Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: AWESOME! STREET ARTIST SABO TARGETS Hollywood Liberals With TRUMP ’24’ Spoof Posters;Protesters gathered Friday in Los Angeles for something called United Against Hate Inauguration March, where street artist Sabo posted several fake advertisements for 24: Legacy. Sabo is our favorite conservative street artist famous for lampooning liberal Hollywood. He s celebrated the inauguration of Trump at an anti-Trump rally Friday in Los Angeles by posting faux posters of Fox s revival of the hit TV show 24:Read more: Hollywood Reporter;Jan 21, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Locker room talk? Key women voters call foul on Trump's defense;WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Donald Trump has dismissed his vulgar sexual comments about women that surfaced on a video as “locker room talk,” but his explanation did little to soothe the queasiness of Esther Rosser, a 71-year-old grandmother from Virginia. “I know he apologized, and all you can do is apologize, but he could have said more,” said Rosser, who has voted Republican her whole life but decided this weekend that she would support Trump’s rival for president, Democrat Hillary Clinton. “He disrespected us,” she said of Trump, referring to women in general. Rosser’s misgivings echoed many of the sentiments expressed by more than two dozen women voters interviewed by Reuters who, as recently as September, had not decided whether they would support Trump or Clinton in the Nov. 8 U.S. election. In the informal survey conducted by phone the day after Sunday’s presidential debate, many women said they were appalled by the 2005 video in which Trump bragged of kissing and groping women without consent. The video surfaced on the Washington Post’s website on Friday afternoon. Several of the voters also said they disliked the Republican presidential candidate’s strategy of highlighting the infidelities of Hillary Clinton’s husband, Bill Clinton, in an effort to defend his own conduct, or shift attention away from it. “I didn’t like the fact that he was attacking Hillary on things her husband did,” said Connie Sasso, a 66-year-old retiree from Missouri. “It’s wrong - it’s just wrong.” In the second presidential debate with Clinton on Sunday in St. Louis, Missouri, Trump said he was embarrassed by the video but dismissed his comments as “locker room talk.” He also accused Hillary Clinton of attacking women who had alleged sexual misconduct by her husband, who was president from 1993 to 2001. Trump’s criticism of Bill Clinton’s infidelities drew applause from supporters at a Monday rally he held in Pennsylvania. But Trump, whose core voters are overwhelmingly male, has struggled to appeal to women, who made up 53 percent of the U.S. electorate in the 2012 election. If Trump is unable to narrow the gender gap, he will be unable to overcome Clinton’s lead in the polls. “I can’t with good conscience vote for someone with that kind of mindset to the presidency,” said LeighAnn Chase, a 27-year-old nursing student from Lakeland, Florida. As a woman, she was “floored” by Trump’s comments, and disgusted that others would seek to justify them, said Chase, a registered Republican who said she is now backing Clinton. Patsy Bennewise, 58, of North Little Rock, Arkansas, never voted for Clinton’s husband during the nearly 10 years he was her state’s governor. But her streak of never voting for a Clinton is set to end in November when she said she will cast her ballot for the Democratic candidate. She said of Trump: “He’s turned the presidential election into a mockery.” Not all undecided women voters contacted by Reuters came out against Trump. Amy Fryzelka, a 37-year-old tutor from Kansas City, Missouri, said she thought Trump’s comments were “horrible” but she believed his personal life would not influence how he would govern. She said she is leaning toward the Republican candidate because she believes Clinton is too deceptive. “I’d prefer not to vote for either of them, really,” Fryzelka said. Jane Simmons, 78, of Sterling Heights, Michigan, also said she would rather not vote for either Clinton or Trump. Simmons, whose mail-in ballot arrived on Friday, hours before she and other Americans learned of Trump’s lewd comments, said the video led her to consider backing Clinton. “This is an indication of what the man is, although it was a decade ago, I don’t think he changed very much,” she said. “I don’t believe he’s got a conscience.” For Rosser, the Virginia grandmother, the decision to cast her vote for Clinton came when her 14-year-old granddaughter asked her to explain why Trump would say the things he said in the video. “He’s not a good role model for kids,” she said.;October 11, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump considers retired General Petraeus as top diplomat: Bloomberg;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump will meet with retired U.S. General David Petraeus on Monday as the president-elect considers him to serve as U.S. secretary of state, Bloomberg reported, citing a senior official with Trump’s transition team. Petraeus, a former CIA director who resigned in 2012 after it emerged he had an extra-marital affair, has indicated that he would serve in Trump’s administration if asked.;November 28, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Turkey kills 99 Kurdish militants in latest operations: military;ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish security forces have killed 99 Kurdish militants, including a high-ranking one, in operations in southeast Turkey over the last two weeks, the armed forces said on Saturday. Security forces targeted outposts and caves used by the militants for shelter and storage in the southeastern provinces of Sirnak and Hakkari, near the Iraqi border, the military said in a statement. Ninety-nine terrorists have been neutralized. One is in the so-called leading ranks, it said. The outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), considered a terrorist organization by the United States, Turkey and the European Union, has waged a more than three-decade insurgency against the state. The PKK, which seeks autonomy for the largely Kurdish southeast, has bases in the mountains on both sides of the Turkey-Iraq border and is frequently targeted by Turkish security forces. The operations, which were carried out between Aug. 24 and Sept. 7, led to the seizure of 420 kg (925 lbs) of ammonium nitrate, used to make explosives, as well as bombs, guns and rifles, the military said.;September 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: " Steve King Tries To Defend White Supremacist Tweet; He Just Made Things Much, Much Worse (VIDEO)";"Iowa Rep. Steve King (R-Of Course) is currently under fire for tweeting out something that would only be said by a white supremacist that we can t restore our civilization with somebody else s babies. While King s message earned ALLCAPS praise from former KKK leader David Duke, the rest of us are left wondering why Iowans would want this alleged man to represent their state.On Monday, King stopped by CNN to attempt to explain away his hateful tweet, and it didn t go well for him at all. Well, of course I meant exactly what I said, King told CNN s New Day as he blamed the Left for wanting to destroy Western civilization : This is an effort on the left, I think, to break down the American civilization, the American culture, and turn it into something entirely different. I m a champion for western civilization and yes our English language is a big part of it. It s a carrier of freedom. Embarrassingly, King refused to say that Muslim-Americans, Christian-Americans, and other Americans of different background are equal, instead saying that they contribute differently to our culture and our civilization. I d say they re all created in the image of God, and they re equal in his eyes. And if they re citizens of the United States, they re equal in the eyes of the law, King said. Individuals will contribute differently not equally to this civilization and certain groups of people will contribute more to this society than other groups of people will, that s just a statistical fact. King says he is promoting the birth rate in America to restore the rule of law to what he views as a superior civilization. In short, he thinks white people need to have more babies.Watch the video below:Rep. Steve King defends his controversial tweet: ""I'm a champion for Western civilization"" https://t.co/9WJa7A89nH https://t.co/nZbCzzOMLz CNN (@CNN) March 13, 2017Featured image via screengrab";March 13, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Italy says seizes opiates meant to finance Islamic State;ROME (Reuters) - Italy seized more than 24 million tablets of a synthetic opiate that Islamic State militants planned to sell to finance attacks around the world, the head of a southern Italian court said on Friday. The pills were seized by finance police and customs officials in the container port of Gioia Tauro, Italy s biggest, according to a statement. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration collaborated in the investigation. A video shows police opening a container filled with boxes of Tramadol, a powerful painkiller normally available only on prescription. With an average sale price of about 2 euros ($2.33) per tablet, the haul was worth 50 million euros, the statement said. Foreign investigators told the court in the city of Reggio Calabria that the drugs belonged to Islamic State. The drugs sales were managed directly by Islamic State to finance the terrorist activities planned and carried out around the world , Reggio Calabria s chief prosecutor Federico Cafiero De Raho said. Part of the illegal profit from their sale would have been used to finance extremist groups in Libya, Syria and Iraq, he said. The seizure comes three days after an Uzbek immigrant, Sayfullo Saipov, drove a truck on a New York City bike path, killing eight, in the latest attack claimed by Islamic State. No details on how the illegal shipment was discovered or on its final destination were provided by the court. A similar shipment was discovered in Greece last year, and an even larger one was found in Italy s Genoa port in May.;November 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Berlusconi suggests Italian general could be next prime minister;ROME (Reuters) - Silvio Berlusconi has suggested a Carabinieri (military police) general could be Italy s next prime minister if his center bloc wins national elections slated for early 2018. Berlusconi, a four-times prime minister, is barred from holding public office because of a 2013 conviction for tax fraud. He is trying to overturn the ban, but is seeking alternative candidates if his legal battle fails. I have many names, but there is someone who is very capable ... who has had success and is esteemed by everyone, General (Leonardo) Gallitelli, Berlusconi told a Sunday night chat show on state broadcaster RAI. Gallitelli headed the Carabinieri, a military police force that operates under the control of both the defense and interior ministries, from 2009 to 2015. He is currently head of Italy s anti-doping office. Berlusconi said he had not yet discussed the idea with Gallitelli. He has previously suggested that European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi or the CEO of carmaker Fiat Chrysler, Sergio Marchionne, could be his prime ministerial candidate. The billionaire media tycoon was widely written off after he quit as prime minister in 2011 amid a sex scandal. But he has made a remarkable political comeback and his Forza Italia (Go Italy!) party is now the lynchpin of a center coalition that leads in opinion polls ahead of next year s election. Berlusconi, 81, said if his bloc took power he would like to see 12 people from outside the world of politics appointed to the cabinet, with only 8 ministries entrusted to politicians. His allies, the far-right Northern League and Brothers of Italy, are likely to baulk at the suggestion. The three parties have agreed that whichever group gets more votes next year should nominate the prime minister. Forza Italia is just ahead of the Northern League in the polls, but surveys indicate no one party or bloc will win enough votes to govern alone, meaning a hung parliament looks likely.;November 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BEWARE THE UNITED NATIONS PUSH FOR “GLOBAL GOVERNANCE” FOR THE “GOOD OF THE PLANET”;Beware of this agenda that s Agenda 21 for those who aren t familiar with the term sustainable development. Your every move will be micromanaged for the common good . I am really disappointed in the Pope s position on this and many other things. He s so far left on so many issues but the fact that he s buying into the global warming scam is very disturbing. The UN plans to launch a brand new plan for managing the entire globe at the Sustainable Development Summit that it will be hosting from September 25th to September 27th. Some of the biggest names on the planet, including Pope Francis, will be speaking at this summit. This new sustainable agenda focuses on climate change of course, but it also specifically addresses topics such as economics, agriculture, education and gender equality. For those wishing to expand the scope of global governance , sustainable development is the perfect umbrella because just about all human activity affects the environment in some way. The phrase for the good of the planet can be used as an excuse to micromanage virtually every aspect of our lives.So for those that are concerned about the growing power of the United Nations, this summit in September is something to keep an eye on. Never before have I seen such an effort to promote a UN summit on the environment, and this new sustainable development agenda is literally a framework for managing the entire globe.If you are not familiar with this new sustainable development agenda, the following is what the official United Nations website says about it The United Nations is now in the process of defining Sustainable Development Goals as part a new sustainable development agenda that must finish the job and leave no one behind. This agenda, to be launched at the Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, is currently being discussed at the UN General Assembly, where Member States and civil society are making contributions to the agenda.The process of arriving at the post 2015 development agenda is Member State-led with broad participation from Major Groups and other civil society stakeholders. There have been numerous inputs to the agenda, notably a set of Sustainable Development Goals proposed by an open working group of the General Assembly, the report of an intergovernmental committee of experts on sustainable development financing, General Assembly dialogues on technology facilitation and many others. Posted below are the 17 sustainable development goals that are being proposed so far. Some of them seem quite reasonable. After all, who wouldn t want to end poverty . But as you go down this list, you soon come to realize that just about everything is involved in some way. In other words, this truly is a template for radically expanded global governance . Once again, this was taken directly from the official UN website 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture3. Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation10. Reduce inequality within and among countries11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (taking note of agreements made by the UNFCCC forum)14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable developmentAs you can see, this list goes far beyond saving the environment or fighting climate change .It truly covers just about every realm of human activity.Another thing that makes this new sustainable development agenda different is the unprecedented support that it is getting from the Vatican and from Pope Francis himself.In fact, Pope Francis is actually going to travel to the UN and give an address to kick off the Sustainable Development Summit on September 25th His Holiness Pope Francis will visit the UN on 25 September 2015, and give an address to the UN General Assembly immediately ahead of the official opening of the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. This Pope has been very open about his belief that climate change is one of the greatest dangers currently facing our world. Just a couple of weeks ago, he actually brought UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to the Vatican to speak about climate change and sustainable development. Here is a summary of what happened On 28 April, the Secretary-General met with His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican and later addressed senior religious leaders, along with the Presidents of Italy and Ecuador, Nobel laureates and leading scientists on climate change and sustainable development.Amidst an unusually heavy rainstorm in Rome, participants at the historic meeting gathered within the ancient Vatican compound to discuss what the Secretary-General has called the defining challenge of our time. The mere fact that a meeting took place between the religious and scientific communities on climate change was itself newsworthy. That it took place at the Vatican, was hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and featured the Secretary-General as the keynote speaker was all the more striking. In addition, Pope Francis is scheduled to release a major encyclical this summer which will be primarily focused on the environment and climate change. The following comes from the New York Times The much-anticipated environmental encyclical that Pope Francis plans to issue this summer is already being translated into the world s major languages from the Latin final draft, so there s no more tweaking to be done, several people close to the process have told me in recent weeks. I think that we can get a good idea of the kind of language that we will see in this encyclical from another Vatican document which was recently released. It is entitled Climate Change and The Common Good , and it was produced by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. The following is a brief excerpt Unsustainable consumption coupled with a record human population and the uses of inappropriate technologies are causally linked with the destruction of the world s sustainability and resilience. Widening inequalities of wealth and income, the world-wide disruption of the physical climate system and the loss of millions of species that sustain life are the grossest manifestations of unsustainability. The continued extraction of coal, oil and gas following the business-as-usual mode will soon create grave existential risks for the poorest three billion, and for generations yet unborn. Climate change resulting largely from unsustainable consumption by about 15% of the world s population has become a dominant moral and ethical issue for society. There is still time to mitigate unmanageable climate changes and repair ecosystem damages, provided we reorient our attitude toward nature and, thereby, toward ourselves. Climate change is a global problem whose solution will depend on our stepping beyond national affiliations and coming together for the common good. Such transformational changes in attitudes would help foster the necessary institutional reforms and technological innovations for providing the energy sources that have negligible effect on global climate, atmospheric pollution and eco-systems, thus protecting generations yet to be born. Religious institutions can and should take the lead in bringing about that change in attitude towards Creation.Read more: Zero Hedge;May 17, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ‘Racist, Fascist, White Supremacist’: Former NFL Star Chris Kluwe Scorches Trump Over His Attacks On Atheletes;Donald Trump is facing seriously fierce blowback for his attacks on black athletes who choose to protest racism and police brutality by taking a knee during the national anthem before games. Everyone from owners to players to players to former players are giving Trump a big middle finger during Suturday s games on Sunday, and former NFL star Chris Kluwe didn t stay out of the fray. During an interview with CNN host Fredricka Whitfield, Kluwe, who believes he was blacklisted in the league for speaking out for LGBTQ rights, did not hold back. First, Whitfield asked: This display of kneeling at the national anthem on a football field started a year ago with 49er s Kaepernick and now has evolved into something else or perhaps has blossomed into the same thing but in a bigger way. Chris, what statement do you see NFL teams, owners, coaches making when they kneel, touch, lock arms on display like this? Kluwe responded: Well, I think that the players and the teams are saying that they are not going to be dictated to by a racist, fascist white supremacist who currently occupies the highest place in our government. When you look at what Donald Trump has said about speaking out against Nazis, I think it s fantastic that players and owners are now taking a stand in using the platform to speak out against this because this is not what America is. America is not a fascist military state where its devotion to the flag above all. Right now our nation is not holding up its end of the social contract, especially with communities of color. It should be a baseline right now that you can walk down the street and not get shot by a police officer for carrying a toy gun or for selling cigarettes out of the back of a car. It should not be out of the ordinary to expect that. So I m glad to see these players and owners taking a stand. Communities of color within our nation are not receiving the same level of justice that white communities are, he added. Black members of our society are far more likely to be put in prison for what white members are able to skate by on. But it s also morphed into a discussion that we have a person in charge of our society that does not understand what it means to wield the American empire, and has shown no willingness to work with minorities, with immigrants, with anyone who is not white, and that is, again, against the heart of what America stands for. Kluwe is spot on. These players do not suspend their First Amendment right when they take to the field. Further, Donald Trump should not be using the bully pulpit of the White House to try and get people fired for demonstrating for justice. These players are using their platforms to bring awareness to a very serious, and literally life or death, issue in America s communities of color. There s nothing more patriotic that they could do.Trump, on the other hand, is no patriot. Kluwe is correct Trump IS a racist, a fascist, and a white supremacist. Kudos to these sports teams for standing up to this bullying.Watch the video below:Featured image via video screen capture;September 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Americans Were Asked By A Poll To Pick One Word To Describe Trump, And The Result Will ENRAGE Him;Get ready for Donald Trump to throw the worst temper tantrum of his presidency.When you think of Trump, what s the first word that comes to your mind? That s the question that a new Quinnipiac poll asked Americans.Trump has often bragged that he has the best words, but this poll makes it clear that Americans had the best words to describe him. And they are words that even Trump can understand. Idiot is the top word Americans used to answer the poll, followed by incompetent and liar. Americans also used words such as, asshole, unqualified, ignorant, racist, embarrassment, narcissist, bully, arrogant, dishonest, bigot, buffoon, blowhard, clown, and greedy, just to list a few.Adding insult to injury, Trump s approval rating reached a new low in the poll. Only 36 percent approve while 58 percent disapprove.In addition, 61 percent say Trump is not honest and 56 percent say he does not have good leadership skills.The poll also shows that Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of the way Trump talks about the media 65 percent to 31 percent. Most, 57 percent, also trust the media more than him to tell the truth, a statistic that will likely send Trump off the deep end.Americans also want Democrats to take back control of the Senate.Overall, it s pretty damn clear that the American people loathe Trump. And even though Trump will try to spin the numbers or use Fox News propaganda to dispute them, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll Tim Malloy says Trump really is out of excuses at this point. There is no way to spin or sugarcoat these sagging numbers, Malloy said.And this poll was taken long before Trump s embarrassing overseas trip to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Germany, where Trump kissed Putin s ass for two hours and offered to let Russia work on American cyber security despite the fact that Russia has been launching cyber attacks against our nation.So it s likely Americans would use even more negative words to describe Trump if they could pick again.Trump is going to blow a gasket when he learns of this poll and you can bet the hissy fit will be public for all to see because Trump is thin-skinned, which curiously was not a word Americans thought of for the poll. Maybe they will next time.Featured Image: Isaac Brekken/Getty Images;July 9, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CELEBRATE! TRUMP HIGHLIGHT Video From “Year One”…The List of Accomplishments!;The conservative 45Committee is out with a new video, Year One, celebrating President Donald Trump s accomplishments so far during his first year in office. President Trump and Vice President Pence have had an incredible year of accomplishments from day one to today, said 45Committee president Brian Baker. Year One showcases their record of historic tax cuts and much, much more. Here are all the accomplishments the group lists for 2017:MAGA!;Dec 30, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Fatah, Hamas to discuss security in Gaza under unity deal;GAZA/RAMALLAH (Reuters) - Negotiators from rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Islamist group Hamas will discuss security in the Gaza Strip at unity talks in Cairo on Tuesday, including a proposal that would see Fatah security personnel deployed to Hamas-dominated territory. The plan for 3,000 Fatah security officers to join a Gaza police force over the course of a year, part of a unity deal mediated by Egypt in 2011, would restore much of the influence of Fatah leader President Mahmoud Abbas in Gaza and further loosen Hamas grip. The deal was never implemented. The Western-backed mainstream Fatah party lost control of the enclave to Hamas, considered a terrorist group by the West and Israel, in fighting in 2007. The loss damaged Abbas credibility in the eyes of the West and Israel, after years of being their main Palestinian diplomatic counterpart. But under Egypt s mediation, major steps have been made toward narrowing rifts since Hamas handed administrative powers in Gaza to a Fatah-backed government last month. The move was a major reversal for Hamas and was partially prompted by the group s fears of potential financial and political isolation after its main donor Qatar suffered a major diplomatic crisis with key allies. The sides will discuss the security issue, especially in Gaza, in the way that serves the home front, enforces the rule of law in a professional and national way and is not factional, said Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum. Under the deal, Hamas would still have the most powerful armed Palestinian faction, whose estimated 25,000 well-equipped fighters have fought three wars with Israel since 2008. The issue of arms of resistance is not up for discussion, Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters. Israel s enmity with Hamas means greater unity with Fatah is unlikely to help any future efforts for a peace deal with Israel. But both sides hope that the deal s proposed deployment of security personnel from the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority to Gaza s borders will encourage Egypt and Israel to ease their tight restrictions at border crossings, a badly needed step to help Gaza revive its economy and improve the living standards of its two million residents. Officials said that apart from the implementation of the 2011 agreement and security, the Cairo talks would also cover issues such as setting a date for presidential and legislative elections and reforming the Palestine Liberation Organization, which is in charge of long-stalled peace efforts with Israel. What happened in the past days is something like a declaration of principles while the two sides have postponed final status issues to the talks in Cairo, said Gaza political analyst Akram Attallah. Abbas has pledged there would be one authority, one law, one administration, one weapon in the Gaza Strip, a statement seeming to challenge Hamas continued security dominance. But Tayseer Nasrallah, a member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, told Reuters: There are difficult challenges and it will take time to overcome them. Outstanding issues include the fate of 40,000 to 50,000 employees hired by Hamas over the past 10 years and its demand Abbas lift economic sanctions he imposed in recent months to try to pressure the group to compromise. (This refiled version of the story inserts dropped words in paragraph eight).;October 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Rights advocates slam Trump plans on Muslim immigrants, refugees;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Immigrant and refugee advocates on Wednesday denounced White House plans to temporarily stop receiving refugees and suspend visas for people from seven Middle Eastern and North African countries, saying they target Muslims and will make America less safe. A draft executive order seen by Reuters that Trump is expected to sign in the coming days would block the entry of refugees from war-torn Syria and suspend the entry of any immigrants from Muslim-majority Middle Eastern and African countries Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya and Yemen while permanent rules are studied. Trump is also expected to order a multi-month ban on allowing refugees into the United States except for religious minorities escaping persecution, until more aggressive vetting is in place, said the aides and experts, who asked not to be identified. The administration’s aim is to head off Islamist violence in the United States, but critics say the measures soil America’s reputation as a welcoming place for immigrants of all kinds. “The president needs to know he’s an absolute fool for fostering this kind of hostility in his first few days. This will inflame violence against Americans around the world,” said Seth Kaper-Dale, a pastor at the Reformed Church of Highland Park, New Jersey, which he said helped resettle 28 refugee and asylum-seeking families in the state last year. Before his Nov. 8 election victory, Trump, a Republican, pledged to stop taking refugees from Syria and immigrants from countries deemed to pose a terrorism risk. “Muslims, we believe, are the sole targets of these orders,” said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil rights group. “These orders are a disturbing confirmation of Islamophobic and un-American policy proposals made during the presidential election campaign,” Awad told a news conference in Washington. During the campaign, Trump originally proposed a ban on all Muslims entering the country, a measure that almost certainly would have faced legal challenges for discrimination on the basis of religion. He later altered his stance to target countries known to be sources of terrorism. About 100 protesters gathered in New York City’s Washington Square Park chanting, “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are here to stay.” They also blasted the Trump administration as “too male, too pale and too stale.” “We reject policies that turn their backs on those who have suffered,” U.S. Representative Nydia Velazquez, a New York City Democrat, shouted to protesters.;January 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: According To The New White House Chief Strategist, Liberal Women Are Just ‘A Bunch Of Dykes’;During an interview, Steve Bannon who is the new White House strategist under Donald Trump just referred to left-wing women as a bunch of dykes .Steve Bannon was recently appointed as a senior adviser for Trump, but he is not a good fit for the job. He s just an egotistical blogger. As chairman of Breitbart News he is known for his right-winged bias, which is quite clear here. In this interview he says right-wing women are of the highest moral character while on the left we vilify women. Incredible that he would say this, and then less than a minute later, refer to them as a bunch of dykes. You can listen to that irony right here:There will always be some friction between the right and left, but referring to our liberal women as dykes is a little over the line, especially for the senior adviser of the White House. Then again, look who he advises: Donald Trump, who is well-known for degrading women. It s sad to see men like this controlling our government.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images;November 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: DOJ MONITORS PATRIOT GUN-RANGE OWNER Who Banned Muslims From Her Gun Range;I will close my business before I will make any compromises that could jeopardize the safety and security of the members who shoot here. You can be certain the Feds are more concerned about those peaceful Muslims in America who want to kill me than they are about anything I might say or do that hurts the feelings of islamic (sic) terrorists. -Jan MorganOn Saturday, Breitbart.com s AWR Hawkins said the Department of Justice is monitoring Jan Morgan, the owner of Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range in Hot Springs, Arkansas, who banned Muslims from her business in 2014, citing safety concerns. But Morgan isn t backing down and told Examiner.com Saturday she would close her business before putting her clients safety at risk.The Washington Post said the monitoring is the result of demands by the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Arkansas chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. Both groups demanded a federal investigation after Morgan declared her range to be a Muslim-Free Zone. CAIR and the ACLU argue that Morgan s Muslim-free policy violates the public accommodation provision of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Times said. But Morgan disagrees, saying her range is a private club with dues-paying members.The DOJ confirmed it was monitoring Morgan, the Times added. The agency, however, did not say if it has plans to launch an investigation. CAIR said it was pleased with the action. We welcome this positive development and hope it leads to a thorough investigation of clear violations of the civil rights of American Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim by the gun range owner, said CAIR s civil rights litigation director Jenifer Wicks. But Morgan told Examiner there is a huge difference between monitoring and investigating.In fact, she said at her website, she has been under the watchful eyes of federal law enforcement authorities for a long time as a result of years of death threats from Muslims. The threats, she added, began long before she owned the range. Now, she lives her daily life under a federal microscope. I have nothing to hide, she said. I have no secrets from the federal government. Last year, she added, FBI counter-terrorism agents met with her and said ISIS is in Arkansas. The agency feared I was going to be a target of opportunity, and I was directed to take EVERY SECURITY PRE-CAUTION necessary to protect my life and the lives of all people in my presence at all times, she wrote.Morgan said that like the French cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo, she has had her life threatened many times over her articles. She also acted upon the directive of the ATF to all FFL holders to err on the side of caution and not engage in any firearm transactions with anyone we suspect might use that firearm in the commission of a crime. So, CAIR and the ACLU, do you really think the idea of more monitoring of my daily life is somehow new or a threat to me in any way? she asked on Facebook. Of course the feds are monitoring me, she added. You can be certain the Feds are more concerned about those peaceful Muslims in America who want to kill me than they are about anything I might say or do that hurts the feelings of islamic (sic) terrorists. Morgan told Examiner she is prepared to deal with a federal investigation should one be launched against her. I was prepared to fight this from day one, she said.The bottom line, she added, is this: I will close my business before I will make any compromises that could jeopardize the safety and security of the members who shoot here. On her site, Morgan said she will continue to follow the advise of two agencies within the DOJ to protect and defend my own life, as well as the lives of innocent American citizens in my presence, from any and all threats of violence connected to, and or associated with any and all terrorist organizations. Anything less, she added, would be irresponsible, reckless, and life threatening. Via: Joe Newby, The Examiner;Apr 26, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Unclear if anyone will attend Mugabe cabinet meeting: spokesman;HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s information minister said on Tuesday he did not know whether ministers would attend a cabinet meeting called by President Robert Mugabe at his State House offices, the first since a military takeover last week. I do not know whether anyone will attend, SK Moyo told Reuters hours before parliament was due to sit to start proceedings to impeach the 93-year-old leader. Cabinet meetings normally start at 0730 GMT.;November 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ‘The Fuse Is Lit’: Legendary News Anchor Dan Rather Says Trump-Russia Scandal Is About To EXPLODE;"Legendary news anchor Dan Rather said on Thursday that it shouldn t be long now before Donald Trump s cozy relationship with Russia becomes a real problem for him. Every once in a while in Washington, the fuse is lit for what seems to be a big scandal. Much more rarely does that fuse lead to an explosion of the magnitude we are seeing with Russia and the new Administration, and frankly the Republicans in Congress, Rather wrote on Facebook. How can anybody say, with all this billowing smoke and sights of actual flames, that there is no need to at least independently investigate whether a fire is burning down the very pillars of our democracy? The numerous investigations currently ongoing into the Trump campaign s constant contact with high-level Russian officials, Michael Flynn s resignation after it was revealed that he lied bigly about his relationship with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and, of course now the likelihood that notorious racist Jeff Sessions also perjured himself about his coziness with Kislyak, Rather says things are going to get bad quickly:The pressure is obviously starting to mount as leading Republicans are now calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. This comes in the wake of serious and credible evidence reported by a vigilant press that the Attorney General, mind you the top law enforcement man in the United States, perjured himself in testimony to the Senate about meeting the Russian ambassador during the election. Sessions is but the latest person close to President Trump who seems to be ensnared in a story that is more worthy of Hollywood melodrama than the reality of the governance of our country. Democrats are calling for Sessions to resign, and this story could move very quickly. We are well past the time for any political niceties or benefits of the doubt. We need an independent and thorough investigation of Russia s meddling in our democracy and its ties to the President and his allies, Rather says. We don t know what we don t know. Perhaps there are perfectly innocuous reasons for why Mr Trump won t release his tax returns, why he has continued to speak admirably about President Putin and why his aides and advisors seem to be so close to Russia. That s why we need an investigation. If the air is to be cleared, it needs to be cleared. And if there is deep rot, it needs to be exposed. And quickly. Rather says that the press is doing an admirable job at holding this administration to account, but there is only so much it can do without such things as subpoena powers :Let s just make this clear. This is about a foreign and hostile power trying to influence our election while being in contact with close aides to the presidential campaign that the Kremlin wanted to win. Furthermore, there are serious questions about Mr Trump s longstanding ties to Russian money and influence peddlers. We don t know where this might go, but it isn t going away.Rather is right things are looking pretty bad for Trump. Now we just need to wait for the other shoe to drop.Read his post below:(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = ""//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Every once in a while in Washington, the fuse is lit for what seems to be a big scandal. Much more rarely does that fuse Posted by Dan Rather on Thursday, March 2, 2017Featured image via screengrab";March 2, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: This Ridiculously Creepy Vine May Prove Ted Cruz Is Steve King’s Ventriloquist Dummy (VIDEO);There have been a lot of strange this that have happened this presidential election season, but some things are definitely stranger than others. One of those things being the fact that Rep. Steve King (R-IA) seems to know Sen. Ted Cruz s speeches by heart.Now, one could assume that it s because he s heard them so many times and Cruz doesn t change things up, so like a fan of a band he s mouthing the words. Another assumption could be made that perhaps he helped write the speech, so he s proudly mouthing the words along side his partner in conservative crime. However, probably the most accurate assumption would be that Ted Cruz is actually King s ventriloquist dummy and he s not doing a good job of hiding the movements of his mouth.Need proof? Watch this Vine: Now, this is still just a working theory, but it s one that makes the most sense, really. How else can one explain that they seem to be the same person in two different bodies. Albeit, one is Canadian and the other from Iowa.Need further proof?flickr/amazonI can t be the only one who sees this? How uncanny is that? I mean, c mon.However, I digress, maybe, just maybe, King should either practice his ventriloquism better, or learn to keep his mouth just so he doesn t appear to be a creeper in the background. Either choice would work.Video/Featured image from Vine;February 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Grenades thrown at homes of Ugandan MPs opposed to extending president's rule;KAMPALA (Reuters) - Grenades were thrown overnight at the homes of two Ugandan legislators opposed to scrapping the presidential age limit and thereby extending President Yoweri Museveni s more than 31 years in power. One of the legislators, Robert Kyagulanyi, was later arrested by police, his aide said. Kyagulanyi and fellow legislator Allan have been outspoken in efforts to resist an ongoing effort to change the constitution to allow Museveni to seek another term in elections set for 2021. Museveni has been president since January 1986. Two grenades were thrown at Ssewanyana s residence and three others at Kyagulanyi s. Both legislators were among MPs forcefully ejected from the parliament chamber last week by Uganda s special forces. The grenades were thrown, police spokesman Asan Kasingye told Reuters early Tuesday. He said police were investigating, but dismissed as absurd the idea that the attacks were politically motivated. Talking to local NBS TV, Ssewanyana said he was scared but would not give up the fight against the constitutional change. I can t give up and am calling upon all Ugandans not to give up because this is a serious fight. What shows the seriousness is the attacks that they have now started against us ... Attacks involving weapons, he said. Police later arrested Kyagulanyi as he left his home on the outskirts of the capital Kampala, his personal assistant, Hakim Katongole, told Reuters. Kyagulanyi, a top Ugandan musician with a stage name Bobi Wine, joined politics after winning a parliamentary seat in a repeat election in June. Another police spokesman told Reuters the legislator was arrested for a range of alleged offences including malicious damage, assault of officers on duty, causing bodily harm and others committed during the House brawl. During the fighting, microphone stands were plucked and used as crude weapons, chairs were thrown and bench seats were damaged. The fighting in the chamber pitted legislators opposed to extending Museveni s rule against special forces and legislators favoring the extension. At least five MPs were hospitalized for injuries sustained as they were dragged out of the chamber by plain-clothes security guards that opposition MPs said were special forces soldiers.;October 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HERE’S WHY OBAMA Could Be Blackballed From Prestigious Golf Club: “There’s this major uproar with having him part of the club”;President Barack Obama faces being blackballed by a prestigious golf club over his hard-line stance on Israel during the final days of his administration.It is understood that Mr Obama, who is a golf fanatic, had hoped to join the Woodmont Country Club in Maryland. However, members of the club, who are overwhelmingly Jewish, are split on whether to welcome the soon-to-be private citizen Obama.According to the New York Post, members at the club are angry with President Obama for failing to veto a UN vote which criticized Israel. Worse still for some members, Obama s secretary of state John Kerry then delivered a speech which was highly critical of the Israeli government. In light of the votes at the UN and the Kerry speech and everything else, there s this major uproar with having him part of the club, and a significant portion of the club has opposed offering him membership. Read more: Daily Mail ;Jan 11, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Cameroon separatists kill at least two gendarmes as Anglophone dispute escalates;DAKAR (Reuters) - Anglophone secessionists in Cameroon killed at least two gendarmes on Wednesday, two secessionist leaders and a security official said, signaling an escalation in their protracted dispute with the central government. The attacks in the English-speaking city of Bamenda marked the worst fighting in recent years between secessionist militants and government forces in the central African state after a year of mostly peaceful protest. Anglophone lawyers and teachers launched demonstrations a year ago against what they see as a marginalization of English-speakers by President Paul Biya s government in the Northwest and Southwest regions who were forced to work in French. A harsh crackdown by state forces, including the use of helicopter gunships to fire on civilians, has killed dozens of people and bolstered support for the once-fringe separatist movement ahead of presidential elections in 2018. Cho Ayaba, a leading member of the Ambazonian Governing Council, a separatist body established to create an independent state called Ambazonia, said secessionist militants killed three gendarmes in two coordinated attacks in Bamenda, the capital of the predominantly English-speaking Northwest region. Cameroonian security sources reported the deaths of two gendarmes in an overnight attack near Bamenda, with one senior military official blaming the secessionists. Another source said the gendarmes were ambushed by armed men on motorbikes. Cameroon s government spokesman and chief of police could not be reached immediately for comment. Ayaba said members of the Ambazonian Defence Force, an armed wing of the separatist movement, killed two gendarmes in a first attack around 2 a.m. (0100 GMT) at a checkpoint near Bamenda airport, and a third was killed in an ambush on a gendarme patrol unit in a Bamenda suburb about an hour later. We carried out the actions, said Ayaba. Their security forces are a target and we will continue attacking them until they are gone. Another separatist leader confirmed his account. Cameroon s linguistic divide harks back a century to the League of Nations decision to split the former German colony of Kamerun between the allied French and British victors at the end of World War One. The secessionist movement has existed for decades underground but has only recently started to gain widespread support in the English-speaking Northwest and Southwest in response to the government s repression of protests. Hundreds of Anglophone Cameroonians were swept up in mass arrests following violent demonstrations on Oct. 1, and at least 5,000 have fled the crisis for neighboring Nigeria.;November 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hacked emails show Clinton aides surprised at 2015 email revelations;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two aides in charge of running Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were taken aback as news broke in March 2015 of Clinton’s use of private email for her work as U.S. secretary of state, according to stolen emails published on Thursday by WikiLeaks. The late-night exchange between Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, and John Podesta, the campaign chairman, happened within hours of the New York Times breaking the news that Clinton exclusively used a private email account in a way that may have broken records rules. “Did you have any idea of the depth of this story?” Podesta wrote to Mook at 10:27 p.m. on the night the Times story appeared online, according to an exchange published by WikiLeaks. A few hours later, at 1:32 a.m., Mook wrote back: “Nope. We brought up the existence of emails in research this summer but were told that everything was taken care of.” The exchange took place hours before the Associated Press reported for the first time the following morning that Clinton’s email system was run off a private server Clinton kept in the basement of her home in Chappaqua, New York. The exchange appears to show that even Clinton’s most senior aides were initially unprepared for the scale of revelations about Clinton’s email practices, which would end up dogging her campaign all the way through to the final weeks leading up to the Nov. 8 election. Clinton, the Democratic candidate, remains the front-runner in opinion polls over Republican opponent Donald Trump. Many voters have pointed to the unauthorized email system, which stymied attempts by the public to seek Clinton’s emails through open-records laws, as a reason they find Clinton untrustworthy. Trump has repeatedly attacked her over her emails, saying Clinton should be in prison because she sent and received classified government secrets through the server. After a yearlong investigation, James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said in July that Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless” with classified information, but that no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges. The same night of the Mook-Podesta exchange, Neera Tanden, a longtime Clinton confidante, wrote to Podesta to express her frustration, according to other emails stolen from Podesta’s account and published in daily batches this month by WikiLeaks, a publishing organization that advocates extreme government transparency. “Why didn’t they get this stuff out like 18 months ago?” Tanden wrote, criticizing Cheryl Mills, a lawyer working for Clinton and Clinton’s former chief of staff at the State Department. “So crazy.” Podesta replied with a single word: “Unbelievable.” “I guess I know the answer,” Tanden, an outside adviser who does not have a formal role in the campaign, responded. “They wanted to get away with it.” Podesta also suggests in the exchange that other Clinton aides withheld information about the emails, although it is unclear if he meant from the public or other colleagues. “Speaking of transparency, our friends Kendall, Cheryl and Phillipe sure weren’t forthcoming on the facts here,” Podesta wrote. David Kendall is another lawyer working for Clinton, and Philippe Reines, whose first name Podesta appeared to have misspelled, is a Clinton adviser who handled her news coverage at the State Department. Tanden did not respond to questions. Glen Caplin, a Clinton campaign spokesman, declined to comment on the exchanges, saying the campaign was not confirming the authenticity of the emails. It has not pointed to any instances of doctored messages. He criticized Trump for supporting WikiLeaks, which Caplin said was “weaponizing” the emails he said were hacked by the Russian government. “Every American, regardless of party, should be concerned by this national security issue,” he said in a statement. Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, said this month the accusation his government is behind a spate this year of stolen emails from Democratic Party operatives was “flattering” but without proof. Nearly five months after the news of Clinton’s private email first broke, Tanden again wrote to Podesta to link the arrangement to unfavorable public polling that week. “Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email?” she wrote. “And has that person been drawn and quartered?”;October 27, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: Fresno Police Release GRAPHIC Video Of FATAL SHOOTING OF UNARMED WHITE MAN By Veteran Cops;The mainstream media, Hillary, Barack and Black Lives Matter terrorists yawn The Fresno Police Department released body camera video Wednesday showing Dylan Noble repeatedly ignoring officers demands that he stop moving back and forth at a gas station parking lot and show his hands before officers fired their weapons.Police Chief Jerry Dyer said the investigation into the shooting is still underway, and he has not made a decision whether it was justified. But he said he wanted to release the video so the public could see a more complete picture of what officers faced as they confronted Noble and had to make decisions in mere seconds.Dyer told reporters he had originally planned to release the names of both officers, but he declined to do so Wednesday because the department s legal counsel instructed him not to. The department has intercepted several threats made against the officers involved, although not by name. He noted that the recent shooting of 12 police officers in Dallas has caused him to fear for the safety of his own officers, especially given the controversy swirling around Noble s death.He said the officer driving the patrol car was a 20-year veteran at the department. In a second unit was an officer with 17 years of experience 10 with the department. The 20-year veteran had never been a part of a police shooting, but the 17-year officer was involved in a 2009 shooting.Dyer said the officers had interviewed a person who had called 911 about an armed man walking around the area. About 12 minutes later, they encountered Noble s truck.The videos pick up from there.The cameras capture what sounds like screeching tires. One officer notes that Noble was peeling out. They then attempt to stop Noble, who continues to drive for some time before pulling into the gas station at Shields and Armstrong avenues.Although some of the road had no-stopping zones to Noble s right, Dyer said Noble had several opportunities to pull over.The officer behind the wheel pulls out his handgun and points it at Noble s truck as it is slowing and turning into the gas station. Dyer said this was because the officer believed Noble may have been armed, given the officers initial call. That officer also believed Noble was taunting him and making the officer feel as if he did have a gun, Dyer added.Both officers exit their vehicles with guns drawn. They begin yelling for the driver to put both of his hands outside of the driver s side window of his truck. Noble puts his left hand out of the window but not his right, despite multiple requests for him to do so.After some time, Noble begins to exit the truck. One officer yells that he did not tell Noble to get out of the truck. Noble appears to stagger as he gets out of the lifted truck. He then walks a few steps away from the officers, who move toward him. The officers repeatedly tell Noble to put both of his hands up. He continues to walk toward and away from officers in a circular way raising and lowering each hand at different intervals.Dyer said that one officer believed Noble had something in his hand. This was later determined to be a 4-inch-by-4-inch piece of clear plastic with what appears to be a grayish clay inside. It is currently being analyzed by the U.S. Department of Justice.***WARNING***VIDEO IS VERY GRAPHIC! Watch HERE: Noble was fatally shot by officers on June 25 during traffic stop Video shows Noble repeatedly ignoring officers commands to show his hands Department has said officers believed Noble was about to shoot themVia: Fresno Bee;Jul 14, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Israeli cabinet minister welcomes Spicer's apology over Hitler remarks;JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior member of Israel’s government welcomed on Wednesday White House spokesman Sean Spicer’s apology for saying Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons, comments that overlooked the killing of millions of Jews in Nazi gas chambers. “Since he apologized and retracted his remarks, as far as (I) am concerned, the matter is over,” Intelligence and Transport Minister Israel Katz said in a statement, citing the “tremendous importance of historical truth and remembrance” of the victims of the Holocaust. Spicer made the assertion at a daily news briefing, during a discussion about the April 4 chemical weapons attack in Syria that killed 87 people. Washington has blamed the attack on the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,” Spicer said when asked about Russia’s alliance with the Syrian government. The Nazis murdered six million Jews during World War Two. Many Jews as well as others were killed in gas chambers in European concentration camps. When a reporter asked Spicer if he wanted to clarify his comments, he said: “I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no, he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.” Later on Tuesday, Spicer apologized and said he should not have made that comparison. “It was a mistake. I shouldn’t have done it and I won’t do it again,” Spicer told CNN in an interview. “It was inappropriate and insensitive.” Spicer’s assertion, made during the Jewish holiday of Passover, sparked instant outrage on social media and from some Holocaust memorial groups who accused him of minimizing Hitler’s crimes. Katz, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party, had tweeted late on Tuesday that Spicer’s comments at the news briefing were “grave and outrageous”, and he said the White House spokesman should apologize or resign. There was no immediate comment from other Israeli leaders, during a Passover holiday period when government business is largely at a standstill and many in the country are on vacation. It was not the first time the White House has had to answer questions about the Holocaust. Critics in January noted the administration’s statement marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which omitted any mention of Jewish victims. At the time, Spicer defended that statement by saying it had been written in part by a Jewish staff member whose family members had survived the Holocaust. Despite these difficulties, relations between Trump administration and the Israeli government have been more cordial than under the Obama presidency, although differences remain over the scope of Israeli settlement-building.;April 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Former U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, heavyweight on budget, energy issues, dies;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pete Domenici, a former minor league baseball pitcher who became a major league power player in the U.S. Senate on energy and budget issues and New Mexico’s longest-serving senator, died on Wednesday in Albuquerque at age 85. Domenici, a Republican, served as chairman of the Budget Committee and Energy and Natural Resources Committee during his 36 years in the Senate before deciding not to seek re-election in 2008 due to a degenerative brain disease. Brandi Sanchez, a spokeswoman for his son’s law firm in Albuquerque, confirmed the death of the former senator. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wrote on Twitter that the Senate was saddened to learn of “the passing of our friend Senator Pete Domenici.” Domenici, the son of Italian immigrants, was a key player in a 1997 balanced budget measure negotiated with Democratic President Bill Clinton and was a prominent supporter of nuclear energy. He also fought for greater health insurance coverage for people with mental illness. His daughter Clare, one of his eight children with wife Nancy, was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Domenici was instrumental in the Senate in securing Republican President Ronald Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts, Republican President George H.W. Bush’s 1990 tax hikes and the 1997 budget deal reached between Clinton and Republicans. He was considered a leading “deficit hawk.” Domenici was a pragmatic conservative Republican who was able to work with Senate Democrats like Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts. “My success as a senator has come only through working together with my Senate colleagues from all parties - they know that and I know that,” he said in 2007. That success came after friends urged Domenici not to go into politics to spare him from personal attacks. “Obviously, I didn’t listen to them,” he said. “And I’m glad I didn’t. I have found politics to not be as harsh as my friends predicted. For the most part, it’s been just the opposite.” Domenici was not in good health in his final years in the Senate. In October 2007, at age 75, he announced his decision not to seek a seventh six-year term in the Senate the following year due to progression of the incurable brain disorder called frontotemporal lobar degeneration. In February 2013, Domenici at age 80 acknowledged he had fathered a child out of wedlock in the 1970s with the daughter of Paul Laxalt, who at the time was one of his colleagues in the Senate. Domenici and Michelle Laxalt, who was 24 at the time, made the admission because they said they feared the information would be made public to try to smear Domenici’s reputation. She became an influential Washington lobbyist. Domenici was born in 1932 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1954 and then pitched for the Albuquerque Dukes, a minor league club for the Brooklyn Dodgers. “If he had a better curveball, he probably never would have been in the Senate,” Ari Fleischer, a former White House spokesman and Domenici aide, told USA Today in 2007. After baseball, Domenici became a math teacher, lawyer and Albuquerque city commissioner before being elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972, becoming New Mexico’s first Republican senator in 38 years. He was a powerful advocate for his state in Congress and helped steer money to U.S. Energy Department nuclear facilities such as the Los Alamos National Laboratory. George H.W. Bush considered making Domenici his vice presidential running mate in 1988 before choosing Dan Quayle, a less prominent senator. Near the end of his political career, the Senate Ethics Committee admonished Domenici in April 2008 for creating “an appearance of impropriety that reflected unfavorably upon the Senate” when he telephoned the top federal prosecutor in New Mexico to ask if an indictment in a politically sensitive corruption case would come before the November 2006 elections.;September 13, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump: Raqqa fall 'critical breakthrough', end of Islamic State in sight;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday hailed the defeat of Islamic State fighters in their self-proclaimed capital of Raqqa as a critical breakthrough in a worldwide campaign against the militants. On Friday, the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) formally announced Raqqa s liberation from Islamic State after four months of battles and said the city would be part of a decentralized federal Syria. Together, our forces have liberated the entire city from ISIS control, Trump said in a statement. The defeat of ISIS in Raqqa represents a critical breakthrough in our worldwide campaign to defeat ISIS and its wicked ideology. With the liberation of ISIS s capital and the vast majority of its territory, the end of the ISIS caliphate is in sight. Trump said the U.S. campaign against Islamic State, which was launched by his predecessor Barack Obama, would soon enter a new phase, in which the United States would support local security forces, de-escalate violence across Syria, and advance the conditions for lasting peace, so that the terrorists cannot return to threaten our collective security again. Together, with our allies and partners, we will support diplomatic negotiations that end the violence, allow refugees to return safely home, and yield a political transition that honors the will of the Syrian people, he said. Trump s statement made no mention of the future of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He also did not spell out how the United States would support local security forces. A White House spokesman said U.S. policy towards Assad remains the same. U.S. officials have said Assad has no future governing Syria and U.S. envoy to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said last month a stable Syria was not possible while he remained in place. The fight against Islamic State has taken place amid a wider, multi-sided civil war between Assad s government, which is backed by Iran and Russia, and an array of rebel groups supported by other powers, including the United States. Experts believe the defeat of ISIS at Raqqa may only be the start of a wider struggle by the United States to contain any insurgency launched by the militant group and to stabilize the region, as Washington grapples with defining a comprehensive strategy in Syria. On Friday, French President Emmanuel Macron said France s military would continue its fight against Islamic State in Syria, but that the fall of the militant group s bastion in Raqqa needed to lead to an inclusive political system to restore stability. ;October 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HILLARY’S #1 AIDE HUMA ABEDIN: Ties To Terrorists And 9/11 Funders [Video];Please check out our previous in-depth look at Abedin below:HILLARY S RIGHT-HAND WOMAN: HUMA ABEDIN S Job At A Radical Muslim Journal Calls Into Question Security Clearance For State DepartmentHILLARY S #1 AIDE HUMA ABEDIN: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!;Oct 31, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: COMEDY GOLD! Bernie Sanders Has HILARIOUS Meltdown Over Repeal Of Obamacare: “If You Are Old..If You’re 55-60 Yrs Of Age And Don’t Have Health Insurance, You Will Die!” [VIDEO];Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) could not say on Wednesday where he got the information that thousands will die if Obamacare is repealed.Sanders made the claim while speaking with CNN s Jake Tapper but could not provide any specific sources that backed his assertion, instead referring to studies that have been done. You ve said if this repeal and replace plan goes forward that thousands of Americans will die, Tapper said to Sanders. Where do you get that estimate from? I get that estimate from the fact that studies have been done that people who do not have health insurance, who do not go to the doctor when they should, who do not go to the hospital when they need to go, in fact die, Sanders said. And thousands of people die every year because they don t have health insurance. And if you throw 24 million people off of health insurance, there is no doubt that many thousands of people will die. Jake Tapper then goes on to ask Bernie Sanders about the disastrous results of Obamacare, making insurance unaffordable for so many Americans. Tapper tells Sanders, In many states Obamacare is in dire straights. The governor of Minnesota, a liberal Democrat said the Affordable Care Act is unaffordable . To his credit, Tapper continues with his line of questioning and actually shocks Sanders when he asks him, Don t the Democrats own this bill that in so many states is failing? No, I think what the American, look, what you re saying is true, Sanders replied. No one, certainly not me, that the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, has many serious problems. Deductibles are too high, premiums are too high, we still have too many people who don t have any health insurance, Sanders said. It s too complicated, it s too bureaucratic. WFBYEAH Okay Bernie whatever you say Watch:;Mar 16, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MSM Fake News: How Washington Post Sexed-up its ‘Facebook Russian Bot’ Conspiracy;"This is a story about how once trusted mainstream media outlets like Washington Post and the New York Times have used their vast platforms to distort reality and spread disinformation en masse to both the American and global public. It s also a story about a new excuse industry which has sprung up to medicate Hillary Clinton s tragic defeat.The article below, written by award-winning journalist Robert Parry, reveals the shocking extent to which the establishment is willing to go to achieve both domestic political, and international geopolitical outcomes.In September, we were told by multiple US mainstream media that suspected Russian operators used Facebook and Twitter accounts to spread anti-Clinton messages which somehow affected the electoral outcome in 2016. This was followed by a dramatic announcement by Facebook officials that they had responded to the crisis by shutting down several hundred accounts (approx. 470) suspected to have been created by a firm linked to the Kremlin who used Russian bot accounts to purchase $100,000 worth of Facebook post ads 3,000 ads in total over a 3 year period (that s only $33,000 per year) which we re told were pushing divisive issues during and after the American election campaign (so said the New York Times).As it turns out, the story was not only wildly exaggerated, it provided a convenient smoke screen to cover-up another case of real collusion.The scale of American propaganda is simply breathtaking.In this single passage taken from the recent New York Times scoop on the alleged Facebook Russian Bot phenomenon, you can see the full compliment of packaged lies which has become a set piece in US mainstream discourse now: The Russian information attack on the election did not stop with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails or the fire hose of stories, true, false and in between, that battered Mrs. Clinton on Russian outlets like RT and Sputnik. Far less splashy, and far more difficult to trace, was Russia s experimentation on Facebook and Twitter, the American companies that essentially invented the tools of social media and, in this case, did not stop them from being turned into engines of deception and propaganda. It gets worse though. What the Washington Post and others like the New York Times have obscured from the American people through this massive propaganda exercise is the Obama Administration and partisan Democrats own role in helping to generate this contrived conspiracy, or fake news. In the absence of any actual evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia what we have now is a case of Silicon Valley giant Facebook, actually colluding with the White House and the Federal government officials in order to help fabricate a highly politicized false conviction. Here are some of the main points in the article below: Powerful politicians pressured Facebook executives to come up with any evidence to support the Democratic Party s theory of Russian meddling. The Washington Post and others tried to convince a naive portion of the public to believe that somehow $100,000 in transient Facebook ad impacted the tens of billions of dollars spent during U.S. political spending for the 2016 election cycle. With all of the hype about Russian operatives, the mainstream media has not produced evidence to show who bought the ads.As journalistic hoaxes go, this is one of the biggest we ve seen.Perhaps an even bigger fraud in all of this however, is how a corporate mainstream media outlet like the Washington Post can use it s unlimited resources and media might to push out a blatantly fake narrative, intentionally distorted to deceive the public in order to achieve some partisan political objective and then site on the board of the establishment s First Draft project which they claim is leading the fight against fake news . How can a major purveyor of fake news be left to lead the fight to tackle fake news ? This is the danger of allowing an establishment cartel comprising of the corporate media, Facebook, Google and other tech monopolies to devise their own information policing regime.More on this incredible story from award-winning Consortium News here . . By Robert ParrySome people are calling the anti-Russian hysteria being whipped up across the U.S. mainstream news media a new golden age of American journalism, although it looks to me more like a new age of yellow journalism, prepping the people for more military spending, more information warfare and more actual war.Yes, without doubt, President Trump is a boorish and dangerous demagogue, now highlighted by his reckless speech before the United Nations last week, his schoolyard Tweet taunts toward North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and his ugly denunciation of black athletes for protesting against police killings of often unarmed African-Americans.And, yes, I know that some people feel that the evidence-lite and/or false allegations about Russian meddling are the golden ticket to Trump s impeachment. But the unprofessional behavior of The New York Times, The Washington Post and pretty much the entire mainstream media regarding Russia-gate cannot be properly justified by the goal of removing Trump from office.Ethically in journalism, the ends however much you might wish them to succeed cannot justify the means, if those means involve violating rules of evidence and principles of fairness. Journalism should be a place where all sides get a fair shake, not where some get a bum s rush.But the U.S. mainstream media has clearly joined the anti-Trump Resistance and hates Russian President Vladimir Putin, too. So, we are given such travesties of journalism as appeared as a banner headline across the front page of Monday s Washington Post, another screed about how Russia supposedly used Facebook ads to flip last November s election for Trump.The article purports to give the inside story of how Facebook belatedly came to grips with how the company s social network played a key role in the U.S. election, but actually it is a story about how powerful politicians bullied Facebook into coming up with something anything to support the narrative of Russian meddling, including direct interventions by President Obama and Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee and a key legislator regarding regulation of high-tech industries.Finding the Evidence In other words, Facebook was sent back again and again to find what Obama and Warner wanted the social media company to find. Eventually, Facebook turned up $100,000 in ads from 2015 into 2017 that supposedly were traced somehow to Russia. These ads apparently addressed political issues in America although Facebook has said most did not pertain directly to the presidential election and some ads were purchased after the election.Left out of the Post s latest opus is what a very small pebble these ads were even assuming that Russians did toss the $100,000 or so in ad buys into the very large lake of billions of dollars in U.S. political spending for the 2016 election cycle. It also amounts to a miniscule fraction of Facebook s $27 billion in annual revenue.So the assertion that this alleged meddling and we ve yet to see any evidence connecting these ads to the Russian government played a key role in the U.S. election is both silly and outrageous, especially given the risks involved in stoking animosities between nuclear-armed Russia and nuclear-armed America.Facebook: Colluding with government.Even the Post s alarmist article briefly acknowledges that it is still unclear who bought the ads, referring to the purchasers as suspected Russian operatives. In other words, we don t even know that the $100,000 in ads over three years came from Russians seeking to influence the U.S. election. (By comparison, many Facebook advertisers even some small businesses spend $100,000 per day on their ads, not $100,000 over three years.)But this diminutive effort by suspected Russian operatives doesn t stop the Post from going on and on about fake news and disinformation, albeit again without offering evidence or specifics of any Russian fake news or disinformation. It has simply become Official Washington s new groupthink to say that everything linked to Russia or its international TV network RT is fake news or disinformation even though examples are lacking or often turn out to be false accusations themselves.For instance, there is nothing in the Post s article acknowledging that nothing from the various Democratic email disclosures, which have been blamed on Russia (again without real evidence), has been identified as untrue. So, how can truthful information, whether you like how it was obtained or not, be fake news or disinformation ?Falsehood as FactBut Monday s Post expos simply asserts the claim as flat fact. Or as the article asserts: what Russian operatives posted on Facebook was, for the most part, indistinguishable from legitimate political speech. The difference was the accounts that were set up to spread the misinformation and hate were illegitimate. In responsible journalism, such an accusation would be followed by a for-instance, giving an example of the misinformation and hate that the Russian operatives note how they have been magically transformed from suspected Russian operatives to simply Russian operatives were disseminating.But there is no example of the Russian misinformation and hate, a classic violation of the reporting principle of show, don t tell. In this story, it s all tell and no show.Indeed, what is shown in the article is often contradictory to the story s conclusion. The article says, for instance, A review by the company found that most of the groups behind the problematic pages had clear financial motives, which suggested that they weren t working for a foreign government. But amid the mass of data the company was analyzing, the security team did not find clear evidence of Russian disinformation or ad purchases by Russian-linked accounts. So, Facebook initially after extensive searching did not find evidence of a Russian operation. Then, after continued pressure from high-level Democrats, Facebook continued to scour its system and again found nothing, or as the Post article acknowledged, Facebook had searched extensively for evidence of foreign purchases of political advertising but had come up short. That prompted Warner to fly out to Silicon Valley to personally press Facebook executives to come up with the evidence to support the Democrats theory about Russia paying for carefully targeted anti-Clinton ads in key districts.The Post s article reported that Finally, [Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex] Stamos appealed to Warner for help: If U.S. intelligence agencies had any information about the Russian operation or the troll farms it used to disseminate misinformation, they should share it with Facebook. The company is still waiting, people involved in the matter said. Under PressureStill, faced with extraordinary pressure from senior Democrats, Facebook finally delivered the desired results, or as the Post reported, By early August, Facebook had identified more than 3,000 ads addressing social and political issues that ran in the United States between 2015 and 2017 and that appear to have come from accounts associated with the [St. Petersburg, Russia-based] Internet Research Agency. So, the ads covering three years, including post-election 2017, only appear to be associated with some private Russian operation that only allegedly has ties to the Kremlin. And the total sums of the ad buys are infinitesimal compared to what it actually takes to have any real impact on Facebook or in a U.S. presidential election.If the context of this story were changed slightly say, it was about the U.S. government trying to influence public opinion in another country (which actually does happen quite a bit) the Post would be among the first news outlets to laugh off such allegations or dismiss the vague accusations as a conspiracy theory, but since these allegations fit with the prejudices of the Post s editors, an entirely different set of journalistic standards is applied.What the article also ignores is the extraordinary degree of coercion that such high-level political pressure can put on a company that recognizes its vulnerability to government regulation.As Facebook has acknowledged in corporate filings, Action by governments to restrict access to Facebook in their countries could substantially harm our business and financial results. It is possible that governments of one or more countries may seek to censor content available on Facebook in their country, restrict access to Facebook from their country entirely, or impose other restrictions that may affect the accessibility of Facebook in their country for an extended period of time or indefinitely. In the event that access to Facebook is restricted, in whole or in part, in one or more countries or our competitors are able to successfully penetrate geographic markets that we cannot access, our ability to retain or increase our user base and user engagement may be adversely affected, we may not be able to maintain or grow our revenue as anticipated, and our financial results could be adversely affected. Avoiding RealityIn other words, another way to have framed this story is that powerful politicians who could severely harm Facebook s business model were getting in the face of Facebook executives and essentially demanding that they come up with something to support the Democratic Party s theory of Russian meddling. The Democratic leaders wanted this finding as an explanation for Hillary Clinton s (image, left) stunning defeat, rather than going through the painful process of examining why the party has steadily lost ground in white working-class areas across the country.What is missed in these Russia-bashing articles is that the Democratic brand has been sinking for years, including massive losses in statehouses across the country as well as in Congress. The party s decline was not a one-off event with Donald Trump suddenly snaking away with significant parts of the white working class because the Russians bought some Facebook ads.However, instead of looking in the mirror, national Democrats demanded that Facebook executives ferret out whatever tiny or imaginary information there might be about some Russians buying Facebook ads and then allow those coerced findings to be fed into the excuse industry for why Hillary Clinton lost.And, what about the Post s repeated accusations about Russia engaging in disinformation and fake news without offering a single example? Apparently, these assertions have become such articles of faith in the U.S. mainstream media that they don t require any proof.However, honest journalism demands examples and evidence, not just vague accusations. The reality is that the U.S. government has stumbled again and again when seeking to paint RT as a disinformation outlet or a vehicle for undermining American democracy.For instance, the Jan. 6 report on alleged Russian cyber operations, released by Obama s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, included a lengthy appendix, dated from 2012, which decried RT for such offenses as allowing a debate among third-party presidential candidates who had been excluded from the Republican-Democratic debates; covering the Occupy Wall Street protests; and citing the environmental dangers from fracking. The idea that American democracy is threatened by allowing third-party candidates or other American dissidents to have a voice is at best an upside-down understanding of democracy and, more likely, an exercise in hypocritical propaganda.False AccusationsAnother misfired attempt to discredit RT came from Obama s Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy Richard Stengel, who issued a Dipnote in April 2014, which helped establish the narrative of RT as a source of Russian disinformation.For instance, Stengel claimed that RT reported a ludicrous assertion that the United States had spent $5 billion to produce Ukraine s regime change in February 2014.But what Stengel, a former managing editor of Time magazine, apparently failed to understand was that RT was referring to a public speech by Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland to U.S. and Ukrainian business leaders on Dec. 13, 2013, in which she told them that we have invested more than $5 billion in what was needed for Ukraine to achieve its European aspirations. In other words, the RT report wasn t ludicrous at all.Nuland also was a leading proponent of regime change in Ukraine who personally cheered on the Maidan demonstrators, even passing out cookies. In an intercepted pre-coup phone call with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, Nuland discussed who should run the new government and pondered with Pyatt how to glue or midwife this thing. So, Stengel was the one disseminating false information, not RT.Similarly, senior U.S. politicians, including Hillary Clinton, and the U.S. mainstream media have falsely asserted that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies signed off on the Russia-did-it hacking claims.For months, that canard was used to silence skepticism. After all, how could you question something that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies confirmed to be true?But it turned out that as DNI Clapper, himself a hardline Russia-basher, belatedly acknowledged the Jan. 6 report on the alleged Russian hacking was the work of hand-picked analysts from only three agencies, the CIA, FBI and NSA, and the assessment itself admitted that it was not asserting the Russian conclusion as fact, only the analysts opinion.The New York Times finally retracted its use of the fake claim about all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies in late June 2017 although it wouldn t let the lie lie, so instead the Times made misleading references to a consensus among U.S. intelligence agencies without using the number Continue this story at Consortium NewsREAD MORE RUSSIAGATE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Russiagate FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV";September 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Australia arrests man accused of trying to sell missile parts for North Korea;MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Australian police said on Sunday they had arrested a man accused of working on the black market to sell missile components and coal on behalf of North Korea, the first charges ever brought in Australia over the sale of weapons of mass destruction. The man had been charged with two counts under an act preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, police said, and with another four under legislation enforcing United Nations and Australian sanctions against North Korea. The Sydney man was identified by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and other media as 59-year-old Chan Han Choi, who they said had been living in Australia for more than 30 years and was of Korean descent. He was arrested in the Sydney suburb of Eastwood on Saturday and was due to face court later on Sunday, police said. He came to the attention of authorities earlier this year, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) said. This man was a loyal agent of North Korea, who believed he was acting to serve some higher patriotic purpose, AFP Assistant Commissioner Neil Gaughan told reporters. This case is like nothing we have ever seen on Australian soil, he said. Police will allege the man tried to broker the sale of missile components, including software for the guidance systems of ballistic missiles, as well as trying to sell coal to third parties in Indonesia and Vietnam. Gaughan said the trade could have been worth tens of millions of dollars if successful. Cash-strapped North Korea has come under a new round of stricter United Nations sanctions this year after pressing ahead with its missile and nuclear programmes in defiance of international pressure. Tensions have risen dramatically on the Korean peninsula because of the North s ballistic missile launches and its sixth and most powerful nuclear test, as well as joint military drills between South Korea and the United States that the North describes as preparation for war. Pyongyang claimed that its latest intercontinental ballistic missile launch in November had the range to reach all of the United States. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson urged North Korea on Friday to carry out a sustained cessation of its weapons testing to allow talks about its missile and nuclear programmes. However, the North has shown little interest in talks until it has the ability to hit the U.S. mainland with a nuclear-tipped missile, which many experts say it has yet to prove. Gaughan said the man had been in touch with high-ranking North Korean officials but no missile components ever made it to Australia. He also said there was no indication officials in Indonesia or Vietnam had been involved in the attempted coal sales. This is black market 101, Gaughan said. We are alleging that all the activity occurred offshore, and was purely another attempt for this man to trade goods and services as a way to raise revenue for the government of North Korea, he said. The man faces up to 18 years in jail if convicted. He did not apply for bail and will next face court on Wednesday.;December 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Top GOP Governors Hold Emergency Conference Call To Discuss Trump’s Scary Rise;"As Donald Trump continues to hold steady at number one and win primary after primary, the GOP establishment is getting really nervous that he may actually be their 2016 candidate. They are so scared that a group of high-ranking Republican governors held an emergency conference call to discuss it on Monday.Politico reported: Trump s march to the nomination has set off a wave of anxiety across the Republican Party establishment as top officials weigh whether to endorse him or denounce him as anathema to the party s values. Reflecting that angst, on Monday morning, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the heads of the Republican Governors Association, convened fellow governors for an unusual conference call to discuss how the primary was unfolding and Trump was a central topic of conversation. Apparently during the conference call, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin asked New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie why he was supporting Trump. Christie, who has a long history of slamming Trump, claimed that he know believes Donald is the best man for the job. This is nonsense, of course; he just wanted to share some of Trump s limelight because like Trump, he is an opportunist and a liar.The real estate mogul has been wreaking havoc on the GOP since he entered the race. The party, which after the 2012 presidential race, decided that they needed an image makeover saw Trump destroy any chances of ever winning over minority voters. And in addition to his hatred for everyone who is not white, rich, or poorly educated, he has thumbed his nose at the establishment over and over. The reason many people think he has such an appeal with the GOP base (other than their insane racism and bigotry) is because he is not a real politician. This belief that he is not a politician is more proof of how ignorant the Republican voter base really is. Trump says whatever he thinks will make people vote for him and has a long record of flip-flopping like Mitt Romney in 2012, but on steroids.Former Republican National Committee chairman and former Florida senator, Mel Martinez has said that Trump is increasingly unpalatable, and said a majority of the party would resist him as the 2016 presidential candidate: How that manifests itself I don t know, but I believe there is a sense by many, myself included, that he just cannot be the nominee, he said. So a convention scenario could begin to develop. While the GOP isn t sure Trump should be their candidate, Americans have made it very clear that they have no interest in seeing him in the White House. Even the conservative site Red State recently published an article titled, A Vote For Trump is a Vote For Hillary Clinton: Why Trump Is A Sure Loser. Get your popcorn ready, folks. This infighting is going to make the Republican National Convention very interesting this summer, and it s looking better and better for Democrats in the Fall. Featured image via Addicting Info archives";March 1, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: AWESOME! HISPANIC TRUMP SUPPORTER Rips Into Pro-Sanctuary City Officials: “I’m a hard core TRUMP supporter” [Video]; ;Feb 19, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: GAME OVER SNOWFLAKES! TRUMP Channels Reagan…Threatens Violent Berkeley College Rioters…COMPARE TO REAGAN’S No Nonsense Response To Berkeley Rioters In 1966 [VIDEO];Last night, at the birthplace of free speech, we watched as rioters took to the campus of Berkeley College to shut down the free speech of gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos. The speech was scheduled in advance, and police were aware that angry Democratic Party supporters and anarchists were likely to cause chaos and threaten the security of students who attended the event, as well as the guest speaker. After violent riots broke out, which included hundreds of rocks and firecrackers thrown at police, the event was cancelled. Yiannopoulos was rushed out of the building and taken to a place of safety. It s important to note, that only 1 month ago, these violent riots would have likely been ignored by President Obama. But this is not 1 month ago. This is now, and now, we have a new sheriff in town. We have a President who respects the free speech rights of every American, whether he agrees or disagrees with them. We have a President who will not sit back and allow innocent citizens to be threatened by violent radicals who are breaking the law.Here is an example of the violence that was exacted on innocent people who were interested in hearing the opinions and facts of scheduled presenter, gay conservative Milo Yionnopoulos:President Donald J. Trump s response to the violence and the shutting down of these peaceful American s free speech rights was swift. He put essentially put all of Berkeley College on notice. Stop the violence and shutting down of 1st Amendment rights on your campus or possibly lose federal funding: If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view NO FEDERAL FUNDS?UC Berkeley, one of the top research universities in the world, receives $370 million in federal funds used for research funding. The University of California system as a whole receives nearly $8.5 billion in federal support.If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view NO FEDERAL FUNDS? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 2, 2017Compare and contrast Reagan s decision to address the unlawful behavior of the Berkeley protesters while he was the acting Governor of California in 1966:In his 1966 campaign for California governor, Republican Ronald Reagan promised to to clean up the mess at Berkeley. Reagan was referring to the unrest prevalent not just at the University of California, Berkeley, but on college campuses throughout state. Students and faculty alike were engaged in protests, demonstrations, and strikes related to issues such as the draft, civil rights, discrimination, and women s liberation.In one 1966 campaign speech, Reagan declared that many leftist campus movements had transcended legitimate protest, with the actions of beatniks, radi cals and filthy speech advocates having become more to do with riot ing, with anarchy than academic freedom. He blamed university administrators and faculty, who press their particular value judgments on students, for a leadership gap and a morality and decency gap on campus, and suggested a code of conduct be imposed on faculty to force them to serve as examples of good behavior and decency. [1]Six months after Reagan took office in 1967, he wrote this letter to Glenn Dumke, the chancellor of San Francisco State College, one of California s largest public institutions. Dumke served as the public face of the state college system, and he was a staunch opponent of radical student and faculty demonstrations. In his letter to Dumke, Reagan criticizes liberal activism on campuses. He condemns these people & this trash on campuses as well as the excuse of academic freedom & freedom of expression in allowing protests and demonstrations to go on. We wouldn t tolerate this kind of language in front of our families, Reagan writes of campus protesters. He urges Dumke to lay down some rules of conduct, promising that you d have all the backing I could give you. HERE IS THE TRANSCRIPT OF REAGAN S LETTER:Dear GlennHow far do we go in tolerating these people & this trash under the excuse of academic freedom & freedom of expression? Please understand, that question isn t made in any tone of accusation. I mean myself too in that use of the term we. We wouldn t let a LeRoi Jones in our livingroom and we wouldn t tolerate this kind of language in front of our families. Hasn t the time come to take on those neurotics in our faculty group and lay down some rules of conduct for the students comparable to what we d expect in our own families? If we do and the we this time means you d have all the backing I could give you, I believe the people of Calif. would take the state college system to their hearts.