Unnamed: 0.1
Unnamed: 0
Near-Optimal Bayesian Active Learning with Noisy Observations
We tackle the fundamental problem of Bayesian active learning with noise, where we need to adaptively select from a number of expensive tests in order to identify an unknown hypothesis sampled from a known prior distribution. In the case of noise-free observations, a greedy algorithm called generalized binary search (GBS) is known to perform near-optimally. We show that if the observations are noisy, perhaps surprisingly, GBS can perform very poorly. We develop EC2, a novel, greedy active learning algorithm and prove that it is competitive with the optimal policy, thus obtaining the first competitiveness guarantees for Bayesian active learning with noisy observations. Our bounds rely on a recently discovered diminishing returns property called adaptive submodularity, generalizing the classical notion of submodular set functions to adaptive policies. Our results hold even if the tests have non-uniform cost and their noise is correlated. We also propose EffECXtive, a particularly fast approximation of EC2, and evaluate it on a Bayesian experimental design problem involving human subjects, intended to tease apart competing economic theories of how people make decisions under uncertainty.
Fast Inference in Sparse Coding Algorithms with Applications to Object Recognition
Adaptive sparse coding methods learn a possibly overcomplete set of basis functions, such that natural image patches can be reconstructed by linearly combining a small subset of these bases. The applicability of these methods to visual object recognition tasks has been limited because of the prohibitive cost of the optimization algorithms required to compute the sparse representation. In this work we propose a simple and efficient algorithm to learn basis functions. After training, this model also provides a fast and smooth approximator to the optimal representation, achieving even better accuracy than exact sparse coding algorithms on visual object recognition tasks.
Hardness Results for Agnostically Learning Low-Degree Polynomial Threshold Functions
Hardness results for maximum agreement problems have close connections to hardness results for proper learning in computational learning theory. In this paper we prove two hardness results for the problem of finding a low degree polynomial threshold function (PTF) which has the maximum possible agreement with a given set of labeled examples in $\R^n \times \{-1,1\}.$ We prove that for any constants $d\geq 1, \eps > 0$, {itemize} Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture, no polynomial-time algorithm can find a degree-$d$ PTF that is consistent with a $(\half + \eps)$ fraction of a given set of labeled examples in $\R^n \times \{-1,1\}$, even if there exists a degree-$d$ PTF that is consistent with a $1-\eps$ fraction of the examples. It is $\NP$-hard to find a degree-2 PTF that is consistent with a $(\half + \eps)$ fraction of a given set of labeled examples in $\R^n \times \{-1,1\}$, even if there exists a halfspace (degree-1 PTF) that is consistent with a $1 - \eps$ fraction of the examples. {itemize} These results immediately imply the following hardness of learning results: (i) Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture, there is no better-than-trivial proper learning algorithm that agnostically learns degree-$d$ PTFs under arbitrary distributions; (ii) There is no better-than-trivial learning algorithm that outputs degree-2 PTFs and agnostically learns halfspaces (i.e. degree-1 PTFs) under arbitrary distributions.
Efficient Matrix Completion with Gaussian Models
A general framework based on Gaussian models and a MAP-EM algorithm is introduced in this paper for solving matrix/table completion problems. The numerical experiments with the standard and challenging movie ratings data show that the proposed approach, based on probably one of the simplest probabilistic models, leads to the results in the same ballpark as the state-of-the-art, at a lower computational cost.
Convex Analysis and Optimization with Submodular Functions: a Tutorial
Set-functions appear in many areas of computer science and applied mathematics, such as machine learning, computer vision, operations research or electrical networks. Among these set-functions, submodular functions play an important role, similar to convex functions on vector spaces. In this tutorial, the theory of submodular functions is presented, in a self-contained way, with all results shown from first principles. A good knowledge of convex analysis is assumed.
Robust PCA via Outlier Pursuit
Singular Value Decomposition (and Principal Component Analysis) is one of the most widely used techniques for dimensionality reduction: successful and efficiently computable, it is nevertheless plagued by a well-known, well-documented sensitivity to outliers. Recent work has considered the setting where each point has a few arbitrarily corrupted components. Yet, in applications of SVD or PCA such as robust collaborative filtering or bioinformatics, malicious agents, defective genes, or simply corrupted or contaminated experiments may effectively yield entire points that are completely corrupted. We present an efficient convex optimization-based algorithm we call Outlier Pursuit, that under some mild assumptions on the uncorrupted points (satisfied, e.g., by the standard generative assumption in PCA problems) recovers the exact optimal low-dimensional subspace, and identifies the corrupted points. Such identification of corrupted points that do not conform to the low-dimensional approximation, is of paramount interest in bioinformatics and financial applications, and beyond. Our techniques involve matrix decomposition using nuclear norm minimization, however, our results, setup, and approach, necessarily differ considerably from the existing line of work in matrix completion and matrix decomposition, since we develop an approach to recover the correct column space of the uncorrupted matrix, rather than the exact matrix itself. In any problem where one seeks to recover a structure rather than the exact initial matrices, techniques developed thus far relying on certificates of optimality, will fail. We present an important extension of these methods, that allows the treatment of such problems.
Large-Scale Clustering Based on Data Compression
This paper considers the clustering problem for large data sets. We propose an approach based on distributed optimization. The clustering problem is formulated as an optimization problem of maximizing the classification gain. We show that the optimization problem can be reformulated and decomposed into small-scale sub optimization problems by using the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition method. Generally speaking, the Dantzig-Wolfe method can only be used for convex optimization problems, where the duality gaps are zero. Even though, the considered optimization problem in this paper is non-convex, we prove that the duality gap goes to zero, as the problem size goes to infinity. Therefore, the Dantzig-Wolfe method can be applied here. In the proposed approach, the clustering problem is iteratively solved by a group of computers coordinated by one center processor, where each computer solves one independent small-scale sub optimization problem during each iteration, and only a small amount of data communication is needed between the computers and center processor. Numerical results show that the proposed approach is effective and efficient.
Sublinear Optimization for Machine Learning
We give sublinear-time approximation algorithms for some optimization problems arising in machine learning, such as training linear classifiers and finding minimum enclosing balls. Our algorithms can be extended to some kernelized versions of these problems, such as SVDD, hard margin SVM, and L2-SVM, for which sublinear-time algorithms were not known before. These new algorithms use a combination of a novel sampling techniques and a new multiplicative update algorithm. We give lower bounds which show the running times of many of our algorithms to be nearly best possible in the unit-cost RAM model. We also give implementations of our algorithms in the semi-streaming setting, obtaining the first low pass polylogarithmic space and sublinear time algorithms achieving arbitrary approximation factor.
On the Foundations of Adversarial Single-Class Classification
Motivated by authentication, intrusion and spam detection applications we consider single-class classification (SCC) as a two-person game between the learner and an adversary. In this game the learner has a sample from a target distribution and the goal is to construct a classifier capable of distinguishing observations from the target distribution from observations emitted from an unknown other distribution. The ideal SCC classifier must guarantee a given tolerance for the false-positive error (false alarm rate) while minimizing the false negative error (intruder pass rate). Viewing SCC as a two-person zero-sum game we identify both deterministic and randomized optimal classification strategies for different game variants. We demonstrate that randomized classification can provide a significant advantage. In the deterministic setting we show how to reduce SCC to two-class classification where in the two-class problem the other class is a synthetically generated distribution. We provide an efficient and practical algorithm for constructing and solving the two class problem. The algorithm distinguishes low density regions of the target distribution and is shown to be consistent.
Local Component Analysis for Nonparametric Bayes Classifier
The decision boundaries of Bayes classifier are optimal because they lead to maximum probability of correct decision. It means if we knew the prior probabilities and the class-conditional densities, we could design a classifier which gives the lowest probability of error. However, in classification based on nonparametric density estimation methods such as Parzen windows, the decision regions depend on the choice of parameters such as window width. Moreover, these methods suffer from curse of dimensionality of the feature space and small sample size problem which severely restricts their practical applications. In this paper, we address these problems by introducing a novel dimension reduction and classification method based on local component analysis. In this method, by adopting an iterative cross-validation algorithm, we simultaneously estimate the optimal transformation matrices (for dimension reduction) and classifier parameters based on local information. The proposed method can classify the data with complicated boundary and also alleviate the course of dimensionality dilemma. Experiments on real data show the superiority of the proposed algorithm in term of classification accuracies for pattern classification applications like age, facial expression and character recognition. Keywords: Bayes classifier, curse of dimensionality dilemma, Parzen window, pattern classification, subspace learning.
Converged Algorithms for Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations
This paper proposes uni-orthogonal and bi-orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization algorithms with robust convergence proofs. We design the algorithms based on the work of Lee and Seung [1], and derive the converged versions by utilizing ideas from the work of Lin [2]. The experimental results confirm the theoretical guarantees of the convergences.
Resource-bounded Dimension in Computational Learning Theory
This paper focuses on the relation between computational learning theory and resource-bounded dimension. We intend to establish close connections between the learnability/nonlearnability of a concept class and its corresponding size in terms of effective dimension, which will allow the use of powerful dimension techniques in computational learning and viceversa, the import of learning results into complexity via dimension. Firstly, we obtain a tight result on the dimension of online mistake-bound learnable classes. Secondly, in relation with PAC learning, we show that the polynomial-space dimension of PAC learnable classes of concepts is zero. This provides a hypothesis on effective dimension that implies the inherent unpredictability of concept classes (the classes that verify this property are classes not efficiently PAC learnable using any hypothesis). Thirdly, in relation to space dimension of classes that are learnable by membership query algorithms, the main result proves that polynomial-space dimension of concept classes learnable by a membership-query algorithm is zero.
Efficient Minimization of Decomposable Submodular Functions
Many combinatorial problems arising in machine learning can be reduced to the problem of minimizing a submodular function. Submodular functions are a natural discrete analog of convex functions, and can be minimized in strongly polynomial time. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art algorithms for general submodular minimization are intractable for larger problems. In this paper, we introduce a novel subclass of submodular minimization problems that we call decomposable. Decomposable submodular functions are those that can be represented as sums of concave functions applied to modular functions. We develop an algorithm, SLG, that can efficiently minimize decomposable submodular functions with tens of thousands of variables. Our algorithm exploits recent results in smoothed convex minimization. We apply SLG to synthetic benchmarks and a joint classification-and-segmentation task, and show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art general purpose submodular minimization algorithms by several orders of magnitude.
