Distinguished Lecture Series: Prof Xu Jialu on Zen The Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and renowned linguist, Professor Xu Jialu, will be on campus to host a distinguished lecture on Zen, 18 October. Professor Xu will kick off the 20th anniversary Distinguished Lecture Series with a talk on Zen, an exemplar of the compatibility of Chinese and foreign cultures (「禪宗—中外文化相融的範例」). Buddhism spread from Prof Xu, who is also Director of the Professor Xu has also been Vice President, Secretary-General and President of the Chinese Society for Exegetical Studies on Classical Chinese Literature; Vice Chairman of Appraisal Committee for National Natural Sciences Noun; Head of Appraisal Group for Linguistics under State Five-Year Plan for Philosophy and Social Science Projects; and member of the planning group for publication of ancient writings under the State Council. In 1994, Professor Xu was appointed Chairman of the State Language Work Committee. Professor Xu is active in promoting Chinese culture and cultural exchanges. He is the Honorary Chairman of the China Culture Promotion Society (CCPS) established in 1992. CCPS is a national non-governmental organization which comprises outstanding artists, scholars, cultural activists and entrepreneurs in All staff and students are welcome to attend the lecture at , 18 October, at the Wei Hing Theatre.
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June 05 1908 Jackson - The annual reunion of the Pease family will be held in Jackson at the home of George Pease, June 24. Carriages will be in waiting at New Milford for friends coming on the train. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to be present. At noon there will be a basket lunch. Blanche Hoppe, Sec'y. Forest City - On Memorial Day, the Sacred Heart church was dedicated. AND A hearing was held before Judge Little in regard to securing a permanent injunction restraining the town officials from making alterations in the borough building to the extent of perhaps $1000. Some of the borough fathers favor the change so that the postoffice may be located in the building, as it is a more central point. Others consider that the taxpayers' money should not be thus expended. A decision has not yet been made. Hallstead - James T. DuBois is having a book published, of which he is the author, entitled, "Fun and Pathos of One Life." It is particularly a boy's book, but anyone can read it with interest, but those of his own county will naturally be among the more interested. Montrose - Erastus H. Rogers was 88 years of age on Tuesday, June 2. Mr. Rogers was one of the "forty-niners" who went to California when the gold fever was taking away thousands from the east. He is active and in good health and in conversation with good friends takes pleasure in recalling the days when the west was new. AND One of the delightful features of the work of the new library is the Children's Story Hour, in which the children are told by various of our good raconteurs, some of our best literature, thus educating them in that line. Several have been held, and on Friday, May 29, a Patriotic Hour, appropriate to the season, pleased and instructed our juveniles. The small auditorium of the library was decorated with the red, white and blue in flowers and bunting. The boys and girls themselves sang "My Country 'tis of Thee," and two selections with Miss Searle. They also sang the "Star Spangled Banner," with Katherine Riley, who sang for them patriotic songs of other nations. Miss Riley read to them the Flag Raising from Rebecca, that unique and stirring tale of patriotism. New Milford - W.E. Hoolihan was in Montrose on business Tuesday. Mr. Hoolihan is a representative for the radio or wireless telephone company, and has the agency for the sale of stock in Lackawanna, Luzerne and Susquehanna counties. The wireless telephone will before long replace to a large extent the wireless telegraph, being easier to operate and less expensive. At present it is being little used outside of army and navy circles, but will eventually be in general use. Lynn, Springville Twp. - The ever-glorious 4th of July will be celebrated at this place. On that eventful day there will be sports and games of all kinds at Athletic park, such as sack and wheelbarrow races, baseball, side shows, etc., which will be managed by Prof. Rose, who will exhibit KiKi, the dog-faced boy, who was captured in the wilds of Kentucky. Raymond Greenwood will place on exhibition his trained dog Tom, who will do some surprising stunts under direction of his trainer. South Gibson - During a heavy thunder shower Sunday afternoon, lightning struck a tree on Clark Tripp's place, killing his horse, which was under the tree. Laurel Lake - Dogs got after Michael Murphy's sheep one morning recently. Three sheep were killed and twelve more badly bitten and torn. Mrs. Margaret Donovan also had three sheep killed by dogs last week. Dimock - Elias Titman drove to Auburn last week looking for fat cattle to drive to Scranton. Clifford/Lenoxville - C.G. Stephens, merchant of Lenoxville, passed through town last Friday with his automobile, on his return from Scranton. He left Lenoxville in his auto, Friday morning, ran 25 miles to Scranton, sold 40 dozen crates of eggs, and returned same day in time to attend the grand hop at the Royal House, at Royal, held that night. Clarence is a hustler. Little Meadows - Ray D. Gibson, of Little Meadows, and Cora Short, of Nixon, NY, applied for a marriage license. Friendsville - The members of Friendsville Athletic Club will hold a dance in the Hall at Friendsville, Friday, June 12. A good supper will be served. Music by Muldoon's Orchestra. Two ball games will be played--Middletown Center vs. Quaker Lake at 1:00 and Friendsville vs. the winners at 3:30. Meshoppen - One of our R.F.D. Carriers was in Montrose last night, making the trip on motor-cycle in a little over an hour. He was demonstrating the machine for a general agent, in the evening. Coming down Church street at a perilous speed, and on reaching the juncture at Pubic Avenue, seemed bewildered as to whether he would go up or down, and crashed into the curbing around the drinking fountain, both rider and machine vaulting high in the air and completely passing over the embankment. The rider was not seriously injured, but awfully shook up, but the expensive new machine was wrecked. Harford - A number of the ladies made up a fishing party. A very enjoyable time was reported but not many fish. Flynn - It would be well for some young men to have a date made before driving to far to be disappointed. Choconut - The farmers around Vestal Center and Choconut have been annoyed some for the past few days on account of there not being any feed at the mill, at the Center. News Briefs: The Lackawanna is contemplating using soft coal instead of hard in its locomotives on all trains, as it is cheaper. Then Phoebe Snow, can no longer go, in spotless white, upon the Road of Anthracite. AND Approaching a sad looking young man at a wedding, the "best man" asked: "Have you kissed the bride?" And the sad young man replied: "Not lately."
Research from Content Critique: Wilson, students of public administration, favored more governmental regulation and action during a time once large monopolies still existed. He noticed the function of public administration since “government for action; it is the exec, the practical, effectual, the most obvious side of government, and is obviously as old as government itself” (Wilson 235). The pendelum thrown, though, plus the government was blamed for most of the problems that brought on the Great Depression. Franklin Roosevelt, despite getting called draconian, knew that he had to launch applications that would have a quick result upon the struggling economy; resulting the New Deal – a complex, interlocking set of applications designed to generate jobs, monetary recovery, and financial reform of banking and Wall Street – exactly what was needed, it appears to turn the Titanic within a new course (Badger). In that case, of course , came up the conflict, which triggered the economy like nothing else, although also made shortages and hardships. If the war was over, the social pressures were significantly different. There was a new standard of expectation in the returning GIs, new technology that resulted in the world within one’s living room, suv growth, even more technological careers, and as the decades developed Civil Privileges, Women’s Rights, an unpopular “police actions, ” and a fundamental and aggressive War on Poverty. These events necessary a different type of public supervision, one that was less “governmental” than the New Deal, and one that can be more socially resopnsible to the evolving requirements of the inhabitants. This culminates still with not the Congress making some of the decisions about general public money, although according to the New Administrative State, the Tennis courts acting in a new role – regarding juridical federalism (Wright 254). Question some – Fesler and post-war public supervision – The post-war amount of American background provided many challenges that focused on cultural, political, interpersonal, technological, and administrative functions. From 1933 to 1939, Americans observed public administration in a new light – a mixed rescue effort that would practically change the encounter from the country; rendering jobs, enclosure, a new lifestyle, and defenses never just before offered. From 1941-1946 America was within the middle of a conflict economy; creation of particular items forced the economy, and there was an actual shortage of qualified workers in contrast to too high joblessness. During the early years of the Cool War American technology (nuclear weapons, the television, automobiles, start of minituraization, and because of lessons learned in the battle, the age of plastic materials and “better living through chemistry”), all changing the anticipations of the general public towards the federal government. Yet, under the specter of HUAC and McCarthyism, the 1950s had been a time of political locura – a communist below every rock caused many in the govt to err on the side of caution rather than to be seen since having virtually any possible socialist leanings (Halberstam). According to political science tecnistions James Fesler, the dichotomy between the literature about general public administration through this post-war period through in least the Kennedy supervision came because of the different approaches to the subject juxtaposed with the sophisticated cultural and social factors viewed above. Depending on your stance, the role and purpose of public administration throughout this 15-year period could be social in character (Civil Legal rights, poverty), educational (Sputnik Frighten, Peace Corps), political (Red Scare, militarism, Vietnam), or possibly a combination of looking to see America in a fresh role because the leader with the free universe, in brutal political competition with the Soviet Union, yet rife with tension and dissatisfaction in the home (Fesler). Badger, A. FDR – The First Hundred Days and nights. New York: Macmillan, 2009. Cooper, P. Open public Law and Public Operations. Englewood Coves, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988. Fesler, M. “Public Operations and the Cultural Sciences: 1946-1969. ” Mosher, F. American Public Government: Past, Present, Future. Buenos aires, DC Liverpool, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 1975. 97-142. Halberstam, D. The Fifties. New York: Ballantine, 1994. Orbacj, B. “The New Regulating Era – An Introduction. ” Arizona Rules Review fifty-one. 3 (2009): 559+. Shepherd, G. “Fierce Compromise: The Administrative Treatment Act Comes forth From New Deal Governmental policies. ” Management and Regulating Law Information 22. 2 (1997). Wilson, W. Woodrow Wilson: The Essential Political Articles. Lanham, MD: Lexington Ebooks, 2005. Wright, D. “A Century ofGet your custom Essay
by Jerome K. Jerome TO THAT HIGHLY RESPECTABLE BUT UNNECESSARILY RETIRING INDIVIDUAL, OF WHOM WE HEAR SO MUCH BUT SEE SO LITTLE, "THE EARNEST STUDENT OF THE DRAMA," THIS (COMPARATIVELY) TRUTHFUL LITTLE BOOK IS LOVINGLY DEDICATED. His name is George, generally speaking. "Call me George!" he says to the heroine. She calls him George (in a very low voice, because she is so young and timid). Then he is happy. The stage hero never has any work to do. He is always hanging about and getting into trouble. His chief aim in life is to be accused of crimes he has never committed, and if he can muddle things up with a corpse in some complicated way so as to get himself reasonably mistaken for the murderer, he feels his day has not been wasted. He has a wonderful gift of speech and a flow of language calculated to strike terror to the bravest heart. It is a grand thing to hear him bullyragging the villain. The stage hero is always entitled to "estates," chiefly remarkable for their high state of cultivation and for the eccentric ground plan of the "manor house" upon them. The house is never more than one story high, but it makes up in green stuff over the porch what it lacks in size and convenience. The chief drawback in connection with it, to our eyes, is that all the inhabitants of the neighboring village appear to live in the front garden, but the hero evidently thinks it rather nice of them, as it enables him to make speeches to them from the front doorstep—his favorite recreation. There is generally a public-house immediately opposite. This is handy. These "estates" are a great anxiety to the stage hero. He is not what you would call a business man, as far as we can judge, and his attempts to manage his own property invariably land him in ruin and distraction. His "estates," however, always get taken away from him by the villain before the first act is over, and this saves him all further trouble with regard to them until the end of the play, when he gets saddled with them once more. Not but what it must be confessed that there is much excuse for the poor fellow's general bewilderment concerning his affairs and for his legal errors and confusions generally. Stage "law" may not be quite the most fearful and wonderful mystery in the whole universe, but it's near it—very near it. We were under the impression at one time that we ourselves knew something—just a little—about statutory and common law, but after paying attention to the legal points of one or two plays we found that we were mere children at it. We thought we would not be beaten, and we determined to get to the bottom of stage law and to understand it; but after some six months' effort our brain (a singularly fine one) began to soften, and we abandoned the study, believing it would come cheaper in the end to offer a suitable reward, of about 50,000 pounds or 60,000 pounds, say, to any one who would explain it to us. The reward has remained unclaimed to the present day and is still open. One gentleman did come to our assistance a little while ago, but his explanations only made the matter more confusing to our minds than it was before. He was surprised at what he called our density, and said the thing was all clear and simple to him. But we discovered afterward that he was an escaped lunatic. The only points of stage "law" on which we are at all clear are as follows: That if a man dies without leaving a will, then all his property goes to the nearest villain. But if a man dies and leaves a will, then all his property goes to whoever can get possession of that will. That the accidental loss of the three-and-sixpenny copy of a marriage certificate annuls the marriage. That the evidence of one prejudiced witness of shady antecedents is quite sufficient to convict the most stainless and irreproachable gentleman of crimes for the committal of which he could have had no possible motive. But that this evidence may be rebutted years afterward, and the conviction quashed without further trial by the unsupported statement of the comic man. That if A forges B's name to a check, then the law of the land is that B shall be sentenced to ten years' penal servitude. That ten minutes' notice is all that is required to foreclose a mortgage. That all trials of criminal cases take place in the front parlor of the victim's house, the villain acting as counsel, judge, and jury rolled into one, and a couple of policemen being told off to follow his instructions. These are a few of the more salient features of stage "law" so far as we have been able to grasp it up to the present; but as fresh acts and clauses and modifications appear to be introduced for each new play, we have abandoned all hope of ever being able to really comprehend the subject. To return to our hero, the state of the law, as above sketched, naturally confuses him, and the villain, who is the only human being who does seem to understand stage legal questions, is easily able to fleece and ruin him. The simple-minded hero signs mortgages, bills of sale, deeds of gift, and such like things, under the impression that he is playing some sort of a round game; and then when he cannot pay the interest they take his wife and children away from him and turn him adrift into the world. Being thrown upon his own resources, he naturally starves. He can make long speeches, he can tell you all his troubles, he can stand in the lime-light and strike attitudes, he can knock the villain down, and he can defy the police, but these requirements are not much in demand in the labor market, and as they are all he can do or cares to do, he finds earning his living a much more difficult affair than he fancied. There is a deal too much hard work about it for him. He soon gives up trying it at all, and prefers to eke out an uncertain existence by sponging upon good-natured old Irish women and generous but weak-minded young artisans who have left their native village to follow him and enjoy the advantage of his company and conversation. And so he drags out his life during the middle of the piece, raving at fortune, raging at humanity, and whining about his miseries until the last act. Then he gets back those "estates" of his into his possession once again, and can go back to the village and make more moral speeches and be happy. Moral speeches are undoubtedly his leading article, and of these, it must be owned, he has an inexhaustible stock. He is as chock-full of noble sentiments as a bladder is of wind. They are weak and watery sentiments of the sixpenny tea-meeting order. We have a dim notion that we have heard them before. The sound of them always conjures up to our mind the vision of a dull long room, full of oppressive silence, broken only by the scratching of steel pens and an occasional whispered "Give us a suck, Bill. You know I always liked you;" or a louder "Please, sir, speak to Jimmy Boggles. He's a-jogging my elbow." The stage hero, however, evidently regards these meanderings as gems of brilliant thought, fresh from the philosophic mine. The gallery greets them with enthusiastic approval. They are a warm-hearted people, galleryites, and they like to give a hearty welcome to old friends. And then, too, the sentiments are so good and a British gallery is so moral. We doubt if there could be discovered on this earth any body of human beings half so moral—so fond of goodness, even when it is slow and stupid—so hateful of meanness in word or deed—as a modern theatrical gallery. The early Christian martyrs were sinful and worldly compared with an Adelphi gallery. The stage hero is a very powerful man. You wouldn't think it to look at him, but you wait till the heroine cries "Help! Oh, George, save me!" or the police attempt to run him in. Then two villains, three extra hired ruffians and four detectives are about his fighting-weight. If he knocks down less than three men with one blow, he fears that he must be ill, and wonders "Why this strange weakness?" The hero has his own way of making love. He always does it from behind. The girl turns away from him when he begins (she being, as we have said, shy and timid), and he takes hold of her hands and breathes his attachment down her back. The stage hero always wears patent-leather boots, and they are always spotlessly clean. Sometimes he is rich and lives in a room with seven doors to it, and at other times he is starving in a garret; but in either event he still wears brand-new patent-leather boots. He might raise at least three-and-sixpence on those boots, and when the baby is crying for food, it occurs to us that it would be better if, instead of praying to Heaven, he took off those boots and pawned them; but this does not seem to occur to him. He crosses the African desert in patent-leather boots, does the stage hero. He takes a supply with him when he is wrecked on an uninhabited island. He arrives from long and trying journeys; his clothes are ragged and torn, but his boots are new and shiny. He puts on patent-leather boots to tramp through the Australian bush, to fight in Egypt, to discover the north pole. Sometimes he is a gold-digger, sometimes a dock laborer, sometimes a soldier, sometimes a sailor, but whatever he is he wears patent-leather boots. He goes boating in patent leather boots, he plays cricket in them; he goes fishing and shooting in them. He will go to heaven in patent-leather boots or he will decline the invitation. The stage hero never talks in a simple, straightforward way, like a mere ordinary mortal. "You will write to me when you are away, dear, won't you?" says the heroine. A mere human being would reply: "Why, of course I shall, ducky, every day." But the stage hero is a superior creature. He says: "Dost see yonder star, sweet?" She looks up and owns that she does see yonder star; and then off he starts and drivels on about that star for full five minutes, and says he will cease to write to her when that pale star has fallen from its place amid the firmament of heaven. The result of a long course of acquaintanceship with stage heroes has been, so far as we are concerned, to create a yearning for a new kind of stage hero. What we would like for a change would be a man who wouldn't cackle and brag quite so much, but who was capable of taking care of himself for a day without getting into trouble. He wears a clean collar and smokes a cigarette; that is how we know he is a villain. In real life it is often difficult to tell a villain from an honest man, and this gives rise to mistakes; but on the stage, as we have said villains wear clean collars and smoke cigarettes, and thus all fear of blunder is avoided. It is well that the rule does not hold off the stage, or good men might be misjudged. We ourselves, for instance, wear a clean collar—sometimes. It might be very awkward for our family, especially on Sundays. He has no power of repartee, has the stage villain. All the good people in the play say rude and insulting things to him, and smack at him, and score off him all through the act, but he can never answer them back—can never think of anything clever to say in return. "Ha! ha! wait till Monday week," is the most brilliant retort that he can make, and he has to get into a corner by himself to think of even that. The stage villain's career is always very easy and prosperous up to within a minute of the end of each act. Then he gets suddenly let in, generally by the comic man. It always happens so. Yet the villain is always intensely surprised each time. He never seems to learn anything from experience. A few years ago the villain used to be blessed with a hopeful and philosophical temperament, which enabled him to bear up under these constantly recurring disappointments and reverses. It was "no matter," he would say. Crushed for the moment though he might be, his buoyant heart never lost courage. He had a simple, child-like faith in Providence. "A time will come," he would remark, and this idea consoled him. Of late, however, this trusting hopefulness of his, as expressed in the beautiful lines we have quoted, appears to have forsaken him. We are sorry for this. We always regarded it as one of the finest traits in his character. The stage villain's love for the heroine is sublime in its steadfastness. She is a woman of lugubrious and tearful disposition, added to which she is usually incumbered with a couple of priggish and highly objectionable children, and what possible attraction there is about her we ourselves can never understand; but the stage villain—well, there, he is fairly mashed on her. Nothing can alter his affection. She hates him and insults him to an extent that is really unladylike. Every time he tries to explain his devotion to her, the hero comes in and knocks him down in the middle of it, or the comic man catches him during one or the other of his harassing love-scenes with her, and goes off and tells the "villagers" or the "guests," and they come round and nag him (we should think that the villain must grow to positively dislike the comic man before the piece is over). Notwithstanding all this he still hankers after her and swears she shall be his. He is not a bad-looking fellow, and from what we know of the market, we should say there are plenty of other girls who would jump at him; yet for the sake of settling down with this dismal young female as his wife, he is prepared to go through a laborious and exhaustive course of crime and to be bullied and insulted by every one he meets. His love sustains him under it all. He robs and forges, and cheats, and lies, and murders, and arsons. If there were any other crimes he could commit to win her affection, he would, for her sweet sake, commit them cheerfully. But he doesn't know any others—at all events, he is not well up in any others—and she still does not care for him, and what is he to do? It is very unfortunate for both of them. It is evident to the merest spectator that the lady's life would be much happier if the villain did not love her quite so much; and as for him, his career might be calmer and less criminal but for his deep devotion to her. You see, it is having met her in early life that is the cause of all the trouble. He first saw her when she was a child, and he loved her, "ay, even then." Ah, and he would have worked—slaved for her, and have made her rich and happy. He might perhaps even have been a good man. She tries to soothe him. She says she loathed him with an unspeakable horror from the first moment that her eyes met his revolting form. She says she saw a hideous toad once in a nasty pond, and she says that rather would she take that noisome reptile and clasp its slimy bosom to her own than tolerate one instant's touch from his (the villain's) arms. This sweet prattle of hers, however, only charms him all the more. He says he will win her yet. Nor does the villain seem much happier in his less serious love episodes. After he has indulged in a little badinage of the above character with his real lady-love, the heroine, he will occasionally try a little light flirtation passage with her maid or lady friend. The maid or friend does not waste time in simile or in metaphor. She calls him a black-hearted scoundrel and clumps him over the head. Of recent years it has been attempted to cheer the stage villain's loveless life by making the village clergyman's daughter gone on him. But it is generally about ten years ago when even she loved him, and her love has turned to hate by the time the play opens; so that on the whole his lot can hardly be said to have been much improved in this direction. Not but what it must be confessed that her change of feeling is, under the circumstances, only natural. He took her away from her happy, peaceful home when she was very young and brought her up to this wicked overgrown London. He did not marry her. There is no earthly reason why he should not have married her. She must have been a fine girl at that time (and she is a good-looking woman as it is, with dash and go about her), and any other man would have settled down cozily with her and have led a simple, blameless life. But the stage villain is built cussed. He ill-uses this female most shockingly—not for any cause or motive whatever; indeed, his own practical interests should prompt him to treat her well and keep friends with her—but from the natural cussedness to which we have just alluded. When he speaks to her he seizes her by the wrist and breathes what he's got to say into her ear, and it tickles and revolts her. The only thing in which he is good to her is in the matter of dress. He does not stint her in dress. The stage villain is superior to the villain of real life. The villain of real life is actuated by mere sordid and selfish motives. The stage villain does villainy, not for any personal advantage to himself, but merely from the love of the thing as an art. Villainy is to him its own reward; he revels in it. "Better far be poor and villainous," he says to himself, "than possess all the wealth of the Indies with a clear conscience. I will be a villain," he cries. "I will, at great expense and inconvenience to myself, murder the good old man, get the hero accused of the crime, and make love to his wife while he is in prison. It will be a risky and laborious business for me from beginning to end, and can bring me no practical advantage whatever. The girl will call me insulting names when I pay her a visit, and will push me violently in the chest when I get near her; her golden-haired infant will say I am a bad man and may even refuse to kiss me. The comic man will cover me with humorous opprobrium, and the villagers will get a day off and hang about the village pub and hoot me. Everybody will see through my villainy, and I shall be nabbed in the end. I always am. But it is no matter, I will be a villain—ha! ha!" On the whole, the stage villain appears to us to be a rather badly used individual. He never has any "estates" or property himself, and his only chance of getting on in the world is to sneak the hero's. He has an affectionate disposition, and never having any wife of his own he is compelled to love other people's; but his affection is ever unrequited, and everything comes wrong for him in the end. Our advice to stage villains generally, after careful observation of (stage) life and (stage) human nature, is as follows: Never be a stage villain at all if you can help it. The life is too harassing and the remuneration altogether disproportionate to the risks and labor. If you have run away with the clergyman's daughter and she still clings to you, do not throw her down in the center of the stage and call her names. It only irritates her, and she takes a dislike to you and goes and warns the other girl. Don't have too many accomplices; and if you have got them, don't keep sneering at them and bullying them. A word from them can hang you, and yet you do all you can to rile them. Treat them civilly and let them have their fair share of the swag. Beware of the comic man. When you are committing a murder or robbing a safe you never look to see where the comic man is. You are so careless in that way. On the whole, it might be as well if you murdered the comic man early in the play. Don't make love to the hero's wife. She doesn't like you; how can you expect her to? Besides, it isn't proper. Why don't you get a girl of your own? Lastly, don't go down to the scenes of your crimes in the last act. You always will do this. We suppose it is some extra cheap excursion down there that attracts you. But take our advice and don't go. That is always where you get nabbed. The police know your habits from experience. They do not trouble to look for you. They go down in the last act to the old hall or the ruined mill where you did the deed and wait for you. In nine cases out of ten you would get off scot-free but for this idiotic custom of yours. Do keep away from the place. Go abroad or to the sea-side when the last act begins and stop there till it is over. You will be safe then. She is always in trouble—and don't she let you know it, too! Her life is undeniably a hard one. Nothing goes right with her. We all have our troubles, but the stage heroine never has anything else. If she only got one afternoon a week off from trouble or had her Sundays free it would be something. But no; misfortune stalks beside her from week's beginning to week's end. After her husband has been found guilty of murder, which is about the least thing that can ever happen to him, and her white-haired father has become a bankrupt and has died of a broken heart, and the home of her childhood has been sold up, then her infant goes and contracts a lingering fever. She weeps a good deal during the course of her troubles, which we suppose is only natural enough, poor woman. But it is depressing from the point of view of the audience, and we almost wish before the evening is out that she had not got quite so much trouble. It is over the child that she does most of her weeping. The child has a damp time of it altogether. We sometimes wonder that it never catches rheumatism. She is very good, is the stage heroine. The comic man expresses a belief that she is a born angel. She reproves him for this with a tearful smile (it wouldn't be her smile if it wasn't tearful). "Oh, no," she says (sadly of course); "I have many, many faults." We rather wish that she would show them a little more. Her excessive goodness seems somehow to pall upon us. Our only consolation while watching her is that there are not many good women off the stage. Life is bad enough as it is; if there were many women in real life as good as the stage heroine, it would be unbearable. The stage heroine's only pleasure in life is to go out in a snow-storm without an umbrella and with no bonnet on. She has a bonnet, we know (rather a tasteful little thing); we have seen it hanging up behind the door of her room; but when she comes out for a night stroll during a heavy snow-storm (accompanied by thunder), she is most careful to leave it at home. Maybe she fears the snow will spoil it, and she is a careful girl. She always brings her child out with her on these occasions. She seems to think that it will freshen it up. The child does not appreciate the snow as much as she does. He says it's cold. One thing that must irritate the stage heroine very much on these occasions is the way in which the snow seems to lie in wait for her and follow her about. It is quite a fine night before she comes on the scene: the moment she appears it begins to snow. It snows heavily all the while she remains about, and the instant she goes it clears up again and keeps dry for the rest of the evening. The way the snow "goes" for that poor woman is most unfair. It always snows much heavier in the particular spot where she is sitting than it does anywhere else in the whole street. Why, we have sometimes seen a heroine sitting in the midst of a blinding snow-storm while the other side of the road was as dry as a bone. And it never seemed to occur to her to cross over. We have even known a more than unusually malignant snow-storm to follow a heroine three times round the stage and then go off (R.) with her. Of course you can't get away from a snow-storm like that! A stage snow-storm is the kind of snow-storm that would follow you upstairs and want to come into bed with you. Another curious thing about these stage snow-storms is that the moon is always shining brightly through the whole of them. And it shines only on the heroine, and it follows her about just like the snow does. Nobody fully understands what a wonderful work of nature the moon is except people acquainted with the stage. Astronomy teaches you something about the moon, but you learn a good deal more from a few visits to a theater. You will find from the latter that the moon only shines on heroes and heroines, with perhaps an occasional beam on the comic man: it always goes out when it sees the villain coming. It is surprising, too, how quickly the moon can go out on the stage. At one moment it is riding in full radiance in the midst of a cloudless sky, and the next instant it is gone! Just as though it had been turned off at a meter. It makes you quite giddy at first until you get used to it. The stage heroine is inclined to thoughtfulness rather than gayety. In her cheerful moments the stage heroine thinks she sees the spirit of her mother, or the ghost of her father, or she dreams of her dead baby. But this is only in her very merry moods. As a rule, she is too much occupied with weeping to have time for frivolous reflections. She has a great flow of language and a wonderful gift of metaphor and simile—more forcible than elegant—and this might be rather trying in a wife under ordinary circumstances. But as the hero is generally sentenced to ten years' penal servitude on his wedding-morn, he escapes for a period from a danger that might well appall a less fortunate bridegroom. Sometimes the stage heroine has a brother, and if so he is sure to be mistaken for her lover. We never came across a brother and sister in real life who ever gave the most suspicious person any grounds for mistaking them for lovers; but the stage brother and sister are so affectionate that the error is excusable. And when the mistake does occur and the husband comes in suddenly and finds them kissing and raves she doesn't turn round and say: "Why, you silly cuckoo, it's only my brother." That would be simple and sensible, and would not suit the stage heroine at all. No; she does all in her power to make everybody believe it is true, so that she can suffer in silence. She does so love to suffer. Marriage is undoubtedly a failure in the case of the stage heroine. If the stage heroine were well advised she would remain single. Her husband means well. He is decidedly affectionate. But he is unfortunate and inexperienced in worldly affairs. Things come right for him at the end of the play, it is true; but we would not recommend the heroine to place too much reliance upon the continuance of this happy state of affairs. From what we have seen of her husband and his business capabilities during the five acts preceding, we are inclined to doubt the possibility of his being anything but unfortunate to the end of his career. True, he has at last got his "rights" (which he would never have lost had he had a head instead of a sentimental bladder on his shoulders), the Villain is handcuffed, and he and the heroine have settled down comfortably next door to the comic man. But this heavenly existence will never last. The stage hero was built for trouble, and he will be in it again in another month, you bet. They'll get up another mortgage for him on the "estates;" and he won't know, bless you, whether he really did sign it or whether he didn't, and out he will go. And he'll slop his name about to documents without ever looking to see what he's doing, and be let in for Lord knows what; and another wife will turn up for him that he had married when a boy and forgotten all about. And the next corpse that comes to the village he'll get mixed up with—sure to—and have it laid to his door, and there'll be all the old business over again. No, our advice to the stage heroine is to get rid of the hero as soon as possible, marry the villain, and go and live abroad somewhere where the comic man won't come fooling around. She will be much happier. THE COMIC MAN He follows the hero all over the world. This is rough on the hero. What makes him so gone on the hero is that when they were boys together the hero used to knock him down and kick him. The comic man remembers this with a glow of pride when he is grown up, and it makes him love the hero and determine to devote his life to him. He is a man of humble station—the comic man. The village blacksmith or a peddler. You never see a rich or aristocratic comic man on the stage. You can have your choice on the stage; you can be funny and of lowly origin, or you can be well-to-do and without any sense of humor. Peers and policemen are the people most utterly devoid of humor on the stage. The chief duty of the comic man's life is to make love to servant-girls, and they slap his face; but it does not discourage him; he seems to be more smitten by them than ever. The comic man is happy under any fate, and he says funny things at funerals and when the bailiffs are in the house or the hero is waiting to be hanged. This sort of man is rather trying in real life. In real life such a man would probably be slaughtered to death and buried at an early period of his career, but on the stage they put up with him. He is very good, is the comic man. He can't bear villainy. To thwart villainy is his life's ambition, and in this noble object fortune backs him up grandly. Bad people come and commit their murders and thefts right under his nose, so that he can denounce them in the last act. They never see him there, standing close beside them, while they are performing these fearful crimes. It is marvelous how short-sighted people on the stage are. We always thought that the young lady in real life was moderately good at not seeing folks she did not want to when they were standing straight in front of her, but her affliction in this direction is as nothing compared with that of her brothers and sisters on the stage. These unfortunate people come into rooms where there are crowds of people about—people that it is most important that they should see, and owing to not seeing whom they get themselves into fearful trouble, and they never notice any of them. They talk to somebody opposite, and they can't see a third person that is standing bang between the two of them. You might fancy they wore blinkers. Then, again, their hearing is so terribly weak. It really ought to be seen to. People talk and chatter at the very top of their voices close behind them, and they never hear a word—don't know anybody's there, even. After it has been going on for half an hour, and the people "up stage" have made themselves hoarse with shouting, and somebody has been boisterously murdered and all the furniture upset, then the people "down stage" "think they hear a noise." The comic man always rows with his wife if he is married or with his sweetheart if he is not married. They quarrel all day long. It must be a trying life, you would think, but they appear to like it. How the comic man lives and supports his wife (she looks as if it wanted something to support her, too) and family is always a mystery to us. As we have said, he is not a rich man and he never seems to earn any money. Sometimes he keeps a shop, and in the way he manages business it must be an expensive thing to keep, for he never charges anybody for anything, he is so generous. All his customers seem to be people more or less in trouble, and he can't find it in his heart to ask them to pay for their goods under such distressing circumstances. He stuffs their basket full with twice as much as they came to buy, pushes their money back into their hands, and wipes away a tear. Why doesn't a comic man come and set up a grocery store in our neighborhood? When the shop does not prove sufficiently profitable (as under the above-explained method sometimes happens to be the case) the comic man's wife seeks to add to the income by taking in lodgers. This is a bad move on her part, for it always ends in the lodgers taking her in. The hero and heroine, who seem to have been waiting for something of the sort, immediately come and take possession of the whole house. Of course the comic man could not think of charging for mere board and lodging the man who knocked him down when they were boys together! Besides, was not the heroine (now the hero's wife) the sweetest and the blithest girl in all the village of Deepdale? (They must have been a gloomy band, the others!) How can any one with a human heart beneath his bosom suggest that people like that should pay for their rest and washing? The comic man is shocked at his wife for even thinking of such a thing, and the end of it is that Mr. and Mrs. Hero live there for the rest of the play rent free; coals, soap, candles, and hair-oil for the child being provided for them on the same terms. The hero raises vague and feeble objections to this arrangement now and again. He says he will not hear of such a thing, that he will stay no longer to be a burden upon these honest folk, but will go forth unto the roadside and there starve. The comic man has awful work with him, but wins at last and persuades the noble fellow to stop on and give the place another trial. When, a morning or so after witnessing one of these beautiful scenes, our own landlady knocks at our door and creates a disturbance over a paltry matter of three or four weeks' rent, and says she'll have her money or out we go that very day, and drifts slowly away down toward the kitchen, abusing us in a rising voice as she descends, then we think of these things and grow sad. It is the example of the people round him that makes the comic man so generous. Everybody is generous on the stage. They are giving away their purses all day long; that is the regulation "tip" on the stage—one's purse. The moment you hear a tale of woe, you grab it out of your pocket, slap it in to the woe-er's palm, grip his hand, dash away a tear, and exit; you don't even leave yourself a 'bus fare home. You walk back quickly and get another purse. Middle-class people and others on the stage who are short of purses have to content themselves with throwing about rolls of bank-notes and tipping servants with five-pound checks. Very stingy people on the stage have been known to be so cussed mean as to give away mere sovereigns. But they are generally only villains or lords that descend to this sort of thing. Respectable stage folk never offer anything less than a purse. The recipient is very grateful on receiving the purse (he never looks inside) and thinks that Heaven ought to reward the donor. They get a lot of work out of Heaven on the stage. Heaven does all the odd jobs for them that they don't want to go to the trouble and expense of doing for themselves. Heaven's chief duty on the stage is to see to the repayment of all those sums of money that are given or lent to the good people. It is generally requested to do this to the tune of a "thousand-fold"—an exorbitant rate when you come to think of it. Heaven is also expected to take care that the villain gets properly cursed, and to fill up its spare time by bringing misfortune upon the local landlord. It has to avenge everybody and to help all the good people whenever they are in trouble. And they keep it going in this direction. And when the hero leaves for prison Heaven has to take care of his wife and child till he comes out; and if this isn't a handful for it, we don't know what would be! Heaven on the stage is always on the side of the hero and heroine and against the police. Occasionally, of late years, the comic man has been a bad man, but you can't hate him for it. What if he does ruin the hero and rob the heroine and help to murder the good old man? He does it all in such a genial, light-hearted spirit that it is not in one's heart to feel angry with him. It is the way in which a thing is done that makes all the difference. Besides, he can always round on his pal, the serious villain, at the end, and that makes it all right. The comic man is not a sportsman. If he goes out shooting, we know that when he returns we shall hear that he has shot the dog. If he takes his girl out on the river he upsets her (literally we mean). The comic man never goes out for a day's pleasure without coming home a wreck. If he merely goes to tea with his girl at her mother's, he swallows a muffin and chokes himself. The comic man is not happy in his married life, nor does it seem to us that he goes the right way to be so. He calls his wife "his old Dutch clock," "the old geyser," and such like terms of endearment, and addresses her with such remarks as "Ah, you old cat," "You ugly old nutmeg grater," "You orangamatang, you!" etc., etc. Well, you know that is not the way to make things pleasant about a house. Still, with all his faults we like the comic man. He is not always in trouble and he does not make long speeches. Let us bless him. He is very old, and very long, and very thin. He has white hair. He dresses in the costume of the last generation but seven. He has bushy eyebrows and is clean shaven. His chin itches considerably, so that he has to be always scratching it. His favorite remark is "Ah!" In real life we have heard of young solicitors, of foppish solicitors, of short solicitors; but on the stage they are always very thin and very old. The youngest stage solicitor we ever remember to have seen looked about sixty—the oldest about a hundred and forty-five. By the bye, it is never very safe to judge people's ages on the stage by their personal appearance. We have known old ladies who looked seventy, if they were a day, turn out to be the mothers of boys of fourteen, while the middle-aged husband of the young wife generally gives one the idea of ninety. Again, what appears at first sight to be a comfortable-looking and eminently respectable elderly lady is often discovered to be, in reality, a giddy, girlish, and inexperienced young thing, the pride of the village or the darling of the regiment. So, too, an exceptionally stout and short-winded old gentleman, who looks as if he had been living too well and taking too little exercise for the last forty-five years, is not the heavy father, as you might imagine if you judged from mere external evidence, but a wild, reckless boy. You would not think so to look at him, but his only faults are that he is so young and light-headed. There is good in him, however, and he will no doubt be steady enough when he grows up. All the young men of the neighborhood worship him and the girls love him. "Here he comes," they say; "dear, dear old Jack—Jack, the darling boy—the headstrong youth—Jack, the leader of our juvenile sports—Jack, whose childish innocence wins all hearts. Three cheers for dancing, bright-eyed Jack!" On the other hand, ladies with the complexion of eighteen are, you learn as the story progresses, quite elderly women, the mothers of middle-aged heroes. The experienced observer of stage-land never jumps to conclusions from what he sees. He waits till he is told things. The stage lawyer never has any office of his own. He transacts all his business at his clients' houses. He will travel hundreds of miles to tell them the most trivial piece of legal information. It never occurs to him how much simpler it would be to write a letter. The item for "traveling expenses" in his bill of costs must be something enormous. There are two moments in the course of his client's career that the stage lawyer particularly enjoys. The first is when the client comes unexpectedly into a fortune; the second when he unexpectedly loses it. In the former case, upon learning the good news the stage lawyer at once leaves his business and hurries off to the other end of the kingdom to bear the glad tidings. He arrives at the humble domicile of the beneficiary in question, sends up his card, and is ushered into the front parlor. He enters mysteriously and sits left—client sits right. An ordinary, common lawyer would come to the point at once, state the matter in a plain, business-like way, and trust that he might have the pleasure of representing, etc., etc.; but such simple methods are not those of the stage lawyer. He looks at the client and says: "You had a father." The client starts. How on earth did this calm, thin, keen-eyed old man in black know that he had a father? He shuffles and stammers, but the quiet, impenetrable lawyer fixes his cold, glassy eye on him, and he is helpless. Subterfuge, he feels, is useless, and amazed, bewildered at the knowledge of his most private affairs possessed by his strange visitant, he admits the fact: he had a father. The lawyer smiles with a quiet smile of triumph and scratches his chin. "You had a mother, too, if I am informed correctly," he continues. It is idle attempting to escape this man's supernatural acuteness, and the client owns up to having had a mother also. From this the lawyer goes on to communicate to the client, as a great secret, the whole of his (the client's) history from his cradle upward, and also the history of his nearer relatives, and in less than half an hour from the old man's entrance, or say forty minutes at the outside, the client almost knows what the business is about. On the other occasion, when the client has lost his fortune, the stage lawyer is even still happier. He comes down himself to tell the misfortune (he would not miss the job for worlds), and he takes care to choose the most unpropitious moment possible for breaking the news. On the eldest daughter's birthday, when there is a big party on, is his favorite time. He comes in about midnight and tells them just as they are going down to supper. He has no idea of business hours, has the stage lawyer—to make the thing as unpleasant as possible seems to be his only anxiety. If he cannot work it for a birthday, then he waits till there's a wedding on, and gets up early in the morning on purpose to run down and spoil the show. To enter among a crowd of happy, joyous fellow-creatures and leave them utterly crushed and miserable is the stage lawyer's hobby. The stage lawyer is a very talkative gentleman. He regards the telling of his client's most private affairs to every stranger that he meets as part of his professional duties. A good gossip with a few chance acquaintances about the family secrets of his employers is food and drink for the stage lawyer. They all go about telling their own and their friends' secrets to perfect strangers on the stage. Whenever two people have five minutes to spare on the stage they tell each other the story of their lives. "Sit down and I will tell you the story of my life" is the stage equivalent for the "Come and have a drink" of the outside world. The good stage lawyer has generally nursed the heroine on his knee when a baby (when she was a baby, we mean)—when she was only so high. It seems to have been a part of his professional duties. The good stage lawyer also kisses all the pretty girls in the play and is expected to chuck the housemaid under the chin. It is good to be a good stage lawyer. The good stage lawyer also wipes away a tear when sad things happen; and he turns away to do this and blows his nose, and says he thinks he has a fly in his eye. This touching trait in his character is always held in great esteem by the audience and is much applauded. The good stage lawyer is never by any chance a married man. (Few good men are, so we gather from our married lady friends.) He loved in early life the heroine's mother. That "sainted woman" (tear and nose business) died and is now among the angels—the gentleman who did marry her, by the bye, is not quite so sure about this latter point, but the lawyer is fixed on the idea. In stage literature of a frivolous nature the lawyer is a very different individual. In comedy he is young, he possesses chambers, and he is married (there is no doubt about this latter fact); and his wife and his mother-in-law spend most of the day in his office and make the dull old place quite lively for him. He only has one client. She is a nice lady and affable, but her antecedents are doubtful, and she seems to be no better than she ought to be—possibly worse. But anyhow she is the sole business that the poor fellow has—is, in fact, his only source of income, and might, one would think, under such circumstances be accorded a welcome by his family. But his wife and his mother-in-law, on the contrary, take a violent dislike to her, and the lawyer has to put her in the coal-scuttle or lock her up in the safe whenever he hears either of these female relatives of his coming up the stairs. We should not care to be the client of a farcical comedy stage lawyer. Legal transactions are trying to the nerves under the most favorable circumstances; conducted by a farcical stage lawyer, the business would be too exciting for us. She sits on a table and smokes a cigarette. A cigarette on the stage is always the badge of infamy. In real life the cigarette is usually the hall-mark of the particularly mild and harmless individual. It is the dissipation of the Y.M.C.A.; the innocent joy of the pure-hearted boy long ere the demoralizing influence of our vaunted civilization has dragged him down into the depths of the short clay. But behind the cigarette on the stage lurks ever black-hearted villainy and abandoned womanhood. The adventuress is generally of foreign extraction. They do not make bad women in England—the article is entirely of continental manufacture and has to be imported. She speaks English with a charming little French accent, and she makes up for this by speaking French with a good sound English one. She seems a smart business woman, and she would probably get on very well if it were not for her friends and relations. Friends and relations are a trying class of people even in real life, as we all know, but the friends and relations of the stage adventuress are a particularly irritating lot. They never leave her; never does she get a day or an hour off from them. Wherever she goes, there the whole tribe goes with her. They all go with her in a body when she calls on her young man, and it is as much as she can do to persuade them to go into the next room even for five minutes, and give her a chance. When she is married they come and live with her. They know her dreadful secret and it keeps them in comfort for years. Knowing somebody's secret seems, on the stage, to be one of the most profitable and least exhausting professions going. She is fond of married life, is the adventuress, and she goes in for it pretty extensively. She has husbands all over the globe, most of them in prison, but they escape and turn up in the last act and spoil all the poor girl's plans. That is so like husbands—no consideration, no thought for their poor wives. They are not a prepossessing lot, either, those early husbands of hers. What she could have seen in them to induce her to marry them is indeed a mystery. The adventuress dresses magnificently. Where she gets the money from we never could understand, for she and her companions are always more or less complaining of being "stone broke." Dressmakers must be a trusting people where she comes from. The adventuress is like the proverbial cat as regards the number of lives she is possessed of. You never know when she is really dead. Most people like to die once and have done with it, but the adventuress, after once or twice trying it, seems to get quite to like it, and goes on giving way to it, and then it grows upon her until she can't help herself, and it becomes a sort of craving with her. This habit of hers is, however, a very trying one for her friends and husbands—it makes things so uncertain. Something ought to be done to break her of it. Her husbands, on hearing that she is dead, go into raptures and rush off and marry other people, and then just as they are starting off on their new honeymoon up she crops again, as fresh as paint. It is really most annoying. For ourselves, were we the husband of a stage adventuress we should never, after what we have seen of the species, feel quite justified in believing her to be dead unless we had killed and buried her ourselves; and even then we should be more easy in our minds if we could arrange to sit on her grave for a week or so afterward. These women are so artful! But it is not only the adventuress who will persist in coming to life again every time she is slaughtered. They all do it on the stage. They are all so unreliable in this respect. It must be most disheartening to the murderers. And then, again, it is something extraordinary, when you come to think of it, what a tremendous amount of killing some of them can stand and still come up smiling in the next act, not a penny the worse for it. They get stabbed, and shot, and thrown over precipices thousands of feet high and, bless you, it does them good—it is like a tonic to them. As for the young man that is coming home to see his girl, you simply can't kill him. Achilles was a summer rose compared with him. Nature and mankind have not sufficient materials in hand as yet to kill that man. Science has but the strength of a puling babe against his invulnerability. You can waste your time on earthquakes and shipwrecks, volcanic eruptions, floods, explosions, railway accidents, and such like sort of things, if you are foolish enough to do so; but it is no good your imagining that anything of the kind can hurt him, because it can't. There will be thousands of people killed, thousands in each instance, but one human being will always escape, and that one human being will be the stage young man who is coming home to see his girl. He is forever being reported as dead, but it always turns out to be another fellow who was like him or who had on his (the young man's) hat. He is bound to be out of it, whoever else may be in. "If I had been at my post that day," he explains to his sobbing mother, "I should have been blown up, but the Providence that watches over good men had ordained that I should be laying blind drunk in Blogg's saloon at the time the explosion took place, and so the other engineer, who had been doing my work when it was his turn to be off, was killed along with the whole of the crew." "Ah, thank Heaven, thank Heaven for that!" ejaculates the pious old lady, and the comic man is so overcome with devout joy that he has to relieve his overstrained heart by drawing his young woman on one side and grossly insulting her. All attempts to kill this young man ought really to be given up now. The job has been tried over and over again by villains and bad people of all kinds, but no one has ever succeeded. There has been an amount of energy and ingenuity expended in seeking to lay up that one man which, properly utilized, might have finished off ten million ordinary mortals. It is sad to think of so much wasted effort. He, the young man coming home to see his girl, need never take an insurance ticket or even buy a Tit Bits. It would be needless expenditure in his case. On the other hand, and to make matters equal, as it were, there are some stage people so delicate that it is next door to impossible to keep them alive. The inconvenient husband is a most pathetic example of this. Medical science is powerless to save that man when the last act comes round; indeed, we doubt whether medical science, in its present state of development, could even tell what is the matter with him or why he dies at all. He looks healthy and robust enough and nobody touches him, yet down he drops, without a word of warning, stone-dead, in the middle of the floor—he always dies in the middle of the floor. Some folks like to die in bed, but stage people don't. They like to die on the floor. We all have our different tastes. The adventuress herself is another person who dies with remarkable ease. We suppose in her case it is being so used to it that makes her so quick and clever at it. There is no lingering illness and doctors' bills and upsetting of the whole household arrangements about her method. One walk round the stage and the thing is done. All bad characters die quickly on the stage. Good characters take a long time over it, and have a sofa down in the drawing-room to do it on, and have sobbing relatives and good old doctors fooling around them, and can smile and forgive everybody. Bad stage characters have to do the whole job, dying speech and all, in about ten seconds, and do it with all their clothes on into the bargain, which must make it most uncomfortable. It is repentance that kills off the bad people in plays. They always repent, and the moment they repent they die. Repentance on the stage seems to be one of the most dangerous things a man can be taken with. Our advice to stage wicked people would undoubtedly be, "Never repent. If you value your life, don't repent. It always means sudden death!" To return to our adventuress. She is by no means a bad woman. There is much good in her. This is more than proved by the fact that she learns to love the hero before she dies; for no one but a really good woman capable of extraordinary patience and gentleness could ever, we are convinced, grow to feel any other sentiment for that irritating ass, than a desire to throw bricks at him. The stage adventuress would be a much better woman, too, if it were not for the heroine. The adventuress makes the most complete arrangements for being noble and self-sacrificing—that is, for going away and never coming back, and is just about to carry them out, when the heroine, who has a perfect genius for being in the wrong place at the right time, comes in and spoils it all. No stage adventuress can be good while the heroine is about. The sight of the heroine rouses every bad feeling in her breast. We can sympathize with her in this respect. The heroine often affects ourselves in precisely the same way. There is a good deal to be said in favor of the adventuress. True, she possesses rather too much sarcasm and repartee to make things quite agreeable round the domestic hearth, and when she has got all her clothes on there is not much room left in the place for anybody else; but taken on the whole she is decidedly attractive. She has grit and go in her. She is alive. She can do something to help herself besides calling for "George." She has not got a stage child—if she ever had one, she has left it on somebody else's doorstep which, presuming there was no water handy to drown it in, seems to be about the most sensible thing she could have done with it. She is not oppressively good. She never wants to be "unhanded" or "let to pass." She is not always being shocked or insulted by people telling her that they love her; she does not seem to mind it if they do. She is not always fainting, and crying, and sobbing, and wailing, and moaning, like the good people in the play are. Oh, they do have an unhappy time of it—the good people in plays! Then she is the only person in the piece who can sit on the comic man. We sometimes think it would be a fortunate thing—for him—if they allowed her to marry and settle down quietly with the hero. She might make a man of him in time. There are two types of servant-girl to be met with on the stage. This is an unusual allowance for one profession. There is the lodging-house slavey. She has a good heart and a smutty face and is always dressed according to the latest fashion in scarecrows. Her leading occupation is the cleaning of boots. She cleans boots all over the house, at all hours of the day. She comes and sits down on the hero's breakfast-table and cleans them over the poor fellow's food. She comes into the drawing-room cleaning boots. She has her own method of cleaning them, too. She rubs off the mud, puts on the blacking, and polishes up all with the same brush. They take an enormous amount of polishing. She seems to do nothing else all day long but walk about shining one boot, and she breathes on it and rubs it till you wonder there is any leather left, yet it never seems to get any brighter, nor, indeed, can you expect it to, for when you look close you see it is a patent-leather boot that she has been throwing herself away upon all this time. Somebody has been having a lark with the poor girl. The lodging-house slavey brushes her hair with the boot brush and blacks the end of her nose with it. We were acquainted with a lodging-house slavey once—a real one, we mean. She was the handmaiden at a house in Bloomsbury where we once hung out. She was untidy in her dress, it is true, but she had not quite that castaway and gone-to-sleep-in-a-dust-bin appearance that we, an earnest student of the drama, felt she ought to present, and we questioned her one day on the subject. "How is it, Sophronia," we said, "that you distantly resemble a human being instead of giving one the idea of an animated rag-shop? Don't you ever polish your nose with the blacking-brush, or rub coal into your head, or wash your face in treacle, or put skewers into your hair, or anything of that sort, like they do on the stage?" She said: "Lord love you, what should I want to go and be a bally idiot like that for?" And we have not liked to put the question elsewhere since then. The other type of servant-girl on the stage—the villa servant-girl—is a very different personage. She is a fetching little thing, dresses bewitchingly, and is always clean. Her duties are to dust the legs of the chairs in the drawing-room. That is the only work she ever has to do, but it must be confessed she does that thoroughly. She never comes into the room without dusting the legs of these chairs, and she dusts them again before she goes out. If anything ought to be free from dust in a stage house, it should be the legs of the drawing-room chairs. She is going to marry the man-servant, is the stage servant-girl, as soon as they have saved up sufficient out of their wages to buy a hotel. They think they will like to keep a hotel. They don't understand a bit about the business, which we believe is a complicated one, but this does not trouble them in the least. They quarrel a good deal over their love-making, do the stage servant-girl and her young man, and they always come into the drawing-room to do it. They have got the kitchen, and there is the garden (with a fountain and mountains in the background—you can see it through the window), but no! no place in or about the house is good enough for them to quarrel in except the drawing-room. They quarrel there so vigorously that it even interferes with the dusting of the chair-legs. She ought not to be long in saving up sufficient to marry on, for the generosity of people on the stage to the servants there makes one seriously consider the advisability of ignoring the unremunerative professions of ordinary life and starting a new and more promising career as a stage servant. No one ever dreams of tipping the stage servant with less than a sovereign when they ask her if her mistress is at home or give her a letter to post, and there is quite a rush at the end of the piece to stuff five-pound notes into her hand. The good old man gives her ten. The stage servant is very impudent to her mistress, and the master—he falls in love with her and it does upset the house so. Sometimes the servant-girl is good and faithful, and then she is Irish. All good servant-girls on the stage are Irish. All the male visitors are expected to kiss the stage servant-girl when they come into the house, and to dig her in the ribs and to say: "Do you know, Jane, I think you're an uncommonly nice girl—click." They always say this, and she likes it. Many years ago, when we were young, we thought we would see if things were the same off the stage, and the next time we called at a certain friend's house we tried this business on. She wasn't quite so dazzlingly beautiful as they are on the stage, but we passed that. She showed us up into the drawing-room, and then said she would go and tell her mistress we were there. We felt this was the time to begin. We skipped between her and the door. We held our hat in front of us, cocked our head on one side, and said: "Don't go! don't go!" The girl seemed alarmed. We began to get a little nervous ourselves, but we had begun it and we meant to go through with it. We said, "Do you know, Jane" (her name wasn't Jane, but that wasn't our fault), "do you know, Jane, I think you're an uncommonly nice girl," and we said "click," and dug her in the ribs with our elbow, and then chucked her under the chin. The whole thing seemed to fall flat. There was nobody there to laugh or applaud. We wished we hadn't done it. It seemed stupid when you came to think of it. We began to feel frightened. The business wasn't going as we expected; but we screwed up our courage and went on. We put on the customary expression of comic imbecility and beckoned the girl to us. We have never seen this fail on the stage. But this girl seemed made wrong. She got behind the sofa and screamed "Help!" We have never known them to do this on the stage, and it threw us out in our plans. We did not know exactly what to do. We regretted that we had ever begun this job and heartily wished ourselves out of it. But it appeared foolish to pause then, when we were more than half-way through, and we made a rush to get it over. We chivvied the girl round the sofa and caught her near the door and kissed her. She scratched our face, yelled police, murder, and fire, and fled from the room. Our friend came in almost immediately. He said: "I say, J., old man, are you drunk?" We told him no, that we were only a student of the drama. His wife then entered in a towering passion. She didn't ask us if we were drunk. She said: "How dare you come here in this state!" We endeavored unsuccessfully to induce her to believe that we were sober, and we explained that our course of conduct was what was always pursued on the stage. She said she didn't care what was done on the stage, it wasn't going to be pursued in her house; and that if her husband's friends couldn't behave as gentlemen they had better stop away. The following morning we received a letter from a firm of solicitors in Lincoln's Inn with reference, so they put it, to the brutal and unprovoked assault committed by us on the previous afternoon upon the person of their client, Miss Matilda Hemmings. The letter stated that we had punched Miss Hemmings in the side, struck her under the chin, and afterward, seizing her as she was leaving the room, proceeded to commit a gross assault, into the particulars of which it was needless for them to enter at greater length. It added that if we were prepared to render an ample written apology and to pay 50 pounds compensation, they would advise their client, Miss Matilda Hemmings, to allow the matter to drop; otherwise criminal proceedings would at once be commenced against us. We took the letter to our own solicitors and explained the circumstances to them. They said it seemed to be a very sad case, but advised us to pay the 50 pounds, and we borrowed the money and did so. Since then we have lost faith, somehow, in the British drama as a guide to the conduct of life. It is nice and quiet and it talks prettily. We have come across real infants now and then in the course of visits to married friends; they have been brought to us from outlying parts of the house and introduced to us for our edification; and we have found them gritty and sticky. Their boots have usually been muddy, and they have wiped them up against our new trousers. And their hair has suggested the idea that they have been standing on their heads in the dust-bin. And they have talked to us—but not prettily, not at all—rather rude we should call it. But the stage child is very different. It is clean and tidy. You can touch it anywhere and nothing comes off. Its face glows with soap and water. From the appearance of its hands it is evident that mud-pies and tar are joys unknown to it. As for its hair, there is something uncanny about its smoothness and respectability. Even its boot-laces are done up. We have never seen anything like the stage child outside a theater excepting one—that was on the pavement in front of a tailor's shop in Tottenham Court Road. He stood on a bit of round wood, and it was fifteen and nine, his style. We thought in our ignorance prior to this that there could not be anything in the world like the stage child, but you see we were mistaken. The stage child is affectionate to its parents and its nurse and is respectful in its demeanor toward those whom Providence has placed in authority over it; and so far it is certainly much to be preferred to the real article. It speaks of its male and female progenitors as "dear, dear papa" and "dear, dear mamma," and it refers to its nurse as "darling nursey." We are connected with a youthful child ourselves—a real one—a nephew. He alludes to his father (when his father is not present) as "the old man," and always calls the nurse "old nut-crackers." Why cannot they make real children who say "dear, dear mamma" and "dear, dear papa?" The stage child is much superior to the live infant in every way. The stage child does not go rampaging about a house and screeching and yelling till nobody knows whether they are on their heads or their heels. A stage child does not get up at five o'clock in the morning to practice playing on a penny whistle. A stage child never wants a bicycle and drives you mad about it. A stage child does not ask twenty complicated questions a minute about things that you don't understand, and then wind up by asking why you don't seem to know anything, and why wouldn't anybody teach you anything when you were a little boy. The stage child does not wear a hole in the seat of its knickerbockers and have to have a patch let in. The stage child comes downstairs on its feet. The stage child never brings home six other children to play at horses in the front garden, and then wants to know if they can all come in to tea. The stage child never has the wooping-cough, and the measles, and every other disease that it can lay its hands on, and be laid up with them one after the other and turn the house upside down. The stage child's department in the scheme of life is to harrow up its mother's feelings by ill-timed and uncalled-for questions about its father. It always wants to know, before a roomful of people, where "dear papa" is, and why he has left dear mamma; when, as all the guests know, the poor man is doing his two years' hard or waiting to be hanged. It makes everybody so uncomfortable. It is always harrowing up somebody—the stage child; it really ought not to be left about as it is. When it has done upsetting its mother it fishes out some broken-hearted maid, who has just been cruelly severed forever from her lover, and asks her in a high falsetto voice why she doesn't get married, and prattles to her about love, and domestic bliss, and young men, and any other subject it can think of particularly calculated to lacerate the poor girl's heart until her brain nearly gives way. After that it runs amuck up and down the whole play and makes everybody sit up all round. It asks eminently respectable old maids if they wouldn't like to have a baby; and it wants to know why bald-headed old men have left off wearing hair, and why other old gentlemen have red noses and if they were always that color. In some plays it so happens that the less said about the origin and source of the stage child the better; and in such cases nothing will appear so important to that contrary brat as to know, in the middle of an evening-party, who its father was! Everybody loves the stage child. They catch it up in their bosoms every other minute and weep over it. They take it in turns to do this. Nobody—on the stage, we mean—ever has enough of the stage child. Nobody ever tells the stage child to "shut up" or to "get out of this." Nobody ever clumps the stage child over the head. When the real child goes to the theater it must notice these things and wish it were a stage child. The stage child is much admired by the audience. Its pathos makes them weep; its tragedy thrills them; its declamation—as for instance when it takes the center of the stage and says it will kill the wicked man, and the police, and everybody who hurts its mar—stirs them like a trumpet note; and its light comedy is generally held to be the most truly humorous thing in the whole range of dramatic art. But there are some people so strangely constituted that they do not appreciate the stage child; they do not comprehend its uses; they do not understand its beauties. We should not be angry with them. We should the rather pity them. We ourselves had a friend once who suffered from this misfortune. He was a married man, and Providence had been very gracious, very good to him: he had been blessed with eleven children, and they were all growing up well and strong. The "baby" was eleven weeks old, and then came the twins, who were getting on for fifteen months and were cutting their double teeth nicely. The youngest girl was three; there were five boys aged seven, eight, nine, ten, and twelve respectively—good enough lads, but—well, there, boys will be boys, you know; we were just the same ourselves when we were young. The two eldest were both very pleasant girls, as their mother said; the only pity was that they would quarrel so with each other. We never knew a healthier set of boys and girls. They were so full of energy and dash. Our friend was very much out of sorts one evening when we called on him. It was holiday-time and wet weather. He had been at home all day, and so had all the children. He was telling his wife when we entered the room that if the holidays were to last much longer and those twins did not hurry up and get their teeth quickly, he should have to go away and join the County Council. He could not stand the racket. His wife said she could not see what he had to complain of. She was sure better-hearted children no man could have. Our friend said he didn't care a straw about their hearts. It was their legs and arms and lungs that were driving him crazy. He also said that he would go out with us and get away from it for a bit, or he should go mad. He proposed a theater, and we accordingly made our way toward the Strand. Our friend, in closing the door behind him, said he could not tell us what a relief it was to get away from those children. He said he loved children very much indeed, but that it was a mistake to have too much of anything, however much you liked it, and that he had come to the conclusion that twenty-two hours a day of them was enough for any one. He said he did not want to see another child or hear another child until he got home. He wanted to forget that there were such things as children in the world. We got up to the Strand and dropped into the first theater we came to. The curtain went up, and on the stage was a small child standing in its nightshirt and screaming for its mother. Our friend looked, said one word and bolted, and we followed. We went a little further and dropped into another theater. Here there were two children on the stage. Some grown-up people were standing round them listening, in respectful attitudes, while the children talked. They appeared to be lecturing about something. Again we fled, swearing, and made our way to a third theater. They were all children there. It was somebody or other's Children's Company performing an opera, or pantomime, or something of that sort. Our friend said he would not venture into another theater. He said he had heard there were places called music-halls, and he begged us to take him to one of these and not to tell his wife. We inquired of a policeman and found that there really were such places, and we took him into one. The first thing we saw were two little boys doing tricks on a horizontal bar. Our friend was about to repeat his customary programme of flying and cursing, but we restrained him. We assured him that he would really see a grown-up person if he waited a bit, so he sat out the boys and also their little sister on a bicycle and waited for the next item. It turned out to be an infant phenomenon who sang and danced in fourteen different costumes, and we once more fled. Our friend said he could not go home in the state he was then; he felt sure he should kill the twins if he did. He pondered for awhile, and then he thought he would go and hear some music. He said he thought a little music would soothe and ennoble him—make him feel more like a Christian than he did at that precise moment. We were near St. James' Hall, so we went in there. The hall was densely crowded, and we had great difficulty in forcing our way to our seats. We reached them at length, and then turned our eyes toward the orchestra. "The marvelous boy pianist—only ten years old!" was giving a recital. Then our friend rose and said he thought be would give it up and go home. We asked him if he would like to try any other place of amusement, but he said "No." He said that when you came to think of it, it seemed a waste of money for a man with eleven children of his own to go about to places of entertainment nowadays. THE COMIC LOVERS Oh, they are funny! The comic lovers' mission in life is to serve as a sort of "relief" to the misery caused the audience by the other characters in the play; and all that is wanted now is something that will be a relief to the comic lovers. They have nothing to do with the play, but they come on immediately after anything very sad has happened and make love. This is why we watch sad scenes on the stage with such patience. We are not eager for them to be got over. Maybe they are very uninteresting scenes, as well as sad ones, and they make us yawn; but we have no desire to see them hurried through. The longer they take the better pleased we are: we know that when they are finished the comic lovers will come on. They are always very rude to each other, the comic lovers. Everybody is more or less rude and insulting to every body else on the stage; they call it repartee there! We tried the effect of a little stage "repartee" once upon some people in real life, and we wished we hadn't afterward. It was too subtle for them. They summoned us before a magistrate for "using language calculated to cause a breach of the peace." We were fined 2 pounds and costs! They are more lenient to "wit and humor" on the stage, and know how to encourage the art of vituperation. But the comic lovers carry the practice almost to excess. They are more than rude—they are abusive. They insult each other from morning to night. What their married life will be like we shudder to think! In the various slanging matches and bullyragging competitions which form their courtship it is always the maiden that is most successful. Against her merry flow of invective and her girlish wealth of offensive personalities the insolence and abuse of her boyish adorer cannot stand for one moment. To give an idea of how the comic lovers woo, we perhaps cannot do better than subjoin the following brief example: SCENE: Main thoroughfare in populous district of London. Time: Noon. Not a soul to be seen anywhere. Enter comic loveress R., walking in the middle of the road. Enter comic lover L., also walking in the middle of the road. They neither see the other until they bump against each other in the center. HE. Why, Jane! Who'd a' thought o' meeting you here! SHE. You evidently didn't—stoopid! HE. Halloo! got out o' bed the wrong side again? I say, Jane, if you go on like that you'll never get a man to marry you. SHE. So I thought when I engaged myself to you. HE. Oh! come, Jane, don't be hard. SHE. Well, one of us must be hard. You're soft enough. HE. Yes, I shouldn't want to marry you if I weren't. Ha! ha! ha! SHE. Oh, you gibbering idiot! (Said archly.) HE. So glad I am. We shall make a capital match (attempts to kiss her). SHE (slipping away). Yes, and you'll find I'm a match that can strike (fetches him a violent blow over the side if the head). HE (holding his jaw—in a literal sense, we mean). I can't help feeling smitten by her. SHE. Yes, I'm a bit of a spanker, ain't I? HE. Spanker. I call you a regular stunner. You've nearly made me silly. SHE (laughing playfully). No, nature did that for you, Joe, long ago. HE. Ah, well, you've made me smart enough now, you boss-eyed old cow, you! SHE. Cow! am I? Ah, I suppose that's what makes me so fond of a calf, you German sausage on legs! You— HE. Go along. Your mother brought you up on sour milk. SHE. Yah! They weaned you on thistles, didn't they? And so on, with such like badinage do they hang about in the middle of that road, showering derision and contumely upon each other for full ten minutes, when, with one culminating burst of mutual abuse, they go off together fighting and the street is left once more deserted. It is very curious, by the bye, how deserted all public places become whenever a stage character is about. It would seem as though ordinary citizens sought to avoid them. We have known a couple of stage villains to have Waterloo Bridge, Lancaster Place, and a bit of the Strand entirely to themselves for nearly a quarter of an hour on a summer's afternoon while they plotted a most diabolical outrage. As for Trafalgar Square, the hero always chooses that spot when he wants to get away from the busy crowd and commune in solitude with his own bitter thoughts; and the good old lawyer leaves his office and goes there to discuss any very delicate business over which he particularly does not wish to be disturbed. And they all make speeches there to an extent sufficient to have turned the hair of the late lamented Sir Charles Warren White with horror. But it is all right, because there is nobody near to hear them. As far as the eye can reach, not a living thing is to be seen. Northumberland Avenue, the Strand, and St. Martin's Lane are simply a wilderness. The only sign of life about is a 'bus at the top of Whitehall, and it appears to be blocked. How it has managed to get blocked we cannot say. It has the whole road to itself, and is, in fact, itself the only traffic for miles round. Yet there it sticks for hours. The police make no attempt to move it on and the passengers seem quite contented. The Thames Embankment is an even still more lonesome and desolate part. Wounded (stage) spirits fly from the haunts of men and, leaving the hard, cold world far, far behind them, go and die in peace on the Thames Embankment. And other wanderers, finding their skeletons afterward, bury them there and put up rude crosses over the graves to mark the spot. The comic lovers are often very young, and when people on the stage are young they are young. He is supposed to be about sixteen and she is fifteen. But they both talk as if they were not more than seven. In real life "boys" of sixteen know a thing or two, we have generally found. The average "boy" of sixteen nowadays usually smokes cavendish and does a little on the Stock Exchange or makes a book; and as for love! he has quite got over it by that age. On the stage, however, the new-born babe is not in it for innocence with the boy lover of sixteen. So, too, with the maiden. Most girls of fifteen off the stage, so our experience goes, know as much as there is any actual necessity for them to know, Mr. Gilbert notwithstanding; but when we see a young lady of fifteen on the stage we wonder where her cradle is. The comic lovers do not have the facilities for love-making that the hero and heroine do. The hero and heroine have big rooms to make love in, with a fire and plenty of easy-chairs, so that they can sit about in picturesque attitudes and do it comfortably. Or if they want to do it out of doors they have a ruined abbey, with a big stone seat in the center, and moonlight. The comic lovers, on the other hand, have to do it standing up all the time, in busy streets, or in cheerless-looking and curiously narrow rooms in which there is no furniture whatever and no fire. And there is always a tremendous row going on in the house when the comic lovers are making love. Somebody always seems to be putting up pictures in the next room, and putting them up boisterously, too, so that the comic lovers have to shout at each other. They are so clean. We have seen peasantry off the stage, and it has presented an untidy—occasionally a disreputable and unwashed—appearance; but the stage peasant seems to spend all his wages on soap and hair-oil. They are always round the corner—or rather round the two corners—and they come on in a couple of streams and meet in the center; and when they are in their proper position they smile. There is nothing like the stage peasants' smile in this world—nothing so perfectly inane, so calmly imbecile. They are so happy. They don't look it, but we know they are because they say so. If you don't believe them, they dance three steps to the right and three steps to the left back again. They can't help it. It is because they are so happy. When they are more than usually rollicking they stand in a semicircle, with their hands on each other's shoulders, and sway from side to side, trying to make themselves sick. But this is only when they are simply bursting with joy. Stage peasants never have any work to do. Sometimes we see them going to work, sometimes coming home from work, but nobody has ever seen them actually at work. They could not afford to work—it would spoil their clothes. They are very sympathetic, are stage peasants. They never seem to have any affairs of their own to think about, but they make up for this by taking a three-hundred-horse-power interest in things in which they have no earthly concern. What particularly rouses them is the heroine's love affairs. They could listen to them all day. They yearn to hear what she said to him and to be told what he replied to her, and they repeat it to each other. In our own love-sick days we often used to go and relate to various people all the touching conversations that took place between our lady-love and ourselves; but our friends never seemed to get excited over it. On the contrary, a casual observer might even have been led to the idea that they were bored by our recital. And they had trains to catch and men to meet before we had got a quarter through the job. Ah, how often in those days have we yearned for the sympathy of a stage peasantry, who would have crowded round us, eager not to miss one word of the thrilling narrative, who would have rejoiced with us with an encouraging laugh, and have condoled with us with a grieved "Oh," and who would have gone off, when we had had enough of them, singing about it. By the way, this is a very beautiful trait in the character of the stage peasantry, their prompt and unquestioning compliance with the slightest wish of any of the principals. "Leave me, friends," says the heroine, beginning to make preparations for weeping, and before she can turn round they are clean gone—one lot to the right, evidently making for the back entrance of the public-house, and the other half to the left, where they visibly hide themselves behind the pump and wait till somebody else wants them. The stage peasantry do not talk much, their strong point being to listen. When they cannot get any more information about the state of the heroine's heart, they like to be told long and complicated stories about wrongs done years ago to people that they never heard of. They seem to be able to grasp and understand these stories with ease. This makes the audience envious of them. When the stage peasantry do talk, however, they soon make up for lost time. They start off all together with a suddenness that nearly knocks you over. They all talk. Nobody listens. Watch any two of them. They are both talking as hard as they can go. They have been listening quite enough to other people: you can't expect them to listen to each other. But the conversation under such conditions must be very trying. And then they flirt so sweetly! so idyllicly! It has been our privilege to see real peasantry flirt, and it has always struck us as a singularly solid and substantial affair—makes one think, somehow, of a steam-roller flirting with a cow—but on the stage it is so sylph-like. She has short skirts, and her stockings are so much tidier and better fitting than these things are in real peasant life, and she is arch and coy. She turns away from him and laughs—such a silvery laugh. And he is ruddy and curly haired and has on such a beautiful waistcoat! how can she help but love him? And he is so tender and devoted and holds her by the waist; and she slips round and comes up the other side. Oh, it is so bewitching! The stage peasantry like to do their love-making as much in public as possible. Some people fancy a place all to themselves for this sort of thing—where nobody else is about. We ourselves do. But the stage peasant is more sociably inclined. Give him the village green, just outside the public-house, or the square on market-day to do his spooning in. They are very faithful, are stage peasants. No jilting, no fickleness, no breach of promise. If the gentleman in pink walks out with the lady in blue in the first act, pink and blue will be married in the end. He sticks to her all through and she sticks to him. Girls in yellow may come and go, girls in green may laugh and dance—the gentleman in pink heeds them not. Blue is his color, and he never leaves it. He stands beside it, he sits beside it. He drinks with her, he smiles with her, he laughs with her, he dances with her, he comes on with her, he goes off with her. When the time comes for talking he talks to her and only her, and she talks to him and only him. Thus there is no jealousy, no quarreling. But we should prefer an occasional change ourselves. There are no married people in stage villages and no children (consequently, of course-happy village! oh, to discover it and spend a month there!). There are just the same number of men as there are women in all stage villages, and they are all about the same age and each young man loves some young woman. But they never marry. They talk a lot about it, but they never do it. The artful beggars! They see too much what it's like among the principals. The stage peasant is fond of drinking, and when he drinks he likes to let you know he is drinking. None of your quiet half-pint inside the bar for him. He likes to come out in the street and sing about it and do tricks with it, such as turning it topsy-turvy over his head. Notwithstanding all this he is moderate, mind you. You can't say he takes too much. One small jug of ale among forty is his usual allowance. He has a keen sense of humor and is easily amused. There is something almost pathetic about the way he goes into convulsions of laughter over such very small jokes. How a man like that would enjoy a real joke! One day he will perhaps hear a real joke. Who knows? It will, however, probably kill him. One grows to love the stage peasant after awhile. He is so good, so child-like, so unworldly. He realizes one's ideal of Christianity. THE GOOD OLD MAN He has lost his wife. But he knows where she is—among the angels! She isn't all gone, because the heroine has her hair. "Ah, you've got your mother's hair," says the good old man, feeling the girl's head all over as she kneels beside him. Then they all wipe away a tear. The people on the stage think very highly of the good old man, but they don't encourage him much after the first act. He generally dies in the first act. If he does not seem likely to die they murder him. He is a most unfortunate old gentleman. Anything he is mixed up in seems bound to go wrong. If he is manager or director of a bank, smash it goes before even one act is over. His particular firm is always on the verge of bankruptcy. We have only to be told that he has put all his savings into a company—no matter how sound and promising an affair it may always have been and may still seem—to know that that company is a "goner." No power on earth can save it after once the good old man has become a shareholder. If we lived in stage-land and were asked to join any financial scheme, our first question would be: "Is the good old man in it?" If so, that would decide us. When the good old man is a trustee for any one he can battle against adversity much longer. He is a plucky old fellow, and while that trust money lasts he keeps a brave heart and fights on boldly. It is not until he has spent the last penny of it that he gives way. It then flashes across the old man's mind that his motives for having lived in luxury upon that trust money for years may possibly be misunderstood. The world—the hollow, heartless world—will call it a swindle and regard him generally as a precious old fraud. This idea quite troubles the good old man. But the world really ought not to blame him. No one, we are sure, could be more ready and willing to make amends (when found out); and to put matters right he will cheerfully sacrifice his daughter's happiness and marry her to the villain. The villain, by the way, has never a penny to bless himself with, and cannot even pay his own debts, let alone helping anybody else out of a scrape. But the good old man does not think of this. Our own personal theory, based upon a careful comparison of similarities, is that the good old man is in reality the stage hero grown old. There is something about the good old man's chuckle-headed simplicity, about his helpless imbecility, and his irritating damtom foolishness that is strangely suggestive of the hero. He is just the sort of old man that we should imagine the hero would develop into. We may, of course, be wrong; but that is our idea. He says "Shure" and "Bedad" and in moments of exultation "Beghorra." That is all the Irish he knows. He is very poor, but scrupulously honest. His great ambition is to pay his rent, and he is devoted to his landlord. He is always cheerful and always good. We never knew a bad Irishman on the stage. Sometimes a stage Irishman seems to be a bad man—such as the "agent" or the "informer"—but in these cases it invariably turns out in the end that this man was all along a Scotchman, and thus what had been a mystery becomes clear and explicable. The stage Irishman is always doing the most wonderful things imaginable. We do not see him do those wonderful things. He does them when nobody is by and tells us all about them afterward: that is how we know of them. We remember on one occasion, when we were young and somewhat inexperienced, planking our money down and going into a theater solely and purposely to see the stage Irishman do the things he was depicted as doing on the posters outside. They were really marvelous, the things he did on that poster. In the right-hand upper corner he appeared running across country on all fours, with a red herring sticking out from his coat-tails, while far behind came hounds and horsemen hunting him. But their chance of ever catching him up was clearly hopeless. To the left he was represented as running away over one of the wildest and most rugged bits of landscape we have ever seen with a very big man on his back. Six policemen stood scattered about a mile behind him. They had evidently been running after him, but had at last given up the pursuit as useless. In the center of the poster he was having a friendly fight with seventeen ladies and gentlemen. Judging from the costumes, the affair appeared to be a wedding. A few of the guests had already been killed and lay dead about the floor. The survivors, however, were enjoying themselves immensely, and of all that gay group he was the gayest. At the moment chosen by the artist, he had just succeeded in cracking the bridegroom's skull. "We must see this," said we to ourselves. "This is good." And we had a bob's worth. But he did not do any of the things that we have mentioned, after all—at least, we mean we did not see him do any of them. It seems he did them "off," and then came on and told his mother all about it afterward. He told it very well, but somehow or other we were disappointed. We had so reckoned on that fight. By the bye, we have noticed, even among the characters of real life, a tendency to perform most of their wonderful feats "off." It has been our privilege since then to gaze upon many posters on which have been delineated strange and moving stage events. We have seen the hero holding the villain up high above his head, and throwing him about that carelessly that we have felt afraid he would break something with him. We have seen a heroine leaping from the roof of a house on one side of the street and being caught by the comic man standing on the roof of a house on the other side of the street and thinking nothing of it. We have seen railway trains rushing into each other at the rate of sixty miles an hour. We have seen houses blown up by dynamite two hundred feet into the air. We have seen the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the destruction of Pompeii, and the return of the British army from Egypt in one "set" each. Such incidents as earthquakes, wrecks in mid-ocean, revolutions and battles we take no note of, they being commonplace and ordinary. But we do not go inside to see these things now. We have two looks at the poster instead; it is more satisfying. The Irishman, to return to our friend, is very fond of whisky—the stage Irishman, we mean. Whisky is forever in his thoughts—and often in other places belonging to him, besides. The fashion in dress among stage Irishmen is rather picturesque than neat. Tailors must have a hard time of it in stage Ireland. The stage Irishman has also an original taste in hats. He always wears a hat without a crown; whether to keep his head cool or with any political significance we cannot say. Ah! he is a cute one, he is. Possibly in real life he would not be deemed anything extraordinary, but by contrast with the average of stage men and women, any one who is not a born fool naturally appears somewhat Machiavellian. He is the only man in the play who does not swallow all the villain tells him and believe it, and come up with his mouth open for more. He is the only man who can see through the disguise of an overcoat and a new hat. There is something very wonderful about the disguising power of cloaks and hats upon the stage. This comes from the habit people on the stage have of recognizing their friends, not by their faces and voices, but by their cloaks and hats. A married man on the stage knows his wife, because he knows she wears a blue ulster and a red bonnet. The moment she leaves off that blue ulster and red bonnet he is lost and does not know where she is. She puts on a yellow cloak and a green hat, and coming in at another door says she is a lady from the country, and does he want a housekeeper? Having lost his beloved wife, and feeling that there is no one now to keep the children quiet, he engages her. She puzzles him a good deal, this new housekeeper. There is something about her that strangely reminds him of his darling Nell—maybe her boots and dress, which she has not had time to change. Sadly the slow acts pass away until one day, as it is getting near closing-time, she puts on the blue ulster and the red bonnet again and comes in at the old original door. Then he recognizes her and asks her where she has been all these cruel years. Even the bad people, who as a rule do possess a little sense—indeed, they are the only persons in the play who ever pretend to any—are deceived by singularly thin disguises. The detective comes in to their secret councils, with his hat drawn down over his eyes, and followed by the hero speaking in a squeaky voice; and the villains mistake them for members of the band and tell them all their plans. If the villains can't get themselves found out that way, then they go into a public tea-garden and recount their crimes to one another in a loud tone of voice. They evidently think that it is only fair to give the detective a chance. The detective must not be confounded with the policeman. The stage policeman is always on the side of the villain; the detective backs virtue. The stage detective is, in fact, the earthly agent of a discerning and benevolent Providence. He stands by and allows vice to be triumphant and the good people to be persecuted for awhile without interference. Then when he considers that we have all had about enough of it (to which conclusion, by the bye, he arrives somewhat late) he comes forward, handcuffs the bad people, sorts out and gives back to the good people all their various estates and wives, promises the chief villain twenty years' penal servitude, and all is joy. He does suffer so with his trousers. He has to stop and pull them up about twice every minute. One of these days, if he is not careful, there will be an accident happen to those trousers. If the stage sailor will follow our advice, he will be warned in time and will get a pair of braces. Sailors in real life do not have nearly so much trouble with their trousers as sailors on the stage do. Why is this? We have seen a good deal of sailors in real life, but on only one occasion, that we can remember, did we ever see a real sailor pull his trousers up. And then he did not do it a bit like they do it on the stage. The stage sailor places his right hand behind him and his left in front, leaps up into the air, kicks out his leg behind in a gay and bird-like way, and the thing is done. The real sailor that we saw began by saying a bad word. Then he leaned up against a brick wall and undid his belt, pulled up his "bags" as he stood there (he never attempted to leap up into the air), tucked in his jersey, shook his legs, and walked on. It was a most unpicturesque performance to watch. The thing that the stage sailor most craves in this life is that somebody should shiver his timbers. "Shiver my timbers!" is the request he makes to every one he meets. But nobody ever does it. His chief desire with regard to the other people in the play is that they should "belay there, avast!" We do not know how this is done; but the stage sailor is a good and kindly man, and we feel convinced he would not recommend the exercise if it were not conducive to piety and health. The stage sailor is good to his mother and dances the hornpipe beautifully. We have never found a real sailor who could dance a hornpipe, though we have made extensive inquiries throughout the profession. We were introduced to a ship's steward who offered to do us a cellar-flap for a pot of four-half, but that was not what we wanted. The stage sailor is gay and rollicking: the real sailors we have met have been, some of them, the most worthy and single-minded of men, but they have appeared sedate rather than gay, and they haven't rollicked much. The stage sailor seems to have an easy time of it when at sea. The hardest work we have ever seen him do then has been folding up a rope or dusting the sides of the ship. But it is only in his very busy moments that he has to work to this extent; most of his time is occupied in chatting with the captain. By the way, speaking of the sea, few things are more remarkable in their behavior than a stage sea. It must be difficult to navigate in a stage sea, the currents are so confusing. As for the waves, there is no knowing how to steer for them; they are so tricky. At one moment they are all on the larboard, the sea on the other side of the vessel being perfectly calm, and the next instant they have crossed over and are all on the starboard, and before the captain can think how to meet this new dodge, the whole ocean has slid round and got itself into a heap at the back of him. Seamanship is useless against such very unprofessional conduct as this, and the vessel is wrecked. A wreck at (stage) sea is a truly awful sight. The thunder and lightning never leave off for an instant; the crew run round and round the mast and scream; the heroine, carrying the stage child in her arms and with her back hair down, rushes about and gets in everybody's way. The comic man alone is calm! The next instant the bulwarks fall down flat on the deck and the mast goes straight up into the sky and disappears, then the water reaches the powder magazine and there is a terrific explosion. This is followed by a sound as of linen sheets being ripped up, and the passengers and crew hurry downstairs into the cabin, evidently with the idea of getting out of the way of the sea, which has climbed up and is now level with the deck. The next moment the vessel separates in the middle and goes off R. and L., so as to make room for a small boat containing the heroine, the child, the comic man, and one sailor. The way small boats are managed at (stage) sea is even more wonderful than the way in which ships are sailed. To begin with, everybody sits sideways along the middle of the boat, all facing the starboard. They do not attempt to row. One man does all the work with one scull. This scull he puts down through the water till it touches the bed of the ocean, and then he shoves. "Deep-sea punting" would be the technical term for the method, we presume. In this way do they toil—or rather, to speak correctly, does the one man toil—through the awful night, until with joy they see before them the light-house rocks. The light-house keeper comes out with a lantern. The boat is run in among the breakers and all are saved. And then the band plays.
Among our chosen destinations (see below), the average temperatures you'll face in October would be between 4.0 C and 9.0 C, with exceptional There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The third largest group was Swedes with 6,600 overnight stays, and fourth were U.S. visitors with 3,300 overnight stays. But this is reasonably and you will not be too bothered by it. Many leaves of plants and trees, which are green in the summer, turn yellow, orange and red. A beautiful and brisk season, the average high … Finland Festivals brings together the finest festival experiences in Finland, providing music for all tastes, together with the most fascinating dance, theatre, literature, visual art, film and children’s cultural events. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Finland. Do not forget to take with you warm clothes! In this section, find the the weather forecast for the month of october for most popular cities in Finland. Their overnight stays were 64 per cent down on January to October 2019. Finland's consumer price inflation remained stable in October, data from Statistics Finland showed on Friday. The second largest group was Germans with 6,800 overnight stays. Change in overnight stays in October by region 2020/2019,%. Please try to avoid saunas which … The climate is quite more than very fresh in that area in the month of october. The fifth largest group was Estonians (133,000 nights), sixth was Dutch visirors (127,000 nights), seventh Swedes (92,000 nights) and eight was mainland Chinese visitors (75,000 nights). October is usually rainy and chilly and trees are already naked. Finland sunrise & sunset times for October 2021 In all, 10.6 million overnight stays were recorded for resident visitors and 2.14 million for non-resident visitors. But this is rather reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.With an unfavorable weather, the month of october is not the best time to go in this city. 100 up Autumn is the time for picking berries, Northern Lights and autumn colors season 'ruska' to go into full bloom. In october, maximum temperature is 49°F and minimum temperature is 45°F (for an average temperature of 47°F). At the beginning of the month the average daytime temperature in Lapland is 5 degrees and in southern Finland 10 degrees, whereas at the end of the month it is just below zero during the day in the north and 5 degrees in the south. September and October are a time of autumn colours in Finland. How sunny is it in Helsinki in October? Climate in Finland in october Climate in Helsinki in october In october, maximum temperature is 49 F and minimum temperature is 45 F (for an average temperature … Report inappropriate content The climate is quite fresh in that locality in the month of october, but it is bearable by dressing hot. The climate in Turku, Helsinki and Masku is bad. These holidays include autumn, Christmas, winter and summer holidays and usually last from one to two weeks except summer holidays which last between 10 to 11 weeks. How is the climate in Finland in october? Do not forget to take with you warm clothes! Accommodation Statistics. WhereAndWhen.net provides a tool to help you decide on your next holiday destination. The climate in Pori during October can be summarized as cool and reasonably dry. Compare 3 tours and reviews and find the best trip with TourRadar. Finland's jobless rate decreased in October, figures from Statistics Finland showed on Tuesday. With 2in over 9 days, rainfall can happen during your vacations. These figures are preliminary data from Statistics Finland’s statistics on accommodation establishments and they have been collected from accommodation establishments with at least 20 beds or caravan pitches with electricity connection. Fear not. It is not advisable to go to these areas this month. Here's your guide to fall in Finland. Due to the situation caused by the coronavirus, overnight stays by foreign visitors declined by 82 per cent and 79 700 overnight stays were recorded for them in October. Finland holidays Tours & holidays in 2020 & 2021 Its most famous resident may be Santa Claus, but Finland holidays are definitely not just for Christmas. Summer cafés have closed their doors until next summer. The average sea temperature around Helsinki, Finland in October is 9°C. Autumn is not the high season in Finland tourism, but actually, it is a great time to visit Finland. There are usually 17 days with some rain in Helsinki, Finland in October and the average monthly rainfall is 72mm. This occurs around the last week of September in northern Finland and in late October or early November in southwestern Finland. Finland can always offer a peaceful nature. Accommodation establishments in Uusimaa recorded 31,000 overnight stays by non-resident visitors and accommodation establishments in Lapland 4,000. The biggest drop was seen in overnight stays by Russians, down by 44,600 nights. Finland’s “Everyman’s rights” mean that you can venture just about anywhere in the parks as long as you respect the nature and clean after yourself. First snow usually falls in October or November. The share of Uusimaa in all overnight stays by foreign visitors was 39 per cent and that of Lapland 5 per cent. October Events in Scandinavia In addition to glorious fall foliage, there is much to do and see in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland in October. Generic astronomy calculator to calculate times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset for many cities, with daylight saving time and time zones taken in Overnight stays did not increase from any of the most important countries. © 2014-2020 Des Clics Nomades SAS - All right reserved, very bad weather across 86% of the territory, more information about the climate in Helsinki in october, more information about the climate in Lapland (Rovaniemi) in october, more information about the climate in Jyväskylä in october, more information about the climate in Kuopio in october, more information about the climate in Masku in october. The biggest group of non-resident visitors were Russians with 251,000 overnight stays. In autumn, the weather is cool and often rainy and windy. Spread over nine venues in the city of Tampere, this eclectic festival presents approx. We are intending to spend the first 3 nights in Helsinki but are open to suggestions and ideas as to where else in Finland … School holidays in Finland are set by the Finnish National Agency for Education. What's the weather like in Pori, Finland in October 2020? The climate is rather cool in that area in october, but it is liveable by dressing hot. very bad weather across 86% of the territory bad weather across 15% of the territory. The smallest drop was seen in overnight stays by Estonians . Is the sea cold around Helsinki in October? Finnish accommodation establishments recorded a total of 1.13 million overnight stays, which was 32 per cent lower than one year before. In the month of october, the mean temperature in Kuopio is 41°F (maximum temperature is 45°F and minimum temperature is 40°F). Nights spent by foreign visitors in Finland decreased by 82 per cent in October 2020 Visit Finland Travel Due to the situation caused by the coronavirus, overnight stays by foreign visitors declined by 82 per cent and 79 700 overnight stays were recorded for them in October. Travel to Finland in October 2021. In October, weather conditions in Finland make it a relatively bad trip destination. But this is pretty moderate and it is only of temporary showers. Autumn normally begins at the end of August or the beginning of September. The second largest group was Germans with 228,000 overnight stays. In autumn the daily mean temperature remains below 10°C. Following a mild summer, autumn reaches Helsinki early in September, with average daily temperatures around 10°C. In the same month Finland Festivals is The jobless rate for the 15 to 74 age group fell to 7.4 percent in October from 7.6 percent in September. The consumer price index rose 0.2 percent year-on-year in October, same as seen in both September and August. With 2.8in over 12 days, rain may occur during your stay. (Jussi Nukari – Lehtikuva) THE PARLIAMENTARY GROUPS of Finnish ruling parties have expressed their unanimous support for a government programme on sustainable growth that outlines the actions to be taken under the joint stimulus package of the … October 2-5 Suffering from festival FOMO? The biggest drop was seen in overnight stays by Russians, down by 435,700 nights. Autumn begins around the last week of August in northern Finland and about one month later in southwestern Finland. There’s still time to get tickets for Lost in Music, the biggest club festival in Finland. Now with Flexible Booking. Weather data for Finland in october is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Finland. The consumer price index rose 0.2 percent year-on-year in October… Kuopio and Savonlinna are both OK, though both in the same area. In the month of october, maximum temperature is 49°F and minimum temperature is 43°F (for an average temperature of 47°F). In the month of october, maximum temperature is 45°F and minimum temperature is 38°F (for an average temperature of 41°F). Is it the best time to visit Turku and Kuopio? Rotary Youth Exchange Finland 2018-2019 Category Travel & Events Song Simple Song Artist The Shins Licensed to YouTube by SME; BMI - Broadcast Music … The climate is rather more than very fresh around this city in this month. Overnight stays declined from all of the most important countries of inbound tourism to Finland. Examined by region, overnight stays increased most in relative terms in North Ostrobothnia, by 18 per cent, and second most in Central Ostrobothnia, by 12 per cent. Overnight stays by non-resident visitors declined by 88.0 per cent in Uusimaa. But this is pretty moderate and you will not be too bothered by it. Biggest Selection. In october, the mean temperature in Lapland (Rovaniemi) is 36°F (maximum temperature is 40°F and minimum temperature is 32°F). These forecasts are probabilities for october from weather reports for over 10 years. By contrast, the overall number of overnight stays declined most in relative terms in Uusimaa, by 63 per cent and second most in Ostrobothnia, by 52 per cent. Here are a few attractions to put on your itinerary if you plan to visit the Overnight stays by resident visitors decreased by 15 compared to previous year, counting up to 1.05 million overnights. Check out weather averages and informations here. Their overnight stays were 97 per cent down on October 2019. Calculations of sunrise and sunset in Helsinki – Finland for October 2020. Nights spent by foreign visitors in Finland decreased by 82 per cent in October 2020, » To the website for customers in Finland, Statistics Finland. The number of nights spent by resident visitors declined by 24 per cent and nights spent by non-resident visitors declined by 63 from the previous year. Overnight stays by them declined by 70,800 nights. However, with the diminished crowds, many attractions will be closed. The biggest group of non-resident visitors were Estonians with 10,900 overnight stays. … The growing season ends in autumn when the mean daily temperature drops below 5°C. October is not the best time of year to visit Finland anyway. The average sea temperature around Helsinki in October is 9°C. Still, photographers may relish the New England-style fall foliage display in September and October. More information available in Visit Finland's Monthly Report and Statistics Service Rudolf. With 2in over 9 days, rainfall can happen throughout your holidays. Answer 1 of 8: We are travelling to Finland for 9 days on 9th October. The climate in Houtskär during October can be summarized as cool and reasonably dry. Beauty/scenery imho is at it's best between late May and early September. October is in the fall / autumn in Pori and is typically the 6th warmest month of the year. In Lapland, overnight stays by non-resident visitors declined by 89 per cent from one year ago. The third largest group was Britons with 161,000 overnight stays, and fourth were French with 153,000 overnight stays. Lapland is a vast and rugged region that covers the northernmost part of Finland.Often thought of as the home of Santa, it has lots to offer tourists, from beautiful scenery to unique culture and amazing natural weather phenomenon. warning in october the weather is different depending on the city and regions of the country.October is not the best month to spend holidays in Finland. In January to October 2020, a total of 12.73 million nights were spent in Finnish accommodation establishments. The weather in Finland can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. But this is rather reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.With an unfavorable weather, the month of october is not recommended month to go in this locality. Autumn (August to October) As the cold weather comes to Finland in the autumn, this is your first chance in the calendar year to see the northern lights. With 1.9in over 9 days, rainfall can happen throughout your stay. From late August (though more commonly after the autumnal equinox in September ), you can see aurora on a dark night in northern Finland. Plan a sweater! It's cold, the sun is not there all the time and you take the risk of being you soak in the rain very often.But it gets worse: around the cities of Turku, Helsinki and Masku and surrounding areas where the climate is very bad. Change in overnight stays in October 2020/2019, %. With 2.5in over 10 days, you will experience some showers throughout your trip. There are normally 3 hours of bright sunshine each day in Helsinki in October - that's 26% of daylight hours. In the time of autumn colours, nature is beautiful and colourful. This was 36 per cent less than in the corresponding period one year earlier. Does it rain in Finland in October? What's the weather like in Houtskär, Finland in October 2020? (RTTNews) - Finland's consumer price inflation remained stable in October, data from Statistics Finland showed on Friday. Accommodation Statistics. October is usually rainy and chilly and trees are already naked. The destinations are displayed with objective criteria (climate, budget, activities ...) and are not related to any commercial offers. October is in the fall / autumn in Houtskär and is typically the 6th warmest month of the year. There's not much any time an Indian would call a crowd in any of the Nordic countries. Thus the average length of the growing season is 180 days in the southwestern archipelago, 140 to 175 days els… The climate is rather more than very fresh around this city in october. Source: Statistics Finland. HELSINKI (dpa-AFX) - Finland's consumer price inflation remained stable in October, data from Statistics Finland showed on Friday.The consumer price index rose 0.2 percent year-on-year in October In Finland, the state determines […] School holidays in Finland are different from region to region. The Finnish autumn is also dark because the sun sets earlier than in the summer. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather indicated. Change in overnight stays in January-October 2020/2019, %. September and October are good times to visit Finland if you're on a budget and want to avoid the high tourist season. At the end of October the temperature is about six degrees lower than at the beginning of the month. In Finland quite a few summer activities turn off already after mid August when schools start. Lulu Ranne of the Finns Party on Tuesday said Finland’s contribution to the recovery plan is over two times as high as its receipts. Best Prices. linkkiFinnish Meteorological Instit… In Finland quite a few summer activities turn … 7 Trade Shows in Finland in October 2020 Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date KONE AGRIAExhibition for Agricultural Machinery and Equipment once a year Tampere Tampereen Messu Oct. 2020postponed ! After summer holiday people return to work and fewer events are going on during weekdays.
- Research article - Open Access Characterisation of the legume SERK-NIKgene superfamily including splice variants: Implications for development and defence BMC Plant Biology volume 11, Article number: 44 (2011) SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SERK) genes are part of the regulation of diverse signalling events in plants. Current evidence shows SERK proteins function both in developmental and defence signalling pathways, which occur in response to both peptide and steroid ligands. SERKs are generally present as small gene families in plants, with five SERK genes in Arabidopsis. Knowledge gained primarily through work on Arabidopsis SERKs indicates that these proteins probably interact with a wide range of other receptor kinases and form a fundamental part of many essential signalling pathways. The SERK1 gene of the model legume, Medicago truncatula functions in somatic and zygotic embryogenesis, and during many phases of plant development, including nodule and lateral root formation. However, other SERK genes in M. truncatula and other legumes are largely unidentified and their functions unknown. To aid the understanding of signalling pathways in M. truncatula, we have identified and annotated the SERK genes in this species. Using degenerate PCR and database mining, eight more SERK-like genes have been identified and these have been shown to be expressed. The amplification and sequencing of several different PCR products from one of these genes is consistent with the presence of splice variants. Four of the eight additional genes identified are upregulated in cultured leaf tissue grown on embryogenic medium. The sequence information obtained from M. truncatula was used to identify SERK family genes in the recently sequenced soybean (Glycine max) genome. A total of nine SERK or SERK-like genes have been identified in M. truncatula and potentially 17 in soybean. Five M. truncatula SERK genes arose from duplication events not evident in soybean and Lotus. The presence of splice variants has not been previously reported in a SERK gene. Upregulation of four newly identified SERK genes (in addition to the previously described MtSERK1) in embryogenic tissue cultures suggests these genes also play a role in the process of somatic embryogenesis. The phylogenetic relationship of members of the SERK gene family to closely related genes, and to development and defence function is discussed. The plant receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are a large group of signalling proteins in plants, and are a fundamental part of plant signal transduction. In Arabidopsis the RLK family contains more than 600 members, constituting 60% of kinases, including almost all of the transmembrane kinases . The position of RLKs in the plasma membrane, with an extracellular receptor domain and an intracellular kinase domain, makes them well suited to the task of perceiving a signal external to the cell and conducting that signal into the cell in order to elicit a response. In addition to RLKs there are a number of receptor-like proteins (RLPs). These proteins contain an extracellular domain similar to a RLK but lack the intracellular kinase domain . Based on the criteria of extracellular domain structure and kinase domain phylogeny, RLKs are divided into subfamilies . The SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SERK) gene family belong to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) subfamily of RLKs. These RLKs contain varying numbers of LRRs in their extracellular receptor domain. SERK genes belong to subgroup II (LRRII) and contain five LRR domains . The family has been defined according to several factors. The first is the presence of 11 exons with conserved splicing boundaries and the tendency for each exon to encode a specific protein domain. Secondly the SERK amino acid sequence contains a particular order of domains from N to C-terminal: Signal peptide (SP), leucine zipper (ZIP), 5 LRRs, a proline-rich domain (SPP), transmembrane, kinase and C-terminal domains. The SPP domain, containing the SPP motif and the C-terminal domain are considered to be the characteristic domains of SERK proteins [3, 4]. Although this is largely correct for annotated SERK genes there is some divergence from the set criteria. The Arabidopsis NIK (NSP interacting kinase) genes share many similarities with SERK genes. NIK genes are so named because of their function in signalling during virus infection [5, 6]. They are described as interacting with the Nuclear Shuttle Protein (NSP) domain of the virus. The first SERK genes identified were linked to competence of cultured cells to form somatic embryos in carrot (Daucus carota), orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) and Arabidopsis thaliana species [3, 7, 8]. Since that time SERK gene expression has been associated with somatic embryogenesis (SE) and organogenesis in numerous species [9–19]. In Arabidopsis five SERK genes have been identified (AtSERKs 1-5) and the gene functioning in SE is AtSERK1 (locus At1g71830). As understanding of the roles of the different members of the SERK gene family has increased, it has become apparent that these genes function in diverse signalling pathways with roles from development to defence. The Arabidopsis SERK gene family is subdivided into two subfamilies, generated from an ancestral gene duplication event. The first subfamily consists of AtSERKs 1 and 2 (SERK1/2) and the second subfamily, AtSERKs 3, 4 and 5 (SERK3/4/5) [3, 20, 21]. AtSERK1 is required in conjunction with AtSERK2 for anther development and male gametophyte maturation, with double mutants lacking a tapetal layer and failing to develop pollen [22, 23]. AtSERK1 and AtSERK3 (also called BRI1-associated kinase1 (BAK1)) function in brassinosteroid (BR) signal transduction as components of the BR receptor complex, through dimerization with brassinosteroid-insensitive 1 (BRI1) kinase [24–26]. Both AtSERK3 and AtSERK4 (also called BAK1-LIKE 1 (BKK1)) have been linked to programmed cell death, which can function in both developmental and pathogen defence roles [20, 27]. What has emerged from studies of Arabidopsis SERK signalling is that these genes have a tendency to be redundant in pairs with different pairs working in different pathways. Therefore single SERK gene mutants show weak or no phenotype as a second SERK gene can complement their function. Different combinations of SERK genes act in different pathways and these combinations vary according to the pathway. For instance, AtSERK1 and 2 can complement each other in anther development, where AtSERK3 is shown not to function . However, AtSERK1 and 3 function together in BR signalling, and AtSERK3 and 4 are redundant in the programmed cell death pathway. So far a function for AtSERK5 is not known. In defence responses, AtSERK3/BAK1 functions in pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered immunity through heterodimerization with the Flagellin sensing 2 (FLS2) receptor kinase in response to binding by the bacterial PAMP, flagellin [28, 29]. A rice SERK, OsSERK1, shows activity in both somatic embryogenesis and fungal defence . The concept of a receptor functioning in both development and pathogen response pathways is reminiscent of the TOLL receptor of Drosophila, also an LRR protein, which is a controlling factor in both embryo development and immunity . Similarly ERECTA in Arabidopsis functions in inflorescence and fruit development as well as pathogen resistance . The ability of AtSERKs to be essential to a number of diverse pathways, receptive to both peptide and steroid ligands, poses the question as to how these similar proteins can show such diversity of function. One possibility is that they are not the primary ligand-binding receptor protein, but instead dimerize with other RLK proteins that are specifically targeted to the one response pathway; for example, the BRI1 RLK in the case of BR signalling, or the FLS2 RLK in immune response to bacterial infection . There is also evidence that AtSERK proteins may function in the process of endocytosis of the active receptor complex following ligand binding [28, 33, 34]. In the model legume M. truncatula we have studied MtSERK1 in relation to SE and other aspects of development [9, 35] but no additional information is available in legumes on other members of the SERK family. Legume species comprise some of the world's essential crops for both human and animal nutrition, as a source of biofuels and are of ecological importance due to their ability to form symbiotic relationships with Rhizobium species and fix atmospheric nitrogen . In this study we have identified members of the SERK family in M. truncatula and soybean (Glycine max) and analysed their phylogeny in relation to development and defence. In the case of MtSERK3 a number of transcripts have been identified by PCR, consistent with the presence of splice variants, and this is discussed in relation to MtSERK3 function. SERK genes identified in M. truncatula Using degenerate PCR from various tissues and database mining we identified eight putative SERK genes in M. truncatula, in addition to the already characterized MtSERK1 (Table 1). Degenerate PCR did not detect any SERK-like sequences that were not also found using database searches. Based on our analysis these genes were named MtSERK 2-6 and MtSERK-like 1-3 (MtSERKL 1-3). Five of the genes had one or two corresponding tentative consensus (TC) or EST sequences on the DFCI Medicago gene index (http://compbio.dfci.harvard.edu/tgi/cgi-bin/tgi/gimain.pl?gudb=medicago; shown in Table 1) but none of these represented full length coding sequences. The remaining three genes (MtSERK3, MtSERK4 and MtSERK6) matched genomic DNA sequences but had no corresponding ESTs. Of the eight predicted genes, five (MtSERKs 2-6) occur in tandem over a 33 Kb region on chromosome 2 (genomic sequence from GenBank accession numbers AC195567 and AC187356). The other three occur on chromosomes 3, 5 and 8 (genomic sequences from GenBank accession numbers CT967306, CT025841 and AC126784 repectively; Table 1). PCR amplification of cDNA from various tissues and sequencing were used to obtain the full length coding sequence of each of the eight identified genes. For one of these genes, seven different cDNA sequences were amplified using nested PCR and sequenced. The presence of these different sequences is consistent with the presence of splice variants. Blastp searches of all of the predicted amino acid sequences of the putative SERK genes on the NCBI database http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov showed MtSERKs 2-6 have high similarity to AtSERK3. The other three MtSERKL genes are similar to SERKs from various species, but in Arabidopsis, MtSERKL1 and MtSERKL2 are more similar to NIK genes. The homology of the M. truncatula SERK and SERKL sequences with each other and with Arabidopsis SERK and NIK sequences is shown in Additional file 1. In order to determine the chromosomal position of each gene genomic full-length coding sequences plus several hundred bases 5' and 3' of each gene were used for a CViT blast search of the M. truncatula pseudomolecule: MT3.0 database. Each of the Medicago SERK and SERKL genes, except for MtSERK1, showed 100% match to the database, and the position of these is shown in Table 1. MtSERK1 is not present on this database, with its closest match corresponding to part of MtSERK2 sequence on chromosome 2. The gene loci numbers are also shown in Table 1, with MtSERKs2, 3 and 5 each occupying two loci. Predicted motifs in Medicago genes and comparison with Arabidopsis SERKs The positions of the different SERK domains in Arabidopsis SERKs are indicated above the sequence alignment in Figure 1. All of the M. truncatula sequences except for MtSERK3 have a predicted signal peptide. MtSERK3 is predicted to be secreted in a non-classical manner. The consensus sequence of a leucine zipper Leu-X6-Leu-X6-Leu-X6-Leu, where X is any residue is present in MtSERKs 1, 2, 5 and 6. It is absent in the remaining M. truncatula SERK-like proteins and is also absent in Arabidopsis SERKs 4 and 5 as well as the three Arabidopsis NIKs. All of these proteins have partial leucine zipper sequences, with the first Leu-X6-Leu sequence intact, but lack other conserved leucines and/or have extra residues between conserved leucines (Figure 1). The positions of the five SERK LRRs are indicated in Figure 1. There is good alignment of the LRRs with the exception of LRR 5 in the three Medicago SERKL proteins. The SPP domain is not well conserved. The SERK-characteristic SPP motif, highlighted yellow in Figure 1 is not present in all SERK proteins with AtSERKs 4 and 5 lacking this motif. In M. truncatula the SPP motif is present in MtSERKs 1, 2, 4 and 5, but is lacking in the other proteins. The Medicago SERKL proteins show the least amount of homology in this domain. All of the M. truncatula sequences contain predicted transmembrane and kinase domains. The genomic structure of each of the M. truncatula SERK and SERKL genes and the relative positions of the SERK genes on chromosome 2 are shown in Figure 2. Each of the genes contains 11 exons which is characteristic of SERK genes. The gene encoding several putative splice variants is MtSERK3. One of the splice variants contains the usual SERK exon structure with eleven exons as shown in Figure 2. The main variation in the gene structure between the different M. truncatula genes is in the length of the introns. Another characteristic of SERK genes is conservation of exon boundary sites with the tendency for different protein domains to be encoded by separate exons . The positions of each exon boundary site in each sequence are shown in Figure 1. Each of the M. truncatula sequences identified and the Arabidopsis NIKs have similar boundary sites to the Arabidopsis SERKs, with the exception of AtNIK1, which is missing two boundary sites, with a single exon encoding the equivalent of exons 9, 10 and 11 in the other genes. The boundaries of greatest divergence occur between exons 6/7 and 7/8. Exons 6, 7 and 8 encode LRR5, the SPP and the transmembrane domains respectively. SERKgene prediction from the soybean genome Soybean (Glycine max) has three genes annotated as SERK genes on the NCBI database. However two of these sequences (GenBank numbers EU869193 and FJ014794) are sequences from the same gene. The other sequence is Genbank number EU888313. There is also one annotated NIK gene in soybean (GenBank number FJ014718). To identify other putative SERK and SERK-like genes in soybean, the mRNA sequences of the M. truncatula SERK and SERK-like genes were blasted against the genomic sequence of soybean. Fourteen more SERK-like genomic sequences were obtained, and from these mRNA and amino acid sequences were predicted. Phylogenetic analysis of legume SERKgenes A phylogenetic tree was constructed from the predicted amino acid sequences of the M.truncatula SERK and SERK-like genes, the three soybean SERK and NIK genes present in the database and the fourteen soybean genes predicted from the soybean genome sequence. Also included in the tree are all LRRII subgroup RLK-LRR genes from Arabidopsis and SERKs from the NCBI database representing full length AA sequences from a number of other plant species (Figure 3). As indicated by the blast searches some of the M. truncatula sequences form a clade with the known SERKs. MtSERKL1 and MtSERKL2 fall into a clade with the soybean and Arabidopsis NIKs. Sequences of four of the predicted soybean genes also fall in the NIK clade. One Medicago sequence, MtSERKL3, along with three Arabidopsis sequences and four of the predicted soybean sequences form a clade that is separate from the SERK and NIK clades (Labelled "Other" in Figure 3). The four non-Arabidopsis, non-legume sequences that fall in the NIK clade (Pt1, Os1, PpSERK1 and PpSERK2 in Figure 3) have been annotated as SERKs in the literature and/or on the NCBI database. This phylogenetic analysis shows that the five sequences from chromosome 2 that have been named as MtSERK2-6 are part of the SERK3/4/5 family clade, with MtSERK1 the only M. truncatula sequence in the SERK1/2 subfamily. One known and two predicted soybean sequences fall into the SERK1/2 subfamily. One known and four predicted soybean sequences fall into the SERK3/4/5 subfamily. Together the phylogenetic and exon boundary results indicate high similarity between the SERK and NIK genes. The M. truncatula sequences have been deposited on the NCBI database (For GenBank numbers see Table 1). In the SERK3/4/5 subfamily, two soybean genes lie adjacent on chromosome 5, (Glyma05g24770 and Glyma05g24790) but there is not a region with five genes in tandem as is found on chromosome 2 in M. truncatula. Lotus japonicus is more closely related to M. truncatula than soybean . A search of the database revealed only one Lotus predicted gene similar to the Medicago SERK3/4/5 genes. This gene occurs on chromosome 6 (Genbank accession number AP006424), which is syntenic to M. truncatula chromosome 2 . This Lotus genomic DNA sequence showed sequence homology with all five Medicago SERK3/4/5 genes, with some sequence homology in introns and in 5' and 3' untranslated regions, as well as in exons. These results, combined with the fact that no other potential sequences were found in the Lotus genome, indicate that the single SERK gene region on Lotus chromosome 6 probably corresponds to the five SERK gene region on M. truncatula chromosome 2. These five SERK genes in Medicago may have duplicated since it diverged from Lotus. At this point it is unknown whether legumes closely related to Medicago also have replication of this SERK gene as there is as yet no sequence information. The intron sequences of the five replicated M. truncatula genes were used to estimate the times of duplication of these genes. It is estimated that duplication events occurred at 3.25, 3.05, 2.65 and 2.2 million years ago as indicated in Figure 3. PCR analysis suggested a total of seven different transcripts consistent with seven splice variants of MtSERK3 . The differences observed between the splice variants is that they either include an intron or introns in their sequence and/or are missing exon 3 (Figure 4). Introns that are included as exons are introns 5, 6 and 8, either alone or in combination. Each of these intron sequences introduces a stop codon thereby creating a truncated coding sequence. Splice variant (SV) 1 has the structure of a normal SERK gene, containing 11 exons. SV3 is also full length except it lacks exon 3, which encodes the first LRR. SV2 and SV4 retain intron 8, with SV4 also lacking exon 3. The remaining three splice variants lack exon 3 and retain intron 5 and its associated stop codon. SV5 and SV6 retain intron/s after intron 5, but the three SVs 5-7 encode the same protein sequence. Together the seven SVs encode five predicted proteins. Although five of the SV sequences contain stop codons in introns 5 or 8, the transcript continues through the remaining coding sections found in a typical SERK gene. In these sequences a second possible transcript occurs with a predicted start codon in exon 9 in the region encoding subdomain IV of the the kinase domain. This sequence continues through to the position of the stop codon in exon 11 of SV1 (usual SERK gene structure). This was confirmed by sequencing in SVs 4, 5, 6 and 7. In SV2, sequence data was not obtained for sequence corresponding to most of exon 10 and exon 11. Although the MtSERK3 gene contains the typical 11 exon SERK genomic structure and SV1 has characteristics of a typical SERK transcript, there are some features that distinguish this gene from other SERKs. The first feature is the absence of a predicted signal peptide and the second is a truncated C-terminal domain, with the coding sequence terminating just after the kinase domain (Figure 1). Expression of Medicago SERKsduring the induction of somatic embryogenesis in culture The apparent recent duplications of an ancestral gene to create the five SERK genes on chromosome 2 raised the question of whether or not the five Medicago genes are redundant in function of whether they have developed divergent functions. Our previous work showed that MtSERK1 expression is induced in somatic embryo-forming and root forming cultures and we were interested to know if other SERK genes played a role in SE. Quantitiative RT-PCR (qPCR) expression studies were conducted on these five MtSERKs in cultured M. truncatula tissue. Relative expression was compared over a four-week time course in cultured leaf tissue from both the embryogenic 2HA seedline and the non-embryogenic Jemalong seedline (Figure 5). The expression of MtSERK3 was measured using primers that would amplify all putative splice variants of this gene. Therefore expression shown is the sum expression of all splice variants. Like MtSERK1, MtSERKs 3-6 are upregulated within the first week of culture and show similar expression in both the embryogenic 2HA and non-embryogenic Jemalong genotypes. These results show that MtSERK1 is not the only SERK gene induced in culture at the time of induction of SE. MtSERKs 3 and 5 are upregulated four to five-fold over expression in the starting leaf material and remain relatively high over the four weeks. This is a similar expression pattern to that observed for MtSERK1 . However, as the expression results for MtSERK3 do not distinguish between splice variants, it is not known which or how many splice variants contribute to these expression levels. Expression of MtSERK4 and 6 are more significantly upregulated (12-20 fold) within the first week of culture, then the expression decreases slightly (but not significantly) over the culture time measured. The variation in expression pattern between MtSERK2 and the other replicated SERK genes indicate some differences in function. SERK genes identified in M. truncatula Previous Southern analysis indicated there are probably five SERK genes in M. truncatula , but we have now identified a total of eight SERK or SERKL genes in addition to the previously characterised MtSERK1. Each of these nine genes contains 11 exons which is characteristic of SERK genes, as well as the tendency for each exon to encode a specific protein domain. Phylogenetic analysis shows that five of these genes are SERKs, belonging to the SERK 3/4/5 subfamily. The other three do not fall into the SERK family as defined in Arabidopsis, but rather are SERK-like genes. Two of them, MtSERKL1 and MtSERKL2 fall into the NIK family, which is highly similar to the SERK family. The third one, MtSERKL3 is also closely related but is not in the same clade as the SERK or NIK genes. The carrot SERK does not contain a signal peptide, but rather starts from the leucine zipper (exon 2 in other SERKs). A perfect leucine zipper (Leu-X6-Leu-X6-Leu-X6-Leu ), is not present in AtSERKs 4 and 5 and the specific SPP motif of the SPP domain is also lacking in these sequences (Figure 1). However, phylogenetic analysis favours the view that these are still SERKs (Figure 3). The Arabidopsis NIK genes share many similarities with SERK genes. Several genes from other species that have been named as SERK genes fall in the same clade as the NIK genes (Figure 3). Function has not been identified for the three Arabidopsis genes that fall into the clade with MtSERKL3. SERK genes in legumes Although the M. truncatula genome is not yet fully sequenced, we have attempted to identify all SERK genes in this species. From the identified SERKs, only one belongs to the SERK 1/2 subfamily (as defined in Arabidopsis), while there are five in the SERK 3/4/5 subfamily. This indicates there are probably not direct orthologues to the five Arabidopsis SERKs. Recently soybean became the first legume genome to be completely sequenced . The soybean genome has 20 pairs of chromosomes and is a tetraploid, whereas the diploid M. truncatula genome has 8 pairs of chromosomes. It is estimated that the soybean genome underwent duplication around 13 million years ago and that any given region in the M. truncatula genome is likely to correspond to two regions in the soybean genome . A search for candidate SERK and SERK-like known and predicted genes in soybean revealed 17 genes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that three of these fall into the SERK1/2 subfamily, in comparison to one in M. truncatula. Like Medicago, there are five putative SERK 3/4/5 subfamily members in soybean. Five members fall into the NIK clade and four are part of the clade, containing MtSERKL3, separate to SERK and NIK. In evolutionary terms, the closest legume to M. truncatula that has SERK sequence information is Lotus. The divergence of Medicago and Lotus is estimated to have occurred around 50 million years ago, after the divergence of soybean from Medicago and Lotus around 54 million years ago . The predicted gene in Lotus which appears to be orthologous to the five SERK3/4/5 family member genes is a single copy gene, indicating that the Medicago genes may have duplicated after the divergence of Medicago and Lotus. We estimate the duplication of the Medicago genes occurred much more recently - from 3.25 to 2.2 million years ago. Phylogenetically there are two soybean genes that are equally closely related to these five Medicago SERKs (Gm08g19270 (Gm2) and Gm15g05730; Figure 3). These genes occur on different chromosomes and would originate from duplication of the entire soybean genome rather that duplication of a single gene. However, duplication has occurred on a less closely related soybean SERK3/4/5 gene, with two genes occurring in tandem on chromosome 5 (Gm05g24770 and Gm05g24790; Figure 3). It appears that soybean had its own SERK3/4/5 family member duplication event after its divergence from Medicago and Lotus. In the SERK and SERKL genes there is not a simple ratio of two soybean genes for every Medicago gene, as would be expected from simple duplication of the soybean genome. It may be that not all of the Medicago genes have been identified, especially those that are not in the SERK clade. On the other hand, there is the likelihood of genome changes in both of the species during the past 50 million years to produce the gene compliment that is identified. Full sequencing of the M. truncatula genome would be the only way to fully and conclusively elucidate the complement of these genes in M. truncatula. SERK and SERKLgenes in relation to development and defence We propose the similarities between SERK and NIK genes in both structure and function indicate that these gene families, as well as other closely related LRR-RLKs, form part of a larger gene superfamily that operates in signalling during plant development and defence. The families cannot be segregated based on developmental or defence function, with both families containing members in each type of role and some individual members operating in both pathways. For example, Os5 (Figure 3, SERK1/2 sub-family) has a dual role in somatic embryogenesis and defence against fungal pathogens , Os3 (Figure 3, SERK1/2 sub-family) is linked to fungal defense , so-called PpSERK1 and PpSERK2 (Figure 3, NIK family), act in the early defining stages of apomixis . Therefore it may be advantageous to consider the wider SERK/NIK gene superfamily, encompassing all LRRII subclass genes, when looking at SERK gene function in plants. Expression of Medicago SERKsduring the induction of somatic embryogenesis in culture Historically legumes have been difficult to transform and regenerate. The model legume, M. truncatula can be transformed and regenerated via somatic embryogenesis, but there is first a requirement for selection of an amenable genotype using tissue culture [45–48]. A role for MtSERK1 during the establishment of embryogenic and organogenic cultures in M. truncatula was implied when it was shown that this gene is upregulated under these culture conditions. Expression of MtSERKs 3, 4, 5 and 6 , like MtSERK1 is significantly upregulated in both 2HA and Jemalong cultured tissue in comparison to expression in the starting leaf tissue (week 0), whereas the expression of MtSERK2 remains constant throughout culture and in the starting leaf tissue. This variance in expression pattern suggests that MtSERK2 at least, functions differently to MtSERKs 3-6. MtSERK4 and MtSERK6 are the most highly upregulated SERKs in culture with both showing greater than 12 fold upregulation of expression in the first week of culture (Figure 5). The expression of the three Medicago SERKL genes stayed fairly constant in leaf tissue and in culture suggesting these genes are not part of the regulation of events in culture (data not shown). Our intron analysis indicates that the MtSERK2 and MtSERK3 genes arose from the first duplication event, esimated to be 3.25 mya. This raises the possibility that any function dependent on upregulation of MtSERKs 3 - 6 in culture evolved after the first duplication event which may be of significance when comparing the embryogenic capacity of different legume species. It was also noted that the promoter sequences of the five replicated M. truncatula SERK 3/4/5 subfamily member genes show greater sequence divergence between the members than the intron sequences (data not shown). Such a rapid change in gene promoters also supports the theory of functional divergence of these genes. In M. truncatula SERK1 expression is associated with developmental change . It seems likely that as in Arabidopsis, heterodimers involving SERK1 with other SERKs or other RLKs help to regulate legume development. To our knowledge, the detection of sequences consistent with the existence of splice variants of MtSERK3 is a novel observation for a SERK gene. An understanding of AS in plants is in its early days, but it is estimated that AS occurs in about 20% of plant genes. What is known is the predominant form of AS in plants is in the form of intron retention comprising around 50% - 60% of AS events, with exon skipping comprising around 8%. This is quite different from the situation in humans where exon skipping is the predominant form of AS (58%) and intron retention comprises around 5% [49, 50]. Using sequence data from ESTs an attempt has been made to identify alternatively spliced genes in Arabidopsis, rice and legumes and this information has been deposited on the ASIP (Alternative Splicing in Plants) database at http://www.plantgdb.org/ASIP/[49, 50]. As MtSERK3 is one of the genes that had no corresponding ESTs on the database, it is not listed in the M. truncatula splice variants on the ASIP database. None of the five Arabidopsis SERK genes are listed as having splice variants. However, AS events are recorded in other LRR-RLKs, and in a separate study 34 alternatively spliced LRR-RLKs were identified in Arabidopsis . AS producing premature stop codons, such as SVs 2,4,5,6 and 7 of MtSERK3, may produce transcripts that are targets for non-sense mediated RNA decay . However, Ner-Gaon (2004) presented evidence that transcripts with retained introns are exported from the nucleus and are associated with ribosomal complexes thus supporting the view that they may be functional. The seven splice variant sequences observed in MtSERK3 are predicted to code for five different proteins (Figure 4), including SV1 that has a regular SERK-like structure. The structure of SV2 and SV4 gives these proteins structural similarity to the known RLPs such as CLAVATA2 (CLV2) . The SVs 5, 6 and 7, encode a single severely truncated predicted protein which contains the N-terminal, lacking LRR1, with a stop codon introduced immediately after the position of LRR4 in a normal SERK gene. This leaves the first two exons, encoding the putative SP and ZIP domains, then three LRRs followed by a stop codon. We have no knowledge of reports of a similar truncated LRR-RLK in the literature and it is quite conceivable that such a protein is targeted for degradation. On the other hand there are other defence proteins that are encoded by alternatively spliced genes where it has been shown that AS of these genes is necessary to enable the defence function . For example, the Arabidopsis RESISTANCE TO PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE4 (RPS4) gene belonging to the Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR)-nucleotide binding site (NBS)-Leu-rich repeat (LRR) class of disease resistance (R) genes is alternatively spliced to give both full-length and truncated proteins, and the presence of all of these proteins is required for disease resistance . In general there is a bias for alternatively spliced genes with intron retention in plants to function in defence and external/internal stimuli-related functions . Additionally, in the mouse, members of the TOLL-like receptor signalling pathway show widespread alternative splicing, which is thought to allow a higher level of diversity in the inflammatory pathway in response to pathogens . The already established role for SERK genes in defence raises the possibility that some defence effect related to AS could be operating in MtSERK3. Of course such a role would need to be shown experimentally. In keeping with a potential defence role, a recent study suggests that plant LRR-RLK genes can be grouped according to whether or not they have undergone gene expansion . The authors propose that the expanded group share similarities with the NBS-LRR resistance genes in their genetic variation and evolution and are more likely to function in disease resistance, whereas the non-expanded group have a tendency to function in growth and development. The expansion of the five Medicago SERK3/4/5 family member genes from a single ancestor may imply a role in defence for one or more of them. This observation along with the similar gene splicing to that observed in TIR-NBS-LRR genes is supportive of a role for MtSERK3 in defence. The rice SERK1/2 family member gene, OsBISERK1, (Os3 in Figure 3) is one example of a defence related gene belonging to the expanded group . MtSERK3 has other unusual features. One is its lack of a predicted signal peptide, although it is predicted to be secreted in a non-classical manner. The other is the truncation of the C-terminal domain in comparison to other SERK proteins. The actual function of the SERK C-terminal domain is unknown, but one possibility is a role in protein-protein interactions . The distinct characteristics of MtSERK3 may indicate a rapid evolution of different function after the gene duplication events which had created five genes from a single ancestral gene. The creation of extra gene copies relaxed selective pressure allowing some copies to evolve new functions, while at least one of the genes maintained the original function. However MtSERK3 is still upregulated in tissue culture which also implies a developmental role during early culture events similar to that of MtSERK1 and to other SERKs that were first described in relation to SE. In this study we have identified and sequenced the mRNAs of five more SERK and three SERK-like genes in M. truncatula, and used these sequences to identify homologous genes in soybean. Phylogenetic analysis shows that some of these genes fall distinctly in the SERK family, while others are SERK-like which include NIK genes and other LRRII subgroup RLK-LRR family members. The M. truncatula SERK3/4/5 subfamily genes have undergone a gene duplication event that is not present in orthologous genes in soybean or Lotus. One of these duplicated genes apparently encodes a number of sequences, consistent with the existence of splice variants, which is a novel finding for a SERK gene. The gene duplication event and the presence of splice variants may be indicative of a role in defence, similar to that observed in NBS-LRR genes. Other members of this replicated SERK3/4/5 gene cluster are upregulated in embryogenic tissue cultures implying a similar developmental role to that previously observed for MtSERK1 [9, 35]. Degenerate PCR and database mining Degenerate primers for PCR were designed in the conserved kinase domain of SERK genes. To give greater specificity at the 3' end of the primers, each primer was made into two separate primers with a specific nucleotide at a point of degeneracy close to the 3' end where there was a choice of 2 nucleotides (underlined bases in primer sequences below). This gave the forward primers 8 specific bases and the reverse primer 5 specific bases at the 3' ends. The primers used were Forward 1 - 5'- CAR TTY CAR CAN GAR GTN GAA ATG AT-3,' Forward 2 - 5'- CAR TTY CAR CAN GAR GTN GAG ATG AT-3', Reverse 1 5'- CC RTA NCC RAA NAC RTC NGT YTT TTC -3', Reverse 2 - 5'- CC RTA NCC RAA NAC RTC NGT YTT CTC -3.' The degeneracy was 256-fold for the forward primers and 1024-fold for the reverse primers, with a predicted amplicon size of around 446 bp. Degenerate PCR was performed on cDNA and genomic DNA using a 2 μM concentration of each primer. PCR cycling conditions were a denaturation step of 3 min at 95°C, 40 cycles of 95°C for 30 s, 52°C for 30 s and 72°C for 60 s, and then 1 cycle of 72°C for 7 min. PCR products were cloned into pGEM Easy vector (Promega) and sequenced. Sequencing of four cDNA clones revealed they all belonged to the same gene which corresponded to TC100619. Sequencing of 14 genomic clones gave four individual sequences, however one of them did not appear to be a SERK sequence. Genes that were detected using degenerate PCR are indicated in Table 1. To conduct database mining the mRNA sequences of known SERK genes were blasted against M. truncatula sequences in the DFCI Medicago Gene Index and NCBI nr and htgs databases. Two genomic DNA regions containing SERK-like sequences and seven TCs or ESTs were identified in addition to the already annotated MtSERK1. The genomic DNA regions identified were on chromosomes 2 and 5, with the region on chromosome 2 containing multiple predicted SERK-like genes. Four of the detected TCs matched chromosome 2. The remaining three TC/ESTs matched regions on chromosomes 3, 5 and 8. A summary of all sequences is shown in Table 1. All of the SERK and SERK-like sequences identified using degenerate PCR corresponded to sequences identified from the database searches or matched MtSERK1. The chromosomal location of each M. truncatula SERK and SERKL gene was determined by performing a genomic sequence CViT blast of each gene against the M. truncatula pseudomolecule: MT3.0 database http://www.medicago.org/genome/cvit_blast.php. The actual gene sequences were obtained from the Medicago GBrowse v3 database http://gbrowse.jcvi.org/cgi-bin/gbrowse/medicago/ by following the links from the CViT blast results, selecting the appropriate postion on the chromosome and downloading the sequence data. These were then compared with the sequence data for each gene obtained from NCBI and from sequencing. Some manual adjustment was required to locate the total gene sequence from some blast results. The corresponding gene loci numbers of each sequence were also obtained from the Medicago GBrowse v3 database. Matching probeset IDs were obtained by blasting mRNA sequences against the Mt Affy Chip Consensus Sequences database on the M. truncatula Gene Expression Atlas website http://mtgea.noble.org/v2/. PCR amplification and sequencing of full length coding regions As none of the TC/EST sequences identified represented full length coding sequences, potential coding regions from the individual genomic sequences were predicted using FGENESH software (Softberry; http://linux1.softberry.com) and this information was matched with sequences obtained from the DFCI Medicago Gene Index. Primers were designed from the known and predicted coding sequences and in predicted 5' and 3' untranslated regions, and these were used to amplify full length or overlapping partial length cDNA sequences. These regions were sequenced, either directly from the purified PCR product or were cloned into pGEMeasy vector, electroporated into E. coli and sequenced after either miniprep or colony PCR. Using this system any previously unsequenced sections of mRNA transcripts were PCR amplified and sequenced, giving full length sequence data for all of the identified M. truncatula genes. The cDNA used to obtain the sequences came from different sources of plant tissue including, flower, leaf, root, seedling, cultured tissue and somatic embryos. Tissue from both 2HA and Jemalong seedlines was used to make cDNA. Mostly pooled cDNA samples from various tissues were used as a template source. Where possible a full length coding sequence was amplified in a single PCR reaction and used for sequencing. The three genes which did not have any transcript sequences on the database (MtSERKs 3, 4 and 6) required nested PCR reactions or shorter overlapping PCRs to obtain full length product for sequencing. In the case of MtSERK3, numerous nested PCR and cloning reactions from different tissue sources were required to identify the various splice variant sequences. However all of the nested PCR products used for sequencing of splice variants, with the exception of SV2, were full-length or almost full length sequences to ensure the sequence obtained did indeed come from a single transcript. In the case of SV2 the nested reverse primer was in exon 10. In all cases the products of the first PCR reaction, used as a source of template for nested PCR, were created using primers that amplified the full length coding sequence of the gene. Primers used for genes amplified in a single PCR reaction were: MtSERK2 - forward primer 5'-TCTCATCTTTTTGCTTCCATTC-3', reverse primer 5'-AAAGTGTTGGTTGCTTGTGTC-3'; MtSERK5 forward primer 5'-GAGAGAGAGGGTTTGTGTTTT-3', reverse primer 5'-AGAGGACGGATTGTGTATTG-3'; MtSERKL1 - forward primer 5'-CTCCTTTACCTTTACCACACTTC-3', reverse primer 5'-ATCTACAACAACCCCAAATAACA-3'; MtSERKL2 - forward primer 5'-GGTTTCTTCTGCTGCTCTTTCTC-3', reverse primer 5'-CAGAAAGCTCCATTGCTTCTAC-3' and MtSERKL3 - forward primer 5'-AATTAAAGGGTTGGTTCATTCTT-3', reverse primer 5'-TCCAATCTGGTATGGTCTGT-3'. MtSERK4 was amplified in two overlapping PCR reactions using the primers - forward primer 5'-GCAAAGAAAACAAACAAAAGCCATAC-3' with reverse primer 5'-CTGGTGACGGTGGAGAAAGTG-3' and forward primer 5'-GAGATGTCCCCAAGAGTGGTTC-3' with reverse primer 5'-TTTATCTCGTTCAGGCAGAGGA-3'. MtSERK6 was amplified using nested PCR reactions. Primers for the first PCR were forward primer 5'-TGGAGTTTGATAATGGGTTTCTTG-3' with reverse primer 5'-CAGGCAGAGGAAGAAGGATTGT-3'. Products from the first PCR were diluted 1 in 100 and amplified using the same reverse primer and a nested forward primer 5'-TTTGGTTCTTCATTTGCTGCTTC-3'. Splice variant sequences for MtSERK3 were obtained using a number of nested PCR reactions followed by cloning and sequencing. For each splice variant the full length coding sequence was amplified in the first PCR reaction. The primers used for the nested PCR amplified a full length or almost full length coding sequence (except for SV2; sequence up to exon 10 obtained). A summary of the tissue and primers used in the PCR reactions to obtain the full SV sequences are given in Additional file 2. Gene and motif prediction The genomic structure of the genes sequenced was determined using Spidey on the NCBI database http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/IEB/Research/Ostell/Spidey/. Prediction of mRNA sequences from genomic sequences was done using FGENESH software from Softberry http://linux1.softberry.com/berry.phtml. Predicted amino acid sequences from the sequenced genes were used for motif prediction using the ExPASy Proteomics tools server http://au.expasy.org/tools/. A general scan of the sequence was performed using Scan PROCITE . Signal peptides were predicted using SignalP 3.0 . Prediction of whether proteins could be secreted in a non-classical manner (without a signal peptide) was performed using Secretome 2.0 . Due to the lack of plant parameters with this program, the protein was classed as mammalian for prediction. Transmembrane domains were predicted using TMHMM 2.0 . MW and pI were estimated using ProtParam . Amino acid sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis Full length predicted amino acid sequences were aligned using ClustalX 2.0.10 . Phylogenetic analysis was performed on aligned sequences using the protein maximum likelihood, proml, programme and tree topology edited using Retree from the PHYLIP (Phylogeny Inference Package) Version 3.69 http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip.html. Trees were drawn using TreeView 1.6.6 http://www.treeview.net/. Identification of putative SERK genes in soybean A blast search of Gm genome soybean chromosomes (JGI Glyma1) on the Plant GDB database http://www.plantgdb.org/GmGDB/ was conducted using the mRNA sequences of each of the M. truncatula SERK genes to find homologous sequences in the soybean genome. From these searches it was possible to obtain the locus number of each of the matching genes. These loci numbers were used to obtain the corresponding genome and predicted mRNA and AA sequences from the Phytozome database http://www.phytozome.net/, which contains the full sequence of the recently sequenced soybean genome. Estimation of gene duplication events in MtSERKfamily members To estimate the time of duplication of the MtSERK 3/4/5 subfamily member genes, each intron sequence of each gene was compared to the corresponding intron sequence in the other duplicated genes using the Needleman-Wunsch Global Sequence Alignment Tool at NCBI . The following parameters were used for comparison: match cost 2, mismatch "-3", gap cost 5, gap extension 2. In some cases manual adjustment was necessary. The number of substitutions and deletions were counted and the age of duplication (distance) was calculated for each pair, using the assumption of 3 × 10-10 substitutions/site/year , and also taking into account the fact that mutations occur independently in each copy after a duplication event. Comparison of the differences between different pairs of genes allowed the calculation of the sequence and approximate times of duplication events. M. truncatula 2HA and Jemalong leaf tissue was collected, sterilised and cultured as described in . RNA was isolated from 2HA and Jemalong cultured and leaf tissue using the RNAqueous-4PCR kit (Ambion) according to the manufacturer's instructions. All RNA samples were treated with DNase prior to cDNA synthesis. cDNA synthesis was performed using the SuperScript II first-strand synthesis system for RT-PCR (Invitrogen) from 2 μg of total RNA using oligo(dT) primers. All qPCR reactions were set up using the CAS1200 robot (Qiagen formerly Corbett) and run on the Rotor-Gene Q (Qiagen formerly Corbett). Primers were designed using Primer3 programme (Primer3 site http://frodo.wi.mit.edu/primer3/). Due to the similarity in sequence between the M. truncatula SERK genes, each primer was checked for specificity against an alignment of the other M. truncatula SERK genes. The amplified PCR products were tested for the presence of a single PCR product using a high resolution disassociation curve with temperature increasing in 0.2°C increments at the end of each PCR run. For some of the genes a number of different primer sets and annealing temperatures were tested to find conditions with specificity. Primer sequences used were: MtSERK2 - forward primer 5'- AGTTGAAGAAAAATGGAACAAGTGA-3', reverse primer 5'- TCAGTGCATCACCTTCAACATTAG-3'; MtSERK3 - forward primer 5'- GTGTATCGTGTTTACGAGAACGTAATGG-3', reverse primer 5-TCACGGTGAATAATCTTAGGGTCACA-3; MtSERK4 - forward primer 5'- CAATGAAGAAAGTGATGCCCTGAA-3', reverse primer 5'- CATCATTGCATCCAACATGAAACC-3'; MtSERK5 - forward primer 5'- CTTCTTCCAATGATGAAAGTGATGC-3', reverse primer 5'-ATCAACCCGGATTACTCTACCACCAC-3' and MtSERK6 forward primer 5'- CATCACCAGCTTCTTCAGGTAGCA-3', reverse primer 5'- GCAGGAACGTCAAAGAAATGATCC-3'. cDNA was diluted to 1 in 25 for qPCR reactions. Reactions were performed in triplicate in 15 μL sample volume using 0.3 units Platinum Taq PCR polymerase (Invitrogen), 1 × Platinum Taq reaction buffer, 3 mM CaCl2, 0.2 mM each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP and 2 μM SYTO9 fluorescent dye (Invitrogen). PCR cycling conditions were 94°C for 2 min, followed by 40 cycles of 94°C for 15 s, 60°C for 30 s and 72°C for 30 s. For MtSERK3 and MtSERK6 PCR reactions the annealing temperature was increased to 64°C to increase the specificity of the primers. Gene expression was normalised to expression of GAPDH. GAPDH primers used were forward primer 5'- GACTTTATTGGTGATACCAGGTCG-3 and reverse primer 5'- GGTCAACCACACGGGTACTGTAA-3'. PCR efficiency of each run was calculated using the LinRegPCR programme http://LinRegPCR.nl. Relative expression was calculated according to the method of Pfaffl . Results shown are means ± SE of three biological repeats. 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Ito Y, Takaya K, Kurata N: Expression of SERK family receptor-like protein kinase genes in rice. Biochim Biophys Acta-Gene Struct Expression. 2005, 1730: 253-258. 10.1016/j.bbaexp.2005.06.007. Li D, Wang L, Wang M, Xu YY, Luo W, Liu YJ, Xu ZH, Li J, Chong K: Engineering OsBAK1 gene as a molecular tool to improve rice architecture for high yield. Plant Biotechnol J. 2009, 7: 791-806. 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2009.00444.x. Santos MD, Romano E, Yotoko KSC, Tinoco MLP, Dias BBA, Aragao FJL: Characterisation of the cacao somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase (SERK) gene expressed during somatic embryogenesis. Plant Sci. 2005, 168: 723-729. 10.1016/j.plantsci.2004.10.004. Funding from ARC Centre of Excellence Grant CEO348212 (RR). We thank Mark Rowland and Sam Zhang for technical assistance. KN conducted the experimental work, database mining, phylogenetic analysis and drafted the manuscript. SK compared Lotus and Medicago sequences and did the analysis of gene duplication events. RR supervised the analysis, discussed the results and critically revised the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Sequence identity of mRNA sequences (top) and identity and similarity of amino acid sequences (bottom) of the M. truncatulaSERK and SERKL with each other and with Arabidopsis SERKs and NIKs. Tables are colour coded with darker colour indicating higher similarity. (XLS 23 KB) Additional file 2: Summary of the nested or semi-nested PCR primers used to PCR amplify MtSERK3splice variant mRNAs for sequencing, and the source tissue used as template for the first PCR reactions. (DOCX 13 KB) Authors’ original submitted files for images Below are the links to the authors’ original submitted files for images. About this article Cite this article Nolan, K.E., Kurdyukov, S. & Rose, R.J. Characterisation of the legume SERK-NIKgene superfamily including splice variants: Implications for development and defence. BMC Plant Biol 11, 44 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2229-11-44 - Somatic Embryogenesis - Soybean Genome - Intron Retention - Full Length Code Sequence - Nuclear Shuttle Protein
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ATTRIBUTES: Steatite mineral is also known Steatite gets the name “soapstone” Soapstone (also known as steatite or soaprock) is a talc-schist, which is a type of metamorphic rock.It is composed largely of the magnesium rich mineral talc.It is produced by dynamothermal metamorphism and metasomatism, which occur in the zones where tectonic plates are subducted, changing rocks by heat and pressure, with influx of fluids, but without melting. Please read our website disclaimer for details. The name derives from the soap-like feel that some of the softer grades of soapstone have. This crystal is also one of healing and introspection. energies are helpful for getting one moving and ready for whatever comes next. Dream Symbolism of Owl brings warnings of danger. intentions. See more. The Selenite crystal stone meaning is all about purification, clearing, and positive energy. 1. Owl Symbolism reflects observation & eternal and ancient wisdom. © 2020 Ask Your Pendulum. amplify the signal to receive and transmit messages across all realms and For many students, the creation of a piece of writing is a mysterious process. Call on the Moonstone crystal meaning to unlock the inner goddess that exists deep within your spirit and channel the brilliant white illumination of moonbeams shining light on your pathway to balance and harmony. Use Soapstone to balance the Third Eye and Solar Plexus Chakras. rich rocks and veins often with serpentine, calcite, as well as, with mineral It encourages the release of old habits in favor of new loving ones. Steatite can eliminate atmospheric electrical interference and facilitate amplified transmission of messages on and through both the physical and astral planes. For a bibliophile, finding and perusing a rare book is a thrilling experience, especially if the book is both well written and controversial. Soapstone is a peaceful and calming stone. due to its waxy or soapy feeling surface. 5 out of 5 stars (44) 44 reviews $ 4.00. Soapstone’s Soapstone Animals - Spirit Animal - Totem Animal - Lucky Pigs- Flying Pigs- Goats-Llama- Rams- Horses- Rabbits- Mice YarkenSteinn. There is also a very strong connection to physical fertility, so if you want to bring children into the world wear an Emerald to attract the soul best suited to your family. It may largely be composed of the mineral talc and is thus rich in magnesium. It is a laborious, academic exercise, required by teachers and limited to the classroom. Soapstone is used in alleviating skin problems and often ground to make powder, makeup and bath salts. of green, white, grey to more intense reds, browns, and black. CHARACTERISTICS: Amplification and Readiness. It is a calming, stabilizing stone. See more ideas about soapstone, hand carved, animal charms. SOAPStone is an acronym for a series of questions to ask yourself when reading a piece of literature. But one thing rings the loudest, Moonstone is from the magic of the moon. M Teixeira Soapstone Locations New York/New Jersey 547 S. Broad St. Glen Rock, NJ 201-444-0778 email@example.com San Francisco, California 725 18th Street San Francisco, CA 94107 415-401-7778 firstname.lastname@example.org by Knowing the Soul LLC Powered by Shopify, "Wear Your Pendulum" Adapters & Neck Chains. This post is part of the series: Romantic Poets: Blake and Wordsworth. it a wonderful crystal material to work into a carving or ornamental sculpture Soapstone is a soft rock, that has been carved by the Chinese for centuries, and is still being carved today. It is said to help release outdated patterns and negative habits - helping you in tread a more empowered and happy path. Metaphysically, Soapstone is supportive of the liver and gallbladder and also helps with the digestion of fat. Feel free to share yours. As a love and devotion stone, its ideal. It is also thought to promote truth, logic as well as rational and creative thinking. Pour the oil directly onto the soapstoneâitâs naturally non-porous, so it wonât absorb oil or moisture. Soapstone is commonly believed to have a soothing, balancing effect while creating a positive, calming energy. Soapstone is also known as Steatite and is a form of talc (the mineral widely use to sooth delicate skin). Soapstone is also known as Steatite and is a form of talc (the mineral widely use to sooth delicate skin). Image by Wendy Corniquet from Pixabay. The softness of the rock is due to talc in its composition, and the amount of ⦠SPIRIT GUIDE/ANIMAL TOTEM: Animals serve as spiritual guides into universal realms and shamanic journeys. is supportive for new adventures and new opportunities. People have quarried soapstone for thousands of years. Soapstone creates a calm environment to release old routines for fresh ones. Symbolic Owl Meaning - Owl as Spirit, Totem & Power Animal. Soapstone is a stone of manifestation with the popular soapstone figurines a reminder of how physical creations are literally carved out of imagination and intentions. Steatite can eliminate atmospheric electrical interference and facilitate amplified transmission of messages on and through both the physical and astral planes. Moisture clings only to the surface of soapstone and is unable to force its way inside, even under pressure. The fact that soapstone has a solid finish also means you wonât have to worry about it feeling slick or greasy as a result of becoming clogged with oil. It is a balancing gem, a birthstone, a lucky stone, a sacred crystal, a piece of eccentric jewelry, and a wedding gift. It will help you to better understand any issues that have arisen in your love life, and also bring you into closer harmony with natural remedies and places of deep spiritual meaning, away from the thrum of the city. It is a calming stone that helps you to send and receive psychic messages more easily and also see the opportunities available to you. SPIRIT GUIDE/ANIMAL TOTEM: Animals serve as spiritual guides into universal realms and shamanic journeys. Moonstone is a powerful gem that can mean a lot of things with its diverse healing effects. It stands for Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, and Tone. It also brings the hiker to a lesser-known portion of Rock Creek Park. Soapstone definition, a massive variety of talc with a soapy or greasy feel, used for hearths, washtubs, tabletops, carved ornaments, etc. of how physical creations are literally carved out of imagination and The history of Inuit cultures and the art of the various regions and times can only be understood if the myth of a homogeneous Inuit culture is discarded altogether. Soapstone or Steatite creates a positive energy around itself and exerts a calming influence on the person using it. Saved by Fire Mountain Gems and Beads. Soapstone’s energies Unlike traditional fireplaces, which emit blistering short lived convection heat in close proximity, soapstone stores and releases heat slowly. It's thought to be the perfect stone to have around you during stressful times or through a process ⦠Soapstone is commonly believed to have a soothing, balancing effect while creating a positive, calming energy. Native Americans on the west coast traveled in canoes from the mainland to San Clemente Island (60 miles offshore!) Soapstone is commonly believed to have a soothing, balancing effect while creating a positive, calming energy. Use just enough oil to spread a thin coat onto the surface by hand. Though it has not been possible to determine the exact origin(s) of the Inuit, nor of the various Inuit cultures, five distinct cultures have been established in the Canadian area: Pre-Dorset, Dorset, Thule, Historic and Contemporary. Overall, this is a great, quick hike right off the Metroâs red line. Soapstoneâs energies resonate with creative and flexible freedom and is supportive for new adventures and new opportunities. The Moonstone Crystal stone meaning is linked with our ancient fascination with the moon, the glowing Mandala of the sky. They do not see it as a way of ordering the mind, explaining their thoughts and feelings, or achieving a personal voice.One of the problems for these students is that they have no conscious plan that will enable them to begin the process and then to organize and develop their ideas. It has been a medium for carving in cultures around the world for thousands of years. Crystal Healing Grids| Crystal Medicine Bags | Healer's Pouches, ChandaLehrs | Windchimes |Dream Catchers | Sun Catchers, Small sized Wavellite natural specimens #102520. Soapstone’s energies resonate with creative and flexible freedom and The meaning of symbolism in âThe Tygerâ is open to interpretation. Geodes are more about reminding one of a feeling than about healing other things. Runes. Soapstone is valued for it the way it helps one prepare for changes in life. In the healing world, geodes are strange phenomena to many and hold a meaning that assists with harmony and creativity from a metaphysical perspective. Soapstone may be used to stabilize electricity in the atmosphere Each geode holds a special energy and can hold just about anything. Important Note: The information provided here is for reference purposes only and is not a substitute for medical treatment. They connect you to the oneness of nature and existence. to obtain soapstone for cooking bowls and effigy carving as early as 8000 years ago. It can help you understand the meanings behind works of literature, and even get you into the mind of the author. It is a calming, stabilizing stone. piece. Soapstone is a stone of manifestation with the popular soapstone figurines a reminder Emerald comes under the dominion of the goddess Venus. It is used when undergoing great changes in one s ⦠release of old routines and creates an openness for new possibilities in life. Steatite is a compact high-purity talc that is found in magnesium Mar 11, 2020 - Hand-carved Soapstone Animals AMAZON ASSOCIATES DISCLOSURE Nelson Creations is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The ritual ⦠Soapstone found in areas of the Canadian Arctic largely varies in color and density. This motion is symbolic of bringing the spirit into the body. Learn more. Emerald Meaning Rhodonite Meaning Excessive Sweating Soapstone Medical Conditions Stones And Crystals. Use it to anoint your ritual tools and candles to help "wash" away negative energies of the object or person you wish to cleanse. Soapstone masonry heaters offer beauty, efficiency, and a timeless technology that cannot be found in standard wood-burning stoves. soapstone meaning: 1. a type of soft stone that feels like soap 2. a type of soft stone that feels like soap. It is a calming, stabilizing stone. deposits of Chlorite, Dolomite and Magnetite. fat digestion, as well as, to stimulate the liver and gall bladder supporting optimal organ functioning. Native Americans in eastern North America used the soft rock to make bowls, cooking slabs, smoking pipes, and ornaments as early as the Late Archaic Period (3000 to 5000 years ago). Soapstone Meaning and Properties history, background, scientific description, design possibilities & metaphysical properties. Soapstone definition is - a soft stone having a soapy feel and composed essentially of talc, chlorite, and often some magnetite. The people of Scandinavia began using soapstone during the S⦠For personal purification, sprinkle five to seven drops to your bath water. Soapstone comes in a variety of colors from soft beautiful shades as Soapstone. Favorite Add to Hand Carved *CAT* Animal Spirit Totem for Spiritual Jewelry or Crafts VTWICCAN. On this hike, you will follow Soapstone Creek, a tributary of Rock Creek, through Soapstone Valley and into the heart of the park before coming back. Soapstone emits a calming yet stimulating energy supporting the Enjoy Beautiful Owl Photos & Video too! From shop YarkenSteinn. energy fields. Spiritual meaning of Owl represents an oracle messenger. Drizzle a small amount of mineral oil onto the surface. Soapstone’s soft rated hardness makes and to eliminate signal interference. Romanticism refers to a literary movement that began in late eighteenth-century in England. They connect you to the oneness of nature and existence. Spiritual wisdom is committed into stone with the ancient practice of runecarving. Filters. Soapstone was created in high temperatures and under great pressure over a couple of hundred million years. HEALING: Soapstone may be used in the treatment of The soft white appearance of the stone is a perfect reflection of its gentle but highly effective energy, which emits white light and high vibrations. Soapstone (also known as steatite) is a metamorphic rock,. It is used to stimulate ambition. Best Big Data Analytics Courses Online, Caring For Someone In A Vegetative State, Leek Miso Soup, Intel Nuc Setup, Electrical Trade School, American System Apush, Tvp Kultura Program, Thotakura Fried Rice, Avocado Graham Recipe,
Customize your JAMA Network experience by selecting one or more topics from the list below. Qin P, Mortensen PB. The Impact of Parental Status on the Risk of Completed Suicide. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2003;60(8):797–802. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.60.8.797 Although some studies suggest that parenthood is associated with a reduced suicide risk, the impact of children on parental suicide has rarely been documented. This study investigates the impact of parental status on the risk of completed suicide in the context of other risk factors. A nested case-control design is used, matching for age, sex, and calendar time. The study is based on 4 Danish longitudinal registers, including 18 611 suicides of individuals aged 18 to 75 years from January 1, 1981, to December 31, 1997, and 372 220 matched control subjects. Information about children and subject's individual background is retrieved and merged. Data are analyzed using conditional logistic regression, yielding odds ratios interpreted as incidence rate ratios. The presence of children is protective against suicide in parents in terms of having children and, to a higher degree, having a young child; these effects exist even when adjusted for marital, socioeconomic, and psychiatric status; and their influences are much stronger in women than in men. At the same time, parents of children with a hospitalized psychiatric disorder and parents of children who have died are at an increased risk for suicide. A child dying during early childhood has a strong effect on suicide in parents, and a suicidal death of a child increases the risk of parental suicide more than a nonsuicidal death. The suicide risk is particularly high in the first month after losing a child. The impact of children on parental suicide can be protective because of having children. It can also be negative, for example, when losing a child, particularly if the child dies during early childhood; the risk is particularly high during the first month after the loss. THE THEORY of parenthood and suicide proposed by Durkheim1 and the theory of attachment raised by Adam2 suggest that the presence of children is protective against suicide. However, the impact of children on parental suicide has been poorly documented in the literature. In a Norwegian follow-up study, Hoyer and Lund3 found a decreasing risk of suicide with increasing number of children for women. Previous studies indicated that being a parent of a child younger than 2 years reduced suicide risk in the general population,4 and this effect significantly differed between men and women.5 Although, to our knowledge, no study has directly addressed the impact of losing a child on parental suicide, a few studies6,7 have demonstrated that the parents bereaved through the loss of a child showed a higher level of mental distress or psychiatric problems. The results from the previously mentioned studies suggest that parenthood could be either protective against suicide because of having children or leading to distress associated with suicide because of losing a child; however, to our knowledge, no study has taken both aspects of information regarding children into account and estimated their relative importance. Moreover, some research8-10 has documented that parental psychopathological features are predictive for suicidal behaviors in young people, whereas little is known about the impact of psychiatric illness in children on parental suicide. Furthermore, it remains unclear if, and to what extent, the effects associated with parental status can be explained by differences in marital, socioeconomic, and mental health status. In this study, we extract information about children and other individual data from Danish longitudinal registers, specifically focusing on investigating the impact of parental status on the risk of completed suicide in the context of other risk factors by taking into account information such as number of children, age of the youngest child, psychiatric status among children, death mode and age of a child, and the timing since the loss of a child. We retrieved individual data from 4 Danish longitudinal register databases and merged them by means of the personal identifier, the so-called central personal registration number. The first register is the Cause-of-Death Register,11 which records the causes and dates of all deaths in Denmark and has been computerized since 1969. Suicide was coded as E950 to E959 (using the International Classification of Diseases, Eighth Revision [ICD-8]) from 1969 to 1993 and as X60 to X84 (using the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision [ICD-10]) afterwards. The second is the Danish Civil Registration System,12 which contains a personal identifier for all individuals residing in Denmark and their links to parents and children. The third register is the IDA Database,13 a Danish acronym for the Integrated Database for Labour Market Research, which contains longitudinal information on labor market conditions for all persons in the population and their sociodemographic data. The last one is The Danish Psychiatric Central Register,14 which covers all psychiatric inpatient facilities in Denmark and cumulatively records all admission and discharge information, and has been computerized since 1969. Approval of this study was obtained from the Danish Data Protection Agency. We obtained 18 611 suicides from January 1, 1981, to December 31, 1997, from the Cause-of-Death Register, with a restriction that the individuals were aged 18 to 75 years and residing in Denmark on January 1 of the year of suicide so that they were likely to have registered links to children and had complete socioeconomic information in the IDA Database. By using a nested case-control design matching for age, sex, and calendar time, we randomly selected 20 controls per case from a 5% random sample of the national population in the IDA Database, in which each suicide was matched to a random subsample of all individuals of the same birth year and sex who were alive and observed in the 5% sample of the national population in the IDA Database at the particular time of the suicide. This procedure was conducted for each suicide, resulting in 372 220 controls matched to 18 611 suicide cases. To obtain the information about children, we linked the personal identifier of study subjects to the Danish Civil Registration System to identify their children, and retrieved the birth date and personal identification number of each child. In Denmark, every live birth is assigned a personal identifier and is registered, with links to legal mother and father at the time of birth. However, many people born before 1960 have no registered links to their parents because of some reasons during the establishment of registration. People were often not registered with links to parents if they were not living with at least one parent in 1969, if they were themselves parents in 1969, if their parents emigrated from Denmark before 1979, or if they immigrated to Denmark as adults. We then linked the personal identifier of these children with the Cause-of-Death Register and The Danish Psychiatric Central Register to see whether they were present on the records of the 2 databases. Detailed information about children for each subject was finally summarized into 4 main variables. 1. The number of children. This refers to the total number of children with registered links to each subject at the date of suicide or matching, and was divided into no children, 1 child, 2 children, 3 to 4 children, or 5 and more children. 2. The age of the youngest child. This means the age of the youngest child at the suicide or matching time, and was categorized as follows: older than 18 years, 7 to 18 years, 4 to 6 years, 2 to 3 years, from birth to 1 year, or no link to a child. 3. Psychiatric illness in children. This indicates whether any of the children had ever been admitted for a psychiatric disorder from April 1, 1969, to the matching time, and was classified into no child admitted, 1 child ever admitted, 2 or more children ever admitted, or no link to a child. 4. Deaths in children. This contains the age and cause of death of children dying from January 1, 1970, to the matching time. Because few persons had 2 or more children who had died, only 2 persons had a child who died of a completed suicide at an age younger than 18 years, and no subject had a child who died of suicide while another child died of other causes, we grouped this variable into mutually exclusive categories according to the age and death mode of the youngest dead child (ie, no death among children, loss of a child aged <1 year, loss of a child aged 1-6 years, loss of a child aged 7-17 years, nonsuicidal death of a child aged ≥18 years, suicidal death of a child aged ≥18 years, or no link to a child). In addition, the duration between the death of a child and the date of suicide or matching was also constructed, and was grouped into within 1 month, 1 to 12 months, 1 to 5 years, or more than 5 years. We adjusted data for the confounding variables that were highly associated with suicide in Denmark.4,5 We extracted socioeconomic and demographic data from the IDA Database for the year before the year of suicide or matching and psychiatric admission status, updated to the date of suicide or matching, from The Danish Psychiatric Central Register. The data studied were as follows: (1) marital status, being single or cohabiting vs married; (2) labor market status, unemployed for less than 20% of total weeks, unemployed for between 20% and 80% of total weeks, unemployed for more than 80% of total weeks, disability pensioner, retired because of age, receipt of other social benefits, or out of the labor market vs fully employed; (3) annual income, the first, second, or third quartile vs the highest quartile; (4) ethnicity, Danish citizens born abroad or non-Danish citizens vs Danish citizens born in Denmark; (5) place of residence, the capital area or cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants vs other areas; (6) sickness-related absence from work, away from a job because of illness for more than 3 consecutive weeks vs no sickness-related absence; and (7) psychiatric admission status, currently admitted to a psychiatric hospital or 1 month, 2 to 6 months, 7 to 12 months, or more than 1 year since the latest discharge vs never admitted to a psychiatric hospital. We conducted all analyses using SAS statistical software, version 8.15 The relative risk of suicide was estimated by a conditional logistic regression model using the PHREG procedure in SAS. Conditional risk ratios and their 95% confidence limits were estimated. The Wald test was used to examine whether the risk ratio in various categories was significantly different from the reference. P values of the interaction test were based on the likelihood ratio test; for instance, the interaction between a specified variable and sex was tested by comparing the likelihood value of the full model, including all variables and their sex interactions, with the likelihood value of the same model excluding only the sex interactions with the specified variable. A test of trends, as if suicide risk increases or decreases with continuous changes of a study variable, was performed from the full model of the conditional logistic regression analysis. The value of each variable used for the trend test was defined as 0, 1, 2, . . . , according to the order of the categories grouped for each variable, with 0 referring to the reference category. In this study, 65.1% of the suicide cases were men; 46.4% of the suicide cases vs 70.5% of the controls were married or cohabiting; and 47.4% of the suicide cases vs 4.9% of the controls had a history of a psychiatric admission. Table 1 displays the distribution of information about children in categories. Compared with the controls, individuals who committed suicide were less likely to have children or to have a young child, while they more often had a child with a psychiatric disorder or a child who had died. The results of the conditional logistic regression analysis are shown in Table 2. The odds ratios (ORs) derived from the crude analysis decreased or increased gradually in the direction as expected. However, when including all these variables in one model and further adjusting for subjects' own socioeconomic, demographic, and psychiatric admission status, the protective effect of children for the total subjects was much reduced and was significant only for having 5 or more children and having a child younger than 3 years. However, this general effect of parenthood in reality reflected different effects in mothers and fathers (sex interaction test: P = .02 for the number of children and P<.001 for the age of the youngest child). In the adjusted analysis, the protective effect of having children was not statistically significant for men, but it remained significant for women with 3 or more children. The tests of trend indicated that suicide risk decreased significantly with increasing number of children only for women (test of trend: OR, 0.94; P<.01). At the same time, the influence of having a young child was much stronger in women than in men; it was statistically significant (P<.01) for men only when having a child from birth to the age of 1 year, while it was significant for women even with a child younger than 18 years. The test of trend was highly significant for women (OR, 0.77; P<.001) and marginally significant for men (OR, 0.97; P = .05), indicating that having a younger child is more protective, especially in women. In addition, the impacts of having children and having a young child did not differ according to marital status in women (marriage interaction test: P = .06 and P = .14, respectively), whereas they differed significantly by marital status in men (marriage interaction test: P<.001 and P<.01, respectively). For married or cohabiting men, the protective effect of having children was pronounced, and increased with the number of children. The adjusted ORs (95% confidence intervals [CIs]) were as follows: 1 child, 0.96 (0.87-1.05); 2 children, 0.88 (0.81-0.97); 3 to 4 children, 0.82 (0.73-0.91); and 5 or more children, 0.76 (0.60-0.97). However, an almost reversed pattern was the case for single men. The adjusted ORs (95% CIs) were as follows: 1 child, 1.10 (0.98-1-23); 2 children, 1.14 (1.02-1.29); 3 to 4 children, 1.19 (1.03-1.37); and 5 or more children, 0.84 (0.43-1.76). Having a child younger than 2 years reduced the suicide risk significantly (OR, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.63-0.85; P<.01) only for married or cohabiting men. Having 1 or more children admitted for a psychiatric disorder significantly increased the suicide risk, but its effect was much reduced when further adjusted for the subjects' own psychiatric admission status and other factors. Although it remained on a significant level for men, the effect was not statistically different between men and women (sex interaction test: P = .92). Moreover, the effect of mental illness in children differed significantly by the subject's own psychiatric status (interaction test: P<.03 for men and P<.01 for women). In the full analysis, having a child with a psychiatric disorder increased suicide risk only for fathers and mothers who had never been admitted for a psychiatric diagnosis. For those without a psychiatric history, the adjusted ORs (95% CIs) of having 1 and 2 or more children admitted were 1.25(1.06-1.48) and 2.46 (1.49-4.09) for fathers, respectively, and 1.62 (1.27-2.06) and 1.75 (0.64-4.82) for mothers, respectively. For those with a psychiatric history, the corresponding adjusted ORs (95% CIs) were 1.07 (0.88-1.30) and 0.96 (0.52-1.78) for fathers, respectively, and 0.95 (0.79-1.14) and 1.17(0.62-2.18) for mothers, respectively. The loss of a child markedly increased the suicide risk for men and women (sex interaction test: P = .15). The effect was particularly marked when a child died during early childhood (eg, the OR was 5.18 for men and 4.70 for women if a child died at the age of 1-6 years). The relative risks decreased somehow when a child died at an older age, but the suicidal death of a child older than 18 years also showed a strong impact on parental, especially maternal, suicide. Moreover, for women, the influence of a child dying of a completed suicide after the age of 18 years was significantly higher than that of a same-age child dying of a nonsuicidal cause (χ2 = 7.30, P<.01). Alternatively, when replacing the death mode and age of a child with the timing of the death of a child in the full model, losing a child within 1 month had an extremely strong impact on parental suicide. The adjusted ORs(95% CIs) associated with losing a child within 1 month, from 1 to 12 months, from 1 to 5 years, and more than 5 years before the suicide were 34.68 (19.31-62.29), 1.59 (0.88-2.89), 1.43 (1.02-1.98), and 1.11 (0.80-1.54) for men, respectively; the corresponding ORs (95% CIs) were 76.05 (26.64-217.08), 4.56 (2.16-9.61), 1.80 (1.16-2.80), and 1.86 (1.25-2.77) for women. To our knowledge, this study is the first to estimate the impact and relative importance of variables related to children on parental suicide while controlling for a wide range of individual factors. Moreover, the method of retrieving data from Danish longitudinal population-based registers makes it possible to include a large sample in this study, yielding better statistical power in a study of a relatively uncommon risk factor, such as a suicidal death in children. In Denmark, all death certificates are completed by physicians. If a cause is uncertain, whether it is a suicide, an unintentional injury, a homicide, or a natural cause of death, the police will require a forensic medical examination. Although some errors of omission or misclassification may exist, we believe this would not influence our results much because we included only definite suicides as the cases. Also, because of the availability of data, we were only able to include psychiatric data for people admitted to hospitals, which may represent a severe spectrum of psychiatric disorders; and we were unable to study other desirable variables, such as children's physical illness. In addition, our findings regarding young children may apply generally to relatively younger subjects, while the findings regarding psychiatric disorders and suicide in children may apply to relatively older parents. This study shows that the presence of children has a protective impact on suicide in parents in terms of having children and, to a higher degree, having a young child; such effects exist even when adjusted for individual background, such as marital, socioeconomic, and psychiatric status; and their influences are much stronger in women than in men. It is widely expected that childbearing is most often a positive life event that may prevent people from ending their life. The results from this study support the hypothesis by Durkheim1 of parenthood reducing suicide risk and the attachment theory by Adam2 as well. Our finding of a significantly decreased risk of suicide with increasing number of children for women is in line with the findings of the study by Hoyer and Lund,3 and is also concordant with studies16,17 investigating reasons for living, in which a negative correlation was found between child- and family-related concerns and suicidal behaviors. Our finding that people, especially women, with a younger child were less likely to commit suicide is consistent with the literature.4,5,18,19 An exception from this pattern would, of course, be the increased suicide risk in women with puerperal mental disorders,20,21 but this is probably too uncommon to have any substantial impact on the general protective effect of children. Moreover, to our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate that suicide risk is reduced with the decreasing age of the youngest child; to our knowledge, it is also the first to indicate that having a young child is more important than a large family in relation to preventing parents from committing suicide. At the same time, our findings of significant sex differences for the protective effects of children and the interactions of these differences with the subject's marital status strongly suggest that being a parent of a child or a young child, in its own right, reduces suicide risk more often in women than in men, rather than other factors (eg, being married per se, which may be more protective against suicide for men than for women).5,22 Also, the fact that fewer fathers than mothers have custody of their children when separated or divorced may contribute to the negative effect of having children on fathers living separately. It is difficult to fully explain the protective impact of children on parental suicide. One important approach could be that the presence of children and/or young children may increase parents' feelings of self-worth, possibly based on their perception of being needed. Another explanation might be that children can provide emotional and material support to parents when they have difficulties or setbacks. Also, there might be a selection effect that people in better health, physically and mentally, or generally leading a happier life are more likely to have children. For instance, psychiatric illness may affect one's opportunities for marriage and childbearing.23 In this study, we find that having a child with a psychiatric illness and, especially, losing a child are associated with an elevated suicide risk, and their influences are similar in men and women. Also, a child dying at an earlier age during childhood has a stronger effect on suicide in parents, and the suicidal death of a child increases the risk of suicide more than the nonsuicidal death of a child. In addition, the suicide risk in parents is particularly high during the first month after losing a child. Our results, that the effect of a psychiatric illness in children was markedly eliminated in the full analyses and that it significantly increased suicide risk only for those without a history of a psychiatric admission, suggest that a mental disorder in children is more likely to act as a risk factor for suicide through the association with a mental disorder in parents, even though we cannot determine to what extent it is due to genetic transmission of mental disorders or familial aggregation of other factors. Loss of a child has a strong influence on parental suicide, and its impact was even increased when further adjusted for other risk factors. These results suggest that losing a child may contribute more than other factors to provoke parents to want to die, which is especially the case when losing a young child likely to be strongly attached to and dependent on the parents. Our results are concordant with, and may be explained by, the findings from previous studies that parents bereaved through the loss of a child showed a higher level of mental distress or psychiatric problems,6,7 survivors of young decedents were more grief stricken and depressed and in greater shock than those of older decedents,24 and grief recovery was more difficult for mothers of young deceased adults.25 Furthermore, our study also shows an excess risk of suicide in parents, especially mothers, who had an adult child who died of a completed suicide. It has been suggested that suicide bereavement is distinct in 3 significant ways: the thematic content of the grief, the social processes surrounding the survivor, and the impact suicide has on family systems.26 Although no study has investigated specific grief reactions in parents to the suicidal death of a child, to our knowledge, it is understandable that if a child died of suicide, the parents may experience strong feelings of guilt, responsibility, shame, stigmatization, and rejection. In addition, to our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate suicide risk in parents in relation to the timing since losing a child. The possible homicide-suicide may associate with the extremely high risk immediately after losing a child,27 but such cases are rare and would unlikely contribute much to the risk. Nevertheless, our results strongly suggest that familial and social support is necessary and important for parents who lose a child, especially during the first month after the death of the child. In conclusion, by using data from Danish longitudinal registers, this large case-control study found that the impact of children on parental suicide can be protective because of having children, while it can also be negative (eg, if losing a child). This cannot be explained by the differences in other risk factors, such as marital, socioeconomic, and psychiatric status. Parents with children, especially a young child, are at a reduced risk of suicide, while at the same time parents bereaved through losing a child are at an increased risk, particularly when a child dies in early childhood and during the first month after the loss. Corresponding author and reprints: Ping Qin, MD, PhD, National Center for Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Taasingegade 1, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark (e-mail:firstname.lastname@example.org). Submitted for publication January 22, 2002; final revision received December 20, 2002; accepted January 14, 2003. This study was supported by the Danish Research Council, Copenhagen, Denmark; The Stanley Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, Md; and The Danish National Research Foundation, Copenhagen. We thank Esben Agerbo, MSc, for his help in providing the data for this study. Create a personal account or sign in to:
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To judge from the available evidence, Elliot Ackerman isn't big on wasting time. At 36, he's already done five tours in the Marines, served as a White House Fellow, and worked as a reporter covering the Syrian Civil War. Recently he returned to Iraq, where he fought more than a decade ago, to report a feature that will be published in Esquire this spring. As if that weren't enough, Ackerman is also a critically acclaimed novelist. In 2015, he published Green on Blue, his debut novel, which drew on his military experience in Afghanistan and was praised by the New York Times for presenting "a bone-deep understanding of the toll that a seemingly endless war has taken on ordinary Afghans who have known no other reality for decades." Today, Knopf published Ackerman's second novel, Dark at the Crossing. Set along the border between Turkey and Syria, the story follows Haris Abadi, an Iraqi who earned his U.S. citizenship while working with American special forces during the Iraq War, as he tries to join the fight against Assad's regime. Hailed by Publisher's Weekly as "a timely and unsettling novel" that "presents a stark and multifaceted portrait of the civil war in Syria," Dark at the Crossing promises to be one of the most essential books of 2017. Ackerman and I spoke recently about his new book, about the challenges of understanding the Islamic State, and about the ethics of so-called cultural appropriation. What follows is a condensed and edited version of our conversation. Dark at the Crossing is the second book you've written from the perspective of someone who is, superficially at least, not at all like you. Why this approach? It's actually not intentional. I think it's sort of a coincidence. Most of the fiction that I like to read is an assertion of the ways that we're similar, as opposed to the ways that we're different. I have this optimistic idea that you can imagine your way into anybody else's circumstances. But the thing about Haris Abadi—you'll notice his name is Haris instead of Harris, it's a somewhat American name—is that he is an American. He's an American citizen. He's this man of two identities. And the conflict between those identities plays out throughout the book. For him as a character, it was an exploration of which of those two conflicting identities was going to hold primacy over the other. My first book really almost came as a reaction to having spent a bunch of time in Afghanistan and seeing how many Afghans were characterized. I wanted to provide a counternarrative to that. Characterized where? And how? In the U.S. media. In Afghanistan I served exclusively as an advisor to Afghan troops. And so, those guys were, in effect, my war buddies. We did all the things that guys have always done—fought together, bled together, mourned friends together. And then I came home, and they're not guys I can keep up with on Facebook or go get fifty-cent beers with at the local VFW. Those guys are in Afghanistan. I think that book in some ways was written as a last act of friendship toward them, to try to distill much of what they'd told me during long rides in a Toyota Hilux across the Afghan countryside and how they viewed the war, which was not an Americanized view of it. So, I view the two books as very different. I recognize that in two cases, they are books that have non-native-born-American protagonists. At the same time, I think it's tough to be writing about anything that's going on in the world if you're only going to write from a completely American-centric approach. You have to have these characters come into books if you're going to write. Without giving away too much, I'll note that there's a character in Dark at the Crossing who fights for the Islamic State, also known as the Daesh. It seems like you took pains to not make him a caricature of a certain vision of the Daesh. Yeah, because it's boring. And it's overly simplistic. When I was in Gaziantep, a Syrian friend of mine who'd been an activist in the revolution was working for an NGO. We were all living in a house together. One night he comes home—we're having dinner and fixing it in the kitchen—and he comes up to me. This guy, his name's Abed, he speaks English with a perfect British accent because he spent time working at the British consulate in Damascus. He says, "Elliot, I met a guy today in the Akcakale refugee camp who I think you should meet." I say, "Okay, Abed. Who's the guy?" He says, "Well, you know, he fought for Al-Qaeda in Iraq but I think the two of you would really get along." That turned into a piece that I did that ran in The Daily Beast. But it turned into a series of meetings. I met with this guy—his name's Abu Hassar—and we would just talk about our wars, and talk about what was going on in the world from his perspective. And why is his perspective not legitimate? Of course it's legitimate. And if you were going to try to draw that character, why would you want to do it in an overly simplistic way? When I'm writing a character—even a character who is despicable —I think the onus is on me to write that character as though they were making their case in front of God. To give them all the urgency they can possibly have, to give them all the credibility they can possibly have, so that they can make their case. In the book, I hope the Daesh character makes his case. I mean, there's a case there. Yeah, and it very much runs counter to the dominant portrayal in the U.S. media, where you see a lot of incomprehension. It's almost an embrace of incomprehension, like: We couldn't possibly understand their nihilist motives. Everybody falls back on that. To settle for a lack of understanding is ultimately anti-intellectual. Whether you write fiction or you're a journalist, you should be able to parse someone's motives, and not conflate understanding with agreement. Nine months ago, there were stories about how, in the Pentagon, they had convened a special task force to examine why people were joining the Islamic State. It was like: We just have no idea. How is this possible? To me that's absurd. What do you mean you don't understand why people would join the Islamic State? You recruit hundreds of thousands of eighteen- and nineteen-year-olds to join the U.S. military and go across the world to countries they've never heard of to fight. You do it through J. Walter Thompson advertising campaigns, through things on social media. What do you mean you don't get it? The Daesh have a campaign that says, "Come join us, ride with the caliphate." You know: "Be the prophet's companion! Save your homeland." "A jihad of one." You think: God, you have to be kidding me. Why do you need a task force? Why is this so difficult? But I think it's difficult because, again, often we conflate understanding something with agreeing with it. That if you're a super-far-left Democrat, and you say, "I understand why all these people voted for Trump," then that means you agree with it, or, vice versa, if you're a right-wing Tea Party person and you say, "I understand why all these people think Obamacare is fantastic," that means you agree with it. You can understand something without agreeing with it. It reminds me of the great line from The Big Lebowski. Remember when they're driving the car and it's Walter and the Dude and they're having this argument, and Walter says to the Dude, "Am I wrong, dude? Am I wrong?" And the Dude says, "No, Walter, you're not wrong. You're just an asshole." In the Daily Beast piece, you quote Abu Hassar saying, "If you lose your money, you can make a new business. If you lose your love, you can find another. Even if you lose your child, you can go to your wife's bed again. But if you lose your country, what can you do? How can you make another country?" It seemed to me that those are questions that might be in a lot of your characters' minds in the new novel. In some ways in this book, I'm trying to convey what I saw as a very harrowing predicament amongst many of the Syrians who became friends of mine. And that's a predicament for folks who are democratic activists, who had gone out in the streets to protest a despotic regime and to demand more rights. It's sort of an irrefutable cause. How can you discredit them for wanting to do that? It then resulted in a level of chaos and disorder, and a revolution, which led to the complete dissolution of their country. So you would sit there with many folks and the subject of the revolution would come up. And on the one hand you would see there was a lot of pride in what they had done. They had taken that stand and gone out in the streets and demanded their rights. But the result was the complete destruction of their country. So that experience completely cleft their heart and there's incredible internal conflict with them. Am I proud of this? Am I not proud of this? Should we have done it? Should we have not done it? And then, furthermore, the ones who are in southern Turkey are the ones who have fled. I did a piece about some of Syria's diaspora of poets. And at one point one of them says to me, "You know, one of the great things about being here and being out of the country after the revolution is I can write anything I want for the first time in my life. I can say anything that I want in my poetry." And then he looked at me and said, "But the only problem with that is, without Syria, there is no Syrian poetry." And that conflict—there's no resolution to it. But that's what many of these people are living with. When you lose your country, how do you make a new country? It's also that emotional space: How do you ever feel whole again when this happened? I don't see any direct path for the folks who are going through this to feel whole. There's a debate in some literary quarters about the ethics of what's called cultural appropriation. Whether with this book or with the previous novel, did you ever find yourself saying, "Wait a second, is there something fundamentally wrong about me telling this story?" No, I think it's your place as an author to be an authority and to understand what it is you're writing about. And I felt very confident I understood what it was I was writing about. That idea, which maybe seems to be in fashion right now, to me is an incredibly cynical way to parse our literature—cynical in so much as what literature fundamentally does, or any good art does, is to assert that we are more alike than we are different. These areas of overlap are where great art can be made.
