'est ridiculisé comme s'il avait dit la meilleure blague du monde avant de faire quelques pas de plus, seulement pour tomber sur son visage. Il leva les mains pour montrer ses sept doigts, signe qu'il était encore dans le jeu.
Korrigan "Korrey" Alexander Jackson Insert your character's picture here I'm the only guy that people ask to put glasses on inside, and I find that fact very amusing. It's also why I never bring sunglasses with me when I go anywhere. -Korrie Jackson Name Korrigan Alexander Jackson Nicknames Korrie, Kor, Red, That Weird Guy, and other, less kind ones that are more or less based on his unusual appearance Age 17 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Korrie dress in dark colored clothing no matter the weather or the occasion, not being on for the brighter things in life when it comes to his color palette. He has an obsession with the colors of red and black, so his attire consists of mostly those, but he does have them in varying shades and styles, as well as a few other clothes that feature other colors. As far as looks, he's an alright guy, decently muscled, though he's more on the lean side. due to keeping a standard exercise routine. He has a faded scar on his right arm and left leg from when he was attacked by a dog, and they're rather nasty ones too. He has short hair that is often gelled into spikes, dyed a mix of his two favorite colors, Black and Red, the ratio between them changing every time the colors fade enough to require a re-dye. He also has gotten his hands on a cool pair of contacts that make his pupils appear red and his sclera(the white part) look completely black. He does this mainly because he thinks it's cool, but also to unnerve people who talk to him, as he kinda gets a kick out of watching people struggle to look him straight in the eye. He also sports a few brow piercings across his right brow and another on his tongue, all of them being a simple black in color, though the tongue piercing has a dot of bright red in the center. Personality Korrie is, despite his appearance, a very happy person, a lover of gaming and literature, as well as a good prank or two to satisfy his mischievous streak whenever the need overcomes him. His true passion is coding, and he's very, very good at it. He's been doing it forever, and has even become semi-famous across the net for his skills in hacking, which he does from time to time under wraps, inly known by his calling card, a red skull icon that appears on his victims screen before whatever hack he's implanted into their system takes affect. Despite his ability to get into almost anyone's social media accounts and computers, he doesn't use his talents malicously(for the most part), usually leaving behind a harmless virus to make the person's computer glitch out a bit, make sex noise come out the speakers, and other strange and odd things. The only time he's hacked with dark intent behind him was when he sees someone bullying another particularly badly, or some treats one of his few friends badly. Than he slowly but steadily begins to sow the seeds of that persons downfall, plastering heir social media accounts with embarrassing posts, pictures, and other such things. He's caused people to become laughing stocks, to get talked about, and other things, and while he knows there bad, he always prides himself on never going to far. He thinks of himself as more of a hero then a bully, despite the fact that a small part of him does it just to feel empowered. His talent and success has given him a slight superiority complex. However, he does have a few obvious issues that people will notice upon meeting him. He's got a sailor mouth(or a gamer mouth, as is the case) and thus will swear at almost any time and during any occasion. He tries to censor himself, but it usually ends in failure. He also is very ossessive of his computer rig, which he's dubbed Alexandra, and his laptop, which he's dubbed Angela. He almost never let's anyone near them, and anyone who tries will find themselves bombarded by a wave of curses and creative threats. They are his children, as he built them from scratch, and has turned them into real beasts. Recently, with his dealings with S.A Electronics, he's download an advanced personal assistant AI program the company is working on. He's programmed both of them with their own personalities, or as much personality as can be given with current technological limits. He talks to then as if they were real people, and gets very defensive when people try and make fun of him for it. Likes Gaming The Colors Red and Black Fantasy Novels Coding Pranking people, especially those he doesn't like. Romance(He'l never let anyone now about it though) Gymnastics on occasion, when nobody is around Dislikes Bullying Sour foods People who can't appreciate his sense of style People who think he's an emo just because of his looks Being the center of attention Crowds and Crowded places Dogs Fears Well, aside from the obvious fear of getting caught and exposed as a hacker, he also has a slight fear of spiders, they freak him out. Bugs in general are not good for him, but spider's in particular are something he can only barely stand. He also doesn't like heights, and has a serious case of Cynophobia(fear of dogs) that has haunted him ever since he got attacked and bitten by a feral one when he was 5. He's also afraid of getting teased and bullied like before, and has a not-so-slight fear of a certain type of girl that causes him to be highly uncomfortable and flinchy in their presence. Strengths His computer and Gaming skills He's a person you can trust to keep a secret Has an Open mind and Heart Weaknesses Dogs Doesn't open up much to people, especially girls Has trust issues Despite his openness with people and groups, he's no social butterfly and has more often than not gotten overwhelmed by there being too many people in a room or caving in to others if enough pressure is applied History Korrigan Alexander Jackson's school life was absolute hell for the longest time, and he suffered it in silence. As a young boy, some of his interests and his over all appearance were considered to be quite girlish, earning him a more demons nickname of Alexandra all the way up into high school. He was a quiet kid back then, and a bit of a pushover, so it was an inevitable conclusion that he'd be the target of severe bullying. The prime offender was a popular girl by the name of Samantha, who tortured him relentlessly and was constantly ousting him from the social hierarchy. If anyone tried to be friends with him, they'd quickly find themselves subjected to similar punishment, making it so that Korrie would never have any friends in the real world to be around. As a bullying target, he had to put up with a ton of psychological, and even a little physical, torture. But the most traumatic experience for Korrie was when he was in the 8th grade. It was the day of the graduation ceremony and Samantha, then a freshman, had decided to pay Korrie a visit. She got some friends and they dragged him into the girl's bathroom, stripped him if his cap, gown and clothes, only to dress him up to look like a girl, complete with make-up, nail polish, and a pretty dress. It was a horrendous, dehumanizing, demasculating, and traumatizing experience, and it didn't end there. The girls had taken pictures if the poor boy and had spread them all over the Internet, cementing his shame that summer as kids everywhere he went laughed at him, calling him names and over all treating him like a joke. He attempted to kill himself twice soon after, the stress and embarrassment of the situation making death seem like the most enticing solution, but both times his sister caught him and proceeded to smack the ever living shot out of him for even thinking of doing something like that. While she meant well, it didn't help him in the slightest, and it caused Korrie to retreat deep inside himself. His parents had been in an uproar, and were quick to sue Samantha's family, who immediately obliged, her patents feeling ashamed and embarrassed, but it didn't matter. The damage had been done. After a year into high school, Korrie conducted his radical change, wanting to complete separate himself from the event, which had become rather big news in the anti-bullying community, but he would never be able to forget it. He complete refused any help given, believing that if he just ignored the problem, it would go away. He schooled himself in hiding his emotions, in keeping up a strong front, and making sure to never let himself be perceived in such away again. On the day of his 12th birthday, one of his few friends, a guy he had met through a gaming forum, introduced him to the wonder that is coding. At first, he was hesitant, intimidating by the walls of letters and numbers that his friend was trying to drag him into. However, he worked his way through it, and discovered a world that he could freely control, one where he had power to do what ever he could, as long as he had the skill to do so. Since then, he dedicated himself to honing his craft, his mind taking to it with increasing ease as he continued to code to his hears content. He started with simply things, basic websites that he put out for mere practice, out soon he evolved into more serious endeavors, like modding, game creation, and apps. He just recently began to earn a profit from his work, and had his eyes set on starting his own gaming company, as that was his passion above all else, when he found himself with an opportunity that he couldn't possibly say no to. While it was a bit saddening to leave his friends behind for this new school full of people he didn't know and challenges he had yet to face, he knew that a chance like this only came once in a lifetime, and he'd be damned if he let it pass him by without even attempting to leap on. Favorite memory First time he saw people talking about his alias, The Crimson Skull hacker Least favorite memory That time where he got lost in his neighborhood and got attacked by a feral dog. The time where he first realized that he was getting bullied. The day of his 8th grade Graduation What corporation sent you to Ashbury? A very influencial Company by the name Saeculo Aureo Electronics, which has a hand in computing, gaming, movie production, Home Entertainment, anything that could possibly have to do with technology is something they likely have their hands in. Their CEO,a man by the name Reginald Dorvain, noticed Korrie's potential when he had his personal cyber-defense task force, made up of the best hackers money could buy, look into this mysterious Crimson Skull hacker. It took them some time, but they managed to figure out who the boy was and get all of his contact information. With a click of a button, they could've shut him down, but Reginald instead decided that he might've found his possibly heir. The boy's skill was quite exceptional for someone so young, and he shown himself capable of a certain kind of ruthlessness in how he went after those who wronged him. These qualities, and other facts about the boy, made him seem like a perfect canidate for an apprentice and possible heir to his empire. Birthday 27th of July, 1998 Astrological Sign Leo Online Usernames Steam, Youtube, and Twitch: BlackDiamond275 Facebook:The Darklord Korrie PSN,Xboxlive, and Nintendo: TheCrimsonL1on569 Korrigan Alexander Jackson "People and computers aren't that different, they can both be brilliant at sometimes, retarded at others, breakdown, crash, and improve/ruin your day. Only real difference is that fixing a computer's easy, just replace the bad parts. Can't do that with people, they're problems are more complex because people are more complex than machines. And that's what makes them interesting, cause that means they can always surprise you. And what's life without a few surprises along the way."-The DarkLord Korrie Brooke Avery "She seems nice, ya know, in that 'I'm going to roast you on a spit' kind of way. She'd probably be into games like Dead Space or maybe Left for Dead 2. Probably the former, actually, as she doesn't seem like the co-op type." I'm unsure if these two would necessarily get along, but Korrie would try to get to know her. She's the kind of person he finds interesting, almost like a puzzle in a way. He'd also be sure to annoy the hell out of her whenever possible by sending her a bunch of cutesy pictures of kittens, babies, etc. just to see what kind of reaction he could get out of it. He'll probably be threaten with violence on more than one occasion Henry Polwith "Cool guy, needs to tell me what books he likes to read so we can see if we share any tastes. Also needs to stop staring at me when he thinks I don't notice, it's understandable because I'm awesome and what not, but still rather vexing. Need to get him a copy of Civilization, a History buff like him would probably love it. Or maybe I shoukd give him Assassins Creed so he camn tell me how badly Ubisoft fucked up in their quest for 'Historical Accuracy'. Heh, that'd be good for a laugh. These two will probably get along well enough, though Korrie might notice Henry's incessant need to please everyone and try to break him of that habit somehow. This'll probably end in failure cause Korrie isn't the most tactful of people. Amanda Hirano "Uhm, How doI talk to this person without wanting to hug her. She just seems so cute and lovable. She seems like more of a casual gamer though, which is sad, but maybe she could get more into with a few pushes. God dammit, If anyone think's of messing with her, they're going to get hacked. Just have to make sure Reggie(his nickname for the CEO of S.A. Electronics) doesn't find out." Korrie could end up developing a bit of a big brother complex around Amanda, as she just seems so fragile and in need of protection. This could possibly develop into a crush, and likely to stay just given his lack of romance skills and Amanda's orientation, but we'll just have to see how that goes. Will probably try to boost her confidence through gaming somehow. Spencer Dalle "He's an ass that puts off his problems onto others and spends his time feeling sorry for himself. Dude needs to get off his ass and do something, instead of just being apathetic to everything. Probably doesn't even like games, or if he does, only plays FPS games like Call of Duty. No sense of taste and definitely someone I'd rather not be stuck with." This one's a bit harder for me to analyze, so don't take the above statement to heart. That's just how I feel Korrie would think of Spencer paced on my own impression, but since my own understanding of the character seems a little shaky to me, I'll just have to see him in action first. If my guess is right, then these two will probably not get along. Maie-Marie Malveaux "Thank god I'm not the only one with a weird or fancy sounding name here. Then again, it's only like that to me cause it's foreign. Moving on, she seems interesting, not all there at times, but that just adds to here charm. Not sure what kind of game she would like, maybe something simple, yet emotional, like Journey? Then again, those kind of games require a lot of thinking . . . I need to think on this for a bit, move on to the next person." Not quite sure on this one either, cause while I'm sure they'll get along, Korrie might not be able to stand how quick she is to turn to self-deprecation. He remembered a time when he himself thought he was stupid and idiotic, and it was terrible, so for her to do so for simply no real reason would probably strike a nerve in him. Laney Kaire Chandler "She seems nice . . . but I can't help but wonder how nice she really is. 'Never know what people are like behind closed doors" and all that. Another casual, but there's hope for her to ascend above the likes of Angry Birds and Candy Crush. Getting side-tracked here, back to Blonde Beauty(oh god that's like a racehorse name, shit, never let her know I said that), she seems nice, definitely the proper type from what I can tell. Don't think she's met too many people outside if her bubble of wealth though, but she doesn't strike me as the snobbish type. I'm just . . .really, really uneasy around girls like her." Korrie's past experience has made it so that if the two were to be walking down the same stretch of sidewalk, he'd likely cross the street instead of walk past her. He wouldn't say he's actively avoiding her, but he kinda is, as he subconsciously doesn't want to risk getting hurt again by getting involved with a 'popular' girl. Erin "Riley" Emerson *Attack on Titan Opening plays in the background* "Yeah, I'm going to get a good laugh out of this one, though the mileage is going to be pretty low if she doesn't watch anime. As far as this chick goes, seems like she's trying to hard to be super macho, a problem I've hardly ever seen in a girl, but I guess there are all different kinds of people in the world. Whatever her reason for being that way, well, I can be a right bastard when somebody pushes me too far, so if she starts trying to push me around, she better be prepared when I push back. Probably plays a bunch of sports games or Call of Duty like a filthy casual. " Korrie might be kind of the unintentional bully inn this intuition, as he sees her tough act as her throwing her weight around and just bullying other people with her cruel jokes. So unless he finds out the reason behind said behaviors, he's probably going to think of her as a bitch and might label her as a target of hacking, though the fact that she doesn't seem to be one to use Social media makes her a harder target then most. If he finds pout about her past, however, he'll A) apologize for being a complete, insensitive asshole and B) try to help her get over the lack of confidence and her need to hide what she likes, since he can somewhat empathize with that due to his own bout of self-hatred, if not with the cause of it. Nathan Matthews "He's a cool guy, probably the nicest person I've met so far. Also might be a little too trusting (and I may take advantage of that at times for pranking opportunities), but overall, a cool guy." Conner MacQuarrie "Dude's a cool guy, and as a fellow gamer he has my respect, but more often then not I feel the need to mute my mic when I play with him. His penchant for non-sensical slang, obnoxious nicknames(he calls me Hackson one more time I swear), and completely lack of forethought when he speaks are my main annoyances with him. But other than that, I can hang with him. . . just not on a constant basis. My brain cells need time to recover after every meeting. Brendan Rivers "Simply put, he's a pompous ass that I wouldn't trust any farther than I could but his ass across a field. The less I have to deal with his House Lannister bull crap, the better." Emilie Delacour "She's hot, she has a sense of humor, AND she plays video games. Add in the french accent and you've got yourself a very desirable woman. . . and just like all desirable woman, she's way out of my league. Anyway, she's a cool person, and definitely a person I would want to play with. Wonder how well she can Smash . . . I'm talking about the game, by the way. Just the game and nothing else." Aspen Hancock "Dude seems okay, competitive as hell though, so I wouldn't want to play him in anything. A little competition here and there is good, but this guy seems to take it way too seriously. He's definitely a chill guy in regards to nearly anything else, and I can respect his love of photography. Wonder if we could collaborate on something, as I've got some skill with photo editing softwares." Acacia Hancock "Again, she seems nice, but I'm just not sure about her. Plus, she's just way too good at getting people to do what she wants. That's just raises all sorts of red flags for me. Hell, if she wanted to start a crazy cult, I'm almost certain that, like, half the people at this school would do it. Okay, that maybe exaggerating it a bit, but only by a hair." Acacia scares Korrie, as her sense of presence and leadership can only be seen through a filter of negativity due to past experience. It would take a lot to get him to just be comfortable in her presence, not to mention an actually friendship. So yeah, these too probably won't be friends, though more because Korrie's just too intimidated by her to actually think of approaching her and will likely try to avoid her as much as he possibly can. Korrigan Alexander Jackson 1. How many shoes do you own, and what kind? "Wow, first question and I already feel like this is full of bullshit. God, why do I have to do this. . . *ugh*, I have two pairs or so, I think, and they're just some sneakers. Nike, maybe? *sigh*This is so dumb. . . 2.Do you have any social media, and if so, whose in your profile picture? "I've got Facebook, and that's about it really, unless Steam, PSN, Etc. count as Social media. As for my profile pic, just me giving the camera my trademark grin." 3. Have you have had any romantic relationships? ". . ." 4. Right or left handed? "Ambidextrous, actually." 5. What charities do you donate to? "None, actually, though more out of a lack of awareness, actually. Don't really focus on world news and all that. If I did give to a charity, I guess something like Make a Wish or Red Cross? Seem like good people trying to do good work." 6. Biggest Fears? "Dogs, and being forced to do G-uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh, . . . moving on from that, yeah. Dogs suck." 7.How much do you make? "Depends on the job, really, but most jobs that I take now pay somewhere in the lower 300's, few rare cases pay in the 500's, and since I have a nice amount of return customers, well, let's say I have a pretty nice rainy day fund saved up." 8.What is your ethnicity? "Uh, is White/Caucasian an acceptable answer? That's as far as I bother to register. Mom says something about a bit of English down the line, maybe a tad of Italian or French. I'm not really concerned by it, I'm Human, I'm American, I'm Californian, and that's all that matters to me." 9.Do you have an accent? "Everyone has an accent, so this is another stupid question? I guess I have a Californian/West Coast accent." 10.What did you dress-up as for Halloween last-year? "Uh, that one guy from Tokyo Ghoul, with the tattoos. I think his name is Uta or something like that? It was for a party, and I had just gotten into the series and I really liked the character. I went in depth with that one, though, and still just go around in the outfit as my regular clothes sometimes. Look pretty damn good to, if I do say so myself." 11.What are you're email addresses, blogs, and websites? "Uh, I have a website for people to request my services, a Twitch channel, my email is As for my passwords, no. I don't ever say them out loud, I've got too much stuff on the web under them to risk some. Sorry, but my lips are sealed." 12.Are you superstitious? "Not particularly, no." 13.Allergic to anything? "Fuck shellfish, stuff makes me puff up really bad. Always got to be careful." 14.Hobbies? "Gaming, Programming, A little bit of cosplay, Reading, Song Writing(I don't sing, just write some music here and there), napping." 15.Do you have any secrets? "Yes, and that's all I'll say on that matter?" 16.What's you Zodiac Sign? "I'm a Leo." 17.Taste in books, movies, and music? "Love me some fantasy adventure, though sci-fi is good too, really I like to read anything. Same with movies, for the most part, though most horror movies strike me as dumb and predictable. I tend to laugh when most people scream, just because I find it funny when a hunch I make turns out to be correct. I like Alternative rock for my music tastes, though my taste also can dip into metal. I just like anything with a lot of aggressive beats and guitar riffs." 18.Do you have any scars? "Yeah, pretty bad ones on my left arm and right leg. These are the reason I'm afraid of dogs." 19.What are your feelings on Gay Marriage, Abortion, legalization of Marijuana, etc.? "Don't really care much about Gay Marriage, so what if a guy and another guy get married. Not for it, not against it. Same for Legalization, but with, uh, a bit of personal entanglement that would lean me towards yes, rather than no. Abortion, however, is something I'm rather torn on, due to the fact that, despite popular belief, I'm a Christian. Yes, I know, shocking that I don't worship Satan and all that. Anyway, I'm kinda for having it only be for thinks like rape and trying circumstances, because no matter what people say, that's a human being and it just doesn't sit right with me to end a life before it's had a chance to live." 20.Any Tattoos or piercings? "One tongue piercing, 3 brow piercings, and I'm planning on doing an arm tattoo in the near future." 21.What's your handwriting like? "It's legible, not the neatest script you'll ever see, but it gets me by. Hardly ever write that much though, I'm a typing man myself." 22.Religious Background? "Mom's a Christian, Dad's a Christian, Sister's a Christian, and I'm a Christian. Not the most devout of families, but I believe in the values." 23.Where do you like to shop? "Gamestop, Steam, various Online places, and . . . that's it." 24.What's your relationship with your sibling(s)? "Resent her ever so slightly for pushing a certain . . burden on to me cause of her own stubborness, but over all, pretty good. She kinda reminds me of Brooke a bit with her attitude, only she's more of an Alpha bitch. Seriously, you don't want to fuck with her, or you'll be eating your own genitals." 25.Do you have enemies? if so, why? No real enemies, except for one guy that I accidentally got put in jail due to me finding his stash of child pornography while I was hacking his computer. And he turned out to be someone of relative importance so . . . yeah. Kept a pretty low profile after that whole kerfuffle. Heh, 'kerfuffle' . . . that's such a funny word." 26.What are your plans for the future? "You mean, if this whole 'becoming the heir of a S.A. Electronics' doesn't pan out? Start my own business and work form the ground up." 27.Political preferences? "None, politics are stupid and a waste of my time." 28.What do you keep in your cupboards? "A variety of snacks foods, both healthy and not so healthy, a little bit of, uh, 'hazy enlightenment' for when I'm in the need of a little pick me up, and batteries. A ton of batteries." 29Any favorite outfits or pieces of clothing? "His Uta costume is a favorite to wear on warm days, or when he feels the need to look extremely strange to people. He sometimes gets into character to. 30.What do you keep in remote storage? "Doesn't have any, though if he did, he'd probably put some extra hardware there, like old computers and laptops and the like. 31.Are you a night owl, or a morning person? "I. AM. THE NIGHT!!!! Seriously though, I have no real preference, but I tend to feel like crap in the mornings because I'm online doing who knows what until ungodly hours of morning. I've got back on that recently, but the feeling sometime props up from time to time."
"Je vous déteste tous." Jamais n'ai-je jamais été un jeu si ennuyeux, et il y avait trop de gens. Brooke détestait ça. Quel était le plaisir de voir à quel point les gens étaient plus excitants comparés à vous? Et il n'y a jamais eu de bonnes déclarations. "Je n'ai jamais eu SEX" Ohhh mon dieu, c'est sooooo scandaleux. Je n'ai jamais été arrêté? Si quelqu'un DID se fait arrêter, les gens seraient déjà au courant de chaque détail. Et ils seraient probablement virés de l'école ou quelque chose comme ça. Ashbury était une école ennuyeuse pour forcer les gens à devenir des adultes ennuyeux. Tout ce qui était excité était froncé, naturellement. Brooke s'est entachée alors que Korrie l'a littéralement traînée dans le cercle informel. Brooke est tombée avec lui quand Korrie a trébuché sur le sol, et elle lui a donné une pelle ennuyée avant de se lever avec une bosse. "Oh mon dieu, tu es tellement ennuyant. Une fille ne peut pas boire en paix!?" Brooke avait d'une façon ou d'une autre réussi à sauver sa bouteille de se renverser. Elle a renversé un peu plus de liquide dans sa gorge avant d'éblouir tout le monde. "Tu veux que je joue? Très bien, je vais jouer." Brooke se tenait un peu sur les franges extérieures du cercle. Elle a pointé un doigt de façon menaçante sur la foule. "Je n'ai jamais eu le béguin, ni couché avec quelqu'un dans cette pièce parce que je vous déteste tous." Avec son froncement standard, Brooke s'assit fortement sur les bords extérieurs du cercle, les jambes et les bras croisés. C'était un jeu stupide joué par des gens stupides qui n'avaient rien de mieux à faire.
"Life would be so much better if I was born as a house cat." -Acacia Hancock Name Acacia Celeste Hancock Nicknames Ace, Aca, Caci. Out of all of these, Acacia prefers Caci the most. But she would definitely prefer to be called Acacia. Age 17 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Like everyone in her family, Acacia was blessed with startlingly blue eyes, and dark hair. Her dark brown hair extends to her waist, and she can often be seen fiddling with it--especially when she's nervous. Her bright blue eyes are almond shaped and can be killer puppy dog eyes when she wants them to be. She's shorter than her brother, Aspen standing at a height of 5'7. "I just want everyone to be happy." Personality There's just something endearing about Acacia that makes you want to hug her tightly. She's such a sweetheart. You see it in the way her entire face lights up when she laughs, the striking blue eyes that crinkle with her serene smile... Acacia has a certain charm about her that people seem to gravitate towards. Her energy and her bright laughter is simply contagious, and when she steps into a room, it lights up. Acacia loves making friends with people, and is rather successful at it! She's simply a lovely person and always seems to know just the right thing to say. This girl is confident, flirty, and bold. She's very dedicated to whatever she does, and puts 120% effort into it. It doesn't take a lot of work for her to gain admirers and friends. Acacia is a natural silver tongue. She has a way with words. Combined that with her charming delivery? The results can be devastating. She can be quite manipulative when she wants to be--which fortuately is not very often. She's a natural leader, and being the president of the student council she puts this skill to use. Interestingly, Acacia doesn't really care about being a leader. She became the president because she was nominated and elected, and because she does a great job. Ironically, the twin that doesn't really care about being a leader has all of the leadership qualities, while the twin that does really want to be a leader is more suited to be a follower. Despite her intelligence in academics, is not very street smart and is rather gullible. She's the type of person to actually spell out "gullible" before realizing that it in fact does not sound like orange. She also is a rather jealous person who can be possessive of her friends. She is a person who gets really anxious and paranoid whenever she feels like she's left out of the loop and dislikes it when she sees her friends with other people. However, this is all expressed on the inside and she gives no outwardly indication. She is quite meek, unable to speak her mind unless it's a student council issue or whatever it may be. Acacia doesn't like it when people are overly opinionated and feels uncomfortable in a debate. She as a general rule doesn't like arguing with people and is often very passive aggressive. Likes Animals Figure Skating Gymnastics Movies--horror movies in particular Singing, acting and dancing Dislikes Elevator music People who can't see multiple sides of an issue Candy corn Arguments and confrontations Being late Art--Acacia may be good at the arts, but she can't draw to save a life Fears Losing people important to her, rejection, the darkness "You can't scare me! I saw you lurking." Strengths Graceful Authoritative Athletic Photogenic Witty Weaknesses Overanalyzes everything Passive aggressive Jealous Gullible Not very assertive History Acacia grew up with her brother, Aspen away from her parents. While Aspen learned to grow without them and found confidence, Acacia grew up being racked with self-doubt about why her parents weren't ever around. She would spend nights crying herself to sleep about it. She loved her surrogate mother dearly, but it was never the same. This is where her abandonment issues and jealousy stems--she needs a constant figure to be by her side. Fortunately, her brother Aspen was always there to pull her out of the dumps. Once Aspen began winning photography contests with her as a model, Acacia rediscovered her confidence that she was sorely lacking. She decided that she wanted to be fit and pretty for her brother's camera, so she began trying her hand at various sports. The ones that stuck with her were gymnastics and figure skating. She also harbors a love for dancing, acting and singing--all documented by Aspen. Unlike Aspen, Acacia never really thought about being a CEO or being a leader. However, it was how she was. Whenever there was a group project, people naturally turned to Acacia as the leader and she rolled with it. Ever mini skit she put together was largely directed by her. Acacia is a natural leader, and people respond to that. Her parents finally somewhat returned to Acacia's life when they sent her to Ashbury to be schooled into the next CEO for their corporation. Acacia was overjoyed at the fact that she wouldn't be separated from Aspen, who secured a spot at this prestigious school for photography. But Acacia is lost. She doesn't know what she wants to do with life, and she's being shoved into a future she doesn't know if she wants. Oh well, if she's going to be here, she's going to be good at it. Favorite memory The first time her brother photographed her. It was on a rainy day, and Aspen told her to dance around--the way she does when she thinks no one is looking. He managed to capture an incredible shot of her spinning around in the rain, with a thunderbolt in the background. Aspen and Acacia participated in an Open Mike a few years ago, with Aspen on guitar and Acacia singing. They got such a great response! When Acacia lost a regional dance competition. Aspen seemed upset that the judges chose another team, but Acacia was satisfied with how far her and her team had come. Every moment spent with her parents Least favorite memory When she broke her arm in gymnastics. She had landed badly on her leg when she lost her grip on the double bars, and it caused her to be unable to dance, skate or act for a long time and she missed regionals for various competitions. Trying her hardest to smile at her birthday party, after her parents texted her saying they can't make it. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Her parent's company, Hancock Corporations needed a back up! So they thrust their unsuspecting daughter into those large shoes. She had great leadership qualities, she was smart, so why not? They never really asked her about it though. "Aspen, they just texted me that they can't make it to our birthday party today. Some important meeting came up." Birthday May 24th Astrological Sign Gemini Twitter Name @LittleMissAcacia for all of her usernames "Surprise!" How many shoes do they own? What types? "I don't own a lot of shoes, just your standard dress shoes, sneakers, etc etc etc. But Acacia on the other hand..." "I don't have that many shoes! Just some boots, various heels, a few pairs of sneakers, flats..." "See? That's already like, 5 times more than me." "....." Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? "Grove_Photography is the new instagram of the extremely talented and sought after teenage photographer! Be sure to check out his instagram! He's also available for booking, so please contact him if you like any of his photos!" "What's with the advertisement...?" "Aspen Hancock is the up-and-coming photographer! Get him now while you can. His photography skills are evident in even as something as simple as his profile picture. It's a photograph of himself taken through a glass pelted with raindrops and it looks very surreal and mysterious. "Acacia..." "Also be sure to check out his model extraordinaire, Acacia Hancock! Not only is she an extremely beautiful girl, her instagram is to die for. Just look for her fantastic profile picture--it's me mid-jump when I'm ice skating. Yeah, photography skills and stuff, but she has a lot of talents too!" "Acacia!" "Hahahaha, jeez Asp, I'm kidding!" How many romantic relationships have they had? "Neither of us had that many, actually." "Unfortunately, Aspen scares them away." "Yeah, cuz I'm so scary, right? You scare off any potential girlfriends too." "Grrr, we're so terrifying." Are they right- or left-handed? "Acacia is right handed." "And Aspen is sinister." What charities do they donate to? "A lot actually. We've donated to Habitat for Humanity, Homeless shelters, cancer research..." "Some charities really need money, and we have a lot of it. And I don't think we're every going to use all of it. So we like to share bit by bit." What are their biggest fears? "You used to be scared of thunder. Like, terrified. You used to hide under the blankets every time it stormed." "Why would you even bring that up? That was like... 14 years ago." "You might still be scared!" "You wanna go there? What about the time you literally climbed up a tree to get away from a dog." "I was like 3!" "Exactly." How much money do they make? "Aspen makes sooo much cash from Grove Photography. It's ridiculous." "What about you? You make a lot of money from winning competitions." "Well, yeah. But they're not consistent. Maybe I should get a job." What is their ethnicity? "I think we're just European. "Hmmm, I thought I heard mom mention something about being descended from King Henry the whatever or something. "Maybe we should look into that." Do they speak with an accent? "Unfortunately, no." "We wish. A Scottish or British accent would be really cool." "Pip pip cheerio!" ".....No Caci. No." What did they dress as for Halloween last year? "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" "To protect the world with devastation!" "To unite all people within our nation!" "To denounce the evil of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above! "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords?, and I also have a blogspot and tumblr for my photography. "Also, Aspen's password is--" "Whoa, what? you know my password?" "My email is And my instagram documents all of my competitions, hobbies, and photographs! Check it out!" "Wait, Acacia, don't change the subject!" What are they superstitious about? "I'm not superstitious, but Acacia on the other hand..." "I don't believe any of it. I just don't want to risk any of it being true, just in case." "You collect every 4 leaf clover you fine." "They're cute, okay?" Are they allergic to anything? "Both of us are allergic to penicillin." "We break out in hives." What hobbies do they have? "Well besides for photography... Photoshop is really fun, image editing in general." "Idiot, that's still a part of photography." "Uh, right. I guess we play video games a lot, We have a running tally of who wins. And I really like playing the guitar, and swimming. Obviously." "Everyone already knows what we like. I like dancing, figure skating... Stuff like that. I dabble in acting. And singing is fun too. Lately I've been into netflix. But that's everyone." Do they keep secrets? "Very much so. I know a lot of things that Aspen doesn't because I don't tell him anything." "Likewise." What are their astrological signs? "We're Geminis." "Isn't that ironic?" What are their taste in movies, books, and music? "I'm mostly into sci-fi and action." "Nerd." "And despite you making me watch horror movies with you, I don't like them!" "Would you rather watch romcoms with me? "Maybe." Do they have scars? "Nope, not really." "We've had a fairly unadventurous childhood. And we never seriously fought enough to scar each other." What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "......" "Acacia really doesn't like discussing things like this." "Pro-choice, pro-marriage, no opinion on weed." "What's with the heavy sigh?" "I don't like arguing..." "There's no one to argue with, idiot. I'm the only one here, and we have the same opinion." Any tattoos or piercings? "I have my ear lobes pierced, but that's about it." "I don't have anything. I know, I know. I'm boring." "Yeah you are." What does their handwriting look like? "Really similar, actually. Emma liked to say that handwriting was the window to the soul, so she had us take calligraphy classes." "Yeah, we write out "g"s and "f"s and "A"s the same way." "But otherwise my writing is most loopy and flowing. Aspen's is more precise and neat." "That represents out personalities really well, actually." What is their religious background? "Uh... Agnostic, I guess? What do you think?" "Agnostic works. I don't believe that God exists, but I'm not an atheist." "Yup, mom, dad and Emma weren't really religious either." Where do they like to shop? "We own a lot of designer clothing. When Acacia models them, or I photograph them, we receive a lot of clothes and accessories as thanks." "Designer clothing is super nice. But I usually just go shopping at popular stores. Forever 21 is one of my favorites--they have really cute clothes for a really cheap price!" What is their relationship like with their sibling?" "Horrible. We hate each other." "Can't even stand to be in the same room." "Ew, get away from me you freak." Do they have enemies? How did they make them? "We have none that we know of." "I hope we don't have any..." What are their ambitions? Do they have a "five-year plan"? "Oh yeah, definitely. Once I graduate, I'm going to be an intern and assistant for Charles Modelli, the current CEO of Mode. He's going to retire in a few years, so until then I'm going to get acquainted with people of the industry while majoring in photography and digital art at the California Institute of Arts. Once Modelli retires, I'm going to take over Mode and hopefully expand it and hire more permanent employees. My eventual goal is to expand Mode and promote it even more, and to start a Mode magazine. What about you Acacia?" "Uh... Graduate?" What are their political preferences? "Hate politics. They make me angry. Next." "Yeah, it's fine. We can move on. I'm not heavily involved in politics either." What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "In my purse I always have my wallet, some pens, some mint and gum, band-aids, chapstick, my mini-planner and my portable charger." "I don't carry around a purse. We usually just have your standard medicine cabinet drugs like benedryll, ibuprofen and stuff in the cabinets. And cupboards... uh, cups and stuff?" What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "I love my cream colored dress with flowery branches." "I'm a pretty big fan of this green jacket." What do they keep in remote storage? "I don't think we have remote storage." "Yeah, we have places for everything. Even incredible things." Are they night owls or morning people? "I'm a night owl. But Acacia on the other hand..." "Definitely morning!" "Lucky duck. She would wake me up at 7 AM when we were young because she was bored. Actually... She still does that sometimes." "Heehee."
Maie-Marie Malveaux Tout le monde était saoul. Marie avait pensé qu'elle était ivre, mais elle avait sous-estimé la fabled 'atmosphère de fête des adolescents'. Elle n'arrivait pas à comprendre ses mots, mais c'était en partie la caféine qui traversait sa circulation sanguine à grande vitesse, pas seulement l'alcool. Sans parler de l'anglais, ce n'était même pas sa langue maternelle. Tu pourrais à peine lui en vouloir. Non seulement cela, elle avait également sous-estimé le facteur scandaleux de certaines personnes dans le cercle. Marie avait ses hauts et ses bas, mais était-il vraiment inhabituel de n'avoir jamais eu de relations sexuelles dans un lieu public ou de voler des choses? Peut-être qu'elle sautait juste aux conclusions. Beaucoup de gens avaient encore plus qu'une main de doigts en haut, Marie inclus (elle avait dû faire tomber son compte à sept en raison du jab de Laney aux équipes sportives. Au moins, si la piste était un sport.) La suggestion de Brooke l'a fait réfléchir, probablement plus longtemps qu'il ne l'était, étant donné le flux du jeu. Evidemment, elle n'avait jamais couché avec quelqu'un dans la pièce, mais n'avait-elle jamais eu le béguin pour quelqu'un? Il y avait beaucoup de gens avec qui elle aimait vraiment traîner, mais y avait-il toujours plus à ça? C'était probablement la Jager qui parlait, mais elle se sentirait mal si elle réussissait à laisser son doigt dans cette affaire. Comme un aveu qu'elle, aussi, haïssait tout le monde. Mais si elle avait posé son doigt et que c'était un mensonge? Quelqu'un le saurait? Si quelqu'un savait, quelqu'un l'appellerait? Elle sentit ses yeux se transformer en spirales comme de la fumée déversée de ses oreilles. Au moins, si c'était un dessin animé qui aurait eu lieu. C'était Hal? Est-ce qu'elle a peut-être eu le béguin pour Hal? C'était le choix évident, les deux se sont entendus comme PB&J, mais était-ce vraiment différent de la façon dont elle pensait de tous ses amis? Connor? Elle aimait son énergie et son bravade, mais même elle savait qu'ils ne pouvaient pas passer autant de temps ensemble sans démolir un ou deux bâtiments. C'était un béguin? Amanda-san? Évidemment Marie l'aimait beaucoup, mais non, elle n'a pas eu cette impression d'elle-même. Elle avait beaucoup de respect pour les Hancocks, mais probablement ne les connaissait pas assez bien pour en dire beaucoup... Qui dois-je choisir? Pourquoi je choisis quelque chose? Pourquoi y a-t-il un choix? Tout ça était stupide, comme Brooke l'a laissé entendre. La force de la main d'alcool sur elle a oscillé pendant une seconde, mais il suffisait de voir que la seule raison pour laquelle elle pensait que c'était parce qu'elle était ivre. Non, elle n'a probablement pas eu le béguin pour personne à ce stade. L'année était encore jeune, mais Marie n'était pas engagée même au meilleur des temps. Elle aimait tous ses amis, et ce n'était pas plus compliqué que ça. Ce n'était pas encore son tour dans le cercle, mais elle était fière de son compte de doigts, du moins pour le moment. Pourtant, c'était facile de voir qui descendait bientôt. Elle avait une idée assez ferme qu'elle n'allait pas perdre ce jeu particulier.
Maie-Marie Malveaux "When you feel bad, run. And when you've run as far as you physically can, if you still feel bad, just keep running until you leave those feelings in your dust." -Marie Malveaux Name Maie-Marie Malveaux Nicknames Mal (Semi-formal, taken from her last name. It means 'bad' so most people close to her don't use it, but a 'casual' teacher or someone in a similar position might pull it out.) M, "Trois-emme" (From her name having three M's in it. She hates this one, and it's used only in ignorance by a well-meaning stranger or else when somebody's actually trying to aggravate her.) She doesn't mind being called either Marie or Maie. Most people default to Marie because it's more common. Age 16 Gender Female Sexual Orientation Bisexual Grade Level Sophomore Appearance Despite her tomboyish personality, Marie's appearance is very much that of a girl. Shoulder-length blonde hair, occasionally dyed or tipped some exotic color, hangs down over her pale skin and 'cute' facial features (big round eyes, small nose, etc.) Her body, likewise, is rather petite, at a whopping 5 foot even and around a hundred pounds. She's toned, athletically, but not very muscular, even when she flexes (which is more often than is probably appropriate.) Even though her frame is small she tries to make up for this by wearing loud colors or just generally being loud herself. Her fashion sense is peculiar. Because she looks cute and doll-like, she can pull off strange fashion choices without really trying. In casual situations she is often seen wearing men's gym attire (tight t-shirt and shorts or sweats,) and these serve as her general outdoor clothes as well ("Never know when you've gotta run!") She hates dresses because she doesn't like the way they usually fit her, and she refuses to wear skirts because she has a constant irrational fear that everybody can see her underwear at all times. Formal wear doesn't really exist in her wardrobe. Instead, she has a large selection of active-wear (both men's and women's) and a single blue dress that never gets worn. She doesn't touch makeup, which has made a lot of her peers jealous in the past because of her relatively clear skin. Because of this she gets baffled easily when other girls start talking about their morning routines, and all she can say is "I shower a lot." Personality Marie is easy to get along with, but equally easy to hate, because of her simplistic personality. She is friendly and approachable, and likes to talk to 'unpopular' kids just because they interest her, but this habit sometimes ends in bitter feelings from popular girls who think she's a joke, as well as even unpopular kids who think she's taking pity on them. She is the type who likes to listen to people ramble on about whatever they're passionate about, and will then ramble herself about the things she's passionate about: fitness, food, anime, and the vastness of the universe, which she doesn't know anything about. She isn't perceived as particularly intelligent, because she really isn't. She loves learning new things but can't retain information well at all, often forgetting things by accident, including people's names or past meetings. She means well, and easily rolls with the punches when somebody calls her stupid, but she does have a bit of a hidden complex regarding her intelligence, often being the first person in a room to put herself down over how stupid she is. This is also the first thing people usually attack when they want to put her down, and she just laughs it off every time. Marie doesn't put up with people who put themselves down or attack others, and will reflexively try and shift any and all blame onto herself. While not a true martyr complex, it's not that far off either. She likes to think she is saving people by taking on all the pain herself, even if she logically knows it doesn't work that way. People don't often pay it much mind, because she is so upbeat all the time, but it's a habit that can easily get on everybody's nerves. She is working to try and change the way she acts because she has alienated friends in the past, but changing yourself is hard, so it's slow progress. Likes Anything that gets her body moving (sports, exercise, etc) Loud music (Usually old school rap/hip hop or electronica, but anything with a strong beat will do.) Energy drinks Thunderstorms and Natural Disasters Bruce Lee Anime Everybody Dislikes When people are down on themselves or others 'Lazy' days Skirts, dresses, jewellery Politics Fears Aside from her bizarre paranoia involving skirts, Marie is terrified of being lost. Lost in a new place, in the middle of nowhere, lost in a crowd, it doesn't matter. If she doesn't know where she is or where she's going, she gets the cold sweats. Thank god for GPS technology these days, right? Strengths Actual physical strength and fitness Her naivete means she's never scared or lost in a social situation She's one of those girls who can look good in anything without trying Weaknesses Completely socially oblivious. If people are talking behind her back or subtly insulting her, she will never catch on. Like, never ever. Information retention Poor impulse control History Originally hailing from Quebec, Marie's family moved to Manhattan Island halfway through her elementary school career due to her father's position as a well-respected business consultant. Her father became a permanent on-call consultant to the CEO of Jam! Energy, one of the highest-grossing soft drink conglomerates in the country. Marie was sent to a private school and their family was never hungry because of all the money her Father took in, but Marie herself wasn't a fan of inner city life. There just weren't enough ways to expend her energy, and there were only so many times you could run laps around Central Park before the scenery started getting repetitive. Her grades began to slip and she was diagnosed with ADHD and put on various kinds of pills to help regulate her poor attention span and energy levels. This worked for a while, but her energy had little to do with her brain chemistry in the end. It was just her personality. She was pulled from private school in grade seven and received home-schooling instead in hopes that she would do better in a more comfortable environment. And again, for a while, this seemed successful. Her grades rose and she stopped seeming so frustrated all the time. But even this had an end. The CEO of Jam! Energy suffered a major heart attack and passed away in his office, sending the company into a bad PR spiral (did he die because he drank Jam? That stuff will kill you!) The cash stopped flowing, and Marie's family could no longer afford her personal tutor. Her father was hired on as interim CEO of Jam! but honestly he was just hired as a scapegoat so that nobody within the company had to take the fall in the media. Even so, he was able to pull the company's accounts out of the gutter and back into the black, but Jam! Energy never could wipe away the dark smudge on their reputation, and the only people who were drinking their products were high schoolers and college students who didn't care about their supposed health concerns. What the company needed wasn't better management, they had that part covered, they needed a better image. To that end, the new CEO turned his eyes on the brightest shining star he knew - his own daughter. Maie-Marie was sent to Ashbury to continue her schooling and to get the pedigree that would be needed for the new face of Jam! Favorite memory One time while still living in Quebec, after watching the movie Forrest Gump with her family, she decided to run as far as she could, for no particular reason. She didn't tell her family anything about where she was headed, just "I'm going out for a run." Five hours later, she was in the middle of nowhere, completely stranded. She had to knock on a stranger's door to ask to use their phone. It took an hour for her parents to figure out where she had gone, and another two hours to actually come pick her up. She was grounded for two weeks afterward, but the memory is still dear to her, because she finds it hilarious. Least favorite memory Once and only once was Marie ever sent to school in 'girly' clothes, in grade 3. It was her parents' idea, against her will, but she agreed because they insisted on it, thinking she looked incredibly cute. They were right, but not even a minute after she got there, the usual boys she hung around with had flipped up her skirt and one boy tried to kiss her as a joke. She ran home without even attending her first class. She cut up her nice clothes and yelled at her parents when they tried to scold her, and the issue was never brought up again. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? Marie was sent on behalf of Jam! Energy, who hoped to use her image to pick their name up out of the gutter. While not technically an heiress (she doesn't even remotely have the business mind and everybody knows it) she is still the daughter of the CEO. She has the pedigree to attend and a real purpose for being there, even if others look down on her because she won't actually inherit the company (although her father secretly hopes that she will gain the business sense to actually follow in his footsteps.) Birthday May 1, 1999 Astrological Sign Taurus Twitter Name @MMMMMMMarie She has a tumblr called "F___ Shoujos Get Yencoins" (not censored, that's how it's written) but she only uses it to reblog anime/rap song mashups. Maie-Marie Malveaux "Who is my best friend...? If you had to ask me right now I would say... you, I suppose?" Brooke Avery "Brooke is a bit of a flower, I can tell. I would like to spend more time alone with her, even if she says she hates me. Perhaps I could get her to move past my flaws and we could be friends?" Marie takes Brooke's harsh attitude towards the world personally, as though Brooke were actually mad at her specifically for being imperfect. She hopes in time that she can become a person that Brooke could bear to be friends with, though she doesn't really know how she might accomplish such a task. Hal Polwith "Hal is very funny, I like hanging around with him, because the way he talks makes me smile." Marie likes Hal a lot. He is just the sort of person Marie likes to hang around with. The type that is active and upbeat, as well as being very passionate and able to 'nerd out' every once in a while. She secretly wants to run a marathon with him to see who could last longer. Korrie Jackson "I think I could learn a lot from Korrie, but I wish that he would stop pranking other people." Marie admires Korrie for being so into computers as well as so many other things that she can't find the time for. She severely dislikes his mean streak, but thinks that he'll 'grow out of it' somehow. She would like to learn computers from him, even though anything beyond downloading anime and social media is probably a bit much for her. Amanda Hirano "Amanda-san chou kawaii neeee~ Bishoujo desu neeee~" Completely oblivious of the fact that she is probably coming on way too strong at all times, Marie thinks that Amanda is adorable. Even though Amanda is older than her, Marie treats her like a younger sibling. She admires Amanda's sense of style and always tries to talk about Japanese culture with her for some reason. Emphasis on tries to. Spencer Dalle "Monsieur Spencer is difficult to place, I think." Marie gets a strange feeling from Spence, like that of a kindred spirit, as somebody who sometimes makes horrible decisions to hurt themselves for unknown reasons. However, she doesn't really know him well enough to broach the subject, so their relationship remains mysterious and superficial. Laney Chandler "SHE IS SO... COOL!" Marie has a hard time seeing past Laney's 'Ms. Perfect' facade, and admires her greatly for being so 'haute-couture.' Marie recognizes that she herself isn't exactly the model of class and panache, but she greatly admires all the hard work and time it must take to pull that style off. Nathan Matthews "He is a good boy, n'est-ce pas? But maybe girls like somebody a little more... wild, I think?" School's a big place. When you coast by trying to just do what everybody else wants, it's hard to leave an impression on a girl like Marie. She likes Nathan well enough, but unfortunately finds him a bit forgettable and he often gets overlooked in her mind. Connor McQuarrie "I have a lot of respect for athletes. He is a bit of a clown, but I think that we get along fine. It is easy to forget my problems when I am with him." Marie is loud enough that it's difficult to find somebody louder than her. Because of this, Connor makes a pretty big impression. However, sometimes two similar wavelengths amplify themselves too hard and blow out your speakers... Brenden Rivers "It is something I do not like to say, but I do not get along with Brenden, maybe? He confuses me and makes it difficult to tell, but I think he is insulting me a lot? Even if he's right, this is how he acts to everybody, and that is not okay." As the socially oblivious person that she is, Marie is alternatingly immune and completely susceptible to Brenden's natural charisma. She takes most things he says at face value, and his attitude often just leaves her confused, making him uncomfortable to be around. She doesn't really get this feeling from anybody else, so she tries to avoid him if possible. Emilie Delacour "A rival approaches?!" Marie finds Emilie to be fun to be around, and despite cultural differences between Quebecois and Parisian french, just having another francophone around makes her seem less exotic, which is nice. But their similarities have inspired a competitive streak within Marie, and she will unconsciously try to one-up the poor girl whenever there's something to be won. Erin "Riley" Emerson "It is nice to see there is a girl here who is not so girly like me. I would drown in accessories if I was left in this sea of pretty girls." Since Marie has a hard time thinking about people beyond what she's shown, she completely believes that Riley is a totally tough chick, and admires her for that fact. She'd like to get to know Riley better, but never thinks to ask too deeply about it. They could probably be better friends if she did. Aspen Hancock "He has a certain... dignity about him. It makes me respect him, even if I do not know him very well. He is somebody who is going places, I think? Perhaps just the sort of person who fits right in here." Marie seems to respect Aspen, but even though he is genuine, his 'perfect' personality (or so Marie perceives it) makes him hard for somebody like Marie to approach. She liked to hang around him well enough, but he probably wouldn't be the first person she approached for conversation over somebody like Hal or Connor. Acacia Hancock "Madamoiselle Acacia is certainly somebody who forces you to like them, if this is not rude to say. She is often surrounded by others, and there is good reason for this. Though perhaps around her I feel as though I am bossing her around?" Much like her brother, Marie's opinion of Acacia resides in the clouds somewhere. As though she belongs to a different class of being (though maybe this is just by association.) She likes Acacia a lot, however, but the two of them often end up like a comedy duo with no straight-man. They need somebody to knock them over the head when they get too far down a dumb train of thought. 1. How many shoes do you own? What types? "Just two pairs. One pair for running, one for not running. Durability and comfort are important above all, but I often get made fun of for not being stylish for some reason. Are sneakers not proper formal attire? Surely you don't need to have a whole extra pair of shoes for dressy occasions? ...Why are you looking at me with pity eyes?" 2. Are you on social media? Who’s in your profile pictures with you? "You ask as if my profile picture is of myself. I do not have a good picture of myself, so instead I take a picture of my most recent favourite anime character. Currently this is Matoi Ryuko from Kill la Kill. Have you seen this show? No? I must recommend... actually, perhaps not. It is... well, it is not for everybody." 3. How many romantic relationships have you had? "When I was very young, I had a boyfriend, but he dumped me over the phone because he said he had not seen me in over a week and that was the only way he could get a hold of me. Is this acceptable, normally? I'm afraid I still don't really know. My second was just last year, a girl had asked me out, and we went on a few dates, but she too wanted me to text her every day. Who has the time for this? I... tried to let her down gently. I do not think she took it very well, but were we that serious in the first place? Again, I'm afraid I don't really know. Perhaps I am not cut out for this romance yet. There is much to learn..." 4. Are they right- or left-handed? "I was born right-handed, though now you cannot really tell the difference in my penmanship because it has degraded over time. Who writes things these days anyway? Does this count as ambidextrous?" 5. What charities do they donate to? "Does giving blood count as donating to charity? I'm afraid I don't really make a point to give my money regularly... is this unusual for somebody with no stable income?" 6. What are your biggest fears? "I dislike it when I do not know where I am. As long as I have my feet on the ground and know my way home, I can conquer anything! Anything at all! Hmm, perhaps not everything. I am still spooked by girly clothes, do not ask why, please." 7. How much money do you make? "This is a question as though I make a stable income, as though I have employment, yes? I am afraid this is not the case. Though if I need something, I can usually ask Papa. I do not think that we are short on money, if that was the direction of the question." 8. What is your ethnicity? "Ah, je suis Canadienne, French-Canadian you would say. From Quebec, on the outskirts of Quebec city. I must recommend this area... although it may be difficult if you do not know proper french." 9. Do you speak with an accent? "You have noticed my accent? I apologize if this makes me difficult to understand. I get many people thinking that my vocabulary is not good because of how heavy my accent is, but this is not the case. It is simply the way I speak." 10. What did you dress as for Halloween last year? "This is slightly embarassing, but I did not do anything for Halloween last year. I had planned to meet some friends, but when the day came, I completely forgot. While children were trick-or-treating, I had fallen asleep watching anime. C'est la vie. This year perhaps I shall dress up." 11. What are your email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? "This... this is a very personal question, is it not? Oooh ooh! Oh! Oooooooh! You should check out my Tumblr! Ah, perhaps not. I got very excited, but you are not of this niche, I presume. Zut, I thought I might gain another follower. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is like me, you know?" 12. What are you superstitious about? "Emm, perhaps this is just me personally, but have you ever noticed that street lights turn off when you run under them at night? And then they turn back on again once you are past? I have read that this is caused by an electromagnetic field given off by certain people! ...Eh? 'Power-cycling?' I do not know what this means." 13. Are you allergic to anything? "Nothing comes to mind, really." 14. What hobbies do you have? "Sometimes I feel as though my life is just a collection of hobbies. Running, camping, hiking, watching anime, listening to music, dancing, all sorts of things." 15. Do you keep secrets? "NON! ...I mean, emm, no. Not well, anyway. Please do not tell me anything you don't want people to know, I beg you." 16. What is your astrological signs? "I am a Taurus, if you believe in that sort of thing. I mean, it fits, n'est-ce pas? Bull-headed and all. I am not convinced." 17. What is your taste in movies, books, and music? "You are already aware of my taste for anime and manga, yes? Aside from that, I like anything that drips with too much drama. No reality TV though, please. I dislike the... manipulative nature of this. As far as music, I enjoy all sorts of things, but mostly I listen to hip-hop classics of the 90s. Rap these days has only a very small piece of the integrity and meaning that the old style had, I think." 18. Do you have scars? "I have plenty of rough patches from repeated falls, fractured bones and such, but I have never really had a deep cut that would leave a scar, no." 19. What are your feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? "I simply do not get involved. I am only smart enough to know that I am not smart enough for these topics. Other people are affected deeply by these, but I do not have the stake or passion, I am afraid. I hope you do not think less of me for this." 20. Any tattoos or piercings? "None." 21. What does their handwriting look like? "You... do not truly wish to know the answer to this. No, I will not provide a demonstration, you will only laugh at me." 22. What is your religious background? "Like most of the area I grew up, my family was catholic. As for me, I could not say. It seems easy to believe these things, but again, I know I am simply not smart enough. Perhaps I will never know." 23. Where do you like to shop? "I have difficulty when talk comes to brands, to tell the truth. Most of my wardrobe consists of workout clothes, so I tend to shop wherever has a good deal." 24. What is your relationship like with your sibling(s)? "I am an only child, unfortunately. However, I have always wanted an imouto, a younger sister, to dote on and give life advice to. Oh, she would confide in me, and we would fight against the world together for the sake of her passions. All of her friends would-" She continues like this for over ten minutes. 25. Do you have enemies? How did you make them? "I do not think I have any enemies...? Although I have been secretly bullied by somebody for a while. I suppose perhaps somebody does not agree with my personality? I do not remember getting into any fights with anybody. It is a puzzle to me, but I do not mind so much. I have probably done something to deserve it." 26. What are your ambitions? Do you have a “five-year plan”? "I would like to do as my Papa wants, and help him reform his company's image. I do not know if I am up to the task, but he seems to think that I am, so perhaps there is something I can do. I do not have a particular plan except to simply get through school. This is what is required of me, I think." 27. What are your political preferences? "My preference is to let people who are smarter than me decide what is best for the country. I cannot even vote anyway." 28. What do you habitually keep in your cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "I think that I eat much like a regular person, although I try to have some Jam! on hand for when I need a bit of a kick. For the other times, I keep sleeping pills for when I have too much kick. I also try to have a basic first aid kit in my bathroom to treat basic scrapes and bruises. I do not own a purse, as I have never understood what was wrong with pockets. Inside my pockets is simply my wallet and my phone, usually." 29. What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "Sweats! Very easy to move in, great for working out, lounging, and nobody can see your underwear! You can get all sweaty from a run and then come home and change into a different set of workout clothes and you are still comfortable. And still nobody can see your underwear! It is wonderful." 30. What do you keep in remote storage? "I... do not know what this is? Something for when there is no room in your house? Why would I keep that much stuff? ...Is this an American thing, to have too many things?" 31. Are you a night owl or a morning person? "I prefer mornings, though I pull late nights very often as well. I enjoy any time when I can go for a run and there are no cars on the road or people on the sidewalk. It feels like my own small world."
Bien sûr, personne n'aime l'idée de la mort et votre affinité pour elle ne fera que diminuer votre compréhension complète de ce concept, petite Brookie. Une telle moquerie n'est jamais devenue un sentiment délibéré pour un point qu'il ferait. Spencer ne doute pas de projeter son jugement coquin contre un intérêt trompé par la naïveté, mais de reconnaître Brooke comme une personne facilement alimentée par une sorte particulière de haine, c'était une sage décision d'avoir laissé ces mots sans voix. "Mort?" Ce qu'il a demandé semblait un peu prétentieux, étant donné qu'il n'était pas particulièrement disposé à ouvrir un sujet avec lequel il n'avait aucun intérêt. Spencer a levé un sourcil, puis a penché son attention sur Brooke avec un regard sceptique. "C'est... quelque chose que je n'ai pas entendu depuis un moment." Un frisson ovin a glissé entre les mots. Une chose que Spencer aurait pu facilement considérer était le fait qu'il est mauvais à forcer les émotions étrangères de sa perception récurrente. C'était un individu qui était direct au cœur, toujours direct sur la livraison des choses au point principal. Il ne pensait pas non plus à un chemin de communication frénétique et frénétique, car il croyait que de telles choses ne feraient qu'affaiblir sa position ferme en tant qu'individu franc. Cependant, à ce stade, il sentait que quelque chose le retenait, comme s'il n'était pas son moi habituel. Normalement, il se promenait autour de groupes de gens, en conversant sur les sujets les plus exagérés qui tournent autour de faits scandaleux sur les enseignants et autres. Cette nuit était un peu différente, mais il n'y avait rien d'illustre à propos de lui. Même pas une seule histoire qu'il pourrait partager fièrement avec n'importe qui. Spencer tira son regard loin de Brooke et retourna à la vue des gens s'amusant. Comment il l'a imaginé lui a fait se demander s'il était là aussi. Peut-être pourrait-il, mais l'incertitude de ce qui pourrait se passer l'a mis dans une certaine mesure. "Oui, je crois." Calmement, il a parlé malgré sa voix noyée par les sons éblouissants de la musique. "Ils s'amusent trop, ça me rend gag. Et si on tirait sur tout le monde avec ce pistolet que j'ai apporté pour qu'on puisse s'amuser? Pendant les quelques secondes qui suivirent, il y eut un silence entre eux. Pas un seul mot n'a glissé de leurs lèvres. Spencer s'est cassé le silence brusque puis a monté Brooke à son épaule. "Je suis petit." Il s'est reposé dans l'immobilité, sachant que Brooke pourrait ne pas répondre à sa suggestion ridicule bien qu'étant un obscur soulagement comique. Peut-être qu'il vaudrait mieux s'asseoir jusqu'à ce que la fête soit finie et porter le fardeau de ses amis ivres par la suite. Pendant les quelques minutes qui suivirent, il profita du confort de son siège, exaspérant les subtilités de son imagination. Aucun Seigneur des Anneaux ne rêve. Il s'était souvenu. Bien que d'une certaine façon, il pourrait trouver sa fascination en remplaçant tout le monde par le visage des orques. Un léger rire lui échappa les lèvres, car une fois, il s'inquiétait de sa santé mentale et de la façon dont Brooke aurait grimacé de son brusque changement de comportement. C'est alors que Korrie, son colocataire toujours merveilleux, lui ôta son emprise de silence. On ne pouvait s'empêcher de se demander combien le garçon montrait une telle disposition aggravante, dont Spencer brillait avec sa bouche en partie agape. Il était enivré, simple comme ça et comment il a immédiatement traîné Spencer au groupe rassemblé n'était pas tout à fait la démarche de plaidoyer. Le jeu 'Jamais n'ai jamais eu' ne lui était pas tout à fait familier. En fait, dans un certain temps libre passé avec les réunions de son club, certains membres se sont parfois entourés de cette activité. Cependant Spencer n'a jamais posé ses mains vers elle. C'est plutôt un spoilsport plutôt que d'être une personne enthousiaste sur le plan social. Être mis dans une situation improbable n'était pas quelque chose Spencer serait heureux mais souvent improvise-t-il sur des lieux d'activité similaires et des choses comme les rassemblements sociaux ne seraient pas de toute différence. Il a ignoré Korrie pendant un moment alors qu'il a été amené au cercle. Il serait peut-être préférable de traiter avec lui plus tard. Il roula les yeux en se rendant compte que Brooke prenait le moment devant lui. Pas vraiment attendu, mais il s'en ficherait. "Est-ce que je dois avouer quelque chose d'embarrassant maintenant? Je pensais que c'était une fête, pas une église." Il regarda autour de lui, regardant la plupart des gens qui entourent le cercle. "Bien alors." Il s'est cramponné les doigts alors qu'il se tenait debout, baignant sur une secousse rapide de sa tête tout en lui mordant la lèvre. "Je n'ai jamais..." C'est ridicule. Il s'arrêta, sentant encore une autre chute pesant au-dessus de ses épaules avant de continuer. Pendant qu'il essayait de dire quelques mots, Spencer continua à regarder autour jusqu'à ce qu'il repère une bouteille pleine d'alcool autour des bras d'une fille. Il s'est mis de côté un moment après l'avoir remarqué et a immédiatement arraché la bouteille. La fille a été laissée avec la bouche ouverte et une confusion la suivant. "Hé!" Elle s'est excusée. Spencer n'a pas répondu quand il est retourné au cercle. Il chuffa une grosse once de souffle qu'il retena à l'intérieur alors qu'il saisit la bouteille et l'ouvrit. "Je n'ai jamais fait quelque chose comme ça." comme il tirait, il leva la bouteille, la pressa dans sa bouche, en borgnant chaque once de liquide contenue dans la bouteille. Il continua, ignorant ses réactions corporelles jusqu'à ce que la dernière goutte tombe. Alors qu'il retirait la bouteille, il sentait un flou dans sa vision. Un mouvement étourdissant tourbillonnant autour de ce qui restait de ses sens. Une fois que la bouteille a été lâchée librement, le corps de Spencer est allé le long et a frappé le sol. Il a ri pendant qu'il mentait, couvrant ses yeux de ses mains. "Ma mère m'a appris à boucher des enfants!" Il criait avec des chanfreins doux insérés entre-deux. Lentement, il s'est rendu compte à quel point il s'éloignait de sa propre emprise.