Analysing the behaviour of robot teams through relational sequential pattern mining
This report outlines the use of a relational representation in a Multi-Agent domain to model the behaviour of the whole system. A desired property in this systems is the ability of the team members to work together to achieve a common goal in a cooperative manner. The aim is to define a systematic method to verify the effective collaboration among the members of a team and comparing the different multi-agent behaviours. Using external observations of a Multi-Agent System to analyse, model, recognize agent behaviour could be very useful to direct team actions. In particular, this report focuses on the challenge of autonomous unsupervised sequential learning of the team's behaviour from observations. Our approach allows to learn a symbolic sequence (a relational representation) to translate raw multi-agent, multi-variate observations of a dynamic, complex environment, into a set of sequential behaviours that are characteristic of the team in question, represented by a set of sequences expressed in first-order logic atoms. We propose to use a relational learning algorithm to mine meaningful frequent patterns among the relational sequences to characterise team behaviours. We compared the performance of two teams in the RoboCup four-legged league environment, that have a very different approach to the game. One uses a Case Based Reasoning approach, the other uses a pure reactive behaviour.
Predictive State Temporal Difference Learning
We propose a new approach to value function approximation which combines linear temporal difference reinforcement learning with subspace identification. In practical applications, reinforcement learning (RL) is complicated by the fact that state is either high-dimensional or partially observable. Therefore, RL methods are designed to work with features of state rather than state itself, and the success or failure of learning is often determined by the suitability of the selected features. By comparison, subspace identification (SSID) methods are designed to select a feature set which preserves as much information as possible about state. In this paper we connect the two approaches, looking at the problem of reinforcement learning with a large set of features, each of which may only be marginally useful for value function approximation. We introduce a new algorithm for this situation, called Predictive State Temporal Difference (PSTD) learning. As in SSID for predictive state representations, PSTD finds a linear compression operator that projects a large set of features down to a small set that preserves the maximum amount of predictive information. As in RL, PSTD then uses a Bellman recursion to estimate a value function. We discuss the connection between PSTD and prior approaches in RL and SSID. We prove that PSTD is statistically consistent, perform several experiments that illustrate its properties, and demonstrate its potential on a difficult optimal stopping problem.
Sparse Inverse Covariance Selection via Alternating Linearization Methods
Gaussian graphical models are of great interest in statistical learning. Because the conditional independencies between different nodes correspond to zero entries in the inverse covariance matrix of the Gaussian distribution, one can learn the structure of the graph by estimating a sparse inverse covariance matrix from sample data, by solving a convex maximum likelihood problem with an $\ell_1$-regularization term. In this paper, we propose a first-order method based on an alternating linearization technique that exploits the problem's special structure; in particular, the subproblems solved in each iteration have closed-form solutions. Moreover, our algorithm obtains an $\epsilon$-optimal solution in $O(1/\epsilon)$ iterations. Numerical experiments on both synthetic and real data from gene association networks show that a practical version of this algorithm outperforms other competitive algorithms.
Developing courses with HoloRena, a framework for scenario- and game based e-learning environments
However utilizing rich, interactive solutions can make learning more effective and attractive, scenario- and game-based educational resources on the web are not widely used. Creating these applications is a complex, expensive and challenging process. Development frameworks and authoring tools hardly support reusable components, teamwork and learning management system-independent courseware architecture. In this article we initiate the concept of a low-level, thick-client solution addressing these problems. With some example applications we try to demonstrate, how a framework, based on this concept can be useful for developing scenario- and game-based e-learning environments.
Learning Networks of Stochastic Differential Equations
We consider linear models for stochastic dynamics. To any such model can be associated a network (namely a directed graph) describing which degrees of freedom interact under the dynamics. We tackle the problem of learning such a network from observation of the system trajectory over a time interval $T$. We analyze the $\ell_1$-regularized least squares algorithm and, in the setting in which the underlying network is sparse, we prove performance guarantees that are \emph{uniform in the sampling rate} as long as this is sufficiently high. This result substantiates the notion of a well defined `time complexity' for the network inference problem.
From Sparse Signals to Sparse Residuals for Robust Sensing
One of the key challenges in sensor networks is the extraction of information by fusing data from a multitude of distinct, but possibly unreliable sensors. Recovering information from the maximum number of dependable sensors while specifying the unreliable ones is critical for robust sensing. This sensing task is formulated here as that of finding the maximum number of feasible subsystems of linear equations, and proved to be NP-hard. Useful links are established with compressive sampling, which aims at recovering vectors that are sparse. In contrast, the signals here are not sparse, but give rise to sparse residuals. Capitalizing on this form of sparsity, four sensing schemes with complementary strengths are developed. The first scheme is a convex relaxation of the original problem expressed as a second-order cone program (SOCP). It is shown that when the involved sensing matrices are Gaussian and the reliable measurements are sufficiently many, the SOCP can recover the optimal solution with overwhelming probability. The second scheme is obtained by replacing the initial objective function with a concave one. The third and fourth schemes are tailored for noisy sensor data. The noisy case is cast as a combinatorial problem that is subsequently surrogated by a (weighted) SOCP. Interestingly, the derived cost functions fall into the framework of robust multivariate linear regression, while an efficient block-coordinate descent algorithm is developed for their minimization. The robust sensing capabilities of all schemes are verified by simulated tests.
Regularized Risk Minimization by Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient Methods: Algorithmic Extensions and Empirical Studies
Nesterov's accelerated gradient methods (AGM) have been successfully applied in many machine learning areas. However, their empirical performance on training max-margin models has been inferior to existing specialized solvers. In this paper, we first extend AGM to strongly convex and composite objective functions with Bregman style prox-functions. Our unifying framework covers both the $\infty$-memory and 1-memory styles of AGM, tunes the Lipschiz constant adaptively, and bounds the duality gap. Then we demonstrate various ways to apply this framework of methods to a wide range of machine learning problems. Emphasis will be given on their rate of convergence and how to efficiently compute the gradient and optimize the models. The experimental results show that with our extensions AGM outperforms state-of-the-art solvers on max-margin models.
A Reduction of Imitation Learning and Structured Prediction to No-Regret Online Learning
Sequential prediction problems such as imitation learning, where future observations depend on previous predictions (actions), violate the common i.i.d. assumptions made in statistical learning. This leads to poor performance in theory and often in practice. Some recent approaches provide stronger guarantees in this setting, but remain somewhat unsatisfactory as they train either non-stationary or stochastic policies and require a large number of iterations. In this paper, we propose a new iterative algorithm, which trains a stationary deterministic policy, that can be seen as a no regret algorithm in an online learning setting. We show that any such no regret algorithm, combined with additional reduction assumptions, must find a policy with good performance under the distribution of observations it induces in such sequential settings. We demonstrate that this new approach outperforms previous approaches on two challenging imitation learning problems and a benchmark sequence labeling problem.
Multiarmed Bandit Problems with Delayed Feedback
In this paper we initiate the study of optimization of bandit type problems in scenarios where the feedback of a play is not immediately known. This arises naturally in allocation problems which have been studied extensively in the literature, albeit in the absence of delays in the feedback. We study this problem in the Bayesian setting. In presence of delays, no solution with provable guarantees is known to exist with sub-exponential running time. We show that bandit problems with delayed feedback that arise in allocation settings can be forced to have significant structure, with a slight loss in optimality. This structure gives us the ability to reason about the relationship of single arm policies to the entangled optimum policy, and eventually leads to a O(1) approximation for a significantly general class of priors. The structural insights we develop are of key interest and carry over to the setting where the feedback of an action is available instantaneously, and we improve all previous results in this setting as well.
Privately Releasing Conjunctions and the Statistical Query Barrier
Suppose we would like to know all answers to a set of statistical queries C on a data set up to small error, but we can only access the data itself using statistical queries. A trivial solution is to exhaustively ask all queries in C. Can we do any better? + We show that the number of statistical queries necessary and sufficient for this task is---up to polynomial factors---equal to the agnostic learning complexity of C in Kearns' statistical query (SQ) model. This gives a complete answer to the question when running time is not a concern. + We then show that the problem can be solved efficiently (allowing arbitrary error on a small fraction of queries) whenever the answers to C can be described by a submodular function. This includes many natural concept classes, such as graph cuts and Boolean disjunctions and conjunctions. While interesting from a learning theoretic point of view, our main applications are in privacy-preserving data analysis: Here, our second result leads to the first algorithm that efficiently releases differentially private answers to of all Boolean conjunctions with 1% average error. This presents significant progress on a key open problem in privacy-preserving data analysis. Our first result on the other hand gives unconditional lower bounds on any differentially private algorithm that admits a (potentially non-privacy-preserving) implementation using only statistical queries. Not only our algorithms, but also most known private algorithms can be implemented using only statistical queries, and hence are constrained by these lower bounds. Our result therefore isolates the complexity of agnostic learning in the SQ-model as a new barrier in the design of differentially private algorithms.
Robust Matrix Decomposition with Outliers
Suppose a given observation matrix can be decomposed as the sum of a low-rank matrix and a sparse matrix (outliers), and the goal is to recover these individual components from the observed sum. Such additive decompositions have applications in a variety of numerical problems including system identification, latent variable graphical modeling, and principal components analysis. We study conditions under which recovering such a decomposition is possible via a combination of $\ell_1$ norm and trace norm minimization. We are specifically interested in the question of how many outliers are allowed so that convex programming can still achieve accurate recovery, and we obtain stronger recovery guarantees than previous studies. Moreover, we do not assume that the spatial pattern of outliers is random, which stands in contrast to related analyses under such assumptions via matrix completion.
Online Importance Weight Aware Updates
An importance weight quantifies the relative importance of one example over another, coming up in applications of boosting, asymmetric classification costs, reductions, and active learning. The standard approach for dealing with importance weights in gradient descent is via multiplication of the gradient. We first demonstrate the problems of this approach when importance weights are large, and argue in favor of more sophisticated ways for dealing with them. We then develop an approach which enjoys an invariance property: that updating twice with importance weight $h$ is equivalent to updating once with importance weight $2h$. For many important losses this has a closed form update which satisfies standard regret guarantees when all examples have $h=1$. We also briefly discuss two other reasonable approaches for handling large importance weights. Empirically, these approaches yield substantially superior prediction with similar computational performance while reducing the sensitivity of the algorithm to the exact setting of the learning rate. We apply these to online active learning yielding an extraordinarily fast active learning algorithm that works even in the presence of adversarial noise.
Least Squares Ranking on Graphs
Given a set of alternatives to be ranked, and some pairwise comparison data, ranking is a least squares computation on a graph. The vertices are the alternatives, and the edge values comprise the comparison data. The basic idea is very simple and old: come up with values on vertices such that their differences match the given edge data. Since an exact match will usually be impossible, one settles for matching in a least squares sense. This formulation was first described by Leake in 1976 for rankingfootball teams and appears as an example in Professor Gilbert Strang's classic linear algebra textbook. If one is willing to look into the residual a little further, then the problem really comes alive, as shown effectively by the remarkable recent paper of Jiang et al. With or without this twist, the humble least squares problem on graphs has far-reaching connections with many current areas ofresearch. These connections are to theoretical computer science (spectral graph theory, and multilevel methods for graph Laplacian systems); numerical analysis (algebraic multigrid, and finite element exterior calculus); other mathematics (Hodge decomposition, and random clique complexes); and applications (arbitrage, and ranking of sports teams). Not all of these connections are explored in this paper, but many are. The underlying ideas are easy to explain, requiring only the four fundamental subspaces from elementary linear algebra. One of our aims is to explain these basic ideas and connections, to get researchers in many fields interested in this topic. Another aim is to use our numerical experiments for guidance on selecting methods and exposing the need for further development.
