Quickly, Sunburst darted inside, his back covered in a thick layer of snow.
"At least brush yourself off!" Trixie shouted.
Sunburst let out a sigh, then slowly trodded back outside, then mere moments later returned with far less snow covering him.
"So, what did you do?" Trixie, still laying on the floor, asked with a defeated tone.
"Trix, would you stop being so hard on Sunburst? He didn't crash the wagon or anything, I'm sure he-"
Sunburst interrupted with a hoof tap. "Uh, yes, actually I did. We're in a ditch."
"Oh," Starlight finished.
"It wasn't so bad at first, I got it stuck in a rut or something, and I've been out there for I don't know how long trying to get it unstuck, but then I slipped again but the wagon went with me, and next thing I knew we were half way into a ditch."
Trixie grumbled, "And you can't pull it out."
"And I can't pull it out. Right."
Trixie sighed. "First Starlight, and now the wagon. Trixie shall be carrying protection around you from now on."
"It was a joke!"
"In bad taste! Sunburst was working hard so that you could rest. Just because he doesn't have the more toned muscle like you, or stamina like you, or even wagon hauling experience like you…"
"Is there a point to this?" Sunburst asked.
"Yes! Come here."
Sunburst, on shaky hooves, did so, and Starlight used her magic to remove his cold soaked clothes, hung them on a hook beside the door, and then using her forelegs wrapped him up in a hug.
"I, and by definition we, both love you, and thank you for trying, and doing your best."
Sunburst returned the hug. Trixie, finally sitting up, rolled her eyes.
"Trixie, if you don't join in on this hug I swear…"
At Starlight's words, Trixie wrapped her hooves around the two hugging ponies.
"You're so cold!" Trixie blurted out.
"Yes, because it's cold outside," Sunburst said with a roll of his eyes.
"No, you are really cold. Your ears! They're nearly frost bitten! How long were you out there?" Trixie quickly looked to the clock, then gasped. "Four hours! We are supposed to relieve each other every two!"
"I know, but when I checked in to do so, you two were so comfortable and sleeping together…"
Starlight cood, then pulled Sunburst into another tight hug, giving him a passionate kiss on his frozen lips. "You goof, that's how you hurt yourself."
"Yes, and Trixie is all too familiar with that. Come, lay in bed now while Trixie gets some warm water. She needs to check for any lingering damage."
With no protest Sunburst jumped up into the warm bed beside Starlight, who took it upon herself to brush off the last traces of snow before covering him with the large blanket. The stallion was still shivering under the thick blanket, so Starlight joined him under the cover, wrapping her hooves around his barrel.
"Oh, that's nice," he said with a sigh.
Trixie, meanwhile, had placed a small pot of water on the wood stove, warming it to the point it steamed and no more, then taking a clean rag dipped it in with her magic. She approached her two friends, and then taking the rag in her hooves, she rang it out and began massaging Sunburst's ears.
"You don't have to do that, Trixie," Sunburst said between chattering teeth.
"No, she does not, but she shall anyway," Trixie said, slowly working her hooves around his ears, mixing the warm water with hoove massage to try and restore circulation to the appendages.
Silence took over between the three; Starlight resting her head along Sunburst's neck and shoulder while Trixie stood beside the bed and warmed his ears.
Then, Starlight cleared her throat. "So, how stuck are we?"
Sunburst let out a sigh, and would have flicked an ear had it not been in Trixie's hooves. "Bad. We might have to wait for somepony to come help us."
"That's no good. With it being Hearthswarming, that might not be until later in the evening."
"Do we have enough wood?" Sunburst looked to Trixie.
"If not, Trixie is sure there is plenty around outside if we look."
"Well, at least I think we're only a couple hours trot from Sire's Hollow," Sunburst sighed, then laid his head down onto the bed while Trixie soaked and rang out the rag again.
"You think?" Trixie asked.
"It was hard to see much farther than a couple yards. My guess is these are some rouge clouds that some townsponies just let loose, but I did pass the crossroads a bit ago, so we're not too far out."
Starlight hummed, rubbing her muzzle against Sunburst's neck. Trixie let out a huff, rubbing Sunburst's ears for another round, then placed the damp rag back into the water. Starlight and Sunburst watched as she walked over to the door placing on her winter gear.
"Trixie, you don't have to try to get us out," Starlight said.
"Or at least wait until I've warmed up some, and so I can help."
Trixie let out another defeated sigh. "No, Trixie is going out to assess, and will return momentarily."
Instead of her full winter garb, the magician took only a hat, ear muffs, and scarf, then trotted out quickly, closing the door behind her.
"Well, she is certainly in a mood," Sunburst huffed.
"Yeah, I've noticed that since we invited her to visit with our parents."
"Really? I've noticed it since we told her you were pregnant. You don't think she..."
Starlight hummed. "No, she's not ready yet. But our parents maybe? I know she lost her's when she was young, about the same age Applejack lost hers."
