Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russian PM says U.S.-Russia ties at low ebb but Trump 'friendly';MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday that U.S.-Russia ties were the worst he could recall, but that U.S. President Donald Trump struck him as a friendly person keen to establish positive working contacts with Russia. Trump took office in January, saying he wanted warmer ties with Russia which had fallen to a post-Cold War low. But since then, ties have frayed further after U.S. intelligence officials said Russia had meddled in the presidential election, something Moscow denies. Medvedev, who met Trump in Manila this month, suggested he and President Vladimir Putin both found Trump constructive and friendly in person, but accused other U.S. politicians of playing what he called the Russian card to achieve their own aims and influence Trump s attitude towards Russia. The impression he (Trump) makes is that of a friendly political figure ready to establish full-scale contacts and who reacts reasonably towards everything, Medvedev said in an interview with Russia s main TV channels. Medvedev said he had chatted to Trump briefly over dinner at a regional summit in Manila. He (Trump) recalled our cooperation during World War Two, saying that it was important both for Russia and America, said Medvedev. It was a pretty normal exchange I am sure and President (Vladimir) Putin has spoken about just that - that everything is fine when it comes to our relations when we meet in person. But Medvedev said that was of secondary importance because overall U.S.-Russia relations were appalling. They are very bad, I would say appalling. They are the worst I can remember. Medvedev said the political climate towards Russia in the United States reminded him of the 1950s when U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy helped launch a campaign against anyone he regarded as pro-communist in the United States. But still, even then there was no talk of settling accounts with your own president, said Medvedev.;November 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: China steps up war on poverty, though some still left behind;BEIJING (Reuters) - Wang Qin, 59, collects scrap at a demolished residential district on the outskirts of Beijing, working 15 hours a day and struggling on her own to pay for her granddaughter s education. She worries that her own home, a small illegally constructed shack where she lives with her granddaughter and mentally ill husband, might also be bulldozed by local authorities. The family lives off the 1,500 yuan ($228) a month Wang makes selling scrap and receives no assistance from the Beijing government. As migrants from another province, they are not recognized as residents of the capital despite having lived there since 2014. Since she is not registered in Beijing, Wang has to pay more for things like school and medical care - a hardship for migrants in cities, where costs such as housing are also far higher than in the countryside. Every month you still need to live, I still need to pay the school fees for the child, and her food and drink every day, said Wang, who came to Beijing to try escape the grinding poverty of her village in Henan province in central China. I can t take it, my whole body aches, I can t earn the money. Wang s plight is a common one among millions of poor migrants in China s big cities, as well as in the rural areas from which so many of them come, highlighting the challenges of the government s campaign to wipe out extreme poverty by 2020. President Xi Jinping made the campaign one of his signature policy issues after pledging in 2015 that China would lift the 70 million people living under the poverty level at the time out of poverty by 2020. The campaign has been ratcheted up as the Communist Party prepares to hold a twice-a-decade leadership meeting on Wednesday. The country is placing an unprecedented amount of effort on alleviating poverty, Liu Yongfu, head of the government s Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation and Development, said at a news conference in Beijing on Tuesday. President Xi Jinping is personally in command, and has visited all of the areas of concentrated poverty in China. He added: With the active participation of all parts of society, it can be said that the battle against poverty has achieved significant results. Asked by Reuters about people like Wang, the scrap collector, Liu said migrants could receive benefits in their hometowns, noting that city dwellers were covered by urban social security programs. Beijing has pledged to spend 86 billion yuan on poverty alleviation this year, 30 percent more than last year, according to the Ministry of Finance. Liu said direct spending by central and local governments on poverty alleviation from 2013 to 2017 totaled 461.2 billion yuan, adding that other types of government spending also had an impact. The funds are used for infrastructure projects, as well as subsidies for education, health care and rural agriculture. The government s poverty line is income of 2,300 yuan per year, and by the end of 2016, 43.35 million people were still officially below it. The government s goal is to lift 10 million out of poverty this year, and at that rate the country by 2020 should, at least officially, be rid of serious poverty. The program is credited with increasing the attention given to the countryside and improving things like rural infrastructure. The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, on Thursday said China s achievement in lifting 800 million people out of poverty since 1990 was one of the great stories in human history . But many researchers and social workers say the campaign doesn t address the most serious problems facing China s poor. I personally don t really agree with the government setting this 2020 poverty alleviation target, said Yang Lixiong, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing who has studied the issue. The supportive policies can relieve poverty in the short term, but from a long-term perspective, they will easily fall back into poverty. Yang said up to half the residents lifted from poverty in some western regions would slip back under the poverty line if government support was removed. Yang said not enough attention was being paid to long-term issues such as access to schools and health care. Poverty can only be reduced over a very long period of time. And you can t say poverty is eliminated, it s impossible to eliminate, said Yang. Central government officials acknowledge the challenges, which they say include poor implementation of policies and misuse of funds at the local level. They also say the program is narrowly focused in order to address the most pressing problems of the poorest rural residents, but insist that much effort is going into improving health care and education. First we need to win this battle, resolve the current problems, said Liu, responding to a question from Reuters about whether the program would continue beyond 2020. Wu Chen, founder of the Beijing-based Social Resources Institute, which works in Dalinggou, a village in Hebei province, said development of rural areas faced challenges like the emptying of the countryside as people move to cities looking for work, environmental destruction, and lack of capital. Dalinggou is plastered with slogans calling for the village to win the war on poverty. With that aim in mind, the local government built a new paved road to the village and last month installed solar-powered street lights. Wu said there had been a huge improvement in rural infrastructure, but a wide information and culture gap between the rural poor and urbanites remained a major challenge. Can these villagers not only escape poverty in terms of income, but also information and ability poverty? ($1 = 6.5785 Chinese yuan renminbi);October 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Serbian president says Serbia does not plan to join NATO: TASS;MOSCOW (Reuters) - Serbia has embarked on a pro-European course but it has no plans to join the NATO defence alliance, the TASS news agency on Friday cited Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic as saying in an interview. Nine days ago I was in Brussels, at the NATO headquarters, and in front of the 29 leaders of the NATO member states I declared that Serbia has no aspiration to joint NATO, Vucic, who plans to visit Moscow soon, told TASS. Serbia will preserve its military neutrality, this was and will be Serbia s policy.;December 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: White House opposes House Zika bill, calls funding inadequate;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Tuesday said it strongly opposes a House bill to fight the Zika virus, saying its funding is “woefully inadequate” to support the public health response that is needed. The Obama administration has urged Congress to pass legislation that would direct $1.9 billion to fighting the Zika virus that is linked to birth defects including microcephaly.;May 17, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Supreme Court gives Trump more time to file travel ban briefs;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed the Trump administration more time to file papers responding to an appeals court ruling that upheld a block on a proposed travel ban on people entering the United States from six Muslim-majority countries. The move likely delays any high court action on the administration’s two emergency applications asking for the ban issued on March 6 to immediately go into effect. The March ban was Trump’s second effort to impose travel restrictions through an executive order. An entry on the Supreme Court docket said that the administration can file its new brief on Thursday. Hawaii, which challenged the ban and won in the appeals court, is permitted to file its own brief on June 20, meaning the court is unlikely to act on the emergency application until next week at the earliest. The court was responding to a request made by Acting Solicitor General Jeff Wall, who said in a letter that the ruling on Monday by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco means the government needs to file a new brief. In an added dramatic twist, Trump himself plans to go to the Supreme Court on Thursday for the investiture of Justice Neil Gorsuch, an administration official said. Trump nominated Gorsuch in January. Gorsuch’s confirmation by the U.S. Senate in April restored the court’s 5-4 conservative majority. Trump’s visit to the court would be his first since he became president on Jan. 20 and would put him face-to-face with the nine justices as they consider the fate of his travel ban unless the court acts before then. It is common practice for presidents to attend such events, which are purely ceremonial. The Supreme Court could discuss how to act on the emergency application at its private conference on June 22, a week after the Gorsuch ceremony. Wall wrote that more time was needed because the 9th Circuit ruling in favor of the state of Hawaii is “the first addressing the executive order at issue to rest relief on statutory rather than constitutional grounds.” Hawaii’s lawyer, Neal Katyal, filed his own letter objecting to the government’s timeline, although he agreed that both sides needed to file briefs responding to Monday’s ruling. Federal judges in Maryland and Hawaii blocked Trump’s 90-day ban on travelers from Libya, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The Hawaii judge also blocked a 120-day ban on refugees entering the United States. The 9th Circuit largely upheld the Hawaii injunction on Monday. In the second case, the Richmond, Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, on May 25 upheld the Maryland judge’s ruling. The lawsuits by Hawaii and the Maryland challengers argued that the executive order violated federal immigration law and a section of the Constitution’s First Amendment, which prohibits the government from favoring or disfavoring any particular religion. The Supreme Court is weighing emergency applications in both cases, but is likely to act on them together. Trump’s first order on Jan. 27 led to chaos and protests at airports and in various cities before being blocked by the courts. The second order was intended to overcome the legal issues posed by the original ban, but was blocked by judges before it could go into effect on March 16.;June 13, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Houston port continues salvage efforts to recover from Harvey damage;HOUSTON (Reuters) - Salvage efforts continued on Monday to remove a sunken drydock in an industrial portion of the Houston Ship Channel, home to major oil refineries and petrochemical plants, officials said. Port operations across the U.S. Gulf Coast oil and gas industry are slowly coming back, in many cases with restrictions on vessel draft, according to U.S. Coast Guard updates. It was unclear on Monday when the sunken drydock near Brady Island in the upper shipping channel would be cleared, said Alberto Hernandez, a watch supervisor at the Coast Guard’s Vessel Traffic Service in Houston. “There is no timeframe” for removing the drydock debris, he said. The area affected is the main stem of the ship channel. “This is the main port of Houston City Docks, they are blocked due to these salvage operations,” he said. The storm dumped as much as 50-inches of rainfall over the Gulf Coast, forcing officials to close or restriction operations at ports from Corpus Christi to Lake Charles, Louisiana. It is unclear when the drydock will be cleared from the Houston Ship Channel, which links the busiest petrochemical port to the Gulf of Mexico, and restrictions in that area of the channel lifted, said Alberto Hernandez, a watch supervisor at the U.S. Coast Guard. He said the Houston shipping channel is open to just past Exxon Mobil Corp’s Baytown refinery to vessels up to a 40-foot draft. Hernandez said there were ships exiting and entering the channel on Monday.;September 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BUSTED! STATE OFFICIALS Bust Voter Fraudsters In Cases Across America…Exposes Illegal Moves By Workers;A 74-year-old woman tasked with opening envelopes sent by Miami-Dade County voters with their completed mail ballots was arrested Friday after co-workers caught her illegally marking ballots, resulting in an unknown but small number of fraudulent votes being cast for mayoral candidate Raquel Regalado.Investigators linked Gladys Coego, a temporary worker for the county elections department, to two fraudulent votes, but they suspect from witness testimony that she submitted several more.Coego, of Westchester, turned herself in to the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on Friday morning. She was charged with two felony counts of marking another person s ballot. Coego was released after posting a $10,000 bond.In a separate election-fraud case, authorities also arrested a second woman Friday on charges of unlawfully filling out voter-registration forms on behalf of United for Care, the campaign to legalize medical marijuana in Florida.The Miami-Dade state attorney s office accused Tomika Curgil, 33, of filling out forms for five people without their consent. She also submitted at least 15 forms for people who apparently don t exist and several forms for people who are dead.Police officers arrested Curgil at her Liberty City home Friday morning and charged her with five felony counts of submitting false voter-registration information. Her bond was set at $125,000. Read more: Miami HeraldHERE S ANOTHER CASE FROM TEXAS:A TEXAS WOMAN VOTED 5 TIMES:A Texas woman, who is not a citizen of the United States, was arrested Friday for having illegally voted in Dallas County five times. Rosa Maria Ortega, 35, is presently a resident of the Tarrant County Jail, where she is being held on a $10,000 bond, according to the Dallas-Fort Worth NBC affiliate Channel 5 News, which reported:Ortega is married to an American and is living legally in this country, but is not a citizen and therefore, not qualified to vote, said Harry White, who supervises public integrity and white collar crime investigations for the Tarrant County District Attorney.Ortega applied to vote in Tarrant County and acknowledged on the application form that she was not a citizen, White said. The county rejected her application and notified her she was not qualified to vote.Having learned her lesson that only American citizens may vote in Texas, she re-applied five months later, this time claiming to be a U.S. citizen. Although Ortega never voted in Tarrant country, records indicate that she did so five times in neighboring Dallas county the earliest in a 2004 Republican primary, the latest in the 2014 Republican primary.Her charges illegal voting is a second degree felony, punishable by a two to 20 year prison sentence.;Oct 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Sickeningly Dares To Claim He Respects Women On Twitter, And Gets SHREDDED For It;Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and Donald Trump has definitely pissed off women across the country. His latest tweets aren t helping.During the 2016 campaign, Trump talked disparagingly about women and even got caught bragging about grabbing women by the genitals without their consent, which is sexual assault. Since taking office, Trump has punished women by trying to defund Planned Parenthood, threatened funding for organizations that help women obtain an abortion, and trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act.Trump was furious over the Women s March on Washington and criticized it. He also has few women in his Cabinet. Only two, as a matter of fact.Oh, and here s ten straight minutes of the various times Trump has demeaned women.Overall, Trump has treated women like shit his entire life. And on Wednesday morning, he had the gall to claim that he has tremendous respect for women in recognition of International Women s Day.I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 8, 2017On International Women s Day, join me in honoring the critical role of women here in America & around the world. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 8, 2017Needless to say, Twitter users immediately unleashed on Trump and put him in his place..@realDonaldTrump Was calling Megyn Kelley a news bimbo showing her tremendous respect? Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) March 8, 2017.@realDonaldTrump Was this showing tremendous respect? pic.twitter.com/TMoPyOETfz Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) March 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump Just, so much respect. https://t.co/TjxWI9XlOH pic.twitter.com/AGWrr6JeH3 Keegan Stephan (@KeeganNYC) March 8, 2017.@realDonaldTrump A true beacon of respect for women. https://t.co/Yxg4kJCR2s pic.twitter.com/WhQz4g67z4 Keegan Stephan (@KeeganNYC) March 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump Sure, 45. You respect them SO much you think it s acceptable to grab their pussies because you re famous. You re a pig. Mike P Williams (@Mike_P_Williams) March 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump Also, interesting you describe women that serve . They re not here to serve you. Many loathe your very existence. Mike P Williams (@Mike_P_Williams) March 8, 2017. @realDonaldTrump DJT s roles for women in order: Pussy Grabee , News Bimbo , Disgusting breastfeeder , Daughter/Lover , Piece of ass Tiernan Douieb (@TiernanDouieb) March 8, 2017@yashar @realDonaldTrump there is literally a Wikipedia page about his boasts of sexual assault. https://t.co/O4ezQH2nxe Justin Hendrix (@justinhendrix) March 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump yet you and your cronies want to pass a healthcare bill that takes away all of our basic care. Go fuck yourself, sir. BernadetteGiacomazzo (@berngiacomazzo) March 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump You respect women almost as much as ISIS does. pic.twitter.com/3QQVwM8e1e John Johnsonson (@JohnJohnsonson) March 8, 2017Donald Trump is a pig who does not give a damn about women. It is insulting for him to claim that respects women when he has repeatedly demonstrated that he has no respect for them whatsoever over the course of several decades. He should be ashamed of himself.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images;March 8, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: REPORTER GRABS THROAT Of Secret Service Agent At TRUMP Rally…Gets Smacked Down;"If we didn t know better, we d think the liberal press was actually stirring things up to make news at Trump rallies, since no one gives a damn what they have to say since Trump has made them irrelevant According to The Independent Journal s congressional reporter Joe Perticone, the man holding the camera in the video below is a journalist. Perticone writes, Secret Service agent choke slams reporter. Videos added below appear to show the reporter intentionally bumping up against the agent and saying f*ck you before the agent throws him to the ground. From the ground, you can see the reporter kicking the agent from an apparent defensive position.Secret Service agent choke slams reporter pic.twitter.com/jdsHOlylSB Joe Perticone (@JoePerticone) February 29, 2016Nevertheless, once whatever happened between the two men is over, and both are standing, watch the reporter suddenly reach out and grab the Secret Service agent s throat.Reporter at Trump Rally accuses SS agent of choking him. pic.twitter.com/Q4oigVt3qf Jackie Alemany (@JaxAlemany) February 29, 2016ADDED: Additionally, the video below shows a chest bump between the agent and the Time reporter. Perticone reports that things got physical after the Time reporter said fuck you to the Secret Service agent.Here's moments prior. The reporter says ""f*ck you"" that's when it got physical pic.twitter.com/h9K2wIbEWQ Joe Perticone (@JoePerticone) February 29, 2016ADDED: The Secret Service has released a statement:Via: Breitbart News";Feb 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BIKERS FOR TRUMP Will Travel To Future Rallies To “Provide Outside Security” Against Paid Soros Thugs For Hillary And Bernie Sanders;Americans had to know it would come to this. The anarchists, the whiny, petulant college students with nothing better to do and the angry BLM protesters are about to meet up with a group who doesn t care much about their feelings or about political correctness. A large percentage of bikers who belong to groups are veterans who have fought for our nation and are not about to step aside and allow a billionaire communist who supports a woman under investigation by the FBI and left four of their brothers to die in Benghazi, to take away the right of Americans to attend a political rally for a candidate they support.It s a military tradition of sorts, running back more than six decades.In the wake of World War II, as a generation of troops returned home from combat, veterans across the country found a certain pleasure and purpose through a newly evolved piece of gear they d become friendly with downrange: the motorcycle.New motorcycle clubs sprang up everywhere, filling the void of camaraderie and brotherhood not to mention adrenaline and adventure that many found themselves craving with the end of their military service.They called themselves outlaws not because they were criminals but because they refused to be boxed in by the rules and regulations of the fledgling American Motorcycle Association. Combat is where motorcycle outlaws come from, says Don Charles Davis, who writes the Aging Rebel biker news blog from Los Angeles. Clubs like the Boozefighters and the Outlaws were either invented or transformed by veterans on cheap Army surplus bikes. One club in particular drew its inspiration from the 3rd Pursuit Squadron of the Flying Tigers, the American volunteers who flew combat missions against the Japanese over China. The squadron was better known among the fliers as Hells Angels. It was just the first of three waves of motorcycle club membership, Davis says. The second surge, of which the former II Corps artilleryman was a part, arose in the wake of Vietnam. Like many war fighters returning home to a largely hostile nation, he found his own family among bikers.That s when clubs such as the Mongols, the Devils Disciples named after a George Bernard Shaw play about Revolutionary War patriot Ethan Allen, Davis says and the Bandidos got their start, again largely fueled by returning veterans.And now a new generation of currently serving troops and veterans are pouring into the old clubs, and starting their own groups as well. Via: Military TimesMeanwhile, Donald Trump is ending his vacation with a rally in the Critical state of Wisconsin, tomorrow at 11AM. His event has already sold out, and a violent protest has been organized to cause mayhem and havoc as they did in Arizona and Illinois.[quote_box_center]From the TRUMP PATRIOTS Facebook page: Patriotic Bikers, from all across the United States are planning to show up at ALL future TRUMP rallies to make sure that any paid agitator protesters don t take away Mr. Trump s right to speak. Or interfere with the rights of Trump supporters to safely attend. WE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!TO ALL THOSE PAID PROTESTORS Planning on causing chaos, violence,anarchy and riots. Trump rallies are private paid events on private property and Trump is under Secret Service protection. If you want to peacefully assemble across the street from any of Trumps rallies to protest, that is your 1st amendment right. But to publicly plan, incite and organize your events as paid agitators disrupting others civil rights from attending any private event, will most likely end very bad for you, despite the medias attempt to be your cheerleaders.[/quote_box_center]JANESVILLE Nichole Mittness thought about 100 people would respond to a Facebook page inviting a protest of Donald Trump s Janesville appearance.As of midday Saturday, 1,200 had pledged to be there, and Mittness figured that meant 1,000 or so would show up on Tuesday. It s really overwhelming. I was not anticipating this kind of response, Mittness said.While Mittness is working to have a peaceful protest that doesn t interfere with the Trump event, Janesville police are preparing for any possibility.Janesville Police Chief Dave Moore said Friday he didn t yet know how many officers would be assisgned, but his department reached out to police agencies in Rock County, including the sheriff s office, as well as the State Patrol, DNR and Dane County Sheriff s Office.The joint Beloit-Janesville-Rock County sheriff s mobile field force, which specializes in crowd control, will be there, Moore said.Moore noted the Janesville Conference Center holds 1,000 and said he expects a substantial number of people outside. Trump s event is scheduled for 3 p.m. The local protest is slated to begin at 11 a.m.Police respect the constitutional right to freedom of speech, and to the degree possible, we intend to allow all citizens to voice their opinions, but we will require that it be done in a peaceful and safe manner, Moore said.Inside the Janesville Conference Center a part of the Holiday Inn Express is a different story, Moore said.If the Holiday Inn, Trump s people or the U.S. Secret Service want disrupters removed, It is private property, and that s their right, Moore said. Via: Prntly;Mar 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MIGRANTS BRUTALLY GANG RAPE 3 YR OLD BOY At Asylum Center In Norway;The world is stunned by the number of women and children who are being raped by Muslim refugees in Europe. Obama just announced today, that he would aggressively defend plans to accept refugees from Muslim majority nations. He even went so far as to say he would actually increase the number of refugees the US accepts overall this year A three-year-old migrant has allegedly been raped by multiple people at an asylum centre in the Norwegian city of Stavanger.Police are investigating the incident amid claims the boy was abused in the shared common area of the asylum centre, possibly within view of many people. We have no suspects yet, police superintendent Bj rn K re Dahl told local paper Stavanger Aftenblad. We are investigating the case as if the worst thing has happened and that we are talking about the rape of a child. He did not rule out that there may be several perpetrators: We will investigate further to find out what happened. If it is what we fear a rape then this is very serious. But we do not know for certain yet. The Local reports the boy has been taken to a rape crisis centre along with his mother and is now at the children s ward in Stavanger Hospital. He has been questioned by authorities along with several others. We also had crime technicians on the site. Material was sent to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health for analysis. There, they will look for DNA among other things, Mr Dahl added. We had many people at work, both sanitation workers and security guards, but nobody saw anything. But we immediately took the case to the police, as is the routine, and they came out. We have had a good dialogue with them throughout. A spokesman for the asylum centre said they received a phone call about the incident last Wednesday, but did not want to go into details about the conversation. We had many people at work, both sanitation workers and security guards, but nobody saw anything. But we immediately took the case to the police, as is the routine, and they came out. We have had a good dialogue with them throughout, the spokesman added.There are around 800 migrants at the asylum centre, including men, women and children. The boy was reportedly at the centre with his family. Via: Breitbart London;Jan 13, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Conservatives Are Going BONKERS Over the Indictment Of The Fake ‘Baby Parts’ Video People (SCREENSHOTS);In case you haven t heard, after Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered an investigation into Planned Parenthood after disingenuous, heavily-edited videos were produced by the deceptively-named Center For Medical Progress. The videos, which claimed the women s health organization sold baby parts to the highest bidder, launched a wave of investigations nationwide all of which turned up absolutely no wrongdoing on the part of Planned Parenthood.One such investigation in Texas involved Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast. Though a grand jury cleared the much-maligned institution of any and all wrongdoing, two indictments were handed down against the producers of the anti-Planned Parenthood fabrications.David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were both indicted for Tampering with a Governmental Record. In addition, Daleiden received an indictment for Prohibition of the Purchase and Sale of Human Organs an incredibly serious charge. We were called upon to investigate allegations of criminal conduct by Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, said Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson. As I stated at the outset of this investigation, we must go where the evidence leads us. All the evidence uncovered in the course of this investigation was presented to the grand jury. I respect their decision on this difficult case. The people behind this fraud lied and broke the law in order to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda, Planned Parenthood said in a statement. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we re glad they are being held accountable. Nothing about today s announcement in Harris County impacts the state s ongoing investigation, said Governor Abbott, who promised to continue to waste state money in fruitless attempts to smear the women s health group. The State of Texas will continue to protect life, and I will continue to support legislation prohibiting the sale or transfer of fetal tissue. The horrific nature of these videos demand scrutiny and investigation. The Senate Committee on Health and Human Services will continue to examine the practices of abortion providers and whether state law adequately protects the sanctity of life, Lt. gov. Dan Patrick added. I will never be deterred from standing up to fight to protect the unborn. Daleiden s supporters similarly don t care about the facts, with many demanding an investigation into the grand jury because they can t possibly think that laws were broken when the Center for Medical Progress illegally recorded privileged information and slopping edited clips together to give the impression of wrongdoing no matter what the evidence says. On Fox News Facebook page, they let their thoughts (we use that word loosely) be known: It s important to remember that these people will be voting in November.Featured image via screengrab;January 26, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Campaign CEO Didn’t Want His Kids In School With A Bunch Of ‘Whiny’ Jews;The court records from the divorce of Trump s new campaign CEO have proved to be a treasure trove of information about the man hired to save the Republican nominee s trainwreck of a campaign. The latest insight revealed in these documents is that Stephen Bannon has deeply anti-Semitic tendencies. Shocking, I know. (Insert eye roll here.)According to court documents, the former Breitbart bigwig was worried about sending his twin daughters to the Archer School for Girls because of the number of Jewish students who were enrolled. A statement signed by his ex-wife in 2007 said that Bannon was concerned about the impact Jewish classmates would have on his children. The biggest problem he had with Archer is the number of Jews that attend, read her statement. He said that he doesn t like the way they raise their kids to be whiny brats and that he didn t want the girls going to school with Jews. When they looked into at least one other private school they were considering sending their daughters to, his ex-wife said that Bannon asked about the number of Jewish students attending.Naturally, Bannon is denying these claims. Spokeswoman Alexandra Preate said that Bannon never made any of these statements and added that his girls did end up attending Archer. Mr. Bannon said he never said anything like that and proudly sent the girls to Archer for their middle school and high school education, Preate said.This is the second damning revelation to come from his divorce proceedings this week. Accusations of domestic abuse came to light on Thursday. According to court documents, his wife claimed that he was a sadistic wife-beater who had grabbed her by the throat and arm during a domestic dispute on New Year s Day in 1996. Police came and photographed her injuries, but Bannon was able to avoid consequences by scaring his victim into leaving town so she would miss the court date.Remember folks, Trump only hires the best people.Featured image via Kirk Irwin/Getty Images for SiriusXM;August 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Spain gives Catalan leader 8 days to drop independence;"(This October 11 story has been refiled to add Puigdemont s first name, title in paragraph three.) By Blanca Rodr guez and Sonya Dowsett MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Wednesday gave the Catalan government eight days to drop an independence bid, failing which he would suspend Catalonia s political autonomy and rule the region directly. His move could deepen the confrontation between Madrid and the northeastern region but also signals a way out of Spain s biggest political crisis since a failed military coup in 1981. Rajoy would probably call a snap regional election after activating Article 155 of the constitution that would allow him to sack the Catalan regional government. Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont issued a symbolic declaration of independence from Spain on Tuesday night but then immediately suspended it and called for negotiations with the Madrid government. The cabinet has agreed this morning to formally request the Catalan government to confirm whether it has declared the independence of Catalonia, regardless of the deliberate confusion created over its implementation, Rajoy said in a televised address after a cabinet meeting called to consider the government s response. He later told Spain s parliament the Catalan government had until Monday, Oct. 16 at 0800 GMT to answer. If Puigdemont was to confirm he did declare independence, he would be given an additional three days to rectify it, until Thursday, Oct. 19 at 0800 GMT. Failing this, Article 155 would be triggered. It is not yet clear if the Catalan government will answer the requirement but it now faces a conundrum, analysts say. If Puigdemont says he did proclaim independence, the central government will step in. If he says he did not declare it, then far-left party CUP would probably withdraw its support for his minority government. Rajoy has two objectives: if Puigdemont remains ambiguous, the pro-independence movement will get more fragmented; if Puigdemont insists on defending independence then Rajoy will be able to apply Article 155, said Antonio Barroso, deputy director of the London-based research firm Teneo Intelligence. Either way, Rajoy s aim would be to first restore the rule of law in Catalonia and this could at some point lead to early elections in the region. The stakes are high - losing Catalonia, which has its own language and culture, would deprive Spain of a fifth of its economic output and more than a quarter of exports. Puigdemont had been widely expected to unilaterally declare Catalonia s independence on Tuesday after the Catalan government said 90 percent of Catalans had voted for a breakaway in an Oct. 1 referendum. Central authorities in Madrid had declared the referendum illegal and most opponents of independence boycotted it, reducing turnout to around 43 percent. Madrid responded angrily to Puigdemont s speech to Catalonia s parliament, saying his government could not act on the results of the referendum. Neither Mr. Puigdemont nor anyone else can claim, without returning to legality and democracy, to impose mediation... Dialogue between democrats takes place within the law, Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria said. Invoking Article 155 to ease Spain s worst political crisis in four decades would make prospects of a negotiated solution even more remote. A spokesman for the Catalan government in Barcelona said earlier on Wednesday that if Madrid went down this road, it would press ahead with steps towards statehood. We have given up absolutely nothing...We have taken a time out...which doesn t mean a step backwards, or a renunciation or anything like that, Catalan government spokesman Jordi Turull told Catalunya Radio. Spanish Socialist opposition leader Pedro Sanchez said he would back Rajoy if he had to activate Article 155 and that he agreed with the premier to launch constitutional reform within six months to address how Catalonia could fit better in Spain. It was not clear how the Catalan government would respond to that offer. Puigdemont s speech also disappointed supporters of independence, thousands of whom watched proceedings on giant screens outside parliament before sadly leaving for home. Financial markets, however, were encouraged that an immediate declaration of independence had been avoided. After Puigdemont s speech, Spain s benchmark IBEX share index rose as much as 1.6 percent, outperforming the pan-European STOXX 600 index. The rally propelled the main world stocks index, the MSCI s 47-country All-World index, to a record high. Spain s 10-year government bond yield - which moves inversely to the price - dropped 5 basis points to 1.65 percent in early trade, according to Tradeweb data. At European Union headquarters in Brussels, there was relief that Spain, the euro zone s fourth-largest economy, now had at least bought some time to deal with a crisis that was still far from over. One EU official said Puigdemont seems to have listened to advice not to do something irreversible . The EU has been cool to Puigdemont s calls for European mediation. The Catalan crisis has deeply divided the region itself as well as the Spanish nation. Opinion polls conducted before the vote suggested a minority of about 40 percent of residents in Catalonia backed independence. Some of Catalonia s largest companies have moved their head offices out of the region and others were set to follow if Puigdemont had declared independence.";October 11, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH VIOLENT RIOTS BREAK OUT: German Citizens Panic! Citizens Fight Back Against Muslim Refugee “Caliphate” [Video];Make no mistake about it America is next! German police were forced to turn water cannons on far-left anti-fascists staging a violent counter demonstration at an anti-Islamisation rally on Sunday.Authorities initially tried to have the demonstration, organised by the anti-Islamisation group Hooligans Against Salafists (HOGESA), banned. However, a court dismissed the motion and ruled that protesters would be allowed to gather at a fixed location, but not to march through the streets of Cologne, in western Germany.Police deployed 3,500 officers wearing riot gear, with water cannons and a helicopter at the ready, as they expected up to 23,000 to attend the demonstration and counter demonstration, Bild reports.Proceedings began at around 2:00pm, with the HOGESA demonstrators kettled on a dirt lot between Cologne s Deutz station and trade fair. They were surrounded by the far left anti fascists chanting slogans like No human is illegal and Open the borders! As the afternoon progressed the left wing counter demonstration became increasingly aggressive, with a number of anti-fascists attempting to cross police lines and reach the HOGESA demonstrators. They were finally dispersed with the water cannons.Swiss police were forced to use water cannon on pro-mass migration anti-fascists in the city of Bern last weekend. Demonstrators turned out to protest the anti-mass migration Swiss People s Party winning the national election, with some turning violent.A shocking new video provides more reason for non-Muslims in the West to worry about the ongoing refugee crisis in the Middle East. A Muslim cleric and leader was recently explaining what was really going on with the mass Muslim migration when he got a bit too honest with the crowd. The infidels want us to be tormented. They want us to be humiliated. The Koran says: The Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you, but we will never follow their religion. This dark night will be over, and soon, we will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.Germany is not a compassionate country that wishes to absorb refugees from Syria and Iraq, and Palestinian refugees in the Levant and elsewhere. Europe has become old and decrepit, and needs human reinforcement.No force is more powerful than the human force of us Muslims. Oh, Muslims, the Germans say, in their economic reports, that they need 50,000 young workers. Now, they have got 20,000, and they want another 30,000 and more, to work in their factories.They are not motivated by compassion for the Levant, its people, and its refugees. Throughout Europe, all the hearts are infused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead. But they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst.We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because WE SHALL CONQUER THEIR COUNTRIES whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians and all those like you.Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the name of the coming Caliphate. We will say to you: These are our sons. Send them, or we will send our armies to you.A new video appears to show Islamists marching in the German city of Hannover while at least two girls look on and express their fears.https://youtu.be/-VJyKRwQHHMVia: Breitbart News;Oct 27, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Bank lobby presses for commission to lead consumer watchdog agency;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bank lobbying groups are pressing the U.S. Senate to once again work on reforming the country’s consumer financial watchdog agency - but this time around they may see those changes become reality. In a letter to Senate leaders released on Wednesday the groups, including the Consumer Bankers Association and the Credit Union National Association, called for legislation to change the leadership of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from a single director to a five-member commission, which they say would make the agency more accountable. They also asked Congress to void the CFPB’s recent rule on prepaid cards and halt work on regulations for mandatory arbitration, payday lending, and third-party debt collection using a law known as the Congressional Review Act. The CFPB’s sole director has “unprecedented authority over financial institutions, with minimal oversight,” they wrote in the letter, which was also signed by the Independent Community Bankers of America and the National Association of Federal Credit Unions. The director’s power to both create regulations and carry out enforcements, including levying million-dollar fines, can “have sweeping and longlasting effects,” the groups wrote. Many have supported commission leadership since the CFPB was first created in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law to protect everyday consumers from bad actors in the areas of mortgages, student loans, credit cards and banks. Recently, the CFPB and other agencies fined Wells Fargo & Co $185 million for creating fake accounts. Republicans drafted the first Senate bill to change the CFPB, currently headed by Richard Cordray, in 2012 and then introduced similar legislation in the following three years. In the House of Representatives, the Financial Services Committee recently approved a sweeping bill to also create a commission to run the agency. Democratic President Barack Obama has stood in the way of establishing a commission with his veto pen. President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican, is expected to support changes. The single-director structure allows the CFPB to move quickly and eliminates the risk of protracted fights among commission members, proponents say. A three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia recently agreed the director has too much power, although it ruled that could be remedied by allowing the president to fire the director without cause. The government petitioned the entire court for a review of the decision. The court has signaled it will vote on the petition before Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration, and many expect it will go ahead with the review. In an unusual step revealing the case’s importance, it asked the solicitor general to file a separate brief. Lawyers say the separate brief may be a form of due diligence, showing the court has heard all sides. Or, it could be a way to “lock in” the current administration’s opinion to create consistency with the next one. The solicitor general under Trump would represent the CFPB if the case goes to the Supreme Court.;December 7, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: British aid minister Patel heading back to London: BBC;LONDON (Reuters) - British aid minister Priti Patel is flying back to London after cancelling a planned trip to Africa, the BBC reported on Wednesday, after local media reported she was facing the sack for not fully disclosing meetings during a holiday to Israel. The BBC quoted unnamed sources as saying that she was on a plane. Some on social media suggested she would arrive in London at around 1500 GMT.;November 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump brand to exit Toronto skyline after buyout deal;TORONTO (Reuters) - The name Trump will be removed from a high-rise hotel and condo development in downtown Toronto after the project’s new owner, JCF Capital ULC, reached a deal with Trump Hotels to buy out its management contracts for an undisclosed amount. U.S. President Donald Trump never owned the project, but his company had signed a long-term branding and management deal with the building’s developer, Talon International Development Inc, which defaulted on its construction loan last year. JCF Capital ULC earlier this year bought units in the 65-story Trump International Hotel & Tower that were not owned by individuals in a court-run sale. In a statement announcing the buyout on Tuesday, JCF Capital did not say whether it had reached a deal yet with another group to take over the management and branding of the building in Toronto’s financial district. Sources told Reuters earlier in June that Marriott International Inc’s (MAR.O) St. Regis brand was the lead bidder to take over the brand and management rights, with one saying that the Trump Organization had agreed to sever its connections. “We are pleased to have reached this agreement with JCF and have enjoyed our relationship with them as the new owners of this property,” Eric Danziger, chief executive of Trump Hotels, said in the JCF statement. JCF is a vehicle created by Juniper Capital Partners LLC and Cowie Capital Partners Inc to buy the tower. Trump’s business interest will receive at least $6 million for walking away from its long-term contracts, and the Trump signage could be removed as early as Aug. 1, Bloomberg reported, citing a person it did not identify. The tower, which opened in 2012 after construction delays, has had a troubled history, including lawsuits from unhappy investors and has also been the scene of several protests against President Trump’s policies and statements. His business connections around the world have sparked lawsuits and criticism about potential conflicts of interest since he took office in January. Since its opening, Talon had sold less than half of the tower’s residential condos, and the hotel’s occupancy rates have been lower than some investors in the rooms had hoped. A court last year ordered the developer to pay damages to one investor for “negligent misrepresentation” and for another sale to be rescinded.;June 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Stands Up For Fellow Sexual Harasser Bill O’Reilly: He Didn’t Do ‘Anything Wrong’;"On March 31, Donald Trump declared April National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. On April 5 less than one week later he said fellow scumbag Bill O Reilly didn t do anything wrong when he seemingly sexually harassed a large number of his female staff over the years. But then, Donald Trump himself has been accused of numerous sexual assaults and harassment, so birds of a feather.The New York Times got an exclusive interview with Trump and walked away with two bombshell findings, both awful in their own unique way: First, Trump duped veteran journalists Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush into publishing a slanderous claim that Susan Rice, the former national security adviser under Obama, had committed a crime. That would be a huge story if not for the fact that when asked to produce a single shred of evidence, Trump refused to do so. I think it s going to be the biggest story, Mr. Trump said in an interview in the Oval Office, declining repeated requests for evidence for his allegations or the names of other Obama administration officials. It s such an important story for our country and the world. It is one of the big stories of our time. He declined to say if he had personally reviewed new intelligence to bolster his claim but pledged to explain himself at the right time. And he s currently already nursing several other claims 3 million people illegally voted, Obama illegally wiretapped him which he has also failed to provide any proof for. Despite these repeated offenses, Habermann and Thrush ran the story as if Trump weren t the biggest bullshitter in the world. That s inexcusable.But Trump wasn t done. After pretending to uncover a major political scandal, Trump moved onto his friend Bill O Reilly. O Reilly is currently embroiled in scandal that may cost him his job after having been exposed as settling at least five sexual harassment lawsuits filed against him from female coworkers. Trump, five days into Sexual Assault and Prevent Month, jumped to his friend s defense. I think he s a person I know well he is a good person, said Mr. Trump, who during the interview was surrounded at his desk by a half-dozen of his highest-ranking aides, including the economic adviser Gary Cohn and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, along with Vice President Mike Pence. I think he shouldn t have settled; personally I think he shouldn t have settled, said Mr. Trump. Because you should have taken it all the way. I don t think Bill did anything wrong. Here s what Trump considers innocent behavior locker room talk, if you will by O Reilly:The women who made allegations against Mr. O Reilly either worked for him or appeared on his show. They have complained about a wide range of behavior, including verbal abuse, lewd comments, unwanted advances and phone calls in which it sounded as if Mr. O Reilly was masturbating, according to documents and interviews.The reporting suggests a pattern: As an influential figure in the newsroom, Mr. O Reilly would create a bond with some women by offering advice and promising to help them professionally. He then would pursue sexual relationships with them, causing some to fear that if they rebuffed him, their careers would stall.Trump, of course, has a large list of his own offenses against women. During the campaign, over a dozen women came forward to recount times he had assaulted or attempted to assault them. Trump himself seemed to back up their claims in a leaked audio recording where he bragged about grabbing and kissing women even without their consent. Other women have also come forward to describe times Trump was sexually demeaning or suggestive to them.To watch Trump and O Reilly, both with histories of abuse, cover for each other is truly nauseating.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images";April 5, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: McConnell says will discuss Supreme Court pick with Trump;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said he would meet with President Donald Trump later on Tuesday to discuss Trump’s Supreme Court pick, and that he expected the nominee to be highly qualified and conservative. “I anticipate what we’re going to get from the president is a highly qualified, well-credentialed conservative jurist,” McConnell told reporters. ;January 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Philippine Congress backs annual budget of just $20 for agency probing drugs war;MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine lawmakers allied with President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday voted to allocate an annual budget of just 1,000 pesos ($20) to the Commission on Human Rights, a public body that has clashed repeatedly with Duterte over his bloody war on drugs. About four-fifths of lower house members present supported the move to cut the budget to almost nil, in what critics of the anti-drugs campaign call retaliation for the agency s efforts to investigate thousands of killings over the past 15 months. The CHR deserved a low budget for being a useless body and defending criminals rights, house speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, a close ally of Duterte, said in a television interview. If you want to protect the rights of criminals, get your budget from the criminals, he said. It s that simple. Why should you get budget from the government and yet you are not doing your job? Congressman Edcel Lagman said 32 minority lawmakers opposed the measure during the debate at the second reading. He said Duterte s supporters were virtually imposing the death penalty on a constitutionally created and mandated independent office . The CHR requested a budget of 1.72 billion pesos for 2018, but the government proposed 678 million. Congress voted to slash that to just 1,000 pesos, a huge cut from the 2017 budget of 749 million. The budget requires another vote, then Senate approval before it becomes final. Human rights monitors said the CHR was a vital institution that stands no chance of doing its job without a proper budget. Phelim Kine, deputy Asia director for Human Rights Watch, said the overwhelming support for the cut was part of the Duterte administration s attempt to prevent independent institutions to check its abuses . Agnes Callamard, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial killings, said Filipinos deserved a strong, independent rights organization that could hold the state accountable. Instead they are getting a war on drugs which, by the president s own account, has failed to curtail addiction rates, while creating a climate of fear and insecurity, feeding impunity, and undermining the constitutional fabrics of the Country, Callamard posted on her Facebook page. If the Philippines Congress is looking for public money being wasted, damaging and hurting the Philippines society, this is it. The CHR has long complained it lacks manpower and resources to fully investigate the killings, the majority of which activists say are of users and small-time peddlers, with few high-profile arrests. Filipinos, however, are largely supportive of the crackdown as a solution to tackling rampant crime, which Duterte says stems from drug addiction. Critics maintain police are executing suspects, and say the government has what is effectively a kill policy. Duterte has angrily rejected that and police say they kill only in self-defense. CHR head, Chito Gascon, said the measly budget was an attempt to force his resignation. He said he would take the issue to the Supreme Court if necessary. The principal reason why I cannot resign my office is that to do so is to weaken the institution itself, Gascon said. Asking me to resign would lead to essentially making the institution forever at the mercy of politics. ($1=50.8690 Philippine pesos);September 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CHAMPION OF WOMEN? How Hillary Used Private Investigators To Destroy Women Her Political Prize Husband Was Sleeping With: “We have to destroy her story”;"Hillary won t be able to claim a vast right-wing conspiracy when she sees the article the left-leaning New York Times published. The article outlines how Hillary aggressively pursued the women her husband willingly chose to have sex with while he was married to her. Hillary never considered the women her philandering husband had sexual relations with were merely victims of a serial sexual abuser. He was her ticket to the ultimate power. The truth of the matter is, Hillary destroyed these women and protected her sexual predator husband, because having the ultimate political power was more important to her than the victims her husband discarded like yesterday s trash. This is the woman who is to be held up as an example for our daughters? This is the woman who young girls on college campuses say they ll vote for because she has matching genitalia? Hillary s true story needs to be told. She is nothing more than a two-bit opportunist who has clung to a charismatic serial sexual abuser of women for one reason, and one reason only to get to this point her ultimate goal the first serious female candidate for President of the United States. As usual with the Clinton s anyone who is harmed on their way up the political ladder, is of little or no consequence to them Last week, Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, criticized Mrs. Clinton over Mr. Clinton s affairs and her response to them, and said he might talk more about the issue in the final weeks before the election.That could be a treacherous strategy for Mr. Trump, given his own past infidelity and questionable treatment of women. Many voters, particularly women, might see Mrs. Clinton being blamed for her husband s conduct.It could also remind voters of a searing period in American history, and in Mrs. Clinton s life.Confronting a spouse s unfaithfulness is painful under any circumstance. For Mrs. Clinton, it happened repeatedly and in the most public of ways, unfolding at the dawn of the 24/7 news cycle, and later in impeachment proceedings that convulsed the nation.Outwardly, she remained stoic and defiant, defending her husband while a progression of women and well-funded conservative operatives accused Mr. Clinton of behavior unbecoming the leader of the free world.But privately, she embraced the Clinton campaign s aggressive strategy of counterattack: Women who claimed to have had sexual encounters with Mr. Clinton would become targets of digging and discrediting tactics that women s rights advocates frequently denounce.The campaign hired a private investigator with a bare-knuckles reputation who embarked on a mission, as he put it in a memo, to impugn Ms. Flowers s character and veracity until she is destroyed beyond all recognition. In a pattern that would later be repeated with other women, the investigator s staff scoured Arkansas and beyond, collecting disparaging accounts from ex-boyfriends, employers and others who claimed to know Ms. Flowers, accounts that the campaign then disseminated to the news media.By the time Mr. Clinton finally admitted to sexual relations with Ms. Flowers, years later, Clinton aides had used stories collected by the private investigator to brand her as a bimbo and a pathological liar. Mrs. Clinton s level of involvement in that effort, as described in interviews, internal campaign records and archives, is still the subject of debate. By some accounts, she gave the green light and was a motivating force; by others, her support was no more than tacit assent.What is clear is that Mrs. Clinton was in a difficult spot. She was aware that her husband had cheated earlier in their marriage, but by her telling, she also believed him when he denied the accusations levied by Ms. Flowers and others.Mickey Kantor, the chairman of Bill Clinton s 1992 campaign, said that Mrs. Clinton wanted to separate fact from fiction and to size up the women making the claims. Let s say the woman has some not-helpful things that she has done in the past, Mr. Kantor said. Wouldn t you want to know that, and evaluate it? Mrs. Clinton and her husband declined to be interviewed, and her campaign did not answer questions about her support of efforts to undermine the women. The country closed the book on these matters close to 20 years ago, and there is nothing whatsoever new here, her spokesman, Brian Fallon, said in a statement.Her campaign also released statements from James Carville, Mr. Clinton s top campaign strategist, and two lawyers who worked for Mr. Clinton, saying that Mrs. Clinton had not overseen the counterattacks. Those who took the lead in responding to those attacks at the time have plainly stated that Hillary Clinton did not direct their work, Mr. Fallon said.Neutralizing the WhispersFour years after Gary Hart fled a presidential race amid speculation about an affair, every accusation of womanizing was viewed as a mortal threat to Mr. Clinton s campaign.Stanley Greenberg, a pollster for the campaign who had strategized with the Clintons in the fall of 1991 about how to handle the rumors of infidelity, recalled Mrs. Clinton s acknowledgment that her husband had strayed. It was an uncomfortable meeting, Mr. Greenberg said in an interview for an oral history of Mr. Clinton s presidency conducted by the Miller Center at the University of Virginia. I remember Hillary saying that, obviously, if I could say no to this question, we would say no, and therefore, there is an issue. Weeks later, their first taste of trouble came in a Penthouse magazine story by a rock groupie named Connie Hamzy, who claimed Mr. Clinton had once propositioned her at a hotel in Little Rock, Ark.Mr. Clinton brushed off the story, saying that Ms. Hamzy had made a sexual advance toward him, George Stephanopoulos, the communications director of the 1992 campaign, recalled in his book, All Too Human. But Mrs. Clinton demanded action. We have to destroy her story, she said, according to Mr. Stephanopoulos.In what became a common tactic, affidavits were collected, from an aide and two others who stated that they were with Mr. Clinton at the hotel and that Ms. Hamzy s story was false. (Contacted recently, Ms. Hamzy said she stood by her account.)When the work was done, both Clintons called Mr. Stephanopoulos, together, to offer their thanks.An Explosive AccusationThe Gennifer Flowers story landed like a bomb weeks before the New Hampshire primary.Ms. Flowers, a lounge singer and Arkansas state employee at the time, sold Star magazine her story claiming an affair with Mr. Clinton that had lasted more than 10 years.In a meeting with aides, the Clintons scripted a unified defense that they delivered in the interview on 60 Minutes. With Mrs. Clinton nodding agreement, Mr. Clinton admitted to the TV audience to causing pain in my marriage, but denied an affair with Ms. Flowers. Mrs. Clinton professed sympathy for Ms. Flowers, saying she had been caught up in rumors through no fault of her own.But at a news conference the next day, Ms. Flowers reasserted her claims, playing excerpts from her calls with Mr. Clinton. The two could be heard discussing the attention the rumors were getting, and she joked about his sexual talents.Glimpsing the news conference in South Dakota, Mrs. Clinton directed an aide to get Mr. Clinton on the phone, Gail Sheehy, a journalist traveling with her, recalled in a recent interview. It was a reaction of no surprise, but immediate anger and action, said Ms. Sheehy, who also described her observations in a Vanity Fair article that year. Not anger at Bill, but at Flowers, the press and Republicans. Back on a plane that night, Mrs. Clinton told Ms. Sheehy that if she were to question Ms. Flowers in front of a jury, I would crucify her. Weeks later, a small group of campaign aides, along with Mrs. Clinton, met at the governor s mansion in Little Rock, and they made a pivotal decision: They would hire Jack Palladino, a private investigator known for tactics such as making surreptitious recordings and deploying attractive women to extract information.An aide to the campaign, who declined to be publicly identified because the aide had not been authorized to speak for the Clintons, said Mrs. Clinton was among those who had discussed and approved the hiring, which shifted the campaign to a more aggressive posture.Mr. Kantor, the campaign chairman, said he did not know whether Mrs. Clinton had specifically approved Mr. Palladino s employment as the other aide recalled. But he said that she had seen a need for outside help. She believed we had to deal with the issue directly, Mr. Kantor said.Mr. Palladino, who did not respond to requests for an interview, reported to James Lyons, a lawyer working for the campaign. In a memo that he addressed to Mr. Lyons on March 30, Mr. Palladino proposed a full-court press on Ms. Flowers. Every acquaintance, employer, and past lover should be located and interviewed, Mr. Palladino wrote. She is now a shining icon telling lies that so far have proved all benefit and no cost for any other opportunist who may be considering making Clinton a target. Soon, Ms. Flowers heard from ex-boyfriends and others who said they had been contacted by a private investigator. They would say that he would try to manipulate them, Ms. Flowers recalled, or get them to say things like I was sexually active. Karen Steele, who had worked with Ms. Flowers at the Roy Clark Celebrity Theater in Branson, Mo., was among those who received a visit. I remember I got questioned about brothers Gennifer and I once dated, she said. It wasn t warm and fuzzy. While Mrs. Clinton considered the Lewinsky affair a personal lapse by her husband, she gave him credit for trying to break it off and manage someone who was a narcissistic loony toon, according to Ms. Blair s papers.Bill Clinton can be seen lying before Grand Jury about sexual relations he had with Monica Lewinsky, a young intern in the Oval Office, for which he was impeached later. Hillary s close friend Diane Blair a political science professor whose papers were donated to the University of Arkansas Special Collections library Hillary Clinton credited Bill Clinton with trying to break away from Lewinsky, whom she called a narcissistic loony toon. :Soon after, Mrs. Clinton expressed pleasure to her friend that she and her husband were able to drive their adversaries totally nuts because they did not appear to be suffering.For entire story: New York Times";Oct 4, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: German FinMin Schaeuble ready to head parliament: senior conservative;BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s pro-austerity Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble is ready to quit his job and become head of the lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, a senior member of Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives said on Wednesday, following Sunday s election. Schaeuble is deeply respected at home for his tight control of public finances since taking on the job in 2009, but is loathed in Greece and elsewhere in southern Europe for his insistence on tough austerity steps during the eurozone crisis. The pro-business, fiscally hawkish Free Democrats (FDP), a likely coalition partner for Merkel s conservatives, has said it wants to run the finance ministry in any new government. We are pleased that Wolfgang Schaeuble has agreed to become a candidate for the position (of president of the Bundestag), Volker Kauder, parliamentary leader of Merkel s conservatives, said in a statement. The center-right CDU/CSU bloc will propose Schaeuble as their candidate for the Bundestag post at their next meeting on Oct. 17, Kauder added. The current Bundestag president, CDU lawmaker Norbert Lammert, is not up for re-election. Schaeuble, 75, has been confined to a wheelchair since being shot at an election rally in 1990. He is the longest serving member of parliament. (The story is refiled to amend word in parenthesis in paragraph 4 to make clear he will be proposed for job of president of parliament.);September 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: JOHN BOLTON GETS IT: ‘This is the First Attempted Coup D’etat in America’s History’…Who’s Behind It? [Video];Ambassador Bolton gets it! He and so many others see what s going on and how the left is trying to destroy the Trump administration Ambassador Bolton: They are trying to prove the administration is illegitimate.Lou Dobbs: That s what you can see.Ambassador Bolton: They are the ones who are illegitimate The Wall Street Journal says this is the first coup d tat in American History. It s a mini coup d tat but it goes right along with the idea that they should have won the election.. And one recalls the famous scene in the debate where during the debates where, I believe it was Chris Wallace, who asked both candidates if you lose will you accept the result LOU DOBBS WHO S BEHIND IT? THIS IS HUGE! Lou Dobbs joined Sean Hannity to discuss the constant effort to destroy President Trump. Dobbs has mentioned a coup before (SEE BELOW) but is doubling down on his concern that the deep state and lefty media are in a full court press to get Trump out of office ASAP.Lou Dobbs had this to say about the effort to destroy Trump: The double standard is more than that by a long measure. This is an effort to subvert the administration of President Donald Trump. It is nothing less. It is an effort by the Deep State to roll over a duly elected president and a legitimate government and to break the will of the American people. This is no longer about Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, this is about a full-on assault by the left, the Democratic party to absolutely carry out a coup d etat against President Trump.LOU DOBBS AND CLINTON CASH AUTHOR DISCUSS THE DEEP STATE AND THE EFFORT TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP: Never in American history has there been a more highly organized group of people, the deep state , attempting to subvert the will of the American people, in this case, the Trump presidency. Peter Schweizer discusses the efforts of the deep state , their conspiracy campaign against Donald Trump and its potential impact on President Trump s administration.TAKE NOTES AND CALL OUT YOUR CONGRESSMEN IF THEY RE NOT SUPPORTING PRESIDENT TRUMP!;Dec 5, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The CIA Doesn’t Need To Spy On Free Thinkers, The Private Sector Does It For Free;"21st Century Wire says Here s something quite Pavlovian to think about. What if it were a goal of government and their security services to ensure that we feel we re being watched at every turn, in every-way feasible; but reality is not exact what we think it is and we re doing most of the censoring all by ourselves.Adam Garrie from The Duran takes us on an interesting journey in the below article. It also contains an important element of what we ve talked about on shows at 21st Century Wire and Alternate Current Radio s The Boiler Room regarding this fourth wall that people find it difficult to push through, which is fear . The fear of losing their job, loved ones, social acceptability, and so forth.More on this article from The Duran Adam Garrie The DuranEven prior to the release of Vault 7 from Wikileaks, people knew that so-called intelligence agencies in western states had the means to spy on their own citizens. Many also assumed that the typical illegality of such activities was of no consequence for agencies and individuals in those agencies who regard themselves as being above the law.Now that we know the CIA and other institutions have such abilities to digitally hack just about every household device from the smart phone and Smart-TV to the good old fashioned PC, the biggest question is, when do these deep state organisations implement these measures to spy on civilians and compromise their lives?The answer can be found without needing to resort to conspiracy theories nor even speculation. The answer lies in the private sector.Organisations like the CIA, MI5, FBI etc., need only do what the private sector isn t all ready doing for them and as it is, the private sector is doing a hell of a lot.If one wonders why major financial, academic, diplomatic, trading, banking, security and even artistic institutions in the West tend to have people on their payrolls who follow the western ideological narrative , there are two reasons.The first is that people are attracted to like-minded people and by extrapolation like-minded professions.But there is a second more devious reason. Those who think outside the western box, those who question more simply cannot get a foot through the door. Technically, one needn t have any view on Vladimir Putin to be on the board of a major western construction company, law firm, private bank or hedge fund. These professions do not involve knowledge of Russian politics or society. But those who have and even casually express a view of Putin or of the Arab world or of East Asia and Latin America that differs from the neo-lib/neo-con point of view, are blacklisted.Social media has made this blacklisting easier to do than ever. If two equally qualified candidates were applying for a high level position at a financial institution and one person had a picture of himself at a Hillary Clinton fundraiser on his Facebook and the other had a Save Palestine picture or a pro-Putin meme on his social media accounts, there would be no prizes for correctly guessing who would almost certainly get the job.In the words of George Carlin, It s a big club and you ain t in it .The punitive blacklisting of those who don t follow the CNN/BBC/NYT script has a double effect.First of all, it keeps those who think outside the box away from positions of power in the private sector and in most western countries, without a prominent position in the business or mainstream entertainment community, achieving political office is next to impossible.Secondly, there is a powerful deterrent effect. Many people would like to post pro-Putin, pro-Donbass, pro-Syria or pro-Palestine items on social media, but they are afraid that it could cost them their job, their bonus or even their friends. In the west such things can break-up families. It happens every day. At this very movement, someone in a western country is contemplating suicide because of being on the losing end of a divorce settlement. Very sad, yet very true.This Kafkaesque reality is achieved without the CIA needing to hack people s phones or computers. The private sector does the job for them.For every tabloid story about a woman losing her job because she posted a photo of her genitals on-line, there are many more people who are professionally compromised for posting photos of patriotic Russian or Arab leaders.Throughout the 20th century, the private sector has always been happy to do the bidding of the deep state. Hollywood was largely compliant with the red scare tactics of the 1950s and frankly, Hollywood producers did more to censor free-speech than the drunk and soon discredited Joseph McCarthy ever could have done.Why should the CIA waste time and money to read people s emails, when their much more local boss, or chairman of human relations can take a quick look at Facebook and achieve the CIA s goal far more easily?The answer is that they don t. The beauty of a police state is that unquestioning citizens are deputies of the secret police and they work for free. Some do it willfully and others do it unconsciously, but they do it nevertheless Continue this article at The DuranREAD MORE WIKILEAKS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire WIKILEAKS FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV";April 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: OBAMA’S RACE WAR PART II…BRAWL BREAKS OUT IN FRONT OF SC STATEHOUSE OVER CONFEDERATE FLAG;"A defender of the Confederate flag who says the flag is NOT about race says: I m gonna tell you one thing, I ain t sitting down; this ll just make me walk taller. One man has been arrested after a fight over the Confederate flag in front of the South Carolina Statehouse.The brawl started about 7:15 p.m. Monday when about a dozen vehicles with Confederate flag supporters pulled up in front of the Statehouse and stopped in the middle of the street, Public Safety Department spokeswoman Sherri Iacobelli said in a statement. About 10 of the flag supporters clashed with about 30 people who were on the Statehouse grounds protesting the flag, the statement said. The blood on my face, the blood in my teeth, the blood on my hands is no comparison to the Southern blood that runs through my veins, Joe Linder told CBS News.Linder, who was hit during the fight, supports the Confederate flag and says racism has no part in it. I m gonna tell you one thing, I ain t sitting down; this ll just make me walk taller, he told CBS News.About 50 officers responded and contained the clash, including officers from the Bureau of Protective Services assigned to the Statehouse, as well as Columbia police, University of South Carolina officers and the South Carolina Highway Patrol. Two blocks of the street in front of the Statehouse was closed for a brief time during the disturbance. Sydney Baldwin told CBS News the fight began when someone took his flag. I jumped out of my truck, Baldwin said. That was all I did, was grab my flag and I got hit in the side. Nicholas Thompson, 25, of Irmo, South Carolina, has been charged with disorderly conduct. It wasn t clear if he has an attorney. The Confederate flag has been a focus of protests since the fatal shooting of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston on June 17. Public Safety Director Leroy Smith told reporters it was unfortunate that Columbia had a fight when there have been no problems reported in Charleston, where the shooting occurred. The suspect in the Charleston shooting, Dylann Storm Roof, appears in a number of photographs online with the Confederate flag, prompting calls for removal of the flag from in front of the Statehouse. South Carolina lawmakers are expected next week to consider proposals to take the flag down and move it to a museum. The flag has flown at the Statehouse since the 1960s. It was removed from the Statehouse dome and placed at a Confederate Soldier Monument in front of the Statehouse in 2000.Via: Atlanta CBS Local";Jun 30, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: FLASHBACK! BILL CLINTON: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” [VIDEO]; ;Oct 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Powerful Texas Republican sees tough road for 'bathroom bill';AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Republican speaker of the Texas House of Representatives said on Friday a bill to limit bathroom access for transgender people would face a tough time in the chamber, where there are worries of an economic hit to the state if it became law. Speaker Joe Straus, who sets the Republican-dominated House’s legislative agenda, stopped short of saying the measure was doomed. He made his remarks at a University of Texas forum in Austin. “I don’t feel a great deal of fervor to promote that bill in the House,” Straus said. Analysts expect Straus to send Senate Bill 6 (SB 6) to a committee led by one of his political supporters, who will keep it tucked away. The measure would then die when the current session ends in late May. “Straus is signaling very clearly that SB 6 is dead,” said Mark Jones, a professor of political science at Rice University in Houston. Straus reiterated his opposition to the legislation, which was approved by the Republican-controlled state Senate this month on a mostly party-line vote. The bill would require people to use restrooms in public schools and government-run buildings that correspond with the gender on their birth certificate rather than the gender with which they identify. The speaker called it “manufactured and unnecessary.” The bill is one of several similar measures before various state legislatures this year on the issue. A similar law enacted a year ago in North Carolina prompted the relocation of sporting events and economic boycotts that were estimated to have cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars. The Texas Association of Business, the state’s largest employers’ group, has said such a law there would cost the state billions of dollars in lost revenue a year. The bill’s main backer, Republican Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, has said it would keep sexual predators out of bathrooms and changing rooms, and he has labeled as fiction reports that there would be economic effects on the state. Straus’ San Antonio district is planning to host the NCAA men’s Final Four basketball championship next year. Economists forecast the region could lose more than $200 million in revenue if the legislation was passed and in response the NCAA were to relocate the championship.;March 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: FORMER CIA AGENT SAYS OBAMA WORKING WITH MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: “to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands.”;Former CIA Agent, Clare Lopez has been ringing the alarm bells about the Islamic influence by members of Obama administration for quite some time now. [See video below.]Clare Lopez is a former CIA officer, and she is risking her professional career to call out President Barack Obama in the biggest way possible.Lopez is well respected in the intelligence community and worked in the Reagan White House. After two decades in the field with the CIA, and as an instructor for special forces and intelligence students, Lopez is now with the Center for Security Policy managing the counter-jihad and Shariah programs.Now, she is claiming Obama is why America has completely switched sides during the war on terrorism. America is now supporting the enemy, especially through the Muslim Brotherhood.Lopez has been unwilling to speak in public, but has confined with a few members of the House of Representatives her serious concerns about Obama s motivations about foreign policy decisions.Lopez noted that the war on terrorism has always been about stopping the spread of Shariah Islamic law, until Obama started to make major changes which clearly supported the Muslim Brotherhood s jihadist interests.She said the global war on terror had been an effort to stay free of Shariah, or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.The transition was easy for Obama, who already hates American values and principles as an ideologically radical Why the switch?Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped. And why would Obama want to do that?As she told WND earlier this month, Lopez believed the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.She also came to the conclusion Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands. The former CIA operative said, as Israel fought enemies on all sides to remain free, secure and Jewish, America began to move away from Israel and toward its Muslim enemies. And, as Iran moved inexorably toward a deliverable nuclear weapons capability, America helped. In addition, Lopez claims that the only reason Obama approved of the killing of Osama bin Laden is he simply couldn t ignore the chance without looking suspicious. The opportunity presented himself, and he couldn t delay it any longer. Via: Top Right NewsHere Is Clare Lopez in 2009 talking about the White House being infiltrated by Islamic Supporters: h/t Freedom Daily;Nov 13, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: DeVos confirmed as U.S. education secretary as Pence breaks tie;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s choice of billionaire Betsy DeVos to be education secretary was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, but only after Vice President Mike Pence was called in to break a tie that threatened to defeat her. The tie-breaking vote, which Senate officials said was unprecedented to confirm a Cabinet nominee, followed an all-night debate on DeVos as Senate Democrats tried to pressure at least one more Republican to oppose her and defeat the nomination. Only two Republicans joined the 46 Democrats and two independents in opposition to DeVos. Critics have called her unprepared to lead the Department of Education after a rocky Senate confirmation hearing. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer immediately derided the proceeding. “This cabinet nom is so unqualified, so divisive, that @MikePenceVP had to drive down Pennsylvania Ave to cast the deciding vote,” he wrote in a Twitter post after the vote. Under the U.S. Constitution, the vice president also serves as president of the Senate, with the power to cast votes only when there are ties on nominations or legislation. Republican Trump tweeted his congratulations to the nominee and Pence praised her. “Today’s vote to confirm Education Secretary @BetsyDeVos was a vote for every child having a chance at a world-class education,” the vice president wrote in a Twitter post. Ultimately, only Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska joined the Democrats and two independents in opposition to DeVos. That left 50 Republicans supporting her in the 100-member chamber. Historically, Cabinet nominees with weak support in the Senate ask the president to withdraw their nomination, which DeVos did not do. DeVos is married to the heir and former chief executive of Amway, which sells household and personal care items. She is also the daughter of the founders of Prince Corp, a Michigan car parts supplier, and sister of Erik Prince, the founder of the security company formerly known as Blackwater USA, now called Academi. As Monday night’s debate wound down, Schumer said of DeVos: “She disdains public education where 90 percent of our students are.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, urging her confirmation, said it was time to “end the unprecedented delay by Democrats” on the Cabinet nominations by Trump, who took office on Jan. 20. DeVos has been an advocate of charter schools, which operate independently of school districts and frequently are run by corporations. Democrats are concerned she will promote charter schools in a way that would undercut public schools, which have long been the anchor of the U.S. education system. Teachers unions, a major constituency for the Democratic Party, roundly opposed DeVos, a philanthropist and investor, to lead the department, which sets education policy for younger children and universities and also administers a college financial aid program of $1 trillion. The Consumer Federation of America urged DeVos to confront the problem of millions of Americans in default on student loans. “The new secretary needs to put borrowers and taxpayers first, rather than focusing on helping the student loan and for-profit college industries pump up their profits,” it said. Following the cliffhanger vote on DeVos, the Senate promptly limited debate on Trump’s choice of Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general. A final vote on Sessions’ nomination is expected sometime this week. Also up for Senate debate soon are Trump’s nominations of Representative Tom Price to be secretary of Health and Human Services and ex-banker Steve Mnuchin to be Treasury secretary. All three face opposition from Senate Democrats. Also facing a rough ride is Trump’s choice of Andrew Puzder to be secretary of labor. Puzder, the chief executive of CKE Restaurants Inc, has admitted to employing an undocumented immigrant as a house cleaner.;February 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SHOCKING: Sharia Law Implemented In First American City With Muslim Majority City Council;We live near this once great tourist destination of Hamtramck, a city with a vibrant nightlife, authentic polish food and a city where the beer flowed freely. All that was special about this unique little welcoming enclave just outside of the depressed Detroit neighborhoods surrounding it, is about to change dramatically Karen Majewski was in such high demand in her vintage shop on a recent Saturday afternoon that a store employee threw up her hands when yet another visitor came in to chat. Everyone wanted to talk to the mayor about the big political news.Earlier this month, the blue-collar city that has been home to Polish Catholic immigrants and their descendents for more than a century became what demographers think is the first jurisdiction in the nation to elect a majority-Muslim council.It s the second tipping for Hamtramck (pronounced Ham-tram-ik), which in 2013 earned the distinction becoming of what appears to be the first majority-Muslim city in the United States following the arrival of thousands of immigrants from Yemen, Bangladesh and Bosnia over a decade.In many ways, Hamtramck is a microcosm of the fears gripping parts of the country since the Islamic State s attacks on Paris: The influx of Muslims here has profoundly unsettled some residents of the town long known for its love of dancing, beer, paczki pastries and the pope.Majewski, whose family emigrated from Poland in the early 20th century, admitted to a few concerns of her own. Business owners within 500 feet of one of Hamtramck s four mosques can t obtain a liquor license, she complained, a notable development in a place that flouted Prohibition-era laws by openly operating bars. The restrictions could thwart efforts to create an entertainment hub downtown, said the pro-commerce mayor.And while Majewski advocated to allow mosques to issue calls to prayer, she understands why some longtime residents are struggling to adjust to the sound that echos through the city s streets five times each day. There s definitely a strong feeling that Muslims are the other, she said. It s about culture, what kind of place Hamtramck will become. There s definitely a fear, and to some degree, I share it. Saad Almasmari, a 28-year-old from Yemen who became the fourth Muslim elected to the six-member city council this month, doesn t understand that fear. I don t know why people keep putting religion into politics, said Almasmari, who received the highest percentage of votes (22 percent) of any candidate. When we asked for votes, we didn t ask what their religion was. Hamtramck s exceedingly low home prices and relatively low crime rate have proved especially attractive to new immigrants, whose presence is visible everywhere. Most of the women strolling Joseph Campau Avenue wear hijabs, or headscarves, and niqabs, veils that leave only the area around the eyes open. Many of the markets advertise their wares in Arabic or Bengali, and some display signs telling customers that owners will return shortly gone to pray, much in the same way Polish businesses once signaled that employees had gone to Mass.Many longtime residents point to 2004 as the year they suspected that the town s culture had shifted irrevocably. It was then that the city council gave permission to al-Islah Islamic Center to broadcast its call to prayer from speakers atop its roof. The Polish people think we were invading them, said Masud Khan, one of the mosque s leaders, recalling that time in an interview earlier this month. We were a big threat to their religion and culture. Now their days are gone. The mosque, which attracts about 500 people for its Friday prayer services, has purchased a neighboring vacant limestone building in the heart of the city that once was a furniture store. The mosque s leaders plan to put a minaret a spire on the building and use it to continue broadcasting a call to prayer five times a day.The private sale enraged city leaders, including the mayor, who sees the area as key to commercial growth. Mosque leaders estimate that the 20,000-square-foot building will hold up to 2,000 people once the renovation is finished next year.The town s transformation caught Mike Bugaj off guard. When the Hamtramck native left to join the Air Force in 1972, the city was widely referred to as Little Warsaw. When he returned from the military in 1995, the Muslims were here, said Bugaj, who is of Polish and Native American descent.The new majority Muslim council has Bugaj worried that old traditions, like the Polish festival and Fat Tuesday s paczki day, soon will be wiped away.He and other residents are concerned about what they would want to change, that they could mistreat women, said Bugaj, who wore feather earrings and a T-shirt with wolves on it. Don t come over to America and try to turn people to your way of thinking. Wayne Little, who has been a pastor for nearly 40 years at Corinthian Baptist Church, said many of the city s African American residents are also waiting to see whether the new Muslim-majority city council will represent their interests. They are clannish and stick together. . . . The jury is out on them. Little said.The discord intensified in the weeks before the election, beginning when several senior citizens living in an apartment complex complained about the volume of the 6 a.m. call to prayer from a nearby mosque.Susan Dunn, who was on her fifth unsuccessful run for city council, raised the issue before the governing body. I have my own rights, as well, she said while baking her son s birthday cake in her kitchen. I m not a hater. It wasn t a calculated move. At one point as she spoke, a mosque close to Dunn s house began broadcasting the call to prayer. You try reading a book in your back yard while your dog is barking to that, Dunn said, clearly exasperated. Via: Creeping Sharia;Nov 25, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: White Confederate Flag-Waving Redneck Threatens To Lynch Black Man;The South lost the Civil War but some white guys still refuse to let go of the Confederate flag and think it s okay to threaten black people with lynching.That s what white asshole Rodney Blomberg and three of his buddies did last month when they approached a black man living in their neighborhood near Eugene, Oregon.They drove up in two vehicles with a Confederate flag attached to the truck and literally bullied a black man simply because they didn t want him living there.According to KEZI, the men hurled racial epithets at him and threatened to lynch him. We hang black people in these parts, Blomberg reportedly said.Law enforcement later arrested Blomberg and put his racist ass in jail. But he is out after paying his $2,000 bond. He is being charged with second-degree intimidation and faces another court appearance later this year.Here s the video via KEZI:This kind of racism no longer belongs in our society. And the Confederate flag should no longer be flown anywhere on American soil. It is a flag of racists as Blomberg perfectly demonstrates.People like Blomberg are a serious threat to public safety in this country, especially since conservatives across the country are inciting violence against Black Lives Matter in the wake of five Dallas police officers being shot and killed earlier this month, even though the killer was unaffiliated with the organization.The Confederate flag has been controversial for years but the controversy reached fever-pitch last year after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina in a mass shooting that rocked the country and caused a national outcry because South Carolina continued to fly the Confederate flag outside the statehouse. It was soon taken down after decades because Roof was a big fan of the Confederate flag.And just like the Confederate flag should be taken down, racism needs to be taken down as well.Featured Image: Screenshot;July 14, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Georgia Trump Supporter Preparing For Civil War If Hillary Clinton Wins Election (AUDIO);Donald Trump supporters are so desperate to be in power that they are threatening America at gunpoint to vote for him or be killed.That s what Georgia Trump fan Jimmy Arno is preparing for after the election votes are tallied in November because he expects a bloody civil war to break out in order to overthrow the government before Hillary Clinton is inaugurated.Arno is even considering joining a right-wing militia, whom he collectively refers to as patriots, because he seriously believes only they can defend the Constitution. Should martial law, civil war whatever break out in this country, they will uphold the Constitution and rebuild our loss, he said. The war that s going to break out if Hillary Clinton s elected, if that happens. Your patriots are going to overthrow the government. And of course, Arno is a fan of the Confederacy, loves the Confederate flag, and has a portrait of Robert E. Lee hanging in his living room.So basically, what Arno is saying is that he believes the South will rise again and a civil war sequel will turn out differently. This time a rebellion will somehow succeed even though the United States military, including a navy and air force, would be standing in their way.Nevertheless, threats of civil war and violent rebellion are frightening but they also prove that conservatives are unfit to govern because apparently the only way they can do so is with a gun pressed against the heads of the people.Arno went on to blame President Obama directly for the high racial tensions. I know that we were a whole lot further along racially eight years ago than we are today, he claims.But the fact is that Republicans raised those racial tensions themselves by vowing to make President Obama fail from the start simply because of the color of his skin and their claim that he is an illegitimate president. The birther movement, of which Trump is a prominent leader, contends that President Obama is not one of us and that he wasn t born here. The election of President Obama made racists, including Arno, mad so they started publicly throwing a hissy fit and their tantrums have only gotten worse in the last eight years.Here s the audio via NPR.Trump supporters are deplorable people who want to shoot and kill anyone who disagrees with them just so they can watch the world burn. If Hillary Clinton is elected president as she should be, conservatives need to accept that they lost instead of resorting to taking up arms against the country. Such an action is treason and would only demonstrate that they are nothing more than sore losers who should never be allowed to get close to political power ever again.Featured image via screenshot;September 26, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Tanzania closes third newspaper since June as part of media crackdown;DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania shut down another newspaper on Friday - the third since June - after a warning from President John Magufuli earlier in the year that the days of newspapers his government viewed as unethical were numbered. Hassan Abbasi, the director-general of the state-run Tanzania Information Services, said in a statement that Raia Mwema, a weekly newspaper, had been banned from publishing for 90 days, starting on Friday. The independently-owned outlet was suspended, he said, after publishing an article this week saying Magufuli was destined to fail in his job and in which it attributed fabricated statements to the president. The government ... issued a lenient punishment despite the gravity of the offense because the editors admitted their mistake, he said.Tanzania suspended publication of the weekly MwanaHalisi newspaper for 24 months on Sept. 20 and banned another newspaper, Mawio, in June for a similar period.Magufuli, nicknamed The Bulldozer for his forceful leadership style, has won some praise from Western donors for an anti-corruption drive and for cutting wasteful public spending.But opponents accuse him of increasingly undermining democracy by curbing dissent and stifling free speech.;September 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: GUN CONTROL FOR KIDS: [Video] 13 Yr Old Told To Remove “Battlefield Cross For Fallen Soldiers” T-shirt Or Face Suspension;Meanwhile, a Muslim boy with a radical activist father and a history of discipline issues can bring a fake bomb to school on 9-11 and is an instant hero with the Left You just can t make this up.A 13-year-old Oregon boy was disciplined by his school for wearing the battlefield cross on his shirt.Alan Holmes, a student at Dexter McCarty Middle School, wore a shirt that displays the image of a rifle propped up with a helmet perched on top and boots below. It s commonly referred to as a battlefield cross for fallen soldiers and is meant as a a sign of support for the troops. The shirt read Standing for those who stood for us. The Military Times is reporting the Gresham-Barlow School District has a dress code policy that prohibits weapons. District spokeswoman Athena Vadnals wrote Weapons on a shirt are not appropriate in a school setting. It s not standing for violence, I tell you that much, Holmes said. It s standing for the memorial for the soldiers, who have died for us and our freedom, and I 100 percent support them because they re supporting us. Holmes said he was told by the vice principal to put on a different shirt or take an in-school suspension. He decided to keep the shirt on and call his mom.The story has gone viral and the family is fighting back against the school and the district. Via: DownTrend;Oct 14, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Turkish foreign minister says to strengthen U.S. ties after Trump victory;ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in the U.S. presidential election on Wednesday and said Ankara would strengthen its “trust-based relations and cooperation” with the United States. He made the comments on his Twitter account. ;November 9, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MUSLIM TEENS Stage Fake Terrorist Attack In MN Movie Theater…Guess Who They Blame?;"Oh and as an added bonus, according to one of the Muslim teens, they snuck into the theater as well In addition to faking hate crimes against themselves, Muslims are now resorting to staging fake terrorist attacks to prove how Islamophobic America is. First there was Clock Boy in Texas, then The Muslim Hipsters in Arkansas, and now it s the Muslim Movie Goers in Minnesota. A group of Muslim teens did their best to make movie theater patrons think they were about to launch an attack with some purposely-suspicious actions recently.It turns out the Mall of America isn t just a place for angry black protesters; it s also a great spot for creating a false Islamophobic response. The City Pages reports that on January 1st a group of African Muslim teenagers, possibly from Somalia, went to a movie at the country s largest mall. They were all carrying backpacks and speaking with heavy accents and foreign tongues. They wanted to be noticed.Once the movie began, the 5 or so black Muslims got up and separated, taking seats away from each other. As you can imagine, the rest of the people in the theater thought this was a pretty unusual thing for them to do. In fact, most of the other moviegoers thought these Muslim teens were about to launch a jihad right then and there.Reportedly, as many as 15 movie patrons left the theater and called the police, fearing that radical Islamic inspired bloodshed was eminent. The police and mall security arrived and detained the Muslims. They explained to the officers that they got up and moved away from each other because they didn t want to be tempted to talk to each other during the film, which sounds like a complete load of shit.One of the Muslims, Akram Oromo, took video of the cordial police officers questioning him and his co-conspirators and posted it to his FaceBook page. He also pointed out how racist this intrusion was:Racism well never stop ima let u know that because this white people though this young Muslim teens going to blow up the movie theater because we all have a backpack. More than 15 whites start running from the theater like we about do some stupid shit they called police and moa security but they didn t find anything from usAccording to the video, in addition to freaking people out, Oromo and his friends also snuck into the movie without paying.// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = ""//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // ]]>Racism well never stop ? ima let u know that because this white people though this young Muslim teens going to blow up the movie theater because we all have a backpack. More than 15whites start running from the theater like we about do some stupid shit they called police and moa security but they didn t find anything from us #racism #muslims#freedom#AfricanPosted by Akram Oromo on Friday, 1 January 2016Islamic terrorists have struck on US soil recently. Radical Islamic groups have actually called for a hit on the Mall of America. It is not racist or Islamophobic for people to react to obvious Muslims acting in a very suspicious manner. That is called vigilance. Even Muslim apologist Barack Obama has said that Americans should keep their eyes open and report anything that doesn t seem right as a way to combat terrorism.It s my opinion that these Muslim teens did this on purpose with the goal of triggering a police response so they could cry about the unfair treatment they receive in the US. Terrorism is evolving, but so too is hate crime hoaxing. It s really quite simple: go to a public place, do something technically legal yet terribly suspicious, then sit back and reap the liberal media sympathy.Via: DownTrend";Jan 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russia suspends diplomatic presence in Yemen, moves envoy to Riyadh: agencies;MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has suspended its diplomatic presence in Yemen and all its staff have left the country due to the situation in the capital Sanaa, the RIA news agency cited Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying on Tuesday. The Russian ambassador to Yemen and some diplomatic staff will be working temporarily out of the Saudi capital Riyadh, the Interfax news agency cited the ministry as saying. Yemen s conflict, pitting the Houthi movement against a Saudi-led military alliance which backs a government based in the south, has unleashed what the United Nations calls the world s worst humanitarian crisis. A Russian plane evacuated embassy staff and some Russian nationals from Sanaa earlier on Tuesday, Saudi state news agency SPA said, citing the Saudi-led military coalition fighting against the Houthi movement that controls the Yemeni capital. The agency quoted an official source in the coalition as saying it had received a request for permission for a Russian plane to evacuate the personnel, and that the plane had left Sanaa airport. ;December 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Children’s Home Rejects Atheist’s Cash Donation Because He’s Not A Christian;A children s home in Oklahoma literally refused to take a donation from a man because he isn t a Christian.The Murrow Indian Children s Home claims to care about helping orphaned children but when Matt Wilbourn tried to make a $100 donation on behalf of the Muskogee Atheist Community an employee called him and rejected his donation. I filed out the paperwork and I put my wife and I s name on the paperwork, Wilbourn recounted. At the bottom, it asks if there is any person or organization you want to put it in memory of and I put the Muskogee Atheist Community. She called my desk phone at work and told me that they would not be accepting our donation because it would go against everything they believe in, he continued.Founded in 1865 by Reverend J.S. Murrow to take in and care for orphaned Native American children, the home was taken over by the American Baptist Mission Home Societies and moved to Bacone College in Muskogee, where it houses dozens of children in need of a home.In 2014, it was reported that the Murrow Children s Home was in desperate need of supplies including laundry detergent, 13-gallon garbage bags, sandwich bags, one-gallon and quart freezer bags, serving tongs, snacks, toothpaste, band aides, dishwashing soap, napkins, Comet cleaner, Pine Sol, Lysol, bleach, furniture polish and storage bags. So if any organization needs donations, it s the Murrow Children s Home. And that s what makes their rejection of Wilbourn s donation so outrageous.He donated $100, which would go a long way toward purchasing many of the items on that list.But his donation was rejected simply because he isn t a Christian, which makes one wonder just exactly what the Murrow Children s Home employees are teaching the kids in their care.Undeterred, Wilbourn came up with an idea. In fact, it s a fantastic idea.He decided to start a GoFundMe with the support of the Muskogee Atheist Community to raise more money for the Children s Home to see exactly how much money it will take for them to ignore his non-belief and accept the donation.But it appears the Murrow Home cares more about religion than they do about making sure the children have everything they need. I emailed the director of the Murrow Home and told her that I m raising the amount to $250, Wilbourn said. No reply from her. So far, the GoFundMe has raised a whopping $5,612 and the Murrow Home still won t accept because Wilbourn and his group are atheists. It s taken food off their plate, clothes off their back and shelter over their heads, Wilbourn said.It s truly sad that an organization would reject perfectly good donations just because the person doing the giving is not a Christian. That amounts to stealing from children. The Murrow Home is a non-profit so clearly they are only able to care for children solely out of the kindness of people who open their wallets and donate money. The Bible says judge not lest ye be judged and there s this part called the Golden Rule that commands us to treat people the way we want to be treated. Thus far, the Christians at the Murrow Home have failed to adhere to both. They judged Wilbourn to be a bad person because he s an atheist and even when he treated them with kindness and generosity the Murrow Home continued to do the opposite to him.Frankly, it sounds like these kids need new caretakers because the Murrow Home is clearly failing them and their best interests.To contact the Murrow Home, visit their Facebook page.To contribute to the GoFundMe, click here. Because even if the Murrow Home rejects the amount raised, it will still go toward a great cause called Camp Quest, which is a non-religious summer camp for kids.Murrow Home ought to be ashamed of themselves for choosing bigotry and hate over the well-being of the kids they claim to care about.Featured Image: Facebook;August 24, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: North Carolina Republicans try to strip powers from incoming Democratic governor;RALEIGH, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina’s Republican-dominated legislature is moving to strip powers from the state’s incoming governor, Democrat Roy Cooper, three weeks before he is to succeed a Republican in the executive mansion. Lawmakers on Thursday began debating a bill to require Senate confirmation for cabinet appointments, reduce by 1,200 the number of state employees the governor can hire and fire at will, and eliminate the governor’s power to pick University of North Carolina trustees. The legislation and related bills came as a surprise, filed late on Wednesday on the heels of a special “lame duck” session of the General Assembly called to consider relief for Hurricane Matthew victims. Cooper, to be sworn in on Jan. 7 after defeating incumbent Republican Pat McCrory by 10,000 votes last month, said the proposals are aimed at holding him back. “Most people might think that this is a partisan power grab, but it is really more ominous,” Cooper said at a news conference in Raleigh on Thursday. “This is about thwarting the governor’s ability to move us forward on education and healthcare and clean air and water.” Cooper, currently state attorney general, said his office is reviewing the proposals and will sue if lawmakers approve any measures he believes are unconstitutional. McCrory’s office did not respond to a request for comment on whether he would sign the legislation. Republican lawmakers called the changes justified by the state’s constitution. Senate confirmation hearings were held earlier in the state’s history, they said. “This bill is a good step forward in reasserting legislative authority vested by the constitution and entrusted to the members of this body,” Representative David Lewis, a Republican and a sponsor of the bill, said during a debate on Thursday. A House of Representatives committee, in an unrecorded voice vote, advanced the bill on Thursday, as about 100 people gathered at the legislature to demonstrate against the proposals. The Senate debated a separate measure that would weaken the governor’s control over the state elections board, changing it from a five-member panel appointed by the governor to an eight-member panel with only half the members appointed by him. Protesters who chanted “You work for us” and other slogans were cleared out of the Senate chamber after legislative leaders said they were disrupting debate on the bill. North Carolina, the ninth most-populous U.S. state, has been roiled by sharp political divisions. The state voted for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 and then turned to the right, electing McCrory in 2012 and Republican super-majorities in its state legislature. The state became a target of boycotts by companies, musicians and sports leagues after it passed a law this year restricting bathroom access for transgender people in government buildings and public schools.;December 15, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Obama Takes A PERFECT Shot At Trump’s Never Ending Tweeting;President Obama appeared at a campaign rally alongside Hillary Clinton, and just couldn t resist getting in a dig or two about our wannabe Tweeter-in-Chief (because really, he makes it so easy). He said that generally, people don t understand the job that is being President of the United States, and then went into expert-marksman mode to hit Trump for his tweeting and lack of experience: Everybody can tweet, but nobody actually knows what it takes to do the job until you sit behind the desk. I mean, Sasha tweets, but she doesn t think that she s thereby should be sitting behind the desk. The implication is that his daughter, Sasha, is smarter than King Dunce because she knows tweeting is just tweeting. King Dunce uses Twitter as a weapon, talking himself up and tearing down anybody he doesn t like with childish namecalling, complete ignorance, and outright lies. What his tweeting does is actually show him for the fraud he is.Watch him hit Drumpf below, via ABC News:.@POTUS takes shot at Donald Trump at Clinton rally: Everybody can tweet https://t.co/i2lNlfUQnT https://t.co/Lr5grwuuQz ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) July 5, 2016Obama also talked up Hillary s qualifications in that speech, explaining how he s come a very long way in how he sees her since the 2008 election cycle, when they were opponents. She, likewise, praised Obama, saying she d been privileged to see him in so many different roles. Then she took her own shot at the Dunce-in-Chief s birtherism and tweeting, saying: And Donald, if you are out there tweeting, it is Hawaii. The snark is strong in these two. Tweetle-Drumpf hasn t tweeted a response to this yet, but if he does, it will lack the sharp edge of experience and intelligence that Obama and Hillary display, even in their snarkiness.Featured image via screen capture from embedded video;July 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: South Africa's Zuma rejects reports his office is drafting emergency laws;JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma has rejected local news reports that his office has started drafting regulations for a state of emergency, the president s office said on Tuesday. Emergency laws were last deployed in parts of Africa s most industrialized economy in 1985 under former president P.W. Botha, the face of white South Africa as president at the height of the anti-apartheid struggle. The Presidency rejects the media reports alleging that The Presidency has started composing draft regulations for a state of emergency and that President Jacob Zuma has appointed a team to draw up such regulations, Zuma s office said in a statement. The Presidency is not working on regulations for a state of emergency. Emergency powers have not been used in South Africa since the country s 1994 transition to multi-racial democracy after decades of white apartheid rule. The Rapport newspaper had reported that Zuma had ordered that regulations for a state of emergency be prepared to be part of the State of Emergency Act passed in 1997. The newspaper said the detailed regulations that would outline what should happen during a state of emergency were never passed into law when the main legislation was enacted. It cited documents showing that Zuma had set up a team to make the draft regulations. According to Rapport the draft regulations would ban anyone from writing publishing or broadcasting threatening material and give security forces power to use as much force as necessary to restore law and order.;December 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: This Rogue Twitter Account HILARIOUSLY Trolls Trump With Unique Spin On Important Issues (TWEETS);The rogue government Twitter accounts, which all consider themselves to be helping resist Trump, go about their missions in different ways. Some are keeping the flow of information alive with an administration that wants everyone to shut it. Some are simply relaying news and explaining it. And some, who don t call themselves rogue but still have alt Twitter handles, are actively trolling Donald the Trump.Enter the account known as Alt_Dept of Interior, which actually has more to do with interior design than it does the actual Department of the Interior. Nevertheless, the people behind it spend a lot of their time trolling Trump. This is what they have to say about the border wall:BORDER WALL: Tomorrow we ll present our 3rd design to the @POTUS. The previous two were rejected due to their inability to stop anything. pic.twitter.com/VM41GqVfJq Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 4, 2017Reports show that first sections of the #Borderwall are successful. Foreigners are kept out of the US, including for 1st time Jesus Christ. pic.twitter.com/R43C38455x Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 9, 2017BREAKING: The @POTUS new immigration policy will require Mexicans with legal visas to enter the US via a water slide through the border wall pic.twitter.com/RvUaBkBHy4 Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 9, 2017We re asking the American People for input on latest Border Wall design. Which barbed wire design should we use to best represent @POTUS? pic.twitter.com/KDvoKE7OHT Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 9, 2017Just when you think US/Mexico relations are deteriorating, the President of Mexico installs public art piece to thank US for #BorderWall pic.twitter.com/KOuH61HgKO Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 9, 2017New #BorderWall design allows the @POTUS to look directly into the eyes of the person responsible for costing taxpayers billions. #Resist pic.twitter.com/fo9yezfamY Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 9, 2017They re also taking other issues and using them to troll him too. One such issue is his access to the nuclear codes:BREAKING: The @POTUS reveals first ever look at the Nuclear Codes to the American public. pic.twitter.com/3DsxSuAFiD Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 7, 2017There are all the rumors swirling about whether Trump and certain people in his administration are, or were, on cocaine:BREAKING: Federal employees working overtime in an effort to keep up with demand of high end Cocaine at White House #superbowl party. pic.twitter.com/Iz1f0he3sn Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 5, 2017We d like to correct earlier reports that WinterStorm #Niko is approaching. It s actually a European cocaine shipment to Trump Tower. #POTUS pic.twitter.com/j5v6FCtSgL Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 9, 2017We d like to correct earlier reports that it was snowing in the DC Metropolitan area. This was actually just cocaine. @weatherchannel pic.twitter.com/RwL8xipuYc Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 2, 2017There s Kellyanne Conway s reference to the Bowling Green massacre (where we all died it was terrible):BREAKING: The @POTUS has released evidence that the #BowlingGreenMasacre did occur, citing a 2016 ftball game.They stand by @KellyannePolls. pic.twitter.com/4OnstbrIPY Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 3, 2017STATEMENT: The @POTUS has sent @KellyannePolls to congratulate Coach @FredrckDouglass and Super Bowl Champs, the Bowling Green Falcons. pic.twitter.com/1rV7kuTiXh Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 6, 2017There s climate change and animal rights:BREAKING: We can comfirm that rising temperatures on earth are no longer due to #climatechange. We re just getting a lot closer to hell. pic.twitter.com/Za1NygBRd8 Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 1, 2017We regret to inform animal lovers everywhere, but the White House is now holding a Humpback Whale captive at the @POTUS request. #blowhole pic.twitter.com/TGJu9s2nlK Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 7, 2017There s the executive order rolling back the very regulations that were supposed to help protect us from more abuse at the hands of Wall Street:BREAKING: Following reports of deregulation, the @POTUS has asked the @SecretService to call him the Bubble Maker https://t.co/6CXxyLwKwa Alt_Dept of Interior (@Alt_Interior) February 3, 2017 Basically, they see themselves as providing the light of humor during what anyone with a shred of human decency and sanity considers a very dark time. And Trump makes himself such a great target.Read more:Featured image by Win McNamee via Getty Images;February 9, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ALL ABOARD THE SHARIA LAW TRAIN: Germany Announces They Will Now Have Female ONLY Sections;Well that didn t take long In the trains between Leipzig and Chemnitz the MRB is setting up some compartments for women traveling alone and mothers with children. The background for the alterations is a corresponding demand, said Kleinrensing.Since December MRB, a subsidiary of the internationally active group Transdev, has been operating on the route and in response to the wishes of female customers, it wants to improve the service in the trains correspondingly.So, in the next few weeks, all trains in the REG Regional Express line, will get two female compartments, each with 12 seats. This actions also contributes to strengthening the feeling of security of female passengers, said Kleinrensing.Via: sz-online.de S chsische Zeitung;Mar 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican push to impeach U.S. IRS chief hit by Democrats;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A hard-line Republican effort to impeach the top U.S. tax collector came under fire on Tuesday from Democrats who called it an unsubstantiated partisan attack that could undermine the credibility of Congress. Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen faces allegations before the House Judiciary Committee of ignoring congressional subpoenas and misleading lawmakers. The accusations stem from a 2013 scandal in which the IRS was criticized for targeting conservative Tea Party groups’ applications for tax-exempt status for extra scrutiny. Some Republicans want the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives to vote on impeaching Koskinen before Congress leaves for its midyear break in July. Democrats oppose the effort. “This resolution fails by every measure. It arises from the worst partisan instincts. It is not based in the facts,” Representative John Conyers said at the outset of the first of two Judiciary Committee hearings to examine charges against Koskinen. “When a vote for impeachment is divided on party lines ... we undermine our credibility,” added Conyers, the panel’s top Democrat. Koskinen angered critics by declining to testify, but submitted a statement saying the charges are without merit and fail to meet the constitutional impeachment standard of “treason, bribery or high crimes and misdemeanors.” In his absence, the committee heard from Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which investigated the Tea Party scandal and concluded that Koskinen failed to preserve evidence that was later destroyed. “This is really a simple case in my mind. When Congress asks you a question, you’re expected to give a truthful answer. When Congress issues a subpoena, compliance is not optional,” House oversight panel Chairman Jason Chaffetz testified. Chaffetz described impeachment as the remedy Congress has for officials guilty of breaching the public trust. But Democrats noted that IRS and Federal Bureau of Investigation probes produced no evidence of criminal wrongdoing or deliberate efforts to mislead Congress. They said the case against Koskinen showed little more than agency mismanagement and misstatements. Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte offered no direct criticism of the impeachment push, but avoided using the term other than to name impeachment as one of several options that include “the power to write the laws, the power of the purse ... and the power to censure.”;May 24, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. Senate votes to confirm Jay Clayton as SEC chairman;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Tuesday to confirm attorney Jay Clayton to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, the agency tasked with policing and writing rules for Wall Street. In a 61-37 vote, the Senate approved the nomination, with some moderate Democrats joining their Republican colleagues in supporting his confirmation. Clayton could be officially sworn in as SEC chairman as soon as Thursday. The White House still must complete some paperwork, including an action by President Trump to formally designate him as SEC chairman. Clayton is a longtime partner at law firm Sullivan & Cromwell who specializes in advising clients on public and private mergers and acquisitions and capital-raising efforts. Clayton worked on the initial public offering of Alibaba Group Holding Company, and has also represented Goldman Sachs, where his wife Gretchen works. She is now expected to step down from her post, a move that will make it easier for her husband to mitigate potential conflicts of interest. “I look forward to working closely with my fellow Commissioners and the dedicated career staff at the SEC to serve the American public and advance the SEC’s important mission,” Clayton said in a statement. Many current and former SEC staffers are optimistic about Clayton’s leadership, and Clayton is expected to focus some of his efforts on looking for ways to ease regulatory burdens that might hinder companies from raising capital. But in the debate leading up to the Senate vote on Tuesday, more progressive-leaning Democrats said they were concerned his close ties to Wall Street will create too many conflicts and may lead to weaker oversight. “Mr. Clayton’s law firm and former clients will create a steady stream of conflicts for him, forcing him to recuse himself in cases involving former clients for two of the four years he could serve as chair,” said Ohio Democrat Sherrod Brown, the ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee. “He will be sitting on the sidelines of potential enforcement actions against some of the biggest Wall Street banks - Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Royal Bank of Canada, and UBS,” he added.;May 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Highlights: British PM May's main comments on Brexit;FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is setting out her plan for future ties with the European Union in a speech which she hopes will help spur negotiations over the country s divorce from the bloc. Below are the highlights from her speech and a follow-up question-and-answer session with reporters: During the implementation period, people will continue to be able to come and live and work in the UK but there will be a registration system, an essential preparation for the new regime. As of today, these considerations point to an implementation period of around two years. Clearly people, businesses and public services should only have to plan for one set of changes in the relationship between the UK and the EU. So during the implementation period, access to one another s markets should continue on current terms and Britain also should continue to take part in existing security measures. And I know businesses, in particular, would welcome the certainty this would provide. MAY, ASKED WHETHER SHE STILL THINKS NO DEAL ON BREXIT WOULD BE BETTER THAN A BAD DEAL: We continue to think that. Of course we will leave at the end of March 2019 and negotiations will be continuing potentially up quite close to that time. I do not want our partners to fear that they will need to pay more or receive less over the remainder of the current budget plan as a result of our decision to leave. The UK will honour commitments we have made during the period of our membership. And, as we move forwards, we will also want to continue working together in ways that promote the long-term economic development of our continent. This includes continuing to take part in those specific policies and programmes which are greatly to the UK and the EU s joint advantage, such as those that promote science, education and culture - and those that promote our mutual security. Over time ... the rights of EU citizens in the UK, and UK citizens overseas will diverge. And I want to incorporate our agreement fully into UK law, and make sure the UK courts can refer directly to it. And when there is uncertainty around underlying EU law, I want the UK courts to be able to take into account the judgements of the European Court of Justice with a view to ensuring consistent interpretation. And on this basis I hope our teams can reach firm agreement quickly. Throughout its membership, the United Kingdom has never totally felt at home being in the European Union. The profound pooling of sovereignty that is a crucial feature of the European Union permits unprecedentedly deep cooperation which brings benefits but it also means that when countries are in the minority they must sometimes accept decisions they do not want, even affecting domestic matters with no market implications beyond their borders. The British people have decided to leave the EU and be a global free-trading nation able to chart our own way in the world. For many, this is an exciting time full of promise. For others it is a worrying one. I look ahead with optimism. Our commitment to the defence and indeed the advance of our shared values is undimmed. Our determination to defend the stability, security and prosperity of our European neighbours and friends remains steadfast.;September 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Judge Recommends Joe Arpaio For Criminal Prosecution After He’s Found Guilty Of Perjury;"After being held in civil contempt for failing to follow a judge s order not to racially profile, Sherriff Joe Arpaio and others held in the contempt of court may now be facing criminal prosecution.Judge G. Murray Snow, who presided over the civil contempt case after finding evidence that Arpaio and other deputies intentionally violated order, referred the case to the criminal court system: The purpose of Tuesday s hearing was to discuss remedies for the civil contempt violations and the possibility of referring Arpaio and others to the U.S. Attorney s Office for Arizona for criminal contempt charges, which could carry prison sentences. The other individuals who may face criminal charges are Captain Steve Bailey, the former head of the MCSO s internal affairs; attorney for the Maricopa County Sherriff s Office Michele Iafrate; Chief Deputy Jerry Sheridan.According to the Phoenix New Times:Bailey and Iafrate allegedly misled the court s monitor about the existence of more than 1,400 IDs improperly seized by the MCSO from individuals stopped or arrested, many of them Latinos. Misleading the monitor is potentially a federal offense, punishable by five years in prison. Snow directly addressed the attorney at one point, saying, Ms. Iafrate, I think you should obtain counsel though he said he may refer the matter concerning her to State Bar of Arizona for possible disciplinary proceedings.A crooked Sheriff with a crooked attorney. When Snow made his original findings, the ACLU requested that all parties involved on MCSO s side be referred to the U.S. Attorney, and be charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, lying to the monitor and other crimes. Snow agreed, saying, If the DOJ wants to pursue charges based on my findings, they can. He also agreed with the ACLU s request that Arpaio be fined more than $300,000 for his offenses.Charges for Arpaio, if found guilty in criminal court of committing perjury, could carry up to five years in prison. The perjury charges stem from the civil trial, when Judge Snow asked if Arpaio s office had improperly investigated Snow and tied him to an anti-Eric Holder conspiracy. Arpaio repeatedly said no. That was found to have been a lie.Arpaio s criminal attorney pleaded with the judge to go lenient on the Sheriff, saying a criminal probe would be devastating to the Sheriff s office and the sheriff himself, and said that Arpaio has a broken heart and contrite spirit. He also complained that the fine of $100,000 Arpaio already has to pay is harsh enough, considering it s one year s worth of salary.Cry me a river. Thankfully, Judge Snow shot him down real quick.Let s hope Sheriff Joe finally goes to jail for his years of racial profiling, abuse of power, and wasting taxpayer money.Featured image via Ethan Miller/Getty Images";June 1, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: After air strike, Israeli minister warns against arms shipments to Hezbollah;JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister on Thursday declined to comment on reports that Israeli aircraft had struck a target in Syria the night before but repeated a threat to hit arms shipments to Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas. The air strike targeted a factory south of the Syrian city of Homs on Wednesday night and the Syrian army responded by firing a surface-to-air missile at the aircraft, a commander in a military alliance fighting in support of Damascus said. An Israeli military spokeswoman declined to comment, but Israel s Channel 10 said the aircraft were not hit and returned safely to base. I can t, of course, relate to reports about the Israel Defence Forces attack in Syria, but regardless, Israel s position is clear: Smuggling arms to Hezbollah is a red line in our eyes, Intelligence Minister Israel Katz told Army Radio. Syria s Foreign Ministry called on the United Nations Security Council to condemn Israel s attack, state-run SANA news agency reported. The Foreign Ministry asked the Security Council to take strict and immediate measures to stop such Israeli attacks, it said, adding that the strike hit a copper factory in the industrial town of Hisya, 35 km (21 miles) south of Homs and 112 km (70 miles) north of Damascus. The statement did not give details of any casualties. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based organization that reports on the war, said the air strike had targeted a military installation. Israel has acted in the past and it will act in the future to prevent arms smuggling to Hezbollah according to intelligence information that we will have, said Katz, who is a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu s inner circle of ministers. He said Israel s red line was against arms smuggling (and) also against Iran s consolidation in Syria and that it was prepared to act to deter against our responses. I think the other side also understands this clearly and actions that took place in the past for which we did take responsibility, were actions that were according to these lines, these red lines, Katz added. The Israeli air force says it has struck arms convoys of the Syrian military and its Lebanese ally, the Iran-backed Hezbollah, nearly 100 times in recent years. Israeli officials have expressed alarm at Iranian influence in Syria, where Iran-backed groups have played a critical role fighting in support of President Bashar al-Assad during the conflict that erupted in 2011. Iran s military chief, General Mohammad Baqeri, warned Israel against breaching Syrian airspace and territory during a visit to Damascus last month. Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, which last fought a major conflict in 2006, have escalated this year. Each side has warned it will unleash devastating firepower in the event of a full-scale war.;November 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. courts look ahead to Trump as Obama cases fizzle;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s legal defense of some key initiatives including his signature healthcare law is collapsing as courts put cases on hold until after President-elect Donald Trump, hostile to the policies, assumes office on Jan. 20. The pending conservative legal challenges could undo important elements of Obama’s presidential legacy if Trump, as expected, opts not to defend the Obama policies in court or simply ditches the initiatives that are under attack. Since Trump’s election on Nov. 8, various courts have delayed action in three groups of cases that will not be resolved before Obama leaves office and blocked an administration regulation from going into effect in another. They include a challenge by House of Representatives Republicans to an important provision in the Obamacare law, and cases concerning religious objections to that law’s mandate that employers provide health insurance coverage for birth control. They also include Obama’s executive action, put on hold by the Supreme Court in June, to spare from deportation millions of immigrants in the country illegally, and his administration’s bid to extend overtime protections for workers. Republican-governed states like Texas were behind some of the biggest challenges to Obama policies. “We have a host of cases pending against the federal government due to the Obama administration’s overreach,” said Marc Rylander, a spokesman for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican who has sued the administration on various issues including immigration. Rylander said Texas officials “will continue to pursue all of these cases and look forward to working with a new administration.” The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Monday put on hold the House Republican Obamacare challenge until at least Feb. 21. Trump and Republican congressional allies have said they plan to repeal and replace the law, meaning the case could become moot. The Obama administration opposed the delay in that case, but agreed to put on hold its effort to revive Obama’s 2014 immigration plan. The administration and the states that challenged the plan filed a joint motion on Nov. 18 saying the case should be put on hold “given the change in administration.” Trump has vowed to crack down on immigrants in the country illegally and is expected to abandon Obama’s blocked policy. The series of cases pending in lower courts concerning efforts by Christian groups to obtain an exemption to a provision of the Obamacare law requiring employers to provide health insurance coverage for contraceptives are also in a holding pattern. The Supreme Court sent the cases back to lower courts in May, throwing out several rulings in favor of the administration. The lower courts are now awaiting the change in administrations. In one of the cases, before the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, lawyers for some of the religious groups said in court papers that a delay “will afford the newly-inaugurated president and new administration an opportunity to take a fresh look at this litigation and consider potential resolutions acceptable to all sides.” In the labor case, a federal judge on Nov. 22 prevented Obama’s regulation to extend mandatory overtime pay to more than 4 million salaried workers from going into effect on Dec. 1 as scheduled. That will give Trump leeway to change course when he takes office. So far, courts have not delayed action on several other cases involving key Obama policies, including a state and industry challenge to rules to curb greenhouse gas emissions mainly from coal-fired power plants. An appeals court in Washington heard oral arguments in September but has not yet issued a ruling. Trump has said he plans to rescind the regulation. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has agreed to decide a major transgender rights case that hinges in part on the Obama administration’s policy position in support of a female-born transgender high school student named Gavin Grimm, who identifies as male and sued in 2015 to win the right to use the school’s boys’ bathroom. The court has not yet scheduled oral arguments in the case. It is due to rule by the end of June.;December 6, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SHOCKER! GRAMMY ATTENDEE Wears “Make America Great Again” Gown…Press Goes Nuts!;Singer/songwriter Joy Villa decided to follow the political theme at The Grammy s tonight by wearing a gown that says Make America Great Again on the front and TRUMP on the back It might not be what the producers expected LOL! WE LOVE IT!If you tweet, PLEASE support this young artist with a retweet! She s being royally abused by the liberals She needs some love from the Deplorables!She s getting lots of attention from the press:From Villa s Website:Who is Joy? True to the lyrics of her song Vagabonds , Joy Villa is a singer songwriter who s never slowing down. Having lived in Hollywood, Seattle, Las Vegas, and now residing in NYC, touring extensively since 2012 to Asia, Australia the US and Europe.Joy s favorite genre has always been rock and roll, and she considers herself lucky to be a female that looks different than the normal Rockstar . A classic renaissance woman, she also paints, models, acts, dances, composes poetry, and writes screenplays and books.Photo credit: Aaron FortnerVia: GP;Feb 12, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Mattis directs Joint Chiefs head to prepare to carry out Trump's South Asia strategy;AMMAN (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday that he had directed the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to carry out President Donald Trump’s South Asia strategy after a rigorous interagency review which he would discuss with NATO allies. “I have directed the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to make preparations to carry out the president’s strategy,” Mattis said in a statement. “I will be in consultation with the Secretary General of NATO and our allies—several of which have also committed to increasing their troop numbers,” he added. ;August 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: VIETNAM RELEASES Catholic Priest Just Days Before Obama Lifts Arms Ban… Just One Prisoner?;Vietnam has supposedly made modest gains in reducing human rights abuses BUT a Catholic priest was just released after TWO DECADES in a Vietnam prison. What on earth did this priest do? Well, he fought for religious freedom Yes, Vietnam is still holding others in situations just like this. Soooo Vietnam throws us a bone and releases just one prisoner as a gesture so Obama will lift the arms ban? WHY NOT HOLD OUT FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS?Vietnam has freed one of its longest-serving political prisoners, just a few days before a visit by Barack Obama in which human rights is expected to be a key talking point.Nguyen Van Ly, a Catholic priest who has spent most of the past two decades in detention due to his relentless pursuit of democracy and religious freedom, was released from a prison in central Hue province after his fourth stint behind bars. They released him in a special amnesty by Vietnam s president before the Obama trip, Catholic priest Phan Van Loi told Reuters by phone.The communist country s state-controlled media has made no mention of Ly s release, which comes as Obama weighs whether to lift an arms embargo on Vietnam, a decision Washington has long said would hinge on human rights progress.Loi said that he met Ly after his release and that although he appeared weak, he was in high spirits.The US embassy in Hanoi welcomed the release of Ly but said other dissidents should be freed too. We call on the government to release unconditionally all prisoners of conscience and allow all Vietnamese to express their political views peacefully without fear of retribution, an embassy spokesman said.During Ly s long periods of incarceration, sometimes in solitary confinement, he suffered numerous health problems, including strokes and partial paralysis.Ly s release on Friday was three months before the end of an eight-year prison sentence for anti-state propaganda , which comes under a section of the criminal code that rights groups say is vaguely worded and used to punish outspoken critics.The priest has been on the receiving end of some of the country s harshest verdicts, stemming from his opposition to the political monopoly of the Communist party. He set up a pro-democracy movement and was behind several banned publications.Human rights is a thorny issue for Vietnam that has created dilemmas for western governments keen to engage with one of Asia s fastest-growing economies but alarmed by the arrests, harassment and jailing of its detractors.Via: The Guardian;May 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Saudi Arabia to vet use of Prophet's sayings to counter extremism;RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, is to monitor interpretations of the Prophet Mohammad s teachings to prevent them being used to justify violence or terrorism, the Culture and Information Ministry has said. In a decree, King Salman ordered the establishment of an authority to scrutinize uses of the hadith - accounts of the sayings, actions or habits of the Prophet that are used by preachers and jurists to support teachings and edicts on all aspects of life. The ministry said late on Tuesday that the body s aim would be to eliminate fake and extremist texts and any texts that contradict the teachings of Islam and justify the committing of crimes, murders and terrorist acts . The body will be based in Medina and overseen by a council of senior Islamic scholars from around the world, according to the decree. The ministry offered no specific details of how it would work in practice. Islamist groups such as Islamic State and al Qaeda have used interpretations of hadiths - numbered in the thousands and pored over by scholars for centuries - to justify violence and to urge supporters to carry out attacks. Saudi Arabia s approach to religious doctrine is important because of its symbolic position as the birthplace of Islam, while its oil exports allow it to fund mosques abroad. Its ultra-conservative Wahhabi clergy have been close to the Al Saud dynasty since the mid-18th century, offering it Islamic legitimacy in return for control over mosques and universities. The traditional Wahhabi doctrine favors a strict version of Islamic law and a return to early Muslim practices, and views Shi ites as heretics. But senior clergy have denounced militant Islamist doctrines such as those of al Qaeda or Islamic State, while the government, which vets clerics in Saudi Arabia s 70,000 mosques, has sacked many for encouraging violence or sedition. Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said last month that thousands of extremist clerics had been dismissed, although he gave no timeframe. The government has begun to promote an alternative narrative of Saudi identity that keeps Wahhabism as a central focus, but still allows secular themes such as nationalism and cultural heritage that predates Islam to shine through. The ministry said the body would serve Islam by creating a solid scientific reference to vet and verify the authenticity of hadiths , which are second in importance only to the Koran in Islam. It did not say what form the reference would take. The decree issued by the king, whose official title is Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques - Islam s most revered places in Mecca and Medina - said the body would be chaired by Sheikh Mohammed bin Hassan al-Sheikh, a member of the Council of Senior Scholars, which serves as Saudi Arabia s highest religious body.;October 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. conducts missile defense test off Hawaii coast;(Reuters) - The U.S. Missile Defense Agency and the Navy successfully conducted a missile defense test off the coast of Hawaii, MDA said in a statement on Wednesday. The test, scheduled well in advance, was done from the USS John Paul Jones and comes a day after North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan. The test, using Standard Missile-6 guided missiles, intercepted a medium-range ballistic missile target. North Korea said its missile launch was to counter U.S. and South Korean military drills, and was a first step in military action in the Pacific to contain the U.S. territory of Guam. The launch was condemned by the United Nations as an outrageous act. The MDA said the test gives the naval component of the missile defense system higher ability to intercept ballistic missiles in their terminal phase. Japan has been worried that the United States has so far declined to arm it with a powerful new radar, Reuters reported on Wednesday. Japan is seeking a land-based version of the Aegis ballistic missile defense system, operational by 2023, as a new layer of defense to help counter North Korea s missile advances.;August 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Treasury pushes U.S. regulatory interests, setting scene for clash;WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury on Friday said domestic regulators should prioritize U.S. interests when engaging in global rulemaking forums, setting up possible conflicts with overseas regulators. The recommendation comes days before global regulators from the Basel Committee and the Financial Stability Board are due to convene in Washington ahead of an International Monetary Fund meeting, and will likely overshadow discussions that will take place on the sidelines. U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive order earlier this year calling for the rollback of rules introduced after the 2007-2009 financial crisis has sparked fears that the world’s most influential financial market would retreat from global rulemaking. The United States should continue to engage in global rulemaking, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a report on regulatory reform on Friday, but should do so in a way that helps Wall Street be globally competitive and keeps financial markets fair and vibrant. “U.S. agencies should also continue to advance U.S. interests by engaging bilaterally and multilaterally to enhance American companies’ competitiveness,” the report said. International rules should only be used if they align with domestic objectives, and should be “carefully and appropriately tailored” to meet the needs of the U.S. financial services industry and the American people, the report said. A more assertive United States will raise tensions in the European Union with both sides having laboured for years to find common ground in areas like clearing derivatives. Agreements between the two countries on cross-border trading in swaps and how financial research should be paid for remain outstanding. The United States has already made it clear it won’t endorse a planned global capital rule for insurers unless it meets U.S. requirements. Mnuchin’s report comes at a time when momentum in global rulemaking is already sputtering as the immediate post-crisis sense of urgency fades. Top officials at several global bodies are also coming to end of their terms, potentially creating leadership vacuums. One top U.S. regulatory official told Reuters last month that frustrations were growing over the Basel and FSB rule-making process which “left much to be desire”. This person said the process was too opaque, that implementation deadlines were often arbitrary, and that cost-benefit analysis wasn’t always adequate. On Friday, the Treasury recommended increasing “transparency and accountability” in these international bodies, saying they should adopt U.S. style rulemaking procedures that include “robust” impact assessments and broad consultation. “Treasury recommends increasing the number and timeliness of external stakeholder consultation and publicizing the schedule of major international meetings,” the Treasury wrote on Friday. A spokesman for the FSB declined to comment on the report, but in a statement outlining its 2018 agenda on Friday the FSB said it would review its processes, procedural guidelines and transparency. Representatives of Basel did not immediately respond to emailed requests for comment. Mnuchin had already ruffled regulatory feathers with his first report on regulatory reform which proposed delaying two of Basel’s rules in order to ease the burden on American banks. That recommendation prompted warnings from the European Union not to roll back on globally agreed rules. Earlier on Friday, the Basel Committee announced it would allow flexibility in the way one of those rules are implemented in a bid to persuade members like the United States to stick to the 2018 start date. But the Treasury report may put further strain on attempts by Basel to complete its Basel III bank capital reform initiated after taxpayers had to bail out lenders during the crisis. A split between the United States and Europe has prevented a deal on a key element of the package. Federal Reserve Board Governor Jerome Powell told a Reuters Summit this week there was a good case for getting a deal this year, “but we’d like to do that on terms that are fair, and fair to us”. (This version of the story corrects 14th paragraph to say Friday, not Tuesday);October 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kerry trip to Cuba for rights dialogue canceled: U.S. officials;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tentative plans for U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to visit Cuba before mid-March for a human rights dialogue have been canceled, two U.S. officials said on Thursday, amid concerns over the Cuban government’s human rights record. Kerry told a congressional hearing on Feb. 23 that he might be in Cuba “in the next week or two” to hold a dialogue on human rights, ahead of President Barack Obama’s scheduled trip to the island on March 21-22. The sources said the trip had been canceled because U.S. and Cuban officials were deep in negotiations on issues including which dissidents Obama might see in Havana and that a trip in the timeframe Kerry had mentioned was not seen as constructive. State Department spokesman John Kirby said he had no updates regarding Kerry’s potential travel to Cuba. “The Secretary is still interested in visiting in the near future, and we are working with our Cuban counterparts and our embassy to determine the best timeframe,” Kirby said in an emailed statement. U.S. critics of Obama’s opening to Cuba have complained that the president has received little in return for restoring diplomatic relations with the former Cold War foe. On Feb. 24, the Cuban government granted seven dissidents who were out of prison on parole a one-time permission to travel outside the country in an apparent gesture to the United States ahead of Obama’s historic visit.;March 4, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Meeting between Egyptian foreign minister and Jared Kushner canceled: ministry;CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry is no longer meeting U.S. President Donald Trump’s advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner on Wednesday, a copy of his schedule sent out to journalists showed. A Foreign Ministry official told Reuters the meeting had been canceled but did not provide a reason. Shoukry had been scheduled to meet with a U.S. delegation led by Kushner to discuss the Middle East peace process. Two U.S sources familiar with the matter told Reuters on Tuesday that U.S. authorities would deny Egypt $95.7 million in aid and delay a further $195 million payment over its failure to make progress on respecting human rights and democratic norms.;August 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Twitter Kicks Trump In The Throat After He ATTACKS Meryl Streep In Lie-Filled Rant (TWEETS);"He went there. We all knew he d go there, but on Monday Donald Trump deigned it appropriate to attack Meryl Streep after she made some rather pointed remarks about accepting others in her speech at the Golden Globes. Without naming Trump by name, she managed to twist the knife deep in The Donald s abdomen with very little effort. There was one performance this year that stunned me. It sank its hooks in my heart, Streep said, referencing Trump s attacks on a disabled New York Times reporter last year. Not because it was good, there was nothing good about it, but it was effective and it did its job. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, she continued. Someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart when I saw it and I still can t get it out of my head because it wasn t in a movie, it was real life, Streep said. This instinct to humiliate when it s modeled by someone in the public by someone powerful, it filters down into everyone s life because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same. Calling on the press to hold power to account, Streep very correctly pointed out that When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose. Naturally, this was too much for Trump to handle. In an interview with the New York Times Monday morning, Trump denied mocking anyone at all. I was never mocking anyone, Mr. Trump said. I was calling into question a reporter who had gotten nervous because he had changed his story. Trump, of course, was referencing a 15-year-article written by Serge F. Kovaleski that he had attempted to use to prove that Muslims were celebrating in the streets.In reality, Kovaleski correctly reported that police, swept up in the paranoia directly following 9/11, had detained a number of people who had allegedly celebrated. Ultimately, there was one account of people celebrating in the streets at the time and it was five young Israeli men, who were certainly not Muslims. People keep saying I intended to mock the reporter s disability, as if Meryl Streep and others could read my mind, and I did no such thing, he told the Times. And remember, Meryl Streep introduced Hillary Clinton at her convention, and a lot of these people supported Hillary. He then took to Twitter to attack Streep as one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood and a Hillary flunky who lost big. Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a .. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never ""mocked"" a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017""groveling"" when he totally changed a 16 year old story that he had written in order to make me look bad. Just more very dishonest media! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017Just for reference, this is Donald Trump not mocking anyone :Naturally, Twitter erupted in fury both at Trump s revisionist claim that he had not mocked anyone and his attack on a woman who simply said that the guy sitting at the head of the table shouldn t be a dick to the dinner guests:Trump reacting to anything, basically pic.twitter.com/U8pxgNb0yM Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Why didn't you just say ""I appreciate Meryl's thoughts and I will strive to be a great president""? God I miss Obama already! Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) January 9, 2017 @realDonaldTrump yeah, who do we believe you or our lying eyes? ? Kevin (@TheKevinDent) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Yes you did. https://t.co/yOgLRef99T Louis Dor (@LouisAlexDore) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Yeah you did, you cowardly, lying gnat. Rupert Myers (@RupertMyers) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Everyone saw you do it, you fucking idiot. Lie about something else. Dan Rebellato (@DanRebellato) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump No, no, you quite clearly mocked his disability. You're fucking disgusting. Brendan Maclean (@macleanbrendan) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump as a disAbility rights advocate, this ""defense"" is INDEFENSIBLE. Do you even have the capacity to ask for forgiveness? Joseph Amodeo (@josephamodeo) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump nope. you're a piece of shit pic.twitter.com/1rjAfV0Y8J Josh Mikel (@Joshua_Mikel) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Everyone saw you mock him, you cowardly pathetic bully. You are the worst thing to happen to America since Limp Bizkit. Andrew W Chamings (@AndrewChamings) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump tagging this so all your teenage followers can send me good megadrive cheats christian mccrea (@christianmccrea) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump yeah, those videos that clearly show you mocking the reporter are SO dishonest. Alyssa Hertzig (@alyssahertzig) January 9, 2017Donald Trump our President in less than a week is the sort of person to whom facts don t matter. He s the type of guy who will mock someone on video and lie to you about it as the video plays. His presidency is going to be an unpresidented (to use his word) disaster, and there is no chance our nation will not suffer for his arrogance and stupidity.But, hey, at least we get to learn Russian! .Featured image via Getty Images (Joe Raedle)/screengrab";January 9, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Sean Spicer Refused To Define ‘Betrayal’ So The Merriam-Webster Dictionary Did It For Him (TWEETS);"On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer refused to define the word betrayal after President Asterisk accused former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates of betraying the Justice Department by refusing to enforce his unconstitutional Muslim ban. Is it a betrayal? That s a very odd word, one reporter asked Spicer. Another asked why the word was used. One, probably correctly assuming that Spicer just didn t know the definition, asked him to provide one. I m not going to define the word, Spicer replied defiantly. But not to worry, the Merriam-Webster dictionary came to the rescue, throwing some serious shade Spicer s way in the process:?Lookups for 'betrayal' spiked after Sean Spicer said ""I'm not going to define the word.""We defined the word. https://t.co/alq6KqMgnF Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) January 31, 2017To help Spicer out, Merriam-Webster went into quite a bit of detail in their explanation:Betrayal is the noun that came from the verb betray, which has several meanings, including to deliver to an enemy by treachery, to fail or desert especially in time of need, to reveal unintentionally, and to disclose in violation of confidence. Betrayal means the act of betraying or fact of being betrayed. Betray was used in President Trump s memo dismissing Yates:The acting Attorney, General Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States.Although the verb betray has been in use for a considerable length of time dating back to the 13th century, the noun betrayal is much more recent. Our records indicate that the word began to enter general use around the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.I am to let my Moderation be known unto all Men: How? Not in a sinful Compliance with unwarrantable Practices, or a Tracherous betrayal of our Constitution either in Church or State, any more then Prosecuting the Interests of either with a bitter and unbecoming Zeal.In Monday s announcement, Yates wrote:My responsibility is to ensure that the position of the Department of Justice is not only legally defensible, but is informed by our best view of what the law is after consideration of all the facts. In addition, I am responsible for ensuring that the positions we take in court remain consistent with this institution s solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand for what is right. At present, I am not convinced that the defense of the Executive Order is consistent with these responsibilities nor am I convinced that the Executive Order is lawful.They also recently helped out with refugee. 'Refugee' came directly from the French word 'r fugi '. The word originally referred to the Huguenots. https://t.co/CcQX1HG1r4 Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) January 28, 2017 And Calamity, a word many are using to describe Trump s presidency.? @JohnWDean bears witness: Says Trump 'calamity' is almost a certainty. #NowTrending https://t.co/IV963Qt5zC Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) January 31, 2017 And made the Right feel stupid for calling people snowflakes when the term should be turned inward:In Missouri in the early 1860s, a 'snowflake' was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery. https://t.co/XtIlA4ARV5 Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) January 30, 2017Merriam-Webster also made headlines when Trump called something an unpresidented act:Good morning! The #WordOfTheDay is not 'unpresidented'. We don't enter that word. That's a new one. https://t.co/BJ45AtMNu4 Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) December 17, 2016When liberals joke that Trump supporters greatest enemy is the dictionary, we often have no idea how right we are.Featured image via Getty Images (Alex Wong)/screengrab";February 1, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: In Beijing, Trump presses China on North Korea and trade;BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump pressed China to do more to rein in North Korea on Thursday and said bilateral trade had been unfair to the United States, but praised President Xi Jinping s pledge that China would be more open to foreign firms. On North Korea s nuclear and missile programs, Trump said China can fix this problem quickly and easily , urging Beijing to cut financial links with North Korea and also calling on Russia to help. Trump was speaking alongside Xi in the Chinese capital to announce the signing of about $250 billion in commercial deals between U.S. and Chinese firms, a display that some in the U.S. business community worry detracts from tackling deep-seated complaints about market access in China. Xi said the Chinese economy would become increasingly open and transparent to foreign firms, including those from the United States, and welcomed U.S. companies to participate in his ambitious Belt and Road infrastructure-led initiative. Trump made clear that he blamed his predecessors, not China, for the trade imbalance, and repeatedly praised Xi, calling him a very special man . But we will make it fair and it will be tremendous for both of us, Trump said. Xi smiled widely when Trump said he does not blame China for the deficit and also when Trump said Xi gets things done. Of course there are some frictions, but on the basis of win-win cooperation and fair competition, we hope we can solve all these issues in a frank and consultative way, Xi said. Keeping opening up is our long-term strategy. We will never narrow or close our doors. We will further widen them, he said. China would also offer a more fair and transparent environment for foreign firms, including U.S. ones, Xi said. Trump is pressing China to tighten the screws further on North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons in defiance of U.N. sanctions. At least modest progress is hoped for, although there are no immediate signs of a major breakthrough, a U.S. official said earlier. Referring to Xi, Trump said: I do believe there s a solution to that, as do you. Xi reiterated that China would strive for the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula but offered no hint that China would change tack on North Korea, with which it fought side-by-side in the 1950-53 Korean war against U.S.