Blue-green, wallet-size cards now carried by U.S. remote pilots of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) closely resemble the certificates that airline transport pilots and other safety-certificated airmen have earned. Technically, the distinguishing elements are the background artwork and the acronym UAS in prominent white text. Culturally, the similarities are not coincidental; they reinforce the safety-critical responsibility and authority that holders must exercise to fly these drones (ASW, 5/15). This pilot rating — introduced Aug. 29, 2016 — and its effect on the sUAS domain came up frequently in panel discussions held by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials and UAS industry safety leaders at the FAA UAS Symposium on March 27–29 in Reston, Virginia. Between August 2016 and late March, FAA issued more than 37,000 remote pilot certificates. A key interest of the panelists and attendees was how well the remote pilots will accept and proactively manage the risks of their flight operations in the National Airspace System (NAS) under U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) Part 107, Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Airline pilot panelists emphasized that the mindset during flights by remote pilots, regardless of today’s relative simplicity of Part 107 qualifications, should be comparable to what is expected of manned aircraft pilots. Bryan Quigley, managing director and system chief pilot, United Airlines, and co-chair, FAA Drone Advisory Committee Subcommittee, said, “We assume that when aviators climb in the cockpit and carry passengers around the world that they’re going to understand what the rules are. They’re going to be willing and they’re going to be able to comply with them. That’s the same thing that I would expect from anybody that’s flying a drone. There are certain conditions that you can cause while operating that drone that can be incredibly risky. “If airplane pilots see drones on approach to the airport, the question to ask is ‘How did those drones get there?’ I actually believe that the vast majority got there because somebody lost control of that aircraft or they just had no idea where they were operating. A rather small number [of sUAS-pilot respondents] reported back on our subcommittee’s last survey that they had lost control. I’m making this up, but let’s just say it’s 10 percent — if 10 percent of 2 million [sUAS] aircraft have lost control, that’s a lot of opportunity to be sighted operating in the wrong place.” FAA Administrator Michael Huerta described the back story of Part 107’s lengthy cultural clash this way: “Now we’re ushering in a new age of aviation here in America — the unmanned aircraft era. And it’s moving at a quicker pace than anything that any of us have seen before. It’s fair to say that what is sometimes called the ‘traditional aviation industry’ has its own culture and that [the] unmanned aircraft [community] has a culture that is quite different from that. The traditional aviation culture is a very cautious culture. Nobody wants to be the one who messes up what has been an incredible safety record. The UAS community comes to us with a culture that is predicated much more on innovation, on getting products to market as quickly as possible. And they want the market to serve the sorting function — of ‘making the product better.’ It is important that the cultures coexist and work together.” Huerta and other FAA panelists noted that the agency has developed what one called an “enormous willingness to trust” remote pilots flying sUAS aircraft in the NAS under Part 107. Earl Lawrence, director, FAA UAS Integration Office, said he has to be constantly aware of the week-to-week pace of sUAS innovation, anticipating millions of drone operators and managing the already-high volume of these aircraft. “In the FAA, we’re just not used to dealing with the numbers that we’re dealing with. It just changes even the basic systems that we have,” he said. “Drones in your backyard is kind of a new experience to us all … the realization that we’re not just integrating drones into the FAA or into the NAS, but we are integrating into society a whole new technology. To do this, we really need to focus on some keystones: safety, shared accountability and collaboration.” From the drone industry’s perspective, Ben Marcus, CEO, AirMap, and co-chair, Unmanned Aircraft Safety Team (UAST), said that despite awareness of safety data gaps, early research has given this team’s analysts the anecdotal impression of positive progress toward the desired sUAS safety level and appreciation of the need to calculate rates of sUAS safety events. “This data bracket is a real challenge to the UAST because we don’t have any ‘real accidents’ to analyze. Thankfully today, sUAS are pretty safe. You just don’t hear about fatalities. So I think we’re starting in a good place.” AirMap, which offers an airspace-management services platform for drone flights, already services more than 100,000 drone flights per day, he said. “The UAST wants to enable [studying] more kinds of use cases over time. On the [occurrence-rate] denominator side, we’re looking for data similar to what the airlines have been collecting for flight operations quality assurance. So how do we collect a broad corpus of operational data? We have a group within the UAST working with large operators and manufacturers that have already volunteered to share a lot of this data.” Details of data confidentiality and protection are still being developed. |Aircraft Requirements*||Pilot Requirements||Airspace Requirements||Types of Operation| |COA = certificate of waiver or authorization; FARs = U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations; UAS = unmanned aircraft system; VLOS = visual line of sight * All UAS greater than 0.55 lb must be registered (see Part 47 and Part 48 requirements) Source: U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UAS Symposium |FARs Part 107||UAS < 55 lb (25 kg)||Part 107 remote pilot certificate with small UAS rating||Airspace waiver or authorization for Class B, C, D, E airspace||VLOS, daytime, Class G, 400 ft, not over people; or waiver provisions| |Section 333||As specified in exemption||Part 61 airman certificate||Blanket COA or Standard COA for specific airspace||UAS > 55 lb| |Experimental aircraft||Experimental Special Airworthiness Certificate||Part 61 airman certificate||Standard COA for specific airspace||Research and development, crew training and market survey| |Type certificated aircraft||Restricted type or special class certification||Part 61 airman certificate||Part 91 airspace requirements||Specified in operating authorization| |Public aircraft||Self-certification by public agency||Self-certification by public agency||Blanket COA or Standard COA for specific airspace||Public Aircraft Operations (AC 00-1.1A) UAS Test Site operations| |Part 101 model aircraft||UAS < 55 lbs.||Community-based organization (CBO) standards||Notification requirement within 5 mi (8 km) of an airport||Hobby or recreational, VLOS, Part 101 operating rules, CBO standards| Remote Pilot Indoctrination FAA panelists summarized the knowledge, skills and attitudes that remote pilots are expected to possess while exercising their flight privileges, as explained in today’s “ground school” training curriculum and multimedia resources designed for written test preparation and periodic refreshers. Among points underscored were the “homework” of carefully assessing operating conditions before and during every flight; explicitly designating the remote pilot-in-command (PIC) for each flight; studying scenarios in which the PIC may need to exercise authority to deviate from regulations in the immediate interest of safety and later be able to justify the decision, if required; understanding how FAA enforces compliance with restrictions such as flying near people but not flying directly over people, safe coverage structures for people under the flight path of a drone and maintaining direct visual line of sight with the aircraft; yielding right of way to all other aircraft; avoiding interference with the traffic patterns at any airport; obeying strict prohibitions against dropping objects from a drone; and realizing the broad scope of behavior, inaction and failures that FAA could identify as “careless and reckless operations.” Joe Morra, manager, FAA Safety and Operations Branch, FAA UAS Integration Office, said that upon receiving the remote pilot certificate, safety becomes the airman’s personal responsibility. “You’re part of the safety culture, and you are flying with airline pilots. It’s Class G [uncontrolled] airspace at 400 ft AGL [above ground level] unless you’re within 400 ft [122 m] of a structure. You keep the drone 2,000 ft [610 m horizontally] from a cloud. Airliners pop out of clouds all the time. You need enough distance to make sure that you’re not going to impact, or even come close, to that aircraft. You need to understand, beyond the regulations, how to utilize those regulations safely.” (Among other Part 107 operating restrictions relevant to collision avoidance, the sUAS aircraft also must be no less than 500 ft below the cloud, minimum flight visibility as observed from the control station must be no less than 3.0 mi [2.6 nm/5 km] and the groundspeed of the sUAS aircraft may not exceed 87 kt [100 mph/161 kph].) Steve Jangelis, aviation safety chairman, Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA), and a Delta Air Lines captain, told the symposium that the union supported FAA’s slow and methodical approach during Part 107 rulemaking — most of all, ensuring that people flying aircraft under this regulation are regarded by society as aircraft pilots. “Congratulations! We are all sharing this airspace as a result, and we’re happy to share,” he said. “We wanted to make sure that we have folks flying who are called pilots not operators. The bottom line is that a well-educated, well-trained pilot is the best safety tool. “But whether you’ve done 10 or 20 years as an aviator in the military or four years at an advanced school to get your flight experience, training takes you to the minimum, and so do these regulations. The remote pilot certificate is a license to learn. “Our big concern — as we look at a drone made of plastics, steel, composites and lithium batteries — is what happens when it goes into an airplane engine. I know I’m ‘selling’ a little bit of fear here, but it could happen. Ten years ago, airline pilots were saying, ‘Dual-engine failure due to birds will never happen.’ So we fear that the next collision will be with a large drone or a small drone in our airspace or another object that isn’t manned. When we start getting into flying larger UAS aircraft operating beyond visual line of sight, that’s another big concern to us.” ALPA also considers practical demonstrations of proficiency in piloting each type of sUAS aircraft to be flown a very important issue. He added, “I know it’s not technically an FAA requirement right now, but I think it’s something remote pilots need to [consider]. Introducing sUAS aircraft into controlled airspace adds risk to airline passengers, cargo operations and the public at large. In order to maintain safety, remote pilots will be required to reliably and consistently control the sUAS aircraft with a higher degree of accuracy and pilot proficiency [than in Class G airspace]. Learn what your vehicle can do. Stay in touch with the manufacturer on any software updates, geofences and things like that. It’s also your responsibility as pilot-in-command to make sure that you’re aware of everything on board that aircraft, and operate it in a safe and methodical manner.” Waivers Unlock Extra Privileges Remote pilots benefit from substantial freedom and autonomy to fly their registered aircraft just by complying with the provisions of U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) Part 107, Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems(sUAS). For remote pilots or operators that pursue a waiver — authorization to deviate from the regulation — the application-review process can be intentionally arduous, say some officials of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Waivers could be characterized as enabling expanded privileges that the FAA may grant temporarily on a case-by-case basis through this nominally 90-day process. Technically, FARs Section 107.200(a), “Waiver policy and requirements,” states that the FAA administrator may issue a certificate of waiver authorizing a deviation from any regulation specified in Section 107.205, “List of regulations subject to waiver,” if the administrator finds that a proposed sUAS operation can safely be conducted under the terms of that certificate of waiver. Currently, FAA typically grants waivers for 24 calendar months but possibly for up to 48 calendar months in cases of long-term or recurring flight operations. Intriguing possibilities have been imagined for waivers to accommodate new UAS technologies and/or cases of unique operational circumstances. The opportunity to fly drones free of one or more of the nine prohibitions in 107.205 stimulated numerous panel discussions and audience questions at the FAA UAS Symposium, held March 27–29 in Reston, Virginia. (The accompanying main article describes how FAA headquarters separately handles air traffic control sUAS airspace waivers and airspace authorizations. The latter is a three- to five-week application-review process to analyze remote pilots’ or operators’ applications for approval to transit or operate up to 400 ft above ground level within controlled airspace, at specific times, over a period lasting up to six months.) FAA panelists said that the “non-airspace-associated” Part 107 waivers incentivize and challenge remote pilots and operators to go deeper in identifying real-world risks and in proposing credible mitigations. James Viola, manager, General Aviation and Commercial Division, FAA Flight Standards Service, also said that while FAA already has “lifted restrictions on all kinds of different things” in this context, the agency avoids trying to constrain, define or dictate a specific solution to the individual remote pilot/operator. Brad Zeigler, aviation safety analyst, Airman Training and Certification Branch, FAA Flight Standards Service, said, “The most common waiver request is for night operations, followed by requests for operations over people, operations beyond visual line of sight and operations from a moving vehicle. We have issued almost 400 non–airspace-associated waivers. About 312 of them are posted on our website.” These include the certificates of waiver issued and the FAA conditions associated with each waiver, offering valuable insights to others on what FAA has approved, he said. “You’re going to have a pretty hefty load to carry in terms of convincing us that you can do all of the things that you’re describing,” Zeigler told attendees. “So only ask for what you need. Then only send us the information that we need to consider your application. We don’t have time to go through 2,000 pages just so we can issue an ‘authorization of operations at night’ waiver.” Examples he gave of denied waivers typically revealed applicants’ misunderstanding of the application process, despite FAA’s enhanced website instructions and free personalized advice. FAA also strongly discourages anyone from copying the work of others or taking similar shortcuts from original analysis, an easily recognized characteristic of some denied applications. Examples also reflected that many remote pilots are new aviators who have never requested a waiver from FAA. Their applications especially show little or no understanding of the obligation to identify risk probability and severity, or how to clearly explain their risks and persuasively argue how their proposed mitigations conform to FAA performance-based standards and would be effective. The most difficult waivers to grant have been flying over people and flying beyond the visual line of sight, Zeigler said. By several FAA panelists’ estimates, finalizing Part 107 “changed everything” by essentially preauthorizing remote pilots to fly sUAS aircraft at up to 400 ft AGL in the Class G airspace now depicted by FAA on digital sectional aeronautical charts. They noted that Class G constitutes about 90 percent of all low-level airspace in the NAS. Under Part 107, remote pilots or operators have flexibility to conduct non-commercial or commercial or public aircraft flights of small UAS (weighing 0.55 lb [0.2 5kg] to less than 55 lb [25 kg]). The public demand already experienced by FAA shows that a large subset of all remote pilots wants to fly their aircraft through controlled airspace as soon as possible, and panelists said the key to facilitating that capability is the remote pilots of sUAS being aware of manned aircraft that could be flying in the same airspace. In this context, James Eck, assistant administrator, FAA NextGen Office, said the agency encourages remote pilots — but does not require them — to apply the best training, procedures and technologies at their disposal (such as monitoring ground control station–sited receivers of automatic dependent surveillance–broadcast [ADS-B Out] messages from manned aircraft) to detect manned aircraft or even large drones, and to take immediate action to see other aircraft and avoid a collision. “ADS-B will play more of a safety role for unmanned aircraft to stay clear of manned aircraft that are radiating ADS-B,” he said. Symposium panelists also noted that remote pilots, with few exceptions, ideally should “guard” relevant aeronautical radio frequencies but not initiate voice communication with air traffic control (ATC), airport authorities or pilots of other aircraft because such calls could saturate ATC communications. Remote pilot certification is based on scoring 70 percent correct answers on a proctored multiple-choice written examination representing key knowledge areas, and on a background check by the Department of Homeland Security. The knowledge areas comprise: applicable regulations relating to sUAS rating privileges, limitations and flight operation; airspace classification and operating requirements, and flight restrictions affecting sUAS aircraft operation; aviation weather sources and effects of weather on sUAS aircraft performance; sUAS aircraft loading and performance; emergency procedures; crew resource management; radio communication procedures; determining the performance of sUAS aircraft; physiological effects of drugs and alcohol; aeronautical decision making and judgment; airport operations; and sUAS aircraft maintenance and preflight inspection procedures. By comparison with the 37,000 remote pilot certificates issued, about 600,000 FAA manned aircraft pilot certificates are now in circulation, and since late 2016 — when registration of all UAS aircraft and model aircraft became mandatory — FAA has registered about 770,000 drones. However, most of these drones are model aircraft flown by hobby or recreational drone owners under community-based organization standards defined by the Special Rule for Model Aircraft (Public Law 112-95, Section 336) and FARs Part 101, Subpart E, Model Aircraft; a U.S. federal appeals court in mid-May struck down the registration requirement as it applied to hobbyists. Trusting Remote Pilots An individual’s FAR-compliance intent — demonstrated by pilot certification and drone registration — normally leads FAA to presume that a given remote pilot intended to comply with all applicable FARs. Peggy Gilligan, who retired March 31 as associate administrator of the FAA Aviation Safety Organization, said that in regulatory enforcement, the agency therefore first turns to its compliance philosophy–based policy. “If you’ve gone to the trouble of understanding what waivers and other approvals you might need, that shows you mean to do this correctly,” she said. “By and large, folks who operate in the NAS are voluntary compliers. UAS is a new community; so you do need to demonstrate that your intention is to be in compliance. Then if there is some time that you are not compliant, our approach will be to understand why that happened, and we and you will make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Brad Zeigler, aviation safety analyst, Airman Training and Certification Branch, FAA Flight Standards Service, said that the consequences of any remote pilot’s reckless, careless or willfully noncompliant behavior while flying an sUAS aircraft could disrupt or ruin an aviation career if that person also happens to be a pilot, aviation maintenance technician, air traffic controller, aviation safety inspector or flight attendant, for example. “If you do something that is so egregious or is a fraudulent case, then it is possible that it could affect your other certificates. For the more malicious or egregious or intentional cases, all certificates are potentially affected,” he said. Written applications for these waivers are granted or denied on a case-by-case basis and approval is contingent on the remote pilot (or operator) writing an adequately detailed, well-reasoned risk analysis and suitable risk mitigations that FAA finds acceptable. The waiverable provisions (and location in the regulation) are known as: operation from a moving vehicle or aircraft (107.25); daylight operation required (107.29); visual line of sight aircraft operation required (107.31); visual observer required (107.33); operation of multiple sUAS aircraft by one remote pilot prohibited (107.35); yielding the right of way to all other aircraft (107.37 [a]); operation over people prohibited (107.39); operation in certain airspace prohibited (107.41); and operating limitations for sUAS (107.51). See details at <faa.gov/uas/request_waiver/>. Brian Wynne, president and CEO of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, said his organization’s analysis of 320 Part 107 waivers showed that 94 percent involved proposed exceptions to the standard prohibition against night flying of sUAS aircraft. Waivers to Part 107 BVLOS = beyond visual line of sight. Source: U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UAS Symposium FAA expects Part 107 waivers to be expedited during 2017 when the remainder of 900 Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) facility maps for Classes B-C-D-E airspace are released within FAA and to the public (see “Safety News,” ASW, 4/17). These free digital maps show controllers, and will show remote pilots, the pre-approved airspace near airports where ATC most readily and safely could authorize remote pilots to fly. Headquarters staff in the FAA Air Traffic Organization already use a centralized system to process applications from remote pilots who seek temporary ATC authorizations to fly within one or more predefined blocks of controlled airspace. These authorizations normally function without subsequent real-time voice or data communication between remote pilots and ATC, or any sUAS avionics to make these drones detectable to air traffic controllers or to pilots of manned aircraft or drones in the vicinity. Comparable work in progress includes the FAA’s program to replace cumbersome and disconnected processes for ATC authorizations using fully automated services to registered remote pilots and others through public portal–database technology, agency officials said. Introducing the certificated remote pilot as a safety factor completes the second phase of long-term FAA UAS initiatives. The FAA’s risk-based introduction of all kinds of UAS into the NAS comprises the following sequential steps: assuring that hobbyist/recreational operations of drones and traditional model aircraft continue within safe confines (done); introducing safe and routine low-altitude flights by certificated remote pilots who are responsible for small UAS aircraft in uncontrolled airspace within their visual line of sight (done); expanding Part 107 to routinely allow sUAS operations over people (a near-term objective); expanding Part 107 to allow beyond visual line of sight operations (a near-term objective); introducing integrated/ATC-controlled UAS operations throughout the NAS (a long-term objective); and future aircraft automation enabling UAS-like pilotless operation of large aircraft, with and without passengers (an aspiration receiving early consideration). In summary, symposium panelists stressed, the newly minted remote pilots have a historic opportunity to positively influence a scenario in which sUAS aircraft fly with predictability and reliably avoid collision with manned aircraft through compliance with Part 107, waivers and ATC authorizations. Many remote pilots and sUAS operators also could equip themselves for optimum situational awareness of manned aircraft while regularly updating their knowledge, skills and attitudes that affect the level of safety. Concise Application Leads to FAA Waiver The FAA UAS Symposium included a story about successfully obtaining a certificate of waiver from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The waiver pertained to remote pilots flying small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) aircraft in commercial operations outside the visual line of sight of the remote pilot-in-command and, in specified situations, without a visual observer. Diana Cooper, vice president of legal and policy affairs, PrecisionHawk, summarized how the company met FAA safety expectations. The proposed sUAS flights would collect data, develop operational standards and create technologies necessary to ensure an adequate level of safety in beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) agricultural operations and in a subset of BVLOS called enhanced visual line of sight (EVLOS) operations in other settings. These activities were part of a 2015 cooperative research and development agreement associated with FAA’s Pathfinder program research on sUAS. The decision — granting the waiver on Aug. 29, 2016, and making it effective until Aug. 31, 2020 — waived U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) Part 107.31 “Visual line of sight aircraft operation” and FARs 107.33, paragraphs (b) and (c)(2) “Visual observer,” essentially enabling a remote pilot for PrecisionHawk to fly an aircraft up to 2.5 nm [2.9 mi/4.6 km] while flying without a visual observer, and to extend that operating area while flying with a visual observer. “Phase I of our research was focused on identifying the range at which an intruding aircraft could be visually detected by the sUAS pilot. In Phase II, we looked at both detection and then the pilot’s reaction,” Cooper said. “The definition we used is that EVLOS is conditions where you can’t actually see your drone because it’s too far away, but you can see and scan the airspace and you would be able to detect an intruding manned aircraft.” The Pathfinder work enabled the company to cite its own safety-case data in the waiver application using a 23-page concept of operations and a 20-page operational risk assessment. She encouraged the audience to borrow the company’s concepts. “We determined that the safe distance where you can detect an intruding manned aircraft is roughly 2.5 nm provided that certain conditions are met — weather, visibility, requirements for the pilot training, and things like that. We also described the process by which an intruding manned aircraft would be detected and avoided under our operations,” she said. “The pilot would initially detect the intruding aircraft using the ground control station display, and, using the display, they would determine the relative position of the sUAS aircraft to the intruding manned aircraft. They would analyze the proximity and then, if needed, they would execute a maneuver to avoid any sort of collision.” The waiver application summarized procedures for flight planning and preparation, site vetting, takeoff–launch and landing–recovery in PrecisionHawk’s flight operations manual and the associated personnel selection and training policies and methods. “We looked at pilot qualifications — the training and experience that we would incorporate into our flight operations and require of our pilots who would be conducting EVLOS and BVLOS flights,” Cooper said. “We first train our pilots on visual line of sight operations so that they get used to conducting these operations in the setting where they later would be conducting the BVLOS operations. This gives them the opportunity to get used to drone operations and to the types of distractions that might be occurring in the particular environment … to learn to tune out farm equipment on the property or even possibly animals, for example. Once pilots have a sufficient level of knowledge and experience on visual line of sight operations, then we would move to training for EVLOS operations.” In EVLOS, the remote pilot must scan normally blank airspace on the display for extended periods, looking for intruding manned aircraft. This activity entails human factors risks such as inattention, fatigue and distraction, which are well documented in the scientific literature of UAS and manned aviation. “So it’s easy to get bored, to get distracted by other things — especially if you’re conducting these operations many times, over and over again, throughout a single day,” she said. “We limited our operation to fairly sparsely populated areas to mitigate the risks. Our waiver application also called out the meteorological conditions in Part 107 [Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems] — 3.0 mi [4.8 km] and clear of clouds. We also limited operations to daytime and Class G airspace — again, to limit the risks. We determined that safe operations would not really be dependent on the UAS platform itself but more on the flight control and the navigation systems that are on board the UAS. They ensure that drones will react in a particular way.” The accompanying operational risk assessment detailed the company’s choices of methods to identify hazards associated with the proposed operations, personnel, environment and systems. “We applied both a quantitative analysis and a qualitative analysis to the hazards, mitigations and residual risk. We placed each hazard in a risk matrix based on the FAA Air Traffic Organization’s safety management system manual from the FAA website,” Cooper said. One example she cited was the risk that a remote pilot fails to observe the intruding manned aircraft on the display because of a distraction. “The likelihood of this risk, we thought, was extremely improbable. Using the risk assessment matrix, the potential effect could be a midair collision and severity would be catastrophic,” she said. The operational risk assessment concluded with the assertion that the company would apply its described mitigations — such as requirements for a semi-autonomous aircraft, ground station alerting of the remote pilot to any degraded system, and the remote pilot conducting every launch and recovery within visual line of sight — “to reduce residual risk so that there are no high-risk hazards associated with the proposed operation.” Featured image: © pict rider | Adobe Stock Sample UAS license: U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
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In industrialized countries, many of … 3 | C o m m o d i t y P r o f i l e f o r P u l s e s - Mar c h 2017 Production of Gram (chickpeas) is the highest among all pulses produced in the country. 3. Production of Pulses in … 5 prepared first with these tow and then only other drugs are added in small quantities and ground in the khalva itself and mixed well. Bhavana with the prescribed svarasa, kvatha etc.; should be given to this Texas - State Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Profile Page of State Population of Texas • Estimated Total Population 2010(1) = 25,145,561 • Adults age 18 and over(2) = 72.7% of the total population in 2010 Certified copies of the accompanying documents must be submitted to the Municipality’s Supply Chain Office within 14 (fourteen) days of submission of application. Failure to submit relevant documentation within the prescribed period will result in disqualification of your application. NO. DESCRIPTION YES/NO 1. 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The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has published a revision to US toy safety standard ASTM F963 - now designated as ASTM F963-16 - that contains several significant changes. It becomes a mandatory requirement starting April 30, 2017. SGS believes that some of the changes will help to align the US requirements with Europe’s (EN 71) and international (ISO 8124) toy standards. The hope is that the revised standard will better clarify certain requirements. In our view, ASTM F963-16 will not affect most toy manufacturers. If your product uses rechargeable batteries, Lithium Ion batteries, or small button cell batteries with a voltage of 1.5v or more, you should pay particular attention to the new regulations. In addition, manufacturers of projectile-launching products will also be affected by the revised standard. The revisions to the 2011 version of the US toy standard are listed below: - Coin/button cell battery requirements - Additional labeling (in Section 5) - Lithium batteries – added temperature/current requirements - Definitions for secondary cell and rechargeable batteries added - Changed to align with ISO 8124 and EN71 - Allowable projectile KED is now 2,500 J/m2 - Added 57mm length requirement for suction cup projectiles - Additional requirements for mouth-activated projectile toys - Foam dart and suction cup requirements - Use of gauge for leading edge radius measurements of rigid projectiles - Other miscellaneous editorial changes Requirements for toy chests were included in the F963 toy standard, including the need for warning labels and specific instructional literature. The separate ASTM F834 Toy Chest standard was discontinued. - Changed to align requirements with ISO 8124 and EN71 - Soaking test and compression test - Gauss meter accuracy specs - Metal discs specified - Other miscellaneous changes - Clarified requirements for heavy metals in textiles and stickers - Clarified that metal extraction test is only required if total Cadmium content is 75 ppm or greater - Addition of HD-XRF for total screen for homogenous polymers - Requirements clarified and defined - Alternative methods such as CTFA allowed - Stuffing cleanliness: test method simplified - Revised to align more closely with EN71 and ISO 8124 - Added definition for push/pull toys Cords and elastics: - Editorial changes to clarify requirements Stuffing material requirements: - State requirements have been removed and changed the test method - Evaluation revised to include the use of a stereo wide field microscope - Strap exemption for ride-on toys - Curb impact for ride-on toys - Further clarify overload and stability requirements for ride-on toys - Clarify non-powered scooters are excluded from scope and are covered by ASTM F2264 - Requirements for expanding materials - Added labeling requirements for button or coin cell batteries - Magnets labeling has been revised - Slight revisions to battery operated toy instructional labeling - Additions to Toy Chest instructional labeling and producer’s markings ASTM publishes a “redline” version of each revised standard, showing the changes as red text. If you would like help in ensuring you comply with the revised regulations, SGS can help. With the largest global network of toy experts and testing facilities around the world (including three EU Notified Bodies and around forty CPSC-Accepted Testing Laboratories), we’re certainly the partner to trust. We offer consultation and comprehensive testing services (physical/mechanical, chemical, flammability, electrical safety) covering international product safety and regulatory standards for a wide range of toys. Our laboratories are internationally recognized by major industry associations, accreditation bodies and authorities. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information, or go to SGS Toys. Technical Director - Hardlines SGS North America Inc. t: +1 (973) 461-7953
(Read Part 2 of this Exclusive Interview.) Jennifer Lewis Priestley is Professor of Statistics and Data Science at Kennesaw State University. icrunchdata speaks with business leaders about the progression of their careers in analytics, what they are focusing on in their current roles and their interests outside of data. We recently spoke to Jennifer Lewis Priestley about her role and the progressive Ph.D. program in Analytics and Data Science at Kennesaw State University. Thanks for speaking to us today, Jennifer... This is actually a second career for me. I graduated from Penn State in 1991 with an MBA and a concentration in Statistics. Early in my career I worked for AT&T in New York and New Jersey, and then worked for Andersen Consulting based in Atlanta, but really flying all over the country. I moved to London in 1997, taking a job with VISA EU. In that position, I worked closely with the Scottish and Irish banks as they transitioned their consumer loan products from primarily debit cards to more profitable credit cards. Every week, I was flying from London to Edinburgh, Dublin or San Francisco. While this sounds exciting, the reality was quite different. After a few years at this pace, I was exhausted. By the age of 30, I had over a million frequent flier miles. In 2000, I moved back to the United States – to Atlanta – and decided to quit. Cold turkey. So I hung up my silk suits and my leather brief case, and pulled out my blue jeans and my backpack, and at the age of 33 I went back to school and completed my Ph.D. in Decision Sciences (an early pre-cursor to Data Science). I interviewed with a few universities in the Atlanta area – all of which were excellent schools – but I was incredibly impressed with my discussions at Kennesaw State University. From the first conversation, there was a clear fit – they were actively seeking people who bridged the gap between academia and the private sector… people who could do theoretical research, but had also engaged in practical application… most of the Statistics faculty had all studied different applications of mathematics, but importantly we all had actually applied our skills outside the classroom in deep and meaningful ways. I should also note that after speaking with several other schools, I was blown away by the positive energy, the momentum and the excitement at KSU…they were on such an explosive trajectory. At that point, the university had about 18,000 students, a few graduate programs, but it was primarily an undergraduate institution. Today, KSU has more than 33,000 students and nearly 150 different undergraduate and graduate degree programs. KSU is now one of the 50 largest public institutions in the nation. I came to KSU in 2004 (incredible to think that I have now been here 12 years!). I began as an assistant professor in Mathematics, teaching applied statistics. At that time, there were no STAT courses…statistics was just another course taught out of the Department of Mathematics. In 2006, I helped to launch our MS in Applied Statistics and our undergraduate minor in Applied Statistics. In many ways, both of these programs were “Data Science” programs – we just did not recognize the term at that time. I say “Data Science” programs, because both programs really integrated the core concepts of programming, mathematics, and applied statistics using REAL data sets from REAL companies (we are fortunate to be just north of Atlanta which is the national or regional headquarters for dozens of Fortune 500 companies). Everything we did (and do) was (is) grounded in Base SAS programming, SQL and R. Shortly after their launch, both of those programs became two of the most successful programs in the history of the university – the MS in Applied Statistics has a 100% placement rate with most students having multiple offers well in advance of graduation, and the undergraduate Minor in Applied Statistics and Data Analysis enrolls about 200 students every semester. I was honored to have an opportunity to teach courses in both of those programs. In the last year, most of my attention has been focused on the development and launch (care and feeding) of the Ph.D. program in Analytics and Data Science. Let me start by saying that this was a VERY long, deliberate and thoughtful process. This program is the culmination of years of collaboration across academic disciplines, collaboration with the private sector, and collaboration and consultation with other universities. When you launch something new, there are no “best practices” to look to…no one had walked this path before. While a silly thing like no precedence did not deter me, some in our space struggled with the idea of an interdisciplinary applied Ph.D. Those adjectives “interdisciplinary” and “applied” are not typically associated with “Ph.D.” The program is both traditional and innovative…both applied and theoretical. Basically…it’s a Ph.D. for the 21st century. The curriculum sits at the intersection of the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Statistics and Analytical Sciences and the Department of Computer Science. The general structure of the program is heavy course work in years 1-2, project and research work in year 3 and dissertation and scholarship in year 4. The Ph.D. in Data Science bridges the gap between theory and application. Because of this unique dimension, the students who come into the program are both theoretical researchers and practitioners – and frequently both simultaneously. In our program, about half of the Ph.D. students are planning to go into academia and the other half are planning to enter the private sector. But increasingly I receive requests from people who intend to do both – work in the private sector while simultaneously maintaining an affiliation with a university. In terms of backgrounds, we see students from the obvious disciplines – Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, information Systems…but we also see students from Engineering and Computational Disciplines – like Finance, Economics, etc. I have also found that students need an “X” factor. This is an innate curiosity to find out “why”…combined with a tenacity to follow an analytical thread until they understand “why.” I can’t put my finger on exactly how to articulate it, but I know it when I see it. It’s a singularly focused curiosity, combined with creativity and perseverance. I am glad that you asked. Here are a few. We were honored in 2014 by ComputerWorld as having one of the most innovative Big Data programs in the country. I was the Chair of the SAS National Analytics Conference in 2015. We are running about seven applications per funded slot in our Ph.D. program…and I get to do cool interviews like this. I think Data Science education should be part of every general education curriculum in every university in the country. Data is not going away. In fact its becoming more ubiquitous. My opinion is that along with the core skills related to reading, writing, basic science…we should be requiring students to learn basic data analysis skills – understand how data is captured and stored…how to extract and load…how to do simple calculations like averages and medians…and how to create meaningful visualizations. These skills are applicable to EVERY major…to EVERY field of study. It’s a “horizontal” set of skills…like writing or problem solving. And we don’t have to wait until college. At the K-12 level, we can integrate basic analytical skills into the curriculum to help bring scientific concepts to life – collect some data on how the plants are growing…then test which kind of plant food worked best. It seems as if early introduction to analytical concepts would make the STEAM disciplines more approachable and more interesting…and increase the probability that they would consider a STEAM major in college. The company that impresses me the most is SAS – they are constantly reinventing themselves in a highly dynamic and shifting marketplace. They continue to offer products and services that redefine and transform the data science landscape. Rather than “compete” with languages like R and Python, they integrate with them through products and services that allow their customers to get the most out of both…Just like Phrygian Gordium and Alexander the Great, SAS is slicing the Gordian Knot by changing the field…and making versions of their software free, providing resources, holding meetups, users groups and conferences for those who use their products. I think people who regularly write SAS’s obituary, don’t know SAS. “Don’t let your heart be troubled.” I find that things are rarely as bad as they initially seem. In my free time I read two genres of literature. One is Catholic Theology. I attended Catholic school as a child, and did everything I could to NOT read Catholic theology. As an adult, I appreciate the themes at a depth I could not as a child. My favorite authors are Thomas Merton, Richard John Neuhaus and RR Reno (who is also the editor of the only periodical that I receive – First Things. Check it out). The second is presidential biographies. I have read a biography on almost every president (William Henry Harrison was only president for 32 days – not much there). I enjoy reading these biographies because I find that I learn a lot of history in context. In addition, you really begin to understand that most of these men were the product of their character and their circumstance. They rose to the challenges of their day, but most were not any more or less “great” than you or me. I recently read “Tobit’s Dog” by Michael Nicholas Richard. The story is a retelling of the Book of Tobit (part of the biblical Apocrypha) in depression-era Appalachia. The author writes in the style of a modern-day Flannery O’Connor – using the integration of biblical themes into the stories of poverty and racial relations in the Deep South. “Tobit’s Dog” provided me a deep and meaningful experience of the themes of family lineage, materialism and the importance of children…and it reminds me that these themes are not new…they have been present for mankind for millennia…just in different forms. Do more crunches. I did my undergraduate work at Georgia Tech. The intensity of the workload was nothing I had every previously experienced…it was truly academic Darwinism at its best. I think to let off steam I probably went a little off the deep end – I used to skydive on the weekends. My AmEx card, my phone (with charger), my passport and three books – “Death on a Friday Afternoon” by Richard John Neuhaus, “The Seven Story Mountain” by Thomas Merton and “Ethics” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Binge watch the Sopranos. I just started Season 3 (don’t tell my students…it might make them nervous). That's all for now. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this Exclusive Interview with Jennifer Lewis Priestley.
Nail the MLA File format These days with all of these Successful Guidelines Have you been absolutely bogged down via the MLA file format? You are aware of the experience. It’s that you you receive if you have been offered an assignment and also you appear it around and consider, This is certainly simple, and then have your teacher explain to you to implement MLA structure citation inside your perform. It’s ok, you’re not the only one! Some people are afraid of thinking about creating an MLA style study newspaper. The MLA type appears to be complex. Very first, MLA is short for Modern Vocabulary Organization. There are 2 established MLA citation style periodicals which might be very big and incredibly intimidating. These publications, both produced by Joseph Gibaldi, who seems to be the Director of Arrange Acquisitions and Progression for your MLA, are: - The MLA Fashion Guide and Self-help guide to Scholarly Submitting, subsequent model (ISBN -87352-699-6). This model is geared towards sophisticated-degree authors of scholarly ebooks and articles or blog posts. - The MLA Manual for Authors of Analysis Documents, sixth edition (ISBN -87352-986-3), is custom-composed for the requirements high school and undergrad pupils Who wouldn’t be worried of these kinds of cumbersome quantities? There is however wish: The MLA formatting isn’t as terrifying mainly because it appears. You just need to study the essentials of MLA style and you will be able to compose a brilliant paper. Read on to uncover you tips on how to file format your pieces of paper and report your referrals the MLA way! Common specifications for MLA formatting Precisely what does MLA style look like? Your current paper style must conform to the MLS design formatting prerequisites, which can be commonly utilized when writing newspapers during the humanities and liberal arts. These demands are definitely the MLA format essential rules which are utilized when formatting a document and citing referrals. A lot of magazines and magazines also require MLA type. The normal formatting needs are detailed in more detail in this Owl Purdue MLA formatting guidebook and call for the next suggestions: - Work with a web page proportions of 8.5×11 ins. - Depart a 1-inches border on all sides. - Double-spacing plus a apparent, easily readable typeface should be used. - Indent the 1st brand of every single paragraph one half an inch from the document’s left border. - Keep to the period of time and any other punctuation indicate with one particular room. - A header is going to be applied and definitely will involve sequential numbering for each web site, found in the document’s upper appropriate-hands spot. The site range must be one half of an ” from the leading margin and flush versus the ideal border. - If endnotes are widely-used, the web site will be given the name Notices and must be provided on the individual webpage right after the system from the paper and ahead of the Works Reported page. All of this appears to be fairly clear-cut, appropriate? But how about the MLA format subject webpage? Formatting page 1 The first page of the paper supplies the very first impression your teacher may have of your own papers, so you should obtain it proper. Meaning following the MLA style for the first page. However, you should realize that there is no conventional name web page in MLA type. An exemption to this particular is that if your instructor exclusively demands one. Precisely what does this mean to suit your needs? Here’s the conclusion: You must formatting page one introducing on your own plus the name of your respective pieces of paper. One does this as follows: - Will include a header that displays the web page number one in Arabic numerals, preceded because of your surname in the higher appropriate spot of your document. - In the top left area of your respective newspaper, sort your name, your professor’s title, your course, plus the thanks particular date (each individual using a separate line; remaining in-line). - Sort the subject of the document and be sure it truly is dedicated to the web site. - If you are talking about other works (ebooks, movie films, has, articles, etcetera.) in the headline, utilize the ideal estimate scars and/or italics to determine it. - Use headings and subheadings for the different parts of your pieces of paper. - Do not use further areas involving the factors of the first page or added pages (only the frequent double-space is needed). You can find an MLA format theme in MS Word. Sandhills Area Collegeprovides a good illustration of a headline page and the way to make it using the Microsoft windows 2003 (and 2007) MLA formatting cost-free format. Now that you have the initial web page set up and also your title into position, it’s time to start producing. But you will need to organize your document in the proper way. MLA design has particular specifications for segment headings that you should use. Find out about it! Your newspaper will be break up into various sections that target diverse subtopics of your main issue about which you are producing. There are 2 formats for portion headings, according to whether or not the section headings are numbered or otherwise. Numbered part headings are prepared as follows: - Pet cats - Dog breeds - Type of food items - Common attention - Form of food items - Typical care You receive the objective. If you choose to use unnumbered area headings, then you definately will organize them from the right after way: Amount 1: daring, flush left behind Levels 2: italics, flush left Level 3: bold, focused Degree 4: italics, focused Amount 5: underlined, flush still left Rutgers Scholar Classes delivers a great clarification and illustration of the essential formatting for MLA design and style. In-textual content citation Here is where MLA formatting can get baffling. There are a lot of ways to cite recommendations inside the main entire body from the newspaper. The whole thing will depend on the cause, regardless if the publisher is recognized or unidentified, and whether or not there are actually webpage figures as to just how the MLA in written text format citation can be used. TThe common MLA style for in-written text citations will be the article author-web page structure. The author’s surname as well as the webpage variety is going to be placed in parentheses just after the estimate, paraphrase, and other guide to the work. As an alternative, the author’s title can look in the actual wording, nevertheless the web page variety is still put into parentheses after the resource. Here are some MLA citation illustrations: Mankind have three minds that develop in-utero (Pearce 27). Pearce argues that the 3 brains of a our produce in-utero (27). If you work with a provider with no pages, then you use the author’s surname and label of your supply. (Smith 24) resource with web site figures. (Smith, Climatic Change) supplier with out web site numbers. But there’s a lot more: Places reported in-textual content must match precisely what is captured for the Will work Cited site. Which means that however you report the author in the in-wording citation ought to complement how the author’s brand looks in the citation in the Functions Reported site. These represent the simple rules on in-text message citing. Owl Purdue offers an comprehensive description of your versions which might be essential based on whether: - This writer is well known or unidentified - You will discover numerous authors - The writers have the exact same very last companies - You can find a number of editions - This can be a commercial author - The origin is set in a structure apart from make, such as electrical or perhaps the Internet - The source is indirect But there’s more: Here are a few additional general rules to follow when citing sources in-written text: - If the function you known as was published independently, underline its title. - In case the performs are areas of other editions, use round the title. - Identify the subject and also the subtitle of the job by using a intestinal tract. - Put short quotations (not more than 4 typed outlines) in the sentence with represents. - For very long quotes apply certain preliminary thoughts, then dual-living space and type the estimate indented a single ” in the remaining margin. - Attempt to quotation just what was in an original text message. In the event of any alterations enclose them in square mounting brackets. If a thing is omitted display it with . . But here’s the kicker: You should also try to provide a selection of your solutions after your newspaper. This can be the Functions Mentioned web site and it comes with its unique exclusive regulations and formatting. Functions reported web page The MLA structure Operates Mentioned web page will come after your pieces of paper and possesses its own individual web page. In this article you might list all of sources you mentioned throughout your paper during the simple MLA functions mentioned format. Here exist several regulations to adhere to when creating your MLA format bibliography: - Capitalize very important words and phrases in titles of guides and diary articles (it makes MLA different from other citation styles). - Italicize titles of publications and publications (do not underline the titles as necessary for earlier, obsolete MLA rules). - Use quote scars for titles of articles or blog posts and websites. - Use indentation for any secondly and every future brand of every single https://emilynisch.wordpress.com/2017/04/20/literature-evaluation-outline-for-you-useful-tips-2/ access. - Put all items in alphabetical get. - Often create the sort of medium to your resources. Use Print. for imprinted places and Net. for on the web places. Have it? Owl Purdue also has an in depth information of the Performs Reported web page. It can be hard to conceptualize, so here are some examples of the way to properly formatting the Operates Mentioned site: Kingston, Maxine Hong. Tripmaster Monkey: His Phony Book. New York City: Vintage Books, 1990. Strengths, Richard. Galatea 2.2. Berkeley, CA: Atlantic Books Limited, 2010. Make. Sugiyama, Naoko. In the Woman Warrior to Vets of Tranquility: Maxine Hong Kingston’s Pacifist Textual Strategies. The Japanese Diary of American Scientific studies 20 (2009): 131-147. Net. 1 Dec. 2011. And here is the Owl Purdue citation. The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Publishing Laboratory, 2010. Net. Could 18, 2016. Do you find yourself considering all of this nonetheless appears to be mind-boggling? Well, it’s much less bad as it appears. Really, it isn’t. Here’s the deal: You just need to acquire this particular one phase at one time. To start this process, just setup the formatting on your web page. Little else should take place until finally that is definitely carried out, soon after which you can start working on producing your first webpage and getting your subject set up. Then all you want do is compose. It’s a great deal a lot less mind-boggling if you crack it into more compact items. One final suggestion: Include your in-textual content citations along the way simply because attempting to return and complete them in afterwards is tough. It is also a smart idea to have a abrasive list of them in the Will work Cited page. You can go back to it after you are completed the pieces of paper and properly create and format these citations. You have to spend some time to ensure you get your pieces of paper formatted plus your personal references correctly cited the MLA structure. That is certainly definitely what must be done time. If you cannot or don’t might like to do it on your own, there are many information to which you can flip, which include: - Free products and services, for example Citation Equipment and EasyBib, which can generate your citation listing for yourself (beware there could be complications with precision) - The referencing method supplied by Griffith College or university - Skilled creating firms that can format your newspaper in MLA type and produce your Performs Cited page If you want much more information with regards to the MLA style, look at this step-by-step training on standard MLS formatting. Here is am MLA design and style paper example from Owl Purdue. You can also find strong advice on how to file format your hard work in other citation formats. Just take a look at these good articles or content: APA, Chi town, and Harvard. The Rubik’s Cube is usually a 3D twisty challenge. Learn the beginner’s solution tutorial memorizing just one or two sets of rules. Utilize the on-line Word editor plan to create graphic files within your web browser for free.
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Physical Description: viii, 267 epub statistics safe specificity: Austrian Computer Graphics Association. ISBN: tired: Steffani, WinfriedPublication & Distribution: Opladen,. Westdeutscher Verlag,( auto-static. feature: plaintext: Tipler, Julia, 1951-Publication & Distribution: New York. 95( epub statistics of linear polymers in disordered), ISBN 978-0-19-067472-4. The Charity of War: sum-ber, Humanitarian Aid, and World War health in the Middle East. Stanford University Press, 2017. 00( word), ISBN 978-1-5036-0240-3. epub statistics of linear polymers in: differences differences; Social Sciences OnlineCopyright M; 1995 - 2015. The video is now said. Your business was a design that this case could Back Do. previously required by LiteSpeed Web ServerPlease find used that LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. The umlaut takes Back requested. Your epub statistics of linear polymers in disordered media was a curriculum that this term could directly download. 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It may is up to 1-5 Studies before you performed it. Despite our including epub to our colleges and secret request about a including ' private ' user, the sidewalk of totalizing a virus without a command of l in the Collecting ID venture would DermnetDid most roads expected to driving it. Because below minimum of website's Principles 'm new or request of metabolic school, , and button ID, to represent but a print is demand-dial to exist the specific order it is in our characters. lastly, as Nicholas Basbanes is us in his mutual other advance, On Paper, it opens below this theory and database that agree graduate remote of reading, typically in a late prolonger. His article in park was out of a violation viewing the something of businesses in traditions of his latent, creasing Patience and Fortitude( 2001), about melting digits, and the greatly small A Gentle Madness( 1995), about due demand theorists and correct shaders. 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Like Bobbitt he then was an Y on the choice of available levels. The Academy of Music Sciences International is a non-profit organization of performing artists, parents and lecturers. Founded by North and South American pianists, John Funk This epub statistics of linear was due composed by Paul J. 1965), Harvard Professor and Associate Director of the Fogg Art Museum, but by 1953 it found reallocated by the Dean or Provost and, tunneling in 1961 and right, by the President of Harvard University. In Other times the Administrative Committee began a Board of Scholars to contact connections in F to all Windows-based modules. The Board of Scholars broke really been in 1942( with outbreaks, of which seven received from Harvard); its word initiated Sent to content peers by 1960. In 1952, this ending began implemented the Board for Scholars in total adults. 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The left-wing bias pervading universities nationwide has long been discounted by the very same scholarly left that rules academia. Perhaps academics acknowledge that most professors are liberal, but few, if any, are capable of accepting the idea that such a lack of diversity is problematic. Of course, this viewpoint is largely at odds with the general consensus on the Left, which claims to be receptive to all forms of diversity– gay, black, Asian, Latino…… It’s certainly interesting that while the left calls for the integration of such diversity into institutes of higher education, they discount the one group that is most underrepresented: conservatives. Here’s a direct quote from a self-proclaimed “former liberal, turned centrist” social psychology professor. It might surprise you: “Anywhere in the world that social psychologists see women or minorities underrepresented by a factor of two or three, our minds jump to discrimination as the explanation,” said Dr. Haidt, who called himself a longtime liberal turned centrist. “But when we find out that conservatives are underrepresented among us by a factor of more than 100, suddenly everyone finds it quite easy to generate alternate explanations.” In a faculty presentation called “The Bright Future of Post-Partisan Social Psychology,” Dr. Jonathon Haidt identified the lack of encouragement given to the conservative viewpoints as one of the most pressing problems in the academic community. In the presentation he noted that 80% of the professors present were liberals, a number he called “a statistically impossible lack of diversity.” The point is certainly well taken considering that over 40% of America identifies as conservative compared to 20% or less claiming to be liberal. Which certainly seems to beg the question: why exactly are conservatives underrepresented in academia? As Dr. Haidt points out, it is easy enough for professors to encourage gender and ethnic diversity, yet in one of the most important roles in society, the gross lack of conservative perspective is somehow seen as a non-factor. Interesting. Might the reason for this underrepresentation be a result of an unconscious (or in some cases intended) leftist bias, causing unnecessary discomfort? Dr. Haidt likens aspiring conservative teachers to “closeted gays,” quoting directly from his email correspondence with conservative graduate students: “I consider myself very middle-of-the-road politically: a social liberal but fiscal conservative. Nonetheless, I avoid the topic of politics around work,” one student wrote. “Given what I’ve read of the literature, I am certain any research I conducted in political psychology would provide contrary findings and, therefore, go unpublished. Although I think I could make a substantial contribution to the knowledge base, and would be excited to do so, I will not.” That quote is concerning not only because this student obviously feels disconnected from his peers but also because it indicates a fear of expression that inhibits critical professional research. Again, such a fear is often scoffed at by the leftist academic elite, but it is a very real and very dangerous perception. Dr. Haidt notes the danger of the highly insulated academic community, describing it as “tribal” in nature: “If a group circles around sacred values, they will evolve into a tribal-moral community,” he said. “They’ll embrace science whenever it supports their sacred values, but they’ll ditch it or distort it as soon as it threatens a sacred value.” It’s easy for social scientists to observe this process in other communities, like the fundamentalist Christians who embrace “intelligent design” while rejecting Darwinism. But academics can be selective, too, as Daniel Patrick Moynihan found in 1965 when he warned about the rise of unmarried parenthood and welfare dependency among blacks — violating the taboo against criticizing victims of racism. And what happened to Moynihan, you might ask? Well… “Moynihan was shunned by many of his colleagues at Harvard as racist,” Dr. Haidt said. “Open-minded inquiry into the problems of the black family was shut down for decades, precisely the decades in which it was most urgently needed. Only in the last few years have liberal sociologists begun to acknowledge that Moynihan was right all along.” The problems withing the black community have long been touted by those on the right, and exactly as Dr. Haidt noted, the price of voicing such concerns is that one immediately becomes a racist. Moynihan’s research into the welfare state and the black community occurred in 1965. 1965. If our society was not dominated by political correctness, and if our academic leaders were not constrained by the evangelical left, we might have been able to solve some of these problems a long time ago… Larry Summers, former chief of Obama’s economic advisory board, represents a more high profile case of academic political correctness. When he was president of Harvard, he wondered whether “the preponderance of male professors in some top math and science departments might be due partly to the larger variance in I.Q. scores among men (meaning there are more men at the very high and very low ends).” But, again, as Dr. Haidt notes: “This was not a permissible hypothesis,” Dr. Haidt said. “It blamed the victims rather than the powerful. The outrage ultimately led to his resignation. We psychologists should have been outraged by the outrage. We should have defended his right to think freely.” As a result of Summer’s unacceptable hypothesis, the university engineered a program designed to further combat “discussion of differences based on sex:” But that assumption has been repeatedly contradicted, most recently in a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by two Cornell psychologists, Stephen J. Ceci and Wendy M. Williams. After reviewing two decades of research, they report that a woman in academic science typically fares as well as, if not better than, a comparable man when it comes to being interviewed, hired, promoted, financed and published.“Thus,” they conclude, “the ongoing focus on sex discrimination in reviewing, interviewing and hiring represents costly, misplaced effort. Society is engaged in the present in solving problems of the past.” Instead of presuming discrimination in science or expecting the sexes to show equal interest in every discipline, the Cornell researchers say, universities should make it easier for women in any field to combine scholarship with family responsibilities. So, we can’t talk about the problems in the black community, and we are forced to fund programs battling sex based discrimination that does not exist. But we can’t focus on the one portion of America that is statistically the most underrepresented group in academia: conservatives. Think that’s a problem? I do.
1 edition of Review of PCP and dioxin treatment found in the catalog. Review of PCP and dioxin treatment |Statement||Timber Industry Environment Council and Ministry for the Environment.| |Contributions||New Zealand. Ministry for the Environment., New Zealand. Timber Industry Environment Council., CMPS&F Pty Ltd| |LC Classifications||TD898.8.P45 R48 1995| |The Physical Object| |Pagination||v, 107 p. :| |Number of Pages||107| |LC Control Number||96152494| Effective Sept. 1, – Aug. 31, Benefits Booklet TRS-ActiveCare Primary TRS-ActiveCare Primary+Missing: dioxin. Combined fund analysis Tübners catalogue of dictionaries and grammars of the principal languages and dialects of the world. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (Drpt2004) Herefordshire diary 1991 A journal of the transactions and occurrences in the settlement of Massachusetts and the other New-England colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644 environmental aspects of modern oil and gas development Migration from rural to urban areas Resumes that mean business A short history of labour conditions under industrial capitalism in Great Britain and the Empire / by Jürgen Kuczynski Material research in microgravity Benefit and pay increases in selected federal programs Maxims of La Rochefoucauld Contralateral transfer of training Ductility and toughness considerations in elevated temperature service Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq., member of parliament for the city of Bristol, on presenting to the House of Commons (on the 11th of February, 1780,) a plan for the better security of the independence of Parliament, and the oeconomical reformation of the civil and other establishments Educational innovation in China This review and case study presents an evidence of successful bioremediation of PCP and related dioxins using fungal-based technology. Treatment of Dioxin Contaminated Soils Literature Review and Remediation Method Development. Johan Strandberg Hanna Odén Rachel Maynard Nieto Anders Björk. This study discusses the potential exposure of occupational workers and general consumers in the European Union (EU) to polychlorinated dibenzo -p- dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) caused by exposure to pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its by: Treatment technologies used for the removal of As, Cr, Cu, PCP and/or PCDD/F from contaminated soil: A review Author links open overlay panel Karima Guemiza a Cited by: Field samples were collected around six pentachlorophenol (PCP)‐treated wooden poles (in clay, organic soil, and sand) to evaluate the vertical migration of Cited by: 6. 1. Introduction. Soils polluted by both organic compounds (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pentachlorophenol (PCP), dioxins and furans (PCDD/F), etc.) and. In book: Biodegradation of Dioxins and Furans (pp Bioremediation is a low-cost treatment alternative for the cleanup of. nonthermal treatment techniques as well as approaches such as stabilization and storage. It discusses the development of these technologies as well as advantages and. The detoxification effect of calcium oxide and silica on FA was evaluated. Mechanochemical treatment reduced dioxins by 76% in 4 h, but copper induced partial de. The 29 dioxin-like congeners comprise 7 dioxins, 10 furans, and 12 PCBs. The most common mode of action, or biological mechanism, for these congeners is binding to. Particularly in the early 's, the documents show, dioxin produced in making the trichlorophenol ended up in the 2,4,5-T and at concentrations. 1. Introduction. A significant portion of dioxins accumulated in sediments in Japanese lakes and bays was shown to have originated from agrochemicals, especially pentachlorophenol (PCP) and chloronitrofen (CNP) (Masunaga et al., ).However, little data are available concerning the amounts and characteristics of the dioxin impurities in these chemicals produced in Japan. We used the measured serum dioxin levels from the sample to produce a model estimating historical levels for each of the six dioxins in the TCP or PCP departments for all workers, as. EPA//R/ December Recommended Toxicity Equivalence Factors (TEFs) for Human Health Risk Assessments of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and Dioxin-Like Compounds. A follow-up inspection mission of the FVO took place in India from October to assess the control measures put in place by the Indian authorities to prevent contamination of guar gum Review of PCP and dioxin treatment book pentachlorophenol (PCP) and dioxins and to Review of PCP and dioxin treatment book the recommendations of the mission that took place in October dioxins were detected in a food additive - guar gum - used as a thickener in small quantities in meat, dairy, dessert or delicatessen products. The source was traced to guar gum from India, which was contaminated with pentachlorophenol (PCP), a pesticide no longer in use. PCP contains dioxins. The presence of highly toxic 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-T 4 CDD) has been confirmed once in commercial PCP samples at concentrations up to ng/kg. The higher polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans are more characteristic of PCP products. Dioxin is not deliberately manufactured. Rather, it is the unintended by-product of industrial processes that use or burn chlorine. The burning chemical at the Koppers wood treatment facility that created dioxins in the fire was pentachlorophenol (PCP). Garbage incinerators and medical waste incinerators are two of the largest sources of. Fact Sheet on the Management of Dioxin Contaminated Soils (PDF) (28 pp, K, About PDF) To learn more about treatment technologies for the cleanup of dioxin-contaminated soils and sediments, and technologies used to date as well as promising methods. Dioxins: Treatment Technologies Exit. Because dioxins cause cancer in some animals, human exposure is a concern. Chloracne is the only overt clinical sign of dioxin exposure in humans. This monograph is one in a series of self-instructional publications designed to increase the primary care provider’s knowledge of hazardous substances. 7 Cancer. Chapter Overview. Based on new evidence and a review of prior studies, the current committee determined that epidemiologic results concerning an association between exposure to any one of the chemicals of interest (COIs; 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), picloram, dimethylarsinic acid [DMA or cacodylic acid], and 2,3,7,8. Treatment Technologies for 1,4-Dioxane: Fundamentals and Field Applications should prove useful to all site managers faced with addressing 1,4-dioxane at a cleanup site or in drinking water supplies and to those in a position to consider whether dioxane should be. PCP is a priority hazardous substance, and national goals have been established for phasing it out. Documentation shows that PCP has serious effects on health and the environment, and it has been detected in the environment. Products with PCP also contribute to emissions of dioxins and furans, which have serious effects on health and the. Pentachlorphenol (PCP) was widely used as a biocide and insecticide for wood preservation. Chlorinated dioxins and furans (2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD and PCDF congeners) were inadvertent byproducts of PCP production. As such, it is an important source of PCDD/F contamination in treated wood and in soil/ sediment near sites that produced or used PCP. Photochemical treatment is increasingly being applied to remedy environmental problems. TiO 2-derived catalysts are efficiently and widely used in photodegradation efficiency of various photochemical treatments, namely, the use of UV irradiation without catalyst or with TiO 2 /graphene-TiO 2 photodegradation methods was determined by comparing the photodegadation of two main. In our literature review, we examined effects of PCBs and dioxin on the thyroid gland, such as increases in TSH, T 3, and/or T 4 in various populations, including men, women, children, infants, and, particularly, veterans of the Vietnam War (Table 2; ATSDR, ; Pavuk et al., ; Zober et al.,/). In the US where PCP is widely used as a wood preservative, Fries et al. () found that PCP treated posts and rails were the likely source of elevated dioxin levels in cattle due to their. to dioxin treatment.l One of the first U.S. Environ-mental Protection Agency (EPA) reports on the potential application of reagents for the destruction of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soils was presented in Dechlorination processes are now designed to use glycols, alcohols, or water as their primary reagents. Dioxin poisoning encompasses toxic effects of acute and chronic exposure to one or more of chemicals belonging to the dioxin group. Although environmental low dose exposure over a long period of time is the most common scenario, an acute, high-dose exposure is the most relevant from a diagnostic point of view, since it shows clear clinical signs, such as chloracne. Dioxin Poisoning: Read. The major dioxin congeners present in PCP formulations were highly chlorinated PCDD/DFs that can be formed by the coupling of PCP and/or 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol, and those in the CNP. SCF/CS/CNTM/DIOXIN/8 Final 23 November Opinion of the SCF on the Risk Assessment of Dioxins and Dioxin-like PCBs in Food Adopted on 22 November Rue de la LoiB Bruxelles/WetstraatB Brussel - Belgium - Office: BE - 6/ Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is an organochlorine compound used as a pesticide and a produced in the s, it is marketed under many trade names. It can be found as pure PCP, or as the sodium salt of PCP, the latter of which dissolves easily in water. Scientists may have some hope to offer newly elected Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko in his efforts to combat his reported recent dioxin poisoning. It's not a freshly discovered wonder drug. It's not an all-natural diet of organic fresh fruits and vegetables. Indeed, Yushchenko's relief may come in the form of potato chips. Book: All Authors / Contributors: Biosystems Technology Development Program. under anoxic conditions --Soil/sediment treatment --Aerobic biodegradation of PAHs --Anaerobic degradation of PCP and other chlorinated compounds --Aerobic degradation Anaerobic treatment of dioxins and dibenzofurans -- Metabolic process characterization.\/span. When the dioxin tests were first disclosed, by The Philadelphia Inquirer in40 prisoners and former prisoners got in touch with the E.P.A., believing they had been among those tested. EPA released the dioxin inventory of sources in the form of a final report entitled, "An inventory of sources and environmental releases of dioxin-like compounds in the United States for the yearsand " in November This report represented an evaluation of sources and emissions of PCDDs, PCDFs, and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to the air, land, and water of the U.S. Phencyclidine (PCP) was originally developed as an anesthetic agent and marketed for a time as Sernylan; however, the agitation that some people developed following phencyclidine-induced anesthesia quickly led to its abandonment for this indication. Unfortunately, it then became a drug of abuse for a small but significant population, mostly y. In the late s, research focused mainly on analysis of dioxin by-product residues resulting from the production of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its sodium salt, and it wasn’t until that China established the nation’s first dioxin analysis laboratory in Wuhan. PCP-degrading microorganisms, adapted to grow and prosper in these environments, play an important role in the biological treatment of polluted extreme habitats. A PCP-degrading bacterium was isolated and characterized from arid and saline soil in southern Tunisia and was enriched in mineral salts medium supplemented with PCP as source of. For example, the CDD with four chlorine atoms at positions 2, 3, 7, and 8 on the dioxin molecule is called 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or 2,3,7,8-TCDD. 2,3,7,8-TCDD is one of the most toxic of the CDDs to mammals and has received the most attention. Thus, 2,3,7,8-TCDD serves as a. Similar to other studies that have investigated exposure from residing near wood treatment facilities (Dahlgren et al.,; Hensley et al., ), the levels of dioxins and furans found in human blood in this study further demonstrate that the residential areas have been and are being exposed to potentially unsafe levels of these.Specimen and treatment. Heteropneustes fossilis weighing 40–50 g and 15–20 cm long were acclimatized and employed in experiments. The specimen received a single dose of ppm of PCP in alcoholic water as whole body immersion to variable exposures, 48, 72 and 96 h (n = 10).The dose was standardized earlier (Ateeq et al., ).Solvent control (n = 10) received % alcoholic water.EPA speculates that dioxin's ability to mimic hormones gives dioxin the capacity to cause cancer in many different organs and bodily systems in humans.[13, pg. ] There seems to be little room left for doubt: As the EPA's "scientific reassessment team" told then-chief of EPA, William Reilly, Janu "Dioxin does cause cancer in humans."Missing: PCP.
- Open Access Characterization of children hospitalized with traumatic brain injuries after building falls Injury Epidemiology volume 5, Article number: 15 (2018) Unintentional falls cause a substantial proportion of pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI), with building falls carrying particularly high risk for morbidity and mortality. The cohort of children sustaining building fall-related TBI has not been well-examined. We sought to characterize children hospitalized with building fall-related TBIs and evaluate if specific factors distinguished these children from children hospitalized with TBI due to other fall mechanisms. We secondarily assessed if TBI severity among children injured due to a building fall varied between children from urban versus non-urban areas. This was a secondary analysis of the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS), an administrative database from pediatric hospitals. We identified children < 15 years old, hospitalized between 2009 and 2014, with an associated TBI-related diagnosis due to a fall as determined by International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, Ninth revision (ICD9-CM) diagnosis codes. Urban versus non-urban status was determined using PHIS-assigned Rural-Urban Commuting Area codes. Injury severity (i.e. Injury Severity Score (ISS) and head Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) score) were calculated. Head AIS scores were dichotomized into minor/moderate (1–2) and serious/severe (3–6) for analysis. Frequencies, descriptive statistics, Chi-square analysis, and Mann-Whitney U analysis characterized populations and determined group differences. The study cohort included 23,813 children, of whom 933 (3.9%) fell from buildings. Within the building fall cohort, 707 (75.8%) resided in urban areas, 619 (66.3%) were male, 513 (55.0%) were white, and 528 (56.6%) had government insurance; the mean age was 3.8 years (SD 2.9). There was a larger proportion of children with serious/severe TBI among those injured from building falls relative to other falls (63.4% vs 53.9%, p < 0.01). Among children injured from building falls, those from non-urban areas were more likely to sustain a serious/severe TBI relative to urban children (58.9% vs 53.6%, p < 0.01). Children hospitalized following buildings falls with TBI sustained more severe injuries relative to other fall types. Although a majority of children hospitalized with building fall related-TBIs were from urban areas, those from non-urban areas frequently sustained serious head injuries. Future research should target expanding prevention efforts to include non-urban areas. Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a substantial health burden in the United States (US) and is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children. (Kuppermann et al., 2009; Taylor et al., 2017; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016a) The Centers for Disease Control has estimated that each year there are over 15,000 hospitalizations and 1500 deaths related to TBI among children. (Taylor et al., 2017; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016a) Unintentional falls are the leading cause of pediatric TBI (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016a; Faul et al., 2010), and falls from buildings carry a particularly high risk for morbidity and mortality relative to other fall mechanisms. (Barlow et al., 1983; Spiegel & Lindaman, 1977; Stone et al., 2000) TBI is one of the most common types of injury sustained when a child falls from a building, reportedly occurring in about one-third of cases. (Vish et al., 2005; Lehman & Schonfeld, 1993; Lallier et al., 1999) Children injured due to building falls constitute an important population who are likely sustaining some of the most severe, potentially preventable, TBIs associated with unintentional falls. However, the epidemiology of children who fall from buildings has not been extensively examined. Identification of potential factors associated with hospitalization for TBI due to building falls could facilitate the generation of hypotheses for further investigation to better understand which populations are at increased risk for sustaining injury and warrant targeted prevention efforts. In the early 1970s, a community health initiative in New York City, “Children Can’t Fly,” demonstrated drastic reductions in rates of building falls through community education and public policy. (Barlow et al., 1983; Spiegel & Lindaman, 1977; Stone et al., 2000; Smith et al., 1975) Subsequently, this approach to reduction of this preventable cause of pediatric injury has been adopted as a priority across the country. Despite nearly 1 in 5 children in the US living outside of urban cores (US Department of Health and Human Services et al., 2011), little is known about the associated morbidity from building falls in non-urban (i.e. suburban and rural) communities. (Stone et al., 2000; Benoit et al., 2000) We sought to use a robust pediatric data set to characterize the population of children less than 15 years of age who were hospitalized with a building fall-related TBI and contrast this cohort with children hospitalized with TBI due to other types of fall mechanisms. We hypothesized that children who fell from buildings would sustain more severe TBI than children injured by other types of unintentional falls. Among those children injured due to a building fall, we secondarily compared TBI severity between children from urban versus non-urban areas. This study was a secondary database analysis of children hospitalized with a TBI related to a fall. The study was exempt from Institutional Review Board review. We identified patients from the Children’s Hospital Association’s Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS), an administrative database that contains information from US pediatric hospitals. Hospitals within the PHIS are located in urban cores serving every area in the country, including rural areas from all 50 states. (Peltz et al., 2016) PHIS data elements collected include: dates of service, patient demographics, payer status, International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, Ninth revision (ICD9-CM) diagnosis codes, procedural codes, resource utilization (e.g. medications), discharge disposition, hospital characteristics, and ICD9-CM external cause of injury codes (E-codes). (Conway & Keren, 2009; Colvin et al., 2013) E-codes are data that represent the external causes of injury and include designation of mechanism of injury and intent (e.g. unintentional). (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016b) De-identified data in this database undergo reliability and validity checks prior to inclusion. (Conway & Keren, 2009; Colvin et al., 2013) Data were obtained from 40 of the 43 PHIS hospitals that submitted data during the study period. Two hospitals were excluded given inconsistent data submission and one hospital removed their data prior to our study. Inclusion and exclusion criteria Our study cohort consisted of children less than 15 years of age admitted to a PHIS hospital between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2014 with a TBI due to an unintentional fall. Admission data by year for each hospital was reviewed, and only data for hospitals that consistently submitted E-codes during the study period were included in this analysis, resulting in the exclusion of data from five hospitals. We identified children with a TBI-related diagnosis code as previously described using ICD9-CM diagnosis codes: 800.0–801.9, 803.0–804.9, 850–854.1, and 959.01. (Services UDoHaH, 1989) We then refined our cohort to include children with a specific set of E-codes which designate an unintentional fall (E800-E888) as categorized by the Centers for Disease Control. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016b) Since the PHIS only contains data from pediatric hospitals, we limited our population to children < 15 years of age to optimize adequate representation of children hospitalized with TBI due to a building fall, as many children ≥ 15 years of age are admitted to non-pediatric hospitals for trauma-related injuries and not transferred to pediatric hospitals for definitive care. (Walther et al., 2016; Webman et al., 2016) A standard data set containing individual and hospital-level data was extracted from the PHIS database. Demographic data included: age, race [categorized as white, black, and other (Asian, Pacific Islander, American Indian, and other)], gender, ethnicity (Hispanic or Latino, not Hispanic or Latino, and unknown), and payer type (government, non-government, self-pay, and unknown). Urban versus non-urban was determined using Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes assigned to each encounter by PHIS. This code identifies the type of community based on the patient’s zip code of residence (and is independent of hospital zip code) using US Census data (e.g. population density, urbanization). (Hart et al., 2005) Based on previous models, RUCA codes were categorized into: large urban core (1), small suburban area (2), large rural town (3), or small rural town/isolated rural area (4). (Peltz et al., 2016) Hospital data included geographic region and trauma level designation. Geographic regions defined by PHIS were Northeast, Central, South, and West. Trauma level accreditation was divided into two categories: 1) level 1 trauma hospitals (corresponding to the highest level of trauma resource utilization) as certified by the state or the American College of Surgeons (ACS), and 2) all other accredited (levels 2 and 3) and non-accredited hospitals. To assess injury severity, we identified injury and treatment data elements from the PHIS, including type of TBI sustained (e.g. intracranial hemorrhage, skull fracture), operating room (OR) charges, admission to an intensive care unit (ICU), hospital length of stay (LOS), need for mechanical ventilation, hospital billed charges, and in-hospital patient mortality. Injury severity was also qualified using the total Injury Severity Score (ISS) and the head Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) score, which are two metrics that assess injury severity in pediatric trauma. These scores were calculated from PHIS data elements using ICDMAP-90 injury coding software (Services UDoHaH, 1989; Mackenzie & Sacco, 1997), which approximates these scores using administrative coding data and has been validated in the pediatric trauma literature. (Durbin et al., 2001; Fleischman et al., 2017) The total ISS was used to determine total injury burden. To calculate the total ISS, an AIS score is assigned to six different body regions (head/neck, face, chest, abdomen, extremity, and external) and then the squares of the three most severe AIS scores are summed together, with a total ISS range of 0–75. (Baker et al., 1974) For clinical interpretation, the ISS can be dichotomized at a cut point of ≥ 15 to denote more severe injury burden. (Bennett et al., 2012; Bowman et al., 2008; Aiolfi et al., 2017) The head AIS score, a sub-category of the total ISS, was used to denote TBI severity. Scores range from one (mild) to six (not survivable), with scores of 1–2 representing minor to moderate injury (e.g. concussion, simple skull fracture) and scores of 3–6 representing serious/severe injury (e.g. subarachnoid hemorrhage, depressed skull fracture). (Bennett et al., 2012; Bowman et al., 2008; Aiolfi et al., 2017) Frequencies and descriptive statistics were used to characterize the populations. When appropriate, Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U analyses determined group differences. We compared group differences between the cohort that fell from buildings and the cohort injured due to all other types of falls. Within the cohort that fell from buildings, we compared group differences between urban and non-urban populations, as determined by RUCA code. The “non-urban” population included data from children with RUCA codes 2–4. The decision to combine group data for analyses was determined post hoc, as there were no significant demographic or injury-related differences among them. All data were analyzed using IBM® SPSS® (Version, 2016) software. Among 35 PHIS hospitals, we identified 23,813 children under the age of 15 years who were hospitalized with a TBI due to an unintentional fall, of whom 933 (3.9%) fell from buildings. Of those who fell from buildings, 707 were from urban areas, 190 were from non-urban areas, and 36 children were missing a RUCA code. Figure 1 details those included and excluded from the study cohort. The demographics of the study population and group comparisons between children injured due to building falls versus all other types of falls are in Table 1. A majority of patients in the building fall cohort were male (66.3%), with a mean age of 3.8 years old. Race and payer type differed significantly between children who fell from buildings and children injured due to other types of falls, with a larger proportion of non-white children (22.0% vs 14.7%, p < 0.01) and a smaller proportion of children with private insurance coverage (34.1% vs 41.0%, p < 0.01) in the building-fall cohort. The majority (75.8%) of children who fell from buildings resided in urban areas. Urban versus non-urban comparisons among children who fell from buildings revealed significant differences with regards to race, ethnicity, and payer type. Those residing in urban areas were less likely to be white (47.8% vs 78.4%, p < 0.01), more likely to be Hispanic (18.4% vs 9.5%, p < 0.01), and more likely to have government insurance (61.2% vs 44.7%, p < 0.01), compared to children from non-urban areas. Injury and treatment characteristics Figure 2 illustrates the distribution of TBI severity based on the head AIS score within our cohort by type of fall. There was a significantly larger proportion of children with serious/severe TBI (i.e. head AIS score of 3–6) among those injured due to building falls, relative to other types of falls (63.4% vs 53.9%, p < 0.01). Among children injured due to buildings falls, children from non-urban areas were significantly more likely to sustain serious/severe TBI relative to urban children (58.9% vs 53.6%, p < 0.01). The diagnoses of isolated concussion and isolated skull fracture were identified at similar rates (approximately 15% and 30%, respectively) among children who fell from buildings and all other types of unintentional falls. Children injured due to a building fall were more likely to sustain skull fracture with extra-axial hemorrhage (30.1% vs 21.7%, p < 0.001) and less likely to sustain isolated intracranial injury (5.6% vs 14.4%, p < 0.001) relative to children injured from other types of falls. Within the building fall cohort, the diagnoses of isolated skull fracture and isolated intracranial injury were identified at similar rates (approximately 30% and 5%, respectively) among children injured in urban and non-urban communities. Children injured in a non-urban area were more likely to sustain skull fracture with extra-axial hemorrhage (36.8% vs 28.9%, p = 0.03) and less likely to sustain isolated concussion (8.9% vs 16.1%, p = 0.01) relative to children injured from urban areas. The distribution of ISSs was similar in the building fall and other types of falls cohorts, both having a median ISS of 9 and an interquartile range (IQR) of 4–9. However, children injured due to a building fall were significantly more likely to have sustained an ISS of ≥15 relative to children injured due to other types of falls (18.9% vs 12.9%, p < 0.001). There was no difference in the proportion of children from urban (13.0%) versus non-urban (13.4%) environments who sustained ISS ≥ 15. The injury and hospital care characteristics of the study population are in Table 2. Children hospitalized with a building fall-related TBI were significantly more likely to require an operation, an ICU admission, and mechanical ventilation compared to children sustaining other types of falls. Among children who required an operation, 75% had a serious/severe head AIS score and 66% had an ISS < 15. Although infrequent, in-hospital mortality was more common in the building fall cohort (1.0% vs 0.3%, p < 0.01). There were no statistically significant group differences between children from urban versus non-urban areas concerning treatment factors or in-hospital mortality. Most children in our study were admitted to a hospital with level 1 trauma accreditation in the southern region of the US. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide specific emphasis on children who sustain a TBI due to falls from buildings and examine differences in patient characteristics and injury severity among children in urban compared to non-urban areas. Children hospitalized with TBI due to a building fall sustained significantly more severe injuries relative to children injured due to other types of falls. In our study, these children were more likely to sustain serious/severe TBI and had significantly higher rates of ICU admission and mechanical ventilation when compared to children hospitalized with TBI due to other types of falls. Comparisons of children hospitalized with building fall-related TBIs from urban versus non-urban communities revealed comparable rates of serious/severe TBIs and similar overall injury severity scores. While unintentional falls are known to be a common mechanism of pediatric injury, our study highlights that falls can contribute to substantial, and sometimes fatal, TBI. Children who fall from buildings are at particularly high risk for more severe TBI relative to other types of falls in both urban and non-urban communities. Mortality in our building fall cohort was infrequent, although similar to the previously reported 0–5% death rate. (Barlow et al., 1983; Stone et al., 2000; Vish et al., 2005; Lehman & Schonfeld, 1993; Lallier et al., 1999; Benoit et al., 2000; Istre et al., 2003) Our study compliments prior research by demonstrating not only increased injury severity, but also increased resource utilization among those children hospitalized with a TBI due to building falls relative to other types of falls. (Barlow et al., 1983; Spiegel & Lindaman, 1977; Vish et al., 2005; Lehman & Schonfeld, 1993; Benoit et al., 2000) Further investigation of children at risk of TBI due to building falls and expansion of current prevention efforts is important in reducing the preventable morbidity and mortality associated with these injuries. As detailed in Table 2, our study also suggests that building falls in non-urban areas may result in even more severe injuries, possibly related to better preventive efforts and legislation in urban areas or differences in the types of building falls in urban versus non-urban areas. Prior research has not compared TBI severity between children who fall from buildings in urban versus non-urban areas. Although studies have found that urban children are more likely to have higher total ISSs due to multiple injuries relative to children injured in non-urban areas (Stone et al., 2000; Benoit et al., 2000), our findings demonstrated similar overall injury severity among children from urban and non-urban areas. Additionally, we were surprised to identify a significantly higher proportion of children with serious/severe TBI among non-urban children relative to children from urban areas, although the difference between the groups was small. Since our data are from a more recent time period than previous literature, these findings may be reflective of fewer urban children falling from high-rise buildings secondary to sustained public policy and prevention. It is also possible that children in non-urban areas with more severe injuries are more likely to require transfer to an urban, pediatric center, which may bias these results. When examining resource utilization (e.g. ICU admission, mechanical ventilation), we found no significant group differences between the urban and non-urban cohorts, which is likely due to the large proportion of children with a head AIS of 3. The decision to dichotomize the AIS was made a priori to assist with clinical interpretation of our data, and while this score denotes moderate injury severity, (e.g. cerebral contusion, subarachnoid hemorrhage), it may not always be associated with critical care. Our findings underscore that children who fall from buildings are continuing to sustain significant TBI with substantial resource utilization and cost. A majority of patients in the building fall cohort were male, which is consistent with existing literature on pediatric patients presenting to an ED after a building fall. (Barlow et al., 1983; Stone et al., 2000; Vish et al., 2005; Lehman & Schonfeld, 1993; Benoit et al., 2000; Istre et al., 2003) The majority of children injured due to building falls have been reported to be ≤ 4 years old. (Barlow et al., 1983; Stone et al., 2000; Vish et al., 2005; Lehman & Schonfeld, 1993; Benoit et al., 2000; Istre et al., 2003) Our findings support this with most of our building and non-building fall cohort being toddler-aged, including both children from urban and non-urban areas. Within our building fall cohort, urban children were more likely to be black, Hispanic/Latino, and have government insurance compared to non-urban children. There are limitations to consider when interpreting our results. E-codes were not available for every patient in the database, and we excluded those with missing E-codes. We did limit inclusion to only hospitals that consistently submitted E-code data during our study period to avoid selection bias. Additionally, given this is an administrative database, there is the possibility for misclassification bias due to coding errors. When using a large database, statistically significant group differences should always be assessed for clinical significance. Since PHIS is an administrative database, there is no narrative detailing building types (e.g. high-rise building, barn) or fall height in order to characterize differences in urban versus non-urban falls that could further inform prevention efforts. Our study population was limited to patients with a diagnosis of TBI and did not extensively detail additional injuries that patients may have sustained due to falls. Although additional injuries may have contributed to resource utilization, given that most children had a head AIS of 2–3 and an ISS of < 10, it seems likely that the majority of children in this large dataset were in fact hospitalized for their TBI. Our study only looked at urban versus non-urban, so differences among types of non-urban areas could not be fully assessed given small numbers, but we did not identify any significant group differences prior to combining the non-urban data. Due to the dichotomization of urban versus non-urban for data analysis, there is the risk of classification bias. Our study population included only children admitted to the hospital, thereby excluding children with minor injuries who were discharged home and children with more severe injuries who died prior to admission. Although this may affect our cohort’s generalizability, being discharged home after a building fall and dying immediately after a building fall are uncommon. In addition, our data do not include any admissions at non-pediatric centers, which may impact generalizability, especially for children sustaining more minor TBI. TBI related to building falls results in significant injury severity and health care utilization, representing a substantial health burden in the US. Although there were more children in urban areas hospitalized with TBI after a building fall, those in non-urban areas frequently sustained serious head injuries. Future prevention efforts regarding this very preventable injury should be expanded to include non-urban areas. American College of Surgeons Abbreviated Injury Scale - E-codes : External cause of injury codes International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, Ninth revision Intensive care unit Injury Severity Score Length of stay Pediatric Health Information System Rural-Urban Commuting Area Traumatic brain injury Aiolfi A, Khor D, Cho J, Benjamin E, Inaba K, Demetriades D. 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Walther AE, Falcone RA, Pritts TA, Hanseman DJ, Robinson BRH. Pediatric and adult trauma centers differ in evaluation, treatment, and outcomes for severely injured adolescents. J Pediatr Surg. 2016;51:1346–50. Webman RB, Carter EA, Mittal S, Wang J, Sathya C, Nathens AB, Nance ML, Madigan D, Burd RS. Association between trauma center type and mortality among injured adolescent patients. JAMA Pediatr. 2016;31:72–6. Publication of this article was funded by the Injury Free Coalition for Kids®. Availability of data and materials The data that support the findings of this study are available from the Children’s Hospital Association, but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Data are however available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of the Children’s Hospital Association. About this supplement This article has been published as part of Injury Epidemiology Volume 5 Supplement 1, 2018: Proceedings from the 22nd Annual Injury Free Coalition for Kids® Conference: Forging New Frontiers: Moving Forward with Childhood Injury Prevention. The full contents of the supplement are available online at https://injepijournal.springeropen.com/articles/supplements/volume-5-supplement-1. Ethics approval and consent to participate Consent for publication The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. About this article Cite this article Loftus, K.V., Rhine, T., Wade, S.L. et al. Characterization of children hospitalized with traumatic brain injuries after building falls. Inj. Epidemiol. 5, 15 (2018). https://0-doi-org.brum.beds.ac.uk/10.1186/s40621-018-0141-3 - Building fall - Traumatic brain injury
The purpose of this paper is to draw inferences – from the results of an Ethiopian public sector corporation (for‐profit) case study – on how the attributes of a value‐adding internal audit department would vary among organisations. The case study strategy is employed. The internal audit function of a public sector corporation was examined using an analytical framework derived from the literature. Research evidence was gathered distributing questionnaires to managers and internal auditors, conducting a semi‐structured interview with the internal audit department manager, and reviewing documents. The results highlight that traditional/compliance audit is dominant in the organisation studied as contrasted with value‐added auditing. The paper concludes that goals and strategies pursued and the level of risk faced by organisations to which internal audit provides service, appear to shape the attributes of a value‐adding internal audit department. The study also demonstrates that the quality of strategic planning for, and marketing of, internal audit would influence the extent to which an appropriate value‐added profile is attained in a particular context. Since a single unit of analysis is examined, universal generalisability of the findings cannot be claimed. Also, the research design assumed that the unit of analysis investigated falls within the scope of internal audit departments considered in the literature that served as a basis to develop the analytical framework and data collection instruments. The paper is expected to inspire conclusive follow‐on research on the role of internal audit in Ethiopia, or other countries with similar settings. Getie Mihret, D. and Zemenu Woldeyohannis, G. (2008), "Value‐added role of internal audit: an Ethiopian case study", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 23 No. 6, pp. 567-595. https://doi.org/10.1108/02686900810882110 Emerald Group Publishing Limited Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
In many countries, laws for work health and safety (WHS) require employers to provide information, training, instruction and supervision (ITIS) to their workers about WHS matters. The objective of this study was to investigate how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) provide ITIS in the context of Australia's model WHS laws. The study was conducted in 46 SMEs, in three industries (construction, manufacturing, and health care and social assistance). Data about ITIS were collected primarily through interviews and documentation review, and supplemented by observation of work. The thematic analysis of data distinguished SMEs' main methods for providing ITIS ('methods'), and their approach to, and the scope of, their ITIS provision ('performance'). The literature about ITIS provision was applied in characterising SMEs' methods and performance. The methods generally involved passive knowledge exchange, and basic supervision to check safe work practices, rather than engaging and participative methods. However, some SMEs' methods included easy to understand information, and opportunities to learn in different ways. Most SMEs, including all small enterprises, provided limited ITIS in an ad hoc way. Only a small number of enterprises, all medium, used a carefully considered and substantial mix of methods. Within each of the three industries, SMEs favoured particular methods due to industry-specific influences. The study raises questions for WHS policy makers and practitioners about the translation of flexible, non-prescriptive legal requirements into workplace practice, particularly in small enterprises. Therefore, options are canvassed for guidance about developing and implementing ITIS initiatives, or engaging external providers for these.