Spencer Dalle "Gingers don't have souls? perhaps." Spencer Dalle Spencer Hartley Dalle Nicknames Spence - his older brother and most of his friends call him by that manner. Age 18 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Arguably an asexual Grade Level Senior Appearance A fairly tall individual standing roughly at 176 cm and weighing about 65 kg. Spencer's body frame consists of narrow shoulders, a set of lean muscles and an overall average build. What stands as a feature he's mostly known for is his fiery orange hair with a few locks of red reaching the upper strands. It's often trimmed regularly since Spencer dislikes people commenting about it too much. At times he'd wear a beanie only to cast away any attention his hair can get into. Concave cheeks build mostly of his square-like face along with his flushed chin. Thin eyebrows set above hazel eyes and a straight, thin nose which ends on a curved tip. There's nothing eccentrically offbeat nor peculiar about his clothing pattern. On a regular basis, Spencer will most likely dress up with one of his polo shirts and a pair of denim blue jeans. Off school he usually wears sweatshirts paired with cargo shorts. _____________________________________________________________________________ "Do not compare me with bricks! Even though I can't get laid unlike those things I ... I ... we're done talking." _____________________________________________________________________________ Personality Seemingly a person instilled with a cold heart, or so as he claimed. Spencer has no qualms about himself as an individual and how he stands at society, yet he falls down on behalf of his insecurities. Although having friends of his own keeps him from seclusion, he constantly struggles to fit in a place where he truly belongs. Often so, he doesn't find - or refuses to notice - true company from people who've been welcoming on his side. Understanding Spencer is like looking through a thin layer of clear glass but despite having no outside forces for it to break, it's likely to shatter by itself eventually. In general, Spencer himself jeopardizes his own life by the means of his decisions and a set of foolish actions. More often than not he is reluctant to accept things which do not routinely go by his notions, thus resulting to a stubborn way of progression. This doesn't entirely mean he's close to being depressed. Spencer often tries to rid of his afflicted nature but doing so requires him to use someone for the cause of it. He made a reputation of himself on being an asshole largely by bringing his miseries and hardships onto someone. Perhaps what's worse is that even when someone else is becoming a medium for Spencer's misfortune, he puts the blame on them nonetheless. Through other aspects, Spencer is widely known for his satirical charm - mostly because of the color of his hair which probably has an ambiguous relevance towards humor. He's the kind of student who constantly winds up from his desk and more likely drowns on the sea academic stress. He'd only hope a can of cola can be relied on between piles of homework and projects. As for people, Spencer holds a rather flexible demeanor. At times, he projects an equal form of sympathy to others but doesn't go beyond his borders. As far as anyone knows, being profoundly connected to someone has its perks but to Spencer, it's a detriment. Being attached to someone is something he's largely indifferent of, or rather, something he reluctantly accepts as a form of his feelings. He doesn't consider it as a part of him, yet everytime he experiences it, he becomes resentful rather than indifferent. How his flexibility goes varies on the people he meets. If he ends up disliking them, he won't bother bringing himself up and would instead go to people who are worth of his time or just by himself. Spencer prefers solitude over anything, though he can still find time to socialize but overall, he finds it unnecessary to a great extent. To him, being known isn't as relevant as it seems. He can find ways to prove his existence but nothing nearly matters when it comes to that. People point him out to be consistently cynical and often too deliberate in terms of dealing with school work. Though most of those are true, there are other things people failed to see. Spencer's outlandish display of humor occasionally shows how it's contradictory to his own self. Likes Cola (one could not put into words how this human being relentlessly loves cola) sleeping for more than 10 hours after going through weeks of sleep deprivation late night depression through cramming semestral breaks, holidays and suspended classes literary fiction Dislikes exams in general taking exams without studying cats coffee (old beliefs told him a cup of coffee has the potential to un-ginger a ginger) Fears Finals,sleep paralysis,snakes and teachers who look and sound like hellspawns Strengths Pessimism An able conviction of success Cola Weaknesses Chemistry His insecurities Unwillingness to accept change _____________________________________________________________________________ "I swear that if I ever hear another joke about my hair again, I'll burn your house down and eat your family for dinner." _____________________________________________________________________________ History Setting aside Spencer's uncertainties and his absurd personality, he is actually a gifted individual born with academic intelligence through reasoning. Teachers from his elementary school praised his exceptional cognitive skills which in turn, gave him several awards after joining a number of academic competitions. Spencer used the talent of his as a development for his future endeavors, which is public speaking. Growing up, Spencer didn't have many friends as he is mostly occupied with studies and preparations for various school competitions. But that generally did not mean he was isolated. He enjoyed his life from its simplicity alone. Playing with his dog Wrecker made him happier than anyone else and seeing this made his parents contented with his social capacity; not wanting more for their son to gain any form of fame. Spencer didn't demand anything more but to have his life remain as it was ... until their parents decided to leave Canada and move to the United States. Spencer's father was an executive branch director of an American finance corporation. What made them move to the US was mostly about the job and how Spencer's father was demanded to transfer to the corporation's main branch due to the CEO's terminal illness. Apparently Spencer had no choice since he wasn't in the position to make any changes and convince his parents to not move. They flew to the US, eventually leaving Canada. Spencer was just ten years old at that time but moving to another country became difficult for him. His new house, albeit larger than that of his hometown, felt largely unwelcoming. Through the stages of growing up to his adolescence, Spencer was still the same, still missing his hometown but not having the sheer level of homesickness as he had back when he just moved. Only when years passed by did he learn how to accept the changes of the world far from his consent. Though regardless of how he assimilated with such acceptance, there was still a constant string of denial. Spencer always wished everything would go back from what it was before, back when he still felt his unwavering joy. However, that did not stop Spencer from developing his academic skills and intellect. Soon after his parents heard of Ashbury Academy, they arranged plans to enroll him to the prestigious school while his older brother at another private school. So far, progress went by and Spencer still participated at various public speaking events and debate competitions. Favorite memory Everything about his childhood while living at his hometown in Alberta, Canada. What he misses the most are those days when he'd just wake up on a Saturday morning, play Frisbee with his old pal Wrecker (A purebred St Bernard) and climb up to his favorite tree across the neighbourhood with his brother, listening to music while waiting for the sunset to come to view. Least favorite memory Moving from his hometown and spending the first few months in the United States being homesick. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? The American Finance Institute (AFI) is one of the United States' leading financial corporation with branches extending around Canada, Mexico and some other parts of Central America. Spencer's father is the executive director of the Canadian branch but soon left the country and moved to the United States for urgent matters. The CEO of the corporation, Frank Dolbert was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a few months ago and was informed to have little chance of survival. So while he is being subjected through dialysis, the company's co-CEO Deihlyn Anton Flores took over but to make matters worse, he wasn't competent at controlling the stability of the company and needed to be replaced by someone as soon as possible. Dolbert and Spencer's father were very close friends and Dolbert himself believed the potential Spencer possessed as a young individual. Though he has a few doubts of his own, Dolbert envisioned the boy to be a part of the company. Spencer could one day exceed some of Dolbert's expectations as he sees a a young version of himself through the likes of Spencer. Birthday April 19 1997 Astrological Sign Aries Twitter Name Twitter: @SpenceD Deviantart: Spacepenguin07 _____________________________________________________________________________ "Love? I don't breathe that kind of air." _____________________________________________________________________________ Spencer Dalle "I can survive, I can live and I can go through all these things, give me five cans of cola!" _____________________________________________________________ Hal Polwith "Foolish things are often done with enthusiasm. Can't blame him though, it's his choice to spread his pestilence of joy between people ... not like it's a problem but I do hope he's equally treated. Not all people gives happiness as an exchange." _____________________________________________________________ Brooke Avery "As much as I understand myself, I do not hate things for what they are, I hate them because they existed. In this case, if she concludes hate and reluctance as a distinctive part of herself, she may pretty much become like me. Oh the joy." _____________________________________________________________ Korrigan Alexander Jackson "I do not mistake mischief as a childish attribute of an individual as I do happen to be quite mischievous myself ... I guess. As my parents told me when I was young, one's tongue speaks in behalf of goodness despite being one person against several billions of people. I never thought using it for crap talk can be acceptable." _____________________________________________________________ Laney Karie Chandler "One thing I do not understand between individuals is that they do not know being impervious to nonsense ―mostly words, naturally is 'their kind of thing' I appreciate people who are aware of that, like her. You can imagine such beauty and strength one can possess when she stands on her own and translates all vulgarity into a meager wisp of air. However, I am not quite certain how long this kind of character can stand with its impervious ... ness." _____________________________________________________________ Amanda Hirano "Innocence, one which we all have or had. In my case, I was never innocent but people assume that I am. They just mistake me for a jerk of a ginger with humor they cannot relate to. Anyway, so much for her, I do not know much. All I know is that people keep seeing her as some kind of child and I don't want to be the judge of that." _____________________________________________________________ Maie-Marie Malveaux "I happen to wonder why people started to become more and more illustrious with their happiness. It's not like everyone is going to be the same as themselves. I just find it to be rather ... annoying." _____________________________________________________________ Nathan Matthews "Yet another member of this 'spread happiness everywhere' cause. For real, if ever this plague ravages around school with no little means of stopping it, I'm done ... and I'm not going to return. Ever. Again." _____________________________________________________________ Connor MacQuarrie "So this is the incredible hulk everyone's talking about? I'm not a huge fan of Marvel or DC in particular but from how I picture the incredible hulk, he's massive ... huge, bulky, green-skinned and vicious. I do not recall his image being resembled by a lunatic. I know using the word lunatic may be a bit condescending of me but in all honesty, I see no difference among athletes or jockheads." _____________________________________________________________ Brenden Rivers "Do not mistake arrogance as some kind of disease. One is arrogant because he or she sees the potential within themselves. They do not level with the weak nor the ill-fated as they know such things will drag them down from what they're thriving to attain. It's not always about being on top but rather, staying on your own level and I don't see anything wrong with it. I like him, in a 'such an interesting specimen' sort of way. However I do not wish to be stained by whatever business he brings. It's not on my caliber to deal with what others do." _____________________________________________________________ Emilie Delacour "Sometimes I wonder how society does its tricks, forcing people with enthusiasm and lavish abundance. I don't get it at all. Perhaps I'm just too young to overthink about things, like how they suck all the time. For this person ―like most of them, I do not know much. I'd like to assume she's just this typical sunshine who wears skirts and dances on the field while she lifts her small umbrella. Even if I'm still a kid today, I can never afford doing that." _____________________________________________________________ Emilie Delacour "Hmm ... yet another flower of innocence. Soon you will realize that your domain makes no use of such. But since you're still young like me, you can let it rest ... for now." _____________________________________________________________ Aspen Hancock "I like how this guy becomes so ambitious about everything. It only goes to show that people with goals in mind are likely the ones who will succeed, but it doesn't mean everyone should. Success is but a selection of who goes in and who goes out. If you're meant or built for success, then it's a no-brainer that you'll go in but if you think falsely that you're going to reach the door to success, then no ... there's obviously no room for you. Through other aspects, I see nothing wrong with this guy. He's an intellectual contender among all but a fool in his own way. If you're that ambitious, you don't support others. You carry yourself on your own and not think about the lesser fools." Things you ought to know about me _____________________________________________________________ "like they matter" _____________________________________________________________ How many shoes do you own? What types? "Shoes? hm ... probably a bunch. I don't really care how many footwear I possess. They'd mostly be flat shoes or leather for casual wear. Then again, I don't really care. I can even go to an Intercollegiate Public Speaking Competition barefooted." Are you on social media? Who's with you on your profile picture? "I am but I don't often go through this medium as much as everyone does. For my profile picture, that isn't anyone's business―but mine to discuss with." How many romantic relationship(s) did you have? "Heh! Good one. I'm incapable of romance. Next please!" Are you right or left handed? "Neither. I can break the laws of physics by bending the motion of pens and pencils in order for me to write." What charities do you donate to? "Whatever my dad involves himself with. It's frequently his money anyway." What are your biggest fears? "Finals, first and foremost. Who wouldn't fear judgement day? Other than that, I have a few terrifying sleep paralysis experiences that still haunt me today. Snakes, but you shouldn't be surprised about that. And teachers who are spawns of Satan." How much money do you make? "Enough to tear this world a new wormhole." What is your ethnicity? "I have no idea. I might be a raccoon for some reason." Do you speak with an accent? "Of course not, that's disgusting." What did you dress for Halloween last year? "Originally, I was going to be Harry Potter but then I've lost a bet from those freshmen goons on the debate team. So in the end, I dressed up as the eastern bunny. Horrible people, aren't they?" What are your email addresses, blogs and websites? Passwords? "" What is your religious background? "I don't consider myself being associated with any religion. But I still have my faith, I just don't show it quite often." What are you superstitious about? "Why people somehow didn't manage to figure out the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. Seriously, it's that easy." Are you allergic to anything? "Lobster and stupid people in general." What hobbies do you have? "Ah I love collecting the bones of the people I've murdered and make a museum out of them. Jokes aside, I do love reading literary fiction but that doesn't mean I'm limited only on reading those kinds of books. I have a fair share of science fiction and fantasy. Other than that, I love speaking to an imaginary person ... at least when I'm alone so that no one notices how remotely crazy I am ―which I'm not. I make a hobby of painting as well despite me being terribly bad at it. It's what I sometimes do to release my anger and hate from the overall stupidity of people." Do you keep secrets? "Yes. Victoria's." What is your astrological sign? "Aries" What are your tastes in movies, books and music? "I don't really watch a lot movies. I just watch what's under everyone's radar but I do have a few favorites of my own such as the classic adaptation of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and a variety of Pixar films that made my childhood enjoyable. For music, I regularly listen to alternative rock such as Pearl Jam, The Smashing Pumpkins, R.E.M. and etc. Not really into pop music, though I have a few ones that I find conveniently catchy. For books, oh there's so much. From classic literature giants such as the Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye and 1984 to the science fiction and fantasy books I've started loving. There's just so many!" Do you have scars? "Leaving Canada left me a ton of scars." What are your thoughts on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana or other controversial topics? "I don't really think I can comprise all of my thoughts towards these interesting topics." Any tattoos or piercings? "I don't think so, though I do plan to have a tattoo on my back." What does your handwriting look like? "Like Tarzan's? Even I don't know how my penmanship looks like." Where do you usually shop? "I am uncertain if Chipotle is a legitimate shop." What is your relationship with your siblings? "My older brother is like my best friend. I miss the times we've spent with Wrecker back in Canada and I hope that one day we can all go back and relieve those moments. I don't think that's going to happen though ―which is fine by me, not like I've got any capabilities to let it happen." Do you have enemies? How do you make them? "I don't think I have enemies, just people who generally dislike me for some reason. How do I make them hate me? well, it's like back in kindergarten where you'd write an innocent letter to your crush about how you honestly feel about them. Except on my side, I'm not writing for my crush ―not like I have any. I don't know why people hate me for telling how I honestly feel about them. What do they want me to say? I love them? That's absurd and stupid in a lot of ways." What are your ambitions? Do you have a five-year plan? "Ambitions? Is that what you have when your parents aren't the ones who take control of your future?" What are your political preferences? "I have no interest in politics though I do find it amusing to see their system crumble into a surge of turmoil." What do you habitually keep in your cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? "So you do believe I keep weed inside my inventory and that's why you're asking this question, aren't you?" What are your favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? "Uh ... my sweatshirt? I mean that's the only thing I wear most of the time, if I'm outside class." What do you keep in remote storage? "Something I refuse to say. And no, it's not weed. Stop assuming I possess weed dammit!" Are you a night owl or a morning person? "I sleep a lot or at least when I have nothing to do. So I'm probably a sloth." _____________________________________________________________ "I don't expect you to be interesting, so don't bother amusing me." _____________________________________________________________
Connor MacQuarrie À un moment donné, d'une manière ou d'une autre, Connor avait perdu sa chemise et avait acquis la composante chapeau de l'un des costumes de l'ours. Il était jusqu'à trois doigts; après les deux premiers de Nate et Hal, il a perdu un troisième à Maie pour son long vol de panneaux de rue un été. Un autre descendit à Emilie, question incroyablement naïve ; il s'arrêta en fait et la fixa une seconde. Jamais dans un million d'années Connor n'aurait deviné que quelqu'un avec l'apparence d'Emilie était encore vierge si tard au lycée. "Gucci," a-t-il dit ardemment, en tant qu'il a pris un verre. La question de Laney était assez chargée. - Oui. Harsh brah, si dur, qu'il a appelé, jetant son cinquième doigt et finissant sa boisson. Il avait à peine fini de remplir sa tasse avant la question d'Aspen. Connor a remarqué qu'Alyssa Boudreau, de l'autre côté du cercle, ne buvait pas pour celle-ci, et qu'elle évitait clairement d'entrer en contact avec les yeux. Eh bien, c'était sa perogative, mais ça l'a fait vomir. Dans une cabine de douche après la pratique de la natation compté comme le droit public? Le nouveau garçon ne pouvait évidemment pas gérer son alcool, et s'est mis à faire un cul total de lui-même. De son regard, il s'étreindrait bientôt aux toilettes, mais cela tombait carrément dans la catégorie « pas mah prawblem ». C'était une bonne question cependant, et a donné à Connor une chance d'arrêter de boire une seconde. Il n'avait pas rencontré correctement le nouveau gamin, mais les cheveux roux et les contacts bizarres l'ont vraiment mis sur écoute. Le gamin pensait qu'il était si dégueulasse, ou cool, mais il ressemblait vraiment à un cosplay merdique. Tout à propos de lui a frotté Connor de la mauvaise façon. "Arrêté"? 2Edgy4me! » Il a hurlé dehors, suscitant quelques rires ivres autour du cercle. Brooke's question a laissé tomber une vague de doigts partout dans la pièce, Connor's inclus. Il y avait beaucoup de rires impliqués aussi, et probablement beaucoup de devinettes de masse sauvage. Connor n'y a pas prêté attention, assez de gens avaient posé un doigt il n'y avait pas de raison d'essayer de trouver les connexions. Puis Spencer est entré dans le cercle et a descendu une bouteille entière sans même la regarder. Un chant rythmique de "chug, chug, chug!" s'est construit autour de lui. Connor regarda Spencer, envoûté un instant, puis se haussa les mains, mit un doigt et prit un verre. Avec ça, il était à deux doigts. Connor était un buveur vétéran, et alors que beaucoup de gens ici allaient embrasser la porcelaine bientôt, il avait la distinction d'être plus d'un an libre de vomi. Il a été calme pendant un moment, puis a commencé à toucher son propre visage avec des paumes ouvertes. Hmmmm, quelque part un peu passé "masqué, mais loin de "décheté" ou "dépassé". Il a versé sa prochaine boisson avec seulement un jet de vodka, assez pour maintenir son niveau actuel d'ivresse sans escalader plus, pour le moment. Après tout, la nuit était encore jeune.
Connor MacQuarrie "GET ON MY LEVEL BRAH!" -Connor McQuarrie Name Connor Molson McQuarrie Nicknames Comac, Conan Age 18 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Straight as a question mark (OOC note, trying to decide if I want to make this a story point for him, I'll decide later) Grade Level Junior Appearance Connor is a pretty big guy, around 6’2’’ and about 200 lbs. He has dirty blonde hair that gets darker in the winter, and he likes to keep it short. He’s spent a lot of time working on his body and is proud of the results, maybe a little too proud. His eyes are blue-gray, though they look a little different depending on what he’s wearing. He doesn't worry too much about what he's wearing; usually jeans and a well fitted tshirt, though he does have a few suits and an excellent tie collection, if you can coax him into wearing them. The only aspect of his appearance he spends any time on - aside from his physique - is his hair; it takes a lot of work to make it look like he doesn't put any effort into it. "I just want to make gains and play games" Personality It’s hard being a diplomat’s kid, but Connor has adapted well to the lifestyle. Moving around so much meant he got to be very good at making new friends, though not so great at keeping them. He’s very social and a little on the loud side; some would call him boisterous or unruly, but a few minutes in his company will show that he’s a very kindhearted person. Some might dismiss him as a brainless jock or an arrogant bro, but they would be wrong. Connor doesn’t exactly crave attention, but he certainly doesn’t mind it and his antics tend to draw plenty of attention. He’s not exactly the class clown, but he has a very exagerated public persona. His speech is laden with little jokes and references and a lot of random and seemingly nonsensical slang, though he adopts a more serious tone in classes or in personal settings. He easily makes friends across all social levels, and has a tendency to assign people arbitrary nicknames. Connor has little patience for pretentious or arrogant people, and even less patience for bullies. He has a tendency to be blunt, which can get him in trouble sometimes. While he is an honest and loyal guy, Connor has trouble forming close, lasting relationships. Connor is also fairly vain and maybe a little more self-centered than he thinks. Connor is not very good with numbers, and he likes to party a little too much. Those factors combined caused him to fail a year earlier in his highschool career. Connor also struggles with properly expressing his emotions. Connor’s most visible flaw is that he’s inconsiderate. He doesn’t think much about how his actions or words might affect other people, and assumes that if he’s fine with something, others should be as well. Connor can be completely oblivious to other people's personal space with a tendency to initiate unsolicited physical contact. He unfortunately doesn’t know where to draw the line; for Connor, there is no such thing as “too soon”. This has caused no small amount of problems for him over the years. Likes Swimming Rugby Fitness Fine biddies Getting swole Video games Vidya games Dat gaming life tho Doges Football Dislikes Dickwads Fakers Ferrets Spicy food Judgy people Math Fears Sharks, squid, lobsters, whales; the ocean in general. "GET OUT THE WAY SLOOTS!" Strengths Charismatic Friendly Loyal Weaknesses Difficulty taking things seriously Parental issues Indelicate History Connor’s father, David MacQuarrie, grew up on a small farm in Idaho. David’s parents were desperately poor, but they did their best to give David an education. David went to a local agricultural college, planning to take over the farm from his father, but his parents were both killed in a car accident less than a year after he graduated. David knew they’d always wanted the best for him, so he sold the farm and against all odds, got into Cornell, where he first studied life sciences before completing an MBA. David began working in Washington as a political aide, then joined the foreign service. It was on his first posting to Ottawa that he met Connor’s mother, Victoria Molson Victoria’s childhood was the complete opposite of David’s. As a Molson, she was born into Montreal’s most elite social circle and grew up phenomenally wealthy. She attended all the best schools, and was presumably going to marry some rich peer of hers amongst Montreal’s elite. She was working in Ottawa as a political staffer-to secure connections and influence, not because she needed work-when she met David at a reception at the American embassy. The two fell in love and eventually got married, and Victoria left her native Canada to travel the world with David. Naturally, she still has access to all her wealth. Connor is a hybrid of his two parent’s worlds, which can be difficult. When Connor was growing up, his father tried to impress on him the value of money and hard work, but his family’s wealth deprived Connor of any real understanding of the concept. Even when David became an ambassador, he still scrimped and saved, and prefered doing work around the house himself. On the other hand, Victoria believed in the importance of social class and paying for quality service. Every summer she’d take a charter jet back to Canada with her son and spend the summer at her family’s lakeside estate, while Connor’s dad would fly economy class to join them for a few weeks. The “cottage” was a permanent fixture of Connor’s childhood, and he retains good memories and close friendships from his time up there. His father was always insisting Connor get a job as soon as possible, while mom thought it would ruin their image if he were to ever set foot in a fast food joint. The result is that Connor is very conflicted about his background; he’s aware of his status and the importance of maintaining that appearance, but he also feels guilty for having an easy life. He knows he’s supposed to appreciate the value of money and hard work, but he has no concept of what real hard work is. Connor’s father was recently appointed Ambassador to Spain, and while Connor usually went with his parents on postings, they decided his grandfather’s suggestion of Ashbury would give Connor some much needed stability. What corporation sent you to Ashbury? The Molson brewing company, the parent company of a dozen beer brands around the world. Connor’s grandfather, the current chair of the board, likes to keep the company in the family, and arranged to send Connor to Ashbury so he can eventually join his uncle and cousin in running the company. "Biddies gonna bid" Birthday May 21, 1997 Astrological Sign Taurus Twitter Name @ComacTheBarbarian "The only movie to ever make me cry was Top Gun.” Connor McQuarrie "That was real tight butthole" Brooke Avery "Brock’s legit, she don’t give a fuck bout what fools think, so respect there. Otherwise, in the immortal words of Kendrick Lamar; bitch don’t kill my vibe. Very smashable tho." Connor likes people who are honest or blunt, but Brooke’s constant negativity really wears him out, so he doesn’t spend much time around her. Their rather distant relationship hasn’t kept him from developing a nickname for her though. Laney Chandler ”LAHNAY! I swear to jeebus she’s right out of Age of Innocence, she even looks like Michelle Pfieffer, who by the way remains the hottest Catwoman, Anne Hathaway don’t got SHIT. She’s good times.” Calling her either lah-nay, Michelle Pfieffer, or Catwoman, Connor and Laney have a very pleasant - though somewhat superficial - relationship. She’s nice and honest, qualities Connor appreciates. If there’s more to her, Connor either hasn’t noticed or doesn’t care. Henry Polwith ”Hal 9000: Aesthetic. Doges. Swamming. History. Reading is radical. We’ve got some serious hivemind going on, I’d swing at fools in a second for him.” Probably Connor's closest friend at Ashbury, Connor and Hal spend a lot of time around eachother. At the gym, in the pool, talking sports, out for hikes, or pestering someone to help them with math homework, Connor cherishes Hal's company. The two of them spend a lot of time thinking of ways they could illicitly keep a in the dorms... Maie-Marie Malveaux “M&M aka M&M&M aka Cardio Bunny appreciates fitness and thusly I appreciate the shit out of her. She got no time for fools, all the time for friends, and I will dunk on haters who talk shit about her I GORANTEE IT. Plus she’s got unlimited amounts of Jam! Turbo aka water of life.” Connor and Marie are at their best when doing something physical and high energy together, but putting them in the same class is a guaranteed disaster, something the school's administration was quick to notice. Their exuberant personalities bounce off eachother in something reminiscent of a nuclear fission reaction; a party with the two of them in the same room is destined to get too wild, especially if they're downing Jam! drinks (which they constantly are). Spencer Dalle ”That kid’s sneaky like snakes. Shits on everyone who’s nice to him, thinks he’s better than everyone else, grade A douchecanoe. Not tight butthole, not tight at all.” Connor doesn’t go out of his way to be hostile to Spencer, but he makes no secret of his feelings. The two do not get along at all. Korrigan Jackson ”Korrigan Hackson, member of the PCMasterRace, giver of zero fucks, master of CS:GO. May K/D ratio be high and your lag low, amen” Connor and Korrie spend a lot of time gaming together online, but almost no time together in real life. Connor tends to tease Korrie about his hair alot; he thinks he’s doing it in a friendly way, but is perhaps a little blind to Korrie’s feelings about it. Amanda Hirano ”One quiet biddy, don’t really know her too well. She’s tiny, but very fine, would tenderly romance/10, anything else would split her in half amirite?” A hurricane doesn’t bear any ill will towards a beach house. The hurricane might even like the beach house. That doesn’t change the fact that the hurricane will likely flatten the beach house. Connor’s loud, exuberant personality is completely at odds with Amanda’s quieter demeanor, making any kind of friendship all but impossible. Nathan Matthews ”Nate’s great. Great gym buddy. Great friend. He’s good to people, you know? I don’t have a nickname for him, nothing really hit me when I met him and, much like buttex, you can’t force it. He needs to relax more tho. Both extroverted, amiable people, Nate and Connor quickly became friends. They can regularly be found at the gym together, and when Connor does get around to studying - so not very often - he does so with Nate. Connor often pesters Nate to come to parties with him, and his apparent disregard for his academics can be a source of friction between the two of them. Brenden Rivers "Man he's pretty, no homo. Too bad he's a twofaced dickwad. Ain't got no time for people who smile at their friends then drop a deuce right in their face. I'm outty 5000." Connor thinks Brenden is duplicitous and mean, traits he has exactly zero tolerance for. He avoids Brenden as much as possible. Emilie Delacour "OH LAWDY, would smash with the fury of a thousand burning suns/10. The other day she spilled a glass of water on her shirt and I nearly fainted from blood loss, if you know what I mean." Friendly but not close, Connor tends to flirt outrageously with Emilie. Both of them are high energy and fun loving; it's not a party until the two of them are there. Erin Emerson "Remerson's pretty chill, she's got balls of steel though and she likes football, so dats cool. Pretty high strung though, she needs to go on a vision quest." Connor thinks of Riley as "one of the guys", though they don't spend all that much time together. His inappropriate sense of humour sometimes causes conflict between the two of them. Aspen Hancock "#Aesthetic. We ride together we die together we dunk on fools together, bro squad 4 loife." Initially drawn together by Hal and the swim team, Connor and Aspen have become good friends in their own right. Aspen definitely falls into Connor's preferred category of genuinely nice people. Aspen's easygoing nature makes him well suited to taking Connor's exuberance in stride. 1. How many shoes do they own? What types? Dress shoes, casual shoes, wearing around shoes, running shoes, winter boots, hiking 6. 2. Are they on social media? Who’s in their profile pictures with them? Aye. Twitter, instagram for the hoes, FB. And me, friends from up north, rad doges I meet. 3. How many romantic relationships have they had? Bruh. So many 4. Are they right- or left-handed? Ambidextrous. Pretty much next level human right here. 5. What charities do they donate to? The Comac Institute for Getting Jacked as Hell. 6. What are their biggest fears? Deep ocean shit. I’ve seen Jaws, mankind is not meant to go down there. (OOC note: Rejection, not fitting in, isolation) 7. How much money do they make? Hm let me ask my accountant how my 401k is doing OH WAIT I’M IN HIGHSCHOOL FUCKBOI! 8. What is their ethnicity? White. Proly some europe in there, vikings giving me strongth. 9. Do they speak with an accent? Nah son. Except tomato. To-mah-to. I will fight you. 10. What did they dress as for Halloween last year? Conan the barbarian. Do that one pretty often tbh. 11. What are their email addresses, blogs, and websites? Passwords? connor.mcquarrie@gmail for super serious business, tonguepuncher69@live for everything else. Oh and steam is Douglas Loife 12. What are they superstitious about? Nah brah, I bench ladders. 13. Are they allergic to anything? I used to be lactose intolerant, but I expelled that weaksauce from my body with pure willpower. 14. What hobbies do they have? Swamming, gaming, ballin, blazin. 15. Do they keep secrets? Bro, I lock that shit up tighter than a taliban in guantanamo. (OOC note: ehhh not so much. Tends to forget they’re ‘secret’.) 16. What are their astrological signs? Taurus. Strong like bull. 17. What are their taste in movies, books, and music? Movies: Star Wars, get with it or GTFO. Music: whatever gets me going you know? Lots of EDM for workout playlists. Book: George RR Martin and his bullshit can suck deez nuts, Wheel of Time all the way. Also non-fiction bout Europe 1900-1950. 18. Do they have scars? On my knuckle from 1 hit KOing some fool. (OOC note; he scraped his knuckle on the edge of a pool) 19. What are their feelings on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, or other controversial topics? I’m not a 60 year old Texan, so pro gay marriage, pro choice, pro mexicans, and pro dank ass weed. 20. Any tattoos or piercings? Got one of my nips done in Amsterdam last year, #yoloswaggins. 21. What does their handwriting look like? It’s totally legible, don’t know what teachers are always complaining about. (OOC note: it’s atrocious) 22. What is their religious background? Mom used to take me and my brother to church, some kind of protestant I guess. It’s been a while. 23. Where do they like to shop? H&M. Plain vnecks for 7$, is there anything more to this life? 24. What is their relationship like with their sibling(s)? Kyle’s alright, he can be a total asshat sometimes, but he’s got my back. 25. Do they have enemies? How did they make them? Ain’t nobody got time for that. I leave shitheads by the side of the road, not gonna grace them with my attention. 26. What are their ambitions? Do they have a “five-year plan”? I don’t know what I’m doing next week and you’re asking me about next year? Sheet no bro. 27. What are their political preferences? I haven’t really lived anywhere long enough to give two fucks about who gets elected. 28. What do they habitually keep in their cupboards, medicine cabinets, and purses? Advil, caffeine pills and alka seltzer. 29. What are their favorite outfits/pieces of clothing? My number 1 tank. 30. What do they keep in remote storage? Wat. Do I look like I’m on Hoarders? Why would I have remote storage? 31. Are they night owls or morning people? Both, just that amazing. (OOC note: night owl. Only dedication/vanity gets him up in the morning, along with energy drinks.)
Korrigan A. Jackson- Animal du parti Korrie s'est contentée de ronfler à Brooke alors qu'elle le grondait, la tête de l'ours étant descendue quand il est tombé. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. comme l'avait un de ses contacts, montrant sa vraie couleur des yeux pour être une nuance assez lumineuse de bleu de glace. Il regarda tout le monde, les mains jusqu'à 7 doigts et le sourire stupide ne sortait jamais de son visage. Après une minute ou deux de se mettre en position assise, il a simplement continué à sourire à Brooke, une influence plus notable de ses mouvements comme il l'a fait. "Personne ne t'a jamais dit que tu étais mignon quand tu es en colère?" Il a parlé avec un quart de seconde de focus avant que son oeil se déplace vers Spencer, se cassant dans une crise de rires stupides que Spencer a volé la bière d'une fille et sauta dans la friche des antiques adolescentes. Korrie se levait et mettait un bras autour de Spencer, seulement pour faire un faux pas et retomber à nouveau. Korrie est descendu et cette fois, il ne revenait pas. L'alcool l'avait rattrapé et l'avait frappé d'or, avec seulement la terreur qui fait rage qui est une gueule de bois à attendre.
Korrigan "Korrey" Alexander Jackson Insert your character's picture here I'm the only guy that people ask to put glasses on inside, and I find that fact very amusing. It's also why I never bring sunglasses with me when I go anywhere. -Korrie Jackson Name Korrigan Alexander Jackson Nicknames Korrie, Kor, Red, That Weird Guy, and other, less kind ones that are more or less based on his unusual appearance Age 17 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Grade Level Junior Appearance Korrie dress in dark colored clothing no matter the weather or the occasion, not being on for the brighter things in life when it comes to his color palette. He has an obsession with the colors of red and black, so his attire consists of mostly those, but he does have them in varying shades and styles, as well as a few other clothes that feature other colors. As far as looks, he's an alright guy, decently muscled, though he's more on the lean side. due to keeping a standard exercise routine. He has a faded scar on his right arm and left leg from when he was attacked by a dog, and they're rather nasty ones too. He has short hair that is often gelled into spikes, dyed a mix of his two favorite colors, Black and Red, the ratio between them changing every time the colors fade enough to require a re-dye. He also has gotten his hands on a cool pair of contacts that make his pupils appear red and his sclera(the white part) look completely black. He does this mainly because he thinks it's cool, but also to unnerve people who talk to him, as he kinda gets a kick out of watching people struggle to look him straight in the eye. He also sports a few brow piercings across his right brow and another on his tongue, all of them being a simple black in color, though the tongue piercing has a dot of bright red in the center. Personality Korrie is, despite his appearance, a very happy person, a lover of gaming and literature, as well as a good prank or two to satisfy his mischievous streak whenever the need overcomes him. His true passion is coding, and he's very, very good at it. He's been doing it forever, and has even become semi-famous across the net for his skills in hacking, which he does from time to time under wraps, inly known by his calling card, a red skull icon that appears on his victims screen before whatever hack he's implanted into their system takes affect. Despite his ability to get into almost anyone's social media accounts and computers, he doesn't use his talents malicously(for the most part), usually leaving behind a harmless virus to make the person's computer glitch out a bit, make sex noise come out the speakers, and other strange and odd things. The only time he's hacked with dark intent behind him was when he sees someone bullying another particularly badly, or some treats one of his few friends badly. Than he slowly but steadily begins to sow the seeds of that persons downfall, plastering heir social media accounts with embarrassing posts, pictures, and other such things. He's caused people to become laughing stocks, to get talked about, and other things, and while he knows there bad, he always prides himself on never going to far. He thinks of himself as more of a hero then a bully, despite the fact that a small part of him does it just to feel empowered. His talent and success has given him a slight superiority complex. However, he does have a few obvious issues that people will notice upon meeting him. He's got a sailor mouth(or a gamer mouth, as is the case) and thus will swear at almost any time and during any occasion. He tries to censor himself, but it usually ends in failure. He also is very ossessive of his computer rig, which he's dubbed Alexandra, and his laptop, which he's dubbed Angela. He almost never let's anyone near them, and anyone who tries will find themselves bombarded by a wave of curses and creative threats. They are his children, as he built them from scratch, and has turned them into real beasts. Recently, with his dealings with S.A Electronics, he's download an advanced personal assistant AI program the company is working on. He's programmed both of them with their own personalities, or as much personality as can be given with current technological limits. He talks to then as if they were real people, and gets very defensive when people try and make fun of him for it. Likes Gaming The Colors Red and Black Fantasy Novels Coding Pranking people, especially those he doesn't like. Romance(He'l never let anyone now about it though) Gymnastics on occasion, when nobody is around Dislikes Bullying Sour foods People who can't appreciate his sense of style People who think he's an emo just because of his looks Being the center of attention Crowds and Crowded places Dogs Fears Well, aside from the obvious fear of getting caught and exposed as a hacker, he also has a slight fear of spiders, they freak him out. Bugs in general are not good for him, but spider's in particular are something he can only barely stand. He also doesn't like heights, and has a serious case of Cynophobia(fear of dogs) that has haunted him ever since he got attacked and bitten by a feral one when he was 5. He's also afraid of getting teased and bullied like before, and has a not-so-slight fear of a certain type of girl that causes him to be highly uncomfortable and flinchy in their presence. Strengths His computer and Gaming skills He's a person you can trust to keep a secret Has an Open mind and Heart Weaknesses Dogs Doesn't open up much to people, especially girls Has trust issues Despite his openness with people and groups, he's no social butterfly and has more often than not gotten overwhelmed by there being too many people in a room or caving in to others if enough pressure is applied History Korrigan Alexander Jackson's school life was absolute hell for the longest time, and he suffered it in silence. As a young boy, some of his interests and his over all appearance were considered to be quite girlish, earning him a more demons nickname of Alexandra all the way up into high school. He was a quiet kid back then, and a bit of a pushover, so it was an inevitable conclusion that he'd be the target of severe bullying. The prime offender was a popular girl by the name of Samantha, who tortured him relentlessly and was constantly ousting him from the social hierarchy. If anyone tried to be friends with him, they'd quickly find themselves subjected to similar punishment, making it so that Korrie would never have any friends in the real world to be around. As a bullying target, he had to put up with a ton of psychological, and even a little physical, torture. But the most traumatic experience for Korrie was when he was in the 8th grade. It was the day of the graduation ceremony and Samantha, then a freshman, had decided to pay Korrie a visit. She got some friends and they dragged him into the girl's bathroom, stripped him if his cap, gown and clothes, only to dress him up to look like a girl, complete with make-up, nail polish, and a pretty dress. It was a horrendous, dehumanizing, demasculating, and traumatizing experience, and it didn't end there. The girls had taken pictures if the poor boy and had spread them all over the Internet, cementing his shame that summer as kids everywhere he went laughed at him, calling him names and over all treating him like a joke. He attempted to kill himself twice soon after, the stress and embarrassment of the situation making death seem like the most enticing solution, but both times his sister caught him and proceeded to smack the ever living shot out of him for even thinking of doing something like that. While she meant well, it didn't help him in the slightest, and it caused Korrie to retreat deep inside himself. His parents had been in an uproar, and were quick to sue Samantha's family, who immediately obliged, her patents feeling ashamed and embarrassed, but it didn't matter. The damage had been done. After a year into high school, Korrie conducted his radical change, wanting to complete separate himself from the event, which had become rather big news in the anti-bullying community, but he would never be able to forget it. He complete refused any help given, believing that if he just ignored the problem, it would go away. He schooled himself in hiding his emotions, in keeping up a strong front, and making sure to never let himself be perceived in such away again. On the day of his 12th birthday, one of his few friends, a guy he had met through a gaming forum, introduced him to the wonder that is coding. At first, he was hesitant, intimidating by the walls of letters and numbers that his friend was trying to drag him into. However, he worked his way through it, and discovered a world that he could freely control, one where he had power to do what ever he could, as long as he had the skill to do so. Since then, he dedicated himself to honing his craft, his mind taking to it with increasing ease as he continued to code to his hears content. He started with simply things, basic websites that he put out for mere practice, out soon he evolved into more serious endeavors, like modding, game creation, and apps. He just recently began to earn a profit from his work, and had his eyes set on starting his own gaming company, as that was his passion above all else, when he found himself with an opportunity that he couldn't possibly say no to. While it was a bit saddening to leave his friends behind for this new school full of people he didn't know and challenges he had yet to face, he knew that a chance like this only came once in a lifetime, and he'd be damned if he let it pass him by without even attempting to leap on. Favorite memory First time he saw people talking about his alias, The Crimson Skull hacker Least favorite memory That time where he got lost in his neighborhood and got attacked by a feral dog. The time where he first realized that he was getting bullied. The day of his 8th grade Graduation What corporation sent you to Ashbury? A very influencial Company by the name Saeculo Aureo Electronics, which has a hand in computing, gaming, movie production, Home Entertainment, anything that could possibly have to do with technology is something they likely have their hands in. Their CEO,a man by the name Reginald Dorvain, noticed Korrie's potential when he had his personal cyber-defense task force, made up of the best hackers money could buy, look into this mysterious Crimson Skull hacker. It took them some time, but they managed to figure out who the boy was and get all of his contact information. With a click of a button, they could've shut him down, but Reginald instead decided that he might've found his possibly heir. The boy's skill was quite exceptional for someone so young, and he shown himself capable of a certain kind of ruthlessness in how he went after those who wronged him. These qualities, and other facts about the boy, made him seem like a perfect canidate for an apprentice and possible heir to his empire. Birthday 27th of July, 1998 Astrological Sign Leo Online Usernames Steam, Youtube, and Twitch: BlackDiamond275 Facebook:The Darklord Korrie PSN,Xboxlive, and Nintendo: TheCrimsonL1on569 Korrigan Alexander Jackson "People and computers aren't that different, they can both be brilliant at sometimes, retarded at others, breakdown, crash, and improve/ruin your day. Only real difference is that fixing a computer's easy, just replace the bad parts. Can't do that with people, they're problems are more complex because people are more complex than machines. And that's what makes them interesting, cause that means they can always surprise you. And what's life without a few surprises along the way."-The DarkLord Korrie Brooke Avery "She seems nice, ya know, in that 'I'm going to roast you on a spit' kind of way. She'd probably be into games like Dead Space or maybe Left for Dead 2. Probably the former, actually, as she doesn't seem like the co-op type." I'm unsure if these two would necessarily get along, but Korrie would try to get to know her. She's the kind of person he finds interesting, almost like a puzzle in a way. He'd also be sure to annoy the hell out of her whenever possible by sending her a bunch of cutesy pictures of kittens, babies, etc. just to see what kind of reaction he could get out of it. He'll probably be threaten with violence on more than one occasion Henry Polwith "Cool guy, needs to tell me what books he likes to read so we can see if we share any tastes. Also needs to stop staring at me when he thinks I don't notice, it's understandable because I'm awesome and what not, but still rather vexing. Need to get him a copy of Civilization, a History buff like him would probably love it. Or maybe I shoukd give him Assassins Creed so he camn tell me how badly Ubisoft fucked up in their quest for 'Historical Accuracy'. Heh, that'd be good for a laugh. These two will probably get along well enough, though Korrie might notice Henry's incessant need to please everyone and try to break him of that habit somehow. This'll probably end in failure cause Korrie isn't the most tactful of people. Amanda Hirano "Uhm, How doI talk to this person without wanting to hug her. She just seems so cute and lovable. She seems like more of a casual gamer though, which is sad, but maybe she could get more into with a few pushes. God dammit, If anyone think's of messing with her, they're going to get hacked. Just have to make sure Reggie(his nickname for the CEO of S.A. Electronics) doesn't find out." Korrie could end up developing a bit of a big brother complex around Amanda, as she just seems so fragile and in need of protection. This could possibly develop into a crush, and likely to stay just given his lack of romance skills and Amanda's orientation, but we'll just have to see how that goes. Will probably try to boost her confidence through gaming somehow. Spencer Dalle "He's an ass that puts off his problems onto others and spends his time feeling sorry for himself. Dude needs to get off his ass and do something, instead of just being apathetic to everything. Probably doesn't even like games, or if he does, only plays FPS games like Call of Duty. No sense of taste and definitely someone I'd rather not be stuck with." This one's a bit harder for me to analyze, so don't take the above statement to heart. That's just how I feel Korrie would think of Spencer paced on my own impression, but since my own understanding of the character seems a little shaky to me, I'll just have to see him in action first. If my guess is right, then these two will probably not get along. Maie-Marie Malveaux "Thank god I'm not the only one with a weird or fancy sounding name here. Then again, it's only like that to me cause it's foreign. Moving on, she seems interesting, not all there at times, but that just adds to here charm. Not sure what kind of game she would like, maybe something simple, yet emotional, like Journey? Then again, those kind of games require a lot of thinking . . . I need to think on this for a bit, move on to the next person." Not quite sure on this one either, cause while I'm sure they'll get along, Korrie might not be able to stand how quick she is to turn to self-deprecation. He remembered a time when he himself thought he was stupid and idiotic, and it was terrible, so for her to do so for simply no real reason would probably strike a nerve in him. Laney Kaire Chandler "She seems nice . . . but I can't help but wonder how nice she really is. 'Never know what people are like behind closed doors" and all that. Another casual, but there's hope for her to ascend above the likes of Angry Birds and Candy Crush. Getting side-tracked here, back to Blonde Beauty(oh god that's like a racehorse name, shit, never let her know I said that), she seems nice, definitely the proper type from what I can tell. Don't think she's met too many people outside if her bubble of wealth though, but she doesn't strike me as the snobbish type. I'm just . . .really, really uneasy around girls like her." Korrie's past experience has made it so that if the two were to be walking down the same stretch of sidewalk, he'd likely cross the street instead of walk past her. He wouldn't say he's actively avoiding her, but he kinda is, as he subconsciously doesn't want to risk getting hurt again by getting involved with a 'popular' girl. Erin "Riley" Emerson *Attack on Titan Opening plays in the background* "Yeah, I'm going to get a good laugh out of this one, though the mileage is going to be pretty low if she doesn't watch anime. As far as this chick goes, seems like she's trying to hard to be super macho, a problem I've hardly ever seen in a girl, but I guess there are all different kinds of people in the world. Whatever her reason for being that way, well, I can be a right bastard when somebody pushes me too far, so if she starts trying to push me around, she better be prepared when I push back. Probably plays a bunch of sports games or Call of Duty like a filthy casual. " Korrie might be kind of the unintentional bully inn this intuition, as he sees her tough act as her throwing her weight around and just bullying other people with her cruel jokes. So unless he finds out the reason behind said behaviors, he's probably going to think of her as a bitch and might label her as a target of hacking, though the fact that she doesn't seem to be one to use Social media makes her a harder target then most. If he finds pout about her past, however, he'll A) apologize for being a complete, insensitive asshole and B) try to help her get over the lack of confidence and her need to hide what she likes, since he can somewhat empathize with that due to his own bout of self-hatred, if not with the cause of it. Nathan Matthews "He's a cool guy, probably the nicest person I've met so far. Also might be a little too trusting (and I may take advantage of that at times for pranking opportunities), but overall, a cool guy." Conner MacQuarrie "Dude's a cool guy, and as a fellow gamer he has my respect, but more often then not I feel the need to mute my mic when I play with him. His penchant for non-sensical slang, obnoxious nicknames(he calls me Hackson one more time I swear), and completely lack of forethought when he speaks are my main annoyances with him. But other than that, I can hang with him. . . just not on a constant basis. My brain cells need time to recover after every meeting. Brendan Rivers "Simply put, he's a pompous ass that I wouldn't trust any farther than I could but his ass across a field. The less I have to deal with his House Lannister bull crap, the better." Emilie Delacour "She's hot, she has a sense of humor, AND she plays video games. Add in the french accent and you've got yourself a very desirable woman. . . and just like all desirable woman, she's way out of my league. Anyway, she's a cool person, and definitely a person I would want to play with. Wonder how well she can Smash . . . I'm talking about the game, by the way. Just the game and nothing else." Aspen Hancock "Dude seems okay, competitive as hell though, so I wouldn't want to play him in anything. A little competition here and there is good, but this guy seems to take it way too seriously. He's definitely a chill guy in regards to nearly anything else, and I can respect his love of photography. Wonder if we could collaborate on something, as I've got some skill with photo editing softwares." Acacia Hancock "Again, she seems nice, but I'm just not sure about her. Plus, she's just way too good at getting people to do what she wants. That's just raises all sorts of red flags for me. Hell, if she wanted to start a crazy cult, I'm almost certain that, like, half the people at this school would do it. Okay, that maybe exaggerating it a bit, but only by a hair." Acacia scares Korrie, as her sense of presence and leadership can only be seen through a filter of negativity due to past experience. It would take a lot to get him to just be comfortable in her presence, not to mention an actually friendship. So yeah, these too probably won't be friends, though more because Korrie's just too intimidated by her to actually think of approaching her and will likely try to avoid her as much as he possibly can. Korrigan Alexander Jackson 1. How many shoes do you own, and what kind? "Wow, first question and I already feel like this is full of bullshit. God, why do I have to do this. . . *ugh*, I have two pairs or so, I think, and they're just some sneakers. Nike, maybe? *sigh*This is so dumb. . . 2.Do you have any social media, and if so, whose in your profile picture? "I've got Facebook, and that's about it really, unless Steam, PSN, Etc. count as Social media. As for my profile pic, just me giving the camera my trademark grin." 3. Have you have had any romantic relationships? ". . ." 4. Right or left handed? "Ambidextrous, actually." 5. What charities do you donate to? "None, actually, though more out of a lack of awareness, actually. Don't really focus on world news and all that. If I did give to a charity, I guess something like Make a Wish or Red Cross? Seem like good people trying to do good work." 6. Biggest Fears? "Dogs, and being forced to do G-uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh, . . . moving on from that, yeah. Dogs suck." 7.How much do you make? "Depends on the job, really, but most jobs that I take now pay somewhere in the lower 300's, few rare cases pay in the 500's, and since I have a nice amount of return customers, well, let's say I have a pretty nice rainy day fund saved up." 8.What is your ethnicity? "Uh, is White/Caucasian an acceptable answer? That's as far as I bother to register. Mom says something about a bit of English down the line, maybe a tad of Italian or French. I'm not really concerned by it, I'm Human, I'm American, I'm Californian, and that's all that matters to me." 9.Do you have an accent? "Everyone has an accent, so this is another stupid question? I guess I have a Californian/West Coast accent." 10.What did you dress-up as for Halloween last-year? "Uh, that one guy from Tokyo Ghoul, with the tattoos. I think his name is Uta or something like that? It was for a party, and I had just gotten into the series and I really liked the character. I went in depth with that one, though, and still just go around in the outfit as my regular clothes sometimes. Look pretty damn good to, if I do say so myself." 11.What are you're email addresses, blogs, and websites? "Uh, I have a website for people to request my services, a Twitch channel, my email is As for my passwords, no. I don't ever say them out loud, I've got too much stuff on the web under them to risk some. Sorry, but my lips are sealed." 12.Are you superstitious? "Not particularly, no." 13.Allergic to anything? "Fuck shellfish, stuff makes me puff up really bad. Always got to be careful." 14.Hobbies? "Gaming, Programming, A little bit of cosplay, Reading, Song Writing(I don't sing, just write some music here and there), napping." 15.Do you have any secrets? "Yes, and that's all I'll say on that matter?" 16.What's you Zodiac Sign? "I'm a Leo." 17.Taste in books, movies, and music? "Love me some fantasy adventure, though sci-fi is good too, really I like to read anything. Same with movies, for the most part, though most horror movies strike me as dumb and predictable. I tend to laugh when most people scream, just because I find it funny when a hunch I make turns out to be correct. I like Alternative rock for my music tastes, though my taste also can dip into metal. I just like anything with a lot of aggressive beats and guitar riffs." 18.Do you have any scars? "Yeah, pretty bad ones on my left arm and right leg. These are the reason I'm afraid of dogs." 19.What are your feelings on Gay Marriage, Abortion, legalization of Marijuana, etc.? "Don't really care much about Gay Marriage, so what if a guy and another guy get married. Not for it, not against it. Same for Legalization, but with, uh, a bit of personal entanglement that would lean me towards yes, rather than no. Abortion, however, is something I'm rather torn on, due to the fact that, despite popular belief, I'm a Christian. Yes, I know, shocking that I don't worship Satan and all that. Anyway, I'm kinda for having it only be for thinks like rape and trying circumstances, because no matter what people say, that's a human being and it just doesn't sit right with me to end a life before it's had a chance to live." 20.Any Tattoos or piercings? "One tongue piercing, 3 brow piercings, and I'm planning on doing an arm tattoo in the near future." 21.What's your handwriting like? "It's legible, not the neatest script you'll ever see, but it gets me by. Hardly ever write that much though, I'm a typing man myself." 22.Religious Background? "Mom's a Christian, Dad's a Christian, Sister's a Christian, and I'm a Christian. Not the most devout of families, but I believe in the values." 23.Where do you like to shop? "Gamestop, Steam, various Online places, and . . . that's it." 24.What's your relationship with your sibling(s)? "Resent her ever so slightly for pushing a certain . . burden on to me cause of her own stubborness, but over all, pretty good. She kinda reminds me of Brooke a bit with her attitude, only she's more of an Alpha bitch. Seriously, you don't want to fuck with her, or you'll be eating your own genitals." 25.Do you have enemies? if so, why? No real enemies, except for one guy that I accidentally got put in jail due to me finding his stash of child pornography while I was hacking his computer. And he turned out to be someone of relative importance so . . . yeah. Kept a pretty low profile after that whole kerfuffle. Heh, 'kerfuffle' . . . that's such a funny word." 26.What are your plans for the future? "You mean, if this whole 'becoming the heir of a S.A. Electronics' doesn't pan out? Start my own business and work form the ground up." 27.Political preferences? "None, politics are stupid and a waste of my time." 28.What do you keep in your cupboards? "A variety of snacks foods, both healthy and not so healthy, a little bit of, uh, 'hazy enlightenment' for when I'm in the need of a little pick me up, and batteries. A ton of batteries." 29Any favorite outfits or pieces of clothing? "His Uta costume is a favorite to wear on warm days, or when he feels the need to look extremely strange to people. He sometimes gets into character to. 30.What do you keep in remote storage? "Doesn't have any, though if he did, he'd probably put some extra hardware there, like old computers and laptops and the like. 31.Are you a night owl, or a morning person? "I. AM. THE NIGHT!!!! Seriously though, I have no real preference, but I tend to feel like crap in the mornings because I'm online doing who knows what until ungodly hours of morning. I've got back on that recently, but the feeling sometime props up from time to time."
Beaucoup d'histoires sont des héros ou de grandes actions. Beaucoup d'histoires commencent par la naissance ou la mort de quelqu'un. Dans ce cas, c'est beaucoup moins poétique. C'est l'histoire d'une bande rudimentaire, non orthodoxe et borderline dysfonctionnelle de joyeux inadaptés, scalywags et corsaires. Une histoire de hauts et de bas comme la romance de leur aventure à travers ce grand monde laissant des sillages de changement au fur et à mesure qu'ils vont. OUr conte commence dans une petite ville animée connue sous le nom de "ville de la contradiction". Son emplacement est à la base de la montagne inversée et l'embouchure de la grande ligne. Sa contradiction vient de ses deux axes principaux. D'une part, vous avez des jeunes et rêveurs rookies oculaires qui partent pour la grande ligne encore remplie de tous leurs espoirs. Le second sont ceux qui ont été grognonnés par la grande ligne. Leurs esprits sont brisés. Les deux sont des contraires polaires les uns des autres. De nombreux magasins ont été construits autour du phare massif. La plupart essaient de vendre des fournitures aux nouveaux rookies qui s'apprêtent à l'aventure. Le journal de bord est l'un des hébergements les plus courants qui sont vendus (souvent à des prix gonflés). Des choses comme la nourriture, l'eau et la corde sont aussi des choses communes ici aussi. Certains sont des arnaqueurs essayant de passer de faux logposts comme des vrais. Bien sûr que n'importe quelle ville avec beaucoup de pirates il y a des tavernes aplenty. Dans la plus grande taverne, The Rusty Wench, deux individus étranges s'assoient à une longue table. La première est une jeune fille qui n'a l'air d'être qu'au début des années 20 avec des cheveux roux flamboyants avec des reflets blonds blancs. Ses yeux sont d'un vert aqua brillant. Ses oreilles pointues se détachent quelques-uns, mais pas plus que son col massif et ses gants d'orange épais. Sur son bras droit, il y a un tatouage de crâne et d'os. Elle se tient à une hauteur sans pression et moyenne pour une fille humaine. A côté d'elle, cependant, il y a un pêcheur de taureaux étrangement habillé. Il est plus grand que la plupart des hommes et ses cicatrices de la tête aux pieds. Il porte un kimono japonais traditionnel avec une katana massive à ses côtés. Alors que la fille est chaude et inviter le requin à côté d'elle est trop intimidant et hors de mettre. Un morceau de tissu blanc, tenu par plusieurs tasses de bière en verre lourd, s'accroche sur l'avant de la longue table. Mauvais écrit sur le tissu blanc massif lit comme suit "Pirate Crew Inscrivez-vous. Méfiez-vous, l'aventure et le danger abondent. Le visage du cœur n'a pas besoin de s'appliquer."
Name: Nikko Tenchi Appearance: Height/Weight: 5ft'7in/ enough Age: Appears to be about 18. Personality: While in public she seems well put together and confident in private she is often childish and stubborn. She is headstrong no matter where she is however. Once her mind is made up it would take an act of god to change it. In fact if history provides any reference even that might not. While generally a happy-go-lucky kind of person she has hot blood running through her veins. She may break tables or throw things through walls when she gets angry (or just drunk). It is her inquisitive and curious mind that rules her passion. Her favorite thing to do is to experiment or tinker with things. She has a vast desire to know how things work and to replicate them herself. Her collar and gloves are made with her inventing in mind. Her goggles, which are of her own invention stay on her head without any support at all. She can move them around where she needs and will often bring them down over her eyes during a fight that seems dangerous. Home Island/Sea: Taiko Island History: I am breaking my own rule slightly as some of her past has to do with the overall plot. But in the recent year she has made her name adventuring a bit through different parts of the grand line. While never declaring herself as a pirate per-se she has always considered herself one ever since she has left home which was a year and a half ago. Since then she has met plenty of people. Roughly one month ago she met a person who rivaled her in strength. It was a massive shark fishman hailing from the Wano Country. They initially didn't like each other as he was a bit rude and didn't have the proper respect for women that she felt she deserved. They got into no less than three fights before drawing the attention of a prominent pirate of the area. The two were forced to work together to escape. However in the rush they found themselves stuck in the calm belt. Having spent three days in the calm belt fighting off sea kings and running like hell they managed to pop out in west blue. From there they found a pirate with a bounty worth only a million. It was hardly even effort to take down this man and his crew but it did provide them with enough spending money to ferry a ride with a group of people heading into the grand line. Fruit: None Fighting style: Brawling. Despite her petite figure she is actually incredibly physically strong. Her punch packs a hell of a wallop and her speed is nothing to sniff at. Her style of fighting doesn't follow any particular martial art and is mostly self taught. However despite this self taught style she incorporates moves from several different arts into her own. For example many of her punches seem to be a mix between the way Karate and Boxing punch. However the movements are more fluid and natural than stylized. Many of her kicks seem to come from Tae Kwan do or Muai Thai. She knows how to grapple and throw as well. Her grip is strong enough to stop most ships and the gloves that she wear are made of an incredible material that doesn't seem to rip or tear no matter how much pressure and tension she puts on them. Haki of Observation is her most powerful Haki at this point. She has useage of the Haki of Armament as well. Ship Positions: Captain/Shipwright (looking for apprentice shipwright) Bounty: Currently 0
C'est Nabil. Depuis combien de temps, Marxo a-t-il demandé à son compagnon, traînant le corps inconscient d'un chasseur de pirates par le collier. Depuis qu'on a mangé? Son estomac grondait, profond et raveneux. La mer n'avait pas été gentille avec eux et ils avaient depuis longtemps vidé les rations. C'était quatre ou cinq mois? Peut-être six ou sept. Le temps s'est échappé de lui maintenant. Son estomac était son horloge; chaque minute, chaque seconde qu'un bruit sans sens en jaillissait, il sentit passer une quantité infinie de temps. Alors qu'il s'approchait de la taverne avec des pas réguliers, il poussa la porte et laissa le pirate tomber de son emprise. Des escrocs, des escrocs et des figures douteuses se reposaient à l'intérieur de la cabane. Mais il pourrait s'en soucier moins. Sa seule ambition était d'endommager les marines de quelque manière que ce soit. Lui et son compagnon étaient arrivés à s'entendre sur leurs ambitions. Il était d'accord de voyager ensemble. Alors qu'il prenait place à une table vide, à côté d'un poissonnier et d'une femme aux oreilles pointues, Nabil leva la main paresseuse pour que la barmaid prenne ses ordres. Lent au début, la femme aux cheveux bleus s'approcha d'une grossièreté décontractée. Bienvenue à la Rusty Wench, comment puis-je vous aider, messieurs? C'est du pain. Beaucoup et beaucoup de pain. Et toi, Marxo?
Name: Nabil "The Calm" Valley Height/Weight: 5’9” / 142lbs Age: 18 The alias “The Calm” was given to Nabil due to his infallible ability to seem un-phased by most antagonist. Some assume that he hides an intelligence behind this composed wall. Those are lies. He is as smart as the next man, maybe a bit more so, but that’s mainly due to his innate caution. He knows when to shut his mouth and when to speak out against others. In that aspect, he travels in a gray area. Where one person’s reality is not his own, but instead an adjacent to what could have been. In other words, he attempts to empathize with others. His love for the sea is directly tied to his extensive love for freedom, which contradicts his abnormal caution. Home Island/Sea: Provestal Island. The son of two Marines, it was very unlikely that Nabil would later become a pirate. In fact, his parent’s loving nature left little to be desired. When the two were deployed, expecting to be gone for several years, he was sent to live with distant relatives on Provestal Island. A quaint, small place where a unnerving calm saturated the air. On the island he explored the deep woods that surrounded the small town. Finding interest in the giant wild life and floral. He couldn’t understand it for the longest, unwilling to show his ignorance he would remain that way for several months. When he finally asked his aunt and cousin, they explained that the oxygen levels on the island was abnormally high. He took those words to face value and continued finish his breakfast, a rather calm fascination now inside of him. By the age of thirteen, Nabil had seemingly become the living force of Provestal Isle’s calm. Though many had resided on the isle, not many could match his level of tranquil. When others were too afraid to enter the force, he would walk through the greenery, alongside the giant beasts, and gaze at the crater in its center. Every day he returned there, he felt the urge to delve inside grow stronger. It was like the sound of the careening waterfall hitting the dark bottom was a calling card. It beckoned for him to adventure below but caution staid his descent. At the age of fifteen, Provestal Isle was visited by a band of pirates. They washed ashore on a broken and shattered boat, the captain deeply worried about his crew. The island offered them shelter for three nights. Those three nights were filled with stories of stormy adventures and fanciful tales of the unnatural. Needless to say, Nabil was enticed by them. On the fourth night, the Marines surrounded the isle with a fleet of ranked officers. The Pirate Captain, who expressed his desire to not tangle the island up in his affairs had decided to give himself up. He left with his crew moments later. An hour had peacefully passed before cannon fire had begun to rain down. A scarce group of the pirates returned in tears, warning that the marines was going to kill them all, despite their surrender. Behind them, the marines trampled forward. Nabil and his cousin, along with others, were told to retreat to the forest. To let the beasts protect them as a last resort. As Nabil guided his cousin to the crater, he could hear the cries of villagers as some of the beasts prowled on them. Dark smoke soon billowed from the tree line, orange heat lined its treetops. Nabil believed his cousin and himself to be safe. That was until canon fire came dangerously close to them. Fear led him to trying to convince his cousin to dive into the crater with him; the promise of water below was not enough though. The boy, who was supposed to jump on three with him, had stayed on top, where canon fire had seared his face and tossed him out of sight. At the bottom of the cavern spring, Nabil immediately swore vengeance on the Marines. He followed the water to the mouth of the island, one that led out into the ocean. Once he returned back to the shore, he witnessed the pirate captain shackled and ready to be inhumanly executed. Nabil realized that the majority of the Marines had left during his long stay in the cavern and that only a few was left. He would have heroically saved the guy, if he had been so afraid. He was shot several times in the head before finally being left alone. Nabil waited until nightfall, when the sea was quiet and empty till he finally approached. The captain was dead but the beach was littered with members of his crew. As Nabil walked through, a bloodied hand grabbed him and instructed, with vexation in his voice, to avenge them. With that in mind, he told Nabil the location of a treasure near the inn in the village. The village was burned to the ground and Nabil had all but given up hope on finding anyone alive. They all had bullets in them, one for each alive he figured. Once to the treasure chest, he found a fruit inside. He bit it after a bit of hesitance and after spitting it out, found out it was a devil fruit. He became a 10,000 degrees human. Years later and he had become a pirate, one hell bent on getting in the marines way. Usually his actions were small, intervening with rookie marines in small towns and allowing the escape of other pirates. Though recently he hijacked a marine ship and sailed it to Reverse Mountain. Devil Fruit: Atsu Atsu no Mi (Hot Hot Fruit) Fighting style: Direct and brutish, Nabil fights in conjunction with his Hot Hot Fruit abilities. Landing searing blows and burning away those that stand in his way. He seems to know some form of martial arts, as he often lowers into a stance when fighting one on one. With all the potential of a Supenova. Nabil has the possibility to use Observation Haki, Arms Haki, and Conquerors Haki. Though these have not been explored and largely unseen. He will need immense training to bring these out of himself. Atsu Atsu no Spears Nabil shapes the heat that fumes from his body into several needles. He launches these needles at the speed of a musket's bullet and pierces those he's up against. With a cold calculation, he uses this technique to take out mass armies of weaklings. Though fast and effective, it pretty easy to dodge if you're perceptive. Ship Positions: - 10,000,000
M a r x o Ça ressemble plus à des années. Il parlait Marxo alors qu'il était assis en face de son compagnon. La grossièreté de la mer avait lié ces deux-là ensemble. Il ne pouvait penser à aucun meilleur coéquipier que son. Il s'est tourné vers la serveuse. Pour moi, j'aimerais votre meilleure bière et un paquet de fumées. Avec cette réponse, il a tourné son attention vers le reste du bar qui regardait l'équipe comme s'ils avaient fait une erreur. Peut-être que c'était le chasseur de pirates, ou peut-être que c'était les marines au bar. Marxo savait qu'il y avait quelqu'un qui démangeait pour se battre. Il était toujours heureux d'être obligé de la manière la plus calme. Avant qu'il ne commence à désherber les combattants, quelque chose lui a attiré l'œil. C'était le seul pêcheur de la taverne. Il était élégamment énorme et avait les caractéristiques d'un grand blanc. A côté de lui était une belle jeune femme. Il ne pouvait que regarder. C'est peut-être pour ça qu'il a ressenti la mauvaise présence. Il a commencé à demander à Nabil. Bonjour Nabil. Tu trouves quelque chose d'étrange au sujet du pêcheur et de son petit compagnon. Je veux dire leur juste un peu plus bizarre que nous, ne pensez-vous pas.
Marxo St. Laurant Height/Weight: 6’1, 160lbs Age:19 Personality: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. Home Island/Sea: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue History: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. “Your next.”, he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. Fruit: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers.
Polly Roger - La Taverne Rusty Wench "Heheh, Grand Line, je viens!" Une petite fille a admiré son dernier butin en dessous d'une longue table. Elle savait qu'elle avait besoin d'un de ceux-ci pour naviguer dans les mers traîtres de la Grand Line, mais elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que ce soit si facile à voler! Donc c'était un pot de log, hein? Ça semblait beaucoup plus petit qu'elle ne le pensait... pas qu'elle s'en souciât, car cela rendait tout plus facile à prendre! Elle devait remercier le requin assis à la table qu'elle cachait; après tout, si ce marchand n'avait pas tourné la tête dans la peur lorsqu'il entrait, elle aurait dû trouver un autre moyen de détourner son attention pendant qu'elle l'avait balayée. "Ah... un ajustement parfait aussi!" Enfilant le Log Pose à sa cheville, le voleur s'est recroquevillé une fois de plus en lui donnant un vernis. "Maintenant, comment ça a encore marché..." Polly Roger n'avait pas l'air si inquiet de porter des objets volés. Après tout, elle était cachée en ce moment, et même si le marchand remarquait que certaines de ses marchandises manquaient, il voudrait vraiment vérifier sous une table occupée par cet effrayant requin et sa compagne? Non, Polly se sentait en sécurité ici. Elle avait appris de l'expérience qu'il était toujours bon d'avoir quelqu'un de grand et effrayant à se cacher derrière après un braquage.
Name: Polly Roger ("Not that Roger!"; she's not actually related to a certain Pirate King despite her surname, and gets a bit annoyed when people assume so.) Age: 16 Appearance: In her hybrid form. Her human form basically looks the same, but with human limbs; in both human and hybrid form she only stands at about 5'/152cm. In beast form she becomes a 6'/182cm tall parrot wearing a bandana. Personality: Chirpy and friendly, although this is mostly because it makes it easier for her to swindle you. Polly's pretty street smart, and whilst she's not always trying to con you it's best to keep your guard up around her lest your wallet goes missing. She's possessed of a great wanderlust, and has always wanted to see the world; being a pirate just seems to fit into this dream, although her penchant for theft kind of fits too. She prefers to sleep outside, where she can see the stars; her personal favourite spot is, naturally, the crow's nest. Home Island/Sea: Rogueport, East Blue. History: As an orphan growing up in an island full of cuthroats like Rogueport, there really wasn't much other option for Polly than to become a thieving street rat. Most of her childhood was spent evading what little authority existed on the island whilst stealing whatever she needed to survive (as well as a little extra to keep her comfy). Naturally, she always dreamed of one day leaving Rogueport; she felt like a bird in a cage, and wanted to stretch her at the time metaphorical wings and head out into the world, to see all the strange and exotic places she'd heard lay on the Grand Line. It was all just a dream for her, though, until one fateful day when she stole a bizarre looking fruit from a visiting pirate crew. Hungry (and wanting to dispose of the evidence), she bit into it, the horrid taste making her initially regret this... Until she noticed that her arms were now a pair of brightly coloured wings! She'd heard tales of the legendary Devil Fruits before, but never before had she thought she'd ever see one herself, let alone eat one... Quickly gathering whatever supplies she could fit into a shoulderbag, she bid farewell to Rogueport and, after a few attempts, took to the skies and headed off into the world... Fruit: Bird-Bird Fruit (Model: Parrot) - A Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to turn into a parrot, or a parrot-human hybrid. In hybrid form, Polly becomes a harpy-like creature, her arms becoming wings and her legs becoming talons. Zoan hybrids forms usually benefit from an increase in strength and Polly is no exception; specifically, her bird-limbs are much stronger than those of a human, and her talons are pretty sharp. Most notably is, of course, the ability to fly that her wings give her. In her beast form, she grows in height by about a foot and turns into a giant parrot; her strength is boosted even further, although she is still incredibly unused to this form and is rather clumsy when using it; because of this she prefers to use her smaller hybrid form. In all forms, she has exceptional eyesight, and can mimic the voices of anyone she's heard at least once before. Whilst she's currently unaware of it at the moment, Polly can talk to birds. Fighting style: Due to her notable lack of hands in both hybrid and beast forms, Polly's fighting style heavily revolves around using her legs; whilst her wings are strong, they lack dexterity and can really only be used to slap opponents. Due to her ability to fly, she usually stays above her opponent before diving down to attack when the opportunity presents itself. She has no formal training, however, and most of her knowledge of combat comes from what she learned on the streets and in bar fights; as such she can fight kind of dirty at times. Ship Positions: Navigator. Due to her Devil Fruit powers, she can easily fly off to scout ahead; in addition she has learned the basics of navigating from researching it herself in her youth, when she dreamed of heading off into the world. Bounty: 50,000, for petty larceny (redeemable only in Rogueport).
Amélie "E-Excusez-moi, voulez-vous essayer ma bière?...Monsieur?...Madame?...Quelqu'un?..." Amelia appelait tranquillement les gens au hasard qui marchaient près de son petit stand, alignés avec des tasses en bois remplies de sa bière auto-faite. Le panneau en bois au-dessus d'elle a affirmé qu'elle vendait la première tasse de bière gratuitement, puis ils auraient à payer pour une deuxième tasse, qui était un prix élevé pour la bière moyenne, mais puisque Amelia était loin de la moyenne alors il vaut chaque béli. Sa tête s'est effondrée dans la défaite, sachant qu'aucun d'eux n'écoutait ou ne regardait même pas sa position mal façonnée. J'ai juste besoin de l'argent... elle s'est dit en silence. L'argent dont elle avait besoin était de continuer ses voyages, elle était même assez désespérée pour charger le premier verre gratuitement dans l'espoir d'obtenir l'attention du peuple, mais jusqu'à présent aucun d'entre eux morsure. Ils ont probablement pensé qu'elle était une arnaqueuse ou quelque chose comme ça. Elle a été installée à quelques mètres de 'The Rusty Wench' et a vu deux hommes entrer à l'intérieur de la grande taverne avec une fronce sur son visage. « Ce n'est pas juste... cet endroit a des boissons bon marché... » Elle s'est marmonnée alors qu'elle se tenait juste près de son stand avec un sourire maintenant, continuant à essayer sa chance de faire reconnaître sa bière à quelqu'un.
Name: Amelia Mitsue Appearance: Height/Weight: 5'7” / 170cm and 120lbs / 54kg Age: 22 Personality: Amelia is a lively girl who always seem to have an innocent smile on her face. Her presence illuminates the room with kindness and welcomes people into her life with open arms. Her voice is angelic and speaks in a quiet tone most of the time. She would be the last person you'd expect a fight from due to her passive attitude. That is...until she gets a drop of alcohol on her lips. Then she would have a major personality shift. The happy go-lucky girl you knew would go into a drunken frenzy, smashing tables, breaking windows, and above all, she would have a frightening appetite. She is far more aggressive and rude in her drunken state as she will literally hit on the guys she comes across. When her buzz decreases, there's a small period of time where she is in between personalities thus becoming dull and boring, not even reacting to any comical attempts to get her to blink. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: When Amelia was a little girl, all she could remember was the tavern she grew up in. She remembers serving food, drinks, and hung out in the kitchen watching her father brew some delicious ale. She has never met her mother before, but her father would always tell her that her mother was busy advertising their tavern across the seas. In reality, her mother was an adventurous pirate. Her father kept the truth from her hoping that she wouldn't become like her mother. The time came when little Amelia was old enough to sail out on her own. She wanted to spread her family's ale across the seas and find her mother so they can meet at last. Fruit: None Fighting style: Drunken Combat: Amelia can only fight when she is intoxicated. Her strength and speed are enhanced along with reduced pain and numbness only in this state. She will feel the full effects when she is sober. Bushoshoku/Armament Haki: Amelia is capable of performing Bushoshoku haki, but only in her drunken state currently. Drunken Step- A technique that's always being used during her drunken state. This causes herself to become harder to read visually by 'blurring' herself with rapid movements of her body. Whenever she moves, she leaves behind a feint after image of herself that disappears no more than one second. Drunken Fists/Kicks- A simple kick or punch infused with haki for devastating results. Drunken Palms/Chops- An alternative she uses whenever punches do not work since it gives a wider reach. Drunken Toss- She simply grabs her target, spins around a couple times and tosses whatever she has violently into whatever the hell she wants. Drunken X-Chop- Possibly the only long ranged technique she knows. She positions her arms out in front to form an 'X' and swiftly slices the air to send a nicely x-shaped wind blade at her opponents. Ship Positions: Brewer Bounty: 0
Assis à côté de Nikko Able a scanné les patrons de taverne un par un. Nikko et Able avaient besoin d'un équipage pour traverser la Grandline. Pourtant, alors qu'il scannait les visages de ces mécènes, il ne voyait pas beaucoup de gens qui seraient du bon matériel d'équipage. Il en a vu quelques-uns qui avaient l'air d'avoir de l'expérience sur le dos, mais on peut dire qu'ils sont brisés. Pour être brisés juste par Grandline doit signifier qu'ils ne pourraient pas faire face aux défis que ce monde inconnu a. Grandir dans le Royaume de Wano Able connaissait les défis du Nouveau Monde, et ce n'est que lorsqu'il a visité la Grandline qu'il a finalement appris pourquoi beaucoup l'appellent Paradise. Able n'a été que quelques fois à la Grandline, alors il était curieux de savoir ce qu'il pouvait faire pour briser ces hommes. Soudain, il voit entrer deux hommes, l'un portant l'autre sur le dos. Les deux semblent regarder Nikko et Able, plus précisément Able. Ce n'est pas trop surprenant de voir qu'il est un Fishman, un grand Fishman à cela.Son apparence a causé une grande peur dans l'un des quatre blues qu'il et Nikko ont fini dans un certain temps. Ici, bien qu'il soit surpris qu'il n'ait pas fait que quelqu'un le combatte, il le devine parce qu'ils ont trop peur pour s'approcher de lui. Il décide enfin de cacher son ignorance. "Nikko je crois que j'ai trouvé notre premier membre" Able dit d'attraper une de sa tasse à bière et la descend, puis il claque la tasse vide sur la table, non pas pour dur mais assez pour un choc pour le voleur sous sa table "Sortir de là-bas fille. Je vous ai vu plus tôt au magasin avec les Log Posts" Il l'a dit assez fort pour que Polly entende mais pas assez fort pour que d'autres entendent autre que Nikko. Bien sûr que le claquage de la tasse attirerait une certaine attention.
Name: Ableyo Samenoken Appearance: Height/Weight:9'6/230' Age:24 Personality: Despite his tormented life Ableyo always seems to be optimistic and always looking forward to a brighter future. His training as a child made him into a very disciplined person and usually comes off as rude due to his straight forward attitude. Ultimately he is kind and can be seen as a father figure as he always willing to lend anyone advice if he can give it. Due to recent events in his life he has tried to ultimately relax and live life to its fullest for life is short. He usually spend his days training, meditating or other hobbies like writing. Despite what others have done to him he does not harbor any ill will to other races, as he knows not everyone carry the sins of their own kind. Their are some times though were he haunting memories comes back and this usually appears when he is holding his left side of his chest. Home Island/Sea: Wano Country History: Ableyo grew up in the Wano Country in a respected fishmen clan known as the Samenoken (Translate to Shark Sword). Their they taught him everything he needed to know about being a Samurai but he had no interest, and practiced half heartily despite the disapproval of his clan. One day when Ableyo was 12 his clan was attacked by a crew of pirates/slavers. He saw his own friends and family killed in front of him, and he tried to fight back but he was to weak. That night only a handful of the clan managed to escape, Ableyo however was not so lucky. He was sold at the highest bitter and began working as a slave for a Celestial Dragon. He was branded on his left chest even to this day the pain is still there. Once the Celestial Dragon was finished with him he was sold for dirt cheap to work as manual labor. Each day the memories of his clans destruction still vivid in his mind and he vowed to never allow that to happen again, so whenever he could he trained. For once took his training seriously with a strong goal fueling his resolve. Ultimately events happen to were he was able to escape his slavery and join Nikko, but all that is a story for another day. Fruit: Too awesome for fruit powers Fighting style: He uses a one sword fighting style usually with two hands unless he needs his left hand for something punching or grabbing something. The Samenoken swordsmanship relies on finding a opening in a opponents defense and unleashing a brutal attack when that opening is found. So when it looks like he is outmatched it really is him looking for a opportunity to strike. All techniques are much stronger in water as with most fishman fighting styles. * Sudden dash: Its a stepping technique were the user can bolt forward at incredible speeds, even when the user is not in motion. This is the foundation for most of the Samenoken fighting style. * Shark Leap strike: Once the user see a opening in the opponents defense the user uses Sudden dash along with a horizontal or vertical strike. The sudden speed from the dash gives this strike a ton of brute power. * One slash many strikes : A strike attack that uses the concept of Sudden Dash but with their arms not their legs. Doing so allows the user to make multiple attacks so quick it looks like one strike. Right now the user can only use a maximum of three strikes. * Launching water missile : The user strikes so the moisture or body of water in the area compresses to become a projectile weapon. This attack is weaker with less water in the area. * The water hypnosis trance: a type of trance a user puts himself in, in order to fool his body into thinking its under water by using the moisture around him. It increases his physical abilities and endurance but sadly lasts only a few minutes, upon which he can not do it again unless the user risks damages to his psyche. Completely useless in the desert. Ship Positions: 1st Mate Bounty: 0
Ahio Le jeune homme connu seulement comme Ahio a marché dans les rues de la ville animée. Il n'était arrivé ici que quelques jours auparavant, mais n'avait trouvé personne d'intéressant dans ses interrogations. Quelques pirates déjectés qui avaient visité la Grand Line s'asseyaient dans les bars, dans les rues et même au port. Tous portaient le même regard sur leur visage; les yeux vides se fixaient au loin comme brisés. Ils l'ont énervé parce qu'ils avaient abandonné leurs rêves. La Grande Ligne peut très bien les avoir brisés, mais beaucoup de choses vont briser une personne dans leur vie et il faut un homme fort pour se ressaisir après. Ahios courait bas sur beri depuis qu'il était arrivé dans cette ville bien qu'il était coincé à errer dans les rues et de voir les misérables assis autour. Quelle honte pour lui de dépenser son argent sur un morceau de viande. Après s'être réveillé à la pause de l'aube, Ahio avait presque constamment erré et cela avait réveillé une grande soif dans sa gorge qu'il ne pouvait décrire que comme étant semblable à un feu brûlant librement. Mais, être à court de Béris voulait dire qu'il ne pouvait pas juste aller acheter toute l'alcool qu'il pourrait peut-être vouloir. Heureusement, il y avait un stand à proximité qui semblait vendre de la bière, ou c'est ce qu'Ahio croyait être. "Première tasse libre, deuxième tasse dit le signe assis au-dessus du signe à l'approche de l'épéeman. Une bière gratuite, hein? Eh bien, c'est mon jour de chance. Alors, c'est une arnaque ou quelle fille? La bière gratuite semble juste un peu trop bonne pour être vrai ya-Know..Ahio a déclaré comme il a regardé dans l'une des tasses. Il y avait de la bière là-dedans, mais ça pouvait être du poison à sa connaissance. Mais encore une fois, ça pourrait être une tentative réelle d'amener les gens à essayer la bière. Mais, payer était un peu excessif pour une seule tasse de bière quand le bar juste à côté du stand, "The Rusty Wenchi" il a été appelé, vendait de la bière cheeper qui a probablement été mélangé à l'eau de toute façon.
Name: Ahio F. Pardol Nickname(s): None currently(To be developed as he becomes more well known) Gender: Male Age: 19 Height: 175cm(5’9) Weight: 91kg(201lbs) Personality: “Not every step along the way has to be calculate, sometimes you just feel that the next step is the right step without thinking.” Ahio is not the kind of man who falters when it comes acting and likes to put himself at odds with everybody even if it means fighting the world. He likes the challenge of proving people wrong, of proving that he can do anything and everything There is not a single instance in his life where Ahio has been forced to give up his dream of becoming the single greatest swordsman in existence simply because he couldn’t win a battle. Losing is an option but for him, it is meant to be the last option and only preferable to death. He lives by the code that all swordsman from his homeland live by; a cut to one’s back is dishonorable if it is received by running away. Once his loyalty is earned, he can be the most trustworthy man there is. Status: Location; unknown believed to be alive and well. Home Island/Sea: Tagimusha Island, Island of Samurai, North Blue Sea History: Ahio is the youngest son of Higara Pardol of Tagimusha Island and the only one to be trained by the man known for fighting with two swords. From the time Ahio was strong enough to life a wooden sword he was trained to live by the standards of his people. “It is not the strength of the sword but the strength of the man wielding it which will determine the outcome of a battle.” For nearly twelve years these words were ingrained into Ahio by his father during training. His body and mind would lend strength to the blades he wields instead of relying on the strength of the blade to support him. A swordsman who relies on the blade is just as likely to fail as his steel is after using it too much. But, Ahio would not last long in his father’s care for old man Higara was dying and it would cause the greatest change in the young boys life. A few months before Ahio was to leave for the outside world, Higara died and gave him the greatest will the young man could ever receive. He came into possession of the Goro Goro no Mi which his father had received as payment a long time ago and was given his father’s swords, Jigon and Migurashi. Upon consuming the Goro Goro no Mi, Ahio became a man of lightning but has not quite developed the best control over his powers. Since then, he has arrived at an island near Reverse Mountain with hopes of setting off on an adventure to master his powers and become the greatest swordsman ever. Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi, the Rumble-Rumble fruit. The Rumble fruit allows Ahio to become a lightning human, though he hasn’t quite begun to gain the control required to stay in his lightning form yet. Having only possessed the fruit for about two or three months, he is unsure of time span really, Ahio doesn’t quite possess the control to not cause massive damage to the surroundings and innocents around him properly. The longest Ahio has used his lightning form was thirteen minutes and even then it was unstable past ten minutes. Alternatively, he can turn his forearms into lightning and ‘throw’ blades of lightning. These blades travel around two to three meters with dissipating power after the first meter. Fighting Style: Primary: Nitoryu, two-sword style •Two Sword Style: Pin Strike, Rather than using the full blade of his katanas, Ahio uses only the the tip of the blades to stab quickly as if using a rapier. •Two Sword Style: Bolt, Using the Goro Goro fruit in tandem with his katanas, Ahio circulates lightning into the metal of the blades and can launch it for about two feet. •Two Sword Style: Bull Charge, Ahio rushes towards his opponent with his blades set parallel to each other. Secondary: Goro Goro no Mi, Rumble- Rumble fruit •Rumble Rumble: Discharge(Hōshutsu), By focusing the powers of his rumble fruit into the tips of his swords or finger, Ahio can launch miniature bolts of lightning. •Rumble Rumble: Twenty Bolt Strike, By using his blades in conjunction with his lightning powers, Ahio can launch twenty lightning blade with ease. Though, this attack isn’t very strong as the charge put into each blade is generally very low. •Rumble Rumble: Thrown Lightning(Sōn shōmei), Ahio focuses his powers into his forearms and hands and ‘throws’ blades of lightning at the opponent. •Rumble Rumble: Lightning Blade, The Lightning blade is the pinnacle of Ahio’s current mastery of his powers. By assuming his state of lightning, Ahio can effectively be both a weapon and the fighter. In this state he forms two swords of lightning and use them as weapons instead of his actual blades. Ahio has used four lightning blades in his lightning form before but they drastically reduced his time in the form to five minutes. Ship Position: Brawler Bounty: 0
La jeune femme maintenant identifiée comme Nikko est plutôt assise à la fin de la table. Ses cheveux tombent sur sa main qui lui tient la tête. En laissant un soupir, elle montre une expression d'ennui extrême. Elle n'avait pas l'impression que personne n'était encore spectaculaire. Il y avait la fille qui se cachait sous la table. Ses compétences étaient impressionnantes. Elle l'a vue se cacher sous la table mais elle l'a fait si habilement qu'elle n'avait pas vraiment le cœur de l'appeler dessus. Deux hommes de plus qui cherchent à entrer. Les deux semblaient être un duo d'une sorte. Ils étaient évidemment quelques encoches au-dessus de la moyenne des joes qui remplissent la taverne. Elle ne tourne même pas la tête quand Able parle de la fille sous la table. Elle ne flippe pas non plus quand il claque la tasse sur la table. Ça devenait ennuyeux. Elle ne voulait pas naître. C'est une damnée de dieu pirate. Elle s'appuie sur la table pour serrer le poing, mais se réamine dans son siège. "Hey girl... ne bouge pas." Elle a dit tranquillement mais a ensuite retourné la longue table d'une main. Comme la table était à mi-flip, elle l'a frappé de sorte qu'il s'est envolé dans le plafond avec les jambes plantant carrément et le collant dedans. Maintenant, une table s'accroche à l'envers au-dessus où elle était autrefois. La bannière qu'elle avait peinte avec enthousiasme il y a seulement 20 minutes tombe par terre. Les tasses en verre vides qu'ils avaient bues, à l'exception de celle dans sa main, ont traversé la pièce et frappé quelques personnes au hasard. Polly est maintenant révélé accouché sous l'endroit où la table était autrefois. Elle descend la boisson qu'elle avait et la jette avec une touche du poignet contre le mur derrière elle. "Salut!" Elle souffle beaucoup plus fort qu'on ne s'attendrait à ce qu'elle saute doucement de la chaise à ses pieds. "Cette barre est remplie de rien d'autre que des fainéants plus lâches qui n'ont pas le cran d'être une tache de merde à la fissure du cul de la grande ligne!" Elle montre sa main et indique à tout le monde dans le bar, à l'exception de Polly et Able. "Si l'un d'entre vous vaut la moitié d'une joue du cul gauche d'une grange, alors venez me prouver que j'ai tort." Un sourire traverse son visage en voyant chaque œil dans le bar sur elle. Elle s'enfile les doigts gantés ensemble et les fait craquer à mesure qu'elle avance. Le premier homme assez stupide pour donner dans le tanguement la précipite du côté mais il ne se rapproche même pas car elle fait un éclair rapide jab dans sa mâchoire et l'envoie voler à travers la pièce. "Qui est le prochain lâche assez stupide pour accepter mon offre?"
Name: Nikko Tenchi Appearance: Height/Weight: 5ft'7in/ enough Age: Appears to be about 18. Personality: While in public she seems well put together and confident in private she is often childish and stubborn. She is headstrong no matter where she is however. Once her mind is made up it would take an act of god to change it. In fact if history provides any reference even that might not. While generally a happy-go-lucky kind of person she has hot blood running through her veins. She may break tables or throw things through walls when she gets angry (or just drunk). It is her inquisitive and curious mind that rules her passion. Her favorite thing to do is to experiment or tinker with things. She has a vast desire to know how things work and to replicate them herself. Her collar and gloves are made with her inventing in mind. Her goggles, which are of her own invention stay on her head without any support at all. She can move them around where she needs and will often bring them down over her eyes during a fight that seems dangerous. Home Island/Sea: Taiko Island History: I am breaking my own rule slightly as some of her past has to do with the overall plot. But in the recent year she has made her name adventuring a bit through different parts of the grand line. While never declaring herself as a pirate per-se she has always considered herself one ever since she has left home which was a year and a half ago. Since then she has met plenty of people. Roughly one month ago she met a person who rivaled her in strength. It was a massive shark fishman hailing from the Wano Country. They initially didn't like each other as he was a bit rude and didn't have the proper respect for women that she felt she deserved. They got into no less than three fights before drawing the attention of a prominent pirate of the area. The two were forced to work together to escape. However in the rush they found themselves stuck in the calm belt. Having spent three days in the calm belt fighting off sea kings and running like hell they managed to pop out in west blue. From there they found a pirate with a bounty worth only a million. It was hardly even effort to take down this man and his crew but it did provide them with enough spending money to ferry a ride with a group of people heading into the grand line. Fruit: None Fighting style: Brawling. Despite her petite figure she is actually incredibly physically strong. Her punch packs a hell of a wallop and her speed is nothing to sniff at. Her style of fighting doesn't follow any particular martial art and is mostly self taught. However despite this self taught style she incorporates moves from several different arts into her own. For example many of her punches seem to be a mix between the way Karate and Boxing punch. However the movements are more fluid and natural than stylized. Many of her kicks seem to come from Tae Kwan do or Muai Thai. She knows how to grapple and throw as well. Her grip is strong enough to stop most ships and the gloves that she wear are made of an incredible material that doesn't seem to rip or tear no matter how much pressure and tension she puts on them. Haki of Observation is her most powerful Haki at this point. She has useage of the Haki of Armament as well. Ship Positions: Captain/Shipwright (looking for apprentice shipwright) Bounty: Currently 0
C'est Nabil. Nabil s'est penché sur sa chaise et a serré les épaules à la question de Marxo. Il les avait remarqués quand ils sont entrés, mais honnêtement, il ne s'en souciait pas assez pour les mesurer. C'est bizarre? Il a réfléchi. Étaient-ils bizarres parce qu'ils étaient un pêcheur et une femme aux oreilles pointues? Non, c'était pour sûr l'air dangereux qu'ils ont laissé tomber. Les deux étaient des vétérans de la mer. Et il s'est tout simplement montré autour d'eux. L'air chaud jaillit du ventilateur de plafond au-dessus. La cabane était remplie de tant de vagabonds que leur sueur, la chaleur, avait littéralement saturé l'air. Nabil soupira d'irritation ensuite, sa main levant pour frotter son prochain en synchronisation avec les actions de la femme. Ils auront plus d'ennuis qu'ils en valent la peine. C'est sûr, il a dit indifférent, clignotant alors que la table avait claqué sur le toit. Derrière lui, la femme aboie son défi à l'imbécile oaf autour de Marxo et lui-même. Quand ils ont ressenti le besoin de répondre, le premier a été envoyé voler avec un coup de craquage de mâchoire. Nabil regarda vers la redoutable serveuse dans le coin sombre, se cachant du chaos. La sale ordure occupant la cabane chargée de combattre la femme odieux d'avant. Il a attiré l'attention de la bonne avec un petit geste avant de l'agiter. Beckoning pour qu'elle poursuive ses devoirs annonce le combat. Elle secoua la tête en défiance. La femme damnée est trop effrayée pour livrer notre nourriture.
Name: Nabil "The Calm" Valley Height/Weight: 5’9” / 142lbs Age: 18 The alias “The Calm” was given to Nabil due to his infallible ability to seem un-phased by most antagonist. Some assume that he hides an intelligence behind this composed wall. Those are lies. He is as smart as the next man, maybe a bit more so, but that’s mainly due to his innate caution. He knows when to shut his mouth and when to speak out against others. In that aspect, he travels in a gray area. Where one person’s reality is not his own, but instead an adjacent to what could have been. In other words, he attempts to empathize with others. His love for the sea is directly tied to his extensive love for freedom, which contradicts his abnormal caution. Home Island/Sea: Provestal Island. The son of two Marines, it was very unlikely that Nabil would later become a pirate. In fact, his parent’s loving nature left little to be desired. When the two were deployed, expecting to be gone for several years, he was sent to live with distant relatives on Provestal Island. A quaint, small place where a unnerving calm saturated the air. On the island he explored the deep woods that surrounded the small town. Finding interest in the giant wild life and floral. He couldn’t understand it for the longest, unwilling to show his ignorance he would remain that way for several months. When he finally asked his aunt and cousin, they explained that the oxygen levels on the island was abnormally high. He took those words to face value and continued finish his breakfast, a rather calm fascination now inside of him. By the age of thirteen, Nabil had seemingly become the living force of Provestal Isle’s calm. Though many had resided on the isle, not many could match his level of tranquil. When others were too afraid to enter the force, he would walk through the greenery, alongside the giant beasts, and gaze at the crater in its center. Every day he returned there, he felt the urge to delve inside grow stronger. It was like the sound of the careening waterfall hitting the dark bottom was a calling card. It beckoned for him to adventure below but caution staid his descent. At the age of fifteen, Provestal Isle was visited by a band of pirates. They washed ashore on a broken and shattered boat, the captain deeply worried about his crew. The island offered them shelter for three nights. Those three nights were filled with stories of stormy adventures and fanciful tales of the unnatural. Needless to say, Nabil was enticed by them. On the fourth night, the Marines surrounded the isle with a fleet of ranked officers. The Pirate Captain, who expressed his desire to not tangle the island up in his affairs had decided to give himself up. He left with his crew moments later. An hour had peacefully passed before cannon fire had begun to rain down. A scarce group of the pirates returned in tears, warning that the marines was going to kill them all, despite their surrender. Behind them, the marines trampled forward. Nabil and his cousin, along with others, were told to retreat to the forest. To let the beasts protect them as a last resort. As Nabil guided his cousin to the crater, he could hear the cries of villagers as some of the beasts prowled on them. Dark smoke soon billowed from the tree line, orange heat lined its treetops. Nabil believed his cousin and himself to be safe. That was until canon fire came dangerously close to them. Fear led him to trying to convince his cousin to dive into the crater with him; the promise of water below was not enough though. The boy, who was supposed to jump on three with him, had stayed on top, where canon fire had seared his face and tossed him out of sight. At the bottom of the cavern spring, Nabil immediately swore vengeance on the Marines. He followed the water to the mouth of the island, one that led out into the ocean. Once he returned back to the shore, he witnessed the pirate captain shackled and ready to be inhumanly executed. Nabil realized that the majority of the Marines had left during his long stay in the cavern and that only a few was left. He would have heroically saved the guy, if he had been so afraid. He was shot several times in the head before finally being left alone. Nabil waited until nightfall, when the sea was quiet and empty till he finally approached. The captain was dead but the beach was littered with members of his crew. As Nabil walked through, a bloodied hand grabbed him and instructed, with vexation in his voice, to avenge them. With that in mind, he told Nabil the location of a treasure near the inn in the village. The village was burned to the ground and Nabil had all but given up hope on finding anyone alive. They all had bullets in them, one for each alive he figured. Once to the treasure chest, he found a fruit inside. He bit it after a bit of hesitance and after spitting it out, found out it was a devil fruit. He became a 10,000 degrees human. Years later and he had become a pirate, one hell bent on getting in the marines way. Usually his actions were small, intervening with rookie marines in small towns and allowing the escape of other pirates. Though recently he hijacked a marine ship and sailed it to Reverse Mountain. Devil Fruit: Atsu Atsu no Mi (Hot Hot Fruit) Fighting style: Direct and brutish, Nabil fights in conjunction with his Hot Hot Fruit abilities. Landing searing blows and burning away those that stand in his way. He seems to know some form of martial arts, as he often lowers into a stance when fighting one on one. With all the potential of a Supenova. Nabil has the possibility to use Observation Haki, Arms Haki, and Conquerors Haki. Though these have not been explored and largely unseen. He will need immense training to bring these out of himself. Atsu Atsu no Spears Nabil shapes the heat that fumes from his body into several needles. He launches these needles at the speed of a musket's bullet and pierces those he's up against. With a cold calculation, he uses this technique to take out mass armies of weaklings. Though fast and effective, it pretty easy to dodge if you're perceptive. Ship Positions: - 10,000,000
M a r x o Il semble que nous devrions faire quelque chose à ce sujet. Notre nourriture est de plus en plus froide et mes boissons ne servent pas elles-mêmes. Hé, madame, Marxo a appelé la bonne que Nabil venait de faire signe. Tout comme il avait dit qu'elle était figée dans la peur. Marxo était agité. Il avait grandi las d'attendre les choses, surtout quand seulement quelque chose d'aussi petit qu'une femme se tenait sur son chemin. Si vous voulez bien le garder là-bas, petite fille. Moi et mon associé essayons d'obtenir un service et vous semblez interrompre. Je comprends que tu démanges d'être touché, mais je crois que ce ne sont que des hormones féminines. Essayez de vous garder sous contrôle. », Marxo a parlé presque comme s'il avait prévu de dire ces mots. C'était plus comme un éclat de colère avec un ton calme. Il parlait aussi vite que le vent vers la femelle elfique avec des cheveux orange vifs et argentés. Marxo ne se livrait pas souvent à des combats à cause de son mélange d'attitudes mais si c'est ce que voulait la dame, il serait plus qu'heureux d'obstruer. Après tout, c'était un tueur devant un gentleman.
Marxo St. Laurant Height/Weight: 6’1, 160lbs Age:19 Personality: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. Home Island/Sea: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue History: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. “Your next.”, he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. Fruit: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers.
Il a soupiré que Nikko a jeté la table. Ils ne sont pas là depuis longtemps et elle cause déjà des ennuis. Après qu'elle eut traité avec le premier idiot qui courut sur son Able se lève et dit "Vous semblez contrôler la situation. Je vais sortir pour un peu d'air pur, ne pas causer trop de dégâts si vous le pouvez" Il commence à s'éloigner et tombe sur une des serveuses, il lui donne un sac de Beli "Ceci devrait couvrir les boissons et la table, je conseille de rester loin d'elle" Il fait référence à Nikko. Il passe devant Nabil et Marxo ignorant Marxo sur les hormones féminines. C'était un peu puéril dans ses yeux, Il sort et voit un stand pour une bière gratuite, intéressant. Il s'approche de la barre et d'un étranger qui parle à la dame de sa publicité. Able s'est assuré de réparer son Kimono afin qu'il couvre les bandages enveloppés autour de sa poitrine. Une fois qu'il arrive à la barre, il dit : "Bonjour, j'aimerais essayer une de vos bières de spécialité aujourd'hui."
Name: Ableyo Samenoken Appearance: Height/Weight:9'6/230' Age:24 Personality: Despite his tormented life Ableyo always seems to be optimistic and always looking forward to a brighter future. His training as a child made him into a very disciplined person and usually comes off as rude due to his straight forward attitude. Ultimately he is kind and can be seen as a father figure as he always willing to lend anyone advice if he can give it. Due to recent events in his life he has tried to ultimately relax and live life to its fullest for life is short. He usually spend his days training, meditating or other hobbies like writing. Despite what others have done to him he does not harbor any ill will to other races, as he knows not everyone carry the sins of their own kind. Their are some times though were he haunting memories comes back and this usually appears when he is holding his left side of his chest. Home Island/Sea: Wano Country History: Ableyo grew up in the Wano Country in a respected fishmen clan known as the Samenoken (Translate to Shark Sword). Their they taught him everything he needed to know about being a Samurai but he had no interest, and practiced half heartily despite the disapproval of his clan. One day when Ableyo was 12 his clan was attacked by a crew of pirates/slavers. He saw his own friends and family killed in front of him, and he tried to fight back but he was to weak. That night only a handful of the clan managed to escape, Ableyo however was not so lucky. He was sold at the highest bitter and began working as a slave for a Celestial Dragon. He was branded on his left chest even to this day the pain is still there. Once the Celestial Dragon was finished with him he was sold for dirt cheap to work as manual labor. Each day the memories of his clans destruction still vivid in his mind and he vowed to never allow that to happen again, so whenever he could he trained. For once took his training seriously with a strong goal fueling his resolve. Ultimately events happen to were he was able to escape his slavery and join Nikko, but all that is a story for another day. Fruit: Too awesome for fruit powers Fighting style: He uses a one sword fighting style usually with two hands unless he needs his left hand for something punching or grabbing something. The Samenoken swordsmanship relies on finding a opening in a opponents defense and unleashing a brutal attack when that opening is found. So when it looks like he is outmatched it really is him looking for a opportunity to strike. All techniques are much stronger in water as with most fishman fighting styles. * Sudden dash: Its a stepping technique were the user can bolt forward at incredible speeds, even when the user is not in motion. This is the foundation for most of the Samenoken fighting style. * Shark Leap strike: Once the user see a opening in the opponents defense the user uses Sudden dash along with a horizontal or vertical strike. The sudden speed from the dash gives this strike a ton of brute power. * One slash many strikes : A strike attack that uses the concept of Sudden Dash but with their arms not their legs. Doing so allows the user to make multiple attacks so quick it looks like one strike. Right now the user can only use a maximum of three strikes. * Launching water missile : The user strikes so the moisture or body of water in the area compresses to become a projectile weapon. This attack is weaker with less water in the area. * The water hypnosis trance: a type of trance a user puts himself in, in order to fool his body into thinking its under water by using the moisture around him. It increases his physical abilities and endurance but sadly lasts only a few minutes, upon which he can not do it again unless the user risks damages to his psyche. Completely useless in the desert. Ship Positions: 1st Mate Bounty: 0
Amélie Amelia a vu des gens marcher près de son stand pendant quelques minutes avant qu'elle ne tourne la tête en regardant un jeune homme en particulier s'approchant de son stand. Après avoir vu le regard sur le visage de l'homme, elle lâcha une petite gorgée et sourit, pensant que ses prières avaient été exaucées. Elle pouvait facilement reconnaître le visage d'un client assoiffé, ayant travaillé dans la taverne de son père pendant de nombreuses années. Elle se tourna vers l'homme et se prosterna poliment contre lui avant de parler. "Bonjour, monsieur! C'est en effet votre jour de chance que vous obtenez d'être la première personne à goûter ma glorieuse bière auto-faite! Ce n'est pas une arnaque que je vous promets! Mon brassage est unique! S'il vous plaît, essayez-en un! Tu verras que ça vaut tous les bélis! » Elle a proposé de faire de son mieux pour que cet homme essaie sa bière. Elle n'était pas vraiment la meilleure vendeuse, disant à quelqu'un qu'ils allaient être les premiers à boire cette mystérieuse bière n'était pas la meilleure chose à dire. Cependant, Amelia avait le visage d'une personne honnête et ses paroles étaient sincères. Ce n'était même pas une minute et elle avait déjà un autre client. Les dieux ont-ils brillamment brillamment sur Amelia? Quoi qu'il en soit, elle se tourna instantanément vers la seconde voix qui lui appelait, seulement pour jeter les yeux sur un poissonnier plutôt intimidant qui la submergeait cette fois-ci. "Euque!" Elle est partie. C'était sa première fois qu'elle voyait un pêcheur et ça lui donnait toute la peur, mais elle se rappelait rapidement qu'elle essayait de ne pas être impolie. Elle s'inclina rapidement devant le poissonnier d'une manière apologétique, encore un peu surpris par son apparence. "Oh mon! Un pêcheur! J'ai entendu des histoires sur Merfolk, mais je n'en ai jamais rencontré une en personne! Pardonnez-moi pour mon éclatement. Mais oui, vous pouvez essayer une de mes bières auto-faites! Comme je le disais à ce monsieur ici, c'est une sorte d'homme! S'il vous plaît, essayez-en un! » Elle a dit joyeusement et a pris une tasse avec les deux mains l'offrant au grand poissonnier. Un petit sourire a traversé son visage alors que le pêcheur voyait qu'elle n'était pas à l'aise d'être si proche d'un grand poissonnier fort comme lui.
Name: Amelia Mitsue Appearance: Height/Weight: 5'7” / 170cm and 120lbs / 54kg Age: 22 Personality: Amelia is a lively girl who always seem to have an innocent smile on her face. Her presence illuminates the room with kindness and welcomes people into her life with open arms. Her voice is angelic and speaks in a quiet tone most of the time. She would be the last person you'd expect a fight from due to her passive attitude. That is...until she gets a drop of alcohol on her lips. Then she would have a major personality shift. The happy go-lucky girl you knew would go into a drunken frenzy, smashing tables, breaking windows, and above all, she would have a frightening appetite. She is far more aggressive and rude in her drunken state as she will literally hit on the guys she comes across. When her buzz decreases, there's a small period of time where she is in between personalities thus becoming dull and boring, not even reacting to any comical attempts to get her to blink. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: When Amelia was a little girl, all she could remember was the tavern she grew up in. She remembers serving food, drinks, and hung out in the kitchen watching her father brew some delicious ale. She has never met her mother before, but her father would always tell her that her mother was busy advertising their tavern across the seas. In reality, her mother was an adventurous pirate. Her father kept the truth from her hoping that she wouldn't become like her mother. The time came when little Amelia was old enough to sail out on her own. She wanted to spread her family's ale across the seas and find her mother so they can meet at last. Fruit: None Fighting style: Drunken Combat: Amelia can only fight when she is intoxicated. Her strength and speed are enhanced along with reduced pain and numbness only in this state. She will feel the full effects when she is sober. Bushoshoku/Armament Haki: Amelia is capable of performing Bushoshoku haki, but only in her drunken state currently. Drunken Step- A technique that's always being used during her drunken state. This causes herself to become harder to read visually by 'blurring' herself with rapid movements of her body. Whenever she moves, she leaves behind a feint after image of herself that disappears no more than one second. Drunken Fists/Kicks- A simple kick or punch infused with haki for devastating results. Drunken Palms/Chops- An alternative she uses whenever punches do not work since it gives a wider reach. Drunken Toss- She simply grabs her target, spins around a couple times and tosses whatever she has violently into whatever the hell she wants. Drunken X-Chop- Possibly the only long ranged technique she knows. She positions her arms out in front to form an 'X' and swiftly slices the air to send a nicely x-shaped wind blade at her opponents. Ship Positions: Brewer Bounty: 0
Polly Roger - La Taverne Rusty Wench Polly a failli sauter de sa peau quand le requin a frappé la table. Il l'avait remarquée? Eh bien, en y pensant, il a probablement vu son canard sous la table plus tôt... elle était sûre que les attentions de sa compagne et de sa compagne étaient détournées quand elle l'a fait, mais apparemment ils étaient plus perspicaces qu'elle ne leur en a donné le mérite. Eh bien, tout ce qu'elle pouvait faire maintenant c'est juste sortir sa tête de sous la table et présenter herse... ... Oh, la fille venait de retourner la table. Et puis... Il a été si dur qu'il était maintenant intégré dans le plafond de la taverne. Mais plus besoin de se cacher, le voleur, cette femme est clairement un psychopathe. La femme aux oreilles pointues avait clairement des problèmes de colère, du moins. Bien sûr, Polly savait très bien dans quelle colère tu te mets : un con. Non seulement ça, mais elle avait l'air d'un con fort. Et elle semblait rassembler une équipe de pirates, ce qui ne signifiait qu'une chose... elle se dirigeait vers la Grand Line. Et comme cela lui convenait plutôt bien, Polly a pensé que c'était une bonne idée d'accepter l'offre du requin d'être leur première compagne d'équipage... -- Je n'en ai même pas, capitaine! En faisant un sourire et en saluant, Polly a répondu à la haine de la jeune fille aux oreilles pointues alors que son esprit gémissait sur elle. C'est l'angle que tu veux, Polly? Eeesh, je sais que c'est dur de travailler sous pression, mais quand même... Il semblait qu'elle n'était pas la seule à s'intéresser à cette femme, cependant, puisque deux hommes s'étaient approchés des débris où une fois se tenait une table; l'un avec des cheveux noirs et l'autre avec des cheveux blancs. Et dès que le blanc s'est ouvert la bouche, Polly a pu dire qu'elle ne s'entendrait pas avec lui. Bon sang, quel crétin! Elle ne voulait même pas le dignifier avec une réponse verbale, alors au lieu de cela, le voleur mineur a appuyé derrière la fille aux oreilles pointues et a coincé sa langue à la chevelure blanche.
Name: Polly Roger ("Not that Roger!"; she's not actually related to a certain Pirate King despite her surname, and gets a bit annoyed when people assume so.) Age: 16 Appearance: In her hybrid form. Her human form basically looks the same, but with human limbs; in both human and hybrid form she only stands at about 5'/152cm. In beast form she becomes a 6'/182cm tall parrot wearing a bandana. Personality: Chirpy and friendly, although this is mostly because it makes it easier for her to swindle you. Polly's pretty street smart, and whilst she's not always trying to con you it's best to keep your guard up around her lest your wallet goes missing. She's possessed of a great wanderlust, and has always wanted to see the world; being a pirate just seems to fit into this dream, although her penchant for theft kind of fits too. She prefers to sleep outside, where she can see the stars; her personal favourite spot is, naturally, the crow's nest. Home Island/Sea: Rogueport, East Blue. History: As an orphan growing up in an island full of cuthroats like Rogueport, there really wasn't much other option for Polly than to become a thieving street rat. Most of her childhood was spent evading what little authority existed on the island whilst stealing whatever she needed to survive (as well as a little extra to keep her comfy). Naturally, she always dreamed of one day leaving Rogueport; she felt like a bird in a cage, and wanted to stretch her at the time metaphorical wings and head out into the world, to see all the strange and exotic places she'd heard lay on the Grand Line. It was all just a dream for her, though, until one fateful day when she stole a bizarre looking fruit from a visiting pirate crew. Hungry (and wanting to dispose of the evidence), she bit into it, the horrid taste making her initially regret this... Until she noticed that her arms were now a pair of brightly coloured wings! She'd heard tales of the legendary Devil Fruits before, but never before had she thought she'd ever see one herself, let alone eat one... Quickly gathering whatever supplies she could fit into a shoulderbag, she bid farewell to Rogueport and, after a few attempts, took to the skies and headed off into the world... Fruit: Bird-Bird Fruit (Model: Parrot) - A Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to turn into a parrot, or a parrot-human hybrid. In hybrid form, Polly becomes a harpy-like creature, her arms becoming wings and her legs becoming talons. Zoan hybrids forms usually benefit from an increase in strength and Polly is no exception; specifically, her bird-limbs are much stronger than those of a human, and her talons are pretty sharp. Most notably is, of course, the ability to fly that her wings give her. In her beast form, she grows in height by about a foot and turns into a giant parrot; her strength is boosted even further, although she is still incredibly unused to this form and is rather clumsy when using it; because of this she prefers to use her smaller hybrid form. In all forms, she has exceptional eyesight, and can mimic the voices of anyone she's heard at least once before. Whilst she's currently unaware of it at the moment, Polly can talk to birds. Fighting style: Due to her notable lack of hands in both hybrid and beast forms, Polly's fighting style heavily revolves around using her legs; whilst her wings are strong, they lack dexterity and can really only be used to slap opponents. Due to her ability to fly, she usually stays above her opponent before diving down to attack when the opportunity presents itself. She has no formal training, however, and most of her knowledge of combat comes from what she learned on the streets and in bar fights; as such she can fight kind of dirty at times. Ship Positions: Navigator. Due to her Devil Fruit powers, she can easily fly off to scout ahead; in addition she has learned the basics of navigating from researching it herself in her youth, when she dreamed of heading off into the world. Bounty: 50,000, for petty larceny (redeemable only in Rogueport).
Cuisinière névrosée. C'est un chasseur de couteaux sans déconnexion. Un marchand paranoïaque. "Commande-toi!" une jeune fille appelle, faisant glisser le plat le plus récent à travers le demi-mur séparant la cuisine du bar. Un plat simple, mais exquis, de saumon d'agrumes avec un soupçon de menthe. Les portions étaient assez grandes pour la moyenne, l'homme de travail, et la valeur de chaque beri. "Hey Nyxie, combien de temps tu es là pour cette fois?" L'une des serveuses demande alors qu'elle se penche sur la demi-mur, mâchant un morceau de chewing-gum assez bruyamment. "Hmm?" Nyx tourne sa bonne oreille vers son collègue, lui déchirant le regard de la poêle. "Je n'ai pas tout à fait attrapé ça, May baby." "J'ai dit, quand est-ce que tu nous laisses? Tu es à Port Almos depuis une semaine, d'habitude tu n'es pas là depuis si longtemps." "Eh bien, nous avons eu une victime sur le navire en entrant, a frappé une pierre ou quelque chose comme ça. Gros trou d'oléagineux, devrait être patché dans un mois environ." le jeune chef s'empare d'une assiette, scoopant soigneusement la viande sautée sur elle et arrangeant quelques tranches de lime autour du porc comme garniture. "Ma pauvre chérie, je sais combien tu détestes être coincé avec nous les lubreurs et tout." la fille prend le plat, les hanches balancent quand elle s'en va pour le livrer. Elle revient bientôt, secouant la tête, tenant toujours la nourriture. "Nyxie, quelques jeunes névrosés déchirent à nouveau l'endroit. Même pas ivre par les odeurs d'eux. Tu sais que tu es le seul d'entre nous qui peut vraiment se défendre.. Aide-nous, oui?" Nyx s'arrête dans sa préparation, souriant à elle-même. "Ça fait bien trop longtemps que je n'ai pas senti de sang." Alors, à son amie, "Je serai là dans un instant, ma chère. Pouvez-vous essayer de limiter les dégâts dans l'intervalle?" Nyx met de côté son travail de préparation, essuyant ses mains sur un platrag voisin et éteignant le poêle. Elle fait son chemin vers le bar, tissant autour des tables pour voir la cause de la commotion. Elle repère l'un de leurs nouveaux ouvriers enracinés sur place, avec deux plats dans ses mains. Nyx arrache doucement les commandes de porc et de saumon qu'elle n'a pas encore livrées de ses mains, s'approchant de deux hommes qui semblaient s'énerver par un autre duo de l'autre côté de la pièce. "Excusez-moi, messieurs.. Avez-vous commandé le filet de porc au gingembre, avec un côté de salade? Et trois agrumes glacés de saumon avec des frites?"
Name: Nyx Height/Weight: 5'6"/140lbs Age: 23 Personality: Being an only child, Nyx had to keep herself entertained when her parents weren't around. That caused her to become adventurous and have a thirst for knowledge. She can be over dramatic at times, border lining neurotic, but for the most part she is upbeat. Her main flaw is her impulsive, reckless decision-making-skills, caused by her impatience. Despite her being a risk-taker, Nyx has a constant paranoia due to her partial-deafness, and is constantly looking over her shoulder. Quirks: Nyx has and annoying habit of clicking her tongue when she's waiting for something, along with an overall fidgety nature. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: Nyx isn't sure where she hails from, all she knows is she was found in a lifeboat with three others aboard the same ship when it went down. Her adoptive father and his crew came across the survivors while trawling, and the only one conscious told him that they were attacked while crossing the East Blue. By what, or whom, is unclear, as all three men were pronounced dead by the time they reached land. Nyx was diagnosed with Scarlett Fever shortly after being taken in by her new family, but she pulled through, although suffering permanent damage to her hearing. She grew up on a small island, out of the way from pretty much anything, so life was pretty dull. She worked with her adoptive mother as a cook, and sometimes with her fisherman of a dad, until she was 17 and a position opened up on a merchant ship for a chef. Her parents supported her decision to leave, knowing that adventure was something Nyx had always fantasized about. She keeps a picture of them in her pocket watch, and vows to return once she's seen every corner of the four seas. Fighting style: Nyx is proficient in Dambe, as her father and his crew taught Nyx how to fend for herself. With weapons, she prefers small blades a foot or shorter in length. She uses her culinary knowledge to concoct poisons, and is also a bit of a pyrotechnic. Ship Positions: Chef Bounty: 0
Nikkai s'offre comme une autre personne vient à elle. En fait, il y en avait trois. Visant soigneusement elle frappe l'un dans les deux autres les renvoyant tous. La plupart des hommes dans le bar avaient l'idée qu'ils ne devraient probablement pas l'attaquer. Cependant, cela était aussi de plus en plus ennuyeux et rapide. La première raison derrière son éclatement n'était pas simplement de choisir un combat, mais d'extorquer ceux qui n'étaient pas seulement des faibles. Si quelqu'un pouvait prendre son coup de poing et rester debout alors ce serait un signe qu'ils ne pourraient pas mourir avant d'atteindre leur première île. Elle tourne la tête vers l'homme aux cheveux blancs qui a dit quelque chose de sexiste ou autre. Elle a à peine écouté. Cependant, elle a pris note qu'il était l'un des rares dans cette taverne qui n'était pas à peu près inutile. Puis elle a entendu la petite oiseau fille l'appeler "capitaine" et cela lui a fait se sentir étrangement heureux avec cela. Même avec Able, il n'a jamais appelé son capitaine. Bien que pour être juste, ce n'était que deux d'entre eux, on dirait que ça se moquait d'elle. Capitaine de deux. Mais j'espère qu'après aujourd'hui elle aura un équipage. "Bien sûr que tu n'en as pas un petit." Elle dit la frapper sur la tête. "Je t'aime bien. Si vous voulez rejoindre notre équipage, je serais plus qu'heureux de vous y avoir. » Elle lui fait un sourire rapide et retourne ensuite à la foule. Cette fois, son sourire semble plus diabolique. "Pour le reste d'entre vous, je devrais être convaincu que l'un d'entre vous serait l'espace de démarrage de mon navire." Elle regarde les deux qui ne se sont pas levés de leur table. Soit ils n'ont pas été facilement rattrapés, soit ils n'ont tout simplement pas ressenti le besoin de se battre. Quoi qu'il en soit, ça voulait probablement dire qu'ils étaient forts. En marchant très vite vers eux à travers la foule de gens qu'elle tire une chaise... on l'a plutôt pris à quelqu'un qui est encore assis dedans. Elle a aussi pris une bouteille de rhum d'une table adjacente avant de s'asseoir entre les deux. Elle siège occasionnellement comme s'il n'y avait pas d'intention de se battre, mais leur instinct leur dirait le contraire. Elle prend sa main gantée et tire le bouchon de la bouteille de rhum et le met hors de vue et hors de l'esprit. En prenant une perruque, elle se penche en arrière dans sa chaise en l'équilibrant sur deux jambes et lui tend les pieds sur la table. "Sooooo..." elle commence par un ton intentionnellement ennuyeux et allongé. ".. Je suppose que vous n'êtes pas des nouveaux à la grande ligne, n'est-ce pas?" Elle garde son regard entre eux pour qu'ils soient tous les deux dans leur vision périphérique. "On coupe à la chasse. Je cherche une équipe. J'espérais que ma haine susciterait une sorte de réaction. J'avais tort. Vous sentez le sang et la violence. J'aime ça. Mais avant de vous offrir une offre que vous ne pouvez refuser, j'aimerais voir de quoi vous êtes faits tous les deux. » Rallonger la bouteille de rhum qu'elle termine et la claquer sur la table.
Name: Nikko Tenchi Appearance: Height/Weight: 5ft'7in/ enough Age: Appears to be about 18. Personality: While in public she seems well put together and confident in private she is often childish and stubborn. She is headstrong no matter where she is however. Once her mind is made up it would take an act of god to change it. In fact if history provides any reference even that might not. While generally a happy-go-lucky kind of person she has hot blood running through her veins. She may break tables or throw things through walls when she gets angry (or just drunk). It is her inquisitive and curious mind that rules her passion. Her favorite thing to do is to experiment or tinker with things. She has a vast desire to know how things work and to replicate them herself. Her collar and gloves are made with her inventing in mind. Her goggles, which are of her own invention stay on her head without any support at all. She can move them around where she needs and will often bring them down over her eyes during a fight that seems dangerous. Home Island/Sea: Taiko Island History: I am breaking my own rule slightly as some of her past has to do with the overall plot. But in the recent year she has made her name adventuring a bit through different parts of the grand line. While never declaring herself as a pirate per-se she has always considered herself one ever since she has left home which was a year and a half ago. Since then she has met plenty of people. Roughly one month ago she met a person who rivaled her in strength. It was a massive shark fishman hailing from the Wano Country. They initially didn't like each other as he was a bit rude and didn't have the proper respect for women that she felt she deserved. They got into no less than three fights before drawing the attention of a prominent pirate of the area. The two were forced to work together to escape. However in the rush they found themselves stuck in the calm belt. Having spent three days in the calm belt fighting off sea kings and running like hell they managed to pop out in west blue. From there they found a pirate with a bounty worth only a million. It was hardly even effort to take down this man and his crew but it did provide them with enough spending money to ferry a ride with a group of people heading into the grand line. Fruit: None Fighting style: Brawling. Despite her petite figure she is actually incredibly physically strong. Her punch packs a hell of a wallop and her speed is nothing to sniff at. Her style of fighting doesn't follow any particular martial art and is mostly self taught. However despite this self taught style she incorporates moves from several different arts into her own. For example many of her punches seem to be a mix between the way Karate and Boxing punch. However the movements are more fluid and natural than stylized. Many of her kicks seem to come from Tae Kwan do or Muai Thai. She knows how to grapple and throw as well. Her grip is strong enough to stop most ships and the gloves that she wear are made of an incredible material that doesn't seem to rip or tear no matter how much pressure and tension she puts on them. Haki of Observation is her most powerful Haki at this point. She has useage of the Haki of Armament as well. Ship Positions: Captain/Shipwright (looking for apprentice shipwright) Bounty: Currently 0
Ahio Ce n'était pas une arnaque, mais les seuls mots qu'Ahio avait besoin d'entendre devant son visage presque transformé en représentation littérale de la joie. Il était si extatique d'entendre ces mots et d'obtenir à boire quelque chose qui n'a pas goûté comme de l'eau de pisse et du sel. En fait, il était heureux de boire quelque chose qui n'était pas servi par quelqu'un qui semblait avoir abandonné sa vie. Ahio a atteint pour une tasse mais s'est arrêté à mi-chemin avant de regarder le grand pêcheur debout à proximité. C'était un grand homme, ou est-il préférable de les appeler un poisson, de toute façon Ahio a demandé ce qu'une telle personne faisait dans une ville comme celle-ci. Il n'avait pas l'air d'une personne déjetée qui n'avait pas réussi à aller à la Grand Line et il n'avait pas l'air d'un nouveau gamin qui cherchait à rejoindre l'équipage de quelqu'un. Quoi qu'il en soit, Ahio a décidé qu'il valait mieux ne pas l'interroger et saisir la tasse en bois. Presque comme pour vomir un gros doigt au milieu d'Ahio, la tasse éclata en flammes éclairant l'alcool dans le processus. La colère pure qu'Ahio semblait émettre aurait été suffisante pour effrayer n'importe qui qui faisait vraiment attention alors que le mug jetait dans la rue, toujours en feu bien sûr. Avant qu'Ahio ne se rende compte de ce qui se passait, une étincelle d'électricité s'est déplacée vers le haut et vers le bas de ses lames créant un bruit de craquage presque inaudible. Calme-toi, la colère ne fait que rendre le contrôle plus difficile. Ahio s'est dit comme il se tenait immobile pendant quelques secondes, aussi simple qu'une statue. Puis, l'idée s'est glissée dans sa tête pour la faire passer comme partie intégrante de son plan. Le prouve, c'est certainement de l'alcool. Si c'était de l'eau, ça n'aurait pas brûlé. Désolé pour la tasse bien que madame, c'était juste une sorte de collatéral. Ici, prenez ceci comme paiement pour la tasse.Ahio a dit comme il a remis cent cinquante beri. Les pièces de métal du beri étincellent avec une petite explosion d'électricité qu'il a placé sur le stand, aussi prudent que possible pour ne pas l'attraper sur le feu aussi bien.
Name: Ahio F. Pardol Nickname(s): None currently(To be developed as he becomes more well known) Gender: Male Age: 19 Height: 175cm(5’9) Weight: 91kg(201lbs) Personality: “Not every step along the way has to be calculate, sometimes you just feel that the next step is the right step without thinking.” Ahio is not the kind of man who falters when it comes acting and likes to put himself at odds with everybody even if it means fighting the world. He likes the challenge of proving people wrong, of proving that he can do anything and everything There is not a single instance in his life where Ahio has been forced to give up his dream of becoming the single greatest swordsman in existence simply because he couldn’t win a battle. Losing is an option but for him, it is meant to be the last option and only preferable to death. He lives by the code that all swordsman from his homeland live by; a cut to one’s back is dishonorable if it is received by running away. Once his loyalty is earned, he can be the most trustworthy man there is. Status: Location; unknown believed to be alive and well. Home Island/Sea: Tagimusha Island, Island of Samurai, North Blue Sea History: Ahio is the youngest son of Higara Pardol of Tagimusha Island and the only one to be trained by the man known for fighting with two swords. From the time Ahio was strong enough to life a wooden sword he was trained to live by the standards of his people. “It is not the strength of the sword but the strength of the man wielding it which will determine the outcome of a battle.” For nearly twelve years these words were ingrained into Ahio by his father during training. His body and mind would lend strength to the blades he wields instead of relying on the strength of the blade to support him. A swordsman who relies on the blade is just as likely to fail as his steel is after using it too much. But, Ahio would not last long in his father’s care for old man Higara was dying and it would cause the greatest change in the young boys life. A few months before Ahio was to leave for the outside world, Higara died and gave him the greatest will the young man could ever receive. He came into possession of the Goro Goro no Mi which his father had received as payment a long time ago and was given his father’s swords, Jigon and Migurashi. Upon consuming the Goro Goro no Mi, Ahio became a man of lightning but has not quite developed the best control over his powers. Since then, he has arrived at an island near Reverse Mountain with hopes of setting off on an adventure to master his powers and become the greatest swordsman ever. Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi, the Rumble-Rumble fruit. The Rumble fruit allows Ahio to become a lightning human, though he hasn’t quite begun to gain the control required to stay in his lightning form yet. Having only possessed the fruit for about two or three months, he is unsure of time span really, Ahio doesn’t quite possess the control to not cause massive damage to the surroundings and innocents around him properly. The longest Ahio has used his lightning form was thirteen minutes and even then it was unstable past ten minutes. Alternatively, he can turn his forearms into lightning and ‘throw’ blades of lightning. These blades travel around two to three meters with dissipating power after the first meter. Fighting Style: Primary: Nitoryu, two-sword style •Two Sword Style: Pin Strike, Rather than using the full blade of his katanas, Ahio uses only the the tip of the blades to stab quickly as if using a rapier. •Two Sword Style: Bolt, Using the Goro Goro fruit in tandem with his katanas, Ahio circulates lightning into the metal of the blades and can launch it for about two feet. •Two Sword Style: Bull Charge, Ahio rushes towards his opponent with his blades set parallel to each other. Secondary: Goro Goro no Mi, Rumble- Rumble fruit •Rumble Rumble: Discharge(Hōshutsu), By focusing the powers of his rumble fruit into the tips of his swords or finger, Ahio can launch miniature bolts of lightning. •Rumble Rumble: Twenty Bolt Strike, By using his blades in conjunction with his lightning powers, Ahio can launch twenty lightning blade with ease. Though, this attack isn’t very strong as the charge put into each blade is generally very low. •Rumble Rumble: Thrown Lightning(Sōn shōmei), Ahio focuses his powers into his forearms and hands and ‘throws’ blades of lightning at the opponent. •Rumble Rumble: Lightning Blade, The Lightning blade is the pinnacle of Ahio’s current mastery of his powers. By assuming his state of lightning, Ahio can effectively be both a weapon and the fighter. In this state he forms two swords of lightning and use them as weapons instead of his actual blades. Ahio has used four lightning blades in his lightning form before but they drastically reduced his time in the form to five minutes. Ship Position: Brawler Bounty: 0
M a r x o Marxo a repris conscience et est retourné à son siège. Il ne pouvait pas tout à fait comprendre ce qui l'avait pris en charge. Peu de temps après, deux femmes se sont approchées de la table où Nabil et lui-même résidaient. Le premier était ce qui semblait être le Su Chef de la Rusty Wench. Il semblait qu'elle venait porter des cadeaux ou peut-être quelqu'un d'autre de la nourriture, mais qui était Marxo pour nier ici. Il savait déjà que Nabil n'aurait pas de querelle sur le pain qu'il venait de commander. Au lieu de cela, ils recevraient du filet et du saumon. Ils n'avaient qu'à jouer le rôle. Oui. Content que tu sois venu quand tu l'as fait. Mon ami est très impatient en ce qui concerne la nourriture. Voyez que nous n'avons pas mangé dans ce qui semble être des âges. Je ne voudrais pas le mettre en colère. », a répondu poliment Marxo à la femme alors qu'elle commençait à s'asseoir les assiettes devant un étrange duo. Jusqu'à présent, Nabil avait été plutôt assez. Ce Marxo a été stupéfait. Il n'était pas habitué à parler. La femme suivante qui s'est approchée était en fait une surprise. Il s'est avéré que c'était la petite fille Marxo qui avait ouvertement manqué de respect il y a un instant. Ce qui l'a surpris encore plus, c'est la ligne d'interrogation. Il a répondu par deux questions. Eh bien petite dame, qu'est-ce qui vous différencie du reste de ces esprits brisés et qu'y aurait-il pour nous?
Marxo St. Laurant Height/Weight: 6’1, 160lbs Age:19 Personality: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. Home Island/Sea: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue History: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. “Your next.”, he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. Fruit: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers.
"Le Docteur Accidentement Macabre et la Taverne Rowdy" Marcher à travers la ville était une vue assez particulière, eh bien, pas pour ce monde. Un homme assez court avec une peau pâle mortelle avec un manteau qui semblait être usé et ancien, comme s'il était un voyageur intemporel. Certains ont fait place à lui alors qu'il marchait dans les rues, ses yeux cramoisi inclinés regardant comme les gens l'évitaient comme la peste, tout en se demandant: "...Je-je ne sens pas si mauvais, n'est-ce pas? J'ai lavé ce manteau hier..." Et c'était vrai. Son manteau sale sentait en effet le tissu adoucissant et la lavande, si jamais si légèrement. Une petite fille qu'il passait dans les bras de sa mère, alors qu'il ressentait une douleur dans la gorge. "M-M-M-Peut-être que je suis juste cr-cr-creepy," a-t-il pensé, avant de disséquer dans une ruelle, pour aller accroupir dans un coin, découragé de son manque de compétences sociales. Le médecin court passerait une bonne demi-heure là-bas, en trouvant un chat à l'air plutôt affamé à caresser, avant de partir pour reconstituer son approvisionnement en vodka. Il a plutôt bien fonctionné comme un désinfectant bon marché, bien qu'un désinfectant douloureux. Près d'une femme qui semblait donner gratuitement des pichets d'ale, il s'arrêta sur son talon, son capot et son masque couvrant encore la plus grande partie de son visage alors qu'il lui demandait: «... Quelle est votre protection contre l'alcool?» alors qu'il regardait à juste titre la bière, ramassant à peine son bégaiement assez vite pour rendre l'oreille difficile. "S'il vous plaît ne pensez pas que je suis flippant..." il plaidait mentalement, voyant accidentellement la dame aux cheveux roses alors qu'il attendait sa réponse. En regardant l'autre personne qui était là, un pêcheur, il a remarqué quelque chose de très faible et très rapide. Peut-être était-ce le léger retard que l'on pouvait avoir lorsqu'on réagissait avec une partie du corps blessée, ou l'odeur distincte des bandages sur une blessure sanglante, mais il se sentait obligé de demander: "A-A-A-Êtes-vous blessé? Je suis médecin," alors qu'il se moquait nerveusement. Ce poissonnier était grand, et RIPPED. Et il avait une épée. Peut-être qu'il aurait dû la fermer et prendre l'alcool libre. "S'il te plaît, ne pense pas que je suis créepie!"il a crié mentalement, regardant l'homme-poisson avec des yeux accidentellement intenses.
Name: Leonard Siegfriedt Appearance: (Ignore the gun, his pansy ass probably couldn't even lift it) Height/Weight: 5’2, 112 lbs. Age: 19 Personality: While Leonard may seem like a rather grim person, that’s just a misconception most people would get from his clothing. He’s actually rather shy, and tries to hide as much of himself from others as he can, hence the hood and the faceguard. He’s actually a lot nicer than you’d take him for, difficult to anger and easy to please. As a doctor, he believes it to be his duty to help the unwell, and can’t stand to see people suffer when he can do something to help. Even though he has Hypochondriasis. Home Island: North Blue, Principality of Eurijk History: To understand why Leonard is the way he is, it’s more important to know who his parents were, or rather, parent. A woman by the name of Charlotte Siegfriedt, infamously known as the Plague Woman. A person who consumed a rather odd Devil-Fruit by the name of the Toru-Toru no Mi, the Thieving fruit. Despite the powerful nature of the fruit, Charlotte solely used the innately malicious power of the fruit to, rather than steal things such as other’s organs or lives, instead stole from them their ailments, their weariment, their sickness, and their afflictions. Truly a saint, Charlotte traveled the world, willing to help whoever she could save by using her own body as the host for innumerable viruses. Doing so was no easy task for her, however. The pain was unbearable at times, with several fevers racking her body every week, sometimes hitting at the same time. Were it not for her strong conviction to help others, she likely would have died in her sleep countless times. Naturally, carrying that many ailments would shorten one’s lifespan dramatically, and as such, she was fated to die by the age of 30, if not sooner. Doing what she could with her remaining time, she travelled the North Blue, where she was already infamous for having eliminated the lethal Muave Pox that spread through it years before; infamous for being the only known carrier of it. As such, she was shunned and nearly stoned to death several times, resulting in the loss of one of her eyes. From there, Leonard isn’t sure of how he came to be. He isn’t sure who his father is, or how an infant was able to be born without getting deathly ill from a woman like his mother. But what he did know was that his mother was dying every moment he was with her. It was a terrifying experience for the boy, knowing that his mother would die soon. But he never expected the day she would leave their make-shift home in the middle of the swamp-land region of Eurijk. Without a word of goodbye besides a letter telling Leonard to live honestly, his mother vanished. Sailing off to sea, she perished in the middle of the sea somewhere, her body drifting to the bottom of the sea with her host of plagues. Terribly saddened and alone, Leonard soon declined into depression, cursing the world that there was never anyone who could cure his mother of her illnesses. Now alone in the world, Leonard studied tirelessly to perfect medicines of his own concoction, using himself and various animals around the area to test his brews. One of those concoctions also happened to nearly blow his entire home to pieces, resulting in the left side of his face to be burned quite severely. Years later, without a penny to his name, he set off into the world to cure the incurable, more than aware of his dream being absolutely ridiculous. But then...a world free of sickness never was his own dream. It was his mother’s. Fighting Style: Do No Harm Despite his Hippocratic Oath, Leonard understands perfectly well that in this violent world, conflict is inevitable. While not a proficient hand-to-hand fighter, he has the knowledge required to dislocate someone’s bones if given enough of an opening, as well as having amazingly precise and steady hands. Combined with his accurate vision, he is able to throw scalpels like throwing knives with a great deal of precision. Crew Position: Doctor Bounty: 0 Others: Wears his faceguard more to hide his face than to keep from catching something, despite his frightfully strong immune system. While he does have the potential to have rather strong Observation Haki, he is currently unaware of Haki's existence, and has no idea how to use it. Character Theme
Able n'a pas été surpris par la réaction d'Amelia, leur n'est pas beaucoup de pêcheurs autour de cette zone. Il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de rire de ses excuses. Peu de gens se prosterneront devant un pêcheur. « Vos excuses sont acceptées et appréciées. Cependant, il est également inutile que peu de pêcheurs vivent ici et je ne m'attends pas à ce que quelqu'un ait une réponse normale à ma course. » Il saisit la tasse et prend un bref reniflement, il sent l'alcool et manque l'odeur typique du poison. Il ne s'attendait pas au poison, mais vous ne pouvez jamais en être sûr. L'arôme sent vraiment bon et sa bouche commence à arroser en prévision. Alors qu'il met la tasse à ses lèvres, il remarque Ahio tasse attraper sur le feu. Il pourrait dire qu'il est un utilisateur de fruits de diable.Judging par son langage de corps il semble que c'était involontaire, peut-être qu'il n'avait pas encore le contrôle de ses pouvoirs. Able a pris note de cela cependant, il a cette grande odeur de bière à boire. Il commence à prendre une gorgée et soudain d'autres peuvent voir ce qui ressemble à une petite pause.Puis soudain il descend la bière en quelques secondes il claque la tasse vers le bas pour montrer son approbation de la bière. « Par les mers, je n'ai jamais goûté une bière aussi exceptionnelle, ce que je dois savoir, en fait j'en voudrais deux de plus! » Il n'a pas été en mesure de retenir son excitation la bière a apporté une grande joie, voyant qu'il n'a rien bu, mais ce qu'il ne peut décrire que comme de l'eau de pisse. Il a mis 1800 Beli sur la table, puis remarque Leonard. La première chose dont Able a pris note était son langage corporel ovin. Cela pourrait être parce qu'un requin poissonnier de 9 pieds de haut se tient au milieu de la rue. Leonard n'a pas l'air hostile quand il a posé des questions sur les bandages d'Able. Able a seulement souri et a dit "Merci pour l'offre, mais je ne suis pas blessé." Ce qui est vrai, les bandages cachent seulement la marque du Dragon Céleste sur sa poitrine gauche. Hmm un docteur qu'on pourrait en utiliser un pour l'équipage. Il a ensuite dit: "Je connais cependant quelqu'un qui pourrait avoir besoin de l'aide de quelqu'un de vos talents. Une fois que j'aurai mes deux autres tasses, nous irons la voir. Vous deux devriez suivre, défiantement vous brasser vendeur parce que vous pouvez gagner plus d'argent" Les deux il a parlé de Ahio, et Amelia.
Name: Ableyo Samenoken Appearance: Height/Weight:9'6/230' Age:24 Personality: Despite his tormented life Ableyo always seems to be optimistic and always looking forward to a brighter future. His training as a child made him into a very disciplined person and usually comes off as rude due to his straight forward attitude. Ultimately he is kind and can be seen as a father figure as he always willing to lend anyone advice if he can give it. Due to recent events in his life he has tried to ultimately relax and live life to its fullest for life is short. He usually spend his days training, meditating or other hobbies like writing. Despite what others have done to him he does not harbor any ill will to other races, as he knows not everyone carry the sins of their own kind. Their are some times though were he haunting memories comes back and this usually appears when he is holding his left side of his chest. Home Island/Sea: Wano Country History: Ableyo grew up in the Wano Country in a respected fishmen clan known as the Samenoken (Translate to Shark Sword). Their they taught him everything he needed to know about being a Samurai but he had no interest, and practiced half heartily despite the disapproval of his clan. One day when Ableyo was 12 his clan was attacked by a crew of pirates/slavers. He saw his own friends and family killed in front of him, and he tried to fight back but he was to weak. That night only a handful of the clan managed to escape, Ableyo however was not so lucky. He was sold at the highest bitter and began working as a slave for a Celestial Dragon. He was branded on his left chest even to this day the pain is still there. Once the Celestial Dragon was finished with him he was sold for dirt cheap to work as manual labor. Each day the memories of his clans destruction still vivid in his mind and he vowed to never allow that to happen again, so whenever he could he trained. For once took his training seriously with a strong goal fueling his resolve. Ultimately events happen to were he was able to escape his slavery and join Nikko, but all that is a story for another day. Fruit: Too awesome for fruit powers Fighting style: He uses a one sword fighting style usually with two hands unless he needs his left hand for something punching or grabbing something. The Samenoken swordsmanship relies on finding a opening in a opponents defense and unleashing a brutal attack when that opening is found. So when it looks like he is outmatched it really is him looking for a opportunity to strike. All techniques are much stronger in water as with most fishman fighting styles. * Sudden dash: Its a stepping technique were the user can bolt forward at incredible speeds, even when the user is not in motion. This is the foundation for most of the Samenoken fighting style. * Shark Leap strike: Once the user see a opening in the opponents defense the user uses Sudden dash along with a horizontal or vertical strike. The sudden speed from the dash gives this strike a ton of brute power. * One slash many strikes : A strike attack that uses the concept of Sudden Dash but with their arms not their legs. Doing so allows the user to make multiple attacks so quick it looks like one strike. Right now the user can only use a maximum of three strikes. * Launching water missile : The user strikes so the moisture or body of water in the area compresses to become a projectile weapon. This attack is weaker with less water in the area. * The water hypnosis trance: a type of trance a user puts himself in, in order to fool his body into thinking its under water by using the moisture around him. It increases his physical abilities and endurance but sadly lasts only a few minutes, upon which he can not do it again unless the user risks damages to his psyche. Completely useless in the desert. Ship Positions: 1st Mate Bounty: 0
C'est Nabil. Nabil attendait patiemment que la nouvelle serveuse approche. Dans ses mains était bien sûr un plateau étranger, un éventail de nourriture qu'il n'avait pas commandé mais qui prendrait sûrement. Un froncement dérisoire s'est formé sur ses lèvres comme Marxo l'a expliqué à un tee. C'était assez laid de lui refuser sa nourriture et était l'un des moyens les plus rapides de l'énerver. Il avait déjà brûlé tout un restaurant pour la même raison. Maintenant que j'y repense, je le regrette en quelque sorte. Ils avaient une sacrée bonne casserole. Alors que les plaques étaient placées sur la table de shabby, Nabil creusa dans l'eau libre. Sa bouche pleine, il a complètement ignoré les femmes elfiques odieux. Bien que ses mots lui soient entrés dans la tête, il avait décidé que son offre était... ininspirante. Oui, c'était le mot qu'il pensait. Une fois que Marxo a exprimé une certaine forme d'intérêt pour sa proposition, il a regardé l'homme de son repas. Il ne tenterait pas de l'arrêter s'il voulait la rejoindre. Mais en même temps, ce serait triste de perdre quelqu'un de confiance. Des amis comme ceux-là étaient difficiles à trouver. Juste après la question de Marxo, Nabil s'assit dans sa chaise, posa un bras sur la table, et regarda la femme avec des yeux à pans morts. Tu n'en vaux pas la peine. C'est le problème. Te battre ne ferait que me faire mal demain matin. Et toi, t'es cousue de lit. Je te suggère d'utiliser tes mots et pas ton poing, ma fille. Se déguiser n'est pas un moyen de gagner du respect.
Name: Nabil "The Calm" Valley Height/Weight: 5’9” / 142lbs Age: 18 The alias “The Calm” was given to Nabil due to his infallible ability to seem un-phased by most antagonist. Some assume that he hides an intelligence behind this composed wall. Those are lies. He is as smart as the next man, maybe a bit more so, but that’s mainly due to his innate caution. He knows when to shut his mouth and when to speak out against others. In that aspect, he travels in a gray area. Where one person’s reality is not his own, but instead an adjacent to what could have been. In other words, he attempts to empathize with others. His love for the sea is directly tied to his extensive love for freedom, which contradicts his abnormal caution. Home Island/Sea: Provestal Island. The son of two Marines, it was very unlikely that Nabil would later become a pirate. In fact, his parent’s loving nature left little to be desired. When the two were deployed, expecting to be gone for several years, he was sent to live with distant relatives on Provestal Island. A quaint, small place where a unnerving calm saturated the air. On the island he explored the deep woods that surrounded the small town. Finding interest in the giant wild life and floral. He couldn’t understand it for the longest, unwilling to show his ignorance he would remain that way for several months. When he finally asked his aunt and cousin, they explained that the oxygen levels on the island was abnormally high. He took those words to face value and continued finish his breakfast, a rather calm fascination now inside of him. By the age of thirteen, Nabil had seemingly become the living force of Provestal Isle’s calm. Though many had resided on the isle, not many could match his level of tranquil. When others were too afraid to enter the force, he would walk through the greenery, alongside the giant beasts, and gaze at the crater in its center. Every day he returned there, he felt the urge to delve inside grow stronger. It was like the sound of the careening waterfall hitting the dark bottom was a calling card. It beckoned for him to adventure below but caution staid his descent. At the age of fifteen, Provestal Isle was visited by a band of pirates. They washed ashore on a broken and shattered boat, the captain deeply worried about his crew. The island offered them shelter for three nights. Those three nights were filled with stories of stormy adventures and fanciful tales of the unnatural. Needless to say, Nabil was enticed by them. On the fourth night, the Marines surrounded the isle with a fleet of ranked officers. The Pirate Captain, who expressed his desire to not tangle the island up in his affairs had decided to give himself up. He left with his crew moments later. An hour had peacefully passed before cannon fire had begun to rain down. A scarce group of the pirates returned in tears, warning that the marines was going to kill them all, despite their surrender. Behind them, the marines trampled forward. Nabil and his cousin, along with others, were told to retreat to the forest. To let the beasts protect them as a last resort. As Nabil guided his cousin to the crater, he could hear the cries of villagers as some of the beasts prowled on them. Dark smoke soon billowed from the tree line, orange heat lined its treetops. Nabil believed his cousin and himself to be safe. That was until canon fire came dangerously close to them. Fear led him to trying to convince his cousin to dive into the crater with him; the promise of water below was not enough though. The boy, who was supposed to jump on three with him, had stayed on top, where canon fire had seared his face and tossed him out of sight. At the bottom of the cavern spring, Nabil immediately swore vengeance on the Marines. He followed the water to the mouth of the island, one that led out into the ocean. Once he returned back to the shore, he witnessed the pirate captain shackled and ready to be inhumanly executed. Nabil realized that the majority of the Marines had left during his long stay in the cavern and that only a few was left. He would have heroically saved the guy, if he had been so afraid. He was shot several times in the head before finally being left alone. Nabil waited until nightfall, when the sea was quiet and empty till he finally approached. The captain was dead but the beach was littered with members of his crew. As Nabil walked through, a bloodied hand grabbed him and instructed, with vexation in his voice, to avenge them. With that in mind, he told Nabil the location of a treasure near the inn in the village. The village was burned to the ground and Nabil had all but given up hope on finding anyone alive. They all had bullets in them, one for each alive he figured. Once to the treasure chest, he found a fruit inside. He bit it after a bit of hesitance and after spitting it out, found out it was a devil fruit. He became a 10,000 degrees human. Years later and he had become a pirate, one hell bent on getting in the marines way. Usually his actions were small, intervening with rookie marines in small towns and allowing the escape of other pirates. Though recently he hijacked a marine ship and sailed it to Reverse Mountain. Devil Fruit: Atsu Atsu no Mi (Hot Hot Fruit) Fighting style: Direct and brutish, Nabil fights in conjunction with his Hot Hot Fruit abilities. Landing searing blows and burning away those that stand in his way. He seems to know some form of martial arts, as he often lowers into a stance when fighting one on one. With all the potential of a Supenova. Nabil has the possibility to use Observation Haki, Arms Haki, and Conquerors Haki. Though these have not been explored and largely unseen. He will need immense training to bring these out of himself. Atsu Atsu no Spears Nabil shapes the heat that fumes from his body into several needles. He launches these needles at the speed of a musket's bullet and pierces those he's up against. With a cold calculation, he uses this technique to take out mass armies of weaklings. Though fast and effective, it pretty easy to dodge if you're perceptive. Ship Positions: - 10,000,000
M a r x o Avant que la dame elfique ne puisse répondre, Marxo sentit ce ton déplaisant dans la voix de ses partenaires. Il a deviné que Nabil pensait qu'il prenait la femme au sérieux, mais après tout qui pouvait avec une telle vue qu'elle avait causé. Marxo n'aimait pas la pensée de Nabil décevant. Il a immédiatement retiré sa première réponse. D'autre part, il me semble que Nabil n'aime pas votre proposition. Pour être franc, j'ai été autour de mon partenaire si longtemps il est difficile de ne pas être d'accord avec lui. Je pense que je vais devoir te laisser tomber petite dame facile. Il ressort de votre explosion aléatoire que Nabil est tout à fait correct. Vous semblez être plus d'ennuis que vous en valez la peine. Avec cette remarque Marxo s'est assoupli dans sa chaise. En ce moment, il a remarqué la fille le taquinant du coin de l'œil et cela lui a fait rire un peu à l'intérieur. Pendant que Nabil emparait son visage, Marxo attendait calmement son alcool. Il n'aurait plus rien à dire au jeune pirate. Il n'a vraiment pas vu où ils s'inscrivaient sur un bateau pirate mal adapté avec un elfe, un garçon requin, et une petite fille impolie. Nabil ne semblait pas vouloir le savoir non plus. Marxo s'est senti accompli avec sa décision et son choix de mot, même s'ils étaient basés sur une autre pensée. L'autre est son seul ami pour l'instant. Comment oserait-il tourner le dos à Nabil? Il ne pouvait pas. Ça ne semblait pas juste s'ils étaient séparés. Après avoir réfléchi pendant quelques secondes, Marxo s'est rendu compte qu'il n'avait pas bu ou fumé. Oh, ça n'a pas marché. Excusez-moi serveuse, j'ai encore besoin de mes boissons et que ces fumeurs. , son ton semble léger et ludique mais honnêtement Marxo commençait à s'impatienter à nouveau. Il sourit alors qu'il parlait, pour ne pas ressembler à l'enfoiré de tout à l'heure. À chaque seconde, une envie de tout détruire sur une cigarette lui cinglait l'esprit comme un bétail fraîchement chauffé.
Marxo St. Laurant Height/Weight: 6’1, 160lbs Age:19 Personality: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. Home Island/Sea: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue History: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. “Your next.”, he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. Fruit: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers.
Cuisinière névrosée. C'est un chasseur de couteaux sans déconnexion. Un marchand paranoïaque. Nyx s'intéresse à la mention d'un équipage et à la possibilité d'aventure, c'est-à-dire jusqu'à ce qu'elle voie qui a fait l'offre. Elle sourit en fausse politesse à la dame qui était venue. "Excusez-moi, mais je dois vous demander de prendre vos affaires ailleurs. Vous avez rendu inconscients quatre de mes clients et, dans une tentative désespérée de garder les conscients trempés », dit-elle aux hommes à table. "J'ai dû leur donner des plats qui auraient autrement été gaspillés en raison de vos actions. La seule chose que je déteste plus que de donner de la nourriture, c'est la gaspiller. Maintenant, si vous voulez bien m'excuser, ces patients messieurs ont demandé à boire, et vu comme le reste du personnel est en train de cracher dans la peur, je dois aussi jouer au barman." Nyx se retourne vers le duo, sort une petite boîte de cigares et la pose. "Que voulez-vous boire, M. Marxo, M. "Nabil?"
Name: Nyx Height/Weight: 5'6"/140lbs Age: 23 Personality: Being an only child, Nyx had to keep herself entertained when her parents weren't around. That caused her to become adventurous and have a thirst for knowledge. She can be over dramatic at times, border lining neurotic, but for the most part she is upbeat. Her main flaw is her impulsive, reckless decision-making-skills, caused by her impatience. Despite her being a risk-taker, Nyx has a constant paranoia due to her partial-deafness, and is constantly looking over her shoulder. Quirks: Nyx has and annoying habit of clicking her tongue when she's waiting for something, along with an overall fidgety nature. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: Nyx isn't sure where she hails from, all she knows is she was found in a lifeboat with three others aboard the same ship when it went down. Her adoptive father and his crew came across the survivors while trawling, and the only one conscious told him that they were attacked while crossing the East Blue. By what, or whom, is unclear, as all three men were pronounced dead by the time they reached land. Nyx was diagnosed with Scarlett Fever shortly after being taken in by her new family, but she pulled through, although suffering permanent damage to her hearing. She grew up on a small island, out of the way from pretty much anything, so life was pretty dull. She worked with her adoptive mother as a cook, and sometimes with her fisherman of a dad, until she was 17 and a position opened up on a merchant ship for a chef. Her parents supported her decision to leave, knowing that adventure was something Nyx had always fantasized about. She keeps a picture of them in her pocket watch, and vows to return once she's seen every corner of the four seas. Fighting style: Nyx is proficient in Dambe, as her father and his crew taught Nyx how to fend for herself. With weapons, she prefers small blades a foot or shorter in length. She uses her culinary knowledge to concoct poisons, and is also a bit of a pyrotechnic. Ship Positions: Chef Bounty: 0
Éventueux. J'ai bourdonné une voix de plus en plus loin dans la taverne. Un jeune garçon assis seul à une table à l'arrière, il y avait plusieurs bouteilles vides sur lui; non pas son fait bien sûr, mais qui que ce soit avait certainement une constitution forte. Ou pas. Ce n'était pas vraiment l'inquiétude du garçon. Le trait le plus particulier qu'avait le garçon était certainement son dos; il avait des ailes, assez grandes pour être visibles, mais pas assez grandes pour voler. Quelques personnes avaient pris des regards, mais la plupart l'ont joué comme une sorte de cosplay, beaucoup à son vexation. Le garçon était simplement connu sous le nom de « sans pays », et jusqu'à présent il avait été témoin de la création d'un stand de recrutement, quelques-uns (bien qu'il ne l'ait pas exactement appelé), de la fuite d'une table, d'un défi (dont il ne s'est pas occupé) qui s'est transformé en une série de combats, dont la rousse semblait gagner. Beaucoup n'étaient pas dans la mer bleue depuis trop longtemps, environ une semaine. Il était en quelque sorte perdu après que l'oiseau de quatre longueurs l'ait déposé et s'est enfui quelque part. C'était sa première impression de tavernes de la mer Bleue - qui ne différait pas en fait des tavernes de Skypiean qu'il avait été avant (à l'exception de toute la table dans le plafond). Bien sûr, il n'avait pas vraiment l'intention de s'impliquer dans la bagarre. Ses armes étaient un peu dangereuses à utiliser à l'intérieur. Au lieu de cela, il a juste continué à regarder, laissant couler l'absurdité de la situation.
'Multi-Shot' Countless Height/Weight: 5'4 / 65kg (143.3lbs) Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Birkan Personality: Countless tends to be quite calm inside and outside of combat, and is difficult to surprise. He is quite appreciative of many things he finds in the Grand Line, as he comes from the sky islands and many of the things found in the Grand Line do not exist there. He approaches most of his problems through thinking and strategy, rather than charging in recklessly as some of his crewmates do; showing some level of heightened intelligence which befits his role as a non-physical, strategic fighter. Countless is a specialized inventor, and is very capable when his tinkering involves either Sky Warfare weaponry, or creating objects and devices with Dials, but that is the limit of his tinkering knowledge. Countless is fairly prideful of his heritage as a Birkan, and gets irritated when people mistake his wings for a Zoan Devil Fruit power, or some kind of cosplay. As with all denizens of Skypiea, Countless shares their strange tendencies and words. He still refers to dirt as vearth, and Kenbunshoku Haki as Mantra; he also greets people with "Heso." For some reason, he sometimes mixes up the placement of words in a sentence. Normally when he's repeating some kind of proverb, like "The greener is grass on the other side." In a group, he takes the role of a 'deadpan snarker', and is normally the voice which points out flaws during discussions. He's also prone to feeling like the only sane person in the group, while simultaneously ignoring his own outlandish feats. In spite of this, he is loyal to the crew, and makes a conscious effort to be of use to them... Within reason. Home Island/Sea: Skypiea, Grand Line History: For as long as he could remember, Countless was surrounded by the works of his parents. Before he was born, they had left the isle of Birka: a land of warriors, in favour of the more peaceful Sky Island of Skypiea. They had once joined the ranks of the Divine Squad, a military which served under the current "God of Skypiea." However, they eventually left these ranks in favour of a less restricted profession. They both became Bounty Hunters, but Countless' father also became a Dialer, and began to create Dial-based inventions alongside Skypieans. Countless was always surrounded by the Dial-based devices and weapons, and was taught how to use some of them, alongside learning the methods of combat to be expected from a Bounty Hunter. His eyesight had been noted to be above average among the other children of Skypiea; when he walked around Skypiea's beaches, he would constantly point at things somewhat close to the horizon that were difficult to see, and would describe them with relative ease. Taking advantage of his gift, his parents taught him how to use ranged weaponry and artillery, almost completely ignoring the idea of melee weaponry - save for an early version of an Impact Dial Gauntlet. As a result, Countless has little proficiency when it comes to fighting at close ranges. Years passed, and Countless had soon become one of the best snipers on the Sky Island, although it felt unfulfilling. Skypiea wasn't that large of an island, and there surely had to be much more than just the White Sea at the island's edge. In his earlier days, Countless had been told stories of the Blue Sea below, and how it was larger than the Sky Islands. The prospect of adventuring interested him, it would be a chance to hone his skills even further. Through the use of a four-length bird, Countless was able to travel from the sky, to the blue sea below. He had managed to get to the Grand Line this way, and had arrived at Reverse Mountain's Town of Contradiction. Devil Fruit: None. Fighting style: Marksmanship As the designated sniper and gunner, Countless is extremely proficient at operating firearms and artillery, being his main form of combat alongside Sky Warfare. Vision His eyesight is exceptional, and he is able to see over much longer distances than the average person. He is able to make out people on faraway ships with ease. Combined with his marksmanship aim, Countless becomes a deadly artillery user and sniper. Sky Warfare "On sky islands, battles are fought differently than down in the Blue Sea. Oftentimes, weapons are upgraded, or even combined, with Dials. This creates incredibly powerful weapons and combat styles, allowing for tactics that would otherwise be unachievable." Being from Skypiea, Countless is accustomed to the art of Sky Warfare, and commonly utilizes Dial-based equipment in order to create a fighting style that cannot be found within the Blue Sea. Sky Warfare is advantageous, as most people in the Blue Sea are not experienced with, or have even seen Dials before, let alone fighting against them. Countless is a bit reliant on these weapons for combat, as his physical strength isn't that amazing next to most pirates. Weapons: Buster Bazooka The signature weapon of Countless' own design. A bazooka which is unable to fire conventional ammunition, but is instead reliant on the type of Dial which is placed inside of its compartment. For example, having a Jet Dial inside would allow the weapon to fire a powerful gust of wind; enough to propel Countless into the air if he aimed it at his feet, or a Flame Dial grant the weapon the ability to fire bursts of flames. The compartment is relatively easy to access, and it accommodates most Dial types; it's relatively easy for Countless to switch out the Dials during combat as a result. Burst Boots Sky warfare boots which contain Jet Dials on their soles. Similarly to how installing Milky Dials on one's shoe souls would allow flight, the Burst Boots are able to fire bursts of air which propel Countless high upward. Unlike Milky Dial-based shoes, the Burst Boots do not allow flight: it instead bestows the user with a greater jump height. One drawback of the boots is the fact that they cannot account for the fall which takes place after one is in the air, but Countless has gotten used to crashing and falling onto things (particularly people) while using the boots. Unlike the Buster Bazooka, the Jet Dials within the Burst Boots cannot be removed. Gust Gauntlet Originally called God's Gauntlet, but Countless scrapped the name because it seemed too arrogant. Like his other Sky Warfare weapons, the Gust Gauntlet has a compartment in which it can hold various Dials, and changes its use based on which Dial is currently installed. In particular, the Impact Dial is a common choice for the Gust Gauntlet, although Countless tends to avoid using it due to the fact that he would have to be in melee range to do so. He frequently lends the Impact Gust Gauntlet to friends, since they normally can't handle its recoil, and it's kind of funny to watch. Dials: On his person, Countless only carries enough Dials to use in the Burst Bazooka and Gust Gauntlet. . Flame Dial . Flash Dial . Flavor Dial . Impact Dial . Jet Dial . Tone Dial . Water Dial Aside from that, Countless has some devices which run on more domestic Dials, such as a lamp which uses a...Lamp Dial, or an oven which uses a Heat Dial. With all these amounts of weaponry and devices, people tend to ask where he stores them. He doesn't know. Ship Positions: Marksman/Gunner Bounty: 0
Amélie Amelia était un peu revivifiée quand le pêcheur s'est avéré être plus amical qu'elle ne pensait alors qu'il acceptait ses excuses et la tasse de ses mains. Elle a serré les mains derrière son dos en regardant le poissonnier inspecter la bière de tout poison jusqu'à ce qu'il l'ait finalement enfoncé dans son système. Alors qu'elle attendait la réponse de ses deux clients assoiffés, elle se tourna vers une autre en questionnant sa bière avec un regard assez intense qui rendait Amelia un peu mal à l'aise. "Ma preuve?...Ah! Oui, bien sûr monsieur! Si ces deux messieurs derrière moi ne vous convainquent pas pour ma bière, alors vous pouvez vous sentir libre d'essayer le test de comparaison! Après avoir dégusté ma bière, vous remarquerez la grande différence de qualité par rapport à la bière arrosée que le 'Rusty Wench' sert! S'il vous plaît, prenez-en un et goûtez-en pour vous-même!" Elle a dit joyeusement et a pris une tasse en l'offrant au petit ninja, du moins c'est ce qu'elle pensait de lui dans sa petite imagination après avoir vu le masque du visage. Soudain, elle savait qu'il se passait quelque chose derrière son dos alors qu'elle tournait rapidement la tête, se contentant d'apercevoir que sa tasse était jetée dans la rue pendant qu'elle était en feu. Que s'est-il passé? Elle s'y tenait les yeux blancs d'une manière comique en attendant une explication des actions de l'homme. Amelia ne l'a pas tout à fait compris au début, mais elle a rappelé qu'il y avait des fruits du diable avec des pouvoirs inimaginables, c'était probablement l'un d'entre eux. "Ooooooh... je vois! Ma bière était si bonne qu'elle a pris feu! C'est délicieux! Content que tu l'aies tant aimée! » Elle a ri en achetant complètement dans le plan du jeune homme et a accepté son paiement collatéral. Peu de temps après, le Fishman complimenta sa bière et décida d'acheter deux autres de ses belles bières. Cela a apporté des larmes de joie aux yeux d'Amélia alors que son brassage était finalement reconnu. « Merci M. Fishman et M. Fireman! Tu ne sais pas combien ça compte pour moi!" Elle les a remerciés avec des larmes soudées dans ses yeux comme elle l'a fait en quelques minutes. Elle a pris deux tasses par la poignée avec sa main droite tout en tenant la tasse libre du ninja avec sa gauche, puis ses bras étendus à eux offrant leurs boissons. "Oh, mon nom est Amelia au fait! Je serai heureux de vous suivre, M. Fishman! » Elle a dit accepter son offre, pour le bien de plus d'argent pour améliorer ses compétences de brassage avec les meilleurs ingrédients.
Name: Amelia Mitsue Appearance: Height/Weight: 5'7” / 170cm and 120lbs / 54kg Age: 22 Personality: Amelia is a lively girl who always seem to have an innocent smile on her face. Her presence illuminates the room with kindness and welcomes people into her life with open arms. Her voice is angelic and speaks in a quiet tone most of the time. She would be the last person you'd expect a fight from due to her passive attitude. That is...until she gets a drop of alcohol on her lips. Then she would have a major personality shift. The happy go-lucky girl you knew would go into a drunken frenzy, smashing tables, breaking windows, and above all, she would have a frightening appetite. She is far more aggressive and rude in her drunken state as she will literally hit on the guys she comes across. When her buzz decreases, there's a small period of time where she is in between personalities thus becoming dull and boring, not even reacting to any comical attempts to get her to blink. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: When Amelia was a little girl, all she could remember was the tavern she grew up in. She remembers serving food, drinks, and hung out in the kitchen watching her father brew some delicious ale. She has never met her mother before, but her father would always tell her that her mother was busy advertising their tavern across the seas. In reality, her mother was an adventurous pirate. Her father kept the truth from her hoping that she wouldn't become like her mother. The time came when little Amelia was old enough to sail out on her own. She wanted to spread her family's ale across the seas and find her mother so they can meet at last. Fruit: None Fighting style: Drunken Combat: Amelia can only fight when she is intoxicated. Her strength and speed are enhanced along with reduced pain and numbness only in this state. She will feel the full effects when she is sober. Bushoshoku/Armament Haki: Amelia is capable of performing Bushoshoku haki, but only in her drunken state currently. Drunken Step- A technique that's always being used during her drunken state. This causes herself to become harder to read visually by 'blurring' herself with rapid movements of her body. Whenever she moves, she leaves behind a feint after image of herself that disappears no more than one second. Drunken Fists/Kicks- A simple kick or punch infused with haki for devastating results. Drunken Palms/Chops- An alternative she uses whenever punches do not work since it gives a wider reach. Drunken Toss- She simply grabs her target, spins around a couple times and tosses whatever she has violently into whatever the hell she wants. Drunken X-Chop- Possibly the only long ranged technique she knows. She positions her arms out in front to form an 'X' and swiftly slices the air to send a nicely x-shaped wind blade at her opponents. Ship Positions: Brewer Bounty: 0
"La preuve n'est pas dans la bière" Un regard blanc a traversé le visage de Leonard comme la femme a complètement mal compris ce qu'il demandait, à tel point qu'un homophone a été retiré complètement du crochet. Prenant un moment pour enlever son masque de visage, Leonard clarifie sa déclaration à la femme aux cheveux roses. "Um...T-Pour dire la vérité, je ne demandais pas à quel point c'était bon. Je-j'étais demander combien d'éthanol pur concentré est dans votre boisson." Bien que, maintenant qu'il y a pensé, la boisson sentait délicieux, la couleur glamour de l'ale semble l'appeler. Secouant la tête, il gratte le côté de sa joue non brûlée. "Je ne devrais pas... quelqu'un a besoin de moi quelque part par ici." Il se rappela alors qu'il se retournait vers l'homme-pêcheur. "Um...w-où est cette personne qui a besoin d'un médecin? J'ai mon équipement avec moi... » dit-il, toujours assez nerveux alors qu'il redressait la tasse sur la table sur laquelle la femme l'avait. Levant le côté gauche de son manteau, il montra à Abel que, doublés dans les différents sachets de fortune et poches qui tapissaient le couvercle intérieur étaient des seringues, scalpels, bouteilles de médicaments, paquets de divers mélanges de plantes, et même ce qui semblait être un bocal rempli de... quelque chose qui bougeait. "Ce n'est pas... pas beaucoup, mais je ferai ce que je peux."
Name: Leonard Siegfriedt Appearance: (Ignore the gun, his pansy ass probably couldn't even lift it) Height/Weight: 5’2, 112 lbs. Age: 19 Personality: While Leonard may seem like a rather grim person, that’s just a misconception most people would get from his clothing. He’s actually rather shy, and tries to hide as much of himself from others as he can, hence the hood and the faceguard. He’s actually a lot nicer than you’d take him for, difficult to anger and easy to please. As a doctor, he believes it to be his duty to help the unwell, and can’t stand to see people suffer when he can do something to help. Even though he has Hypochondriasis. Home Island: North Blue, Principality of Eurijk History: To understand why Leonard is the way he is, it’s more important to know who his parents were, or rather, parent. A woman by the name of Charlotte Siegfriedt, infamously known as the Plague Woman. A person who consumed a rather odd Devil-Fruit by the name of the Toru-Toru no Mi, the Thieving fruit. Despite the powerful nature of the fruit, Charlotte solely used the innately malicious power of the fruit to, rather than steal things such as other’s organs or lives, instead stole from them their ailments, their weariment, their sickness, and their afflictions. Truly a saint, Charlotte traveled the world, willing to help whoever she could save by using her own body as the host for innumerable viruses. Doing so was no easy task for her, however. The pain was unbearable at times, with several fevers racking her body every week, sometimes hitting at the same time. Were it not for her strong conviction to help others, she likely would have died in her sleep countless times. Naturally, carrying that many ailments would shorten one’s lifespan dramatically, and as such, she was fated to die by the age of 30, if not sooner. Doing what she could with her remaining time, she travelled the North Blue, where she was already infamous for having eliminated the lethal Muave Pox that spread through it years before; infamous for being the only known carrier of it. As such, she was shunned and nearly stoned to death several times, resulting in the loss of one of her eyes. From there, Leonard isn’t sure of how he came to be. He isn’t sure who his father is, or how an infant was able to be born without getting deathly ill from a woman like his mother. But what he did know was that his mother was dying every moment he was with her. It was a terrifying experience for the boy, knowing that his mother would die soon. But he never expected the day she would leave their make-shift home in the middle of the swamp-land region of Eurijk. Without a word of goodbye besides a letter telling Leonard to live honestly, his mother vanished. Sailing off to sea, she perished in the middle of the sea somewhere, her body drifting to the bottom of the sea with her host of plagues. Terribly saddened and alone, Leonard soon declined into depression, cursing the world that there was never anyone who could cure his mother of her illnesses. Now alone in the world, Leonard studied tirelessly to perfect medicines of his own concoction, using himself and various animals around the area to test his brews. One of those concoctions also happened to nearly blow his entire home to pieces, resulting in the left side of his face to be burned quite severely. Years later, without a penny to his name, he set off into the world to cure the incurable, more than aware of his dream being absolutely ridiculous. But then...a world free of sickness never was his own dream. It was his mother’s. Fighting Style: Do No Harm Despite his Hippocratic Oath, Leonard understands perfectly well that in this violent world, conflict is inevitable. While not a proficient hand-to-hand fighter, he has the knowledge required to dislocate someone’s bones if given enough of an opening, as well as having amazingly precise and steady hands. Combined with his accurate vision, he is able to throw scalpels like throwing knives with a great deal of precision. Crew Position: Doctor Bounty: 0 Others: Wears his faceguard more to hide his face than to keep from catching something, despite his frightfully strong immune system. While he does have the potential to have rather strong Observation Haki, he is currently unaware of Haki's existence, and has no idea how to use it. Character Theme
Polly Roger - La Taverne Rusty Wench Polly a pratiquement téléporté alors que la jeune fille de l'elfe la tapait, et a adressé une invitation à rejoindre son équipage. Pas de questions, même! Ah, il y en a vraiment un né chaque minute ~ Alors qu'elle avait confiance qu'elle pouvait s'occuper d'elle-même, Polly aimait un peu d'assurance. Je veux dire, et si elle était fatiguée en volant, ou quelque chose l'a frappée, et qu'elle allait sombrer dans l'océan? Et si ces histoires folles sur ce qui se passait sur la Grand Line n'étaient pas juste des exagérations par des perdants essayant de se faire paraître moins pathétiques pour abandonner? Avoir quelqu'un de fort autour de prendre soin de tout ce qui lui semblait plutôt avantageux, vraiment. Non seulement ça, mais dans le cadre d'une équipe, elle aurait sa part de butin... bien sûr, elle préférerait avoir tout ça pour elle-même, mais la vie c'est un compromis après tout. --Ah, oubliez ces losers, capitaine! Polly se moquait de cheveux noirs et de cheveux argentés alors qu'elle retombait dans une chaise. "Probablement juste un groupe d'enfants essayant d'avoir l'air durs! Probablement que tout le monde parle, tu sais? Je le vois tout le temps, les gamins qui pensent qu'ils seront le prochain roi pirate." L'ironie d'elle les appelait "enfants" alors qu'ils étaient clairement plus âgés qu'elle n'était pas perdue sur elle, mais elle essayait juste de les ridiculiser un peu. S'ils ne parlaient pas tous, alors hey, c'est un couple de boucliers de viande supplémentaires pour qu'elle se cache derrière. Et si sa haine avait raison, eh bien... Ils rencontreraient probablement le même sort que cette pauvre table, pas qu'elle s'en souciait. "...En tout cas, je ne pense pas que nous ayons été officiellement présentés, capitaine! C'est Polly! Polly Roger! ...mais, euh, pas que Roger, vous savez?" La dreadlocked fille se penchait en arrière dans son siège, l'aiguille de son Log Pose bombant autour tandis qu'elle étirait ses jambes.
Name: Polly Roger ("Not that Roger!"; she's not actually related to a certain Pirate King despite her surname, and gets a bit annoyed when people assume so.) Age: 16 Appearance: In her hybrid form. Her human form basically looks the same, but with human limbs; in both human and hybrid form she only stands at about 5'/152cm. In beast form she becomes a 6'/182cm tall parrot wearing a bandana. Personality: Chirpy and friendly, although this is mostly because it makes it easier for her to swindle you. Polly's pretty street smart, and whilst she's not always trying to con you it's best to keep your guard up around her lest your wallet goes missing. She's possessed of a great wanderlust, and has always wanted to see the world; being a pirate just seems to fit into this dream, although her penchant for theft kind of fits too. She prefers to sleep outside, where she can see the stars; her personal favourite spot is, naturally, the crow's nest. Home Island/Sea: Rogueport, East Blue. History: As an orphan growing up in an island full of cuthroats like Rogueport, there really wasn't much other option for Polly than to become a thieving street rat. Most of her childhood was spent evading what little authority existed on the island whilst stealing whatever she needed to survive (as well as a little extra to keep her comfy). Naturally, she always dreamed of one day leaving Rogueport; she felt like a bird in a cage, and wanted to stretch her at the time metaphorical wings and head out into the world, to see all the strange and exotic places she'd heard lay on the Grand Line. It was all just a dream for her, though, until one fateful day when she stole a bizarre looking fruit from a visiting pirate crew. Hungry (and wanting to dispose of the evidence), she bit into it, the horrid taste making her initially regret this... Until she noticed that her arms were now a pair of brightly coloured wings! She'd heard tales of the legendary Devil Fruits before, but never before had she thought she'd ever see one herself, let alone eat one... Quickly gathering whatever supplies she could fit into a shoulderbag, she bid farewell to Rogueport and, after a few attempts, took to the skies and headed off into the world... Fruit: Bird-Bird Fruit (Model: Parrot) - A Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to turn into a parrot, or a parrot-human hybrid. In hybrid form, Polly becomes a harpy-like creature, her arms becoming wings and her legs becoming talons. Zoan hybrids forms usually benefit from an increase in strength and Polly is no exception; specifically, her bird-limbs are much stronger than those of a human, and her talons are pretty sharp. Most notably is, of course, the ability to fly that her wings give her. In her beast form, she grows in height by about a foot and turns into a giant parrot; her strength is boosted even further, although she is still incredibly unused to this form and is rather clumsy when using it; because of this she prefers to use her smaller hybrid form. In all forms, she has exceptional eyesight, and can mimic the voices of anyone she's heard at least once before. Whilst she's currently unaware of it at the moment, Polly can talk to birds. Fighting style: Due to her notable lack of hands in both hybrid and beast forms, Polly's fighting style heavily revolves around using her legs; whilst her wings are strong, they lack dexterity and can really only be used to slap opponents. Due to her ability to fly, she usually stays above her opponent before diving down to attack when the opportunity presents itself. She has no formal training, however, and most of her knowledge of combat comes from what she learned on the streets and in bar fights; as such she can fight kind of dirty at times. Ship Positions: Navigator. Due to her Devil Fruit powers, she can easily fly off to scout ahead; in addition she has learned the basics of navigating from researching it herself in her youth, when she dreamed of heading off into the world. Bounty: 50,000, for petty larceny (redeemable only in Rogueport).
Ahio Ahio regarda droit dans les yeux du grand poissonnier et considéra l'invitation. L'homme, ou poisson, avait évidemment vu quelque chose qui l'avait fait vouloir Ahio mais il n'était pas sûr de tout ce que le pêcheur avait vu. C'était très probablement le fait que la tasse avait pris feu au moment où Ahio l'avait touché qui a donné ses pouvoirs. S'il avait un meilleur contrôle de ses fruits, il n'aurait pas été aussi évident, mais il n'aurait peut-être jamais reçu l'offre s'il ne l'avait pas fait lors d'un accident. Si le pêcheur était si disposé à offrir une position sur son navire si rapidement, alors qu'est-il arrivé à son ancien équipage? Il y avait trois sortes de personnes dans la ville: les gens qui avaient abandonné après être allés à la Grand Line, les gens qui allaient à la Grand Line, et ceux qui allaient essayer à nouveau. Le pêcheur n'avait pas l'air d'aller à la Grand Line puisqu'il donnait apparemment une aura de force qu'il n'avait pas ressentie de tout le monde. Si ça ne vous dérange pas que je vous demande, pourquoi cherchez-vous exactement un équipage? Vous n'êtes évidemment pas assez nouveau aux mers pour être à la recherche de votre premier lot, mais vous semblez trop disposé à nous inviter ici après seulement quelques minutes autour de nous. Je veux juste m'assurer que vous n'êtes pas susceptible de tourner la queue et courir sur nous quand la course devient difficile. Alors que la plupart des gens prenaient sa déclaration comme un coup de couteau à leur fierté ou à leur honneur, Ahio sentait que le pêcheur prendrait des mœurs comme une question normale pour poser un homme avant de devenir membre de leur équipage. Il était presque aussi naturel que de demander si un pain était fraîchement cuit ou s'il était assis autour pendant quelques heures.