[illegible] Ron;Feb 2, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Fox News Poll Shows Who Their Viewers Think Won The Debate, And It’s Pretty Damn Hilarious (IMAGE);If there s one news organization that Donald Trump can usually always rely upon to be in his corner, it s Fox News. The media branch of the Republican party will pretty much always show bias towards any Republican candidate or conservative ideal. Most of the time even without trying to find any facts of any kind.However, it looks as though Trump is going to hate the new poll that Fox News revealed showing who, according to them and their viewers, won the first presidential debate.Winning with 61% of viewers polled was none other than Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.In fact, Trump was only able to garner 21% of those polled to say that he won, with 12% saying it was a tie.New Fox Poll: Who won first debate? #SpecialReport https://t.co/lmsmO06yfj pic.twitter.com/coMvS84lCj Fox News (@FoxNews) September 30, 2016If you re any good at math, that s not even close. Not even remotely close. Hillary got well more than half of those polled saying that she definitively won, while Trump probably held onto the few who were going to say that he won no matter what.The bar is set so incredibly low for Trump, too. If he kept his pants on, those 21% pulling for Trump were still going to say that he won. So, for Hillary to sweep up this debate as a win in her column with even Fox News viewers, well, that s bad news for Trump and his floundering campaign.It will be interesting to see how he behaves in the next debate to try to sway viewers.Featured Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images, Twitter;September 30, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump's opposition to trade deals fuels internal party opposition;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday lashed out at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s scathing criticism of his stance on trade, highlighting divisions within the Republican Party that threaten unity ahead of the Nov. 8 election. At a campaign rally in Maine on Wednesday, Trump called the nation’s largest business association “controlled totally by various groups of people who don’t care about you whatsoever.” He said new trade deals should be negotiated because foreign countries are taking advantage of America. “Every country that we do business with us look at us as the stupid people with the penny bank,” Trump said Wednesday at the rally in Bangor, Maine. The Washington-based lobbying group, which represents the United States’ largest companies and business interests, is typically a reliable backer of Republican policies. But on Tuesday it took issue with Trump’s vocal opposition to trade deals, calling his proposals “dangerous” ideas that would push the United States into another recession. Trump said the Chamber’s argument that his policies would cause a trade war were incorrect because the United States was already at a deficit. “We’re already losing the trade war, we lost the trade war,” Trump said. “Nothing can happen worse than is happening now.” In speeches on Tuesday, Trump called for renegotiating or scrapping the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico, calling it a job killer, and reiterated opposition to the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership among the United States and 11 other Pacific Rim countries. He also lambasted China’s trade and currency policies. The Chamber has consistently backed trade deals. The public squabbling between the presumptive Republican nominee and the business group was unusual, one of a series of reminders that Trump still struggles to unite his party behind his campaign. The Republicans and many business leaders tend to share policy goals and work in lockstep, and many business leaders have traditionally been big donors to Republican candidates. So far, the Chamber’s political action committee has donated $134,000 to federal candidates or their committees, with $127,500 of that total going to Republicans, according to U.S. government campaign finance records. Billionaire Republican donor Paul Singer, who bankrolled an effort to try to defeat Trump during the campaign’s nominating phase, said on Wednesday that a Trump presidency and his trade positions would almost certainly lead to a global depression. “The most impactful of the economic policies that I recall him coming out for are these anti-trade policies,” Singer said during a panel discussion at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado, according to CNBC. But opposing trade deals has proven a winning strategy for Trump among voters concerned about the loss of manufacturing jobs. Art Laffer, an economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan who supports Trump, said he did not like the tone of Trump’s speech on Tuesday but thought it was an improvement over his past comments on trade. “It’s not terribly alarming to me,” Laffer said. “I didn’t see any 45 percent tariffs across the board. ... “I saw negotiating better trade deals rather than throwing away all the trade deals we have now. He points out the flaws in these trades, and that’s all true,” Laffer said. “I don’t like the tone of it, but I dislike the tone less today than I did three weeks ago.” Peter Navarro, a Trump trade policy adviser, defended the candidate’s position. “Here’s the central point to understand: The White House has been utterly and completely soft on China’s illegal trade practices,” said Navarro, a professor at the University of California, Irvine. “The status quo is the worst of all possible worlds for the United States.” Trump also took fire from for his positions on trade from Democrats. In a call organized by rival Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, U.S. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, a former businessman and tech entrepreneur, said that while the country needed to do a better job protecting workers, more resources should be put into training them for a new economy. He also noted that it was unusual to see a Republican standard-bearer and the Chamber divide. “You’ve really got a special circumstance when the U.S. Chamber of Commerce” responded to Trump’s economic plan with a “full-fledged onslaught,” Warner said. “No one could have predicted this kind of election season.” Clinton held no public campaign events on Wednesday but did announce she would appear next week with President Barack Obama, the first time this year that he and his former Secretary of State have campaigned together.;June 29, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Lavrov to Trump: ‘Do Not Attack Venezuela’;21st Century Wire says Last Friday, President Donald Trump appears to have temporarily lost his mind by suggesting that the US may act militarily against Venezuela. The rationale (or irrationale) seems to be that (US-backed) protests against the rule of President Nicolas Maduro are destabilizing the country and therefore, the US must intervene if Maduro does not go . It was shades of the last 7 years of US and western anti-Syrian regime change rhetoric. Washington will not stand by as Venezuela crumbles, he said.Vice President Mike Pence is on a four-nation Latin American tour, where he expressed his concern that Venezuela will trigger regional instability in South America.Meanwhile, other Latin America countries have now rallied around Venezuela after Trump s off-handed comments. This has been somewhat of an own goal by Trump who seems to have now united Latin America in support of Venezuela and against the United States.Venezuela foreign minister, Jorge Arreaza, urged Venezuelans to resist America s insolent foreign aggression . The reckless threats of President Donald Trump aim to drag Latin America and the Caribbean into a conflict which would permanently alter the stability, the peace and the security of our region, said Arreaza.To compound Washington s problems on the issue, Russia has now also weighed in The DuranSergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister was speaking with his Bolivian counterpart when the issue of Venezuela arose. Bolivia is one of Venezuela s closest regional allies along with Cuba.Sergey Lavrov responded to threats made by Donald Trump against Caracas when the US President threatened the use of military action against the oil rich South American country. Venezuela has called Trump s threats crazy and a threat to the sovereignty of the country.Today, Lavrov stated: We are united in the need to overcome the existing disagreements in the country by peaceful means through a nationwide dialogue as soon as possible, without any external pressure, not to mention the unacceptability of the threats of military intervention in the internal affairs of this country .Recently Mercosur, a bloc of nations covering the majority of South America condemned any attempts by the US to stage a war against Venezuela. This included countries who themselves have disagreements with Caracas. Today, Lavrov cited this as an example of widespread opposition to any war on Venezuela.READ MORE: South America opposes Trump s military threat against VenezuelaThis is Russia s strongest condemnation of the threat of war against Venezuela to-date.READ MORE VENEZUELA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Russia FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV;August 16, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Irony: Mike Pence Shames Pres. Obama For Name Calling – No, Really;"Mike Pence, the right-wing nut who is running alongside Donald Trump for the vice presidential position, had a few words for President Obama after his speech at the Democratic National Convention when he called Trump a homegrown demogauge among other things: I don t think name calling has any place in public life, and I thought that was unfortunate that the president of the United States would use a term like that, let alone laced into a sentence like that. You read that right. Mike Pence, who s running alongside Donald Trump, is offended that President Obama would resort to name calling in public.The irony is just too rich with this one. Coupled with Trump having his feelings hurt by speakers at the DNC, the hypocrisy from the Trump camp could not be more rank.Thanks to the New York Times, we know that Donald Trump has insulted, personally, over 250 people, places and things just on Twitter alone.While Pence is offended by the homegrown demogauge line, he seems perfectly fine with words and lines like: corrupt; crooked; dopey clown; goofy; Pocahontas; perv; sleazebag; disgrace; dummy; irrelevant clown; moron; loser; wacko; crazy; waste of time and energy; low-life; phony; hokey garbage; sloppy; grubby; buffoon; bimbo; dog; bitch; truly weird.The list, as documented by the NYT, goes on and on.So, to Mike Pence, please do us all a favor and shut up. If you really don t want name calling in politics, maybe you should talk to your running mate first, considering that right after Bloomberg s speech, Trump revived his little insult once given to Marco Rubio.Trump and Pence are buckling under the pressure of public opinion, and their inability to see past their own hypocrisy is turning Republicans against them (as well as Independents).Featured image via Sarah D. Davis/Getty Images";July 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Clinton warns against complacency, Trump warns of World War Three;COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned her supporters on Tuesday against complacency as opinion polls show her holding a clear lead over Republican rival Donald Trump with two weeks left until the Nov. 8 election. Clinton told voters in Florida, one of the battleground states where the election will likely be decided, that Democrats could not afford to relax. “I hope you will come out and vote because it’s going to be a close election. Pay no attention to the polls. Don’t forget, don’t get complacent, because we’ve got to turn people out,” she told a rally in Coconut Creek, standing in front of a large sign reading: “Vote Early.” Trump also campaigned in Florida on Tuesday. He blasted recent spikes in premiums for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Trump promised to repeal and replace the healthcare law as soon as he takes office. “This is why we have to drain the swamp and repeal and replace Obamacare immediately, and I’m the only candidate running for president who will do it,” Trump said. On Monday, the U.S. government said the average premium for insurance plans sold on Healthcare.gov for 2017 rose by 25 percent compared with 2016. But with polls showing Trump trailing Clinton, Trump has asked his campaign to cut back on work identifying candidates for jobs in his future administration and focus instead on bolstering his chances on Nov. 8, according to two people familiar with the campaign’s inner workings. An average of national polls on the RealClearPolitics website since mid-October gives Clinton a lead of more than 5 percentage points, as Trump fights off accusations that he groped women and faces heavy criticism for suggesting he might not accept the result of the election if he loses. Trump denies the accusations of sexual misconduct and says the election is rigged against him, although he has not cited widely accepted evidence to back that up. On Tuesday, Trump told Reuters that Clinton’s plan for fixing the Syrian civil war would “lead to World War Three,” because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia. In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, Trump said defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, playing down a long-held goal of U.S. policy. Clinton has called for the establishment of a no-fly zone and “safe zones” on the ground in Syria to protect noncombatants. Her campaign responded in a statement later on Tuesday noting that both Republican and Democratic national security experts had deemed Trump ill-prepared to be commander in chief, and accusing Trump of “parroting” Russian President Vladimir Putin and playing on Americans’ fears. Colin Powell, who served as Republican President George W. Bush’s secretary of state and was chairman of the U.S. military’s joint chiefs of staff under his father, Republican President George Bush, said on Tuesday he would vote for Clinton. The two candidates have sparred in recent days over the U.S.-backed Iraqi military push to take the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State, which Trump described as a “total disaster.” “He’s declaring defeat before the battle has even started,” Clinton, who was secretary of state during Obama’s first term, said on Tuesday. She urged supporters to participate in early voting, which began this week in Florida. “Nobody should want to wake up on Nov. 9 and wonder whether there was more you could have done,” Clinton said. Clinton also appeared on Tuesday at the Univision studio in Doral, Florida, on “El Gordo y La Flaca” (“The Fat Man and the Skinny Woman”), a long-running entertainment show aimed at Latinos. The appearance underscored the importance of Latino voters in the battle for Florida’s 29 electoral votes. Clinton maintained a commanding lead in the race to secure the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House, according to Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project results released on Saturday.;October 25, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: This Is How Trump Could Win In A Landslide – Prepare To Laugh;Ah, the ultimate Trump fangirl, with the exception of Sarah Palin (gag). Both of them are enamored of Trump, and it s not hard to believe that they might even think they re in love with him. Palin s just an idiot about it, though. Ann Coulter, though? She s a very cunning racist closed-mind who wants Trump to win so badly that she would make voting rights for every group of people here disappear entirely. Except her own, of course. Maybe.Last night s tweet about it was probably one of the most egregious of ideas for how to ensure that we crown King Trump:If only people with at least 4 grandparents born in America were voting, Trump would win in a 50-state landslide. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) November 8, 2016HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The funny thing is that if we went by that standard, Trump s own kids couldn t vote for him. Trump himself couldn t even vote all his grandparents came from Europe, as did his mother, which excludes Tiffany. So even his grandkids, if they were of age, couldn t vote for him.And then there s Melania, who worked in this country illegally. For all we know, she stole a modeling job from an American model who badly needed the work. Going by Coulter s logic, she shouldn t be allowed to cast a vote for her husband. But then again, Trump s logic about immigrants would send Melania back to Slovenia, since there s a chance she stole a job from a hardworking American.Then there are all the people with four grandparents that were born here who still think Trump is a racist prick and would never vote for him. My family history here goes all the way back to before we were even a country. In fact, my family was here almost 150 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed. Plenty of others like me feel the same, but of course a racist like Coulter didn t think of that.Actually, it s very likely that all she thought of was eliminating the Latino vote, because many Latinos are first- or second-generation, and tend to vote Democratic. She didn t think of all the members of her kind who are likewise first- and second-generation, who couldn t vote at all if her idea became law.And what of her own family history? She considers herself, and her family, settlers rather than immigrants (they were immigrants). She would qualify to vote under her idea, so of course most other white conservatives would. She didn t think this through at all. Or maybe she did, but she s so ignorant about the makeup of this country that she has no idea what she just said. She s gone from being an annoyance to being one hell of a joke.Featured image by Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images;November 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Militant gunmen in Egypt mosque attack carried 'Islamic State' flag: prosecutor;CAIRO (Reuters) - Militant gunmen who killed more than 300 people in an attack on a mosque in Egypt s North Sinai on Friday were carrying an Islamic State flag and were between 25 to 30 in number, the public prosecutor s office said in a statement on Saturday. The gunmen, some wearing masks and military-style uniforms, surrounded the mosque blocking windows and a doorway and opened fire inside with automatic rifles, the statement citing their investigation and interviews with wounded survivors. They numbered between 25 and 30, carrying the Daesh flag and took up positions in front of the mosque door and its 12 windows with automatic rifles, the statement said using an Arabic term for Islamic State.;November 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Don’t Buy The Media Hype: Democrats Are More United Now Than In 2008;The Democratic Party has descended into madness. Democratic voters are split. The convention is going to be a disaster. Bernie Sanders may take his supporters and walk away, thus handing Trump the presidency.These are the headlines the mainstream media has been peddling now for months. As the omega primary creeps up (with California and New Jersey up for grabs), it s becoming evident that one candidate will walk away the nominee.This, of course, has incensed members of the opposite candidate and naturally so. And of course the media has pounced on these feelings, and has ran nonstop coverage in an effort to tear the party apart.No matter how loud the pundits scream, and no matter how blistering the op-eds are, don t buy into the hype. Because there is one truth that the media doesn t want to report on:The Democratic Party is more united now than it was in 2008 and Obama won in a landslide. The one outlet that seems to have the guts to report on it is Vox, not surprisingly.In fact, what the mainstream media doesn t want to remind you is that in May 2008, 15 percent of Democrats overall said they wouldn t vote for Obama. Today, May 2016, only 6 percent of Democrats say they won t support Clinton.When Clinton dropped out in 2008, 40 percent of her supporters said they would not vote for then-candidate Barack Obama. Today, as it becomes increasingly likelier than Clinton will become the nominee, only 25 percent of Sanders supporters claim they will not support her candidacy should she win (a number that is shrinking).As Vox puts it, Obama needed, in other words, to overcome a hurdle that was twice as big as the one facing Clinton. And they also noted:Last but by no means least, McCain was a broadly popular figure with considerable cross-party appeal. He wound up losing pretty badly in the end due to a very unfavorable economic situation and a campaign that saw him abandoning most of his crossover positions. But as of late May it really wasn t totally crazy to imagine a hawkish, domestically moderate white Democrat feeling that he had a lot in common with McCain, especially if there was a little covert racial bias in the mix.And for Democrats freaking out over Trump overcoming Clinton in a handful of polls, at this time in 2008 and 2012, McCain and Romney respectively overtook President Obama in the polls multiple times.The explanation for that is, presently, the Republican Party is more united now than the Democrats, considering they have one candidate while the Democrats have two still running.Bottom line: Democrats are smarter than the media conglomerates think, and they see firsthand the risk of a Trump presidency. They aren t going to blow it.Featured image via Joe Readle/Getty Images;May 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: Michael Flynn Resigns as Trump’s National Security Advisor;21st Century Wire says The scandal emerged after it was revealed that Flynn had a conversation with a Russian Ambassador, Sergey I. Kislak, during the transition period before Trump took office, supposedly over the issue of US sanctions against Russia. It is believed that Flynn had misled Vice President Mike Pence by not disclosing the full nature of these conversations.Flynn stated in a letter: In the course of my duties as the incoming National Security Advisor, I held numerous phone calls with foreign counterparts, ministers, and ambassadors, Flynn wrote. These calls were to facilitate a smooth transition and begin to build the necessary relationships between the President, his advisors and foreign leaders. Such calls are standard practice in any transition of this magnitude. Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the Vice President Elect and others with the incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador. I have sincerely apologized to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology. This indiscretion was seen by many as an extreme beach of protocol and a risk to national security. However, according to RT, Russian President Putin s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated on Monday that Flynn and Kislyak did not discuss lifting sanctions.In addition to the potential of a protracted scandal on the White House side of this issue, there is also another potentially more important issue about the fact that agents working the Obama Administration were tapping Flynn s telephone and also that agencies leaked related information which formed the press narrative of this scandal. If so, this would amount to a covert attack on the White House from inside the US government.Flynn s departure could interrupt positive headway made on the bilateral START nuclear treaty with Russia which Flynn had been working on up until this week.In the interim, Trump has named a retired Lt. General, Joseph Keith Kellogg Jr, as Acting National Security Advisor, although it is believed that Vice Adm. Robert Harward, a former deputy commander at US CENTCOM in Tampa, FL is Trump s likely choice to replace Flynn.Another name in play is also General David Petraeus, although it s not certain that his record will be able to endure the aggressive media pressure that is certain to follow if appointed.The following a copy of Flynn s resignation lette r:Breaking: text of Flynn's resignation letter pic.twitter.com/KGue1cJFzL Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) February 14, 2017READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump Files;February 14, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Drugmaker shares slip as Trump tweets about pricing system;(Reuters) - Shares of U.S. pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies fell on Tuesday after President Donald Trump said he was working on a “new system” to reduce prices in the industry, without providing details of his plan. Trump’s comments came as he backed a Republican bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. “I am working on a new system where there will be competition in the Drug Industry,” Trump tweeted. “Pricing for the American people will come way down!” Pharmaceutical and biotech shares fell broadly after Trump’s tweet, but had pared back steeper initial losses by afternoon trading. Shares of Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) and Merck & Co (MRK.N) were down about 0.5 percent, while Eli Lilly & Co (LLY.N) dropped 1.1 percent. The Nasdaq Biotechnology index .NBI was 0.8 percent lower, pausing momentum for the index, which has climbed about 12 percent this year after a brutal 2016. “I’m skeptical about what it is that he might do that would actually have a material impact on drug prices,” said Paul Heldman, managing partner at Heldman Simpson Partners, which follows healthcare issues for institutional investors out of Washington. “I wouldn’t rule it out, but I’m just not there yet that he has some sort of broad plan that has a big impact in the marketplace that will actually become law,” Heldman said. U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said he would meet with Trump on Wednesday to discuss efforts to lower prescription drug prices. Trump has long vowed to repeal and replace Obamacare. The House Republicans’ legislation would eliminate the requirement that most Americans obtain medical insurance and create a system of tax credits to encourage people to purchase private insurance. After Monday’s release of the replacement plan, hospital stocks fell, with Tenet Healthcare (THC.N) and Community Health Systems (CYH.N) each down more than 5 percent. Shares of health insurers were mostly modestly higher. Trump’s tweet was his latest criticism of drug prices. As president-elect, he said in January that the industry was “getting away with murder” in what it charges the government for medicines. He told Congress last week that more needs to be done to bring down “artificially high” prices for prescription drugs. While drug stocks have reacted to Trump’s comments, “so far there seems to be no there, there,” said Ira Loss, senior healthcare analyst with Washington Analysis. Loss noted that Republicans historically are wary of “non-market solutions to drug pricing.” “I think there is a big disconnect between what he’s talking about ... and what the natural instincts of a Republican-controlled Congress are,” Loss said. Brad Loncar, manager of the Loncar Cancer Immunotherapy ETF (CNCR.O), said Trump’s comments are “the type of statement that would have sent biotech stocks down 4 percent six months ago.” “The fact that hasn’t come anywhere near that so far today I think is a good sign the market has learned to wait for specifics on these things and not overreact,” Loncar said. “Even tweets have a law of diminishing returns.”;March 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump touched us inappropriately, two women tell New York Times;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two women accused Donald Trump of inappropriate touching in a story published on Wednesday by the New York Times, claims his spokesman called “fiction” but which may further damage the Republican presidential nominee’s chances of winning the White House just four weeks before the Nov. 8 election. The report was followed by a stream of similar allegations from other women, putting more pressure on the Trump campaign as it lags in national opinion polls and struggles to contain a crisis caused by the candidate’s comments about groping women without their consent which surfaced on Friday. One of the women, Jessica Leeds, appeared on camera on the New York Times' website to recount how Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt on a flight to New York in or around 1980. (nyti.ms/2dx8k5R) The second woman, Rachel Crooks, described how Trump “kissed me directly on the mouth” in 2005 outside the elevator in Trump Tower in Manhattan, where she was a receptionist at a real estate firm. Trump’s campaign denied there was any truth to the New York Times accounts. It made public a letter to the newspaper from Marc Kasowitz, a lawyer representing Trump, demanding it retract the story, calling it “libelous,” and threatening legal action if it did not comply. “This entire article is fiction, and for the New York Times to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against Mr. Trump on a topic like this is dangerous,” the Trump campaign’s senior communications adviser Jason Miller said in a statement. Reuters could not independently verify the incidents. Leeds and Crooks did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Reuters. “We stand by the story, which falls clearly into the realm of public service journalism,” a New York Times spokeswoman said. The report comes just two days after a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll showed one in five Republicans thought Trump’s comments about groping women disqualified him from the presidency, and put him 8 points behind Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton among likely voters. Within hours, several other media outlets published similar reports. People magazine published a detailed first-person account from one of its reporters, Natasha Stoynoff. (bit.ly/2dTm90D) Stoynoff said Trump pinned her against a wall at his Florida estate in 2005 and kissed her as she struggled to get away. “I turned around, and within seconds, he was pushing me against the wall, and forcing his tongue down my throat,” Stoynoff said. The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the People story late on Wednesday. The article included a denial from a Trump spokeswoman who called the story a “politically motivated fictional pile-on.” Around the same time, the Palm Beach Post reported a claim by Mindy McGillivray, 36, a woman in South Florida, that Trump had grabbed her bottom 13 years ago while she was working at his Mar a Lago estate as a photographer’s assistant. “There is no truth to this whatsoever,” Trump’s spokeswoman Hope Hicks told the Post. McGillivray could not be reached for comment. The reports come on the heels of a 2005 video that surfaced on Friday that showed Trump bragging about groping women, kissing them without permission, and trying to seduce a married woman. “I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump is heard saying on the tape. Trump said during the second presidential debate on Sunday that he had not actually done the things he had boasted about, and apologized for his remarks, which he called private “locker room talk.” The bombshell video has jeopardized Trump’s chances of winning on Election Day, and put Republican control of the U.S. Congress in danger. He was chastised by Republican leaders, and some called on him to drop out of the presidential race. On Wednesday, Trump escalated his attacks on U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan after Ryan said he was no longer going to campaign for or defend Trump. Trump complained to thousands of supporters jammed into a livestock arena in Ocala, Florida, that Ryan and others had not congratulated him on his debate performance on Sunday, and the crowd booed in sympathy. “There is a whole deal going on and we’re going to figure it out. I always figure things out. But there’s a whole sinister deal going on,” Trump said. Former Republican House Speaker John Boehner said in an interview on Fox News Channel that he would vote for Trump in spite of being “disgusted” by his comments, because he wanted to see conservative justices named to the Supreme Court. The interview was taped before the New York Times story was published, but Boehner said he thought it was likely that more negative stories would emerge in the last month of the campaign. “What more could be said in this election cycle than has already been said?” Boehner asked. “It couldn’t be any worse, could it?” A spokeswoman for Clinton said Wednesday’s report was “disturbing.” “These reports suggest that he lied on the debate stage and that the disgusting behavior he bragged about in the tape is more than just words,” said Jennifer Palmieri, a spokeswoman for the Clinton campaign.;October 12, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Mistrial declared in corruption case against ex-Los Angeles sheriff;LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A federal judge declared a mistrial on Thursday in the obstruction of justice case against former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, ruling that jurors were hopelessly deadlocked, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office said. Baca, aged 74 and suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, was standing trial on charges of trying to thwart a federal corruption probe that overshadowed the final years of his tenure as chief custodian of the nation’s largest county jail system. U.S. District Judge Percy Anderson’s determination of a hung jury came during the fourth day of deliberations following a series of confidential “sidebar” talks between Anderson and the attorneys, joined at times by Baca and one of the jurors. After a final 30-minute round of deliberations, the 12-member panel said it could not reach a unanimous verdict and that further efforts were fruitless. Anderson then pronounced the jurors “hopelessly deadlocked” and dismissed them, according to Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for prosecutors. Jurors said afterward they had split 11-1 in favor of acquittal, local media reported. Anderson set a hearing for Jan. 10 on how to proceed. Prosecutors must decide whether to seek a retrial of Baca on charges of obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice. The case stems from a wide-ranging federal investigation of inmate abuse by sheriff’s deputies and other wrongdoing, including cover-up attempts, at two downtown Los Angeles jails. The defense contended that Baca was unaware of efforts inside his department to impede the investigation and that his former second-in-command, Paul Tanaka, was to blame. Tanaka is serving a five-year sentence for his role in the corruption scandal, the highest ranking of 17 officials convicted in related cases. Baca has been slated to stand trial separately on a charge of making false statements to federal investigators, for which he plans to raise Alzheimer’s as a defense. Baca pleaded guilty last February to the false statement charge but withdrew his plea in August after a judge ruled that the six-month prison term prosecutors recommended as part of the deal was too lenient. He was indicted days later on all three charges of obstruction, conspiracy and making false statements, for which he could face 20 years in prison if convicted. Baca was the top elected law enforcement official in Los Angeles for 15 years before retiring in January 2014 amid the corruption probe at the county jail system, which houses some 18,000 inmates.;December 22, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Was Right: Latest Arrests Prove Threats to Jewish Centers in US Were False Flags;"J.R. Smith 21st Century WireFor the last two months, the US media has continued to ramp-up the alleged alarming trend of hate crimes against Jewish institutions and sites in America. On March 13th, CNN ran the headline, Jewish Center Bomb Threats Top 100; Kids Pulled from Schools. Clearly, media outlets like CNN were pushing a sensational, fear-based narrative, and propagating the idea that there is a crisis .Initially, Donald Trump expressed skepticism about the rather bizarre and completely spontaneous spike in reports of attacks and threats to Jewish facilities in the US, suggesting in late February that the threats were being done to make others look bad, inferring that this string of events might be a false flag. Predictably, Trump was roundly attacked for questioning the anti-Semitic narrative.It turns out, that Trump was very likely correct. On Thursday, a 19 yr-old US-Israeli dual citizen was arrested by Israeli police in conjunction with an ongoing FBI investigation into the supposed wave of threats made to Jewish communities and institutions in the United States, as well as in several other countries over the past few months. So far, the suspect is said to be behind the majority of the threats and used cyber-camouflage software to conceal his identity while carrying out his erroneous false flag actions. Also, according to an Israeli government official, the suspect s father has also been arrested on the same charges indicating this was a coordinated, organized effort.The Israeli father and son duo were not the only party in on this trend either. Earlier this month we learned also that the FBI had arrested a former journalist, Juan Thompson, who the bureau say was behind at least eight cases. Authorities described his menacing calls as part of his campaign to harass a woman, said the Washington Post. The Williams case was almost invisible in the US mainstream media who seems to have collectively opted not to give this, or any other related revelations, a fraction of the oxygen which it originally gave the slew of alleged hate crimes. Arrested: Andrew McClintonIf anyone should be skeptical of false flag hate crimes, it s Trump. During, and after the US election, a string of faked hate crimes were carried out and eventually exposed as fake incidents all designed to discredit Donald Trump and his supporters. The worst of these was a fake racist attack on a church in Greenville, Mississippi which was burned down, with the words Vote Trump spray-painted on the wall. Pro-Clinton news outlets all loudly ran the story without questioning its merit or its timing. The media bought it, of course, but it was later revealed that the incident was a false flag staged just days before the November election. The arsonist turned out to be an African-American and de facto Hillary Clinton supporter, Andrew McClinton of Leland, Mississippi.In addition to the fake church attack, liberal and Democratic Party supporters and media operatives also promoted astring of fake hate crimes against Muslims, including a fabricated a story in Lafayette, Louisiana, where a Muslim woman lied to police about being attacked and having her hijab ripped off, and a similar fabricated story by another Muslim woman in New York who made up a fake hate crime on subway. In both instances, the media, eager to use these dubious stories in order to inflict political damage against Trump, ran gleefully with the story.One cannot calculate the real damage done to trust between communities and faith and ethnic relations, as a result of all of these fake hate crime stunts and their initial media coverageTrump surrogate Anthony Scaramucci echoed the President s suspicion of the sudden spate of threats to Jewish sites in the US:It's not yet clear who the #JCC offenders are. Don't forget @TheDemocrats effort to incite violence at Trump rallies https://t.co/uTBFGhI0Kh Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) February 28, 2017Like the President, his former advisor Scaramucci was castigated by a number of media outlets who had adopted the Jewish alarmist narrative of events. Not surprisingly, the pro-Israel, anti-Russian and unofficial NATO mouthpiece, The Daily Beast and its writer Gideon Resnik, helped advance accusations of anti-Semitism against the US President: After a slew of bomb threats forced evacuations at Jewish community centers and schools in 11 states on Monday, President Trump reportedly suggested that the threats may have been done to make others look bad. Unfortunately, this recent denial fits in with a clear pattern that we have seen from Trump, which includes dismissing Jewish reporters asking about violence, refusing to include a reference to Jews suffering in the White House s official statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day, failing to denounce David Duke, tweeting Anti-Semitic imagery, and elevating white nationalist Steve Bannon as his top advisor, DNC spokesperson Eric Walker said.It wasn t long before the notoriously reactionary Anti-Defamation League (ADL) weighed in: Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, responded by saying: We are astonished by what the President reportedly said. It is incumbent upon the White House to immediately clarify these remarks. This talking point reached a crescendo just in time for President Donald Trump s March 14th speech to Congress, when The Lobby dispatched Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro to the White House to try and press Trump just two days after a Jewish cemetery was vandalized in Philadelphia, and a week after a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis was ransacked (in both cases, police had not made any arrests, so it is unknown who did these incidents, or why they did it).In the hysterical atmosphere created in part by the media s amplification of this alleged hate trend and under direct pressure from The Lobby, it appeared that at the last minute Trump was made to inject the Jewish alarmist talking point at the beginning of his address to the Joint Session on national TV. Trump proclaimed the recent threats against Jewish community centers acts of hate and evil, but the insertion of this talking point seemed highly awkward.Still not content with the President s clear patronage of the issue, the Anne Frank Center jumped on the anti-Semitism bandwagon, with its head Steven Goldstein stating afterwards: The president didn t say exactly what he would do to fight anti-Semitism how he could have stayed so vague? We ve endured weeks of anti-Semitic attacks across America and we didn t hear a single proposal from the president tonight to stop them, Goldstein said. All of this smacked of political opportunism by the ADL and its affiliates. But the core failure in all of these stories is the fact that no one working in any of these mainstream broadcast networks had dared question the narrative. Rather than actually doing what their job supposedly is investigating the facts and providing a healthy level of skepticism of politically motivated events and trends that supposedly spring up out of nowhere they all simply repeated what was on the memo.So after all that spinning, it turns out the Donald Trump may be correct and the media, the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anne Frank Center and every other mouthpiece for the Israeli Lobby were all wrong on this issue. Regarding this week s arrest of the 19 yr-old Israeli man, the Washington Post adds:The FBI handed over the information to the Israel police after finding these threats had originated from Israel, Haaretz reported. The investigation began in several countries simultaneously after dozens of threatening calls were received at public places, events, synagogues and community buildings that caused panic and disrupted events and activities in various organizations, the Israel police said in a statement. The result of the threats made by the suspect had caused damage to the communities and to their security and in one case when threats were made by the suspect, caused an airline to make an emergency landing. The Israel police said the suspect had used advanced camouflage technologies when contacting the institutions and making those threats. The youth s computers were seized and he was brought in for arraignment before an Israeli court.Maybe the media should be more careful before jumping to conclusions about WHO is responsible for events that suddenly appear in our news feeds. That includes jumping to conclusions about the ever popular talking point of ISIS-inspired terror attacks in the US, UK, France, and Germany. More often than not, all is not what it seems.READ MORE ISRAEL NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Israel FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV";March 23, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Virginia governor's bid to restore felon voting rights advances;(Reuters) - The Virginia Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a Republican bid to have Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe held in contempt for his continued effort to restore voting rights to about 206,000 felons. The high court said it would not require McAuliffe to prove that he is complying with its July 22 ruling that struck down his initial blanket attempt to restore felons’ voting rights. The one-page order also said justices would not let Republican legislative leaders seek more documents through a discovery process. McAuliffe’s efforts to restore voting rights to felons is seen as a possible aid in tipping Virginia, a swing state in the Nov. 8 presidential election, toward Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Opinion polls show her leading Republican candidate Donald Trump in the state. Republican legislative leaders this month filed a contempt motion against McAuliffe. It came after McAuliffe said he had restored voting rights to almost 13,000 felons on a case-by-case basis after the state Supreme Court blocked his blanket clemency effort. In a statement, McAuliffe said he was pleased by the court’s decision. “Restoring these Virginians’ civil rights is morally the right thing to do,” he said. McAuliffe has said his original order would move Virginia away from lifetime disenfranchisement that hits African-Americans particularly hard. Many of the convicts who benefited were African-Americans or Latinos, two groups that have voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidates in the past. President Barack Obama, a Democrat, won Virginia in 2012 and 2008.;September 15, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WILL SEXTING By Anthony Weiner Finally Bring Down Hillary Clinton?;WASHINGTON Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton s use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband, Anthony Weiner.The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case one federal official said they numbered in the thousands potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election.In a letter to Congress, the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said that emails had surfaced in an unrelated case, and that they appear to be pertinent to the investigation. Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. was taking steps to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation. He said he did not know how long it would take to review the emails, or whether the new information was significant.Donald Trump seized on the F.B.I. action on Friday at a rally in New Hampshire. To cheers of lock her up from his supporters, Mr. Trump said: Hillary Clinton s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office. After deriding the F.B.I. for weeks as inept and corrupt, Mr. Trump went on to praise the law enforcement agency. I have great respect for the fact that the F.B.I. and the D.O.J. are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made, Mr. Trump said. This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understand. It is everybody s hope that it is about to be corrected. Read more: NYT;Oct 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WILL TAYLOR SWIFT “Bestie” AND LEFTIST WHO LIED ABOUT BEING RAPED BY A REPUBLICAN Ruin Her Wholesome Image?;"Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born Taylor Swiftmi sog y ny m s j n /Submit noun dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. Becoming friends with Lena without her preaching to me, but just seeing why she believes what she believes, why she says what she says, why she stands for what she stands for has made me realize that I ve been taking a feminist stance without actually saying so, she said at the time.Taylor Swift has decided to use her platform as Maxim magazine s June cover girl to address feminism, and says her music is unfairly categorized as whiny because of society s systematic misogyny.The 25-year-old singer, who has won seven Grammy s and is worth an estimated $200 million, explained to the men s publication why she believes there is a double standard when it comes to how others analyze her music. A man writing about his feelings from a vulnerable place is brave; A woman writing about her feelings from a vulnerable place is oversharing or whining, she said. Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born. So to me, feminism is probably the most important movement that you could embrace, because it s just basically another word for equality, she added.The seemingly impressionable mega star, who hadn t previous identified as a feminist, told the Guardian last August how one of her closest friends, Lena Dunham, put it into perspective for her.Approximately two months after she spoke to the Guardian, Swift told David Letterman how empowering Dunham was, while explaining how the two became friends. She direct messaged me, and she said We need to be best friends. I feel like you ve been my best friend in my head for months and almost years now. So, I need to see you in person; then I will lavish you with complements in person, Swift recounted.Fortune Magazine named Swift as the world s most influential female leader in March, citing her savvy business nature.While Swift speaks of a double standard surrounding her music, it has yet to affect her album sales or stop her from selling out two or three stadium shows every week.Just this past Sunday, the Shake it Off singer nabbed eight recognitions at the Billboard Music Awards, including top female artist, top artist, top Billboard 200 artist, top Billboard 200 album, top streaming song, and top Hot 100 artist.Watch: Taylor Swift Likes Lena Dunham- David Lettermanhttps://youtu.be/jFZsQKdR20UWhat was supposed to be Her Year has in fact turned out to be five-alarm disaster for Lena Dunham, the creator of HBO s Girls. A year ago, closing out 2014 had to look pretty exciting to the 28 year-old. No matter how good or bad it was, her memoir would be released to guaranteed critical acclaim (she is Lena Dunham after all), there were two major Golden Globe nominations, and the publicity surrounding the 4th season premiere of Girls was going to be bigger than anything anyone could have ever imagined.2014 was going to be Dunham s breakthrough; the year she went mainstream. Along with the gushing reviews of her memoir and slavish coverage from The New York Times, there would be countless magazine covers, talk show appearances, and a thousand slathering articles obsessing over her every tweet and utterance. The entertainment media was on board. The mainstream media was on board. And at first it all went according to plan.Things went so well there was even talk of Lena Dunham starring in a Ghostbusters remake. You don t get any more mainstream than that. And you certainly don t get any more mainstream than having a best friend forever like Taylor Swift.Then, in three words, it all fell apart: Hypocrisy, lies, children. Hypocrisy: Dunham demanded people vote then it was discovered she did not vote.Lies: Dunham claimed in her non-fiction memoir that she had been raped in college by a campus Republican named Barry. She lied. And in the process indicted an innocent family man as her alleged rapist. Worse, Dunham and her publisher Random House stood silent for two months even after they knew the memoir had placed a cloud of suspicion over an innocent man.While attempting to run to Dunham s defense, Gawker tripped over itself and was forced to report their belief that Dunham s alleged rapist is wait for it, wait or it a Democrat.No one is questioning whether or not Dunham was raped. Something no one else is questioning, though, is that her behavior in this matter was breathtakingly selfish and craven.Children: Dunham s unnatural sexual behavior towards her much younger sister creeped everyone in America out not named Jimmy Kimmel.Those are just the top 3. The Wrap dug up 3 more PR disasters. The mainstream media desperately tried to save Dunham from herself, especially the cowardly and wildly dishonest Savannah Guthrie and Bill Simmons. But they just ended up sullying their own reputations.Via: Breitbart News";May 20, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 'I'm not ranting and raving.' Trump on defensive in first solo news conference;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The first gripe came three minutes into President Donald Trump’s first solo news conference on Thursday, when he accused reporters of ignoring a poll showing him with a 55 percent approval rating - a figure at odds with most other surveys. From there, the president’s criticism of the media went from barbed to personal in a cutting assessment of what he viewed as unfair coverage of his first few weeks in office - a period that has seen a succession of crises. On a day when he ceded a loss over a signature policy in a federal appeals court, had to replace his labor secretary pick and faced questions over the resignation of his national security adviser, Trump chose to make the media a central focus of an unusually long and combative presidential news conference. When asked by journalists of contacts between his presidential campaign and Russian operatives, he deflected the questions and put the focus instead on what he described as “illegal” government leaks and “dishonest” media coverage. “The press is out of control,” he said. “The level of dishonesty is out of control,” After weeks of disclosures in newspapers over turmoil in his administration, he told one reporter to “sit down” for a rambling question. “Tomorrow, they will say: ‘Donald Trump rants and raves at the press,’” Trump said. “I’m not ranting and raving. I’m just telling you. You know, you’re dishonest people. But I’m not ranting and raving. I love this. I’m having a good time doing it.” Trump’s message in the 77-minute session appeared aimed at the same voters who elected him president last November, a large number of whom feel Washington has left them behind and who like his image as an outsider trying to shake up the establishment. He sought to cast problems buffeting the White House as “the mess” he inherited from former Democratic President Barack Obama, and boasted about the “fine-tuned administration” he is running. In one unusual exchange near the end of the news conference, Trump called on a questioner, asking if he was “a friendly reporter.” When the journalist asked about recent threats to 48 Jewish centers across the country and signs of rising anti-Semitism, Trump appeared to take the question personally, replying: “I am the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life.” He added he was also the “least racist person,” told the reporter to be “quiet,” accused him of lying and then dismissed the question as “insulting.” Most opinion polls show Trump struggling with low approval numbers less than a month into his presidency. A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted Feb. 10 to 14 gave Trump a 46 percent approval rating. While many presidencies have started off on rocky ground, Trump’s administration has been particularly marked by controversies, fights with the media and a legal battle over an executive order to ban people temporarily from seven Muslim-majority countries. “I turn on the TV and open the newspapers and I see stories of chaos, chaos. And yet, it is the exact opposite,” Trump said. Trump waved away questions about a New York Times report that members of his campaign team had frequent contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials last year. His main complaint was that the news media had uncovered leaks about intercepted communications between Michael Flynn, ousted this week as national security adviser and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kisylak, and leaks about his own conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia. “The first thing I thought of, how does the press get this information?” he asked.;February 16, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Donald Trump Rings In The New Year With A Vicious Twitter Rampage (TWEETS);"Donald Trump s insane ways are no longer surprising but have become very predictable. He rung in the new year with yet more Trump negativity and the usual antics we ve all become accustomed to. Unabashed, like a spoiled baby that constantly gets reinforcement from the few people that actually like him, Trump went on another tantrum that he thinks will garner him yet more support. He let loose on his Republican opponent Jeb Bush and on Hillary Clinton. Take a look at his Twitter posts. First comes his rant against his Republican rival, the squirmy Jeb Bush:.@JebBush is a low energy ""stiff"" who should focus his special interest money on the many people ahead of him in the polls. Has no chance! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 2, 2016.@JebBush is a sad case. A total embarrassment to both himself and his family, he just announced he will continue to spend on Trump hit ads! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 2, 2016I don t know about this one. George Bush takes the cake for the biggest embarrassment, not only to his family, but to the nation. After all, he s a certified war criminal. As Americans, we have to constantly explain how we elected him once in the first place. Yes, once. His daddy helped him steal the first election.The next rant comes against former president Bill Clinton. Harking on allegations that he s a sexist, Trump immediately took the opportunity to attack Hillary by going after Bill:I hope Bill Clinton starts talking about women's issues so that voters can see what a hypocrite he is and how Hillary abused those women! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 2, 2016Low blow by Trump. After all, Bill s escapades have nothing to do with Hillary. In fact, one can argue that she s shown both class and courage in the face of her husband s alleged extra-marital affairs.Here s another attack on Hillary. This time it s against her alliance with Israel:Hillary Clinton said that it is O.K. to ban Muslims from Israel by building a WALL, but not O.K. to do so in the U.S. We must be vigilant! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 2, 2016This one is difficult to argue. The bipartisan support for anything Israel is quite disturbing. Trump is referencing Israel s illegal apartheid wall that has made islands of Palestinian towns and villages, cutting them off from each other and creating a situation in the West Bank that South African anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu has said is worse than anything he witnessed under the white regime that exploited blacks for decades. We know how that system crashed, so the hope is that Hillary can change her ways and be on the side of justice and help end Israel s crazy experiment. Former president Jimmy Carter even wrote a book about Israel s insanity.However, Trump gets no credit for this tweet since he s advocating a similar approach for Muslims in the United States and he s arguing that Hillary is a hypocrite since she supports walling the Palestinians, the majority of whom are Muslims (a large Christian Palestinian population including Bethlehem is walled as well).Donald Trump has received lots attention not only from his supporters but from those opposed to his stances. He s an expert at generating attention by entertaining people. But, just like a long running sitcom that slowly yet surely fades, many people are looking forward to the day when Trump is canceled.Featured image via Gage Skidmore";January 3, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Turkey says 'serious danger' in Syria's Afrin must be removed;ANKARA (Reuters) - There is a serious danger in the Syrian region of Afrin and this must be removed, Turkish Defence Minister Nurettin Canikli said on Wednesday. Speaking at his ministry s budget talks in Ankara, Canikli also said the Turkish Armed Forces had completed the formation of its third observation post in Syria s Idlib province. ;November 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Three missing after Japan military helicopter loses contact over Sea of Japan;TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Defense Ministry on Sunday said it was searching for three crew members of a Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) helicopter in the Sea of Japan after contact was lost with the chopper. One crew member had been rescued uninjured. The ministry said the SH-60J anti-submarine warfare helicopter lost contact around 90 km (56 miles) off the coast of Aomori Prefecture late on Saturday. It said the flight data recorder had been located, but did not say what had actually happened to the helicopter, whether it crashed or ditched into the sea. The MSDF has launched an investigation into the incident. Earlier this month, four Japanese crew members were injured after their CH-101 chopper crashed on land during a training exercise at Iwakuni Air Base in Yamaguchi Prefecture in western Japan.;August 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kenyan lecturers end strike, say deal reached with government;NAIROBI (Reuters) - Lecturers in Kenya s public universities ended a strike on Saturday after reaching agreement with the government over pay and other issues, according to a statement from their union. They had gone on strike at the beginning of November in protest at the government s failure to implement a March deal to increase salaries and housing allowance. In their statement the lecturers said they had struck a broad agreement with the government on a range of issues including negotiations on better pay, clearing outstanding pensions, and a pledge not to victimize anyone for participating in the strike. We have now achieved the objectives of our strike. The strike is over, the statement said. Strikes by public workers in the East African country have grown in frequency in recent years, often fueled by grievances over pay. ;December 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: With healthcare bill dead, Republicans turn to taxes;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After failing to repeal Obamacare, Republicans in the U.S. Congress quickly pivoted on Friday to President Donald Trump’s next priority: overhauling the federal tax code, but their plan has already split the business community. Division among Republicans was the chief cause of the embarrassing setback on Obamacare, and similar fault lines have been evident for months in the Republicans’ tax plan, mainly over an untested proposal to use the tax code to boost exports. House of Representatives tax committee Chairman Kevin Brady conceded the demise of a Republican plan to roll back Obamacare could make the path to tax reform harder. “This made a big challenge more challenging. But it’s not insurmountable,” he told Fox News after Ryan canceled a vote on an Obamacare rollback bill. But Brady said he and House Speaker Paul Ryan are all-in on tax reform. Brady said House Republicans plan to begin moving on tax reform this spring and to pass legislation before Congress’s summer recess in late July. “We’re going to work with the administration to get this done,” he said. Trump has been unclear about his position on the most problematic feature of the House Republicans’ tax “blueprint,” a proposal known as the border adjustment tax that would cut taxes on exports and raise them on imports. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Friday that tax reform in many ways is “a lot simpler” than healthcare reform. “We’re able to take the tax code and redesign things and I think there is very, very strong support,” Mnuchin said at an event hosted by news website Axios. Comprehensive tax reform is a policy goal so complex that it has defied successive Congresses and presidents since 1986 when it was last accomplished under former President Ronald Reagan. The U.S. tax code is riddled with narrow subsidies and loopholes, many of them deeply embedded in the economy and defended by the interests they benefit, such as the mortgage interest deduction and the business interest deductibility. Brady’s panel has been working on a plan since mid-2016 that would cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent, end taxing foreign profits for U.S.-based multinationals and cut other tax rates for businesses and investors. The plan has divided businesses, prompting import-dependent industries to warn of higher prices for consumer goods from clothing and electronics to gasoline. Brady has been adamant that border adjustment will be part of the House tax reform, saying earlier this week that the provision was “a given” for final legislation but would include a transition period for import-heavy industries.;March 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: 4 AMERICAN HOSTAGES TAKEN BY IRAN-BACKED HOUTHIS IN YEMEN;These 4 hostages must certainly feel a sense of comfort knowing that our strong Commander In Chief would never desert an Ameri never mind It was reported weeks ago that the American government has abandoned citizens in Yemen, forcing them fend for themselves. Now we re facing the prospect of Iranian allies holding our countrymen hostage.It really is amazing how many parallels Obama shares with Jimmy Carter. Here s a pretty awful one:The rebel group that has seized power in Yemen has taken at least four U.S. citizens prisoner, according to U.S. officials who said that efforts to secure the Americans release have faltered.One of the prisoners had been cleared for release in recent days only to have that decision reversed by members of the Houthi rebellion that toppled the U.S.-backed government earlier this year and now controls most levers of power in Yemen.The Americans are believed to be held at a prison in Sanaa, the Yemeni capital, which has been bombed repeatedly as part of an air campaign led by Saudi Arabia aimed at dislodging the Houthis from power. The United States has provided intelligence support to that operation.The detention of the Americans has complicated U.S. efforts to navigate the chaotic aftermath of the Houthi takeover, which displaced a government that had cooperated extensively with the United States on drone strikes and other counterterrorism operations against a dangerous al-Qaeda affiliate in the country.U.S. officials said three of the prisoners worked in private-sector jobs and that a fourth, whose occupation is unknown, has dual U.S.-Yemeni citizenship. The officials said none of the four were employees of the U.S. government.Via: SooperMexican;May 30, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Federal Judge Rules That Trump DID Incite Violence During 2016 Campaign (DETAILS);"Hearing about violence at Trump s rallies was a regular occurrence during his 2016 campaign and that violence was often brought on by Trump himself.At a rally back in March of 2016, Trump yelled, Get em out of here, referencing the peaceful protesters in the crowd, which then prompted his supporters to physically attack them. The protesters who were attacked brought suit against Trump and it looks like he s finally going to have to pay for it in more ways than one.Trump s lawyers have been using the free speech defense, but a Federal Judge isn t buying it. Citing case law from 1960 s student protests and race riots, Judge David Hale of Kentucky, rejected motions to dismiss the case and said that Trump did indeed cite violence at his rally. It is plausible that Trump s direction to get em out of here advocated the use of force. Unlike the statements at issue in the cases cited by the Trump Defendants, get em out of here is stated in the imperative; it was an order, an instruction, a command. Trump craves the sound of people cheering him on, and no doubt probably enjoyed seeing his supporters attack people who were brave enough to show up and stand against him, so it wasn t surprising when Trump denied wrongdoing of any sort and blamed it all on the bad dudes who were protesting. In fact, that phrase became a regular mantra for Trump. We have some protesters who are bad dudes, he said. They have done bad things, and they are really dangerous and get in there and start hitting people, and we had a couple big, strong, powerful guys doing damage to people. It s usually the police, the municipal government because I don t have guards all over these stadiums. I mean, we fill up stadiums. The suit against Trump also names the three individuals responsible for the attacks, one of whom, Matthew Heimbach, is a leader of the white supremacist group Traditional Youth Network from Paoli, Indiana, which will probably make it that much worse for Trump. Watching him try to squirm his way out of this one should be really fun!Featured image via Getty/Sarah Rice";April 2, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BUSTED: Guess What The Bundy Militia Was Doing While They Were Not In Gunfights With The FBI;Oregon Public Broadcasting just busted the Bundy militia using government computer systems and accessing federal employee data within the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.In a rather serendipitous occurrence, the blue tarp man himself LaVoy Finicum was leading OPB reporter John Sepulvado through the building on a tour, explaining what their plans were for the building. That s when Finicum led him right into something none of the militia wanted anyone to see.Finicum led Sepulvado into a computer room that was part of the wildlife refuge compound. He explained to Sepulvado that the militia planned to convert it into a media room to house reporters who they expected to come to the site.That s when it all went wrong for the militia.Sepulvado observed militants interacting with government computers in the compound that can only be accessed with employee badges. Employee badges were also strewn about the room, laying out in plain sight, along with papers that had names and Social Security numbers on them.Finicum immediately realized how badly he screwed the pooch by allowing the OPB reporter to see what they were doing, and for good reason. Their activities likely will fall under the Computer Fraud And Abuse Act which carries some serious penalties (fines and up to 10 years in prison) for what they were doing.Finicum made a mad dash to pick up all the papers full of personal information and ID cards and hid them away. Shortly after that, Ryan Bundy entered the room.Bundy emphatically denied that anything had been touched since they began their occupation of the compound: No, we haven t touched a single personal item. We haven t touched any of the computers, we haven t tried to log on we haven t done anything. We re not here to hurt people. Not even the people who work here. This is where I call BULLSH*T. I ll bet any amount of cash that federal employees do not make a habit of having reams of papers, covered in very sensitive and personal information just laying about on their desks as a normal part of their workday. I will also bet that if they were to do something like this, it would be once in a blue moon and they would put it away before the left for the day. The same goes with the ID cards. If they were the key to using a computer, there is no doubt that any activities would be tied to the card used to access a terminal, and any misuse would fall on the individual who was assigned the card. There s no way employees would leave them laying around like that.The stupidity of the militia, bringing a reporter into what is essentially an ongoing crime scene, would almost be comical, except for one really serious detail.Law enforcement officials informed OPB that prior to the occupation, federal employees and family members of local law enforcement had received anonymous threats. Harney County Sheriff David Ward said that his own deputies and family members had been followed home by unknown individuals, photographed, and had property damaged in recent months.There are 17 employees that work at the refuge. All of these people could have had their personal information, home addresses, phone numbers, emergency family contacts, and God knows what else stolen and disseminated by a group of militants with too many bullets and too few brains. Up till this point, things were a good laugh. Now not so much.Featured image via OPB;January 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: GREEN PARTY DOLT Struggles To Explain Wisconsin Election Recount [Video];IAN JACKSON: People have been slightly concerned about the trail and as your last guest pointed out it s very decentralized.ED HENRYY: Uh-huh. When you say slightly concerned, that doesn t sound to me like there s widespread allegations or more importantly evidence of some sort of fraud. So is this giving Jill Stein supporters some sort of false hope?JACKSON: Well, I [pause] there s we re [pause] trying to find what the count is and [pause] I m not sure it s false hope. It s trying to find the truth behind the numbers. There has been these allegations by computer scientists but as your last guest pointed out, it was using different systems and using that, being engineers, um, I m a software engineer and we like our little [pause] models, but unless you actually count and check it, you don t know whether it s just a thoughy well, they used something different or if there s something to it.And you mentioned your show is all about finding truth.HENRY: Let s find that truth. My next question is, our last guest, who you cited several times, Craig Gilbert, also said, accurately, that in 2000 and 2004 the margin was even closer in the presidential race and there was no recount. So what s your case tonight?JACKSON: [pause] Well, the case [pause] tonight, you can see that there that was [pause] a real contentious election [pause], and, based on that there are people that have expressed concerns. So, it s best to find the truth and go through the process. And obviously people have been willing to put up millions of dollars [pause] to find out and count the ballots again.HENRY: Okay, so final question: if you really want to get at the truth can we get at another truth which is that it appears that Jill Stein has raised about $5 million for a recount that may or may not happen for fraud that may or may not have happened. If there s nothing found here and if there s not even a recount will you pledge tonight that you and others in the Green Party believe that that money should be refunded, so this is not just money being raised on false hope?JACKSON: Well, we re exploring that I m only treasurer for the Green-Rainbow party. We re certainly going if it doesn t get used, we re certainly going to discuss with our donors what their desire is for that money.;Nov 26, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Springer Nature blocks access to certain articles in China;BEIJING (Reuters) - Springer Nature, which publishes science magazines Nature and Scientific American, said on Wednesday it had pulled access to a small number of articles in China to comply with regulations, adding that it viewed the move as regrettable but necessary. The decision comes after Britain s Cambridge University Press (CUP) said in August it had removed from its website in China about 300 papers and book reviews published in the China Quarterly journal, after a request from the Chinese government. CUP, the publishing arm of elite Cambridge University, later reversed its decision and reposted the articles, following an outcry from academics, who attacked the decision as an affront to academic freedom. In a statement, Germany-based Springer Nature said that less than one percent of its content had been limited in mainland China. This action is deeply regrettable, but has been taken to prevent a much greater impact on our customers and authors, it said. This is not editorial censorship and does not affect the content we publish or make accessible elsewhere in the world. It is a local content access decision in China done to comply with specific local regulations, it added. The Financial Times said at least 1,000 Springer Nature articles had been blocked in China, containing sensitive key words like Taiwan, Tibet and Cultural Revolution. Under President Xi Jinping, Beijing has stepped up censorship, tightened controls on the internet and various aspects of civil society, and strengthened Communist Party authority over academia and other institutions. Beijing said in September that Chinese importers of foreign publications must verify the products were legal. China s State Council Information Office did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment sent after office hours. In not taking action we ran the very real risk of all of our content being blocked, Springer Nature said. We do not believe that it is in the interests of our authors, customers, or the wider scientific and academic community, or to the advancement of research, for us to be banned from distributing our content in China. Cambridge University Press had said it had blocked articles on topics including the 1989 Tiananmen Square democracy protests, the 1960s Cultural Revolution and Tibet, in order to keep its other academic and educational materials available in the country.;November 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ‘Pharma Bro’ Faces Prison Time For Offering To Pay People To Assault Hillary Clinton;If you ve spent months or years telling Martin Shkreli, Pharma Bro as he is more commonly known, to go fuck himself, you ll be pleased to know he did just that.Shkreli, known for jacking up the price of life-saving medication, is currently out on bond while awaiting sentencing for securities fraud, but that may be a temporary condition of prosecutors have their way.Recently, Shkreli offered to pay his Twitter followers an obscene amount of money $5,000 per strand for Hillary Clinton s hair allegedly for genetic testing. The Clinton Foundation is willing to KILL to protect its secrets. So on HRC s book tour, try to grab a hair from her, he wrote Monday. I must confirm the sequences I have. Will pay $5,000 per hair obtained from Hillary Clinton. Payment after the sequence matches. Good luck, patrollers. Apparently, ordering people to assault the former First Lady a threat that has led to increased Secret Service protection isn t such a good idea when you re out on bond.Citing this threat as well as others Shkreli has made toward other women, prosecutors say his bond should be revoked because he represents a threat to the community. Prosecutors say that because of Shkreli s hit job, the Secret Service expended significant additional resources to ensure Secretary Clinton s protection. The government respectfully submits this motion for a bail revocation hearing, at which the government will move to revoke the defendant Martin Shkreli s bail and remand him into custody, the prosecutor s motion reads. His recent public conduct demonstrates that he cannot meet his post-trial burden to show, by clear and convincing evidence, that he does not pose a danger to the community. Shkreli has represented a danger to the community for quite some time, but it s nice to see people trying to get him away from society for a while.Featured image via screengrab;September 9, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Fans Are Asked About ‘P*ssy Grabbing’ Remarks And It Gets REALLY Bad (VIDEO);Donald Trump s lewd and predatory remarks about women is causing him to lose support with Republicans but his conservative followers just don t care. What s really alarming about this is that we even have to have a discussion to explain that sexual assault is a bad thing.The Daily Show s Jordan Klepper just confirmed that when visiting a Trump rally in Pennsylvania to get his supporters take on the reality-show-star-turned-GOP-presidential-candidate s Grab them by the pussy comments.Klepper asked if Trump had finally crossed the line. One supporter said, You know what? So what if he wants to grab pussy. I want to grab pussy. I wish I could grab pussy as much as he is. Klepper wondered how they felt about the candidate casually talking about sexual assault. One supporter said it was just locker room talk. What do you mean?, Klepper asked. Guys in a bar talk that way when they see a pretty girl, the man answered.One female Trump supporter said she s heard worse. Another woman said, It s locker room talk. That s what boys do. It s worth noting here that Trump was not a boy when he made those remarks. He was 60 years old.Klepper told her, I don t talk like that then asked her if she has children. I do, the woman said. When asked if her children talk like that, she said no. So not those boys, Klepper said. Do you have a husband? he asked the woman. She said she is married. Does he talk like that? he asked. No, she said. So not that boy, he said.Klepper asked a young man if he uses that language and he said he did not. He asked whether his father talks like that and the young Trump supporter said no. So who talks like that? he asked of the man. Well obviously Donald Trump, he said.A couple was approached and asked the same question. As it happens, no one with any sense of decency talks like that but every Trump supporter excused their candidate s behavior.One man said, Grab it while you can, Trump. When asked if there s anything the GOP presidential candidate could say that would make them not vote for him, one man said no while a woman said No matter what he says, I will vote for Donald Trump. One was was asked if Trump said the n-word, would she still vote for him. She said that she would.One man said he spoke to a lot of women at the rally and half of them would love to have their pussies snatched by Trump. One man s sexual assault, he said is another man s flirtation. Here s the video:These are actual voters. Be sure to grab them by the ballots on election day. Trump has emboldened the very worst in our society.Featured image via screen capture;October 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: After victory in Raqqa over IS, Kurds face tricky peace;RAQQA, Syria/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Kurdish groups who led the fight against Islamic State in its former capital Raqqa must navigate a complex peace to avoid ethnic tension with the city s Arab majority and to secure critical U.S. aid. The Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) which finally vanquished Islamic State in Raqqa on Tuesday face a big task rebuilding a city left in ruins by months of intense fighting and heavy air strikes by the U.S.-led coalition. The political challenge is no less daunting in a city that falls outside the Kurdish-dominated regions of northern Syria. The fall of Raqqa, where Islamic State staged euphoric parades after its string of lightning victories in 2014, is a potent symbol of the jihadist movement s collapsing fortunes. Its self-declared caliphate is also crumbling fast in eastern Syria, helping President Bashar al-Assad and his Iranian and Russian allies to recapture swathes of territory. Keenly aware of Raqqa s ethnic and tribal sensitivities, the SDF has been working hard to put Arabs at the heart of plans for local government and policing post-Islamic State, analysts say. In the short term, the Raqqa Civil Council (RCC) set up under SDF auspices must urgently provide security, repair infrastructure and supply aid to win the backing of a population exhausted by conflict, and to allow the people of Raqqa to return home. Longer term, Raqqa s political destiny is tied to the wider fate of the war that has shattered Syria into a patchwork of areas over the last six years, including swathes of the north controlled by the Kurdish YPG militia that leads the SDF. Ultimately, the Syrian state wants to recover control of this city on the Euphrates River, meaning it may eventually become the arena of a new conflict with Damascus, or a bargaining chip in eventual negotiations over possible Kurdish autonomy. Whoever leads us, Kurd or Arab, we want them to provide us with services, said a man from Raqqa, speaking outside the RCC headquarters in Ain Issa, north of the city. Safety and security is the most important thing, said the man, a government employee before the war who cited lingering fear of the Syrian state as his reason for staying anonymous. Raqqa was not a target for the YPG earlier in the war but gradually became one as the militia emerged as the main Syrian partner for the U.S.-led coalition. The U.S.-led coalition says Arab fighters battling under the SDF banner made up the bulk of the force in the Raqqa campaign. But Kurdish commanders and fighters of the well-organised YPG appeared the leading force throughout the four-month campaign. Syria s main Kurdish party, the PYD, and its allies may hope Raqqa will eventually join a new federal system of autonomous regions they are establishing in the north. But Kurdish leaders say it is too early to discuss that for now, underlining local and international sensitivities surrounding the political project opposed by their U.S. allies and neighbouring Turkey. While Syrian Kurds say they want to remain part of Syria, regional concern over Kurdish separatism has deepened since Iraqi Kurds voted for independence, triggering military action by Iraq and tough measures by Turkey and Iran. Turkey, in particular, views rising Syrian Kurdish power at its border as a threat to its security, and unsuccessfully pressed Washington to abandon its alliance with the YPG in the run up to the Raqqa attack. Turkey plays host to a rival Raqqa civil council which regards the YPG as a foreign occupation force. Kurdish politicians say Raqqa s future is now entirely in the hands of its people. So far we have not seen any reactions to indicate there will not be acceptance of the SDF, or the RCC, said Fawza Youssef, a senior Kurdish politician, in an interview. The ones who will remain in Raqqa will be the internal security forces and the RCC, she said. The security forces that are being prepared are all volunteers from Raqqa. Some YPG fighters quickly began pulling back from the city on Tuesday, handing their positions to non-Kurdish elements of the SDF, a witness and field commanders said. The SDF applied a similar model in the northern Syrian city of Manbij last year after capturing it from Islamic State. The (RCC) is still closely linked with YPG/PYD power structures, but they have put more time and effort into emphasising inclusivity than we have seen in some other areas, senior International Crisis Group analyst Noah Bonsey said. But the risk of unrest would rise if Kurdish groups were perceived to be micro-managing the city. There is also the risk of covert interference from the outside: IS sleeper cells, and the Syrian regime may see an interest in using loyalist networks to destabilise things. Either of those dynamics could heighten ethnic tension. Yasser al-Sayyed, a 43-year-old former car salesman from Raqqa, said people are happy with the SDF now, of course, because they re free from Daesh (Islamic State) . But this needs to be followed up with aid, reconstruction and jobs. The United States has deployed a team of diplomats to Syria to work on humanitarian and stabilisation efforts. The U.S. State Department said Washington would take the lead in helping to clear rubble and restore basic services. We will assist and take, essentially, the lead in bringing back the water, electricity and all of that, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told a briefing. But eventually the governance of the country of Syria is something that I think all nations remain very interested in. But analysts question how long U.S. support will last. A U.S. official involved in post-Raqqa planning said support could not be channelled to a PYD political project of expansion into this part of the country , and the United States would not support the PYD project to make an autonomous administration . For example, the official said schools could only get aid if they were teaching a variant of the Syrian state curriculum, rather than an entirely new one. We re not going to support a separatist entity ... that s cut and dry, the official said. Though McGurk said nobody living in SDF-held areas wanted a return of Syrian state control, Damascus may be planning to reassert its influence. A Syrian government official forecast trouble ahead for the SDF in Raqqa and other Arab majority areas of Syria. There is a contradiction, said one Syrian official, speaking on condition of anonymity. The manpower is with the Arabs, but the military power is with the Kurds.;October 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Conditions not yet in place for safe Rohingya returns: UNHCR;GENEVA (Reuters) - Conditions in Myanmar s northern Rakhine state are not in place to enable safe and sustainable returns of more than 600,000 Rohingya refugees who fled violence to Bangladesh since late August, the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR said on Friday. UNHCR said it had still not seen a repatriation agreement signed by the two countries on Thursday, but stressed that any returns by the traumatized group must be safe and voluntary. Spokesman Adrian Edwards told a news briefing: It is important that international standards apply, and we are ready to help.;November 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Supporter Disgustingly Tells Black People To ‘Go Back To Africa’ (VIDEO);Donald Trump has brought every racist out of the closet and given them a megaphone as well as the courage to openly be as awful as humanly possible. His campaign events might as well be called white pride rallies. They are disgusting, deplorable, and outright un-American.In yet another example of the utter racism coming out of the Trump campaign and those who follow him, a Trump supporter started shouting at those protesting that if they consider themselves African-America then they should go back to Africa. Go back to Africa, suggests camo-clad Trump supporter. Video: pic.twitter.com/apQ1hD14D5 tonydokoupil (@tonydokoupil) March 12, 2016If Trump doesn t start condemning this sort of speech, he himself should be condemned by every American who stands up for justice and equality. However, it s doubtful that Trump will condemn this sort of speech considering he is asking for protesters to be thrown the hell out or says that if he had the chance he d punch them himself and that he misses the good old days where people were taken out on stretchers.If Trump is allowed to openly continue his hate-filled rhetoric, we will undoubtedly see more and more of this behavior from the grotesque people who support him. He needs to be held accountable for his encouragement of hate and violence.Featured image via video screen capture;March 12, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH! Clueless Anti-Trump “Protesters” Asked Why They’re Protesting Give Hysterical Answers [Video]; ;Jan 22, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: NZ First leader welcomes politically driven drop in NZ$;WELLINGTON (Reuters) - The leader of the small nationalist party that will decide New Zealand s next government said on Tuesday that exporters should welcome a recent fall in the local dollar following an inconclusive general election. The New Zealand dollar, or kiwi, fell to its lowest levels since late May on Monday after a final tally of votes at the weekend showed the opposition Labour-Green bloc gaining ground over the ruling National Party, although the latter still has the largest number of seats. The final tally led to market speculation that New Zealand First, whose support is needed by both parties to gain enough seats to govern under the country s proportional representation system, would be more comfortable joining forces with the center-left Labour-Green bloc, prompting investors to sell New Zealand assets. On Tuesday, NZ First leader Winston Peters held a third day of substantive negotiations with both Labour and National, having served in coalition governments led by both parties in the past. After the election on Sept. 23, Peters had said he expected to tell the public whose coalition he would join by Oct. 12. But by Tuesday evening, Peters told the Stuff.co.nz media website that he wouldn t be ready to announce his choice by Thursday, and refused to be drawn on whether to expect an announcement by Friday either. The New Zealand dollar has dropped around 3.7 percent since the election on Sept. 23, hitting a four-month low of low of $0.7052 on Monday. It was trading at $0.7063 on Tuesday afternoon. I think exporters will be pleased, we are an export-dependent nation, NZ First leader Winston Peters told reporters after a meeting with Labour, when asked about the currency s decline. Asked whether the talks had included any policies aimed at keeping the NZ dollar down, Peters said: Well if you re an export dependent nation why would you persist with an inflated dollar, which even the IMF (International Monetary Fund) says is over-valued? Why would you just ignore all the best advice in the world? But then again this is not just an economic matter. NZ First favors greater central bank intervention in the foreign currency market. The New Zealand dollar was the 11th most traded currency in the world in 2016. NZ First has more policies in common with Labour than the center-right, raising jitters in the market about a change in policies after National s decade in power. Labour supports some changes to the mandate of the RBNZ, lobbying for employment to be added to the central bank s inflation-targeting mandate. Both parties also favor curbs on immigration, foreign ownership and the renegotiation of certain trade deals. While Peters has kept his cards close to his chest, he told reporters on Monday that foreign ownership restrictions would constitute a large part of the talks.;October 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Awesome New App Helps Make Sure We All Continue To Hurt The Trump Brand As Much As Possible;We re all now living with the horrifying reality that on January 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. While there is nothing we can do about that, what we CAN do is make our collective displeasure with Trump and all he stands for heard loud and clear: By voting with our wallets.An anti-Trump group, Democratic Coalition Against Trump, has put out an app for both Apple and Android devices that keeps a handy running list not just of brands that belong to Trump and his family, but also of businesses that support the Trump brand, as well as those who helped this orange buffoon get elected. The group says of the app, via Executive Director Nate Lemur: This app is a first step in our larger Boycott Trump campaign, which will feature a unified grassroots movement centered on holding companies and individuals that help Trump in any way accountable,The campaign is all about empowerment By doing so we aim to give people a safe and productive way to voice their disapproval of Trump. We ve accepted Trump won the election but that doesn t mean we have to accept everything he stands for. That s not all, either. The group also has drawn up a list of organizations that will be supporting groups that Trump and his rag tag team of bigots are sure to attack during the next four years. You can download the Apple version of the app here, and the Android version here.Also, remember to follow feeds of progressive organizations on Twitter to keep up with the latest ways to join the resistance against Trump s authoritarian plans. America is counting on all of us to speak truth to power, and to not normalize this unthinkable reality. If we all band together, we just might survive the next four years.