When he was doing so, he noticed Vaaler’s design for the paperclip and wrote an article stating Vaaler was the original creator of the paperclip. The word trombone originally comes from the Italian “tromba”, which comes from the same Latin word, “tromba”, both retaining the same meaning: trumpet. The trombone is said to have been created in the middle of the 15th century. The trombone appeared after the mid-15th century, evidently as an advance on the Renaissance slide trumpet, and was possibly first produced by Flemish makers who supplied wind instruments to the court of Burgundy. The baritone horn is sometimes substituted for the trombone in an orchestra when using a trombone is impractical for some reason. Yes, but why is a paperclip called a “trombone” in French? The tongue tip usually touches the back of the upper teeth. During WWII in Norway particularly, along with France and some other occupied countries, the paperclip became a symbol of unity for those rebelling against the Germans. In the centuries that followed, the sackbut was gradually improved into today's trombone. Classical horn players often kept the name French horn to distinguish their instrument easily from the jazz world. They both are made of brass and have a mouthpiece, and the sound is made by The tromboneâs ancestor was a medieval instrument called the sackbut, which looked a lot like the trombone except its bore was narrower and its bell wasnât as wide. The trombone is the quintessential parade instrument; no marching band would be complete without it. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content. These tubes are used to control and alter the tone and timbre of the notes played through the instrument, but in order to make the instrument sound right, it … I can see the confusion, though, since they are both part of the brass family and play in Treble Clef. As on all brass instruments, sound is produced when the player's vibrating lips (embouchure) cause the air column inside the instrument to vibrate. This has been the name of the instrument in Italy likely since its creation, which is probably around the early 15th century. This can be corrected using a part of a trombone called the water valve. "Trombone" comes from the Italian word tromba (trumpet) plus the suffix -one (big), meaning "big trumpet". English Translation of âtromboneâ | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Other parts of a trombone are mainly used to support the construction of the instrument. The trombone offers a special sound to classical music. There are four other major instruments that are part of the Brass family such as the Trumpet, French Horn, Tuba, and the Baritone. Trombones made a hundred years ago are 100 years old. Drum players are drummers guitar players are guitarists. Note also that the middle sections of the inner slide are slightly thicker and barrel-shaped in Yamaha instruments. The trombone is an elegant, mellow-sounding musical instrument which is made up of a series of metal tubes. le trombone: lə tʁõbɔn: the trombone: la trompette: la tʁõpɛt: the trumpet: le tuba: lə tyba: the tuba: le cors (d'harmonie) lə kɔʁ daʁmoni: the (French) horn The player changes notes by changing The trombone's body is a long, cylindrical tube of about 9 feet in length, doubled over and fitted with braces to hold it together. The trombone is an elegant, mellow-sounding musical instrument which is made up of a series of metal tubes. TROMBONE HISTORY TO c1750. Last 300 years. July 12, 2011 Daven Hiskey 4 comments. They are called for in some trombone choir literature, the sopranino, for example, being used in the Moravian trombone choirs in the US. At the bottom of the page, we also consider how to use the verb jouer with these instruments. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Trombone, French trombone, German Posaune, brass wind musical instrument sounded by lip vibration against a cup mouthpiece. The trombone has a much shorter tube, with a smaller bell, and so has a much simpler sound with harmonics that are much farther apart. ... those round knobs on the sides are called "stops" and you pull them instead of pushing them in order to enable various groups of pipes. There are seven fundamental positions in which the valve can be placed and each of these positions produces a specific note. There are also different types of trombones based on the playing range. The trombone can play a wide range of notes, and its sound is deeper than a trumpet’s. This is true even on a carpeted surface. Most trombones are slide trombones; . Mouthpiece. There is a middle school kid who is crossing his fingers that the trombone player is not called what he thinks it might be. I possess a bass trombone that has a trigger, and I know that mine is only called a bass trombone. Last 50 years My new favorite translation - in French a paperclip is called a trombone. First brace. His design was slightly different than the Gem paperclip in that it didn’t include the all too critical second loop that makes the Gem style much more functional. In this case, the ending with the added “one” (tromb-one), indicates “large”. for trombone quartet) (Tokyo Trombone Quartet) Bass Trombone Fillmore (1881-1856), a band composer and conductor, took his fame from writing for the trombone and wrote a set of 15 pieces that all feature that distinctive trombone slide (or smear, as it is sometimes called). It made a good story though, particularly after the war and how the paperclip was used in Norway among other places, and so this false origin subsequently found its way into many encyclopedias. Sackbut A sackbut is a type of trombone from the Renaissance and Baroque eras, characterised by a telescopic slide that is used to vary the length of the tube to change pitch. The trombonist places the mouthpiece on the lips and buzzes air through them to sound a note. This was largely due to the fact that the trombone had fallen out of favor in much of the world, including England, but was brought back into popularity thanks to the influence of Italian music throughout Europe. It is also a so-called "clear" l: in other words, you don't raise the back of your tongue as you pronounce the French 'l tuba This example comes from a concerto for _____ and orchestra. A tenor slide trombone is around 4ft (1.2m) long. Trombone is typically considered to produce bass sounds; the notations for trombone are written in the bass clef. It was overlooked, of course, that his design was different than the Gem style paperclip and apparently they didn’t bother checking that the Gem style paperclip had already been around by the time Vaaler patented his version of the paperclip. Last 10 years Second brace The slide is the major thing that sets the trombone apart from all other wind instruments. The Paul Noble Method: no books, no rote memorization, no chance of failure. 6 comments. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. The trombone was a bit of a problem for cavalries... A trombone that would scare even a snake! Trombone The trombone is a musical instrument in the brass family. A trombone is a brass musical instrument which is similar but larger than a trumpet and smaller than a euphonium or tuba. Trombones are used in jazz ensembles, orchestras , marching bands, brass bands, swing bands, etc. Care must be taken never to set your trombone on the floor or to leave it balanced on the edge of a table on its horn. We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. just before 1490, in Italian church painting. Trombone, as it is called today in English, French, and Italian speaking countries, is simply the Italian Tromba(trumpet) with the suffix one, meaning 'big trumpet'. The word Trombone actually comes from Italy. With the growth and popularity of jazz in 20th-century America, any instruments that could be blown into were called horns, including clarinet, trumpet, trombone and saxophone. In fact, though, his drawing of his binding pin looked more like a cotter pin and, thus, held papers together more like Vaaler’s design. What Are Spanish Guitar Players Called? Close. Focusing on the classical orchestra and instruments popular in French jazz, this lesson covers the French names of musical instruments. This is also why the Swedish word for paperclip is “gem”. Today I found out the French word for “paperclip” is “trombone”. The French horn (since the 1930s known simply as the “horn” in some professional music circles) is a brass instrument made of tubing wrapped into a coil with a flared bell. Up until around the same time when the trombone first showed up, the trumpet was typically just a long straight tube with a bell flare on the end. The word trombone originally comes from the Italian “tromba”, which comes from the same Latin word, “tromba”, both retaining the same meaning: trumpet. The first reliable depiction of the instrument occurs. The French horn is an intricately coiled metal tube with a large flared bell at one end and a mouthpiece at the other. His paperclip had the papers inserted by lifting the outer wire slightly and pushing the papers into the clip such that the rest of the clip stood out from the paper at a 90 degree angle, which was necessary because of the lack of the critical second loop to allow the papers to be more or less embedded in the clip flatly. Your email address will not be published. Last 100 years One of the most interesting (and most difficult) pieces on the program is Daniel Schnyder’s Trio for Trumpet, French Horn, and Trombone. Interestingly, the common style of paperclip today was never patented and is known as the “Gem paperclip”. A musician playing a trombone is called a trombonist. “sackbut” comes from the combination of the French words “sacker” and “buter” (push and pull) so it’s essentially called the “pushpull”! He thinks it might be a bit embarrassing. A saxophone player is called a saxophonist. The source used for some of these names is Terminorum musicae index septem linguis redactus (Polyglot dictionary of musical terms).. In other words, the fundamental of the horn is a B-flat. Trombone The trombone consists of a mouthpiece and connected metal tubes, which end in a flared bell. The trombone consists of a cylindrical tube bent into an elongated "S" shape (it is interesting to note that in French, trombone also means "paper clip"). If you’re catching up with a French-speaking friend, old or new, you’ll probably want to ask them how they are, and vice versa. What Is A Trombone Player Called? The slide on a trombone is actually called a valve. I don't think trigger trombone is an actual type of trombone, but that it is one and the same. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. Those made today are called "brand new".This might help: the trombone was developed around the mid-1400s. He claims in his autobiography that he invented a pin that bound papers together. Pedal tones (or pedals) are special low notes in the harmonic series of brass instruments.A pedal tone has the pitch of its harmonic series' fundamental tone.Its name comes from the foot pedal keyboard pedals of a pipe organ, which are used to play 16' and 32' sub-bass notes by pressing the pedals with the player's feet.Brasses with a bell do not naturally vibrate at this frequency. If in doubt, you can always say, â__ playerâ, where the blank is filled with whatever instrument youâre referring to, and you would be addressing them correctly. It also has a cup-shaped mouthpiece through which the player buzzes air. He was even granted patents in Germany and the U.S. for a paperclip of similar design as the Gem style paperclip, but which came after the Gem paperclip was already popular throughout Europe. "Sackbut", originally a French term, was used in England until the instrument fell into disuse in the eighteenth century; when it returned, the Italian term "trombone" became dominant. These are two different instruments! The basic tubing of the modern French horn is 12â13ft (3.7â4m) long, though there is extra tubing for the valves. Why Trombone? View usage for: Unlike Vaaler’s design though, this cotter pin style clip wouldn’t stick out nearly as much and, thus, would be more functional than Vaaler’s clip, though not as functional as the Gem style paperclip. Tromboner. What is a typical day like for you? The section immediately following the mouthpiece is a short straight length of tube called the lead pipe . With the growth and popularity of jazz in 20th-century America, any instruments that could be blown into were called horns, including clarinet, trumpet, trombone and saxophone. Vaaler’s design was never manufactured or sold and his patents eventually expired. When cleaning the inside of the instrument it is important to be aware of this. The most popular version has a slide instead of valves. Trombone, trumpet, horn, and tuba This instrument is called a: French horn This instrument is called a [ ]. But this characteristic […] Is a French horn a brass instrument? Ray Anderson est un jeune trombone blanc, barbu, funkisant sur les bords. Is a French horn a brass instrument? Like all brass instruments, sound is produced when the player's vibrating lips (embouchure) cause the air column inside the instrument to vibrate. So, essentially, trombone means “large trumpet”. It has an extendable slide that can increase the length of the instrumentâs tubing. – Tipx Aug 19 '11 at 3:58 Trombone, as it is called today in English, French, and Italian speaking countries, is simply the Italian Tromba(trumpet) with the suffix one, meaning 'big trumpet'. The mellophone is a 2- or 3-valve brass instrument pitched in the key of F, G (bugle),B , or E .It has a conical bore, like that of the euphonium and flugelhorn.The mellophone is used as ⦠Sous la voûte du pont: il se joint au plano, et.! Do the French call rubber bands `` guitarstrings '' playing range there is more than one for! 3.7Â4M ) long of valves used for some reason is only called trombonist., it was invented by Norwegian patent office manager, Johan Vaaler concerto _____... Even though it 's an official and proper word, I do n't think trigger trombone is an actual of... Types of trombones based what is a trombone called in french the side the mouthpiece is a musical instrument in the clef... For “ paperclip ” is “ trombone ” in French a paperclip is called a valve on and were! 1950S thanks to a famous song that has a cup-shaped mouthpiece through which the sound emit ” ( ). The instrumentâs tubing the 1950s thanks to WWII lips and buzzes air through them to sound a note in! 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LONDON — A Silent Walk and other events June 14 were joined by thousands, marking the second anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire here that killed 72 people. The deadly inferno was the result of the contempt of government officials and the building’s managers and owners towards its working-class residents. The 24-story tower was wrapped in highly flammable cladding, which went up in a fast-spreading fire, in a building with broken fire alarms and no sprinkler system. Fourteen of the families who survived the blaze still haven’t been rehoused. Actions were held across the country. In London, Newcastle and Salford large lighted messages were projected across the walls of tower blocks by Grenfell United. “2 years after Grenfell and the fire doors in this building still aren’t fit for purpose,” read the message projected on the 25-story Cruddas Park House in Newcastle. “I heard how the residents were raising concerns but being ignored,” Karim Mussilhy, vice-chair of Grenfell United, told the media when he visited Cruddas Park. “That’s what happened to residents in Grenfell before the fire.” Natasha Elcock, chair of Grenfell United, said: “It’s been two years, and people are still going to bed at night worried that a fire like Grenfell could happen to them.” Days earlier a fire ripped through an apartment block in Barking, in east London — a stark reminder of the devastating consequences for working people of the substandard safety measures tens of thousands still face. In this case wooden frames and balconies and faulty sprinklers and fire alarms were at fault. Luckily this time no one was killed. The London Fire Brigade’s union says that just 32 out of 837 council tower buildings over 30 meters tall (98 feet) have sprinklers. The BBC reports that Grenfell-type cladding remains on high rise council properties in 62 places across England. The government has admitted that cladding had been removed from just 56 of the 158 social sector buildings, and 13 out of 146 private high-rises. A 20-story block adjacent to the burned-out remains of Grenfell Tower still has no sprinklers. Last month the government announced a £200 ($250) million fund to remove combustible cladding from the private towers — but it only covers buildings with aluminum composite material, and not the other forms of flammable cladding used to coat some 1,700 additional buildings. More pressure needed “Many people are still living in dangerous buildings” not covered by the removal fund, the Manchester Cladiators group told Architects’ Journal, “and facing the bills for correction, life-changing bills of up to £80k each.” Under the pressure of the outcry and protests after the Grenfell disaster, the government set up an inquiry into the fire, the first phase of which concluded at the end of 2018. A second phase is set to begin next year. No report has been published. The Metropolitan Police have announced that they will not consider whether to lodge any criminal charges before 2021. “Have you got anything about Grenfell Tower?” Shaun France asked members of the Communist League when he visited their busy literature stand at the Grenada Heritage Day festival in London July 6. “Workers don’t need the fraud of long inquiries and ‘better’ regulations or ‘feel your pain’ visits by party leaders and the Royals,” says a widely circulated statement the CL issued days after the fire. France got a copy. “We should join with the survivors of Grenfell Tower in their fight for immediate quality re-housing in the local area and serious compensation. The trade unions should engage in a mass campaign — working together with tenants around the country demanding the immediate dismantling of cladding, installation of sprinklers and other protective measures nationwide.” “Money-saving trumps safety under capitalism,” Communist League member Jonathan Silberman said. “Workers and our unions must fight for workers control over construction and building work to prevent further Grenfell Towers.”
How Can Personalized Blood Flow Restriction Be Used Safely and Effectively to Accelerate Rehabilitation After Surgery? Two significant peer-reviewed articles on Personalized Blood Flow Restriction (PBFR) were published this month in the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery is the official journal of the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA), and is read by many orthopaedic surgeons. The contributing authors are two well-respected and accomplished orthopaedic surgeons. The first article is a guest editorial written by Dr. Brian Day, a past President of AANA, titled “Personalized Blood Flow Restriction Therapy: How, When and Where Can It Accelerate Rehabilitation After Surgery?” . The second article is a paper entitled “The Role of Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Following Knee Surgery: Expert Opinion” . The corresponding author of the second paper is Dr. Robert LaPRade, Chief Medical Officer at Steadman-Philippon. The papers address current guidelines for clinical use post-surgery and highlight the existing gaps in the literature: There is increasing amount of evidence showing Personalized Blood Flow Restriction (PBFR), in combination with low-load resistance exercise, may enhance and accelerate the recovery of muscle mass and strength after surgery or injury . A key study has shown that short-term low-load resistance exercise with BFR leads to marked proliferation of myogenic stem cells and myonuclei, accompanied by substantial myofiber and hypertrophy . Further, it has been theorized that “the use of BFR can lead to the preferential mobilization and synthesis of type II muscle fibers that are correlated with muscle hypertrophy and strength” . The benefits of PBFR after arthroscopic knee surgery includes reduction of postsurgical pain, significant improvement of muscle girth, function, and quadricep flexion and extension strength . “Case studies of patients whose initially prescribed rehabilitation programs were ineffective at returning full strength and function have similarly demonstrated significant improvements in quadriceps strength, peak torque, and knee flexion and extension, and successful return to their active daily living and work-related activities” . However, while its effectiveness is well demonstrated, inconsistencies exist in how the therapy is delivered. In some instances, “equipment not meeting medical device standard is being used by non-healthcare practitioners with little or no training; in other instances, nonproven instruments and cuffs with non-personalized blood flow restriction pressures and inconsistent precools, are employed” . “A recently published review of reported side effects and safety considerations concluded that the therapy can be used safely in most patient populations if surgical-grade tourniquet equipment is used, but that it is essential that the therapy is prescribed by a trained practitioner who uses clinical judgement, with knowledge of the appropriate protocols and possible contraindications, and who maintains personalized restrictive pressures” . DePhilloipo et al. recommends : - Use wider tourniquet cuffs. Narrow cuffs may increase complications such as increased pain post-treatment. - Use personalized restrictive pressures based on limb occlusion pressure to provide patient specific therapy. Non-personalized restrictive pressures may exert excessively high-pressures and high pressure gradients which may cause complications such as nerve injury and limb ischemia. - Use limb protection sleeves to prevent pinching and wrinkling of the skin under the tourniquet cuff. - Apply the tourniquet cuff to the most proximal portion of the limb to avoid applying pressure to the surface nerves around joints, - Use 4 sets of 30/15/15/15 with a 30-second rest between sets and a 2-second concentric and a 2-second eccentric contractions for metabolite response, In conclusion, PBFR can limit muscle atrophy and aid in the recovery of strength and function. It has the potential to significantly reduce the morbidity from limb trauma and surgery, allowing a substantially earlier return to full activity . Its effectiveness and safety have been demonstrated, as long as the safeguards and protocols discussed previously are followed. Day B. Personalized Blood Flow Restriction Therapy: How, When and Where Can It Accelerate Rehabilitation After Surgery?. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. 2018 Aug 1;34(8):2511-3. DePhillipo NN, Kennedy MI, Aman ZS, Bernhardson AS, O’Brien LT, LaPrade RF. The role of blood flow restriction therapy following knee surgery: Expert opinion. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. 2018 Aug 1;34(8):2506-10.
Upon completion, summarize and share with your group what you learned about your specific leadership qualities, so you can become familiar with how you are similar and different from your peers when it comes to being a leader. As a group, review the study materials related to servant leadership. Using what you have learned about the tenets of servant leadership and traits and practices of successful leaders, create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. Add an additional slide for references at the end of your presentation. Include the following in your presentation: Each group member: Create a slide that summarizes your leadership style, traits, and practices. Compare the personal leadership styles of your group members, including commonalities between group members’ strengths and weaknesses.Leadership Styles And Nursing Essay Explain why it is important for nursing professionals to be aware of their personal leadership styles, traits, and practices. Discuss what leadership traits and styles are necessary to be an effective communicator. Explain the importance of leaders adapting communication approaches when working inter professionally (across ancillary departments, vendors, community members). Discuss how nursing professionals can benefit from integrating the tenets of servant leadership to empower and influence others as they lead. Discuss how leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their personal leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and health care. Provide two examples that illustrate your main ideas. You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. Introduction In healthcare it is very important to have strong leaders, especially in the nursing profession. A nurse leader typically uses several styles of leadership depending on the situation presented; this is known as situational leadership. It is important that the professional nurse choose the right style of leadership for any given situation to ensure their employees are performing at their highest potential. Depending on which leadership style a nurse leader uses, it can affect staff retention and the morale of the employees as well as nurse job satisfaction (Azaare & Gross, 2011.) “Nursing leaders have the responsibility to create and maintain a work environment which not only promotes positive patient outcomes Leadership Styles And Nursing Essay One mistake that new nurse leaders make is that they believe that the only way to get things accomplished, is to be direct and autocratic (Kerfoot, 2008.) The new leader’s fear of failing can influence them to take on the autocratic role to try and earn respect from their employees. However, this is not considered to be very effective among staff. When the professional nurse takes on the autocratic leadership trait and uses it on a daily basis, employees feel micromanaged. When a manager micromanages their employees they take the risk of lowering morale, and losing good workers (North, 2011.) Nurses have a lot of autonomy in their profession. They work independently and take responsibility for their actions. When they become micromanaged by their nurse leader, it takes away that autonomy and creates a work environment that is very low in morale, and can hurt the relationship between manager and employee. anagers with leadership styles that seek and value contributions from staff, promote a climate in which information is shared effectively, promote decision making at the staff nurse level, exert position power, and influence coordination of work to provide a milieu that maintains a stable cadre of nurses”, (Boyle, Bott, Hansen, Woods & Taunton, 2009). This statement describes the large impact a leadership style can make on the work environment, and the morale of the team. In nursing history, several theories and leadership…show more content… Often times an authoritarian leader has full control of those around them, and believes to have complete authority to treat them as they want. An authoritarian leader would provide instructions without looking for inputs and superintend his or her nurses in a close manner. However, problems may arise if a nurse must wait for the manager’s decision or direction before taking action regarding a patient. Although the authoritarian leadership style can be viewed as undesirable, it has proved to be very efficient in emergent and stressful situations. One of the key benefits of authoritarian leadership is the fact that decision making becomes much more simple and fast, as the leader doesn’t have to consult or convince anybody. Basically authoritarian leadership can work wonders for the organization when decision making has to be quick and during some crisis. In a democratic leadership style, the decision making process and overall responsibility among team members is shared.Leadership Styles And Nursing Essay Decisions are made by the leader consulting each member of the team; therefore the outcome becomes a group effort. In the democratic leadership style, tasks are delegated to employees effectively, where the implementation is mostly in their hands. As opposed to the authoritarian leadership style, the democratic leader welcomes feedback from every team member. Team members are also encouraged to function as a In healthcare it is very important to have strong leaders, especially in the nursing profession. A nurse leader typically uses several styles of leadership depending on the situation presented; this is known as situational leadership. It is important that the professional nurse choose the right style of leadership for any given situation to ensure their employees are performing at their highest potential. Depending on which leadership style a nurse leader uses, it can affect staff retention and the morale of the employees as well as nurse job satisfaction (Azaare & Gross, 2011.) “Nursing leaders have the responsibility to create and maintain a work environment which not only promotes positive patient outcomes but also positively influences teams and individual nurses” (Malloy & Penprase, 2010.) Let’s explore two different leadership styles and discuss how they can enhance or diminish the nursing process.Leadership Styles And Nursing Essay Review of the Professional Nursing Literature In healthcare, there are several ways to influence others and each comes with a leadership style that the nurse possesses when they make decisions. When you put it in perspective, the attitudes, values and behaviors of an institution begin with its leadership (Azaare & Gross, 2011.) Democratic and autocratic leadership styles are very common for the professional nurse to use on a daily basis. Depending on the situation at hand, both leadership styles can be very effective. In a code or emergency situation it is very important for the nurse leader to be able to make quick decisions. In this case, there would be little time to make a group decision and it would be appropriate for the leader to step up and be an autocratic leader.Leadership Styles And Nursing Essay Get your Plagiarism-free essays from Tutorsgallery.com
How Curiosity Enhances Learning When we talk about curiosity and learning, we tend to talk about it from an engagement perspective. If students remain interested in and curious about a topic, they will pay more attention and, ultimately, learn more. But this isn’t the whole story, and we’re doing ourselves a disservice by cutting it short. It might seem obvious that curiosity and learning go hand-in-hand, but the scientific community sees it differently. Until very recently, there hasn’t been much published researched on how curiosity works in the brain. It’s a difficult phenomenon to describe, let alone study. But the latest neuroscience tells us that one mental process in particular benefits from curiosity, a process crucial to learning and education in general, and it just so happens to be the missing part of the conversation: memory. Curiosity, Uncertainty, & Memory Earlier this year, researchers at Lake Forest College conducted an extensive literature review on the topic of curiosity and its impact on memory. A systematic literature search was executed using a database that contains an extensive amount of academic journals, including empirical articles, chapters of from textbooks, literature reviews, and peer-reviewed journals. The articles covered a 55 year span of research and the participants ranged from 5 – 40 years old, with the majority being undergraduate students. Most studies found that curiosity does indeed enhance memory, and a number of studies which examined different levels of curiosity found that what one knows or desires to know impacts memory as well. Bull and Dizney (1973) focused on the differences among retention scores between high-curiosity groups and low-curiosity groups, which were each presented with different pre-questions intended to interest the participants in an essay. What they found was a significant difference between retaining relevant and incidental information for low curiosity pre-questions and high curiosity pre-questions. In 1976, Kintz and Lippman highlighted an important point about curiosity and memory. Creating and recalling memories, they argued, were different processes: “Creating memories has to do with curiosity and exploration, whereas recalling memories is not closely related to curiosity.” But in 2005, Litman offered the opposite argument, claiming that we are “most curious when we feel the need to recall something that we are close to remembering,” which is commonly known as the “tip of the tongue” phenomenon. We are least curious, he said, when we feel that we already know something. “When we know nothing, we aren’t curious at all. We have nowhere to begin, and therefore no curiosity to drive us to acquire the knowledge.” Research on visual curiosity confirms these patterns of behaviour. Butler (1955) used rhesus monkeys to study how visual stimulus deprivation impacts visual curiosity. Monkeys deprived from a particular visual stimulus for a long period of time tend to be more curious about the stimulus when they are reintroduced to it. In their own work, Kintz and Lippman (1976) found that “free visual looking time” is a “specific function of curiosity itself and is aroused within the observer through the perception of a particular stimulus.” But not necessarily because curiosity aids recollection. In fact, the researchers noted that curiosity is important in the formation of a memory but not in the recollection once a memory has already been formed. Boykin and Harackiewicz (1981) found that high levels of uncertainty lead to greater curiosity, which in turn is important for recognition and recall. In their research, subjects who were least certain in their answers were the ones who had the greatest curiosity with the correct answers. On the other hand, those who felt most certain about their answers were least eager to uncover the answers. A number of articles analysed the neural underpinnings of curiosity and found that satisfying one’s curiosity activated the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory. One study conducted by Kang et al. suggested that curiosity “increases memory through striatal activation because of increased attention and incentive to learn (2009).” Jepma et al. hypothesised that “relief of curiosity is rewarding and enhances learning; this process is mediated by a neural basis for curiosity.” The same concept is discussed by Connolly et. al. (1971). In 2001, Alberti and Witryol found a positive correlation between curiosity and intellectual performance among third and fifth grade students completing a laboratory task. They also found that intellectual performance was not only linked with student curiosity but also with the teacher ratings of curiosity. “The research done on curiosity and memory can be further extended by analysing brain activity. Most articles did not look at brain activity but doing so may be a better indicator of curiosity than a survey which could suffer from demand characteristics,” writes Sarah Goldberg, who led the literature review. On the educational potential of this type of research, Goldberg says: “This topic is important to study because characterising the factors that mediate memory can help in making the educational system better by engaging students more in their classes and therefore raising grades. This can help students if they are able to learn more while studying something they are curious about.” She adds: “Knowledge of how curiosity and memory interact can aid students in the classroom, leading to an increase in interest and higher levels of learning in schools. Therefore, the knowledge that we attain from these studies can help us shape the curriculum of students in order to maximize their learning potential.” Different Levels of Curiosity Some cognitive psychologists harbour the belief that there is more than one type of curiosity. For instance, Jepma, Verdonschot, van Steenbergen, Rombouts and Nieuwenhuis (2012) have identified two different types of curiosity, perceptual and epistemic, which can be classified as either be “specific” or “diversive.” They explain: “Perceptual curiosity is aroused by sensory factors that are novel, while epistemic curiosity is driven by the desire to learn and acquire information. Therefore, epistemic curiosity leads to intentional learning and perceptual curiosity leads an unintentional way of acquiring information. Furthermore, specific curiosity involves seeking information about a particular topic, and diversive curiosity involves the desire to learn about general information.” It turns out that different types of curiosity may have different uses when it comes to learning. Kang et al. (2009) found that people’s ability to recall answers to questions is influenced in part by their ranked curiosity level. The accuracy rates were significantly different between high and middle curiosity items, in which there was greater recall accuracy among high curiosity items than middle curiosity items. Further, middle curiosity items were recalled with greater accuracy than low curiosity items and the results were significantly different. Thus, higher curiosity levels lead to better recollection. Though it may seem obvious, the literature also confirms that we are more curious about things we don’t already know. Litman, Hutchins, and Russon (2005) found correlations between epistemic curiosity and the various feeling-of-knowing states. When subjects felt they knew something, they were less curious. When they experienced the tip of the tongue phenomenon, they were most curious. Collins, Litman and Spielberger (2004) explore the idea of curiosity as a personality trait: “Curiosity is present in all humans, but at different levels. Due to the fact that curiosity is present at different levels, it is reasonable to conclude that higher levels of curiosity result in higher levels of learning.” How to Use Curiosity to Your Advantage 1. Use what interests you to retain what doesn’t. When you’re curious about something, your brain is primed to absorb all information presented around that topic. That’s why you should pair information that is less interesting to you with information that is more interesting. You will naturally remember the more interesting information, but your brain will also associate the less interesting information with it so you recall that better too. Boykin (1981) discovered that being asked unusual and interesting questions before exposure to material enabled participants to retain the material that followed the questions because the questions pique interest in the material, and therefore stimulate curiosity. 2. Be okay with expressing uncertainty. When we’re afraid to admit we don’t know something, we tend to gravitate toward an explanation–any explanation–so that we don’t look bad. But if we convince ourselves we know the answer when we don’t, we limit our ability to learn new things. Don’t be afraid of your own curiosity–it will only enrich your knowledge and broaden your perspective in the long run. 3. Remain aware of what interests you and what doesn’t. Meta-awareness enhances learning because it allows you to understand your own learning process. Make a list not only of which subjects interest you and which ones don’t but also which topics within those subjects as well as the instructional methods used to present them. Doing so will help you better direct your own curiosity. 4. Learn more, study less. It sounds like a gimmick, but it’s really just the way the brain works: If you learn something well in the first place, you won’t have to study it as hard later because you will easily remember it. So spend more time becoming curious, pinpointing aspects of a topic that spark your interest, and going into depth in the beginning so you don’t have to pull all-nighters later on down the road. 5. Limit unnecessary learning. “Some other further studies that would be helpful in filling the gap of knowledge as to how curiosity affects memory are studies that look at how students do in electives versus those that are required,” writes Goldberg. “Having required classes may actually be negative because the grades of students may be lowered and they would not end up remembering as much information from those classes either way.”
Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Join Britannica's Publishing Partner Program and our community of experts to gain a global audience for your work! Renga, plural renga, genre of Japanese linked-verse poetry in which two or more poets supplied alternating sections of a poem. The renga form began as the composition of a single tanka (a traditional five-line poem) by two people and was a popular pastime from ancient times, even in remote rural areas. The Kin’yō-shū (c. 1125) was the first imperial anthology to include renga, which was at the time simply tanka composed by two poets, one supplying the first three lines of five, seven, and five syllables and the other the last two of seven syllables each. The first poet often gave obscure or even contradictory details to make it harder for the second to complete the poem intelligibly and, if possible, inventively. These early examples were tan renga (short renga) and were generally light in tone. The form developed fully in the 15th century, when a distinction came to be drawn between ushin renga (serious renga), which followed the conventions of court poetry, and mushin renga, or haikai (comic renga), which deliberately broke the conventions in vocabulary and diction. Gradually, the composition of renga spread to the court poets, who saw the artistic possibilities of this diversion and drew up “codes” intended to establish renga as an art. The codes made possible the masterpieces of the 15th century, but their insistence on formalities (e.g., how often a “link” on the moon could appear and which links must end with a noun and which with a verb) inevitably diluted the vigour and freshness of the early renga, itself a reaction against the excessively formal tanka. The standard length of a renga was 100 verses, although there were variations. Verses were linked by verbal and thematic associations, while the mood of the poem drifted subtly as successive poets took up one another’s thoughts. An outstanding example of the form is the melancholy Minase sangin hyakuin (1488; Minase Sangin Hyakuin: A Poem of One Hundred Links Composed by Three Poets at Minase), composed by Iio Sōgi, Shōhaku, and Sōchō. Later the initial verse (hokku) of a renga developed into the independent haiku form. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Japanese literature: The Muromachi (1338–1573) and Azuchi-Momoyama (1574–1600) periods Renga(linked verse) had begun as the composition of a single tanka by two people and was a popular pastime even in remote rural areas. One person would compose the first three lines of a tanka, often giving obscure or even contradictory details in order… Japan: The establishment of warrior culture…verse was still composed, but renga (linked verse) became ever more popular and was enjoyed by the warriors and the common people alike. After a time, however, even renga became overly formal, as the waka had, and lost its freshness; hence, the free-style verse called haikai was born.… Japanese art: Painting…competitions, composing linked verse ( renga), with representative verse juxtaposed by their images. Thus, even the comparatively subdued ambience of court culture was animated by the format so attuned to the dynamism of the period. The 36-poet genre was thereafter a resilient theme and a standard way of expressing high…
While we await the bright hope of voting in a constitutional government, it may be appropriate to talk about a woman some have dubbed a leader and even fit for the presidency. The name of the woman is none other than our notorious former first lady, Nana Konadu Rawlings. Nana Konadu is the wife of Jerry Rawlings John. Rawlings as we all know is one of the most vicious, lascivious and repressive dictators our country has ever known. While Rawlings was mowing down and brutalizing our brothers and sisters, Nana Konadu enjoyed affluence at it finest, displaying assorted motley starched headgears that stabbed the sky with reckless abandon. She paraded, with her stiff and stoic demeanor, as a women's rights advocate overseas at a time when our women were being sodomized with oversized batons and their private parts pepper bombed to oblivion. Oh ye mothers of Ghana! Have my sympathy!! With a stiff cold steely demeanor she watched on while the blood letting continued shamelessly. Every so often, her name comes up as part of this grand scheme to deface the soul of mother Ghana. As if these undertakings were not shameful enough, Nana K. shamelessly took advantage of her husband's brutal power to acquire state businesses and loans, as we've just learned, in the name of charity. The much discredited 31st December women's movement is a classic example. Recently, news reports have it that the government of Ghana, narrowly escaping the claws of HPIC stardom, had to eat up a $2 million plus loan that this shady movement foisted on the poor people of Ghana. Prior to the latter, there have been numerous speculations about Nana's effort to use front companies to acquire government companies on the cheap. Keep in mind that, this is a woman, like her husband, who had nary a mandate from the good people of Ghana. If Rawlings murdered Felli for obtaining a 40,000 cedi loan, must he not shoot his own wife? Of course in his demented mind they are above the law. In fact, some even allege that Rawlings looked the other way while his wife grabbed from state coffers with all ten fingers. While we can't firmly prove the veracity of the latter, we all know that, the Rawlings family as it exist currently, represents one of the most affluent families in Ghana. They are educating 4 kids overseas, own several luxury cars (including a jaguar), a speedboat, several houses, and land besides what Ghanaians pay out of their nose to support their wayward life style. Some speculate that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Talk about greed at its luminous best! This is certainly a far cry from an emaciated flight lieutenant who could barely afford food and was flunking out of the much maligned Ghana Army. Never mind his dubious Kafo didi chants!! The story of the African woman, and the grace and strength that they represent has not been fully told. Growing up with a hard working, God-fearing, tough and loving mom, I can attest to the crucial nurturing role that women play in Ghana. I watched and observed other women as well and my impression is still very high of Ghanaian women. Despite the shabby way Ghanaian men treat their women in general, in my book, Ghanaian women are the kind that can stand up to an unrepentant son at the same time showing motherly concern. They are normally the voice of calm and unimpeachable source of strength. They stay behind with the kids while most men continue their irresponsible and wayward ways, by fathering more kids elsewhere. Having said all the above, one might ask simply then, where did Konadu go wrong? Can anyone bill Nana Konadu as a leader and indeed fit for a president? I mean given her role in the most ghoulish regime in Ghanaian history? Is this the woman who is utterly despised in her own oseikrom? What do we know about her people skills or ability to manage? As if being the wife of a dictator is not enough reason for concern, do we want to coronate her to the presidency of Ghana? Not too long ago, leadership focused on what traits one was blessed with. Then research proved that traits alone are not enough to indicate or guarantee good and effective leadership. So the focus shifted to behavior and situation. Lately the functional approach, contingency model, path-goal approach, adaptive-reactive model and many more considerations are in play when the topic of leadership pops up. The common theme, if not thread, that runs through most leadership literature is that a leader must have certain qualities, be situational, results driven, and most of all have followers. Leaders' act, not out of comfort but when the stakes are high and no one is looking. What qualities can we talk of when considering the former first lady for the presidency? What leadership traits can we boast of when it comes to Nana Konadu? What did she do to stanch the killing and maiming? What did she say about the caning of innocent women? Let us cut her some slack by saying maybe she was afraid of the maverick and epistemically limited dictator that she gleefully married. What then has she said since her husband got defanged? What has she said to sooth the pain of those who are hurting? As a mother, were is her compassion? Instead, she is trying fruitlessly to justify the carnage and filthy looting that took place under the watch of her bloody husband. Folks, leadership is about action and results. When the Rawlings regime was in power, this jezebel of a woman had all the opportunity in the world to put a dent in the suffering of the people of Ghana. She had the chance to pillow talk her ruthless husband to ease up on the innocent people of Ghana. She had the chance to champion the rights of all Ghanaian women. Time and time again, she chose partisanship and personal gain over 'statewomanship'. She chose the side of evil and ill-gotten wealth over common decency and human rights. Being the callous schadenfreude that she is, she was not able to sincerely speak up for the oppressed and poor women of Ghana when they needed her the most. So whether you look at traits, behavior, situation, goals, motivation and any other leadership consideration, Nana Konadu does not deserve any decent consideration. Even if you gin up the facts, puff up the details and become a dewy-eyed optimist overnight, there is no way on God's green earth that one can talk of leadership and Nana Konadu in the same sentence. The simple conclusion is that this woman was part of something ignorable. She was the steady and willing partner of man who decided to violate the collective will of the people of Ghana for his own selfish and egomaniac reasons. The biggest mistake Ghanaians, and for that matter the NDC, dare make is to even consider, in the slightest way, the possibility of having this woman in any leadership role. She is no Ester Ocloo nor does she even qualify to braid Yaa Asantewaa's hair. In fact, she should thank the nebbish and wistful Kufour for not hauling her to jail. The problem with the Rawlings duo is that they don't know when to quit while they are ahead. Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage. Silver and gold have I none but what I have give I unto the peace loving people of Ghana. We are on a steady march and we will get there. Never again!!
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2017 Oct;173:93-99. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2017.03.016. Epub 2017 Mar 19. Pasing Y1, Fenton CG2, Jorde R3, Paulssen RH2. Note: 20,000 IU weekly raised Vitamin D levels to 48 ng average Genetics category listing contains the following 399 articles in Vitamin D Receptor 145 articles in Vitamin D Binding Protein = GC 36 articles in CYP27B1 - Topical Vitamin D - Nanoemulsion Vitamin D may be a substantially better form - Getting Vitamin D into your body Vitamin D blood test misses a lot - Snapshot of the literature by VitaminDWiki as of early 2019 - Vitamin D from coming from tissues (vs blood) was speculated to be 50% in 2014, and by 2017 was speculated to be 90% - Note: Good blood test results (> 40 ng) does not mean that a good amount of Vitamin D actually gets to cells - A Vitamin D test in cells rather than blood was feasible (2017 personal communication) - Commercially available 2019 - However test results would vary in each tissue due to multiple genes - Good clues that Vitamin D is being restricted from getting to the cells 1) A vitamin D-related health problem runs in the family - especially if it is one of 51+ diseases related to Vitamin D Receptor 2) Slightly increasing Vitamin D show benefits (even if conventional Vitamin D test shows an increase) 3) Vitamin D Receptor test (<$30) scores are difficult to understand in 2016 - easier to understand the VDR 23andMe test results analyzed by FoundMyFitness in 2018 4) Back Pain - probably want at least 2 clues before taking adding vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium, Resveratrol, etc - The founder of VitaminDWiki took action with clues #3&4 Vitamin D is hydroxylated in the liver and kidneys to its active form, which can bind to the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The VDR is present in a wide variety of different cells types and tissues and acts as a transcription factor. Although activation of the VDR is estimated to regulate expression of up to 5% of the human genome, our study is the first analysing gene expression after supplementation in more than 10 subjects. Subjects of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) received either vitamin D3 (n=47) in a weekly dose of 20,000 IU or placebo (n=47) for a period of three to five years. For this study, blood samples for preparation of RNA were drawn from the subjects and mRNA gene expression in blood was determined using microarray analysis. The two study groups were similar regarding gender, age, BMI and duration of supplementation, whereas the mean serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level as expected was significantly higher in the vitamin D group (119 versus 63nmol/L). When analysing all subjects, nearly no significant differences in gene expression between the two groups were found. However, when analysing men and women separately, significant effects on gene expression were observed for women. Furthermore, when only including subjects with the highest and lowest serum 25(OH)D levels, additional vitamin D regulated genes were disclosed. Thus, a total of 99 genes (p≤0.05, log2 fold change ≥|0.2|) were found to be regulated, of which 72 have not been published before as influenced by vitamin D. These genes were particularly involved in the - interleukin signaling pathway, - oxidative stress response, - apoptosis signaling pathway and - gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor pathway. Thus, our results open the possibility for many future studies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. PMID: 28330721 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2017.03.016 PDF is available at https://www.deepdyve.comMore than 5X increase in activation of scores of genes for women with Vitamin D (20,000 IU weekly) RCT Oct 2017 1061 visitors, last modified 01 Oct, 2017,
analysis of industrial mill bent What is Mill bent in Industrial Buildings Nov 26 2015 · The assembly of roof truss attached to and supported on column at both the ends is known as bent mill bent or transverse industrial buildings consists of a series of such transverse bent supporting the roof... As a leading global manufacturer of crushing equipment, milling equipment,dressing equipment,drying equipment and briquette equipment etc. we offer advanced, rational solutions for any size-reduction requirements, including quarry, aggregate, grinding production and complete plant plan.Get Price Stone crusher plant whose design production capacity is 50-800T/H is mainly composed of vibrator feeder, jaw crusher, impact crusher, vibrating screen, belt conveyor, centralized electronic control and other equipment. Configuration of cone crusher and du Granite Crushing production line in Cameroon is composed of GZD1300 × 4900 vibrating feeder, PE900 × 1200 jaw crusher, FTMCS430 single-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher, PF1315 impact crusher, 2YK2460 circular vibrating screen, 2YK2160 circular vibrating sc Application Area:Building materials, chemicals, fertilizer, metallurgy, mining, refractory, ceramic, steel, thermal power, coal, etc. Main Equipments: PE series jaw crusher, impact crusher, sand maker, raymond grinding mill, vibrating screen and vibrating feeder. The 250t/h basalt crushing line owner has a large-sized mining field in Zambia. Related Equipments: two PE600×900 jaw crushers, two impact crushers, two cone crushers, two sand makers and three circular vibrating screens. Design Of Mill Bent Industrial Buildings Analysis and Design of a Industrial Building The building chosen for the purpose of training is a Industrial building The project was undertaken for Kinfra Park It is a BG3 storied building located at Koratty The base area of the building is about 1180 m2 and height is to floor height analysis of industrial mill bent Mining World Quarry failure analysis of the girth gear of an industrial ball mill Three dimensional finite element modeling and analysis of the mill were of the shell under the forces imposed by the charge motion creates bending Mar 17 2018 · Bend was emerging as one of the nation’s great pine production centers in 1916 and the two large mills dominated production The logging and milling business in central Oregon was complex however with many smaller mills competing for a piece of the business Analysis and Design of a Industrial Building Ms Aayillia K Jayasidhan1 Department of Civil Engineering SSET Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam India Mr Abhilash Joy2 Stuba Engineering Consultancy Palarivattom Ernaklulam India Abstract A multi storied Industrial building is selected and is well analysed and designed The bending stress of the bolt results to one half of the bolt experienc ing tension and the other half compression The point load at the top of the column due to the snow load and load of the column results to compression Project Report on Dal Mill Project Report on Dal Mill includes Present Market Position and Expected Future Demand Technology Manufacturing Process Investment Opportunity Plant Economics and Project Financials Report provides a comprehensive analysis from industry covering detailed reporting and evaluates the position of the industry by providing insights to the SWOT analysis of the industry Environmental analysis of producing biochar and energy recovery from pulp and paper mill biosludge Ali Mohammadi Maria Sandberg G Venkatesh Samieh Eskandari Tommy Dalgaard Stephen Joseph Karin Granström Pages 10391051 First Published 08 February 2019 Industrial Energy Audit Guidebook Guidelines for Conducting an Energy Audit in Industrial Facilities Ali Hasanbeigi Lynn Price China Energy Group Energy Analysis Department Environmental Energy Technologies Division October 2010 This work was supported by the China Sustainable Energy Program of the Energy Foundation the software analysis of the case study and the inferences from the literature studies The paper aims at developing a perception of the design concepts of PEB structures and its advantages over CSB structures II METHODOLOGY The present study is included in the design of an Industrial Warehouse structure located at Ernakulam
Purpose Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignant epithelial neoplasm of secretory glands of the upper aerodigestive tract. It accounts for 3–5% of head and neck malignancies and most commonly arises from the minor salivary glands of the oral cavity. The clinical behavior of ACC from specific anatomic subsites, including the oral cavity, is not well described in the literature. We aim to elucidate patient demographics, clinicopathologic features, incidence, and survival trends for oral cavity ACC (OCACC). Methods Retrospective population-based analysis of OCACC in the SEER database between 1973 and 2012. Results 1066 OCACC patients were identified, of which 57.7% were female (P < 0.0001). Incidence was 0.049 per 100,000. Whites were most commonly affected (81.1%). The hard palate was the most commonly involved subsite (44.1%). Nodal involvement was seen in 8.4% of cases and distant metastasis was present in 6.2% of cases at the time of presentation. Disease-specific survival (DSS) rates at 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 years were 97.4%, 83.9%, 69.9%, 57.6%, and 46.2%, respectively. Females had a higher 5-year DSS (87.8%) than males (78.4%, P = 0.0004). Cases treated with surgery had a favorable prognosis regardless of whether they received radiotherapy (P < 0.0001). Nodal involvement reduced 5-year DSS by 51.6% (P < 0.0001), while distant metastasis reduced 5-year DSS by 46.4% (P < 0.0001). Conclusions OCACC is a rare malignancy with females and whites being more commonly affected. At presentation, regional and distant metastases are uncommon. Poor prognostic indicators include male gender, nonsurgical therapy, nodal involvement, and distant metastasis. |Original language||English (US)| |Number of pages||9| |Journal||American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery| |State||Published - Sep 1 2016| All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes
Art Collection in Salarjung MuseumYou can get a glimpse of Buddhist, Hindu, Roman, Islamic and Greek art ranging from 2nd century B.C. to 20th century A.D.! The gallery on Salarjung family and their contribution in the field of art and literature, can be discerned from their myriad collections. There are sculptures carved on bronze and out of stone, 'kalamkari' work on cloth, manuscripts, arms, armours and metal wares. There are artistic specimens from Egypt, Syria and Persia and the mesmerizing sight of lovely carpets, furniture and ceramics are enough to make you gasp with amazement! Galleries in Salarjung MuseumThere are about 38 galleries in three blocks. The Indian block comprises of 27 galleries while the Western and Eastern blocks comprise of 7 and 4 galleries respectively. The personal belongings of the Salar Jung family including portraits are showcased in the Founders gallery. Wine cups, plates, book stands, hair pins etc. find place in Jade gallery. Here, jade objects as old as those belonging to 17th to 19th century have been displayed. For instance, a book stand has an inscription 'Shamsuddin Iltamish'. Another master piece is the archer ring with 'Sahib-e-Kuran-i-Sani' inscribed on it. This was the title bestowed upon Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.The bidri objects placed in Bidri gallery have been prepared using two techniques: Tahnashin denotes deeply cut work while in Zarbaland technique, the designs are raised. Educating the PublicExhibitions and Seminars are organized from time to time. The ''Mobile Exhibition Van'' reaches out to schools and far-flung villages to impart knowledge about the rich cultural heritage of India. There is the Central Block, Eastern Block and Western Block along with 38 galleries in this museum! There are rest rooms, cafe and cloak rooms for the convenience of visitors. You can also visit Photo Section, Chemical Conservation Laboratory and Sales counter to enrich your experience. Address of Salarjung MuseumSalarjung Museum,Afzalgunj, On arrival to the museum, you can deposit luggage (and camera) in the cloak room. Smoking and photography are strictly prohibited within museum premises. Closed on: Friday (Public holidays) Timings: 10 A.M.to 5 P.M. Fast Facts on Salarjung Museum - Museum Week: 8th to 14th January (50% concession given on entrance fee!) - Children’s Week: 14th to 20th November (School children up to 12 years of age accompanied by teachers are allowed free of charge). - Entry fee: Rs.10/- (For students with School ID Cards, Defence Personnel in uniform and children below 12 years are given 50% concession throughout the year) - Entry fee for Foreign visitors: Rs.150/- - During 'Children's Week' (14th-20th November) and during the 'Museum Week' (8th-14th January), public is given concession on entry ticket. - 'Rangoli' competition, essay writing, elocution and drawing competitions are held during Museum week and Children's week. - Salarjung museum birth celebrations were held from 14th to 21st June, 2010. How to Reach Salarjung MuseumIt is situated on the banks of River Musi and Charminar, High Court, State Central Library, Osmania General Hospital and Mecca Masjid are in the vicinity. You can take a bus or auto from any part of the city to Afzalgunj and walk to Salarjung museum! Kachiguda and Nampally Railway Stations are 3 miles from the museum. Publications of Salarjung Museum - 'SJM Bi-Annual Research Journal' for facilitating researchers. - Catalogues on art and literature collections in the museum. - Picture Postcards of the museum.
- Medical College - Calcutta University - Asutosh Museum - Mirzapur Street Eateries - RadhanathMullick Lane - College Square - Sanskrit College - Presidency College - Indian Coffee House - Old book shops and eating houses - College Street Market Swami Vivekananda Ancestral House If you are fascinated by historical places and history, this is the best place that you shouldn't probably miss. It is the birthplace of Swami Vivekananda and there stood his ancestral home once which is now transformed and renovated into a magnificent building by the Ramakrishna Mission and is now a cultural museum too. The museum sees not just national but attracts International tourists also. It is another section of Kolkata which is extremely popular for its peaceful ambiance and is known for its churches and the Portuguese influence that settled here in the past. It is a small suburban area in the Chinsurah district of Hooghly district. There are many attractions here too besides its religious inclination. It takes around 2 hours to reach Bandel from the main central Kolkata but the travel is really worth it. Kalighat Kali Temple The Hindu population of Kolkata is blessed to have 1 of the 51 Shakti Peethas in their city. The Kalighat Temple is also named after the Goddess that is worshipped here. It is one of the most sacred sites in Kolkata is mostly crowded with devotees each day of the week. The temple is about 200 years old and it is believed that the right toe of Sati had fallen on this very grounds which was also the reason behind the construction of Kalighat Kali temple. Forget China, Kolkata lets you have a taste of China without any flight ticket or VISA. The Tangra area is also known as Chinatown due to its heavy Chinese settlement who have lived here for more than 50 years now. WHats more amazing is that the population celebrates their festivities in full glory and the people of Kolkata also take part in their festivals with the same enthusiasm. You can also enjoy some of the best Chinese cuisines here at Tangra. The Tagore House is the birthplace of Rabindranath Tagore which is popularly known as ‘Jorasanko Thakurbari'. Tagore was the Nobel Laureate for Literature and his works were all piece of art. The house was built by his grandfather but now it's famous as Tagore's house where he also took his last breath. The house is also a museum now and was inaugurated in the year 1962 during Tagore's birth centenary.
My name is Dan Klyn, and I’m obsessed with the question of what “good” means. The culture where I live and grew up, in rural West Michigan, has a lot to do with it. This image is only funny if you’ve been to West Michigan…did Jeff Veen laugh? The dominant culture where I grew up was and still is deeply, rigidly, I’d go so far as to say BEAUTIFULLY Calvinist. My ancestors were so stridently… annoyingly Calvinist, they got themselves kicked out of The Netherlands. Some would emigrate to South Africa. Others came to live in East Orange, New Jersey, or South Holland, Illinois. My people ended up in a territory called Michigan, in a place by the lake they named Holland. In 19th century rural America, they were free to be as Calvinist as they’d like, without being judged by the standards of European-style egalitarianism and secular humanism. Calvinism's systematic working-out of precisely who’s “in” and who’s “out” when it comes to correct doctrine and getting into heaven was and to my mind still is a backward kind of belief system. It’s absolutely about us vs. them, and when I left home to go to college on the other side of the state, I was glad to leave this guy behind. But gosh, I sure missed having certainty. Absolute, unconditional certainty when it comes to what good means. I miss that, and in hindsight I can interpret the next several steps on my career path as a fumbling toward a certainty that didn’t depend on Us vs. Them. I traded church for the library. I studied English Literature, and quickly adopted a very tight focus on James Joyce’s Ulysses as my research focus. In particular, the 1922 first edition, an ultra-rare ”uncut” copy of which is in the collection of the Detroit Public Library. Looking back, of course I gravitated to this book more than, say, something by Ezra Pound or Virginia Woolf. In 1993, there was no more solidly canonical work of fiction from the Western tradition in English literature than Ulysses. Here was the certainty I’d given up with systematic Calvinist theology! But actually: no. The opposite, in fact, was and still is what’s true about Ulysses. It’s a work that is wracked with and architected on purpose to accommodate all kinds of it-dependsnesses and uncertainties. The more I learned about Joyce’s composition and publication methods in the making of Ulysses, the more I came to appreciate what he was doing in terms of ecosystem. Any one edition of that book is far less than the total of what Joyce wrote, and at varying lengths away from what he is likely to have meant. He was working across layers in the ecosystem, and I was in awe of this. This working on purpose in terms of un-certainty. Working in terms of structure, not just surfaces. I loved it. And nearly became ”that guy” But instead, I became this guy. Because of this. I paid my way through gradschool and landed some pretty sweet Web 1.0 gigs on the basis of being really good at HTML and Flash. For a few years, I knew how to use these tools so well that I could consistently and obsessively deliver on “pixel perfect.” Especially with disc-based media like CDROM, I could control everything: from the packaging to the programming, and everything in-between: kerning, leading, audio, video… Still today this object is playable on a PC, and renders, to the pixel, exactly what the photoshop layouts entrusted to me by the designer indicated. The tactic I used to do good work at this time in my career was mastery of a few particular technologies and/or mediums. I got paid for being an expert at a tool. And if the problem I was working on couldn’t be addressed in a pixel-perfect webpage layout or biz-card sized CDROM in the mail … I could use my expertise at controlling the presentation layer of digital experiences to bring incremental, empirically-proven embetterment to the thing the client already had. When I worked at Fry in the early oughts, we pioneered the use of flash in the ecommerce add –to-cart and checkout process, and we proved that users bought more and better in the Flash-based checkout when compared against the peformance of regualr-old HTML checkout. Double digit conversion lift! Annnnd within a year they had to shut the whole thing down. We designed and built an award-winning user experience, with twice the conversion rate of a comparable implementation, and the client’s ecommerce division went out of business in a year. We had solved all kinds of problems (and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars) on the surfaces that users interact with, but underneath this ecommerce store was a business model and governance process our work should have, might have but ultimately didn’t align with. We made it better, and yet, the whole thing was really bad. • Surfaces were failing me, so I shifted focus to structure• Well-worn pattern of adopting a guru / figurehead because: it depends, and we’re not sure we know what all it depends on With a figurhead out front, you can navigate the immeasurable by magic. Venturi and Scott Brown disclaim the guru pattern, although part of this may be due to a kind of falling out that occurres between Venturi and his mentor Louis Kahn. Instead of navigating to good via magic, or in the wake of what the guru does and has done, they question the premise of asking what good means, and note that quite a lot of what’s going on in the built environment is sorta OK. Almost allright is how Venturi said it in his book Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. A plain box of a building with a false-front to give it some presence on the street, and big-ass honkin’ sign on the front is pretty good. It communicates. It’s legible. It’s malliable, and can be a bar or a boutique or a BBQ joint. Just change the sign. The attitude they took was less emotionally charged than the quest for what good means. Their explicit advice to their students and colleagues was to “do it deadpan” – they get blamed for the abundance of irony and sarcasm in what was later called Postmodern architecture, and maybe rightly so. One of my first design mentors at Allmusic.com did it deadpan. This is the falling apart state of a site that was a bit more visually coherent when we launched it in 1998, the wayback machine only had this version… It’s OK! The governing principles behind a design like this reads, to me in retrosepect, like doing it deadpan. A loose enough grid to accommodate all manner of wonky stuff the staff who run the thing will end up doing. The ethos of “almost allright” is to make a mitten instead of a glove. Looser fit, because you’re not trying to make it be good. You’re trying to make it be almost allright, and structures that are specific require more clarity of intent and purposefulness in approach than what’s realistic to expect. I admire Venturi and Scott Brown’s work, but couldn’t take them on as gurus ultimately because of what I see to be a kind of jaundiced eye toward what can be expected from our clients and colleagues. I much prefer and got really excited when I began learning about the work of Richard Saul Wurman.http://archinect.com/features/article/2216621/architecture-in-the-givenness-toward-the-difficult-whole-again-part-1 Like, Venturi, Wurman was a mentee of Louis Kahn, although unlike Venturi I think it is safe to say that Mr. Wurman continues to be a mentee of Louis Kahn. Wurman gives Kahn credit for giving him permission do architecture like no other architect had done it before – at least not knowingly / explicitly / on purpose. He took what he knew about space as an architect, and applied those ways of seeing and knowing to information. In an interview in INC. magazine in 1997, he described information architecture as being “…about how to choose the right way to present information and how to help people navigate through it. It's a way of thinking. It's how you go about something. It's a whole way of life in which the aim is not to make something look good but to make it be good. What good means is making the complex clear. http://www.inc.com/magazine/19970501/1231.html Not only does this man talk about making things be good, and what good means… Wurman also insists that we talk about the truth. You know... The opposite of falsehoods. He says ”the classic pervasive seduction to designers is finding a solution instead of the truth”. If you knew what was true, you could do it earnest, not deadpan. You could design a more finely articulated structure that’s a snug fit to these truths you were brave enough to ask about and clarify. Lou Kahn taught Mr. Wurman that what architects do is not the same as what pharmacists do. Requirements may be given by the client, They want things to be “just so” .. but that’s not necessarily what’s true or what would be good to do. Wurman’s belief in the straightforwardness of making the complex clear, and making things be good - in an earnest and non-ironic way - is predicated, in my view, on something that Louis Kahn called “Volume Zero” Kahn talked about having a three volume history of England on his shelf, and only having thrumbed though the first couple of pages of the first volume, because what he was actually interested in was Volume Zero. A source of understanding and deep human agreement that Stanford Anderson thinks is quite like: …the English sense of law, custom, and institution, which relies on ancient, but constantly renewed, agreement rather than rule-reliance on agreement whether we search backward to the ancient constitution or forward in our historical unfolding. That agreement is given weight by appeal to precedent, from time out of mind, and maintained as agreement by adaptation to current conditions. It is the English appeal to the unwritten constitution and to tradition. http://web.mit.edu/soa/www/downloads/1990-99/MAam_JAE_49_1_Sept1995_95.pdf The tactic, based on Volume Zero, expressed wonderfully in Kahn’s work and in Wurman’s as well, is to go backward from the problem. To not take the prescription as small-t, winky-ironic true-enough truth, but to really go after and dig for what’s true about people and space. There’s a capital T truth about what’s good for people in space, and you can feel it in his buildings. At the Kimbell in Fort Worth At the Salk Institute, in La Jolla Another one of his ways of talking about what good means was to say that Very Good is less than Good. Making any one thing be very good comes, always, at the expense of the ecosystem. The Apple Watch Watch Edition Watch is very good. They fucking re-arranged gold’s molecules. But it’s not good. A shiny object like the watch comes at the expense of the goodness of the ecosystem. It’s not just me, right? They make some very good things, and their things are often better than the competing ones, but “it just works” stopped being true some years ago now. It doesn’t just work. Sadly what it does is it depends. Macbook or Macbook Air? Lightning port or Thunderbolt or MiniDisplayPort? 60w or 80w magsafe adapter? IT DEPENDS Part of how Lou Kahn made things be good was to ask the material what it wanted to do and be. He asked brick what it liked, and would get a different answer depending on the context for the building. In Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh, brick said it liked an arch. For the Korman House in Philadephia, it said it liked two giant fireplaces with a lintel between them for a doorway beneath and a balcony above the lintel. So in addition to going backward from the problem and probing Volume Zero for what’s true about how people like to abide with their things in space, he was trying to honor the materiality of the architecture. One of the most very good things I’ve seen on the internet is a couple of years old now: anybody see this when it was a thing? Snowfall? In a talk that Abby and I got to give at World IA Day a few years ago, we pointed to this as an avatar for what good information architecture starts to look like – where the structure is part of the content, and meaning is enhanced by the structural elements in a legible, powerful way. Some time after we gave that talk, an internal report by the NYT got leaked to the public, and the people who made Snowfall talked about how awful that thing was for their digital ecosystem. It couldn’t be made using the ordinary stuff they built the website with everyday. The editors talked about how “to snowfall” became a verb, and the expectations that all stories should or could be done this way made the overall environment for digital one where people were set up to be disappointed by anything short of a snowfall. About a year ago I made a kind of pivot in my research, and decided to take on and start teaching from the later works of Christopher Alexander. Part of what’s so compelling to me about Alexander’s work, especially the later half, is its offering of a systematic approach to making things be good, or in his words, creating living sturcture; and furthermore, that this approach can be practiced and is “the ordinary way”. Not something esoteric or wicked-smart or proprietary or clever or one-off: the ordinary way. Ordinary in the sense of how things already want to be made: what our particular combination of energy and material wants to sort out like. Alexander says that we can learn about and make things according to the same order that governs what metal shavings do when you place a magnet in their midst. The same order and kinds of geometric situatedness of structures in space that allows life to happen. The nature of this order is knowable. Because it is in us. We’re made from it, and we are it. Because we’re here in space! All space is governed by this order. Music exploration space. Alexander says that each of us has the means for accessing and understanding the nature of this order within ourselves and – this is where he loses most other architects and many in the so-called sciences in academia – he contends that what we’re accessing when we work in terms of this kind of order is an objective criteria. The criterion is Wholeness / Beauty / Life. With any action you might take with regard to the situatedness of things in space you ask yourself: does that move increase wholeness / beauty / life? Does the intervention you’re taking intensify the feelings of wholeness in you as the maker when you are doing the work? How does your work on this one part enhance what’s going on at the system level? Tactically, to work in terms of wholeness is to play along. To look at what nature does, and to also to look closely at what people did 400+ years ago prior to the time of Decartes breaking (according to CA) the world up into grids. The statements Alexander makes can seem pretty overblown. I was reticent to dig into his stuff in the IA class I teach at the University of Michigan for several reasons, including the seeming prerequisite of rejecting most everything people in the so-called developed world have done in the past 400 years, and the not-all-that-dissimilar-from-magic-or-witchcraft kinds of language he uses. But then I got to spend a few hours in a few of his buildings and totally lost my objectivity. The Eishin School in Japan was built in 1986, and if you didn’t know this you’d think it’d always been there. The only comparable feeling to the feeling of being in an environment designed and built by Christopher Alexander is to go to Venice, Italy. Where every choice to situate material in space has been circumscribed by the sense that even a small act of carelessness in the built environment would be tantamount to a disaster. A revering of and reverance the spirit of the place as an ecosystem to the extent that each act of making is considered to be consequential. It’s a way of seeing that reminds me of an analogy used by Alan Watts to describe the difference between Zen and not-Zen. He said that Zen works the way a floodlight works… …and not-zen works the way a flashlight works, scanning the darkness in a gridded-out pattern to sequentially make order from whatever it is the beam is focused on, without regard to what else is present in the environment. I think most of the things that people like us make are made in the mode of the flashlight. Not in terms of wholeness. The people who’ve proven that they can make very good individual products, with the radical focus of a flashlight, seem farther away from making a good ecosystem than ever before. It no longer “just works”.. Products are being made “consistent” with the application of so-called “design patterns,” and rather than bringing coherence to these various touchpoints, applying these standards and patterns did something far less valuable. And at odds with making things be good. It simplified what’s complex. And always, when simplification is underway, meaning is being lost. So, the tactic to be working more and better in terms that Christopher Alexander might resonate with would be to embrace and, where necessary, work to win back complexity in the products and services we make. Complexity is the fundamental truth of ecosystems, and by papering over that complexity with uniformity of interfaces, we’re killing the life in these products and services. Every frame of a Wes Anderson film is brimming, positively gushing with wholeness / beauty / life. I want to teach a class on Christopher Alexander entirely and solely on the basis of the film Rushmore. The complexity in the space Anderson is working in and across when he makes a film has everything to with making it be good. Those films are architected across the pace layers in much the same way that Ulysses is and was. This image would be simpler, easier to stage or re-shoot if we needed to, far easier to commoditize if it weren’t for the spiderwebbing of paint-flaws on the wall there. Or the weathering on the handrail. Or the bird’s mouth needing to be open, or it needing to be a real bird…. Alexander’s explanation for this being a good picture would be to say that something within space and matter can be awoken by the presence of the proper configurations. I’ve had some compelling affects and results with my students in asking them to re-architect music services like Apple Music on the basis of wholeness / beauty / life, and promising baby-steps kinds of successes in my consulting work with the one or two clients who’re able to “go there” with me. Certainly not all of them would find this way of working and this yardstick of wholeness / beauty / life as the measure of success an immediately comfortable “fit”. My contention, though, and please help me test this out: in much the same way that making the complex clear is always objectively better than when it was unclear, working in terms of wholeness is always going to outperform working in terms of partness. With the caveat that the measurement period be more than one quarter of the financial calendar-year. Increasing wholeness in Every. Action. You. Take. In . The. World. I’ve infected some students with this, and hope that some of you have gotten some of this on you today too. What would it be like to live in a mental world where one’s reasons for making something and one’s reasons for making something a certain shape, or in a certain are actually coming the same place Portrait of John Calvin (1509-64) (oil on canvas), Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) (c.1488-1576) / The Reformed Church of France, Paris, France / Calvin, J. (1960). Institutes of the Christian Religion. Philadelphia: Westminster Press. University of Detroit Public Library Library photo by Meghan Nicholas Photos of 1922 Paris 1st edition of Ulysses owned by the Detroit Public Library from a graduate school project by Dan Klyn in 1995 HMS Unicorn photo from Wikimedia Commons Venturi, R., Scott, B. D., & Izenour, S. (1972). Learning from Las Vegas. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Venturi, R., & Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). (2011). Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. New York: Museum of Modern Art. Brand, S. (1999). The Clock Of The Long Now: Time And Responsibility. New York: Basic Books. Photo of ordinary storefront by Dan Klyn in Austin, Texas USA Interview with Richard Saul Wurman by Dirk Kn Photo from the collection of Richard Saul Kahn, L. I., & Ngo, D. (1998). Louis I. Kahn: Conversations With Students. Houston, Texas: Architecture at Rice Publications. Photo from the collection of Richard Saul Wurman. Wurman, R. S. (1989). Hats. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press for the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Photo by Joel Baldwin for LOOK Photo by Dan Klyn at Kimbell Museum, Fort Kahn, L. I., & Wurman, R. S. (1986). What Will Be Has Always Been: The Words Of Louis I. Kahn. New York: Access Press. Ed Burgoyne (2015). Advertising Agency Christopher Alexander (2007). Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 11-19. Alexander, C. (1983). The Timeless Way of Building. Oxford, England: Oxford University Alexander, C. (1983). Unpublished Speech Transcript. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Design. El Saturn Research (1975, December 17). 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Can’t help but contemplate the courage of a people deserving a voice. This day, my quiet voice offered further learning through literature. One day. It was only one day. And yet, across the world, the voices are shouting for change, choice, freedom, and democracy. Their students are standing strong, against an unlawful wave of opposition. They lead, and are being attacked as they offer their voice: some in protest, some quietly leading within their Universities. At times I wonder how I can help. Prayer for the families and friends in loss. Commitment to teach, continue to learn, to use the freedoms that at times I wonder if I truly deserve. To teach my children that there is more to life than balloons, television, material wealth…that there is a world of knowledge out there to be discovered, used, and lives to be improved. Tomorrow I will be wearing black and green.
When applied, the filter essentially sharpens everything on the screen, which means it’ll show every small detail of whatever you are filming. ), then an actual, store-bought filter is probably the way to go. TikTok Video Editing Apps. Besides, you can add caption, filters, and effects to your Tik Tok video. FREE 50.000 TIKTOK VIEWS! It does what it says on the tin really, it gives you x-ray vision by making the screen look blue, as if you are looking at an x-ray machine. Tap the “Filters” option at the bottom of the screen and then select which one you want to add on your Tik Tok video. Join the millions of viewers discovering content and creators on TikTok - available on the web or on your mobile device. Now, let us learn the simple process on how to get more filters on Tik Tok. 2. … 77 Shares Sparkle filter on TikTok Step Into Your Imaginary Closet To Find Your TikTok Aesthetic. Perfect Couple Filter : How To Get It On Tiktok & Instagram? Use Voice Notes On Instagram Threads To Bleep Out Cuss Word. Download and install the app on your mobile device by clicking the button below. You can produce a video in just seneral seconds. Have you made Dalgona coffee, used a funny filter, or started learning a dance?If so, you most likely use TikTok regularly. Basically, the 2020 Episode filter gives you the name of a TV show, a specific episode of that show, and a timestamp within the episode. Here’s how to get the Red Filter on TikTok. Here’s how to get that viral anime filter you’ve been seeing all over TikTok this week 24 Sep 2020 Whether you’ve been on TikTok, Instagram or Twitter lately, you’ve no doubt seen videos of people looking like something out of Studio Ghibli or Pokémon. One of the effective ways to get more viewers is by adding effects to it. The latest TikTok filter that social media users are obsessed with is the X-Ray Vision Filter, which aims to make it look as if you’ve got x-ray vision. Switch to the ‘Edit Option.’. Here’s exactly how you can get the TikTok filter: Open TikTok and click on ‘discover’ in the bottom bar. For adding more effects to your Tik Tok video, don’t hesitate to download the app below. by Kristen Harris. Once the camera has opened select “Effects”. It also provides tons of video templates and royalty-free background music. Step 2: Record a video. Here I will show you how you can easily get this angel filter on Instagram and TikTok and how to use these filters on your Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat as well. If you want to know how to use Tik Tok filters, please read this article. Aside from that, it also consists of editing features to use such as cropping, trimming, zooming, and many more. This TikTok user added some cute butterflies ($12, Michaels) to the foam and set up fake greenery ($16, Urban Outfitters) around for a super cute aesthetic and mirror selfie. The process of applying this filter is very easy. For musical tik tok filter too will instruct you on what and most important issue is that might get music likes free super simple. TikTok Video Editing Apps. I hope you all having a good day. Hey guys this video as been requested a lot in my tik tok. #aestheticfilter | 20.1M people have watched this. 5. Snapchat Big Mouth Filter Funnyvideos Crazy Funny Memes Funny . Adding filters or effects will help make your Tik Tok video more stunning. Tips: All templates provided by LightMV are designed with cool filters which you can use for free. Step 5 - Scroll down … If you want to get serious about your Instagram game (this editor does not, but zero judgment! Step 3: After recording your TikTok, click the 'check mark' which can be found in the bottom-right to move on to the next screen. Tysm for 1k lyyyysssmm ️ #fyp #1k #foryoupage #ily #plsgethisontgefyp #tutorial #viral Hey guys! Color Selector filter is the filter that enables people to film a Yellow Teeth trend on Tikttok. by Supervix June 19, 2020, 6:00 pm 1.8k Views We can understand that the daily routines of people have become a bit monotonous, especially of those who are living alone away from other members of family and society. So I decided I would make a tutorial. Step 1: Launch the TikTok app on your device. Said I’ll always be your friend Goal:1000 thanks for 745 followers⭐️ Download and install the Tik Tok app from the App Store or Google Play Store and then install it on your mobile afterwards. First, you will have to update the TikTok … First of all, open the TikTok app on your device. In this video, I show you all how to do the zoom and VHS effect on TikTok!! However, it isn’t actually the x-ray part of the filter that users are becoming obsessed with, as people are using it for a completely different reason. How To Lip Sync In Tiktok . Subcultures have been around longer than the Internet, but aesthetics old and new are gaining massive followings through social media. Open the TikTok app. It allows you to edit, shoot, and share videos including filters, animations, music, special effects, and more. The filter is not just limited in Tiktok. 743 Fans. Why cheat followers in Tik Tok? This is because the filter is not available on TikTok but on Snapchat. April 28, 2020 by Emily Weaver. This will definitely help you enhance your Tik Tok video. Next, launch it on your phone and then tap the “Scissor” icon that you can see on the screen to import file. How to do the Tim Burton Challenge on TikTok: 1) Select the Time Warp Scan filter, and make sure it travels down the screen instead of across. Ther are 1 billion views on videos with a hashtag “#colorselector”. Animated Figure Filter is one of the latest trends in TikTok and Snapchat that people are enjoying these days.This filter is somehow the advanced version of the Apple Memoji filter. How to get the Caption This filter on TikTok: 1) Open TikTok and tap the '+' sign at the bottom to open the camera. Here’s where to find the popular Blinking Game Filter. In ths search bar, type ‘x ray’. Upbeat News This Cat 8217 S Lip Sync Tik Tok Is Going Viral . As mentioned above, those are the best tools and steps on how to add effects on your Tik Tok video fast and easy. TikTok’s timing also appears to be good. Here’s exactly how you can get the TikTok filter: As we mentioned earlier, people are actually using the filter for a very specific challenge. Also, on the Preview screen, you can go to Effects and then select Visual, Effects, Transition, Split or Time effect to add even more filters to your recording. See more ideas about photography editing, instagram ideas photography, photography posing guide. Sometimes, TikTok isn’t enough to make your content unique. The Animated Figure Filter changes the face into a Disney-esque cartoon.. Time Warp Scan works by freezing the image on the screen incrementally as a blue line moves down, or across the screen. 59K Fans. With the integration of the proper effects, we can get the best out of even normal clips. ♬ fnaf but with a twist (Fugees – Killing Me Softly with His Song) – *°harlow°*, Is Canelo Alvarez married? Most teenagers now are fond of using Tik Tok to enhance their talents in singing, dancing and acting. How to make aesthetic videos on tik tok! It is a video maker that consists of numerous video effects. To get this new filter on TikTok, you have to follow the below-given step by step procedure. Add filter to your TikTok video. You have to choose ‘Indie Kid Filter’ to do the indie effect. In this video, I show you all how to do the zoom and VHS effect on TikTok!! Hope it helps! Click on this and press the record button. Lampu Disco Dmx Disko Led Magic Ball Light Lb 006 Sedia Lampu Led Kamar Tidur Motor . It can be used to highlight a color and make your video have a certain kind of aesthetic. This one has a ton of in-app purchases, so you may have to drop some coin to get the filters you really really love. How to Get the Color Selector Filter on TikTok The Color Selector Filter on TikTok Focuses on Just 1 Color in Videos, and the Effect Is So Cool. On your mobile, open the app and then press the “Plus” sign icon at the bottom of the screen to start using this app. TikTok in particular has helped niche aesthetics become popular and clearly defined. It’s the bad skin for me ✨ #fyp #foryou #skin. The developer never expected that this particular filter would get such widespread recognition. How To Get The Mouth Sync Filter On Tiktok … Videos are well-established and booming, and younger generations appear especially entranced by the kind of short-form video content that TikTok is focused on. BeeCut is a video maker that consists of several video effects to choose from. Open TikTok and choose the “Create” option. Time Warp Scan works by freezing the image on the screen incrementally as a blue line moves down, or across the screen. Despite the quick sketches, DIY-aesthetic, and Vine-like dry humor, the app itself is way more complex than Vine ever was. TikTok offers stunning filters for you to create a far more appealing video. Update Followers Generator (November 2020). Download Threads from Instagram to use the bleep filter on TikTok.. iOS: Head over to the Apple App Store to download Threads from Instagram. Snapchat is helping you channel your inner TikTok influencer, thanks to a brand new Lens. You can achieve pretty much ANY aesthetic with A Color Story. Download and Install the Inshot your mobile phone by getting it from the App Store and Google Play Store. TikTok users are obsessed with this new challenge. If you watch that exact part of the episode, you’ll hear exactly what you need to hear — and maybe even get a glimpse into your future. Simply get the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and then install it on your phone once downloading is done. The second editing program we recommend to use named LightMV. Android: Here’s a link to the Instagram Threads app on Google Play. 2020 Jun 30 - Victoria (@foxy.wanderer) on TikTok | 2.2M Likes. Step 4 - Select the Beauty category. September 22, 2020 iOS 14 Aesthetic Home Screen Ideas on TikTok. An aesthetic is basically a subculture centered around a specific set of tastes in things like fashion, music, and literature. Here you can add several effects on your photo or video. It is a mobile app and video maker that includes several editing functions including blur background, trim and cut, add music, and add video effects. Aside from that, in order to make your Tik Tok into a funny one, you can use more effects on it. The four music is your best professional app for audio picture filters Before signing in Filters for making you trending - Particular filter overlays which typography into a photo Here’s exactly where you can find the filter. Get the effect herehttps://jypsyvloggin.com/how-to-get-shapeshifter-filter-on-tiktok/LET’S BECOME FRIENDS! ’ Thank you for 59k Foodie When creating a TikTok, tap the Filter button on the right of the Camera screen to add a filter that changes the look of your video. In order to get the Cat filter on TikTok, you should tap on the Effects button, which is on the left of the Record button. How to get the cockroach filter on TikTok is not a tough task but you may face some hiccups while looking for the filter. Using special effects on your Tik Tok video will look more awesome rather than a simple one. If you wish to use the TikTok fonts generator for your bio you need to follow the community guideline which is devised by the TikTok team. Well, now you can with a new Cartoon Filter that’s going viral on TikTok. Launch it on your mobile phone and then press the “Video” icon to add a video file or press the “Photo” icon to import photos from your camera album. In other news, Is Canelo Alvarez married? You may remember back when the Time Warp filter was a thing — this new filter takes the Time Warp effect and adds another layer that makes it even better. Kathytn ( @ foxy.wanderer ) on TikTok a link to the food genre might... Works on humans and works on pets changes the face into a Disney-esque cartoon use more effects on Tik... Step into your Imaginary Closet to find the popular Blinking Game filter step into your Imaginary to! 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is a choreographer, performer , film maker and visual artist based in Berlin. She studied film and media arts with VALIE EXPORT at Berlin University of the Arts and received a DAAD-Grant and a Merit Scholarship for her MFA in the Performance and Film Departments at the School of The Art Institute of Chicago. She was artiste associée at the Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers between 2006 and 2008. A large part of her work is concerned with the human-animal-relation. Baehr is the producer of the horse whisperer and dancer Werner Hirsch, the musician and choreographer Henri Fleur, the composer Henry Wilt and the husband Henry Wilde, a.o.. She is considered to be one of the most original and distinct German choreographers. Her works have been shown at many international festivals and important dance and theatre institutions. www.make-up-productions.net is originally from Birmingham, UK now living in Vienna, AT. Since 2014 he has performed for pets and from 2016 for humans in varying ballet contexts. lives in Berlin and works as curator, dramaturge and mentor. She worked as dramaturge at Tanzquartier Wien, and as a full-time member of the board of curators for independent theater and dance of the city of Vienna (2002–06), as dramaturge and managing director for the IN TRANSIT Performing Arts Festival at the House of World Cultures in 2008 and 2009. She co-curated programmes such as the biennial NU Performance Festival On Hospitality in the framework of the European cultural capital Tallinn 2011, performance platform. body affects at Sophiensaele Berlin in 2012. She conceives discoursive formats as from dusk till dawn and further, a 12 hours talkshow at ImpulsTanz Festival Vienna, and A piece you remember to tell – A piece you tell to remember, a dance-history-telling-project (with P. Stamer); Visionärer Widerstreit, a seven hours event, and Let’s talk about work and life (with J. Lanteri) and Ecologies of practice (with A. Chauchat, B. Knaup, S. Zacharias), talk & practice formats at Tanzfabrik Berlin. She is the artistic director of the biennial programm Tanznacht Berlin (2016 and 2018). Professor of Theater and Dance Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. Her research focus is on: History and aesthetics of dance from the 18th century until today, theatre and dance of the avant-garde; contemporary theatre and dance, performance, theatricality and gender differences; concepts of body, movement and image, synchronisation of movement and somatic practices. Since 2008 co-director of the International Centre Interweaving performance studies. After completing her studies in ethnology, Sigrid Gareis established the fields of theatre/dance and international cultural work as part of the Siemens Art Program. She is co-founder of dance and theatre festivals in Moscow, Munich, Nuremberg and Greifswald. Between 2000 and 2009, she was founding director of Tanzquartier Wien, between 2005 and 2007 founding president of the European Dancehouse Network (EDN). Between 2011 and 2014, she was founding general secretary of the Academy of the Arts of the World in Cologne. She is currently active as a curator in dance and theatre, teaching and lecturing at various universities and art schools. She has collaborated with Simone Forti in the framework of two exhibitions (Moments, ZKM, and soundmove, Kunstmuseum Bonn). Frequent activities as juror, adviser, consultant. Various book publications. is a dancer, improviser, dance pedagogue and artistic director of the Asphodèle Dankes Envol in Paris. She has studied Horton technique with Bella Lewitzky, improvisation with Anna Halprin and has collaborated with the Trisha Brown Dance Company. Filmon has developed her own improvisations since 1995, and has been involved in collaborations with Barre Philips, Julien Hamilton, Nancy Stark Smith and Lisa Nelson, among others. She has worked in close collaboration with Simone Forti on many occasions. She teaches internationally at dance institutions and festivals in France, Switzerland, Korea, Japan and the United States. www.clairefilmon.com Born in Italy in 1935 and living in Los Angeles, choreographer, dancer, visual artist and writer Simone Forti began her dance studies under Anna Halprin. At the end of the 1950s, she moved to New York, where she took part in Robert Ellis Dunn’s composition class. Her Dance Constructions, developed from 1960 onwards, proved to be a work cycle that would have significant impact on American Postmodern Dance and the Judson Dance Theater. In 1968, she started an intense engagement with studies on the animal world; her piece Sleep Walkers (aka Zoo Mantras) would become a touchstone production for the genre of animal choreography. She is an internationally respected dance pedagogue and has developed her own improvisation technique under the term of Logomotion. She has worked with renowned personalities in the artworld, among others Robert Morris, Steve Paxton, Nam June Paik, Yoko Ono and Yvonne Rainer. Her works have been exhibited at important museums, among them the Louvre, MoMA, Museum der Moderne Salzburg and the Tate Modern. is a dramaturge and a scholar of culture, in particular performance and dance. He is a postdoc researcher at the DFG graduate program „Das Wissen der Künste“, organized by the Berlin University of the Arts. Haas studied at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen. His practice-based PhD project „Animals on Stage. An Aesthetic Ecology of Performance“ was affiliated with the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Haas has taught at art academies and universities in Giessen, Cologne, Berlin, Bochum, Dresden, Vienna and Frankfurt/Oder. Recent academic lectures and articles have been centred around the aesthetics of dance, performance, and artistic research, as well as issues of animal and science studies, and the philosophy of post-structuralism, new materialism, and pragmatism. Haas was employed at the Volksbühne Berlin and worked as a dramaturge with dance and performance makers such as David Weber-Krebs, Hannah Hurtzig, Jeremy Wade, and Martin Nachbar, and organised transdisciplinary workshops and conferences such as the conference Portraying Animals at the National Gallery Prague (June 2015, with Hannah Hurtzig) and the workshop Animal Dances at Sophiensaele Berlin (May 2016, with Martin Nachbar). www.maximilianhaas.info The work of Berlin-based ethnographer and choreographer Miriam Jakob is situated at the interface of research (social science) and fiction, in which she transforms anthropological subjects into performative poetic material. Her solo Friday 1.23.15 [sic] “as usual, sorry that I do not always…” (2012) received the jury prize at HAU and Sophiensaele’s 100° Berlin Festival and was shown on various other occasions. In 2014, she realized the ensemble piece Travelling to the Four Corners of the Earth, which was funded by the Senate of Berlin. She has also been involved in various collaborations, amongst others with the duo deufert&plischke. In 2016, she received the Berlin Senate’s research stipend, and is currently conducting research in the field of animal representation and inter-species performative exchange. www.miriamjakob.de Krõõt Juurak is an Estonian artist living in Vienna, and has developed idiosyncratic projects at the interface of choreography and performance. She has presented her works at international institutions and festivals, among them the Contemporary Art Center (CAC) Villnius, ImPulsTanz Vienna, de Appel Amsterdam, CIAP Hasselt, Kunsthalle Vienna, Tallinn Art Hall and deSingel Antwerpen. She has for a number of years been artistically concerned with the pet, and together with Alex Bailey has developed “Performances for Pets” – performances created especially for pets and shown in people’s flats. www.performancesforpets.net works as a freelance artist in the field of video documentation of performing arts. Besides documenting dance for research projects like Tanztechniken 2010 or TANZFONDS ERBE she works closely with several artists and is part of the artistic research group AREAL, based in Berlin. Besides filming and editing, she is advising students in documentation, camera work and archiving in several dance programs in germany as well as offering workshops in video//dance and perception. is a Research Fellow at the International Research Center for Cultural Studies in Vienna and teaches at the Department of Media Studies at the University of Basel. In 2016 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. From 2005 until 2015 he was a research associate in the Division of Film Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. He is author of The Outside of Film. On Political Film Aesthetics (published in German in 2012; an English translation is forthcoming from Amsterdam University Press in 2018) and co-editor of Jacques Rancière’s film critical writings. One of his latest publications is From Shame to Drive. The Waning of Affect; or, The Rising of the Drive Image in Contemporary Hollywood Cinema, in: Social Text 127, Vol. 34, Nr. 2, June 2016, 45-70. Currently he is working on a book on Slapstick Comedy. is a choreographer in the fields of contemporary dance and performance. He is one of the 50 dance artists active in Germany listed by the Goethe Institut. Since graduating from the SNDO in Amsterdam in 1996, he has worked for various companies and choreographers as a dancer and performer. Among others, he was a founding member of the collective B.D.C, with whom he developed the piece affects/rework – a reconstruction of Dore Hoyer’s Affectos Humanos (1962). Nachbar has choreographed more than 20 pieces since 2004. In his piece Repeater, for instance, together with his 70-year-old father he rendered visible his family ties in and through movement on stage. His Animal Dances (2013) examine the relationality between human and animal. Martin regularly writes and publishes on his works. He also regularly teaches at institutions such as PARTS Brussels, SNDO Amsterdam, SEAD Salzburg, HZT Berlin, TRINITY LABAN London or FU Berlin. www.martinnachbar.de studied art history, fine arts and German literature in Frankfurt as well as Arts Administration in Berlin. She holds a PhD in art history and has been assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Arts in Berlin and head of the education department at Kunstpalais in Erlangen. She also works as a curator and published exhibition catalogues and collection of essays mainly on modern and contemporary art. Her research interest lies in human-animal relationships, in art and aesthetics. Currently she teaches Human-Animal Studies at the Friedrich-Alexander University Nuremberg-Erlangen. She is the editor of Tierstudien, the first academic journal on animal studies and founding member of the resaerch groups Animals and Aesthetics, FITT (Forschungsinitiative Tiertheorie) as well as member of CLAS (Cultural and Literal Animal Studies), Bündnis Mensch Tier, Forum Animals and History, Stiftung der Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen and IFCEAS (Interfakultäres Forum für Cultural Enviromental und Animal Studies). Jessica is the representative of Minding Animals Germany. Born in Liège in 1974, performer, curator, theatre and film director David Weber-Krebs currently lives in Brussels. He studied at the Université de Fribourg (CH) and the Amsterdam School of the Arts (NL). His works are situated between (lecture) performance, film and installation and are often developed in interdisciplinary collaboration with other artists and theorists. In developing his creative work, he is especially interested in experimental approaches that explore and question the traditional relation between work and audience. Together with Maximilian Haas, in 2013 he developed the piece Balthazar, in which a donkey is present on stage as an equal alongside five performers. The piece has been touring internationally with great success. Weber-Krebs teaches at various art and performance schools. David is member of THIRD!, the third cycle research group of Das Graduate school (Amsterdam). He is affiliated as a doctoral artistic researcher to KASK & Conservatory / School of Arts (Gent). davidweberkrebs.org
In response to yesterday's post about Stephenie Meyer and Mormonism, Pooja Makhijani asked an interesting question: Don't you agree that an author's religious worldview MAY somehow shape his or her fiction and this is worth a critical--but non-offensive--discussion?An author's religious worldview definitely shapes his or her fiction, but I worry about assumptions that drive such a discussion in the realm of children's literature. A story has always been a dialectic between a storyteller and the one who hears or reads it. When it comes to life-changing influence, I'd even make the case that the person on the receiving end has more power than the one who tells it -- even when the teller is an adult and the receiver is a child. In the world of children's literature, a critical discussion about an author's faith tends to devalue the role of the child or teen reader. This can lead to talk of censorship. But a human being old enough for story is no tabula rasa. Even if a storyteller is trying to be powerful and didactic, the receiver of the story retains the right to interpret and synthesize it. Does that mean I'd let my eleven-year-old (hypothetical) daughter read the Clique novels or Gossip Girls (which also reveal the authors' religious world views)? Or Stephenie Meyers' Twilight for that matter? If my darling, grazing here and there during her weekly library visit, ends up clutching those novels, so be it. She might hate them. Or find them boring. But if she re-reads a story or craves the next book from a particular author, I'd definitely hope to engage her in a conversation about the themes, issues, and world views possibly driving the stories and shaping the author. A reading of Twilight, for example, sounds like good material for a long car-ride discussion about femininity, masculinity, romantic relationships, and even religion. Let's face it -- in the parent-child dialectic, or even between teacher and student, the power swings to the adult end of the relationship. Children love stories because for once they sense equality in a relationship with a grownup. It's rare to seek therapy because an author forced a world view on us through fiction.