Name: Ahio F. Pardol Nickname(s): None currently(To be developed as he becomes more well known) Gender: Male Age: 19 Height: 175cm(5’9) Weight: 91kg(201lbs) Personality: “Not every step along the way has to be calculate, sometimes you just feel that the next step is the right step without thinking.” Ahio is not the kind of man who falters when it comes acting and likes to put himself at odds with everybody even if it means fighting the world. He likes the challenge of proving people wrong, of proving that he can do anything and everything There is not a single instance in his life where Ahio has been forced to give up his dream of becoming the single greatest swordsman in existence simply because he couldn’t win a battle. Losing is an option but for him, it is meant to be the last option and only preferable to death. He lives by the code that all swordsman from his homeland live by; a cut to one’s back is dishonorable if it is received by running away. Once his loyalty is earned, he can be the most trustworthy man there is. Status: Location; unknown believed to be alive and well. Home Island/Sea: Tagimusha Island, Island of Samurai, North Blue Sea History: Ahio is the youngest son of Higara Pardol of Tagimusha Island and the only one to be trained by the man known for fighting with two swords. From the time Ahio was strong enough to life a wooden sword he was trained to live by the standards of his people. “It is not the strength of the sword but the strength of the man wielding it which will determine the outcome of a battle.” For nearly twelve years these words were ingrained into Ahio by his father during training. His body and mind would lend strength to the blades he wields instead of relying on the strength of the blade to support him. A swordsman who relies on the blade is just as likely to fail as his steel is after using it too much. But, Ahio would not last long in his father’s care for old man Higara was dying and it would cause the greatest change in the young boys life. A few months before Ahio was to leave for the outside world, Higara died and gave him the greatest will the young man could ever receive. He came into possession of the Goro Goro no Mi which his father had received as payment a long time ago and was given his father’s swords, Jigon and Migurashi. Upon consuming the Goro Goro no Mi, Ahio became a man of lightning but has not quite developed the best control over his powers. Since then, he has arrived at an island near Reverse Mountain with hopes of setting off on an adventure to master his powers and become the greatest swordsman ever. Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi, the Rumble-Rumble fruit. The Rumble fruit allows Ahio to become a lightning human, though he hasn’t quite begun to gain the control required to stay in his lightning form yet. Having only possessed the fruit for about two or three months, he is unsure of time span really, Ahio doesn’t quite possess the control to not cause massive damage to the surroundings and innocents around him properly. The longest Ahio has used his lightning form was thirteen minutes and even then it was unstable past ten minutes. Alternatively, he can turn his forearms into lightning and ‘throw’ blades of lightning. These blades travel around two to three meters with dissipating power after the first meter. Fighting Style: Primary: Nitoryu, two-sword style •Two Sword Style: Pin Strike, Rather than using the full blade of his katanas, Ahio uses only the the tip of the blades to stab quickly as if using a rapier. •Two Sword Style: Bolt, Using the Goro Goro fruit in tandem with his katanas, Ahio circulates lightning into the metal of the blades and can launch it for about two feet. •Two Sword Style: Bull Charge, Ahio rushes towards his opponent with his blades set parallel to each other. Secondary: Goro Goro no Mi, Rumble- Rumble fruit •Rumble Rumble: Discharge(Hōshutsu), By focusing the powers of his rumble fruit into the tips of his swords or finger, Ahio can launch miniature bolts of lightning. •Rumble Rumble: Twenty Bolt Strike, By using his blades in conjunction with his lightning powers, Ahio can launch twenty lightning blade with ease. Though, this attack isn’t very strong as the charge put into each blade is generally very low. •Rumble Rumble: Thrown Lightning(Sōn shōmei), Ahio focuses his powers into his forearms and hands and ‘throws’ blades of lightning at the opponent. •Rumble Rumble: Lightning Blade, The Lightning blade is the pinnacle of Ahio’s current mastery of his powers. By assuming his state of lightning, Ahio can effectively be both a weapon and the fighter. In this state he forms two swords of lightning and use them as weapons instead of his actual blades. Ahio has used four lightning blades in his lightning form before but they drastically reduced his time in the form to five minutes. Ship Position: Brawler Bounty: 0
Able regarde Leanord, et Amelia avec un sourire, il est heureux de voir ces deux sont coopératifs, rend les choses un peu plus faciles. Puis il entend la question d'Ahio, et a pris une seconde pour y réfléchir. Il a ensuite répondu: " C'est vrai, que je ne suis pas tout à fait nouveau dans la Grandline. Moi et mon capitaine Nikko sommes à la recherche d'un groupe prêt à nous suivre à l'enfer seulement connu sous le nom de Grandline, bien plus comme Paradise vraiment." Il se branle à sa propre blague bien que ce n'était pas vraiment drôle, puis il motions pour les trois à suivre. Amelia et Leanord le font depuis qu'ils ont accepté de le suivre, avant qu'il entre dans la Rusty Wench il dit à Ahio "Une fois que vous rencontrerez le capitaine, vous comprendrez que nous ne tournerons pas la queue et courir." Il entre dans la Rusty Wench et crie fort " Yo Nikko vient ici J'ai deux autres membres d'équipage " Il dit référencer Amelia et Leanord. Quand Nikko vient sur Able fourre une tasse de bière spéciale Amelia dans les mains de Nikko et dit "C'est les cheveux roses une application de l'équipe et d'un goût je suis sûr que vous serez d'accord qu'elle est acceptée" Il se tourne ensuite à maigre et dit "C'est celui que je parlais plus tôt, son nom est Nikko et elle souffre du syndrome soudain de chienne. Il s'agit d'une maladie d'une durée de vie qui a besoin d'une aide médicale constante. » Il a ensuite regardé par-dessus et a vu la fille de sous la table plus tôt et a dit " Ah voleur bon de voir que vous êtes encore autour. Tu vas aussi te joindre à moi?"
Name: Ableyo Samenoken Appearance: Height/Weight:9'6/230' Age:24 Personality: Despite his tormented life Ableyo always seems to be optimistic and always looking forward to a brighter future. His training as a child made him into a very disciplined person and usually comes off as rude due to his straight forward attitude. Ultimately he is kind and can be seen as a father figure as he always willing to lend anyone advice if he can give it. Due to recent events in his life he has tried to ultimately relax and live life to its fullest for life is short. He usually spend his days training, meditating or other hobbies like writing. Despite what others have done to him he does not harbor any ill will to other races, as he knows not everyone carry the sins of their own kind. Their are some times though were he haunting memories comes back and this usually appears when he is holding his left side of his chest. Home Island/Sea: Wano Country History: Ableyo grew up in the Wano Country in a respected fishmen clan known as the Samenoken (Translate to Shark Sword). Their they taught him everything he needed to know about being a Samurai but he had no interest, and practiced half heartily despite the disapproval of his clan. One day when Ableyo was 12 his clan was attacked by a crew of pirates/slavers. He saw his own friends and family killed in front of him, and he tried to fight back but he was to weak. That night only a handful of the clan managed to escape, Ableyo however was not so lucky. He was sold at the highest bitter and began working as a slave for a Celestial Dragon. He was branded on his left chest even to this day the pain is still there. Once the Celestial Dragon was finished with him he was sold for dirt cheap to work as manual labor. Each day the memories of his clans destruction still vivid in his mind and he vowed to never allow that to happen again, so whenever he could he trained. For once took his training seriously with a strong goal fueling his resolve. Ultimately events happen to were he was able to escape his slavery and join Nikko, but all that is a story for another day. Fruit: Too awesome for fruit powers Fighting style: He uses a one sword fighting style usually with two hands unless he needs his left hand for something punching or grabbing something. The Samenoken swordsmanship relies on finding a opening in a opponents defense and unleashing a brutal attack when that opening is found. So when it looks like he is outmatched it really is him looking for a opportunity to strike. All techniques are much stronger in water as with most fishman fighting styles. * Sudden dash: Its a stepping technique were the user can bolt forward at incredible speeds, even when the user is not in motion. This is the foundation for most of the Samenoken fighting style. * Shark Leap strike: Once the user see a opening in the opponents defense the user uses Sudden dash along with a horizontal or vertical strike. The sudden speed from the dash gives this strike a ton of brute power. * One slash many strikes : A strike attack that uses the concept of Sudden Dash but with their arms not their legs. Doing so allows the user to make multiple attacks so quick it looks like one strike. Right now the user can only use a maximum of three strikes. * Launching water missile : The user strikes so the moisture or body of water in the area compresses to become a projectile weapon. This attack is weaker with less water in the area. * The water hypnosis trance: a type of trance a user puts himself in, in order to fool his body into thinking its under water by using the moisture around him. It increases his physical abilities and endurance but sadly lasts only a few minutes, upon which he can not do it again unless the user risks damages to his psyche. Completely useless in the desert. Ship Positions: 1st Mate Bounty: 0
C'est Nabil. Nabil sourit peu avant de s'asseoir dans sa chaise, se contentant de la réponse de Marxo. Bien qu'il détestât admettre qu'il pouvait avoir influencé un autre, Nabil était toujours heureux du résultat. Ils étaient amis, c'était évident. Sans aucun regard ni aucun souci, Nabil a reconnu les mots de Polly avec un ronflement moqueur. Il l'avait vue plus tôt, dans le coin de ses yeux quand la table était retournée. Elle n'avait pas grand-chose à regarder. Pas une courbe ou une bosse sur elle n'importe où. Une des raisons pour lesquelles il ne l'avait pas épargnée un autre regard en premier lieu. Il a glissé les mains dans ses poches avant de bâiller, épargnant un coup d'œil à la serveuse. Maintenant, elle était facile sur les yeux. Quelque chose pour se divertir s'il s'ennuiait un jour. Bien sûr, cela ne se serait jamais produit avec Marxos et ses primes. Peut-être devrait-il commencer à recruter aussi. Rassemble un équipage pour lui-même. Ses yeux se fermèrent peu à peu avant de s'ouvrir au sol entre ses jambes, ses pensées s'orientaient actuellement vers son prochain raid maritime. Tout sauf de l'eau, il a répondu sous peu. Et laissez-les partir. Cette cabane semble avoir une infestation d'insectes. Tu crois, Marxo? Ils ne savent pas quand ils sont debout devant des monstres, il a dit avec un soupir, poussant son siège dehors et debout sans crainte de représailles. Il regarda vers la porte, regardant passer le pêcheur et vers l'éblouissant dehors. Le décor sombre avait d'une certaine façon amélioré la beauté à l'extérieur.
Name: Nabil "The Calm" Valley Height/Weight: 5’9” / 142lbs Age: 18 The alias “The Calm” was given to Nabil due to his infallible ability to seem un-phased by most antagonist. Some assume that he hides an intelligence behind this composed wall. Those are lies. He is as smart as the next man, maybe a bit more so, but that’s mainly due to his innate caution. He knows when to shut his mouth and when to speak out against others. In that aspect, he travels in a gray area. Where one person’s reality is not his own, but instead an adjacent to what could have been. In other words, he attempts to empathize with others. His love for the sea is directly tied to his extensive love for freedom, which contradicts his abnormal caution. Home Island/Sea: Provestal Island. The son of two Marines, it was very unlikely that Nabil would later become a pirate. In fact, his parent’s loving nature left little to be desired. When the two were deployed, expecting to be gone for several years, he was sent to live with distant relatives on Provestal Island. A quaint, small place where a unnerving calm saturated the air. On the island he explored the deep woods that surrounded the small town. Finding interest in the giant wild life and floral. He couldn’t understand it for the longest, unwilling to show his ignorance he would remain that way for several months. When he finally asked his aunt and cousin, they explained that the oxygen levels on the island was abnormally high. He took those words to face value and continued finish his breakfast, a rather calm fascination now inside of him. By the age of thirteen, Nabil had seemingly become the living force of Provestal Isle’s calm. Though many had resided on the isle, not many could match his level of tranquil. When others were too afraid to enter the force, he would walk through the greenery, alongside the giant beasts, and gaze at the crater in its center. Every day he returned there, he felt the urge to delve inside grow stronger. It was like the sound of the careening waterfall hitting the dark bottom was a calling card. It beckoned for him to adventure below but caution staid his descent. At the age of fifteen, Provestal Isle was visited by a band of pirates. They washed ashore on a broken and shattered boat, the captain deeply worried about his crew. The island offered them shelter for three nights. Those three nights were filled with stories of stormy adventures and fanciful tales of the unnatural. Needless to say, Nabil was enticed by them. On the fourth night, the Marines surrounded the isle with a fleet of ranked officers. The Pirate Captain, who expressed his desire to not tangle the island up in his affairs had decided to give himself up. He left with his crew moments later. An hour had peacefully passed before cannon fire had begun to rain down. A scarce group of the pirates returned in tears, warning that the marines was going to kill them all, despite their surrender. Behind them, the marines trampled forward. Nabil and his cousin, along with others, were told to retreat to the forest. To let the beasts protect them as a last resort. As Nabil guided his cousin to the crater, he could hear the cries of villagers as some of the beasts prowled on them. Dark smoke soon billowed from the tree line, orange heat lined its treetops. Nabil believed his cousin and himself to be safe. That was until canon fire came dangerously close to them. Fear led him to trying to convince his cousin to dive into the crater with him; the promise of water below was not enough though. The boy, who was supposed to jump on three with him, had stayed on top, where canon fire had seared his face and tossed him out of sight. At the bottom of the cavern spring, Nabil immediately swore vengeance on the Marines. He followed the water to the mouth of the island, one that led out into the ocean. Once he returned back to the shore, he witnessed the pirate captain shackled and ready to be inhumanly executed. Nabil realized that the majority of the Marines had left during his long stay in the cavern and that only a few was left. He would have heroically saved the guy, if he had been so afraid. He was shot several times in the head before finally being left alone. Nabil waited until nightfall, when the sea was quiet and empty till he finally approached. The captain was dead but the beach was littered with members of his crew. As Nabil walked through, a bloodied hand grabbed him and instructed, with vexation in his voice, to avenge them. With that in mind, he told Nabil the location of a treasure near the inn in the village. The village was burned to the ground and Nabil had all but given up hope on finding anyone alive. They all had bullets in them, one for each alive he figured. Once to the treasure chest, he found a fruit inside. He bit it after a bit of hesitance and after spitting it out, found out it was a devil fruit. He became a 10,000 degrees human. Years later and he had become a pirate, one hell bent on getting in the marines way. Usually his actions were small, intervening with rookie marines in small towns and allowing the escape of other pirates. Though recently he hijacked a marine ship and sailed it to Reverse Mountain. Devil Fruit: Atsu Atsu no Mi (Hot Hot Fruit) Fighting style: Direct and brutish, Nabil fights in conjunction with his Hot Hot Fruit abilities. Landing searing blows and burning away those that stand in his way. He seems to know some form of martial arts, as he often lowers into a stance when fighting one on one. With all the potential of a Supenova. Nabil has the possibility to use Observation Haki, Arms Haki, and Conquerors Haki. Though these have not been explored and largely unseen. He will need immense training to bring these out of himself. Atsu Atsu no Spears Nabil shapes the heat that fumes from his body into several needles. He launches these needles at the speed of a musket's bullet and pierces those he's up against. With a cold calculation, he uses this technique to take out mass armies of weaklings. Though fast and effective, it pretty easy to dodge if you're perceptive. Ship Positions: - 10,000,000
M a r x o Au début, je voulais juste une bière, mais maintenant j'ai besoin d'alcool. De préférence, Marxo était devenu impatient. Il a essuyé la taverne pour tous les signes de fumée. C'était un besoin terrible, presque une fixation. Il a complètement ignoré la petite adolescente qui criait sur la façon dont lui et Nabil ne valait pas le temps de la fille elfique jusqu'à ce qu'il ait enfin trouvé une cigarette allumée. Il s'est accroché à la bouche d'un usurpateur anonyme au bar. Marxo n'était pas intéressé à l'interroger pour cela. À l'heure actuelle, il ne pouvait que penser à l'action. Avec la colère dans la main, il courut à travers la pièce, presque sans effort à cause de ses pouvoirs de fruits du diable. Personne n'a même remarqué qu'il était parti. Il a immédiatement arraché la cigarette de la bouche de l'homme et s'est claqué la tête contre le bar. Vous n'avez plus besoin de ça. Presque instantanément, il est revenu dans sa chaise, légèrement soulagée par la drogue ridiculisée de tabac connue sous le nom de cigarette. Alors qu'il bouffait, il commença à se rendre compte qu'il avait été insulté. C'était le plus court de tout à l'heure. Il a décidé qu'il serait préférable de l'ignorer, Elle ne semblait pas mériter l'effort d'une insulte. Comme Marxo appréciait sa médecine, Nabil parlait de partir. Il venait de traverser l'esprit de Marxo qu'ils avaient encore une mission de reconnaissance à accomplir. J'ai besoin de fumer. Il s'est moqué de la blague des monstres. C'est beaucoup trop pour une bouchée à manger. Il se tourna vers la petite femme qui s'était présentée comme Polly. Le nom de Marxo, mais vous pouvez m'appeler pas intéressé.Le jour où il a commencé à tenir un flier pris vent de sa poche arrière. Il a atterri parmi les plaques Nabil avait nettoyé. Ça semblait être une prime. La photo était à Marxo. La prime était incroyable.
Marxo St. Laurant Height/Weight: 6’1, 160lbs Age:19 Personality: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. Home Island/Sea: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue History: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. “Your next.”, he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. Fruit: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers.
DYING NE RÉPONSE PAS D'UNE DETTE Seulement des hommes en perte de vie après que quelqu'un ait mis leurs vies à l'abri. Un autre jour s'était écoulé, des hommes s'étaient assis dans leurs chaises avec des boissons pleines de glace. L'étrange un ou deux hommes tenaient la glace contre leur visage et le sentaient fondre contre leur visage et ce qui était autrefois un cube de glace glisser sur leur visage, les cous et le torse. Assis à une table cependant était le seul homme qui pouvait résister à la chaleur et ne se plaignait pas d'une belle journée chaude. Retirant sa tête et le petit verre d'une boisson brune, l'homme plaça le verre vide en arrière et s'appuya sur sa chaise alors qu'il se préparait à une sieste. Il était fatigué de tout ce voyage avant de décider finalement de couper tous les membres d'un équipage qui a permis à Zell lui-même à bord, mais c'était inévitable lorsqu'ils essayaient de voler l'argent précieux de Zell. Maintenant, il était là, seul dans 'The Rusty Wrench', il n'avait pas de navires en ce moment et il n'y avait pas d'équipage qui rencontrait son goût alors ça lui a donné un mal de tête. Cependant, alors qu'il tentait de dormir, les tempêtes grondent et déchaînent sa colère sur la Taverne. Zell a fait un petit coup d'œil et il a remarqué que tout était un désordre dès qu'il a ouvert son oeil droit tout en gardant la gauche fermée. Après quelques drames aléatoires qui n'ont pas pu attirer l'attention de Zell, il a décidé d'aller de l'avant avec un plan sur son esprit. Il s'est approché d'un homme aux cheveux blancs et lui a offert deux paquets de cigarettes. "Pourquoi ne restez-vous pas ici un peu plus longtemps alors que vous appréciez ces plaisirs?" C'est ce que j'ai dit.
Name: Zell Narukami Height/Weight: 5'10", 180 lbs Age: 23 Personality: Zell is a man whose been instilled with values.He is someone who believes strongly in being able to forge his own path by his own two hands. He's not opposed to fighting to protect his beliefs. Even if he looses. He's never set in his ways though he is constantly adapting to the world around him letting the way of the world help shape, define and re-define him. But his core beliefs never change. Fight for what you believe in, think with your head not your heart, if it's something that burns strongly within follow it. And help out those in need. Zell's reaction to people is initially friendly, however if they prove that they are against him or act to hurt someone without any provocation then he grows to dislike them. He's a charismatic person, he could persuade someone to do something for him. His ambitions lead him to a great path, the path shows the true side of him. He often respects his enemies in battle, humiliating them on the battle isn't his style. He has two major quirks to his personality, one being that be believes that the strongest beliefs always win. Regardless of the medium through which they are conveyed be it words or fists. The second quirk is a simple one. Living for yourself is the same as living for nothing. Live for others, don't only focus on yourself. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: Zell was born in a nice kingdom of Goa. Subject to his loving parents, and an overwhelming amount of caring relatives and neighbors, he wanted for nothing as a child. When he was four, he had to say goodbye to Goa Kingdom, and move with his parents back down to Loguetown. They settled on Loguetown, and his parents set a business there. Between working out in the town, and managing his peace projects, his father was a very busy man, but he still made all the time he could to spend playing with his son. When he became old enough, he would follow him around all day while he took care of problems that had arisen and managing different aspects of the town. He was walking around the town with his father, something caught his eyes, a muscular man was punching on trees. Zell approached the man, and asked all about the man's tasks. Zell eyes stared at the dents on the stem and the scratches, he asked that man if he could teach him about martial art someday. When Zell turned 13, he decided to help that man, his job was to collect the broken wood from the trees. Zell taught by the man on how to punch properly when he reached the age of 14, Zell took a special class on the evening. When he turned to 16, he was able to punch through a plank. But, only in a small scale. He spent his free time training more on his martial arts after his father said that he should be able to protect everyone in the family. Zell trained hard and also worked hard to gain more knowledge. His parents was happy to see Zell.One day when Zell was 14 years old, A pirate crew stopped at his village, and went to the bar, they talked about Devil Fruits they got when they were sailing around the island. Zell read about Devil Fruits once, and the power was scary, but with such power, he could protect his family easily. He went to their ships, some people stood on the ships, guarding it. Zell approached them, and asked about a devil fruit. With his curiosity and cute face, they showed him the devil fruit, Zell glared at it, and took it instantly. Without any hesitation, he jumped to the sea because it was the fastest route to escape. They were chasing Zell, but Zell ate the fruit, he felt something weird, suddenly, he couldn't swim, and he lost his energy. Unfortunately, the pirates swam, and caught him. The furious captain came, and asked him about the devil fruit. When Zell told them that he ate it, they were furious, and wanted to kill him, but a villager who knew Zell called for help, the other villagers gathered, and asked the pirates to leave Zell alone. They released Zell, and Zell began to run away. The pirates took their swords, and advanced toward the villagers, the villagers stood up for Zell. Fortunately, a marine ship sailed toward the island, the marine ship was quite far, but if the pirates caused some trouble here, the marine would stop here, and caught them. One of the pirate crew spotted it, they decided to return to their ships, and flee. Zell found out his ability when he was training on the courtyard, suddenly his hands turned into blades when he tried to attack a dummy. Zell trained himself on his backyard, at first, it was a fail, he can't control the power, but after a lot of training, and dedication, he managed to turn his limbs into blade whenever he wanted to. When he turned 18, after more than a decade and a half of listening to his father's stories of the sea, he decided he wanted to go sail the sea too, his father experienced the sea at a very young age, Zell's grandfather always brought his father to every journey, they sailed around East Blue, but not all lands in East Blue explored, his grandfather wrote a journals about his journey, before he died, and he gave the journals to Zell's father. At first, his parents was afraid with Zell's decision. Luckily, the man who taught him everything interfered, saying Zell was more than prepared to go on his own adventure. His father worried, but couldn't stop him from leaving. Zell was aiming to find huge amount of treasures. To find a lot of treasure, you must become a strong person, he wanted a fame so much, so, the world will know about him, he need to be the strongest pirate, so, he can conquer the world easily, and find a lot of treasures. Hopefully, he can achieve him with individuals called as Nakamas. Fruit: Supa Supa no Mi (Dice Dice Fruit) Fighting style: He wields a single katana but mainly goes on hand-to-hand combat. This style is enhanced by his Fruit Power, it allows him to turn his limbs into blades, this can inflict a piercing damage or cuts to the target upon contact so he doesn't afraid to attack someone with bare fist. As a result, his main focus is on his martial arts. He also might use his gifts in Haki, but currently, they are inactive inside him unless he train himself to unlock it. Ship Positions: Fighter Bounty: 0
Amélie Amelia s'en alla rapidement à son stand, versant les autres ales qu'elle avait laissées dans son fût de bois qui était assis sur le côté de la table. Ce serait un gaspillage d'alcool! Le canon avait deux sangles sur son corps afin qu'Amelia puisse le porter sur son dos pour devenir une barre d'urgence mobile à un moment donné. Après avoir placé le baril sur son dos et mis l'argent dans ses poches, elle s'est tournée vers le médecin ninja avec un sourire. "Oh! Tu voulais savoir combien d'éthanol il y avait dans mon verre? Désolé si j'ai mal compris! Je dois dire... uhm... qu'il y a entre 15 et 20 pour cent d'alcool pur! » Elle lui répondit pendant que le pompier parlait au pêcheur. Elle n'était pas très inquiète de prendre des précautions pour rejoindre l'équipage, elle faisait confiance aux mots du pêcheur. Après avoir révélé que le ninja était un médecin tout le temps, cela aurait du sens pour elle maintenant, il était juste prudent sur la quantité qu'il boit. Du moins, c'est ce qu'elle pensait. Ses yeux scannaient les nombreux outils médicaux que le médecin possédait jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'arrête et regarde... quel que soit l'enfer qui se déplaçait dans le bocal... « Si c'est trop pour vous, monsieur, je peux préparer une boisson plus légère spécialement faite pour vous! » Elle lui parla à un rythme assez rapide, étant incrustée par le contenu du pot. Elle a ensuite remarqué que le pêcheur leur signalait de suivre et de se faufiler derrière lui. En entrant dans la 'Rusty Wench', Amelia ne pouvait pas cacher qu'elle était un peu nerveuse en rencontrant le capitaine du pêcheur. Elle a gardé le silence pendant un moment et a eu la tête baissée en essayant d'éviter l'attention inutile de l'autre méchante regarder des étrangers à l'intérieur de la taverne. Elle attendait ce que le capitaine avait à dire sur son brassage. Ce n'est pas si bon... qu'il pourrait être mieux... qu'elle pensait à elle-même que son véritable potentiel était limité à ce avec quoi elle devait travailler actuellement. Pourtant... c'est une putain de belle bière.
Name: Amelia Mitsue Appearance: Height/Weight: 5'7” / 170cm and 120lbs / 54kg Age: 22 Personality: Amelia is a lively girl who always seem to have an innocent smile on her face. Her presence illuminates the room with kindness and welcomes people into her life with open arms. Her voice is angelic and speaks in a quiet tone most of the time. She would be the last person you'd expect a fight from due to her passive attitude. That is...until she gets a drop of alcohol on her lips. Then she would have a major personality shift. The happy go-lucky girl you knew would go into a drunken frenzy, smashing tables, breaking windows, and above all, she would have a frightening appetite. She is far more aggressive and rude in her drunken state as she will literally hit on the guys she comes across. When her buzz decreases, there's a small period of time where she is in between personalities thus becoming dull and boring, not even reacting to any comical attempts to get her to blink. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: When Amelia was a little girl, all she could remember was the tavern she grew up in. She remembers serving food, drinks, and hung out in the kitchen watching her father brew some delicious ale. She has never met her mother before, but her father would always tell her that her mother was busy advertising their tavern across the seas. In reality, her mother was an adventurous pirate. Her father kept the truth from her hoping that she wouldn't become like her mother. The time came when little Amelia was old enough to sail out on her own. She wanted to spread her family's ale across the seas and find her mother so they can meet at last. Fruit: None Fighting style: Drunken Combat: Amelia can only fight when she is intoxicated. Her strength and speed are enhanced along with reduced pain and numbness only in this state. She will feel the full effects when she is sober. Bushoshoku/Armament Haki: Amelia is capable of performing Bushoshoku haki, but only in her drunken state currently. Drunken Step- A technique that's always being used during her drunken state. This causes herself to become harder to read visually by 'blurring' herself with rapid movements of her body. Whenever she moves, she leaves behind a feint after image of herself that disappears no more than one second. Drunken Fists/Kicks- A simple kick or punch infused with haki for devastating results. Drunken Palms/Chops- An alternative she uses whenever punches do not work since it gives a wider reach. Drunken Toss- She simply grabs her target, spins around a couple times and tosses whatever she has violently into whatever the hell she wants. Drunken X-Chop- Possibly the only long ranged technique she knows. She positions her arms out in front to form an 'X' and swiftly slices the air to send a nicely x-shaped wind blade at her opponents. Ship Positions: Brewer Bounty: 0
"Comment j'ai été kidnappé" "Je vois...W-Eh bien... je ne peux pas vraiment l'utiliser alors...B-B-Mais merci beaucoup!" Leonard a dit, se prosternant légèrement devant elle d'une manière gracieuse. C'était sympa d'être offert quelque chose de sans prise, encore plus, puisque la fille était quelque peu attirante. Son attention a été prise quand ils sont entrés dans le bar, quand la femme a offert de lui faire un verre plus léger, à laquelle il a répondu: "N-Non merci... Je suis un buveur léger, b-mais je ne bois que quand il y a du sang." Il dit qu'il s'est immédiatement rendu compte à quel point il a foiré cette déclaration. "Je-je-je veux dire! Je ne bois pas de sang, je ne peux pas être complètement sobre quand il y a beaucoup de sp-sp-spewing dehors..." il a essayé de clarifier, une teinte de rouge grandissant sur ses joues, ce qui était impossible d'ignorer vu combien il était pâle. Fidgetant nerveusement en entrant dans la taverne, Leonard regarda autour de tous les mécènes de ce bel établissement, et fut très heureux qu'il eut devant lui un Fish-Man de neuf pieds de hauteur. Se tenant près d'Abel, Leonard attendait patiemment quand il rencontrerait celui qui avait besoin de soins médicaux... seulement pour que cette personne soit faite le pied d'une blague, une blague qui n'était pas particulièrement drôle pour lui. En regardant à blanc, Leonard était sur le point de dire quelque chose avant qu'il entende la partie sur "Membres de Créw"... Sont-ils des pirates!? Oh mon Dieu, ils ont aussi regardé comme des pirates! Et ils sont angoissés, juste comme des pirates! Près de tomber en arrière à la perspective d'être essentiellement forcé à entrer dans un équipage de pirates, Leonard a finalement exprimé ses préoccupations: "Y-Vous n'avez rien dit à propos de rejoindre un équipage! Ou que... que tu étais un pirate!" il dit, sonnant incroyablement alarmé quand il a commencé à reculer lentement. On vous a dit que vous alliez rejoindre une équipe de pirates, c'était pas mal de tomber sur un gars en même temps, après tout.
Name: Leonard Siegfriedt Appearance: (Ignore the gun, his pansy ass probably couldn't even lift it) Height/Weight: 5’2, 112 lbs. Age: 19 Personality: While Leonard may seem like a rather grim person, that’s just a misconception most people would get from his clothing. He’s actually rather shy, and tries to hide as much of himself from others as he can, hence the hood and the faceguard. He’s actually a lot nicer than you’d take him for, difficult to anger and easy to please. As a doctor, he believes it to be his duty to help the unwell, and can’t stand to see people suffer when he can do something to help. Even though he has Hypochondriasis. Home Island: North Blue, Principality of Eurijk History: To understand why Leonard is the way he is, it’s more important to know who his parents were, or rather, parent. A woman by the name of Charlotte Siegfriedt, infamously known as the Plague Woman. A person who consumed a rather odd Devil-Fruit by the name of the Toru-Toru no Mi, the Thieving fruit. Despite the powerful nature of the fruit, Charlotte solely used the innately malicious power of the fruit to, rather than steal things such as other’s organs or lives, instead stole from them their ailments, their weariment, their sickness, and their afflictions. Truly a saint, Charlotte traveled the world, willing to help whoever she could save by using her own body as the host for innumerable viruses. Doing so was no easy task for her, however. The pain was unbearable at times, with several fevers racking her body every week, sometimes hitting at the same time. Were it not for her strong conviction to help others, she likely would have died in her sleep countless times. Naturally, carrying that many ailments would shorten one’s lifespan dramatically, and as such, she was fated to die by the age of 30, if not sooner. Doing what she could with her remaining time, she travelled the North Blue, where she was already infamous for having eliminated the lethal Muave Pox that spread through it years before; infamous for being the only known carrier of it. As such, she was shunned and nearly stoned to death several times, resulting in the loss of one of her eyes. From there, Leonard isn’t sure of how he came to be. He isn’t sure who his father is, or how an infant was able to be born without getting deathly ill from a woman like his mother. But what he did know was that his mother was dying every moment he was with her. It was a terrifying experience for the boy, knowing that his mother would die soon. But he never expected the day she would leave their make-shift home in the middle of the swamp-land region of Eurijk. Without a word of goodbye besides a letter telling Leonard to live honestly, his mother vanished. Sailing off to sea, she perished in the middle of the sea somewhere, her body drifting to the bottom of the sea with her host of plagues. Terribly saddened and alone, Leonard soon declined into depression, cursing the world that there was never anyone who could cure his mother of her illnesses. Now alone in the world, Leonard studied tirelessly to perfect medicines of his own concoction, using himself and various animals around the area to test his brews. One of those concoctions also happened to nearly blow his entire home to pieces, resulting in the left side of his face to be burned quite severely. Years later, without a penny to his name, he set off into the world to cure the incurable, more than aware of his dream being absolutely ridiculous. But then...a world free of sickness never was his own dream. It was his mother’s. Fighting Style: Do No Harm Despite his Hippocratic Oath, Leonard understands perfectly well that in this violent world, conflict is inevitable. While not a proficient hand-to-hand fighter, he has the knowledge required to dislocate someone’s bones if given enough of an opening, as well as having amazingly precise and steady hands. Combined with his accurate vision, he is able to throw scalpels like throwing knives with a great deal of precision. Crew Position: Doctor Bounty: 0 Others: Wears his faceguard more to hide his face than to keep from catching something, despite his frightfully strong immune system. While he does have the potential to have rather strong Observation Haki, he is currently unaware of Haki's existence, and has no idea how to use it. Character Theme
Nikko semble ennuyé et incroyablement déçu. Penchant vers l'avant, elle met son bras gauche sur la table, puis utilise son bras droit pour accrocher sa tête sous son menton. Ses gros gants semblent loin à gros pour elle. Un peu de rouge commence à montrer dans ses joues de l'alcool, mais il n'y a pas d'expressions faciales indiquant qu'elle était ivre. Soudain, une jeune femme aux cheveux foncés apparaît à côté d'elle et glisse de la nourriture devant les deux garçons. Nikko a alors été rapidement réprimandé par cette femme pour les dommages qu'elle avait causés à l'entreprise. "Huh." Est-ce qu'on lui a demandé de sortir? "Je suppose que j'ai été un peu dur sur vos meubles." Elle admet tenir ses doigts pour faire un petit espace entre eux. Bien que cela, elle regarda la cuisinière avec ses yeux verts bleuâtres. "Je me suis emporté avec la table et ça ne me dérange pas de payer pour ça. Je ne fais pas des affaires honnêtes. Je ne m'excuse pas pour les gars qui ont été frappés. J'imagine que des combats se produisent tout le temps entre les lâches fouettés et les rookies brumeux. Elle entre dans son sac et tire trois pièces d'or. Les pièces ensemble seraient estimées à environ 150 000 beri. Elle les jette à la fille. "Cela devrait couvrir le droit de dommages?" Se tenant debout, elle passe à une assiette de la nourriture qui avait été laissée intacte par quelqu'un qui quittait rapidement le bar pendant le combat. Elle en prend une bouchée et la nourriture semblait fondre dans sa bouche. C'était incroyablement délicieux. Haut de gamme gourmet. Étrange que ce ne soit qu'un fromage grillé. Heureusement, son nouveau membre saute derrière elle avec quelques mots encourageants pour la sortir de son appréciation rêveuse pour la nourriture. Un petit sourire se forme sur son visage et elle se relève. Les oreilles de Nikko se redressent littéralement quand elle arrive à taper la fille sur la tête à nouveau. "Pourquoi vous remercier!" Elle dit de se lever et d'étirer les mains au-dessus de sa tête. Ses yeux étroits scrutent une fois de plus la pièce et elle remarque quelques autres personnes dans la Taverne avec une force significative. Il s'agirait surtout d'un sabre assis dans le coin et d'un homme plus court dans le dos. Ses yeux retombent ensuite sur Polly. Polly se présente comme Roger mais pas comme Roger. Elle vomit. "Ce n'est pas Roger, hein? C'est bon aussi. Je vois très vite que tu as une bonne capacité à te cacher et à te faufiler. Si je devais deviner que j'imagine que tu as même volé ce logpost, c'est vrai? En tant que pirate, il est toujours plus facile de saisir le butin sans être remarqué que d'avoir à le combattre. Moi aussi, je t'aime bien. Bienvenue dans mon équipage. Je suis Nikko le capitaine." Elle se tourne vers le cuisinier une fois de plus pendant qu'elle s'installe au bar. "Et toi! C'était délicieux. Tu veux toujours naviguer dans les mers que tu me fais savoir!" Soudain les portes du buste de la taverne s'ouvrent et son premier ami Able canards pour passer la porte. Il était évidemment trop grand pour cet endroit car même les hauts plafonds ici étaient juste assez hauts pour lui permettre de se tenir confortablement. À côté de lui, il y avait trois humains de taille normale. Une jeune fille aux cheveux roses vifs, un homme pâle tenant un masque dans sa main et enfin un homme brun plus grand cheveux avec une épée à ses côtés. "Deux?" Elle demande comme Able lui parle des membres. Elle a évidemment compté trois personnes avec lui. Peut-être que l'un d'eux n'était qu'un membre potentiel qu'elle pensait à elle-même. "Tu te débrouilles mieux que moi. J'ai trouvé un membre." Elle tient son bras pour indiquer Polly. Avant qu'elle ne puisse en dire plus sur les autres qu'elle avait rencontrés dans la taverne Able lui jette un verre dans la main et lui ordonne de boire. Elle n'a jamais refusé de boire, alors elle l'a descendue d'un seul coup. "Woah..." Elle a dit plutôt surpris. Ce n'était pas nécessairement fort, mais c'était une bonne dégustation. "Ouais. Acceptée." Elle donne un coup de pouce au nouveau brasseur. "Oh! C'est un docteur? Neat J'avais peur que nous n'en trouvions pas un.....J'ai quel SYNDROME!?!" Elle s'exclame n'avoir pas attrapé l'insulte immédiatement. Elle tire son bras et frappe Able dans l'intestin une fois et il glisse en arrière quelques pouces avec sa main sur son estomac. Elle se rend compte qu'elle parlait à de nouveaux membres qu'elle change rapidement de vitesse pour revenir à une disposition joyeuse. "Désolé ça! J'ai vu une mouche et j'ai dû la prendre!" Le mensonge était évident. "De toute façon bienvenue à l'équipage!" Elle tape le nouveau doc sur l'épaule alors qu'il était celui qui avait l'air le plus nerveux. Cependant, il peut ou non l'avoir rassuré de la manière qu'elle voulait. De son coin de l'œil, elle a vu un mouvement flou. Soudain l'un des deux gars ennuyeux avait une cigarette et l'un des hommes au bar avait la tête claquée dans le mur. C'était assez rapide pour le moins. Elle en prend note mais ne dit rien. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Juste à l'extérieur du port, un grand navire naval y navigue. Il est grand avec une coque en acier de couleur blanche et bleue pour ses couleurs Marine traditionnelles. Ses immenses voiles portaient chacune le logo Marine. Se tenant à l'avant de ce navire est un grand homme debout à environ huit pieds de hauteur. Il a d'énormes épaules larges et un cadre très musclé. Il a une ombre gris foncé de cinq heures et de grands sacs sous les yeux. Au-dessus de ses épaules est une grande veste blanche avec JUSTICE écrit à travers le dos. Sous sa peau nue, il ne portait que des shorts coupés. Le visage de l'homme était mort sérieux, mais son apparence ne pouvait pas l'être moins. "Commodore!" Une grande femme mince appelle alors qu'elle monte à côté de lui. "Tu ne vas vraiment pas mettre une chemise pour ça? Montrez une sacrée décence pour votre grade! » Elle l'enferme. Elle avait elle-même de longs cheveux blonds coulants et des yeux bleus brillants. Elle avait aussi une veste, mais en dessous il y avait une robe noire. Ses yeux étaient fortement maquillés avec un œil fumant et un rouge à lèvres rouge vif. -- C'est de toute façon pour parler à votre capitaine supérieur? Sa voix est râpée dans sa réponse, mais c'est facile de dire qu'il mettait plus l'accent sur son rang. "En plus, je porte ce que je veux quand je veux. J'irais sans doute nu s'ils me laissaient faire. Si jamais je fais de l'amiral c'est exactement ce que je vais faire." "J'espère que vous n'atteindrez jamais ce haut monsieur..." Elle doit regarder loin de la folie. "Mais de toute façon pourquoi sommes-nous frappants maintenant? C'est un peu bizarre. Et vous commodore avec cinq capitaines avec leurs lieutenants? Tout semble un peu à mon avis." Son ton hautain semble avoir un peu irrité le commodore. "Vous ne direz pas que lorsqu'un pirate sale a son épée dans vos tripes." Il jette un coup d'œil à sa figure une fois de plus. "Ou au moins tu voudras que ce soit une épée qui te colle dans l'estomac, je parie que si on parle de pirates ici. En plus, on ne peut pas l'aider. Les ordres sont des ordres. Nous allons dégager tous les pirates qui essaient d'échapper à la grande ligne ainsi que les recrues qui commencent. Cela peut même devenir une chose régulière si nous remarquons moins de grands noms pirates débutants atteignant la renommée dans la grande ligne. Récupérez-les tant qu'ils sont verts." Sautant sur les rails au bord du navire, il agite ses mains. "Nous effacerons les salauds de pirates ainsi que ceux qui les abritent! Nous sommes dans l'ordre. Nous sommes la loi. Nous... sommes... JUSTICE!" Sur cette ligne, plusieurs canons du côté tribord du navire tirent tous en même temps. Ils ont frappé et coulé la moitié des navires dans le port en moins d'une minute. Le barrage continue jusqu'à ce que tous les bateaux qui même à distance ressemblaient à des bateaux pirates. Malheureusement, l'un des canons semble avoir mal tourné. Il a tiré plusieurs boulets de canon dans la ville elle-même. On manque de peu le phare et plusieurs bâtiments de niveau supérieur. Après quelques instants, le canon s'arrête et le navire entre lentement dans le port. Des dizaines et des dizaines de marines se déversent dans les docks et se précipitent dans la ville. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ De retour à la taverne les sons de canons mettent brusquement fin aux petites conversations décontractées. Des explosions massives sont entendues à l'extérieur, suivies de cris. Nikko se précipite rapidement à l'extérieur pour voir ce qui se passe et repère le navire massif couler tous les bateaux dans le port. Et maintenant, il semble qu'ils tirent même sur la ville elle-même. Ce qui est pire, c'est que ce sont des boulettes explosives qui infligent des quantités massives de dommages même après l'impact. "DONNEZ-VOUS!" Nikko hurle alors que ses yeux attrapent quelque chose. Sautant rapidement dans l'air comme une explosion de poudre à canon éclaire sur le côté du navire que le boulet de canon final est libéré. Elle est frappée en plein air une seconde plus tard. La force de l'impact l'a jetée tout le chemin à travers les murs de la Taverne, à travers la poutre de support centrale, à travers le comptoir de la barre et dans un tiret dans le mur de pierre derrière elle. Dans ses mains est un boulet de canon non détoné. Elle avait d'une manière ou d'une autre attrapé le boulet de canon d'une manière où il n'a pas explosé. Dans le processus, il semble qu'elle a subitement frappé sa tête sur le mur de pierre derrière elle et elle ne bouge pas. Au-dessus de la taverne commence à crever dangereusement comme des morceaux de débris tombent ici et là autour de ceux à l'intérieur. Le faisceau structural principal a été brisé par la force du boulet de canon.
Name: Nikko Tenchi Appearance: Height/Weight: 5ft'7in/ enough Age: Appears to be about 18. Personality: While in public she seems well put together and confident in private she is often childish and stubborn. She is headstrong no matter where she is however. Once her mind is made up it would take an act of god to change it. In fact if history provides any reference even that might not. While generally a happy-go-lucky kind of person she has hot blood running through her veins. She may break tables or throw things through walls when she gets angry (or just drunk). It is her inquisitive and curious mind that rules her passion. Her favorite thing to do is to experiment or tinker with things. She has a vast desire to know how things work and to replicate them herself. Her collar and gloves are made with her inventing in mind. Her goggles, which are of her own invention stay on her head without any support at all. She can move them around where she needs and will often bring them down over her eyes during a fight that seems dangerous. Home Island/Sea: Taiko Island History: I am breaking my own rule slightly as some of her past has to do with the overall plot. But in the recent year she has made her name adventuring a bit through different parts of the grand line. While never declaring herself as a pirate per-se she has always considered herself one ever since she has left home which was a year and a half ago. Since then she has met plenty of people. Roughly one month ago she met a person who rivaled her in strength. It was a massive shark fishman hailing from the Wano Country. They initially didn't like each other as he was a bit rude and didn't have the proper respect for women that she felt she deserved. They got into no less than three fights before drawing the attention of a prominent pirate of the area. The two were forced to work together to escape. However in the rush they found themselves stuck in the calm belt. Having spent three days in the calm belt fighting off sea kings and running like hell they managed to pop out in west blue. From there they found a pirate with a bounty worth only a million. It was hardly even effort to take down this man and his crew but it did provide them with enough spending money to ferry a ride with a group of people heading into the grand line. Fruit: None Fighting style: Brawling. Despite her petite figure she is actually incredibly physically strong. Her punch packs a hell of a wallop and her speed is nothing to sniff at. Her style of fighting doesn't follow any particular martial art and is mostly self taught. However despite this self taught style she incorporates moves from several different arts into her own. For example many of her punches seem to be a mix between the way Karate and Boxing punch. However the movements are more fluid and natural than stylized. Many of her kicks seem to come from Tae Kwan do or Muai Thai. She knows how to grapple and throw as well. Her grip is strong enough to stop most ships and the gloves that she wear are made of an incredible material that doesn't seem to rip or tear no matter how much pressure and tension she puts on them. Haki of Observation is her most powerful Haki at this point. She has useage of the Haki of Armament as well. Ship Positions: Captain/Shipwright (looking for apprentice shipwright) Bounty: Currently 0
C'est Nabil. Le feu de canon a sifflé dehors. Le bruit épouvantable a apporté un terrible sentiment de nostalgie à Nabil alors qu'il regardait entre les portes battantes. Un éclair de feu a traversé la journée avant de mourir d'un manque de carburant. Ses yeux se rétrécissaient alors que l'onde de choc berçait le Rusty Wench. Trop vite, il regarda vers Marxo. Ils avaient attendu trop longtemps, soit cela, soit d'une manière ou d'une autre, les marines avaient été avertis de leur raid. Maintenant, ils étaient attaqués. Ou ça pourrait être une attaque au hasard, un nouvel ordre pour éliminer les pirates qui se dirigent vers la Grandline. Nous avons gaspillé trop de temps avec elle! » Il s'est tourné la tête vers la femme et son équipage alors qu'ils réagissaient aux explosions. L'air autour de Nabil brillait de la chaleur montante qui l'entourait. Les marines ont toujours allumé une allumette sous ses pieds. Ils l'ont énervé de leurs manières hypocrites et de leur mépris constant pour les innocents. Un soi-disant ordre de justice qui s'était avéré être une foule de faibles prétendant être forts. Il a glissé les doigts à travers le bois avant de tourner vers la porte pour partir. "Nous allons mettre fin à cela," dit-il à Marxo alors qu'il s'approchait de l'entrée. Soudain, il a entendu cette femme aux oreilles elfiques crier pour que tout le monde descende. Il sentit une ficelle, un fil lui tira dessus pour rouler à gauche. Comme il l'a fait, la femme s'est écrasée à travers le mur de la taverne, à travers le comptoir, et dans le mur; il lui manquait étroitement. Instinctivement, il courut vers elle, se tenant sur le chemin de la destruction de son corps. C'est lui! avant de passer et de regarder le boulet de canon dans ses mains. C'était stupide. Quelques instants plus tard, la taverne secoua de nouveau et des morceaux de bois commencèrent à s'étaler sur le sol. Un ventilateur de plafond s'est écrasé dans une table et les plats à l'arrière ont pu être entendus éclater. Nabil est allée vers la femme apparemment inconsciente et a essayé de la soulever dans ses bras, elle n'avait pas l'air de peser beaucoup. Dans ses bras, elle se sentirait plus chaude que la normale; peut-être même chaude. Nous allons la déposer à ce poissonnier de plus tôt et gérer ces marines nous-mêmes.
Name: Nabil "The Calm" Valley Height/Weight: 5’9” / 142lbs Age: 18 The alias “The Calm” was given to Nabil due to his infallible ability to seem un-phased by most antagonist. Some assume that he hides an intelligence behind this composed wall. Those are lies. He is as smart as the next man, maybe a bit more so, but that’s mainly due to his innate caution. He knows when to shut his mouth and when to speak out against others. In that aspect, he travels in a gray area. Where one person’s reality is not his own, but instead an adjacent to what could have been. In other words, he attempts to empathize with others. His love for the sea is directly tied to his extensive love for freedom, which contradicts his abnormal caution. Home Island/Sea: Provestal Island. The son of two Marines, it was very unlikely that Nabil would later become a pirate. In fact, his parent’s loving nature left little to be desired. When the two were deployed, expecting to be gone for several years, he was sent to live with distant relatives on Provestal Island. A quaint, small place where a unnerving calm saturated the air. On the island he explored the deep woods that surrounded the small town. Finding interest in the giant wild life and floral. He couldn’t understand it for the longest, unwilling to show his ignorance he would remain that way for several months. When he finally asked his aunt and cousin, they explained that the oxygen levels on the island was abnormally high. He took those words to face value and continued finish his breakfast, a rather calm fascination now inside of him. By the age of thirteen, Nabil had seemingly become the living force of Provestal Isle’s calm. Though many had resided on the isle, not many could match his level of tranquil. When others were too afraid to enter the force, he would walk through the greenery, alongside the giant beasts, and gaze at the crater in its center. Every day he returned there, he felt the urge to delve inside grow stronger. It was like the sound of the careening waterfall hitting the dark bottom was a calling card. It beckoned for him to adventure below but caution staid his descent. At the age of fifteen, Provestal Isle was visited by a band of pirates. They washed ashore on a broken and shattered boat, the captain deeply worried about his crew. The island offered them shelter for three nights. Those three nights were filled with stories of stormy adventures and fanciful tales of the unnatural. Needless to say, Nabil was enticed by them. On the fourth night, the Marines surrounded the isle with a fleet of ranked officers. The Pirate Captain, who expressed his desire to not tangle the island up in his affairs had decided to give himself up. He left with his crew moments later. An hour had peacefully passed before cannon fire had begun to rain down. A scarce group of the pirates returned in tears, warning that the marines was going to kill them all, despite their surrender. Behind them, the marines trampled forward. Nabil and his cousin, along with others, were told to retreat to the forest. To let the beasts protect them as a last resort. As Nabil guided his cousin to the crater, he could hear the cries of villagers as some of the beasts prowled on them. Dark smoke soon billowed from the tree line, orange heat lined its treetops. Nabil believed his cousin and himself to be safe. That was until canon fire came dangerously close to them. Fear led him to trying to convince his cousin to dive into the crater with him; the promise of water below was not enough though. The boy, who was supposed to jump on three with him, had stayed on top, where canon fire had seared his face and tossed him out of sight. At the bottom of the cavern spring, Nabil immediately swore vengeance on the Marines. He followed the water to the mouth of the island, one that led out into the ocean. Once he returned back to the shore, he witnessed the pirate captain shackled and ready to be inhumanly executed. Nabil realized that the majority of the Marines had left during his long stay in the cavern and that only a few was left. He would have heroically saved the guy, if he had been so afraid. He was shot several times in the head before finally being left alone. Nabil waited until nightfall, when the sea was quiet and empty till he finally approached. The captain was dead but the beach was littered with members of his crew. As Nabil walked through, a bloodied hand grabbed him and instructed, with vexation in his voice, to avenge them. With that in mind, he told Nabil the location of a treasure near the inn in the village. The village was burned to the ground and Nabil had all but given up hope on finding anyone alive. They all had bullets in them, one for each alive he figured. Once to the treasure chest, he found a fruit inside. He bit it after a bit of hesitance and after spitting it out, found out it was a devil fruit. He became a 10,000 degrees human. Years later and he had become a pirate, one hell bent on getting in the marines way. Usually his actions were small, intervening with rookie marines in small towns and allowing the escape of other pirates. Though recently he hijacked a marine ship and sailed it to Reverse Mountain. Devil Fruit: Atsu Atsu no Mi (Hot Hot Fruit) Fighting style: Direct and brutish, Nabil fights in conjunction with his Hot Hot Fruit abilities. Landing searing blows and burning away those that stand in his way. He seems to know some form of martial arts, as he often lowers into a stance when fighting one on one. With all the potential of a Supenova. Nabil has the possibility to use Observation Haki, Arms Haki, and Conquerors Haki. Though these have not been explored and largely unseen. He will need immense training to bring these out of himself. Atsu Atsu no Spears Nabil shapes the heat that fumes from his body into several needles. He launches these needles at the speed of a musket's bullet and pierces those he's up against. With a cold calculation, he uses this technique to take out mass armies of weaklings. Though fast and effective, it pretty easy to dodge if you're perceptive. Ship Positions: - 10,000,000
Brenda Wirrit Le « diable rouge » coule sous les vagues d'un barrage de feu, c'est un trésor et des provisions perdus. L'équipage nage pour le rivage, embrayant tout ce qui flotte pour le soutien. Le capitaine aux cheveux rouges a une profonde bouffée d'air, portant sous un bras l'unique utilisateur de fruits démoniaques du navire, un petit coffre de mer dans l'autre, donnant des coups de pied à la rive. Les nageurs plus forts de l'équipage, ou ceux qui ont évacué d'abord, les aident à se poser, se cachant sous une jetée. Brenda reprend conscience alors que l'eau de mer coule d'elle, encore faible et fragile. Le capitaine glisse la poitrine vers elle. "Ce qui est ici doit être assez important pour qu'un marteau comme vous prenne le risque de nager. C'est malchanceux pour le capitaine de quitter le navire avant n'importe quel équipage." Il dit grincheux, sans laisser Brenda parler. "On dirait que c'est pour les Pirates du Diable Rouge pour l'instant... mais vous n'êtes pas vraiment l'un des nôtres. Je t'ai ramassé au dernier port. Vous pouvez vous coucher bas en ville, vous glisser sur un autre navire quand tout cela meurt." Il se serre la tête, et crie "En plus, nous ne sommes pas habitués à nous battre avec vous. Tu ne ferais que nous retenir. Allez, sortez d'ici!" Brends glisse en arrière quand le capitaine commence à crier, puis tourne et court. Elle ne comprend pas tous ses mots, mais le sens est clair. Au fur et à mesure qu'elle part, le capitaine se tourne vers le navire de la marine et son cutlass. "C'est malchanceux pour le nouveau-né de mourir avant le capitaine, de toute façon." Et donc, Brenda se retrouve en train de courir à travers la ville, trempée avec seulement les vêtements sur son dos, les outils sur sa ceinture et les trésors profondément précieux mais finalement sans valeur dans sa petite poitrine. Elle passe tellement de temps à chercher derrière elle des boulets de canon entrants, elle ne regarde pas ce qu'il y a en avant...
Name: Brenda Wirrit Appearance: Height/Weight: 5', 90lbs Age: 19 Personality: Happy, upbeat and infinitely curious, Brenda tries her best to see the bright side in any situation. She panics easily, but quickly regains a manic sort of composure. She's more likely to act before thinking and deal with the consequences. The common tongue is her second language, so she sometimes misunderstands. Home Island/Sea: Okidou Island, East Blue. An island with large forests of strong trees, chiefly exported for shipmaking. The island's inhabitants take care to the forests to ensure they plant more trees than they cut down, to ensure future livelihood. The people have their own language. History: Brenda grew up on Okidou Island watching the varieties of ship arrive to buy the islands wood, amazed that pieces of her homeland would travel so far. She always wanted to find out how the ships were made. When she was nine, a storm sunk a ship near Okidou's coast. The people all helped out with the rescue. Much of the cargo was lost under the sea, but Brenda rowed her home-made raft out, swam down and found a watertight box containing a devil fruit, which she ate back at her 'secret hideout', a beach hut she also made herself. Brenda loved her amazing new powers, but the folk back home weren't quite so happy. The captain of the sunken ship was especially displeased, as he intended to trade the fruit for a large supply of wood, to supply his shipyard. Regardless, something about the young girl's passion for carpentry appealed to him, so he made a deal with Brenda's father. She would come with him to work off the cost of the fruit, learning a shipwright's trade. Ten years later, Brenda has finished paying off the fruit (Which also happened to be the day her tutor decided she'd learned all he could teach) and set out to explore the oceans, see new styles of carpentry. While she was working at the shipyard, Brenda took plenty of photographs (Some kind of snail-based camera?) to write letters home, and as a farewell gift the master of the shipyard gave her an empty book, to fill with memories of her journey. Fruit: Maze-Maze no Mi, AKA the Mix-Mix Fruit. Paramecia Type. Brenda has the ability to turn herself and other objects into a putty-like substance by rpidly kneading it with her hands. They turn back if left alone, but while transformed it can be mixed with another liquid or transformed substance, to combine the two. She can also separate the objects again by reaching 'in' and pulling it out. Common uses for Brenda include mixing a wooden plank into glue, to get a substance that's sticky and applyable by brush but hardens into a solid wooden coating, mixing a hammer into her hand for an iron punch, or mixing cloth with a sheet of metal to easily shape it, then remove the cloth and end up with metal in the required shape. The chief limitations on the ability are that Brenda can only transform an object small or light enough for her to lift, as she needs to use both hands to putty-ify something, and she is unable to use her ability on living creatures other than herself. Soaking combined objects in saltwater also unmixes them if done within the first few days, as the sea nullifies the devil-fruit power. It also has a tendancy to activate when Brenda is distracted or startled, mixing her with her gear. Her hat and hair often fuse as soon as she stops paying attention, giving her a hairstyle in the shape of a hat, with it's decorations mixed in. If Brenda trips into a pile of bricks, she may turn to putty and splatter into them, reforming herself very blocky. And she tends to wake up in the morning with a pillow for a head. Mix-Mix Combine Rapidly knead into putty and combine two or more objects. Mix-Mix Augment Combine an object with a part of her body, to boost herself somehow, or gain some measure of control over it. (e.g. Hammer fist, rope tail, telescope eyes) Mix-Mix Full Body Putty Brenda transforms her whole body into putty. Very limited mobility, but greatly increased defence. Needs to be in this state to use Mix-Mix Full Body augment Mix-Mix Full Body Augment Brenda combines her whole self with an object or objects. This needs a greater supply of objects to be effective, or else they are too diluted. Mix-Mix Separate Pull objects out of a Mix-Mix technique, restoring them to their original properties. So far, Brenda can only use Mix-Mix Separate on objects she's added to the mix herself. She may develop the ability to undo other mixtures or compounds in the future. As well as the size limitation, the more alive something is, the harder it is for Brenda to work on it. Something completely inorganic is the easiest, with 'dead' organic matter such as a plank, cloth or a steak being only a little harder. A living plant is the limitation of her ability. Animals or people (Other than herself) are beyond Brenda's capabilities to alter. For now, anyway. Fighting style: Brenda is not a skilled fighter, but if pressured into a fight her style would be best described as 'wild brawling'. She throws whatever is to hand, mixes tools into herself for extra punching power and crawls under tables, over chairs and slams doors in faces or dumps pots on heads. She's no match for a skilled fighter, but can keep an amateur off guard long enough to escape. If cornered, she'd probably try setting something on fire. Ship Position: Assistant Shipwright Bounty: Insignificant (May have picked up a few hundred for petty crimes in local jurisdictions, but nothing that would cross a sea)
M a r x o Tandis que Marxo regardait que le jeune capitaine était envoyé à travers la porte par le feu de canon, il pensait à lui-même, Quel mauvais mouvement. Il avait entendu la voix de Nabil entre les pensées. Il semblait qu'il en avait pris la tête, même s'il préférait rester dans le bar et fumer le cancer offert. Il a commencé à regarder autour alors que le bar était en train de s'écrouler. Il serait dans leur intérêt de partir. En plus de Nabil se démangeait pour un combat et le feu de canon ne pouvait signifier que des marines ou juste des pirates stupides. Dans tous les cas, Marxo a commencé à être sanguinaire. Ils avaient gâché sa belle journée. Elle ne se relève pas de celle-là. Hé Nabil, tu avais raison. Nous avons pris trop de temps. Quelle perte de temps. Faisons face à ces nuisances rapidement. J'ai plus de décontraction à faire. » Marxo s'est dirigé vers la porte alors que Nabil portait le pirate inconscient à son ami requin. Je vais aller de l'avant avant que tu viennes ici et que tu essaies de tout tuer. Essaie de suivre Nabil. Je n'ai rien sauvé pour vous. Avec ces mots, il est sorti de la taverne pour avoir un meilleur regard sur son opposition. S'il savait ce qui l'attendait derrière ces portes. Alors que Marxo est arrivé à l'extérieur, il semblait que la moitié de la flotte maritime se trouvait à un seul port. Il a immédiatement été bombardé par de jeunes recrues qui démangeaient pour attraper un pirate. Personne n'y arriverait par cette porte. Marxo a fait appel à ses pouvoirs de fruits du diable. Plus Jubai Soku, alors que les mots sortaient de sa bouche, il semblait disparaître, laissant les recrues en état de choc. "Où est-il allé?", s'écrièrent-ils. Marxo dépêcha facilement le dos de la foule et réapparut devant le premier marine alors qu'il continuait pour la porte. Il n'avait pas remarqué son unité posée confortablement sur le sol, morte comme la nuit. Etiez-vous allé quelque part?, Marxo relâché avec un sourire. Il s'est ensuite mis à frapper un trou dans le visage de l'homme. Après que la première vague eut été envoyée, il saisit une meilleure vue des choses. Il semblait y avoir cinq capitaines avec des lieutenants. Ces chances ont excité Marxo. Ça voulait dire qu'il pouvait se montrer un peu. Il se demandait aussi combien de temps Nabil resterait à l'intérieur pour réconforter le capitaine. Perdu dans la pensée qu'il n'a pas remarqué le capitaine dans les hauts du genou le regardant vers le bas comme s'il avait tué son enfant. Mais quand il l'a fait, il a donné un regard encore plus dément, presque comme pour dire "le faire revenir". Vous allez vouloir voir ce Nabil., il a crié vers les portes de la taverne. Les jeunes pirates étaient en guerre. Ils étaient plus que préparés.
