1 value
"At the most fundamental level, every market is comprised of buyers and selling trading securities. These buyers and sellers decide what and how to trade based on the probability of future events, as they see it. That's a simple statement, but an example demonstrates how complicated it can be. Picture a company that's about to announce earnings. Some investors/traders (from here on, ""agents"") will have purchased the company's stock a while ago, with the expectation that the company will have strong earnings and grow going forward. Other agents will have sold the stock short, bought put options, etc. with the expectation that the company won't do as well in the future. Still others may be unsure about the future of the company, but still expecting a lot of volatility around the earnings announcement, so they'll have bought/sold the stock, options, futures, etc. to take advantage of that volatility. All of these various predictions, expectations, etc. factor into what agents are bidding and asking for the stock, its associated derivatives, and other securities, which in turn determines its price (along with overall economic factors, like the sector's performance, interest rates, etc.) It can be very difficult to determine exactly how markets are factoring in information about an event, though. Take the example in your question. The article states that if market expectations of higher interest rates tightened credit conditions... In this case, lenders could expect higher interest rates in the future, so they may be less willing to lend money now because they expect to earn a higher interest rate in the future. You could also see this reflected in bond prices, because since interest rates are inversely related to bond prices, higher interest rates could decrease the value of bond portfolios. This could lead agents to sell bonds now in order to lock in their profits, while other agents could wait to buy bonds because they expect to be able to purchase bonds with a higher rate in the future. Furthermore, higher interest rates make taking out loans more expensive for individuals and businesses. This potential decline in investment could lead to decreased revenue/profits for businesses, which could in turn cause declines in the stock market. Agents expecting these declines could sell now in order to lock in their profits, buy derivatives to hedge against or ride out possible declines, etc. However, the current low interest rate environment makes it cheaper for businesses to obtain loans, which can in turn drive investment and lead to increases in the stock market. This is one criticism of the easy money/quantitative easing policies of the US Federal Reserve, i.e. the low interest rates are driving a bubble in the stock market. One quick example of how tricky this can be. The usual assumption is that positive economic news, e.g. low unemployment numbers, strong business/residential investment, etc. will lead to price increases in the stock market as more agents see growth in the future and buy accordingly. However, in the US, positive economic news has recently led to declines in the market because agents are worried that positive news will lead the Federal Reserve to taper/stop quantitative easing sooner rather than later, thus ending the low interest rate environment and possibly tampering growth. Summary: In short, markets incorporate information about an event because the buyers and sellers trade securities based on the likelihood of that event, its possible effects, and the behavior of other buyers and sellers as they react to the same information. Information may lead agents to buy and sell in multiple markets, e.g. equity and fixed-income, different types of derivatives, etc. which can in turn affect prices and yields throughout numerous markets."
Companies used to be bought up for creation capability or acquiring talent. Nowadays, they are being bought just for their patents. A lot of software companies are hoarding patents in case of a patent war. We need something like the DVD or Blu-ray patent group for smartphones.
Gold is a risky and volatile investment. If you want an investment that's inflation-proof, you should buy index-linked government bonds in the currency that you plan to be spending the money in, assuming that government controls its own currency and has a good credit rating.
As BrenBarn points out in his comment, the real values are inflation adjusted values using the consumer price index (CPI) included in the spreadsheet. The nominal value adjusted by the CPI gives the real value in terms of today's dollars. For example, the CPI for the first month (Jan 1871) is given as 12.46 while the most recent month (Aug 2016) has a reported CPI of 240.45. Thus, the real price (in today's dollars) for the 4.44 S&P index level at Jan 1871 is calculated as 4.44 x 240.45 / 12.46 = 85.68 (actually reported as 85.65 due to rounding of the reported CPIs). And similarly for the other real values reported.
"Indexes are down during the summer time, and I don't think it has something to do with specific stocks. If you look at the index history you'll see that there's a price drop during the summer time. Google ""Sell in May and go away"". The BP was cheap at the time for a very particular reason. As another example of a similar speculation you can look at Citibank, which was less than $1 at its lowest, and within less than a year went to over $4 ( more than 400%). But, when it was less than $1 - it was very likely for C to go bankrupt, and it required a certain amount of willingness to loose to invest in it. Looking back, as with BP, it paid off well. But - that is looking back. So to address your question - there's no place where people tell you what will go up, because people who know (or think they know) will invest themselves, or buy lottery tickets. There's research, analysts, and ""frinds' suggestions"" which sometimes pay off (as in your example with BP), and sometimes don't. How much of it is noise - I personally don't think I can tell, until I can look back and say ""Damn, that dude was right about shorts on Google, it did go down 90% in 2012!"""
Basement remodeling can considerably increase the resale value of your home because no one enjoys having an unfinished basement. Remodeling the basement is not an easy deed since you first need to come up with an idea of what you want, the make a proper plan and eventually put that plan into action to achieve the outcome.
"chapter 8 page 154: >""My point is that it's doubts and cynicism that keep most people poor and playing it safe...only a person's doubts keep them poor...'Cynics criticize and winners analyze' was one of [Rich Dad's] favorite mottos"" -from chapter 8 page 154 of Robert Kiyosaki's first print edition of *Rich Dad Poor Dad* The whole page is about abandoning cynicism and has nothing to do with that Glenn-Beck-style rant/editorial you've linked to."
"His entire ""opinion"" is really just backing up Damore. Only in the last two paragraphs does he even mention what the actual title of the article is about where he goes on to say: >Either Pichai is unprepared to understand the research, is not capable of handling complex data flows or was simply too afraid to stand up to a mob. >Regardless of which weakness applies, this episode suggests he should seek a non leadership position. Brilliant work, Mr. Brooks. Your analysis is spot on and not only should Damore not have been fired, but Pichai should resign as CEO of Google because of it. A better message would be sent to Google's customers, employees and shareholders by doing so. /s"
I work as a state employee and I can look at my coworkers' salaries and their title online. At first my coworkers were shocked that I would do such a thing, but they quickly realized it was of benefit to them when I told them that from my analysis, no one at my department ever gets raises. Prior to this, they were led to believe that there actually were opportunities for advancement here. Knowing typical salaries can also help when looking at going into a new industry in which you are unfamiliar, otherwise, you have no idea if a job offer you get is in line with others' compensation. So yes, I believe that knowing others' salaries can be helpful to the average employee and keeping it secret is par for the course because it's detrimental to the company.
"The standard interpretation of ""can I afford to retire"" is ""can I live on just the income from my savings, never touching the principal."" To estimate that, you need to make reasonable guesses about the return you expect, the rate of inflation, your real costs -- remember to allow for medical emergencies, major house repairs, and the like when determining you average needs, not to mention taxes if this isn't all tax-sheltered! -- and then build in a safety factor. You said liquid assets, and that's correct; you don't want to be forced into a reverse mortgage by anything short of a disaster. An old rule of thumb was that -- properly invested -- you could expect about 4% real return after subtracting inflation. That may or may not still be correct, but it makes an easy starting point. If we take your number of $50k/year (today's dollars) and assume you've included all the tax and contingency amounts, that means your nest egg needs to be 50k/.04, or $1,250,000. (I'm figuring I need at least $1.8M liquid assets to retire.) The $1.5M you gave would, under this set of assumptions, allow drawing up to $60k/year, which gives you some hope that your holdings would mot just maintain themselves but grow, giving you additional buffer against emergencies later. Having said that: some folks have suggested that, given what the market is currently doing, it might be wiser to assume smaller average returns. Or you may make different assumptions about inflation, or want a larger emergency buffer. That's all judgement calls, based on your best guesses about the economy in general and your investments in particular. A good financial advisor (not a broker) will have access to better tools for exploring this, using techniques like monte-carlo simulation to try to estimate both best and worst cases, and can thus give you a somewhat more reliable answer than this rule-of-thumb approach. But that's still probabilities, not promises. Another way to test it: Find out how much an insurance company would want as the price of an open-ended inflation-adjusted $50k-a-year annuity. Making these estimates is their business; if they can't make a good guess, nobody can. Admittedly they're also factoring the odds of your dying early into the mix, but on the other hand they're also planning on making a profit from the deal, so their number might be a reasonable one for ""self-insuring"" too. Or might not. Or you might decide that it's worth buying an annuity for part or all of this, paying them to absorb the risk. In the end, ""ya pays yer money and takes yer cherce."""
This is just pure capitalistic evil. OK, I think I spoke too soon. There are caps on how much you pay back (2-1/2 times principal), and the royalty isn't for your whole life, but a specific period. Perhaps not evil, but I don't think it's a great investment. Unless you plan on working for a non-profit.
If I can get an accurate measurement of my foot and the manufacturers can offer accurate dimensions of their shoes it would make that problem go away almost entirely. Sure, the style of shoe may affect how it feels even if it technically fits your foot. As someone with oddly wide feet, this would be perfect for me since retail stores rarely ever carry wide sizes.
A pure free market for agricultural commodities would be disastrous. Markets respond efficiently but not instantaneously. Shifts in he supply and demand of labor and capital investment are particularly slow. If a large percentage of corn farmers go under one fall there have to be new farmers/capitalists picking up the slack by next spring or there will be insufficirnt production that cant be recovered for an entire year. Society can't withstand massive losses of commodity production, strategic reserves can help absorb the damage but youre still paying for innefficient production as grains can only be stored for so long and need replacing on an annual basis.
Hey desquinbnt & pontsone, I had an explanation written up about Share and Bond evaluation and in which, one share evaluation technique utilizes the P/E ratio - hence I explained it. Have a read, if you'd want me to go more in depth, let me know! :) http://letslearnfinance.net/2012/06/09/introduction-to-bonds-and-share-valuation/
As per the chart pattern when ever a stock breaks its 52 week high. This information may differ for penny stocks,small caps and mid cap stocks
I can't believe he disrespected exit strategies. Exit strategies are the most important part of starting a business in my opinion- being to get out of a business with your life still in tact is crucial. I have started 6 businesses and have successfully exited 4 of them. I know friends and family who started businesses with no exit plan and are now grinding away their lives unhappily, feeling trapped in a business that isn't worth being involved in anymore. A lot of times things don't go as planned in business, and a clean exit is a way to move forward with life with your chin up.
Is my observation that the currency exchange market is indirect correct? Is there a particular reason for this? Why isn't currency traded like stocks? I guess yes. In Stocks its pretty simple where the stock is held with a depository. Hence listing matching is simple and the exchange of money is via local clearing. Currency markets are more global and there is no one place where trades happen. There are multiple places where it happens and is loosely called Fx market place. Building a matching engine is also complex and confusing. If we go with your example of currency pair, matches would be difficult. Say; If we were to say all transactions happen in USD say, and list every currency as item to be purchased or sold. I could put a trade Sell Trade for Quantity 100 Stock Code EUR at Price 1.13 [Price in USD]. So there has to be a buy at a price and we can match. Similarly we would have Stock Code for GBP, AUD, JPY, etc. Since not every thing would be USD based, say I need to convert GBP to EUR, I would have to have a different set of Base currency say GBP. So here the quantity would All currencies except GBP which would be price. Even then we have issues, someone using USD as base currency has quoted for Stock GBP. While someone else using GBP has quoted for Stock USD. Plus moving money internationally is expensive and doing this for small trades removes the advantages. The kind of guarantees required are difficult to achieve without established correspondence bank relationships. One heavily traded currency pair, the exchange for funds happens via CLS Bank.
"The only really good reason to open a line of credit is that you want to buy something that you don't have money for. That's got its own risks - see plenty of other places to see warnings about not borrowing too much. The only other reason is that you might want to use a line of credit as your emergency fund. The usual way of doing this is to keep the money in an easily acccessible savings account - but such accounts usually pay rather now interest, and there is an argument for instead investing your emergency money in a higher-interest but less-accessible fund and using a line of credit to tide you over until you can extract the money. I'm worried about the comment that you can ""deduct my interest on my tax returns"". That is usually only possible if you are borrowing money to invest. It sounds as if your banker is going to persuade you to not only open a line of credit, but then invest that money in something. Be aware that this kind of 'leveraging' is much higher risk than investing money you already own."
Could those problems be solvedby simply building in unallocated hours into the system? If I were in charge I would give each person 5 to 10 hours of week for personal time. They could spend it helping other departments, learning new technolgies, fixing their computer, or simply relaxing. Having to account for every second of every day is just too stressful.
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"I've done exactly what you are describing and it was a great move for me. A few years back I had two credit cards. One had a $6000 balance and a fairly high interest rate that I was making steady payments to (including interest). The other was actually tied to a HELOC (home equity line of credit) whose interest rate was fixed to ""prime"", which was very low at the time, I think my effective rate on the card was around 3%. So, I pulled out one of the ""cash advance checks"" from the HELOC account and paid off the $6000 balance. Then I started making my monthly payments against the balance on the HELOC, and paid it off a bit more quickly and with less overall money spent because I was paying way less interest. Another, similar, tactic is to find a card that doesn't charge fees for balance transfers and that has a 0% interest rate for the first 12 months on transferred balances. I am pretty sure they are out there. Open an account on that card, transfer the balance to it, and pay it down within 12 months. And, try not to use the card for anything else if you can help it."
Murdoch knows his markets and what customers want. LA is a liberal paradise and Murdoch would be an idiot to turn the paper into a conservative one because he knows he would lose most of his customers. He's in this business to make money, not to force his views on us.
A CFD is like a bet. Bookies don't own horses or racetracks but you still pay them and they pay you if the horses win. If you buy a CFD the money goes to the firm you bought it from and if the stock price changes in your favour, they will pay you. However, if it goes against you they may ask you for more money than you originally invested to cover your losses. Constacts for difference are derivatives, i.e. you gain on the change in the price or delta of something rather than on its absolute value. Someone bets one way and is matched with someone (or perhaps more than one) betting the other way. Both parties are bound by the contract to pay or be payed on the outcome. One will win and the other will necessarily lose. It's similar in concept to a spread bet, although spread bets often have a fixed timescale whereas CFDs do not and CFDs generally operate via the payment of a commission rather than via charges included in the spread. There's more information on both CFDs and spread betting here If somone has a lot of CFDs that might affect the stock price if it's known about as others may buy/sell real stock to either make the CFD pay or may it not pay depending on whether they think they can make money on it. Otherwise CFDs don't have much of an effect on stock prices.
>But gold does have other uses. It is a metal that's used for jewelry, it has decorative value. Exchanging something for gold is like a caveman giving you a stone ax if you do some cave paintings for him. That's not quite the point. I was addressing a specific problem. I'm aware that it's more complex, hence my disclaimer of simplicity. But to address your point, not everyone is a goldsmith. Imagine if the medium was saltpeter. Of course someone's going to use it to make explosives, but most people are not in that line of work. To most people, gold has no use except as a store of value. Why is an identically designed plastic necklace so much cheaper than a gold one? Because as many uses as it has, plastic doesn't store value (some say intrinsically, I say artificially) the way gold does. >because they lack the manufacturing capacity to do so. Like I said, they can invest in factory expansion or new factory construction. To stick to the metaphor, they need to plant more apple trees. There may not be a million apples available, but if that's what the demand is -and why else would anyone offer a million apples- that's the potential market size (especially if the supply exists in China). So the farmer ought to increase his yield, thereby lowering his average cost to produce an apple. If he knows he can only plant 100 apple trees, he's not going to promise a million apples when asking for a loan to expand his orchard. EDIT: >with their nominal value that people agreed upon. The same phenomenon occurs in bullion currency.
Did anyone else catch this gem from CEO Richard Johnson: >On the Friday earnings call, Johnson went on to say that the company isn’t worried about Amazon.com Inc. AMZN, -0.22% **because of the experience at Foot Locker stores, like a special event or a conversation with one of the store associates.** How fucking out of touch are these upper level executives? It's unbelievable. Consumers don't want a conversation with minimum wage employees who don't give a damn. The shareholders would do well to boot him out ASAP and get someone new in.
This is when the Netflix UI became insufferable. They took out all the text, and now they barely tell you what the movie is about, or who made it, but they've got lots of images that take forever to load.
"The most succinct answer is ""Banks are in the Money business"". Not construction, not real estate, not any of the other things they may find find themselves sometimes being dragged (foreclosure) or tempted (construction) into. ""Money"" is their core competence, and as good business people they recognize that straying outside that just dilutes their focus."
Our Site http://www.furwheels.com/dog-bike-trailer/ A dog trailer is very useful if you want to travel along with your pets. There are several kinds of Dog Bike Trailer in the markets. These come in different styles, colors and sizes. When it comes to investments, it doesn't hurt to know all your options. In buying a dog bike trailer, for instance, there is more to it than choosing a particular type of dog trailer that your companion can fit into. This keeps you informed on what other features you need to consider for a sure deal while investing in your pet's care and transportation.
Reddit has a huge value I think which has not been mentioned - that companies, corporations, organisations use it to market and advertise themselves, for free. Sometimes they do that under the covers, so to speak, and some users don't like it (e.g. hailcorporate) but often they will promote their products transparently, and often normal users don't mind. The most obvious example is Netflix on /r/movies. Multiple employees were observed continuously posting things to the site, via submissions, comments etc and users liked it. By introducing a charge for these corporate users they can reap in a substantial income. Whether it would make sense for them to label these corp users as such is another option, but they certainly know about them. I find it interesting that most normal users find that they don't mind interacting with paid marketing employees and that they consider it organic and natural, very interesting. I also find it worrying.
Slide 1 SPRINGHILL GROUP FDA Urges Markets To Pull Shellfish From South Korea Slide 2 FDA Urges Markets To Pull Shellfish From South Korea WASHINGTON, D.C.The Food and Drug Administration is urging food distributors, retailers and food service vendors to remove from the market oysters, clams, mussels and scallops imported from South Korea because of possible contamination with human waste and norovirus. Slide 3 The decision follows an FDA evaluation that determined that the Korean Shellfish Sanitation program no longer meets adequate sanitation controls. The federal agency is in discussions with South Korean authorities to resolve the issue. Slide 4 An FDA spokesman, Curtis Allen, said Thursday the decision to call for the removal of the mollusks from the market began with norovirus outbreaks in November and December. Slide 5 Curtis said no illnesses from eating the shellfish have been reported this year. Four norovirus illnesses, including three in Washington state, were reported in 2011. Norovirus causes vomiting or diarrhea.
"This answer is better served as a comment but I don't have enough rep. It is not guaranteed that they 'do not accrue interest while you are a full time student'. Some student loans can capitalize the interest - before pursuing leveraged investing, be sure that your student loan is not capitalizing. https://www.salliemae.com/student-loans/manage-your-private-student-loan/understand-student-loan-payments/learn-about-interest-and-capitalization/ Capitalized interest Capitalized interest is a second reason your loan may end up costing more than the amount you originally borrowed. Interest starts to accrue (grow) from the day your loan is disbursed (sent to you or your school). At certain points in time—when your separation or grace period ends, or at the end of forbearance or deferment—your Unpaid Interest may capitalize. That means it is added to your loan’s Current Principal. From that point, your interest will now be calculated on this new amount. That’s capitalized interest."" https://www.navient.com/loan-customers/interest-and-taxes/how-student-loan-interest-works/ Capitalized Interest If you accrue interest while you are in school – as with Direct Unsubsidized, FFELP Unsubsidized, Direct and FFELP PLUS Loans, and Private Loans – you will have capitalized interest if it is unpaid. Unpaid accrued interest is added to the principal amount of your loan after you leave school and finish any applicable grace period. Simply put, there will be interest to be paid on both the principal of the loan and on the interest that has already accumulated. To minimize the effects of the capitalized interest on the amount you will pay overall, you can pay the interest during college instead of waiting until after graduation. That way, you start with the original principal balance (minus any fees) when you begin repayment."
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-q2-loss-narrower-estimates-113042878.html >Including the impact of Model S revenues deferred due to lease accounting, top line jumped 89.9% to $769.3 million in the quarter from $405.1 million a year ago. Revenues, however, lagged the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $802 million. >The year-over-year revenue growth was driven by higher vehicle deliveries. Tesla delivered 7,579 cars in the second quarter, surpassing the guidance of 7,500 deliveries and increasing more than 17% over the first quarter of 2014. The automaker also benefited from initiation of the delivery of powertrains to Daimler AG (DDAIF) for the Mercedes-Benz B Class Electric Drive, although the winding down of electric powertrain components sales to Toyota Motor Corp. (TM) for the RAV4 EV is hurting revenues. >Gross profit, including the impact of Model S gross profit deferred due to lease accounting and stock-based compensation expenses, amounted to $213.0 million in second-quarter 2014, against $100.5 million in the year-ago quarter. >Revenues (on a reported basis) from Automotive sales, jumped to $768.2 million in the quarter from $401.5 million a year ago. Reported revenues from Development services (producing electric vehicle powertrain components and systems for other automobile manufacturers) slumped to $1.1 million from $3.6 million a year ago. >Financial Position >Tesla had cash and cash equivalents of $2.7 billion as of Jun 30, 2014, compared with $845.9 million as Dec 31, 2013. Long-term debt was $2.4 billion as of Jun 30, 2014, versus $586.3 million as of Dec 31, 2013. >Cash flow from operating activities amounted to $57.1 million in the first half of 2014, compared with $28.8 million in the year-ago period. Capital expenditures increased to $317.0 million from $98.2 million in the first half of 2013. >Gigafactory Update >Tesla has signed a formal agreement with Panasonic Corp. (PCRFY) for partnership in the Gigafactory. Under the agreement, Panasonic will invest in production equipment for the manufacture of lithium-ion battery cells, while Tesla will invest in land, buildings and utilities for the Gigafactory as well as production equipment for battery module and pack production. Moreover, Tesla will be responsible for the management of the Gigafactory. Other partners will also be involved in the Gigafactory for manufacture of the required precursor materials. >In June, Tesla broke ground for the potential construction of the Gigafactory near Reno, NV. While the location of the Gigafactory has not been decided yet, Tesla is planning to hold ground-breaking ceremony for the factory at three sites to avoid any delay in construction. Construction work will begin at one of the three sites by the end of the year and will be wrapped up by 2017. >Outlook >Tesla expects to record a marginal adjusted profit in the third quarter of 2014. Production volume in the third quarter of 2014 is expected to be 9,000 cars, up 2.7% from 8,763 cars produced in the second quarter of 2014. This includes the impact of the two-week production shutdown at the Fremont factory for the transition to the new final assembly line, which is expected to result in production loss of about 2,000 cars in the third quarter. However, due to the enhanced factory capacity, Tesla expects production volume to increase to an average of 1,000 cars per week in the fourth quarter of 2014 from 800 cars at present. >Further, vehicle deliveries are expected to increase to 7,800 in the third quarter of 2014 from 7,579 cars in the second quarter. However, deliveries are expected to be lower than production due to increase in the number of vehicles in transit. Tesla also plans to lease about 300 vehicles in North America in the third quarter, which is expected to increase further in the fourth quarter. Further, the automaker anticipates to deliver more than 35,000 vehicles globally in 2014, up 55% over 2013. >Adjusted automotive gross margin, excluding ZEV credits, is expected to increase to 28% by the end of 2014. The company believes that declining parts prices and economies of scale will benefit its gross margin. >Operating expenses are expected to increase in the third quarter of 2014. The company believes that research and development expenses will increase 20% sequentially in the quarter. Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses are projected to rise 15%. >Capital expenses for the year are expected to range between $750 million and $950 million, up from the previous projection of $650–$850 million. Tesla is investing heavily in increasing production capacity, development of Model S and Model X, the Gigafactory construction and expansion of sales, service and Supercharger infrastructure. Increasing revenue, increasing sales, increasing gross profits, increasing margins = increasing investments into the company for exponential growth. Baby you've never been risk taking in your life before?
I think there are actually two separate questions here. Will Provider A allow me to transfer only part of an ISA product to Provider B while keeping the other part in Provider A. Only Provider A can answer this. Will HMRC rules allow me to keep making payments to the part that remained in Provider A. I don't have a definitive source for this, but in my experience where the ISA rules have been unclear about particular edge cases and I have asked HMRC similar questions directly, their answer has always been that they will look at the situation in the round at the end of the tax year (they get summaries from the providers) and as long as you haven't attempted to double-benefit or otherwise get around the limits, they won't have an issue with it.
Charles ponzi invented the Ponzi scheme (also known as the pyramid scheme) in the 1910 area before ww1 I believe. He got a bunch of people to invest in postage stamps and get other people to invest as they promised a huge return. Charles kept the money for himself and when people started wanting their money back it all came tumbling down. There is a movie on Netflix about how Charles got caught and the man who caught him. This is different than the Direct Selling industry (also known as multi level or network marketing) which is a legal multi billion dollar industry with brands like Mary Kay and Amway. There are three parameters that make a company an illegal pyramid: 1) only money is distributed. There are no products or services being rendered. 2) you can never make more money than the person who sponsored you into business. 3) you get money from the registration part of signing people up. Personally I am part of the fastest growing and most successful organization that utilizes this model. It is an organization called World Wide Dreambuilders, a mentorship and training organization that teaches people how to make a profitable business that distributes Amway products in a legal way with high integrity. Honestly 80% of the industry is people trying to hype up and sign up their friends and family and it's pretty lame. I can only speak for the Seattle area but my sponsor is making over $150k a year and has a strong organization with over 100 people in it. He built this business part time and is about to walk away from his day job in September and its freaking rad. Hope all this answers your question.
"The purpose of taking a ""secured loan"" is to build credit. This might be done by someone who had a bad stain on their credit history such as a bankruptcy or foreclosure, or possibly by someone just out of school (presumably with few or no student loans),and no credit history. Not everyone needs to, or should do this, however. The advantage for a borrower is that s/he gets to create a record of repaying a loan that will partly mitigate the bad credit history. The advantage for the bank is that it is ""no risk,"" because the savings account is the security for the loan. That would make it willing to ""lend"" to a bad credit risk."
You are, somewhat hysterically, a creditor. Babies R Us owes you. As such, you have *some* sort of claim. Now, Toys R Us is undergoing Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which means the company *isn't* going away into the dust from whence it came. At least not yet. You should be able to either utilize the credit still at stores. Converting to cash may depend on how you hold the credit. Is it on account with the store, or is it through gift cards or something? You can certainly sell the gift cards. You may sell at face value or, possibly, at a discount. If you don't have gift cards, you can use the credit to purchase merchandise and then sell that to others. That will translate into inventory risk.
"Has the article changed in the past 9 hours since you posted? The link at the bottom is in the VERY FIRST SENTENCE. I know stealing goes on, but is there any reason to think that the ""author"" on medium is not the original author at reddit?"
The site still has to hit the ad server to find out which image to use. The ad server could then do everything it already does, but instead of returning the image, it returns a string that matches the filename of the image to be used. The site then pulls that image from its server.
Look at literally any discussion about guns that isn't a pro gun echochamber. I don't just save articles and threads to use it later, and I don't have time to go on some huge research project with Reddit's godawful search function.
You need to register as self-employed with HMRC (it is perfectly fine to be self-employed and employed by an employer at the same time, in exactly your kind of situation). Then, when the income arrives you will need to declare it on your yearly tax return. HMRC information about registering for self-employment and declaring the income is here: https://www.gov.uk/working-for-yourself/overview There's a few extra hoops if your clients are outside the UK; the detail depends on whether they are in the EU or not. More details about this are here: https://www.gov.uk/online-and-distance-selling-for-businesses/selling-overseas .
"Let me provide a general answer, that might be helpful to others, without addressing those specific stocks. Dividends are simply corporate payouts made to the shareholders of the company. A company often decides to pay dividends because they have excess cash on hand and choose to return it to shareholders by quarterly payouts instead of stock buy backs or using the money to invest in new projects. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by ""dividend yield traps."" If a company has declared an dividend for the upcoming quarter they will almost always pay. There are exceptions, like what happened with BP, but these exceptions are rare. Just because a company promises to pay a dividend in the approaching quarter does not mean that it will continue to pay a dividend in the future. If the company continues to pay a dividend in the future, it may be at a (significantly) different amount. Some companies are structured where nearly all of there corporate profits flow through to shareholders via dividends. These companies may have ""unusually"" high dividends, but this is simply a result of the corporate structure. Let me provide a quick example: Certain ETFs that track bonds pay a dividend as a way to pass through interest payments from the underlying bonds back to the shareholder of the ETF. There is no company that will continue to pay their dividend at the present rate with 100% certainty. Even large companies like General Electric slashed its dividend during the most recent financial crisis. So, to evaluate whether a company will keep paying a dividend you should look at the following: Update: In regards to one the first stock you mentioned, this sentence from the companies of Yahoo! finance explains the ""unusually"" dividend: The company has elected to be treated as a REIT for federal income tax purposes and would not be subject to income tax, if it distributes at least 90% of its REIT taxable income to its share holders."
Pilates are a great way to achieve the fitness that you wish to achieve. If you want to start in south melbourne with pilates give us a call. At Melbourne Altitude Training, we help you in doing clinical pilates and have all the modern equipment for that.our training sessions will help you get the results.
I can't believe no one has mentioned Detroit yet! Amazon already pulls a huge percentage of their MBA hires from 40 miles away at the University of Michigan. The state is filled with good schools pumping out smart, qualified STEM, engineering, and computer science majors. We're also surrounded by great schools in Chicago and Pennsylvania. Detroit has an exploding urban core but also lots of space for new development right downtown. It has a quickly diversifying economy, though the auto industry is still a significant player which is assisting with Detroit's thriving tech sector and driving autonomous vehicle research and development. Detroit is 20 minutes away from Canada (across a bridge or through a tunnel - and a second bridge is in the process of being built). Depending on how the US emigration policy continues, having access to an international workforce via Canada at a US HQ could be a game changer. There is a lot that Detroit can offer that is unique to this city.
In my experience they charge you coming and going. For example, if a brokerage firm is advertising that their commissions are only $7/trade, then that means you pay money to buy the stock, plus $7 to them, and later on if you want to sell that stock you must pay $7 to get out of the deal. So, if you want to make any money on a stock (say, priced at $10) you would have to sell it at a price above $10+$7+$7=$24. That kind of sale could take a few years to turn a profit. However, with flat-rate fees like that it is advantageous to buy in bulk.
"You have what is called in the biz a ""thin file"". Check with a Credit Union. They will get you a secured card or maybe a straight credit card. They usually will graduate you from a secured card to a real credit card in 12-18 months. Then you are on your way. You should also sign up for Creditkarma to get your credit report updated every week. They make their money on referring people to credit card companies so you might be able to kill two birds with one stone."
"Your best bet might be to visit a local IRS office in person. To find your local office, use the IRS office locator page. After you enter your zip code and find your nearest office, click on the ""hours and services"" link, which will show you a list of every office in your state. For each office, you can click on the ""services provided"" link to make sure that they handle ""payment arrangements"" at your selected office. Finally, you should probably call the local office first to see if you need an appointment, so you don't have to wait."
Check out the /r/personalfinance wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/commontopics While it's not a life-changing amount, this page on windfalls might also be useful: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/windfall Vanguard is often recommended as having low-fee index funds. You should make sure you understand the different investment vehicles though - taxable accounts vs IRA vs 401k, etc.
What I did when I interned was ask for more work. After a while, my supervisor got used to pouring shit on me to work on. They learn to trust you, and give you more important stuff to work on. In the end, I was handling bank statements and such (although they would always check that I was doing everything exactly right).
"Disclaimer: I am neither a lawyer nor a tax-expert This page on the HMRC site lists several pages that appear to be relevant, starting with CG78401 - Foreign currency: delayed remittances and on to CG78408 - Foreign currency: example which seems pertinent to your case [paraphrased]: A property bought in 1983 is sold for a [taxable] gain in one tax-year (1986/87) but the proceeds cannot be released/remitted to the UK until later (1991/92), by which time currency fluctuations have created a second [taxable] gain. The size of the first gain (selling the property) is determined by the exchange rate in effect at the time of the sale but because of local restrictions, this can be deferred. The size of the second gain (currency movement) is determined by the change in exchange-rate between the time of the sale and the time of conversion. In your case, the first ""gain"" was actually a loss, so I believe you should be able to use this to offset any tax due second gain. This page states that losses can be claimed up to four years after the end of the tax-year in which they were incurred, so you are probably still OK. (The example makes application under TCGA92/S279 to defer the gain made on the original sale [because of the inability to transfer funds], but as I understand it, this is primarily to avoid a tax liability in that year. Since you made a loss on the sale, there wouldn't have been a tax liability, so there would be no need to defer it)."
The ROI percentage becomes a meaningless figure at that point and would either be infinite or a very large number if you assume an equity investment of $1 or $0.01. At that point it's obviously a lucrative deal *as long as it works out* so the bigger question is what are the risks of it not working out and what's the ROIC.
1) How long have you had the car? Generally, accounts that last more than a year are kept on your credit report for 7 years, while accounts that last less than a year are only kept about 2 years (IIRC - could someone correct me if that last number is wrong?). 2) Who is the financing through? If it's through a used car dealer, there's a good chance they're not even reporting it to the credit bureaus (I had this happen to me; the dealer promised he'd report the loan so it would help my credit, I made my payments on time every time, and... nothing ever showed up. It pissed me off, because another positive account on my credit report would have really helped my score). Banks and brand name dealers are more likely to report the loan. 3) What are your expected long term gains on the stocks you're considering selling, and will you have to pay capital gains on them when you do sell them? The cost of selling those stocks could possibly be higher than the gain from paying off the car, so you'll want to run the numbers for a couple different scenarios (optimistic growth, pessimistic, etc) and see if you come out ahead or not. 4) Are there prepayment penalties or costs associated with paying off the car loan early? Most reputable financiers won't include such terms (or they'll only be in effect during the first few months of the loan), but again it depends on who the loan is through. In short: it depends. I know people hate hearing answers like that, but it's true :) Hopefully though, you'll be able to sit down and look at the specifics of your situation and make an informed decision.
The big problem I see with this article is it does not state what the profits would be minus the licensing fees. It only states revenue, which is obviously a bad indicator of taxes owed. Also, licensing fees are applicable in some markets. For example in markets like China that mandate a company do business under a subsidiary, licensing is a legitimate expense, considering the subsidiary might not be wholly owned by the parent company (per the country's laws). That said, this is the UK we're talking about, so it is clearly not in that situation. I was just pointing out in some markets it is a legitimate expense. Maybe the UK could make licensing fees a non-deductible expense after a certain percentage of subsidiary income. Its a complex problem, I would be interested to see if any other jurisdictions have tackled it.
Reading financial statements is important, in the sense that it gives you a picture of whether revenues and profits are growing or shrinking, and what management thinks the future will look like. The challenge is, there are firms that make computers read filings for them and inform their trading strategy. If the computer thinks the stock price is below the growth model, it's likely to bid the stock up. And since it's automated it's moving it faster than you can open your web browser. Does this mean you shouldn't read them? In a sense, no. The only sensible trading strategy is to assume you hold things for as long as their fundamentals exceed market value. Financial statements are where you find those fundamentals. So you should read them. But your question is, is it worth it for investors? My answer is no; the market generally factors information in quickly and efficiently. You're better off sticking to passive mutual funds than trying to trade. The better reason to learn to read these filings is to get a better sense of your employer, potential employers, competitors and even suppliers. Knowing what your margins are, what your suppliers margins and acquisitions are, and what they're planning can inform your own decision making.
Given that money can go into the 401(k) pre-tax, and that once the loan is paid off, the principal is restored, I'm having a hard time seeing the downside of this approach. Am I missing something or does it actually make sense in my situation? You're missing several things. Here's a list of what I could think of: You should make sure that none of these issues is a problem for you.
"The Dividend Discount Model is based on the concept that the present value of a stock is the sum of all future dividends, discounted back to the present. Since you said: dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate in perpetuity ... the Gordon Growth Model is a simple variant of the DDM, tailored for a firm in ""steady state"" mode, with dividends growing at a rate that can be sustained forever. Consider McCormick (MKC), who's last dividend was 31 cents, or $1.24 annualized. The dividend has been growing just a little over 7% annually. Let's use a discount, or hurdle rate of 10%. MKC closed today at $50.32, for what it's worth. The model is extremely sensitive to inputs. As g approaches r, the stock price rises to infinity. If g > r, stock goes negative. Be conservative with 'g' -- it must be sustainable forever. The next step up in complexity is the two-stage DDM, where the company is expected to grow at a higher, unsustainable rate in the early years (stage 1), and then settling down to the terminal rate for stage 2. Stage 1 is the present value of dividends during the high growth period. Stage 2 is the Gordon Model, starting at the end of stage 1, and discounting back to the present. Consider Abbott Labs (ABT). The current annual dividend is $1.92, the current dividend growth rate is 12%, and let's say that continues for ten years (n), after which point the growth rate is 5% in perpetuity. Again, the discount rate is 10%. Stage 1 is calculated as follows: Stage 2 is GGM, using not today's dividend, but the 11th year's dividend, since stage 1 covered the first ten years. 'gn' is the terminal growth, 5% in our case. then... The value of the stock today is 21.22 + 51.50 = 72.72 ABT closed today at $56.72, for what it's worth."
Look at the left column. If you are disabled at age 62 or older and have worked for at least 10 years they you qualify for full disability benefits (which are generally less than retirement benefits). Outside of disability, one is only eligible for social security benefits at age 67 (unless you were born before 1960, in which case different rules apply), but you must have worked for at least 10 years to get full retirement benefits.
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"Fuck Sears and their dogshit customer service. They're putting themselves out of business. [Link to my yelp review](http://www.yelp.com/biz/sears-roebuck-and-co-chicago#hrid:hoxPQTINooxJfZCKC_mtuw) of my latest and LAST experience. Makes me rage too hard to retype it, but tl;dr, they couldn't follow instructions, fucked up the delivery, then wanted to charge me a delivery fee anyway, and had an average of 15-20 minutes hold time for each of three phone calls, and that still wasn't the end of it. Make sure to read all the other ""fine"" reviews on this company's list of fuck ups. Among others on my personal list, delivered the wrong model washer to my parents' house that wouldn't fit, and wanted to schedule a new delivery date (for weeks later), and took 7 weeks to fix a bad PCB on my TV. Go to hell Sears! Bye!"
