"I do love you, both of you, and I'll be there for you."
Starlight leaned up and gave Sunburst a kiss. "And I'll be there for you both too."
Then the two looked to Trixie, expecting something, but instead the mare was looking off in the distance, lost.
Starlight and Sunburst lay still. The two then looked to each other, and with a nod from Starlight, Sunburst cleared his throat.
"Trixie, uh, there was a special reason we invited you along with us."
She wiggled herself away from Sunburst, and attempted to lay on her side so her back was to them. "Oh, yes she's sure, so that the Miserable and Lonesome Trixie wouldn't be alone."
The blue mare was then caught off guard by the normally gentle forelegs of the timid stallion wrapping themselves around her tighter, and bringing her back up against his barrel and chest.
And then Starlight, draping over Sunburst, nuzzled the mare, and giving her a kiss on her damp cheek.
"We were going to wait until tomorrow morning to ask you this, but, well, since we're stuck here and all."
"Probably for most of Hearthswarming morning," Sunburst added.
"Exactly. Trix, we didn't get you anything for Hearthswarming, because we've already given it to you."
Trixie was at an awkward angle, unable to look at Sunburst, and barely able to see Starlight. She shifted, and Sunburst allowed her to turn around so she was facing the two. She gave them a curious, reserved look, with one brow at the ready to rise if needed.
"We want you to be part of our family," Starlight said.
Trixie blinked.
"You know, as in, us three. A herd, essentially," Starlight continued.
"Yes, and while we have been… eheh, busy already between us, Starlight and I wanted to make it official."
"Sunburst proposed to me. He was going to wait until Hearthswarming, but I had some mood swings a couple months ago and we got yelling at each other, and he blurted it out."
"I still can't believe I did that…"
Starlight gave the stallion a small peck on the cheek. "I know, but it was sweet, and helped the situation. Anyway, Trix, I told him yes, but on one condition."
Now both ponies were staring at a perplexed Trixie.
"She said I had to ask you, too. And well, after all we've gone through, and what we've done together, I saw no reason not to ask."
"So our Hearthswarming gift, Trixie, is would you join us? Be a part of this family?"
"We even thought, meeting our parents would help you decide, but since that won't be happening until after the morning..."
"Providing we get unstuck," Starlight playfully shoved her stallion.
"Or somepony finds us and helps," Sunburst gave a shove back with his shoulder.
"Then maybe, while they're our parents, they'd be in some way, also yours."
"N-not that we'd want them to replace your parents or anything!" Sunburst quickly added.
"Oh, no, of course not! Just, well… be there for you, like they were there for us, before… you know."
"My failure at Celestia's School," Sunburst sighed.
"And my crazy phase," Starlight added with her own sigh.
Both ponies had lost focus on the third in their party, and now returned their attention to her to gauge her reaction.
She was laying on her back, still snuggled against Sunburst's side, but looking straight up at the ceiling.
"Trix?" Starlight asked.
She continued to remain quiet.
Starlight and Sunburst shared a glance, and she shoved his chin with her muzzle. Sunburst leaned over, having to pull away partly from Starlight, and gave Trixie a passionate kiss, causing her eyes to widen.
Slowly, he drew back, and settled down to how he was before, which gave Starlight a chance to lay over his chest and at Trixie, and do the same, giving the mare another long kiss on the lips. She pulled back, and rested her chin upon her forehooves.
"Have you been rebooted?" Starlight asked.
"Or do we need to try again?" Sunburst added with a waggle to his brows only Starlight saw.
"N-no, it's… Trixie… that is I… I mean…"
The two had expected some sort of reaction from the mare, but more crying was not one of them. Tears welled up, and ran down her cheeks, as she stared at the space between them, struggling to focus on only one of them.
Sunburst didn't hesitate, removing his foreleg from Starlight so he could pull Trixie over himself. Starlight caught on quickly, and shifted aside so that her marefriend, hopefully future wife, could be swapped with her future husband.
Trixie, throughout all this, was as limp as a noodle, being hoofed about until she was pressed between Starlight and Sunburst, and hugged until she could barely breathe. Starlight placed her head under Trixie's chin, while Sunburst placed his chin atop Trixie's head, and both ponies hugged her for all they were worth.
While they wanted her answer, they also knew she was currently emotionally vulnerable, and therefore remained silent as all three laid together, under a thick wool blanket, stuck in the snow in a ditch on Hearthswarming Eve.
Before too long, all three's breathing was even and gentle. Trixie let out a shuddered breath, but then gave each of them the best attempt at a nuzzle as she could from her sandwiched position, and placed a hoof on Starlight's bulging belly.
Through one eye each, the two watched as Trixie pulled a hoof back, kissed it, and placed it lovingly once again on Starlight's belly. Smiling, she swore she felt something return the touch. She closed her tear stained eyes, and whispered a single word to them: