Typographic mayhem at The New Yorker. From top to bottom: issues of 11 May 2020, 18 May 2020, 25 May 2020, 8-15 June 2020 (Fiction Issue), 22 June 2020. Is it all an A/B test gone horribly wrong? #freeIrvin Birds, habitat, coffee agriculture—and 10 ways of looking at Northern Virginia. - Rex Graham summarizes the research of Daniel Karp, who established the link between insectivorous birds on coffee plantations and control of the Coffee Berry Borer (Hypothenemus hampei). - Ted Floyd goes birding at Bon Secour NWR and reminds us of the differences between National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges. - Alonso Abugattas gives a shout-out for the most awesomest North American anatid, the Wood Duck. Sandbox John gave me the tip that signage was in place at the Wiehle station. The typography appears to be a mix of the heavier-weight Helvetica that has been used in the system from the start (over the station entrance) and a lighter weight on the pylon. I’m also seeing this fresh-looking lighter weight in new platform location signs along the Blue and Orange Lines downtown; the signs set aside empty space for the Silver Line route information to be added when the Line goes live. John also reports: The north end of the pedestrian bridge at the Wiehle-Reston East station is a little interesting. It just ends at the corner of the plaza of the Comstock Partners Reston Station property. No sloping canopy like at the bottom of the escalators at the entrance pavilions. There also is no entrance pylon marking its purpose. Adjacent to the end of the pedestrian bridge is a set of stairs that descend to the loading dock access road to the buildings that have not been built yet. Not sure why it is there, best guess is it there to allow access to the north side of the station from the location where the fire trucks would connect fire hoses from the fire hydrant to the dry standpipe. When reality gives way to art: somewhat fanciful behavior is pictured in a splendid poster (ca. 1926) by Oscar Rabe Hanson promoting commuter rail service in Chicago, part of a long article by J. J. Sedelmaier. The ducklings following the adult Wood Duck would more likely be single file, and more closely bunched. More critically, the little ones would be following a hen, not a drake. Via DCist, Lydia DePillis reviews options for Metro’s rail map redesign in anticipation of Silver Line service. I like Cameron Booth’s proposal, a Vignelli-ish elongation of the design elements that also incorporates connections to commuter rail. DePillis touches my hot button: …the most infuriating part of the map for graphic designers are the absurdly long station names that have crept into the system over the years, like “U St./African-Amer Civil War Memorial/Cardozo” and “Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan.” They have to be squished in diagonally and even break over route lines—a no-no to transit design purists. … just a brief glance at the now-barely-readable fare charts in stations, after “peak of the peak” pricing debuted, shows how confusing signage gets when it tries to convey too much. On my last trip to California, I was dealing with family business, so I didn’t in get much sightseeing or birding—none, really. But I did start building my collection of West Coast street name signs with this easy-to-read example from Arden Arcade, an unincorporated suburban area of Sacramento County. The arrows (which don’t appear consistently) indicate the direction in which street numbers increase. Via The Morning News, Paul Shaw tells “The (Mostly) True Story of Helvetica and the New York City Subway” in a deliciously-illustrated nine-page essay, which includes digressions into the history of the system map, the Chrystie Street Connection snafu, and a refresher on 1970’s-era type technology. Christoph Niemann tiles the bathrooms of his renovated home with renderings of 20th-century icons of art and graphic design. “I wanted a Titian and all I got was a lump of lard,” Lisa gasped. The street name signs in Fairfax City constitute the most egregious mess of colors and styles in the metropolitan area. There is a pinched condensed font that suggests credits on a movie poster. (Unfortunately, an example or two of this developer-friendly sign can be found in Reston, too.) The contrast with the white on green is particularly ugly. But the worst specimens accrue to the recent dual-designation within the city of U.S. Route 50, which follows Arlington Boulevard, Lee Highway, and Main Street, as “Fairfax Boulevard.” This led to the creation of these red-white-and-blue decorative contraptions. Notice the oops-addition of a sign for Blake Lane, which was extended to this intersection about 20 years ago. I scored 25 out of 34 in The Rather Difficult Font Game. Not good enough to make it on to the leader board. Joshua Yaffa explains Clearview, the replacement typeface for highway signs, for the magazine section of the New York Times. The timing of the piece is interesting, coming as it does in the first Sunday edition of the new, smaller 12-inch “broadsheet” format for the newspaper. Not all the sections have been redesigned to fit the new page size. The leading for the inside pages of the book review is particularly ugly, and there’s a subtle alignment flaw around around the illustration for Christoper Hitchens’ review of the last Harry Potter.
When I practice meditation I focus on the rising and falling of my abdomen and if any thoughts or sensations arise I note them and continue focusing in the breath but I notice that I'm very sensitive to sound. I am acutely aware of all the sounds going on around which is a never ending cacaphony of nearby people, traffic, wildlife etc. I was using earplugs for a long time because I found it too distracting but I decided to stop using them and now I am finding the sounds very much in my awareness a lot of the time and I can't seem to focus on my breath. So I note "hearing hearing" but like how long am I suppose to keep noting hearing ? If I sit for an hour and the sounds keep capturing my attention do I just keep noting hearing hearing every few seconds in the same way I do for thinking thinking? Distraction one of the two main obstacles in meditation (the other is dozing off or even falling asleep). Many people get distracted by sound. It's normal and as long as you keep getting distracted you have two choices: 1) keep sitting there, and keep bringing your attention back to your meditation object 2) quit meditating. 3) change your meditation. (headphones, change in meditation object etc. see below) There is no expected time limit within which you are supposed to stop being distracted. Distraction happens. From the way you describe it - you don't just note the distraction and then get back to meditating. You are also getting annoyed at yourself. So note that too. Patience. Patience. Patience. Remember that this is all part of the course & that as you are not living on a mountain somewhere, your conditions are not ideal. So be patient with yourself. I'll repeat myself again: be patient with yourself. One alternative is that when you don't meditate with plugs (which I do think an excellent idea, btw), is to meditate on sound instead. That way the distraction has become the object. This may change the meditation dynamic. Good luck. And remember: the fact that you are still regularly sitting there is in itself an achievement. Don't be too hard on yourself. And perhaps read something by Pema Chodron? She's very good at reminding us of being kind to ourselves. The continuous and recurring effort to bring back your attention to a chosen object increases your concentration. So when there is a distraction, know your mind wandered away, look at sensations due to contact with this distracting object, then bring your attention back. Just keep repeating this cycle. This is Vitakka and Vicara. So I note "hearing hearing" but like how long am I suppose to keep noting hearing? Noting is probably not so relevant because, unlike a hindrance or thought, noting the sound will not make the sound go away. Unlike thoughts & hindrances, the arising & ceasing of the sound is beyond the mind's control. If I sit for an hour and the sounds keep capturing my attention do I just keep noting hearing hearing every few seconds in the same way I do for thinking thinking? Listening is an excellent way to develop samadhi. I personally would naturally listen to the sounds rather than resist them. This may bring an expected favorable outcome when the mind & ears start to tune into the 'sound of silence'. Just like a security guard in front of the mall's door, he know that a visitor is coming in but he doesn't care about what the visitor is going to do inside the mall. He didn't take "note" he just "know" Until you reached the Nirodha, You will always hear a voice because you can't close your ears. Just don't pay attention to the sound. Just like every object of meditation, you need to be relax while doing meditation. I have a lot of acquaintance that used to have the same problem as you and now they don't have any problem with noise. You might want to check out Dhammasukha Meditation Center. They have online retreat for free and they'll guide you in meditation. One does not have to give attention to distractions like noise. One does not have to take a note. One needs to just observe. Response to external stimuli is built inside human mind for survival. When one watches breath mind starts dissolving and its ability to respond to external stimuli also goes down. Thoughts, emotions, and sensual responses of the body will start slowing down and that is a good sign of progress. Hearing is sound, meeting ears, giving rise to Vinñana (individually knowing things); This is called contact (passa). When this happens, you are supposed to think that these three things (ears, sound and vinñana) are impermanent (anicca), thus sorrowful (dukkha), thus not me, mine or my soul (anatta). Then, let go of your cetana/kamma (sankhara) toward it by "gift" (chaga). Rising and falling of abdomen isn't a meditation technique Buddha has preached.
United States, San Francisco 1955 Capital is the famous VC, which was founded in 2015. The company was established in North America in United States. The leading representative office of defined VC is situated in the San Francisco. This organization was formed by Andrew Chung. Besides, a startup requires to be at the age of 4-5 years to receive the investment from the fund. The fund has no specific favorite in a number of founders of portfolio startups. For fund there is a match between the country of its foundation and the country of its the most frequent investments - United States. Among the most successful fund investment fields, there are Biotechnology, CleanTech. Among the most popular portfolio startups of the fund, we may highlight Gridtential Energy, Sustainable Bioproducts. The standard case for the fund is to invest in rounds with 5 partakers. Despite the 1955 Capital, startups are often financed by The Roda Group, Power-Sonic, Leoch Battery. The meaningful sponsors for the fund in investment in the same round are The Roda Group, Power-Sonic, Phoenix Venture Partners LLC. In the next rounds fund is usually obtained by Cavallo Ventures. The real fund results show that this VC is 80 percentage points more often commits exit comparing to other companies. The usual things for fund are deals in the range of 10 - 50 millions dollars. The fund is constantly included in less than 2 investment rounds annually. The high activity for fund was in 2017. Mail Rule [rules by which you can get an email of an interesting for you fund employee, knowing only the name and surname of this employee] Domain name: 1955.capital; User name format in descending order of probability: first Group Appearance [how often fund is operating separately from groups with shared interest] 100.0% of cases Investments per Year [average amount of rounds in which fund participates each year] Funds Investing in Following By posting comments on our website you confirm and acknowledge that: 1. You post comments at your own choice and risk. You bear the whole responsibility,related to their substance, content and the fact of publication. We shall not bear anyliability in respect of such comments. 2. While commenting, you shall use only actual, truthful and confirmed data. In thesame time you shall not use vulgar, abusive or defamatory language as well as expresshatred or call to violence or cruelty. 3. We do not intend to delete any comments on the website unless within our “noticeand take down” procedure. 4. We can moderate comments at any time. 6. We retain our right to delete any comment or any other content of the website at ourwill in case we know or suppose such content is illegal or breaches any lawful right.
Mother’s Day Domestic Deadline: 04/21/20 *subject to change with ongoing developments With our second Mother’s Day post we will keep the product and design ideas going. A common theme, as you may notice, is a focus on personalized products. When offering a personalized product to your customers, you are giving them the ability to add their own image to the product. This not only gives your customers control over what they are receiving, but also adds more meaning and value to the purchase. If you are unfamiliar with the teelaunch personalization feature, check out our previous blog that highlights how it all works HERE. Our fleece blankets are super soft, warm, comforting, and they don’t pill up after being washed. They also display stunning color reproduction that will last the entire life of the blanket due to the sublimation printing process. These blankets are a fantastic gift idea that lend themselves to a ton of design possibilities. The examples below display personalized versions of the fleece blankets. You can create a complex design overlay or something as simple as a word or phrase overlay and your customers can add their image to create a stunning end result. Cutting boards are a staple in most kitchens that can be both functional and a visual accent to the decor. We offer 3 types of cutting boards. Glass cutting boards that can display full color artwork and are also available for customer personalization. And bamboo wood cutting boards that feature a laser etched design in two styles as well as two size options for each. Jewelry boxes are another great product to promote for Mother’s Day. Available in 3 colors with the option for personalization, these beautiful boxes don’t only store and protect jewelry. They also act as a functional work of art. Our pillows are available in four sizes and offered in three different variations. Your customers can choose from a stuffed and sewn option as well as a zip-cover with or without stuffing insert. These pillows are also available for customer personalization which will definitely add a special element to any home decor. You can find these and many more product options within the teelaunch app. All personalized products are located in the “Personalized” section of the app while all other standard products are in their respective categories.
Compostable may not be the end answer, but its the best we have at present... We used to sell plastic catering disposables, however, once we realised the damage it was doing to the environment, we decided to research other options. We wanted to better educate ourselves so we could make an informed decision and in turn educate our customers so they could make an informed decision. We looked at a number of elements: - The material; What it is made from; How it is made; How it can be disposed of - The application of the packaging item - What waste management facilities are available Our goal was to find a better alternative for every food-to-go packaging item, including takeaway cups, sandwich wedges, burger boxes, salad boxes, etc... We wanted to find alternatives that were not only made from better, more environmentally friendly materials, but also alternatives which could be disposed of correctly. Most of the materials we found have been around for a very long time, however, the investment into them was limited due to a lack of demand. This meant the materials weren’t particularly good at their applications and they were expensive. However, now that climate change is on the top of most people’s (business’s) agenda, the investment is now being put into these materials. As demand increases, we have seen significant improvements at the manufacturing stage, and so this is having a a positive effect on the overall costs for the end user. Below are the materials which are now found in the majority of our Compostable food-to-go packaging. The packaging alternatives we have chosen to stock are those we perceive to be the best currently in production. Bagasse is a card like material made from waste products taken from the sugar cane industry. Even before you use this as a food packaging product, it has benefits as it is made from a waste material which would otherwise have been discarded. It is pressed into items such as plates, bowls, hinged burger boxes, hinged meal boxes, food trays, etc... Bagasse is made from a completely renewable resource (normally sugar cane), and once it has been used, it can be industrially composted. It can also be composted at home, however, timescales cannot be ensured as the material is not yet Home Composted Certified. PLA stands for Poly Lactic Acid. It is a type of ‘plastic’ which has been made from renewable resources such as Maze and Corn Starch. It is fully industrially compostable and is used for applications where you need to be able to see the product inside (such as clear compostable salad boxes), or where you need a 100% waterproof coating (such as compostable take away cups). The Maze and Corn used for manufacturing PLA is grown specifically for the job, however, it cannot be eaten because of the high starch content. This is probably the biggest disadvantage of PLA. In order to grow the material needed, the production requires use of farm land, which would otherwise be used for food production. It is also very commonly mistaken for normal plastics, which means it often gets into the wrong waste streams. Recyclers do not like it mixed in with standard plastics, however, they can cope with a small percentage of it. The biggest advantage is that PLA can be industrially composted. When it does break down, it leaves no harmful residue, including leaving no microplastics. It breaks down in to water, CO2, and bio-mass. Paper and Card All of the paper and card used in manufacturing our Compostable packaging has come from managed forests. This means the trees have been planted and grown specifically for the paper industry. A growing tree helps to absorb CO2. We believe the biggest benefit of paper is it is very easily recycled with most councils in the UK widely accepting paper into their recycling programmes. In order for paper and card to be used in most applications with food packaging, it needs to be coated or lined. The two most common coatings/linings are PLA and an Aqueous (water based) coating (we will go into more detail below). One of the disadvantages of paper is it takes a lot more energy to transport than other types of material as it is bulky and heavy. PLA Lined Board This is card or paper which has had PLA laminated on to it to make it waterproof and greaseproof. This is commonly used in Compostable Paper Cups. This material is useful when you are dealing with a packaging item which will be heavily contaminated with food as the recycling companies will reject heavily contaminated paper products anyway. It is also useful when dealing with hot drinks such as teas and coffees, because at present, it performs better than the Aqueous coated board for temperatures of 90-100 degrees. The disadvantage of the PLA lined board is the same as a PE lined board in that it cannot be recycled. At least not very easily and so in truth, it won’t be recycled. However, the benefit of PLA over PE lined board is it can be industrially composted, and it is made from renewable resources. Aqueous Coated Board Our meal pails are manufactured from an Aqueous Coated Board. This type of board (unlike a PLA lined board) can be recycled in standard paper recycling waste streams. We believe this to be the best material for making food-to-go packaging at this present time. If the packaging item is heavily contaminated with food, it can be industrially composted (we also believe it can be composted at home, but like the Bagasse it is not certified to be). Also, if it isn’t badly contaminated with food, it can very easily be recycled. Manufactures are currently investing heavily in attempts to produce a suitable Aqueous Coated Board alternative for paper cups. We believe this will be the ideal solution to the take away cup problem as cups made from this material will VERY EASILY be recycled. This is at the latter stages of development and will be available very soon! After researching the materials, it was clear that different materials are needed for different applications. We feel the best materials are Bagasse and the Aqueous Coated Board, however at times PLA will be the best material for certain applications. We have tried to clearly state for each product on our website what material(s) have been used to manufacture the item and how it should be disposed of. We have also used just one material, where possible, in the manufacturing process, as it is a lot easier to dispose of if it is made from just one type of material. We know the infrastructure for Industrial Composting isn’t ideal at the moment as it isn’t accessible in many parts of the UK. Along with other Compostable Packaging companies, we are currently working with waste management companies to make Industrial Composting more accessible. We are also helping to educate waste management companies to recognise the difference between Compostable packaging and standard packaging. We are developing better symbols, which are easily recognisable to make this job easier. We currently believe materials which can go through an existing waste stream are a more desirable alternative to compostable only. This is why we believe the Aqueous Coated Board is one of the best materials for food-to-go packaging. As demand for environmentally friendly materials increase, we are seeing more time and money being invested in developing and expanding a new range of materials. Whilst not perfect, we believe 100% compostable packaging to currently be the best available alternative on the market. The Aqueous Coated Board, which is both 100% Compostable and 100% Recyclable in the existing paper recycling streams is the way we believe packaging should be moving.. We will endeavor to keep you up-to-date with the progress within the packaging industry and we will continue to play our part in trying to improve the whole process.
Effective as of May 13, taxpayers can no longer request an employer identification number (EIN) unless the “responsible party” named on the application has either a Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Only governmental entities and the military are exempt from this requirement, and may continue to list non-individual entities as the “responsible party”. An EIN is a nine-digit tax identification number assigned to sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts, employee retirement plans and other entities for tax filing and reporting purposes. This change was announced by the Internal Revenue Service as an enhanced security and “transparency” measure and it will apply to both the paper and online EIN application. There is now a new version of Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number (PDF). Form SS-4 Instructions (PDF) provide a detailed explanation of who should be the responsible party for various types of entities. Generally, the responsible party is the person who ultimately owns or controls the entity or who exercises ultimate effective control over the entity. In cases where more than one person meets that definition, the entity may decide which individual should be the responsible party. In deciding who to list as the responsible party, the IRS encourages applicants to consider whether the party has “a level of control over, or entitlement to, the funds or assets in the entity that, as a practical matter, enables the person, directly or indirectly, to control, manage, or direct the entity and the disposition of its funds and assets.” “Check-the-Box” Exception No Longer Applies The change will prohibit entities from using their own EINs to obtain additional EINs. Prior to this change and on the earlier version of the Form SS-4, those applying for the EIN were not required to provide a SSN or ITIN if the sole purpose for obtaining an EIN for a business entity was to file IRS Form 8832, Entity Classification Election (i.e., a “check-the-box” election) to change the entity’s classification for federal tax purposes. The most recent version of the Form SS-4, shows that the IRS has eliminated this exception for “check-the-box” elections. This means that generally every responsible party must have either an SSN or ITIN, even in the mundane case where the applicant wishes only to change an entity’s tax classification. This change will now significantly affect the timing of check –the-box elections for many foreign entities and thus, will impact various US tax elections that involve planning for non-US taxpayers. With respect to many tax elections, timing is everything. The application process for an ITIN is quite cumbersome and can take several months to complete, so it may behoove taxpayers to re-examine their situations and see if applying for an ITIN may be in order. This may be required to ensure that time-sensitive elections are not delayed because the responsible party does not have an ITIN or SSN. As an example, we often see “check-the-box” planning used with estates of foreign persons when assets in the estate include stock of a foreign corporation that will be inherited by US persons. In this case, it is often desirable for the foreign corporation itself to make a check-the-box election with an effective date on or prior to, the date of death. Making the election permits the taxpayer to “step up” the basis of the corporation’s underlying assets and prevents application of the foreign anti-deferral rules (e.g., the “controlled foreign corporation” regime) to the US persons inheriting the shares. Similarly, this issue arises when the foreign owner is planning to gift or sell shares of the foreign corporation to US persons. The IRS has stated that there is “no change” for tax professionals who act as third-party designees for entities and complete the application process. This means that tax professionals will not have to provide their own social security numbers in the EIN application process. Posted April 23, 2019 All the US tax information you need, every week – Just follow me on Twitter @VLJeker (listed in Forbes, Top 100 Must-Follow Tax Twitter Accounts 2017-2019). Subscribe to Virginia – US Tax Talk to receive my weekly US tax blog posts in your inbox. Visit my earlier US tax blog “Let’s Talk About US Tax” hosted by AngloInfo since 2011, it contains all my old posts. Some hyperlinks to my blog posts on AngloInfo may have expired. If you copy the expired URL, you can most likely retrieve the actual post by using the “Wayback Machine” which is an archiving service. Simply paste the URL into the Wayback Machine search box. It will show you the archived post was saved on a specific date. Click on that date to retrieve the post.
nine-day wonder(redirected from 9 day wonder) A person or thing that generates interest for only a short amount of time. The band's biggest fear was becoming a nine-day wonder, soon to be forgotten when the next big sound hit the airwaves. See also: wonder nine-day wonder, a A short-lived sensation. This term originated in a proverb dating from Chaucer’s time, “For wonder last but nine night nevere in toune.” It was recorded by John Heywood in 1546: “This wonder (as wonders last) lasted nine daies.” Another version is “A wonder lasts nine days, and then the puppy’s eyes are open,” referring to the fact that dogs are born blind, which may be the ultimate source of the analogy—that is, after nine days one’s eyes are open and the so-called wonder is seen for what it really is. The term continues to appear in all kinds of context, as in, “There is great risk in becoming involved in a product that is a nine-day wonder” (T. Lundberg, Starting in Business, 1985, writing about skateboards—he was clearly wrong). nine day wonder Something with short-lived popularity. The idea is that a song, a fad, or anything else that captures the public's fancy starts out like a house on fire but begins to pall after a little more than a week. The proverb “A wonder lasts nine days, and then the puppy's eyes are open” refers to dogs being born with their eyes shut; like them, the public is blind to the fad until they become sated or bored or both and then their eyes metaphorically open. The earliest recorded use of the phrase came from William Kemp, an Elizabethan comic actor, who in 1600 did a Morris dance over the 130 miles from London to Norwich. His account of his nine-day dance-athon was titled Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder, which would suggest that the phrase had been well in vogue before Kemp used it.
Are you thinking of changing your phone? Are wondering what phones are coming in 2019 and what special features they will have? Let’s face it, the most crucial thing in our lives, apart from family, is a phone. We rely on smartphones for everything, from communication to entertainment. Since the increase in the use of smartphones is increasing day by day, manufacturers are launching multiple phones every year. Some producers introduce their flagship phones every year with a new look and better features. In this post, we have highlighted the phones that will be launched in 2019. Continue reading to know what new mobile features will be introduced in the coming year. Samsung Galaxy S10 Series The most anticipated phones are none other than Samsung Galaxy S10 series. It is predicted Samsung will be launching three versions of S10. All these versions are speculated to have better manufacturing process, faster Android operating system, improved cameras, and powerful system chip. Here are the rumored features of all the three versions. Galaxy S10- Affordable Version It will have a fingerprint scanner on the side Single selfie camera and rear camera 5.8” flat display screen Galaxy S10- Normal Version It comes with a 6.1” display screen Dual rear cameras along with a single selfie camera In-display fingerprint scanner Will be available with an in-display fingerprint scanner Triple rear camera with dual selfie camera 6.44” display screen These are just rumored features and before the launch of the mobile, changes might occur. This series is expected to release in between February to April. Sony Xperia XZ4 Another mobile company that will be releasing their top tier phone is Sony. When it comes to launching phones, Sony is aggressive than other smartphone giants. This company releases its best phone every 6 months. It is predicted that Sony Xperia XZ4 will make its debut in February in 2019. The features we are expecting include: Enhanced Snapdragon 855 system chip Better manufacturing process More detail is not available about this phone; it is anticipated to be released somewhere between February to June. For the Android fans who value speed and performance, their favorite company is OnePlus. The company is known for providing a fast and seamless user experience. The experts at the company are working hard to prevent even a lag of milliseconds. The company will be releasing its flagship phones , OnePlus 7. Every feature of there is phone ahead of the other phones. The only area it lacks performance is the camera. In this phone, we expect to see a better camera. This phone is expected to release in June. In the end, we cannot wait to use these wonderful gadgets. There are several phones to be released in 2019, other than these, LG G8 ThinQ, Huawei P30, BlackBerry Key3, Moto Z4, Xiaomi Pocophone F2, Apple iPhone, Google Pixel 4and 4 Xl, and Razer Phone 3 are on the list of upcoming phones in the next year. For more updates, signup for free.
Presented by Benjamin Bradley on 07/02/2018 2:00pm For many WordPress site users and developers, the ability to add custom fonts can be an overwhelming endeavor. You might be thinking about simply using a quick WordPress plugin or slapping some "import" code into your theme's stylesheet and believe that it is enough. But for a truly optimized and fine-tuned website, we need to maintain better control over where, when, and how our collection of fonts are used. In this webinar, we will be walking through the step-by-step process of adding fonts to WordPress websites the RIGHT way regardless of theme or plugins installed. Fonts are Awesome... Really! We'll share some pro tips and best practices to help anyone, from a novice freelancer to the most seasoned veteran freelancer, harness the power of fonts and font icons. As long as you can determine what and where your stylesheet is and have a basic understanding of CSS, using Google Fonts is easy as simple as adding a stylesheet link to your web page and the then using the font in a CSS style. What is a Stylesheet? A stylesheet defines the visual appearance and formatting of HTML documents. Your stylesheet interacts with WordPress core files. WordPress themes use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and HTML to output the data generated by WordPress. CSS is nothing more than a style sheet language used to define visual appearance and formatting of HTML documents. Where is my Stylesheet? The stylesheet is a file that is found within your theme’s directory. To navigate to your stylesheet, you can log in to your domain hosting service and select the file manager through cPanel. Navigate to the root level for your website. Then, go to wp-content > themes > YOUR THEME NAME. Look for a file named style.css Protip: If a modification deals with Theme, add it to the theme functions file. If it has to do with WP then create a custom plugin. How to Use Google Fonts The Easiest Way to Add Fonts to WordPress Websites The easiest way to add A Google Font to your WordPress website is to tell your theme’s CSS stylesheet to load the font. This technique uses CSS markup (@import) to “call” for the loading of the font style as soon as the software reads and recognizes the stylesheet. The @import method is by far the easiest way to start using Google Fonts on WordPress websites. A Better Way to Add Fonts A best practice way to add and use Google Fonts in a WordPress website is to use the link and add it via a hook. Using the Google Font link and hooks technique is a bit more technical but we’ve included a cheat sheet below via the handout link so you can follow our step-by-step procedure. Conditional Use of Fonts to Use Font Icons The loading time of fonts is relatively fast in the grand scheme of things. By using conditional logic we can display images that load as a font. Font Icon Links Presenter Bio: Benjamin Bradley Benjamin Bradley trains and assists small business owners to take their skills to the next level. You might recognize Benjamin as "BB" or "The Professor" from the thousands of hours of business and technical training materials he has produced over the last 20 years. In 2017, Benjamin founded WPStudio, his membership community where he provides and an invitation to a very helpful and humorous Slack channel.
Israel’s planned annexation of West Bank settlements and the Jordan Valley is considered a declaration of war, according to Hamas, the group in control of the Gaza Strip. Hamas military spokesperson Abu Obeida made the statements Thursday over a video feed saying Israel would bitterly regret the decision to apply their laws over the disputed territory. The anticipated Palestinian resistance was reiterated by Senior Hamas Official Dr. Basem Naim, who told Fox News that annexation would destroy any possibility of finding a political solution to the ongoing conflict. “Palestinians would not accept these plans at all. They are going to resist these plans by all means available. Gaza is not excluded from this,” he said. UN SECRETARY-GENERAL DEMANDS ISRAEL RENOUNCE WEST BANK ANNEXATION PLANS Palestinian demonstrators clash with the Israeli troops during a protest against Israel’s plan to annex parts of the West Bank and Trump’s Middle East initiative, at the village of Fasayil, in Jordan Valley, Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2020. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed) Naim added that Palestinian leadership is calling on the European Union to support their position and pressure Israel to reverse course before the July 1st date, put forth by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The prime minister is hoping to push forward Israeli annexation with the support of the Trump administration. President Trump already moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Both moves that led Palestinians to describe President Trump’s so-called Deal of the Century peace plan as “dead on arrival.” WHAT IS THE GAZA STRIP? Over the past year, clashes have erupted multiple times between Israel and Gaza. One such example occurred after Israel conducted a targeted killing of Senior Islamic Jihad commander Bahaa Abu el-Atta at his home in Gaza City. The act led to days of rocket fire from Gaza exchanged with airstrikes from Israel. There is a serious concern from military officials in Jerusalem that annexation could lead to similar conflict. “The upcoming events can develop into fighting in Gaza,” IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi said. Kohavi told his soldiers at a training exercise this week that clashes could also erupt in the West Bank in the coming weeks. On Monday, thousands of Palestinians gathered in the town of Jericho to rally against Israel. The event was attended by UN envoy Nikolay Mladenov, as well as numerous other European representatives. Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh spoke with Fox News at the event, stressing there would be a unified response to Israel from the West Bank and Gaza. “The Palestinians are hoping for a Palestinian state that is sovereign, viable, contiguous and independent. Our hearts and minds are open for any serious peace negotiations,” Shtayyeh said. Currently, the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank and Gaza are not willing to discuss a peace process through the lens of an American deal they describe as unfair. Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz made remarks this week saying that if Palestinians refuse to participate in talks, Israel will move forward without them. He added the Israeli military is prepared for a variety of possibilities in the wake of annexation. “We will work to reduce as much as possible the danger of turning the State of Israel into a binational state while making sure that Israel remains in control of its security,” Gantz said. Trey Yingst currently serves as a Jerusalem-based general assignment reporter for FOX News Channel (FNC). He joined the network in August 2018.
Today was a pretty restful day. We slept in a bit, had pancakes, watched a movie and somehow ended up doing a few errands around lunchtime. One of those was the grocery store. I knew it would be bad, but I had no idea how bad. The parking lot itself was nightmarish: a quagmire of cars, little old ladies pushing wobbly overstuffed carts across the rainslicked pavement, toddlers screeching and running loose from their parents, tired looking men and women girding their loins for the battle inside. I looked at my husband and suggested he and the kids wait for me in the car. “Good idea,” piped my daughter. “In case we get crazy in there.” Good idea indeed. I’m sure that the parking lots of Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods (my new favorite places to shop, since I am trying to eat food that is more sustainable, locally grown, organic etc) can get crazy too, but this was Market Basket. “Where you get more for your Dollar.” While you can save (a lot of) money shopping there, it still has the atmosphere of an amazon jungle or African desert where creatures eat… or are eaten. Since the goal today was the save a few dollars and we only needed a “few” things, I girded myself went inside with much trepidation. In place of the usual long line of carts there was an empty white wall. Not one single cart. No guy in a bright yellow vest shoving awkwardly at a huge stack of carts, wedging them and himself in the doorway. Not even the “fancy” motorized carts were available. This was not a good sign. I managed to snag a cart near the front without resorting to bribery or thievery and snaked my way to the refrigerated section. I first had to pass towering stacks of Halloween candy which I managed to avoid, but did succumb to the Halloween Oreos. Dang. Faceless corporation and sneaky placement strategy: 1. Me: 0. In the cold aisle I navigated the fake butters, squeeze cheeses, pre-made jello tubs; I scooted around large women, old men and crying babies. I found my precious Stoneyfield yogurt and organic milk and was around corner one, only to face the madhouse of…the deli. I am not sure what makes the deli such a bottleneck (well, besides the anxious people with numbers, waiting to be called on so that they can then stare at the case and ponder out loud “How’s the Virginia Ham this week? Last week it was a little salty and had slime on it after three days…do you have provolone, or only swiss?”) but for some reason this deli is worse than purgatory. Seriously. You can feel people’s blood pressure rising with each boop of the number counter thingy. Lucky for me I did not have to wait forever only to be tormented by surly cashiers and lackluster youths past the point of pretending they cared if your half pound of Boar’s Head was sliced thin enough. Past deli purgatory, I entered the grassland of giant bins: you know, the aisles (which are not big to begin with) that have overflowing bins of crap food. “Wheat thins! 2 for $5!” “Pop Tarts! On Sale!” “Chewy Kids Snacks! All Natural!” I zoomed through, snagging pretzel sticks for the kids lunches and wound around corner two and came face to face with the baking aisle. Ah, my old nemesis. Here I scored a point for my careful spice selection, grabbed my dark brown sugar and organic whole wheat flour. Crappy supermarket: 1. Me: 1. Around corner three I chose heart healthy pasta on sale (score), overlooked tomato sauce (since, not to brag, I canned a bunch of my own this summer) and picked a few bags of Joseph’s pita on the endcap. I had to list left as the woman in skinny jeans and flip flops took her time choosing canned soup; I shifted right when the man in his wife beater stopped dead center to scratch. I skipped corner four (mexican and asian) and made my way around corner five. Straight into the lion’s den of cereal. Crap. Faceless market: 3. Me: 2. I breezed by health and beauty, paper goods, cleaning supplies and dog food. I made a quick pass through junk food hellhole and emerged victorious with only a package of Kashi seven grain crackers. Frozen mangos my trophy from the frozen aisles, I avoided the arguing mother/daughter combo, I steered clear of the man staring blankly at the wall of choices before him, cell phone to his ear and I even negotiated past the crazy lady muttering about prunes. Produce – the last horizon. All was well as I tossed in my bananas, splurged on a pineapple, rejected Guatemalan blackberries (heavily sprayed with pesticides). I did get stuck facing the avocados, as a mother left her squirmy toddler in the cart in front of me to dash for a peck of apples and a twenty something with attitude double parked me in, but was feeling fairly peppy as I transitioned from the whole foods section into…the bakery. I should have held my breath and run to the checkout – which wasn’t that far since the lines snaked back four plus persons per lane. But I didn’t. Sneaky bloodthirsty cooperation: 4. Me: 3. Oh well, at least I got a fresh baked doughnut and saved a few bucks.
Now You Can Play PS3 Games on PC We are all fans of computer games but if we are talking about ps3 games then we have to confess that these games are driving us crazy for so many years now. We spend the major hours of the day playing those games. Every one of us will surely admit that the sound system, the graphics or illustrations, the scenario and each and everything about these games cause an adrenaline rush in our bodies and we are all gone gaga with it. Everything is so perfect about it except the unreachability of a ps3 procedure backup everywhere. But friends, don’t worry. We have a solution here for you all. You can play the ps3 games on your pcs just by using the PlayStation 3 emulator. You will find several emulators to play the ps2 games but unfortunately, there is only one emulator available to play the ps3 games. Though it is very sad just has a look for the necessities of playing ps3 games and follows our step by step method below. The process of playing the ps3 games on pc We need to have an emulator that can be used to install the enormous games on our PCs and laptops in the formation of RAR archives and then remove it. There are very few emulators accessible virtually for a maximum of the games. So, one needs to require a good emulator for playing and updating the play station 3 games on PC and laptop. It’s very simple to handle. - At first, you have to install the pseMu3. You can install it from the installation section. After your installing process, you will see a shortcut of your downloaded emulator on your monitor. - As you open the emulator you will be questioned about the bios. Just tap on the yes button and you will be transmitted to the downloading section. - When setting up the bios just makes sure it’s being fixed in the precise same site as the emulator else the PSeMu3 won’t identify it. - After the downloading process, you need to close the emulator and run it again. But now it won’t show any error message as before and it will run smoothly - Then the emulator can inquire you to start it. Just follow the direction. - You can now play any game by going to file then load and pick up any blue-ray disk picture and easy navigation to those games. - You are done now. Difficulties Encountered During this emulating process - The biggest problem of playing ps3 games is that the configurations and settings of play stations are the most bizarre ones. You need to have a computer and must have all the best conformations preloaded. But still, you don’t have any guarantee if you can play that game or not. Even it can’t run as good as it does on the PlayStation. Many of us were left behind in this way. As every time the luck would not be in your favor. - You will find lots of emulators of ps2 games. But unluckily there is a few ps3 games emulator. But once you want to install it, you will get a subscription for extracting the file. It’s not possible for everyone and also comprises no guarantee about its running process. If you get one emulator for the ps3 game you should crisscross the whole thing before you continue. I hope you understand the whole process. You see it’s so easy and simple to run all play statin 3 games now. Hopefully, you will not face any problem but if you get any error then you must need to set up Microsoft.Net Framework 4.0 in your computer or Laptop. If the PlayStation 3 games are not controlled smoothly on your computers then you had better play the PS2 games on your devices. It’s better to have something than leaving barehanded. So guys leave your valuable comments in the comment box below.
Businesses of all sizes are facing unprecedented financial instability due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Small businesses are taking the brunt of this economic hardship, particularly those whose operations are impacted by social distancing guidelines and decreases in demand. Although many folks are steeling themselves for a second wave of the virus, many states are allowing businesses to reopen. While they should prioritize customer and worker safety above all else, there are a few ways that business owners can limit the impact of COVID-19 on their company’s finances as stores and offices reopen and begin to generate more income. Put Health and Safety First While it may seem counterintuitive to spend money during this period of economic instability, investing in PPE, barriers, cleaning supplies, and other items is crucial for reopening safely. Before you open, ensure that your staff members have the supplies and detailed protocols necessary to do their jobs safely. Although it may cost a bit of money upfront, putting these safety measures first will help mitigate the impact of the disease on your employees and visitors. This can help keep your doors open and your employees healthy and working. Some folks argue that all publicity is good publicity, but becoming your neighborhood’s local COVID-19 hotspot won’t be good for business. Adapt to Change and Find New Sources of Income The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on every sector, but companies in the retail and service industries have taken a particularly massive hit. Fortunately, these businesses have been some of the most innovative organizations in the face of restrictions and social distancing guidelines. Increased delivery services, online shopping, virtual services, and other unconventional offerings have stepped up to replace some of the income lost by brick-and-mortar stores. As restrictions ease, business owners must consider some of these unusual solutions to boost income while keeping patrons and staff safe. Expand Your Network and Elevate Your Brand to Generate Income Business owners have to work harder than ever to make sales and generate income, and many small businesses are discovering the benefit of networking and marketing. Many companies use websites and social media to draw customers in, but these platforms are also a crucial tool for keeping clients updated. Your team will likely have to work harder to let your community know that you are open for business. Consider expanding your marketing strategy and working with local organizations or businesses to get exposure for your brand in the digital realm. Use EveryIncome to Boost Your Team’s Financial Proficiency EveryIncome is dedicated to providing our clients with career and finance management tools to help them create a stable financial future. Whether you are an individual, a small business owner, or part of a multinational corporation, our system of tools and guided learning is tailored to fit your specific needs. Our solutions for businesses allow employers to give their staff the financial planning tools that they need to stay in control of their finances. Contact the team at EveryIncome online or give us a call at (571)370-5400 to learn more about our offerings. For more valuable tips for business owners, follow EveryIncome on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Podcasts by Heart Listen to life-changing science-based episodes that inspire and educate! Stories of the Relentless A Binge Worthy Series by the American Heart Association Have you ever wondered what it really takes to be relentless in the midst of a life crisis? If you are a caregiver, a stroke, diabetes, heart attack/CVD survivor, health provider or on a health and wellbeing journey, then you are in the right place. At the American Heart Association our mission is to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. For nearly 100 years, we've been fighting heart disease and stroke, striving to save and improve lives. Here, we will engage in series-driven stories, science and solutions-based conversations with experts, leaders, influencer’s and survivors that dive deeper and break down barriers about leadership in the midst of crisis, racial disparities, emotional and physical healing, and life-changing wellness habits. These are the stories of the Relentless... Opening Series - A Relentless Force in a Time of Crisis: Leadership, Healing & Volunteerism This opening three-part series is an intimate glimpse into the hearts, souls and minds of three distinctive leaders at the American Heart Association during the Covid-19 pandemic: CEO Nancy Brown, Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for Prevention and Chief of the Center for Health Metrics and Evaluation and Dr. Comilla Sasson, Vice President for Science & Innovation, Emergency Cardiovascular Care will all reveal personal, life-changing stories. They share an inside view into where they come from, how that inspires them, what keeps them up at night, and as a result, what they are relentless about achieving. Episode 1: Heart of a Leader, CEO Nancy Brown What are you relentless about achieving in this lifetime? What happens when the greatest pandemic in over 100 years hits and you bear responsibility for millions who are now more vulnerable due to living with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke and other co-morbidities? What happens when those challenges are layered with social and economic inequities that directly impact health? This opening three-part series gives you an intimate glimpse into the hearts, souls and minds of three distinctive leaders who, like many others, are fighting harder than they ever have to protect those that they serve during the Covid-19 pandemic. Meet American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown, Dr. Eduardo Sanchez who serves as Chief Medical Officer for Prevention and the Center for Health Metrics and Evaluation and finally, Dr. Comilla Sasson, Vice President for Science & Innovation, Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Connect with all three as they reveal personal, life-changing stories and an insider’s view into where they come from, how that inspires them, what keeps them up at night, and as a result, what they are relentless about achieving. Episode 2: Heart of a Healer, Eduardo Sanchez, Chief Medical Officer for Prevention Many of us go to work every day hoping that our work means something to someone. We give our all wanting our efforts to sufficiently measure up against the challenge. But when, at one point in your career, you’re fighting for the health of 23 million patients, it takes a true passion for humanity to deliver what’s necessary for improving health outcomes. Meet the relentless physician who never thought of giving up- Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, Chief Medical Officer for Prevention and Chief of the Center for Health Metrics and Evaluation, shares perspective changing stories from chapters of his career and personal life. Listen and be moved as he takes us on a journey that paints a very clear picture of what it means to truly care for your fellow man. Episode 3: The Heart of a Volunteer, Dr. Comilla Sasson, Vice President for Science & Innovation Emergency Cardiovascular Care Courage and sacrifice are two very important factors in deciding to raise your hand and willingly go into the epicenter of the Coronavirus outbreak in one of the hardest hit cities in the country- she is the essence of both. Dr. Comilla Sasson, Vice President for Science & Innovation, Emergency Cardiovascular Care, who just returned from volunteering in a NYC emergency room during Covid-19, reveals why she decided to drop everything and go! Her passion was so strong that she couldn’t sit still. She shares how that experience changed her life, what this meant for her family and what prepared her for this moment in time.
Great point on the sodium Jenny. Do look. Jump to content Best Answer naturalfeddogs , 06 June 2016 - 07:56 AM Poops will be much smaller on raw, due to being able to digest so much of it compared to kibble. Mine all poop about once a day, tiny little turds. If you see excess straining to poop, or the poop is actually coming out of the shoot white, then it's too much bone. But even still, if you want to add some boneless to it and see how she does, you can. As long as all is going well poop wise, stay on chicken for about a week and a half. After that, you can add some turkey and do the same. Then move on to pork, venison, beef etc... As far as adding organs, I have always waited until closer to the end of the protein introductions, but once you have started red meats you can add a VERY TINY amount of liver. I recommend giving it with bone, because liver is really rich. All of mine are well transitioned to raw, but I still give organs with something bone in. I don't use any percentages at all. Those are nothing but guidelines, and all dogs are different. I go by body condition and activity level, and feed accordingly. No dog in the wild is worried about percentages. That is totally made up by man at some point along the way. If it helps you, that's absolutely fine, but don't get hung up on it and let it stress you out.Go to the full post » I must dissent on the advise to feed turkey necks (alone) as the bone is a whopping 60%. I would find a source lower sodium chicken. A dog straining to poop is almost always dealing with too much bone (so even more bone is not the answer IMO). Too much sodium can definitely cause the squirts. This caution should be added to the Getting Started Guide when it is revised. I'd try a lower-sodium chicken bone-in piece augmented with a little boneless breast meat. Fat reduced at first. Since you have a little one you're feeding, I would offer chicken necks and boneless chicken, like breast. The chicken neck is also a better size for puppies. Do keep an eye on the sodium levels; I've noticed a lot of chicken in the store is enhanced. Personally, I've never transitioned any of my dogs (or cat). We just went "cold turkey" and they received multiple types of meat the first week. My current pup received chicken necks, lamb tripe, beef tripe, course ground (whole) salmon, beef liver, chicken liver, beef muscle meat, duck eggs, and I'm sure something else that I'm forgetting, in the first week or two that we had her. She has been fine. Same with the cat, though the beef liver did give him a runny stool. Its my preference to feed "as usual" from the start, but every dog and situation is different. Figure out what works for you. +1 on TRD's suggestion of chicken necks and breast. I must admit when I saw 4 months I projected a Vizsla sized dog at 4 months, not a 10 pounder. Necks balanced with meat would give finer bone. Sorry I missed that. Well spotted TRDMom. Good thing to have a community for back-up! I read somewhere about "plumping" a chicken. That is injecting broth (aka: Sodium, lots of it) into the chicken to plump it up, flavor it and make it juicy. Tyson does this. Foster Farms does not. I don't know about other brands. I have trouble finding certain things from Foster Farms though, such as gizzards and hearts, which I like because they're cheap and nutritious. So I sometimes have to get the ones they probably inject broth into. For my little micro dogs, there's hardly a bone I can give that has enough meat on it to make the ratio 10% bone without winding up over feeding them. So, they always have a small bone or half a bone, usually a chicken bone and additional meat chunks, plus organ and a little tripe included in the muscle meat. Many or most kinds of bones just seem too much for their tiny mouths and teeth to crush down on. I'm sure feeding bigger dogs is easier. These tiny Poodles' digestive systems may be like wolves' but their teeth, tiny jaws and teensy mouths sure aren't. lol. Hi everyone! so i switch over to turkey necks and now added other turkey meat (thighs and breasts) we have solid poops! is it time to add a new protein and organ meat? should the organ come from turkey?? also, my pup likes to bury bones so if i give her a thigh bone she won't eat it.. what can i do to make her eat all of it? How long have you been on turkey? Give it at least a good week to week and half first, with solid poops. After that time, you can try to give just a little TINY bit of liver, along with the neck for bone. Calf liver will be the best and probably the easiest liver to find. If poops are still good then, you can go ahead THEN and add some pork. Don't rush through any of it, or you risk cannon butt. Then, you will need to go back a step. You will get through all the proteins, be patient! You sound like you are on a good roll! Hi been on turkey for at least a week. and she's been doing good with poops. all i could find recently was turkey liver.. so hopefully she's okay with that. ill add in the liver then next week let her last some pork chops! as long as stool looks good. i also have some chicken heart, when should i add that in?? I would add either the heart or the liver for now, but not both, and very tiny amount of either one you go with. Too much at once and you could be asking for digestive issues. Remember, no rush. Move along according to how well your dog handles everything new. A week is good, and you could move on to pork. However, be careful with chops as they tend to be artificially cut with unusually sharp edges. If you can get some ribs, that would be much safer. You can get packs of smaller ribs, or the large whole racks. Those are the ones I feed mine, but you may want smaller if yours are smaller dogs. Yours are pretty small, right? I'd try beef next, if I were you. Beef heart isn't too expensive. Since you've got a little one, chuck roast or steaks marked down at the store may be an option for you. Smaller dogs have the advantage of having food last longer. My 3 month old pup just ate a few pounds of rabbit for her breakfast... Fish, such as salmon, would be another option to consider. I didn't feed much fish in the past because I didn't have an affordable source and we had plenty of other meats available (e.g. goat, deer, beef). As for organs, you could give a bite-sized (for your dog) piece multiple times a week and see how that goes. I've always provided the "correct" (a relative term) amounts of meat/bone/organ from the start and not had issues with diarrhea/stomach upset. Sometimes soft stools, but nothing concerning. Each dog is different though. Good luck! Try backing off the heart and liver for a bit. Could be too soon for those just yet. Sounds like it could be too much meat and too little bone, if she stopped eating the bone from the necks.Too much rich meats at once can cause runny stools, and even the thicker "soft serve" type that can cause straining to poop, as can too much bone. But, try something like the duck wings and see how it goes. If poops get better, you can slowly add some boneless back in. Make sure she's getting bone. I would feed her boney piece first to make sure she's eating it. After that is finished, then offer something boneless. How many meals are you feeding per day? At this age, she should be getting about three meals. They don't all have to be the same size. For example: two chicken necks in the morning, a couple chicken hearts in the afternoon, and one chicken liver and chicken heart before bed. Since you're having stool issues, try chicken one day, turkey the next, and beef on another. I also wouldn't be feeding pork right now. I've not fed it, but I've seen many people have issues with it -- especially in the beginning. If things firm up (make sure she's eating her bones and don't over-feed organs), then you can try pork again. Good luck!! 0 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users
We are so pleased to announce a new member of the Silent Rivers team. Des Moines designer and artist Molly Spain has recently joined our ranks. As a company of craftspeople and artisans, we are truly energized by including this multi-talented designer on our team. Some Things to Know About Molly Remarkably creative with a wide-range of knowledge, Molly always extends her design reach into the realm of the artistic, incorporating sustainable solutions and a refined aesthetic. Molly is part engineer, part visual artist, part explorer and part poet. In her background as a design director Molly worked with companies such as Benjamin Moore, Home Depot, Lowe’s and Better Homes & Gardens, giving her extensive practical experience in industrial, architectural and interior design. Her rare combination of skill sets come from an artist’s perspective, rooted in engineering and architecture, developed through travel and collaboration, and fostered through the lens of an artist. Working with her, it’s clear that Molly tackles the bridge between design and construction with ease. She possesses a detailed grasp of mechanics and materials needed to collaborate with tradespeople of all types, and she has the sensibility with interior finishes and architectural forms both simple and elegant. It’s no wonder she fits so well with those of us at Silent Rivers. A Family Project – New Mexico Strawbale House Molly has engaged in a lifelong pursuit of art and design ventures. It’s a long, accomplished and eclectic list of achievements that she applies to her residential designs. Her first home project shows her ingenuity and strong draw to sustainable living. Twenty-five years ago, Molly co-designed and co-built a strawbale house in northern New Mexico from the ground up with her mother and six siblings. This home brought to life her mother’s vision of a spiritual southwestern sanctuary. Featured in the book “Strawbale Home Plans” by Wayne Bingham, this off-the-grid house includes a solar energy source, water collection system, passive solar design for heating, and masonry stove for cooking and supplemental warmth. The strawbale walls provide insulation from the southwestern heat as well as from the cool, high-desert winter temps. We will feature a detailed story about Molly’s incredible journey of designing and building this strawbale home in the future. Two Home Renovations in Central Iowa Among other home design projects, in 1999, Molly built her own home and art studio on her family’s organic farm 15 miles south of Des Moines. Incorporating salvaged and recycled materials, people who visited would frequently mistake it for a home that was renovated or an original homestead on the property. More recently, she saved this 1913 foursquare in the North of Grand neighborhood from being the eyesore of the block, converting it into an inspiration to the community. In Molly’s Words I’ve always been profoundly interested in environments, both natural and manmade. Combining this with my love of travel and the experience of designing and building, I take on every project as a labor of love. I’m drawn to creating environments that are respectful of the human experience by providing not only physical comforts, but also by addressing our mental and spiritual needs. My goal is to create residential environments that have a sense of home and inspiration even before one’s personal possessions adorn the space. Walking into a room – even when empty — should evoke a sense of respect and familiarity. This is accomplished through attention to proportions, scale and an appropriate relationship to the exterior setting. Another essential element is the ‘vibe’ that is embedded throughout the building process. Spaces collect stories, from Day One. I’ve been talking to Silent Rivers for awhile about how we could partner together. After joining the company, I find I’m in my element working with a group that is wholly focused on artisanship, craftsmanship and sustainability. Turning ideas into realties while collaborating with clients, fellow designers and craftspeople is why I love to build. I agree with Chaden. It’s no wonder I fit so well with Silent Rivers. Learn more about Molly and see examples of her artistic ventures on Artfinder.
Westin La Quinta is a golfers’ paradise and a wonderful place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the coast and disconnect in luxury. Surrounded by the Sierra Blanca Mountains on one side and the well-tended fairways of the 27-holeLa Quinta golf course, this oasis is only a 10-minute drive down to Puerto Banus and 15 minutes from Marbella centre. This is a beautiful 5* Hotel, with exceptional service and facilities in a stunning setting. Guests choose Westin La Quinta for the peace and quiet and of course the great golf course right on its doorstep. It is a championship course, with 27 holes, across three, nine-hole courses. These can be combined to create many different playing experiences and lots of variety during your stay. But it’s not all about the golf! The spa at Westin La Quinta is amazing, covering 1,500 square meters and includes wonderful treatments, as well as a steam room, plunge pool and fitness area. The pool area is one of a kind, with a large lagoon pool and whirlpool with breathtaking views.There is also a lovely little spa pool which is a very relaxing area to enjoy. Although it is a 5* hotel it is surprisingly welcoming to families and even allows you to travel with your furry friends, so you don’t have to leave anyone behind. There is a beautiful kids club, which holds great activities for the little ones during the school holidays. Just wanted to thank the wonderful staff at this gorgeous hotel for a fabulous 2 weeks with my family and some of our friends. Literally every single member of staff seemed as if their number one priority was to make their guests happy which is obviously the most amazing quality about any hotel. The location was perfect, the food delicious, the views spectacular, and the pool area very relaxing and easy. Where is Westin La Quinta? Westin La Quinta is in the beautiful countryside of Benahavis, right on the La Quinta golf course. It is a very peaceful and picturesque location, yet it is only a 10 minute drive down to Puerto Banus and 15 minutes to the vibrant centre of Marbella. There are a few lovely places to explore near Westin La Quinta. It is within a short drive of the pretty white village of Benahavis. This village is famous as a gourmet destination and has been named the frying pan of Andalucia. It earned this name due to the huge number of restaurants in a very small area and so a trip up to Benahavis is a must during your stay at Westin La Quinta. Nueva Andalucia’s golf valley is close at hand, so golfers are really spoilt for choice. Nueva Andalucia also has some great restaurants and bars, including the popular La Sala. Another easy trip is to explore San Pedro de Alcántara, with its traditional Old Town. It also has a new boulevard lined with playgrounds and cafes, which is a family favourite. It also boasts quiet beaches and a long seafront promenade and is just a 10 minute drive away from the hotel. Westin La Quinta Transfers Guests love the peace and tranquillity of Westin La Quinta, but this means that there are no public transport options and nothing is within walking distance. But don’t worry, as Simply Shuttles can take care of all your transport needs! Our quality private transfers can bring you to the hotel from the airport and be on hand to take you to the area’s best restaurants, and give you easy access to all the great places we’ve listed above. Using our transfer service means you don’t have to try to map read, worry about getting lost, or try to find parking. We’ll pick you up from the hotel and take you right where you want to go and we can even take you to see the sights on our sightseeing tours. You can book everything online and our experienced, English-speaking Customer Service team can answer any questions you may have. We’ll email the confirmations over to you and we’re always on the end of the phone if you need us, or if things change. Simply Shuttles is the most trusted transfer company on the Costa del Sol, used by the most discerning customers and local businesses for their most valued clients. Put your trust in us and we know you won’t be disappointed! Simply Shuttles are great to work with in planning your transfer needs. Their vehicles are always in good condition, always clean, and their driver’s are always prompt. We have used them for our 16 passenger golf group for 4 years now, and have already booked our transfers with them for next year. Use them!” Read more reviews of our service on Trustpilot
I spent this weekend at @party 2010, the first (and hopefully not last) demoparty of this name. The event was in the Town of Harvard, Massachusetts – a bit outside of Boston. I heard four live music performances, saw an early cut of Jason Scott’s almost-finished Get Lamp documentary, and saw and heard grafix, music, and demos (wild and windows) in the Saturday evening compos. There were great tunes, a truly excellent 4k windows demo, an incredible demo running on an Arduino, and much more. Many thanks to the organizer, Metoikos, and everyone who helped her out. And, a big thanks to the demoscene! Working with two others and using the moniker “nom de nom,” I completed my first demoscene production: thread, a Commodore 64 demo that has fewer than 32 bytes of code. (There are no C64 demos this size or smaller on pouet.net, as far as I can tell.) This demo is a tribute to a BASIC program that generates random mazes, one that exists in one form in the C64 User’s Guide but has also circulated as a one-liner. Here’s a version of the program: 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 I developed thread working in person first with Le Colonial of Atlanta, a sometime co-author of mine who also writes Atari VCS games. (He’s also known as Ian Bogost.) At the party itself, I was fortunate to encounter C64 expert rv6502 of Montréal, who joined me and did the heavy lifting in the second phase of this project. After working one evening with Le Colonial in Cambridge, we had a 32 byte program that wasn’t exactly like the original, but did something pretty cool. When I checked it out on my actual C64 right before I left for the party, however, it didn’t work. The SID was initialized differently in the emulators I’d used than it was on the box itself – as it happened – and there was something odd happening with my video display as well. I brought my C64 to the event rather half-heartedly, without any way of getting programs onto it other than typing them in and without a display. Alas, I wasn’t going to get away from the program that easily: Dr. Claw brought me a monitor to use and NO CARRIER loaned me a flash cart – and, later, a physical copy of the Commodore 64 Programmer’s Guide. rv6502 and I sat down to work further on the program. It turned out my C64’s video was different that of the emulators I used, but also different from Ferris’s actual C64 (which matched the behavior of the emulators I tried). So it wasn’t just an emulator failing to match the metal; the two different C64s apparently have different KERNAL code in ROM. Dumping my machine’s ROM and used that with my emulator would have solved that part of the mismatch. I won’t try to go into all the details of developing this demo, but there were two particularly great things about the process at a high level. First, I got to collaborate with and learn from two others at different points. Second, I got to learn a lot more about the C64, including many things I wouldn’t have run up against if I hadn’t been working on something like this. I’m not talking about small differences between emulation and the hardware, which were a minor part of this experience, in the end. I mean finding excellent facilities of the 6502 and the C64 to work around those which weren’t doing what we wanted. We’ve released thread in three versions: The canonical one, which has 31 bytes of code but is in a 33-byte PRG file, because the beginning memory location is stored in the first two bytes of PRG files. If this bothers you, there is a 28-byte version which fits into a 30-byte PRG file and has all the same colors, but displayed in a way that we think is not as pretty. We also include a simple, straightforward reimplementation of the BASIC program above: A 20-byte program in a 22-byte PRG file. I’d love to get this uploaded to pouet.net at some point, but I don’t know how. For now, here’s a zipfile with source and PRGs. thread got 4th place in the Oldschool category at @party. After you load a PRG file in your emulator (or on your C64), you can run it by typing “SYS 4096”. Finally, these are the 31 bytes of thread: A9 80 8D 0F D4 8D 12 D4 A8 B1 F9 8D 86 02 AD 1B D4 29 01 69 6D 20 D2 FF E8 D0 ED E6 F9 50 E9
There are a variety of online marketing companies that provide internet companies to their clients with a purpose to make them well-liked and profitable in on-line enterprise. An all-encompassing marketing automation service supreme for on-line advertising for small businesses, this on-line advertising and marketing company has packages for enterprise-level corporations. In our evaluation, we centered on five important elements of internet advertising and marketing: e mail marketing, social media marketing, WEBSITE POSITIONING advertising, internet design and analytics. To search out one of the best internet advertising and marketing tools for small businesses, we began by speaking to enterprise homeowners themselves, in addition to a number of the professionals who advise them. How we do it (how we remedy downside): Ecommerce SEO is a favorite for our group at SocialSEO. Particular search providers embody website analysis and optimization, key phrase research, content advertising and marketing and Google + and maps optimization. We consider these services and instruments the proper companions to all our digital advertising and marketing site visitors era packages. We’re firmly rooted in organic, earned and owned media and we operate greatest as digital advertising consultants who advise and implement a comprehensive repute-pushed online advertising technique. Updentity offers internet advertising solutions for non-revenue organizations and for-profit businesses. Different providers the corporate affords are content material advertising, brand design, banner design and retail consulting. Converse with a results specialist right now to get began with WEBSITE POSITIONING, PPC, social media, web design & more. Fairly than doing the work on their very own, many businesses flip to Internet marketing services to assist set targets, design methods and run campaigns. We’ve greater than 500 active, pleased purchasers who’ve labored with us on all the pieces from web site design to SEO to ongoing marketing packages that include link building, PPC, content material advertising, blogging, and extra. Straight North is a full-service Web advertising and marketing company that works with you to customize the very best mixture of online advertising and marketing providers — from PPC and electronic mail campaigns to SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING-based mostly responsive websites — to provide outcomes that move the needle.
The time is now to mull over the Thanksgiving dinner holiday checklist. This most wonderful time of year that should be embraced for what it is- a time to eat, drink, decorate, table set, and celebrate with family and friends. From kitchen to turkey to table, the more Thanksgiving dinner holiday checklist help I can offer, the merrier and less holiday rushed things will be. A holiday checklist comes in holiday handy, and is the hostess gift that keeps on giving. And away we holiday go… 3 weeks to go: I’m sure to some extent you’ve been in recipe and menu planning mode already. There’s no time like three weeks out from Thanksgiving to decide which recipes you want to make. Narrow down what dishes you can realistically pull off without having a culinary nervous breakdown. Adopt an out with the old to make room for the new. Clean out accordingly in order to make room for grocery items coming to a refrigerator, freezer, and pantry near you. Begin picking up non-perishable items, spices needed, dry goods, and any kitchen tools or cookware while shopping. Grocery ads are beginning to look a lot like Thanksgiving dinner sales, and kitchen items are popping up on sale as well. 2 weeks to go: Creating a handsome holiday table and finalizing the scrumptious dishes worthy of c’est si bon distinction is the objective. Plan, tweak, adjust, set, and finalize the menu and the tablescape. Delegate and Dish Don’t be a holiday hosting hero. Say yes to the offers of what can I do-what can I bring. Make a list of who’s bringing what, and thoughtfully delegate and dish from there. Take an inventory of the pantry staples, spices, seasonings, and required recipe ingredients you will need. Make out your grocery list. Bookmark store ads and coupons on your mobile device. 1 week to go: Add the finishing touches to your selected tablescape theme. Stake out the vases, rose bowls, trays, dough bowl, or clear glass jars you’ll be using for centerpieces and spot arrangements. Take a count of the number of candles you will need. If you will be using new or on hand LED candles, make sure you’ve got plenty of batteries. Take inventory of table linens, cocktail napkins, china, glassware, flatware, and serving pieces. Iron the napkins, polish the silver, and dust the lighting fixture(s). I’ve been known to replace the chandelier and light bulbs as a proactive holiday hostess “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong” Murphy’s law defense. Ready. Set. Go to the grocery store for the turkey and non-perishable food items. When deciding on how big of a turkey to purchase, allow 1 to 2 pounds of meat per person. Make sure your roasting pan is large enough to fit turkey. If you don’t already have one, now is the time to purchase a meat thermometer to help take the guesswork out of when the bird is done. Let the dessert planning begin! What’s for dessert? Easy hacks to take a cake or pie from store bought to homemade include a generous drizzle of caramel ice cream topping over a Dutch apple pie. Top a pumpkin pie with mini marshmallows, sprinkle with cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice, and bake off in the oven until marshmallows melt. Spike up the taste of a pecan pie by topping with bourbon whipped cream. Bourbon Whipped Cream 1 cup heavy whipping cream 1 Tablespoon bourbon 2 teaspoons maple syrup In a medium bowl, add whipping cream. Beat on medium speed until mixture begins to thicken, about 5 minutes. Add bourbon and maple syrup, and beat until stiff peaks form. Cover and chill in refrigerator until ready to serve. Select serving pieces. Perhaps it’s time for a new cake plate or tiered tray to add to this year’s holiday finery. Plan the beverage menu and stock the bar. 5 days to go: Prep dishes, flatware and stemware. Take a chair inventory. Aunt Myrtle’s disco decor days have gone the way of avocado green appliances, wall-to-wall shag carpet, and the Merry Mushroom dinnerware straight out of the housewares department at the local Sears. Her get down tonight may not be able to get up today if she is forced to sit in the bean bag chair from the kids playroom. Know your audience, friends. Buy, borrow, or rent the extra items to meet your holiday hosting needs. Fill salt and pepper shakers, sugar bowl and artificial sweetener dish. 3 days to go: Remove turkey from freezer and place in refrigerator to begin the thawing process. Curb appeal doesn’t take a holiday. Lawn and garden for your holiday gathering by cutting, edging, clipping, blowing, and prettying up the porch, walkway, patio, etc… Clean house accordingly. Decorative baskets and storage cubes come in mighty handy as a stylish storage solution. So do closets. Let’s keep it real here, folks- time and tidiness is not always on our side. Open up a closet (or two), throw the stuff in it, and come back another day and redistribute. 2 days to go: Transfer the frozen items prepared in advance, baked goods, and pie dough/crusts from the freezer to the refrigerator. Take inventory of holiday hospitality guest room essentials. Clean and stock guest bedrooms and bathrooms with fresh linens and paper goods. You know that lightly damp dishtowel left over from last night’s KP duty? On your way to the laundry room with it, hit the holiday table and chairs dusting high notes. Two tasks taken care of with one swipe. Set out candles, arrange centerpiece, set table with linens, place mats, chargers and place cards. 1 day to go: Peel and chop up onions, bell pepper, garlic, herbs, and root vegetables. Place in plastic storage bags or airtight containers and store in the refrigerator. Make cornbread for dressing. Let the dessert baking begin! Cakes really do taste better the next day. All the flavors and spices get in there and do their thing, bringing forth the next day flavor c’est si bon. Set out hand soaps or refill dispensers and place a new roll(s) of paper towels in the holder(s). When it comes to paper towels in the holiday kitchen, the more the merrier rule of spills and splatters applies. Life and the holiday kitchen is messy. Grab a paper towel and clean it up. Set out dinnerware, glasses, serving pieces, dishes, bowls and platters. Turn over or cover with dishtowels until next day. The Big Event! Take turkey out of refrigerator, season to taste, and place in roaster. Approximate roasting time for a thoroughly defrosted 12-14 lb. unstuffed turkey is 3-3 ½ hours roasted at 325°F until done. About a half hour before the turkey’s finished, take it out of the oven. Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the breast. You’re looking for a temperature of 170 degrees F. Allow the turkey to rest for 15 to 20 minutes before carving to allow juices to saturate the meat evenly. Prepare other side dishes, salads, and desserts while turkey is roasting. Prep coffee maker for after dinner coffee. Take a deep breath. Remember to enjoy the beauty, food, fellowship and fruits of your holiday labor of love!
When people shop for body care products such as hair conditioners or skin moisturizers, they are seeking to buy products that will be good for them – improving the quality of their skin and hair. However, there are ingredients in many body care products – even expensive, salon-produced brands – that are harmful to the user. Most of these ingredients are ones that the average consumer will not recognize as harmful, and so he or she may go for years using the dangerous product without having a clue as to how harmful it is. One such dangerous substance in many body care products is parabens. Parabens are a preservative that may lead to the development of cancer. Another such ingredient is petrolatum. Petrolatum is waxy and can clog pores, coating the skin and preventing air, which skin needs, from reaching it. It can also strip the natural oils from your skin, promoting dryness, and can cause increased sensitivity to the sun. Oxybenzone, a common ingredient in sunscreen, can alter one’s DNA and cause cancer – the very thing sunscreen is intended to avoid! Alcohol can irritate and dry out the skin. Synthetic fragrances (those not derived from natural essential oils) can also irritate the skin. Phthalates are often found in synthetic fragrances, and can disrupt hormone production, particularly influencing reproductive capability in men. Synthetic dyes can be carcinogens. Some body products even contain formaldehyde – the very same substance used to preserve dead bodies! These are only a sampling of the products that have the potential to cause much more harm than good to your skin! Anything you apply to your skin will be in some measure absorbed by your skin – just like nicotine is absorbed via patches to help smokers quit the habit. The same is true for any other product, including skin and hair care products. That means that the chemicals in your body care products will be inside you, altering your skin’s cells – and many of these are products that you apply every day. A frightening thought! That is why, no matter how reputable or expensive a brand may be, you should still approach using its products with caution. Look for products that do not have the ingredients listed above, but do have other healthy ingredients, such as tea tree oil, jojoba oil, witch hazel, evening primrose oil, and silk proteins, to name a few. Also, make sure that any fragrances listed in your product’s ingredients are essential oils – these are natural scents that do not have the negative side effects of synthetic fragrances. If they are essential oils, the label will indicate that this is so. Do not be deceived by a price tag! Often the best body care products containing healthy ingredients that will truly improve your skin and hair are not very expensive. If you keep these factors in mind, you are likely to select a great product that will be good for you and exceed your expectations. Read the label before you buy!
Ok, first off: We don’t claim to support FC4 but since Creator and it’s components are mostly Java, it should still work, right? 😉 I don’t know if my SuSE Linux systems are officially supported either. But I know that people try different flavors of Linux until they find one they like. So why not help them a bit? The solution is a bit long, because FC4 doesn’t really like the J2SE 1.4, so a couple of steps normally done at the end of the install, have to be done by hand. Make sure, you have the following packages installed. Otherwise the installer will not even start. Install Creator 2ea. That will complain, that it can’t start the AppServer etc. That’s ok for now. Add the -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true option to the following files: - <CREATOR_HOME>/SunAppServer8/pointbase/tools/serveroption/startserver.sh – last line - <CREATOR_HOME>/SunAppServer8/bin/asadmin – last line - <CREATOR_HOME>/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/config/domain.xml – As a new <jvm-options/> element - <CREATOR_HOME>/SunAppServer8/imq/bin/imqbrokerd – to the _jvm_args variable - <CREATOR_HOME>/rave2.0/startup/bin/run-sql-bundled.sh – last line - <CREATOR_HOME>/etc/netbeans.conf – to the netbeans_default_options with the -J prefix!! Populate the examples etc: - Go to <CREATOR_HOME>/bin - run ./pe-start.sh - run ./db-start.sh - run ./create-travel-db.sh - run ./deploy-ejbs.sh - run ./deplo-ws.sh Finally, run ./creator and enjoy! I hope that helps a bit. Update for Creator 2 Final (Wed Jan 25 11:15:31 PST 2006): We switched to JSE 5.0 for Creator 2 EA2 and Final. So all the hand editing is not needed any longer!
/* Style Definitions */ mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”; Workshop to address cyberbullying, drama and cliques among middle, high school girls DETROIT – In an effort to combat cyberbullying, drama and “mean girl” behavior and inspire positive relationships among middle and high school students, Empowered Flower Girl will host its signature Chica Chat workshop – in partnership with Detroit Parent Network. The two-hour workshop, scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, 2013, is open to girls 10-16 years old throughout the metro Detroit area. “Our goal is to empower girls and young women with the tools to communicate effectively,” said Rasheda Kamaria, chief empowering officer and founder of Empowered Flower Girl. “The workshop provides them with a safe, judgment-free and supportive environment where they can express themselves fully while getting to know other girls.” Earlier this year, Empowered Flower Girl received a grant from Detroit SOUP, a micro-funding organization, to offer the workshop to three Detroit schools and a nonprofit organization free of charge. “We’re excited to offer Chica Chat in Detroit,” Kamaria said. “I grew up in the city. I was bullied and picked on throughout middle school and can relate to what young people are experiencing. Prevention is our priority.” In order to participate, youth must have their parent’s or guardian’s permission. Rasheda Kamaria is the chief empowering officer and founder of Empowered Flower Girl LLC, a social enterprise that produces workshops and clothing that inspire girls and young women to live powerfully. A survivor of bullying, Kamaria was featured in the article “Being Bullied Changed My Life” in the May 2011 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine and has written numerous articles on the subject. Chica Chat at a Glance When: Thursday, June 13, 2013; 5 to 7 p.m. Where: Detroit Parent Network, 726 Lothrop Rd., Detroit Contact: Rasheda Kamaria, firstname.lastname@example.org Cost: Free; advance registration is required
- Public Liability - Professional Indemnity - Business Insurance - Help & Info - The Official Stuff - About BizCover - Quote me Our founders were troubled by the merry-go-round small businesses had to go on just to get the right insurance cover for their business. So they set out to give small businesses a fair go – in an industry dominated by big players, time consuming paperwork, lack of transparency and poor service levels. They boldly disrupted the insurance market by creating BizCover, an online service to simplify comparing and buying business insurance from some of Australia’s leading insurers. This revolution allowed them to reduce costs, increase pricing transparency and decrease the hassle of getting insured for time-poor and cost-conscious small business owners. We’re fiercely committed to the small business community whether it’s to get a better deal or to process a claim. No policy is too small for us and we’ll go the extra mile for everyone. We’ve taken away the complex forms and paperwork and moved the process online, answer a few quick questions and you can receive multiple quotes within seconds. Once you’ve compared policies and decided which one is right for you, you can buy then and there, online. You’ll be able to instantly access your policy documents whenever you need them. If you prefer to talk to a real person, our friendly team is here to help. You’ll have to agree the prices we offer are very competitive. Our insurance partners pay us a commission when you choose to be insured by them, but that cost will be included in your quote. We also charge a platform fee to cover some of our operating costs, like keeping our website secure and providing a friendly voice to answer the phone. We’ve backed our price point with our Price Promise If you need to make a claim on your policy, we’ll be there to make the process as painless as possible. Our claims team will manage the process for you, so while you get on with running your business we’ll follow up with your insurer and keep you updated on your claims progress. We are fiercely committed to the small business community and have launched a grants program, Small Business Buddy: BizGiver Grant to give back to them. Four times a year we grant the wish of a small business by paying for a product or service (up to the value $2,000 including GST) that will help their business grow. Terms and conditions apply.
SmartView SV100A/SV10AC has been discontinued. However, we continue to provide services and support for these products. Measure density or density-related variables with Thermo Scientific™ Sarasota Liquid Density Meters--FD910 and FD950*. These meters are for use within the oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical, food and beverage, and general process industries. *Please note: The FD960 has been discontinued although we continue to provide services and support for this product. Use the Thermo Scientific™ Sarasota RTR900 Instrument Retractor with the Thermo Scientific™ Sarasota ID900 gas density meter in high-pressure measurement applications. This screw jack allows insertion and removal of the ID900 under operational line conditions, allowing measurement at true process conditions. The integral seal-housing allows for a wide operating temperature span and high-pressure capabilities. Achieve optimum data processing with Thermo Scientific™ CM515 and HME900 Density Converter Electronics. Thermo Scientific density meters or specific gravity analyzers are available with either a HART compatible, field-mounted density converter or a control room-based unit. Both instruments provide high-integrity calculations of density and density-related variables to ensure effective custody transfer and process optimization. Thermo Scientific™ large capacity centrifuges are designed for high-throughput processing with the flexibility to select higher capacity rotors or match existing workflows. Reliably measure density or density related variables in the oil and gas, petrochemical and power industries with Thermo Scientific™ Sarasota Gas Density Meters. These meters offer near real-time control signal availability and ensure plant efficiency and vitality. Measure the density, pressure and temperature of dry and wet gases with the Thermo Scientific™ Sarasota SG901 (formerly SG900) Specific Gravity Analyzer, a self-contained bypass sample conditioner. The compact model features fast response and continuous, high accuracy measurements to 0.2% of reading, making it an ideal choice for a variety of applications.
Bugs, tasks, boards, and cards for the masses! TheWikimedia Phabricator project workboard, captured right after the Bugzilla migration. Wikimedia launches a space for collaboration open to all contributors:phabricator.wikimedia.org. Primarily devoted to software development, this platform also welcomes non-technical projects. Wikimedia Phabricator has been available since September for early adopters. Its prime time starts this week, after having incorporated 73,681 reports migrated from Bugzilla, the bug management tool that has served our projects during a decade. Farewell Bugzilla, welcome Phabricator! As far as we know, we are maintaining the biggest public Phabricator instance in terms of number of tasks filed. Phabricator is a third-party open-source software development platform that we decided to use for project management, bug reporting, design of new features, and (one day not too far away) code review, all in an integrated fashion. Wikimedia Phabricator has already more than 800 users, who are getting their Bugzilla activity automatically assigned. New users can join and claim their Bugzilla history as well. Phabricator comes with many improvements over Bugzilla: In general, fluent Bugzilla users who are new to Phabricator will need a few days to get used to the different paradigms this tool proposes. There are some areas that require improvement: There is a complete list of known issues and we will keep working on them after the launch. Phabricator is free software available for anybody. The Wikimedia Phabricator team has worked on key features to adapt it to our projects: Also, we have updated a lot of on-wiki documentation that was related to Bugzilla. Those pages now refer and point to Phabricator. Existing links to Bugzilla reports are automatically redirected to their equivalent Phabricator tasks. Wikimedia Phabricator already had 1,391 tasks before the migration, and we could not assign to Phabricator tasks the same number as their Bugzilla counterparts. Instead, we are providing a memorable solution: just add 2,000 to a Bugzilla number, and you will get its Phabricator task number, i.e. Bug 123 is T2123. Users can still check the old Bugzilla instance, now retired in read-only mode. They can log in to check their votes and their saved searches, which we could not migrate. Evan Priestley, Phabricator’s main developer (with black shirt) visiting the Wikimedia Foundation offices in San Francisco. (“Wikimedia Phabricator Meeting – June 2014 – Photo 2″ by Fabrice Florin (WMF), under CC-BY-SA-3.0) The migration from Bugzilla marks the first step of the migration of the Wikimedia Foundation software development teams (who also need to migrate from Trello andMingle), and of the Wikidata team at Wikimedia Germany (from Scrumbugz). The RT migration is underway, coming in a couple weeks. RT is the tool used by the WMF Operations team to handle requests. Expect some thousands of additional tasks coming to Phabricator through this migration. Code review is the next frontier. The Gerrit Migration Bot has been updated.Diffusion, Phabricator’s code repository browser, is available already now. With Diffusion, developers can import existing repositories, beginning the deprecation of another tool, GitBlit. The migration of the Gerrit code review tool will take more effort and a few months. The actual bottleneck is MediaWiki’s continuous integration system, a tough nut to crack. This is a very exciting project! We welcome your help. PHP developers are welcome to contribute enhancements and new features upstream. Learn more at Phabricator/Code. Quim Gil, Wikimedia Foundation
Of the more than 3 million cases of skin cancer diagnosed every year, more than 80% are basal cell carcinoma, according to the American Cancer Society. These cancers develop within the basal cell layer of the skin, the lowest part of the epidermis. The second most common type of skin cancer is squamous cell (SCC), which accounts for approximately 15% of skin cancers. It is the second most common type of human cancer with an annual incidence of 700,000 cases. SCC, also known as squamous cell carcinoma, is a type of skin cancer that begins in the squamous cells, which are thin, flat cells that make up the epidermis, or the outermost layer of the skin. People with SCC often develop scaly, red patches, open sores, or warts on their skin. Approximately 1 out of 8 cases of actinic keratosis develop into SCC, although most patients present with localized disease that is cured with treatment. Approximately 5% of cutaneous SCC cases recur, metastasize, and can cause death. Bowen’s disease is a form of SCC in situ that has several topical treatment and surgical options. Since most cutaneous squamous cell tumors are not likely to metastasize, there may be some compliancy about treating them. There may be a lack of understanding regarding the significance of these lesions by the patient or doctor. There are some clinical clues that may help distinguish low- and high-risk SCC, but biopsy is the only way to know for sure. According to the 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, low-risk SCCs include: ●Well-defined, primary lesions <20 mm located on trunk or extremities (excluding pretibial, hands, feet, nail units, and ankles). ●Well-defined, primary lesions <10 mm located on cheeks, forehead, scalp, neck, and pretibial. High-risk SCCs include: ●Lesions ≥20 mm located on trunk or extremities (excluding pretibial, hands, feet, nail units, and ankles). ●Lesions ≥10 mm located on cheeks, forehead, scalp, neck, and pretibial. ●Lesions of any size located in the "mask area" (ie, central face, eyelids, eyebrows, periorbital, temple, nose, lips, chin, mandible, pre and postauricular), genitalia, hands, and feet. Biopsy of high risk tumors show invasion of local lymphatics. The goals of treatment are to prevent recurrence and preserve cosmetic appearance of the affected area. There are several methods used: ●Surgical excision, including Mohs micrographic surgery ●Curettage and electrodesiccation ●Radiation therapy (for nonsurgical candidates) With high-risk tumors and metastatic tumors, other options apply, and treatment is best undertaken by a group of practitioners, including the dermatologist, pathologist, plastic surgeon, radiotherapist, oncologist, and pharmacist. Complex cutaneous squamous cell tumors are difficult to treat, can be disfiguring, can metastasize, and cause death. The best approach is often an aggressive surgical and radiologic procedure, unless they are contraindicated. Cemiplimab is a programmed death receptor-1 (PD-1) blocking antibody indicated for the treatment of patients with metastatic cutaneous SCC (CSCC) or locally advanced CSCC who are not candidates for curative surgery or curative radiation treatments. As an anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody, it is an immune checkpoint blocker. This drug has shown impressive results in 2 open label clinical trials. A total of 108 patients (75 with metastatic disease and 33 with locally-advanced disease) were included in the efficacy evaluation. The study’s primary endpoint was objective response rate, or the percentage of patients who experienced partial shrinkage or complete disappearance of their tumor(s) after treatment. Results showed that 47.2% of all patients treated with cemiplimab had their tumors shrink or disappear, most of whom had ongoing responses at the time of data analysis. Some interesting aspects regarding the pharmacokinetics are that there is no renal or hepatic dose adjustment needed, even in renal or hepatic insufficiency. Secondly, when adverse effects (AEs) develop, the drug is either stopped or continued at the recommended dosage of 350 mg intravenously every 3 weeks. It is not reduced in order to reduce AEs but can be stopped. The main AEs are typical of PD-1 blockers and include a variety of immune system-mediated AEs, including hepatitis, colitis, pneumonitis, oculitis, apophysitis, thyroiditis. Depending on the seriousness of the AEs, the treatment can be temporarily held or discontinued. Steroids are always administered for immune AEs. Infusion-related AEs can also occur, which may necessitate slowing the infusion. Pharmacists can play an important role in identifying skin cancer when they see something suspicious or unfamiliar on the skin of a patient. They can suggest seeing a dermatologist with the caveat that they don’t know that is going to be anything serious, but it should be checked. Having a multispecialty approach to the treatment of cancer of any sort should involve pharmacists who are best able to identify the best way to administer a drug in the right dose and the right setting. They may be the best resource on dosage adjustment and management of adverse effects as well.
MIT SMR Connections articles, research reports and webinars are developed in collaboration with sponsors who wish to engage with MIT SMR readers on issues of strategy, digital transformation and leadership. Our custom publishing team operates independently of the MIT Sloan Management Review editorial group and includes writers and editors with deep expertise in technology and management practice. We work closely with clients to shape content that is relevant to companies’ messaging priorities and aligned with topics that matter to our audience of business executives. Below are some examples of what MIT SMR’s custom publishing team can do for you. Our Media Kit details more formats and options; talk to us about how we can tailor a solution that helps you accomplish your marketing goals. Grow your content library, enhance your engagement across multiple platforms, and expand your reach by creating content exclusively for the MIT SMR audience. Native content fits with the MIT SMR brand in terms of look, feel, and voice. We suggest creating content that is focused on the topics that are important to the MIT SMR brand. Our team can provide expert guidance for your content team or work with you to craft the piece on your behalf. Executive Scholar Exchange This program provides a unique solution for an organization to work with our team on the development of original content that deepens and intensifies your presence in your specified industry and combines the insights from a leading academic expert. Content is often published in one of MIT SMR’s quarterly magazines and extends to the website to ensure your message reaches the full extent of our readership. This provides an opportunity for clients to take an MIT SMR article(s) and explain how lessons and insights from the article(s) can be applied in your own company. It’s a unique opportunity to be associated with MIT SMR content while showcasing your organization and the importance of your presence in your specified industry. The Viewpoint is packaged with a selected MIT SMR article(s) into a single PDF, which can then be gated by a custom registration page for lead-generation purposes. Research and Surveys Our team can develop surveys and analyze results in order to identify unique insights that will resonate with business executives. We can then illustrate the results in a variety of media — custom reports, white papers, infographics — to communicate the findings and position you as a thought leader. Your Custom Solution To begin discussing a custom program, please contact our sales team.
2014 Monster Energy Supercross in Oakland GEICO Motorcycle Honda Supercross riders Wil Hahn and Zach Osborne enter this weekend’s national event at O.co Coliseum in the Bay Area determined to make their marks in the 2014 title chase. Both riders have had solid starts to the season but agree that they expect more from themselves as the 17-race Supercross tour makes its fourth stop of the year. Wil Hahn (GEICO Honda CRF450R Supercross) says: “I can’t wait to get to the Bay Area. I’ve never raced up there, but I have attended past events and the dirt looks so nice. I’m excited to get the chance to tear it up. I’ve also got a lot of friends in that part of the country, so it’ll be fun to reconnect. “The goal is to keep building on what I’ve accomplished in the first three races. I know my results (11th, 10th, and 12th) don’t show anything spectacular, but I’ve actually made a lot of progress and my confidence is getting up there where it needs to be. This is only the fourth of 17 races this season, so we’ve got time to get where we want to be.” Hahn, who claimed the 250SX East championship last year, admits that moving up to the premier 450SX class has been a challenge. However, he has quickly learned that he belongs among the sport’s elite. All he needs to do now is prove it to the world. Wil Hahn says: “The only thing holding me back is me. This GEICO Honda is great. The 450 is definitely different from the 250 but it’s a great bike. To be out there riding against all these guys that I’ve grown up idolizing has been a bit surreal, but every lap I get more comfortable and feel like I do belong out there. “Last year when I was leading the championship, it was the same kind of feeling, like wow, is this real. But once you figure out that all the work and effort is what put you in this position, you move past it and just race. That’s the plan for Oakland; just race and have fun.” Osborne started the year with back-to-back podium finishes but slipped to eighth last weekend at Anaheim 2 after coming off his bike trying to avoid a downed rider. Fortunately, although he lost several spots in the incident, he wasn’t hurt and his result kept him tied for third in the championship points. Zach Osborne (GEICO Honda CRF250R Supercross) says: “It was one of those racing things that happened right in front of me. It happened very fast, and it took me a minute to get going again after I went down. When the guys in front have clean track, having something like that happen back where we were just gives you very little chance to catch back up. I salvaged what I could. “I think Oakland will be a good place to get back on it. I’ve always done well there, and the dirt is nice and soft, which I like. I stayed in third but I’m 16 points back now, so I kind of feel like I’ve got nothing to lose. I’m going to send it, for sure, and try to get a win. I’ll keep that Honda pinned as much as I can this weekend. No fear.” FOX Sports 1 will carry the race live beginning at 7:30 p.m. (Pacific), Saturday evening.
Vogue’s Forces of Fashion summit returns to New York Metropolis on October 10th and 11th at Spring Studios. This 12 months’s installment—Forces for the Future—will attribute two days of thrilling conversations and distinctive experiences, with audio system along with Cardi B, Grace Wales Bonner, Tory Burch, Cindy Crawford and Kaia Gerber, Tom Ford, Wes Gordon, Jack McCollough and Lazardo Hernadez, Kerby Jean Raymond, Kim Jones, Olivier Rousteing, Marine Serre, and Donatella Versace, who, for the first time, will possible be joined by Vogue’s own Anna Wintour. Iconic fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld has died in Paris following a short illness. Daryl Hannah’s received the entire equipment a good ’80s look must have, nevertheless you’ll uncover repeatedly that gloves (especially with layered jewelry) are key for this decade. Discover this season’s newest trends with the most recent additions to our women’s clothing assortment. From should-have dresses to new in workwear , refresh your wardrobe with the newest, along with model new clothes from Lipsy and other brands. The combination of our progressive history and talented designers, implementing the most recent traits and improvements, create the right mixture of fashion-impressed elements and practical athleticism to fulfill the wants of the all star athlete. Tory has been acknowledged with numerous awards and honors, together with the CFDA for Accent Designer of the 12 months, Forbes’s Most Powerful Girls inside the World and the Breast Most cancers Evaluation Foundation’s Sandra Taub Humanitarian Award. Her first e-e-book, Tory Burch In Shade (Abrams, 2014), was a New York Cases Best Seller. Navy expertise has performed an essential place inside the fashion commerce. The camouflage pattern in clothes was developed to help army personnel be much less seen to enemy forces. A trend emerged throughout the Nineteen Sixties and camouflage cloth was introduced to avenue put on. The camouflage materials sample disappeared and resurfaced a number of times since then. Camouflage began to look in excessive fashion by the Nineteen Nineties. 39 Designers similar to Valentino, Dior and Dolce & Gabbana combined camouflage into their runway and ready-to-put on collections. Tools: A quick wardrobe improve is easy with plus dimension equipment throughout the newest colours and styles. From sneakers to glam jewelry, scarves, handbags, and plus measurement belts, you may make a press release wherever you go. Not solely did his designs flip Chanel into one of the world’s most valuable couture properties, however Lagerfeld’s enterprise savvy made him an early proponent of the now ubiquitous luxurious collaborations with extreme street producers. Army expertise has performed an important position in the fashion business. The camouflage pattern in clothes was developed to help navy personnel be a lot less seen to enemy forces. A improvement emerged throughout the Nineteen Sixties and camouflage material was introduced to avenue put on. The camouflage materials growth disappeared and resurfaced quite a few times since then. Camouflage began to look in extreme fashion by the Nineties. 39 Designers corresponding to Valentino, Dior and Dolce & Gabbana mixed camouflage into their runway and prepared-to-wear collections. Jumia World Sale is coming – get pleasure from fantastic reductions on hundreds and 1000’s of things shipped from abroad at lowest costs. Buy watches, clothing, shoes, bags for males & ladies, home decor, Kitchen, automotive & cell phone tools, child, children & toys gadgets; along with make-up merchandise & devices and lots of extra devices.
Stop Hair Loss Shampoo Reviews – Hair Loss Treatment Loss of hair: An Review. There are 10s of numerous people who suffer from loss of hair annually in the United States. This is a problem that can impact the confidence of both males and females. The common development of this problem will certainly most likely result in the loss of every one of your hair if it is not treated. Thankfully, contemporary science has given us numerous products that are fairly capable of easing the worst impacts of this problem. Stop Hair Loss Shampoo Reviews Prior to we enter how to deal with hair loss nevertheless let’s take a quick look at the science behind hair loss. Elements That Can Affect Your Loss Of Hair - Your DNA - Hormone Imbalances - General Wellness Of course, the primary exhibiting element for their not you will certainly experience here loss will certainly always be your genetics. Usually you will certainly be born with a proneness for or against loss of hair. If you are predisposed genetically this does not mean that it will certainly take place yet other factors such as hormone discrepancies, your age, and your overall basic wellness will establish if you lose hair and exactly how drastically. What To Search for In A Hair Loss Product Now allow’s claim that you have actually started to lose some below as well as you are beginning to end up being concerned about the future of your hairline. Today there are numerous ways to deal with treating this condition. While there are a lots of items on the marketplace not all of them are produced just as, nevertheless. When you are evaluating the components of a hair loss item watch out for a few particular tried and tested solutions. Stop Hair Loss Shampoo Reviews Ketoconazole is contributed to numerous hair products to assist prevent the development of fungus which can, subsequently, minimize loss of hair. Biotin is also included due to the fact that a deficiency in vitamin B 7 has been connected to loss of hair. Both Saw Palmetto and also minoxidil are typically included in assist hinder the impacts of the hormone DHT. Ultimately, finasteride and also high levels of caffeine are also frequently inside of your loss products since they can assist to advertise fast hair regrowth. Since we have a much better understanding of what to try to find whenever you are looking for loss of hair products allow’s proceed and take a look at some of the most effective items that are readily available for acquisition today. Keep in mind that the components that were noted above are the only tested therapies for loss of hair itself if you are considering a hair loss product that does not consist of any one of these the opportunities are that it will certainly be ineffective. Ideal Loss Of Hair Products For People - 1. Growcomb - 2. Growband - 3. Provillus For Ladies - 4. Provillus For Men - 5. Lipogaine For Females - 6. SPECTRAL.CSF - 7. Lipogaine For Guy - 8. SPECTRAL.DNC-N This Growcomb uses a new kind of technology that has been developed to assist boost the growth stage of your hair roots. This innovation is referred to as ETG or electro-tricho-genesis. The technology creates an electrostatic area using the class diodes as they enter into contact with the roots of your hair. Stop Hair Loss Shampoo Reviews This electrostatic area can help push the hair follicle back into a development stage. All you require to do in order to utilize this item is for 10 minutes on a daily basis. Within three months you will see considerable results more than likely. The Growband is an additional item created by the same business as the Growcomb that targets hair loss using a various method. This product has been created in order to boost your blood circulation and also reduce stress in the scalp. This is due to the fact that in order for your hair to expand then you need to have correct blood flow to it. As you mature it is common for the blood flow to reduce to particular areas of your head which can cause hair loss. By utilizing this item for simply 10 minutes a day you can enhance the blood circulation as well as assistance to raise the thickness and health and wellness of your hair naturally. This is a fantastic item if you are aiming to battle hair loss without taking any type of type of chemical intervention. Provillus For Females Hair loss is not something that just males struggle with and also the good news is for ladies throughout the nation, there are items that exist specifically to help you. This item is based on the key ingredient minoxidil which is likewise existing in Rogaine. The item is composed of a two-step formula. The primary step is a handcrafted supplement that you take once daily that provides your body with all the essential nutrients for healthy hair development. The second step is a minoxidil based formula that you apply directly to the locations that are experiencing the worst hair loss. By incorporating the approach of the minoxidil based formula as well as the supplement studies have actually revealed that women are able expand thicker as well as fuller heads of hair as well as a brief matter of time when contrasted to placebo. Provillus For Male This is similar to the previous item other than it has actually been made particularly for men. While the minoxidil formula is the same the supplement that you will certainly be taking has actually been customized especially to support hair growth in the male body. It has been shown to aid raise the quantity and also density of the hair as well as regrowing past hair that has actually already been lost. The unique formula that is used in the supplement has the capability to assist support the production of healthy hormones along with renewing stores of essential vitamins as well as nutrients that sustain hair growth. If you are a man that presumes hormone inequalities are influencing your hair this could be the very best product for you Lipogaine For Ladies Lipogaine for females is just one of the most thorough loss of hair services that are specifically for the women body. It targets several elements of hair loss in order to aid your body in growing back lost below. Not only will it assist to boost extra development by providing the complying with tools of your hair with vital nutrients but it will certainly likewise help to decrease the degrees of DHT that are found within the body. The specific hormone is recognized to trigger hair to fall out and also if you’re able to block it after that it can limit the quantity of air that you shed. This item has utilized a specific technique to produce microscopic liposomes that envelop the ingredients to make sure that they are a lot more efficiently provided to the cells that need them the most. Scientific researches have shown that it is among the most reliable treatments for hair loss. There are over 17 different substances that work together to adequately shield the body from loss of hair while concurrently advertising the development of added new hair roots. It can assist to hinder the oxidation of your hair while also managing the growth factors that are important in the hair development cycle. The technically sophisticated distribution system ensures that every one of these ingredients make it to exactly where they need to be to provide one of the most assist. Lipogaine For Men This product is a terrific service for men that are experiencing increases in hair loss that are a direct result of elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This hormonal agent is the outcome of the metabolic rate of testosterone and also however men it is related to hair loss. By preventing the conversion of testosterone to DHT it is feasible to slow as well as potentially even reverse hair loss in a reasonably short time period. If you are a guy and also you are searching for something that will help to lower your DHT degrees while also promoting extra hair regrowth this could be a life-altering item. this item is a topical hair loss treatment that makes use of a new formulation of minoxidil. This brand-new solution is called Nanoxidil. While chemically it is the same as the previous formula the distinction lies in how it is supplied to the cells that use it. By encapsulating the minoxidil in microscopic liposomes it has actually been feasible to enhance the distribution dramatically. This allows your body to avoid the formation of accessibility dihydrotestosterone while all at once providing an antioxidant effect. It will help to boost the cell growth cycle of your cells in your scalp that can, consequently, bring about a vastly enhanced head of hair for you. Stop Hair Loss Shampoo Reviews If you are a guy that has actually been dealing with loss of hair than this could be one of the best products on the market. In addition to the minoxidil treatment, it will certainly likewise consist of several various other techniques to see to it that every angle is covered when it comes to your hair. It has been shown via researches to be a lot more efficient than previous substances that have actually been utilized to treat loss of hair. It is likewise efficient in people who have actually had hair transplantation.
Amherst High School: Danielle Karch Brian and Jackie Karch Academic honors earned: Valedictorian, All-Academic Team Award, Cross Country Math League, Advanced Test, national academic honors earned: Society ACT score of 28. : Blood drive coordinator, music teacher to pre-K through fourth grade at Redeemer Lutheran Church, rang bells for the Salvation Army Big Buddy Program, sang the national anthem at several local events (sports events, local fair events, Memorial Day ceremony, etc.), folded pocket flags to send to soldiers. Favorite sports memory: Despite our usual difference in finishing times, four of my teammates and I decided to take it easy and run an entire race together once this year and at the end we crossed the finish line holding hands. I will always remember that moment and the connection I felt with my team members. Advice to an athlete: Success comes from hard work and dedication. I started cross country in sixth grade and took last place in my first completed race. This past year, I was fewer than 10 spots away from personally qualifying for state. If you want to become a great athlete, you have to put your whole heart in it. Inspiration: My seventh- and eighth-grade cross country coach, Brittney Dick. She not only is amazing runner, but a phenomenal coach and friend. She pushed me more than almost anyone else because she knew I had the potential. After convincing the school board, she is also the reason runners can start in middle school. College plans: I am hoping to attend St. Norbert in the fall, where I will continue to run cross country. I am planning to earn majors in pre-medical and Spanish, although I'm not sure what I would specifically like to do when I'm older. I want a job where I can help people and do disease research. Freshman letters, honors: Cross country (first team all-conference), basketball (second team all-conference), softball (first team all-conference). Sophomore letters, honors: Cross country (first team all-conference), basketball (second team all-conference), softball (first team all-conference). Junior letters, honors: Cross country (first team all-conference), softball (first team all-conference). Senior letters, honors: Cross country (first team all-conference), softball (first team all-conference, captain).
By Jesse Morado, CR, director of production at MOSAIC Group [Architects and Remodelers], a metro Atlanta based design/build remodeling company. Whether baby boomers are attempting to sell their homes in the current economy or remain in them for the long term, they would be wise to consider remodeling improvements that facilitate multi-generational living. These improvements serve two purposes. They increase accessibility for aging residents and they add value, making the home attractive to potential buyers when the time comes to sell. Here are some renovations that can facilitate aging in place. - Doorways – Expand the doorway(s) into at least one common bath to either 32 or 36 inches in width. Wider doorways allow freer access to wheelchairs and other mobile assistance devices. - Toilet – Low-flow, comfort-height toilets save on water usage and facilitate transferring on and off the toilet from a wheelchair. - Shower – Bath tubs are difficult to get in and out of and contribute to a number of injuries related to falls. Walk-in showers with a non-slip surface make more sense, allowing easier access. Shower fixtures should be anti-scald rated with lever handles for easy use. - Lavatory – Wall-mounted lavatories provide easier access to the sink and faucet for owners using wheelchairs. Use faucets with lever handles or integrate faucets with sensors to save on water and to assist those with rheumatory ailments. - Grab Bars – Since injuries related to falls in bathrooms are on the increase, consider integrating decorative grab bars in bathing areas and around the toilet. - Dishwasher – A drawer-style or elevated dishwasher reduces bending to load and unload dishes. They also ease access for those who may require a wheelchair. - Cook top/Range – Controls should be upfront so the cook doesn’t have to reach across a heated surface or open flame. - Faucet – Faucets with lever handles and pull-out sprayers are easy to use and access. - Lighting – Add task lighting under wall cabinets and above the sink, range, and food preparation areas for better visibility. Integrate tile or composite flooring materials with non-slip surfaces to reduce slips falls in the bathroom. These products also facilitate traction of wheel chairs and walkers. These systems can manage lighting, control heating and cooling systems, monitor energy usage, control audio and video equipment, increase security and notify you or other family members via a smart-phone in the event of an emergency. Thresholds to at least one exterior entrance should be barrier-free so that stepping up to access the home isn’t required. The entrance most frequently used is your best candidate.
Minimum Credit Score Required For a Mortgage in 2019 – Also, the loan amount required and the amortization requested will also play a role in the credit score required for mortgage approval. For instance, a higher loan amount would be considered a riskier endeavour for lenders, who may, in turn, require a higher credit score. What credit score do I need to qualify for a mortgage. – You will need a 580 credit score to get an FHA loan, 580 for VA in certain states. There are conventional loan programs for borrowers with a 620 credit score and 3% down, you just have to find the right lender to work with you. What Credit Score Do I Need to Get a Home Equity Loan. – Applying for a home equity loan or home equity line of credit (HELOC) can be an effective way to borrow money to finance a home renovation project or pay for other big expenses.. Your credit score is one of the key factors lenders consider when deciding if you qualify for a home equity loan or HELOC. Credit Score of 550: Home Loans, Auto Loans & Credit Cards – So can a credit score of 550 get a mortgage? Perhaps. But getting a mortgage with a credit score of 550 will add an extra $68,040 over the course of the loan than someone with a 721 credit score. What's the Minimum Credit Score for a Home Loan? | realtor.com – The minimum credit score for a home loan varies from lender to lender, but if you’re looking to get a mortgage to buy a home, here’s what you need to know. What's the Lowest Credit Score I Need for Home Loan? – The credit score home loan scale that is most often used is 300 to 850. The federal housing administration (FHA) will allow a borrower with a 500 score to secure a loan, Parsons said. However, there is no guarantee that a lender would help make that happen, even with a 10% down payment. How Your Credit Score Affects Your Mortgage Rate – Bankrate – Conventional loans: Many lenders will accept a credit score as low as 620 for conventional loans, but some lenders may have additional requirements such as lower outstanding debt on top of that. What Credit Score is Needed to Buy a House? – SmartAsset – Your credit score isn’t just for getting a mortgage. It paints an overall financial picture. The term "credit score" most commonly refers to a FICO score, a number between 300 and 850 that represents a person’s creditworthiness – the likelihood that, if given a loan, she will be able to pay it off. How Do You Land the Best Rate on a 30-Year Mortgage? – A better credit score brings better mortgage rates. So. 20% of U.S. consumers had errors on their credit reports that needed correcting. Homebuyers who can make larger down payments tend. Homes For Sale Under Usda Loans Its (Almost) All About Interest Rates – Overall, $372 billion such loans were originated. or so about the lack of for-sale inventory and the impact it is having on home sales and on home prices. The Monitor noted an interesting.
Marlborough, Mass.-based LiveVault launched version 4 of its Online Backup and Recovery Service this week. With the debut of the service, LiveVault becomes one of the only online backup and recovery solutions providers to offer an automatic "detect and configure" system for Microsoft Exchange servers. Scott Jarr, LiveVault director of product managers, said this is a major upgrade of its backup and recovery service portfolio. "Our customers asked for this enhancement," Jarr said. "Exchange is difficult to backup, Microsoft has a 233-page document that explains how to backup an Exchange server. No small business has time for that." The Trickle Effect Jarr said small- and medium-sized businesses shared their experiences with the company, and LiveVault come through with a way to easily protect and backup Microsoft Exchange data. "LiveVault 4 now gives Exchange users peace of mind that their data is 100 percent protected," Jarr said. "Small businesses don't have to worry about the technical configuration issues anymore, with LiveVault 4, it's an automatic process." Jarr said LiveVault 4 also doubles prior benchmarks of network-attaches storage (NAS) restoration performance and optimizes network performance. This makes data restoration faster and easier with far less network drag. "We use a trickle effect to provide continuous data protection," Jarr said. "This means we use smaller bits of bandwidth throughout the day backing up data bit by bit, rather than creating possible network degradation during large data dumps." Just In Case LiveVault works by automatically and continuously backing up business server data over a secure Internet connection. LiveVault then stores the data off-site at an Iron Mountain facility, where the data is available for immediate recovery in the event of a system failure, virus, human error or natural disaster. Frank Thomas Meyers, Multiple Risk Managers owner, uses LiveVault's backup and recovery service for his insurance firm located in Anchorage, Ala. The LiveVault service is offered through AMS Services, and application service provider (ASP) Meyer subscribes to in order to run the two-person insurance firm. AMS and LiveVault teamed up in Dec. 2002 to provide backup and recovery solutions capable of meeting stringent state and federal regulations governing the insurance industry. "Insurance data integrity is imperative," Meyers said. "Each action we take must be recorded and stored for no less than five years. We have to prove we can be up and running within two-business days in the event of a fire or natural disaster. We're comfortable using LiveVault because we know it will be there when we need it." Instant Data Gratification LiveVault service is designed for small- and mid-sized businesses that have primarily relied on in-house tape backups to keep their data safe. Analysts estimate nearly 50 percent of tape-based backups fail to restore correctly, which exposes these businesses to significant risk. In contrast, LiveVault guarantees recovery of all business-critical data and enables companies to return operations to the state they were in immediately prior to a data-loss event. Adam Couture, Gartner Research principal analyst, said the number of businesses that don't back up to a remote site is alarming. "Almost half of the enterprises studied in a recent Gartner study admitted that they don't vault backup data to a remote site," Couture said. "As a consequence a catastrophic event destroying a primary server would likely destroy backup media as well. These dangerous practices should provide plenty of ammunition for remote backup and recovery service providers like LiveVault." However, LiveVault's Jarr said the most frequent cause of data restoration events are not the result of natural disasters or catastrophes. "The number one reason we're asked to restore data protected by LiveVault is human error," Jarr said. "Someone moves or deletes a file that messes up the server configuration and we're asked to restore the system back to its original state." Multiple Risk Managers' Meyers said he has not had to use LiveVault to restore a server to date, but he's glad he knows the service is up and running just in case. "We haven't had to do a full data restoration to date thank goodness," Meyers said. "But we have tested out the system. We deleted, then restored a file and found everything was right as rain. It's good to know we've got LiveVault service. It's there when and if we need it." Pricing and Availability LiveVault offers subscribers three choices when it's called upon to restore data. Subscribers simply go to a secure Web-interface and tell LiveVault whether they want to restore an entire server, restore Exchange data only, or complete a manual restoration, which allows subscribers to pick the exact files they want to replace. Data is downloaded direct from the secure site. LiveVault will also burn the data onto a CD and ship it overnight, but Jarr said most subscribers take the data straight from the Web connection. LiveVault 4 is available now and supports Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. All LiveVault services are priced on a per-server basis and are available only through its network of channel partners, resellers, and independent software vendors. For existing customers, LiveVault 4 will be delivered at no additional cost. Providing data backup and recovery for a single server costs about $199 a month. Discounts are available on one-year pre-paid contracts, which usually translates into protecting a single server for about $2,000 a year. |Do you have a comment or question about this article or other small business topics in general? Speak out in the SmallBusinessComputing.com Forums. Join the discussion today!|
Today is my birthday. I woke up this morning at 5am with an unusually bad headache. Like really splitting to be honest. I did not want to be awake and I did not want it to be my birthday. I certainly did not want to get on stage at church this morning for the ministry minute I was scheduled for and excitedly explain how Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes work. I had made a point of telling Natalie that I didn’t want a point made of my birthday. Honestly it’s been a stressful month. Coming off your parent’s insurance when your work’s insurance doesn’t kick in for a few months is hard and there are a lot of details to figure out. I wasn’t happy about the day and in fact, had pretty much forgotten my birthday was coming up. But I don’t like to be grumpy when other people are trying to celebrate so when my Sunday School class sang me Happy Birthday, I smiled and thanked them. And I did the same for every sweet person that wished me well. And I successfully got my ministry minute pulled together (with some awesome volunteers!) and smiled the whole time. I got home from church and tried to give my attitude a stern talking-to, but the screaming pain in my head just made me lay on the couch, wishing I could enjoy the beautiful day outside. And then suddenly, I got the urge to bake some cookies. I know that sounds weird but I haven’t baked anything for no reason in a while and I (almost in a daze) got up and started getting out the ingredients. It wasn’t until a few minutes later, when the dough was finished and I was getting down my cookie sheets, that I saw what had happened. I looked down at the dough and realized I had just made the cookies from memory. My memory. I had remembered. This is my Dad’s family recipe and I’ve had it memorized since I was at least 10 but the last time I tried to make them, I had to call my Mom because I couldn’t remember it. And I hadn’t made them since. Yeah, I know. It probably doesn’t seem like a big deal to you. But it was to me. And I was so thankful that I burst out crying like a little baby. This has been a hard year. Harder than most people know. And as I sit here typing, I know my problems aren’t all gone (still have a whooper of a headache.) But I am thankful for what God has taught me and for the fact that he is continuing to lovingly teach me. Even if it’s with cookies.
Did you know that limousine services existed as early as 1902? In those periods, the limo driver was seated outside the main compartment, being exposed to various weather conditions and road dust. Nowadays, limo drivers have better working conditions and they also do a better job when it comes to driving you around. Some clients might be inclined to tip the driver for his exceptional service, but how much to tip car service driver? Read on to find out about tipping limo drivers. See If Gratuity Is Included In The Contract When it comes to tipping shuttle drivers, there are several aspects you need to take into account. For example, read your limo rental contract and see if gratuity is stipulated somewhere in the pages. Gratuity basically refers to the tip clients might be willing to offer to drivers, chauffeurs, waiters, etc. Some companies decide to include the gratuity in the total bill, so you might not have to tip extra if you don’t want to. Other companies let the client decide if they want to tip or not. In any case, it’s better to also ask the driver if he accepts a tip or not. Tipping the driver directly also means that the money goes straight to him and not returned to the company which might decide to share the included gratuity with drivers later on. Things To Consider Before Deciding The Tip Amount Whether the gratuity is included or not, it’s important to ask yourself a few questions before deciding the tipping amount. Here are a few of them: 1. Did You Feel Safe And Comfortable Throughout Your Entire Ride? Most people rent a limo, sedan or SUV when they want to travel around town. Regardless of the vehicle choice, it’s important to feel safe and cozy inside. Did you? 2. Was The Driver Polite With You And Your Loved Ones? High-quality limo drivers and chauffeurs might open the doors for you when getting inside and outside the car. They might also help you with luggage and answer your questions regarding the travel time, directions, etc. 3. Was The Driver Knowledgeable? Speaking of directions, many incidents might occur on public roads. For example, there might be a car accident in front as well as a traffic jam. A good driver might take alternate routes to arrive at the destination because he has knowledge about the area. Was your driver able to figure a way out and make you arrive at your destination safely? 4. Was Your Chauffeur Willing To Make Unscheduled Stops At Your Request? This can also happen during your trips. Let’s say that you rent a town car for a few hours to drive around a foreign city. You might be in the mood for certain drinks or foods and ask the driver to make a quick detour, so that you can get what you want. You might want to change the route a bit to pick up a friend. If the driver is willing to fulfill such requests, it’s a good idea to tip him. 5. The Driver Waited For You Until You Were Ready To Go This can also happen to clients. They schedule a pickup time but there’s always something to do at the last minute. A polite driver might wait for you a few minutes until you pack everything or get ready to go. This is a sign that your driver is professional and you might want to tip him. These are just a few important questions you might want to ask yourself before tipping a driver. In most cases, showing excellent levels of skill and knowledge is what might make clients want to tip the driver in the first place, so pay attention to these aspects. Learn The Basic Tipping Guidelines If you think you’ve had a great ride and arrived on time, you probably want to tip your driver to show your gratitude. As a general rule of thumb, most people tip between 10% and 20% of the total value of the limo service. For example, if your ride was priced at $200, you could tip between $20 and $40 for the exceptional driving qualities shown by the chauffeur. Deciding what percentage is more appropriate in your particular case depends on various factors. For example, if the driver arrived early and provided a great service, you might want to tip 10% or 15%. If the driver was very polite and managed to find alternate routes, you could tip 20% for his excellent service. Why Should You Tip The Driver In The First Place? Most people want to tip because they’re thankful for the service offered. On top of that, there’s also a long-term benefit that derives from tipping a limo driver. Think about the fact that you might be back in town at some point in the future. You’ll require a limo or town car and work with the same company as before because you liked their services. If you get assigned the same driver, he will eventually remember you and want to provide exceptional service because you showed your gratitude in the form of a tip the first time. You’re building a professional relationship with people willing to help you have a great time. How Much To Tip Car Service Driver Hopefully, this article answered your original question – how much to tip car service drivers. It’s all about practice and taking advantage of town car services to establish your tipping routine, so don’t hesitate to go with your gut and tip how much you think it’s most appropriate. Also, if you are not convinced that hiring a private chauffeur is the right thing then you should check out our blog. We have a detailed piece on the reasons why private drivers are recommended during corporate events and you can contact us to arrange a limo rental service tailored to your needs!
