Everyone wants a good butt. Don’t lie- you know you do too. Outside of what you want in others, you know for a fact that you want a good behind for yourself and the question on your mind is probably: “what is it going to take to get one?” Now if you’re self conscious about looking weird focusing on simply the glute area, or you’ve found that you have to spend a lot more time at home, or both then you’re in luck! Follow along with Casi Davis as she shows you a 7 Minute BUTT & LEGS Home Workout. Do this workout for increasing strength AND muscle in both your glutes and legs without the need for weights and equipment. If you already didn’t know, your glutes are made of 3 muscles- gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, all working together to help in extension, internal rotation, and abduction of your hips. In strengthening these muscles, you can achieve plenty of carryover to improve your posture, help prevent injuries to your lower back, and aid in other forms of athletics. Increased glute strength can greatly help in activities such as jumping and running- essentials to practically any and all sports. Follow along in this HIIT workout that focuses primarily on your glutes and legs so you too can achieve these benefits! For the music in this video: Heria Shirts and Gear here: https://chrisheria.com/ BECOME A THENX MEMBER: https://thenx.com/ SHOP THENX: https://thenx.com/shop VIEW OUR EVENT CALENDAR: http://thenx.com/blog/events/ The BEST Calisthenics App, secret techniques, programs, and step by step guided tutorials tested by thousands of people to reach their goals, with the most simplistic systematic approach to learning any calisthenics move such as the Handstand, Muscle Up, Planche, with ease. And it's all IN HERE https://WWW.THENX.COM
Bombay Velvet Trailer 2 Unveiled Anurag Kashyap’s highly awaited crime-action drama belonging to 50’s-60’s is further revealed by the film makers as the second trailer of Bombay Velvet is unveiled yesterday. Watch the official trailer 2 of Bombay Velvet here and watch Ranbir Kapoor’s more detailed new look as daring Johnny Balraj. Watch the trailer here: The Bombay Velvet Trailer 2 is all about protagonist Ranbir Kapoor against the villain Karan Johar. Anushka is just seen in couple of eye blinking moments without any dialogues. You would love to watch this second trailer of film compared to the first one as we just got glimpses of Bombay night of 1950s in the first trailer. Now the trailer lets open the plot to the viewers and shows Johnny Balraj’s character in full glare. Ranbir Kapoor is quite convincing in his rough tough cameo as a small man Johnny Balraaj who is aspiring to go big. Karan Johar will be seen debuting as actor and in a negative role in this film. Bombay Velvet Wiki Director – Anurag Kashyap Producers – Vikramaditya Motwane, Vikas Bahl Written by – Gyan Prakash, Anurag Kashyap, S. Thanikachalam, Vasan Bala Starring – Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Karan Johar, Kay Kay Menon, Manish Choudhary, Siddhartha Basu, Remo Fernandes, Satyadeep Misra, Vivaan Shah and Mukesh Chhabra. Actress Raveena Tandon will be seen doing a cameo in Bombay Velvet, The trailer 2 is sure to increase the curiosity and interest of viewers for the film as the film is nearing its release scheduled on 15th of May 2015. The film is based on Gyan Prakash’s novel Mumbai Fables. It will be a major release of Ranbir Kapoor after a noticeable gap. Anushka Sharma is playing a Jazz singer names Rosie Noronha but not sharing significant space in the Trailer 2. You better watch the movie to watch Anushka Sharma as singer in detail. After Detective Byomkesh Bakshy, here is another period based bollywood drama to enchant the viewers. Bombay Velvet as the name suggests, does this with dazzling Bombay nights of 60 years back. The set up and action drama takes us to the Bombay of 1950-60. Well all to watch here is Ranbir Kapor’s meatier character and performance as Johnny Balraaj and Karan Johar debuting with a full fledged negative role. The music of Bombay Velvet has created a lots of talk as it represents jazz sort of music composed during golden period of bollywood. The songs ‘Fifi’ and ‘Mohabbat Buri Bimari’ are already out and viewed at social sites. Release Date Bombay Velvet Film is slated for release on 15th May 2015 worldwide. The box office performance of the film Bombay Velvet will be very significant for Ranbir Kapoor establishing himself as one of the superstar of the film industry. Do you find the trailer 2 of Bombay Velvet impressive? Would you like to watch the movie after watcing its trailer 2. Share your views with us. Keep visiting entertainment section of trendinindia.com to catch latest trailers of bollywood.
March 5, 2017 First Sunday of Advent Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:-1-11 Imagine turning off all your devices and shutting down all your screens. Imagine sitting in a room in silence. Except it wouldn’t be silent. Soon you’d hear a joist crack and the house shift. Or the furnace come on. The cat snore. Maybe a warbler would fly past the window. Maybe your eye would rest on a picture on a shelf, a picture of someone you love or of a place you love, and those feelings would come back. Those memories would surface. Robert Barron says that when we read this creation story in Genesis we’re so focused on the tree we’re not supposed to eat that we ignore all the trees we can, and I think he’s right. The word that stands out to be in the Genesis story today is “various”—the various trees in the garden, and how “delightful” they are, and “good.” This is why we fast and this is why we try to resist temptations, not just to deny ourselves but to fulfill ourselves in the end–to make ourselves available to all the true abundance around us, hidden or unnoticed or forgotten. “For if,” Paul says, “by the transgression of the one, death came to reign through that one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace . . . come to reign in life through the one Jesus Christ.” The abundance of grace. Jesus fasts for forty days in a desert, and a desert is a difficult place, and a harsh place, but it’s also beautiful and full of life and layers and depths of structure and meaning, if we know how to look, and Jesus did. And he was hungry, Matthew says, after forty days, and who could blame him, and imagine how good that apple must have tasted when he bit into it, or that fig, or that piece of bread. On Mardi Gras night Barb and I had pizza, and I ate and ate, until my tongue got thick and my stomach congealed, and it didn’t taste good really after the first slice, didn’t satisfy any real hunger. But when I have been more restrained and I have watched what I’ve eaten, and I finally bite into that apple, I am aware all at once of how wonderful apples are, and how pure and sweet, what a miracle food is, and I think that’s one of the reasons we fast, not to punish ourselves but to prepare for the deeper satisfactions of eating what is healthy and right. It’s not the only reason, of course. We fast because when we’re even a little bit hungry we’re in a better position to identify with all the hungry people of the world—the hundreds of thousands in South Sudan and neighboring countries, for example, who are suffering now through what the United Nations has just officially declared to be a famine, a terrible, terrible famine. And because we’ve spent less on food, we have money to give them. From our excess we can distribute what is needed elsewhere. Food isn’t a little thing and it’s not just a metaphor. It’s part of whole systems of production and distribution, some of which are just and some of which are not, so that whether we like it or not eating is a political act. It has consequences. I also think that fasting from chocolate or coffee or something like that is valuable exactly because it’s so simple and conventional. It humbles us, especially those of us who like to think in terms of big ideas and symbols. No, this is down-to-earth, and it’s real, and by the way it’s not in the least bit easy. It’s difficult. It does involve suffering to some degree, and that suffering is necessary and that suffering is good. But what strikes me the most today about the temptation of Adam and Eve, and the temptations of Christ, is that these temptations come from the outside, are external, and that they come into a naturalness and goodness that already exists. Adam and Eve are in a garden, a perfect garden, and in a sense we are, too: we are fundamentally good, deep down. We are valuable and worthy of love just for who we are. It’s like when we go on a vacation or a retreat, and we get away from all the pressures and the judgments and the evaluations, and if we have enough time we start to relax, we start to come back to ourselves. But then we have to go back to work and go back to the competition, and the emails start to fly again and the gossip starts to circulate again and we start to let those outer voices get to us, disrupt us, build up in us, until finally that summer peace or that weekend peace or that peace that can come on retreat is compromised or stolen or made to seem foolish. You’re no good, Satan says. Other people are better. You have to change, become more powerful, not let anyone else beat you. And these messages aren’t obvious, they’re subliminal, they’re snaky, they come through some image we glimpse on the internet, some little criticism on the edge of a remark. The sin in the garden wasn’t that the Adam and Eve were naked but that they were ashamed to be. That they covered themselves up. That they lost faith in who they really were. And what I love about Jesus in this story of his temptation is that he doesn’t listen to those voices, doesn’t let Satan convince him that he has to be more interesting or powerful or widely known. The desert is enough for him. Ordinary life is enough for him. What Jesus knows is that life is the miracle, and that joy comes not from excess but from breathing, from walking, from tending a garden or installing a floor or writing code, and from loving other people, embracing them, laughing with them, that the sweetest and most miraculous meal of all is the meal we eat in the company of others, and that all those other subtle temptations, all those other come-ons, are just an effort to get us to forget that, to walk away from that, to sinfully desire more than we have when what we have, what we have been given and are always being given, is wealth enough and grace enough and grace abounding—is abundance beyond all telling, always here, always present, in the quiet rooms of our houses, in the quiet moments of our lives, in our deserts, in our gardens, in our hearts.
Honoring Unsung Heroes in the Fight Against Ocean Plastic Pollution This World Oceans Day, we want to recognize some of the unsung heroes in the global fight against ocean plastics pollution: independent waste collectors or “waste pickers”. Each year, eight million metric tons of plastic pour into the world’s oceans caused largely by ineffective solid waste management systems of rapidly urbanizing coastal cities in developing countries. The situation would be even more dire without the efforts of millions of waste pickers, many of whom operate in the informal sector. They collect and recycle materials that would otherwise go into landfills and illegal dumpsites or leak into the environment. “Despite their absence from most urban-development plans, waste pickers remain some of the most effective, affordable, and necessary waste managers and recyclers on earth, protecting both land and sea,” according to Taylor Cass Talbott, Reducing Waste in Coastal Cities Project Officer with Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing & Organizing. Despite their contributions, waste pickers often find themselves marginalized, stigmatized, and unappreciated, laboring in difficult, unsafe conditions and without adequate protections. As part of our broader efforts to combat ocean plastics pollution, USAID is supporting waste pickers across Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. USAID’s Municipal Waste Recycling Program is providing training and equipping waste collectors, strengthening Independent Waste Collector organizations, and supporting their advocacy efforts. Here are some stories of these environmental champions: Independent waste collectors (IWCs) continue to deliver solid waste management services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This couple, Nguyen Thanh Liem and Pham Thi Thanh Ngoc, has been collecting waste in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, for the past 14 years. USAID MWRP’s grantee Environmental Development Action in the Third World (ENDA) has provided IWCs in Ho Chi Minh City with health and safety trainings on waste handling and with personal protection equipment. Nguyen and Pham start their work before dawn, collecting trash bags from households in their neighborhood and bringing them to a designated transfer station for loading onto city garbage trucks. The onset of COVID-19 has increased the risk of their work as they sort through possibly infectious waste to pull out recyclable materials. Women have an important role in urban solid waste management. Le Thi Kim Hoa collects waste in Ho Chi Minh City’s District #10, where an estimated 44% of the city’s independent waste collectors are women, many of whom are migrants from rural areas. USAID’s MWRP has facilitated the formation of several independent waste collectors cooperatives and unions, which in turn, have advocated effectively with the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee for higher garbage collection fees, resulting in an increase in incomes for independent waste collectors. In collaboration with the independent waste collectors cooperatives, MWRP grantee ENDA has helped women obtain leadership roles in the solid waste management sector. Independent waste collectors face social exclusion, discrimination, and marginalization. Mr. Du, a waste collector in Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, notes that, “although we face many existing prejudices within the community, solid waste collection is a genuine, meaningful job.” He is a second generation independent waste collectors and is assisted by his son. Most households do not practice waste segregation at source, so Mr. Du, after collecting the waste, returns home to dig through contaminated garbage bags to sort and clean the recyclable materials. His USAID-supported independent waste collectors cooperative and its persistent two-year long advocacy work with city environmental offices for higher waste collection service fees have allowed Mr. Du to witness a marked increase in his monthly income. Independent waste collectors toil in inhumane conditions and live in poverty. At the Semarang City landfill in Jatibarang, hundreds of self-employed independent waste collectors rummage through the mixed waste to find recyclable materials suitable for resale. The work is hot, uncomfortable, dangerous and unhealthy. For their efforts, independent waste collectors earn less than 5 USD per day. In fact, most independent waste collectors earn low incomes. The closure in 2018 of the Chinese market for plastic recyclable waste materials combined with lower global oil prices have resulted in steep reductions in demand for recycled plastics and less income for independent waste collectors. USAID MWRP’s grantee Bintari trained more than 440 independent waste collectors and other community members, of which more than half were women, on proper waste handling and on the importance of waste segregation at source. Bintari has set up fifty waste banks in Semarang where the work is more comfortable and where independent waste collectors now get training and have access to protective gear when handling infectious waste. Harnessing technology to improve collection and livelihoods. With support from USAID, independent waste collectors in Sanur Kaja Village in Denpasar, Bali, are now using grantee Gringgo’s mobile phone application to track daily prices of recyclable materials purchased by local traders and consolidators. This simple, yet innovative mobile application enables these Indonesian independent waste collectors to maximize their income, by providing them with up-to-date information that they can leverage to get the best financial arrangements within the Denpasar plastic waste marketplace. Waste collectors operating in Gringgo’s project area have seen their monthly incomes go up by more than 30% since adopting the mobile application. Independent waste collectors play a critical role in urban waste collection. Crisostomo Aguilar is the owner of a neighborhood-based “junk shop” microenterprise in Navotas City, Manila, a middleman in the Philippines plastic value chain. He purchases a wide variety of recyclable materials (plastics, metals, glass bottles, cardboard, etc.) from independent waste collectors for resale to large commercial recycling businesses. The USAID MWRP grantee Catholic Relief Services provides training to junk shop owners and independent waste collectors on best practices for coordination with the local government, record-keeping, health and safety, customer relations, service delivery, and market linkages. Mismanaged waste reinforces the important role of independent waste collectors. The Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia municipal council, located just outside of Sri Lanka’s capital Colombo, is recognizing the importance of independent waste collectors in waste management. USAID MWRP’s grantee Sevanatha has worked to create behavior changes in households and establishments to cooperate with municipal solid waste collection processes. Behavior change, however, is a slow process and independent waste collectors are continuing to scoop floating plastic and other debris from the many canals coursing through the community – even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sevanatha has developed a local solution for mismanaged waste with floating collection rafts and metal screen “waste traps” located at overpasses above canals, enabling the local authority to keep hundreds of kilograms of plastic waste from floating out into the nearby sea each day. Community participation promotes local self-reliance in waste management. In Sorong City, West Papua, in Indonesia, trained community waste bank (bank sampah) members receive and weigh plastic waste in their neighborhood. A USAID MWRP grantee, the Misool Foundation, has organized more than 100 waste banks and operates a large recycling center that consolidates waste collected throughout the city. The waste banks use the generated funds (from recyclables) to finance waste projects or to help support neighbors with urgent needs. Misool works with the Sorong City government to raise public awareness of the importance of recycling and protecting the region’s marine ecosystem. In all of MWRP’s partner waste banks, community members volunteered as independent waste collectors to continue the USAID-supported waste collection and recycling work.
- OUTSTANDING SOUND & STABLE PERFORMANCE - Crystal clear sound & solid build wireless handheld mic with rechargeable receiver working range up to 30M (100ft) with stable wireless transmission - FULL COMPATABILITY- The 1/4 inch plug receiver with included adapters allows the handheld microphone to work with any sound device equipped with 'MIC IN' jack, such as iPhone, iPad, laptop, DJ controller, camera, karaoke machine, PA, amplifier, etc. - MULTI APPLICATIONS - Ideal for home karaoke, conference, church, wedding host, classroom activities,voice projection, outdoor or on stage performance, Bus tour guide. Enjoy your charming voice with this dynamic wireless mic - MULTI SELECTABLE FREQUENCIES – The wireless mic system is preset with 20 selectable UHF frequencies (902-928Mhz), less prone to interference and low distortion, thus to use its best performance - EASY SETUP & OPERATE - Plug and Play, cable-free, frequency automatic pairing, AA battery powered handheld mic and rechargeable mini receiver makes it portable, versatile and easy to use Details: This Wireless Handheld Mic produces clear & crisp sound with stable performance. Automatic frequency pairing makes it easy to setup. The receiver with 1/4 inch (6.35mm) plug is compatible to any device with 1/4 inch “MIC IN” jack. What's more, the included 1/4-1/8 inch TRS adapter and TRRS splitter allow to work for devices like iPhone, iPad, Android phone, laptop computer. Ideal for home karaoke, conference speech, presentation, outdoor events, Recreational Vehicle party, vocal recording etc. Handheld Mic Wireless Distance: 100ft Working Time: 10-12 hours Dimensions: 250 x φ55mm Material: High strength ABS plastic body & aluminum mesh grill Weight: 195 g Mini Receiver Audio Interface: 6.35MM (1/4”) Plug Power Supply: 3.7V Built-in battery Working Time: Approx. 6 hours Dimensions: 64 x 32 x 17 maw/t 1/4” plug) Precautions 1.Please change the frequency as per user manual if there is interference(or using more than 1 set of Alcorcon microphone). 2.Please use the included 3.5mm adapter as well as TRRS Splitter when working with smartphone or laptop equipped with combo 3.5mm input 3.please set the frequency of microphones a little far away from each other if multiple sets of Alcorcon CK210 are used simultaneously. However, it's not recommended to use more than 3 sets of Alcorcon CK210 microphones simultaneously, which may increase the risk of mutual interference. 4. Please DO NOT plug the receiver to 'LINE IN' or 'AUX' jack, which may cause insufficient input with low sound. Package Content 1x Handheld Mic 1x Portable Mini Receiver 1x 1/4 -1/8-inch Adapter 1x TRRS Splitter Adapter (for smartphone or laptop) 2x AA Battery for Handheld Mic 1x USB Charging Cable 1x Owners Manual Package Dimensions: 11.9 x 5.2 x 2.6 inches This Wireless Dynamic Handheld Microphone system produces clear & crisp sound with stable performance, Ideal for home karaoke, DJ, wedding, conference speech, presentation, outdoor events, church, tourist bus, business meeting, party, vocal recording, etc.. Automatic frequency pairing makes it easy to setup. The receiver with 1/4 inch (6.35mm) plug is compatible with any device with 1/4 inch "MIC IN" jack. What's more, the included 1/4-1/8" TRS adapter and TRRS splitter allow it to work with devices like iPhone, iPad, Android phone, laptop computer. ( ONLY for recording while works with smartphone or computer ) - NOT for MacBook - SmartPhone or Computer can NOT project microphone sound to speaker on Real-Time, Do not use for computer karaoke. - Please DO NOT use with Bluetooth speaker which is equipped with 'LINE' or 'AUX' input jack, which may cause insufficient sound. Payment & Security Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.
II Kings 2:1-18 Now when the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven by a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. 2 And Elijah said to Elisha, “Please stay here, for the Lord has sent me as far as Bethel.” But Elisha said, “As the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So they went down to Bethel. 3 And the sons of the prophets who were in Bethel came out to Elisha and said to him, “Do you know that today the Lord will take away your master from over you?” And he said, “Yes, I know it; keep quiet.” 4 Elijah said to him, “Elisha, please stay here, for the Lord has sent me to Jericho.” But he said, “As the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So they came to Jericho. 5 The sons of the prophets who were at Jericho drew near to Elisha and said to him, “Do you know that today the Lord will take away your master from over you?” And he answered, “Yes, I know it; keep quiet.” 6 Then Elijah said to him, “Please stay here, for the Lord has sent me to the Jordan.” But he said, “As the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So the two of them went on. 7 Fifty men of the sons of the prophets also went and stood at some distance from them, as they both were standing by the Jordan. 8 Then Elijah took his cloak and rolled it up and struck the water, and the water was parted to the one side and to the other, till the two of them could go over on dry ground. 9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “Please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.” 10 And he said, “You have asked a hard thing; yet, if you see me as I am being taken from you, it shall be so for you, but if you do not see me, it shall not be so.” 11 And as they still went on and talked, behold, chariots of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. 12 And Elisha saw it and he cried, “My father, my father! The chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” And he saw him no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them in two pieces. 13 And he took up the cloak of Elijah that had fallen from him and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. 14 Then he took the cloak of Elijah that had fallen from him and struck the water, saying, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” And when he had struck the water, the water was parted to the one side and to the other, and Elisha went over. 15 Now when the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho saw him opposite them, they said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” And they came to meet him and bowed to the ground before him. 16 And they said to him, “Behold now, there are with your servants fifty strong men. Please let them go and seek your master. It may be that the Spirit of the Lord has caught him up and cast him upon some mountain or into some valley.” And he said, “You shall not send.” 17 But when they urged him till he was ashamed, he said, “Send.” They sent therefore fifty men. And for three days they sought him but did not find him. 18 And they came back to him while he was staying at Jericho, and he said to them, “Did I not say to you, ‘Do not go’?” -The Lord calls us to make a clean break with our old way of life. -We have an ascended Master, Jesus Christ, in a glorified body in heaven, ruling the galaxies. We must keep our eyes and affections on him. -In a mocking and skeptical world, we must speak the truth of what we have seen and heard. -The last thing you ever want is for God to leave you alone!
Are you passionate about delivering care with a commitment to excellence? Do you have the drive to be part of a team revolutionizing the veterinary industry by rethinking the way animal medicine is practiced? Are you inspired by building authentic connections with pet parents and your team? If so, then this opportunity is tailor-made for you! Our client is located in the beautiful city of Burlingame, California, a prime location that combines convenience, charm, and a wealth of attractions. With its proximity to San Francisco and Silicon Valley, Burlingame offers the perfect blend of suburban tranquility and easy access to urban amenities. From boutique shopping to amazing dining options, there is something to suit every taste and interest. Our client is dedicated to providing exceptional veterinary services with a focus on patient-centered care. With a commitment to excellence, they strive to meet the diverse medical needs of their community and are driven by a bold goal: to revolutionize the veterinary industry through the power of technology and data. They are focused on building top-tier veterinary clinics that reimagine traditional processes, workflows, and services. Their clinics are equipped with dedicated areas for canines and felines, including well-appointed exam rooms, treatment areas with specialized tables, state-of-the-art surgical suites featuring electrocautery, and advanced digital medical record systems. They utilize data-driven treatment plans and innovative telehealth solutions, reshaping how veterinary care is delivered. What truly sets them apart is their exceptional team of doctors, nurses, and support staff who take the time to genuinely listen, understand, and connect with each pet parent and patient. They firmly believe that fostering authentic relationships is the cornerstone of providing the highest level of healthcare. If you share this vision and are passionate about creating a world where pets receive the exceptional care they deserve, we want to hear from you! Together, let's embark on this remarkable journey of transforming veterinary care. What You’ll Be Working On Build and maintain client relationships Diagnose, treat and manage a variety of cases Provide education to clients and staff on proper care Maintain a positive work environment Guide, utilize and mentor all-star support staff What’s In It For You Competitive Salary starting at $200,000 + DOE Fully paid Health, Dental, and Vision insurance for individuals Stock options provided Relocation Support available Paid Time Off Paid Parental Leave Bereavement Leave (including for your furry loved ones) Free Dr. Treat One membership 401K with match Dedicated CE Days with best-in-class annual allowance Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or equivalent from an accredited program is required Be licensed or able to be licensed in the state of California is required Minimum of three (3) years of experience working as a Veterinarian required Able to work one weekend day every three weeks is required Fear-free or open to obtaining certification Experience working in a multi-clinic and multi-doctor practice setting is preferred Strong commitment to career growth and mentorship Strong communication and interpersonal skills Team players with excellent interpersonal skills and a friendly demeanor We started out helping private practice owners get more clients. In doing so, we realized new clients were approaching them and being turned away because they didn't have enough staff to support the demand. They didn't want to turn away new clients - they simply didn't have the time or tools to effectively identify the right person to join their team. This is where we came in. After spending two years coaching our clients on how to identify and hire talent, we heard over and over "can't you do this for me." The answer was simple - we could, so now we do. We work exclusively with independent, private practice owners helping match them with their ideal candidates to fill openings on their team. We're not like your typical recruiter in that it's not "place and forget" with us. We spend time getting to know our candidate's desires, matching them with the right practice, and then dedicate ourselves to ensuring a successful integration onto the team too.
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Howard and Jeffers are Likely Moving on, Which Red Raider Seniors Might Return? Texas Tech head coach Matt Wells has hinted at several seniors expressing an interest in returning to the program for an extra season of eligibility. That eligibility will be unquestioned after the NCAA ruled that every player in Fall sports would get this year for free which turned this season into a free redshirt for every college football player in America. For Texas Tech, that creates some intriguing scenarios where some seniors who have blossomed late could stick around for another season to really try and turn the program around. Other seniors, like Eli Howard, will probably not use the extra season and allow their production to speak for itself moving into the NFL draft. There are 17 Seniors at Texas Tech this season with Senior day looming right around the corner in a game against Kansas. Let's look through each Senior and determine whether or not he'll return for a second final season. Eli Howard (DL) Howard is a San Angelo native hailing from Central High School and has been a three time All Big 12 performer. In 2019 Howard finished tied for 4th in the Big 12 in sacks. While he hasn't declared for the NFL draft yet, he has accepted an invitation to participate in the the 2021 College Gridiron Showcase & Symposium being held January 17-21 in Fort Worth, Texas. This showcase is similar to the Senior Bowl and signals that Howard is likely moving on. Zach Adams (OL), Cody Waddell (P), Connor Killian (TE) Adams has mostly been used as a body on the field goal protection unit in a Red Raider career that never really clicked. While he can certainly return and compete for a starting role, if it hasn't happened yet, it probably won't in season six. I think Adams will move on to his next phase in life and put his business degree to good use. Similarly, Waddle and Killian just haven't found the field much. I doubt they stick around for another season. Josh Burger (OL) This is in interesting one. Burger enjoyed a quality career at Wofford before coming to Texas Tech in what was supposed to be his final collegiate season. He studying finance in graduate school right now. Burger has started all 9 games this season for the Red Raiders. He's played the most snaps in the Big 12 among tackles according to PFF and has really improved in the last three weeks. The top two Red Raider running backs are averaging more than 5.5 yards per carry and beyond the first half against TCU and the Oklahoma game the QB's have been mostly clean. If Burger has NFL dreams, another year of Power 5 football certainly wouldn't hurt his stock. Seth Collins (DB) Collins has had a long and winding career to get to where he is. After another season ending injury, just weeks after moving to DB, Matt Wells said that he and Collins had discussed a fifth year for the embattled player. Wells hinted that Collins would attempt to return. T.J. Vasher (WR) If you had told me a WR left early after the 2018 season I would have pegged Vasher as the guy who went to the NFL. It wasn't Vasher who left though, it was Antoine Wesley. I thought Vasher would leave again after the 2019 season, but again he surprised me. I won't be surprised three times in a row. Vasher will not take another snap as a Red Raider. DaMarcus Fields (DB), Zech McPhearson (DB) I'd be ecstatic if this pair of DBs came back in 2021 after breaking through and having solid seasons in 2020. It's unlikely though. Ja'Marcus Ingram (DB), Eric Monroe (DB) Another pair of DBs, but not as much success. If the goal is to put solid play on tape and get to the next level, these two need a few more games. Riko Jeffers (LB) and Colin Schooler (LB) These two linebackers have played a ton of football. While Jeffers has been able to be a Red Raider for several years, the Red Raiders have only been able to enjoy Schooler for a single season. Both have multiple all-conference honors and have the production to move to the next level in some capacity. Travis Koontz (TE), McLane Mannix (WR) These two guys are interesting. In some respects Travis Koontz has been a solid addition to the Red Raiders, but it hasn't been flashy at all. He only has a play or two that could be considered highlights and most of his snaps are him being an extension of the offensive line. If he thinks he'll touch the ball more in his third season maybe he returns. Another guy who might want to touch the ball more in his third season as a Red Raider is McLane Mannix. After he transferred in from Nevada, Mannix has struggled to stay on the field. He might return in 2021 to try and get healthy for one more season. Thomas Leggett (DB) Leggett has been solid for Texas Tech and has played a lot of snaps as a Red Raider. I don't think he's got a path to the NFL so if he wants to keep playing football it might be that he needs to stay one more season. Jacob Morgenstern (DB) Morgenstern has been a pleasant surprise for Texas Tech in 2020. After being a special teams guy at Duke for three seasons he finally found a scheme and position fit at Texas Tech and has made some plays. With his size and athleticism I think Morgenstern could blossom in year two of the Patterson system.
Ninjacart, India’s leading agri-startup that leverages technology and data to organize the agriculture ecosystem, is taking significant steps to modernize the agricultural ecosystem and promote digital solutions with the launch of its ‘Agri Next’ initiative. As the first phase of this endeavour, Ninjacart has introduced free public WiFi at the APMC Staples Mandi in Gultekdi, Pune. Ninjacart has strategically covered an extensive area spanning 0.36 square kilometers by deploying 24 routers across 23 distinct locations within the Mandi, ensuring complete coverage. Through rigorous testing, it has been confirmed that the WiFi network now extends to every corner of the market area. This means that all agri stakeholders in the mandi, especially the traders, can now seamlessly access Ninjacart’s Ninja app, which facilitates the discovery of verified traders, grants access to credit, payment guarantee solutions and enhances their overall trade operations, thus leading to improved daily business efficiency. Kartheeswaran K K, CEO and Co-founder of Ninjacart commented on this groundbreaking initiative: “As a tech-led company, we aim to bring digital solutions to streamline discovery and trading throughout the agricultural value chain. Many APMC yards face network connectivity challenges due to poor architectural planning, overcrowding, and restrictions on laying broadband cables. Through the provision of free internet within the market, we are modernizing the agricultural sector and granting uninterrupted internet access to all agri citizens across the value chain, empowering them to enhance their online business operations” Ninjacart’s ‘Agri Next’ initiative reflects the company’s commitment to nurturing innovation within the agricultural ecosystem. With a strategic vision for the upcoming decade, Ninjacart is poised to revolutionize the agricultural landscape through a comprehensive strategy. This approach includes advancements in enabling commerce, the adoption of cutting-edge logistics and fulfillment solutions, and the availability of accessible capital options. This empowerment extends to all agricultural stakeholders, from farmers to traders and retailers, enabling them to make well-informed decisions, enhance operational efficiency, and increase their savings. It signifies a significant stride towards a digitally empowered future for participants in the agricultural sector. Ninjacart is a leading agri-platform in India, leveraging technology and data to organise the agri-commerce ecosystem. With a vision to be the digital network for global agri-commerce, Ninjacart tackles issues such as information asymmetry, payment hassles, distribution inefficiency, and the discovery of new buyers and sellers with tech-first solutions. Today, Ninjacart operates in more than 150 markets across multiple agri commodities.