"> When you make a mistake, the sooner you admit it, the better. OK. Then explain this statement: ""You still pay taxes on ""tax deferred"" retirement plans - In fact, I would dare say that in most cases, people end up paying more in taxes, because they pay it as regular income rather than LTCG."" What is the account that you're referring to where you'd pay only LTCG?"
"To be honest, I think a lot of people on this site are doing you a disservice by taking your idea as seriously as they are. Not only is this a horrible idea, but I think you have some alarming misunderstandings about what it means to save for retirement. First off, precious metals are not an ""investment""; they are store of value. The old saying that a gold coin would buy a suit 300 years ago and will still buy a suit today is pretty accurate. Buying precious metals and expecting them to ""appreciate"" in the future because they are ""undervalued"" is just flat-out speculation and really doesn't belong in a well-planned retirement account, unless it's a very small part for the purposes of diversification. So the upshot to all of this is the most likely outcome is you get zero return after inflation (maybe you'll get lucky or maybe you'll be very unlucky). Next you would say that sure, you're giving up some expected return for a reduction in risk. But, you've done away with diversification which is the most effective way to minimize risk... And I'm not sure what scenario you're imagining that the stock market or any other reasonable investment doesn't make any returns. If you invest in a market wide index fund, then the expected return is going to be roughly in proportion with productivity gains. To say that there will be no appreciation of the stock market over the next 40 years is to say that technological progress will stop and/or we will have large-scale economic disruptions that will wipe out 40 years of progress. If that happens, I would say it's highly questionable whether silver will actually be worth anything at all. I'd rather have food, property, and firearms. So, to answer your question, practically any other retirement savings plan would be better than the one that you currently outlined, but the best plan is just to put your money in a very low-cost index fund at Vanguard and let it sit until you retire. The expense ratios are so stupidly small, that it's not going to meaningfully affect your return."
Whether you are moving a one room workplace or a big corporation, the best moving companies in ct makes all of the distinction in the globe. When you utilize an expert mover, you decrease responsibility risks. No more thinking about viable injury to your workers, accidental loss of files, damage to valuable essential or violating privacy regulations.
Excellent points, especially what you say about why managers like certain people and also how productivity is measured. I suspect many HR systems exist that aim to eliminate this subjectivity in terms of assessing employee performance and post-assessment, dole out rewards (pay, bonus, etc.) as objectively as possible...but of course these systems are far from perfect.
The actual financial statements should always be referenced first before opening or closing a position. For US companies, they are freely available on EDGAR. Annual reports are called 10-Ks, and quarterly reports are called 10-Qs. YHOO and GOOG do a great job of posting financials that are quickly available, but money.msn has the best. These should be starting point, quick references. As you can see, they may all have the same strange accounting. Sometimes, it's difficult to find the information one seeks in the consolidated financial statements as in this case, so searching through the filing is necessary. The notes can be helpful, but Ctrl-F seems to do everything I need when I want something in a report. In AAPL's case, the Interest expense can be found in Note 3.
iTunes U has a wealth of content from highly respected universities including Yale, Harvard, Wharton, MIT, etc. If I were fifteen and looking to build some business acumen and savvy, that is where I would start. In particular, I find Harvard business review idea casts to be thought provoking and very timely. In addition, they generally focus on disruptive business models. Good luck.
"I am in a similar situation and have recently found a planner who says a pension that pays $100/month is worth $18k in savings at retirement. I know that doesn't answer your question directly, but could could use a simple interest savings calculator (bank rate has one) to see how much of your income you would need to save over x period of time and deduct that from you the offer at your prospective employer to compare ""apples to apples"" However, I actually think the value of a pension at retirement is greater than listed above. To illustrate: So in this example my pension would seem to be valued at about $14,000 in salary for those 10 years."
"This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-30/as-poverty-surges-in-italy-populists-propose-a-citizens-income) reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Five Star's version would give Italians below the poverty line as much as €780 a month. > To keep Five Star from dominating the debate, Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, a Renzi ally, has approved a less ambitious plan he calls "The first universal tool against poverty." The scheme, dubbed "Inclusion income," would give 1.7 million people as much as €485 a month as long as they're actively seeking work, at a cost of about €2 billion a year. > BOTTOM LINE - Italy's populist Five Star Movement is proposing a universal basic income-an idea that rival parties have started to adopt ahead of elections expected next year. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/6x7otl/as_poverty_surges_in_italy_populists_propose_a/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ ""Version 1.65, ~201948 tl;drs so far."") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr ""PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome."") | *Top* *keywords*: **Five**^#1 **Star**^#2 **year**^#3 **Party**^#4 **program**^#5"
Yes, it is possible. But why would someone take full responsibility, if you're the one enjoying the profits? You'll have to pay your administrator a lot, and probably also develop a profit sharing plan to encourage success. What you're looking, essentially is to be a passive shareholder, and not participate in any management decisions at all. Depending on your location, it will pose additional disadvantages for you (for example, in the US, that would force you to structure your business as a C-Corp, vs more advantageous S-Corp).
"Why only long term investments? What do they care if I buy and sell shares in a company in the same year? Simple, your actually investing when you hold it for a long term. If you hold a stock for a week or a month there is very little that can happen to change the price, in a perfect market the value of a company should stay the same from yesterday to today so long as there is no news(a perfect market cannot exist). When you hold a stock for a long term you really are investing in the company and saying ""this company will grow"". Short term investing is mostly speculation and speculation causes securities to be incorrectly valued. So when a retail investor puts money into something like Facebook for example they can easily be burned by speculation whether its to the upside or downside. If the goal is to get me to invest my money, then why not give apply capital gains tax to my savings account at my local bank? Or a CD account? I believe your gains on these accounts are taxed... Not sure at what rate. If the goal is to help the overall health of business, how does it do that? During an IPO, the business certainly raises money, but after that I'm just buying and selling shares with other private shareholders. Why does the government give me an incentive to do this (and then hold onto it for at least a year)? There are many reasons why a company cares about its market price: A companies market cap is calculated by price * shares outstanding. A market cap is basically what the market is saying your company is worth. A company can offer more shares or sell shares they currently hold in order to raise even more capital. A company can offer shares instead of cash when buying out another company. It can pay for many things with shares. Many executives and top level employees are payed with stock options, so they defiantly want to see there price higher. these are some basic reasons but there are more and they can be more complex."
"If you do so in proportions to match juice, then yeah, you have juice (with added colorings, which are listed in the ingredients). There's a reason there are limits, and that's to prevent such pedantry as what you suggest. There are small losses or gains allowed. Rarely does any industry hit things dead on. For example, when making ham, one can add water (brine), and then cook the product, and as long as the finished product is not more than 0.9% from the original weight of the ham, it isn't ""water added."" It's pretty amazing what modern equipment can do, but I still can't hit the green weight dead on every time."
The smart phone platform vendors are missing out on a new niche that would make life easier for corporate workers and IT departments alike. The current problem is the 'BYOD' trend, of every office worker wanting to bring their own device, iPhone, tablet, whatever. This is a problem because this is an uncontrolled environment from an IT point of view. What if there was an app that ran on android/iOS/windows8/whatever that acted as a Virtual Phone that was encrypted and walled off from the rest of the users phone. And it is under complete control of corporate IT, so they are happy too. It would have its own number and act like a separate phone. However the user would only have one phone taking up pocket space, instead of classic situation of carrying their own phone and a 'work' phone. The best company placed for this is RIM. They have a lot of experience in integrating phones to corporate environments. IT departments already have experience with the blackberry platform. They still have a large amount of money to burn in a Hail Mary project such as this and they are (or were) desperate enough to try such a change in direction. They should exit the hardware business and make a virtual phone app that corporate IT can roll out to employees phones. Hell it would even be cheaper for companies than handsets alone. They would own this market outright and if executed well, most companies would be on board and RIM would be back with the massive profit margins software usually carries. Instead of the lower margin hardware usually has.