Contrary to popular belief, it is entirely possible to make vegetarian sushi. That’s because — also contrary to popular belief — the word sushi refers to the rice preparation technique, not the other ingredients. Pieces of raw tuna or salmon artfully arranged on a plate are delicious, but they are not sushi. They are sashimi. If you don’t have rice flavored with rice vinegar, you don’t have sushi. With that in mind, here’s how to make a fantastic lunch. 1 1/2 c. sushi rice, cooked 2 tbsp. rice vinegar 2 tsp. sugar 3 nori sheets, toasted (available from the health-food store; do yourself a favor and buy the pre-toasted kind so you don’t have to toast it yourself) Mild-flavored vegetables such as avocado, cucumber or carrots You’ll also need a sushi mat, available for about $5 at most health-food stores and Asian groceries. (Aluminum foil will work in a pinch, but I don’t recommend it, especially if you’re not used to working with sushi.) Stir the sugar and vinegar into the rice and refrigerate it for an hour or so. If you’re not great at making rice, get yourself an automatic rice cooker; they cost about $20 at most big retailers and will save you a lot of time and effort. After the rice cools, cut your vegetables into thin strips. Lay a toasted nori sheet on the sushi mat. Place about a third of the rice on the end of the sheet closest to you and use the back of a spoon to spread it to about 1/2 inch thick. Make an indentation in the middle of the rice and lay vegetable strips in the indentation. Starting with the side closest to you, roll the nori sheet up around the filling as tightly as possible, rolling the mat with it as needed to keep everything together. Unroll the mat. Dip your fingers in a bowl of water and use them to moisten the loose edge of the nori, smoothing it down against the roll. Using a very sharp knife, cut the roll into slices. Arrange the slices on a plate. Serve with pickled ginger, wasabi and soy sauce. (Pickled ginger and wasabi both should be available from most grocery stores.) Makes three rolls.
|This article's content is marked as Mature| The page Mature contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Peggy "Peg" Cleek is the protagonist of the horror novel The Woman by Jack Ketchum. She also functions as the secondary antagonist of the unofficial sequel The Cow. Book and Short StoryEdit Prior to the events of the novel, Peggy becomes pregnant after being raped each night by her father, Chris Cleek. By the time that her father brought a feral woman to their fruit cellar, she began to form a connection with the animalistic cannibal, who also seems to be aware of her pregnancy. Eventually, Cleek crosses the line for the final time by murdering Peggy's teacher; in retribution, Peggy frees the Woman, who proceeds to enact bloody vengeance on her entire family. In a display of gratitude, the Woman allows Peggy and her young sister, Darleen, to live in the woods with her. As such, they reside in the forests for a few years. In the unofficial sequel for the novel, Peggy aids the Woman in slaughtering a theater troupe, Donald Fischer being the sole survivor. After feasting on the corpses of the slain members, the Woman barbs him, fully intending on using him to recreate her tribe. At this point, Peggy had become accustomed with murdering innocents, and she only displays mild amusement at Donald accusing her of being a remorseless monster. Going as far as to criticize Fischer by saying that he didn't know true pain, she shared her story with him, but she omitted the name of her father. Later on, the group of cannibalistic women kidnap a young woman, slash her throat, and they began to rub the blood of the slain girl on Fischer. Prior to this, Peggy informs Donald on the feral woman's motivation for keeping him alive, but that it was out of her control to resist. The Woman forces herself on the defenseless man, attempting to breed with him. They also pierce his genitals to establish ownership. The book ends with Fischer still under the possession of the women, implying that Darleen is the next to breed with him once she has her period. In the 2019 sequel to the 2011 movie The Woman, it is revealed that Peggy had passed away some point prior to the film giving birth to a stillborn baby. - The Woman (adoptive mother) - Christopher "Chris" Cleek (father, deceased) - Belle Cleek (mother, deceased) - Brian Cleek (brother, deceased) - Darleen "Darlin" Cleek (sister) - Socket (sister) - Donald Fischer (slave) - She is portrayed by Lauren Ashley Carter in the 2011 film adaptation.
You are here This case is about absorbing the realities of families living in high-risk communities in different countries to adapt an intervention proven to reduce risks of gang-joining in the U.S. It is about adaping the Los Angeles Gang Reduction and Youth Development secondary prevention model, hereafter referred to as the “LA model,” to six countries through USAID/State Department funding: Honduras (2013-2015, 2016-2019), El Salvador (2014-2018), Eastern and Southern Caribbean (2016-2020) and Tunisia (2017-2018). Creative’s adapted version of the LA model is called the Prevention and Intervention Family Systems Model (PIFSM). PIFSM comprises two interrelated processes: 1) a diagnostic called the Youth Service Eligibility Tool (YSET) that measures a youth against nine risk factors predictive of gang joining; and 2) the seven-phase family systems intervention that has proven to reduce a youth’s risk as identified by the YSET. Challenge: Gang/youth group violence has grown in the last 10 years in Central America and the Caribbean and common suppressive approaches have failed to address the problem. Beginning in 2010, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras began to embrace preventive strategies as an alternative, but with few evidence-based models to draw upon. The U.S. evidence base shows that secondary interventions (those targeting youth scientifically likely to join criminal street gangs) are effective at reducing gang-joining. Yet, there was no such model in the region in 2014 when USAID/the State Department adopted a place-based strategy to combat insecurity. Exporting evidence-based models to these countries and beyond required adaptation. CLA Solution: Collaboration and learning presented a natural solution to the challenge of adapting and has become intrinsic to Creative's scaling and replication of PIFSM. Filed Under: CLA Case 2018, Case Study, Latin America and Caribbean, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
If you’re anything like me, one of your guilty pleasures is watching a selection of videos from your favorite YouTube channels. Perfect after a long day at work, these videos are a great way to do absolutely nothing and not feel guilty about it. Furthermore, YouTube videos can also be great learning tools, and no topic better exemplifies this than veganism. Plant-based YouTube videos—and their home channels—are the best way to learn about new happenings in the cruelty-free world because you’re getting information straight from fellow vegans. Whether you’re new to veganism or a seasoned veteran, here are five of our favorite YouTube channels that keep us entertained throughout the entire day … and, sometimes, the night. 1. Happy Healthy Vegan Friendly, personable Southern California couple Anji Bee and Ryan Lum are two life-loving vegans who show the world how unrestricting a whole-food, plant-based diet can be. On their channel Happy Healthy Vegan, the duo often posts up to five videos per week that range from recipes such as vegan dim sum and Tuscan Kale Pilaf and nutritional information to documenting the unboxing of eccentric vegan snacks and products. Bee and Lum also known to visit vegan conventions, share industry news, and provide helpful insight to being vegan in special situations (like visiting the dentist). And once you get your binge on with their “Eating Challenges” and “What I Eat In A Day” videos, you’ll be clicking one video after the next. 2. Bite-Size Vegan Resident vegan Emily Moran Barwick’s channel Bite Size Vegan supplies fact-based information that’s fun to watch and easy to understand. The “Is [This] Vegan?” video series delves into obscure products such as tattoos, silk, and even cigarettes. As great as the host is at conveying her plant-based perspective, Barwick is equally great at incorporating comedy into her videos, as the best part of her more than 350 videos is her sarcasm and demonstrated self-awareness (seen in “Going Vegan Fixes Everything & Makes Life Perfect” and “How New Vegans RUIN The New Year | Veganuary Fails”). In addition, Barwick’s interviews with well-known figures such as activist Gary Yourofsky and comedian Myq Kaplan and videos filmed at slaughterhouses offer an informative balance to more light-hearted clips. 3. The Vegan Zombie Eight years in the making, the ultra-personable Chris Cooney and Jon Tedd from The Vegan Zombie demonstrate that veganism doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive for the average person. Some of the twosome’s most popular clips are their recipes for pizza, a breakfast burrito, and a Philly Cheesesteak. However, one of The Vegan Zombie’s staples is how to shop vegan on a budget. The hosts address the “vegan is too expensive” concern, often seeing them review vegan options at markets such Wegman’s and 365 by Whole Foods. Cooney and Tedd also love to visit various vegan expos and street fairs, sampling foods and reporting to their YouTube community in the form of vlogs and live streams. The channel promises a new video every week, meaning you have a new reason to binge-watch every seven days. 4. So You’re Dating a Vegan Known collectively as So You’re Dating a Vegan, the lovable boyfriend-girlfriend vlogging team of Duncan Skiles and Liz Pierotti document their mixed-diet lifestyle as they cook, taste-test, and food-challenge themselves through life. The couple’s “Vegan Vacation” series is a must-see, as viewers watch the pair discover vegan food in cities such as Dublin, New York, Nashville, Paris, and New Orleans. Other standouts include the duo’s cooking episodes in which they invite nutritionists, new vegans, and other guests to sample dishes such as vegan ravioli, tofu ricotta pizza, Smoky Beet Reubens, and Chocolate Chunk Cookies. With more than 100 videos to peruse, this channel will keep you entertained for an entire weekend. 5. Nutrition Facts For the very latest in nutrition research, Maryland-based doctor Michael Greger is a true YouTube highlight. Every year, Greger reads every issue of all English-language nutritional journals to make the world a more healthful place. One of Greger’s most famous accomplishments is his 2015 New York Times bestselling book, How Not To Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease, and because Greger’s an impressive storyteller, his channel is one you could legitimately watch all day. The videos on his channel cover more than 2,000 health topics dealing with everything from how to treat asthma with nutrition, the best foods for people with an autoimmune disease, which types of seaweed might lower blood pressure, and how to stop hiccups. Doug Beney, an ethical, health-conscious vegan, has been blogging since age 16 and fully vegan since age 17. Subscribe now to the world’s #1
Here is an update on what has changed on Monte Carlo since my last Monaco post. All I ever do here is eat, shop and go to nightclubs and bars so I am afraid these are the only aspects of Monaco life I am qualified to discuss – only frivolous hedonism for today, I’m afraid. Since my last visit, a Buddha Bar has opened near the place du casino. I am not really into chains and franchises so much but it seems to be the place to be seen this year. As usual, even though it is a happening place, the vibe is cool and unpretentious. I find this with most places in Monte Carlo, but as with most places in Monaco, Buddha Bar isn’t open late enough. Great music, tropical cocktails – it’s my kind of place. I found a spiffy new restaurant called Le Bistroquet (11, galerie Charles III) which is across the road from the casino gardens and overlooks the Grand Prix circuit. I went here twice just for the insalata caprese and fabulous filleted sole: fresh, amazing and totally boneless. This along with a really nice Chablis for €40 – it’s pretty affordable for Monte Carlo. The shopping situations seems to be as it was: very high-end and exclusive. I had more of a chance to experience the posh shops this time because the yen was high and the euro so low. I got 4 pairs of beautiful handmade leather shoes at the Metropole Shopping Center at ridiculously low cost. This is the kind of shopping mall I like as it consists of boutiques, cafes and it’s stunning. There is no anchor department store, no KFC, no hypermarket – all is original, beautiful and full of quality stuff. Stores of a similar standard can be found around Avenue Saint Charles. There is a Nike, Lacoste and a few similar chains as well as some very expensive little antique shops on Boulevard Princess Charlotte and Boulevard des Moulins – I assume that the $3000 knick knacks come from the homes of the deceased elite. They all seem to have beautiful brass cabin clocks. Another new discovery : the pool at the Fairmont, which is small but delightful is not only fun for the day time, is a 24 hour bar and club known as Saphir 24. I believe there is no swimming but it has a jazz band, and it’s just beautiful. I love their brunch. Everything else was much the same as my last Monte Carlo post: Zelo’s was wonderful. My dear friend AT took us there for some more lovely lobster for me, steak for them and Chateauneuf-du-Pape for all of us… again. Until it seeped out of our skin – again…. Zelo’s is not just a fun restaurant but a cool club or a “locale piu trendy del Principato di Monaco” as it says on the website. I much prefer the Saphir or Zelo’s bars to the stuffy and boring Crystal Bar in the Hotel Hermitage – I think it’s time my beloved Hermitage opens something that is a bit of fun. I do love it there: they have a beautiful cafe (Limun Bar) in the lobby and a great terrace for parties but their bar and restaurant are dull and disappointing. Who wants to go to the type of place they can find in any hotel or airport in the world? Anyway. there is always Zelo’s.They even redecorated in honour of my visit. What kind of person goes all the way to somewhere like Monte Carlo to go to McDonald’s? My friends would. The place was absolutely packed full of American tourists on a day trip from St. Tropez. So, I found the one and only McDonald’s in town (which is hidden away in an entertainment and leisure centre with a discrete, green sign) for a shake and chips and got a packet of tomato sauce for someone special who eats them. Yes: I know a person who eats ketchup out of the little packets – here is evidence of my shameful excursion.
- Poster presentation - Open Access Neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio performs better than procalcitonin as a biomarker for bacteremia and severe sepsis in the emergency department Critical Care volume 19, Article number: P66 (2015) The objective of this study was to evaluate the neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio (NLCR) versus procalcitonin (PCT) in diagnosing bacteremia in the emergency department (ED). The NLCR is a biomarker that appears early in the course of the acute inflammatory response and reaches maximum levels within 4 hours after onset. An elevated NLCR has been shown to correlate to bacteremia at a cutoff level of >10 . It is rapidly analyzed on a full blood cell count at low cost. The lowest recommended cutoff level for PCT is <0.5 ng/ml. We randomly chose 425 patients from a 9-month epidemiologic study on the incidence of community-onset severe sepsis and septic shock in western Sweden 2011 to 2012. In total, 207 had severe sepsis and 218 had sepsis, mean age 71.2 versus 64.2 years; males 51%. Sampling was made on arrival in the ED. The NLCR was analyzed immediately, PCT later on plasma frozen at -80°C. A total of 122/425 patients had bacteremia, 72 (35%) in the severe sepsis group versus 50 (23%) in the sepsis group. Most common findings were Escherichia coli (n = 33), Staphylococcus aureus (n = 24), streptococcal spp. (n = 33) and other enterobacteriacae spp. (n = 17). The NLCR shows significantly higher sensitivity than PCT at recommended cutoff levels for bacteremia. Interestingly, this is true even for all 207 patients with severe sepsis, irrespective of bacteremia or not. Sensitivity figures with 95% confidence interval: bacteremia (n = 122): NLCR 80% (0.73 to 0.87) versus PCT 66% (0.58 to 0.75), P = 0.01; severe sepsis with bacteremia (n = 72): NLCR 85% (0.77 to 0.93) versus PCT 70% (0.59 to 0.81), P = 0.03; and severe sepsis but no bacteremia (n = 135): NLCR 71% (0.65 to 0.77) versus PCT 61% (0.54 to 0.68), P = 0.03. The NLCR can be used in the ED as a biomarker for bacteremia as well as severe sepsis and seems to perform as well as or even better than PCT in this setting. Rapid response, low cost and no need for extra sampling make it useful as a screening tool. de Jager , et al: Crit Care. 2010, 14: R192-10.1186/cc9309. About this article Cite this article Ljungström, L., Karlsson, D., Pernestig, A. et al. Neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio performs better than procalcitonin as a biomarker for bacteremia and severe sepsis in the emergency department. Crit Care 19, P66 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/cc14146 - Escherichia Coli - Emergency Department - Septic Shock - Emergency Medicine - Staphylococcus Aureus
For a while I could almost have thought I was back on northern Dartmoor in the old days when, apart from the ancient tracks, there were fewer paths. In recent years, paths have sprung up on Dartmoor, from tor to tor and from antiquity to antiquity etc. In those golden olden days we used to have to find our own way across pathless and rough countryside, navigating in good weather on distant landmarks, or in bad on compass bearings. Anyway, a long way from Dartmoor as I thought back to those days. Though the geological roots are different, the long and peaty stretch of the North Pennines reminded me greatly of the plateau of North Dartmoor. We set out from Dufton intending only to walk up the old lead miners track into the Pennines to visit Great Rundale Tarn. A walk we’ve done a couple of times and which I’ve blogged in the past. A lovely walk too, with grand views as you climb the miles up to Threlkeld Side, first along an enclosed lane and then out on to open fellside with increasing views across the Eden Valley to the mountains of the Lake District. The lane was lined with beautiful foxgloves by the stone walls separating the track from the distinctive height of Dufton Pike. We watched a hare as he shot up almost the entire height of the Pike in just a few seconds – oh that I had that energy! It’s hard to imagine Threlkeld side as it must have been at the height of the lead mining. Noisy and dusty I suspect, as you look at the industrial disturbances that nature hasn’t yet healed. Great Rundale Tarn is a broad sheet of water situated among the peat hags of the Pennine plateau. And it was here that we changed our plan for simply returning the same way. I’ve often visited the Whin Sill geological marvel that is High Cup Nick, usually going there in a circuit from Dufton. Now if you look at the OS map you won’t see any paths marked between Great Rundale Tarn and the Nick. But they are there, firstly a stalking track down the side of the beck (Tarn Sike) and then rougher paths between the beck and the peat hags as Tarn Sike becomes the Maize Beck, a deeper flow of water with some splendid little waterfalls. And it was on this black peaty stretch of the Pennines that I was reminded of Dartmoor. Except for the wooden grouse butts, of course. And there were lots of them. The first stretch of path from the tarn (where there is a shooting box) was obviously created to cater for the grouse shooting industry, not something you ever see on Dartmoor. Now, whether these grouse butts are used these days I’m not sure. In all our long walk we didn’t put up a single grouse so perhaps not. I hope not. But the Maize Beck is a delight. A lovely gurgling river that comes within a whisker of tumbling down into the great canyon of High Cup Nick, but in fact doesn’t – swinging eastwards at the last moment to cross the Pennines to add its waters to the wild River Tees hard by the great waterfall of Cauldron Snout. We left the Maize Beck at a footbridge over a tiny and picturesque gorge and set out on to the open fellside. It was sweltering hot as we walked the Pennine Way to High Cup Nick. And it was only here that we came across fellow walkers. In fact, being a hot Sunday afternoon, High Cup was positively crowded. We even had to socially distance as we passed walkers coming in the other direction from Dufton. I wondered how many intended to walk beyond the famous Nick to the wild peaty moorland beyond? I suspect not many. (c) Text and pictures J and A Bainbridge
As a support team that had never had a help desk before, finding time was never easy, especially as a team of one. SQZ wanted one seamless process for communicating and submitting a request to IT, along with a way to capture, store, and retrieve all of the IT request/records. Born out of a need to create a help desk and a desire to build a tracked ticketing system, they were on the hunt for an IT help desk solution that wouldn’t take up a lot of time or resources to build and manage. SQZ Biotech is a developing cell therapy biotech company with the potential to impact patients across a wide range of diseases. Located in Waterton, Massachusetts, SQZ Biotech’s unique cell engineering platform facilitates robust, scalable delivery of materials to direct natural cell functions with minimal impact on cell health. The technology has demonstrated the potential to create cell therapies that are impossible with other approaches. Before implementing Halp, SQZ’s IT team consisted of a team of one, Ben, that didn’t have an organized ticketing system in place. In his terms, things were “chaotic.” Ben was constantly inundated with IT request emails, Slack direct messages, and drive-by’s (“Swoop and 💩’s” as we like to call them) with no way to track and manage his work. Let alone find enough uninterrupted downtime to get actual engineering work done. In other words, handling all of these unorganized requests monopolized Ben’s time and energy away from real, important engineering work. As a support team that had never had a help desk before, finding time was never easy, especially as a team of one. Ben wanted one seamless process for communicating and submitting a request to IT, along with a way to capture, store, and retrieve all of the IT request/records. Born out of a need to create a help desk and a desire to build a tracked ticketing system, Ben was on the hunt for a solution that wouldn’t take up a lot of time or resources to build and manage. His main drivers were that he wanted something easy to use, quick to implement, and would play nicely with Slack. Some would say that Ben wanted to have his cake and eat it too. After searching for a tool that would integrate to Slack, he was able to find Halp and quickly discovered the benefits of this all in one customizable solution. Go on, Ben, take a bite of that cake you wanted, you deserve it! Ben had initially looked into several alternative solutions, but couldn’t find anything that worked the way he needed. He had wanted to find the time to build something himself, however, with limited resources and being the sole member of the team that manages all IT requests, he was strapped for time and manpower (and patience, let’s be honest). When he discovered Halp, he was pleased with how easy it was to use and the power it had living on the Slack platform. After all, Slack and Halp go together like peas and carrots, even Forrest Gump knew that. Shortly after installing Halp, he set up a few custom forms, fields, and triggers that would help him map all of his ticket requests to a Slack channel, and he was up and running. As an early adopter of Halp, it has saved me many headaches on top of increasing my uninterrupted work time by 40%. It took SQZ only about a week to get Halp up and running, and they saw immediate effects. The biggest change came from employees. Ben saw the number of drive-bys go down drastically because people were willing to open tickets from Slack on their own because it was so easy for them to put them in (some would say it was fun too!). The ability to react with an emoji from a direct message makes it easy to grab requests when the person forgets to submit a ticket the “right way.” Halping to reinforce the need to submit a ticket because the tools are already baked into the workspace. The biggest benefit for him is how seamlessly Halp and Slack are integrated. With the ticketing system being “part” of Slack, Ben can respond or create a ticket right away from a message and he can handle about 90% of the issues right off the bat. The real breakthrough benefit for Ben was his ability to access tickets from anywhere he was, through the phone app. Ben said, “the biggest difference between Halp and other systems on the market is its potential for growth on the Slack platform when it comes to features and internal-facing support.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, which is why we didn’t, and Ben did instead. Thanks, Ben! Halp makes it easy to route tickets by leveraging Slack’s open API and ever-growing list of features that make supporting his now 80-plus person company better. As an early adopter of Halp, Ben has been saved from many a headache. And, he was able to increase his uninterrupted work time by 40%. Once Ben curbs his addiction to AMA on Reddit, we feel confident he’ll be able to get 100% of his work done uninterrupted. #GOALS Today SQZ and Ben are loving the way Halp has helped make life and work easier, more efficient and less stressful for them. Add Halp to your workspace today and start your 14-day trial of Halp and see how it too can increase your uninterrupted work time! Liked this case study? Subscribe for more! These 10 Slack apps are amazing at saving time and reducing information overload, but they’re really just a scratch on the surface. There are so many bots, apps, and integrations dedicated to making communication, file management, productivity, and HR easier for Slack-driven teams.
The best thing you can say about “Achy Breaky Heart”, Billy Ray Cyrus’ 1992 hit single, is that it’s only 3 minutes and 24 seconds long. That was all the achy and breaky we had to endure—until now. Billy Ray, who’s now more famous for being Miley Cyrus’s father, and Buck 22, who’s only ever been famous for being Dionne Warwick’s son, have collaborated on “Achy Breaky 2,” a hip hop remix of the ‘90s hit. This unholy marriage of faux country and pseudo hip-hop is literally the worst of both worlds. If “Achy Breaky 2” plays at even one bar mitzvah party, that’s one bar mitzvah party too many—even horny 13-year-olds deserve better than this. “Achy Breaky 2” opens with a “comedic” introduction by Larry King. By helping to unleash this Frankenstein creation, Larry King is essentially leaving a flaming bag of something on America’s porch. The basic premise of the video is that Billy Ray and Buck 22 are partying on a spaceship. Of course, the idea of Billy Ray Cyrus being launched out into intergalactic exile is tremendously appealing—but that doesn’t mean we want to watch the footage. Rocking a man-tank, sunglasses, and sultry pout, Billy Ray looks both embarrassingly excited to be included and super confused. Basically, he looks like your dad would look if someone put a guitar in his hands and told him to make a hip-hop music video. Nobody wants to see that. Catapulting “Achy Breaky 2” from weird to disturbingly weird is the insane amount of young, naked cyborg flesh on display. Throughout the video, Billy Ray and Buck 22 are flanked by young women draped in what we can only imagine is a brand of super-durable space floss. Not only are these women as young as Miley Cyrus, they’re also twerking—the dance move that Miley herself popularized. Buck even goes so far as to reference Miley’s moves, rapping, “Miley keeps twerking, daddy’s song is working.” Someone needs to strap a jet pack on Dr. Drew and send him up to unpack these daddy issues, ASAP. As for the song itself, this is the first time we’ve ever wanted to turn up the amount of Theremin on a track. Between the outdated EDM beats, Buck 22’s half-rapping, and the unfathomably annoying “Achy Breaky” hook, we’d honestly rather be listening to “Wrecking Ball.” If that wasn’t ludicrous enough, we’re pretty sure some e-cigarette company footed the “Achy Breaky 2” bill, judging from the weird space bongs that all the dancers are awkwardly clutching. “Achy Breaky 2”: sponsored by e-cigs and desperation. “Achy Breaky 2” is really bad, and in an ideal world, no one would ever listen to it. But that doesn’t mean we’re not about to go watch it ten more times. In the (extremely troll-y) words of Buck 22 himself, “I’d rather be lucky than good.” Meanwhile, Miley Cyrus just realized that Billy Ray stole her back up dancers, took all of her salvia, and filmed an embarrassing music video in her personal life-sized spaceship. Not again, dad!
A small group of Democrat lawmakers and anti-liberty activists are still attempting to exploit the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary to push for more restrictions on your liberty: Newtown activists on Thursday helped introduce the first gun safety bill in this Congress, officially kicking off the gun control debate on Capitol Hill. The bill would ban large capacity ammunition clips for everyone but military members and law enforcement officers. It was introduced by Rep. Elizabeth Esty, D-5th District, in the House and Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., in the Senate. The bill’s proponents characterized the legislation as a needed safety measure, like seat belts or airbags, that would save lives, not only those threatened by a mass murderer, but also police who are often outgunned by criminals. Eight states, including Connecticut and the District of Columbia, ban high-capacity magazine clips. But congressional Republicans have resisted efforts for a federal ban, and for any new federal gun restrictions. Dave Stowe, vice chairman of the Newtown Action Alliance and the Newtown Foundation, insisted there should be bipartisan support for the bill, saying, “What I see is an issue that does not take sides.” Yes, the group actually called them “magazine clips” in their press release, and the clueless Northeastern media regurgitated the term and the group’s falsified claims without a bit of fact-checking or introspection. Magazines and clips are, of course, two completely different things. The group would arbitrarily declare than any standard capacity magazine over ten rounds was “high capacity.” The lawmakers and activists claimed that magazines that held more than tend rounds were “more lethal,” but Newtown Action Alliance could not explain how they were more lethal when challenged on the assertion by Bearing Arms. Magazine capacity has nothing whatsoever to do with lethality, which is a function of energy transfer from a projectile on a target. Perhaps the most disgusting claim in support of their legislation is an attempt to claim that eleven lives were saved at Sandy Hook Elementary when the murder ran out of ammunition: They say seconds count when a gunman threatens. As examples of this, they point to the 11 Sandy Hook schoolchildren who were able to run from danger while L____* reloaded his gun… This is a claim that has never been substantiated with a shred of evidence. While it is true that a number of students were able to escape one of the classrooms under attack when the attacker had an apparent problem with his rifle, there is no evidence at all to support Newtown Action Alliance’s claim that he was having problems changing magazines. In fact, all available evidence suggests against the murderer having magazine related issues during his murder spree. During his spree, the murderer was actually changing magazines before he ran out of ammunition, a fact verified in the official Sandy Hook School Shooting Reports. Magazine capacity was not a a factor in the murder spree, and there is no evidence that the killer had difficulty changing magazines at any point. Instead, it is far more likely that the killer’s weapon malfunctioned after overheating from firing 100+ rounds in less than five minutes in a school that was a completely undefended soft target. Anti-gun Democrats and gun control activists still continue to fight putting armed guards (school resource officers, or SROs) in schools and allowing faculty and staff to carry firearms, even though Purdue University’s Homeland Security Institute has determined that a combination of armed SROs and armed faculty/staff give students the highest chance of surviving a similar mass murder attempt, or the sort of orchestrated mass terror attack on schools that counter-terrorism experts have long predicted is inevitable. When challenged to provide evidentiary support and expertise to support the propose 10-round limit, neither the lawmakers nor Newtown Action Alliance responded to Bearing Arms. There is no credible evidence from actual firearms experts that supports the restriction, which is just the latest attempt by statist Democrats to trade your essential liberty for the illusion of temporary safety. * Bearing Arms does not print the names of mass or spree killers.
The idea of buying a new car is extremely exciting and exhilarating. A car owner knows that he will be able to flaunt his latest car in front of people. He also knows that owning a new car means that the person driving the car and the car also; both are the sources of attraction for people. However, people think that they can only flaunt their new cars because the old cars are less likely to remain in the same condition. Many of the car owners might not know that they can keep their new car in better condition by keeping it maintained. Undoubtedly, you have to invest a significant amount time, money, and effort in keeping the car in a better condition, but you must know that your effort will pay you off by yielding good results in a great way. Therefore, we must always give priority to the maintenance of our car irrespective of its condition. The exemplary car maintenance can make the old car look new and make the new car look brighter and beautiful. In this era of chaos and mayhem, almost each one of us is busy in our lives. We all have a tight and hustling routine that does not allow us to do anything else in our busy lives. In such situations, it is nearly impossible for all of us to take out time on a regular basis for car maintenance. Instead of maintaining our car, we prefer taking our cars to service centers because they can provide the best maintenance services to the car. Specifically, when you have a luxury car like BMW or Lamborghini then, you must focus on taking your car to the BMW service center Abu Dhabi. They have expert and skilled people who know the art of fixing issues and problems in a luxury car. Some of the important things that you must bear in mind while selecting a car service center are mentioned below. Expert and skilled team: Whenever you are looking for the best car maintenance company you must make sure that the company you select has an efficient team of skilled and expert individuals. Only expert individuals know the art of fixing car problems. Therefore, you must find the car maintenance company like has expert team members. However, you can also rely on Volkswagen Abu Dhabi service center to keep your car maintained for a longer span of time.
Let me first start by saying, tarot and oracle reading does not always have to be so solemn and serious. For some, it is, but it can be fun, light-hearted and enjoyable. With that being said, shopping for a deck that you will enjoy working with is just that..FUN! It’s always recommended to browse in-store; to be able to get a better feeling for the cards. However, in all honesty I don’t see that being useful, as most shops that do carry tarot cards have them pristinely packaged and no “tester” decks just laying about for you to shuffle through. So, buying online and using YouTube flip-through videos and reviews are your best option. What is deck lust? As a beginner (and I am speaking from personal experience; because..well I am still at the beginning stages, too!) I feel like once you get your footing with card meanings, the lust of adding more beautifully designed cards to your collection grows! There are so many talented artists out there. If you’re a fan of artwork and love to collect it, the deck lust bug will bite you even harder. Your want for different and unique decks will grow, but try and stay focused. It will be much better in the long run to keep your collection limited (at least at first!) OK, but how do I avoid it? If you plan to only read for yourself, having a true bond with the deck(s) you have is important. Learn their meanings and even experiment with reversals (the reading of card meanings that are shown upside down) first before springing toward a new deck. Having a deck that is beautiful in your collection, but never actually gets used is just a waste! Here are a few questions to ask yourself when selecting tarot decks that you know are right for you and ones you just suddenly have lust over: 1. Do I have clear intuitive perspective with this deck? Let’s face it. There are many tarot decks that I want, but honestly I have no real understanding of them. Guidebooks are fantastic tools, but I don’t want to rely on it 100% just to get some kind of meaning from the cards. If the imagery is too obscure for you to read intuitively; it’s probably not for you (I know, I know..the artwork is beautiful. Self control, my friend!) 2. Am I truly drawn to these cards, or caught up in the hype? Many new tarot decks are being featured online and in the community that others are really excited and chatty about. However, are you spending money on them just to keep up with others, or do you really feel a connection? Trust me, you’re no less cool if you don’t have the latest hot new tarot deck. In a month or so, it’ll be old news anyway! 3. Can I really afford another tarot deck in my collection? On average a good quality tarot or oracle deck with guidebook can cost $30-60 USD if not more. One or two decks is really all you need (Like, seriously. Don’t be like me!) Building a collection can quickly become expensive. As a beginner, focus on your understanding and learning of the cards with one deck before you build a stash. Don’t fall prey to the impulse buy…like I do! These are just some tips I’ve learned along the way. At the present moment, I am truly in love with all the decks that I have collected and I have done research on all of them before purchasing. Some of them I have bought to compare with others and how they work with the intent to sell the lesser off on a BST Facebook group. I do understand buying more than one with the intent to sell some, because it is hard to choose what you will like in-person; just make sure you know the difference between testing them out and deck lust!
A quick reminder that this week sees the release of the collected (trade paperback) volume of the first five Transformers Spotlight issues (Shockwave, Nightbeat, Hot Rod, Sixshot and Ultra Magnus… all written by me, with art from Nick Roche, Mark Bright, Rob Ruffolo and Robby Musso). It should be in shops Thursday (31st of May) in the US and Friday (1st June) here in the UK. For more details and a preview of cover and interior art, visit the IDW site here and check out the New Releases section. Though self-contained, the Spotlight issues feed into (and out of) the ‘ongoing’ Infiltration/Escalation/Devastation series, so don’t miss out. And on the subject of Escalation, the collected edition of that six-issue series came out last week (and so is available right now in all good book and comic shops… or via Amazon if you’re lazy). Thanks to everyone who bid on the first five ebay listings for the exclusive editions of Transformers Movie Prequel #3 (with the variant sketch cover by Andrew Wildman), each signed and numbered in gold pen by myself and Andrew. And congratulations to those who nabbed ’em! The money raised goes to the Draw The World Together charity (which in turn finds its way to the highly worthy EveryChild). For more details, go here. And if you missed out, fret not. The second batch of five are up now — here. What are you waiting for? Get bidding! Finally, my post-script digressions on Transformers Devastation #2 (first promised a few weeks back I know!). My excuse is, having trailered Devastation as a whole, I wanted a bit of breathing space before I launched into issue #2. As always, these will be teasers, not spoilers. Let’s start by talking heads… disembodied ones and Headmasters. There are two main story strands in issue #2 (though inevitably other sub-plots simmer onwards as well). One is Sixshot and his opening salvo, aimed directly at Earth’s Autobot Tactical Response Unit (actually, that happens in issue #1, but the fallout—literally—spreads onwards into issue #2). Not known for his subtlety, Sixshot is pretty much going to blow things wide open (again, literally!) in the saga as a whole. Then there’s Hot Rod and Wheeljack, who are off on their own mission (those of whom have wondered about the fate of Ironhide from Escalation #6, all will be revealed), one with a truly ‘crushing’ deadline, and end up being targeted by the Machination. Yes, it’s the full debut of the IDW-verse Headmasters. As always, expect dramatic differences from the Headmasters of yore. All this Headmaster-y stuff also feeds into further revelations on the fate of both Hunter and Sunstreaker. Now, when I mentioned disembodied heads, you thought I might finally spill the beans on who the Machination’s ‘head’ really is. Wrong. Different disembodied head. Boy, am I a tease! Oh, I’ll be back soon with another script (w)rap on Beast Wars The Ascending #2 (soon!). … with Steve White, editor of the upcoming (first issue is out July 19th) Transformers (UK) comic/magazine. What UK exclusive comic material can we expect in the new Transformers publication? So far we have six self-contained stories written by Simon Furman that although are stand-alones, will tie straight into the IDW prequels. After that, we’re pondering our options; we have contracts for all the various Transformers properties so who knows where we’ll end up? What homegrown talent have you got lined up to work on the project? Aside from Simon (obviously) and Geoff Senior, Andy Wildman and Nick Roche will be doing art for the following two issues. I’d like to see if I can get some of the other ‘classic’ artists interested but I don’t want this to be a complete nostalgiafest. We have to bear in mind we’ll be picking up a whole new generation of fans who only know it from the film, so we can’t afford to alienate them, especially as there’ll probably be a lot more of them! When is the new comic out, and how can fans contribute? What features, other than stories will the comic contain? The first issue launches 19 July – a week before the movie release. As well as the strip, we’re running character profiles and a fun Celebrity Death Match-type feature along the lines of who would in fight between..?, both written by Simon. There’ll be three strips: the IDW prequels, the originated prequel material, and Beast Wars reprints, just for a change of pace. For more information check out the Titan site here. I’ll have my head in the sky on Saturday June 9th, when I’ll be appearing at Orbital Comics in London along with IDW Editor-in-Chief (and co-writer of the Transformers Movie Prequel) Chris Ryall and artist Nick Roche (Spotlight Shockwave, Hot Rod and Kup). We’ll be signing from 12 noon to 1PM (so before the Mark Millar signing down the road at FP), and all comers are welcome to pop along and say hi and get our scrawl all over your nice pristine comics and TPBs. There’s more than a good chance one or all of us will get carried away and impart details of upcoming Transformers goodness, so don’t miss out. Orbital can be found at 148 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0LB (just a stone’s throw from Tottenham Court Road tube station/Centrepoint). Their phone number is 020 7240 7672. Hot on the heels of yesterday’s cover image for the new Transformers UK comic (see previous entry) comes some all-new interior art, courtesy of those fine chaps at Titan and a certain Mister Geoffrey Senior. Click on the thumbnail below for the first page of Geoff’s Optimus Prime story (his first interior strip work on Transformers for seven years!) from the first issue of Titan’s Transformers comic/magazine (in shops July 19th). Ah, fair takes me back… If you attended the recent Bristol (UK) comics convention, and happened by the Titan Books/Magazines stand, you’ll have already seen this. If not, then feast your eyes on the cover of the first issue of Titan’s UK Transformers comic/magazine (click on the thumbnail, below). The first issue hits (UK) newsagents on 19 July, and is packed with strip (including an all-new 10-page, UK-exclusive strip), features, fact-files and competitions. Each issue comes with a highly collectable covermounted free gift, the first of which is Transformers dog tags. As previously reported, the UK-exclusive strip in #1 is by myself and fan favourite artist Geoff Senior (marking his first Transformers strip work in over seven years). Keep checking back here for information and sneak peaks at what’s coming up, and to subscribe visit the Titan site here. Didn’t nab one of the oh-so collectable (exclusive!) editions of Transformers Movie Prequel #3 (with the variant sketch cover by Andrew Wildman) at the recent Bristol Comics Expo? Shame on you. Still, you have a chance now to go one better. 20 (exclusive, exclusive!) copies are to be auctioned off on ebay, each signed and numbered in gold pen by myself and Andrew. The first five are up now. To bid, go check out the ebay listings here. It’s all in a very good cause, folks! For more information, check out the Draw The World Together site here. As reported previously, the second (trade paperback) volume of Death’s Head is out from Panini in October. Editor Brady Webb was kind enough to confirm the contents, which are: Death’s Head #8-10, the entirety of The Body in Question, (8-page story from) Marvel Comics Presents #76, She-Hulk #24, Fanatastic Four #338 and What If? #54. And, for the sake of completeness, the second one-page story featuring DH (that ran as an advertisment in other Marvel UK titles) is collected as well (making it a truly bumper volume). There’ll be a new intro from me and no doubt other cool stuff too. Volume 1 is out now!