-led forces. We are devoted to reaching a resolution to the Korean peninsula issue through dialogue and consultations, Xi said. Briefing reporters after the talks, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Trump told Xi: You re a strong man, I m sure you can solve this for me. Tillerson said both leaders agreed they could not accept a nuclear-armed North Korea but he acknowledged they had some differences over tactics and timing. Tillerson pointed out that Trump, in a speech in Seoul, had invited the North Koreans to come to the table, in line with the Chinese desire for a negotiated solution. He added, however, that Trump was prepared for a military response if he deemed the threat serious enough, but that s not his first choice . We are going to work hard on diplomatic efforts as well, he said, but did not elaborate. In a show of the importance China puts on Trump s first official visit, Thursday s welcoming ceremony outside Beijing s Great Hall of the People overlooking Tiananmen Square was broadcast live on state television - unprecedented treatment for a visiting leader. Earlier on Thursday, Xi said he had a deep exchange of views with Trump and reached consensus on numerous issues of mutual concern. For China, cooperation is the only real choice, only win-win can lead to an even better future, he said. Xi said China and the United States strengthened high-level dialogue on all fronts over the past year and boosted coordination on major international issues, such as the Korean peninsula and Afghanistan. Relations between China and the United States are now on a new historical starting point, Xi said. Trump and Xi hit it off at their first meeting in April at Trump s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and continued their bromance on Wednesday with an afternoon of sightseeing together with their wives. However, divisions persist over trade and North Korea. And while Xi is riding high after consolidating power at a twice-a-decade Communist Party Congress last month, Trump comes to China saddled with low public approval ratings and dogged by investigations into Russian links to his election campaign. Trump has ratcheted up his criticism of China s massive trade surplus with the United States - calling it embarrassing and horrible last week - and has accused Beijing of unfair trade practices. For its part, China says U.S. restrictions on Chinese investment in the United States and on high-tech exports need to be addressed. Several corporate chief executives were in Beijing as part of a delegation led by U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, with General Electric and semiconductor maker Qualcomm Inc among those announcing billions of dollars in sales to China. [L3N1NF2IA] But Qualcomm s agreement to sell $12 billion worth of components to three Chinese mobile phone makers over three years is non-binding, and critics say such public announcements are sometimes more show than substance. This shows that we have a strong, vibrant bilateral economic relationship, and yet we still need to focus on leveling the playing field because U.S. companies continue to be disadvantaged doing business in China, said William Zarit, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China. Trump railed against China s trade practices during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and threatened to take action once in office. But he has since held back on any major trade penalties, making clear he was doing so to give Beijing time to make progress reining in North Korea. A U.S. official said both sides were in sync about wanting to minimize friction during the visit and recreate the positive tone of the April summit. Trump was not expected to put much emphasis in his talks with Xi on thorny issues such as the disputed South China Sea and self-ruled Taiwan, claimed by China as its own, although the leaders aides may deal with those matters privately, the official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity. China has repeatedly pushed back at suggestions it should be doing more to rein in North Korea, which does about 90 percent of its trade with China, saying it is fully enforcing U.N. sanctions and that everyone has a responsibility to lower tension and get talks back on track. (This story was refiled to restore dropped word in paragraph 16.);November 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Austria election victor calls for end to Turkey's EU entry talks;BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Austria s likely next chancellor said on Thursday that EU membership talks with Turkey must be stopped. Sebastian Kurz, whose conservative OVP party won the most votes in Sunday s parliamentary election, said after a meeting with German Manfred Weber, the head of the centre-right grouping in the European Parliament, that Turkey was not meeting the criteria for accession. So entry negotiations with Turkey must be broken off, Kurz said in a tweet. ;October 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Opposition MPs walk out on South Africa's Zuma over corruption;CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Jacob Zuma told South Africa s parliament on Thursday he had received no payments from private companies or individuals during his time as president, as opposition lawmakers walked out in protest over the cost to the state of his legal fees. Allegations by government and opposition politicians that the wealthy Gupta family of businessmen used a friendship with Zuma to control state businesses and influence appointments are among many scandals that have dogged his presidency. The Guptas and Zuma have denied any wrongdoing and say they are victims of a politically motivated witch-hunt. My government is committed to fighting corruption, Zuma said in response to a question. He also said he would establish a judicial commission to investigate allegations made in a 2016 report by South Africa s corruption-fighting Public Protector. I did not receive any payments from private individuals or companies during my tenure as president of the Republic of South Africa, other than those disclosed or reported to the necessary authorities, he said in answer to another question. The main opposition party then walked out of the session, saying Zuma was refusing to answer questions on how much the state had spent on legal fees to fight corruption allegations against him. Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane had asked how much had been spent since May 1, 2009 to defend 783 corruption charges against Zuma that were dropped by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) before he ran for the presidency. He is going to jail. The president is going to jail, Maimane shouted before leading the walkout. South Africa s High Court reinstated the charges last year and the Supreme Court upheld that decision in October, rejecting an appeal by Zuma. The 75-year-old president is still trying to prevent the NPA from filing the charges. The State of Capture report by the Public Protector, whose job is to uphold standards in public life, recommended a judicial probe into allegations of systemic corruption by Zuma, some of his ministers and heads of state-owned companies. But the president filed an application asking the High Court to set aside the report, saying he would instead set up a judicial commission of inquiry into the allegations. The court is expected to rule on that case soon. Zuma told parliament the judicial commission would investigate those corruption allegations and any others brought to its attention. After the (High Court) judgment, I will establish it immediately. We will prove the lies and the truths, Zuma said. The truth will be found. The report focused on allegations that Zuma s friends, the businessmen and brothers Ajay, Atul and Rajesh Gupta, had influenced the appointment of ministers, which Zuma and the Guptas have denied.;November 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Turkish gold trader implicates Erdogan in Iran money laundering;(Reuters) - A Turkish-Iranian gold trader on Thursday told jurors in a New York federal court that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan authorized a transaction in a scheme to help Iran evade U.S. sanctions. Reza Zarrab is cooperating with U.S. prosecutors in the criminal trial of a Turkish bank executive accused of helping to launder money for Iran. At the time of the alleged conspiracy, Erdogan was Turkey s prime minister. Zarrab said he had learned from Zafer Caglayan, who was Turkey s economy minister, that Erdogan and then-treasury minister Ali Babacan had authorized two Turkish banks, Ziraat Bank and VakifBank, to move funds for Iran. Both Ziraat and VakifBank denied taking part in the scheme. Erdogan s spokesman, and an adviser to Babacan could not immediately be contacted by Reuters. Erdogan said earlier on Thursday that Turkey did not violate U.S. sanctions, CNN Turk reported. A spokesman for Erdogan s government has called the case a plot against Turkey. The testimony came on the third day of the trial of Mehmet Hakan Atilla, an executive at Turkey s state-owned Halkbank, who has pleaded not guilty in Manhattan federal court. U.S. prosecutors have charged nine people in the case with conspiring to help Iran evade sanctions, although only Zarrab, 34, and Atilla, 47, have been arrested by U.S. authorities. Over two days of testimony, Zarrab has told jurors that he helped Iran use funds deposited at Halkbank to buy gold, which was smuggled to Dubai and sold for cash. On Thursday, he said that he had to stop the gold trades and start moving money through fake food purchases instead in 2013, after U.S. sanctions changed. Zarrab has said that Atilla helped design the gold transactions, along with Halkbank s former general manager, Suleyman Aslan. On Thursday, Zarrab discussed a 2013 phone call with Atilla about his plan to switch from gold trades to fake food sales. He said Atilla did not understand at the time that no actual food would be sent to Iran, and was reluctant to sign off on the plan. Zarrab said Aslan ordered Atilla to allow the transaction. Zarrab has testified that in the course of his scheme, he bribed Aslan and former Turkish economy minister Zafer Caglayan. Both Caglayan and Aslan were charged in the case. Reuters was not able to reach Caglayan or Aslan for comment. Turkey s government has previously said that Caglayan acted lawfully, and Halkbank has said it acted lawfully as well. Caglayan previously said that similar allegations in a 2013 corruption investigation in Turkey that was later dismissed were unfounded claims .;November 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The New York Times Just FIRED BACK At Trump With Brutal Fact-Check On Twitter;Donald Trump pissed off The New York Times, and that mistake bit him on the ass.On Tuesday morning, Trump attacked the newspaper by once again falsely referring to it as failing and posting a link to an opinion piece written by a person who canceled his subscription because he s a snowflake who couldn t handle the honest coverage of Trump.The failing @NYTimes would do much better if they were honest! https://t.co/ATy8R3knS2 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2017Trump continued his tirade against the Times on Wednesday morning by once again referring to the newspaper as failing and then falsely claimed that the paper apologized to subscribers.Remember when the failing @nytimes apologized to its subscribers, right after the election, because their coverage was so wrong. Now worse! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 29, 2017Trump then whined about how his administration is covered by the media. You know, because the truth hurts.If the people of our great country could only see how viciously and inaccurately my administration is covered by certain media! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 29, 2017Trump was likely referring to a letter addressed to subscribers written by publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr., who acknowledged that the newspaper had underestimated Trump and the amount of support he had among conservatives.Of course, it wasn t just The New York Times that got it wrong. Multiple news outlets across the media got it wrong. Then again, maybe they were right. We ll just never know since Russia interfered in the election on Trump s behalf and FBI Director James Comey dropped an October surprise on Hillary Clinton that damaged her campaign despite the new evidence being worthless. After all, Trump lost the popular vote by three million votes and squeaked out one of the narrowest Electoral College wins in American history.Anyway, nowhere in the letter did Sulzberger apologize for the coverage Times reporters and journalist provided on the election and Trump s budding scandals.That s why The New York Times fired back at Trump two hours after his tweet on Wednesday morning to slam him for lying..@realdonaldtrump False, we did not apologize. We stand by our coverage & thank our millions of subscribers for supporting our journalism. NYTCo Communications (@NYTimesComm) March 29, 2017In fact, The New York Times has enjoyed a surge in subscriptions ever since Election Day, with more than 170,000 new signups in just a single month.Now that Trump has taken over the White House, The New York Times continues to enjoy the surge of more readers subscribing to get the news Donald Trump desperately does not want them to read.The New York Times has been digging deep into Trump s Russia scandal over the last few months and the reports have been damning. So next time Trump bitches about the New York Times, just know that it s because they are telling the truth about him.Featured Image: David Becker/Getty Images;March 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: France should know that Iran's missiles are not negotiable: spokesman;BEIRUT (Reuters) - France should know that Iran s missile program is not an issue that can be negotiated, Iran s foreign ministry spokesman, Bahram Qassemi, said in an interview with state media on Monday. French official, other officials, who want to speak about Iran s affairs need to pay attention to the deep developments that have come to pass in the region in past decades and the big changes between the current situation and the past, Qassemi said Monday, according to state media. The Islamic Republic of Iran will definitely not negotiate on defense and missile issues. Tension between Iran and France increased last month when French President Emmanuel Macron said that Iran should be less aggressive in the region and should clarify its ballistic missile program. His foreign minister also denounced, during a visit to Saudi Arabia, Iran s hegemonic temptations . France could play a productive role in the Middle East by taking a realistic and impartial approach , Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told Macron in a telephone call two weeks ago, according to Iranian state media. Iranian state media said Rouhani told Macron that the Islamic Republic was ready to develop its relations with France on all bilateral, regional and international issues based on mutual respect and shared goals. ;December 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EU, U.S. affirm Lebanon support, diverging from Saudi;BEIRUT (Reuters) - The European Union and the United States on Wednesday reaffirmed support for Lebanon after the resignation of its prime minister, striking a sharp contrast to Saudi Arabia, which accuses Beirut of declaring war because of the Shi ite group Hezbollah. Statements of support from EU ambassadors to Lebanon and the United States have set a different tone to their Sunni Gulf ally Saudi Arabia, which has lumped Lebanon together with the Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah as parties hostile to it. Lebanon has been pitched into deep crisis since the Saudi-allied Saad al-Hariri resigned on Saturday in a speech delivered from Saudi Arabia in which he accused Hezbollah and Iran of sowing strife in the Arab world and cited fear of assassination. The circumstances surrounding Hariri s sudden resignation have given rise to wide speculation that he had been caught up in a high-level anti-corruption purge in Saudi Arabia, where his family made their fortune, and coerced into resigning. Saudi Arabia has denied this along with reports that it has put Hariri under house arrest. It says he quit because Hezbollah was calling the shots in the government. The move has pulled Lebanon back to the forefront of a regional struggle between the Sunni monarchy of Saudi Arabia and the Shi ite Islamist government of Iran, a rivalry which has also swept through Syria, Iraq, Bahrain and Yemen. It has plunged Lebanon into political crisis and hit market confidence in the heavily indebted Lebanese state. A sell off of Lebanese bonds continued for a third day on Wednesday, with some of them hitting their lowest ever levels. The U.S. ambassador to Lebanon said on Wednesday the United States remained committed to a stable, secure, democratic, and prosperous Lebanon during a meeting with Lebanese army commander General Joseph Aoun, a U.S. embassy statement said. The meeting was to announce a U.S. government reimbursement of $42.9 million for border operations conducted by the Lebanese army, a major recipient of U.S. military aid. The United States classifies Hezbollah as a terrorist group even as it supports the weak Lebanese state, drawing a line between the two in a long-standing policy. On Tuesday, the U.S. State Department said Lebanon was a strong U.S. partner. The United States strongly supports the legitimate institutions in the Lebanese state, spokeswoman Heather Nauert said. We expect all members of the international community to respect fully those institutions and the sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon, she said. In a statement, EU ambassadors to Lebanon said they reaffirmed their strong support for the continued unity, stability, sovereignty, and security of Lebanon and its people . Lebanon has also received significant Western aid to help it cope with the strain of hosting 1.5 million Syrian refugees, equivalent to around a quarter of the population. Hezbollah, set up by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in 1982, is the most powerful group in Lebanon, with major sway in government and a guerrilla army that outguns the national military. The group s role has grown beyond Lebanon in recent years, and its fighters have provided critical support to President Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian civil war. Neither Hezbollah nor the Lebanese government have responded to accusations made by Saudi Gulf affairs minister Thamer al-Sabhan that both Lebanon and Hezbollah had declared war on the kingdom. President Michel Aoun, a Hezbollah ally who took office last year, has refused to accept Hariri s resignation, saying he first wants him to return to Lebanon so he can meet him in person to understand the reasons. Aoun said Lebanon s security and economy were stable and the presidency still viewed Hariri as prime minister, Lebanese media reported. Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has said the coalition government led by Hariri still stands. Lebanese policymakers and bankers say there is no concern for the Lebanese pound - which has been pegged against the U.S. dollar at the same rate for two decades - thanks to record levels of foreign currency reserves. Banking sources say there was more demand than usual for converting Lebanese pound savings into dollars when banks opened on Monday. But they said this was not unexpected and is at minimal levels. Lebanon s June 2020 bond, and its April 2020 issue both fell to their lowest ever levels on Wednesday. Yields could come down, if a new Prime Minister is found quickly and the government can get back to business, but this doesn t appear to be likely in the short term, said Carmen Altenkirch, emerging market sovereign analyst at Axa Investment Managers. Byblos Bank s Chief Economist Nassib Ghobril said: We ve had worse cases when we saw pressure on the actual peg of Lebanese pound to U.S. dollar but it takes a severe shock of the magnitude of the (former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri) assassination in 2005 or the 2006 Israeli war to put real pressure on the currency peg.;November 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EMAILS SHOW OBAMA’S EPA Planned To Let Flint Residents Drink Poison Water Until 2016;"It s fascinating that even before any facts related to the Flint water crisis were available, the Hollywood liberal elite and Leftist s across America were calling for the head of Michigan s Republican Governor. Now that the evidence is overwhelmingly pointing to a corrupt and incompetent EPA along with incompetent Democrat public officials in Flint, MI., will the media start correctly placing the blame where it belongs? WATCH big mouth activist Michael Moore attempting to inject his rancor into the Flint water crisis, as a way to draw attention to himself and place blame on Republican Governor Rick Snyder instead of the actual culprit, the incompetent EPA:Four months after being notified about high lead levels in a Flint home, the Environmental Protection Agency was prepared to let the city continue giving lead-contaminated water to customers until at least 2016, emails released Friday show.Jennifer Crooks, the Michigan program manager for the EPA s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, sent out an agenda on June 8, 2015, for a planned call with Michigan Department of Environmental Quality officials.In that email, Crooks said it was known that Flint had not been adding any corrosion-control chemicals to its water to prevent lead from leaching from the pipes into drinking water since April 2014. She said the city was in its second six-month testing period.It didn t make sense for the city to start a corrosion control program in June 2015, Crooks wrote. Since Flint has lead service lines, we understand some citizen-requested lead sampling is exceeding the Action Level, and the source of drinking water will be changing again in 2016, so to start a Corrosion Control Study now doesn t make sense, Crooks wrote. The idea to ask Flint to simply add phosphate may be premature; there are many other issues and factors that must be taken into account which would require a comprehensive look at the water quality and the system before any treatment recommendations can/should be made. The email was sent almost four months after EPA researcher Miguel Del Toral was made aware of high lead in Flint s water.Via: Washington Examiner";Feb 13, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Alec Baldwin Makes Bombshell Announcement That’s Going To ENRAGE Trump;If things keep going as they are, we may see a surprising candidate on the 2020 presidential ballot. Our favorite Donald Trump impersonator could be running against Trump.59-year-old Alec Baldwin might throw his hat in the ring, because according to him, there s no one who can beat Trump. I would love to run for office because I think people need something different. I think that all the people that are on deck in 2020, none of them are going to win, the 59-year-old actor who plays Trump on Saturday Night Live told Extra in an interview released Tuesday.Without naming names, Baldwin reiterated, None of those people are going to beat him. Source: The HillBaldwin s wife doesn t seem to be on board. During the interview, she shook her head and said, we re not going to do that. Baldwin, though warned that if Trump were to be reelected, things would be a lot worse. You think things are bad now? the performer added. I ll tell you when things are going to be worse if he wins again. Baldwin has been playing Trump for a while now, to popular acclaim. He performed both that role and the role of Bill O Reilly on Saturday Night Live on Saturday.Here s the video:That s not the same as actually being president, though, but the fact that Trump is in office could ironically be reason Baldwin might stand a chance.Baldwin is a popular liberal who has long been very vocal about politics, but he s no stranger to controversy. In 2013, he left a message for his daughter calling her a rude thoughtless pig. Last year, he called a reporter by a gay slur.In normal political times, Baldwin s lack of political experience, along with his caught-on-tape controversies, would be an immediate deal breaker, but these are not normal times. Baldwin s flaws are far less glaring than Trump s. Then again, Democrats are always held to a higher standard than Republicans.Featured image via D. Dipasupil/Getty Images.;April 9, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: COPS ASK MAYOR TO REMOVE “Black Lives Matter” Banner Hanging At City Hall…His Response Is ASTOUNDING!;"Imagine what it must feel like for these officers who put on their uniforms and go to work, risking their lives in a city whose Mayor has arrogantly displayed an in-your-face banner supporting a cop-hating movement over the front entrance of the City Hall Somerville police officers are asking that the city s mayor remove a banner supporting the Black Lives Matter movement from City Hall and replace it with one proclaiming All Lives Matter. In a Tuesday letter addressed to Mayor Joseph Curtatone, the Somerville Police Employee s Association, the bargaining unit for 90-95 patrol officers, called the city s support of the Black Lives Matter movement and the display of the banner deeply troubling. It is as inconceivable to us as it is demoralizing that our City would propagate its support for this movement while standing silent over the seemingly daily protest assassinations of innocent police officers around the country, the association wrote.Citing what they saw as fringe elements of the movement, officers in the association argued that the activists have at times provoked violence against police around the nation, including the recent shooting in Dallas that killed five officers. The point is that these incidents have incited more than protests; they have incited some within the protest movement to use violence against police officers who had nothing to do with the shootings of black men, and have done so before all of the facts of each case were known, the letter said.While the association acknowledged that black lives, as well as those of other minorities, matter just as much as white lives, it argued that Somerville s open support for the movement could imply that the department thinks otherwise. At the same time, we strongly object to a public banner sponsored by the City that [implicitly] paints police officers as the killers of innocent citizens of color when there is no evidence whatsoever that the police officers in the City are in anyway using their police power in a discriminatory of unlawful way, the letter said.Instead, the officers asked that the banner be replaced with one that reads All Lives Matter, a move they believe would have the mayor standing in solidarity with the police department. The vast majority of police officers across this country are tasked with shielding, protecting, and assisting elements of the protest movement that loath them, spit on them, intentionally injure them and wish death upon them, the association wrote. Nonetheless, it is generally true that officers perform these very tasks with professionalism, honor, integrity, courage, and without hesitation. The letter didn t sway Curtatone, who said he doesn t plan to remove the banner. My unwavering support for our police officers does not and cannot preempt our commitment to addressing systemic racism in our nation, Curtatone said in a statement to Boston.com. I ve made very clear to our officers that we should be thankful for and reinforce what we have here in Somerville: a safer community thanks to the highest quality policing by a force dedicated to community policing, de-escalation, proper use of force, and anti-bias awareness. Via: Boston Heraldh/t Police Mag";Jul 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: FORMER CHILD ACTOR Tried To Call Out Powerful Hollywood Pedophiles on The View…Barbara Walters and Female Co-Host Shamed Him: “You’re damaging an entire industry!”;Child actor Corey Feldman appeared on The View in 2013 to talk about his book that exposed some of the richest and most powerful people in the business [Hollywood], who are pedophiles that prey on young actors. Corey s brave admission of his experiences in Hollywood should have been treated as a public service announcement for parents who had child actors working in Hollywood, as he was giving them a heads up to take the extra steps to protect them. Instead, he was shamed Feldman appeared in a 2103 episode of The View where Barbara Walters and Star Jones went out of their way to discredit and shut him up. I m saying there are people that were the people that did this to both me and Corey [Haim] that are still working. They re still out there, and that are some of the richest most powerful people in this business. Walters tried to interupt, but Feldman continued, And they do not want me saying what I am saying right now. Walters asked Feldman, Are you saying they are pedophiles and that they are still in this business? Feldman replied, Yes. Feldman went on to say, They don t want me here right now. They want me dead! Star Jones quickly jumped in to try to shut Feldman up so he doesn t scare parents who want their kids in the industry.Feldman clarified, that he s just warning parents to be careful what you wish for. Don t go into it with naivety. Instead of considering Feldman s warning, that may be of interest to parents who have children in the industry, Walters interrupted him to admonish him, You re damaging an entire industry! Feldman apologized, I m sorry. After several years of being shamed by his peers and high-profile women in the industry like Barbara Walters, child actor Corey Feldman may finally find someone who will finally take him seriously, now that Harvey Weinstein has been exposed.Cernovich The recent exposure of serial sexual predator and Hollywood Democrat kingpin Harvey Weinstein raises, even more, questions than it answers.In a now famous photo, Weinstein can be seen grabbing young actress Emma Watson in a compromising position.While the public controversy currently centers around Weinstein s sexual abuse of power over young women, the question remains how young were Weinstein s victims?Former child actor Corey Feldman has publicly stated that I was molested and passed around, while discussing how in Hollywood adult males in the industry would pass young stars back and forth to each other. Feldman revealed that his co-star Corey Haim was raped at 11-years-old.Actor Elijah Wood confirmed Feldman s claims in May 2016, describing Hollywood as a den of vipers in an interview, and saying If you can imagine it, it s probably happened. Wood said he was protected from abuse by his mother, who didn t let him go to Hollywood parties, but he said other young child actors were regularly preyed upon by those in power.Wood also compared Hollywood s sexual predators with known pedophile and English TV personality Jimmy Savile. You all grew up with Savile, Wood said. Jesus, it must have been devastating. Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organized. X-Men director Bryan Singer is among those publicly accused of sexual abuse of young boys in Hollywood.;Oct 14, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump dumps controversial chief strategist Bannon in latest upheaval;"WASHINGTON/HAGERSTOWN, Md. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday fired his chief strategist Steve Bannon in the latest White House shake-up, removing a far-right architect of his 2016 election victory and a driving force behind his nationalist and anti-globalization agenda. Bannon’s firing, a year and a day after Trump hired him as his campaign chief, put an abrupt end to the rabble-rousing political provocateur’s tumultuous tenure in a White House riven with rivalries and back-stabbing during which he clashed with more-moderate factions. He was instrumental in some of Trump’s most contentious policy moves including the ban on people from several Muslim-majority countries, abandoning the Paris climate accord, tearing up international trade agreements and cracking down on illegal immigration. He was no friend of the Republican political establishment and was loathed by liberals but was a darling of some of the president’s hard-line conservative supporters. White House officials said Trump had told new Chief of Staff John Kelly to crack down on the bickering and infighting, and that Bannon’s fate was sealed by comments published on Wednesday in the American Prospect liberal magazine in which he spoke of targeting his adversaries within the administration. Trump, seven months into his presidency, has become increasingly isolated over his comments following white supremacist violence in the Virginia college town of Charlottesville last Saturday and his attacks on fellow Republicans. Some Republicans had even begun questioning Trump’s capacity to govern. As Trump came under fire from Republicans including two former presidents, and from business leaders and U.S. allies abroad, he faced mounting calls for Bannon’s ouster. Critics had accused Bannon of harboring anti-Semitic and white nationalist sentiments. “White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve’s last day,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a statement. Bannon returned to his post as executive chairman of right-wing Breitbart News on Friday afternoon, the website said. Prior to joining the Trump campaign, he had spearheaded Breitbart’s shift into a forum for the “alt-right,” a loose online confederation of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites. Bannon said his departure from the White House signals a major shift for the Trump agenda. “The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,” Bannon told the conservative Weekly Standard. “I just think his ability to get anything done - particularly the bigger things, like the wall, the bigger, broader things that we fought for, it’s just gonna be that much harder,” Bannon said. He said he would use Breitbart to attack opponents of the populist and nationalist agenda he championed, including establishment Republicans. “I am definitely going to crush the opposition,” Bannon said. He became the latest key figure to abruptly depart a Trump White House that has been chaotic from its first days and already has lost a chief of staff, a national security adviser, two communications directors and a chief spokesman. Trump’s presidency also has been dogged by ongoing investigations in Congress and a special counsel named by the Justice Department into potential collusion between his presidential campaign and Russia, something both Trump and Moscow deny. Bannon, 63, is a former U.S. Navy officer, Goldman Sachs investment banker and Hollywood movie producer. He had been in a precarious position before but Trump opted to keep him, in part because he had played a major role in Trump’s November 2016 election victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton and was backed by many of the president’s most loyal rank-and-file supporters. Democrats cheered Bannon’s departure. “Steve Bannon’s firing is welcome news,” said Nancy Pelosi, the top House of Representatives Democrat. “The Trump Administration must not only purge itself of the remaining white supremacists on staff, but abandon the bigoted ideology that clearly governs its decisions.” Wall Street indexes and the U.S. dollar ended a volatile session lower after a week of drama in Washington intensified doubts about Trump’s ability to deliver on policy objectives such as tax cuts. After a late-morning boost following reports of Bannon’s ouster, the dollar and U.S. equities lost ground. Bannon felt a close ideological connection to Trump’s populist tendencies and “America First” message. Like Trump, he has also expressed deep skepticism concerning ongoing American military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. The decision to fire Bannon could undermine Trump’s support among far-right voters but might ease tensions within the White House and with party leaders. Republicans control the White House and both chambers of Congress but have been unable to pass major legislative goals including a healthcare overhaul. Trump ran into trouble after saying anti-racism demonstrators in Charlottesville were as responsible for the violence as the neo-Nazis and white supremacists who instigated the protests, and that there were “very fine people” among both groups. Those remarks sparked rebukes from fellow Republicans, top corporate executives and some close allies. Bannon’s departure removes a large source of friction on the White House staff, but does not herald a significant shift by Trump toward the center on major policy issues, three administration officials said. “A good deal of what was attributed to Bannon, for example on China trade and restricting immigration, and the border wall, all came before Bannon joined the campaign and would have happened without him,” said one White House official, speaking on the condition of anonymity. Bannon has been a hawk on China, urging a tougher line on trade to correct a huge trade imbalance and dismissive of recent efforts to try to elicit Beijing’s help to rein in North Korea. In his comments to American Prospect, Bannon said the United States was in an economic war with China. A second official said the biggest winners from Bannon’s departure are national security adviser H.R. McMaster; Gary Cohn, Trump’s chief economic adviser; and Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner. Bannon’s departure cast a cloud over the future of the group of allies he had brought into the White House, such as Sebastian Gorka. Some conservative activists expressed disappointment in Bannon’s ouster. Republicans were largely quiet, though moderate Republican congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said she was glad Bannon was out but that the administration “must work to build bridges, not destroy them.” By the time Trump had hired Bannon as campaign manager, the real estate magnate had already vanquished his Republican opponents for the party’s presidential nomination. Asked about Bannon on Tuesday, Trump called him “a friend of mine” but downplayed his contribution to his election victory. “Mr. Bannon came on very late. You know that. I went through 17 senators, governors and I won all the primaries. Mr. Bannon came on very much later than that. And I like him. He is a good man. He is not a racist,” Trump said.";August 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Pentagon says reviewing 'adjustments' to arms for Syrian Kurds;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Monday it was reviewing adjustments in arms for U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in Syria but stopped short of declaring a halt to weapons transfers, suggesting such decisions would be based on battlefield requirements. Turkey said on Friday that U.S. President Donald Trump told President Tayyip Erdogan he had issued instructions that weapons should not be provided to Syrian Kurdish fighters, which Ankara views as threat. It called on Monday for Washington to follow through on its pledge. We are reviewing pending adjustments to the military support provided to our Kurdish partners in as much as the military requirements of our defeat-ISIS and stabilization efforts will allow to prevent ISIS from returning, said Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon, using an acronym for Islamic State, which U.S. and U.S.-backed forces are battling in Syria. ;November 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. justices skeptical of Puerto Rican politician's bribery appeal;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared ready to rule against a Puerto Rican politician who maintained he cannot be retried on corruption charges involving a trip to Las Vegas to watch a boxing bout after his original conviction was thrown out. The eight justices heard the first oral argument of their new term in the appeal filed by Hector Martinez Maldonado, who served in Puerto Rico’s Senate from 2005 until his 2011 conviction, and businessman Juan Bravo Fernandez, former president of a private security company. Several justices expressed skepticism about the defendants’ arguments. Bravo Fernandez sought to bribe Martinez Maldonado to win passage of bills that would benefit his business, according to prosecutors. The case focused in part on allegations that Bravo Fernandez paid for Martinez Maldonado to travel to Las Vegas in 2005 to watch boxer Felix “Tito” Trinidad, a sports hero in the Caribbean U.S. territory, lose to underdog Winky Wright. Bravo Fernandez and Martinez Maldonado were convicted for their roles in the alleged bribery scheme. The Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out their convictions in 2013. Federal prosecutors planned a new trial but the two men said it should be barred because it would violate the U.S. Constitution’s protection against “double jeopardy,” preventing people from being tried on charges for which they already have been acquitted. Their lawyers said double jeopardy applies because the jury had acquitted them on some of the criminal charges concerning conduct closely related to the actions on which the retrial would be focused. Prosecutors said the acquittals were inconsistent with the convictions, suggesting jurors did not understand the law. Based on the questions they asked, the justices appeared unlikely to throw out a 2015 appeals court decision backing prosecutors. Justice Elena Kagan asked the defendants’ attorney, Lisa Blatt, about her argument: “Is it anything more than rhetoric?” Chief Justice John Roberts told Blatt it was her burden to show the jury’s verdict was a legal and valid judgment on the same set of facts that the government wants to re-try, and not just a misunderstanding. A ruling is due by the end of June. Outside the courthouse, protesters demanded that the U.S. Senate confirm Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s nominee to fill the court’s vacancy left by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Senate Republicans have refused to act on Garland’s nomination, saying Obama’s successor should make the appointment after taking office in January.;October 4, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. Commerce Secretary wants NAFTA autos content above 70 percent: union chief;MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross wants more than 70 percent of North American content in vehicles built in the United States, Canada and Mexico under a renegotiated NAFTA trade deal, the head of Canada s largest private sector union said on Friday. Jerry Dias, national president of Unifor, told reporters he suggested in a recent meeting with Ross that the level be raised to 70 percent from the current 62.5 percent, and that the U.S. commerce secretary suggested a more aggressive level. Ross has long advocated strengthening the rules of origin for the auto industry as a way to bring back automotive production from Asia and other non-NAFTA countries. Negotiations to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement are in their second round this weekend in Mexico City, where rules of origin are expected to be discussed. U.S. negotiators, however, may not reveal specific rules of origin targets until later rounds, according to auto industry lobbyists. In fairness to Wilbur, he was more aggressive than I was, Dias said of Ross desired North American content level. Dias said he thought that a 70 percent rule would be a step in the right direction for an industry whose jobs have migrated from the United States and Canada to Mexico, and would help shift production of some automotive electronics and other parts from Asia and Europe back to North America. A spokesman for Ross in Washington could not immediately be reached for comment. Dias said tougher NAFTA rules of origin would only be a small part of restoring manufacturing jobs, and that far stronger labor standards were needed to boost wages in Mexico that are far below those in the United States and Canada. He said he agreed with U.S. President Donald Trump s threat to terminate NAFTA if it cannot be improved enough. NAFTA has been a disaster for workers in Canada, Mexico and the United States. So when he threatens to walk away from it, that s OK. So now we need to reconfigure how we fix things, he said. At the same time, Dias said that Trump was not an ally of unions, describing him as batshit crazy.;September 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ANTI-HILLARY POSTERS POP UP All Over Hollywood…Great timing!;The first time I heard Negan ask for 50 percent of everything you had, my first thought was, damn only 50 percent? And he s asking! If Democrats had their way they d take everything by decree. Sabo The artwork from conservative artist Sabo consists of blood-spattered text reading, Negan wants 50% of your shit. Hillary demands it all. The Walking Dead has been hijacked by a prolific street artist to protest Hillary Clinton and the presidential candidate s entire Democratic Party.The artwork from conservative artist Sabo consists of blood-spattered text reading, Negan wants 50% of your shit. Hillary demands it all. The sentiments are based on Negan, a new villain on AMC s hit show who expressed his desire for stuff that doesn t belong to him. In the spirit of The Walking Dead s newest villain, Negan, I drew up these posters and placed them outside of the AMC Studio offices in Santa Monica as well as near the CNN building on Sunset boulevard where there will be an anti-Hillary protest, Sabo told THR. The first time I heard Negan ask for 50 percent of everything you had, my first thought was, damn only 50 percent? And he s asking! If Democrats had their way they d take everything by decree. Read more: Hollywood Reporter;Oct 22, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump keeps it friendly with Xi at G20 on North Korea threat;HAMBURG (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump took a conciliatory tone on Saturday at a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping where the leaders agreed to keep working on two pressing issues: the nuclear threat posed by North Korea and bilateral trade irritants. Trump campaigned in last year’s presidential election on cracking down on China for its trade practices, but he softened his rhetoric after taking office, saying he wanted to work with China on the nuclear issue. When the two leaders first met in April at Trump’s Florida resort, they appeared to hit it off. Trump called Xi a “good man” as he urged him to use Beijing’s economic clout to force North Korea to curb its nuclear weapons program. Lately, Trump has expressed some impatience on China’s role in North Korea - particularly after Pyongyang launched an intercontinental ballistic missile that some experts believe could have the range to reach Alaska, and parts of the U.S. West Coast. His administration made new arms sales to Taiwan, imposed sanctions on two Chinese citizens and a shipping company and put China on a global human trafficking list. It also accused a Chinese bank of laundering money for Pyongyang. The White House is also debating trade actions against Beijing, including tariffs on its steel exports and a few days before the G20 talks, Trump complained that trade between China and North Korea had grown. But he showed none of that impatience on Saturday, when the leaders met at the invitation of Xi at the tail end of the G20 in Germany. “It’s an honor to have you as a friend,” Trump told Xi, telling him he appreciated actions he had already taken on North Korea. “As far as North Korea is concerned, we will have, eventually, success. It may take longer than I’d like. It may take longer than you’d like. But there will be success in the end one way or the other,” Trump said. Speaking to reporters later on Air Force One, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the Trump-Xi meeting lasted over an hour-and-a-half, and they had “substantive discussions” about how to deal with North Korea together. “In regards to China, we had very direct discussions about North Korea. We had very direct discussions about military and security cooperation,” Mnuchin said. “I think that President Trump made very clear to President Xi that he is focused on this issue, and wants to move forward and make progress. And I think President Xi gave a very interesting perspective from their standpoint,” he added. For his part, Xi told Trump that stronger China-U.S. ties were conducive to stability and prosperity amid global conflicts, and had made “new progress” in some areas “despite some sensitive issues”, Xi said, according to state news agency Xinhua. Xi stressed the importance of talks with North Korea, and said China’s navy will join next year’s U.S.-led Pacific Rim military exercises. Xinhua said Xi stressed to Trump China’s position that it adheres to the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and maintaining peace and stability there. While China has been angered by North Korea’s repeated nuclear and missile tests, it also blames the United States and South Korea for worsening tension with their military exercises. “China has many times talked about its principled position, namely that at the same time as the international community making necessary responses to North Korean acts that go against U.N. Security Council resolutions, they must step up efforts to promote talks and manage and control the situation,” Xinhua said, citing Xi. Xi also reiterated China’s opposition to the U.S. deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system in South Korea, Xinhua said. China says THAAD threatens its security, despite U.S. and South Korean assurances it is aimed only at defending against North Korea. Both leaders agreed to maintain close communication and coordination on the Korean peninsula nuclear issue, Xinhua said. In a statement released on Sunday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Xi and Trump had “enhanced mutual understanding” about the North Korea issue and “confirmed the broad direction of using peaceful means to resolve this issue”. Trump also mentioned trade imbalances in his meeting with Xi, calling it a “very, very big issue” that he would address. “I know that China in particular, which is a great trading partner, we will be able to do something that will be equitable and reciprocal,” Trump said. Senior officials from both countries will meet in Washington on July 19 to discuss economic and trade issues.;July 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Rosie O’Donnell Thinks Martial Law is in Order to Prevent a Trump Presidency;"21st Century Wire says Arguably irrelevant Hollywood personality, Rosie O Donnell has taken to social media to support the concept of the US Government imposing Martial Law on the nation to avoid a Trump presidency. The Hollywood personality, who by all accounts of her own should be in Canada by now, seems to have very little understanding of not only politics, but of the law as well. She, in caps-lock Tweet shouting, said that the inauguration should be delayed under martial law until Trump is cleared of all charges. Obviously she s referring to the dossier that was discredited as a fake within hours of its release by BuzzFeed and subsequent republication by many left leaning mainstream media outlets. Charges implies a legal case yet there was no legal case, no victim, no crime, nothing of substance at all because it was a fake document.Have a look at her whacky, ill fated attempts at affecting the political dialog on her social media output.I FULLY SUPPORT IMPOSING MARTIAL LAW DELAYING THE INAUGURATION UNTIL TRUMP IS ""CLEARED"" OF ALL CHARGES https://t.co/fUn8FZ8RTj ROSIE (@Rosie) January 12, 2017As though the high horsed Hollywood liberal echo chamber didn t get enough with the caps-locked illogical rant above, she followed with yet another cry to interrupt a legitimately elected US political official with a military take over and suspension of constitutional rights.delay the day do not swear him in until it is investigated for the love of god america we must stop the inaugruation @frankielucy ROSIE (@Rosie) January 12, 2017As the final days of the Obama administration tick away we continue to bear witness to many Hollywood celebs throwing tantrums and wearing their ignorance of political realities on their sleeves (and social media feeds.) Rosie is one of the ultimate examples of the hypocrisy that we ve been shown by others of her ilk such as Meryl Streep recently. These Hollywood celebs say they support equality, tolerance, and freedom out of one side of their mouth then push for totalitarian, military enforced, martial law and disruption of free elections when the elections don t go their way.Read More Election News at: 21st Century Wire Election CoverageSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER@ 21WIRE.TV";January 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: German minister urges EU to standardize asylum seeker benefits;BERLIN (Reuters) - Social benefits for asylum seekers in Germany are quite high and they need to be harmonized across Europe, the country s interior minister was quoted on Saturday as saying, two weeks before a national election in which immigration is a key issue. Thomas de Maiziere belongs to Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives, who are expected again to emerge as the biggest party after the Sept. 24 election despite losing some support to the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD). The right-wing AfD, which has tried to tap into public disquiet over Merkel s 2015 decision to open German borders to more than a million migrants, is expected to win up to 11 percent in the election and enter the federal parliament for the first time. In an interview published in the regional newspaper Rheinische Post, de Maiziere appeared to target voters particularly concerned by the migrant influx, saying asylum procedures and benefits for asylum seekers needed to be harmonized across the 28-nation European Union. What we need next is a standardized asylum system in Europe and we re currently negotiating that in the EU - it can t be that the standards are so different in Romania, Finland, Portugal and Germany, he said. Germany is the country that most (asylum seekers) want to live in because the process and conditions for being accepted are relatively generous compared with other European countries and the benefits for refugees are quite high compared with other EU member countries, he said. De Maiziere said a more harmonized system could involve possible subsidies for migrants to help cover higher living costs in countries such as Germany on top of a uniform amount agreed at the level of the EU. He also called for common legal standards, saying: Asylum seekers here can drag out their deportation significantly more than they can elsewhere using various legal paths.;September 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: NO JOKE! THE EPA STICKS ITS NOSE INTO THE NAIL SALON BUSINESS;The EPA must be really bored with the important things they need to look into. It is just like the government to stick its nose where it really doesn t belong. Do we really need to spend taxpayer dollars on this??? It just seems that the lines with all these government agencies are becoming more and more blurred. Defund the EPA!!!Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy will take a trip to a San Francisco nail salon Wednesday a visit intended to shine a spotlight on health risks posed by the industry.McCarthy s West Coast trip arrives on the heels of a New York Times expose published last week that documented poor working conditions in New York City-area nail salons, detailing how workers are routinely underpaid and overworked. The article sparked public outcry and prompted Gov. Andrew Cuomo to call for an investigation into worker treatment at nail salons. We know more visibility needs to be raised for these issues and we re working hard to reach communities and to educate folks, McCarthy said Tuesday at the White House Summit on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Washington, where she announced her nail salon visit.During her trip, McCarthy will meet with a local nail salon owner along with members of the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, which is a coalition of salon workers, environmental groups, nonprofits, and government agencies.Read more: NJ;May 12, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: China says will work with North Korea to boost ties as envoy visits;BEIJING/SEOUL (Reuters) - Traditional friendship between China and North Korea represents valuable wealth for their people, China said after its special envoy met a high-ranking North Korean official, but there was no mention of the crisis over North Korea s weapons. Song Tao, who heads the ruling Chinese Communist Party s international department, is visiting Pyongyang to discuss the outcome of the recently concluded Communist Party Congress in China, at which President Xi Jinping cemented his power. In a brief statement dated Friday but reported by Chinese media on Saturday, the international department said Song, who is there representing Xi, reported to North Korean official Choe Ryong Hae the outcome of the congress. Song and Choe also talked about relations between their parties and countries, the department said. They said that the traditional friendship between China and North Korea was founded and cultivated by both countries former old leaders, and is valuable wealth for the two peoples, it said. Both sides must work hard together to promote the further development of relations between the two parties and two countries to benefit their two peoples. The department made no mention of North Korea s nuclear or missile programs, which are strongly opposed by China. The North s official KCNA news agency said Song informed Choe about China s 19th National Congress in detail , and stressed China s stance to steadily develop the traditionally friendly relations between the two parties and countries. Song arrived on Friday but it is not clear how long he will be in North Korea. China has repeatedly pushed for a diplomatic solution to the crisis over North Korea s development of nuclear weapons and missiles to carry them, but in recent months it has had only limited high-level exchanges with North Korea. The last time China s special envoy for North Korea visited the country was in February last year. Song s trip comes just a week after U.S. President Donald Trump visited Beijing as part of an Asia tour, where he pressed for greater action to rein in North Korea, especially from China, with which North Korea does 90 percent of its trade. The influential state-run Chinese tabloid the Global Times said in an editorial that it was unwise to expect too much from his trip, saying his key mission was to inform North Korea about the party congress in Beijing. Song is not a magician, the newspaper said. The key to easing the situation on the peninsula lies in the hands of Washington and Pyongyang. If both sides insist on their own logic and refuse to move in the same direction, even if Song opens a door for talks, the door could be closed any time. It is not clear whether Song will meet North Korea s youthful leader Kim Jong Un. Kim and President Xi exchanged messages of congratulations and thanks over the Chinese party congress, but neither leader has visited the other s country since assuming power. Song s department is in charge of the party s relations with foreign political parties, and has traditionally served as a conduit for Chinese diplomacy with North Korea. China s new special envoy for North Korea, Kong Xuanyou, who took up his position in August, is not believed to have visited the country since assuming the job.;November 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says progress made in U.S.-China relations during Xi visit;PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that he believed he and Chinese President Xi Jinping had made progress in the bilateral U.S.-China relationship during their first face-to-face talks. Sitting across from Xi, Trump declared that his relationship with the Chinese president was “outstanding” during brief remarks to reporters after talks on trade irritants and concerns about North Korea’s nuclear program at his resort in Palm Beach, Florida. (This version of the story corrects to show leaders were sitting across from each other, not standing beside each other) ;April 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Catalan strike severs road links as secessionist leader regroups;BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - A general strike called by pro-independence campaigners in Catalonia closed shops and severed transport links on Wednesday, as the region s deposed leader lost political momentum after failing to seal an electoral pact with another party. Protesters closed roads, causing huge tailbacks into Barcelona, while some public transport ran minimum services and some smaller stores remained shuttered. Reuters saw hundreds of strikers gathered in Barcelona s main Sant Jaume square to protest the imprisonment of politicians, chanting the name of ex-leader Carles Puigdemont and referring to him as our president . But he faces an uphill task to maintain influence after he missed a deadline of midnight on Tuesday to agree a pro-secessionist pact for a regional election with his former vice president Oriol Junqueras. The central government in Madrid called the election for Dec. 21 after last month assuming control of Catalonia following its parliament s unilateral independence declaration. Spain s Constitutional Court on Wednesday officially annulled the declaration, which it had suspended, a widely expected ruling. Catalonia s secessionist push has plunged Spain into its worst political crisis in four decades, leading to a business exodus and reopened old wounds from the civil war in the 1930s. Junqueras is in custody on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds. But polls show his leftist ERC party will win three times as many seats next month in the regional assembly than the centre-right PDeCAT of Puigdemont, who is in self-imposed exile in Belgium and facing the same charges. If that forecast proves correct it represents a very uncomfortable position for Puigdemont, said Jose Miguel de Elias, of political consultancy Sigma Dos. If (the secessionists) get enough seats to form a government, he would be vice president, which ... would not suit him. In Catalonia there was a mixed reaction to the pro-independence strike, called by two civic groups, whose heads were imprisoned last month on sedition charges, and a labor union. People stood across dozens of major highways waving placards and chanting freedom for political prisoners , TV and video images showed, while minor scuffles were reported on social media as police attempted to move protesters. While many smaller stores left their shutters down due the strike, most larger shops and businesses appeared to be open as normal. Why should I strike, nobody is going to raise my salary... The politicians should work more and stop their silliness, Jose Luis, a Barcelona construction worker, told Reuters TV on his way to work. Protester Josep Cardona, a 55-year-old office worker, had not joined a previous strike, but this time with putting people in prison, it has all gone too far, he said. Strike supporter Nuria Catalana, a 64-year-old nurse, said she had favored a pro-secessionist electoral pact, but understood the difficulties involved. We ll have to see if they really pay attention to whoever wins the election. We have to continue the struggle, she said. Puigdemont had ambitions to garner support for his independence campaign in the heartland of the European Union. But that hope has fallen flat, and in an interview published on Wednesday he renewed criticism of the bloc s executive. (EU Commission President Jean-Claude) Juncker welcomes mayors, governors ... but he doesn t want to meet me, Puigdemont told Belgian Daily De Standaard. I ve always been a convinced European ... But the people who are running the EU now are wrecking Europe. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, who has been unwavering in his opposition to any form of independence for Catalonia, said he hoped next month s election would usher in a period of calm and business as usual for the region. I m hoping for massive participation ... and, after that, we ll return to normality, he said in the Madrid parliament building on Wednesday. An opinion poll released on Sunday by Barcelona-based newspaper La Vanguardia showed Junqueras ERC could garner 45 or 46 seats in the regional assembly and Puigdemont s PdeCat just 14 or 15. That would leave them needing to form a parliamentary alliance with anti-capitalist CUP to reach the 68-seat threshold for a majority. ERC and PDeCAT could still reach an agreement after the vote, but by standing together they could have held more seats, polls and projections from the 2015 election results showed.;November 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: As Obama pushes agenda, Texas leads legal push-back;AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Among the few certainties in the current U.S. political environment are that immigration will be a flashpoint, abortion will remain divisive and Texas will sue the administration of President Barack Obama. Since Obama, a Democrat, took office in January 2009, the most populous Republican-controlled state has filed suit against his administration 39 times. On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to take on one of the more notable cases and decide the legality of Obama’s unilateral 2014 action to shield from deportation more than 4 million immigrants in the country illegally. For Texas politicians, suing Obama is a badge of honor. Its attorney general’s office has an annual budget of more than $600 million, more than five times higher than other major Republican strongholds such as Arizona. Current Governor Greg Abbott sued the Obama administration 31 times when he was attorney general. Current Attorney General Ken Paxton, who succeeded Abbott last year, has sued eight times. “I am enjoying being governor of Texas but there is one thing that I miss. It is that I no longer get to wake up and go to the office and sue the federal government,” Abbott told a conservative forum this month in Austin. No other Republican state comes close to the number of such filings and often they join Texas-led suits, as happened with the immigration filing that now has attracted 25 other states. For Texas, whose $1.6 trillion a year economy is bigger than many countries including U.S. ally South Korea, spending on suits against the federal government is comparatively miniscule, at around $5.1 million as of December 2014, the Texas Tribune reported, based on disclosures it received from the office. The office is a powerful machine with more than a million legal hours billed to litigation and counseling, according to its budget report. The attorney general’s Office of the Solicitor General boasts nearly 20 lawyers who specialize in appellate work in venues like the U.S. Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Texas and the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. There is also a litigation division of about 30 lawyers with which the solicitor general can team up and present cases such as the one on Obama’s executive action on immigration. Texas loses more often than it wins and it has a great deal of litigation still pending before judges that may outlast Obama’s presidency, which ends in January 2017. Under Paxton, Texas has sued the federal government on issues including U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations, taxes under Obama’s signature healthcare law and blocking the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the state. Texas is a lead party in the two biggest cases before the U.S. Supreme Court during its current term, which ends in June. In addition to the immigration case, Texas is defending a state law being challenged by abortion providers that contend the Republican-backed statute is aimed at shutting clinics that perform the procedure. The high court is due to hear arguments in the abortion case on March 2 and is expected to hear the immigration arguments the following month. “Texas, being an economically and demographically important state, is a natural to take a leadership role if there is a challenge to federal power that a lot of states want to make,” said Matthew Wilson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. The lawsuits often follow a similar philosophical idea of challenging what Texas and other Republican-governed states see as an overreach of federal power at the expense of states’ rights, he added. “We don’t just represent Texas. You can call it ‘Red State America’ or ‘Tea Party America,’ but Texas is a voice for a lot of those people nationally,” said Chip Roy, a top official in the attorney general’s office who once served as chief of staff for Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in November’s election. Cruz, a former U.S. Supreme Court clerk, helped bolster his political career when he served as Texas solicitor general from 2003 to 2008. He ramped up the office under Republican former Governor Rick Perry and helped forge challenges to what the state saw as federal overreach. “We are proud to have Texas leading the charge in defending the rule of law,” Cruz said on Tuesday after the Supreme Court announced it would hear the immigration case. Roy said in an interview the state’s leaders and a majority of its citizens want to protect the ideal of governing themselves. “It is part of who we are,” Roy said, “and that actually influences significantly our willingness, and our drive, to push back on Washington when we believe they are overstepping their constitutional authority.”;January 21, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Labor nominee Puzder faces uncertainty as confirmation hearing looms;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. Republican senators have not yet said whether they will support labor secretary nominee Andrew Puzder, raising suspense about whether he will survive an initial confirmation hearing this week. The four senators - Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Tim Scott of South Carolina and Johnny Isakson of Georgia - all sit on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which will on Thursday hold the first confirmation hearing for Puzder, President Donald Trump’s pick to head the Labor Department. Puzder, the CEO of CKE Restaurants, which franchises restaurants, including Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, has faced staunch opposition from Democrats and protests from union-backed groups about policies at CKE’s food chains. Along with now-confirmed Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, he has been one of Trump’s most controversial Cabinet picks. Through statements and spokespeople on Monday, the four Republican senators indicated they have some outstanding questions for Puzder but stressed they had not made a final decision. They would not say whether they had specific concerns. If a committee majority backs Puzder’s nomination, he will come up for a vote before the full, Republican-controlled Senate, where his confirmation could only be derailed if at least three Republicans break with their party. Puzder’s committee hearing has been postponed several times amid delays with his ethics paperwork. Fast food worker advocates say they are concerned about his prior criticism of an overtime rule proposed by the Obama administration and his opposition to raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour from the current $7.25 rate. Puzder’s nomination has sparked protests by workers who allege CKE has stolen their wages and violated other labor laws at Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. locations around the country. Puzder has also come under fire for racy restaurant ads featuring bikini-clad women eating burgers, and for his admission to previously hiring an undocumented worker. In addition, a non-profit group plans to ask a Missouri court on Tuesday to unseal Puzder’s divorce records, after the news media reported on old court records in which Puzder’s ex-wife accused him of physical abuse. Puzder has denied those allegations, and his ex-wife has since retracted them. Senate Democrats, led by Minority Leader Charles Schumer, are expected to vigorously oppose Puzder’s nomination, and Schumer has repeatedly called on Puzder to withdraw his name from consideration. But the 48 senators who caucus with the Democrats can only defeat him if they are able to convince three Republicans. Last week, both Collins and Murkowski joined with Democrats to oppose DeVos’ nomination, but Vice President Mike Pence was called in to break the tie and she was confirmed. “I’ve had two conversations with Mr. Puzder. I think there are outstanding questions that I’m sure will be delved into at his hearing,” Collins said in a statement. A spokeswoman for Murkowski said the senator “wants to know more” about Puzder, while a spokesman for Isakson said he is “taking all the facts under consideration before making his decision.” A spokeswoman for Scott said he has consistently declined to comment on all nominees in advance of their hearing. Puzder, meanwhile, has no plans to withdraw his name from consideration, according to his spokesman George Thompson. “Andy is so looking forward to his hearing. He will finally have an opportunity to express his commitment to workers and to businesses and to ensure that folks know his true record for protecting workers and creating jobs,” Thompson said.;February 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: China says situation on Korean peninsula very dangerous;BEIJING (Reuters) - The situation on the Korean peninsula is at a very dangerous stage, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told counterparts from the BRICS group of nations, China s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. The urgent task is to prevent North Korea s nuclear and missile programs progressing and to avoid a further escalation in tensions and to especially prevent resorting to arms, Wang said, speaking in New York on the sidelines of a United Nations meeting. ;September 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TOWN HALL INSANITY! Congressman Asked If He Supports The Border Wall: “Yeah, of course I do” [Video];A Salt Lake City town hall held by Republican Rep. Chris Stewart was hijacked by left wing activists who went ballistic when Stewart said he supports building the border wall. Notice how he totally caved on all pro-illegal issues except the wall. The crowd was there to persuade this weak congressman to cave on building the wall too.A hispanic man in the crowd asked Stewart if he supports Trump s budget which includes funding for the wall. He claimed Trump would be tearing families apart if he builds the wall. This is a tired claim that open borders advocates use. It s supposed to tug at your heart strings. Did those families think about being split up when they came here illegally? Parents sent their children to make the dangerous trip. Were these parents thinking of their children then? Obama s policy of catch and release only fueled the illegals desire to make the dangerous trip through the desert to America. He s responsible for much of the mess we re in now. Why should these illegals get anything but a trip back home? Americans should realize that there are people like Obama who believe in open borders and that America should be fundamentally transformed . The new DNC Chair is for open borders! By flooding our towns with illegals and refugees, we will be fundamentally transformed We need to resist this effort to drown out the silent majority by making it the minority. I do support securing our border, Stewart said to raucous boos from a crowd that, apparently, believes America should have no borders.He said that, while he does support a secure border, he also supports a plan to give legal status, short of citizenship, to illegal immigrants who have committed no other crime other than entering the nation illegally.And though the crowd cheered momentarily, they weren t satisfied with that answer.They demanded to know if Stewart supported the building of a border wall with Mexico. Are you asking if I support the wall? Yeah, of course I do, he said.NOTICE THE SIGNS ARE ALL THE SAME PAID SOROS PROTESTERS?;Apr 4, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump finally backs off Obama birth claim, falsely says Clinton started it;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday abandoned his false claim that Barack Obama was not born in the United States after spending five years peddling conspiracy theories that the country’s first African-American president started life as a foreigner. But, never one to let a controversy go without fanning its flames, Trump accused Hillary Clinton, his Democratic rival in the Nov. 8 election, of starting the so-called birther movement in her failed 2008 presidential campaign against Obama, a claim that does not stand up to scrutiny. Trump, who has won back some ground in opinion polls and made the White House race more competitive after he went through a summer slump, made his announcement in an attempt to clear the air as he prepares for the first of three televised presidential debates with Clinton on Sept. 26. “President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period,” said Trump, a real estate developer. “Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again,” he said at an event in Washington at a new Trump International Hotel down the street from the White House. Devoting only about 30 seconds to the subject, Trump did not apologize and did not expand upon his abrupt decision to shift from a stance he held for five years. The New York businessman brought up the birther controversy as far back as 2011, appealing to a right-wing fringe of voters who formed the early base of his support when he launched his presidential bid last year. The birther conspiracy movement is aimed at challenging the legality of Obama’s presidency - the U.S Constitution requires that a president be a natural-born citizen. During his presidential campaign, Trump has readily trafficked in other theories that are the stuff of American supermarket tabloids. There was his declaration that the father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, one of Trump’s many rivals for the Republican nomination, might have been linked to the assassin of President John F. Kennedy. And there was his false claim that thousands of Muslims in Jersey City, New Jersey, cheered when the World Trade Center twin towers collapsed in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. In making his announcement on Friday, Trump advanced a widely debunked claim that Clinton and her 2008 campaign had been the original birthers. “Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. You know what I mean,” he said. His campaign directed reporters to a 2007 memo from then-Clinton adviser Mark Penn, who had encouraged the Clinton campaign to go negative against Obama by saying that his Hawaiian birth and boyhood in Indonesia gave him limited roots in American values and culture. Penn eventually left the Clinton campaign, and his advice was never acted upon. The Democratic National Committee on Friday condemned Trump’s bid to link Clinton to the birther idea. “He had the audacity to spout a new lie about the birther movement that he helped to build,” it said. Clinton, who leads Trump by 4 percentage points in the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, on Friday demanded Trump apologize to the president for having helped spread the birther idea and said Trump had tried to “delegitimize our first black president.” “His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie. There is no erasing it in history,” Clinton said in an address to the Black Women’s Association in Washington. Clinton seized on the issue after struggling to overcome the fallout from her remark a week ago that half of Trump’s supporters are in a “basket of deplorables” and her initial secrecy about her pneumonia diagnosis. Obama, who produced the longer version of his Hawaiian birth certificate in 2011 to prove doubters wrong, had famously mocked Trump over the issue at a White House Correspondents Association dinner as the wealthy businessman sat in the audience fuming. Still, Trump clung to the contention that Obama was foreign-born, tweeting in August 2012: “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that @BarackObama’s birth certificate is a fraud.” On Friday, Obama was asked for his reaction to the latest Trump declaration. “I’m shocked that a question like that has come up at a time when we have so many other things to do. Well, I’m not that shocked actually. It’s fairly typical. We’ve got other things to attend to,” he said. “I was pretty confident about where I was born.” Trump’s embrace of the birther movement has incensed black Americans, whose votes Trump has been trying to court. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus held a news conference on Friday to urge African-American voters to resist any temptation to support Trump. “I’m wondering when this country is going to awaken from this reality show,” said Representative Brenda Lawrence, a Democrat. First lady Michelle Obama told a crowd in Fairfax, Virginia, that her husband has set a strong example for those who have doubted “whether my husband was even born in this country.” “Well, during his time in office, I think Barack has answered those questions with the example he’s set: by going high when they go low. And he’s answered these questions with the progress that we’ve achieved together,” she said. At a rally in Miami later on Friday, Trump pushed back on the idea that he and his supporters were racist, saying that when Democrats are in trouble politically, “they always pull out the racist word.” He walked out at the rally to a song from the musical “Les Miserables” in front of a backdrop that read “Les Deplorables,” a reference to Clinton’s comment last week about his supporters. The issue of Obama’s birthplace has not been a factor in the campaign leading up to the November presidential election, but it resurfaced in recent days, taking the focus of Trump’s White House bid away from topics such as immigration, trade and the economy, which he has been using to hit Clinton. Trump revived the birther controversy on Thursday in an interview with The Washington Post when he declined to say whether he believed Obama was born in Hawaii. Trump had promised “a big announcement” about the birther issue on Friday, giving the impression it was the purpose of the event at his hotel. Instead, he held off saying anything about it through more than 20 minutes of endorsements from military veterans. Only then did Trump make a brief statement about Obama’s birth. Trump devoted more time at the beginning of the event to talking about his hotel where the event took place. He ignored reporters’ shouted questions.;September 16, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Treasury secretary to report on regulatory changes in 120 days: official;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s order on financial regulations issued on Friday will require the Treasury secretary to submit a report on potential regulatory and legislative reforms in 120 days, a White House official said. “This does not mean White House or Treasury has to wait 120 days to move,” the official told Reuters. “We have more items planned in the coming weeks and the policy process is already underway in the White House.”;February 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Taiwan the most important issue in Sino-U.S. ties, China's Xi tells Trump;BEIJING (Reuters) - Taiwan is the most important and sensitive issue in Sino-U.S. ties, Chinese President Xi Jinping told visiting U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday, ahead of the one-year anniversary of Trump taking a precedent-breaking call from Taiwan s president. China considers democratic Taiwan to be a wayward province and integral part of its territory, ineligible for state-to-state relations, and has never renounced the use of force to bring the island under its control. The United States has no formal ties with Taiwan but is bound by law to help it defend itself and is the island s main source of arms. Trump upset China last December by taking a telephone call from Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, shortly after he won election, the first call between U.S. and Taiwan leaders since President Jimmy Carter switched diplomatic recognition to China from Taiwan in 1979. While there was no public mention of Taiwan in comments Xi and Trump made in front of reporters, the official Chinese foreign ministry statement about their talks did not mince its words. The Taiwan issue is the most important, most sensitive core issue in China-U.S. relations, and concerns the political basis of the China-U.S. relationship, the ministry paraphrased Xi as telling Trump. China hopes that the U.S. side continues to scrupulously abide by the one China principle, and prevents disturbances to the broader picture of China-U.S. ties , Xi added. Trump told Xi that the United States government upheld and stuck to the one China policy, China s official Xinhua news agency reported. In Taipei, Chiu Chui-cheng, deputy minister of Taiwan s China policy-making Mainland Affairs Council, said China should respect Taiwan s people. We think China should deeply understand and respect Taiwan people s opinions on the growth of relations across the Taiwan Strait, Chiu told reporters. We are also willing to work with the other side to find a new, positive model in cross-straits ties that would use dialogue to resolve differences, and to create a proper path for harmonious relations. China suspects Tsai wants to push for the formal independence of Taiwan, a red line for Beijing. Tsai says she wants to maintain peace with China but will defend Taiwan s democracy and security. China has pressured Taiwan since Tsai took office last year, suspending a regular dialogue mechanism and slowly peeling away its few remaining diplomatic allies. China is deeply suspicious of U.S. intentions toward Taiwan, and was upset when the United States recently allowed Tsai to transit through Hawaii and Guam on her way to and from diplomatic allies of Taiwan s in the Pacific. Defeated Nationalist forces fled to Taiwan in 1949 after losing a civil war with the Communists.;November 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ukraine's anti-corruption bureau launches case against sister agency;KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian investigators on Tuesday said they had opened a criminal case into suspected extortion by officials at a sister anti-corruption agency, based partly on information from a whistleblower who also implicated the president s office. The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NAZK) is a keystone of Western-backed reforms but has been criticized for making slow progress with its main task of verifying officials wealth declarations for evidence of ill-gotten gains. NABU - a sister agency investigating high-profile corruption cases - said it opened the case against NAZK officials on suspicion they received undue benefits in especially large amounts, combined with the extortion of such benefits. Officials at other state bodies are also being investigated, a NABU spokeswoman said, without giving further details. While details of the case are not yet clear, the fact that a state-run anti-corruption agency is itself being investigated for corruption suggests the authorities still have progress to make in their promised drive to eliminate graft. The NABU spokeswoman said the case was opened on Nov. 10 partly due to information from the former head of NAZK s financial control department, Hanna Solomatina. Earlier on Tuesday, Solomatina said she had decided to resign and hand over evidence to NABU after realizing an online wealth declaration tool managed by NAZK was compromised. In reality, the e-declarations system is used to cover officials loyal to the authorities ... and for the self-enrichment of the head of NAZK and NAZK members, Solomatina said in a briefing. NAZK is not an independent body, but is completely controlled by the authorities, she said. She described how she had been summoned to the administration of President Petro Poroshenko and told NAZK s decisions should first be checked with the president s office. In a statement, the presidential administration denied Solomatina s allegations. We have no way to influence the work of NAZK, it said. NAZK also denied Solomatina s account and said it would lodge a claim in court to refute her comments. We stress that the widespread information of the ex-official (Solomatina), without concrete facts, is a personal attack on the chairperson, members and staff of the state agency and an attempt to discredit successfully launched anti-corruption reforms in Ukraine, it said. Following the ouster of a Moscow-backed president in 2014, Ukraine s new pro-Western authorities promised to root out graft and modernize the economy in exchange for billions of dollars in international funding. But Ukraine s backers have seen a failure to bring corrupt lawmakers and senior officials to justice as an indication the authorities may lack the commitment to eliminate the power of vested interests.;November 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Supporter Threatens Megyn Kelly For Putting Newt Gingrich In His Place;Newt Gingrich completely disrespected Megyn Kelly, yet she is the one receiving threats because she refused to be treated like shit by an asshole.During her show on Tuesday night, Kelly tried to explain to Gingrich that Trump is getting destroyed in the polls because women do not appreciate his comments about groping women against their will and the fact that several women have come forward to accuse the Republican nominee of sexual assault. If Trump is a sexual predator, Kelly continued.But Gingrich angrily cut her off and disrespectfully wagged his finger at her while telling her what she can and can t say on her own show. Trump is not a sexual predator! You can t say that! Gingrich lectured, despite the fact that Kelly pointed out that she wasn t taking a position. But Gingrich continued his tirade and verbally assaulted Kelly. I m sick and tired of people like you using language that s inflammatory that s not true! When you use the words, you took a position. And I think it s very unfair of you to do that, Megyn! I think that is exactly the bias people are upset by. Your defensiveness on this may speak volumes, sir, Kelly replied. When the interview ended, Kelly told Gingrich to take his anger issues elsewhere to work on them.Here s the video via YouTube.To recap, Gingrich acted like a woman-hating asshole and Kelly was the adult in the room and put him in his place.Well, that didn t sit well with Trump adviser Dan Scavino, who insulted and threatened Kelly via Twitter. Shows she is totally biased against Mr. Trump & not very smart, Scavino wrote in the first tweet. Mr. Trump has long known!! .@NewtGingrich just destroyed @MegynKelly. Shows she is totally biased against Mr. Trump & not very smart. Mr. Trump has long known!! Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) October 26, 2016And then he cryptically threatened that something would happen to Kelly after the election. Megyn Kelly made a total fool out of herself tonight- attacking Donald Trump, he wrote. Watch what happens to her after this election is over. .@MegynKelly made a total fool out of herself tonight- attacking @realDonaldTrump. Watch what happens to her after this election is over. Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) October 26, 2016It sounds like Scavino just threatened violence against a woman, which is totally in conflict with his position as director of development at the Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation, which is dedicated to ending domestic violence. If Scavino is still working at this foundation, he should lose his job immediately. Because making threats against a woman is deplorable.Featured image via screenshot;October 26, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing;Prior to the Nov. 8 election, the FBI was, more or less, Trumpland. They wanted Trump to win. They neither trusted nor approved of Hillary Clinton. And that anti-Hillary attitude led to a number of anti-Hillary leaks to the press from the agency. They were angry with James Comey s decision not to indict Hillary over her emails.Now, though, the FBI is wracked with shock, anger and grief over Comey s sudden firing. According to the Daily Beast, one agent said his abrupt dismissal was like a death in the family. Another said that they re basically sitting shiva, which is a Jewish ritual of mourning just after a funeral.And some of them are doing something very unusual for a situation like this: They re posting pictures of themselves with Comey on social media, and even changing their profile pics to those of Comey. That s a gesture generally reserved for someone who dies.Acting Director Andrew McCabe told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Comey was well-liked and had broad support throughout the bureau. In other words, when Trump said that Comey had lost the trust and respect of his rank and file, he was either not speaking for the majority of the rank and file, or he was flat-out lying.Rank-and-file agents were also very suspicious of the timing of Comey s firing, wondering whether it had anything to do with the Russia probes. Various officials phones were ringing off the hook. FBI headquarters in D.C. was more or less locked down and not answering the flood of phone calls coming in.One agent told the Daily Beast that there s likely to be serious distrust of whoever Trump puts into Comey s place: No matter who gets the job, there will be a cloud of suspicion because the President is unpopular with much of the [U.S.]. That bad faith will make it harder to do my job. Trump undermined the public s trust in the FBI more than Comey ever could. The new director is going to face a tough confirmation, with much of the Senate viewing Trump with suspicion, too. That makes possible picks like Rudy Giuliani out of the question he s going to have to tread very carefully with Comey s replacement. In the meantime, McCabe has assured the Senate that he ll let them know immediately if the White House tries to interfere with the Russia probes in any way at all.Featured image by Zach Gibson via Getty Images;May 11, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russia builds bridge to move troops across Syria's Euphrates river: TV;(Reuters) - The Russian military has built a bridge across the Euphrates river near Deir al-Zor to move troops and vehicles to the other side to support a Syrian army offensive, Russian TV reported on Tuesday, showing footage of trucks moving across the bridge. Russian TV channels reported that the military had erected the bridge under fire from Islamist militants in less than 48 hours and that it could also be used to deliver humanitarian aid and to evacuate the sick and wounded. Up to 8,000 vehicles weighing up to 50 tonnes would be able to cross the bridge in any 24 hour period, including tanks, TV channels reported, saying the bridge was located east of Deir al-Zor.;September 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WOW! Sheriff Clarke DESTROYS Lie That Obama Is Helping Black Community With BRUTALLY HONEST Commentary On This Photo-Op;Sheriff Clarke better beef up his security detail after Obama and his Democrat friends sees this truth bomb! Kid, I got everything ready for you, food stamps, failing pubic schools, inescapable poverty, unemployment, crime. pic.twitter.com/Le2KyibUvP David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) August 6, 2016;Aug 6, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ex-Senator Coats is top candidate for director of national intelligence: NBC News;(Reuters) - Former Republican Senator Dan Coats of Indiana is the leading candidate to serve as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s director of national intelligence, NBC News reported on Wednesday, citing sources familiar with the discussions. Coats met with Trump on Nov. 30 at Trump Tower in New York City.;January 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Henningsen on CrossTalk Debating ‘Trump & His Generals’;Has President Trump handed over US foreign policy to an elite clique of military generals?RT says: Candidate Donald Trump ran on a campaign that not only questioned many foreign policy orthodoxies, but also lashed out against the neoconservative view of the world. Today the president is surrounded by men in uniform. Some are calling this a soft coup. CrossTalking with host Peter Lavelle are panel guests Michael O Hanlon (Brookings Institute), Thomas Palley (New America Foundation), and 21WIRE s Patrick Henningsen.. READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV;September 15, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Cruz Ad Turns Trump Into A Creepy Doll Who ‘Pretends To Be A Republican’ (VIDEO);Ted Cruz s latest ad just manipulated children to send a political message to voters.The latest campaign move for the Texas Senator is a big jab at his biggest GOP rival, Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who is portrayed in the ad as an action figure who pretends to be a Republican. In the 45-second spot, young boys are shown playing with a Trump doll, while stating that this action figure likes bailouts for the banks and donates to Democrats. The ad also features a Hillary Clinton doll, who gets paid by Trump to befriend him a reference to Trump s claim that Clinton attended his wedding because he donated to her Foundation.Toward the end of the ad, a large dollhouse gets ruined by the Trump doll, who says, I m going to take your house with eminent domain and park my limos there! right before destroying it. This particular part of the ad is a reminder that Trump once tried to level an elderly woman s Atlantic City home so he could turn it into a parking lot for limos.At the end of the ad, concerned parents see their children playing destructively with the Trump doll and the narrator asks viewers: We wouldn t tolerate these values in our children. Why would we want them in a president? You can watch the ad below:Cruz s latest ad might just be the candidate s rebuttal to Trump indirectly calling him a p*ssy at a recent rally, but this ad doesn t communicate anything that hasn t been said about Trump before. Although the use of children in a political ad was not a tasteful decision, the GOP has often criticized Trump for being a phony Republican and this ad just points his inconsistencies out in easier terms. Trump has a history of flip-flopping and holding more liberal values.Last week, Cruz beat Trump in the Iowa Caucuses, but Trump took the New Hampshire primary. This attack ad might be the first of many as the two will face off again on February 20th for the South Carolina primary.Featured image is a screenshot;February 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: RICK SANTORUM INFURIATES LIBERALS After He Tells ILLEGAL ALIEN To Go Home And Apply For Citizenship [VIDEO];"What do you think? Do you agree with Rick Santorum, or should we allow illegal aliens to enjoy all of the same benefits as American citizens simply because they or their parents made it across our US border without getting caught?Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) can t speak to whether President-elect Donald Trump plans to deport undocumented immigrants en masse beginning next year, but he has made one thing clear: People who came to the U.S. illegally as children, also known as Dreamers, should just leave the U.S. if they re worried about their immigration status.Elizabeth Vilchis, a mechanical engineer who said she came to the U.S. from Mexico when she was 7 years old, asked Santorum about Trump s immigration plans on Tuesday night during a town hall event with CNN s Van Jones. She asked Santorum how he would advise her to plan for her future.He began his reply by talking about his father, who left Mussolini s Italy to come to the U.S. when he was 7 years old even though, Santorum said, he wasn t allowed to come because of the immigration laws at the time. Then he began to address Vilchis specifically. What most people in America feel is that you ve been given a tremendous benefit by being here in this country, Santorum said, adding that he imagined she wouldn t have had to opportunities to accomplish what you have in her country of origin. My final point is that you have the ability to go to any other country right now and apply those wares, and be successful, and reapply to come back to America, Santorum added. Go and make the world a better place. CNN contributor Ana Navarro butted in. First of all, this is your country, she said. No matter what he says, no matter what anybody else says, this is your country. That s not what the law says, Santorum replied. As much as I m sympathetic to you, you should recognize the gift that America has given you and that you can give to the world. HP@Jorgesays @RickSantorum I'll chip in good money to send Santorum to another country. Any country. Cindy Hargest (@CindyHargest) December 7, 2016No decent country would take him. Lyle (@lyledal) December 7, 2016This broke my heart. ""You got your education, now get out."" This woman is as American as you Rick. Dave Harrell (@daveharrell16) December 7, 2016Send disgusting @RickSantorum back to Italy. iburl (@iburl) December 7, 2016";Dec 7, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 5-YEAR OLD SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL For Playing With ‘Stick Gun’…Said She ‘Posed A Threat’;The Hoke County School school system defended its policy in a statement and said it would not tolerate assaults, threats or harassment from any student.The Hoke County School system said Caitlin posed a threat to other students when she made a shooting motion a violation of school policy, officials said. We know why it s bad, Miller told WTVD. We watch the news, but then I have to tell my kid, you re not allowed to play like that in school because people do bad things to kids your age.' The Hoke County School school system defended its policy in a statement and said it would not tolerate assaults, threats or harassment from any student.Read more: ABC;Mar 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End