Blackwell Approachability and Low-Regret Learning are Equivalent
We consider the celebrated Blackwell Approachability Theorem for two-player games with vector payoffs. We show that Blackwell's result is equivalent, via efficient reductions, to the existence of "no-regret" algorithms for Online Linear Optimization. Indeed, we show that any algorithm for one such problem can be efficiently converted into an algorithm for the other. We provide a useful application of this reduction: the first efficient algorithm for calibrated forecasting.
Extended Active Learning Method
Active Learning Method (ALM) is a soft computing method which is used for modeling and control, based on fuzzy logic. Although ALM has shown that it acts well in dynamic environments, its operators cannot support it very well in complex situations due to losing data. Thus ALM can find better membership functions if more appropriate operators be chosen for it. This paper substituted two new operators instead of ALM original ones; which consequently renewed finding membership functions in a way superior to conventional ALM. This new method is called Extended Active Learning Method (EALM).
Clustering using Unsupervised Binary Trees: CUBT
We herein introduce a new method of interpretable clustering that uses unsupervised binary trees. It is a three-stage procedure, the first stage of which entails a series of recursive binary splits to reduce the heterogeneity of the data within the new subsamples. During the second stage (pruning), consideration is given to whether adjacent nodes can be aggregated. Finally, during the third stage (joining), similar clusters are joined together, even if they do not share the same parent originally. Consistency results are obtained, and the procedure is used on simulated and real data sets.
Regularization Strategies and Empirical Bayesian Learning for MKL
Multiple kernel learning (MKL), structured sparsity, and multi-task learning have recently received considerable attention. In this paper, we show how different MKL algorithms can be understood as applications of either regularization on the kernel weights or block-norm-based regularization, which is more common in structured sparsity and multi-task learning. We show that these two regularization strategies can be systematically mapped to each other through a concave conjugate operation. When the kernel-weight-based regularizer is separable into components, we can naturally consider a generative probabilistic model behind MKL. Based on this model, we propose learning algorithms for the kernel weights through the maximization of marginal likelihood. We show through numerical experiments that $\ell_2$-norm MKL and Elastic-net MKL achieve comparable accuracy to uniform kernel combination. Although uniform kernel combination might be preferable from its simplicity, $\ell_2$-norm MKL and Elastic-net MKL can learn the usefulness of the information sources represented as kernels. In particular, Elastic-net MKL achieves sparsity in the kernel weights.
Online Learning: Beyond Regret
We study online learnability of a wide class of problems, extending the results of (Rakhlin, Sridharan, Tewari, 2010) to general notions of performance measure well beyond external regret. Our framework simultaneously captures such well-known notions as internal and general Phi-regret, learning with non-additive global cost functions, Blackwell's approachability, calibration of forecasters, adaptive regret, and more. We show that learnability in all these situations is due to control of the same three quantities: a martingale convergence term, a term describing the ability to perform well if future is known, and a generalization of sequential Rademacher complexity, studied in (Rakhlin, Sridharan, Tewari, 2010). Since we directly study complexity of the problem instead of focusing on efficient algorithms, we are able to improve and extend many known results which have been previously derived via an algorithmic construction.
A Probabilistic Approach for Learning Folksonomies from Structured Data
Learning structured representations has emerged as an important problem in many domains, including document and Web data mining, bioinformatics, and image analysis. One approach to learning complex structures is to integrate many smaller, incomplete and noisy structure fragments. In this work, we present an unsupervised probabilistic approach that extends affinity propagation to combine the small ontological fragments into a collection of integrated, consistent, and larger folksonomies. This is a challenging task because the method must aggregate similar structures while avoiding structural inconsistencies and handling noise. We validate the approach on a real-world social media dataset, comprised of shallow personal hierarchies specified by many individual users, collected from the photosharing website Flickr. Our empirical results show that our proposed approach is able to construct deeper and denser structures, compared to an approach using only the standard affinity propagation algorithm. Additionally, the approach yields better overall integration quality than a state-of-the-art approach based on incremental relational clustering.
PADDLE: Proximal Algorithm for Dual Dictionaries LEarning
Recently, considerable research efforts have been devoted to the design of methods to learn from data overcomplete dictionaries for sparse coding. However, learned dictionaries require the solution of an optimization problem for coding new data. In order to overcome this drawback, we propose an algorithm aimed at learning both a dictionary and its dual: a linear mapping directly performing the coding. By leveraging on proximal methods, our algorithm jointly minimizes the reconstruction error of the dictionary and the coding error of its dual; the sparsity of the representation is induced by an $\ell_1$-based penalty on its coefficients. The results obtained on synthetic data and real images show that the algorithm is capable of recovering the expected dictionaries. Furthermore, on a benchmark dataset, we show that the image features obtained from the dual matrix yield state-of-the-art classification performance while being much less computational intensive.
Clustering and Latent Semantic Indexing Aspects of the Singular Value Decomposition
This paper discusses clustering and latent semantic indexing (LSI) aspects of the singular value decomposition (SVD). The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first is to give an explanation on how and why the singular vectors can be used in clustering. And the second is to show that the two seemingly unrelated SVD aspects actually originate from the same source: related vertices tend to be more clustered in the graph representation of lower rank approximate matrix using the SVD than in the original semantic graph. Accordingly, the SVD can improve retrieval performance of an information retrieval system since queries made to the approximate matrix can retrieve more relevant documents and filter out more irrelevant documents than the same queries made to the original matrix. By utilizing this fact, we will devise an LSI algorithm that mimicks SVD capability in clustering related vertices. Convergence analysis shows that the algorithm is convergent and produces a unique solution for each input. Experimental results using some standard datasets in LSI research show that retrieval performances of the algorithm are comparable to the SVD's. In addition, the algorithm is more practical and easier to use because there is no need to determine decomposition rank which is crucial in driving retrieval performance of the SVD.
Combinatorial Network Optimization with Unknown Variables: Multi-Armed Bandits with Linear Rewards
In the classic multi-armed bandits problem, the goal is to have a policy for dynamically operating arms that each yield stochastic rewards with unknown means. The key metric of interest is regret, defined as the gap between the expected total reward accumulated by an omniscient player that knows the reward means for each arm, and the expected total reward accumulated by the given policy. The policies presented in prior work have storage, computation and regret all growing linearly with the number of arms, which is not scalable when the number of arms is large. We consider in this work a broad class of multi-armed bandits with dependent arms that yield rewards as a linear combination of a set of unknown parameters. For this general framework, we present efficient policies that are shown to achieve regret that grows logarithmically with time, and polynomially in the number of unknown parameters (even though the number of dependent arms may grow exponentially). Furthermore, these policies only require storage that grows linearly in the number of unknown parameters. We show that this generalization is broadly applicable and useful for many interesting tasks in networks that can be formulated as tractable combinatorial optimization problems with linear objective functions, such as maximum weight matching, shortest path, and minimum spanning tree computations.
The Non-Bayesian Restless Multi-Armed Bandit: a Case of Near-Logarithmic Regret
In the classic Bayesian restless multi-armed bandit (RMAB) problem, there are $N$ arms, with rewards on all arms evolving at each time as Markov chains with known parameters. A player seeks to activate $K \geq 1$ arms at each time in order to maximize the expected total reward obtained over multiple plays. RMAB is a challenging problem that is known to be PSPACE-hard in general. We consider in this work the even harder non-Bayesian RMAB, in which the parameters of the Markov chain are assumed to be unknown \emph{a priori}. We develop an original approach to this problem that is applicable when the corresponding Bayesian problem has the structure that, depending on the known parameter values, the optimal solution is one of a prescribed finite set of policies. In such settings, we propose to learn the optimal policy for the non-Bayesian RMAB by employing a suitable meta-policy which treats each policy from this finite set as an arm in a different non-Bayesian multi-armed bandit problem for which a single-arm selection policy is optimal. We demonstrate this approach by developing a novel sensing policy for opportunistic spectrum access over unknown dynamic channels. We prove that our policy achieves near-logarithmic regret (the difference in expected reward compared to a model-aware genie), which leads to the same average reward that can be achieved by the optimal policy under a known model. This is the first such result in the literature for a non-Bayesian RMAB.
Learning in A Changing World: Restless Multi-Armed Bandit with Unknown Dynamics
We consider the restless multi-armed bandit (RMAB) problem with unknown dynamics in which a player chooses M out of N arms to play at each time. The reward state of each arm transits according to an unknown Markovian rule when it is played and evolves according to an arbitrary unknown random process when it is passive. The performance of an arm selection policy is measured by regret, defined as the reward loss with respect to the case where the player knows which M arms are the most rewarding and always plays the M best arms. We construct a policy with an interleaving exploration and exploitation epoch structure that achieves a regret with logarithmic order when arbitrary (but nontrivial) bounds on certain system parameters are known. When no knowledge about the system is available, we show that the proposed policy achieves a regret arbitrarily close to the logarithmic order. We further extend the problem to a decentralized setting where multiple distributed players share the arms without information exchange. Under both an exogenous restless model and an endogenous restless model, we show that a decentralized extension of the proposed policy preserves the logarithmic regret order as in the centralized setting. The results apply to adaptive learning in various dynamic systems and communication networks, as well as financial investment.
Tight Sample Complexity of Large-Margin Learning
We obtain a tight distribution-specific characterization of the sample complexity of large-margin classification with L_2 regularization: We introduce the \gamma-adapted-dimension, which is a simple function of the spectrum of a distribution's covariance matrix, and show distribution-specific upper and lower bounds on the sample complexity, both governed by the \gamma-adapted-dimension of the source distribution. We conclude that this new quantity tightly characterizes the true sample complexity of large-margin classification. The bounds hold for a rich family of sub-Gaussian distributions.
Classifying Clustering Schemes
Many clustering schemes are defined by optimizing an objective function defined on the partitions of the underlying set of a finite metric space. In this paper, we construct a framework for studying what happens when we instead impose various structural conditions on the clustering schemes, under the general heading of functoriality. Functoriality refers to the idea that one should be able to compare the results of clustering algorithms as one varies the data set, for example by adding points or by applying functions to it. We show that within this framework, one can prove a theorems analogous to one of J. Kleinberg, in which for example one obtains an existence and uniqueness theorem instead of a non-existence result. We obtain a full classification of all clustering schemes satisfying a condition we refer to as excisiveness. The classification can be changed by varying the notion of maps of finite metric spaces. The conditions occur naturally when one considers clustering as the statistical version of the geometric notion of connected components. By varying the degree of functoriality that one requires from the schemes it is possible to construct richer families of clustering schemes that exhibit sensitivity to density.
The Sample Complexity of Dictionary Learning
A large set of signals can sometimes be described sparsely using a dictionary, that is, every element can be represented as a linear combination of few elements from the dictionary. Algorithms for various signal processing applications, including classification, denoising and signal separation, learn a dictionary from a set of signals to be represented. Can we expect that the representation found by such a dictionary for a previously unseen example from the same source will have L_2 error of the same magnitude as those for the given examples? We assume signals are generated from a fixed distribution, and study this questions from a statistical learning theory perspective. We develop generalization bounds on the quality of the learned dictionary for two types of constraints on the coefficient selection, as measured by the expected L_2 error in representation when the dictionary is used. For the case of l_1 regularized coefficient selection we provide a generalization bound of the order of O(sqrt(np log(m lambda)/m)), where n is the dimension, p is the number of elements in the dictionary, lambda is a bound on the l_1 norm of the coefficient vector and m is the number of samples, which complements existing results. For the case of representing a new signal as a combination of at most k dictionary elements, we provide a bound of the order O(sqrt(np log(m k)/m)) under an assumption on the level of orthogonality of the dictionary (low Babel function). We further show that this assumption holds for most dictionaries in high dimensions in a strong probabilistic sense. Our results further yield fast rates of order 1/m as opposed to 1/sqrt(m) using localized Rademacher complexity. We provide similar results in a general setting using kernels with weak smoothness requirements.
On Theorem 2.3 in "Prediction, Learning, and Games" by Cesa-Bianchi and Lugosi
The note presents a modified proof of a loss bound for the exponentially weighted average forecaster with time-varying potential. The regret term of the algorithm is upper-bounded by sqrt{n ln(N)} (uniformly in n), where N is the number of experts and n is the number of steps.
In All Likelihood, Deep Belief Is Not Enough
Statistical models of natural stimuli provide an important tool for researchers in the fields of machine learning and computational neuroscience. A canonical way to quantitatively assess and compare the performance of statistical models is given by the likelihood. One class of statistical models which has recently gained increasing popularity and has been applied to a variety of complex data are deep belief networks. Analyses of these models, however, have been typically limited to qualitative analyses based on samples due to the computationally intractable nature of the model likelihood. Motivated by these circumstances, the present article provides a consistent estimator for the likelihood that is both computationally tractable and simple to apply in practice. Using this estimator, a deep belief network which has been suggested for the modeling of natural image patches is quantitatively investigated and compared to other models of natural image patches. Contrary to earlier claims based on qualitative results, the results presented in this article provide evidence that the model under investigation is not a particularly good model for natural images
Classifying extremely imbalanced data sets
Imbalanced data sets containing much more background than signal instances are very common in particle physics, and will also be characteristic for the upcoming analyses of LHC data. Following up the work presented at ACAT 2008, we use the multivariate technique presented there (a rule growing algorithm with the meta-methods bagging and instance weighting) on much more imbalanced data sets, especially a selection of D0 decays without the use of particle identification. It turns out that the quality of the result strongly depends on the number of background instances used for training. We discuss methods to exploit this in order to improve the results significantly, and how to handle and reduce the size of large training sets without loss of result quality in general. We will also comment on how to take into account statistical fluctuation in receiver operation characteristic curves (ROC) for comparing classifier methods.
Estimating Probabilities in Recommendation Systems
Recommendation systems are emerging as an important business application with significant economic impact. Currently popular systems include Amazon's book recommendations, Netflix's movie recommendations, and Pandora's music recommendations. In this paper we address the problem of estimating probabilities associated with recommendation system data using non-parametric kernel smoothing. In our estimation we interpret missing items as randomly censored observations and obtain efficient computation schemes using combinatorial properties of generating functions. We demonstrate our approach with several case studies involving real world movie recommendation data. The results are comparable with state-of-the-art techniques while also providing probabilistic preference estimates outside the scope of traditional recommender systems.
Agnostic Learning of Monomials by Halfspaces is Hard
We prove the following strong hardness result for learning: Given a distribution of labeled examples from the hypercube such that there exists a monomial consistent with $(1-\eps)$ of the examples, it is NP-hard to find a halfspace that is correct on $(1/2+\eps)$ of the examples, for arbitrary constants $\eps > 0$. In learning theory terms, weak agnostic learning of monomials is hard, even if one is allowed to output a hypothesis from the much bigger concept class of halfspaces. This hardness result subsumes a long line of previous results, including two recent hardness results for the proper learning of monomials and halfspaces. As an immediate corollary of our result we show that weak agnostic learning of decision lists is NP-hard. Our techniques are quite different from previous hardness proofs for learning. We define distributions on positive and negative examples for monomials whose first few moments match. We use the invariance principle to argue that regular halfspaces (all of whose coefficients have small absolute value relative to the total $\ell_2$ norm) cannot distinguish between distributions whose first few moments match. For highly non-regular subspaces, we use a structural lemma from recent work on fooling halfspaces to argue that they are ``junta-like'' and one can zero out all but the top few coefficients without affecting the performance of the halfspace. The top few coefficients form the natural list decoding of a halfspace in the context of dictatorship tests/Label Cover reductions. We note that unlike previous invariance principle based proofs which are only known to give Unique-Games hardness, we are able to reduce from a version of Label Cover problem that is known to be NP-hard. This has inspired follow-up work on bypassing the Unique Games conjecture in some optimal geometric inapproximability results.
Closed-set-based Discovery of Bases of Association Rules
The output of an association rule miner is often huge in practice. This is why several concise lossless representations have been proposed, such as the "essential" or "representative" rules. We revisit the algorithm given by Kryszkiewicz (Int. Symp. Intelligent Data Analysis 2001, Springer-Verlag LNCS 2189, 350-359) for mining representative rules. We show that its output is sometimes incomplete, due to an oversight in its mathematical validation. We propose alternative complete generators and we extend the approach to an existing closure-aware basis similar to, and often smaller than, the representative rules, namely the basis B*.
Border Algorithms for Computing Hasse Diagrams of Arbitrary Lattices
The Border algorithm and the iPred algorithm find the Hasse diagrams of FCA lattices. We show that they can be generalized to arbitrary lattices. In the case of iPred, this requires the identification of a join-semilattice homomorphism into a distributive lattice.
An Inverse Power Method for Nonlinear Eigenproblems with Applications in 1-Spectral Clustering and Sparse PCA
Many problems in machine learning and statistics can be formulated as (generalized) eigenproblems. In terms of the associated optimization problem, computing linear eigenvectors amounts to finding critical points of a quadratic function subject to quadratic constraints. In this paper we show that a certain class of constrained optimization problems with nonquadratic objective and constraints can be understood as nonlinear eigenproblems. We derive a generalization of the inverse power method which is guaranteed to converge to a nonlinear eigenvector. We apply the inverse power method to 1-spectral clustering and sparse PCA which can naturally be formulated as nonlinear eigenproblems. In both applications we achieve state-of-the-art results in terms of solution quality and runtime. Moving beyond the standard eigenproblem should be useful also in many other applications and our inverse power method can be easily adapted to new problems.
Automated Query Learning with Wikipedia and Genetic Programming
Most of the existing information retrieval systems are based on bag of words model and are not equipped with common world knowledge. Work has been done towards improving the efficiency of such systems by using intelligent algorithms to generate search queries, however, not much research has been done in the direction of incorporating human-and-society level knowledge in the queries. This paper is one of the first attempts where such information is incorporated into the search queries using Wikipedia semantics. The paper presents an essential shift from conventional token based queries to concept based queries, leading to an enhanced efficiency of information retrieval systems. To efficiently handle the automated query learning problem, we propose Wikipedia-based Evolutionary Semantics (Wiki-ES) framework where concept based queries are learnt using a co-evolving evolutionary procedure. Learning concept based queries using an intelligent evolutionary procedure yields significant improvement in performance which is shown through an extensive study using Reuters newswire documents. Comparison of the proposed framework is performed with other information retrieval systems. Concept based approach has also been implemented on other information retrieval systems to justify the effectiveness of a transition from token based queries to concept based queries.
Generalized Species Sampling Priors with Latent Beta reinforcements
Many popular Bayesian nonparametric priors can be characterized in terms of exchangeable species sampling sequences. However, in some applications, exchangeability may not be appropriate. We introduce a {novel and probabilistically coherent family of non-exchangeable species sampling sequences characterized by a tractable predictive probability function with weights driven by a sequence of independent Beta random variables. We compare their theoretical clustering properties with those of the Dirichlet Process and the two parameters Poisson-Dirichlet process. The proposed construction provides a complete characterization of the joint process, differently from existing work. We then propose the use of such process as prior distribution in a hierarchical Bayes modeling framework, and we describe a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler for posterior inference. We evaluate the performance of the prior and the robustness of the resulting inference in a simulation study, providing a comparison with popular Dirichlet Processes mixtures and Hidden Markov Models. Finally, we develop an application to the detection of chromosomal aberrations in breast cancer by leveraging array CGH data.
Efficient Optimization of Performance Measures by Classifier Adaptation
In practical applications, machine learning algorithms are often needed to learn classifiers that optimize domain specific performance measures. Previously, the research has focused on learning the needed classifier in isolation, yet learning nonlinear classifier for nonlinear and nonsmooth performance measures is still hard. In this paper, rather than learning the needed classifier by optimizing specific performance measure directly, we circumvent this problem by proposing a novel two-step approach called as CAPO, namely to first train nonlinear auxiliary classifiers with existing learning methods, and then to adapt auxiliary classifiers for specific performance measures. In the first step, auxiliary classifiers can be obtained efficiently by taking off-the-shelf learning algorithms. For the second step, we show that the classifier adaptation problem can be reduced to a quadratic program problem, which is similar to linear SVMperf and can be efficiently solved. By exploiting nonlinear auxiliary classifiers, CAPO can generate nonlinear classifier which optimizes a large variety of performance measures including all the performance measure based on the contingency table and AUC, whilst keeping high computational efficiency. Empirical studies show that CAPO is effective and of high computational efficiency, and even it is more efficient than linear SVMperf.
Split Bregman Method for Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation with Matrix Iteration Acceleration
We consider the problem of estimating the inverse covariance matrix by maximizing the likelihood function with a penalty added to encourage the sparsity of the resulting matrix. We propose a new approach based on the split Bregman method to solve the regularized maximum likelihood estimation problem. We show that our method is significantly faster than the widely used graphical lasso method, which is based on blockwise coordinate descent, on both artificial and real-world data. More importantly, different from the graphical lasso, the split Bregman based method is much more general, and can be applied to a class of regularization terms other than the $\ell_1$ norm
Optimal Distributed Online Prediction using Mini-Batches
Online prediction methods are typically presented as serial algorithms running on a single processor. However, in the age of web-scale prediction problems, it is increasingly common to encounter situations where a single processor cannot keep up with the high rate at which inputs arrive. In this work, we present the \emph{distributed mini-batch} algorithm, a method of converting many serial gradient-based online prediction algorithms into distributed algorithms. We prove a regret bound for this method that is asymptotically optimal for smooth convex loss functions and stochastic inputs. Moreover, our analysis explicitly takes into account communication latencies between nodes in the distributed environment. We show how our method can be used to solve the closely-related distributed stochastic optimization problem, achieving an asymptotically linear speed-up over multiple processors. Finally, we demonstrate the merits of our approach on a web-scale online prediction problem.
Robust Distributed Online Prediction
The standard model of online prediction deals with serial processing of inputs by a single processor. However, in large-scale online prediction problems, where inputs arrive at a high rate, an increasingly common necessity is to distribute the computation across several processors. A non-trivial challenge is to design distributed algorithms for online prediction, which maintain good regret guarantees. In \cite{DMB}, we presented the DMB algorithm, which is a generic framework to convert any serial gradient-based online prediction algorithm into a distributed algorithm. Moreover, its regret guarantee is asymptotically optimal for smooth convex loss functions and stochastic inputs. On the flip side, it is fragile to many types of failures that are common in distributed environments. In this companion paper, we present variants of the DMB algorithm, which are resilient to many types of network failures, and tolerant to varying performance of the computing nodes.
Shaping Level Sets with Submodular Functions
We consider a class of sparsity-inducing regularization terms based on submodular functions. While previous work has focused on non-decreasing functions, we explore symmetric submodular functions and their \lova extensions. We show that the Lovasz extension may be seen as the convex envelope of a function that depends on level sets (i.e., the set of indices whose corresponding components of the underlying predictor are greater than a given constant): this leads to a class of convex structured regularization terms that impose prior knowledge on the level sets, and not only on the supports of the underlying predictors. We provide a unified set of optimization algorithms, such as proximal operators, and theoretical guarantees (allowed level sets and recovery conditions). By selecting specific submodular functions, we give a new interpretation to known norms, such as the total variation; we also define new norms, in particular ones that are based on order statistics with application to clustering and outlier detection, and on noisy cuts in graphs with application to change point detection in the presence of outliers.
Bridging the Gap between Reinforcement Learning and Knowledge Representation: A Logical Off- and On-Policy Framework
Knowledge Representation is important issue in reinforcement learning. In this paper, we bridge the gap between reinforcement learning and knowledge representation, by providing a rich knowledge representation framework, based on normal logic programs with answer set semantics, that is capable of solving model-free reinforcement learning problems for more complex do-mains and exploits the domain-specific knowledge. We prove the correctness of our approach. We show that the complexity of finding an offline and online policy for a model-free reinforcement learning problem in our approach is NP-complete. Moreover, we show that any model-free reinforcement learning problem in MDP environment can be encoded as a SAT problem. The importance of that is model-free reinforcement
Low-Rank Structure Learning via Log-Sum Heuristic Recovery
Recovering intrinsic data structure from corrupted observations plays an important role in various tasks in the communities of machine learning and signal processing. In this paper, we propose a novel model, named log-sum heuristic recovery (LHR), to learn the essential low-rank structure from corrupted data. Different from traditional approaches, which directly utilize $\ell_1$ norm to measure the sparseness, LHR introduces a more reasonable log-sum measurement to enhance the sparsity in both the intrinsic low-rank structure and in the sparse corruptions. Although the proposed LHR optimization is no longer convex, it still can be effectively solved by a majorization-minimization (MM) type algorithm, with which the non-convex objective function is iteratively replaced by its convex surrogate and LHR finally falls into the general framework of reweighed approaches. We prove that the MM-type algorithm can converge to a stationary point after successive iteration. We test the performance of our proposed model by applying it to solve two typical problems: robust principal component analysis (RPCA) and low-rank representation (LRR). For RPCA, we compare LHR with the benchmark Principal Component Pursuit (PCP) method from both the perspectives of simulations and practical applications. For LRR, we apply LHR to compute the low-rank representation matrix for motion segmentation and stock clustering. Experimental results on low rank structure learning demonstrate that the proposed Log-sum based model performs much better than the $\ell_1$-based method on for data with higher rank and with denser corruptions.
Context Aware End-to-End Connectivity Management
In a dynamic heterogeneous environment, such as pervasive and ubiquitous computing, context-aware adaptation is a key concept to meet the varying requirements of different users. Connectivity is an important context source that can be utilized for optimal management of diverse networking resources. Application QoS (Quality of service) is another important issue that should be taken into consideration for design of a context-aware system. This paper presents connectivity from the view point of context awareness, identifies various relevant raw connectivity contexts, and discusses how high-level context information can be abstracted from the raw context information. Further, rich context information is utilized in various policy representation with respect to user profile and preference, application characteristics, device capability, and network QoS conditions. Finally, a context-aware end-to-end evaluation algorithm is presented for adaptive connectivity management in a multi-access wireless network. Unlike the currently existing algorithms, the proposed algorithm takes into account user QoS parameters, and therefore, it is more practical.
A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization of Expensive Cost Functions, with Application to Active User Modeling and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
We present a tutorial on Bayesian optimization, a method of finding the maximum of expensive cost functions. Bayesian optimization employs the Bayesian technique of setting a prior over the objective function and combining it with evidence to get a posterior function. This permits a utility-based selection of the next observation to make on the objective function, which must take into account both exploration (sampling from areas of high uncertainty) and exploitation (sampling areas likely to offer improvement over the current best observation). We also present two detailed extensions of Bayesian optimization, with experiments---active user modelling with preferences, and hierarchical reinforcement learning---and a discussion of the pros and cons of Bayesian optimization based on our experiences.
Inverse-Category-Frequency based supervised term weighting scheme for text categorization
Term weighting schemes often dominate the performance of many classifiers, such as kNN, centroid-based classifier and SVMs. The widely used term weighting scheme in text categorization, i.e., tf.idf, is originated from information retrieval (IR) field. The intuition behind idf for text categorization seems less reasonable than IR. In this paper, we introduce inverse category frequency (icf) into term weighting scheme and propose two novel approaches, i.e., tf.icf and icf-based supervised term weighting schemes. The tf.icf adopts icf to substitute idf factor and favors terms occurring in fewer categories, rather than fewer documents. And the icf-based approach combines icf and relevance frequency (rf) to weight terms in a supervised way. Our cross-classifier and cross-corpus experiments have shown that our proposed approaches are superior or comparable to six supervised term weighting schemes and three traditional schemes in terms of macro-F1 and micro-F1.
On the Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit Problem with Markovian Rewards
We consider a combinatorial generalization of the classical multi-armed bandit problem that is defined as follows. There is a given bipartite graph of $M$ users and $N \geq M$ resources. For each user-resource pair $(i,j)$, there is an associated state that evolves as an aperiodic irreducible finite-state Markov chain with unknown parameters, with transitions occurring each time the particular user $i$ is allocated resource $j$. The user $i$ receives a reward that depends on the corresponding state each time it is allocated the resource $j$. The system objective is to learn the best matching of users to resources so that the long-term sum of the rewards received by all users is maximized. This corresponds to minimizing regret, defined here as the gap between the expected total reward that can be obtained by the best-possible static matching and the expected total reward that can be achieved by a given algorithm. We present a polynomial-storage and polynomial-complexity-per-step matching-learning algorithm for this problem. We show that this algorithm can achieve a regret that is uniformly arbitrarily close to logarithmic in time and polynomial in the number of users and resources. This formulation is broadly applicable to scheduling and switching problems in networks and significantly extends prior results in the area.
Analysis of Agglomerative Clustering
The diameter $k$-clustering problem is the problem of partitioning a finite subset of $\mathbb{R}^d$ into $k$ subsets called clusters such that the maximum diameter of the clusters is minimized. One early clustering algorithm that computes a hierarchy of approximate solutions to this problem (for all values of $k$) is the agglomerative clustering algorithm with the complete linkage strategy. For decades, this algorithm has been widely used by practitioners. However, it is not well studied theoretically. In this paper, we analyze the agglomerative complete linkage clustering algorithm. Assuming that the dimension $d$ is a constant, we show that for any $k$ the solution computed by this algorithm is an $O(\log k)$-approximation to the diameter $k$-clustering problem. Our analysis does not only hold for the Euclidean distance but for any metric that is based on a norm. Furthermore, we analyze the closely related $k$-center and discrete $k$-center problem. For the corresponding agglomerative algorithms, we deduce an approximation factor of $O(\log k)$ as well.
Queue-Aware Dynamic Clustering and Power Allocation for Network MIMO Systems via Distributive Stochastic Learning
In this paper, we propose a two-timescale delay-optimal dynamic clustering and power allocation design for downlink network MIMO systems. The dynamic clustering control is adaptive to the global queue state information (GQSI) only and computed at the base station controller (BSC) over a longer time scale. On the other hand, the power allocations of all the BSs in one cluster are adaptive to both intra-cluster channel state information (CCSI) and intra-cluster queue state information (CQSI), and computed at the cluster manager (CM) over a shorter time scale. We show that the two-timescale delay-optimal control can be formulated as an infinite-horizon average cost Constrained Partially Observed Markov Decision Process (CPOMDP). By exploiting the special problem structure, we shall derive an equivalent Bellman equation in terms of Pattern Selection Q-factor to solve the CPOMDP. To address the distributive requirement and the issue of exponential memory requirement and computational complexity, we approximate the Pattern Selection Q-factor by the sum of Per-cluster Potential functions and propose a novel distributive online learning algorithm to estimate the Per-cluster Potential functions (at each CM) as well as the Lagrange multipliers (LM) (at each BS). We show that the proposed distributive online learning algorithm converges almost surely (with probability 1). By exploiting the birth-death structure of the queue dynamics, we further decompose the Per-cluster Potential function into sum of Per-cluster Per-user Potential functions and formulate the instantaneous power allocation as a Per-stage QSI-aware Interference Game played among all the CMs. We also propose a QSI-aware Simultaneous Iterative Water-filling Algorithm (QSIWFA) and show that it can achieve the Nash Equilibrium (NE).
Survey & Experiment: Towards the Learning Accuracy
To attain the best learning accuracy, people move on with difficulties and frustrations. Though one can optimize the empirical objective using a given set of samples, its generalization ability to the entire sample distribution remains questionable. Even if a fair generalization guarantee is offered, one still wants to know what is to happen if the regularizer is removed, and/or how well the artificial loss (like the hinge loss) relates to the accuracy. For such reason, this report surveys four different trials towards the learning accuracy, embracing the major advances in supervised learning theory in the past four years. Starting from the generic setting of learning, the first two trials introduce the best optimization and generalization bounds for convex learning, and the third trial gets rid of the regularizer. As an innovative attempt, the fourth trial studies the optimization when the objective is exactly the accuracy, in the special case of binary classification. This report also analyzes the last trial through experiments.
Travel Time Estimation Using Floating Car Data
This report explores the use of machine learning techniques to accurately predict travel times in city streets and highways using floating car data (location information of user vehicles on a road network). The aim of this report is twofold, first we present a general architecture of solving this problem, then present and evaluate few techniques on real floating car data gathered over a month on a 5 Km highway in New Delhi.
How I won the "Chess Ratings - Elo vs the Rest of the World" Competition
This article discusses in detail the rating system that won the kaggle competition "Chess Ratings: Elo vs the rest of the world". The competition provided a historical dataset of outcomes for chess games, and aimed to discover whether novel approaches can predict the outcomes of future games, more accurately than the well-known Elo rating system. The winning rating system, called Elo++ in the rest of the article, builds upon the Elo rating system. Like Elo, Elo++ uses a single rating per player and predicts the outcome of a game, by using a logistic curve over the difference in ratings of the players. The major component of Elo++ is a regularization technique that avoids overfitting these ratings. The dataset of chess games and outcomes is relatively small and one has to be careful not to draw "too many conclusions" out of the limited data. Many approaches tested in the competition showed signs of such an overfitting. The leader-board was dominated by attempts that did a very good job on a small test dataset, but couldn't generalize well on the private hold-out dataset. The Elo++ regularization takes into account the number of games per player, the recency of these games and the ratings of the opponents. Finally, Elo++ employs a stochastic gradient descent scheme for training the ratings, and uses only two global parameters (white's advantage and regularization constant) that are optimized using cross-validation.
Calibration Using Matrix Completion with Application to Ultrasound Tomography
We study the calibration process in circular ultrasound tomography devices where the sensor positions deviate from the circumference of a perfect circle. This problem arises in a variety of applications in signal processing ranging from breast imaging to sensor network localization. We introduce a novel method of calibration/localization based on the time-of-flight (ToF) measurements between sensors when the enclosed medium is homogeneous. In the presence of all the pairwise ToFs, one can easily estimate the sensor positions using multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) method. In practice however, due to the transitional behaviour of the sensors and the beam form of the transducers, the ToF measurements for close-by sensors are unavailable. Further, random malfunctioning of the sensors leads to random missing ToF measurements. On top of the missing entries, in practice an unknown time delay is also added to the measurements. In this work, we incorporate the fact that a matrix defined from all the ToF measurements is of rank at most four. In order to estimate the missing ToFs, we apply a state-of-the-art low-rank matrix completion algorithm, OPTSPACE . To find the correct positions of the sensors (our ultimate goal) we then apply MDS. We show analytic bounds on the overall error of the whole process in the presence of noise and hence deduce its robustness. Finally, we confirm the functionality of our method in practice by simulations mimicking the measurements of a circular ultrasound tomography device.
Conditional information and definition of neighbor in categorical random fields
We show that the definition of neighbor in Markov random fields as defined by Besag (1974) when the joint distribution of the sites is not positive is not well-defined. In a random field with finite number of sites we study the conditions under which giving the value at extra sites will change the belief of an agent about one site. Also the conditions under which the information from some sites is equivalent to giving the value at all other sites is studied. These concepts provide an alternative to the concept of neighbor for general case where the positivity condition of the joint does not hold.
The Local Optimality of Reinforcement Learning by Value Gradients, and its Relationship to Policy Gradient Learning
In this theoretical paper we are concerned with the problem of learning a value function by a smooth general function approximator, to solve a deterministic episodic control problem in a large continuous state space. It is shown that learning the gradient of the value-function at every point along a trajectory generated by a greedy policy is a sufficient condition for the trajectory to be locally extremal, and often locally optimal, and we argue that this brings greater efficiency to value-function learning. This contrasts to traditional value-function learning in which the value-function must be learnt over the whole of state space. It is also proven that policy-gradient learning applied to a greedy policy on a value-function produces a weight update equivalent to a value-gradient weight update, which provides a surprising connection between these two alternative paradigms of reinforcement learning, and a convergence proof for control problems with a value function represented by a general smooth function approximator.
Sparsity regret bounds for individual sequences in online linear regression
We consider the problem of online linear regression on arbitrary deterministic sequences when the ambient dimension d can be much larger than the number of time rounds T. We introduce the notion of sparsity regret bound, which is a deterministic online counterpart of recent risk bounds derived in the stochastic setting under a sparsity scenario. We prove such regret bounds for an online-learning algorithm called SeqSEW and based on exponential weighting and data-driven truncation. In a second part we apply a parameter-free version of this algorithm to the stochastic setting (regression model with random design). This yields risk bounds of the same flavor as in Dalalyan and Tsybakov (2011) but which solve two questions left open therein. In particular our risk bounds are adaptive (up to a logarithmic factor) to the unknown variance of the noise if the latter is Gaussian. We also address the regression model with fixed design.
Review and Evaluation of Feature Selection Algorithms in Synthetic Problems
The main purpose of Feature Subset Selection is to find a reduced subset of attributes from a data set described by a feature set. The task of a feature selection algorithm (FSA) is to provide with a computational solution motivated by a certain definition of relevance or by a reliable evaluation measure. In this paper several fundamental algorithms are studied to assess their performance in a controlled experimental scenario. A measure to evaluate FSAs is devised that computes the degree of matching between the output given by a FSA and the known optimal solutions. An extensive experimental study on synthetic problems is carried out to assess the behaviour of the algorithms in terms of solution accuracy and size as a function of the relevance, irrelevance, redundancy and size of the data samples. The controlled experimental conditions facilitate the derivation of better-supported and meaningful conclusions.
Support vector machines/relevance vector machine for remote sensing classification: A review
Kernel-based machine learning algorithms are based on mapping data from the original input feature space to a kernel feature space of higher dimensionality to solve a linear problem in that space. Over the last decade, kernel based classification and regression approaches such as support vector machines have widely been used in remote sensing as well as in various civil engineering applications. In spite of their better performance with different datasets, support vector machines still suffer from shortcomings such as visualization/interpretation of model, choice of kernel and kernel specific parameter as well as the regularization parameter. Relevance vector machines are another kernel based approach being explored for classification and regression with in last few years. The advantages of the relevance vector machines over the support vector machines is the availability of probabilistic predictions, using arbitrary kernel functions and not requiring setting of the regularization parameter. This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of SVM and RVM in remote sensing and provides some details of their use in other civil engineering application also.
Classification under Data Contamination with Application to Remote Sensing Image Mis-registration
This work is motivated by the problem of image mis-registration in remote sensing and we are interested in determining the resulting loss in the accuracy of pattern classification. A statistical formulation is given where we propose to use data contamination to model and understand the phenomenon of image mis-registration. This model is widely applicable to many other types of errors as well, for example, measurement errors and gross errors etc. The impact of data contamination on classification is studied under a statistical learning theoretical framework. A closed-form asymptotic bound is established for the resulting loss in classification accuracy, which is less than $\epsilon/(1-\epsilon)$ for data contamination of an amount of $\epsilon$. Our bound is sharper than similar bounds in the domain adaptation literature and, unlike such bounds, it applies to classifiers with an infinite Vapnik-Chervonekis (VC) dimension. Extensive simulations have been conducted on both synthetic and real datasets under various types of data contamination, including label flipping, feature swapping and the replacement of feature values with data generated from a random source such as a Gaussian or Cauchy distribution. Our simulation results show that the bound we derive is fairly tight.
Dyna-H: a heuristic planning reinforcement learning algorithm applied to role-playing-game strategy decision systems
In a Role-Playing Game, finding optimal trajectories is one of the most important tasks. In fact, the strategy decision system becomes a key component of a game engine. Determining the way in which decisions are taken (online, batch or simulated) and the consumed resources in decision making (e.g. execution time, memory) will influence, in mayor degree, the game performance. When classical search algorithms such as A* can be used, they are the very first option. Nevertheless, such methods rely on precise and complete models of the search space, and there are many interesting scenarios where their application is not possible. Then, model free methods for sequential decision making under uncertainty are the best choice. In this paper, we propose a heuristic planning strategy to incorporate the ability of heuristic-search in path-finding into a Dyna agent. The proposed Dyna-H algorithm, as A* does, selects branches more likely to produce outcomes than other branches. Besides, it has the advantages of being a model-free online reinforcement learning algorithm. The proposal was evaluated against the one-step Q-Learning and Dyna-Q algorithms obtaining excellent experimental results: Dyna-H significantly overcomes both methods in all experiments. We suggest also, a functional analogy between the proposed sampling from worst trajectories heuristic and the role of dreams (e.g. nightmares) in human behavior.
The Role of Normalization in the Belief Propagation Algorithm
An important part of problems in statistical physics and computer science can be expressed as the computation of marginal probabilities over a Markov Random Field. The belief propagation algorithm, which is an exact procedure to compute these marginals when the underlying graph is a tree, has gained its popularity as an efficient way to approximate them in the more general case. In this paper, we focus on an aspect of the algorithm that did not get that much attention in the literature, which is the effect of the normalization of the messages. We show in particular that, for a large class of normalization strategies, it is possible to focus only on belief convergence. Following this, we express the necessary and sufficient conditions for local stability of a fixed point in terms of the graph structure and the beliefs values at the fixed point. We also explicit some connexion between the normalization constants and the underlying Bethe Free Energy.
Statistical Mechanics of Semi-Supervised Clustering in Sparse Graphs
We theoretically study semi-supervised clustering in sparse graphs in the presence of pairwise constraints on the cluster assignments of nodes. We focus on bi-cluster graphs, and study the impact of semi-supervision for varying constraint density and overlap between the clusters. Recent results for unsupervised clustering in sparse graphs indicate that there is a critical ratio of within-cluster and between-cluster connectivities below which clusters cannot be recovered with better than random accuracy. The goal of this paper is to examine the impact of pairwise constraints on the clustering accuracy. Our results suggests that the addition of constraints does not provide automatic improvement over the unsupervised case. When the density of the constraints is sufficiently small, their only impact is to shift the detection threshold while preserving the criticality. Conversely, if the density of (hard) constraints is above the percolation threshold, the criticality is suppressed and the detection threshold disappears.
Reproducing Kernel Banach Spaces with the l1 Norm
Targeting at sparse learning, we construct Banach spaces B of functions on an input space X with the properties that (1) B possesses an l1 norm in the sense that it is isometrically isomorphic to the Banach space of integrable functions on X with respect to the counting measure; (2) point evaluations are continuous linear functionals on B and are representable through a bilinear form with a kernel function; (3) regularized learning schemes on B satisfy the linear representer theorem. Examples of kernel functions admissible for the construction of such spaces are given.