STFU. What are you, on safetry patrol in the 5th grade? Moderators like you are the reason reddit is in rapid decline. Reddit in rapid decline effects the bottom line. If you were to resign as moderator, the community, and the bottom line would be better off. /business
Yes, but that is more of a problem in the long run dynamics of companies. In the short run they aren't changing the person in charge. It seems weird to assume they will stop trying until we see an actual strategy shift that seems short sighted.
"Although there are some good points made here as to the cause of inflation (mostly related to supply and demand), azcoastal does head in a different direction, one which I myself was going to take. Let me give a different angle, however. Another cause of inflation is the printing of money by the government (not simply replacing old money with new, but adding to the total money in circulation). If the government doubles the amount of currency in circulation (for the sake of argument and easy math), the value of all money decreases by a factor of 2. That's inflation, and the way G. Edward Griffin in The Creature From Jekyll Island puts it, it's really tantamount to a hidden tax. In a nutshell, the federal government wants to buy some cool stuff like new tanks or planes, or they want to give a bunch of food stamps to poor people, or they want to fly their private jets around, but they don't have enough money from taxes. So, they print money and spend it and buy their stuff. Because they've just increased the money in circulation, however, money loses its value. For example, your savings has dropped in value by half, despite the fact that the same number of dollars is in your savings account. This is just a way the government can tax you without taxing you. They buy stuff and you now have less money (i.e., your retirement is worth less) and you don't even know you just got taxed. Makes me sick that we let our ""leaders"" get away with this."
Interest rates have been going down since 1980. At some point it has to rebound, but as the old adage goes, the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. The only thing we know with certainty about the 10 year interest rates is that it will most likely cap out at 0%. Maybe....
You are making close to 200 K a year which is great. The aggressive payments on loans takes out around 30K which is good. The fact that you are not able to save is bad. Rather than pushing off your savings to later, scale down the lifestyle and push the upgrade to lifestyle for later
I said no and yelled at the sales rep cause they wouldnt take no for an answer. I recieved 2 bad reviews from San Franscisco and 2 from NY and I am in Miami. Two of them mentioned menu items I did not serve for weeks cause the items were out of seasons. F yelp!
Lets just get to the point...Ordinary income (gains) earned from S-Corp operations (i.e. income earned after all expenses for providing services or selling products) is passed through to the owners/shareholders and taxed at the owner's personal tax rate. Separately, if an S-Corp earns capital gains (i.e. the S-Corp buys and sells stock, earns dividends from investments, etc), those gains are passed through to the owners and taxed at a capital gains rate Capital gains are not the same as ordinary income (gains). Don't get the two confused, they are as different for S-Corp taxation as they are for personal taxation. In some cases an exception occurs, but only when the S-Corp was formally a C-Corp and the C-Corp had non-distributed earnings or losses. This is a separate issue whereas the undistributed C-Corp gains/losses are treated differently than the S-Corp gains/losses. It takes years of college coursework and work experience to grasp the vast arena of tax. It should not be so complex, but it is this complex. It is not within the scope of the non-tax professional to make sense of this stuff. The CPA exams, although very difficult and thorough, only scrape the surface of tax and accounting. I hope this provides some perspective on any questions regarding business tax for S-Corps and any other entity type. Hire a good CPA... if you can find one.
Can confirm. I work in one such office in India surrounded by IT support people, but doing investment research myself. I swear these guys are so horribly bad that I've fought with my boss to just let me get the updates etc done on my own. He hasn't agreed because he's very computer illiterate, but even he can see how crazy incompetent the IT here is.
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Demand is also a rule of economics and always exists. It is the advertising/marketing efforts that fulfills the assumption of economics of perfect information. It is the entrepreneurs/ investors estimation of what the demand will be once consumers have perfect information of the product that creates companies, spurs investment, and creates jobs to carry out the plan. All of this is based on the idea that the investment of time and money will generate a return. To use a different product as an example; there is always demand for food, with consumer preference for say pizza. I'm not creating jobs by sitting on my fat ass at home wanting someone else to make me a pizza, and drive it to my doorstep. If there isn't a pizza place I can make myself a PBJ sandwich and no jobs are created. It was the entrepreneur/ investors who hypothesized there was a hidden demand for fatasses like me wanting pizza that made the plan for building a pizza place and then investing money which was used to hire employees based on the assumption that the demand existed, and my fatass would spend money giving them a return on their investment.
78.84% of statistics are made up on the spot.
First, make sure you are contacting the bank directly - use an old invoice you have on hand with a phone number direct to the bank and call them. Do not use the provided number, or you may wind up being pulled into a scam (It is entirely possible that the bank is also confused at this point - so you should not rely on the number provided at all). Second, once you can confirm that your account is being closed, find out when it is being closed so you know when you need to act on it - it's possible you still have access to your account, and do not need to launch into a panic just yet. Third, get the bank to explain exactly why they are closing your account - make it clear that if they cannot explain, you will be forced to transfer to a new account and close business with them permanently - this is not a threat, this is a matter of fact because... Finally, if you cannot keep your account open, find a different bank and open up a new account. Frankly, if your current bank is closing your account and only managed to get a letter out to you a month late, you should probably find a new bank. If instead they simply cannot figure out if your bank account is closed or not, this is also a bad sign and you may want a new bank account anyway. But please, go through these steps in order, because you need to verify with your bank what is going on. Keep @Brick 's answer in mind as well, in case you need to get your money out of your account quickly.
"Well... (in the US, at least) ""making investments and building assets"" is how you save for retirement. The investments just happen to be in the stock market, and the federal legislature has directed the US version of Inland Revenue Services to give special tax breaks to investments which are not withdrawn until age 59 1/2. I don't know if there are such tax breaks in Pakistan, or what the stock market is like there, so I'm presuming that by saying, ""building lucrative assets"", your father is referring to buying real estate and/or becoming a trader. Anyway, it's a good thing that you are looking so far ahead in life instead of only thinking of fast cars and pretty girls."
Just so you know, the SEC doesn't have criminal authority, they do civil fines. It's the Department of Justice that sends white collar criminals to jail. If you'd like to see what they've been up to, [here's a little info from the FBI](http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/financial-crimes-report-2010-2011) Also, I could be wrong but I think the government mass settled the claims coming from the financial collapse. *edit: you don't get to keep the money you made from your illegal activity. That would just be stupid. The fines are on top of giving the money back* *edit 2: remember [these girls?](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihLBCbNIDbI&feature=share). They didn't get to keep the money they stole. It's no different in white collar crime.*
"Assuming U.S. law, there are ""safe harbor"" provisions for exactly this kind of situation. There are several possibilities, but the most likely one is that if your withholding and estimated tax payments for 2016 totaled at least as much as your tax bill for 2015 there's no penalty. For the full rules, see IRS Publication 17."
The short answer to your initial question is: yes. The option doesn't expire until the close of the market on the day of expiration. Because the option is expiring so soon, the time value of the option is quite small. That is why the option, once it is 'in-the-money', will track so closely to the underlying stock price. If someone buys an in-the-money option on the day of expiration, they are likely still expecting the price to go up before they sell it or exercise it. Many brokers will exercise your in-the-money options sometime after 3pm on the day of expiration. If this is not what you desire, you should communicate that with them prior to that day.