Iphone spy my account Free iPhone Spy using FreePhoneSpy All they need is the password of your iCloud account. To create a strong password, visit my blog post. In addition, there have been reports of vulnerabilities that were discovered in iOS security. In the past, it was possible to enter an iOS device by connecting to the same network to gain access by using malicious software tools. Although these vulnerabilities have been fixed by now, there are always new threats at the end of the tunnel. However, there is quite a simple solution to counter any suspicion. Spy on instagram account free Just update your device with the latest available updates via iTunes. This will remove a potential jailbreak and any third-party software. A factory reset is a last-resort option for both Android and iOS cell phones. Resetting your cell phone to its factory settings will delete all third-party apps - thus, any potential spy software will be removed as well. After resetting your cell phone to its factory settings, you can download and install an app called AppNotifier that will notify you whenever a new application is installed on your phone. Generally, many people that fall victim to spy software were not even aware of the fact that it was happening. Once you discover that someone has been spying on you, it might cause a shock of disbelief. Whether it was with personal or business intent, the impact can be hard to cope with upon discovery. If your cell phone is showing any of the signs listed above that suggest that someone might be spying on you, I highly recommend that you follow the provided solutions for your Android or iOS device. What if someone had access to all of your personal data? That would be an absolute disaster. So, how do you know if someone is spying on your cell phone, and what can you do about it? Here are 10 ways to tell whether or not your phone is being monitored. Abnormally High Data Usage. Also, unexpected noises or sounds should ring the alarm bells that something is wrong. In the past, phone lines were not always stable and without any weird background noises. Have you received any odd-looking text messages? Increasing Battery Temperature in Idle Mode. - All Features Hello and welcome to Best Phone Spy Reviews? - Search form. - Part 1: Spyic – Spy on iPhone Without Jailbreak? - Jailbreaking is literally dead Now!; - 4 Ways to Monitor Snapchat on iPhone and Keep Your Child Safe; Conversations I've not shared with my husband he knows about 3. What else can I do? But I'm afraid maybe I'm thinking too much? If I report them? I need to know how use codes? Spy on instagram account free Also stuff about PC and mtp? If none of the previous suggestions have given you sufficient information to know whether or not you're being spied on, some of the steps below will give you a more detailed look at what is happening with your phone. Yes No I need help 1 Check your phone's network usage. Follow this guide to learn your carrier's USSD codes. Spy apps work by sending data to the spy who secretly installed it on your phone. If your data, minutes, or text usage looks suspicious, the possibility that a tracking application is spying on your phone and sending data to whoever is spying on you is real. Advertisement Was this step helpful? Yes No I need help 2 Install an anti-spyware application on your device. Anti-spyware applications can help you get rid of the spy software that may have been installed on your device. A good Android option is Anti Spy Mobile. It will scan your phone for spyware and help you get rid of it. Your iPhone won't allow the installation of any apps outside of those you download from the App Store. That doesn't mean you're totally safe, but the person who's spying on you will need to physically get a hold of your device to install the software manually. If you don't lose your phone, and if you have an effective lock on your phone, you will be safe. Was this step helpful? Yes No I need help 3 If you are technically minded or know somebody who is, here is a way to set a trap and discover if spy software is running on your phone. Buy a cheap WiFi router and plug it into the main router in your house. To do this, connect the WAN port of the new router into any of the Ethernet ports in the back of your main router. Be sure to change the subnet of the new router to be different from the main router. If the main router is on Now connect a computer or laptop to the new router. Install any free packet-sniffing tool. I recommend searching Google for "Open source packet sniffer" Now turn on the packet sniffer and send an email You will see a ton of information show up on the packet sniffer. If you have chosen a good packet sniffer, you will have an easier time sorting through the data. Pay special attention to the destination address. Part 2: How to monitor Snapchat with Spyzie You will want to do reverse IP lookup any IP addresses that don't belong to you, to see which one is your ISP and which one is the spy software's data capture server. Some spy software is programmed only to send data at various times so you may need to leave your phone connected to the new router's WiFi for 24 hours to be sure you are not being spied on. During that time, you can't use your phone because it will create data traffic that may obscure the spy software's data stream when it happens. Is spying possible on c mobile, can anyone read my messages and see my call list. Usually, a phone like the c has to be jailbroken first. However, spy apps are getting better by the minute to compete with, and some, like mSpy, do not need a jailbroken device for them to install. Yes No I need help See more questions like this: Are double messages from someone a sign that he is spying on me? Fing and Wifi Inspector are two out of several apps that can detect who is using your WiFi and if they are spying using your WiFi. You will see them when you use the apps mentioned. My phone is always hot only have a few apps , battery quickly runs down, and I hear noises such as popping or clicking sounds, someone saying hello, someone sneezing, the person that was on the phone with me also heard the sounds. Husband also has the same issue. Someone accessed pics off of his phone and began prank texting him and sending his pics to him.. I have tried: Tried anti spy mobile on my phone, no results. I think it was caused by: Don't know Was this helpful? Yes No I need help Anti-spy software should have picked up a spy app, although I would first lock down your wireless router to see if anything changes just in case the hacker gained access using the wireless router. Most spy apps do not make sound and listening real time to calls is muted on the other end so you would not hear sneezing. There may also be a problem with your cell provider's local network towers, and there is cross call contamination happening. Just one app like Facebook can drain a battery fast if you are always logged in and do not force stop the app each time you exit. Skype is another app that drains the battery quickly, just running in the background and so is Google Maps if your location is always turned on. There are Cisco applications to give Internet access, but they are configured and managed by a WiFi controller. Yes No I need help I am sure I'm being spied on, yet can't prove it, can you help? People seem to know everywhere I go, and everything I say even in my vehicle. I have tried: Not much. How an iPhone Spy App Helps You Monitor Someone’s Phone I think it was caused by: Revenge being done by some people. It is entirely possible that somebody has installed spyware on your phone while you were not around. For it to be installed, the person or people that you suspect are spying on you, would have had to have access to your phone for at least thirty minutes, while they installed a program like FlexISP, Highster Mobile, mSpy, iKeyMonitor, Spy Bubble or PhoneSheriff. These programs can track your location through GPS, remotely control the phone, block messages, access your passwords, record surroundings, listen in on your phone calls and intercept your calls. Removing your SIM card does not help in this case because the software has been secretly installed onto your phone itself. Yes No I need help Sometimes these programs leave behind a mysterious file installer file. This installer file is sometimes named right after the spying app. Such is the case with Mobistealth. The file is named movistealthv2. You can also look for hidden subdirectories, with the help of a cell phone geek. Yes No I need help Another clue is if you suspect that your phone has been jailbroken. - About XySpy Mobile Spy Free App; - spying on a mobile phone. - Facebook Messenger Spy Free. - track spy cell phone. - gf sms tracker apps download mobile? - mobile spy free download manager software windows xp; - spy on girlfriends iphone. All spying programs need access to your internet for them to work. You can stop the spying application immediately by upgrading its firmware, which has the effect of un-jailbreaking your phone. Yes No I need help Finally, your phone may be trying to warn you that there is a problem by actually displaying a message warning of "superuser access" on your phone. Choose in settings Options then Advanced and finally, Applications. You will see all apps that are installed listed there, including any spy apps there as well.
Whether you're gathering a group of Christian young adults for a Friday evening of frivolity, or you are looking to plan fun, interactive games for youth group on Sunday morning, various ideas and options are available. Use games that enable you to follow up playing with a lesson surrounding Christian principles. Several games encourage utilizing verses in the Bible to integrate appropriate values into participants. Bible Word of God Bible Word of God is an entertaining game that highlights the effect of spreading rumors or gossiping, and the negative consequences of these choices. Before playing this game, flip through the Bible and pull out various verses that reflect positive character, attitude, behavior and intention. Write these scripture verses down on scrap pieces of paper and drop them all into a single bowl or open container. All players sit in a circle, arm-length apart. Next, one person pulls a slip from the bowl and reads it to herself. She then whispers the message on the slip in the ear of the person to her left, who whispers what she can remember of it to the person on her left and so on, until the person immediately to the initiator's right receives the verse. The last player then announces the verse to the group to demonstrate how something shifts and changes when shared without certainty of its original content. Players can each whisper only one time in the next person's ear. A to Z When the weather turns warm, gather your group and head outside to play A to Z. The goal of this game is to scour the allotted property in search of an item that starts with a letter in the alphabet. For example, "A" equals find an acorn; "B" means find a blade of grass. All players or teams begin with the letter "A" and continue with every letter until they reach "Z". Have a notebook or piece of paper on hand to keep track of players as they present their items. Instruct each team that they need to find items that can be visually accounted for. To make this game more challenging, put a limit on how many times an object can be used. If the area you're playing in doesn't have a lot of natural elements to double as game objects, secretly plant some beforehand. This game encourages cooperation and patience. The first pair to reach "Z" wins. Bible Balloon Pop Bible Balloon Pop is a fun, interactive game that encourages its players to act silly, expand their comfort zone and playfully relate to one another. Several balloons in different colors, strips of paper, a pen or marker and tape are required materials. Before playing, cut paper into strips long enough to hold a single sentence. Write various words or phrases on the paper. Next, fill each balloon with one suggestion, blow up, tie off and tape the balloons to the wall, door and blackboard. Finally, invite all players into the room and allow birth dates to determine the order in which participants go. Players pull a balloon off the wall one at a time and act out the suggestion inside. The entire group declares a winner after one full round of play is completed. - Adult swan protects young image by Tourmalet06 from Fotolia.com
Find out who is headed to sectionals in Class 4 With the first week in the books, we wanted to take this time to review FHSAA's change to require reporting to TFRRS. USA 5K All-Star XC Championships: A virtual meet. Fun facts from one of the most storied meets in Cross Country. We looked back to see what athletes ran in high school before competing at NCAA DI Cross Country Nationals. Insights from the NCAA DI Cross Country Championship Entering 50+ kids in event week after week can be time consuming. Save time by copying entries over from a meet that you entered previously. Make entries public allowing coaches, athletes, and parents access to see who is entered in the meet without sending an email. Use MileSplit Meet Registration last year and plan to use us again this year? Save time by copying over the meet from last year and automatically carry over meet settings such as divisions & events. If your meet has a restriction on how many events an athlete can compete in, you can now set a maximum number of events per athlete. Looking for an online registration system to gather entries for your meet this outdoor season? Check out MileSplit's FREE online registration system. Here are 11 fun stats from NXN this Saturday's races. We dug into the data to compare how runners fared from year to year at the State Meet - check out some of the most interesting facts. MileSplit unveils a new interface to our Meet Manager portion of our free Online Registration offering We wiped out the seniors from the state meet to see what the state meet could look like - take a look! Lafayette Senior Anna West sprinted to a second place finish to grab a qualifying spot for Nike Cross Nationals to be held December 5th in Portland, Oregon We crunched the numbers comparing 2014 to 2015 to see who made the biggest leaps in a years time. With NXN MW just days away, we look at which teams are likely to punch their ticket to Portland from the Midwest region. It's time to see who was the best team total merge Calum McFetridge of Buchholz and Haftom Fliegelman of Durant finished third and fourth in the 4A boys race. Their times of 15:53.75 and 15:54.17 were the top junior times in any race! Check out the top times by each grade! State was CRAZY wasn't it? We give you some stats that will blow your mind. We threw together all the races - see the results! Not able to make it to Oak Hills? Keep up will all the action out of Jeff City HERE! Not able to make it to Peoria? No worries - we have live results coming your way. At Milesplit, we love to break down the numbers. We dissect the biggest meet of the year. We take a look at the fastest times by grade run on the hallowed grounds of Oak Hills. With the State Tournament just days away we talk with a number of guests about all of the upcoming races.
Tesla has reopened its only US electric car plant in California, despite local orders against manufacturing. On Monday, the company’s chief executive Elon Musk tweeted that production had restarted and he would be “on the line with everyone else”. US states and local governments are trying to determine the best way to open up after lockdown. Mr Musk previously vowed to move the firm’s headquarters out of California if the plant was not allowed to reopen. While the state has eased restrictions to allow manufacturing, Alameda County, where the Fremont plant is located, has not. The town is about one hour south of San Francisco. On Saturday, Elon Musk said that Tesla had filed a lawsuit against the county asking a court to remove the order that prevents the carmaker from resuming production. Rather than wait for a ruling, Mr Musk announced on Twitter on Monday that the plant would reopen. The local police department said that it was aware of the situation, but that it would act at the discretion of county health officials. The Alameda County Public Health Department said on Monday it was “actively communicating” with Tesla about reopening plans and that it was taking the same approach it had taken with other business that had violated lockdown orders. In an email seen by Reuters, Tesla also reportedly told workers the decision to reopen was in line with California guidelines. Mr Musk wrote on Twitter that Tesla had been “singled out”, saying that other US carmakers were allowed to restart production. Pictures of the Tesla car park on Monday showed it mostly full. The plant has been closed to all but limited essential operations since 26 March. Production outside of California Tesla opened a plant in Shanghai last year and it is building another outside of Berlin, but Fremont is home to Tesla’s headquarters and its primary manufacturing facility. On Saturday, Mr Musk said he would relocate the US plant to another state if necessary to restart production. Officials from Texas, Utah, Georgia and Nevada, where Tesla already has a battery assembly plant, had reached out to Twitter offering incentives to move their jurisdictions. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Monday California “should prioritize” helping Tesla reopen because it was one of the biggest manufacturing employers in the state. The state’s governor, Gavin Newsom, said that he had spoken with Mr Musk last week and that his concerns were part of the reason California decided to phase in manufacturing as it slowly lifts lockdown measures.
system-agnostic has been bugging me lately, and I think it's because it's become a meta tag, at least in how it's commonly used now. In The Death of Meta Tags, they're described thus: meta-tags […] do not describe the content of the question. They describe some other aspect of the question, like the author’s skill level, or the author’s motivation for asking it, or generally what “kind” of question it is (poll, how-to, etc.). A proper tag describes the content of the question – it merely labels something already there. It seems to me that system-agnostic has recently been tacked on as a constraining instruction that doesn't always have any mention in the question body. That sounds like a meta tag to me. It's also falling afoul of a less-obvious telltale of a meta tag (emphasis original): system-agnostic often gets tacked onto questions that can't actually be answered without knowing, if not the exact system involved, at least the sort of system. The question How can I deal with players who are reluctant to spend resources? became a bit of a mess because the asker wanted to cover a bunch of systems, but it's functionally unanswerable without focusing the problem to how those specific systems work. Notice all the answers that mention systems by name in order to answer usefully, and how all the "bad" answers are the ones that are truly ignoring the systems that the asker is actually asking about; not agnostic ("unknowing") of the system involved at all. I see this happen frequently with questions that require the assumption of a trad system too, when a truly system agnostic question would include a much wider set of mechanical designs in valid answers. Apparently system-agnostic means different things to different people, which makes it likely a meta tag. It's also getting tacked onto questions unnecessarily. Do we really need to be told that How do I avoid clichés while improvising? is not about any one system? Doesn't gm-technique and roleplaying cover the question more than enough? I don't think over-use is evidence that it's a meta-tag—I think this happens because it's such a pervasive tag that people feel like it's necessary to include if a question doesn't otherwise have a system tag. I do think that the pervasiveness of system-agnostic may be the fault of being a meta tag, though, indirectly causing this kind of over-use. I do think the tag is seeing legitimate, non–meta tag uses as well. That makes it less obvious whether how it's being used is actually a problem. I might just be cranky. Is system-agnostic a meta tag? If it is a meta tag, can we figure out a policy for its proper, non-meta-tag uses so we can keep it?
I saw three games [of Chelsea] in pre-season and he got it. Willian cut a forlorn figure at times under Conte and has been linked with Manchester United, Barcelona and Real Madrid this summer. "The match will be very hard for us", he said . Asked if he expects the 29-year-old to be part of his midfield this season, Sarri said: "Yes I do". Stokes dismissed four batsmen in the second Indian innings and proved to be the tormentor. Players such as Mark Footitt, Tymal Mills and George Garton have been brought into the set-up with the hope of fast-tracking them into action. Meanwhile, Ashwin has bowled 228 balls against Ben Stokes of which 101 runs have been scored. "That was a fantastic performance to come into his second test match under pressure, against the number one test team in the world and play like that.as a side going ... His first interception came on Montreal's second offensive play, a ball thrown into coverage in the middle of the field. The former Heisman Trophy victor was 11/20 for 104 yards, no touchdowns, and the four picks. "Would it have been nice to be here for three weeks and then get the start?" "This is a humbling experience", Manziel told reporters after the game . Zaha hit nine goals to help Palace stay in the Premier League last season and has been linked with a move to Chelsea, having reportedly rejected a new contract . Both London clubs were keen on the Crystal Palace winger but Spurs have been put off by the £75million price-tag put on the 25-year-old's head despite long-time links. Difference is I made everything the first day. "Today I didn't make anything". The most recent sports headlines delivered to your inbox every morning. Though any struggling hasn't been apparent, yet. Woods made bogey from a fairway bunker on his final hole for a 66. "I hit some good shots today, but also I didn't feel like I was in control of the golf ball today", Woods said. Spurs have the option to extend Alderweireld's deal by an extra 12 months but the Belgian centre-half will be available to sign for £25m. Therefore, two of Mina, Thomas Vermaelen and Malon Santos are expected to depart Camp Nou this summer.
…when I experienced the warm, unpretentious reception of those who have nothing to boast about, and experienced a loving embrace from people who didn’t ask any questions, I began to discover that a true spiritual homecoming means a return to the poor in spirit to whom the kingdom of heaven belongs. ~Henri Nouwen from The Return of the Prodigal Son Back in the early days of Whatcom County, the little church on Wiser Lake had been constructed through “contributions of the people” in a rural neighborhood only a few miles from where we now live. $600 in lumber was provided by a local farmer whose trees were cut and milled and brought by horse drawn wagon to a building site adjacent to a one room school house along a corrugated plank road. The total property was “valued at $1800, but of even more value to the community.” The dedication ceremony was held on Sunday, August 27, 1916 followed by “a basket dinner—come with well filled baskets for a common table, under the direction of the Ladies Aid”. This was to be followed by a “Fellowship Meeting, special music and fraternal addresses” and the day ended at 8 PM with a Young People’s Meeting. So began the long history of the “Wiser Lake Church”. For reasons unrecorded in the history of the church, the original denomination closed the doors thirty years later, and for awhile the building was empty and in need of a congregation. By the fifties, it became a mission church of the local Christian Reformed Churches and launched a Sunday School program for migrant farm and Native American children in the surrounding rural neighborhood. No formal church services started until the sixties. By the time the building was sixty years old, so many children were arriving for Sunday School, there was not enough room so the building was hoisted up on jacks to allow a hole to be dug underneath for a basement full of classrooms. Over the course of a summer, the floor space doubled, and the church settled back into place, allowed to rest again on its foundation. Over seventy years after its dedication ceremony, our family drove past the boxy building countless times hurrying on our way to other places, barely giving it a second glance. It had a classic design, but showed its age with peeling paint, a few missing shingles, an old fashioned square flat roofed belfry, and arched windows. The hand lettered sign spelling out “Wiser Lake Chapel” by the road constituted a humble invitation of sorts, simply by listing the times of the services. On a blustery December Sunday evening, we had no place else to be for a change. Instead of driving past, we stopped, welcomed by the yellow glow pouring from the windows and an almost full parking lot. Our young family climbed the steps to the big double doors, and inside were immediately greeted by a large balding man with a huge grin and encompassing handshake. He pointed us to one of the few open spots still available in the old wooden pews. The sanctuary was a warm and open space with a high lofted ceiling, dark wood trim accents matching the ancient pews, and a plain wooden cross above the pulpit in front. There was a pungent smell from fir bough garlands strung along high wainscoting, and a circle of candles standing lit on a small altar table. Apple pie was baking in the kitchen oven, blending with the aroma of good coffee and hot cocoa. The service was a Sunday School Christmas program, with thirty some children of all ages and skin colors standing up front in bathrobes and white sheet angel gowns, wearing gold foil halos, tinfoil crowns and dish towels wrapped with string around their heads. They were prompted by their teachers through carols and readings of the Christmas story. The final song was Silent Night, sung by candle light, with each child and member of the congregation holding a lit candle. There was a moment of excitement when one girl’s long hair briefly caught fire, but after that was quickly extinguished, the evening ended in darkness, with the soft glow of candlelight illuminating faces of the young and old, some in tears streaming over their smiles. It felt like home. We had found our church. We’ve never left. Over the past one hundred years this old building has seen a few thousand people come and go, has had peeling paint and missing shingles, a basement that floods when the rain comes down hard, toilets that don’t always flush, and though it smells heavenly on potluck days, there are times when it can be just a bit out of sorts and musty. It really isn’t anything to boast about. It is humble and unpretentious yet envelops its people in its loving and imperfect embrace, with warmth, character and a uniqueness that is unforgettable. It really is not so different from the folks who have gathered here over the years. We know we belong, such as we are, just as we are, blessed by God with this place to join together.
It’s been three months now since protesters in Seattle partitioned off an area around the state capitol and established the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.” In a rare media appearance, self-appointed Supreme Leader Kevin agreed to meet with the reporting team from CBS Local 47. He wore a man bun and military uniform. “It all started as a vision really,” Kevin began when asked about the beginning of the compound. He was sipping espresso. “It began with guitar circles and constant, insufferable soapbox speeches, but I saw the potential for a mini-utopia built on socialist principles. A beacon for the world, so to speak.” He speaks of utopia but his compound has faced many controversies in the past few months. Just three weeks ago, a brawl broke out between the Buddhist and “spiritual but not religious” sects. One revolutionary who was involved in those brawls, Jill, agreed to speak with us under the cover of night. Noticeably agitated, she praised the compound’s plant-based diet but broke into sobs when asked about her time spent at the Institute of Restorative Justice after the fight. “Of course we don’t have police and they’re not welcome,” Kevin said when asked about the incident. ”We don’t do violence here. There’s not a violent person in this group. We’ve reimagined how we structure our relationships and so criminality just doesn’t happen. Some newcomers just need education into our principles.” I asked him about the police imagery present throughout the compound. “Our uniforms?” He asked. He brought us into a room lined with police uniforms, batons, anti-riot equipment, and body armor. “Those of us on leadership choose to wear the apparel to represent the reimagination of power. We took it from those who would wield it against us and now we wear their uniforms to show that the power now belongs to us, the people.” He next bought us to the construction of the compound’s “Open-Border Perimeter.” At the time of writing, it was mostly construction cones, traffic barriers, and bars broken off of local businesses, but Supreme Leader Kevin promised his constituents new construction within the year. “It’s totally different from a border wall,” he said. He had a bullet-proof vest on over his tie-dye. “We welcome everybody who supports our values. Only, we can’t allow entry to outside agitators who don’t support our vision.” Kevin is originally from Miami. Not everyone is a detractor. Local professor of history at UC Berkley Jean-Paul Smith wrote a new book about his time spent in the compound F*ck the Police: A Statio-Dynamic Interpretation of Hegemony Between The Seattle Autonomous Zone and Israeli Occupiers. “Their latest foreign policy white paper was a sensation in academia. They called for the immediate dissolution of the occupying state of Israel, all borders, and the military-industrial complex, and for the eradication of poverty, pain, and death,” he told us. Days after their proclamation, their foreign policy leader expressed surprise to find bad things still happened in the world. “I don’t know what went wrong,” he said in a speech. “We took a strong stance against bad things and there are still bad things. We’ll take this time to listen.” “Great ideas always come from places like this,” Jean-Paul told us. “They’ve done something totally revolutionary. Whatever bad thing they don’t like, they do the opposite. Racism? Anti-racism. Capitalism? Anti-capitalism. Sickness? Anti-sickness.” He paused, overcome with emotion, before wiping his eyes on his hemp sweater and whispered “amazing.” The compound continues to grow and develop more institutions. There have been talks about the need for a written document of their laws, that totally isn’t a constitution, and a thoughtful way to designate votes so that smaller groups cannot band together, thereby silencing others. A recommendation for votes allocated by territory has the most popularity. There have also been discussions about a new monetary system. “Right now, everything is free,” the compound’s monetary advisor told us.“Each takes what he needs from what others can provide. There’s been no shortage of snacks, sandwiches, and free swag. I really think this could go worldwide.” When asked whether this was sustainable without corporate sponsors buying BLM-branded snacks, he refused to comment. As the questioning continued, Kevin’s frustration grew. The skin under his thin, blond mustache glistened with perspiration. “We have good ideals and so maybe it’s been a bit harder than we expected. It turns out it takes more than a slogan to end bad things. I’ll admit that, yes, but whatever the detractors say, we are totally not a police state. I mean, we have a literacy program.” The views expressed in this article are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Lone Conservative staff.
We write about products and services that we use. This page may contain affiliate links for which we receive a commission. Found a 1957 wheat penny and want to know what it’s worth? “Is my 1957 wheat penny rare?” “How much are 1957 pennies worth today?” Some 1957 wheat pennies are worth hundreds — even thousands — of dollars. Others are worth just a few cents. To determine the value of your 1957 wheat penny, you first need to know a few things about the coin: - The condition of your penny — including how much wear it has and whether it’s been cleaned or has other other signs of damage. - Where your penny was minted — some were struck at the Philadelphia Mint and don’t have a mintmark and others were made at the Denver Mint and have a “D” mintmark. - The presence of errors and varieties — including off-center strikes, a doubled die strike, repunched mintmark, and other oddities. Read on to see how much your 1957 wheat pennies are worth… What’s The Value Of A Worn (Circulated) 1957 Wheat Penny? If you have a 1957 Lincoln cent that you found in pocket change or a roll of pennies, it likely has a lot of circulation wear. In other words, your 1957 penny probably looks old! 1957 pennies that have moderate wear but don’t exhibit any errors or other oddities are pretty common. If you have a 1957 wheat penny like that, what’s it worth? There are 2 possibilities: - A well-worn 1957 wheat penny from the Philadelphia Mint (which has no mintmark under the date) and a 1957-D wheat penny from Denver (with a “D” under the date) that has no errors and has not been cleaned is worth 3 to 5 cents apiece. - A 1957 penny or 1957-D wheat penny that has been cleaned or exhibits other damage (including holes, bends, or other surface problems) is worth its copper value — or about 2 cents. TIP: Let this be a reminder that you should never clean your coins! Cleaning coins permanently alters their appearance and virtually always diminishes their value. How Much Are Uncirculated & Proof 1957 Pennies Worth? 1957 wheat pennies that have never been spent as money are highly collectible, and many of these mint condition pennies are quite valuable. But what is your uncirculated 1957 or 1957-D wheat penny worth? Again, there are 2 possibilities: - If it’s a typical uncirculated specimen of a 1957 wheat penny, it’s worth between 15 cents and $10 — the fewer scratches and the more lustrous the surface, the more it’s worth. - If it’s a proof 1957 penny that was minted for collectors and sold in 1957 proof sets, it’s worth between $1.50 and $5. Proof pennies with cameo devices, or frosted designs and lettering, are worth much more — perhaps $100 or more! A List Of 1957 Error Pennies… And Their Values How do you know if you have a 1957 error penny? - Do you see doubling of any part of the design? It’s likely either a doubled die or machine doubling. - Does the mintmark look weird? Maybe it’s a repunched mintmark! - Do you see a raised straight or squiggly line anywhere on the coin? It’s probably a die crack. - Is part of the coin missing from the coin? It’s either an off-center strike or strike-through error. Here’s a list of some 1957 error pennies and how much they’re worth: - 1957 doubled die pennies — $3 to $10+ - 1957 pennies with repunched mintmarks — $2.50+ - 1957 pennies with die cracks — from $1 to $20+ (depending on size and location) - 1957 off-center pennies — $3 to $5+ - 1957 strike-through penny errors — $5 to $50+ 1957 Wheat Penny Facts & Trivia Here are 3 fun facts about 1957 pennies: - More than 1.3 billion Lincoln cents were struck in 1957 — including 282,540,000 pieces struck at the Philadelphia Mint, 1,051,342,000 from the Denver Mint, and an additional 1,247,952 proof 1957 pennies. - The Lincoln cent was originally designed by sculptor Victor David Brenner in 1909 — his initials, “VDB,” appear at the base of Lincoln’s shoulder on 1957 pennies. - The most valuable 1957 penny ever sold was a nearly perfect MS-67 Red specimen graded and certified by third-party coin authentication firm Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) — it crossed the auction block in 2007 for a whopping $12,075! What Else Happened When 1957 Pennies Were Being Made? Here are some of the headlines and events that were going on when the 1957 wheat penny was hot off the presses: - The Soviet Union launched Sputnik-1, which became the first man-made satellite ever sent into orbit and ushered in the start of the Space Race. - The Little Rock Nine, involving the admission of 9 African American students at formerly all-white Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas, touched off days of riots and violence and became one of the most important events in the 1950s Civil Rights Movement. - An Asian flu pandemic swept the globe, killing more than 150,000 people around the world and 70,000 in the United States. - Test pilot John Glenn set a new transcontinental speed record by traversing the United States, from Los Angeles to New York, in 3 hours and 23 minutes. Glenn soon became a NASA astronaut, becoming the first American to orbit the Earth in 1962 aboard the spacecraft known as Friendship 7. - “American Bandstand,” produced by Dick Clark in Philadelphia, became a nationwide sensation. It aired on TV for more than 30 years. - Other top TV shows in 1957 included the final season of “I Love Lucy,” “Gunsmoke,” “Perry Mason,” “Leave It To Beaver,” “The Ed Sullivan Show,” and “Father Knows Best.” - Popular movies in 1957 were 12 Angry Men, The Incredible Shrinking Man, A Face In The Crowd, Paths Of Glory, Sweet Smell Of Success, and Jailhouse Rock. - The big star in Jailhouse Rock was new music star Elvis Presley, who lit up the radio waves in 1957 with hits such as the titular “Jailhouse Rock” and “Teddy Bear.” Other top songs in 1957 were “That’ll Be The Day” by The Chirping Crickets, “Great Balls Of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis, “I Walk The Line” by Johnny Cash, and “Be-Bop Baby” by Ricky Nelson. More Info About Valuable Old Pennies - Old Lincoln Cents You Can Still Find In Pocket Change - 5 Popular Wheat Penny Error Coins - Old Copper Pennies: Which Ones To Save & What They’re Worth - 43 Most Valuable Pennies Worth Holding Onto - Which Old Pennies Are The Most Valuable? I’m the Coin Editor here at TheFunTimesGuide. My love for coins began when I was 11 years old. I primarily collect and study U.S. coins produced during the 20th century. I’m a member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA) and the Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) and have won multiple awards from the NLG for my work as a coin journalist. I’m also the editor at CDN Publishing (a trusted source for the price of U.S. rare coins), editor at the Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine), and author of Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (a book that explores the colorful history of the Philadelphia Mint). I’ve contributed hundreds of articles for various coin publications including COINage, The Numismatist, Numismatic News, Coin Dealer Newsletter, Coin Values, and CoinWeek. I’ve also authored nearly 1,000 articles here at The Fun Times Guide to Coins (many of them with over 50K shares), and I welcome your coin questions in the comments below!
Best Ssri For Hair Loss ~ Hair Loss Treatment Loss of hair: An Summary. There are tens of countless people who struggle with hair loss every year in the United States. This is a problem that can influence the confidence of both males and females. The regular development of this condition will certainly more than likely result in the loss of all of your hair if it is not dealt with. The good news is, modern-day scientific research has actually offered us numerous items that are rather capable of relieving the worst results of this problem. Best Ssri For Hair Loss Before we get into how to deal with loss of hair nevertheless allow’s take a glimpse at the scientific research behind loss of hair. Elements That Can Impact Your Hair Loss - Your DNA - Hormonal Imbalances - Overall Health Naturally, the number one displaying aspect for their not you will certainly experience here loss will constantly be your genes. Commonly you will certainly be born with a proneness for or versus hair loss. If you are inclined genetically this does not suggest that it will happen however other factors such as hormone discrepancies, your age, as well as your overall basic health will certainly figure out if you lose hair and also how seriously. What To Look For In A Hair Loss Item Now let’s claim that you have actually started to lose some below and you are starting to become worried about the future of your hairline. Today there are a number of ways to set about treating this condition. While there are a ton of items on the market not every one of them are created just as, nonetheless. When you are examining the ingredients of a loss of hair product watch out for a few particular tested remedies. Best Ssri For Hair Loss Ketoconazole is included in many hair items to aid hinder the development of fungi which can, consequently, reduce hair loss. Biotin is also included because a shortage in vitamin B seven has actually been linked to loss of hair. Both Saw Palmetto and also minoxidil are generally included in aid hinder the impacts of the hormonal agent DHT. Lastly, finasteride and caffeine are additionally generally inside of your loss items because they can aid to advertise fast hair regrowth. Now that we have a far better understanding of what to search for whenever you are looking for loss of hair products let’s go on and take a look at a few of the best items that are readily available for acquisition today. Remember that the active ingredients that were noted above are the only proven treatments for hair loss itself if you are taking into consideration a loss of hair product that does not consist of any of these the possibilities are that it will be inadequate. Best Hair Loss Products For Men And Women - 1. Growcomb - 2. Growband - 3. Provillus For Women - 4. Provillus For Men - 5. Lipogaine For Women - 6. SPECTRAL.CSF - 7. Lipogaine For Guy - 8. SPECTRAL.DNC-N This Growcomb uses a brand-new kind of innovation that has been developed to help enhance the growth phase of your hair follicles. This technology is known as ETG or electro-tricho-genesis. The technology produces an electrostatic field using the course diodes as they come into contact with the roots of your hair. Best Ssri For Hair Loss This electrostatic area can help push the hair follicle back into a development phase. All you require to do in order to utilize this product is for 10 minutes each day. Within three months you will see substantial results probably. The Growband is another item established by the very same business as the Growcomb that targets hair loss using a various technique. This product has actually been developed in order to boost your blood flow as well as minimize stress in the scalp. This is since in order for your hair to expand then you require to have appropriate blood flow to it. As you mature it is common for the blood circulation to lower to specific areas of your head which can lead to loss of hair. By utilizing this product for simply 10 minutes a day you can boost the blood flow and also assistance to raise the density and also wellness of your hair naturally. This is a wonderful product if you are aiming to deal with loss of hair without taking any type of sort of chemical intervention. Provillus For Females Loss of hair is not something that just males struggle with as well as luckily for ladies across the nation, there are items that exist particularly to aid you. This product is based upon the key component minoxidil which is additionally present in Rogaine. The product is made up of a two-step formula. The first step is a handmade supplement that you take daily that supplies your body with all the vital nutrients for healthy hair development. The second step is a minoxidil based formula that you apply straight to the areas that are experiencing the most awful hair loss. By integrating the method of the minoxidil based formula and also the supplement studies have shown that ladies are able expand thicker as well as fuller heads of hair as well as a short matter of time when contrasted to sugar pill. Provillus For Men This is similar to the previous item other than it has actually been made especially for males. While the minoxidil formula coincides the supplement that you will be taking has actually been customized especially to support hair growth in the male body. It has actually been revealed to help boost the volume and also density of the hair as well as regrowing past hair that has actually already been lost. The special formula that is utilized in the supplement has the capacity to aid sustain the manufacturing of healthy hormones in addition to replenishing stores of important vitamins as well as nutrients that sustain hair development. If you are a man that presumes hormone imbalances are impacting your hair this could be the most effective item for you Lipogaine For Females Lipogaine for ladies is among the most comprehensive loss of hair remedies that are specifically for the female body. It targets a number of aspects of loss of hair in order to assist your body in regrowing lost here. Not just will it help to boost added growth by offering the adhering to devices of your hair with crucial nutrients but it will also aid to minimize the degrees of DHT that are discovered within the body. The specific hormonal agent is known to cause hair to befall as well as if you have the ability to obstruct it after that it can restrict the amount of air that you shed. This product has made use of a specific technique to produce tiny liposomes that envelop the ingredients to ensure that they are extra efficiently delivered to the cells that need them one of the most. Medical researches have shown that it is among the most reliable treatments for loss of hair. There more than 17 separate compounds that interact to comprehensively secure the body from loss of hair while all at once advertising the growth of added brand-new hair roots. It can aid to inhibit the oxidation of your hair while likewise managing the development variables that are essential in the hair development cycle. The technically advanced delivery system makes sure that all of these ingredients make it to specifically where they need to be to provide one of the most help. Lipogaine For Male This item is a great service for guys that are experiencing boosts in hair loss that are a straight outcome of elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This hormone is the outcome of the metabolic rate of testosterone as well as regrettably men it is related to loss of hair. By preventing the conversion of testosterone to DHT it is feasible to slow down as well as possibly also reverse hair loss in a fairly brief time period. If you are a guy as well as you are trying to find something that will certainly assist to minimize your DHT degrees while also stimulating additional hair regrowth this could be a life-changing product. this item is a topical loss of hair therapy that utilizes a new solution of minoxidil. This new formula is called Nanoxidil. While chemically it coincides as the previous solution the distinction lies in exactly how it is supplied to the cells that utilize it. By encapsulating the minoxidil in tiny liposomes it has been possible to enhance the delivery considerably. This allows your body to stop the development of gain access to dihydrotestosterone while simultaneously supplying an antioxidant impact. It will certainly assist to boost the cell development cycle of your cells in your scalp that can, subsequently, result in a greatly enhanced head of hair for you. Best Ssri For Hair Loss If you are a male that has been taking care of hair loss than this could be among the very best items on the marketplace. In addition to the minoxidil treatment, it will certainly additionally consist of a number of various other methods to make certain that every angle is covered when it concerns your hair. It has actually been revealed via studies to be a lot more reliable than previous compounds that have actually been made use of to deal with hair loss. It is additionally reliable in patients who have actually had hair transplants.
Digboi is one of the important cities in the state of Assam. It is referred to as the ‘Oil City’ as the country’s first ever oil refinery was established here. Going by the history of the land, its existence dates back to 18th century, the period during which oil was first discovered here. In the year 1867, when the railway tracks were being laid here, oil traces were found and the rest is history. However, the city is not all about oil. It has various other interesting features as well. You could get some of the best handicrafts in the city. Dolls made from wax are popular here. It is famous for traditional textiles that reflect the culture of the land and you will find them priced reasonably. The oil land still has strong traces of British colonialism in its golf courses and clubs. Digboi is being promoted as a tourist center thanks to the attractions in and around the place and hence if you are here, you are sure to find comfortable guesthouses to accommodate tourists. Given below are the leading 5 places to visit in Digboi. 1. Digboi Oil Refinery Digboi Oil Refinery is the first ever oil refinery established in Asia and it ranks amongst the world’s oldest oil refineries. It was established in the year 1901. Over 100 years of age, the refinery produces approximately .65 million metric tonnes oil per annum. The oil refinery stays current by possessing modern technology to produce a wide range of petroleum products namely wax, fuel, bitumen and so on. You cannot help but think of tea if you think of Assam. Margherita, a town 14 km away from Digboi in Assam, unfolds for your vision, its lush tea gardens. The town, named after Italy queen, was established in 19th century. Collieries established during the British rule are amongst the chief attractions of the place. Margherita is renowned for plywood factories as well. 3. Dibru Saikhowa Wildlife Sanctuary Dibru Saikhowa Wildlife Sanctuary is located 60 km from Digboi. The 650-sq.km sanctuary is Assam’s largest wildlife park. Located on the River Brahmaputra’s banks, the sanctuary attracts migratory birds in great numbers. In the year 1999, the sanctuary gained the status of National Park. It also ranks amongst the 19 biodiversity hot spots through out the world. Some of the wild animals seen here include royal Bengal tiger, Indian elephant, leopard, wild buffalo and many more. Some of the migratory birds found here include Bengal florican, white-winged wood duck and spotted billed pelican. With over 300 species of birds including migratory birds, the sanctuary is a haven for bird watchers. 4. Golf Course You cannot overlook mentioning Golf Course when you talk about Digboi tourism. Golf courses in Assan remind you of British rule in India. Digboi golf course is considered the best in Assam. This 18 hole golf course has seen many tournaments played here. The golf course setting delights your eyes and the very atmosphere is electric. 5. War Cemetry Situated 1.5 km from Digboi, War Cemetry is a cruel reminder of the effects of war. In the War Cemetry, rest the souls of warriors who lost their lives during Second World War braving the attack of Japanese. The Cemetry was initially on hill top and subsequent to an earthquake that destructed the Cemetry, it was shifted to the present location. Digboi in Assam is a strange mix of tea, nature, wild animals, British culture and war. Touring Digboi will surely be a different experience than the regular destinations. If you looking for a relaxed holiday which involves visiting important places and little travel, you will loveall the tourist places in Digboi. Other Interesting Places In Assam:
We end 2016 with a countdown of the 10 biggest stories of the year on Soccer Stadium Digest, as chosen by editors and partially based on page views. Today, #2: The debate over the futures of the NASL and USL. As it stands, one of soccer’s biggest stories in 2016 could continue to shape headlines in early 2017. Despite talk of settling the issue before the new year, the futures of the shrinking NASL and the growing USL remain in the balance, and a complicated fallout could ensue once the U.S. Soccer Federation makes its decision. The situation is a convergence of two developments that came to something of a collision earlier this year. The USL was continuing to expand and, with more teams signing partnerships with MLS clubs, was eyeing second-division status. Meanwhile, the NASL—the league holding second-division status—was losing Minnesota to the MLS, and was facing ownership issues with multiple teams, including the Fort Lauderdale Strikers and Rayo OKC. Already facing a scenario in which it could lose multiple teams, the NASL was handed a blow in October, when the Ottawa Fury FC and the Tampa Bay Rowdies followed through on their long-rumored shifts to the USL. Weeks later, it was revealed that the New York Cosmos were dealing with financial difficulties and could go dark rather than return to the league next season. With that, the U.S. Soccer Federation had a decision to make in early December. The organization had to decide if it was worth preserving the current division structures in some form, granting the USL a move up and allowing the NASL to go dark or relegate to a lower division, or a combination of scenarios. While reports indicated that a decision could be made in the first week of December, the U.S. Soccer Federation opted to postpone its verdict, stating that it could come to a solution in 7-10 days. That windows passed without a decision, and it has since been indicated that discussions about the two leagues could take place through this year. It is no doubt a complex situation. Perhaps, the U.S. Soccer Federation sees a benefit to preserving the NASL and the current division tier, particularly if the league can follow through on reported expansion proposals in Southern California. For now, the leagues and numerous teams are in the balance, and the U.S. Soccer Federation’s decision—when it comes—could reshape the second and third divisions for some time. Image of Cosmos Midfielder Danny Szetela courtesy New York Cosmos. Previously in our Top Ten Stories of 2016 List: #3: FC Cincinnati
Christmas Market Tips MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR CHRISTMAS MARKET ‘FIX’ Are you the type of person who can’t get enough of the festive atmosphere, mulled wine, sweet treats and trinkets provided by a traditional Christmas Market. Thinking of hopping on an Air Malta flight this festive season for a weekend break to get your ‘fix’? With the airline serving so many major European cities that host festive fayres – from Amsterdam to Belgium and Vienna to Prague – you are spoilt for choice. There’s a good chance you’ll be paying a flying visit, so it is important to optimise your time and reap the maximum benefits of your Advent Adventures. Here’s handful of tricks for making trips to Christmas Markets as epic as possible. - Have cash on hand Most European Christmas markets consist of temporary, wooden stalls standing closely together. If you want to buy any food, drinks, or trinkets, (and trust me, you’ll want to), cash is typically the only accepted form of payment. Moreover, when it comes getting mulled wine, a Christmas Market staple, it’s usually served in ceramic mugs. On top of paying for the wine, you’ll probably also have to put down a deposit for the mug. (You get the deposit back after returning the mug). Mug deposits can range anywhere from 3 to 10 Euros. Note: Many Glühwein mugs at Christmas Markets are decorated with the name of the market, You may be tempted to forfeit your deposit and keep the mug as a souvenir. 2. Wintertime means limited daylight hours The further north you go, the less daylight you get. Depending on how many markets you would like to see and if you’re combining market visits with sightseeing, it’s useful to remember how short the days can be. On the other hand most Christmas Markets stay open late and look pretty magical when they’re all lit up at night. If you happen to have a lot on your “must see and do” list in a particular city, get your sightseeing done during the day and hit up the markets after dark. 3. Go early You’ll find you are not the only one who loves a Christmas Market!. This means that they can get pretty crowded –packed like sardines sort of crowded at the peak times. If this isn’t for you get there just before they open for the day, especially for markets held in old towns with narrow streets. 4. Dress warm Christmas Markets are held outdoors and visiting markets involves spending a lot of time in the wintry cold. To make sure you enjoy your market experience to the full, layer up and dress warm. It’s easy to get cranky when one is cold. One of my favourite tips to keep warm is grab some mulled wine (AKA glögg, glühwein, or vin chaud). 5. Weekdays over weekends (if you can) If you get the chance, opt for visiting Christmas Markets on weekdays instead of weekends. The crowds are a lot more manageable and sometimes, non-existent. 6. Double check market dates and times Not all markets around Europe open up on the same dates. Some may be ready to go halfway through November. Others may only start in December, and a whole bunch more may only run on weekends until a certain point in the Advent Season. Before committing to a specific market, make sure to double check its dates and hours of operation. 7. Don’t forget about visiting smaller villages When researching some of the top Christmas Markets in Europe, the names of a lot of major cities, such as Frankfurt, Vienna, and Prague, will pop up. But it’s useful to keep in mind that a lot smaller towns host some pretty charming markets too. They also tend to be less busy. 8. Hit up more than 1 market in 1 go Practically every European city holds an annual Christmas Market. And the glorious thing about European cities is they don’t tend to be too far apart from one another.
By T. V. Antony Raj On November 13, the day after I posted my article ASI Hits Dirt After Following a Seer’s Dream of Fool’s Gold a person commented with a poem, slightly out of context to the subject. Nevertheless, I am reproducing it here since it impressed me somewhat. This is a free translation of the author’s Gujarati poem that he wrote on January 30, 1984. By the way, the author Hemen Parekh celebrated his 80th birthday on Sunday, June 27, 2013. Who is Bapu? By Hemen Parekh There was a time When you were our Bapu,” For a lifetime long A tortured Atma; To wash away the sins of your children You died a martyr’s death; Now those very children Have opened-up a shop To sell ” Gandhi-ism ”; They are even maintaining Two separate books of accounts, One for income from ”Unknown Sources “, Strictly as required by the law! Even out of curiosity Do not venture No one will recognize you Without your NSG / Z+ bodyguards! And children from city slums Will chase you, shouting, ”Ben Kingsley, Ben Kingsley, “ And when they ask you for your autograph, Do not sign, ” Mo Ka Gandhi ”! Just pretend that you are Ben Kingsley, TV cameras, Reporters, Anchors Will follow in your footsteps; Just forget that You were our Bapu! - ASI Hits Dirt After Following a Seer’s Dream of Fool’s Gold (tvaraj.com) - Mahatma world’s top political icon, says Time (rediff.com) - Women suffer from Gandhi’s legacy (theguardian.com) - Gandhi to Asaram: Who Empowers the Sex Crimes of ‘Gurus?’ (genderbytes.wordpress.com/) - George Orwell Reflections on Gandhi (orwell.ru) - Bapu (praveenndtv.wordpress.com)
Signed up for broadband bundle today with free T-Box. This time, we spoke with eclectic singer/songwriter Father John Misty, who is currently Dating for 25 years is like a new middle-class value. At Adult Friend Finder, you can find dating for free to get a lot of hot sex! - do dating sites work for guys - shakira who is she dating - Phone sex hookup - Sex hookups no regestration - 100 free cams dating xxx uk no cards no cash - Top 5 free webcam sex sites that don t need a credit card My dad got me the biggest bottle for christmas that year. I like it so much that i wore this for my wedding, 10 years later. It lasts a long time and it’s strong, but not nauseatingly so. I still wouldn’t buy any of them, but good luck to you if they smell good on you. To me, it’s a strong fruity perfume with floral notes which end up giving me a headache. Unfortunately Even after giving it several tries also I have not been able to enjoy this scent.Earth Cam Chicago Webcam GCM Travel Chicago Webcams Map Illinois Railway Museum Union, IL Cams Loyola University Webcams Midwest Haze Cam - Chicago Webcam NOAA Chicago Webcam Northern Illinois University De Kalb, IL Cam | Live Stream Springfield, IL State Fair Cams Streaming Chicago National Zoo Animal Webcams (18 links in left menu) University Of Chicago Science Quad Stream | NSIT Webcams University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign Streaming Quad Cam WEEK-TV 25 Peoria, IL Cam WLS-TV 7 Sears Tower Live Chicago Webcams Weather Bug Local Cams Wunder Cams Directory, Webcams By State More Webcams: Amazing Views & Streaming Video: Super Sites!- The very best Earth Cam National Weather Service Weather Bug Weather Underground Now you can get to faster!Many hours later the drydown is still tolerable but by then I would be suffering from a migraine.The bottle is beautiful and the perfume is so expensive and long lasting with good sillage, but I just cannot appreciate it.But knowing the moves […]The famous Playboy magazine has recently announced that it will stop publishing images of naked women as part of its new concept because pornography just doesn’t sell anymore.
Where to begin? Let's back on up to last Monday. Monday We had 2 of our 3 get sick. My youngest boy got HFM virus. Yay... So my hands are raw from washing and cleaning and sanitizing. Then my daughter was running a fever and vomiting. I actually suspected a UTI over the flu, and … Continue reading Homestead Update I woke up this morning, energetic, even before coffee. The "fall back" is always a special time of rejuvination for me- it's like time travel- I get to redeem an entire hour that was lost to me in the spring. Anyway, there was a vigor in me as I prepared for church this morning. Aside … Continue reading Am I Dead? I'll just go ahead and say what everyone who's ever eaten with my family is thinking: I hate meal times. I do. I hate them. Christian culture makes meal times out to be this glamorized period during which smiling, laughing, families gather around a large table to share a hot meal and good conversation. That … Continue reading Managing Mealtime Madness Our hens have begun to lay! We actually were surprised this morning when we went outside to muck out the coop and found 7 little eggs in a corner of the coop! We assume by the color of the eggs and the standard rate of maturity, they came from the black Australorp (brown) and either … Continue reading In the Fullness of Time What a day! On the docket this week has been our church's vacation Bible school, so my husband and I and the kids are just worn out. My brain is fried, I'm not going to lie. The kids and I slept later than usual this morning- 7:15am! I know, outrageous. So I went to let … Continue reading Chicken Chasing! I experienced the strangest phenomenon. I was driving in my car on my way home from teaching a yoga class. My eyes were on the road, my hands on the wheel, my mind...someplace else. I happened to notice my house to my right and I had to suddenly stop and turn in to the drive. … Continue reading Attention to God’s Faithfulness
“It takes a very long time to become young.” ― Pablo Picasso I recently took a weeklong trip to Colorado with my son, Gabriel. Needless to say, this was an adventure for both of us. He’s only 9 months wise, but I have to say he’s got the Gypsy blood like me. His first plane ride was a success, and though my nerves were about shot, it was easier than I thought it would be. But something occurred to me as we were flying and he slept on my chest. At such a young age, our brains can’t form distinct memories that we will have later in life. So what is this world really like for him? What does he really understand? Though there are many opinions on the matter, both scientific and otherwise, I thought he should be the one to explain his thoughts of the world. In an interpretive style of writing, as if he were speaking of sound mind. So here he is… “It’s not an easy thing to explain, but when you’re nine months old you only know a few things anyway I guess. So what’s the world like for me, you ask? Well, it’s big world that I haven’t seen much of yet, but I have a few ideas so far. The world has to be full of love. Because love is all I really know about and truly remember. I see so many smiles, so many hugs, and this makes me happy. So maybe love is what the world is all about, and I’m sure there’s a lot more. But some people I see are sad, so maybe love is what they’re missing. I really don’t see how they could be missing love, because it’s all around us all the time. Maybe they just can’t feel it like me, or maybe they’re worried about other things. But they shouldn’t be worried about other things. I can help them probably when I’m bigger, but for now I’ll just smile at them, and that will make them happy too. But people are funny. They do weird things and make funny faces at me. Most of them smile, and I like that, but some of them don’t. They look at me like I confuse them, or maybe they’re just scared or they don’t know me. But I think they should smile still. Because being happy is fun. People make me laugh sometimes too, so I’m sure that the world will be full of laughter. But some people make me cry, but I don’t know them and sometimes new people scare me, so that’s probably why. Maybe when I get to know them all, I won’t cry. I think the world doesn’t like to cry, because I don’t like it either. So, we should all just be happy, like me when I wake up in the morning or when I take a bath and play with toys. That’s what the world should be like to me. Just happy. The world also has to be really pretty, because I see new colors every day. So I think the world will be full of colors to see, maybe even some that nobody likes but me. But there’s got to be more than just colors. The world has to be so full of everything, some things that maybe I can’t even see yet. Maybe some things I’ll never see, but I think it will be fun to try and see them all. Because new things are always fun to know, and why ever stop learning or seeing new things? I don’t think I’ll ever stop learning, because there’s so much of the world to learn. I also think because the world is probably so big, that people should help and watch out for each other all the time. Because it makes you feel safe and loved. I know this is true because my dad watches out for me, and that might mean that one day I’ll have to watch out for him too. And I hope I can do it. I think the world is a place where there is so much to learn, so much to do and so much to see. But what is most important to me about the world? Just the love that I feel now. The comfort love brings as it lulls me to sleep. The love I see in all eyes, happy or sad. And the love that I can always give back. So that’s what the world is like for me.” Well, there you have it.. Maybe one day, we’ll all know what the world is like, as seen through the eyes of innocence. And perhaps then, we’ll all learn how to love a little more, just as a child does so naturally. Thank you for reading.
Old Address: 48 Helen Street Year built: 1923 Other information: A bedroom and porch on this house have been set aside by the owner as a "Cure Cottage Museum," furnished as it might have been used by an ambulatory patient. To visit these rooms, contact Historic Saranac Lake at 518 891-4606. The main Daigneau Cottage was located nearby, at 24 Helen Street. In 1983, it was listed for sale at $25,000. From the NRHP form: A two story cross-gabled residence of wood-frame construction, this building has a partially enclosed wraparound first floor porch and two enclosed porches at second-story level. This house retains a high level of physical integrity with its original massing, fenestrations scheme, siding, and windows. The upstairs bedroom and porch have been outfitted as a cure cottage museum. Wood siding; wood windows; asphalt roofing. The D’Aigneau Cottage Annex Arthur Daigneau and his wife, Elizabeth Daigneau, purchased lots #8 and #9 in plot #12 of a survey map by George T. Chellis made in 1892. The property was purchased from Wallace Murray in 1922. Mr. and Mrs. D’Aigneau had the house built in 1923 as an annex for their cure cottage and residence at 24 Franklin Avenue (house owned in 1989 by Emil Schneider). Mr. D’Aigneau was receiving requests for more private space which he was unable to provide. The D’Aigneau Annex was built to provide private rooms for ambulatory patients. Those housed within prepared their own food or had trays brought in from the E. Nutter house at 47 Helen Street. Some even chose to take their meals at 24 Franklin. After Arthur D’Aigneau’s wife passed away, he moved in at 48 Helen Street. As he grew older and fell ill, Miss Helen Donnelly cared for him. Miss Donnelly, a practical nurse, was presently renting and providing care to those in residence at 48 Helen Street. When Mr. D’Aigneau passed away on September 4, 1961, he left the house and $1,000 to Nurse Donnelly as a gift “for the kindness she has shown to my wife during her last illness.” Miss Donnelly continued to rent out two or three bedrooms at all times from 1961- 1974 when on January 22 the house came under the ownership of Peter and Karen Donnelly. Mr. Tom Durkan, who had been a boarder for years with Mr. D’Aigneau, later became caretaker and house father for Miss Donnelly. He had worked as a professional at Trudeau Institute, possibly as a chemist. He stayed on to watch over the house when Peter Donnelly rented to college students from 1974 through the early 1980s, still sleeping on his cure porch. On March 1, 1984, Andrew and Bonnie Haaland purchased the house. It was under their ownership that the house was stripped of its asphalt shingle siding to reveal the original narrow clapboard siding. Later it was owned by Steven Lenhart and Sharon O’Brien, and later still by Leslie Dame and Paul Van Cott. Sources: Information collected for the National Register nomination, March 12, 1989. Surveyor, Susan Arnold. Informants: Sharon O'Brien, Steven Lenhart, Mrs. Jackie Hagar, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCandless, deed. The late Addie Shields, Clinton County Historian, was a niece of the D'Aigneaus; she stayed with them from January through March 1937 while student teaching in Saranac Lake. She described her Uncle Arthur as a "cherub" about 5' 6" tall who worked for the Loon Lake House. Her Aunt Elizabeth Dupuis, who was "proud and tall and French," was born in West Chazy. She met Arthur at the Loon Lake House while working as a seamstress for Mrs. Chase there. The year Addie lived with the Daigneaus, Arthur's sister, Ann Daniels, had lost her house. Others Addie mentioned as neighbors included the Middletons and the Wiltsies; Betty Nutter who lived straight across the street and Mr. Nutter, who brought trays in; Tom Durkin, a patient in the house; and the two Baldwin girls. Addie disagreed with the interpretation of this house as a cure cottage, feeling that it cast her aunt and uncle in the role of tradespersons, and remembered how beautiful the house was when her aunt was living there. She described the house as "handy as a pocket in a shirt." From a telephone conversation with Mary Hotaling, after a visit to the Cure Cottage Museum had been televised in Plattsburgh. Joe Hackett memorialized Addie at her death in early November 2009: "Addie Shield[s] possessed a comparable knowledge [comparable to Dr. Angelo Mariana] of the [Saranac] river and its rich history. She freely shared this knowledge with many while serving as Clinton County's official historian. Although I knew her from a research project that I had conducted during my college days, I was fortunate to become reacquainted when I worked with Addie on developing a map of the Saranac River section for the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. "She could relate stories of the old Redford Glass operation or point to a bend in the river where arrowheads were often found. Although much of Addie's knowledge was recorded, there will be no way to capture the depth of her enthusiasm for local history and her willingness to share it with others." From the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, November 7, 2009. Burials in St. Paul's Cemetery on Fletcher Farm Road: Arthur 1876 - 1961 This stone is located behind FRENYA stone and is a flat stone bearing names of Arthur and Elizabeth DAIGNEAU Elizabeth 1875 - 1957 Edward 1870 - 1959 Elizabeth R. 1867 - 1953 2013-02-20 13:24:40 were there any ghosts in that house? —
Reload is one of the first non-violent tactical shooting simulators ever created. Focusing on the experience of professional shooting without the blood and violence that usually permeates other games in the FPS genre. RELOAD is the ultimate target shooting game. Participate in shooting drills that are used by elite military, law enforcement, or competition shooters. Shoot weapons ranging from popular sports shooting guns all the way up to heavy military weapons. Your targets are made of paper, wood, clay, and metal. Remington, whose brand recognition is second only to Nike with sportsmen, is featured prominently in Reload within the game's target and skeet shooting levels. Whether players are looking for the power of the 870™ Express« Super Slug or the accuracy of the R-15™ 450 Bushmaster, players will see and hear accurate recreations of the latest Remington firearms, such as: * 887™ Nitro Mag * Model 1100™ Tac4 * Model 700™ CDL™ SF * Modular Sniper Rifle (MSR™) These weapons will join a variety of firearms from other companies, as well as a suite of military hardware from companies such as Wiley X®, Magnum Research, and Champion Traps and Targets. Players will take aim with heavy duty firepower such as the M32 grenade launcher, the AR-16 and the AA-12 shotgun, frequently called the ultimate military weapon due to its ability to deliver almost 300 12-gauge rounds in a minute. Fun and easy Reload is designed as a fast-paced, fun and easy to play simulator for up to four players that presents a variety of target training events and scenarios to test your skills. Players can take aim on an indoor or outdoor range and fire at stationary or moving targets or test your speed and accuracy with reflex drills. Based on the players score and accuracy, additional medals, gear and rewards will be unlocked. Situations and levels Players interested in tactical situations can engage in scenarios set in places like embassies, apartments and villages, where players will need to hit "bad guy" targets while leaving "hostages" alone both on foot and from the turret of a mini-gun and .50 Cal mounted on a M998 troop carrier. All of the firearms found within Reload are modeled for accurate likenesses and sounds, and come from leading arms manufacturers that are some of the best known brand names in hunting and shooting gear. Remington trademark used under license from RA Brands, LLC Magnum Research trademark used under license from Saeilo Enterprises Inc. WILEY X, the WILEY X Eyewear Logo, WX, the WX Eyewear logo, the WX Wiley X logo and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wiley X, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. All other names and marks are property of their respective owners. Logos © 2007 - 2009 Wiley X, Inc. All rights reserved. The CHAMPION TRAPS & TARGETS marks are trademarks of Alliant Techsystems Inc. and are used under license.
Traditional approaches to onboarding tend to be very HR focused. This is mainly because many businesses saw onboarding as primarily an administrative process involving contractual paperwork, personal data, compliance, health & safety instructions and early stage learning – all of which were under HR’s remit. New employees often waited until the first day to have meaningful contact with their new managers and fellow team members. Nowadays we see various stakeholders who participate in the onboarding process, you can learn more about it in this blog! Less administrative work, more interaction Increasingly, this administrative based approach has proved to be problematical. Organisations want to give their new hires a proper onboarding – help them become effective and productive quickly, and new employees want to get up and running straight away, making a positive first impression. All the paperwork can get in the way. New hires tend to decide quickly whether they have made the right move and if they see a long-term future with their new employer. If the role isn’t what they expected, or they don’t get on well with their manager and colleagues, they are likely to either leave quickly or fail to fully integrate. This suggests we need a more dynamic and immersive approach to onboarding. Induction, orientation, and assimilation need to cover the operational and cultural aspects of the business, helping to build a more cohesive bond between the new starter and their team. Such an approach will need input and involvement that yield from a wider range. You can read about this in our previous blog, 4 ways managers and leaders should get involved with onboarding. There are various departments and people who need to be involved in the onboarding process, since they each have their own added value, both when setting up the onboarding process and when giving feedback. Just as onboarding is not just for millennials, so does the implementation of the onboarding process is not only dependent on HR. Discover which stakeholders you can involve to best set up an effective training program… The most important thing for HR is to minimize administrative tasks, increase the employee experience and prevent turnover. Read more about digitizing HR processes. HR departments still think too little in digital solutions. More than a fifth (22%) of the Human Capital Management (HCM) processes are still being executed manually. It is important for learning & development that, for example, training courses will be taken at an early stage. Often for compliance purposes, but also to align expectations with the new colleague and for entering into career discussions conveniently. More on Gamification scores employee engagement win. Continuous learning in a digital & fun way Another important stakeholder in the onboarding of the new employees is the manager. Especially when the manager is often the person who works the most with the new hire and is the first point of contact. Curious when will millennials find you a nice manager? Do not give them a steering wheel, but a coach. Do mutual feedback. The founder or CEO knows how the company wants to grow and which people skills are most needed. Ideally, the CEO also motivates employees to come up with new ideas. Want to know more? Have a look at An agenda for the talent-first CEO. Hire great people. This is 90% of the solution as hiring wrong can cost you so much. Marketing & Communications Increasingly, HR and marketing work together. Whether it is about recruiting candidates and external communication, trying to bring out stories from the organization, or make employees brand/company ambassadors. It all starts with the question of whether the employees are happy in their work. And believe me, happiness at work is in every little corner! Customers will never love the company until the employees love it first. Having a direct colleague to ask questions is a great perk for new employee, especially in the first few weeks. Introduce a kind of ‘buddy’, a confidant to which a new-hire can turn with substantive but also social and cultural related questions. Let your second-newest hire onboard your newest hire – read more on this. And of course there is the new employee itself. Feedback from colleagues who also recently started forms a goldmine of input that can improve the onboarding process significantly. After all, you want your new colleague to stay as long as possible, don’t you? Therefore, when you start shaping your onboarding process, it is important to involve different stakeholders from various parts of the organization. That way you guarantee that both your new hire and their colleagues get the most out of the onboarding process.
Over the course of a dozen releases of original music spanning three decades or so, Washington, DC-based songwriter Kowtow Popof has been labeled as both “unbearable sap” (Washington City Paper, 1997) and “underground icon” (babysue/lmnop, 2013). Kowtow prefers “underground sap” (or perhaps “unbearable icon?”). His career has been mostly an experiment in multi-track recording, influenced by the music he’s become a fan of along the way. If Cat Stevens jammed with Wire, and Elvis Costello twiddled mixing-board knobs while Gary Numan looked askance at the whole thing (and perhaps Harry Nilsson heckled from the audience), then you might get an idea of what a Kowtow record sounds like. Of course, none of that would seem particularly disparate from Kowtow’s perspective. Each record has been an effort to produce the album in his head while juggling multiple influences. In the early days, you got the electronic folk that culminated in 1993’s Songs from the Pointless Forest, a clash of seventies singer/songwriter with eighties punk/new wave and the third installment of a trilogy including Kowtow’s 1987 debut, Stringing Along the Dreamline and 1989 follow-up Splinters & Threads. 1996’s Coaster channeled Americana and tales of broken romance (this is where the unbearable sap label comes in) while taking some cues from more surreal sources (Kowtow’s signature tune “I Am Thinking of My Darling” took its title from Vincent McHugh’s 1943 “happy zombie” novel). End of Greatness (2006) and Exalted Headband (2009) were vocal and instrumental sides of the same coin, treating the end of love and the ends of the universe as part of the same cosmic fabric. Kowtow’s last proper LP-length studio recording is Tastes Like Armageddon, on Wampus Multimedia, a modern-sounding record that manages to be equally accessible and mysterious. Kowtow led up to the release of TLA (on 12/12/12) with a year-long T-Shirt Countdown on Bandcamp and Facebook, marking each day with a photo of a t-shirt from his vast collection. From “Ataraxis (I Brake for Squirrels),” a call for kindness in the face of extremism, to “Alectryon at the Door,” a spooky meditation that sounds like a sleeper hit, to “Lookin’ 4 Rock,” a boiling rave-up that resurrects Popof’s rant style, Armageddon delivers steely resolve, a snapshot of an artist transcending doubts. Kowtow’s Christmas album, 13 Daze of Xmas, was released as a download on December 12, 2017. Compiled from his annual singing xmas card (2003 – 2015), it’s a rock ‘n’ roll sleigh ride filled with nostalgia, dipsomania, reindeer trading, and other merry-making monkey business. Kowtow’s latest release is 2018’s Summer Agents, a 4-song instrumental EP available on Bandcamp. The EP features the title track and its remix by All India Radio’s Martin Kennedy. The EP also includes the songs “Tiny Manster” and “Deviled Eggs”. Kowtow’s next album is Action Figure, expected in Fall of 2020. Kowtow interrupts his album-making with occasional live performances with longtime collaborator Rob Santos accompanying on electric guitar, usually at Evening Star in Alexandria, VA. He appeared frequently at DC-area venues Iota (r.i.p.) and Vermilion (back when they had music), and once opened for Peter Himmelman at the old Birchmere. He also managed to perform at the funky Arlington nightspot Galaxy Hut a few times when they weren’t looking. He collaborated with the electronic rock band Hitchcock Blonde on their 2006 debut Soul Button, and has covered songs for tributes to Jonathan Richman, Lou Reed and Bill Nelson. His fantasy is that some day Los Straitjackets will cover one of his songs. Summer Agents EP (2018) 13 Daze of Xmas (2017) Tastes Like Armageddon (2012) Exalted Headband (2009) End of Greatness (2006) Soul Button w/ Hitchcock Blonde (2006) Kowtow Drops the Pop Off EP (2003) Eat My Dust (1999) Songs From the Pointless Forest (1993) Splinters & Threads (1989) Stringing Along the Dreamline (1987) “Satellite of Love,” After Hours: a Tribute to Lou Reed (2003) “Lonely Financial Zone,” If I Were a Richman: a Tribute to Jonathan Richman (2001) “Burning Light,” Confessions of Young Moderns: a Tribute to Bill Nelson (2000) “Aeroplane Wings,” Multiplex: Our Secret Studios: a Fan Tribute to Bill Nelson (1999)
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Thoughts on losing your creativity in the blogosphere. I wanted my own digital sandbox to be wildly creative in. That’s why I started this site. I wanted to unshackle my imagination and make it rain humor filled content all over the place. But I’ll be honest with you. I also wanted as many people as possible to see the things I was making in my sandbox. Like, just an absurd amount of people, you know? Actually, a better way of phrasing that is to say that I wanted as many people as possible to connect with the things I was making. Because I think all of us that create and share creative work on the internet crave that connection. It’s only human. And since we’re human, we went ahead and conveniently found a way to quantify those connections in a manner that is both addictively gratifying and soul crushingly deflating depending on the day. We gave our blogs stats, Likes, and Followers. (Side note: I would have included “comments,” but I think they’re an entirely different animal. They’re much more of a qualitative assessment rather than a truly quantitative one. For example, one really good comment or thread probably carries more weight than say 10 Likes. But one really mean or incendiary comment negates all the Likes. It’s just the way it is.) The analytics tells us we aren’t alone in the blogosphere. Those little icons and graphs tell us we’re connecting. They tell us that someone is actually out there and they’re saying I’m here! I like you! I’m following! Digital high five you sexy beast! They tell us we’re building a readership. And it’s a pretty exciting time when you start performing for an audience when you’ve grown accustomed to an empty house. But here’s the kicker we almost never see coming. At some point in trying to build that readership, our creativity inadvertently gets handcuffed to the numbers and the graphs. Our creativity is handcuffed, because a growing readership is the harbinger of economics. The Stats, Likes, Followers, etc. allow us to gauge how we are perceived within the community. So, more eyes looking our way usually means more interactions, which means our work now has “social proof” and we very quickly learn which of our content is being bought and exactly how much of it. It is incredibly difficult to ignore the numbers, whether they’re good or bad. And so it’s not uncommon to find that our work may be skewing in favor of them. A heavy bias towards the numbers can do wonders for you when you’re just starting out. But later on down the road this approach may make it feel like you’re being boxed in. And being “boxed in” can be a frustrating place for creative types that like to explore; it’s also a position where our work becomes the absolute antithesis of what it was in the beginning. It becomes uninspired. It becomes safe. It becomes boring. Pretty soon we might even find ourselves resorting to every social media tactic and blog gimmick in the book just to keep a readership afloat. Social media and blog gimmicks absolutely do have a role to play in constructing a readership. I know this. You know this. We all know this. Social media tactics and blog gimmicks absolutely work in getting your name out there. Sometimes they work really well. But your blog can’t live off of those things. They just get people through the door. And I know you know what gets people to stick around after they’ve come through that door. Whoa, whoa, hold up. I’m talking about content. That blue-ribbon-homemade-fresh-out-the-oven-content people eat right up. The kind that makes them want to come back for more. You know…willingly. So don’t go prioritizing the messenger over the message. Just make things that are awesome and people are going to share the shit out of it. Okay, so I accept that we can’t cook up amazing original work all the time (probably not even a third of the time) and that being able to cleverly recycle ideas is a necessary tool in any blogger’s skill set for sustaining and growing that readership. In fact, I encourage it. After all, your stye is your style. But when numbers, charts, and graphs take too much of a precedence in and over your work, you’re gonna eventually see that you’re no longer the creative director of your own blog; you’re the goddamn accountant. At this point you might be wondering just how on earth do we make this awesome likeable content that’s uninfluenced by readers? While I don’t have the answer I do have an answer: do work. For the love of god, just keep doing work. Even if what you’re making seems like it’s turning out to be an absolute failure to you. I mean, damn, just do the work even if you never have any intention of ever publishing it. Sometimes you just gotta make things just to make things free of statistical analysis. Just keep churning out work. From the smallest of pieces to the absolute behemoths of projects. Do this and good things tend to happen. Still need a little more of a push? Let’s do this; let’s make something free of expectations. Better yet, let’s just make one thing. So let’s call a cease fire on the analytics arms race for a second and remember what it’s like to just make one thing out of pure curiosity and enjoyment. Let’s put our creativity back to work by taking creative risks again. Even if it’s just one measly step outside of our comfort zone. Let’s surprise our current readers and win over some new ones. Hell, let’s surprise ourselves. But above all else, remember this one thing: your blog is yours. So go ahead, color the sky in a chaos of purple.
A Student's Perspective: Some Truths About Real-World Learning By Ricky Sierra, a student at Da Vinci Extension in Los Angeles, with an introduction by Amanda Avallone, Content Manager, Next Generation Learning Challenges [H]onest accounts from kids...are so obviously missing in the current policy debate. What they tell us - if we will listen - is that school in general and teachers specifically have the power to make a great difference. - Grant Wiggins, "Listen to the students, policy-makers and pundits" blog post Student voice and agency are at the heart of many next gen learning models, but giving students a voice in their education is only valuable if we adults listen to what they have to say. In the spirit of listening to students about how they experience learning, this week's edition of Friday Focus: Practitioner's Guide to Next Gen Learning was written by Ricky Sierra, a student at Da Vinci Extension, a postsecondary program built on partnerships between Da Vinci Schools in Los Angeles and universities. As part of her real-world learning at DVX, Ricky interned with Next Generation Learning Challenges this past fall. Today she tells the story of her experiences at Da Vinci Schools, including: How a project-based school like Da Vinci differs from traditional high schools The importance of strong relationships with educators - The memorable real-world project she and classmates accomplished her senior year Living in the Wiseburn School District since the day I was born, I attended Wiseburn schools from kindergarten to high school graduation. Having experienced traditional schooling until I was in eighth grade, my first day at Da Vinci in 2012 was quite interesting. Not Your Typical High School Research studies show that doing "hands-on" work instead of reading from a textbook is more effective and aligned to brain development. However, I realized that until I got used to this new way of learning, it was going to be a bit difficult to adjust. One new aspect was that everyone at Da Vinci was on a first-name basis, teachers and principals included, which was strange at the beginning. On the first day of school, the teacher said, "Hello, my name is Frank." I was surprised to call him nothing but his first name. Da Vinci was different, very different from your ordinary high school, and I did miss out on some traditional high school things. I never got to experience homecomings, football games, being on a sports team or anything you might see in your typical high school romance movie. In addition, there were no textbooks to be found anywhere, no tests or finals, no eight-to-three schedule, no football, baseball, or soccer team, no physical education, no bells ringing to start and end classes, and, most importantly, no memorizing. Instead there were teachers' and students' murals painted on the walls, with a new mural added each week. The classrooms were filled with books offering different perspectives on the subject matter, as well as fun reads, and reading areas where students could hang out and feel comfortable. Teachers would even bring their pets to school--it was always exciting to have dogs running around the campus. A Safe Place to Express Creativity Da Vinci was a safe place to express your creativity and be free to do whatever you want within limits. For example you were allowed to just start painting or drawing on walls; it was the norm. There was also an iPad or laptop available to every student, which gave us access to endless resources on topics we would discuss in class. This may sound a bit strange to someone who attended traditional schooling, but it was a community, where adults and students felt safe to be their creative and unique selves. Another advantage of being a Da Vinci student is that we were able to experience advisory. This was a class every Friday morning that consisted of students from all grade levels bonding over group activities. In addition, we went to school from 9:00 to 4:00 Monday through Thursday and went in at 10:00 every Friday. This allowed us to get extra hours of sleep that we all very much needed because our brains were still developing. Strong Relationships with Educators We also got to build relationships with teachers and principals that you could not experience at any other school. Students had many of their teachers' personal phone numbers so they could call or text them regarding a school issue or even a personal problem. We knew that we could trust them with issues we were having with family or friends outside of the classroom. For example, I connected with a few teachers where I felt comfortable enough to talk to them whenever I had a fight with my boyfriend or best friend. I have continued this friendship with one of my former teachers. Even after graduation we still meet up for coffee or lunch every so often just to hang out. Many students develop some sort of relationship with a teacher that is strong enough to continue after graduation. These friendships are one of the things that brings Da Vinci together as a community. Another difference about Da Vinci is the way we did projects. Twice a year, we would formulate a massive project that groups of students would work on for about six to eight weeks. The projects were then displayed on Exhibition Night. Students would be under massive stress and pressure to finish their projects on time while still trying to achieve the best presentation. The stress of these projects came from having to meet the content expectations from the teachers and display the content in the most aesthetic way--both grades were important. After nearly two months of work, seeing your project finally come together on the night of the exhibition and drawing in crowds of people who are interested in your project is a huge pay off. Projects addressed all kinds of topics: some consisted of creating a business and having to sell products. Others involved learning how to survive an apocalypse--including building your own home to sleep in for the night--or even making a change in the community that would have a lasting impact even after graduation. For my senior year project, four other students and I decided to rescue two dogs with serious medical issues from a high-kill shelter and rehabilitate them so we could adopt them out to new homes. We documented the whole change in the dogs, from defying death in the shelter to being spoiled rotten in their new homes. We even got featured in the local newspaper, The Daily Breeze, twice, (once for rescuing Piper, the chihuahua, and once for Fetty), which had a lasting impact in our community. Our project was a huge success. We ended up raising $1,800, which was more money than we needed, so we donated the leftover funds to a local rescue organization. This experience shows how extraordinary a school like Da Vinci is, a place where project- based learning really does more than just stay inside the classroom. Da Vinci was a safe environment where everyone was welcome, regardless of race or religion. One can only truly get to know the ways of Da Vinci's model or design or approach by being there to enjoy its magic of learning. Final Thoughts for the Field The 21st century has brought new advancements, ranging from technology, engineering, design, and also in education. As more and more K-12 schools implement this kind of real-world, hands-on learning into their schools, colleges and universities may soon have to start rethinking their teaching techniques as well. People learn differently. If more schools and colleges changed their way of teaching and learning from textbook style to project based, more students might be successful and graduate. Education is shaping the future of this country; the next generation will determine which direction America is headed toward. Students who graduate from next gen schools like Da Vinci leave with the lasting impact of real-world experiences they can use in life, not just in school. - It Takes a Village: Community Partnerships for Real-World Learning, the December 8, 2017, edition of Friday Focus: Practitioner's Guide to Next Gen Learning, on real-world partnerships, including those at Da Vinci Schools. - Listen to the students, policy-makers and pundits, a blog post by Grant Wiggins that features the voices of five teens on the power of teachers to make a difference in students' lives. - Why is Student Voice Important in Education? In this Students at the Center video resource by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, students discuss the importance of including their voices in all aspects of education to make it more personal, relevant, and engaging. - Giving Students a Voice, from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, offers five ways to welcome student input and bolster your school's success.
In a brilliant piece in Politico today, Professor Richard Primus argues that the Baking for Gay Marriage Opinion, by rejecting broad First Amendment protections for discrimination, sets up the travel ban case for a similarly positive outcome, not only because of the general principle, but because of the use of in focus statements to show animus by a legal decision maker. What may ultimately be more important even than this is the potential for the Opinion to show the importance of neutral process by authorized decision makers; Justice Kennedy also took a capacious view of what sorts of statements by decisionmakers would suffice to show unconstitutional prejudice. Rather than saying the seven-member Colorado Civil Rights Commission had acted solely or even predominantly on a prejudiced basis, Justice Kennedy wrote that the Commission’s process had “some elements of a clear and impermissible hostility” toward the baker’s religious beliefs. One commissioner in the proceeding described religion as having contributed to some of history’s greatest evils, including slavery and the Holocaust. Another commissioner said that “if a businessman wants to do business in the state and…the law’s impacting his personal belief system, he needs to look at being able to compromise.” On its face, the proposition that someone “needs to look at being able to compromise” doesn’t seem like anti-religious intolerance. But Justice Kennedy regarded the statements of these two commissioners, taken together, as exhibiting a prejudiced attitude that the First Amendment prohibits. In Kennedy’s formulation, the First Amendment prohibits “even subtle departures from neutrality on matters of religion.” I had been thinking a lot recently about the relationship between public understanding of the importance of procedural fairness as compared to at least the Trumpsters’ apparent contempt for the importance of governmental process neutrality. In the end, we have to persuade such folks that regardless of their own political opinion, they have a deep interest in the neutrality of governmental decision-making. This case is an ideal example. By making the case about process fairness, Kennedy showed that such fairness is important to all, regardless of their beliefs. Its one thing to cheer someone getting shafted. It another to have it happen to you, with no redress. Indeed, as the writer explains, Kennedy went out of his way to emphasize the breadth of potential consideration of non-neutral statements to cast the neutrality of an ultimate decision into question: To be sure, Monday’s case and Hawaii v. Trump are not exactly the same. The prejudice question in the entry-ban case is about prejudice in the process of lawmaking, and Monday’s bakery decision was about prejudice in the application of the law to a specific person. Sometimes that distinction makes a difference. So it seems noteworthy that Justice Kennedy went out of his way in Masterpiece Cakeshop to signal that he does not believe that distinction to be significant. “Members of the Court have disagreed on the question whether statements made by lawmakers [as opposed to adjudicators] may properly be taken into account in determining whether a law intentionally discriminates on the basis of religion,” he wrote. To illustrate that disagreement, Justice Kennedy cited a 1993 decision in which he had disagreed with the late Justice Antonin Scalia on that very point—with Kennedy taking the view that the statements of lawmakers do matter. So this case could be the bridge to broadening the importance of neutrality in all governmental decision-making. If it is true that Kennedy understands the general importance of this, then the Solicitor General is going to have a bad few weeks, and hopefully, years.
We tend to think of sl in terms of the inworld experience, but there are many things that we can do, based around sl, that expand the virtual world beyond the boundaries and constraints that ‘inworld’ imposes – effectively expanding sl beyond the confines of the viewer. These range from the simple – like this blog – to perhaps the most complex and demanding boundary-crossing activity of them all: machinima. There can’t be many of us who, at some time or other, haven’t dabbled with at least the idea of making an sl video. Similarly, i’m guessing that a large number of us who have given it a whirl have discovered there’s far more to even a simple screen-captured short, than we ever imagined. It seems a straightforward enough concept – login to sl, fire up Fraps, or your screen capture software of choice, film your blockbuster footage, then publish it online for the world to marvel over. Only it’s not quite that simple. For a start, decent machinima makes some pretty hefty demands on your hardware. Using video capture software is processor and memory-intensive, particularly when you happen to be running it in conjunction with the sl client, (or multiple clients, if you’re filming your own alts concurrently), which can also be extremely demanding. You’re only going to make matters worse if you want sl to look its best – cranking up your graphics settings is just going to pile on the pressure! That’s not to mention a whole bunch of other hardware considerations we need to consider if we’re going to get serious about the business – video capture is notorious for both texture and disk thrashing, both of which can result in dro ped fram s, st-st-st-stuttering, and jumps – not to mention the joys of prematurely ageing your hardware, through sheer hard work. Experienced machinimists, plan every scene carefully, fine-tuning draw distances, visible textures, HUD attachments and debug settings; they shut down anything that steals precious memory, and have a dedicated, empty and constantly de-fragged hard disk, specifically for video. Technical aspects aside, decent machinima requires a high degree of manual dexterity, hand-eye co-ordination and an eye for detail and composition. Those seemingly simple zooms and pans are anything but, when you’re trying to achieve seamless transitions and capture a scene so that it looks just perfect – and you need oodles of patience. Many of the top-notch machinimists forego the mouse and keyboard entirely, in favour of a 3D device, such as a Space Navigator… but they’re not cheap and they take an entirely different approach towards navigating sl, one that doesn’t come naturally at first. You can, of course. opt for a cheaper joystick – but, in my experience, they’re a complete nightmare to use effectively and setting them up requires a degree in applied maths – on the plus side, you can experience sl from some rather interesting angles… a familiar place viewed upside-down is always fun! Making a movie is never as simple as just grabbing a screenshot and publishing it to Youtube – there are plenty of those attempts out there, and they’re never particularly satisfying. Films in rl require a significant investment in post-production and a huge amount of time, (i know: i’ve made a good few): sl movies are no different, as anyone who has ever made a proper one will tell you. They take over your life, deprive you of sleep and drive you completely round the bend! Typically, you are camera-operator, sound recordist, director, costumier, gaffer, lighting cameraman, foley artist, choreographer, Grip, actor/s, editor, special effects supervisor and producer, all rolled into one – and it can be damn hard work. Despite all this, most of us will give it a go – some will continue to do so, even though the results are, at best, pretty poor – a few will achieve machinimatic greatness, but most of us will realise our own limitations and those of our equipment, and quietly give up gracefully. However, times are changing – Oculus Rift offers a radically different angle to machinima-production, since it quite literally allows a scene to be seen from a director’s point of view, and without any fiddling about with Space Navigators or flycam. There are also some pretty powerful scripted tools now available to virtual film-makers – such as ReScene – (although definitely not for the faint-hearted!) One of the biggest things to happen in the machinima world of late, however, happens to be entirely thanks to Linden Lab, with some technical changes mentioned – albeit it tantalisingly briefly – by Oz Linden in the recent Firestorm Q&A about the future of sl. Almost buried away at around 40 minutes into the video is some very exciting news indeed: sl has never adequately employed the capabilities of OpenGL – a bug that LL have always known about. The solution, for years, has been to set a cap on VRAM usage – essentially, you could have the most powerful graphics card on the market, with enough video memory to blow any graphics-intensive software out of the water, but you’ll have got no better performance than you would from a cheap and cheerful card from your local catalogue retailer. SL would never permit access to all that additional graphics memory – which is why you may have seen blistering performance with WoW and other online games, but sl would perform like your granny on a Sunday afternoon when Antiques Roadshow is on. All that is about to change though – the Lab have finally got around to fixing the problem, which means we’ll finally be able to get to all that latent memory and, at last, we can unleash the full power of our graphic cards inworld. This is great news for all of us, but in particular, to anyone with an interest in making virtual films… in fact, it’s such good news, i may even give it another bash myself! Now she walks through her sunken dream To the seat with the clearest view And she’s hooked to the silver screen David Bowie – Life on Mars
❶Date of visit: November The rural land surrounding the city was initially managed by the Thuringowa Road Board, which eventually became the Shire of Thuringowa. In a land rights conference was held at James Cook University and Eddie Mabo made a speech to the audience where he explained the land inheritance system on Murray Island. Previous Events. Slut escort Darwin 3 Month Free Trial Indian dating Townsville Australia geochronology use this information for a score of 97 dating site. Food was served in a timely manner and was plentiful. Archived from the original on 29 September The Port of Townsville has bulk handling facilities for importing cement, nickel How to cancel app in Australia and fuel, and for exporting sugar and products from North Queensland's mines. Retrieved 27 June Hubby is not a big fan of Indian but he loved it.|Great meal tonight at Mint. Great choices on the Menu. Full bar. Awesome service. Thanks for a wonderful experience. I really like Mint. 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Tyler Baltierra had one childhood memory that he felt was too painful to include in he and Catelynn Lowell’s revealing memoir Conquering Chaos. In an interview posted today via Radar, the Teen Mom star reveals that he attempted to commit suicide at the age of 12. Tyler says that he was in a “dark place” after his father Butch returned to prison: “I tried to hang myself in the backyard of my house. Being so young, I was naïve on how the process actually worked. I thought if I jumped, it would snap my neck and I would die instantly. I didn’t think about the struggling and choking and while it was happening, I realized it wasn’t going to be quick. It gave me time to think. I grabbed the rope and got it out from under my neck. I ran into the house.” The horrible episode left a rope burn across his throat. Tyler’s mom didn’t buy his excuse about an accident and had him sent to a therapist. Tyler says, “I got put on medication and took that for a couple of years.” The father of 2-month-old Novalee now regrets not including this story in the memoir. “Nowadays you see all the headlines. Kids are getting bullied, especially in the LGBT community. It’s a topic that needs to be talked about. Hopefully, people can learn from it.” UPDATE – Tyler took to Facebook to thank fans for their support after he shared details about his suicide attempt, and to encourage awareness: Thank you to everyone who has shown the love & support regarding my suicide attempt. This is an issue that NEEDS to be talked about! I would have missed out on the most important things in my life like Cate, my daughters and the opportunity to help people with my story. No child left behind, no life without love, and no change unless spoken about #SpeakUp #SaveLives
What are the Types of Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral palsy is a disorder caused by brain injury. Since the brain is such a complex organ, cerebral palsy can be found in many forms. The location of the brain injury helps determine which type of cerebral palsy a person may have. The characteristics of each form manifest in different ways. Cerebral palsy types can be classified by symptoms, the type of movement affected and the parts of the body that the condition impacts. There are several types of cerebral palsy that vary in specificity. However, the medical community recognizes four major types of cerebral palsy. These types are spastic, ataxic, dyskinetic and mixed type. Spastic Cerebral Palsy Spastic cerebral palsy is the most common type of cerebral palsy. It is characterized by stiff muscles. This muscle stiffness leads to jerky and/or repeated movements. Spastic cerebral palsy affects 70% to 80% of patients. This type is further broken down into more specific cerebral palsy diagnoses. These other types are grouped according to the muscles involved and how they are affected. Spastic quadriplegia involves high muscle tone which impairs movement. Symptoms include tremors or jerking of the arms and legs. Many people with spastic quadriplegia will not walk. This is the most severe type of cerebral palsy. Spastic diplegia impairs the legs but has minimal or no impairment of the arms. People with diplegia have difficulty walking. Hip problems are common. Spastic hemiplegia means one side of the body is affected. The affected side of the body is opposite the injured side of the brain. For example, if the right side of the brain were injured, the left arm and leg would be affected. Ataxic Cerebral Palsy Ataxic cerebral palsy is characterized by a lack of coordination and order. It is the rarest type of the condition, appearing in 5% to 10% of all people with cerebral palsy. Symptoms of ataxic cerebral palsy include: - Poor coordination - Balance problems - Vision trouble - Difficulty walking This type of cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the cerebellum, which helps control movement and coordination. Children with ataxic cerebral palsy often walk with their feet far apart. They may find it hard to be quick or precise. They may also have problems writing or buttoning clothes. Some children with this type of cerebral palsy experience intention tremors. An intention tremor occurs when a child’s body trembles as they attempt a precise movement. For example, a child’s arm or hand may quiver when reaching for a book. As their hand moves closer to the book, the shaking worsens. Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy Dyskinetic cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the basal ganglia. The basal ganglia is the part of the brain responsible for controlling voluntary movements. Therefore, dyskinetic cerebral palsy is characterized by poor movement control. Symptoms of dyskinetic cerebral palsy are involuntary and uncontrolled movements. These slow and uncontrollable jerky movements may manifest in the hands, feet, arms or legs. The muscle groups might be too tense in places and too loose in other places. Children with this type of cerebral palsy may find it difficult to walk or use their hands. Some children with dyskinetic cerebral palsy may drool or make faces due to overactive muscles in the face and tongue. There are different forms of dyskinetic cerebral palsy, depending on which structure in the basal ganglia has damage. The forms of dyskinetic cerebral palsy are: - Dystonia: repetitive, twisting movements - Athetosis: slow, continuous movements - Chorea: irregular, unpredictable movements Out of all cases of cerebral palsy, about 5% to 20% are dyskinetic. Dyskinetic cerebral palsy often occurs alongside spastic cerebral palsy, causing a mixed type of the condition. Mixed Type Cerebral Palsy Children with mixed type cerebral palsy may have characteristics from spastic, ataxic and/or dyskinetic cerebral palsies. Mixed type is the combination of at least two forms of the condition. 10% of all people with cerebral palsy have this type. The most common type of mixed type cerebral palsy is a combination of spastic and athetoid cerebral palsies. The least common type is a blend of ataxic and athetoid cerebral palsies. Mixed type cerebral palsy involves elements of other forms of cerebral palsy. Therefore, its symptoms can vary from person to person. One common symptom in people diagnosed with mixed type cerebral palsy is stiff muscles. Stiff muscles inhibit movement and are common to spastic cerebral palsy. Other common characteristics among those with mixed type cerebral palsy are difficulty with motor skills, swallowing and speaking. Caring for Children with Cerebral Palsy The quality of the care, education and treatment for a child with any type of cerebral palsy contributes to whether their prognosis will be severe or mild. A child with severe cerebral palsy may not be able to walk, speak or sit up. They will need ongoing care for life. Mild cerebral palsy may have only minimal impact on a child. The child may require no special assistance. Some cases of cerebral palsy are the result of medical negligence and could have been prevented with proper care before, during and after birth. Children with cerebral palsy need and deserve quality care, but caring for a child with this diagnosis can be expensive. An experienced birth injury attorney can advise you about the costs of caring for your child with cerebral palsy. If your child’s condition was the result of medical malpractice, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Call us today for a free legal case review. We will work with you to determine what compensation may be available to you.
Hoping they finally nail an all round product with this one. If they keep it simple, one class, no mods, bug free and get the multiplayer right with some kind of ranking system then it could be brilliant. Personally I'm not a fan of GT3 and it seems a shame to not have road based race cars, which in my view offer the best racing and most real world interest for me, not too mention AC absolutely perfected the handling of these. However, if they get a focused product that tries to offer less but does it really well then I think they could be onto a winner. For me they just need to work on the UI and quality assurance, I hope the new graphics engine doesn't take up all the focus... I saw this when it was announced, I'm still a little skeptical because when it launches on Steam in summer, it'll be releasing as an early access, and that has always been a bit of a ehhhhh moment for me. But beyond that, GT3 (my favourite), Official Blacpain (aweeesome), probably the best looking racing sim to date and VR support.. Pricing has been announced for this. If you get it in the first couple of months, it's going to cost €24.99 . This reminds me of what Codemasters did with DiRT Rally early access (another game I bought in early access and played for about an hour). The final price looks like it will be €45 or thereabouts, for which it would have to be truly outstanding in every aspect to justify. (I'll only get this game if it ends up being a staple part of RSR's scheduled races AND proves to be excellent and stable, otherwise it holds no interest to me and I'm only posting to pass on this news about pricing) I see the raytracing element being a really nice addition for screenshots and replays. Whilst the technology will eventually catch up to providing a rock-solid 60fps at 1080p and higher whilst driving, I see it as too much of a sacrifice for too little material gain 'from the cockpit'. Give it time though and we'll look back and wonder how we put up with such 'primitive' graphics for so long Mod hat on: Please keep the thread on the topic of ACC. Any posts moaning about the cost of RTX cards or the relative worth of raytracing will be removed. If it's £20 on the opening round of EA, maybe. Even then, I won't actually even try it until VR support is added - having only driven in VR for 4 years now (or is it 5?), I have no desire to drive without VR.
Getting barreled is THE most awesome experience on planet Earth. Encapsulated by a wave, as it spins and pitches, finding safety amidst a wave big enough, and dredging enough, to break upon itself with might. A wave that will definitely wipe you out should you make one false move. And the view! The most amazing blues and greens, and sandy browns, everything moving at once yet everything standing still. Mesmerized by the light at the end of the tunnel, the sound, the feeling. Time stands still in this transcendental state. I don’t want to get all spiritual on you, but getting barreled is completely awe inspiring! Only a surfer knows the feeling. And since you’re reading this far, it’s because either #1 you know what I’m talking about from first-hand experience or #2 you’re ready to start getting shacked. Read on! This article was written to educate you with everything you need to know so you can start pulling into barrels and join this exclusive club. Choose the Right Surfboard for Getting Tubed Here’s a little secret for all of the longboarders out there: it’s much easier to get barreled on a shortboard. While you can get barreled on a longboard, finding barrels on a longboard is generally more challenging, and riding a longboard in the tube is often difficult to control. A shortboard requires less physical space and fits easier within the small confines of a barrel. It is easier to adjust direction and speed on a shortboard. These responsive characteristics are very important when negotiating a barreling wave. You don’t need to ride a standard shortboard thruster to get barreled. Fish tails or similar style boards with wider templates are not as ideal, but these boards are responsive enough to handle head-high to overhead barreling conditions. The bigger the surfboard, the harder it is to make adjustments while traveling in the barrel, and a bigger surfboard can be more hazardous causing injury when wiping out inside the tube. Surfboards with 3 or 4 fins are generally the best fin setups for getting barreled. Single fin surfboards are the least desirable for getting shacked, while twin fin setups may or may not work depending on fin location. For any surfboard, the closer the fins are located to the rails of the surfboard, the better this surfboard will perform in steep, barreling waves. Find That Perfect Line The hardest part about learning how to get barreled is learning how to judge a breaking wave. Wave judgement takes time. The more you surf, the better you will get at judging how waves break, and the easier it will become to position yourself accordingly. Having said that, for head-high to overhead waves, the most critical component to mastering the tube ride is finding the appropriate line to take on a barreling wave. If you are too high up on the face of the wave you will lose speed and control and likely get pitched over the falls. If you’re too low on the face of the wave, the lip will crash on your head. Neither scenario gets you shacked. Your goal is to find that perfect line in the middle, choosing a path that places you close enough to the wave to duck under the lip while still maintaining your speed and control. Learn How To Stall Your Surfboard By stalling your board, you are allowing for the barreling section of the wave to catch up to you. The easiest way to stall your board is to apply extra pressure to your rear foot, which pushes down on the tail of your surfboard and diminishes your speed. Another option is to drag your hand (or both!) in the face of the wave to slow you down. When pulling into a backside barrel, holding your outside rail will slow you down and keep your board from sliding down the face of the wave. A more difficult approach would be to do a big bottom turn and then a slight snap under the lip, downshifting yourself into position. Regardless of how you stall your board, it should be mentioned that it’s harder to pump for speed once you have stalled and are inside of the barrel. An alternative to stalling your board is to practice taking off behind the peak. Also called “backdooring a wave”, taking off behind the peak is more challenging because the wave is steeper, but doing this allows you to drop immediately into the barreling section of the wave, so you can focus on maintaining your speed and finding that perfect line. Bend At the Knees, Not At the Hips Constantly focus on bending your knees when you surf. Not your hips. Bending your knees in the tube allows you to remain upright and in control. Bending at the hips looks dorky, feels dorky, and does not help your surfing. Once your knees are bent, it is important to square your shoulders to face the exit of the barrel, as opposed to facing in towards the shore or out towards the ocean. Keep Your Eyes Open and Be Confident You are a surfing machine and you’re about to get fully pitted, so don’t blow it by closing your eyes! This is a common novice mistake. Closing your eyes isn’t going to make it hurt any less when you fall and doing this will remove any chance of actually making it out of the barrel. Most importantly, you’ll miss the most amazing view ever! You should be confident in your basic surfing abilities and comfortable falling away from your surfboard. You are going to get worked many times before you start making it out of your barrels. Frontside barrels are generally safer as your surfboard continues to follow your path after you fall inside the tube. Backside barrels are trickier and more dangerous, as when you fall, the surfboard can get sucked up over the falls behind/above you and hit your head or body. Be confident yet cautious when pulling into any barrel, especially when surfing backside. When falling, especially in a backside tube, it is always a good idea to cover your head to prevent getting hit by your board. Commit To Getting Barreled Until the Very End So you’ve figured out how to drop in on a steep wave, find that perfect line, bend at the knees, and you’re doing all of this while keeping your eyes open. Don’t give up until it’s over! When you pull into a barrel, do so with the plan that you’re going to make it out. Relax and commit to that barrel until you get whacked, or if you’re lucky, until you make it out. Don’t eject prematurely! What might look like the end could open up and turn into the deepest tube of your life. Surf As Many Barreling Waves As Possible Getting barreled is the Holy Grail of surfing, yet barrels can be found frequently if you know where to look. Pulling into closeout waves is a great way to practice getting barreled. River Mouths, reef breaks, or other surf spots where the ocean depth changes dramatically from deep to shallow can produce quality barrels. Surfing during offshore wind conditions can also increase your barrel count. Taking the time to study the waves where you surf will give you the most insight as to why they are barreling and will allow you to prepare to get the most tubes. Going on a surf trip is another great way to get more barrels. The northwest province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica is an ideal barrel destination because there are multiple river mouths, beachbreaks and reef breaks that provide consistent barreling waves for intermediate to advanced surfers. Northwest Costa Rica also receives consistent offshore winds over half of the year, another optimum condition for getting shacked! While there will always be exceptions to these rules, if you stick with this basic formula you might just become the next barrel guru. - Choose the right surfboard for getting tubed. - Find that perfect line. - Learn how to stall your surfboard. - Bend at the knees, not at the hips. - Keep your eyes open and be confident. - Commit to getting barreled until the very end. - Surf as many barreling waves as possible. I’d love to hear your feedback. Have these techniques worked for you? Do you have any other suggestions? Let me know by commenting below or on Facebook. And if you found this article helpful, please share it!
Falling somewhere between the nonstop bro-ness of The Hangover series and the stunted emotional themes of practically every Seth Rogen comedy lies Scot Armstrong’s Search Party, a roadtrip buddy comedy that desperately seeks to find original ideas amidst an incredibly tired formula. It’s a story of brotherhood you’ve seen a dozen times before, but thanks to a likable cast it manages to hold your interest until the final frames have played. Thomas Middleditch stars as Daniel “Nardo” Narducci, an overly anxious Thomas Middleditch type who makes the mistake of telling his two best friends, Jason (TJ Miller) and Evan (Adam Pally), that he’s having second thoughts about getting married while high in a van on the night of his bachelor party. When the big day arrives, Jason brings the ceremony to an awkward standstill by revealing Nardo’s hesitation, and the entire event quickly falls apart. Nardo claims he never asked for such help, but his bride to be (Shannon Woodward) does not believe him. Embarrassed, she flees Los Angeles and travels to Mexico by using the tickets the couple had purchased for their honeymoon. Nardo chases after her, believing he can still win her back, but before he can reach her he is carjacked, stripped naked, and left for dead in the middle of nowhere. Realizing he has nowhere to turn, Nardo calls Jason — whom he is still very much upset with — and asks him for help. Once on the road, Jason and Evan bicker about what it means to grow up and why it’s important to aspire to be something more than what you are now. This is practically the only time the film attempts to sell you anything other than crass humor, and for the most part it works, though it’s certainly not an original message. If anything can be learned from other, similarly plotted films it’s that being a late twenty-something stoner who sees their friends maturing while they remain in neutral is a terrifying predicament. Jason recognizes that his friends are starting to outgrow the things they once loved, and he fears that mat soon happen to the way they feel towards him as well, but he believes that saving Nardo in his time of need may provide a solution to everyone’s problems. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems in films like this, especially when the opportunities to leverage xenophobia and dick jokes are so prevalent. The vision of Mexico found in Search Party is one where cartels control everything, drugs are easier to find than clothes, and almost everyone you meet is an asshole to one degree or another. Many of the film’s recurring gags are based on these ideas, and they work to varying degrees of success without ever striking comedy gold. In fact, the movie never finds any gold at all, but it does clip along thanks to funny enough turns from its three main leads. Middleditch in particular is great, fully committing to a performance that requires him to be completely naked for a good portion of the film, and Armstrong continually uses this fact to punch up otherwise dull moments. The thinking here appears to be that there is no punchline so underwhelming that it cannot be made funny with the addition of genitals bouncing through the frame, but more often than not that rings false. Community star Alison Brie appears as well, playing the cute coworker Evan is afraid to ask out, but her presence is so minimal it barely deserve mention in this review. The few scenes in which she does appear are some of the most rewarding moments in the film, but again they’re all too brief. Like Nardo’s bride does for Middleditch’s character, Brie’s presence gives Evan something to work towards. Convincing her that he’s worthy of her love is Evan’s Everest, and watching him attempt to conquer his own self-doubt provides several funny moments throughout the film. Aside from coating a scrawny naked white guy in cocaine and having him face-off against cartel members lead by an overacting JB Smoove, Search Party is criminally short on fresh ideas. What little twists do exist barely register as original thoughts, and their payoff is equally mediocre. There is nothing outright bad about this film, but there is also nothing all that great. It’s a time killer that will make those who appreciate for juvenile humor giggle while coming off as a desperate attempt at yuk-yuks to everyone else. It’s fun enough while it lasts, but as soon as it’s over you will banish it to the back of the brain where memories of titles like American Reunion and Hangover III are left to rot. Search Party is completely watchable, yet there is no reason to see it right away. It is a textbook example of a title that consumers should wait to see on Netflix, and even then it may not be worth your time.
It can be found that people use to consider the wedding as the unforgettable event of the life and try their best to organize the wedding ceremony in such a way that can be in the mind of every guest, friends and relatives for a greater part of the future life. The wedding is being planned for a substantial period of time, sometimes even one year or more before the actual day, with an intention to make the event a splendid and full of fun and joy. The photography uses to play the most important part in the wedding ceremony, which captures the memorable moments in a very intrinsic manner. With complete support and arrangements of cameras and accessories, the Ritz Carlton Wedding Photography is able to provide the most interesting and well-crafted service of wedding photography for their esteemed customers. The Service Profile With the advent of the computer technology and the digital growth in the society, the erstwhile photography has driven to the backstage and the digital photography has come to the forefront, which has changed the basic idea of photography; courtesy: smaller digital camera, DSLR etc. with all necessary accessories. Today even the smartphones are having strong and powerful inbuilt cameras, but the wedding photography needs some basic touches to make the snaps a special, which are different from random clicks of a phone camera. The Ritz Carlton Wedding Photography is having all requisite arrangements of cameras, equipment and supporting tools, which are helpful in providing the service par excellence for the valued clientele to a great extent. The skilled and experienced photographers with extreme professional exposures are the basic assets of the organization, which helps in serve the customers in a very specialized manner. The service of the wedding photography not being confined to the big day only, on the contrary, they use to consult with the client before the auspicious day and provide useful suggestion regarding the venue, light, decoration and also the attire of the bride and groom, flower arrangements etc., which are playing essential part making the event memorable and successful. The St Augustine Wedding photography is having a wide range of experience and exposures of international repute in the field of photography, especially in the wedding segment, which helps their potential customers to have the capture of moments of their wedding ceremony. It can be noted that the service provider is just a phone call away from their clients, therefore; can be easily contacted just by a call, which helps in getting the service of the organization. While they are able to provide the state of the art service of high quality; the price of such an intense service is very competitive and within the budget of the clients of the different category. Article Source: https://www.bharatbhasha.com Article Url: https://www.bharatbhasha.com/finance-and-business.php/492028 Article Added on Sunday, December 11, 2016 |Business And Finance >> Top 50 Articles on Business And Finance| |Category - >|
10 Terrible Things Done To POWs War, as they say, is hell. It’s a constant, violent struggle for survival, in which men kill each other for reasons their government or leaders assure them are very good. Being a prisoner of war is no better either: here are ten of the worst things done to POWs throughout history. In 1942, four Australian POWs did the unthinkable, and tried to escape from their Japanese prisoner of war camp. The Japanese became so incensed that they ordered every POW in the Changi peninsula to sign an agreement promising not to escape. These prisoners—being Australian—promptly told the Japanese to do one. In retaliation, the Japanese ordered every single one of them to assemble in the Selarang barracks without food or water—all fifteen thousand of them. For four days, the men were forced to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a space only constructed to hold as few as one thousand people. After four days suffering from dysentery, malnutrition, and dehydration, the Australians relented and signed the agreement. During WW2 the Soviet’s had a fairly simple motto: “no surrender and screw the Nazis” . But although it was uncommon for Soviets to be taken prisoner, it could—and did—happen. Many Soviet POWs were invariably used as forced labour for the Germans, which is fairly standard and in no way warrants them a place on this list. But what happened after the war makes it clear why they should be included. The Soviets didn’t look kindly on POWs, and many were accused of collaborating with the Nazis. Their punishment, upon returning home from their POW camps? Forced labour camps. If double forced labour wasn’t bad enough, during their time as POWs Soviet soldiers were among the worst treated in WW2. For example, when the food available for use in camps became incredibly scarce, Colonel Eduard Wagner issued an order to let prisoners starve to death. Soviets again somehow got the worst out of this deal when German officials barred Allied soldiers from sharing their Red Cross care packages with them. When the Red Cross offered to vaccinate prisoners, the Germans declined the offer and instead left them in the cold to freeze to death. The Vietnamese were infamous for their treatment of POWs—but nothing sums up their sheer brutality more than the so-called “Tiger Cages.” Despite the name, they weren’t cages that contained tigers. But after reading the next sentence you’ll quickly realize that tigers would have been a more human option. The tiger cages were small cages where prisoners were literally left to die; they were given neither numbers nor names, but were merely left there. Some prisoners were hung on metal hooks, others were beaten with clubs. Open sores from metal shackles quickly became infected by the layer of human waste left on the floor. But worse that what actually happened to the prisoners, is why it was done to them. It was wartime after all, and there must have been a good reason? Horror stories about the treatment of POWs by the Vietnamese are all too common. But a fact that’s commonly left out is why the Vietnamese actually did it. The reason was simply to break the will of the soldiers they’d captured. It wasn’t to obtain information or even punish disobedience, it was simply a cold methodical way of ensuring that every prisoner hated Vietnam forever. Which explains why the systematic torture inflicted on victims was the same, whether a POW had been captured in combat, or found with broken legs after a bailout from his plane. When the Nazi concentration camps were liberated by the Allies, it was a time of great jubilation for the tens of thousands of people incarcerated in them. But an often forgotten fact of this time is that prisoners who happened to be wearing the pink triangle (the Nazis’ way of marking and identifying homosexuals) were forced to serve out the rest of their sentence. This was due to a part of German law simply known as “Paragraph 175” which criminalized homosexuality. The law wasn’t repealed until 1969. The Aztecs have a reputation as one of the most barbaric civilizations of all time: their society revolved around sacrifice and war. If you were unlucky enough to face the Aztecs in combat and be taken prisoner, your options for negotiation were pretty much limited to “having your heart cut out”. That is—unless you were captured while the Aztecs were paying tribute to Tezcatlipoca, their most powerful god. In which case you’d be tethered to an enormous stone slab and ordered to fight half a dozen of their finest warriors, who were armed to the teeth with obsidian weaponry. Prisoners were given “mock weapons” to fight this duel, and were invariably cut to pieces. One exception is the famed warrior Tlahuicole, who beat to death eight of the Aztecs’ best tiger knights with his bare hands. “Hell ship” is a colloquial term used to describe the ships used to transport POWs during war. The inhuman and often deadly conditions onboard are the reasons for the title. Though the conditions on such ships were awful, that’s not why they have a place on this list. You see, hell ships were normally just reconstituted transport ships; outside observers often had no clue that they contained hundreds of their own imprisoned men. This problem led to numerous tragic occurrences of Allies accidentally dooming their own men to a watery grave. During the Japanese attempt to conquer China in 1937, a lot of blood was spilled—and the Chinese were anything but kind to the Japanese soldiers they captured. Japanese prisoners of war could expect brutal torture at the hands of the Chinese. The most poignant example of the sheer disregard for human life reaches us via Tom Simmen, a photographer who managed to document the brutality, and show that it wasn’t limited to one side. According to Simmen, Chinese soldiers gleefully watched the execution of a Japanese soldier, hoping that they might be able to play soccer with his head. Unit 731 is, in short, probably the worst thing ever designed for the punishment of human beings. Unit 731 was an incredibly secretive Japanese biological and chemical warfare research facility, in which dozens of lethal and inhumane experiments were conducted on living POWs. Experiments included—but weren’t limited to—vivisection of live patients infected with various diseases, and organ removal on live subjects just to see what would happen. Live human targets were used to test the effectiveness of grenades, flame-throwers, and bombs—and some prisoners were simply buried alive, all in the name of science. The worst part? After the war, many of the Japanese scientists involved were offered full immunity for their crimes in return for handing over their research. Because, well—science.
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[ Generic Medicines for High Blood Pressure Treatment ] Lisinopril / Hydrochlorothiazide medicine is a combination of two active ingredients, i.e. Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide. Lisinopril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor with antihypertensive activity. It is a synthetic peptide derivative binds to and inhibits ACE that restricts the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. It prevents the potent vasoconstrictive actions of angiotensin II and results in vasodilation. Hydrochlorothiazide is a thiazide diuretic used to treat hypertension and edema. It appears to bind to and accumulate in red blood cells and primarily excreted by the kidneys. It can be used to treat congestive heart failure. It plays the role of a xenobiotic, an environmental contaminant, a diuretic, and an antihypertensive agent. Class of Drugs – ACE inhibitors + Thiazide Diuretic Molecular Formula – C21H31N3O5 + C7H8ClN3O4S2 Molecular Weight - 405.5 g/mol + 297.7 g/mol Working: One of the ingredients in the medicine hydrochlorothiazide removes the excess salt and water from the body. It keeps the heart from working as hard to pump blood. This lowers the blood pressure. The second ingredient, Lisinopril relaxes the blood vessels in the body that reduces stress on the heart and lowers the blood pressure. Uses: This given active medication Lisinopril / Hydrochlorothiazide is a combination of two ingredients as the main active components. This drug treats high blood pressure by lowering high blood pressure that helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains Popular Brands and Dosages: Lisinopril / Hydrochlorothiazide is used in popular brand drugs as given below: - Zestoretic: 10 mg + 12.5 mg In the case of diabetes, this medicine may affect blood sugar. Check the blood sugar regularly as directed and consult the doctor. Follow the exercises, diet, and instruction advised by the doctor.