150 zones big and small. every equipment can be unique. events. weeks of progression content solo or group, and big group, and even bigger group content. There is an entire continent focused on high level group encounters. mystical magical items score. 7 mortal classes (0-4x40) and, 20 avatar classes (0-4x40). mix and match, 1-4 classes per character. permadeath and non-permadeath alike. normal (live for ever) or hardcore or roughneck (extra-life mechanic based permadeath characters). anarchists are the ultimate in can you do i t challenge. One life, everything is aggro to you. 900+ skills. mobs get more powerful the longer they are alive, but then so do you. Near-unlimited potential growth for players and even the ultimate power is no-where near ultimate. skill books to show how to forge all of the crafting items - the most rare in the game. Over the long term, most items a player uses will become unique. This means, that there is a literal infinite item mechanic in game. up to 5-6 affects or effects per item, and even more for weapons, and those stats upgrade over the life of the item. 900 item affects, across 5 aff mod slots, to the 3rd power for non armors alone. weapons can even gain speed, weapon dice and affects when leveling. Objects are literal objects, in they are completely mold able - purchasing aff slots to apply to items is also due out this week. The SoulMUD universe is one capable of challenging a variety of player tyles from the c We offer vaults for unlimited storage potential, single class, dual class, triple class or quad classing available, for both mortal and avatar players. 7 different mortal classes, each one unique special flowers, and an advancing class order, so a war/mage/sorc/cleric would be mana heavy while a thief/warrior/acrobat/ranger would not need mana at all. -------------------3 types of regen, per 2-second, per minute (tick), per timer. infirmary is available for enhanced regen. super fast paced combat engine. a dynamic world where mob emotions can change through the course of events. over 40 types of events, and also holidays, eclipses, equinox and solstice days (cheaper leveling) - full calendar, even a planet system between the moons captivating storyline usually written around quests in game. there are a few quests in game, you can even talk to mobs, a rare few may even have something to say. randomly assigned elite/legendary/hero/lord/epic mob tiers for increased challenge potential. equipment can oad on reboot/crash for mobs. lots of very rare items in the world. - there are even easter eggs which can load on mobs during a holiday for special magic items. stats - 5 stats, up to 40 each. 5 reroll systems. newbie roller (max roll 17, max stat 18. alpha roll up to level 20, max roll 18, max stat of 19. omega token, up to level 40. max roll 18 (19 prime), max stat 19 max prime stat 21. prismatic tokens. max roll roll 19 (20 prime), max stat up to 22 with 24 prime. tetrehedral tokens - max roll of 20 (22 prime), max stat up to 22 with 26 prime. by default, using a token reroll will reroll your max stats also. there are 5 max stat reroll tokens.- that exclusively reroll your max stat in that token. she is an entrenched and fully capable world of dedicated to violence. - she is a slothmud II derivative. Ive always tried to maintain the spirit of what slothmud II was. It was a home dedicated to solo and group play, that offered an incredible experience and in depth gameplay and progression content Over the course of this time and along this journey, I've come to have a tremendous amount of respect for Jake along the way. You might never know it, but you were an excellent teacher. The creators of dikumud have taught me a lot along the way. She stands as a stubborn testament to being stubborn and failing a lot of trials by fire along the way. The nice thing about trials by fire, after a while one doesnt even pay scant attention to that burn of failure. I have failed a lot, but I've put all that behind me. Learning from mistakes, well, lets say its a same life doesnt have gdb.... I also run ingame quests. where I pit 10-20 mud players against riddles and stories and violence content free of perma death mechanics. I do this as a group community event to create a community around a common foe. the world of soulmad exists in a fractured dimension, which will collapse one day. There exists there an ultimate evil and a near ultimate good, who one day must die. The reality is that time will eventually collapse. I'm just a chronicler . She is just a friend I made along the way. She had seen so much, and she was alone. I had some ideas, and over the course of two decades she holds a great many concepts which are non contemporary. She is art, because she is truth, as logic is truth, and truth, like art as Banksy said, offends the comfortable and comforts the disturbed. She has given me comfort and solace more times than I can count. She wants to fly. She's always wanted to fly. This is her time to fly. No amount of words can really describe her. An unembracing depth, a no hand holding approach to gaming, fast paced combat envirnoment - some documentation in online help. If I have to change the player files I convert them. THE IP has a rotating dsl ip, so the soulmud channel in the discord keeps the ip updated |Discord Server Invite|
With the Graphics Settings that I have suggested, you can easily maintain a stable 50-60 FPS in Remnant 2, even with a mid-range Gaming PC. If you talk about the performance of Remnant 2, it is safe to say that the game is not well-optimized at all. I tested it on my RTX 3060Ti and the RTX 4070 Ti Graphics Card. Although I didn’t try the game on lower-end GPUs like the GTX 1050Ti, I did test it out on an older high-end GPU, the RTX 2060, and the game ran smoothly. But on the lower-end GPUs this game runs terrible! So if you are getting Low FPS or Stuttering issues in Remnant 2, don’t worry. It is not you. The devs have actually acknowledged the issues. Take a look: We’ve heard from a few folks about the game’s overall performance. We’re definitely going to roll out performance updates after the game’s launch. But for the sake of transparency, we designed the game with upscaling in mind (DLSS/FSR/XeSS). So, if you leave the Upscaling settings as they are (you can hit ‘reset defaults’ to get them back to normal), you should have the smoothest gameplay. You’re free to tweak other settings for better performance – changes to Shadow Settings will make the biggest difference besides Upscaling. Still having trouble with the game’s performance even after using our recommended settings? Just let us know. We’re here to help sort out any issues you’re facing. So in this article, I have listed down the best Graphics Settings that I am currently using for Remnant 2 and will also state the reason for choosing those options so that you can achieve the best performance if you are using them for your mid-range graphics cards. Remnant 2 Best Graphics Settings to Fix Low FPS and Stuttering - Display Mode: Fullscreen (Always keep Full Screen Exclusive to prevent performance loss.) - Resolution: 2560×1440 (Every setting mentioned here has been recommended with 1440p in mind. You will get more FPS on 1080p.) - Motion Blur: Off (In a game like Remnant 2, where you have to track every single move of your enemies, Motion Blur can actually get you eliminated easily.) - Vsync: Off (I would have turned this on if I was getting constant stuttering. But that didn’t happen. So enabling this setting and handicapping the framerate doesn’t make sense.) - Framerate: 60 FPS (Lock it at 60 FPS to get reduced Stuttering.) - Upscaler: NVIDIA DLSS/AMD FSR (DLSS is the best among all 3 options. It Gives a nice 20-25 FPS boost to performance. However, if you do not have DLSS then you can use AMD FSR.) - Upscaler Quality: Balanced (Normally, I always go with “Quality” when I am using upscaling. But “Balanced” is the way to go here.) - Graphics Quality Preset: Custom (Always choose custom so that you can change the variables.) - Shadow Quality: Medium (Shadows always take up huge chunks of performance, so keep it Medium for Remnant 2.) - Post Processing: High (‘High’ actually gives more fps than ‘Medium,’ at times.) - Foliage Quality: Medium (This basically controls the quality of the wildlife around the map. High-detailed plants and leaves should be the least of your concern.) - Effects Quality: (The effects can sometimes get overwhelming.) - View Distance Quality: Low (This was gobbling up a ton of performance. “Low” is the best choice here.) - FOV Modifier: 1 (Perfectly balanced!) - Minimize Input Latency: Off (This would have made more sense on a PvP game. But for PvE games you can keep this disabled.) Specifications of the Test system - GPU – Nvidia RTX 3060Ti Founders Edition - CPU – AMD Ryzen 5 5600X - RAM – 32 GB DDR4 3600Mhz - OS – Windows 11 64Bit - SSD – Samsung 970 EVO 500GB SSD - Motherboard – ASUS Rog Strix B550 Gaming Wi-Fi Motherboard - Display – Samsung Odyssey G7 240Hz - Monitor Resolution – 2560×1440 - Driver – Remnant 2 PC Performance Analysis Instead of writing about the performance, I actually went ahead and made a detailed video talking about the settings and performance of Remnant 2. Check it out: My Final Thoughts At this moment, I, unfortunately, cannot recommend Remnant 2 to everybody. This game runs horribly on Low-End GPUs. I tested the game on the GTX 1650, but decided not to make a video on it because the game was dropping below 30 FPS, at Low Settings, with NVIDIA DLSS. That, too, on 1920×1080. Imagine if I had tried it on 1440p. If you have something like the GTX 1660 or something better, and you are on 1920×1080 resolution, then you should definitely give Remnant a try. Because this is an awesome game and is extremely fun if you have a friend to play coop with. But, if you have something like the GTX 1050 TI, GTX 1650, or even the 1650 Super, I would recommend that you skip this, as I don’t think you will feel that it is worth it. Instead, I would recommend that you track the Reddit page of Remnant 2, keep track of the updates, and buy the game once you see people confirming that the performance issues are fixed. Then again, it is completely up to you. If you have a decent gaming rig but still facing fps drops and stuttering, contact Gearbox Support and send them a ticket. I will be on my toes for the next few days, looking for guaranteed fixes. And as soon as I find something, I will immediately update this article. If you want, you can bookmark this page. That’s all, folks! Last Updated on July 26, 2023 Shoaib, 30, is a simple guy who loves to play video games, and enjoys new cuisines sporadically. He has been gaming since he was 7 years old, and with an experience of 22 years, under his belt, there is not a single AAA game in this world, that he hasn’t played. Despite being a MBA Graduate he decided to follow his passion. And because of his love for gaming, Frondtech came into existence.
Budget: The Longer View. The dust has begun to settle on Tuesday’s federal budget – and some key issues and themes are emerging. What are they? This long-read essay is part of a special package intended to answer that question. Relatively few measures were announced (31 compared with 58 last year), many of the proposed (and leaked) changes to the pharmacy sector didn’t happen, and there were no measures announced in response to the Mental Health Commission’s recent reviewof programs and services. After the controversy surrounding the GP co-payment last year, delivering a boring or “small-target” budget was clearly deliberate. But we shouldn’t gloss over it too quickly. As both the prime minister and health minister have pointed out, this budget is an important part of the government’s overall strategy for more responsible economic management, greater efficiency, and productivity. It should be interpreted alongside last year’s budget, but also against the myriad funding decisions made throughout the year that never appear in budget papers. On the same theme When we look at it in the context of this government’s overall approach to health, it’s clear the same main objectives remain: constraining health-care expenditure by ensuring that Medicare is sustainable, and health services are cost-effective, and reducing duplication and waste. Although this budget has a very different feel to last year’s, the methods the government has used to achieve its cost constraint objectives remain largely unchanged. While the balance between various such methods has altered a little from last year, the government has sought to find its savings by: - using price signals (or co-payments) to reduce demand - tightening up eligibility and funding rules for benefits - cutting funding for health programs or agencies – or both - re-negotiating agreements with service providers, including states and territories, non-government providers and the private sector. The most controversial element of last year’s budget was the proposed A$7 co-payment for GP services; a price signal designed to reduce demand, and therefore the cost of health care. While the attempt to make general practitioners charge co-payments has gone, Medicare rebates (the payments made to general practitioners) remain frozen. And this squeeze on GP incomes will create new pressures to restrict bulk billing to low-income earners. And legislation to increase co-payments for prescriptions under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is still before the Senate. Its fate is likely to become clearer once the government announces details of the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement, which is currently being negotiated with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. There’s no indication yet about the extent of savings it will secure, but leaks about the deal, along with the protracted negotiations, suggest it will go some way towards reaching the speculated savings figure of A$3 billion over the five-year agreement. Whatever the outcome, co-payments for medicines and a range of other health services and products are likely to remain a staple for governments seeking to curb health-care costs. The government is also continuing its push to tighten eligibility and funding rules as a way to reduce health-care expenditure. This year, it announced changes to the indexing arrangements for children’s dental care benefits, made eligibility for some childcare benefits contingent on compliance with vaccination schedules, and extended arrangements put in place last year that made it harder for people to qualify for the PBS safety net scheme. The large-scale, holus bolus cuts to commonwealth-funded programs and agencies in last year’s budget were not evident this year. Instead, the focus turned to the federal health department, with measures announced to find savings by making operational changes and reducing duplication across agencies. No doubt many of those affected by last year’s cuts were pleased to see the Department of Health taking a closer look at its own internal affairs to secure savings. The government’s enthusiasm for finding savings by re-negotiating contracts with providers, including the states and territories, non-government organisations (NGOs) and the private sector, has not waned either. The A$2.3 billion cut to states and territories for public hospitals and preventive health outlined in last year’s budget remain in play. The real impact of these cuts is actually set to be in the order of A$50 billion over ten years, and this is what the states are really concerned about. But the states did receive a temporary, small-scale reprieve from commonwealth cutbacks in this budget. The A$390 million funding agreement for public dental services that was put on hold last year was allocated A$155 million for a 12-month period. In contrast, cuts to funding for NGOs, provided through the Department of Health’s Flexible Funds, were ramped up. Last year, cuts of A$197 million over three years were announced; this year, the secretary of the Department of Health announced those cuts would increase to A$500 million over four years. Many of the NGOs funded through these funds deliver frontline services, such as mental health care and drug and alcohol treatment, and operate in rural and remote areas where people have no other options for care. The amount of Commonwealth money channelled through contracts with direct service providers is massive. So it should come as no surprise that the government has identified this as a prime method for achieving savings. But its heavy reliance on renegotiating contracts, or reneging altogether on agreements made with the states in order to achieve savings in health care is a major concern. Because it has vastly greater capacity to raise revenue than the states, the Commonwealth usually has the whip hand in negotiations. And despite all the talk in recent years about “co-operative federalism” and “ending the blame game”, commonwealth-state relations remain fraught. Underlying tensions over the GST – the rate and its distribution between states – remain unresolved, as do tensions over the roles and responsibility of both levels of government in health care. Although it has initiated high-level inquiries into these important issues, they’re nowhere near being resolved. Still, this has not prevented the commonwealth from using its fiscal clout to play the old game of shifting costs – and the odium of making cuts in services – onto the states. States and territories are unlikely to forget the crushing effects of Commonwealth cuts as they struggle to meet growing demand for health-care services. And that’s not a great starting point for conversations about reforming the federation and clarifying the roles of government in health care. Halting steps towards the more efficient pricing of hospital services in states, such as New South Wales, were pushed along because of the commonwealth agreement to share increases in hospital spending. But Tony Abbott’s hospital cuts ended this pressure to reform. And sadly, while both levels of government call for better integration of care for people living with chronic conditions – regardless of who pays for it – the rebirth of the “blame game” has destroyed the goodwill needed for real reform. Although it’s hard to see this by simply reading the budget papers, the greatest shame here is the lack of any reformist imagination. Better health care for patients, and a more efficient, effective and sustainable health system, can only come about through better collaboration across the system. Budgetary constraints built on shifting costs off the commonwealth balance sheet – onto GPs, consumer out-of-pocket payments, or state and territory governments – will just intensify the current climate of suspicion and defensiveness of sectional interests. This article was originally published on The Conversation. About the authors: Anne-Marie is a Senior Policy Adviser, National Rural Health Alliance; Adjunct Lecturer at University of Sydney and Jim is Deputy Director, Menzies Centre for Health Policy & Associate Professor in Health Policy at University of Sydney.
*** a picture and a letter *** I love and miss you. I think of you every day. The legacy you have left with me is so special. I am your namesake and take pride in that. As an Alexander I value family, work hard, love God, and truly believe in laughter, imagination, and inner strength because of you. Your daughters and son are doing well. They love each other and take care of Honey like you would. Honey is thriving. She has us all close, because you set her and us up that way. She is a total spit fire and you would love her more now then ever. Papa wears your ring every day. He speaks of you all the time and sees you as his Father. He has even taken to calling Honey “Joyful” in the past few years and we think it suits her. Bethany and Stan are having their first little one next month and we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl. I will be sure to tell him/her about you. Little Tonie is dating Doug, and is so in love. She would make you laugh all the time, just like she does me. She is so funny. Ben and I are doing well, we love being married and Ben talks of you as if he knew you. Momma is growing and changing and is one incredible Mom. Auntie is a rock for us all, she is battling cancer but doing it valiantly. You would be proud. Terry is terry – the king of jokes! He too has remained a cornerstone for the family, and we are lucky to have him. Ananda and her girls, and Shanti have been visiting a lot recently to see Honey. Her last birthday was really special. We had a ladies tea. Bethany hosted and it was a really special day. Honey also joined us at Stan and Bethany’s new place this past Christmas and it was so fun. We even stole two presents from her in the gift exchange. You would have laughed so hard. Uncle Bob Duchemin wore your Bah HumBob shirt to our Christmas Eve gathering and I smiled and cried. I wear your Run Bob Run sweatshirt LOTS and smile. Every time I put my arms in it I think of you hugging me. I miss you so much, miss holding your hand and hearing “drive safe, watch the wind.” I can’t wait to see you in heaven. I love you. Facebook Comments Box
Ghana and the whole of Africa, in general, is known to have a rich history of making art. From its traditional garments and dances to urban murals, art comes in many different forms for African countries. You don’t have to travel far to see graffiti in North America. Just go outside and you’re likely to get a glimpse of it in some shape or form. What’s most striking to us about the kaleidoscope artwork splashing the streets of Downtown Accra is the message of diversity, equality, and hope behind them. “Many artists working in and out of Accra today are directly confronting the country’s political history and social iconography—often utilizing the techniques and aesthetic influences of the West to create works purely Ghanaian in tone and message,” Christoper Bollen writes in a piece that explores the uniqueness of Ghana’s art scene and the story behind it. Jamestown is known as one of the oldest districts in Accra. It’s where you’ll have a front-row seat to the bustling city, ocean-side views, and art from some of Ghana’s most prolific painters and drawers. It’s a historical town with a personality of its own, hosting the annual Chale Wote Street Art Festival along with other similar street festivals. If you want to get a taste of Ghana’s art scene, Jamestown is a must. It’s where I was lucky enough to visit and get my own tour of life in Accra – through paintings. At African Library Project, we’re all about powerful stories. Art is its own form of storytelling, a powerful one that combines past, present, and future. Whether it be through reading and breaking the cycle of youth illiteracy in countries like Ghana or creating stories with a paintbrush or stencil, people must be empowered to pursue creativity. Ghana’s art scene is only growing from here. Keep an eye out on young African talent that comes out of this marvelous country. They have stories to tell and we want to listen.
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Arianespace, the European launch services provider, and Orbex, the UK-based provider of small satellite launch services, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to study possible future cooperation. The agreement aims to increase the joint capabilities and flexibility of both partners' services and it is expected that future collaboration would be particularly beneficial for customers planning small satellite constellations, providing a flexible solution for low Earth orbit (LEO) payloads. Light and heavy-lift launch vehicles could jointly support customers in deploying their initial constellations into the required orbital planes, provide precise injections of a smaller number of satellites through dedicated missions, as well as provide replenishment and replacement launches. Orbex’s Prime rocket, a 19 metre long, two-stage rocket designed to transport small satellites weighing up to 180 kg into LEO, is powered by a renewable fuel, bio-propane, which allows the rocket to reduce carbon emissions significantly compared to other similarly sized rockets being developed elsewhere around the world. A study by the University of Exeter showed that a single launch of the Orbex Prime rocket will produce up to 96 per cent lower carbon emissions than comparable space launch systems using fossil fuels. Martin Coates, Orbex CEO, said: “This collaboration holds a lot of promise for the European launch market and we're excited to see where we can take this and we are clearly very pleased that Arianespace has chosen to work with Orbex. We already have a strong position in the emerging European microlauncher market and this cooperation could take us even further commercially.” Orbex has received widespread interest from satellite manufacturers and has already signed commercial launch contracts with seven customers. At the end of 2022, Orbex concluded its Series C funding round, netting the company an additional £40.4 million. Despite a challenging landscape for raising capital, Orbex attracted new investors and brought along many of its existing investors into the new round of funding. In May this year3, Orbex began construction of Sutherland Spaceport (formerly Space Hub Sutherland) on the North coast of Scotland. It is the first vertical launch spaceport to be built on the UK mainland and will become Orbex's 'home' spaceport, where the company will launch up to 12 rockets per year for the deployment of satellites into Earth orbit. Orbex is a UK-based spaceflight company with headquarters, production and testing facilities in Scotland, and design and testing facilities in Denmark.
The Indian men’s hockey team is looking to extend its impressive run at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, beginning September 23. India, bronze medallists at the Jakarta Asian Games in 2018, are placed in Pool A, alongside Pakistan, Japan, Bangladesh, Singapore, and Uzbekistan. Pool B comprises Korea, Malaysia, China, Oman, Thailand, and Indonesia. The top two teams from each pool qualify for the semi-finals. The Indian squad, led by Harmanpreet Singh, which flew from Bengaluru to Hangzhou on Tuesday, begin their campaign against Uzbekistan on September 24. “The team has been rigorously preparing for the Asian Games and we performed well at the recently-concluded Asian Champions Trophy in Chennai, so the goal is to maintain that level of performance,” said Harmanpreet before the team left for Hangzhou. “We have some tough opponents in our Pool, but we are confident in our preparation and hope to finish on the podium,” he added. The team includes goalkeepers P R Sreejesh and Krishan Pathak. Varun Kumar, Amit Rohidas, Jarmanpreet Singh, Harmanpreet Singh, and Sanjay are the defenders. The midfield will be anchored by Nilakanta Sharma, Hardik Singh, Manpreet Singh, Vivek Sagar Prasad, Sumit, and Shamsher Singh, while the attack is led by Abhishek, Gurjant Singh, Mandeep Singh, Sukhjeet Singh, and Lalit Kumar Upadhyay. Vice-captain Hardik Singh too was confident of the team doing well in the tournament. “We have had some tough practice sessions in the lead-up to the tournament and everyone in camp is focused, working towards the same goal. “We are in the best possible mental and physical shape to travel to Hangzhou, and we are looking forward to the tough competition in our group. The goal is to continue performing as well as we have in recent months and return from China with a medal.” India meet Singapore, Japan and Pakistan on September 26, 28 and 30 respectively. They play their last group stage match against Bangladesh on October 2. Source: Read Full Article
As a kid, I thought Sunrise served “the best duck in the whole wide world” because it was the only roast duck my dad would eat but the minute I sank my teeth into the roast duck from Four Seasons in Bayswater, my world changed. Since then, I’ve been on a lookout for good roast duck in Klang Valley; one that allows me to reminisce my student days in the UK. When I first started working, my then colleagues would bring me to this unassuming roast duck shop in Cheras called BBQ Kong Meng where the duck is said to be one of the best around. From what I recalled, the duck was indeed quite good but I didn’t get around to writing about the experience. Jien and I returned to BBQ Kong Meng recently to see if the roast duck is as good as we remembered it to be. The restaurant is still as crowded so expect to share a table with strangers or wait longer for a table to be vacant. We ordered half a duck (RM35) and a small portion of char siew (RM15) to share, a standard portion for Jien and I. The roast duck turned out beautiful – crispy, mahogany brown skin which melts in the mouth as you sink your teeth into it. The meat is deliciously tender with hardly any chewy bits, with plenty of flavour from the rendering of duck fat. We also like the chilli dipping sauce provided as it’s spicy and piquant from the garlic, chilli and lime. Don’t bother with the char siew, as it tasted as disappointing as it looked. The fats were still solid and the sides, barely charred or crisp. The char siew marinade didn’t permeate into the meat so it remained on the outer later, not caramelised. From what I can recall and judging from the other tables, siew yuk is a better choice. Our bill came up to RM56 for the above – not too expensive considering the portion. I would say this is still one of the best roast ducks to eat in Klang Valley if you’re willing to explore. Food: 7/10* (non-halal) Verdict: The roast duck is good but don’t bother ordering the char siew. *only for the roast duck Restoran BBQ Kong Meng No. 11, Jalan Lorong Bunga Melati 2A, Taman Maju Jaya, Tel: 03-9282 4818 Business hours: 11am till 7pm
Announcement: New journal KINEMA and call for manuscripts KINEMA is a new international journal discussing film arts and media using the audiovisual language. KINEMA will inquire into their history, theory and aesthetics to advance a better understanding of these influential cultural matters. KINEMA is published quarterly at the University of Waterloo, (Ontario), Canada, starting with two special issues in 1993. One of its major aims is to consider the cinema and audiovisual media as global phenomena possessing a wealth of diverse conventions which have yet to be explored. KINEMA will strive to address questions relevant to astute readers world-wide. Editor: Jan Uhde Associate Editor: Gerald Pratley Articles, Reviews and Notes are accepted in English and French and must conform to the MLA Style sheet. Des articles, comptes rendus et notes sont acceptes en anglais et francais et doivent etre conformes aux regles de l'Association des Langues Modernes (MLA Style Sheet). Manuscripts written on WordPerfect 5.0, 5.1, WPWIN or any WP-compatible wordprocessor are welcome (3.5"/9cm DD or HD diskettes). All correspondence, including subscriptions, manuscripts, and advertisements should be submitted to: The Editor, KINEMA Fine Arts (Film Studies) University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G1, Canada Tel: (519) 885-1211 ext. 3709 (or 2442) FAX: (519) 888-4521 Please attach to each article a short biographical note about the author. Canada CAD 6.00 single copy CAD 20.00 annually CAD 30.00 institutions USA USD 6.00 single copy USD 20.00 annually USD 30.00 institutions Other USD 8.00 single copy USD 26.00 annually USD 35.00 institutions Introductory offer (valid until 30 June 1993): Spring 1993 issue at reduced price (including postage): Canada CAD 4.00 USA USD 4.00 Other USD 5.00 Full page: CAD 50.00 Half page: CAD 35.00 Quarter page: CAD 20.00 FROM THE SPRING 1993 ISSUE Peter Cowie: "Sexual Antagonism in Early Bergman" Gerald Pratley: "The Future of Two Festivals" Michal Quigley: "The Encounters in Agnes Varda's Vagabond" Rod Stoneman: "Love, Music, Compromise: the Pop Promo" Paul Tiessen: "Eisenstein, Joyce, and the Gender Politics of English Fred Marshall: "Interview with Akira Kurosawa" Mark Ritchie | Tel: (519) 888-4070 Media Librarian | Fax: (519) 888-6197 Audio-Visual Centre | University of Waterloo | Internet: [log in to unmask]
I’ve been out watching my nephew do our family proud with another fine ice skating display, I told him if he didn’t become an Olympic champ one day then at the very least he’ll have a nice life travelling the world in one of those “Dancing on Ice” type shows that are quite popular as he seems keen on staying in this specialist area (and he’s got lots of fit girls to choose from too – *sigh* – if only I hadn’t let myself go, eh? haw haw) It was a nice day out, great to meet up with my sis and my eldest nephew who is back from serving in the armed forces… it was a very escapist day for me, a nice change as I have to admit things are not great personally for me at the mo – that’s life I guess, I won’t prattle on about it as this is after all a spanking blog and not a place to release my personal angst even though some of it is my own doing, other stuff (frustratingly) is beyond my control which really angers me… but life is too short for bitterness and so here I am reporting on an amazing film. You may have seen it in a few images before elsewhere, if you are not a member, but I wanted to let you know just a little more about this film today… So, I wanted to see a real hard punishment and some tears so I knew exactly where to go and checked into my Girls Boarding School stash and went straight for Micaela’s “The tattoo” – her most recent film with what is probably my most favorite model from Sweden (in fact, she is the only one I know from Sweden, lol). Now, she is a real true submissive who just happens to be devastatingly beautiful, tearful and extremely compliant and (as evidence in this film) able to take a hell of a punishment to completion! “Ideal”, I thought… and this film made me forget all my recent woes (don’t worry, they aren’t related to my life on here or my own personal site…) anyway, watching Micaela made me realize that although I know Girls Boarding School had at times been slated, partly, I think, judging by the comments you can leave in the members area with “new” guy Michael, this film is a sort of “coming of age” for our portly Swedish Authoratarian as I felt he brought out the best of submissive Micaela with the help of a heavy wooden paddle and a stinging caning! I’m not ashamed to say I found this movie damned arousing, Micaela’s tears should be bottled and sold after this performance! One thing that made me stand up and take note was the amazing set of images that accompanied this movie as well as the scene I had cut for you which is playable below – this might not be for everyone, but those that remember the Girls Boarding School of old will be pleasantly surprised as they nail this film and show, to me at least, that they are back! This film is worth the membership package alone – 2 words… “f*cking awesome!” Oh, and to those that complained about him, they should remember that I am guessing he sourced this most amazing beauty! Indeed! All should be forgiven… Check out some more high quality images of this film and the scene I cut exclusively for the Teen Spanking Tube and this blog which shows a very tearful reaction from Micaela (you can imagine what happens to her from the stills below!) I won’t waffle on about the story of this, it’s pretty obvious, Micaela is punished for getting a tattoo without permission, in fact, it’s forbidden and is discovered underneath her school uniform – the rest, is as described… a full on explicit and severe punishment! You can view this full movie and some truly excellent movies either from one of the largest archive of top schoolgirls punishments of with girls like Micaela that are simply so easy on the eye, they almost make you feel sorry for them… (I did say “almost!”)
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Days after two men filed a lawsuit contending Subway was skimping on its footlong sandwich size, the company said it regrets “any instance where we did not fully deliver on our promise to our customers”. Subway will “ensure that every SUBWAY® Footlong sandwich is 12 inches at each location worldwide”, according to a statement released by the company. Subway also told Eater.com it has “redoubled our efforts to ensure consistency and correct length in every sandwich we serve”. The news comes as two New Jersey men sue the company for selling so-called footlong sandwiches that are closer to 11 inches in length rather than 12. John Farley, of Evesham, and Charles Noah Pendrack, of Ocean City – want compensatory damages and a change in Subway’s practices. The suit, filed in Superior Court in Mount Holly, may be the first aimed at the sandwich shops after an embarrassment went viral last week when someone posted a photo of a footlong and a ruler on the company’s Facebook page to show that the sandwich was not as long as advertised. At the time, the company issued a statement saying that sandwich lengths can vary a bit when franchises do not bake to the exact corporate standards. But Stephen DeNittis, the lawyer for the plaintiffs, says that’s no excuse and the missing bite is worth about 45 cents per sandwich. He is seeking class-action status and is also preparing to file a similar suit in Pennsylvania state court in Philadelphia. Stephen DeNittis said he’s had sandwiches from 17 shops measured – and every one came up short. “The case is about holding companies to deliver what they’ve promised,” he said. Even though the alleged short of a half-inch or so of bread is relatively small, it adds up, he said. Subway has 38,000 stores around the world, nearly all owned by franchisees and its $5 footlong specials have been a mainstay of the company’s ads for five years. Stephen DeNittis said both John Farley and Charles Noah Pendrack came to him after reading last week about the short sandwiches. Subway should either make sure its sandwiches measure a full foot or stop advertising them as such, he said. He points to how McDonald’s quarter-pounders are advertised as being that weight before they are cooked. Subway said it couldn’t comment on pending or ongoing legal action but the company responded to international criticism that their footlong sandwiches only appear to be 11 inches long shortly after the controversy arose. But their reply didn’t win them any new fans, as they claimed that the word footlong is a “registered trademark as a descriptive name for the sub’ and ‘not intended to be a measurement of length”. A man in Australia started uproar on January 15 when he posted a photo on the company’s Facebook page of one of its footlong subs next to a tape measure showing the sandwich as just 11 inches. Countless lookalike pictures appeared all over the Internet and more than 100,000 people “liked” or commented on the original, which had the caption “Subway pls respond”. Subway, the world’s largest fast food chain, did so with a comment on the original query, posted by Matt Corby from Perth, Australia. The statement began: “Looking at the photo doing the rounds showing a slightly undersized sub, this bread is not baked to our standards.” Then Subway went on the offensive, claiming that a footlong sub wasn’t necessarily meant to be exactly a foot long in the first place. “With regards to the size of the bread and calling it a footlong, <<SUBWAY FOOTLONG>> is a registered trademark as a descriptive name for the sub sold in Subway® Restaurants and not intended to be a measurement of length.” “The length of the bread baked in the restaurant cannot be assured each and every time as the proofing process may vary slightly each time in the restaurant.” Subway have since removed the statement but, as Buzzfeed pointed out, this was at odds with previous Subway advertising. The company has suggested in past promotional material that the footlong sub will measure a foot in length, such as a popular 2008 “Hula” advert.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning the American public this week about “increases” in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activity across “some parts of the Southeastern United States.” In an advisory issued through its Health Alert Network, the CDC said data shows nationwide the weekly percentage of active cases identified through PCR testing has remained below the season onset threshold of 3% for two consecutive weeks. However, the data is also showing “PCR positivity above 3.0% in Florida beginning in the week ending July 22, 2023, and the 3-week moving average of PCR positivity has been greater than 5.0% for the past 4 weeks,” according to the CDC. “In Georgia, CDC has also observed an increase in rates of RSV-associated hospitalizations reported to RSV-NET, a population-based surveillance system,” it added. “Among children ages <4 years, RSV-associated hospitalization rates increased from 2.0 hospitalizations per 100,000 population for the week ending August 5, 2023, to 7.0 hospitalizations per 100,000 population for the week ending August 19, 2023, with the majority occurring among infants ages <1 year.” The CDC describes RSV as a “common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms,” but it can be “serious” and result in hospitalizations for infants and older adults. “CDC estimates that every year RSV causes approximately 58,000–80,000 hospitalizations and 100–300 deaths in children ages <5 years, as well as 60,000–160,000 hospitalizations and 6,000–10,000 deaths among adults ages 65 years and older,” it also said. The RSV season typically starts in the fall and peaks during winter; however, in recent years, the pattern has been upended due to public health measures implemented during the coronavirus pandemic, health officials say. To help protect against its spread, the CDC says “monoclonal antibody products” are available for infants and some young children, while “two new vaccines are available to protect older adults from severe RSV disease.” RSV, according to the CDC, is primarily transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets when an infected individual coughs or sneezes or if someone comes into direct contact with a contaminated surface.