"Oh. Were they connected?"
Starlight shook her head, then nuzzled Sunburst again. "I don't think so. She lived in Manehattan then."
Starlight pulled back. "What? What are you thinking?"
"Well, we are going to be stuck here for a while, and we did have a plan in mind for introducing her to our parents."
Sunburst shrugged. "Maybe we should ask her?"
"Well, I don't know, when she's back in and settled down? We don't have to pry or anything."
"I'm… not sure. I honestly gave her several openings in the past for her to tell me about them, but she never did bite."
"Well, for our Hearthswarming gift for her to really work out, maybe we should push a little more, and ask her."
Starlight's ears went flat, the mare looking around the wagon, trying to picture where her friend and fellow lover might be.
"Maybe, but should we-"
Starlight was cut off by the door opening and closing quickly, Trixie rushing inside.
"Brrr, that wind is getting worse."
"I know, I could hardly see. My glasses were frosted over so I took them off, and then the wind was beating up my eyes so I struggled to keep them open while I walked."
"Trixie has goggles, you know."
Starlight let slip a giggle, to which Trixie raised a brow at.
"Sorry, Trix, you know I know this isn't funny, but well… look at us."
"I fail to see any humor in this situation," Trixie said, removing her snow covered clothes.
"We're three close, intimate friends, stuck in the snow in a wagon, with minimal heat save for our own bodies."
"Oh hey, I think I like where this is going," Sunburst said, only to receive a playful slap from Starlight's hoof.
"Not like that. We're close friends, and this is really our first time together, out in the world. We are truly alone."
Silence rang in everypony's ears, until Sunburst let out a "huh."
"So, instead of seeing this as a problem, let's embrace it!"
"And how, pray tell, should we do that?" Trixie asked.
"Easy. Turn off all but one lantern, and come snuggle up with us and warm up. The storms will hopefully subside by morning, and we'll go from there."
She huffed, she puffed, but eventually, Trixie's shivering body told her this was the preferred option than trying to spend countless hours freeing the wagon during a raging blizzard.
"Fine," she finally agreed.
Trixie went and snuffed two of the three lantern's lights, leaving the last on a low flicker so at least she wasn't tripping on anything. While she was up she also added another log to the wood stove. Sunburst, feeling much warmer, shifted so he was laying on his back, with Starlight laying to his left side and into the crook of his foreleg. Reaching a hoof over, Starlight patted the empty part of the bed on Sunburst's right side.
"Come on in, it's nice and warm."
There was a brief bout of hesitation in Trixie's eyes, the small flames from the lone lantern dancing in the large orbs, before finally she relented and got into the bed, laying on Sunburst's right side. Starlight took Trixie's hoof in her own and squeezed, while Sunburst used his magic to drape the blanket over all three of them. Starlight then rested her chin upon Sunburst's chest, while Trixie rested hers on the stallion's right foreleg.
"Trixie?" Starlight asked.
"What… were your parents like?"
Had it not already been cold outside the blanket, the temperature would have dropped another couple degrees. As it was, Trixie shifted herself so she pulled away from Sunburst, but not totally out of his grasp.
"Why ask such a thing now?"
"Well, we know you lost your parents when you were young, but you've never… told us about them. My mother left not long after Sunburst went to Celestia's School."
"And I lost my father almost ten years ago now, not too long after I went to Canterlot," Sunburst added in.
Starlight gave Sunburst another nuzzle. "And well, we've learned to live with just one parent for so long, but you've had neither. I just thought maybe you'd like to share, or talk about them. It is Hearthswarming, after all, a time for family and friends."
"Trixie has gone so long without family, she…" the blue mare went silent, then with a gulp and a shiver under the blanket, "I... don't really remember much.
"I do recall my father being a magician, much like I am now. Performing for little colts and fillies, bringing smiles to their faces, and sharing stories of whimsical adventures and terrifying beasts. Tr-my… my mother, she was an astrologist. Used Luna's stars to predict ponies futures, and give them good advice on how to better themselves."
Sunburst shifted his right arm, forcing Trixie to press into his side once more, but the mare didn't fight it. "What happened?" he asked.
The winds outside provided the only sound for several long seconds. "My mother was murdered on the streets. My father… couldn't handle the loss, and I know not of where he is, or if he's even alive."
The stallion pulled her in even closer, and Starlight wrapped her own foreleg around the two. "Trix…"
"It is okay, I… Trixie, has cried those tears, and moved on with her life. And it would be best that you two gave her the same courtesy and let it be. You wanted the truth, well there it is."
It was hard to see in the dim light, but Starlight noticed the showmare was indeed shedding a few tears. Sunburst sensed it as well, and leaned his head down to nuzzle her.
"We're sorry, if it means anything, and we do know the pain as well."
A sniffle broke the pending silence, and Sunburst took the opportunity to wrap his forelegs around both mares, and push them against his sides for a tight, warm hug, and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek.