A good number of shops in the U.S.A. will not send out goods overseas. It can be difficult to deal with, particularly if Flannels is offering great discount rates. Do not get irritated if you need to deal with such an issue.There is a simple fix that will assist you order from e-commerce shops in the United States to Canada. Flannels is among the many stores where you will have the ability to purchase products that you want. How to buy from Flannels USA in Canada First Step: Sign up with a Shipping Forwarder After checking Flannels to make sure there is no choice to deliver to Canada directly from the e-commerce store, the next best step is to find a package forwarder that will send your items from the United States to Canada. E-commerce purchases can be pricey, and you want to make sure that your Flannels products do not arrive damaged or that shipping takes an unreasonably long time. Dealing with a package forwarder with years of experience is a clever option which is why we think you must work with MyUS. The factor that we like MyUS is due to the fact that it is an economical and dependable package forwarder. Furthermore, MyUS will not add additional taxes to your total that would increase the overall expense of your purchases. Over the last number of years, we have placed 1,000 orders from the US to Canada from e-commerce stores such as Flannels and think that MyUS is the best choice for putting an order from Flannels. If you have chosen to make an order at a shop from a business such as Flannels that will not deliver to Canada, we suggest signing up to MyUS to use their package forwarding service to ship your orders. Signing up with MyUS is simple, and you can see the total rate that will be charged to ship Flannels to Canada prior to completing the checkout procedure. If there is an issue with your order, their concierge service will assist fix an issue. 2nd Step: Complete Your Purchase with Flannels After finishing the MyUS signup process with your address in the United States, you will now have the ability to complete the 2nd step. The second step is pulling up the e-commerce shop for Flannels and buying all of the fantastic products that you could not previously. As you go through the purchase process, utilize the US address that you have created with MyUS to ship products from e-commerce shops that do not ship to you. Your package will arrive quickly at your address in Canada.
GOLD QUARTZ ROSE CROSS GOLD GEAR GEMSTONES STONES CHIPS NECKLACE SET AVAILABLE REVERSIBLE 2 SIDED STARR WILDE STEAMPUNK FORTRESS CUSTOM DESIGNS BY Artist Starr Wilde creates everything you need for your alter ego: Bags & Purses; Barrettes & Hair combs, Hair Tiaras; Binoculars/Opera Glasses; BTS merchandise- Photocards, custom jewelry etc; Canes- including telescope canes and ones that break down; Clocks; Crossbows-Wrist Gauntlets; Fans; Garters-Arm & Leg for Men and Women; Gauntlets & Bracers (including Vegan options); Gloves; Goggles & Glasses; Hats & Helmets; Home Decor- including Christmas Ornaments & Wreaths; Jewelry- Bracelets, Cufflinks, Earrings- Clips & Pierced, Necklaces, Pins/Brooches, Rings, Tie Tacks & More; Masks; Parasols; Pocketwatches; Purses; Ray Guns; Skirt Lifters; Stockings/Thigh Highs; Tea Dueling Supplies (including Vegan options); Top Hats- Mini & Full; Umbrellas; Vintage Ladies Jewelry Collection- Performers from the Belle Epoque photos into jewelry; Watches; Weaponry-Knives & Swords (Real and Replica); Wings and More. Starr can also repair your precious jewelry, restring pearls, change pierced earrings to clip earrings or clip earrings to pierced earrings. She can also work with you to design a custom piece of jewelry or hat, or weapons etc. She can also customize any piece we have in stock such as adding a veil to a hat, etc. Call or e-mail to make an appointment. Visit our store: Steampunk Fortress. THIS IS A FABULOUS HANDMADE CUSTOM MADE STEAMPUNK DIESELPUNK CYBERPUNK NECKLACE....GOLD…..2 SIDED GOLD TONE....ROSE QUARTZ GEMSTONE CROSS WITH GOLD "GEAR" ON IT WITH ROSE QUARTZ GEMSTONE CHIPS AND ROUNDS....#3359 I HAVE A MATCHING BRACELET AND EARRINGS IN CASE YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A SET....SEE PHOTOS CHAIN MEASURES 20.5" LONG AND FOCAL IS 1" TALL AND .5" WIDE THIS COMES WITH A CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY PERSONALLY SIGNED BY STARR WILDE FOR YOUR RECORDS...COA IF IT IS A GEMSTONE PIECE, YOU WILL ALSO RECEIVE A CARD WITH INFORMATION ON THE STONE. Pure quartz, traditionally called rock crystal (sometimes called clear quartz), is colorless and transparent or translucent. Common colored varieties include citrine, rose quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, tourmaline quartz (which is hot through with black threads), rutilated quartz (generally shot through with gold threads) and milky quartz (aka snow quartz). Rose quartz is a type of quartz which exhibits a pale pink to rose red hue. The color is usually considered as due to trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese, in the massive material. Some types of quartz contain microscopic rutile needles which produces an asterism in transmitted light. Recent X-ray diffraction studies suggest that the color is due to thin microscopic fibers of possibly dumortierite within the massive quartz.In crystal form (rarely found) it is called pink quartz and its color is thought to be caused by trace amounts of phosphate or aluminium. The color in crystals is apparently photosensitive and subject to fading. The first crystals were found in a pegmatite found near Rumford, Maine, US, but most crystals on the market come from Minas Gerais, Brazil. WE ARE HAND MAKING EACH ITEM..WE WANT EACH ITEM TO BE LOVED BY THE BUYER....
A Golden Anniversary The inspiring conversation with Jiri Vitek from Prague, who celebrates his remarkable 50 years of designing and building engines with much love and experience to share among his lucky colleagues. Last month at the Avio Aero Prague site, home of the GE Turboprop engines, a special event celebrated this incredible milestone of an engineer’s 50th work anniversary. Jiri Vitek has a truly interesting story to tell — besides this impressive achievement. At the age of 15, a young boy from a small Bohemian village comes to Prague for an apprenticeship: growing curious and ambitious too, he completes his high school education and then continues his studies at the Czech Technical University of Prague to become an experienced and skillful engineer as well as an adept at the aviation industry. He is an inspirational person for his junior and senior colleagues, as well as a role model for the young generation of engineers; a respected mentor who leads by example. All traits that we got confirmed during a special conversation with this precious personality. Would you tell us about your education and professional youth? How old were you when you started at Walter Engines? “After completing primary school in 1970, I wanted to go to university. The condition at that time was that I had to choose a manual working profession first. Therefore, at the beginning I was trained to be a turner at the national company Motorlet (Walter), signed a contract of employment, worked at the factory and continued my secondary school education at the same time. Then, I started studying at the Czech Technical University in Prague. I went to university as an employee with the condition that I would return to Motorlet when I graduated from my field of study, which was focused on aircraft engines”. When did you celebrate your 50th anniversary and what does it mean to you? “I signed my first employment contract on July 1, 1973. I don't really enjoy anniversaries (they are just a reminder of how old you are!) but it's a huge piece of my life and, in this case, my entire professional life. I guess it’s not so common to stay in one workplace for so long these days. Looking back at the last 50 years: I’ve spent that time doing the job that I chose myself and that I enjoyed doing which brought me not only financial security, but it allowed me to gain a lot of professional knowledge, experience and even joy. In addition, my work has allowed me to meet a very long list of co-workers that I respect as both people and colleagues. I have a lot of fond memories associated with them." What were the main benefits and the most difficult challenges of working and studying at the same time? “The period when I worked in production and studied at the same time was during my high school. I think the hardest thing was staying motivated to get my high school diploma: at the age of 18, going to work in the morning and to school in the evening is not your dream life. Once at university, I no longer had to work in production every day. I only went to help occasionally, to earn some extra money for my studies. This practical experience in production was an ultimate asset for my whole career: I’ve learnt that my design requirements for engine parts must align with real production possibilities. Even the best design idea is meaningless if it is not feasible”. What were your professional ambitions or interests in your youth? “My interest in aircraft engines started while I was working in production. I became interested in what the part I was machining would be used for. I had a senior friend in Engineering who used to explain to me the design and function of each part. I was so intrigued and wanted to become someone who could not only make the parts but also design them. And that was the real beginning and the reason for me to study aviation engines at the university”. "Aviation has a unique and amazing dimension for me and that is the flight itself, this is an excellent motivations but also a challenge when it comes to the design and construction of an aircraft engine" How many positions have you been through in your career, and which ones have you been most interested in and excited about? “Leaving aside my experience as a turner, after graduating from university in 1980, I joined the Turbine Design Group development department. At that time, the M601 engine was the main focus of my work. I was mainly involved in preparing and evaluating tests and implementing design improvements to increase engine reliability and durability. The development of the M602 engine had started right then, and I was in it as well. I had the opportunity of working on new projects. In addition, I was lucky to work with a great team of knowledgeable colleagues, willing to share their knowledge and experience. During the period of political changes in the Czech Republic after 1989, the organizational structure and ownership of the company changed. There was a general decline in development work, including the termination of the M602 program and changes in the customer market. During this time, I worked in various management positions, mainly focusing on projects for a growing number of different engine builds. At Walter Engines, I was leading the Design department. Then GE came with a new perspective of evolving the development of the M601 with the new H Series engine. My primary role was to manage the work associated with the design changes and subsequent certification. Today, I work in the Systems Team as a Principal Engineer and Compliance Verification Engineer. I see my main role in helping my younger colleagues, sharing my experience with them, and to motivate them so they can do their job with passion”. You have worked with the turboprop engines for many decades. How do you feel this specific industry segment changed overtime? “If you think about the engines we handle here, it is not easy to compare the state of the art at the beginning of M601 development with the Catalyst today; with regards to technologies and design tools, production capabilities, or market demand. The M601 engine was a one-turbine turboprop engine designed and built by a relatively small team at Motorlet. Its development began in the 1960s and was designed for the small L410 commercial aircraft. Over time, its basic design has not changed significantly. Still, the requirements for increasing performance, durability and the number of design changes for various airframes have grown, and it has been – as it still is – a very complex activity. The Catalyst engine is much younger. It uses cutting-edge design and technology methods and tools in its design, supported by a broad international team of experts. State-of-the-art tools and technologies are used for production, including 3D printing, with top-of-the-range parts and engine testing equipment. I'm a little envious of my Catalyst teammates. I firmly believe in this engine, both technically and in the fact that it will find its place in today's market. I believe it will bring joy and benefit to my team and company, as well as a lot of new knowledge and experience”. "I believe that the new Catalyst engine will bring joy and benefit to my team and company, as well as a lot of new knowledge and experience" What would you recommend to a young engineer or aerospace professional who would like to join this industry, perhaps the Prague site? “Every industry has its strengths and pitfalls. Personally, aviation has a unique and amazing dimension for me and that is the flight itself. This is excellent motivation but also a challenge when it comes to the design and construction of an aircraft engine. Every idea that brings more power, less consumption, less weight, and greater durability is worth more than gold. But never at the expense of safety and reliability, which is always the top priority. Developing an aircraft engine involves the teamwork of experts from many professions and nationalities. Working on an engine like Catalyst, we don't divide teams into Czech, Italian, German or Polish people. We are one team working towards a common goal. Since I am in daily working contact with them, I can describe the Prague team as a group of people who are motivated and fully aware of their priorities”. What do you like to do in your free time? “I live in Prague with my partner. I don't like boring life, so I try to divide my time between work, my family (especially my four grandchildren), working on my cottage and finding time to travel and see new things. It doesn't matter if it’s the north of Norway or southern Bohemia. I like getting to know new places and especially meeting new people. My physical activities are not exactly what you’d call "sport" but I like walking or riding a bike”. What are your most significant motivating factors, and have they changed during your long career? “As mentioned, my first motivation was my interest in studying and learning the skills needed to build an engine. Over time, I realized it is a never-ending, continuous process of learning and gaining experience. Also, with a product as complex as an aircraft engine, I’ve come to realize just how important teamwork is. This became my key motivation, especially when I was leading the Design Department team: to coordinate my team’s work while cooperating with other departments, and not only on the professional level. I’ve always considered the motivation to achieve a common goal my main priority, and I was lucky to have team members who were on the same page. Even today, I try to promote these motivation factors in my daily work with younger colleagues”.
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Understanding CABG Surgery? Heart Bypass surgery, also known as Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, or CABG, is a medical procedure conducted to restore the flow of blood to the heart when coronary arteries are blocked or damaged. Finding the best CABG hospital in Mumbai can also be a challenge. The CABG surgery restores the blood flow in the blocked arteries by utilizing healthy blood vessels that are taken from other body parts, such as the legs or chest. The main goal of the CABG surgery is to restore blood flow in the arteries, thus restoring proper blood supply to the heart. During the surgery, the cardiac surgeon creates a large incision in the chest, stopping the heart temporarily, your chestbone is cut lengthwise. Once your heart is exposed, a tube is inserted into it so that the blood can be pumped through the body with the help of a heart-lung bypass machine. The CABG surgical intervention helps patients enhance the function of the heart and alleviate symptoms of chest pain, and breathlessness. It helps patients live a long and healthy life free of life threatening symptoms, thereby improving their quality of life. Why is CABG recommended? - CABG addresses Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), a medical condition where your arteries, which supply blood to your heart, get blocked or narrowed due to the accumulation of plaque. - When lifestyle changes, and the medications provided by your cardiologist are insufficient to improve your symptoms of breathlessness, guiddiness, and chest pain. - CABG is also recommended when there are multiple blockages in your coronary arteries and they are severely narrowed, When the risk of heart attack is just a doorstep away, CABG is the prime rescue option. - After multiple medical tests of the patient’s medical history and how severe complications the patient may be going through. Your cardiologist will recommend angioplasty if it is the correct medical treatment or if Bypass surgery is the only option. - Lastly, CABG is only recommended as the last option by your cardiologist, when stenting or angioplasty would not be a possible solution for the cure of the accumulation of plaque in your coronary arteries. Risks Associated With CABG Surgery? - Infection at the incision site - Blood clots that can cause heart attack, stroke, or lung problems - Bleeding during or after the surgery - Breathing problems - Kidney failure - Abnormal heart rhythms - Failure of the graft Benefits of CABG Surgery? Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) or Bypass surgery is often recommended by cardiologists when other medical treatments are unable to provide relief to the patient from symptoms of chest pain, and breathlessness, or when the medical assessment tests often indicate that a heart attack is just a door step away and the patient could face a lifethreatning situation. Below are a few of the benefits of CABG surgery. Restores Blood Flow Among Patients: A CABG surgery is the prime medical treatment that can effectively restore blood flow to your heart. This procedure creates a pathway (graft) with the help of other blood vessels from other body parts. This helps fix problems with chest pain (angina) and reduce the probability of a heart attack. Reduce The Probability of Future Heart Disease: After successful execution of the CABG surgery, the patient has a much lower probability of receiving a heart attack or other CAD disease. CABG lowers the risk of any possible cardiac issues, as it restores blood flow to the heart, clearing the blocked arteries. Restored Blood Flow: The CABG surgery creates a new pathway for blood, so it can bypass the blocked arteries. Pieces of a leg vein or a chest artery may be utilized as blood vessels, or grafts, during the bypass treatment. A different possibility is to use an artery from your wrist. The graft is attached with one end above the blockage and the other below the blockage. This dynamic helps restore blood flow to the heart. Prepare Yourself for CABG Preparing for bypass surgery is often a challenge for the patient as well as the family. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before you prepare yourself for CABG surgery. Keep yourself fit before your operate: Keeping healthy is priority It’s always best that you keep yourself fit and healthy even before you go for CABG surgery. Quit alcohol, smoking, and unhealthy eating, which will eventually help you be physically prepared for the surgery. Notify your surgeon about any medical condition you’re facing, be it a common cold, cough, or fever. For the patient as well as the family, practicing key mental habits such as meditation and thinking positively can create a noticeable difference. Modern CABG procedures are very safe as compared to decades ago, when there was always a high risk. The risk still exists in modern times, but it is much safer. Also, consult your doctor and surgeon for some mental stimulation and get yourself comfortable mentally. Food and diet post cabg procedure: It is necessary to quit alcohol and follow a balanced diet, including fruits and green vegetables in your daily diet post procedure. Before the procedure, you should not have any solid food at midnight or in the evening before your procedure is conducted. Fluids can be allowed only under medical instructions.
- Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019 - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Czech Republic - Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of - San Marino - United Kingdom (Nocrich/ONCR) – Are you wondering where to go this summer? Are you feeling like giving a hand somewhere where it is needed? Were you the best in your troop in pioneering skills and you still enjoy teaching others how to tie a knot and build a cool gate for their camping lot during summer camp?…More → European International Scout Camps – Summer 2018Based on information made available so far, the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) has put together a (non-exhaustive) list of national jamborees organised during the summer of 2018 in Europe. Maybe one of these international camps is exactly what you were looking for? 15th European Guide and Scout ConferenceThe 15th European Guide and Scout Conference (15egsc) and the concurrently held 15th European Guide Conference (15egc) and 22nd European Scout Conference (22esc) took place from 17 to 21 June 2016, in Melsomvik, Norway. #ScoutGuideSupport #RefugeesBetween September 2015 and May 2016, the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movemente (WOSM) and the Europe Region WAGGGS regularly shared stories featuring Scouts and Guides involved in refugee and migrant support activities in their local communities. Google TranslatePowered by Google Translate. The Official World Scout ShopThe Official World Scout Shop offers an ever-growing range of high quality Scouting products. It is the only authorised supplier of World Scout items, and ALL profits go directly back to Scouting. What did we write about?Africa Arab Region Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Educational Methods Environment Europe European Scout Committee European Year of Volunteering 2011 event finland France Germany Growth Growth through Quality GSAT Jamboree Junak kandersteg Networking Organisational Development Partnerships Partnerships with other Regions peace Portugal PPÖ Regional Scout Plan Romania Rover Scouts Scouts Serbia Slovenia Spain Switzerland training Turkey Unguvu VCP Volunteering WOSM Youth Youth Empowerment Youth Programme
Koenig & Bauer AG (KBA) and its Russian subsidiary KBA RUS were represented with a 200 m² stand at the recent Polygraphinter fair in Moscow, where the exhibition centrepiece was a five-colour Rapida 75 press in a coater configuration for inline finishing. KBA was thus one of the few companies to cast away the worries of the economic recession and offer the local trade public live demonstrations of modern press technology. The exhibition press was sold directly from the stand to the Moscow-based Abada Group. It is the first printing press at Abada. In the past, the company had entrusted its printing needs – above all flyers for furniture stores and supermarkets – to external providers. The attendance at the fair was considerably better than had been feared, given the currently difficult economic situation in Russia. Alongside the expected visitors from the Greater Moscow area, there were even printers and industry professionals from far-off Vladivostok, the Caucasus region, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan among those who found their way to the new ultramodern exhibition centre before the gates of Moscow – and there specifically to the KBA stand. Polygraphinter 2009 was also a commercial success for KBA. In addition to the exhibition press for Abada, for example, a Rapida 105 with five printing units and coater was sold to another Moscow print company. In March 2010, the State Printing House in Kursk will be taking delivery of a four-colour small-format Performa 66. Further projects are in the pipeline for the coming year. Discussions at the fair indicate that the market situation in Russia should be brightening up quite soon in 2010. Many print companies, especially those involved in packaging printing, are reporting higher capacity utilisation than last year. The announced cancellation of import taxes on coated papers also enables Russia's commercial printers to look ahead to the future with renewed optimism.
This instance of Success as a New Supervisor will be held entirely online. Strong leaders take initiative, think strategically, empower others and set and carry out a vision. The supervisor, in particular, plays a key role in the success of any organization. Attendees will explore and define many of the competencies required of those who serve in the role of supervisor. This training is for current and newly promoted supervisors but is also helpful to those considering stepping up to a supervisory position. The above listed Standard program has been approved in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Registration of Social Workers, 258 CMR 31.00. Multiple dates listed above means participants must attend all dates to receive the above noted credit. The Providers’ Council is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. This program is valid for 6 PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertification.org. About Jim Ognibene, M.Ed: Jim is a People Enabler, Workshop Leader, Career Coach, Facilitator, Learning Catalyst, and Consultant. His passion is helping both individuals and organizations set and reach personal and professional goals. Jim has been deeply immersed in the field of Organizational and Talent Development for over two decades. He and his team have designed leadership development, team building, change management and team building facilitations while Jim has personally delivered over 1,300 professional development workshops. Jim loves being a part of the Providers’ Council community. He enjoys being in a training room (actual or virtual) with so many kind, thoughtful caregivers. Jim says, “Leading workshops with Providers’ Council members and friends is rewarding knowing I am enabling those who are enabling others; that is a good feeling.” Jim has one goal, to help you be your best! Jim has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Marketing from George Mason University, Virginia and a Master of Education in Instructional Design from the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
The Bedford Middle School Parents Association (MSPA) is wrapping up its activities for the current school year and is in search of volunteers for the 2023-2024 school year. The group invites any parent or caregiver with a student at John Glenn Middle School to become involved and is looking for volunteers to serve on the MSPA board in co-president, co-vice president, hospitality, fundraising, and METCO representative roles. Lisa Kaushik served as MSPA co-vice president along with Sheila Mehta-Green for the 2022-2023 school year. Kaushik will maintain the role for the next academic year, said, “You are already a member of the MSPA if you have a child at JGMS.” She encourages anyone with a student at JGMS to get involved and give an hour or more throughout the school year. Holly Munsie, co-president during the 2022-2023 year and returning to the role in the fall, said for board members, “The time commitment is only a few hours a month – two hours for meetings and however much time you want to dedicate to helping with activities beyond that.” General volunteers can make donations, help with set up and clean up of events, or take on some of the tasks one can do in their own home and schedule. Munsie said, “The work of the MSPA is important because it’s a chance for parents/caregivers and the school administration to collaborate and work together on ideas to make the school a better place.” Kaushik said, “Volunteers are important because they provide a voice from the community to JGMS.” Volunteers on the MSPA board meet with JGMS Principal Jonathon Hartunian once a month to discuss what events and programs are coming up and how the MSPA can best support the events, whether by collecting donations or coordinating volunteers. Hartunian said, “I have a great appreciation for the MSPA and all they do for our students and staff. I look forward to our continued collaboration and support of the great work at JGMS.” Kaushik reported this was a positive school year for MSPA – the absence of any pandemic restrictions allowed freedom in organizing activities. The group’s Annual Meeting report showed they raised close to $20,000 via appeals throughout the year, dine and donate events at Chipotle, Flatbread, and Pepper’s Grille, bake sales, and a spirit wear sale. The contributions raised were put back into the JGMS by providing each student with an agenda, funding half of the administrative and supplies costs of Homework Club, helping to organize and facilitate student dances, supplying a Field Trip Scholarship fund, a bevy of events supporting teachers, donating supplies for the eighth grade Washington D.C. trip, supporting the Moving On event happening later this week (including tee shirts, decorations, activities, food, and a METCO dinner) and more. “We wouldn’t be able to do these events without volunteers,” Kaushik explained. To find out more information about MSPA and volunteer roles check out their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BedfordMSPA/, email [email protected], or sign up for the group’s weekly (during the academic year) newsletter.
When it comes to taking care of a ship, there’s a lot of things to take into consideration. After all, the open water has a lot of aspects that can add serious wear and tear to your boat, things that other types of vehicles don’t even need to consider. That’s why we need to talk about how important wax is for your boat. Checkout PontoonCleaners for more! Protecting Your Boat From Discoloration There are many elements out in the open water that pose a threat of discoloring your boat. This includes sunlight, the water itself, algae and the salt that can be found in saltwater. All of these things will go a long way in taking the color out of your boat and fading its finish, over time. Waxing your boat provides a protective finish for the vessel. Of course, there are other valuable things that affect how important wax is for your boat. More on that below. Wax Makes it Harder for Grime and Blemishes to Stick Wax is a protective coating on the outside of your boat, that lies on top of the gel coat finishes many boats have. If you wax your entire boat, anything that sticks to the surface is actually sticking to the wax coating on the outside. At the same time, waxing will also protect your boat from chalking or hazing. While the wax coating will eventually be worn down by these things, you can ultimately replace the wax coating again and no permanent damage will have been done. This is much cheaper than letting something important getting damaged, and being forced to repair that. Wax Protects Decals and Graphics If you want to put graphics or decals on your boat, you have to understand that they suffer the same risks as the reguarl gelcoat on your boat. If you don’t keep them protected, the aforementioned elements will wear them down and make them fade as well. That being said, a coat of wax will also protect any decals and graphics from being worn down or faded. This is pretty much included in protecting your gelcoat, but it’s a different benefit nevertheless. Waxing Your Boat Increases Performance If you really want to know how important wax is for your boat, then consider this valuable benefit that isn’t immediately obvious: wax increases the performance of your vessel. Wax helps prevent things from sticking to your boat’s hull, and that means less drag when moving through the water. This mens it is easier for your engine to push your vessel through the water, and that means less fuel is consumed. After a fresh waxing, you boat will have better fuel efficiency and glide through the water more easily. When is it Time to Wax a Boat? While waxing your boat is important, you need to know when it’s actually time to go about waxing it. After all, wax is still a consumable item you have to buy and you don’t want to waste it if you don’t have to. Unfortunately, there’s no direct concrete answer: fact of the matter is, it depends. Major factors that impact the frequency of waxing are climate and storage. If your boat is stored in water, it’ll probably need waxing more often than if it were stored on land. On average though, it is recommended to wax your boat at least once or twice a season, though it certainly wouldn’t hurt to wax it more often. Of course, darker boats will need to be waxed more often if you want to keep the color at that shade. After all, darker colors are more easily lightened or bleached by sunlight and the other elements. In that case, you may have to wax your boat 3-4 times per year. Ultimately, waxing your boat helps keep the gelcoat safe from the elements, as well as maintain the color of your boat. It keeps grime and blemishes from getting on the gelcoat, and thus makes it easier to clean your vessel. Finally, a fresh coat of wax reduces drag in the water and increases fuel efficiency. As for how often you need to wax, at least twice a season, but three to four times a year for darker boats.
You can invite and manage operators and admins accounts of your b.stage. 👉 Invite Admin - Click [Invite] and enter the email address of the person you'd like to invite as a [Admin]/[Operator]. - "Operator" does not have access to SETTINGS menu. - The "Admin" account may access and manage all menus and hold dormant account lookup privileges. - Adding dormant member lookup rights allows you to view information about dormant members once they have been inactive on the service for one year. - After selecting a role and authority, click [Invite] to send an invitation email to the email you have entered. - Users who have accepted your invitation will see their last login date. - It is also possible to resend invitation emails to the email address that has not accepted invitations. - After selecting the account from the list, click [Resend invitation] from the pop-up window. - The number of admin accounts that can be invited varies by plan. - Essential: 2 Admin accounts / Standard: 5 Admin accounts - If you need more than 6 operator/admin accounts, you need to upgrade your plan, so please contact Customer Support for further assistance. 👉 Make Head Admin - Head Admin can delegate an Admin or Operator who has accepted the invitation as the Head Admin. "Admin" and "Operator" cannot delegate on the other hand. - There is only one account for the Head Admin. When delegating another account as the Head Admin, the previous Head Admin is no longer has the authorities and rights. Block long-term inactive users • Manage admin accounts who have not been on b.stage for 30 days. • When blocking is enabled, admins who have been inactive for more than 30 days will also be banned. (this will take time to take effect.) • Blocked admin accounts lose permissions. Invite them back as admins for access. Set IP access restrictions • You can manually register IP addresses to allow access to b.stage only from those specific IPs. You can register up to a maximum of 10 IP addresses. • Please register your current access IP. • If you have a shared IP, it may be difficult to access even after registering, so make sure you have a static IP. • Private IP can't be registered. 👉 Remove Admin - Head Admin can remove any "Admin" or "Operator" who has accepted the invitation at any time. - After selecting the specific admin to be removed, click the [Remove admin] button. - The account will no longer be having admin access. You can grant them access again later if you wish.
Soil is one of the most diverse habitats on Earth. Nowhere in nature are species so densely packed as in soil communities. For example, a single gramme of soil may contain millions of individuals and several thousand species of bacteria. The complex physical and chemical nature of the soil, with a porous structure, immense surface area and extremely variable supply of organic materials, food, water and chemicals, provides a range of habitats for a multitude of organisms. These range from macro- to micro- levels depending on climate, vegetation and physical and chemical characteristics of a given soil. The species numbers, composition and diversity in a particular ecosystem depend on many factors including temperature, moisture, acidity, nutrient content and the nature of the organic substrates. Soil biota includes archaea, bacteria, protists, tardigrades, rotifers, nematodes, acari (mites), collembolans (springtails), worms (enchytraeids and earthworms), macroarthropods (e.g. ants, termites, centipedes, millipedes, woodlice, etc.) and burrowing mammals. It also includes plant roots, fungi and lichens. Root exudates attract a variety of organisms that either feed directly on these secretions or graze on the microorganisms concentrated near the roots, giving this busy environment the name ‘rhizosphere’. There are also animals, such as beetle larvae, flies and butterflies that use the soil as a temporary habitat to reproduce or to spend their early life stages feeding on different live and dead plant materials until they reach their maturity. Soil communities are so diverse in both size and numbers of species, yet they are still extremely poorly understood and in dire need of further assessment. Research has been limited by their immense diversity, their small size and the technical challenge of identifying them. Since ancient times, scientists have been trying to classify living organisms. By the end of the 20th century, the English biologist Thomas Cavalier-Smith created a new model with six kingdoms. During the 21st century, a phylogenetic approach, based on DNA comparisons to classify organisms has gained strength. However future changes in the classification might be needed. Overall climate plays an overriding role in soil formation. Hence, soils generally differ from one major climatic zone to another. Equatorial regions, with high temperature and rainfall levels, have deep, strongly weathered and very leached soils with low nutrient levels. More arid conditions, with low precipitation and high evaporation, produce soils containing easily soluble components such as calcium carbonate or gypsum. Soils in temperate climates tend to have more organic matter while the effects of parent material and precipitation levels are more evident. In cold climates, soil formation is restricted and strongly influenced by freeze-thaw processes and the presence of ice in the subsoil (‘permafrost’). Past climates also play an important role in determining current soil distribution, especially in the subarctic and northern temperate regions where glaciers have removed all soil material and new soils were formed after the retreat of the ice. Consequently, soils of these regions are relatively young or ‘immature’. Soil classification schemes generally reflect different concepts of soil formation. For more information on the simplified descriptions of the world’s major soil types according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB), an internationally used soil classification system please visit www.fao.org/soils-portal/soil-survey/ or http://www.isric.org/explore/wrb Ref: Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas p21. p27
VANCOUVER, British Columbia – D3 Security, a developer of award-winning security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) solutions, today announced record-breaking growth in both revenue and active enterprise customers. This growth includes new bookings from more than 50 of the Fortune 500, adding to a customer base that now boasts over one-fifth of all Fortune 500 organizations. “This year, a few leading security orchestration suppliers separated themselves from the pack with their ability to automate security actions, orchestrate incident response, and successfully execute large implementations,” said Gordon Benoit, President of D3 Security. “Coming off a record-breaking fiscal year with numerous mega-sized projects, it is clear that D3 Security is one of these leaders in the industry.” Jon Oltsik, Senior Principal Analyst and ESG Fellow, adds, “The shift of technology to meet analyst needs has altered the market for the better. I believe we are now seeing the next step of the SOAR evolution, a category called security operations platforms represented by a variety of vendors such as D3 Security.” D3 Security’s position in the market is reinforced by the expansion of the D3 partnership program, which now supports 200+ integrations that simplify and streamline security operations. This program increases opportunities for technology and sales collaboration and will help drive even greater revenue growth in the coming year. Employee growth has also doubled, and in June 2018, D3 Security expanded into a larger, technologically-advanced office and R&D lab to support continued product innovation. Industry validation was earned in the form of numerous accolades for D3 Security as both a company and a platform. This year, D3 Security won six ISPG Awards, including Best Security Automation, Best Security Investigation, and Best Solution for both Large Enterprises and Financial Services organizations; the company was also named a 2018 SC Awards finalist. To keep up to date on D3 Security’s products and services, please visit https://d3security.com. About D3 Security D3 Security’s orchestration, automation, response and case management solutions are the foundation of the world’s most advanced security operations, including over 20 percent of the Fortune 500. D3 seamlessly facilitates collaboration within the security operations center and across departments through a flexible platform that streamlines incident management, orchestrates human and machine processes and documents all actions taken to assure that organizations meet industry requirements and compliance reporting standards. For more information, please visit https://d3security.com.
Late last week, a report surfaced that Britain risks losing a military base in Brunei following its election results next month. Though the speculation may appear premature at this stage, it has nonetheless put the spotlight on how domestic politics in both Brunei and Britain can spill over into security issues. As I have noted before in these pages, the U.K.-Brunei defense relationship is a longstanding one, and it has continued even following the Southeast Asian state’s independence from Britain in 1984. Indeed, Britain still maintains a strategic military presence in Brunei today in one of the few such arrangements it has globally, and both sides continue to maintain close security ties, with a memorandum of understanding on defense cooperation inked back in 2002 including aspects such as visits, exercises, trainings, and education. That has continued on into 2019 as well, with developments in Britain’s ties with Brunei as well as talk of Britain even boosting its military presence in the Indo-Pacific more generally. But at the same time, over the past year, Britain’s military presence in Brunei has been caught in a wider concern about Brunei’s evolving politics, particularly regarding stricter sharia laws that surfaced earlier this year. Beyond expressing concerns about rights, then-Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson said earlier this year that Britain had begun discussions with Brunei to ensure that aspects of these laws, including those targeting homosexuals, did not affect British personnel in Brunei. Over the weekend, a new report surfaced suggesting that Britain could lose its base in Brunei in the coming months over these concerns. The article, published in The Telegraph, cited anonymous senior defense officials as warning that Britain could lose its base next year if a Labor government under Jeremy Corbyn is elected in next month’s election in Britain. The article did not mention the exact nature of the warnings, beyond previously known concerns raised by British politicians about developments in Brunei. But the suggestion was that insiders at the defense ministry were worried that the base “would be in serious doubt,” with concerns held by some members of a potential Corbyn government and other groups (including gay rights activists) threatening the prospects for the renewal of the five-year base lease in February 2020. Based on the information made available in the article itself, the speculation seems premature. Britain continues to recognize the strategic advantages it gains from the base in Brunei, including for aspects such as jungle warfare training. Indications have been that both countries would be able to manage these differences while not breaking off ties dramatically in certain realms. Indeed, I as noted before, previous reports publicly disclosed that British officials have already been seeking assurances from Brunei on their specific concerns. Nonetheless, the continued attention to the issue is a vivid illustration of how the evolution of domestic politics – in this case, both in Brunei and in Britain – can lead to concerns that spill over into security issues as well. Seen from that perspective, how the base question shapes up in the coming months will be interesting to watch.