This post is part of a series I’m writing on better technical interviews. I’d love your feedback in the comments! - Part 1 - What’s the Point? - Part 2 - Preparation - Part 3 - The Actual Interview - Part 4 - My Opinion on Various Techniques - Part 5 - Common Interview Questions My Opinions on Certain Interview Practices These are my personal opinions with some reasoning behind them. Should candidates code during the interview? I say: No. If I am able, through conversation, to determine that this person has the fundamentals both conceptually and in terms of being a colleague, and is an open-minded, collaborative person that wants to improve, I usually don’t need to watch them code. Everyone has different styles, and I expect us all to be learning together anyway. To whiteboard or not to whiteboard? I believe white-boarding for conceptual / architectural explanations is a helpful tool. It helps me see how a person uses that space to see and explain things, like how they would potentially approach a problem. I have not found that I get much out of code in whiteboard format. It will at best be pseudo-code, and to expect more than that is unfair in my opinion. Should I push the interviewees buttons to see how they respond? Absolutely not. Would you do this to them in the real world? I should certainly hope not. If a client or coworker were to do this in some situation and someone handled it poorly, hopefully you’d be mentoring and coaching someone on how to improve, and also advocating for them in an instance where someone was treating them poorly. We’ll be doing coding; should they use Google? If you ask someone to code, I’d suggest that you should treat it like you’re pairing with a teammate. - It should be collaborative - Tooling and resources should be available - They should be able to use the machine / development environment of their choice Otherwise, what’s the point? Pretending that devs don’t use tools or Google things just shows an interviewee that the exercise is pointless. What about having the candidate solve FizzBuzz? If you’re bringing someone into a technical interview and don’t know whether or not they’d pass a problem like FizzBuzz, I think that’s the real problem. Shift that process to the left and answer those questions earlier on. Ask a few screening questions. Run a small coding exam with something like coderpad.io, but don’t make it something so overdone. Put a little thought in. Be creative and clear. We came up with a pretty intricate problem we’re proud of. We think it’ll be a good litmus test. Great. You should ask everyone on your team – particularly less senior developers – to complete that problem. And then you should adjust that problem based on what you will inevitably learn. And then you should think about how cloudy someone’s brain is when they feel under pressure. Should I have someone balance a B-tree, do factorial calculations, etc.? Only if someone on your team has had to do something similar to that in the past year. Otherwise you’re optimizing for the wrong-thing. I don’t need an algorithm wiz to write a great line-of-business app; I need someone who cares about a domain, collaborates with stakeholders, and is invested in improving as they go. If you ask how someone would implement a fast-sorting algorithm and their answer is “first, I’d understand what we’re trying to optimize for, and then I’d open Google and research about different types of sorting algorithms” – I’d say that’s a solid answer. Should We use HackerRank, etc.? No. At least not unless you’re utilizing the pairing functionality. - These tools feed into the idea that if someone can solve a coding problem, they’ll be a good fit for a team. - These tools risk dropping some senior folks from the funnel who avoid the sort of algorithmic minutae that this article recommends against. - In my opinion, broadly speaking, these tools are reductive and commoditize the skillset you’re looking for and the notion of the work we do. I can’t really tell so much from conversation as what you’re expecting. Is that a problem? I’d say yes. If you can’t have a conversation and determine whether this is the sort of person who will make the impact you need at your team / company, I would argue that you may not be the best person to give the interview. What about half-day / whole day interviews? - If you’re scheduling a long interview because everyone needs to take a turn with an interviewee, I would argue that your interview process may be broken. Figure out who are the people to trust, and make the interview with them. At my current company we’ve had fantastic success with a 1-1.5 hour interview with two folks from a practice area, and a 30 minute conversation with one of our executives. - If you bring someone in for a half day technical interview, it should be to work on a real style problem in a pairing or team setting, as close to an actual work day setup as possible. They should have access to tools, google, OSS, etc. during the process. - If you’re having someone join an actual team for a half or full day session to work on actual client or product work, you need to compensate them for their time. Agree on an hourly rate that shows someone you respect their time and effort. Pay them for their time even if the interview ends early. Are you worried they’ll only last an hour? Do more prep and screening work up front.
. . .to myself. I made a couple of resolutions this year. Those were my main, public goals. To myself, I promised to get out more. More specifically, to go to a social event 2 times a month. I went to a Jazz cafe for my birthday and a networking dinner for a professional group I belong to. At this dinner, I met a nice young man who had just completed his MBA. I felt confident and cute. I was flirtatious and witty, even if I must say so myself! lol I don't know where this confidence came from but I am loving it. At the end of the dinner, the guy shook my hand and gave me his card. I gave him mine. He has not called yet but that is beside the point. The point is I got out and was sociable and . . .fearless. Secondly, I promised the Lord, if he blessed me with a job (and He did) I would volunteer. I wanted to use the talents God has given me to give back. Well, I have an audition coming up for a group that records reading material for the blind. I really would like to do this. Just to show how God is always working things out, I'll tell this little story. I get to the reading center, the volunteer coordinator is giving me a tour of the facilities. I see the name of a friend's husband's friend's wife. You follow? I helped this loose contact a couple of months ago with a clothing swap fundraiser for her playhouse. I had NO idea she was the book coordinator for the reading for the blind facility. She has worked with them for 23 years!!! Hopefully, this is where God wants me to be. Also, my goal is to be faithful at the house of God. I think I know what church to go to now. Where are you on resolutions? Stay prayerful guys.
The Los Angeles Times reported recently that prescription narcotic overdoses and drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the United States. Deaths from prescription drugs exceeded motor vehicle accidents as the cause of death in 2009, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control. How legal financing can help you For many of these victims and families legal finance, which is a growing financial funding area, helps them get by financially as they seek a settlement in their cases. The data indicates that most causes of preventable death are declining, with drug deaths being the exception. In the last decade the death toll from prescription drugs has more than doubled. The article indicates one life is claimed due to drugs every 14 minutes. As a sharp contrast, traffic accidents have been dropping for several decades due to increased motor safety programs. Public health professionals are using the comparison to bring a focus on the country’s growing prescription drug problem, calling it an epidemic. In fact, this is the first time that drugs have caused more deaths than auto accidents since the government began tracking drug deaths back in 1979. Drug related deaths from perscription pain and anxiety drugs The data also indicates one of the big reasons for the high number of drug deaths is the use of prescription pain and anxiety drugs which are very potent, sometimes addictive and very dangerous especially when combined with alcohol or other drugs. Among the most common drugs are OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax, and Soma. Experts say these drugs cause more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined. Was the prescription given in error? In situations where the prescription was given in error,or as a result of medical malpractice, and death or injury occurs, legal finance is a powerful tool in helping plaintiffs seek legal justice within our courts. Legal finance only requires a quick and easy application with a fast review for approval. There are no credit checks or monthly payments required for plaintiffs. Only if your case wins in court does the money have to be repaid. To learn how legal funding can help you, give us a call, toll free, at 888-732-3389 or complete the contact form on the left. If you’re ready to get started, you can complete the application form.
I was honored to be given the opportunity to stay in one of the most luxury hotels in Vienna, Austria – Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom during my 70 Days Europe Travel. Centrally located in Vienna City Center and just a bridge away from Schwedenplatz Subway Station with fantastic river view just adds up the reason why you should stay in this hotel. Upon arriving the hotel, I was greeted by their friendly staff which even knows my name before I self introduced. Within minutes, the General Manager of the Hotel, Mr. William Haandrikman personally came down and welcomed our arrival. Talk bout fine & service! I was amazed with the Simplicity Design fused with Luxury Elements by renowned architect Jean Nouvel who has masterfully integrated his contemporary vision into the traditional Viennese architecture. Our room is on the 10th floor with the theme Grey overlooking the river. Luxury Hermes Toiletries All 182 different rooms are designed with sleek façades of white, black, and grey offer a preview of the likewise monochrome guest rooms. A Personalized Welcome Message from the General Manager Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist has created bright, multi-colored video-animated ceilings, improving the relaxing atmosphere. After a smoothing massage, you can continue to relax over here. Modern, Sleek & Well Equipped Gym At night, We were invited to indulge 6 Course Fine Dining in Le Loft Restaurant on the top floor of Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom. Headed by 3-Michelin-starred chef Antoine Westermann, Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom’s Le LOFT restaurant offers the ideal location for an exclusive & fine gourmet experience while overlooking the Vienna city. Panorama View of Le Loft Restaurant French landscape architect Patrick Blanc has planted a magnificent vertical garden, a “living” wall covered with 20,00 species of vegetation. There were several culture shock, instead of what we were told since young that fine dining restaurant are always quiet, every diners over here and Europe are enjoying chit chatting with fellow companions throughout their meal. While waiting to be served Started with a Glass of Champagne Secondly, pets are allowed in the restaurant! Both our dogs, Bbe & Kaka would certainly love dining with us instead of all those nonsense back in Penang forbidding this & that. Beside our table sits a German Shepherd enjoying his own meal. How lovely. 1st Course : Roasted Fois Gras with White Peach, Fresh Almonds, Poultry Jus Paired with 2009 Rotgipfler Novemberlese Vinery Thallern, Therm Region 2nd Course : Gazpacho of Peas with Croquettes of Feta Cheese Paired with 2010 Sauvignon Blanc Vinery Hannes Sabathi, South Styria 3rd Course : Schniederspaetle with Grilled Froglegs & Chervil Sauce After the 3rd course the waiter asked us do we need to take a short rest before continuing. 3 courses took us 1 hour 30 mins so if we were to rest another 30 mins, our dinner will proceed till midnight hence we requested to proceed. Lol. 4th Course : Filet of John Dory with Potato Foam & Seasonal Mushrooms Paired with 2009 Chablis Ac, Domaine Joseph Drouhin, Burgundy 5th Course : Filet of Lamb with Petite Farce & Thyme Jus Paired with 2009 Apetlon Rouge, Weingut Steindorfer, Neusiedlersee 6th Course : Raspberry Macaroons with Sorbet Paired with 2006 Beerenauslese Samling, Vinery Tschida, Neusiedlersee The food served were amazing & it was the best fine dining meal we had throughout our Europe Trip. Waiters were attentive and services were superb. Most of the time, they make sure you are well pampered. Cecilia Black Enjoying Her Macaroons Our stay in Sofitel Vienna Stephandsom was FANTASTIC & we certainly do not want to leave. Thank you Mr. William & your beloved team for your warm hospitality & would certainly stay in Sofitel Vienna Stephandsom during our next visit to Vienna. Merci Beaucoup !!
Maison Sichel Sirius Bordeaux Blanc 2014 Product Code: 10117/14 A great value Bordeaux white. It is made with the same meticulous care and methods as for the Grands Crus Classés wines of Bordeaux. But it's from the hidden gem of Saint Macaire one of the sub-regions of Bordeaux. It's the kind of great tasting, great value French bargain we search out on our buying trips. We were so pleased to find this one and its matching red! The Sirius brand was created in 1985 by Peter Sichel from negotiants Maison Sichel. He wanted to prove that it was possible to apply the same meticulous care and methods as for the Grands Crus Classés wines of Bordeaux to less prestigious terroirs to obtain a fine, expressive, fresh and fruity wine at an affordable price. Peter Sichel chose to illustrate the label with the star Sirius, the brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere night sky. Region/Terroir: Canton de Saint Macaire, Bordeaux. 19 hectares. The vineyards are mainly on clay-limestone soils and are located along the banks of the Garonne River. Grapes: 50% Semillon, 50% Sauvignon Blanc. Average age of vines - 30 years. Alcohol: 12.5% VOL Winemaking techniques: The grapes are carefully selected before being fermented and aged in oak in exactly the same way as the Grands Crus Classés of Graves and Pessac-Léognan. The Sémillons are pressed immediately upon harvesting, while the Sauvignons go through skin-maceration. All pre-fermentation processes are carried out under inert gas to protect the berries and the musts from oxidisation. Fermentation in new oak barrels and then left on full lees (yeast), which are stirred 2 or 3 times a week. Racking complete, the wines go into barrel for a further 2 or 3 months. During this period, (fine) lees stirring is done once a week to add richness and complexity. Blending takes place in vats to achieve a balanced, aromatic, white wine. Our tasting notes: Beautiful pale yellow with greenish tints. Pleasant front-of-palate marked by fresh, powerful citrus and mango aromas. Hints of vanilla. The same aromatic array is found on the palate, enhanced by lingering balance and volume. Nice intensity and complexity. A great Bordeaux white for the price. Helen said: ”Dry with lovely citrus flavours. Complex. Remarkably long finish.“ Craig: ”This is a very well made and enjoyable wine. I especially liked the lovely roundness and depth from the oak and the lees/yeast influence. Very very nice! I can see why it’s won medals. This could be an expensive Graves.“ Single bottles, multiple bottles or complete boxes (6 bottles) may be ordered. Gold medal - Concours des Grands Vins de France - Macon 2015 1 star - Guide Hachette des Vins 2016 Silver medal - Concours Mondial du Sauvignon 2015 Bronze medal - Decanter World Wine Awards 2015 Product Code: 10117/14
A Lovely Day Out at Cape Tribulation Last week Conor and I decided to take a day trip to beautiful Cape Tribulation in the lush Daintree Rainforest, just a short drive from our home. A day in the Daintree is a must for anyone visiting Port Douglas and the surrounding area. The drive from Port is about 40 minutes to the ferry, which costs $30 return for 1 car. First on our agenda for the day was a Cape Triblation Wilderness Cruise to spot crocodiles in their natural habitat at Cooper’s Creek. However we arrived a little early so we headed to Cafe on Sea at Thornton Beach, just a few minutes further north to enjoy a delicious homemade pie with a stunning beach view. Can all days start like this please? Next it was time for our cruise. Cape Tribulation Wilderness Cruises are the only company with a license to do boat tours in this area of the Daintree, and it’s an excellent location for it. Compared to other crocodile cruises I’ve done in the surrounding area, it feels very unpretentious and no-frills. Just the simple boat creeping through the peaceful natural landscape observing crocodiles in their natural habitat. As soon as we sat down we realised that we had made a huge mistake in forgetting to bring insect repellent, but we put it out of our minds and enjoyed the trip. The cruises last for one hour and the scenery is gorgeous. The driver talked about the crocodiles and their surrounding landscape, and we were lucky enough to spot a female crocodile resting on the banks of the creek. As we continued we heard a loud splash as we must have scared the only male croc in the creek, leading to him jumping into the water. Seconds later the huge male popped up on the other side of the boat and glided towards the other bank. We loved this one-hour tour and I would definitely recommend it to anyone as a part of a trip to Cape Tribulation. Next we headed to the Daintree Discovery Centre, a fascinating attraction that allows visitors to learn all about the flora and fauna of the Daintree, both past and present. Boardwalks lead you through the natural rainforest setting, where you can read plaques, see photos of the wildlife found here, and maybe even spot some animals in the wild. Some creatures, such as fish, snakes, and insects are kept here. Each visitor is given an audio guide which they can use for more information. We had visited previously with Conor’s family about 1.5 years ago, however we decided to come back and refresh our memories. It’s a fantastic introduction into the Daintree. Our day ended with a Jungle Surfing Canopy Tour. Unfortunately we were sad to hear that six days after our visit a man died on the canopy tour and his partner was left with serious injuries. The tour is closed until further notice and I have decided not to go into detail about the jungle surfing experience today as a result of this news. Thoughts are with the friends and family of the deceased and injured.
Definition of Liquid Measurement Chart explained with real life illustrated examples. Also learn the facts to easily understand math glossary with fun math worksheet online at Splash Math. Splash Math is an award winning math learning program used by more than 30 Million kids for fun math practice. Jul 07, 2015· A liquid measuring cup (also known as wet measuring cup) is commonly used to measure liquid ingredients. It is meant to measure the volume of liquids in the kitchen (used for cooking or baking) such as water, vinegar, milk, fruit and vegetable juices and so on. Definition of measuring cup. US. : a cup that has markings for measuring ingredients when cooking; also. : a cup that holds a particular amount of an ingredient used in cooking. a set of measuring cups ranging from ¹/₄ cup to 1 cup. Vremi 3 Piece Plastic Measuring Cups Set - BPA Free Liquid Nesting Stackable Measuring Cups with Spout and Decorative Red Blue and Green Handles - includes 1, 2 and 4 Cup with Ml and Oz Measurement 3.7 out of 5 stars 654 Measuring Cup. The liquid measuring cups can range in sizes that measure from 1 teaspoon or 5 milliliters to 8 cups or 2 liters. The smallest cup measures 1 to 6 teaspoons in U.S. measures or 5 to 30 milliliters (ml) in metric. Medium sized cups, … Definition of measuring cup in the Definitions dictionary. Meaning of measuring cup. What does measuring cup mean? Information and translations of measuring cup in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. What are Liquid measuring cups? A vessel used specifically for measuring liquids. Liquid is poured into the cup up to the appropriate graduated marker on the side of the cup. Is there a difference between dry and liquid measuring cups? Noun 1. measuring cup - graduated cup used to measure liquid or granular ingredients measure - a container of some standard capacity that is used to obtain. Measuring cup - definition of measuring cup by The Free Dictionary Measuring flour in a liquid measuring cup, where it's impossible to level off any excess, drove that variance all the way up to 26 percent. Test #2: Measuring Water in Both Dry and Liquid Measuring Cups. The same people then measured 1 cup of water (which should weigh 8.345 ounces) in both dry and liquid measuring cups.
Ever since the UK entered “lockdown”, those pushing for it to end have been labelled “callous” or “selfish” or accused of putting profits before people. Meanwhile millions are unemployed and a global famine is on the horizon. The lockdown will kill more people than the virus, and needs to be ended. The lockdown has been “eased”. Apparently. Some people should go back to work, schools might be opening a bit. You can see one person at a time. You’d be forgiven for not noticing any tangible difference. You’d be more forgiven for thinking it’s a contrived mess designed to confuse and distract people. Essentially: We are very much still under lockdown, and likely to be so for the foreseeable future. And it is still, very much, a destructive policy which will ruin many more lives than the virus. Nevertheless, the usual “liberal” media suspects are up in arms about Boris “putting profits before people”. And, as per usual these days, even alt-media types (who should know better) are buying that line. So is Jeremy Corbyn. In what is perhaps the greatest example of gaslighting in human history, we have “champions of the working class” arguing for mass unemployment, the shutting down of small businesses and the self-employed, and draconian police powers.OffGuardian@OffGuardian0 The reaction to #BorisJohnson choosing to even partially #liftthelockdown is a demonstration of how totally propagandised the #UK has become. Not only are we still living under draconian rules, but the chattering classes are complaining they’re not harsh enough.475Twitter Ads info and privacy241 people are talking about this The same people who clamour for more and tighter lockdowns are attacking anybody who opposes the measures. Labelling them “psychopaths” or “far-right” or “extreme libertarians”. Last week Owen Jones used this phrase to dismiss anyone protesting the lockdown: the political right who resent a lockdown that values human life over economic considerations. It’s a lazy ad hominem we’re not unfamiliar with at OffGuardian. Over the last few weeks, many people have accused us of putting money before lives because we have expressed concerns over the decision to deliberately tank the economy, destroy small businesses and send unemployment through the roof. In his most recent article today, Owen rails against the (so-called) easing of the lockdown, claiming it is protecting business but not people. As usual, he is wrong. The idea that destroying the economy will only harm the rich, while somehow contriving to liberate the masses, is perhaps the most ridiculous lie of all the lies used to prop up the covid19 rollout. You don’t need to be a supporter of capitalism to recognise that a collapsed economy always hurts the workers more than the owners. Where are all the students of Marx? Does the atrophied Left now really think “the economy” is some abstract concept which only concerns people who own stocks and read the Financial Times? Reality check here for Owen and his champagne socialist chums. While they are enjoying their furlough swigging Chablis on the lawn, small businesses are currently going bust. The self-employed are seeing years of work destroyed in weeks. Unemployment is soaring. Over TWO MILLION people have applied for benefits since the start of the lockdown. And this is just applications, not even close to the total number of jobs lost. That’s around 5% of the entire working-age population. That’s at least 2 million lives potentially ruined, and it’s a conservative estimate. If just 2% of those people die from stress-related illness, suicide, substance abuse or malnutrition, then the lockdown will have killed more people than the coronavirus simply through economics. And that’s just this country – in the US over 33 million people have claimed unemployment in the last month, that’s nearly 10% of the whole population. The knock-on effects of Western domestic policies will be enormous. Already there’s talk of the mega economic crash causing a third-world famine which may kill millions. Because – and this is a concept those people who derisively spit the word fail to understand – “the economy” translates into the price of bread, rent and fuel. It is warm clothes and clean water. It is petrol and gas and electricity. It is education, infrastructure and opportunity. It’s being able to get a job and feed your children. Those dreaming that this crash will be the destruction of the monied classes and the dawn of liberation for working people need to look back at Weimar era Germany, or Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. How much liberation did they bring with them? Did the people loading wheelbarrows with devalued currency to buy bread feel set free? Did the war veterans selling their medals on street corners suffer less than the Khodorkovskies ripping them off? Billionaires love a crisis. There are fortunes to be made on put-options and derivatives; buying cheap stock in failing companies; snatching up foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar; stagnating wages means paying your employees nothing while your profits soar. And debt. Mountains of debt. Private, and corporate, which gives you leverage for years – even decades. It is in these crises that oligarchs are born. While many of us are struggling, the top billionaires in the US have seen their personal fortunes increase by over 300 billion dollars. The banks handling the bail-outs have charged over 10 billion dollars in banking fees alone. What’s happening to the economy is a disaster for everyone…except the billionaires. Remember, all this is the result of a lockdown that, as of right now, there’s zero evidence has saved any lives. In fact, there’s actually very little evidence lockdowns work at all. Remember, also, that the virus is acknowledged to be harmless to over 80% of the people it infects, and only mild in the vast majority of the those who ever show symptoms. We’re not choosing between a Ebola and a devastating lockdown, we’re choosing between a “mild to moderate” disease and a devastating lockdown. The economic consequences are catastrophic, but that’s not the end of the unnecessary human suffering being caused. Then there are the elderly people, and those with cognitive impairments, being coerced into signing DNRs. Or those people suffering serious illnesses who stay away from A&E departments for fear of catching the virus and/or overloading the NHS. Far from being overwhelmed, the NHS is operating with over 40% of its beds empty. To prevent the NHS from being “overwhelmed” it has, essentially, ceased functioning. When society is stopped on a dime, when people are deprived of their livelihoods, when the sick and vulnerable are denied human contact and forced to sign documents declaring their lives meaningless, and when the health service stops servicing people’s health…that is the opposite of saving lives. That’s killing people. The. Lockdown. Is. Killing. People. Unemployment. Debt. Stress. Bankruptcy. These are not just “economic considerations”, they are life or death. The lockdown is bringing largescale poverty with it. Poverty kills people. Millions of them every year. And thanks to the policies enacted by global governments – and cheered on by so many on “the left” – those numbers are about to get bigger. A lot bigger. For this year, and many years to come. Unless we stop it.
Clinical Features And Diagnosis Top The most frequently observed factors contributing to the diagnosis of complicated urinary tract infection (UTI) include male sex, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, nephrolithiasis, and urinary obstruction. Clinical features range from mild cystitis to urosepsis. In each case of a diagnosed or suspected complicated UTI, perform urinalysis, urine cultures, and blood biochemical tests to assess kidney function. Order blood cultures in all febrile hospitalized patients. Consider ultrasonography and abdominal radiographs in patients in whom it is necessary to exclude nephrolithiasis and urinary obstruction. Indications for additional imaging studies: suspected renal and perinephric complications of UTI (see Complications of Urinary Tract Infections), other coexisting pelvic or abdominal abnormalities, previously diagnosed urinary tract abnormalities that have contributed to the complicated UTI. 1. Depending on the intensity of symptoms and the presence of comorbidities, the patient may either be treated as an outpatient or be admitted to the hospital. Potential indications for hospital admission: urinary tract abnormalities, immunocompromised patients, renal failure, serious comorbidities, other factors as in uncomplicated acute pyelonephritis. 2. Urologic intervention is the mainstay of treatment in the setting of an underlying obstruction. The key objective is to correct potential abnormalities in the urinary tract; in such cases antimicrobial treatment is only an adjunctive therapy. 3. Empiric treatment of complicated UTI as in uncomplicated acute pyelonephritis. If the empiric treatment is ineffective and microbiology results are unavailable, start a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent active against Pseudomonas spp (eg, piperacillin + tazobactam, ceftazidime, or a carbapenem). Selection of oral antibiotics and duration of treatment as in uncomplicated acute pyelonephritis. 4. Outpatient treatment as in uncomplicated pyelonephritis. 5. Treatment in young men with no additional risk factors for complicated UTI: The usual duration is 7 days for a case of cystitis and up to a maximum of 14 days in the case of acute pyelonephritis. 6. Follow-up urine cultures are performed within 1 to 2 weeks of treatment discontinuation.
- 2 onions - 2 chili pepper - 2 garlic cloves - 8 eggs - 2 tomatoes - about 3 cm ginger root (1.2 inch) - about 4 medium-sized waxy potatoes - 2 bay leaves - 2 cinnamon sticks - dash of neutral oil (e.g. sunflower oil) - 1 tablespoon turmeric - 1 tablespoon garam masala - 1 teaspoon ground cumin - 400 ml coconut milk - rice for serving Kitchen equipment needed - cutting board & chef’s knife - medium-sized pan - mortar & pestle or small blender - large skillet - wooden spoon Preparation — 10 minutes BOIL the eggs about 8 minutes and meanwhile prepare the curry paste. PEEL and coarsely chop the onion and garlic cloves. PEEL the ginger root and chop into smaller pieces. You can use the chili peppers with or without seeds, depending how spicy you like your curry. CREATE the paste by adding the onion, garlic, ginger and pepper to the mortar or small blender. If you’re using a blender, you need to add some oil because the blender will have some trouble with only dry ingredients. Also ADD turmeric, garam masala and cumin. PEEL the potatoes and divide into pieces. Finishing the egg curry — 20 minutes HEAT a bit of oil in a large skillet and sauté the curry paste for a few minutes. ADD the potatoes along with coconut milk, bay leaves and cinnamon sticks and let it cook for about 10 minutes. As soon as the eggs are done, set them under running cold water and peel them. Create some incisions with a sharp knife so the flavours will get absorbed into the eggs. Meanwhile divide the tomatoes into small pieces and add them after 10 minutes to the pan along with the peeled eggs. Let it cook some more until the potato chunks are done, the exact time depends on the size of the pieces. SERVE with rice and some fresh parsley if you like, enjoy!
The chill is in the air and it is officially FALL. Fall is the BEST time of year in the shop. We are SO FULL of yarn, notions, needles, bags and more. Angel keeps asking, "Where am I going to put it?" Even I chastised myself and made a note to be more frugal at market next year. But, who am I kidding? Our customers know that we ALWAYS buy sweater quantity in every yarn and almost every color. Who says we have too much YARN? Not I, say the yarn monsters! Misti Alpaca Misti Tui Delicate chainette in the softest 100% baby alpaca describes Misti Alpaca Misti Tui yarn. Alpaca is warmer for the weight than wool, and the chainette construction of Misti Tui makes it even lighter. This sport weight yarn has a slightly heathered look and comes in a range of glorious neutrals that will make divine cowls, scarves or anything next-to-skin - and of course sweaters. Tui is sport weight and each skein has 120 yards and it is super price: 6.00 per skein! Tui and Shibui's NEW MAAI are perfect for SoJourn Mitts Or choose Chevron Gauntlets or Adorable Fingerless Mitts: They only take 2 skeins! What's On OUR NEEDLES?Margaret, one of our fabulous knitters is working away on the new Brooklyn Tweed Design: ROWE She is using Berroco Blackstone Tweed, which is an economical knit for the luscious garment! Tolu is knitting Fingerless Mittens Couplet in Silkpaca from Malabrigo - Multi stranded to create the Ombre Effect UPCOMING CLASSES & EVENTS Jane Slice-Smith from Australia will be teaching at the shop October 18 &19. She will teach 2 texture knitting classes on Saturday (Cables & Zig Zags, Bobbles & Bells), Mitres and Simple Intarsia Sunday. Jane will also be available for consultations. Download the PDF here! The more classes you attend the better. Take 1 @ $65, 2 @ 120, 3 @ $175 & 4 @ $200. Call the shop to register. CHECK OUT Jane's 2014 Designs @ SigKnits ALL are Stunning! Join Mary Jane for Building Blocks or Color Block Afghan Classes starting 10/4: Each class meets once per month to knit 2 blocks or a panel. There is adequate time to get your afghan completed and you learn cables, bobbles, and more. Each class is only $75 plus materials which averages only $12.50 a month. Lindsey has also created a hand-out that tells you how to put the blocks together easily! I have great staff. Join Sandy for a 2 session Learn to Crochet Class starting October 5: 2-4 pm 2 sessions and the fee includes the materials. Fall Learn to Knit Classes start on Saturday, October 4 and Thursday, October 9: Our new LTK classes are 4 sessions and students will make both a hat & cowl while learning to knit! Both are 1-skein projects. Join Deb to finish Works in Progress or start something new: Saturday, October 4 from 10-2 pm Deep End - a fabulous garter stitch shawl begins Saturday, October 11 with Mary Jane. We had a FABULOUS turnout for our Custom Fit launch last week. We got everyone measured and reviewed yarn options. Each class participant receives a free custom pattern with purchase of the yarn for CLASS. The class starts on Sunday, October 5 and finishes on January 4: 5 Sessions $75 and includes the pattern. The is the perfect opportunity to KNIT A SWEATER THAT FITS! Fall in Love with Sweaters again. Learn about stress free knitting and ACTUALLY wear the sweaters you knit BECAUSE you know they FIT! You choose the yarn and the gauge. WE measure and help you design the PERFECT sweater. Your body combined with our know-how and the Custom Fit System by Amy Herzog EQUALS Sweaters that FIT. REGISTER for the NEXT Custom Fit EVENT: Sunday, October 12: 2-4 pm Individual Custom Fit Sessions are available for $25 per session which includes information, measurements and a pattern. 2 New FREE KALs have been added to start in October. Join Deb in the Rowan Kaffe Fassett KAL. Rowan is getting set to launch its second mystery knitalong project on Oct. 1, and this time the designer behind the fun is color master Kaffe Fassett. KAL will meet Wednesdays, October 1, 8, 22 & November 5 & 19 from 6-8 pm Rowan’s brand manager, Kate Butler, says in a video about the project that the aim was to get more people knitting in “the Kaffe way,” which isn’t difficult knitting, just a lot of color. “The projects involve multicolored squares, and you can choose to make an afghan, a small cushion, an oblong cushion or all three. Four colorways have been selected by Fassett for the project. Each one uses 10 different colors, and you can download the shopping list now (it’s a PDF) if you’re interested in the project. There will be instructional videos available as well. Join MaryJane to knit the new KAL from Shibui Yarns. A fabulous hat knit in Shibui Pebble. October 8 & 22 6-8 pm Join Sandy for the Free HELP DESK on Sundays October 12 & 26 from 12-2 pm if you have questions or need help on projects purchased at Amazing Threads. Mark you calendars for our annual Fall Yarn Tasting Friday, October 3: 10 am-8pm Watch the web for fabulous prizes and more! On FRIDAY, 10/3 REGISTER TO WIN this Jacket or 1 of several $20 Gift Cards to be given away at our YARN TASTING! Freebies & Resources Since FALL is HERE - It's time to knit PUMPKINS! Just CLICK on the PIX to link to the patterns~ A new Freebie from Michelle Hunter: Colormatic Cowl Color work meets pattern mixing in this stylish cowl. Four colors of Kenzie yarn play together in a simple yet interesting knit. Pattern includes both charted and written directions and lots of video support. Try the short version for a quick knit or go for the long version to wear fashionably doubled. North Woods Slipper Boots-Great Crochet Project 11262 86th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55369
The Lagos State Police Command has launched a manhunt for a yet-to-be-identified driver, who allegedly killed a tricycle rider, Bassey Aniete, in the Shitta area of Surulere. PUNCH Metro learnt that the unidentified driver, on Sunday accused the 26-year-old Aniete of bashing his car, which led to an argument between them. It was gathered that the driver brought out a wheel spanner from his vehicle and allegedly beat Aniete repeatedly on the forehead with it. A tricycle operator in the area, who identified himself simply as Wisdom, told our correspondent on Monday that Aniete was rushed to a nearby hospital when blood started gushing out of his forehead. Wisdom said, “Aniete picked a passenger from Lawanson to Shitta and had an argument with a man, who alleged that he bashed his car. The man alighted from his car and started fighting with Aniete and along the line, he dashed into his car and brought out a wheel spanner and used it to hit Aniete on the forehead till blood started gushing out. “Aniete was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he died. People in the neighbourhood allowed the driver of the car to escape from the scene.” When contacted, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Bala Elkana, said homicide detectives from the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department were on the trail of the fleeing driver. “The person, who beat the tricycle rider with a spanner, absconded but we are investigating the matter. “The tricycle rider couldn’t make it to the hospital before he died. Our homicide department at the SCIID is on the matter and we are on the trail of the driver/owner of the car.” All rights reserved. This material, and other digital content on this website, may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from PUNCH. Contact: the[email protected]
I may choose to be a loner, I may hide my past and plans; but I can’t flee my Creator, every inmost thought he scans. So his presence thus surrounds me, he’s aware of all I do, with discernment that confounds me – all is open to his view. Wonderful complex creation, skill almighty is revealed; weighing mountain, earth and ocean, sov’reign power he’ll always wield over rulers, over nations, over stars light-years away – beyond human contemplations: majesty holds perfect sway. So to whom can we compare him? Majesty we can’t define; for we cannot comprehend him, and his ways are so sublime. Power and love of God consider, when you feel he does not care; he alone wise help can render, strength renew: persist in prayer. Tune: 87 87 87 87 eg Mountain Light by M Wostenholm cf 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind, never purposefully blind, tastes ridicule and rebuff, but has no pretence, or bluff, hypocrisy or discontent, and no envious intent, won’t to jealousy give in, is not proud, or centred in ‘me’, will not show off, or boast, not self-seeking, grabbing most; love’s not rude, and does not brood, is not quickly drawn to anger, does not delight to point the finger, tries past hurts to ‘not remember’, isn’t pleased with evil, slander, glad of truth, and works for good, perseveres, protects, – love should always be like this, but we often fail so miserably. A leper, ill, distressed, unkempt; Christ had compassion, not contempt: he touches – no contamination, but, cleansing flows from him to heal the leper – decontamination from all he had to bear and feel. A man so paralysed had friends, who heard that Jesus heals and mends trouble, sickness, disability: they brought him close to the vicinity where Jesus was instructing and through the roof they lowered him But first he pardoned, and some sneered, ‘God only can do that!’, thoughts jeered. But Jesus then his power displayed, authority to sins forgive, by healing this paralysis: and one day all that is amiss he will put right, his kingship show, but now trust and much blessing know, and ask he pardon all you owe. “Replace those clothes so soiled and worn, with rich, clean garments that adorn. So famished, that you pigswill crave: the Prince adopts you! and will save from such a life, that Monster’s slave, by ‘friends’ impoverished, and bled, who later disappeared, well fed; the riches you will now enjoy no rust or scoundrel can destroy; receive a strength secure, and ‘eyes’ that understand, and grow more wise, a ‘Husband’ trustworthy and kind, brings satisfaction, peace of mind, and helps you use your talents, gifts; – you’re loved, and liked (your spirit lifts), respected, thanked, fulfilled, worth while your life and labours, no more vile; a sense of purpose and a view that stretches through the troubles true, and knows that happiness will yet remain supporting, and will get still better, fuller, richer, sweeter, and truly be ‘for ever after’ ”. Pray for each other that we’ll grow taught by his Spirit, more to know increased acquaintance with our God, greater perception of his Word. Pray, pray for each other, pray, pray to our Father, pray, giving thanks for all he’s done, thanks for each Christian, every one. Pray that we’ll more the riches see, glorious hope of what’s to be, and that he’s sanctifying me to be his child eternally. Pray that his power we’ll understand power to help, fulfil, command, Head of the church, may we display, more of our Saviour: this we pray. Tune: More about Jesus LM+ Holy God of light and splendour, sovereign majesty and fire; he created man to know him, though his being is far higher; all his greatness and his wisdom none can fully comprehend; God omniscient who alone has no beginning and no end. Absolute in moral cleaness, and completely undefiled; loving good, and hating evil; how can man be reconciled? Son of God – all pure – took judgement, that this God may be our Friend. We may know him as our Father, on his help and love depend. Mighty glorious gospel message: holy God approached and cared, cared for enemies, for sinners, and the broken bond repaired; and he drew us, recreated in his image to do good; clothed and pardoned, gave his Spirit: stand in awe, adore this God!
Okay, these are the last of the photos of birds that I took, sitting in one spot, over a ten-day-period, in my mom’s back yard, when I drove up to the Bay Area to visit her for her 95th birthday. Hummingbirds are not actually colorful. They just have reflective scales on their feathers that catch certain parts of the color spectrum. That is why you do not always see the colors. The sun has to catch the feathers just right. That is a horrible picture. I took that one to help make a correct identification on this next photo… We did decide that it is a Rufus Sided- or Spotted- Towhee. They are shy and move around a lot. Not easy to get a good photo of. We are pretty sure this is a young Finch of some sort. Young birds do not always have the full set of characteristics yet, and can be hard to identify. Also, most female birds are not as colorful as the males. So young females add a special challenge to identification. I do love the little Chickadees. I like the way this one is leaning to the side. But aren’t they cute? I can’t remember the name of this bird. My mom knows them all. I am just an occasional bird watcher. I could look it up in my bird book, or call my mom, if anybody really cares. I know that is a Nuthatch. If you ever need reminding that birds descend from dinosaurs, just look at that little guy’s feet… and claws. They use those for climbing up trees, and going down head first. Goodbye, little Titmouse. And the big Towhee. These last few shots, of crows in a dead peppercorn tree, are not really part of the rest of the pictures. I had to move out of the chair and step a few feet away, to the stairs leading down from the backyard. But, with the crazy sky- smoke from the California wildfires mixed with cloud and fog- these do have a real Halloween vibe to them. And they are pictures of birds. So I threw them in. Okay, I just have to finish off the Yosemite adventure pictures, and we can get back to the usual weirdness around here.