Reproducing Kernel Banach Spaces with the l1 Norm II: Error Analysis for Regularized Least Square Regression
A typical approach in estimating the learning rate of a regularized learning scheme is to bound the approximation error by the sum of the sampling error, the hypothesis error and the regularization error. Using a reproducing kernel space that satisfies the linear representer theorem brings the advantage of discarding the hypothesis error from the sum automatically. Following this direction, we illustrate how reproducing kernel Banach spaces with the l1 norm can be applied to improve the learning rate estimate of l1-regularization in machine learning.
Close the Gaps: A Learning-while-Doing Algorithm for a Class of Single-Product Revenue Management Problems
We consider a retailer selling a single product with limited on-hand inventory over a finite selling season. Customer demand arrives according to a Poisson process, the rate of which is influenced by a single action taken by the retailer (such as price adjustment, sales commission, advertisement intensity, etc.). The relationship between the action and the demand rate is not known in advance. However, the retailer is able to learn the optimal action "on the fly" as she maximizes her total expected revenue based on the observed demand reactions. Using the pricing problem as an example, we propose a dynamic "learning-while-doing" algorithm that only involves function value estimation to achieve a near-optimal performance. Our algorithm employs a series of shrinking price intervals and iteratively tests prices within that interval using a set of carefully chosen parameters. We prove that the convergence rate of our algorithm is among the fastest of all possible algorithms in terms of asymptotic "regret" (the relative loss comparing to the full information optimal solution). Our result closes the performance gaps between parametric and non-parametric learning and between a post-price mechanism and a customer-bidding mechanism. Important managerial insight from this research is that the values of information on both the parametric form of the demand function as well as each customer's exact reservation price are less important than prior literature suggests. Our results also suggest that firms would be better off to perform dynamic learning and action concurrently rather than sequentially.
Online Adaptive Decision Fusion Framework Based on Entropic Projections onto Convex Sets with Application to Wildfire Detection in Video
In this paper, an Entropy functional based online Adaptive Decision Fusion (EADF) framework is developed for image analysis and computer vision applications. In this framework, it is assumed that the compound algorithm consists of several sub-algorithms each of which yielding its own decision as a real number centered around zero, representing the confidence level of that particular sub-algorithm. Decision values are linearly combined with weights which are updated online according to an active fusion method based on performing entropic projections onto convex sets describing sub-algorithms. It is assumed that there is an oracle, who is usually a human operator, providing feedback to the decision fusion method. A video based wildfire detection system is developed to evaluate the performance of the algorithm in handling the problems where data arrives sequentially. In this case, the oracle is the security guard of the forest lookout tower verifying the decision of the combined algorithm. Simulation results are presented. The EADF framework is also tested with a standard dataset.
A Primal-Dual Convergence Analysis of Boosting
Boosting combines weak learners into a predictor with low empirical risk. Its dual constructs a high entropy distribution upon which weak learners and training labels are uncorrelated. This manuscript studies this primal-dual relationship under a broad family of losses, including the exponential loss of AdaBoost and the logistic loss, revealing: - Weak learnability aids the whole loss family: for any {\epsilon}>0, O(ln(1/{\epsilon})) iterations suffice to produce a predictor with empirical risk {\epsilon}-close to the infimum; - The circumstances granting the existence of an empirical risk minimizer may be characterized in terms of the primal and dual problems, yielding a new proof of the known rate O(ln(1/{\epsilon})); - Arbitrary instances may be decomposed into the above two, granting rate O(1/{\epsilon}), with a matching lower bound provided for the logistic loss.
Using Feature Weights to Improve Performance of Neural Networks
Different features have different relevance to a particular learning problem. Some features are less relevant; while some very important. Instead of selecting the most relevant features using feature selection, an algorithm can be given this knowledge of feature importance based on expert opinion or prior learning. Learning can be faster and more accurate if learners take feature importance into account. Correlation aided Neural Networks (CANN) is presented which is such an algorithm. CANN treats feature importance as the correlation coefficient between the target attribute and the features. CANN modifies normal feed-forward Neural Network to fit both correlation values and training data. Empirical evaluation shows that CANN is faster and more accurate than applying the two step approach of feature selection and then using normal learning algorithms.
A Generalized Method for Integrating Rule-based Knowledge into Inductive Methods Through Virtual Sample Creation
Hybrid learning methods use theoretical knowledge of a domain and a set of classified examples to develop a method for classification. Methods that use domain knowledge have been shown to perform better than inductive learners. However, there is no general method to include domain knowledge into all inductive learning algorithms as all hybrid methods are highly specialized for a particular algorithm. We present an algorithm that will take domain knowledge in the form of propositional rules, generate artificial examples from the rules and also remove instances likely to be flawed. This enriched dataset then can be used by any learning algorithm. Experimental results of different scenarios are shown that demonstrate this method to be more effective than simple inductive learning.
A Novel Template-Based Learning Model
This article presents a model which is capable of learning and abstracting new concepts based on comparing observations and finding the resemblance between the observations. In the model, the new observations are compared with the templates which have been derived from the previous experiences. In the first stage, the objects are first represented through a geometric description which is used for finding the object boundaries and a descriptor which is inspired by the human visual system and then they are fed into the model. Next, the new observations are identified through comparing them with the previously-learned templates and are used for producing new templates. The comparisons are made based on measures like Euclidean or correlation distance. The new template is created by applying onion-pealing algorithm. The algorithm consecutively uses convex hulls which are made by the points representing the objects. If the new observation is remarkably similar to one of the observed categories, it is no longer utilized in creating a new template. The existing templates are used to provide a description of the new observation. This description is provided in the templates space. Each template represents a dimension of the feature space. The degree of the resemblance each template bears to each object indicates the value associated with the object in that dimension of the templates space. In this way, the description of the new observation becomes more accurate and detailed as the time passes and the experiences increase. We have used this model for learning and recognizing the new polygons in the polygon space. Representing the polygons was made possible through employing a geometric method and a method inspired by human visual system. Various implementations of the model have been compared. The evaluation results of the model prove its efficiency in learning and deriving new templates.
Infinite Multiple Membership Relational Modeling for Complex Networks
Learning latent structure in complex networks has become an important problem fueled by many types of networked data originating from practically all fields of science. In this paper, we propose a new non-parametric Bayesian multiple-membership latent feature model for networks. Contrary to existing multiple-membership models that scale quadratically in the number of vertices the proposed model scales linearly in the number of links admitting multiple-membership analysis in large scale networks. We demonstrate a connection between the single membership relational model and multiple membership models and show on "real" size benchmark network data that accounting for multiple memberships improves the learning of latent structure as measured by link prediction while explicitly accounting for multiple membership result in a more compact representation of the latent structure of networks.
A Complex Networks Approach for Data Clustering
Many methods have been developed for data clustering, such as k-means, expectation maximization and algorithms based on graph theory. In this latter case, graphs are generally constructed by taking into account the Euclidian distance as a similarity measure, and partitioned using spectral methods. However, these methods are not accurate when the clusters are not well separated. In addition, it is not possible to automatically determine the number of clusters. These limitations can be overcome by taking into account network community identification algorithms. In this work, we propose a methodology for data clustering based on complex networks theory. We compare different metrics for quantifying the similarity between objects and take into account three community finding techniques. This approach is applied to two real-world databases and to two sets of artificially generated data. By comparing our method with traditional clustering approaches, we verify that the proximity measures given by the Chebyshev and Manhattan distances are the most suitable metrics to quantify the similarity between objects. In addition, the community identification method based on the greedy optimization provides the smallest misclassification rates.
Active Markov Information-Theoretic Path Planning for Robotic Environmental Sensing
Recent research in multi-robot exploration and mapping has focused on sampling environmental fields, which are typically modeled using the Gaussian process (GP). Existing information-theoretic exploration strategies for learning GP-based environmental field maps adopt the non-Markovian problem structure and consequently scale poorly with the length of history of observations. Hence, it becomes computationally impractical to use these strategies for in situ, real-time active sampling. To ease this computational burden, this paper presents a Markov-based approach to efficient information-theoretic path planning for active sampling of GP-based fields. We analyze the time complexity of solving the Markov-based path planning problem, and demonstrate analytically that it scales better than that of deriving the non-Markovian strategies with increasing length of planning horizon. For a class of exploration tasks called the transect sampling task, we provide theoretical guarantees on the active sampling performance of our Markov-based policy, from which ideal environmental field conditions and sampling task settings can be established to limit its performance degradation due to violation of the Markov assumption. Empirical evaluation on real-world temperature and plankton density field data shows that our Markov-based policy can generally achieve active sampling performance comparable to that of the widely-used non-Markovian greedy policies under less favorable realistic field conditions and task settings while enjoying significant computational gain over them.
On the Local Correctness of L^1 Minimization for Dictionary Learning
The idea that many important classes of signals can be well-represented by linear combinations of a small set of atoms selected from a given dictionary has had dramatic impact on the theory and practice of signal processing. For practical problems in which an appropriate sparsifying dictionary is not known ahead of time, a very popular and successful heuristic is to search for a dictionary that minimizes an appropriate sparsity surrogate over a given set of sample data. While this idea is appealing, the behavior of these algorithms is largely a mystery; although there is a body of empirical evidence suggesting they do learn very effective representations, there is little theory to guarantee when they will behave correctly, or when the learned dictionary can be expected to generalize. In this paper, we take a step towards such a theory. We show that under mild hypotheses, the dictionary learning problem is locally well-posed: the desired solution is indeed a local minimum of the $\ell^1$ norm. Namely, if $\mb A \in \Re^{m \times n}$ is an incoherent (and possibly overcomplete) dictionary, and the coefficients $\mb X \in \Re^{n \times p}$ follow a random sparse model, then with high probability $(\mb A,\mb X)$ is a local minimum of the $\ell^1$ norm over the manifold of factorizations $(\mb A',\mb X')$ satisfying $\mb A' \mb X' = \mb Y$, provided the number of samples $p = \Omega(n^3 k)$. For overcomplete $\mb A$, this is the first result showing that the dictionary learning problem is locally solvable. Our analysis draws on tools developed for the problem of completing a low-rank matrix from a small subset of its entries, which allow us to overcome a number of technical obstacles; in particular, the absence of the restricted isometry property.
Statistical Compressed Sensing of Gaussian Mixture Models
A novel framework of compressed sensing, namely statistical compressed sensing (SCS), that aims at efficiently sampling a collection of signals that follow a statistical distribution, and achieving accurate reconstruction on average, is introduced. SCS based on Gaussian models is investigated in depth. For signals that follow a single Gaussian model, with Gaussian or Bernoulli sensing matrices of O(k) measurements, considerably smaller than the O(k log(N/k)) required by conventional CS based on sparse models, where N is the signal dimension, and with an optimal decoder implemented via linear filtering, significantly faster than the pursuit decoders applied in conventional CS, the error of SCS is shown tightly upper bounded by a constant times the best k-term approximation error, with overwhelming probability. The failure probability is also significantly smaller than that of conventional sparsity-oriented CS. Stronger yet simpler results further show that for any sensing matrix, the error of Gaussian SCS is upper bounded by a constant times the best k-term approximation with probability one, and the bound constant can be efficiently calculated. For Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), that assume multiple Gaussian distributions and that each signal follows one of them with an unknown index, a piecewise linear estimator is introduced to decode SCS. The accuracy of model selection, at the heart of the piecewise linear decoder, is analyzed in terms of the properties of the Gaussian distributions and the number of sensing measurements. A maximum a posteriori expectation-maximization algorithm that iteratively estimates the Gaussian models parameters, the signals model selection, and decodes the signals, is presented for GMM-based SCS. In real image sensing applications, GMM-based SCS is shown to lead to improved results compared to conventional CS, at a considerably lower computational cost.