Gem grade natural lapis lazuli, freshwater pearl and solid sterling silver Power Necklace. All pearls and lapis lazuli are natural and undyed. Overall length 20"/50cm. Lapis Lazuli augments strength, vitality, mental clarity and illumination. It is associated with expansion of awareness and intellectual capacity, and allows for conscious attunement to the intuitive and psychic aspects of ones nature, as well as the powers of love and healing. It has been used in treatment of conditions related to lymph, inflammation, and pain (especially in/on the head). It supports the psyche and helps relax an overactive mind. Releases tension and anxiety. Strengthens skeletal system. Activates thyroid gland, and stimulates emotional, mental and physical purity and clarity, supporting ones courage in activities culminating in the advancement towards universal wisdom. It assists in balancing the yin-yang energies. Cultured freshwater pearls are symbolic of prosperity and beauty and are thought to enhance integrity. They are used in the treatment of digestive disorders and for increasing vitality and understanding. Silver encourages self-containment and inward reflection. It provides one with patience and perserverance and can be a window to the Soul. It supports one s efforts to go within and explore the deepest aspects of the Self and Nature. It assists one in perceiving the truth behind surface appearances. It aids one in exploring the deep inner realms of emotion and intuition. It is a favorite of those who honor the feminine aspect of nature. Silver brings attunement to the emotional self. It can assist one in embracing mystery and surrendering to the unknown. Can aid in cooling excess heat in the body and bolster the immune systems ability to fight infection. Orders normally ship within 24-48 hours of receiving them. If you have requested blade etching on an Artisan Kirpan or “Song of the Khalsa" sword, we may need an extra day. All jewelry/artful object orders of ‘in stock items’ ship within 24-48 hours. We will advise you within that time frame if we need a few more days to locate or assemble it or if the item is out of stock we’ll provide similar options for your consideration. USA orders ship via Priority Mail (2-3 day delivery normally), unless you prefer Fedex or UPS, all of which you choose at checkout. International Orders ship mostly through DHL Express unless you prefer another carrier. We ship all over the world, and DHL affords us, and in turn you, excellent pricing. Canada - next day. UK - two days. Most other places 3 - 5 business days.
How to Buy a Used Camera Well If you’re a beginner photographer, you may be looking to buy a used camera for your photography journey. Buying second hand gear is always a risk, but with a little detective work and some careful inspection you can make a good purchase. The first thing to do is check the camera in person. If possible, meet the seller and have a play around with it. It’s a good idea to take it out and try it with some lenses, and maybe a flash or other accessories. This way you can see how it all works together. If you’re unable to do this in person then do a lot of research on the product and find out what the typical prices are for it. 중고카메라 판매 하는 곳 Another great option is to check on Amazon. They have a service called Amazon Renewed that offers products that are guaranteed to be high quality and as good as new. They have a strict testing and inspection process that they run all of their equipment through. This means that if you purchase a refurbished product from them, they will refund you or replace it if it turns out to be defective. It’s also worth checking out larger camera retailers that sell used cameras. They often have a return policy and will have a trusted grading system that they use to assess the condition of their used cameras. They will usually have much more stock available than a private seller, and they will be more likely to be able to provide a warranty for their used products. For any type of camera, it’s important to look for a clean and well maintained body. In particular, you should look at the mirror, focusing screen and lens mount contact points for dirt or grime. You should also check for signs of water damage and the shutter count. The shutter count is a good indicator of how the camera was used and should be a big red flag if it’s significantly higher than what you’d expect for a regular home user. 중고렌즈 쇼핑몰 You’ll generally be able to spot these issues pretty quickly by inspecting the camera in person, or doing some basic research before purchasing on the internet. For example, if someone is selling a desirable camera for hundreds of dollars less than what it should be selling for brand new, it’s probably a bad sign. Another tip is to be wary of private sellers who don’t have any kind of feedback or sales history. This can be an indication that they aren’t reliable or that they’re trying to scam you. You’ll also want to check out what other people are saying about them online.
For more than a decade, I’ve gotten to talk to the most interesting people in the world about the most interesting parts of their lives. I’m talking about my private clients, who are ambitious, successful, tender, justice-oriented, mystical, grounded, creative, intellectual, sensitive, fierce, world-changing kindred spirits. While I guard their privacy fiercely and rarely tell their stories, I was telling my husband yesterday how much I’ve learned from them over the years. I felt a rush of gratitude for the rich narratives of their lives, the gift of hearing their stories and watching their trajectories over time. I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve learned from them. Once I started typing I couldn’t stop, but I’ve limited myself to just ten. For now. Ten Things I’ve Learned From My Beloved Clients: I. There is no “There.” You never arrive. Each season brings its own new challenges and joys. This might sound like bad news, but it also means that it’s of utmost importance to take the joys here now, where/whenever we are, instead of putting them off for later. 2. The strategies that brought you to your current level of success can’t take you to the next level. But on the other hand, your most self-sabotaging behaviors were probably adaptive coping skills that worked really well for a time. Hold your habits and beliefs lightly; the most vibrant and magnetic people let themselves keep evolving. 3. Most of us have to deliberately learn to set boundaries, because that was a skill that was deliberately denied to us (or even punished). Like any new skill, you’ll probably be pretty graceless at it at first. It’s important to practice your moves before you desperately need them, preferably with some help and definitely starting in low-stakes situations. You don’t want to have to set a boundary for the very first time in your life with your ex in a board meeting in front of your boss. Ya know? 4. We live in a vacuum of cultural wisdom around death, birth, and aging. Having a child will change you forever and your parents’ death will rock your world. Never believe what you see on Instagram; these are messy transitions that break us open, and we’ll be a different shape when we put ourselves back together. Without rituals and a map to guide us, we have to make our own path through these intense passages, forging our own wisdom, rituals, and understanding. 5. If it feels icky and weird in your stomach, there’s probably a very good reason and you should listen to it. 6. When you prioritize your own joy, the people around you probably won’t respond well at first if it’s a new behavior. That doesn’t mean they’re terrible people. (But if after a few months they’re still responding poorly– this tells you an unfortunate truth about their character.) You should do it anyway, because ultimately your joy will make their lives better too. Unless they’re a narcissist who actively loathes your joy, in which case you will need your own joy and strength to get out of there which you should do as quickly and with as little guilt as possible. 7. Instead of giving your kids the life you want them to have, you have to LIVE the life you want them to have. This gives them permission to do the same, eventually. It also keeps you sane during the years when they’re a voracious tornado of needs. They’re supposed to be. It’s their job. And it’s our job to persistently but kindly show them that they are allowed to have all their feelings, but they aren’t allowed to hurt people with their feelings, and they are precious and lovable and so are all the other humans on the planet including their parents. No one I know does this perfectly; the best parents are undeterred by messing up and just keep course correcting again and again. Over the years, this repairing-and-trying-again yields a trust and an integrity that is something beautiful to behold. 8. The bravest people are usually the kindest. It’s fear that makes us small and mean. From this perspective, “inner work” is not fluffy or frivolous. Learning to be gentle with ourselves and others when we’re scared– to bring a really safe grounded strong presence to our biggest feelings and most intense moments– is a very big deal because the safer we feel, the braver we are. (And the braver we are, the kinder we are; see above.) When we work on ourselves, not only do we change the emotional DNA we pass down to our families, it’s a gift to our collective human experience. 9. My darling dear, no one is coming to take care of you except you. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s actually the best news, because you are wildly capable of taking care of yourself. Society tells you to invest your energy in being appealing to a prince (romantic or financial)– but you are always your very best investment. No one cares about your financial and career success let alone your emotional health as much as you do: not a boss, mentor, partner, advisor, attorney, investor, spouse, accountant, child, or institution. Stop expecting someone else to watch out for your best interests. That’s your job, and you’re going to be great at it. 10. You’ll always be glad that you acted with integrity. Even if no one is watching, even if you get screwed, even if they don’t deserve it– when you act with integrity, the whole cathedral audience of your soul and spirit and psyche are watching and they sigh with relief. Let me be clear that acting with integrity isn’t the same as being nice or even kind. Sometimes integrity means saying no and disappointing people. It means admitting that you can’t keep a promise or that you messed up. But when you stay in integrity with yourself, and you do it with as much honesty and kindness as you can muster, this will give you a sense of peace that is priceless. Plus? Things have a way of coming back around. Well gosh, friends, that was fun. I have to breathe out a breath of gratitude to every single person who has ever let me sit in the hardest, most mysterious parts of their lives with them. What an honor. I can practically hear you whispering “just one more– don’t forget about the outfit.” So here is a bonus, #11: A great outfit can shift a lot of things. Do not underestimate its power. Really, I must agree.
Farewell to Our August Sage Family A Letter from Founder, Rowena Lei Hello Our Lovely Friends, I wanted to give you an update on August Sage. We have made a tough decision to close down on September 20, 2022. The feelings are bittersweet, but we feel that this is the right choice as we move to a new stage in life. We started August Sage over four years ago and built this community around the concept of love for the home and the importance of filling it with true meaningful objects and beauty from all corners of the earth. Working with our wonderful partner artisans has been one of the most fulfilling things I’ve done in my life, and it has been an absolute joy and privilege to share this with you over the years. I know at my core, what we were doing was vital and the key to environmental sustainability and shifting economic impact and equality throughout the world. It has been wondrous seeing what we’ve built thrive and flourish over the years, and I’m immensely proud of the brand. But sometimes, even with all the dedication of blood, sweat, and tears - countless sleepless nights, stress, and endless pivots - it’s hard to admit that we’re not able to see the traction we need to sustain the business. As a completely boot-strapped retail startup, ultimately it's difficult to scale, and we came to a crossroad where without a significant injection of investors and capital, we couldn’t keep it up long term. In the end, these didn’t seem like the avenues we wanted to take ourselves through without losing a lot of the company’s soul. Looking back at this journey, I don’t regret a single moment of it, and it has brought me even closer to my calling in life. Grant and I talk about it all the time; we learned so much about how building August Sage gave us context into the world, how it works, an understanding of business and entrepreneurship, and the realization that life is truly limitless. I hope that this inspires you to take your own leaps in life and that there is no such thing as failure, only endless opportunities. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU - to all our friends, family, customers, business mentors, retail partners, creatives partners (an amazing group of photographers, stylists, PR, and graphic designers), and especially our artisan groups for believing in us and believing in me all these years. I’m proud of the relationships and the community that we’ve built, and couldn’t have reached this moment without you. What’s next? I’m not quite sure, we’re considering quite a few options of what August Sage can morph into, especially as I expand my foray into the interiors space. But really, we’re taking some time right now to rest and see what the universe presents us. See you all again soon. With all my love, Rowena Lei Bursey
Melinda Gates wants to put birth control back on the agenda. In May, the billionaire philanthropist announced she plans to make family planning her signature, promising billions of dollars to promote contraceptive use, particularly in poor nations. Today, at the London Summit on Family Planning, co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.K., she put the plan into action, officially launching a $4 billion fundraising campaign. It is being billed as landmark show of support for an issue that has long languished on the margins of development policy. Here, quickly, are three things you should know: (MORE: The World at 7 Billion) 1. This is big. And not just because of the money. Decades of research show, conclusively, that improving access to contraception is good for women, good for children, good for countries. Yet over the past 15 years, support for family-planning programs has plummeted. The redirection of development funds to HIV/AIDS programs explains some, but not all, of the drop. Coercive campaigns like China’s one-child policy and forced sterilizations in India have fostered suspicion about state-backed population programs. Conservative religious groups, particularly in the U.S., have tried to link family planning to forced abortion. In 2002, President George W. Bush cut funding to the U.N. Population Fund completely, turning birth control into a bad word. The cause has yet to recover. Backing from Gates, a Catholic who is respected by conservatives and liberals alike, could turn this around. 2. This could save lives. A Johns Hopkins University study published this week in a leading medical journal, the Lancet, estimates that contraceptive use prevents 272,000 maternal deaths per year. And yet, according to U.N. research, an estimated 220 million women have an unmet need for modern family planning. The Gates Foundation hopes to address this gap. If it succeeds, lives will be saved. 3. This is only the beginning. Family planning is not a panacea. The London Summit and the Gates Foundation’s pledge are positive steps, but it is important to remember that contraceptives alone are not enough. Women need condoms and pills, yes, but they also need to have the power to use them — or not use them — as they wish. They need decent medical care and access to safe abortions. Without this, all this, the battle won’t be won.
We – EPG Group the biggest Chain and agricultural gearbox manufacturing facility in China with 5 various branches. For far more particulars: Cell/whatsapp/telegram/Kakao us at: 0086-13083988828 PersonnelOur income individuals are nicely trained to accommodate your requests and talk English for your ease. engineering EPG has been successfully qualified by ISO9002 Good quality Management System, ISO9001 Good quality Management Method, API certificate, ISO/TS16949:2002 and ISO10012 measurement management method. class chains & precision roller chains. Solitary strand chain, multi-strand chains, double pitch chains, corrosion resistant chains, self-lubricating chains, attachment chains, leaf chains, and specialty chains. We search ahead to the prospect to serve you and hope to include you to our expanding family members of pleased buyers. Offset Url Chain for Sugar Industry The offset link chain is created with large abrasion, effect, and corrosion resistance to meet up with the software demands in sugar generating market. Its side plates are bended but with paralleled ends. The two sizzling bending and cold bending approaches can be applied for facet plate processing. The adoption of sophisticated bending die, coupled with increased good quality inspection, makes sure the bending of aspect plates comes without having cracks. Consequently, the offset sidebar chain is not going to split simply under weighty load conditions. Produced utilizing stainless metal and alloy metal materials, our offset url chain for sugar market offers minimal tensile energy possibilities among 250 and 900KN, and rated functioning load choices from18 to 85KN. DC 2184 DC 8184 DC C2614 DC 09063 all avaliable |Chain No.||Pitch P (mm)||Inner width of slender finish b1 (min.) (mm)||Outer diameter of roller (bushing) D (max.) (mm)||Pin||Sidebar||Min. tensile energy Q (min) (KN)||Rated doing work load (KN)||Weight per meter q (kg/m)| |d (mm)||L1 (mm)||L2 (mm)||h (mm)||T (mm)| |DC 1125||a hundred and one.6||32.six||50.eight||seventeen.5||37.9||forty five||fifty.eight||seven.nine||210||eighteen.26| |*DC D2184||152.four||34.nine||seventy six.two||22.23||forty three.nine||fifty one.two||50.eight||9.five||355.six||31.six||seventeen.seven| |DC W1796||152.4||37.8||69.85||22.23||44.two||fifty two.9||57.two||9.five||444.5||31.6||eighteen.59| |DC 09063||152.four||38||seventy six.2||23.eighty three||forty seven.1||54.9||60.3||ten.three||622.3||36.1||21.83| |DC 8184||203.2||45.nine||88.9||25.4||59.7||sixty five.8||69.nine||12.seven||742.four||forty seven.6||29.2| |DC C2614||304.8||sixty nine.eighty five||sixty three.five||31.75||seventy eight.five||eighty four.5||88.nine||fifteen.nine||a thousand||eighty four.5||33.68| The use of first gear manufacturer’s (OEM) component quantities or trademarks , e.g. CASE® and John Deere® are for reference purposes only and for indicating merchandise use and compatibility. Our firm and the shown alternative areas contained herein are not sponsored, accredited, or created by the OEM.
Robin Basham recently lead the Cloud Security Alliance CCM 4 to NIST 800-53 R5 Working Group. This effort began as a proposed commitment in April, involving the collaboration of some of our biggest and most well respected East Bay Enterprises. Leveraging the talent of 20 volunteers and mappings as designed in three major companies, the CCM WG produced a refined mapping that will release in JSON format and hopefully brings much-needed clarity to the cloud security and compliance community. Owner EnterpriseGRC Solutions, President, ISC2 East Bay, Certified Information Systems Security (CISSP), Audit (CISA), Governance (CGEIT) and Risk (CRISC), ICT GRC expert and early adopter in both certifying and offering certification programs for Cloud Security and Virtualization (CRP, VRP), with industry experience in the management of systems, controls and data for SaaS (IaaS and PaaS), Finance, Healthcare, Banking, Education, Defense, and High Tech. Positions held include Technology Officer at State Street Bank, Leading Process Engineering for a major New England CLEC, Sr. Director Enterprise Technology for multiple advisory firms, founding, engineering product and running two governance software companies, past Director Enterprise Compliance for a major player in the mortgage industry, Ellie Mae. Recently full time at Cisco, Sr. Unified Compliance and ISMS Program Manager, Robin currently provides research and training content to major cybersecurity vendors, leads LSHC in support of three MDM clients as well as donates substantial time to supporting social platform security to further social democracy. Robin contributed a mapping refresh for NIST 171/172 to Dr. Ron Ross and Victoria Yan Pillitteri FISMA team and lead the CCM v4.2 to NIST 800-53r5 working group. She is also a past board member of the ISACA SV Chapter. As a lifetime achievement, Robin has convinced over 500 people to stand up and speak on topics involving security and technology.
The Facebook community has grown to a massive 1000 million users, and businesses worldwide have flourished by finding new users and markets on Facebook. They have also built a strong customer loyalty by engaging them on this great social network. Research reveals that 51% of users, who have liked your product or service on Facebook, may buy it in the future and are more likely to recommend it to others. Now wouldn't it be great, if every visitor to your site clicked the Facebook vector logo to engage with you on this social networking superpower? So help yourself to some awesome Facebook vector logo offered by 5 great websites listed here. Remember to select vectors from the image type while searching for your logos. 5 Top Facebook Vector Logo Ressources Dreamstime has a great collection of Facebook vector logos. Most of these are really innovative and hard to find anywhere across the web. There are vector backgrounds with Facebook and like buttons which can be used for your Facebook pages. This is another site which has a huge compilation of vectors. The Facebook logos here are exceptionally good. Some Facebook Logo Vector Art are a part of an icon set but can be extracted easily with the help of a vector application. You will find some fairly uniqueFacebook Logo EPS here on Depositphotos which has a vast collection of quality vectors. Here too, there are some awesome ones which are available as a part of an icon set. You will be amazed by the collection here, because Thinkstockphotos has partnered with Getty images, istockphoto and other popular image websites to bring you the best vectors. You will love the logos that are available here, though their collection of Facebook vector logo is not as large as the other sites. But the quality and the uniqueness of the artwork is something that will absolutely blow your mind. Facebook Vector Logo Conclusion Now, if you've chosen your Facebook vector, remember that these can be easily modified to your liking. By putting a bit of an effort to make your Facebook logo clickable, you can earn yourself a big fan base over a period of time. Please leave your comments, if you've found this post helpful. Also share your favorite sites for vector logos and take the time to like us on Facebook. You can subscribe to our newsletters for some regular awesome treats on vectors. Images © maxkabakov– Fotolia.com
The Video Game Critic - Registration By accessing “The Video Game Critic” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “The Video Game Critic”, “http://videogamecritic.com/forums”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use “The Video Game Critic”. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of “The Video Game Critic” after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended. Our forums are powered by phpBB (hereinafter “they”, “them”, “their”, “phpBB software”, “www.phpbb.com”, “phpBB Limited”, “phpBB Teams”) which is a bulletin board solution released under the “GNU General Public License v2” (hereinafter “GPL”) and can be downloaded from www.phpbb.com. The phpBB software only facilitates internet based discussions; phpBB Limited is not responsible for what we allow and/or disallow as permissible content and/or conduct. For further information about phpBB, please see: https://www.phpbb.com/. You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “The Video Game Critic” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “The Video Game Critic” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither “The Video Game Critic” nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
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In today’s digital age, YouTube has become the go-to platform for accessing a vast amount of video content. Whether you want to watch music videos, tutorials, or even your favorite TV shows, YouTube has it all. However, a common challenge that many users face is downloading YouTube videos and optimizing them for playback on their preferred devices. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to optimize YouTube downloads for any device, ensuring a seamless viewing experience. Understanding YouTube Video Formats Before we delve into the optimization process, it’s essential to understand the various video formats available on YouTube. YouTube offers videos in different resolutions and formats such as FLV, MP4, WebM, and more. Each format has its own advantages and limitations, and choosing the right one can significantly impact the quality and compatibility of your downloaded videos. Step 1: Choosing the Right Video Format FLAC for High-Quality Downloads If you’re looking for the best possible video quality, then FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is the format to choose. FLAC offers lossless video compression, meaning that it retains the original quality of the video without any reduction in detail or clarity. However, keep in mind that FLAC files can be larger in size, so ensure that your device has enough storage space to accommodate such files.(YouTube video download website) MP4 for Versatility MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14) is one of the most widely supported video formats, making it an excellent choice for optimizing YouTube downloads for any device. MP4 files offer a good balance between quality and file size, making them popular among users. Moreover, most modern smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs natively support MP4 playback, ensuring seamless viewing across multiple devices.(go to youtube) WebM for Web-Based Playback If you primarily consume YouTube content on web browsers, consider opting for the WebM format. WebM offers excellent video quality with efficient compression, making it ideal for streaming on websites. It provides browser compatibility, allowing you to enjoy YouTube content without the need for additional software or plugins. However, keep in mind that WebM may not be compatible with all devices, so ensure your device supports this format before downloading. Step 2: Adjusting Video Quality Settings Once you’ve chosen the appropriate video format based on your device’s compatibility and your quality preference, the next step is to adjust the video quality settings before downloading. This ensures that the downloaded video is optimized for your device’s display capabilities, maximizing visual enjoyment while minimizing file size. Selecting the Optimal Resolution YouTube offers videos in various resolutions, ranging from 144p to 8K. The resolution you choose should be based on your device’s screen size and resolution capabilities. Higher resolutions such as 1080p or 4K are recommended for larger screens, such as TVs or computer monitors. On the other hand, lower resolutions like 480p or 720p are suitable for smaller devices like smartphones or tablets. Adjusting the resolution accordingly ensures that the video is optimized for your specific device, resulting in a seamless viewing experience.(YouTube video download quality) Avoiding Unnecessary Features YouTube often includes features such as annotations, subtitles, or video descriptions in their videos. While these additions may enhance the user experience, they can also increase the file size of the downloaded video. If you’re looking to optimize the video for your device’s storage capacity, consider disabling or excluding these unnecessary features during the download process. Step 3: Utilizing Video Conversion Tools In some cases, you may find that the video format or quality available on YouTube does not meet your requirements. In such situations, utilizing video conversion tools can be a valuable solution. These tools allow you to convert YouTube videos into a format or quality that is more suitable for your device. Online Video Converters Online video converters, such as OnlineVideoConverter.com or Convert2MP3.net, provide a convenient and straightforward method to convert YouTube videos. Simply copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to download, paste it into the converter’s input field, select the desired format and quality, and initiate the conversion process. Once the conversion is complete, the tool will provide you with a download link for the optimized video file. Desktop Video Conversion Software For more advanced users, desktop video conversion software offers additional features and customization options. Tools like Handbrake, Any Video Converter, or Freemake Video Converter allow you to fine-tune various settings such as bitrate, codec, or aspect ratio. This level of control can help optimize the video for specific devices and achieve the desired quality and file size balance. Optimizing YouTube downloads for any device is a crucial aspect of ensuring an enjoyable viewing experience. By selecting the appropriate video format, adjusting quality settings, and utilizing conversion tools when necessary, you can effectively optimize YouTube videos for your preferred device. Whether you’re watching videos on a smartphone, tablet, computer, or smart TV, following these steps will help you overcome compatibility issues and maximize the visual quality of your downloaded content. So go ahead, enjoy your favorite YouTube videos on any device, hassle-free!
There are going to be at least six players in the Manchester United squad that will have a point to prove to Erik Ten Hag in the Europa League clash. The Red Devils will play Europa League this week at home. Hence, a number of bench players will get the chance to play this week. The Red Devils are going to mix up the squad to manage the hectic schedule this season. MANCHESTER UNITED AGAINST REAL SOCIEDAD ANALYSIS PRE-MATCH FULL REPORT Manchester United will switch their attention to the start of their Europa League campaign. They will face La Liga outfit Real Sociedad at Old Trafford on Thursday evening. The Red Devils won their fourth successive victory in the Premier League. They beat the current table toppers Arsenal 3-1. A brace from Marcus Rashford and a debut goal for new signing Antony continued their brilliant form. However, now the full focus will be on Europa League. Manchester United will have to play Europa League as they finished 6th on the Premier League table. The competition will provide them an opportunity to win the trophy and enter the Champions League next season. They are pitted against Sociedad, Sherif, and Omonia Nicosia in Group E. Hence, it makes them overwhelming favorites to top the group. THE EUROPA LEAGUE WILL PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE BENCH PLAYERS TO PROVE THEIR WORTH TO ERIK TEN HAG A number of players that have not made starts under Erik Ten Hag will have the chance to prove their worth. Ten Hag will be looking to give chances to a number of players due to their busy schedules. There are six such players that may get the chance. One of them is Aaron Wan-Bissaka. The right-back is currently the backup to Diogo Dalot. He has only made one substitute appearance this season. Another one is Harry Maguire. The center-back is behind in the pecking order after Raphael Varane and Lisandro Martinez. The other players that could feature are Cristiano Ronaldo, Casemiro, Donny Van de Beek, and Luke Shaw. Another interesting stat is Cristiano Ronaldo will play in Europa League for the first time since 2002. Manchester United themselves will be playing in the Europa League group stage for the first time since 2019. However, they are going to be the top contender to win the trophy this season. Hence, Erik Ten Hag will have a big challenge on his hands in his debut season. Follow us on Twitter to get regular football updates
The Indian economy is expected to grow by 9.2% in the current fiscal year and 8-8.5% the following year. India has one of the fastest growing major economies in the world, with a GDP of $3 trillion. Priority sector lending is often cited as an important factor contributing to the growth of NPAs. Although stimulus programs are needed to revive India’s economy, sustained medium-term growth depends on debt reduction. According to a recent assessment by RBI experts, bank credit has accelerated along with rising debt. The need for loans to priority sectors and their contribution to economic recovery MSMEs, which employ around 40% of the workforce, are essential to economic development, job creation and local growth, but they require access to finance that is both accessible and affordable. For India’s economy to grow to $5 trillion, policy adjustments must be made to the financial sector to at least halve the cost of credit to small businesses. If these businesses have access to affordable credit, they can be the engines of growth, employment and development in their communities. In India, lending to priority sectors has increased significantly over time. Funding for priority sectors increased at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25% for agriculture, 20% for exports and 23% for micro, small and medium enterprises between 2001-2002 and 2011-2012. (MSME). Although the current share of digital loans in the total amount of credit granted by the banking sector is insufficient to have a substantial impact on financial stability, the growing momentum offers significant growth prospects. Expanding Smart Collection and Collection of Debts to Accelerate Growth Debt collection has always been a violent or harassment-inducing process that makes the collection target feel unwelcome and scared. Many stories of abuse and suicides linked to loan collection agencies have been published because of this pervasive problem. However, there is a more efficient, dignified and humane solution that makes debt collection a win-win for lenders and borrowers. Debt collection has evolved over time and benefited from critical technical advances. Banks and NBFCs have started implementing technology solutions to better serve customers and create a sustainable lending/borrowing relationship between financial institutions and borrowers, ushering in a new phase of debt collection. However, as India’s digital lending ecosystem grows at historically high rates, defaults are also increasing. An increase in NPAs was observed for NBFCs and banks due to increased credit disbursements. Fintechs ensure efficient customer collection with reduced human dependency, lower bounce rates and increased self-checkout by implementing big data analytics and machine learning in an era bad debt escalation and haunted debt collection proceedings. In the process, he drives the penetration of financial independence into rural pockets of the country with financial advice and services that empower customers and improve willingness to pay with technology solutions such as: - Big Data and ML-based platforms that enable digital channels and conversational vernacular AIs to perform various collection-related activities, resulting in increased client portfolio reach and contact, using advanced analytics, further reducing collection effort/cost by proper scoring and removing redundant steps and therefore leading to increased customer contact conversions - One-stop BOT solution for banks and farmers, where banks don’t have to worry about loan payments to farmers with Kisan credit cards. It is an innovative one-of-a-kind application that brings together farmer data such as due date and outstanding amount using language features for better penetration. There have been tremendous improvements in efficiency, productivity, quality, inclusiveness and competitiveness with the growth of financial services, especially in digital lending. Although the current share of digital lending in the overall amount of credit granted by the banking sector is insufficient to significantly affect financial stability, the potential for growth in expanding momentum is significant. The proportion of digital loans to total credit is expected to increase significantly in the future due to the availability of digital financial services, technological advancements, and profitable business models. In addition, banks and fintechs are rapidly innovating the way they source, process and deliver credit to make it more borrower-friendly as MSME forums demand simplicity from lending programs to open channels of formal credit. Recently, the Ministry of Finance reiterated the importance of bank friendliness. Taken broadly, early indications of increased credit growth should become more pronounced, helping the economy maintain its development trajectory despite external and geopolitical threats. In FY23, these risks are expected to diminish, creating a favorable environment for accelerating economic recovery. The opinions expressed above are those of the author. END OF ARTICLE
For a professional designer or a DIY crafter, a measuring tape is the most essential tool for making perfect projects and crafts. Ahijoy brings to you Soft Retractable Measuring Tape that is a highly useful handheld device to make your crafting journey smooth and error-free. So what makes Ahijoy’s measuring tape unique? Apart from its immense utility, it is easy on the eyes. Encased in a pink and green cover, it is handy and user-friendly. Along the tape's edge, inches and fractional inches are marked in quarter-, eight-, and sixteenth-inch increments. It is dual-sided with centimeters as well. It folds neatly back into its carrying case with just the push of a button. This results in a smaller footprint that can be easily stowed in a small bag or pocket. Ahijoy’s Soft Retractable Measuring Tape, also known as tailor's tape, is extremely flexible and molds easily to the body. It is used to obtain precise measurements for crafts, apparel stitching and modifications. It is durable and malleable with no sharp edges. It resists stretching and tearing which makes it reliable and guarantees that it will stay in shape in the long run. Using this amazing product is very easy. Gently pull the measuring tape as much as you want to until the maximum length is in use. Use the tape to take your measurement. Press the hide button on the top of the plastic case and the tape will automatically retract back into the case. If you still haven’t bought it, it’s high time you get a pair now and start crafting masterpieces! - To keep a record of the inches you lose during your diet. - Used for medical purposes. - Used by architects and interior designers for accurate measurements. - Used to measure circular objects which couldn’t be measured using metal tape. - Used by fashion designers for accurate measurements or sewing purposes. - Used in crafting when making projects with vinyl. - Large and clear markings in both inches and centimeters. - Durable and wear resistant. - Flexible and portable. - Provides exact measurement without stretching or deforming. - Length: 60 inches/150cm. - Colors available: Macarone green and Macarone pink.
São José dos Campos Rua Patricio Santana, 85 Sao Jose dos Campos , São Paulo 12230080 Saipher ATC is a Brazilian company specialized in the development and commercialization of software and solutions for Air Traffic Control and Management (ATC/ATM). The Saipher ATC systems are in use in more than 150 Brazilian aerodromes, covering from the AFIS stations operated by just one controller to international airports with intense movement, as well as air bases and other specific missions. In a worldwide scale, our systems of electronic strips for control towers are the most widely used, controlling and managing daily thousands of landings and take-offs. In tune with the new market needs, and within its view of constant evolution, the Saipher ATC Company has developed its second generation of systems for air traffic control and management. The TATIC® – Total Air Traffic Information Control – Solution gathers a set of systems that elevate the quality of air traffic control and management services, providing increments in performance, efficiency and security. Based on the CDM – Collaborative Decision Making – Solution, its modules operate within an environment of interaction and availability of data, offering in real time critical information for traffic management and decision making. The TATIC® Solution supports a high degree of personalization, which allows for it to fit to different operation environments and work flows, independent of the complexity and simultaneity of the operations. The TATIC® Solution proposal is the complete fitting to the operational conditions of each client. This way, the IHM – Man Machine Interface – can be configured through elements such as screen and strip layouts, and form and context for information exhibition. This elevated level of commitment with the client was reached through the constant investment in research and technology. For over 15 years, the company has been consolidating its performance in the development of solutions and in the elaboration and execution of projects, within international standards of quality and security. The implementation of the Saipher systems is part of an extensive project, where the optic of requirements presented by the client, the best system and equipment configurations, as well as the best fit services for each one of the modules that compose the TATIC® Solution are analyzed. Performing in different air traffic control and management segment, Saipher ATC developed solutions for the ATC/ATM areas, airports, invoicing, researches, statistics, monitoring the traffic situation in real time and Air Traffic Flow Management and Planning (ATFM). - Airfield Operations - ATM systems - Flight Data Systems - IT Solutions - Remote Towers
Samsung Galaxy S24 devices are also anticipated to come with M13 OLED screens, which will be an improvement above the M12 panels found in Galaxy S23 phones. The improved screens may contribute to the phones’ lower weight and more effective use of electricity. Samsung Galaxy S24 series is anticipated to replace the Galaxy S23 lineup, which included the Galaxy S23, Galaxy S23+, and Galaxy S23 Ultra models and was released in February of this year. The rumored Galaxy S24 versions are also likely to get relevant advancements over the previous phones in terms of battery, display, camera, or other areas. A few postings and leaks have hinted at some of the rumored series’ specifics. The battery specifications for the allegedly base Galaxy S24 and Galaxy S24+ variants have now been revealed in a report. According to a GalaxyClub rumor, the standard Galaxy S24 and Galaxy S24+ versions should have better batteries than their forerunners. According to the report, the standard Galaxy S24 will probably have a 4,000mAh battery, while the Galaxy S24+ could have a 4,900mAh battery. If this is the case, the new phones will have batteries that are larger than the 3,900mAh and 4,700mAh batteries seen in the Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+, respectively. The 5,000mAh battery from the Galaxy S23 Ultra model is anticipated to remain in the Galaxy S24 Ultra variant. The Galaxy S24 Plus, meanwhile, is expected to be powered by a battery with a rated capacity of 4,755mAh, while the Galaxy S24 Ultra may include a battery with a claimed capacity of 4,855mAh. If accurate, this more recent claim, which predicts that the Galaxy S24+ and Galaxy S24 Ultra phones will have batteries with usual capacities of 4,900mAh and 5,000mAh, respectively, can be considered as supporting the previous one
Touch and display driver SoC supports ISO 26262 The ISO 26262-ready touch and display integration (TDDI) SoC, the ILI6600A by Ili Technology (Ilitek), combines the Andes N25F-SE ISO 26262-certified V5 RISC-V CPU core, and the IAR certified Embedded Workbench toolchain for RISC-V. The ILI6600A is an integrated amorphous / LTPS / oxide TFT LCD driver with an in-cell touch controller. Andes and IAR provide ISO 26262-certified design methodology to shorten the rigorous certification process. The LCD driver in the ILI6600A supports up to three chips cascading and provides up to 16.7M colours. For the display, there is the impressive image enhancement (IIE) function. The touch panel controller uses a 32-bit high performance single cycle instruction set MCU. Its built in high speed and high performance hardware-accelerated computing modules provide superior data processing capabilities. Ilitek’s driver technology and algorithms contribute anti-noise and a high signal to noise ratio (SNR). The ILI6600A adopts the AndesCore N25F-SE, claimed to be the world’s first ISO 26262 full-compliance RISC-V CPU. The Safety Enhancement edition of the N25F RISC-V core is designed for automotive functional safety to prevent systematic and random hardware failures. IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V is a certified integrated development environment (IDE) including the powerful IAR C/C++ Compiler and a comprehensive debugger. The ILI6600A is Ilitek’s first ISO 26262 ASIL B-ready product, providing real time and certified fail detection functions. Its high SNR enables touch panel performance. There are also remote AI tuning tools. The IL6600A analogue front end can scan up to 960ch touch sensors and supports both of LongV and LongH scan,” explained Luen Wey, CEO of ILI Technology. The SoC also supports virtual touch keys and knob functions. It has passed the automotive ESD, EMI, and EMS tests and will soon be an AEC-Q100 grade 2 qualified product, continued Wey. The functional safety edition of IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V is certified by TÜV SÜD according to 10 different standards, including ISO 26262. Ilitek is one of Taiwan TOP5 IC design houses and has TDDI market share to make it number two worldwide, said the company. It has services offices in China, Korea, Europe and the USA.
I have a few updates in regards to my work progress and a number of international mail suspensions to various countries. First, Japan Post created an English translated list of all of the countries that have suspended the acceptance of international mail. If you placed an order and your country is on this list, please contact and inform me if you want a refund, or if you'd like me to hold your orders until the temporary restrictions are lifted. I apologize if I take a while to get back to you. I get a large number of emails every day. Here is the link: Second, I've been receiving a large number of inquiries lately about shipped orders being sent back to Japan. As many of you are aware, Japan Post temporarily suspended their SAL shipping service at the beginning of the month. It was, until recently, the main service I used to ship orders. Because of this, most of the orders that I shipped in March will be returned to me. I'll be receiving all one-hundred or so packages back tomorrow. On the bright side, Japan Post will be refunding all of the shipping, and the fact that they're already packaged will allow me ship them out again more quickly. I will be upgrading the shipping on every order to Airmail free of charge. Japan Post also recently provided me a time frame for delivery. Because of the current situation it may take a package 2-3 weeks before it leaves the country, even with Airmail and EMS. After that, the delivery time will depend on the postal services of the destination countries. I apologize for the delays and promise I will do my best to get your orders shipped as soon as possible. Again, please let me know if you'd like to cancel your orders at any time. Finally, my previous offer still stands. There will be no extra charges for upgraded shipping. But, if you'd like to chip in to help with the increased shipping costs, please let me know. For your contribution of $5-10, I'll provide a single use, 20% off coupon code that will be valid with any future purchase. Stay safe, and thank you for your business and patience.
There is no doubting that searching jobs is a very stressful task. People should be able to make their resume without piling on to that stress. You see, resumes are quite crucial as they serve as one single document that can be sent out to various employers. A resume contains the contact information, job history and references along with all sorts of other valuable data that employers demands. Today it lot more easier to present a well-made resume with all the vital information other than filling out countless applications. Moreover, majority of jobs require both resume and applications anyway and it is always good to be prepared. Given below are some of the top resume builder applications for Android users. They are very helpful for CVs for all the academics out there. 10 Best Resume Builder Apps for Android 1 – Aristoz Resume Builder Free Aristoz Resume Builder Free is a very reasonable resume builder application. It comes with 75+templates for different kinds of jobs. Moreover, users can also download the end result in a PDF format in the end if they wish to. All these feature for FREE! The templates are customizable and users can very easily share them with their email or cloud storage as well. The finished product will be saved on their downloads folder. Some of its users complained about their resumes being deleted in situations where they left the application and then came back. However, it is totally fair to overlook this minor glitch as it is one of the very few free resume builder applications which are 100% free of cost. Aristoz is supported by ads. 2 – CV Engineer It is a quite popular application in this space. CV Engineer features loads of simple controls, resumes and users can export them in PDF format once they are done. Users simple have to fill out all the fields until the whole resume is finished. As scary and difficult as it may seem initially but let us assure you that it is easy enough for about anyone to use it. The application was created by a recruitment consultant which suggests that all its templates are pretty decent for just about any job. Users can create their CVs and resumes free of cost and contribute later if they wish to. 3 – Free Resume Builder Free Resume Builder is created by Magnetic Lab. It is one of the top free resume builder applications. It has a lot of customizable sections for all sorts of resumes that its users wish to build. This also includes an advanced resume editor using which users can reformat the template to their liking. Other features of Free Resume Builder includes PDF format support, option to duplicate their resumes, users can also use a photo if they wish to. In conclusion, we are really impressed but the user interface and the information input of Free Resume Builder. It is pretty easy to use and looks great. Users can pay $1.49 for in-app purchase in order to remove ads if they like. 4 – LinkedIn Nobody needs an introduction on LinkedIn. The service is a job search website mixed with a social media website along with a source of info for different types of professionals. The profile of users basically serves as their resume. They can put their background, education experience and job experience on it. They can then connect with employers and can apply for jobs on the website itself. LinkedIn has its various ups and downs both in its functionality as well as popularity. However, it is quite easily the biggest site online which does what this application does. It also has an outstanding professional learning application known as Linked Learning for people who wish to brush up on their job skills. 5 – Microsoft Word You will be surprised to know that Microsoft Word is the original app for making resumes. People used Microsoft for making resumes till this date and they have for decades now. The application has templates and it also leverages its word processing abilities to make some really neat stuff. Users can export in various different formats which includes Word’s native format or PDF if they choose. Although it’s mobile version is not just as good and does not posses all the templates but it surely does have a good basic options. Users are likely to have more good luck on the desktop version or the web version of the app if they can have access to them. 6 – Resumaker It is an upcoming resume builder application. It covers all the basic stuff. Users can do both CVs and resumes using Resumaker. If offers multiple templates for both. Resumaker is very easy to use. It is quite easy to fill resumes and export them. Users can customize every single letter of their resume if they have to and they can even make is bright and colourful if they wish to. Resumaker exports to PDF formats as most resume builders do. Its templates look clean mostly. The application is absolutely free of cost with ad support. Although there are few minor bug complaints but we assure you it is nothing serious. 7 – Resume Builder App Free It is an app by 23apps.com. It is yet another reasonable competent application for making resumes. The application boasts many templates for both CVs and resumes. Additionally, Resume Builder App exports to PDF and also includes a cover letter. Users can add photos of themselves if they wish to. Resume Builder App does all the basics right and it is free of cost for everyone. The app is supported by ads. Thus, it is highly recommended. However, 23apps.com also has a second resume application which is called Resume App. Resume App costs $4.99/month. But it puts watermarks on the resumes in its free version. We recommend the app we linked as the other version by the developer is not that good. 8 – Resume Builder Free CV Maker Although Resume Builder Free CV Maker is a weird name for an application but believes us it does a great job on users’ resumes. The app boasts 50+ templates for both CVs as well as resumes. Users also get an auto-save feature, PDF support, multiple resumes, email support and is comparatively customizable. Users should be able to find all of the features to make a decent CV or resume using this application. However, there have been some complaints regarding the frequency of the advertisements, but it is a free app so one can only bear with it. In conclusion, there is nothing flashy about Resume Builder Free CV Maker app, it just serves the function of making acceptable CVs and resumes. 9 – Top Resume Top Resume is certainly not the most famous resume builder application on our list. But frankly speaking it does quite a job on resumes. The application has various different templates, as usual it exports to PDF format and it is quite easy to handle. And we’ve got to admit that these are really good trifecta of features for an application which makes resumes for free. All the process of creating resumes is quite hassle free and the application is absolutely free to use with an ad support like all the other free resume builder apps on our list. Although there are certainly some things that users wish to see changed in the app. And developers appear to be quite active within the app’s review section and improvements can be expected in the near future. 10 – Job Search Apps A lot of job search applications have a resume builder as the part of their whole package. One such example is of Job Search. Majority of job search applications do not advertise their resume builder but at least half of them have one. It is a great way of finding a job as users can create their resumes and find potential employers instantly to send those resumes to. But of course this whole process locks its users into the ecosystem of the Job Search app but there is nothing to complain about as long as the users find themselves a job via it. Finding a job today is a very daunting task. Interviews after interviews and amidst all the stress it is always good to get some help from wherever one can. Resumes plays a crucial part is getting a job nowadays. It is very important to carry a resume with yourself if you are seeking for a job. A resume is nothing but a combined document of all your educational degrees and work experiences along with some references. But that is not all, it also present your personality before all the employers you wish to be hired under. A neat resume represents that you take your job seriously and carry the potential of becoming a great employee. You confidence and good representation on your resume can convince your employees that you are indeed an asset for their firm. But amidst all the stress of getting a job we don’t want that you waste your crucial time on small tasks. But as small as making a resume appears it is definitely a game changer at the end of the day. In this guide we presented a list of free yet highly efficient apps that you can use for creating your resumes fast and easy. All the apps are thoroughly checked. You can trust any of the above mentioned apps for creating your CVs and resumes. Although a paid app does beautifies your resume but if you are someone who cannot afford their premium plans we assure you the apps on our list will do your work just fine. Good luck with you resumes and CVs and thank you for reading!
An attempt to create a compact introduction to Overleaf and LaTeX in general. Topics and examples are tailored to meet the needs of The Hudson School. This is a work in progress. The document works well as a PDF and most examples are included verbatim. Considering the growing impact of ideas nowadays, via quaternary sector, the plagiarism detection has become constant in texts, songs, as well as source codes. This work proposes the creation of the tool \nameOfProgram \ for plagiarism detection in simple texts with GNU GPL license. \nameOfProgram \ was designed to allow your extension for plagiarism detection in source codes. The tool was tested and results are presented in this paper. Este ejemplo hace uso de los paquetes circuitikz y siunitx para dibujar el esquema de un amplificador de 18W a base de transistores bipolares y MOSFET. El circuito fue tomado de http://www.circuitstoday.com/mosfet-amplifier-circuits. En esta práctica se utilizarán conocimientos de cinemática para encontrar el valor de la aceleración gravitacional, por medio de dos experimentos diferentes, uno que involucra la caída libre y el otro involucra un péndulo, además, se estimará la confianza y validez de los resultados. This report gives an overview of the various machine learning algorithms implemented to detect certain comments that may appear insulting to another participant on a social networking platform. Feature selection was performed using n-grams, and the WEKA machine learning toolkit was used to build supervised learning clasifiers, that provided an accuracy of 82% on the test dataset. The dataset was obtained from the popular data science competition portal, Kaggle. The contributions from conduction, convection, and radiation for an end-heated aluminum rod were quantified with experimental considerations in mind. Multiple experiments were carried out to ascertain various physical properties of the system and the aluminum rod. By applying heat-flow theory, simulations, and data-fitting techniques, the specific heat capacity, conductivity, emissivity, convective heat transfer coefficient of the system, and thermal contact resistance between the power source and aluminum rod were determined.
Whatever one thinks about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his policies, the decision last week by federal judge Rudolph T. Randa to summarily halt an investigation into alleged campaign finance violations by Walker’s campaign and supporters—and to order prosecutors to destroy all the evidence they collected—was a striking instance of judicial chutzpah. The accompanying opinion (PDF) is laced with ideological rhetoric seeking to undermine many of the remaining campaign finance laws on the books. Even following the Supreme Court’s evisceration of campaign finance law in the Citizens United and McCutcheon decisions, Randa’s ruling is a bridge too far. It should not stand. 2012’s Wisconsin recall election was a $137 million affair. Groups claiming to act independently of any candidate spent more than half of this total, roughly $70 million. Many of them drew their funding from out-of-state “dark money” organizations, which can raise unlimited funds and keep their contributors secret. Under state law, such spending could not be “coordinated” with Walker or another candidate. Whether some of this spending was in fact coordinated—steered at the candidate’s suggestion or with his cooperation—was the question at the heart of the Wisconsin investigation. Coordination, once the obscure preserve of election lawyers, has become a hot topic. In Citizens United, a narrow majority of the Supreme Court took away from federal, state, and local authorities the ability to place limits on how much corporations, unions and other deep-pocketed interests can spend on elections, as long as they don’t coordinate with candidates—based on the fanciful theory that such “independent” spending cannot corrupt politicians. But the Citizens United majority did reaffirm that it’s perfectly constitutional for the government to limit non-independent spending. Enter Judge Randa. According to him, only spending on ads containing an unmistakable call to vote for or against someone may be subject to restrictions on coordination. In other words, an advertisement a few weeks before the election saying “Defeat Senator Jones because he won’t stand with the troops,” cannot be coordinated with a candidate. But one saying “Tell Senator Jones to stop hurting the troops,” can be conceived, directed, and promoted by Senator Jones’s political opponent. Of course, these last-minute “issue advocacy” campaigns, which played a prominent role in the Wisconsin recall, make a mockery of all coordinated spending restrictions—which is the point. Many would find that troubling, but not Judge Randa: “[P]laintiffs have found a way to circumvent campaign finance laws,” he said in his ruling, “and that circumvention should not and cannot be condemned or restricted. Instead it should be recognized as promoting political speech.” That statement pretty much sums up Randa’s contempt for campaign finance laws. He defends his position by stating that “the people” (and not regulators) must run their government—neglecting to mention that almost all the ads at issue were funded not by “the people” of Wisconsin, but by wealthy out-of-state interests. Of course, Randa’s not the first to equate “constituents’ with faraway mega-donors—Chief Justice John Roberts did the same thing in the Supreme Court’s recent McCutcheon decision, which struck down overall limits on contributions to federal candidates. So perhaps Randa thinks he’s on solid ground. He is not. McCutcheon struck down limits on how much a person can contribute to all federal candidates combined; the case left undisturbed limits on contributions to individual candidates, including limits on coordinated spending. Only the Court’s most conservative member, Justice Clarence Thomas, seemed to have an appetite to go after all contribution limits. Tellingly, Randa’s opinion closes with a quote from Thomas, not Roberts. His ruling has already been stayed by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit pending review. At the end of the day, it is tempting to ask why all of this matters. After all, because of Citizens United, we already have billionaires steering public policy—witness Sheldon Adelson’s recent vow to “spend whatever it takes” to criminalize Internet gambling, the better to squelch competition with his brick-and-mortar casino empire. As bad as things are, however, they could still get worse. Rules against coordination, when vigorously enforced, preserve at least some separation between politicians and their biggest money backers. Scrapping these rules entirely will give the Sheldon Adelsons of the world yet more power over candidates, officeholders and, by extension, all of us. Even the current Supreme Court seems hesitant to go that far. With any luck, a modicum of sanity will eventually prevail. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Megan McCormick)
No. How Can I say that viCious letter — terrible Consonant? C! No, I Can’t go on anymore denying its horrid power over me. Just to look at its Curved Crooked from brings the bile up from my stomach. Look how it jests at me, thrusting its points out side-like, as if to leap in a headlong rush, impaling hapless vowels on it’s vertiCes. No. No. I have written it too: There stands the enemy of all that I am—my foe, my adversary, the Culmination of all that is wrong with the world. You don’t believe me? You say, “How Could such a benign letter be the Cause?” You fool. I say, you blind ignorant babe. You have been wooed by its innoCuous yet Covert pretense. Know now that C is a killer. Yes, turn your baCk, and nothing will stop the slaughter. Don’t let your apathy bloCk you from truly examining—finally seeing—the beast from the lamb. Why do we trust it? It seems too inCredible, but we do. I shall tell you, for I have taken its existenCe to heart. I shall reveal the Codex that is its mystery. I will not stop until C has been blotted from the alphabet. Gone. C’s seCret lies in its ability to Camouflage itself in apparent usefulness. I first disCovered this while writing. Sent and Cent, though spelled differently, have the same pronunCiation. But C also bolsters a hard sound… Yes, yes, I know. This shouldn’t be, but look for yourself: Caught, Cat, Carpet. They all seem so unique, until you remember (as I did) that K has the same sound. Why not spell these words like so: kaught, kat, karpet. This insidious letter has weaseled its own spaCe in the alphabet where none was needed. Its pillage of words ends here! Soon after I disCovered these horrid faCts, C took its revenge. It Came to me in my sleep: cccccCCCCcCCccCcCccCCc. Hissing and Clucking at me until I thought my brain would burst. Repeating in CyCliC CyCles, revolving and tightening about my throat until I Could no longer scream. But a deep strength, drawn from a respeCt for Consonants and vowels of all kinds rose up in me. I grabbed C by its outstretched hooks. My right hand bleed from the gashes. I wrestled it, holding and twisting until I nearly lost ConsCiousness. Turning it up, I finally rendered the letter into an inert U. YoU are dead! Finally dead. And now the alphabet will be safe from yoUr sharp points and tongUe. But wait, am I really rid of yoU? No… not yoU again. Not U!
In this episode of the Security Ledger podcast, brought to you by ReversingLabs, we interview Danny Adamitis (@dadamitis) of Black Lotus Labs about the discovery of ZuoRAT, malware that targets SOHO routers – and is outfitted with APT-style tools for attacking the devices connected to home networks. As always, you can check our full conversation in our latest Security Ledger podcast at Blubrry. You can also listen to it on iTunes and Spotify. Or, check us out on Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Radio Public and more. Also: if you enjoy this podcast, consider signing up to receive it in your email. Just point your web browser to securityledger.com/subscribe to get notified whenever a new podcast is posted. [MP3] Cyber attacks on small office and home office (or SOHO) routers aren’t new. Back in 2016, the malware known as Mirai made headlines across the world by infecting hundreds of thousands of weekly protected SOHO routers and DVR devices and stringing them into […] In this episode of the podcast (#240) Lauren Zabierek, the Executive Director for the Cyber Project at the Belfer Center at Harvard’s Kennedy School joins us to talk about the need for a re-think of national cybersecurity preparedness, as major hacks like the attack on Colonial Pipeline put the focus on resilience and public safety. Naomi Yusupov, a Chinese Intelligence Analyst at the threat intelligence firm CyberSixGill talks to host Paul Roberts about that company’s new report: The Bear and the Dragon: Analyzing the Russian and Chinese Cybercriminal Communities. In this week’s podcast, we speak with Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) about Congress’s sudden focus on cybersecurity – an about face that Rep. Himes says was encouraged by the devastating Colonial Pipeline hack. Andrew Sellers, the Chief Technology Officer at QOMPLX joins us to unpack the revelations this week about APT 40, the Chinese group that the US has accused of a string of attacks aimed at stealing sensitive trade secrets. Also: is Salesforce the next SolarWinds
Not all on-line lenders are created equal and a few charge outrageous rates of interest, especially if you have unfavorable credit score ratings. A personal mortgage lender with a solid popularity will have an excellent observe report of providing these sort of loans, and you can have confidence that you’ll get the best deal out of your loan lender. If you’re able to take out a brand new personal mortgage, you To qualify, you should have a checking account or credit union account and have the income to cowl the loan quantity. Instant, no credit score examine loans permit you to obtain funds in moments, with no due date in between. They require no paperwork and no bank account or credit card verification. How can I get mortgage from ATM? Once you full the transactions corresponding to cash withdrawal or checking balance, you can see a pre-approved personal mortgage offer on the ATM display. Many banking institutions, corresponding to ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, and State Bank of India, are providing a pre-approved personal loan of as much as Rs. Credit card money advances could be a good option if you’re seeking to borrow cash shortly and/or aren’t ready to use your normal credit card or line of credit. They’re similar to payday loans on-line in that you simply don’t need to take out a credit card so as to get them, you can arrange the method and receive the advance immediately with your online payday loan lender. With banks, you would possibly be required to get a written approval from the financial institution to get a money advance. While that isn’t the case with on-line payday lenders, you’ve options if you have no bank accounts to open. These can give you one other degree of comfort and safety using mobile phone providers to ship and obtain the funds on-line. When you apply for a payday mortgage on-line, you need a payday mortgage applicant ID, and a copy of your most up-to-date pay stub. Payday lenders get competitors from credit unions, banks, and main financial establishments, which fund the Center for Responsible Lending, a non-profit that fights in opposition to payday loans. In the early 1900s some lenders participated in wage purchases. Salary purchases are the place lenders buy a worker’s next wage for an amount less than the wage, days earlier than the wage is paid out. The suggestions do not seem a lot different from rates of interest on a traditional payday mortgage, reportedly sometimes soaring to $14 on a $100 loan. This kind of payday loan is a short-term advance that you will get when you are in pressing need of cash and can’t await a conventional private loan. Some salient features of a payday loan are that it is a paperless format, no faxing of documents needed, and the poor credit score can be accredited. What is an instant loan? An prompt loan is a short-term loan thatapos;s sometimes for a small amount of money and comes with high rates of interest and charges. Instant loans can be found in a couple of varieties: Payday loans. Also known as a money advance, a payday mortgage doesnapos;t require collateral and offers you cash on the identical day. Advance America offers an prompt approval determination, so you may discover out immediately whether you’re permitted for a Payday Loan. If permitted, you possibly can receive the funds the same day you apply or within 24 hours. Deregulation additionally brought on states to roll back usury caps, and lenders have been in a position to restructure their loans to avoid these caps after federal laws were modified. #1 Clearviewloans: Best Payday Loan Company Overall We believe everybody ought to be succesful of make financial choices with confidence. Learn extra about your rights as a consumer and how to spot and avoid scams. Find the sources you have to perceive how client safety law impacts your business. And, hey, our top picks are regulated, however a few of their lenders may not. Unlike average service providers on the market, BadCreditLoans desires you to have an easy time browsing their website. Needless to say, they have a user-friendly interface that you could browse hassle-free. How can I get a mortgage in 5 minutes? Specta is an online lending platform that offers you loans of as much as 5 Million in one transaction all inside 5 minutes! No collateral, no paperwork and no visit to any office. With Specta, you can deal with pressing personal and business needs anywhere, anytime. These guys perceive that life happens to individuals with good and poor credit alike. Since Cash Factory USA offers a variety of loan merchandise and amounts, you may have the ability to discover precisely what you’re on the lookout for without having to scour the web. We attempt to eliminate unnecessary hoops so that you just can jump through and ensure our lending process is straight forward. Payday loans may help you meet your short-term monetary needs, but you want to still carefully weigh the pros and cons before selecting this financing option. A Payday Loan, also referred to as a Cash Advance, is a short-term loan sometimes due on your next payday. Finally, consider selling old or unused possessions or pawning them at a pawnshop for cash with out hidden charges or high rates of interest. To qualify for a pawnshop mortgage, simply deliver a personal item to your native pawnshop to use as collateral. The pawnshop workers will assess the situation and resale worth of the merchandise. Depending on the state of your property, the pawnshop might give you a loan, although you’ll probably need to provide proof of possession earlier than the store approves the short-term swap. Depending on the lender, you might want to meet a minimum monthly earnings requirement as well. What is the easiest mortgage to get right now? - Emergency loans. - Payday loans. - Bad-credit or no-credit-check loans. - Local banks and credit unions. - Local charities and nonprofits. - Payment plans. - Paycheck advances. - Loan or hardship distribution out of your 401(k) plan. It can be have easy cost choices similar to instant on-line payments, direct deposit, direct bank switch, and cheque funds. They additionally supply free telephone consultations to reply any questions or assist with any questions you might have. Their versatile schedule of accessible loans makes it straightforward to find the best deal for you. Unlike a conventional mortgage from credit unions or bank branches, a lending service can typically course of online payday loans in lower than at some point. - In 2011, over a third of financial institution clients took out more than 20 payday loans. - Yes, when you are looking for a legal payday lender, you’ll come throughout several websites such as CashNetUSA and Massat Loan that offer legit services. - Rest assured that our high picks are high on-line payday mortgage companies with a confirmed track report. The imposition of a worth ceiling above this equilibrium served as a target where rivals could agree to boost their prices. This weakened competition and brought on the event of cartel habits. Some nations supply fundamental banking providers via their postal methods. The United States Post Office Department provided such a service prior to now. Called the United States Postal Savings System it was discontinued in 1967. In January 2014 the Office of the Inspector General of the United States Postal Service issued a white paper suggesting that the USPS could supply banking providers, to include small greenback loans for underneath 30% APR. To prevent usury , some jurisdictions restrict the annual proportion rate that any lender, including payday lenders, can cost. Some jurisdictions outlaw payday lending completely, and some have only a few restrictions on payday lenders. In the United States, the rates of those loans were formerly restricted in most states by the Uniform Small Loan Laws , with 360%–400% APR usually the norm. Borrowers ought payday loan lawrence ks to think about other, more reasonably priced kinds of personal loans before taking out on-line payday loans. However, if you finish up in monetary misery with no other options, a payday mortgage might help you recover — as long as you pay it off on time.
The rain showers of the Pacific Northwest bring a spectacular spring flower display ~ If you were asked to describe where you would find the best spring flower display, does Seattle come to mind first? It is doubtful. The Pacific Northwest owns the quintessential bad weather rap for constantly raining with never ending gloomy skies. However, that is just a ruse, because I lived there last spring and it was spectacular. Did it rain? Yes of course. Were the skies often different shades of grey? Yes of course. But because of all that rain, mixed with sunny days, the spring flower display in Seattle is spectacular! I shared my colorful flower stories last year at this time, but right now the Cherry Blooms at the University of Washington and the Tulip Fields of the Skagit Valley (just an hour north of Seattle )are in the news and I thought I should resurrect these photos for one more look. Have you been to the Seattle area this time of year? It is not too late to buy a ticket and go! Flowers and flowering trees are my passion and even on a grey day, these cherry blossoms put on a show. I visited the magnificent cherry blossoms at UW in the absolute peak of the season. The day was dreary and misting with an annoying rain shower, but I knew that if I didn’t get over there quickly, the blossoms would start to drop to the ground. Tourists as well as locals swarm the campus each year to catch a glimpse of this spectacle. A visit to the tulip fields in Washington ~ The tulip fields of the Skagit Valley are also a very popular tourist destination for Seattle visitors. The colorful rainbow of tulips is a sight unlike anything I have never seen. I am sure that the dramatic gardens of Amsterdam do rival this beauty, but we don’t need to travel to Europe to see this type of floral celebration. Click here for all the details of the tulip fields. The Empty Nest offers more time to enjoy the little things ~ As empty nesters, we now have a chance to literally stop and smell the roses. We can make plans to visit a local garden or plan a trip to a region that offers unique spring blooms. Here in Pasadena we have some beautiful places to choose from like the botanical collections of Descanso Gardens, The Huntington Library and the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanical Garden. Craig and I are off to Washington D.C. this week to see the cherry blossoms at their peak! I am so excited! Now that we have the time to focus on our wish lists, why not enjoy spring like you never have before? We all remember how crazy-busy our lives were at this time of year when our kids were in school. I would have laughed while reading this! Who had time to visit flower fields? Now, new chapters can be written and memorable photos taken of the beauty we may have missed when we were raising our families. Happy Spring Friends! Where do you like to visit in the Spring? Got a question? Need some help or travel suggestions? Check out the contact link at the top of the page. Use the subscription box to sign-up and get post updates by email.
Online data hk are an alternative to traditional lottery games. They offer more opportunities and convenience to players. They are also more reliable and safer. Most online lotteries are operated by private businesses. These organizations are middlemen between the player and the game. The website of the online lottery will host the lottery game, while the lottery provider will draw the winning numbers and determine the winners. These types of online games can be played on mobile devices. The best sites will allow the user to make a secure purchase of tickets, choose a safe selection of numbers, and compare the current jackpots. These websites will also notify winners via email or SMS. While most of the lottery ticket sales take place within a state’s borders, the legalization of online gaming has not been expanded to all states. Some jurisdictions, like Michigan, have set the standard for success by offering electronic scratch-offs and jackpot games online. However, despite these advantages, the online lottery market remains highly fragmented. It is also highly competitive. Some of the key players are investing in user-friendly online games and expanding their portfolios. These players are also focusing on geographical expansion. In the United States, six states have legalized the use of online lotteries. Most of them, including Illinois, have introduced daily lotteries. These lotteries offer four or five different selections. The ticket prizes range from $1 to $20. The jackpots in these lotteries are smaller than those in other lotteries, but they are still significant. Most online lottery sites accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. These are some of the most common payment methods, but some sites will charge additional fees. Several sites will require a password and user name. Similarly, there are some that are not fully mobile-friendly. These extra costs are a trade-off for convenience. These lottery sites are regulated by gambling commissions and have security measures to protect the privacy of users. In addition, they have SSL encryption to ensure that no personal information is shared. Many legitimate sites have a trust mark or logo. They do not bombard their websites with advertisements. The growth of online lottery games is supported by various technological developments. These include faster internet connections, increased internet penetration, and the increase in the number of people using smartphones. This creates a positive outlook for the lottery market. Moreover, the growing popularity of mobile applications and connected wearables is enhancing the gaming experience. While the overall trend is towards increasing participation in online lotteries, the market is not yet fully regulated. It is important to check the rules and regulations of any lottery site before registering. Some may have age restrictions, location restrictions, or other restrictions. In some cases, the winner will be required to claim their prize in person. In other cases, the winner will receive their winnings through the official government lotteries. Some lottery sites have a minimum deposit threshold. Typically, the ticket costs are between $1 and $10. If the amount is higher, the site will deposit the money directly to the account of the buyer. This process takes a few seconds. The winner can then collect the prize in person or through email or SMS.
Heal FBHI Watchmaker |Home||Links||watch repairs costs||sending||send form||info||repair enquiry||contact||Search| |Range of watches||Quartz , Mechanical and Mechanical automatic , Co-axial| |I have attended a number Omega repair courses at Omega service centres in past years and have all the tools, manuals and equipment recommended by Omega for servicing We are able to Service and repair this brand and fit battery and reseal where required and are able to obtain original parts from the UK importer including straps and bracelets. We only fit genuine parts including original glasses , crowns and movement parts. Straps and bracelets may not be available for older models. Click here for some useful technical information about Omega watch Omega Service charges We no longer serviced Service Automatic Seamaster Planet Ocean and omega co axial including pressure test at chealwatch ltd- please contact us for recommendation email@example.com Our main Omega material supplier, has been appointed official Omega spare parts stockist for the UK and can supply all Omega movement and casing parts and they offer an exchange system for the more expensive movements. If you require a replacement links/bracelets/clasps etc for Omega we require the number from inside the |History and company information|| The forerunner of Omega was founded at La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland in 1848 by 23-year-old Louis Brandt, who assembled key-wound precision pocket watches from parts supplied by local craftsmen. He sold his watches from Italy to Scandinavia by way of England, his chief market. After Louis Brandt's death in 1879, his two sons Louis-Paul and César, troubled by irregular deliveries of questionable quality, abandoned the unsatisfactory assembly workshop system in favour of in-house manufacturing and total production control. Due to the greater supply of manpower, communications and energy in Biel/Bienne, the enterprise moved into a small factory in January 1880, then bought the entire building in December. Two years later the company moved into a converted spinning-factory in the Gurzelen area of Biel/Bienne, where its headquarters are still situated today. Their first series-produced calibres, Labrador and Gurzelen, as well as the famous Omega calibre of 1894, would ensure the brand's marketing success. Louis-Paul and César Brandt both died in 1903, leaving one of Switzerland's largest watch companies — with 240,000 watches produced annually and employing 800 people — in the hands of four young people, the oldest of whom, Paul-Emile Brandt, was not yet 24. Brandt was the great architect and builder of Omega. His influence would be felt over the next half-century. The economic difficulties brought on by the First World War would lead him to work actively from 1925 toward the union of Omega and Tissot, then to their merger in 1930 into the group SSIH, Geneva. Under Brandt's leadership and Joseph Reiser's from 1955, the SSIH Group continued to grow and multiply, absorbing or creating some fifty companies, including Lemania, manufacturers of the most famous Omega chronograph movements. By the seventies, SSIH had become Switzerland's number one producer of finished watches and number three in the world.. Weakened by the severe monetary crisis and recession of 1975 to 1980, SSIH was bailed out by the banks in 1981. During this period, Seiko expressed interest in acquiring Omega, but nothing came out of the talks. Switzerland's other watch making giant Allgemeine Schweizerische Uhrenindustrie AG (ASUAG - supplier of a large range of Swiss movements and watch assemblers) was in economic difficulty. It was the principal manufacturer of Ébauche (unfinished movements) and owner, through their sub-holding company GWC (General Watch Co), of various other Swiss watch brands including Longines, Rado, Certina and Mido. After drastic financial restructuring, the R&D departments of ASUAG and SSIH merged production operations at the ETA complex in Granges. The two companies completely merged forming ASUAG-SSIH, a holding company, in 1983. Two years later this holding company was taken over by a group of private investors led by Nicolas Hayek. Renamed SMH, Société de Microélectronique et d'Horlogerie, this new group over the next decade proceded to become one of the top watch producers in the world. In 1998 it became the Swatch Group, which now manufactures Omega and other brands such as Blancpain, Swatch, and Breguet. Movements and the co-axial escapement In 1999, with the successful own development of Calibre 2500, Omega made history by introducing the first mass-produced watch incorporating the co-axial escapement — invented by English watchmaker George Daniels. Considered by many to be one of the more significant horological advances since the invention of the lever escapement, the co-axial escapement functions with virtually no lubrication, thereby eliminating one of the shortcomings of the traditional lever escapement. Through using radial friction instead of sliding friction at the impulse surfaces the co-axial escapement significantly reduces friction, theoretically resulting in longer service intervals and greater accuracy over time. On January 24, 2007 Omega unveiled its new Calibres 8500 and 8501, two co-axial (25,200 bph) movements created exclusively from inception by Omega. Omega watches in space exploration All subsequent manned NASA missions also used this handwound wristwatch. NASA started selecting the chronograph in the early 60s and automatic chronograph wristwatches were not available until 1969. However all the instrument panel clocks and time-keeping mechanisms in the spacecraft on those space missions were Bulova Accutrons with tuning fork movements, because at the time NASA did not know how well a mechanical movement would work in zero gravity. First watch on the moon The "Omega Speedmaster Professional Chronograph" was the first watch on the Moon, worn by "Buzz" Aldrin. This watch is now believed lost. Aldrin mentions in his book Return to Earth that when donating several items to the Smithsonian Institution, his Omega was one of the few things that was stolen from his personal effects. In 2007, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Omega Speedmaster Professional Chronograph, the Omega company unveiled the commemorative Speedmaster Professional Chronograph Moonwatch. The watch had the distinctive features of the first hand-winding Omega Speedmaster introduced in 1957. It was sold in an edition of 5,957. Omega is currently in a lawsuit against wholesaler Costco over grey market imports of Omega watches that challenges the legality of the first-sale doctrine with regards to international imports, Omega v. Costco. This lawsuit has been granted certiorari by the Supreme Court of the United States. Sponsorship, product placement, advertising, and sport Omega has been associated with James Bond movies since 1995. That year, Pierce Brosnan took over the role of James Bond and began wearing the Omega Seamaster Quartz Professional (model 2541.80.00) in the movie GoldenEye. In all later films, Brosnan wore an Omega Seamaster Professional Chronometer (model 2531.80.00). The producers wanted to update the image of the fictional "super-spy" to a more distinctly sophisticated "Euro" look. Another possible reason for the change from the Rolex Submariner that Bond had previously worn was a change in the business environment surrounding modern high-profile films and product placement. Omega was eager to participate in high profile co-promotions/product placement opportunities, especially the James Bond franchise, to further its brand image/awareness. It accomplished this by supplying products and finance (something that the conservative Rolex company avoids, presumably because it sees no benefit for itself). For the 40th anniversary of James Bond (2002) a commemorative edition of the watch was made available model 2537.80.00 (10,007 units). The watch is identical to the model 2531.80.00 except the blue watch dial had a 007 logo inscribed across it and also machined into the caseback. The band also had 007 inscribed on the clasp. Daniel Craig, the current James Bond of Casino Royale, and Quantum of Solace also wears the Omega Seamaster: the Seamaster Planet Ocean (model 2900.50.91) in the first part Casino Royale, and in the latter part (from travelling to Montenegro), and even goes so far as to mention Omega by name when questioned by Vesper Lynd. In connection with the launch of the film, Omega released an 007-special of the Professional 300M, featuring the 007-gun logo on the second hand and the rifle pattern on the watch face, this being a stylized representation of the gunbarrel sequence of Bond movies. Omega released a second James Bond limited edition watch in 2006. This was a Seamaster Planet Ocean model with a limited production of 5007 units. The model is similar to what Craig wears earlier on in the film; however, it has a small orange colored 007 logo on the second hand, an engraved caseback signifying the Bond connection, and an engraved 007 on the clasp. In the newest movie, Quantum of Solace, Craig wears the Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean with a black face and steel braclet (42 mm version). Another limited edition was released featuring the checkered "PPK grip" face with the Quantum of Solace logo over it. Click here for some useful technical information about Omega watch movement. The table allso shows the timing limits and power reserve for mechanical Omega watches
Axios-NewsWhip 2020 attention tracker: Greta's climate moment Thanks to Greta Thunberg, climate change stories generated 18 million interactions on social media over the last two weeks, the most for the issue this year by far, according to data from NewsWhip provided exclusively to Axios. Why it matters: Climate change has lagged in generating significant online interest, even as it's taken on a great urgency among Democrats and young voters. The latest findings suggest the messenger matters. - Climate change stories generated 5 million more interactions (comments, shares, likes on Facebook and Twitter) than the second-biggest two-week period of the year. - That's more than guns, immigration and the economy over this time. - If not for the Trump-Ukraine-impeachment story, climate change would have been the No. 1 issue. The big picture: Climate change suffers in the attention economy because of the complexity of the issue and the scientific jargon in the specifics of proposed solutions. - The day-to-day news lacks the visceral emotional intensity of immigration and guns. - For those not devastated by extreme weather events, it lacks the immediate relevance that economic and social issues like health care and inequality offer. - While headlines about Trump administration environmental policies and projections of widespread harm grab attention, interest tends to wane quickly. Between the lines: Greta Thunberg is a big reason for the uptick in climate interest. - Of the 50 biggest stories about climate change over the last two weeks, measured by interactions, 27 centered on the 16-year old Swedish activist. - Among the top 15 stories: her meetings with Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau as well her trolling by President Trump. By the numbers: The top articles from the last two weeks about climate change: - 2 striking photos taken just over a year apart show how Greta Thunberg's climate strike inspired millions (Business Insider) — 742k interactions - Personal attacks on Greta Thunberg prove that adults can't argue with her actual message (Mic) — 651k - Obama meets with teen climate activist Greta Thunberg: 'You and me, we're a team' (CNN) — 636k - Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg nominated for Nobel Prize (Australia's SBS News) — 452k - Note: The article was published in March. - Trump Will End California’s Authority to Set Stricter Auto Emissions Rules — New York Times —403k The bottom line: For an issue that will impact the younger generation most acutely, Thunberg's message has resonated more this year than the words of Al Gore, Jay Inslee or even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Our 2020 attention tracker is based on data from NewsWhip exclusively provided to Axios as part of a project that will regularly update throughout the 2020 campaign.
Straggler is a bikepacking-inspired road/gravel bike mostly at home on pavement but ready for trail duty when called. Born on Gravel. Raised on Pavement Straggler is tuned for cross-over exploration on a wide variety of terrain conditions. It's a day-tripper and a weekender. It's a "rough road" road bike, a cyclocross bike with no pretense about racing, a utilitarian townie, a light-duty touring bike and an all-weather commuter. It's a steel gravel bicycle that thrives on the road. Think of it as a "mountain biker's road bike." If you only have room for one bike in your life, Straggler can (and should) be your one and only. Straggler's capabilities go well beyond asphalt. It also lends itself well to light touring setups. We're talking frame bags, seat bags, and "credit card touring" rather than full-blown touring. Straggler also handles our 8- and 24-Pack Racks well, so you have some heavier-duty loading options. - Accommodations for racks and fenders - Forward-exiting horizontal dropouts for singlespeed compatibility and wheelbase adjustability - Clearance for 650B x 41mm tires with fenders! WARNING: Cycling can be dangerous. Bicycles and bicycle products should be assembled and serviced by a professional mechanic. Never modify your bicycle or accessories. Read and follow all product instructions and warnings including information on the manufacturer’s website. Inspect your bicycle before every use. Always wear a helmet. |Frame||100% Surly Chromoly tubing. E.D. Coated. TIG-welded. Double-butted main triangle.| |Fork||100% Surly Chromoly steel. Disc only, lugged and brazed. Sloping crown with threaded eyelets, tapered and butted curved blades with mid-blade rack eyelets, dual dropout eyelets.| |Headset||Cane Creek 40, 1-1/8"| Front: 100mm QR Rear: 135mm QR |Rims/Wheels||Alex Adventurer 2, tubeless ready| |Hubs||Novatec, 6 bolt Disc, 32H, QR| |Tires||Surly Knard 650B x 41mm, 33 tpi| |Crankset||SRAM FC Apex| |Bottom Bracket||SRAM GXP| |Rear Derailleur||SRAM Apex 1x11| |Cassette/Rear Cogs||SunRace CSMS7, 11–42t, 11-speed| |Shifters||SRAM Apex 1x11| |Brake Levers||SRAM Apex| |Brakes||SRAM Avid BB7 Road, 160mm rotors| |Saddle||WTB Volt 142| |Seat Post||Promax 27.2 x 350mm| * Subject to change without notice. |Gloss Black / 38cm||708752344334||BK6650| |Gloss Black / 42cm||708752344471||BK6651| |Gloss Black / 46cm||708752344617||BK6652| |Gloss Black / 50cm||708752344754||BK6653| |Gloss Black / 52cm||708752344891||BK6654||BICY1510| |Chlorine Dream / 38cm||708752340961||BK2129| |Chlorine Dream / 42cm||708752341104||BK2130||BICY1511| |Chlorine Dream / 46cm||708752341241||BK2131||BICY1512| |Chlorine Dream / 50cm||708752341388||BK2132| |Chlorine Dream / 52cm||708752341524||BK2133|
Tag Archive for: podcast https://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Jamie-Feature.jpg 683 1024 deviation http://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/WebsiteLogo-stripe-1-300x64.jpg deviation2020-02-05 20:30:002022-08-20 11:30:04James Carpenter: Following the Thread I was impressed with James Carpenter from the beginning. Not merely because of his body of work or that he brought great ideas to our project. Quality speaks for itself. It was because he was open and approachable. That he was free of the need to impress is what impressed me the most. At the time I was living in Qatar, working on a fancy urban redevelopment scheme with teams of accomplished architects, engineers, planners, and construction-related consultants of every stripe. Among this esteemed, designerly crowd Jamie’s approachability was a rare trait, which made it all the more notable. We only met briefly but this impression stuck with me. When we fortuitously crossed paths a few years later in a TriBeCa coffee shop I had no reservations about re-introducing myself. And when I pitched him on it, the fact that he agreed to take part in this new Deviation thing was testament to his openness. https://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/005_Bradley-Cantrell-Thumbnail.jpg 720 1280 deviation http://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/WebsiteLogo-stripe-1-300x64.jpg deviation2023-06-09 11:54:142023-06-09 11:57:27005 Bradley Cantrell – Machine Learning, AI, and our Responsive Ecological Future Addressing the synthesis of computation and ecology, Bradley Cantrell develops and designs devices and infrastructures that create complex interrelationships between maintenance, evolved processes, and environmental response. This approach specifically addresses the interface between old modes of representation and direct connections to ecological processes. In collaboration with co-author Justine Holzman, Cantrell published Responsive Landscapes by Routledge in the Fall of 2015 entitled. Responsive Landscapes highlights a range of case studies in architecture, landscape architecture, computer science, and art that employ responsive technologies as mediators of landscape processes. https://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/004_Bradford-McKee-Thumbnail.jpg 720 1280 deviation http://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/WebsiteLogo-stripe-1-300x64.jpg deviation2023-05-04 11:58:262023-06-09 12:15:00004 Bradford McKee Bradford McKee is a journalist and former Editor-in-Chief of Landscape Architecture Magazine. He previously worked at The New York Times, Washington City Paper, and Architecture Magazine, among others. His most recent article about the variety, beauty, utility, and amazingness of sedges is featured in this months issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine. We also talk oaks and insects and all kinds of good stuff. Refine your aesthetic, bro! https://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/003_Lloyd-Kahn-Thumbnail.jpg 720 1280 deviation http://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/WebsiteLogo-stripe-1-300x64.jpg deviation2023-04-26 16:38:152023-04-26 17:46:26003 Lloyd Kahn Lloyd Kahn is the founder of Shelter Publications, which he has run from his home in Bolinas, CA for nearly five decades. Shelter has published several widely selling books about fitness and DIY homebuilding, and Lloyd writes the Gimme Shelter newsletter and runs a blog showcasing his interests and photos people share from their DIY homes. With his wife Lesley, Lloyd built the home they live and work from. Lloyd's origins in publishing extend to his time in the Air Force in the 1950s, and as the Shelter Editor for The Whole Earth Catalog in the 1960s. An advocate for working with one's hands, Lloyd's pursuit of his interests and beliefs has coalesced into a well-rounded advocation, and life. https://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/002_Matthew-Gandy-Thumbnail.jpg 720 1280 deviation http://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/WebsiteLogo-stripe-1-300x64.jpg deviation2023-03-08 19:26:562023-04-26 16:41:30002 Matthew Gandy Matthew Gandy is a geographer, urban field ecologist, and award-winning documentary filmmaker. He is Professor of Geography and Fellow of King’s College at the University of Cambridge. https://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/001-CLB_Thumbnail.jpg 720 1280 deviation http://deviation.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/WebsiteLogo-stripe-1-300x64.jpg deviation2023-03-05 18:58:142023-03-05 19:01:45001 Casey Lance Brown From mapping potential woolly mammoth habitats for Colossal to researching economic speculation in ancient Rome, or ongoing efforts to mine asteroids in space, or discussing his artwork related to kudzu's historical uses and our cultural perceptions of the plant, this discussion with Casey Lance Brown covers a broad range of exciting terrain!
With the recent news about Charlie Sheen and other celebrities, you may have heard about the use of a court process called “guardianship”. Many people feel that this legal safety net should be utilized to protect celebrities from themselves. What is guardianship? With the use of a guardianship process, the court grants a “guardian” legal control over an individual and/or that individual’s money. In California where a lot of celebrities live, this process is a “conservatorship.” In Maryland and some other states, the same process is called a “guardianship.” A guardian helps an individual handle his or her affairs responsibly. This is sometimes referred to as an adult guardianship. In many cases, a guardianship is put into place for an individual who is elderly or incapacitated. Guardianship is also often discussed when looking for a way to control crazy or irresponsible behavior. Do celebrities need help? If you’ve read or seen the news recently, you’ve probably seen Charlie Sheen and his continuous crazy antics. The news has even reported that Sheen’s parents are considering seeking guardianship over him. Do you think Sheen needs a guardian? This could allow him to have someone who will be responsible for helping him to make responsible decisions and can also help him turn his life around. Brittney Spears is a famous celebrity who has turned her life around with the help of a guardian. After the star battled with her own crazy antics, her father Jamie Spears, became her guardian. Since he helped to regain control over her life, she has continued to be successful and avoid crazy celebrity drama. Many people also feel that Lindsay Lohan could benefit from a guardianship. This star has continued to have severe drug and alcohol problems. She has also continued to violate her probation and is even facing punishments for jewelry theft. If she continues to make poor decisions, there may be more talks of her need for a guardianship. - How Often Should I Meet with an Estate Planning Attorney? - January 18, 2018 - Tax Law Changes for 2018 - December 29, 2017 - Dedicated Gardeners & Creative Spaces in Annapolis, MD - May 30, 2017
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb 12:2 NKJV “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Luke 9:23b NKJV March was an incredibly busy month of ministry for us. A big portion of this past month was spent preparing our new campground in Big Bend and running our first trip out of it. It was such an incredible blessing to see months of hard work come together, and watch a place that had once been an undeveloped hill in the desert become a spring of life for 21 people. As I was setting up our new pavilion, at one point I lifted a large beam that was about 12 ft tall and had to carry it on my shoulders about 200 ft. I was struck by the weight and substance of the beam. A momentary glimpse of Christ walking the Via Dolorosa (The Way of Suffering) to Calvary came to my mind. I connected personally with his suffering in a way I never have before. Church tradition tells us that the path to Calvary was around 650 yards and the beam that Christ carried was between 80 and 110 pounds. It’s hard for me to imagine the difficulty of carrying something so weighty such a long distance, not to mention the fact that Jesus was horribly beaten beyond recognition by this point. The writer of Hebrews tells us that Jesus’ motivation for bearing this burden was the joy set before Him. It is difficult to reconcile such an image of brutality and death with the idea of joy, and yet our savior found delight in His obedience to the Father through bearing the burden of our sin and paying our debt once and for all on the cross. This Easter may you give honor and glory to the One who bore your shame. May you willingly die to yourself daily, take up your cross, and follow Him. May you recognize that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
So, Free Will is in prep for release right now, with the typos and other nit-picky details being worked over, layout being done, etc. It’s a big step forward in the Antithesis Progression, and there are a lot of you out there who have been waiting patiently for the series to continue. Some of you will get a sneak peak. You see, this is a big book. It ate up more pages, and more time, than I expected by an order of magnitude, and I’m eager to see it find a good home on the shelves and in the e-readers of all of you, including those of you who have drifted away in the meantime, intending to come back when the series continued. To let people know Antithesis is back, we’re going to need publicity. Publicity means you! Some of you out there enjoy blogging, posting opinion pieces and reviews, etc., and you are the ones I need. Starting today, the first hundred of you that email me with the subject line “Free Will Ebook” will receive a free, pre-copyedits ebook version of Free Will (and a corrected version once the proofs are done). In return for receiving this advance review copy, you promise to blog the book when you’ve finished reading it and, once the book is released to the general public in the next week or two, to post a copy or extract of your blog review in two of the following: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Goodreads, Kobo, Sony ebook store, Kobo, iBookstore. Those of you who feel enthusiastic enough about the book to post the review in all those places will be entered into a drawing. The four prizes in that drawing will be: Spread the word! Also, watch this space. There will be more announcements in the coming days about casting calls, a new Death Threats contest, and other goodies.
As food is necessary for everyone, it is an important expense in your regular budget. Some ways to minimize your food expenses may be to keep a list of necessary groceries and stick to the list when shopping. With the option of online grocery ordering that includes pick-up services, you may be able to avoid the temptation of spending on extras that were not part of your plan. In addition to food/grocery budgeting, gardening may be a way to reduce food costs. Are you planning a garden this year? With the rising cost of groceries, everyone’s food budget is taking quite a hit. Gardening may be able to supplement your daily diet while keeping your food expenses down. According to Langellotto (2014), research suggests that home gardening as a hobby (not counting the fair market value of the cost of labor) is profitable as the value of the produce typically exceeds the cost of materials and supplies. If you are new to gardening, University of Illinois Extension provides abundant resources on how to get started and maintain a successful garden. What fruits and vegetables will you plant if you decide to try gardening? The Farmer’s Almanac online (2022) suggests that beans, squash, kale, beets, peppers, and tomatoes may be money-saving crops as the store prices may be high relative to the ease/cost of growing. Just like with financial goals, plans, and budgeting, a cost-saving garden’s success depends on the personal values of the home gardener. While some fruits and vegetables may be much cheaper to grow versus buy at the store, you may want to focus on growing crops you regularly purchase and consume. Home gardening does have some start-up investment costs, such as the seeds, soil, and tools. There may be opportunities to minimize these costs, such as local seed swaps or participating in local community gardens. Some local community gardens are in Centralia, Mt. Vernon, and Salem, IL. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average U.S. family of four wastes about $1,500 in uneaten food every year. Keep this in mind when throwing out food because it does impact your budget. Some strategies to prevent household food waste are to plan out your meals, pay attention to portion sizes, and save leftovers that are prioritized when eating later. Focusing on eating leftovers and shopping in your pantry before making new meals are great tips, but sometimes having surplus food is inevitable, especially for avid gardeners. When you have more food than your household can consume, there may be ways to safely store and/or preserve food items for future use. The University of Illinois Extension has the most up-to-date information on properly storing and preserving food for future consumption. Food costs are rising, so pay attention to how you can save. Plan your grocery list to avoid excess spending, plan your meals to utilize ingredients on hand (shop your panty), eat leftovers first, and investigate home gardening if you are interested. Galhena, D.H., Freed, R. & Maredia, K.M. (2013) Home gardens: a promising approach to enhance household food security and wellbeing. Agriculture & Food Security. Langellotto, G. A. (2014). What Are the Economic Costs and Benefits of Home Vegetable Gardens? Journal of Extension. The five high-value garden crops to grow! (2022). Almanac.com. Meet the Author Jamie Mahlandt is a financial educator for Bond, Clinton, Jefferson, Marion, and Washington counties in Southern Illinois. She provides financial education to the local community with an emphasis on financial literacy and financial well-being.
Managing a business is not easy. You not only have to think about promoting your business but also ensure that your company is compliant with the latest tax laws. Here is where you can think of hiring CPAs to make the task easier for you. They will ensure that your business is well covered in all aspects of financing. Need for CPAs for Your Business If you live in and around Nashville, then you can rely on companies such as Blankenship CPA Group, which has over seven offices surrounding Nashville, TN. These have amongst the best CPA in Nashville, TN, who will cater to all your accounting and financial needs. If you have recently started a business, you might think that hiring CPAs would be a waste of time and money. On the contrary, this is where you can take their help and ensure that you save money on taxes. A good CPA will evaluate your business and offer proper financial planning for your business to grow, So, when can you hire the services of Nashville CPAs? For Tax Filing Purposes Filing taxes can be frustrating. You need to file all your income and investments into proper categories to avail the tax benefit. It can be confusing if you are not aware of the tax codes. Hiring CPAs can lessen your burden and help you file taxes without any hassle. Determine the Accounting Reports As a business, you need to keep your financial information organized. Now, this is possible with the help of accounting systems that can help you keep track of all your business expenses, incomes, and other transactions. A CPA would be good with all types of accounting systems and can help you manage them accurately. Business Diversification Expansion If you are planning to expand or diversify your business, then hiring CPAs can be useful. They would easily be able to forecast future tax planning and analyze if this would be a profitable venture in the future. Applying for Business Loans If you have applied for loans from banks, CPAs can help prepare the necessary legal documents to expedite your loan application process. Stick With Reputable Companies When it comes to hiring CPAs, it is always better to go in with credible companies. Some of the qualities of a good CPA include: - They are aware of the latest tax laws - They are passionate about their work - They have good listening and communication skills - They have strong ethical standards - They are reliable and trustworthy Hiring a CPA in Nashville, TN, can help your focus on other aspects of your business. You will have peace of mind that your finances are in capable hands.
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Hugo Ojeda – NVIDIA Magicians may be able pull rabbits out of hats, but Hugo Ojeda has a more impressive trick. For two decades, he’s been turning drawings into buildings. “I’ve always enjoyed the construction and facilities operations of high-tech companies,” says Ojeda, who started his career at IBM. “Each time I pass a building I helped create, I’m excited that I’m also building a legacy.” Since 2018, he’s been expanding that legacy as the senior director of design and construction at NVIDIA. The accelerated computing company hired him to oversee its project for a new campus building in Santa Clara, California. “It’s NVIDIA’s new crown jewel, and it’s been my labor of love for the last three and half years,” he said when speaking to Blueprint in April 2022. The building, Voyager, has a distinct triangular shape and spans 750,000 square feet—that’s 250,000 square feet larger than Endeavor, the building NVIDIA opened in 2018, around the time Ojeda joined. He says Voyager is being built as an engineering building, which plays to his strengths as he graduated from the University of New Mexico with a bachelor’s in electrical and electronics engineering. “I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished, including the architecture of open labs and spaces,” he says. The science of open spaces Voyager’s interior evokes mountains in the region—the open floors are meant to reference plateaus, and the rich brown palette and the plant wall next to the reception desk in the lobby emulate the outdoors, Ojeda says. “The lobby is meant to resemble a mountainous base camp, which gives it an open, airy feel,” he says. “This extends to the bird’s nest-like offices on the rooftops, where colleagues can work in the open air, meet with each other or simply take a break to enjoy a nice view.” Many spaces are multiuse and allow for spontaneous collaboration, an approach Ojeda took when designing the labs, also. Instead of being created for specific purposes, they’re more “bare bones,” with workbenches that aren’t dedicated to one team or business unit. Rather, these workbenches, which have outlets and chairs, are rented out on a team and project basis. Ojeda says having the flexibility to change directions based on a team’s requirements is key in NVIDIA’s fast-moving environment. “There’s no point in overbuilding or making a lab specific to a project or department, such as installing huge design smart boards for a graphics project, when a month later that lab may be needed to build faster gaming processor chips,” he says. “This also saves us from spending a lot of capital.” When zero is a win The building’s 40,000-square-foot labs were designed with a “net zero” energy approach, meaning each square foot is calibrated to use 25 kilowatts. This is not limiting, though, because if one square foot is using more, say 30 kilowatts, then another square foot reduces its usage to 20 kilowatts to compensate. Ojeda helped NVIDIA use sustainable and renewable energy sources and incorporate sustainable design. The walkway between the older Endeavor and the new Voyager is lined with trees and large, tree-shaped aerial structures that house solar panels. “We’re constantly thinking about and planning for the future, such as making room for new hires and the work they’ll do on new incoming projects, the latter of which we often find out about from the business group,” he says. Ojeda adds that Voyager is a great example of planning for the future. “Several departments at NVIDIA had predicted growth even before and then despite the pandemic,” he says. “We continued hiring through the pandemic.” Building a legacy Hired by IBM after graduation, Ojeda stayed there for nearly a decade, contributing to the creation of circuit chips, like computer possessors and memory chips, that are used in everything from laptops to cell phones. In the nearly five years afterwards, he joined an engineering firm and even tried working as a senior project manager for a construction management company. Yet, he missed designing and being more directly involved with the construction processes. So, in April 2015, he joined Brocade, a maker of computer networking products, as its director of global design, construction and operations, helping to build labs around the world. Three years later, he was offered a job at NVIDIA. He says he was excited to join a company focused on artificial intelligence work in everything from self-driving cars to computer gaming. “Most people in the industry are mechanical and civil engineers, but my current role gives me the chance to bring my electrical engineering side to Voyager at NVIDIA, which helps with everything from net zero balance energy use to figuring out how to make this amazingly unique building function smoothly,” Ojeda says. View this feature in the Blueprint Vol. IV 2022 Edition here. Showcase your feature on your website with a custom “As Featured in Blueprint” badge that links directly to your article! Copy and paste this script into your page coding (ideally right before the closing
Listen to this article here Chicago’s City Council voted overwhelmingly this past week to approve the city’s “most progressive budget in City Hall’s history,” according to Chicago Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot. Included in the budget is a one-year test of a concept that is widely known as universal basic income. Under the plan, the city will send $500 checks, no strings attached, to 5,000 needy families. Lightfoot has called it the largest such program in the nation. “This program is controversial for some. But for me, it just makes plain sense,” Lightfoot said to The Chicago Sun-Times. To be eligible, recipients must be adults and earn less than $35,000 a year. The city of Chicago will set aside $35 million to fund the program. The pilot is largely funded by the $2 billion Chicago received from Biden’s America Rescue Plan. City uses Covid relief funds to launch universal basic income project In contrast, Critics of the program have pointed to the city’s 2020 budget cut of $80 million to the police department as a misplacement of funds. The 2020 budget cut led to 400 fewer police officer positions in the city. However, in this new budget Chicago’s police budget increased to $1.9 billion – $200 million more than in 2021. At a graduation ceremony for police recruits last week, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot said that she doesn’t plan to make further cuts to the police budget and that Chicagoans actually wanted more cops. Addressing poverty through direct cash payments “People want you – every day. I travel this city from neighborhood to neighborhood, all across the city, north and south and east and west,” Chicago Mayor Lightfoot said. “Our residents are desperate for your help and your support. They want more police – not less police”. Moreover, a 2019 task force by the mayor’s office found that at least 500,000 individuals live below or at the poverty level, which is 18% of the city’s population. “Of course, we need to teach people how to fish. But, in this moment with so many people suffering in pain and worrying about financial ruin, this is what we must do to make sure that these families don’t slip into the abyss,” Lightfoot said on Wednesday. “I knew what it felt like to live check to check. When you’re in need, every bit of income helps”.
