Unnamed: 0.1
Unnamed: 0
COGMEN: COntextualized GNN based Multimodal Emotion recognitioN
Emotions are an inherent part of human interactions, and consequently, it is imperative to develop AI systems that understand and recognize human emotions. During a conversation involving various people, a person's emotions are influenced by the other speaker's utterances and their own emotional state over the utterances. In this paper, we propose COntextualized Graph Neural Network based Multimodal Emotion recognitioN (COGMEN) system that leverages local information (i.e., inter/intra dependency between speakers) and global information (context). The proposed model uses Graph Neural Network (GNN) based architecture to model the complex dependencies (local and global information) in a conversation. Our model gives state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on IEMOCAP and MOSEI datasets, and detailed ablation experiments show the importance of modeling information at both levels.
Assistive Recipe Editing through Critiquing
There has recently been growing interest in the automatic generation of cooking recipes that satisfy some form of dietary restrictions, thanks in part to the availability of online recipe data. Prior studies have used pre-trained language models, or relied on small paired recipe data (e.g., a recipe paired with a similar one that satisfies a dietary constraint). However, pre-trained language models generate inconsistent or incoherent recipes, and paired datasets are not available at scale. We address these deficiencies with RecipeCrit, a hierarchical denoising auto-encoder that edits recipes given ingredient-level critiques. The model is trained for recipe completion to learn semantic relationships within recipes. Our work's main innovation is our unsupervised critiquing module that allows users to edit recipes by interacting with the predicted ingredients; the system iteratively rewrites recipes to satisfy users' feedback. Experiments on the Recipe1M recipe dataset show that our model can more effectively edit recipes compared to strong language-modeling baselines, creating recipes that satisfy user constraints and are more correct, serendipitous, coherent, and relevant as measured by human judges.
Learning to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems: A Survey
This paper provides a systematic overview of machine learning methods applied to solve NP-hard Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). Recently, there has been a great interest from both machine learning and operations research communities to solve VRPs either by pure learning methods or by combining them with the traditional hand-crafted heuristics. We present the taxonomy of the studies for learning paradigms, solution structures, underlying models, and algorithms. We present in detail the results of the state-of-the-art methods demonstrating their competitiveness with the traditional methods. The paper outlines the future research directions to incorporate learning-based solutions to overcome the challenges of modern transportation systems.
Pessimism meets VCG: Learning Dynamic Mechanism Design via Offline Reinforcement Learning
Dynamic mechanism design has garnered significant attention from both computer scientists and economists in recent years. By allowing agents to interact with the seller over multiple rounds, where agents' reward functions may change with time and are state-dependent, the framework is able to model a rich class of real-world problems. In these works, the interaction between agents and sellers is often assumed to follow a Markov Decision Process (MDP). We focus on the setting where the reward and transition functions of such an MDP are not known a priori, and we are attempting to recover the optimal mechanism using an a priori collected data set. In the setting where the function approximation is employed to handle large state spaces, with only mild assumptions on the expressiveness of the function class, we are able to design a dynamic mechanism using offline reinforcement learning algorithms. Moreover, learned mechanisms approximately have three key desiderata: efficiency, individual rationality, and truthfulness. Our algorithm is based on the pessimism principle and only requires a mild assumption on the coverage of the offline data set. To the best of our knowledge, our work provides the first offline RL algorithm for dynamic mechanism design without assuming uniform coverage.
A Deep Learning Approach to Dst Index Prediction
The disturbance storm time (Dst) index is an important and useful measurement in space weather research. It has been used to characterize the size and intensity of a geomagnetic storm. A negative Dst value means that the Earth's magnetic field is weakened, which happens during storms. In this paper, we present a novel deep learning method, called the Dst Transformer, to perform short-term, 1-6 hour ahead, forecasting of the Dst index based on the solar wind parameters provided by the NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive. The Dst Transformer combines a multi-head attention layer with Bayesian inference, which is capable of quantifying both aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty when making Dst predictions. Experimental results show that the proposed Dst Transformer outperforms related machine learning methods in terms of the root mean square error and R-squared. Furthermore, the Dst Transformer can produce both data and model uncertainty quantification results, which can not be done by the existing methods. To our knowledge, this is the first time that Bayesian deep learning has been used for Dst index forecasting.
Multi-Graph based Multi-Scenario Recommendation in Large-scale Online Video Services
Recently, industrial recommendation services have been boosted by the continual upgrade of deep learning methods. However, they still face de-biasing challenges such as exposure bias and cold-start problem, where circulations of machine learning training on human interaction history leads algorithms to repeatedly suggest exposed items while ignoring less-active ones. Additional problems exist in multi-scenario platforms, e.g. appropriate data fusion from subsidiary scenarios, which we observe could be alleviated through graph structured data integration via message passing. In this paper, we present a multi-graph structured multi-scenario recommendation solution, which encapsulates interaction data across scenarios with multi-graph and obtains representation via graph learning. Extensive offline and online experiments on real-world datasets are conducted where the proposed method demonstrates an increase of 0.63% and 0.71% in CTR and Video Views per capita on new users over deployed set of baselines and outperforms regular method in increasing the number of outer-scenario videos by 25% and video watches by 116%, validating its superiority in activating cold videos and enriching target recommendation.
DeepExtrema: A Deep Learning Approach for Forecasting Block Maxima in Time Series Data
Accurate forecasting of extreme values in time series is critical due to the significant impact of extreme events on human and natural systems. This paper presents DeepExtrema, a novel framework that combines a deep neural network (DNN) with generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution to forecast the block maximum value of a time series. Implementing such a network is a challenge as the framework must preserve the inter-dependent constraints among the GEV model parameters even when the DNN is initialized. We describe our approach to address this challenge and present an architecture that enables both conditional mean and quantile prediction of the block maxima. The extensive experiments performed on both real-world and synthetic data demonstrated the superiority of DeepExtrema compared to other baseline methods.
Uncertainty Minimization for Personalized Federated Semi-Supervised Learning
Since federated learning (FL) has been introduced as a decentralized learning technique with privacy preservation, statistical heterogeneity of distributed data stays the main obstacle to achieve robust performance and stable convergence in FL applications. Model personalization methods have been studied to overcome this problem. However, existing approaches are mainly under the prerequisite of fully labeled data, which is unrealistic in practice due to the requirement of expertise. The primary issue caused by partial-labeled condition is that, clients with deficient labeled data can suffer from unfair performance gain because they lack adequate insights of local distribution to customize the global model. To tackle this problem, 1) we propose a novel personalized semi-supervised learning paradigm which allows partial-labeled or unlabeled clients to seek labeling assistance from data-related clients (helper agents), thus to enhance their perception of local data; 2) based on this paradigm, we design an uncertainty-based data-relation metric to ensure that selected helpers can provide trustworthy pseudo labels instead of misleading the local training; 3) to mitigate the network overload introduced by helper searching, we further develop a helper selection protocol to achieve efficient communication with negligible performance sacrifice. Experiments show that our proposed method can obtain superior performance and more stable convergence than other related works with partial labeled data, especially in highly heterogeneous setting.
Demystifying the Data Need of ML-surrogates for CFD Simulations
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, a critical tool in various engineering applications, often require significant time and compute power to predict flow properties. The high computational cost associated with CFD simulations significantly restricts the scope of design space exploration and limits their use in planning and operational control. To address this issue, machine learning (ML) based surrogate models have been proposed as a computationally efficient tool to accelerate CFD simulations. However, a lack of clarity about CFD data requirements often challenges the widespread adoption of ML-based surrogates among design engineers and CFD practitioners. In this work, we propose an ML-based surrogate model to predict the temperature distribution inside the cabin of a passenger vehicle under various operating conditions and use it to demonstrate the trade-off between prediction performance and training dataset size. Our results show that the prediction accuracy is high and stable even when the training size is gradually reduced from 2000 to 200. The ML-based surrogates also reduce the compute time from ~30 minutes to around ~9 milliseconds. Moreover, even when only 50 CFD simulations are used for training, the temperature trend (e.g., locations of hot/cold regions) predicted by the ML-surrogate matches quite well with the results from CFD simulations.
FAITH: Few-Shot Graph Classification with Hierarchical Task Graphs
Few-shot graph classification aims at predicting classes for graphs, given limited labeled graphs for each class. To tackle the bottleneck of label scarcity, recent works propose to incorporate few-shot learning frameworks for fast adaptations to graph classes with limited labeled graphs. Specifically, these works propose to accumulate meta-knowledge across diverse meta-training tasks, and then generalize such meta-knowledge to the target task with a disjoint label set. However, existing methods generally ignore task correlations among meta-training tasks while treating them independently. Nevertheless, such task correlations can advance the model generalization to the target task for better classification performance. On the other hand, it remains non-trivial to utilize task correlations due to the complex components in a large number of meta-training tasks. To deal with this, we propose a novel few-shot learning framework FAITH that captures task correlations via constructing a hierarchical task graph at different granularities. Then we further design a loss-based sampling strategy to select tasks with more correlated classes. Moreover, a task-specific classifier is proposed to utilize the learned task correlations for few-shot classification. Extensive experiments on four prevalent few-shot graph classification datasets demonstrate the superiority of FAITH over other state-of-the-art baselines.
Generative Adversarial Network Based Synthetic Learning and a Novel Domain Relevant Loss Term for Spine Radiographs
Problem: There is a lack of big data for the training of deep learning models in medicine, characterized by the time cost of data collection and privacy concerns. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) offer both the potential to generate new data, as well as to use this newly generated data, without inclusion of patients' real data, for downstream applications. Approach: A series of GANs were trained and applied for a downstream computer vision spine radiograph abnormality classification task. Separate classifiers were trained with either access or no access to the original imaging. Trained GANs included a conditional StyleGAN2 with adaptive discriminator augmentation, a conditional StyleGAN2 with adaptive discriminator augmentation to generate spine radiographs conditional on lesion type, and using a novel clinical loss term for the generator a StyleGAN2 with adaptive discriminator augmentation conditional on abnormality (SpineGAN). Finally, a differential privacy imposed StyleGAN2 with adaptive discriminator augmentation conditional on abnormality was trained and an ablation study was performed on its differential privacy impositions. Key Results: We accomplish GAN generation of synthetic spine radiographs without meaningful input for the first time from a literature review. We further demonstrate the success of synthetic learning for the spine domain with a downstream clinical classification task (AUC of 0.830 using synthetic data compared to AUC of 0.886 using the real data). Importantly, the introduction of a new clinical loss term for the generator was found to increase generation recall as well as accelerate model training. Lastly, we demonstrate that, in a limited size medical dataset, differential privacy impositions severely impede GAN training, finding that this is specifically due to the requirement for gradient perturbation with noise.
Understanding Transfer Learning for Chest Radiograph Clinical Report Generation with Modified Transformer Architectures
The image captioning task is increasingly prevalent in artificial intelligence applications for medicine. One important application is clinical report generation from chest radiographs. The clinical writing of unstructured reports is time consuming and error-prone. An automated system would improve standardization, error reduction, time consumption, and medical accessibility. In this paper we demonstrate the importance of domain specific pre-training and propose a modified transformer architecture for the medical image captioning task. To accomplish this, we train a series of modified transformers to generate clinical reports from chest radiograph image input. These modified transformers include: a meshed-memory augmented transformer architecture with visual extractor using ImageNet pre-trained weights, a meshed-memory augmented transformer architecture with visual extractor using CheXpert pre-trained weights, and a meshed-memory augmented transformer whose encoder is passed the concatenated embeddings using both ImageNet pre-trained weights and CheXpert pre-trained weights. We use BLEU(1-4), ROUGE-L, CIDEr, and the clinical CheXbert F1 scores to validate our models and demonstrate competitive scores with state of the art models. We provide evidence that ImageNet pre-training is ill-suited for the medical image captioning task, especially for less frequent conditions (eg: enlarged cardiomediastinum, lung lesion, pneumothorax). Furthermore, we demonstrate that the double feature model improves performance for specific medical conditions (edema, consolidation, pneumothorax, support devices) and overall CheXbert F1 score, and should be further developed in future work. Such a double feature model, including both ImageNet pre-training as well as domain specific pre-training, could be used in a wide range of image captioning models in medicine.
Subverting Fair Image Search with Generative Adversarial Perturbations
In this work we explore the intersection fairness and robustness in the context of ranking: when a ranking model has been calibrated to achieve some definition of fairness, is it possible for an external adversary to make the ranking model behave unfairly without having access to the model or training data? To investigate this question, we present a case study in which we develop and then attack a state-of-the-art, fairness-aware image search engine using images that have been maliciously modified using a Generative Adversarial Perturbation (GAP) model. These perturbations attempt to cause the fair re-ranking algorithm to unfairly boost the rank of images containing people from an adversary-selected subpopulation. We present results from extensive experiments demonstrating that our attacks can successfully confer significant unfair advantage to people from the majority class relative to fairly-ranked baseline search results. We demonstrate that our attacks are robust across a number of variables, that they have close to zero impact on the relevance of search results, and that they succeed under a strict threat model. Our findings highlight the danger of deploying fair machine learning algorithms in-the-wild when (1) the data necessary to achieve fairness may be adversarially manipulated, and (2) the models themselves are not robust against attacks.
Sequential Importance Sampling for Hybrid Model Bayesian Inference to Support Bioprocess Mechanism Learning and Robust Control
Driven by the critical needs of biomanufacturing 4.0, we introduce a probabilistic knowledge graph hybrid model characterizing the risk- and science-based understanding of bioprocess mechanisms. It can faithfully capture the important properties, including nonlinear reactions, partially observed state, and nonstationary dynamics. Given very limited real process observations, we derive a posterior distribution quantifying model estimation uncertainty. To avoid the evaluation of intractable likelihoods, Approximate Bayesian Computation sampling with Sequential Monte Carlo (ABC-SMC) is utilized to approximate the posterior distribution. Under high stochastic and model uncertainties, it is computationally expensive to match output trajectories. Therefore, we create a linear Gaussian dynamic Bayesian network (LG-DBN) auxiliary likelihood-based ABC-SMC approach. Through matching the summary statistics driven through LG-DBN likelihood that can capture critical interactions and variations, the proposed algorithm can accelerate hybrid model inference, support process monitoring, and facilitate mechanism learning and robust control.
Dangling-Aware Entity Alignment with Mixed High-Order Proximities
We study dangling-aware entity alignment in knowledge graphs (KGs), which is an underexplored but important problem. As different KGs are naturally constructed by different sets of entities, a KG commonly contains some dangling entities that cannot find counterparts in other KGs. Therefore, dangling-aware entity alignment is more realistic than the conventional entity alignment where prior studies simply ignore dangling entities. We propose a framework using mixed high-order proximities on dangling-aware entity alignment. Our framework utilizes both the local high-order proximity in a nearest neighbor subgraph and the global high-order proximity in an embedding space for both dangling detection and entity alignment. Extensive experiments with two evaluation settings shows that our framework more precisely detects dangling entities, and better aligns matchable entities. Further investigations demonstrate that our framework can mitigate the hubness problem on dangling-aware entity alignment.
Spot-adaptive Knowledge Distillation
Knowledge distillation (KD) has become a well established paradigm for compressing deep neural networks. The typical way of conducting knowledge distillation is to train the student network under the supervision of the teacher network to harness the knowledge at one or multiple spots (i.e., layers) in the teacher network. The distillation spots, once specified, will not change for all the training samples, throughout the whole distillation process. In this work, we argue that distillation spots should be adaptive to training samples and distillation epochs. We thus propose a new distillation strategy, termed spot-adaptive KD (SAKD), to adaptively determine the distillation spots in the teacher network per sample, at every training iteration during the whole distillation period. As SAKD actually focuses on "where to distill" instead of "what to distill" that is widely investigated by most existing works, it can be seamlessly integrated into existing distillation methods to further improve their performance. Extensive experiments with 10 state-of-the-art distillers are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of SAKD for improving their distillation performance, under both homogeneous and heterogeneous distillation settings. Code is available at https://github.com/zju-vipa/spot-adaptive-pytorch
Compressive Ptychography using Deep Image and Generative Priors
Ptychography is a well-established coherent diffraction imaging technique that enables non-invasive imaging of samples at a nanometer scale. It has been extensively used in various areas such as the defense industry or materials science. One major limitation of ptychography is the long data acquisition time due to mechanical scanning of the sample; therefore, approaches to reduce the scan points are highly desired. However, reconstructions with less number of scan points lead to imaging artifacts and significant distortions, hindering a quantitative evaluation of the results. To address this bottleneck, we propose a generative model combining deep image priors with deep generative priors. The self-training approach optimizes the deep generative neural network to create a solution for a given dataset. We complement our approach with a prior acquired from a previously trained discriminator network to avoid a possible divergence from the desired output caused by the noise in the measurements. We also suggest using the total variation as a complementary before combat artifacts due to measurement noise. We analyze our approach with numerical experiments through different probe overlap percentages and varying noise levels. We also demonstrate improved reconstruction accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art method and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of our approach.
Optimising Equal Opportunity Fairness in Model Training
Real-world datasets often encode stereotypes and societal biases. Such biases can be implicitly captured by trained models, leading to biased predictions and exacerbating existing societal preconceptions. Existing debiasing methods, such as adversarial training and removing protected information from representations, have been shown to reduce bias. However, a disconnect between fairness criteria and training objectives makes it difficult to reason theoretically about the effectiveness of different techniques. In this work, we propose two novel training objectives which directly optimise for the widely-used criterion of {\it equal opportunity}, and show that they are effective in reducing bias while maintaining high performance over two classification tasks.
Uncertainty-Based Non-Parametric Active Peak Detection
Active, non-parametric peak detection is considered. As a use case, active source localization is examined and an uncertainty-based sampling scheme algorithm to effectively localize the peak from a few energy measurements is designed. It is shown that under very mild conditions, the source localization error with $m$ actively chosen energy measurements scales as $O(\log^2 m/m)$. Numerically, it is shown that in low-sample regimes, the proposed method enjoys superior performance on several types of data and outperforms the state-of-the-art passive source localization approaches and in the low sample regime, can outperform greedy methods as well.
Response Component Analysis for Sea State Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks and Vessel Response Spectral Data
The use of the `ship as a wave buoy analogy' (SAWB) provides a novel means to estimate sea states, where relationships are established between causal wave properties and vessel motion response information. This study focuses on a model-free machine learning approach to SAWB-based sea state estimation (SSE), using neural networks (NNs) to map vessel response spectral data to statistical wave properties. Results showed a strong correlation between heave responses and significant wave height estimates, whilst the accuracy of mean wave period and wave heading predictions were observed to improve considerably when data from multiple vessel degrees of freedom (DOFs) was utilized. Overall, 3-DOF (heave, pitch and roll) NNs for SSE were shown to perform well when compared to existing SSE approaches that use similar simulation setups. Given the information-dense statistical representation of vessel motion responses in spectral form, as well as the ability of NNs to effectively model complex relationships between variables, the designed SSE method shows promise for future adaptation to mobile SSE systems using the SAWB approach.
KenSwQuAD -- A Question Answering Dataset for Swahili Low Resource Language
This research developed a Kencorpus Swahili Question Answering Dataset KenSwQuAD from raw data of Swahili language, which is a low resource language predominantly spoken in Eastern African and also has speakers in other parts of the world. Question Answering datasets are important for machine comprehension of natural language processing tasks such as internet search and dialog systems. However, before such machine learning systems can perform these tasks, they need training data such as the gold standard Question Answering (QA) set that is developed in this research. The research engaged annotators to formulate question answer pairs from Swahili texts that had been collected by the Kencorpus project, a Kenyan languages corpus that collected data from three Kenyan languages. The total Swahili data collection had 2,585 texts, out of which we annotated 1,445 story texts with at least 5 QA pairs each, resulting into a final dataset of 7,526 QA pairs. A quality assurance set of 12.5% of the annotated texts was subjected to re-evaluation by different annotators who confirmed that the QA pairs were all correctly annotated. A proof of concept on applying the set to machine learning on the question answering task confirmed that the dataset can be used for such practical tasks. The research therefore developed KenSwQuAD, a question-answer dataset for Swahili that is useful to the natural language processing community who need training and gold standard sets for their machine learning applications. The research also contributed to the resourcing of the Swahili language which is important for communication around the globe. Updating this set and providing similar sets for other low resource languages is an important research area that is worthy of further research.
GitRank: A Framework to Rank GitHub Repositories
Open-source repositories provide wealth of information and are increasingly being used to build artificial intelligence (AI) based systems to solve problems in software engineering. Open-source repositories could be of varying quality levels, and bad-quality repositories could degrade performance of these systems. Evaluating quality of open-source repositories, which is not available directly on code hosting sites such as GitHub, is thus important. In this hackathon, we utilize known code quality measures and GrimoireLab toolkit to implement a framework, named GitRank, to rank open-source repositories on three different criteria. We discuss our findings and preliminary evaluation in this hackathon report.
FedSPLIT: One-Shot Federated Recommendation System Based on Non-negative Joint Matrix Factorization and Knowledge Distillation
Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) with missing-value completion is a well-known effective Collaborative Filtering (CF) method used to provide personalized user recommendations. However, traditional CF relies on the privacy-invasive collection of users' explicit and implicit feedback to build a central recommender model. One-shot federated learning has recently emerged as a method to mitigate the privacy problem while addressing the traditional communication bottleneck of federated learning. In this paper, we present the first unsupervised one-shot federated CF implementation, named FedSPLIT, based on NMF joint factorization. In our solution, the clients first apply local CF in-parallel to build distinct client-specific recommenders. Then, the privacy-preserving local item patterns and biases from each client are shared with the processor to perform joint factorization in order to extract the global item patterns. Extracted patterns are then aggregated to each client to build the local models via knowledge distillation. In our experiments, we demonstrate the feasibility of our approach with standard recommendation datasets. FedSPLIT can obtain similar results than the state of the art (and even outperform it in certain situations) with a substantial decrease in the number of communications.
Convolutional and Residual Networks Provably Contain Lottery Tickets
The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis continues to have a profound practical impact on the quest for small scale deep neural networks that solve modern deep learning tasks at competitive performance. These lottery tickets are identified by pruning large randomly initialized neural networks with architectures that are as diverse as their applications. Yet, theoretical insights that attest their existence have been mostly focused on deep fully-connected feed forward networks with ReLU activation functions. We prove that also modern architectures consisting of convolutional and residual layers that can be equipped with almost arbitrary activation functions can contain lottery tickets with high probability.
Knowledge Distillation of Russian Language Models with Reduction of Vocabulary
Today, transformer language models serve as a core component for majority of natural language processing tasks. Industrial application of such models requires minimization of computation time and memory footprint. Knowledge distillation is one of approaches to address this goal. Existing methods in this field are mainly focused on reducing the number of layers or dimension of embeddings/hidden representations. Alternative option is to reduce the number of tokens in vocabulary and therefore the embeddings matrix of the student model. The main problem with vocabulary minimization is mismatch between input sequences and output class distributions of a teacher and a student models. As a result, it is impossible to directly apply KL-based knowledge distillation. We propose two simple yet effective alignment techniques to make knowledge distillation to the students with reduced vocabulary. Evaluation of distilled models on a number of common benchmarks for Russian such as Russian SuperGLUE, SberQuAD, RuSentiment, ParaPhaser, Collection-3 demonstrated that our techniques allow to achieve compression from $17\times$ to $49\times$, while maintaining quality of $1.7\times$ compressed student with the full-sized vocabulary, but reduced number of Transformer layers only. We make our code and distilled models available.
Equity and Fairness of Bayesian Knowledge Tracing
We consider the equity and fairness of curricula derived from Knowledge Tracing models. We begin by defining a unifying notion of an equitable tutoring system as a system that achieves maximum possible knowledge in minimal time for each student interacting with it. Realizing perfect equity requires tutoring systems that can provide individualized curricula per student. In particular, we investigate the design of equitable tutoring systems that derive their curricula from Knowledge Tracing models. We first show that many existing models, including classical Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) and Deep Knowledge Tracing (DKT), and their derived curricula can fall short of achieving equitable tutoring. To overcome this issue, we then propose a novel model, Bayesian-Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BBKT), that naturally enables online individualization and, thereby, more equitable tutoring. We demonstrate that curricula derived from our model are more effective and equitable than those derived from classical BKT models. Furthermore, we highlight that improving models with a focus on the fairness of next-step predictions might be insufficient to develop equitable tutoring systems.
Learning Individual Interactions from Population Dynamics with Discrete-Event Simulation Model
The abundance of data affords researchers to pursue more powerful computational tools to learn the dynamics of complex system, such as neural networks, engineered systems and social networks. Traditional machine learning approaches capture complex system dynamics either with dynamic Bayesian networks and state space models, which is hard to scale because it is non-trivial to prescribe the dynamics with a sparse graph or a system of differential equations; or a deep neural networks, where the distributed representation of the learned dynamics is hard to interpret. In this paper, we will explore the possibility of learning a discrete-event simulation representation of complex system dynamics assuming multivariate normal distribution of the state variables, based on the observation that many complex system dynamics can be decomposed into a sequence of local interactions, which individually change the system state only minimally but in sequence generate complex and diverse dynamics. Our results show that the algorithm can data-efficiently capture complex network dynamics in several fields with meaningful events.
Second-Order Sensitivity Analysis for Bilevel Optimization
In this work we derive a second-order approach to bilevel optimization, a type of mathematical programming in which the solution to a parameterized optimization problem (the "lower" problem) is itself to be optimized (in the "upper" problem) as a function of the parameters. Many existing approaches to bilevel optimization employ first-order sensitivity analysis, based on the implicit function theorem (IFT), for the lower problem to derive a gradient of the lower problem solution with respect to its parameters; this IFT gradient is then used in a first-order optimization method for the upper problem. This paper extends this sensitivity analysis to provide second-order derivative information of the lower problem (which we call the IFT Hessian), enabling the usage of faster-converging second-order optimization methods at the upper level. Our analysis shows that (i) much of the computation already used to produce the IFT gradient can be reused for the IFT Hessian, (ii) errors bounds derived for the IFT gradient readily apply to the IFT Hessian, (iii) computing IFT Hessians can significantly reduce overall computation by extracting more information from each lower level solve. We corroborate our findings and demonstrate the broad range of applications of our method by applying it to problem instances of least squares hyperparameter auto-tuning, multi-class SVM auto-tuning, and inverse optimal control.
Most Activation Functions Can Win the Lottery Without Excessive Depth
The strong lottery ticket hypothesis has highlighted the potential for training deep neural networks by pruning, which has inspired interesting practical and theoretical insights into how neural networks can represent functions. For networks with ReLU activation functions, it has been proven that a target network with depth $L$ can be approximated by the subnetwork of a randomly initialized neural network that has double the target's depth $2L$ and is wider by a logarithmic factor. We show that a depth $L+1$ network is sufficient. This result indicates that we can expect to find lottery tickets at realistic, commonly used depths while only requiring logarithmic overparametrization. Our novel construction approach applies to a large class of activation functions and is not limited to ReLUs.
Language Models in the Loop: Incorporating Prompting into Weak Supervision
We propose a new strategy for applying large pre-trained language models to novel tasks when labeled training data is limited. Rather than apply the model in a typical zero-shot or few-shot fashion, we treat the model as the basis for labeling functions in a weak supervision framework. To create a classifier, we first prompt the model to answer multiple distinct queries about an example and define how the possible responses should be mapped to votes for labels and abstentions. We then denoise these noisy label sources using the Snorkel system and train an end classifier with the resulting training data. Our experimental evaluation shows that prompting large language models within a weak supervision framework can provide significant gains in accuracy. On the WRENCH weak supervision benchmark, this approach can significantly improve over zero-shot performance, an average 19.5% reduction in errors. We also find that this approach produces classifiers with comparable or superior accuracy to those trained from hand-engineered rules.
GRU-TV: Time- and velocity-aware GRU for patient representation on multivariate clinical time-series data
Electronic health records (EHRs) provide a rich repository to track a patient's health status. EHRs seek to fully document the patient's physiological status, and include data that is is high dimensional, heterogeneous, and multimodal. The significant differences in the sampling frequency of clinical variables can result in high missing rates and uneven time intervals between adjacent records in the multivariate clinical time-series data extracted from EHRs. Current studies using clinical time-series data for patient characterization view the patient's physiological status as a discrete process described by sporadically collected values, while the dynamics in patient's physiological status are time-continuous. In addition, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) models widely used for patient representation learning lack the perception of time intervals and velocity, which limits the ability of the model to represent the physiological status of the patient. In this paper, we propose an improved gated recurrent unit (GRU), namely time- and velocity-aware GRU (GRU-TV), for patient representation learning of clinical multivariate time-series data in a time-continuous manner. In proposed GRU-TV, the neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and velocity perception mechanism are used to perceive the time interval between records in the time-series data and changing rate of the patient's physiological status, respectively. Experimental results on two real-world clinical EHR datasets(PhysioNet2012, MIMIC-III) show that GRU-TV achieve state-of-the-art performance in computer aided diagnosis (CAD) tasks, and is more advantageous in processing sampled data.
Machine Learning Operations (MLOps): Overview, Definition, and Architecture
The final goal of all industrial machine learning (ML) projects is to develop ML products and rapidly bring them into production. However, it is highly challenging to automate and operationalize ML products and thus many ML endeavors fail to deliver on their expectations. The paradigm of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) addresses this issue. MLOps includes several aspects, such as best practices, sets of concepts, and development culture. However, MLOps is still a vague term and its consequences for researchers and professionals are ambiguous. To address this gap, we conduct mixed-method research, including a literature review, a tool review, and expert interviews. As a result of these investigations, we provide an aggregated overview of the necessary principles, components, and roles, as well as the associated architecture and workflows. Furthermore, we furnish a definition of MLOps and highlight open challenges in the field. Finally, this work provides guidance for ML researchers and practitioners who want to automate and operate their ML products with a designated set of technologies.
Original or Translated? A Causal Analysis of the Impact of Translationese on Machine Translation Performance
Human-translated text displays distinct features from naturally written text in the same language. This phenomena, known as translationese, has been argued to confound the machine translation (MT) evaluation. Yet, we find that existing work on translationese neglects some important factors and the conclusions are mostly correlational but not causal. In this work, we collect CausalMT, a dataset where the MT training data are also labeled with the human translation directions. We inspect two critical factors, the train-test direction match (whether the human translation directions in the training and test sets are aligned), and data-model direction match (whether the model learns in the same direction as the human translation direction in the dataset). We show that these two factors have a large causal effect on the MT performance, in addition to the test-model direction mismatch highlighted by existing work on the impact of translationese. In light of our findings, we provide a set of suggestions for MT training and evaluation. Our code and data are at https://github.com/EdisonNi-hku/CausalMT
pyRDF2Vec: A Python Implementation and Extension of RDF2Vec
This paper introduces pyRDF2Vec, a Python software package that reimplements the well-known RDF2Vec algorithm along with several of its extensions. By making the algorithm available in the most popular data science language, and by bundling all extensions into a single place, the use of RDF2Vec is simplified for data scientists. The package is released under a MIT license and structured in such a way to foster further research into sampling, walking, and embedding strategies, which are vital components of the RDF2Vec algorithm. Several optimisations have been implemented in \texttt{pyRDF2Vec} that allow for more efficient walk extraction than the original algorithm. Furthermore, best practices in terms of code styling, testing, and documentation were applied such that the package is future-proof as well as to facilitate external contributions.
DeepBayes -- an estimator for parameter estimation in stochastic nonlinear dynamical models
Stochastic nonlinear dynamical systems are ubiquitous in modern, real-world applications. Yet, estimating the unknown parameters of stochastic, nonlinear dynamical models remains a challenging problem. The majority of existing methods employ maximum likelihood or Bayesian estimation. However, these methods suffer from some limitations, most notably the substantial computational time for inference coupled with limited flexibility in application. In this work, we propose DeepBayes estimators that leverage the power of deep recurrent neural networks in learning an estimator. The method consists of first training a recurrent neural network to minimize the mean-squared estimation error over a set of synthetically generated data using models drawn from the model set of interest. The a priori trained estimator can then be used directly for inference by evaluating the network with the estimation data. The deep recurrent neural network architectures can be trained offline and ensure significant time savings during inference. We experiment with two popular recurrent neural networks -- long short term memory network (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU). We demonstrate the applicability of our proposed method on different example models and perform detailed comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches. We also provide a study on a real-world nonlinear benchmark problem. The experimental evaluations show that the proposed approach is asymptotically as good as the Bayes estimator.
Group-Invariant Quantum Machine Learning
Quantum Machine Learning (QML) models are aimed at learning from data encoded in quantum states. Recently, it has been shown that models with little to no inductive biases (i.e., with no assumptions about the problem embedded in the model) are likely to have trainability and generalization issues, especially for large problem sizes. As such, it is fundamental to develop schemes that encode as much information as available about the problem at hand. In this work we present a simple, yet powerful, framework where the underlying invariances in the data are used to build QML models that, by construction, respect those symmetries. These so-called group-invariant models produce outputs that remain invariant under the action of any element of the symmetry group $\mathfrak{G}$ associated to the dataset. We present theoretical results underpinning the design of $\mathfrak{G}$-invariant models, and exemplify their application through several paradigmatic QML classification tasks including cases when $\mathfrak{G}$ is a continuous Lie group and also when it is a discrete symmetry group. Notably, our framework allows us to recover, in an elegant way, several well known algorithms for the literature, as well as to discover new ones. Taken together, we expect that our results will help pave the way towards a more geometric and group-theoretic approach to QML model design.
Multivariate Prediction Intervals for Random Forests
Accurate uncertainty estimates can significantly improve the performance of iterative design of experiments, as in Sequential and Reinforcement learning. For many such problems in engineering and the physical sciences, the design task depends on multiple correlated model outputs as objectives and/or constraints. To better solve these problems, we propose a recalibrated bootstrap method to generate multivariate prediction intervals for bagged models and show that it is well-calibrated. We apply the recalibrated bootstrap to a simulated sequential learning problem with multiple objectives and show that it leads to a marked decrease in the number of iterations required to find a satisfactory candidate. This indicates that the recalibrated bootstrap could be a valuable tool for practitioners using machine learning to optimize systems with multiple competing targets.
FEDNEST: Federated Bilevel, Minimax, and Compositional Optimization
Standard federated optimization methods successfully apply to stochastic problems with single-level structure. However, many contemporary ML problems -- including adversarial robustness, hyperparameter tuning, and actor-critic -- fall under nested bilevel programming that subsumes minimax and compositional optimization. In this work, we propose FEDNEST: A federated alternating stochastic gradient method to address general nested problems. We establish provable convergence rates for FEDNEST in the presence of heterogeneous data and introduce variations for bilevel, minimax, and compositional optimization. FEDNEST introduces multiple innovations including federated hypergradient computation and variance reduction to address inner-level heterogeneity. We complement our theory with experiments on hyperparameter \& hyper-representation learning and minimax optimization that demonstrate the benefits of our method in practice. Code is available at https://github.com/mc-nya/FedNest.
Semi-Supervised Cascaded Clustering for Classification of Noisy Label Data
The performance of supervised classification techniques often deteriorates when the data has noisy labels. Even the semi-supervised classification approaches have largely focused only on the problem of handling missing labels. Most of the approaches addressing the noisy label data rely on deep neural networks (DNN) that require huge datasets for classification tasks. This poses a serious challenge especially in process and manufacturing industries, where the data is limited and labels are noisy. We propose a semi-supervised cascaded clustering (SSCC) algorithm to extract patterns and generate a cascaded tree of classes in such datasets. A novel cluster evaluation matrix (CEM) with configurable hyperparameters is introduced to localize and eliminate the noisy labels and invoke a pruning criterion on cascaded clustering. The algorithm reduces the dependency on expensive human expertise for assessing the accuracy of labels. A classifier generated based on SSCC is found to be accurate and consistent even when trained on noisy label datasets. It performed better in comparison with the support vector machines (SVM) when tested on multiple noisy-label datasets, including an industrial dataset. The proposed approach can be effectively used for deriving actionable insights in industrial settings with minimal human expertise.
Wavelet neural operator: a neural operator for parametric partial differential equations
With massive advancements in sensor technologies and Internet-of-things, we now have access to terabytes of historical data; however, there is a lack of clarity in how to best exploit the data to predict future events. One possible alternative in this context is to utilize operator learning algorithm that directly learn nonlinear mapping between two functional spaces; this facilitates real-time prediction of naturally arising complex evolutionary dynamics. In this work, we introduce a novel operator learning algorithm referred to as the Wavelet Neural Operator (WNO) that blends integral kernel with wavelet transformation. WNO harnesses the superiority of the wavelets in time-frequency localization of the functions and enables accurate tracking of patterns in spatial domain and effective learning of the functional mappings. Since the wavelets are localized in both time/space and frequency, WNO can provide high spatial and frequency resolution. This offers learning of the finer details of the parametric dependencies in the solution for complex problems. The efficacy and robustness of the proposed WNO are illustrated on a wide array of problems involving Burger's equation, Darcy flow, Navier-Stokes equation, Allen-Cahn equation, and Wave advection equation. Comparative study with respect to existing operator learning frameworks are presented. Finally, the proposed approach is used to build a digital twin capable of predicting Earth's air temperature based on available historical data.
Efficient Few-Shot Fine-Tuning for Opinion Summarization
Abstractive summarization models are typically pre-trained on large amounts of generic texts, then fine-tuned on tens or hundreds of thousands of annotated samples. However, in opinion summarization, large annotated datasets of reviews paired with reference summaries are not available and would be expensive to create. This calls for fine-tuning methods robust to overfitting on small datasets. In addition, generically pre-trained models are often not accustomed to the specifics of customer reviews and, after fine-tuning, yield summaries with disfluencies and semantic mistakes. To address these problems, we utilize an efficient few-shot method based on adapters which, as we show, can easily store in-domain knowledge. Instead of fine-tuning the entire model, we add adapters and pre-train them in a task-specific way on a large corpus of unannotated customer reviews, using held-out reviews as pseudo summaries. Then, fine-tune the adapters on the small available human-annotated dataset. We show that this self-supervised adapter pre-training improves summary quality over standard fine-tuning by 2.0 and 1.3 ROUGE-L points on the Amazon and Yelp datasets, respectively. Finally, for summary personalization, we condition on aspect keyword queries, automatically created from generic datasets. In the same vein, we pre-train the adapters in a query-based manner on customer reviews and then fine-tune them on annotated datasets. This results in better-organized summary content reflected in improved coherence and fewer redundancies.
Compound virtual screening by learning-to-rank with gradient boosting decision tree and enrichment-based cumulative gain
Learning-to-rank, a machine learning technique widely used in information retrieval, has recently been applied to the problem of ligand-based virtual screening, to accelerate the early stages of new drug development. Ranking prediction models learn based on ordinal relationships, making them suitable for integrating assay data from various environments. Existing studies of rank prediction in compound screening have generally used a learning-to-rank method called RankSVM. However, they have not been compared with or validated against the gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT)-based learning-to-rank methods that have gained popularity recently. Furthermore, although the ranking metric called Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) is widely used in information retrieval, it only determines whether the predictions are better than those of other models. In other words, NDCG is incapable of recognizing when a prediction model produces worse than random results. Nevertheless, NDCG is still used in the performance evaluation of compound screening using learning-to-rank. This study used the GBDT model with ranking loss functions, called lambdarank and lambdaloss, for ligand-based virtual screening; results were compared with existing RankSVM methods and GBDT models using regression. We also proposed a new ranking metric, Normalized Enrichment Discounted Cumulative Gain (NEDCG), which aims to properly evaluate the goodness of ranking predictions. Results showed that the GBDT model with learning-to-rank outperformed existing regression methods using GBDT and RankSVM on diverse datasets. Moreover, NEDCG showed that predictions by regression were comparable to random predictions in multi-assay, multi-family datasets, demonstrating its usefulness for a more direct assessment of compound screening performance.
Making SGD Parameter-Free
We develop an algorithm for parameter-free stochastic convex optimization (SCO) whose rate of convergence is only a double-logarithmic factor larger than the optimal rate for the corresponding known-parameter setting. In contrast, the best previously known rates for parameter-free SCO are based on online parameter-free regret bounds, which contain unavoidable excess logarithmic terms compared to their known-parameter counterparts. Our algorithm is conceptually simple, has high-probability guarantees, and is also partially adaptive to unknown gradient norms, smoothness, and strong convexity. At the heart of our results is a novel parameter-free certificate for SGD step size choice, and a time-uniform concentration result that assumes no a-priori bounds on SGD iterates.
Evaluating Transferability for Covid 3D Localization Using CT SARS-CoV-2 segmentation models
Recent studies indicate that detecting radiographic patterns on CT scans can yield high sensitivity and specificity for Covid-19 localization. In this paper, we investigate the appropriateness of deep learning models transferability, for semantic segmentation of pneumonia-infected areas in CT images. Transfer learning allows for the fast initialization/reutilization of detection models, given that large volumes of training data are not available. Our work explores the efficacy of using pre-trained U-Net architectures, on a specific CT data set, for identifying Covid-19 side-effects over images from different datasets. Experimental results indicate improvement in the segmentation accuracy of identifying Covid-19 infected regions.
Dual Cross-Attention Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization and Object Re-Identification
Recently, self-attention mechanisms have shown impressive performance in various NLP and CV tasks, which can help capture sequential characteristics and derive global information. In this work, we explore how to extend self-attention modules to better learn subtle feature embeddings for recognizing fine-grained objects, e.g., different bird species or person identities. To this end, we propose a dual cross-attention learning (DCAL) algorithm to coordinate with self-attention learning. First, we propose global-local cross-attention (GLCA) to enhance the interactions between global images and local high-response regions, which can help reinforce the spatial-wise discriminative clues for recognition. Second, we propose pair-wise cross-attention (PWCA) to establish the interactions between image pairs. PWCA can regularize the attention learning of an image by treating another image as distractor and will be removed during inference. We observe that DCAL can reduce misleading attentions and diffuse the attention response to discover more complementary parts for recognition. We conduct extensive evaluations on fine-grained visual categorization and object re-identification. Experiments demonstrate that DCAL performs on par with state-of-the-art methods and consistently improves multiple self-attention baselines, e.g., surpassing DeiT-Tiny and ViT-Base by 2.8% and 2.4% mAP on MSMT17, respectively.
Domino Saliency Metrics: Improving Existing Channel Saliency Metrics with Structural Information
Channel pruning is used to reduce the number of weights in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Channel pruning removes slices of the weight tensor so that the convolution layer remains dense. The removal of these weight slices from a single layer causes mismatching number of feature maps between layers of the network. A simple solution is to force the number of feature map between layers to match through the removal of weight slices from subsequent layers. This additional constraint becomes more apparent in DNNs with branches where multiple channels need to be pruned together to keep the network dense. Popular pruning saliency metrics do not factor in the structural dependencies that arise in DNNs with branches. We propose Domino metrics (built on existing channel saliency metrics) to reflect these structural constraints. We test Domino saliency metrics against the baseline channel saliency metrics on multiple networks with branches. Domino saliency metrics improved pruning rates in most tested networks and up to 25% in AlexNet on CIFAR-10.
Accelerating phase-field-based simulation via machine learning
Phase-field-based models have become common in material science, mechanics, physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering for the simulation of microstructure evolution. Yet, they suffer from the drawback of being computationally very costly when applied to large, complex systems. To reduce such computational costs, a Unet-based artificial neural network is developed as a surrogate model in the current work. Training input for this network is obtained from the results of the numerical solution of initial-boundary-value problems (IBVPs) based on the Fan-Chen model for grain microstructure evolution. In particular, about 250 different simulations with varying initial order parameters are carried out and 200 frames of the time evolution of the phase fields are stored for each simulation. The network is trained with 90% of this data, taking the $i$-th frame of a simulation, i.e. order parameter field, as input, and producing the $(i+1)$-th frame as the output. Evaluation of the network is carried out with a test dataset consisting of 2200 microstructures based on different configurations than originally used for training. The trained network is applied recursively on initial order parameters to calculate the time evolution of the phase fields. The results are compared to the ones obtained from the conventional numerical solution in terms of the errors in order parameters and the system's free energy. The resulting order parameter error averaged over all points and all simulation cases is 0.005 and the relative error in the total free energy in all simulation boxes does not exceed 1%.
Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to solve Optimal Power Flow problem with generator failures
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is being used in many domains. One of the biggest advantages of DRL is that it enables the continuous improvement of a learning agent. Secondly, the DRL framework is robust and flexible enough to be applicable to problems of varying nature and domain. Presented work is evidence of using the DRL technique to solve an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem. Two classical algorithms have been presented to solve the OPF problem. The drawbacks of the vanilla DRL application are discussed, and an algorithm is suggested to improve the performance. Secondly, a reward function for the OPF problem is presented that enables the solution of inherent issues in DRL. Reasons for divergence and degeneration in DRL are discussed, and the correct strategy to deal with them with respect to OPF is presented.
Prediction of fish location by combining fisheries data and sea bottom temperature forecasting
This paper combines fisheries dependent data and environmental data to be used in a machine learning pipeline to predict the spatio-temporal abundance of two species (plaice and sole) commonly caught by the Belgian fishery in the North Sea. By combining fisheries related features with environmental data, sea bottom temperature derived from remote sensing, a higher accuracy can be achieved. In a forecast setting, the predictive accuracy is further improved by predicting, using a recurrent deep neural network, the sea bottom temperature up to four days in advance instead of relying on the last previous temperature measurement.
Dynamic Sparse R-CNN
Sparse R-CNN is a recent strong object detection baseline by set prediction on sparse, learnable proposal boxes and proposal features. In this work, we propose to improve Sparse R-CNN with two dynamic designs. First, Sparse R-CNN adopts a one-to-one label assignment scheme, where the Hungarian algorithm is applied to match only one positive sample for each ground truth. Such one-to-one assignment may not be optimal for the matching between the learned proposal boxes and ground truths. To address this problem, we propose dynamic label assignment (DLA) based on the optimal transport algorithm to assign increasing positive samples in the iterative training stages of Sparse R-CNN. We constrain the matching to be gradually looser in the sequential stages as the later stage produces the refined proposals with improved precision. Second, the learned proposal boxes and features remain fixed for different images in the inference process of Sparse R-CNN. Motivated by dynamic convolution, we propose dynamic proposal generation (DPG) to assemble multiple proposal experts dynamically for providing better initial proposal boxes and features for the consecutive training stages. DPG thereby can derive sample-dependent proposal boxes and features for inference. Experiments demonstrate that our method, named Dynamic Sparse R-CNN, can boost the strong Sparse R-CNN baseline with different backbones for object detection. Particularly, Dynamic Sparse R-CNN reaches the state-of-the-art 47.2% AP on the COCO 2017 validation set, surpassing Sparse R-CNN by 2.2% AP with the same ResNet-50 backbone.
MAD: Self-Supervised Masked Anomaly Detection Task for Multivariate Time Series
In this paper, we introduce Masked Anomaly Detection (MAD), a general self-supervised learning task for multivariate time series anomaly detection. With the increasing availability of sensor data from industrial systems, being able to detecting anomalies from streams of multivariate time series data is of significant importance. Given the scarcity of anomalies in real-world applications, the majority of literature has been focusing on modeling normality. The learned normal representations can empower anomaly detection as the model has learned to capture certain key underlying data regularities. A typical formulation is to learn a predictive model, i.e., use a window of time series data to predict future data values. In this paper, we propose an alternative self-supervised learning task. By randomly masking a portion of the inputs and training a model to estimate them using the remaining ones, MAD is an improvement over the traditional left-to-right next step prediction (NSP) task. Our experimental results demonstrate that MAD can achieve better anomaly detection rates over traditional NSP approaches when using exactly the same neural network (NN) base models, and can be modified to run as fast as NSP models during test time on the same hardware, thus making it an ideal upgrade for many existing NSP-based NN anomaly detection models.
Data Cleansing for Indoor Positioning Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Datasets
Wearable and IoT devices requiring positioning and localisation services grow in number exponentially every year. This rapid growth also produces millions of data entries that need to be pre-processed prior to being used in any indoor positioning system to ensure the data quality and provide a high Quality of Service (QoS) to the end-user. In this paper, we offer a novel and straightforward data cleansing algorithm for WLAN fingerprinting radio maps. This algorithm is based on the correlation among fingerprints using the Received Signal Strength (RSS) values and the Access Points (APs)'s identifier. We use those to compute the correlation among all samples in the dataset and remove fingerprints with low level of correlation from the dataset. We evaluated the proposed method on 14 independent publicly-available datasets. As a result, an average of 14% of fingerprints were removed from the datasets. The 2D positioning error was reduced by 2.7% and 3D positioning error by 5.3% with a slight increase in the floor hit rate by 1.2% on average. Consequently, the average speed of position prediction was also increased by 14%.
Learning Abstract and Transferable Representations for Planning
We are concerned with the question of how an agent can acquire its own representations from sensory data. We restrict our focus to learning representations for long-term planning, a class of problems that state-of-the-art learning methods are unable to solve. We propose a framework for autonomously learning state abstractions of an agent's environment, given a set of skills. Importantly, these abstractions are task-independent, and so can be reused to solve new tasks. We demonstrate how an agent can use an existing set of options to acquire representations from ego- and object-centric observations. These abstractions can immediately be reused by the same agent in new environments. We show how to combine these portable representations with problem-specific ones to generate a sound description of a specific task that can be used for abstract planning. Finally, we show how to autonomously construct a multi-level hierarchy consisting of increasingly abstract representations. Since these hierarchies are transferable, higher-order concepts can be reused in new tasks, relieving the agent from relearning them and improving sample efficiency. Our results demonstrate that our approach allows an agent to transfer previous knowledge to new tasks, improving sample efficiency as the number of tasks increases.
Hypercomplex Image-to-Image Translation
Image-to-image translation (I2I) aims at transferring the content representation from an input domain to an output one, bouncing along different target domains. Recent I2I generative models, which gain outstanding results in this task, comprise a set of diverse deep networks each with tens of million parameters. Moreover, images are usually three-dimensional being composed of RGB channels and common neural models do not take dimensions correlation into account, losing beneficial information. In this paper, we propose to leverage hypercomplex algebra properties to define lightweight I2I generative models capable of preserving pre-existing relations among image dimensions, thus exploiting additional input information. On manifold I2I benchmarks, we show how the proposed Quaternion StarGANv2 and parameterized hypercomplex StarGANv2 (PHStarGANv2) reduce parameters and storage memory amount while ensuring high domain translation performance and good image quality as measured by FID and LPIPS scores. Full code is available at: https://github.com/ispamm/HI2I.
NN-EUCLID: deep-learning hyperelasticity without stress data
We propose a new approach for unsupervised learning of hyperelastic constitutive laws with physics-consistent deep neural networks. In contrast to supervised learning, which assumes the availability of stress-strain pairs, the approach only uses realistically measurable full-field displacement and global reaction force data, thus it lies within the scope of our recent framework for Efficient Unsupervised Constitutive Law Identification and Discovery (EUCLID) and we denote it as NN-EUCLID. The absence of stress labels is compensated for by leveraging a physics-motivated loss function based on the conservation of linear momentum to guide the learning process. The constitutive model is based on input-convex neural networks, which are capable of learning a function that is convex with respect to its inputs. By employing a specially designed neural network architecture, multiple physical and thermodynamic constraints for hyperelastic constitutive laws, such as material frame indifference, (poly-)convexity, and stress-free reference configuration are automatically satisfied. We demonstrate the ability of the approach to accurately learn several hidden isotropic and anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive laws - including e.g., Mooney-Rivlin, Arruda-Boyce, Ogden, and Holzapfel models - without using stress data. For anisotropic hyperelasticity, the unknown anisotropic fiber directions are automatically discovered jointly with the constitutive model. The neural network-based constitutive models show good generalization capability beyond the strain states observed during training and are readily deployable in a general finite element framework for simulating complex mechanical boundary value problems with good accuracy.
SVTS: Scalable Video-to-Speech Synthesis
Video-to-speech synthesis (also known as lip-to-speech) refers to the translation of silent lip movements into the corresponding audio. This task has received an increasing amount of attention due to its self-supervised nature (i.e., can be trained without manual labelling) combined with the ever-growing collection of audio-visual data available online. Despite these strong motivations, contemporary video-to-speech works focus mainly on small- to medium-sized corpora with substantial constraints in both vocabulary and setting. In this work, we introduce a scalable video-to-speech framework consisting of two components: a video-to-spectrogram predictor and a pre-trained neural vocoder, which converts the mel-frequency spectrograms into waveform audio. We achieve state-of-the art results for GRID and considerably outperform previous approaches on LRW. More importantly, by focusing on spectrogram prediction using a simple feedforward model, we can efficiently and effectively scale our method to very large and unconstrained datasets: To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to show intelligible results on the challenging LRS3 dataset.
Exploring Rawlsian Fairness for K-Means Clustering
We conduct an exploratory study that looks at incorporating John Rawls' ideas on fairness into existing unsupervised machine learning algorithms. Our focus is on the task of clustering, specifically the k-means clustering algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that uses Rawlsian ideas in clustering. Towards this, we attempt to develop a postprocessing technique i.e., one that operates on the cluster assignment generated by the standard k-means clustering algorithm. Our technique perturbs this assignment over a number of iterations to make it fairer according to Rawls' difference principle while minimally affecting the overall utility. As the first step, we consider two simple perturbation operators -- $\mathbf{R_1}$ and $\mathbf{R_2}$ -- that reassign examples in a given cluster assignment to new clusters; $\mathbf{R_1}$ assigning a single example to a new cluster, and $\mathbf{R_2}$ a pair of examples to new clusters. Our experiments on a sample of the Adult dataset demonstrate that both operators make meaningful perturbations in the cluster assignment towards incorporating Rawls' difference principle, with $\mathbf{R_2}$ being more efficient than $\mathbf{R_1}$ in terms of the number of iterations. However, we observe that there is still a need to design operators that make significantly better perturbations. Nevertheless, both operators provide good baselines for designing and comparing any future operator, and we hope our findings would aid future work in this direction.
Minimum Cost Intervention Design for Causal Effect Identification
Pearl's do calculus is a complete axiomatic approach to learn the identifiable causal effects from observational data. When such an effect is not identifiable, it is necessary to perform a collection of often costly interventions in the system to learn the causal effect. In this work, we consider the problem of designing the collection of interventions with the minimum cost to identify the desired effect. First, we prove that this problem is NP-hard, and subsequently propose an algorithm that can either find the optimal solution or a logarithmic-factor approximation of it. This is done by establishing a connection between our problem and the minimum hitting set problem. Additionally, we propose several polynomial-time heuristic algorithms to tackle the computational complexity of the problem. Although these algorithms could potentially stumble on sub-optimal solutions, our simulations show that they achieve small regrets on random graphs.
Few-Shot Document-Level Relation Extraction
We present FREDo, a few-shot document-level relation extraction (FSDLRE) benchmark. As opposed to existing benchmarks which are built on sentence-level relation extraction corpora, we argue that document-level corpora provide more realism, particularly regarding none-of-the-above (NOTA) distributions. Therefore, we propose a set of FSDLRE tasks and construct a benchmark based on two existing supervised learning data sets, DocRED and sciERC. We adapt the state-of-the-art sentence-level method MNAV to the document-level and develop it further for improved domain adaptation. We find FSDLRE to be a challenging setting with interesting new characteristics such as the ability to sample NOTA instances from the support set. The data, code, and trained models are available online (https://github.com/nicpopovic/FREDo).
A Manifold Two-Sample Test Study: Integral Probability Metric with Neural Networks
Two-sample tests are important areas aiming to determine whether two collections of observations follow the same distribution or not. We propose two-sample tests based on integral probability metric (IPM) for high-dimensional samples supported on a low-dimensional manifold. We characterize the properties of proposed tests with respect to the number of samples $n$ and the structure of the manifold with intrinsic dimension $d$. When an atlas is given, we propose two-step test to identify the difference between general distributions, which achieves the type-II risk in the order of $n^{-1/\max\{d,2\}}$. When an atlas is not given, we propose H\"older IPM test that applies for data distributions with $(s,\beta)$-H\"older densities, which achieves the type-II risk in the order of $n^{-(s+\beta)/d}$. To mitigate the heavy computation burden of evaluating the H\"older IPM, we approximate the H\"older function class using neural networks. Based on the approximation theory of neural networks, we show that the neural network IPM test has the type-II risk in the order of $n^{-(s+\beta)/d}$, which is in the same order of the type-II risk as the H\"older IPM test. Our proposed tests are adaptive to low-dimensional geometric structure because their performance crucially depends on the intrinsic dimension instead of the data dimension.
Immiscible Color Flows in Optimal Transport Networks for Image Classification
In classification tasks, it is crucial to meaningfully exploit information contained in data. Here, we propose a physics-inspired dynamical system that adapts Optimal Transport principles to effectively leverage color distributions of images. Our dynamics regulates immiscible fluxes of colors traveling on a network built from images. Instead of aggregating colors together, it treats them as different commodities that interact with a shared capacity on edges. Our method outperforms competitor algorithms on image classification tasks in datasets where color information matters.
Towards Job-Transition-Tag Graph for a Better Job Title Representation Learning
Works on learning job title representation are mainly based on \textit{Job-Transition Graph}, built from the working history of talents. However, since these records are usually messy, this graph is very sparse, which affects the quality of the learned representation and hinders further analysis. To address this specific issue, we propose to enrich the graph with additional nodes that improve the quality of job title representation. Specifically, we construct \textit{Job-Transition-Tag Graph}, a heterogeneous graph containing two types of nodes, i.e., job titles and tags (i.e., words related to job responsibilities or functionalities). Along this line, we reformulate job title representation learning as the task of learning node embedding on the \textit{Job-Transition-Tag Graph}. Experiments on two datasets show the interest of our approach.