The VC-Dimension of Queries and Selectivity Estimation Through Sampling
We develop a novel method, based on the statistical concept of the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension, to evaluate the selectivity (output cardinality) of SQL queries - a crucial step in optimizing the execution of large scale database and data-mining operations. The major theoretical contribution of this work, which is of independent interest, is an explicit bound to the VC-dimension of a range space defined by all possible outcomes of a collection (class) of queries. We prove that the VC-dimension is a function of the maximum number of Boolean operations in the selection predicate and of the maximum number of select and join operations in any individual query in the collection, but it is neither a function of the number of queries in the collection nor of the size (number of tuples) of the database. We leverage on this result and develop a method that, given a class of queries, builds a concise random sample of a database, such that with high probability the execution of any query in the class on the sample provides an accurate estimate for the selectivity of the query on the original large database. The error probability holds simultaneously for the selectivity estimates of all queries in the collection, thus the same sample can be used to evaluate the selectivity of multiple queries, and the sample needs to be refreshed only following major changes in the database. The sample representation computed by our method is typically sufficiently small to be stored in main memory. We present extensive experimental results, validating our theoretical analysis and demonstrating the advantage of our technique when compared to complex selectivity estimation techniques used in PostgreSQL and the Microsoft SQL Server.
Spatially-Aware Comparison and Consensus for Clusterings
This paper proposes a new distance metric between clusterings that incorporates information about the spatial distribution of points and clusters. Our approach builds on the idea of a Hilbert space-based representation of clusters as a combination of the representations of their constituent points. We use this representation and the underlying metric to design a spatially-aware consensus clustering procedure. This consensus procedure is implemented via a novel reduction to Euclidean clustering, and is both simple and efficient. All of our results apply to both soft and hard clusterings. We accompany these algorithms with a detailed experimental evaluation that demonstrates the efficiency and quality of our techniques.
Statistical methods for tissue array images - algorithmic scoring and co-training
Recent advances in tissue microarray technology have allowed immunohistochemistry to become a powerful medium-to-high throughput analysis tool, particularly for the validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. However, as study size grows, the manual evaluation of these assays becomes a prohibitive limitation; it vastly reduces throughput and greatly increases variability and expense. We propose an algorithm - Tissue Array Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis (TACOMA) - for quantifying cellular phenotypes based on textural regularity summarized by local inter-pixel relationships. The algorithm can be easily trained for any staining pattern, is absent of sensitive tuning parameters and has the ability to report salient pixels in an image that contribute to its score. Pathologists' input via informative training patches is an important aspect of the algorithm that allows the training for any specific marker or cell type. With co-training, the error rate of TACOMA can be reduced substantially for a very small training sample (e.g., with size 30). We give theoretical insights into the success of co-training via thinning of the feature set in a high-dimensional setting when there is "sufficient" redundancy among the features. TACOMA is flexible, transparent and provides a scoring process that can be evaluated with clarity and confidence. In a study based on an estrogen receptor (ER) marker, we show that TACOMA is comparable to, or outperforms, pathologists' performance in terms of accuracy and repeatability.
EigenNet: A Bayesian hybrid of generative and conditional models for sparse learning
It is a challenging task to select correlated variables in a high dimensional space. To address this challenge, the elastic net has been developed and successfully applied to many applications. Despite its great success, the elastic net does not explicitly use correlation information embedded in data to select correlated variables. To overcome this limitation, we present a novel Bayesian hybrid model, the EigenNet, that uses the eigenstructures of data to guide variable selection. Specifically, it integrates a sparse conditional classification model with a generative model capturing variable correlations in a principled Bayesian framework. We reparameterize the hybrid model in the eigenspace to avoid overfiting and to increase the computational efficiency of its MCMC sampler. Furthermore, we provide an alternative view to the EigenNet from a regularization perspective: the EigenNet has an adaptive eigenspace-based composite regularizer, which naturally generalizes the $l_{1/2}$ regularizer used by the elastic net. Experiments on synthetic and real data show that the EigenNet significantly outperforms the lasso, the elastic net, and the Bayesian lasso in terms of prediction accuracy, especially when the number of training samples is smaller than the number of variables.
Evidence Feed Forward Hidden Markov Model: A New Type of Hidden Markov Model
The ability to predict the intentions of people based solely on their visual actions is a skill only performed by humans and animals. The intelligence of current computer algorithms has not reached this level of complexity, but there are several research efforts that are working towards it. With the number of classification algorithms available, it is hard to determine which algorithm works best for a particular situation. In classification of visual human intent data, Hidden Markov Models (HMM), and their variants, are leading candidates. The inability of HMMs to provide a probability in the observation to observation linkages is a big downfall in this classification technique. If a person is visually identifying an action of another person, they monitor patterns in the observations. By estimating the next observation, people have the ability to summarize the actions, and thus determine, with pretty good accuracy, the intention of the person performing the action. These visual cues and linkages are important in creating intelligent algorithms for determining human actions based on visual observations. The Evidence Feed Forward Hidden Markov Model is a newly developed algorithm which provides observation to observation linkages. The following research addresses the theory behind Evidence Feed Forward HMMs, provides mathematical proofs of their learning of these parameters to optimize the likelihood of observations with a Evidence Feed Forwards HMM, which is important in all computational intelligence algorithm, and gives comparative examples with standard HMMs in classification of both visual action data and measurement data; thus providing a strong base for Evidence Feed Forward HMMs in classification of many types of problems.
Collective Classification of Textual Documents by Guided Self-Organization in T-Cell Cross-Regulation Dynamics
We present and study an agent-based model of T-Cell cross-regulation in the adaptive immune system, which we apply to binary classification. Our method expands an existing analytical model of T-cell cross-regulation (Carneiro et al. in Immunol Rev 216(1):48-68, 2007) that was used to study the self-organizing dynamics of a single population of T-Cells in interaction with an idealized antigen presenting cell capable of presenting a single antigen. With agent-based modeling we are able to study the self-organizing dynamics of multiple populations of distinct T-cells which interact via antigen presenting cells that present hundreds of distinct antigens. Moreover, we show that such self-organizing dynamics can be guided to produce an effective binary classification of antigens, which is competitive with existing machine learning methods when applied to biomedical text classification. More specifically, here we test our model on a dataset of publicly available full-text biomedical articles provided by the BioCreative challenge (Krallinger in The biocreative ii. 5 challenge overview, p 19, 2009). We study the robustness of our model's parameter configurations, and show that it leads to encouraging results comparable to state-of-the-art classifiers. Our results help us understand both T-cell cross-regulation as a general principle of guided self-organization, as well as its applicability to document classification. Therefore, we show that our bio-inspired algorithm is a promising novel method for biomedical article classification and for binary document classification in general.
Phase transition in the detection of modules in sparse networks
We present an asymptotically exact analysis of the problem of detecting communities in sparse random networks. Our results are also applicable to detection of functional modules, partitions, and colorings in noisy planted models. Using a cavity method analysis, we unveil a phase transition from a region where the original group assignment is undetectable to one where detection is possible. In some cases, the detectable region splits into an algorithmically hard region and an easy one. Our approach naturally translates into a practical algorithm for detecting modules in sparse networks, and learning the parameters of the underlying model.
Refinement of Operator-valued Reproducing Kernels
This paper studies the construction of a refinement kernel for a given operator-valued reproducing kernel such that the vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert space of the refinement kernel contains that of the given one as a subspace. The study is motivated from the need of updating the current operator-valued reproducing kernel in multi-task learning when underfitting or overfitting occurs. Numerical simulations confirm that the established refinement kernel method is able to meet this need. Various characterizations are provided based on feature maps and vector-valued integral representations of operator-valued reproducing kernels. Concrete examples of refining translation invariant and finite Hilbert-Schmidt operator-valued reproducing kernels are provided. Other examples include refinement of Hessian of scalar-valued translation-invariant kernels and transformation kernels. Existence and properties of operator-valued reproducing kernels preserved during the refinement process are also investigated.
An Introduction to Artificial Prediction Markets for Classification
Prediction markets are used in real life to predict outcomes of interest such as presidential elections. This paper presents a mathematical theory of artificial prediction markets for supervised learning of conditional probability estimators. The artificial prediction market is a novel method for fusing the prediction information of features or trained classifiers, where the fusion result is the contract price on the possible outcomes. The market can be trained online by updating the participants' budgets using training examples. Inspired by the real prediction markets, the equations that govern the market are derived from simple and reasonable assumptions. Efficient numerical algorithms are presented for solving these equations. The obtained artificial prediction market is shown to be a maximum likelihood estimator. It generalizes linear aggregation, existent in boosting and random forest, as well as logistic regression and some kernel methods. Furthermore, the market mechanism allows the aggregation of specialized classifiers that participate only on specific instances. Experimental comparisons show that the artificial prediction markets often outperform random forest and implicit online learning on synthetic data and real UCI datasets. Moreover, an extensive evaluation for pelvic and abdominal lymph node detection in CT data shows that the prediction market improves adaboost's detection rate from 79.6% to 81.2% at 3 false positives/volume.
From Machine Learning to Machine Reasoning
A plausible definition of "reasoning" could be "algebraically manipulating previously acquired knowledge in order to answer a new question". This definition covers first-order logical inference or probabilistic inference. It also includes much simpler manipulations commonly used to build large learning systems. For instance, we can build an optical character recognition system by first training a character segmenter, an isolated character recognizer, and a language model, using appropriate labeled training sets. Adequately concatenating these modules and fine tuning the resulting system can be viewed as an algebraic operation in a space of models. The resulting model answers a new question, that is, converting the image of a text page into a computer readable text. This observation suggests a conceptual continuity between algebraically rich inference systems, such as logical or probabilistic inference, and simple manipulations, such as the mere concatenation of trainable learning systems. Therefore, instead of trying to bridge the gap between machine learning systems and sophisticated "all-purpose" inference mechanisms, we can instead algebraically enrich the set of manipulations applicable to training systems, and build reasoning capabilities from the ground up.
Universal Learning Theory
This encyclopedic article gives a mini-introduction into the theory of universal learning, founded by Ray Solomonoff in the 1960s and significantly developed and extended in the last decade. It explains the spirit of universal learning, but necessarily glosses over technical subtleties.