About two years ago I went to BB giving them the benefit of the doubt. They refused to price match another local retailer on the grounds they weren't local and BB gets to decide what constitutes local. It will take a miracle to get me back in their store. Incidentally the other retailer has big prominent signs outside, inside and on its ads saying it will price match including online retailers.
817/150,000 = .54% Fees are based on balances not deposits, usually. Putting a front loaded fund as an option in a 401(k) should be criminal, not sure it is though. Ask your HR dept to provide you fee details. If the .54% is correct, it's not bad. I hope you have money from prior jobs as well, by the way.
Corporate trainer is an instructor, who works in a business environment and imparts the skills, ideas and ethics to groups of employees. Now-a-days corporate trainer plays an important role in corporate sector. Better corporate training can transform your life. For good corporate training, you need best corporate trainer, who can guide you in a perfect way, then take help of Mitesh Khatri – Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker & Leadership Trainer. https://trainermiteshkhatri.wordpress.com/2017/06/30/corporate-trainer-3-super-easy-ways-to-select-the-best/
Tons of files to read, deadlines to meet, meetings to attend… apart from doing your actual work of contributing to the business. In the middle of everything lie a few smart choices which have the potential of making things a lot easier for you. Adopting a CRM like Wakeupsales is one such choice
">Canada has universities that are hugely benefitting. Students don’t want to go to a country where they think they will be unwelcome. Smart people from India and China look at Trump and they make the decision that serves their interests the best. No data. Have you been to China? Do you speak Chinese? ""I’d shut the fuck up about things I don’t understand"""
"My favorite Fed ""admission"" was from Alan Greenspan during his testimony in Congress about what caused the 2008 financial crisis. Senator Waxman basically asked Greenspan if he had fucked up. Greenspan's glib reply was; ""I found a flaw in the model that I perceived is the critical functioning structure that defines how the world works, so to speak."" In other words, his grand economic theory was fatally flawed. So to speak. Unbelievable. [YouTube link - 4:45 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5lZPWNFizQ)"
The opening price is derived from new information received. It reflects the current state of the market. Opening Price Deviation (from Investopedia): Investor expectation can be changed by corporate announcements or other events that make the news. Corporations typically make news-worthy announcements that may have an effect on the stock price after the market closes. Large-scale natural disasters or man-made disasters such as wars or terrorist attacks that take place in the afterhours may have similar effects on stock prices. When this happens, some investors may attempt to either buy or sell securities during the afterhours. Not all orders are executed during after-hours trading. The lack of liquidity and the resulting wide spreads make market orders unattractive to traders in after-hours trading. This results in a large amount of limit or stop orders being placed at a price that is different from the prior day’s closing price. Consequently, when the market opens the next day, a substantial disparity in supply and demand causes the open to veer away from the prior day’s close in the direction that corresponds to the effect of the announcement, news or event.
I applied for a job a was literally perfectly qualified for. My educational background was exactly what it described, my work history was spot on, and my internship experience was DOING THAT JOB. I got an email two weeks later saying I wasn't qualified. So now I just get jobs through connections. My own merits apparently don't mean anything.
"Typical for large companies. My company isn't declaring bankruptcy but every year they ""run out"" of money for us to take legitimate business trips to support customers. Meanwhile executives are constantly flying around so they can give speeches that say nothing to people who don't care. Even if they just stopped spending so much when they traveled (international first class tickets are crazy expensive) we'd probably still have enough to go around."
I err on the side of saving all of mine for a while. Just toss them in a box at least. A years' worth is about the size of a shoebox. I started doing this because one year, about a week after I tossed my receipts for the year, I realized that I had a fair bit of allotment left on my flexible savings account to use up. I could have used those to substantiate over-the-counter medicines I purchased. Even if you don't use them for tax purposes, you can use them for budget-tracking purposes.
Where are you operating your business and how is it structured? DBA, LLC? How do you plan on taxing the business? You can purchase whatever hardware you want and resale at whatever price you want. You may be able to contact a vendor and open a dealer account. This means they'll will give you a price break if you purchase X amount of volume but this may require more upfront capital. Warranty will probably be best to be done under your name. Most manufacture warranties require proof of purchase from an approved vendor. If you're buying and reselling at a higher cost then the original receipt will show your profits. Likewise, you can sale the hardware at cost and make all your money on labor. This would allow you to pass the warranty responsibility to the customer. Depending on the customer’s site you may have to mount your routers, repeaters and access points in hard to reach places. The customer might prefer to call you and have you take care of it from there. The way I would do it structure the installations by square footage and predicted users. The greater the square footage the more hardware you’ll need. Offer a remote support plan at a reasonable rate. For 20/month you will provide tear 1 support which can include troubleshooting dead access points remotely, changing network names, and providing up to X amount of network reports. ( Ubiquiti offers network monitoring for free in their suite. You would just be interpreting this information) For issues that require you to come to site you can charge X amount of dollars per visit plus parts and labor. I would offer on the spot replacement for hardware under warranty for a very small fee and then you can ship off the defective hardware and have it replaced. If you do purchase with amazon I know they offer extended plans on a lot of their electronics. It would be worth considering these plans and adding the cost to the hardware you’re reselling. Most of these plans simply write you a check for defective hardware after you ship them in. I would highly suggest going with a business structure that protects your personal assets such as an LLC. I recommend this because you will be proving a service to other people and you may be blamed for damages. If you are found to be at fault they company takes the hit, not you. edit: Also, you can take advantage of amazon's two day shipping. When a customer contracts you for a job simply ask for 50% deposit and a 4 day notice. When you receive the deposit place the order on amazon for the hardware. This will mean less money out of your pocket.
You are expected to file 1099 for each person you pay $600 a year. I.e.: not a one time payment, but the total over the course of the year. Since we don't know how much and what else you paid - we cannot answer this question. The real question you're asking is that if you're treating the enterprise as a hobby, whether you're supposed to file 1099s at all. The answer to that question is yes. You should talk to your tax adviser (a EA/CPA licensed in your state) about this, and whether it is the right thing for you to do treating this as a hobby at all.
Start with the list of mortgage companies approved to work in your area. There are 80 within 10 miles of my house, and more than 100 in my county. Pick ones you know because they are established businesses in your area, region, or even nationally. A good place to start might be with your current lender. The risk you seem to be worried about is a scam or a trick. In the recent past the scams were ones where the home owner didn't understand teaser rates, and the risk of interest only and pick-your-payment loans. The simpler the bells and whistles, the less likely you are to be embarking on a risky transaction. It can't hurt to ask an organization like the BBB or neighbors, but realize that many people loved their exotic mortgage until the moment it blew up in their face. So for 5 years your neighbor would have raved about their new mortgage until they discovered how underwater they were. Regarding how smoothy the transaction is accomplished, is hard to predict. There is great variation in the quality of the loan officers, so a great company can have rookie employees. Unless you can get a recommendation for a specific employee it is hard know if your loan officer is going to give great service. When getting a mortgage for a purchase, the biggest risk is getting a mortgage that results in a payment you can't afford. This is less of a risk with a refinance because you already have a mortgage and monthly payment. But keep in mind some of the monthly savings is due to stretching out the payments for another 30 years. Know what you are trying to do with the refinance because the streamlined ones cant be used for cash out.
If you don't like the cartel extorting you, you should just leave. So cartels are moral, right? A: I shouldn't have to leave just because thugs say they run land. They don't own the land I'm on, private persons do. Those people should be the ones saying whether or not I can be there. B: I actually can't leave for free. The US government dictates the terms under which I can leave. Currently, it would cost me some 12k to repudiate my citizenship. Oh, and the government can and does change those terms *at any time* without me having the ability to asset or dissent. How is it voluntary if it's entirely unilateral?