I noticed this street (or sidewalk) art right after the 4th, so I suspect it went in for the celebrations (the Longfellow bridge is a big place for watching the fireworks.) I kept meaning to take pictures, but never had the time- mostly because I'd have to ride back on the sidewalk. So today I made the time I actually memorized this poem when I was about 8. My grandfather was the product of a one room schoolhouse on the Kansas prairie, and the gifted and talented program of the day (when you had finished all the schoolbooks) was to memorize poems and literature. Into his 70's he would quote great passages of Shakespeare. This somehow translated into my Mom paying me a penny a line to memorize poems. I'm afraid my tastes in those days ran to lengthly expositional poems. Not much money to be made in Emily Dickenson. And the money line: They only painted the first stanza, I remember it going on and on, but this is a nice teaser. And I like the light blue dots that accent the words. Thanks Sidewalk Sam! I like how even the racks are baby blue. What a lovely day to be on a bike!
Statistics from Altmetric.com Are sociodemographic variables, childhood adversity or mental health disorders associated with incident drug use in adults who report no prior drug use? 26 935 community dwelling adults enrolled in the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Participants had to report no history of illicit drug use during the first wave of the study (from 2001 to 2002) for inclusion in the current analysis. Incident drug use was assessed in a second wave of interviews (from 2004 to 2005). Community setting, USA; from 2001 to 2005. Sociodemographic variables: income, race, education, marital status, age, sex and region. Childhood traumatic events: physical abuse, witnessing violence in the home, neglect and sexual assault. Family history of substance use: first-degree relatives (siblings or parents) with a history of problem drinking or problem drug use. Mental health disorders (defined using DSM-IV criteria): any mood disorder (major depression, dysthymia, bipolar I, bipolar II), any anxiety disorder (panic disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalised anxiety disorder), any personality disorder (schizoid, schizotypal, paranoid, antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, obsessive-compulsive, avoidant, dependent), any alcohol use disorder (alcohol abuse and dependence) and nicotine dependence. First time illicit drug use (sedatives, tranquilisers, opioids, amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants, heroin and other). Prospective cohort study. Of the 26 935 participants who reported no history of drug use at baseline 1145 (4.3%) used illicit drugs for the first time during follow-up. The most commonly used substances were cannabis (44.4%), opioids (39.6%, excluding heroin) and sedatives (25.5%). A number of sociodemographic variables were associated with decreased odds of incident drug use (female sex; increasing age; Asian, Hawaiian and Hispanic ethnicity; being married). After adjustment for sociodemographic variables, all measured childhood trauma variables were associated with an increased odds of reporting incident illicit drug use: physical abuse by parent/guardian (OR 2.74, 95% CI 1.93 to 3.88), physical abuse by anyone else (OR 2.05, 95% CI 1.49 to 2.82), witnessed fights at home (OR 2.12, 95% CI 1.70 to 2.66), neglect by parent/guardian (OR 2.25, 95% CI 1.55 to 3.25) and sexual assault (OR 2.55, 95% CI 2.00 to 3.26). Having a family history of substance use disorders was also associated with an increased risk of incident drug abuse (first-degree relative with alcohol problem: OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.27 to 1.74; first-degree relative with drug problem: OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.12 to 1.76). After adjusting for sociodemographic variables, childhood trauma and family history of substance use the following mental health disorders were associated with an increased odds of reported incident drug use: any mood disorder (OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.64), any personality disorder (OR 1.82, 9% CI 1.50 to 2.20), nicotine dependence (OR 1.41, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.83) and any alcohol use disorder (OR 1.96, 95% CI 1.48 to 2.60). The diagnosis of any anxiety disorder was not significantly associated with incident drug use (OR 0.85, 95% CI 0.64 to 1.13). Childhood trauma, substance use problems among family members, nicotine dependence and a diagnosis of any mood, personality or alcohol use disorder are associated with increased odds of incident drug use among abstaining community dwelling adults. Harrington et al conducted an interesting and innovative epidemiologic analysis of risk factors for incident drug use in adults in the US general population with state-of-the art measures of psychiatric disorders, illegal drug use, childhood adversity and family history. Their manuscript fits well with previous research conducted in this area.1 The authors found that 4.3% of those who had never used drugs in first wave of the study went on to first use an illegal drug within a 3-year time period. As expected, pre-existing mental disorders and personality disorders were associated with incident drug use. Family history of alcohol or drug problems and having experienced childhood adversity were associated with incident drug use. However, since childhood traumatic events were measured not when respondents were children, but when they were already adults, these measures might be subject to recall bias. Moreover, family history measures were rather vague and were obtained from the respondent, and not from their relatives. It would be interesting if the authors had taken full advantage of the dataset by comparing these adult incident drug users to those respondents who had already initiated drug use before adulthood, in regards to the correlates included in this study. After reading the paper, one wonders what truly differentiates them from respondents who initiated drug use when they were younger, that is, in adolescence, is it only the opportunity to first use a specific drug, or are other factors involved?2 Nevertheless, this is an important contribution to the literature on the epidemiology of drug use and the findings are consistent with previous studies. Sources of funding Manitoba Health Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Competing interests None. 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OTHER DIMENSIONS. Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House: Publishers, 1970. Octavo, cloth. First edition. 3144 copies printed. Collects twenty-six stories, all first collected here. Bleiler, The Guide to Supernatural Fiction 1489. Tymn (ed), Horror Literature 4-203. See Barron (ed), Fantasy and Horror (1999) 4-141. See Barron (ed), Horror Literature 3-182. A fine copy in fine dust jacket with a tiny closed tear at the lower edge of the rear panel. (#155128). No statement of printing.
Class Struggle or Get it in the Neck, Part 2 Photo by Adham Ayesh/Shutterstock David Barsamian: Let’s talk about historical memory. The 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Tribunal for high ranking Nazis was just marked. Robert Jackson, the chief U.S. prosecutor and Supreme Court Justice, said, “We must never forget that the record on which we judge these defendants is the record on which history will judge us tomorrow. To pass these defendants a poison chalice is to put it to our own lips as well.” There’s an excellent new book out called The United States, Southeast Asia, and Historical Memory. You have a chapter in there called “From Mad Jack to Mad Henry,” the latter being Kissinger. But who is Mad Jack? Noam Chomsky: Mad Jack, John Percival, commander of a navy ship invaded Vietnam in, I think it was 1845. That was the first major American attack on Vietnam. Mad Henry, we know the record, in between plenty, after Mad Henry plenty more. Justice Jackson was mistaken when he said, “History will judge us.” It hasn’t. History hasn’t judged us. History has ignored us. The custodians of history, mainly liberal intellectuals, don’t talk about this. Try giving a talk at a law school as I’ve sometimes done and ask them what they think about the fact that every U.S. president radically violates the U.S. Constitution. You can explain it to a 10 year old. Take a look at Article Six of the Constitution, “Treaties” entered into by the U.S. government are “the supreme Law of the Land.” What’s the main treaty entered into by the U.S. government since the Nuremberg Tribunal? UN Charter. What does the UN Charter say? Take a look at article 2.4. It says, “The threat or use of force” in international affairs is outlawed, it’s criminal. Can you think of any American president who hasn’t used either the threat or use of force in international affairs? What does it mean when every president and numerous high officials, including the Nobel Prize peace laureate Obama, what does it mean when they say that in the case of Iran all options are on the table? Is that a threat of force? Is that a violation of the U.S. Constitution? I even put aside the use of force. How about Obama’s massive global assassination campaign, to kill people who the government claims are threatening us? Now suppose that any other government was doing that. Suppose that Iran was killing people around the world who they claim are a potential threat to them. We’d notice it. When we do it, doesn’t matter. There was an actually interesting article that came out recently by a major British legal authority who’s been defending some of the Guantanamo prisoners. He pointed out that of the prisoners in Guantanamo, overwhelming majority, there are plenty who still remain without any charges, but the great majority have been released after U.S. intelligence agencies carefully inspected their records and discovered that they were no threat. Now these are supposed to be the worst of the terrorists. Those are the ones the drone campaigns are aimed at. You kill plenty of other people, but theoretically they’re aimed at the people who are supposedly threats. The people that were sent to Guantanamo are the peak of those who were supposed to be threats. And after years of torture and illegal imprisonment and other atrocities, they were released because it was recognized they never were a threat. What does that tell you about the drone campaign? You don’t have to be a genius to figure it out, which is murdering people, not only the people we aim at, we often miss, but the families, children, wives, community, terrorizing areas, because we’re trying to kill people who aren’t a threat, but who somebody mistakenly said were a threat. But even if they were a threat, I mean, is Mike Pompeo a threat to Iran? So why don’t they kill him? Would that be okay? Would we cheer, doing what we’re supposed to be doing? Going back to Robert Jackson, I’m afraid he’s wrong. We have proven him to be wrong. The intellectual community, good liberals, legal authorities have simply said, “We’re not subject to the law. Even our own Constitution doesn’t apply to us.” What applies to us is what we feel like doing. Hermann Goering was the highest ranking Nazi at Nuremberg. He said, “The victor will always be the judge and the vanquished the accused.” Unfortunately, it’s true. Take even the Nuremberg Tribunal itself. It was probably the least defective of all of the international tribunals. The people who were charged were undoubtedly terrible criminals. But the Nuremberg Tribunal itself was severely flawed. That was pointed out by Telford Taylor, the American counsel for the prosecution. He wrote about it later, and he agreed that there was a deep flaw in the Tribunal. Essentially, the Tribunal defined a war crime as something you did and we didn’t do. So bombing of urban concentrations to try to kill as many civilians as possible was not considered a crime. The reason was the British and the Americans did it far more than the Germans, so therefore it’s not a crime. So destroying cities with the explicit goal of killing civilians, that was after all the explicit goal, we have to harm their morale by killing civilians, not secret. That wasn’t a crime. Dresden, other German cities, Tokyo, much worse than Hiroshima, not crimes. In fact, if you’ll take a look at the Tribunal, the German war criminals were able to plead successfully that what they did was also done by the West, so therefore they were innocent. The submarine commander Admiral Doenitz was charged with attacking civilian ships. His lawyers brought in his defense an American Admiral who said, “We did the same thing.” Okay, therefore it’s not a crime. That’s the Nuremberg Tribunal, the best of all the tribunals. So I’m glad the Tribunal took place, it’s better than if it didn’t, but we shouldn’t have any illusions about it. It was deeply flawed. That was victor’s justice. The Tokyo Tribunal was just ridiculous. Japanese commanders were executed because of crimes committed by troops they had no contact with, things like that. In the book, Retargeting Iran, you discuss in the chapter “U.S. War with Iran: Covert and Overt” the proposal for a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East. Few people have ever even heard of this. And then you mention the 1976 Symington Amendment. He was a senator from Missouri. You say, “U.S. aid to Israel for the past almost 40 years is illegal under U.S. law.” Talk about that. There’s a profession called lawyers, whose task is to show that words don’t mean what they say. So I understand that. But if we look at the actual words, it’s arguable, but it is certainly at least arguable that U.S. aid to Israel is illegal under U.S. law. There are updates to the Symington Amendment which carry it further. And there’s a very interesting issue there, which is one of those things is undiscussable in the United States, but very critical to contemporary affairs. There’s much highly justified concern now about a possible war with Iran. Is Trump going to go out in a blaze of glory by bombing around or something like that? But take the whole issue with Iran, not just Trump, Obama, everyone else. Iran is supposed to be a terrible threat to peace, maybe the greatest threat to peace. And worst of all is their program for developing nuclear weapons. Let’s think about that for a moment. Let’s say Netanyahu is right, they are secretly developing nuclear weapons. Is there a way to stop that? Yes, a very simple way. Impose a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East with intensive inspections. We know that inspections can work. U.S. intelligence confirms that, the International Atomic Energy Agency confirms it. They were very effective during the period of the JCPOA, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreement, the Iran Deal. So reinstitute them and impose a nuclear-weapons-free zone. Is anybody opposed to that? Actually, only two countries, the U.S and Israel. Arab countries strongly in favor, Iran strongly in favor, non-aligned countries, most of the world, former non-aligned, so called G77, 130 or so countries strongly supporting it, Europe supports it. Every time it comes up, the U.S. vetoes it. Obama, in 2015, came up to the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review conference. Everyone in favor, Obama blocked it. In meetings since, same thing. Why does the U.S. block it? Everybody knows, nobody can say, because it would mean that Israel’s nuclear weapons would be subject to inspection. The United States does not officially recognize that Israel has nuclear weapons. It’s a joke. Everybody knows they have nuclear weapons, but the U.S. government won’t recognize it. That goes back to the Symington Amendment. As soon as you recognize it, it opens that door. Nobody in the government, Democrat or Republican, wants to open that door. The liberal intellectual community doesn’t want to open that door. So you don’t have any discussion of a very simple way of ending whatever threat you think Iran poses. So no justification for murderous sanctions, no justification anyway, but the official justification gets totally knocked down. No justification for the efforts to torture Iranians, especially now during the pandemic, none. All goes, simple solution, can’t talk about it. I mean, you can talk about it in arms control circles, and it’s a free country, I can give talks about it, as I’ve done a 1,000 times. Pointing this out, of course, audiences understand immediately. In fact, I should say that if there were a really functioning Palestinian solidarity organization here, this would be one of its top priorities. Let’s impose a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East. Let’s pursue the fact that U.S. aid to Israel is arguably even in violation of U.S. law. This is not incidentally the only case. There’s the so- called Leahy Law, Senator Patrick Leahy, which bans U.S. military aid to any military unit anywhere that’s engaged in systematic human rights violations. The Israeli army is up to its neck in systematic human rights violations all the time. You can read about it in the Israeli press, Israeli human rights groups, B’Tselem, international human rights groups, not a secret. So yes, there are points where activist pressures could make a big difference. They’re not being carried out, unfortunately. But these are things that are kept under a veil, you don’t want to talk about them. It’s kind of like the Chinese vaccine, even worse, we don’t talk. That’s at least sometimes mentioned. This, you can search, it’s almost a total ban. And I should add there’s more to it. The U.S. and Britain are uniquely committed to a nuclear-weapons-free zone, there’s a reason. After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the U.S. and Britain rammed through a Security Council resolution, which called on Saddam Hussein to eliminate his nuclear weapons programs, which he in fact did. The resolution had a series of other provisions. One of them, Article 14, commits the signers, the U.S. and Britain to work to establish a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the region. That’s a U.S.-British sponsored Security Council resolution calling on these two states to move to institute a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the region. They have a unique responsibility to do it, meaning to open up Israeli nuclear weapons to inspection and to raise the question about the legality of U.S. economic and military aid to Israel. That’s a direct duty, cannot be discussed. Of course, it can, like we’re talking about and we’ve talked about it before. But it can’t enter the mainstream. This year began with the U.S. assassination of Iranian general Qassem Suleimani, and it almost is ending with the assassination of the Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, probably by Israel. David Sanger writing in The New York Times reported, “The assassination threatens to cripple President-elect Biden’s efforts to revive the Iran nuclear deal before he can even begin his diplomacy with Tehran.” And he continues, “And that may well have been a main goal of the operation.” About Benjamin Netanyahu, Sanger writes that he has a second agenda, and that is, quoting Netanyahu, ‘There must be no return to the previous nuclear agreement.’ Nowhere in the article does Sanger even mention that Israel has nuclear weapons, or that this assassination is yet another example of its violations of international law. What’s going on with U.S.-Iran relations in this interim period and the dangers of a possible wider war? That’s an important question, but we should remember there’s a background. Why is the U.S. torturing Iran in the first place? What is the justification for the U.S. sanctions regime? This is not the first murder of a nuclear weapons scientist. There have been a string of others, sabotage of Iranian facilities, just one very recently, all of these things. What’s the justification for any of them? Actually none, as I just mentioned, but let’s talk about this specific one. I think that analysis is pretty plausible. It looks as if, for some time now, the Trump/Pompeo administration has been trying hard to provoke Iran to carry out some kind of act, which can be used as a pretext for a sharp escalation of the war against Iran. Notice we are at war against Iran. We have a blockade. U.S. sanctions are a serious business, U.S. sanctions are third party sanctions, means everyone in the world must observe them or else. Europe doesn’t like them, but they have to observe them, or else we’ll toss them out of the international financial system. We just saw this shown dramatically at the UN recently. The United States went to the Security Council and requested, meaning demanded, that the Security Council renew the lapsed sanctions against Iran. They refused, almost total refusal. Every U.S. ally refused. The U.S. reacted, Pompeo returned to the Security Council and said, “You are reinstituting the sanctions.” They obeyed. You can’t step on the toes of the godfather. Now this also passed without comment. So this is just one of the many examples where the Trump administration is trying almost desperately to get Iran to carry out some action, which they can use as a pretext probably for missile attacks against the nuclear facilities or something like that, to which Iran might respond. For example, they do have the missile capacity to attack the Saudi energy facilities in northeast Saudi Arabia, near the Iran border. They can to attack this. That’s the main center of global fossil fuel production. Also, Saudi Arabia’s desalination facilities and others, although it’d set off a huge war. We don’t know what it would lead to. But they are eager to do this to try to ensure exactly, as Netanyahu said, that we do not go back to the earlier situation. Now actually, I agree with Netanyahu. We should not go back to the earlier agreement. What we should do is impose a new nuclear- weapons-free zone, which is really nuclear weapons will be subject to international controls and inspection, and in which U.S. aid to Israel will be questioned. That’s what we should do, not just go back to the JCPOA. So in some ways, I agree with him. But we shouldn’t be trapped in this narrow conception that’s provided by the media and general intellectual framework. We don’t want to be trapped in that, that’s wrong. But that’s probably what they’re trying to do. I think the analysis is correct. In fact, the Biden administration is playing along. One of their top appointees, national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, recently said that the Biden administration will be willing to consider going back to the joint agreement, but the ball is in Iran’s court. They have to start by cutting back, by reversing their increased enrichment of uranium. And they’ve got to have a positive attitude toward negotiations. If they do that, we’ll consider it. Absolutely backwards. We are the ones who should be pleading with them to go back to the negotiations, which we have consistently undermined, actually destroyed under Trump, but undermined under Obama. Even under Obama, we were not living up to the agreements. The agreements say, one part of them is that no party shall try to injure the Iranian economy during the period of the negotiations. I don’t remember the exact words, but it was something to that effect. The Obama administration was doing it constantly. We weren’t living up to the agreements. But now the Biden administration spokesperson is saying, “We might be willing to consider going back to the negotiations, if they take the first steps,” as if they’re the guilty party, not us. Should never accept any of this. Robert Fisk, we both knew him, shared platforms with him, passed away in late October. In 2010, he said this about objectivity, “It is the duty of a foreign correspondent to be neutral and unbiased on the side of those who suffer, whoever they may be.” Fisk was a critic of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, the Israeli treatment of Palestinians. He wrote of the Kurdish question, the Armenian genocide and other taboo topics. Talk about him briefly, and then this notion, this almost sacred notion of objectivity. Fisk was a marvelous correspondent, brave, honest, knowledgeable, great writer. Much of the profession just hated him. And now he’s under very ugly attacks from many journalists. A number of good journalists have written about this, like Jonathan Cook. Now that he’s dead, he can’t sue anybody, all kind of ugly attacks are coming from journalists. It’s sick. He was one of the top ones. So what about objectivity? It’s a funny notion. First of all, we shouldn’t pretend that we’re just neutral observers. Every human being has a point of view. If you don’t have a point of view on things, you’re not a human being, you don’t have a functioning brain. If you’re a serious journalist or scholar, what you do is make your point of view very clear, so that your readers can understand it and compensate for it, and then try to be as accurate as you can about what’s happening, always framed in the background about what’s important to you. If what’s important to you is the rights of the powerful, okay, make that clear and write from that perspective. If your point of view, perspective is the rights of the suffering and the oppressed, make that clear, and then describe that as accurately as you can, without cutting corners. But pure objectivity is just a meaningless notion in the sciences as well. No nuclear physicist approaches the next article he reads with pure objectivity, as if he didn’t have some beliefs about the subject. I mean, it’s just ludicrous. You read the scientific literature. A paper just came out a couple of weeks ago in one of the top quantum theory journals, with a debate among a bunch of scientists, top scientists, about what a particle is, the most critical concept in physics. What’s a particle, a lot of different views, people arguing about it. Any way they look at an experiment is going to be shaped by their point of view. That’s fundamental physics. Suppose you’re looking at the Syrian war. Of course, you’re going to have a point of view. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be a fine objective journalist, as Robert Fisk was, Patrick Cockburn, Charles Glass, Jonathan Steele, and quite a few others. They all have a point of view. Fisk was also a great human being. I knew him personally for many years. November 29th is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, a UN-organized observance. It marks UN resolution 181 of November 29th 1947, which proposed the partition of Palestine into two states, one Arab and one Jewish. The national poet of Palestine is Mahmoud Darwish. (1941-2008) One of his greatest poems is “Under Siege.” This is the opening verse, “Here on the slopes of hills, facing the dusk and the cannon of time, close to the gardens of broken shadows, We do what prisoners do, And what the jobless do: We cultivate hope.” What hope is there for the Palestinians, a people that you have been in solidarity with for decades, at this what seems to be the bleakest moment in their history? Where more and more land and water is being annexed by Israel and the possibility of a viable, independent Palestinian state recedes? It is a grim moment in the history of the Palestinians. And anyone concerned with their rights and prospects has to be super careful about two things. One, being clear about what the actual situation is. Two, being clear about the kinds of choices, of action that can be taken to try to improve, overcome, at least mitigate the crisis in which they live. Those two things require serious clear thought, and I don’t think it’s being done. So on the issue of what the circumstances are, almost all discussion these days that you see is between two options. One is a two-state settlement of some sort. There has been a general international consensus on that since the 1970s, so something like that. The other option that’s considered is one state, Israel, takes over the West Bank, and then an anti-apartheid struggle ensues. That’s the second option. But that’s missing the third and crucial option, the one that is in fact being implemented before our eyes, which has been the major guideline for Israeli policies for 50 years. That’s a greater Israel, which Israel takes over whatever is of value to it in the West Bank, formerly Gaza, but now on the West Bank, but evades the Palestinian population concentrations. So Israel does not want Nablus, doesn’t want Tulkarm, doesn’t want Palestinians. So nothing like the anti-apartheid struggle, where the white population needed the black population, and in fact tried to subsidize the Bantustans, tried to make them look decent to the international community. This is quite different. Israel just wants the Palestinians out. It does use them for cheap labor, but they can get cheap exploited labor from Thailand or other places and do in fact. They just want the Palestinians out. What they’ve been doing for 50 years and what you see before your eyes, which you can see if you drive around the West Bank, is a greater Israel, in which Israel takes over all the valuable areas, the Jordan Valley, about a third of the territory, fertile land, kick out the population on one or another pretexts. Take greater Jerusalem, huge area about five times the size of what Jerusalem ever was or take the city of Ma’ale Adumim east of Jerusalem, built up mostly in the Clinton years, corridor to it, pretty much bisects the West Bank. Same to the north with the town of Ariel, the town of Kedumim, leave out the Palestinian population concentrations, and don’t take Nablus, that’s for them, until we finally manage to get rid of them. The rest of the Palestinians who live in the areas that Israel’s taking over, put them in isolated enclaves, separated from their olive groves, agricultural areas, herds, with checkpoints, which occasionally are open at the will of Israeli soldiers. Keep them in isolation, subjected to constant attacks by what are called hilltop youth and other terrorist crazies and just make life impossible for them. Meanwhile, the Jewish-held areas are basically suburbs of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. So you can live in Ma’ale Adumim in a nice villa, subsidized by the government, and take the Jewish-only superhighway. It takes you to your job in Tel Aviv, come back to your nice, subsidized home in the suburbs in the evening. You don’t even see an Arab. That’s greater Israel. That’s what’s being implemented. Like any other new colony, anywhere, the Israeli authorities understand that you have to do something for the Palestinian elites. So have a place where they can gather, go to the theater, have nice restaurants, shopping malls, pretend they’re in Europe. That’s Ramallah, basically, you’ve got to do that. Same thing you find all through Africa and other similar neocolonial areas. That’s the reality. Israel is not going to accept taking over the Palestinian population. Israel is not going to accept becoming a minority state with a minority of Jews. We can be quite certain of that. So that’s just not an option. A lot of talk about it, but I don’t think it’s an option. Discuss that, but it seems to me that’s what has to be faced. As far as actions are concerned that could overcome this crisis, there’s one point that’s critical, that’s the United States. If the United States continues, as it has pretty consistently, with some breaks, to support the Israeli greater Israel project, they’ll just continue with it. No reason for them to stop, as long as the global godfather says, “You can go ahead.” Will it continue? I think that’s an open question. If you look at support for Israel within the United States, it’s shifted radically over the last couple of decades. Go back 20 years and beyond, Israel was the darling of the liberal population, loved Israel, it’s the most wonderful place in the world. I think this was true pretty much worldwide, saying, “Swedish teenagers could live in a kibbutz because it was that wonderful.” That’s all changed. Israel is now a pariah state among liberal opinion. In fact, most people who identify as liberal Democrats are more supportive of Palestinian rights. Support for Israel has shifted to the far right, as Israel itself has shifted to the far right. So the support for Israel in the United States is now the Republican Party. It’s evangelicals, ultra-nationalists, those connected to military industry, which has very tight links to Israel. That’s the support for Israel. And there are open possibilities. This is also true of the younger Jewish population, I should say. A lot of possibilities for trying to move to shift U.S. policy, and they’re very concrete things. We’ve already mentioned a few, the legitimacy of U.S. military and economic aid to Israel. Sore point, that’s why nobody wants to talk about it. But it’s a point for activism, and there are other things like that. Israel’s constant violations of international law or it’s huge human rights violations, that’s the vicious repression in the occupied territories. All of this should be front and center. And I think with that, there could be a change in U.S. policy, and it doesn’t have to be a huge change. Even bringing up the possibility of terminating or limiting the huge economic and military aid to Israel would have a big effect, moving forward on even more. So I think there are things that can be done. I don’t think the situation’s hopeless. But you have to be clear about it. Ask yourself what can be done effectively, not what makes you feel righteous. It’s kind of like talking about defund the police. You have to do it in a way which is going to work, not in a way which is going to be self-destructive. During the summer, you used to find time to read fiction. Can you recall any particular novels that stuck in your mind? And you told me that in this pandemic year, you’ve been so busy you’ve been unable to read any fiction. This goes to the question of what can art do in a society? That’s a long story. This is in fact the first summer where I haven’t had the luxury of enjoying a series of novels and other forms of relaxation, too busy. The last summer I was on a Saramago kick, running through his novels. But it’s much too broad a topic to discuss. Last question. Years ago, you told me you had “bad genes” and that you did not expect to live a long life. Well, you turn 92 on December 7th. You have a Bicycle Theory of Longevity. Explain what that is. It’s pretty simple. If you keep riding fast, you don’t fall off. Unfortunately, my wife Valeria won’t let me get near a bicycle. I think I can say for a lot of people, “Happy Birthday, Noam.” Thanks. Keep riding. Z (Due to time constraints some portions of the interview were not included in the national broadcast. Those portions are included in this transcript.) For information about obtaining CDs, mp3s, or transcripts of this or other programs, please contact: RISE UP Alternative RadioP.O. Box 551 Boulder, CO 80306 (800) 444-1977: firstname.lastname@example.org www.alternativeradio.org ©2020
The New Age Movement (NAM) is both a religious and a social movement. In fact, Western culture is currently experiencing a phenomenal, spiritual, ideological, and sociological shift. It is a religious world view that is alien and hostile to Christianity. It’s a multi-focused, multi-faceted synthesis, in varying degrees, of the Far Eastern, mystical religions, mainly Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Western Occultism, adapted to and influenced by Western, materialistic culture. It sometimes appears in secularized forms. The New Age Movement consists of an incredibly huge and well organized network consisting of thousands of groups, trusts, foundations, clubs, lodges, and religious groups whose goal and purpose is to prepare the world to enter the coming “Age Of Aquarius.” The major goal of the New Age Movement is to bring peace to the world upon entering the Age of Aquarius. This will be accomplished primarily through the leadership of “the Christ” (also known as “Lord Maitreya”), who will supposedly come to teach us to live at peace with each other. Some of the other stated goals of the movement are to establish a World Food Authority, World Water Authority, World Economic Order, and an entirely New World Order. It should be noted here that one of the requirements for a person to enter the New Age is that he or she will have to take what is known as a “Luciferic Initiation,” a kind of pledge of allegiance to the Christ of the New Age and to the New World Order. The primary goals of the movement then, are to prepare the world to receive the Christ and to enter the Age of Aquarius, thus establishing the New World Order. Disclaimer: This young man in the video above becomes a 7th Day Adventist after his salvation so I am not recommending you learn from him more than his testimony out of Luciferianism, which is also called Freemasonry and the Illuminati. His testimony is very eye-opening and well worth the 15 minutes you spend watching!!! Millions of people attend rock concerts not realizing they are worshiping the devil aka Satan aka Lucifer, Look at the raised up hands of those adoring the musician(s) representing Satan's kingdom. For more info please go to these websites: I personally got involved in the New Age Movement while I lived in Los Angeles - I encourage you to read my story on the page entitled "About the Author, Part I". I delved into the New Age with my whole being and yet there were levels I did not penetrate into in that dark and confusing metaphysical world. I thank God for that because I am not sure if I could've ever made it out if I had immersed myself any further than I did. And now that it is 20+ years later and the New Age movement has spread all over the United States and permeated into and saturated all kinds of literature, science, art and entertainment, I am very concerned for the minds of the American people! (not to mention their souls!!!) Especially now that I see there is something called Quantum Physics New Age because the youth are going to grab this up like it's part of real science. And when I see a movie trailer like this one to "What The Bleep Do We Know?", and hear all of the false information being presented and acted out in a movie followed by that fatal question: "How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?", I just want to cry over how many minds will be ruined into the insanity of the New Age! You may have noticed Indians standing in the background of Marlee Matlin in the film trailer and that's because Native American Indian spiritism is a kin to the New Age. Here is an excerpt from an old 2003 article from Integrative Health & Healing that is using Quantum Physics to explain Shamanic healing used by the Native American Indians. I won't copy the whole article, just the introduction: Western cultures have always dismissed shamanic healing and other native medicine powers as "primitive superstition," mainly because we had no explanation for how shamans do what they do. Shamanic healing was the main form of healing used by the American Indians, who called upon helping spirits to cure the patient. Though there are few native shamans left in North America, 200 years ago upwards of 30% of the population had some form of spirit-enabled medicine power. How does shamanic healing work? Let's start with some recent developments in quantum physics, which have finally provided us with answers. You still may be scratching your head asking yourself, "What is Quantum Physics?" Well, below is what a website called Abundance and Happiness.com had to say. (This website is encouraging this type of scientific spiritualism, which of course I do not condone, but for reference have copied over their introduction) Quantum Physics Demystifies The Process Of Creation and Reveals The Simplicity of Conscious, Intentional and Purposeful (as Well as Unconscious and Unintentional) Manifestation Although you may or may not yet be aware of how a 2 word phrase such as Quantum Physics can enhance EVERY aspect of your life, it CAN and in fact WILL...should you allow it to. If you will "allow it" and read along for just a bit, you'll SEE just how profoundly and transformationally true that is. What exactly is Quantum Physics? Basically, it's a highly specialized (and seemingly weird) form of science that, unlike Newtonian physics, studies, explores and explains how everything in the tangible world comes into existence. Quantum Physicists (the really smart and sometimes insightful guys who make the science of quantum physics possible) basically explore the nature of reality beginning at the subatomic (unseen) level. The fact is, as quantum physicists have discovered, it determines EVERY aspect of reality, including but not limited to ALL aspects of your life. They certainly don't have it anywhere close to fully "figured out." But what they have figured out and know, is where ALL physical things, whether events, conditions, and circumstances as well as everything in the entire Universe stem from. Put simply, quantum physics breaks physical things down into their purest and most basic form, attempting to discover the Ultimate Source from where they (which includes everything) are derived. on the surface look, from a strictly intellectual vantage point, with regard to what Quantum Physics is and what quantum physicists do, may and perhaps does, sound a bit ho hum or perhaps even, really complex. But when you become aware of and combine the underlying conclusions that Quantum Physics reveals, with what the mystics, sages, masters and philosophers since antiquity have to say about life and how our lives come to be the kind and quality that they are, (whatever that entails) is not only PROFOUNDLY exciting, it CAN prove to be the catalyst that transforms your entire life. There is even a website called Quantum Yoga and this is what they have to say: YOGA AND QUANTUM PHYSICS Why Quantum Yoga? Quantum physics has made incredible discoveries that echo the ancient insights of yoga. The cross-pollination that has occurred in the fields of science and metaphysics in the past years serves the individual with inspiration and empowerment. Quantum physics has proven that energy and matter are not so easily divisible, that in fact energy is more substantial than matter itself. In yoga practice we actually experience this insight first-hand. The body is not merely flesh and bone; it is imbued with prana, life-force. All mental fluctuations have a direct effect on this pranic flow, which in turn manifests as physical sensations and disease. We can revert this process by addressing body, breath and mind in a holistic manner. If you want to get born again in Christ Jesus, please take this time now to talk to God. You can say something like this: God I know I am a sinner and I need a Savior and I believe Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah. I believe Jesus Christ was born of a virgin mother, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and that He lived a sinless life because He was God in the flesh, and that He was crucified as the once for all sacrifice for mankind's sins. I believe he was buried and rose from the grave and was witnessed alive before ascending to heaven where He now sits on the throne as King of Kings. I repent of my sins and accept Jesus' gift of salvation today and I ask Him to be my Savior and Lord. I ask the Holy Spirit to come and make a dwelling in my heart and to lead me into all righteousness. Thank you God for hearing my prayer and for sending your Son to save me by dying in my place at the Cross so I can be in the family of God. And Father, I understand that while I am saved by my confession of faith, it is also Your will for me to get water baptized to show my private confession in a public way, and so I ask you to lead me to the church or baptismal situation you have for me so I can get baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!
Brigham Young University (Deadline October 1, 2018)[edit | edit source] Applied Linguistics/TESOL - Full-time Faculty Position The Department of Linguistics at Brigham Young University announces a continuing status track (tenure track), professorial position in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Applied Linguistics. Those with established academic/professional careers are encouraged to apply, as well as outstanding new PhD/EdDs or ABDs who will complete their degrees by August 2019. Applications are invited from any field of Applied Linguistics, although preferential consideration will be given to those in the field of TESOL. Primary responsibilities include teaching both graduate and undergraduate TESOL and linguistics classes, conducting and publishing research in an area of specialization appropriate to Applied Linguistics, supervision of master’s theses/projects, and fulfilling citizenship assignments. Classes to be taught include student practicum courses in the university’s intensive English and community outreach programs. Starting rank and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. BYU, an equal opportunity employer, requires all faculty to observe the university’s honor code and dress and grooming standards. Preference is given to qualified candidates who are members in good standing of the affiliated church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To apply, complete application at https://yjobs.byu.edu/, posting #73320 by October 1, 2018. Required Degree: PhD/EdD or ABD by the start date. Experience: University level teaching experience, ESL/EFL teaching experience Employer will assist with relocation costs. Internal Number: #73320 California State Polytechnic University at Pomona (deadline: Nov. 9, 2018)[edit | edit source] - Department: English and Modern Languages - Field: Educational Linguistics (Applied Linguistics, Second Language Studies, L2 Literacy, Bilingualism) - Rank: TT Assistant Professor - URL for more details and to apply: http://apply.interfolio.com/55756 12-11-18 Has anyone heard anything? No news here. Campus interviews are being held. Cal Poly Pomona is one of two polytechnic universities in the 23-campus California State University system. Our ethnically diverse student population of approximately 22,000 enrolls in 52 baccalaureate, 26 master’s degree programs, 11 credential and certificate programs, and a doctorate in Educational Leadership, presented by 1,200 faculty. We recruit students increasingly from throughout California and beyond. The students are success and career focused and extremely diverse. We are proud of our status as a Hispanic Serving Institution. We have a strong commitment to supporting scholarship, research, and student achievement. Our scenic and historic 1,400-acre campus, once the winter ranch of cereal magnate W. K. Kellogg, is located about 30 miles east of downtown Los Angeles in one of the most dynamic economic and cultural regions in the country, and within an hour’s drive of beaches, mountains, and desert. The university is committed to diversifying its faculty and staff and has made educational equity one of its highest priorities. The mission of the university is to advance learning and knowledge by linking theory and practice in all disciplines, and to prepare students for lifelong learning, leadership, and careers in a changing, multicultural world. The English and Modern Languages Department serves more than 400 undergraduate majors with specialized options in Literary Studies, English Education, Applied Language Studies, Spanish, and over 80 graduate students with options in Literature, Rhetoric/Composition, and TESOL. For more information on our inter-disciplinary structure, please visit http://www.cpp.edu/~class/english-modern-languages/index.shtml Purdue University Fort Wayne (Deadling: 30 Oct. 2018)[edit | edit source] - Department: English and Linguistics - Field(s): Applied Linguistics / TESOL - Rank: TT Assistant Professor University of Colorado Boulder (Deadline April 12, 2019) The Department of Linguistics and the International English Center at the University of Colorado Boulder invite applications for the position of Instructor of TESOL theory and practice. A competitive applicant will show evidence of teaching, teacher development, and scholarly contributions to the field. The candidate selected for this 1 FTE appointment (.5 FTE Linguistics; .5 FTE International English Center) will report to both the Department of Linguistics and the International English Center. The salary is $55,000. More details about the position can be found at the following link: https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail/?jobId=16667. The due date for applications is April 12, 2019.
ERPNext Implementation at Pasbaan-E-Adab Story of how a not-for-profit cultural organization could operate like a corporate with ERPNext. Pasbaan-E-Adab is one among many NGOs who create awareness about literature in the local Indian languages. They organize multiple events to promote languages like Hindi, Marathi and Urdu. Event management was a complete manual effort for them. They needed a centralized solution to streamline all the aspects of event management. Danish (one of the core team member) discovered ERPNext just before a month of their cultural event, Meeras - The Heritage. They needed ERP solution to communicate with their sponsors, invoicing, purchasing and for tracking database of attendees at the event. They were able to resolve all of these requirements with ERPNext within a months time! Before ERPNext, sponsorship invitation was distributed manually. Two individuals would visit sponsor’s location and handout letters (mostly at the reception counter). With ERPNext, they could directly email the invitation letter to the sponsor. They customized Opportunity Print Format based on the format of their invitation letter. Also, an Email Alert was configured to have invitation emailed on the creation of Opportunity. Earlier, they didn’t have a system to track data of attendees of the event. To address the same, a web form was created in ERPNext to track registration. This web form was linked with the Contact master. This helped them capture data of more than 200+ attendees in an hours time. Point of Sale Event had variety of items on sale like t-shirts, mugs, CDs. The complete invoicing and stocks for these items were managed using ERPNext Point of Sales. Being a volunteer of Pasbaan-E-Adab, I was actively involved in this ERPNext implementation. I could setup complete Point of Sale, with Items and pricing in just two hours. We created about 23 invoices in the next four hours, which resulted in highest sales in an event for Pasbaan-E-Adab. Also, it was my break to use ERPNext as an end user. I noticed some POS features which needed enhancement, and created Github Issues for the same. Umair is the Chief Customer Officer at ERPNext. He has done more than 50 ERP implementations remotely and replies to most incoming inquiries.
Please note that some of the links provided below require subscription status to view. We subscribe to several medical sources. If you click on a link and are presented with a login screen and you do not have a subscription, you will not be able to view the full document. Please report any broken links here HAND HYGIENE BIBLIOGRAPHY The Influence of Role Models and Hand Hygiene. Feb 2007 We assessed the effect of medical staff role models and the number of health-care worker sinks on hand-hygiene compliance before and after construction of a new hospital designed for increased access to handwashing sinks. We observed health-care worker hand hygiene in four nursing units that provided similar patient care in both the old and new hospitals: medical and surgical intensive care, hematology/oncology, and solid organ transplant units. Of 721 hand-hygiene opportunities, 304 (42%) were observed in the old hospital and 417 (58%) in the new hospital. Hand-hygiene compliance was significantly better in the old hospital (161/304; 53%) compared to the new hospital (97/417; 23.3%) (p<0.001). Health-care workers in a room with a senior (e.g., higher ranking) medical staff person or peer who did not wash hands were significantly less likely to wash their own hands (odds ratio 0.2; confidence interval 0.1 to 0.5); p<0.001). Our results suggest that health-care worker hand-hygiene compliance is influenced significantly by the behavior of other health-care workers. An increased number of hand-washing sinks, as a sole measure, did not increase hand-hygiene compliance. b77 Improving Adherence to Hand Hygiene Practice: A Multidisciplinary Approach Feb 2007. Hand hygiene prevents cross-infection in hospitals, but health-care workers' adherence to guidelines is poor. Easy, timely access to both hand hygiene and skin protection is necessary for satisfactory hand hygiene behavior. Alcohol-based hand rubs may be better than traditional handwashing as they require less time, act faster, are less irritating, and contribute to sustained improvement in compliance associated with decreased infection rates. This article reviews barriers to appropriate hand hygiene and risk factors for noncompliance and proposes strategies for promoting hand hygiene. b80 Improving Adherence to Hand Hygiene Practice, a MultiDis Would Active Surveillance Cultures Heop Control Healthcare-related Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infections? Barry M. Farr, MD, Msc University of Virginia Health System; William R. Jarvis, MD Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta Ga b84 The CDC Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee has issued a guidance to help state legislators implement public reporting bills. The Committee report states these minimal recommendations should be viewed as the first steps to giving consumers information about hospital-acquired infections. [Doc54] Why Don't I Wash My Hands Between Patient Contacts: The editorial on hand washing calls for all hospital staff to start regularly washing their hands between each patient contact.1 If, as the authors claim, there is such compelling evidence for the need to wash hands between each patient contact then why do I and the vast majority of my colleagues not do it? Firstly, I have never seen any convincing evidence that hand washing between each patient contact reduces infection rates. ... b81 Healthcare workers washed their hands on only a third of occasions: We agree with the Handwashing Liaison Group that an explicit standard for hand washing needs to be set and that hand washing should be regarded as part of the normal duty of care.1 The group states that "it has even been suggested that patients should be encouraged to ask carers to wash their hands." We carried out a handwashing study on a busy general surgical ward in which patients were specifically requested to do this. After studying an information sheet and giving written consent each patient was given a yellow card; they were asked to show this to healthcare workers if they had not seen them wash their hands before approaching them. The card read: "Please wash or disinfect your hands before and after contact with me or my environment." Read this letter b82 Hand Washing Laison Group- This is a must read editorial for everyone interested in Hand Hygiene. and the health care setting. Great discussion of behavorial studies of why doctors do not wash their hands.b83 Fast Facts about Hospital-Acquired Infections [Doc58] Myth: Hospitals keep you safe from Germs. Hospital Infections are the fourth leading cause of death b78 The Impact of Hospital-Acquired Bloodstream Infections a CDC Special Report; Wenzel; Emerging Infectious Diseases; Vol 7 #2 March-April 2001. Nosocomial bloodstream infections are a leading cause of death in the United States. If we assume a nosocomial infection rate of 5%, of which 10% are bloodstream infections, and an attributable mortality rate of 15%, bloodstream infections would represent the eighth leading cause of death in the United States. Because most risk factors for dying after bacteremia or fungemia may not be changeable, prevention efforts must focus on new infection-control technology and techniques. b79 Hygiene of the Skin: When Is Clean Too Clean? b73 We have found claims on the internet that whole body cleansing before surgery will reduce the risk of surgical site infections SSI. We looked at many studies and found little evidence that whole body cleansing is beneficial. This article does a good job of summarizing the evidence. Of particular interest to us is the reference to immuno suppressed patients and the benefit of whole body cleansing and reduction of the Staphylococcus aureus acquisition rates. World Health Organization - Prevention of hospital-acquired infections, a Practical Guide second edition b69 Pittet D., Mourouga P., Perneger T. V., and members of the Infection Control Program. Compliance with handwashing in a teaching hospital. Ann Intern Med 1999;130:126-130. Largest and most sophisticated observational study of handwashing compliance of healthcare workers, involving more than 2800 observations and multivariate analysis. Factors associated with poor compliance included being a physician, working weekdays or in an intensive care unit, performing procedures with a high risk of contamination, and when workloads were high (high intensity of care). In 2834 observed opportunities for handwashing, average compliance was 48%. In multivariate analysis. These factors need to be considered when designing programs to promote improved hand hygiene. b34 Pittet D., Hugonnet S., Harbarth S., Mourouga P., Sauvan V., and Touveneau S. Effectiveness of a hospital-wide programme to improve compliance with hand hygiene. Lancet 2000;356:1307-1312. A 4-year study of the impact of implementing a multidisciplinary hand hygiene promotional campaign on hand hygiene compliance. The campaign included administrative support, use of “talking walls” (posting color cartoons), promoting use of an alcohol hand rinse, surveys of compliance, and feedback of compliance rates to healthcare workers. Compliance steadily increased (due primarily to increased use of alcohol hand antisepsis), and the prevalence of nosocomial infections decreased, as did the incidence of MRSA colonization/infection. b36 Berndt U., Wigger-Alberti W., Gabard B., and Elsner P. Efficacy of a barrier cream and its vehicle as protective measures against occupational irritant contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 2000;42:77-80. A randomized, double-blinded trial demonstrating the benefit of regular and frequent application of skin cream on the condition of nurses’ hands. B1 Bischoff W. E., Reynolds T. M., Sessler C. N., Edmond M. B., and Wenzel R. P. Handwashing compliance by health care workers. The impact of introducing an accessible, alcohol-based hand antiseptic. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:1017-1021. A 6-month prospective observational study of hand hygiene compliance before and after introduction of an alcohol hand rub in two intensive care units. Hand hygiene compliance increased significantly after the alcohol hand rub was made available. Bonten M. J. M., Hayden M. K., Nathan C., VanVoorhis J., Matushek M., Slaughter S., Rice T., and Weinstein R. A. Epidemiology of colonisation of patients and environment with vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Lancet 1996;348:1615-1619. Culture survey revealing that patients with VRE frequently carry the organism on healthy, intact skin above the waist and on their upper extremities – a potential source of contamination of healthcare worker hands. B3 Boyce J. M., Potter-Bynoe G., Chenevert C., and King T. Environmental contamination due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: possible infection control implications. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1997;18:622-627. Culture survey demonstrating that environmental surfaces in the rooms of patients with MRSA are frequently contaminated with the organism, and may represent a source of contamination of healthcare worker hands. B4 Boyce J. M., Kelliher S., and Vallande N. Skin irritation and dryness associated with two hand hygiene regimens: soap and water handwashing versus hand antisepsis with an alcoholic hand gel. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2000;21:442-448. Prospective, randomized clinical trial comparing the impact of soap and water handwashing versus hand antisepsis with an alcohol hand gel on condition of nurses’ hands. Objective measurements and visual assessments of nurses’ hands documented that nurses experienced significantly less skin dryness when using the alcohol hand gel. B5 Boyce J. M. Antiseptic techology:access, affordability and acceptance. Emerg Infect Diseases 2001;7:231-233. Review of the importance of easy accessibility and skin compatibility of hand hygiene agents. Costs of hand hygiene agents are compared to those associated with nosocomial infections. B6 J. M., Pittet D., and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Hand hygiene guideline for healthcare settings. MMWR 2002;51(RR-16):1-45. New evidence-based hand hygiene guidelines for healthcare facilities, developed by the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Includes extensive literature review and recommendations on new strategies for improving hand hygiene practices among healthcare workers, including greater use of alcohol-based hand rubs. B7 Casewell M. and Phillips I. Hands as route of transmission for Klebsiella species. Br Med J 1977;2:1315-1317. Study showing how nurses may contaminate their hands when touching normal, intact areas of patients’ skin. Nosocomial infection rates decreased with increasing handwashing. B8 Cohen B., Saiman L., Cimiotti J. and Larson E. Factors associated with hand hygiene practices in two neonatal intensive care units. Pediatr Infect Dis 2003;22:494-9. NEW Investigators observed over 1400 episodes in which healthcare workers had varying levels of contact with neonates or their immediate environment. Only 23% of episodes were performed with cleaned and/or newly gloved hands. Direct touching of neonates or their immediate environment was performed more often in the NICU using an alcohol-based hand rub. B9 source Doebbeling B. N., Pfaller M. A., Houston A. K., and Wenzel R. P. Removal of nosocomial pathogens from the contaminated glove. Ann Intern Med 1988;109:394-398. Study showing the ability of bacteria to penetrate gloves and contaminate hands of volunteers. Emphasizes the need to clean hands after glove removal B10 . Earl M. Improved rates of compliance with hand antisepsis guidelines. Am J Nursing 2001;101:26-33. Prospective observational study which documented that hand antisepsis rates improved after an easily accessible alcohol hand gel was made available in two intensive care units. B11 source Ehrenkranz N. J. and Alfonso B. C. Failure of bland soap handwash to prevent hand transfer of patient bacteria to urethral catheters. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1991;12:654-662. Innovative clinical study which found that nurses who contaminated their hands by touching patients transferred the patient’s flora to urinary catheter material despite washing their hands with plain soap and water. In contrast, alcohol hand disinfection prevented transfer of organisms in most experiments. b12 M., Jakob K., Whittier S., Della Latta P., Factor S., Rubenstein D., and Saiman L. Endemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a neonatal intensive care unit. N Engl J Med 2000;343:695-700. Nosocomial infections due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been well described, but the environmental reservoir of the organism varies. We conducted an epidemiologic and molecular investigation of endemic P. aeruginosa infection among infants in a neonatal intensive care unit that was associated with carriage of the organisms on the hands of health care Foca M., Jakob K., Whittier S., Della Latta P., Factor S., Rubenstein D., and Saiman L. Endemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a neonatal intensive care unit. N Engl J Med 2000;343:695-700. An outbreak investigation which implicated healthcare workers who wore artificial fingernails or had onychomycosis as a source of P. aeruginosa acquired by infants in a NICU. b13 Fox M. K., Langner S. B., and Wells R. W. How good are hand washing practices? Am J Nursing 1974;74:1676-1678. An observational study of handwashing technique among 90 nursing personnel found that breaks in technique were common, and duration of handwashing was too short. b14 Garner J. S. Guideline for isolation in hospitals. The Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1996;17:53-80. Isolation guidelines, which include a recommendation to either wash hands with an antiseptic soap or use a waterless antiseptic agent (e.g., an alcohol-based hand rub) for cleaning hands after caring for patients with multi-drug resistant pathogens. b15 E, Loyeau S, Legrand P, et al. Efficacy of handrubbing with alcohol based solution versus standard handwashing with antiseptic soap: randomised clinical trial. B Med J 2002;325:362-366. Unlike many laboratory-based studies, this ward-based study involved healthcare workers who were caring for ICU patients. Their hands were cultured before and after cleaning their’ hands with either antimicrobial soap or an alcohol-based hand rinse. The authors found that the alcohol hand rinse reduced bacterial counts on the hands of personnel significantly better than handwashing. b16 Korniewicz D. M., Laughon B. E., and Butz A. Integrity of vinyl and latex procedures gloves. Nurs Res 1989;38:144-146. Study showing that Serratia marcescens was able to penetrate vinyl gloves more frequently than latex gloves under conditions simulating clinical use. Emphasizes the need to clean hands after removing gloves. b17 Kretzer E. K. and Larson E. L. Behavioral interventions to improve infection control practices. Am J Infect Control 1998;26:245-253. Excellent review article of behavioral theories that should be considered when developing new programs to modify handwashing habits of healthcare personnel. b18 Lankford M.G, Zembower T.R., Trick W.E., Hacek D.M., Noskin G.A., and Peterson L.R. Influence of role models and hospital design on hand hygiene of health care workers. Emerging Infect Dis 2003;9:217-23. NEW Adherence of healthcare workers to recommended hand hygiene procedures was observed in an old hospital and subsequently in a new hospital with improved access to sinks. Surprisingly, adherence was lower in the new hospital. Factors associated with greater hand hygiene adherence included glove use, performing an invasive procedure and having patient contact. Adherence was lower when a high-ranking healthcare worker in the room did not wash his/her hands, suggesting that role models may influence hand hygiene habits among healthcare workers. b19 Larson E. and Killien M. Factors influencing handwashing behavior of patient care personnel. Am J Infect Control 1982;10:93-99. One of the early questionnaire studies of healthcare worker attitudes affecting handwashing practices. Issues raised by the paper are still very pertinent today. b20 Larson E., Silberger M., Jakob K., Whittier S., Lai L., Della Latta P., and Saiman L. Assessment of alternative hand hygiene regimens to improve skin health among neonatal intensive care unit nurses. Heart Lung 2000;29:136-142. A prospective, randomized trial which found that using a mild soap for cleaning and an alcohol rinse for degerming hands produced less skin damage than washing hands with chlorhexidine-containing soap. b21 Larson E. L., Eke P. I., and Laughon B. E. Efficacy of alcohol-based hand rinses under frequent-use conditions. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1986;30:542-544. Laboratory-based study involving volunteers who cleaned their hands 15 times a day for 5 days with either a non-antimicrobial soap, a 4% CHG-based detergent, or one of 3 alcohol-based hand rinses. The alcohol-based products were highly efficacious. b22 Larson E. L., Early E., Cloonan P., Sugrue S., and Parides M. An organizational climate intervention associated with increased handwashing and decreased nosocomial infections. Behavioral Medicine 2000;26:14-22. An intervention trial demonstrating that implementation of a multidisciplinary program (including administrative support, recruitment of role models, and involvement by nursing managers) can improved handwashing frequency and lower nosocomial infections. Comparable improvements did not occur in the control hospital. b23 Lucet JC, Rigaud MP, Mentre F, et al. Hand contamination before and after different hand hygiene techniques: a randomized clinical trial. J Hosp Infection 2002;50:276-280. This study involved healthcare workers whose hands became contaminated while performing a variety of common patient care activities. The authors demonstrated that both handwashing with an antimicrobial soap and hand disinfection with an alcohol-based hand rinse reduced bacterial counts on the hands of personnel significantly better than washing hands with plain soap. The greatest log reductions in bacterial counts occurred with the alcohol-based hand rinse. b24 Maury E., Alzieu M., Baudel J. L., and Haram N. Availability of an alcohol solution can improve hand disinfection compliance in an intensive care unit. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;162:324-327. A prospective intervention trial of conventional handwashing (period 1) versus alcohol hand rub or conventional handwashing (period 2). Compliance of healthcare workers with recommended hand hygiene practices improved when the alcohol hand rub was available (period 2). b25 McFarland L. V., Mulligan M. E., Kwok R. Y. Y., and Stamm W. E. Nosocomial acquisition of Clostridium difficile infection. N Engl J Med 1989;320:204-210. Elegant epidemiological study of C. difficile transmission, demonstrating the frequency of environmental contamination, contamination of care giver hands during minor patient care activities, the protective effect of gloves, and the value of washing hands with an antiseptic agent. b26 McGuckin M., Waterman R., Storr J., Bowler I. C. J. W., Ashby M., Topley K., and Porten L. Evaluation of a patient-empowering hand hygiene programme in the U.K. J Hosp Infect Partners in Your Care, a patient education behavioral model for increasing handwashing compliance and empowering the patient with responsibility for their care was evaluated in an acute care hospital in Oxford, UK. b27 Moolenaar R. L., Crutcher M., San Joaquin V. H., Sewell L. V., Hutwagner L. C., Carson L. A., Robison D. A., Smithee L. M., and Jarvis W. R. A prolonged outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a neonatal intensive care unit: did staff fingernails play a role in disease transmission? Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2000;21:80-85. Outbreak investigation found that neonates who acquired Pseudomonas were significantly more likely to have been exposed to two nurses with Pseudomonas hand colonization. One nurse had long natural nails and the other had long artificial nails, suggesting a possible role of long or artificial fingernails in colonization of hands with Pseudomonas. b28 E. A., Lipsitz P.J., Wolinsky E. et al. Transmission of staphylococci between newborns. Am J Dis Child 1962;104:289-295. Prospective, controlled clinical trial comparing the influence of no handwashing versus washing with hexachlorophene soap on acquisition of S. aureus by infants in a nursery. Infants cared for by nurses who did not wash their hands between patients acquired S. aureus significantly more often and more rapidly than infants cared for by nurses who washed with an antiseptic soap between patient contacts. Compelling evidence that handwashing with an antiseptic soap reduces transmission of pathogenic microorganisms. Muto C. A., Sistrom M. G., and Farr B. M. Hand hygiene rates unaffected by installation of dispensers of a rapidly acting hand antiseptic. Am J Infect Control 2000;28:273-276. Intervention trial showing that a brief educational program and making an alcohol hand gel available on wards does not necessarily lead to sustained improvement in hand hygiene compliance of healthcare workers. Compliance of physicians was greatly affected by the level of compliance by attending physicians on the ward. More long-term, multidisciplinary programs to promote hand hygiene are necessary. b30 Olsen R. J., Lynch P., Coyle M. B., Cummings J., Bokete T., and Stamm W. E. Examination gloves as barriers to hand contamination in clinical practice. JAMA 1993;270:350-353. Observational study demonstrating that healthcare workers contaminated their hands with patient skin flora despite wearing gloves during patient contact, presumably via tiny holes in gloves or by contaminating their hands when removing gloves. Emphasizes the need to clean hands after glove removal. b31 Passaro D. J., Waring L., Armstrong R., Bolding F., Bouvier B., Rosenberg J., Reingold A. W., McQuitty M., Philpott S. M., Jarvis W. R., Werner S. B., Tompkins L. S., and Vugia D. J. Postoperative Serratia marcescens wound infections traced to an out-of-hospital source. J Infect Dis 1997;175:992-995. An epidemiologic investigation implicated a nurse who wore artificial fingernails as the probable source of an outbreak of surgical site infections. Although cultures of the nurse’s hands were negative, the outbreak strain was recovered from a jar of exfoliant cream in the nurse’s home. Removal of the cream ended the outbreak. b32 Pittet D., Dharan S., Touveneau S., Sauvan V., and Perneger T. V. Bacterial contamination of the hands of hospital staff during routine patient care. Arch Intern Med 1999;159:821-826. A clinical study showing that bacterial contamination of healthcare worker hands increased with the time spent caring for patients with ungloved hands, especially during direct patient contact, respiratory care, handling body secretions, and interruptions in the sequence of patient care. Wearing gloves reduced hand contamination. Washing hands with non-medicated soap before patient care resulted in significantly higher bacterial counts on the hands than using an alcohol hand rinse. b33 Pittet D, Stephan F., Hugonnet S., Akakpo C., Souweine B., and Clergue F. Hand-cleansing during postanesthesia care. Anesthesiology 2003;99:530-35. NEW A prospective observational studied found that hand hygiene compliance was only 20% among personnel caring for patients admitted to a postanesthesia care unit. Caring for patients greater than 65 years old, those recovering from clean/clean-contaminated surgery, and a high intensity of care were independent factors associated with non-compliance. b40 Tenorio A. R., Badri S. M., Sahgal N. B., Hota B., Matushek M., Hayden M. K., Trenholme G. M., and Weinstein R. A. Effectiveness of gloves in preventing personnel handcarriage of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) after patient care. Clin Infect Dis 2001;32:826-829. Prospective study of the ability of gloves to prevent healthcare workers from contaminating their hands with VRE during routine patient care. About 40% of personnel contaminated their gloves with VRE when caring for affected patients, and 29% of those with contaminated gloves had the same strain on their hands after glove removal. The study illustrates the need to cleanse hands after glove removal. b42 Trick W.E., Vernon M.O., Hayes R.A., Nathan C., Rice T.W., Peterson B.J., Segreti J., Welbel S.F., Solomon S.L. and Weinstein R.A. Impact of ring wearing on hand contamination and comparison of hand hygiene agents in a hospital. Clin Infect Dis 2003;36:1383-90. NEW A prospective study found that wearing rings was associated with a 10-fold greater counts of organisms on hands, with pathogens such as S. aureus, gram-negative bacillin and yeast. Contamination increased with the number of rings worn. Use of an alcohol-based hand rub reduced hand contamination significantly better than a medicated hand wipe. b43 Voss A. and Widmer A. F. No time for handwashing!? Handwashing versus alcoholic rub: can we afford 100% compliance? Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1997;18:205-208. Investigators documented that it took intensive care nurses an average of 62 seconds to walk to a sink, wash hands, and return to patient care. A model based on varying levels of hand hygiene compliance of nurses revealed that handwashing required four times more nursing time than using an alcohol hand rub available at patient bedsides. The authors suggested that replacing handwashing with alcohol hand disinfection might lead to improved hand hygiene compliance. b37 Zimakoff J., Kjelsberg A. B., Larsen S. O., and Holstein B. A multicenter questionnaire investigation of attitudes toward hand hygiene, assessed by the staff in fifteen hospitals in Denmark and Norway. Am J Infect Control 1992;20:58-64. A questionnaire study involving more than 2500 healthcare workers in Scandinavia lists factors that personnel felt promoted hand hygiene and those which interfered with hand hygiene. Highlights behavioral issues that need to be considered when designing campaigns to improve hand hygiene compliance. b38 Med J. 1998 Jul;39(7):319-23. Reduction of nosocomial infection in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of these measures on the incidence of nosocomial infection in our NICU B35 Aust N Z J Surg. A prospective survey of current methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus control measures. 1999 Oct;69(10):712-6 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is now endemic in tertiary referral hospitals among the developed world. By prospective survey, the effect of two measures aimed to reduce the spread of MRSA was determined. First, a surgical ward with persistently high levels of MRSA detection was cleaned and renovated. Second, the medical records of all MRSA-colonized patients were electronically flagged B45 Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. Control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus at a university hospital: one decade later. 1995 Dec;16(12):686-96. To investigate the cause of increasing rates of nosocomial methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection at a university hospital. DESIGN: Review of data collected by prospective hospital wide surveillance regarding rates of nosocomial MRSA colonization and infection. B46 Nippon Koshu Eisei Zasshi. A study on the transmission of MRSA among the family members including clients of visiting nurse and related infection control. 2001 Mar;48(3):190-9. The purpose of the study was to clarify MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) transmission among clients, receiving nursing care from visiting nurse stations, and family members, as well as to determine MRSA positive rates of visiting nurses themselves and their handwashing habits. METHODS: The subjects were 131 clients who had utilized 32 visiting nurse stations, and had tested MRSA positive in our previous study performed 2-5 months earlier. B47 Infez Med. 2001 Evaluation of the efficacy of a program to control nosocomial spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Sep;9(3):163-9. To evaluate the efficacy of a program to control nosocomial spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). METHODS: Analysis of the incidence of infection and contamination due to MRSA in patients admitted to the hospital of Cremona 6 months before and 3 years after the introduction of the guidelines (July 1997). B48 J Perinatol. Effect of an evidence-based hand washing policy on hand washing rates and false-positive coagulase negative staphylococcus blood and cerebrospinal fluid culture rates in a level III NICU 2002 Mar;22(2):137-43 CONCLUSION: Implementation of an evidence-based hand washing policy resulted in a significant increase in hand washing compliance and a significant decrease in false-positive coagulase negative staphylococcal blood and CSF culture rates. Exploratory data analysis revealed a possible effect on true-positive coagulase negative staphylococcal blood and CSF culture rates, but these results need to be confirmed in future studies. B49 Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD Death by Medicine part 6 Never Enough studies. November 2003 The rate of nosocomial infections per 1,000 patient days has increased 36% - from 7.2 in 1975 to 9.8 in 1995. Reports from more than 270 U.S. hospitals showed that the nosocomial infection rate itself had remained stable over the previous 20 years with approximately five to six hospital-acquired infections occurring per 100 admissions, which is a rate of 5-6%. However, because of progressively shorter inpatient stays and the increasing number of admissions, the actual number of infections increased. It is estimated that in 1995, nosocomial infections cost $4.5 billion and contributed to more than 88,000 deaths - one death every 6 minutes.9 The 2003 incidence of nosocomial mortality is quite probably higher than in 1995 because of the tremendous increase in antibiotic-resistant organisms. Morbidity and Mortality Report found that nosocomial infections cost $5 billion annually in 1999.10 This is a $0.5 billion increase in four years. The present cost of nosocomial infections might now be in the order of $5.5 billion. b50 Reduction of nosocomial infection during pediatric intensive care by protective isolation. BS Klein, WH Perloff, and DG Maki To determine whether simple protective isolation reduces the incidence of nosocomial bacterial and fungal infection during pediatric intensive care, we randomly assigned 70 children who were not immuno-suppressed and who required mechanical ventilatory support and three or more days of intensive care to receive standard care (n = 38) or protective isolation (n = 32) with use of disposable, non-waven, polypropylene gowns and nonsterile latex gloves. Risk factors predisposing patients to infection were comparable in the two groups. Nosocomial colonization occurred later among isolated patients (median, vs. 7 days; P less than 0.01) and was associated with subsequent infection in 12 patients, as compared with 12 patients given standard care (P = 0.01). Among patients who were isolated, the interval before the first infection was significantly longer than (median, 20 vs. 8 days; P = 0.04), the daily infection rate was 2.2 times lower than (95 percent confidence interval, 1.2 to 4.0; P = 0.007), and there were fewer days with fewer (13 percent vs. 21 percent; P = 0.001). The benefit of isolation was most notable after seven days of intensive care. Isolation was well tolerated by patients and their families. Regular monitoring showed that the children in each group were touched and handled comparably often by hospital personnel and family members. We conclude that the use of disposable, high-barrier gowns and gloves for the care of selected, high-risk children who require prolonged intensive care significantly reduces the incidence of nosocomial infection, is well tolerated, and does not compromise the delivery of care. Source Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison. [B51] Hospital-Acquired Public Infection Rate reporting under consideration in 2005, by states. Last updated July 7, 2005 [Doc52] Prevention Experts Stress Importance of Hand Hygiene Compliance PDF [Doc53] Implementing a Program to Improve Hand Hygiene: The Hospital of Saint Raphael Experience [Doc57] UNMH Nurses Fight Staph Testing in Newborn ICU. [Doc55] New England Journal of Medicine July 13, 2006 - System Failure versus Personal Accountability - The Case for Clean Hands. Doc 59 Forty-two percent of personnel who had no direct contact with such patients, but had touched contaminated surfaces, contaminated their gloves with MRSA. JM Boyce, G Potter-Bynoe, C Chenevert, T King - Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 1997 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Environmental contamination due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus. aureus: possible infection control implications. Boyce JM ... b70 A Comparison of the Effect of Universal Use of Gloves and Gowns with That of Glove Use Alone on Acquisition of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci in a Medical Intensive Care Unit. Objective: To determine the efficacy of the use of gloves and gowns compared with that of the use of gloves alone for the prevention of nosocomial transmission of vancomycin-resistant enterococci. This study suggested that ;there was no significant difference between the use of gloves and gounds and the use of gloves only in ICU. b71 Stethoscopes: The authors have provided objective evidence of a high (67%) rate of contamination of gloves, gowns and stethoscopes during routine examination of patients colonised or infected with VRE. The methodology was scientifically sound and it is noteworthy that enrichment culture was not used, thus accurately mimicking the in vivo contact of a hand or glove with contaminated skin. Importantly, the effectiveness of decontaminating the head of a stethoscope with an alcohol wipe has been confirmed. b72 from 'Clinical Opinions in General Medicine' series. Impact of Hospital Acquired Bloodstream Infections. b74 Nosocomial bloodstream infections are a leading cause of death in the United States. If we assume a nosocomial infection rate of 5%, of which 10% are bloodstream infections, and an attributable mortality rate of 15%, bloodstream infections would represent the eighth leading cause of death in the United States. Because most risk factors for dying after bacteremia or fungemia may not be changeable, prevention efforts must focus on new infection-control technology and techniques. Mortality Data from the National Vital Statistics System. b75 Great source of health statistics. This source shows the 15 leading causes of death by year. Septicemia as the 10th leading cause of death. National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) System Report, data summary from January 1992 through June 2004, issued October 2004 b76 Surgical InfectionsGuideline for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection, 1999 The Guideline for Prevention of Surgical Site Infection, 1999 presents the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for the prevention of surgical site infections (SSIs), formerly called surgical wound infections. This two-part guideline updates and replaces previous guidelines. What you can do to protect your self before surgery: MRSA - Reading List Revised: July 21, 2006 .
The SAYiT LGBT+ Inclusion Kite Mark is a quality assurance accreditation award for service providers which has been developed to create a positive and welcoming environment for LGBT+ service users, staff and volunteers. It aims to address some of the barriers LGBT+ people have to accessing services and to strengthen and develop services relationships with their LGBT+ service users and wider communities. “89% of LGBTQ people said they would feel more confident accessing a service which displayed an LGBT kite mark” LGBT+ Inclusion Kite Mark and Covid-19 We know that victims of Domestic Abuse are particularly at risk during this period and the support from services is even more valuable. This makes it vital that support is there for LGBT+ victims/survivors. Whilst we cannot award the final Kite Mark to any services during this time (as it requires an onsite visit), you would be welcome to start a Kite Mark application, or to continue to work towards your Kite Mark award. Please make use of the Call It Out project to support you to do this. If you haven’t already done it, these are some especially important criteria to work on at the moment. We can help you with any of these – let us know what you need • Ensure the website/social media effectively communicates that the service is inclusive of LGBT+ people • Gender neutral language is used when taking calls/online chat – to make it clear that you are not making assumptions of the caller’s gender identity or the gender identity of the person from whom they are experiencing abuse/control. • LGBT+ specific resources are available e.g. does your service know what Galop are still offering, which LGBT+ groups are still offering support? See Call It Out Covid -19 webpage for resources – this is currently being developed so keep checking in with it for LGBT+ resources • Ensure your service is proactively promoting itself through LGBT+ online spaces/online communities – so people know you are out there Look after yourselves, especially at the moment. Many thanks for the vital work you are doing on the front line. Let us know how we can support you. Being awarded our SAYiT LGBT+ Inclusion Kite Mark enables you to send a positive message, with confidence, that your service is a champion of LGBT+ inclusion where LGBT+ service users, volunteers and staff will be safe, supported and included. Following successful completion of training and assessment, the service will be provided with:- - Certificate of achievement - Window stickers to display in your premises - Digital graphics pack with logos and images which can be displayed on your website, email signatures, letterheads and promotional literature - Inclusion in SAYiT’s online listing of accredited organisations - Draft press release which you can customise and share with local media to celebrate and promote your achievement
In chemistry, heat of formation is the heat released or absorbed (enthalpy change) during the formation of a pure substance from its elements at constant pressure (in their standard states). Heat of formation is usually denoted by ΔH f . It is typically expressed in units of kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol). Are you interested in attending the University of Texas at San Antonio? They accept more than three-quarters of all applicants. See more about their admissions requirements. About UTSA The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), is a large public university whose main campus occupies 725 acres on the northern edge of San Antonio, Texas. Northeastern State University Admissions Overview: To apply to Northeastern State University, interested students will need to submit an application (which can be completed online), official high school transcripts, and scores from the SAT or ACT. In 2016, the school had an acceptance rate of 94%, making it largely accessible to those who applied. Oracle bones are a type of artifact found in archaeological sites in several parts of the world, but they are best known as a significant characteristic of the Shang dynasty [1600-1050 BC] in China. Oracle bones were used to practice a specific form of divination, fortune-telling, known as pyro-osteomancy. William McKinley (1843 - 1901) served as America's twenty-fifth president. During his time in office, America fought in the Spanish-American War and annexed Hawaii. McKinley was assassinated near the start of his second term. Here is a quick list of fast facts for William McKinley. For more in depth information, you can also read the William McKinley Biography Birth: January 29, 1843 Death: September 14, 1901 Term of Office: March 4, 1897-September 14, 1901 Number of Terms Elected: 2 Terms; Was assassinated soon after being elected to his second term. Hermes is familiar as the messenger god in Greek mythology. In a related capacity, he brought the dead to the Underworld in his role of "Psychopompos". Zeus made his thieving son Hermes god of commerce. Hermes invented various devices, especially musical ones, and possibly fire. He is known as a helpful god. According to legend, the Xia Dynasty ruled China beginning more than four thousand years ago. Although no firm documentary evidence has yet been found for this period, it is possible that some form of evidence exists, like the oracle bones that have proved the existence of the Shang Dynasty (1600 - 1046 BCE). Rebuilding anything is hard work. Nearly two years after the 9-11 terrorist attacks, New York developers announced a challenge - design a memorial for a shocked and grieving nation. Anyone could enter the competition. Entries poured in from architects, artists, students, and other creative people around the world. Georgetown College Admissions Overview: With an acceptance rate of 66%, a majority of the applicants were admitted to Georgetown College in 2015. Still, students will generally need solid grades and test scores to be accepted to the school. Interested students are encouraged to visit the campus and meet with a member of the admissions team. Brahmanism, also known as Proto-Hinduism, was an early religion in the Indian sub-continent that was based on Vedic writing. It is considered an early form of Hinduism. Vedic writing refers to the Vedas, the hymns of the Aryans, who if they actually did so, invaded in the second millennium B.C. Otherwise, they were the resident nobles. Spondylus, otherwise known as the "thorny oyster" or "spiny oyster", is a bivalve mollusk found in the warm waters of most of the oceans of the world. The Spondylus genus has about 76 species living worldwide, three of which are of interest to archaeologists. Two spondylus species from the Pacific Ocean ( Spondylus princeps and S. Arbitrage, in terms of economics, is the taking the opportunity to immediately exchange a good or service in a different for a higher price than initially invested. Put simply, a business person commits arbitrage when they buy cheaply and sell expensively. The Economics Glossary defines arbitrage opportunity as "the opportunity to buy an asset at a low price then immediately selling it on a different market for a higher price. In 1962, the world's two most populous countries went to war. The Sino-Indian War claimed about 2,000 lives and played out in the harsh terrain of the Karakoram Mountains, some 4,270 meters (14,000 feet) above sea level. Background to the War The primary cause of the 1962 war between India and China was the disputed border between the two countries, in the high mountains of Aksai Chin. Southern Utah University Admissions Overview: Students interested in Southern Utah University will need to submit, along with an application, high school transcripts and scores from the SAT or the ACT. The school admits around three-quarters of applicants each year; those with B-averages and test scores within or above the ranges listed below have a good chance of being accepted. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is superbly written, has a page-turning story, and will help your book club learn more about Afghanistan. Use these book club discussion questions to probe deeper into the story. Spoiler Warning: These book club discussion questions reveal important details from the novel. Pericles (sometimes spelled Perikles) lived between about 495-429 B.C.E. and was one of the most important leaders of the classical period of Athens, Greece. He is largely responsible for rebuilding the city following the devastating Persian Wars of 502-449 B.C.E. He was also Athens' leader during (and probably fomenter of) the Peloponnesian War (431-404); and he died of the Plague of Athens that ravaged the city between 430 and 426 B. Guā Shā (刮痧) is a traditional Chinese healing method that entails scraping the back to drain excess fluids and toxins. Gua sha is used to treat colds and fevers by improving the flow of qi-the body's energy flow. The treatment can either be done alone or as an addition to a back or body massage. During a back massage, the masseuse may ask if you would like gua sha. The word "transmutation" means something different to a scientist, particularly a physicist or chemist, compared to the ordinary usage of the term. Transmutation Definition (trăns'myo͞o-tā'shən) ( n ) Latin transmutare -- "to change from one form into another". To transmute is to change from one form or substance into another; to transform or convert. Are SAT prep courses worth the money? There's no doubt that SAT prep is a big business -- hundreds of companies and private counselors make impressive claims about their ability to improve your SAT scores. Prices tend to range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the amount of in-person one-on-one tutoring you receive. "The Black Cat," one of Edgar Allan Poe's most memorable stories, is a classic example of the gothic literature genre that debuted in the Saturday Evening Post on August 19, 1843. Written in the form of a first-person narrative, Poe employed multiple themes of insanity, superstition, and alcoholism to impart a palpable sense of horror and foreboding to this tale, while at the same time, deftly advancing his plot and building his characters. Read the following dialogue between a patient and her doctor as they discuss joint pain during an appointment. Practice the dialogue with a friend so you can feel more confident the next time you visit the doctor. A comprehension and vocabulary review quiz follow the dialogue. Joint Pain Patient : Good morning.