On Continual Model Refinement in Out-of-Distribution Data Streams
Real-world natural language processing (NLP) models need to be continually updated to fix the prediction errors in out-of-distribution (OOD) data streams while overcoming catastrophic forgetting. However, existing continual learning (CL) problem setups cannot cover such a realistic and complex scenario. In response to this, we propose a new CL problem formulation dubbed continual model refinement (CMR). Compared to prior CL settings, CMR is more practical and introduces unique challenges (boundary-agnostic and non-stationary distribution shift, diverse mixtures of multiple OOD data clusters, error-centric streams, etc.). We extend several existing CL approaches to the CMR setting and evaluate them extensively. For benchmarking and analysis, we propose a general sampling algorithm to obtain dynamic OOD data streams with controllable non-stationarity, as well as a suite of metrics measuring various aspects of online performance. Our experiments and detailed analysis reveal the promise and challenges of the CMR problem, supporting that studying CMR in dynamic OOD streams can benefit the longevity of deployed NLP models in production.
EmoBank: Studying the Impact of Annotation Perspective and Representation Format on Dimensional Emotion Analysis
We describe EmoBank, a corpus of 10k English sentences balancing multiple genres, which we annotated with dimensional emotion metadata in the Valence-Arousal-Dominance (VAD) representation format. EmoBank excels with a bi-perspectival and bi-representational design. On the one hand, we distinguish between writer's and reader's emotions, on the other hand, a subset of the corpus complements dimensional VAD annotations with categorical ones based on Basic Emotions. We find evidence for the supremacy of the reader's perspective in terms of IAA and rating intensity, and achieve close-to-human performance when mapping between dimensional and categorical formats.
Wild Patterns Reloaded: A Survey of Machine Learning Security against Training Data Poisoning
The success of machine learning is fueled by the increasing availability of computing power and large training datasets. The training data is used to learn new models or update existing ones, assuming that it is sufficiently representative of the data that will be encountered at test time. This assumption is challenged by the threat of poisoning, an attack that manipulates the training data to compromise the model's performance at test time. Although poisoning has been acknowledged as a relevant threat in industry applications, and a variety of different attacks and defenses have been proposed so far, a complete systematization and critical review of the field is still missing. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive systematization of poisoning attacks and defenses in machine learning, reviewing more than 200 papers published in the field in the last 15 years. We start by categorizing the current threat models and attacks, and then organize existing defenses accordingly. While we focus mostly on computer-vision applications, we argue that our systematization also encompasses state-of-the-art attacks and defenses for other data modalities. Finally, we discuss existing resources for research in poisoning, and shed light on the current limitations and open research questions in this research field.
Modelling calibration uncertainty in networks of environmental sensors
Networks of low-cost sensors are becoming ubiquitous, but often suffer from poor accuracies and drift. Regular colocation with reference sensors allows recalibration but is complicated and expensive. Alternatively the calibration can be transferred using low-cost, mobile sensors. However inferring the calibration (with uncertainty) becomes difficult. We propose a variational approach to model the calibration across the network. We demonstrate the approach on synthetic and real air pollution data, and find it can perform better than the state of the art (multi-hop calibration). We extend it to categorical data produced by citizen-scientist labelling. In Summary: The method achieves uncertainty-quantified calibration, which has been one of the barriers to low-cost sensor deployment and citizen-science research.
Lifelong Ensemble Learning based on Multiple Representations for Few-Shot Object Recognition
Service robots are integrating more and more into our daily lives to help us with various tasks. In such environments, robots frequently face new objects while working in the environment and need to learn them in an open-ended fashion. Furthermore, such robots must be able to recognize a wide range of object categories. In this paper, we present a lifelong ensemble learning approach based on multiple representations to address the few-shot object recognition problem. In particular, we form ensemble methods based on deep representations and handcrafted 3D shape descriptors. To facilitate lifelong learning, each approach is equipped with a memory unit for storing and retrieving object information instantly. The proposed model is suitable for open-ended learning scenarios where the number of 3D object categories is not fixed and can grow over time. We have performed extensive sets of experiments to assess the performance of the proposed approach in offline, and open-ended scenarios. For the evaluation purpose, in addition to real object datasets, we generate a large synthetic household objects dataset consisting of 27000 views of 90 objects. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on 3D object recognition tasks, as well as its superior performance over the state-of-the-art approaches. Additionally, we demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach in both simulated and real-robot settings, where the robot rapidly learned new categories from limited examples.
The Isabelle ENIGMA
We significantly improve the performance of the E automated theorem prover on the Isabelle Sledgehammer problems by combining learning and theorem proving in several ways. In particular, we develop targeted versions of the ENIGMA guidance for the Isabelle problems, targeted versions of neural premise selection, and targeted strategies for E. The methods are trained in several iterations over hundreds of thousands untyped and typed first-order problems extracted from Isabelle. Our final best single-strategy ENIGMA and premise selection system improves the best previous version of E by 25.3% in 15 seconds, outperforming also all other previous ATP and SMT systems.
Sequencer: Deep LSTM for Image Classification
In recent computer vision research, the advent of the Vision Transformer (ViT) has rapidly revolutionized various architectural design efforts: ViT achieved state-of-the-art image classification performance using self-attention found in natural language processing, and MLP-Mixer achieved competitive performance using simple multi-layer perceptrons. In contrast, several studies have also suggested that carefully redesigned convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can achieve advanced performance comparable to ViT without resorting to these new ideas. Against this background, there is growing interest in what inductive bias is suitable for computer vision. Here we propose Sequencer, a novel and competitive architecture alternative to ViT that provides a new perspective on these issues. Unlike ViTs, Sequencer models long-range dependencies using LSTMs rather than self-attention layers. We also propose a two-dimensional version of Sequencer module, where an LSTM is decomposed into vertical and horizontal LSTMs to enhance performance. Despite its simplicity, several experiments demonstrate that Sequencer performs impressively well: Sequencer2D-L, with 54M parameters, realizes 84.6% top-1 accuracy on only ImageNet-1K. Not only that, we show that it has good transferability and the robust resolution adaptability on double resolution-band.
Nonstationary Bandit Learning via Predictive Sampling
Although Thompson sampling is widely used in stationary environments, it does not effectively account for nonstationarities. To address this limitation, we propose predictive sampling, a policy that balances between exploration and exploitation in nonstationary bandit environments. It is equivalent to Thompson sampling when specialized to stationary environments, but much more effective across a range of nonstationary environments because it deprioritizes investment in acquiring information that will quickly lose relevance. To offer insight in the efficacy of predictive sampling, we establish a regret bound. This bound highlights dependence on the rate at which new information arrives to alter the environment. In addition, we conduct experiments on bandit environments with varying rates of information arrival and observe that predictive sampling outperforms Thompson sampling.
Rethinking Classifier and Adversarial Attack
Various defense models have been proposed to resist adversarial attack algorithms, but existing adversarial robustness evaluation methods always overestimate the adversarial robustness of these models (i.e., not approaching the lower bound of robustness). To solve this problem, this paper uses the proposed decouple space method to divide the classifier into two parts: non-linear and linear. Then, this paper defines the representation vector of the original example (and its space, i.e., the representation space) and uses the iterative optimization of Absolute Classification Boundaries Initialization (ACBI) to obtain a better attack starting point. Particularly, this paper applies ACBI to nearly 50 widely-used defense models (including 8 architectures). Experimental results show that ACBI achieves lower robust accuracy in all cases.
CE-based white-box adversarial attacks will not work using super-fitting
Deep neural networks are widely used in various fields because of their powerful performance. However, recent studies have shown that deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, i.e., adding a slight perturbation to the input will make the model obtain wrong results. This is especially dangerous for some systems with high-security requirements, so this paper proposes a new defense method by using the model super-fitting state to improve the model's adversarial robustness (i.e., the accuracy under adversarial attacks). This paper mathematically proves the effectiveness of super-fitting and enables the model to reach this state quickly by minimizing unrelated category scores (MUCS). Theoretically, super-fitting can resist any existing (even future) CE-based white-box adversarial attacks. In addition, this paper uses a variety of powerful attack algorithms to evaluate the adversarial robustness of super-fitting, and the proposed method is compared with nearly 50 defense models from recent conferences. The experimental results show that the super-fitting method in this paper can make the trained model obtain the highest adversarial robustness.
State Representation Learning for Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning
This paper presents a novel state representation for reward-free Markov decision processes. The idea is to learn, in a self-supervised manner, an embedding space where distances between pairs of embedded states correspond to the minimum number of actions needed to transition between them. Compared to previous methods, our approach does not require any domain knowledge, learning from offline and unlabeled data. We show how this representation can be leveraged to learn goal-conditioned policies, providing a notion of similarity between states and goals and a useful heuristic distance to guide planning and reinforcement learning algorithms. Finally, we empirically validate our method in classic control domains and multi-goal environments, demonstrating that our method can successfully learn representations in large and/or continuous domains.
Word Tour: One-dimensional Word Embeddings via the Traveling Salesman Problem
Word embeddings are one of the most fundamental technologies used in natural language processing. Existing word embeddings are high-dimensional and consume considerable computational resources. In this study, we propose WordTour, unsupervised one-dimensional word embeddings. To achieve the challenging goal, we propose a decomposition of the desiderata of word embeddings into two parts, completeness and soundness, and focus on soundness in this paper. Owing to the single dimensionality, WordTour is extremely efficient and provides a minimal means to handle word embeddings. We experimentally confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method via user study and document classification.
DADApy: Distance-based Analysis of DAta-manifolds in Python
DADApy is a python software package for analysing and characterising high-dimensional data manifolds. It provides methods for estimating the intrinsic dimension and the probability density, for performing density-based clustering and for comparing different distance metrics. We review the main functionalities of the package and exemplify its usage in toy cases and in a real-world application. The package is freely available under the open-source Apache 2.0 license and can be downloaded from the Github page https://github.com/sissa-data-science/DADApy.
Uncertainty-Autoencoder-Based Privacy and Utility Preserving Data Type Conscious Transformation
We propose an adversarial learning framework that deals with the privacy-utility tradeoff problem under two types of conditions: data-type ignorant, and data-type aware. Under data-type aware conditions, the privacy mechanism provides a one-hot encoding of categorical features, representing exactly one class, while under data-type ignorant conditions the categorical variables are represented by a collection of scores, one for each class. We use a neural network architecture consisting of a generator and a discriminator, where the generator consists of an encoder-decoder pair, and the discriminator consists of an adversary and a utility provider. Unlike previous research considering this kind of architecture, which leverages autoencoders (AEs) without introducing any randomness, or variational autoencoders (VAEs) based on learning latent representations which are then forced into a Gaussian assumption, our proposed technique introduces randomness and removes the Gaussian assumption restriction on the latent variables, only focusing on the end-to-end stochastic mapping of the input to privatized data. We test our framework on different datasets: MNIST, FashionMNIST, UCI Adult, and US Census Demographic Data, providing a wide range of possible private and utility attributes. We use multiple adversaries simultaneously to test our privacy mechanism -- some trained from the ground truth data and some trained from the perturbed data generated by our privacy mechanism. Through comparative analysis, our results demonstrate better privacy and utility guarantees than the existing works under similar, data-type ignorant conditions, even when the latter are considered under their original restrictive single-adversary model.
