It’s National Bike Month and Dori Drachman, MSHub steering committee member celebrates May with her electric bike the Specialized – Como model. She has outfitted it with panniers or saddlebags that fit on the bike with a metal roll rack to hold even heavier items as she rides around Peterborough. She really likes taking her electric bike on the road to pick up groceries or small items at various stores. With side road options in Peterborough, Dori doesn’t have to hit the main roadways and feels safe knowing she has the extra pick up of the assisted electric engine helping her up hills and providing speeds that she couldn’t hit easily on foot pedal alone. For safety, she has purchased a rearview mirror for the handlebars to see easily behind her, so she knows when cars are coming up on the road. This is a great safety feature that makes looking forward and seeing what is behind you easier with less need to always sharply turn your head behind you – just like in cars. Dori knows that every trip she takes on her bike is one less trip she takes with her car – reducing greenhouse gases in Peterborough and the Monadnock Region. Knowing that in rural communities transportation is the highest contributor to greenhouse gases means that she is playing a role in reducing these gases for herself and her neighbors while exercising and helping herself keep fit. In fact, in the entire state of New Hampshire, transportation is the highest contributor to greenhouse gases. So, all those who are able, can take to the trails and side roads and reduce our dependence on our cars. And, if anyone could use a little push, consider an electric bike. With charging from a traditional electrical plug, it can provide transportation for so many of your regional needs if you live near a town or city center or a regional bike path that provides safe access to amenities. Dori Drachman lives in Peterborough, NH where she is a member of the MSHub Steering Committee and the Peterborough Energy Committee.
Habits get us through a more fluid existence The great thing, then, in all education, is to make our nervous system our ally instead of our enemy. It is to fund and capitalize our acquisitions, and live at ease upon the interest of the fund. For this we must make automatic and habitual, as early as possible, as many useful actions as we can, and guard against the growing into ways that are likely to be disadvantageous to us as we should guard against the plague. The more of the details of our daily life we can hand over to the effortless custody of automatism, the more our higher powers of mind will be set free for their own proper work. There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision, and for whom the lighting of every cigar, the drinking of every cup, the time of rising and going to bed every day, and the beginning of every bit of work are subjects of express volitional deliberation. Full half the time of such a man goes to the deciding or regretting of matters which ought to be so ingrained in him as practically not to exist for his consciousness at all. If there be such daily duties not yet ingrained in any one of my hearers, let him begin this very hour to set the matter right. I wish you endless dreams and the furious desire to make some of them come true. I wish you to love what you need to love and forget what you need to forget. I wish you passions, I wish you silences. I wish you bird songs on waking up and children's laughter. I wish you to respect the differences of others, because the merit and value of each one is often to be discovered. I wish you to resist the bogging down, the indifference and the negative virtues of our times. Finally, I wish you never to give up research, adventure, life, love, because life is a magnificent adventure and no reasonable person should give it up without fighting a hard battle. Above all, I wish you to be you, proud and happy, because happiness is our true destiny. - 1968 - Happiness consists in frequent repetition of pleasure. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. To be happy is to learn to choose. Not only the appropriate pleasures, but also his way, his job, his way of living and loving. Choose your hobbies, your friends, the values on which to base your life. Living well is learning not to respond to all the requests, to prioritize your preferences. The exercise of reason allows a coherence of our life according to the values and goals that we pursue. We choose to satisfy one pleasure or give up another because we give meaning to our life - in both senses of the word: we give it both direction ...
A collection of short stories from Marie Higgins that center around the Christmas Holiday. Fun and exciting, these short stories will warm your heart. "Dreaming of You" "A Thrill of Hope" "Becoming a Lady" Books included in this collection: "DREAMING OF YOU" (Romantic Comedy) Katelyn Palmer never believed any harm could come from using her college crush as the hero in her first romance novel--the novel that jumpstarted her writing career. However, when Shane Hunter storms into town, demanding to meet the writer who used his identity Katelyn is confronted with more than her long silent emotions. If Shane takes her to court for invasion of privacy, her career would be over. Shane doesn't know how to act when his ex sister-in-law accuses him of having an affair while he was married--and then shows him the romance book as proof. Now he wants to know who this author really is and why she used his name, and most of the events in his life, for her story. Desperate to know the truth, Shane befriends Katelyn, but he does not expect to be attracted to her, even more unexpected is the joy he finds watching his twins fall in love with the woman who is stealing his heart, too. "DANGEROUS KISS" (Romantic Suspense) In a desperate attempt to keep a man from her past who was wanted by the police from noticing her, Kelsey Manning makes a good-looking stranger an offer. She’ll pay Rick Jarmin if he pretends to know her. That mere request leads into a dangerous kiss . . . An unforgettable kiss even though following the bad guy puts their lives in danger. A THRILL OF HOPE Holly Kidman is determined to be the best movie-producer California has ever seen…until her mother’s broken leg ruins Holly’s plans and she must return home for the holidays. During her stay in her home town of Timberland, Montana, fate throws her with a man she’d rather not be around. And yet, once she can get past old grudges, she realizes the charming man and his large ranch inspire her more than she thought possible. Dare she hope for her dream-come-true? Rafe Montgomery is pleasantly surprised when Holly suddenly returns to town. Still haunted by the one, less than eloquent, kiss they’d shared years ago, he’s disappointed by the haughty attitude she’s come back with. His hope is to change the stubborn and unforgiving woman he’s slowly having feelings for and to show her what Christmas is all about. Humility is a hard emotion to swallow, but Jace Corbett must relook at his faults if he wants to keep from freezing his what's-it off. Literally. In the middle of the Colorado mountains at a family lodge, his date kicks him out of the cabin. The lady in the next cabin is his angel of mercy and rescues him...in more ways than one. "BECOMING A LADY" (Regency Romance) Dorothy Paxton is not pleased when a handsome Englishman walks into her inn and announces he's taking her to England to reunite her with the grandfather who turned his back on her years ago. Her escort, Calvin Seton, bribes her by paying her brother's doctor's bills, and soon she's on the ship sailing for London. Little by little, Calvin's charm softens her heart. While her lady's companion teaches her to become a lady, Dorothy is secretly wondering if the price of love is worth it. Especially when she knows Calvin will walk out of her life as soon as they reach England. Can she afford the cost of love?
Tips for Traveling with Children We’ve been chatting with all of you at the stores, through twitter and via facebook for a few weeks now about traveling with children. Together we’ve compiled a list of tips from all our our travel savvy friends on how to make your next trip go smoothly. Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed. Please feel free to add more tips in the comments... - Pack a sense of humor. Vacations are great at building positive childhood memories. Laughing and being laid back even if your flight is delayed or traffic on 95 is horrendous helps kids stay calm and have fun anyway. Your attitude sets the tone for the trip. Kids are very in tune with their adult role models, and sitting next to a stressed out person will only cause them stress. (Thanks for the tip, Gigi!) - Ask the flight attendants. If you’re flying, the flight attendants can be your greatest ally in having a successful flight. If your family is split up and you want to sit together, ask them for help. They will always do their best to accommodate people’s needs if they’re brought to their attention. Other travelers are also very helpful and generally do their best to keep kids happy too. - Keep snacks handy. Low blood sugar and hungry kids makes for crabby travelers. For toddlers, pack a bag of “O-shaped” cereal and bring a new shoelace or piece of string. Their snack doubles as a threading activity and can also be made into an edible necklace. (Thanks for the tip, Valla!) - Bring small, wrapped rewards. Positive reinforcement works wonders when traveling. It’s a great incentive for kids to behave, and it keeps them busy after each item is unwrapped. Stagger the gifts throughout the trip to keep excitement up. (Thanks for the tip, Ellie!) - Pack a few good books. Books can be heavy in luggage, but if you choose your titles wisely, they’re worth their weight in gold. Books that can be read over and over again do well; so do ones with great illustrations. You can stretch out a story by talking about the drawings or topics related to the story. (Thanks for the tip, duopress!) - Rest up. Getting a good night’s sleep is a great way to keep spirits high for the ride. Sleeping en route can sometimes be difficult, so it's best to start well rested. - Bring entertainment. Travel games and portable activites are a great way to keep everyone engaged while traveling. Family Talk, Melissa & Doug travel games, Magnetic Mighty Minds, scribble pads, Find-Its and fidget toys are just a few of the many things you can easily throw in a bag to take with you. - Find the right luggage. We love Trunkis because they are a suitcase that doubles as a ride-on toy. They are standard airline carry-on size and fit in most overhead compartments. They're also perfect for scooting around on in the concourse. Keeping things easily accessible, especially when flying is incredibly helpful. - Give yourself time. If you're driving, schedule time to get out of the car to stretch, have a picnic and run off some of that excess energy. Bring an inflatable ball, jump rope or other portable outdoorsy toy to encourage your children to be active. If you're flying, you'll need that extra time to get through security lines, make sure everyone has a drink and goes to the bathroom before boarding. Even if you end up being very early, watching planes takeoff and land is a pretty awesome experience.
Doug Smith, author of “The Trauma Code” & “Thriving in Transition”, is a thought leader on the impact of workplace induced emotional trauma. An accomplished keynote speaker & communicator, Doug presents a trauma management model he developed (System438) to address trauma and maximize human performance. Doug provides his clients with both understanding of and messaging on, the impact of workplace culture on mental health and performance. Doug’s clients are able to use this understanding and messaging to the benefit of their employees and the performance of their organization. An elite athlete at 18, Doug was the 1st Round draft pick of the Los Angeles Kings and played 607 professional games before a broken neck and spinal cord injury ended his career. Doug understands the impacts of workplace culture, the process of trauma recovery and the rebuilding of personal performance because he has been there. Doug In The Media How to Improve Mental Performance How To Improve Mental Performance Emmy Winning Talk Show “From Glory Days” hosted by Kurt David From Glory Days The Impact, and Managing of Emotional trauma As a child and teenager, Doug was emotionally and physically groomed to become the first hockey player from the ODHA (Ottawa District Hockey Association) to make it to the NHL. At age 16, Doug was drafted by the Ottawa 67s franchise as an underage (OHL) After 2 years in the OHL Doug was awarded the Ontario Hockey League’s top award for Academic Achievement and at 18 years 2 weeks old, Doug was drafted 2nd pick overall into the National Hockey League. Doug would play his first year for the Los Angeles Kings as their youngest player ever and be the only player on the LA Kings his first year to play all league games and all playoff games. Record Book – Rookie Year – Miracle on Manchester Game – The Biggest Comeback in NHL History against Wayne Gretzky and the Edmonton Oilers. In professional hockey game #607, at age 29, Doug went full speed, headfirst into the end boards & shattering the 5th and 6th cervical vertebrae in his neck. He would later wake up in ICU, a quadriplegic. No arms, no legs, no bladder, no bowels. System 4.3.8. is the method Doug used to recover and continuously improve his mental and physical performance. After 13 years, Doug eventually learned to skate again and play with The Ottawa Senator’s Alumni. Today I present why my physical injuries paled in comparison to the Cumulative Emotional Trauma I suffered in the workplace as a teenager in the NHL. Cumulative Emotional Trauma is now being recognized as the ticking time bomb in the workplace. The costliest problem corporate faces is almost invisible. System438 disarms the threat and makes it manageable. Doug Smith Performance Brand Doug Smith Performance enables you to wake up to trauma as a human condition and provides the experientially acquired, universal and practical tools necessary to recognize the limiting beliefs which hold you back from change and your own personal transformation Doug Smith Performance offers a system of transformation that is memorable, practical, and universally applicable for all ages, stages and areas of human life. It is easy to implement and possible to sustain with manageable effort. The information provided through Doug Smith Performance is cutting edge, real-world applicable and of useful interest to you emotionally, relationally and professionally. The resources used to formulate the outcomes are proven, validated, and field tested through repeatable and predictable outcomes. Doug Smith Performance provides tangible and valuable tools to nurture your own nature and identify key performance indicators needed to transform your life or your business. Once you know better – you are bound to do better. Doug Smith Performance helps you engage the change like no other.
It’s worth exploring every last option before calling it discontinues on your marriage — but sometimes, there’s nothing you can do to keep an unhealthy relationship afloat. Below, men and women who blog for The Huffington Post share their last-ditch efforts to save their marriages before ultimately calling it quits. I invited him over for a romantic dinner and it was anything but romantic. “My then-husband and I had sold our home and my daughter and I had moved into a new place, but I still held out hope we could make it run and get back together. So one night, I hired a babysitter, made a delicious dinner( bottle of wine included) and invited him over for a romantic evening . During dinner, he talked constantly of ‘his new life’ and how our wedding wasn’t running — all due to me. I remember him saying, ‘If merely you had been better at this’ or ‘If merely you had been happy simply being a military spouse and hadn’t wanted to build a career.’ That was our last dinner and our last dialogue as husband and wife, because I realized no matter what it only wasn’t going to work. We simply weren’t a good fit for each other.” — Honoree C . I gave him my wife permission to continue her affair. “My last-ditch effort followed a series of first, second and third-ditch attempts. First, I decided we could survive her affair by patiently awaiting its’ objective. Second, I began to address my issues; I was codependent and resented being the primary caregiver. Third, I arranged to renew our vows in surprise ceremony because I supposed she was willing. For my last-ditch endeavor , I actually suggested she let the affair run its course and I would wait until it was over . These attempts did not make any difference; they only increased my role as a doormat in the marriage.” — Chris B. I considered plastic surgery to save my wedding. “I’d describe the final years of my matrimony as aiming darts on a target that never made the mark. Each dart represented effort: therapy, dolling myself up, getting long, imagination, nails that I’d never had. I wrote 14 handwritten love letters for every day that I was gone on a trip with our daughter, complete with a playlist of meaningful songs in our lives . I even contemplated plastic surgery, which isn’t me at all . In between, we went on weekend getaways and have all along been evenings talks on the back porch. It became clear to me that I wasn’t changing enough and would need to morph more to accommodate our virtually 20 -year wedding. Eventually, I decided I did need to change but for my children and myself: I asked him to move out and divorced him. That dart finally reached the bull’s-eyes. Besides having my children, it was the best decision I’ve ever made.” — Clara H. I asked him to take a romantic journey with me and ended up going solo. “I knew my wedding was over the night before my husband and I were to leave on a 1 week trip to Borneo. We had been fighting all week( well, genuinely for the past four years, but it had reached a real point of no return in the last week ). I was counting on this trip to get our matrimony back on track. We had always traveled well together. But when midnight approached my husband informed the committee that we were no longer married and he was not going on the journey . The next morning I woke him up and implored him to go. He refused. I went by myself. It turned out to be an astounding week. I made new friends. I learned how to navigate public transportation. I ran scuba diving and ensure thousands of fish circling around me. I remained out til 2 a.m. drinking and feeing fresh seafood with fellow traveler. When I got back home, I told him it was over.” — Julie M. We tried( and failed) at wedding advise. “We had tried wedding counseling many rounds. About three. And by the third go-round, I didn’t have it in me to keep beating what seemed to be, a dead horse. The third time we tried a different therapist. I felt like she was doing therapy right out of some volume she read the night before. I listened to her and did what she asked, and so did he but a few days after, we would fizzle out. It wasn’t simply building changes but grueling hard work, and from my aim, I didn’t feel like my ex was considering all I was doing to help things. Perhaps he felt the same way.” — Laura L . I asked my spouse to travel the world with me instead of divorcing. “I returned from a business trip-up and sat on the floor with my spouse and said, ‘I realized while I was in Europe that our marriage is dead.’ She said she had realized the same thing. It wasn’t even in my mind we’d get divorced, though. I told her, ‘let’s sell the house and travelling the world with the kids.’ But we had operated our course. We’d met at 23. We were now reaching 40. Nothing could ‘fix’ it. It was better for both of us to fly. And we did.” — Adam G. I overheard my husband telling our friends that the matrimony was over and feigned I didn’t. “A clue that it was over came in a hushed tone on a balmy evening. As I sat on the grass of our front yard I overheard my husband tell our mutual friends, ‘Patty knows we won’t be together much longer.’ I wanted to believe it was the whiskey talking and never mentioned it to him . The last clue and negative quality I overlooked was the most obvious: he wasn’t nice to me anymore and didn’t want to spend time with me. I eventually learned actions speak louder than words.” — Patty B . After separating, the kids and I moved back in with him and tried to start again. “I moved back in the last period. We had expended the majority of the summer after my youngest child was born separated. I was heartbroken that he was missing the majority of her newborn days and milestones. He seemed distraught as well and vowed to change his ways. I moved into the new household home he had purchased us hesitantly and hoped he would fulfill his promises to amend his styles . That was in August. By mid-October, I knew things were not going to get better and left for good. All was not lost, though, as we can now co-parent peacefully, and we work much better in that capability. ” — Lindsey L .
FREMONT – With some momentum and a jam-packed Purple Pit on its feet and loud, the Little Giants showed what they’re capable of Saturday in the third quarter against arch-rival Sandusky. But in the fourth quarter the Little Giants showed their also capable of turnovers in bunches and a dearth of second-chance points, combined with timely shooting by the Blue Streaks left Ross with a 75-62 loss to its rival. “Second shots, I thought we could have gotten a lot of them and we didn’t until late,” Ross coach John Cahill said. “They’re playing guards in the post and they’re fighting and winning. …When push comes to shove, I feel like the tougher, more aggressive team usually wins and they were the tougher team tonight and that comes back to me. I’m not getting us to that point.” Sandusky took a double-digit lead into the second half and the Blue Streaks grew the lead to as many as 15 nearly the midpoint of the quarter. That’s when Ross put together one of its best stretches of the season. Six-foot-6 junior Jaevon Martin kicked things off with back-to-back buckets from the post then Bryce Root hit a pair of free throws. Jabryis Heidelburg then drove to the basket to put Ross within 10. Moments later, Heidelburg found Bryce Root for a 3-pointer. A little more than half a minute later Bryce McKinstry scored on a hook from the post and later Root hit another 3-pointer to bring Ross back to four points with 40 seconds to play to cap off a 13-3 run. “Bryce Root was factor he got some good looks and had a big third quarter,” Cahill said. “They did a job in the fourth shutting him out. And Jaevon got some baskets.” Sandusky led by six entering the fourth quarter and Ross came as close as four early in the period before the Blue Streaks put together a run of their own, outscoring the Little Giants 14-2 in less than three minutes. Sandusky’s run was aided, in part, by three consecutive Ross turnovers, all leading to baskets, inside a 30-second span. “Sometimes we get discombobulated just with the game, we get out of what we’re trying to do. That’s bene a challenge all year,” Cahill said. “…We talked at the beginning of the season, we thought rebounding and turnovers were going to dictate a lot of our success or failure and most nights we’ve lost both, the turnover battle and the rebounding battle.” Root led the Little Giants with 19 points and McKinstry pulled down 14 rebounds but Martin, who hadn’t played organized basketball since sixth-grade before this season, showed how high his ceiling can be as he broke out for a career-high 17 points, 15 coming in the second half, along with seven boards. “We didn’t really get to know him until the school year started and he has – on the court and off the court – made tremendous strides,” Cahill said of Martin. “I’m really proud of him across the board. There are times he does things because he just doesn’t know, because he’s learning, but I feel like every game he’s getting a little better and a little better. He’s a bright spot for us.” The loss drops the Little Giants to 2-12 overall for the season. Ross returns to action Tuesday when the Little Giants travel to Springfield. Sandusky 75, Fremont Ross 62 Jayden Greene 16; Tahj Staveskie 19; Dylon Jones 20; Ja’Torry Johnson 2; Ra’Landes Johnson 2; Jon’Tres Johnson 4; William Simpson 6; Noah Caston 6. FREMONT ROSS (62) LaBronze Barnett 1; Hayden Lehmann 3; Jabryis Heidelburg 10; Ben Gedeon 3; Bryce Root 19; Bryce McKinstry 9; Jaevon Martin 17. Sandusky 64, Fremont Ross 49 Aaron 15; Roldon 6; Grandberry 4; Castile 2; Alexander 7; Henry 16; Redding 12; Dorset 2. FREMONT ROSS (49) Isaac Fox 5; Tarian Bowling 3; Javien Burel 3; Mickey Lather 19; Jonathan Szymanowski 1; Josh Rhea 2; Tremaine Sims 6; Spencer Price 2; Jared Adkins 6; Jason Burling 2. Sandusky 42, Fremont Ross 36 Johnson 9; Scott 9; Franklin 3; Flecter 4; Pisarsky 6; Taylor 4; Talley 7. FREMONT ROSS (36) Kahji Pickins 14; Jaedyn Bulger 10; Kalijah Alejandro 3; Darrian Ayers 6; Kurt Harrison 3.
History of Crystals Find out the History of crystals, why we use them and how it can help with everyday life! History records the use of Crystals as both functional and ornamental. The Gods of ancient myth wore them in their breastplates. Priests of many societies and brotherhoods, as keepers and preservers of lost prehistoric wisdom, often wore bejewelled amulets and plates, which acted as “oracles” and “voice pieces” from which advice was obtained. The Urim and Thummim stones of the Hebrew high priests were a prime example. The Atlanteans used crystals for healing – communication – weather control – as record keepers – among other things. Tibetans used them to produce light. Mayans, among others, used crystals in their statues. John L. Stephens in his classic work on the Mayan civilization, Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, tells how in one small Mayan temple he discovered ‘a pedestal formed of a shining substance resembling glass’ around which he was told the ancient priests gathered and consulted pictures created in the ‘black, transparent stone.’ He wrote, ‘A native informed me that their ancestors had known the gift of the vision stone, when his people were instructed in the arts of civilization.’ In Peru, Spanish chroniclers recorded that when they invaded the Incan Empire and captured the King, the Queen and priests immediately fled to the Temple of the Sun in Cuzco, where they communicated with other regents of the land, and decided what was to be done, by gazing into the ‘black mirror’ situated at the Temple’s centre. Significantly, the Incan Temple of the Sun, and the pyramid complexes of the Mayas, were all located on Earth energy lines. There is thus reason to believe that the Ancients possessed the ability of transmitting images along these lines, and crystal lenses or screens were used at specific centres to transform the images into pictures, much like a modern television set. When we examine what modern research is uncovering regarding the full spectrum of the Properties of Crystals, and compare this with the Ancient knowledge, we discover we are touching upon only the very beginnings of a vast forgotten technology. Crystals, at their simplest functional level, can store light and discharge it, or convert sunlight directly into electricity. A step beyond, the crystalline form can also store information in vast quantities. A cut sliver of crystal can pick up a specified vibratory pattern; the silver can then be ‘frozen’ and subsequently ‘unfrozen’ later to playback the pattern. A complex sandwich of liquid crystal layers and mirrors act as light valves to create closed loops of light and moonlight signals, which correspond to a two alphabet system of information storage. By such means, information can be stored with a density of 2,500-fold over that of conventional electrical-digital computers. The first working model of the light and crystal computer is scheduled to be operational within a very short time. But one wonders if someone else, long ago, developed such a system before us. Could there be banks and libraries of knowledge stored in the crystals of standing stones, stone circles and other monuments around the world, just waiting, silently, for modern man to tap into them and learn the wisdom hidden within? Not only knowledge, but the actual consciousness and emotional energies of psychic individuals from past ages may still reside in many ancient crystal forms. Several researchers have Used Crystals to capture the life force, or the vibratory pattern of a person at death. Other experiments being conducted are said to have successfully captured a human thought within a crystal and re-transmitted it back as an image. Author George Hunt Williamson, who believes that crystals played a significant role in past civilizations, expressed his opinion that crystals can think, and many standing stones have an ‘intelligence within them”. Masses of crystal flakes encased in a single stone may act as individual neurons passing along information from one flake to another and organize it, like a large crystal brain. Certain individual crystals, in particular diamonds and other precious stones, can hold conscious emotional energies from a bygone era, which may be triggered from time to time, affecting their owners. The best classic case of this is the famous Hope Diamond, and the mysterious curse attached to it. The Hope was originally part of a much larger gem called the Great Blue, later the French Blue, stolen from the temple of Rama site in India by Frenchman Jean Baptist Tavernier in 1668. In revenge, the priests of the temple, along with the Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb, held a special rite and infused the gem with a negative consciousness or emotional pattern. Since that time, every owner of the gem, or even those who have handled it, have been subject to misfortune, tragedy or violent death. Even after the original Great Blue was cut into pieces, the Hope remaining as the largest, the curse has followed every piece, even to the present. Interestingly, tests have shown that the Hope Diamond and its sister stones are the only blue diamonds in the world which glow like red-hot coals when exposed to ultraviolet light, and can conduct an inordinate amount of electricity. Cursed gems are the exception to the rule, however, for in most respects, gems and crystals are generally looked upon favourably, having properties for good luck, for healing, and in aiding in psychic abilities. The positive magical quality of crystals impressed themselves upon humankind far back in antiquity, for we find among Neanderthal remains dating back to 70,000 B.C. collections of quartz stones and stone balls made of quartz crystals. Pieces of crystal have also been found in megalithic cairns, and at New Grange in southern Ireland, tiny pebbles of white granite quartz cover the entire mound above the energy-chamber. The Druids called certain coloured crystal forms ovus anguinum or glein neidr – ‘serpent eggs’ – who believed were created by etheric serpents of energy beneath the earth and conjugated together at the time of the midsummer sunrise. Such stones, worn about the neck, had the power of projecting one’s Auric Field to favourably influence the aura and mind of anyone else who came within range. Similarly, they understood that wearing crystals over certain acupuncture points of the body aided in the healthy flow of physical and psychic energies. The Emperor Tsin Shi, who reigned from 259-210 B.C., is said to have possessed at his palace at Hein-Yang in Shensi a mirror-like stone of crystal which ‘illuminated the bones of the body’ when a person stepped behind it. It was rectangular in shape, measuring four feet by five feet nine inches, and glowed on both sides. The placing of the hand over the heart somehow activated the stone, whereby the patient’s inner parts were clearly portrayed, and diagnosis of illness could be obtained. Two hundred and fifty years earlier, the Hindu sage Jivaka also had a large ‘jewel’ which ‘illuminated the body like a lamp lights up a house,’ and from which nothing within could be hidden by any intervening obstacle. In like fashion, the medicine men of the Hopi Indians of the American Southwest use crystals to observe the energy centres of the body, and can tell when physical currents are impeded, causing ill health. These crystals, too, have the power, when concentrated upon, to be energizers in influencing events, including forestalling bad weather. On the Isle of Skye near Ireland, is a chapel dedicated to St. Columbus, and on the altar is a round crystalline blue stone held sacred to weather and health. Local fishermen, to appease contrary winds, bathe this stone with water and claim good results. The stone has also been applied to peoples’ sides to relieve cramps. Among the Australian aborigines of north Queens land on the Prosperine River, Quartz Crystals are used by the shamans to cause rain to fall. At other times, in special initiation ceremonies the aboriginal shamans are sprinkled with quartz beads mixed with water, and are thus able to see and speak briefly with spirit beings, exercise telepathy, and cure maladies. The Ancients appear to have possessed sophisticated methods of growing and shaping crystals, in order to produce gems with specific magical properties. There are three major axis of crystal growth which can develop into any one of seven geometric systems, with lattices and facets in different ratios, producing 230 groups and variations, each one specialising in organising, redirecting, separating, concentrating or converting applied energies.
Okay, that’s crazy, right? But it’s not as far fetched at it sounds. Of course, in the end (and make no mistake about it: we ARE talking about the “end”), it’s all about money, which is not news to anyone. And insurance companies are in business to be profitable. A little disaster here, a major disaster there, raise everyone’s rates to cover your losses, yada yada yada. Anyone who has had a fender bender or a house fire knows that a) you’ll be covered, and b) your rates are going up. But what if there are very near-term scenarios (circa year 2040) which portend losses that simply cannot be covered…losses that spell the end of business as usual. And here, regardless of how you feel about insurance companies, you have to give them credit for valuing our SURVIVAL which is more than can be said about the fossil fuel industry. Lloyd’s of London recently looked into the extremely tenuous condition of humanity and guess what? They don’t like our odds. it appears that we are just 3 steps away from the collapse of civilization as THEY know it (in other words, the feasibility of making a buck off of our bad luck). Insurance, and re-insurance companies, along with major financial institutions such as the United Nations, World Bank, and the IMF have been sounding alarms bells for several years now about the impacts of continuing our unabated burning of every last drop of fossil fuel; however, I do believe that the insurance industry, and in particular, Lloyd’s, is the clearest warning to date on just how precariously we are indeed “perched.” These types of reports ripple throughout financial markets and can dissuade investors from throwing money at risky, short-lived and possibly “stranded” fossil fuel assets. Add into the (already unsavory) recipe for “Fossil Fuel Cookies of Death” a dash of fossil fuel divestment, mix in lots of foot stomping by civilians across the world, sprinkle liberally with investor jitters, and set your oven to broil. We may not just be re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. But let’s be honest. This is TAKING TOO LONG. But the more that information like this is disseminated, the better our odds are. And what are the odds? Not good. In fact, very bad. As the Heartland Institute, ALEC, Exxon Mobil, Koch bastards, Marc Morano, et al continue to yell above the Din of Despair that there is no such thing as global warming, many (most?) scientists privately believe that it’s too late. We are indeed locked in to decades or longer of warming that has not yet been realized. But what to do? Give up? I will not. Not yet, at least. And when I do, you can find me on the ice, with my Bernie sticker on my helmet, playing hockey til the end. But I am not ready to concede. Why not? Well, the odds that we are even HERE, the odds that intelligent life got a foothold on this gorgeous jewel of a Goldilocks Planet of ours, are so incredibly long that we just may be the only intelligent form of life in the universe. And as physicist Max Tegmark says, if we weren’t here to enjoy the view, it would all be such a terrible waste.
Question: Is the nicotine delivered via the e-cigarette going to promote cancer in already existing pre-cancerous cells? Answer. Not likely and not in the next 10 years. 1) Nicotine is not a known carcinogen Nicotine, inhaled or by any route, is not recognized by the state of California as a known cause of cancer in humans or animals. Hundreds of other chemicals are so recognized, and scores of them are in cigarette smoke. Second hand tobacco smoke is recognized in this way. 2) Careful follow up for 10 years – the Lung Study in the USA has followed thousands of ex-smokers for five years and then for 7.5 years after that,. Risk of cancer of the lung was increased in those who continued to smoke, but not in those using nicotine alone compared with those who quit entirely. That means 10 years of follow-up. If their cells were pre-cancerous to start with, and nicotine was a cause of cancer, new cancers would have been expected to appear within those 10 years. 3) Widespread use of nicotine for 25 years. Since 1984, nicotine has been given to millions of smokers trying to quit smoking, to help them quit smoking, with no reported increase in lung cancer. Over 40,000 were followed for at least 6 months, and some have been followed for 20 years. Some 8% of nicotine gum users become long term users, but no increase in cancers has been reported in long term users of nicotine gum or patch. Pre-cancerous cervical cells are commoner in smokers. Any smoker so affected, should obtain rigorous follow-up. We have no reason, however, to believe e-cigarettes will increase the risk of the cells becoming cancerous. E-cigarette use reduces risk of cancer by supplanting the smoking of tobacco cigarettes Using e-cigarettes INSTEAD of smoking tobacco cigarettes is bound to reduce the risks of lung cancer, because the cancer-causing gases such as 1,3 butadiene found in the smoke of all cigarette brands, are no longer inhaled. Switching to e-cigarettes with nicotine continued, can be expected to reduce lung cancer risk the same as altogether quitting cigarettes without e-cigarettes. Complete quitting and complete switching required 100% altogether-quitting or 100% quitting by 100% switching to e-cigarette is required. Anyone continuing to smoke even one cigarette per day along with e-cigarettes (dual smoking) increases risk of premature death by about half. Question: If nicotine can cause cancer in specially-bred susceptible mice, how can nicotine e-cigarettes in humans lower cancer risk? 1) For smokers, nicotine’s danger lies in the fact that nicotine is what smokers smoke for, and the cheapest way to obtain a nicotine hit is still by smoking cigarettes. Over 98% of total inhaled nicotine in NZ is probably in cigarette smoke. 2) Public health argument. Nicotine products including e-cigarettes used as a replacement for smoking, are expected on the basis of the known effects of their respective chemical constituents, to prevent far more cancer than they are likely to ever cause. 3) Health risk for the user. The risk of relapse to smoking remains substantial for the first year after stopping smoking. 4) Human rights argument. Smokers continuing to smoke past age 35 years face a 1 in 2 eventual risk of early death, and so should be entitled, in self-protection, to : § buy e-cigarettes for recreational use without the need to quit nicotine § use e-cigarettes for so long as they feel the need, to avoid risk of relapsing to smoking. On this point, the smoker is likely to be the best judge, as most doctors have never smoked. In e-cigarettes, the nicotine inhaled per puff is much less than (about one tenth) in a cigarette puff, and risk of cancer in mice from nicotine in their diet is of great theoretical interest for researchers, but no proven effect for humans. Cancer risk has been studied in a million Americans, and on follow-up the lung cancer rates were 10-20 times higher for cigarette smokers, compared with never-smokers. E-cigarettes protect from cancer to the extent that e-cigarette users no longer smoke tobacco cigarettes. Cancer risk in predisposed mice The billions of free oxygen radicals and numerous known cancer causing gases in every cigarette smoke puff, substances in smoke besides nicotine, not to mention the solids in the tar, are the cause of increased cancer risk in smokers. However, in test-tube cancer cell lines and mouse models nicotine itself is known to increase blood supply of some cancers, and may directly stimulate growth of some cancer cells and increase malignancy. So far this applies to breast and lung cancer in mice. You suck on it, it smokes, the end glows and it gives you nicotine – but it’s not a cigarette. Christchurch smokers may get the chance to try the Ruyan e-cigarette, a Chinese smoking substitute that delivers nicotine in a harmless mist through a cigarette-like device, this year. Christchurch doctor and anti-smoking campaigner Murray Laugesen has been testing the device for its Chinese manufacturers in preparation for a launch in this part of the world. He is planning clinical trials on the device that would involve “hundreds of people”. Activated when the smoker sucks on the end, the electronic cigarette glows at the tip, produces harmless theatrical smoke and conveys nicotine from a reloadable cartridge to the smoker’s lungs. Laugesen has completed the first of several trials for Ruyan to test the product’s efficacy and safety. The tests found the e-cigarette decreased cigarette cravings as effectively as the Nicorette inhaler already on the market, but most smokers preferred the e-cigarette’s taste and said they would recommend it to a friend, Laugesen said. The device has been on sale in China since 2004 and in the United States this year, but was only in the first stages of New Zealand testing. Laugesen’s first impressions of the e-cigarette were positive. “It’s the first product I’ve seen that looks as if it can compete with tobacco,” he said. “It’s interesting watching smokers. Usually on about the third puff, a look of surprise comes over their face because they get light-headed.” The device sells in the US for about $US200 ($NZ256), with refills, which last between one and four days, selling for $US5 ($NZ6.40) each. It contains a microchip that senses pressure on the mouthpiece and warms the nicotine mist. The nicotine canisters must be certified as a medicine and such aspects as shelf life would have to be tested before it could be sold in New Zealand. E-cigarettes: harmless inhaled or exhaled – No second hand smoke Second hand cigarette smoke is a mixture of mainstream and sidestream smoke. It contains the same toxicants as mainstream smoke, but at reduced levels. It is responsible for about 8% of the deaths caused by direct smoking. Second hand mist from an e-cigarette is not smoke at all, and does not contain any substance known to cause death, short or long term, in the quantities found. It becomes invisible within a few seconds, and is not detectable by smell. Exhaled breath after e-cigarette use has been tested for CO only. No increase in CO was found. The e-cigarette does not create side-stream smoke. Exhaled breath after e-smoking contains even less nicotine per puff, as much of the nicotine inhaled is absorbed. Similarly, propylene glycol is largely absorbed and little is exhaled. No harm found in e-cigarette mist Nicotine is not harmful in the quantities mentioned.1 Propylene glycol is harmless – it is used in making theatrical fog and as an ingredient in soaps, personal lubricants and intravenous medicines. CHEMICALS IN SMOKE and E-cigarette MIST Leading chemicals only Cigarette SMOKE E-cigarette MIST Nicotine per puff YES 0.1 mg/puff YES 0.01 mg/puff Propylene glycol NO 0 mg/puff YES 0.7 mg/puff Carbon monoxide YES NONE Acrolein YES NONE Hydrogen cyanide YES NONE CARCINOGENS 1,3- Butadiene and 20+ others: Trace amounts of a few only: Acetaldehyde YES TRACE Acrylonitrile YES NONE Arsenic YES NONE Benzalphapyrene YES NONE Benzene YES NONE Cadmium YES NONE NNN, NNK (nitrosamines) YES TRACE reproduced from Health New Zealand. http://www.healthnz.co.nz/cancerrisk.htm
Keep Your Home Hay Fever Free Helpful Tips For This Summer Most of us are delighted to see the weather improving and the sun shining. However, there are many people across the country who suffer from allergies, and in particular hay fever. Over recent weeks there has been an increase in the pollen count and we want to help those who suffer from this allergy. Below, we provide some helpful tips that could ‘hay fever proof’ your home. The first thing to do is remove the possibility for any outdoor pollen to enter your home. The easiest way for this is by keeping the windows in your home closed. People may feel the warmth at night and decide to open a window, but this may result in your allergies affecting your sleep. Hard wood floors may be more beneficial to those who suffer with allergies, as it is less likely to trap any dust or pollen. If your home is carpeted, it is recommended to vacuum and clean your carpet as frequently as possible. Clean Your Home This tip seems pretty straightforward as most of us prefer keeping our homes tidy. However, we want to make sure that you are doing so correctly. Especially during hay fever season, we recommend that you avoid using feather dusters as they just lift the dust particles into the air instead of cleaning them. Instead, we recommend using a damp cloth which will collect the particles and keep your home fresh. To help ensure that you get a good night sleep during hay fever season it is important to keep your bed sheets and pillows clean. Your hair is likely to trap pollen which may spread to your pillow cases, so we recommend washing or rinsing your hair before going to bed to help keep your room pollen free. Keep Your Pets Clean If you're a pet owner, it's worth knowing that every time they go outside they are likely to collect pollen from their fur. We recommend ensuring that your dog is bathed weekly and it is also important to brush them after every outdoor visit. It is also advised to keep them out of the bedroom, especially during the height of the hay fever months. We hope these tips prove useful and help with your battle against pollen this summer. Not only do we provide useful information for our readers, but at Chill we provide great value home insurance. If you would like to talk to us about what policy suits your needs, you can give us a call on 01 4003400.