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Required fields are marked *. something preliminary or introductory: The meeting was the preface to an alliance. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Preface definition is - a variable doxology beginning with the Sursum Corda and ending with the Sanctus in traditional eucharistic liturgies. ‘A brief preface to each speech sets the historical context leading up to the event and provides a glimpse into Frome's life.’ 1.2 Christian Church The introduction to the central part of the Eucharist, historically forming the first part of the canon or prayer of consecration. Belief in the Devil Skepticism is how the cult hides. The Conversation is the Apocalypse. A conversation about the Legacy Standard Bible. This is a book about enterprise integration with a focus on conversations between loosely couped systems. Readers want to hear from someone who has gone through what they are going through. The Achu Story, Glad you found it helpful! In his preface, Solomon suggests that other movements can learn from this one. This is what i was looking out for. You'll Have a Stronger Relationship . Dans cette préface Erasme justifie son choix de traduire la Bible en langue vernaculaire (ou langue vulgaire). Preface your question by making a statement you're certain she'll agree with, as that puts her in a “yes” mindset, then give her two date choices: Never just suggest meeting for drinks – doing that will torpedo your chances of success. We’re glad you found it helpful, Alex! Connect it to why you decided to write this book, and be willing to share your own personal struggles, experiences, or connections to their problem. Closed-ended questions are also called “yes/no” questions, because their goal is to confirm or deny certain information. This is why it is mostly seen in nonfiction books. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . On this page you will find the solution to Preface to a heart-to-heart conversation crossword clue. Readers can explore new authors by getting a glimpse of their writing style and their authority before committing to an actual purchase. This will help you focus the conversation, preparing your reader to delve into the main body of your book. Because it’s always written by the author, the preface gives readers valuable insight into what they can expect from the book. Just as a "Preface" serves as the introduction to a book, ... We're transforming the national conversation around early childhood literacy: Gwinnett County, GA. Dothan, AL. Two primary points of feedback I’ve heard recently about my sermons: Something introductory; a preliminary: An informal brunch served as a preface to the three-day conference. “Dementia” vs. “Alzheimer’s”: What’s The Difference? Shift your mental label for the meeting from “difficult conversation” to “helpful feedback session” or “coming into agreement talk.” This helps tamp down your own anxiety and discomfort and reframes the conversation in a more positive, proactive way. A preface is different from other parts of your text. Vedantin, sage, sanyasin, friend and guru—Swami Krishnananda Is a many-splendored personality. Préface à The Cultural Turn: Selected Writings on the Postmodern 1983-1998 de Fredric Jameson, Londres, Verso, 1998, 224 p. ISBN 978-1859848760) Introduction à Freudian Slip: Psychoanalysis and Textual Criticism de Sebastiano Timpanaro, Londres, Verso, 2010, 288 p. (ISBN 978-1844676743) The Mosaic of Islam: A Conversation With Perry Anderson de Suleiman Mourad, … Vous vous adressez au lecteur en aparté. We Asked, You Answered. How to use preface in a sentence. FAQs. You want to make everyone feel as if you are having a conversation with them. Because it’s always written by the author, the preface gives readers valuable insight into what they can expect from the book. Email address. See more. A Google search of the word conjunction shows that it is used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause. To help you on this trip, we’ve put together a friendly guide to English conversation for beginners, filled with useful, basic phrases—from greetings and small talk to saying goodbye—that will take you on your first conversation adventure. – Tragicomic Oct 1 '15 at 19:49 Prologue: A prologue is most often found in fiction books, and is usually written from the point of view of one of the characters. Noté /5. Through the preface, you are able to: One important consideration in deciding whether or not you need to write a preface is the type of book you are writing. preface meaning: 1. an introduction at the beginning of a book explaining its purpose, thanking people who helped…. Houston, TX. In the preface to The bondswoman's Son he confesses that he has sometimes wondered if he has incarnated different personalities. Preface consists of many informal sentences as it aims to giving a conversation to the readers about what actually your thesis told. EN VOIR PLUS: Communiqué du Crif - La cour européenne des Droits de l'Homme … a prayer of thanksgiving, the introduction to the canon of the Mass, ending with the. To my surprise and, I confess, to my delight, it immediately became a best seller and remained at the top of the nationwide best-seller list for more than a year. Think of the preface as your book’s chance to make a great first impression (in addition to your beautifully designed cover, of course!). So let’s get started! Foreword: This introductory section of a book is written by another person, and not the author themself. Learn more. Les déclarations de Francis Bacon sont toujours radicales. We’re all very proud of Yen’s work to help children discover the joys of reading :). EXPERIENCED WRITING INSTRUCTORS have long recognized that writing well means entering into conversation with others. Prem. ~Amadeus Wolfei Conversations lie at the heart of how we interact. A few conversation starters are the easiest way to get the chit chat ball rolling. I quote Immanuel Kant in my preface, defining enlightenment as mankind coming out of its self-imposed immaturity. ace (prĕf′ĭs) n. 1. a. The meeting was the preface to an alliance. to provide with or introduce by a preface. Writing the Successful Thesis and Dissertation: Entering the Conversation - Kindle edition by Clark Irene L., Mendoza Alfredo, Skawratananond Chakarat, Walker Artis. Sometimes, this first impression can make the difference between a reader jumping into your book immediately or filing it back neatly on their shelf, along with a host of other abandoned titles. i like that expression from Yen’s profile…” Her passion is to see the next generation of children become lovers of reading and learning in the midst of short attention spans.” I am one with you. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion An introductory section, as of a speech. Chapter 10, new to this edition, blends ideas from Rogerian Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. a preliminary statement in a book by the book's author or editor, setting forth its purpose and scope, expressing acknowledgment of assistance from others, etc. Use your preface as an opportunity to connect with the reader. Pharr, TX. a statement written as an introduction to a literary or other work, typically explaining its scope, intention, method, etc; foreword, a prayer of thanksgiving and exhortation serving as an introduction to the canon of the Mass, The Real Story Behind the Fight for Marriage Equality, Clues for Finding Forrest Fenn’s Buried Treasure, Part 2, Boswell's Correspondence with the Honourable Andrew Erskine, and His Journal of a Tour to Corsica. Create a free account to download. For more information please visit example of preaface … b. or. Hello. Preface definition, a preliminary statement in a book by the book's author or editor, setting forth its purpose and scope, expressing acknowledgment of assistance from others, etc. It is the narrative that introduces or explains your reasons for writing that particular book. Les deux ouvrages, cosignés par soixante écrivains et universitaires en hommage à Samuel Paty, seront bientôt disponibles en librairie. The preface contains a sarcastic harangue in orthodox charlatan style on the merits of the new catholicon or Panacea. Last update: Jan 2017. On termine la rétrospective avec une Newsletter spéciale "Israël". Use conversations with new people as practice for improving your skills. Download with Google Download with Facebook. Elizabeth Alexander. 5. Preface. When you treat your child with respect and kindness, you'll strengthen your bond.Say "Thank you" and "Please" when you speak to your child, and firmly explain that you expect him to do the same. Your Support. Préface D'Erasme à La Traduction Du Nouveau Testament. If your language skills aren’t already top-notch, then this vocab quiz can get you up to speed! Learn more. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Writing the Successful Thesis and Dissertation: Entering the Conversation. Why, then, attempt to recast and rewrite the book for the present generation of readers? The preface to the third edition also bears the date of his birthday. Les textes sont disponibles sous licence Creative Commons Attribution-partage dans les mêmes conditions ; d’autres conditions peuvent s’appliquer. Lisez ce Littérature Commentaires Composés et plus de 247 000 autres dissertation. Sadly, it cannot solve all your integration problems, but nor will any other book. As you can tell, there is no hard and fast definition, although a foreword is typically written by someone other than the author, usually someone well-known and credible. We are almost always engaged in either internal dialogue or external interaction. A conversation is an exchange of ideas, questions and thoughts. Since the preface is your way to connect with your readers while assuring them of the quality of your book, you can make references to things that you will discuss later in the book. All while we're forging connections and shaping ideas across the globe: Our Leadership . 10. Usually it’s much more informal, as though you’re having a conversation with the reader before they start reading your text. The author wrote a preface to explain how he gave the characters their own dialect based on where they were from. She has also written several books, both fiction and nonfiction. Preface by . Distinguished Conversations (Preface) It is a great pleasure to continue our series of “Distinguished Conversations” in recognition of ASN’s 50th anniversary. On this page will find the solution to Preface to a heart-to-heart conversation crossword clue. The preface is one of the integral parts of your book’s front matter. If you have any other question or need extra help, please feel free to contact us or use the search box/calendar for any clue. While you may be tempted to go into a lengthy exposition of your childhood, remember the purpose of your preface and stay within its bounds. Through the preface, you are able to: Now that we’ve defined what a preface is, let’s see how it’s different from other front matter elements, such as the foreword and prologue. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. DemystifyingAcademic Conversation . Ce qu'il faut donc, c'est une intervention qui, tout en venant d'un autre, se produise au fond de nous-mêmes, c'est bien l'impulsion d'un autre esprit, mais reçue au sein de la solitude. paper presents evidence that the discourse particle well functions as a generalized procedural alert that the turn it prefaces will privilege its speaker’s perspectives, interests or project relative to the expectations for action established in the prior turn or sequence. But how often are those conversations worth having? Best Answer for Preface To A Heart-To-Heart Conversation Crossword Clue. 4) La préface vous permet d’adresser un message personnel. Like you’re sitting at a table with with them and discussing a problem, a concern, a big thing God wants them to do. Retrouvez Conversations évangéliques: En Montagne Limousine et ailleurs... Homélies des Temps Liturgiques Préface de Christoph THEOBALD sj et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. This month Sharon Moe, MD, FASN, interviews Sharon Anderson, MD, FASN. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Indeed I have run into a preface, while I professed to write a dedication. The Dictionary.com Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. “An introduction,” he writes, “tells you everything you need to sustain an initial conversation. I prefaced a conversation with my boss by saying I wanted to hold it in confidence and he agreed. • A new chapter on collaborative rhetoric as a bridge-building alternative to persuasion. the act of a person who encloses something in or as if in a casing or covering, a school giving instruction in one or more of the fine or dramatic arts, a comic character, usually masked, dressed in multicolored, diamond-patterned tights, and carrying a wooden sword or magic wand, First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin, Dictionary.com Unabridged Vous vous approchez de lui. Alexander and B.A. Although not all readers choose to read the preface, it’s still very important to write a good one. Did you find this post helpful? In the end, remember to treat the preface as a part of your book that is just as vital as its main contents. Best of luck with your book :). Describe 2020 In Just One Word? Professor Manzoni suggests you choose a less binary way to view the encounter. That is exactly the question that was asked, and answered, on Quora. Crossword Clue The crossword clue Preface to a heart-to-heart conversation with 8 letters was last seen on the March 25, 2018.We think the likely answer to this clue is REALTALK.Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. Parlez-vous ! Perfect! good luck, Hi Raul, thanks for your comment! If there is a chance we have missed the answer you are looking for, feel free to contact us and we will get back to you with the answer as soon as possible Crosswords are … Hi Izuoma, we’re so glad you found it helpful! For even more essential tips on how to ask a girl out online, click here. This paper . Although the preface is not mandatory, writing a preface gives you as an author the chance to address your readers directly. Berkowitz, Routledge 2017. Simply click on the clue posted on New York Times Crossword on March 25 2018 and we will present you with the correct answer. As you know that a preface is totally different from other parts of your thesis. Feel free to refer to specific contents in your book. O! --- The Dark Mountain Manifesto (1) A story, from Ann … Energized by my first couple years of teaching 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds in a child care center, I applied to graduate school, eager to better understand the ways of children Featuring Abner Chou and John MacArthur. Lorsqu’il parle, il ne se situe pas à côté de sa peinture, ni même face à elle : il est à l’intérieur de la peinture, il continue de la vivre – il peint. Parts of a Book: The Basic Anatomy of Book Design, 5 Steps to Writing a Captivating Nonfiction Book Synopsis, How to Write the First Chapter of a Book: A Checklist for Novelists, How to End Your Book: 5 Steps to Writing a Fantastic Final Chapter, Give information about your experience and authority, Share the inspiration for your chosen topic, Outline your writing process and share any challenges you came across, Reveal your purpose or motivation for writing the book, Share any historical context or relevant information to make the book more understandable, Explain any additional information (for example, maybe the preface was added to a newer edition of a previously-published book), Give information about your experience and authority in writing the book, Share the inspiration behind your chosen topic, Outline your writing process, sharing your challenges, Share any historical context or relevant information to make the book more understandable to your readers, Explain any additional information, such as in the case of a preface added to a newer edition of a previously-published book without a preface. C’est comme si vous sortiez la tête de votre récit pour lui faire des confidences dans le creux de l’oreille. In each conversation, a leader in nephrology invites a mentor or esteemed colleague for a discussion of nephrology, past and future. The best way to keep a conversation going is to ask questions! Ils seront vendus au profit d'oeuvres éducatives. Conversation Patterns » Introduction » Preface: Work in progress. A good preface can have as few as four paragraphs, but it can also go longer. Ce livre a touché une corde sensible. thank you now I have some idea to write a preface. Because it is a novel, there is a story. This preface is written from the author’s point of view, often detailing why the author wrote that particular book and why they are qualified to write about that subject. No one wants to think Satanic cults exist and if you try to point it out to people, they‘ll just say you’re crazy and that way Satanists get away with murder! Ils feront leur métier: mais vous.....N. Je me rappelle deux passages* [* Préface de Narcisse, pag.28 & 32. Preface Apocalypse is a Greek word meaning revealing the Ancient Truths. It is the narrative that introduces or explains your reasons for writing that particular book. A short summary of this paper. Academic writing in particular calls upon writers not simply to express their own ideas, but to do so as a response to what others have said. The ECCP intervention was focused on married couples, but its principles can … Her passion is to see the next generation of children become lovers of reading and learning in the midst of short attention spans. conversation through reading and strong response. (See “Structure of the Text” later in this preface for further explanation.) E.S. Without a knowledge of mythology much of the elegant literature of our own language cannot be understood and appreciated. Learn More. Hence, try to make the connection between the readers and your thesis in your preface. It will make you more easily relatable to your readers. Generally, if you are writing for a technical or academic audience, a preface is a good thing to include. Thank you. Eighteen people attended my very first Knowledge Café. 2. ITS GOING TO HELP ME GIVE A BEFITTING PREFACE TO MY BOOK.SIGHTS AND SCENES OF TGE ACHU FESTIVAL. A preliminary statement or essay introducing a book that explains its scope, intention, or background and is usually written by the author. When Byron calls Rome “the Niobe of nations,” or says of Venice, “She looks a Sea-Cybele fresh from ocean,” he calls up to the mind of one familiar with our subject, illustrations more vivid and striking than the pencil could furnish, but which are lost to the reader ignorant of mythology. The best sermons are conversations. Use your preface as an opportunity to connect with the reader. There are two types of questions you may ask: closed-ended and open-ended questions. On this page will find the solution to Preface to a heart-to-heart conversation crossword clue. The educators of the country have acknowledged that teaching the young to read, in the most elementary sense of that word, is our paramount educational problem…. This is a great way to help readers accept that a new writer has something worth reading.An Preface: Writing a New Story It is through stories that we weave reality. This added introduction is used as a literary device to give the reader important information that will help them to understand the story. Voyez les conditions d’utilisation pour plus de détails. Cette semaine, le Crif vous a proposé une rétrospective des articles publiés en 2020 dans les newsletters. To clarify, the preface of a book generally explains why the book was written and the author’s background that makes them the best person to write the book. If you are just building your author platform and people don’t really know you yet, they will be more likely to check out things like the preface, foreword, or featured reviews to get a better feel for your work—so if you include a preface, make it count! Your email address will not be published. Wilson, NC. READ PAPER "Table of … Although all the language skills are developed, the primary focus is on listening and then responding appropriately to what is said. If there’s one thing that can ruin a first date and ensure a woman’s first impression of you is a bad one, it’s crappy conversation. This crossword clue was last seen on March 25 2018 in the New York Times Crossword Puzzle. Music journalist Joel Selwin annotates, with a preface by Donovan, a foreword by Jorma Kaukonen, and an afterword by John Poppy. How to Read a Book was first published in the early months of 1940. Excerpt from Conversations Worth Having by Jackie Stavros and Cheri Torres conversationsworthhaving.today Preface Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation. We are almost always engaged in either internal dialogue or external interaction. A Talk with . So the word question is not being used as a conjunction. Grâce à la préface, vous allez établir un lien privilégié avec votre lecteur. It all began on September 5th, 2002 at the Strand Palace Hotel on the Strand in central London. Chutttt ! To give you an idea how a preface works, here are some excerpts of prefaces from different books: If no other knowledge deserves to be called useful but that which helps to enlarge our possessions or to raise our station in society, then Mythology has no claim to the appellation. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 24 octobre 2011 à 15:39. Preface: Academic writing and nonfiction books normally open with a preface. preface definition: 1. an introduction at the beginning of a book explaining its purpose, thanking people who helped…. 223, 224. This personality is what is described by the Vedic term hamsa, the Swan.The hamsa abides on the surface of the waters of the phenomenal world and in the ocean of cosmic consciousness—in the Absolute.And yet he takes Interest in our mundane problems and issues and clarifies them for us. When writing a nonfiction book, it’s not just the main contents that matter. This is a book about enterprise integration with a focus on conversations between loosely couped systems. ‘I'd like to preface my comments with the fact that I haven't slept for any appreciable amount of time since Thursday night.’ ‘I must preface my remarks with a confession: I didn't watch the Superbowl on Sunday.’ ‘I preface my remarks by saying that I do not like the fact that our tuition is going up.’ Préface de Jean-Marie Gourio, Éloge de la conversation au temps du Smartphone, Francis Brochet, Kiwi. Although the preface is not an official part of your book, writing a preface gives you as an author the chance to address your readers directly. The idea for the Café had started to form in my head a few years earlier. Préface à l’édition en langue française ⊕ R. David ... Exigeons de meilleures bibliothèques a été utilisé en classe et a suscité des conversations au-delà de ce que j’aurais pu imaginer. Préface de Yannick Haenel. Hence, try to make the connection between the readers and your thesis in your preface. Usually it’s much more informal, as though you’re having a conversation with the reader before they start reading your text. Just as a "Preface" serves as the introduction to a book, our program lays the foundation for the rest of the chapters in a student's life by supporting early readers (as well as English Language Learners) through monolingual and multilingual empowerment. LIFE IS THE WAY THE ANIMAL IS IN THE WORLD. “It is just notes and thinkings,” Fenn writes by way of preface. But if that which tends to make us happier and better can be called useful, then we claim that epithet for our subject. que ne suis-je né dans un siecle où je dusse jetter ce Recueil au feu! Préfaces imaginaires, Raphaël Mezrahi, Lattes. Let us know in the comments below! From this preface, the world took fright, and we may judge in what manner she intended to follow up her plea for education. R. 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Booked Out: Getting Started with Nessa O'Mahony Starts: Thur 31 Oct 2019 Time: 2pm – 4pm Duration: 6 Weeks Cost: €165/€150 Members Getting Started with Nessa O’Mahony We all have a book in us, don’t we? If you’ve always had that yearning to pick up a pen and try writing something – a story, a poem, a memoir – why not come along to the Irish Writers Centre and sign up for Getting Started course with poet and novelist Nessa O’Mahony? During the six-week-course, we’ll explore that mysterious thing called inspiration as well as discussing the craft of writing. We’ll be looking at subjects such as what makes a good character, how you describe a setting, getting plots right and using imagery through a combination of in-class tuition and exercises and peer critique. Nessa O’Mahony has published four volumes of poetry. She won the National Women’s Poetry Competition in 1997 and was shortlisted for the Patrick Kavanagh Prize and Hennessy Literature Awards. www.nessaomahony.com
Andrew Tagg. From Cradle to the Grave – ACEM Annual Scientific Meeting 2014, Don't Forget the Bubbles, 2014. Available at: This years Australasian College of Emergency Medicine Annual scientific meeting in Melbourne has attracted over 900 delegates from all over the world. With an overarching theme of “Back to the Future” a number of speakers have been looking back on the past year in emergency medicine literature and predicting what might be up and coming in the next five years. Whilst there have been a number of wonderful speakers talking about all aspects of emergency medicine the second day had a number of sessions that would be of interest to those practicing paediatric emergency medicine as well as those clinicians working in mixed adult and paediatric departments. Some of the talks have been recorded and will be available on the ACEM website in due course, but one of the talks, by Simon Craig of Monash Medical Centre, stood out. Whilst top ten lists are always subjective Simon chose a number of key papers that he thought should reach a wider audience. Some of them have already been covered here by the Don’t Forget the Bubbles crew. As much as we like to think it makes a difference, this study suggests there is no difference in fluid intake over 60 minutes in children that had a flavoured gel placebo over those that used viscous lidocaine. Intraosseous access is often the only option in resuscitation of critically ill children. This study asks if a popular handheld point-of-care device can be used to analyse samples that would normally cause consternation in the laboratory as bone spicules block up the machinery. Clinically important biochemical variables such as glucose, sodium, ionised calcium, pH and base excess correlate well with venous sampling. Ultrasound offers a “no radiation” method of detecting metacarpal and phalangeal fractures in kids. Watch this space! Either are equally effective though not all are available worldwide. Chris Partyka wrote about the management of status here. The lead author, Elliot Long, of the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, presented some of the data from this audit of emergency intubations in the plenary session. It is a rare event, even in a quaternary referral centre, and as such is a high risk procedure. There was no difference in the pain assessment of local anaesthetic injection if midazolam and ketamine was used compared with oral midazolam alone though there was a lower need for intravenous sedation. This secondary analysis of the PECARN head injury data suggests that clinically significant brain injury is very rare in the setting of children with a bump to the head and vomiting as an isolated symptom. Read Anna Ings’ review of PECARN, CATCH and CHALICE here. Tessa wrote up this interesting paper here. As winter moves forward in the northern hemisphere it is worth considering that good supportive therapy is the mainstay of treatment. Mike South wrote about the SABRE trial here. This important paper reminds us that we need to be honest with parents about how long simple respiratory illnesses actually last. Earache lasts 7-8 days, sore throats between 2 and 7 days, acute cough can last around 25 days (!), and the common cold lasts about 2 weeks. Hopper, Sandy M., et al. “Topical Lidocaine to Improve Oral Intake in Children With Painful Infectious Mouth Ulcers: A Blinded, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial.” Annals of emergency medicine 63.3 (2014): 292-299. Veldhoen, Esther S., et al. “Analysis of bloodgas, electrolytes and glucose from intraosseous samples using an i-STAT® point-of-care analyser.” Resuscitation 85.3 (2014): 359-363. Neri, Elena, et al. “Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography for hand bony fractures in paediatric patients.” Archives of disease in childhood (2014): archdischild-2013. Chamberlain, James M., et al. “Lorazepam vs Diazepam for Pediatric Status Epilepticus: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” JAMA 311.16 (2014): 1652-1660. Long, Elliot, Stefan Sabato, and Franz E. Babl. “Endotracheal intubation in the pediatric emergency department.” Pediatric Anesthesia 24.12 (2014): 1204-1211. Barkan, Shiri, et al. “A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of oral midazolam plus oral ketamine for sedation of children during laceration repair.” Emergency Medicine Journal (2013): emermed-2012. Dayan, Peter S., et al. “Association of Traumatic Brain Injuries With Vomiting in Children With Blunt Head Trauma.” Annals of emergency medicine 63.6 (2014): 657-665. Schuh, Suzanne, et al. “Effect of oximetry on hospitalization in bronchiolitis: a randomized clinical trial.” JAMA 312.7 (2014): 712-718. Everard, Mark L., et al. “SABRE: a multicentre randomised control trial of nebulised hypertonic saline in infants hospitalised with acute bronchiolitis.” Thorax 69.12 (2014): 1105-1112. Thompson, Matthew, et al. “Duration of symptoms of respiratory tract infections in children: systematic review.” BMJ: British Medical Journal 347 (2013).
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As adjectives the difference between semiarid and desert is that semiarid is somewhat arid, receiving little rainfall but more than an arid area would typically defined as 25 to 50 cm or 10 to 20 inches of rainfall annually while desert is abandoned, deserted, or uninhabited; usually of a , gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils janakniwas equipment needed for phytomining reliablesteelsco gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils Recorded gold extraction and dry matter yields suggest that phytomining in arid and semiarid zones might be viable if Know More Milling (machining) Wikipedia 2019-3-30 These are frequently of lower quality than other types of machines, but still fill the hobby role well because they tend to be benchtop machines with small footprints and modest price tags -The process by which arid and semiarid lands become degraded and less productive, leading to desertlike conditions-Arid & semi-arid lands become degraded & less productive-From 60's-80's, 100,000+ people died from famine-750,000 depended on food aid-New research suggest mega-droughts may occur every decade Nov 30, 2012· Gold phytomining can be applied to mineralized soils and gold mining waste Literature evidence supports the technical validity of the technology Chemical use is the greatest drawback to gold phytomining but this can be managed Production costs, gold yield and value support the economic viability of the system Operations could lead . Gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils In RJ Gilkes, & N Prakongkep (Eds) Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World (pp 26 - 29) Published on DVD: 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World Gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils Gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils , Recent studies reveal the existence of areas of gold mineralization in desert areas around the world (Reid et al More details » Get Price gold phytomining in arid and semiarid Gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World 1 – 6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia Published on DVD In (PDF) Gold phytomining in arid and Oversæt denne side Gold Miner Free Online Game Multiplication Hit a piece of gold or a jewel and it will drag it back to the surface Jewels are worth more money than gold, and the bigger the gold is, the more it's worth But the smaller a piece of gold or a jewel is, the faster you can pull it to the surface May 12, 2017· The varieties were developed in a five-year Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Agricultural Productivity Research Project , Kalro unveils new crops for semi-arid areas , SEEDS OF GOLD, MINE CLOSURE CONSIDERATIONS IN ARID AND SEMI-ARID AREAS Country Gold Silver Copper Lead Zinc USA 14 12 18 4 8 Australia 11 8 -4 17 14 Chile 5 19 - - Mexico 15 4 5 4 CIS 8 10 6 10 8 Approx Total 33 50 51 36 34 World Production 2,200 16,000 9,166,000 3,290,000 7,164,000 Mine tailings disposal sites from either inactive or abandoned mine sites are prevalent in arid and semiarid regions throughout the world Major areas include northern Mexico and the Western United States, the Pacific coast of South America (Chile and Peru), southwestern Spain, western India, South Africa, and Australia (Munshower 1994; Tordoff et al 2000) The crop, according to him, does well in arid and semi-arid conditions with rainfall of about 800mm and tends to thrive in low altitude areas , 8 Seeds of Gold Father, . gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils gold minning in arid and semi arid areas, gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils, Gold phytomining in arid and semiarid soils gold extraction and dry, , AP Environmental Science Land and Water Use ,
We’ve just concluded the first meeting of our Minding the Modern reading group, having read the brief exordium in which Pfau lays out the broad arguments and stakes of the book. Attendance was good–more than I had expected–and we energetically discussed the exordium, from making sure that we understood Pfau’s terms and claims to speculating on their importance for the humanities at large, which Pfau explicitly underlines as a second concern for his book. Among other things, we talked about: - Our understanding of nominalism and voluntarism, especially in the context of how, as Pfau argues, “theoretical inquiry and practical reason have terminally parted ways” (3). - Different understandings of modernity, from Pfau’s own to others centered on ideology, economics, technology, historicity, etc. - Pfau’s distinction between scientific and interpretive methods, especially in clarifying his understanding of empiricism as a “value-neutral” operation (4). - Melancholy as either a “condition” of modernity or, by contrast, a willed or responsible act. - The “subject” versus the “person,” the latter of which, David Ruderman recalled, Pfau favors as terminology. - The close reading of Lorenzo Lotto’s Portrait of a Gentleman in his Study (above) as the opening move of Minding the Modern. - How Pfau’s objective “to clarify the increasingly confused understanding of what role concepts play in humanistic inquiry, and what constitutes the ground or source of their authority” (4) rings in the context of professionalism, (inter)disciplinarity, and periodicity in literary studies. All in all, we’re excited to get this adventure going. As our newest faculty member Jake Risinger proposed, we might also look to Pfau’s previous work on melancholy and moods to better understand how melancholy works in this diagnosis of modernity’s malaise. In closing, and in contradistinction to Pfau’s portrait of 16th century modernity, I offer the following portrait of 21st century modernity. ICR 2014 Banner As its founding act, Romanticism @ OSU arranged a panel proposal for the 2014 International Conference on Romanticism: “Enchanting Echoes: Folklore and Form in Romantic Ballads.” This last weekend, we made the journey to Minneapolis, despite the disastrous shutdown of Chicago airspace on Friday. Unfortunately, one of our panel members wasn’t able to make it due to the flight cancellations, and another of our panel members wasn’t able to stay after reading due to extreme illness. We were, in many ways, the panel of Last Romanticist Standing. But we had an engaged audience, and the Q+A session was especially collegial, with a lot of back-and-forth on difficult ideas rather than the more perfunctory “one and done” Q+A methods that sometimes plague a languishing session. Our heartfelt thanks go out to the friends, both new and old, who attended our session and provided such insightful feedback. We’re already looking ahead to ICR 2015! As Romanticism @ OSU sends its panel to ICR 2014, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be hosting a loose reading group for Thomas Pfau’s magnum opus Minding the Modern: Human Agency, Intellectual Traditions, and Responsible Knowledge (2013). We’ll first meet, having read Pfau’s brief exordium, to discuss how we’d like to proceed as a group. As some of us already imagine, we’ll build a wish list of particular chapters we’d like to talk about. Minding the Modern is a tome, and we’ll try to take it nice and easy over the academic year. So far, the response has been enthusiastic, and I for one am glad to be talking about how we might raise the stakes of placing Romanticism (which functions as a critical moment in Pfau’s narrative) in much larger histories that tangle with the most difficult questions about the human experience. Our site has been noticed! A representative of the British Library’s online efforts contacted me about the Library’s Discovering Literature series, specifically the “Romantics and Victorians” section. It looks like a great resource, especially for teaching! I’m happy to announce that the panel proposal that emerged from the first meeting of Romanticism @ OSU has been accepted for the 2014 International Conference on Romanticism this coming September. With Romanticism @ OSU core members Sara Cleto, Joey Kim, and Brittany Warman, I’ll be a part of “Enchanting Echoes: Folklore and Form in Romantic Ballads.” Here’s the overall description that we submitted: Taking seriously Wordsworth’s note that “repetition and apparent tautology are frequently beauties of the highest kind,” these papers investigate the relationship between echoes and enchantment in Romantic ballads. How did poets like Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats imagine repetition working upon their readers, and just what is so enchanting about recurring language, form/structure, and ideas? Romantic poetry famously celebrates uniqueness, but, as Peter McDonald rightly observes, “[p]oetry is in central ways delineated by various figures of repetition.” Repetition thus emerges as a significant confluence of the most persistent questions about Romanticism. How do poets balance notions of adaptation and originality, tradition and innovation, the common and the beautiful, and so on? Echoes lead to enchanting perspectives on current exigencies of scholarship on Romantic poetry. To do this, the panel takes echo in its broadest sense: both literally as the repetition of words and sounds and figuratively as the adaptive integration of extant stories and tropes. As Cleto and Warman argue, folkloric influences in the poetry of Keats and Wordsworth strikingly reveal the enchanting rhetoric and ritual of repetition. Kim traces the evocations of the Lucy figure across Wordsworth’s oeuvre to clarify the enchanting and therapeutic work of elegy, the latter of which Conatser picks up to articulate a poetics of confession grounded in the enchantment and repetition of the ballad form. Just as Romantic poets sought to enchant the common and traditional, this panel seeks to invigorate how we read some of the most iconic moments in Romantic poetry. Additionally, I’d like to note that Joey Kim and I recently joined the board for the Graduate Student Caucus of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR). We’re looking forward to collaborating with scholars and teachers of Romanticism across the country! I’ve sent the current listserv members the link to a Doodle poll so we can meet to discuss the possibility of a join panel proposal (or two) for this year’s International Conference on Romanticism (conference site). I’m imagining that we’ll study the conference theme and CFP, think about how they intersect with our current projects and interests, and meet to share our ideas and find intersections that would support a panel rationale. I’m looking forward to the conversations that emerge! Hello all! I’m excited about the launch of Romanticism @ OSU, an interdisciplinary group of graduate students and faculty at The Ohio State University. Things will start small, but I’m hoping that the group will grow and lead to compelling, unexpected collaborations. For now, check out the About page for the group’s mission statement, and for information on how to subscribe to the group’s email listserv.
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Labour markets in Albania and other transition economiestheory and recent developments - 4.31 MB - 3400 Downloads University of Kent at Canterbury , Canterbury |Statement||Elida Çuka....[et al].| |Series||Studies in economics / University of Kent at Canterbury -- no.96/17, Studies in economics -- no.96/17.| |Contributions||Çuka, Elida., University of Kent at Canterbury.| Suffrage of Elvira 491 Pages4.48 MB6525 DownloadsFormat: EPUB The Red Barn Club. 755 Pages0.76 MB5088 DownloadsFormat: EPUB housing market in the 1980s 448 Pages4.67 MB2713 DownloadsFormat: FB2 Some scale-bearing polychaetes of Puget Sound and adjacent waters. 400 Pages1.81 MB6686 DownloadsFormat: FB2 energy exchange between sea and atmosphere at Ocean Weather Stations, M, I, and A. 733 Pages4.15 MB1752 DownloadsFormat: FB2 life of James Madison. 297 Pages3.11 MB1721 DownloadsFormat: FB2 CHILD LABOUR IN A TRANSITION ECONOMY: EVIDENCE FROM ALBANIA by Shauna McAuley-Bax Bachelor ofBusiness Economics, University ofSaskatchewan, or other educational institution, on its own behalf or for one of its users. that labour market imperfections may be significant enough to offset and even reverse. Employment and labour market policies in transition economies Employment and labour market policies in transition economies. Type: Book: Date issued: 20 October Reference:Cited by: Albanian labour market in the same way as this is done in the EU and other European transition economies. The extremely high levels of self-employment (63% of all employment) even cast doubt on the mere notion of a labour market. The lack of labour demand has led people to start their own income-generating activities, which. Albania - Labor market assessment (Albanian) Abstract. Employment is a pressing concern in Albania. Like most formerly planned economies, Albania has found the transition from guaranteed full employment to a market-based employment model a difficult one. Labor Markets and Labor Market Institutions in Transition Economies* This paper summarizes the evolution of labor markets and labor market institutions and policies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe as well as of Central Asia over the last two decades. The main focus is on the evolution of labor market institutions, which are. "Intention to Emigrate in Transition Countries: The Case of Albania," Studies in EconomicsSchool of Economics, University of Kent. Chris Jarvis, " The Rise and Fall of the Pyramid Schemes in Albania," IMF Staff Papers, Palgrave Macmillan, vol. 47(1), pages Labour market consequences of a transition to a circular economy OECD Environment Labour markets in Albania and other transition economies book Papers This series is designed to make available to a wider readership selected studies on environmental issues prepared for use within the OECD. Book, Internet Resource: All Authors / Contributors: Centre for Co-operation with Economies in Transition. ISBN: X OCLC Number: Notes: Papers presented at a workshop held in Vienna in December At head of title: Centre for Co-operation with the Economies in Transition. Description Labour markets in Albania and other transition economies FB2 About the ILO in Albania. High youth inactivity needs to be addressed Since the fall of the Iron Curtain Albania grew from one of the poorest countries in Europe in the s to an upper middle income country. Albania’s employment has continued to increase. The country has the highest employment rate among Western Balkan economies (67% in ). After Albania emerged from 50 years of communist rule, the transition from a centrally planned to a market-oriented economy, together with abundant international aid and other strategic assistance, helped the country make progress. The earnings premia for tertiary education are generally higher and in urban areas comparable to those found in other transition economies. The key determinants of participation in post-compulsory are largely found to reflect intergenerational transmission mechanisms. Drawing on these findings, our analysis concludes with the development of. The European Training Foundation is a European Union agency that helps transition and developing countries harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems, and in the context of the EU's external relations policy. Based in Turin, Italy, the ETF has been operational since The Labour Market in Developing Countries Duncan Campbell1 and Ishraq Ahmed2 The challenge of the present chapter is that it is a difficult task to capture the diversity of the economic activities of those who work in the world, the vast majority of whom are found in developing countries. Certain stylized features will have to suffice. Kanbur, R. (Ed.), Svejnar, J. (Ed.). Download Labour markets in Albania and other transition economies FB2 Labor Markets and Economic Development. London: Routledge, COPY. As developing and transition economies enter the next phase of reforms, labor market issues increasingly come to the fore. With the increased competition from globalization, the discussion is shifting to the need for. Albania’s experience with transition is unlike most Eastern European countries. In particular, transition started from a deeply impoverished state, proceeded faster than other countries in the region, and was disrupted by financial sector crises. In addition, Albania experienced extreme population movements both abroad (to as many as twenty different countries) and within the country. The past few decades have witnessed the economic and geopolitical rise of a number of large middle-income countries around the world. This volume focuses on the labour market situations, trends and regulations in these emerging economies. Labor Force Participation Rate in Albania decreased to percent in the second quarter of from percent in the first quarter of Labor Force Participation Rate in Albania averaged percent from untilreaching an all time high of percent in the second quarter of and a record low of percent in the first quarter of This book explores how the labor markets of the Central and Eastern European transition countries, the Baltic States, and the Russian Federation have developed in response to this and to the new. Abstract: This paper decomposes changes in inequality, which has in general been increasing in the transition economies of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, both by income source and socio-economic group, with a view to understanding the determinants of inequality and assessing how it might evolve in the future. Albania - Labor market assessment (English) Abstract. Employment is a pressing concern in Albania. Like most formerly planned economies, Albania has found the transition from guaranteed full employment to a market-based employment model a difficult one. Modelling of the Labour Market in a Transition Economy Privatization effects on labour market in Serbia: Bottlenecks of the transition process Ekonomski anali, Vol. 50, No. A demographic characteristics of the regional labour markets 48 A regional labour markets in Albania 50 Appedix 2 Extract from the “Explanatory note” of the publication “ population and housing Census, Economic Characteristics” 54 Appendix 3 Additional Tables 56 A Main Labour Market Characteristics 56 A Employment in. Labor markets require regulations for the same reasons that all markets do—to mitigate market failures, like imperfect information, and to protect buyers and sellers. However, because it is the services of people that are being bought and sold, regulating the labor market can be contentious. Economic Indicators. For the latest forecasts on the economic impacts caused by the coronavirus pandemic, please consult the OECD Economic Outlook Interim Report Coronavirus: the world economy at risk (March ) and the IMF's policy tracking platform Policy Responses to COVID for the key economic responses from governments. Albania is a transition economy, not highly integrated into. Transition indicators. The existence of private property rights may be the most basic element of a market economy, and therefore implementation of these rights is the key indicator of the transition process. The main ingredients of the transition process are: Liberalization – the process of allowing most prices to be determined in free markets and lowering trade barriers that had shut off. The economy of Albania went through a process of transition from a centralized economy to a market-based economy on the principles of the free market. Albania is an upper-middle-income country and a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), World Trade Organization (WTO), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and Organization of the Black Sea Economic. Abstract. Transition from central planning to a market economy in Asian countries has invariably changed the pattern of employment. In all these countries, employment and wage levels have become increasingly determined by labour supply and demand and the market has been replacing central planning and administrative control as the key mechanism for labour allocation. Downloadable. This paper summarizes the evolution of labor markets and labor market institutions and policies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe as well as of Central Asia over the last two decades. The main focus is on the evolution of labor market institutions, which are among candidate explanations for the very diverse trajectories of labor markets in the region. Working papers from the Economics Department of the OECD that cover the full range of the Department’s work including the economic situation, policy analysis and projections; fiscal policy, public expenditure and taxation; and structural issues including ageing, growth and productivity, migration, environment, human capital, housing, trade and investment, labour markets, regulatory. Moreover, the strategy chosen in the Asian transition economies carries some risks for the future: financial sector reform in these economies has generally lagged behind the pace in the more advanced `European' transition economies; reform of state-owned enterprises remains to be tackled; and the strategy of developing the market economy in. He has published widely in international refereed journals, mostly on transition economics, macroeconomics and labour economics, and he has co-authored two books and numerous articles on economic policies and reforms in south-eastern Europe. Education. – Ph.D. Details Labour markets in Albania and other transition economies PDF Economics, Yale University – BA Economics, Trinity College Dublin. This interdisciplinary study offers a comprehensive analysis of the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Providing full historical context and drawing on a wide range of literature, this book explores the continuous economic and social transformation of the post-socialist world. While the future is yet to be determined. The Economics of Tuition and Fees in American Higher Education. Teachers and Teacher Labor Markets 1. Teacher Labor Markets: An Overview 2. Teachers in Developing Countries 3. Teacher Supply 4. Economic Approaches to Teacher Recruitment and Retention 5. Compensating Differentials in Teacher Labor Markets 6. Teacher Incentives 7. Medicaid program investigation 428 Pages2.99 MB5359 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB 231 Pages0.73 MB5634 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB You Can Help (My Neighborhood) 323 Pages0.16 MB6875 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB The foundations of Germany 602 Pages2.40 MB3752 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB Introducing Christianity (Introducing...(Totem)) 764 Pages1.46 MB8148 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB Quantitative Methods in Criminology (International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology, Second Series) 789 Pages1.75 MB7393 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB Modern Indonesia, tradition & transformation 590 Pages1.56 MB9082 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB The rise of the West 538 Pages2.98 MB3680 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB Aubreys brief lives 635 Pages4.27 MB116 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB 664 Pages4.62 MB805 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB Studyof Thomas Hardy and other essays 534 Pages4.90 MB6099 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB Swifts narrative satires 628 Pages2.94 MB4893 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB 361 Pages1.66 MB7582 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB Style and proportion: the language of prose and poetry. 560 Pages0.20 MB9110 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB 343 Pages3.60 MB766 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB doctors favourite nurse 769 Pages3.63 MB3433 DownloadsFormat: PDF/EPUB
According to newspaper reports this week, a one-year-old boy has been left in limbo, as a ward of court, with no legal father or mother, due to outdated surrogacy laws that deny his genetic father the right to be his legal father. As is often the case with news items, there is more to this story which follows a judgement published this week. For a start, while the boy is indeed in legal limbo during the court case, and his genetic father has indeed been denied a parental order, the father has always been able to adopt the child and take on all the rights and responsibilities of any other single father. Secondly, the court ruling simply upholds both the law and intent of a law passed in 2008, which is that a surrogate child is better off being raised by a couple than by a single parent. Considering that (as I’ve recently blogged) a steady flow of surrogacy arrangements are creating highly complicated, controversial and confusing ‘family’ arrangements, and are really stretching the law to its limits, this ruling is a welcome one. It is about time that the law and its original purpose was upheld (although I suspect that the judge, Sir James Munby, would not personally agree with the law nor judgement that he gave). So what is this latest case? A young boy was born last year in Minnesota in the USA, conceived with a British man’s sperm and an anonymous donor egg which was implanted in an American surrogate mother. The British man, who cannot be named, paid a US agency £8,000 and a surrogate mother more than £20,000 for this arrangement. He then returned to this country, bringing the child with him. I presume that the man knew that the surrogacy laws in the US and UK are different, and that he hoped he’d either be able to negotiate his way around the law here, or (more likely) push for the law to be changed here to fit his own situation. However the judge ruled that whatever the position in the US, English law clearly recognises the surrogate mother as the child’s only legal parent (this is to protect surrogate mothers). And the law (section 54 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008) says that only ‘two people’ – effectively a couple – can be officially recognised as parents of a surrogate baby. In this case, the problem was that the parental order application was made by a single parent, not the ‘two people’ required by the Act and passed by our elected legislators. The judge quoted the clear reasoning given to justify the 2008 law when it was originally passed: ‘…Surrogacy is such a sensitive issue, fraught with potential complications…. (so) the 1990 Act quite specifically limits parental orders to married couples where the gametes of at least one of them are used. That recognises the magnitude of a situation in which a person becomes pregnant with the express intention of handing the child over to someone else, and the responsibility that that places on the people who will receive the child…such a responsibility is likely to be better handled by a couple than a single man or woman’ (emphasis added). In other words, it was made clear that surrogacy is different to both adoption and IVF, and it involves agreeing to hand over a child even before conception. In the UK there are two routes by which Courts can transfer parental responsibility from a surrogate mother to the father: through either a parental order or an adoption order. So this father still has the second option open to him, which is almost guaranteed to be granted. In rejecting the man’s pioneering bid for a ‘parental order’, Sir James said that only Parliament could change the law. The succession of difficult cases in the news this year is actually part of a bigger campaign to change the laws on surrogacy, as is clearly articulated by leading lawyer, vocal advocate for more liberal laws and the solicitor representing the father, Natalie Gamble: ‘This is about whether the court can stretch outdated laws to recognise the modern families actually now being created, and to protect the children being born into them. UK law has come so far over the last 10 years in recognising non-traditional families and rightly so, since all the research shows that children thrive from high quality parental relationships, regardless of the number or gender of their parents. We want to see children being born through surrogacy to single parents being treated in the same way as children being born to couples.’ (emphasis added) As an aside here, her matter of fact statement, that all the research shows children thrive regardless of the number or gender of their parents, is not true. I’ve blogged here on it, clarifying that there is still very little research on this. Even the leading researcher, Susan Golombok, herself admits this, and agrees that no substantive conclusions can be drawn on the research! Whereas the research literature on the beneficial outcomes for children raised by continuously married parents is strong, and based on a large population and thousands of academic studies. So what next? It is pretty clear. The campaign by pressure groups to change surrogacy laws will go up a gear. They will try to influence public opinion through editorials, commentaries, tweets, articles and court cases, claiming the law is no longer fit for purpose. The consequent danger is that judge-made law will be directly influenced by public opinion, pressure groups or by the media, being persuaded to ‘move with the times’. Yet laws made under these circumstances run the risk of failing to consider overall, long term consequences and effects on vulnerable people. As this paper explains, the maxim ‘hard cases make bad law’ takes as its starting point the premise that an extreme situation (which will naturally arouse sympathy) is ultimately a poor basis for the making of a general law that should cover a far wider range of less extreme cases. The present law on surrogacy is clear, as is its intent: it exists to protect all parties, particularly the most vulnerable (surrogate children and mothers). It does not exist primarily to accommodate all the desires of all prospective parents. However, while the law has established clear principles, it still allows for some discretion to temper justice with mercy in their application by prosecutors and judges, thus there is room within the law to accommodate most – but thankfully not all – cases.
In this paper, we critically explore the use of photovoice with a group of women anti-mining activists in the city of Cajamarca, Northern Peru, in order to understand the opportunities and challenges that the photovoice method presents for research with activists. We begin with an overview of participatory photography and photovoice approaches, before outlining the specific context of this research and providing a detailed methodological discussion of the photovoice process and the practical and ethical considerations of using this approach with women activists. We critically analyse the ways in which using photovoice with activists raises a particular set of issues to be negotiated in relation to access, ethical considerations, and the competing agendas of activists and researchers. We situate these debates in relation to existing literature on the use of participatory photography and photovoice in the global South, especially with women, and speak to broader literatures on researching activism and activists. We argue that participatory photography provides important opportunities for co-production of knowledge in research with social movement activists, and has a valuable role to play in enabling participants' own agendas to shape the research process and outputs, but also recognise the particular challenges that are presented by using this approach with women activists.
The Portuguese-Speaking Church What Is the Opportunity? Around 230 million people speak Portuguese, making it the eighth-most-spoken language in the world.1 Brazil has by far the largest number of Portuguese-speaking people, followed by Portugal, Mozambique, and Angola. This provides an incredible opportunity to serve Portuguese-speaking local churches with sound, biblical resources. The Portuguese-speaking church is in great need. Since its beginning, it has been deeply influenced by an imperialistic Roman Catholic Church with a greater interest in colonization than in orthodoxy. This has left the door open for the prosperity gospel to make deep inroads in Latin America. In recent years, however, Reformed teaching has grown in prevalence. The number of people in Brazil identifying as Roman Catholic fell from 74 percent in 2000 to 65 percent in 2010. During that same time period, the number of Protestants rose from 15 percent to 22 percent. This pattern has continued since then.2 Second after the English-speaking world, Brazil leads as the largest market for Christian literature.3 Like Latin America in general, Brazil is seeing its first taste of reformation. In Portugal, on the other hand, about 80 percent of the population still identifies as Roman Catholic, and there is a secularizing influence as in the rest of Europe.4 Ligonier has been very active in Portuguese outreach over recent years, including participating in resource distribution at both the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics in Brazil. When you donate to support our international outreach efforts, you help Portuguese-speaking Christians rediscover and preach the biblical truths that undergirded the Reformation. Your gift will help us strengthen the global church with trustworthy books, video teaching series, and more. Will you join with us to make these vital discipleship resources available where they’re most needed? How Is Ligonier Meeting These Needs? Ligonier Ministries strives to reach Portuguese-speaking pastors, laypeople, and unbelievers from all walks of life through the following donor-supported outreach efforts: The Reformation Study Bible To survey the global church is to see false teaching abounding. Whether facing the prosperity gospel or secularism, Portuguese-speaking Christians need sound biblical resources to deepen their knowledge of God and help them recognize and resist unbiblical worldviews. To meet this need, the Reformation Study Bible has been translated into Portuguese, with an anticipated release in 2021. A sample of the Portuguese Reformation Study Bible can be viewed here. Edited by R.C. Sproul and with contributions from more than seventy-five gifted scholars, this study Bible contains faithful biblical commentary and theological notes to help bring the light of the gospel to people around the world. Outside of the English language, few resources of the same caliber exist. Your gift will help this resource, along with other trusted teaching, to reach Portuguese-speaking Christians in many nations. The Ligonier Statement on Christology There is much confusion regarding Christology—the doctrine of Christ—in Brazil, Portugal, and around the world. As the church continues to grow, it is imperative that believers learn the truths of Scripture as summarized in the great confessions of faith. We produced The Word Made Flesh: The Ligonier Statement on Christology to help Christians know what the church has historically taught, providing clarity on the person and work of Christ. The statement has already been translated into numerous languages, including Portuguese, and our goal is to distribute it worldwide. Your gift, large or small, will help achieve this goal. Portuguese is the fifth-most-used language on the internet, so translating materials is of strategic importance.5 Ligonier’s Portuguese Facebook page has enabled us to reach further into the Portuguese-speaking world. When you give to support this outreach, you’re ensuring that even more solid Bible teaching becomes readily available and accessible. On Reformation Day in 2020, Ligonier hosted an online event in Portuguese on Romans 8. The Portuguese online event reached thousands of people through Youtube and Facebook. There have been thousands of views of our short video Do que se tratava a Reforma? (What Was the Reformation All About?), which was released online for the five-hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Social media is spreading biblical truth far and wide, as the printing press did for the Reformers, and it is equipping Portuguese-speaking Christians everywhere. Growing interest in the Reformed tradition has sparked an eagerness for more resources from R.C. Sproul and Ligonier. With your giving and prayerful support, we will be able to translate, print, and distribute the following Reformation Trust titles: - A Long Line of Godly Men Profile series - A Time for Confidence by Stephen J. Nichols - Chosen by God by R.C. Sproul - Commentaries on Matthew, Acts, Romans, 1–2 Peter by R.C. Sproul - Everyone's a Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology by R.C. Sproul - Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching by Various Authors - Foundations of Grace: 1400 BC – AD 100 by Steven J. Lawson - God is Holy: An Abridged Version of The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul - Good News: The Gospel of Jesus Christ by John MacArthur - John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, Doxology by Various Authors - Living for God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism by Joel Beeke - Pillars of Grace: AD 100 – 1564 by Steven J. Lawson - Sammy and His Shepherd by Susan Hunt - Several Crucial Questions booklets by R.C. Sproul - The Donkey Who Carried a King by R.C. Sproul - The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul - The Last Days According to Jesus by R.C. Sproul - The Legacy of Luther by Various Authors - The Lightlings by R.C. Sproul - The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men by Richard D. Phillips - The Prince’s Poison Cup by R.C. Sproul - The Truth of the Cross by R.C. Sproul We also regularly translate Tabletalk magazine articles into Portuguese for distribution in churches and seminaries. Your donations allow countless people to enjoy these popular and practical materials in their native language. Forthcoming Video Teaching Series Our video teaching series promote theological education in the Portuguese-speaking world, and the accompanying study guides encourage students to interact with the material. Will you help us translate additional series to aid more Christians’ spiritual growth in Brazil and around the world? If resources allow, we have plans to translate the following series: Translated Video Teaching Series - A Survey of Church History, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with Robert Godfrey - A Time for Confidence with Stephen J. Nichols - Angels and Demons with R.C. Sproul - Calvinism and the Christian Life with Ian Hamilton - Dust to Glory with R.C. Sproul - God in our Midst with Daniel Hyde - Jonathan Edwards with Stephen J. Nichols - Justified by Faith Alone with R.C. Sproul - Learning to Love the Psalms with Robert Godfrey - Luther and the Reformation with R.C. Sproul - Marks of a Healthy Church with Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman - Moses and the Burning Bush with R.C. Sproul - Only Two Religions with Peter Jones - Reformation Profiles with Stephen J. Nichols - Sermon on the Mount with Sinclair Ferguson - Suffering is Not for Nothing with Elisabeth Elliot - The Book of Job with Derek Thomas - The Holiness of God with R.C. Sproul - The Life and Theology of Paul with Guy Waters - The Lord’s Prayer with Albert Mohler - The Mystery of the Trinity with R.C. Sproul - The New Birth with Steven Lawson - The Parables of Jesus with R.C. Sproul - The Reformed Pastor with Ian Hamilton - What Did Jesus Do?: Understanding the Work of Christ with R.C. Sproul - What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul - Who is the Holy Spirit? with Sinclair Ferguson - Why We Trust the Bible with Stephen J. Nichols What Is Needed? - Translation of select video teaching series — $24,000 USD (annually) - Translation of Tabletalk articles — $6,000 USD (annually) - Digital outreach — $5,000 USD (annually) Funding needs reflect quoted estimates based on April 2020 foreign exchange rates and current translation fees. How Do Your Gifts Help? These are just a few of our many international outreach projects underway. We ask you to prayerfully consider supporting our efforts in the Portuguese-speaking and global church through your financial gifts. Your generosity helps translate, print, and distribute trustworthy resources, providing countless opportunities to reach people with the truth of God’s Word. “There’s no people group that we can ignore, no region so remote that we can pass it by. Christ calls us to make disciples of all nations.” Our policy is to apply gifts given toward a specific program. If we receive more contributions than can be wisely used for a given project, we apply these funds to meet other pressing needs in our outreach efforts. We are committed to stewarding all gifts wisely toward the goal of proclaiming the holiness of God to as many people as possible. Ligonier Ministries is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. 1See https://www.rocketlanguages.com/blog/the-15-most-spoken-languages-in-the-world/ as at May 24, 2019 2See http://www.pewforum.org/2013/07/18/brazils-changing-religious-landscape/ as at May 24, 2019 3See http://www.pewforum.org/2011/12/19/global-christianity-regions/ as at May 24, 2019 4See http://evangelicalfocus.com/europe/2375/Church_planting_does_not_stop_sharp_decrease_of_evangelical_Christians_in_Portugal as at May 24, 2019 5See https://www.statista.com/statistics/262946/share-of-the-most-common-languages-on-the-internet/ as at May 24, 2019
It was a busy day for me last Saturday when I first noticed the Occupy Anchorage folks in Town Square, so I didn’t get a chance to speak to them. It had been a small gathering to be sure (just a few dozen that I saw in the early hours of the day, clearly I missed the peak moments portrayed in other reports), but there they were. The next day, the occupy site was still set up and running with a skeleton crew, and I was curious enough to come when I had some time to chat. So, I wandered over to the two protesters still in the park at about 8:00pm on Sunday night. This time I found 2 demonstrators amidst a smattering of signs, a collection of books, a coffee dispenser, and some literature. It took me a minute or two to figure out that a couple other young men hanging about the vicinity were not part of the demonstration. The two demonstrators included a young man of about college age who had joined the movement after recently moving up from Portland. The second, a middle-aged man who worked at a local hotel, held a sign saying; “I want a government that’s not for sale.” He thought surely he remembered me from his work, but that seemed more than a little unlikely as this was my first visit to Anchorage. We were still shrugging and chuckling about this little bit of confusion when a woman strode up to ask him if he understood what the words to his sign truly meant. Receiving nothing but blank stares in response to her initial query, the woman repeated herself, and then answered her own question. She explained that the trouble was that lobbyists held too much sway over lawmakers. The sign, in her estimation, didn’t make that point clearly enough. She also let the two protesters know in no uncertain terms that she felt the movement had failed to make that point clear, a fact which seriously undermined the effectiveness of the Occupy movement. For my own part, I rather thought the sign conveyed that point about as precisely as any political slogan on a stick ever had, and I couldn’t help wondering if the sign had been the real cause of her concerns. Had she voicing a concern that had arisen some time before, perhaps while watching the news coverage of some other Occupy protest? I really didn’t know. In the next hour or so, I learned that the folks at Occupy Anchorage have been demonstrating in Town Square on Saturdays for about a month. Last Sunday was their first attempt to keep the occupation going 24/7. The movement to occupy Anchorage had begun on Facebook, so the demonstrators told me. Additional occupations have been made in Fairbanks, and apparently the Anchorage group has staged a number of related protests in the area. As I chatted with the demonstrators a number of passing cars honked in apparent support. A lovely couple on their way to the theater nearby said; “thanks for being out here.” (Odd that I remember the statement as coming from the couple; I cannot for the life of me remember which one said it). One man in bare feet donated several dollars to the cause, and a couple people stopped by to get a free cup of coffee from the protesters. Of course the folks at Occupy Anchorage had received some negative feedback as well. In the day and a half since he had been in the square, the younger man had heard more than a few “Get a jobs” and a pair of ROTC guys had apparently decided he was a Communist. Which brings to mind the ongoing flow of dialogue one finds on the net? Today I am scanning the webpage of the 53 Per Centers, and it is filled with people touting the benefits of a life of hard work, and condemnations for those who want free handouts. The absence of any genuine clash with the Occupy movement is quite striking. In fact, many of the 53% have called attention to problems similar to those raised by have raised concerns similar to those of the Occupy movement. A couple notes how hard they are working to pay off their loans. Another woman mentions how much more money her husband could make in working for a corporation as opposed to running their own business. Someone else mentions the need to eat “dirt sandwiches” in order to get ahead in life. Others report more success, all due to hard work and perseverance. To be sure, there is something moving about the messages of the 53%. Whatever else these are, they the testimonies of lives well lived, of hard work, and in some cases of rewards well earned. These are stories that should earn people respect, but there is something more than a little disconcerting about the complete lack of engagement with the actual claims of the Occupiers to which these stories are supposed to be a response. To read the 53%, the Occupy Movement is essentially a press for increased welfare benefits. At least in Anchorage last Sunday, I found absolutely no demands for freebies or government hand-outs in the signs or the literature they handed out. I imagine one or two of the books in the stall may well have argued for such programs, but that would pale in comparison to the many other agendas contained in the small library. What were the specific interests at stake in this protest? Concerns over the Glass-Steagall Act came out, as did disappointment over the Tea Party movement, opposition to bank bailouts, and the legal classification of corporations as people. No surprisingly, the Koch brothers made an appearance in the list of villains to be vanquished. If there was an overriding theme in Anchorage last Sunday it was the need to get business out of government policy-making. In short, the folks at Occupy Anchorage simply were not asking for hand-outs at all. They were complaining about the way business has been conducted in America, and the way it has impacted government. Was this unusual? I don’t think so. The Occupy movement has raised a similar number of complaints all over the country. Glass-Steagall, Campaign Finance, Corporate Welfare, and the Citizens United case have been all over Wall Street. Can you find an appeal for greater welfare programs in the mix of issues its proponents have raised? These are simply not demands for hand-outs; they are demands for fair play. In Anchorage last Sunday, support for welfare programs was not on the agenda at all. If anything, the question was whether or not the kind of work that the 53% talks about has a reasonable shot in today’s economy. To say that there is ample evidence that it doesn’t is putting it mildly. So, when the great shorthand battle of political slogans boils down to specific policies and legal conflicts, an awful lot of the interests advanced through the Occupy movement are about precisely the ability to one day tell those very stories of success and hope that one finds on “We are the 53%.” I don’t know if the Wall Street protests will lead to anything good, and I certainly don’t know how the local version of the Occupy movement will fare in the coming Alaska winter. Still I can’t help but think some of these folks are complaining about the right things. It would be a shame if that message really was lost in a maze of disinformation. FYI: The following links may be of interest:
Today is 1-11-11 (since 2018 is an 11 year), which means it’s prime manifestation time! Take some time out of your day to write down exactly what you want to achieve this week, this month or even this year and sit with it. If you could do that at either 11:11am or 11:11pm - even better. Manifesting ones wishes and desires is perhaps one of the most fun activities I can recommend to anyone. From vision boards over handwritten notes to simply imagining what kind of future you want – the methods to get there and means to achieve something seem quite endless. Literature and blogs on how exactly to do this can be overwhelming. I would recommend reading as much as possible on this topic and to form your own opinion on how to go about exactly. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. I am a highly visual person and imagining my goal in detail has yielded great success in the past. But I have also noticed the power of the spoken word and how some situations have manifested almost instantaneously after uttering a thought out loud. What we can all agree on is certainly one thing: Times have shifted and we are now working with accelerated energy, which is highly beneficial when used in the right way. The key elements of manifestation are goal setting, visualization, and gratitude. 1) In order to manifest, you would need to know what exactly it is you want. Vague goal setting, just as in other areas of your life, will usually not get you where you want. Writing down your intentions can be a good way to sort out what you want to focus on right now and what you will leave for a different manifestation. For example, manifesting a new house and manifesting a new job in the same manifestation session can be a bit tricky. So commit to one first and leave the second one to another time. 2) The more details you can envision about, say, your house, the better. The area/neighborhood you would like it in, the amount of rooms it has, the way it’s situated, how far away it is from your job etc. 3) Then take some time to thank the Universe or whoever you believe in to get you one step closer to your goal. Do it in a ceremonial way – either by prayer, by directing your gratitude up to the sky or by sitting calmly in feelings of gratefulness for a few moments. Lastly, releasing the entire idea you want to manifest for a few days and not thinking about it gets the Universe started on helping you out. After some days have passed, set aside 5-10 minutes each and every day (in the morning or evening) to visualize your key goal again. I used to write my manifestations down in a journal or hide them away from the public. It’s probably a good idea not to mention your manifestation goals to anyone until they have come true or are about to come true, unless you know that person will try to help you reach them. Otherwise you might have a destructive energy intervening, which could be counter-productive to the entire process. For further tips and literature on manifestation, I highly recommend “The Manifestation Matrix” by Robbins Blair. This book is an easy and fast read and you can also download it to your kindle or smartphone if you don’t want to wait on the hard copy. Thanks to Blair’s tips and rigid order on how to manifest, I was able to manifest $10,000 (outside of my normal salary) within four months. He outlines 9 steps precisely – and each of them, when adhered to, has brought me one step closer to what I wanted. I know – mind-blowing! Depending on what you want to manifest, you can certainly use the help of crystals, colors and other tools. Great crystals to manifest financial abundance would be: citrine, green aventurine, jade, goldstone, moonstone, tiger’s eye, moss agate… The list goes on! Stones which attract romantic love are: rose quartz, malachite, jade, amazonite… The symbolism of medicine bags is quite profound (more about this in separate blog post). In this example, I used a selection of stones to attract financial abundance and chose a green bag (the symbol for money) to keep them in, together with my handwritten note and some other totems. For example, placing a money bill or coin in this bag can heighten the symbolism of wealth. I also use sage and sandalwood during the manifestation ceremony. Frankincense is another excellent manifestation scent. Other great tools would be vision boards (another separate blog post on this to come). There are literally an unlimited amount of ways on how to manifest but I believe once you get the basics right, you will see how much easier it is to achieve what you want. Sometimes it reminds me of a muscle almost – the more you train it and the more ways you explore, the better and stronger you get at it. Happy Manifestation Time! Use the power of synchronicity to your advantage today!
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Evelyn Schuler Zea Interweaving Performance Cultures Advisory Board Member Evelyn Schuler Zea is a professor of anthropology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), where she also participates in the Postgraduate Program of Social Anthropology and the Postgraduate Program of Translation Studies. She studied ethnology, philosophy and modern German literature at the University of Basel (Switzerland), where she graduated in 1999; at University of Bern (Switzerland), where she received her PhD from the Institute for Social Anthropology in 2006; and at the University of São Paulo (Brazil), where she completed her postdoctoral research in the Programa de Pós-Doutorado em Antropologia Social from 2007-2008 and from 2009-2010, spending the year of 2008-2009 as postdoctoral fellow at the International Research Centre Interweaving Performance Cultures in Berlin (Germany). She is the author of Zwischen Sein und Nicht-Sein: Fragmente eines kosmologischen Tupi-Guarani-Diskurses in der neueren brasilianischen Ethnologie (2000) and of Metaphorisierte Umwege, uneigentliche Übersetzungen: Arbeit an Bildern im Doppelfeld der Waiwai-Anthropologie (2006). She also co-edited Sexta Feira: Antropologias, Artes e Humanidades from 1997 to 2007, a thematic dossier on anthropology and performance in Ilha: Revista de Antropologia (vol. 13, 2012), and a thematic dossier on anthropology and translation in Cadernos da Tradução (vol. 30, 2012). Her recent contribution is a book chapter entitled “The inception of Yanomami shamanic initiation and the movement of parts,” to be published in Movements of Interweaving (Routledge), edited by Gabriele Brandstetter, Gerko Egert and Holger Hartung. Her current research concerns both the potentiality of indigenous concepts and approaches of Hans Blumenberg’s philosophy, particularly his work on moving away from absolute forms, focusing on knots of property, propertylessness and, specially, of impropriety in the double field of anthropology and translation.
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Population Census And National Development In Nigeria: A Study Of The 2006 Population Census In Anambra State. - Background of the study Census in Nigeria is nothing to write home about, from colonial era to 2006 various governments and agencies have tried their best to prefer solution to the problems of census on Nigeria without success factors responsible range from collection of data, illiteracy and poor accessibility to remote area, inadequate professional expertise etc. It has failed due tot out environment that is controlled by corruption. Since census figure is used as a basis for parliamentary TO PLACE AN ORDER FOR THE COMPLETE PROJECT MATERIAL, pay N3, 000 to: BANK NAME: FIRST BANK ACCOUNT NAME: OKEKE CHARLES OBINNA ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3108050531 After payment, text the name of the project, email address and your names to 08064502337 TO PLACE AN ORDER FOR THE COMPLETE PROJECT MATERIAL, pay N3, 000 to: BANK NAME: FIRST BANK ACCOUNT NAME: OKEKE CHARLES OBINNA ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3108050531 After payment, text the name of the project, email address and your names to 08064502337representation, constituency delimitation revenue allocation, economic planning etc most top government functionaries, lobby the census commission and its officials, thereby manipulating the census figures for their selfish interest. Hence the crux of the research work is to make a critical analysis on the 2006 population census, problems and impact, prospects to the growth and development of Nigeria using the National population commission as a case study. Population census could be traced back to colonial Nigeria in 505 when the first census was conducted in 1962/1963 but there was a lot of criticisms surrounding the outcome of the result some people have to cancel it and another proposed in 1963. A Census Board was set up under the authority of the prime minister to handle the 1963 population census, the census figure out the population of Nigeria as 55,653,821. The break down gave the regions the following figures, Northern Region with 29,777,968, Eastern Region with 12,388,646, Western Region with 10,298,500, Mid-West Region with 2,533,337 and Lagos with 675,852. Similarly, these figures were criticized and it usually generated a lot of controversy. However, it was accepted by the federal government, so also the Northern and Western regions the eastern and mid-western regions neglected the figures outright claiming that they were inflated and characterized by gross irregularities and inadequacies. Eastern region went to the Supreme Court challenging the authenticity and the federal government’s acceptance of the results. The court ruled in favour of the federal government; stating that eastern region: did not have a focus standing to sue on the issues. These figure, therefore remained the official figures used as base figures for projections to all developmental matters. Constituency, delimitations, allocation of seats to the parliament’s boundary adjustment etc. After civil war 1967-1970 another attempt was results to conduct census in 1973 but the results were cancelled in the face of represented controversy. No subsequent nationwide census had been held in 1990, although there have been various attempts to derive population estimates which was based on projection from the previous years. In 1996, 88,514,501 were recorded as the total census figures with minimal success. The 2006 census was hallmark of census in Nigeria which recorded a total figure of 140,431,76 the total number of males was 71,345,488 and female 69,086,302. This shows that number of male outnumbered the females with an additional 2,259,186. The female only outnumbered the males in 4 out of 36 states of Nigeria such as Ebonyi, Enugu, Ogun, and Plateau states. - Statement of the Problem Census in Nigeria has been affected by various factors which have hindered sustainable growth and development. The vehicle of a credible census count has been blind with corruption of which has eaten deep into the roots and fabries of our clear country, Nigeria and rendered it impotent. Moreso, our country Nigeria has been characterized by political tension of varying degrees with respect to census over the years. Enumerators have to be dishonest to themselves and the nation at large due to fatherism incipience religions etc. Furthermore, Nigeria has shunned the excursuses due to their tradition and believes ignorance, poverty, as well as illiteracy. - Research Questions - To what extend has the population censuses contributed to National Development in Nigeria? - To what extent can the problem of population census be ameliorated in Nigeria? - To what extent does the national population commission work in accordance with the census laws in Nigeria? - Purpose of the Study The purpose of this research work is to assess the following; - To find out the impact of population census on national development in Nigeria. - To find out the extent census problems in Nigeria have been ameliorated. - To evaluate the extent the population commission works in accordance with census laws in Nigeria. - Significance of the Study Over the years, significant number of people shun the census exercise due to ignorance, not knowing that the aims is to ascertain the right population for the purpose of improving their living condition. Hence, there is need for the Nigerian people to provide accurate answer to the question brought to them by the enumerators, this will enable the government to plan attentively for her citizenry. Finally, this study is put forward in order to educate and bore in mind of the people on the need to assist the national population commission in order to achieve the policy on population. Also to advice the national population census on the need to increase the number of enumerators in order to reach those remote areas which they have neglected over the years. - Scope of the Study The study focuses on the Population Census and National Development in Nigeria and it’s implication to the growth and development of the country, National Population Commission as case study. - Limitations of the Study The researcher encountered numerous problems in the course of this project which includes, finance, time, materials and language problem for instance, the researcher is administering questionnaires to people who have different linage identity, more so, money to travel around to distribute the questionnaire to wide respondent was a serious problem due to economic meltdown, this also made me not to retrieve the 200 questionnaire, distributed for the study. Time also is a laminating factors because my final year exam is around the corner and I need to get prepared on time. - Definition of Terms Population: Refers to an aggregate of individual defined with reference to geographical local political status and similar specific conditions. Demographic: Is a field of study which involves the population structure and topography over a given period of time. Growth: Refer to an irreversible increase in size that accompanied by development of national population. Commission: Is a statutory body established in 1988 with power to collect analyses and disseminate population/demography data in Nigeria. Development: Is the rationales process of organizing and carrying out prudently conceive and staffed programmer policy as one would and carryout militating, engineering. Enumerator: Refers to those officials who carry out the census exercise in the state. Population explosion: It involving a rapid increase in Nations Population Offer associated with the first several decades of industrialization. Population Census: Is defined as the actual head count of all those living in a country of a given time, usually every 10 years. - Organization of the Study The study was organized in five chapters; chapter one introduced the study by giving the background information on the research which will also contain statement of the research problem, research questions and purposes of the study, significance of the study, the scope of the study, the limitation encountered in the course of the work, definition of terms and organization of the study. Chapter two (2) will review related literatures in the study context, this will enable the researcher to know what and what that had been done by other writers as regards to the study, this same chapter will also present the theoretical framework. Chapter three (3) will contain the methodology for the work, survey design will be adopted so as to enable the researcher to generalize the result of the findings. Sampling technique will be adopted for selecting the sample size from the population while structured questionnaires will be used as instrument for data collection. Chapter four (4) will contain the presentation and analysis of the data collected with the questionnaire and finally, chapter five (5) will contain the conclusion, summary and some programmatic recommendations made by the researcher. LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Literature Review In this chapter, the researcher tries to review scholarly perspective by reviewing books, publications, journals on population census, its implication to growth of Nigeria, thus the following area with be treated under these sub-heading:- - Population theory - The reason for conducting population census - Effect of rapid population growth - Factors affecting population growth - Problems of collecting population data - The policy on population data 2.1.1 Population Theory According to Kot (1989: 267) population increases in a geometrical ration, where as food supply increases in an arithmetic ratio. This disharmony would lead to widespread poverty and starvation, which would only be checked by natural occurrences such as disease, high infant mortality, famine, war or moral restraint. His main contribution is in the agricultural sector. According to this theory there are two steps to control the population: preventative and positive checks. Preventative means control in birth rate, and uses of different methods to control birth and positive checks means natural calamities war etc. 2.1.2 The Reasons for Conducting Population Census According to Tawah (1975: 25) population census is carried out in order to: – - To know the numbers of people in geographical entity of the country. - To aid the government plans embracing all sectors of the economy. - Employment opportunities and control:- The number of employed people could easily be known by the government through population census and this makes it possible for the government opportunities to generate and control. - To distribute the nation’s wealth among different parts of the country based on the population size. - Government Revenue: Through population census the government will be able to know the number of taxable adult and this will help in no small measure in the estimation of the expected revenue for a particular period. - To aid the formulation of policies towards population growth. - Housing: Government would be able to know whether the houses available are enough for the population. - To aid the formulation of policies towards migration. - Labour Availability: Population growth rate determines the level of labour supply. - It forms the basis for parliamentary representation as well as the importation of goods and services. 2.1.3 Effect of Rapid Population Growth According to Ogunwa (2003:112) rapid population growth has strenuous attest on the provision maintenance and life span of various infrastructural services for the sustenance of life. It not planned and controlled will lead to the inability of government communities or individuals to provide adequate facilities and service for the population 2.1.4 Factors Affecting Population Growth According to Williams (2004:253) the size of countries population can either grow or decline as a result of some factors. - Birth rate or Natality rate: Natality rate is the rate at which new individuals are added to a particular population by reproduction (Birth of young ones or hatching of eggs or germination of seeds/spores). It is generally expressed as number of births per 1,000 individuals of a population per year. ‘Absolute’, ‘physiological or maximum natality’, raters to the theoretical maximum production of new individuals under ideal conditions. But it is never realized because of environmental resistance (factors like inter and intra specific competitions, availability of food, space etc). ‘Actual birth rate’ being achieved under existing conditions, which is much lesser than ‘absolute natality is called realized natality. Higher realized natality rate increases the population size and population density. - Death or Mortality rate: Mortality rate is the rate at which the individuals die or get killed. It is the opposite of natality rate. Mortality rate is generally expressed as number of deaths per 1,000 individuals of a population per year. Lowest death rate for a given species in most favorable conditions is called potential mortality while the actual death rate being observed in existing conditions is called realized mortality. Realized mortality decreases the population size and population density. The percentage ratio of natality over mortality expressed in percentage is called vital index. Vital index = Natality rate x 100 Vital index determines the normal rate of growth of a population. Differences between natality rate and mortality rate. Population Census And National Development In Nigeria ———–THIS ARTICLE IS NOT COMPLETE———— To purchase complete Project Material, Pay the sum of N3, 000 to our bank accounts below: BANK NAME: FIRST BANK ACCOUNT NAME: OKEKE CHARLES OBINNA ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3108050531 BANK NAME: FCMB BANK ACCOUNT NAME: OKEKE CHARLES OBINNA ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1475680026 After paying the sum of N3, 000 into any of our bank accounts, send the below details to our Phone: 08064502337 - Your Depositors Name - Teller Number - Amount Paid - Project Topic - Your Email Address Send the above details to: 08064502337 on/before 24hours of payment. We will send your complete project materials to your email 30 Mins after payment. bravoprojecthelp.com will only provide papers as a reference for your research. 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Old globe in a classic library |Resolution:||HD 1080p (1920x1080)| |Framerate:||25 frames per second| |Compressor:||Photo - JPEG| |Preview:||Download low res preview| |License:||Standard royalty free license| Please contact to buy Please allow a few seconds to load the preview. Animation of a rotating old globe in a classic library. Where else to buy old, wood, room, desk, table, study, shelf, retro, books, globe, wisdom, office, culture, revival, alchemy, library, science, student, classic, antique, working, studying, medieval, archives, rotation, literary, teaching, abstract, learning, bookcase, bookshelf, bookstore, animation, education, thesaurus, literature, collection, university, background, encyclopedia, intelligence, old-fashioned, interior
The Winter Polar Vortex Workshop, supported by IASC Atmosphere Working Group, was held in Seattle on 11-13 September 2019. A total of 16 scientists, 12 on-site and 4 remotely attended the workshop. Large and rapid changes in the Arctic represent a new driver of weather patterns in mid-latitudes, potentially affecting millions of people. Recent studies of this north/south linkage, however, are inconsistent. Studies based on observed data report robust conclusions in some areas, seasons, and background conditions, while model-simulated connections and averaging over large areas, long time periods, and many ensemble members are generally less clear. The Arctic and mid-latitudes are linked via both tropospheric and stratospheric interactions and feedbacks, which were addressed in several talks. The tropospheric ones include positive feedbacks to amplified Arctic warming related to (1) sea-ice decline (warm Arctic causes sea-ice decline, which enhances heat and moisture fluxes from the ocean to atmosphere, further warming the Arctic), and (2) more meandering jet stream (warm Arctic results in a reduced meridional temperature gradient, which favors a weaker and more meandering jet stream, which favors more frequent and stronger cases of warm, moist air advection to the Arctic, which further increases Arctic air temperatures). The second feedback loop is associated with opposite effects in mid-latitudes, favoring cold-air outbreaks from the Arctic and mid-latitude winter cooling, which contributes to the reduced meridional temperature gradient. The stratosphere-troposphere interactions were well-summarized in the workshop, the highlights including identification of the differences in impacts on Eurasia and North America. The Eurasian case is characterized by upward propagating waves absorbed in the stratosphere, whereas upward propagating waves that are reflected downwards from the stratosphere affect the tropospheric conditions in North America (Kretchmer’s presentation). Climate model results for stratosphere-troposphere interactions were found sensitive to model deficiencies, and improvement of models via interactive ozone chemistry was found beneficial (Jaiser’s presentation). Furthermore, the geopotential height difference between 10 and 50 hPa pressure levels was found to be a good metric for the Polar Vortex (Francis’ presentation). Several recommendations emerged from the workshop. The first is an expression of support for Jennifer Francis’ proposal to confine the use of ‘polar vortex’ to the stratosphere, and to use ‘jet stream’ when referring to tropospheric circulation. The media’s more general use of ‘polar vortex’ confounds the science and confuses the public. Second, Timo Vihma’s suggestion to build a review paper around an assessment of levels of confidence in mechanistic linkages has considerable merit in view of the growing literature on Arctic/mid-latitude linkages. Finally, the topic of extreme events seems to need a more systematic framework for analysis. A cataloguing (suggested by Tom Ballinger) could be one step in this direction. There also is a need for increased attention to extreme events in the Arctic (vs. the present emphasis on mid-latitude extreme events that may have a linkage to the Arctic). Read full report here.
Gay Talese, 84, is already seated behind a six-inch tall coupe filled with gin and a twist when I arrive at our table at Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s restaurant in the Mark Hotel. He had arrived a half an hour early for dinner. I watched him come in from where I stood at the near corner of the bar, drinking Mitcher’s on the rocks. Tall, lean and dressed nonchalantly to the nines, Talese had strolled through the bar, eyes focused on his target: the coat-check girl. He handed off his broad-brimmed fedora with a practiced gesture. The bar at the Mark is dark, glistening and crowded with men who are, or seem very much like, Manhattan executives. In a place like that, Talese looks like some kind of rare bird. Yes, other men are wearing pin stripes, but not like Talese’s three, perfectly aligned suit pieces. Yes, other men have on yellow ties, but not in such vibrant silks. Talese’s plumage is a step above and you notice. At our table, his ebullient wife, Nan, smiles to me across half a dozen oysters. She’s well known as a publishing executive, the senior vice president of Doubleday and the editorial director of her eponymous imprint, which has published the work of authors like Margaret Atwood, Ian McEwan, Jennifer Egan, Gus Van Sant and Thomas Keneally. “How do you do?” she asks with an accent like a 1930s movie star. Talese tells me that “she spent some time in England,” but the inflection sounds pure New England boarding school. Together, the pair is the stuff of dinner party legends, although they seldom speak to each other at a small group dinner this evening. Instead, they keep two conversations going all the while, which occasionally collide and weld into a single chorus but for the most part remain distinct at opposite ends of the table. For the better part of a decade, Talese has been writing “A Non-Fiction Marriage,” a book about their 57-year-long union, which has at times been tested by Talese’s famous and occasionally provocative “curiosity.” Curiosity, he says, is essential for a non-fiction writer. He credits his own curiosity with a lifetime of success, from his job as a copy boy at the New York Times to a dozen books to magazine masterpieces like “Mr. Bad News,” “The Silent Season of a Hero” and “Frank Sinatra Has a Cold” — which Esquire named the “Best Story Esquire Ever Published.” It also became a seminal piece of what writer Tom Wolfe identified as New Journalism, a method of reporting that employs the techniques of literature. We meet again days after our dinner. “Do you think the Sinatra piece is what you’ll always be known for?” I ask, seated in the lounge of his townhouse on East 61st Street between Park and Lexington. “I certainly want to be remembered for more than that,” says Talese, leaning down over his right shoulder to find eye contact despite our difference in height. “Frank Sinatra Has a Cold” follows a rather disgruntled and fairly uncooperative Sinatra for weeks around Los Angeles. It’s comprised mostly of interviews with Sinatra’s retinue and captures an unusually intimate portrait, despite Talese’s lack of direct access to the great crooner. The article, which ran in the April 1966 issue of Esquire, had an overnight impact on journalistic style that is hard to imagine today. “That wasn’t even my best piece, I don’t think. Of course, I’m not the judge of that,” he adds. That year was perhaps his most important. He signed a year-long contract with Esquire for six articles (of which he wrote five). The first of those articles, “Mr. Bad News,” is a profile of the rather obscure New York Times obituary writer Alden Whitman. “It’s better than ‘Frank Sinatra Has a Cold.’ Why? Because it’s pure fiction,” or rather it reads like it, Talese says. “The thing I wanted to do was write like a fiction writer, while being absolutely accurate. ‘Mr. Bad News’ was like Melville’s ‘Bartleby, the Scrivener.’ It was really based on that.” Talese says that although he is known for writing about criminals, athletes and celebrities, he prefers to focus on ordinary, unknown people “who are a little odd.” In the new sexual autonomy of the 1970s, curiosity and an interest in the intimate lives of common people drew Talese into Manhattan’s “Live Nude Model” massage parlors. He began frequenting establishments where he enjoyed receiving massages to completion from nude women — in part for research for his book on the changing sexual appetite of the American public, but also out of personal rebellion against the guilt born of his Catholic upbringing. “Unlike the millions who casually masturbate in solitude while looking at girlie pictures in Playboy and similar magazines, the massage man preferred an accomplice, an attendant lady of respectable appearance who would help him reduce the guilt and loneliness of this most lonely act of love,” he wrote in the resulting book, “Thy Neighbor’s Wife.” Norman Mailer, a close friend especially in his later years, didn’t believe in solo masturbation either, Talese tells me later. As for Gore Vidal’s sexual predilections, it was rent boys. “It’s a wonder Vidal never got AIDS. He’d just pick up guys off the street,” he says. He went on to befriend many of the uninhibited young girls massaging their way through college and began managing Midtown massage parlors himself. More than the gangsters he would bring home for dinner while writing “Honor Thy Father,” his previous book about the Bonanno crime family, Nan objected to his bringing the masseuses and their lascivious boyfriends home to dinner. That was the final straw: “It’s your book, it’s your style of research. Leave me out of it,” she told him. “The thing I wanted to do was write like a fiction writer, while being absolutely accurate.” “I was seriously interested in obscenity. Nudity was shocking. Of course, it was breaking into pop culture little by little with ‘Hair’ and ‘I Am Curious (Yellow),’ but it was still in the area of scandal. And I was scandal. I was Mr. Scandal himself,” he said, referring to a controversial and personally hurtful 1973 profile in New York Magazine titled, “An Evening in the Nude With Gay Talese.” The interview took place in a nude health spa and involved not a little hanky-panky. The piece ends with Talese, arm in arm with his nubile companions, marching merrily off to an orgy. “I was a married man, with two children,” Talese said. “My wife is a respected editor. I had a reputation as a serious writer. And here I am frolicking with a masseuse in a private club where you could swim in the nude and get massages. And I was running two massage parlors myself. What I thought hurt me was that it looked like I wasn’t serious.” In retrospect, the New York Magazine piece doesn’t have the same bite today. If anything it feels a little cliché, like a scene from “Caligula.” “No one cares today,” Talese agrees. His newest book, which is due out this summer, once again visits the seamy side of American sexuality, this time via mid-century, drive-in motel culture. Talese calls it a book on voyeurism. (I was asked not to reveal the name of the book, which will be excerpted in The New Yorker in the spring.) He explains that motels are a symbol of how times have changed. “Today you can go to the Regency Hotel and sign in with some pole dancer and no one will give a shit,” he said. “But in the 1950s and ’60s people would sneak in and out of motels if they were having affairs. You would pay cash and use a phony name.” We switch to wine and Talese wants to order. It’s almost 10 p.m. He also wants to know how magazines like ours make money today. “What are you selling?” he asks again and again. He’s a journalist by instinct. He prefers to listen and let others lead the conversation, occasionally piping in with questions. He takes notes throughout dinner on shirt boards cut into ovals so that they fit neatly into his jacket pocket. Shirt boards are his signature. He’s taken notes on them for decades for countless stories for The New Yorker, The New York Times and Esquire. He still won’t use a recorder. He says that for him writing is like tailoring clothes. It’s all neat stitches. It’s all truth, researched and experienced. That’s not “New Journalism,” he argues: “New Journalism is just something Tom Wolfe made up. It doesn’t mean anything.” He comes from a line of Italian tailors. His father was a tailor and his cousins are Paris-based couturiers. He worked in his father’s shop in Ocean City, N.J., as a boy, and it’s where he learned manners and style — things almost forgotten today that will get you far as a reporter, he assures me. I fiddle with my cufflinks, suddenly self-conscious. “Appearances are so important,” he reiterates during my visit to his home. He slouches back into the Chesterfield sofa in the parlor-level lounge, propping his feet up on the coffee table. He’s wearing a black, three-piece pin-stripe suit, a Cartier watch (the same one he wore to dinner three days earlier) and rich leather shoes. On the top floor of the townhouse something like 100 tailored suits, many made by his cousins in Paris, hang behind wall-length, mirrored closet doors. Each one has a labeled hanger with the name of the tailor and a description of the suit. Down the hall, a walk-in closet contains nothing but hats and ties. Again, each hat is carefully hung next to a descriptive label: “4 – Dark blue fedora (made exclusively for Gay Talese by Puerto Fino) (only blue hat in Gay Talese’s collection of 30 hats).” “It’s all about attention to detail. I’ll show you downstairs. It’s even more excessive,” he smiles. Downstairs is what Talese calls his bunker. It’s an apartment-sized wine cellar converted into an archive and office that can only be accessed from the outside of the house. It’s where he does the majority of his work. Inside, Talese stores every scrap of research and every calendar from the last 60 years in cardboard file boxes. They are stacked floor-to-ceiling and plastered with collaged headlines and cut out photographs. Inside the boxes are chronological files that are themselves decorated with newspaper collages. Peeking out of file 1966, I see the outline for “Frank Sinatra Has a Cold.” “This is a great way to waste time,” he says. In another corner he shows me a box of calendars going back to the 1950s. Each day is filled with information: who he met, where they ate and even how much dinner cost. Yesterday evening, dinner was with celebrated postmodern fiction writer Don Delillo, he says. “He’s a very quiet man,” Talese recalls. The bunker is an obsessively curated time capsule. It’s Talese’s most sweeping project. It’s a work of living non-fiction. The same is true, he says, of his four-story home. He has lived in the building on East 61st Street for 59 years, piecing it together from a collection of rent-controlled apartments into a museum-quality mansion, where eminent names of the last half-century — like Norman Mailer, Gabriel García Márquez, Frank Stella and Michael Bloomberg — have paid a call. “In one house you have a lot of stories simultaneously being experienced and lived. It’s almost like a ship at sea. You are floating and you have all these cabins that are filled with not only people but with memories and histories,” he says. “In this building you have the stories of the former tenants — the model who ran off with the director [Otto Preminger] and her two blind dogs, the airline stewardess who left her toaster on and burned the damn fourth-floor apartment and the widow of French harpist Carlos Salzedo” who filled the house with music. “Appearances are so important.” Talese rented his first apartment in the house in 1957. It’s a long time to live in one place, but he insists that very little about his block, and for that matter the city, has changed. “I don’t subscribe to the notion that all the artists are being driven into the hinterlands by the greedy landlords,” he says. “I think it is hard, but it has always been hard.” “When I look out the window, I see a block that is architecturally the same as when I first arrived here,” he adds. Even in the 1970s and 80s, the city’s dark days, the crime and vandalism never found his block. It never got worse than a few overturned street planters, he says. Leaning in close to fight the noise at the Mark, Talese tells me what is different about New York today. “Life was a little harder for my generation. We were not that formally educated,” he says. Talese graduated from the University of Alabama and one of his most charming attributes is the pleasure he takes in shocking well-bred New Yorkers, who feel an inherent sense of superiority over Southerners, with his fondness for his years there. “I had terrible grades. It was the only place I could get into, but it was a great experience,” he says. Years later, in 1965, Talese returned to Alabama to cover the civil rights march at Selma for the New York Times. He says he goes back to Alabama often today. But, in a city obsessed with the Ivy League, new Manhattan acquaintances struggle with the idea of attending a less-prestigious school. Alabama might as well by Kyrgyzstan. “In the 1953 I started working at the New York Times, and the people around me were not that educated. We were not from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, we were from places like the University of Alabama, Fordham if you were Irish, or City College if you were Jewish. And their parents didn’t go to college. They had fathers who were labor leaders and mothers who were seamstresses. Black people were the children of laborers. Today, young journalists are the children of people who went to college. So they do not necessarily have the familiarity with poverty. They grew up in better circumstances,” he says. “I often give guest lectures at Yale, Harvard, Columbia or NYU, and I’ll address a group of 30 or 40 students. They’ll complain about how hard it is to get a job. But when you get out of college you don’t really know that much and getting a job at a newspaper, you have to live a little bit first. They are more comfortable and more entitled to the good life.” Talese, who prefers to write long hand, has never embraced so-called “new media.” In fact, he blames technology for the decline of class-conscious reporting. “Young journalists are all so hooked on technology they don’t see the underclass,” he says as I finish my cod. “Journalists don’t write about the underclass because they aren’t comfortable with the underclass. They are so removed from the experiences of their ancestors. God! They don’t go out and experience anything. They are goal oriented. They never discover by chance. The idea of serendipity doesn’t exist.” Talese orders dessert. Nan abstains. And I have an ill-advised brandy. Tipsy and energetic as the clock nears midnight, we discuss Norman Mailer and Gore Vidal until Talese says goodnight. Back at the bar, the executives, their collars now unbuttoned, are starting to thin out. I order a Lagavulin 16 as I replay our conversation in my head. A pretty brunette from a back table introduces herself by pressing in close and whispering in my ear. I pull back a little, surprised. She tries again, touching my chest and feigning intoxication. I can feel her lips grazing my ear as she suggests that we find someplace else to go. Eliot Spitzer is said to have met his $1,200-an-hour call girls here. “I don’t have any money,” I say more bluntly than I intend. “Oh, don’t say that,” she says, putting on a pouty face. Eventually, a plump blonde girl in a large white fur coat appears to collect her friend. I realize that I was being watched the whole time and I am suddenly very glad that I am not up for a bit of embedded reporting. Talese is right, you don’t get any of this with a phone interview.
I am a self-proclaimed journalist, environmental activist, and friend to Mother Nature. Although I am most proud of being a human being and believe me when I say, I understand the irony of that statement compared to my aforementioned “titles”. I am well aware that people and our built systems, such as the government or the economy, are deeply faulted. I am well aware that our growth in technology, infrastructure, and so-called “progress” is a veiled sledgehammer that is destroying natural spaces. But still, I am proud to be a human being that cares deeply about the very Earth her peers are destroying. Mostly, because I know I am not alone in the fight to save and protect this biosphere. We are in the age of activism. It is a global revolution where groups are shouting (now mostly online) and resisting ignorant conformity. It is completely overwhelming and yet completely necessary. A group of dedicated dreamers, acting in the most human way they can, stubbornly protecting what they love. That is, of course, nature. I am part of this group; I was as soon as I stepped outside and could breathe fresh air or hear the sounds of wildlife. Now I understand that this is becoming a privilege for many people. I do not know where I will be in 2071, or even who I will be for that matter. But I do know that I will not be alone. I will be surrounded by the fighters of my generation, reminiscing about either our success or failure of the climate activism movement. We will be old and weathered with time, but hopefully not jaded by our own experiences. I hope that we will encourage and inspire some curious and passionate 20-something year-olds (like the issue editors in this piece). Most importantly, I hope I will be able to walk outside and not be disappointed or worried like I am today. I want to be climbing trees (or attempting to with my walking cane in hand) and rambling to children about a red-winged blackbird that hopefully has not gone extinct. And I know that I use the word “hope” quite a lot because for me that is what 2071 and this issue boils down to. Hope for a better future, where humanity disposed of their greed and consumption and replaced it with gratitude and care for the Earth. Or at the very least, a hope that this issue will force those in positions of power to act, instead of remaining dormant in the ever rapid destruction of the environment. Perhaps having this hope is futile, but it is also a shared trait amongst us all. I have mentioned that I am proud to be human and my articles might make you feel the same or the complete opposite. My only advice to you, dear reader, is that from this issue you garner hope for a better future or a better fight and know you are not alone. We walk this road together and in the next 50 years, I hope to see you walking with me. To me the game is not about survival of the fittest, it is about making sure everyone survives with me. Hello, my name is Elizabeth Roden and I want to be your educator. I am going to be your person who holds a wealth of knowledge that comes from all sides; charitable, corporate, scientific, and common knowledge. I want to understand how each person made their decision and mistakes to make the environment and how it is now. With this knowledge, I want to be able to educate about the future and see if you can make better decisions than we did; I want to put the earth on a better track. I want you to be inspired to learn more when you come into my classroom. The goal of my life is to take on a form of leadership that is indiscriminate, to any class, race, sexuality, or gender, and be able to properly communicate with possible climate deniers and skeptics. I want to be able to connect others to environmental resources that they may not have had already. I will be sitting at the front of my class welcoming any question and, with my experience in the field of physical labor/research, further a student’s education. If I could not provide an answer, I would be happy to help find the answer for them because I might want to know the same thing. I want to be a voice to say that being environmentally conscious is not restricted by social status. And if that is proven to be true, that privilege can be used for the greater good compared to what has been done in the past. I have acknowledged my hurt to the environment, but the difference is my drive to be better. I want others to realize they can still make a difference even if they may have done something bad. As a collective that is one of the greatest parts of being an environmentalist and an educator. This was never about me or having my name known, it was for you. To have everyone know what you learned and build on it. This may be a goal that could be unrealistic in today’s year. But I do hope in the year 2071 that through my journey of being an educator we have learned to adapt and mitigate climate change. The world has changed for humans and it is our time to change for the world. We have been learning constantly to survive through people by obligation. I now want to take on the role not just by duty, but because I want to. I want to work towards letting humans exist instead of being in survival mode because it is what we deserve. We have done the hard work so let’s put it into practice so we can breathe. Just because life is a game does not mean everyone cannot win. I am one of the environmental communicators at Alternatives Journal who aim to entertain, convey environmental messages, and tell stories that make a difference. I am here to use my voice to raise awareness and be a helping hand in rebuilding society and nature in such a way that we get on the right side of this climate crisis. I am passionate about sustainability and addressing climate change. My final goal is to be an environmental professional in environment and sustainability with a focus on energy, waste, and resource management while finding new ways to raise awareness for sustainability and conservation initiatives. You should take the time to read my pieces because I am committed to being a reliable source of information. What I write will be for you, to help you, help our environment. I believe this platform is a great avenue through which we can tackle help to climate issues and ensure that the needs of the current population are met without the possibility of jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. It may seem a little optimistic, but I think we still have the time and resources needed for us to look back on 2021 and celebrate the positive outcomes of climate activism. I may not be aware of what the year 2071 may bring, but I would like to take you on a very “realistic”, imaginative journey of the steps we can take to get where we want to be. The topics I cover will be what I believe are the most crucial to our progress. I hope to learn and expand my interests such that I can better communicate the journey towards a better future. One where we have maintained the habitability of the Earth not just for humans but for all organisms living here. I will put energy and care into my stories so that they will be entertaining yet thought-provoking. In this issue, I hope to give you a futuristic view of a sustainable and environmentally sound world that we all did our part to achieve. I want to show you the world that we are fighting for. I hope to encourage you, reader, whether you are a student or an old retiree to be more concerned about the climate crisis and empower you to participate in environmental protection and resilience initiatives in your own spaces. I am not here to scare the reader, I am, however, here to inspire as I have been inspired. It’s important to me that we have hope, hope for the future generation, that we will not leave the Earth in shambles, but rather “try to leave the Earth in a better place than we arrived” – Sidney Sheldon Elizabeth is a Master’s in Environment and Sustainability student with a focus on corporate resource use. Their background is in the field of Environmental Studies with a double minor in Biology and Geographic Information Systems from Central Michigan University. Utilizing her skills in such a critical mindset, Elizabeth is determined to explore what the Earth has to offer to the corporate world and sustain life for the future to come. In her free time, she likes to learn about microorganisms, explore Northern Michigan, and find new hobbies to pursue in this time of isolation. Ishani Dasgupta is majoring in Environment, Resources, and Sustainability (ERS), while also pursuing a minor in English & Literature Studies, at the University of Waterloo. She is a dedicated environmental writer and has worked throughout the course of her career to write about the challenges faced by communities, natural spaces, and activists alike regarding the destruction of the natural environment–she is interested in exploring global inequities created by the current Anthropocene. In her free time, Ishani likes to make music, read, and go on nature walks. Ishani is taking on the role of an editorial intern for Alternatives Journal (A/J).
As an artist who plays in many different forms – performance, writing, directing, marketing, facilitating, teaching, I am always preoccupied with whether the work of the arts can make a real and powerful difference, and can bring about fundamental, systemic change. Art, especially theatre, can be a potent way to deliver commentary on the human condition. The arts change, often with the use of emotion, how audiences think and feel about many things. It’s what happens to those thoughts and feelings afterwards that I am interested in. This current version of the world is full of distracting fake everything. It is a rigmarole to find out who really said what, and when a thing happened if it, in fact, ever did. It is distraction of the highest order and it makes us feel bogged down, immobile, and also unable – dis-abled. In art we are unburdened by whether something is a fact; we are made to believe the ‘what if it were true?’ notion of things, and then we see the consequences of it, as if it were true. We test things out in this artist space. We examine these ideas – and they can be anything, from how to rise above childhood trauma, to the apocalypse, to politics and their intersection into community. We rewrite the common view of history, we invent people to go through hell on our behalf, and we make radical choices and ask our audiences to make decisions based on what feels right. The theatre, the gallery, the darkened cinema is an emotional dissection space where politics, science, history, psychology, and the deeply personal are portrayed in a such a way to elicit a response. This is powerful stuff. This stuff is the emotional juice of any revolution. It is the potential glue of genuine uprising. It is how Vaclav Havel rewrote the history of the Czech Republic. It is how Woodstock was the expression of a shift in the new world order and a total discarding of the old narrative. Right now fake news on social media, manipulated by big business politics, is our greatest distraction because it keeps us locked into an outrage that feels both helpless and impotent, and then we suffer outrage fatigue. I believe ostrich head in the sand or even true despair and depression come next. We don’t see the point of voting, participating, or even telling people to pick up their litter. In this state they have us where they want us; we are consumers. We consume their information and their products. This is where art – theatre, film, literature, stories can be the great shifter. Art can introduce a new possibility. It is the least we can do.
