1 value
Slack is just fancy IRC. Not exactly hard to clone. Its why Microsoft teams now exist, and FOSS answers like rocket. Chat and mattermost are out there. Why pay billions for something their devs could spin off in a few weeks?
I used to do the opposite when I needed to rent a car locally. I would request the bottom of the line and tell them that I will pick up at one of our expensive resorts. They never had any Kia Sorentos, but they had nice Lincolns and other high end vehicles for Kia prices. I'm sorry, we don't have the Ford Escort you reserved, so I'll give you a Towncar for the Escort price.
"This report raises even more questions than it answers. From pg. 36 (pt. #176): >Concerns were again raised to Compliance in relation to an instruction to reduce LIBOR submissions given by senior management on 29 October 2008. This instruction was given **following a telephone conversation between a senior individual at Barclays and the Bank of England during which the external perceptions of Barclays LIBOR submissions were discussed.** The Bank of England was potentially involved as well? First I've heard. The report goes on to state ""No instruction for Barclays to lower its LIBOR submissions was given during this telephone conversation."" But they don't say why they rule it out so definitively. Very interesting."
Please either remove the $50 going to the 529 plan or move it into a ROTH IRA instead. You can always use your ROTH contributions to pay for college expenses in the future if you want to. I suspect you may not have enough saved up for retirement to have the luxury to help with college though.
"The bank SHOULD be able to issue you a new card without letting vendors roll over the recurring payments. In fact, I've never had a bank move recurring payments to a new card automatically, or even upon request; they've always told me to contact the vendor and give them my new card number. So go back to the bank, tell them specifically that you have a security issue and you want the new card issued WITHOUT carrying over any recurring charges, and see if they can do it properly. If not: 1) Issue a ""charge back"" every time a bogus charge comes in. This costs the vendor money, and should convince them to stop trying to access your card. It's a hassle because you have to keep contacting the bank about the bad charges, but it won't cost you more than time and a phone call or letter. (The bank can tell you what their preferred process is for this.) 2) Consider moving to a bank that isn't stupidly over-helpful."
There are forums online (Wall Street Oasis, Poets and Quants) that cover what you need to know for a Wall Street interview. That's the most efficient way. But it's also important to research the company that you're interviewing for. Do they invest in equity or debt? Are they in a specialized industry (e.g., real estate, oil & gas)? A model for a equity research firm is going to have different priorities from a LBO model for a private equity firm or a cash flow model for a bank/lending company.
The HST is a sales tax levied on most goods and services. It is important to realize that in both BC and Ontario, the new HST does not (in most cases) result in an increase in sales tax paid. For example, in Ontario the PST is 8% and when combined with the GST the sales tax is 13%. With the HST, the GST and PST are replaced by a single HST of 13% so the tax bill does not change. Some services that were previously not subject to PST (such as mutual fund service fees and labour) will now be subject to the HST. So some things will increase. Over time, this should not have a material impact on the consumer due to the way businesses remit GST/HST.
You chose the worst case though, his last year alive. The GDP of the world is something like $85 trillion. 1.05^x = 85 *10^12 x = log base 1.05(85*10^12 ) //reddit should add subscripts, that would be nice x = 657 2014-x = 1357 He was born in 1343, so if he invested when he was 14 he would be good.
Setting aside for the moment the very relevant issue of whether you need the full amount quickly, I'll just tackle comparing which option gives you to maximum amount of money (in terms of real dollars). The trick is, unless you think inflation will suddenly reverse itself or stop entirely (not likely), $50K today is worth a LOT more than $50K in 20 years. If you don't believe me, consider that just 30 years ago the average price for a mid-level new car was around $3k. When you grandfather says he got a burger for a nickel, he isn't talking about 2010 dollars. So, how do you account for this? Well, the way financial people and project managers do it to estimate how much to pay today for $1 at some point in the future is through a net present value (NPV) calculation. You can find a calculator here. In your question, you gave some numbers for the payout, but not the lump sum prize amount. Going solely on what you have provided, I calculate that you should take the lump sum if it is greater than $766,189.96 which is the net present value of 20 years of $50K Payments assuming 3% annual inflation, which is fairly a fairly reasonable number given history. However, if you think the out-of-control Gov't spending is going to send inflation through the roof (possible, but not a given), then you almost certainly would want the lump sum. I suppose in that scenario you might want the lump sum anyway because if the Govt starts filching on their obligations, doing it to a small number of lottery winners might be politically more popular than cutting other programs that affect a large number of voters.
"This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/03/business/economy/high-end-medical-care.html) reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Not to be outdone, Lenox Hill Hospital in New York recently hired a veteran of Louis Vuitton and Nordstrom, Joe Leggio, to create an atmosphere that would remind V.I.P. patients of visiting a luxury boutique or hotel, not a hospital. > "This is something that patients asked for, and we want to go from three-star service to five-star service," said Mr. Leggio, the hospital's director of patient and customer experience. > What about everyone else? Mr. Traina doesn't see much future for the conventional family doctor, except for patients who go the concierge route. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/6fea3z/nytimes_feature_about_concierge_care_the_rise_of/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ ""Version 1.65, ~136869 tl;drs so far."") | [Theory](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31bfht/theory_autotldr_concept/) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr ""PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome."") | *Top* *keywords*: **patient**^#1 **Dr.**^#2 **Hospital**^#3 **doctor**^#4 **family**^#5"
Original concept originates from Marx - commodity fetishism. I believe Paul Bowles merely re-explained this concept with the examples of modern consumer devices. Marx goes on to argue that because we eliminate the perception of social relationships involved in production, we forget that an item holds subjective economic value, and henceforth transform items into those that hold intrinsic value of themselves.
Large-scale price range of a stock isn't directly meaningful; that reflects how many shares exist, not just how desirable they are. A stock split, for example, doubles the number of shares everyone holds while cutting the value of each share in half; that's meaningless except that it makes the shares a bit easier to trade in. Change in price is more interesting. In the case of energy companies, that often reflects major changes in energy supply, distribution, use, or how well positioned people feel the company is for the next change in these. Fracking's surge and the questions raised against it, whether a major pipeline will or won't be built, international energy price trends, breakthroughs in renewables... if it might affect energy price, it might affect the company's strength, both absolute and relative to others. In other words, the same kinds of things that affect any stock.
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I use the forum seeking alpha. http://seekingalpha.com/
>banking practises thrive through deception. and >A bank is in other words, just moving money from A to B and then making profit out of thin air due to the capitalistic systems nature and >they are private govt agencies I realize these are just snippets, but from other debate threads it seems there is a lot of misinformation about what banks are. I have only taken a few finance classes so I was coming here to see what /r/finance thinks a bank is. Sorry if I let me own bias show in my post, I wasnt trying to let it. But I still havent seen anyone mention the benefits of credit. It seems most peoples perception of a bank is very simplistic.
EBIT could be lower due to non-operating revenues such as investments in other companies, tax reliefs, adjustments to incorrect loss provisions and various other items that would not be part of the companies day to day operations. Be careful and read the footnotes and managements discussion for those items, they should be disclosed to some extent.
Medical Office Rental - Florida Medical Space, Inc. is a full service commercial real estate brokerage and development firm based in South Florida. We provide a full range of services to property owners and healthcare providers of all sizes and types.
Sorry, missed this reply in with all the others. Apparently I touched some nerves, and I saw the comment got linked to a Libertarian sub. Your argument assumes that there is no choice. Isn't a bedrock of Libertarian policy self sufficiency? Slaves were called slaves because they were absolutely controlled through force, and the threat of death or severe physical torture. If you are trying to equate that to taxes and the penalties for not paying them, then that truly is an argument from the extreme. I used an example of being a grown capable adult, and living in a drug dealers house. You have the ability to leave at any time if you wanted, but there would be a cost of course - moving isn't free, and you might have to answer to the drug dealer if he had expectations of you. However, if you truly dissagreed with how he was living and making his money, wouldn't you try to change his ways? And if you couldn't, wouldn't you leave - otherwise aren't you implicitly endorsing his way of life?
I was actually planning for the CFA. But with not being sure about doing a job anytime soon, and needing four years after the CFA for the charter, I decided against it. Also, I live in a foreign country so getting a job isn't easy for me.
What you may be looking for are multi-manager ETFs; these invest in a basket of diversified funds to get the best out of all of the funds. The problem with multi-manager funds is, of course, that you pay fees twice; once to the fund itself and once to each of the funds in the fund. The low fees on ETFs mean that it is not very profitable to actively maintain one so there are not many around (Googling returns very few). Noting that historic success doesn't guarantee future success and that fees are being applied to fees these funds only really benefit from diversification of manager performance risk. partial source of information and an example of a (non-outperforming) Multi-manager ETF: http://www.etfstrategy.co.uk/advisorshares-sets-date-for-multi-manager-etf-with-charitable-twist-give-53126/
"There is something to be said for government-funded high risk R&D. Startups which receive SBIR grants are much more likely to reach commercial success. Also, ""high-tech"" firms receive far less of their funding from private sources since they are generally higher risk. Because much of our recent growth has been in high-tech industries and because most high-tech startups get funding from public grants we have seen an increased importance of programs like SBIR. Just to substantiate this claim, here is a [source](http://www.springerlink.com/content/a684510qk6600666/fulltext.pdf) which shows that high-tech firms with less than 1000 employees in the US receive on average between 33-39% of their funding from public grants. In comparison, in the UK it is 6-11%. It is no coincidence that America has led the world in both public R&D spending and innovation."
The article does not support this at all. > profits would gush if breakneck growth were to stop. Uber says it is profitable in cities where it has operated longest, such as San Francisco. Nextera says that if it stopped investing in new capacity, it would make $6bn of free cashflow a year.
Wearing decent clothes is not enough but you should wear a decent brand of footwear to complete your look. Going to get branded footwear would cost you high and you do not even able to find out the best bet. Buying a Gucci Sneaker would really give you dashing and a smart look. But, if you are trying to find G sneakers, then the internet may be the best place to go. You will not just have completely different choices.
How can there be an outflow while prices have increased? Assuming for every seller, there is a buyer, should the amount of us securities sold match the amount purchased? What exactly defines an outflow? Is it defined based off the amount at which the stock was sold today, or the original purchase price the seller bought the stock at?
**Phase-out of lightweight plastic bags** In many countries of the world, there has been a phase-out of lightweight plastic bags. Single-use plastic shopping bags, commonly made from low-density polyethylene (LDPE) plastic, have traditionally been given free to customers by stores when purchasing goods—a popular method considered a strong, cheap, and hygienic way of transporting items. Problems associated with plastic bags include use of non-renewable resources (such as crude oil, gas and coal), disposal, and environmental impacts. Governments all over the world have taken action to ban the sale of lightweight bags, charge customers for lightweight bags and/or generate taxes from the stores who sell them. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/business/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.27
I don't think communism is bad as a form of government at all. I do think that people can in no way be trusted with it though, both leaders and the population. Also, socialist programs are horrible in the U.S. specifically because they have 32455 different departments all trying to run programs, causing overhead to be ridiculous. There really needs to be a lot of reform with that. =/
It was then we determined that with our large revel in within the textiles, recycling enterprise. We'd begin in our quest to help Africa and open our first cash 4 garments shop. At Recycle four Cash for clothes kent, we offer a friendly, rapid and reliable provider to every person seeking our offerings. We remember the fact that you may favor donating your garb to charity; HOWEVER, did you already know by the point the retail outlet of the charity pays its walking costs, handiest a small percent will go to the actual charity. Should you desire to donate the monies we pay you to the charity.
"Technically it doesn't matter what size the check is. In fact, it doesn't even have to be written on paper. While writing it on a cow may not always fly, almost any object actually will. That said, more to the question asked - you can definitely use the smaller ""personal""-sized checks for a business account. The larger checks formatted to the ""letter"" page size: if you cut it into three equal pieces with a tiny bit left for the binder holes - you'll get exactly three check-sized pieces. This is convenient for those printing checks, keeping carbon-copy records etc. Regarding the MICR line: I just checked my business check book, which is of a smaller ""personal"" size (that I got for free from the bank) - the check number is at the end."
Is investing more money into a stock that you already have a stake, in which has gone up in price a good idea? What you describe here is a good idea when the stock keeps up-trending. The way to do it is say you have originally bought $1000 worth of shares, then the next purchase you buy $500 worth, then $250 worth. It is called pyramiding into your trades. However, this system would not be the best with simply a buy and hold when you keep holding even if the price starts freefalling. You would need to have a trailing stop loss on your initial trade, and then as you buy each additional trade your trailing stop loss would incorporate the additional trade and move to a level where if you get stopped out you will make an overall profit. With each additional trade your trailing stop will move higher and higher for higher protected profits. The whole point behind pyramid trading is to keep buying more of a stock that keeps performing well to increase your profits. However, each additional purchase is half the previous one so that you don't eat too much into existing profits (in the case of the uptrend reversing) and so as to not overcapitalise on the one stock. So you are using part of your existing profits in an attempt to make more profits.
Welcome to the real world :-) There really aren't all that many ways for ordinary employees to lower taxes. You could put more in your 401k, buy a house (for the mortgage interest deduction, which lets you deduct some other things instead of taking standard deduction), or move to a different state to get rid of the state tax.
"Sure. For starters, you can put it in a savings account. Don't laugh, they used to pay noticeable interest. You know, back in the olden days. You could buy an I-bond from Treasury Direct. They're a government savings bond that pays a specified amount of interest (currently 0%, I believe), plus the amount of the inflation rate (something like 3.5% currently, I believe). You don't get paid the money -- the I-bond grows in value till you sell it. You can open a discount brokerage account, and buy 1 or more shares of stock in a company you like. Discount brokerages generally have a minimum of $500 or so, but will waive that if you set the account up as an IRA. Scot Trade, for instance. (An IRA, in case you didn't know, is a type of account that's tax free but you can't touch it till you turn 59 1/2. It's meant to help you save for retirement.) Incidentally, watch out of ""small account"" fees that some brokerages might charge you. Generally they're annual or monthly charges they'd charge you to cover their costs on your account -- since they're certainly not going to make it in commissions. That IRA at Scot Trade is no-fee. Speaking of commissions, those will be a big chunk of that $100. It'll be like $7-$10 to buy that stock -- a pretty big bite. However, many of these discount brokerages also offer some mutual funds for no commission. Those mutual funds, in turn, have minimums too, but once again if your account's an IRA many will waive the minimum or set it low -- like $100."
" Crumbling infrastructure after decades of insufficient funding and maintenance throughout the country. Crumbling"" gets thrown out a lot. Just because we don't build high speed trains that we cannot afford doesn't mean our infrastructure is crumbling. We have the best freight railroad network in the world, the best highway system in the world, and cities all over the country are heavily investing in mass transit."" Wait - how many bridges collapsed in the past few years? How many more need major renovation or replacement? How many water mains broke last year? How stressed is our power grid? Infrastructure goes way beyond the rail systems."
There are two independent sets of terms we need to define in order to answer your question. I am trying to understand the difference between Value, Blend, and Growth These are different categories of mutual funds: Value: discounted or undervalued stocks. This is often measured by a difference between the stock's price and the Net Asset Value (NEV). Growth: stocks that fund managers believe are poised for significant growth (increase in stock price and NEV). Blend: a blend of two categories of stocks. In this context it probably refers to a combination of growth and value stocks, but it just depends on the context. I want to receive dividend and Growth These are ways to receive earnings from a stock or fund. Dividend: a direct cash payment from owning a stock or a fund. Stocks and funds who pay out 100% of their profits don't have any money leftover to grow themselves and either stagnate or shrink. Growth: an increase manifesting itself in capital gains. If a stock or fund pays out zero dividends, then all profits are invested back into the company for fund, increasing its value. If you intend to automatically reinvest dividends, then receiving dividends is essentially the same as receiving profit through capital gains. If you intend to sell stocks or funds periodically to get some extra spending cash, then receiving profits through capital gains is essentially the same as dividends.
let's all support the latest post added to www.securedcreditcardsonline.com! it offers excellent tips college students can use to find, qualify for and eventually get suitable lines of credit they can use for managing their day-to-day expenses. hope you will read it and share it with all your friends!
>1. A big project to automate the entry of 2 invoices per month from a supplier. Is would take an employee less than 10 minutes a month to enter those 2 invoices manually into the system. I am curious. Can't they apply the same solution for other suppliers?
Virtually zero risk of default; safety; diversification; guaranteed fixed income albeit very low; portfolio diversifier so it reduces total volatility; plus yields might drop even lower thus increasing the price of the bond. Very unlikely given how obscenely low yields already are but still possible. I thought nobody would ever buy a 10yr @ 3% and now look, rates are almost half as much and those 3% bonds are worth a lot more now on the secondary market. Timing the bond market is really hard.
Out of what principle? Your morals or the balance? Either way, you will pay for it. I pay it monthly if there’s a shortage. I round my monthly payment up to the highest 100 and accept that as the new lowest payment. Any extra goes to principle so I can be done with it.
"This questions is rational but ,in my view, definition of savings will be like this : ""Savings is that amount of money which will be useful in unexpected future cash demanding events or they will stay ideal through out your life"" Human can purchase/pursue any luxury items at any point of time in their life but there will come several unavoidable events which will take away your savings and (some how) you will not have any control over it. Example: You found out you have a cancer at the age of 45. Doctor says you can under go several treatments and will be fine again. For this you will have to spend $1m. Now this can be considered as unavoidable expense and only your savings will be helpful to you in this kind of situations. So Savings is nothing but a money kept at a safe location which will be used in such unavoidable situations or they will stay ideal during your entire life time and your next generation will be able to use them after your death."
If you didn't have a stop loss set (or trailing stop loss) then an equally random spike in the other direction could have obliterated your account and put you in debt to the broker, depending on the terms of that broker, as these are highly leveraged positions. Market anomaly? If your currency bet was unrelated to the fed's interest rate decision today, then you should probably just stop trading.
This statement is somewhat hyperbolic but that's what kind of scares me about facebook. This all seems pretty true. Zuckerberg has always held a cavalier attitude toward user privacy from before facebook expanded out of Harvard. Their plan when it comes to privacy matters is to shoot first and ask questions later. Implement something new that pushes the privacy envelope and see if it is challenged. It is a risk business strategy and I hope that one day they reevaluate it.
"First of all, never is too late to develop good habits. So, you know what you want to do and you are going about the how now... First, you should pay off any consumer debt except from mortgage which should be planned for. Prioritize your consumer debt (credit cards, consumer loans, etc) according to the interest rates, starting with the one with the highest interest and going to the one with the lowest one. Because you should make quite the investments to pay off this interest debt and still make a profit. Second, you should start saving some money. The 10% rule of thumb is a good one and for starters having aside the money you need to get by for at least 3 months is quite okay. As they say, cash is king. Now, that you actually realize the amount you can spare each month to start investing (assuming you had to do something of the aforementioned) it's time to see the risk you are comfortable taking. Different risk-taking views lead to different investing routes. So, assuming once again that you are risk averse (having a newborn baby and all) and that you want something more than just a savings account, you can start looking for things that don't require much attention (even more so if you are going on you own about it) such as low risk mutual funds, ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) and index funds to track indexes like FTSE and S&P500 (you could get an average annual return of 10-12%, just google ""top safe etfs"" for example and you could take a quick look at credible sites like forbes etc). Also, you can take a look at fixed income options such as government bonds. Last but not least, you can always get your pick at some value companies stocks (usually big companies that have proven track record, check warren buffet on this). You should look for stocks that pay dividends since you are in for the long run and not just to make a quick buck. I hope I helped a bit and as always be cautious about investing since they have some inherent risks. If you don't feel comfortable with making your own investment choices you should contact a specialist like a financial planner or advisor. No matter what the case may be on this, you should still educate yourself on this... just to get a grasp on this."
"Also, when I tested between perl and shasum(cmdline), I found they got me different results. A quick search showed that other people hit the same issue, that of an extra '\n' from echo : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843383/why-does-perl-and-bin-sha1-give-different-results So it might be worthwhile doing an ""echo -n"" for this as well, when checking against the hash file."
Giulianis retarded no one should listen to him, ever. Not only the ideas he says are retarded but also he sounds retarded with his speech impediment. He was my mayor and he was great. Now he's a Dracula looking sell out for the Republican Party.
They weren't always so awful. If you weren't paying close attention, the gradual replacement of their old contrarian viewpoint with the Kremlin party line may have passed unnoticed. I remember when Fabius Maximus called them out as a Russian influence op a few years back and I thought that was ridiculous. How wrong I was...
"Firstly (and this part is rather opinion-based) I would absolutely not think of making more pension contributions when you are currently totaling 6% of salary as ""over contributing"". There are some who argue that you should be putting a minimum of 20% away for retirement throughout your working life; you don't say how old you are / how close to retirement you are, but a common rule of thumb is to halve your age and put away that % of your salary into your pension. So I would certainly start with upping those contributions. I actually don't think it makes much difference whether you go for just your workplace pension versus a separate private one - in general you end up paying management fees that are a % of the value, so whether it is in one place or split doesn't cost any less. The ""all eggs in one basket"" syndrome is a possible argument but equally if you change jobs a few times and end up with half a dozen pension pots it can be very hard to stay on top of them all. If you end up with everything in one pot and then transfer it when you change jobs, it's easier to manage. Other options: ISA as you mentioned; on the plus side these are tax free. On the minus side, you can either go for a cash ISA which at the moment has very low rates of return, and/or a stocks and shares ISA which exposes you to risks in the stock market. If you have debt, consider paying it off early / overpaying. Student loans may or may not be the exception to this depending on your personal situation. Certainly if you have a mortgage you can save a vast amount by overpaying early. Other investments - stocks and shares, BTL housing, fine wines, Bitcoin, there are almost limitless possibilities. But it makes sense to max out the tax-efficient options before you look into these."
Agree to disagree there man in my experience in la ive see way more fights,domestic abuse,drunk driving, than ive ever witnessed what youre saying data definitely supports my experience also. I gotta say law enforcement doesnt do much about what youre talking about because its just not as dangerous as drinking and harder drugs so that makes sense. I also dont like like people being trashy and doing those things you mentioned . I think you might just live in a bad neighborhood honestly in Venice maybe lol ?
You're correct. Amazon literally doesn't give a shit if they don't make profits for a while on this business. Hell it's potentially possible that their 1P business is still in the red and just used for the platform. Amazon isn't looking at whole foods for profit in the short term or even on a 5 year time horizon. They're looking to expand their presence into the fresh market, give people a local touch point to pick up online orders, and get more people into their platform. It's completely likely you'll see some form of price decline. Edit: just wanted to add, this is far from new.
I feel like the new mlm schemes are 'pay a thousand dollars for my blue print which will help you develop the business of your dreams and earn 100k a month!' A lady contacted me about training because she couldn't afford one of those 'courses'. And I was like a) I have ten years experience in this I did not decide to do it overnight and b) it's high pressure and stressful as f.
Dedicate the majority if your time to paying close attention in your class. They will give you little chests to remember when it comes to options and other important areas. Take practice tests after every chapter you read. For the week before your test, take as many practice exams as possible. Mastering the practice exams is your key to success
"I think it started when the lines between tech and artist began blurring. Once something becomes insanely popular in Silicon Valley it has a way of, eventually, filtering to the rest of the world. _______________ The rest of your comment is exactly why I tell everyone in /r/Entrepreneur and similar subs to talk to a CPA. My accountant is the one that convinced me to stop ""freelancing"" and build an actual business. Completely shifted my outlook for the better."
Drugs, and medicine in general, are most certainly not inelastic. There is competition from less expensive analogs, and, unfortunately, nothing. There is always an optimum price as long as there is a marketplace. If we want cheaper drugs then we ought to reform patents (in a real sense) and lower barriers to competition. Medical companies are obviously lowering their ethical safeguards for selling drugs cheap when they don't have to so that can't be relied upon anymore.
u just dont understand how money works. u think u do, but u dont. u dont even understand the problem. the govt printed over 7 trillion, where is the hyperinflation? explain to me what caused the inflation from 2001 to 2007 up until the bubble collapse and financial collapse of 2008. and don't say fed 'money printing' coz it ain't true. don't say fractional reserve multiplier effect, coz that ain't true either. see u don't even know. if u keep arguing with me ur gonna get embarassed. if u ask nicely, maybe i'll tell u.
Missouri. There is silage use here, but the capital costs are prohibitive for all but the largest producers, and grass is cheap to produce compared to most silage crops for us. It may be that silage is something we should look into. I know most old farms here had silos, but almost all have fallen to ruin, and the only ones left are at large dairies. I can't think of any that are used for beef. Either way, rotation is cheaper than hay or silage. We don't have any problem producing grass most of the year.
This is a gross simplification as there are a few different ways to do this. The principle overall is the same though. To short a stock, you borrow X shares from a third party and sell them at the current price. You now owe the lender X shares but have the proceeds from the sale. If the share price falls you can buy back those shares at the new lower price, return them to the lender and pocket the difference. The risk comes when the share price goes the other way, you now owe the lender the new value of the shares, so have to find some way to cover the difference. This happened a while back when Porsche made a fortune buying shares in Volkswagen from short sellers, and the price unexpectedly rose.
You can open a NRE account or a NRO account online before you leave the US and transfer the bulk of your money into it. After returning to India, your tax status will be RNOR (Resident but Not Ordinarily Resident) and you can keep the NRE and NRO accounts for several years (three?) and can do whatever you like with the money in them: transfer the money to ordinary (resident) savings accounts, or reconvert back to US dollars for payment of any outstanding bills (e.g. credit card bills) or US taxes for 2017 etc. Don't forget to close your US bank account before you leave. Many banks allow opening of NRE and NRO accounts on-line, though some paperwork needs to be sent in (e.g. copies of passport pages, signature cards etc). In most cases, one month is more than enough time to complete these formalities.
"My employer puts ""contractor"" in your email address if you're a contractor, just so no one mistakenly treats you like a real employee. jsmith.contractor@company.com They get crappy desks not much bigger than 1970s library carrels. Some of them might be making more than I do, but I'd bet 6 months' salary that most of them aren't - a lot of them have that hangdog ""should I go for catfood again tonight or treat myself with some nice instant ramen?"" look."
Reporting costs on a fully-loaded basis means that the business should report costs directly and indirectly associated with its product and the relevant indirect costs, e.g. overhead, indirect charges, etc. If you're looking at a company in general, the fully-loaded cost basis of the firm is essentially all costs related to the product(s) it offers. In economics/accounting 101 terms, reporting costs on a fully-loaded basis means reporting both the fixed and variable costs associated with production. Fixed costs are costs that remain constant regardless of how much the firm produces, e.g. general overhead like rent, managers' salaries, etc. while variable costs are per-unit costs that may change as the firm increases or decreases production, e.g. the cost of materials, hourly wages, etc.
ACWI refers to a fund that tracks the MSCI All Country World Index, which is A market capitalization weighted index designed to provide a broad measure of equity-market performance throughout the world. The MSCI ACWI is maintained by Morgan Stanley Capital International, and is comprised of stocks from both developed and emerging markets. The ex-US in the name implies exactly what it sounds; this fund probably invests in stock markets (or stock market indexes) of the countries in the index, except the US. Brd Mkt refers to a Broad Market index, which, in the US, means that the fund attempts to track the performance of a wide swath of the US stock market (wider than just the S&P 500, for example). The Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index, the Wilshire 5000 index, the Russell 2000 index, the MSCI US Broad Market Index, and the CRSP US Total Market Index are all examples of such an index. This could also refer to a fund similar to the one above in that it tracks a broad swath of the several stock markets across the world. I spoke with BNY Mellon about the rest, and they told me this: EB - Employee Benefit (a bank collective fund for ERISA qualified assets) DL - Daily Liquid (provides for daily trading of fund shares) SL - Securities Lending (fund engages in the BNY Mellon securities lending program) Non-SL - Non-Securities Lending (fund does not engage in the BNY Mellon securities lending program) I'll add more detail. EB (Employee Benefit) refers to plans that fall under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, which are a set a laws that govern employee pensions and retirement plans. This is simply BNY Mellon's designation for funds that are offered through 401(k)'s and other retirement vehicles. As I said before, DL refers to Daily Liquidity, which means that you can buy into and sell out of the fund on a daily basis. There may be fees for this in your plan, however. SL (Securities Lending) often refers to institutional funds that loan out their long positions to investment banks or brokers so that the clients of those banks/brokerages can sell the shares short. This SeekingAlpha article has a good explanation of how this procedure works in practice for ETF's, and the procedure is identical for mutual funds: An exchange-traded fund lends out shares of its holdings to another party and charges a rental fee. Running a securities-lending program is another way for an ETF provider to wring more return out of a fund's holdings. Revenue from these programs is used to offset a fund's expenses, which allows the provider to charge a lower expense ratio and/or tighten the performance gap between an ETF and its benchmark.
No, it is just normal sideways action. Think of this week kind of like October 14th - October 20th. It is a day traders week. If you're not day trading then either do after hours trading at the second of the news, or buy/sell on thursday (i'm bullish). This is normal market activity. I wouldn't consider it out of the ordinary. When there is sideways action there is always good times to both buy and sell, if you realize it. For example, today is the perfect day to buy ... maybe when $SPX is 1240-1244.
One additional reason to pay with cash rather than financing is that you will be able to completely shut down the dealership from haggling over finance terms and get right to the point of haggling over the cost of the car (which you should always do).