Marxo St. Laurant Height/Weight: 6’1, 160lbs Age:19 Personality: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. Home Island/Sea: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue History: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. “Your next.”, he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. Fruit: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers.
Ahio Le bruit du feu de canon a résonné à travers la ville comme plusieurs navires quelque part dans la ville a ouvert le feu. Il y avait trois possibilités dont pourrait être la cause de cela et Ahio n'aimait aucune d'entre elles. Soit il y avait des pirates qui se battaient dans le port comme des idiots, un grand groupe de pirates fouillaient la ville, soit les marines attaquaient les navires de pirates neufs à la Grand Line. Pourtant, ses pensées ont été perturbées alors qu'il regardait une fusée de boule de canon à travers le ciel et s'envolait dans la taverne. Le jeune sabre a entendu l'écrasement de bris de bois et de quelqu'un ou quelque chose s'écraser contre la pierre. D'après ce qu'Ahio pouvait voir, la jeune femme que le pêcheur avait indiqué être le ‘capitaine'. Après moins d'une minute, Ahio retourna à l'extérieur pour découvrir que le mâle à poil blanc qui avait été à l'intérieur avait enlevé un bon nombre de marines qui s'étaient manifestement précipités dans la ville pour prendre les nouveaux pirates qui avaient évidemment pris la direction de la Grand Line. Ahio a remarqué les cinq capitaines et lieutenants debout sur la route avec un assez grand nombre de grognements avec eux. Ce n'est pas comme ça que je m'attendais à ce que ma journée parte, mais c'est plus amusant que prévu.Ahio a déclaré comme il a glissé ses katanas hors de leurs gaines. Un capitaine se tenait à l'écart de l'homme avec les cheveux blancs tandis que deux autres se déplaçaient pour que leurs soldats attaquent. Les marins qui s'approchaient avaient l'intention d'enlever les cheveux blancs, mais Ahio n'avait pas l'intention de le laisser prendre toute la gloire. L'homme d'épée s'est moqué des grognements marins et a levé ses lames aussi facilement qu'il le pouvait dans une bouteille de saké. "Rumble Rumble, hōshutsu!" Ahio a dit légèrement comme un courant de foudre s'est écrasé dans les lames de ses katanas. Petits mais très dangereux boulons de foudre rapidement lancé à partir des lames et frappé cinq soldats marins centre masse avec trois autres les pâturages. Les soldats en marche s'arrêtèrent alors que les cinq qui furent frappés tombèrent au sol et les trois qui furent assez chanceux pour se faire paître retenèrent les coupures pour arrêter le saignement. Ahio a pris cette courte pause pour glisser ses katanas dans leurs gaines. Le jeune homme ne pouvait que sourire dans l'extase. Cela faisait trop longtemps qu'il avait combattu avec quelqu'un et même l'acte de combattre les marines faibles lui donnait le sentiment d'être en paix. Mais la bataille était loin d'être terminée. Les marins secouèrent leur choc et se tournèrent vers Ahio, se partageant leurs forces entre lui et les cheveux blancs. Mais Ahio était prêt pour les soldats avancés qui ne voulaient évidemment pas vraiment s'approcher de lui. Il n'y a rien de plus qu'un astucieux homme, continuez à marcher!Il a appelé un sergent de bas niveau alors qu'il dirigeait les marines vers l'utilisateur de logia. "Rumble Rumble, Sōn shōmei!" a crié Ahio alors que la foudre a failli enfermer tous ses avant-bras. Ahio a baissé un de ses bras en créant une lame verticale de foudre qui a frappé quatre marines dans une ligne les envoyant voler en arrière. Deux autres lames horizontales ont été libérées du jeune homme de foudre alors qu'il faisait un pas en avant. Près de dix des marines avancés étaient probablement paralysés à ce stade alors que sept autres étaient hors de service pour le reste de la journée, peut-être même une semaine. C'est là que vous vous amusez les cheveux blancs!Ahio a crié comme plusieurs autres marines éparpillés loin de lui dans la peur.
Name: Ahio F. Pardol Nickname(s): None currently(To be developed as he becomes more well known) Gender: Male Age: 19 Height: 175cm(5’9) Weight: 91kg(201lbs) Personality: “Not every step along the way has to be calculate, sometimes you just feel that the next step is the right step without thinking.” Ahio is not the kind of man who falters when it comes acting and likes to put himself at odds with everybody even if it means fighting the world. He likes the challenge of proving people wrong, of proving that he can do anything and everything There is not a single instance in his life where Ahio has been forced to give up his dream of becoming the single greatest swordsman in existence simply because he couldn’t win a battle. Losing is an option but for him, it is meant to be the last option and only preferable to death. He lives by the code that all swordsman from his homeland live by; a cut to one’s back is dishonorable if it is received by running away. Once his loyalty is earned, he can be the most trustworthy man there is. Status: Location; unknown believed to be alive and well. Home Island/Sea: Tagimusha Island, Island of Samurai, North Blue Sea History: Ahio is the youngest son of Higara Pardol of Tagimusha Island and the only one to be trained by the man known for fighting with two swords. From the time Ahio was strong enough to life a wooden sword he was trained to live by the standards of his people. “It is not the strength of the sword but the strength of the man wielding it which will determine the outcome of a battle.” For nearly twelve years these words were ingrained into Ahio by his father during training. His body and mind would lend strength to the blades he wields instead of relying on the strength of the blade to support him. A swordsman who relies on the blade is just as likely to fail as his steel is after using it too much. But, Ahio would not last long in his father’s care for old man Higara was dying and it would cause the greatest change in the young boys life. A few months before Ahio was to leave for the outside world, Higara died and gave him the greatest will the young man could ever receive. He came into possession of the Goro Goro no Mi which his father had received as payment a long time ago and was given his father’s swords, Jigon and Migurashi. Upon consuming the Goro Goro no Mi, Ahio became a man of lightning but has not quite developed the best control over his powers. Since then, he has arrived at an island near Reverse Mountain with hopes of setting off on an adventure to master his powers and become the greatest swordsman ever. Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi, the Rumble-Rumble fruit. The Rumble fruit allows Ahio to become a lightning human, though he hasn’t quite begun to gain the control required to stay in his lightning form yet. Having only possessed the fruit for about two or three months, he is unsure of time span really, Ahio doesn’t quite possess the control to not cause massive damage to the surroundings and innocents around him properly. The longest Ahio has used his lightning form was thirteen minutes and even then it was unstable past ten minutes. Alternatively, he can turn his forearms into lightning and ‘throw’ blades of lightning. These blades travel around two to three meters with dissipating power after the first meter. Fighting Style: Primary: Nitoryu, two-sword style •Two Sword Style: Pin Strike, Rather than using the full blade of his katanas, Ahio uses only the the tip of the blades to stab quickly as if using a rapier. •Two Sword Style: Bolt, Using the Goro Goro fruit in tandem with his katanas, Ahio circulates lightning into the metal of the blades and can launch it for about two feet. •Two Sword Style: Bull Charge, Ahio rushes towards his opponent with his blades set parallel to each other. Secondary: Goro Goro no Mi, Rumble- Rumble fruit •Rumble Rumble: Discharge(Hōshutsu), By focusing the powers of his rumble fruit into the tips of his swords or finger, Ahio can launch miniature bolts of lightning. •Rumble Rumble: Twenty Bolt Strike, By using his blades in conjunction with his lightning powers, Ahio can launch twenty lightning blade with ease. Though, this attack isn’t very strong as the charge put into each blade is generally very low. •Rumble Rumble: Thrown Lightning(Sōn shōmei), Ahio focuses his powers into his forearms and hands and ‘throws’ blades of lightning at the opponent. •Rumble Rumble: Lightning Blade, The Lightning blade is the pinnacle of Ahio’s current mastery of his powers. By assuming his state of lightning, Ahio can effectively be both a weapon and the fighter. In this state he forms two swords of lightning and use them as weapons instead of his actual blades. Ahio has used four lightning blades in his lightning form before but they drastically reduced his time in the form to five minutes. Ship Position: Brawler Bounty: 0
Quand les canons ont commencé à tirer Able était complètement confus. Pourquoi les marines bombarderaient toute la ville, bien sûr qu'un groupe de pirates vivaient dans cette ville, mais qu'ils sont encore plein de civils innocents. Cela ne peut pas rester impuni. Soudain, il entendit Nikko crier et soudain un boulet de canon s'écraser dans le bar. Able s'est aventuré pour une explosion mais ils n'étaient pas, comme Nikko a attrapé le boulet de canon. Able crie à voix haute "Damn it you idiot" une fois qu'il l'a vue allongée inconsciente sur le sol. Nabil la prend et la remet à Able. Elle respire encore ce qui est bon. Le bar commence à s'effondrer et Able court dehors avec Nikko dans ses bras. Une fois que Leanord sortira d'Able motions pour qu'il vienne à lui. Able pose Nikko contre le mur et dit à Leanord "Elle a pris un coup mais elle ira bien. Tu as de bons yeux pour que je la laisse à tes soins. Si elle se réveille, dites-lui que je suis allé lui causer des ennuis." Able commence à s'enfuir vers les marines. Able court dans la rue pour échapper aux civils qui fuient les combats et certains pilleurs profitent de la situation. Il a vu un pirate coller une lame à une mère et un enfant. La mère avait des bijoux autour du cou. Il pouvait entendre le pirate lui dire de remettre les bijoux ou elle mourrait. Able utilise une étape soudaine pour se mettre rapidement derrière le pirate et frapper le pirate à l'arrière de la tête avec son poing, frapper le pirate dehors. La mère a crié à la vue d'Able, pensant probablement qu'il voulait les bijoux. Soudain, il peut sentir la convoitise du sang et se retourne pour voir sept marines se refermer sur Able, cinq avaient des épées deux avaient des armes. Able fait demi-tour et dit à la mère : "Run arrive dans un endroit sûr." La mère n'a pas couru et son fils a remercié Able. Able fait face aux marines et ferme les yeux pour se calmer. Il sentait le sang des sabres marines. Rage construire à l'intérieur et regardé les marines "Vous appelez tous vous-même protecteur du monde civilisé. S'il vous plaît, vous me rendez malade. Mais je ne te jugerai pas, mais je laisserai ma lame traiter avec toi comme un châtiment. » Il sort sa lame puis utilise un pas soudain, tirant au-dessus de trois des marines, soudainement d'énormes coupures apparaissent à travers leurs poitrines et ils tombent. Les deux marines ont tiré sur Able, Able a réagi et a coupé les balles. Il s'est ensuite retourné pour frapper vers le bas sur le marine derrière lui, le faisant tomber. Il se retourne de nouveau et a balancé son épée vers l'un des hommes armés, en utilisant son missile à eau pour jeter de l'eau comprimée sur les hommes armés qui l'ont frappé froid. Le second tireur a encore tiré, cette fois Able a attrapé le dernier sabre et l'a utilisé comme bouclier. La balle a touché le marine, l'a sorti. Alors que le dernier tireur se rechargeait soudainement, Able a fermé l'écart entre eux par un pas soudain, attaquant les tireurs qui l'ont sorti. Able regarda vers le massacre qu'il venait d'accomplir, et se souvint qu'il devait se concentrer sur son objectif. Il poursuit sa charge à l'égard des principales forces maritimes. Même si c'était pour un bref moment, il se souvenait avoir vu le coiffeur blanc venir de cette façon. Il a été impressionnantment rapide doit être une capacité de fruits du diable.Il voit alors Ahio sortir des marines ainsi que ses pouvoirs de fruits du diable. Un homme fort, j'espère qu'il se joindra à l'équipage. Puis il est arrivé à l'emplacement de l'homme de cheveux blancs et les cinq capitaines. Ils semblent forts, assez forts pour qu'un seul homme ne dure pas longtemps. Il s'approche de l'homme aux cheveux blancs en disant : "On dirait que tu t'es fait de nouveaux amis, tu veux bien que je me joigne à la fête?" Il regarde ensuite vers les capitaines qui les taillent.
Name: Ableyo Samenoken Appearance: Height/Weight:9'6/230' Age:24 Personality: Despite his tormented life Ableyo always seems to be optimistic and always looking forward to a brighter future. His training as a child made him into a very disciplined person and usually comes off as rude due to his straight forward attitude. Ultimately he is kind and can be seen as a father figure as he always willing to lend anyone advice if he can give it. Due to recent events in his life he has tried to ultimately relax and live life to its fullest for life is short. He usually spend his days training, meditating or other hobbies like writing. Despite what others have done to him he does not harbor any ill will to other races, as he knows not everyone carry the sins of their own kind. Their are some times though were he haunting memories comes back and this usually appears when he is holding his left side of his chest. Home Island/Sea: Wano Country History: Ableyo grew up in the Wano Country in a respected fishmen clan known as the Samenoken (Translate to Shark Sword). Their they taught him everything he needed to know about being a Samurai but he had no interest, and practiced half heartily despite the disapproval of his clan. One day when Ableyo was 12 his clan was attacked by a crew of pirates/slavers. He saw his own friends and family killed in front of him, and he tried to fight back but he was to weak. That night only a handful of the clan managed to escape, Ableyo however was not so lucky. He was sold at the highest bitter and began working as a slave for a Celestial Dragon. He was branded on his left chest even to this day the pain is still there. Once the Celestial Dragon was finished with him he was sold for dirt cheap to work as manual labor. Each day the memories of his clans destruction still vivid in his mind and he vowed to never allow that to happen again, so whenever he could he trained. For once took his training seriously with a strong goal fueling his resolve. Ultimately events happen to were he was able to escape his slavery and join Nikko, but all that is a story for another day. Fruit: Too awesome for fruit powers Fighting style: He uses a one sword fighting style usually with two hands unless he needs his left hand for something punching or grabbing something. The Samenoken swordsmanship relies on finding a opening in a opponents defense and unleashing a brutal attack when that opening is found. So when it looks like he is outmatched it really is him looking for a opportunity to strike. All techniques are much stronger in water as with most fishman fighting styles. * Sudden dash: Its a stepping technique were the user can bolt forward at incredible speeds, even when the user is not in motion. This is the foundation for most of the Samenoken fighting style. * Shark Leap strike: Once the user see a opening in the opponents defense the user uses Sudden dash along with a horizontal or vertical strike. The sudden speed from the dash gives this strike a ton of brute power. * One slash many strikes : A strike attack that uses the concept of Sudden Dash but with their arms not their legs. Doing so allows the user to make multiple attacks so quick it looks like one strike. Right now the user can only use a maximum of three strikes. * Launching water missile : The user strikes so the moisture or body of water in the area compresses to become a projectile weapon. This attack is weaker with less water in the area. * The water hypnosis trance: a type of trance a user puts himself in, in order to fool his body into thinking its under water by using the moisture around him. It increases his physical abilities and endurance but sadly lasts only a few minutes, upon which he can not do it again unless the user risks damages to his psyche. Completely useless in the desert. Ship Positions: 1st Mate Bounty: 0
C'est Nabil. Derrière les combattants à l'extérieur, la taverne s'était finalement effondrée sur elle-même. Le bruit de la fissuration du bois était sonore, faisant écho de tous les côtés jusqu'à ce que le dernier caillou jaillisse du gâchis de 15 pieds de haut et sur le sol. Au sommet, où le rayon du soleil vit son blanc le plus fort et aveuglé, était une figure accouchée, assise. Nabil regarda les Marines avec une fronce tendue, ses yeux verts profonds se rétrécissaient de haine. Lentement, il s'est relevé du désordre émietté et a jugé chacun d'eux coupable d'hypocrisie. Marxo, un étranger maniant l'épée, et ce poissonnier d'avant était rassemblé avec eux. Ce qui voulait dire qu'il devait être plus... délicat avec son approche. Dégoutant, vermine, il murmura Nabil pendant qu'il façonnait la chaleur qui coulait de son corps. Des aiguilles rouges se formèrent autour de lui, chacune visant l'un des marines entourant son camarade et les autres. Un coup de feu d'un mousquet a frappé l'air alors qu'il était relâché vers lui. Encore une fois, le mince fil tira sur lui et dirigea ses sens vers le danger. Une seule aiguille l'a traversé avec une telle vitesse que la boule de fer s'est fissurée et est tombée au sol. Est-ce que c'était toute la vitesse qu'il pouvait rassembler à son niveau actuel? Il s'est demandé. C'est impossible. Je connais ces pouvoirs. Marxo et Nabil, ce duo étrange de Yumil Isle. Ils sont... Ils sont ici aussi!La peur a fait bégayer et trembler les mots de l'homme. Avant que les autres ne puissent pointer leurs mousquets sur lui, Nabil envoya les aiguilles dans leur poitrine. Ils ont tous gelé dans la douleur devant leur tête inclinée vers le dos, leurs yeux sont devenus blancs, et ils ont coulé à terre. Chacun transpercé dans le cœur. Leurs mousquets sont tombés au sol et, lorsque le dernier a heurté le sol, Nabil s'est posé et s'est posé sur la route venteuse. Il soupirait d'ennui. C'étaient des recrues, évidemment. Si les capitaines et les lieutenants avaient été là, ils auraient été prudents des aiguilles et auraient été préparés. La viande fraîche était moins encline à se méfier des aiguilles placées autour de lui, ignorant la vitesse avec laquelle il pouvait les relâcher. La chaleur était un puissant carburant. Les parties terminées, Gills, a dit Nabil en réponse à la question du pêcheur. Marxo, tu joues encore avec ta nourriture. Ce cig doit t'avoir considérablement calmé. Je suis sûr qu'ils n'ont pas attaqué notre vaisseau.
Name: Nabil "The Calm" Valley Height/Weight: 5’9” / 142lbs Age: 18 The alias “The Calm” was given to Nabil due to his infallible ability to seem un-phased by most antagonist. Some assume that he hides an intelligence behind this composed wall. Those are lies. He is as smart as the next man, maybe a bit more so, but that’s mainly due to his innate caution. He knows when to shut his mouth and when to speak out against others. In that aspect, he travels in a gray area. Where one person’s reality is not his own, but instead an adjacent to what could have been. In other words, he attempts to empathize with others. His love for the sea is directly tied to his extensive love for freedom, which contradicts his abnormal caution. Home Island/Sea: Provestal Island. The son of two Marines, it was very unlikely that Nabil would later become a pirate. In fact, his parent’s loving nature left little to be desired. When the two were deployed, expecting to be gone for several years, he was sent to live with distant relatives on Provestal Island. A quaint, small place where a unnerving calm saturated the air. On the island he explored the deep woods that surrounded the small town. Finding interest in the giant wild life and floral. He couldn’t understand it for the longest, unwilling to show his ignorance he would remain that way for several months. When he finally asked his aunt and cousin, they explained that the oxygen levels on the island was abnormally high. He took those words to face value and continued finish his breakfast, a rather calm fascination now inside of him. By the age of thirteen, Nabil had seemingly become the living force of Provestal Isle’s calm. Though many had resided on the isle, not many could match his level of tranquil. When others were too afraid to enter the force, he would walk through the greenery, alongside the giant beasts, and gaze at the crater in its center. Every day he returned there, he felt the urge to delve inside grow stronger. It was like the sound of the careening waterfall hitting the dark bottom was a calling card. It beckoned for him to adventure below but caution staid his descent. At the age of fifteen, Provestal Isle was visited by a band of pirates. They washed ashore on a broken and shattered boat, the captain deeply worried about his crew. The island offered them shelter for three nights. Those three nights were filled with stories of stormy adventures and fanciful tales of the unnatural. Needless to say, Nabil was enticed by them. On the fourth night, the Marines surrounded the isle with a fleet of ranked officers. The Pirate Captain, who expressed his desire to not tangle the island up in his affairs had decided to give himself up. He left with his crew moments later. An hour had peacefully passed before cannon fire had begun to rain down. A scarce group of the pirates returned in tears, warning that the marines was going to kill them all, despite their surrender. Behind them, the marines trampled forward. Nabil and his cousin, along with others, were told to retreat to the forest. To let the beasts protect them as a last resort. As Nabil guided his cousin to the crater, he could hear the cries of villagers as some of the beasts prowled on them. Dark smoke soon billowed from the tree line, orange heat lined its treetops. Nabil believed his cousin and himself to be safe. That was until canon fire came dangerously close to them. Fear led him to trying to convince his cousin to dive into the crater with him; the promise of water below was not enough though. The boy, who was supposed to jump on three with him, had stayed on top, where canon fire had seared his face and tossed him out of sight. At the bottom of the cavern spring, Nabil immediately swore vengeance on the Marines. He followed the water to the mouth of the island, one that led out into the ocean. Once he returned back to the shore, he witnessed the pirate captain shackled and ready to be inhumanly executed. Nabil realized that the majority of the Marines had left during his long stay in the cavern and that only a few was left. He would have heroically saved the guy, if he had been so afraid. He was shot several times in the head before finally being left alone. Nabil waited until nightfall, when the sea was quiet and empty till he finally approached. The captain was dead but the beach was littered with members of his crew. As Nabil walked through, a bloodied hand grabbed him and instructed, with vexation in his voice, to avenge them. With that in mind, he told Nabil the location of a treasure near the inn in the village. The village was burned to the ground and Nabil had all but given up hope on finding anyone alive. They all had bullets in them, one for each alive he figured. Once to the treasure chest, he found a fruit inside. He bit it after a bit of hesitance and after spitting it out, found out it was a devil fruit. He became a 10,000 degrees human. Years later and he had become a pirate, one hell bent on getting in the marines way. Usually his actions were small, intervening with rookie marines in small towns and allowing the escape of other pirates. Though recently he hijacked a marine ship and sailed it to Reverse Mountain. Devil Fruit: Atsu Atsu no Mi (Hot Hot Fruit) Fighting style: Direct and brutish, Nabil fights in conjunction with his Hot Hot Fruit abilities. Landing searing blows and burning away those that stand in his way. He seems to know some form of martial arts, as he often lowers into a stance when fighting one on one. With all the potential of a Supenova. Nabil has the possibility to use Observation Haki, Arms Haki, and Conquerors Haki. Though these have not been explored and largely unseen. He will need immense training to bring these out of himself. Atsu Atsu no Spears Nabil shapes the heat that fumes from his body into several needles. He launches these needles at the speed of a musket's bullet and pierces those he's up against. With a cold calculation, he uses this technique to take out mass armies of weaklings. Though fast and effective, it pretty easy to dodge if you're perceptive. Ship Positions: - 10,000,000
M a r x o Marxo riait de la remarque de Nabil. Dans le fond de son esprit, il interrogea toute l'épreuve du bateau, mais il semblait avoir une idée. S'il était détruit, nous pourrions encore en avoir un autre. Ça n'a aucun sens de gaspiller de bons bateaux. Ils n'en auront pas besoin de toute façon, ils seront morts. Quant à vous deux, c'était amusant, mais mon frère dit qu'on ne peut plus jouer. Mais hélas, il décida d'ignorer le regard des capitaines et se mit en route avec Nabil. Pour une raison quelconque, il avait l'impression qu'ils se rencontreraient à nouveau. Pour l'instant, il se concentrait sur le bateau Nabil et lui-même était entré. Il tenait beaucoup de trésor précieux Marxo ne voulait pas regarder la noyade dans la mer. Avant de partir, vous voudrez peut-être jeter un coup d'oeil vers les navires. Je suis sûr que c'est quelque chose que vous voulez voir. Il savait que ça rouillerait Nabil. Il oublierait probablement tout le vaisseau. À l'intérieur, Marxo se démangeait pour se battre lui-même. Honnêtement, il n'a pas vu le besoin de vérifier le vaisseau tout de suite. Il y avait des choses plus intéressantes devant eux.
Marxo St. Laurant Height/Weight: 6’1, 160lbs Age:19 Personality: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. Home Island/Sea: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue History: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. “Your next.”, he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. Fruit: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers.
L'attaque sur le port semblait bien se dérouler. Du point de vue du navire, cela semblait bien se passer. Le commodore se tient presque nu frottant le chaume de sa barbe. Il se branle les yeux alors qu'il regarde les différentes boules de canon qui sont virées dans la ville. Beaucoup d'entre eux explosent mais le dernier ne l'a pas fait. Il aurait juré avoir vu quelqu'un l'attraper. Il se disait sans doute avant de se tourner vers sa gauche pour regarder le grand capitaine blond qui l'avait approché plus tôt. "Qui leur a dit de faire ça? Nous ne sommes pas là pour terroriser les citoyens. » sa voix était calme mais il était clairement irrité par ce tour des événements. Il croise les bras et sniffe deux fois. -- Eh bien, bougez-vous! Dis-le aux autres capitaines!" -- Monsieur, oui, monsieur! Elle répond par un salut rapide et s'élance rapidement en talons hauts. Dans un instant, elle arrive à la salle de réunion des officiers. A part elle, il n'y a que deux autres capitaines. Elle met sa propre veste avec un nom sur le "Kariko". Les deux autres capitaines portaient également leurs manteaux portant des noms. Derrière elle se trouve une jeune femme portant des lunettes et des gants étranges, ainsi qu'un jeune garçon qui a un pistolet à la hanche que sa main semble se toucher inconsciemment. Un homme d'environ six pieds et demi de haut sans arme visible à la main. Le nom sur son dos est "Kuroshin". À côté de lui est un gros oaf d'un homme qui est à la fois grand et gras. A côté de lui se trouve un homme beaucoup plus petit qui ne semblait pas avoir plus de 15 ans et qui brandissait un jeu de cartes. L'autre capitaine semble être un homme de taille normale qui dort dans sa chaise. Il n'y en a pas d'autres autour de lui. "Oi!" Elle shoulte en réveillant l'homme qui dort. "Où est le canon et le broyeur d'épée?" Elle demande impatiemment. Une veine s'élève lentement dans son front à travers son maquillage lourd. L'homme endormi commence à se frotter les yeux. "Sûr qu'ils sont déjà partis. Je veux dire... est-ce que je dois vraiment m'impliquer? On dirait que vous l'avez probablement eu-" Il est coupé alors que la femme claque sa main sur la table en la faisant trembler. "... très bien." "On ne peut pas les aider s'ils sont déjà là..." Elle commence à sortir un compact et à réparer son maquillage. "Allons-y nous-mêmes. On dirait qu'il y en a quelques-uns forts." Avec cela, elle se tourne et part avec ses compagnons. Il semble que les autres suivent la même voie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alors que Marxo et Nabil partent sur leur propre tour sur le chemin dans le port, trois personnalités éminentes sont créées dans la foule. Un homme est évidemment très important et se dresse sur sept pieds de haut. Il porte un grand manteau blanc qui descend jusqu'à ses pieds. Cependant, au lieu d'avoir les manches normales, ils ont été arrachés. Maintenant, ses bras musculaires sont exposés. Le visage de l'homme est marqué et ses yeux jaunes brillent presque. Son visage est rasé et sur sa tête est un mohawk ridiculement grand. Dans ses mains il y a deux petits axes. Les Tomahawks pourraient en être une description plus précise. À l'arrière des lames, on dirait un marteau. Il semble qu'il y en ait plusieurs attachées à son corps sous sa veste, mais c'est impossible de savoir combien. Juste derrière lui, deux autres personnes marchent. Les deux sont des hommes qui semblent être de taille normale pour les humains. L'un a de gros cheveux brun poofy. Cet homme tient une longue arme à poteau d'au moins 4 mètres de long. Il est le plus grand des deux. Sur son bras se trouve le grade de 2e lieutenant. Le second homme est juste un peu plus court que l'homme moyen avec des cheveux noirs et des yeux froids. Il a deux bâtons beaucoup plus petits seulement à environ 1 mètre de longueur. Il les tient au milieu du personnel, mais c'est comme s'il avait quatre fins à combattre. Sur le bras de cet homme est le grade de 1er lieutenant. "Vous deux, prenez le tazer à pied. Je vais foutre en l'air le poissonnier." Un sourire sombre et sadique s'étend sur son visage. Contours et lignes ombrent son visage alors qu'il saute en avant avec une vitesse incroyable. Aucun des autres marines de la région n'a même pu le suivre. Il semble faire une ligne B pour Able mais quand il se rapproche, il lance ses deux tomahawks en même temps en visant à la fois le cœur et le foie. Juste une seconde après les avoir relâchés ses mains ont déjà attrapé deux autres et continuer avec son avance normale pour une attaque de mêlée. Les deux autres ont des réactions mitigées entre l'irritation et la recherche, mais les deux suivent avec les ordres en profitant de la précipitation rapide du capitaine pour faire un tiret pour Ahio. Le plus petit des deux tourne autour pour essayer de se mettre derrière Ahio tandis que les premiers sauts dans l'air pour faire descendre une puissante balançoire d'arc vers le bas avec son pôle de dragon massif (wow ne prenez pas cela hors contexte). [En anglais seulement] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (désolé celui-ci est un peu court à court de temps. mai éditer plus tard ce soir si je peux rassembler l'énergie) Alors que vous arrivez tous les deux au port, vous remarquez que votre navire coule également. Il semble qu'il pourrait y avoir du temps pour sauver quelques choses mais avant que vous ayez la chance une boule de canon de toutes sortes claque dans le sol juste en face d'eux. Il souffle partout et fait un énorme trou de cratère. À l'intérieur, vous voyez un petit homme portant un casque et un costume de saut bleu. Une veste de capitaine qui a les mots "Bernie Cannonball" cousu dedans. L'homme, bien qu'il soit tombé dans le sol, semble très bien. En fait, il sort du cratère et se débarrasse. "Capitaine!" Une voix appelle comme deux autres personnes atterrissent sur le port. Ils sont arrivés à une vitesse normale. L'un était une grande femme avec des lunettes avec un pistolet dans une main et un violeur dans l'autre. Son partenaire est un homme plus âgé de 30 ans portant des lunettes de soleil et fumant une cigarette. Sur son dos, il y a un poteau de pêche. Aucune autre arme n'est vue. "Hey capitaine..." l'homme plus âgé dit que l'autre fille semble trop essoufflée pour finir sa phrase. "Tu ne peux pas juste aller devant nous comme ça. Il nous fait paraître mauvais pour l'ennemi quand nous ne pouvons pas rattraper." Il semble loin d'être détendu et sa plainte est pour la plupart passive. Il jette un coup d'œil sur les deux qui venaient de se précipiter dans le port. "Vos vaisseaux couleront au fond. Ensuite, à notre guise, nous enverrons les plongeurs pour recueillir ce que vous avez. Si vous survivez à votre procès, vous recevrez une boîte pour en garder quelques-uns si vous le souhaitez. » Sa voix est maintenant condescendante et il tire le poteau de pêche de son dos et commence à attacher un crochet à la fin de la corde.
Name: Nikko Tenchi Appearance: Height/Weight: 5ft'7in/ enough Age: Appears to be about 18. Personality: While in public she seems well put together and confident in private she is often childish and stubborn. She is headstrong no matter where she is however. Once her mind is made up it would take an act of god to change it. In fact if history provides any reference even that might not. While generally a happy-go-lucky kind of person she has hot blood running through her veins. She may break tables or throw things through walls when she gets angry (or just drunk). It is her inquisitive and curious mind that rules her passion. Her favorite thing to do is to experiment or tinker with things. She has a vast desire to know how things work and to replicate them herself. Her collar and gloves are made with her inventing in mind. Her goggles, which are of her own invention stay on her head without any support at all. She can move them around where she needs and will often bring them down over her eyes during a fight that seems dangerous. Home Island/Sea: Taiko Island History: I am breaking my own rule slightly as some of her past has to do with the overall plot. But in the recent year she has made her name adventuring a bit through different parts of the grand line. While never declaring herself as a pirate per-se she has always considered herself one ever since she has left home which was a year and a half ago. Since then she has met plenty of people. Roughly one month ago she met a person who rivaled her in strength. It was a massive shark fishman hailing from the Wano Country. They initially didn't like each other as he was a bit rude and didn't have the proper respect for women that she felt she deserved. They got into no less than three fights before drawing the attention of a prominent pirate of the area. The two were forced to work together to escape. However in the rush they found themselves stuck in the calm belt. Having spent three days in the calm belt fighting off sea kings and running like hell they managed to pop out in west blue. From there they found a pirate with a bounty worth only a million. It was hardly even effort to take down this man and his crew but it did provide them with enough spending money to ferry a ride with a group of people heading into the grand line. Fruit: None Fighting style: Brawling. Despite her petite figure she is actually incredibly physically strong. Her punch packs a hell of a wallop and her speed is nothing to sniff at. Her style of fighting doesn't follow any particular martial art and is mostly self taught. However despite this self taught style she incorporates moves from several different arts into her own. For example many of her punches seem to be a mix between the way Karate and Boxing punch. However the movements are more fluid and natural than stylized. Many of her kicks seem to come from Tae Kwan do or Muai Thai. She knows how to grapple and throw as well. Her grip is strong enough to stop most ships and the gloves that she wear are made of an incredible material that doesn't seem to rip or tear no matter how much pressure and tension she puts on them. Haki of Observation is her most powerful Haki at this point. She has useage of the Haki of Armament as well. Ship Positions: Captain/Shipwright (looking for apprentice shipwright) Bounty: Currently 0
"Run à l'hiiiiiiiiiiiiil~" Presque instantanément sur le pont alors que les bruits de feu de canon résonnaient à travers la ville, Leonard était définitivement effrayé, tremblant alors qu'il courait après Abel. La dernière chose qu'il voulait, c'était rester à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment pendant qu'ils acclamaient le feu de canon. Se tenant près d'Abel et d'Awestruck qu'un être humain vient d'attraper un boulet de canon et de vivre, il obéit silencieusement à la demande d'Abel. Elle se déplaçait doucement pour que l'oxygène s'écoule vers son cerveau, Leonard se blottit contre le mur, tremblant légèrement. Si une chose était apparente pour quelqu'un, il avait peur. Il avait peur de l'esprit. Il avait tellement peur qu'il commençait à hyper-ventiler. En secouant les mains, il regagna son manteau, retira son masque en fer noir, le plaçant au-dessus de sa bouche pour ne pas respirer si vite. Comme un sac en papier de fer. En regardant Nikko tristement, il s'est serré les genoux contre sa poitrine. "...j'aimerais...j'aimerais pouvoir aider..." dit-il tranquillement, avant de placer gentiment sa main derrière la tête de Nikko, en s'assurant qu'elle ne saignait pas de la tête. "Aucun signe d'enflure... juste... de quoi cette femme est-elle faite? Une personne normale serait morte." Il affirme alors qu'il remet rapidement sa tête en arrière où elle était contre le mur. Tant qu'elle ne bougeait pas trop, même si elle avait une commotion cérébrale, il aurait des analgésiques prêts pour elle quand elle s'est réveillée. En gardant ses yeux dehors pour tout danger, il était prêt à la déplacer à tout moment si nécessaire.
Name: Leonard Siegfriedt Appearance: (Ignore the gun, his pansy ass probably couldn't even lift it) Height/Weight: 5’2, 112 lbs. Age: 19 Personality: While Leonard may seem like a rather grim person, that’s just a misconception most people would get from his clothing. He’s actually rather shy, and tries to hide as much of himself from others as he can, hence the hood and the faceguard. He’s actually a lot nicer than you’d take him for, difficult to anger and easy to please. As a doctor, he believes it to be his duty to help the unwell, and can’t stand to see people suffer when he can do something to help. Even though he has Hypochondriasis. Home Island: North Blue, Principality of Eurijk History: To understand why Leonard is the way he is, it’s more important to know who his parents were, or rather, parent. A woman by the name of Charlotte Siegfriedt, infamously known as the Plague Woman. A person who consumed a rather odd Devil-Fruit by the name of the Toru-Toru no Mi, the Thieving fruit. Despite the powerful nature of the fruit, Charlotte solely used the innately malicious power of the fruit to, rather than steal things such as other’s organs or lives, instead stole from them their ailments, their weariment, their sickness, and their afflictions. Truly a saint, Charlotte traveled the world, willing to help whoever she could save by using her own body as the host for innumerable viruses. Doing so was no easy task for her, however. The pain was unbearable at times, with several fevers racking her body every week, sometimes hitting at the same time. Were it not for her strong conviction to help others, she likely would have died in her sleep countless times. Naturally, carrying that many ailments would shorten one’s lifespan dramatically, and as such, she was fated to die by the age of 30, if not sooner. Doing what she could with her remaining time, she travelled the North Blue, where she was already infamous for having eliminated the lethal Muave Pox that spread through it years before; infamous for being the only known carrier of it. As such, she was shunned and nearly stoned to death several times, resulting in the loss of one of her eyes. From there, Leonard isn’t sure of how he came to be. He isn’t sure who his father is, or how an infant was able to be born without getting deathly ill from a woman like his mother. But what he did know was that his mother was dying every moment he was with her. It was a terrifying experience for the boy, knowing that his mother would die soon. But he never expected the day she would leave their make-shift home in the middle of the swamp-land region of Eurijk. Without a word of goodbye besides a letter telling Leonard to live honestly, his mother vanished. Sailing off to sea, she perished in the middle of the sea somewhere, her body drifting to the bottom of the sea with her host of plagues. Terribly saddened and alone, Leonard soon declined into depression, cursing the world that there was never anyone who could cure his mother of her illnesses. Now alone in the world, Leonard studied tirelessly to perfect medicines of his own concoction, using himself and various animals around the area to test his brews. One of those concoctions also happened to nearly blow his entire home to pieces, resulting in the left side of his face to be burned quite severely. Years later, without a penny to his name, he set off into the world to cure the incurable, more than aware of his dream being absolutely ridiculous. But then...a world free of sickness never was his own dream. It was his mother’s. Fighting Style: Do No Harm Despite his Hippocratic Oath, Leonard understands perfectly well that in this violent world, conflict is inevitable. While not a proficient hand-to-hand fighter, he has the knowledge required to dislocate someone’s bones if given enough of an opening, as well as having amazingly precise and steady hands. Combined with his accurate vision, he is able to throw scalpels like throwing knives with a great deal of precision. Crew Position: Doctor Bounty: 0 Others: Wears his faceguard more to hide his face than to keep from catching something, despite his frightfully strong immune system. While he does have the potential to have rather strong Observation Haki, he is currently unaware of Haki's existence, and has no idea how to use it. Character Theme
Sylas ébranlant "Très bien, ça a été un retard assez long. Il est temps de poursuivre mon voyage dans la Grande Ligne. » Il ne parlait à personne en particulier, il ne l'a jamais été. L'homme excentrique marchait seul le long du port, les mains derrière la tête avec ses coudes sur le côté dans une pose détendue malgré le fait qu'il marchait. "Mais il semble que ce soit mon vaisseau à partir de maintenant. Je suppose qu'elle mérite un nom, pour survivre aussi longtemps qu'elle l'a fait. Hmmm... peut-être Chain Breaker Junior? Non, Pops s'enfonçait dans sa tombe. Il doit être unique, magnifique, et surtout il doit crier qu'il a été baptisé par Sylas Maison!" Il est finalement arrivé, debout devant son navire. Un vase en verre massif, en forme de galion miniature. Malgré le fait qu'il n'avait pas de toile sur le mât vide, il était équipé de deux gros rames comme moyen de propulsion. "Je m'en occupe! Elle sera la Rose Blanche!" Sylas a enfoncé sa main dans l'air et a croisé son autre bras sur sa poitrine, faisant une pose trop dramatique et tout aussi boiteuse. Dans un signal épique, le son des canons sonna à travers le port à la seconde même, il frappa la stupide pose. "Quoi?" Tandis que plusieurs autres qui se promenaient dans le port se cachaient immédiatement à mesure que les navires le long du port commençaient à exploser, Sylas resta dans sa pose alors que les explosions se berçaient autour de lui. Il n'était pas particulièrement inquiet pour sa propre santé car un seul canon a explosé à proximité. Et il s'était écrasé dans son vaisseau de verre, le détruisant instantanément et envoyant des éclats de verre dans toutes les directions tandis que la majorité de la coque s'est infiltrée dans l'eau. Il est resté gelé en place, son visage contorsionné dans une expression d'incrédulité comique. "Rose blanche!! Noooo! » Il rompit le silence, s'écroulant sur ses genoux et prenant la tête dans ses mains dans le chagrin. À l'heure actuelle, les autres avaient tous couru du port, ne voulant pas prendre la chance de voir si les navires ouvriraient le feu à nouveau. « Un vaisseau légendaire a frappé le jour même où elle a gagné son nom! Les aventures à venir n'arriveront jamais à être! » Sylas semblait presque comme s'il était sur le point de pleurer, avant de se recomposer et de se remettre sur pied. "C'était assez petit de toute façon. Maintenant j'ai une bonne excuse pour faire un nouveau vaisseau de la bonne taille. Je parie que je peux avoir un bon mât, même. Mais d'abord...» Sa main droite se déplaçait pour régler ses lunettes en douceur alors que son regard s'étendait sur le port, devant les autres navires qui s'enfoncent, pour repérer les marines d'atterrissage. "Shatter Sylas doit venger son vaisseau tombé..." Alors qu'un peloton de marins commença à se diriger du navire vers la ville, des armes déjà tirées, l'un des jeunes hommes sur le flanc droit sentit une présence inquiétante et remarqua une ombre qui le couvrit. Quand il regarda vers le haut et vers la droite pour voir ce que c'était, ses yeux s'élargirent en véritable surprise. Sylas est tombé sur lui, tenant un gigantesque marteau sur sa tête. L'étrange pirate s'est claqué dans la formation de soldats avec une explosion de poussière, de béton et de verre, en envoyant des soldats voler dans toutes les directions. À mesure que la poussière s'éteignait et que les marines commençaient à se relever, on vit Sylas tenir la grande poignée de verre, notamment cassée au sommet d'où la tête de marteau avait été détruite. « Je peux le voir maintenant », a dit Sylas, sa voix basse et inquiétante alors que le verre dans ses mains commençait à se régénérer, reformant le marteau. « Shatter Sylas brise toute la flotte de la Marine, sauve l'innocente Ville de Contradictions dans une magnifique démonstration de passion pour son navire bien-aimé, White Rose. Un long titre, mais un bon titre pour sûr." Tandis qu'il semblait désireux de se parler, plusieurs marins préparèrent une charge d'épée, venant de tous côtés avec leurs lames levées. "Hmm, peut-être qu'il devrait être raccourci juste un peu..." En s'emparant de son arme géante, Sylas l'a balancé autour d'un cercle complet, la taille et le poids du marteau de verre faisant sauter n'importe quelle épée hors du chemin et en envoyant la marine attachée voler vers l'arrière. Une rotation complète plus tard et Sylas n'était plus en danger par les marines. "Maintenant que je regarde de plus près, il semble qu'il y ait beaucoup de marines sur la scène..." Reposant l'arme sur son épaule, Sylas regarda en arrière vers la ville. Plusieurs autres pelotons avaient déjà atterri et étaient entrés, causant tout ce qu'ils allaient faire. Puis il regarda en arrière vers le port, aux navires de la Marine qui étaient encore sur l'eau et se préparèrent à livrer plus de canons. "Un homme plus lâche pourrait considérer cela comme un bon moment pour une retraite tactique. Mais pas moi. Ma soif de vengeance ne sera pas apaisée tant que leurs navires ne partageront pas le même sort que White Rose! » L'un des marins au sol a commencé à bouger, en tirant lentement et furtivement son pistolet. Alors qu'il a dirigé l'arme sur le dos de Sylas pour une attaque surprise, le jeune homme s'est brusquement retourné et a frappé le marteau contre ses mains dans une balançoire horizontale. Cela a certainement brisé les mains et les bras du marine, mais il a aussi envoyé le pistolet voler au loin comme une course à domicile. "De plus, je suis sûr que si j'essayais de faire voiler ces navires là-bas, je me ferais tuer. Il faut bien s'occuper de la Marine avant que je quitte cette ville..."
Name: "Shattering" Sylas Maison Height/Weight: 6'0" (182cm) / 170lbs (77.1kg) Age: 20 Personality: Eccentric and emotional, Sylas is known for being an overly melodramatic fellow. Prone to telling tale tales of grand feats he may or may not have ever accomplished, his flair for drama is second-to-none. He always strives to be interesting and unique, making it easy to spot him in a crowd by looks and sound alone. He is often written off as crazy by those that meet him, especially after they see what he is capable of. Sylas is as impulsive as they come, and accordingly unpredictable. He always strives to amaze those around him with feats of power or compassion, to be recognized as a man worthy of legend. At the very least his wierdness is legendary, but getting that point across to Sylas is impossible. Nobody looks up to Sylas more than Sylas himself. He is infallible in his own eyes and he won't stop until everyone else sees him that way too. Home Island/Sea: West Blue History: Born to Captain Ismael Maison of the Firefly Pirates, Sylas was immersed in the world of swashbuckling from a very young age. Though the Firefly Pirates and consequently Captain Ismael were nothing impressive that didn't stop the enigmatic leader to present grandiose tales to his son. Enamored with his unrealistic and romaticized view of piracy, young Sylas aimed to follow the footsteps of his father and become a legend (despite the fact his father's name was unheard of outside the West Blue). He spent his entire life on board the Firefly's ship, Chain Breaker, training to take the reigns from his father one day as the captain of the crew. When Sylas was fourteen he encountered the Hari Hari no Mi. And encountered is the correct word, as he saw the fruit on board an enemy ship while the crew was raiding it. Being he was hungry at the time he ate it without a second thought. It was only after Ismael questioned where the Devil Fruit was that it was realized Sylas had eaten it. This temporarily put a damper on crew relations, but it was found that Sylas was an even greater asset to the crew now. He was no longer just the captain's kid but now a useful member. Granted his odd personality didn't make him exactly likable. He trained to use his new abilities to the max, believing that they would be key to his future legends. Over time he became the powerhouse of the Firefly Pirates, surpassing anyone else on board by leagues. At nineteen his father finally grew ill and passed away (likely scurvy), leaving Sylas in charge of the Firefly Pirates rather than the more popular first mate, Hopper. Taking it to heart, Sylas immediately declared they would head to the Grand Line. As they made their way across the West Blue, slowly but surely, the crew grew dissatisfied with Sylas's style of leadership. They no longer pillaged towns or raided islands, instead marauding only other pirate crews. After three months they couldn't take it any longer. Following an overly-eccentric twentieth birthday party for Sylas, the crew immediately mutinied. Led by the former first mate, the mutiny forced Sylas to walk the plank. As a Devil Fruit user, this surely meant he would die. But quick thinking and the Hari Hari no Mi powers allowed him to create a small boat. Using his incredible strength and a single paddle, Sylas escaped his former comrades by fleeing towards a nearby island. Or so he thought. His sense of navigation wasn't very spot on and instead Sylas had traversed into the nearby Calm Belt. In a feat of fear-fueled stamina, Sylas managed to paddle his way across the calm belt and onto the Grand Line. With no food or water, Sylas found himself close to death before spotting Reverse Mountain and the Town of Contradiction. After arriving at the port he was given some food and water by sympathetic locals. It took only a day to recover his strength, in which Sylas was immediately indebted and forced to work off the bills for the food he had eaten. This brings us to today, two days after Sylas had arrived at the Town of Contradiction... Fruit: Known as the Glass-Glass Fruit, it is a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that grants the user the ability to create glass at a rapid pace and to manipulate existing glass under certain conditions. Notably not Logia class as users cannot turn themselves into glass nor are they invulnerable to physical attacks. The glass created by a Hari Hari no Mi user can have various properties as determined at the time of creation, though for existing glass to be manipulated it must be untempered and have no stain. The glass created can only ever be in a crystal, solid state though it may be structured to appear liquid. Liquid glass can also be manipulated, if pure and unstained, despite not being able to be produced by the user. The thicker the glass, the longer it takes to create. Glass can only be created from the user's body, but glass that is being manipulated has a much longer range. Most common uses of the Hari Hari no Mi are to create weapons or structures of glass, usually thick so as not to be broken easily. The fragile nature of thin glass makes it a great weapon for slicing even when broken, though thin glass is also useful for manipulating light. A skilled user can create illusions with cleverly manipulated glass and even a an unskilled user could reflect sunlight to blind foes. There are a wide range of possibilities with the Hari Hari no Mi, though it is not without weaknesses. Even the thickest glass is weaker than the equivalent thickness of steel, and due to the crystalline nature of untempered glass it is prone to fracture with ease if it is not made to be especially thick (and even then it is not on par with an identical weapon/structure made of metal). Due to the nature of Busoshoku Haki, Hari Hari no Mi glass of any thickness is shattered with ease if struck by it. Consequently, Busoshoku Haki can be imbued into the glass created if the user is adept with Haki, negating the Haki weakness to a degree. Fighting style: Sylas is a powerhouse, exhibiting incredible strength and the capability to wield absurdly large weapons of his own creation. Though agile in his own right he will stick to his greatest strength: strength. Sylas primarily fights using glass weapons, such as hammers and swords, but his style is just as versatile as his Devil Fruit. Though he is capable of fighting without his Devil Fruit powers, he does lack martial art skills and has to rely on pure physical capability to get by. Sylas is capable of using Busoshoku (Arms) and Kenbunshoku (Observation) Haki to certain degrees, though he reserves this ability. Hari Hari no Hammerfall Sylas creates an absurdly large hammer of glass, over twice his own size, and swings it down with enough force to annihilate the hammer and usually most anything in its path. This can be considered his signature technique and has attributed to his epithet, for the shattering hammer. This technique can be used alternatively, to allow extended use of the hammer by not immediately smashing it. Hari Hari no Great Hammerfall An enlarged version of his signature technique. Sylas creates an even more absurdly large hammer, this time large enough smash an entire building or even a ship. Notably takes more time to create the weapon and it is much more unwieldy in his hands. Only ever good for one attack. Hari Hari no Saber A large glass sword is created. Though fragile and easy to break, it is incredibly sharp. When it is broken the shattered pieces are capable of causing further damage. Sylas can repair the blade in order to extend how long it can be useful. Hari Hari no Windmill Two meter-long, six-point throwing stars are created and flung at the enemy. Due to Sylas's ability to control the glass they will give chase and home in on the desired target until broken beyond use or they hit their mark. Much like the Saber they are incredibly sharp and breaking them still has a probability of taking damage. Hari Hari no Geyser An eruption of thick and spiky layers of glass form from Sylas's feet, stabbing foes and repelling attacks. Due to the thickness of the glass it is less sharp and not as likely to completely slice through opponents, but it is more resilient and can withstand stronger attacks as well as still being able to harm whoever was in the blast zone. Hari Hari no Anchor By creating a sheet of glass across the ground (or oceanwater, if out at sea) and underneath a foe (or opposing ship), Sylas can trap his enemy. Once the glass reaches underneath the enemy it will grow upwards to anchor them in place. For humanoid foes this only requires reaching up to the waist to completely halt their leg movement, and for ships at seat it simply requires getting completely underneath and surrounding it only by a few feet (which is more than enough to completely remove the ship from the water). Hari Hari no Mirror One of Sylas's weaker moves, as it does not usually fit his style and is thus not often used or practiced. Sylas creates a pane of glass, warped to just the right angle to reflect the brightest light source available (usually the sun) and project it in the direction of his enemy to temporarily blind them. Hari Hari no Mist Two balls of glass are created before being broken (throwing, crushing, smashing, doesn't matter), causing them to explode into many tiny shards of glass. Controlling the direction of the spray can create a painful diversion for his foes, potentially blinding them (the permanent kind of blind). Hari Hari no Laser Using a large, circular disk of glass, Sylas focus sunlight onto a specific point via refraction and magnification. This is used to cause fires on anything wooden, and only requires a few seconds of accurate aiming once the disk is properly aligned with the sun. *Note* Due to the versatile nature of the Hari Hari no Mi, there are many more possibilities of use other than those listed above. This list is to cite the most common and most notable techniques, though more may be added as Sylas expands his uses. Ship Positions: TBA (Former Captain of the Firefly Pirates) Bounty: 3,000,000 Berries
Brenda Wirrit Brenda se précipite dans les rues, tourne un angle aigu et court dans ce qu'elle prend pour la première fois pour un mur de tartan, tombant à l'envers. Elle cherche alors à voir un énorme marin fourré se retourner pour regarder son chemin. La brute considère, puis atteint le pirate inexpérimenté. Brenda se tient debout et avale, seulement pour le marin d'attraper sa poitrine de trésor avec deux doigts massifs et essayer de la soulever loin d'elle. Brenda tient si fort qu'elle s'est aussi levée, se fronçant autour de son trésor alors que le Marine commence à essayer de la secouer. À travers ce qui reste de la fenêtre de la taverne vole une boule beige de goop, percutant derrière la barre avec un splat et tombant sur le sol avec plusieurs bouteilles. Puis il y a un gémissement de derrière le bar, et une femme en verre bleu, avec un liège pour les cheveux, des étiquettes de papier pour les vêtements et une substance inconnue se dresse à l'intérieur. La femme prend un moment pour reprendre pied, puis regarde ses mains. "Mix-Mix Séparé!" Elle se dit elle-même, avant d'entrer dans son corps et de sortir plusieurs bouteilles de grognon. Quand le dernier est enlevé, son corps se transforme en mastic beige, puis retourne à la chair et au sang (Et le tissu, le cuir, le bois, le métal et tout le reste de sa personne). "Ah! Su Atano!" Elle dit tout d'un coup, ses mots étrangers mais son ton un de choc. Elle commence à se taper, respirant finalement un soupir de soulagement en soulevant sa chemise pour révéler un ventre en bois, avec un trou de clé en laiton sur son nombril et des charnières d'un côté. Finalement, Brenda remarque les autres personnes dans la taverne. La femme inconsciente, l'homme qui s'occupe d'elle, les différents pirates qui se préparent à se battre ou à se cacher. "Tout le monde va bien?" Elle demande, avant d'être répondue par un autre escroc odieux du faisceau supérieur, et de demander « Voulez-vous que je répare cela? » Elle prend un marteau et des clous de sa ceinture, gesticulant jusqu'à la fissure.
Name: Brenda Wirrit Appearance: Height/Weight: 5', 90lbs Age: 19 Personality: Happy, upbeat and infinitely curious, Brenda tries her best to see the bright side in any situation. She panics easily, but quickly regains a manic sort of composure. She's more likely to act before thinking and deal with the consequences. The common tongue is her second language, so she sometimes misunderstands. Home Island/Sea: Okidou Island, East Blue. An island with large forests of strong trees, chiefly exported for shipmaking. The island's inhabitants take care to the forests to ensure they plant more trees than they cut down, to ensure future livelihood. The people have their own language. History: Brenda grew up on Okidou Island watching the varieties of ship arrive to buy the islands wood, amazed that pieces of her homeland would travel so far. She always wanted to find out how the ships were made. When she was nine, a storm sunk a ship near Okidou's coast. The people all helped out with the rescue. Much of the cargo was lost under the sea, but Brenda rowed her home-made raft out, swam down and found a watertight box containing a devil fruit, which she ate back at her 'secret hideout', a beach hut she also made herself. Brenda loved her amazing new powers, but the folk back home weren't quite so happy. The captain of the sunken ship was especially displeased, as he intended to trade the fruit for a large supply of wood, to supply his shipyard. Regardless, something about the young girl's passion for carpentry appealed to him, so he made a deal with Brenda's father. She would come with him to work off the cost of the fruit, learning a shipwright's trade. Ten years later, Brenda has finished paying off the fruit (Which also happened to be the day her tutor decided she'd learned all he could teach) and set out to explore the oceans, see new styles of carpentry. While she was working at the shipyard, Brenda took plenty of photographs (Some kind of snail-based camera?) to write letters home, and as a farewell gift the master of the shipyard gave her an empty book, to fill with memories of her journey. Fruit: Maze-Maze no Mi, AKA the Mix-Mix Fruit. Paramecia Type. Brenda has the ability to turn herself and other objects into a putty-like substance by rpidly kneading it with her hands. They turn back if left alone, but while transformed it can be mixed with another liquid or transformed substance, to combine the two. She can also separate the objects again by reaching 'in' and pulling it out. Common uses for Brenda include mixing a wooden plank into glue, to get a substance that's sticky and applyable by brush but hardens into a solid wooden coating, mixing a hammer into her hand for an iron punch, or mixing cloth with a sheet of metal to easily shape it, then remove the cloth and end up with metal in the required shape. The chief limitations on the ability are that Brenda can only transform an object small or light enough for her to lift, as she needs to use both hands to putty-ify something, and she is unable to use her ability on living creatures other than herself. Soaking combined objects in saltwater also unmixes them if done within the first few days, as the sea nullifies the devil-fruit power. It also has a tendancy to activate when Brenda is distracted or startled, mixing her with her gear. Her hat and hair often fuse as soon as she stops paying attention, giving her a hairstyle in the shape of a hat, with it's decorations mixed in. If Brenda trips into a pile of bricks, she may turn to putty and splatter into them, reforming herself very blocky. And she tends to wake up in the morning with a pillow for a head. Mix-Mix Combine Rapidly knead into putty and combine two or more objects. Mix-Mix Augment Combine an object with a part of her body, to boost herself somehow, or gain some measure of control over it. (e.g. Hammer fist, rope tail, telescope eyes) Mix-Mix Full Body Putty Brenda transforms her whole body into putty. Very limited mobility, but greatly increased defence. Needs to be in this state to use Mix-Mix Full Body augment Mix-Mix Full Body Augment Brenda combines her whole self with an object or objects. This needs a greater supply of objects to be effective, or else they are too diluted. Mix-Mix Separate Pull objects out of a Mix-Mix technique, restoring them to their original properties. So far, Brenda can only use Mix-Mix Separate on objects she's added to the mix herself. She may develop the ability to undo other mixtures or compounds in the future. As well as the size limitation, the more alive something is, the harder it is for Brenda to work on it. Something completely inorganic is the easiest, with 'dead' organic matter such as a plank, cloth or a steak being only a little harder. A living plant is the limitation of her ability. Animals or people (Other than herself) are beyond Brenda's capabilities to alter. For now, anyway. Fighting style: Brenda is not a skilled fighter, but if pressured into a fight her style would be best described as 'wild brawling'. She throws whatever is to hand, mixes tools into herself for extra punching power and crawls under tables, over chairs and slams doors in faces or dumps pots on heads. She's no match for a skilled fighter, but can keep an amateur off guard long enough to escape. If cornered, she'd probably try setting something on fire. Ship Position: Assistant Shipwright Bounty: Insignificant (May have picked up a few hundred for petty crimes in local jurisdictions, but nothing that would cross a sea)
DYING NE RÉPONSE PAS D'UNE DETTE Seulement des hommes en perte de vie après que quelqu'un ait mis leurs vies à l'abri. Il semblait que le plan de Zell ait été annulé en une seconde alors que la taverne tombait après que les bruits de grondement venaient de l'extérieur. En un clin d'œil, la fille aux cheveux rouges a été jetée d'un côté à l'autre de la taverne par un boulet de canon. Heureusement, le boulet de canon était un bon garçon en ne détonant pas quand elle l'a attrapé. Si elle a explosé, l'explosion pourrait déchirer ses doigts ou tout son bras. Zell était sûr d'être un homme chanceux, il s'est échappé du chaos et a fait à l'extérieur. Il pouvait utiliser la puissance de ses fruits quand il était à l'intérieur mais il ne voulait pas briser une sueur pour un chaos temporaire. Quoi qu'il en soit, il a scanné la zone et a remarqué que peu de navires étaient dans le port. "Bon." Zell sourit alors que son sang se précipitait rapidement dans les veines. Son adrénaline était élevée et il avait faim d'actions. Cependant, il pouvait le contenir en lui et a décidé de rester bon pendant que les autres pirates rampaient. Bien sûr, ce sont des bêtes et il n'y aurait pas besoin d'une autre bête pour faire des ravages. Zell a pris une place assise sur un banc de l'autre côté de la taverne et il a regardé en admiration pendant que les gars s'occupaient de tous les problèmes. Zell a atteint son épée sur son dos et il l'a déchauffé du fourreau. "Au moins, je devrais être prudent pendant ce mahyem." C'est ce que j'ai dit. J'ai brouillé Zell.