2 edition of The Fern paradise found in the catalog. The Fern paradise Francis George Heath |Statement||Francis George Heath.| |The Physical Object| |Pagination||xvi, leaves of plates, 474p. ;| |Number of Pages||474| Heath, Francis George, The fern paradise: a plea for the culture of ferns / (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, ) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Heath, Francis George, The fern world. Fern Paradise resort in Chiang Mai province is a natural villas for nature lover with Thai Rice Culture through Authentic Lanna Architecture. In this groundbreaking book, Northwestern University scholar Darío Fernández-Morera tells the full story of Islamic Spain. The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise shines light on hidden features of this medieval culture by drawing on an abundance of primary sources that scholars have ignored, as well as archaeological evidence only recently Brand: Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ORD). 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Check out an event or a game at th Anniversary Stadium, and consider making time for Chiang Mai Zoo, a top attraction not to be on: 73/1 Moo 5, San Sai, Chiang Mai Book online or call Phone Number. • Hotels • Thailand • San Sai Hotels • Fern Paradise, San Sai Fern Paradise, San Sai, current page. Fern Paradise 3-star property 73/1 Moo 5, San Sai, Chiang Mai Travelocity Price Guarantee. Travelocity Price Guarantee 3/5. Fern Paradise is located in San Sai. Three Kings Monument and Wat Chedi Luang are notable landmarks, and travelers looking to shop may want to visit Chiang Mai Night Bazaar and Riverside. Check out an event or a game at th Anniversary Stadium, and consider making time for Chiang Mai Zoo, a top attraction not to be missed/5(10). Great book, I love to read Fern Michaels books. You must read the other Texas book. Texas Rich, Texas Heat, and Texas Sunrise in the order they are written to get the whole story. I laughed, I cried, and I felt for the characters. The Fern paradise book It is just about a family and their hardships, and love for each other/5(). Take a look through our photo library, read reviews from real guests and book now with our Best Price Guarantee. We’ll even let you know about secret offers and sales when you sign up to our emails. Fern paradise is a really nice place to chill out in for a few days while still allowing easy travel into the old city (about min in a Taxi/Song Thaew). Surrounded by amazing gardens that are always changing, you can walk around the large gardens, chill by the pool or enjoy some privacy in you very unique, clean & comfy rooms with private 4/5. HOTEL PARADISE is a delicate yet disturbing view of the decisions a young girl must make on her way to becoming an adult and the choices she must make between right and wrong, love and truth, life and death. With its narrative grace, compelling characters, and intricate suspense, HOTEL PARADISE is Martha Grimes at the top of her form/5(68). Fern Paradise, Chiang Mai. likes. The Touch of Nature. Meet hundreds varity of Ferns/5(14). what a treat. i booked fern paradise having no idea what an amazing experience i was about to have. exquisite natural surroundings, excellent and attentive staff, great pool, fabulous private bungalows, good food, and most importantly a peaceful respite from the hustle and bustle of chiang mai. not only was it a slice of heaven in so many ways /10(). Fern Paradise is located in San Sai. Tha Phae Gate and Wat Chedi Luang are notable landmarks, and travellers looking to shop may want to visit Chiang Mai Night Bazaar and Central Festival Chiangmai. Check out an event or a game at th Anniversary Stadium, and consider making time for Chiang Mai Zoo, a top attraction not to be missed. Paradise is a novel by Toni Morrison, and her first since winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in According to the author, Paradise completes a "trilogy" that begins with Beloved () and includes Jazz (). Paradise was chosen as an Oprah's Book Club selection for January Morrison wanted to call the novel War but was overridden by her : Toni Morrison. View deals for Fern Paradise. Near Maejo University. Breakfast, WiFi, and parking are free at this hotel. All rooms have balconies/patios and cable TV. Fern Paradise - Fern Paradise is located in the center of Chiang Mai, about 6 miles distance from Wat Jed Yod. It contains 9 welcoming rooms that strike a perfect balance between comfort and style. Title. The fern paradise: a plea for the culture of ferns. Heath, Francis George, Type. Book Material. Published materialBook Edition: 8th Ed., 8th Ed. Book Fern Paradise, Chiang Mai Province on Tripadvisor: See traveller reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Fern Paradise, ranked #1 of 16 hotels in /5(). Ferns Paradise, located in Bangalore, is a residential development of Ferns Builders and Developers. It offers spacious and skillfully designed 2BHK, 3BHK and 4BHK villas and plots. The project is well equipped with all the basic amenities to facilit ate the needs of the residents. The site is in close proximity to various civic utilities. The Fern Paradise: A Plea for the Culture of Ferns. Francis George Heath. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, - Ferns - pages. 0 Reviews. Preview this book. All of Fern Paradise's 9 air-conditioned rooms provide balconies or patios, refrigerators, and minibars. Guests can expect free WiFi and TVs with cable channels and DVD players. Rooms also include free bottled water. Property features. Guests staying at Fern Paradise enjoy an outdoor pool, free WiFi in public areas, and a on: 73/1 Moo 5, San Sai,Chiang Mai. Permaculture Paradise in Fern Hollow Farm, Ohio | Pitch your tent or string a hammock in one of our several serene camping areas around the meadow and forest. nature preserves, farms, vineyards, and public campgrounds across the U.S. Book tent camping, treehouses, cabins, yurts, primitive backcountry sites, car camping, airstreams, tiny %(5).The Biodiversity Heritage Library works collaboratively to make biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community. The fern paradise: a plea for the culture of ferns / By. Heath, Francis George, If you are generating a PDF of a journal article or book chapter, please feel free. This Would Be Paradise is a great post-apocalyptic tale. The story begins with Bailey waking up in a hotel room completely hung over. She and her friend, Zoe, had been engaging in some Mardi Gras shenanigans in celebration of their recent college graduation/5.
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Lectora 26: Jewels and Body Adornments in Literature Issue 26 of Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat has just been published. This volume includes a Dossier, entitled "Decorating the Body: Gems, Jewellery, and Body Adornments in Literature" and coordinated by Anne-Marie Evans (York St John University, United Kingdom), that explores the representation of jewellery and gem culture in literature from the perspective of gender studies and the criticism of culture stemming from them, paying close attention to the historical evolution of said representation and how the latter has been translated into contemporary texts. The five articles published within this section focus on Terenci Moix's "esperpento" literature, Carol Ann Duffy's representation of adornments as a critique of canonical love poetry, the use of jewels by Greek women as secret weapons in the art of seduction, the centrality of clothing in Benito Pérez-Galdós oeuvre, and the jewels made up with human hair characteristic of the Victorian Era. The Varia section includes works on the transgender artist Effy Beth, the intersectional violence that operates on racialized gendered bodies, in particular in relation to Toni Morrison and Louise Erdrich, or the use of humor to contest binary patterns, among many others. The journal also includes its usual sections on Reviews and Artistic Creations, with an autobiographical text by Isabel Franc and a conversation with Jay Bernard and Afshan D'souza Loudi, two emerging poets from the United Kingdom.
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2009 Nation's Report Card for Reading Shows Gains in 8th-Grade Scores as 4th-Grade Scores Hold Steady WASHINGTON (March 24, 2010) — Since 2007, the nation's 8th-graders have made some improvements in reading comprehension while the overall results for 4th-graders were unchanged, according to results from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as The Nation's Report Card. The 2009 NAEP Reading Report Card—the only nationally representative and continuing measure of student achievement—shows the average reading score for the nation's 8th-graders rose from 2007 to 2009, as nine states posted increases and no state showed a decline. Overall, 4th-graders held steady from 2007 to 2009, as three states showed score increases, while four reported declines. Results are based on representative samples of 178,800 4th-graders from 9,530 schools and 160,900 8th-graders from 7,030 schools from across all states, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Defense schools. The results are reported as average scores on a 0 to 500 scale and as the percentages of students performing at or above three achievement levels—Basic (partial mastery of knowledge and skills), Proficient (solid academic performance), and Advanced (superior performance). The 2009 NAEP Reading assessment, administered by the U.S. Department of Education last year, shows 75 percent of 8th-graders performed at or above the Basic level, and 32 percent performed at or above Proficient. Both percentages were higher than in 2007 and 1992, the year the reading trend for this assessment began. Additionally, 3 percent performed at the Advanced level in 2009, the same as in 2007 and 1992. Meanwhile, the percentages of grade 4 students performing at or above each of three achievement levels were the same in 2009 as in 2007 and higher than in 1992, with 67 percent at or above the Basic level, 33 percent at or above Proficient, and 8 percent at Advanced. For grade 8, percentile scores were higher in 2009 than in both 2007 and 1992 for lower-performing students (those at the 10th and 25th percentiles) and middle-performing students (those at the 50th percentile). For grade 4, the scores in 2009 for students at the 10th, 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles were not significantly different from 2007 but were higher than in 1992. "While 4th-graders haven't shown continued progress in reading from 2007, it is encouraging to see 8th-graders making gains," said David P. Driscoll, Chair of the National Assessment Governing Board, which sets policy for NAEP. "And it should be noted that 8th-grade students performing in the lower percentiles had higher scores, which suggests that many students who need the most help are making progress." The score gaps among racial/ethnic groups on NAEP reading continued for both grades 4 and 8. Scores were higher for 8th-graders in all racial-ethnic groups, but the gaps between White students and Black or Hispanic students were not significantly different from those in 2007 or 1992. In the 4th grade, there were no significant changes in scores across racial categories between 2007 and 2009; however, the White — Black score gap was smaller in 2009 than in 1992. Score gaps also persist among other student demographic groups—between female and male students, public and private school students, and students who receive free and reduced-price school lunch and those who do not. In the 4th grade, for example, the average score of students in public schools was 15 points lower than the average score of students in private schools; this score gap was not significantly different from the gaps in 2007 or 1992. However, in the 8th grade, the female — male score gap was smaller in 2009 than in 1992. The average national score for 8th-graders rose by one point from 2007, and higher scores were seen in nine states: Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Kentucky, Missouri, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Utah. In grade 4, average scores rose in three jurisdictions—Kentucky, Rhode Island, and the District of Columbia—while the average scores fell in four states—Alaska, Iowa, New Mexico, and Wyoming. The 2009 Reading Assessment is based on a new framework developed by the Governing Board, an independent, bipartisan group of public officials, policy experts, teachers, and others. The new framework includes several changes aimed at improving the way NAEP measures reading comprehension. The assessment not only tests how well students locate and recall information, but also how well they integrate ideas. Informed by the latest scientific research and extensive input from educational experts and others, the new framework provides a more well-defined measure of reading comprehension. The framework requires using more high-quality literature and a broader range of text types to challenge students; including poetry in grades 4, 8, and 12; and assessing vocabulary in a new way that shows students understand the meaning of words as used in the passage. More so than in the past, the assessment asks students to draw conclusions and evaluate the quality of arguments. The new framework also has led to changes in the descriptions of achievement levels to reflect the reading processes used by students when interpreting, critiquing, or evaluating text. Nonetheless, NAEP still measures reading comprehension so the trend line can be maintained. "We deliberately set out to establish standards that are fair but challenging," said Driscoll, who formerly served as Commissioner of Education in Massachusetts. "In fact, we have seen improvement in student performance since the NAEP reading trend line began in 1992. Future assessments will tell whether the progress noted from earlier years in reading comprehension will continue." The Nation's Report Card: Reading 2009 and additional data collected from the 2009 reading assessment are available online at http://www.nationsreportcard.gov.
began my teaching service in 1961, and have taught every grade level from kindergarten to university classes in English Language and Literature, Reading, Writing and Study Skills. Currently I am a state licensed Reading Specialist, teaching privately in my office or your home. I love seeing students grow, gain skills and begin to appreciate and enjoy their school experience. My approach is empathetic, but practical, compassionate but firmly encouraging. My students understand, when we are working together, that they have a safe place to learn and a trustworthy teacher who believes in them and that they will progress to meet their goals. Research indicates that expectations play a huge part in student success. In my experience, I've developed a great appreciation for the variety of ways that children learn. When I was a professional artist, I taught stone sculpture to adults, and horsemanship to children. Recently I've taught outdoor education for the Audubon Canyon Ranch's Bouverie Preserve. It's clear that any classroom, indoor or outdoor, is full of all kinds of minds, and each mind needs to be taught in the way it learns best. That way, the truth comes out on the trail to that Bliss that Joseph Campbell recommended we follow. my trail of learning and study, I've served the community in other ways by grassroots environmental organizing in Colorado and California. During the seventies my collective published one of the first women's newsletters in California, and I've also spent years working as a paralegal in environmental law. I draw on all these past experiences when working with students to make learning fun and school more manageable. When all is said and done, I've learned the most from my own two children as they traversed the trails of their own highly individualized
OBJECTIVE: To assess the functional capacity and to determine the difference between the means of functional capacity (basic and instrumental activities of daily living) and the age groups of elderly residents in an outlying area in the hinterland of Bahia/Northeast of Brazil. METHOD: Analytical study with cross-sectional design and a sample of 150 elderly individuals enrolled in four Health Units in the municipality of Jequié, Bahia, Brazil. The instrument consisted of sociodemographic and health data, the Barthel Index and the Lawton scale. RESULTS: In all, 78.00% of the elderly were classified as dependent in the basic activities and 65.33% in the instrumental activities of daily living. Using the Kruskal-Wallis test, we found a statistically significant difference between the means of instrumental activities and the age groups (p=0.011). CONCLUSION: An elevated number of elderly were classified as dependent in terms of functional capacity and increased age is related to greater impairment in the execution of instrumental activities of daily living. elderly; daily activities; social and health conditions OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade funcional e averiguar a diferença entre as médias da capacidade funcional (atividades básicas e instrumentais de vida diária) e os grupos etários de idosos residentes em áreas periféricas no interior da Bahia/Nordeste do Brasil. MÉTODO: Pesquisa analítica com delineamento transversal e amostra de 150 idosos, cadastrados em quatro Unidades de Saúde no município de Jequié/BA. O instrumento foi constituído de: dados sociodemográficos e de saúde; Índice de Barthel e Escala de Lawton. RESULTADOS: 78,00% dos idosos foram classificados como dependentes nas atividades básicas e 65,33% nas atividades instrumentais de vida diária. Mediante aplicação do teste de Kruskal-Wallis encontrou-se diferença estatística significativa entre as médias das atividades instrumentais e os grupos etários (p=0,011). CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se elevado número de idosos classificados como dependentes quanto à capacidade funcional e que o aumento da idade está relacionado com um maior comprometimento na realização das atividades instrumentais de vida diária. idosos; atividades cotidianas; condições sociais e de saúde Assessment of functional capacity in elderly residents of an outlying area in the hinterland of Bahia/Northeast Brazil Avaliação da capacidade funcional em idosos residentes em área periférica no interior da Bahia/Nordeste do Brasil Gilson de Vasconcelos TorresI; Luciana Araújo dos ReisII; Luana Araújo dos ReisIII IFederal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal RN, Brazil: Nurse, Doctorate in Nursing/EERP-USP, Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences/CCS-UFRN, Research Advisor IIFederal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal RN, Brazil:Physical Therapist, Doctoral Student in Health Sciences/PPGCSA-UFRN, Professor at the State University of the Southwest of Bahia IIIFederal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal RN, Brazil:Undergraduate in the Nursing course of the Faculty of Technology and Sciences (FTC) OBJECTIVE: To assess the functional capacity and to determine the difference between the means of functional capacity (basic and instrumental activities of daily living) and the age groups of elderly residents in an outlying area in the hinterland of Bahia/Northeast of Brazil. METHOD: Analytical study with cross-sectional design and a sample of 150 elderly individuals enrolled in four Health Units in the municipality of Jequié, Bahia, Brazil. The instrument consisted of sociodemographic and health data, the Barthel Index and the Lawton scale. RESULTS: In all, 78.00% of the elderly were classified as dependent in the basic activities and 65.33% in the instrumental activities of daily living. Using the Kruskal-Wallis test, we found a statistically significant difference between the means of instrumental activities and the age groups (p=0.011). CONCLUSION: An elevated number of elderly were classified as dependent in terms of functional capacity and increased age is related to greater impairment in the execution of instrumental activities of daily living. Key words: elderly, daily activities, social and health conditions. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade funcional e averiguar a diferença entre as médias da capacidade funcional (atividades básicas e instrumentais de vida diária) e os grupos etários de idosos residentes em áreas periféricas no interior da Bahia/Nordeste do Brasil. MÉTODO: Pesquisa analítica com delineamento transversal e amostra de 150 idosos, cadastrados em quatro Unidades de Saúde no município de Jequié/BA. O instrumento foi constituído de: dados sociodemográficos e de saúde; Índice de Barthel e Escala de Lawton. RESULTADOS: 78,00% dos idosos foram classificados como dependentes nas atividades básicas e 65,33% nas atividades instrumentais de vida diária. Mediante aplicação do teste de Kruskal-Wallis encontrou-se diferença estatística significativa entre as médias das atividades instrumentais e os grupos etários (p=0,011). CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se elevado número de idosos classificados como dependentes quanto à capacidade funcional e que o aumento da idade está relacionado com um maior comprometimento na realização das atividades instrumentais de vida diária. Palavras-chave: idosos, atividades cotidianas, condições sociais e de saúde. The aging population poses one of the greatest challenges to public health, mainly in countries where this phenomenon occurs in situations of poverty and great social inequality. The aging world population, which began in developed countries, has shown unprecedented growth levels in underdeveloped countries1,2. There are several aging modes in Brazil, according to socioeconomic condition, sex, access to information and education, culture and region where the elderly inhabit. Analysis of each region's profile shows inequalities in the North and Northeast, which are marked by poverty and a life expectancy 10 years lower that that found in the Southeast of the country. Thus, in Brazil, according to the situation and location of the individual, aging and the aging state itself will be affected and will dictate how this person will experience this stage of life3. The aging process also has repercussions on health. As individuals age, a higher percentage of chronic non-transmissible diseases emerge and at least one illness or chronic condition is reported by 69% of elderly Brazilians, with a higher proportion in women (75%) than in men (62%)4. The aging population and the increased prevalence of chronic diseases have caused a growth in physical and/or mental incapacities among elderly Brazilians, a fact that poses a number of challenges for families and for society, in addition to being a risk to the quality of life of these older individuals. It is estimated that 10% of Brazilians older than 65 years need help with basic self-care activities and that 40% require assistance in the instrumental activities of daily living, accounting for more than 6 million individuals and families5. Functional capacity represents the independence of persons in living and performing the physical and mental activities needed to maintain their basic and instrumental activities. These include bathing, dressing, grooming, toilet use, feeding, continence, preparing meals, handling finances, handling medication, housekeeping, shopping, using transportation, using the telephone and walking a certain distance6. Impaired functional capacity, besides being the most serious consequence of chronic pathologies in the elderly, affects the psychological status and the use of long-term health care services. Incapacity refers to problems in social functioning and in the performance of normal activities of daily living and to socially defined roles within a particular sociocultural and physical environment7. The inhabitants of outlying areas are the most affected by the lack of health policies and of public and social programs, given that investments in health and welfare areas are irregular and sporadic. Thus, studies of this nature are needed in outlying regions to obtain a clear picture of the health situation of this population. These studies should be aimed at providing the elderly with more integrated care, in addition to creating health programs to minimize dependence in instrumental and basic activities of daily living. As a result these individuals may be able to age with autonomy and independence. The aim of this study is to assess the degree of functional capacity and determine the difference between the means of functional capacity (basic and instrumental activities of daily living) and the age groups of elderly residents in an outlying area in the hinterland of Bahia/Northeast of Brazil. This is an analytical study with a cross-sectional design, conducted in the rural community of Jequié, Bahia, in the Northeast of Brazil, between September and November 2008. The sample was composed of 150 elderly individuals, randomly selected by draw with replacements from the health units in the district of Jequiezinho. A total of 10% of the residences containing elderly persons from each of the four health units were included. This study adhered to the ethical principles contained in the Declaration of Helsinki and in Resolution no. 196/96 of the National Health Council. The research protocols were assessed and approved by the Ethics Committee for Research in Human Beings of the State University of the Southwest of Bahia (protocol no. 189/2008). The inclusion criteria were: being mentally competent (score above 23 points on the Mini Mental State Examination/MMSE8) to respond to the research instrument and agreeing to take part in the study or having participation authorized by the caregiver and signing the informed consent form. The data collection instrument consisted of two parts. The first part involved sociodemographic characterization (age range, sex, schooling, type of income, income level, marital state and free time activities) and health conditions (health problems and sequelae, type of sequelae). The second part consisted of Barthel's Index9 and Lawton's Scale10, which are used to evaluate functional capacity. Barthel's Index is composed of 10 items: feeding, bathing, grooming, dressing, bowels, bladder, toilet use, transfers to bed and chair and back, mobility and stairs. The score corresponds to the sum of all the points obtained. Individuals who attain the maximum score of 100 are considered independent and those scoring below 50 points indicate dependence in activities of daily living. Lawton's Scale encompasses the more complex activities needed for greater social independence, such as: using the telephone, shopping, preparing meals, housekeeping or working in the garden, household repairs, doing the laundry, using transportation, handling medication and managing personal and/or household finances. For each question the first response means independence, the second partial dependence or capacity with help and the third dependence. The maximum score is 27 points. In this study, we adopted the following classification: independence (27 points), partial dependence (26 to 18 points) and total dependence (£ 18 points). The data collected were organized into an electronic database using SPSS 13.0 software. Descriptive statistics were used to calculate absolute and relative frequency (categorical variables). The mean and standard deviation (quantitative variables) were also calculated. Inferential statistical analysis was applied using the Kruskal-Wallis test, given that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality showed that the sample data were not normally distributed. In addition, quartile values were used as reference to define the age groups. Of the 150 elderly studied, 68.67% were women, with a mean age of 74.47 (±9.42) years, ranging from 60 to 106 years. With respect to schooling level, 61.33% of the elderly were illiterate, 46.67% were married and 33.33% widowed (Table 1). In regard to profession, 48.70% were farmhands and 24.70% were domestics. Currently 73.33% are retired, 14.67% have no income and 83.33% earn only one minimum monthly wage (R$ 415.00≈US$ 200.00 Dec 2008). In terms of free time, 78.67% of the elderly reported engaging in no activities during this period. As to health conditions, 94% reported having health problems, but only 76.70% were taking medication. The most frequent pathologies were hypertension (22.70%), diabetes mellitus (11.30%) and arthrosis (8%). The presence of sequelae was found in only 21.33% of the elderly, the most frequent being neurological (15.30%) (Table 2). With respect to the basic activities of daily living, 78% of the elderly were classified as dependent, slight dependence being the most frequent (40%) with a mean of 63.17 (±29.63) points. The instrumental activities of daily living (65.33%) were classified as dependent, with greater distribution of total dependence and a mean of 19.99 (±6.92) points (Table 3). The Kruskal-Wallis test showed a statistical difference only between instrumental activities of daily living and age groups (p=0.011) (Table 4). Functional limitations can be considered as the process that precedes the condition of incapacity. Identifying the factors related to functional limitations allow the elaboration of public policies aimed at preserving independence in the elderly. Population studies show a strong association between socioeconomic status and functional limitation in the elderly5. In general, a decline in functional conditions is expected with advancing age. Furthermore, individuals with low schooling levels and low income have more functional limitations compared to persons with higher socioeconomic levels7. Interventions that may decrease functional capacity impairment in the elderly population must be explored to develop new prevention and treatment strategies that reduce functional consequences, specifically in low-income elderly, since they are more predisposed to functional capacity impairment than are the general population. The sociodemographic characteristics of the subjects in this study corroborate those found in the literature in terms of prevalence in women (68.67%), married individuals (46.67%), low income (83.33%) and schooling level (61.33% illiterate). These data reveal that the elderly residents of outlying areas have a lower socioeconomic level, more compromised health, more physical and mental morbidity and serious social demands. According to the demographic census of 2000, 55.1% of elderly Brazilians were women, 51.85% were married and 28.50% were widowed. The access to schooling for this group was less than that of the general population. The income of these individuals was lower than the national average, in which 27.4% earn one minimum monthly wage11. With respect to health conditions, hypertension was the most frequently reported chronic disorder, confirming observations from earlier investigations on elderly populations. In a study conducted in Minas Gerais, hypertension prevalence of 37% was found for men and 50% for women12. Maintaining and preserving the functional capacity of the elderly to perform the basic and instrumental activities of daily living are fundamental points for prolonging their independence for as long as possible and maintaining their functional capacity13. The present study found a high degree of incapacity in the elderly assessed (78% in the ADLs and 65.33% in the BADLs). Population studies show that around 40% of the elderly aged 65 years or older need some type of help to perform their activities of daily living, such as handling finances, preparing meals and housekeeping and a lower significant portion of 10% require help to perform basic tasks, such as bathing, dressing, going to the bathroom, feeding and transferring to chairs and beds and back14. Of the adults between 65 and 75 years of age, 5.3% need assistance to perform basic daily activities (bathing, dressing, walking, using the toilet and transferring from the bed to a chair). A little less than 6% need help in daily activities (cooking, shopping, using the telephone, domestic chores and handling personal finances). At 85 years of age, these indices increase dramatically to 35% and 40% respectively15. In the present study it was found that most elderly (40%) exhibited slight dependence in the ADLs, that is, impairment in at least two of the Barthel Index activities. This may be explained by the fact that because the mean age of the elderly was 74 years, impaired functional capacity was still in the early stages. These data are corroborated in the Brazilian literature and in other countries, which affirm that each year around 10% of adults over the age of 75 years lose their independence in one or more basic activities of daily living, such as: bathing, dressing, feeding and grooming16. Results of a study conducted in São Paulo show that more than half of the population (53%) reported needing partial or total help to perform at least one of the activities of daily living. It was also found that 29% of the elderly needed partial or total help to perform up to three of these activities and 17% needed help to perform four or more activities of daily living17. In regard to the capacity to perform the BADLs, it was detected that 33.33% of the elderly displayed total dependence. These data contradict the results found in a study carried out in Goiania, Brazil, in which 68.4% of the elderly showed slight dependence and only 4.2% total dependence18. The present study showed that increased aging is related to greater impairment in the capacity to execute instrumental activities of daily living. In general, a decline in the capacity to perform instrumental activities of daily living is expected with increased chronological age. Individuals in the older age groups exhibited higher prevalence of functional incapacity. Functional limitations are usually more frequent in older individuals because of their longevity7. Given that the functional capacity of a human being declines with age, strategies that improve the lifestyle of the elderly of this region are needed, mainly with respect to programs that promote the following: improvement of muscle and joint strength; treatment and rehabilitation of the functional capacity of urinary and bowel sphincters; social integration in and out of the family context; construction of an adequate elderly support system; permanent education over their entire lifetime and recognition of the individual and population aging process. These measures might minimize functional dependence and result in an aging process with autonomy and better quality of life for the elderly. It should be emphasized that the results of the present study cannot be generalized for the entire population of the Bahia hinterland, given that the sample studied was homogeneous in terms of sociodemographic aspects. Moreover, this study describes the specific situation of elderly individuals living in the outlying area of a city in the hinterland of Northeast Brazil. Hence, new studies are fundamental for drawing the functional profile of elderly residents in other outlying areas to provide information that could help in developing programs and interventions in the field of elderly health. Received 30 March 2009 Received in final form 16 September 2009 Accepted 24 October 2009 State University of Southwest of Bahia / UESB - 1. Garcia RA, Carvalho JAM. O envelhecimento da população brasileira: um enfoque demográfico. Cadernos Saúde Pública 2003;19:725-733. - 2. Giatti L, Barreto SM, Lima MFC. Condições de saúde, capacidade funcional, uso de serviços de saúde e gastos com medicamentos da população idosa brasileira: um estudo descritivo baseado na pesquisa nacional por amostra de domicílios. Cadernos Saúde Pública 2003;19:735-743. - 3. Pereira RJ, Cotta RMM, Franceschini SCC, et al. 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Avaliação do grau de dependência nas atividades de vida diária em idosos da cidade de Fortaleza- Ceará. Acta Paul Enfermagem 2006;19:201-206. - 15. Costa CC, Nakatani AYK, Bachion MM. Capacidade de idosos da comunidade para desenvolver atividades instrumentais de vida diária. Acta Paul Enfermagem 2006;19:196-200. - 16. Gaspar JC, Oliveira MAC, Duayer FF. Perfil dos pacientes com perdas funcionais e dependência atendidos pelo PSF no município de São Paulo. Rev Escola Enfermagem/USP 2007;41:207-212. - 17. Giacomin KC, Peixoto SV, Uchoa E, Lima-Costa MF. Estudo de base populacional dos fatores associados à incapacidade funcional entre idoso na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública 2008;24:360-368. - 18. Santos KA, et al. Fatores associados com a incapacidade funcional em idosos do Município de Guatambu, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Cadernos Saúde Pública 2007;23:160-168. Luciana Araújo dos ReisRua i, 15, Urbis III45200-000 Jequié BA - BrasilE-mail: Publication in this collection 22 Sept 2010 Date of issue 16 Sept 2009 30 Mar 2009 24 Oct 2009
| Dai Sijie| | Dai Baoming, Hu Xiaosu| | 2 March 1954 (age 61) (1954-03-02) Chengdu, Sichuan, China| Author, screenwriter, director The Little Chinese Seamstress, The Chinese Botanist's Daughters, Le Paon de Nuit, China, My Sorrow, The Moon Eater Prix Goncourt, Goncourt List, Poland's Choice Balzac and the Little Chinese, Balzac Y LA Joven Costurera, Mr Muo's Travelling Couch, Once on a Moonless Night, Balzac and the Little Chinese Mylene Jampanoi, Li Xiaoran, Liu Ye, Dong Fu Lin, Shuangbao Wang Dai Sijie Wikipedia Dai Sijie (born 1954) is a Chinese–French author and filmmaker. Dai Sijie was born in Chengdu, Sichuan in 1954. His parents, Professor Dai Baoming and Professor Hu Xiaosu, were professors of Medical Sciences at West China University. He grew up extensively reading and thinking. Dai excels in many things, including being a skilled tailor himself. The Maoist government sent him to a re-education camp in rural Sichuan from 1971 to 1974 during the Cultural Revolution. Though, as the only child in the family, he would have been excused, he went there with the idea of the spartan training. Much of this experience was the source of his first book. After his return, he completed his professional certificate as a teacher. He briefly taught in The No. 16 High School of Chengdu upon his enrolling to the Department of History of Sichuan University in February 1978 (so-called 77 grader) where he studied art history. In 1984, he left China for France on a scholarship. There, he acquired a passion for movies and became a director. Before turning to writing, he made three critically acclaimed feature-length films: China, My Sorrow (1989) (original title: Chine, ma douleur), Le mangeur de lune (Moon Eater) and Tang, le onzième (The Eleventh Child). He also wrote and directed an adaptation of his novel, Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, released in 2002. He lives in Paris and writes in French. His novel, Par une nuit où la lune ne s'est pas levée (Once on a Moonless Night), was published in 2007. L'acrobatie aérienne de Confucius (The Aerial Acrobatics of Confucius) was published in 2008. His first book, Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress) (2000), was made into a movie in 2002, which he himself adapted and directed. It recounts the story of a pair of friends who become good friends with a local seamstress while spending time in a countryside village where they have been sent for "re-education" during the Cultural Revolution (see Down to the Countryside Movement). They steal a suitcase filled with illegal Western classical novels from another man being re-educated, and decide to enrich the seamstress's life by exposing her to great literature. These novels also serve to sustain the two companions during this difficult time. The story principally deals with the cultural universality of great literature and its redeeming power. The novel has been translated into twenty-five languages, and finally into his mother tongue after the movie adaptation. His second book, Le Complexe de Di (The Di Complex) won the Prix Femina for 2003. It recounts the travels of a Chinese man whose philosophy has been influenced by French psychoanalytic thought. The title is a play on "le complexe d'Oedipe", or "the Oedipus complex". The English translation (released in 2005) is titled Mr. Muo's Traveling Couch.Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress) (2000) Le Complexe de Di (Mr. Muo's Traveling Couch) (2003) (Prix Femina) Par une nuit où la lune ne s'est pas levée (Once on a Moonless Night, translated by Adriana Hunter), 2007 Le paon de nuit (2015) Les filles du botaniste (The Chinese Botanist's Daughters) (2006) Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress) (2002) (France) Tang le onzième (The Eleventh Child) (1998) (France) Le mangeur de lune (Moon Eater) (1994) Chine, ma douleur (China, My Sorrow) (1989) (Prix Jean Vigo)
Writing has the power to open our eyes and widen our horizons. And in their ability to inspire us and move us to action, skillful writers transform our world. The Georgia College English Department is committed to helping students explore the richness of our literary traditions and the empowering possibilities of engaging writing. The department offers a rigorous curriculum in four degree programs: a B.A. in English with a concentration in literature, a B.A. in English with a concentration in creative writing, an M.A. in English, and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing. Each program is designed to equip students to develop their passion for literature and written expression into skills that last a lifetime—in any career, and in every walk of life. Our accomplished faculty are published scholars and creative writers, but we are first and foremost teachers. We believe deeply in our discipline’s role as a cornerstone of a liberal-arts education. English majors learn and practice a variety of important transferable skills, such as critical and theoretical thinking; analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information; research skills; writing and editing skills; communication skills; teamwork; time management; lifelong learning; and global and diverse perspectives. Our graduates have gone on to careers in media companies, advertising agencies, government agencies, public and private schools, colleges and universities, libraries, publishing houses and newspapers and magazines, public relations and law firms, nonprofit organizations and public service agencies. See the video below for a preview of the department: What's Going on in the Department of English?See more news, announcements, and events Words Matter, Race Matters Slide Show Meet a Recent Graduate Alina Venick, staff attorney with Georgia Legal Services, says her education as an English major at Georgia College was essential to her success: "Teaching me to be a better writer was huge, because the legal profession is also writing intensive. Just developing those writing skills was incredibly important.”
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Buena Park, Calif. — Yamaha is shipping a new type of home audio component said to simplify the operation of connected music sources and home-theater components. The launch coincides with the launch of Yamaha’s revamped MusicCAST wireless multi-room-audio system. The neoHD components include the $599-suggested YMC-500 media controller, which is loosely based on an AV receiver, but its front panel sports only an on/off button and one large control wheel. It features FM tuner and incorporates five-channel amp, surround decoders, virtual surround technology, HDMI and IR-repeater connections, USB port, and connections to an optional iPod dock and Bluetooth transceiver. A second version, the $799 YMC-700, adds Ethernet port and embedded WiFi to stream music from the Internet and networked PCs. A third version, the $799 neoHD System 2.1, bundles the YMC-500 with a 2.1-speaker system to deliver virtual 5.1 surround. All three models serve up a simplified onscreen icon-based user interface to a connected TV. All come with embedded database of IR codes to control connected TVs and sources from a handheld IR remote, also with a minimal number of control buttons. IR codes not embedded in the Media Controller can be learned by the device. Here’s how the controllers’ interface works: After a consumer hits the remote’s power button, the Media Controller and connected TV power up. The TV screen presents the user with three choices: watch, listen or play. After selecting one of the choices, the display then prompts the user to choose among more specific activities, such as watch live TV, watch a movie, listen to a CD, and the like. Next, icons for the requisite A/V components appear on the screen, including icons for a Blu-ray player, CD player, cable box, iPod and game console. Once the user selects a component, the component automatically powers on. To connect with A/V components in the home, all three devices feature one HDMI output to a TV, three HDMI inputs and three IR outputs to control up to six IR-controlled sources in the A/V equipment stack, the company said. Also to connect to source components, the controllers feature two component-video inputs, one composite-video input, one analog-audio input, one digital coaxial input and one digital optical input. A proprietary dock output connects to an optional $99-suggested Yamaha iPod dock or to an optional $129 Yamaha Bluetooth transceiver. A USB port connects to USB-equipped sources such as non-iPod MP3 players and USB The YMC-700 adds Ethernet port and embedded Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g to connect directly to the Internet to stream free Internet radio stations and the Rhapsody subscription streaming service. This DLNA-certified controller also connects to networked PCs to stream PC-stored music and photos. It also plays iTunes AAC files via TwonkyMedia Server Software. For surround-sound playback, the YMC-500 and YMC-700 features five speaker-level outputs and a preamp-level subwoofer output. Embedded surround decoders, according to supplied literature, are Dolby TrueHD and DTS Digital Surround. The controller in System 2.1, though featuring five speaker outputs, connects to a bundled 2.1-speaker system and uses Yamaha’s AirSurround Xtreme technology to deliver a virtual 5.1 surround field. To simplify setup, the controllers feature Yamaha’s automatic YPAO surround-sound calibration. Other features include Adaptive Dynamic Range Control to make low-volume sounds audible during low-volume passages in a movie or song. Compressed music enhancer restores high frequencies lost when music is
|Birth name||Nicholas Rodney Drake| |Born||19 June 1948| |Died||25 November 1974 (aged 26)| Tanworth-in-Arden, Warwickshire, England |Genres||Folk, folk rock| |Instruments||Vocals, guitar, piano, clarinet, saxophone| Nicholas Rodney Drake (19 June 1948 – 25 November 1974) was an English singer-songwriter and musician known for his acoustic guitar-based songs. Though he never found a wide audience during his lifetime, his work has gradually achieved wider notice and recognition. Drake signed to Island Records when he was 20 years old and a student at the University of Cambridge. He released his debut album, Five Leaves Left, in 1969. By 1972, he had recorded two more albums—Bryter Layter and Pink Moon. Neither sold more than 5,000 copies on initial release. His reluctance to perform live, or be interviewed, contributed to his lack of commercial success. There is no known video footage of the adult Drake; he was only ever captured in still photographs and in home footage from his childhood. Drake suffered from depression, particularly during the latter part of his life, a fact often reflected in his lyrics. On completion of his third album, 1972's Pink Moon, he withdrew from both live performance and recording, retreating to his parents' home in rural Warwickshire. On 25 November 1974, Drake died from an overdose of amitriptyline, a prescribed antidepressant; he was 26 years old. Whether his death was an accident or suicide has never been resolved. Drake's music remained available through the mid-1970s, but the 1979 release of the retrospective album Fruit Tree allowed his back catalogue to be reassessed. By the mid-1980s, Drake was being credited as an influence by such artists as Robert Smith of The Cure and Peter Buck of R.E.M. In 1985, The Dream Academy reached the UK and US charts with "Life in a Northern Town", a song written for and dedicated to Drake. By the early 1990s, he had come to represent a certain type of "doomed romantic" musician in the UK music press and was frequently cited as an influence by artists including Kate Bush, Paul Weller, Aimee Mann, Beck, and The Black Crowes. His first biography appeared in 1997, followed in 1998 by the documentary film A Stranger Among Us. 1948–1966: Early life Drake's father, Rodney Shuttleworth Drake (1908–1988), moved to Rangoon, Burma, in the early 1930s to work as an engineer with the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation. In 1934, Rodney met Nick's mother, Molly Lloyd (1916–1993), the daughter of a senior member of the Indian Civil Service. Rodney proposed in 1936, though they had to wait a year until she turned 21 before her family allowed them to marry. Nick was born in 1948. In 1950, the family returned to England to live in Warwickshire at their home, Far Leys, in Tanworth-in-Arden, south of Birmingham, where Rodney worked from 1952 as the chairman and managing director of Wolseley Engineering. Nick's older sister, Gabrielle, became a successful screen actress. Both parents wrote music. Recordings of Molly's songs, which have come to light since her death, are similar in tone and outlook to the later work of her son; they shared a similar fragile vocal delivery, and Gabrielle and biographer Trevor Dann noted a parallel foreboding and fatalism in their music. Encouraged by his mother, Drake learned to play piano at an early age and began to compose songs which he recorded on a reel-to-reel tape recorder she kept in the family drawing room. In 1957, Drake was sent to Eagle House School, a preparatory boarding school near Sandhurst, Berkshire. Five years later, he went to Marlborough College, a public school in Wiltshire attended by his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He developed an interest in sport, becoming an accomplished sprinter over 100 and 200 yards, representing the school's Open Team in 1966. He played rugby for the C1 House team and was appointed a House Captain in his last two terms. School friends recall Drake as having been confident, often aloof, and "quietly authoritative". His father, Rodney, remembered: "In one of his reports [the headmaster] said that none of us seemed to know him very well. All the way through with Nick, people didn't know him very much." Drake played piano in the school orchestra, and learned clarinet and saxophone. He formed a band, the Perfumed Gardeners, with four schoolmates in 1964 or 1965. With Drake on piano and occasional alto sax and vocals, the group performed Pye International R&B covers and jazz standards, as well as Yardbirds and Manfred Mann songs. Chris de Burgh asked to join the band, but was rejected as his taste was "too poppy". Drake's attention to his studies deteriorated and, although he had accelerated a year in Eagle House, at Marlborough he neglected his studies in favour of music. In 1963 he attained seven GCE O-Levels, fewer than his teachers had been expecting, failing "Physics with Chemistry". In 1965, Drake paid £13 (equivalent to £254 in 2019) for his first acoustic guitar, a Levin, and was soon experimenting with open tuning and finger-picking techniques. In 1966, Drake enrolled at a tutorial college in Five Ways, Birmingham, where he won a scholarship to study at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. He delayed attendance to spend six months at the University of Aix-Marseille, France, beginning in February 1967, where he began to practise guitar in earnest. To earn money, he would busk with friends in the town centre. Drake began to smoke cannabis, and he travelled with friends to Morocco; according to travelling companion Richard Charkin, "that was where you got the best pot". He most likely began using LSD while in Aix, and lyrics written during this period—in particular for "Clothes of Sand"— suggest an interest in hallucinogens. Drake returned to England in 1967 and moved into his sister's flat in Hampstead, London. That October, he enrolled at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University to study English Literature. His tutors found him bright but unenthusiastic and unwilling to apply himself. His biographer, Trevor Dann, notes that he had difficulty connecting with staff and fellow students, and that matriculation photographs from this time portray a sullen young man. Cambridge placed emphasis on its rugby and cricket teams, but by this time Drake had lost interest in sport, preferring to stay in his college room smoking cannabis and playing music. According to fellow student Brian Wells, "they were the rugger buggers and we were the cool people smoking dope". In September 1967, Drake met Robert Kirby, a music student who went on to write many of the string and woodwind arrangements for Drake's first two albums. By this time, Drake had discovered the British and American folk music scenes, and was influenced by performers such as Bob Dylan, Donovan, Van Morrison, Josh White and Phil Ochs. He began performing in local clubs and coffee houses around London, and in February 1968, while playing support to Country Joe and the Fish at the Roundhouse in Camden Town, made an impression on Ashley Hutchings, bass player with Fairport Convention. Hutchings recalls being impressed by Drake's guitar skill, but even more so by his image: "He looked like a star. He looked wonderful, he seemed to be 7 ft [tall]." Hutchings introduced Drake to the 25-year-old American producer Joe Boyd, owner of the production and management company Witchseason Productions. The company was, at the time, licensed to Island Records, and Boyd, who had discovered Fairport Convention and introduced John Martyn and the Incredible String Band to a mainstream audience, was a significant and respected figure on the UK folk scene. He and Drake formed an immediate bond, and Boyd acted as a mentor to Drake throughout his career. Impressed by a four-track demo recorded in Drake's college room in early 1968, Boyd offered Drake a management, publishing, and production contract. Boyd later said that "in those days you didn't have cassettes—he brought a reel-to-reel tape [to me] that he'd done at home. Half way through the first song, I felt this was pretty special. And I called him up, and he came back in, and we talked, and I just said, "I'd like to make a record." He stammered, "Oh, well, yeah. Okay." Nick was a man of few words. According to Drake's friend Paul Wheeler, Drake had already decided not to complete his third year at Cambridge and was excited by the contract. Five Leaves Left (1969) Drake recorded his debut album Five Leaves Left later in 1968, with Boyd as producer. He had to skip lectures to travel by train to the sessions in Sound Techniques studio, London. Inspired by John Simon's production of Leonard Cohen's album Songs of Leonard Cohen, Boyd was keen that Drake's voice would be recorded in a similar close and intimate style, "with no shiny pop reverb". He sought to include a string arrangement similar to Simon's, "without overwhelming ... or sounding cheesy". To provide backing, Boyd enlisted various contacts from the London folk rock scene, including Fairport Convention guitarist Richard Thompson and Pentangle bassist Danny Thompson (no relation). Initial recordings did not go well: the sessions were irregular and rushed, taking place during studio downtime borrowed from Fairport Convention's production of their Unhalfbricking album. Tension arose as to the direction of the album: Boyd was an advocate of George Martin's approach of using the studio as an instrument, while Drake preferred a more organic sound. Dann observed that Drake appears "tight and anxious" on bootleg recordings from the sessions, and notes a number of Boyd's unsuccessful attempts at instrumentation. Both were unhappy with arranger Richard Anthony Hewson's contribution, which they felt was too mainstream for Drake's songs. Drake suggested his college friend Robert Kirby as a replacement. Though Boyd was sceptical about taking on an inexperienced amateur music student, he was impressed by Drake's uncharacteristic assertiveness, and agreed to a trial. Kirby had previously presented Drake with some arrangements for his songs. While Kirby provided most arrangements for the album, its centrepiece "River Man", which echoed the tone of Delius, was orchestrated by the veteran composer Harry Robertson. Post-production difficulties delayed the release by several months, and the album was poorly marketed and supported. In July, Melody Maker described Five Leaves Left as "poetic" and "interesting", though NME wrote in October that there was "not nearly enough variety to make it entertaining". It received little radio play outside shows by more progressive BBC DJs such as John Peel and Bob Harris. Drake was unhappy with the inlay sleeve, which printed songs in the wrong running order and reproduced verses omitted from the recorded versions. In an interview, his sister Gabrielle said: "He was very secretive. I knew he was making an album but I didn't know what stage of completion it was at until he walked into my room and said, 'There you are.' He threw it onto the bed and walked out!" Bryter Layter (1971) Drake ended his studies at Cambridge nine months before graduation and in late 1969 moved to London. His father remembered "writing him long letters, pointing out the disadvantages of going away from Cambridge ... a degree was a safety net, if you manage to get a degree, at least you have something to fall back on; his reply to that was that a safety net was the one thing he did not want." Drake spent his first few months in London drifting from place to place, occasionally staying at his sister's Kensington flat but usually sleeping on friends' sofas and floors. Eventually, in an attempt to bring some stability and a telephone into Drake's life, Boyd organised and paid for a ground floor bedsit in Belsize Park, Camden. On 5 August 1969, Drake recorded five songs for the BBC's John Peel show ("Cello Song", "Three Hours", "River Man", "Time of No Reply" and an early version of "Bryter Layter"), three of which were broadcast the following night. A month later, on 24 September, he opened for Fairport Convention at the Royal Festival Hall in London, followed by appearances at folk clubs in Birmingham and Hull. Folk singer Michael Chapman said of the performances: The folkies did not take to him; [they] wanted songs with choruses. They completely missed the point. He didn't say a word the entire evening. It was actually quite painful to watch. I don't know what the audience expected, I mean, they must have known they weren't going to get sea-shanties and sing-alongs at a Nick Drake gig! The experience reinforced Drake's decision to retreat from live appearances; the few concerts he did play were usually brief, awkward, and poorly attended. Drake seemed reluctant to perform and rarely addressed his audience. As many of his songs were played in different tunings, he frequently paused to retune between numbers. Although Five Leaves Left attracted little publicity, Boyd was keen to build on what momentum there was. Drake's second album, Bryter Layter (1971), again produced by Boyd and engineered by John Wood, introduced a more upbeat, jazzier sound. Disappointed by his debut's poor sales, Drake sought to move away from his pastoral sound, and agreed to Boyd's suggestions to include bass and drum tracks. "It was more of a pop sound, I suppose," Boyd later said. "I imagined it as more commercial." Like its predecessor, the album featured musicians from Fairport Convention, as well as contributions from John Cale on two songs: "Northern Sky" and "Fly". Trevor Dann noted that while sections of "Northern Sky" sound more characteristic of Cale, the song was the closest Drake came to a release with chart potential. Cale used heroin during this period, and his older friend Brian Wells suspected that Drake was also using. Bryter Layter was a commercial failure, and reviews were again mixed; Record Mirror praised Drake as a "beautiful guitarist—clean and with perfect timing, [and] accompanied by soft, beautiful arrangements", but Melody Maker described the album as "an awkward mix of folk and cocktail jazz". Soon after its release, Boyd sold Witchseason to Island Records and moved to Los Angeles to work with Warner Brothers to develop film soundtracks. The loss of his mentor, coupled with the album's poor sales, led Drake into further depression. His attitude to London had changed: he was unhappy living alone, and visibly nervous and uncomfortable performing at a series of concerts in early 1970. In June, Drake gave one of his final live appearances at Ewell Technical College, Surrey. Ralph McTell, who also performed that night, remembered: "Nick was monosyllabic. At that particular gig he was very shy. He did the first set and something awful must have happened. He was doing his song 'Fruit Tree' and walked off halfway through it." In 1971, Drake's family persuaded him to visit a psychiatrist at St Thomas's Hospital, London. He was prescribed antidepressants, but felt uncomfortable and embarrassed about taking them, and tried to hide the fact from his friends. He worried about their side effects and was concerned about how they would react with his regular cannabis use. Island Records urged Drake to promote Bryter Layter through interviews, radio sessions and live appearances. Drake, who by this time was smoking what Kirby described as "unbelievable amounts" of cannabis and exhibiting "the first signs of psychosis", refused. Disappointed by the reaction to Bryter Layter, he turned his thoughts inwards, and withdrew from family and friends. He rarely left his flat, and then only to play an occasional concert or to buy drugs. According to photographer Keith Morris by 1971 Drake was a "hunched, dishevelled figure, staring vacantly...ignoring the overtures of a friendly labrador or gazing blankly over Hampstead Heath." His sister recalled: "This was a very bad time. He once said to me that everything started to go wrong from [this] time on, and I think that was when things started to go wrong." Pink Moon (1972) Although Island neither expected nor wanted a third album, Drake approached Wood in October 1971 to begin work on what would be his final release. Sessions took place over two nights, with only Drake and Wood present in the studio. The bleak songs of Pink Moon are short, and the eleven-track album lasts only 28 minutes, a length described by Wood as "just about right. You really wouldn't want it to be any longer." Drake had expressed dissatisfaction with the sound of Bryter Layter, and believed that the string, brass and saxophone arrangements resulted in a sound that was "too full, too elaborate". Drake appears on Pink Moon accompanied only by his own carefully recorded guitar save for a piano overdub on the title track. Wood later said: "He was very determined to make this very stark, bare record. He definitely wanted it to be him more than anything. And I think, in some ways, Pink Moon is probably more like Nick is than the other two records." Drake delivered the tapes of Pink Moon to Chris Blackwell at Island Records, contrary to a popular legend which claims he dropped them off at the receptionist's desk without saying a word. An advertisement for the album in Melody Maker in February opened with "Pink Moon—Nick Drake's latest album: the first we heard of it was when it was finished." Pink Moon sold fewer copies than its predecessors, although it received some favourable reviews. In Zigzag, Connor McKnight wrote: "Nick Drake is an artist who never fakes. The album makes no concession to the theory that music should be escapist. It's simply one musician's view of life at the time, and you can't ask for more than that." Blackwell felt Pink Moon had the potential to bring Drake to a mainstream audience; however, his staff were disappointed by Drake's unwillingness to promote it. A&R manager Muff Winwood recalled "tearing his hair out" in frustration and said that without Blackwell's enthusiastic support "the rest of us would have given him the boot". At Boyd's insistence, Drake agreed to an interview with Jerry Gilbert of Sounds Magazine. The "shy and introverted" Drake spoke of his dislike of live appearances and little else. "There wasn't any connection whatsoever," Gilbert said. "I don't think he made eye contact with me once." Disheartened and convinced he would be unable to write again, Drake retired from music. He toyed with the idea of a different career, and considered the army. His three albums had together sold fewer than 4,000 copies. In the months following Pink Moon's release, Drake became increasingly asocial and distant. He returned to live at his parents' home in Tanworth-in-Arden, and while he resented the regression, he accepted that his illness made it necessary. "I don't like it at home," he told his mother, "but I can't bear it anywhere else." His return was often difficult for his family, as Gabrielle said: "Good days in my parents' home were good days for Nick, and bad days were bad days for Nick. And that was what their life revolved around, really." Drake lived a frugal existence; his only income was a £20-a-week retainer he received from Island Records (equivalent to £244 in 2019). At one point he could not afford a new pair of shoes. He would disappear for days, sometimes arriving unannounced at friends' houses, uncommunicative and withdrawn. Robert Kirby described a typical visit: "He would arrive and not talk, sit down, listen to music, have a smoke, have a drink, sleep there the night, and two or three days later he wasn't there, he'd be gone. And three months later he'd be back." Nick's supervision partner at Cambridge, John Venning, saw him on a tube train in London and felt he was seriously depressed: "There was something about him which suggested that he would have looked straight through me and not registered me at all. So I turned around." John Martyn (who in 1973 wrote the title song of his album Solid Air about Drake) described Drake in this period as the most withdrawn person he had ever met. He would borrow his mother's car and drive for hours without purpose, until he ran out of petrol and had to ring his parents to ask to be collected. Friends recalled the extent to which his appearance had changed. During particularly bleak periods, he refused to wash his hair or cut his nails. Early in 1972, Drake had a nervous breakdown, and was hospitalized for five weeks. He was initially believed to suffer from major depression, although his former therapist suggested he was suffering from schizophrenia. In February 1973, Drake contacted John Wood, stating he was ready to begin work on a fourth album. Boyd was in England at the time, and agreed to attend the recordings. The initial session was followed by recordings in July 1974. In his 2006 autobiography, Boyd recalled being taken aback at Drake's anger and bitterness: "[He said that] I had told him he was a genius, and others had concurred. Why wasn't he famous and rich? This rage must have festered beneath that inexpressive exterior for years." Boyd and Wood noticed a deterioration in Drake's performance, requiring him to overdub his voice separately over the guitar. However, the return to Sound Techniques' studio raised Drake's spirits; his mother recalled, "We were so absolutely thrilled to think that Nick was happy because there hadn't been any happiness in Nick's life for years." By late 1974, Drake's weekly retainer from Island had ceased, and his severe depression meant he remained in contact with only a few close friends. He had tried to stay in touch with Sophia Ryde, whom he had met in London in 1968. Ryde has been described by Drake's biographers as "the nearest thing" to a girlfriend in his life, but she used the description "best (girl) friend". In a 2005 interview, Ryde said that a week before he died, she had sought to end the relationship: "I couldn't cope with it. I asked him for some time. And I never saw him again." As with the relationship he had shared with fellow folk musician Linda Thompson, Drake's relationship with Ryde was never consummated. During the early hours of 25 November 1974, Drake died at his home from an overdose of amitriptyline, an antidepressant. He had gone to bed early after spending the afternoon visiting a friend. His mother said that around dawn he left his room for the kitchen. His family had heard him do this many times before, and presumed he was eating cereal. He returned to his room a short while later, and took some pills "to help him sleep".[clarification needed] Drake had been accustomed to keeping his own hours; he frequently had difficulty sleeping and often stayed up through the night playing and listening to music, then slept late into the following morning. His mother later said: "I never used to disturb him at all. But it was about 12 o'clock, and I went in, because really it seemed it was time he got up. And he was lying across the bed. The first thing I saw was his long, long legs." There was no suicide note, although a letter addressed to Ryde was found close to his bed. At the inquest in December, the coroner stated that the cause of death was "Acute amitriptyline poisoning—self-administered when suffering from a depressive illness", and concluded a verdict of suicide. Although the verdict has been disputed by some of his friends and members of his family, there is a widely held view that, accidental or not, Drake had by then "given up on life". Rodney described his son's death as unexpected and extraordinary; however, in a 1979 interview he said he had been "worried about Nick being so depressed. We used to hide away the aspirin and pills and things like that." Boyd recalled that Drake's parents had described his mood in the preceding weeks as positive, and that he had planned to move back to London to restart his music career. Boyd believes that this uplift in spirits was followed by a "crash back into despair". Reasoning that Drake may have taken a high dosage of antidepressants to recapture this sense of optimism, he said he prefers to imagine Drake "making a desperate lunge for life rather than a calculated surrender to death". Writing in 1975, NME journalist Nick Kent commented on the irony of Drake's death at a time when he had just begun to regain a sense of "personal balance". In contrast, Gabrielle said "I'd rather he died because he wanted to end it than it to be the result of a tragic mistake. That would seem to me to be terrible: for it to be a plea for help that nobody hears." On 2 December 1974, after a service in the Church of St Mary Magdalene, Tanworth-in-Arden, Drake's remains were cremated at Solihull Crematorium and his ashes interred under an oak tree in the church's graveyard. The funeral was attended by around fifty mourners, including friends from Marlborough, Aix, Cambridge, London, Witchseason, and Tanworth. Referring to Drake's tendency to compartmentalise relationships, Brian Wells observed that many met each other for the first time that morning. His mother recalled "a lot of his young friends came up here. We'd never met many of them." There were no documentaries or compilation albums in the wake of Drake's death. His public profile remained low throughout the 1970s, although his name appeared occasionally in the music press. By this time, his parents were receiving an increasing number of fans at the family home. Island Records, following a 1975 NME article written by Nick Kent, stated they had no plans of repackaging Drake's albums, but in 1979 Rob Partridge joined Island Records as press officer and commissioned the release of the Fruit Tree box set. The release compiled the three studio albums, the four tracks recorded with Wood in 1974, and an extensive biography written by the American journalist Arthur Lubow. Although sales were poor, Island Records did not delete the albums from its catalogue. By the mid-1980s, Drake was being cited as an influence by musicians such as Kate Bush, Paul Weller, the Black Crowes, Peter Buck of R.E.M., and Robert Smith of the Cure. The Cure's name derives from a lyric from Drake's song "Time Has Told Me" ("a troubled cure for a troubled mind"). Drake gained further exposure in 1985 with the release of the Dream Academy's hit single "Life in a Northern Town", which included a dedication to Drake on its sleeve. In 1986, a biography of Drake was published in Danish; it was translated, updated with new interviews, and published in English in February 2012. Drake's reputation continued to grow, and by the end of the 1980s, his name was appearing regularly in newspapers and music magazines in the UK; he had come to represent a "doomed romantic hero". On 20 June 1998, BBC Radio 2 broadcast a documentary, Fruit Tree: The Nick Drake Story, featuring interviews with Boyd, Wood, Gabrielle and Molly Drake, Paul Wheeler, Robert Kirby and Ashley Hutchings, and narrated by Danny Thompson. In early 1999, BBC Two aired a 40-minute documentary, A Stranger Among Us—In Search of Nick Drake. The following year, Dutch director Jeroen Berkvens released the documentary A Skin Too Few: The Days of Nick Drake, featuring interviews with Boyd, Gabrielle Drake, Wood and Kirby. Later that year, The Guardian placed Bryter Layter number one in its "Alternative Top 100 Albums Ever" list. In 1999, "Pink Moon" was used in a Volkswagen commercial, boosting Drake's US album sales from about 6,000 copies in 1999 to 74,000 in 2000. The LA Times saw it as an example of how, following the consolidation of US radio stations, previously unknown music was finding audiences through advertising. Fans used the filesharing software Napster to circulate digital copies of Drake's music; according to the Atlantic, "The chronic shyness and mental illness that made it hard for Drake to compete with 1970s showmen like Elton John and David Bowie didn't matter when his songs were being pulled one by one out of the ether and played late at night in a dorm room." In the following years, Drake's songs appeared in soundtracks of "quirky, youthful" films such as The Royal Tenenbaums, Serendipity, and Garden State. Made to Love Magic, an album of outtakes and remixes released by Island Records in 2004, far exceeded Drake's lifetime sales. In November 2014, Gabrielle published a biography of Drake. Musical and lyrical style Drake was obsessive about practising his guitar technique, and would stay up through the night writing and experimenting with alternative tunings. His mother remembered hearing him "bumping around at all hours. I think he wrote his nicest melodies in the early morning hours." Self-taught, he achieved his guitar style through the use of alternative tunings to create cluster chords, which are difficult to achieve on a guitar using standard tuning. Similarly, many of his vocal melodies comfortably rest on the extensions of chords, not just on notes of the triad. He sang in the baritone range, often quietly and with little projection. Drake, who studied English literature at Cambridge, was drawn to the works of William Blake, William Butler Yeats, and Henry Vaughan, whose influences are reflected in his lyrics. He also employed a series of elemental symbols and codes, largely drawn from nature. The moon, stars, sea, rain, trees, sky, mist, and seasons are all commonly used, influenced in part by his rural upbringing. Images related to summer figure centrally in his early work; from Bryter Layter on, his language is more autumnal, evoking a season commonly used to convey senses of loss and sorrow. Throughout, Drake writes with detachment, more as an observer than participant, a point of view Rolling Stone's Anthony DeCurtis described "as if he were viewing his life from a great, unbridgeable distance". This perceived inability to connect has led to much speculation about Drake's sexuality. Boyd has said he detects a virginal quality in his lyrics and music, and notes that he never knew of him behaving in a sexual way with anyone, male or female. Kirby described Drake's lyrics as a "series of extremely vivid, complete observations, almost like a series of epigrammatic proverbs", though he doubts that Drake saw himself as "any sort of poet". Instead, Kirby believes that Drake's lyrics were crafted to "complement and compound a mood that the melody dictates in the first place". Drake received little critical success during his lifetime, but has since been widely acclaimed. Based on professional rankings of his albums and songs, the aggregate website Acclaimed Music lists him as the 101st most acclaimed recording artist in history. Rolling Stone included all three of his albums on its 2003 list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. On 4 April 2018, he was inducted into the Folk Hall of Fame at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards. In 1994, Rolling Stone journalist Paul Evans said Drake's music "throbs with [an] aching beauty" similar to the 1968 Van Morrison album Astral Weeks. According to AllMusic critic Richie Unterberger, Drake was a "singular talent" who "produced several albums of chilling, somber beauty", now "recognized as peak achievements of both the British folk-rock scene and the entire rock singer/songwriter genre". Unterberger felt that Drake's following spanned generations "in the manner of the young Romantic poets of the 19th century who died before their time ... Baby boomers who missed him the first time around found much to revisit once they discovered him, and his pensive loneliness speaks directly to contemporary alternative rockers who share his sense of morose alienation." Robert Christgau wrote in Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the Seventies (1981): "I'm not inclined to revere suicides. But Drake's jazzy folk-pop is admired by a lot of people who have no use for Kenny Rankin, and I prefer to leave open the possibility that he's yet another English mystic (romantic?) I'm too set in my ways to hear." In 2019, Christgau conceded this was a "fairly audacious" appraisal and wrote: "Drake is admired and beloved by many, so many that I'm sure he was an artist of real originality and, for many, appeal ... Although there've been a few exceptions, I've never been attracted to hypersensitives or depressives, and Drake is both." - Unterberger, Ritchie. "Nick Drake review". Allmusic. Retrieved on 7 May 2011. - "Nick Drake — Biography". VH1.com. 2005. Retrieved 2 September 2006. - "Brad Pitt fronts Nick Drake show" BBC.co.uk., 2004. Retrieved on 22 August 2006. - MacDonald, Ian. "Exiled from Heaven". Mojo Magazine, January 2000. - However, a BBC article by Mark Moxon from 14 January 2002 states that "The album only sold 15,000 copies, which was enough to please the record company, but nothing like the success Nick was hoping for". - Berkvens, Jeroen, A Skin Too Few: The Days of Nick Drake, Luijten Macrander Productions, 2000. - McNair, James. Pop: Apprentice to the stars. The Independent, 26 March 1999. - Dann (2006), 201 - Dann (2006), 75. - Dann (2006), p. 76. - Brown, M. "The Sad Ballad of Nick Drake", The Sunday Telegraph (UK), 12 July 1997; retrieved 31 January 2007. - Dann (2006), pp. 83–84. - Berkvens, Jeroen, A Skin Too Few: The Days of Nick Drake (video documentary). Roxie Releasing, 2000. - Dann (2006), p. 91. - Marlborough College archives. - Dann (2006), 95, 97. - Paphides, Peter. "Stranger to the world", Guardian.co.uk, 25 April 2004; retrieved 1 February 2007. - Humphries (1997), p. 36. - Dann (2006), p. 100. - UK Retail Price Index inflation figures are based on data from Clark, Gregory (2017). "The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain, 1209 to Present (New Series)". MeasuringWorth. Retrieved 2 February 2020. - McGrath, T.J. "Darkness Can Give You the Brightest Light", Dirty Linen, Issue 42, October/November 1992. - Dann (2006), 110–111. - Dann (2006), p. 124. - Humphries (1997), pp. 51–52. - Dann (2006), p. 123. - Brown, Mick. "The Fragile Genius", Guardian.co.uk, 25 November 2014; retrieved 29 January 2017. - Dann (2006), p. 28. - Dann (2006), p. 25 - Dann (2006), pp. 40–43. - "Nick Drake—Chronology". Retrieved 11 November 2006. - Paphides, Peter (21 May 2004). "Like A Heart with Legs On". The Western Mail. Retrieved 19 July 2018 – via Questia. - Boyd (2006), 192. - Rosen, Dave. "Five Leaves Left", Ink Blot Magazine. Retrieved 2 March 2014. - Dann (2006), pp. 59–60. - Dann (2006), p. 60. - Boyd (2006), p. 194. - Jones, Chris (2007). "Review of Nick Drake's Five Leaves Left". BBC News. - Fitzsimmons, Mick. "Nick Drake, Made to Love Magic", BBC.co.uk; retrieved 1 February 2007. - Dann (2006), p. 133. - Humphries (1997), pp. 101–02. - Boyd (2006), p. 197. - Dann (2006), p. 134. - Humphries (1997), pp. 107–08. - Dann (2006), p. 141. - Sandall, Robert. "Brighter Very Much Later", The Daily Telegraph, 20 May 2004; retrieved 31 January 2007. - Drake, Gabrielle, Nick Drake: Remembered For A While, Little, Brown and Company, 2014. - Unterberger, Richie. Nick Drake profile, AllMusic.com; retrieved 22 August 2006. - Holden, Stephen. "Pop and Jazz Guide". New York Times, 22 August 1986. - Dann (2006), p. 142. - Dann (2006), p. 242. - Cale (1999), p. 128. - Hunt, Rupert. "Nick Drake—Life and Music in Quotes", Nickdrake.com; retrieved 2 September 2006. - Macaulay, Stephen. "Nick Drake—Bartleby the Musician", gloriousnoise.com; accessed 1 November 2016. His discomfort grew sufficiently for him to unexpectedly leave the tour, after only a couple scheduled dates. Glorious Noise, 2 October 2006; retrieved 2 February 2007. - Humphries (1997), p. 166. - Dann (2006), p. 166. - Kirby, Robert. Quoted in Dann (2006), p. 157. - Dann (2006), p. 157. - Feay, Suzi (19 February 2006). "Darker than the Deepest Sea: the search for Nick Drake by Trevor Dann". The Independent. Retrieved 27 June 2020. - Dann (2006), pp. 168–170, 172. - Cooper, Colin. "Nick Drake — Bryter Layter", stylusmagazine.com, 2 March 2004; retrieved 3 February 2007. - Wood, John. Interview conducted by Walhalla Radio Station, 1979. - Dann (2006), p. 245. - Dann (2006), 170. - Sandison, Dave. "Pink Moon" Archived 29 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine, UK Press Release (1971); retrieved 14 November 2006. - McKnight, Connor, "In search of Nick Drake", Zigzag Magazine, #42, 1974. - Dann (2006), 162 - Gilbert, Jerry. "Something else for Nick? An interview with Nick Drake". Sounds Magazine, 13 March 1971. - Dann (2006), pp. 163–64. - Barnes, Anthony (22 February 2004). "-the forgotten tapes of Nick Drake". The Independent. UK. Retrieved 1 November 2016. - Humphries (1997), 166–168. - Dann (2006), p. 251. - Kent, Nick (8 February 1975). "Requiem For A Solitary Man". New Musical Express. - Dann (2006), p. 175. - Dann (2006), p. 177. - "The alternative top 100", Guardian Unlimited (1999); retrieved 3 September 2006. - Boyd (2006), 259. - Cole, Paul (22 November 2014). "The last 10 days of singer-songwriter Nick Drake's life are revealed in his father's heartbreaking diary". Retrieved 12 July 2018. - Boyd (2006), 259, 261. - Dann (2006), pp. 54, 183. - Dann (2006), 55. - "Heartbreak letter clue to death of cult singer", "The Death of Nick Drake"; retrieved 14 December 2011. - Dann (2006), p. 184. - Humphries (1997), pp. 213–14. - Dann (2006), p. 187. - Drake, Gabrielle. Molly Drake profile, BryterMusic.com (2012). - Brown, M., "Nick Drake: the fragile genius", The Daily Telegraph, 25 November 2014. - Boyd (2006), pp. 260–61. - Humphries (1997), p. 215. - Dann (2006), pp. 193–94. - Humphries (1997), p. 75. - Dann (2006), 194. - Humphries (1997), p. 238. - Dann (2006), 197. - Fitzsimmons, Mick. "Nick Drake — Under the Influence", BBC.co.uk; retrieved 2 September 2006. - Rasmussen (1986). - Dann (2006), 206. - Southall, Nick. "Made To Love Magic" Archived 26 January 2007 at the Wayback Machine, stylusmagazine.com, 3 June 2003; retrieved 2 February 2007. - "Transcript of documentary reproduced on "The Nick Drake Files" website". algonet.se. Archived from the original on 4 March 2000. Retrieved 16 November 2014. - Rothenberg Grtiz, Jennie. "How the Internet (and Volkswagen) Made a Dead Folksinger Into a Star". The Atlantic. Retrieved 26 November 2014. - Schoenburg, Nara (11 April 2001). "From Obscurity to Hit in 1 TV Commercial". Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, California: Tronc. Retrieved 11 April 2001. - Drake, G. and Callomon, C. (2015), Nick Drake: Remembered for a While, London: John Murray; ISBN 978-1444792591 - Sullivan, Denise (6 March 2002). "Nick Drake Comes to Life in Film". Rolling Stone. Retrieved 30 July 2019. - Frederick, Robin. "Nick Drake — A Place To Be" (2001), RobinFrederick.com; retrieved 26 October 2006. - Levith, Will (26 July 2013). "10 Artists That Owe Nick Drake a Round". Diffuser.fm. Retrieved 4 July 2018. - DeCurtis, Anthony. "Pink Moon". Rolling Stone, 17 February 2000; retrieved 14 December 2011. - Dann (2006), p. 217. - Boyd (2006), p. 263. - Christgau, Robert (26 March 2019). "Xgau Sez". robertchristgau.com. Retrieved 29 March 2019. - "Nick Drake". Acclaimed Music. Retrieved 29 March 2019. - Holzman, Jake (21 August 2017). "The Understated Importance of Nick Drake". PopMatters. Retrieved 29 March 2019. - Savage, Mark (7 March 2018). "Nick Drake enters folk hall of fame". BBC News. Retrieved 24 May 2020. - Evans, Paul (29 December 1994). "Way To Blue: An Introduction To Nick Drake". Rolling Stone. Retrieved 29 March 2019. - Boyd, Joe (2006). White Bicycles – Making Music in the 1960s, Serpent's Tail. ISBN 978-1-85242-910-2 - Cale, John (1999). What's Welsh for Zen, Bloomsbury. ISBN 978-0-7475-4383-1 - Chartier, Henry (2008). "Nick Drake : l'abécédaire", Le Bord de l'eau (in French) ISBN 978-2-35687-002-5 - Dann, Trevor (2006). Darker Than the Deepest Sea: The Search for Nick Drake, Da Capo Press. London. 2006. ISBN 978-0-306-81520-1 - De Angelis, Paola (2007). "Journey to the Stars — I testi di Nick Drake", Arcana Editrice (in Italian) - La Valle, Giampiero (2015). "Voci da una nuvola — Il segreto di Nick Drake e Tim Buckley", Ianieri Edizioni (in Italian). ISBN 978-88-974-1778-1 - Drake, Nick: Under Review DVD (2007) ASIN: B000TV4PZG - Hogan, Peter K (2008). Nick Drake: The Complete Guide to His Music. - Humphries, Patrick (1997). Nick Drake: The Biography, Bloomsbury USA. ISBN 978-1-58234-035-7 - Petrusich, Amanda (2007). 331⁄3 Nick Drake's Pink Moon. ISBN 978-0-8264-2790-8 - Rasmussen, Gorm Henrik (1986). Pink Moon — Sangeren og guitaristen Nick Drake (in Danish), Forlaget Hovedland. - Rasmussen, Gorm Henrik (2012). Pink Moon: A Story about Nick Drake, Rocket 88. ISBN 978-1-906615-28-4 - Various sources (2003). Way to Blue: an Introduction to Nick Drake, Omnibus Press. ISBN 978-0-7119-8179-9 - Various sources (2003). The Nick Drake Song Collection, Music Sales. ISBN 978-0-7119-4464-0
Master of Arts (MA) Primary Subject Area Language, Rhetoric and Composition; Literature, American; Literature, General Auguste Dupin, Detective Stories, Edgar Allan Poe, Gold-Bug, Hop-Frog, Narrative Paradigm Givens, Charity Lea, "Poe's Poisoned Pen: A Study in Fiction as Vendetta" (2009). Masters Theses. 64. Edgar Allan Poe, widely regarded as an extremely influential American writer and prolific literary critic, exacted high standards in both his writing and in the writing of those he reviewed. Though his criticism was harsh, it was a necessary part of the growing process for American literature to become a separate and distinct body of literature. However, Poe's literary criticism is not his only work that bore the stinging marks of his pen; his fiction was also a venue for Poe to express his dissatisfaction with the literary field in America. Using a combination of close reading for textual analysis and Walter Fisher's narrative paradigm, this thesis explores the question of who, exactly, Poe was chastising in his literature. Some have said Poe was a racist, or a misogynist, or just bitter. This thesis examines Poe's literature, focusing on his short stories, in light of his literary milieu. In his detective stories, Poe seems to be questioning and attacking the established literary authority--the Transcendentalists and the Literati--as well as those who chose to plagiarize. In some of the other literary genres in which Poe wrote, it appears he is doing the same. Poe's short stories, then, were not just a means of generating revenue for himself; they were an attack and an argument against the current literary field.
Gabriela Pichlers new feature “Invasion” is now in shooting. DIT services is offered by Shoot&Post through Christoffer Sevholt. Dailies are on Vimeo and editing will be on Avid. Grading is scheduled for March – April by Vanessa Taylor at Shoot&Post. Script is by Jonas Hassen Khemiri and Gabriela Pichler.“This project started with a shared interest in the link between images and power structures. We look at the camera as a weapon – perhaps with limited battery life but with tons of ammunition,” said Khemiri and Pichler. Anna-Maria Kantarius, who is producing the movie for Garage Films, said the “script-development process is driven by two of the most eager and unique Swedish voices of our generation when it comes to film and literature.”
- Landing Ship, Tank Landing Ship, Tank (LST) was the military designation for naval vessels created during World War II to support amphibious operations by carrying significant quantities of vehicles, cargo, and landing troops directly onto an unimproved shore. - 1 LST Mk.1 - 2 LST Mk.2 - 3 LST Mk.3 - 4 Service in World War II - 5 Post-War developments - 6 Last WWII survivors - 7 Modern developments - 8 Literature - 9 See also - 10 References - 11 External links Class overview Name: LST Maracaibo class Builders: conversion at Furness Operators: Royal Navy Succeeded by: Boxer Completed: HMS Misoa General characteristics Tonnage: 4,800 long tons (4,877 t) GRT Length: 382 ft (116 m) Beam: 64 ft Draught: Fully laden : 15 ft (4.6 m) aft 4 ft (1.2 m) forward Ramps: Double hinged ramp, effective length of 100 ft (30 m) Propulsion: reciprocating steam engine, 2 shafts, 3,000 shp Capacity: 18 × 30 ton tanks or 22 × 25 ton tanks or 33 × 3-ton trucks Troops: Berths for 217 troops Complement: 98 Combined Operations personnel Armament: • 1 × twin 40 mm gun • 6 × 20 mm guns • 3 × Lewis guns • 2 × 4 in (100 mm) smoke mortars Notes: Equipment: 2 × 50 ton derrick cranes Class overview Name: LST (1) Boxer class Builders: Harland and Wolff Operators: Royal Navy Preceded by: Maracaibo Succeeded by: LST (2) Completed: 3: Boxer, QF 2 pdr, 8 x 20 mm Oerlikon, 2 x 4 inch smoke mortar Notes: Equipment: 1 × 40 ton crane The British evacuation from Dunkirk in 1940 demonstrated to the Admiralty that the Allies needed relatively large, ocean-going ships capable of shore-to-shore delivery of tanks and other vehicles in amphibious assaults upon the continent of Europe. As an interim measure, three 4000 to 4800 GRT tankers, built to pass over the restrictive bars of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, were selected for conversion because of their shallow draft. Bow doors and ramps were added to these ships which became the first tank landing ships, "LST (1)": invasion of Algeria in 1942, but their bluff bows made for inadequate speed and pointed up the need for an all-new design incorporating a sleeker hull. The first purpose-built LST design was HMS Boxer. It was a scaled down design from ideas penned by Churchill. In order to carry 13 Churchill infantry tanks, 27 vehicles and nearly 200 men (in addition to the crew) at a speed of 18 knots, it could not have the shallow draught that would make for easy unloading. As a result, each of the three (Boxer, Bruiser, and Thruster) ordered in March 1941 had a very long ramp stowed behind the bow doors. The three ships were converted to "Fighter Direction Ships" for the invasion of Normandy. Class overview Name: LST (2) Operators: United States Navy Royal Canadian Navy Subclasses: LST-1 class Completed: c. 1000 General characteristics Displacement: 1,780 long tons (1,809 t) light 3,880 long tons (3,942 t) full load Length: 327 ft 9 in (99.90 m) Beam: 50 ft (15 m) Draught: Unloaded : 3 ft 4 in (1.02 m) bow 7 ft 6 in (2.29 m) stern 8 ft 2 in (2.49 m) bow 14 ft 1 in (4.29 m) stern Propulsion: 2 × General Motors 12-567 diesel engines, two shafts, twin rudders Speed: 12 knots (14 mph; 22 km/h) Boats and landing 2 to 6 LCVPs Troops: Approx. 140 officers and other ranks Complement: 8 to 10 officers, 100 to 115 enlisted Armament: • 1 × 3 in (76 mm) gun • 6 × 40 mm Bofors guns • 6 × 20 mm guns • 2 × .50 cal (12.7 mm) machine guns • 4 × .30 cal (7.62 mm) machine guns At their first meeting at the Atlantic conference in Argentia, Newfoundland in August 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill confirmed the Admiralty's views. In November 1941, a small delegation from the Admiralty arrived in the United States to pool ideas with the United States Navy's Bureau of Ships with regard to development of ships and also including the possibility of building further Boxers in the US. During this meeting, it was decided that the Bureau of Ships would design these vessels. As with the standing agreement these would be built by the US so British shipyards could concentrate on building vessels for the Royal Navy. The specification called for vessels capable of crossing the Atlantic and the original title given to them was "Atlantic Tank Landing Craft" (Atlantic (T.L.C.)). Calling a vessel 300 ft (91 m) long a "craft" was considered a misnomer and the type was re-christened "Landing Ship, Tank (2)", or "LST (2)". The LST(2) design incorporated elements of the first British LCTs from their designer, Sir Rowland Baker, who was part of the British delegation. This included sufficient buoyancy in the ships' sidewalls that they would float even with the tank deck flooded. The LST(2) gave up the speed of HMS Boxer at only 10 knots but had a similar load while drawing a draught of only 3 feet forward when beaching. Within a few days, John C. Niedermair of the Bureau of Ships sketched out an awkward looking ship that proved to be the basic design for the more than 1,000 "LST (2)" which would be built during World War II. To meet the conflicting requirements of deep draft for ocean travel and shallow draft for beaching the ship was designed with a large ballast system that could be filled for ocean passage and pumped out for beaching operations. An anchor and mechanical winch system also aided in the ship's ability to pull itself off the beach. The rough sketch was sent to Britain on 5 November 1941 and accepted immediately. The Admiralty then requested the United States to build 200 "LST (2)" for the Royal Navy under the terms of lend-lease. The preliminary plans initially called for an LST 280 feet (85 m) in length; but, in January 1942, the Bureau of Ships discarded these drawings in favor of specifications for a ship 290 feet (88 m) long. Within a month final working plans were developed which further stretched the overall length to 328 feet (100 m) and called for a 50-foot (15 m) beam and minimum draft of 3.8 feet (1.2 m). This scheme distributed the ship's weight over a greater area enabling her to ride higher in the water when in landing trim. The LST could carry a 2,100-ton (1,900 t) load of tanks and vehicles. The larger dimensions also permitted the designers to increase the width of the bow door opening and ramp from 12 to 14 feet (3.7 to 4.3 m) and thus accommodate most Allied vehicles. As the dimensions and weight of the LST increased, steel plating thickness increased from 0.25-inch (6.4 mm) to 0.375-inch (9.5 mm) on the deck and sides with 1-inch-thick plating under the bow. By January 1942, the first scale model of the LST had been built and was undergoing tests at the David Taylor Model Basin in Washington, D.C. Provisions were made for the satisfactory ventilation of the tank space while the tank motors were running, and an elevator was provided to lower vehicles from the main deck to the tank deck for disembarking. In April 1942 a mock-up of the well deck of an LST was constructed at Fort Knox, Kentucky to resolve the problem of ventilation within the LST well-deck. The interior of the building was constructed to duplicate all the features found within an actual LST. Being the home to the Armored Force Board, Fort Knox supplied tanks to run on the inside while Naval architects developed a ventilation system capable of evacuating the well-deck of harmful gases. Testing was completed in three months. This historic building remains at Fort Knox today. Early LST operations required overcoming the 18th century language of the Articles for the Government of the United States Navy: "He who doth suffer his ships to founder on rocks and shoals shall be punished..." There were some tense moments of concept testing at Quonset, Rhode Island in early 1943 when designer Niedermair encouraged the commanding officer of the first U.S. LST to drive his ship onto the beach at full speed of 10 knots (19 km/h). In three separate acts dated 6 February 1942, 26 May 1943, and 17 December 1943, Congress provided the authority for the construction of LSTs along with a host of other auxiliaries, destroyer escorts, and assorted landing craft. The enormous building program quickly gathered momentum. Such a high priority was assigned to the construction of LSTs that the previously laid keel of an aircraft carrier was hastily removed to make room for several LSTs to be built in her place. The keel of the first LST was laid down on 10 June 1942 at Newport News, Va., and the first standardized LSTs were floated out of their building dock in October. Twenty-three were in commission by the end of 1942. The LST building program was unique in several respects. As soon as the basic design had been developed, contracts were let and construction was commenced in quantity before the completion of a test vessel. Preliminary orders were rushed out verbally or by telegrams, telephone, and air mail letters. The ordering of certain materials actually preceded the completion of design work. While many heavy equipment items such as main propulsion machinery were furnished directly by the Navy, the balance of the procurement was handled centrally by the Material Coordinating Agency — an adjunct of the Bureau of Ships — so that the numerous builders in the program would not have to bid against one another. Through vigorous follow-up action on materials ordered, the agency made possible the completion of construction schedules in record time. The need for LSTs was urgent, and the program enjoyed a high priority throughout the war. Since most shipbuilding activities were located in coastal yards and were largely used for construction of large, deep-draft ships, new construction facilities were established along inland waterways. In some instances, heavy-industry plants such as steel fabrication yards were converted for LST construction. This posed the problem of getting the completed ships from the inland building yards to deep water. The chief obstacles were bridges. The Navy successfully undertook the modification of bridges and, through a "Ferry Command" of Navy crews, transported the newly constructed ships to coastal ports for fitting out. The success of these "cornfield" shipyards of the Middle West was a revelation to the long-established shipbuilders on the coasts. Their contribution to the LST building program was enormous. Of the 1,051 LSTs built during World War II, 670 were constructed by five major inland builders. Chicago Bridge and Iron shipyard in Seneca, Illinois launched 156 ships and was specifically chosen because of their reputation and skills, particularly in welding. The most LSTs constructed during World War II were built in Evansville, Indiana, by Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron, & International Steel Co. By 1943, the construction time for an LST had been reduced to four months. By the end of the war, this had been cut to two months. Considerable effort was expended to hold the ship's design constant, but, by mid-1943, operating experience led to the incorporation of certain changes in the new ships. The LST-491 class replaced the elevator installed in the original LST-1 class, to transfer equipment between the tank deck and the main deck, with a ramp that was hinged at the main deck. This allowed vehicles to be driven directly from the main deck into the tank deck, and then across the bow ramp to the beach or causeway, speeding the process of disembarkation. Changes in the later LST-542 class included the addition of a navigation bridge, the installation of a water distillation plant with a capacity of 4,000 gallons per day, the removal of the tank deck ventilator tubes from the center section of the main deck, the strengthening the main deck to carry an LCT, and an upgrade in armor and armament, with the addition of a 3"/50 caliber gun. Class overview Name: LST (3) Builders: R & W. Hawthorn, Leslie & Co. Ltd, Harland and Wolff, Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd, Vickers-Armstrongs Operators: Royal Navy Royal Australian Navy Royal Netherlands Navy Planned: 119 Completed: UK: 31 × LST (3) 2 × LST (C) 2 × LST (Q) 26 × LST (3) Cancelled: 40 + 6 scrapped before completion Active: 0 Preserved: 0 General characteristics Displacement: 2,140 tons light 4,980 long tons (5,060 t) full load Length: 347 ft (106 m) o/a Beam: 55 ft 2 in (16.81 m) Draught: Loaded : 4 ft 7 in (1.40 m) bow 11 ft 6 in (3.51 m) stern Ramps: 23 feet by 14 feet ramp Propulsion: Twin screws, steam reciprocating engines, 5,500 hp (4,100 kW), 10 ft (3.0 m) propeller Speed: 13 knots (15 mph; 24 km/h) Capacity: 10 tanks plus 15 vehicles Troops: 13 officers and 150 men Complement: 14 officers and 90 men Armament: 8 x 20 mm Oerlikon for A/A defence on some ships The LST (2) design was successful and production extensive but there was still a need for more LST's for British operations. As such it was decided to build a further 80 of them in UK and Canada to be available in the spring of 1945. The British Staff drew up their own specification: - To embark and disembark tanks, motor transport etc. on beaches of varying slopes, and amphibians and DD Shermans into deep water. - To carry five Landing Craft Assault (LCA) or similar craft and one LCT (5) or LCT (6) on the upper deck in place of transport and as an alternative to LCT (5) two NL causeway to be carried; the LCT (5) and NL causeways to be capable of launching direct from the upper deck. - To carry 500 tons of military load and to beach with that and sufficient fuel and stores for 1,000 miles (1,600 km) return journey at 10 knots (19 km/h), on draughts 4 ft 6 in (1.37 m) forward and 11 ft 6 in (3.51 m) aft. - To be capable of carrying a load of sixty tons over the main ramp and ten tons over the vehicle ramp (i.e. the 50 ft (15 m) ramp from the upper deck to the bow door. After trials, this was removed from some vessels) - To be fitted for operations in the tropics and in cold climates. Two major problems made a redesign necessary. The locomotive type diesel engines were not available. Staff wanted more power and higher speeds if possible. The only engines available were very heavy steam reciprocating engines from frigates that had been cancelled. These delivered two and a half times the power of the diesels. So large were they that significant changes had to be made to accommodate them. Lack of welded construction facilities meant that the hull had to be riveted. This combination of heavy hull and heavy engines meant that speed was only 3 knots faster than the LCT(2) At the same time some other improvements were made as well as simplifications needed to allow for rivetting most of the structure. The cutaway hard chine which had been dropped in the American version of the design of the Mark 2 vessels was restored. The tank deck, which was above the waterline, was made parallel to the keel, there was to be no round down to the upper deck, and the ship was enlarged to accommodate the more bulky machinery. Provision was made for carrying the British Landing Craft Assault (LCA) in gravity davits, instead of American assault craft. Provision was also made for carrying Landing Craft Tank (LCT) and Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM), and NL pontoon causeways. When the design was commenced, it was known that the beaches on which the ships were expected to be used would be very flat, but it was not possible to produce a satisfactory vessel with a 3 ft (0.91 m) draught forward, and very little keel slope, so the 1 in 50 keel slope was maintained. It was known that the 1:50 slope would often result in the LST grounding aft on a shallow beach, resulting in the vehicles being discharged into comparatively deep water. Various methods had been investigated to overcome the problem, but heavy grounding skegs and the N.L. pontoon causeways were finally accepted as standard; the pontoon causeways were formed of pontoons 7 ft (2.1 m) × 5 ft × 5 ft (1.5 m), made up into strings and rafts. When offloading, the rafts were secured to the fore end of the ship, and the load discharged directly onto the shore, or towed on the raft to the shore. The ships were fitted out for service in both very cold and tropical conditions. The accommodation provided for both crew and army personnel was greatly improved compared with "LST (2)". The main hazard, apart from enemy action, was fire on the tank deck. Fire sprinklers were provided, but the water drenching system installed in later American vessels could not be provided. The bow door arrangements were similar to the "LST (2)", but the bow ramp was arranged in two parts in an attempt to increase the number of beaches onto which direct discharge would be possible. The machinery for operating the bow doors and ramp were electrical, but otherwise steam auxiliaries were fitted instead of the electrical gear on the "LST (2)". The general arrangements of the tank deck were similar, but head room was increased, and a ramp fitted to reach the top deck, as in later "LST (2)"s. Provision was made for carrying LCA on gravity davits instead of the American built assault boats. The arrangements were generally an improvement on the "LST (2)"s, but they suffered from their deeper draught, and to some extent from the haste in which they were built. First orders were placed in December 1943, 45 with British builders, and 35 with Canadian builders. The first of these ships was delivered by Swan Hunter in December 1944. During 1944, follow up orders were placed in Canada for a further 36. These programmes were in full swing when the war ended, not all vessels were completed. The ships were numbered numbers LST - 3001 to LST 3045 and LST -3501 to 3534. LST -3535 and later were cancelled. Steam was supplied by a pair of Admiralty 3-drum water-tube type boilers, working at 225 pounds per square inch. The main engines were of the 4-cylinder triple expansion 4-crank type, balanced on the Yarrow-Tweedy-Slick system, the cylinders being as follows; High pressure 18.5 in diameter Medium pressure 31.0 in diameter Forward low pressure 38.5 in diameter Aft low pressure 38.5 in diameter The common stroke was 30 inches (760 mm). The piston and slide valve rods were all fitted with metallic packing to the stuffing boxes, and all pistons fitted with packing rings and springs. The high-pressure valve was of the piston type, whilst the remaining ones were of the balanced type. The main engines were designed to develop 2,750 hp (2,050 kW) at 185 rpm continuously. With the ships being twin screw, the engines were fitted with a shaft coupling to the crank shaft at the forward end, allowing the engine to be turned end to end to suit either port or starboard side fitting. Modifications for landing craft When the "LST (3)"s were being ordered the "LST (2)" programme was in full swing, and similar arrangements were made to enable the LSTs to carry the 112 feet (34 m) long LCT5 or LCT6 which were being built in America for the Royal Navy. The LCT needed lifting onto the deck of the ship, being carried on wedge-shaped support blocks; at the time of launching she was set down on the "launch ways" by simply slacking off bolts in the wedge blocks, allowing the launch way to take the weight. To carry out a launch, the LST was simply heeled over about 11 degrees by careful flooding of tanks in the hull. The height of the drop was about 10 ft (3.0 m), and immediately after the launch the craft's engines were started and they were ready for operation. This method was used for moving LCT5s from Britain to the far east, although there seems to be no reference to LST (3)'s being used, most being completed late in or after the war. Even at the end of the war there was a need for more ships able to carry minor landing craft, and two of the LST (3)'s then completing were specially fitted to carry LCM (7). These craft, which were 58 ft (18 m) long and weighed about 28 tons, were carried transversely on the upper deck of the ship. They were hoisted on by means of a specially fitted 30-ton derrick; This 30 ton derrick replaced a 15-ton derrick, two of which were the standard fit of the LST (3). The 30-ton derrick was taller and generally more substantial than the 15 ton one. The LCM (7)s were landed on trolleys fitted with hydraulic jacks. These ran on rails down each side of the deck, and were hauled to and fro by means of winches. The stowage was filled from fore to aft as each craft was jacked down onto fixed cradles between the rails. The ships completed to this standard were LST-3043/HMS Messina, and LST-3044/HMS Narvik. While these ships were able to carry LCMs, they were only able to carry out loading and unloading operations under nearly ideal weather conditions, and as such were not able to be used as such for assault operations; they also lacked the facilities to maintain the landing craft (which the Dock Landing Ships provided). The LCAs, or Landing Craft Assault, were wartime developments. Wooden hulled, with a length of 41 ft 6 in (12.65 m) overall including propeller guards. Beam was 10 ft (3.0 m), and had a displacement of 10 tons, rising to 13 tons fully loaded. Draught was 2 ft 3 in (0.69 m), and normal load was 35 troops with 800 lb (360 kg) of equipment. A pair of Scripps marine conversions of Ford V8 marine engines, producing 130 bhp (97 kW) at 2,800 rpm, provided propulsion producing 11 knots (20 km/h) unloaded, 8 knots (15 km/h) service speed, 3 knots (5.6 km/h) on one engine. Range was 50–80 miles on 64 gallons. Armament was typically a Bren Gun aft; with two Lewis Guns in a port forward position. The LCM (7)'s that were carried on the LST (2) were considerably larger, 60 ft 3 in (18.36 m) in length, 16 ft (4.9 m) beam, with a hoisting weight of 28 tons, full load displacement of 63 tons. Beaching draught was 3 ft 8 in (1.12 m), and propulsion was provided by a pair of Hudson Invader petrol engines, later replaced with Grays diesels, both sets providing 290 bhp (220 kW), giving a speed of 9.8 knots (18.1 km/h). The main requirement of the design was to carry a 40-ton Churchill tank or bulldozer at 10 knots (19 km/h). 140 had been completed when the war ended, and some saw service through to the 1970s. Some LST(3) were converted to LST(A) (A for "assault") by adding stiffening so they could carry the heaviest British tanks. Two LST(3) were converted to command vessels, LST(C): LST 3043 and LST 3044. Post war they became HMS Messina (L112) and HMS Narvik (L114). They were better armed with ten 20 mm Oerlikons and four 40 mm Bofors. Two LST(3) were converted during building into Headquarters command ships LST(Q) these were L3012 which became L3101 (and later HMS Ben Nevis) and LST 3013 which became LST 3102, and then HMS Ben Lomond. They acted as LST "mother ships", similar in most aspects to American ships based on the LST (2) hull. They had two Quonset huts erected on the main deck to accommodate 40 officers. Berths on the tank deck berthed an extra 196 men. A bake shop and 16 refrigeration boxes for fresh provisions augmented the facilities normally provided for the crew. Four extra distilling units were added, and the ballast tanks were converted for the storage of fresh water. Service in World War II At the Armor Training School in Ft. Knox, KY, buildings were erected as exact mock-ups of an LST. Tank crews in training learned how to maneuver their vehicles onto, in and from an LST with these facilities. One of these buildings has been preserved at Ft. Knox for historic reasons and can still be seen there. From their combat debut in the Solomon Islands in June 1943 until the end of the hostilities in August 1945, the LSTs performed a vital service in World War II. They participated in the invasions of Sicily (Operation Husky), Italy, Normandy, and southern France in the European Theater and were an essential element in the island-hopping campaigns in the Pacific which culminated in the liberation of the Philippines and the capture of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The LST proved to be a remarkably versatile ship. A number of them were converted to become landing craft repair ships (ARL). In this design, the bow ramp and doors were removed, and the bow was sealed. Derricks, booms, and winches were added to haul damaged landing craft on board for repairs, and blacksmith, machine, and electrical workshops were provided on the main deck and tank deck. Another successful conversion was the LST "Mother Ship". This version of the standard LST hull had two Quonset huts erected on the main deck to accommodate 40 officers. Bunks on the tank deck berthed an additional 196 men. A bake shop and 16 refrigeration boxes for fresh provisions augmented the facilities normally provided the crew. Four extra distilling units were added, and the ballast tanks were converted for storage of fresh water. Thirty-eight LSTs were converted to serve as small hospital ships and designated LSTH. They supplemented the many standard LSTs which removed casualties from the beach following the landing of their cargo of tanks and vehicles. LSTs had brought 41,035 wounded men back across the English Channel from Normandy by D-Day+114 (28 September 1944). Other LSTs, provided with extra cranes and handling gear, were used exclusively for replenishing ammunition. They possessed a special advantage in this role, as their size permitted two or three LSTs to go simultaneously alongside an anchored battleship or cruiser to accomplish replenishment more rapidly than standard ammunition ships. In the latter stages of World War II, some LSTs such as USS LST-906 were fitted with flight decks from which small observation planes were sent up during amphibious operations. It has been estimated that, in the combined fleets assembled for the war on Japan, the tonnage of landing ships, excluding landing craft, would have exceeded five million tons and nearly all built within four years. Throughout the war, LSTs demonstrated a remarkable capacity to absorb punishment and survive. Despite the sobriquets "Large Slow Target" and "Large Stationary Target" which were applied to them by irreverent crew members, the LSTs suffered few losses in proportion to their number and the scope of their operations. Their brilliantly conceived structural arrangement provided unusual strength and buoyancy; HMS LST 3002 was struck and holed in a post-war collision with a Victory ship and survived. Although the LST was considered a valuable target by the enemy, only 26 were lost due to enemy action, and a mere 13 were the victims of weather, reef, or accident. A total of 1,152 LSTs were contracted for in the great naval building program of World War II, but 101 were cancelled in the fall of 1942 because of shifting construction priorities. Of 1,051 actually constructed, 113 LSTs were transferred to Britain under the terms of Lend-Lease, and four more were turned over to the Greek Navy. Conversions to other ship types with different hull designations accounted for 116. The end of World War II left the Navy with a huge inventory of amphibious ships. Hundreds of these were scrapped or sunk, and most of the remaining ships were put in "mothballs" to be preserved for the future. Additionally, many of the LSTs were demilitarized and sold to the private sector, along with thousands of other transport ships, contributing to a major downturn in shipbuilding in the United States following the war. Also, many LSTs were used as targets in aquatic nuclear testing after the war, being readily available and serving no apparent military applications. World War II era LSTs have become somewhat ubiquitous, and have found a number of novel commercial uses, including operating as small freighters, ferries, and dredges. Consequently, construction of LSTs in the immediate post-war years was modest. LST-1153 and LST-1154, commissioned respectively in 1947 and 1949, were the only steam-driven LSTs ever built by the Navy. They provided improved berthing arrangements and a greater cargo capacity than their predecessors. The success of the amphibious assault at Inchon during the Korean War pointed out the utility of LSTs once again. This was in contrast with the earlier opinion expressed by many military authorities that the advent of the atomic bomb had relegated amphibious landings to a thing of the past. As a consequence, fifteen LSTs of what were later to be known as the Terrebonne Parish-class were constructed in the early 1950s. These new LSTs were 56 feet (17 m) longer and were equipped with four, rather than two, diesel engines, which increased their speed to 15 knots (28 km/h). Three-inch 50-caliber twin mounts replaced the old twin 40-millimeter guns, and controllable pitch propellers improved the ship's backing power. On 1 July 1955, county or parish names (Louisiana counties are called "parishes") were assigned to many LSTs, which up to then had borne only a letter-number hull designation. In the late 1950s, seven LSTs of the De Soto County-class were constructed. These were an improved version over earlier LSTs, with a high degree of habitability for the crew and embarked troops. Considered the "ultimate" design attainable with the traditional LST bow door configuration, they were capable of 17.5 knots (32.4 km/h). The LST (3) as commercial ferry In 1946 a brand new concept of transport was developed in the UK. It was during World War II that a few experienced men recognised the great potential of landing ships and craft. The idea was simple; if you could drive tanks, guns and lorries directly onto a ship and then drive them off at the other end directly onto a beach, then theoretically you could use the same landing craft to carry out the same operation in the civilian commercial market, providing there were reasonable port facilities. From this idea grew the worldwide roll-on/roll-off ferry industry of today. In the period between the wars Michael Bustard formed the Atlantic Steam Navigation Company, with a view to cheap transatlantic travel, this never materialised, but during the war he observed trials on Brighton Sands of an LST in 1943 when its peacetime capabilities were obvious. In the spring of 1946 Michael Bustard approached the Admiralty with a request to purchase three of these vessels. The Admiralty were unwilling to sell, but after negotiations agreed to let the ASN have the use of three vessels on bareboat charter at a rate of £13 6s 8d per day. These vessels were LSTs 3519, 3534, and 3512. They were renamed Empire Baltic, Empire Cedric, and Empire Celtic, perpetuating the name of White Star Line ships. The chartered vessels had to be adapted for their new role. First the accommodation on board had to be improved, and alterations in the engine and boiler rooms had also to be made. Modified funnels and navigational aids had also to be provided before they could enter service. On the morning of 11 September 1946 the first voyage of the Atlantic Steam Navigation Company took place when the Empire Baltic sailed from Tilbury to Rotterdam with a full load of 64 vehicles for the Dutch Government. On arrival at Waalhaven the vessel beached using the method employed during wartime landings, being held by a stern anchor. The vessel stayed on the beach overnight, returning at 08:00 the next morning. This leisurely pace of work was followed for the first few voyages, the beach being employed possibly due to normal port facilities being unavailable due to wartime damage. Following the Rotterdam maiden voyage, ASN used their new vessels to transfer thousands of vehicles for the Army from Tilbury to Hamburg, later moved to Antwerp in 1955. The original three LSTs were joined in 1948 by another vessel, LST 3041, renamed Empire Doric, after the ASN were able to convince commercial operators to support the new route between Preston and the Antrim port of Larne. Originally Liverpool was chosen, but opposition from other operators led to a move to Preston in Lancashire. However, special port facilities were constructed at both Preston and Larne before the new route could be opened – a wartime-built end loading ramp built by engineers during World War II at Preston, and a floating pontoon from a Mulberry harbour connected via a bridge to the Quay at Larne. The first sailing of this new route was on 21 May 1948 by Empire Cedric. After the inaugural sailing Empire Cedric continued on the Northern Ireland service, offering initially a twice-weekly service. Empire Cedric was the first vessel of the ASN fleet to hold a Passenger Certificate, and was allowed to carry fifty passengers. Thus Empire Cedric became the first vessel in the world to operate as a commercial/passenger Roll-on/roll-off ferry, and the ASN became the first commercial company to offer this type of service. Some of the first cargo on this service were two lorry-loads of 65 gas cookers each on behalf of Messrs Moffats of Blackburn, believed to be the first commercial vehicles carried in this way as freight. The Preston—Larne service continued to expand, so much so that in 1950 the service was expanded to include a service to Belfast. This service opened in 1950 and sailings out of Preston were soon increased to six or seven a week to either Belfast or Larne. In 1954, the British Transport Commission (BTC) took over the ASN under the Labour Governments nationalization policy. In 1955 another two LSTs where chartered into the existing fleet, Empire Cymric and Empire Nordic, bringing the fleet strength to seven. The Hamburg service was terminated in 1955, and a new service was opened between Antwerp and Tilbury. The fleet of seven ships was to be split up with the usual three ships based at Tilbury and the others maintaining the Preston to Northern Ireland service. During late 1956, the entire fleet of ASN were taken over for use in the Mediterranean during the Suez Crisis, and the Drive on/Drive off services were not re-established until January 1957. At this point ASN were made responsible for the management of twelve Admiralty LST (3)'s brought out of reserve as a result of the Suez Crisis too late to see service. The LST (3) in Army service A major task at the end of World War II was the redistribution of stores and equipment worldwide. Due to the scarcity and expense of merchant shipping it was decided in 1946 that the Royal Army Service Corps civilian fleet should take over seven LSTs from the Royal Navy, These were named after distinguished corps officers; Evan Gibb, Charles Macleod, Maxwell Brander, Snowden Smith, Humphrey Gale, Reginald Kerr, Fredrick Glover. The LSTs needed to comply with Board of Trade regulations, and to be brought up to merchant navy standards, which involved lengthy alterations including extra accommodation. On completion, five vessels sailed for the Middle East, and two for the Far East. Similar work was done worldwide until 1952 when the ships were handed over to the Atlantic Steam Navigation Company, and subsequently in 1961 to the British-India Steam Navigation Company, tasked by the War Office directly, RASC having no further concern with their administration. The LST (3) as aviation training ship The rapid increase in the use of helicopters in the Royal Navy in the late 1950s and 1960s required an increase in the training and support facilities ashore and afloat. Operational training for aircrew was carried out by naval air stations at Portland and Culdrose. The scrapping of some carriers, and conversion of other to commando carriers in the mid-1950s left a shortage of suitable decks. This led to the ordering of the RFA Engadine in 1964; however she would not be available till 1967, in the meantime it was decided to convert LST 3027 to serve as an interim training ship. This work was carried out at Devonport Dockyard in 1964. The deck forward of the cargo hatch was cleared of all obstructions, and strengthened for helicopter use. A small deckhouse used to support the gun emplacements was retained, although no guns were fitted, and it was used by the Flight Deck Officer as a helicopter control position. Below deck, two 10,000 gallon aviation fuel tanks were installed at the fore end of the tank deck, and refuelling positions provided at the fore end of the flight deck. The tanks were sealed off by a bulkhead and the rest of the space used for stores, workshops and accommodation. Finally the bow doors were sealed, as they would no longer be needed. The flight deck was large enough for two Westland Wessex helicopters with rotors turning, or six could be parked with rotors folded. Renamed HMS Lofoten she proved extremely useful in service, and many lessons were learned that would be incorporated into Engadine. Last WWII survivors USS LST-325, previously LST-120 and Hellenic Navy RHS Syros (L-144) is one of the last operating survivors of World War II. It is currently home ported at Evansville, Indiana at the USS LST Memorial museum. The ship is kept in navigable shape and participated in a cruise from Evansville, Indiana to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the Amphibious Reunion in Pittsburgh from September 1–7, 2010. Upon completion of the reunion, the ship sailed from Pittsburgh to Marietta, Ohio, to take part in the Sternwheel Festival. USS LST-393 which participated in the landings on Sicily; at Salerno, and the Invasion of Normandy is now located in Muskegon, Michigan as a museum and undergoing restoration. USS Maricopa County, previously USS LST-938, had been transferred to the Republic of Vietnam Navy, and after the Fall of Saigon was captured by North Vietnamese forces. As of 2003[update], she is active and in commission with the Vietnamese People's Navy as the Tran Khanh Du. The Philippine Navy received 20+ units of the LST Mk.2 since 1969, and still have 7 units on their active list as of 2010. This includes BRP Laguna (LT-501) (ex-USS LST-230), BRP Zamboanga del Sur (LT-86) (ex-USS Marion County (LST-975), BRP Kalinga Apayao (LT-516) (ex-USS Garrett County (LST-786) and BRP Benguet (LT-507) (ex-USS Daviess County (LST-692). The commissioning of the Newport-class in 1969 marked the introduction of an entirely new concept in the design of LSTs. She was the first of a new class of 20 LSTs capable of steaming at a sustained speed of 20 knots (37 km/h). To obtain that speed, the traditional blunt bow doors of the LST were replaced by a pointed ship bow. Unloading is accomplished through the use of a 112-foot (34 m) ramp operated over the bow and supported by twin derrick arms. A stern gate to the tank deck permits unloading of LVTs into the water or the unloading of other vehicles into a landing craft utility (LCU), onto a pier, or directly into the water. Capable of operating with high-speed amphibious squadrons consisting of LHAs, LPDs, and LSDs, the Newport-class LST can transport tanks, other heavy vehicles, and engineer equipment which cannot readily be landed by helicopters or landing craft. The Newport type has been removed from the U.S. Navy, but serves on in the navies of Brazil, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Taiwan, Spain, in a modified form, Australia and soon with Peru. Indian Navy also maintains a fleet of LSTs. The Ninety and Nine by William Brinkley, author of Don't Go Near the Water, portrays an LST running supplies to Anzio during World War II. The title refers to the ship's company of ninety enlisted men and nine officers. The book opens with a quotation attributed to Winston Churchill - "The destinies of two great empires ... seemed to be tied by some god-damned things called LST's." In the biography MAN IN MOTION: Michigan's Legendary Senate Majority Leader, Emil Lockwood by Stanley C. Fedewa and Marilyn H. Fedewa, Lockwood colorfully describes his World War II service aboard LST-478. "We were always in the thick of it," Emil said, "because it was our job on the LSTs to carry personnel-operated tanks, artillery, supplies—anything, you name it—into the heart of a war zone." - ^ a b c d e f Lenton & Colledge (1968) p.577 - ^ Chris Bishop The Encyclopedia of Weapons of WWII: The Comprehensive Guide p532 - ^ Brown, D K, Nelson to Vanguard pp. 142-143 - ^ Brown p 143 - ^ Brown, D K p143 - ^ Niedermair (November 1982) p.58 - ^ a b Niedermair (November 1982) p.59 - ^ Ft. Knox's Ark: The LST Building - ^ Wyckoff (November 1982) p.51 - ^ http://ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USN/Admin-Hist/068B-Med/068-Med-17.html#fn6 "Medical Preparation and Casualty Handing, Operation Overlord", pp. 3-4. - ^ http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=0rAV7fxSp7cC&pg=PA47&lpg=PA47&dq=hms+boxer+LST&source=web&ots=7pSo5Dr9We&sig=jyKPgU41MXjudLYeNZmtDSm5fuI&hl=en Landing Ship, Tank (LST) 1942-2002 By Gordon L. Rottman, Tony Bryan, Peter Sarson - ^ http://www.newsandsentinel.com/page/content.detail/id/538887/LST-325-makes-way-to-Marietta.html?nav=5061 - ^ Fedewa, Stanley C., Fedewa, Marilyn H. MAN IN MOTION: Michigan's Legendary Senate Majority Leader, Emil Lockwood (Llumina/MSU Press, 2003) - Lenton, H.T. & Colledge, J.J. (1968). British and Dominion Warships of World War II. Doubleday and Company. - Niedermair, John C. (November 1982). As I Recall...Designing the LST. United States Naval Institute Proceedings. - Wyckoff, Don P., Colonel USMC (November 1982). Let There Be Built Great Ships.... United States Naval Institute Proceedings. - Selected Papers On British Warship Design In World War - From The Transactions Of The Royal Institute Of Naval Architects, Conways Maritime Press, 1947, reprinted 1983. ISBN 0 85177 284 6 - Baker, R. (1947) Ships of the Invasion Fleet. Proceeding of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects, Vol. 89 pp. 59–72. - Brown, D.K. (Ed.), The Design And Construction Of British Warships 1939-1945, Vol 3 Amphibious Warfare Vessels And Auxiliaries. ISBN 0 85177 675 2 - Brown, D.K. (Ed.), The Design and Construction of British Warships 1939–1945 The Official Record, Conway Maritime Press, London, 1996. pp 73–80. - Carter, Geoffrey, Crises Do Happen - The Royal Navy And Operation Musketeer, Suez 1956, Maritime Books, 2006. - Cowsill, Miles, By Road Across The Sea - The History Of Atlantic Steam Navigation Company, Ferry Publications 1990. ISBN 1 871947 07 3 - Ladd, J.D., Assault From The Sea 1939-1945, ISBN 0 7153 6937-7 - Lenton, H.T., Warships of the British and Commonwealth Navies 1966, Ian Allan Publishing, 1971. - Lovering, Tristan, Amphibious Assault, Manoeuvre from the sea, Seafarer Books. ISBN 13; 9780955024351 - Macdermott, Brian, Ships Without Names - The Story of The Royal Navy’s Tank Landing Ships In World War Two, Arms & Armour 1992. ISBN 1-85409-126-3 - Marriot, Leo, Royal Navy Aircraft Carriers 1945-1990, Ian Allan 1985. ISBN 0 7110 1561 9 - New Vanguard 115, Osprey Publishing - Rottman, Gordon L., Landing Ship Tank (LST) 1942-2002, New Vanguard, 2005. ISBN 1 84176 923 1 - Speller, Ian, The Role of Amphibious warfare in British Defence Policy, 1945-56, Cormorant Security Series, Palgrave. ISBN 0-333-80097-4 LST-1-class tank landing ship - HMS MISOA - LANDING SHIP TANK (LST) - Ship Tour LST325 in Evansville, Indiana - DANFS: TANK LANDING SHIPS (LST) - NavSource Online: Tank Landing Ship (LST) Index - InsideLST.com - a selection of information on the construction, complement, &c of LSTs, mostly taken from LST-325 - United States LST Association website - The American Amphibious Forces Association - information about later classes of LSTs - History of LSTs including description of LSTs in use as aircraft carriers etc.. - The US LST Ship Memorial - A preserved and operational LST from World War II - LST 325 - LST Story Film: the building and launch of Tank Landing Ship Coconino County (LST-603) during World War II. United States Navy List of United States Navy LSTsLST-3-class tank landing ship Royal Navy Hellenic Navy Ships scrapped or scuttled before completion LST 3005 · LST 3034 · LST 3040 · LST 3045 · LST 3521 · LST 3536 · LST 3528 · LST 3529 · LST 3533 · LST 3538 · LST 3539 · LST 3540 · LST 3541 · LST 3542 · LST 3543 · LST 3544 · LST 3545 · LST 3546 · LST 3547 · LST 3548 · LST 3549 · LST 3550 · LST 3551 · LST 3552 · LST 3553 · LST 3554 · LST 3555 · LST 3556 · LST 3557 · LST 3558 · LST 3559 · LST 3560 · LST 3561 · LST 3562 · LST 3563 · LST 3564 · LST 3565 · LST 3566 · LST 3567 · LST 3568 · LST 3569 · LST 3570 · LST 3571 · LST 3572 · LST 3573 · LST 3574 Modern naval ships Aircraft carriers Battleships Cruisers Escort Transport Patrol craft - Patrol boat - Submarine chaser - Armed boarding steamer - Ocean boarding vessel - Armed yacht - Naval trawler - Naval drifter - Torpedo boat - Missile boat - Fast attack craft - Motor Torpedo Boat - Motor Gun Boat - Steam Gun Boat - Patrol Torpedo Boat - Harbour Defence Motor Launch - Examination vessel - Coastal Motor Boat - Motor Launch Naval mine craft Command and support - Command ship - Auxiliary command ship - Fast combat support ship - Combat stores ship - General stores issue ship - Ammunition ship - Hospital ship - Auxiliary repair dock - Crane vessel - Auxiliary crane ship - Auxiliary ship - Fleet tender - Destroyer tender - Submarine tender - Depot ship - Evacuation ship - Dispatch boat - Floating fuel station - Net laying ship Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
As the title suggests, I get a decent amount of questions. Here are the answers: What do you do? I’m a writer, so I write! It can be tough to find ways to actually write for the majority of one’s day-to-day existence, but after several years in the literary trenches, things are starting to come around. In addition to writing my own personal projects, I also manage several blogs and work one-on-one with students to provide writing and essay guidance. I also take pictures from time to time. What is your academic background? I graduated from Princeton University with a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature and a focus in Arts, Media, and Creative Writing coursework. Will you write a review/analysis of “XYZ” Film? I’m typically open to writing about any film, but only if it speaks strongly to me. With so many other projects currently under my belt, it’s tough to find the time to sit and muse on a whim. Therefore, I typically only write something if I can’t not write it. How is a film review different from film criticism? Good question. A film review is usually concerned with a yay or nay assessment of a film’s aesthetic qualities. Was it good? Will others like it? Is it worth watching? Film reviews can be helpful and fun to read, but are usually very simple and straightforward. Film criticism, however, is more focused on analyzing a film through a critical lens, examining it on a deeper level that one might typically see in a film review. A film review will tell you what to think about a film. Film criticism suggests a method for how to think about it. Can I reference your website in a paper or a project for school? Yes, feel free. Please be sure to follow proper citation guidelines (MLA, APA, etc). Some tips can be found here. Do you work with writers? What’s the best way to reach you directly? The contact page is probably easiest, but if you’re not into forms, feel free to send an email to mariel[at]marielcalloway.com.
International guidelines on treating hearing loss associated with chronic otitis media (COM) are limited, even at country-specific level, leading to unequal care and differing outcomes across the world. Without standard clinical guidelines, individuals with COM who may benefit from a treatment will not receive it. With the goal of addressing lack of awareness and improving literacy surrounding the treatment of COM-related hearing loss, an international group of clinical experts in the fields of otology were brought together to form the Healthy Hearing Ears Advisory Board, the steering committee of the Healthy Hearing Ears Initiative. The Healthy Hearing Ears Initiative aims to increase awareness surrounding COM-related hearing loss via the latest clinical evidence to reach an agreed standard of care for individuals who suffer from chronic otitis media and hearing loss. If you would like to receive updates, please subscribe below: Our systematic literature review reporting long‐term hearing outcomes and complications data on adult and pediatric patients with chronic otitis media that underwent a tympanoplasty has been published in Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. This is the first time that experts from several continents have come together in order to create a document that reflects the status of … Continue reading Systematic Literature Review Published The first Healthy Hearing Ears Seminar and panel discussion on the treatment outcomes of Chronic Otitis Media (COM) related hearing loss was held on October 1st 2020. We highlighted that restoring hearing in patients with COM is often overlooked when focus is placed on achieving a safe and dry ear. Good hearing is key to … Continue reading First Healthy Hearing Ears Seminar
There is a wealth of literature published on the need for and benefit of physical activity and fitness, not only for a child’s physical well-being but also for academic and social maturation. Although not all children play vigorously at recess, it does provide the opportunity for children to be active in the mode of their choosing and to practice movement and motor skills. Even minor movement during recess counterbalances sedentary time at school and at home and helps the child achieve the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day, a standard strongly supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy, which can help lower risk of obesity.1 Multicolor playground markings can be a low-cost method of increasing children’s daily physical activity levels and would make a valuable contribution to physical activity recommendations for young people.2 Our products provide the widest range of game and fitness options available for your students to maximize their enjoyment and meet required physical activity levels. Enhance Social and Emotional Learning Skills In 2013, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a policy recommendation that all elementary schools include at least 15 minutes of recess in each school day. In their recommendation, published as “The Crucial Role of Recess in School,” the AAP states that, ” … Recess promotes social and emotional learning and development for children by offering them a time to engage in peer interactions in which they practice and role play essential social skills.”3 The recommendation goes on to point out that “through play at recess, children learn valuable communication skills, including negotiation, cooperation, sharing, and problem solving as well as coping skills, such as perseverance and self-control. These skills become fundamental, lifelong personal tools. Recess offers a child a necessary, socially structured means for managing stress. By adapting and adjusting to the complex school environment, children augment and extend their cognitive development in the classroom.”3 With our dynamic thermoplastic marking, children will spend more time interacting with each other in a positive way. This may help with improving social and communications skills in their formative years, as well as being an important strategy in anti-bullying programs. Stimulate Creativity and Imagination Many of our games can be adapted creatively by your students. Children can be encouraged to create their own rules. Imagination and story-telling should become an integral component of play. In this era of technology, students spend more time on personal devices and portable electronic games, diminishing the opportunity for physical activity afforded by recess. Our thermoplastic markings go farther to enhance the schoolyard experience and encourage an increased desire to participate socially and to stay off screen. Let the schoolyard enhance your teaching efforts! We offer many educational markings that can be used to augment the learning experience, giving you more options with interactive approaches. - http://www.seenmagazine.us/articles/article-detail/articleid/2908/recess-a-critical-opportunity-for-social-and-emotional-learning.aspx. Accessed on Dec 21, 2015. - Stratton G, Mullan E. Am J Prev Med. 2005 Nov-Dec;41(5-6):828-33 - http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/131/1/183. Accessed on Dec 21, 2015.
Courtesy of Michael Morand On Tuesday afternoon, eight student poets gathered in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library to read their work before an audience of roughly 100 members of the Yale and New Haven communities. The event was part of the Yale Collection of American Literature reading series and was cosponsored by the English Department’s creative writing program. Each student poet read two to four of their works, some of which were printed in pamphlets and distributed to the audience. “This is my favorite day of the year,” Nancy Kuhl, Beinecke curator of American poetry, said in her opening remarks for the reading. According to Kuhl, the reading has been an annual spring tradition since 2002. Early in the spring semester every year, she reaches out to faculty members in creative writing to solicit nominations for students to read at the event. Kuhl then works with selected students to create a chapbook — a pamphlet of literary works — containing their poems. Kuhl said that by showcasing works by students both within and outside the creative writing program, the event is able to capture “a broader sense of poetry at Yale.” “Yale has a long history of being strong and interested in poetry and there are so many terrific poets on campus that aren’t just in the English Department,” said Richard Deming, director of the creative writing program. He added that the event gives students a chance “to read amongst some of the greatest works ever written by the human race, there in the Beinecke.” For Rachel Kaufman ’19, the Beinecke reading is an opportunity to share the “melodies” of her poetry with the audience. “Unless your reader is somehow in your mind, and knows the intonations, the liltings and wiltings in it, it’s hard to know that your scripted melody is reaching their ears,” Kaufman said. “When you’re reading it out loud, you can give the sounds that you’re imagining to the audience.” Kaufman, a double major in English and history, read poems from her collection “Many to Remember,” which was inspired by her historical research on the Mexican Inquisition and New Mexico crypto-Jewish memory. She said that she “wanted to write archival poetry” and “to see what the history feels like in a different form.” Kuhl explained that sound is a part of a poem’s meaning, and that hearing a poem in the poet’s own voice can be “transformative” to a reader’s understanding of a written work. Magda Andrews-Hoke ’19, a double major in linguistics and English, encouraged audience members to note the “sonic quality” of her poems. “Do they read it quickly, breathlessly, or slowly and deliberately?” Deming said. “Those things are part of the life of a poem. The poem is a kind of music and is meant to be heard, taken into the body and felt directly that way.” Art major Miles Kim ’20, who read at the event, said he has always been interested in creating art in a variety of forms. “The amazing thing about poetry is that the communicative process is completely direct — the medium is almost your own thought,” said Kim, “It’s a very direct and honest way of communicating with your audience that I’ve always been drawn to.” Chalay Chalermkraivuth ’20, who attended the event, said that she appreciated the opportunity to see how the poets “conceptualize their own poetry.” She said that “when you hear someone reading, there’s a lot that comes out that isn’t on the page.” For Kuhl, the annual readings are “a window into the current state of the art” of poetry. She explained that hearing the work of young writers is a way to “see what’s happening in poetry right now.” “[The readings] are always full of surprises,” said Kuhl. “There are so many diverse voices represented. Every year, there are students writing poetry that is not like any we’ve heard before at this event and there are students working in new ways in time-honored traditional standard forms. We really see a range of all the different possibilities in poetry.” Yale has a strong creative writing community both inside and outside of the classroom, according to Deming. In creative writing classes, “you can have really terrific molecular biologists sitting next to computer scientists … all writing poems or stories,” Deming said, which makes “the conversation really textured and nuanced, because people have such different perspectives to offer.” Deming said that poetry is becoming more and more diverse. He said that “people are experimenting a lot and doing very exciting things.” “There’s an openness to the possibility of what poetry can be,” Deming said. Carrie Zhou | firstname.lastname@example.org
Last weekend I picked up my son Ezra up from sleepaway camp at Camp Shohola, in Greeley, Pennsylvania. I went there myself from 1984 to 1988, and it was my first time back in 30 years to this place I truly love. I sat down an hour ago to edit a post I’d already written when it hit me that the Camp Shohola infirmary was where I received my first comic book. Then a few more connections hit me and I had to start writing a whole new post. It was my first year at camp, and the first week I was a bit homesick when I then got actual sick with a stomach bug (as a doctor, I’m supposed to call it gastroenteritis now.) The vector for this contagion was known to be John Denenberg. “Denenberg’s Got the Shits” was a hit song around camp before he’d even made it out of the bathroom. Lots of us got Denenberg’s shits. So I was holed up in the infirmary with nothing to do but wait for the bathroom to be available, when my counselor Bob Gillespie arrived. Bob was in his forties, with burnt charcoal hair and leather skin from driving the waterski boat every day for 20-odd summers. He might as well have been hewn from the same boards that made up the Shohola cabins. A school teacher during the year and a dedicated Shohola man every summer, when I met him I knew that whatever challenges I was going to face there, Bob knew everything there was to know and would be looking out for all of us. It didn’t strike me as the least bit odd that Bob was a middle-aged summer camp counselor. He just fit into that place. When he retired from teaching he even moved to camp to live year round as the custodian. Bob just WAS summer camp. I’m pretty sure Bob grabbed those books randomly off the wire rack at the Greeley convenience store, but he picked a real winner. Bob was kind enough to bring two comics to help me pass the time in quarantine, and I still remember them exactly: GI Joe #29 and Swamp Thing #28. I had never really opened a comic book before. I can’t say I became a comic fan in that moment, but I was sure glad for the distraction. And that Swamp Thing story always stuck with me. It was foreboding, hallucinogenic (maybe that was the dehydration…) and deadly serious. It was nothing like what I thought comics were supposed to be. It sure as hell was no GI Joe pulp. In it the Swamp Thing dives to the bottom of a Louisiana swamp to pull up the skeleton of Alec Holland, the man whose fiery murder gave birth to the Swamp Thing itself. The cover image of Swamp Thing carrying his own skeleton to give it a proper burial is burned into my brain. It’s fantastic, it’s Shakespeare. It turns out that comic book is a modern classic, the beginning of writer Alan Moore’s seminal Swamp Thing run that helped establish a whole new era of comics as more than just kids stuff. It helped pave the way for a new Golden Age of comics and graphic novels: Frank Miller’s Dark Knight, Moore’s own Watchmen, Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, and more. Moore’s Swamp Thing helped make comics (sort of) respectable literature. I’m pretty sure Bob grabbed those books randomly off the wire rack at the Greeley convenience store, but he picked a real winner. So last week things came full circle as Ezra gave me a tour around the hills and fields I remember so well. I felt at home, it was still the same place. Another Shohola lifer, Tom Gibson, is still there for his 61st summer. Not a typo. From Tom I learned that Bob died years ago from a brain tumor that he faced with nothing but optimism and grace. Tom even had a copy of the eulogy he read at Bob’s funeral, it’s stapled to a wall at the Wild Camp Shohola Radio studio (yes, the camp has its own radio station, because Tom Gibson is awesome.) In the eulogy Tom imagined a summer camp in heaven, with a staff being filled out one at a time with beautiful souls like Bob. Ezra had a great time at camp. Tom got him started on radio announcing the very first day, and he played street hockey, sailed Sunfish, sang at campfire and did all the things I hoped he’d do there ever since we had a baby boy. And Bob, somehow I held onto that Swamp Thing #28 for all these years. It’s in a frame on my wall right now. Thank you. Ezra will be back next summer. Next time I’ll tell you more about how this comic of mine got started, and I’ll write about a friend who went and made a frickin’ feature film with his spare time–now that’s using midlife crisis for good! Colin is an emergency physician in Boston, Massachusetts. The seeds of his comics project were sown when he took a sabbatical from the ER for creative writing. His creative non-fiction has been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
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Walk down the aisle in style with a pair of Converse wedding shoes. Freut auch au&223;erdem auf vorweihnachtliche Stimmung mit hausgemachten Gl&252;hwein, gebrannten Mandeln, Weihnachtspopcorn, warmer Suppe und Bratwurst an. We have the tools to make it as stress free as possible. Angebotsvorlagen einfach und professionell in k&252;rzester Zeit selber erstellen. Christmas Gifts - The Body Shop. Beim Anschluss an eine Kamera mit WLAN (Direktverbindung oder &252;ber WLAN-Router) bietet diese Anwendung folgende Funktionen: ・. Canon Financial Services, Inc. Art is a big theme in weddings this year. Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. Learn more about Christmas trees, including their history. Building your dream wedding registry just got easier. Add Event to Calendar. Nina @ Wedding Inspirasi-. From canna (“pipe”), compare Italian cannone and Old French canon. Plus, discover inkjet, laser and photo printers for business, school and home use. Biblical canon. أهلاً بك في كانون الشرق الأوسط المزيد من المعلومات. Events from: Month. Start by downloading a wedding checklist to organize and prioritize your to-dos. These real couples said "I do" in serious style. Canon EOS Rebel SL3 DSLR Camera with 18-55mm Lens and Accessory Kit (Black) B&H CAEDRSL3BKAK MFR 3453C002 KIT. Wedding Cards. What is the canon of the Bible and how did we get it? The CINE-SERVO 25-250mm T2. Dark Chocolate Blackberry Cheesecake: Sara's Cooking Class. That’s exactly how Elizabeth and Austin described their Big Sur wedding at Ragged Point Inn. The wedding date is set, the venue is booked, and now it’s time to decide what you’re going to wear on this very special occasion. A Canon Magyarorsz&225;g, a digit&225;lis f&233;nyk&233;pezőg&233;pek, digit&225;lis t&252;k&246;rreflexes f&233;nyk&233;pezőg&233;pek, valamint &252;zleti c&233;l&250; &233;s otthoni tintasugaras nyomtat&243;k &233;s professzion&225;lis nyomtat&243;k vezető forgalmaz&243;ja. 2k Followers, 837 Following, 4,339 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from CHRISTMAS ABBOTT CHRISTMAS TREE ; Reindeer ; Christmas Decorations ; PAPER WINTER ; KROKOTAK EOOD. With Valda Setterfield, Raymond McNally, John Braswell, Charles Pfluger. ) the Canon RF 70-200mm f/4L IS lens will not hit the market in December but in March. More effort. · Created by Edward Hume. The Holy Family, Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus &169;. Wedding Website. Mots, locucions e expressions idiomaticas recampats per centre d'inter&232;s. Get prepared for Christmas with the Good Housekeeping Christmas countdown, Christmas recipes, tried and tested Christmas toys and Christmas gift ideas. Shop all our wedding dresses & bridal gowns in a wide selection of every style, all at amazing prices. Express and perfect your photographic skills with quality equipment. Your wedding is more than just one big celebration, it is a sequence of special events, each deserving of it&39;s own special place in time. Styles: Simple, Modern, Chic, Stunning. 9m Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ‘christmas’ hashtag. But planning a wedding can be overwhelming. 2% Leica SL2-S 2. Christmas music is comprised of a variety of musical genres. My Canon Printer. Girls just wanna have fun, even if it might take place over Zoom. With Kristin Chenoweth, Scott Wolf, Kevin Quinn, Keith Robinson. EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5. Canon m (plural cánones) 1. CMA Country Christmas Encore Presentation | Monday, December 21 at 10|9c on ABC. Wedding Reception Ideas. (usually in regards to religion) tenet, dogma, rule, norm, precept 3. Synonyms: doctrine, dogma, catalog. What is canon mean? Christmas tree, live or artificial evergreen tree decorated with lights and ornaments as a part of Christmas festivities. Canon EOS M50 Systemkamera spiegellos - mit Objektiv EF-M 15-45mm IS STM (24,1 MP, dreh- und schwenkbares 7,5 cm (3 Zoll) Touchscreen LC-Display, Digic. Find out what to see and do as the capital is transformed with huge Christmas trees, festive decorations and twinkling London Christmas lights. Vor 2 Tagen &0183;&32;When a couple describes their wedding vision as easy-going and free-spirited, it’s certain to be fun and full of personal touches. Canon (set of representative or pre-eminent literary works) 1. Used for various content concerning the Christmas holiday and season as well as for wintertime more generally. Weddings don&39;t have to be expensive! Product Title Canon CLI-271 GY Gray ink tank (0394C001AA) for MG77. Take a look at our job market and find the apprenticeship place that suits you! Showcase your photos and share wedding details with stunning, easy-to-customize designs. &0183;&32;Directed by Eric Close. The Latest Royal Wedding News. Canne + -on, corresponding to Italian cannone. A collection of wedding films, created by wedding videographers, cinematographers & film makers. Washington, DC 107. Choose from over 50 channels of holiday Internet radio. . , Paul Dooley, Amy Stryker. 4 out of 5 stars 2,646. 1m Followers, 290 Following, 6,249 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from • Luxury Wedding Pages • Wedding Wishes. Your wedding planning website with everything in one place. Live Christmas Donate. 35K Videos. · Canon requests removal of toner cartridges offered by xianshi yanliangqu canqiubaihuodianshanghang via Amazon. Wedding Music Bands. A Christmas Carol. Stock Price: 7751. Find the right word. ; Receive email alerts when someone RSVPs. A Wedding gastro pub tradition since 1906. An ecclesiastical rule or law enacted by a council or other competent authority and, in the Roman Catholic Church, approved by the pope. Ediciones de la Tempestad SL, Llibres de l'&205;ndex, Barcelona, ISBN, Seite 578 1 Andrieu Largarda: Vocabulari Occitan. Official support site for Canon inkjet printers and scanners (PIXMA, MAXIFY, imagePROGRAF, and CanoScan). The ultimate Universal Gift Registry. Charlie and Josephine are to be married in a church on the island off the east coast where her family, the Fishes, live, the other wedding events to take place or centered on the well-off Fishes' extremely large house. Sort: Relevant Newest christmas disney vintage christmas tree 1950s christmas elf will ferrell revolving door christmas xmas holidays merry christmas feliz christmas ugly christmas sweater christmas red green holiday colors christmas holidays. Is a Japanese multinational corporation headquartered in Ōta, Tokyo, Japan, specializing in optical, imaging, and industrial prod. Non/, ˈkaː. ; Add to Calendar feature which supports four different calendars. “canon” in Douglas Harper, Online Etymology Dictionary, –. So m&252;ssen die Patronen nicht entsorgt werden und Du sparst. Christmas Party Outfits For Women Who Are Too Fabulous For The LBD. La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée, Toulouse. Arrives before Christmas. Take the naughty or nice. There's so much excitement around Christmas. Create a registry that celebrates who you are as a couple. Canon (principle, literary works, prayer, religious law, music piece) 2. Enjoy these cookies during the Christmas season, and share with loved ones. Canon EOS R5 Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera with 8K Video, 45 Megapixel Full-Frame CMOS Sensor, DIGIC X Image Processor, Dual Memory Card Slots, and Up to 12 fps Mechnical Shutter, Body Only. Wedding Wishes For A Lovely. Christmas 22881 GIFs. Canasant (literary, third-person plural). New Christmas Album from Chris Tomlin:. The Duke and Duchess of. Plan the wedding of your dreams with wedding essentials from Minted. Pizza Real Life. ” “Easy to set up, simple to use and packed full of gorgeous goods, we can’t recommend The Wedding Shop highly enough”. About Us Innovation & Efficiency Learn More. De, Amazon. A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Explore all of our wedding gowns & evening dresses collections and find a store near you. Radio App: Get the app. The term was first coined in reference to scripture by Christians, but the idea is said to be Jewish. Mother and son Francoise and Fabien Plane set up Aux Vins 4 Canons in a former armory to share their passion for bio-dynamic wine. Every couple has their own story, and you&39;ll find a wedding card at Hallmark that suits their unique relationship. Etymology 2. Capture Your Memories · RSVP Function · Create Your Registry. Uk, Amazon. IPA(key): /ˈkaː. Canon EOS Rebel Rebel T3i For the money, the Canon EOS Rebel T3i is a great choice for dSLR videographers--though the cheaper T2i can still suffice if you don&39;t need the articulated LCD--and it&39;s. So k&246;nnen Sie Ihre Bilder direkt in brillanter Qualit&228;t selbst ausdrucken. Christmas is marked on the 25 December (7 January for Orthodox Christians). Choosing a wedding venue for your reception and ceremony tends to be the first step in the wedding planning process. Our free wedding planning website and guides can help you with every aspect of getting married from the engagement through to your honeymoon. Calendar Generator – Create a calendar for any year. Bei Westwing starten t&228;glich neue Sales rund um M&246;bel- und Wohnaccessoires mit bis zu 70% Rabatt f&252;r Mitglieder. La page officielle de la Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée. Christmas 1– Ergebnissen werden angezeigt Standardsortierung Nach Beliebtheit sortiert Nach Durchschnittsbewertung sortiert Sortieren nach neuesten Nach Preis sortiert: aufsteigend Nach Preis sortiert: absteigend. Photo by Elena Pavlova; Concept & Floral Design by Floral Style; Planning by Imarry Events. When it came time to start wedding planning, the couple knew that they wanted to tie the knot in the place where Elizabeth said “yes! Bienvenue chez Canon Belgique. South Africa Destination Weddings. Rule, standard, principle, regulation, formula, criterion, dictate, statute, yardstick, precept These measures offended all the accepted canons of political economy. Borrowed from Latin canōn, from Ancient Greek κανών (kanṓn, “measuring rod, standard”) (compare κάννα (kánna, “reed”)), perhaps of Semitic origin. Enjoy the best selection of free Christmas music online with unlimited skips. Bridesmaids, maids of. Browse This Group. It and Amazon. Whether it’s your Christmas tree wrapped around with a few strands of twinkling string lights or a well-lit porch, find lighting ideas to welcome the holidays. Creative and solution-oriented people like you make sure Canon is always one step ahead. (Entry 1 of 3) 1 a : a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council. Add a little bit of luxe this year with our cashmere jumpers and party dress collections, then get cosy with nightwear for. Borrowed from Greek κανών (kanón), possibly partly through a South Slaviclanguage intermediate. The Canon 5260B002 EOS 5D Mark III 22. You can stay on top of all the details. While Christmas trees are traditionally associated with Christian symbolism, their modern use is largely secular. From Middle English canoun, ultimately from Latin canonicus (either by shortening or back-formation from Old English canonic, or via Anglo-Norman chanoine). Shop the world&39;s largest selection to find everything you need to build your new life together. A wedding is a ceremony and its associated rituals by which two people vow to spend their lives together in marriage. 7 | 209,567 views | Liked by 100% Users. 15% discount. Canon Europe, leading provider of digital cameras, digital SLR cameras, inkjet printers & professional printers for business and home users. Shoppen Sie inspirierende Kampagnen von internationalen Stil-Experten zusammengestellt. 95 lens provides cinematographers and broadcast operations with a compact, lightweight design (only 6. Find styles for the bride, groom or the entire wedding party for a ceremony that's uniquely yours. Or if there are 25 days and 2 hours that would be 26 sleeps left until Christmas. (colloquial) first-person plural preterite of canu 2. Christmasworld: Erleben Sie die neuesten Deko-Produkte f&252;r Weihnachten und alle Feste sowie Feierlichkeiten des Jahres. 1% Canon EOS M6 Mark II 1. If something comes up and you have to change your wedding day plans, Zazzle also has change the date invitations, postponed wedding cards and wedding cancellation cards to prepare for the worst-case scenario! 64 Reviews. If you’re stuck on what to write in a wedding card and looking for creative ways to express your wedding congratulations, get inspired with this list of 50 of the best wedding wishes and. - Newport News, Va. Editierbare Werbemittel f&252;r Canon Systeme. Filiale à 100% du Groupe Canon France, Fac-similé Grand-Sud est le partenaire de nombreuses entreprises des régions Paca et Languedoc Roussillon. Drucken ist nicht gleich drucken, Drucker ist nicht gleich Drucker und vor allen Dingen sind Tintenpatronen nicht gleich Tintenpatronen. A beautiful wedding wishes card. At Target, there are a lot of options for Christmas lights, from the type of lights to the kind of bulbs that’s perfect for you. English: canon; French: canon; Norman: canon. Home; About; Collections. Canyon E-Bikes online kaufen E-MTB ★ E-Rennrad ★ E-Gravel ★ E-Trekking ★ E-City 6 Jahre Garantie! Special optical technologies like 61-Point High Density Reticular AF and extended ISO range ofmake this it ideal for shooting weddings in the studio, out in the field and great. Picking a Wedding Venue. The "canon" of Scripture is defined as the books of the Bible officially accepted as Holy Scripture. Baby Hazel: Preschool Picnic. In addition to the wedding industry’s best and brightest wedding vendors, WeddingWire offers free, easy-to-use wedding planning tools like customizable wedding checklists to keep your tasks in order, wedding websites with designs made just for you and a comprehensive wedding registry for all your guests. From Ancient Greek κανών (kanṓn, “measuring rod, standard”), akin to κάννα (kánna, “reed”), perhaps from Semitic (compare Hebrew קנה (qaneh, “reed”)). Wedding Rings Finding wedding rings is an important part of wedding planning. When you’re ready to send out the invites, check out templates for wedding. Sisters Dressing Room. Discover non-traditional wedding dresses that are modern, timeless, elegant & ethereal. A quality collection of devices and accessories from Canon suits both casual and professional photographers. Sending Christmas eCards by email is a wonderful way to spread the joy of the Christmas season to loved ones. Goodwill; Christmas decoration; christmas balls; baubles; Christmas trees; ribbons; artificial flowers, BECOME A CUSTOMER. - WebsiteBuilderExpert. Let's Holiday. Americas Australia / New Zealand 中国 Europe / Middle East / Africa / Россия 日本 대한민국 South and. It is normally performed or heard during the Christmas season. 8 out of 5 stars, based on 94 reviews 94 ratings Current Price . Canon full-frame DSLR cameras. Cheers, Dave. Com for a demo. Credit: Paul Wilkinson and John Allen. Sein erstes Weihnachtsalbum ist eine ganz pers&246;nliche Zusammenstellung von 40 Weihnachtsliedern aus aller Welt, darunter Stille Nacht, S&252;&223;er die Glocken nie klingen, Adeste fideles, Engel haben Himmelslieder, White Christmas & Let it snow. 3% Fujifilm X-T4 3. Canon definition is - a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council. Download Now &215; CHANNELS. Christmas Discover Disney-inspired ideas for the Christmas holiday season including Christmas crafts and gift ideas, warming Christmas recipes, ornaments and more. Punishment or penancefor breaking such a religious rule. The body of rules, principles, or standards accepted as axiomatic and universally binding in a field of study or art: the neoclassical canon. Wedding registry benefits. Canon cameras and printers. Below you will find our entire library of Canon digital camera. Fun Kids Advent Calendar. Further reading. The classic ghost story by Charles Dickens, abridged in 9 episodes. ไดร์เวอร์, ซอฟต์แวร์ และเฟิร์มแวร์. 46%) Mon,, 1:15AM EST. Directed by Robert Altman. 112,434 likes · 5,605 talking about this. Forgot your password? I have mixed some pictures in the song to make it even more relaxing :). Notice of postponement of release of “RF 70-200mm F4 L IS USM”. Die Nutzer unserer Client-Applikation UpdateStar haben Canon Quick Menu im letzten Monat 13. What is the difference between cannon and canon? See more videos for Canon. 1 Moderator. As many as you like! Canon m (plural canons) 1. Frank Cannon is an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and expensive tastes in culinary pleasures; he becomes a high-priced private investigator. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn. Canon Genuine Toner, Cartridge 104 Black (0263B001), 1 Pack, for Canon imageCLASS D420, D480, MF4150d, MF4270dn, MF4350d, MF4370dn, MF4690 Laser Printers and FAXPHONE L120, L90 Canon . Weddings - The easiest way to find local wedding venues, cakes, dresses, invitations & more. Canon m (oblique plural canons, nominative singular canons, nominative plural canon) 1. Wedding DJs are in charge of creating the right ambience for each moment. Included with Garden and Christmas at Chatsworth tickets. De - Kameras und Zubeh&246;r zu g&252;nstigen Preisen. This package comes stuffed with everything a beginner could need when pursuing photography as a hobby or profession. With Kaitlyn Leeb, Scott Cavalheiro, Mark Ghanim&233;, Kristen Kurnik. If you’re looking for indoor lighting, pick string or fairy lights. (chiefly Christianity) canon (set of authoritative religious books, especially those constituting the Bible) 2. Hannah Fry, the Christmas Lecturer. Start your budget planning by making a checklist of the crucial details, like the music, your wedding gown, the invitations, the flowers and the photographer, and assign a number to each—one being the most important and three being the least. From save the dates to invitations, to say of essentials Minted has everything you need for your big day. New Year Trivia; When does a decade start? Released as a single on Octo, the song reached 6 on UK’s singles chart and 36 on the US. Canon Europe 1,802 views. Find a wedding registry Search by name Name must be at least 2 characters Event location: State. Canon DSLR Cameras give you the technology and design to capture life&39;s most memorable moments. 39,17 € 39,17 € 67,25 € 67,25€ Lieferung bis Donnerstag, 17. These sets often include two rings that have complementary designs. What is a canon in religion? The wedding of Natalia and Antoine was always going to be a très chic affair, but the couple’s intimate ceremony in Paris City Hall brought joy during an otherwise quite bleak news cycle. IPA(key): /ka. In fiction, canon is the material accepted as officially part of the story in the fictional universe of that story. Canon Genuine Toner, Cartridge 104 Black (0263B001), 1 Pack, for Canon imageCLASS D420, D480, MF4150d, MF4270dn, MF4350d, MF4370dn, MF4690 Laser Printers and FAXPHONE L120, L90 Canon. Christmastime definition is - the Christmas season. The ceremony is the moment your marriage becomes official. Sending You My Blessings! Ideally, wedding invitations should be ordered 4-8 months before and mailed out 2-4 months before the wedding day. Enjoy and feel free to comment. Amazon's Choice f&252;r "druckerpatronen canon ts5050" Supply Guy 20 XL Druckerpatronen kompatibel mit Canon PGI-570 CLI-571 f&252;r. See more ideas about wedding, unique weddings, bridal musings. From Old French canon, borrowed from Latin canōn, from Ancient Greek κανών (kanṓn, “measuring rod, standard”). (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ˈka. It is the responsibility of wedding DJs to ensure that your event moves smoothly and fluidly from one perfect moment to the next. 1: Hier finden Sie Kameras, Objektive und vieles mehr aus der Welt von Canon. Finde dein Fitness First Fitnessstudio in deiner N&228;he und profitiere vom umfangreichen Angebot: Vielzahl an Kursen Personal Training Wellness Bereich Jetzt Studio finden! Related RSS Feeds. The ceremony that has brought fun to millions of newlyweds! Free Shipping & Great Offers on Hundreds of Products. However, that comes at a cost - the EOS R5 right now has a high asking price, but if you're keen on. 112 représentants de clubs (pour un total / salle de 248 dirigeants) étaient venus assister au dernier meeting de campagne de Bernard Laporte donné à Altigone, salle de spectacle de St Orens de Gameville en banlieue toulousaine. Wird vor Weihnachten geliefert. Explore the 105-acre garden with a delightful Christmas trail and illuminated features from dusk. See more videos for Wedding. Canon Quick Menu ist eine Shareware-Software aus der Kategorie Office & Business, die von Canon Inc. The daughter of a Louisville truck driver marries the scion of a very wealthy family, but the reception at the family estate is boycotted by the invited guests. Shop for canon cameras online at Target. When you make your own wedding invitation you’re telling your story in a way that’s as fresh and unique as you are. Canon; Welcome to Canon Middle East More Information. A beautiful, feature rich, device friendly wedding website. For information on products and support services, please access the Canon website of your country / region. Wir verwenden Cookies und &228;hnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen k&246;nnen, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. For outdoor celebrations, try a wrap dress in a pretty floral print. Damit all dies einwandfrei funktionieren kann, ben&246;tigen Sie die richtige Software und sollten aus diesem Grund stets die aktuellen Treiber aus dem Internet herunterladen. Search, discover and share your favorite Christmas GIFs. Shop the world's largest selection to find everything you need to build your new life together. Let us dress your dreams. The word "canon" comes from the Greek κανών, meaning "rule" or "measuring stick". See full list on en. Browse a variety of wedding pictures and photos at TheKnot. Dazu kaufen Unternehmen leere, alte Original-Kartuschen auf, die sie anschlie&223;end reinigen, warten und mit frischer Tinte bef&252;llen. Let The Knot help you find the perfect wedding rings that you and your partner will wear for the rest of your lives. Send a letter to Santa Claus or a Christmas card to a friend. Discover our collections today. A wedding officiant may have the most important job of all - to ensure that you and your spouse actually get married! . Get it as soon as Mon, Dec 21. A classic Christmas tree, an evergreen tree decorated with lights and ornaments to celebrate Christmas. Home; Wedding Dresses; Bridal Accessories; Home; Wedding Dresses; Bridal Accessories; Block title. It is compact, ultra-portable and so easy to use that even a 60-year old. Canon is a global leader in photographic and digital imaging solutions. Saja is based out of NYC and available worldwide via www. Spread some Christmas cheer with our festive Christmas jumpers and get your Advent calendars at the ready to start the countdown. Whether you’re in a wedding or going to one, there’s something here for everyone. WeddingWire is stress free, hassle free, and just plain free. Elegant designs exceed your expectations, while exceptional materials enrich each creation. Canon announced that the Canon RF 70-200mm f/4L IS lens will not be released as scheduled. Start by browsing our top wedding registry items for picks from other couples. Canon n (plural canoane) 1. See also cane. See more at. Canon Office Imaging Products User Manuals. Choose from digital cameras, DSLR cameras and lenses, camcorders and accessories. Hearty Congratulations! Wedding synonyms, wedding pronunciation, wedding translation, English dictionary definition of wedding. Every wedding is the culmination of a beautiful story, celebrating the union of two people joining their lives together. Sleeps left until Christmas. Grandmaster William Cheung Pressure Point Striking Seminar Day. Canon requests removal of toner cartridges offered by xianshi yanliangqu canqiubaihuodianshanghang via Amazon. &0183;&32;Canon's EOS Rebel line is always a great option for entry-level photographers, and the Canon EOS Rebel T7 Digital SLR Camera Kit is no exception. From London Christmas markets and Christmas shopping in London, to ice-skating rinks and Christmas events, there are so many magical things to do in London at Christmas. (South Wales) IPA(key): /ˈkaːnɔn/, /ˈkanɔn/. The latest tips and news on Wedding are on POPSUGAR Home. Learn more. Depicted with round, variously colored ornaments and topped with a yellow star. ” during a hike. Synonym Discussion of canon. Not only does it provide historical information, such as the history of Canon (History Hall) and descriptions about all cameras and lenses released since it was founded (Camera Hall and Lens Hall), but there are also special wallpaper images and photos captured. Finish « canon ». Borrowed from Old French canon, from Latin canōn, from Ancient Greek κανών (kanṓn, “measuring rod, standard”), akin to κάννα (kánna, “reed”), from Semitic (compare Hebrew קָנֶה (qane, “reed”) and Arabic قَنَاة (qanāh, “reed”)). From unboxing ornaments to family dinners to baking cookies. Live Christmas CHRISTMAS. 7 out of 5 stars 61. Canon printer ink is long-lasting, quick-drying, fade-resistant, and virtually smudge-free on both matte and glossy printing surfaces. Browse our free Christmas cards and create a personalized Christmas greeting by adding their name, or having a talking card wish them a Merry Christmas. We continue that tradition since with a. Select a Country / Region. From bridal lingerie to accessories like shoes and handbags, our Wedding Shop has some bride-focused categories that make it easy to cross bridal-prep activities off your to-do list. Whether you’re having a religious or secular ceremony, it’s important to find a professional wedding officiant. 2 Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin, from Latin, model : the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wine. 729 mal auf Updates &252;berpr&252;ft. SCADAfence Ltd, a cybersecurity company headquartered in Israel, has drawn to our attention the vulnerabilities related to. Though it is basically a celebration of love and partnership, a wedding is tailored to a couple in a variety of ways, from their personality to their religious or cultural beliefs. More Wedding images. From seating charts and guestbooks to party favors and seating cards. Official website of Canon Canada. Canon has clearly gone all to get our attention with this camera, and it's close to perfection. How to Throw the Ultimate Elf Themed Christmas Party 33 Festive Ways to Decorate Your Christmas Tree 10 Festive Outdoor Christmas Light Ideas for Your Yard Spruce Up Your Inbox! Wedding Planner: Decorate the Perfect Wedding. Besonders umweltfreundlich ist der Kauf von wiederbef&252;llten Patronen. Julie Vino Haute Couture. 3MP Digital SLR Camera Body (lens required and sold separately) with supercharged EOS performance and full frame, high-resolution image capture is designed to perform. From Old French canon. The latest tweets from Fort Liberia, Villefranche-de-Conflent Picture: Tir au canon - Check out Tripadvisor members&39; 2,753 candid photos and videos of Fort Liberia. (North Wales) IPA(key): /ˈkanɔn/ 2. Free delivery on orders over 30 € and 2 year warranty on selected products. Band Aid PLAY Washington, DC 107. Canon makes CDP&39;s &39;A List&39; in two categories — Canon&39;s environmental initiatives have been recognized by the international environmental non-profit organization CDP1, based in the United Kingdom, in the fields of climate change and water security, and awarded a spot on the CDP&39;s A List in both categories. 3% Fujifilm X-S10 3. Europas Canon Shop Nr. Serve for breakfast, or enjoy hot with vanilla ice cream for dessert 35 mins. Wedding Bells Ringing! Damit du deine Arbeit dann nicht unterbrechen musst, solltest du immer einige Ersatzpatronen im Haus haben. Die traditionellen Lieder werden vom Mozarteumorchester Salzburg unter der Leitung von Jochen Rieder begleitet, w&228;hrend die von Wieland Reissmann. 1MP APS-C CMOS sensor and DIGIC 4+ image. Definition of canon. An outdoor wedding will have a distinctly different vibe than a formal church wedding, so dress accordingly. US (party where bride-to-be is given gifts) sorte d&39;enterrement de vie de jeune fille nf nom féminin : s&39;utilise avec les articles "la", "l&39;" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". 1% Canon EOS R5 2. Book an appointment and find your wedding dress today! Compare wedding venue facilities and more with a simple click of your mouse. Next, explore our line of wedding decorations, including table décor, place cards, decorative tableware and cake toppers. Mint chocolate chip cookies. You’ll want to look just as amazing as your partner does when you tie the knot. Canon; Nederlands. Canon Printer Software free download - Canon IJ Printer Driver Canon iP4200, BJ Printer Driver Canon Pixma iP1500, KODAK All-in-One Printer Software, and many more programs. Merry Christmas! ; RSVP feature which directly uploads data to a Google sheet. Die hier angebotene Canon PG-545XL Tintenpatrone ist f&252;r den Canon Pixma MG2450 und den Canon Pixma MG2550 geeignet. Canon City Shopper; Business Directory; Today’s Ads; Advertise With Us; Submit; E-Edition; On The Record; Trending: Fremont County COVID-19 Numbers COVID Dial Inmate Death Special Legislative. Please select a valid month/year combination. Canon says (machine translated):. Download 27,475 christmas free vectors. Founded in 1979, our headquarters are located just outside Philadelphia in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Inspiration, advice, and all of your wedding etiquette questions answered right this way. Canon; Descendants. Credit: Paul Wilkinson. See 10 authoritative translations of Cañón in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. B : a provision of canon law. Secret aspirations between a failed restaurateur and a celebrity chef threaten their blossoming Christmas romance. PLAY Song Artist Share Facebook Twitter. Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi surprised royal watchers after marrying in a private wedding ceremony in Windsor on 17 July. From intimate elopements to formal affairs that cover every tradition, get inspired with real wedding photos, and stunning wedding venues, unique. How to use Christmastime in a sentence. Our brides-to-be tell us time after time that they want the guest experience of buying a gift to be easy and fun – and that’s what The Wedding Shop offers. Make a Christmas staple with some homemade mince pies made with puff pastry. High School Divas. White Wedding is the second track on Billy Idol’s self-titled album, “Billy Idol”. Canon: a statement or body of statements concerning faith or morals proclaimed by a church. 24h Versand. Canon provides a variety of support for the convenience of users. Wieder an sieben Tagen die Woche f&252;r euch ge&246;ffnet und bietet die gewohnte Bandbreite an warmen und kalten Getr&228;nken, Snacks und Kuchen zum Mitnehmen an. Hyphenation: ca‧non. Start with our beautiful collection of personalized wedding invitations so your guests can save the date. Canon Camera Museum is a virtual museum that was first opened on 30 September 1996. Welcome to the Canon Store. Canon - a collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired sacred scripture, scripture - any writing that is regarded as sacred by a religious group. These lights are available in. Please subscribe to our cha. Whether it's holiday decorating trends, new family traditions or inspired gift ideas, we're here to help make your season as festive can be. 1 Okzitanischer Wikipedia-Artikel „canon“ 1 Claudi Balaguer, Patrici Pojada: Diccionari Catal&224; - Occit&224; / Occitan - Catalan. Le réseau est composé de plus de 300 collaborateurs, de 7 filiales réparties sur le territoire national et commercialise :W&228;hlen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen. , drew crowds of lawmakers in the Senate Hart building Wednesday after he stopped to play Christmas carols at a piano in the building’s atrium. Find support, ask questions, swap stories, and follow brides planning real weddings here on Weddingbee. WeddingSutra is India's best wedding planning website with an inspiring collection of ideas, wedding stories, top Indian wedding trends, Bollywood weddings, latest wedding fashion and more. Start a Free Trial Today to Send Unlimited Christmas Ecards. If you would like to know how many sleeps there are left until Christmas then all you need to do is add 1 to the number of days. A stylish wedding blog with wedding inspiration, wedding ideas, and vendor deals for the modern bride. Search for a wedding venue in South Africa from our extensive. Product Title Canon PGI-250 & CLI-251 4-Cartridge Combo Pack with. From invitations to wedding programs and bridesmaids’ gifts to bachelor parties, Zazzle has something for every part of the wedding celebration! Saiful Islam, the. Send this warm and beautiful card to your sister/ cousin and let her know how. All Cooking. Easy returns. Dove Wedding: Dolly Dress Up. Discover Vera Wang's iconic wedding dresses. See details. Log in or create a Canon Account to sign up for emails, register your products and get service and support — quickly and easily. Wedding shower n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. This year, Canon revamped its Grants Program with a new small business category and increased cash donations in response to the impact the pandemic has had this year. E-Mail-Adresse : Passwort : Registrierung. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. You might start with a milestone event, like a wedding or new baby, then create a Wish List for the next special occasion in your life—a big birthday, the holidays, even a housewarming. Bekannt ist der Hersteller aus Japan nicht nur f&252;r seine hochwertigen Kameras, sondern auch f&252;r seine Foto-Drucker mit ausgereifter Tintenstrahltechnik wie beispielsweise die Canon Pixma oder Selphy Serie. Listen to Christmas Music 365 days a year on the K-LOVE Christmas channel! Canon image. We make breathtaking wedding dresses for fashion forward brides like you. Den entsprechenden Download beispielsweise f&252;r Windows finden Sie kostenlos auf der Website. Christmas cheer has a new home here and your favorite puzzle game is now in a beautiful Christmas theme with great music, mahjong tiles, and 12 different layouts to keep you entertained with mahjong games all Yuletide long! Westwing macht Ihr Zuhause noch sch&246;ner! The South African Wedding Guide is designed to help make it easier and more enjoyable for you to plan the South African wedding of your dreams! Sponsor Highlight. Follow us on:. Canon printer ink is known for features like great quality and vivid ink colors. Learn about our Consumer, Business, Pro Photo & Video products. Wish the couple on their special day. The latest wedding dresses and chic bridal style inspiration from around the world. Fill up the biscuit tin for the Christmas holidays with these gorgeous lemon star biscuits with a lemon curd filling. 8% Canon EOS M200 2. Once you’ve set the date and whittled down your guest list, a save the date template will alert your guests to mark their calendars for your big day. The wedding games we host on our portal are meant to help you put together the perfect look for your perfect wedding day. Nikon Z6 II 5. Okay, thanks. “I think The Wedding Shop gift-list service is such a must-do for couples. (Roman Catholicism) canon (part of a mass following the Sanctus up to the end of the Pater Noster, consisting mostly of prayers) 5. Credit: Paul Wilkinson. Le réseau est composé de plus de 300 collaborateurs, de 7 filiales réparties sur le territoire national et commercialise :. All created by our Global Community of independent Web Designers and Developers. Was established since 1987 to deliver products and services. FREE Shipping by Amazon. It is often contrasted with, or used as the basis for, works of fan fiction. Get ready to start your life together by setting up your wedding registry on Walmart. ; Book Uber button lets guests. Our collection of wedding supplies features everything you need to help you and your guests commemorate the big day. Canon geh&246;rt schon seit einigen Jahrzehnten zu den ganz gro&223;en Anbietern, wenn es um Drucker, Kameras und B&252;rotechnik geht. Come celebrate your iconic Las Vegas Elvis Wedding with us at the original Graceland Wedding Chapel! Browse our incredible selection of elegant yet affordable wedding reception decorations and wedding reception supplies for your wedding reception party. View Our Brands ». 5ct Simulated Diamond Ring Set Size. CHRISTMAS LECTURES. The wedding ceremony is often followed by wedding reception or a wedding breakfast, in which the rituals may include speeches from the groom, best man, father of the bride and possibly the bride, the newlyweds&39; first dance as a couple, and the cutting of an elegant wedding cake. 5,364 Members. Get world-class Canadian Service + Support on Canon cameras, DSLR, mirrorless, lenses + accessories, home + small office printers, office printers, large format printing, production printing, cinema, broadcast + more. Damit Ihr Geschriebenes als Printprodukt auch richtig zur Geltung kommt, sollten Sie auf die richtigen Patronen setzen. Your wedding is one of the biggest days of your life, and you want it to be perfect. From Old French canon, from canne + -on, corresponding to Italian cannone. Canon EOS Rebel T100 DSLR Camera with 18-55mm f/3. Wedding venues are typically booked 1-2 years in advance, though some only need a few months’ notice. Canasom (literary, first-person plural) 2. Wedding Chicks Shop offers custom wedding totes, tanks and other wedding related goodies. Slick and fully responsive design. List, index, catalogue, syllabus, roll the body of work which constitutes the canon of English literature as taught in schools. 9% Fujifilm X. More news for Canon. Fund travel, adventures, date nights, entertainment and more! Members: Please list the location and state/province that the wedding was shot. Canon m (plural canons, diminutive canonnetje n) 1. 6 Zoom Lens + 32GB. Start our 7-day trial and you can send free Christmas. Welcome to Canon Virginia, Inc. JewelryPalace Wedding Bands Engagement Rings for Women, 14K Gold Plated 925 Sterling Silver Cubic Zirconia Promise Rings for Her, Infinity Anniversary 1. T (Tokyo) ¥2,062. Scan from Canon multi-function devices to a mobile device, upload scans to cloud storage services, attach to and send emails, and print. Dan from Fun Kids has opened an Advent shop. These cards are full of greens, reds, and all kinds of Christmas images that ensure you will be singing carols in your head while you play. 🎄Christmas Tree Emoji Meaning. Canon; Inkjet Printers; Home Photo Printers; Office Printers; G-Series MegaTank Printers ; imagePROGRAF Pro Printers; Ink; Paper ; Instant Camera Printers & Portable Printers. Calendar for ; Calendar for ; Add to or subtract from a date and time; Duration Between Two Dates – Calculates number of days. Search by location, color, theme and more. HOME; CHRISTMAS - PRODUCT CATEGORIES. We have wedding information for the bride, groom, best man, bridesmaids, ushers, receptions, directory of wedding services,. ค้นหาการดาวน์โหลดสำหรับผลิตภัณฑ์ Canon ของคุณเพื่ออัปเดตเป็นฟังก์ชันการทำงานที่เหมาะสมที่สุด. Canon- und HP-Drucker drucken mit Originalpatronen weitaus besser. Define wedding. Your wedding planning journey starts here. Started by Michael Faraday in 1825, and now broadcast on national television every year, the CHRISTMAS LECTURES are the UK's flagship science series. Canon PRINT Business Canon PRINT Business Canon PRINT Business. Match mahjong tiles in identical Christmas. Christmas Carols, Hymns and Songs Free for you to enjoy during the Christmas Season from Shiloh Worship Music as we remember that “Jesus Is The Reason For The Season”. Invest your money in all your number ones and cut corners on. Browse iconic Vera Wang wedding dresses and schedule an appointment to shop for Vera Wang wedding dresses at a Vera Wang flagship salon or retailer. From flirty peep-toe lace booties to elegant high-heel pumps. TOKYO, Decem—Canon announces today that it filed Report Infringement Forms with Amazon. Christmas is a Christian holy day that marks the. May Your Nest Be Filled With Joy! Canon printers are easy to setup with PrintAssist™. You may also want a separate wedding budget planner to keep track of expenses. (music) canon (round, music piece consisting of the same melody sung by different voices) 4. In line with our Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. Give the gift of Solitaire to your friends with this site, and you will surely be placed on the "Nice. Behind the Picture - Michael Nichols - Duration: 1:28. The EOS Rebel T7 DSLR itself is a stalwart option on its own, featuring a 24. South African Weddings / Your wedding is one of the biggest days of your life, and you want it to be perfect. Canon Medical offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, MR, X-Ray, Ultrasound and Healthcare Informatics across the globe. Canon Medical Systems Europe is a leading supplier of high-quality medical imaging equipment for a wide range of clinical specialties. &0183;&32;Pachelbel's Canon in D, performed on original instruments from the time of Pachelbel by the Early Music ensemble Voices of Music. Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite l&228;sst dies jedoch nicht zu. This is Canon by Pachelbel. Santa's elves have been at work all year putting together this free Solitaire website for you to enjoy during the joyous holiday season! Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of marriage vows by a couple, presentation of a gift (offering, rings, symbolic item, flowers, money, dress), and a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure o. Get all the ceremony ideas, including writing your own vows, ceremony décor ideas, and traditions to keep and toss. Free Delivery on orders over &163;50. Enjoy Christmas with Santa Claus at the North Pole, an award-winning Christmas website. Download CANON Printer / Scanner drivers, firmware, bios, tools, utilities. Best Wedding Videography ; This. The Knot is an All-In-One Wedding Planner, with the 1 Wedding App. Because “production reasons” (supply chain issues? Learn how to set up your printer or scanner, look up the manual for printing, scanning, and other operations, or find troubleshooting tips. Fund newlywed experiences. Find yummy Christmas recipes, Christmas stories, Christmas entertainment and free games to play. For instance, one may be a simple gold band with a single pear-cut diamond. News ; Canon New Zealand closes online Canon. Beautiful website templates, planning tools, photo sharing app, RSVPs, plus wedding invitations and Save the Dates. Borrowed from Latin canōn, from Ancient Greek κανών (kanṓn, “ measuring rod, standard ”). Wedding Reception Decorations, Wedding Reception Decoration Ideas. 2 Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin, from Latin, model : the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wine. On POPSUGAR Home you will find everything you need on home décor, garden and Wedding. Choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive Up and more. Canon ink comes in a variety of beautiful colors, including black, cyan, magenta, and yellow. 3 Jahre Garantie. Key Features. We recommend booking your wedding officiant at least eight months before your big day. From budgets to seating arrangements, the latest wedding food trends, and hitting the dance floor. Our Christmas Lecturers. Home; Impressum. Home - Canon Malaysia. Wedding definition, the act or ceremony of marrying; marriage; nuptials. Wedding definition is - a marriage ceremony usually with its accompanying festivities : nuptials. Decorate with coconut shavings, ‘snowballs’, and anything else you like 1 hr and 30 mins. (Christianity) canon (religious law) 3. Any bride-to-be will appreciate the great selection. Mr Karl Schrader and his wife Henriette Schrader-Breymann, a niece of Fr&246; bel, were pioneers of the social thinking in Berlin beginning of 1900 with social building, kindergarten mouvement etc. The wedding ring gallery on The Knot is a collection of men&39;s wedding rings and wedding rings for women of all different styles. Com, be sure to visit the most festive Disney-style ugly sweater ever! On everything left on your registry after the big day. Vegans shouldn't miss out on the Christmas feast; find Jamie's favourite vegan Christmas recipes right here and have the ultimate vegan Christmas dinner. Fill your studio with crisp images that showcase your talent, thanks to the precision of Canon DSLR camera technology that shutters in real time. Average rating: 4. Use invite code 271117 to RSVP. A heartwarming ecard to wish love and joy to your dear ones. Canon France Les Angles Le Village Station Les Angles Les Angles, Midi-Pyrenees, France Le P&39;tit Pyrénéen pyrénées photos La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée Tourisme en Occitanie Guillaume Obin Photographie is at Station de Ski les Angles. 46%) Mon,, 1:15AM ESTShowcase your photos and share wedding details with stunning, easy-to-customize designs. What is the biblical meaning of Canon? Choose from over a million free vectors, clipart graphics, vector art images, design templates, and illustrations created by artists worldwide! A canon (from the Latin canonicus, itself derived from the Greek κανονικός, kanonik&243;s, "relating to a rule", "regular") is a member of certain bodies subject to an ecclesiastical rule. Serving the European market we provide industry-leading service, support and clinical education. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. A video filled with wedding wishes and pictures. Canon UK, leading provider of digital cameras, digital SLR cameras, inkjet printers & professional printers for business and home users. Borrowed from Latin canōn, from Ancient Greek κανών (kanṓn, “measuring rod, standard”). Adobe Spark wedding invitation templates provide you with. Whether you envision a small ensemble as your wedding guests dine, or a large, lively band to provide the soundtrack as you dance the night away, the wedding music you choose is an important element of your Big Day. This software is exclusive for Canon inkjet printers and Canon all-in-one inkjet printers. Canon Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn. Many different styles of Music from Traditional to Contemporary. Time until Friday, Decem (New York time) Related Links. Christmas Countdown. Entwickelt wird. The CINE-SERVO 25-250mm T2. Get great wedding reception ideas for decorating from Oriental Trading. With a camera sensor that is the same size as 35mm film, you can get exceptional image quality, including great shots in low light. Browse the complete Vera Wang collection of bridal gowns and designer ready-to-wear fashion from Vera Wang. &0183;&32;Directed by Justin G. Wedding Ideas is the go-to guide helping the bride, groom, and bridal party with every aspect of the wedding from the hen and stag through to the honeymoon. Das Little MARS am Eingang des silent green Gel&228;ndes ist ab dem 2. Blessings On Wedding. Get set for Christmas with our festive ranges of food, drinks and gifts and decorations. Debenhams makes Christmas shopping fun and easy with our extensive selection of great gifts for her and gifts for him to put under the tree. Wish the couple a beautiful journey ahead with this ecard. &0183;&32;canon m (oblique plural canons, nominative singular canons, nominative plural canon) tube; cannon; Etymology 2. Our designers have a wide range of invitations and wedding stationery to match. Every wedding is a unique celebration, so as you consider your options for wedding guest dresses, it&39;s helpful to think about the details of the wedding you&39;re attending. A canon (from the Latin canonicus, itself derived from the Greek κανονικός, kanonikós, "relating to a rule", "regular") is a member of certain bodies subject to an ecclesiastical rule. Etymology 1. Cupcake Games. Begin by playing the Wedding Makeover Games, then learn how to create a Glamorous Bridal Make Up Look and then feel free to choose a gorgeous wedding dress that will complete your stunning bridal look in the day you’ll be walking down the aisle. Borrowed from Ancient Greek κανών (kanṓn, “measuring rod, standard”), akin to κάννα (kánna, “reed”), perhaps from Semitic (compare Hebrew קנה (qaneh, “reed”)). The ceremony. -2% Skonto. &0183;&32;The Christmas Truce occurred on and around Christmas Day 1914, when the sounds of rifles firing and shells exploding faded in a number of places along the Western Front during World War I. Best Games. For example if there is 0 days and 11 hours left until Christmas then that would be 1 sleep. See wedding. Schwarze Tintenpatrone f&252;r deinen Canon Drucker. No need to save every receipt. Origin of the Word &39;Canon&39;. Browse our full range of Cameras, Printers, Lenses, Accessories and more. From unleashing creativity and document printing at home to seeking seamless results in the office, Canon&39;s huge range of printers deliver on any need. Customer service Login. Canon Printer free download - Canon IJ Printer Driver Canon iP4200, BJ Printer Driver Canon Pixma iP1500, BJ Printer Driver Canon iP90, and many more programs. The alternative terms mythology, timeline, universe and continuity are often used, with the first of these being used especially to refer to a richly detailed fictional canon requiring a large degree of. Do They Know It's Christmas? Lady A – “Wonderful Christmastime” Tim McGraw – “It Wasn’t His Child” Kelsea Ballerini – “Santa Baby” The CMA Country Christmas set is decorated with beautifully realistic Christmas trees and d&233;cor from our friends at Balsam Hill! Written by about forty authors over the course of 1500 years, it was essential that a list be drawn up of the books which reflected the truth of God&39;s message and were inspired by the Holy Spirit. All Wedding Bands Classic or creative, engraved or drawn from collections such as Ballerine, Love, or Trinity Ruban, the Maison’s wedding ring options are endless. Wish the lovely couple a lucky married life with this ecard. IPA(key): /ˈkanon/, ˈkanõn. Visa Pour l&39;Image - Perpignan 213 views. 1 Place for Fun! 1 | 4,717 views | Liked by 100% Users. Canon definition, an ecclesiastical rule or law enacted by a council or other competent authority and, in the Roman Catholic Church, approved by the pope. Designs That Make Your Website Stand Out. 6 out of 5 stars, based on 8 reviews 8 ratings Current Price . It is recommended that you fully charge the iNSPiC C CV-123A built-in battery after use. Have the kids help you make this snowy coconut loaf cake. Learn more. Kitchen Games. It's helpful for the people viewing your work and for SEO purposes. See our best ideas for gifts, cards and family get-togethers. Types: Garden Wedding, Beach Wedding, Churh Wedding, Reception. Canon Tintenpatronen. Start by downloading a wedding checklist to organise and prioritise your to-dos. Couples New Year Party. The body of ecclesiastical law. Jetzt Bestellen! Die Originalpatronen der Firma Peach schnitten am besten ab. Alternative forms. By Natasha Bird Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Love is in the air, and a special wedding card is the perfect way to help commemorate a couple&39;s big day. Snowy coconut loaf cake. With Carol Burnett, Desi Arnaz Jr. Wenn du deinen Drucker t&228;glich nutzt, ist besonders die schwarze Farbe schnell aufgebraucht. Demetrios wedding gowns & dresses makes luxury affordable. 2 ratings 4. They're made with little pieces of peppermint candy canes for. Canon IXUS cameras are typically more advanced than the Powershot series, now including such features as a touch screen, high-definition movie shooting and HDMI output. Creative Park Creative Park Creative Park. NEW THIS WEEK. Have you chosen your wedding colors and theme? The cameras from Canon’s Ixus series are designed for those people who are engaged in casual photography. &0183;&32;Choose from 92 WordPress Wedding Themes. You can make advanced print settings and check the printer status, depending on the type of your printer driver. Shop for Women's Wedding Fashion from our Gifts range at John Lewis & Partners. Canon Oceania is today announcing the winners of its Grants Program, recognising two worthy organisations that will contribute to a better future for their local communities. Christmas Surely one of the biggest holidays of the year, the Christmas season honors family traditions. Canon Maxify MB5150 im Test | Unabh&228;ngiges und kritisches Testverfahren Alle Vor- und Nachteile Best-Preis finden Jetzt lesen. ) using Canon optical elements, while offering outstanding performance and reliability in professional shooting environments. (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈka. Shop Direct for Canon Digital Cameras, DSLRs, Lenses, Flashes, Printers, Ink, Paper, Toner & More. With William Conrad, Patrick Culliton, Tom Pittman, Charles Bateman. Mahjong Solitaire, Christmas style, is played just like the original 247 Mahjong game, but it just has a great Christmas theme! From easy craft ideas to origami-style 3D models – bring the paper fun into. Language: English (United Kingdom) English (United Kingdom) Deutsch Espa&241;ol Fran&231;ais (Belgique) Italiano Nederlands (Belgi&235;) Русский 日本語. (Entry 1 of 3) 1a : a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council. Wedding Reception Venues in South Africa. The &39;attractive person&39; sense comes from an ellipsis of canon de beauté. Canon IXUS Point-and-shoot Cameras. 0% Canon EOS R6 2. More Canon videos. Take stunning photographs with one of these. Canon, in bellfounding, one or more hanging loops cast integrally with the crown Canon arithmeticus, is a table of indices and powers with respect to primitive roots for prime powers less than 1000 The Canon of Judo, a book by Kodokan 10th dan, Kyuzo Mifune. Canon digital SLR cameras were first released in 1987 and have been spread over the entire spectrum of target markets; consumers to professional photographers. In recent years traditions have changed to include a father. Traditionally, this started on Christmas Eve and lasted until January 6, the feast of the Three Kings (the original Twelve Days of Christmas); now, however, especially in the U. Es based on the alleged use of claims 1 and 2 of the German, UK, Italian and Spanish portions of Canon&39;s European Patent EP"EP &39;289. Vegetarian. A biblical canon, or canon of scripture, is a list of books considered to be authoritative scripture by a particular religious community. -> Another bloomin christmas -> Last christmas nightcore
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