"The key point to answer the question is to consider risk aversion. Assume I suggest a game to you: Throw a coin and if you win, you get $5, if you lose nothing happens. Will you play the game? Of course, you will - you have nothing to lose! What if I suggest this: If you win, you get $10,000,005 and if you lose you must pay $10,000,000 (I also accept cars, houses, spouses, and kidneys as payment). While the expected value of the second game is the same as for the first, if you lose the second game you are more or less doomed to spend the rest of your life in poverty or not even have a rest of your life. Therefore, you will not wish to play the second game. Well, maybe you do - but probably only if you are very, very rich and can easily afford a loss (even if you had $11,000,000 you won't be as happy with a possible raise to $21,000,005 as you'd be unhappy with dropping to a mere $1,000,000, so you'd still not like to play). Some model this by taking logarithms: If your capital grows from $500 to $1000 or from $1000 to $2000, in both cases it doubles, hence is considered the same ""personal gain"", effectively. And, voíla, the logartithm of your capital grows by the same amount in both cases. This refelcts that a rich man will not be as happy about finding a $10 note as a poor man will be about finding a nickel. The effect of an insurance is that you replace an uncertain event of great damage with a certain event of little damage. Of course, the insurance company plays the same game, with roles swapped - so why do they play? One point is that they play the game very often, which tends to nivel the risks - unless you do something stupid and insure all inhabitants of San Francisco (and nobody else) against eqarthquakes. But also they have enough capital that they can afford to lose the game. In a fair situation, i.e. when the insurance costs just as much as damage cost multiplied with probability of damage, a rational you would eagerly buy the insurance because of risk aversion. Therefore, the insurance will in effect be able to charge more than the statistically fair price and many will still (gnawingly) buy it, and that's how they make a living. The decision how much more one is willing to accept as insurance cost is also a matter of whether you can afford a loss of the insured item easily, with regrets, barely, or not all."
I believe that tax will be withheld (at 30%?) on dividends paid to non-residents. You can claim it back if your country has a tax treaty with the USA, but you will need to file. You probably also need to file a W-series withholding form (eg a W9-BEN). Interesting question. I would like to hear a more definitive answer.
What do you think happens when cash gets paid out to investors? People don't just collect the cash and stuff it in their mattress. They reinvest it, sometimes in other giant corporations, sometimes in start-ups, sometimes in government bonds. Some of it goes to fund R&D elsewhere, some of it goes to fund building bridges and roads, some of it goes toward buying houses. Ultimately, how much goes to each piece of the pie depends on the attractiveness of each opportunity. If there are a lot of good R&D projects that would generate good returns, people will invest in them.
This is good advice. People place a lot of value on appearances. A clean uniform, and not smelling like a sweat-rag or a sewer, will help clients feel like they're getting more value for their money. If he's overweight, now is the time to fix that as well -- fit, attractive people have an easier time closing deals in all industries.
There is no need to get an auto loan just to try and affect your credit score. It is possible to have a score over 800 without any sort of auto loan. If you can afford to pay for the vehicle up front that is the better option. Even with special financing incentives it is better to pay up front if you can. Yes it is possible to use the funds to make more if you finance with a silly low interest rate, however it's also possible to lose a job or have some other financial disaster happen and need that money for something else making it more difficult to make the payment. It may be just me but I find the peace of mind not having the payment to be worth a lot.
As other answers have pointed out, professional real estate investors do own residential investment properties. However, small residential units typically are not owned by professional real estate investors as your experience confirms. This has a fairly natural cause. The size of the investment opportunity is insufficient to warrant the proper research/due diligence to which a large investment firm would have to commit if it wanted to properly assess the potential of a property. For a small real estate fund managing, say, $50 MM, it would take 100 properties at a $500K valuation in order to fully invest the funds. This number grows quickly as we decrease the average valuation to reflect even smaller individual units. Analogously, it is unlikely that you will find large institutional investors buying stocks with market caps of $20 MM. They simply cannot invest a large enough portion of total AUM to make the diligence make economic sense. As such, institutional real estate money tends to find its way into large multi-family units that provide a more convenient purchase size for a fund.
Must pay your bill at least 6 months consecutively for the benefit to take effect. Confirmed by customer service. The rep did tell me that she didn't know much about the new program when I asked her other questions (like is it in a form of a reimbursement or does WF pay the vendor directly). I am hoping the cellphone protection takes effect immediately. Can anyone confirm that 6 consecutive payments is a requirement?
I believe, I could be wrong, it has been a long day. By exercising this right you have the right to purchase the equivalent of their current share. Eg. Someone owns 50 of 100 shares. and the company does a rights offering and is expanding the shares to 200. That person has first right to purchase 50 more shares to keep his share from being diluted.
"Futures are an agreement to buy or sell something in the future. The futures ""price"" is the price at which you agree to make the trade. This price does not indicate what will happen in the future so much as it indicates the cost of buying the item today and holding it until the future date. Hence, for very liquid products such as stock index futures, the futures price is a very simple function of today's stock index value and current short-term interest rates. If the stock exchange is closed but the futures exchange is open, then using the futures price and interest rates one can back out an implied ""fair value"" for the index, which is in essence the market's estimate of what the stock index value would be right now if the stock market were open. Of course, as soon as the stock exchange opens, the futures price trades to within a narrow band of the actual index value, where the size of the band depends on transaction costs (bid-ask spread, commissions, etc.)."
Yes, the stock price drops on the ex-dividend date by roughly the amount of the dividend. There is even academic research testing this and confirming that the popular rule of thumb works well.
"Well I'd say they are expected to pay much more than what you describe. What you've described is called ""flat"" tax and is widely considered unacceptable (meaning the rich wouldn't pay enough). Today, as codified in progressive tax tables, the rich are certainly *expected* to pay much *more* than a flat tax as you describe. Beyond the natural scaling you get with a percentage, the percentage itself goes up as you make more."
Manufacturer of Quartz Grit in India http://quartzpowdermanufacturers.com/supplier-of-quartz-grit-in-india.php Shri Vinayak Industries is offering high grade Quartz Grit. We produce finely processed Quartz Grit by our super efficient production unit. We are dominant supplier, Manufacturer and exporter of Quartz Grit. These products are safe to use. Our products are available in various specifications. Before introducing in market our products are tested for their optimum quality. Our products are well known in market for their rich chemical and physical properties.
couple questions for clarification: 1. Investment firm is a pretty broad term. Do you mean Registered Investment Advisory firm or broker/dealer, or something else? 2. Are you asking if they can reveal who they generally custody assets with? if so yes, they are always willing to give this out and many firms use multiple custodians. If you are asking if they can reveal client information and where the assets are held, then no, absolutely not, the only reason they could legally give this out is if the feds inquired or if a court order was issued.
I generally only carry my debit card and a small amount of cash. On payday most of my money goes into a bills account, so I only have enough in the main account for a few days regular spending. This means if I want to buy anything I need to make a transfer from my bills account. If I really need to I can transfer the money instantly this over the phone or the web, but it cuts down greatly on the impulse purchases as I have to go through a process to get hold of the money. As an aside this approach would probably help if I got mugged or lost the wallet as they wouldn't get much cash or be able to use my card for very long.
big U econ grad here. my knowledge of money and banking, the general economy's workings etc are well above the average person, but no other direct benefit...and nothing any employers I have worked for cared about
How would I go about doing this? Are there any tax laws I should be worried about? Just report it as a regular sale of asset on your form 8949 (or form 4797 if used for trade/business/rental). It will flow to your Schedule D for capital gains tax. Use form 1116 to calculate the foreign tax credit for the taxes on the gains you'd pay in India (if any).
How to find good divided stocks? Research and read. Google, Yahoo, and most likely your broker offer some sort of stock screener tool where you can look for stocks with given P/E ratios, dividend payouts, pricing, and any of a number of other filters. When you've found some that appeal to you, read what others are saying on stock talk websites like Vantagewire and Stockhouse. Read what each company is putting out as news and look at their quarterly reports. In Canada you can find a company's reports for free on Sedar. I'm afraid I don't know the U.S. equivalent. Reuters will be of help. Finding a good dividend-paying stock is the same as finding a good growth or value stock; research the company and the sector as if you were buying it to take the company over.
"There is no secret sauce. Leadership and good decision making is an organic process. Sometimes, the Sr. VP is going to say, ""This quarter, it was more important to expand X through hiring than it was to upgrade Y infrastructure. Next quarter, we'll do Y. I know it sucks to have your project delayed, because you've worked very hard on it, but that's the decision we've made."" The difficulty is when corporations get to the point where everyone is running around CYA, instead of admitting that real business constraints can mean that the best-laid plans have to be scrapped or delayed."
It really is important to consider the safety of the audience and performers in any event. There should be a team of medics who are on standby to give first aid when needed. It is good that there are companies who offer the services of first aid professionals these days.
"Thank you very very much It is the Opinion of the Board of Governors, that having a sexual relationship with a poodle does mean ""We have screwed the pooch"". There for while it may seem that a pooch is being screwed in the short term, in the long run our efforts will bear fruit in the creation of an EconoDoodle. Thank you . .come again"
"This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](http://reason.com/archives/2017/07/14/dont-let-unions-use-good-returns-to-defl) reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Expect something to this effect: "The California Public Employees' Retirement System's investment earnings for the fiscal year ending June 30 were above 9 percent, reconfirming the health of the state's pension system-and debunking the naysayers who claim that unfunded pension liabilities will obliterate municipal and state budgets."" > Even a year of good returns will do little to correct the vast level of pension underfunding. > The Pensions & Investments article about the latest returns is aptly headlined, "Strong returns nice, but aren't expected to last." Ed Ring's May 2016 California Policy Center analysis concluded that public pension funds "Will be hit much harder in a downturn than private pension funds" because they "Are not subject to the same rules that private pension funds have to adhere to."" ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/6ngouf/california_still_facing_pension_crisis_even_with/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ ""Version 1.65, ~167506 tl;drs so far."") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr ""PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome."") | *Top* *keywords*: **pension**^#1 **year**^#2 **fund**^#3 **return**^#4 **California**^#5"
Been in tech research for quite some time through both '01 and '08, so I've seen different valuation metrics used at different times of the cycle. I agree 4Q forward is the norm but I do 6Q forward model and depending on verticals, P/E, P/S or EV/EBIDTA. And maybe DCF for sanity check. Usually SSS/MAU/subs are used w/ ARPU or turns/B:B to derive top line. Earnings is an easy number to pull from bbg but the descriptive quality of earnings is not as good as EBITDA or FCF especially some companies choose to talk about adjusted numbers only. Different strokes for different folks. I must admit that based on my valuation model both AMZN/NFLX are both hard pass due to their valuation. But I was in AMZN in PA from my quant model. Different strokes for different folks.
"Residential mortgages normally explicitly state that the property cannot be let without explicit permission, whereas BTL mortgages typically require that the property be let. There are other differences. Residential mortgages are regulated, which means that consumers have a degree of protection from mis-selling; most BTLs are not, as landlords are expected to know what they're doing. Affordability of residential mortgages are based on your income, since that is how you are going to pay for them. BTLs are (mostly) assessed based on the property's rental income, since it's that that will fund the mortgage. Finally, residential mortgages are typically done on a repayment basis, so that at the end of the term, you've paid off the entire loan, whereas BTLs are typically interest-only, on the assumption that you'll either sell the property, or remortgage, at the end of the term. (I've used words like ""typically"" a lot to give an overall picture of the differences. Obviously it's a bit more complicated than that, and there are exceptions to a lot of the above descriptions.)"
"I am a CPA. Yes you can do what you are contemplating. Be careful that they do not take any taxes out of the money when you go to do the ""rollover"". If they do you will have to dip into your own pocket to put that back into the IRA."
I think Burger King is doing better on quality than McDo's. McDonalds, as a organization, can't seem to even manage to serve fresh, fully-cooked fries. You either get hot, soggy fries because they were busy and didn't want to wait for the timer. Or you get cold, soggy fries that have been sitting around since the last rush because the manager doesn't want it showing up on their food wastage stats.
"This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-05-30/the-untold-story-behind-saudi-arabia-s-41-year-u-s-debt-secret) reduced by 94%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A former Treasury official, who specialized in central bank reserves and asked not to be identified, says the official figure vastly understates Saudi Arabia's investments in U.S. government debt, which may be double or more. > Saudi Arabia's situation has become so acute the kingdom is now selling a piece of its crown jewel-state oil company Saudi Aramco. > In the first of many special arrangements, the U.S. allowed Saudi Arabia to bypass the normal competitive bidding process for buying Treasuries by creating "Add-ons." Those sales, which were excluded from the official auction totals, hid all traces of Saudi Arabia's presence in the U.S. government debt market. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/6kzk9p/the_untold_story_behind_saudi_arabias_41year_us/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ ""Version 1.65, ~158069 tl;drs so far."") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr ""PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome."") | *Top* *keywords*: **Saudi**^#1 **Treasury**^#2 **U.S.**^#3 **Arabia**^#4 **oil**^#5"
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I don't bother with produce at WFM because the premium isn't worth it to me. I think their salad bar and bakery are amazing. I don't go there too often, but I always leave happy when I do. I can be confident in the quality of what I put in my body.
Planes may be mostly flying themselves but there are still pilots up there as systems monitors and they still have the overall responsibility for the safe operation of the aircraft. I think all you and I are really debating here is the timeline. take care, enjoyed our conversation.
If the ship is sinking, switching cabins with your neighbor isn't necessarily a good survival strategy. Index funds have sucked, because frankly just about everything has sucked lately. I still think it is a viable long term strategy as long as you are doing some dollar cost averaging. You can't think about long term investing as a steady climb up a hill, markets are erratic, but over long periods of time trend upwards. Now is your chance to get in near the ground floor. I can completely empathize that it is painful right now, but I am a believer in market efficiency and that over the long haul smart money is just more expensive (in terms of fees) than set-it-and-forget it diversified investments or target funds.
Definitely a scam. Don't call him or do anything. Stay calm, there is no damage done yet. I met someone online three weeks ago. ... Left his wallet, debit card, credit cards, drivers license, etc. in the room In the entire world its only you he can bank upon ... someone whom hes met online just few weeks ago; there are no relatives, friends !!! why would the hotel manager Fed-Ex or UPS the items to my home address ... and not to his own address? Upon receipt, the engineer will give me his password to the Bank of America account so he can access his account Why doesn't he have internet? I am supposed to call him in the next hour or so and let him know if I will be doing this tomorrow. Don't call. Don't reply. The $150 is just a starter bait to see if one is gullible enough to take it and then there is more and more by different ways.
Favoring one position because it is more pleasant or resonates more emotionally despite the logical alternative is the very definition of naivety. It is unfortunate that people will lose their jobs but if a company is no longer financially viable, there is no way they can continue to employ them. Also, touting your age as a counterpoint while not addressing any of the points is going to sound condescending.
Both of these terms do refer to your profit; they're just different ways of evaluating it. First, your definition of capitalization rate is flipped. As explained here, it should be: On the other hand, as explained here: So cap rate is like a reverse unit cost approach to comparing two investments. If house A costs $1M and you'll make $50K (profit) from it yearly, and house B costs $1.33M and you'll make $65K (profit) from it yearly, then you can compute cap rates to see that A is a more efficient investment from the point of view of income vs. amount-of-money-you-have-stuck-in-this-investment-and-unavailable-for-use-elsewhere. Profit margin, on the other hand, cares more about your ongoing expenses than about your total investment. If it costs less to maintain property B than it does to maintain property A, then you could have something like: So B is a more efficient investment from the point of view of the fraction of your revenue you actually get to keep each year. Certainly you could think of the property's value as an opportunity cost and factor that into the net profit margin equation to get a more robust estimate of exactly how efficient your investment is. You can keep piling more factors into the equation until you've accounted for every possible facet of your investment. This is what accountants and economists spend their days doing. :-)
"I don't think blanket answers are very helpful. You are asking the right question when you are young! You have a large number of investment options and Australia has the Superannuation system that you can extract significant tax value from. I've not attempted to grade these with regard to ""risk"", as different people will rate various things with different levels, depending on their experience and knowledge. Consider the following factors for you:-"
A fucking credit union. Even if they use an all paper system and have no website, no phone app, and can only be contacted by fax or telephone, use a credit union. Even if the only place you can get your money is a 45 minute drive to the next town, use a credit union. Its not about finances, its about reclaiming basic human dignity in the world of American Finance.
Network theory to the rescue. Imitate the [PageRank algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PageRank): to have a good rank you need to have a link with every other people who also have a good rank. This means the obvious: you need to network with your banker and with the maximum of people who have high-rank links with him (bosses, friends, coworkers). This will maximize the chances of your discovery (like searching for a node in a [graph](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_theory)).
"A suitable mix of index funds IS a great option if you don't want to spend a lot of time and effort micromanaging your money. If you find amusement in pushing numbers around, you may be able to do better. Notice: MAY. If you have multiple millions, you can hire someone of that sort to push the numbers around for you. They may do better for you. Notice: MAY. And remember that part of your additional gains have to go to pay them, which means they have to do better just to be worth having on staff in the first place. If you have more than that, there are some options available which smaller investors really can't get involved in. As one example: If you have enough money that you can lose $100K without especially noticing, you can get involved in venture capital and the like which require a large commitment AND are higher-risk but can yield higher returns. Anyone who's dismissing index funds as ""only for beginners"" is being foolish. But recommending them to beginners in particular is a good thing since they let you get into the market with fairly predictable risk/benefits without needing a massive investment in education and time."
the pricing model makes all inverse leveraged ETF decay over time. When the price gets low the manager can once again do a stock split to make the share price more attractive. The manager usually states a price range that will prompt a stock split, but actually doing the split is at their discretion The Russell 2000 has to decrease a lot yes, but probably just a flash crash of 10% in a day can extend the TZA to extremely high bids and asks. A flash crash that far through the order books would wreck the liquidity of all the underlying assets and especially the derivatives products based on (derived from) those assets. So a mathematical formula to price the ETF during a period of high volatility and low liquidity becomes a lot less of a science and more of a random walk. A good example of this would be to look at the 2010 flash crash and the price behavior of the VXZ ETF, where it spiked to $400/share from maybe $60/share
"This ""article"" is garbage, it doesn't even say if they will close down. India is pretty loose on copyright im sure these guys will continue to stay open under some sort of rebrand or even just keep using the mcdonalds name. They just presume that because mcdonalds pulled out these guys will just close up shop lol."
This is a very personal situation of course, but if you can afford the repayments then I recommend keeping the house!. A house is a long term investment and one has to live somewhere. You probably didn't buy the house planning to sell it in 5 years so while in the short term you could suffer a loss on paper chances are things will pick up, they have to eventually. For each boom there is a bust, one for one.