Towards Theoretical Analysis of Transformation Complexity of ReLU DNNs
This paper aims to theoretically analyze the complexity of feature transformations encoded in DNNs with ReLU layers. We propose metrics to measure three types of complexities of transformations based on the information theory. We further discover and prove the strong correlation between the complexity and the disentanglement of transformations. Based on the proposed metrics, we analyze two typical phenomena of the change of the transformation complexity during the training process, and explore the ceiling of a DNN's complexity. The proposed metrics can also be used as a loss to learn a DNN with the minimum complexity, which also controls the over-fitting level of the DNN and influences adversarial robustness, adversarial transferability, and knowledge consistency. Comprehensive comparative studies have provided new perspectives to understand the DNN.
DeepFD: Automated Fault Diagnosis and Localization for Deep Learning Programs
As Deep Learning (DL) systems are widely deployed for mission-critical applications, debugging such systems becomes essential. Most existing works identify and repair suspicious neurons on the trained Deep Neural Network (DNN), which, unfortunately, might be a detour. Specifically, several existing studies have reported that many unsatisfactory behaviors are actually originated from the faults residing in DL programs. Besides, locating faulty neurons is not actionable for developers, while locating the faulty statements in DL programs can provide developers with more useful information for debugging. Though a few recent studies were proposed to pinpoint the faulty statements in DL programs or the training settings (e.g. too large learning rate), they were mainly designed based on predefined rules, leading to many false alarms or false negatives, especially when the faults are beyond their capabilities. In view of these limitations, in this paper, we proposed DeepFD, a learning-based fault diagnosis and localization framework which maps the fault localization task to a learning problem. In particular, it infers the suspicious fault types via monitoring the runtime features extracted during DNN model training and then locates the diagnosed faults in DL programs. It overcomes the limitations by identifying the root causes of faults in DL programs instead of neurons and diagnosing the faults by a learning approach instead of a set of hard-coded rules. The evaluation exhibits the potential of DeepFD. It correctly diagnoses 52% faulty DL programs, compared with around half (27%) achieved by the best state-of-the-art works. Besides, for fault localization, DeepFD also outperforms the existing works, correctly locating 42% faulty programs, which almost doubles the best result (23%) achieved by the existing works.
Self-supervised learning unveils morphological clusters behind lung cancer types and prognosis
Histopathological images of tumors contain abundant information about how tumors grow and how they interact with their micro-environment. Characterizing and improving our understanding of phenotypes could reveal factors related to tumor progression and their underpinning biological processes, ultimately improving diagnosis and treatment. In recent years, the field of histological deep learning applications has seen great progress, yet most of these applications focus on a supervised approach, relating tissue and associated sample annotations. Supervised approaches have their impact limited by two factors. Firstly, high-quality labels are expensive in time and effort, which makes them not easily scalable. Secondly, these methods focus on predicting annotations from histological images, fundamentally restricting the discovery of new tissue phenotypes. These limitations emphasize the importance of using new methods that can characterize tissue by the features enclosed in the image, without pre-defined annotation or supervision. We present Phenotype Representation Learning (PRL), a methodology to extract histomorphological phenotypes through self-supervised learning and community detection. PRL creates phenotype clusters by identifying tissue patterns that share common morphological and cellular features, allowing to describe whole slide images through compositional representations of cluster contributions. We used this framework to analyze histopathology slides of LUAD and LUSC lung cancer subtypes from TCGA and NYU cohorts. We show that PRL achieves a robust lung subtype prediction providing statistically relevant phenotypes for each lung subtype. We further demonstrate the significance of these phenotypes in lung adenocarcinoma overall and recurrence free survival, relating clusters with patient outcomes, cell types, grown patterns, and omic-based immune signatures.
Explain to Not Forget: Defending Against Catastrophic Forgetting with XAI
The ability to continuously process and retain new information like we do naturally as humans is a feat that is highly sought after when training neural networks. Unfortunately, the traditional optimization algorithms often require large amounts of data available during training time and updates wrt. new data are difficult after the training process has been completed. In fact, when new data or tasks arise, previous progress may be lost as neural networks are prone to catastrophic forgetting. Catastrophic forgetting describes the phenomenon when a neural network completely forgets previous knowledge when given new information. We propose a novel training algorithm called training by explaining in which we leverage Layer-wise Relevance Propagation in order to retain the information a neural network has already learned in previous tasks when training on new data. The method is evaluated on a range of benchmark datasets as well as more complex data. Our method not only successfully retains the knowledge of old tasks within the neural networks but does so more resource-efficiently than other state-of-the-art solutions.
Probabilistic Symmetry for Improved Trajectory Forecasting
Trajectory prediction is a core AI problem with broad applications in robotics and autonomous driving. While most existing works focus on deterministic prediction, producing probabilistic forecasts to quantify prediction uncertainty is critical for downstream decision-making tasks such as risk assessment, motion planning, and safety guarantees. We introduce a new metric, mean regional score (MRS), to evaluate the quality of probabilistic trajectory forecasts. We propose a novel probabilistic trajectory prediction model, Probabilistic Equivariant Continuous COnvolution (PECCO) and show that leveraging symmetry, specifically rotation equivariance, can improve the predictions' accuracy as well as coverage. On both vehicle and pedestrian datasets, PECCO shows state-of-the-art prediction performance and improved calibration compared to baselines.
Zero-Episode Few-Shot Contrastive Predictive Coding: Solving intelligence tests without prior training
Video prediction models often combine three components: an encoder from pixel space to a small latent space, a latent space prediction model, and a generative model back to pixel space. However, the large and unpredictable pixel space makes training such models difficult, requiring many training examples. We argue that finding a predictive latent variable and using it to evaluate the consistency of a future image enables data-efficient predictions because it precludes the necessity of a generative model training. To demonstrate it, we created sequence completion intelligence tests in which the task is to identify a predictably changing feature in a sequence of images and use this prediction to select the subsequent image. We show that a one-dimensional Markov Contrastive Predictive Coding (M-CPC_1D) model solves these tests efficiently, with only five examples. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of M-CPC_1D in solving two tasks without prior training: anomaly detection and stochastic movement video prediction.
Second Order Path Variationals in Non-Stationary Online Learning
We consider the problem of universal dynamic regret minimization under exp-concave and smooth losses. We show that appropriately designed Strongly Adaptive algorithms achieve a dynamic regret of $\tilde O(d^2 n^{1/5} C_n^{2/5} \vee d^2)$, where $n$ is the time horizon and $C_n$ a path variational based on second order differences of the comparator sequence. Such a path variational naturally encodes comparator sequences that are piecewise linear -- a powerful family that tracks a variety of non-stationarity patterns in practice (Kim et al, 2009). The aforementioned dynamic regret rate is shown to be optimal modulo dimension dependencies and poly-logarithmic factors of $n$. Our proof techniques rely on analysing the KKT conditions of the offline oracle and requires several non-trivial generalizations of the ideas in Baby and Wang, 2021, where the latter work only leads to a slower dynamic regret rate of $\tilde O(d^{2.5}n^{1/3}C_n^{2/3} \vee d^{2.5})$ for the current problem.
CoCa: Contrastive Captioners are Image-Text Foundation Models
Exploring large-scale pretrained foundation models is of significant interest in computer vision because these models can be quickly transferred to many downstream tasks. This paper presents Contrastive Captioner (CoCa), a minimalist design to pretrain an image-text encoder-decoder foundation model jointly with contrastive loss and captioning loss, thereby subsuming model capabilities from contrastive approaches like CLIP and generative methods like SimVLM. In contrast to standard encoder-decoder transformers where all decoder layers attend to encoder outputs, CoCa omits cross-attention in the first half of decoder layers to encode unimodal text representations, and cascades the remaining decoder layers which cross-attend to the image encoder for multimodal image-text representations. We apply a contrastive loss between unimodal image and text embeddings, in addition to a captioning loss on the multimodal decoder outputs which predicts text tokens autoregressively. By sharing the same computational graph, the two training objectives are computed efficiently with minimal overhead. CoCa is pretrained end-to-end and from scratch on both web-scale alt-text data and annotated images by treating all labels simply as text, seamlessly unifying natural language supervision for representation learning. Empirically, CoCa achieves state-of-the-art performance with zero-shot transfer or minimal task-specific adaptation on a broad range of downstream tasks, spanning visual recognition (ImageNet, Kinetics-400/600/700, Moments-in-Time), crossmodal retrieval (MSCOCO, Flickr30K, MSR-VTT), multimodal understanding (VQA, SNLI-VE, NLVR2), and image captioning (MSCOCO, NoCaps). Notably on ImageNet classification, CoCa obtains 86.3% zero-shot top-1 accuracy, 90.6% with a frozen encoder and learned classification head, and new state-of-the-art 91.0% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet with a finetuned encoder.
Generalized Knowledge Distillation via Relationship Matching
The knowledge of a well-trained deep neural network (a.k.a. the "teacher") is valuable for learning similar tasks. Knowledge distillation extracts knowledge from the teacher and integrates it with the target model (a.k.a. the "student"), which expands the student's knowledge and improves its learning efficacy. Instead of enforcing the teacher to work on the same task as the student, we borrow the knowledge from a teacher trained from a general label space -- in this "Generalized Knowledge Distillation (GKD)", the classes of the teacher and the student may be the same, completely different, or partially overlapped. We claim that the comparison ability between instances acts as an essential factor threading knowledge across tasks, and propose the RElationship FacIlitated Local cLassifiEr Distillation (REFILLED) approach, which decouples the GKD flow of the embedding and the top-layer classifier. In particular, different from reconciling the instance-label confidence between models, REFILLED requires the teacher to reweight the hard tuples pushed forward by the student and then matches the similarity comparison levels between instances. An embedding-induced classifier based on the teacher model supervises the student's classification confidence and adaptively emphasizes the most related supervision from the teacher. REFILLED demonstrates strong discriminative ability when the classes of the teacher vary from the same to a fully non-overlapped set w.r.t. the student. It also achieves state-of-the-art performance on standard knowledge distillation, one-step incremental learning, and few-shot learning tasks.
Modeling Task Interactions in Document-Level Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
We target on the document-level relation extraction in an end-to-end setting, where the model needs to jointly perform mention extraction, coreference resolution (COREF) and relation extraction (RE) at once, and gets evaluated in an entity-centric way. Especially, we address the two-way interaction between COREF and RE that has not been the focus by previous work, and propose to introduce explicit interaction namely Graph Compatibility (GC) that is specifically designed to leverage task characteristics, bridging decisions of two tasks for direct task interference. Our experiments are conducted on DocRED and DWIE; in addition to GC, we implement and compare different multi-task settings commonly adopted in previous work, including pipeline, shared encoders, graph propagation, to examine the effectiveness of different interactions. The result shows that GC achieves the best performance by up to 2.3/5.1 F1 improvement over the baseline.
ASE: Large-Scale Reusable Adversarial Skill Embeddings for Physically Simulated Characters
The incredible feats of athleticism demonstrated by humans are made possible in part by a vast repertoire of general-purpose motor skills, acquired through years of practice and experience. These skills not only enable humans to perform complex tasks, but also provide powerful priors for guiding their behaviors when learning new tasks. This is in stark contrast to what is common practice in physics-based character animation, where control policies are most typically trained from scratch for each task. In this work, we present a large-scale data-driven framework for learning versatile and reusable skill embeddings for physically simulated characters. Our approach combines techniques from adversarial imitation learning and unsupervised reinforcement learning to develop skill embeddings that produce life-like behaviors, while also providing an easy to control representation for use on new downstream tasks. Our models can be trained using large datasets of unstructured motion clips, without requiring any task-specific annotation or segmentation of the motion data. By leveraging a massively parallel GPU-based simulator, we are able to train skill embeddings using over a decade of simulated experiences, enabling our model to learn a rich and versatile repertoire of skills. We show that a single pre-trained model can be effectively applied to perform a diverse set of new tasks. Our system also allows users to specify tasks through simple reward functions, and the skill embedding then enables the character to automatically synthesize complex and naturalistic strategies in order to achieve the task objectives.
Self-Taught Metric Learning without Labels
We present a novel self-taught framework for unsupervised metric learning, which alternates between predicting class-equivalence relations between data through a moving average of an embedding model and learning the model with the predicted relations as pseudo labels. At the heart of our framework lies an algorithm that investigates contexts of data on the embedding space to predict their class-equivalence relations as pseudo labels. The algorithm enables efficient end-to-end training since it demands no off-the-shelf module for pseudo labeling. Also, the class-equivalence relations provide rich supervisory signals for learning an embedding space. On standard benchmarks for metric learning, it clearly outperforms existing unsupervised learning methods and sometimes even beats supervised learning models using the same backbone network. It is also applied to semi-supervised metric learning as a way of exploiting additional unlabeled data, and achieves the state of the art by boosting performance of supervised learning substantially.
Spatial-Temporal Meta-path Guided Explainable Crime Prediction
Exposure to crime and violence can harm individuals' quality of life and the economic growth of communities. In light of the rapid development in machine learning, there is a rise in the need to explore automated solutions to prevent crimes. With the increasing availability of both fine-grained urban and public service data, there is a recent surge in fusing such cross-domain information to facilitate crime prediction. By capturing the information about social structure, environment, and crime trends, existing machine learning predictive models have explored the dynamic crime patterns from different views. However, these approaches mostly convert such multi-source knowledge into implicit and latent representations (e.g., learned embeddings of districts), making it still a challenge to investigate the impacts of explicit factors for the occurrences of crimes behind the scenes. In this paper, we present a Spatial-Temporal Metapath guided Explainable Crime prediction (STMEC) framework to capture dynamic patterns of crime behaviours and explicitly characterize how the environmental and social factors mutually interact to produce the forecasts. Extensive experiments show the superiority of STMEC compared with other advanced spatiotemporal models, especially in predicting felonies (e.g., robberies and assaults with dangerous weapons).
Virtual Analog Modeling of Distortion Circuits Using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
Recent research in deep learning has shown that neural networks can learn differential equations governing dynamical systems. In this paper, we adapt this concept to Virtual Analog (VA) modeling to learn the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) governing the first-order and the second-order diode clipper. The proposed models achieve performance comparable to state-of-the-art recurrent neural networks (RNNs) albeit using fewer parameters. We show that this approach does not require oversampling and allows to increase the sampling rate after the training has completed, which results in increased accuracy. Using a sophisticated numerical solver allows to increase the accuracy at the cost of slower processing. ODEs learned this way do not require closed forms but are still physically interpretable.
Crystal Twins: Self-supervised Learning for Crystalline Material Property Prediction
Machine learning (ML) models have been widely successful in the prediction of material properties. However, large labeled datasets required for training accurate ML models are elusive and computationally expensive to generate. Recent advances in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) frameworks capable of training ML models on unlabeled data have mitigated this problem and demonstrated superior performance in computer vision and natural language processing tasks. Drawing inspiration from the developments in SSL, we introduce Crystal Twins (CT): an SSL method for crystalline materials property prediction. Using a large unlabeled dataset, we pre-train a Graph Neural Network (GNN) by applying the redundancy reduction principle to the graph latent embeddings of augmented instances obtained from the same crystalline system. By sharing the pre-trained weights when fine-tuning the GNN for regression tasks, we significantly improve the performance for 7 challenging material property prediction benchmarks
Uncertainty estimation of pedestrian future trajectory using Bayesian approximation
Past research on pedestrian trajectory forecasting mainly focused on deterministic predictions which provide only point estimates of future states. These future estimates can help an autonomous vehicle plan its trajectory and avoid collision. However, under dynamic traffic scenarios, planning based on deterministic predictions is not trustworthy. Rather, estimating the uncertainty associated with the predicted states with a certain level of confidence can lead to robust path planning. Hence, the authors propose to quantify this uncertainty during forecasting using stochastic approximation which deterministic approaches fail to capture. The current method is simple and applies Bayesian approximation during inference to standard neural network architectures for estimating uncertainty. The authors compared the predictions between the probabilistic neural network (NN) models with the standard deterministic models. The results indicate that the mean predicted path of probabilistic models was closer to the ground truth when compared with the deterministic prediction. Further, the effect of stochastic dropout of weights and long-term prediction on future state uncertainty has been studied. It was found that the probabilistic models produced better performance metrics like average displacement error (ADE) and final displacement error (FDE). Finally, the study has been extended to multiple datasets providing a comprehensive comparison for each model.
fairlib: A Unified Framework for Assessing and Improving Classification Fairness
This paper presents fairlib, an open-source framework for assessing and improving classification fairness. It provides a systematic framework for quickly reproducing existing baseline models, developing new methods, evaluating models with different metrics, and visualizing their results. Its modularity and extensibility enable the framework to be used for diverse types of inputs, including natural language, images, and audio. In detail, we implement 14 debiasing methods, including pre-processing, at-training-time, and post-processing approaches. The built-in metrics cover the most commonly used fairness criterion and can be further generalized and customized for fairness evaluation.
Machine Learning based Framework for Robust Price-Sensitivity Estimation with Application to Airline Pricing
We consider the problem of dynamic pricing of a product in the presence of feature-dependent price sensitivity. Based on the Poisson semi-parametric approach, we construct a flexible yet interpretable demand model where the price related part is parametric while the remaining (nuisance) part of the model is non-parametric and can be modeled via sophisticated ML techniques. The estimation of price-sensitivity parameters of this model via direct one-stage regression techniques may lead to biased estimates. We propose a two-stage estimation methodology which makes the estimation of the price-sensitivity parameters robust to biases in the nuisance parameters of the model. In the first-stage we construct the estimators of observed purchases and price given the feature vector using sophisticated ML estimators like deep neural networks. Utilizing the estimators from the first-stage, in the second-stage we leverage a Bayesian dynamic generalized linear model to estimate the price-sensitivity parameters. We test the performance of the proposed estimation schemes on simulated and real sales transaction data from Airline industry. Our numerical studies demonstrate that the two-stage approach provides more accurate estimates of price-sensitivity parameters as compared to direct one-stage approach.
Provably Confidential Language Modelling
Large language models are shown to memorize privacy information such as social security numbers in training data. Given the sheer scale of the training corpus, it is challenging to screen and filter these privacy data, either manually or automatically. In this paper, we propose Confidentially Redacted Training (CRT), a method to train language generation models while protecting the confidential segments. We borrow ideas from differential privacy (which solves a related but distinct problem) and show that our method is able to provably prevent unintended memorization by randomizing parts of the training process. Moreover, we show that redaction with an approximately correct screening policy amplifies the confidentiality guarantee. We implement the method for both LSTM and GPT language models. Our experimental results show that the models trained by CRT obtain almost the same perplexity while preserving strong confidentiality.
DeeptDCS: Deep Learning-Based Estimation of Currents Induced During Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
Objective: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique used to generate conduction currents in the head and disrupt brain functions. To rapidly evaluate the tDCS-induced current density in near real-time, this paper proposes a deep learning-based emulator, named DeeptDCS. Methods: The emulator leverages Attention U-net taking the volume conductor models (VCMs) of head tissues as inputs and outputting the three-dimensional current density distribution across the entire head. The electrode configurations are also incorporated into VCMs without increasing the number of input channels; this enables the straightforward incorporation of the non-parametric features of electrodes (e.g., thickness, shape, size, and position) in the training and testing of the proposed emulator. Results: Attention U-net outperforms standard U-net and its other three variants (Residual U-net, Attention Residual U-net, and Multi-scale Residual U-net) in terms of accuracy. The generalization ability of DeeptDCS to non-trained electrode positions can be greatly enhanced through fine-tuning the model. The computational time required by one emulation via DeeptDCS is a fraction of a second. Conclusion: DeeptDCS is at least two orders of magnitudes faster than a physics-based open-source simulator, while providing satisfactorily accurate results. Significance: The high computational efficiency permits the use of DeeptDCS in applications requiring its repetitive execution, such as uncertainty quantification and optimization studies of tDCS.
SMLT: A Serverless Framework for Scalable and Adaptive Machine Learning Design and Training
In today's production machine learning (ML) systems, models are continuously trained, improved, and deployed. ML design and training are becoming a continuous workflow of various tasks that have dynamic resource demands. Serverless computing is an emerging cloud paradigm that provides transparent resource management and scaling for users and has the potential to revolutionize the routine of ML design and training. However, hosting modern ML workflows on existing serverless platforms has non-trivial challenges due to their intrinsic design limitations such as stateless nature, limited communication support across function instances, and limited function execution duration. These limitations result in a lack of an overarching view and adaptation mechanism for training dynamics and an amplification of existing problems in ML workflows. To address the above challenges, we propose SMLT, an automated, scalable, and adaptive serverless framework to enable efficient and user-centric ML design and training. SMLT employs an automated and adaptive scheduling mechanism to dynamically optimize the deployment and resource scaling for ML tasks during training. SMLT further enables user-centric ML workflow execution by supporting user-specified training deadlines and budget limits. In addition, by providing an end-to-end design, SMLT solves the intrinsic problems in serverless platforms such as the communication overhead, limited function execution duration, need for repeated initialization, and also provides explicit fault tolerance for ML training. SMLT is open-sourced and compatible with all major ML frameworks. Our experimental evaluation with large, sophisticated modern ML models demonstrate that SMLT outperforms the state-of-the-art VM based systems and existing serverless ML training frameworks in both training speed (up to 8X) and monetary cost (up to 3X)
Optimizing Mixture of Experts using Dynamic Recompilations
The Mixture of Experts architecture allows for outrageously large neural networks by scaling model parameter size independently from computational demand (FLOPs). However, current DNN frameworks cannot effectively support the dynamic data flow in Mixture of Experts, and implementations on top of these frameworks need to use workarounds that introduce significant overheads. To address the limitation of these frameworks, we present DynaMoE, a DNN library that uses dynamic recompilations to optimize and adapt the use of computational resources to the dynamic needs of Mixture of Experts models. Our evaluation shows that DynaMoE achieves a 1.8x speedup and supports 2.3x larger model sizes when compared to existing MoE systems, even when not using recompilations. We then present further optimizations enabled by dynamic recompilations that yield an additional 1.7x speedup while simultaneously reducing memory pressure and improving model quality.
AmbiPun: Generating Humorous Puns with Ambiguous Context
In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective way to generate pun sentences that does not require any training on existing puns. Our approach is inspired by humor theories that ambiguity comes from the context rather than the pun word itself. Given a pair of definitions of a pun word, our model first produces a list of related concepts through a reverse dictionary. We then utilize one-shot GPT3 to generate context words and then generate puns incorporating context words from both concepts. Human evaluation shows that our method successfully generates pun 52\% of the time, outperforming well-crafted baselines and the state-of-the-art models by a large margin.
Zero-shot Sonnet Generation with Discourse-level Planning and Aesthetics Features
Poetry generation, and creative language generation in general, usually suffers from the lack of large training data. In this paper, we present a novel framework to generate sonnets that does not require training on poems. We design a hierarchical framework which plans the poem sketch before decoding. Specifically, a content planning module is trained on non-poetic texts to obtain discourse-level coherence; then a rhyme module generates rhyme words and a polishing module introduces imagery and similes for aesthetics purposes. Finally, we design a constrained decoding algorithm to impose the meter-and-rhyme constraint of the generated sonnets. Automatic and human evaluation show that our multi-stage approach without training on poem corpora generates more coherent, poetic, and creative sonnets than several strong baselines.