OlarHike Packing Cubes for Suitcases, 6 Set Travel Luggage Organizer Bags, Lightweight 4 Sizes Travel Cubes with Laundry Bag & Shoes Bag (Black) $23.99 - $15.99 (as of May 06,2022 19:11:22 UTC – Details) To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Stay Organized : Lets face it! We have all wished we could make traveling more convenient and organized. Introducing OlarHike’s breathable, washable, durable travel packing cubes for suitcases with easy to carry handle. Traveling to a tropical paradise and worried about clothes mildew? No need to fear these travel cubes are ventilated and are easily accessible for sorted goods, clothes, and travel needs. The perfect travel organizer bags for luggage. Size Matters: Comes in an array of sizes in each set: XL packing cube for hoodies, blazers, cardigans, or coats and jackets, L for shirts, tops, dresses, pants, M for shorts, workout clothes, S for underwear, socks, bras, and other small items, Shoes bag and Laundry bag to separate shoes and dirty clothes and keep your suitcase smelling fresh! Well Constructed: No need to worry about cheaply made products. OlarHike suitcase organizers are made with you in mind. Each set of packing cubes have high quality LST tested reinforced meshed, with strong tear resistant stitching, and high quality, easy sliding zippers with an easy grip pull string. Quality made handles latch easy on to coat hangers, closet hooks or elsewhere.The perfect set of luggage organizers. Easy Label: In a rush to pack? No need to fear! Each packing cube comes labeled for quick and easy packing and quick identification. Each of these travel organizers can handle damp or unwashed clothing with a mesh window, allowing ventilation. Dig out the right one on the first try easily with an easy viewing window that gives a view of the contents. Verstile Use: Whether you are on a business trip at the Ritz, or in the wilderness, these packing cubes are ready to go in any situation. Outdoor-ready for hiking, camping, road trips; carry damp, grass-stained or worn sporting goods, balls, gloves without spreading the stink. Pack that luxury suit and those leather loafers with ease and close the deal with these packing cubes for travel! Get just fit with these packing cubes. Suitable for a carry-on suitcase fit 20/22/24/28-inch luggage.
There are far greater challenges than purely medical ones when it comes to getting a mastectomy. There is an emotional feeling that many don’t talk about regarding the procedure. The loss of a body part can lead to a swell of unexpected emotions not previously considered. It can affect a person’s self-image and confidence levels, as well as distort their sense of identity. Not everyone recognizes breasts as a sign of feminine appeal, but the loss of one breast or both may make a person feel self-conscious or more exposed than before. Plus, there’s a visceral sense of loss beyond what is physically removed. These changes are also present when someone decides to undergo reconstructive surgery. It may lead to challenges that disrupt everyday routines, such as getting dressed. That’s why making this step easier is important, in its own way, to the recovery process. Finding bras for mastectomy patients that fit well and can adjust to provide all-day comfort aren’t always readily available. Fortunately, the TomboyX lineup of adaptable bras helps to support those who have gone through a mastectomy procedure and need the coverage and adjustability of a bra that has room for inserts and prosthetics. Standard underwire bras or bralettes aren't necessary post-surgery and are often too restrictive. Comfort is key after experiencing this intensive surgery. Buying and wearing the right mastectomy bra is crucial since it’ll be different than what you’re used to. Undergoing a mastectomy stirs up a range of emotions. Among them may be frustration, when looking for a post-surgery bra that supports you best. Consider the fabric and details of the bra and how well it can meet your needs throughout recovery and into your next stage of life. Bras should adapt to you, not the other way around, which is why we’ve put extra thought into the details of the bras we’ve created. They’re specially designed to support the needs of mastectomy patients, offer one less thing to worry about during the process, and truly empower you as you embrace your identity. Opt for Soft, Soothing Fabrics for the Skin A soothing fabric makes a difference when buying bras after mastectomy surgery. You’ll want to opt for stretchable, soft, breathable fabrics without underwiring or side boning that typically adds shape to bra cups. Avoid any raised seams or elements that scratch or rub against the skin, since it’ll be extra sensitive post-surgery. The soft TomboyX Ruched Bralette is made of 95% Oeko-Tex®-certified cotton and 5% spandex for stretch and softness. The silky-smooth elastic band also fits comfortably against the skin without chafing—an added bonus for those with sensitive skin. Additionally, the double-layered front adds modest coverage with no nipple show-through and the removable inserts can be swapped out as necessary. Choose a Bra with Removable Inserts Another key feature that’s necessary to look for when buying a special bra after mastectomy surgery is removable inserts. Molded cups aren’t ideal, but often, there is still a level of support that’s necessary. Removable padding gives you control over what you need to create the shape and feel you want. They provide an individualized fit and can be easily removed as needed. Whether you use one, both, or none, there are ways to make the bra customized to you. What you may need a week out of breast surgery is often different than what’s necessary a month later. The adjustment period following a mastectomy requires adaptability. The tenderness and condition of the skin vary from person to person and will continue to change over time. Handling with care is essential to help with recovery. The option of using removable inserts gives you versatility when you need it the most and empowers you to do what feels most comfortable. One of the best bras for women after mastectomy surgery is the Soft Sports Bra with Removable Inserts. It has the same features of the Ruched Bralette, but with thicker straps and mesh in the middle versus the ruching fabric. The Soft Sports Bra and the Ruched Bralette are both adaptable to changes during recovery, such as weight gain or loss. Not everyone will experience healing in the same way, but these bra styles benefit all. Skip Any Extras That Can Cause Irritation Avoid bras that have design elements as these can irritate the skin. This includes clasps, buttons, zippers, or any other additions intended to be ornamental. The skin is already going to be sensitive to the touch; any extra pressure against it isn’t recommended. Additionally, skip materials that could feel abrasive or scratchy against the skin like lace. Stick with cotton blends that have the softness and stretchability that’ll feel good against the chest. There are other ways to play with design details, while still focusing on functionality, such as color and cut. Our Crossover Soft Bra deemed The Michal Bra after our customer service lead comes in black, plum, and ivory. The v-neck of this crossover bra adds greater versatility with other types of tops, while the built-in openings and pockets accommodate insertable foam cups. The comfy, flat seams and signature stay-put TomboyX band offers support and coverage on all levels for every body. Consider What’s Best for Lasting Comfort The great thing about the TomboyX adaptable bras is that they are comfortable to wear far after the immediate recovery period of your mastectomy. Although they were created with a special purpose in mind, they are versatile for everyday wear throughout the years. They are made with quality material sans wiring to feel smooth against the skin. You outgrow styles and sizes, but you never outgrow the need for quality comfort. The classic black and slate gray colors will withstand the test of time with the notable TomboyX band for a unique touch. Also, with sizes that range from XS to 4X, you can buy the same style of bra and size up or down to align with body changes and know you’ll have the same great level of quality every time. There will be drainage tubes in your chest for a week or longer following surgery as well as swelling, which means that non-restrictive clothing is best to make it easy to put it on and take it off without too much hassle or strain. In general, the recovery time from a mastectomy is four to six weeks but is based on a case-by-case basis. There will be soreness and discomfort with minimal movement allowed, which is why finding the right bras is essential. As much as you may want to be back in action, a major surgery requires a slow and steady pace to get back into the swing of things for the sake of your health. More Than Just a Bra Choosing the right fabric and fit is part of the logistics of finding the ideal bra, but that only skims the surface of what buying a bra after mastectomy surgery really means. There’s a deeper shift taking place as you get used to your current norm and as you balance the physical discomfort with the emotional ties associated with this type of surgery. Our goal is to be inclusive and supportive of people at all stages of life, whatever the situation may call for and however it can help an individual feel seen. There are specifics needed for a post-surgery bra that aren’t always as available as what you find on the shelf of a department store. Each of our lines is specially designed to benefit as many people as possible and allow them to feel strong and confident in what they wear and who they are. From an outside perspective, buying a bra is simply a means to an end, but looking closer, it means having what you need when you need it. Women who experience a mastectomy often have a waiting period of recovery, may have to make accommodations for a prosthesis, or get used to the shape from reconstructive surgery. There isn’t a singular timeline of events for mastectomy patients and an adaptable bra turns from a nice-to-have to an essential part of the journey. There’s no way to predict how you’ll feel or how long it will take to fully heal. The shock of being a different size or the pain you feel from the surgery itself both stir up feelings of anguish that are valid and common among mastectomy patients. In our small way, we want to support you and provide you with a sense of comfort as you move forward down your new path. When you're wearing your mastectomy bra, we hope you feel as empowered as you do, comfortable.
With so many different approaches to bunion surgery, we want you to have all of the necessary information to be able to make the right decision for you and your needs. Hear from our very own Dr. Jordan Sullivan on what the difference are between Lapiplasty Bunion Surgery/Lapidus and Minimally Invasive Surgery! Lapidus/Lapiplasty® Bunion Surgery Fuses the first metatarsal and cuneiform joint (which alters gait, making physical activities more difficult. Can also cause arthritis in other parts of the foot, knee, and hip). Uses permanent hardware (that can cause a lot of swelling, irritation, and nerve issues). Has a period where you are non-weight bearing and must use a scooter or crutches (which increases the risk of blood clots). Large incision (increased risk of nerve damage, infection, and blood clots. Also is more painful because of the trauma to the soft tissue). Use of a tourniquet during the procedure to cut off blood flow to the foot (also increases risk of blood clots). Can only do one foot at a time (patient will have 2 recovery periods). General anesthesia is used along with IV and intubation (usual risks of general anesthesia). Minimally Invasive Surgery Procedures are done in the head or neck of the bone, where the bone is most vascular and will heal faster.All joints are kept intact.Better range of motion after surgery.Not limited. No permanent hardware (less swelling and minimal risk of nerve issues). Walk out of surgery and can perform day to day activities.Can remain active during recovery (elliptical, recumbent bike, weights). ¼ inch incisions (more stable correction because soft tissue remains intact.Minimal risk of infection, nerve damage, blood clots, and scar tissue. Pain levels are minimal due to lack of trauma to soft tissue). No tourniquet is used (circulation remains intact, minimal risk of blood clotting). Can do one foot one day and then the other foot the next day (one healing period, can lump all post ops together). No general anesthesia (conscious sedation only.Have the option of Ativan).
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Today, the 59-year-old co-owns and operates a B&B in a 500-year-old farmhouse, as well as the Paolini & Stanford Winery, which produces 25,000 bottles of organic wine a year. On any given day, he might be out driving a tractor or preparing breakfast for B&B guests with the help of his fiancée, Maryse Pen. And just recently, he’s able to pay himself a small salary. For many people, his story may seem like fantasy. But retiring abroad and continuing to earn a paycheck has in fact become increasingly common. While the precise number of Americans working overseas is hard to nail down, over half a million people receive Social Security benefits in foreign countries, according to the Social Security Administration. And that doesn’t count boomers like Stanford who aren’t yet entitled to Social Security or have delayed taking it. If working in a foreign land sounds appealing to you, here are some steps that can help make it happen. 2. Leverage language. If you speak a foreign language, or just studied one in high school, it can make sense to focus on places where it’s spoken. And keep in mind that your English skills can open the door to a wide range of work that includes teaching English, interpreting and guiding English-speaking tourists. You might land a job at a hotel, tourist-oriented art gallery, bistro, B&B, retail shop or real estate agency. For leads, check out ExpatExchange.com, a popular website on living abroad. “Expat retirees typically move to warm, beachfront areas such as Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, the Philippines, Thailand, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Belize,” says founder Betsy Burlingame. “These areas are also popular tourist destinations, and expat retirees can often find work in businesses related to the tourist industry.” Understand the local employment laws. Find out if the country allows foreigners to hold the kind of job you want and whether a work permit is required. Also, gauge competition for the job you’re seeking; supply and demand applies as much here as anywhere. 4. Seek out virtual employment. You don’t have to pick a place to live based on the job market there. Turn what you’ve done your entire career into a virtual consulting or project assignment-based business that you can do online. It’s the ultimate telecommute, provided you have a good internet connection. 5. Open a bricks-and-mortar business. This is more ambitious, but often it’s doable. Patrice Wynne closed her independent bookstore, Gaia, in Berkeley, Calif., and retired with the goal of taking a break and enjoying the good life abroad. She discovered she wanted to keep working and remain creatively engaged. So six years ago, Wynne, now 64, opened Abrazos Boutique San Miguel, a 650-square-foot retail shop in the historic center of the Mexican colonial city San Miguel de Allende. It sells vibrantly patterned fabric aprons, handbags and clothing sewn by local seamstresses. Today, she also sells her goods wholesale in boutiques around the world. Hiring a bilingual person who can help steer you through operational challenges is essential for many expat small-business owners, Wynne says. Even if you’re fluent in the language, you’ll need a bilingual legal and tax adviser to grasp the ins and outs of applicable laws, employment regulations and business contracts. 6. Learn the local etiquette for business relationships. Slow down. Some deals don’t get done until you’ve had a meal together. In Mexico, for instance, even a simple business phone call takes extra time. You need to ask about family, health and how the day is going. 7. Pay attention to taxes. If you’re going to earn even a small salary, consult with someone who knows international tax issues. Both the United States and your new country of residence could try to tax the money you earn. As a U.S. citizen or resident alien, you are taxed by the United States on your worldwide income. You’re required to file an annual tax return with the IRS. However, you may be eligible for the foreign earned income exclusion, which in 2015 exempted $100,800 of income per person from U.S. taxes. And if your foreign bank accounts hold a total of more than $10,000, with certain exceptions, you must file a disclosure form with the U.S. Treasury by April 15. Finally, be open-eyed about the drawbacks. Your internet connection might flicker in and out. Siesta time? Even your bank may shut its doors. Local bureaucrats might want a little pocket money as thanks for filing your business paperwork. And of course there’s the possibility you’ll get homesick. There’s a lot to be said for living in the USA. But more than a few people have found fulfilling second careers beyond its shores. You might become one of them. by Kerry Hannon, AARP Kerry Hannon is a career transition expert and an award-winning author. Her latest book is Getting the Job You Want After 50 for Dummies. She has also written Love Your Job: The New Rules for Career Happiness and Great Jobs for Everyone 50+: Finding Work That Keeps You Happy and Healthy…and Pays the Bills. Find more from Kerry at Kerryhannon.com.
Hãng SX: Schneider Mã Sản phẩm: MTN6215-5910 Comfortable room controller for controlling up to 32 room functions and the room temperature. All functions are displayed on a touch screen and are called up using simple finger movements. The user chooses from 3 interface designs that can be freely assigned to the room functions. The room temperature control can be shown in 2 different designs. With room temperature control unit, display and connection for the remote sensor. The room temperature control unit can be used for heating and cooling with infinitely adjustable KNX valve drives or to trigger switch actuators and heating actuators. ETS device functions: ■ Switch-on behaviour of the user interface ■ Proximity function: The display and the start screen only become visible when approached ■ Gesture function: The device recognises a gesture (horizontal or vertical swipe movement) and triggers a function. In this way, the light can be switched on when you enter the room, for example. ■ Cleaning mode: For a specific period of time, neither touches nor gestures are detected ■ Adjusting the background lighting ■ Setting the screen saver With integrated bus coupler. The bus is connected using a bus connecting terminal. KNX software functions: Switching, toggling, dimming (single/dual-surface), blind (single/dual-surface), pulse edges trigger 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-bit telegrams, pulse edges with 2-byte telegrams, 8-bit linear regulator, scene retrieval, scene saving, signal function, fan control, operating modes, setpoint adjustment Functions of the room temperature control unit: Controller type: 2-step controller, continuous-action PI control, switching PI control (PWM) Output: continuous in the range 0 to 100% or switching ON/OFF ■ Heating with one controller output ■ Cooling with one controller output ■ Heating and cooling with separate controller outputs ■ 2-step heating with 2 control outputs ■ 2-step cooling with 2 control outputs ■ 2-step heating and cooling with 4 control outputs Operating modes: Comfort, comfort extension, standby (ECO), night reduction, frost/heat protection Move all setpoints. Save all setpoint temperatures and operating modes when reset. External temperature monitoring. Additional output of the control value as 1 byte value on the PWM. Signal function for the actual temperature, valve protection function. Operation: Touch display Accessories: Dismantling protection MTN6270-0000 Remote sensor for universal room temperature control unit with touch display MTN5775-0003 Fixing frame for 3-module box MTN6270-0015 D-Life frame, 1-gang, for 3-module box MTN6010-65xx Note: Programmable with ETS4 and higher. Contents: With bus connecting terminal and supporting plate
Do you see digital photography as a viable future? This is a very radical question given the digital marketing frenzy. Digital photography is my favorite thing about photography. But what about the future of digital photography? It is a difficult question to answer, and perhaps one that is loaded. Film photography was never known for film photography. It was the standard. This standard was challenged by digital photography. I am curious if digital photography will become the standard, or remain the ugly sibling of photography. It will remain the “poor cousin” of film photography, unless two things occur: 1. All digital cameras must be able to produce images that are comparable in quality to basic film cameras. They must end the debate between digital and film. They must not be able to distinguish between the two formats. While the most expensive digital cameras are coming close to this standard, point-and-shoot models can’t compete with their film counterparts. I believe that consumers demand that the quality of lower-end cameras improve, even in times of economic crisis. True photography is about the SLR, and I believe we are well on our way to competing with film cameras in terms of quality. 2. It is now a common belief that quality is more important than quantity. The thought process of taking a photo with film has almost disappeared. Digital images can be taken at lightning speed, which makes it difficult to capture good photography. The quality of images submitted for competitions, posted on forums, and displayed on blogs is a good example. This mindset shift and a greater appreciation for photography will be a boon for digital art. How can we make digital photography synonymous with photography? Education and learning are my personal keys to success. Digital photography has transformed the face and nature of photography, just as digital publishing has transformed the face and culture of publishing. You can find great learning materials in electronic format as either free education or at a reasonable price. It’s now affordable and simple to learn about photography, and how to improve it. To improve your images, you don’t need a diploma or expensive course. It is as easy as purchasing an eBook or electronic course. There are many companies that offer money-back guarantees, so there is little risk. It is easy to find information and to learn. It is important to learn photography, not just digital photography. Film photography was viewed as an art form when it was first created. Therefore, much care was taken in its execution. This mindset was the foundation of film photography. It has remained largely an art form due to the high costs. It was practiced with care by even the common man. Digital photography is a completely new way of looking at things. It has made art more affordable, easier and quicker. These three factors can lead to loss of technique, reduced quality, and diminished value. This can be seen in the millions of electronic images on DVDs, hard drives, and memory cards that are unappreciated and worthless. This world is where the art of photography must find its place in the digital chaos. Digital is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It is now up to us to decide if it will rise to the occasion and be the new art form, or if it will be the one that causes the death of an old art form.
Advantages of Playing Sportsbook Online – The way you can choose when playing sportsbook gambling you can play online and offline. Most people today have used online media as a very useful thing. Of course not spared from all the more practical activities online. Even the name of gambling is now done online. Bettors certainly feel more profitable when they want to play bets in cyberspace. With all its advantages, it gives a good feeling of satisfaction when starting from playing gambling. One of them is Android soccer betting, which is a well-known bet that has been played for a long time. Now with a variety of well-known soccer markets providing new variations in enjoying soccer gambling. More Safe and Comfortable Playing Android Football Gambling There are various advantages or advantages of playing gambling games on the internet. Nowadays, the use of online media is increasing for various activities. Of course it provides its own innovation in the world of gambling. Online gambling is played to enjoy entertainment and profits safely. There are many judi bola bettors who feel uncomfortable or always anxious when playing offline gambling. Because players in various places will always enter gambling raids carried out by the authorities. Satisfied and Profitable Playing Android Football Gambling There are various advantages that you can feel when playing Android soccer gambling. What are the advantages of playing this online bet? Among others are: – Playing gambling feels more satisfying because of the availability of a wide selection of interesting games. Almost all gambling in the world can be accessed online, just choose the best bookies. All games in Indonesia or other countries can be enjoyed so this will be very fun. You can play Android soccer betting on a wide selection of well-known soccer markets. – The appearance of an attractive game seems to give a real impression, giving its own satisfaction. Bettors will feel the most exciting gambling comfort with Live Streaming services watching football with stunning graphic designs, full color and 3D images. Even supported with full features easy to understand. Then the game is never boring even addictive. – Various benefits are provided in various ways. Gamblers do not benefit from the winnings only, but various additional bonuses. The dealer can provide bonuses, promos, cash back and commissions according to certain conditions to players. – Gambling security can be felt at any time. Bettors can play anywhere without any worries because government officials are not suspicious. Even players feel safe logging in to the site at any time, their data is kept safe and not disclosed to anyone. – Starting this online Android soccer gambling game is also very easy. Gamblers only need to register without paying a fee, even for deposit payments as initial betting capital which is very affordable so that it feels more efficient.…
Why You Should Focus On Mobility Training To Feel Your Best In 2021 Becoming more muscular, leaner, or faster demands more than just daily cardio and weight lifting. When it comes to improving your fitness regimen, the missing ingredient is a lack of mobility. What is Mobility? While peak mobility is generally associated with yoga, it also plays a key role in weight lifting and high-intensity interval training. Good mobility ensures a proper range of motion to perform a full squat or avoid exercise-related injuries. Mobility encapsulates flexibility and the ability to move freely without stiffness or tension wreaking havoc on your joints. Both flexibility and a free range of motion work in tandem to improve agility. Why Mobility Training? Enhanced mobility helps you not only perform your best but feel your best. Without proper range-of-motion, your performance will undoubtedly suffer. Without regular mobility exercise, you won't be able to engage your muscles properly, increasing the risk of permanent muscle or joint injury. Mobility and Aging People in their twenties and younger tend to be less thoughtful and more reckless with their exercise routines. When you're young, it's easy to push your body to the limit and only focus on exercises you enjoy. These routines can include strength and resistance training for the sole purpose of building muscles. As we get older, the muscles in our body slowly begin to lose elasticity. It's crucial to incorporate mobility training into your daily exercise routine to combat premature aging symptoms like back pain and joint stiffness. The Benefits of Mobility Training Mobility training doesn't have to disrupt your favorite exercise routines. Instead, working pilates, yoga, or stretching into your exercises can improve your overall strength and balance. Increased mobility promotes a variety of health benefits such as: - Improving your range of motion - Releasing pent-up stress - Providing your body rest from high-intensity activities - Reducing your risk of injury - Adding variety to your workout schedule - Decreasing signs of premature aging - Preventing overuse injuries - Enhancing overall performance in games and sports activities Examples of Mobility Training Dynamic stretching entails active movements where joints and muscles experience a full range of motion. Dynamic stretching helps warm up your body before exercise and can mimic the flow of the activity or sport you're about to perform. Dynamic Stretching Exercises With Axle - Begin using your Axle Barbel as a dowel (a weighted bar) - Hold the Axle barbell at shoulder width - Bring the barbel over your head - Keep your core engaged and elbows extended - Push your hips back, bend your knees and begin to squat slowly - Go as deep into the squat as you can while keeping your core tight and elbows locked - Engage your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core as you drive through your feet and fully extend your knees and hips, returning to the starting position - Place your hands on your Axle bar and start with a wide grip - Move your arms in a full arc motion over your head from front to back - The finish position should have the Axle bar touching the small of your back - Stop if you feel excess discomfort or pain Hamstring stretch with the Axle band - Lie on the floor and loop your Axle band around your right foot, gripping the band tightly - Straighten your right leg - Keep your left leg bent on the floor - Pull your right leg towards you until you feel a comfortable stretch through your hamstrings - Hold for 15 to 30 seconds on each side Almost every yoga pose promotes some degree of strength, flexibility, and balance. Yoga can relax your body and help you develop a strong core. We also include yoga exercises in our Axle routines. Keep your body limber and fit with a quick mobility exercise before and after each of your workouts.
Standard Terms and Conditions - A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm all reservations. - Full payment is due 60 days prior to the start of the tour. If the tour is booked within 60 days of departure, full payment is required to confirm. Cancellation within 60 days but 30 days prior to the tour will incur a tariff in the amount of 50% of the full tour cost. Cancellations within 30 days will incur a tariff in the amount of 100% of the full tour cost. - All rates and refunds are calculated in Japanese Yen unless otherwise stated. - Depending on payment method and currency fluctuations, there may be some non-refundable fees associated with processing refunds. - If your Rising Sun booking includes services booked with 3rd party suppliers (airport transfers, hotels etc), that portion of your booking is subject to the cancellation terms of these providers. - All guests signing up for a guided tour are required to read and sign a release of liability waiver before departing. All participants under the age of 18 must also have a parent or legal guardian sign their release of liability. Our release of liability waiver can be viewed here. - Rising Sun reserves the right to cancel any tour or course at any time (typically due to inclement weather, unsafe backcountry travel conditions, guide injury / sickness or insufficient participant numbers). In the event of cancellation by Rising Sun, guests will be offered the opportunity to either reschedule or receive a full refund less any transaction fees associated with the refund. - All guests booking our backcountry or lift assisted day trips are covered by the RSG Powder Guarantee. - All participants entering the backcountry (anywhere outside of the ski area boundary) on a guided tour must be at least 13 years of age. - It is your responsibility to care for any rental equipment supplied by Rising Sun. Guests will be charged for repair or replacement of any lost or damaged items. COVID 19 Policy As of May 8, 2023, COVID 19 has been downgraded to a category V infectious disease (the same as the seasonal flu). As a result there are no longer any travel restrictions in place with regards to COVID 19; however in the unlikely event that this changes, we will resume offering COVID 19 travel protections as follows: - If Japan border restrictions prevent tourist travel to Japan, international visitors will be permitted to defer their booking to a subsequent season. This policy only applies to Rising Sun products and services. Products booked with 3rd party suppliers (accommodation, transport etc) are subject to the cancellation terms of those suppliers. - Any credits issued are valid for up to 2 years. - If guests are unable to travel due to a COVID 19 infection, our standard terms and conditions stated above apply. Rising Sun highly recommends all guests carry travel insurance that offers protection against COVID 19 related problems, other sickness, injury and/or travel interuption.
Take a moment to remember science class. Every day opens with a new lesson and ends with a new experiment to try out. Very young children are introduced to science through observation and safe experiments like growing a bean sprout, watching a butterfly transformation, and playing with the light refractions in a prism. As we get older, the school system begins to introduce more reactive, but still fairly safe, experiments like the vinegar volcano and testing things with litmus paper to identify their PH value. Finally, as kids enter middle school, you can start to trust them with actually dangerous substances, playing with chemicals and bunsen burners. Naturally, schools work hard to keep kids safe during this both vital and very interesting phase of scientific education. I’m sure you remember the big plastic aprons, hot-pads, test-tube holders, and of course, the enormous bulky safety glasses. At the beginning of every experiment, children and teens line up to take their safety glasses from a big box of scratched up plastic frames that are almost always oversized. Keeping them on is always a hassle, as they are too big for most students and messing with them often leads to taking them off before the experiment is over. This is particularly problematic for kids who already wear glasses, as now they have to stack the safety pair over their normal prescription eyewear. No matter how much the child loves science, the stack gets uncomfortable, weighing heavily on the ears and nose while at the same time tending to slip off every time these children look down at their work. Most kids tough this out, opting for the strap-goggles to try and solve the problem or simply dealing with continuously re-securing their safety glasses. After all, science class is fun and they wouldn’t dream of missing the group experiments over some piece of plastic eyewear. It’s not uncommon to see kids trying all sorts of things to keep their safety glasses on while they work, and the experimental attempts only increase if the child loves science class and wants to be able to focus on their real work. They could secure the clunky safety glasses to their own eyewear with tape, fashion a makeshift back-strap if goggles aren’t available, or even try to use hair decorations like clips to hold the glasses in place. But what if you could make this hassle easier for your little scientist? If your child enjoys science class, now is your opportunity to help them not only enjoy it, but pursue it as a valuable and rewarding career. This hassle with the safety glasses is likely to be distracting when they’re trying to work, irritating, and to a certain extent discouraging from taking on more science classes and extracurricular science activities. Fortunately, there are a few different things you can do for your child. With a relatively small investment compared to what we normally spend on video games or children’s sports, you can get your child personalized and prescription safety equipment for their science class so they no longer have to work with the one-size-fits-all distractions. When your child has safety gear that fits them comfortably, they will be better able to focus on science and enjoy experiment time more. If your child is quickly becoming an independent scientist, excited every day they go to science class and eager to start experimenting after school as well, there’s every reason to believe they will make great use of a personal science safety kit that is sized to their proportions that can be taken to school and even worn at home during backyard and garage experiments. While no one actually likes the one-size-fits-all (but usually too big) safety glasses and goggles available in science class, your little scientist should have safety gear that actually sits firmly on their face without the risk of slipping out of place in the middle of an experiment. If they already wear glasses, the best way to achieve this is with prescription safety glasses. While these are usually marketed to adult science and industrial professionals, you can also get them in child and teen sizes for exactly this reason. Prescription safety glasses feature a wrap-around design to protect the entire eye area and the lenses are made of incredibly tough plastic assured to resist both chemical splashes and high-force impacts. Child Sized Plastic Apron One of the silliest parts of school science class is the size of the protective aprons. Almost all of them are adult sized, requiring children to fold them in, tripple-wrap the straps, and the smaller kids still have plastic dragging on the ground. You can make sure your child is actually well protected rather than simply wearing a floppy plastic sheet by sourcing them a plastic apron that fits their body size, plus a little room to grow, and secures reliably in place. This will ensure that everything from sharp objects to hot test tubes to bubbling chemicals stay clear of their clothes and skin. Full Face Sheild Sometimes safety glasses aren’t protective enough. If a substance is particularly volatile or if a variable reaction is expected, it may be better to work with a complete face shield. This clear plastic shielding plate should come with a head strap that fits to your child firmly so that it will not slip loose or fall down during an experiment. Fortunately, the face shield doesn’t need to be prescription because there will be plenty of room for the prescription safety glasses that fit snugly to your child’s face. While the plastic apron protects your child’s clothes and body from harm, science is all about doing things with your hands. Pouring test tubes, moving apparatus elements, taking measurements and then collecting notes all leave the hands active and exposed. The best way to keep your child safe is to find them some comfortable protective gloves that fit well enough not to impair their dexterity with floppy over-sizing. All of these items can be easily washed, folded tightly, and stored in a small section of your little scientist’s backpack for every day that they have science class. You can even get a special carrying case, making transitioning and safe storage after an experiment that much easier. It’s perfectly reasonable to get excited about encouraging your child’s love of science, but it’s also important to check your work before making any final decisions. Prescription safety glasses come in a lot of different designs and you’ll want to check with your child’s school before purchasing to ensure that they will accept your decision in the classroom. Explain to the science teacher that you’re getting your child their own safety glasses and ensure that they will be allowed to wear them instead of the clunky school-provided pairs in the classroom. Most science teachers are very cool about this, but they might have specific requirements like percentage of the face covered or want to see proof that the glasses are rated for lab safety. With a little discussion and cooperation, you’re sure to find a solution that allows your child to use their new prescription safety glasses in the science classes they love. For more information about prescription safety glasses, contact us today! Stay on top of the latest news about prescription safety glasses, eyewear, sunglasses, and all the trends in the industry.DISCOVER NOW Be the first one to know about promotion, new products, and more. Follow Us On Instagram @rx_safety Always Good To Have!
Happy Birthday Félix Varela Happy Birthday Félix Varela Félix Varela y Morales was born on November 20, 1788, in Havana, Cuba. After his mother’s death when he was young, Valera went to live with his grandfather in St. Augustine, Florida. His grandfather, Lieutenant Bartolomé Morales, was a commander of the military forces in Spanish Florida. When he was a teenager, Varela’s grandfather wanted to send him to a military academy in Spain. Varela refused however, and instead returned to Cuba to study to become a Roman Catholic priest. He attended the only seminary in Cuba, the San Carlos y San Ambrosio Seminary in Havana. By 1811 he was ordained a priest and, despite his youth, named a professor of philosophy at the college. He also taught physics, chemistry, Latin, and rhetoric. An innovative educator, Varela was a firm believer in giving women the same education as men, and he actively lobbied for the abolition of slavery. He also published many philosophical pamphlets and books. Many prominent Cubans were his students, including Dr. José de la Luz y Caballero. De la Luz – credited with being the father of public education in Cuba – said of Varela, “As long as there is a thought in Cuba, we will have to remember him, the one who taught us how to think.” In addition to his contributions in the field of education, he was chosen to represent Cuba in the Cortes Generales of Spain in Madrid. There, Varela argued for independence from Spain and published an essay urging the abolition of slavery. Varela was sentenced to death for his activism, and fled to Gibraltar before returning to the United States, where he lived in New York City. In the United States, Valera helped the poor and worked for racial, ethnic, and religious tolerance. Varela founded churches, orphanages, nurseries, and the country’s first Spanish-language newspaper, El Habanero. He continued to publish articles about human rights, religious tolerance, and education. In 1832, he organized the New York Catholic Temperance Association for the care of cholera victims. During this terrible epidemic, he virtually lived in hospitals and nurseries caring for the ill. In 1837, Varela was named vicar general of the Diocese of New York. In that capacity, Varela played a major role in the church’s handling of the surge of Irish refugees. He learned the Irish language so he could communicate with them and speak on their behalf. Varela dedicated the rest of his life to encouraging cooperation between different ethnic groups. St. Mary’s Seminary of Baltimore later named Varela a doctor of theology. When he began suffering from severe asthma, Valera retired to St. Augustine. He spent his final years there before his death on February 18, 1853. His former students honored his memory by building a chapel in the cemetery there. Nearly 60 years after his death, his remains were returned to Cuba. Two foundations bearing Padre Varela’s name, based in New York and Miami, continue his noble work. Varela has achieved the first of three steps towards possible sainthood (the three steps are veneration, beatification, and canonization). He could become the first Cuban-born saint if he is successfully canonized. Click here to see what else happened on This Day in History.
Supplements aren’t just for maintenance or to support disease conditions. I’m asked the question all of the time—shouldn’t I really be getting everything I need from food? The answer to that is YES, IN A PERFECT WORLD. What’s a perfect world? One where we live in tune with nature—food right out of the earth, lots of fresh air and sunshine, limited exposure to electromagnetic radiation, a chemical-free environment, and clean water and air. In other words, not the world we live in! Supplements are just that—they are an addition to any healthy diet. Here are some ways you should be using supplements that you may not have thought of: 1. You’re Stressed Out Acute and/or prolonged stress can wreak havoc on the body. If you send your body into fight-or-flight response on a regular basis you could end up with all kinds of issues: imbalanced hormones, high blood sugar, weak digestion, heart palpitations, headaches, and more. Have a supplement on hand before the stress gets out of control. A good B-Complex or a magnesium supplement are a great solution that can be taken by most anyone. A B complex helps the body react better to stress, aids digestion, and boosts energy production. Magnesium is involved in 300 biochemical reactions in the body, relaxes the muscles and nerves, is involved in energy production, and is quickly depleted by stress. There are also numerous balancing herbs called adaptogens that help the body to react better to stress. These include rhodiola, schizandra, ashwaganda, ginseng, reishi mushroom, and others. Holy basil is an amazing zen herb that can help control cortisol levels. There are many other herbs, such as passionflower, that can be used for calming. 2. You’re Injured or Having Surgery. Supplements can and should be used to speed the healing process. Homeopathic arnica is indispensable in the case of injuries and post-surgery for combating inflammation, reducing swelling, and minimizing the need for painkillers. Hypericum is also very useful in cases where the nerves are affected, such as surgery to the fingers, toes, spine, or eyes. Bone breaks are healed more quickly with symphytum, and silica is excellent for the healing of connective tissue and bone. A calcium/magnesium formula is necessary to heal breaks in bone. Powdered collagen is excellent whenever there is connective tissue damage. CoQ10 is great for energy recovery and getting rid of the fog of anesthesia. I could go on and on, but you get the idea! 3. You’re Having Dental Work If you take arnica before and after dental work, and take hypericum after, you will minimize any pain you have from dental work. The herb goldenseal acts as a natural antibiotic for those that cannot take the antibiotics often prescribed with dental surgery. Aloe is very soothing and cooling to the tissues in the mouth after dental work and also has antiviral qualities. 4. You’re Travelling. If you’re going overseas, especially to an area that is known to have clean water issues, you need a strong probiotic. Don’t wait till you get back and your stomach is irritated for days. Pack a probiotic and enjoy! Continue to take it for 2 weeks after you return, just to be safe. If you don’t sleep well on planes or in hotel rooms, or adjust well to time changes, take melatonin along. Several herbs including valerian, passionflower, hops, lavender, and holy basil can relax you for better sleep and help you get into your vacation groove. Don’t wait 3-5 days before you start enjoying your vacation! 5. You Have Allergies or Asthma. A few supplements can make a big difference in how you manage these conditions. Magnesium is great for relaxing the bronchia. Quercetin is an antioxidant and natural antihistamine that can significantly reduce allergic reactions. Vitamin C is useful for both conditions, especially in the case of exercise-induced asthma. Astragalus can be very helpful for those with asthma. It is both an adaptogen and a building herb that fortifies the lungs. 6. You’re Low on Energy. Using coffee as a replacement for energy will just further deplete the adrenal glands and the body’s ability to bounce back. Ginseng, rhodiola, and ashwaganda are a few herbs that will more naturally increase energy. CoQ10 is also used in the energy-making process and can boost your stamina. 7. You Feel Sore After a Workout. Magnesium is a great muscle relaxant if you get too tight after working out. You should always eat protein within one hour after working out to aid in the rebuilding of muscles. A clean protein shake such as grass-fed whey, a plant protein, or egg white protein are a few good ideas. If you get inflamed while working out, try sour cherry juice concentrate in your protein shake, or mixed with water. 8. You Have a Cold, the Flu, or a Sore Throat. The goal here is to shorten the duration of the illness. While research about using Vitamin C to combat the common cold is mixed, from my own experience it works. If you take up to 3000 mg per day (for an adult), it will help you recover more quickly. There are many great homeopathic combination remedies for the flu, and they are easy to get down even if you’re having stomach issues. Oscillococinum, an old standby, works great if you take it right when you feel the flu coming on. It’s great to have on hand just in case. For sore throats, a great herbal throat spray will get you through it quickly. Elderberry is also a favorite go-to for sore throats. A shot of Fire Cider every day is a great way to keep the bugs away! 9. You Have lots of Bloating, Gas, or Indigestion. The natural arena offers much more for digestive issues than Western medicine in my opinion. A simple course of probiotics may help to correct your digestion. Herbal bitters are great for enhancing the natural digestion and have been used in many cultures for centuries. Just take a teaspoon before your meal. Digestive enzymes can also help correct digestion where it has become sluggish. Just take before the meal and voila, no more indigestion. If you have trouble digesting dairy, gluten, beans, or any other common allergen, there are enzymes targeted at these specific foods. 10. You Need Some Sleep. Herbs are wonderful for this purpose. Many have sedative qualities and others are nervines, or in other words they calm the nerves. Some common herbs for calming are hops, passionflower, and chamomile. Melatonin may work, particularly in those over 5o. As we age we don’t produce as much melatonin and may need a little boost. Supplements are Mother Nature’s little helpers. They can support just about any condition you have, and can speed recovery. The above are just a few ideas for using supplements, but there are many more. Liver health comes to mind, as does balancing hormones. The possibilities are endless! Please stop by and let us know how we can support your health needs.
"Landon isn’t just a building, it’s home. The staff is caring and supportive. Every weekday morning I am greeted by Troy and in the evening the doorman welcomes me back. The neighborhood is also welcoming, with lots of things to do — restaurants, Broadways shows, Bryant Park, Circle Line and…" September 15, 2023 5 "It was a smooth experience for two main reasons. First, the staff were incredibly helpful with passing on important information and answering every question I had in depth. Second, The Landon's leasing office may have made a few mistakes, but they were quick to correct themselves and always had a…" September 13, 2023 5 "Thank you very much for your care and good attitude towards the tenants of your wonderful building, in which I was lucky enough to get an apartment in 2014! During this time, many transformations took place in the building! this made the residents' leisure time more interesting! cleanliness and order…" September 8, 2023 5 "Amazing amenities and apartments (large spaces, a lot of storage space, great materials, outstanding conference rooms and common areas). Would be awesome that it had an outdoors swimming pool. Anyway, it’s a 10/10" September 8, 2023 5 "I enjoy the size of my 1BR flex which is great for a couple and love the amenities like the terrace and gym and conference rooms. The neighborhood has a lot to do" September 1, 2023 5 "The entire staff have been amazing and made the move in seamless. They all jumped at the opportunity to help guide us in the endeavor, and were very speedy in taking care of the repairs needed." August 25, 2023 5 "I love living at the Landon, great neighbors and amenities. The staff are also great and very friendly and attentive. My apartment has great views too." August 24, 2023 5 "The Landon is a great apartment building, truly highlights my NY life. Just recently I discovered that my friend lived here for 9 years and he loved it." August 23, 2023 5 "The Landon is a great place to live with many amenities and amazing staff! The location is right by the water and away from madness of Times Square, but close enough of a walk if you do need to go to the area" August 12, 2023 5 "I love the Landon! The building is top-notch, the staff is re, responsive and my neighbors are friendly when I see them in the hallways. Plus, dogs! It’s a dog friendly building and their owners take care of them - no running in halls, they clean their poop outside and…" August 4, 2023 5 "The Landon is a great apartment building with very friendly staff! It is located very near to Port Authority subway as well as Times Square subway station. The building is also near the midtown ferry terminal, Lincoln tunnel and Henry Hudson Parkway so it’s a great location to move easily…" August 2, 2023 5 "Love the amenities and the terrace has events every month which are fun to bring together tbe community 😊 the doormen are friendly and people are nice" August 1, 2023 5 "we have the best building and the best staff! public areas are always clean, the staff is always friendly and helpful! I love coming back here after work." July 28, 2023 5 "The neighborhood is great .everything is assemble. Staff is friendly and polite I would re omend my friends and family to get an apartment here." July 25, 2023 5 "We love the Landon community so much! With the fun events and pet-friendly environment, this community is one that truly cares about its residents!" July 14, 2023 5 "Moving was a breeze. The doormen and maintenance staff are great. Amenities are lovely! The neighborhood is nice, quiet due to the cross streets." July 10, 2023 5 "I moved recently to the Landon and so far my resident experience has been great. The stuff is professional, kind, and always ready to help. And I am enjoying the amenities and events organized here." July 6, 2023 5
The ultimate writing challenge: 50,000 words. 30 days. Making creativity a #1 priority. It’s NaNoWriMo! In this episode of the KWL Podcast, US Manager Christine Munroe interviews Grant Faulkner, the Executive Director of NaNoWriMo. Christine and Grant discuss: - The origins of NaNoWriMo, which began in 1999 with 21 writers. It now supports hundreds of thousands of writers across the globe. - Why November? If you can write a novel in November, you can write one anytime. It’s a busy time of year leading into the December holidays. - The division between the “planners” and the “pantsers,” those who work out all of the details of their story ahead of time… and those who wing it on November 1. Grant recommends a middle ground of taking time in October to think through what you want to write, but also allowing the creative improv of NaNoWriMo to take your writing and ideas in new directions. - NaNoWriMo’s other initiatives, including Camp NaNoWriMo and the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program. - NaNoWriMo empowers everyone to call themselves writers. Grant says, “You are a writer, because you write… You’re going to take more creative dares when you view yourself as just as legitimate as Stephen King, or J.K. Rowling, and you are… You share the same struggles they share.” - The effective writing tools inherent within NaNo that writers can use all year: - Set goals and measure your progress (for example, with daily word counts). - Engage with the writing community – your fellow wrimos. #amwriting - Get rid of your inner editor and just write. Embracing the speed-writing element of writing 1,667 words a day will bring out new ideas. - Sit down and write. Every day. - Even if you don’t “win” by hitting the 50k word count, every participant is a winner for choosing to make creativity a priority. If you write 10,000 words in November, and keep that up all year, that’s 120,000 words – a long novel! - No one is too busy for NaNoWriMo – so “put that excuse away!” Grant says. - What happens on December 1? What to do with those 50,000 words? NaNoWriMo walks writers through the next steps in the writing process (revisions, revisions, revisions!) through online forums which stay live all year, their blog, tweet chats, webcasts, and more. KWL is proud to sponsor NaNoWriMo 2015. Stay tuned as we get closer to November and re-launch KoboWriMo, our intrepid team of Kobo writers embarking on this creative adventure. Grant Faulkner likes big stories and small stories. He is the Executive Director of National Novel Writing Month and the co-founder of 100 Word Story. He believes quite simply that everyone is a writer—that we create our world through the stories we tell—so he prods everyone he meets to write their story and discover how life can be transformed through a daring creative act. His stories and essays have appeared in dozens of publications, including The New York Times, Poets & Writers, and Writer’s Digest. He’s recently published a collection of one hundred 100-word stories, Fissures. LINKS OF INTEREST: If you enjoy this podcast and would like to automatically download episodes as they go live – even before the show notes are posted to the Kobo Writing Life blog – subscribe to the RSS feed via your favourite pod-capturing platform (such as iTunes) using the RSS feed link: RSS feed for Kobo Writing Life Podcast.
If you live in Thunder Bay and are looking for a local company to buy an alarm system from, then MHB Security has a Thunder Bay Free Alarm System offers available today! Being the victim of a burglary or break-in can be a very distressing experience. Stress may become compounded once th[..] Read more Being the victim of a burglary or break-in can be a very distressing experience. Stress may become compounded once the financial impact of a burglary becomes apparent. According to Statistics Canada, the total number of break and enter crimes reported in Canada in 2017 were 159,336 and total property crimes reported increased by 21,644 in 2017 from the previous year to 1,191,089. Several of these burglaries could have been prevented had homeowners and businesses installed a security system, which can deter potential intruders from breaking into a residence. Normally, we don’t think about a home invasion, but every single day a property crime is committed. It’s easy to believe this doesn’t apply to your location, but in Thunder Bay, burglaries occur every single year. Don’t take risks. Installing a home or business security system can help keep your home, family and your property safe. MHB Security provides alarm systems and WIRELESS monitoring in and around the Thunder Bay area. MHB Security is a WIRELESS Trusted Provider in Thunder Bay offering WIRELESS Smart Home and Business Security system. This means that you receive the combined strength and stability of a national company with the convenience and personal touch of a local dealer. Click below to learn how you can take advantage of our free alarm system promotion! Get a discounted monthly rate for a limited time only Limited Time Special Promotion Make your security system works for you all the ti[..]Read more Make your security system works for you all the time, not just when it’s armed. You can be alerted in the event of an alarm, know when the system is disarmed, check in to see which door was opened, or find out exactly what time your kids came home. Unlike traditional systems that do nothing while the system is disarmed, our interactive solutions keep you in touch with what’s going on at your property and alert you when something happens.Read less WIRELESS monitored security systems in Thunder Bay[..]Read more WIRELESS monitored security systems in Thunder Bay give you 5 channels of protection: Burglary, Police, Fire, Medical Emergency, and Chime feature . Each provides a vital security services for you and your family. MHB Security offers a wide variety of products and services to keep your home safe from robbery, fire, flood, carbon monoxide, and we have many different services that you can add on to your security system like interactive, two way voice, video monitoring, medical alerts and much more.Read less The advantages of digital surveillance extend beyo[..]Read more The advantages of digital surveillance extend beyond your imagination as it is the answer to observing your premises and employee activities in the event of your absence. Our Thunder Bay customers can significantly reduce the chances of break-ins, ensure loss prevention and have peace of mind. We offer in Thunder Bay state-of-the-art video surveillance cameras from 4 MegaPixels to 4K 8 MegaPixel quality. Right now you can save $1,000 off the regular price of our CCTV camera packages.Read less MHB Security offers a wide variety of equipment ad[..]Read more MHB Security offers a wide variety of equipment add-ons to keep your home protected in Thunder Bay for all types of emergency situations that can arise. The many products we offer include door and window sensors, motion sensors, smoke detectors, glass break sensors, wireless keyfobs, carbon monoxide detectors, temperature sensors, flood sensors, extra keypads, battery back up, CellGARD GSM, medical alert pendants, CCTV cameras, and video door bells.Read less If you’re looking for a security system that’s right for you and your residential or commercial property, trust the experts at MHB Security to provide you with exactly what you’re looking for. Drop us a line today for a free quote!
We got our first official glimpse of Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City last month, but Capcom and Sony Pictures are refusing to rest on their laurels, as they’ve just unleashed a fresh teaser to remind all you gore-hounds out there that their highly anticipated horror reboot is still on track for its Nov. 24 cinematic release. Go ahead and feast your eyes on the new footage down below, though beware, it’s pretty damn spooky stuff: As you can see above, the latest teaser of Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City really leans heavily into the horror tone and vibe. A dilapidated orphanage? Check. A bunch of creepy dolls? Yes, sir. Twitching monstrous beasties? You betcha. And that’s all just within the first few seconds! Indeed, the video soon gives way to the iconic locale of what looks to be the Spencer Mansion from the first Resident Evil titles, before ramping up the tension with a bevy of blood, guts and body horror. Yes! Frankly, this project looks to be shaping up nicely, and I’m pretty stoked to check it out once it hits theaters exclusively on Nov. 24. In the meantime, though, if you’re after any more information about Welcome to Raccoon City, here’s an official description courtesy of Sony Pictures: Returning to the origins of the massively popular RESIDENT EVIL franchise, fan and filmmaker Johannes Roberts brings the games to life for a whole new generation of fans. In RESIDENT EVIL: WELCOME TO RACCOON CITY, once the booming home of pharmaceutical giant Umbrella Corporation, Raccoon City is now a dying Midwestern town. The company’s exodus left the city a wasteland…with great evil brewing below the surface. When that evil is unleashed, a group of survivors must work together to uncover the truth behind Umbrella and make it through the night.
The reinvention of a California school is now under the threat of teacher layoffs. For nearly a year, Stege Elementary, a K-6 school in Richmond has been planning and preparing for an overhaul to improve students’ academic outcomes and attendance, and the school’s climate for learning. Much of that change, so far, has been built on recruiting and training experienced and enthusiastic teachers eager to work with the students, many of whom come from low-income families. But the threat of teacher layoffs in the West Contra Costa Unified School District could threaten the school’s planned reforms. Parents, community members and teachers learned last week that the district is considering eliminating 230 teachers starting July 1 to save $22 million. During the meeting, school board President Tom Panas said, the school could lose up to eight of its 17 teachers, according to a list posted by the district’s teachers union. Four teachers from the school received layoff notices last week. Despite the school being listed among the lowest performing in California and targeted for additional help, it won’t receive a reprieve from the cuts. Layoffs are determined by teachers’ seniority within the district and their credentials. Demetrio Gonzalez, president of the United Teachers of Richmond, the union representing the district’s teachers, said four of the school’s teachers received layoff notices. However, district officials say they hope to rescind the layoffs in May if the district can reach an agreement with unions for other cost-saving measures. On Tuesday, the union announced that it had reached an agreement with the district that would rescind 75 of the 130 layoff notices that were already sent to teachers. Union members have until Friday (March 13) to vote on the agreement. However, the union was still encouraging teachers and their supporters to protest the layoffs prior to Wednesday’s school board meeting. Sam Cleare, who has been teaching third grade at the school for three years, has not received a layoff notice but she worries that the job cuts will impact the reform efforts underway in the school. “I’m horrified and unbelievably concerned for what’s going to happen with this school,” Cleare said. “There are people who work here and are doing such a great job. Everything is improving. Many promises were made, and a good amount of funding is going toward this redesign process.” The district and the teachers union have invested significant money in improving the school, of about 280 students, who are mostly black or Latino. The district is spending about $55,300 that goes directly to the teachers for 10 additional training days added to the school year. Because the school has had high turnover and is considered hard to staff, the union and the district agreed to give every teacher working there a $10,000 stipend. The district also received about $50,000 in federal funds that became available after the school was listed among the lowest-performing in California in 2018. “Just as uncertain as you feel, I feel too,” Stege Principal Nicole Ruiz said, to parents at a recent meeting on the school’s progress. “I spent a lot of time last year picking specific people to work here.” The school is facing a wide range of challenges, including low academic performance and high suspension rates. The school has a nearly 40 percent chronic absenteeism rate. That’s why last year, the school district chose the elementary school for a dramatic redesign that could become a model for how to reform other struggling schools. This academic year was supposed to give staff and the community time to come up with a plan that could begin by the fall of 2020. Planning for the changes hasn’t been perfect. The school, for example, has been in need of a vice principal to assist Ruiz with coaching teachers or handling students’ behavioral problems. But the district decided last year to put money into hiring experienced teachers. Cleare said she’s concerned about the emotional and educational impact of layoffs on students and the school community. “We will do whatever we can to ensure that the students are not feeling the impact of the mistakes of adults,” she said. But the district’s financial problems could threaten that work. For starters, class sizes at the school could increase. The school’s sixth-grade class is currently at 32 students to one teacher, according to the principal. And with the district facing significant cuts, the school will lose funding for next year. “The reality is we’re in a budget crunch and we know that,” said Ruben Aurelio, executive director of elementary schools for the district. “But we were also given the task of dreaming big and to not let that be the fact that limits us.” Some of the school’s teachers, including Cleare, are on the redesign team. They’ve been a part of some of the early decisions that will determine what the academics and reforms at the school will look like next year. But now, there is a chance some of them may not see those decisions come to fruition. Cleare said it’s challenging to have been a part of the redesign team and to have worked hard on improving the school, only to learn some colleagues may not be around to see their ideas and plans fulfilled. “Everyone here works extremely hard,” she said. “It’s not a profession. It’s everyone’s lives. There are many teachers here and other staff members who view this as a lifetime commitment. It’s heartbreaking to me.”
“In my 38 years as an attorney I have never seen anything like the blatant, sloppy and disingenuous actions of the Court today.” Sign the NEW Change.org petition This afternoon Gregory Koger was sent back to Cook County Jail to serve the remainder of his 300 day sentence (around 3 months) for peacefully videotaping a statement against censorship at a public meeting of the “Ethical” Humanist Society of Chicago (EHSC) on Sunday, November 1, 2009. Over 50 supporters, including fellow ex-prisoners, human rights activists, a priest, musician, scientist, retired business people, and a doctor, filled the courtroom in suburban Skokie. Expressing their outrage at the vindictive hearing and sentencing, over two dozen supporters went straight to the main Cook County jail several miles away to demonstrate their support for Mr. Koger and the California hunger strike. The hearing today was supposed to be about adjusting Mr. Koger’s original sentence, which in part exceeded the statutory maximum. Mr. Koger was represented by attorney Jed Stone, who planned to argue that Mr. Koger’s Post-Conviction Relief Petition filed in March, had to be adjudicated, after months of silence. When Mr. Koger’s case was finally called, however, the presiding judge announced that she had rejected Mr. Koger’s post-conviction relief petition more than three months ago, on April 15, and that his 30 day period in which to file an appeal had expired! No notice had been received by Mr. Koger or his attorneys of record of the rejection, nor had they received notice that Mr. Koger should appear in court on April 15. The judge stated that the prosecutors had told her that Mr.Koger had been seen in the courthouse on April 15 but left before his case was called, an impossibility because the defense team knew nothing of the date. Furthermore, although Mr.Koger had served two months of his 300-day sentence, the Judge insisted the file showed that he had only been in jail for two weeks. Jed Stone stated, “In my 38 years as an attorney I have never seen anything like the blatant, sloppy and disingenuous actions of the Court today.” Mr. Koger’s attorneys plan to take further legal action and his defense committee, the Ad Hoc Committee, is determined to continue to press for his release. For more information on this case, see www.dropthecharges.net. At the press conference before the hearing, Mr. Koger announced that while in Cook County Jail, he would join the California prisoners hunger strike, now at Day 16, in solidarity with the demand to end solitary confinement. Recently, Gregory Koger has been speaking in support of California hunger strikers on WBEZ’s Worldview, WVON‘s Cliff Kelley Show, and KPFK’s Michael Slate Show. In his youth, Gregory spent years in solitary confinement while in prison. During that time, he transformed himself and has dedicated his life since his release to opposing injustice and struggling for a liberated world for all humanity, as he has written.
The Majestic.com Backlink Checker is an SEO tool designed to deliver detailed and accurate backlink profile data (inbound links). As an SEO you are constantly on the lookout for link building opportunities. And rightly so - links are a key factor in how the Search Engines rank pages. If you're a Digital Marketer, you are keen on boosting brand awareness. Our Trust and Strength Metrics will help you identify the most powerful domains and web pages for Link Building, in a matter of minutes. Learn more about the Majestic.com Backlink Checker and you'll discover what makes it so unique. Put our free backlink checker service to the test. The free backlink checker provides Trust Flow, Citation Flow, backlink language analysis, Follow/NoFollow counts, number of outbound links, backlink history, and a summary of top anchor texts. Backlinks are an important part of every SEO strategy. Search Engines analyse the backlink data and determine rankings based on the quality, not on the quantity of backlinks. High quality backlinks will carry more weight than backlinks from low-quality websites. Ensuring your backlink profile is strong requires a link building strategy capable of delivering on-topic quality backlinks from reputable websites. Search Engines invest a considerable effort into understanding the nature of backlinks and analysing where they come from and whether they matter to the reader. Backlinks are a medium of exchange between two websites. The transferor is a website seeking additional relevant resources of interest to the reader. The transferee is a potential resource providing additional on-topic information that will increase the quality of the transferor and by doing add value. Search engines set quality standards to deliver the most relevant information to a user, based on their intent. Backlinks contribute to the quality of a dataset or information of a page. In fact, outbound links (implemented by the transferor of the backlink) should add value by referring the user to another resource and by doing so, create a network of knowledge that ultimately adds value to the page. Outbound links will influence the level of Expertise, Authority and Trust of that page: outbound links have a direct impact on Page Quality. Inbound links from a transferor will identify the transferee as a supporting source of supplementary content to further enrich the user experience. Inbound links increase link equity. All of this may seem like a complex, invisible web of concepts, difficult to understand and close to impossible to see. The Majestic Backlink Checker provides a dataset of backlinks pointing to your website, or those of your competitors. You can identify influencers, authorities and discover the best backlinks your competitors are enjoying. A backlink profile report created with Majestic provides you with incredible data. The data you need and use will depend on the level and depth of the analysis you want to undertake. Depending on your needs, you will opt for the Historic Index or the Fresh Index. The Historic Index contains all the backlinks that Majestic has found since 2006. This data is an incredibly valuable Link Intelligence Resource for many types of analyses and research. The Fresh Index, on the other hand, contains only backlinks discovered in the past four months. Data from the Fresh Index is ideal if you're only interested in recently acquired backlinks or if you're researching a new competitor who hasn't been around for very long. No matter which index you choose, a backlink profile report from Majestic is an invaluable tool for Link Building activities and Digital PR initiatives. Your backlink profile is one of the most important aspects of your SEO strategy. By taking a closer look at your backlink profile report, you can gain valuable insights into your website's ranking and visibility on the search engines. With a quick pause to gather your thoughts and a couple of clicks, you can take control of the data in the report and pinpoint link building opportunities and business intelligence. Understanding your backlink profile is essential to improving your website's rankings and visibility in the search engines. In addition, you can use your competitor's backlink profile data to identify networking opportunities and build backlinks. By taking control of your backlink profile, you can ensure that your website meets its potential in search engine rankings. Backlink checker is the SEO tool for analysing backlink profiles. It lists all of the places on the internet where we have found a link to a certain website (referring domains) or webpage (URL). This data isn't easy to find at scale without an SEO tool like Majestic. Our backlink tool is one of our oldest features and has dutifully served the SEO and link building community since 2009. The backlinks tab in the Site Explorer is where you can presently find a comprehensive range of data for you to create an SEO strategy or collect data for an SEO audit. Backlink profile analysis can be a challenging task - especially the inexperienced (junior SEOs) and the less technically inclined (Digital marketers): The answers to these questions depend on your motivations and objectives for looking at the data. Moving on from the initial curiosity to know the backlinks to your website, let's consider three real-life use cases of this data: One potential source of valuable link intelligence is influencer-finding: You can quickly examine all the backlink data in a profile to identify prominent experts with filters. Filters are located in the area of the menu highlighted in red below: Filters have many options, and they are all there to help you accurately pinpoint the data you need most. One way to identify influencers is using the Title filter to identify prospects from the 140 sites in the previous screenshot. This filter will let you search the page titles of your backlinks. For example, by entering blog into the text box next to the contains selector will produce a short list of results containing the word “blog” in the page title.The results are a short list of just two websites! Other relevant Title searches to explore this backlink profile could be: Analysing the backlink profiles of your competition can help understand their strategy. With Backlink Checker you can easily identify their top quality backlinks. To do this Majestic provides three proprietary metrics to measure and compare the quality of backlinks: These powerful metrics allow you to immediately assess referring domains and web pages with a score in the range 0-100 on a logarithmic scale. Trust Flow is a way to measure how close or far away any page on the internet is from a seed set of many millions trusted sites. This metric is similar to the six degrees of separation concept - we calculate exactly how many connections each domain has, and then compare it with all other domains in order determine its level of trustworthiness: The closer a domain name or web page is to this set of trusted sites, the higher the level of Trust. If Citation has a significantly higher value than Trust, this could signal unfair link-building tactics. Again, understanding how these inbound links were obtained or created will help you understand their SEO strategy. A lot goes into assessing these metrics- not just looking at the numbers, but understanding where the incoming links come from can give us more clarity on whether they are helping or hindering rankings in the Search Engines. Topical Trust Flow refines backlink analyses by measuring how closely related a website is to various topics on the internet. It identifies the topics associated with the backlinks. A reputable website will attract backlinks from similar niches: a cycling website will get backlinks from outdoor sports and bike shops, travel and tourism, urban cycling websites, local businesses and others that are similar. We created this metric by classifying a seed set of trusted websites. We divided our taxonomy into more than 800 categories. The closer a website is to a topic, the higher the affinity and the Topical affinity score. Whether you're an SEO or a Digital Marketer, our backlink checker provides the data you need for Link Building, Digital PR or Brand awareness. The Majestic Backlink Checker is an essential SEO software tool that can help you research backlink profiles, plan and monitor Link Building campaigns, help you understand your market and outperform your competitors. Choosing a supplier is an important step and changing one is even more so. That's why we offer completely free backlink data. Take Majestic for a test drive, and get access to cutting edge Link Intelligence not only for your own website, but also those of your competitors.Check Out Today's demo website Majestic provide free SEO Tools, backlink profile data with Site Explorer. You can access a changing example of free backlink profile data on Site Explorer without signup or validation. We've made this easy to access - just press the orange search icon on the homepage. The SEO Tools in Site Explorer have a low price of entry, included on the Lite plan at just $49.99 per month. For more details of the subscriptions on offer, please visit our plans and pricing page to view without commitment.* Access to some SEO tools or resources on Majestic.com are dependent on plan and resources.
UNIDO in collaboration with the World Packaging Organization (WPO) organized training on ‘The Fundamentals of Packaging for the Apple value chain’ on 7 June 2022 in Quetta, Balochistan. Held under the Project for Agri-Food and Agro-Industry Development assistance (PAFAID) funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the training also celebrated the World Food Safety Day, reaffirming UNIDO’s commitment to building food safety compliance capacity for safer health in the province. Representatives from the Balochistan Agriculture Extension Department, Balochistan Food Authority (BFA), academic institutions, farmers’ community, and the packaging industry participated in the training. The training provided a comprehensive understanding of packaging to the apple value chain actors, including the fundamentals of packaging, how to use packaging as a market tool, assessment of packaging practices with a special focus on the apple value chain, and packaging and labeling regulations, etc. Reaffirming UNIDO’s and PAFAID’s commitment to improving food safety practices in Balochistan on the occasion of the World Food Safety Day, UNIDO’s Country Representative Ms. Nadia Aftab, appreciated the Government of Japan & JICA for their support in the development of the apple value chain in Balochistan. She emphasized the need to strengthen food safety compliance, best practices, and value addition in Balochistan province, given its status as the country’s largest province where the majority of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihoods majority of inhabitants’ livelihood depends on agriculture. Mr. Muhammad Ishaq, Director of Registration and Licensing at the Balochistan Food Authority (BFA) also appreciated UNIDO’s efforts to promote food safety in the province and called on all stakeholders to work together to promote awareness and encourage adequate steps to prevent and manage foodborne risks. The event concluded with launching the Call for Applications for the Apple Star Pack, Pakistan’s first Student Packaging Contest. The contest calls upon the youth of Balochistan to unleash their creative, technical, marketing, and entrepreneurial skills for designing modern and efficient apple packaging solutions.
A pair of ospreys have designed the 1st breeding try in southern England for just about 200 decades. Conservationists are delighted that a pair of the birds at Poole Harbour, Dorset, have manufactured an egg, which they are guarding at a nest in a mystery area. Many thanks to nest cameras, viewers can look at the woman osprey incubate her egg on a livestream. The birds of prey were being when popular across western Europe, but thanks to persecution by humans as properly as habitat reduction, they became locally extinct in the early 1800s. Their nests were being historically plundered for their eggs, and the birds ended up shot for taxidermy. Nowadays, they are still routinely shot for activity in southern Europe. Given that 2017, professionals at the Roy Dennis Foundation and Birds of Poole Harbour have been functioning to reintroduce them to southern England, by relocating adult birds from Scotland. There is a breeding inhabitants at Rutland Drinking water in the Midlands, soon after a translocation programme that started in 1996, and immediately after a long time of conservation initiatives there are now hundreds of ospreys in Scotland. Paul Morton from Birds of Poole Harbour stated: “To know there’s now an osprey egg in a Poole Harbour nest is just awesome. This is the fruits of seven years’ hard get the job done. Projects like this are always going to consider time, but it is these types of a terrific feeling to know that the birds have attained this significant milestone, and to see CJ7 incubating her very first egg is gorgeous. “There’s nevertheless a great deal for them both equally to master as new mothers and fathers, and breeding achievement is undoubtedly not guaranteed. However, every thing we’re seeing at the moment is hunting actually beneficial, and hopefully by late May perhaps we’ll start off to see them feeding their freshly hatched fledglings.” It is hoped that the pair will make two much more eggs more than the next 7 days, and then a 35-40 working day incubation time period beginswith the possibility of osprey chicks hatching by late Might. Poole Harbour was decided on for the task due to the fact it has an abundance of fish for the birds to feed on. Ospreys from other parts of the United kingdom have been recognized to move by way of the harbour on their way to and from Europe on their migratory route, and they halt to hunt for gray mullet and flounder in the harbour’s massive shallow channels and bays. This pair flew to west Africa very last autumn, and the Birds of Poole Harbour teamfaced a seven-thirty day period wait to see if they would return. The birds’ passage to Africa is fraught with threat, together with adverse weather problems and illegal searching. They the two arrived at the commencing of this month and have settled to breed.
“Wow! Almost Rosh HaShanah already? Where does the time go?” (Shudder) Sound familiar? It’s a thought that you, along with Jews all over the world, may have noticed has already crept its way into your conscience. And if it hasn’t yet made its appearance – it’s there, lurking just below the surface waiting for the opportune time to rear its its ugly head. And eventually, no matter how long you try to ignore it and suppress it, the realization that the New Year is almost upon us will emerge. Your muscles will tense ever so slightly, your heart will start to beat a little faster and you may notice small beads of sweat forming on your forehead – but do not be alarmed – these are all normal reactions. After all, it is almost Rosh Hashanah. But why should the thought of the approaching holiday cause us such discomfort, anxiety, or or even downright fear? Is it simply because it brings to us the realization that time moves by so quickly that it could spin your head? We don’t take notice on a day-to-day basis of the speed with which the time whirs by, but when yearly milestones come around it somehow seems that it is just not possible that a full year has gone by…in such a short time. Perhaps this is partially to blame. But that can’t be it. If this were the only explanation then it would stand to reason that every Jewish holiday would elicit the same response – and in my experience the realization that “it’s almost Shavuos” doesn’t quite do the trick. To understand this phenomenon we need to explore the meaning of Rosh Hashanah, its purpose and context. Perhaps then we can begin to discuss how to approach the anxiety that it causes. Rosh Hashanah is referred to by the Sages as Yom HaDin – the Day of Judgment. We are told that on this day (not coincidentally the anniversary of the creation of man) the Heavenly Creator reviews the progress of each and every individual over the past year. The Sages compare us to sheep passing before their shepherd one by one in a single-file line. The message is that there is nothing to hide behind and no one else to blame – we stand on our personal merits alone. The Almighty scrutinizes our deeds, analyzes our thoughts, and reviews our level of commitment to serve Him. Then, the gravest moment of all, He turns to the two large tomes set before Him – one the book of Life, and the other the book of Death – and inscribes our names in one…or the other. On this Yom Hadin our King decrees the events of the entire following year. Everything is decided on this day – our ability to earn a living, our health, our children’s success at finding a mate – even how many times we will stub a toe – no detail is overlooked. Indeed, Rosh Hashanah is a serious, even scary day. No wonder why the thought of its approach sends shivers down our spines. But now let’s move forward and a look at the events that follow the Day of Judgment – The Days of Repentance and Yom Kippur – and we will find something very peculiar. Teshuva, repentance, is, quite literally, the process of returning to God. Every time we err and do something that is not in line with what the Creator wants of us, a distance is created and barriers are placed between us and Him. With teshuva we break down those barriers, and draw close once again. The Sages tell us that, although teshuva is acceptable at any time, there is one time of the year that is set aside specifically for teshuva, a time when God looks to us to accept our teshuva and assists us in the process. This time is the ten days of the year that begin with Rosh Hashanah and culminate with Yom Kippur. Ideally, we are meant to spend the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur involved in deep introspection. Now it is our turn to scrutinize our deeds, review our thoughts, and consider our level of commitment to serving our Creator. We recall our mistakes and shortcomings, regret them bitterly, and resolve to set a course for a path of self-improvement. On Yom Kippur we intensify this process through the service of the day and by denying ourselves the basic comforts of normal life. By the time the shofar sounds at the end of the day, we are secure in the knowledge that the filth and stain of our misdeeds have been washed away, and we are instructed, say the Sages, by a Bas Kol, a heavenly voice, “Go and eat your bread in happiness.” After all of the stress, anxiety, and hard work, we are rewarded with…well, a beautiful ending. But if we take a step back and look at the entire chronology something seems wrong. Rosh Hashana, Days of Repentance, Yom Kippur. First comes the Judgment, then teshuva, then forgiveness. We come to Rosh Hashanah with an entire year’s worth of baggage, and only afterwards do we attempt to do anything about it. Wouldn’t it make more sense to first do teshuva and be forgiven and then come to judgment? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to break down the barriers, wash away the stains and clean our slate before Rosh Hashanah? Wouldn’t it be nice to go into the Day of Judgment knowing that everything has already been taken care of? It certainly would alleviate some of the pre-Rosh Hashanah stress! So why this seemingly cruel reversal of order? The answer, of course, is that, to the contrary, this reversal of order is a tremendous favor that Hashem does for us. Our Creator knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows that as time goes on and, day by day, we go through the motions of life, we tend to forget what’s really important. We don’t always have the time or clarity of mind to focus on our relationship with God. And eventually we get used to neglecting our duty to constantly grow closer to Him. It reaches the point that we become so jaded in our lack of spiritual growth that we are like sleepwalkers – physically awake but spiritually asleep. Our Creator knows that if, while in this state, we were given a special opportunity to break down the barriers that keep us from Him, we may very well not even notice. In our stupor we would be liable to let the opportunity slip right by. So we need a wake-up call. Something powerful enough to shake us out of our slumber. Something scary enough to sober us up, and fast. Enter Rosh Hashanah. The awesome nature of the day forces us to examine our relationship with Hashem. We must face the fact that there are so many barriers to break down and so much filth to wash away. The shofar, like an alarm clock, screams to us, “Wake up!! Things cannot continue this way! There is so much work to be done!” Only after this reminder can we hope to take advantage of the opportunity given us and begin, in earnest, the work ahead. Only once we have been shocked into facing reality do we stand a chance to begin the process of returning to Hashem and gaining forgiveness on Yom Kippur. And although the decree of Judgment is written on Rosh Hashanah, it is not sealed until Yom Kippur. So as you anticipate the coming of the New Year, you may feel a bit anxious. Your muscles may tense ever so slightly, your heart may start to beat a little faster and you may notice small beads of sweat forming on your forehead – but do not be alarmed – these are all normal reactions. After all, it is almost Rosh Hashanah.
At a recent OCP Regional Summit held in Prague, AMD shared its plans to replace its AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture (AGESA) firmware with an open-source alternative called Open-Source Silicon Initialization Library (openSIL). The new firmware would be ready for production use in 2026, following a multi-year, four phase development cycle. Firmware is a crucial component for modern computer systems, and on modern AMD systems, that critical code blob is AGESA. Among other things, AGESA is responsible for initializing several sub-systems of the platform, including processor cores, chipset, and memory; and it is frequently updated to support new hardware and resolve bugs. But for all the utility that firmware brings, it can also be a weak point in a system via vulnerable to cyber attacks. So... When Facebook was scaling its technologies and pivoting to completely public use in the late 2010s, it started an internal project around data efficiency and scalability. The goal was...100 by Dr. Ian Cutress on 8/9/2021 The Enterprise and Datacenter SSD Form Factor family of standards is now about three years old, and continues to evolve. The EDSFF form factor options are gaining traction in...6 by Billy Tallis on 11/25/2020 Following the ongoing global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, there has been ongoing pressure on event organizers from both attendees and local groups to curtail or cancel events out...20 by Ryan Smith on 2/28/2020 EVGA has introduced a new lineup of power supplies to add to their ever-growing list. Dubbed the BR series, EVGA says the new PSUs are built upon their existing...21 by Joe Shields on 7/2/2018 For everyone waiting for Cascade Lake, Intel’s next server Xeon platform, to be launched, noise is being made from the Power Stamp Alliance and its members about the platform...37 by Ian Cutress on 4/9/2018
Bella Ramsey stars as the titular Birdy in this delightful yet slightly try-hard take on the 1994 novel of the same name. Written and directed by 'Girls' creator Lena Dunham 'Catherine Called Birdy' follows the story of a 14 year old girl in medieval England as she navigates through life and avoiding potential suitors her father has in mind. The father in question - played with wonderful erraticism by Andrew Scott - is Lord Rollo of Stonebridge and, despite his title, is quickly running out of funds. In his desperation to keep the cash flowing and support his lavish lifestyle, as well as his pregnant wife Aislinn (Billie Piper), Rollo reverts to pawning Birdy off to any affluent suiter that comes looking for marriage. And here lies the central story. Birdy, only 14, has zero interest in being sold off to the highest bidder. She's far more interested in spending her days rolling in muck, playing tricks on local villagers and generally just being a kid with her friends. Ramsey absolutely shines in the titular role, and her mischievous and playful behaviour takes over every scene. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has watched her debut performance in 'Game of Thrones' as Lyanna Mormont. The 19-year-old has a magnetic screen presence which is on full show here, making her perfect for the role. However, Ramsey's likeability can sometimes paper over the cracks of a film which makes some questionable choices. Issues arise with Dunham's obsession with making a story set in 1290 as contemporary as possible. There's soft pop covers flowing throughout scenes, winks and nods to camera that seem straight out of 'Fleabag', and the medieval theme is far more style over historical accuracy. The story itself also reveals problems, including the whiplash this writer got from some of the character decisions, specifically toward the end of the film that I won't mention to avoid spoilers. Birdy's oddly romantic endearment towards her Crusades-surviving uncle (Joe Alwin) was also a peculiar route to go down considering this is a coming-of-age comedy and not a HBO fantasy show. Uncle-fancying aside, 'Catherine Called Birdy' is quite a fun watch throughout, and that's mostly owing to the cast. While Ramsey steals the spotlight, the supporting cast do a hell of a job of shaping Birdy's wider family. The warmth of Birdy's beloved maid Morwenna (Lesley Sharp) and her relationship with her best friends Perkin (Michael Wooflitt) and Aelis (Isis Hainsworth) are all standouts. The comedic chops of 'Game of Thrones' alumni Paul Kaye, David Bradley, Ralf Ineson and Dean Thomas-Chapman also also pad out scenes to brilliant effect. Dunham may be a divisive figure, to say the least. But as director, writer and producer on this film, credit must go to how she managed to create a script which, despite some issues, allowed Ramsey and pretty much every supporting cast-member shine throughout the film. 'Catherine Called Birdy' may try a little too hard to cram in some modern relevancy and the story can be questioned in parts. But Bella Ramsey and her brilliant supporting cast fill in any pitfalls with aplomb in what is ultimately a charming coming-of-age story. 'Catherine Called Birdy' releases on Prime Video on Friday, October 7.
Outside walls should be used to supply air from furnaces and air conditioners. To pull conditioned air across the room, the return air vent openings must be on the opposite side of the room. The return air should be located up high if the supply ducts are in the floor. The air is pulled across your body as a result of this. In this regard, in which direction should ceiling return air vents be directed? If you have an Air Return on the upper wall, I like to slant the louvers up so that floor traffic does not see into the duct opening. If you have adequate air flow and few cold or hot spots in the room due to inadequate air flow or distribution, supply vents are also an option. Which way do wall vent covers cover the face above? Because air always rises up after collecting heat from beneath, a downward direction is preferred more. By the time it reaches occupants, the air velocity will have to be low and linear. Should vents point up or down, you might wonder? As the temperature rises and the cold drops, aim higher because it will eventually drop (conversely for warm air). Aim it upwards, wrote aqnd. Vents are usually on the floor pointing upward in homes with central air conditioning for the reason you mentioned. You want to remove the hot air from the top and hopefully start a current flowing. Why is my room so hot in comparison to the rest of the house? Dirty air filter A dirty air filter restricts airflow and prevents your home from getting enough cool air. Closed vents In rooms, closed vents can make them hotter than others. Air duct issues If your supply ducts are kinked or crushed, certain rooms will not receive enough air. What is the procedure for installing a return air vent? How to Install a Return Air Duct Determine where you want your return air ducts to be located. Locate the holes in the basement. Perpendicular to the joists, install the square return air duct. Next to where the furnace is, cut a hole in the bottom of the return duct. Install your HVAC filter in your filter rack. Is it necessary for AC vents to face walls? On the outside walls, the supply vents should blow. The cool air produced by your AC blows on the outside wall in the summer and absorbs heat as it enters the house. The warm air produced by your furnace blows on the outside wall in the winter, causing you to lose heat from your home. How do you improve return air flow? 3 Simple Airflow Improvements for Your Furnace Unblock and clean your vents to improve comfort. Here’s a simple way to increase air flow. Clean your return grill and change your filters. A filthy air filter obstructs air movement and makes your furnace’s efficiency difficult. Seal the leaky ductwork. It’s time to put on some goggles and a dust mask before inspecting your air ducts. Is there a need for a return vent in every room? Your Home May Not Have Enough Return Vents Having multiple return vents (ideally one in each room, but even two or three is preferable) ensures consistent air pressure. Your home is fine if you only have one return vent. To allow air to circulate properly, keep the doors to each room open. Is it necessary to have filters on return vents? The Benefits of a Return Duct Filter Regular maintenance is essential, but adding a return air filter can help block some of the incoming debris while also keeping the air flowing in. A clean system entails clean air. Is it possible to have too much return air? While there is no such thing as excessive return air for the equipment (there is, and it causes fan cavitation but is very rare), this can be a problem for the house. It has the potential to relieve stress in various areas of the house. What is the best way to balance AC vents? Here’s how to balance your central heating system: start at the furnace unit and look for small levers on the side, which are the damper handles. Place thermometers in the rooms where they are, away from registers and cold air returns, and at about the same height as the floor. In the air conditioning industry, what is vent? An air conditioner absorbs warm air and moisture from your home by absorbing it. Your AC unit cools the warm air and returns it to your home through the return air vents once the dampness has separated from the air. Despite their name, the air conditioner is also taken in by these outlets. What is the best way to tell if my return air is working? Turn on the system fan and hold your hand or a piece of paper up to identify return vents. It’s a return vent if the paper is pulled toward the vent or feels a suction effect. Where should return vents be located? Place your cold air return vents at the lowest point on the inside walls of buildings. Cold air is drawn from the bottom of the room, which is returned to the furnace for reheating and returning as warm air. Return vents, unlike supply vents, do not require metal cased vents. How much return air do I require? In a house, there are usually as many supply vents as there are rooms. Return vents are usually fewer, but they are much larger. A typical supply vent measures 4 by 10 to 12 inches, while a typical return vent measures 16 by 20 inches or more. What is the function of a return air grille? Any HVAC system requires a return air grill. A return air grill connects to the ductwork, allowing air to return to any cooling or heating system. Grillwork is usually applied to the openings that connect to ducts and other areas for returning air. How far from the return should the thermostat be? Because the air returning to the furnace is at room temperature, mounting a thermostat near a return will not cause any issues. The return duct should be near the floor or ceiling, where there will be several feet between the thermostat and moving air.
Quantitative analysis of the 3-d morphology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with implications for surgical strategy Scoliosis volume 10, Article number: O65 (2015) AIS is a three-dimensional (3-D) spinal deformity, characterized by lateral deviation, axial rotation and apical lordosis of three individual curves. The 3-D morphology of the different areas of the scoliotic spine has not been quantified so far. This is the first study to accurately define the 3-D morphology of AIS and compare it to normal anatomy. This is important for understanding the true nature of the problem and for harmonious 3-D surgical correction to avoid complications such as thoracic hypokyphosis and junctional kyphosis. Material and methods A unique series of high-resolution CT scans of 77 AIS patients and 22 matched controls was used for this study. Non-idiopathic curves were excluded. Scans were obtained in prone position for navigation purposes. True transverse sections were reconstructed taking rotation, and coronal and sagittal tilt into account. Using semi-automatic analysis software, 'endplate-vectors' were calculated and complete 3-D spine reconstructions were acquired. Coronal deviation, axial rotation and the exact anterior-posterior length discrepancy, as defined per vertebra and disc in 3-D, were measured for each curvature and for the junctional segments, semi-automatically. Intraclass correlation coefficients for intraobserver reliability were 0.98-1.00. All thoracic and (thoraco) lumbar curves were longer anteriorly (+3.8% and +9.4%, respectively), while the proximal and distal junctional segments between the scoliotic curves were straight, with a tendency to slight kyphosis in the proximal junctional segment. The same thoracic segments in the controls were shorter anteriorly (-4.1%; P<0.001). Linear relations were observed between the upright radiographic Cobb angles, axial rotation and the anterior-posterior length discrepancy on the CT scans in thoracic curves (r>0.729; P<0.001) and (thoraco) lumbar curves (r>0.485; P<0.001). Lateral radiographs had no value for prediction of the 3-D morphology of AIS. AIS consists of three separate, rotated, lordotic curves and two straight junctional segments. Anterior overgrowth is regional rather than global, and the disc contributes more than the vertebral body. This study provides guidelines for the amount of posterior lengthening and/or anterior shortening that is necessary for true harmonious 3-D realignment. About this article Cite this article Schlösser, T.P., Van Stralen, M., Chu, W.W. et al. Quantitative analysis of the 3-d morphology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with implications for surgical strategy. Scoliosis 10 (Suppl 1), O65 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/1748-7161-10-S1-O65 - Axial Rotation - Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis - Idiopathic Scoliosis - Cobb Angle - Thoracic Segment
Who’s ready for some hockey? MGHL 2023-2024 House League Registration is The MGHL is pleased to announce that our 2023 - 2024 Season’s Registration is NOW OPEN, and will run from June 8 to October 2. Register early to secure your spot, and SAVE $100 if you register before August 1! Remember, at the MGHL our U11 to U18/22 division goalies will continue to receive a full rebate on registration fees (add your House League package in RAMP and receive a rebate after playing the full season.) We are also excited to offer our youngest age division, U7, FREE registration; yes, you read that right: all players with birth years 2017, 2018 and 2019 will enjoy our entire 2023-2024 Season at no charge. Spots are limited, so register today! Please use the following link to access your existing/set up a new account via the RAMP registration system: Choose the House League Package that corresponds to your child’s year of birth and complete the required waivers. If you are new to the MGHL a release will be triggered automatically from existing female or co-ed leagues. 2023-2024 REGISTRATION FEES PER AGE DIVISION |Year of Birth || 2017, 2018, 2019 ||2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 *Early Bird Registration Fees: After August 1st, all divisional fees will increase by $100. Registration fees are slightly increased from last year due to increased external costs (e.g., ice fees, etc.) but remain similar to, or significantly less than, other local female or co-ed leagues. Permanent goalies on U11 and higher teams will play for FREE again this year! Pay the full registration now and receive a rebate at the end of the year. Limited goalie equipment (pads, chest protector, blocker, catcher, stick) is available to borrow for some goaltenders that do not have their own gear. The MGHL is excited to offer all our youngest athletes in the U7 Program completely FREE registration for the 2023-2024 Season! Eligible birth years include 2017, 2018, and 2019. Our program will be run by highly skilled Development Instructor, Kelli Aquino, who is a former MGHL alum, AA elite athlete and owner of Everything Hockey Skills. Waitlisting for our U7 Program is currently full. If you require financial assistance for the upcoming year, please click here to review a variety of options that could be pursued. SOFT DIVISIONAL CAPS In keeping with prior years, soft divisional caps will be in place until final ice times are confirmed by the city; U7 has up to 80 spots available; each division from U11 to U15 has 64 spots; U18 can accommodate up to 54 athletes; and U22 can take up to 10 players at this time. Once these soft caps have been reached, athletes will be placed on a waiting list. HOUSE LEAGUE REGISTRATION FAQ When will the season start / end? The 2023-2024 season will kick off on Sunday, September 10 with the House League Evaluation / Return to the Ice skates. Practices will begin prior to the end of September, with team formation happening in late September / early October. The season will conclude in March. When will ice times be? We are striving for traditional House League ice times, with U7, U9 and U11 on Saturday / Sunday with the other divisions practicing and playing Sunday / Monday. The table below includes ESTIMATED ice times; however, please be aware that these times are to be used ONLY as a guideline and are SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Ice times are arranged through the City of Mississauga, which allocates ice across the entire city for all recreational activities, including (but not limited to) hockey for all co-ed and female leagues. The MGHL strives to arrange consistent scheduling for our programs to be considered and finalized by the City of Mississauga, typically closer to September. Keep in mind that every year Iceland Arena has blackout weekends (approximately 5-6) reserved for tournaments which may affect one or both of a team’s ice times, depending on the division. Even with these blackouts, our House League players are on the ice 32-38 times during the season. 2023-2024 ESTIMATED** ICE TIMES PER AGE DIVISION ** Ice times are listed as an estimated guideline and are SUBJECT TO CHANGE based on allocated scheduling for all recreational programs by the City of Mississauga closer to September. | Estimated Ice Times ** ||Sat/Sun: 7:30 - 9:30 AM || Sat/Sun: 9:30 - 10:30 AM || Sat/Sun: 9:30 - 11:30 AM ||Sun: 10:30 - 12:30 AM Mon: 6:30 - 8:30 PM || Sun: 10:30 - 12:30 AM Mon: 6:30 - 8:30 PM || Sun: 4:30 - 6:30 PM Mon: 8:30 - 10:30 PM Can I request a Tie-To with another player? Yes! To request a Tie-To with another player, ONE FAMILY must add the Tie-To Package ($40 PER player)*** to their RAMP account and additionally must fill in and submit the Tie-To Request Form*** before the deadline of October 2, 2023. Due to team balancing, the MGHL cannot guarantee that all Tie-To requests can be accommodated; however, we will make every effort to keep requested players together. *** Families are kindly asked to coordinate money for the Tie-To Package fees ($40 PER player) amongst each other, and for only ONE family to make the full payment / complete the request form online. Will there be a DS Program (Select) available this year? We expect the OWHA will offer DS, or Select, Programing / Teams for the U11, U13, U15 and U18 age groups. Tryouts would be in November with games / tournaments starting in December. Will there be an equipment exchange, gear or apparel available? Our Equipment Exchange and Apparel Day are back and will be held during our House League Return to Hockey Day. Visit us on Sunday, September 10, 2023 at Iceland Arena (2nd Floor, 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM) for gently used equipment, as well as to try on and order some brand new MGHL apparel. If you have any questions, please contact our Equipment Director, Neil Coreschi at: [email protected]. What equipment do players need to be out on the ice? Staying safe out on the ice is very important. This requires that all athletes wear properly fitted, full, protective gear. It is every families' responsibility to ensure that all protective equipment is properly sized for each athlete and in good working condition. Please download our MGHL Equipment Checklist / Fit Sheet for a list of the gear needed every time players get out on the ice. Note that the MGHL provides jerseys and hockey socks as part of registration fees, once Teams have been formed in approximately mid-October. What is the MGHL cancellation or refund policy? Assuming a normal year, the existing House League Cancellation Policy will apply. Please read the full Policy here. Can I volunteer to help at the MGHL? Absolutely! Coaches, Trainers and Conveners are needed at ALL levels. If you haven't already done so, please fill in the House League Volunteer Form to get your name in! Please reach out to our House League Director, Scott Forsyth, at [email protected], if you have any questions, or visit our Volunteer Page to learn more about volunteering with the MGHL. Furthermore, the Board of Directors is looking to fill the position of Development Director to help oversee the many development opportunities our league offers to our coaches and athletes, and the position of Tournament Director is also available, if you are interested in helping to run our well-attended Winter Classic and AA Winter Showcase Tournaments. Please connect with our President, Brad Saunders, at [email protected], if you are interested in learning more about these Executive roles. For more information about our House League Program, contact: Scott Forsyth | House League Director | [email protected] For more information about registration, contact: Erin Cassan | Registrar | [email protected]
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The slot machine is a gambling device that allows players to wager money by pressing a button or lever. The reels then spin, and if symbols match up the player wins credits based on the paytable. The symbols vary from game to game, but classics include fruit, bells, and stylized lucky sevens. Many slot games have a theme, and their symbols and bonus features usually align with that theme. It never ceases to amaze us that players plunge right into online slots without even reading the pay table. That’s a mistake, because you’ll have a much better chance of enjoying your gaming sessions if you know what the symbols mean and how they work. The pay tables are listed above and below the reels on electromechanical machines and inside a help menu on video slot games. A good way to get a feel for different slot types is to play them for free before you risk any real cash. Almost all casinos offer demo versions of their slot games, so you can practice and learn the rules before putting any money on the line. This is also a great opportunity to test out the volatility and return to player (RTP) percentages of each machine. Once you’ve decided to gamble for real money, you should set a bankroll and stick to it. It’s easy to get carried away with the excitement of spinning those reels, but you should always keep in mind that gambling is a dangerous and addictive activity. The more you gamble, the greater the chances of losing everything. Keeping your bankroll in check will help you avoid a devastating loss and ensure that you can continue playing slots for fun. Another important tip is to play only on machines that you enjoy. The odds are not necessarily better on one type of slot than the other, so choose a machine that appeals to you and plays to your strengths. If you don’t like the sound of a certain machine, or if it doesn’t have the kinds of bonus features that you want to see, find a different one. It’s also important to practice proper casino etiquette when playing slots in person. Remember that you’re in a communal gaming environment and be mindful of other patrons. This will help keep everyone’s experience positive, and it will make the whole gambling environment more enjoyable for everybody. Finally, be sure to avoid any of the common slot myths and superstitions that are so prevalent in gambling circles. They’re likely to hurt your odds of winning and make you look foolish to any knowledgeable slot players in the area. For example, there is no correlation between a slot’s time of day and its chances of paying out. The random number generator is oblivious to whether it’s noon, midnight, or Wednesday. The same goes for the hot coin myth – rubbing a warm coin will not give you a higher chance of winning.
The Commit Activity Browser is one of GitClear's most popular features. It's also one of our most iterated features, so apologies if the screenshots from this Help Page don't look exactly like your screen. Life comes at you fast. 🙂 We have created a series of five minute Youtube videos showing the Commit Activity Browser in action: Commit Activity Browser I: A new take on git commit history using color, scale, and position. This video shows the basics of how the Commit Activity Browser uses color and size to expedite commit review vs what you get on other git providers. Commit Activity Browser II: How Managers use CAB. This video shows off three different questions that Commit Activity Browser answers for Managers. 1. How to spot potentially dangerous code as it's being created? 2. How to detect when a developer is struggling on their task? 3. Is the team on track to hit its sprint targets? Plus some ideas to improve Story Point estimation. Commit Activity Browser III: How Developers use CAB. This video offers developers five ideas to get the most out of the Commit Activity Browser. Topics include how CAB "naturally incentivizes following best practices" and "cuts down on PR time". Developers who get a rush of adrenaline from making progress report that using CAB offers a satisfying window into their recent triumphs. Hold down "Shift" when before clicking a commit to view the diff for that specific commit, even if you have commit groups enabled (as is the default). Runs through the options and knowledge that is baked into this tool. The size of each circle in the graph corresponds to its Diff Delta: The commits with a slash through them are unscheduled work (work not associated with a known issue tracker ticket), this can be particularly illuminating to see how much of your development work is happening "around the edges" in ways that are difficult to notice without GitClear. Different options available for reviewing code There are several ways you can group commits together -- one of many ways that GitClear helps developers save time reviewing code. Different options available for controlling how commits are visually identified The "Colors" menu in the lower-right allows minute control of how commits are visually grouped together in Commit Activity Browser. Here's what's available on the left side of the browser:
Proboscis Monkey Classification and Development The Proboscis Monkey is a tool- sized arboreal primate that is located specifically in the jungles of Borneo. The male Proboscis Monkey is not just one of the biggest monkeys in Asia yet they are additionally among the globe’s most unique creatures, having a lengthy and fleshy nose and a huge, inflamed tummy. Although having a little bigger noses and an extending tummy are specifying of the Colobine (Fallen Leave) Monkey family, these functions on the Proboscis Monkey are greater than increase the dimension of their closest family members. The Proboscis Monkey today nonetheless, is very endangered in its natural surroundings with logging having a damaging effect on the special environments were the Proboscis Monkey is located. Proboscis Monkey Composition and Appearance The male Proboscis Monkey is substantially bigger than the female coming up to 76cm in elevation and evaluating greater than 20kg, both having a lengthy tail which can quickly coincide size as the body, which is made use of to assist the Proboscis Monkey to stabilize whilst it is jumping with the trees. Grownups are generally light orange to brown in colour with a richer coloured head and shoulders and grey arm or legs and tail, and a light pink face. The extending nose of the Proboscis Monkey creates with age with babies having even more monkey- like noses and older fully grown males having bigger and a lot more spheric ones. Although researchers are still unclear regarding precisely why the nose of the Proboscis Monkey expands so large, it commonly thought to be to do with bring in a female friend as the noses of females are a lot smaller sized. Proboscis Monkey Distribution and Environment The Proboscis Monkey is natively located on the island of Borneo where it was as soon as relatively prevalent (with the exemption of main Sarawak) throughout the seaside mangrove woodlands. The Proboscis Monkey populates really special environments and is most typically located in mangrove swamps, yet is additionally recognized to live in seaside mangroves, riverine woodlands and lowland rain forest supplying that there is an excellent resource of fresh water. Because of their fallen leave- consuming diet, the Proboscis Monkey has actually additionally handled to make use of a particular niche within these marsh woodlands and are the biggest creatures located occupying the greater degrees of the cover. These uncommon areas nonetheless, have actually been greatly impacted by logging definition that Proboscis Monkey populaces are ending up being a lot more separated as they will certainly stay clear of gotten rid of woodland or booming locations. Proboscis Monkey Behaviour and Lifestyle The Proboscis Monkey is an extremely friendly animal that populates the bordering mangroves in soldiers which contain in between 2 – 30 people and are included a leading male, with approximately 10 females and their young. Female Proboscis Monkeys have a tendency to lead the look for food and look after the young and the male protects his army by making loud honking audios and revealing his teeth. Proboscis Monkey soldiers are recognized to gather with each other though when near to water or in a location where food remains in wealth, together with during the night when soldiers remainder and rest in the security of the mangroves near to the water’s side. Because of the reality that the Proboscis Monkey calls for an excellent fresh supply of water such as an overload or river, they are exceptional swimmers and are recognized to take a trip throughout really deep locations to locate food or to leave coming close to risk. Proboscis Monkey Reproduction and Life Process Female Proboscis Monkeys bring to life a solitary baby after a gestation duration that lasts for around 5 and a half months, which has actually dark coloured hair and a blue face and will certainly not create its grown-up colouration till it is 3 or 4 months old. Youthful Proboscis Monkeys are looked after not simply by their mom yet additionally by the various other grown-up females in the army, and will certainly stay with their mom till they are virtually a years of age when young females have a tendency to stick with the army and young males will certainly entrust to sign up with a team of bachelor males. Although Proboscis Monkey soldiers have a tendency to stay relatively secure, it is not unusual for both males and females to relocate to an additional army. Proboscis Monkeys have a tendency to live for approximately twenty years in the wild and are unable to duplicate till they go to the very least 4 years of ages. Proboscis Monkey Diet and Victim Although the Proboscis Monkey is practically an omnivorous animal, the mass of their diet is included hard mangrove leaves which are drawn from the bordering trees. It is due to the reality that they are fallen leave- consuming monkeys, that the Proboscis Monkey has a huge and inflamed tummy that is composed of chambers including an unique cellulose absorbing microorganisms that aids to damage down the fallen leaves. This is nonetheless, an extremely slow-moving procedure and suggests that the Proboscis Monkey’s tummy is frequently complete and can include approximately a quarter of the person’s complete body weight. The Proboscis Monkey supplements its diet by consuming various other plant issue consisting of shoots, seeds and immature fruits together with a passing insect once in a while and does so primarily in the trees, choosing not ahead to the ground. Proboscis Monkey Predators and Hazards Because of the plus size and nearly totally tree- residence way of life of the Proboscis Monkey they have really couple of real predators in their natural surroundings, with the exemption of Clouded Leopards that quest the Proboscis Monkey when it is compelled to be on the ground. They are additionally preyed upon by Crocodiles whilst in the water yet Humans are the most significant hazard to this special animal. Not just have Proboscis Monkeys shed substantial locations of their all-natural environments to logging yet they have actually additionally not adjusted well to living near to Human task and are consequently being pressed right into smaller sized and a lot more separated pockets of their indigenous areas. Proboscis Monkey Intriguing Truths and Functions The Proboscis Monkey invests most of its life really near to water and is an experienced swimmer, helped by its partly webbed feet which assist it to both paddle in the water and stroll on the unsafe financial institutions. The Proboscis Monkey is really active whilst in the trees and is additionally recognized to jump right into the water from elevations of approximately 50ft! The nose of the male Proboscis Monkey can expand so large that it suspends over its mouth and needs to be dismissed to eat, nonetheless, when calling the nose tidies and is believed to make the monkey’s audio resemble louder to both excite fully grown females and to daunt competing males in the location. The big nose of the male Proboscis Monkey is additionally recognized to end up being red and inflamed when the person is either mad or thrilled. Need to know even more fascinating truths concerning Proboscis Monkeys? Read: “10 Unbelievable Proboscis Monkey Truths.” Proboscis Monkey Partnership with Humans The Proboscis Monkey was as soon as pursued by regional individuals as they are viewed as a cooking special in some locations, yet today the capture and murder of these unique animals is prohibited and has actually assisted this scenario a little. Nonetheless, individuals have actually had a much larger effect on the Proboscis Monkey with the logging of its all-natural environment generally for logging, expanding Human negotiations and to clear land for hand oil vineyards, which has actually brought about radical population decreases in the species over the previous number of years specifically. They are nonetheless, of wonderful attraction to lots of people around the globe and have actually created tourist passions in particular locations. Proboscis Monkey Conservation Status and Life Today Today, the Proboscis Monkey is noted by the IUCN as an animal that is Endangered in its natural surroundings and can encounter termination in the future if much better preservation actions are not take into location. Population numbers are believed to have actually stopped by approximately 80% over the previous three decades with numbers remaining to reduce. There are believed to be around 7,000 Proboscis Monkeys left in the wild today and really couple of are located in bondage as they merely do not react well to the fabricated problems.
JACC in a Flash Featured topics and Editors' Picks from all of ACC's JACC Journals. In the setting of a failed small (<23 mm) surgical valve, a self-expanding Evolut (R/PRO/PRO+) valve (SEV) compared with a balloon-expandable SAPIEN (3/ULTRA) valve (BEV) for a valve-in-valve (ViV) TAVR was associated with greater improvements in the primary endpoint of valve hemodynamics measured by Doppler echocardiography, according to a late-breaking clinical trial presented during EuroPCR 2022 and simultaneously published in JACC. The frequency of moderate or greater paravalvular aortic regurgitation was three-fold lower after transfemoral TAVI using the second-generation ACURATE neo2 valve vs. the first-generation ACURATE neo valve, according to a late-breaking clinical trial presented at EuroPCR 2022 and simultaneously published in JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions. Using a rigorous protocol of best practices for forearm radial artery occlusion (RAO) prevention, traditional transradial artery access (TRA) and distal radial artery (DRA) access for PCI offered equally low rates of occlusion (0.91% vs. 0.31%, respectively; p=0.29), according to results of the DISCO RADIAL trial presented during EuroPCR 2022 and simultaneously published in JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions. A paper published in JACC identifies a lack of standardized support for trainees who become parents during cardiovascular training. The paper adds to growing research surrounding gender workforce disparities in the field of cardiology, where just 21.3% of fellows are women. A review paper published in JACC calls for a concerted effort to overcome obstacles faced by vascular medicine specialists in order to expand the field, ease the burden of vascular disease and optimize patient outcomes. States with laws requiring CPR/automated external defibrillator (AED) training in high school have higher rates of bystander CPR after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) than states with no CPR education laws, according to a study published in JACC. Nearly half of patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) were not being treated with a statin and a quarter were not on a high-intensity statin in a large cohort of insured patients, according to a study published in JACC. Older breast cancer survivors with cardiometabolic risk factors who restrict food intake to eight hours during the weekday, followed by 16 hours of fasting, may lower their risk of cardiovascular disease after a few weeks, according to a research letter published in JACC: CardioOncology. Clinical Topics: Anticoagulation Management, Arrhythmias and Clinical EP, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiovascular Care Team, Dyslipidemia, Invasive Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention, Noninvasive Imaging, Pulmonary Hypertension and Venous Thromboembolism, Valvular Heart Disease, Atherosclerotic Disease (CAD/PAD), Anticoagulation Management and Venothromboembolism, Implantable Devices, SCD/Ventricular Arrhythmias, Aortic Surgery, Cardiac Surgery and Arrhythmias, Cardiac Surgery and VHD, Lipid Metabolism, Nonstatins, Novel Agents, Statins, Interventions and Coronary Artery Disease, Interventions and Imaging, Interventions and Structural Heart Disease, Interventions and Vascular Medicine, Angiography, Echocardiography/Ultrasound, Nuclear Imaging Keywords: ACC Publications, Cardiology Magazine, Accreditation, African Americans, Anticoagulants, Aortic Valve Insufficiency, Aortic Valve Stenosis, Atorvastatin, Breast Feeding, Breast Milk Expression, Cardiologists, Cardiology, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Cardiovascular Diseases, Catheterization, Cerebrovascular Disorders, Certification, Child Care, Comorbidity, Coronary Angiography, Coronary Artery Bypass, Coronary Artery Disease, Defibrillators, District of Columbia, Echocardiography, Doppler, Economic Status, Education, Medical, Graduate, Europe, Fellowships and Scholarships, Habits, Heart Valves, Hemodynamics, Hemostasis, Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors, Incidence, Leadership, Learning Curve, Male, Middle Aged, Morbidity, Motivation, Multicenter Studies as Topic, Nursing Homes, Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, Parental Leave, Parents, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Pharmacy, Physicians, Primary Care, Policy, Pregnancy, Prescriptions, Propensity Score, Punctures, Radial Artery, Radiation Exposure, Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic, Reference Standards, Registries, Retrospective Studies, Rosuvastatin Calcium, Social Media, Spasm, Stents, Stroke, Students, Surgical Instruments, Survival Rate, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Venous Thromboembolism, Workforce, Work-Life Balance < Back to Listings
How much data does MapleStory use per hour? Home » FAQ » How much data does MapleStory use per hour? How much data does MapleStory use per hour? How big is the file size for MapleStory? How much data does Netflix use per hour? How much data does online gaming use per hour? Is there a way to play MapleStory for free? How much data does Google Maps use on average? How much data does MapleStory use per hour? MapleStory usually uses around 10 MB of data per hour of gameplay, which is really low for a massively multiplayer online game. How big is the file size for MapleStory? MapleStory download size. Platform. File size. Microsoft Windows. <20GB. While the download size won’t be as big as the unpacked file size listed above, it still takes a lot more data to download MapleStory than it does to play it. How much data does Netflix use per hour? Perhaps surprisingly, online games typically use significantly less data than streaming video online. According to report from January 2018 by NBN Co, popular video streaming services like YouTube, Stan and Netflix can easily use between 1-3GB per hour, for example. Compared to these numbers, the megabytes used by online games are less significant. How much data does online gaming use per hour? According to report from January 2018 by NBN Co, popular video streaming services like YouTube, Stan and Netflix can easily use between 1-3GB per hour, for example. Compared to these numbers, the megabytes used by online games are less significant. WANT TO TALK NBN? Want to know more about the nbn rollout and how to get connected to the nbn? Is there a way to play MapleStory for free? MapleStory delivers legendary MMORPG adventures with boldly original iconic 2D charm. Play Free Now! How much data does Google Maps use on average? How Much Data Does Google Maps Use? How Much Data Do Maps Use? On average, Google Maps uses about 0. 67MB of data every 10 miles and 0. 73MB of mobile data for every 20 minutes. According to our research, it uses less than Apple Maps but slightly more than Waze. Maplestory data usage and steam [New Users] Please note that all new users need to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours. Thank you for your out the v. 227 MapleStory X BUGCAT CAPOO Patch Notes here! Hey guys, I have a question. I just recently started to play ms from a hotspot so often when I am not at home. I have a 15gb hotspot data limit on my phone so I’m trying to be able to play as much as possible on it withoiut going over the data. Right now I have maple downloade through stream, thought that’d just be easier. I’ve looked at my data usage on my laptop, and it says that maple has used 700 mbps, but steam has useed almost 10gb. I haven’t downloaded any games on my laptop while on my hotspot, so I’m just wondering if for some reason steam is using more data to play maple for any reason. I’m wondering if it’d be a better idea to just download from the nexon launcher and play that way. Any thoughts and advice are appreciated. How much gb does maplestory take up internet usage It depends. If you`re trying to sell something in the free market, that could go up to about 10kb per second, but if you`re just grinding on monsters, that takes about 5kb per second. Was this answer helpful? Someone said: If your info was you very much.. U solved my problem.. Was this comment helpful? CommentReplyReportSuggested Solutions (10)What’s this? Level 6 (Expert) 366 Answers, 22 Followers “If you are going to connect via wifi at home to access the internet… ” Hi there my name is shadow. there might be a misconception on the given plan that was given to you by your may have to contact the telco and adjust your plan to no data plan. if you are going to connect via wifi at home to access the internet, try to disable the 3G and 4G. data I am using samsung galaxy y. it cut money bout rm 24 saying, daily total usage rm8. 40 n daily internet usage rm 8. 40. i dont get this. i still use my? CommentReplyReportThis answer closely relates to:Maplestory data usageI have a new galaxy s3 without data plan. i use home wifi and wifi hotspot area for internet access. do i need to off the mobile data at the top of I have an extra android phone and i want to use it with my sim card and i didnt have a data plan or subcribe data plan. will i get charge on data planMaplestory uses how much internetOn a prepaid plan without mobile browsing or data plan and i access the internet using wifi, will i get charged? I have a data plan, but my samsung sgh-t679m doesn`t connect to the internet. how do i activate the data plan? Level 9 (Master) 1041 Answers, 1 Friend, 44 Followers “With your htc explorer regarding with the internet slow connection… ” Hello, I recognize that you are having problems with your htc explorer regarding with the internet slow connection. I suggest that you turn of the notifications. Try this first. If this will not work, I suggest that you configure the wifi Hi, when i use htc explorer as wifi hotspot after some internet usage notifications come again and again and my internet speed goes down. wht to do? Level 1 (Contributor) Well the amount you use up, varies according to how long you are ually a 2hr streaming will take about 300mb or there I have a limited internet usage. so if i wanna stream a movie, how many mb did i actually used up? so that i know, my internet will not be terminated? It should be enough but be careful watch the usage for a month then when the month is up see how much you have I am about to sign up with verizon for a 20gb shared internet package per month. is that enough for a family of 4 with regular internet usage? CommentReplyReportThis answer closely relates to:Maplestory gigabite usageDo i have to have a data plan on the samsung solstice to be able to access the internet or can i just purchase unlimited internet without a data plan? At&t internet data usage plan for 200 mg plan used for skype? 500 MB of data is more than sufficient for you to last a month for only browsing Will 500mb of data usage allowance last me 30 days of internet usage? “It`s just that your phone speed is not as fast as the wi-fi speed… ” Hi, no it`s not possiable, it`s just that your phone speed is not as fast as the wi-fi Is it posible for a person to give my device a sertain usage of internet speed.? like he gets 70% n i only get 30% internet to my phone? josemigente said: well my brother donloaded a program dat tracks anyone coneted to the internet and im in arguement with him.. just in case s there anyway i can obtain the IP psw.? and hide my devise from his track thing. I believe it accumulates to 30 hours depending on how big your fies 25 gb of internet usage a month is equivalent to how many hours of usage? Level 2 (Sophomore) If it possible, Can you disable you IE addons. You will solve this problem:)source: I keep getting a pop up message from avg internet security say avg has detected high memory usage by internet explorer it happens throughout the day.? Navigate to settings> delete the Internet profile and re-download My new android mid tablet was working fine, now the internet says connected but if i try to use any app that needs internet usage it says no internet? Annual vacation replacement how i Write a Will 500mb of data usage allowance last me 30 days of internet usage? Add Your AnswerHow much gb does maplestory take up internet usage? How fast does your internet need to be to play maplestory Post to Facebook Post to Twitter How many gigs does it take to download maplestory from started downloading maplestory this morning it just finished and then started again CommentReplyReportThis discussion closely relates to:Maplestory bandwidthIf i were to buy a tablet with 4g access, would i have to connect it to my phones data plan? would that cost more money to connect to my data plan? Is internet free on your phone if you don`t have a data plan and you use your wifi from home, i am getting a touch pro 2? MaplestoryWifi is connected but no internet connection on my bold, i have no data plan and no credit but im using my home wifi so should be free? How do you get the data plan for bbm when you are on a 10 unlimited internet and free texts o2 plan? How much is the internet bandwith when i play MapleStory for 1hour? I am currently in confused to order a high speed internet package with limited quota.. I would like to do a decision on which package should i take according to the internet bandwith “Maplestory internet usage? ~what`s internet usage for 1 hour when u play maplestory… ” Maplestory internet usage? What`s internet usage for 1 hour when u play maplestory? plz tell me…………………..
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It sure is good to be back in Montana! It took me longer than I would’ve liked, but it’s better late than never, right? Montana actually runs in my family. I have ancestors that settled here years ago and I lived in Missoula for a couple years about a decade or so ago (don’t worry, I’m not a Griz fan). My sister-in-law used to manage a hotel at Yellowstone, and when my wife (Jules) visited her, she fell in love with Montana as well. So, when given the chance to come to Bozeman, we couldn’t pass that up. I love the spirit here. I love the beauty and the fact it really is the last best place. There is no other place like it and the fact that we get to call it home, that’s beyond special. We can’t wait to experience all that Bozeman offers, so if you see us out and about, come introduce yourself! Where are you from? Born and raised in Sedalia, Missouri. Home of the Missouri State Fair! What would you be doing if you weren’t doing radio? I would probably be a carny running the ring toss. Have you ever been arrested? No, but I almost got my mom arrested when I was a kid. I was making prank calls and the police thought it was her. They even took out the cuffs, she was NOT happy! What is something most people don’t know about you? I cry every time I watch Forrest Gump with the scene at JenNAY’s grave. Do you have a best friend? I do! My best friend is my wife, Jules. We were friends before we started dating and it just evolved from there. I’m beyond blessed. Food Network or HGTV? Wow. That is tough, both. Who is your favorite singer? That is such a tough question. I’ve been lucky to see so many concerts. I’m going to go with either Freddie Mercury or John Denver. I have eclectic taste. Best advice you’ve ever received? There was once a man that was wise beyond his years. A master, if you will. He once said “Do, or do not. There is no try.” What song do you want played at your funeral? American Pie and if everyone isn’t up dancing by the 3rd verse, I will come back and haunt them all. Here’s The Top 5 Reasons Montanans Can’t Stand Bozeman. Bozeman Montana is a popular place and attracts tens of thousands of folks each year, however, the rest of Montana isn't as fond of the city as you would think. Is This The “Smartest” Town In Montana? The Data Says Yes. Montana has some great education choices, with multiple colleges and universities. However, when it comes to the smartest town, which one ranks at the top? Great News For Montanans Afraid Of These Deadly Little Creatures. Montana has a lot of different critters that can be dangerous, however, when it comes to this species, you might have less to worry about than you think. Montana Is Home To One Of The Top 10 Candy Stores In The U.S. Love sweets? Montana has a lot of options, but one Montana sweet spot is getting national recognition as one of the best in the United States. Move Over Porkchop, Is This The Most Famous Sandwich In Montana? Montana is famous for it's Porkchop Sandwich, but is that the best sandwich in the state? Many think that a one of a kind Montana creation is the best. Is This The Best Way To Address Summer Road Work Here In Montana? As the warm weather heats up, so will the amount of folks on Montana highways. So with all the road work happening, is there a better way to tackle traffic? Hungry? Here Are The Top 5 Best Cheeseburgers In All Of Montana. A great cheeseburger is hard to beat, and lucky for us, Montana has lots of choices. However, when it comes to the best of the best, who makes the list? These Two Popular Montana Destinations Rank In Top 5 Nationwide. Montana is a popular summer vacation destination, but just how popular is it? Two different Montana locations make the Best Summer Vacation List. The Top 5 Things You Should Never Say Out Loud To A Montanan. For many, living in Montana is a dream come true. However, if you to decide to relocate to The Treasure State, there are some things you need to know first. Montana’s One Of 7 States That Can Claim This And It’s Not Good. People continue to move to Montana and as a result, the state has become less affordable when it comes to buying a home. So what does all of that mean?
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A recent IPANZ/Productivity Commission round table concluded that public servants should be more courageous in their advice to ministers and more leadership was required. Sally Washington, Australia NZ School of Government (ANZSOG) Executive Director Aotearoa, unpicks the dimensions of great relationships between ministers and their departments. IPANZ and ANZSOG intend future collaboration to explore issues at the political–administrative interface. Improving the quality of policy advice is on the agenda of many organisations and jurisdictions. Aotearoa’s Policy Project and the United Kingdom’s Head of the Policy Profession unit are well established agents for building policy capability. But most jurisdictions have focused on the “supply side” of the good policy equation. Few, if any, have done any complementary work on the “demand side” of the ledger – on ministers and how they can get the best policy advice and support improvements in public service policy capability. Good government decision making depends on great relationships between ministers and their departments. Often ministers come into the role thinking they need to have all the answers, when in fact, they really need to have the right questions. Confident ministers invite free and frank advice and are open to challenge. Great ministers are skilled at getting the most out of policy services. So how do they do that, and how might officials work with them to that end? The policy pre-nup The start of any relationship is a good time to set the ground rules – think of it as a policy pre-nup. Key dimensions of effective policy pre-nups include: • an agreed policy programme • ground rules for commissioning advice • an operating model for engaging with policy advisors • processes to ensure advice is high quality. The first dance – it takes two to tango Like any new relationship, you need to establish trust. The first opportunity to do this is through early discussion with new ministers. Chief of staff" to John Key, Wayne Eagleson, put it this way: “Put yourself in their shoes – understand the politics, even though it is their job to manage the politics.” There are conventions around the first dance. A Brief to the Incoming Minister (BIM) is an opportunity for the department to show that it understands what the new government wants to achieve. What about the other dance partner? What can ministers do to establish good relationships with their departments? Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison saw it this way: “It is ministers who provide policy leadership and direction [while the public service should] get on and deliver the government’s agenda.” New Zealand ministers are traditionally more open to ideas from the public service. Agendas defined by manifestos are not always clear or detailed. Ministers would be doing themselves a disservice to ignore advice from policy experts, especially their own officials. Officials also hold institutional knowledge on previous decisions and their success (or failure). If done well, the long-term insights briefings might create additional space for fresh ideas. Define the programme – get with the programme No government starts with a clean slate. There will be legacy items and ongoing business in an incoming government’s workload. The role of officials is to help ministers develop and implement their agenda. But that doesn’t mean they can’t have influence over that agenda. Tools exist to help ministers articulate their strategic priorities to departments, like letters of strategic intent. Some ministers are especially open to debate on policy direction. Bill English, as Minister of Finance, held regular “chew” sessions with officials – they were opportunities to discuss broad policy challenges before formally commissioning advice on how to deal with them. Back in the 1990s, Premier House sessions involved discussions between ministers and senior officials. This seemed to catalyse a shared understanding of priorities. Adjusting the programme – good commissioning is key Defining a policy programme is not a set-and-forget task. Things change, as COVID-19 has taught us. Even in less fraught times, problems arise that require adjustments to the policy programme. Ministers and officials need to agree on priorities. Acting on opportunities for innovation requires less impactful programmes to be dropped. Ministers and officials need to agree processes for reprioritisation and de-prioritisation. That means setting ground rules for new initiatives and for dumping old ones. Good commissioning is crucial, with clarity on what is being asked for and who should be involved. Messages can get muddled in translation from ministers to people developing advice. To help with commissioning, conversation prompts were developed as part of a Policy Project management tool called Start Right. Something similar could be developed to guide upstream conversations between ministers and officials. Alarmingly, but understandably, ministers sometimes come into the role not knowing how to commission advice from officials. And that’s not the only area where they might be flying blind. Do ministers need training? In the UK, the Institute for Government (IFG) provides training for ministers and shadow ministers. In Australia, the McKinnon Institute’s Advanced Political Leadership course prepares members of parliament for future ministerial roles. In Aotearoa, there is less support. The Cabinet Office provides a basic handbook for new ministers, and central agencies provide briefings. Seasoned ministers sometimes act as mentors to junior colleagues. Anecdotally, formal training is often shunned by politicians, who don’t want to admit they need help (especially in front of their colleagues). The IFG’s Ministers Reflect series includes interviews of ex-ministers on what they wished they’d known before taking office. The IFG concludes: “Given they are responsible for serious matters which affect everyday life, helping ministers properly prepare for their jobs would clearly be to the benefit of us all.” The same could be said in Aotearoa. Bridges or barriers – ministerial offices and advisors Ministers get bespoke support through their private office. The choice of who is in the minister’s office, how they relate to departmental officials, and how they articulate an “operating model” is crucial. The public services commissioner issued a code of conduct specifically for ministerial office staff. Whoever is in the minister’s office, whether in political or policy roles, they need to work together to support the minister to maintain good relationships with departments. As the “eyes and ears of the minister”, ministerial office staff" need to ensure the minister knows what’s going on in their departments and that departments have early warning about the minister’s thinking or future demands for advice. This includes substantive insights from meetings with stakeholders and other ministers to more administrative issues like the minister’s preferences about how advice is presented and who’s in the room for discussions. Rules of engagement – agree on an operating model It is important to get the operating model right – setting ground rules up-front helps. For example, some ministers are readers, others prefer oral briefings, and some love visual aids. Similarly, some ministers prefer to only have senior officials in the discussion; others want to hear from the person who prepared the advice. A former colleague of the UK Cabinet Secretary the late Sir Jeremy Heywood noted: “Heywood would always involve the person actually doing the work. Generous, yes, but also more effective.” When people further down the food chain are involved in discussions with the minister, the minister gets the real oil and officials may get a great development experience. It’s all about trust Confident ministers generally have an appetite for free and frank advice. Chris Hipkins set that tone when he called for more “hard-hitting advice”, saying “Ministers aren’t mushrooms, they shouldn’t be kept in the dark … Even if I reject the advice I’m given, I think I’d make a better decision for being properly informed.” Senior o"icials and ministerial o"ice sta" can help create a safe place for this to occur. As the inaugural Head of the Policy Profession said at an IPANZ event: “Trust creates the space for free and frank advice. Where the relationship between ministers and advisors is high trust and respectful, there is and always has been room for candid and challenging views to be aired.” Be an intelligent customer of advice – learn to recognise quality As the customer of policy advice, ministers should be able to question that advice. Policy decisions are rightly the domain of politicians, but they can help improve the quality of those decisions by: • encouraging free and frank advice (“tell me what I need to hear, not what you think I want to hear”) • allowing space in budgets for policy stewardship – to build future considerations into current advice and to invest in future capability • being skilled at interrogating advice. Providing ministers with a simple policy test or a detailed checklist (see box below) might help. Questions from the “demand side” (ministers) should mirror agreed “supply side” standards that departments have set themselves. Like any relationship, if both sides have a common understanding about overall priorities, and some ground rules about how they interact, then it is easier to have “courageous conversations”. In the case of ministers and their o"icials, that means better decisions for the public they serve. Published in the Public Sector Journal 45, July 2022.
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Thought I had a flat battery, couldn’t move daughter’s car from outside the house. Rang Dave at Checkpoint, West Kirby to see if they sold the battery I needed. They did, but Dave would send someone down from Newhall, West Kirby to double check that is was in fact a new battery that was needed. Upshot is, car was taken to Newhall (seen and looked after by Billy), new battery fitted, programmed to car, and returned home within 2.5hrs. A competitive price too (no charge for car being diagnosed, taken away or brought back). Well done Checkpoint & Newhall....amazing service from start to finish. I will make sure I tell EVERYONE! Staff know what they are doing. Nice to have it all explained to me about what needs doing. Always 1st class service. Never need to wait longer than expected to get my car in, however small the job. If you are a woman then I do recommend this place for one reason only... I'm fed up being taken for a muppet by guys who just want to make their monthly targets. Keep up the good work you guys. Went to Checkpoint as I thought my headlight had failed on my estate. Agreed to get them to replace it . The person who came to replace the bulb for me used his experience and checked it first and found the bulb was OK just a loose connection. For this they said no charge. My wife has had a similar experience with them. Also we always find they provide good service and reasonable cost, this is why we use them. Have used this business over the last ten years at both their Mold and Queensferry branches. I find the staff extremely helpful and knowledgeable and have always found them to be very competitively priced, especially on servicing and tyres. Bought Thule bits and pieces. Staff are brilliant, helpful, friendly, take initiative, do everything to make things work well. Good prices too. I have been a customer checkpoint for over 12 years. I have always found the staff extremely polite and always manage to assist me with any issues i have.The products i have bought have always been top quality and if defects have happened, then the staff have been extremely apologetic and replaced them. Sorted faulty product immediately. Will go to them for all my motoring needs.
The smell of jasmine is in the air. Or honeysuckle or lilacs… wherever in the world you might be. The sun kisses your shoulders, your cheeks your collarbones, leaving a loving trail of tingles in its wake. The days are getting gloriously longer and the clothes are getting blissfully skimpier… and yet…. You feel like crap. What the funk is up with that? You’re in a funk right now. But you know what? Sometimes your mood just doesn’t care that the rest of the world seems to be getting in the summer state of mind. That’s totally okay. But when you’re good and ready to pull yourself out of the gloom, here is exactly what you should do. I’m talking ‘bout all the people who would try and make you feel badly for feeling badly. And sometimes you even have to ignore the good intentioned friends and family who try to remind you of all the good things you’ve got. Because we all know they mean well, but we also know that it just makes us feel guilty. We know you have a lot to be grateful for! But we don’t feel great at the moment… So, ignore the commentary for now. You’re allowed to feel blue sometimes, and internal pressure certainly doesn’t help when you’re trying to get back to your sunny disposition. So when your ready to move on, put on some headphones and… Move ya body Any old way will do, really! Walking, dancing, yoga. Punching a pillow perhaps? When you’re moping it’s not easy to get moving. Especially because, as they say, we hold our issues in our tissues. When your head or your heart is all tied in knots, so is your body. But getting your blood flowing works it out and, not to mention those endorphins! After you bust a little sweat… Eat your feelings But, like, in the good way! When we feel down we tend to eat heavy or unhealthy foods. It may feel good for a minute, but ultimately we’re left more sluggish than before. Give your body the nutrients it’s really craving instead. Plus, if you feed your body something fresh and light and from the earth, your body will manifest that energy too! (We highly suggest adding a Wave Soda to your healthy meal! It’s a mood lifter ) Visit ya mama I’m talking Mama Earth. I know you’ve been hearing it since the time you were a kid. It was annoying then and it’s probably still annoying now. But it has always been true… Fresh air will do you good. Sometimes we get a little wonky because we are surrounded by concrete and steel and going from home to office and back again when really our bodies are meant to be outside, ruled by the sun and the moon. We’re meant to imagine and socialize and move! And yet we sit still and look at screens. So lay in the grass, sit on the beach, climb a tree. Get back to your roots, whatever way you can. Try something new I’m a Gemini who struggles with flitting from one thing to the next. So routine (as long as it’s on my terms!) has always been good for me. I try to keep to one as much as I can. But whenever I start to feel a little like my soul has been sucked out of me, I go find something new to try. Maybe it’s as simple as a new food or drink. Maybe it’s walking down a street you’ve never been down, talking to stranger, visiting a new city or picking up a hobby you’ve always been curious about. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as its new to you. All you need to reignite your enthusiasm for life is a little reminder that there is so much you have yet to discover.
My favourite drugstore brand GOSH are releasing some new items for Spring Summer 2016. Cool in Copenhagen Palette (£10.99) This is a great set of neutral to cool tones that are all matte and thankfully have a deliciously black shade . the shadows are buttery and blend like colours from a much more expensive range. This palette is a real hidden gem. I am not really a neutrals girl but these colour blend really well with my purples and other bright colours. My favourite product form the collection. Forever Eyeshadow in Matte (£6.29) Hurrah – that is all I can say. These are a great on the lid by themselves as a wash of colour but if you can get hold a a NYX jumbo pencil in this cool shade or a MAC paint pot is out of your budget this is a great long wearing true colour option. They don’t crease and you can blend out the colour with your fingers or a brush. GOSH need to bring out a matte purple and quickly. Velvet Matte Lipsticks (£6.99) You can find out how I feel about the velvet matte lipstick range HERE. They are fab managing to be matte without drying out your lips to within an inch of their lives. These four shades have been added to the range and the colours retain the cool toned feel for Spring 2016. There is a shade for everyone. Lip Oils (£7.49) A moisturising gel formula that is actually a lip oil. Made from a blend of Sea Buckthorn, Moringa, Macademia and Argan oils, they are designed for the lips, but the texture means that you can use them anywhere, like cuticles, flyaway hairs or even as a highlighter on the face. The smell of these is not great, but it does dissipate quickly and it is great to have this technology in your local high street chemist. Lumi Drops (£7.99) Lumi drops are liquid highlighters that are not overly sparkly or glittery. Another fantastic launch from GOSH. Firstly I love the dinky size. The thin nozzle to dispense the product is genius – it means that you are going to get the amount that you need. The texture and formula is perfect for adding a subtle glow or highlighting to the gawds. Three shades mean that whatever your complexion there is a colour for you. Great product. Illuminating Primer (£14.99) This product has a pearlised finish which gives the illuminating glow and provides the perfect base to apply make up over. The pinky pearl tone does not really work with my skin tone, but I am a huge fan of the GOSH hydrating primer so if have a lighter complexion this product is definitely worth a try. Rebel Eyes Mascara (£8.99) Rebel Eyes sounds dramatic and the effect on the lashes is, but this best thing about this mascara is that the formula is nourishing to your lashes. Castor oil is more commonly found in lipsticks and Sea Buckthorn is high in fatty acids which is great for conditioning the lashes. These products are in store from February 10th (apart from the primer which is in stores now!) but the lovely team at GOSH have provided me with one set of the new collection to giveaway to celebrate these exciting products coming to stores. To be in with a chance of winning everything picture here All you need to do is follow me on Instagram using the rafflecopter widget below. The minimum entry age is 18 and it is open to UK residents only. Good Luck!
Medicare is part of the Social Security Administration (SSA), so if you need to enroll in Medicare, that’s whom you contact. But in recent months, phone lines at the SSA were experiencing major technical issues, preventing some individuals from being able to reach the SSA via telephone in a timely manner. These issues affected the SSA’s national 800 number as well as its field office general inquiry phone lines. At the same time, because of the pandemic, SSA offices had not been permitting in-person appointments until early April. Certain beneficiaries — particularly those without Internet access — were therefore unable to reach the SSA before the end of Medicare’s annual general enrollment period, which typically closes March 31. As a result, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced it will provide what is known as equitable relief to anyone who, due to these challenges, was unable to submit their Medicare enrollment or disenrollment requests after January 1, 2022. These individuals will now have extra time — through Friday, December 30, 2022 — to submit Medicare Part A or Part B enrollment or disenrollment requests without penalty. This relief from penalties also applies to the 2022 Initial Enrollment Period and Special Enrollment Periods. Individuals who were eligible to be on Medicare and incurred medical care costs during this time period can request retroactive Medicare coverage going back to January 1, 2022. Note, however, that premiums must be paid as a lump sum or else can be deducted from any Social Security benefits the individual currently receives. Contact the SSA’s national 800 number at 1-800-772-1213 for more information, or find an SSA office near you via the SSA’s online office locator. For additional assistance with your Medicare coverage or for a referral to an insurance agent, contact a certified elder law attorney(*), such as Linda Strohschein and her team at Strohschein Law Group. To set up an appointment, contact Strohschein Law Group at 630-377-3241. This information provided by Strohschein Law Group is general in nature and is not intended to be legal advice, nor does it constitute a legal relationship. Please consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. (*) The Supreme Court of Illinois does not recognize certifications of specialties in the practice of law and the CELA designation is not a requirement to practice law in Illinois.
Attached to a page in the first of nearly 300 red-leather-bound, near-atlas-sized folio volumes of the George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress (LOC) is a small manuscript that lays bare the foundation of 18th-century power and violence. Unfolded, the manuscript is approximately 7 ¼ by 9 ½ inches, but when folded into thirds, this lightweight rag paper presents as a neat 7- by 3-inch package. The LOC catalog describes the manuscript as a “Genealogy Chart” and dates it to 1753. But this manuscript should actually have three dates, and none of them is 1753. And this manuscript is much more than a “Genealogy Chart.” I hear a lot of myths surrounding the Washingtons since I have the honor of portraying Martha Washington for the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and the opportunity to bring her story to life every day through first-person interpretation. It’s a job I cherish, partly because it has led me to meet many wonderful people who are dedicated to telling the Washingtons’ story with truth and passion like the good people at The Washington Papers. The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association (MVLA) has protected and preserved George Washington’s home since before the Civil War. And their mission has always gone beyond one of simple architectural conservation. The Adams Papers editorial project at the Massachusetts Historical Society began in 1954, and from its inception, the Washingtons have played key roles in the volumes we have published. The very first volume of Adams Family Correspondence includes a letter written by John Adams in 1775 from the Continental Congress to his wife Abigail Adams at home in Braintree, Massachusetts. In the letter, John introduced the new commander in chief. Christmas celebrations have changed radically since George Washington’s presidency. The new republic that Washington had guided into being was only beginning to create itself as a nation and had little unifying cultural identity. The 13 states differed significantly among themselves, including in how their new citizens observed—or ignored—Christmas. It’s a rare thing when you meet an extant 18th-century gown and know who wore it. Rarer still, when the wearer was Martha Dandridge Custis Washington. I recently had the honor of examining one of Martha Washington’s three known, intact, surviving gowns, which was generously loaned to George Washington’s Mount Vernon by the New Hampshire Historical Society (NHHS) for viewing and study. Since 2001, the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, held annually in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, has been an annual gathering of technologists, scholars, librarians, graduate and undergraduate students…and documentary editors. For the past three years, Jennifer Stertzer (Washington Papers) and Cathy Hajo (The Jane Addams Papers Project), joined this year by Erica Cavanaugh (Washington Papers), have offered a course titled “Conceptualising and Creating Digital Editions,” one of a rich slate of hands-on and theoretical week-long immersions into digital humanities. On board BA 217, London to DC. I’m looking forward to speaking tomorrow night in the Gay Hart Gaines Distinguished Visiting Lecturer of American History programme. It’s wonderful to speak for the first time about my book, The Washingtons, at Mount Vernon, where I first conceived the idea of writing about America’s first couple. TOPICS: Animals and Agriculture, Food, Guest Contributor, Health and Medicine, Mount Vernon, Slavery by Mary Thompson, Mount Vernon Research Historian April 2, 2015 There are only two brief mentions in George Washington’s papers indicating that bees were raised by him at Mount Vernon. On July 28, 1787, 300 nails were […]
On Monday the 3rd of April, the Council of Europe’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) will kick off its work towards the long anticipated AI Treaty. We are honoured that ALLAI co-founder Virginia Dignum will speak at the Inaugural Meeting of the CAI (High-Level Segment) and that ALLAI is an official Observer to the CAI. What is the CAI? The CAI is the successor of the CAHAI (the ad-hoc committee on Artificial Intelligence of the Council of Europe)*, and will be tasked with developing a legal instrument on AI based on the Council of Europe’s standards on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, an AI Treaty. An AI Treaty Where the ethics of AI were at the center of the debate in 2018 and 2019, the impact of AI on human rights, democracy and the rule of law started receiving the attention it deserves from 2020 and onwards. “AI impacts virtually all human rights, ranging from privacy to non-discrimination and from freedom speech to freedom of demonstration.” says ALLAI President Catelijne Muller, who authored an expert report for the CAHAI, that serves as a building block for the work towards a European AI Treaty. “The CAI will be developing probably the most important document of our time. A legal instrument to protect the very foundations of our society in a world with AI: our human rights, our democracy and our rule of law. This instrument will determine what a world with AI will look like.” says Catelijne. “It also remains important to keep AI researchers and experts involved in the discussions around AI regulation, though, says ALLAI co-founder Virginia Dignum, a long time AI developer and researcher herself. “They will be able to tell you how the technology works and why these inner workings lead to human rights’ impacts. Without this understanding, any regulation runs the risk of failing to achieve its objectives.” ALLAI’s involvement in the work of the CAI In 2020, by unanimous vote of the Heads of Delegations of the Member States, ALLAI was accepted as on of the 26 Observers** to the CAHAI and is continuing this position for the CAI. As such ALLAI will have first hand insights of the developments within the CAI, the direction in which the negotiations on the AI Treaty are going and will be able to continue contributing to the work of the CAI. The work of the CAI is anticipated to be concluded in November 2023. * * * * The CAHAI was tasked with examining the feasibility of a legally binding instrument on AI and developing such an instrument, based on the Council of Europe’s standards on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. ** Other observers are (a.o.): GPAI, Partnership on AI, Human Rights Watch, CCBE and INRIA.
EXFOLIATING CLEANSING GEL - 220 ML - functional substances - Recommended for: - The result: - How to use: Cleansing and exfoliating gel, removes impurities and deeply cleanses the skin by reducing the bacterial load thanks to the presence of Salicylic Acid. Essential for keeping the skin clean, it does not deplete the natural hydrolipidic film, leaving the skin soft, luminous and hydrated. Ideal for normal, combination and impure skin. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Salicylic Acid: a chemical compound of vegetable origin, it can be used in low concentrations to perform a cleansing action on the epidermis, it has an effective but delicate keratolic, smoothing, exfoliating, bacteriostatic and soothing action. Dimethylsilanol salt of hyaluronic acid (Dimethylsilanol hyaluronate): hyaluronic acid is a mucopolysaccharide, a fundamental component of our tissue. Starting from the age of 25, however, the natural production begins to decrease and it becomes necessary to integrate it into anti-aging and moisturizing cosmetics. Thanks to this formulation, particularly available for the epidermis, it reactivates and stimulates the production of collagen and connective tissue thus giving skin firmness and hydration. deep daily cleansing and exfoliation of normal, combination and impure skin. Suitable for all ages. the skin immediately appears brighter, fresher and well hydrated. With constant use, small imperfections will disappear, giving a completely renewed look to the face. morning and evening, take a small knob of the product, mix it with the water in the palm of your hand to form a delicate foam, then apply and massage with anti-clockwise rotational movements. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.Ingredients AQUA, PROPYLENE GLYCOL, ACRYLATES COPOLYMER, POLYSORBATE-20, SALICYLIC ACID, DIMETHYLSILANOL HYALURONATE, PHENOXYETHANOL, BENZYL ALCOHOL, SODIUM BENZOATE, POTASSIUM SORBATE, PERFUME/PARFUM CI16290
A mother said to me today that her favourite line in Well Adjusted Babies was when I was discussing uterine massage for after the birth, “that it may be important if your partner is helping to clarify for them that this is not some new form of foreplay. In case he momentarliy forgets, remind him that you recently had something the size of a frozen chook pass through your womanhood!” This Mum was referring to “Post Birth ABC’s” Chapter, here’s the A section for you: – Abandon any fantasy you may have that you will be able to hold coherent or adult-like conversations. Pre-warn your friends or colleagues that your brain is currently just like your abdominals—all soft and squishy, and unable to solve a world crisis. – Abort any preconceived ideas that you will run on time for anything! Allow yourself and your newborn an extra hour’s grace to get out the door. – Attempt to sleep as often and as much as you can. When friends offer to help, ask them to come over and mind any other children you may have or the baby, while you have a bath or catch an extra hour of sleep. Believe me, the world is a much brighter place when we sneak a little extra sleep. Switch on the answering machine or take the phone off the hook when the baby is asleep and grab a nap yourself. – Appetite: Fill the house with plenty of healthy foods and snacks. Have a bowl of pre-cut organic raw veggies ready to nibble on in the fridge, and plenty of fresh and dried (sulphur dioxide free) fruit available. Stack the pantry with nuts, crackers and high quality health bars. Have your partner cook up some soup every few days that is easy to re-heat. Cook larger amounts of evening meals and enjoy the excess for lunch the following day. – Afterpains play an important role in the body’s healing and repair work. They are however, God awful! You won’t usually have strong afterpains following the birth of your first baby. If this is your second however, don’t be surprised if the pain is intense. Unfortunately, afterpains intensify with each birth and/or the closer together your birth dates. Afterpains usually stop after 4–5 days. Generally afterpains occur as you breastfeed or just after, as the baby’s suckling stimulates your uterus. This is because the hormone oxytocin (which is responsible for triggering the milk let-down reflex) also creates uterine contractions. Holding a hot water bottle against your tummy 20 minutes prior to a feed may help alleviate pain. Personally, I found uterine massage very effective, both for pain relief and assisting my uterus to shrink back in size quickly. Here I refer to gentle self massage, using a flat hand that gently moves in long sweeping motions from the belly button down towards the pubic hair. The quicker the uterus contracts back to its original size, the lesser likelihood of prolonged post- delivery bleeding (the things you learn after five births!). When you finish feeding, lie down. Position a flat hand across your belly button. Using straight fingers, gently massage with long sweeping motions from your belly button down towards you pubic bone. Repeat this motion for 1–2 minutes. Note: If your partner is helping you with the massage, clarify for them that this is not some new form of foreplay (in case he momentarily forgets). Remind him, if necessary, that you recently had something the size of a frozen chook pass through your womanhood! – Amorous intentions (a lack of nooky). Remind your partner that while you love him/her dearly, there is a secret pact amongst birthing mothers that sex is a no-no for at least 12 weeks; it may be sooner than this but put him off the scent entirely. For some women it is a longer period of time before they feel amorous and this is perfectly fine. Talk to your partner and express your emotions bravely. You needn’t worry about your loss of libido in the short term—it is natural and hardly surprising when you are so exhausted and uncomfortable! It’s vital to still spend some time alone with your partner on a regular basis and, since life is a lot less spontaneous when a baby arrives, it’s definitely worth planning ahead. You don’t have to arrange a whole weekend—going for a long walk or just out for a quick drink will do. Ask a relative or friend to give up a few hours to baby-sit and you will feel infinitely more energised—as will your relationship. — The first time almost certainly won’t be wonderful and scar tissue may cause discomfort. — Don’t think that because you are breastfeeding you won’t become pregnant — Ovulation can still occur and lead to pregnancy… so consider your contraception. For additional ABC’s for the Post Birth Period please see Well Adjusted babies 2nd Edition…. . . . . . Yours in health… Bach. Chiropractic, Bach. App Clinical Science Registered internationally, no longer practicing as a chiropractor in Australia.
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These days mobile apps are largely becoming the norm for businesses and large companies alike. But while you may not believe your small local wedding business needs an app, the truth is the wedding business the perfect type of business that needs an app. With people wanting and sometimes needing to plan their weddings while on the go, it’s important that you give them the tool that enables them to do that. Here are the top reasons your wedding business needs a mobile app: You’ll Increase Your Visibility The first reason your small business needs a mobile app is because it will increase your visibility. In 2018, Americans are spending over five hours a day on their mobile devices, in contrast to less than four hours as little as three years ago. With Google Play and the App Store receiving literally millions of hits every single day, there’s no question that having an app would greatly enhance the visibility of your wedding business. You’ll Gain Important Data About Your Customers One of the most overlooked benefits of having a business app is the fact that you can use analytics to learn data about your customers. This can give you better insight into who your customers are and what they want in order to make more informed investments in the future (such as knowing which demographics you should market to, for example). You’ll Create A Better Experience For Your Customers Not only can having an app for your wedding business make things better for you, it can make things better for your customers as well. An app can make it easy for customers to book weddings, to view special deals, and to communicate with you while they are on the go. In other words, an app can greatly alleviate stress for your customers (since planning weddings is almost always a stressful endeavor). You’ll Have An Advantage Over The Competition While it’s completely normal for large businesses and companies to have apps these days, it’s far less common for local small businesses to have their own apps and the trend has only recently started to pick up a little steam. This means that chances are fairly good your competitors don’t have an app yet. Therefore, the very fact that you have an app means you can have an important advantage over them. Get ahead of the trend before it gets ahead of you. You’ll Appeal To People Who Like Apps Finally, if for no other reason, mobile isn’t going anywhere and people are increasingly preferring it over desktop websites or even mobile websites. Apps are convenient, and that’s why people like using them. When people are researching which wedding business in your area to go with, they may very well check to see if that business has an app. If they see that your business does have an app, you’ll score major points right away. Mobile App For Your Wedding Business Having a mobile app would most certainly give your wedding business an edge over your competitors while also providing a more convenient experience for your customers.
Our aggressive litigators have the experience and expertise needed to construct a robust case. Proudly serving Wayne County and Eastern North Carolina since 1914. If the settlement provide is unfair or the insurance coverage firm is trying to “low-ball” you, we are going to take them to courtroom by filing a lawsuit in your behalf. While that increase is modest, it is the most important on record in Law360’s annual legislation firm survey. Overall, attorneys of shade represented 19.6% of agency headcounts in 2021, a rise of 1.5 percentage factors. This is not a recreation of numbers – indeed most of the companies included are small, single-office firms – however simply a question of high quality. Consilia Mediation are accredited lawyer immigration mediators by way of the Family Mediation Council and the Family Mediators Association. Our CompaniesOur Providersour providersWest Yorkshire LawyerWest Yorkshire lawyer turkiye citizenship by investment It might properly lead to lack of employment and earnings, affecting your day-to-day life. It may have an result on your family life if you are unable to travel easily by car. The authorized turkish Immigration Law Firm paperwork and lawyer citizenship by investment processes were explained clearly and the matter wast dealt with very swiftly. We will occasionaly send you details about different products or services from brands owned by Partners of Research LTD. As a family solicitor, I am a member of an organisation called Resolution and cling to strict… Research The Bachelor Programs In Law And Jurisprudence In YaoundeResearch The Bachelor Applications In Legislation And Jurisprudence In Yaoundeexamine the bachelor applications in legislation and jurisprudence in yaoundeYaounde law firmYaounde Law Firm Appeals from the regional Administrative Courts also go on to the Administrative Bench of the Supreme Court. We present Legal advisory companies referring to transport, clearing as well as associated accidents. Whilst laws enacted by Parliament and a few subsidiary laws are published within the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cameroon, which is printed by the National Printing Press, there is not a regular and efficient system of law reporting in Cameroon. Edwan Ngum Tah talks about her childhood in Cameroon, home violence, why she became a lawyer turkish citizenship by investment, her work as the Executive Director of the Center for Public Interest Law, and the conflict in her nation. Special Criminal Court (which is meant to have regional competence however just one has been set up in Yaoundé with national competence). Since the 1960s, numerous short-lived however commendable efforts in this path have been began however quietly deserted. Women had less earning power than males, despite authorities insurance policies mandating nondiscrimination in employment and occupation. This number was even larger if the children of migrant staff who spend the day on the streets were included. In August state media reported that the variety of kids in rural areas left behind by their migrant employee mother and father totaled 5.8 million. MOHRSS and the native labor bureaus have been responsible for making certain enterprises complied with the labor law and the employment promotion regulation, each of which contains antidiscrimination provisions. There had been greater than a hundred and fifty,000 urban “road children,” in accordance with state-run media. [Independent ] Juba, South Sudan — President Yoweri Museveni was readily available right now to witness the graduation of the 1st batch of the mandatory unified forces of the Republic of South Sudan as UGANDA is considered one of the guarantors of the South Sudan p… Pope Francis on Saturday dissolved the management of the Knights of Malta, the worldwide Catholic non secular order and humanitarian group, and installed a provisional authorities forward of the election of a brand new grandmaster. Khartoum — Sudan’s opposition has witnessed numerous calls and initiatives to beat divisions and form a united entrance in opposition to the army junta that took power within the October 25 army coup. Apart from that doc, after promulgation, all legal devices are published in BOB , an official gazette which is published on a monthly basis. However, two tomes of a journal of jurisprudence have been printed in 2012 by the Supreme Court and the Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Juridique with the help of the Belgian Technical Cooperatio This contrasts sharply with the total failure by the state to implement recommendations, such because the concluding observations by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, regarding indigenous minorities such as the Batwa. As far as case law is concerned, there isn’t any compendiums of circumstances as such. The Basic Law prohibits torture and different types of abuse, and the federal government typically noticed the prohibition in practice. In the first half of the year, there were 189 allegations of assault by police officers on individuals in detention. The regulation offers for freedom of speech and of the press, and the government generally respected these rights in follow.
This day last year saw the grand departure from a very wet, cold and blustery London. It was a great day to leave as the memory left an indelible impression on both of us. As we rode out through the streets of London I can vividly remember thinking ‘thank god I’m leaving this s%$t behind’. The idea was to hit Cape Town by late April and having only made it as far as Ghana by then it was clear that the plans had changed. Â We then pushed back the idea of Cape Town to 5 months or maybe 6 and then in Nigeria in a moment of clarity we were struck, as if by lightening, that no plan was the best plan. Currently we’re in Limbe, Cameroon. There was a plan to make Cape Town by February but it only took 3 days before we remembered the great discovery made in Nigeria. We celebrated Christmas, New years and even Jeremy’s birthday here. What a strange but fantastic moment Christmas day was. Sitting at the bird watchers club poised on the balcony with the waves crashing on the rocks 20 meters below us. It was 30 degrees Celsius, the sun was shining and the skies were blue. There was even a fine breeze coming off the ocean to keep us fresh and cooled. What a great setting in which to enjoy the next treat. A gourmet 6 course meal which comprised of none of the traditional turkey, ham or stuffing. Instead there was salmon, foie grasand duck. It was fantastic and we hardly even noticed it was Christmas, at least in the sense that the shops weren’t crowded, it wasn’t full of commercial messages of buy buy buy and fake piped music full of Christmas cheer, and where the real point of the celebration was totally ignored! As we look forward to the road ahead it brings us many questions as to what to do, but I’m sure we’ll find our way in our own time. We are certainly keen not to miss out on all the wonderful people who have touched our lives with their incredible generosity during this past year, those who have opened up their lives and their homes, fed and watered us and given us their friends details along the way or just jumped on the back of the bike to show us how to get to a place when we merely asked for directions! This is I guess the true spirit of Christmas and really shows mankind on it’s best day, something that happens a lot more than the news would have us believe!
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) today announced seasoned communications and energy policy expert Amy Farrell has been tapped to serve as senior vice president of government & public affairs. As senior vice president of government & public affairs at CRES, Farrell will guide CRES policy direction and advocacy—overseeing all program delivery and leading communications, government relations, research and policy development. “Amy Farrell’s unmatched experience in successfully advancing energy policies through advocacy campaigns and her experience managing government and public affairs teams makes her a valuable addition to the CRES team,” said Heather Reams, President of CRES. “Amy is well-known and respected for her extensive knowledge of energy and climate issues and regulatory policy. She is a strategic leader with tactical skills who has already hit the ground running to elevate CRES’ mission to promote all-of-the-above, commonsense policy solutions to our country’s most pressing energy and climate issues. I am thrilled to have Amy join CRES and look forward to working with her as we continue to push for American energy independence through clean energy innovation.” Farrell brings to CRES years of experience serving the energy industry. Her career highlights include time at American Clean Power (formerly known as the American Wind Energy Association), American Petroleum Institute, America’s Natural Gas Alliance, and ExxonMobil. Prior to joining the private sector, Farrell spent nearly a decade in public service. Beginning as a regulatory policy analyst in the Office of Management and Budget, Farrell went on to serve in senior roles in the Bush Administration at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and the White House National Economic Council. “Amy Farrell’s accomplishments in both the public and private sectors to advance climate and energy policy is truly impressive,” said CRES Board Member Micah Yousefi. “The CRES Board is pleased to welcome Amy and we look forward to working with her to engage Republican lawmakers and the public on the benefits of conservative energy solutions.” “Having known Amy since the start of her career and served with her in the Bush Administration, I’m thrilled to once again to team up with her. Amy is widely respected for her strategic thinking, in-depth knowledge of issues, and her ability to navigate the policy and political landscape. She will be a tremendous asset to CRES as they continue to elevate the efforts by Republicans to lower global emissions and enhance energy security through commonsense solutions,” said Marty Hall, CRES Forum Senior Policy Fellow and Republican strategist. A graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University, Farrell also holds a Master of Public Affairs from Indiana University.
40 Years Ago: Eddie Murphy Makes His First ‘SNL’ Appearance It was Nov. 22, 1980, and Murphy, then just 19 years old, was not yet an official member of the cast. Saturday Night Live had gone through upheaval, with a completely new lineup of writers and performers brought in for the sixth season. Associate producer Jean Doumanian had been elevated to executive producer, taking over from show creator Lorne Michaels. Looking to add a minority cast member to the SNL ranks, Doumanian set up auditions. “For two days in mid-September some thirty black actors and comedians filed through the writers’ wing on the 17th floor to read for Jean and her people,” noted the book Saturday Night: A Backstage History of Saturday Night Live. Doumanian was first leaning towards comedian Charlie Barnett, before later deciding that actor Robert Townsend would be the perfect choice. Meanwhile, the show’s talent coordinator, Neil Levy, started hearing from a different young comic. “This guy Eddie Murphy started calling me - it sounded like from a payphone - and I told him, ‘I’m sorry, we’re not auditioning anymore,’" Levy recalled in the book Live from New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live. “But he called again the next day, and he would go into this whole thing about how he had 18 brothers and sisters and they were counting on him to get this job. And he would call every day for about a week. And I finally decided I would use him as an extra.” Murphy was given an audition, his chance to get a foot in the SNL door. “It was just Neil Levy. Just me a Neil in his office. And he said, ‘Make me laugh.’ And luckily, because I was doing standup already, so I had material and I did impressions," Murphy recalled decades after his SNL tenure. "I did Ali, Muhammad Ali. And I did Bill Cosby. And he didn’t laugh at all. He just sat and kind of looked at me and just said, ‘Thank you.’ And then I left and I was like, ‘Well, I guess I didn’t get it.” Though Levy had played it cool, he instantly recognized Murphy’s ability. “Talent was shooting out of him,” the SNL executive admitted. Despite this, adding Murphy to the cast was no slam dunk. “I had already selected the cast,” Doumainian later explained, insisting in hindsight that she too had recognized Murphy’s talent. An agreement would be struck. The young comedian would become a featured player on the show, but not until the season’s fourth episode (airing in December). Thus, Murphy’s first sample of the SNL spotlight was as an extra. The Nov. 22, 1980 episode featured a sketch titled "In Search of the Negro Republican." The scene would take place at a New York dinner party, with a National Geographic-like hunt for an Africa-American GOP member. Murphy’s presence was easily missed. The future star simply lounged in a chair, making background conversation while the scene’s action took place elsewhere. Still, there’d be no missing Murphy once he made his official SNL debut, and this fleeting appearance gave the comedian his first taste of screen time. “The first time I was on, I rode back to Long Island on the Long Island railroad, and I didn’t take my makeup off because I was on TV,” the star later recalled. “I thought people was going to see me with the makeup on and know I was on TV. And no one knew. I probably just looked like a very strange young fellow on the train at night.”
For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates. To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4887.shtml The debate around the basic of taking dietary supplements is continuing to rage. While many health care professionals maintain we get all we require from the foods we eat, others prefer to suggest vitamins when their patients are under a stress such as a pregnancy or illness or even aging or when the patients body’s function is deficient or overloaded. Others maintain that vitamins are preventative and should be taken routinely to prevent diseases and maintain health. Studies maintain that taking extra B vitamins, specifically folic acid and B12 have reduced birth defects by 72 to 100% . And since regulations authourising the addition of folic acid to grains have come into force in the USA the incidence of birth defects their have dropped by 19%, although sceptics claim there could be alternative reasons. So what are some of the symptoms of folic acid deficiency? If your tongue is sore and you suffer from loss of appetite, “shortness of puff”, are irritable, forgetful and mentally sluggish, you may have a folic acid insufficiency. Folic acid is one of the B group of vitamins and most animal and plant foods are poor sources of it. The exception is liver which most individuals don’t eat a lot of these days. Various dietary habits and health conditions can also result in causing a deficiency of this vitamin. Celiac condition, alcoholism and irritable bowel syndrome are three such conditions. Studies have also suggested that when older people suffer from “the blues” it is caused by a absence of folate (B9) . It should be taken alongside B6 and B12 to support its absorption and function in the body. These three vitamins work closely together and help relieve symptoms of depression. They do this by decreasing the total amount of homocysteine, which is thought to play an major part in causing the depression. Occasionally the amount of folate in proportion to the other two may be required to be increased in order to be effective. Solgar Homocystein Modulators are a good supplement to take and can be found online at http://www.solgar.co.uk. Some population-based studies across the USA have also established that numerous cancers are less usual in people who have high levels of folic acid. These people also consumed high amounts of beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber. One large study of 50,000 women established that adequate intakes of folate essentially reduced the risk of breast melanoma. Some prescription medications for inflammatory bowel illness have been found to interfere with the bodies ability to absorb folate (folic acid) and the deficiency has also been linked to some men’s infertility and heart complaints. Foods that offer the most folic acid are dark leafy greens, brewers yeast, cows liver, some seafood, orange juice and dairy. Root vegetables and whole grains also supply small amounts. Side effects from folic acid supplements are rare, though they can occur if the dose exceeds 15000 mcg . Taking any one of the B group of vitamins on their own can produce a deficiency in the others, so don’t be too keen to buy without advice. Check out if you really do need it and make sure your health care practised knows your purpose in order to grasp why you want to take these supplements. Some prescription medicines such as antibiotics and warfarin can react adversely to this health programme, while others like ibuprofen and aspirin can actually cause a deficiency. Methotrexate, prescribed to treat some cancer and rheumatoid arthritis conditions increases the body’s need for folic acid, and its side-effects are greatly reduced by addition of this vitamin without impairing its results, so if you must take this medication be sure see your health care professional about adding folic acid to your diet – it could save you experiencing further side-effects .
Arab Americans say the census and other forms don't consider their roots RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Some 3.7 million Americans trace their roots back to an Arab country. That's according to the nonprofit Arab American Institute. Still, when it comes to being properly reflected on government forms like the U.S. Census, many say their roots may as well be invisible. And some want change. From member station GBH in Boston, Saraya Wintersmith reports. SARAYA WINTERSMITH, BYLINE: When 38-year-old Mohammed Missouri (ph) filled out his most recent census, he felt conflicted about what to mark for race. MOHAMMED MISSOURI: Like, I was staring at the form, contemplating putting in other. But then, it's a government form. It clearly specifies what falls within Caucasian. And so eventually, I had to do it. WINTERSMITH: Missouri is originally from Iraq. And when he's not filling out documents, he identifies as Arab American. He acknowledges people can't readily gauge his ethnicity just by looking at him. Still, Missouri says, the census categorizes him and people with similar backgrounds incorrectly by forcing them to be counted as white. MISSOURI: It's false for me. I'm not white. Period. WINTERSMITH: Missouri is not alone in his belief. A new study from a trio of researchers supports adding a new category to the U.S. Census for those who identify as Middle Eastern or North African - or MENA. Back when the Trump administration revealed it was rejecting researchers' recommendation to add that MENA category to the census, Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib grilled the bureau director, Steven Dillingham, over the decision. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) RASHIDA TLAIB: So Director, are you aware that people like me who are Arab, Middle Eastern, North African have to indicate that they are white on the U.S. Census? WINTERSMITH: Tlaib's district includes the Dearborn Heights area. It falls within Wayne County, which, the LA Times reports, has the third-largest MENA population in the U.S. behind LA County and the New York City area. Tlaib argued, adding the MENA category would help to more accurately reflect people's lived experience in data. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) TLAIB: Because the MENA community, like others, relies on accurate census representation for health research, Director... STEVEN DILLINGHAM: Certainly. TLAIB: ...Language assistance, civil rights laws and reporting educational outcomes, and drawing congressional and state legislative boundaries. WINTERSMITH: Since then, the Biden administration has indicated it's reviewing the previously rejected MENA category. EMILY SHAMIEH: Hi, Saraya. WINTERSMITH: Hi, Emily. SHAMIEH: Come on in. WINTERSMITH: It's good to meet you in person. For Emily Shamieh (ph), it's less urgent. Her family has roots in Lebanon and Syria. She says, she looks white and gets the benefits of being white. So checking that box isn't the worst thing. SHAMIEH: Race is something that was created so that white people who slaughtered Indians, who enslaved African Americans - Africans, could justify their slaughter and their enslavement. And I haven't been the victim of any of that. So if you're going to have what was called protected classes when I was much younger, then I don't need that. WINTERSMITH: The difference of opinion between Shamieh and Rep Tlaib in Missouri likely springs from a generational divide experts say exists among the MENA community. NADINE NABER: You know, I'm 52. And the people in my parents' generation, a lot of them have a different racial identification than people in my generation and those who are younger. WINTERSMITH: That's Professor Nadine Naber. She teaches at the University of Illinois Chicago in Cook County, another place with one of the nation's largest MENA communities. She says, if you're an Arab person who came of age around the time of 9/11, you likely experienced anti-Arab racism. NABER: Everywhere you look, you know, society is saying, Arabs are bad. Muslims are bad. So it's almost impossible, you know, to have formed a consciousness of Arabs as white for the younger folks. WINTERSMITH: Naber wants to see the Biden administration add the MENA category to the census and other documents. Attorney Michael Van Cleve (ph) isn't waiting. He's suing the Biden administration, saying the census data is degraded without the new category. MICHAEL VAN CLEVE: That is kind of the core of this case is whether or not the race data and the race categories are accurate for today's America. WINTERSMITH: Recent NPR reporting shows the Trump administration tried to tamper with the census count on the back end. That's in addition to the widely reported issues with an accelerated timeline and citizenship data. Van Cleve's case, which is about data integrity, is now on appeal in the 11th Circuit. VAN CLEVE: Would it probably be in the best interest of America for this issue to be resolved without litigation? Yes, I think so. WINTERSMITH: The Federal Office of Management and Budget, which sets the categories for race and ethnicity data, declined to comment for this story. If Van Cleve prevails, his case will move forward with a three-judge panel. Mohammed Missouri is eager to see the designation, whether it comes through the courts or through executive action. MISSOURI: When the president talks about being inclusive and saying nice things about the Arab American community or something, that doesn't mean anything to me if the policies remain the same. WINTERSMITH: The next U.S. Census that might count North African and Middle Eastern people differently is eight years away. For NPR News, I'm Saraya Wintersmith. [POST-BROADCAST CLARIFICATION: In this story, we stated that the Trump administration "rejected" a recommendation to add a category for MENA on the 2020 Census. In fact, the Trump administration failed to take action on the proposal via the Office of Budget Management, forcing the Census Bureau to proceed without the new category.] Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
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Looking 150M Hill Partners 300M Lundentechcrunch for a new investment? Check out 150M Hill Partners 300M Lundentechcrunch. This comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know about the firm, including what to look for when considering an investment. As an early-stage startup, you are always looking for opportunities to get your foot in the door with potential investors. This can be a tough task, but with the right approach, it is possible to get in front of the right people and make a good impression. One way to do this is by attending industry events and conferences. These events are great because they give you the chance to network with a wide variety of people in a short period of time. However, it can be difficult to stand out in a crowd, so it is important to have a plan for how you will approach potential investors. One of the best ways to prepare for meeting investors at an event is to do your research ahead of time. This means taking the time to learn about the different firms that will be in attendance, as well as the types of investments they typically make. This will help you narrow down your list of potential investors to approach. Once you have a list of potential investors, you should reach out to them in advance of the event to set up a meeting. This can be done by email or through social media. If you are not able to set up a meeting in advance, you can still approach potential investors at the event itself. However, it is important to be respectful of their time and not to be too pushy. At the meeting, be sure to have a pitch prepared that outlines your startup and what you are looking for in an investment. This pitch should be no more than a few minutes long, and it should be clear and concise. Be prepared to answer any questions that the investor may have, and be sure to follow up after the meeting to thank them for their time. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting in front of the right investors and making a good impression. With a little preparation, you can make the most of your opportunity to pitch your startup at an industry event. 2. What to look for in a 150M Hill partner When it comes to choosing the right 150M hill partner, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Here are a few of the most important factors to consider: 1. Compatibility – It’s important to find a partner who is compatible with you in terms of personality and values. Otherwise, it’s likely that the relationship will eventually break down. 2. Trustworthiness – This is a key factor in any relationship, but it’s especially important in a business relationship. You need to be able to trust your partner to not only do what they say they’ll do, but also to have your best interests at heart. 3. Communication – This is another critical factor in any relationship, but it’s especially important in a business relationship. You need to be able to communicate effectively with your partner in order to make sure that both of you are on the same page. 4. Shared goals – It’s important to find a partner who shares your goals for the business. Otherwise, it’s likely that you’ll eventually end up going in different directions and the business will suffer as a result. 5. A history of success – Look for a partner who has a proven track record of success in the business world. This will give you some assurance that they know what they’re doing and that they’re likely to be successful in the future as well. Keep these factors in mind when choosing a 150M hill partner and you’ll be well on your way to finding the right partner for your business. 3. Lundentechcrunch’s 300M investment It’s been a big week for Lundentechcrunch. First, the company announced a new partnership with Hill Partners. Then, it was revealed that the firm had raised $300 million in a Series C funding round led by Sequoia Capital. This is a huge vote of confidence in Lundentechcrunch, and it’s clear that investors believe in the company’s vision. So, what is it that they see in Lundentechcrunch that has led to this level of investment? First and foremost, Lundentechcrunch is a technology-driven company. It’s one of the few firms that is completely focused on developing and delivering innovative technology solutions. This has allowed it to build a strong portfolio of products and services that are in high demand by businesses. second major selling point for Lundentechcrunch is its team. The company has assembled a group of experienced professionals who are passionate about their work. This includes engineers, designers, and marketing experts who all share a common goal of delivering quality products and services to customers. Finally, Lundentechcrunch has a proven track record of success. The company has a long history of delivering on its promises, and it has a solid track record of growth. This is something that investors always look for, and it’s one of the main reasons why they’re so excited about Lundentechcrunch’s future. All in all, it’s easy to see why investors are so bullish on Lundentechcrunch. The company has a lot to offer, and it has the potential to be a major player in the technology industry. With its new funding, Lundentechcrunch is well-positioned to continue its impressive growth trajectory. As we have seen, there are a few key factors to consider when choosing a 150M Hill Partners 300M Lundentechcrunch. First, you need to make sure that the company has a good reputation and is well-established. Second, you need to make sure that the company offers a good product or service. Third, you need to make sure that the company is financially stable. Fourth, you need to make sure that the company has a good customer service reputation. Fifth, you need to make sure that the company is able to meet your needs. Sixth, you need to make sure that the company is willing to work with you. Seventh, you need to make sure that the company is able to provide you with the resources you need. Eighth, you need to make sure that the company is willing to invest in you. Ninth, you need to make sure that the company is willing to help you grow. Tenth, you need to make sure that the company is willing to support you in your endeavors.
Before starting to talk about the Organizational Process Assets, we want to spend some words in order to “contextualize” the topic. As the 6th version of the Italian PMBOK highlights, the projects exist and operate in environments that may have influence on them. Such influences can have a favorable or unfavorable impact on the project and this obviously depends on a number of conditions. However, there are some categories of priority influences: - The Organizational Process Assets (OPA) - Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF). It is precisely the updated guide of the PMBOK that highlights this structure. Starting precisely from this division, we have chosen to deepen in this article the topic related to the Organizational Process Assets. What are the Organizational Process Assets? Organizational process assets (OPA) are valuable information, documents and knowledge tools that the organization accumulates over time. In a simpler way, we can say that they are one thing: lessons learned from the past. In other words, while the organization is involved in various projects, it gradually gains and develops more Organizational Process Assets. These are the history of the company itself and of its projects. Organizational Process Assets include documentation that serves as an archive or repository of the company. An asset is something of value and the assets of a mature company are priceless. It took a long time, human and economic resources to achieve them. [av_notification title=” color=’blue’ border=” custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ size=’large’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-n47xqb’] It is therefore easy to understand how the organizational process assets correspond to a real treasure in project management.[/av_notification] Here is a list of the Organizational Process Assets normally used and that can be divided into two categories. - Processes and procedures - Basic knowledge of the company The first category deals with the processes and procedures needed to carry out the work, which includes the following: - Standard models - General guidelines The second category includes basic company knowledge for storing and retrieving information: - Register of project risks - Lessons learned - Stakeholders register - Files of previous projects - Historical information What are the advantages of organizational process assets in project management? As mentioned, the organizational process assets consist of what the company has acquired over time and are therefore very valuable especially considering project planning. Documents, policies or procedures that are part of the organizational process assets are used as input for most planning processes. For example, if the company is trying to start a new project very similar to a project already carried out, the documentation of lessons learned about the past project will provide a lot of useful information for the new project. In short, the assets will act as inputs for the new project. The resources of the organizational process can also be advantageous in terms of saving time in the case of hiring a new employee. If all that is connected to the role of the new employee is well documented, it will be really easy for this new team member to start working quickly and effectively. Obviously, the same thing will happen in the case of a change of role within the company. At the end of each project, during the closing process, the new lessons learned will be collected within the organizational process assets and will help in future projects. First of all, come the lessons learned by the team, and after those the evaluations of customers and stakeholders. The format of the assets can be different depending on the project or the type of organization. It is possible to use databases, sometimes specific, for the collection and documentation of information or these can be collected in paper format. It is important to keep in mind that the organizational process assets are not only fundamental for the project management, but also for the general management of a company. In fact, they represent its historical basis and its experiences. In conclusion, and we repeat the concept, the organizational process assets can be considered a real treasure when it comes to project management. These exist to make suggestions, to be used, to develop and grow further, from project to project. This is why it is essential that the project documentation is always available and updated. In Twproject, we have created an intelligent system for managing and archiving project documents. By choice, we keep document management to the essential, with some powerful and simple technique that can satisfy most companies. The documents, even those related to the organizational process assets, are always just a click away!
TULSA-PRO® LIVE WEBINAR : MAY 27TH, 5-6PM EST Registration now closed. Registration is now closed for this event. Dr. Laurence Klotz, MD Professor, Surgery, University of Toronto Sunnybrook Chair of Prostate Cancer Research Chairman, World Urologic Oncology Federation Chairman, SIU Office of Research and uCARE Chairman, Canadian Urology Research Consortium Laurence Klotz, MD, is the former Chief of Urology at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and former President of the Urological Research Society and the Canadian Urological Association. He currently serves as Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto, holds the Sunnybrook Chair of Prostate Cancer Research, and is the Chairman of the World Uro-Oncology Federation. Dr. Klotz was the Founding Editor-in-Chief of both the Canadian Journal of Urology and the Canadian Urology Association Journal, and is now Editor Emeritus of the CUAJ. He was the founder and is chairman of the Canadian Urology Research Consortium (CURC). Dr. Klotz obtained his medical degree from the University of Toronto and completed his residency at the University of Toronto Gallie Program in Surgery. He was a fellow at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York in uro-oncology. Dr. Klotz is a widely published uro-oncologist with over 350 publications and 6 books. His main research interest has been prostate cancer. He is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Urology, responsible for Prostate Cancer. He serves on the boards of many medical/scientific organizations and journals, including the SUO, Prostate Cancer Canada, the journals Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, Brazilian Journal of Urology, Italian Journal of Urology, and World Journal of Urology. Dr. Klotz was awarded the Queen’s Jubilee Medal for meritorious public service in 2012, and the University of Toronto Department of Surgery Lister Prize and the Society of Urologic Oncology Medal in 2013. He received the Harold Warwick Award from the Canadian Cancer Society for ‘outstanding contributions to cancer control’ in 2014. He received the Order of Canada in 2015, and the Richard Williams Award from the AUA in 2016. He received the Dean’s Lifetime Achievement Award from the University of Toronto in 2017. Dr. Stephen Scionti, MD Founder of the Scionti Prostate Center Vituro Health Medical Director Over the past 10 years Dr. Stephen Scionti has developed the largest and most experienced practice for prostate cancer treatment using minimally invasive thermal ablation technologies such as HIFU, Cryoablation and Prostate Laser Ablation. He has achieved global recognition for his experience, skill and groundbreaking clinical contributions in the field of MRI image-guided prostate cancer ablation with HIFU. He is also an internationally recognized authority in innovative prostate cancer diagnostics. Beyond his practice, Dr. Scionti actively researches and lectures on the outcomes and technology associated with minimally invasive prostate cancer therapy ablation. Dr. Scionti is Founder and Director of The Scionti Prostate Center, Sarasota, FL. Dr. Scionti is globally recognized for his work in advanced prostate cancer diagnostics and minimally invasive prostate cancer therapy, specifically image guided thermal ablation technologies.
Mary Lucille Wells, 81, of Van Wert, formerly of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, passed away at 5:45 PM on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at Vancrest Health Care Center in Van Wert. Born on March 18, 1938, in Van Wert, the daughter of the late Russell C. and Margaret L. (Mohler) Wells. Mary retired from Kroger in Ft. Wayne after many years of service. She was a member of St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church in Ft. Wayne. Mary was an avid swimmer and bicyclist. Surviving are a brother, Ed (Becky) Wells of Van Wert; a sister Martha McCullough of Cleveland, Ohio; nieces and nephews, Susan Showalter, Pam (Kevin) Baker, Jim (Karen) Packer, Laura (Ron) Ditto, David Packer, Amy (Todd) Allison, Nancy (Derek Lowe) McCullough- Lowe, Bob (Stephanie) McCullough, Sarah (Rich Humbach) Wells, Erin (Jimmy) Kennedy, Leah (Eric) Schaffner, Evan (Rachel) Wells; many great nieces and nephews and great great nieces and nephews; and a special cousin, Kate Custer. She was also preceded in death by a brother, John R. Wells; a sister, Joan Packer; a nephew, Steven Wells; and a niece, Julia McCullough-Perreman. A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 AM NEXT Saturday, February 29, 2020 at St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church in Van Wert. The family will receive friends one hour prior to service at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Mary`s memory may be sent to The Brumback Library. To share in Mary's online memorial, please visit www.alspachgearhart.com. Arrangements have been entrusted to Alspach-Gearhart Funeral Home & Crematory, 722 S Washington Street, Van Wert, OH 45891.
Great! Your phone number has been added to your society account! American Cancer Society Account Frequently Asked Questions What is Society Account? On November 19, 2014, the American Cancer Society account login process was upgraded to ensure proper security and a consistent experience across all American Cancer Society applications. Also, for greater ease and convenience, you may now log in using your social media account. The main benefits of this update are: - Users will now be recognized on all our event websites, so there will be no need for multiple usernames and passwords. - There will be enhanced account security across all Society applications. - Users can log in using their preferred social account login credentials (Facebook, Google, and Apple) or with an email address. What if I have questions about Society Account? Please feel free to contact our web site support desk at 1-877-957-7848 or chat with us on cancer.org. We’re always ready to assist you with any question you might have. Which websites are impacted by this update? Currently, the following websites incorporate a Society Account log-in: - Relay For Life, Relay Connect, Bark For Life - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer - Coaches vs. Cancer - Some DetermiNation, other marathon events, and Golf and Gala Events - Service Match - Volunteer Community - Volunteer Learning Center - My Society Source Additionally American Cancer Society sites may be accessed via Society Account in the future. What if I’m currently registered under an email address that is shared with others? If your team captain, company, or event manager registered you under a shared corporate, organizational, or family email address, please contact our website support desk at 1-877-957-7848 so that we can add your personal email address to your account and create your new Society Account login. My team captain/team leader always signs up my team. How do I sign up this year? When you sign up for your event, select create your own account. By creating an account under your own email address, you will receive all event information directly, have access to the fundraising tool, be able to sign the event waiver, etc. Also, you will be able to change or reset your password and manage your links to social sites. (If you choose not to sign up with your email address, please see the question below regarding signing up offline.) My child has always been signed up for an event by their teacher. How does my child now sign up? Parents will need to create an account with their child’s email address or use their own email address (and parent’s name) when signing up. If you need assistance, please contact 1-877-957-7848. (If you choose not to sign up with your child’s or your email address, please see the question below regarding signing up offline.) What should I do if I change my email address? Log in with your existing email address, and once you are in Society Account, you can manage both your email address and password. If I’m having trouble signing up, will my account still be updated and receive donations if I am an event participant? Yes. This is simply a login process. Your participant center website donation functionality will not change. What should I do if my password doesn’t work or I can’t login? Please select the forgot password link and follow the instructions. You may also contact our web site support desk at 1-877-957-7848. What if I don’t want to create an online account but still want to join a team an event? Teams and participants may sign up using paper forms that will be entered into our fundraising system by your American Cancer Society representative. These forms do not require an email address; however, you will not have access to an online dashboard. There are two ways you can sign up offline: - Contact your team captain/team leader or an event committee member for a paper form and collection envelope (for fundraising). They will have the necessary information to help you sign up using paper forms. - Alternatively, please contact 1-877-957-7848 and one of our specialists will help you sign up. If you chose to join us on the event day, the offline paper form will also be available. What if I want to have separate accounts for my different events (Relay For Life, Making Strides, etc.)? We’ll be happy to advise you on how to use a second e-mail address to create separate accounts and ensure your logins are correctly associated to the events of your choice. If you would like to use two different logins, please contact our website support desk at 1-877-957-7848. What if I want all of my event history combined into a single account? We’ll be able to help you combine your accounts. Please contact our website support desk at 1-877-957-7848.
With Shift4Shop's Automation Rules feature, you can specify automated actions that will be applied to orders when they meet conditional requirements which you set. Orders meeting your pre-defined requirements can then be made to apply certain actions such as: - Initiating an Autoresponder email campaign - Assigning the customer to a specific customer pricing group - Flagging the orders a specific color in your order manager - All of the above Here are just a few situations where automation rules can apply. - Example 1 Automatically assign your customers to a special autoresponder email campaign when their orders reach a pre-defined amount. For example, single orders totaling over $500 can automatically be assigned special follow-up emails after the order is shipped. These autoresponder messages can range anywhere from special thank you notes thanking them for their business or even special promotions and coupons to encourage them to purchase more! - Example 2 Automatically place customers into a special pricing group when they order a specific product. For example, a gold membership card that gives them access to a preferred members pricing group. When the order for this product is fulfilled, your automation rules automatically assign the customer to your predefined group. - Example 3 Flag specific orders with a color designation within your Shift4Shop order manager so that they're easier to see. For instance, an order that is placed by a member of specific customer group can automatically be flagged in a red color to help you identify these orders more quickly in the order manger. - Example 4 Send an automated email for registrants when they sign up for a specific customer group. Configuring your Automation Rules Log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and, using the left hand navigation menu: - Go to Modules - Using the search bar, search for AutoResponder and click on its settings button - Select "Automation Rules" - Next, click on "Add Rule" at the top right and provide a name for your rule - Select whether the Rule Type will be for Order or Customer Registration* When adding an Automation Rule, you have two types to choose from: The automation rule will trigger tasks based on paramaters you specify when orders come in. - Customer Registration The automation rule will trigger an autoresponder campaign when customers register for any particular customer group you specify. - After selecting the type of rule in step 5 above, click "Save" After clicking "Save" you will be taken to the Automation Rule you've just created so you may begin specifying its parameters. - Specify your automation rule settings as needed, followed by your automation tasks. - Then click "Save" - When complete, be sure to ENABLE the Automation Rule by clicking the provided button at the top. The following will illustrate the individual options available when creating your automation rules and tasks. If you are creating an Automation Rule for an autoresponder campaign; please be sure to have the campaign created, populated with email messages and ready for use before assigning a rule for it. The same will apply to automation rules for Custoemr Registration since an autoreposnder campaign is the only option allowed for these types of rules. Automation Rules settings When creating your Automation Rules, you will have the following settings available. This section will contain two specific portions; Automation Rules & Automation Tasks. Your available settings are: - Automation Rules These will be the parameters the order must meet in order to apply for the automation. - Rule Name This is the specific name of your rule. You may change it as needed. The first half of this page will contain the actual Rules you need to specify. Orders must meet the requirements set in this section in order to trigger the tasks specified in the second half. - Order Status Select which order status triggers your rule. When the order is actively moved to this status, the rule will initiate. - Customer Group When an order is placed by a member of this customer group, the automation will be triggered. - Payment Method Select the payment method that you would like to specify for the trigger - Shipping Method the automation will be triggered. When an order is placed using the shipping method selected here, If the order includes products from a specific distributor selected in this drop down, the automation will trigger. - Order Amount (min. max.) Orders within this range will initiate automation. - Applies if Products from these Categories are in the Basket Use the "+Add" and "Remove" buttons to select categories that contain products which will trigger the automation. If the products are present in the shopper's cart, then the automation will be applicable to the order Here you can select up to five items that - when purchased - will trigger the automation task. - Customer Group (only on "Customer Registration" rule type) When creation an automation rule for Customer Registration, select which customer group will trigger the rule. When using the products trigger function, if multiple items are selected, those multiple items will need to be present in the cart in order for the automation task to trigger. In other words if you create the automation rule for three items in the products list, those three items will need to be in the order. - Automation Tasks These will be the individual actions that will get applied to the orders when the rules are met. - Add Email to Autoresponder Orders meeting the above rules will have their email addresses added to this autoresponder. This will also be the option available when creating a "Customer Registration" rule type. - Assign to Customer Group Users placing orders that meet the above rules will have their accounts moved to this tasks customer group. - Flag Order Orders meeting the above rules will be flagged with a specific color in the Shift4Shop order manager. Automation Rules Listing - Change to Order Status Orders meeting the above rules will be moved to a specific status in the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. You can create an unlimited amount of automation rules for your store. After creating the automation rules, you can view and edit them simply by navigating to your Automation Rules page in the Store Modules section.
Value is a big part of the discussion here on worn&wound. Often, it’s enough to say that a reasonably priced watch with decent specs and a pleasing design presents a significant value. But for some companies, value doesn’t mean offering just the bare minimum. For these brands, the desire to go above and beyond the fundamentals is what separates them from the pack, and if it can be done without charging the exorbitant prices one has come to expect from the watch industry, then that’s just icing on the cake. If there is any company that has come to embody this ethos in totality, it’s Damasko. Based out of Regensburg, Germany, Damasko first entered the market in 1994 with a desire to do something new and different. Since its inception, Damasko has set new and exciting standards for both the watch industry and with consumers as to what a small brand could truly accomplish. Led by Konrad Damasko, whose expertise centered on work with fine metal components for the aeronautical industry, Damasko set out on a path to produce watches that were rugged, over-engineered, and simply put, more robust than anything else on the market. Damasko holds numerous patents on everything from their in-house movements and crown design to the very steel used to make their cases. Today, we’re taking a look at one of Damasko’s entry-level timepieces, the DA36 black. For most companies, an entry-level watch often means making sacrifices for the sake of cost, but such isn’t the case with Damasko. Other than the 3rd party movement, the DA36 boasts most of the revered in-house tech one has come to expect from the brand. As you read the review below, keep in mind that the DA36 black retails for a very reasonable $1,320. What Damasko is able to offer at that price point puts competitors to shame. (Disclaimer: The watch pictured here is from the writer’s personal collection.)
Peace Tree Farm This fall, I visited a local wholesale company in Bucks Country, Peace Tree Farm. This remarkable business, owned by Lloyd and Candy Traven, produces all its plants organically without chemical pesticides and herbicides. The Traven’s have committed to organic plant production methods for the last five years. Here at the Scott Arboretum, we are testing many of their practices in the Wister Greenhouse. More to come on these efforts in future posts. In addition to these cutting edge techniques, we are excited because Peace Tree Farm will be custom growing many plants for our Unusual Tropicals and Annuals Sale on May 21-22. Plants include: cutting edge annuals from nurseries in Israel, Kenya, and throughout the United States, including Petunia ‘Black Velvet’ from Ball Horticulture. They will also produce some heirloom annuals such as the golden foliaged four-o-clock, Mirabilis jalapa ‘Limelight’. Lloyd Traven is most well known for his cultivation and promotion of begonias, which make both fantastic houseplants, as well as, outstanding plants for the shade and part-shade containers. Traven was featured on The Martha Stewart Show in 2010 promoting begonias for a variety of uses. We will offer some Lloyd’s very best picks such as ‘Art Hodes’, ‘Lotusland’ and ‘Twisted Sister’. The Unusual Tropicals and Annuals Sale will have something for the gardener with large tropical borders and a multitude of pots for the city dweller with a front stoop or a back fire escape, as well as for those who want to adorn their interior spaces with houseplants. Over 200 different plants will be offered such as elephant ears, bananas, begonias, tropical ferns, and bromeliads. A complete list will be available online by April. Over the two-day event, we will have many local container experts including Dan Benarcik and Jonathan Wright from Chanticleer. In addition to the experts on-hand, we will have live planting demonstrations of containers and hanging baskets. To learn about all the education offerings (many free), visit the Unusual Tropicals and Annuals Sale website. Mark your calendar for this first annual sale on May 21-22. Subscribe to Garden Seeds to receive updates and information on some of the great plants we will offering at the sale.
Going Green And Keeping Your Sewer Line Clean Keeping your sewer line clean is vital for the optimal flow of water in your home. Your sewer line is essential when it comes to transporting water from your home or commercial building to your underground city sewer mains. If you have a clog in your sewer lines, it can lead to a raw sewage backup and threaten the integrity of your home or commercial property. It is your responsibility to keep your drains leading to your sewer lines clear and clean. Absolute Best Plumbing can provide you with all the preventive maintenance and repair services you need to keep the drains in your kitchen, bathroom, laundry room and more free of clogs and debris. However, there are things you can also do at home to help aid in the prevention of clogs and debris in your sewer line. Absolute Best Plumbing is passionate about protecting our environment. Have you incorporated green methods into your home as well? If so, here are some environmentally friendly ways to keep your sewer line clean. - Baking soda and vinegar are useful for clearing your drain. Pour ½ cup of baking soda down your drain. Then pour ½ cup of vinegar down your drain. Let it sit for an hour while securely plugged. After an hour, pour a pot of boiling water down it until your drain is clear. - Baking soda and salt can be mixed together (1/2 cup of each) and poured down your drain. After an hour pour a pot of boiling water down your drain. - Use the old wire coat hanger trick. Using the hook on the hanger go “fishing” in your drain to pull up any objects in there that are obstructing your drain. Call Absolute Best Plumbing if your sewer lines need to be cleaned of sediment deposits or cleared or a clog, we can help. Posted on behalf of1026 28th St. Orlando, FL 32805 Phone: (407) 930-7309
In the past year, I have had many conversations about viruses, vaccinations and immunity. I have been surprised by the number of my friends who have serious reservations about vaccinations – one reason for this blog! It seems to me that most fit into the following categories: - Informed and ‘yes’ to vaccination - Trust in science and ‘yes’ to vaccines - Want to be more informed and so hesitant about vaccines - Sceptical but willing to listen - Sceptical and distrustful but willing to at least engage and agree to disagree - Distrustful, researched but been misinformed, decided, absolute ‘no’ to vaccines and quite possibly ‘no’ to the existence of a pandemic or even coronaviruses Those in this last category have a wide range of views including that: - COVID-19 doesn’t even exist but, according to David Icke and Alex Jones, is a plot by the globalist elite to take away our freedoms. - Covid-19 is the result of 5G mobile phone signals either by making people sick or by depressing peoples’ immune systems and so making them vulnerable to the virus - Covid-19 vaccines will alter our DNA - Covid-19 vaccines will implant microchips into people so that Bill Gates can control them - Huge numbers of people will die from taking the Covid-19 vaccine (Bill Gates said so) - Covid-19 vaccines are rushed and shoddy – scientists say it takes 10 years to develop a new vaccine If you identify with one or more of these views and have decided that nothing will change it, then my next few posts will probably make you feel much the same way as I felt while researching for my piece on conspiracy theories and digesting ‘The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia’. (I won’t post a link here and really, you probably don’t want to go there!) So I suggest that you might want to read something more to your taste… But before you leave me, allow me to share this story: ‘Mulla Nasruddin and one of his friends had been drinking all evening in a bar. The friend finally passed out and fell to the floor. The Mulla called a doctor who rushed him to a hospital. When he came to, the doctor asked him, “Do you see any pink elephants or little green men?” “No,” groaned the patient. “No snakes or alligators?” the doctor asked. “No,” the drunk said. “Then just sleep it off. You will be all right in the morning,” said the doctor. But Mulla Nasruddin was worried. “Look, doctor,” he said, “that boy is in bad shape. He said he could not see any of those animals, and you and I know the room is full of them.”’ Osho ‘Dang Dang Doko Dang’ Chapter # 6
As the demand for information on industrial robots continues to soar, we have dedicated our efforts to assembling a comprehensive list highlighting the hottest 10 companies in the industrial robot field for 2023. According to insights by MarketsandMarkets, the global industrial robot market is projected to reach USD 53.17 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% expected to reach USD 75.3 billion by 2026. Statzon presents a list that offers a comprehensive overview of various industrial robot companies. This information is based on the latest strategic analysis conducted by Market Research Future, covering the forecast period from 2022 to 2030. Stäubli, a Swiss mechatronics company, is highly regarded for its expertise in textile machinery, connectors, and robotics products. Founded in 1982, Stäubli Robotics is their dedicated division focused on automation and robotics. They are specialized in manufacturing SCARA and 6-axis robots for industrial automation, along with controllers and software. With a global presence in 50 countries through business units and agents, the company operates 14 industrial production sites. Headquartered in Odense, Denmark, Universal Robots is a renowned manufacturer of collaborative robots, also known as cobots. With a global reach, the company has successfully sold over 34,000 collaborative robots worldwide. In addition to cobots, Universal Robots manufactures industrial robot arms that are designed to automate and optimize repetitive industrial processes. The company's offerings come with numerous benefits, including easy programming, swift set-up, and flexible deployment options. Universal Robots excels in its strong brand portfolio and demonstrates remarkable performance in emerging markets. Headquartered in Italy, Comau is a multinational company that excels in delivering advanced industrial automation products and systems. Their portfolio includes technologies and systems for electric, hybrid, and traditional vehicle manufacturing, as well as industrial robots, collaborative robots, and wearable robotics. Comau operates an international network consisting of 7 innovation centers, 5 digital hubs, and 8 manufacturing plants, employing over 9,000 people across 14 countries. Founded in 1994 and headquartered in Italy, CMA Robotics is a company specializing in designing, manufacturing, and installing a wide range of robots and paint systems. They offer comprehensive solutions to their clients, providing entire systems and spraying equipment. As a single supplier and partner, CMA Robotics offers turnkey solutions that cover everything from installation to the finishing process, ensuring optimal efficiency and expertise throughout the entire project. Based in Japan, Denso is a prominent company engaged in the manufacturing, design, and sale of automotive components and systems, industrial products, and home appliances. The company operates across multiple business segments, including consumer products, automotive, industrial products, and new business fields. Within the industrial products division, Denso specializes in developing and producing automatic identification products, factory automation products, industrial robots, and QR (Quick response) code readers. Denso's key strengths lie in its diversified regional presence, focus on R&D, and robust financial performance. Omron Corporation is a renowned manufacturer and marketer of automation components, equipment, and systems. The company operates through four segments: industrial automation (IAB), electronic and mechanical components (EMC), automotive electronic components (AEC), social systems, solutions, and service (SSB), healthcare (HCB), and others. Within the IAB segment, Omron specializes in the production and distribution of factory automation equipment and production machines. Omron Corporation has a strong global presence, with offices and operations in approximately 84 countries. Its geographical reach spans across the Americas, Europe, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. Headquartered in Japan, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is a leading manufacturer and developer of electric and electronic equipment. The company specializes in various areas, including factory automation, elevators and escalators, heating and cooling components, semiconductors, and display walls. Within the industrial automation systems business segment, Mitsubishi Electric offers a wide range of products and systems for industrial automation. This includes industrial automation products and systems, measurement and control systems, automotive and electronic products, and industrial robots. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation boasts several strengths, including a robust R&D team, a diverse product portfolio, and a strong brand value. The company has a global presence and operates through offices located in the United States, Germany, India, China, and other Asian countries Headquartered in Japan, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. is a prominent company engaged in the design, development, and manufacturing of transport equipment and heavy industrial machinery for both military and commercial purposes. The company operates across multiple segments, including mobility, energy, industrial equipment, and leisure. Within the industrial equipment category, Kawasaki Heavy Industries focuses on various areas, including hydraulic components and systems, robotics, industrial plants, environment and recycling, as well as construction. This diverse range of offerings showcases their expertise in supplying essential equipment and solutions for industrial applications. Yaskawa Electric Corporation, a prominent automation company, specializes in providing cutting-edge solutions. The company's core products encompass servo motors, controllers, AC drives, and industrial robots. Within the system engineering segment, the company provides services such as steel plant business, social system business, environment and energy business, and industrial electronics business. The other segment encompasses offerings related to EV drive systems and logistics. FANUC Corporation is a multinational corporation that specializes in providing automation products and services, with a particular focus on robotics and computer numerical control (CNC) wireless systems. Within their Robot Products category, FANUC offers a range of solutions including Articulated Robots, Delta Robots, and Intelligent Features, showcasing their expertise in advanced robotic technologies. With a global presence, FANUC operates offices across various regions including Japan, America, Europe, Asia, and South Africa. This extensive network enables the company to effectively serve customers worldwide and cater to diverse industry needs. Robotics market guide: The ultimate guide to the ever-evolving robotics market Statzon's Handbook of Robotics is your ultimate guide to understanding the ever-evolving robotics market and its impact on various industries worldwide. Robotics has been one of the fastest-growing industries in recent years, transforming how we live and work. From manufacturing and healthcare to agriculture and retail, robots are changing the face of businesses and revolutionizing how we approach various tasks. With so much potential and opportunity, staying up to date with the latest trends and insights in the global robot market is essential. This handbook provides a comprehensive market overview, including key players, emerging technologies, and prospects.
QC Kinetix (Columbia Downtown) Columbia sports injury doctor, Columbia sports medicine, Columbia arthritis pain treatment , Columbia back pain treatment, Columbia sports injury clinic QC Kinetix (Columbia Downtown) provides non-surgical regenerative medicine treatments for joint pain to residents of Columbia, SC, and surrounding areas. Our biologic therapies are a perfect solution for anyone seeking alternatives to surgery for pain. QC Kinetix can help you find the right treatment for your pain. We can help you get relief without the need for surgery so that you can return to your daily activities as quickly and painlessly as possible. Columbia is the capital of the U.S. state of South Carolina. With a population of 136,632 as of the 2020 U.S. Census, it is the second-largest city in South Carolina. The city serves as the county seat of Richland County, and a portion of the city extends into neighboring Lexington County. It is the center of the Columbia metropolitan statistical area, which had a population of 829,470 and is the 72nd-largest metropolitan statistical area in the nation. The name Columbia is a poetic term used for the United States, derived from the name of Christopher Columbus, who explored for the Spanish Crown. Arsenal Hill, Barony, Belmont, Booker Washington Heights, Brandon Acres, Byrneswood, Capitol View, Coatesworth, Colonial Heights, Columbia Council of Neighborhoods, Communities Seek Revitalization through Choice Neighborhoods Initiative, Congaree Bluff Neighborhood, Cottontown/Belleview, Courts of Arcadia Neighborhood, Earlewood Staff is so great! they make you feel like family. Karen was gentle with her blood draw and made me feel calm. Very welcoming. The building was very clean. Greg was excellent and knowledgeable. Thank you QC Kinetix for a great experience. 10/10 the facility and staff are absolutely incredible. Top notch. I’d recommend them 10 times over. Very knowledgeable staff. Abby did a wonderful job explaining the process.
Office of Chief and Council Government of Siksika P.O. Box 1100 Siksika, AB T0J 3W0 (403) 734-5109 Ι Toll Free 1-800-551-5724 www.siksikanation.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE National Museum of the American Indian Repatriates Two Objects to the Siksika Nation Siksika Nation, Alberta – (July 7, 2021) Siksika Nation leaders met with representatives this week from the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian to repatriate a Prairie Chicken Society Headdress and a Weather Dance Robe, sacred items that were taken over a hundred years ago after the Canadian and American governments banished ceremonial practices and property in an effort to eradicate Indigenous peoples and their way of life. In a ceremony held earlier today in Suitland, Maryland, Siksika Nation Chief and Council representative Councillor Kent Ayoungman and Ceremonial elder Herman Yellow Old Woman attended the historic occasion and were delegated to collect the Natowa’piists (sacred items) on behalf of Siksika Nation and return them home. “The repatriation of our cultural property is necessary to the revitalization of the Siksika way of life and remains a top priority for Siksika Nation Chief and Council, who work with various public and private collections on repatriating Natowa’piists back to Siksika. It is a special thing to see these items coming home and to be a part of this process.” expressed Councillor Ayoungman who credits the work and persistence of Herman Yellow Old Woman who began the process over thirty years ago and to leadership, both past and present, who supported Yellow Old Woman along the way. Siksika Nation was notified in May 2021 that the repatriation request was approved and that the sacred items would be returned back to the Nation. The headdress was accessioned into the Museum of the American Indian in 1908 and the collector is unknown. The Weather Dance Robe was acquired by William Wildschut from Yellow Old Woman, a noted Siksika Weather Dancer in 1924. This journey has been a personal one for Herman Yellow Old Woman, who is the great grandson of the Weather Dance Robe maker, Yellow Old Woman. He was known as a Weather Dancer—a medicine man who maintains a spiritual connection with Natosi (the sun) and whose primary function is the control of the weather during ceremonial occasions, such as the Sundance. The Weather Dancers’ ceremonial responsibilities also include providing blessings for community members. Herman Yellow Old Woman, a Weather Dancer like his great grandfather who received his transferred rite in 2016, is extremely honored to be included and excited to see these sacred ceremonial items return home and be utilized once again in Siksika ceremony. “These items have been gone for almost 100 years, so the thing that is amazing for us, is these materials (Natowa’piists) are going to go right back into action. There are transfers that will take place, sweats that will take place when we get them home. The Sundance is coming up in the next two weeks and they will be transferred and put right back into circulation, so today is an honour. It is very emotional.” Explained Yellow Old Woman who participates in the annual Akoka’tsin in Siksika. “You can feel the power and spirit in these bundles and I feel excited for our Nation, our people. The Prairie Chicken Society are going to be able to see and use this headdress the way our ancestors did a hundred years ago and I can imagine our ancestors and how excited they are.” shares Yellow Old Woman who invites all Siksika Nation members to attend the Akoka’tsin and welcome back their old relatives. Siksika Nation would like to also acknowledge the work of the Department of Homeland Security for the safe transport of these sacred items through the border despite COVID-19 restrictions and the National Museum of American Indian who has worked diligently with Siksika Nation on having these items returned safely to Siksika. “Repatriation has always been one of the highest priorities for the National Museum of the American Indian,” said Machel Monenerkit, the museum’s acting director. “Our repatriation policy embodies our mission and vision, and we are proud to have worked with the Siksika Nation to ensure the return of these objects.”
If you’ve had altercations with mildew or damp garments, you’re definitely not the only one. While undesirable wetness can seem unavoidable in your wardrobe and garments, there are couple of means you can protect clothes creating pesky mold and mildew. If you’re looking for a short-term remedy, attempt making use of a cleansing product made to fend off or soak up wetness, like charcoal or silica gel. If your garments have currently caught mold or mildew, there’s no need to panic– with a couple of household cleansers, you can sanitize as well as restore your garments in a snap! Trying Quick Fixes – Protect clothes 1. Spray your clothing with a water repellent spray. Search in a home renovation or department store for a water repellent spray product. While typically made use of by campers as well as walkers, you can additionally utilize this product to offer your clothes a protective, moisture-resistant layer. Splash all of it over the beyond your garments before saving them in your wardrobe, and you may see favorable outcomes. A lot of these sprays are made with silicone. If you have an allergy, this product could not be an excellent option for you. 2. Use silica gel packages to soak up wetness. Shop online for a little collection of silica gel packages, which naturally take in dampness anywhere they’re placed. While they aren’t a foolproof service, place these packets in the pockets and also hoods of your garments to take in dampness as well as prevent your clothes from ending up being moldy.If you can not find these packages online, look in a shop that markets industrial materials. A regional school may have silica gel packages available. 3. Store a tin of charcoal in your wardrobe to soak up moisture. Fill up a big container or coffee can with simple charcoal briquettes that aren’t created for cooking. Secure the cover on the coffee can or other container, then jab the top a few times. Keep this can in your storage room to take in dampness and keep your garments dry You can buy all-natural charcoal online or in a house renovation store. Charcoal can work as an unscripted dehumidifier. Charcoal normally soaks up moisture, which makes it a fast and simple solution for your storage room. 4. Establish a follower in your storage room if your garments looks or feels moist. Discover a wall outlet near your closet as well as plug a box follower in. Locate the follower so it’s pointed at the front of the wardrobe. If you believe that your closet is excessively damp, turn the fan on a low setup and let it air out the area. You can likewise open a home window to air out your closet. If only a few clothes products look wet, this might not be needed. 5. Keep your wardrobe door open also when you’re not in the area. Enter the habit of keeping your wardrobe open, despite the time of year. If you’re going on vacation or heading out for the weekend break, leave your wardrobe open so it can air out while you’re away. Monitoring and Adjusting the Wardrobe 1. Maintain your closet at a constant, awesome temperature. Inspect your thermostat to make sure that the temperature isn’t increasing as well as going down regularly. Attempt to keep your closet temperature level underneath 23 ° C (73 ° F) so your clothes can stay as fresh as feasible. If the temperature level alters a lot, your clothing might lower in high quality overall. 2. Hang a low-wattage bulb in the storage room to supply additional warmth to the location. See a hardware or outlet store to discover a tiny, 60- to 100-watt lightbulb. If your residence’s wiring allows, install the bulb from the ceiling of your wardrobe. Keep this light switched on as usually as you can, as it can warm your clothing. This functions finest in smaller wardrobes as well as wardrobes. 3. Mount a dehumidifier in your closet. Examine online or see a residence goods keep to discover up a dehumidifier that ideal fits the demands of your home. If your house and closet feels humid regularly, make use of a dehumidifier to keep the air completely dry and also balanced. If you don’t have a dehumidifier, you can also make use of an ac system to maintain the air cool and also dry. 4. Set up plastic-coated racks in your wardrobe so moisture does not develop. Search in your regional equipment or residence enhancement store for closet shelving sets. Particularly, look for shelving that’s coated with plastic, which prevents dampness from developing in your storage room as well as around your clothing. Use the directions to install the shelving, or hire an expert for aid. 5. Scrub away any kind of mold and mildew in your wardrobe with detergent. Eliminate whatever from your wardrobe if you notice any kind of mold or spores in the location. At this moment, pour a dose of versatile cleaning agent or soap into a basin of warm water, after that dip a sponge right into the mixture. Clean down any musty sections of your storage room to disinfect them and also wait an hour approximately for your closet to air-dry. Don’t put anything back into your storage room until the location is completely dry and also no more scents stuffy or moldy. If you’re taking care of a great deal of spores, mix 1 cup (240 mL) of bleach with 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water and also utilize that cleansing service to clean off the surface area to protect clothes.
Walking is something so simple that can unlock numerous benefits. I’d like to take you through some of my personal experiences and in particular highlight how walking has done wonders for both my mental and physical health and wellbeing. Last year was a remarkable year for many reasons and the first thing I wasn’t used to was having to spend so much time by myself. I am such a people person and I found this difficult at first. I needed an outlet to escape the obvious cabin fever that was taking its toll. When Boris announced that we could go out for 1 form of exercise for up to an hour daily, I immediately had a solution. Over time, the lockdown restrictions weren’t so strict and allowed for travel and ‘unlimited exercise’. We were blessed! Even in the early stages, I had a feeling that walking would be the best bet for me. I’ve never enjoyed running (although I dabble in that now!) but I had always enjoyed the great outdoors after spending much time with my parents in the hills and mountains growing up. The irony of this whole thing was that I have never spent so much time outside in my life compared to a year full of ‘lockdowns’. Walking gives me a chance to press pause on everything else that is going on in my life, it helps me to gather my thoughts, clear my head if needed and it’s certainly been instrumental for me in better understanding myself. You can have familiarity by building a routine of ‘my morning walk’ which for me has become a staple. Wake up early, get up and go for a 5-mile walk. During this time I am able to unpack my day and mentally prepare. Fill myself with nature and positivity and apply that to the rest of my day. I have historically battled with depression and have always been aware that when I am active, I always feel the most positive. Walking is free and best of all, you can do it almost anywhere! I use Strava to map walks right from my doorstep. Or for more off the beaten track, try AllTrails if you fancy a bit more adventure. So moving on from the routine, this is where I start to EXPLORE. I was fortunate to have transport to get some hikes in The Peak District, The Lake District and The Yorkshire Dales to name a few. There is something really special about escaping the stress and hustle of day to day life. A fast-paced life where we’re racing towards the next meeting or task. Well, by contrast, being surrounded by the stillness of mountains and understanding that they were formed over millions of years has this magical calming effect on me and many others I know will know exactly what I mean. Another perspective is that I’m putting myself in a situation, even though there’s no real drama, where I am TOTALLY responsible for keeping myself safe and well, return the control to me. There’s also the element of accomplishment after conquering a mountain and being able to admire the view from the top! All of these are key markers for improved mental health. Add in challenging weather and navigational problems into both the distraction from day to day and the accomplishment points made earlier, too! So far I’ve spoken about what it’s like as a solo walker, but trust me… get yourself a walking buddy and you will share some of the most incredible places and moments with people. Sharing these moments is one of the most wonderful places to be able to talk openly and honestly about anything. And as we know, it’s so important to talk to one another when we’re not feeling so on top of the world. I think the calmness and openness of the nature-rich settings you find yourselves in allow for people to be more comfortable about sharing their tougher topics. I hope many of you will start to reap the benefits of the simple act of walking after reading this. Start small, and if you want to keep it small – that’s great, you’ll still feel all the better for it. But if you want to give yourself a bit more of a challenge, set yourself a goal. Perhaps it’s a distance or a certain amount of elevation gain and work gradually towards it and I promise you, you will fall in love with it the process. You will gain so much in both physical and mental health benefits. And you will learn a lot about yourself, too.
07 Jul Events and Announcements: 7 July 2020 Call for Papers - Special Edition: The Business and Human Rights Regime in the Americas: The Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos (RIDH) is pleased to announce a call for papers for the Special Edition of The Business and Human Rights Regime in the Americas. Given that the Special Rapporteur for Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights published the thematic report “Business and Human Rights: Inter-American standards” in January 2020 (available in Spanish only), the RIDH is launching this special CfP, the purpose of which is to foster a greater discussion among academics, members of civil society, and government officials. Publication is expected at the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021. The deadline for the submission of contributions is 1 September 2020. The magazine will receive papers in Spanish and English. All papers will be submitted to a double blind peer-review process. For further inquiries about the special edition, please contact Salvador Herencia-Carrasco at shere045[at]uottawa[dot]ca. - The Institution of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus (1960-2020): The House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus and the School of Law of the University of Nicosia co-organise a two-day scientific conference on the occasion of the completion of sixty years of operation of the Cypriot House of Representatives, in Nicosia, Cyprus, on Monday and Tuesday, 23-24 November 2020. The conference aims to assess the institutional, regulatory, and legal dimensions of the House of Representatives, in a manner that would enable the carrying of primary and multidisciplinary research and dialogue on these issues. The organisers openly invite all researchers and practitioners from Cyprus and abroad to submit proposals (abstracts) for presenting papers or interventions to the conference. Interested researchers and practitioners should submit their proposal (presentation or intervention) in the form of an abstract not exceeding 400 words, accompanied by a short bio, and their contact information (name and surname, email, affiliation). Panel proposals are also welcome. All submissions should be made via email to the following address emilianides[dot]a[at]unic[dot]ac[dot]cy by 10 September 2020. Proposals (presentations, interventions, panels) may be submitted in either English or Greek. Researchers and practitioners, whose abstracts have been accepted, will be notified no later than 20 September 2020. There are no fees to participate in this Conference. Participants are responsible, however, for securing their own funding for travel and lodging. Selected papers from the conference will be published in an edited volume of conference proceedings and/or a special issue of The Cyprus Review. Please direct inquiries in connection with this Conference to Demetrios Kourtis, kourtis[dot]d[at]unic[dot]ac[dot]cy. - Journal of International Criminal Justice: Special Issue on “New Technologies and the Investigation of International Crimes”: The guest co-editors — Emma Irving, Alexa Koenig, Yvonne McDermott, and Daragh Murray — together with the Journal of International Criminal Justice‘s Editorial Board, invite paper submissions for a forthcoming special issue on “New technologies and the investigation of international crimes”, to be published in July 2021. New technologies are fundamentally changing the way that international crimes are investigated and how accountability for such crimes is pursued. Digital technologies have made the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide visible in new and compelling ways, expanding the toolkit available to identify such crimes and hold perpetrators to account. The special issue will bring together theoretical, doctrinal, comparative and practical perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of new technologies for the investigation of international crimes. Submissions should range from 3,000 to 10,000 words in length, including abstract and footnotes, and should be sent by 31 October 2020, via e-mail to jicj[at]geneva-academy[dot]ch. Submissions will be evaluated by the symposium’s editorial team, and subject to peer review. For more information, please access the full call for papers here. If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact John Heieck at eventsandannouncements[at]gmail[dot]com with a one-paragraph description of your announcement along with hyperlinks to more information.
Exploring the Coolest Minecraft PE Servers 12th Aug, 2023 In the ever-expanding universe of Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), the allure of unique and engaging gameplay experiences continues to captivate players. From imaginative builds to thrilling challenges, Minecraft PE offers a diverse range of servers that cater to various preferences. This article, "Exploring the Coolest Minecraft PE Servers," takes you on a journey through the virtual landscapes of these servers, highlighting the coolest and most exciting ones that await your exploration. The Appeal of Minecraft PE Servers Minecraft PE servers stand as a testament to the creativity and innovation of the player community. While the base game offers a world of possibilities, servers amplify the experience by introducing custom content, unique game modes, and interactions that redefine how players engage with the virtual realm. Whether you're seeking adventures, creativity, camaraderie, or competition, there's a server that aligns with your interests. A World of Diversity The coolest Minecraft PE servers encompass a wide range of themes and gameplay styles. Some servers focus on survival, challenging players to thrive in an unforgiving environment where resource management and cooperation are essential. Others offer creative modes that encourage builders to let their imaginations run wild, crafting awe-inspiring structures and landscapes. Additionally, mini-games, role-playing servers, and PvP arenas provide even more avenues for entertainment. Exploring the Selection As you embark on your journey to discover the coolest Minecraft PE servers, consider these popular categories: Survival and Economy: Immerse yourself in the challenge of surviving and thriving in a dynamic world, trading resources, and building your own settlements. Creative Showcases: Explore servers where builders unleash their creativity, crafting intricate structures, cities, and artworks that showcase the potential of Minecraft's building mechanics. Minigames and Challenges: Engage in a variety of fast-paced and competitive minigames, ranging from parkour challenges to maze escapades. Role-Playing Adventures: Dive into servers that transport you to imaginative realms, where you can assume roles, partake in quests, and embark on epic journeys. PvP Arenas: Test your combat skills in player-versus-player arenas that offer intense battles and strategic gameplay. Connecting with the Community Beyond the unique gameplay experiences, the coolest Minecraft PE servers foster communities of players who share common interests. Engaging with fellow players through chat, group activities, and collaborations creates a sense of camaraderie and enhances the overall experience. Many servers also have online forums or social media groups where players can connect, share experiences, and stay updated on server news. Joining a Minecraft PE server is an exciting process that involves a few key steps: Choose a Server: Research different servers to find one that aligns with your interests and preferences. Register an Account: Create an account on the server's website, following their instructions. Join the Server: Use the server's IP address or domain name to connect to the server within the game. Engage and Explore: Once connected, explore the server, engage with the community, and embark on the adventures it offers. "Exploring the Coolest Minecraft PE Servers" invites you to step beyond the boundaries of the familiar and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. With a multitude of servers to choose from, each offering its own unique spin on Minecraft PE, you're in for a journey of discovery, creativity, and entertainment. So, whether you're eager to embark on quests, showcase your building prowess, or engage in thrilling battles, the coolest Minecraft PE servers are waiting to welcome you with open arms and a realm of endless fun.
Astore experience begins in Padua in 1929 when Pietro Bertacco establishes one of the first companies in Veneto in leather industry. Pietro promptly proves his craftsmanship making with passion leather handbags with a unique style in line with the taste and fashion of his time. The great competence and expertise make him from the beginning one of the most successful italian craftsmen of the time. His leather purses, wallets and belts make themselves notice in the italian market. His artisan business starts a flourishing period of expansion, and a very important acknowledgement of his competence arrives in 1975 with the awarding of the title of Cavaliere. Pietro' son Mario continues the father’s path with the same spirit and enthusiasm. He moves the headquarters in the province of Venice, where Astore are even now. Mario gives new vivacity to his bags, with more attention to all the details, looking for new materials, making studies on leather and tanning. He realizes leather purses, wallets, fashion belts, being inspired from women, their tastes, femininity and the way they actually are. Nowadays Roberto and Pierpaolo keep on the family artisan tradition and the made in italy brand. With great ability they create leather handbags, shoes and accessories unique in their sector. The fantasy, good taste and continue renewal are the key-words of Astore style nowadays. The most appreciated lines of handbags and purses such as acquerello, lux, solar e business are made with hand painted leather, with the mastery of craftsmanship which usually identifies Astore like the only brand capable of inventing fashion and tendency of our days. Astore company sells leather handbags and shoes all over the world. JFB in the Gulf countires Representative Office of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the United Arab Emirates 48 Burj Gate, 10th Floor, room #1001, Downtown - Dubai - EAU Phone +971 4 3216260 Bella Woman. Адрес: Московская обл, Красногорский район, ул. 69 км. МКАД, бизнес парк "Гринвуд", строение 23, офис 47 Телефоны: +7 (495) 966-38-18 Для звонков из Москвы +7 (800) 775-50-15 Бесплатный звонок по России Italy and around the world
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This position is eligible for a sign on bonus with a two year commitment to Mission Health! * Current HCA employees and those employed by HCA anytime in the last 6 months are not eligible to receive the sign on bonus. Are you looking for a place to deliver excellent care patients deserve? At Mission Hospital we support our colleagues in their positions. Join our Team as a(an) Registered Nurse Labor and Delivery PT Nights and access programs to assist with every stage of your career. Mission Hospital, offers a total rewards package that supports the health, life, career and retirement of our colleagues. The available plans and programs include: - Comprehensive medical coverage that covers many common services at no cost or for a low copay. Plans include prescription drug and behavioral health coverage as well as free telemedicine services and free AirMed medical transportation. - Additional options for dental and vision benefits, life and disability coverage, flexible spending accounts, supplemental health protection plans (accident, critical illness, hospital indemnity), auto and home insurance, identity theft protection, legal counseling, long-term care coverage, moving assistance, pet insurance and more. - Free counseling services and resources for emotional, physical and financial wellbeing - 401(k) Plan with a 100% match on 3% to 9% of pay (based on years of service) - Employee Stock Purchase Plan with 10% off HCA Healthcare stock - Family support through fertility and family building benefits with Progyny and adoption assistance. - Referral services for child, elder and pet care, home and auto repair, event planning and more - Consumer discounts through Abenity and Consumer Discounts - Retirement readiness, rollover assistance services and preferred banking partnerships - Education assistance (tuition, student loan, certification support, dependent scholarships) - Colleague recognition program - Time Away From Work Program (paid time off, paid family leave, long- and short-term disability coverage and leaves of absence) - Employee Health Assistance Fund that offers free employee-only coverage to full-time and part-time colleagues based on income. Learn more about Employee Benefits Note: Eligibility for benefits may vary by location. Are you a continuous learner? With more than 94,000 nurses throughout HCA Healthcare, we are one of the largest employers of nurses in the United States. Education is key to excellence! As a majority owner of Galen College of Nursing, which joins Research College of Nursing and Mercy School of Nursing as educational facilities within the HCA Healthcare family, we make it easier and more affordable to gain certifications and job skills. Apply today for our Registered Nurse Labor and Delivery PT Nights opening and continue to learn! Job Summary and Qualifications - Provides leadership which facilitates the delivery of professional nursing care for the comfort and well-being of patients. - Utilizes the nursing process of assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation, to provide, delegate, supervise and document care and teaching of patients and family. - Implements medically prescribed interventions. What qualifications you will need: - Required Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing or enroll in a BSN or advanced degree program and obtain a BSN within 5 years of hire date into RN position. Grandfathering will be accepted between departments and Mission Health entities. Exemptions, or extensions, may be approved by the facility CNO and reported out to the CNO Council members. Each facility will ensure tracking of exemptions should this information be needed. RNs with 10 years or more of experience are exempt. - Preferred Education: Masters in Nursing. Required License/Certifications: Must have and maintain current licensure as registered nurse with the North Carolina Board of Nursing. eNLC (Enhanced Nurse License Compact) license may apply, licensee should confirm with NCBON Certificate: BLS Healthcare Provider - Preferred License/Certifications: National Certification in area of specialty - Preferred Experience: Prior L&D nursing experience. Mission Hospital is located in Asheville, North Carolina. This is Mission Health's flagship hospital, licensed for 815 beds. Healthgrades named Mission Hospital as of one America's 50 Best Hospitals from 2020-2023. Mission Hospital is in the top 1% of hospitals in the nation for providing the highest clinical quality year over year. Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade recognized Mission Hospital with an "A," nationally recognizing Mission Hospital's achievements in protecting patients and providing safer healthcare. Mission Hospital also earned the prestigious Magnet® Designation in November 2020. This is the highest international honor that distinguishes organizations that meet rigorous nursing excellence standards. We are the regional referral center for tertiary and quaternary care. We are the region's only Level II trauma center. Mission Hospital also includes Mission Children's Hospital. The region's only children's hospital - providing 30 pediatric sub-specialists. We're the busiest surgical hospital west of Raleigh, North Carolina. We are the second-busiest in the state. Mission Hospital provides the only open heart and interventional cardiology in the region. We are the only Cyberknife provider west of Raleigh. HCA Healthcare has been recognized as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies® by the Ethisphere Institute more than ten times. In recent years, HCA Healthcare spent an estimated $3.7 billion in cost for the delivery of charitable care, uninsured discounts, and other uncompensated expenses. "Good people beget good people."- Dr. Thomas Frist, Sr. HCA Healthcare Co-Founder If growth and continued learning is important to you, we encourage you to apply for our Registered Nurse Labor and Delivery PT Nights opening. Our team will promptly review your application. Highly qualified candidates will be contacted for interviews. Unlock the possibilities apply today! We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.
Wearing multiple chains can create a fashionable look and draw attention in various settings, from a club to a business meeting. When it comes to chain stacking, it's important to follow a specific equation in order to achieve optimal results. Below is a comprehensive guide with everything you need to know. What Is Chain Stacking? Chain stacking, which is also referred to as chain layering, involves wearing multiple chains simultaneously on a single body part. This technique can be applied to the neck or the wrists. There is a fine line between building your personal style and appearing tacky, so it's important to maintain a delicate balance. Tips for Chain Stacking While there is room for experimentation and deviation from established norms, it may be advisable for beginners to err on the side of caution and adhere to guidelines. Stagger Your Chain Length To achieve a stacked look for your chains, it's important to ensure that each chain is a different length. This guarantees visibility for every chain, as they will all hang lower than the one above. If you wear multiple chains of equal length, they will overlap, giving the impression of a single, thick chain. To create a balanced look, it is recommended to stagger the length of your necklaces. The longest one should rest on your middle chest, the medium one should be below your collarbone, and the shortest one should be near your neck, but it is advised to avoid chokers that are too tight. Match You Materials When selecting multiple chains, it is advisable to avoid mixing and matching styles. A uniform appearance is typically preferred for a cleaner and more professional look. To maintain consistency, it is recommended that you match the gold variation of all your chains to the one you have chosen for your yellow gold chain. Traditionally, it is recommended that all jewelry on your body should match, including white gold bracelets and tennis chains. However, personal style is subjective and some may prefer to mix and match different hues. Ultimately, the choice is up to the individual. Pendants can be used as a central focus. Wearing multiple chains may enhance your appearance, yet over time it can appear cluttered. As a result, the individual chains may not be recognized, and instead be perceived as a single extravagant item. Using pendants as a focal point can capture attention, as they often differ in color or style from other jewelry pieces, serving as a potential conversation starter. Custom pendants can hold personal and sentimental value, allowing individuals to express themselves through their clothing without the need for words and enhancing their sense of style. Ice can provide many options for creating personalized word and picture pendants, which can be made easily. One can browse through our selection of custom pendants and begin crafting their own. Choose Different Chain Styles Selecting various chain styles is beneficial as it allows you to display a range of pieces when stacking, making it a wise decision to choose multiple styles. Incorporating unique clothing items into your outfit can enhance your appearance and showcase your personal style. Additionally, it can prevent a monotonous look and allow you to display favorite pieces all at once. Choose Slimmer Chains When stacking chains, it is best to use slimmer chains under 5mm. If choosing a bulky chain, it is recommended to wear only one that hangs low on the neck to avoid a clunky appearance. How To Stack Bracelets When it comes to stacking bracelets, there are certain guidelines to follow if you enjoy stacking chains around your neck and want to do the same around your wrists. When wearing bracelets, it is recommended to place snug or bulky pieces closest to your hand and wider bracelets behind them to prevent separation while walking. For a polished appearance, consider placing an Iced Rocketeer Watch in 18k gold at the wrist's base. However, feel free to wear whatever you prefer with your bracelet stack. It's important to exercise caution when wearing bracelets and not go overboard. A general guideline is to limit coverage to no more than ⅓ of the forearm. When it comes to accessories such as bracelets and necklaces, it is recommended to coordinate the colors and experiment with various chain types. Incorporate charms and gemstones into your style to create a focal point. If you wear a watch, it can serve as your focal point. Layering chains can add depth to your look and allow for style experimentation. There are no strict rules for wearing jewelry, but following helpful tips can enhance your fashion choices. To create a more thoughtful outfit, try stacking chains of different lengths and styles, using pendants as a focal point, and opting for slimmer chains instead of bulkier ones. When wearing bracelets, it can be beneficial to incorporate smaller chains along with bulkier ones to maintain balance in your ensemble. The Icetruck offers high-quality hip-hop jewelry, including a variety of chain options to suit your style preferences.
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In an earlier article, “No War with China,” I discussed the plans of braindead Biden and the neocon gang that controls him to start a war with China. This of course would be a disaster, but it leads to another question I’d like to talk about this week. Do we have to quarrel with China at all? Why can’t we have peaceful, friendly relations with China? The warmongers say otherwise; let’s look at some of their so-called “arguments.” One of them is that the Chinese state suppresses dissent and keeps people under surveillance. This is true, but why is this a reason to go war, and who are we to talk? As Harvard history professor James Hankins points out, “Our educated elites have largely abandoned their country’s traditional advocacy of free speech, free exercise of religion, and private property. Woke leftists embedded in universities, large corporations, and professional societies are now determined to brand our country as ‘structurally racist,’ offering up declarations of guilt that CCP propagandists have seized upon with glee. They are bent on establishing a form of ideological tyranny that resembles Mao’s Cultural Revolution, which even the CCP has repudiated. In that context, to deploy the standard U.S. weapon of attacking China for its violations of human rights will hardly seem other than absurdly hypocritical. The Left and the Democratic Party can be counted on to continue their assaults on capitalism—an aspect of American culture genuinely admired by Asians—and to advocate radical experiments in sexuality and family life—a side of American culture that the vast majority of Asians find embarrassing or repulsive.” Another argument that China is our enemy is that we have an unfavorable balance of trade with China. Chinese dumping takes away jobs from American workers, and the Chinese don’t respect American IP rights. As always with the neocon warmongers, their “argument” reverses the truth, and these “former” Trotskyites echo Leftist bromides. As the great Murray Rothbard said, “First, of course, there is economics, never the . . .left’s strong suit. While [William A.] Williams certainly uncovered an important cause of American imperialism in the continuing drive to subsidize American exports, he unfortunately also contributed the egregious misconception of ‘free-trade imperialism.’ In this view, free trade is just another variant of imperialism, less messy perhaps but just as effectively imperialist as colonial conquest or the neocolonialist blend of political pressure, undercover intrigue, and economic aid. It seems impossible for socialists to understand the peaceable and mutually beneficial nature of free markets and free trade. Sir Norman Angell and other nineteenth-century liberals may have been overoptimistic in their paeans to the peaceful influence of free trade, but they grasped a vitally important point. The old motto ‘If Goods Can’t Cross Borders, Troops Will’ still makes sense.” Now we come to the key “argument” of the warmongers. Doesn’t China aim to expand its power in the Pacific and to take over Taiwan? Here the answer is simple: why should this matter to us if they do? Pat Buchanan explains very well the basic issue: “Is who controls Mischief Reef or Scarborough Shoal a matter of such vital U.S. interest as to justify war between us and China? Tuesday, in Singapore, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reaffirmed the American commitment to go to war on behalf of the Philippines, should Manila attempt, militarily, to retrieve its stolen property. Said Austin: ‘Beijing’s claim to the vast majority of the South China Sea has no basis in international law. … We remain committed to the treaty obligations that we have to Japan in the Senkaku Islands and to the Philippines in the South China Sea.’ Austin went on: ‘Beijing’s unwillingness to … respect the rule of law isn’t just occurring on the water. We have also seen aggression against India … destabilizing military activity and other forms of coercion against the people of Taiwan … and genocide and crimes against humanity against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.’ The Defense secretary is publicly accusing China of crimes against its Uyghur population in Xinjiang comparable to those for which the Nazis were hanged at Nuremberg [LR: There is, by the way, good reason to question the claim that the Chinese are persecuting the Uyghurs. In any case, who appointed the US to be in charge of the world’s problems? Does China have the right to attack the US to take back property stolen from Mexico and from the Indian tribes?] Austin has also informed Beijing, yet again, that the U.S. is obligated by a 70-year-old treaty to go to war to defend Japan’s claims to the Senkakus, half a dozen rocks Tokyo now occupies and Beijing claims historically belong to China. The secretary also introduced the matter of Taiwan, with which President Jimmy Carter broke relations and let lapse our mutual security treaty in 1979. There remains, however, ambiguity on what the U.S. is prepared to do if China moves on Taiwan. Would we fight China for Taiwan’s independence, an island President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger said in 1972 was ‘part of China’? And if China ignores our protests of its ‘genocide’ and ‘crimes against humanity’ against the Uyghurs, and of its human rights violations in Tibet, and of its crushing of democracy in Hong Kong, what are we prepared to do? Sanctions? A decoupling of our economies? Confrontation? War? This is not an argument for threatening war, but for an avoidance of war by providing greater clarity and certitude as to what the U.S. response will be if China ignores our protests and remains on its present course. Some of us can still recall how President Dwight Eisenhower refused to intervene when Nikita Khrushchev ordered Russian tanks into Budapest to drown the 1956 Hungarian revolution in blood. Instead, we welcomed Hungarian refugees. When the Berlin Wall went up in 1961, President John F. Kennedy called up the reserves and went to Berlin to make a famous speech, but did nothing. ‘Less profile, more courage!’ was the response of Cold War hawks. But Kennedy was saying, as Eisenhower had said by his inaction in Hungary, that America does not go to war with a great nuclear power such as the Soviet Union over the right of East Germans to flee to West Berlin Which brings us back to Taiwan. In the Shanghai Communique signed by Nixon, Taiwan was conceded to be a ‘part of China.’ Are we now going to fight a war to prevent Beijing from bringing the island home to the ‘embrace of the motherland’? And if we are prepared to fight, Beijing should not be left in the dark. China ought to know the risks it would be taking. Cuba is an island, across the Florida Strait, with historic ties to the United States. Taiwan is an island 7,000 miles away, on the other side of the Pacific. This month, Cubans rose up against the 62-year-old Communist regime fastened upon them by Fidel and Raul Castro. By what yardstick would we threaten war for the independence of Taiwan but continue to tolerate 60 years of totalitarian repression in Cuba, 90 miles away?” Read this. In point of fact, China doesn’t threaten us. The US is threatening China. Tom Fowdy fills in the details: “But what has changed recently? The answer is that, unlike in past decades, the US has pursued an increasing military encirclement of China’s periphery and has forced Beijing to respond in tandem; Xi Jinping’s moves have not emerged out of thin air. Unless China’s rise was completely on terms the US has sought to impose, opposition to it from Washington was always inevitable no matter what it did. It is one thing to claim ‘China wants to seize the East China sea!’, but another to overlook the fact that Japan deliberately sought to provoke China in the early 2010s by incorporating the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands as a prefecture, which then-US President Obama announced was covered by the US-Japan defense treaty. These kinds of provocations are part of a broader effort of China containment, which spawn tensions and inevitable responses from Beijing, which is then accused of being aggressive and expansionist. This all creates a vicious circle of militarization from both sides as China strives to defend its ‘national sovereignty’ against perceived foreign intrusion. Consequently, the narrative of a ‘more assertive and coercive’ China takes Beijing’s actions out of context, and fails to see that a regional competition with the United States becomes a need to attain security, as opposed to a global ‘good vs evil’ battle for hegemony and a lust for power. Brands and Beckley talk about the aspect of encirclement in China’s strategic point of view, yet fail to understand and appreciate what it actually means. In conclusion, if you don’t want a war with China, stop trying to encircle it militarily. These types of articles that argue that Beijing has a ‘closing strategic window” to get what it wants and that it ‘must resort to war’ are extremely dangerous because they can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think that your enemy has no other choice but to pursue war against you, what does that make you do? It makes you prepare for one in response and miscalculate that there is no other option.” Knowing the truth is important, but even more important is to act on it. Let’s stop the gang of criminal lunatics that controls Washington while we still can.
May 4, 2020 – The opening of several hotels in Split was announced for the upcoming tourist season, including the Ambasador on the West Coast Riva. Slobodna Dalmacija writes that Tonci Medic, CEO of Retoi, whose portfolio also includes Ambasador, and a close friend of German businessman Klaus Alex Birkenstock, owner of this hotel, assures us that, given the coronavirus crisis, they won’t be able to open their doors to guests until Christmas. “The corona crisis has definitely surprised us all. In March, we started collecting CVs and organizing interviews with potential employees, but of course, we had to stop. The plan, in fact, was to ‘permanently’ hire 55 staff and hire another thirty seasonal workers. Since we were planning to open the hotel doors this summer, we hired six people key to its operation earlier this year; among them the director and the chef. This has completely hindered us – outside construction work has been suspended at the request of the contractor, that is, workers’ fear of contracting the virus. As for the works inside the building, we thought it was pointless to rush to finish them when we had to keep the hotel closed. We simply estimated that we did not want to risk anything and that it is better to skip this season, if there is one at all, than to begin during a pandemic and fear whether any of the staff or guests will transmit the virus to our hotel,” says Medic, a well-known caterer from Brela. Recall, Klaus Alex Birkenstock bought the hotel on the West Coast in 2016 from Regina Ivic, the widow of Tomislav Ivic, the legendary Hajduk coach. It was announced that the Ambasador would be open in the spring of 2018, but the investor could not meet the deadline due to the inability to obtain a building permit. For this reason, the demolition was delayed of the building built in 1937, which was later the JNA House, as was the execution of the works. The investor was forced to ask the County to extend the construction period from two to four years. In the meantime, there was a change in investment from the previously announced EUR 14 million to EUR 23 million. This should give the Ambassador at least four and a half stars, and they hope, Medic says, to get a fifth. According to the project of architects Nena Kezic, Emil Sverk and Nora Roje, the hotel will have 101 rooms and suites, a restaurant capacity of 240, spa, gym, nightclub and underground garage with 59 spaces. Otherwise, the hotel’s catering facilities will be able to accommodate 640 guests, in addition to the 240 in the restaurant. The fitness and wellness center will be sunlit thanks to a large atrium on the terrace facing the sea. It is also interesting that in the superstructure of the movie theater, which was erected next to the “Ambasador” in 1953, there will be a 120 square meter large swimming pool, which will be partially enclosed by glass, so that passers-by will be able to look in. Swimmers, on the other hand, have a view of the coast. In any case, Birkenstock has announced that it plans to turn this Split hotel into a new favorite resort for tourists from the UK, Germany, Austria and France. Unfortunately, the plan is currently on hold, but hopefully not for long. To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.
March Board Meeting Wrap-Up Published on March 24, 2022 Several actions took place at the Arlington County Board's Saturday, March 19, 2022, regular County Board Meeting, including: • The Board adopted a resolution to advertise public hearings by the Planning Commission on April 4, 2022, and the County Board on April 23, 2022, to consider adopting the 2022 Clarendon Sector Plan - An Update to the 2006 Clarendon Sector Plan. • The Board adopted an ordinance to approve a rezoning request from Service Commercial-Community Business District to CP FBC Columbia Pike Form Based Code District. This was for The Elliott, located at 2601 Columbia Pike. In addition, the Board is being asked to approve the subject use permit, in accordance with the Columbia Pike Form Based Code to construct 247 multi-family dwelling units and approximately 51,000 sq. ft. of ground floor commercial space with modifications for finished floor elevation for the ground floor and siting specifications, subject to conditions. • Accepting and appropriating a $150,398 grant from the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to manage and improve Arlington’s response to the opioid epidemic. The County plans to fund a Peer Specialist to provide outreach to community members who experience an overdose on opioids or other substances, as well as providing support for a registered nurse and other operational expenses related to the response to the opioid crisis. • Accepting and appropriating a Virginia Department of Social Services Independent Living COVID-19 Transportation Assistance Program (TAP) funding for the Department of Human Services. The appropriated $38,575 will help eliminate barriers to ensure eligible youth in foster care receive the services and support necessary to meet their transportation needs. • Adopted a license agreement with Virginia Hospital Center to permit the installation, operation, and maintenance of a Capital Bikeshare Station on hospital property. This bike-sharing partnership promotes the ideals of “car-free” transportation, a healthy lifestyle and environmental stewardship. On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, the County Board held its Recessed Meeting. Several actions were taken, including the appointment of the 9 inaugural members of the Community Oversight Board (COB). Information about the COB and its members can be found on the Board’s website. On Wednesday, March 23, 2022, Board Chair Katie Cristol and Member Libby Garvey will discuss the County’s budget process with County Manager Mark Schwartz. Tune into the Board Wrap-Up Podcast through Spotify or Anchor to listen in. The Board meetings can be viewed in their entirety on the County’s website and YouTube. On Thursday, February 17, 2022, Board Chair Cristol and Board Member Karantonis will record the Board’s new Wrap-Up podcast, where they will discuss the Pentagon City Sector Plan in more detail. Tune in to the podcast on Anchor or Spotify.
An extremely popular title Fortnite was created in 2017 and it is still one of the most widely-accepted ones in the gamers community. The title is variable and has three different playing modes. The first one provides players with an opportunity to cooperate as a team and unite their powers to fight against the enemies. The genre can be classified as a survival shooter, however, participants also need to build fortresses and defend valuable artefacts while they struggle. The second one must the most appreciated by those, who prefer online multiplayers. It is known as Battle Royale. About 100 participants appear at a distant area, where they need to compete and defeat each other until the last one stays. This one gained appreciation worldwide and brought real success to the developers. The third mode is about creation, since it provides gamers with customization options that allow them to build their own maps and levels as they wish. The battle fields can be also created and then tested, of course. All modes have similar environment, artwork, and mechanics. Now let’s talk about them in more detail. The first mode known as Save the World places players at the conditions where they need to stand against the environmental threats. The main idea here is communication. The plot behind the game is pretty simple: a great catastrophe happened and almost everyone on the planet died. The world is flooded with zombies and players act as the last survivors, who need to protect themselves and their bases. In addition to fighting, they will also have to build and defend shelters, save those who were lucky to survive, and gather resources. The famous multiplayer Battle Royale also allows different forms of cooperation. Gamers can unite into pairs or small groups. When the battle begins, gamers are expected to find weapons and cars, as well as other resources that might help them survive. There is a secure place on the map from the start, however, it becomes smaller gradually and the final battle becomes unavoidable due to the limited space. The last survivor, pair or group becomes a winner. The Creative mode allows gamers to do everything they like on the area. They can build the battle fields and create maps the way they want to. These creations can be tested in action later. The developers claim that they want to include the most popular maps to the official version of the game later. Gathering, building and planning are very crucial for all parts of the franchise. They allow gamers use various types of materials to create fortresses and the more solid the materials are, the stronger the defense would be. Fortresses can be wooden, metal or made of brick and each type has individual properties and be improved. In the first mode, gamers are encouraged to build in order to defend the objects and bases. In the second one, bases allow to hide from enemies’ attacks. When creating fortresses in the Creative mode, gamers have a great deal of design possibilities. Try them all on this website and have a really great time!
“We must own disruption and our “unknown unknowns” in order to be able to adapt sustainably” A great conversation with Brant about dealing with uncertainty and how to make your organisation disruption proof. We discuss how organisations can be more Resilient, Aware and Dynamic to deal with the uncertainty of today’s world. Today market risk is higher and more volatile – can we attract customers’ attention? Can we provide value? Can we retain customers? We face ‘unknown unknowns’ yet businesses are traditionally wired for ‘knowing, so how do we adapt our leadership to be more ‘disruptive’ and give permission for experimentation on a larger scale ? How can companies scale the behavioural and cultural change needed to create this adaptability and become RAD organisations ? Brant shares his experience, insights and research from working with organisations big and small across the globe. The main insights you’ll get from this episode are : – Global disruption is evident in regular events that ripple across lives and the economy – war, the big quit, the pandemic, failed banks – and we must own it and adapt how we operate to recognize ongoing volatility. – In the past, e.g. mid-industrial age, market risk was lower and technology risk was higher – today market risk is higher: can we attract customers’ attention? Can we provide value? Can we retain customers? – We face ‘unknown unknowns’ yet businesses are traditionally wired for ‘knowing’ – but the boss doesn’t know either these days! Empathy and insight must come from the ground up. – The new innovation theatre is digital transformation. Innovation means different things to different people, so it must be defined, along with the desired outcomes. – We must incorporate the human element, however: what is the impact, the value, the market? Designing for the human and the user experience can still create impactful and powerful things. – An innovation mindset does not equal a project. A project represents ‘hard change’, and organisations must be RAD to succeed: · Resilient = have a core competence from the outset that provides strength to the organisation; be strong but flexible; be comfortable with uncertainty · Aware = cultivate an ‘outside-in view’ – look to the economy to be aware of changes and customer whims; empower people at the edge of the business to share information inside · Dynamic = build processes that allow change based on new information – The five elements of a disruptive mindset are: empathy (inside and outside the company), exploration (of assumptions), equilibrium (balance execution with exploration), evidence (data and insights to inform decisions) and ethics (in the digital age, the safety of customers). – Leaders must demonstrate these 5 e’s; make observations from watching; define values that are serious for the organisation and therefore everyone in it; democratise; have impact on companies and society. – Disruptive leadership means leaders practicing such skills themselves; being willing to admit failure; developing empathy for employees; being more transparent, open and vulnerable; empowering teams to achieve desired outcomes; ensuring accountability for teams; and providing training in the requisite behaviour. – The biggest challenge for companies is defining the model for a way of working and teaching empowered behaviour – encouraging team members to report out; owning the path to desired outcomes; building a mentality that allows people to tell the boss what’s happening. – It is difficult to scale adaptive change to bring business results and there is no single answer – it depends on the culture, the leaders and the starting point. With C-suite support, it can start with the core business. – Generating near-term impact can be a tipping point for driving change – new business emerges from the old business, whereby ‘good bits’ spread to different parts of an organisation. – To make a company disruption-proof, leaders must create a community for buy-in (particularly in large organisations), form an agile team, give themselves a mandate to try, push boundaries and ultimately do things differently.
It was the early morning hours of July 5 and Americans across the country were feeling the after-effects of too much potato salad and a too many White Claws, or double IPAs. Maybe it was vodka sodas. Or wine. Hello dry mouth, headache, exhaustion, and upset tummy. Yes, the over-the-counter remedy intended for dehydrated children (think: bad bouts of diarrhea) has become a much-touted hangover cure. And the crazy thing is this hangover hack works. Adults make up a third of Pedialyte’s market, and that number is steadily growing thanks to a slew of new, more discrete Pedialyte products. In recent years, the company has expanded its selection of powder packs that you mix with water for a more discreet way of getting your Pedialyte fix. Pedialyte has increasingly catered to adult customers since its hangover-focused “See the Lyte” ad campaign in 2015. However, the marketing lingo still tiptoes around the term “hangover.” Lindsy Delco, a public affairs director for Abbott (Pedialyte’s parent company), says the most common uses among adults are stomach flu, occasional alcohol use, heat exhaustion, and travel. Pedialyte works well as advertised: It helps rehydrate your body. And after a night of boozing, we could all use a little help in that department. “Alcohol is a diuretic, which means its causes you to produce more urine,” says registered dietitian Danielle Hamo. That’s why you go to the bathroom so much when you’re drinking and why you get dehydrated. “Sodium talks to your kidneys and tells them to retain more water in the body,” says Justin Robinson, a registered sports dietitian. And potassium is one of the key nutrients that’s lost with all of those trips to the bathroom, so it’s important to replenish. A bottle of Pedialyte has twice the sodium and five times as much potassium as the same size bottle of Gatorade — with fewer than half the calories. Studies have shown that Pedialyte out-performs its competitors when it comes to electrolyte replenishment. Pedialyte can take care of your sad, dehydrated self, but it isn’t the miracle cure for all of your hangover woes. Drinking alcohol — especially in excess — can do a number on your digestive tract and sleep cycle, Also, although Pedialyte rehydrates people effectively, dehydration is not the only factor driving hangovers. Other compounds in alcohol like congeners, found in darker spirits like bourbon, can lead to more frequent and severe hangovers, research shows. Research also suggests that hangovers may be linked with age The “no duh” best idea: Take a proactive approach while drinking rather than gulping down Pedialyte the day after, Robinson says. He suggests drinking a glass of water after every alcoholic drink and always making sure you’re drinking on a full stomach. “If food is present in your stomach when you’re drinking, it will take longer for the alcohol to enter the bloodstream,” Robinson explains. “But grabbing a late-night snack to soak up all the alcohol you drank doesn’t do much to help.” Though that egg and cheese sando will still taste amazing.