Leverage external data to improve pricing and underwriting decisions The Big Picture A leading health insurer believed it could better predict claims experiences using external data, as supplement to internal claims data. The organization wanted to leverage the predicted claims experience to improve pricing for new business, by considering external data in addition to internal factors such as age, gender and region. As an initial objective, a rating modifier was proposed to be built leveraging expected claims experience that is informed based on external data. Two key considerations for designing the solution were to - validate the business case under consideration through external studies before investing in the use case, and - to achieve a decent lift over and above the claims experience informed by age, gender and location factors. With these considerations in mind, the approach began by performing a discovery to ascertain the validity of the use case. Upon completion of discovery, several external variables that were predictive of the claims experience were identified, and were mapped to the client’s external data ecosystem for further validation. This included factors like buying behavior, socio economic and financial indicators, and health interests. Post validation of the use case in discovery, several hypotheses were identified to create a set of 200+ features from external data to validate factors that could potentially predict claims experience. The variables were created to represent various behavioral aspects and characteristics of members, using external lifestyle census data, zip data, and account level variables. The approach explored multiple traditional and advanced machine-learning techniques to predict claims experience (loss) at member level. The model that was built identified meaningful drivers for the claims experience of a member. Several key insights were uncovered, such as individuals with prime time television usage associated with lower loss amount. To adjust rating factors, the expected loss (claims experience) at member level was rolled up to the group level to create a group level rating modifier. The rating modifier created by leveraging external data reduced the gap between predicted and actual loss. As a result, this rating modifier, which leveraged the external data, ended up reducing the gap between actual and predicted risk. Adjustments were then proposed to the quotation process for incorporating the new modifier into pricing of new group policies.
- Family Boraginaceae - Symphytum officinale - Ass Ear, Black Root, Blackwort, Boneset, Bruisewort, Consound, Gum Plant, Healing Herb, Knitback, Knitbone, Salsify, Slippery Root, Wallwort - Spanish: Sueldo, Consueldo, Cardo Santo Do not use comfrey on dirty wounds as rapid healing can trap the dirt or pus. The use of comfrey root is not suggested as it contains toxic alkaloids, mainly pyrrolizidine. It is unclear as to whether the alkaloids are toxic in the context of the whole plant, since they are only present in minute amounts and are often completely absent from samples of dried aerial parts. The highest concentration is in the root, having almost twice as much as in the aerial parts. Until such time as it is proven one way or the other, use of the root internally is not advised. It should be noted that Swedish researchers have determined that these alkaloids are destroyed when making a decoction of the aerial parts. Internal use of comfrey is not recommended. Indigenous to Europe, comfrey now grows in all temperate regions of the world, including western Asia, North America, and Australia. The herb is a perennial that grows up to three feet, producing thick leaves and bell-like white to pink or mauve flowers. It thrives in moist, marshy places; but it can send down a ten-foot, or longer, taproot to raise moisture and valuable minerals. The leaves and flowering tops are harvested during the summer. The root is harvested in the spring or fall when the allantoin levels are the highest. Long used to heal wounds, the comfrey leaves and roots have been used to cure ailments ranging from stubborn leg ulcers to broken bones, and hence its common name of “boneset” or “knitbone”. During ancient times, comfrey baths were popular before marriage to repair the hymen and thus restoring virginity. Since 400 BCE, early Greek physicians have used comfrey to stop bleeding, treat bronchial problems, heal wounds, and mend broken bones. During the Irish potato famine of the 1840s, an Englishman named Henry Doubleday became convinced that the world could be saved from hunger and suffering by using comfrey. He established a charitable organization to research the cultivation and use of the plant that exists to this day and continues to publish pamphlets and books on its usage. - cell proliferator - heals wounds, bone, and cartilage - allantoin (up to 4.7% mainly in flowering tops) - mucilage (about 29% mainly fructans) - nutrients (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B12, C, proteins) - phenolic acids (rosmarinic) - steroidal saponins - toxic alkaloids (including pyrrolizidines) Aerial parts, root The active ingredients in comfrey herb are allantoin (a substance that fosters the growth of new cells), rosemarinic acid (an anti-inflammatory), and mucilage (a gummy substance that soothes inflammed tissues). Allantoin is credited with encouraging bone, cartilage, and muscle cells to grow. However, a soothing solution can be made from the leaves steeped in hot water; but its effectiveness is lessened by heat. The roots contain about twice as much allantoin as the leaves. Pharmacists may add allantoin to ointments and creams to enhance skin-healing properties. Poultices made from the fresh leaves are applied to rough skin, aching joints, sores, burns, cuts, sprains, and to reduce the swelling around fractures. They can also applied to minor fractures that would not normally be set in plaster, for example, broken toes, ribs, or hairline cracks in larger bones. Poultices from the root are ground into a powder; a little water is added to make a paste that can be used on stubborn wounds and bleeding hemorrhoids. Creams are used for bone and muscle damage, including osteoarthritis. Infused oil (hot method) is used on arthritic joints, bruises, sprains, other traumatic injuries, and for inflamed bunions. Tinctures of the comfrey root are applied undiluted to acne. Ointments made from the leaves are used on bruises and scrapes. Comfrey leaves are dried, ground up, and mixed with water, a moisturizing oil, or aloe vera to form salves or pastes that can be used externally to promote the healing of skin ailments, while reducing inflammations and infection. When the crushed herb is applied to an injured limb, the allantoin is absorbed through the skin to speed healing. When a compress is applied immediately to a sprained ankle, it can significantly reduce the severity of the injury. A lotion or solution of comfrey leaves made by soaking them in hot, but not boiling, water andcan be applied to abrasions to soothe the irritation. Dried roots may be ground up and dissolved in hot water to form a mucilage that can bind together such open skin ulcers as bedsores, that have resisted other forms of healing. Although the root has similar properties as the leaves, it tends to be colder in nature and more nourishing in action, therefore, better suited in treating varicose ulcers. The combination of tannins and mucilage helps soothe bruises and scrapes. Externally, comfrey leaves are useful in healing stubborn skin ulcers, bedsores, and other lesions. They can also promote the healing of minor burns, eczema, and psoriasis, soothe bee stings and spider bites (including those of the brown recluse), and treat skin staph infections and athlete’s foot. A poultice can be made from freshly chopped leaves and applied directly to the wound and covered lightly with a bandage. This should be changed every day, and the wound cleansed with water (not tap) and a mild soap. The area can first be cleansed with hydrogen peroxide if there is infection present.
What I've Learnt: Sanj Mahal, Owner & CEO at AndCo AndCo brings together freelancers and venues to bolster the food and drink industry in London, and change the way that people co-work. Sanj founded AndCo in 2017, after inspiration from his wife, who had struggled to find attractive meeting space and was discovering lots of empty venues. The app helps freelancers easily find vacancies at the best, often independent pubs, cafés, restaurants and more for a monthly subscription fee. We found out what makes him tick. Which single daily habit or practice could you not do without? Going on my daily run. This is great for clearing my mind and staying focused, and active. As an entrepreneur, fitness should be a huge part of your personal strategy. Keeping healthy is important, especially when running a business. You’re good for no-one when you’re ill and run-down. What's been your luckiest break? Managing to get the first few great venues to believe in AndCo, even when it was just an idea. We couldn’t work if it wasn’t for the venues, and having them believe in the company, and what we are trying to achieve is amazing and encouraging, and allowed us to bring on new venues and build the business. What's your best failure? I have failed many times, and I have learned from each failure. All entrepreneurs should fail and embrace it. We are so scared of rejection and making mistakes, but all this shows us is that we are trying. What is the best investment you've ever made, either financial or time? My family, and my children. Spending time with them is the most important thing in the world, and I work hard to achieve a work/life balance that ensures I spend as much time with them as possible. Also building the AndCo app, of course. How would you describe your work/life balance? At the moment 90% work - which is not the way I want the scales to be tipping. But as a start-up, with so much to do, it is difficult. I think it’s hard to find the right balance, and anyone who has, please teach me! Which book would you recommend others to read and why? 'Superforecasting: The Art & Science of Prediction'. This is a great book, and provides a clear understanding of how to forecast and predict trends, future topics, business issues, etc. It’s great for anyone wanting to understand business better, and gain real insights. What one piece of advice would you give your 21-year-old self? Read everything! Immerse yourself in books and learn as much as you can. Knowledge really is power. I now understand the benefits of reading, and definitely should have read more when I was younger. Who or what has had the single biggest influence on your working life? My wife. She was the person who inspired AndCo and gave me the idea. She’s amazingly supportive, and is a powerhouse in her own self. I’m lucky to have her by my side. Tell us something about you that would surprise people. I have had an art exhibition. What does success look like to you? When the business is accepted, not just by investors, but by your customers. When they are perfectly happy to invest in you and continue to use you. That loyalty is real success.
Howdy from Texas, and the GSCI Girl Scout Leadership Institute participants! We wish you all could be here with us! After a long day of traveling we arrived safe and sound in Houston, Texas and enjoyed a reception Wednesday evening with more than 1500 other Girl Scouts. There was plenty of food and loud music. Our chaperones made us get up early this morning because for some reason they think that breakfast is a important start to the day – we would of rather slept. But after getting some food in our stomachs and more importantly the Starbucks coffee, we were ready to go. Our day has been full of fascinating and awesome sessions. We have each attended different sessions in order to be able to come back and share a large variety of what we have participated in. One of the classes that we attended this morning was a speaker who had volunteered with Mother Teresa! She was very inspiring and helped us realize that we can make changes no matter how small we feel they may be, they can snowball into a major life change for someone. Some of us also attended a session called 1,2,3 Blast Off- this class was taught by professionals from NASA. We can reach the stars if we try! The rest of our trip will be filled with several other workshops and sessions and a lot of fun! We were thrilled to be invited to the kick-off the National Convention and to be a part of the next 100 years of Girl Scouting. Saturday night we get to have our own 100th Girl Celebration and if the rumors are true there is supposed to be a big surprise. So for now we will sign off from Houston and we are looking forward to getting home to share what we have learned. Thank you GSCI for this opportunity! The girls from the GSLI Experience – Angel, Peyton, Jackie, Faith T., Faith S., Amy, Gabi, Jackie, Ashton, Chantel, Maria, Rachel, Elizabeth GSCI Program Specialist
You might be leaving your old apartment to a new one and you definitely do not want to take all the old stuff which has stayed for years with you in your old house. You want a new and cleaner life with a lot of space. Or you might just want to make your old home look so much better than what it used to be and take all those big and bulky stuff or those small but so many things which you can’t tell their use in the house. When you want to get rid of your junk, you probably might not know where to put them or you might but don’t know how to get them there or you do but you don’t have the strength to do it. You don’t have to do it on your own anymore. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t be doing it on your own. You should be hiring the pros to have your Junk Removed. The best company we know for this is the team at Busy Bees Junk. Here are the Top 3 Reasons To Have Your Junk Removed by Pros Your number one question is, is it free? No, it is not free but you will definitely be spending more than you are saving. If you decide to do this yourself you would use a lot of strength, you may gather your friends to do it for you, you may rent a vehicle to transport it yourself. You won’t finish it in one day, your work will suffer because you will go to work every day during that period tired. Your business will suffer because since you are your own boss you definitely will not need to go to work anymore. What you stand to lose if you decide to do this on your own is worse than money and if quantified with money, it is nothing compared to what you would pay to the pros and let’s not forget that you will lose money from the business by not being there. A pro will do it better If you decide to do it yourself you might have so many things lying around, all scattered in the house and somethings carried halfway and you can’t even move them out needing external help. If you hire the pros, it is right from the house to the vehicle and you will be done with it in a day. If you are going to do this by yourself it means we are talking from 3days to a week. Lastly, of course, it will save you your time and energy. You can focus this time on something better while they do their job with Just a little of your direction. You can get a lot done while they work. You also save your energy because you wouldn’t be doing any of those strenuous work and you will just have to give directions to those who will. There are so many benefits to why you should have your Junk Removed by Pros and not even think of doing it yourself. Contact one today.
It you would like to learn more about automation In Forex, why not read our related article?: How Does Automated Forex Trading Work? Additionally, did you know that we also offer trading courses for beginner traders? Learn to trade step-by-step with our educational course, Forex 101, featuring key insights from professional industry experts, click the banner below to register for FREE! When investors are selling, the exchange rate of the foreign currency tells them how many units of the quote currency they will get for one unit of the base currency. Traders make decisions to buy if they think that the value of the base currency might increase. In the example, traders would purchase the US dollar with the Euro if they expect the value of the US dollar to increase to $1.31. The change that takes place is how the investor makes a profit. All currency trading is done in pairs. Unlike the stock market, where you can buy or sell a single stock, you have to buy one currency and sell another currency in the forex market. Next, nearly all currencies are priced out to the fourth decimal point. A pip or percentage in point is the smallest increment of trade. One pip typically equals 1/100 of 1 percent. Once an investor has started buying a stock on margin, the NYSE and FINRA require that a minimum amount of equity be maintained in the investor's margin account. These rules require investors to have at least 25% of the total market value of the securities they own in their margin account. This is called the maintenance margin. For market participants identified as pattern day traders, the maintenance margin requirement is a minimum of $25,000 (or 25% of the total market value of the securities, whichever is higher). There are benefits to be had of planning your Forex trading well in advance. In fact most experienced traders will allocate a little time on Saturday or Sunday putting together their weekday trading schedule. In this article we take a look at how the benefits of putting together your own unique trading schedule to ensure you know just when, why and what Forex you will be trading in the week ahead. What’s new in version 3.2? New features A vertical view of the instruments panel has been added called Charts view Fancy new splash screen 🙂 Import modules Degiro importer Westpac importer Light Speed importer Interactive Brokers importer update due to cash transaction format change Bug fixes Fixed Gantt chart save issue Fixed layout restore problems […] Automated trading requires a lot of research to find the right software that will perform trades correctly. Sitting back and letting an automated device perform the work for you can be a real temptation, and it's here that automated Forex trading robots come into play. An FX robot is a computer program that is based on a set of FX trading signals which help to define whether to purchase or sell a certain currency pair at any particular time. Type of forex trading account the forex robot is trading on – thus telling you if the forex robot listed within the table of results has a demo trading account statement or real trading account statement. Demo forex trading accounts can give different result to real forex trading accounts because of factors such as different broker spreads and brokers slippage. Usually the liquidity on a demo account would be artificial and thus the trades will usually be executed faster, this can also mean smaller spreads on demo accounts. However, demo accounts can still give a good idea on what to expect from a forex robots performance. It is usually recommended to use a true ECN forex broker with plenty of liquidity to ensure low spreads, low slippage and thus the best possible forex robot trading conditions. This can save you trading costs and improve trading performance. Risk warning: Trading Forex (foreign exchange) or CFDs (contracts for difference) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. There is a possibility that you may sustain a loss equal to or greater than your entire investment. Therefore, you should not invest or risk money that you cannot afford to lose. Before using Admiral Markets UK Ltd, Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd or Admiral Markets PTY Ltd services, please acknowledge all of the risks associated with trading. If it was this easy to earn money utilising robots, nobody would ever go to work. It is possible that robots can make money for a restricted time period, but they could start losing after awhile - and the money earned by the 'best Forex robot' with one position may disappear before you can claim it. In addition, the vast majority of robots are scalpers. They make just a few pips with every position they take - and they can set a considerably tight target. The chances of surviving with such a strategy are quite limited for a trader. Whether you have assets in a securities account or in a futures account, your assets are protected by U.S. federal regulations governing how brokers must protect your property and funds. In the securities account, your assets are protected by SEC and SIPC rules. In the futures account, your assets are protected by CFTC rules requiring segregation of customer funds. You are also protected by our strong financial position and our conservative risk management philosophy. See our Strength & Security page. We use real-time margining to allow you to see your trading risk at any moment of the day. Our real-time margin system applies margin requirements throughout the day to new trades and trades already on the books and enforces initial margin requirements at the end of the day, with real-time liquidation of positions instead of delayed margin calls. This system allows us to maintain our low commissions because we do not have to spread the cost of credit losses to customers in the form of higher costs. In particular I would like to make the system a lot faster, since it will allow parameter searches to be carried out in a reasonable time. While Python is a great tool, it's one drawback is that it is relatively slow when compared to C/C++. Hence I will be carrying out a lot of profiling to try and improve the execution speed of both the backtest and the performance calculations.
Welcome to our inaugural blog post of 2019 at Clean USA, your home carpet cleaners of Illinois! We are thrilled to be able to kick off the new year in the right way; we want to tell you about who we are and why we are worth considering the next time you need home carpet cleaning services or cleaning services in general! So without further ado, let’s get going! Sycamore Carpet Cleaners If you were to browse our site for a few moments, the first thing that would catch your eye would likely be the text that reads “Local. Certified. Family Owned.” We are proud to be the top providers of carpet cleaning and janitorial services in Sycamore. In fact, we are consumer’s number one choice in carpet cleaning and general cleaning services! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee It’s one thing for a carpet cleaning company to tell you all about its commitment to quality, but it’s something else entirely when we back it up with a guarantee. That’s why we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee that has been backed with our 12-Month Stain Warranty! Whether you hail from Naperville, Sycamore, or elsewhere in north-central Illinois, we want you to know that Clean USA is committed to going the extra mile for our customers. Even if you have stains that have been pretty much impossible to get out (like wine, pet stains, grease, or oil), we will use our professional expertise to get the stains out. And if you aren’t completely satisfied with our cleaning, we’ll come back at a later date to re-clean the problem area. And guess what: if you are still unhappy after the second cleaning, we’ll refund all your money! Not only that, but we’ll throw in the bonus of paying the professional carpet cleaning company of your choice to re-clean your carpets. What other local carpet cleaner will offer something like that? That is how confident we are in our ability to provide our customers with a fantastic product! Our Carpet Cleaning Process We’ve been performing commercial and residential cleaning services in Dekalb County for over 25 years now, and our quarter century’s worth of experience has allowed us the opportunity to refine our process so that our customers are pleased with both the logistics and the results of their cleaning. It’s really quite simple: - Step One: Call or book online - Step Two: We’ll make your carpets good as new - Step Three: Enjoy your clean floors! Our mission statement at Clean USA: To provide our clients, employees, and owners a secure, exciting, and rewarding life by being the standard of excellence through our cleaning & restoration methods. Schedule Your Cleaning Today! We offer carpet cleaning, furniture cleaning, area rug cleaning, tile & grout cleaning, floor stripping & waxing, and even janitorial services for both commercial and residential clients. In our next post, we’ll provide a breakdown of each service for you to reference. In the meantime, however, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you are ready to schedule your Sycamore carpet cleaning service. Come experience what Clean USA really means!
Bulgari and The Spanish Steps, Rome 'The Spanish Steps are at the heart of our history,' says Lucia Silvestri, creative director of Bulgari, which has donated €1.5 million to their restoration. 'They're between Via Sistina, where Sotirio Bulgari opened in 1884, and our flagship in Via dei Condotti'. Fendi and the Trevi Fountain, Rome Fendi is splashing €2.5 million on revamping Rome's Trevi Fountain, as well as four others. 'The city is part of our creative heritage,' says Silvia Venturini Fendi, third-generation member of the family fashion house. 'It's like an open-air museum where inspiration can come from anywhere.' Chanel and the Lion of St Mark, Venice Coco Chanel's talisman, the winged golden lion, was modelled on the one atop St Mark's Basilica in Venice. It's still used by Karl Lagerfeld on buttons and handbag clasps and recently starred in a 58-piece jewellery collection. Now, thanks to Chanel Joaillerie, the original beast will be treated in a special lab to restore its roar. Dior and The Queen's House, Versaille The Queen's House, Marie Antoinette's faux farming village at Versailles, is set for a facelift. The bill is being picked up by Dior. Its aristocratic aesthetic on the catwalk, courtesy of designer Raf Simons, and macaroon-coloured make-up line are nods to the French monarch. Tod's and the Colosseum, Rome Loved for its super-soft loafers and headed up by the always-suave Diego Della Valle, Italian label Tod's has cobbled together the €25 million needed to repair Rome's Colosseum, including cleaning the façade so it glows white ochre again. This feature was first published in Condé Nast Traveller September 2014
MANILA, Philippines – Facebook has apparently removed another post critical of President-elect Rodrigo Duterte. On Sunday, June 5, at least two journalists said that the Facebook page of the Economic Journalists Association of the Philippines (EJAP) was taken down after the group released a statement condemning Duterte's remarks on media killings. FB removed the page of #Ejap or the Economic Journalists Ass'n of the Philippines after it issued a statement on DU30's anti media rampage. — Iris Gonzales (@eyesgonzales) June 5, 2016 Journalist Inday Espina-Varona reposted the EJAP statement on her own Facebook account. "We in EJAP find [Duterte's] pronouncement inappropriate, most specially for someone of his stature who's supposed to defend the rule of law," the group said. "Violence as a means of redress is never an option and would be a slap in the face of a democratic country like the Philippines that prides itself to be a society governed by the rule of law yet has a President who justifies killing sans due process." When asked in an earlier press conference about his plans to stop media killings in the Philippines, the president-elect had responded: "Just because you're a journalist you are not exempted from assassination, if you're a son of a bitch." The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines (FOCAP), and the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) raised alarm over Duterte's remarks. Paris-based watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) also urged Philippine media to boycott Duterte's press conferences until he apologizes. (READ: Journalists' groups hit Duterte's justification of media killings) This isn't the first time Facebook has removed an anti-Duterte post. On June 1, it took down a post by TV5 anchor Ed Lingao, where he criticized Duterte's plan to allow the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos to be buried at the Heroes' Cemetery. Lingao said another post – where he compiled the hate comments he got on his original post – was also deleted. He was also blocked from posting on his account for at least 24 hours. Facebook has since lifted the ban on Lingao and reinstated his second post, which, the site explained, was deleted by accident. Meanwhile, during the campaign period, Facebook blocked user Renee Juliene Karunungan for "violating community standards" after she posted about the threats she got from apparent Duterte supporters.
I’m on a vacation/family trip right now, and even while “away,” I tend to get up early and I’m currently enjoying a bit of peace and quiet. Almost all of the other 17 or so people sharing this giant vacation house are still asleep. So I thought I’d take a little time– just a little– to offer a few more thoughts about the Twitter conversation I had this morning. And let me apologize up front for not having all the details of this particular dust-up, for typing quickly (and thus with typos and bad sentences), etc.: The latest installment of academics gone wild and/or “getting in trouble” on Twitter comes from CHE, “U. of Wisconsin Professor’s Tweets Draw Criticism From Her Own Colleagues.” Seems fitting since I actually am in Wisconsin right now. Anyway, the “naughty” tweeter in question is Sara Goldrick-Rab, who is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin who specializes in Education Policy. Here’s a quote from the article: To several students who had tweeted their excitement about enrolling at Madison under the hashtag #FutureBadgers, Ms. Goldrick-Rab sent a link to an op-ed essay from the Journal Sentinel criticizing the removal of tenure protection from state statutes. Here are some of the responses she got: Here CHE includes some response Tweets– here’s a link to that— where basically some not so informed college kids respond “ha ha we don’t care” and other nonsense. This was like a month ago. Then the College Republicans got involved a month later, in part because Goldrick-Rab kept on going and tweeted “My grandfather, a psychologist, just walked me through similarities between Walker and Hitler. There are so many- it’s terrifying.” This caused more outrage, more attacks on Goldrick-Rab on Twitter, and condemnation of Goldrick-Rab from both the UW Chancellor and the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. And then, like I said, I stumbled into a spirited and pleasant Twitter conversation about some of this this morning. So, a few thoughts in not a very precise order: - The general public doesn’t understand tenure or the difference between what it means to be a professor, an associate professor, an assistant professor, a non-tenure-track professor/instructor/lecturer, part-timer, or a graduate assistant, all of which is to say that the general public does not understand why all these professors in Wisconsin are in such a tizzy about weakening tenure. So it is not at all surprising to me that some 18 year old young people “stoked” about being admitted to UW think it is uncool for sara to kill their buzz with some sort of newspaper article, man. Because even though Goldrick-Rab is completely right, academics in Wisconsin (really, everywhere) have A LOT more work to do to explain to our students and the public at large how this all works and why this matters. A lot more work. Most of what academics take as “common knowledge” about how higher ed works is a mystery to the rest of the world. I can recall times where some of these issues have come up informally in class discussions over the years– sometimes during faculty union contract negotiations– and I’ve taken five minutes to explain to a room full of juniors and seniors some of the basics of higher ed hierarchies, not only about faculty but also administrators. For most of my students– juniors and seniors, mind you!– this is all new information. So again, while Goldrick-Rab is completely right, she made the faulty assumption that her audience of stoked would-be freshmen would actually understand her references to this op-ed. - The second mistake I think Goldrick-Rab made is the comparison to Hitler, and actually, as a general rule of thumb, I think any argument that makes a comparison to Hitler, the Nazis, the Holocaust, etc. to a contemporary figure– as in “Scott Walker is like Hitler”– is lazy and it’s going to cause trouble. This “x is like Hitler” trope shows up so much on Twitter because it’s shorthand and you only have 140 characters. The problem is it’s not accurate– I am no fan of Scott Walker, but I don’t think he’s likely to wage an aggressive war of domination in Europe and a systematic extermination of the Jews– and it can be taken way out of context by a group like College Republicans, who are already probably sensitive enough to informally being compared to Nazis. Anyway, my first piece of advice to any would-be academic Twitter-er: no Hitler comparisons. - Two other bits of advice to would-be academic Tweeters (and this is a bit of a tangent, but it came up in my Twitter conversation this morning) I’ll mention. First, Twitter is a terrible place to try to discuss anything that is at all complex or controversial, and yet academics try to use it for that purpose all the time. This is why (IMO) online spaces like blogs are still relevant and useful: instead of trying to convey all this on Twitter, I just shared a link to this. Maybe not as many people will read all of my rant here, but I am less likely to be misunderstood and/or taken out of context. Second, academics (and anyone else, for that matter) who take to Twitter to express strong (and controversial) beliefs can’t get too upset when they are held accountable in some fashion for expressing those beliefs, especially when those beliefs actually take more than 140 characters (sans Hitler references) to convey. Don’t get me wrong– I’m all for academic free speech and I’m not suggesting that Goldrick-Rab or Steven Salaita or any other academic ought to be fired over Tweets. I’m just saying that if an academic (or anyone else) posts provocative stuff on Twitter, they shouldn’t be too surprised if a) it offends people and/or b) the message gets passed around and gets out of the writer’s control in a hurry. - Having said all that, I think the executive committee of the University of Wisconsin faculty senate are behaving like a bunch of wimpy knuckleheads. First off, Goldrick-Rab didn’t tell those young people not to come to UW; she referred them to an op-ed piece in Milwaukee’s mainstream newspaper about the impact of Walker’s budget cuts and rollbacks/changes to tenure. These really are things that the faculty ought to be telling would-be students; keeping them in the dark doesn’t do the students any good and it kind of indirectly supports Walker et al’s decisions. Second, what the hell is the point of faculty senate if it isn’t going to defend the faculty’s right to speak? I’m sure there are some details I’m missing here, but as reported in CHE, these people are throwing one of their own ranks under the bus. That’s appalling.
You need to have these qualifications and skills if you want to become a project manager The construction industry is booming these days. New projects and developments are being set up at a rapid rate and there are many roles in the construction sector which one can take. Almost every field or technology can be fit properly to serve the needs of the construction industry. Project managers are also an integral part of the construction industry and the construction process of any project. Project managers are responsible and look after the construction job. They are mainly responsible for the planning and execution of a construction job and are involved in the entire project’s various steps from the beginning to the completion of a particular project. The project manager oversees the whole construction job and ensures that all the personnel involved in the project are completing their jobs professionally, while adhering to the industry standards and all sticking to the safety procedures for carrying out their respective jobs safely. The project managers are also responsible for maintaining the inventory and ensuring that all the raw materials or consumables for the project are available to all the workers and employees involved, so that they can work in a hassle free manner, without any problems or issues concerning the materials for the project. The project managers interact with different levels of professionals involved in the project, ranging from labors, architects and planners to designers and engineers. This article highlights some important qualifications for project management in the construction industry, Read the complete article to learn more! Project Management Professional (PMP): The most widely-recognized industry credential for project managers, PMP certification is known and sought after by employers across the world. PMP certified professionals can expect to increase their marketability and salary potential – and learn about every level of project management in extensive and intensive detail. Eligibility varies depending on academic credentials, but candidates should have extensive project management experience and a secondary or university-level qualification before applying. RIBA Certificate in Construction Project Management: Focusing on problem solving, effective construction practice and meeting client needs, the RIBA certificate is a hands-on modular course for experienced project managers seeking to improve their competence and professional technique. The certificate also places a strong emphasis on the culture of communication in the modern construction industry. Course components are taught face to face and via distance learning. Program Management Professional (PgMP): PgMP certification is designed to show a candidate’s ability to manage multiple, related projects simultaneously, and use their abilities to achieve strategic goals. The credential helps established project managers move into senior positions and develop a wider skill-set. Eligibility varies depending on academic experience, but candidates with a secondary education and extensive practical experience of project management may apply. The PgMP certification is internationally recognized. Link to the original post:
Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Coconut Ginger Truffles Summer is a great time for eating foods that are light and raw. Our agni, or digestive fire, can generally handle more raw and less cooked foods, like salads. When this time of year comes around I definitely take advantage of it. It’s important to honor your body as the seasons transition from one to the other. These coconut truffles are SUPER fun to make, and ridiculously easy. On top of that, it’s a great way to get the little ones involved, because it’s basically just mixing ingredients together and rolling them into little balls. The truffles’ base is coconut, which is great for the summer because of its cooling nature. And, in case your agni is a little weak and has a harder time digesting raw foods, I’ve added some fresh ginger and cardamom to help with digestion. Have fun with these! - 4 cups unsweetened coconut flakes or shredded coconut - 1 cup pure (real) maple syrup - 2 tablespoons coconut sugar - 3 pinches of saffron crushed - 1 teaspoon cardamom powder - 3 teaspoons fresh grated ginger - Dark chocolate chips, melted (try to get at least 70% cacao) Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Mix all of the ingredients together, minus the chocolate. It should reach a consistency where if you squeeze a handful, it will stick together. Roll the mixture into balls, and place them in the baking tray. Take your melted chocolate, and place a dollop of the chocolate over the tops of each truffle. Alternatively, roll each truffle gently in coconut flakes. Freeze your truffles overnight and enjoy the next morning as a treat! Be sure to keep these in the fridge/freezer when you’re not eating them to ensure that they don’t melt or fall apart!
Just a few short weeks ago, nestled in the picturesque canyon of the Snowbird Resort in Sandy, Utah, insidesales.com hosted their annual Accelerate Conference. Historically, it’s an event defined as a user conference that boasts 2,000+ attendees from all walks of life. This year, however, insidesales.com decided to flip the script. With an attendee list of 350 invite-only Sales, Marketing, and Operations Executives, the elevated nature of who was in the room matched that of the content that was presented. I had the pleasure of participating as an attendee and speaker at the conference, which not only was enriching but also fascinating. The topics at the conversational forefront comprised of how to create predictive revenue models, the importance of data-driven decision making, cross-generational workforce management strategies, and the role AI will play in the present and future. All in all, the challenges that Sales Executives face today are unprecedented. But unlike the movie Everest, there’s hope. In an effort to navigate those challenges, let’s break down the first of three key takeaways that every top Sales and Marketing executive should be cognizant of: 1. Sales as a Science: Data is Your Compass More than just a sexy marketing tagline, it’s the practical application of a principle that is dependent on the indoctrination of a formulaic culture that analyzes the quantitative nature of activities needed to achieve a desirable result. Now in English, that means having the ability to conclude/predict what are the minimum number of activities necessary to create a positive event. So, whether that positive event is booking a qualified meeting or closing a deal, there’s a series of understood levers and variables that empower an employee to create that positive event whether that be dials, correct contact rates, emails, touchpoints, face to face meetings, references, or any number of actions. The moral of this story being, if you allow the data that is being captured at every moment of client interaction to deliver an understood model of success, you can build predictive/formulaic revenue processes. Once that’s known, applying the scientific method to that process is the final frontier to achieving that environment. In challenging the status quo, companies can continually test and allow for an iterative process to manifest itself in the pursuit of optimization. In today’s day and age, that’s empowered by an emphasis on data integrity, technologies, and stellar day-to-day operations that enable a repeatable and agile process to occur. In the context of sales development, it quantitatively resembles a model that looks like this: Understanding and breaking down the importance of each of those metrics seen above allows a sales and marketing leader to make informed, data-driven decisions to determine where the greatest impact can be made to improve performance. Let’s play out a scenario to better illustrate this practical application. Hypothetically, the sales development team is below forecast in pipeline generation. It’s quickly identified that the call to appointment rate is below an industry standard or proprietary benchmarks. A sales leaders mind should immediately jump to a diagnosis that determines the variables that affect that number. Is it the quality of the leads? Suboptimal response rates? An ineffective touchpoint schedule? Without that original data point, in this case, the call to appointment rate, that sales leader would be left in the dark to determine exactly why this team is not hitting the goal. A scenario where this type of analysis does not occur no matter the team or division, as a basis to substantiate decision making for positive change, could very well lead to changes in strategy that would exacerbate the suboptimal nature of the team. Moreover, this type of approach provides leadership the ability to precisely articulate the levels of productivity necessary for a team member to deliver on in order to hit their individual goals. I cannot emphasize the importance of how incredibly powerful this message is to tell. As an organization, culturally indoctrinating the belief that you are placing a rep in a position to be successful with such specificity and transparency leaves little room for discontent or lack of direction in creating meaningful impact. Win-Win. Financial modeling, forecasting, and operations are the final beneficiaries of this strategy. Wouldn’t it be nice to know the ROI that each rep represents? We understand the dynamics at play when creating forward-looking models to achieve revenue goals (which are nothing short of complex). Book versus Bill, AVG sales cycles, AVG contract values, the DNA of that revenue, marketing vs direct sales attribution, and a myriad of other variables are at play. Nonetheless, there’s an understood gap in revenue to achieve and in order to fill it you must determine where it’s going to come from. Increased marketing spend? Additional hires and where? Technology implementations to improve efficiency? Expansion of TAM? Regardless, a dollar allocated ‘here’ represents x return, whether that be human or marketing/sales variable capital investment. Accessibility to integral data points, the principles for your assumptions, allow you to build a formulaic approach is answering the elusive question of ‘who, where, and how much.’ All benefits aforementioned aside, effectively mitigating risk in missing goals predictively is a desired place to be. With data as your compass, your gilding and unwavering tool for direction, that dream can be a reality. If you missed part two or three of this series, check out the links below!
SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS AS TO ‘RESULTS CLAIMS’, ‘INCOME CLAIMS’, OR ‘EARNINGS CLAIMS’ IN SALES AND PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS OR PRODUCT If claims about results from using this product or if claims about income or earnings resulting from the use of this product are made, such claims are true for the persons who made the claims, including claims made by the Seller about its own experience with the product. However, Buyer cannot simply rely on these statements as being duplicable by Buyer because many factors affect results, including just dumb luck. Some people buy this product to make money and, in fact, make no money. Some people buy this product and never read it or attempt to implement any of the moneymaking ideas. Some folks seemingly take to it like a duck to water and can’t stop making money. Nothing promoted on this website should be construed as a ‘Get rich quick’ scheme. The products Buyer is buying to learn how to make money or products that Buyer is buying to re-sell, have all been proven money-makers. The income and earnings statements, if any, tend to reflect the more successful cases and Buyer should not construe this as being the ‘average’ or usual success story. As is true in much of life, real success usually requires real work. THE INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR THROUGH THE SITE AND BY COMPANY AND ANY THIRD-PARTY SITES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW, WE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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Further, the availability, pricing and location of off-market homes, as referenced in the NoFlippingExcuses.com program is outside the control of GFS and there is no express or implied warranty or representation that such opportunities are available to NoFlippingExcuses.com buyers in any particular location; at any particular price; or, for any particular time period. Further, payment terms may change and are outside the control of GFS. The descriptions of transactions consummated by GFS’s founder are true. However, these stories are the unique experiences of these individuals and should not be construed to be the typical result that may be experienced by anyone else. Insofar as simply saying that “Results are Not Typical” no longer has the same legal impact as in the past, prospective purchasers are hereby advised that the examples provided should be viewed and used as case studies that are the unique and personal experience of this individual. There is no assurance that anyone else will have these exact results and these testimonials are not presented for any purpose other than presenting these unique stories.
Rusev is living his dream as a WWE Superstar and as his career continued, his character evolved as well. No longer is Rusev strictly a man who crushes, but he is often known to smile and make a joke as well. The Bulgarian Brute likened his character to others in WWE History who were able to partake in comedy while still being able to hold their own inside the squared circle. "Every time people are like, 'oh you should be more serious like this and you're a monster'... When you look at Kurt Angle, he always did the funny stuff," Rusev said. "[Angle] steps in the ring and he'll kick your ass twice and that's why I was like, 'that can be me, I can do fun stuff because that's what I wanna do,'" Rusev said to Gorilla Position. "At the same time in the ring, I can beat you so hard that you'll never want to show up again. So that's what I wanna do and that's what I've been doing and I guess it's worth it." Rusev wouldn't mind being compared to a wrestler like Angle or The Rock who can be serious but also knows how to have fun when needed. When asked who his dream match would be against, The Bulgarian Brute was quick to say Hulk Hogan's name without hesitation. "Hogan," Rusev said with a smile. "He's back in the Hall Of Fame. Yeah, Hogan, man he's the guy I started watching wrestling because of him and I came to America because of him so I could be a professional wrestler so definitely Hogan. "I talked to him a couple weeks ago about some different stories about matches with Warrior and WrestleMania with The Rock in Toronto and yeah. He knows so much and he has so much experience with so many stories to tell." If you use any portion of the quotes in this article please credit The Gorilla Position with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription
The issue started due to setting up a proxy server on a PC connected to my network. I then realized that all of my devices that connected to the network, including PCs and phones, are all infected by an ad bot that redirects me to ads websites whenever I click on any link. I then installed Malwarebytes, Adware Cleaner and other AV softwares to clean up my PCs but not any of them have detected anything. I thought that this maybe some kind of router hacking so I made a hard reset to my router and re-configured it with my ISP, then the problem solved on all of my PCs. However, it remained on my phone. I then made a reset to factory settings, formatted everything, all apps deleted but the problem still exists and I'm being redirected to ads websites, I almost tried every AV app on the playstore but they didn't catch anything. What should I do in this situation? I don't know any other way to solve this problem. I have to mention also that this bot works only on my phone when I'm connected to my router and it doesn't work when I switch to the mobile data. On the other hand, if it is still a hacking on the router, it should also affect the other PCs. Any suggestions guys? I really appreciate any idea. What you've described sounds like your router's DNS settings have been changed to use servers under the control of your attackers. You can confirm this by disabling the proxy server. If you disable the proxy and the problem goes away then wipe the proxy machine and start again - it's the only way to be sure. You can reset the DNS server settings to what they should be (your ISP can tell you what they should be, your router may be able to get them automatically or you can use a third-party service like Google or OpenDNS) to fix the initial problem for the local network. Then you also need to prevent the attack from happening again. Measures to do that include:- - performing a factory reset to clear any settings left by the attackers - installing the latest router firmware - using a strong password on the configuration interface - limit access to the configuration interface to appropriate places (wired, local connections, not the internet) - log out of the configuration interface after use (and do not tick 'save password' on your browser when configuring the router) - changing the IP addresses used and supplied by the router (for example change from to The location of settings varies by model and if you're not sure how to check these settings then check with the manufacturer of the router, your ISP's helpdesk or bring in a professional. Some of those options may not be free of charge but will be worth it. I agree with everything that the first person to answer your question has said -- this is likely a router DNS hack, UNLESS there is persistent malware on some other endpoint (say, your child's computer) within your local LAN (the one whose IP addresses start with "192.168" etc. etc.) that is attacking the rest of your local infrastructure faster than you can clean it. Don't forget -- the people who do this kind of thing are ruthless criminals, the lowest of the low. They are stealing the use of your infrastructure and will continue stealing it until you forcibly eject them. Unfortunately, this is the situation on the Internet today -- the minute you plug in to it, you are exposing yourself to every miscreant, literally around the world, who wants to steal from you. And this gets to the only other thing I have to add, to the previous poster's comments : before you do ANYTHING with your router, your ADSL / cable modem, your PC, etc. -- UNPLUG COMPLETELY FROM THE INTERNET. You need to be cut off physically from ANY data path that the attacker could use to re-compromise your local LAN, while you are trying to "sanitize" it. Some of these cyber-criminals have botnets with a "heartbeat" function -- if they see a node (in this case, "your router") momentarily drop off the botnet, they conclude "the legitimate owner is trying to get rid of my malware -- can't allow THAT, now can we?) and it triggers an auto-attack script to bombard your infrastructure (e.g. your public IP address) with various exploits until one of them gets through and you're back to Square One. So the rule is simple : DISCONNECT FROM THE INTERNET, clean everything up and then only reconnect devices, one by one, that you are sure have been completely cleaned and "hardened", to stop these sleazebags from trying to again get a toe-hold on your LAN... because, at the end of the day, it IS "your" LAN... not, "theirs".
Living with the challenges the old age brings is certainly nothing new, it’s an inevitable fact of life. Just ask your parents, they’ll be happy to tell you all about the trials and tribulations of getting older. And with good reason, getting old ain’t for sissies. But Canadians today are living in a time when the convergence of several trends make for a unique situation for the elderly and the people who care for them. The retirement of the Baby Boom generation, combined with an increase in life expectancy, has resulted in an unprecedented and growing number of senior citizens as a percentage of the population, and they’re living longer than ever before. Many of these people require assistance to accomplish everyday activities in their home. Fortunately, the simultaneous rise of new smart technologies for the home provides the capability for the elderly to live independent lives in their own homes and lessens the burden on their caregivers. Smart home devices for the elderly are more diverse and affordable than ever before, and they are changing the way Canadians deal with their senior years. Like it or not, your own parents will one day need assistance, or maybe they do already. Smart home devices make great gifts for anyone, whether they need them for accessibility or not. If you’re looking for some thoughtful and useful gift ideas for Christmas this year, get your parents setup on smart tech. Here are some of the best smart home devices for seniors and how to use them in the home. Considerations When Choosing Smart Home Accessibility Products There are a few things you should keep in mind when choosing smart home devices for seniors or the disabled. - What are your specific needs? Take the time to sit down with your loved one and talk to them about the things they feel they need help with and focus on the smart devices that will best meet their particular needs. Don’t just make assumptions, ask them for their input on the best choices. - Is it easy to use? The level of technical skill varies greatly among older people, though many are surprisingly tech-savvy. For those that aren’t, there may be some resistance to adopting smart devices. Some products are more complicated to use than others. Choose the ones that your loved one can adapt to easily and that they are most likely to actually use. - What’s your budget? Smart home devices for the elderly can be expensive. Check into whether some might be covered under insurance and keep an eye out for deals and discounts. Best Smart Home Devices For Seniors Smart Control Hubs – Smart hubs serve as the central command post for all the devices in the home. They free you from having to use a smartphone or tablet to control your devices. The user uses their voice to control lighting, turn on the TV, stereo, and other appliances, lock the doors, adjust the temperature, and more. All of these things can be scheduled. They can also record lists and reminders, like medication times and appointments. Once set up, they are easy to use, and well worth the investment if you have more than one smart device in the home. Smart Light Bulbs – Smart bulbs that can be controlled with voice commands or a smart device or a hub are great for people who have trouble using traditional switches due to arthritis or other mobility issues, and for those who are forgetful. They can be set to turn on or off on a schedule, and they can also be connected to a landline phone or a doorbell to alert those with a hearing disability when someone is calling or at the door. Smart Wall Plugs – If you’re on a tight budget or just have one or two smart home devices for the elderly to control, these are the solution. They plug into a regular wall outlet and do all the things that a smart hub can do. There are models on the market capable of operating up to eight devices at a time. Most work with Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Smart Door Locks – These allow for operation with voice or remote commands for those who can’t reach or work the locks. They can also be set to lock at certain times. They usually allow a user to set up permissions for keyless access to family or friends. Video Doorbells – These not only incorporate a motion detector to sound an alert when someone is at the door, they provide a smart display for seniors so they can see who it is and also communicate with them remotely. They provide security and are a welcome option for those with mobility issues. Smart Camera Systems – These can be used outdoors for security of course, but they can also be installed inside the home so that caregivers can monitor their elderly loved ones at any time, which is a great advantage for those at risk of falling and becoming immobilized or with Alzheimer’s. Models are available that also have audio communications so that you can see and talk to them. Robot Vacuum Cleaners – For those who can no longer use a regular vacuum, these can be programmed with the layout of one room or even the whole house with some models. They can be operated like other smart devices. Smart home technology has arrived at the right time to be a huge boon to an aging population. They make it possible for the elderly to live more independent and fulfilling lives, and they improve the lives of younger people as well. Consider buying your parents smart home products for Christmas this year. They’ll appreciate it now, and need it later. Contact us or find a store near you to get your smart gift started.
When Chrissy from Muse of the Morning asked me to review her Billy Bright Eyes Snappy Tee pattern , I have to admit that I was a little nervous. I can't remember the last time I've sewn from a pattern. I tend to make things up as I go along these days. But I thought it would be fun and hopefully I'd end up with a cute T for my little one. I did just that! The pattern is easily printed on normal printer paper. Just tape the pages together and cut out your pattern pieces. They are all marked and easy to read. I like the idea of storing my patterns on my computer rather than taking up more room in my overstuffed craft closet. It's best to use knit material for this shirt. I couldn't find any prints that I liked at my fabric store, so I decided to go with a solid and add some fun with a print on the neckband and cuffs. If I had read the pattern before buying my fabric, I would have seen that the short sleeve has a cuff and the long sleeve just has a regular sleeve. I didn't want to do the henley sleeve, so I decided to improvise and just add the short sleeve cuffs to the long sleeve. Since the shirt was a solid, I think the sleeve cuffs really added that pop it needed. Another good feature of this pattern, it's versatile! The pattern had easy step-by-step instructions that were easy to follow. Trust me, I know, because I kept checking them to make sure I was doing everything right. One of the things I was nervous about was the snaps. I didn't want to have to buy a snap tool since I wasn't sure how much I would really use it, so I bought snap tape instead. It was easy just to sew it in place. I'm sure the snaps might give it a different look, but I was pleased with how mine turned out. My little peanut is a bit small for her age, and isn't quite two yet, but I made her the 24 month size. I figured that since we live in Florida I have a few months before it will actually be cold here. Although it is a bit big on her now, by the time she needs long sleeves, it should fit perfectly. I had her try it on for pictures and wasn't too happy when I had her take it off to put her tank top back on. She wanted to keep her new shirt on. I could have made this pretty quickly if it weren't for three girls and a hubby that wanted dinner. It took me some interrupted time one evening and I finished it up the next morning. Hard to say how long it would have been straight through, but it was pretty quick. I always feel so accomplished when I finish a project like this! Isn't this long sleeve T cute? So is that sassy model! She must have gotten her modeling skills from her two big sisters. I love that this pattern has the short sleeve, long sleeve and henley long sleeve options. Overall I was really happy with how easy this pattern was to print out, how easy the directions were to follow, and the finished product is adorable! If you love this T, buy your own pattern from Muse of the Morning on Etsy. While you are there check out her other fun patterns for girls T's, kids pants, diaper covers, a sling purse, garden gnomes, and more. You can also check out her blog and other tutorials as well. Lots of fun ideas.
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CALIFORNIA ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT (CalOPPA) CHILDREN ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT (COPPA) When it comes to the collection of personal information from children under 13, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, enforces the COPPA Rule, which spells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protect children's privacy and safety online. The Website and Services are not directed to children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect information, including personal data, from children or other individuals who are not legally able to use our Website and Services. If we obtain actual knowledge that we have collected personal data from a child under the age of 13, we will promptly delete it, unless we are legally obligated to retain such data. Contact us if you believe that we have mistakenly or unintentionally collected information from a child under the age of 13. EU GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR) The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and was designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens data privacy and to reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy.—See more at: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules_en If you are a European resident, you have the right to access personal information we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us through the contact information below. 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In order to be in line with Fair Information Practices we will take the following responsive action, should a data breach occur: We will notify the users via email within 7 business days. We also agree to the individual redress principle, which requires that individuals have a right to pursue legally enforceable rights against data collectors and processors who fail to adhere to the law. This principle requires not only that individuals have enforceable rights against data users, but also that individuals have recourse to courts or a government agency to investigate and/or prosecute non-compliance by data processors. When you place a donation or submit a “donation form” through the Website, we will maintain your Order Information for our records unless and until you ask us to delete this information.
Get 100% up to £100! Pollen Party is a Microgaming slot where the studio has combined wildlife and sweet treat slots for a cute and tasty experience. This Pollen Party Slot review will explore all of the features and tips you should understand before playing. Play Pollen Party at… You can play the Pollen Party slot with an extra £100 @ Guts Casino more...Visit website for full T&C's. Honeycombs are iconic for their hexagonal structure and this has been integrated heavily into the cartoon design of Pollen Party. Each of the symbols is contained within a hexagon, but the more notable aspect of the design is that there are five reels, with two of those expanded. As a result, Pollen Party can show 19 symbols rather than only 15. The wagering has been simplified in that Microgaming tell us that there are 720 ways of winning rather than 50 paylines. This means that you can simply select your preferred betting value within the framework of £0.50 to £250. Going all the way to the top will be unnecessary for the vast majority of players, but it’s there, nonetheless. Pollen Party is said to be in the low variance category, as the maximum possible payout rate will be 440 times your wager, but the paytable suggests otherwise. Microgaming has also explained in the paytable that the maximum possible jackpot value will be a breathtaking £110,000 at the largest stake. There are more features besides the expected wild symbols. First there is the ability to land three-plus scatter symbols and receive 12 free spins. At this stage of the game, the flower symbol will place three wild symbols on the reels if it can land on the middle reel. Pollen Party feels a little basic in the design stakes, so it is great to see how Microgaming has devoted the resources needed to include a bonus game as the second main bonus feature. To start the Babee Bonus, it will take three-plus bonus symbols to appear simultaneously on the reels. This game will challenge you to uncover winnings from the honeycombs. You can extend your round by finding the extra lives, but beware of the pop icons as these can end the round if you uncover too many. Strategies and Tips Pollen Party’s inclusion of extra symbols can deliver more chances to win, so it might be worth increasing your stake, as winnings are smaller but more frequent here. Meanwhile, it shouldn’t take long before you make it to the bonus round and free spins. Pollen Party seems basic at first, but this is a slot that is geared more towards the core gameplay and features rather than trying to wow you with story-driven elements. It’s also an interesting option for Microgaming’s choice of integrating 19 symbols instead of settling for just 15.
The Appeal: It doesn’t matter if you are a trained dancer or just want to get down somewhere other than the club — this class is geared toward all dance levels. And you do it all in heels. You’ll have so much fun breaking a move and a sweat, you won’t even realize you’re burning anywhere from 300 to 500 calories in an hour, according to Harvard Medical School. The Instructor: Geena Ngaaje has 20 years of dance training and experience, and has been teaching the class for five years. The best thing about taking a class from Geena is that she makes everyone feel fabulous and works to help anyone who is struggling to master a move. Her energy creates a fun, open space to be yourself. Who’s There: There were 11 of us, all young women with different levels of dance experience and confidence learning the choreography. One dancer got the whole class laughing when she said, “When I look at Geena, I feel like Beyoncé. But when I look at myself, I feel like Blue Ivy.” How It Went: We began the class with a warm up and stretching. Then we hopped into our heels, and Geena got right into the choreography. She divided us into two groups and told us we were Beyoncé’s backup dancers. We would be starting off stage and strutting to the middle. Then, she played our song — the live version of “Crazy In Love” — and we started learning the moves. After every few eight counts we learned, we would try it out to music. Once we knew it all, we got in formation and performed it over and over again until it was flawless. The Aftermath: At the end of the class everyone was smiling and feeling confident with the routine. Geena took a video of us performing the combo and joked that we would be ready the next time Beyoncé was in Dallas and in need of backup dancers — if only that were a remote possibility. Sigh. Loved: How amazing and rewarded I felt when the class was done. It had been years since I had taken a dance class, and I can’t think of a better way to get back into the groove than with a combo I was crazy in love with. Hated: My only complaint is that the dance combo and class weren’t longer. (There wasn’t enough!) I could’ve done a two-hour class and another combo and still wanted more. Difficulty Level: Because you are in heels, you won’t be running and jumping around until you’re sore. You’ll sweat, but it’s not the same type of exhaustion you’d get from interval training or weight lifting. But what it lacks in physical difficulty it makes up for by challenging you mentally. Remembering each move and counting to the music is a workout for your mind, and the excitement you have when you finally get it all right feels as good as any runner’s high. Bottom Line: If you like to dance and want to have fun while you get fit, Hip Hop Heels is the class for you.
Last night is the first night that I can say I got a decent night sleep. I talked to the sadist guy briefly on FaceTime who was half baked on pot. He is the one who I spoke with and said he had anxiety and agoraphobia issues and I could tell when we facetimed last night. He admitted being nervous talking to me which surprised me. He wants to meet this week because this week he is working in Tampa. I told him I had a busy week coming up which is true and if he smokes pot honestly I am not wanting to meet anyone who does drugs. Last night my son said he would treat me for breakfast if I wanted to go out this morning. I feel pretty good this morning and am going to try and get out the door for breakfast. I do need to get water also so I am going to do my best to get out. I haven’t drove my car since the last time I met the “mistake guy” a couple weeks ago. Last Sunday my Son wanted to go to church and I didn’t because I wasn’t feeling all that well and he said he would take an Uber to church and at first I was OK with that and then it reminded me of when I wanted to go to church as a kid and nobody would drive me to church. So I told him to give me a few minutes to get dressed and I picked up the keys to leave the house and I just could not get out the front door and I just started to break down and cry and he ended up taking an uber over to church anyways but ended up coming home early. I doubt I will be able to do church breakfast and going to the grocery store today but just to get out of the house would be nice. I kind of need it to be honest. So I proved myself wrong. I went out for breakfast, went to publix to get water and cookies as a treat for getting myself out of the house and then my son asked me if I wanted to go to church with him. Ugh is what I was thinking but I went. Church was pretty packed and I just wanted to leave. But i stayed. They are starting a 90 day tithe challenge where if you don’t get a return on your tithes they will refund 100% of your tithes. I instantly God very angry. What a slap in Gods face if you go to your pastor and ask for all your tithes back. I then envisioned being shamed if your financial situation didn’t improve. So on the way back from church we stopped at Wendy’s for a sandwich and something cold because it was HOT outside. As I was eating my lunch I sat down on my computer and googled the tithe refund. It seems like many many churches are doing this. It makes me sad. I was going to have my son go up for prayer for his porn addiction that he asked me for help with. Pastor is even offering a men’s porn addiction small group next month run by him. Maybe because I have been shamed by him personally I just don’t know if that is the right route for him to get help. I told him to check out as a proactive step 12 step groups for sex addictions and to also start a porn addiction bible study on his phone as a start. I tried blocking porn on openDNS which has always worked for me before but now I can’t get it to work. Just another demon I feel needs to be slayed. I plan on spending the rest of the day relaxing and doing nothing.
Jonathan and I are together 13 years now, having met and fell in love when we were still in school. We have two beautiful children Abigail 10, and Nathan 6. We wanted to get married for so long, and we wanted to make it as memorable experience so we saved and saved whilst planning the day of our dreams. I have always thought outside the box and racked my brain for something we could do for our wedding that would ‘wow’ our guests. After deciding on the Maryborough House for our wedding I then got thinking if it was possible to hold a ceremony outdoors. Seen as the grounds are so beautiful. I got to Googling and although the outdoor ceremony was not legally passed yet, there were no laws against it either. I booked a minister, Miriam Fitzgerald, with the Spiritual Union of Ireland and she talked us through the choices of ceremonies. I did not realize how personal the ceremony would be, as Jonathan and I were talking to Miriam, she was taking notes on her impression of us as a couple. She personalized the whole ceremony around that. I booked Cork Weddings and Events for flowers and decor. Iris loved the challenge of creating something different and this was her first out door wedding, she explained how she would create an aisle in the gardens and use flower arrangements and arch to compliment the surroundings. My mind was instantly put at ease knowing we were on the same page and visualizing the same thing Annmaria was our wedding consultant with the Maryborough. She was equally as excited about the hotel’s first outdoor wedding. She reminded me that we are in fact in Ireland and the weather us a huge factor. Annamaria assured me that we would have a back up ceremony space ready should the weather not be on our side, we had meetings and lunches in the build up to the big day and I was really confident that she had everything under control, from the ceremony space to the drinks reception and choice of food for our guests. Months went on as Jonathan and I were booking cars, music, suits, hair makeup etc. We decided not to tell our guests about the outdoor ceremony as it wasn’t certain due to unpredictable weather. When our day came around 29th of May 2014, we were truly blessed! It was 20°c and no sign of any rain. Jonathan was nervous that we would be mid ceremony and it start lashing but somehow I wasn’t thinking like that, I was very positive and felt a sense of all is going to plan Jonathan said when he saw our guests arrive and they were escorted out to the gardens, each and everyone of them had a look if awe and surprise on their faces! Our ceremony was unique and personal with a teary reading from my brother which left a lot of our guests in tears to a beautiful sansands ceremony to include our children and symbolize the union of our family. The singing was by Gemini, who were breath taking! After the ceremony, our guests simply had to walk a few steps to the dome marquee for the drinks reception, The lounge man set the tone and atmosphere with his swing/Bublé style and waiters served canopes and prosecco. We had our photographs, done by Klickapic Cork, all outdoors. It was nice to see our guests enjoying themselves whilst we were photographed After the drinks reception our guests were called to the Sherrard Suite for the meal, after everyone was seated, Jonathan and I made our entrance to a very apt song ‘Happy’ by Pharrel Williams. I think we floated in to the room instead of walking! Everyone loved the food, there was full and plenty and the wine was flowing. The atmosphere was electric! I remember saying to Jonathan whilst we were at the top table ” this is amazing, look at all our friends and family enjoying themselves”. Jonathan told me of his relief that it didn’t rain for the ceremony! He was more nervous about that than me being late it think! Gemini set up again for the evening entertainment, the dance-floor was never empty from start to finish. They really know how to please a crowd! I don’t know where we got the energy from but we managed to continue to festivities right through until 6am! The staff at the Maryborough were still poring champagne and treating us like royalty It really was an amazing unforgettable day and the feedback and comments from our guests were overwhelming. I hope you have enjoyed our little outdoor fairytale. Wish we could do it all over again, we wouldn’t change a thing! Reposted from Voltaire Weddings
Prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), state-run electronic databases used to track the prescribing and dispensing of controlled prescription drugs to patients, are important tools for preventing and identifying prescription drug misuse. By tracking the dispensing of these substances through patient reports, both prescribers and dispensers can identify patterns that might indicate that a patient is misusing, abusing, or diverting prescription drugs. Further, PDMP data can assist prevention and treatment program planning. However, PDMPs work only if prescribers and dispensers use them regularly. PDMPs continuously adopt new strategies and take advantage of the latest technology in order to better respond to new prescription abuse and misuse challenges. To increase utilization of the PDMP by health-care providers, the majority of PDMPs initiated mandatory registration of prescribers and/or dispensers, as well as mandatory queries by certain health-care professionals. Most PDMPs also require that additional data elements, such as method of payment and identification of the person picking up the medication, be reported to the PDMP. Efforts to strengthen prescriber and dispenser utilization of PDMPs include outreach and training to understand the value and application of PDMP data, improving prescription data accessibility and workflows through data integration, and implementing procedures to increase the accuracy and timeliness of data. COSSAP supports activities that: The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center (PDMP TTAC) at the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) provides a comprehensive array of services, support, resources, and strategies to PDMPs, federal partners and other stakeholders to further the efforts and effectiveness of PDMPs in combating the misuse, abuse and diversion of prescription drugs. Our focus is to improve consistency among PDMP’s, facilitate coordination between PDMPs and state and national stakeholders, increase PDMP efficiencies, measure performance and effectiveness, and promote best practices. COSSAP grantees strengthening the nation’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs The Connecticut Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP), in partnership with other state agencies, will merge the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) and the state forensic laboratory system with the Connecticut Prescription Monitoring and Reporting System (CPMRS) to allow prescribers and pharmacists to identify patients who have died and reduce inappropriate dispensing; create a new module to allow law enforcement users access to both death data and toxicology information within the CPMRS to assist in their investigations; and conduct educational campaigns to introduce these new features and the benefits that would expand the ability of prescribers, pharmacists, and law enforcement to avoid and deter controlled substance misuse or diversion. Guam’s Department of Public Health and Social Services will enhance and improve data analysis by upgrading to the AWARxE Advanced Prescription Monitoring Program analytics. Guam will also partner with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to increase the capability of public and private pharmacies to report prescription information to the Guam Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP). The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health will add provider dashboard enhancements to the Nebraska Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) that support clinical decision making. The Division of Public Health will also develop updated training for prescribers, dispensers, and designees on the provider dashboard enhancements and produce updated training videos. Publication — 1/3/2019 Publication — 5/24/2018 Podcast — 5/10/2019
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George Toe reflects on the good old days when catching a couple of sharks helped fill a fisherman’s pocket and fed a hungry family. Fifteen years or so ago, local fishermen who ventured off the coast of Liberia could expect to come back with 200, maybe 300, of the fish in their boats, the 45-year-old recalls. “Now it is difficult to get even 10,” he said. “Now you have to go 72 kilometres in the water before you meet up with any.” Toe’s worry encapsulates the dilemma facing Liberia, one of the world’s poorest countries, as it seeks to protect these beautiful, endangered but often under-estimated species. Each year, tens of millions of sharks and rays are hauled from the sea, typically to meet a voracious demand in East and Southeast Asia for shark fin soup or products used in traditional medicine. Experts say the plunder is having a devastating effect on the health of the sea – but protecting the species often meets resistance from fishermen, who see the catch as a vital source of income. Fishing provides a livelihood to more than 30,000 people in Liberia and accounts for two-thirds of all animal proteins consumed nationally. On the UN’s Human Development Index, the country ranks a lowly 181 out of 189 nations. The average salary is $100 per month, and many Liberians survive on just $1 a day. What’s at stake in shark and ray conservation is not just the survival of these ancient species but supporting commercial fish stocks. “Loss of sharks can lead to dramatic imbalances in the ecosystem,” says campaign group Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). Catching sharks ricochet down the food chain as big fish decimate small fish in the absence of the apex predator. Under a three-year initiative, the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority will collect data on shark and ray populations, monitoring their numbers and location, and track fishing, both legal and illegal. The action follows a pledge on training and data collection that Liberia made with 12 other West African countries in 2014 to help shark and ray conservation. A trial programme has recorded 19 species in Liberian waters, from great hammerhead sharks to devil rays. All feature on the Red List of threatened species compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Sharks and rays are particularly vulnerable as they grow slowly, hit sexual maturity late and have a low reproductive rate, according to the EJF. “Accurate population monitoring and sustainable management of these species are essential for long-term solutions, both for the Liberian fishing community and for the ecosystem they depend on,” said Emma Glassco, head of the fisheries agency. But data collection is just one step – it is what happens at sea which counts, and the support of local fishermen is vital. Many of those who spoke to AFP clearly had reservations. “We used to catch enough fish… Now, it is difficult to catch fish where we used to,” fisherman Kojo Amuaysee, 42, said, pulling two sharks out of his motorised canoe after returning to port. But he said the fishing sector had “too many people”. “I don’t want to believe that it is the killing of the sharks and rays that is sending fish away.” Toe blamed declining catches on practices by illegal trawlers from neighbouring Ivory Coast and Guinea. “They come fishing in our waters and later dump the unwanted fish, which pollutes the sea and chases away the living fish – they go farther out.” The EJF is backing the conservation project with a grassroots programme, helped by video presentations, to explain to fishermen why sharks and rays are so important. The outreach suggests that fishermen can become keenly sensitive to conservation – some have even suggested that a law be passed to punish shark overfishing, said EJF’s Augustine Fayiah. “During the three years, we will get to know if the fishermen will restrict themselves. If not, the government may decide to pass a law on stopping the killing of the two species,” he said. The post Liberia Wrestles With Poverty And Ecology In Bid To Protect Sharks appeared first on iAfrica.com.
The Duke Boutique Hotel In the charming and gastronomical ‘s Hertogenbosch The Duke was born. A special young man who grew up to be the most beloved city ambassador of it’s time. The Duke is not only familiar with all the details and secrets about the city of ‘s Hertogenbosch, he is also able to share stories about all the beauty the rest of the world has to offer. The Duke Hotel is his home and is the result of his quest for unforgettable experiences, his keen eye for even the smallest details, his principles in relation to quality and comfort and his attraction to remarkable people with active lifestyles. A premium hotel, designed for the sophisticated traveler. That’s The Duke Hotel, a remarkable place for remarkable people. Arrive feeling good, leave feeling great… You can find The Duke in the heart of ‘s Hertogenbosch, next to the famous St. Johns Cathedral and right above his favorite restaurant street: the vibrant and nationally acclaimed Korte Putstraat. The hotel holds 17 rooms and multiple suites. Every hotel room is equipped with a large (210x180) ‘Duke size’ custom made box- spring bed, large walk-in rain shower, separate toilet, an Illy espresso machine, free Netflix, a Marshall speaker and many more of The Dukes favorite designer items. The Duke wants his guests to be the best they can be. That is why every morning a wholesome healthy breakfast is being served in The living Room, with mostly organic ingredients. The Duke also offers guests the opportunity to make use of the inhouse and ultra- luxurious Citygym, to work out with the latest Techogym and Milon equipment. For ultimate relaxation you can also visit CityYoga, which can be found within the premises of the hotel, to take part in an innovative Yoga session. The Duke’s own line of cosmetic products are all made with 100% natural ingredients, and so are most of the contents you can find in the minibar. And if you want to explore ‘s Hertogenbosch and it’s surroundings during the day, you just use on of The Dukes city bikes. The Duke will happily tell you more about his other concepts like The Duke Boutique apartments and The Duke little brother ‘Little Duke Hotel’. The Duke offers a total of 39 rooms in the city of ‘s Hertogenbosch and can accommodate up to 93 guests. The Duke team consists of locals who all know and love their city like no other. It is their mission to make sure every guest leaves ‘s Hertogenbosch with an unforgettable experience and lasting impression of the city. We always go the extra mile to make sure your stay is as pleasant as possible, so if you have any personal requests or wishes, don’t hesitate to ask. Nothing is impossible for The Duke! The Duke and his team can’t wait to welcome you as a guest and to make your stay an unforgettable experience.