Attention Coffee Drinkers: There is a healthier alternative to our coffee addiction. Do you drink coffee every morning, and as soon as the effects wear off, you’re pouring yourself another cup? Coffee produces adrenaline and dopamine to improve your energy and mood. After the first hour, these effects begin to wear off, and you feel the drop in energy and dopamine as what’s known as a “crash.” This can create a roller-coaster of emotions throughout your day. Consuming too much caffeine can also result in restlessness, headaches, insomnia, and anxiety. Never heard of it? Yerba Mate is a South American shrub of the holly family. The leaves and twigs are ground down into a tea, that you then steep and enjoy. It’s got a mildly bitter flavor, and when sweetened with sugar, tastes excellent. Mate has been used in different countries since the early 1900s. So, what makes it a healthy alternative? Mate contains more antioxidants than green tea. The primary antioxidants found in mate are known to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Mate also contains B-vitamins that help keep us energized and C-vitamins that are useful to grow and develop different parts of our bodies. Zinc, manganese, potassium. It has 15 amino acids which have numerous benefits including burning fat, reducing fatigue, and increasing endurance. It contains nutrients that are known as anti-inflammatories and nutrients that can lower cholesterol. There are three xanthines, or stimulants, in yerba mate. Caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline, which is a vasoconstrictor which will widen the blood vessels as opposed to constricting them as caffeine does. This assists in improving blood pressure and circulation. It’s a wonderful alternative to coffee that promotes a relaxed sense of well-being. Just something to consider on the next crash you face!
BY ADELLE LaBRECQUE Staff Writer, UAS Whalesong Tue 12/1/2015, 12:40 a.m. I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but today marks the second suicide within one semester. I don’t even know what to do with all of this, right now … I’m writing you to let you know two things: 1. I want to apologize in advance if I leave class a few times to leave for the restroom. It is likely to happen, and I will do my best to not disrupt others while they are working. 2. Today in class I will be very withdrawn, and likely cannot handle being paired with “non-gentle” classmates, if possible… [I] hope that’s not too much trouble for what you have planned… I’m truly sorry for burdening you with such rough news… I seriously wish I was dreaming right now. The above quote was retrieved from an email I sent to a professor last year, after learning about the second loss of a loved one to suicide within the space of one semester. I’m not even sure if there was an email for the first time. I couldn’t find one. That first month everything was a complete blur, in all aspects of the word. I was a mess every day. I hardly slept. I sobbed into the chests of complete strangers inside bathroom stalls of loud bars, brushed my hair only when it became too terrible to be seen at work, and consumed enough alcohol within that first weekend to inspire thirty-five days of straight sobriety – not even a single drop, and I’m a bartender. Vaguely put: 2015 was one of the most heartbreaking years of my life, thus far, and looking back, I could not be more grateful for the support I received from loved ones within and outside of Alaska. If any readers were wondering, yes, in the Whalesong’s most recent issue, the poem titled “For You, I Will Wear Pink Camouflage” is directly related to those losses. Suicide is indeed a heavy subject of conversation, and for obvious reasons. For many, it can be highly uncomfortable to talk about, however, as a “suicide survivor” I can testify that it’s crucial we do. Certainly, I am not the only student at UAS who has experienced this kind of tragic loss, not to mention all faculty and staff. In fact, according to The Alaska Bureau of Vital Statistics, (2015), “Alaska has the highest rate of suicide per capita in the country … with 1,525 suicides between 2005 and 2014 – an average of 152.5 deaths by suicide per year.” Further research from this source states that, “In 2014, the rate of Alaska Native males that died by suicide was 50.9 suicides per 100,000, nearly four times the national average.” This information echoed statistics from earlier years (of the same source) stating that, “Alaska Native men between the ages of 15-24 have the highest rate of suicide among any demographic in the country, with an average of 141.6 suicides per 100,000 each year between 2000 and 2009.” Surely, this growing problem is not a secret within our state. In order to gain an even deeper perspective on this subject, I had the opportunity to interview a local suicide survivor who has asked to remain nameless. The following quote is a snapshot of the dialogue between us: Adelle LaBrecque: “As someone familiar to UAS, are you aware that each student is eligible for six free counseling session on-campus?” Speaker: “I was not, actually… I knew they gave away free Vitamin-D and lent out Happy Lamps, though… but that [counseling] is good.” Agreed. Yes, all students taking “for credit” courses are eligible for these sessions. If you feel you may be interested in a session for any reason, speak to someone at the Student Resource Center in the Lower Mourant Building. AB: “Would you say that you’re more aware of suicidal tendencies in others since this experience?” Speaker: “Well, there were definitely certain people that it really made me want to get a hold of. It was a reality check, in a lot of ways: this is something that people will actually do, not just think and (maybe) talk about… ” Recognize the signs: depression; talking in about “feeling hopeless and helpless;” becoming and remaining increasingly disconnected from others, especially loved ones; sharing suicidal thoughts with others; having lost a loved one to suicide; engaging in abusive substances; recklessness behavior; getting rid of personal belongings; etc. Recognizing and addressing these signs with the person at-risk for suicide and other loved ones goes much farther than you would think. Involve a councellor is possible. Speaker: “I guess, that even though I’ve experienced suicide, I’m still an outsider to suicide, if that makes sense. It’s not an inherent reaction for me. Suicide doesn’t make sense to me the way it makes sense to somebody who is actually contemplating it. It’s an extreme response… My concerns immediately lie with the people who were closest to that person–those who it’s going to impact the greatest.” Though, this article does cover some highly uncomfortable information, it is valuable conversation. Understand the seriousness of the subject, and educate yourself as to what resources are available to you at all times within the University, your workplace, your community, etc. Take note of your own feelings. Be honest with yourself: How are you doing? Are you doing great? Have you been better? Would you like to feel better? Every reader walking down these hallways has experienced some form of depression in their life, however felt. It can become easier to hide in our homes, when we don’t feel like seeing “the World.” Eating junk food and skipping classes when we don’t finish our homework on-time are definitely activities this writer has taken part in. However, we need to keep showing up. We need to see those people in our classes and in the hallways, drink that cup of coffee, and keep going. Whether we realize it or not, those people are largely a support system for us. As exhausting as life can be sometimes, we are never really alone and should never see ourselves living that way. Life can truly be a genuine exchange of positive choices, if we make them. In the words of Louise L. Hay, in regard to lifting ourselves above darkness, “It is only a thought, and a thought can be changed.”
In the first of a video series on the climate crisis, the Cable looks at why the city needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero, and how it can be done. The findings are based on analysis by the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Eunomia, two environmental consultancies based in the city, for Bristol City Council. What’s clear is that the scale of the challenge is enormous, demanding city-wide collaboration and 1.6 times the rate of reduction in recent years, as a report by Bristol One City Climate Strategy found. Whether we’re on track is up for debate. In this detailed analysis for the Cable of how the city is doing since it pledged to reach net zero in November 2018, science writer Jon Turney weighs up the city council’s climate achievements with its shortcomings. Meanwhile, some communities in Bristol are taking matters into their own hands, by setting up renewable community energy projects that not only avoid burning fossil fuels, but also generate income for local residents. Watch more original documentaries from the Bristol Cable here. Bristol’s flood defences are being pushed to their limit. What is the city’s long-term plan, and will it be enough? The council is searching for an extra £100 million to fund future flood defences to protect low-lying areas of the city. While residents call for greater action, the Cable looks across the North Sea to Rotterdam for inspiration. Urban growers are quietly laying the ground for a food revolution. Can it become a reality? Growing fruit and veg close to home is better for our health – and could help keep us fed when climate change disrupts supply chains. Could doing more of it provide a secure, affordable, and sustainable way of meeting Bristol's needs? Campaigners ‘marry’ River Avon as battle against water sewage pollution continues Since the mayor’s decision in November not to grant special status to a popular swimming spot, sewage has been discharged into the Avon for the equivalent of 35 days. This week in Bristol: Demonstrators say council is “refusing to correct” conservation mistake After accidentally giving a landowner permission to cut down an ancient Bristol hedgerow with protected status as a biodiversity haven, the council say there’s nothing they can do. Why Bristol needs to build a sustainable food system – before disaster strikes Bristol is recognised as a leading city in sustainable food. But with international food systems creaking and the impact of climate change on the horizon, even more needs to be done. Revealed: Data tool shows extent of sewage spills at popular Bristol swimming spot – and it’s grim As campaigners work tirelessly to document sewage spills by Wessex Water into the Avon, top bosses at the water company have earned big bonuses for meeting environmental targets.
Comfy to wear and impressively quick-drying, this merino-mix t-shirt proves ideal for wash-and-go life on the road Purchasing a product using one of our affiliate links earns us a commission and supports this site at no additional cost to you. See our disclosures here. Tough travel demands a good t-shirt, and while we love Icebreaker’s 100% merino t-shirts, they don’t last all that long. They’re also a bit on the slim-fit side, but both issues are addressed by the Merinolux from Royal Robbins. Royal Robbins Merinolux Tee: Lightweight & luxe Weighing in at a mere 199g, the Meinolux in pewter (grey) (but also sold in orange, blue, and navy) isn’t all merino. Instead, it’s 68% polyester and only 32% merino. However, that works in its favor when it comes to durability. We also liked the fact that the Merinolux is a bigger fit than most merino t-shirts; it’s not baggy, but nor does it figure-hug. Royal Robbins Merinolux Tee: Quick-drying We found the Merinolux to have plenty of merino-like qualities; work for four days in a row while in Malaga in Spain, the t-shirt didn’t smell too bad, and after a quick hand-wash and rinse it was ready to hang out in the Sun. Within two hours it was bone dry, but we can’t imagine it taking more than overnight to dry in a hotel room. Royal Robbins Merinolux Tee: Design flourishes We also appreciated the elastic tag on the top to hang it up, something that most so-called travel t-shirts lack. That small design flourish helps protect the neckline. Our only concern is that the label insists that the Merinolux must be washed only in cold water; a travel-grade t-shirt should really be ready for anything, and not insist on special care. So we put it on a warm wash, and it came out fine – enabling us to give the Merinolux the thumbs-up. The ideal t-shirt for wash-and-go travel? It’s definitely a front-runner. Price as reviewed: £50
My Med Future The official app & game Distributed by ApkOnline iPhone app My Med Future download it using ApkOnline. The My Med Future app contains a number of useful tools, resources, and information for anyone hoping to become a healthcare professional, as well as parents, academic advisors, and college and university faculty members. The Explore section of the app provides a general overview of several health professions, including average salaries, educational requirements, and more. This is a great place to start for those who are newly beginning to consider a career in the health professions. The Track Progress and Research sections are designed for all users, including those who are currently pursuing a pre-health path at a college, university, or part of a formal post-bacc program, as well as those who may have already graduated and are looking to change careers. Track Progress provides users with information and access to resources that will help to better understand prerequisite course requirements, GPAs, and entrance exams, experiences, and even gauge applicant competitiveness. This information is incredibly useful as users work toward meeting requirements and self-assess their competitiveness for professional school.`The Research section helps to streamline the process of researching programs, including prerequisite and extracurricular requirements, at institutions across the United States. Users search by profession, select a region of the country, then a state, then they are provided with the institutions in each state that have these programs. Each program links to the area of the institutions website that contains admissions information. Additionally, a link at the top of each states view titled, View Program Quick Stats!, provides information about the institutions location, size of each class, and more. Lastly, a Notes button has been added to each state view allowing users to take notes on information they find while researching programs. ` + The Resources section contains incredibly useful tools, such as a competitiveness questionnaire and note-taking tool to document various experiences, as well easy access to additional resources, such as our undergraduate guide, tips to prepare for admissions interviews, overview of composing a personal statement, and much more! Initially, the app will focus on 7 popular health professions: allopathic and osteopathic medicine (M.D./D.O.), dentistry, optometry, physician assistant, physical therapy, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine, with the possibility of additional professions being added at a later date. Finally, the My Med Future app is intended to supplement, not replace, the valuable advice and insights users might receive when working in-person with pre-health advisors, general advisors, and professional mentors. Users are strongly encouraged to seek out these individuals, if available at their institutions, to help them further understand and determine how to best utilize information they access through the app., Get it from Apple Store Download My Med Future from ApkOnline.net Developer: Robert Larocco
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], April 16: In this world where music is the heart and soul of the glamour industry, the Sultan brothers have produced and presented their new soulful releases aiming to provide top-notch content and keeping the audience entertained. Ali Abbas and Ali Akbar Sultan, the duo producers, have been focused on making exceptional content in the category of films, ott and music. With their recently released single they have created music that has been widely loved and appreciated by the film and music fraternity and their fans alike! It was a beautiful rendition by their new singer Imran Abidi. Imran Abidi is in-house talent signed by the duo producers in their artist management company “Think Big Entertainment”. The lyrics and music are equally soothing in this heartfelt track. The Sultans say, “The expectations from the fans are always high and we too are very demanding of ourselves. We are passionate about our work and have always tried to raise the bar of excellence with our every release. One of the most exciting aspects of this music single is that Imran represents the pain in such a beautiful way in this piece of art! This brought us joy when we were recording this song!” The duo producers have launched another single of their music, “Khoon Ke Nishaan”. The magic of this song captures you and keeps you mesmerised. The composition along with the lyrics and Waqar Khan’s soothing voice takes you to another dimension. On the whole, this latest single release is a new level of perfection. Ali Akbar quotes, “Music is the strongest form of magic. Music plays a very important role in our emotional, intellectual, and even physical lives and we at Sultan Productions are working on more soulful music for the years to come.” Ali Abbas quotes, “To always raise the bar with good quality contents for our audience is our aim at Sultan Productions.” Music Video Link – https://youtube.com/channel/UCoDqB4qrrSOJ0TOrlsZMmWQ
With severe weather season in full swing in Texas, your roof may have been damaged from wind and hail. Unfortunately, the damage to your roof might not be obvious when it first happens. We frequently hear from homeowners who have noticed roof damage long after the storms have passed. By inspecting your roof after a storm, you may notice minor problems before they become more significant problems. Your roof is your home’s first line of defense. Untreated roof damage can lead to damage in other parts of your home as well as costing you more in repairs. You can avoid this by checking your roof occasionally, particularly after storms, for signs of damage. Signs of Roof Damage Cracked or damaged shingles Cracked shingles are a classic sign of roof damage. The granules on your shingles protect them from the elements. When they wear off, your shingles get exposed to harsh sun and weather damage, which can lead to cracking. If you notice dark streaks on your roof, it’s likely algae or moss. This can occur near small leaks. Parts of shingles in your yard. Wind damage may cause parts of your roof to blow into your yard. If you find one or more shingles in your yard, you should definitely have your roof inspected. Shingles that are out of place Even if they haven’t blown off your roof yet, shingles that have been dislodged, or are out of place, are a sign of roof damage. You may need a closer inspection of your roof to see these since they may not be noticeable from your yard. You can use a ladder or a pair of binoculars if needed. Water spots or sagging on your ceiling Signs of water damage on your ceiling could indicate you have damage to your roof. If you see this, check your attic, since water leaks often show up there first. Granules washing off of your shingles It’s normal for some granules to fall off your shingles, but if you start to notice a lot of granules washing out in your gutters and downspouts, it can be a sign of roof damage. Check your roof for signs of pitting where the granules have come off. This is particularly common with hail damage. When to File a Claim It’s always best to have your roof inspected when you first notice any signs of damage so you can file a claim as soon as possible. Reputable roofing contractors will offer a free inspection. Finding and fixing roof damage early is the key to preventing more damage to the rest of your house. It’s also easier to prove the damage was caused by a storm if you file a claim soon after the damage occurs. However, it’s not always possible to file a claim right away. Maybe the damage wasn’t visible, or you didn’t notice it until you developed a leak. Whatever the reason, most insurance companies allow you to file a claim up to a year after the damage occurred. Check with your homeowner’s insurance company for the details of your policy. If you suspect you may have hail or wind damage, contact CanTex Roofing & Construction. We serve a large portion of Western and Central Texas, with locations in Lubbock/Idalou, Amarillo, and New Braunfels.
Georgia opens probe into drop box ballots, chain of custody in large Democrat county Probe comes after newspaper report of improper chain of custody documentation, DeKalb County election chief taking leave. The Georgia Secretary of State's office has opened an investigation into the handling of drop box ballots last November in one of the state's Democratic strongholds following a media report that there were problems with chain of custody documentation in DeKalb County. The probe, confirmed in a statement to Just the News, comes at a tumultuous time for DeKalb County, whose elections director was placed on an extended leave of absence two weeks ago. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office said the probe is ongoing and the county is cooperating. "The Secretary of State's office has opened an investigation into the drop box chain of custody documentation for Dekalb County," Raffensperger's office told Just the News. "The investigation includes not only whether Dekalb County properly complied with the documentation required by the State Election Board but also whether the actual procedures used by Dekalb adequately protected chain of custody for ballots returned to drop boxes." A spokesman for DeKalb County did not immediately return calls or respond to emails from Just the News last week or Monday seeking comment. The announcement of the probe comes less than a month after the Georgia Star news site reported that 43,907 of the 61,731 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes in the November 2020 presidential election in DeKalb County — 72% —were counted in official tallies certified by the county and the state though they had not met the chain of custody requirements set by the Georgia State Election Board on July 1, 2020. Raffensperger's office said it did not receive most counties' chain of custody forms for drop box ballots until January and February of this year, well after the election. Since that time, the office has found problems with a handful of counties, mostly small, rural and Republican strongholds. "As we announced earlier this year, Coffee, Grady, and Taylor counties all failed to complete any ballot transfer documents," the office told Just the News. "They were referred for investigation. In Stephens County, the elections director emptied an absentee ballot drop box on her own instead of with the two people that the State Election Board rule required. Stephen County was referred to the Attorney General's office by the State Election Board." DeKalb County is the largest county in the state to face questions so far about the chain of custody documents governing drop boxes. Situated just outside the Atlanta metro area, it is one of the largest and most reliable Democrat strongholds in the state outside of Fulton County, which is home to Atlanta. Heavily minority, 83% of DeKalb residents voted for Joe Biden over Donald Trump. The county, however, has faced some internal struggles over election management, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Earlier this month, the county's elections director Erica Hamilton was placed on an extended leave of absence, though no explanation was given for the move, the newspaper reported. Last year, a consultant raised concerns about DeKalb's elections strategy and preparedness, suggesting a new management structure after concluding that Hamilton "was significantly involved in many day-to-day tasks," which it called noble. However, the consultant wrote, "there are simply too many moving parts to ask [Hamilton] to be the sole operations taskmaster for the organization while also managing policy and executive functions." Raffensperger's office said despite the new investigation and earlier revelations by Just the News of significant mismanagement and irregularities in Fulton County, he remains confident in the validity of the November 2020 election results in which Biden narrowly defeated Trump, a verdict that the former president has refused to accept. "We have heard about 'smoking gun' after 'smoking gun' from President Trump and others since Nov. 3 allegedly demonstrating fraud but there's been nothing yet that would put in doubt the results of the 2020 presidential election," Raffensperger's office said. "A monitor appointed by the Secretary of State's office monitored the work by Fulton County during the November 2020 election, for example, and found sloppiness but no fraud. Election workers aren't perfect and do make mistakes but that is a far cry from evidence of fraudulent ballots. Under both state and federal laws, a procedural error by an election worker would not invalidate an otherwise legitimate and proper ballot." The State Elections Board recently took the first step toward taking control of Fulton County's voter counting operation in time for the 2022 election, a new power the board was granted earlier this year under election integrity reforms passed by the state Legislature. Raffensperger has long been critical of Fulton County's election operations, including on election night last November. A state monitor sent to observe the vote counting operations in Atlanta later wrote a report identifying 29 pages of problems ranging from double scanning of ballots to potential violations of ballot privacy, Just the News previously has reported.
Diligent hardware engineering is fundamental Customer-specific hardware engineering is the basis for drafting automation and robot technology, e.g. in body construction. To ensure comprehensive plant automation at the highest quality standards, planning and development of electronic plant and machinery components is a central phase within the SMRE process chain. In close coordination with our customers, we create realistic design plans, including all necessary order information. For this purpose, the company employs cutting edge CAE technologies (Computer Aided Engineering) provided by EPLAN and other system providers. CAE technologies support the full digitisation and automation of frequent work steps. The more precise the hardware engineering, the better the automation solution For the realisation of extremely efficient and economic electrical designs, we base our work on clearly worded control specifications and employ the functionality of the most advanced technologies. In particular, integration and configuration of industry robots, as well as conceptual realisation of electrical current flow diagrams, circuits, installation plans or bills of materials are important success factors within this process step. Hardware engineering is responsible for the plant supplier’s specifications for the implementation plan, as well as the design and construction requirements and requirements specifications of our customer. The decision, which specific industry robot model, supplier and material are to be used is always the customer’s responsibility. We extended our robotic engineering expertise across various manufacturers in numerous robotics projects. Among others, we put industry robots from KUKA, FANUC and ABB into operation for our customers. Our above average willingness to provide superior performance already starts with our hardware engineering In each and every process phase, we place great emphasis on a constructive coordination with our customers. Because only if the requirements on the targeted automation technique, its realizability and intended efficiency and profitability are clearly defined, can additional optimisation measures be implemented in a productive and profitable manner. Within the scope of hardware design, we are always facing the challenge to achieve even with the smallest input the best possible output result and to exceed customer expectations.
sion: Sensation and Perception 27 27 unread replies. 27 27 replies. Cultural Influences on Perception TOPIC: Respond to the following prompt: Sensation refers to an actual event; perception refers to how we interpret the event. What are some cultural differences that might affect responses to particular stimuli? Create a post using examples from the text as well as your own experiences. STEP 1 (due Wednesday 11/18): First, write a response with at least EIGHT substantial sentences, integrating concepts you learned from the textbook reading and other materials (include links when necessary). Providing empirical support for your comments would be helpful. Show that you can think critically on the topic by integrating your own thoughts, analysis, or experiences. STEP 2 (due Sunday 11/22): Return to the discussion to comment on at least ONE classmate’s post (in at least FIVE sentences). Expand on a classmate’s comments in a value-adding, topic-related way. Promote a collaborative, supportive community, and advance the dialogue through follow-up questions. Reply posts cannot be one-liners, off-topic posts, vague statements, unsupported opinions, inadequate explanations or simply say, “I agree” or “good job.” Make sure you have two posts total (Your initial counts as one). Why Work with Us Top Quality and Well-Researched Papers We always make sure that writers follow all your instructions precisely. You can choose your academic level: high school, college/university or professional, and we will assign a writer who has a respective degree. Professional and Experienced Academic Writers We have a team of professional writers with experience in academic and business writing. Many are native speakers and able to perform any task for which you need help. Free Unlimited Revisions If you think we missed something, send your order for a free revision. You have 10 days to submit the order for review after you have received the final document. You can do this yourself after logging into your personal account or by contacting our support. Prompt Delivery and 100% Money-Back-Guarantee All papers are always delivered on time. In case we need more time to master your paper, we may contact you regarding the deadline extension. In case you cannot provide us with more time, a 100% refund is guaranteed. Original & Confidential We use several writing tools checks to ensure that all documents you receive are free from plagiarism. Our editors carefully review all quotations in the text. We also promise maximum confidentiality in all of our services. 24/7 Customer Support Our support agents are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and committed to providing you with the best customer experience. Get in touch whenever you need any assistance. Try it now! How it works? Follow these simple steps to get your paper done Place your order Fill in the order form and provide all details of your assignment. Proceed with the payment Choose the payment system that suits you most. Receive the final file Once your paper is ready, we will email it to you. No need to work on your paper at night. Sleep tight, we will cover your back. We offer all kinds of writing services. No matter what kind of academic paper you need and how urgent you need it, you are welcome to choose your academic level and the type of your paper at an affordable price. We take care of all your paper needs and give a 24/7 customer care support system. Admission Essays & Business Writing Help An admission essay is an essay or other written statement by a candidate, often a potential student enrolling in a college, university, or graduate school. You can be rest assurred that through our service we will write the best admission essay for you. Our academic writers and editors make the necessary changes to your paper so that it is polished. We also format your document by correctly quoting the sources and creating reference lists in the formats APA, Harvard, MLA, Chicago / Turabian. If you think your paper could be improved, you can request a review. In this case, your paper will be checked by the writer or assigned to an editor. You can use this option as many times as you see fit. This is free because we want you to be completely satisfied with the service offered.
If you’re a senior or an individual with a disability, you’re likely looking for a Medicare plan to cover your healthcare needs. With so many plans to choose from, it’s important to ask the right questions to ensure you get the coverage you need. Here are five questions you should ask when looking for a Medicare plan. Question #1: What Are My Coverage Options? Before you start looking for a plan, you must know what type of coverage you’re looking for. Do you need a plan that covers doctor’s visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, or all of the above? Knowing what coverage you need will help you narrow down your options. Question #2: How Much Does the Plan Cost? It’s essential to consider the plan’s cost when choosing a Medicare plan. Many plans have monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and copayments. Consider how much you can afford each month and what type of coverage you need. Question #3: Does the Plan Cover My Providers? Ensure the plan covers your providers, including your doctors, hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. If the plan doesn’t cover your providers, you’ll have to pay out-of-pocket for your care. However, for the most part, Original Medicare and Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans are accepted nationwide. Question #4: Is the Plan Easy to Use? Some Medicare plans are more user-friendly than others. Look for a plan that’s easy to use and understand so you can quickly get the care you need. Question #5: What Are the Benefits of the Plan? Beyond the basics of coverage, it’s important to consider the additional benefits a plan may offer. Many plans offer discounts on fitness classes, gym memberships, vision care, and more. It’s important to review all the benefits of a plan before you make a decision. You Have Questions. We Have Answers! Choosing the right Medicare plan can be daunting, but asking the right questions can help you narrow down the options and find a plan that meets your needs and budget. Researching and asking the right questions will help you make an informed decision and get the coverage you need. At The Benefit Link, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality care and support. Our team of dedicated professionals is available to assist you with any questions, concerns, or requests that you may have. To learn more, schedule a consultation or call (972) 236-3348.
DUE TO THE NEW CORONA-REGULATIONS THIS CONCERT IS CANCELED 19H30 // BIMHUIS // Amsterdam // 19€ // TICKETS EARLY SHOW: AN INTERGALACTIC NIGHT with - LIDY BLIJDORP - ADA RAVE - JOOST OOMEN - JOHN DIKEMAN - ERNST GLERUM Finally time again for a kaleidoscope of wonderful performances, art forms and impressions. This edition features Lidy Blijdorp (cello), Joost Oomen (poetry), Ada Rave and John Dikeman (both solo sax). Space is the Place is organizing another Intergalactic Night. Evenings that are notorious for their groundbreaking character, with performances in all kinds of genres and disciplines, from jazz, improv and classical to dance, theater, poetry and literature. The house pianist is Ernst Glerum, who’s known as the double bass player of the ICP Orchestra and the Benjamin Herman Trio. Featuring this edition: The young cellist Lidy Blijdorp, known for her enormous narrative power. At the Amsterdam Cello Biennale she was praised for her “staggering musicality”. In Paris, this super talent obtained her master with the highest distinction (1ière Prix avec félicitations, 2011). Recently Lidy performed her Artist Diploma recital at the prestigious Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth, where she studied with Gary Hoffman. And further: poet and writer Joost Oomen. A gifted performer who has performed at Crossing Border and Lowlands, among others. He also collaborated with the garage jazz band Kruidkoek. And: Ada Rave and John Dikeman. Two well known saxophonists from the Amsterdam improv underground. They both give a solo performance on tenor sax. ‘Play Lidy Blijdorp’s debut album and be perplexed.’ (de Volkskrant)
Even small leaks in air ducts can reduce energy efficiency significantly, and can cause airborne contaminants in the ductwork to circulate indoors. Dirty air ducts with lots of tears and leaks will need replacement to ensure your airflow and air quality go back to ideal conditions. As a local service provider, our air duct cleaning company offers Laguna Niguel area residences and businesses the best vacuuming and cleaning for air ducts, dryer vents, and general HVAC systems. We never compromise on the quality of our services and our teams constitute of highly experienced professionals. Take a step towards an energy efficient, quieter and greener home with our professional set of insulation services guaranteed to completely transform your living environment. Cleaning your HVAC unit and replacing old filters is vital for keeping your ventilation system in good working condition. Click here to learn what we can do to help you. Our Air Duct Cleaning Laguna Niguel is an air duct company that beats all other air duct companies. We have been in business for quite a while and we know what it takes to make our customers happy. In fact, this is why we are known as the best of all of the air duct companies that are in the area of Laguna Niguel. We not only do air duct services we also do services that are related to air ducts. We would like you for a customer so give us a call and tell us what we can do for you. It is just as important that your business have clean air. It does not matter what kind of business that you own from a store to an office building, you will have employees or customers coming in and out. These people need to be able to breathe clean air. This is why we at Laguna Niguel Air Duct Cleaning will come to your business and clean out all of the air ducts for you no matter how big or how small the business is. We can also do the following services for you: Then we have our dryer duct cleaning and vent cleaning services. These are services that can really help you out whether you have a home dryer or a commercial laundry. Dryer vents and dryer ducts can get clogged up fast with lint and debris. If this is left unattended then it could very easily start a fire. We can handle any laundry, no matter how big that it is. We can also just come out and take care of the ducts and vents in your home dryer if this is what you need. Our Air Duct Cleaning Laguna Niguel also handles these items: As we said above we have a residential air duct cleaning service. Our techs are well trained on taking care of all of the air ducts in your home. They will come in and clean out every tiny bit of debris and dirt from your ducts. They will then install electrostatic filters that will continue to filter out all debris so that the only air coming into your home will be clean air. Below is a list of more residential air duct cleaning that we will be able to do for you. Call our Laguna Niguel Air Duct Cleaning today. We have an air duct cleaning machine that can do the following services: Laguna Niguel is a city that is located in Orange County, California. There are a little over 62,000 people who call this city home. Three main attractions are the Aliso/Wood Canyons Regional Park, Badlands Park and the Laguna Niguel Regional Park. We at Laguna Niguel Air Duct Cleaning are proud to be the company that these people call. Our technicians specialize in air duct cleaning and replacement and offer full repair services. We have experience with all HVAC systems and the knowhow to repair and clean them. We clean and replace dryer vents. For clean and fresh air indoors, make sure the ductwork remains clean. Air Duct Cleaning Laguna Niguel helps residential and commercial properties maintain their ventilation systems routinely, but also offers quick air duct leak repairs and cleaning for unexpected problems. With our professional HVAC cleaning technicians’ assistance, you can improve indoor air quality inside any home or office space. We also offer thorough dryer vent cleaning from the outside or inside to eliminate fire hazards and drive efficiency higher. Need air ducts cleaned quickly and for cheap? Get in touch with our local team today! Leaky air ducts? We’ll repair them. Have any questions? We can help! Leave us your contact information below and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Please fill in your details below: Thank you for choosing our company! Feel free to browse our website for more information in the meantime. Our team at Air Duct Cleaning Laguna Niguel is at your service any time!
Apples to Apples: Dispensable Green Card: Dispensable 1. Not essential; unimportant: dispensable items of personal property. 2. Capable of being dispensed, administered, or distributed. 3. Subject to dispensation, as a vow or church law. You have a week? | Damn! I was going to say ed hardy scarves!| | ok here is my judgement. Sorry if it's late but here we are...| Ugg boots/ed hardy stuff-- This one is last because I don't like Uggs and I did not know what ed hardy stuff are (do appreciate links though). Mattress Tags-- Always keep mine on and always will. God-- God is non-existent, one cannot dispense something that doesn't exist. Condoms-- true that they are very dispensable... but I feel like ranking it higher might send the wrong message... Marriage certificate-- ooof in this day and age, don't get me started. Advice--yeah my grandma dispenses those as if they were: Pez-- very dispensable indeed. I liked it, but not as much as I like: Poop-- I like poop. Tuberculosis Vaccines-- I like this one for three reasons. One, it is true that vaccines are dispensed. Two, the TB vaccines especially, are kinda shady in their effectiveness so they are dispensable on that second level. And three, I will assume that whoever wrote this remembered that I did my undergrad honours on BCG vaccines and so this answer was taylor-made for me. I like that. But the winner is definitely pants. | Aww, man! It TOTALLY was tailor-made for you! I almost had it...| | If it's pants, the winner's got to be Quasar!| | Sorry Gil, You did almost have it. But then I thought about Pants more deeply. And I thought about how the world would be a better place for me if pants were more dispensable. So I just had to give it to pants. | So you guys think it's Dustin then? well, Dustin, is it you? | I think it's funny that we all independently assume that Dustin answered pants. I did too.| | what?!?! Then who did it!?!?! Or do you mean you are not wearing pants as you write that comment?| | Well, if no one's going to own up to pants, Dustin should start the next round anyway since we all assumed it was him.| | Really? You don't think it should go to the clear runner up? I mean, she liked it for THREE reasons! And the runner up has stepped forward proudly, not held up the process like a coward!| | Yeah I am going to agree with Gil. If Pants doesn't come forward in the next 24 hours, Gil should post. | | It was me. | Pants! Who needs pants? I certainly don't. | Pants seems like it could also be an Alex answer. I say we give the next round to Alex whether he likes it or not.| | You are right, Alex is a potential candidate. However, I already delegated to the runner-up. Gil, post away!... bah! I'll just tell him when I get home (he is visiting!!)| | Sorry, it'weren't me neither. Could just be some anonymous stranger...| Vorg — Tag Cloud Written by MaryamLatest PhotoQuote of Now:Computer GamesFriends of VorgPopular Posts
- Ki-67 (See other available formats) - Regulatory Status - Other Names - Antigen Ki-67 - Mouse IgG1, κ - Ave. Rating - Submit a Review - Product Citations Antigen Ki-67 is a nuclear protein expressed as two isoforms with molecular weights of 395 and 345 kD. Both isoforms contain one forkhead-associated domain and 16 concatenated "Ki-67 repeats," each containing the epitope recognized by the mAb Ki-67. The antigen Ki-67 interacts with Hklp2, hNIFK, and chromobox protein homolog 1, 3, and 5. Ki-67 is required for cell proliferation and its expression is restricted to the phases G1, S, G2, and M of the cell cycle. This characteristic makes Ki-67 an excellent marker for proliferating cells and is commonly used as one of the prognostic factors in cancer studies. Ki-67 has also been used to study myocyte proliferation after myocardial infarction as well as lymphocyte proliferation during infection, and has been used in neurons of patients with different neuropathologies.Product Details - Verified Reactivity - Reported Reactivity - Antibody Type - Host Species - Nuclei of the Hodgkin lymphoma cell line L428 - Phosphate-buffered solution, pH 7.2, containing 0.09% sodium azide and BSA (origin USA) - The antibody was purified by affinity chromatography and conjugated with APC under optimal conditions. - Lot-specific (to obtain lot-specific concentration and expiration, please enter the lot number in our Certificate of Analysis online tool.) - Storage & Handling - The antibody solution should be stored undiluted between 2°C and 8°C, and protected from prolonged exposure to light. Do not freeze. ICFC - Quality tested - Recommended Usage Each lot of this antibody is quality control tested by our Ki-67 staining protocol below. For flow cytometric staining, the suggested use of this reagent is 5 µl per million cells in 100 µl staining volume or 5 µl per 100 µl of whole blood. - Excitation Laser Red Laser (633 nm) - Application Notes Additional reported applications (for the relevant formats) include: immunohistochemical staining of frozen tissue sections1, Western blotting3, and immunofluorescence microscopy4. Ki-67 Staining Protocol: 1. Prepare 70% ethanol and chill at -20°C. 2. Prepare target cells of interest and wash 2X with PBS by centrifuge at 350xg for 5 minutes. 3. Discard supernatant and loosen the cell pellet by vortexing. 4. Add 3 ml cold 70% ethanol drop by drop to the cell pellet while vortexing. 5. Continue vortexing for 30 seconds and then incubate at -20°C for 1 hour. 6. Wash 3X with BioLegend Cell Staining Buffer and then resuspend the cells at the concentration of 0.5-10 x 106/ml. 7. Mix 100 µl cell suspension with proper fluorochrome-conjugated Ki-67 antibody and incubate at room temperature in the dark for 30 minutes. 8. Wash 2X with BioLegend Cell Staining Buffer and then resuspend in 0.5 ml cell staining buffer for flow cytometric analysis. (PubMed link indicates BioLegend citation) - Gerdes J, et al. 1983. Int. J. Cancer 31:13. (IHC) - Gerdes J, et al. 1984. J. Immunol. 133:1710. (ICFC) - Schluter C, et al. 1993 J. Cell Biol. 123:513. (IHC, WB) - Bading H, et al. 1989 Exp. Cell. Res. 185:50. (IF) - Guha P, et al. 2013. PNAS. 110:5052. PubMed - Product Citations AB_10959326 (BioLegend Cat. No. 350513) AB_10959327 (BioLegend Cat. No. 350514) - Two isoforms with molecular weights of 395 and 345 kD, one forkhead-associated domain, 16 concatenated Ki-67 repeats, located in nucleus Expressed in the phases G1, S, G2, and M of the cell cycle - Required for cell proliferation - Chromobox protein homolog 1, 3 and 5, Hklp2, and hNIFK - Biology Area - Cell Biology, Cell Cycle/DNA Replication, DNA Repair/Replication - Molecular Family - Nuclear Markers - Antigen References 1. Byeon IJ, et al. 2005. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 12:987. 2. Yerushalmi R, et al. 2010. Lancet. Oncol. 11:174. 3. Beltrami AP, et al. 2001. N. Engl. J. Med. 344:1750. 4. Sachsenberg N, et al. 1998. J. Exp. Med. 187:1295. 5. Nagy Z, et al. 1997. Acta. Neuropathol. 93:294. - Gene ID - 4288 View all products for this Gene ID - View information about Ki-67 on UniProt.org |Brilliant Violet 510™ anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC,ICC| |Purified anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC,CyTOF®,ICC,WB,IHC-F| |PE anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| |Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC,ICC| |Alexa Fluor® 488 anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC,ICC| |Alexa Fluor® 647 anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC,ICC| |Pacific Blue™ anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| |APC anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| |Brilliant Violet 711™ anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| |PerCP/Cyanine5.5 anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| |Brilliant Violet 605™ anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| |PE/Cyanine7 anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| |Purified anti-human Ki-67 (Maxpar® Ready)||Ki-67||ICFC,CyTOF®| |Alexa Fluor® 594 anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICC| |Alexa Fluor® 700 anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| |PE/Dazzle™ 594 anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| |Brilliant Violet 750™ anti-human Ki-67||Ki-67||ICFC| Customers Also Purchased Compare Data Across All Formats This data display is provided for general comparisons between formats. Your actual data may vary due to variations in samples, target cells, instruments and their settings, staining conditions, and other factors. If you need assistance with selecting the best format contact our expert technical support team. Brilliant Violet 510™ anti-human Ki-67 Purified anti-human Ki-67 PE anti-human Ki-67 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human Ki-67 Alexa Fluor® 488 anti-human Ki-67 Alexa Fluor® 647 anti-human Ki-67 Pacific Blue™ anti-human Ki-67 APC anti-human Ki-67 Brilliant Violet 711™ anti-human Ki-67 PerCP/Cyanine5.5 anti-human Ki-67 Brilliant Violet 605™ anti-human Ki-67 PE/Cyanine7 anti-human Ki-67 Purified anti-human Ki-67 (Maxpar® Ready) Alexa Fluor® 594 anti-human Ki-67 Alexa Fluor® 700 anti-human Ki-67 PE/Dazzle™ 594 anti-human Ki-67 Brilliant Violet 750™ anti-human Ki-67
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From business cards to complex process printing, the FedEx Office at 315 Chestnut St can do it all. Have your posters gone missing? Banners get banged up in transit? The FedEx Office location on site in St Louis can help you solve last-minute crisis or plan for your next event with quick turnaround on signs, banners, floor graphics and more. Shipping & receiving Shipments into and out of a hotel or convention center featuring a FedEx Office location are subject to receiving or handling fees in addition to the transportation charges incurred for shipping, regardless of the transportation carrier. Business center hours FedEx Office hours are subject to change due to event scheduling. Please contact the store for business center hours. Offers & other services FedEx Office Online Notary with Notarize℠ Easy passport renewals Not going to be home? FedEx Office® at Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch at 315 Chestnut St Track the status of your FedEx package - Thursday, September 7, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Tia was very nice and helped me out greatly! Very smooth shipping process - Tuesday, September 5, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Very pleasant experience, thoughtful service. Friendly environment and a willingness to help. - Tuesday, September 5, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Tia and kristy both helped me above and beyond of what i ever excepted. - Saturday, August 26, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Tia was great. Even though I was bummed that I stupidly had a package shipped to a hotel that happened to have a FedEx, meaning I had to pay a receiving fee. My mistake. - Thursday, August 24, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0There was a website issue and the team member was encouraging, kind, thorough and worked actively to resolve the problem. - Thursday, August 24, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Tia was very helpful in showing me how to access my documents and get them printed. She was friendly and kind, allowing me to use her stapler and have a couple of post-it notes. - Wednesday, August 16, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Tia was awesome! - Wednesday, August 16, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Tia was extremely helpful and knowledgeable about getting my items shipped. She provided outstanding customer service and is an exemplary employee. Very pleased with the support she provide to me during a recent conference at the Hyatt STL - Tuesday, August 15, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Tia was great! - Friday, August 11, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Kristy and Tia were very helpful and personable. - Wednesday, August 9, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Kristy was extremely helpful Showed us how to use copier and printer - Wednesday, August 9, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Mrs Kristin was very pleasant and we talk and made me feel glad that I can in - Wednesday, August 9, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Kristy was able to get us what we needed in a time crunch. - Monday, August 7, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0It was well conducted. Clerk was very friendly and helpful. - Thursday, July 20, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Kristy was amazing - We had a large event at the hotel where this location is, and needed to print things alllll week long. Every day Kristy was ready to help. Any random request I had, she was able to help me figure it out. At the end of the week we had a HUGE order and she sorted and helped get everything ready for us in no time flat. This week went off without any issues BECAUSE of Kristy. We could not have done it without her. - Wednesday, July 19, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Kristy and Tia are friendly. They assisted me with my printing document. even if its a self service they assisted me on how to do it and made sure i do it correctly - Monday, July 17, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Everyone was extremely accommodating and helpful - Wednesday, July 12, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Alex was extremely helpful in assisting me with my printing needs! He was able to answer all of my questions and made the process so much easier and less stressful! - Thursday, June 29, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0I needed their support to receive and ship my products, and they were incredibly helpful and courteous. - Tuesday, June 27, 20235 out of 5Rating 5.0Kristy is amazing! Notice: Shipments into and out of a hotel or convention center featuring a FedEx Office location are subject to receiving or handling fees in addition to the transportation charges incurred for shipping, regardless of the transportation carrier. Please contact your destination FedEx Office hotel or convention center for details.
ALAMEDA COUNTY SR22 INSURANCE GET QUOTE TODAY GET YOUR QUOTE FAST You depend on your car to get around Alameda County for work, errands, school, and fun. So, having your driver’s license suspended puts a severe kink in the way you live your life. This is a penalty you can suffer, unfortunately, if you've been found guilty of, among other things, not providing proof of insurance, driving under the influence (or DUI), or having too many traffic tickets. Under these circumstances in California, you need to file an SR22 certificate with the Department of Motor Vehicles if you want to get back your driver's license and resume your regular way of life. You need that certificate on file for at least three continuous years from the time that you were given your restricted driver's license for the first offense. Certain convictions may mandate longer periods for a DUI. Breathe Easy Insurance takes care of this filing for you. Not only do we have SR22 compliant policies, but we automatically file your certificate when you purchase one. Our experts can tailor a solution that fits your exact needs at affordable prices. Our goal is to make sure you get back on the road, so give us a call at 866.822.7755 for you free quote. Finding SR22 Insurance in Alameda, California Breathe Easy Insurance is an insurance broker. What that means to you is that because we work with over 40 different carriers, you can avoid the hassle of telling your story multiple times in order to get different quotes. Just pick up the phone and one of our agents will be happy to discuss the options you have. You'll be pleasantly surprised by our prices, which usually meet or beat our competitor's offerings. We know your time is valuable, so you can count on our fast quotes that are entirely free. Cost of SR22 Compliant Insurance in Alameda County An SR22 certificate itself only costs as much as an insurance agency’s fee to file. That said, the new minimum liability coverage and SR22 compliant policy can be very expensive. Typically, a compliant policy can be up to be three or five times what you currently pay. With your initial call to Breathe Easy Insurance, you can receive a quote that is lower in price. We'll help you with your insurance requirements and give you tips on protecting yourself from increased costs. Aside from mandated coverage, you'll receive peace of mind and security so that you can get back to living your everyday life. Filing your SR22 Certificate in Alameda, CA You may be worried that the process of filing your SR22 will be a lengthy process. We want to assure you that speed is one of the advantages of relying on Breathe Easy Insurance. Your initial quote will take just a few minutes. Because we use electronic techniques, filing the actual SR22 certificate can happen in just 15 minutes. It is very important that you not let your coverage to lapse at any time during the period when your SR22 is required. Insurance agencies are bound by law to report lapses to state, which can result in the revocation of your license. We offer SR22 Compliant Insurance for the below cities within Alameda County - San Leandro - Union City Resources for Alameda County California Alameda County sprawls across an area of 821 square miles in the East Bay Area with Oakland as the county seat. With a population of over 1.5 million, according to the 2010 census, it ranks as the 7th most populous county in California. To locate the DMV office nearest you, browse the California DMV website and enter your information in the Zip Code tool. As a full-service law enforcement agency, the Alameda County Sheriff's Office has been protecting life and property throughout the area since 1853. You can obtain any police reports related to you directly on their website.
BirdieSync - Registration By accessing “BirdieSync” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “BirdieSync”, “https://birdiesync.com/forum”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use “BirdieSync”. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of “BirdieSync” after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended. Our forums are powered by phpBB (hereinafter “they”, “them”, “their”, “phpBB software”, “www.phpbb.com”, “phpBB Limited”, “phpBB Teams”) which is a bulletin board solution released under the “GNU General Public License v2” (hereinafter “GPL”) and can be downloaded from www.phpbb.com. The phpBB software only facilitates internet based discussions; phpBB Limited is not responsible for what we allow and/or disallow as permissible content and/or conduct. For further information about phpBB, please see: https://www.phpbb.com/. You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “BirdieSync” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “BirdieSync” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither “BirdieSync” nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
I am writing an article for the Maryland State Numismatic Association about Maryland colonial currency. After writing the introduction, I thought it would be of interest to my readers. I made a slight modification to neatly end this as a single article. The rest will appear in a future MSNA Journal. Prior to the Great Depression, paper currency was backed with specie, gold or silver mined in the United States. During the founding of the country currency had been limited to coins with an intrinsic value based on their gold, silver or copper content. As the King of England tried to tax the colonies to pay for the wars in Europe, the colonies looked for ways of financing their own governments to provide services. Since the colonies did not have the ability to coin money, they issued paper notes. These notes functioned as currency but actually were bills of credit, short-term public loans to the government. For the first time, the money had no intrinsic value but was valued at the rate issued by the government of the colony in payment of debt. Every time the colonial government would need money, they would authorize the printing of a specified quantity and denomination of notes that it would use to pay creditors. The emission laws also included a tax that would used to repay the bill of credit and the promised interest. As taxes were paid using the paper currency, the paper was retired. As the notes were removed from circulation, that was less payments the government had to make. On the maturity date, people brought their notes to authorized agents who paid off the loan. Agents then turned the notes over to the colonial government to be reimbursed and collect a commission for acting as an agent. Sometimes, colonies could not pay back the loan. In those cases, the colonies passed another emission law to cover the debt owed from the previous emission plus further operating expenses. In this case, mature notes were traded for new notes. The colonists accepted this system since there were shortages of coins as well as there being an inability to convert the value of foreign coins into colonial shillings by farmers and other unskilled in such matters. Maryland was one of the more successful colonies. Maryland benefited from its ownership of the Chesapeake Bay and ran a robust economy as a trading post for Maryland and Virginia goods. Maryland merchants were able to make a sizable living trading tobacco and other crops to Europe for Virginia farmers. Starting in 1733, there were eight emissions from the Maryland colony with four during the Revolutionary War. The last emission was in 1780 with a successful payment of obligations in 1782, prior to its 1784 maturity date. In 1784, Maryland was able to pay its debts in specie, mostly Spanish Milled Dollars, and outlawed any future release of currency.
A total of 176 – 150 Navy and 26 Marine – enlisted radio operators were specially trained at a unique school located on the roof of the old Navy Department Building between 1928 – 1941. Known as the On-The-Roof Gang (OTRG), they were trained to intercept and analyze Japanese radio communications. This group of dedicated and skilled intercept operators formed the vanguard of U.S. Navy communications Intelligence efforts and laid the cornerstone of Naval Cryptology. The history and accomplishments of the On-the-Roof-Gang and its members are honored at two locations. Naval Security Station On 17 June 1983, a memorial was dedicated to the OTRG at the headquarters of the Naval Security Group Command*, 3801 Nebraska Avenue NW, Washington, DC. In a surprise ceremony at the post-Dedication party held at the Washington Navy Yard on 19 June 1983, Pearly Phillips was recognized as the prime mover in reconstructing and bringing the original “Roofers” together by award of the Naval Security Group Meritorious Service Award. Naval Technical Training Center Corry Station A memorial plaque honoring the On-the-Roof-Gang was placed at the Cryptologic Command Display aboard Naval Technical Training Center Corry Station in Pensacola, Florida on 20 November 1986. Captain David Gill, Commanding Officer, dedicated the plaque with members of the US NCVA and five surviving OTRG veterans: - Charles Quinn - Jesse Randle - Glen Evans - James Pearson - Albert Pelletier - There were 176 initial intercept operators. - The first class at school for enlisted Navy and Marine Corps radio intercept operators (the On-the-Roof-Gang) was convened on October 1, 1928. - The OTRG Association was dissolved in September 1992; administration of OTRG matters is now handled by the U.S. NCVA. *This memorial is now located on the quarterdeck of the Command Headquarters at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland.
We see it every day whether it’s a person talking on a cell phone without a hands-free headset while driving, or another who has taken his or her eye off the road to reach into the back seat or even talk to a passenger. All this leads to auto accident. Distracted driving is a normal daily occurrence for most drivers, however this practice is a dangerous one that can lead potentially to increased automobile collisions and various related health and financial problems. According to research cited by the National Safety Council, in 2013, distracted driving has accounted for over 25% of all fatalities occurring on the road. In addition to this average of nearly 1 in 4 roadway fatalities being attributed to distracted driving, this percentage is currently on the rise from 2013 and has moved within 5% of traditional causes of roadway fatalities such as impaired driving and speeding. Of the factors contributing to this increase, the National Safety Council found that cell phone use attributed to most roadway injuries, while also observing that the use of hands- free communication may not alleviate the dangers of distracted driving when compared to handheld cell phone use. As the holiday season soon approaches bringing with it many crowded stores and streets, it is important to consider such information when driving during this time. One important tip to ensure that you avoid the dangers of distracted driving is to try and plan each trip ahead before leaving both as a precaution against delays due to bad or severe weather conditions and as a measure to prevent last-minute calling or texting to make arrangements while on the road. To prevent auto accidents, always keep your eyes on the road while driving and keep all uses of your cell phone, even hands-free uses, to a minimum as even when you think you are able to properly multi-task while driving the slightest bit of focus taken away from the road can result in disastrous consequences. These simple tips may keep you from being injured in an auto accident when facing congested roads this holiday season. However, not all accidents are preventable even when precautions are taken to avoid the dangers of distracted drivers. If you or anyone you know has been the victim of a car or trucking accident due to a distracted driver or other driver negligence, please contact our experienced legal team at Schiller Law Offices, 317-578-2100.
The lottery is a popular game of chance in which the winners are selected by a random process. It is a common means of raising money and can also be used in decision-making situations such as sports team drafts and the allocation of scarce medical treatment. Lotteries are usually simple and easy to organize. They often involve a lottery pool, where numbers and other symbols are mixed by mechanical means in order to ensure that only chance determines the selection of prizes. The prizes are then arranged according to a set of rules, such as the frequency and size of the prizes, and revenues for the state or sponsor are deducted from the pool. https://wvcle.org/ It is a highly effective method of raising money because of its wide appeal and its relatively low cost. However, the lottery has a number of drawbacks, including its potential to promote gambling behavior and its regressive effect on lower-income groups. It can also have a negative impact on quality of life for those who win the big prizes, which are typically very large amounts. A lottery is a type of low-odds game of chance that has been a popular form of gambling since its introduction to Europe in the 1500s. It has been described as “a game of hazard” that encourages people to pay a small sum of money for a chance at a large prize. Historically, lotteries have been widely used as a means to raise funds for public projects. The earliest known examples of these games date from the Chinese Han Dynasty (205–187 BC) and were likely used to finance major government projects such as the Great Wall of China. In many European countries, the first state-sponsored lotteries were introduced in the 1500s. The first English state lottery was held in 1569. Lotteries have a long history of popularity and are believed to be the oldest form of organized gambling. The word lottery is thought to have been derived from the Middle Dutch word loterie, meaning “action of drawing lots.” The most commonly accepted definition of lottery is a game in which the winners are selected by a draw. The winning numbers are determined by a computer, whose function is to create random combinations of the numbered or other symbols that appear on a ticket. In addition, some modern lottery games use a combination of computerized and manual methods for selecting the numbers, which are then deposited in the lottery pool or counterfoils for possible selection by the drawing procedure. As a result, lottery players must choose their numbers carefully. A good rule of thumb is to avoid numbers that are consecutive or in the same group and to pick a variety of numbers from the pool. This strategy is based on statistics that show that it is very unlikely to get two consecutive numbers in the same draw. It is important to remember that the odds of winning a lottery are very low, on the order of one in 30 million. This is because each digit in the number has a small probability of being a winner. In math, this is called “epsilon.” Some state-run lotteries offer numbers with much lower odds than national lotteries, so it’s worth looking into them if you want to improve your chances of winning.
January 17, 2023 Date of Service: January 22, 2023 Interment Location: Mausoleum of Faith Janiece Campbell, age 61, of Morristown, Tennessee went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at her residence. Janiece was born in Portland, Tennessee to Jerry (Gretchen) Vanerwegen of Homerville, Georgia and Sandra (Day) Vanerwegen of Orlando, Florida. Janiece had been employed as a manager at TJ Maxx and enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren. She loved her furbaby, “Lucy” and her family was so very important to her. Those left to cherish her memory in addition to her parents include two children, Ryan (Kayley) May of Orlando, Florida and Ashley May of Elizabethton, Tennessee; six grandchildren, Tristan Richardson, Lucas Hopson, Nova May, Archer May, Jennings Peters, and Stevie Peters; one sister, Sherry Dick; and Janiece’s boyfriend, Rylen Lee Reed, Jr of Bristol, Tennessee. A service to celebrate Janiece’s life will be conducted at 2:30 PM on Sunday, January 22, 2023 in the Chapel of Peace at Tetrick Funeral Home of Elizabethton with Pastor Terry Carver officiating. The family will receive friends from 1:00 PM until 2:30 PM in the funeral home chapel prior to the service on Sunday. The committal and entombment will follow at Happy Valley Memorial Park- Mausoleum of Faith. Active pallbearers will be selected from family and friends. Words of comfort can be sent to the Campbell family through our website, www.tetrickfuneralhome.com. Tetrick Funeral Home-Riverside Chapel, 211 North Riverside, Elizabethton, TN 37643 (423) 542-2232 is honored to serve the family of Janiece Campbell.
Halloween Half (5km/10km/21km) An event for all ages and abilities. Enjoy the beautiful Red Deer River trails and run the course in costume! The best costume wins a free race! This affordable chip-timed event gives runners the opportunity to participate without breaking the bank. Participants receive a timing chip, on-course aid stations, Cinnzeo bakery snacks, beer, and water at the finish line. Affordable prices – lot’s of fun! Saturday, October 28, 2023 4707 Fountain Dr, Red Deer, AB 5km – $45 Half Marathon 21km – $65 Your entry includes: - Race Bib with expert CHIP TIMING and Results - WELL MARKED course with water stations and energy food. - Finish line snacks from CINNZEO Bakery, fruit, snacks, etc. - FUN & SWEAT! Free parking at Bower Ponds. We can offer you a free race if you or a friend can volunteer. RACE DAY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Pickup Times / New Race Start Times 21km runners: pickup between 8:30am – 9:15am – start 9:30am 10km runners: pickup between 9:00am – 9:45am – start 10:00am 5km runners: pickup between 9:30am – 10:15am – start 10:30am Race Package Pickup We are staging race package pick-up according to your race distance. Please do not arrive before your scheduled pick-up time. Participants must wear a mask and line up 2m apart during package pick-up. - Your start time is automatically triggered when you cross the start line. - Water cups will be filled and waiting on the aid station tables. - Gels will be placed on aid station tables. - Porta Potties will be stocked with hand sanitizer. - Please take off your timing chip and drop it in one of our bins. They cost you $75 if you take one home. - Water, cold beer and Cinnzeo buns be available at the finish. Due to construction, runners will begin at Bower Ponds and run out and back along the river’s north paths. Click on the map for interactive route video. 10 km runners follow the yellow flags once they pass the blue flags.
Safari Sam Slot Review Are you an adventurous slot fan who wants to explore new wild territories and face the wildest of animals? If so, then hop in and spin the reels of Safari Sam, an online casino slot adventure brought to you by Betsoft Gaming software. If you manage to smile in front of danger, you will get a rich and exciting gaming experience. Safari Sam is an excellent 3D video slot with 5 reels and 30 pay-lines. It boasts superb rich graphics and comes with generous bonus features. The slot will definitely keep your eyes glued to your PC screen. It is accompanied by great music and playful effects making your safari one stunning adventure. The max payout of the slot is $12,500 in cash. It can be played with Bitcoins as well. The game is available in instant play format in addition to being compatible with various mobile devices. Icons and Design Safari Sam represents a new generation of slots created in 3D technology that have vibrant and colorful graphics that jump from the screen. As you might have guessed, the main character is Sam the hunter. Other symbols are native Jane, the safari jeep, Bilbao tree and several animals, namely lions, gorillas, zebras and monkeys among others. The characters are cartoon-like and come to life through animations when you hit a win. The characters blend well with the theme of the slot and everything is nicely packed. The slot comes with a wild and a scatter symbol. The wild is a unique icon that can show up randomly on any spin. It can even contain multipliers which can rise up any win up to a max of 10 times your original amount. The scatter symbol is represented by the Bilbao tree icon. If three of them show up, you win 450 coins, four win you 750 coins, while five Bilbao tree scatter symbols earn you 1,500 coins. There is also an interesting animated sequence between Sam and native Jane. An additional feature of the slot is when three identical icons show up on a reel, they will make the stack collapse and give you 25 coins. Safari Sam also comes with a free spins bonus round and a nice binocular bonus. When the gorilla, monkey and zebra symbols show up on the same pay-line, the free spins are activated. You get a number of free games with an extra perk- you get to choose one of the three animals which will act as a multiplying wild symbol during the free spins. Furthermore, the binocular bonus is activated when you get three binoculars on the screen. Your task here is to aid Sam and guide him to find animals. If you make it at the end of the round, you can win up to 4,500 coins.
Miele Ceramic and Stainless Steel Cleaner | GP CL KM 0252 L Highly effective Ceramic & Stainless Steel Hob Cleaner in 250ml bottle, proven to be the top product in Switzerland with testing. Easily removes greases, baked-on stains, and watermarks while protecting surfaces for durable, reliable care. Features a fine-crystal formula for gentle cleaning and is not suitable for CleanTouch steel or PerfectClean. Ceramic and Stainless Steel Hob Cleaner, 250ml For best cleaning results and safe use. - Best product on the market –Test winner in Switzerland - Removes grease, baked-on residues and water marks powerfully - Leaves a protective coating, making cleaning easier the next time - Gentle cleaning thanks to fine-crystal formula - Do not use with CleanTouch steel or PerfectClean - Optimum care for many years of reliability MIELE CLEANING PRODUCTS Always perfect results The products developed specifically for Miele appliances guarantee hygienically perfect results. Any possible deposits are completely removed. As a result, the strong performance of your appliance is maintained. Subject to technical changes; no liability accepted for the accuracy of the information given. Payment & Security Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. Good inventory of bags and attachments for my vacuum This vacuum is simply amazing, well worth the money. It offers three choices of vacuum power depending on the soil level of the carpet. It is hard to believe the amount of dust, etc. in the canister after vacuuming. After a few uses, removal of battery to recharge and emptying the canister became much easier. The demonstration and the features of this vacuum from the gentleman at Vac Connection sold us on the vacuum. Although we thought it quite expensive, it has proven that it is worth every dollar. This vacuum is the very best vacuum that I have ever had. I wish I had one years ago. It’s made my life so much cleaner! Like it’s maneuverability and easy clean
The bats were alive tonight on both sides but the Buckeyes baseball team had just a little more firepower in outlasting Northern Kentucky 10-8 Tuesday night. An offer for Buckeyes fans Northern Kentucky wasted no time getting on the board in the top of the first inning with a two-out two-run home run to go up 2-0. Ohio State quickly answered in the home-half of the inning with a two-out rally of their own when Brady Cherry doubled and Connor Pohl drove him home with a single to make it 2-1. The Norse then added a run in the top of the third before exploding for three more runs in the top of the fourth inning with some more two-out magic that included a double and home run. And just like that OSU was in a big hole 6-1. But the Buckeyes answered back in the bottom of the fourth with four runs to cut the lead to 6-5. Nolan Clegg hit a two-run shot over center field wall, followed by a Brady Cherry double that scored two more. Northern Kenutcky would add a sacrifice fly in the top of the sixth to make it 7-5, and then the Buckeye bats would come alive once again in the bottom of the seventh inning. Connor Pohl and Zach Dezenzos lead off with back-to-back doubles before Brent Todys launched his first homer over the left field wall to give Ohio State the lead for the first time 8-7. The Buckeyes would finish their scoring with a couple bases loaded RBI walks to go up 10-7 in the eighth inning. The Norse loaded the bases in the top of the ninth but could only manage to scratch across one run before relief pitcher Andrew Mango shut the door for his second save of the year. Pitcher Bayden Root got his first collegiate win in relief, and Connor Pohl had himself a day at the plate, going 3 for 4 with two doubles and an RBI. All told, the Buckeyes pounded out fourteen hits total and left a whopping twelve men on, but it was enough to seal the deal in this one and run their record to an even 10-10 on the year. The Buckeyes next host Hawaii for four games this weekend. Aloha Buckeye Nation.
Five Rackham students will be inducted into the Edward Alexander Bouchet Graduate Honor Society. Named for the first African American doctoral recipient in the United States, the Bouchet Society recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement and promotes diversity and excellence in doctoral education and the professoriate. The Bouchet Society is a network of preeminent scholars who exemplify academic and personal excellence, foster environments of support, and serve as examples of scholarship, leadership, character, service, and advocacy for students who have been traditionally underrepresented in the academy. In the spirit of Bouchet’s commitment to these ideals, the 2021 Bouchet inductees representing the Rackham Graduate School’s society chapter have all demonstrated significant achievement in these five areas. Brooke E. Mason Brooke E. Mason is a candidate for the Ph.D. in civil engineering with a concentration in intelligent systems at the University of Michigan. In addition, she is pursuing an M.S. in electrical and computer engineering with a concentration in machine learning. She is motivated by algal blooms and polluted runoff, which are threatening our waterways. To that end, her unique approach leverages recent technological advances such as sensors and real-time data algorithms. Presently, stormwater is routed passively through various stormwater pipes, channels, and ponds resulting in minimal water treatment. Akin to a self-driving car, the watersheds of the future will adapt themselves in real-time to maximize water treatment. Specifically, Brooke is focused on modeling complex stormwater pollutant treatment and generation processes, determining how to optimize stormwater flows through a watershed to maximize pollutant treatment, and investigating a systems framework to control water quality in real time at the watershed scale. Brooke is a founding member of Open-Storm.org, an open-source consortium dedicated to freely sharing hardware, software, and case studies on smart water systems. She is a recipient of the Dow Sustainability Fellowship, Rackham Merit Fellowship, and an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention. In her department, she serves as a peer mentor, a member of the Graduate Student Advisory Council, and a member of an informal student group working on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. She is also a mentor with Clean Water Science Network, which facilitates a mentorship program between undergraduate students from Latin America and graduate students in the United States. Kelly Elizabeth Wright Kelly Elizabeth Wright is a candidate for the Ph.D in linguistics with a concentration in experimental sociolinguistics at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on linguistic discrimination and its operation within our neuolinguistic system and across public institutions. Wright has been recognized as a Mellon Fellow in Publicly Engaged Humanities, and received the Rackham Graduate School Scholar-Activist award for her work on linguistic discrimination in the housing market. Wright received a bachelor of arts in English literature from Maryville College and a master’s degree in linguistic theory and typology from the University of Kentucky, where she was a Royster Scholar. She continued to work fervently for language equality when she joined the University of Michigan by spearheading Language Matters, U-M’s Linguistic Diversity Initiative. Today, she applies mixed-methodologies—including neuroscience, ethnography, and machine learning—to understand the operation of dangerous language ideologies in the brain and in the world. Wright is a prolific public scholar, sharing widely her research about language discrimination and co-creating institutional solutions with international audiences and organizations. Ultimately, Wright aspires to be a lifelong educator, both in the classroom and by helping to unpack language stereotypes for various publics. Marissa M. Salazar Marissa M. Salazar is a candidate for the Ph.D. in psychology in the area of personality and social contexts at the University of Michigan. She investigates how white college students construct their conceptualizations of white allyship and which factors influence these conceptualizations. Salazar has been dedicated to promoting white college students’ involvement in antiracism since she was in college, where she created and led large-scale race awareness events and served as chair for an ad-hoc committee formed to respond to on-campus racist incidences through educational programming. In recent years, she has shifted to research dissemination and antiracist education. Within her research, she discovered common challenges white students were facing within their allyship, such as having difficult dialogues with loved ones. Driven by these findings, she created the workshop, “Beyond Tolerance: Strengthening Your White Allyship,” which addresses these common challenges. She hosts this workshop for students, faculty, or staff at various universities across the United States. Her resource packet on white allyship has also been widely distributed to several universities and used within college classrooms and centers for teaching and learning. Additionally, Salazar currently works within a curriculum development role, where she incorporates social justice research and spotlights scholars of color in an introductory psychology course, which is largely taken by students who might not otherwise have exposure to these critical topics within their typical coursework. Salazar is committed to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and looks forward to dedicating her professional and personal life to antiracist teaching and research. Maira A. Areguin Maira A. Areguin is a candidate for the joint Ph.D. in women’s and gender studies and psychology at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on workplace mistreatment among vulnerable populations, with a focus on Latinx farmworkers in the United States. Maira has been recognized as a Rackham Merit Fellow and an Engaged Pedagogy Initiative Fellow. She has been awarded the President’s Advisory Committee for Labor Standards and Human Rights Graduate Student Summer Internship Travel Award to conduct interviews with Latina farmworkers in the Central Valley of California. Recently, her article “Reaping More Than What They Sow: A Critical Race Perspective on Environmental Microaggressions Toward Latinx Farmworkers” was published in the journal, Social Psychological and Personality Science. Maira strives to use the skills she learns in academia to help her community and has done so by gathering the Latinx Student Psychological Association and leading a research-a-thon—where the group created summaries of research that attorneys at the local Farmworker Legal Services could use in creating their case against an exploitative farm owner in Michigan. Maira’s goal is to use her interdisciplinary research to advance community-based socio-psychological research with marginalized communities, like farmworkers. Chiamaka U. Ukachukwu Chiamaka U Ukachukwu is a candidate for the Ph.D. in pharmacology, specializing in cardiovascular electrophysiology, at the University of Michigan. Her thesis focuses on identifying new treatments for diseases of cardiac excitability, such as Long QT Syndrome (LQTS), which increases the risk for arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and sudden cardiac death. She holds an M.S. in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology from U-M and a B.S. in biochemistry and minor in French from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She was the recipient of a Fulbright Research Grant and a Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowship to the de Duve Institute in Brussels, Belgium, where she investigated mechanisms of antibiotic resistance to prevent deaths caused by bacterial infections worldwide. She serves as a Fulbright Alumni Ambassador and is the founder of Fulbright Noir, an organization committed to supporting and highlighting the work of black Fulbrighters and increasing representation in the Fulbright Program. Chiamaka has held numerous leadership roles at U-M, including: president of the African Graduate Students Association, co-president of Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and the Sciences (F.E.M.M.E.S), executive board member of the African Studies Center, and representative of the Program in Biomedical Sciences Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) taskforce. Chiamaka is an outspoken and fierce advocate for DEI and views her presence as a Black woman in STEM as a powerful avenue to improve her communities. Ultimately, she aspires to pursue a career that merges her love for international exchange, promoting global health, and science.
Personal identification information We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, fill out a form, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address, phone number. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities. Non-personal identification information We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information. Web browser cookies How we use collected information Law offices Of Thomas P. Matthews may collect and use Users personal information for the following purposes: - To improve customer service - Information you provide helps us respond to your customer service requests and support needs more efficiently. - To process payments - We may use the information Users provide about themselves when placing an order only to provide service to that order.We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to provide the service. - To send periodic emails - We may use the email address to respond to their inquiries, questions, and/or other requests. How we protect your information We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our Site. Sharing your personal information We do not sell, trade, or rent Users personal identification information to others. We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any personal identification information regarding visitors and users with our business partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes outlined above. Your acceptance of these terms By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.
Holidays over for policymakers - The announcement of more fiscal stimulus contrasts with the emergence of disciplinarian noises here and there. The debate on tax hikes in the UK reflects idiosyncratic stress as the probability of no-deal Brexit is rising. - The debate within the European Central Bank on its policy stance in the face of currency appreciation and signs of deflationary pressure is also heating up, even if we don’t expect hard decisions this week. - Within emerging markets, we look at Turkey with particular concern. By and large the dataflow continues to point upward for the global economy but as we expected the spectacular rebound of early summer is not sustained, with private sector job creation slowing down in the US and the Euro area PMI moderating. It is not surprising in this context to hear more on fiscal stimulus beyond the emergency response of the last few months, and France last week unveiled its own pluri-annual support package. Some “disciplinarian noises” are emerging though. While Jens Weidmann’s fiscally hawkish speech last week probably does not have immediate consequences on policy-making, the debate on tax hikes is heating up in the UK and becoming more tangible. This is probably idiosyncratic to this country though, as it reflects unease in some segments of the British leadership with the status of the UK in international markets post-Brexit. On this front, the news-flow is concerning and unfortunately the probability of “no deal” is rising. The ECB – through the voice of its chief economist – clearly welcomes additional fiscal support. Still, we continue to think that the central bank will have to extend in size and duration the Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme, although we expect such announcement only by year-end. This week, we think Christine Lagarde will echo Philip Lane’s comments and acknowledge the euro appreciation as another headwind but without taking immediate action. The next steps will be politically delicate for the central bank. During the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-2009, central banks in emerging countries had not been able to immediately engage in monetary easing along the Fed and their other DM counterparts. This time they did, and the “risk on” mood of the spring, bringing a measure of capital flows back to EM, has seemingly validated their approach. Risks continue to abound though, even irrespective of the pandemic, while capital flows have been plateauing for some time now. We continue to look at Turkey with particular concern
No need to get the most expensive, just get quality. Does price includes everything needed for your specific vehicle Make sure the shop that does the installation backs up the remote starter if it fails. There are many online reviews for all the remote starters available. A remote car starter is exactly that: a way to start your car, securely, from afar… whether afar is from the dressing room at Nordstrom, your office on the 32nd floor, or the warmth of your own bed on a cold morning. A remote starter is a radio controlled device, which is installed in a vehicle by the factory or an aftermarket installer to preheat or cool the vehicle before the owner gets into it. Once activated, by pushing a button on a special key chain remote, it starts the vehicle automatically for a predetermined time. Warm up or cool down your car before you leave with an easy-to-use remote starter. No more scrapping icy windshields and shivering while your vehicle warms up. AI Tint & Audiou is the premier remote start source in the area. With over 5000 units installed, you know you’re vehicle is in the hands of an expert. Remote vehicle starters open up new worlds of convenience and safety, Titan is proud to be known as one of the Twin Cities MN’s most trusted installers of keyless and remote starters. 910 1 way 1 button 920 1 way 4 button 4900 1 way 4 6900 2 way LCD There are several brand names as well as models of remote cars and truck starters in today's market. Picking the one that's right for you isn't always very easy. As well as although selecting the finest remote starter is extremely vital, you have to also take into account that the company mounting the remote start is equally as vital. At Tint & cars and truck Audio, we specialize in remote starters. We mount thousands of auto staters right here in the Twin Cities yearly. As one of the leading remote start installers in the Edina, MN area, you can trust that we stock just the very best brand of remote starting systems. All remote begin elements are backed by a LIFETIME guarantee. Remote Start System Install Process Every remote stater collection setup is done by an experienced professional in addition to every link is hand firm. Some installers make use of low-cost "crimp-on" design ports for touching in to the production center circuitry which can cause harmed functionality, unreliability slowly, as well as additionally worse, shorting out electrical devices and also blowing merges which can leave you stranded in the cool as well as even begin a fire in your automobile. Soldering each web link is a vital action in a trustworthy remote beginning setup. Check out or call Tint & Audio to discover the very best remote starter that preferably fits your needs. I came in to get a stereo and all four speakers and swapped out to a new truck and they did it in a timely manner also on a Saturday. I also got window tent done. It looks great thanks again guys. I recommend if you want any window tent are good car audio can go to Ai Tint and Car Audio! Had a system and remote start put in my car the system sounds great and the remote start works awesome these guys are a great group of guys to work with plan on coming back to get my windows tinted
Month: May 2016 Posted by Retail Attractions Blog on May 24, 2016 in Blog | No Comments Successful retail deals require an abundant supply of patience. Even under optimal conditions, it can still take a long time for all the pieces to fall into place. Closing a retail deal that works for all parties often requires months of planning and negotiation, and it can take years for a community to realize their full retail development vision. Months of Planning Planning for retail development is a vital step, and it’s one that takes time. While trying to speed things up is tempting, you really don’t want to cut corners in the stage where you and the retailers work out a mutually beneficial partnership. Take Enid, Oklahoma as an example. This is one of the towns where Retail Attractions is currently working. Talking about the retail deals going on in Enid, Rickey says, “We’re about to go to the International Council of Shopping Centers Convention in May … and we will be talking, out there, about 2017 retail deals. That’s the thing, the retailers that you’re seeing come … were deals that we’ve been working on for 24 to 36 months prior to you actually seeing them coming to town.” The more complex a deal is, the longer it will take to work out. If you’re working with a consultant like Retail Attractions, we can be working on the deals for months before you have to sign contracts with the retailers. Without a consultant, your community will have to work all this out on your own. Years in Development Even with optimal conditions, it can still take several years after a deal is signed for the retail development to become a reality. When Rickey was working in Owasso, Oklahoma shortly after 2002, new retail was flooding the city and everything was perfect for retail growth. Even so, it took ten years to fully retail the market. Rickey says, “One of the most frustrating parts of my work is the job of educating city councilors about how long it takes. When you see a new retail deal under construction somewhere, you can know without a doubt that, even with an accelerated effort and timeline, some poor soul has been working hard to make that deal a reality for at least a couple of years in most cases.” Deadlines and expectations for project development need to remain realistic. Working with a qualified company like Retail Attractions helps move things along as smoothly as possible, but it’s still not going to happen overnight. Speeding Things Up While you don’t have much control over how quickly your retail partners are able to move forward with development, you can at least make sure nothing on your end slows the process down. You’re already on our blog, and that’s a great place to get started. Here, you can learn about ways to market your community, get information about retail development incentives, and find other information you need to know about holding up the public side of a retail development partnership. Retail Attractions can also help you work through the planning process and development stage of retail growth in your city. We’ll be there to consult with you every step of the way. With our experience and contacts in the retail development industry, we already have a head-start in moving your community through a successful retail development project. Contact us today to talk with Rickey about your community project or get more details about how we can help you. Posted by Retail Attractions Blog on May 12, 2016 in Blog | No Comments Vision is the starting point for all successful projects. When you’re developing a vision that will carry your community into a public/private partnership to support retail development and economic growth, it’s essential that the vision is shared. Investors don’t want to partner with a community that can’t agree on their goals. If your community can’t generate a cohesive vision before heading into public/private partnerships, then there’s a good chance your retail development goals are doomed to failure. Recognizing this gives you an opportunity to impress potential partners by creating a shared vision from the very beginning of your city’s plans for growth and expansion. Ideally, your vision will involve everyone who has a stake in the positive outcome of this potential partnership. This includes residents, property owners, homeowners associations, media outlets, colleges, hospitals, churches, and other stakeholders. Make sure you don’t leave out people and groups that are initially opposed to the community’s proposed vision. Building consensus and addressing concerns is a key step in the process of vision-building if that vision is to be shared by the entire community. Get the media on your side early in the vision-building process. An alliance with local media outlets makes it easier to get your message out and cultivate transparency during the planning stages. Media will continue to play a key role in publicizing the vision and keeping it fresh in people’s minds after your community has decided on a final version of your vision plan. City visions often include long-term plans that can span several local political administrations. This means that establishing a collective vision and creating community buy-in for the project is essential for sustaining the vision long-term. As your community develops a shared vision, remember to keep the practical side of things in mind. A vision by itself isn’t enough – you also need a plan for implementing your vision. This is where you can really start focusing on what your community hopes to get out of a public/private partnership and what you can offer your investors. Use public hearings, news releases, visioning exercises and other tools to keep stakeholder and area residents in the loop about the vision you’re developing. Make sure you specify the scale of projects included in the vision and let people know exactly what’s going to happen. A shared vision will start to collapse if people feel blindsided or misinformed. Retail Attractions can assist with generating an honest assessment of your city’s strengths and weaknesses. We know what investors are looking for and can help you with demographic analysis and strategic planning you’ll need to create an implementable vision before entering into a partnership to foster economic development.
Early January, BCREA excitedly announced the rollout out of its new Professional Development Program. Helping to enhance REALTOR® professionalism while offering more ‘diverse’ learning opportunities, the new program transitioned from a points-based system to a requirement that learners complete a set number of learning hours. As completion of the new PDP program is necessary for renewing one’s licence, it’s important you understand the new requirements. Here’s a brief recap of BCREA’s new Professional Development Program. The Old PDP System With the previous PDP requirements, members of BCREA were required to complete 18 points within three categories (A, B, and C) within every two-year licensing cycle. Included in the 18-points could be courses meant to satisfy requirements specific to the Real Estate Council. The New PDP System Requiring learners to complete 18-hours rather than 18 points, members must complete 12 ‘accredited’ hours plus 6 ‘self-directed’ hours within each two-year licensing cycle. Where council courses like Legal Update (still mandatory through REC) used to count toward one’s BCREA education requirements, the new program won’t include them. Current Courses Still Required by Council but Not Acknowledge for PDP Hours ** Rule Changes: Agency and Disclosure ** Legal Update ** Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate 6 Self-Directed Hours Perhaps the most anticipated component of the education program is the ability to complete and submit Self-Directed Hours. Intended for learning that’s beyond the board and BCREA, Self-Directed Hours can be learning tailored for your real estate interests and needs. Of course, to be approved by BCREA, your Self-Directed Hours must meet the following criteria: ** It’s learning that will enhance your professional practice. ** It’s learning that’s verifiable and auditable by your board, meaning you’ll have proof of completion. ** Be a minimum of one hour in length. Self Directed Learning Examples ** In-Person Learning ** Online Learning Topics That May Count ** Social media ** Technology tools ** Public speaking ** Environmental due diligence ** Managing teams ** Financial planning ** Time management ** Drone operation ** Real safety ** Home staging ** Short-term rentals ** Real estate investing ** Business development 12 Accredited Hours Though most learners might be excited to earn self-directed hours, it’s permissible to fulfill all learning through accredited learning. Learning that’s accredited by your local board or by BCREA is consider to be ‘accredited’. Use this link to see accredited learning opportunities. The Bottom Line Still required are courses mandatory through the Real Estate Council. In addition, BCREA’s new program required 18-hours, which may be all accredited hours or may include a maximum of 6 self-directed hours.
The concept of a new municipal public toilet facility was unveiled in Tallinn's Männi Park on Thursday, where city officials stressed that gradually increasing the share of permanent public toilet facilities is a priority for the City of Tallinn. "The container toilets installed during the renovation of Männi Pärk in Mustamäe [District] are an example of how the city is giving priority to stationary solutions when building new public toilets, and is extending the network of toilets beyond tourist areas, taking the needs of local residents into account," Tallinn Deputy Mayor Vladimir Svet (Center) said according to a press release. "Permanent public toilets are an integral part of a high-quality public urban space that provides for all members of the community," he continued. "Extending the network of public toilets across the city will allow citizens to walk or cycle around Tallinn more easily, knowing they can use a public toilet if they need to. This is the principle we will try to follow in future urban planning." This summer, 107 new public toilets will be installed in Tallinn, including 11 fully automatic and 11 container toilets, 7 sanitary containers at city beaches, and 78 temporary toilets installed for the summer season. According to Tarmo Sulg, deputy director of the Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department, another 20 fully automatic toilets will be installed in the city in the longer term as well. "The new fully automatic toilets are expected to be installed gradually by 2026, both as part of overhauls of larger parks and green areas and in consideration of public demand," Sulg explained. "In total, there will be 34 automatic toilets in Tallinn's urban space. Ten of these will be installed as early as next year, replacing most of the old fully automatic toilets. Starting in 2024, new communications will be established for the further installatio of a total of 24 toilets, which will be completed over three years." This year, some 34 percent of public toilets in Tallinn are stationary; this share is slated to increase to 65 percent by 2026. By 2026, the city should boast at least 34 fully automatic outdoor toilets, 11 container-type toilets and 8 sanitary containers in public use, as well as another 29 portable toilets installed for the summer season. The exact number and location of public toilets may be subject to increase in accordance with residents' interest and city developments. New automatic toilets to be pay toilets All new fully automatic toilets will be pay toilets, as this will help reduce misuse and vandalism, the press release said. The service provider may charge a fee of no more than €0.50 for use, with the charge limit set from the time of installation through the end of 2033. Other optios are also being explored in partnership with the private sector, however. "Tallinn residents' wish to see more public toilets in their urban space was also confirmed by the vote on the participatory budget, where the construction of new toilets in green areas proved the most popular option in two city districts," Svet highlighted. "As an additional measure, I have also called on district governments to consider making it compulsory for businesses to ensure that non-customers have access to toilets when granting licenses for street cafes. This same could also apply to certain city establishments located in crowded areas." Over the next few years, the number of wheelchair-accessible toilets is to increase as well. This summer, there will be more than 20 wheelchair-accessible public toilets in Tallinn, including all container-type outdoor toilets, sanitary containers at city beaches, two fully automatic toilets as well as three portable toilets. Accessible public toilets in Tallinn - Tammsaare Park - Kanuti Garden (Mere puiestee) - Balti jaam (Rannamäe tee 1) - Falgi tee (tourist bus parking) - intersection of Reidi tee and Pikksilma tänav - Russalka monument (Pirita tee 1) - Stroomi Beach - Pikakari Beach - Tondiraba Park (by the ice rink) - Tondiraba Park (by the skate park) - Tondiraba Park (near the cafe) - Tondiraba Park (by the playground with the castle) - Pirita Beach (by the surf club) - Pirita Beach (on the beach) - Kadriorg Park (on Roheline aas) - Kadriorg Park (near the playground) - Männi Park (at the trolley stop) - Männi Park (near the cafe) - Harku Beach (two) - Kakumäe Beach (two) Editor: Aili Vahtla
Sugar gliders are frequently gaining reputation all around the United States. And I do take into account the Pet Store Boys to be the creators of nice pop art. Whenever you do store online for pet supplies, you need to find a website that offers free or diminished rates for transport. Whether you are searching for massive pet model names or new pet stuff and hello-tech gear for pets it’s multi function location. Canine provides: Pee pads, toys (ropes and toys that may be washed or bleached), treats, leashes (ninety nine cent retailer & dollar tree), harnesses and collars (xs,s,m) (99 cent retailer greenback tree), poop baggage, fleece blanket, dog beds (with detachable covers or the tray type as they are easy to scrub), small dog flea therapy, rescue remedy. Running a pet shop doesn’t imply that you are solely supposed to purchase animals. It strips shoppers of many pet retailer protections, risks tons of of jobs, and reduces pet alternative,” Pet Trade Joint Advisory Council President Mike Bober mentioned in a joint assertion with the American Kennel Membership, a registry of purebred canine breeds in the U.S. Those so-called pet mills” (although they also exist for other species ) usually provide pet shops. Wide-vary shop assistants must be properly-certified; they should perfectly know all the ins and outs about pets and merchandise for sale. Your child may also fake to babysit pets with the daycare middle, which comes with 1 animal and a removable jungle gymnasium. A variety of animal supplies and pet equipment are additionally bought in pet outlets. Puppies, rabbits, kittens, parrots, rodents, lizards, fish, and different pets all have one factor in widespread: their humans love them. All our pet merchandise are rigorously selected with quality at an reasonably priced value in mind. For canine, our retailer affords an enormous vary of dog food including prescription strains and tremendous premium brands You can even select from an assortment of accessories like dog toys, collars, leads, beds and harnesses. The number of products accessible online at pet stores is maybe one of many biggest causes to choose to buy over the Web. Although cats sleep anyplace they want, a spherical or oval pet bed is good for a cat. The most straightforward and low-value method to start business in the pet products sphere is to set up a small store the place the selection will embrace meals, grooming products and equipment. Petshop is constructed on the strong Storefront core guardian theme that you recognize and love.
So since you and your house are probably spending much more quality time together than before, naturally you may want to attempt some DIYs…if you read that and said (yup, that’s me), then let me introduce you to the best bloggers with the coolest projects that you can start recreating today. Let’s begin. Mandi Gubler – @vintagerevivals When I asked Emily which DIY bloggers were on her “MUST INCLUDE” list, she said Vintage Revivals was her top. Between the cane wall panels, and her wall paint DIYs (because who needs wallpaper when you know how to handle a paintbrush), there’s seldom a blank wall in her house. If you’re longing to see more of her rad DIY projects, check them out on her blog, or follow her on the ‘gram. You’ll quickly understand why the EHD team is obsessed with her. Oh Joy! – @ohjoy Oh Joy! has been a good friend of Emily’s since nearly the beginning. Don’t believe me? I don’t know why you wouldn’t, but the proof is here and here, when we also helped her decorate her studio and nursery. She’s an AWESOME blogger and person that’s zero percent afraid of color and loves to live life. Here are some of her recent DIYs that we live for (and you will, too): gem sidewalk chalk, smushed paint art, and this yarn stitched sweater. Still need more? Her blog is filled with the coolest crafts and projects, and trust me, you won’t be bored. Brittany Jepsen – @houselarsbuilt This is the BEST place to look for Easter crafts right now (like this DIY egg wreath), but just, in general, we at EHD are collectively obsessed with her blog and Instagram. The House That Lars Built is basically a synonym for “DIY professional.” Between her printable shop and awesome DIY blog posts (like this bead chandelier, Celtic knot pillow, and her many versions of paper plants), browsing the site and then actually doing these DIYs will give you hours of pure joy and entertainment. Kelly Mindel – @studiodiy If you are in need of a visual energy boost head on over to Studio DIY. Kelly has created the most colorful, joyful site likely on the planet. If you are ever in need of a costume she is your gal! But she also has other great home DIYs like this chandelier and this kid’s storage basket. She makes everything she touches more joyful (I mean these easter eggs are likely the cutest things in the world.) A Beautiful Mess – @abeautifulmess Sisters, Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman are the brilliant minds behind A Beautiful Mess. With the help of their awesome contributors, this site is packed with a ton of kid-friendly DIYs like this one, and beautiful adult-friendly ones like this wall hanging and this vase. It’s a very happy and helpful escape. Plus Elsie and her husband just bought a new house and it has been very exciting to see what they are dreaming up. You can follow along on her personal Instagram account! Sarah Gibson – @roomfortuesday Besides having a great name, Room for Tuesday is a very good resource (which we have featured before) if you’re wanting to attempt some solid DIY projects during your time at home. I have MANY favorites, but her ball pillow DIY, genius spice rack organizing hack, and easy succulent planter swap are among some of my top contenders. If she hasn’t impressed you yet, she also did the #BUILDTHANKS sign challenge using tile (yes, tile) which turned out REALLY CUTE. P.S. I Made This – @psimadethis P.S. I Made This has probably the best “crafty” food you’ll see on this list. For example, her tie-dyed eggs, bunny foo foo snowball cake, and bunny bark are some of the best tasting Easter crafts you’ll see on the interwebs. Oh also, I have a secret love for Peeps and right now is pretty much the only time where it’s acceptable to eat them. If you share in this Peep love, then check out her rainbow peeps s’more casserole. Yeah, you heard that right IT’S PEEP SEASON PEOPLE. If you want to check out more of her crafts (beyond the food goodies), head to her blog or instagram. Brittni Mehlhoff – @paperandstitch Brittni has the craft of crafting down to a science. She’s nailed kid crafts, adult crafts, and home crafts, all while maintaining a cool brand which only makes her that much better. Also one time she made a rug from scratch. Enough said. Plus Emily and some of the design team members met Brittini in Atlanta for the Invitation Home, Make it Home Show House. Not only did they love her in general but were so impressed with her work up close and personal. Jessica Reed Kraus – @houseinhabit If you’re looking to get even more crafty with your kiddos, Julie recommends following @houseinhabit and checking out her story highlight called “craft inspo.” It’s exactly what it sounds like, awesome crafts that will inspire you to do with your kids. She also has a very well curated amazon shop with cute craft supplies you can buy. Moms & dads that are stuck inside with young children, this ones for you Angela Rose Home – @angelarosehome Angela has zero fear and it pays off. If you click on her instagram, you’ll see she’s well-equipped to bust down railings, construct a 13-foot brick wall, or build a door from the ground up. So if you’re feeling adventurous and want to tackle something MAJOR in your home right now, she’s your gal. May we all handle power tools with the confidence and finesse that she does… Molly Madfis – @almostmakesperfect With Molly, you can expect more adorable kids crafts & games with some awesome home upgrades mixed in. Some very cute kids games include this watermelon DIY game and this neighborhood scavenger hunt (if you live in an area where you can go outside). Also, if you’re stuck with kids at home, this printable schedule is VERY cute and hopefully helpful! If you’re not parenting a child right now, check out the inside of her kitchen cabinets for some organization porn. Mandi Johnson – @mandimakes Now, this blog is for the craftiest of the crafty. Mandi is VERY good with her hands, so good in fact, that she made little miniature rooms that are more stylish than most real-life houses I’ve been in. Seriously! Even if you’re not going to craft this because…well it requires a lot of skill, you should at least check these out to be entertained and impressed. But she also does incredible life-size DIY projects that will blow your socks off. Check out this banquette for example. Otherwise, if you’re just looking for some fun crafts with kids, check out her cardboard castle or her many awesome American Girl doll outfits. If you’ve gone through this list and you’re looking for even more DIYs, here are reader-submitted posts that I guarantee will inspire you: 12 projects you can do this weekend, some fun DIY bathroom renovations, Backyard DIYs, and Kitchen DIY before and afters. Do you have any other favorite projects or bloggers to add to our list? These people deserved to be celebrated now more than ever. Comment your go-to’s below and happy DIYing Opening Photo Credit: Design by Mandi Gubler The post Our Absolute Favorite DIY Bloggers That We Are ALWAYS Inspired By appeared first on Emily Henderson. #DiyBloggers #Uncategorized #BudgetIdeas
When Hulu first launched, I was quite excited about being able to watch some past episodes of shows I liked on my TV by streaming them from the web. However, it quickly became obvious when Hulu started blocking most streaming set-top boxes that the owners of the streaming service really only wanted you to watch on your computer – thus severely limited the usefulness of Hulu for many viewers. There are indications that some serious changes may be afoot for Hulu. A memo has surfaced online that is supposedly a confidential document that was leaked. Hulu is owned by a conglomerate of firms, including Comcast, News Corp., Disney, and Providence Equity Partners. Providence is in the process of being purchased, and that purchase will give the individual networks of NBC, Fox, and ABC more power over how programs are offered on the streaming service. According to Variety, which obtained the confidential memo, the significant changes include no more exclusivity for content from current seasons. That means the content would be available for streaming from competing websites such as YouTube. To me, that’s not bad news in the least, and I hope some of this previously exclusive content might make it to Netflix. What I do think is bad news is that network websites will be able to hold back some of their content to set themselves apart from the streaming offerings on Hulu. That means ABC.com could restrict streaming episodes of its most popular shows for viewing only on its website. The bad part about that would mean that Hulu Plus subscribers might not be able to view certain content on their TV. Other tidbits in the leaked memo include so-called “super-distribution” rights Hulu once retained allowing it to syndicate content to third-party sites such as Yahoo and AOL would revert to their respective owners. Those owners are Disney and News Corp. Fox also wants to increase the number of commercials during episodes on Hulu.com to four. That’s bad news for anyone who loathes commercial delays in online programming. Exactly how bad this is remains to be seen. Frankly, I’m looking at this as a potentially good thing for people who prefer Netflix.