"You may keep him." said Celestia, who bowed her head.
Twilight cried tears of joy as she picked up the baby dragon, who was still drinking the milk.
"Before I go, what are you going to name him?" asked Princess Celestia.
Before Twilight could answer, she accidentaly poked herself on one of the dragon's spikes on his back.
"Ouch! Those Spike's hurt!" All of a sudden, her eyes grew wide.
"So?" asked Celestia, her right eyebrow raising.
"Spike! I'll name him Spike!" she cheered.
"Clever choice, my student. Clever choice." Celestia winked, and left the room.
An excited Twilight Sparkle walked to her parents and showed them her new baby.
They were skeptical at first, but the following years would prove that she was a good parent.
That was until now.
She was a horrible parent.
She called him useless.
She let all this happen.
She let the timberwovles attack him.
She let him die.
Tears started to flow again as Twilight turned towards her lifeless assistant.
His eyes were closed and his mouth was just a straight line that left no opening.
His arms were spread out to each side of his little body.
And his legs and tail were also spread out.
It looked like Spike was asleep. Only his stomach would be moving up and down because he was breathing.
The body lacked breathing.
Twilight cried more.
Finally, she began to speak.
"I'm so sorry Spike." she sobbed. "I never got to tell you-" she stopped to sniff. "I never got to tell you-"
For some reason, she just couldn't speak. She just couldn't. Finally, she took a deep breath and spoke.
"I never got to tell you {sniff} that I love you."
Fresh tears started flowing down her face.
"I love you with my heart. I cared for you. I loved you since I first saw you as a cute little baby!"
Her sobbing became harder.
"I loved you like you were a little brother. No. Not a brother. A son. I loved you like a son. You were like my own child. And now you're gone! You're gone!" she sobbed harder. "Why did you have to leave me! You were too young!"
Twilight fell to the sandy bank and covered her face with her forehooves.
All of a sudden, she couldv'e sworn she heard a noise.
It sounded like a cough.
She turned to Spike. His body still lay there. Lifeless.
Twilight figured it was her imagination and went back to crying.
Then, the noise returned again.
This time, she ignored it.
"I must be going crazy." she sniffed, her face still covered.
Suddenly, the noise returned, but many were followed in a second.
Finally, she turned to Spike.
The unicorn's eyes suddenly opened and fresh tears flowed.
There, laying on his back, was Spike, who was coughing up water. His eyes were still closed.
"Spike? Spike!" Twilight yelled, as she suddenly jumped up and ran to the dragon.
She pushed down on his tender stomach, and more water came out of his mouth.
Suddenly, a smile came upon Twilight's face.
Spike's eyes slowly opened.
"Tw- Twilight?" he muttered, still weak.
Tears flowed as she picked him up and hugged him tight.
"You're alive!" she cried. "I thought you were dead!"
Spike didn't answer. He was busy embracing the hug.
"I missed you Twilight." he said, with a voice only filled with innocence.
"I missed you too." Twilight sobbed, a huge smile invading her face.
The biggest smile she has ever had.
They hugged for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Twilight spoke.
"How about we get out of this forest and get home." Twilight said.
"Sure." Spike agreed.
They broke the hug, and Twilight put Spike on her back.
"Let's get home." Twilight said, the tears finally gone.
In fact, she had stopped crying a long time ago.
Why should she?
Everything was back to normal. Well, not everything.
She would not be able to use magic for 2 weeks, but she didn't care.
All she cared was that Spike was with her. That's all that mattered at the moment.
CHAPTER: Epilogue
It wasn't until morning that Twilight and Spike found their way back into Ponyville.
They had spent the rest of the night walking home.
There were no timberwolves to atack them. None were in the area.
Once they finally made it home, the first thing they did was go to sleep.
They needed some, after all of the hell they encountered in the last 2 days.
1 and 1/2 Weeks Later
Twilight's horn was starting to grow back. When she had encountered the Princess and told her the entire story, from Spike running away to getting her horn bit off, Celestia had given her some time off from learning about the magic of friendship.
And of course, her friends also were curious about the horn. She would tell them the story, and it would always end in a hug.
And now, she would always be careful of what she said to Spike. She had no idea that one word could do so much damage.
Twilight even made sure she catered to Spike's every will.
First, she gave him less work. Sometimes, none at all.
Last but not least, she would let him sleep in the same bed with her if he wanted to. Before that, he could only sleep in Twilight's bed if he had a nightmare, or a bad day. But Twilight realized that she liked him sleeping in the same bed. It comforted her, and his cold blood seemed relitevaly hot during the night, so it warmed her up.
And Spike loved every minute of it.
And so did Twilight.
Life ever since the 'incident' has been very different since, with Twilight's horn and Spike's recovering back spikes.
But Twilight didn't care. Neither did Spike.
All that mattered was that Spike loved Twilight. And she loved him back.
1 Week Later
Spike woke up from his bed screaming. Tears flowed down his eyes as he cried.
The scream woke Twilight up as she rubbed her eyes.
"What's the matter, Spike?" she yawned.
Spike sniffed and finally spoke. "I {sniff} had a {sniff} nightmare."
"Aw. Come here." Twilight said, as Spike got up from his comfy bed and jumped into Twilight's arms.
He buried his face into her shoulders and continued crying.
"Shhh. It's okay, it's okay." Twilight said with a soft tone of voice.
Spike's crying decreased asthe purple unicorn rocked herself back and forth.
"What happened in your nightmare?" asked Twilight.
"In the dream, you were being dragged away by dark, souless monsters!" he sniffed. "And I never saw you again."