Students and Researchers from EE Department Accept Tenure Track Faculty Positions In light of Covid-19, we are proud to share some positive news about some of our students and researchers in the Electrical Engineering Department at Columbia University who have recently accepted positions as tenure track faculty members. Tingjun Chen started his M.S./Ph.D. program in EE in Fall 2014 after graduating with a B.Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University. Chen worked with Professor Gil Zussman in the Wireless & Mobile Networking (WiMNet) lab. His research interests are in the areas of future wireless networks and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems, where he has been applying tools from networking, optimization, and system design. He is the student co-lead of the Columbia FlexICoN project and is highly involved in the design and deployment of the NSF PAWR COSMOS testbed. He was also involved in the Columbia EnHANTs project. Chen will be joining the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University as a tenure-track assistant professor starting on August 1, 2021. He will be working on various components - from emerging Physical technologies to cross-layered design and optimization of networked systems - to further push the frontier of future wireless networks and IoT systems, with the goal of providing ultra-high bandwidth and ultra-low latency services to the users. “My journey at Columbia EE started all the way back when I did a research internship in Gil's group in summer 2013 (when I was a junior undergrad at Tsinghua). Things have been really amazing here in the past couple of years: I’ve met wonderful people and enjoy living in the city, I have been fortunate to have amazing mentors and collaborators and we work on exciting research topics in wireless networks and systems, and I really like the dynamic, vibrant, and collaborative environment at Columbia,” said Chen. Qing Qu graduated from the EE PhD program at Columbia in 2018 where he worked with Prof. John Wright in signal processing, data science, and machine learning. Currently, Qu is a Moore-Sloane Data Science Fellow at NYU Center for Data Science (December 2018-December 2020 (expected). Qing will be joining the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor as a tenure-track assistant professor starting on Jan. 1st 2021. Qu's interests broadly lies in the intersection of data science, machine learning and numerical optimization and his research focuses on developing theoretical guarentees and provable methods for solving high-dimensional nonconvex optimization problems. His collaborative work with Prof. Ju Sun and Prof. John Wright on sparse subspace learning and phase retrieval problems has made broad impacts in signal processing, numerical optimizatio, and machine learning communities. His current interests are in developing provable and efficient computational methods for learning low-complexity models frrom high-dimensional data, leveraging tools from machine learning, numerical optimization, and high dimensional geometry. He also has interests in applying our data-driven methods to carious engineering provlems in imaging sciences, scientific discovery and healthcare. "I am indebted to the great platform that Columbia EE has provided for pursuing my intellectual freedom and academic dreams. The amazing environment and wonderful people here have made huge influence on me as a researcher, and more importantly as a person. In particular, I am really fortunate to have Prof. John Wright as my mentor and advisor. I can never imagine my achievements today without his encouragement and guidance throughout all these years," said Qu. Qixiang Cheng joined Columbia University in 2016 as a Post-Doctoral Researcher and theN got promoted to Associate Research Scientist working closely with Prof. Keren Bergmen in the Lightwave Research Lab.Cheng researched in the field of silicon photonic integrated circuits for data centers. He recently joined the University of Cambridge, UK with a permanent faculty position as a University Lecturer where he researches advanced photonic integrated circuits in silicon, InP, and Si/SiN + InP. He teaches an undergraduate course 3B6 - photonic technologies. “My time at EE Columbia has provided me crucial training for my academic career. I'm truly grateful for that,” said Cheng. Jonathan Ostrometzky joined CU EE in March 2018 as a postdoctoral research Scientist. Ostrometzky’s host was Prof. Gil Zussman from the Wireless & Mobile Networking (WiMNet) lab. Apart from working with Prof. Zussman’s and his group, he also joined a number of multidisciplinary research projects that involved close collaboration with Prof. Daniel Bienstock, and with Prof. Zoran Kostic. He also worked with Emily Ford and Karen Cheng from CU SEAS on outreach activities as part of the NYU and CU teams of the COSMOS RET summer program the summers of 2018 and 2019, and on the Verizon 5G EdTech Challenge. Jonathan led WiMNet lab’s NSF-BSF project in the area of wireless networks robustness via weather-sensitive predictive management and will continue to work on it in Tel Aviv university. Moreover, he has performed research in the area of power grid resilience and worked on the COSMOS project. In particular, Jonathan focused on the COSMOS program for middle and high school teachers. Ostrometzky recently joined the Faculty of Engineering at Tel-Aviv University in a tenure-track position. In his new position, he will be teaching a number of courses in the new program “Sciences for Hi-Tech” that has been recently opened for both undergrads and graduate students in the Faculty of Engineering at Tel-Aviv University, with the goal to train high-quality students multidisciplinary skills. He will continue his research, which is focused on statistical signal processing for challenges such as cybersecurity and resilience of smart-city and power infrastructure, and opportunistic environmental monitoring. “The experience and the knowledge I gained during my time at Columbia University made a huge impact on me as a person and as a researcher. And although I am starting a new position at Tel-Aviv University, which is located half-way around the world, The people I got to know and the collaborations that were established during my appointment at Columbia will follow me for years to come, and will certainly shape my academic career,” said Ostrometzky. By: Eliese Lissner
Gundala takes place on the mean streets of Jakarta, a wretched hive of villainy with Gotham City-like levels of corruption and neglect. Crime is out of control, gangs run the streets, and a sadistic crime boss named Pengkor (Bront Palarae) controls the political system. But before Pengkor pulls off his plan, a new hero will rise to stop him. Writer/director Joko Anwar crafts an electrifying superhero origin story about one of Indonesia’s most prominent characters. The plot centers on Sancaka (Muzakki Ramdhan), a young boy with a fear of lightning – he believes the lightning is coming for him. And much like other future heroes, the poor kid can’t catch a break. His father gets assassinated while leading a worker’s rights movement against his tyrannical employer. And Sancaka’s mother eventually leaves to find work, never to return. Sad as they may be, these tragic events help set the stage for an epic superhero origin story. Sancaka becomes a child of the streets, where he meets an older kid named Awang (Faris Fadjar Munggaran), who teaches him how to defend himself with martial arts. Awang also shares the number one rule of the streets: mind your own business. It’s a selfish lesson that Sancaka must overcome to become the hero his city needs. Flash forward a couple decades and Sancaka (Abimana Aryasatya) is all grown up and works as a security guard at a printing factory. Life in the city has only gotten worse. Pengkor has planted sleeper agents in influential positions, and now he’s using them to spread chaos and panic throughout the country. Sancaka gets thrust into the action after defending his neighbour (Tara Basro) from a gang of thugs. But even his considerable fighting skills aren’t enough to save him from taking a horrible beating and getting tossed off a roof. But something miraculous happens… A bolt of lightning surges down from the sky and strikes Sancaka’s motionless body. The electrical charge not only heals his body, but it also imbues him with superhuman abilities. Sancaka becomes stronger, more resilient, and gains the ability to discharge bolts of electricity. Now possessing the power to fight back, he creates a costume, and sets out to save the city. You watch a movie like Gundala for the action. And action is what this movie delivers, and then some. Gundala features a tonne of fast-paced martial arts battles which go down in stylish-looking locations. Cinematographer Ical Tanjung outdoes himself with each new setting. The moody onset lighting sets the tone for gorgeous martial arts onslaughts. The action breaks out in tight alleys, on abandoned trains, moonlit rooftops, parking lots, industrial warehouses; I can keep going. During a Q&A after my screening, Anwar said he filmed in 70 locations over just 50 days. Considering their tight schedule and lack of prep time, the stunt coordinators pulled off a bloody miracle. From beginning to end, Gundala delivers fast and furious action and rarely stops to take its foot off the gas. It’s the type of film where one man kicks 30 henchmens’ asses in less than five minutes. Aside from the occasional lightning strike, the film employs a gritty, grounded combat style (by comic book movie standards). Gundala is more Kill Bill than Black Panther. I do have a few quibbles. The first is a heavy reliance on tracking the action with shaky cams. There is some remarkable fight choreography going on, and the jittery camerawork can make following it all difficult. I get why. The stunt team had little to no prep-time – Anwar captured much of the film in a single take. The shaky-cam style helps hide mistakes and mask cuts. One can only imagine what a filmmaker as resourceful as Anwar could achieve with a large budget and more prep time with his stunt team. My other quibble; there are too many fights in the film – which is a great problem to have in a movie as fun as Gundala. The problem is that the action happens so often it starts blurring together. I’ll take one memorable setpiece over five quick fistfights. And some of the fights don’t feel in service of the plot. Certain action beats come across as though they were placed in the story for the sake of adding more eye-candy, not because some dramatic tension reached its boiling point. Nitpicks aside, the action is excellent. It’s full of creative choreography and performed by talented martial artists, which is precisely what you want from an Indonesian action flick. Gundala is the first entry into an MCU-style shared universe known as the Bumilangit Cinematic Universe. The BCU has over 1000 characters to draw from, and some of them date all the way back to the ‘50s. Anwar already plotted out a series of BCU films. And in a holy shit moment, Anwar announced that one of these pictures will be helmed by The Night Comes for Us director, Timo Tjahjanto. Gundala is a perfect jumping-off point that is more Batman v Superman than Justice League. Much like Captain America, Gundala is known for uniting other heroes, and a few prominent BCU characters show up before the story’s end. This movie is at its best during the opening 20-minutes, with young Sancaka adjusting to life on the streets. The movie loses a bit of its mojo once he grows up. Adult Sancaka isn’t the most fleshed-out hero we’ve seen in a comic book film. I’m more interested in Sancaka’s circumstances than his personal life. Fortunately, his potential love interest Merpati brings some much-needed swagger to the screen. Palarae is forgettable as the story’s villain. With his horribly scarred face, crumpled posture, and husky voice, he looks as though he just passed super-villainy 101. I would have preferred the film spiced up his brand of arch-villainy with an even bolder performance. And yet, I am intrigued by a couple of other mysterious figures who show up before the end of the movie. As a kid, I collected comic book trading cards and learned the mythologies of characters from series I never read. At this point, I have bits of Marvel and DC lore ingrained in my DNA. So, I found sitting through an origin story I didn’t know about exhilarating. Gundala makes a fine choice for TIFF’s Midnight Madness slate. It’s an audacious comic book movie with a rich mythology, striking visuals, and jam-packed with first-class fight sequences. Most importantly, Gundala makes me excited about watching future titles from cinema’s newest shared universe. FROM AROUND THE WEB
Heigl is back in the spotlight thanks to her $6 million lawsuit against Duane Reade, claiming that the pharmacy chain violated her civil rights by posting a paparazzi photo on their social media accounts. Here's the tweet at the center of the controversy: UPDATE: Duane Reade has removed the tweet. Here's a screenshot from TMZ. The complaint itself, available to read in full, provides plenty of fodder for Heigl-haters. Listed under "Facts," her lawyers tout her incredibly impressive career stats, making sure we all know that she's "a highly successful television and motion picture actress, producer and celebrity" and that "according to the film industry web-site www.boxofficemojo.com, Plaintiff's films have grossed over one billion dollars worldwide." As Eriq Gardner at The Hollywood Reporter points out, the suit may impact the way that corporations use social media, especially when dealing with celebrities. Legal impact aside, let's take a look at some other moments that helped make Katherine Heigl one of The Most Hated Women In Hollywood (Anne Hathaway, she's coming for your title). When she slammed Knocked Up for being sexist Knocked Up is the one movie in which Katherine Heigl is actually watchable. So when she called the film "sexist" in a Vanity Fair feature, critics immediately called her out for the inappropriate public grievance. And even though Seth Rogan forgave her and think-pieces at Slate praised her, the VF bitch-fest will always be fuel for the Heigl-haters' fire. When she said Grey's Anatomy sucked More or less. Heigl bowed out of the Emmy race in 2008, claiming that she was not "given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination" and did so "in an effort to maintain the integrity of the academy organization." So basically, the show that made her famous was no longer good enough to let her display her incredible acting abilities. When she did a Nyquil ad This one isn't that bad on it's own. It's actually a sad moment of decline and desperation in the career of a once-successful actress. But considering Heigl's constant claims of being a talented superstar (see above lawsuit), her appearance in an ad for ZzzQuil really undermined her credibility. When she called out the Emmy's announcer for mispronouncing her name Here's another one that seems pretty reasonable. The one job of the announcer is to pronounce the names of the celebrities correctly, so it should be perfectly fair to call someone out for a job poorly done. If this were Jennifer Lawrence we'd all be praising her for keeping it #real. Nonetheless, Heigl caught some flak on the Internets, probably because no one liked her to begin with. No matter what other stunts she pulls, there's one thing we can all agree on: the club scene from Knocked Up is legendary. Alexandra DiPalma is a producer for Fusion Lightworks, Fusion’s In-house Branded Content Agency.
At its most basic, your car or truck engine is one big air pump. It works by creating a series of precisely-timed explosions that pull in and push out ever-essential air. So it makes sense that the way to increase the power of your engine—to up its horsepower and torque—is to find ways to move more air in and out of it. There’s an ongoing debate among car enthusiasts about the importance of horsepower vs. torque. It doesn’t matter which side of the argument you’re on: they are both key components in powering your vehicle. If you’re looking to see gains in either area, check out these ideas from our team of experts for getting your engine to perform at its peak. 1. USE A COLD AIR INTAKE Upgrading to a performance cold air intake (CAI) system is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to increase horsepower. Here’s how it works: As air gets colder, it also gets denser. Your engine operates by taking in air, blending it with fuel and burning the mixture to produce power. The denser the air, the more oxygen in the same amount of space—and the more power the engine will produce. Cold air intakes pull cool air in from outside of the engine. They are also designed to reduce air flow resistance and unwanted turbulence within the pipes, which ultimately reduce airflow into your engine. Two potential downsides: Unrestricted air flow can mean a noisier engine. And, not all cold air intakes are created equal; be sure to choose one from a reputable manufacturer. AutoAnything has a wide selection, and thousands of on-site reviews to help you make the right decision. 2. GET A LARGER-DIAMETER THROTTLE BODY In combination with your fuel injection system, the throttle body regulates the air flow that goes into your engine. This system is an important part of your vehicle because, as with all combustion, air is required for your engine to fire properly. Installing a large-diameter throttle body with bigger flaps allows more air to flow into the engine. Doing this increases several aspects of performance, one being—you guessed it—an increase in horsepower. And it’s no subtle shift. You’ll feel faster acceleration and a surge in engine power of up to 25hp. To squeeze some more juice out of your engine, you can install a throttle body spacer which looks like a small circular metal ring. It creates just a bit more space for air to enter into the manifold, enhancing your fuel economy and giving you even more torque. Don’t expect to find your factory-fitted car with a throttle body spacer. This is an aftermarket update for people who really want to increase horsepower 3. ADD EXHAUST HEADERS AND MANIFOLDS Automakers need to meet emissions requirements and keep production costs low—and one result is that stock exhaust manifolds, the systems that move poisonous air to your exhaust system, aren’t as efficient as they could be. This makes aftermarket exhaust headers a good place to find extra horsepower and increase torque. Exhaust headers work by making it easier for exhaust to flow out of an engine’s cylinders. How much horsepower one will add depends on the style and length of the header you are installing—plus the kind of vehicle you’re dealing with. Both long-tube and shorty headers will boost your vehicle’s performance by moving air faster and more effectively. But long-tube headers do the best job of building torque and horsepower from mid-range to top-end RPMs. They’re a good choice for high-revving super rides. Meanwhile, shorty headers deliver more HP and torque in the lower RPM range. If you search “how much HP do headers add?” you’ll get an array of answers, but we feel comfortable telling you to expect an increase of horsepower somewhere between 10 and 30. 4. INVEST IN A HIGH-FLOW CATALYTIC CONVERTER When it comes to functionality, high-flow catalytic converters aren’t all that different from what comes installed in your car or truck. A high-flow cat also reduced emissions by creating a chemical reaction between various metals and exhaust—but it does the job faster. It achieves this by using a less dense internal cell count and increased volume surrounding the catalyst itself. Along with your other exhaust mods, a high-flow cat is focused on increasing the flow capability of your engine to help it make more power. It’s a small part that packs a big punch. High-flow cats increase power across the full RPM range, but you’re going to notice the biggest boost of both torque and horsepower in the lower RPM range. Plus, you’ll be reducing the toxicity of your exhaust emissions while you’re at it. That’s a win-win in our book. 5. ADD A HIGH-FLOW CAT-BACK EXHAUST SYSTEM Cat-back exhaust systems get their name from their placement—behind your catalytic converter—and replace your restrictive stock muffler and factory exhaust pipe. If you’re already updating your catalytic converter, it makes sense to add this on, too. Look for systems with large-diameter, mandrel-bent pipes to see the most impressive gains. Cat-back systems also feature straight-flow mufflers to further contribute to the freedom of airflow through the exhausts for even more power. 6. COMPARE PERFORMANCE CHIPS AND PROGRAMMERS We like this one because it’s like having the cheat sheets to your car or truck. The computer that controls your engine is factory-programmed to comply with certain emissions and fuel octane requirements. And while that doesn’t sound so bad, the truth is that it leaves a lot of performance capabilities on the table. By utilizing power programmers and performance chips to adjust your vehicle’s settings — like fuel-to-air ratio, turbo boost and ignition timing advance — you can easily increase horsepower to performance levels you never thought possible. Performance software is easy to use and usually features plug-n-play installation that connects directly to your OBD-II port. You can customize your vehicle’s settings to your heart’s delight. Or, if you want to skip right to “more power,” they come programmed with pre-set tunes, too. But be aware that a chip that disables your vehicles emissions controls is probably illegal. 7. SAY HELLO TO FORCED INDUCTION (SUPERCHARGERS AND TURBOCHARGERS) Forced induction systems, like superchargers or turbochargers, compress the air flowing into your engine and offer the greatest potential performance increase. It’s not uncommon to increase horsepower and torque by over 50% with the help of forced induction. Seriously. The more an engine has, the more fuel it can mix in. A charged engine produces more power overall, which significantly improves acceleration. If this is the way you decide to amp up your vehicle, it’s good to know the between the two devices. A supercharger is powered by a belt that connects directly to the engine, while a turbocharger gets its power from the exhaust system. Turbochargers are considered more efficient since they use “wasted” energy from the exhaust stream as their power source. But you’ll also have to wait a little longer to feel the power. Superchargers offer almost instant power when you step on the gas and are usually easier to install. If you’re wondering how to get more horsepower under the hood, look no further than AutoAnything’s lineup of aftermarket performance parts. With a few decades of experience building and driving performance cars, we know a thing or two about pushing our vehicles to the limit. And we stock everything you need to beef up the horsepower and torque in your own ride. So, start small or go big. Or start small, then go big — the choice is yours!
Yellowstone Fly Fishing Let me first say that I am not a hardcore fly fisherman. Sometimes I spin fish and other times I fly fish. Every spot I have mentioned is special and I have in no way listed every special fishing spot in Yellowstone. There are many great books on fishing Yellowstone. I would recommend Fishing Yellowstone National Park by Richard Parks. Parks Fly Shop, located in Gardiner, is a good source for fishing supplies and information. The most important thing to know about fishing Yellowstone is that once the spring snow starts to melt, most streams will not be fishable until the melt ends in late June or early July and the muddy waters clear. In some streams, the average number of times a fish is caught exceeds 8 per year. So, pinch all barbs on your fishing lure/flys and cut 2 hooks off any treble hooks you have. Everyone over 11 years of age will need to get a fishing permit. While you are not allowed to keep native fish that you catch, you can keep, and are actually required to kill, some non-native species. While not overly complicated, the fishing regulations are too involved to list in the Best Little Guide Book of Yellowstone, because, if I did, this book would not be little! Park fishing regulations can be had at most park entrances or visitor centers. “If there was a guarantee that you were going to catch fish, fishing would be called catching and not fishing.” Now get fishing! Fishing Near The Road Soda Butte Creek and the Lamar River are part of the same drainage basin. Cutthroats abound from approximately June 20 (after the spring melt slows) until the Yellowstone fishing seasons ends on October 31. To be on one of these rivers when you have a 50 fish outing is unforgettable. My good friend Jake and I have had a few of those days and I hope to have a few more with Jake before… You will most likely only catch cutthroat trout on these rivers. The usual size is around 14 inches and at times 20 inches. Gardner River is “best” when the Brown trout run (spawn). The run starts in mid- September and lasts till the end of October, with the most productive fishing during the last two weeks of October. When you hook one of those hooked-beaked 18 or 20 inch browns and they spend more time dancing on top of the water than in the water, you may think that you have died and gone to fishing heaven. But when the teeth of that big brown trout slice into my finger as I am removing the lure, I quickly come back to earth. I have spent many a day fishing the Gardner River making my way upstream from the parking lot at the Montana/Wyoming state line until I get to the Boiling River Hot Springs where I soak. See the “Best of Yellowstone” section for a description of Boiling River. Slough Creek is as beautiful a fishing spot as there is. You can walk there or hire an outfitter to take you there on horseback. The Cooke City Chamber at www.cookecitychamber.org/ has listings for outfitters. There are 3 meadows along the creek. The “best” fishing is usually in the third meadow which may be the “best” spot in the park for catching large numbers of large fish. See hiking section for trail description and directions. Agate Creek is a 7 mile hike, with steady gain of 1200 feet in elevation before dropping 1200 feet into the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. There should be plenty of 12 to 14'' Yellowstone cutthroat trout waiting for you. I fish in the Yellowstone River downstream from Agate Creek not the creek itself. Start at the Specimen Ridge trailhead located near the glacier interpretive pull-off, about a 1.5 mile to the east of Tower Junction. This hike has large gains and drops in elevation. You will definitely need to be in good shape and have a good topo map. There is a designated camping spot near the river and of course a backcountry permit is required if you spend the night. Don’t plan on eating any fish here; there are only native cutthroat trout on this section of the river. You will need to get an early start if you are just fishing. Lewis Channel, the channel that flows between Shoshone Lake and Lewis Lake, is spectacular during the fall run of the brown trout. Many of the fish are over 20 inches. There are very, very large lake trout in Shoshone Lake feeding on the very large browns. Speaking from experience, you will need a heavy weight line to land one of these large lake trout. All I have ever managed to do is hook one of these lake trout, only to have the fish break my line over and over again. The run starts in early October and gets better the later in October that you go. I always fish near the outlet of Shoshone Lake, and I take the Dogshead trailhead off of HWY 89 to reach this fishing spot. There is a nice multi-site camping spot near the outlet. I have heard the call of loons from here in the evening. I hope you hear them too. The Thoroughfare section of the Yellowstone requires a multi-day commitment and of course comes with no guarantees. But if you find the fish, they will probably be huge. A few years back, while fishing with some friends, I landed a 24" cutthroat. Next to me, in the same fishing hole, I watched my friend Bob hook a large fish 4 times, only to have the fish break his line each time. Having just landed the biggest cutthroat I had ever caught and wanting to wander around, I went exploring up stream. When I returned, Bob informed me that on his sixth attempt, he was successful at landing a 28'' cutthroat trout. Bob got his fish and I had one more fishing story to tell. See the hiking section for trail details and directions.
Advanced Eyecare Professionals and the American Academy of Ophthalmology urges the public to celebrate with an eye on safety With the holiday shopping season now in full swing, Advanced Eyecare Professionals (AEP) joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in reminding the public of certain safety guidelines when choosing the perfect gifts for little ones. A number of studies show that some popular types of toys are commonly associated with childhood eye injuries. These include air guns and other toys that shoot projectiles, high-powered lasers, and sports equipment. Ophthalmologists – physicians who specialize in medical and surgical eye care – treat the eye injuries that sometimes result from these products, and so have seen the traumatic results of what can happen. The Academy encourages parents to follow these tips when shopping for toys this holiday season. “Air soft, BB, and paint gun pellets are common sources of sometimes serious eye injury. Please wear eye protection when playing with these projectiles,” says ophthalmologist David Harrell, M.D. • Beware of airsoft, BB guns, and other projectile toys. Every year ophthalmologists treat thousands of patients with devastating eye injuries caused by seemingly safe toys. Avoid items with sharp, protruding or projectile parts such as airsoft guns, BB guns and other nonpowder gun–related toys. Foreign objects can easily propel into the sensitive tissue of the eye. • Never allow children to play with high-powered laser pointers. A number of recent reports in the United States and internationally show that children have sustained serious eye injuries by playing with high-powered lasers (between 1,500 and 6,000 milliwatts). Over the years, these lasers have become increasingly more powerful, with enough potential to cause severe retinal damage, with just seconds of laser exposure to the eye. The FDA advises the public to never aim or shine a laser pointer at anyone and to not buy laser pointers for children. • Read labels for age recommendations before you buy. To select appropriate gifts suited for a child's age, look for and follow the age recommendations and instructions about proper assembly, use, and supervision. • Don't just give presents. Make sure to be present. Always make sure an adult is supervising when children are playing with potentially hazardous toys or games that could cause an eye injury. • Know what to do (and what not to). If someone you know experiences an eye injury, seek immediate medical attention from an ophthalmologist. As you wait for medical help, make sure to never touch, rub, apply pressure, or try to remove any object stuck in the eye. If an eye injury occurs, follow the important care and treatment guidelines given by your ophthalmologist. “In the frenzied excitement of celebrations and toys it’s easy to become lax on your normal standards for safety,” says ophthalmologist Michael Flohr, M.D. “We want everyone to have healthy vision for future holiday seasons to come. Please stay vigilant, and protect yours and your loved ones eyes.”
Sometimes it’s fun to roll through reddit.com/r/atheism and see what people are talking about so we can talk about it… Here’s a post from the other day… The central logical fallacy that caused my de-conversion was the problem of evil. Today one of the primary excuses for God allowing evil (He’s testing you) has really gotten to me, so I feel the need to share my frustrations. Okay, so God is testing you. Let’s say you fail as billions have. Did God know you’d lose your faith? Of course He did. So He tested you knowing full *bleep* well you’d fail. It’s like telling a starving dog not to eat a fat steak then throwing her into a volcano when she eats the steak. If someone asks why you did that to the poor dog, you can justify yourself by saying “well, I love that dog very much but unfortunately she didn’t listen to me”. Does that sound like justice? No, not in the slightest. Even by our underdeveloped humanistic perspective of justice, you’d be viewed as a psychotic, power-hungry and controlling psychopath. And this example is describing an omnibenevolent and omniscient deity who would be the epitome of justice and love. It’s almost like God’s sense of justice is the same as an ancient middle eastern tyrant’s. Coincidence? The problem of evil is certainly a problem. According to Barna, “Teens, along with young adults, are more likely than older Americans to say the problem of evil and suffering is a deal-breaker for them. It appears today’s youth, like so many throughout history, struggle to find a compelling argument for the existence of both evil and a good and loving God.” As much as 1/3 of people younger than 38 who are not Christians would say the problem of evil is a significant barrier to faith. On the surface, the original post is might make us wonder and maybe even cause us to have significant doubt. Is God testing me? Was I doomed to fail? Is that fair? Was I born into a no-win situation? While these are good questions to ask, the premises on which the poster built his argument have some problems. First, he assumes human innocence (This seems to be more and more common No one likes to believe it might be their fault.) Second, based on the first, he assumes God sends people to hell who absolutely do not want to be there. And three, and perhaps the most egregious is the assumption that God has done nothing about the problem evil. Are we innocent? Not too long ago I posted a question on my facebook and asked, “If your child wrecked the car you gave them for their birthday, who’s fault is it? The kid or you for giving the kid the car?” The responses were interesting. Most immediately said the kid for being irresponsible. Some said it was the parent’s fault for not teaching the kid the proper etiquette for driving a car. There was a reason I asked the question and it had nothing to do with cars, rather it was about the very problem we are talking about right now. First, it was more than likely the kids’ fault for wrecking the car just like it is our fault for messing up the world we live in. And what’s more, God did give us very specific instructions on how to live in this world. However, it wasn’t to test us so he could wait for us to screw up and then toss us into the lake of burning fire. It was to protect us because he knew that when humans decide to define good and evil for themselves, we do it wrong. As a matter of fact, Genesis 1-11 is what happens when humans take the wheel. The power we take for ourselves spins up into suffering, injustice, and tyranny much like a hurricane riding through the MDR. So, what’s the deal with hell? Hell is what happens when humans define good and evil for themselves. Listen, and this is important, God does not send people to hell. As a matter of fact, it was C.S. Lewis who said, “In the long run, the answer to those who object to the doctrine of hell is itself a question: What is it that they are asking God to do? To wipe out past sins and at all costs give them a fresh start? He did that, on the cross. To forgive them? But they don’t want forgiveness. To leave them alone? That’s what hell is. There are only two kinds of people in the end: Those who say to God “Thy will be done” and those to whom God says in the end, “Thy will be done.” All that are in hell, choose it. Without that self-choice, it wouldn’t be hell.” Hell is never a surprise for those who find themselves there. More than likely, you know the people who have created their own little hells and refuse to leave it. They are angry, bitter, negative, and never seem to smile. It’s the literal definition of “The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy. But, I [Jesus] have come that you may have life and have it to the fullest.” You have seen the walking dead. And more than likely, those people would rather live in their little world of weeping and gnashing of teeth then step into the light. Has Jesus done anything about it? Yes. And he is continuing to do it. Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension tell us that the work of evil is being reversed and no longer has control of the world we live in. As a matter of fact, the resurrected body of Jesus was the beginning of the new creation. And, get this, it happened in our historical timeline. Pay attention to the details of the story! When the woman meet Jesus outside the tomb, they don’t recognize him at first. Why? His body was new. It was of this earth but it wasn’t at the same time. Then, Jesus appears in a locked room. Excuse me? Within minutes, Thomas touches the wounds on Jesus hands. Is he immaterial enough to pass through walls? Or, was he resurrected into a body that could be touched? Do you see it? It was the same… kind of… but better. And from the time Jesus ascended to the throne in heaven (he didn’t just float into the sky), he has been working out his plan for the redemption and renewal of the world. Just because it doesn’t look like what we think it should look like doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. To put a somewhat logical bow on it… this is actually the opposite of ancient tyrannical justice. What God has done is to give humans the chance to reign and rule with him. But, we decided we would do it our way. (There is no evidence in the text that God expected us to fail.) And our way leads to systematic and nationalized injustices. But, when we become like Jesus, we partake in and help bring renewal and redemption. The longer we run from the way of Jesus, the more we become like the tyrants we supposedly hate.
We’re pleased to announce a series of short and practical online workshops in partnership with the British Library IP Centre. The sessions are open to anyone and are very reasonably priced at £15 for 90 minutes (inclusive of booking fees and VAT). Read more » Context Master Class on Social Impact Utrecht At last Thursday’s Context Master Class on Social Impact in Utrecht organised by Context, International Cooperation (CIC) I gave keynote presentation on the state and context of the social enterprise and blended value sector in the UK. I ended my presentation with the main challenges and opportunities for social enterprises in the UK as I see them. Recognising, quantifying and communicating value - Being able to identify the different forms of value that social enterprises create including financial, social and environmental value. This is something that many commercial organisations struggle with - Delivering this impact in a replicable and verifiable way. Can you deliver the change you say you can time after time and in real world conditions? - Communicating this using appropriate language to appropriate supporters. These might be commissioners or procurement officers in the public sector, corporate clients in the private sector, citizen beneficiaries or members of the general public that may be customers Social impact measurement (SIM) and reporting is not an after thought or a project. For you to get the most out of SIM it needs to be seen as a management competency – something you do all of the time Access to structured markets - By this we mean selling to the public sector through formal mechanisms - This includes commissioning of public services when an outcome or impact is desire, and procurement of products and services when a specification is already in place - Issues include business probity and reducing your perceived risk, or can you prove you are a grown up company and not an enthusiastic amateur? Access to unstructured markets - Trading in the open market – to companies, the general public and other social sector organisations - According to The People’s Business, State of Social Enterprise Survey, 2013, SE UK 37% of organisations generated revenues primarily or wholly from the general public compared to 23% of organisations that did so from the public sector, this is in spite of the drive by UK government to use SE as a vehicle for public sector service delivery Access to finance and capital markets - Social investment and other funding mechanisms are immensely important for social ventures as many are unable to access traditional debt or equity finance because of their legal structures, clauses within their governing documentation or as a consequence of the way the organisation is run by directors - I spoke about a range non-traditional funding tools including crowd funding and crowd sourcing of support, social investors and social exchanges such as Ethex, the Social Stock Exchange, Crowdfunder, BuzzBnk and The 1% Club and others. Access to top people - To be able to deliver social impact at scale access to skilled and effective staff, and leadership are key success factors. Without people your social enterprise is likely to be only a couple of documents, some policies and a bank account. - The senior management team or board of directors should have a realistic approach to the recruitment, retention and succession planning of their social enterprise
Originally founded as a food truck, Pupatella opened its current Bluemont location, at 5104 Wilson Blvd, in 2010. Co-owner Enzo Algarme is now teaming up with the partners behind Elevation Burger to expand via franchising. “After a decade of perfecting their craft, the owners have joined forces with two of the founding partners of Elevation Burger to begin offering franchises,” said a PR rep. Additional Pupatella locations may be in store for the D.C. area, according to a press release. Other potential expansion locations, should franchise owners sign on, include Philadelphia, Richmond, Virginia Beach, Raleigh-Durham, Chapel Hill, Wilmington and as far away as the Middle East. The full press release from Pupatella is below. Started as a food truck in 2007, today Pupatella is a favorite Neapolitan Pizzeria among Northern Virginians, winning loyal fans with its classic artisan Neapolitan pizza. Due to high demand, Pupatalla has decided to expand through corporate development and franchise opportunities. To accomplish this, Enzo Algarme, Pupatella’s founder and owner, has joined forces with founding partners of Elevation Burger who grew the country’s first organic burger chain from one to more than 50 restaurants worldwide. Pupatella is now seeking entrepreneurs and franchisees that have a passion for classic, artisan pizza to help grow the brand. Born and raised in Naples, Italy, Algarme takes tremendous pride in Pupatella’s “back to the basics” philosophy. The restaurant proudly possesses aVPN certification, a designation given to qualifying pizzerias by the Naples-based Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana. To obtain the VPN certification, the pizza is made according to the 200-year-old Neapolitan technique. Only wood-fired ovens are permitted; the dough is made of only four ingredients: 00 Italian flour, sea salt, fresh yeast and water. The toppings for the D.O.C. (Denominazione di Origine Controllata) pizza may only include sauce made of San Marzano tomatoes grown in Italy, fresh cherry tomatoes, fresh mozzarella made with buffalo milk or fior di latte, sea salt, fresh basil and olive oil. “I came to the U.S. for college and the one thing I missed the most was classic Neapolitan pizza that you could find on every corner in Naples,” said Algarme. “Cooking was a huge part of my upbringing in Italy and I felt a calling to start a business that was true to my roots. We’ve experienced tremendous success, with lines out the door everyday, and I feel confident that our pizza will be embraced around the world as we move forward with our expansion plans.” Pupatella is consistently named as one of the country’s best pizzerias by media and has received accolades by Business Insider and Washington Post. Its current location has experienced solid growth and high profit, totaling nearly 2.5 million dollars in gross sales in 2015. Pupatella has a top rating from more than 1,200 reviewers on Yelp. In addition to its classic artisan food, Pupatella is also known for it’s fast and affordable format. From a family outing to a romantic date night, guests appreciate Pupatella’s commitment to simple, true Neapolitan pizza served in a casual atmosphere where all are welcome. Pupatella is now seeking entrepreneurs to help expand the pizzeria in key markets across the United States and Middle East. The ideal franchise partner has restaurant experience and a passion for executing a proven system. Specific areas for U.S. expansion include Washington D.C Metro, Philadelphia Metro, Richmond, VA, Virginia Beach, VA, Raleigh-Durham, NC, Chapel Hill, NC, Newark, DE, and Wilmington, DE. Franchise opportunities are also available in the Middle East. To learn more about franchise opportunities, visit pupatellafranchise.com to submit an online application or call 703.825.6334.
Candle Plates & Mirrors Sometimes the best way to display your candles and battery candles is on a candle plate. These elegant plates and mirror dishes can help give a touch of class that elevates your candle centrepiece. Candle plates simply present a space for you to organise and arrange your candles and other decor pieces - making your display a standout in the room.... read more Whether for an event or for your home, candle plates are a versatile and convenient decor accessory. For simple, yet chic event centerpieces, use an elegant mirrored, gold or copper candle plate to arrange flower arrangements and candles on. You can also use tall candles holders as your main focus and complement with some rose petals scattered at the base. Alternatively, make a bouquet the centre of attention on your candle plate by surrounding it with smaller tea light candles or LED fairy lights - the possibilities are endless, especially with the best accessories and candles Australia has to offer! Candle plates are also a great addition to any home, particularly if you like to display your votive candles or pillar candles independently. The plate will collect the melting wax as the candles burn, while working to add something extra to your candle feature. We have a wide selection of beautiful candle plates to choose from here at Koch & Co. From large plates that can carry a multitude of battery candles to smaller plates designed to carry single candles. Choose from square, circular, rectangular and oval shaped options, in a variety of metallic colours including gold, silver, copper or rose gold, as well as mirrored plates, glass, marbled and much more. No matter what you’re looking for, you’ll find the perfect option in our collection. Our candle plates are carefully made from the very best materials so you can ensure you’re getting high quality products when you shop with Koch & Co. Browse all our candle accessories and the best candles Australia has to offer online today - and don’t forget! We deliver Australia-wide to metro cities including Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney and all country areas.