Name: Zell Narukami Height/Weight: 5'10", 180 lbs Age: 23 Personality: Zell is a man whose been instilled with values.He is someone who believes strongly in being able to forge his own path by his own two hands. He's not opposed to fighting to protect his beliefs. Even if he looses. He's never set in his ways though he is constantly adapting to the world around him letting the way of the world help shape, define and re-define him. But his core beliefs never change. Fight for what you believe in, think with your head not your heart, if it's something that burns strongly within follow it. And help out those in need. Zell's reaction to people is initially friendly, however if they prove that they are against him or act to hurt someone without any provocation then he grows to dislike them. He's a charismatic person, he could persuade someone to do something for him. His ambitions lead him to a great path, the path shows the true side of him. He often respects his enemies in battle, humiliating them on the battle isn't his style. He has two major quirks to his personality, one being that be believes that the strongest beliefs always win. Regardless of the medium through which they are conveyed be it words or fists. The second quirk is a simple one. Living for yourself is the same as living for nothing. Live for others, don't only focus on yourself. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: Zell was born in a nice kingdom of Goa. Subject to his loving parents, and an overwhelming amount of caring relatives and neighbors, he wanted for nothing as a child. When he was four, he had to say goodbye to Goa Kingdom, and move with his parents back down to Loguetown. They settled on Loguetown, and his parents set a business there. Between working out in the town, and managing his peace projects, his father was a very busy man, but he still made all the time he could to spend playing with his son. When he became old enough, he would follow him around all day while he took care of problems that had arisen and managing different aspects of the town. He was walking around the town with his father, something caught his eyes, a muscular man was punching on trees. Zell approached the man, and asked all about the man's tasks. Zell eyes stared at the dents on the stem and the scratches, he asked that man if he could teach him about martial art someday. When Zell turned 13, he decided to help that man, his job was to collect the broken wood from the trees. Zell taught by the man on how to punch properly when he reached the age of 14, Zell took a special class on the evening. When he turned to 16, he was able to punch through a plank. But, only in a small scale. He spent his free time training more on his martial arts after his father said that he should be able to protect everyone in the family. Zell trained hard and also worked hard to gain more knowledge. His parents was happy to see Zell.One day when Zell was 14 years old, A pirate crew stopped at his village, and went to the bar, they talked about Devil Fruits they got when they were sailing around the island. Zell read about Devil Fruits once, and the power was scary, but with such power, he could protect his family easily. He went to their ships, some people stood on the ships, guarding it. Zell approached them, and asked about a devil fruit. With his curiosity and cute face, they showed him the devil fruit, Zell glared at it, and took it instantly. Without any hesitation, he jumped to the sea because it was the fastest route to escape. They were chasing Zell, but Zell ate the fruit, he felt something weird, suddenly, he couldn't swim, and he lost his energy. Unfortunately, the pirates swam, and caught him. The furious captain came, and asked him about the devil fruit. When Zell told them that he ate it, they were furious, and wanted to kill him, but a villager who knew Zell called for help, the other villagers gathered, and asked the pirates to leave Zell alone. They released Zell, and Zell began to run away. The pirates took their swords, and advanced toward the villagers, the villagers stood up for Zell. Fortunately, a marine ship sailed toward the island, the marine ship was quite far, but if the pirates caused some trouble here, the marine would stop here, and caught them. One of the pirate crew spotted it, they decided to return to their ships, and flee. Zell found out his ability when he was training on the courtyard, suddenly his hands turned into blades when he tried to attack a dummy. Zell trained himself on his backyard, at first, it was a fail, he can't control the power, but after a lot of training, and dedication, he managed to turn his limbs into blade whenever he wanted to. When he turned 18, after more than a decade and a half of listening to his father's stories of the sea, he decided he wanted to go sail the sea too, his father experienced the sea at a very young age, Zell's grandfather always brought his father to every journey, they sailed around East Blue, but not all lands in East Blue explored, his grandfather wrote a journals about his journey, before he died, and he gave the journals to Zell's father. At first, his parents was afraid with Zell's decision. Luckily, the man who taught him everything interfered, saying Zell was more than prepared to go on his own adventure. His father worried, but couldn't stop him from leaving. Zell was aiming to find huge amount of treasures. To find a lot of treasure, you must become a strong person, he wanted a fame so much, so, the world will know about him, he need to be the strongest pirate, so, he can conquer the world easily, and find a lot of treasures. Hopefully, he can achieve him with individuals called as Nakamas. Fruit: Supa Supa no Mi (Dice Dice Fruit) Fighting style: He wields a single katana but mainly goes on hand-to-hand combat. This style is enhanced by his Fruit Power, it allows him to turn his limbs into blades, this can inflict a piercing damage or cuts to the target upon contact so he doesn't afraid to attack someone with bare fist. As a result, his main focus is on his martial arts. He also might use his gifts in Haki, but currently, they are inactive inside him unless he train himself to unlock it. Ship Positions: Fighter Bounty: 0
C'est Nabil. Nabil s'arrêta alors qu'ils atteignaient le port, un soupir terne mais exagéré le laissant. Marxo avait eu raison, presque sévèrement. Les navires avaient tous été abattus, l'épave s'enfonce dans l'océan débilitant. Presque comiquement, le pirate à poil noir se roulait le cou vers son camarade et démangeait le côté de son temple avec son index, un léger chanfrein cool le laissant. Vous aviez raison comme d'habitude, il a admis, tout comme il avait des dizaines, pas des centaines de fois auparavant. Dans le grand plan des choses Marxo était une étoile directrice pour Nabil. La jeunesse a eu une vision de tunnel obscurcissante quand il est venu aux marines et Marxo était les lanternes au sommet, des signes sur le côté, et parfois la poussée qui sauve sa vie d'un train à venir de chances écrasantes. Il a collé une main dans sa poche et a commencé à marcher vers Marxo, certaines des choses sur le navire pourraient encore être récupérées s'ils étaient pressés, mais les deux d'entre eux étaient des utilisateurs de fruits du Diable, était-ce la peine? Tout comme il s'est retourné pour faire face à Marxo, il a ressenti un changement dans l'énergie thermique dans l'air. Il s'approchait trop vite, bien trop vite pour qu'il avertisse son camarade aux cheveux bleus. Tout simplement, il s'est lancé sur le chemin. Il a fait confiance à Marxo pour faire la même chose puisqu'ils se faisaient entièrement confiance à la réaction des uns et des autres. Alors qu'il se retournait pour affronter l'objet accidenté, il a été frappé par la saleté et les cailloux expulsés. Le premier caillou enfilait le côté de son cou, le reste des décombres qui passaient était esquivé par des mouvements minuscules. Une fumée piquante a caché la figure venant du cratère, tellement en fait que Nabil a dû examiner la fumée avec un éblouissement pour le voir. Les autres qui s'approchaient étaient inquiétants, mais il se sentait plus enclin à déchirer le capitaine. La colère a gravé son chemin sur son visage, une rage non filtrée qui a révélé son passé mais a protégé son calme habituel. Son poing droit et son avant-bras resplendissaient comme de la vapeur. "Atsu Atsu no Wrecking Ball!" il cria, éclatant vers le capitaine et jetant un coup puissant vers le rein de l'homme, prêt à déclencher un barrage d'attaques chaudes une fois qu'il fut stupéfait par la douleur.
Name: Nabil "The Calm" Valley Height/Weight: 5’9” / 142lbs Age: 18 The alias “The Calm” was given to Nabil due to his infallible ability to seem un-phased by most antagonist. Some assume that he hides an intelligence behind this composed wall. Those are lies. He is as smart as the next man, maybe a bit more so, but that’s mainly due to his innate caution. He knows when to shut his mouth and when to speak out against others. In that aspect, he travels in a gray area. Where one person’s reality is not his own, but instead an adjacent to what could have been. In other words, he attempts to empathize with others. His love for the sea is directly tied to his extensive love for freedom, which contradicts his abnormal caution. Home Island/Sea: Provestal Island. The son of two Marines, it was very unlikely that Nabil would later become a pirate. In fact, his parent’s loving nature left little to be desired. When the two were deployed, expecting to be gone for several years, he was sent to live with distant relatives on Provestal Island. A quaint, small place where a unnerving calm saturated the air. On the island he explored the deep woods that surrounded the small town. Finding interest in the giant wild life and floral. He couldn’t understand it for the longest, unwilling to show his ignorance he would remain that way for several months. When he finally asked his aunt and cousin, they explained that the oxygen levels on the island was abnormally high. He took those words to face value and continued finish his breakfast, a rather calm fascination now inside of him. By the age of thirteen, Nabil had seemingly become the living force of Provestal Isle’s calm. Though many had resided on the isle, not many could match his level of tranquil. When others were too afraid to enter the force, he would walk through the greenery, alongside the giant beasts, and gaze at the crater in its center. Every day he returned there, he felt the urge to delve inside grow stronger. It was like the sound of the careening waterfall hitting the dark bottom was a calling card. It beckoned for him to adventure below but caution staid his descent. At the age of fifteen, Provestal Isle was visited by a band of pirates. They washed ashore on a broken and shattered boat, the captain deeply worried about his crew. The island offered them shelter for three nights. Those three nights were filled with stories of stormy adventures and fanciful tales of the unnatural. Needless to say, Nabil was enticed by them. On the fourth night, the Marines surrounded the isle with a fleet of ranked officers. The Pirate Captain, who expressed his desire to not tangle the island up in his affairs had decided to give himself up. He left with his crew moments later. An hour had peacefully passed before cannon fire had begun to rain down. A scarce group of the pirates returned in tears, warning that the marines was going to kill them all, despite their surrender. Behind them, the marines trampled forward. Nabil and his cousin, along with others, were told to retreat to the forest. To let the beasts protect them as a last resort. As Nabil guided his cousin to the crater, he could hear the cries of villagers as some of the beasts prowled on them. Dark smoke soon billowed from the tree line, orange heat lined its treetops. Nabil believed his cousin and himself to be safe. That was until canon fire came dangerously close to them. Fear led him to trying to convince his cousin to dive into the crater with him; the promise of water below was not enough though. The boy, who was supposed to jump on three with him, had stayed on top, where canon fire had seared his face and tossed him out of sight. At the bottom of the cavern spring, Nabil immediately swore vengeance on the Marines. He followed the water to the mouth of the island, one that led out into the ocean. Once he returned back to the shore, he witnessed the pirate captain shackled and ready to be inhumanly executed. Nabil realized that the majority of the Marines had left during his long stay in the cavern and that only a few was left. He would have heroically saved the guy, if he had been so afraid. He was shot several times in the head before finally being left alone. Nabil waited until nightfall, when the sea was quiet and empty till he finally approached. The captain was dead but the beach was littered with members of his crew. As Nabil walked through, a bloodied hand grabbed him and instructed, with vexation in his voice, to avenge them. With that in mind, he told Nabil the location of a treasure near the inn in the village. The village was burned to the ground and Nabil had all but given up hope on finding anyone alive. They all had bullets in them, one for each alive he figured. Once to the treasure chest, he found a fruit inside. He bit it after a bit of hesitance and after spitting it out, found out it was a devil fruit. He became a 10,000 degrees human. Years later and he had become a pirate, one hell bent on getting in the marines way. Usually his actions were small, intervening with rookie marines in small towns and allowing the escape of other pirates. Though recently he hijacked a marine ship and sailed it to Reverse Mountain. Devil Fruit: Atsu Atsu no Mi (Hot Hot Fruit) Fighting style: Direct and brutish, Nabil fights in conjunction with his Hot Hot Fruit abilities. Landing searing blows and burning away those that stand in his way. He seems to know some form of martial arts, as he often lowers into a stance when fighting one on one. With all the potential of a Supenova. Nabil has the possibility to use Observation Haki, Arms Haki, and Conquerors Haki. Though these have not been explored and largely unseen. He will need immense training to bring these out of himself. Atsu Atsu no Spears Nabil shapes the heat that fumes from his body into several needles. He launches these needles at the speed of a musket's bullet and pierces those he's up against. With a cold calculation, he uses this technique to take out mass armies of weaklings. Though fast and effective, it pretty easy to dodge if you're perceptive. Ship Positions: - 10,000,000
M a r x o Comme ils ont atteint le port, Marxo a accumulé les dommages qui ont pu arriver à leur navire. Il regarda la mer comme le bateau coulait avec tous les objets intacts. Il avait raison. Parfois, il détestait avoir raison. Y aurait-il un temps dans cette vie que ce sixième sens ne sauverait pas lui et Nabil. Il n'y avait rien qu'ils puissent sauver du navire. Leurs pouvoirs de fruits diables ne le permettraient pas. Je ne pense pas qu'on ait eu quelque chose qui valait la peine de se noyer sur le navire. » Marxo a dit qu'il a essayé de coaxer Nabil pour ne pas essayer de nager. Pas plus tôt qu'il n'a parlé, un boulet de canon comme figure a volé du ciel en faisant sauter les pièces restantes du bateau déjà ruiné dans le néant. Nabil a facilement esquivé les débris, n'étant heurté que par de petites roches. Marxo d'autre part était tellement perdu dans la pensée qu'il a pris un impact complet de la réplique. Il s'est barré dans un immeuble voisin. Alors qu'il s'éveillait de l'inconscient, il murmurait, "Asshole". Stupide boulet de canon a interrompu mon train de pensée.A Marxos surprise le boulet de canon s'est avéré être un humain et pas seulement n'importe quel humain mais un marin. Il s'est débrouillé de la forme de balle qu'il était actuellement et encore de parler. Marxo ne pouvait pas l'entendre bien que sur le son de Nabil se faisant surexciter. "Atsu Atsu no Wrecking Ball!", la rage se sentait dans la voix de Nabil, alors qu'il lançait son attaque immédiate. Marxo a décidé qu'il serait peut-être préférable de traîner dans le trou récemment creusé qu'il avait fait dans le bâtiment. Tant que personne d'autre n'a montré que Nabil allait bien et qu'en plus il avait de plus gros problèmes comme le mal de tête qui surgissait dans sa tête. Pour s'inquiéter, il a crié à Nabil. Assure-toi de détruire ce bâtard. Il a ruiné notre vaisseau et interrompu notre conversation.
Marxo St. Laurant Height/Weight: 6’1, 160lbs Age:19 Personality: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. Home Island/Sea: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue History: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. “Your next.”, he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. Fruit: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers.
Ahio Deux sur un, hein? Je ne pensais pas que les Marines étaient aussi stupides! » Ahio a appelé alors qu'il tirait son épée de main gauche pour bloquer le pôle entrant. Le second lieutenant avec deux poteaux s'est précipité vers l'épéeman qui a laissé le bras était maintenant verrouillé pour ne pas s'effondrer et faire entrer le poteau en collision avec la clavicule de l'homme. Ahio ne pouvait tirer que sa lame droite et bloquer l'un des pôles alors que l'homme balançait les deux. Le deuxième poteau s'est écrasé dans les côtes d'Ahio, en creusant quelques-uns d'entre eux et peut-être en brisant un ou deux. Se concentrant moins sur la douleur d'une côte cassée et plus sur le combat, Ahio s'accroupit et s'incline vers l'arrière, faisant basculer le premier lieutenant sur lui et le poteau pour entrer en collision avec le sol tandis que le deuxième lieutenant poursuit l'attaque tout simplement frapper l'air au-dessus de la tête d'Ahio. Le katana de la main gauche maintenant libre a balancé vers les jambes du second lieutenant pour être esquivé par un saut vers l'arrière laissant le premier poteau du lieutenant pour être coupé par le katana entrant directement en collision. Avec un léger abruti, Ahio a enlevé le katana et une fois contre tranché vers le premier lieutenant, mais avec le résultat cette fois-ci que la lame coupe le bras droit du lieutenant provoquant le sang pour tacher la chemise que l'homme portait. Ahio se battait à peine depuis plus de trois minutes et il transpirait déjà de l'assaut des deux. Ils étaient beaucoup plus forts que n'importe qui qu'il avait combattu avant, mais c'était parfait pour le rendre plus fort. S'il voulait être le meilleur sabreur, il aurait à lutter contre les adversaires qui étaient des adversaires naturels contre lui comme les utilisateurs de bojutsu. La foudre a commencé à étinceller entre les deux lames reposant dans les mains du jeune sabre pendant qu'il les chargeait pour sa prochaine attaque. Ahio a appelé alors qu'il faisait une balançoire avec ses deux lames parallèles les unes aux autres, en envoyant deux lames volant vers les deux lieutenants. Les lieutenants ont bloqué les attaques, faisant tourner la foudre qui restait autour d'eux, les aveuglant pendant un court moment. Ce moment fut assez long pour qu'Ahio lance douze boulons à décharge, six pour chaque lieutenant, à eux. Il s'agissait de boulons de faible puissance, mais chaque coup laissait une marque de noir sur les vêtements et la peau en dessous alors qu'ils entraient en collision avec les hommes. Le second lieutenant a été renversé par la balle finale en collision contre lui laissant le premier lieutenant faire face à l'assaut d'Ahio qui avait maintenant avancé sur l'homme et attaqué avec les deux lames à la fois. Le lieutenant ne pouvait bloquer qu'une lame avec son poteau et au lieu conçu pour s'échapper sous les lames et balançoire pour les jambes d'Ahio, ce qui faisait tomber l'épéeur sur son côté. Le sabre a été rencontré par un poteau en collision avec son estomac quand il a essayé de rouler et seulement réussi à s'en sortir en coupant le poteau avant qu'il ait été frappé par le second lieutenant doubles poteaux en collision contre où ses bras auraient été. Une telle attaque aurait cassé ou fissuré ses bras au moins s'il n'avait pas réagi si rapidement. Ahio se sentait presque comme s'il pouvait dire ce que les deux allaient faire, un instinct guerrier de son père l'appelait. Il avait presque ri du vieil homme quand il l'a déclaré à l'origine à l'âge de douze ans Ahio, mais maintenant il croyait que plus que tout homme n'avait jamais eu. Le flashback d'Ahios fut interrompu par les deux lieutenants qui le précipitèrent en même temps, une attaque que le jeune homme ne pouvait certainement pas complètement bloquer avec ses deux lames. Les deux épées dans les mains de l'homme d'épée s'affrontèrent avec deux poteaux alors que le troisième mât claquait contre ses côtes, cassant certainement deux et provoquant la fatigue de l'homme d'épée à tousser l'expectoration sanglante. La paire aurait encore frappé Ahio s'il n'avait pas sauté plusieurs pieds et jeté deux autres boulons sur eux dans une tentative de les garder loin. L'attaque a fonctionné lorsque la paire a sauté en arrière, laissant l'électricité se disperser dans l'air mince et non conducteur. Le sabreur s'est assis en arrière, à près de quatre mètres de la paire de lieutenants pour qui il s'était battu, qu'est-ce que c'était? Six ou huit minutes? Il n'était pas sûr que le temps semblait passer beaucoup plus vite qu'il ne l'était réellement et il n'avait certainement pas eu le temps de s'asseoir et de regarder une horloge. Je ne pensais pas que je devrais utiliser ça si tôt dans mon voyage. Vous...Ahio s'est arrêté brièvement alors qu'il toussait plus de sang, m'a forcé à le faire là où personne d'autre n'avait.Le corps de l'épée s'est déplacé de la peau solide et du sang à un éclair crépitant. Les lames dans ses mains ne sont apparemment plus que deux, longs boulons de foudre avec des gardes de croix. Le sol autour de lui a apparemment attiré la foudre sauter de son corps créant des taches noircies qui se détachaient parmi la pierre.
Name: Ahio F. Pardol Nickname(s): None currently(To be developed as he becomes more well known) Gender: Male Age: 19 Height: 175cm(5’9) Weight: 91kg(201lbs) Personality: “Not every step along the way has to be calculate, sometimes you just feel that the next step is the right step without thinking.” Ahio is not the kind of man who falters when it comes acting and likes to put himself at odds with everybody even if it means fighting the world. He likes the challenge of proving people wrong, of proving that he can do anything and everything There is not a single instance in his life where Ahio has been forced to give up his dream of becoming the single greatest swordsman in existence simply because he couldn’t win a battle. Losing is an option but for him, it is meant to be the last option and only preferable to death. He lives by the code that all swordsman from his homeland live by; a cut to one’s back is dishonorable if it is received by running away. Once his loyalty is earned, he can be the most trustworthy man there is. Status: Location; unknown believed to be alive and well. Home Island/Sea: Tagimusha Island, Island of Samurai, North Blue Sea History: Ahio is the youngest son of Higara Pardol of Tagimusha Island and the only one to be trained by the man known for fighting with two swords. From the time Ahio was strong enough to life a wooden sword he was trained to live by the standards of his people. “It is not the strength of the sword but the strength of the man wielding it which will determine the outcome of a battle.” For nearly twelve years these words were ingrained into Ahio by his father during training. His body and mind would lend strength to the blades he wields instead of relying on the strength of the blade to support him. A swordsman who relies on the blade is just as likely to fail as his steel is after using it too much. But, Ahio would not last long in his father’s care for old man Higara was dying and it would cause the greatest change in the young boys life. A few months before Ahio was to leave for the outside world, Higara died and gave him the greatest will the young man could ever receive. He came into possession of the Goro Goro no Mi which his father had received as payment a long time ago and was given his father’s swords, Jigon and Migurashi. Upon consuming the Goro Goro no Mi, Ahio became a man of lightning but has not quite developed the best control over his powers. Since then, he has arrived at an island near Reverse Mountain with hopes of setting off on an adventure to master his powers and become the greatest swordsman ever. Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi, the Rumble-Rumble fruit. The Rumble fruit allows Ahio to become a lightning human, though he hasn’t quite begun to gain the control required to stay in his lightning form yet. Having only possessed the fruit for about two or three months, he is unsure of time span really, Ahio doesn’t quite possess the control to not cause massive damage to the surroundings and innocents around him properly. The longest Ahio has used his lightning form was thirteen minutes and even then it was unstable past ten minutes. Alternatively, he can turn his forearms into lightning and ‘throw’ blades of lightning. These blades travel around two to three meters with dissipating power after the first meter. Fighting Style: Primary: Nitoryu, two-sword style •Two Sword Style: Pin Strike, Rather than using the full blade of his katanas, Ahio uses only the the tip of the blades to stab quickly as if using a rapier. •Two Sword Style: Bolt, Using the Goro Goro fruit in tandem with his katanas, Ahio circulates lightning into the metal of the blades and can launch it for about two feet. •Two Sword Style: Bull Charge, Ahio rushes towards his opponent with his blades set parallel to each other. Secondary: Goro Goro no Mi, Rumble- Rumble fruit •Rumble Rumble: Discharge(Hōshutsu), By focusing the powers of his rumble fruit into the tips of his swords or finger, Ahio can launch miniature bolts of lightning. •Rumble Rumble: Twenty Bolt Strike, By using his blades in conjunction with his lightning powers, Ahio can launch twenty lightning blade with ease. Though, this attack isn’t very strong as the charge put into each blade is generally very low. •Rumble Rumble: Thrown Lightning(Sōn shōmei), Ahio focuses his powers into his forearms and hands and ‘throws’ blades of lightning at the opponent. •Rumble Rumble: Lightning Blade, The Lightning blade is the pinnacle of Ahio’s current mastery of his powers. By assuming his state of lightning, Ahio can effectively be both a weapon and the fighter. In this state he forms two swords of lightning and use them as weapons instead of his actual blades. Ahio has used four lightning blades in his lightning form before but they drastically reduced his time in the form to five minutes. Ship Position: Brawler Bounty: 0
Tristan avait passé quelques bons mois sur l'île sur laquelle il était actuellement. Aujourd'hui était le jour où il prévoyait quitter l'île pour se rendre à un nouveau qu'il n'avait pas encore explorer, son sens de l'aventure l'écrasait alors qu'il marchait de l'arbre sur le côté de la route qu'il dormait sous. "Aujourd'hui, c'est le jour où je suis parti. Enfin, je vais me rendre sur une nouvelle île! » Il a marché le long de la route vers la ville portuaire la plus proche avec un grand sourire sur son visage et un sac brun rempli de ses objets personnels, mais en s'approchant, il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de remarquer le feu canon et les débris. Alors que Tristan est entré dans le centre de la ville, il pouvait clairement voir le chaos qui se passe "Oh mon cher..c'est malheureux. Peut-être que je peux encore trouver quelqu'un prêt à me conduire." Son sourire excité s'est rapidement tourné vers un froncement inquiet. Tristan s'est interrogé autour de la ville pendant un moment, aidant les gens qui en avaient besoin tout en cherchant quelqu'un pour lui donner un voyage dans l'île suivante. Finalement, il a renoncé à regarder et se tenait au centre de la foule, lançant son sac, se penchant en arrière, prenant une profonde respiration, et menottant ses mains autour de sa bouche avant de crier au sommet de ses poumons "Est-ce que quelqu'un serait prêt à me permettre de passer sur leur navire!" La voix de Tristan échoua à travers la partie de la ville où il se trouvait et ceux qui l'entouraient tournèrent leur attention vers lui, mais la plupart commencèrent immédiatement à se moquer de lui. Les citadins qui l'entouraient s'éloignèrent de rire et il s'agenouilla et ramassa son sac en attendant que quelqu'un s'approche de lui avec une offre.
Name: Tristan S. Jasper Height: 5'4" Weight: 180lbs Appearance: (couldn't find a pic that worked) He's usually seen wearing a tan cloak with the hood down and a pair of red goggles usually just under his hair line. His hair is medium length and curls at the ends however there's usually a few stray strandd of hair that stick out and curl over in the front partially covering his goggles. He wears light brown light weight work boots. Under his cloak is a thin silk black long sleeve shirt and thin black leather gloves as well as thick black pants with turquoise padding over the pockets. Personality: He's quiet, kind, and gentle. He always has a smile on his face no matter what the situation is. When it comes to fight his calm and collected, his attacks are all precise to make up for his lack of strength. He also likes to collect all of the things he learns along his travels in journals and is quite skilled at assessing situations and making plans as well as changing plans quickly whenever something goes wrong. Home Island/Sea: Due to so much traveling in his life his home island is unknown but his home sea is East Blue History: Tristan S. Jasper lived his life for the most parts on the streets moving from town to town, island to island (whenever a nice captain would come along and allow him to hitch a ride). His chest and face had some scars on them. Since he never really had any money and wasn't very popular with..well people in general because of his beggar appearance people assumed he was some kind of beggar or thug. People often tossed him around, picked fights with him, and kicked him around, but he never fought back or did harsh things to anyone. Anytime he saw an opportunity to help someone he'd take it, never wanting only giving. Even though his life was harsh he always had a smile on his face. One day he noticed an old man on a road being jumped by a group of thugs so he jumped in used his body to shield the old man. The old man seeing his kindness offered to let him stay with him. A few years later Tristan was out with the old man on a food run when those thugs showed up again..this time in a larger group. In the fight he had decided to target one of the thugs who was bigger than the rest and was going on about how he was the strongest person. Once the boy saw an opening in the man's attack and reacted within almost the blink of an eye and he'd won the fight shortly after and the old man explain that this was the potential he had seen in him when they first met. All of this happened..let's say a good five years before where he starts in the rp. At this point he's just been traveling since the old man died. Fruit: No fruit Fighting style: His fighting style is one he developed over time. It relies mainly on dodging and countering. Assessing the enemies strengths and using them against him. It's completely hand to hand he never uses weapons, his impressive reaction time also helps him in his fighting. As for techniques he currently has two. Keen Eye in which he heightens his focus relying on all senses rather than just sight and sound to judge the enemies movements letting him react to their attacks with more accuracy and pinpoint which where in he puts more focus on sight to spot an enemies weak spot and deal more damge. Ship Position: Doesn't have one yet. Bounty: 0
À L'EXTÉRIEUR DU TAVERN Au fur et à mesure que Leonard remontait le cou de Nikko, elle se mit à remuer, puis retourna dormir. Elle semblait trouver pour la plupart. C'était juste une bosse à l'arrière de la tête. Cependant, des problèmes plus pressants se règlent alors que les Marines commencent à se préparer à la taverne. Une escouade regarde par là pour la voir allongée dans la rue avec Leonard et commencer à se diriger vers eux avec des armes à feu à la main. Une femme s'approche et s'interroge sur Nikko. Avant que Leonard ne puisse répondre, elle regarde la taverne qui tombe et propose de la réparer. Cependant, il commence à se faufiler avant qu'elle ne soit capable de fixer le faisceau de support d'origine. Les marines qui se dirigeaient vers eux semblent être distraits par quelque chose maintenant. Entre les trois et les marines est une personne forte qui ne semble même pas remarquer les combats. C'était Tristan. Il se tenait calmement au milieu de la rue à environ 15 pieds d'où étaient Nikko et Leonard. Les marines l'approchent d'abord et pointent leurs armes sur lui. "Mettez-vous au sol, sale pirate!" Un cri. "Ou on tire!" PORT Nabil lance un puissant assaut sur le capitaine de la boule de canon. Les yeux étroits du capitaine n'étaient cependant pas un regard de peur ou d'humilité. Au lieu de ça, le capitaine s'accroupit comme s'il était sur le point de sauter. Bien que l'un de ses hommes, le grand avec le poteau de pêche, marche entre eux avant que Nabil puisse arriver au capitaine. Il bloque habilement la frappe au capitaine avec le poteau qui se replie mais ne se brise pas. "Je ne peux pas vous laisser attaquer le capitaine tout seul?" L'homme a dit avec un petit sourire. Il avait des lunettes de soleil légèrement teintées et une barbe ébouriffée. Son grade ressemble à un soldat enrôlé plutôt qu'à un officier, mais pour une raison quelconque, il accompagnait le lieutenant et le capitaine. En plus de cela son évident à nabil que l'homme a une force physique impressionnante à démarrer pendant que le poteau repousse sur son poing. Nabil sait que s'il bouge la main, le poteau le frappera. Pour une raison quelconque, un sentiment de danger peut être ressenti autour du poteau... comme si c'était le bord d'une lame. "Soyez juste une bonne petite ordure de pirate et rendez-vous." Le capitaine lui-même sourit et se tourne ensuite vers Marxo mais repère un autre pirate de l'autre côté du port. "Hanna. Amène ton cul dégueulasse là-bas et descends ce pirate." Le capitaine souffle sur la lieutenante. Elle se brosse les cheveux sur le côté comme si elle ne l'avait pas entendu. "Hanna... Je n'ai pas le temps pour tes conneries prétentieuses. Monte là-bas et gère ce pirate!" Il dit un peu plus agressivement cette fois. "Tch." Hannah répond. "Vous voulez juste avoir vos matches 1v1. Peu importe. Je vais m'occuper de lui." Elle souffle une bulle de chewing-gum et ça saute. Le lieutenant-chat part ensuite vers Sylas. -- Maintenant, où en étions-nous? Le capitaine dit de revenir à Marxo. "Oh oui..." Il dit avec un sourire sarcastique. "J'allais te tuer!" Il saute de sa position accroupie mais on ne pouvait pas l'appeler bondissant. C'était plus comme une explosion d'un canon alors qu'il lui-même couilles fermement comme tout son corps est jeté sur Marxo à des vitesses de boule de canon. Hanna s'envole vers Sylas d'une manière assez nonchalante alors qu'elle tire son pistolet et le vise à la tête de Sylas. "Merde." Elle a dit en soufflant une autre bulle de gomme à bulles. Elle tire sur le centre mort de sa tête. Son but était parfait mais elle a gardé son épée prête juste au cas où le pirate aurait d'une manière ou d'une autre échappé au tir. (Il postera plus tard aujourd'hui. Espérons que Boss Buffin poste aussi)
Name: Nikko Tenchi Appearance: Height/Weight: 5ft'7in/ enough Age: Appears to be about 18. Personality: While in public she seems well put together and confident in private she is often childish and stubborn. She is headstrong no matter where she is however. Once her mind is made up it would take an act of god to change it. In fact if history provides any reference even that might not. While generally a happy-go-lucky kind of person she has hot blood running through her veins. She may break tables or throw things through walls when she gets angry (or just drunk). It is her inquisitive and curious mind that rules her passion. Her favorite thing to do is to experiment or tinker with things. She has a vast desire to know how things work and to replicate them herself. Her collar and gloves are made with her inventing in mind. Her goggles, which are of her own invention stay on her head without any support at all. She can move them around where she needs and will often bring them down over her eyes during a fight that seems dangerous. Home Island/Sea: Taiko Island History: I am breaking my own rule slightly as some of her past has to do with the overall plot. But in the recent year she has made her name adventuring a bit through different parts of the grand line. While never declaring herself as a pirate per-se she has always considered herself one ever since she has left home which was a year and a half ago. Since then she has met plenty of people. Roughly one month ago she met a person who rivaled her in strength. It was a massive shark fishman hailing from the Wano Country. They initially didn't like each other as he was a bit rude and didn't have the proper respect for women that she felt she deserved. They got into no less than three fights before drawing the attention of a prominent pirate of the area. The two were forced to work together to escape. However in the rush they found themselves stuck in the calm belt. Having spent three days in the calm belt fighting off sea kings and running like hell they managed to pop out in west blue. From there they found a pirate with a bounty worth only a million. It was hardly even effort to take down this man and his crew but it did provide them with enough spending money to ferry a ride with a group of people heading into the grand line. Fruit: None Fighting style: Brawling. Despite her petite figure she is actually incredibly physically strong. Her punch packs a hell of a wallop and her speed is nothing to sniff at. Her style of fighting doesn't follow any particular martial art and is mostly self taught. However despite this self taught style she incorporates moves from several different arts into her own. For example many of her punches seem to be a mix between the way Karate and Boxing punch. However the movements are more fluid and natural than stylized. Many of her kicks seem to come from Tae Kwan do or Muai Thai. She knows how to grapple and throw as well. Her grip is strong enough to stop most ships and the gloves that she wear are made of an incredible material that doesn't seem to rip or tear no matter how much pressure and tension she puts on them. Haki of Observation is her most powerful Haki at this point. She has useage of the Haki of Armament as well. Ship Positions: Captain/Shipwright (looking for apprentice shipwright) Bounty: Currently 0
Alors que Tristan attendait que des marines le remarquent et semblent l'erreurr pour un pirate, ils lui criaient de descendre menaçant de tirer s'il ne le faisait pas. Il a regardé les Marines et a incliné la tête vers la droite un peu " Vous semblez avoir la mauvaise idée de moi. Je ne suis pas un pirate. " Il mit sa main sur le front et ferma les yeux en se léchant les cheveux. " Cependant, vu que vous êtes Marines, je ne pourrai évidemment pas monter à bord de votre vaisseau, du moins pas paisible. " Il a de nouveau ouvert les yeux en regardant les Marines pour essayer de les assainir et toutes les faiblesses possibles qu'ils ont pu montrer avant qu'ils se battent. Tristan soupira dans une matière très ennuyée alors qu'il étirait les jambes et lui creusait le cou de gauche à droite. " En voyant comment vous raidez la ville à la recherche de pirates, il y a des chances que si je vous frappe, vous et certains de vos amis, ils me laissent les rejoindre. " Il a pointé vers les Marines le menaçant, puis a déposé son sac et a enlevé son manteau en prenant une position défensive de combat. Le sourire de Tristan grandit à l'idée d'aventurer vers de nouvelles îles. " Normalement, je n'aime pas me battre contre des combats non-néscessaires, mais rien ne va m'empêcher de voyager, surtout pas un tas de Marines coincés comme vous! " Il essayait clairement de contrarier les Marines en attaquant d'abord, normalement il ne recourait pas à de telles tactiques, mais ses ennemis étaient clairement déjà assez rincés et il voulait faire passer les choses aussi vite que possible
Name: Tristan S. Jasper Height: 5'4" Weight: 180lbs Appearance: (couldn't find a pic that worked) He's usually seen wearing a tan cloak with the hood down and a pair of red goggles usually just under his hair line. His hair is medium length and curls at the ends however there's usually a few stray strandd of hair that stick out and curl over in the front partially covering his goggles. He wears light brown light weight work boots. Under his cloak is a thin silk black long sleeve shirt and thin black leather gloves as well as thick black pants with turquoise padding over the pockets. Personality: He's quiet, kind, and gentle. He always has a smile on his face no matter what the situation is. When it comes to fight his calm and collected, his attacks are all precise to make up for his lack of strength. He also likes to collect all of the things he learns along his travels in journals and is quite skilled at assessing situations and making plans as well as changing plans quickly whenever something goes wrong. Home Island/Sea: Due to so much traveling in his life his home island is unknown but his home sea is East Blue History: Tristan S. Jasper lived his life for the most parts on the streets moving from town to town, island to island (whenever a nice captain would come along and allow him to hitch a ride). His chest and face had some scars on them. Since he never really had any money and wasn't very popular with..well people in general because of his beggar appearance people assumed he was some kind of beggar or thug. People often tossed him around, picked fights with him, and kicked him around, but he never fought back or did harsh things to anyone. Anytime he saw an opportunity to help someone he'd take it, never wanting only giving. Even though his life was harsh he always had a smile on his face. One day he noticed an old man on a road being jumped by a group of thugs so he jumped in used his body to shield the old man. The old man seeing his kindness offered to let him stay with him. A few years later Tristan was out with the old man on a food run when those thugs showed up again..this time in a larger group. In the fight he had decided to target one of the thugs who was bigger than the rest and was going on about how he was the strongest person. Once the boy saw an opening in the man's attack and reacted within almost the blink of an eye and he'd won the fight shortly after and the old man explain that this was the potential he had seen in him when they first met. All of this happened..let's say a good five years before where he starts in the rp. At this point he's just been traveling since the old man died. Fruit: No fruit Fighting style: His fighting style is one he developed over time. It relies mainly on dodging and countering. Assessing the enemies strengths and using them against him. It's completely hand to hand he never uses weapons, his impressive reaction time also helps him in his fighting. As for techniques he currently has two. Keen Eye in which he heightens his focus relying on all senses rather than just sight and sound to judge the enemies movements letting him react to their attacks with more accuracy and pinpoint which where in he puts more focus on sight to spot an enemies weak spot and deal more damge. Ship Position: Doesn't have one yet. Bounty: 0
M a r x o Dois-tu me déranger? Marxo a remarqué que le capitaine se dirigeait vers lui avec une grande vitesse. Ce n'était pas la même chose pour lui. Il s'est rapidement délogé de la poignée du mur, en utilisant le trou comme une escapade. Il s'est glissé dans l'immeuble et a regardé que l'homme est venu barger à travers le mur. Dès qu'il se démêlerait, il serait rencontré par un poinçon d'un pouce d'un poing de la taille de son visage. Le marin s'est levé du sol alors qu'il entendait Marxo crier, Maintenant vous m'avez énervé, Plus Plus de Punch.La taille pure du premier était juste contre nature et il est venu à une vitesse étonnamment rapide. Marxo s'arrêta quand il atteignit son visage. Il savait qu'il allait jeter le capitaine de l'équilibre et lui faire questionner pourquoi mais alors que son petit cerveau traitait les pensées, Marxo allait effacer son visage mettant toute sa puissance en un seul coup calculé. Il faut combattre Nabil.
Marxo St. Laurant Height/Weight: 6’1, 160lbs Age:19 Personality: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. Home Island/Sea: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue History: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. “Your next.”, he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. Fruit: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers.
Si les choses étaient mouvementées pour d'innombrables avant, elles étaient certainement mouvementées maintenant. D'après ce qu'il a recueilli (et vu), Marines avait réussi à attaquer l'endroit pour des pirates. Beaucoup connaissaient les Marines, mais les avaient rarement vus auparavant. Il fut un temps où il eut la chance de voir un navire arriver en quelque sorte à la mer Blanche, bien que beaucoup n'eussent pu qu'avoir un aperçu de ce à quoi ils ressemblaient avant d'être attaqués par les créatures marines de la mer Blanche. Tout ce qu'on savait sur les Marines, c'était de lire et de raconter des histoires. Il s'agissait essentiellement de l'application de la loi. Comme l'Escouade Divine, sans les robes et les lances. Étonnamment, la portion innombrables de la taverne était encore quelque peu intacte; sauf pour le petit morceau de bois qui est tombé sur sa tête, l'incitant à sortir du chemin avant que le plafond ne tombe ou quelque chose du genre. Mais il ne s'inquiétait pas des Marines : il n'était pas un pirate, plus proche d'un chasseur de Bounty, probablement - même alors il était plus un aventurier maintenant... sans aucune forme de voyage. Mais ce n'était pas le moment pour le jeune artilleur d'y penser. Il devait toujours sortir de cette ville d'une façon ou d'une autre. En sortant pour un bref moment, il a rapidement évalué ce qui se passait à l'extérieur avant d'entrer de nouveau dans la taverne. "Vous savez, il y a en fait beaucoup de Marines là-bas." Il annonça mondainement à celui qui était encore dans la taverne qui grondait peu à peu. "...vous devriez probablement vous cacher." Beaucoup de choses se sont poursuivies, d'une manière plus concrète. Il a supposé que la plupart d'entre eux étaient des pirates, et étaient probablement dans une situation plutôt merdique en ce moment.
'Multi-Shot' Countless Height/Weight: 5'4 / 65kg (143.3lbs) Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Birkan Personality: Countless tends to be quite calm inside and outside of combat, and is difficult to surprise. He is quite appreciative of many things he finds in the Grand Line, as he comes from the sky islands and many of the things found in the Grand Line do not exist there. He approaches most of his problems through thinking and strategy, rather than charging in recklessly as some of his crewmates do; showing some level of heightened intelligence which befits his role as a non-physical, strategic fighter. Countless is a specialized inventor, and is very capable when his tinkering involves either Sky Warfare weaponry, or creating objects and devices with Dials, but that is the limit of his tinkering knowledge. Countless is fairly prideful of his heritage as a Birkan, and gets irritated when people mistake his wings for a Zoan Devil Fruit power, or some kind of cosplay. As with all denizens of Skypiea, Countless shares their strange tendencies and words. He still refers to dirt as vearth, and Kenbunshoku Haki as Mantra; he also greets people with "Heso." For some reason, he sometimes mixes up the placement of words in a sentence. Normally when he's repeating some kind of proverb, like "The greener is grass on the other side." In a group, he takes the role of a 'deadpan snarker', and is normally the voice which points out flaws during discussions. He's also prone to feeling like the only sane person in the group, while simultaneously ignoring his own outlandish feats. In spite of this, he is loyal to the crew, and makes a conscious effort to be of use to them... Within reason. Home Island/Sea: Skypiea, Grand Line History: For as long as he could remember, Countless was surrounded by the works of his parents. Before he was born, they had left the isle of Birka: a land of warriors, in favour of the more peaceful Sky Island of Skypiea. They had once joined the ranks of the Divine Squad, a military which served under the current "God of Skypiea." However, they eventually left these ranks in favour of a less restricted profession. They both became Bounty Hunters, but Countless' father also became a Dialer, and began to create Dial-based inventions alongside Skypieans. Countless was always surrounded by the Dial-based devices and weapons, and was taught how to use some of them, alongside learning the methods of combat to be expected from a Bounty Hunter. His eyesight had been noted to be above average among the other children of Skypiea; when he walked around Skypiea's beaches, he would constantly point at things somewhat close to the horizon that were difficult to see, and would describe them with relative ease. Taking advantage of his gift, his parents taught him how to use ranged weaponry and artillery, almost completely ignoring the idea of melee weaponry - save for an early version of an Impact Dial Gauntlet. As a result, Countless has little proficiency when it comes to fighting at close ranges. Years passed, and Countless had soon become one of the best snipers on the Sky Island, although it felt unfulfilling. Skypiea wasn't that large of an island, and there surely had to be much more than just the White Sea at the island's edge. In his earlier days, Countless had been told stories of the Blue Sea below, and how it was larger than the Sky Islands. The prospect of adventuring interested him, it would be a chance to hone his skills even further. Through the use of a four-length bird, Countless was able to travel from the sky, to the blue sea below. He had managed to get to the Grand Line this way, and had arrived at Reverse Mountain's Town of Contradiction. Devil Fruit: None. Fighting style: Marksmanship As the designated sniper and gunner, Countless is extremely proficient at operating firearms and artillery, being his main form of combat alongside Sky Warfare. Vision His eyesight is exceptional, and he is able to see over much longer distances than the average person. He is able to make out people on faraway ships with ease. Combined with his marksmanship aim, Countless becomes a deadly artillery user and sniper. Sky Warfare "On sky islands, battles are fought differently than down in the Blue Sea. Oftentimes, weapons are upgraded, or even combined, with Dials. This creates incredibly powerful weapons and combat styles, allowing for tactics that would otherwise be unachievable." Being from Skypiea, Countless is accustomed to the art of Sky Warfare, and commonly utilizes Dial-based equipment in order to create a fighting style that cannot be found within the Blue Sea. Sky Warfare is advantageous, as most people in the Blue Sea are not experienced with, or have even seen Dials before, let alone fighting against them. Countless is a bit reliant on these weapons for combat, as his physical strength isn't that amazing next to most pirates. Weapons: Buster Bazooka The signature weapon of Countless' own design. A bazooka which is unable to fire conventional ammunition, but is instead reliant on the type of Dial which is placed inside of its compartment. For example, having a Jet Dial inside would allow the weapon to fire a powerful gust of wind; enough to propel Countless into the air if he aimed it at his feet, or a Flame Dial grant the weapon the ability to fire bursts of flames. The compartment is relatively easy to access, and it accommodates most Dial types; it's relatively easy for Countless to switch out the Dials during combat as a result. Burst Boots Sky warfare boots which contain Jet Dials on their soles. Similarly to how installing Milky Dials on one's shoe souls would allow flight, the Burst Boots are able to fire bursts of air which propel Countless high upward. Unlike Milky Dial-based shoes, the Burst Boots do not allow flight: it instead bestows the user with a greater jump height. One drawback of the boots is the fact that they cannot account for the fall which takes place after one is in the air, but Countless has gotten used to crashing and falling onto things (particularly people) while using the boots. Unlike the Buster Bazooka, the Jet Dials within the Burst Boots cannot be removed. Gust Gauntlet Originally called God's Gauntlet, but Countless scrapped the name because it seemed too arrogant. Like his other Sky Warfare weapons, the Gust Gauntlet has a compartment in which it can hold various Dials, and changes its use based on which Dial is currently installed. In particular, the Impact Dial is a common choice for the Gust Gauntlet, although Countless tends to avoid using it due to the fact that he would have to be in melee range to do so. He frequently lends the Impact Gust Gauntlet to friends, since they normally can't handle its recoil, and it's kind of funny to watch. Dials: On his person, Countless only carries enough Dials to use in the Burst Bazooka and Gust Gauntlet. . Flame Dial . Flash Dial . Flavor Dial . Impact Dial . Jet Dial . Tone Dial . Water Dial Aside from that, Countless has some devices which run on more domestic Dials, such as a lamp which uses a...Lamp Dial, or an oven which uses a Heat Dial. With all these amounts of weaponry and devices, people tend to ask where he stores them. He doesn't know. Ship Positions: Marksman/Gunner Bounty: 0
-- Je jure officier, je n'ai commis que des fautes le week-end! "C'est mauvais... c'est tout ce que Leonard pouvait vraiment penser avant de tourner la tête si légèrement pour regarder Nikko. Il ressentait une douleur dans son intestin alors qu'il se rendait compte que les Marines étaient une tolérance zéro... même si elle était blessée, ils tireraient quand même s'il ne faisait pas ce qu'ils lui demandaient. Abaissant légèrement la tête, il a commencé à frissonner, en particulier ses jambes ont commencé à trembler, avant qu'il ne cligne la tête. "F-F-F-F-Fine! Je ne suis pas un pirate, mais elle est blessée. Nous avons besoin d'obtenir ses soins médicaux." il déclare, s'enfonce lentement à genoux, puis se couche sur le sol, visiblement effrayé de ce qui se passerait. En regardant vers la femme aux cheveux bleus, il a plaidé: "D-Ne leur donnez pas une raison de blesser quelqu'un...M-Peut-être i-i-ça va aller..." comme il a serré ses dents derrière son masque. Il se sentait terrible... il était littéralement sur le point de les laisser marcher sur lui. Et s'ils faisaient du mal à Nikko? Et s'il devait aller en prison? Et s'ils l'exécutaient alors et là? Un million de soucis couraient dans l'esprit du médecin pacifiste. Rien de tout ça n'impliquait vraiment de penser à comment sortir de ce bordel. Il allait se faire arrêter, probablement battu, puis prendre un petit-déjeuner en prison d'un homme d'esturgeon nommé Bobo. Ahurissant et effrayé, il descendit les yeux vers le sol. Est-ce que je vais vraiment mourir ici? il a interrogé de derrière son masque d'un ton brouillé, presque impossible à entendre. Il avait l'impression qu'il allait pleurer, mais il y est resté. Une dernière fois, il a dit : « S'il vous plaît, ne lui faites pas de mal », la voix tremblant légèrement.
Name: Leonard Siegfriedt Appearance: (Ignore the gun, his pansy ass probably couldn't even lift it) Height/Weight: 5’2, 112 lbs. Age: 19 Personality: While Leonard may seem like a rather grim person, that’s just a misconception most people would get from his clothing. He’s actually rather shy, and tries to hide as much of himself from others as he can, hence the hood and the faceguard. He’s actually a lot nicer than you’d take him for, difficult to anger and easy to please. As a doctor, he believes it to be his duty to help the unwell, and can’t stand to see people suffer when he can do something to help. Even though he has Hypochondriasis. Home Island: North Blue, Principality of Eurijk History: To understand why Leonard is the way he is, it’s more important to know who his parents were, or rather, parent. A woman by the name of Charlotte Siegfriedt, infamously known as the Plague Woman. A person who consumed a rather odd Devil-Fruit by the name of the Toru-Toru no Mi, the Thieving fruit. Despite the powerful nature of the fruit, Charlotte solely used the innately malicious power of the fruit to, rather than steal things such as other’s organs or lives, instead stole from them their ailments, their weariment, their sickness, and their afflictions. Truly a saint, Charlotte traveled the world, willing to help whoever she could save by using her own body as the host for innumerable viruses. Doing so was no easy task for her, however. The pain was unbearable at times, with several fevers racking her body every week, sometimes hitting at the same time. Were it not for her strong conviction to help others, she likely would have died in her sleep countless times. Naturally, carrying that many ailments would shorten one’s lifespan dramatically, and as such, she was fated to die by the age of 30, if not sooner. Doing what she could with her remaining time, she travelled the North Blue, where she was already infamous for having eliminated the lethal Muave Pox that spread through it years before; infamous for being the only known carrier of it. As such, she was shunned and nearly stoned to death several times, resulting in the loss of one of her eyes. From there, Leonard isn’t sure of how he came to be. He isn’t sure who his father is, or how an infant was able to be born without getting deathly ill from a woman like his mother. But what he did know was that his mother was dying every moment he was with her. It was a terrifying experience for the boy, knowing that his mother would die soon. But he never expected the day she would leave their make-shift home in the middle of the swamp-land region of Eurijk. Without a word of goodbye besides a letter telling Leonard to live honestly, his mother vanished. Sailing off to sea, she perished in the middle of the sea somewhere, her body drifting to the bottom of the sea with her host of plagues. Terribly saddened and alone, Leonard soon declined into depression, cursing the world that there was never anyone who could cure his mother of her illnesses. Now alone in the world, Leonard studied tirelessly to perfect medicines of his own concoction, using himself and various animals around the area to test his brews. One of those concoctions also happened to nearly blow his entire home to pieces, resulting in the left side of his face to be burned quite severely. Years later, without a penny to his name, he set off into the world to cure the incurable, more than aware of his dream being absolutely ridiculous. But then...a world free of sickness never was his own dream. It was his mother’s. Fighting Style: Do No Harm Despite his Hippocratic Oath, Leonard understands perfectly well that in this violent world, conflict is inevitable. While not a proficient hand-to-hand fighter, he has the knowledge required to dislocate someone’s bones if given enough of an opening, as well as having amazingly precise and steady hands. Combined with his accurate vision, he is able to throw scalpels like throwing knives with a great deal of precision. Crew Position: Doctor Bounty: 0 Others: Wears his faceguard more to hide his face than to keep from catching something, despite his frightfully strong immune system. While he does have the potential to have rather strong Observation Haki, he is currently unaware of Haki's existence, and has no idea how to use it. Character Theme
DYING NE RÉPONSE PAS D'UNE DETTE Seulement des hommes en perte de vie après que quelqu'un ait mis leurs vies à l'abri. Zell a eu la chance d'avoir une audition aiguë, il a pu remarquer l'événement qui s'est passé devant ses yeux. Un grand homme se tenait au milieu de la rue, à quelques pieds de lui était une fille et une autre femme plus âgée. Cependant, ce mec quelque peu héroïque était sur le point d'être capturé par les marines. Avant d'affronter les marines, il a prononcé quelques mots qui ont attiré l'attention de Zell. Il a dit quelque chose au sujet de rejoindre ces groupes de pirates dans leur voyage en les aidant d'abord pendant ce chaos. Zell s'intéressait à son plan parce que dès le début, Zell avait une envie de trouver un navire pour revenir à la Grande Ligne. Peut-être que ce n'était pas une mauvaise idée de les rejoindre, au moins il pourrait économiser de l'argent et du temps de voyage. Les lèvres de Zell ont commencé à se courber vers le haut quand il est devenu excité. Cet homme devrait être mon vaisseau pour la victoire, il devrait me porter sur son dos. Zell a murmuré. Heureusement, il déchaînait déjà son Katana, alors que le grand homme était débordé, Zell sautait dans l'action, l'aidant. Si Zell se battait aux côtés de cet homme, les marines n'auraient aucune chance, du moins il le pensait. Il s'est croisé les doigts, espérant que son plan fonctionnerait et qu'il pourrait rejoindre ces pirates. "À bord pour la victoire!" Il cria alors qu'il se tenait hors du banc et s'étendit un peu avant d'agir.
Name: Zell Narukami Height/Weight: 5'10", 180 lbs Age: 23 Personality: Zell is a man whose been instilled with values.He is someone who believes strongly in being able to forge his own path by his own two hands. He's not opposed to fighting to protect his beliefs. Even if he looses. He's never set in his ways though he is constantly adapting to the world around him letting the way of the world help shape, define and re-define him. But his core beliefs never change. Fight for what you believe in, think with your head not your heart, if it's something that burns strongly within follow it. And help out those in need. Zell's reaction to people is initially friendly, however if they prove that they are against him or act to hurt someone without any provocation then he grows to dislike them. He's a charismatic person, he could persuade someone to do something for him. His ambitions lead him to a great path, the path shows the true side of him. He often respects his enemies in battle, humiliating them on the battle isn't his style. He has two major quirks to his personality, one being that be believes that the strongest beliefs always win. Regardless of the medium through which they are conveyed be it words or fists. The second quirk is a simple one. Living for yourself is the same as living for nothing. Live for others, don't only focus on yourself. Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: Zell was born in a nice kingdom of Goa. Subject to his loving parents, and an overwhelming amount of caring relatives and neighbors, he wanted for nothing as a child. When he was four, he had to say goodbye to Goa Kingdom, and move with his parents back down to Loguetown. They settled on Loguetown, and his parents set a business there. Between working out in the town, and managing his peace projects, his father was a very busy man, but he still made all the time he could to spend playing with his son. When he became old enough, he would follow him around all day while he took care of problems that had arisen and managing different aspects of the town. He was walking around the town with his father, something caught his eyes, a muscular man was punching on trees. Zell approached the man, and asked all about the man's tasks. Zell eyes stared at the dents on the stem and the scratches, he asked that man if he could teach him about martial art someday. When Zell turned 13, he decided to help that man, his job was to collect the broken wood from the trees. Zell taught by the man on how to punch properly when he reached the age of 14, Zell took a special class on the evening. When he turned to 16, he was able to punch through a plank. But, only in a small scale. He spent his free time training more on his martial arts after his father said that he should be able to protect everyone in the family. Zell trained hard and also worked hard to gain more knowledge. His parents was happy to see Zell.One day when Zell was 14 years old, A pirate crew stopped at his village, and went to the bar, they talked about Devil Fruits they got when they were sailing around the island. Zell read about Devil Fruits once, and the power was scary, but with such power, he could protect his family easily. He went to their ships, some people stood on the ships, guarding it. Zell approached them, and asked about a devil fruit. With his curiosity and cute face, they showed him the devil fruit, Zell glared at it, and took it instantly. Without any hesitation, he jumped to the sea because it was the fastest route to escape. They were chasing Zell, but Zell ate the fruit, he felt something weird, suddenly, he couldn't swim, and he lost his energy. Unfortunately, the pirates swam, and caught him. The furious captain came, and asked him about the devil fruit. When Zell told them that he ate it, they were furious, and wanted to kill him, but a villager who knew Zell called for help, the other villagers gathered, and asked the pirates to leave Zell alone. They released Zell, and Zell began to run away. The pirates took their swords, and advanced toward the villagers, the villagers stood up for Zell. Fortunately, a marine ship sailed toward the island, the marine ship was quite far, but if the pirates caused some trouble here, the marine would stop here, and caught them. One of the pirate crew spotted it, they decided to return to their ships, and flee. Zell found out his ability when he was training on the courtyard, suddenly his hands turned into blades when he tried to attack a dummy. Zell trained himself on his backyard, at first, it was a fail, he can't control the power, but after a lot of training, and dedication, he managed to turn his limbs into blade whenever he wanted to. When he turned 18, after more than a decade and a half of listening to his father's stories of the sea, he decided he wanted to go sail the sea too, his father experienced the sea at a very young age, Zell's grandfather always brought his father to every journey, they sailed around East Blue, but not all lands in East Blue explored, his grandfather wrote a journals about his journey, before he died, and he gave the journals to Zell's father. At first, his parents was afraid with Zell's decision. Luckily, the man who taught him everything interfered, saying Zell was more than prepared to go on his own adventure. His father worried, but couldn't stop him from leaving. Zell was aiming to find huge amount of treasures. To find a lot of treasure, you must become a strong person, he wanted a fame so much, so, the world will know about him, he need to be the strongest pirate, so, he can conquer the world easily, and find a lot of treasures. Hopefully, he can achieve him with individuals called as Nakamas. Fruit: Supa Supa no Mi (Dice Dice Fruit) Fighting style: He wields a single katana but mainly goes on hand-to-hand combat. This style is enhanced by his Fruit Power, it allows him to turn his limbs into blades, this can inflict a piercing damage or cuts to the target upon contact so he doesn't afraid to attack someone with bare fist. As a result, his main focus is on his martial arts. He also might use his gifts in Haki, but currently, they are inactive inside him unless he train himself to unlock it. Ship Positions: Fighter Bounty: 0
Brenda Wirrit Le docteur a peur. Le pirate est inconscient. Le gamin ne semble pas s'en soucier. Brenda a l'impression qu'elle est responsable de ce groupe par défaut. Elle avale cette peur, pose une jambe sur un canon et fait des gestes avec un ciseau alors qu'elle se prépare à rallier les troupes. "Frappe-la et porte-la avec nous." Elle instruirea Nikko, avant de se tourner vers innombrables, et de lui dire "Ils explosent la ville et les navires. Nous sommes sur une île. Nous ne nous cachons pas ou nous sommes piégés. Nous n'avons pas d'endroit où courir. Toi et ton arme devriez venir avec nous." "Il y a beaucoup de pièces. Pièces, matériaux, dommages. Trop pour un. Nous faisons tous notre part, suivons le plan et construisons un navire fort! » Elle ne se souvient pas de tous les bons mots. Les conditions d'expédition devront être remplies. Brenda avance vers le boulet de canon non explosé, et se bat pour le ramasser avec les deux mains. « Nous devons d'abord préparer l'atelier. Un atelier d'explosion n'est pas approprié. Nous devons arrêter les explosions. Il y a de bons ouvriers dehors. Ils viendront avec nous sur les quais." Et donc, Brenda s'enfuit de la taverne avec sa lourde charge, faisant confiance à innombrables et Nikko pour la suivre. Alors que Zell et Tristan se préparent à affronter les Marines qui bloquent son chemin vers les ports, Brenda respire profondément et crie "Faites place au boulet de canon!" Brenda n'a aucune idée qu'il y ait un officier de marine en ville aussi appelé "le boulet de canon". Elle essaie d'empêcher quiconque de déclencher l'explosif qu'elle transporte. Néanmoins, plusieurs mariens ont mal interprété, et se sont écartés en regardant le ciel pour l'arrivée aéroportée de l'officier, les distrait du combat à venir.
Name: Brenda Wirrit Appearance: Height/Weight: 5', 90lbs Age: 19 Personality: Happy, upbeat and infinitely curious, Brenda tries her best to see the bright side in any situation. She panics easily, but quickly regains a manic sort of composure. She's more likely to act before thinking and deal with the consequences. The common tongue is her second language, so she sometimes misunderstands. Home Island/Sea: Okidou Island, East Blue. An island with large forests of strong trees, chiefly exported for shipmaking. The island's inhabitants take care to the forests to ensure they plant more trees than they cut down, to ensure future livelihood. The people have their own language. History: Brenda grew up on Okidou Island watching the varieties of ship arrive to buy the islands wood, amazed that pieces of her homeland would travel so far. She always wanted to find out how the ships were made. When she was nine, a storm sunk a ship near Okidou's coast. The people all helped out with the rescue. Much of the cargo was lost under the sea, but Brenda rowed her home-made raft out, swam down and found a watertight box containing a devil fruit, which she ate back at her 'secret hideout', a beach hut she also made herself. Brenda loved her amazing new powers, but the folk back home weren't quite so happy. The captain of the sunken ship was especially displeased, as he intended to trade the fruit for a large supply of wood, to supply his shipyard. Regardless, something about the young girl's passion for carpentry appealed to him, so he made a deal with Brenda's father. She would come with him to work off the cost of the fruit, learning a shipwright's trade. Ten years later, Brenda has finished paying off the fruit (Which also happened to be the day her tutor decided she'd learned all he could teach) and set out to explore the oceans, see new styles of carpentry. While she was working at the shipyard, Brenda took plenty of photographs (Some kind of snail-based camera?) to write letters home, and as a farewell gift the master of the shipyard gave her an empty book, to fill with memories of her journey. Fruit: Maze-Maze no Mi, AKA the Mix-Mix Fruit. Paramecia Type. Brenda has the ability to turn herself and other objects into a putty-like substance by rpidly kneading it with her hands. They turn back if left alone, but while transformed it can be mixed with another liquid or transformed substance, to combine the two. She can also separate the objects again by reaching 'in' and pulling it out. Common uses for Brenda include mixing a wooden plank into glue, to get a substance that's sticky and applyable by brush but hardens into a solid wooden coating, mixing a hammer into her hand for an iron punch, or mixing cloth with a sheet of metal to easily shape it, then remove the cloth and end up with metal in the required shape. The chief limitations on the ability are that Brenda can only transform an object small or light enough for her to lift, as she needs to use both hands to putty-ify something, and she is unable to use her ability on living creatures other than herself. Soaking combined objects in saltwater also unmixes them if done within the first few days, as the sea nullifies the devil-fruit power. It also has a tendancy to activate when Brenda is distracted or startled, mixing her with her gear. Her hat and hair often fuse as soon as she stops paying attention, giving her a hairstyle in the shape of a hat, with it's decorations mixed in. If Brenda trips into a pile of bricks, she may turn to putty and splatter into them, reforming herself very blocky. And she tends to wake up in the morning with a pillow for a head. Mix-Mix Combine Rapidly knead into putty and combine two or more objects. Mix-Mix Augment Combine an object with a part of her body, to boost herself somehow, or gain some measure of control over it. (e.g. Hammer fist, rope tail, telescope eyes) Mix-Mix Full Body Putty Brenda transforms her whole body into putty. Very limited mobility, but greatly increased defence. Needs to be in this state to use Mix-Mix Full Body augment Mix-Mix Full Body Augment Brenda combines her whole self with an object or objects. This needs a greater supply of objects to be effective, or else they are too diluted. Mix-Mix Separate Pull objects out of a Mix-Mix technique, restoring them to their original properties. So far, Brenda can only use Mix-Mix Separate on objects she's added to the mix herself. She may develop the ability to undo other mixtures or compounds in the future. As well as the size limitation, the more alive something is, the harder it is for Brenda to work on it. Something completely inorganic is the easiest, with 'dead' organic matter such as a plank, cloth or a steak being only a little harder. A living plant is the limitation of her ability. Animals or people (Other than herself) are beyond Brenda's capabilities to alter. For now, anyway. Fighting style: Brenda is not a skilled fighter, but if pressured into a fight her style would be best described as 'wild brawling'. She throws whatever is to hand, mixes tools into herself for extra punching power and crawls under tables, over chairs and slams doors in faces or dumps pots on heads. She's no match for a skilled fighter, but can keep an amateur off guard long enough to escape. If cornered, she'd probably try setting something on fire. Ship Position: Assistant Shipwright Bounty: Insignificant (May have picked up a few hundred for petty crimes in local jurisdictions, but nothing that would cross a sea)
C'est Nabil. Demande! Tu te mets en travers de mon chemin et tu t'attends à ce que je me rende? Je me bats contre un idiot. Nabil secoua le fil de l'incertitude qui dériveait du poteau utilisé par le marine. C'était quelque chose à se méfier, mais il était plus énervé que le capitaine s'était envolé vers Marxo. C'était gênant, mais en même temps, il pensait qu'il n'avait pas l'intention de botter un petit cul. Après l'âpreté de la vivacité, Nabil tendit le bras pour tenir le poteau en place avant de faire un pas en arrière. "Atsu Atsu no Mi," dit-il avec une finale dans sa voix douce. Son bras tiré vers le dos était rouge comme une colonne de chaleur qui s'étendait de lui. La chaleur d'où bouffait l'air chaud s'est transformée en hache médiévale, sa forme rehaussant sa portée. Guillotine. Il n'a fallu que la longueur de ces mots rapides pour qu'il le fouette à travers les airs avec l'intention de bisecter le pauvre marine. Tandis que son bras balançait horizontalement dans l'air, le bord de son Ax auto-fait était devenu rouge-chaud. Il pourrait couper à travers une feuille de métal, donné une seconde ou deux de temps pour le faire.
Name: Nabil "The Calm" Valley Height/Weight: 5’9” / 142lbs Age: 18 The alias “The Calm” was given to Nabil due to his infallible ability to seem un-phased by most antagonist. Some assume that he hides an intelligence behind this composed wall. Those are lies. He is as smart as the next man, maybe a bit more so, but that’s mainly due to his innate caution. He knows when to shut his mouth and when to speak out against others. In that aspect, he travels in a gray area. Where one person’s reality is not his own, but instead an adjacent to what could have been. In other words, he attempts to empathize with others. His love for the sea is directly tied to his extensive love for freedom, which contradicts his abnormal caution. Home Island/Sea: Provestal Island. The son of two Marines, it was very unlikely that Nabil would later become a pirate. In fact, his parent’s loving nature left little to be desired. When the two were deployed, expecting to be gone for several years, he was sent to live with distant relatives on Provestal Island. A quaint, small place where a unnerving calm saturated the air. On the island he explored the deep woods that surrounded the small town. Finding interest in the giant wild life and floral. He couldn’t understand it for the longest, unwilling to show his ignorance he would remain that way for several months. When he finally asked his aunt and cousin, they explained that the oxygen levels on the island was abnormally high. He took those words to face value and continued finish his breakfast, a rather calm fascination now inside of him. By the age of thirteen, Nabil had seemingly become the living force of Provestal Isle’s calm. Though many had resided on the isle, not many could match his level of tranquil. When others were too afraid to enter the force, he would walk through the greenery, alongside the giant beasts, and gaze at the crater in its center. Every day he returned there, he felt the urge to delve inside grow stronger. It was like the sound of the careening waterfall hitting the dark bottom was a calling card. It beckoned for him to adventure below but caution staid his descent. At the age of fifteen, Provestal Isle was visited by a band of pirates. They washed ashore on a broken and shattered boat, the captain deeply worried about his crew. The island offered them shelter for three nights. Those three nights were filled with stories of stormy adventures and fanciful tales of the unnatural. Needless to say, Nabil was enticed by them. On the fourth night, the Marines surrounded the isle with a fleet of ranked officers. The Pirate Captain, who expressed his desire to not tangle the island up in his affairs had decided to give himself up. He left with his crew moments later. An hour had peacefully passed before cannon fire had begun to rain down. A scarce group of the pirates returned in tears, warning that the marines was going to kill them all, despite their surrender. Behind them, the marines trampled forward. Nabil and his cousin, along with others, were told to retreat to the forest. To let the beasts protect them as a last resort. As Nabil guided his cousin to the crater, he could hear the cries of villagers as some of the beasts prowled on them. Dark smoke soon billowed from the tree line, orange heat lined its treetops. Nabil believed his cousin and himself to be safe. That was until canon fire came dangerously close to them. Fear led him to trying to convince his cousin to dive into the crater with him; the promise of water below was not enough though. The boy, who was supposed to jump on three with him, had stayed on top, where canon fire had seared his face and tossed him out of sight. At the bottom of the cavern spring, Nabil immediately swore vengeance on the Marines. He followed the water to the mouth of the island, one that led out into the ocean. Once he returned back to the shore, he witnessed the pirate captain shackled and ready to be inhumanly executed. Nabil realized that the majority of the Marines had left during his long stay in the cavern and that only a few was left. He would have heroically saved the guy, if he had been so afraid. He was shot several times in the head before finally being left alone. Nabil waited until nightfall, when the sea was quiet and empty till he finally approached. The captain was dead but the beach was littered with members of his crew. As Nabil walked through, a bloodied hand grabbed him and instructed, with vexation in his voice, to avenge them. With that in mind, he told Nabil the location of a treasure near the inn in the village. The village was burned to the ground and Nabil had all but given up hope on finding anyone alive. They all had bullets in them, one for each alive he figured. Once to the treasure chest, he found a fruit inside. He bit it after a bit of hesitance and after spitting it out, found out it was a devil fruit. He became a 10,000 degrees human. Years later and he had become a pirate, one hell bent on getting in the marines way. Usually his actions were small, intervening with rookie marines in small towns and allowing the escape of other pirates. Though recently he hijacked a marine ship and sailed it to Reverse Mountain. Devil Fruit: Atsu Atsu no Mi (Hot Hot Fruit) Fighting style: Direct and brutish, Nabil fights in conjunction with his Hot Hot Fruit abilities. Landing searing blows and burning away those that stand in his way. He seems to know some form of martial arts, as he often lowers into a stance when fighting one on one. With all the potential of a Supenova. Nabil has the possibility to use Observation Haki, Arms Haki, and Conquerors Haki. Though these have not been explored and largely unseen. He will need immense training to bring these out of himself. Atsu Atsu no Spears Nabil shapes the heat that fumes from his body into several needles. He launches these needles at the speed of a musket's bullet and pierces those he's up against. With a cold calculation, he uses this technique to take out mass armies of weaklings. Though fast and effective, it pretty easy to dodge if you're perceptive. Ship Positions: - 10,000,000
Sylas Il a percuté le marteau massif de verre autour de lui, l'amenant finalement à se reposer contre son épaule droite alors qu'il le tenait sur elle avec seulement son bras droit. Sylas semblait plutôt décontracté et confortable, malgré le poids de l'arme et comment comique mais intimidant il avait l'air. "Mais comment vais-je m'approcher assez pour couler ces vaisseaux sans qu'ils me remarquent..." Sa main gauche s'est déplacée vers son menton, en s'assurant que sa pose reflétait à quel point il pensait qu'il était au sujet de la situation difficile. Sylas a maintenu la pose pendant quelques secondes avant d'incliner sa tête vers le côté et s'est légèrement penché vers le dos. Le timing, qu'il soit prévu ou non il était impossible de le dire, était miraculeux, se déplaçant juste hors du chemin dans la fraction-seconde avant que la lieutenante a tiré son pistolet sur sa tête. La balle a navigué au-dessus de son visage, l'air déplacé donnant une légère brise et entraînant ses cheveux à s'écraser légèrement. Mais maintenant il était face à la femme qui a déclaré qu'il allait mourir. "Une attaque sournoise. D'abord tu prends mon vaisseau et ensuite tu essaies de me tuer? Quand l'immoralité cessera-t-elle? Sylas a maintenant complètement tourné son corps pour faire face à Hannah, levant simultanément sa main gauche dans l'air pour prendre un poste dramatique. "Oh, c'est vrai. Ça finira dans un instant." Sa pose mélodramatique a été reléguée et sa voix a pris un ton sérieux alors qu'il a serré son marteau dans les deux mains. "Aujourd'hui sera le jour où la Marine a regretté son offense contre Shattering Sylas." Hannah a probablement senti que l'homme qu'elle avait été chargée de tuer était très étrange et ennuyeux à l'heure actuelle. Mais au moment où il a cessé ses drames, l'air autour d'eux a commencé à changer. Avec un tiret étonnamment rapide, Sylas a fermé la distance pour mettre le lieutenant juste à portée de frappe de son marteau massif. Naturellement, il a ouvert avec son coup vertical, un coup pour l'écraser immédiatement si elle se trouve incapable de bloquer ou d'esquiver. De plus, la puissance derrière le coup était assez énorme pour briser le marteau et le béton sur lequel ils étaient debout. Maintenant avec seulement une poignée de verre, quelque chose de relativement inutile dans un combat, Sylas s'est tenu dessus d'une main et a utilisé l'autre pour ajuster ses lunettes. "Aucun Marine ne peut m'arrêter..."
Name: "Shattering" Sylas Maison Height/Weight: 6'0" (182cm) / 170lbs (77.1kg) Age: 20 Personality: Eccentric and emotional, Sylas is known for being an overly melodramatic fellow. Prone to telling tale tales of grand feats he may or may not have ever accomplished, his flair for drama is second-to-none. He always strives to be interesting and unique, making it easy to spot him in a crowd by looks and sound alone. He is often written off as crazy by those that meet him, especially after they see what he is capable of. Sylas is as impulsive as they come, and accordingly unpredictable. He always strives to amaze those around him with feats of power or compassion, to be recognized as a man worthy of legend. At the very least his wierdness is legendary, but getting that point across to Sylas is impossible. Nobody looks up to Sylas more than Sylas himself. He is infallible in his own eyes and he won't stop until everyone else sees him that way too. Home Island/Sea: West Blue History: Born to Captain Ismael Maison of the Firefly Pirates, Sylas was immersed in the world of swashbuckling from a very young age. Though the Firefly Pirates and consequently Captain Ismael were nothing impressive that didn't stop the enigmatic leader to present grandiose tales to his son. Enamored with his unrealistic and romaticized view of piracy, young Sylas aimed to follow the footsteps of his father and become a legend (despite the fact his father's name was unheard of outside the West Blue). He spent his entire life on board the Firefly's ship, Chain Breaker, training to take the reigns from his father one day as the captain of the crew. When Sylas was fourteen he encountered the Hari Hari no Mi. And encountered is the correct word, as he saw the fruit on board an enemy ship while the crew was raiding it. Being he was hungry at the time he ate it without a second thought. It was only after Ismael questioned where the Devil Fruit was that it was realized Sylas had eaten it. This temporarily put a damper on crew relations, but it was found that Sylas was an even greater asset to the crew now. He was no longer just the captain's kid but now a useful member. Granted his odd personality didn't make him exactly likable. He trained to use his new abilities to the max, believing that they would be key to his future legends. Over time he became the powerhouse of the Firefly Pirates, surpassing anyone else on board by leagues. At nineteen his father finally grew ill and passed away (likely scurvy), leaving Sylas in charge of the Firefly Pirates rather than the more popular first mate, Hopper. Taking it to heart, Sylas immediately declared they would head to the Grand Line. As they made their way across the West Blue, slowly but surely, the crew grew dissatisfied with Sylas's style of leadership. They no longer pillaged towns or raided islands, instead marauding only other pirate crews. After three months they couldn't take it any longer. Following an overly-eccentric twentieth birthday party for Sylas, the crew immediately mutinied. Led by the former first mate, the mutiny forced Sylas to walk the plank. As a Devil Fruit user, this surely meant he would die. But quick thinking and the Hari Hari no Mi powers allowed him to create a small boat. Using his incredible strength and a single paddle, Sylas escaped his former comrades by fleeing towards a nearby island. Or so he thought. His sense of navigation wasn't very spot on and instead Sylas had traversed into the nearby Calm Belt. In a feat of fear-fueled stamina, Sylas managed to paddle his way across the calm belt and onto the Grand Line. With no food or water, Sylas found himself close to death before spotting Reverse Mountain and the Town of Contradiction. After arriving at the port he was given some food and water by sympathetic locals. It took only a day to recover his strength, in which Sylas was immediately indebted and forced to work off the bills for the food he had eaten. This brings us to today, two days after Sylas had arrived at the Town of Contradiction... Fruit: Known as the Glass-Glass Fruit, it is a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that grants the user the ability to create glass at a rapid pace and to manipulate existing glass under certain conditions. Notably not Logia class as users cannot turn themselves into glass nor are they invulnerable to physical attacks. The glass created by a Hari Hari no Mi user can have various properties as determined at the time of creation, though for existing glass to be manipulated it must be untempered and have no stain. The glass created can only ever be in a crystal, solid state though it may be structured to appear liquid. Liquid glass can also be manipulated, if pure and unstained, despite not being able to be produced by the user. The thicker the glass, the longer it takes to create. Glass can only be created from the user's body, but glass that is being manipulated has a much longer range. Most common uses of the Hari Hari no Mi are to create weapons or structures of glass, usually thick so as not to be broken easily. The fragile nature of thin glass makes it a great weapon for slicing even when broken, though thin glass is also useful for manipulating light. A skilled user can create illusions with cleverly manipulated glass and even a an unskilled user could reflect sunlight to blind foes. There are a wide range of possibilities with the Hari Hari no Mi, though it is not without weaknesses. Even the thickest glass is weaker than the equivalent thickness of steel, and due to the crystalline nature of untempered glass it is prone to fracture with ease if it is not made to be especially thick (and even then it is not on par with an identical weapon/structure made of metal). Due to the nature of Busoshoku Haki, Hari Hari no Mi glass of any thickness is shattered with ease if struck by it. Consequently, Busoshoku Haki can be imbued into the glass created if the user is adept with Haki, negating the Haki weakness to a degree. Fighting style: Sylas is a powerhouse, exhibiting incredible strength and the capability to wield absurdly large weapons of his own creation. Though agile in his own right he will stick to his greatest strength: strength. Sylas primarily fights using glass weapons, such as hammers and swords, but his style is just as versatile as his Devil Fruit. Though he is capable of fighting without his Devil Fruit powers, he does lack martial art skills and has to rely on pure physical capability to get by. Sylas is capable of using Busoshoku (Arms) and Kenbunshoku (Observation) Haki to certain degrees, though he reserves this ability. Hari Hari no Hammerfall Sylas creates an absurdly large hammer of glass, over twice his own size, and swings it down with enough force to annihilate the hammer and usually most anything in its path. This can be considered his signature technique and has attributed to his epithet, for the shattering hammer. This technique can be used alternatively, to allow extended use of the hammer by not immediately smashing it. Hari Hari no Great Hammerfall An enlarged version of his signature technique. Sylas creates an even more absurdly large hammer, this time large enough smash an entire building or even a ship. Notably takes more time to create the weapon and it is much more unwieldy in his hands. Only ever good for one attack. Hari Hari no Saber A large glass sword is created. Though fragile and easy to break, it is incredibly sharp. When it is broken the shattered pieces are capable of causing further damage. Sylas can repair the blade in order to extend how long it can be useful. Hari Hari no Windmill Two meter-long, six-point throwing stars are created and flung at the enemy. Due to Sylas's ability to control the glass they will give chase and home in on the desired target until broken beyond use or they hit their mark. Much like the Saber they are incredibly sharp and breaking them still has a probability of taking damage. Hari Hari no Geyser An eruption of thick and spiky layers of glass form from Sylas's feet, stabbing foes and repelling attacks. Due to the thickness of the glass it is less sharp and not as likely to completely slice through opponents, but it is more resilient and can withstand stronger attacks as well as still being able to harm whoever was in the blast zone. Hari Hari no Anchor By creating a sheet of glass across the ground (or oceanwater, if out at sea) and underneath a foe (or opposing ship), Sylas can trap his enemy. Once the glass reaches underneath the enemy it will grow upwards to anchor them in place. For humanoid foes this only requires reaching up to the waist to completely halt their leg movement, and for ships at seat it simply requires getting completely underneath and surrounding it only by a few feet (which is more than enough to completely remove the ship from the water). Hari Hari no Mirror One of Sylas's weaker moves, as it does not usually fit his style and is thus not often used or practiced. Sylas creates a pane of glass, warped to just the right angle to reflect the brightest light source available (usually the sun) and project it in the direction of his enemy to temporarily blind them. Hari Hari no Mist Two balls of glass are created before being broken (throwing, crushing, smashing, doesn't matter), causing them to explode into many tiny shards of glass. Controlling the direction of the spray can create a painful diversion for his foes, potentially blinding them (the permanent kind of blind). Hari Hari no Laser Using a large, circular disk of glass, Sylas focus sunlight onto a specific point via refraction and magnification. This is used to cause fires on anything wooden, and only requires a few seconds of accurate aiming once the disk is properly aligned with the sun. *Note* Due to the versatile nature of the Hari Hari no Mi, there are many more possibilities of use other than those listed above. This list is to cite the most common and most notable techniques, though more may be added as Sylas expands his uses. Ship Positions: TBA (Former Captain of the Firefly Pirates) Bounty: 3,000,000 Berries
Ryan aurait dû avoir peur. Il aurait dû courir en hurlant comme des boulettes de canon étaient tombées partout. Il aurait dû se cacher quelque part dans une bouteille et attendre que les Marines partent. Ryan a plutôt tiré sur tous les Marines qu'il a vus et crié "Ten points!" à chaque fois qu'il a eu un coup. C'était une journée amusante, mais pas assez amusante. Il n'avait même pas besoin d'utiliser son Fruit du Diable, personne n'était assez fort! Ryan a vite remarqué l'absence de cibles autour et il s'est précipité. "Aww. C'est déjà fini? Dois-je mettre un autre Beli?" Il a soutenu ses armes et a commencé à marcher vers une taverne voisine quand il a entendu un étrange cri. "Faites place au boulet de canon!" "Huh?" Ryan s'est tourné vers une femme transportant un boulet de canon pendant que d'autres personnes se battaient. Il s'est approché d'elle et a regardé le boulet curieusement. "Hé, tu as besoin d'aide pour ça? Ça a l'air assez lourd." Il marchait à côté de la femme un sourire rusé. "Mais je suis impolie. Je suis Ryan, c'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer!" Il tendit la main pour une poignée de main et gigota.
Name: Ryan Chideta Height/Weight: 5"4, 110 Pounds Age: 22 Personality: Ryan is a very contradictory individual. He constantly pushes himself to the brinks of death as he trains constantly to become the best at what he does, but he can spend entire days doing absolutely nothing as he just lies down and stares at the sky. He's an easily excited individual who can never focus on one thing for long periods of time, but the dedication he puts into his marksmanship is rivaled by few. In battle though he seemingly becomes a new person as he pinpoints enemy weaknesses and environmental advantages and disadvantages. He doesn't talk during battle either, he instead let's his bullets do the talking. Few things faze him as he becomes a machine dedicated to his current goal. He can be serious outside of battle, he just prefers not to. His life motto is, "Life is already too serious. Why make it more so on purpose?" Home Island/Sea: East Blue History: Ryan was born on a pirate ship known as The Horsemen of War. They had kidnapped a prostitute and one of the crew members had a child with her. They kept it well hidden until the child was born, the crew killed the prostitute and the crew member. The captain, Quiet Shot, refused to kill the child and instead has the rest of the crew take care of him. The boy grew up fast, he learned to shoot with the best of them and every so often he went treasure hunting with the rest of the crew too. It was at the age of 13 that life changed for him. The Navy was finally cracking down on them and there were few people besides the captain left. Quiet Shot sent Ryan away on the last lifeboat as the Navy closed in on them, for the last time. Five years pass by and Ryan is hunting for treasure on an unnamed island in the middle of nowhere. He digs up a chest and after breaking it open he finds a bunch of fruit. He gets pretty pissed and throws a lot of it into the ocean. As he's about to throw the last piece his stomach growls and he realizes just how hungry he is. He has some fruit, so why not eat it. He immediately regretted that as he tasted oil mixed with dog crap. He swallowed it begrudgingly and almost immediately felt something wrong. He passed out for a bit, when he woke up his left arm was gone, with only oil spilled all over the beach sand. After about five minutes or so of panicking he began hoping and praying for his arm to be back, it began reforming out of the oil. He then realized exactly what happened. He had heard rumours of Devil Fruits from other pirates, he had just eaten one. Fast forward 6 years and he's traveling the seas in search of a worthy captain and a worthy goal. Fruit: Oiru-Oiru no Mi, Logia Class The Oiru-Oiru no Mi allows the user to turn into Oil, and use said oil for anything oil may be used for. The user can produce large amounts of oil and can liquefy their entire body if needed. If the user wanted to hide in a small bottle then they could, they could also power a vehicle with their own body if they wanted. Typical weaknesses apply, the user cannot float on water using the Oiru-Oiru Fruit. They will just solidify into their body and sink as usual. The major weakness of the fruit is the users own weakness to fire, when turned into oil they are highly flammable. Fighting style: Ryan uses guns, lots and lots of guns. While most people can only hold two guns, Ryan can form arms of oil to hold more guns and fire more bullets. He is also adept at reloading fast, but there is a limit to how much he can multitask. More complex tasks will require more attention, while simple things like loading and firing a gun is easy for him to do. He tries to stay away from the enemy, but he's no slouch in close combat. He uses typical Logia tactics like liquefying to avoid hits, but he also uses the oil he produces with incendiary bullets to create fires and in extreme cases, explosions. He keeps 10 guns on him at minimum at all times. Ship Positions: TBA, could be maintenance guy. Bounty: 0
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à faire. "Ils explosent la ville et les navires. Nous sommes sur une île. Nous ne nous cachons pas ou nous sommes piégés. Nous n'avons pas d'endroit où courir. Toi et ton arme devriez venir avec nous." "Si vous insistez." Même s'il n'y avait aucun doute sur la perspective des Marines attaquants, il devait encore « s'échapper ». Après tout, il ne voulait pas être là pour la destruction de toute la ville. Du bon côté, cette situation est liée à toute l'idée qu'il ait une forme de voyage. C'est autour de cette époque que Leader-Lady (le nom actuel que beaucoup avait pour Brenda) parlait de construire un navire. Beaucoup avaient manqué tout le point du message, mis à part le fait que des navires étaient en construction; il était lié à sa mission de quitter l'île cependant, en supposant qu'un navire allait effectivement être construit. Sortir son Buster Bazooka de... quelque part... beaucoup ont commencé à ouvrir son compartiment. Il a ensuite creusé dans sa poche, et a récupéré un Jet Dial à utiliser avec le Bazooka. Alors qu'il suivait Brenda à l'extérieur de la taverne, il commença à s'adapter au Bazooka avec le Jet Dial. Comme il l'avait déjà vu, il y avait une tonne de Marines dehors. Ils brandissaient leurs armes en menaçant de tuer des gens. C'était impoli. Plus que grossier, probablement terrifiant pour certaines personnes en question, mais innombrables n'ont pas semblé tout à fait saisir la gravité de toute l'épreuve pour les participants les plus timides du carnage. Le médecin en particulier semblait inquiet, et innombrables étaient sûrs de lui donner des paroles d'encouragement. "Ne vous inquiétez pas, je m'assurerai que vous n'êtes pas encore rempli de trous de balles." Cette dernière partie semblait quelque peu inquiétante. C'était un coup de pouce de l'instant à dire. Bien sûr, il ne voulait rien dire par là, mais il était presque certain d'être pris dans le mauvais sens. Plantant ses pieds sur le sol, un nombre incalculable hissé le Buster Bazooka sur son épaule, en direction d'une partie des Marines devant, bien que sans enthousiasme. Il avait une pensée pragmatique à ce moment-là; il devrait prendre l'une de leurs armes après cela. "...Jet Bust—je veux dire, JET BUSTER!" Il cria, remplaçant sa voix moins enthousiaste par une voix d'un niveau beaucoup plus élevé. Une puissante rafale de vent a été libérée du bazooka, soulevant certains des Marines les plus faibles et les plus légers de leurs pieds, et faisant trébucher certains des plus forts ; il les a laissés ouverts aux attaques de tous ceux qui voulaient s'y joindre. "... Comment c'était?"
'Multi-Shot' Countless Height/Weight: 5'4 / 65kg (143.3lbs) Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Birkan Personality: Countless tends to be quite calm inside and outside of combat, and is difficult to surprise. He is quite appreciative of many things he finds in the Grand Line, as he comes from the sky islands and many of the things found in the Grand Line do not exist there. He approaches most of his problems through thinking and strategy, rather than charging in recklessly as some of his crewmates do; showing some level of heightened intelligence which befits his role as a non-physical, strategic fighter. Countless is a specialized inventor, and is very capable when his tinkering involves either Sky Warfare weaponry, or creating objects and devices with Dials, but that is the limit of his tinkering knowledge. Countless is fairly prideful of his heritage as a Birkan, and gets irritated when people mistake his wings for a Zoan Devil Fruit power, or some kind of cosplay. As with all denizens of Skypiea, Countless shares their strange tendencies and words. He still refers to dirt as vearth, and Kenbunshoku Haki as Mantra; he also greets people with "Heso." For some reason, he sometimes mixes up the placement of words in a sentence. Normally when he's repeating some kind of proverb, like "The greener is grass on the other side." In a group, he takes the role of a 'deadpan snarker', and is normally the voice which points out flaws during discussions. He's also prone to feeling like the only sane person in the group, while simultaneously ignoring his own outlandish feats. In spite of this, he is loyal to the crew, and makes a conscious effort to be of use to them... Within reason. Home Island/Sea: Skypiea, Grand Line History: For as long as he could remember, Countless was surrounded by the works of his parents. Before he was born, they had left the isle of Birka: a land of warriors, in favour of the more peaceful Sky Island of Skypiea. They had once joined the ranks of the Divine Squad, a military which served under the current "God of Skypiea." However, they eventually left these ranks in favour of a less restricted profession. They both became Bounty Hunters, but Countless' father also became a Dialer, and began to create Dial-based inventions alongside Skypieans. Countless was always surrounded by the Dial-based devices and weapons, and was taught how to use some of them, alongside learning the methods of combat to be expected from a Bounty Hunter. His eyesight had been noted to be above average among the other children of Skypiea; when he walked around Skypiea's beaches, he would constantly point at things somewhat close to the horizon that were difficult to see, and would describe them with relative ease. Taking advantage of his gift, his parents taught him how to use ranged weaponry and artillery, almost completely ignoring the idea of melee weaponry - save for an early version of an Impact Dial Gauntlet. As a result, Countless has little proficiency when it comes to fighting at close ranges. Years passed, and Countless had soon become one of the best snipers on the Sky Island, although it felt unfulfilling. Skypiea wasn't that large of an island, and there surely had to be much more than just the White Sea at the island's edge. In his earlier days, Countless had been told stories of the Blue Sea below, and how it was larger than the Sky Islands. The prospect of adventuring interested him, it would be a chance to hone his skills even further. Through the use of a four-length bird, Countless was able to travel from the sky, to the blue sea below. He had managed to get to the Grand Line this way, and had arrived at Reverse Mountain's Town of Contradiction. Devil Fruit: None. Fighting style: Marksmanship As the designated sniper and gunner, Countless is extremely proficient at operating firearms and artillery, being his main form of combat alongside Sky Warfare. Vision His eyesight is exceptional, and he is able to see over much longer distances than the average person. He is able to make out people on faraway ships with ease. Combined with his marksmanship aim, Countless becomes a deadly artillery user and sniper. Sky Warfare "On sky islands, battles are fought differently than down in the Blue Sea. Oftentimes, weapons are upgraded, or even combined, with Dials. This creates incredibly powerful weapons and combat styles, allowing for tactics that would otherwise be unachievable." Being from Skypiea, Countless is accustomed to the art of Sky Warfare, and commonly utilizes Dial-based equipment in order to create a fighting style that cannot be found within the Blue Sea. Sky Warfare is advantageous, as most people in the Blue Sea are not experienced with, or have even seen Dials before, let alone fighting against them. Countless is a bit reliant on these weapons for combat, as his physical strength isn't that amazing next to most pirates. Weapons: Buster Bazooka The signature weapon of Countless' own design. A bazooka which is unable to fire conventional ammunition, but is instead reliant on the type of Dial which is placed inside of its compartment. For example, having a Jet Dial inside would allow the weapon to fire a powerful gust of wind; enough to propel Countless into the air if he aimed it at his feet, or a Flame Dial grant the weapon the ability to fire bursts of flames. The compartment is relatively easy to access, and it accommodates most Dial types; it's relatively easy for Countless to switch out the Dials during combat as a result. Burst Boots Sky warfare boots which contain Jet Dials on their soles. Similarly to how installing Milky Dials on one's shoe souls would allow flight, the Burst Boots are able to fire bursts of air which propel Countless high upward. Unlike Milky Dial-based shoes, the Burst Boots do not allow flight: it instead bestows the user with a greater jump height. One drawback of the boots is the fact that they cannot account for the fall which takes place after one is in the air, but Countless has gotten used to crashing and falling onto things (particularly people) while using the boots. Unlike the Buster Bazooka, the Jet Dials within the Burst Boots cannot be removed. Gust Gauntlet Originally called God's Gauntlet, but Countless scrapped the name because it seemed too arrogant. Like his other Sky Warfare weapons, the Gust Gauntlet has a compartment in which it can hold various Dials, and changes its use based on which Dial is currently installed. In particular, the Impact Dial is a common choice for the Gust Gauntlet, although Countless tends to avoid using it due to the fact that he would have to be in melee range to do so. He frequently lends the Impact Gust Gauntlet to friends, since they normally can't handle its recoil, and it's kind of funny to watch. Dials: On his person, Countless only carries enough Dials to use in the Burst Bazooka and Gust Gauntlet. . Flame Dial . Flash Dial . Flavor Dial . Impact Dial . Jet Dial . Tone Dial . Water Dial Aside from that, Countless has some devices which run on more domestic Dials, such as a lamp which uses a...Lamp Dial, or an oven which uses a Heat Dial. With all these amounts of weaponry and devices, people tend to ask where he stores them. He doesn't know. Ship Positions: Marksman/Gunner Bounty: 0
Je n'ai pas un poissonux gars Said Able fort, mais n'a pas eu beaucoup de temps pour plus parler que le Tomahawk marine est soudainement sur lui. Able a utilisé son épée pour bloquer les deux Tomahawks jetés sur lui, Able remarques sur l'exactitude de ces hommes jeter. Able n'a pas vu d'ouverture pour lui de profiter de ainsi il a emménagé dans un combat de mêlée typique avec le marine. Sa lame a pris contact avec les marins Tomahawks et donc Able a commencé à frapper à la marine, se défendant contre les marines propres frappes et enfin regarder une ouverture. "Vous êtes un redoutable combattant ce que vous êtes le nom pour que je puisse m'en souvenir"
Name: Ableyo Samenoken Appearance: Height/Weight:9'6/230' Age:24 Personality: Despite his tormented life Ableyo always seems to be optimistic and always looking forward to a brighter future. His training as a child made him into a very disciplined person and usually comes off as rude due to his straight forward attitude. Ultimately he is kind and can be seen as a father figure as he always willing to lend anyone advice if he can give it. Due to recent events in his life he has tried to ultimately relax and live life to its fullest for life is short. He usually spend his days training, meditating or other hobbies like writing. Despite what others have done to him he does not harbor any ill will to other races, as he knows not everyone carry the sins of their own kind. Their are some times though were he haunting memories comes back and this usually appears when he is holding his left side of his chest. Home Island/Sea: Wano Country History: Ableyo grew up in the Wano Country in a respected fishmen clan known as the Samenoken (Translate to Shark Sword). Their they taught him everything he needed to know about being a Samurai but he had no interest, and practiced half heartily despite the disapproval of his clan. One day when Ableyo was 12 his clan was attacked by a crew of pirates/slavers. He saw his own friends and family killed in front of him, and he tried to fight back but he was to weak. That night only a handful of the clan managed to escape, Ableyo however was not so lucky. He was sold at the highest bitter and began working as a slave for a Celestial Dragon. He was branded on his left chest even to this day the pain is still there. Once the Celestial Dragon was finished with him he was sold for dirt cheap to work as manual labor. Each day the memories of his clans destruction still vivid in his mind and he vowed to never allow that to happen again, so whenever he could he trained. For once took his training seriously with a strong goal fueling his resolve. Ultimately events happen to were he was able to escape his slavery and join Nikko, but all that is a story for another day. Fruit: Too awesome for fruit powers Fighting style: He uses a one sword fighting style usually with two hands unless he needs his left hand for something punching or grabbing something. The Samenoken swordsmanship relies on finding a opening in a opponents defense and unleashing a brutal attack when that opening is found. So when it looks like he is outmatched it really is him looking for a opportunity to strike. All techniques are much stronger in water as with most fishman fighting styles. * Sudden dash: Its a stepping technique were the user can bolt forward at incredible speeds, even when the user is not in motion. This is the foundation for most of the Samenoken fighting style. * Shark Leap strike: Once the user see a opening in the opponents defense the user uses Sudden dash along with a horizontal or vertical strike. The sudden speed from the dash gives this strike a ton of brute power. * One slash many strikes : A strike attack that uses the concept of Sudden Dash but with their arms not their legs. Doing so allows the user to make multiple attacks so quick it looks like one strike. Right now the user can only use a maximum of three strikes. * Launching water missile : The user strikes so the moisture or body of water in the area compresses to become a projectile weapon. This attack is weaker with less water in the area. * The water hypnosis trance: a type of trance a user puts himself in, in order to fool his body into thinking its under water by using the moisture around him. It increases his physical abilities and endurance but sadly lasts only a few minutes, upon which he can not do it again unless the user risks damages to his psyche. Completely useless in the desert. Ship Positions: 1st Mate Bounty: 0
PRINCIPAL STREET Tristan s'est retrouvé dans un essaim d'une bataille massive. Il semble que les marines surpassaient le nombre des pirates. Non seulement c'était une attaque surprise, mais les chiffres ont rendu difficile pour eux de contrer l'attaque. Il n'y avait pas d'endroit où courir puisque la montagne inverse était loin d'être raide à monter et tous les navires avaient été coulés. Certains pirates ont abandonné pacifiquement sans aucune lutte. Ils étaient liés en chaînes et rassemblés dans le centre de la ville. Cependant, il y avait beaucoup de pirates qui combattaient les dents et les ongles pour leur liberté. Certains étaient forts, mais la majorité étaient faibles. Ils n'avaient aucune idée de la façon de gérer les soldats endurcis par la grande ligne. Tristan a cependant descendu plusieurs des marines à gauche et à droite. La plupart des soldats normaux n'étaient pas à sa hauteur. Au loin de lui, il semblait y avoir une bataille beaucoup plus épique entre quelques pirates et quelques officiers de marine. Un pêcheur massif de 9 pieds de haut faisait face à des haches humaines de 7 pieds de haut. Un autre homme qui semblait être capable de produire de l'éclairage faisait face à deux utilisateurs de poteaux. Alors qu'il se battait, il s'approcha de plus en plus d'eux jusqu'à ce qu'il soit presque au bord de la bataille. Ils ont tous deux pris connaissance de Tristan. Cependant, son trajet facile était terminé. Il s'approchait au milieu du combat d'une grande femme de près de six pieds et demi de haut, mais avec des talons, brandissant de longs cheveux jaune doré coulant et des yeux bleu vif. Elle ressemblait plus à un modèle de piste qu'à un officier, mais elle portait une veste de capitaine mince portant le nom de "Kariko" à l'arrière. Elle ne semblait pas avoir d'arme sur elle. Cependant, elle a fermé la petite distance entre eux en un instant. "Ne peux-tu pas te laisser battre mes hommes à mort?" Elle a dit d'un ton distraitment doux. Tristan n'a qu'une fraction de seconde pour réagir alors qu'elle apporte un coup de pied avant puissant avec ses chaussures qu'il peut maintenant voir sont certainement faits de plomb ultra lourd et le talon est piquée. Le coup de pied vise sa section médiane et la force derrière elle est assez puissante malgré la rapidité. (J'ai eu du mal avec votre poste car il n'avait pas beaucoup à réagir avec. Pour l'instant, vous êtes juste derrière Tristan et vous pouvez sauter dans le combat avec le Capitaine de Marine Féminin qu'il combat à votre loisir.) Les deux utilisateurs de pôles ont eu un peu de temps difficile pendant la bataille et il devenait las pour les deux côtés. Les plus jeunes et moins expérimentés des deux (l'utilisateur du bâton de dragon) devenaient impatients. "Sempai..." Il a dit d'un ton bas tout en se préparant pour une agression. "Je vais voir si je peux le faire tomber en une seule grève. Couvre-moi si je manque..." Il chuchote. Puis dans un éclair, il se précipite vers Ahio et fait descendre une frappe rapide et puissante qui porte plus de force que n'importe quel autre pendant toute la bataille. Cependant Ahio venait de libérer sa forme d'éclairage et d'élever une épée pour bloquer. L'éclairage remontait le poteau du dragon et frappait le plus jeune marine et le renvoyait. Le poteau s'était éparpillé et la seconde épée se dirigeait vers un coup de feu. C'était à ce moment-là que l'utilisateur du poteau jumeau sauta en action et se servit d'un de ses poteau jumeau comme une tige d'éclairage pour bloquer la grève et sauver son Kohai. Le petit personnel a été détruit au cours du processus et a maintenant été éparpillé et détruit en deux. Le jeune utilisateur de poteau a posé des secousses sur le sol et le vieux sempai se tient avec seulement son seul poteau. "Reste maintenant." Il dit à son camarade avant de prendre une étrange nouvelle position avec juste le seul Jo-staff. Ses yeux étaient concentrés et maintenant Ahio peut dire que c'est là que commence le vrai combat. "Je ne vous reconnais pas, mais j'admets que votre pouvoir est impressionnant. Je vais devoir vous abattre avant que vous deveniez une menace. J'aurais dû faire ça depuis le départ, mais je voulais essayer d'utiliser deux employés. Je voulais aussi laisser mon jeune frère s'entraîner ici. Je t'ai sous-estimé et c'était mon erreur. Mais votre fin de vie est ici pirate... » Un étrange calme entoure maintenant la zone entre eux et malgré être fait d'éclairage Ahio savait qu'il serait imprudent d'attaquer sans penser. L'homme avec le Mohawk et les tomahawks a semblé surpris mais ravi de la capacité habile d'Able à bloquer son barrage de 4 hache banzai. Il continue à frapper follement et chaque si souvent libère une hache de sa main avant d'en attraper rapidement une autre. Able se déplace rapidement mais son grand corps est une grande cible et quelques-uns sont capables de gratter même sa peau dure. Cependant, aucune des frappes puissantes de ceux qui étaient encore en contact. "Mon nom est Takahito! Merci de demander. Qu'est-ce que tu as?" Il dit que faire un atterrissage de spin banzai entier donne des coups de pied maintenant avec le barrage constant. Il semble que ce point Able se débatte. Ses mouvements sont assez rapides mais il semble retenir quelque chose. Takahito ne savait pas si c'était la peur de ses lames ou si c'était autre chose. "Mon nom est Able." Il répond maintenant en ramenant son épée à une position dessinée, mais pas en le renvoyant. "Je t'honorerai d'une bonne mort." Able dit avec un faible grognement qu'il déclenche un puissant tirage Iai sans la gaine. Il frappe deux de ses tomahawks des mains de Takahito ainsi que d'ouvrir le corps du marine pour une seconde slash. C'est ce que voulait Takahito et un sourire sadique lui recouvre le visage une fois de plus alors qu'il tirait deux autres axes de non où et attrape la lame d'Able et colle la pointe dans le sol. L'autre bord est coincé avec une hache et le pied nu de Takahito. "Technique de rupture de la lame: forge inversée" Taka cria alors qu'il claquait le dos d'une hache qui a le bord d'un marteau dans le côté de l'épée. Ça se décompose en morceaux. "Trop mauvais, tu as dû te battre avec moi, poissonnier! Vous avez peut-être eu une chance contre trois des cinq capitaines. Mais je me spécialise dans la destruction des épées." Son rire est cependant court vécu comme sa main est prise par le pouvoir. Les yeux d'Able deviennent blancs alors que son pêcheur fait rage. Takahito essaie d'enlever sa main de la poignée de fer d'Able mais échoue. Avant même qu'il ne puisse réagir, les dents d'Able s'enfoncent dans son bras capturé et il est écrasé. Son corps claque contre le sol, le côté d'un bâtiment, puis retourne au sol. Les dents s'enfoncent si fort qu'il sent ses os craquer et soudain il y a une déchirure. Il tombe au sol à une bonne distance de 20 pieds avec son bras droit toujours dans les dents d'Able. Les yeux d'Able reviennent à la normale et il lâche le bras du marin. "Je suis entravé par de telles épées faibles. Je ne pouvais pas utiliser le gros coup de mon jeu d'épée alors dans cette révérence tu m'avais vaincu. Cependant, je suis un requin alors ne pensez pas que le simple écrasement par lame va me vaincre." Il tourne les talons et note la nouvelle grande capitaine féminine combattant Tristan. Il prend note de sa force et crie à lui et à Ahio. "Vous avez l'air forts tous les deux. Si vous voulez quitter cette île vivante, je vous souhaite bonne chance dans ce combat et j'espère vous voir dans le port. » Avec ça, il s'envole vers le port. Le port Le capitaine s'est claqué dans l'immeuble et a heurté l'une des principales poutres d'appui. Le bâtiment commence à craquer mais ne bouge pas. Cependant, le capitaine est frappé par un puissant coup de poing renforcé qui l'envoie à travers un autre mur et le soutien du bâtiment semble s'estomper maintenant. Le capitaine prend un moment mais se lève. Son casque est cassé et tombe au sol en morceaux. Il prend sa mâchoire disloquée et la remet en place. "Donc Nabil est le nom de votre camarade? Est-il plus faible que toi? Si c'est le cas, il n'a aucune chance. Pas que tu le fasses non plus. Je suppose que c'était ton meilleur coup? Permettez-moi de tourner le FAVOR!" Il claque son corps dans la boule de canon une fois de plus. Il se déplace à la même vitesse et force destructrice qu'une boule de canon régulière, mais pour une raison quelconque il est déplacé à droite et rate Marxo de quelques pouces. Au lieu de cela, il frappe à travers le mur et frappe un troisième faisceau de soutien. "Oh... l'enfer sanglant... l'enfer." Il se lève lentement. Sa tête saigne maintenant et montre pourquoi il porte habituellement le casque. Il semble que le coup de poing l'ait frappé un peu plus fort qu'il ne l'avait pensé car sa vision est légèrement floue. Soudain, un morceau de béton tombe du bâtiment du côté bâbord et le frappe sur la tête. "SONFABI-" Il ne peut pas terminer sa pensée comme plus de l'immeuble tombe sur lui jusqu'à ce que seul son bras reste en dehors des décombres. Il ne bouge pas et semble s'évanouir. Cependant Marxo aussi est coincé à l'intérieur du bâtiment qui s'écroule rapidement. Le maréchal se gratte la tête paresseusement. Il n'avait pas son cœur dans cette bataille. Il était surtout fatigué et voulait rentrer chez lui. Il n'était pas encore vieux, mais il y était. Il était certainement le plus vieux de ce groupe de jeunes. Il regarda le ciel un moment pour regarder les nuages blancs s'enrouler contre le ciel bleu vif. Au loin il y avait la fissuration du tonnerre et une lourde brise se précipite à travers le port. Ses yeux reviennent ensuite à Nabil. Il n'a pas tenu compte du peu que Nabil a crié à propos du fait qu'il était un idiot. "Ça valait au moins la peine de tirer..." Il s'est dit lentement. Il n'a pas eu beaucoup de temps que le bras de Nabil se transforme en hache de chaleur et lui frappe. L'autre bout de son poteau était serré par Nabil afin qu'il ne puisse pas juste reculer. Avec un étrange mouvement, il envoie une vague d'énergie kénétique à travers le poteau qui le pliait radicalement comme s'il avait une couture sur l'autre ligne. Avec cela, il saute gentiment du chemin de la grève et atterrit à environ 90 degrés se détourner de l'endroit où il se trouvait. La tension du poteau de pêche s'est considérablement accrue et Nabil aurait du mal à s'y tenir, surtout à gauche. "Vous êtes un faible pirate, mais je vais encore vous donner une petite leçon. Ne jugez pas vos adversaires par rang ou par apparence. Cela vous mènera à la mort." Il joue maintenant avec la ficelle sur la ligne comme s'il se préparait à quelque chose. Son comportement est toujours sans liste. Hanna regarde comme un marteau soudainement se matérialise en verre. Ses yeux s'élargissent un peu à mesure que sa vitesse ferme la distance entre les deux assez rapidement. En tenant son épée à un angle de 45 %, elle s'affaiblit le bras et l'angle pour bloquer le marteau au bord. Cependant, le marteau ne s'arrête pas et claque dans le béton, mais l'épée inclinée force Hanna à glisser hors du chemin. Elle atterrit sur son côté à quelques mètres de l'endroit où elle se tenait et tire sur la gâchette de son pistolet. "Pas de Marine, on verra ça." Elle souffle un chewing-gum à bulles et il apparaît alors que son arme tire une balle dirigée vers le centre de son abdomen. La Taverne (désolé à l'avance pour les prochaines étant courtes) Brenda avait conçu un plan intéressant et unique. Ses cris de « boule de canon » ainsi que sa pensée rapide de tenir la boule de canon effectivement détonée avaient effectivement fait pause des marines pendant un moment. Ce moment a été fatal pour leurs plans alors que l'explosion d'air a frappé toute l'équipe les envoyant vers le bas les marches menant au port. Presque tous ont été assommés et ceux qui n'ont pas été assommés sont restés immobiles. Quelques coups de feu ont été tirés en réponse, mais aucun n'a touché leur cible. Elle voit qu'un grand homme manie un étrange pistolet à air qui s'approche d'eux. Derrière lui se trouvait une cinquantaine de mètres ce qui ressemblait à un capitaine et au moins deux lieutenants à ses côtés. Avant qu'elle ne puisse réagir à l'une ou l'autre de ces choses, un homme à la peau grasse s'approche d'elle avec un grand sourire étrange et se présente comme il propose de lui retirer le boulet de canon de la main. Beaucoup arrive sur les lieux de la taverne. Le bar ayant au moins été un peu hors de la route, la plupart des combats n'arrivaient que maintenant. Aucun des officiers ne semble l'avoir fait si loin que les explosions aériennes du canon ont été efficaces que beaucoup des marines ont été soufflés ou dans les bâtiments. Les attaques n'étaient cependant pas précises et de nombreux pirates y étaient également pris au piège. Peu de gens dans les champs de tir ont pu s'y tenir et il s'est trouvé en train de sortir plusieurs petites frites à la fois. Toutefois, cela n'a eu qu'un petit prix, car cela a attiré l'attention des officiers qui venaient d'entrer dans les lieux les plus élevés de la ville. Arrivé à côté de la taverne, il vit Nikko s'évanouir sur le sol ainsi que plusieurs autres qui s'étaient rassemblés dans cette région. En tenant son arme à air, il a fait sauter le groupe qui avait des armes pointées sur eux. Quelques-uns d'entre eux laissent sortir des tirs, mais tous semblent manquer le groupe heureusement. Personne ne reste debout de ce petit groupe de marins. Cependant derrière eux environ 50 mètres est un grand homme mince avec une veste de capitaine s'approche lentement. Au loin, vous entendez aussi un léger sifflement. A ses côtés, il y a deux autres figures. Leonard peut respirer facilement pendant un moment comme les marines sont pris en charge. D'autres s'approchent, mais ils n'ont plus de fusils pointés vers eux. Cela devait être au moins une sorte d'amélioration. Maintenant, ils sont entourés au moins par plusieurs autres pirates qui semblent être amis. Il y a une fille étrange qui semble être capable de mélanger les choses et de parler de choses en termes qu'il ne comprend pas pleinement. A côté d'elle se trouve une autre figure mystérieuse d'un homme huileux qui semble au moins assez amical. Enfin, il y a une autre figure mystérieuse qui utilise des armes étranges et est celle qui les a sauvés. Au loin, il remarque que les officiers se dirigent vers eux et que la Taverne s'effondre complètement derrière eux. Pas de réparation pour l'instant. Il y a un gémissement doux qui attire son attention comme la fille pirate qui avait attrapé la boule de canon et a été introduit comme Nikko commence lentement à remuer. Elle s'assied très lentement et frotte l'arrière de sa tête. Elle regarde la ville et semble s'en souvenir. "Oh oui... raid maritime." Elle voit que la taverne est tombée et qu'une nouvelle fille qu'elle n'avait jamais rencontrée s'accroche au boulet de canon. "Oh, c'est bien!" Elle dit de se lever et de mettre la main sur la boule de canon. "Mentez-vous si je l'emprunte une minute?" Elle demande un sourire de gingembre. Avant de répondre, elle se retourne rapidement vers Leonard. "Oh oui..vous êtes le médecin, n'est-ce pas? J'ai quelque chose pour les maux de tête parce que j'en ai un sacré en ce moment. Merci de m'avoir regardée pendant que j'étais dehors."
Name: Nikko Tenchi Appearance: Height/Weight: 5ft'7in/ enough Age: Appears to be about 18. Personality: While in public she seems well put together and confident in private she is often childish and stubborn. She is headstrong no matter where she is however. Once her mind is made up it would take an act of god to change it. In fact if history provides any reference even that might not. While generally a happy-go-lucky kind of person she has hot blood running through her veins. She may break tables or throw things through walls when she gets angry (or just drunk). It is her inquisitive and curious mind that rules her passion. Her favorite thing to do is to experiment or tinker with things. She has a vast desire to know how things work and to replicate them herself. Her collar and gloves are made with her inventing in mind. Her goggles, which are of her own invention stay on her head without any support at all. She can move them around where she needs and will often bring them down over her eyes during a fight that seems dangerous. Home Island/Sea: Taiko Island History: I am breaking my own rule slightly as some of her past has to do with the overall plot. But in the recent year she has made her name adventuring a bit through different parts of the grand line. While never declaring herself as a pirate per-se she has always considered herself one ever since she has left home which was a year and a half ago. Since then she has met plenty of people. Roughly one month ago she met a person who rivaled her in strength. It was a massive shark fishman hailing from the Wano Country. They initially didn't like each other as he was a bit rude and didn't have the proper respect for women that she felt she deserved. They got into no less than three fights before drawing the attention of a prominent pirate of the area. The two were forced to work together to escape. However in the rush they found themselves stuck in the calm belt. Having spent three days in the calm belt fighting off sea kings and running like hell they managed to pop out in west blue. From there they found a pirate with a bounty worth only a million. It was hardly even effort to take down this man and his crew but it did provide them with enough spending money to ferry a ride with a group of people heading into the grand line. Fruit: None Fighting style: Brawling. Despite her petite figure she is actually incredibly physically strong. Her punch packs a hell of a wallop and her speed is nothing to sniff at. Her style of fighting doesn't follow any particular martial art and is mostly self taught. However despite this self taught style she incorporates moves from several different arts into her own. For example many of her punches seem to be a mix between the way Karate and Boxing punch. However the movements are more fluid and natural than stylized. Many of her kicks seem to come from Tae Kwan do or Muai Thai. She knows how to grapple and throw as well. Her grip is strong enough to stop most ships and the gloves that she wear are made of an incredible material that doesn't seem to rip or tear no matter how much pressure and tension she puts on them. Haki of Observation is her most powerful Haki at this point. She has useage of the Haki of Armament as well. Ship Positions: Captain/Shipwright (looking for apprentice shipwright) Bounty: Currently 0
Tristan terminait rapidement et de façon décisive chaque marine qui s'était chargé de lui, en utilisant le moins de force possible, afin qu'il puisse économiser plus d'énergie pour l'un des sommets supérieurs qu'il devait finalement combattre. Après avoir frappé un certain nombre d'hommes, il s'est approché assez près de la grande bataille pour que l'un des officiers de la Marine prenne note de lui. Elle était assez belle et habillée bizarrement à son avis, il la vit marcher vers lui et se préparer, mais elle ferma la distance en presque un instant. Il était surpris mais pendant un moment à sa vitesse impressionnante, sa tenue lui faisant un peu plus de sens maintenant "Ces gars, ne vous inquiétez pas, je les ai seulement mis dehors. Je n'ai pas utilisé presque assez de force pour les tuer. " Bien qu'il ait répondu à sa déclaration, il a pris note de son expression et de ses mouvements. Alors qu'il parlait ses yeux se déplaçaient de la sienne et à sa jambe qui était levée pour une attaque. Ses talons semblaient être faits d'un matériau lourd et se diriger vers son estomac ou son abdomen. Si l'attaque a pris contact à l'un ou l'autre endroit, elle causerait des dégâts assez massifs. Tristan a pensé que son prochain mouvement dans sa tête "De l'angle de l'attaque si je me penche en arrière, je pourrais l'éviter et obtenir un coup sur son genou. Non, ça ne marchera pas, avec sa vitesse, elle serait probablement capable de me faire tomber la jambe au moment où je me suis penchée pour faire encore plus de dégâts. Qu'est-ce que je dois faire... je l'ai! » Tristan a détourné son corps du chemin de l'attaque. Au moment où son pied a repris contact avec le sol, il a filé derrière son dos face au sien et s'est emparé des bras. Une fois qu'il eut pris ses bras, il sortit du sol et se mit les deux pieds sur le dos, la poussant avec une force décente, la poussant loin d'elle, s'éloignant d'elle, renversant le milieu de l'air et atterrissant de nouveau sur le sol face à elle. " Votre vitesse est impressionnante, tout comme votre force, vous pourriez prouver tout le défi. " Sans s'éloigner de la Marine, il s'est battu, il a crié au Fishman: "Même chose pour toi, grand homme! "
Name: Tristan S. Jasper Height: 5'4" Weight: 180lbs Appearance: (couldn't find a pic that worked) He's usually seen wearing a tan cloak with the hood down and a pair of red goggles usually just under his hair line. His hair is medium length and curls at the ends however there's usually a few stray strandd of hair that stick out and curl over in the front partially covering his goggles. He wears light brown light weight work boots. Under his cloak is a thin silk black long sleeve shirt and thin black leather gloves as well as thick black pants with turquoise padding over the pockets. Personality: He's quiet, kind, and gentle. He always has a smile on his face no matter what the situation is. When it comes to fight his calm and collected, his attacks are all precise to make up for his lack of strength. He also likes to collect all of the things he learns along his travels in journals and is quite skilled at assessing situations and making plans as well as changing plans quickly whenever something goes wrong. Home Island/Sea: Due to so much traveling in his life his home island is unknown but his home sea is East Blue History: Tristan S. Jasper lived his life for the most parts on the streets moving from town to town, island to island (whenever a nice captain would come along and allow him to hitch a ride). His chest and face had some scars on them. Since he never really had any money and wasn't very popular with..well people in general because of his beggar appearance people assumed he was some kind of beggar or thug. People often tossed him around, picked fights with him, and kicked him around, but he never fought back or did harsh things to anyone. Anytime he saw an opportunity to help someone he'd take it, never wanting only giving. Even though his life was harsh he always had a smile on his face. One day he noticed an old man on a road being jumped by a group of thugs so he jumped in used his body to shield the old man. The old man seeing his kindness offered to let him stay with him. A few years later Tristan was out with the old man on a food run when those thugs showed up again..this time in a larger group. In the fight he had decided to target one of the thugs who was bigger than the rest and was going on about how he was the strongest person. Once the boy saw an opening in the man's attack and reacted within almost the blink of an eye and he'd won the fight shortly after and the old man explain that this was the potential he had seen in him when they first met. All of this happened..let's say a good five years before where he starts in the rp. At this point he's just been traveling since the old man died. Fruit: No fruit Fighting style: His fighting style is one he developed over time. It relies mainly on dodging and countering. Assessing the enemies strengths and using them against him. It's completely hand to hand he never uses weapons, his impressive reaction time also helps him in his fighting. As for techniques he currently has two. Keen Eye in which he heightens his focus relying on all senses rather than just sight and sound to judge the enemies movements letting him react to their attacks with more accuracy and pinpoint which where in he puts more focus on sight to spot an enemies weak spot and deal more damge. Ship Position: Doesn't have one yet. Bounty: 0