Think youd rather do just about anything instead of your companys payroll? Not only do you have to identify, organize and fill out cryptic forms, you have to follow convoluted and confusing regulations and equally confounding procedures. And if this considerable test of your patience isnt enough, when you make an honest mistake, youre stung with a significant fine. To reduce payroll pain, online services such as ADP, Intuit, Paychex and PayCycle that will perform the dreaded deed for you. The online payroll services here calculate earnings and determine federal and state deductions by referring to up-to-date tax tables and then insert this information into the correct forms. And beyond these features, the services will help you keep up with filings and deposits with local, state and federal agencies. When the online services have completed payroll, you can consult reports as well as print checks for employees or offer them direct deposit. Another advantage when using online services, you can manage and monitor payroll through any computer with an Internet connection. ADP, Paychex and PayCycle offer stand-alone online payroll services. Intuit offers a similar stand-alone payroll service that was recently introduced, as well as one thats tied directly to its popular QuickBooks accounting program. We'll take a look what they offer and then discuss what to consider before choosing one over the other. Well-known payroll powerhouse ADP recently released a new program called Run, which supports small businesses with services that range from payroll calculations and direct deposit to tax filing. The service emphasizes ease of use; you can configure Run through step-by-step wizards. And on payday, Run generates a spreadsheet that lists employees and their work hours and allows you to make adjustments. Then, it calculates taxes and deductions. When payroll is complete, you can print paychecks and reports or have ADP print and deliver them. The service provides reminders when its time to issue W-2s and lets you view these online and then print them for your employees. Run files and pays federal taxes electronically and populates state and local tax forms with data so theyre ready to print. You can export journal entries to Microsoft Excel for further analysis. The service is priced at a reasonable $29.99 per month with no extra costs for services such as direct deposit or electronic tax filing. Intuit Online Payroll reminds you of key tax deadlines. (Click for larger image). Intuit Online Payroll While Intuit has long offered a solid payroll service that works well with QuickBooks, the companys flagship accounting application, it recently launched Intuit Online Payroll, a new stand-alone solution for small businesses that dont use QuickBooks. The service manages and pays employees, handles taxes and files state and federal forms. In classic easy-to-use Intuit style, it features a one-time setup questionnaire and an initial checklist that lists the data that youll need to supply. The service also provides to-do lists and sends e-mail reminders to let you know when key expenses, such as payroll tax payments, are due. After entering employee hours for a pay period, you can immediately print paychecks and stubs or rely on Intuits direct deposit service. The service provides filled-in and ready-to-print tax forms for federal filings and for many states -- you simply print, sign and mail the forms. Some of the other services such as ADP and PayChex offer more options, but Intuit Online Payroll does the job. Its currently priced at $29.95 per month. If you use QuickBooks to manage your business, Intuit offers payroll services through its optional QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll and QuickBooks Assisted Payroll services. Enhanced Payroll offers tools to generate and fill out tax forms while the more comprehensive Assisted Payroll goes beyond by handling payroll taxes. After transmitting payroll data to Intuit, Assisted Payroll files federal and state payroll taxes and deposits, and at years end, it prepares, prints and mails W-2 forms. An additional convenience is QuickBooks Time Tracker, a feature for service businesses that records billable hours. The optional service allows contractors and employees to enter hours into time sheets that reside on Web pages, which are downloaded directly into QuickBooks as calculated totals. QuickBooks customers may find Intuits related payroll services a plus because they work seamlessly with the program to share financial and employee data. Enhanced Payroll is priced at $299 per year (at press time, there was a discount for new subscribers). Assisted Payroll is priced at $59 a month. And if you dont use QuickBooks, Intuit Online Payroll is a competitive option if you dont require extra services. Paychex offers comprehensive payroll and human resource solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. The companys payroll service lets you submit payroll data via phone, fax or the Web through an Internet time sheet, or you can manage and submit employee information by using the Paychex Online Payroll software on your PC. Each pay period, Paychex provides processed checks and management reports that summarize employee earnings, department totals and notifications of tax liabilities and deposits. The companys optional Taxpay service calculates, files and deposits federal, state and local payroll taxes and deducts funds on payroll dates. An optional Employee Pay Options Package supports direct deposit and other options. Wages can be deposited in one bank account or split between different accounts or accounts at different banks. The Paychex Access Visa Card provides employees with a payroll debit card that lets them make purchases and obtain cash without a bank account. The optional Readychex service ships checks that are pre-signed and ready to distribute, and theres an additional option to insert checks into envelopes so theyre ready to be mailed. Pricing is based on the number of employees and how often theyre paid, and the company offers a free quote through its Web site. For evaluation purposes, a price quote for a small business with five employees in the state of California and with no extra services came to $27.61 per month. With a clientele of 60,000 small businesses, PayCycle is a comprehensive and dedicated online payroll service. Like the others, it lets you enter hours for workers and it create checks, and it offers options for direct deposit. You can choose to have the service pay and file federal tax forms and print W-2s, and it will remind you of key dates via e-mail. The company recently announced the release of PayCycle 2008 that offers faster setup, extended customer support and integration with Peachtree software. PayCycle lets you enter hours for workers, and then the service creates the checks. (Click for larger image). PayToday Setup lets you sign up with the service and run payroll the same day, which could be a boon to small businesses that may be thinking about switching services but thought that the process would be too much of a hassle. For 2008, PayCycle will offer customer support on weekends. PayCycle now integrates with Peachtree Accounting software, which eliminates the need to re-enter payroll information into the program (Peachtree also offers its own dedicated payroll service). The Peachtree support is in addition to existing support for QuickBooks, Microsoft Money and Intuits Quicken. Among the stand-alone services here, PayCycle is the only one to offer such integration, which is a big plus. The companys PayCycle Payroll Plus is priced at $42.99 per month. PayCycle Payroll Basic, which does not support contractor payments or assist with state tax deposits or filings, is priced at $24.99 per month. At press time, the company was offering a 30-day free offer with two more months for $9.99 for a company with up to five employees. What to Consider If youre finding it difficult to keep up with payroll, or youre making mistakes and incurring hefty fines, you may want to look to an online payroll service. While the various payroll services discussed here handle many of the same tasks, it's difficult to compare side to side. The pricing structures consist of basic services and different price points for different numbers of employees, as well as add-ons for such things as direct deposit, tax filing and more. Furthermore, different services offer different add-on options that may or may not influence your buying decision. The first thing to consider is whether you already use an accounting package such as QuickBooks or Peachtree, which both offer payroll services of their own. You should consider using the dedicated payroll service for your accounting package, which will feature seamless sharing of data. And among the stand-alone services here, PayCycle is the only one to feature integration with popular accounting and money management programs. If you dont use an accounting program, youll want to consider which, if any, optional services you might use. While the pricing for a basic payroll service is fairly consistent, the extra services vary considerably. One thing for certain, online services can effectively take care of payroll and let you focus on your business. Wayne Kawamoto has written over 800 articles, columns and reviews about computers, new technologies, the Internet and small businesses. Wayne has also published three books about upgrading PCs, building office networks and troubleshooting notebook computers. You can contact him through his Web site at www.waynewrite.com. Do you have a comment or question about this article or other small business topics in general? Speak out in the SmallBusinessComputing.com Forums. Join the discussion today!
Pets Information Channel: More free online ebooks tips articles: Advertising | Affiliate revenue sharing | Auctions | Best Tips and Home Remedies | Blogging | Crafts & Hobbies | Currency Trading | mesothelioma lung cancer and asbestos | Mortgage and refinance | Pets | Web Site design We would like to thank the local libraries, schools, and universities for recommending students to visit us when doing research on any of our information topics. Please check back frequently as new topics are added and current topics are updated daily. Contributed with the help of Karen L Overall of the Centre for Neurobiology and Behavior, Psychiatry Department, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. There are many causes for this behavior. Separation anxiety, craving for attention and even the doorbell can cause the most placid dogs to bark inappropriately. When trying to discourage inappropriate barking it is important that you know the reason for the barking. Some dogs bark at the doorbell in protection of their pack (the family). It is important not to discourage the desire to protect the family, but allow the dog to associate the doorbell with good things. Practice this by inviting friends over to ring the doorbell. Correct any barks with a firm 'no' and allow your friend to reward the dog when he resists temptation to 'warn you of intruders'. Dogs that suffer with separation anxiety should be treated for that before any barking issues are addressed as barking is a symptom of it rather than a result. The key to dealing with dogs that bark for attention is patience and the ability to be on hand to reward good behavior. It is ineffective to reward a dog for simply not barking, unless that reward is an alternative to the undesirable behavior. Again, your friends can help with this. Get a friend to sit with the dog as you 'leave the house'. Your friend can distract the dog with the treat and also positively reinforce the no barking rule. Only return to your dog when he has successfully completed a designated period of not barking. As soon as the dog barks, your friend should leave the room. Then try it without your friend. Simply leave a few treats with the dog on his own. Do not return to him if he barks. If he continues to bark return to the dog, issue a 'no' and leave, offering no attention or physical contact. Dog Training & Behavior - All You Need to Know RELATED PET ARTICLES FROM THE PET INFORMATION CHANNEL:: Picking Up A Horses Hoof The idea of picking up a horse's hooves can intimidate some owners since a well-placed horse kick would really hurt! Such caution is good, but in reality if you pick up a horse's hoof properly you provide him with no leverage or ability to kick you. This is a situation where a person's worst fears can cause him to imagine an incident that is highly unlikely to occur with careful handling. Housetraining Tips for Your Dog or Puppy Puppies need to go to the bathroom after they play, chew, drink, eat or sleep. Start by putting them on a leash and tethering them to you. Your Dogs Health Is At Risk! Dogs should be living to age 20 or more. That's their natural lifespan. Canine Eclampsia, or Milk Fever In Dogs Eclampsia, or milk fever, is an acute, life-threatening condition which attacks a brood bitch about 3 to 4 weeks after whelping puppies. It is more common in the small breeds of dogs that have had large litters. Dealing with a Dog Food Allergy? Just as humans allergies can show up as a sneeze or rash, your dog's allergies can manifest as itchiness -- or even ear infections. In fact, if your dog's allergic to his food, it can cause him to scratch himself constantly, even with no obvious parasite problem. Pet Vitamin Supplements - Whether You Need One and How to Choose One Vitamins Can Increase Your Dog's Life Span! There is evidence to suggest that a good vitamin supplement for your dog not only helps prevent, improve or cure many degenerative type illnesses and disease, but may actually lengthen your dog's life span. Really! This is particularly the indication if you supplement with vitamins while your dog is young and healthy, rather than waiting for your dog to get sick or show the usual signs of aging and degeneration. West Highland White Terrier - Picking the Right Breeder Do you want a Westie as a pet? What are your expectations? What do you know about the breed? You take time out to know these answers. Knowing your motives and being sufficiently educated about the breed, is key to getting the dog that's right for you. How to Choose a Pet Did you know that pets outnumber people in the United States? Recent statistics have shown that 62% of homes have a pet, and that 46% of homes have more than one pet. That adds up to 380 million pets in a nation with a human population of 290 million people. Too Many Cats? Cats are becoming increasingly popular as pets these days, and a big question is, how many cats should a family have? For some people, one is more than enough, others have half a dozen or more. Here are some sure- fire ways to know when you've reached your limit. How to Crate Train Your Puppy One of the most difficult hurdles that any new puppy owner faces is housebreaking or as it is sometimes also referred to; potty training or doing business. Although there is no tactic that comes with a 100% guarantee, one of the most successful methods is crate training. Saving Ginger From Being Put To Sleep - Part 2 The Story Continues.. Adopting A Dog You know what it's like. You see a cute curly haired puppy in the pet store, with big brown eyes begging for your attention. Tips & Guide To Looking For A Good Dog Trainer Dog training is definitely not rocket science and is easier than you would expect particularly if you can get help from a good dog training book or guide. It's also certainly possible for almost any dog owners to train their dogs themselves provided they put in adequate amount of effort. Bringing Home a Puppy - Be Prepared! So you just loved that sweet little puppy that you found in the pet shop. It will keep you company, and give you kisses, and guard your valuables. Tips On Breeding Tropical Fish If you are looking for tips on breeding tropical fish, you must first decide what type of tropical fish you wish to breed. Some tropical fish are live bearers, which means they give birth to live minnow babies. Caring for an Older Cat - Cat Health and Cat Care Cats are living longer lives thanks to dedicated care from their humans, and advances in veterinary medicine. Most experts consider a cat's "senior years" to begin on her 10th birthday. Hamsters Make Cute and Adorable Pets Hamsters are soft, furry and small. They make wonderful pets because they can be entertaining and educational while living in their assigned home. Tips For Traveling With Your Dog Wether it be on a vacation to your favorite resort, or just visiting the in-laws for the weekend, many people are choosing to take their dogs with them when traveling. Land or air, there are many things to take into consideration. The Lowdown on Dog Vaccinations Over the last 20 years, vaccinations have generally been started in puppies at about 6-8 weeks of age, when the natural immunity inherited from the mother may start wearing off. A series of shots will then be given every three to four weeks, and boosters are administered every year after that. Two Tails Are Better Than One Training one dog can be hard enough, but two, now that's a handful. If you have puppies then break out the biscuits and get ready for some serious repetition. 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The worst financial collapse in historical past is on its means. Be Ready! This can be a chart of the 2008 Monetary Disaster. Over the course of 517 days, the inventory market dropped by greater than 56%, hundreds of thousands of individuals misplaced their jobs… their houses… and their life financial savings. It was the worst time for the worldwide financial system because the nice despair. And that is the 2020 Financial Collapse…up to now… Over the course of simply 21 days, the market has dropped by roughly 20%, the world has seemingly shut down, and we simply may be on the worst financial trajectory in historical past. So how did we get right here…and what may we count on going ahead. Nicely let’s begin off with the primary half. The very first thing is that…as most of you already know, there’s a world sickness going round that many individuals are apprehensive about. And from my earlier movies, you may know that my place on that is that if you happen to get the illness, you’ll nearly actually be effective. However it’s disproportionately dangerous for the aged, and people with underlying well being circumstances equivalent to myself. So it’s good to be cautious on a social stage, but additionally there isn’t want so that you can panic on a person stage. Initially when the illness had its first outbreak in China, it triggered the Chinese language Authorities to close down its manufacturing sector in an effort to assist forestall the unfold of the virus. Now, that wouldn’t be an issue…if 1/three of all merchandise on the earth weren’t made in China. You see, China is the worldwide provide chain of the world, so when China experiences delays in manufacturing, your entire world’s financial system experiences delays as properly. So, due to this provide chain slowdown, we have now seen many massive corporations expertise a slowdown of their gross sales and income. And this is smart, as a result of if you happen to don’t have your product to promote, then you may not make any cash. And right here’s an instance. The automobile trade may be very defendant on instruments, die, and equipment in an effort to manufacture their vehicles. However every on of those industries is experiencing 1 to three month delays due to the shutdown of the manufacturing sector. Which means automobile corporations won’t be able to launch their new annual autos on time, subsequently lacking out on billions of greenback’s price of gross sales. And in addition, as a result of individuals are being requested to remain inside, be cautious, and earn a living from home if doable, we have now seen as much as an 80% drop in automotive gross sales in some international locations like china. And this impact retains trickling down. If the Automobile corporations are seeing a drop in gross sales and income, then so will its suppliers. And if the suppliers see a drop in income, so will the uncooked industries that work with suppliers. And this impact radiates to all different corporations which are linked to the automotive trade. And what occurs when an organization sees a drop in gross sales or income? Nicely, we are inclined to see issues like layoffs, and even bankruptcies. This could result in a better unemployment price which might result in much less purchases being made by shoppers, which might result in much less gross sales being made by companies. And the cycle continues till the financial system hits a low level like the good recession or the good despair. And have in mind, that is simply the automotive trade. This drop in gross sales will apply to just about each different trade on the earth…besides the bathroom paper trade as a result of that’s truly manufactured in a bunch of various international locations around the globe…but gross sales have elevated for some corporations like KP tissue by nearly 50%. So…there isn’t any rest room paper scarcity everybody…only a bunch of hoarders shopping for 100 rolls at a time. Recession 2020 is in front of us.
Teaching young children how to use glue can be as simple as a song and strong visual instructions. Just click on the image to download a copy of this song. My co-teacher, Patty, has a wonderful additional line I have never heard – “It is strong!” The children love it! We make a strong gesture with our arms. I call the glue bottle “Mr. Glue” and use these terms the first time I show the children how to use the bottle. (See photo below.) - To open the bottle, twist the orange cap until the “white tongue disappears.” - Do not twist Mr. Glue's neck. - Softly squeeze his tummy. One small squeeze will make one little dot. - To close the bottle, twist Mr. Glue's cap until you see the white tongue. I break it down to three simple steps (the best number of steps for memory): - Twist the orange cap. - White tongue disappears. - Squeeze one little dot. Giving these visuals really helps young children picture what they need to do. I love this first glue project from Patty. This is a wonderful way to practice using a “little dot” and seeing if it really is “strong.” The class checks to see if a little dot of glue will actually hold a lot. Give each child a bottle of glue and a paper plate. The children use a little dot and place a piece of pasta on the dot. They may glue as many pieces of pasta as they wish. Let it dry overnight. The next day – let the children hold their paper plate and see – did the little dot of glue hold the pasta? It is strong!! A Little Dot of Glue Practice: This can help the children control the squeezing of the glue bottle. The children make a little white glue dot on each black dot. Practice a second time and let them glue little tissue paper squares on each little dot.
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As I write this, I’m torn between feeling entitled to a bit of cake and getting on with the next project. I’ve just pushed the button on This Plague of Days, Season Two. It’s not up on Amazon quite yet, but it’ll probably publish officially by midnight. (They say 24 to 48 hours, but it’s usually faster. If you’re a reader from outside North America, it might take a little longer for the digital flying squirrels to get it to you.) So, what’s next? 1. Wait for reviews. Bite nails. 2. Start up one or two more websites and update existing websites. 3. Start a new, unrelated business. (Long story.) 4. Send out a newsletter once the release is officially available. (Sign up for updates at http://www.AllThatChazz.com.) 5. Record a new podcast of All That Chazz. 6. Let my next guest on the Cool People Podcast I haven’t forgotten about them. 7. Organize getting print covers going for Murders Among Dead Trees, This Plague of Days S1 and S2, revamping Self-help for Stoners and reformatting Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire and Higher Than Jesus so they’re both 6″ x 9″. 8. Locate a local printer. Shipping and customs costs are killing me. 9. Locate a t-shirt place that can deliver at a reasonable price. 10. Prepare for new business launch Nov. 1. 11. Contact book review sites. 12. Write Season 3 of This Plague of Days by spring (and two or three other books by the end of next year.) 13. Wait for reviews. Bite nails. 14. Make another kale shake. 15. Reread some Neil Gaiman. I’ll start with the kale shake and Gaiman. It seems the most doable thing just now. - This Plague of Days, Season 2: Expect more action (thisplagueofdays.com) - The Writing Life: Big Changes and New Ventures (allthatchazz.com) - Season Two of This Plague of Days is coming. Here’s what’s next. (allthatchazz.com) - Things get paranormal. Or do they? Sentient trees and This Plague of Days (thisplagueofdays.com)
Former F1 driver Ralf Schumacher had choice words for the Williams F1 team. The German didn’t hold back from criticizing the British team for not modernizing and giving opportunities to the right talent. In fact, Schumacher even suggested he would buy the team if he had the money. Schumacher hits out at Williams Things have gone from bad to worse for the historic British team. After enduring one of their worst seasons in F1- scoring a single point and finishing last, Williams had to deal with the financial crisis-induced by Coronavirus. Sadly, Williams’s financial woes only got worse with the team confirming its sale. The British team had a falling out with title sponsor- Rokit over alleged nonpayment of dues. The team confirmed that it was cutting ties effective immediately. To make matters worse, Williams posted a loss of 13 million pounds in 2019. Now Williams has no choice but to put up a majority stake for sale. Deputy team principal Claire Williams clarified that the team would compete in the 2020 Championship season but beyond that, it’s anybody’s guess. The Williams of today is nowhere close to the same team that once dominated the sport and had F1 legends driving for them. It’s been over 2 decades since the team’s last Championship and they’ve only been on a downward spiral since then. Some criticize Williams for choosing money over talent in their drivers. Lance Stroll, Nicholas Latifi, Pastor Maldonado are all good drivers but once can’t help but wonder if their financial backing did help their resumes. They’ve been stuck in an endless loop of financial troubles as of late and its dangerous close to reaching an alarming crescendo. Schumacher’s advice to Claire and Frank was to sell the team, for its own good. Speaking to Sky Germany, Schumacher said: “Frank and Claire neither managed to modernize this team. They got stuck in the past and didn’t get on with young people. I’ve seen it myself in my time. There was a lot of pressure from above, but nowadays you have to choose young talent and give them more freedom. They can’t work that way,” ”It’s a great opportunity for them to stop for both and sell the business completely. If I had the money I would buy Williams directly because it remains a unique team. There are a lot of things in order, but you just have to dust it off a bit. Fresh people and money is what this organization needs”
THE Brewers return to home soil tomorrow afternoon when they host Sunderland at the Pirelli Stadium in the Sky Bet Championship (3.00pm) SEASON SO FAR After relegation from the Premier League last season Sunderland would have been looking to bounce straight back to the top flight, although it has worked the complete opposite. The Black Cats currently sit at the foot of the Championship table having won just one game in the league this season. That victory came back in August when they beat Norwich City 3-1. No team has drawn more games than Sunderland so far this season, with eight under their belt. BURTON ALBION TEAM NEWS Captain Jake Buxton has been rated 50/50 to be fit for tomorrow’s home clash against Sunderland in the Sky Bet Championship after missing Tuesday’s game against Brentford. On-loan striker Joe Mason has returned to training this week after missing several games with a back injury. The forward looks set to be in contention for the squad tomorrow, although Lloyd Dyer and John Brayford will both miss out. SUNDERLAND TEAM NEWS After impressing off the bench against Aston Villa, James Vaughan could be brought back into the starting XI up top. Lamine Kone and Josh Maja are both sidelined, while Jonny Williams and Duncan Watmore are also out. Darren England will be the man in charge at the Pirelli Stadium tomorrow afternoon. Mr England has taken charge of 17 games in all competitions this season, brandishing 69 yellow cards and two reds. He was in charge of Albion’s 4-1 defeat to Hull City earlier in the campaign. He will be assisted by Nick Greenhalgh and Adam Matthews with Peter Gibbons the fourth official. Albion supporters can still purchase tickets for tomorrows’s game against Sunderland, and can do so online, over the phone (01283 565938) or in person by visiting the club shop during opening hours. Ticket prices are as follows (terrace): Senior 65+: £18.00 Young Person 17-22: £15.00 Under 17: £7.00 Supporters can park in the Pirelli Stadium car park for just £5, as well as the Pirelli Tyres staff car park (£3 per car) and new for this season the Eton Park Junior School (£4 per car). All money collected from Pirelli staff car park will go to charity. Funds raised at the school will go to its PTA to help benefit pupils. Burton Albion encourages fans to walk to the ground or use public transport to get to the stadium if possible. Supporters who do come to the ground in vehicles are encouraged to car share. All supporters are asked to park responsibly and to be aware of parking restrictions and the needs of residents when leaving their vehicles. The Burton Albion Community Trust (BACT) will be hosting a mixture of footballing activities on the Burton Albion Community Football Centre 3G before tonight' game. Activities include small sided games, penalty shoot outs, skill challenges and much more. It's completely FREE with a match ticket! Just turn up between 1.15PM and 2PM. After a successful trial Burton Albion Football Club is making its Family Area a regular feature for the remainder of the 2017-18 Season. Fans wishing to use the Family Area should enter the ground by the North Stand turnstiles and then turn right and enter the stand at the far end. They should then use section J of the stand which will be reserved for under 16s and their families. No person will be allowed into this area unless they are with an under 16. There will be zero tolerance of bad language in the Family Area.
Conveniently situated within a 3-minute walk from Shinbashi and Shiodome stations, this hotel is a modern and stylish accommodation that was renovated in September 2013. It provides a luxurious spa and a free-use fitness centre. Free WiFi is available throughout the property. Located above the 24th floor and offering city and bay views, the spacious guestrooms at The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Shiodome feature a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, a fridge and an air purifier/humidifier. Guests can enjoy a soak in the stylish en-suite bathroom. A safe and toiletries are also included. Popular Ueno and Asakusa areas are within a 15-minute subway ride from Shinbashi Station. Shiodome Station offers direct subway links to lively Shinjuku and Roppongi areas. The hotel is just a 5-minute taxi ride from Tsukiji Fish Market. Shinbashi Station also provides a direct 40-minute train access to Haneda Airport. The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Shiodome’s Mandara Spa features various hot tubs for female guests, while their rejuvenating massages are available to all guests. This hotel features earthquake-absorbent structures and offers a business centre and coin launderette. International cuisines are offered at the hotel’s on-site restaurants, including restaurant Harmony and Chinese Xvin. The Bar located on the 24th floor offers drinks on tap and skyline views. The Royal Park Hotel Tokyo Shiodome offers a wheelchair accessible twin room. The room is very spacious and the beds are high enough to use with a hoist. The hotel is also one of the few hotels in Tokyo with a roll-in shower. The bath tub has handle bars and the floor has drains so there is no need to worry about water overflowing while showering. While the toilet has grab bars, there is no backrest unfortunately. The sink is cut-away to allow for wheelchair access. Audio alerts are available for those with visual impairments, flashing alarms for those with hearing impairments, button operated curtains, and a monitor to see who is at the door are among the other accessibility features. Accessible toilets are available on the banquet floor and on the first floor (by Café “CHAYA Macrobiotics”). - Category: High-Range (¥30,000~)Source of Information: Accessible Japan VisitAreas Accessible: AllNumber of Rooms: 1Room Type: Shower Type: Roll-in ShowerShower Chair: YesGuide Dog Allowed: YesHearing Loop Available: UnknownFlashing Alarm Available: Yes - Phone: +81-3-6253-1111 No Records Found Sorry, no records were found. Please adjust your search criteria and try again. Google Map Not Loaded Sorry, unable to load Google Maps API.Address: 1-6-3 Higashi Shinbashi
Danish Pancreatic Cancer Database Authors Fristrup C, Detlefsen S, Hansen CP, Ladekarl M Received 27 December 2015 Accepted for publication 6 February 2016 Published 25 October 2016 Volume 2016:8 Pages 645—648 Checked for plagiarism Yes Review by Single-blind Peer reviewer comments 2 Editor who approved publication: Professor Vera Ehrenstein Claus Fristrup,1 Sönke Detlefsen,2 Carsten Palnæs Hansen,3 Morten Ladekarl4,5 1Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, 2Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, 3Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, 4Department of Oncology, 5Department of Gastroenterological Surgery L, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus C, Denmark Aim of database: The Danish Pancreatic Cancer Database aims to prospectively register the epidemiology, diagnostic workup, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of patients with pancreatic cancer in Denmark at an institutional and national level. Study population: Since May 1, 2011, all patients with microscopically verified ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas have been registered in the database. As of June 30, 2014, the total number of patients registered was 2,217. All data are cross-referenced with the Danish Pathology Registry and the Danish Patient Registry to ensure the completeness of registrations. Main variables: The main registered variables are patient demographics, performance status, diagnostic workup, histological and/or cytological diagnosis, and clinical tumor stage. The following data on treatment are registered: type of operation, date of first adjuvant, neoadjuvant, and first palliative chemo- or chemoradiation therapy, and dates for milestones in referrals, diagnostic workup, treatment decisions, and treatment. For patients undergoing resection, data on operative evaluation of tumor stage, histological diagnosis, and duration of hospital stay are registered. Descriptive data: Death is monitored using data from the Danish Civil Registry. This registry monitors the survival status of the Danish population, and the registration is virtually complete. All data in the database are audited by all participating institutions, with respect to baseline characteristics, key indicators, and survival. The results are published annually. Conclusion: The Danish Pancreatic Cancer Database has registered data on 2,217 patients with microscopically verified ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. The data have been obtained nationwide over a period of 4 years and 2 months. The completeness of registration was 82%. The observed overall 3-year survival after diagnosis was 6%. Keywords: pancreatic cancer, national database, survival This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at https://www.dovepress.com/terms.php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License. By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.Download Article [PDF] View Full Text [HTML][Machine readable]
Although I often introduce writers in this blog by telling readers where they come from, it seems particularly apt to do so with mixed race queer feminist poet Leah Horlick: she hails from Saskatoon, but is currently based in Vancouver. Horlick’s places are such an important detail to me because her poems in the recent collection Riot Lung above all else made me think about place: place in a conventional sense, when Horlick evokes specific spaces like the prairies, but also more figuratively: the people these poems are peppered with are geographies unto themselves. There’s something about the specificities of the folks in these poems that made them stand out to me like lands to be explored but never quite known. Horlick excels at expressing both geographies of the people and the land variety. In the poem “Welcome to all tourists and sportsmen,” the speaker’s mother, “a maritimer, will shoot the next neighbour / who, for housewarming, tells her a waving wheat field / is like the ocean”; I know this ache for the ocean when you feel trapped and land-locked so well. The poem tells us: that place is not this place and it never will be. But in other poems, you get the sense that it’s possible to see some of where you call home in another’s home. Let me tell you about all these places, Horlick’s voice says; in fact, one of the poem titles is “let me tell you where i come from.” “where i come from” is a hard place to tell: “a place where the answer / is never long enough,” where “a cree girl couldn’t buy lysol / if her clean floors depended on it” and you know to never hitchhike wearing lipstick. The human beings in these poems can be hard too, but there’s also love in their geographies, even if it’s often lost. In one of my favourite passages from the entire collection the speaker asks her lover: “if you were to die / and your body decayed into a thousand stars / could I be your sky?” In another poem, she asks: “what if love made me live here / on the land that made you?” Is a person like a town that you get stuck in? Are they a home you always keep coming back to? How much of where you come from makes who you are? When you lose a lover, do they become a place you can never go back to? How do we know who we are when we come from “towns too small / to name ourselves”? In the collection’s title poem, “riot lung,” the boundaries between a person and their place become blurred: in brooklyn i want your grit on my face, your subway in my bones to rattle and cement an ache under my feet the city grown over me in streets that shimmer with catcalls and clouds of heat hanging from my collar. In Vancouver, street corners take on new meaning: “Corner of Broadway and 11th, the first / person to ever kiss me / in broad daylight.” Places feel like people: “the prairie and its razorbilled horizon” miss someone out sunbathing on the west coast’s Wreck Beach; or is it just the speaker who misses her lover? There’s something just so damn beautiful about Horlick’s poems, even when they’re heartbreaking; perhaps that’s part of it, actually. They’re the kind of poems that make you remember that you’ve been missing poetry in your life. You can talk about trust and its importance for relationships all you want in prose, but you can never express what Horlick does in a short line of poetry when she speaks of “carrying trust like a bowl of honey inside me.” I loved, loved, loved this thin volume of poems, especially for reminding me, a tried-and-true fiction reader, of why I need to make room for poetry. There’s a possibility in poetry, in the empty spaces between lines: the possibility of places and people to visit, like the geographies of land and human described in Riot Lung. I just want to leave you with one of my favourite poems in its entirety: dizzy with art, i notice you reading–a journal of frida kahlo’s turning the pages so delicately i wondered if you were afraid to smudge the overripe blossoms onto your fingers, and then if you were to touch my face again, or snatch my hand into yours (charcoal under the nails we’d both be a mess of secondhand colour, red shawls, green hummingbirds and maybe i’d feel the way kahlo felt about a woman Leah Horlick is having a book launch for Riot Lung tomorrow (Saturday November 24th) in Vancouver at Rhizome Café. I’m super excited about a) this launch in general and all the rad literary queers who are going to be there, and b) because I’ve been wanting to check Rhizome for a while, having heard great things about the space and the kinds of awesome events they host there. Joining Horlick are two other queer poets, Adrienne Gruber (also from Saskatoon and Vancouver-based) and Megan Backer (from upstate New York); it promises to be a fantastic night of poetic queerness, queer poetry, and any and everything you might guess that comes with that. I’ll see you there!
How to remember left and right in spanish Login. Get started. Topic: Spanish I was taught to remember left and right with a simple acronym called ID. The leftmost letter I stands for izquierda (left), and. We employ a team of language experts and software developers focused on bringing you the best Spanish-English reference possible. What is is about the Spanish words for LEFT (La izquierda) and RIGHT (La derecha) that are so hard for me to remember? One way of remembering these. Spanish Vocabulary - Directions: left, right, north, south. directions in spanish left right straight The Spanish words derecho and derecha are easily confused. La derecha refers to something that is on the right (opposite of left) side. Spanish words? Use these techniques to keep Spanish on the tip of your tongue. So what's the right way to memorize words? Let's take a look at a few. This free audio lesson is all about directions in Spanish. Knowing How to give directions in Spanish. Izquierda. Left. Derecha. Right. A la izquierda. To the left. The word for right, derecha, has Latin roots. It comes from the shortlink: remember me reset password. login Cool etyThe Spanish words for left and right have very different origins (sxidatinning.meogy). submitted 1 year. Children learn how to say 'Left' with this Spanish activity. Children are engaged by 40 videos featuring real Spanish children in real Spanish locations. In this section you will find vocabulary related to directions in Spanish, ask directions or give You must remember to learn how to structure a question, because people usually use left, Izquierda. right That store is on the right of college. straight ahead in spanish The word 'derecho' means 'right' (direction) in Spanish but means 'straight' . I took a couple of years of Spanish and don't remember most of it, but To this trivial point, are you troubled by the fact that 'left' can mean either a. (An easy way to remember it is that you use está with definite articles (i.e., the) you more specific directions, so they'll tell you to walk two blocks, turn left. In that case, in Spanish it is done starting from left to right. but, in this last point - maybe it helps for pronunciation- remember that syllables are. So why do we confuse left and right all the time, while we have . memory (you have to remember which is left, and which is right), and spatial. This helps you to acquire an ear for the spanish language. Draw columns on paper, words in your native language on the right and Spanish language on the left. Invent funny or silly mnemonic Spanish phrases to help you remember new. In the study, researchers from Qatar, France, Belgium and Spain studied three groups of people: left-to-right-reading speakers of Western. 80 years ago today the Spanish Civil War ended. . because the country's political Right sees itself as the inheritors of fascism; the left tradition. To the ultra-right I was anathema, and thus could not publish in Spain, but the The left in general was pleased, though the ultra-left always felt that I failed to ( Remember, the s were the decade of the great publishing boom in history.) . Tricks to Memorize Spanish Vocabulary Fast Accent marks are only used with five vowels (a, e, i, o, u), and they're written from lower left to upper right on top. I expected it to be heavily tilted toward the Republican (leftist) side, but the UK producers allowed both left and right to tell their stories.
September E-mini S&P 500 Index futures are inching higher Monday after clawing back earlier losses. Despite the slight gain, investor focus remains on the surge in coronavirus cases in the U.S., which are stoking concerns about the economic reopening and recovery. Ahead of the cash market opening at 14:30 GMT, investors are watching the latest COVID-19 numbers. Data compiled by Johns Hopkins University showed more than 2.5 million cases have been confirmed across the U.S. Additionally, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar warned on Sunday that the “window is closing” for the U.S. to curb the coronavirus outbreak. At 02:04 GMT, September E-mini S&P 500 Index futures are trading 3014.50, up 7.50 or +0.25%. Daily Swing Chart Technical Analysis The main trend is up according to the daily swing chart, however, momentum is trending lower. A trade through 3145.75 will signal a resumption of the uptrend, followed by another main top at 3220.50. The main trend will change to down on a move through 2923.75. The minor trend is down. This is controlling the momentum. A trade through 3082.00 will change the minor trend to up. The formation of the secondary lower top at 3145.75 is another sign of increasing selling pressure. The first short-term range is 3220.50 to 2923.75. Its 50% level at 3072.25 is resistance. The second short-term range is 2751.50 to 3220.50. Its 50% level at 2986.00 is potential support. The main retracement zone is 2926.25 to 2781.00 is the major support zone. This zone is controlling the longer-term direction of the index. Early in the session on Monday, buyers showed some respect for the 50% level at 2986.00, mounting their turnaround after touching 2983.50. We’re going to be watching the 2986.00 to 2983.50 area throughout the session as we move toward the cash market opening. A sustained move over 2986.00 will indicate the presence of buyers. If this move can create enough upside momentum throughout the session, then look for the intraday rally to possibly extend into 3072.25. That’s the nearest resistance. The inability to even approach 3072.25 will indicate the buying is getting weaker, or the selling pressure stronger. Crossing to the weak side of the 50% level at 2986.00 will signal the presence of sellers. Taking out the intraday low at 2983.50 could trigger an acceleration into the next support cluster at 2926.25 to 2923.75. For a look at all of today’s economic events, check out our economic calendar. This article was originally posted on FX Empire More From FXEMPIRE: - Amazon.com Announces to Buy Autonomous Driving Startup Zoox - Crude Oil Price Update – Strengthens Over $38.15, Weakens Under $37.50 - EOS, Ethereum and Ripple’s XRP – Daily Tech Analysis – June 29th, 2020 - Bitcoin Weekly Technical Analysis – June 29th, 2020 - E-mini S&P 500 Index (ES) Futures Technical Analysis – Early Strength Over 2986.00, Weakness Under 2983.50 - U.S. Dollar Index (DX) Futures Technical Analysis – Trade Through 97.700 Changes Main Trend to Up
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Top 10 - Biggest Wins of 2018 Minnesota was among the first states in the nation to embrace tribal gaming, and as a result the industry has thrived across the state. Minnesota has laws on the book stating that bets made privately are legal, and that poker tournaments and other tournaments with well known games are legal if the prizes awarded aren't too high. The casino superlines no deposit bonus codes 2020 uk online gambling bill 2020 passed on gaming is far more relaxed than it is in many other states. BetOnline Known for their killer Welcome Bonus and refer-a-friend program, BetOnline. They also boast early lines and quick payouts, making them one of the most respected in the industry. In 1988, Congress passed the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. This law enabled tribes across the country to run gaming operations on federally recognized trust land without fear of interference or prosecution from local governments. One year later, Minnesota became the first state in the United States to negotiate and sign gambling compacts with its tribes. In doing so, Minnesota was uk online gambling bill 2020 passed to get in on the action to help raise money for jobs and schools and other programs, while the Native American casinos benefited from having the endorsement and help with regulation from the state. States striking deals with their local tribes would become commonplace in the years to follow with Article source paving the way. In 2012, the state passed a law that would allow for electronic gambling in the form of pull tabs to be legalized and installed in bars across the state. A good portion of the money earned from this electronic uk online gambling bill 2020 passed was to be set aside for a new stadium for the Minnesota Vikings. The popularity and effectiveness of these pull tabs turned out to be largely over-projected as very little money was raised statewide. Sports Betting in Minnesota It is currently illegal to place a bet in the state of Minnesota with a bookmaker, and bookmaking in the state is considered a felony. A Push For Legalization In 2015, Minnesota House of Representatives member Phyllis Kahn created a bill that would legalize sports gambling in the state of Minnesota. Kahn believes that the support for this bill could be in place after the state recently approved expanding pull tab gambling to source pay for a new stadium for the Minnesota Vikings. If this bill were to pass, the state of Minnesota would have to legally challenge the federal law against sports betting before it could be instituted. New Jersey was unsuccessful in a similar attempt after passing a bill that would have allowed sports gambling in that state. Online Gambling In the meantime, sports bettors in Minnesota are left with offshore wagering as their best option to place sports bets. There is no specific mention in the Minnesota Statutes about online gambling, and no resident of the state of Minnesota has ever been charged or prosecuted for wagering on sports at an. Poker and Casino in Minnesota Minnesota's long-lasting relationship with tribal gaming has paved the way for over a dozen Native American casinos across the state. These casinos are not authorized to spread all table games, but most do spread blackjack and all offer a wide variety of electronic games including slot machines and video poker. Some of these locations also have poker rooms that offer live cash games and tournaments. Both of Minnesota's active racetracks also include poker rooms, with Canterbury Park holding weekly tournaments. Online Poker Players looking for additional poker action in Minnesota often turn to online poker through an. Minnesota has no laws in place prohibiting playing poker in your own home or online, so there is no precedent for the state taking a stand against this behavior. To date, no resident of Minnesota has faced any legal issues with playing poker online. Offshore poker rooms do not fall under the jurisdiction of Minnesota or the United States, so they are able to offer services despite Minnesota's laws against organized gambling institutions. Other Gaming Options in Minnesota Minnesota has two active race tracks for horse racing with Canterbury Park in Shakopee offering standard horse racing and the Running Aces Harness Park in Columbus offering Harness racing. Simulcast wagering is available at the Harness park and in some of the uk online gambling bill 2020 passed casinos in the state as well. Minnesota Lottery A michigan runs 2020 of games are offered by the Minnesota Lottery including scratchcard games, in-state draws and multi-state draws such as the Mega Millions and Powerball. In-state favorites include the Daily 3, Northstar Cash and Gopher 5. Please confirm the wagering regulations in your jurisdiction as they vary from state to state, province to province and country to country. Using this information to contravene any law or statute is prohibited. The site is not associated with nor is it endorsed by any professional or collegiate league, association or team. OddsShark does not target an audience under the age of 18. Building an NHL Model for Sports Betting. Explanation & Walkthrough 2020 Leave it blank, NH iLottery promo code is optional in 2019/2020.. We keep you updated on the legislation, online betting sites, apps, New Hampshire's casinos ... Bravo, what phrase..., a brilliant idea I think, that you are not right. I suggest it to discuss. Write to me in PM. Excuse for that I interfere � At me a similar situation. It is possible to discuss. What is it to you to a head has come? I am final, I am sorry, but it at all does not approach me. Perhaps there are still variants?
I’m not entirely sure if this is going to make sense. But if you need to read it, then I believe you’ll understand that you need to just keep going. No giving up. No new plans. No bright ideas or crazy changes. Just keep going. The original title for this post was going to be something like “My Don Quixote Life” but I felt that was a little tragic. Admittedly, I’ve never read Don Quixote. Or even seen The Man of La Mancha all the way through. And while “To Dream the Impossible Dream” is the noblest of causes and very, very motivating, I believe Don Quixote is a pretty sad dude. Like delusional sad.Just keep going. Click To Tweet And I wanted to convey hope with this post. So we’re moving away from that guy and we’re going to use my life. Okay? Okay. (As of this writing, I don’t believe that my life is tragic. Maybe a little quixotic, but like, in a sense that is divorced from an old man trying to fight windmills.) Just Keep Going It’s easy to pack it all up. It’s easy to say something is too hard. It’s easy to find a clearly defined path and take it. All of those things are fine. There is no shame in quitting something that no longer serves you. There is no shame in admitting that maybe something isn’t for you. There is no shame in taking a path that is well-worn and familiar. Unless you don’t want that. Then you’re just lying to yourself. And in that case, I don’t want you to feel shame. I want you to recognize what you’re doing, and self-correct. (It’s worth noting that there will probably be some shame in self-correcting. We’re surrounded by people who don’t get it, and people who want you to just do what it’s normal and easy. As if they had a say. As if their opinion of what you’re doing mattered. As if they knew what’s best for you.) This is a post about doing hard things. It’s about opportunities. It’s about knocking on the damn door. And it may seem fairly vague up to this point, so I think I’ll try to make it pretty clear. When it comes to things you want to do with your life, you just keep going. It doesn’t matter if you’re wildly successful. Or the Instagram wunderkind who gets all the attention. Or if you never actually “make it.” (For the record, it’s starting to look like I’ll exist firmly in the third category, and I’m trying to be okay with that. Also, I couldn’t tell you what “making it” is, so I’ll keep you posted.) I know I want to write. I’m not always sure of what. I’m not always sure how it’s going to pay the bills. I’m not entirely sure that my writing is marketable. I’m not sure that anyone wants to read it. But I can’t really care about all that. (I could, but it doesn’t seem as important as just following my heart. Which is hella cheesy but also the best advice I could ever give another person.) So I know that no matter what, I have to write. That’s the number one thing I must do in my life. (It’s also worth noting that you’re supposed to be here.) I went to TravelCon recently. It was a great experience, and probably the best conference I’ve ever been to. I love getting advice from people who are doing impossible things. I love being reminded about the joys of doing impossible things. I love seeing others living that “shoulder to the wheel” sort of life and reaping the benefits. I love it when a quixotic plan comes together. And one thing that was stressed multiple times there was the need to just keep going. Whether the speaker was a person who made 6-figures for a series of Instagram posts of penguins or people who got paid to travel the U.S. in a van and interview park rangers or someone who quit their day job at 33 to become a full-time travel blogger with almost zero experience. As impossible as all that sounds, each of them happened to someone who spoke at the conference. And each of those people couldn’t say enough about the just keep going mindset. (Maybe travel isn’t your thing. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you just keep going.) Anyone can get an unfulfilling day job. Anyone can ride someone else’s coattails. Anyone can walk a clearly defined path. Very few people realize what they want to do and create their own path. Very few people have the energy the clear that path. Very few people have the ability to just keep going when that path takes a lot longer than the the on-boarding paperwork at some corporate gig. (This isn’t a post that’s meant to shame people with corporate jobs. I’ve had many. And public sector jobs too. And because of that I can say for a fact that creating something of your own is immensely more difficult than having a job description and showing up five days a week from 8 to 5. And from the little I’ve tasted of it, it’s also infinitely more rewarding.) As I write this, it’s before 6 AM on a Sunday morning. I can hear the ceiling fan overhead, a dog snoring in the background, and rain falling just outside the window. I would like to be asleep. Those are the sort of conditions that breed the best sleep, honestly. But I couldn’t. I thought about this post, and decided I had to write it. For me, “just keep going” is beyond a mindset. It’s a way of life now. In two weeks, I’ll be 33. I think this is the time that I’m supposed to be settled with a house and 2.3 kids and a husband. I think I’m supposed to be quietly showing up at my day job every day and living vicariously through my children. (That seems to be the only aspirations we give women with children.) But that’s not how it is. And I don’t think it’s ever going to be that way. I don’t know what the future will hold, but I do know that I will always be writing. I know that it will always come first. I know that I won’t stop.Are you in a space where you question if what you're doing is worth it? Click To Tweet I don’t know if this will resonate with anyone, but at the end of the day, that doesn’t really matter. If it resonates with me, that’s enough. How Do You Just Keep Going? Are you in a space where you question if what you’re doing is worth it? Do you want to pack it all up and call it a day? Do you have any advice to just keep going?
A 41-year-old Toledo, Ohio, man was charged Friday in a federal case alleging he made criminal threats against U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Facebook. According to federal authorities, suspect Timothy J. Ireland Jr., 41, announced on social media, “She ought to be shot. Can’t fire me, my employer would load the gun on behalf of me.” The statement was brought to the eye of U.S.A. Capitol Police on July 23, and federal authorities launched an investigation. An affidavit in support of the complaint against Ireland describes how Capitol Police agent Lawrence Anyaso phoned Ireland August 2nd to ask if the post was his. Politics Trump steps up attacks on progressive congresswomen, says they ‘hate our country’ and Israel. He “stated he was terribly pleased with that post he created,” the affidavit says. Asked if he owns a gun, the suspect said he does and carries it concealed, which might be a crime because Ireland is a felon prohibited from carrying firearms, in step with the affidavit. Ireland was convicted in Florida in 1996 for “dealing in stolen property,” and he had active warrants, one for violating probation in that case and another for failing to appear in a marijuana possession case in Cook County, Georgia, in step with the charging document. On Thursday, agents went to Ireland’s Toledo home, where they arrested him and executed a search warrant that turned up ammunition however no guns, they said. The ammunition was enough to charge him with suspicion of being a felon in possession of a gun and being a fugitive in possession of a firearm, in line with the charging document. Ocasio-Cortez has not commented on the case. “There is completely no place in the marketplace of ideas for threats of violence against any individual, particularly those who are elected to represent the American individuals,” said Justin Herdman, U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, in a statement. “Disagreement on political problems cannot result in acts of violence, and if it does, we’ll seek federal prison time,” he said. Federal prosecutors did not estimate a possible sentence if Ireland is condemned because it has “factors distinctive to the current case, together with the defendant’s previous criminal record,” in step with a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s office.
Laneige Skincare & Cosmetics: Our New K-Beauty Brand 15 February 2017 Laneige UK fans are smiling right now! Let us introduce you to the exciting K-Beauty brand, available from allbeauty. You can now shop Laneige UK (and worldwide) at allbeauty. Prices and information correct at time of posting. Using natural water from the Himalayas as its key ingredient, Laneige skincare creates ‘moisture energy’ for clear, supple, glowing skin. Together with a range of cosmetics, this innovative K-Beauty brand is suitable for all skin types. From cleansing products to serums, sun care and anti-ageing, there are products for every person of every age. In fact, over 20 years of technical research led to the discovery by Laneige that water enhances the effects of brightening and anti-ageing products. It’s incredible to think that something so basic and everyday as water can be key to the skin you’ve always wanted. The Laneige Water Bank Range for perfect skin hydration – shop here A Little About The History and Philosophy of Laneige You are born with your physical appearance, but your unique appeal can be created. Sparkling Beauty is what Laneige pursues to discover beauty within you. Created in 1994 in South Korea, Laneige (French for ‘the snow’), recognised that a woman’s skin is the foundation on which she builds her beauty. But over time the skin loses its ability to hold moisture, which in turn leads to damage and aging. If cells can be helped to hold onto moisture, then youthful, glowing skin can be achieved. Beyond clear, radiant, and glowing skin, we also seek to unleash that dazzling charm within you. Following the success of their skincare line, Laneige revealed a range of cosmetics in 2007. Today they have over 200+ stores located in Asia, the United States and Canada, New Zealand and Russia. And now you can shop Laneige online in the UK, right here at allbeauty! Laneige BB Cushion is a worldwide bestseller – shop here. Using their patented Water Science (TM), Laneige focusses on 5 key areas: - Special Care Laneige is endorsed by popular actress Song Hye-kyo (who believe it or not is 35!) [#EVENT] #수분크림 과 #오일 만으론 해결되지 않던 건조함&속당김은 끝! 오늘부터 #워터뱅크더블레이어링오일 로 내 피부의 #보습완벽주의 를 선언합니다. #뷰티 크리에이터들과 함께 #보습완벽주의선언 에 동참해 주실거죠~? – ① #라네즈 홈페이지 #이벤트 페이지에서 ② 보습 완벽주의 선언하는 ‘1000’분께 ③ #보습완벽주의 KIT 를 드립니다. (1/10, 1/17, 1/24 당첨자에 한해 개별 고지) – #NEW #WaterBank #WaterBankDoubleLayeringOil #SparklingBeauty #수분오일 #페이스오일 #라네즈이벤트 #매력북 We’re very excited to welcome Laneige to allbeauty, but we’d love to hear from you. Are you already a fan of the brand or excited to try it? Comment below and tell us, and don’t forget to tag #allbeauty in your Laneige hauls.
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I have just got myself up out of bed as I was working last night so this post is a squidgey bit late!! Its time for a new challenge over on the Passion for Promarkers challenge blog and this week is h as been set by Lou from Team 1 and she has chosen... “create a scene” (i.e. a cloud background,some grass and flowers or even snow or sand on the ground etc.) As long as your image has some form of a scene around it you’ll be fine. Don’t forget, as always, to be eligible for our prize draw you must use your Letrasetproducts (i.e. promarkers, flex markers, aqua markers, tria markers, metallic markers or neon markers) and of course follow the theme. Our sponsor this week is the ever generous DigiStamp Boutique and one lucky winner will receive 6 digi images of their choice. I decided to go with a little magnolia pirate pressie for Mo. In the holidays I always send him some little treats through the post and he LOVES pirates so I made him a little treat box. My 'create a scene' comes in the form of a little mossy sea wall for edwin to sit on and of course a cloudy sky with seagulls! I think he looks so happy sat there!! I stamped and coloured him and then got to work on the wall using Burnt sienna,cocoa,caramel and sandstone for the bricks on the wall. I then added some little patches of green moss using pear green,olive green and holly and then went back over the top with my sandstone. I love how it came out. Then it was on to some super fluffy clouds using midnight blue, denim blue,pastel blue and dotting with my blender pen.The seagulls I just drew with my letraset finepoint marker. Once I had finished the little pirate scene I had some folding fun making the cute little box....I used nitwits fbq Aye Aye Captain for this box and some good old black card! Here he is just peeking out at you!! lol!!! and just below shows the edge I created using the negative cut from the Die-namics notched border die. The little waves actually form a little pocket for me to pop a little note for Mo in..... and the little draws are made using some blank matchboxes I bought from The Range a while ago. I am going to fill them with teeny treats before I post it to Mo!!! ooh I almost forgot!! Edwin is coloured up in the following colours... skin- blush, sunkissed pink, coral. greys- cool grey 1-5, top- pastel beige, khaki, poppy,crimson,burgundy. I am popping this little treat box over in the Anything Goes challenge over on the Here Come the Boys challenge blog. So that's me for today peeps! I am going to go get myself a cuppa and a bit of fruit for breakfast. I was going to take Poppy out for a womble in the meadow before picking Mo up but she just isn't liking the heat today at all so I am going to wait until the temp drops later before venturing out there with her! Have an awesome rest of the day peeps and thank you so much for popping in on me! huge hugs Lou xxxx
Bedford Bathroom Remodeling Looking to remodel your bathroom? Team up with the top rated bathroom remodelers in the Bedford area! If you are getting ready to start remodeling your bathroom and your home, you ought to put your bathroom remodeling project in the hands of a team you know you can count on. It’s easy to see that is why so many homeowners in Bedford and the neighboring area decide on Bath Planet of SW Virginia for their bathroom remodeling plans. The moment you are ready to update your bathroom with a fresh and masterfully installed replacement bathtub, please give us a call. We offer a wide range of bathroom remodeling services that are a perfect match for your goals. Call us at 434-384-9500 for great Bedford bath remodeling! Bedford Bathroom Remodeling Services At Bath Planet of SW Virginia, we we are skilled at a broad variety of Bedford bathroom remodeling services. Ranging from a quick update with a replacement tub, all the way through a more complicated bathroom remodeling project, we back you up with many years of experience. Ready for your bathroom remodel? Here is a sample list of the Bedford bathroom remodeling projects that we can install: - Replacement bathtubs installed by true experts - Replacement showers sized for any space - Combination bath & shower remodeling services - Tub conversions shower-to-bath conversions - Walk in bath installation - Installation for shower surrounds, enclosures, and liners - Installation of bath surrounds and bathtub liners[/wpts_spin Also, personalized bathroom remodeling projects! Simply ask and we will offer you a remodeling road map. Your Trusted Bedford Bathroom Remodeler Smart homeowners will want to look for these necessary qualities when starting to choose a Bedford bathroom remodeler: - Trusted Remodelers: our partnership of bathroom remodeling experts follows through on exactly what we promise - Tested and dependable: We willinstall your bathroom remodeling home improvements ahead of our due-dates and for the established budget or less - Years of experience: When all is set and done, you can rely on our team at Bath Planet of SW Virginia to handle your bathroom remodeling project right. You will find no leaks, no missed deadlines, and no job we can’t masterfully complete! - Integrity in all things: we are committed to providing you bathroom remodeling services that match your goals, at the lowest price we can When you hire a company of bathroom remodelling professionals like our staff at Bath Planet of SW Virginia, you can trust that your home is in trustworthy hands and that you will get exactly the bathroom you wanted! Bedford Bathtub Replacement and Showers The great news is, you have a variety of designs and material options when it comes to Bedford replacement bathtubs and shower installations. Our team of bathroom remodelers here at Bath Planet of SW Virginia has deep experience replacing, remodeling, and installing bathtubs across the Bedford communities! We are happy to help you remodel your bathroom with any of these designs: - Combination bathtub and shower units - One-day bathtubs, sometimes known as bath liners or bath surrounds - Top rated replacement bathtubs - Custom built replacement showers, with both glass enclosures or open models on demand - ADA-accessible walk-in bathtubs How to Install Your Bedford Replacement Bathtub We give you clear signals at each stage of our bathroom remodels. These steps are what you can expect, at each step of the process: - Helpful bath remodeling design consultation - Straightforward pricing quote - Put your project on the calendar Install and relaxation Why Choose Bath Planet of SW Virginia for Your Bathroom Remodeling Improvements? You can have faith in our bathroom remodeling pros to build your goals with a unique and personalized touch that is a perfect fit for your individual design style. We are ready to serve right here in Bedford, with years of experience finishing seamless replacement bath projects in the community. It would be our pleasure to talk through your bathroom remodeling project and help you bring it to life! Call us at 434-384-9500 for excellent Bedford bath remodeling for your home! Explore Bath Remodel Options Stunning Bath Remodels For SW VIRGINIA WE COME HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Serving Greater SW Virginia Expert Bath Remodelers & Bath Installers Sale Ends Soon 08-01-2020 Bath & Shower Remodeling Project 12 Mos No Interest No payments Financing
Things people ask - FAQ's 1) How much is delivery? For UK customers joining our Monthly Tea Club it is zilch, nothing, zero, £0000. As a club member we take care of that, all you pay is your monthly amount. We deliver BRUU outside of the UK for an extra £2.99 per month which is applied at the checkout. For more on international delivery click here. 2) What exactly do I get each month? Every month you will get a delivery of gourmet tea. In each box will be 3 different teas based on what you have told us you like. But our boxes are much more than just delicious tea. Each month we feature a tea plantation, so the box also includes a small sample from this grower and a little surprise that links into the region. 3) When will I get my tea? You should get your tea at the beginning of each month. If you are ordering outside of the UK your tea usually arrives before the 10th of each month. 4) Will I need to be in when it arrives? No, we send your tea in letterbox friendly packaging, so it can be pushed through your door without a signature. 5) How much tea will I get? You will get around 30 cups of tea per box and potentially more, since many of our teas can be re-infused several times. 6) How do you know which teas to send me? Our clever tea engine tailors each of your boxes around your tea preferences (that you selected at the checkout). The clever engine also optimises your tailored box around seasonality and tea freshness, to guarantee the best cup! 7) Can I cancel or pause my subscription? Of course, we want you to be totally happy. You just need to login into your account and press the relevant button to skip a month or cancel. Alternatively, feel free to call or email us and we'd be happy to help. PLEASE NOTE: You must cancel before 21st otherwise your box will have already been packed and so your cancellation will take effect the following month. If you are a new member and only want to receive one BRUU box, cancel after your first delivery to avoid cancelling your first box. 8) How is it different from buying tea from the supermarket? It is quite different. Supermarkets generally stock tea bags that typically contain low-quality tea grades called fanings or dust. If you are lucky enough to find loose tea, it has generally been sat on the shelf too long. All our tea is hand-picked, sourced ethically and of the freshest quality. Like fruit, tea taste better closest to the harvest. 9) When will I get billed & is it secure? If it’s your first purchase from us, we’ll charge your card immediately. For recurring payments, the cards get charged towards the end of each month. Payments will appear as YOLO INC which is the umbrella company for BRUU. If you pay for your subscription in advance, by selecting to pay for 3, 6 or 12 months, then your membership will auto-renew on its anniversary using the original card. If you would prefer for this to not happen, then it is your responsibility to tell us in advance. We use Sagepay to process our payments. All transaction information passed between BRUU and Sage Pay’s systems is encrypted using 128-bit SSL certificates. No cardholder information is ever passed un-encrypted and any messages sent to BRUU from Sage Pay is signed using MD5 hashing to prevent tampering. You can be completely assured that nothing you pass to us or Sage Pay’s servers can be examined, used or modified by any third parties attempting to gain access to sensitive information. 10) Will I need a teabag or infuser? An infuser is beneficial but not necessary. Most of our loose tea leaves will fall to the bottom of the cup once they have infused the water, plus the more room the leaves have, the more flavour they give off. If you don't have an infuser you can always purchase one from us, or use a cafeteria. 10) How does delivery outside the UK work? You can still join BRUU if you live outside of the UK but a small monthly delivery charge of £2.99 will be added to your subscription each month. 11) I am allergic to certain ingredients, is that a problem? The majority of our teas are free from nuts, coconuts, dairy and other known ingredients which can cause allergic reactions. However, sometimes we do blend teas that contain these ingredients. All you need to do is tick the relevant boxes when you are signing up, and we will exclude these teas from your boxes. We also clearly label all of our teas and put allergens in bold.
Photo Credit: unsplash.com CC0 License Marketing to customers is an ever-changing art. It’s almost like a chess match with people and businesses on the other side of the chessboard, only you can’t see them… yet. This can be incredibly challenging because your prospects are constantly bombarded with messages everyday coming from varying digital and traditional methods. The hard part is, they are on multiple devices and viewing many screens at once. This is not an excuse anymore. Every company is faced with the same challenge and they must figure out how to overcome it and move the prospective customer to a deeper level of engagement in order to have a chance to earn their trust and loyalty as a real customer. Although there are more options today than ever before for the marketing team, those options have made a their job more difficult to say the least. Simplify The Customer Path I want to simplify one area, which will help provide a clearer picture of the customer path and why it’s critical to understand. This will help your sales and marketing team because they need to talk about what’s working and what’s not? My suggestion is to start simplifying by asking a few questions first. - How long is your average sales cycle? In order to simplify the customer path you must first understand how long the sales cycle is now and how long it needs to be for optimum efficiency. A customer “turn” in some industries is the time it takes from first touch point to becoming an actual customer. Do you know how long yours is for your business? If you are unsure, do some industry research, ask your sales team, and review the data they already have in the CRM. This is a good place to start. It will at least give you a starting point. - Define your conversion? A conversion needs to be clearly defined so that you know when it is happening in the customer path. As a marketer, I like to consider a marketing qualified lead (MQL) a “conversion.” That is when the prospect moves from an uninterested state of mind to interested. This occurs when they provide specific information in a web form about who they are, what they are looking for and how you can help them? This is critical for you because you now know how to solve their problem. This also helps the marketing team define what the prospect’s motivations are. - How many touch points are needed to reach a conversion? Once you have clearly defined your sales cycle and your conversion, you need to plan how many touch points are needed to reach your conversion. This is different for all industries. Here’s an example: For high school students who want to attend college, the sales cycle can be years. College educators know this and plan their marketing process and touch point process accordingly. On the flipside, Starbucks knows the sales cycle can be minutes. Their touch points are designed more around in-the-moment emotional needs that need to be met and sales promotional strategies instead of needs that to be satisfied over a long period of time. Short-term sales and long-term brand building are different and need to be thought about before touch points are decided. - Where in the customer path should a conversion occur? This is where the rubber meets the road. If you get this wrong, the sales cycle will be broken and it will not be running at optimum efficiency. Get it right, and sales will be flowing at levels you will most likely not be ready for and you will be scrambling. That’s a good problem to have. Based on your previous answers, determine “where” these need to occur in the customer path? How many touch points are needed? And what the message needs to say? In this process, you will need to review where you conversions are happening now and where the peak conversion should occur? You may want to draw an outline of your customer path, it will help you see the big picture and potentially see breakdowns and opportunities. This can also be a great place to discover innovation where you didn’t expect it. - Touch point 1: Write down all of your first touch points and where they are leading the customer. Are they leading anywhere? Do they help the customer understand or is it strictly a sales-oriented message? Are your messages at the first touch point only trying to sell them? If you are in a business with a long sales cycle, stop trying to close them too early. Try educating them first and getting them to trust you by producing content that nurtures them closer to a conversion. Customers today don’t want to be “sold” on a product or service they want to be educated. Remember, your first touch point is designed to bring them closer to the next touch point in the customer path. Stick with that strategy and you will be fine. - Touch point 2: In my opinion, this is the most critical point in the buyer’s journey. Even if your first touch point is not perfect, you still have a chance at touch point number 2 to earn customer trust. This touch point is where you clearly make the decision to pre-qualify them as a potential customer and educated them as well. How are you doing this? Make sure you are providing exceptional content that is relevant, timely and solves their problem. Provide a unique educational experience for the prospect that conveys trust and confidence in your brand. If you haven’t convinced the prospect by this touch point, it is unlikely they will return unless they are desperate, or you have little or no competition (which is unlikely). That is why I think touch point 2 is the most important one in the entire process. Touch point number one should be like casting your net in a lake full of fish (customers). Touch point number 2 is making sure you are reeling them in correctly with the right approach so that you don’t lose them. Your marketing should be designed to be the net that captures and holds the fish and keeps them in it so that you can convert them. Some examples of marketing that can work at touch point 2 are (educational website content, live chat, mobile app, blog, video, event, eBook, product fact sheet or brochure, landing page offer that triggers and email workflow). You can even use social selling tactics in this part of the customer path. Finally, don’t forget to get a complete grasp of what the next touch point in the process is and what it needs to accomplish? This will be completely determined by how long your sales cycle is. If you have a short cycle, you will want to move toward an in-person visit, web-demonstration, a phone call or another means that is helpful to move the prospect closer. Don’t forget to fully research the prospect before you contact them. It is always best to be completely armed with company information or else you may appear un-informed about how you can provide solutions. If the prospective customer sees that you are not knowledgably, then the customer path will probably end immediately. YourBrandExposed is designed to look at digital with an eye into the future using a creative, innovative marketing perspective. We’re a consultative and tactical resource for companies looking to leverage the power of digital, web, social and content marketing strategies. Contact us if you’re feeling the digital squeeze on how to best market your company. Photo Credit: unsplash.com CC0 License draw an outline of your customer path
Delivery Manager for Saudi Arabia Project (high salary)Ukraine, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv We are looking for a Software Delivery Manager with experience in building high-performing, scalable, enterprise-grade applications. The delivery manager will be responsible end-to-end of the assigned applications including projects, change requests, problems, incidents, and availability. He also shall transform legacy applications by migrating it to state-of-the-art technologies leveraging both in-house teams and vendors. The customer and company will assist in your relocation to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They will manage all the required documents, payments, and housing procedures. Qualifications and Skills - Bachelor’s degree in computer science - At least 8 to 10 years’ experience in Managing Application Development, Application Innovation or Complex System Integration Projects - Previous experience as a Program/Project Manager in large and complex environments - Experience in a transition from project mode to support/maintenance mode involving vendors and in-house teams - Experience in managing large scale production support engagement - Must have excellent oral and written English - Employee Engagement - Business Development - Project Management - Project Delivery - Service Delivery - Java, Python, Nuxeo — back-end - React, Polymer JS — front-end - Act as the head of each assigned application teams taking ultimate ownership and accountability for the service delivery - Control costs in-line with the budget/forecast - Overall accountability for managing the relationship, contract and client satisfaction of assigned application. - Providing guidance, communication and leadership for assigned application teams - Maintaining and communicating knowledge of the latest industry trends - The escalation point for all matters related to assigned applications - Contract negotiation and vendor management - Employee engagement and development - Plan and implementation application technology transformation - Work closely with infrastructure & business teams toward achieving objectives of the organizations Experience working on big government projects Full assistance in relocation to Saudi Arabia, Riyadh A unique working environment with experienced developers from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. Direct input into the project A friendly and motivating atmosphere that boosts your desire to work If you are ready to become part of our team, are an excellent team player, we are waiting to welcome you to our team! Click the button, send CV!
Dr. Michelle Silva has found her calling: to promote health equity among vulnerable and under-served immigrant communities. And if she’s learned one thing, it’s that this work cannot be done alone. A licensed clinical psychologist, assistant professor in the Yale Department of Psychiatry, and director of the Connecticut Latino Behavioral Health System (LBHS), Dr. Silva specializes in collaboration, which she says is a key to building an accessible, effective mental health care system. As the number of Latinx people living in Connecticut has grown over the past several years, including in New Haven, Dr. Silva and her colleagues in the Hispanic Clinic at Connecticut Mental Health Center have witnessed firsthand the need for culturally and linguistically appropriate mental health care. So she helped to establish LBHS, an umbrella program that increases local capacity to serve Spanish-speaking community members, many of whom have complex mental health needs. LBHS creates infrastructure through partnership. It is based at the CMHC Hispanic Clinic (a clinical site of the Yale Psychiatry Department) and funded by the State of Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services. LBHS supports staff positions and provides professional consultation, enabling Spanish-speaking clinicians to work with Latinx clients at several organizations in New Haven. A small team of Yale psychiatrists and psychologists meet regularly with LBHS staff to review cases and provide ongoing training and education. LBHS collaborating agencies include BHCare Valley, BHCare Shoreline, Bridges, Cornell Scott Hill Health Center, Fair Haven Community Health Care, Fellowship Place, Hispanic Health Council, and Multicultural Ambulatory Addiction Services. Dr. Silva says 378 people have been served by LBHS in the past year, including 241 active clients now receiving regular care. “That’s basically the size of an additional community clinic,” she explains. “If LBHS didn’t exist, those individuals would be on a long wait list for care.” Advocacy is an important aspect of mental health care, not least when it comes to marginalized groups. Representative Patricia Dillon, Deputy Majority Leader in the Connecticut House of Representatives, has long been a voice for equity in mental health care in Connecticut. She is particularly happy with LBHS’s collaborative model, which is both economical and effective. “I am so proud of the entire Latino Behavioral Health System team,” says Representative Dillon. “They provide mental health care to the fastest-growing segment of our community, people who experience many barriers to care and have special needs due to their language and culture. LBHS shows what positive things can happen when people and organizations come together for the greater good.” Considering its community-level impact, it’s no wonder that LBHS won the 2019 Clinical Program Award from the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce. For other articles about LBHS, click here and here. Dr. Silva and her colleagues take seriously their responsibility as clinical professionals and advocates for vulnerable populations, including people who have been displaced by violence, severe weather, and other factors. With Manuel Paris, PsyD, associate professor in the Yale Department of Psychiatry, and other colleagues nationwide, she recently co-authored "Vulnerable but not Broken," a report on the mental health challenges and resilience pathways among unaccompanied children from Central America. At LBHS, she is happy to be making a difference at the local level. “Since Day 1, we have been fortunate to have administrative, community, and legislative support to carry this program forward,” says Dr. Silva. And the clinicians, she says, are the unsung heroes. “LBHS would not be possible without the dedicated team of clinicians championing this effort,” she observes. “The work is challenging, but this team does not give up. Engaging and learning with the LBHS staff is inspiring. They work tirelessly to ensure access to care for the most vulnerable among us, and it’s evident that serving the underserved is a vocation for each of them.” While the clinical team knows the challenges their clients experience--including, often, traumatic histories--they also see their amazing strengths. Working with these clients, says Dr. Silva, is both a privilege and a responsibility. “It demands courage and integrity to recognize and give voice to the experiences, needs, and strengths of people who may otherwise remain silent,” she says. “For many of us, as members of immigrant households ourselves, doing this work offers an opportunity to give back, and both advocate for what is needed, but also celebrate the inherent resilience of our communities.”
How Can I Speed Up WordPress Website in 2020? Page loading speed influences everything from user experience to conversion rates. If left without proper maintenance, any WordPress platform would become slower over time. Slow website costs you money and decreases your conversion rates. Make the best of your WordPress website. Web Developers at WishDesk prepared a guide to how speed up WordPress website. Check it out! How to Check My WordPress Website Speed? If WordPress website loading speed is OK on your device, it doesn’t mean it performs well for other users. Since you often visit your platform, web browsers, such as Chrome, store your website in cache and automatically preload part of the content. This makes your site load instantly. However, this is not true for the user who is visiting your website for the first time. We recommend you to test your WordPress site speed with the help of a special tool. One of them is Pingdom — free online service that allows you to check your website speed from different locations. Note, that the good page load speed is under 2 seconds. If your WordPress site loading speed doesn’t meet your expectations, contact WishDesk for the detailed performance audit. After a check-up, WishDesk specialists will optimize your platform and speed up WordPress website. What Slows Down My WordPress Website Speed? Understanding the reasons of slow page loading is key to improving website performance. The main causes for a slow WordPress website are: - poor web hosting – when your web hosting is not configured properly, it can harm your website loading speed - no WordPress configuration – if your site is not serving cached pages, it will overload your server - big web page size – if images are not compressed and optimized, it will take longer to load a web page - no speed enhancing plugins – if you’re not using speed enhancing plugins, your WordPress website might be significantly slowed down Now let’s take a closer look at how to speed up WordPress website. Tip #1. Use the latest version of CMS to speed up WordPress website. WordPress updates are released frequently. Each update does not only offer new features, but also fixes security issues and bugs. Your WordPress theme and plugins should be regularly updated, too. It’s your direct responsibility to keep your WordPress site, theme, and plugins updated to the latest versions. Neglecting these responsibilities may make your site slow and vulnerable to hacks and security threats. Tip #2. Choose a reliable hosting server. Your WordPress hosting service influences website performance. There are three different web hosting options: shared, dedicated and VPS. Shared hosting offers the most basic set of services and is unable to handle high traffic. A VPS (virtual private server) offers a shared server as well, however, each user has his own part of it. A dedicated server is dedicated to one user, but it requires professional maintenance services. Here at WishDesk, we provide secure and flexible hosting solutions for WordPress websites. Tip #3. Download speed enhancing WordPress plugins. WordPress plugins extend the functionality of websites. The official plugin repository currently provides over 56,000 plugins for almost every feature. Team at WishDesk prepared a list of WordPress plugins that help speed up your website. WP Fastest Cache WP Fastest Cache is a plugin that decreases page load time by creating quickly rendered HTML files that are stored and accessed by repeated visitors. - easy setup - 1-click to clear cache - minify CSS and HTML - set expiration times for all pages or certain URLs - CDN integration - premium version with extra features is available W3 Total Cache W3 Total Cache is a caching plugin that speeds up WordPress websites. It stores the versions of web pages beforehand and sends them to browsers. Increased website performance affects a site’s rank, improves SEO and user experience. - different kinds of caching (page, object, database, browser, fragment) - HTML, CSS, JS files minification - transparent content delivery network (CDN) management - mobile support WP Super Minify - easy to use WP Smush.it is a plugin for image optimization and compression. Most tools use formats that reduce quality, but this service uses lossless formats so you won’t notice any difference from the original image. - removes unused color from images - removes metadata from JPEG’s - JPEG compression - integration with the Smush.it API Tip #4. Avoid an excessive DOM size. A large document object model (DOM) tree harms your page performance. If you server delivers a large DOM tree, you may be delivering lots of unnecessary bytes. This slows down page load time, because the browser may be parsing lots of nodes that aren't even displayed above-the-fold. Besides, this can severely slow down rendering. An optimal DOM tree has: - less than 1500 nodes total - a maximum depth of 32 nodes - no parent node with more than 60 child nodes. Create DOM nodes only when needed, and destroy them when no longer required. Tip #5. Eliminate render-blocking resources. Render-blocking resources are the most common reason for slow loading websites. Usually, they are JS and CSS files that are located in the head of your website. They load in above the fold area (ATF, the area you see on a website before scrolling down), and are a part of the rendering path used by a web browser. Use Google PageSpeed Insights to identify render-blocking scripts. With the help of W3 Total Cache plugin, you can solve these issues in Performance > Settings > Minify section. Tip #6. Enable text compression Text compression minimizes the byte size of responses that include text content. The less bytes have to be downloaded, the faster page loads. Enable text compression on the server that served these responses. Tip #7. Compress images to speed up WordPress website. Images directly influence website speed. If you don’t compress the images before uploading, your site speed will decrease. Use our guide on how to optimize images to speed up WordPress website. Tip #8.Use the right WordPress caching plugins. You can speed up WordPress website significantly by using caching. This technique delivers web pages to your users faster by saving the copies of files after the user’s previous visits. There are special WordPress plugins that help with caching: Tip #9. Use CDN for quick content delivery. Speed up WordPress website with the help of CDN (content delivery network). CDNs are networks of servers located all over the world. They cache your static content (JS files, CSS files, pictures) and deliver it to the servers closest to them. In such a way, users receive that content immediately. Our WordPress team can easily do the CDN setup for your platform. Tip #10. Optimize WordPress website database. To speed up WordPress website, keep your database in order. Clean it up from unnecessary data, such as comments, duplicated metadata or unused terms. Use plugins like WP Sweep, WP-DB Manager, WP Optimize to optimize website database. Speed Up WordPress Website Today! Don’t let slow page load speed to ruin your online business. Just a few simple steps can increase your conversion rates and provide positive user experience.
Which is cool. Ringling Brothers Geelong Of course, Hoult and Lawrence have also moved on when it comes to their love lives. The fiercely Singles in Cranbourne speaking english actor doesn't reveal his child's gender, but does share how his life has changed. But the level of love that comes with it outweighs. And it evolves all the time. Hoult plays Beast; Lawrence plays Mystique. Law out, he detailed the dynamic with all his costars, including Lawrence, on that set. Gay Bunbury Heights The really beautiful thing about this last film is that Hot legs Morphett Vale and director] Kim Berger has given me somewhere nice and new to experiment and go with the character. Which is cool. Hoult talked about dating Lawrence ly in a V magazine interview back in Marchbefore they broke up later that year. Her newfound superstardom didn't change their Houses Adelaide too much, Hoult said. Enjoy the good times, but don't get swept away with it. The actor gave a rare insight into his romance with Bryana in November, when asked if she had her own space in his bedroom. Porter 's The Journal. Old times: The actor was ly in a relationship with Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence, 27, for four years pictured in May The actor'sstop-start relationship with Academy Award winning New Lismore escort girl Jennifer Lawrence ended inafter four-years. Jennifer later reflected on their split during an interview with Diane Sawyer, revealing it happened as they completed filming X Men: Days Of Future Past. Who am I without this man? Remember me? Mornington Free Dating Brother The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Latest Headlines U. Nicholas Hoult becomes a dad: Actor 'welcomes his first child with model girlfriend Bryana Holly' Share this article Share. Share or comment on this article: Nicholas Hoult becomes a dad: Actor 'welcomes his first child with model Italian for pretty woman in Australia Bryana Holly' e-mail Comments Share what you think. More top stories. Hobart dells craigslist personals Site Web Enter search term: Search. Sophie Wessex wraps up in a grey coat as she s birthday boy Prince Edward at a local community centre in Mersea Island Girls' day out! Free Horses In New Robina Almost every gown the star wears on TV is a dress from Geelong date reviews bridal deer, but must her husband think? Kate Middleton recycles a scarlet Catherine Walker coat dress and floral fascinator for Commonwealth Service. Bank of England makes emergency cut in interest rate from 0. British woman, 53, dies from coronavirus in Bali: Diabetic becomes first to die from the disease in What the Bank of England's emergency base rate cut to 0. Hot dreams Mount Gambier League matches to go ahead this weekend despite coronavirus cancelling tonight's Man City v Arsenal Bundaberg Singles Search
5 Best Tapered Sweatpants & Joggers Are you looking for some comfortable and cosy pants to chill at home? Well, the best idea is to invest in tapered sweatpants and joggers. They are made up of high-quality cotton materials and are suitable for indoor and outdoor needs as well. Gone are the days when sweatpants were used just for sports activities; today they have become an integral part of the modern fashion. You can find many unique offerings from big brands to serve your routine needs. What to look for when buying sweatpants & joggers? Those who are planning to buy joggers or sweatpants for the first time might be a little worried about how to choose the best one. Experts recommend checking a few essential features to pick the best piece of fabric for your routines. Below we have listed a few points that you should consider while making a purchase online: - Choose a brand that you trust the most for quality and pricing. - List out your requirements; whether you need jogger for yoga hours, gym, travel needs or for lounging. - Set your budget and then look for the most affordable solution online. The 5 best-tapered sweatpants & joggers: Beginners may get confused among loads of tapered jogger pants available online. In order to pick the best one, you should check market reviews and expert recommendations. However, if you don’t have time for such in-depth analysis, we have provided a well-analysed list below: - YoungLA Men’s Soccer Training Pants Tapered Fit: This snug fit jogger ensures a snug fit with the muscular appeal. There are 2 deep pockets with a zip that can secure your accessories such as phone, keys and wallet inside. These tapered joggers are made up of 100% breathable polyester materials and there is a mesh on sides for additional comfort in the summer season. - BALEAF Men’s Tapered Athletic Running Pant Joggers: These tapered athletic running pants are also made up of 100% polyester material that ensures breathable experience with fast-drying abilities. The slim fit design with an adjustable waistband and tapered leg ensures comfy routines. Put all your accessories in its 2 deep pockets. - ECHT Tapered Joggers Black V2 Men Pants: ECHT is a big brand in the apparel industry, and they provide 100% premium French terry cotton finish for tapered joggers. They are ultra-lightweight, breathable and machine washable solution. - Under Armour Men’s Tapered Leg Tricot Pants: These tapered leg pants are designed using 100% polyester material with drawstring closure. The fuller cut ensures complete comfort for the wearer. Special moisture transport system makes it dry fast. - YoungLa Workout Athletic Jogger Tapered Pants: Here is a 100% polyester-based solution for your gym hours. They are designed with side mesh to ensure enhanced ventilation. Furthermore, adjustable drawstrings ensure more comfort. Frequently asked questions They are premium street pants that serve as the best go-to solution for all your outdoor visits. They are more comfortable from thighs and waist. Joggers are primary designed for the jogging needs; whereas sweatpants are thick fabrics that help to keep your legs warm
It all comes down to this Noosa pair in prime position IT'S a finish every surf lifesaving fan can savour. When joint leaders Kirsty Higgison and Jordan Mercer enter the water for today's sixth and final round of the 2015-16 Nutri-Grain Series, one is all but assured to emerge the series winner. For Higgison, victory would make for the perfect end to her debut series and reaffirm her reasons for joining coach Darren Mercer's team in Noosa last year. While for Jordan, winning would mean another prized trophy on the mantelpiece and becoming the first athlete to complete the father-daughter series double. Higgison set up the mouth-watering finale by taking out round five of the series just ahead of Mercer at North Cronulla yesterday. Mercer went into the race with a three-point advantage over her clubmate and close friend, but Higgison's win squared the ledger on 86 points. Local knowledge and a love of competing in rough conditions proved to be the deciding factors for Higgison, who grew up a two-hour drive from Cronulla. "I love a bit of carnage and it's so full on you never know who's going to be in the lead as it's always chopping and changing and you just have to focus on yourself," she said after the race. HIGGISON was sitting seventh after the first swim leg of yesterday's double loop race, before making significant gains during the ski leg. The 22-year-old then took the lead from Brodie Moir in the board leg and had built a commanding 15-second lead by the end of the second ski. Rough conditions in the final board leg caused the series' third-placed Maddy Dunn to lose her board and drop out of contention, with Higgison cruising home ahead of Mercer. "There were skis going in different directions and I was trying to avoid everyone's skis and paddles, which made me quite frazzled," Mercer said. "I really enjoyed my race. I knew that it was going to be very tight, but if I can't get first place then I'm so happy to have come second. "I am just going to keep sight of my goal, which is to stay on the podium and not drop out of the top five." Dropping out of the top two, let alone the top five, would be near impossible for Mercer and Higgison, who would need to equal their worst performances of the year to be in any real danger. Brodie Moir, Maddy Dunn and Harriet Brown remain within striking distance and need to win round six to have any hope of clinching the title. Both Mercer and Higgison would have to finish worse than 10th for that to happen.
Royal Dutch Shell has shelved plans to drill for oil in the Arctic off the coast of Alaska, in a move that signals more welcome relief for the climate just days after China announced it will introduce a landmark emissions trading scheme. The multinational had been controversially embroiled in a proposal to open up a massive new carbon store in the Chukchi sea, drilling in the often-frozen waters that are ironically already proving hostile for the polar bears and walruses that rely on their shrinking ice for habitat. Shell estimates the Arctic holds “around 400 billion barrels of oil equivalent, 10 times the total oil and gas produced in the North Sea to date,” but yesterday the company announced that it “will now cease further exploration activity in offshore Alaska for the forseeable future”. The company said in a statement that its first Arctic exploration well, drilled this season around 150 miles off the Alaskan coast, “will be sealed and abandoned in accordance with U.S. regulations”. Shell did find indications of oil and gas at the well, but they were “[not]sufficient to warrant further exploration”, and the company said efforts had been hampered by “the high costs associated with the project, and the challenging and unpredictable federal regulatory environment in offshore Alaska”. The Anglo-American company had initially moved to drill the well during 2012, but in three separate incidents a ship and drilling rig ran aground, and a vessel carrying 139,000 gallons of diesel caught fire. The company’s exploration rights were suspended, and when they were reinstated earlier this year the American administration came under intense pressure from environmentalists, particularly as Obama sought to make climate action the defining legacy of his Presidency with new regulations and loud advocacy on the international stage. Obama was widely pilloried for the apparent hypocrisy of paving the way for the exploitation of a resource that scientists say conflicts with the action necessary to limit the rise in global temperatures. The US Geological Survey estimates that the Arctic holds vast amounts of the world’s undiscovered fossil fuels, at 13 per cent of oil, 30 per cent of natural gas, and 22 per cent of natural gas liquids. “Any exploitation of any of the resources in [the Arctic Region]is incompatible with effective action on climate change,” Professor Will Steffen from the Climate Council said in a recent report. Almost as massive as these reserves are the environmental risks associated with drilling in the new Arctic frontier, which in the case of Shell centres on the unpredictable and often (although perhaps now less often) frozen waters of the Chukchi sea. An environmental disaster – literally – is expected. A study from the US agency that approved Shell’s exploratory drilling estimates there’s a 75 per cent chance of a ‘large’ oil spill, of more than 42,000 gallons, during the 77-year period considered. It’s in this context that Greenpeace UK executive director John Sauven welcomed yesterday’s announcement, proclaiming “big oil has sustained an unmitigated defeat”. “They had a budget of billions, we had a movement of millions,” he said. “The ‘unpredictable regulatory environment’ that forced Shell out of the Arctic is otherwise known as massive pressure from more than 7 million people. “For three years we faced them down, and the people won.” The company’s exploration activities have been consistently targeted in dramatic, high-profile protests, which have seen activists dangle from St Johns Bridge in Portland for 40 hours to block a Shell icebreaker, and form a human blockade with kayaks to stall an Arctic-bound rig. In a series of cases brought by coalitions of environment groups, issues were also identified by the courts around the environmental analysis the US government had relied on in approving Shell’s lease. The ‘frontier war’ being waged over the Arctic is unlikely to stop with Shell’s announcement, though, with the company reaffirming that it “continues to see important exploration potential in the basin, and the area is likely to ultimately be of strategic importance to Alaska and the US”. The prospect of Arctic drilling — by Shell or any of the other companies planning to exploit the virgin reserves, often under the environmental authority of other countries — remains very much alive. Still, Greenpeace International Executive Director Kumi Naidoo greeted Shell’s decision to shelve the project as “a defining day for the Arctic”. “Shell has gambled big and lost big, both in terms of financial cost [around $7 billion to date]and its public reputation,” Naidoo said. “This has become the most controversial oil project in the world, and despite its bluster Shell has been forced to walk away with nothing.” Donate To New Matilda New Matilda is a small, independent media outlet. 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Words that are pronounced the same but do not mean the same thing are called homophones. Peel and peal are homophones, and many writers mix them up on the page, which leads to confusion for readers. Continue reading to learn whether you should choose peal or peel in your writing, and why. What is the Difference Between Peal and Peel? In this article, I will compare peel vs peal. I will use each word in a sentence and explain its proper context. Plus, I will reveal a mnemonic that you can use to help you choose whether peel or peal is correct, based on context. When to Use Peal As a noun, peal means a loud, ringing noise. As a verb, peal means to emit such a noise. Here are some examples of peal used as a verb, - The church bells peal every hour, on the hour. - Thunder pealed, and the rain came pouring down. Now, here are some examples of peal used as a noun, - A peal of thunder reverberated over the beach. - When Bryan farted while singing “Happy Birthday,” Angela burst into peals of laughter. When to Use Peel What does peel mean? Peel can also be a noun or a verb. As a noun, peel refers to the outer skin of a fruit or vegetable or a section of this outer skin that has been removed. As a verb, peel means to remove the outer layer of something in small strips. Here are some examples of peel used as a noun, - Johanna threw her banana peel on the ground, and Marco stepped on it. - There were paint peels in the puddle in front of the garage. These sentences show peel used as a verb, - Peel three oranges and put them in the blender. - The paint will peel off the walls before John finishes his boring speech. Phrases That Use Peal and Peel Just as it’s important to use these two words correctly when they stand alone in your writing, it’s also important to use them correctly when they are a part of a larger phrase. Here are a few of the most common phrases that use peal and peal and how they should appear. Keep your eyes peeled: keep your eye out, watch carefully, be on the look out for. - They kept their eyes peeled for vacancies in their building, which they were also very happy with, although their rent climbed over time, approaching $3,000 a month by last summer. –The New York Times To peel out: to leave quickly, especially in a car; to accelerate from a stop so quickly that the tires of a car squeal and smoke. - He peeled out when he left the parking garage. Chemical peel: a technique used to improve and smooth texture of skin, especially the face. - After my pedicure, I got a chemical peel, and I feel great! Peals of thunder; Peals of laughter: a loud repeated or reverberating sound of thunder or laughter. - With biting wit, blunt humor and occasional Southern colloquialisms—few other federal judges in Manhattan drop “snap-a-doodle” and “poppycock” into the course of a single day’s proceedings—she has policed the prosecution and defense while at times sending the entire courtroom into peals of laughter. –The Wall Street Journal Trick to Remember the Difference Here is a helpful trick to remember peel vs. peal. Both peal and peel can function as a noun or a verb. That being said, they are not interchangeable. - Peal refers to sound. - Peel refers to the skin of a fruit or vegetable, or more generally, the outside layer of something and that layer’s removal. There is an easy way to remember when to use each of these words. Peal can refer to the musical sound of a bell, and contains the letter A. Since A also refers to a specific musical note, you will always know to use peal in contexts involving sound. Is it peal or peel? Homophones make life interesting for novice and veteran writers alike. Peel and peal, two homophones which can each be used as a noun or a verb, refer to different concepts and cannot be substituted for one another. - Peal refers to the sound of a bell, or any other ringing sound. - A peel is the outer rind of a fruit or any other layer, or the act of removing such a layer. You can remember to save peal for situations involving sound since peal contains an A, which is also a note of music. Next time writer’s block hits, be sure to check this site for help with confusing words and other writing topics.
PRIVATE ESTATES, SURREY, SUSSEX, KENT Paul Dixon, FCMI AssocRICS FNAEA FNAVA JP I set up Private Estates at the Robert Leech group a few years back to focus on the upper end of the market, with an emphasis on personal service, something missing from some country house agents. It has been extremely successful. The portfolio is from £1m to circa £40m. The market has been reasonably resilient although stamp duty levels continue to be a problem. I guess I think of myself as a property broker, as in some cases I work for the buyer. I have sourced many ‘off market’ houses for clients, in particular with equestrian facilities. It’s interesting that there is an increasing number of people who do not want to bare their soul by going ‘down the line’. They don’t like advertising their location, price or colour of their bedrooms on property portals. This has led to an increase in the number of ‘off market’ deals, where my very old ‘little black book’ is priceless. I find the Guild facilities at Park Lane, Mayfair very useful and our properties are listed on Lonres. I am constantly looking at ways of taking the portfolio beyond portals such as Rightmove. You cannot advertise everywhere, but there are some very good ‘niche’ sites and I even have jingles on radio. I was on holiday when I picked up an international newspaper, which has given me a few ideas. There’s always something running through my head. I am never afraid to ask for introductory rates, so you don’t essentially need a massive budget. On-going changes in the National Planning Policy also create further opportunities. I was recently able to advise a client in Surrey, where we were successful obtaining consent for a residential housing scheme. The local sales office in Oxted was then instructed to sell the completed houses. There is a saying, ‘There is none so blind as those who cannot see’. There really are so many things to do out there, if we look. I have a good working relationship with other agents. One will come to me as they might know of, say, an estate where I can introduce a buyer. It’s all about co-operation and in the end, the more deals that get done the better. Tip for young agents: I sometimes wear a ‘goofy’ watch, which is a replica of one given to me by my parents. Never forget your roots! Pictured property: Manor House, West Sussex, £7.5M BENJAMIN STEVENS – BUSHEY Joe Masterson, Branch Manager Our local property market of Bushey remains very positive. Bushey continues to be a largely ‘needs-led’ market. This means factors forcing a sale (death, marriage, divorce, downsizing etc.) are the non-changeable drivers for both buyers and sellers. There is a constant flow of people who need/wish to move out there and are the key people to be working with. For a long time, people have been attracted to the Bushey area. Families, older people looking to downsize, as well as first time buyers, can find all their needs are catered for with the range of properties on offer in this area. It has a real ‘village feel’ to the area despite being so close to all the major road links and rail links that take you directly into London Euston station. Whilst the area has seen a lot of development over recent years, it remains very green and beautiful with plenty of open spaces. It is also in the heart of catchment areas for various high performing local schools. Crucially, once people are on the property ladder in this area, they often want to remain within Bushey, if they do choose to move again. PRICING AND CUSTOMER CARE Properties in the area which come on at the right price still have no issue is going under offer so our role over the last 24 months has been helping sellers understand that it is a careful eye on the pricing and care of both the seller and buyer that is needed to put deals together. We specialise in residential sales and lettings and have significantly grown our market share over the last two years moving from being the 4th/5th place agent in Bushey in terms of volume, into a solid second place. We are rapidly gaining ground on the first-place agent. This has been achieved without reducing fees and continuing to deliver award winning customer service. Despite some challenging conditions we are having a very strong year which I put down to our openness and honesty with buyers and sellers around the status of either their transaction or the market generally. This means that sellers are sticking with us through the thick and thin of the market. Pictured property: Bushey Heath, £825,000 JAN FORSTER ESTATES IN NORTH EAST Melissa Carman, Sales Director At Jan Forster Estates, our experience is that the local market remains buoyant and that house prices are stable. As a market-leading agent we continue to gain excellent market share across all our branches, in core areas across the North East. For the year to date, our flagship Gosforth branch is the market leader for ‘new instructions’ and ‘sales agreed’ with our other branches also high performing (data sourced from Rightmove). Despite the uncertainty around Brexit, people still desire to own their own home. We continue to attract all types of buyers which we partly attribute to the fact that property in the North East region remains affordable particularly as compared to property prices in the south. Help to Buy has also enabled more first-time buyers to get a foot on the property ladder which ultimately helps to drive the rest of the market. We are finding that family homes in sought-after areas are particularly popular with prices remaining strong; in fact, we have recently had several cases of properties going to best and final offers which shows that buyers are still out there searching for the right property! SERVICE & PROFESSIONALISM The advantage of being an independent family-run Agent with a recognised brand and a strong local presence is that we are able to tailor our marketing to suit individual requirements. We recognise that every client and every home is unique – our aim is not only to pro-actively market properties but also lifestyles; showcasing homes to maximum effect with professional photography, detailed floorplans and our innovative 360° virtual reality tours, which are proving to be very popular! As a Guild member, we continue to invest in our business and our employees, as well as providing clients with the security of knowing they are entrusting their property to a professional Estate Agent. The property market and the industry is evolving; our aim is to remain at the forefront of these changes whilst continuing to offer our clients exceptional levels of customer service. Pictured property: Charming 4 bedroom period end terrace family residence in Central Gosforth: £500,000
Living organisms play an essential role in soil formation. The numerous plants and animals living in the soil release minerals from the parent material from which soil is formed, supply organic matter, aid in the translocation(movement) and aeration of the soil, and help protect the soil from erosion. The types of organisms growing or living in the soil greatly influence the soil's physical and chemical characteristics. In fact, for mature soils in many parts of the world, the predominant type of natural vegetation is considered the most important direct influence on soil characteristics. For this reason, a soil scientist can tell a great deal about the attributes of the soil in any given area simply from knowing what kind of flora the soil supports. Thus prairies and tundra regions, which have characteristic vegetations, also have characteristic soils. The quantity and total weight of soil flora generally exceed that of soil fauna. By far the most numerous and smallest of the plants living in soil are bacteria. Under favorable conditions, a million or more of these tiny, single-celled plants can inhabit each cubic centimeter of soil. It is the bacteria, more than any other organisms, that enable rock or other parent material to undergo the gradual transformation to soil. Some bacteria produce organic acids that directly attack parent material, breaking it down and releasing plant nutrients. Others decompose organic litter (debris) to form humus (nutrient-rich organic matter). A third group of bacteria inhabits the root systems of plants called legumes. These include many important agricultural crops, such as alfalfa, clover, soybeans, peas, and peanuts. The bacteria that legumes host within their root nodules small swellings on the root? change nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into nitrogen compounds that plants are able to metabolize, a process, known as nitrogen fixation, that makes the soil more fertile. Other microscopic plants also are important in soil development. For example, in highly acidic soils where few bacteria can survive, fungi frequently become the chief decomposers of organic matter. More complex forms of vegetation play several vital roles with respect to the soil. Trees, grass, and other large plants supply the bulk of the soil's humus. The minerals released as these plants decompose on the surface constitute an important nutrient source for succeeding generations of plants as well as for other soil organisms. In addition, trees can extend their roots deep within the soil and bring up nutrients from far below the surface. These nutrients eventually enrich the surface soil when the tree drops its leaves or when it dies and decomposes. Finally, trees perform the vital function of slowing water runoff and holding the soil in place with their root systems, thus combating erosion. The increased erosion that often accompanies agricultural use of sloping land is principally caused by the removal of its protective cover of natural vegetation. Animals also influence soil composition. The faunal counterparts of bacteria are protozoa. These single-celled organisms are the most numerous representatives of the animal kingdom, and, like bacteria, a million or more can sometimes inhabit each cubic centimeter of soil. Protozoa feed on organic matter and hasten its decomposition. Among other soil-dwelling animals, the earthworm is probably the most important. Under exceptionally favorable conditions, up to a million earthworms ?with a total body weight exceeding 450 kilograms? may inhabit an acre of soil. Earthworms ingest large quantities of soil, chemically alter it, and excrete it as organic matter called casts. The casts form a high-quality natural fertilizer. In addition, earthworms mix soil both vertically and horizontally, improving aeration and drainage. Insects such as ants and termites also can be exceedingly numerous under favorable climatic and soil conditions. In addition, mammals such as moles, field mice, gophers, and prairie dogs sometimes are present in sufficient numbers to have significant impact on the soil. These animals primarily work the soil mechanically. As a result, the soil is aerated, broken up, fertilized, and brought to the surface, hastening soil development.
noun: a popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration or behaviour, e.g. “the latest Parisian fashions” What is fashion? Some see it as a mere frivolity and others as the mirror of our times. Whatever your definition, it’s arguable that fashion does not exist in isolation, but is connected to art as well as commerce, entertainment as well as economics. The latest edition of Lisbon’s fashion week, ModaLisboa, took place earlier this month under the theme ‘multiplex’, the idea being to embrace the multipurpose, multidisciplinary nature of fashion. As well as around 30 catwalk shows, the event included film, photography, illustration, performance and debate. As always, ModaLisboa continues to promote emerging talent via its Sangue Novo initiative, but this time the rules have changed, with the competition now held in two phases. In the first stage, the ten finalists show their collections at the October edition. Of these, six will go on to show in March, with 1,000 Euros each to support their next collections, before the overall winner will be announced and awarded a 5,000 Euro scholarship to attend the prestigious Polimoda fashion school in Italy. The finalists included five local and five international designers, and the level of competition was undoubtedly high, Pu Tianqu from China and Rita Carvalho from Portugal impressed us with their accomplished and coherent collections. Once they have graduated from Sangue Novo, the designers can still seek support from ModaLisboa in the form of the LAB initiative, another platform to promote young talent. Of the collections shown this season, we enjoyed Goncalo Peixoto’s modern take on femininity. Sheer fabrics, floral embroidery and pastel colours were countered with deconstructed silhouettes appropriated from street style, high shine metallics and shots of bright yellow and Fluro pink. On the main catwalk, one of our favourite Portuguese designers, Alexandra Moura, returned to the ModaLisboa catwalk as part of a new partnership with Portugal Fashion, the country’s other major fashion week. Moura’s signature is to merge historic and classic references with oversized streetwear and denim and her Spring/Summer ’19 collection Heirloom was no exception, representing a city girl escaping to her grandmother’s house in the countryside. Ricardo Andrez’s colourful collection also took its cue from the not so distant past, referencing a panic wave brought on by the millennium bug. High shine fabrics were emblazoned with slogans such as “I am coming” and alien emojis. Vivid colour also featured at Kolovrat, the eponymous brand of Bosnian-born, Lisbon-based designer Lidija Kolovrat. Established in 1990, the label aims to be socially responsible with a focus on tailormade garments rather than fast fashion and, in line with the multidisciplinary theme, Kolovrat is also a prominent artist in Portugal, regularly exhibiting her video-art installations at galleries and museums. From its prowess in producing footwear to the skill of its silversmiths, there are multiple reasons why Portugal continues to flourish, and it’s not it’s not just about the ‘latest fashions’. All images courtesy of ModaLisboa. Find more information about the event here. words. Huma Humayun
IL-2 Injections Safely Boost CD4+ T Cell Levels in HIV-Infected Patients As reported in the April issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases, investigators at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have found that self-administered injections of the immune system protein interleukin-2 (IL-2) can produce prolonged, dramatic increases in levels of CD4+ T cells in some people infected with HIV. Those with higher initial CD4+ T cell counts had the best responses. Almost half of the 18 persons in the trial sustained CD4+ T cell increases of at least 200 cells per cubic millimeter (mm3) of blood after one year. By testing gradually higher daily dosages of IL-2 in different groups of patients, the investigators also established that intermittent cycles of subcutaneous IL-2 therapy can be self-administered safely at a maximum tolerated dose of 15 million international units (MIU) per day. The latest findings by Richard T. Davey, M.D., senior investigator in the Laboratory of Immunoregulation at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and his colleagues build on earlier reports by this NIH team that infusing IL-2 intravenously can significantly raise levels of CD4+ T cells in certain HIV-infected patients. "This new study demonstrates that subcutaneous IL-2, used in combination with protease inhibitors and other antiretroviral drugs, has the potential to enhance the therapeutic effects conferred by antiretroviral treatments alone," comments Dr. Davey. "The CD4+ T cell increases we’ve seen with injections of IL-2 are similar to those previously achieved with intravenous IL-2 infusions. The subcutaneous regimen represents an improvement, however, because the side effects are less severe and less prolonged, and the treatment can be administered by the patient at home." Phase III studies are needed to determine if these substantial rises in CD4+ T cell counts, a marker of immunologic improvement, translate into clinical benefits, he adds. The trial, which began in 1993, enrolled 18 HIV-infected people with CD4+ T cell counts greater than 200/mm3 of blood (average 350). None had previously received IL-2. During the study, the patients continued taking approved antiretrovirals of their choice, including protease inhibitors. The primary objectives of the study were to determine the highest tolerated dose and potential limiting side effects of IL-2 when self-injected daily for five days every two months. The investigators sought to identify an IL-2 regimen that conferred the same immunologic benefit, as gauged by increased CD4+ T cells, as seen with continuous intravenous IL-2 infusion but that was easier to administer and better tolerated. To determine how much drug patients could tolerate, the investigators started the first group of patients on low-dose (3 MIU) subcutaneous IL-2, and gradually increased the dosage in subsequent groups of patients until serious toxicities arose. Using predefined guidelines, the investigators determined 15 MIU/day to be the maximum tolerated dose for this IL-2 regimen. At this and lower dosages, the main side effects reported were mild to moderate flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, aches and pains, and headache. Typically side effects peak around four hours after IL-2 is injected, Dr. Davey explains, at the same time that blood concentrations of IL-2 crest. Over the next few hours, as drug levels taper off, the side effects diminish. Patients received a minimum of three cycles (six months) of therapy. One year after the start of therapy, eight patients had sustained a substantial rise (at least 200) in their CD4+ T cell counts, and six others had experienced a change between zero and 200. CD4+ T cell counts in the remaining four patients had gradually declined from their baseline levels. "Both the likelihood of a positive CD4 cell count change during therapy and the magnitude of the absolute rise from baseline appeared to correlate directly with patients’ baseline CD4 cell counts," the authors write. Overall, viral load as measured by the bDNA assay did not increase significantly in any group during the study period. In extended follow-up, eight patients have remained on subcutaneous IL-2 therapy for more than three years. Five have sustained CD4+ T cell levels of 800 to 2000 cells/mm3 by self-injecting 12 to 15 MIU/day IL-2 (either once daily or a split dose) every two to four months. The other three have maintained CD4+ T cell counts of 400 to 600 on lower doses of IL-2, with cycles about every two months. In late 1994, the NIH team began an extension of the present study comparing low-dose to high-dose subcutaneous IL-2 in 48 patients with baseline CD4+ T cell counts greater than 500. The patients, divided into four study groups, self-inject low-dose (1.5 MIU) or high-dose (7.5 MIU) IL-2 twice daily for five days every four or eight weeks. As Dr. Davey reported at the international AIDS conference in Vancouver last summer, a preliminary examination of the data indicates significant increases in CD4+ T cell counts in all groups. In the two groups of patients taking high-dose treatments, more than half achieved at least a doubling of their baseline CD4+ T cell counts within the first six months of therapy. Final analysis of this follow-up study should be completed in the next few months. Based on these positive findings, NIAID, in collaboration with its domestic AIDS clinical trials program, the National Centre for HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research in Sydney, Australia, and other international partners is working on a plan for a Phase III efficacy trial of subcutaneous IL-2 in patients with early HIV disease. This study will be an international effort designed to determine the clinical efficacy of this novel form of intervention as a complement to standard antiretroviral therapy. IL-2, originally called T-cell growth factor, is produced in the body by T cells and has potent effects on the proliferation and maturation of several types of immune system cells, including T cells, B cells and natural killer cells. Commercially, IL-2 is produced by recombinant DNA technology and is approved for treating one type of kidney cancer. The recombinant IL-2 used in the NIAID study was produced by Chiron Corporation of Emeryville, Calif. Dr. Davey's co-authors include Dr. H. Clifford Lane, M.D., Doreen Chaitt, Stephen Piscitelli, Pharm.D., Mary Wells, Joseph A. Kovacs, M.D., Robert E. Walker, M.D., Judith Falloon, M.D., Michael Polis, M.D., M.P.H., Julia A. Metcalf, and Henry Masur, M.D., all of NIH; and Gwendolyn Fyfe, M.D., of Chiron Corporation. Davey RT, et al. Subcutaneous administration of interleukin-2 in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected persons. J Infec Dis 1997;175(4):781-89. Kovacs JA, et al. Sustained increases in CD4 counts in HIV-infected patients treated with interleukin-2 during a randomized, controlled trial. N Engl J Med 1996;335:1350-56. Davey RT, et al. Subcutaneous IL-2 therapy is capable of inducing marked, sustained increases in CD4 counts in early HIV-infected patients. XIth International Conference on AIDS (Abstract #2305), Vancouver, July 7-12, 1996. Kovacs JA, et al. Increases in CD4 lymphocytes with intermittent courses of interleukin-2 in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. N Engl J Med 1995;332(9):567-75. NIAID is a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIAID conducts and supports research to prevent, diagnose and treat illnesses such as HIV disease and other sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, asthma and allergies. NIH is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIAID press releases, fact sheets and other materials are available on the Internet via the NIAID home page at http://www.niaid.nih.gov.back to top
We spend a large percentage of our lives at work. Having a good job, one we enjoy and one where we feel respected and supported can have a great impact on our health and happiness. Work is our professional space and for many this is a welcome dimension to our lives. But human lives are complex things. We all encounter times that are more challenging, deliver high stress and make us feel more anxious. Sometimes these pass on their own, but sometimes they turn into serious issues of anxiety and depression. Work-related stress can be a key trigger to aggravate existing issues. One in four of us will experience mental health issues at some time in our life. Fortunately, mental health awareness is on the rise and the stigmas and taboos surrounding it are diminishing. There is much that can be done in the workplace to help people’s wellbeing, and mental health support and counselling can even be a legitimate business expense, as outlined in a recent article by Brighton and Hove Psychotherapy. So, what are the benefits and rules around counselling in the workplace, and as a business cost? What does counselling offer? Counselling comes in a variety of formats and approaches. Which one is appropriate depends on the type of person, the type of problem and the desired outcome. The important point is they are all ‘talking’ therapies that involve someone talking through their issues with a counsellor. The benefits depend on the issue at hand and the NHS sets out some of what can be expected. But by setting aside time to deal with a difficulty in someone’s life, the counsellor will help them to see things from a different perspective, find ways to cope, improve relationships and better manage symptoms of stress and anxiety. The fundament aim is to improve an individual’s overall wellbeing. How does counselling as a business expense work? Businesses come in very different shapes and sizes, so what counts as a legitimate running cost will vary. Equally counselling covers a wide remit. People usually first consider counselling when they hit a crisis; when problems in their lives are affecting their mood or behaviour in a way that is preventing them from functioning normally. This may well affect their ability to work and therefore there is scope to provide counselling as a business requirement. Counselling is a relational process, where better self-understanding is gained through the relationship with the counsellor. Being able to better manage anxiety and strong emotions will also help people to function effectively. This in turn can help improve wider personal and professional relationships. Couple therapy can be an appropriate expense where a couple run a business together; it can have an important role in stabilising the relationship in difficult times, opening effective dialogue and benefitting their working relationship. The law on mental health With rising awareness, more provision is being made to protect employees mental health at work and there are many legal rights set out from human rights to health and safety rights. Mentalhealth.org.uk lays out some of the details of these. People with ongoing mental health issues fall under the definition of disability and are protected by law from discrimination and harassment as well as being entitled to seek ‘reasonable adjustments.’ Employers are given benefits to encourage them to support their staff. They don’t have tax, National Insurance or reporting obligations where they make welfare counselling services available to all employees. Welfare counselling covers support for bereavement, ill health or stress, problems at work, sexual abuse or personal relationship difficulties. Why and how to encourage good mental health at work Whilst society is opening up to these issues, many people still won’t disclose their mental health problems at work. Creating a space where people feel supported and able to talk about their issues means that they are much more likely to be able to overcome them, and to be more productive and secure. This will also feeds into a positive work culture where people feel valued. It is worth remembering most issues are relatively mild and successfully treated. Good practices at work include regular communication with employees, a management structure that feels open and approachable, giving people a change to be heard and offering flexibility. These can make a workplace much more effective as well as helping staff. More employers are offering private health insurance as a benefit these days and this will often cover counselling. A good company will also support those needing to take time off to attend therapy sessions. These issues affect many people and so it’s great that our understanding of mental health is improving. But there is still a way to go. Work places can make a real difference by showing they are open, supportive and non-judgemental. Photo credits: Coworking London
Welcome Home, Birds! The birds are back! After spending the winter down south, migratory birds have started popping up in backyards, parks and forests across Canada and the United States. They’re making themselves seen and heard just in time for International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD), which is celebrated by most people in the U.S. and Canada on the second Saturday of May. Our migratory birds – some of them traveling thousands of kilometers from their wintering grounds – are real survivors. Between 30% and 60% of these birds fall victim to prey and challenging weather conditions. How can you help the ones that do make it back? We have twelve tips to help these troupers now and for the rest of the time they’re with us. You can share these tips with your friends and family by downloading and printing colourful bookmarks with a selection of tips in both English and French. [separator headline=”h2″ title=”12 Ways to Help Birds”] - Prevent Window Collisions Birds will fly into windows because they see nature reflected in the glass. Make your home or cottage windows visible to birds by applying UV reflective window decals, or strips or blocks of tape, or hanging exterior netting in front of particularly deadly windows. In the spring and fall, turn off exterior lights and draw curtains at night to prevent migratory birds from colliding with windows. For more information on how you can help, visit Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) and the American Bird Conservancy. - Protect Birds from Pets Keeping your cat in a controlled space will prevent it from killing birds. Unleashed dogs in natural habitat can harm birds too, disturbing, chasing, and even killing them. Migrating birds and young birds just out of the nest are especially vulnerable. - Create a Healthy Yard for Birds Avoid using pesticides and herbicides in your yard as they are harmful to birds and the food they eat. Provide birds with food, nest sites and cover by planting native plants. Leave leaves under trees and shrubs – they make excellent foraging sites. Provide and maintain a source of clean water and keep feeders clean and disease-free by changing seed regularly. Check out these tips on how to make your yard bird-friendly, plus detailed information on what types of plants are native to Southern Ontario. - Leave Fledglings Where You Find Them Fledglings may spend several days on the ground after they leave the nest and before they can fly. Help them by keeping people and pets away, so their parents can care for them. - Learn and Respect Canada’s Bird Laws The federal Migratory Bird Convention Act, and provincial wildlife laws protect birds, their nests and eggs from harm, capture and possession in Canada. It is also illegal to purchase, keep or trade threatened species of wildlife from other countries without permit. Learn more about Canada’s bird laws. - Make Your City Bird-Friendly City Parks, ravines, and open spaces are natural places for migrant and resident birds. Work with your community to restore the habitat that once existed in your area and reduce risks to birds. Get City Council to recognize International Migratory Bird Day and declare your city “Bird Friendly.” This year the city of Vancouver will recognize a similar significant day for birds – World Migratory Bird Day – with a series of events. - Slow Down When Driving Cars kill millions of birds each year. Driving within speed limits gives you more time to respond to animals on the road and sounding your horn warns animals that you are coming and gives them time to get out of the way. Explore this issue in-depth. - Buy Bird-Friendly Products Support bird conservation by purchasing shade-grown organic coffee and chocolate from Latin America. Shade coffee farms mimic native forests and support more bird species than sun coffee farms. - Help Get Kids Into Nature Help kids connect with nature by taking them for a walk in a park or sponsoring their membership to a young naturalist club. Help schools make school yards more interesting and more natural by supporting their efforts with donations of time and plants. Young naturalist clubs exist across Canada. Get in touch with your local club: Be a Citizen Scientist Many projects need helpers to gather data on birds and their habitat. You can contribute just by watching your bird feeder. Visit an Important Bird Area and enter your observations on eBird. Contact your local naturalist group, Nature Canada or Bird Studies Canada, to volunteer for a project that suits you. Reduce Energy Use Riding your bike or walking reduces your carbon footprint and prevents pollution of bird habitats. Switching off the lights in your house saves energy and also helps prevent birds from colliding with your windows. Support Groups that Protect Birds Support groups that work to protect birds by volunteering your time or making a donation. Why not participate in the Baillie Birdathon or le Grand Défi (in Quebec) and join birders in a bird count that supports bird conservation? Help keep common birds common and endangered birds protected!
So, you’ve just made a major investment, and purchased a commercial refrigerator or freezer for your operation. Congratulations! We would love for your new refrigerator or freezer to provide years of reliable service for you and your customers. But that doesn’t just happen without giving your refrigeration unit the proper care and attention it needs in a busy kitchen. The biggest obstacle to efficient operation of a commercial refrigerator or freezer lies in the condensing unit. The condenser is important because it removes heat generated by the compressor away from the interior of the appliance and dissipates it to the outside air. This keeps your refrigerator or freezer running efficiently. Dust and dirt are prone to accumulate along the condenser’s coils, blocking air from flowing through and causing the condenser coils to retain the heat that they are designed to dissipate. This makes the refrigerator work harder to function efficiently and uses more energy in general. Keeping the condenser coil clean on a regular basis is the most important thing you can do to ensure a long, reliable service life for your commercial refrigeration equipment. Best of all, it’s easy to do! To start, you’ll need the following: Step 1: Disconnect Power to Unit Safety first! Never do any service work on your refrigerator or freezer without first unplugging the equipment. Step 2: Removing the Grill Your cooler or freezer will likely have a grill protecting the compressor unit. You’ll need to remove this to gain access to the condenser coils. Follow the instructions on your user manual to remove the grill. This is where you’ll likely need to use your screwdriver, as most grills are secured using screws. Step 3: Brushing the Coil Using your stiff bristle brush, gently brush away accumulated dirt from the condenser coils. Brush in the direction of the condenser fins, never across. Great care must be taken to prevent bending the fins. Bent fins block airflow to the condenser, which hurt the operating efficiency and shorten the life of your compressor. If dirt is still sticking to the coils after brushing, use compressed air to blow the dirt clear. Step 4: Vacuum Around the Condenser Once you’ve brushed the condenser coil, vacuum excess dirt from the coil, making sure to run the hose in the direction of the condenser fins, never across. Vacuum in and around the compressor area, as well as under the equipment This is an important step to help prevent loose dirt from being sucked back into the condenser coils. Step 5: Ensure that Dirt is Removed Take your flashlight and shine it through the condenser coils. You should be able to see through the coils to the other side. If you don’t, that means there is still dirt to contend with. Repeat the previous steps until the light can shine through. Step 6: Reinstall the Grill Place the grill back over the compressor and condensing unit, using the screws and your screwdriver to secure it in place. Step 7: Connect Power Back to the Unit Once the grill has been reinstalled, plug the unit back in and check to make sure the compressor is running like normal. How Often Should You Clean Your Condenser Coil? It is recommended to clean your condenser coil every 60 to 90 days. How often you should clean depends on the environment your machine is operating in. According to True Manufacturing, a known leader in the commercial refrigeration industry, a good rule of thumb is to clean your coil every month for the first three months so you can get an idea of the type of dirt accumulation that occurs. From there, you should be able to set a schedule that works best. Simply following this cleaning routine – and more importantly, sticking with it, will protect your investment and keep you from having to come back to Central sooner than you wanted to replace your refrigerator or freezer. Images from True Manufacturing. Watch their video below to see how to clean their T-Series reach-in refrigerators. Cody Bell is a content specialist with Central Restaurant Products. With over 7 years of experience in the foodservice industry, Cody has developed knowledge on topics from all aspects of commercial foodservice, from the front of the house to back of the house. He is a NAFEM Certified Foodservice Professional. In his free time, Cody likes to spend time with his wife and puppy.
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The benefits of fitness go on and on, but you want consistency and discipline in order to follow a routine lengthy sufficient to reap those advantages. After earning his BS in Train Science from the College of Northern Colorado and two Master’s Levels from Kent State in Train Physiology and Diet, Ryan Andrews accomplished a Medical Middle Dietetic Internship at Johns Hopkins—one of the crucial recognized and awarded research institutions on this planet. Ryan has utilized his comprehensive schooling and enthusiasm for helping others to his work as a dietitian, power and conditioning specialist, and invaluable contributor to vari-ous non-revenue organizations. Persevering with training must be a priority for anybody who desires to maintain a sustainable career as a well being, fitness or diet professional. Our industry of health and wellness is constantly evolving with breakthrough science and data, and we want you to remain on top of the current trends and education materials. Our in-depth persevering with education schemes will offer you the latest info in your discipline together with the credit you’ll want to maintain your credentials. Getting back into train after pregnancy is usually a difficult and daunting prospect. It is very important test along with your GP or obstetrician prior to commencing any bodily activity as a precaution and to enable a wholesome restoration. Given the character of a pure versus C-section beginning, there are different advisable time frames earlier than beginning. Our applications are tailored to suit anyone’s schedule. In simply 6 months or less, you possibly can become licensed by yourself time, from anywhere on the earth. Chris Jordan, director of train physiology on the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute, created a quick, simple, science-based solution to make every minute count. If finding time for fitness is difficult, this app may also help. Use the exercise library with its 22 preset exercises of various depth and period — from 7 to 32 minutes — or create custom exercises. With 72 exercises, you possibly can create greater than 1,000 variations so you’ll by no means get bored. Whether or not you are doing an off-the-cuff exercise or training for a major sporting event, what you eat and drink is absolutely essential. The precise vitamin will help you carry out at your finest and achieve your targets. As well as offering energy to gasoline your physique throughout train, it is going to reduce your danger of damage and illness and provide help to to recuperate afterwards. So what foods must you eat and when is it greatest to eat them? We’ve put together some top ideas to help support you in your train routine or competitors. In case you’re coaching regularly for a specific occasion, communicate to a dietitian for advice that’s personalised to you. Developed over 15 years, and proven with over a hundred,000 shoppers and sufferers, the Stage 1 curriculum stands alone as the authority on the science of nutrition and the art of coaching. Utilizing this knowledge, you may monitor and optimise your lifestyle decisions to realize your fitness objectives sooner and more efficiently. Gilani SRM, et al. The consequences of cardio train training on psychological well being and self-esteem of type 2 diabetes mellitus sufferers. Well being Psychology Research. 2019;7:6576. You have been following your weight-reduction plan for an entire week. Weigh to go! Now it is time to begin tracking your progress (and make sure pesky kilos do not discover their way back on). “It’s best to step on the dimensions within the morning earlier than consuming or drinkingand previous to plunging into your every day actions,” says Newgent. For probably the most dependable quantity, be sure to check your poundage at a consistent time, whether daily or weekly.
Our Client is a leading Game studio that is looking for Senior AI Programmer (f/m/d) who will drive the development of AI related features on the Project, You will be responsible for the overall architecture of AI systems and their interaction with animation, gameplay and other systems, as well as fostering a good climate within the team to enable people and invest in their development. You will be working closely with other leads and people from different disciplines, using agile methodologies to drive your work. This is a full-time position based in Düsseldorf, Germany which requires working onsite. - Design and develop of AI architecture and features. - Design, implement and maintain game and engine systems. - Implement and optimise AI systems and game features in C++. - Set priorities and plan the roadmap and tasks for team members to achieve objectives set by producers in good time and to high quality. - Identify risks and opportunities presented during the development and provide solutions to resolve potentially complex problems. - 5+ years of development experience and shipped at least 1 title. - Master, Bachelor or equivalent in computer science or engineering. - Strong programming skills in C++. - Proficient in refactoring and optimising existing systems. - Excellent debugging and problem solving skills. - Understanding of multi-threaded principles. - Ability to work efficiently with a large, existing code base. - Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a team. - Comfortable planning tasks and dependencies for yourself and team members. In addition, we are looking for: - Someone with a strong technical ability and passion for navigation and pathfinding. The subject matter is challenging and requires driven development. - Experience working in virtual/distributed teams: people developing the tech are located in different studios, which needs constant attention to make sure that everything continues smoothly. - Ideally, they should have and maintain a good overall view of the project. We strive to improve communication between coders and team members in different disciplines. - Someone with a solid production mindset. - Experience in development with Console SDKs (PS4 and Xbox) - Relocation Support: We offer financial support in form of a cash allowance and assistance with accommodation search and settle-in support via our relocation partner, for international candidates we offer visa assistance. - 26 days paid vacation per year. Additionally, you will get half a day off on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and approximately 11 bank holidays in the NRW region. - Flexible Working Hours: We have core working times between 10:00 AM – 04:00 PM and the distribution of the other hours is up to you. - Company Pension Scheme. We offer an attractive scheme through salary sacrificing in which the employer also matches contributions - Up to 350€ childcare support per child per month. In addition, we also offer 5 ‘care for ill children days’ per child per year. - Gym Subsidy. We contribute 50% (up to a maximum amount of 25€) towards the monthly cost of a gym membership of your choice. - Lunch & Breakfast Service. Enjoy fresh discounted meals each day. - Monthly Mobility Budget. 80€ per month that can be used on bicycle lease, parking spot rental or public transportation ticket. - English and German classes for free. Main language in the studio is English. - Free fresh Fruit, Coffee, Tea and Water. Enjoy fresh fruit and beverages in our office. We offer a highly interesting challenge for a team player including the possibility to show personal initiative. If you are passionate about video games and VR and would like to work with like-minded professionals in an international team, please apply via our career portal.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Is Empire Sound insured? A: Empire Sound is fully insured. Q: How many DJ's will be at my event? A: Every package comes with a two man crew (One DJ and one MC). If you are on a budget however, we do have an a la carte package where you only get one DJ. Q: How much do you charge for overtime? A: Overtime charges are usually $200/hour. Q: Do you provide party props? A: No we don't. But we highly recommend using this. Q: Do you provide karaoke services? A: No we don't. (Ever since that one wedding...) Q: Can I customize my playlist? A: Absolutely! Our playlists are completely customizable, from the start of your ceremony to your last song of the night. We meet with our clients multiple times before their special day to finalize their playlist to perfection. If however you're not sure about what you want to be played, we have no problem giving our input on your playlist and knowing how to read your crowd! Q: When do you arrive to setup for the event? A: Anywhere from 1 to 2 hours before the start time. Q: How far do you travel? A: Anywhere and everywhere. We love beaches. Q: Are there travel fees? A: For events more than 40 miles from our office we do charge a travel fee. Travel fees will vary by distance. Q: What forms of payment do you accept? A: Cash, checks, all major credit cards. Credit card transactions are subject to a 3.5% processing fee. Q: How much is needed to hold the date (deposit)? A: 20% deposit is needed at signing of contract. Q: Do you honor "do not play" lists? A: Absolutely, and if you don't want us to take requests from your guests, which is sometimes a good thing, we honor your request! Q: What if we want a song you don't have? A: WiFi and iTunes. Give us 2 minutes and we'll have it all ready to go.
A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that a web server sends to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The ID is then sent back to the server whenever the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies can be either “persistent” cookies or “session” cookies: the persistent cookie will be stored in the web browser and will remain valid until the expiration date specified, unless deleted by the user before the expiration date. Session cookies expire at the end of a user’s session when the web browser is down. Cookies usually do not contain any information that personally identifies the user, but the personal information we store may be linked to information stored in and extracted from cookies. What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that the websites you visit store on your computer. These files will then allow you to use the same default settings as you did last time when you visit this website. Temporary cookies are deleted as soon as you close the browser window. These are mainly files that are used to secure and identify the connection between your computer and the website you visit during a single visit. Persistent cookies remain stored on your computer even after you close the browser window. These cookies can only be read by the server that created them. They are used, for example, to identify you when you sign in (you can remain permanently logged in), to identify a pre-set language that a visitor has set during a previous visit, to display prices in the currency of the previous visit, personalize your ad, track user activity on your site, Your name or email address can only contain cookies if you have previously provided this information to the website! Most browsers are preset to accept cookies automatically. If you do not wish to receive any information about you, you may choose to disable cookies in your browser. If you do not want a particular website to store cookies on your device, we recommend that you visit the site at. “Incognito mode” of your browser (Incognito, InPrivate, Private Window…). While the browser supports cookies in this mode, as soon as you close it, all cookies created will be deleted. You can also review or delete cookies created in the past at your own discretion. You can disable the automatic acceptance of cookies in your browser. For instructions on how to refuse the storage of cookies, see the help file for your Internet browser settings. However, changing your cookie settings may affect the functionality and smooth running of the website you visit. In this case, you may need to manually adjust some settings each time you visit that website, and some services or features may not work properly. How to control cookies? You can check or delete your cookies at your discretion – see aboutcookies.org for details. You can clear all cookies stored on your computer and set most browsers to prevent them from being stored. However, in this case, you may need to manually adjust some settings each time you visit a website, and some services and features may not work. How to decline cookies? Cookies can be set up using your Internet browser. Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default. You can get the latest information on blocking and deleting cookies by following these links: - https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=sk (Chrome) - https://support.mozilla.org/sk/kb/povolenie-zakazanie-cookies (Firefox) - https://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/cookies/ (Opera) - https://support.microsoft.com/sk-sk/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies (Internet Explorer) - https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?locale=sk_SK (Safari) - https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy (Edge)
GuildWiki has been locked down: anonymous editing and account creation are disabled. Current registered users are unaffected. Leave any comments on the Community Portal. Experience points are the primary reward for adventuring in Guild Wars. Whenever a player kills enemies while adventuring or completes quests or missions, they are rewarded with experience points. They represent a character becoming more experienced (and more powerful) as they achieve more in the game world. After acquiring a certain amount of experience, players can level up and become stronger in their profession. To examine the amount of experience a character has, press 'H' to open the Hero Panel. The total experience points acquired by this character will be shown in a horizontal bar. Hovering the mouse cursor over that bar will show the amount of experience needed for the next level or Skill Point. Experience Points are often referred to as XP. Experience from killing opponents[edit | edit source] Opponents can be monsters in an explorable area or opposing players in PvP/GvG Battles. When an opponent is killed, party members get experience for the kill. Note that only those players participating in the battle will be taken into account when dividing experience. To participate in the battle you must have been in aggro range of the enemies, used skills against the enemies or used buffs on allies which participate in the battle. If a foe receives most of its damage from other sources than the party - NPCs (not including henchmen), other foes, Edge of Extinction, etc - the party will not gain experience from that foe unless the other foe's group is killed first. The amount of experience is scaled up or down for each party member depending on his/her level compared to the the slain foe. This is the formula used by the game: where "o" is the level of your opponent, "y" is your level, and "a" is the number of people in your party. In other words: - The base xp of killing an enemy is 100. - If player is higher in level than foe subtract 4, if foe is higher, add 4, if equal, add nothing. - If player is higher in level than foe subtract 16 * level difference, if foe is higher, add that amount, if equal, add nothing. - The sum of the above three steps is divided by living party members (including henchmen and Heroes). - Every party member's XP is calculated individually. - The result can never be less than 0; if it would be, use 0 instead. - The final result is rounded to the nearest integer, half points being rounded down. Example: A level 17 character and a level 20 character are adventuring together. They slay a level 18 monster. The experience given the level 17 character will be: - (100 + 4 + 16 x (18-17)) / 2 = 60 XP The experience given the level 20 character will be: - (100 - 4 - 16 x (20-18)) / 2 = 32 XP This essentially means players learn less from killing "easy" monsters than when they kill "hard" monsters. In game terms, you get more experience from higher level enemies. Note that there does appear to be a cap on XP earned per monster (before party division) of 280 XP. This is likely to dissuade powerleveling. In practice, it means that XP for killing monsters caps out at 11 levels above your own. So if you are level 1, killing a level 12 monster nets you the same XP (before party division) as killing a level 24 monster. Also note that XP awarded for killing level 0 mobs follow another formula: (30-5*y)/a (same rounding and no negative results). This might be because these mobs are far weaker than even level 1 ones. Finally, up to three multiplicators can increase the final XP reward. They are applied after the cap. - Bosses reward double XP (applies before the rounding). - Insight scrolls multiply the final value by between 1.5 and 3, depending on the type of the active scroll. Only one type of scroll can be active at any time (applies after rounding). - In hard mode, everyone gains 50% more XP. - Bounties in normal mode double the XP reward for killing a foe of a certain species (applies after rounding). The total resulting multiplicator can not be larger than 7. Therefore, the maximum amount of XP a player can gain from killing a single monster is 280XP * 7 = 1960 XP For the results of the formula in table format, see the experience table below. Experience from quests and missions[edit | edit source] Experience Points rewarded by quests will be listed in the quest dialog window before accepting it and in the Quest Log after that. Tyrian missions always reward 1,000 XP for completing the primary objective and another 1,000 for the bonus objective. The experience gained from Canthan and Elonian missions depends on the level of completion of that mission (standard, expert, or master's). Experience from quests and missions is for the player alone and is not shared with other party members, henchmen, or pets. Heroes, however, do get experience rewards for missions and quests when the player does. Quest rewards vary; early ones give as little as 50 XP, but up to 50,000 for the most difficult ones such as the Titan Quests. Experience and levels[edit | edit source] While a character's maximum level is 20, further experience will still give Skill Points. There is no limit to the number of skill points that can be gained in this way. Some people keep track of this by saying what their level would be if there was no cap. For example, level 20 with 12 extra skill points would be called a virtual level 32. However, these virtual levels do not translate into benefit in-game because the experience you get at virtual level 32 for killing say a level 26 enemy is the same as the experience you would get at virtual level 50 since you are still really level 20. The formula for the additional experience required to level is: - CurrentLevel * 600 + 1,400 This is capped at a maximum of 15,000. |Level||Total XP earned||XP needed for| (level - 23) * 15,000 Experience table[edit | edit source] The following shows the result of the formula listed above, in table format, with only one person in the party (a=1). Note that monsters gain twice as much XP as a player in the same circumstances. |Your level ("y")|
New Show - Kate the Chemist Through her theatrical and hands-on approach to teaching, Kate the Chemist is breaking down the image of the stereotypical scientist, while reaching students that might otherwise be intimidated by science. - all while diminishing the stigma around women in science. ALL SHOWS ARE FULL AVOID THE LINES - Buy Your Tickets in Advance Due to anticipated high demand, we strongly encourage you to call the Science Museum Box Office at 651-221-9444 ahead of time to purchase tickets. You will be able to order your tickets at the discounted Girls, Science & Technology price and have them emailed to you beforehand, which means no wait in Box Office lines on the day of the event. Preregistration will save you time when you arrive at the event. ATTENTION GIRL SCOUTS - All New Interactive Classes - 2019 Glow in the Dark Collector’s Girls, Science and Technology Patch - And more... Get Inspired by STEAM! ALL NEW demonstartions and hands-on experiments - Explore the inside of a heart and practice saving lives by deploying medical devices doctors use. - Implant an insertable cardiac monitor and discover how it plays a role in a patient’s heart health. - Learn about the science and engineering behind our experiments this year. - Stop by the lobby Junior Scientist Photo Booth. Learn about the chemical property polarity and make fireworks in milk to see this force in action! - Use a Glow Wall to draw with light. - Come join the CELL-ebration! Build a cell with Bio-Techne and then share it with a CELL-fie. - Perform an experiment to see how ultraviolet light works and how Upsher-Smith use it to determine the amount of a substance in there formula. - See the Kinect guess what animal you are based on your facial expression and learn the technology behind it. - Microsoft invites you to learn how to code with interactive coding challenges. Primrose Schools of MN - Bracketz buildout with engineering equipment and do quick coding with DOT and DASH robotics. - Learn to operate and drive a 120-pound FIRST Robotics competition robot. WIRES & FIRST Robotics Team 2220 - Get the chance to drive the WIRES robot and learn how it was developed and fabricated. - Grab an umbrella and step into the wild world of weather with the Fox 9 BrainStorm Stage. Learn about clouds, rain, wind, and snow on the BrainStorm Stage throughout the day. The BrainStorm Stage is a fun and interactive gameshow environment. SMM Science Superheroes, Vol. 1: Alex Hastings and Titanoboa - Titanoboa was nearly fifty feet long, weighed 2500 pounds, and lived 60 million years ago during the time just after dinosaurs became extinct. Dr. Alex Hastings, Paleontologist with the Science Museum of Minnesota, will be providing insights about Titanoboa, alongside a life model from the Smithsonian's traveling exhibit, Titanoboa: Monster Snake. - In addition to Titanoboa, SeaQuest will be bringing a very special guest, Samson the 15 foot Reticulated Python. YES, this is a live Python! This handsome snake weighs in at a massive 73 pounds. Learn from our guest SeaQuest handlers about the fascinating science of snakes and meet Samson up close! Virtual Reality Experience One-Day Discount - Dive into The Click Effect, an Emmy-nominated VR short film that follows two marine researchers as they attempt to free-dive a hundred feet below the ocean’s surface in a single breath to capture the “click” communication of dolphins and sperm whales. With the help of special virtual reality goggles and headphones, you’ll experience what it’s like to immerse yourself in ocean depths with marine life on all sides of you. Get discounted tickets at the day of Girls, Science and Technology from 10am to 4pm at the Box Office on Level 5. Science Spark Stations - Spark of Life, Circuit Blocks, and Static Electricity hands-on activities throughout the Museum!
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Modelling of corrosion fatigue crack initiation on martensitic stainless steel in high cycle fatigue regime TypeArticles dans des revues avec comité de lecture This paper presents an analytical model for assessing the corrosion fatigue crack initiation life on a martensitic stainless steel X12CrNiMoV12-3 in high cycle fatigue regime (between 105 and 107 cycles). Based on in-situ electrochemical measurements during corrosion fatigue tests in NaCl aqueous solution, the corrosion fatigue crack initiation mechanism was identified. Two main stages were investigated: (i) the fracture of the passive film by slip bands and (ii) the free dissolution of the metal developing fatigue crack initiation from a critical corrosion defect. The depassivation stress threshold corresponds to the median fatigue strength at 107 cycles for fatigue corrosion tests. For an applied stress range less than this threshold, the depassivation phenomenon was not observed at 107 cycles and no crack initiation occurred. The proposed model takes into account the depassivation process induced by the slip bands emergence at the specimen surface and the corrosion rate under cyclic loading. The experimental results are compared to the proposed model taking into account mechanical and electrochemical material parameters. Fichier(s) constituant cette publication Cette publication figure dans le(s) laboratoire(s) suivant(s) Visualiser des documents liés par titre, auteur, créateur et sujet. EL MAY, Mohamed; SAINTIER, Nicolas; PALIN-LUC, Thierry; DEVOS, Olivier (Wiley, 2015)This paper proposes a volumetric high cycle fatigue (HCF) strength criterion able to quantify the influence of natural corrosion pits on the fatigue limit of a martensitic stainless steel with high mechanical strength. ... Effect of Corrosion on the High Cycle Fatigue Strength of Martensitic Stainless Steel X12CrNiMoV12-3 EL MAY, Mohamed; PALIN-LUC, Thierry; SAINTIER, Nicolas; DEVOS, Olivier (Elsevier, 2012)This paper addresses the effects of corrosion on the high cycle fatigue (HCF) strength of a high mechanical strength martensitic stainless steel (X12CrNiMoV12-3) that is used in aeronautic applications. HCF tests (between ... In situ synchrotron ultrasonic fatigue testing device for 3D characterisation of internal crack initiation and growth MESSAGER, Alexandre; JUNET, Arnaud; PALIN-LUC, Thierry; BUFFIÉRE, Jean Yves; SAINTIER, Nicolas; RANC, Nicolas; EL MAY, Mohamed; GAILLARD, Yves; KING, Andrew; BONNIN, Anne; NADOT, Yves (2020)This work presents a new ultrasonic fatigue testing device for studying the initiation and propagation mechanisms of internal microstructurally short fatigue cracks using in situ synchrotron tomography. Its principle is ... BIDOUARD, Hadrien; PALIN-LUC, Thierry; SAINTIER, Nicolas; DUMAS, Christian; EL DSOKI, Chalid; KAUFMANN, Heinz; SONSINO, Cetin Morris (Carl Hanser Verlag, 2009)Fatigue tests were performed on ferritic bainitic steel notched specimens (Kt = 2.5) under load controlled constant amplitude loading. These tests show that under constant amplitude tension compression loading, periodical ... Overload effects on a ferritic-baintic steel and a cast aluminium alloy: two very different behaviours SAINTIER, Nicolas; PALIN-LUC, Thierry; EL DSOKI, Chalid; BIDOUARD, Hadrien; KAUFMANN, Heinz; DUMAS, C.; VÖLLMECKE, F.J.; SONSINO, Cetin Morris (Wiley, 2011)Load controlled fatigue tests were performed up to 107 cycles on flat notched specimens (Kt =2.5) under constant amplitude and variable amplitude loadings with and without periodical overloads. Two materials are studied: ...
Celtic culture seems to have been already formed around the third millennium B.C.E. It represented the most important center of population in Europe during the Iron Age, and already classical sources were using the term “Celtic” (from the Greek Ksltoi or Ksltai) to describe a population speaking an Indo-European language. In their period of highest splendor (the IV-III centuries B.C.E.), the Celts were spread across a wide area of Europe, from the British Isles to the Danube basin, as well as in other isolated encampments further south, as a result of their expansion toward the Iberian, Italian and Anatolian peninsulas. United by ethnic and cultural origins, by sharing the same Indo-European linguistic base, and by the same vision of religion, the Celts always remained divided politically; among the various groups in the Celtic population are the Britons, the Gauls, Pannonians, the Celt-Iberians and the Galatians, housed respectively in the British Isles, the Gallic Empire, Pannonia, Iberia and Anatolia. Physically, it seems that the Celts were blond and mighty, that they bleached their hair with clay, they decorated themselves with gold and silver jewelry, and that their appearance often evoked fear in their enemies. Other people were afraid of them, but at the same time, full of admiration for them. Archeologists divide Celtic prehistory into phases which take their names from the areas in which many of their objects have been recovered: the Hallstatt Period (VIII-VI centuries B.C.E.) in Austria and the La Tène Period (VI-II centuries B.C.E.) in Switzerland. The Hallstatts were very able in working and using iron, with which they produced the armaments that insured their dominance over other groups, while the later period of La Tène is also called “The Era of the Princes” because of its spectacular burial grounds and imposing fortifications, which appear thanks to a sudden wealth among the Celtic aristocracy. Extracted in a spongy form, the iron was first forged and distributed in double pyramid-shaped ingots; later the ingots were substituted by long, flat bars, already ready to be formed; the same bars were also used as money, together with copper and gold coins. The Celtic societal unit was the tribe, which contained diverse social groups: nobles, knights, farmers, artisans and slaves. From the learned class came also the Druids, sacred intermediaries between men and the gods; archeologists believe that the Druids used as altars and temples the blocks of stone known as dolmen (from dol = table + min = stone). The most important Celtic divinities were: the mother goddess — Tuatha de dannan; the king of the gods — Nuada; the father god — Dagda; the goddess of fire — Bobd; the goddess of poetry — Brigid; Angus — the god of love;Donn — the lord of the dead; Lir and Manannan — the gods of the sea; Lugh long-arm — the warrior god; Diancecht and Miach — the gods of medicine; Artaios — the messenger of the gods; Goibniu — the blacksmith of the gods; Credne — the god of metallurgy. Some information about Celtic mythology is furnished by the recovery of ritual objects, such as the Gundestrup caldron, a huge, silver “pot” with embossed decoration found in a Danish swamp. For the Celts, basins possessed an important ritualistic value: they symbolized the feasts that were held in the afterworld. Other containers such as jugs and pails served more practical purposes and were called situlae. The repertory of decorative patterns included knots, geometric braids, stylized plant and animal shapes, spirals and keys; animals in particular were preferred subjects: above all dogs, deer, birds and wild boar. Also a series of vegetative elements had religious significance such as holly, mistletoe, oaks and woods and there are many ceremonial accessories or sacrificial objects dedicated to lakes, rivers and swamps. The Celts had a notable taste for bright colors in both jewelry and fabrics, as shown still today in modern Scottish plaids; Diodoro Siculo says that “the Celts wore surprising clothing, multi-colored tunics, and trousers called ‘brache’. Over these they wore short, multi-colored, striped cloaks, held closed with a brooch or pin, and made of furry cloth in the winter and smooth fabric in the summer.” The Gauls preferred tights, the Irish tunics, and all of them wore cloaks whose length was indicative of their social standing. Jewelry-making is the artistic branch of the ancient Celts from which the most evidence has survived. The fibula is an antique piece of jewelry similar to a large safety pin, produced since the Micenaean Age: starting from the V century B.C.E. Celtic artisans transformed them from simple bars into imaginative representations of dragons, birds and masks of human faces. Large circular pins had a typical form with an opening at one point to allow the passage and the security of the needle. The pins were worn by women at the breast and by men on the shoulder. The most famous example is the Tara Brooch (VIII century A.D.). The entire surface of the piece is covered with delicate engravings of spirals, braids and animal motifs, while the border of the ring sports tiny griffins and fish tails. Torques, semi-circular necklaces or armbands in gold, silver or bronze that often showed human or animal heads to excess, are also typical of Celtic handiwork. Besides being reserved for only the highest social sects, torques also had a religious meaning: they were mystical objects, integral parts of the people’s identity and catalyzing talismans that brought man closer to the gods, concentrating mystical energy on their owner’s bodies. The most common metal used was silver, sometimes as an alloy with copper and the principal technique was fusion. If the alloy was lacking in silver, the object could be covered in tin to simulate silver. Metal objects, after being forged, were beautified with applications of colored materials. On numerous artifacts from the IV century B.C.E. have been found evidence of fusions of coatings, obtained with a particular glass paste. This red coating was originally soldered using a fine iron mesh, along with Mediterranean coral, directly on the objects. From the III century B.C.E., with the evolution in fusion techniques, new objects were developed, such as multi-colored glass bracelets, and new techniques were developed, such as the direct application and fusion of coatings without the use of support structures. New colors, such as yellow and blue, were introduced starting from the II-I centuries B.C.E., even if red remained the predominant color because it symbolized the life force. Dr. Bianca Cappello – Historian of Jewels SOURCES (books and websites): AAVV, The Universal Fabbri Encyclopedia, Milan, 1971 Anderson Black, TRAD. Francesco Sborgi, The History of Jewelry, Novara 1973 AAVV, The worlds of man, encyclopedia in 10 volumes from 1974 Exhibition catalogue, The Celts, Venice — Palazzo Grassi, Milan 1991 Clare Phillips, A Brief History of Jewelry, Milan 2001
Kampala, Uganda | URN | Disagreements are hindering the construction of seed secondary schools in sub-counties. Statistics from the Education Ministry indicates that there are 615 sub-counties in Uganda that have no government secondary schools. Of these sub-counties, 228 are government-aided. Government was expected to construct secondary schools under a World Bank loan project -Inter-Government Fiscal Transfer Program in the remaining 387 sub-counties. Construction commenced this financial year 2019/2020 with the construction of 127 Seed Secondary. However, with the financial year closing in six months, this publication learned that constructions in different sub-counties had stalled. In a meeting between MPs and the Minister of Education and Sports Janet Museveni, Robert Musoke, the Budiope West MP wondered why the construction of planned schools had stalled in different parts of the country. Jonam County MP Emmanuel Ongiertho also noted that the committee had received information from the local governments that construction of seed schools had stalled. He questioned the level of supervision that the Ministry has on different contractors constructing the schools. Jacob Opolot, the Education Committee Chairperson noted that they had heard reports of projects being transferred from the beneficiary sub-counties. In her response, Janet Museveni denied that the construction of the schools was being affected by the supervision of works. She said that the project was being implemented by her ministry together with the local governments handling different tasks. She blamed the mishaps of the project on disagreements about the location where the seed secondary schools should be constructed. Alex Kakooza, the Education Ministry Permanent Secretary blamed local politicians of affecting the project saying that some politicians are involved in fights on where the schools should be built. He also said that they intend to reconsider whether a contractor can construct more than one school saying that the issue of a particular contractor constructing more than one school was delaying the work since the contractor’s cash flows get constrained. Cabinet last year approved a loan of 1.5 trillion Shillings from the World Bank to construct secondary schools as well upgrade Health Centres and run rural electrification projects. The project is expected to be implemented over a period of five years starts this year 2019 to 2023. Sam Kuloba, the Commissioner Secondary Education earlier told MPs that after the construction of the 127 seed secondary schools this financial year, other 115 seed secondary schools are to be constructed in the coming financial year. After construction, the ministry plans to recruit a minimum of 21 teachers and 6 other staff including a Head Teacher, Deputy Headteacher, Bursar and others for each school. Each school construction costing Shillings 2 billion and will involve construction of 6 classrooms, 6 houses for the headteacher, deputy headteacher and other key staff.
I love travelling. These are favourites of mine when getting on a plane and jetting off to see the world. Russ and I are heading out on a European adventure soon and these things will be in my suitcase/carry-on. There are many more to share and I will soon. It’s great to have some favourites to take with you to make your travelling experience a great one! As you can see its heavy on the electronics. Our electronics do allow us to share as well as connect and guess what – they also let us to be creative. Its inspirational. Travelling equals adventure to me. I am so excited about every adventure I go on. Love the large square frames. They are a favourite (plus they look good on my oval face) Raffia weave for easy packability. Neutral tone for outfit versatility! Beach days as well as adventuring days. A favourite of mine to have on the plane and when out in the evening. A blend of cotton and wool, so it’s soft, cozy and easy to pack. Taking my ipad is a must for when I am travelling for awhile. I have all my electronics synced all up so I can get all I need with this ipad. 5. Ipad case Ipad smart cover for protection of the front screen as well as wakes up when you open it and when you close it it sleeps. 6. Water Bottle Hydration is key to every body. Many airports and hotels have the capability to refill when needed!! I am a huge journaller. This brand is my favourite. Worth the weight as they are sturdy and has perforated pages too! Travelling with Peppermint essential oil improves mental focus and clarity, is a pick me up in times of stress. Peppermint is a respiratory and digestive focused oil, so can improve upset stomachs and help soothe digestive issues. Wireless and turns on and connects to your devices as soon as you pull the out of the charging cas e. 15 minutes in the case gives you 3 hours of listening pleasure. 10. Portable Battery This is in the carry on for sure, then heads into Russ’ backpack for sightseeing adventuring. Provides quick charge of up to 3 devices simultaneously. 11. Travel Adapter Universal world travel charger. Proper voltage. A must when travelling the world.