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images;November 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA’S BACKDOOR GUN CONFISCATION: 260,000 VETERANS STRIPPED Of Second Amendment Rights;Obama s cowardly backdoor gun confiscation starts with those who ve risked their lives defending our rights.In what amounts to a backdoor gun grab, two Senate Republicans are demanding to know why the VA stripped 260,000 veterans of their Second Amendment rights.As of December, the VA has reported 260,381 individuals to the FBI as mentally defective and therefore not permitted to purchase a gun, Guns.com is reporting.U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, an Iowa lawmaker who is currently the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, finds this unacceptable. Our military heroes risked their lives to protect and defend this country and all that we stand for, including our most basic constitutional rights, said Grassley in a statement. Now the very agency created to serve them is jeopardizing their Second Amendment rights through an erroneous reading of gun regulations. The VA s careless approach to our veterans constitutional rights is disgraceful. In an effort to fix the issue, Grassley, along with Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., penned a letter to VA Secretary Robert McDonald last week and another to the subcommittee over the agency s funding, questioning the practice.Making a due process argument, the lawmakers argue the VA uses the fiduciary trustee status of a veteran to regulate firearms possession without ever seeking to find out if the service member is a danger to themselves or others. The use of the VA regulation, adopted for a totally unrelated purpose, is suspect, especially in light of the Supreme Court holding that the Second Amendment is a fundamental right, reads the letter to McDonald. That holding changed the legal calculus by which a regulatory scheme can survive constitutional scrutiny and it is not clear how these regulations would fare under that increased scrutiny. Via: DownTrend;Mar 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WILL WHAT THIS NFL OWNER Just Threatened To Do Put An End To Anthem Protests?…Is It Too Late?;Cowboys owner Jerry Jones just threatened to sue the NFL if Commissioner Goodell s contract extension is approved. Is this too little, too late? With many advertisers threatening to drop the NFL, this is a double whammy for Goodell who has shown nothing but weakness during the protest against our national anthem.Jerry Jones threatens to sue NFL if Roger Goodell doesn t take action on national anthem protests pic.twitter.com/f0nb9X82RM FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) November 9, 2017Don t forget Jones was kneeling with the players just a month ago. He saw the light when this began to hit him in the wallet. Americans aren t buying the tickets and not watching the NFL so Jones is back on the pro-anthem train.Jones knelt alongside his players on September 26 in a show of unity before they all stood for the anthem. The following week he said any of his players who disrespect the flag won t be allowed to play.A photo from last weekend s game tells it all This should make Americans furious with these players who stood behind our military with fists up Shame on them!;Nov 9, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Watergate Reporter Carl Bernstein HAMMERS Trump For Being A Real Leaker;Legendary investigative reporter Carl Bernstein sees right through Donald Trump s bullshit.In response to former FBI Director James Comey s testimony that outed Trump as a liar who fired him just because he wouldn t drop a federal investigation, Trump accused Comey of perjury and has labeled him a leaker because he released his memos to the press. The memos, however, were not classified information and are protected by law and Supreme Court rulings.But Trump is still throwing a temper tantrum anyway and that hypocritical as Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein sees it.During an appearance on CNN, Bernstein took Trump to the woodshed for being the top leaker in his own administration. He s trying to discredit Comey, he s trying to rouse his base as he did at the Faith Initiative Conference yesterday, Bernstein said. He s somebody that s worried about what s down the road later rather than now. So he s gone to the question, Comey is a leaker, thinking that is going to discredit him, particularly with his own base, when in fact Donald Trump is a leaker. He s been a leaker for all of his professional life, he s even leaked by falsely impersonating himself under another name. So this is a big game in which the president and the people around him know that he has been damaged, that these investigations are closing in on him and right now he wants to the weight of his followers behind him and he wants to keep them in place so Republicans on the Hill don t abandon him. Right now what is clear to those of us who have studied this White House is that Donald Trump is engaged in a scorched-earth battle against James Comey and he s playing to his base for all its worth. Here s the video via YouTube.Indeed, the most damning evidence of Trump being the real leaker is when he leaked highly classified intelligence with Russian officials during an Oval Office meeting last month.The information was so sensitive that it had not even been shared with our top allies yet.The Washington Post reported:The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency. This is code-word information, said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies. Trump even gave the Russians a good idea of who gathered the intelligence for us by naming the city it came from.Trump willfully endangered our national security and harmed the trust of an ally by leaking this sensitive information to the Russians. That makes him a true leaker. And he should be impeached and put in prison for it.Featured Image: Screenshot;June 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Parents Ban Black History Month Video From School Because Of ‘White Guilt’ (VIDEO);Thanks to a bunch of parents who cannot handle the truth, a Virginia school district was forced to nix an educational video about racism and inequality from its curriculum after receiving complaints that its message was racially divisive.Using the metaphor of a race track, the video expertly addresses racial disparity in America throughout history in which individual runners encounter various obstacles depending on their race. Created by the African American Policy Forum, the short video has been used hundreds of thousands of times all over America without any issues up until now.Unfortunately, a few parents in Glen Allen felt it was a white guilt video and although officials of Henrico County Public Schools originally stood by the film s much-needed message, those ignorant parents got their way. Two days after saying the video was one component of a thoughtful discussion in which all viewpoints were encouraged, officials had banned the video, labeling it racially divisive. They even issued an apology for trying to bring cultural awareness to students!School Board Chair Micky Ogburn said: The Henrico School Board and administration consider this to be a matter of grave concern. We are making every effort to respond to our community. It is our goal to prevent the recurrence of this type of event. School leaders have been instructed not to use the video in our schools. In addition, steps are being taken to prevent the use of racially divisive materials in the future. We do apologize to those who were offended and for the unintended impact on our community. Luke Harris, co-founder of the African American Policy Forum, felt the video was completely appropriate. He said: The video is designed for the general public. We produced something you could show in elementary and secondary schools or in college studies courses. We found that the video has a huge impact on the people that we re showing it to. Most of us know very little about the social history of the United States and its contemporary impact. It was designed as a tool to throw light on American history. It s already a shame that black history is only celebrated one month the shortest month out of the entire year, and this proves that even educational videos about the real-life struggles of African Americans don t stand a chance against white privilege. This was a great cartoon that made the obstacles of racism (many of which still exist to this day) easy to understand. Out of the four hundred years of slavery and oppression that black people have had to endure, you would think that the least we could do is watch a four-minute cartoon about it. Feature image via screenshot;February 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Fox News Host Flies Off The Handle At Republicans For Not Supporting Trump;Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican nominee for president and many in the GOP elite have a serious problem with this reality. They don t have a problem with Trump because he s a racist, a chauvinist, or an advocate of violence. Let s keep in mind that many Republican politicians have shown those tendencies, all be it veiled with civility. Rather, today s GOP elite have a problem with Trump because he s got a big mouth about what the GOP stands for and because he s not a part of the elite Republican establishment.Well, Fox host Sean Hannity, a whack job in his own right, wasn t having it with the Republican establishment and quickly came to The Donald s rescue by becoming unhinged on his Fox News show. In an interview with Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus, Hannity appeared emotional and frustrated because of the lack of support coming for Trump from the heavy weights of the Republican Party, including Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. To me it seems selfish, the whiny Hannity told the RNC chair.Priebus gave a measured response, telling Hannity that it s gonna take some time for some people to come to grips and to get to know Donald Trump and to get on board. This has been going on a year! Hannity pouted. What do they need to know? At one point Hannity went on the attack against House Speaker Paul Ryan saying, I m not ready to support Speaker Ryan anymore. I m thinking maybe we need a new speaker. To his credit, Donald Trump has done one thing that has made many people happy. He has the Republican Party in shambles and that bodes well for democracy come November.Watch video here:Feature image via video screenshot.;May 6, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Militant threat hangs over Islamic State's former Libyan stronghold;SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) - Nearly a year after Islamic State was driven from its Libyan stronghold Sirte, residents surveying their wrecked homes feel neglected and vulnerable, still afraid of the militant threat that has waned but not vanished. Though security in the Mediterranean coastal city has improved, residents remain wary of jihadists in the desert to the south who have stepped up their activity in recent months, setting up checkpoints and carrying out occasional attacks. In a country where fighting between rival forces frequently flares, Sirte is particularly exposed. It sits in the center of Libya s coastline on the dividing line between loose alliances aligned with rival governments in Tripoli and the east. If the situation continues like this then Daesh (Islamic State) will come back, no doubt. There was a reason why they came. People were angry, felt sidelined, said Ali Miftah, a civil servant and father of five. Now we don t get any support from the government. Look at these ruins. We lost everything. Last month, Islamic State gunmen staged a suicide attack in Misrata, the coastal city about 230 km (140 miles) to the northwest that led the campaign last year to expel the militants from Sirte. IS also has sleeper cells in other cities along Libya s western coast, security officials say, and there is concern foreign fighters seeking sanctuary after defeats in Syria and Iraq could once again exploit the country s security vacuum and link up with al Qaeda-linked militants in the desert south. Divisions among Libya s many armed factions and uncertainty over how long the forces from Misrata that drove Islamic State out will remain in Sirte are compounding residents worries. In parts of the city, life is slowly returning to normal, though Islamic State s black logos are still visible on some shops and inhabitants struggle with cash shortages and failing public services, as they do elsewhere in Libya. But in areas that saw the heaviest fighting, families see little hope of rebuilding their homes. Sirte, the home city of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, was pounded by nearly 500 U.S. air strikes between August and December last year. In El Manar and Giza Bahriya, once among Sirte s best neighborhoods, houses looking onto the crystal blue Mediterranean are now crumpled piles of twisted metal and concrete, doors blasted from their metal frames. A damaged primary school said to have once been attended by Gaddafi lies abandoned. Residents say skeletons among the rubble have been left to be tested to see if they belong to Islamic State fighters, or their captives. They are also scared to search their ruined homes because of the unexploded ordnance in the wreckage. Local forces man checkpoints on the outskirts of Sirte and carry out patrols to the south. But they say they lack the vehicles and weapons to pursue the jihadists, who have retreated into mobile desert camps. Instead, they rely on the U.S. air strikes that have killed dozens of suspected militants this year. We contain the threat but we cannot chase them in their camps because we lack the right equipment like four-wheel cars needed to drive in the desert, said Taher Hadeed, an official with the forces securing Sirte. It won t be possible for Daesh to take back the city, but there is a risk of attacks. The forces that led the campaign against Islamic State in Sirte last year are nominally loyal to the U.N.-backed government in Tripoli to the west - and Sirte now represents the eastern limit of their control. Beyond, forces loyal to Khalifa Haftar s Libyan National Army control oil terminals they seized during the campaign. But for now, the two sides do not coordinate, said Mohamed al-Ghasri, a military spokesman from Misrata. Residents and officials in Sirte say the threat cannot be dealt with without proper support from the state and professional security forces. They are suffering from a lack of services and we don t see any real efforts or results on the ground at any level, said Siddeeq Ismaiel, a municipal official. An estimated 2,500-3,000 homes need to be built so families forced to live in other parts of Sirte or Misrata can return. This will never end if there is no government, said Hamza Ali, a 34-year-old university employee, standing near his brother s ruined house. It will stop maybe for two, three, four, five, six months, then you will hear an explosion somewhere if there is no official security, police.;November 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING! REPUBLICANS PULL VOTE ON BANNING CONFEDERATE FLAG;Dems hammer Republicans on their planned vote to allow the Confederate flag in national parks.House Republican leaders have canceled a planned vote on an amendment that would have reversed previously-passed provisions barring the display of the Confederate flag in national parksThe move comes after Republicans acknowledged they did not have the votes to pass the amendment, and Democrats hammered the GOP for considering the change in the first place. This was an attempt to codify the Obama Administration s own directive to our national cemeteries and it is unfortunate that it has devolved into a political battle. It is our hope that we can have a thoughtful discussion on this matter that is free of politics, a GOP leadership aide said.READ MORE: NATIONAL JOURNAL;Jul 9, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BILLIONAIRE, Leftist Author Of Harry Potter Books Apologizes For Making Up, Spreading Fake News About President Trump and Disabled Boy;Big-mouth billionaire and leftist author of the highly successful Harry Potter books, has finally taken responsibility for an awful rumor she started about President Trump and a disabled boy after the disabled boy s mother came out on Facebook to tell the truth about what really happened when President Trump met her disabled son.Author J.K. Rowling issued an apology Monday after falsely accusing President Donald Trump of refusing to shake hands with a disabled boy by sharing an edited video clip on her social media account over the weekend.The boy s mother lashed out at Rowling, saying that the Harry Potter scribe wrongly said Trump ignored and refused to shake her disabled son s hand during a recent meet-and-greet. If someone can please get a message to JK Rowling: Trump didn t snub my son & Monty wasn t even trying to shake his hand, Ms. Kelly Weer wrote in a post on Facebook, slamming Rowling s inaccurate description of a video showing her son meeting President Trump. 1. He s 3 and hand shaking is not his thing 2. he was showing off his newly acquired secret service patch). Thanks, Weer wrote.Rowling, a regular critic of the president, blasted Trump and claimed he deliberately ignored the boy, Monty Weer, who suffers from spina bifida. Trump imitated a disabled reporter. Now he pretends not to see a child in a wheelchair, as though frightened he might catch his condition, she tweeted over the weekend. My mother used a wheelchair. I witnessed people uncomfortable around her disability, but if they had a shred of decency they got over it, Rowling wrote on Twitter. So, yes, that clip of Trump looking deliberately over a disabled child s head, ignoring his outstretched hand, has touched me on the raw. That man occupies the most powerful office in the free world and his daily outrages against civilised norms are having a corrosive effect, the author continued. How stunning, and how horrible, that Trump cannot bring himself to shake the hand of a small boy who only wanted to touch the President. However, a White House video clearly shows President Trump bending down and graciously greeting his young fan as he approached the podium.Rowling faced intense criticism on social media, with many users urging she delete the series of tweets that included the false claims.Pictures posted on Twitter on June 26th, show Melania hosting the little disabled boy that JK Rowling accused President Trump of ignoring, during a visit to the White House in his wheelchair. It appears he also got a little extra special attention from the First Lady. Happy belated 3rd bday (yesterday) sweet Monty! Thank you for visiting us at @WhiteHouse today! pic.twitter.com/ZnENYjB7zE Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) June 27, 2017British journalist Piers Morgan led the charge blasting Rowling and Chelsea Clinton, who had retweeted Rowling and later apologized for refusing to delete her tweets.Rowling finally deleted her tweets and apologized to the boy and his family for spreading false claims, but did not apologize to President Trump. A spokesperson for Rowling apparently refused to confirm to CNN s Oliver Darcy whether or not the author would apologize to Trump. Re: my tweets about the small boy in a wheelchair whose proferred hand the president appeared to ignore in press footage, Rowling wrote. [M]ultiple sources have informed me that that was not a full or accurate representation of their interaction. I very clearly projected my own sensitivities around the issue of disabled people being overlooked or ignored onto the images I saw and if that caused any distress to that boy or his family, I apologise unreservedly. These tweets will remain, but I will delete the previous ones on the subject. Breitbart News;Aug 1, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: Lawsuit Shows Trump Wanted To Fire, Replace ‘Unattractive’ Female Employees;"While Donald Trump and Kellyanne Conway continue to boast about how uplifting and fair the billionaire mogul has been to his female employees (hiring, promotions, large salaries), court documents obtained from the Los Angeles Times paint a more sinister, misogynistic view into how Trump really felt about female employees.In other words, it highlights exactly the kind of person Trump is and just how he treats women.According to the court documents, Hayley Strozier, director of catering at the Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes, accused Trump of asking managers to fire unattractive waitresses and replacing them with attractive ones instead:I had witnessed Donald Trump tell managers many times while he was visiting the club that restaurant hostesses were not pretty enough and that they should be fired and replaced with more attractive women.Other court documents from 2012 document that Trump had asked Sue Kwiatkowski that his premises in Los Angeles should showcase only attractive women:Donald Trump always wanted good looking women working at the club. I know this because one time he took me aside and said, I want you to get some good looking hostesses here. People like to see good looking people when they come in. I and the other managers always tried to have our most attractive hostesses working when Mr. Trump was in town and going to be on the premises.In Donald Trump s America, a woman is not judged on her merit and ability to get the job done, but by her looks and if she doesn t have the looks, she s out of a job. Because of Trump s ridiculous and sexist demands, managers were often forced to hire inexperienced, inept employees due to looks over the experienced, capable employees who didn t fit the mold of attractive enough.The outrage lies within one caveat: he only did this with female employees, not males. Either Trump thinks all men are drop-dead gorgeous or he really does have a blatant disregard for treating women with respect.And it s not like the ill deeds towards these women did not go unpunished. As part of a broader labor relations lawsuit (which includes other complaints than sexist mistreatment), Trump had to compensate:The bulk of the lawsuit was settled in 2013, when golf course management, without admitting any wrongdoing, agreed to pay $475,000 to employees who had complained about break policies. An employee s claim that she was fired after complaining about the company s treatment of women was settled separately; its terms remain confidential.If Trump really treated women with respect, why did he have to give hush money to a female employee who complained about ill-treatment of not just her, but women overall?Maybe someone should tell Kellyanne Conway before the next time she starts babbling on about how great he is.Featured image via Spencer Platt/Getty Images";September 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Megyn Kelly Drops The Hammer On Roger Ailes, Details Sexual Harassment By Fox News Boss;The era of Roger Ailes at Fox News is definitely over after this devastating blow.Earlier this month, former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson revealed that she was no longer with the conservative network. As it turns out, she had been fired by Roger Ailes because she refused to have a sexual relationship with him.Her lawsuit alleges that Ailes relentlessly ogled her and treated her like a sexual object in the workplace. She faced constant sexual harassment from Ailes and her male colleagues and when she tried to get the harassment to stop Ailes told her it would all go away if she would just agree to let him have sex with her. She declined, so Ailes fired her from Fox & Friends and moved her to an unpopular time slot with a pay reduction and more work in order to force her to submit to his demand. After she continued to refuse, Ailes fired her from the network entirely. I have strived to empower women and girls throughout my entire career, Carlson said in a statement. Although this was a difficult step to take, I had to stand up for myself and speak out for all women and the next generation of women in the workplace. But other women on Fox News were not as brave as Carlson. They sided with Ailes and threw Carlson under the bus.But the most powerful woman on Fox News is no longer remaining quiet and that is bad news for Ailes.New York Magazine reports that Megyn Kelly has met with attorneys representing the Murdochs, who own Fox, and told them how Roger Ailes sexually harassed her when she was a correspondent for the network.According to two sources briefed on parent company 21st Century Fox s outside probe of the Fox News executive, led by New York based law firm Paul, Weiss, Kelly has told investigators that Ailes made unwanted sexual advances toward her about ten years ago when she was a young correspondent at Fox. Kelly, according to the sources, has described her harassment by Ailes in detail.As New York Magazine notes, this is probably the reason why Kelly had remained silent in the wake of the scandal, waiting for the right time to strike. And if the sources are accurate, Kelly just delivered the death blow to Ailes career with Fox.Ailes has reportedly been given an August 1st deadline to resign or he will be fired for just cause.And Murdoch s attorneys are not done investigating yet so there could be even more revelations to come.Meanwhile, the Paul, Weiss lawyers are attempting to interview former Fox employees who have stories of harassment but haven t spoken because they signed settlements with Ailes s Fox attorney, Dianne Brandi. 21st Century Fox is now waiving the NDAs to allow women to speak.If this report is correct it could spell the end of Roger Ailes at Fox News and that would be a good thing for everyone. Now let s wait and see how many of Ailes female defenders start attacking Megyn Kelly.Featured image via Wikimedia;July 19, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: As resistance builds, Macron shifts focus away from euro reform;PARIS/BERLIN (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron, concerned that a divisive discussion over euro zone reform might undermine his broader European agenda, has begun prioritizing other areas of EU cooperation, French officials say. Macron hinted at the shift at an EU summit in October when he described his plan to create a budget for the 19-nation currency bloc as a long-term project whose logic would become clear once Europe moved towards closer integration in other areas, such as defense, migration, energy and digital. Since then, French officials have told Reuters the Elysee does not want to get bogged down in a technical debate over euro zone reform at a time when the EU can deliver on other fronts that may resonate more with the public. The euro zone is just one piece of the puzzle and I don t necessarily think it s the best one to start with, one senior official said. It is not our goal to have a technocratic discussion about the budget and how it would work. During his election campaign, 39-year-old Macron talked intently about euro zone reform, seeing it as critical to strengthening the European project after years of tumult and ensuring another sovereign debt crisis didn t occur. After barely two decades of the euro, he wanted to make sure the single currency project had the strength and flexibility to last the long-run, while remaining responsive to the 350 million EU citizens who depend on it daily. French officials stress that Macron has not discarded his ideas for the euro zone. But the decision to shift them down the priority list is a recognition of the political realities in Europe. It also underscores an irony: for years German Chancellor Angela Merkel waited for an ambitious partner in France. Now she has one, but is less able to deliver herself. Germany, with which Macron had hoped to agree deep changes to euro area governance in the first half of 2018, faces months of political limbo as Merkel tries to cobble together a coalition. Early signals from Germany and other EU members have underscored how difficult it will be for Macron to deliver on his euro zone ambitions, which call for the budget, a finance minister and a separate parliament for the currency bloc. It did not go unnoticed in Paris that the new Dutch government, in its October coalition agreement, voiced opposition to any euro zone fiscal mechanism to cushion economic shocks. Earlier this month, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte spoke of his opposition to more European integration and other ideas coming from France . A new right-wing government in Austria could adopt a similar stance to the Dutch. Focusing on the technical details of European reform is the wrong approach, said Sylvie Goulard, a former member of the European Parliament who served briefly as Macron s defense minister. You really need to focus on the bigger picture - the challenge from (U.S President Donald) Trump and from China, she said, echoing the view from people in Macron s entourage. On Friday, leaders of the 19 nations that use the euro meet in Brussels to discuss how to strengthen their currency union. The meeting is unlikely to produce anything concrete, due to political uncertainty in Berlin, and the EU goal of agreeing concrete proposals by June now looks ambitious. The prospect of another German grand coalition that includes the Macron-friendly Social Democrats (SPD) has alleviated some of concerns in Paris. SPD leader Martin Schulz made clear in a speech last week that he would put Europe at the top of his party s agenda in looming negotiations with Merkel, calling for a United States of Europe by 2025. But whether the weakened Schulz, who barely talked about Europe during the election campaign, can push Merkel towards Macron on the issue of euro zone reform is questionable. I am very skeptical. I don t share the big hopes for the Merkel and Macron couple, Henrik Enderlein, who heads the Berlin office of the Delors Institute, said last week at an event at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. The more cautious stance in Paris also reflects doubts about Merkel s own commitment to the changes Macron is seeking. During her coalition talks with the Free Democrats and Greens, which collapsed last month, Merkel was not an enthusiastic advocate for Macron s ideas, according to several participants from the Greens party. One central difference between Berlin and Paris has become obvious in recent months. While Macron has pushed for a multi-speed Europe in which France and Germany lead the way, there is a cross-party consensus in Berlin that any reform push should include a broad swathe of EU members. That s a position that is also backed by the European Commission. The contrast was apparent during French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire s visit to Berlin last month, where he sparred with the Greens on the inclusiveness issue, participants said. Officials in Berlin have been impressed by Macron s domestic reform push and there is a broad consensus in Merkel s party that the next German government must find ways to work with the French president. On Monday, she vowed to work with France on a joint corporate tax policy, digital initiatives and the harmonization of arms export policies. But there was no mention of his euro zone ideas. There is still the old instinct to do as little as possible on the euro area, said Jeromin Zettelmeyer, a former official in the German economy ministry who developed euro zone reform ideas with Macron s team when he was French economy minister. But the old instinct to do as little as possible to accommodate France, that is gone. There is a sense that something constructive must be done.;December 13, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Here’s The Veiled Threat Trump Sent CNN Chief After Release Of ‘Grab Them By The Pu**y’ Tape;There s a reason Trump hates CNN, and it s been obvious for a long time. However, what many may not know is exactly why CNN s negative coverage gets under his skin so badly. It turns out that he believes CNN owes him for putting their current president, Jeff Zucker, in place. When the network released the Access Hollywood tapes in which Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women, and then followed that up with increasingly bad coverage, he saw it as an act of betrayal.So he sent Zucker this letter: Jeff Too bad you (CNN) couldn t be honest with how well I did in the debate. The dumbest thing I ever did was get you the job at CNN you are the most disloyal person. Just remember, I always seem to find a way to get even. Best wishes, Donald J. Trump. Yep. You are the most disloyal person. Trump literally believes that Zucker should reward him with favorable coverage throughout what the rest of his career, or his whole career in politics, or something. Maybe he expected CNN to just ignore all the heinous things he does because he was so awesome to them way back.The hilarious thing is what s happened since. From The New York Times:[T]he only thing better than having Donald Trump on your network is having him attack it. Far from hurting CNN, Trump s war against it has amounted to a form of product placement earned media, you could say giving its anchors and correspondents starring roles in the ongoing political drama, turning them into camera-ready warriors for the First Amendment.In 2016, CNN made nearly $1 billion, which was the network s most profitable year ever. They re on track to beat that for 2017 already, and it s only April. Zucker s on a hiring spree. They re getting some huge scoops. The list of good fortune goes on.So revenge? It s backfired on Trump horrifically.CNN disagrees that Trump s 2012 lobbying had any effect on their decision to give Zucker the top position, and it wouldn t be surprising to find that they re actually telling the truth. Trump is a narcissist who believes he has far more influence over everyone than he does.Featured image by Shawn Thew-Pool via Getty Images;April 6, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Israel PM Netanyahu to meet with Trump on Feb 15: White House;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with President Donald Trump on Feb. 15 for talks covering a range of security issues, the White House said on Monday. “Our relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East is crucial to the security of both our nations, and the president looks forward to discussing continued strategic, technological, military and intelligence cooperation with the prime minister,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters as he announced the visit.;January 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The Trump presidency on Feb 28 at 8:48 p.m. EST;(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday: Trump will seek to convince Americans of his ability to run the country and negotiate with Congress on Tuesday in a nationally televised speech that offers a chance to move past his tumultuous first weeks in office. The White House and Congress lack agreement on a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare amid signs of growing Republican division on the issue, as Trump prepares to address lawmakers about his 2017 agenda. Trump is considering introducing legislation to provide illegal immigrants a pathway to legal status - but not immediately to citizenship, CNN reported. Trump says “maybe it’s my fault” that his immigration policy was not communicated effectively, but gives himself a grade of A for “what I’ve actually done.” Trump’s nominee to be director of national intelligence pledges to back a thorough investigation of any Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, seeking to reassure lawmakers worried that partisan politics might interfere with a probe. The National Security Agency risks a brain-drain of hackers and cyber spies because of a tumultuous reorganization and worries about the acrimonious relationship between the intelligence community and Trump, according to current and former NSA officials and cyber security industry sources. The White House denies that Trump plans to issue an executive order to change the national biofuels program, after the U.S. Renewable Fuels Association said the president’s team had informed the group an order was pending. Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions, says the federal government should stop suing local police departments, signaling a sharp departure from the Obama administration’s policy toward law enforcement exhibiting patterns of racism or excessive force. Trump’s proposal to slash funding for the State Department and foreign aid faces stiff opposition in Congress, not just from Democrats, but also from many fellow Republicans. Major U.S. corporations are going to war in Washington over a Republican “border adjustment” tax proposal meant to boost exports over imports, with lawmakers coming under pressure from some of the nation’s biggest employers. Trump signs an order directing regulators to review an Obama administration rule that expanded the number of federally protected waterways as he targets environmental regulations conservatives label as government overreach. Trump signs an executive order aimed at boosting government support for historically black colleges.;February 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TRUMP SUPPORTER FIGHTS BACK: Man Wearing “Make America Great Again” Hat Sues “The Happiest Hour” Bar For Refusing To Serve Him;Enough is enough. Americans need to start making business owners and their employees pay up for discriminating against them simply because they dare to show their support for our President. Good for this Trump supporter for fighting back against the intolerant left. A lot of Americans would be happy to contribute to his legal defense Bartenders at a West Village hot spot served up discrimination with a liberal twist refusing to serve a customer because he was wearing a Make America Great Again hat, according to a lawsuit.Greg Piatek, 30, an accountant from Philadelphia, claims he was snubbed and eventually 86 d by workers at The Happiest Hour on West 10th Street over his conservative fashion statement, popularized by Donald Trump on the campaign trail, he told The Post. Anyone who supports Trump or believes what you believe is not welcome here! And you need to leave right now because we won t serve you! Piatek claims he was told as he was shown the door by a manager.The shake-up started when Piatek and two pals, after a visit to the 9/11 Memorial, ordered drinks at the posh tavern around 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 28.A female bartender served Piatek a $15 jalape o margarita and his pals beers. But when he tried to order a second round, a male bartender noticed his hat and skipped them, he said.One of Piatek s pals pointed out it was their turn to be served, but the bartender scoffed. Is that hat a joke? the Manhattan Supreme Court suit claims. Ignoring me because I m wearing the hat is ridiculous, Piatek said. It s really sad. The flustered bartender got them a second round but allegedly slammed the drinks down. A third bartender also asked Piatek if his lid was a joke and shouted, I can t believe you would support someone so terrible and you must be as terrible a person! Piatek claimed. I wasn t even trying to order a drink and she said, Don t even try to order from me. I won t get you a drink, Piatek alleged.A manager said he spoke to the bar owner, and was told, Anyone who supports Trump or believes what you believe is not welcome here. And you need to leave right now because we won t serve you! according to the suit. For entire story: New York Post New York Post reporter Dean Balsamini had a similar experience when he wore a Trump hat around NYC. He recounts his day of scorn and discrimination after donning a Make America Great Again hat as he visited a few hot spots in the city: I may as well have been wearing a Red Sox hat at Yankee Stadium.The mere sight of my cap nearly caused a riot at the historic Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street site of the 1969 riots that launched the gay rights movement. You come into a gay bar THIS gay bar with THAT hat! one woman lectured as a large crowd gathered.At Soho s sceney La Esquina, where celebs like Julia Roberts nosh on $26 enchiladas, servers nearly lost their lunch when I showed up. Oh my God, do you see that? Is he serious? Is he kidding me? one waiter gasped.My companion and I were quickly shunted to an out of sight table near a back wall. Don t talk to him! a man instructed a street vendor as I browsed along 125th street near the Apollo Theater.Hipsters and trustafarians along Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg either did a double take, shot me a death stare or a snarky remark. Take off that stupid f ing hat! one skinny-jeans-wearer sneered.At high-end chapeau peddler Goorin Bros., I overheard a salesman tell his colleague, I m losing my sh ! as I walked in. When I asked him to hold my hat while I admired a fedora, he grimaced. I m surprised nobody s knocked that hat off your head! a mother of two scolded me as we crossed paths along Central Park West and 63rd Street. Make America Great Again right!;Mar 19, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ‘Fraud’: Major Veterans Group Accuses Trump Of Ripping Off Soldiers;The military veterans group VoteVets is blasting presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as a fraud, after it was revealed that his claim that he raised $6.5 million for veterans was a lie.A Washington Post report uncovered the truth behind yet another wild Trump statement:One night in January, Donald Trump skipped a GOP debate and instead held his own televised fundraiser for veterans. At the end of the night, Trump proclaimed it a huge success: We just cracked $6 million, right? Six million. Now, Trump s campaign says that number is incorrect.Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said the fundraiser actually netted about $4.5 million, or 75 percent of the total that Trump announced.Trump used the $6 million figure as a public relations talking point for himself in the days following the fundraiser, while he campaigned for votes in the Republican primary. Yet when asked by the Post to account for all of the money he allegedly collected, Trump refused. Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, told the Post, That s just shady. Right? No matter how you cut it, that s just shady. Now VoteVets has responded to the Post article, and they are also blasting Trump for the way he used the veteran s issue to boost his own profile, while giving soldiers less than he promised.Responding to the story, Iraq War Veteran and Chairman of VoteVets.org, Jon Soltz said: Donald Trump is a cheap fraud. In a classic fraud move, made himself look good to the public, by lying to the American people, and veterans, about how much he raised for veterans groups, when he hid behind them to get out of the GOP debate. He said he raised $6 million. Now, when investigated by reporters, he finally admits that he overstated the amount by millions, and never raised what he told people he did. In fact, there may still be groups who are waiting for their check. Soltz further notes, We now need to presume that he is lying about how much he claims he has given to veterans over the years, and that s part of the reason he won t release his taxes. VoteVets describes itself as an organization with over 400,000 supporters that uses public issue campaigns and direct outreach to lawmakers to ensure that troops abroad have what they need to complete their missions, and receive the care they deserve when they get home. Featured image via Flickr;May 21, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Democratic presidential candidate Sanders seeks recount in Kentucky;(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Tuesday requested a recount in the close Kentucky presidential primary against front-runner Hillary Clinton, state election officials said on Tuesday. The recanvass will take place at all 120 county boards of election on Thursday, according to the Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Grimes. Clinton won Kentucky by just 1,924 votes, according to the unofficial totals posted on the secretary of state’s elections page. She won Jefferson County, which includes Louisville and is the largest by far of the state’s 120 counties, by nearly 10 times that amount In his filing on Tuesday, Sanders requested a full check and recount of every voting machine and absentee ballot from all precincts in the counties, according to Grimes’ website. “My office is notifying all county boards of elections that Sen. Sanders has requested a recanvass, and we are reminding them of the laws and procedures to be followed,” Grimes said in a statement. Clinton, a former U.S. senator and secretary of state, narrowly defeated Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, in the May 17 presidential nominating contest in Kentucky, a state she had not been expected to win. A Sanders campaign representative said the recount request was important for the integrity of the Democratic presidential contest, in which Sanders is continuing to challenge Clinton despite her formidable lead in the number of delegates needed to secure the nomination. “I think the point is just transparency, it’s not just about Kentucky,” Sanders aide Larry Cohen said on CNN. “It’s about trying to create a context, now and at the (Democratic) convention, that these primaries and caucuses need transparency, they need to be authentic, they need to build confidence among voters, particularly younger voters, that this is not rigged.” Sanders has generally drawn more support from young voters than Clinton.;May 24, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Danish PM's party dealt blow at local election, Social Democrats gain;COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen s Liberal Party suffered losses in Denmark s local elections, a possible bellwether for the next national election, which is to be held no later than mid-2019. The center-right Liberal Party received 23.1 percent of the votes in Tuesday s election, 3.5 percentage points less than in 2013. The Social Democrats gained 3 percentage points to 32.5 percent. The Social Democrats won the leadership of four of Denmark s five regions, and in at least 40 of the 98 municipalities, including the four largest cities. Coalition talks are still ongoing in some municipalities. The results are seen as a boost for Mette Frederiksen who took over the Social Democratic leadership after former Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt failed to extend her rule at the 2015 national election. The Danes have said that it is more important to take good care of our welfare, rather than to get tax cuts, Social Democrat spokesman Nicolai Wammen said, alluding to the government s plans to cut taxes next year. Rasmussen was relatively satisfied with the result, he told broadcaster TV2. A spokesman for his party said the election results were mainly driven by local agendas rather than national level politics. The support for government ally Danish People s Party fell 1.3 percentage points to 8.8 percent, contrary to some predictions ahead of the elections.;November 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hillary Scolds Major Contributors To Terrorist Groups…Doesn’t Mention They Gave Over $67 MILLION To Clinton Slush Fund;Behold The Democrats best choice for President of The United States of America. Hillary should be on bloody knees every day thanking her lucky stars she s not a Republican .Hillary Clinton gave a speech Thursday at the Council on Foreign Relation, where she outlined her genius plan to defeat ISIS. (Step 1: Defeat ISIS.) She also offered a few more specific proposals [emphasis added]:When it comes to terrorist financing, we have to go after the nodes that facilitate illicit trade and transactions. The U.N. Security Council should update its terrorism sanctions. They have a resolution that does try to block terrorist financing and other enabling activities, but we have to place more obligations on countries to police their own banks, and the United States, which has quite a record of success in this area, can share more intelligence to help other countries. And once and for all, the Saudis, the Qataris and others need to stop their citizens from directly funding extremist organizations as well as the schools and mosques around the world that have set too many young people on a path to radicalization.Clinton is right about the fact that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates have for years funneled money to terrorist groups, essentially bribing them to ensure that they don t cause trouble in their incestual oligarchies. She is certainly right that these oil-rich countries have made a habit of giving away money to powerful interest groups in an effort to curry favor. Some of those groups happen to be comprised of terrorists, while others are charitable foundations founded by a former United States president whose wife is currently seeking the Democratic Party s nomination for the same position in 2016.Here s how much those three countries and their affiliated entities have donated to the Clinton Foundation:Qatar Up to $5.8 million United Arab Emirates Up to $11.5 million Saudi Arabia Up to $50 millionThe gulf nations represent three of the largest donors to the foundation, but that is hardly the extent of their ties to the Clintons. Qatari, UAE, and Saudi firms paid Bill Clinton millions of dollars for speeches during the time Hillary served as secretary of state, when she also approved weapons deals with all three countries worth billions of dollars to U.S. defense firms, many of which are also Clinton Foundation donors.Bill Clinton has praised the Qataris as intelligent, forward looking investment partners for their collaboration on Clinton Foundation projects. One of Hillary s top advisers, Cheryl Mills, served on the board of the New York University campus in Abu Dhabi. Bill Clinton is the friend and former classmate of Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, who recently attended a lavish Clinton Foundation conference in Marrakech, hosted by the King of Morocco. The Bill Clinton presidential library in Little Rock was funded in part by a $10 million from the Saudi Royal family.Hillary is right, the time has come for Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia to stop using their oil wealth to buy influence and protection from special interests. Via: WFB;Nov 19, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: As Trump visits, Gulf states seen quietly curbing opposition;DUBAI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, departing from his predecessor’s practice, is expected to sidestep human rights questions when he meets Gulf Arab leaders at the weekend and focus, to the dismay of beleaguered government critics, on business and security. Civil liberties monitors point to freedom of expression as a right increasingly constrained in Gulf Arab states including summit host Saudi Arabia, which is planning to buy tens of billions of dollars’ worth of U.S. arms. Gulf Arab states began stepping up the muffling of political discussion in the dying months of former president Barack Obama’s term and have continued this under Trump, they say. “Given Trump’s tenuous relationship with freedom of the press and free expression in general, we have no expectation that Trump would raise these issues during his visit,” said Adam Coogle, Middle East researcher at Human Rights Watch. In Washington, a senior Trump administration official said human rights would not take center stage in Riyadh, where Arab leaders are expected to discuss combating Islamist militancy and what they see as the growing influence of adversary Iran. The official said Trump preferred to keep such conversations private, much as he did with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi recently when he obtained the release of an Egyptian-American humanitarian worker. Trump’s visit is likely to contrast with one Obama paid to Egypt in 2009 when he made an appeal to the Muslim world promoting self-determination, democracy and individual rights. The Saudis “don’t want any more talk about human rights, democracy, political reform or gender equality. They had enough of that from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton,” said Bruce Riedel of the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington. “They’re pretty confident they’re not going to hear it from Donald Trump.” While experts are not surprised, since the Gulf states’ monarchies abhor discord and dislike free-wheeling political debate as practised in the West, they are nevertheless dismayed. The output of several columnists, economists and clerics in regional powerhouse Saudi Arabia and some of its smaller neighbors has either dried up or grown circumspect since the second half of 2016 in what critics see as an unacknowledged state drive to stifle public criticism, rights monitors say. Among those who have fallen silent are critics, both liberal and conservative, of the kingdom’s ambitious plan to diversify the economy and open up the country culturally under a plan known as Vision 2030. Until late last year Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi commented about issues including Trump’s rise to power on social media and a column in the pan-Arab al-Hayat daily. He also spoke in public appearances at think tanks. In December, news circulated on social media that Kashoggi, former editor of the Arabic-language al-Watan daily, one of the kingdom’s top newspapers, had been ordered to stop writing or Tweeting. His account has been silent since November last year. Khashoggi declined to comment on the reported ban. Since the 2011 Arab Spring, Gulf states have stepped up efforts to curb dissent with tough new cyber crime laws, sentencing offenders to prison terms for Web posts deemed insulting to rulers or threatening to public order. But in the past two years, unnerved by low oil prices and the slow progress of a war in Yemen targeting the influence of arch foe Iran, Gulf authorities became even less patient with dissenting voices in the media, analysts and rights groups say. Madawi Al-Rasheed, visiting professor at the Middle East Centre, London School of Economics, said Riyadh was engaged in an effort to muzzle intellectuals with “dissenting voices”. “There are so many of them, both men and women, who have left the kingdom,” she said. Activists say muzzled writers include economists, academics, columnists and Muslim clerics. There are no precise figures on how many have been affected, but estimates by activists put the number at more than 20 from Saudi Arabia alone. While some were merely advised not to air their views on social media, more vocal critics have found themselves behind bars, facing possible indictments on charges such as disobeying the ruler or incitement against the state, rights activists say. “The pursuit by security is increasing rapidly and ... it is killing the voice of moderation,” said Walid Sulais, a Saudi rights activist who fled abroad in late 2016 after authorities summoned him for questioning over his rights work. Gulf Arab officials did not respond to requests for comment on the issue of free expression. But asked about the expected absence of human rights from Trump’s agenda, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said the issue was one of definition. “We look at human rights as the right to safety, the right to a decent life, the right to a job, the right to food. We see it as the right to live your life without people imposing on you,” he told a news conference on Thursday. “Every Saudi has the right to petition his monarch or the governors. The doors of our leaders are open. We have built institutions. We have a thriving press corps. We have a consultative council that started with 60 members, today it has 150 members, and 30 of them are ladies, distinguished ladies.”  Gulf states have increasingly chafed at what they see as a campaign of vilification by Western media and rights groups. They insist they respect rights which do not violate Islamic Sharia laws and their societies’ conservative traditions. Political parties are banned in Saudi Arabia as are protests, unions are illegal, the press is controlled and criticism of the royal family can lead to prison. Riyadh says it does not have political prisoners, while top officials have said monitoring activists is needed to keep social stability. In a statement on Jan. 15, Bahrain’s information minister scolded Gulf media, warning outlets to “shoulder their responsibilities” and counter foreign attempts to “spread sedition” in Gulf states - an apparent reference to Iran which Bahrain accuses of fomenting unrest among Bahraini Shi’ites. Iran denies interfering in the affairs of Gulf states. Other Gulf countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman, have also been accused by rights groups of curbing free expression. In Qatar, activists noted that Faisal al-Marzoqi, a prominent commentator with more than 100,000 Twitter followers, had not tweeted since November 2016. The UAE said on March 21 it had arrested political activist Ahmed Mansoor, an electrical engineer and poet, on charges of spreading sectarianism and hatred on social media, a move criticized by Amnesty International. Defending the move, Mohammed al-Hammadi, editor of the pro-government al-Ittihad newspaper, wrote that Mansoor “either will be convicted or will be cleared through the rule of law and the justice of the judiciary, so what is the problem with this?” In February Saudi social media reported the arrest of prominent clerics Sheikh Essam al-Owayed and Saad al-Breik. In a Twitter post on Feb. 23, Owayed wrote in apparent reference to liberalizing reforms: “Any decision-maker who thinks he can change the faith and identity of this country by opening the doors to decadence would be calling for a war in which he would be the main loser, no matter who he is.” Owayed’s Twitter account has had no new postings since then, while the last Twitter message on Breik’s account dates to March 20. Neither Owayed nor Breik could be reached for a comment. On May 4 on a visit to Saudi Arabia, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism Ben Emmerson urged Riyadh to stop using a 2014 counter-terrorism law and security prohibitions against human rights defenders and writers. “When he is meeting with his counterparts from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries there, he should be equally as clear that any counter-terrorism efforts must include safeguards to protect the rights of individuals to express their opinions and assemble peacefully,” Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s director for the Middle East and North Africa, told Reuters.;May 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Saudi Arabia condemns Trump decision to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel;CAIRO (Reuters) - The kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Thursday condemned the decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The Saudi Royal Court issued a statement saying that the kingdom followed with deep sorrow Trump s decision and warned of dangerous consequences of moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem . The statement also urged the U.S. administration to reverse its decision and adhere to international will. Saudi Arabia described the decision as an unjustified and irresponsible step and said it represents a bias against rights of Palestinian people . Saudi Arabia also said the move represents a big step back in efforts to advance the peace process and said it was a violation of the U.S. Neutral position regarding Jerusalem . ;December 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Senator McCain returning to Arizona for cancer treatment: statement;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, who was diagnosed with brain cancer, is returning home to Arizona for medical treatment at the Mayo Clinic, McCain’s office said on Friday. “On Monday, July 31, he will begin a standard post-surgical regimen of targeted radiation and chemotherapy. During that time, Senator McCain will maintain a work schedule,” the office said in a statement. It said the 80-year-old Republican would return to Washington at the end of the August congressional recess.;July 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hariri warns Lebanon faces Arab sanctions risk, to return in days;BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri warned on Sunday Lebanon was at risk of Gulf Arab sanctions because of the Shi ite group Hezbollah s regional meddling and said he would return to Lebanon within days to affirm he had resigned as the country s prime minister. In a television interview, the Saudi-allied Hariri held out the possibility he could yet rescind his resignation if Hezbollah agreed to stay out of regional conflicts such as Yemen, his first public comments since he read out his resignation on television from Riyadh eight days ago. He indicated the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Lebanese in the Gulf could be at risk, as well as trade, vital to the stability of the Lebanese economy. Hariri said his resignation was intended as a positive shock to his country, which he saw in danger. Top Lebanese government officials and senior sources close to Hariri believe Saudi Arabia coerced Hariri into resigning and has put him under effective house arrest since he flew to Saudi Arabia over a week ago. Ahead of his interview, Lebanese President Michel Aoun said Hariri s movements were being restricted in Saudi Arabia, the first time the Lebanese authorities have publicly declared their belief that Riyadh is holding him against his will. Hariri said he was a free man. The resignation and its aftermath have thrust Lebanon back to the forefront of the conflict between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shi ite Iran. Aoun refused to accept Hariri s resignation unless he tendered it in person in Lebanon. Hariri, who has not returned to Lebanon since he declared his shock resignation, said he stepped down for the sake of the Lebanese national interest, repeatedly saying the country must stick by a policy of disassociation from regional conflict. I am freely in the Kingdom, and if I want to travel tomorrow, I will travel, Hariri said of his presence in Saudi Arabia. He said he would return to Lebanon within two or three days. When he resigned on Nov. 4, he said he feared assassination. His father, a long-serving former prime minister, was killed by a bomb in 2005. Hariri said he must be sure his security had not been penetrated before returning. Hariri s eyes welled up with tears at one point in the interview. Asked by the interviewer if he would take more questions, Hariri said no because he was tired. We know there are American sanctions (targeting Hezbollah), but (do) we add to them also Arab sanctions? What is our interest (in that) as Lebanese, because we see today interventions in Yemen and Bahrain by Iran and Hezbollah, said Hariri. He added: Disassociation is the foundation of Lebanon s interest. Where do we export our goods, is it not to the Arab states? Where do our sons work ...? We must work to preserve this interest, and this interest was threatened, so for this reason I did what I did, he said. He singled out Yemen, where a Saudi-led alliance is bogged down in a war with Iran-allied Houthi rebels, asking what a Lebanese group was doing there, in reference to Hezbollah. Saudi Arabia has accused Hezbollah of a role in firing a ballistic missile from Yemen towards Riyadh earlier this month. In order for him to go back on his resignation, Hariri said the the diassociation (policy) must be respected and regional interventions by Hezbollah halted. Lebanon cannot bear them, he said. Hezbollah is Lebanon s most powerful group thanks to a powerful arsenal. It has deployed fighters to Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad. The group denies a role in the fighting in Yemen but is fiercely supportive of the Houthis in its statements. Hariri s resignation from abroad and the week of silence that followed has destabilized his country, where Sunni, Shi ite, Christian and Druze factions fought a civil war from 1975-1990, often backed by rival powers around the region. After Hariri announced his resignation, Saudi Arabia accused Lebanon of declaring war against it because of Hezbollah. The Hezbollah leader on Friday said it was Saudi Arabia that had declared war on Lebanon. Western countries including the United States and France have reiterated their long-standing policy of support for the Lebanese government since the Saudi declaration that the Beirut government was a hostile party. Before Hariri s interview, Aoun said Hariri s situation in Saudi Arabia threw doubt over anything that he had said or would say, and his statements could not be considered as an expression of his full free will. Aoun said Hariri was living in mysterious circumstances in Riyadh which had reached the degree of restricting (his) freedom and imposing conditions on his residency and on contact with him even by members of his family . Saudi Arabia has denied Hariri is being held against his will or that he had been forced to resign. It has advised its citizens not to visit Lebanon and those there to leave as soon as possible.;November 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Among White House hopefuls, Trump least likely to hit 'follow' button on Twitter ;NEW YORK (Reuters) - The millions of Twitter users following Donald Trump shouldn’t expect a “follow back” from the Republican presidential front-runner anytime soon. Trump’s campaign account @realDonaldTrump has nearly 6 million Twitter followers, the most of any candidate running for president. But he is picky about who he follows, with just 49 accounts listed as of Friday. That means he has the highest ratio of followers to those he is following, in both the Republican and Democratic fields. In contrast, Ted Cruz, the U.S. senator from Texas who has emerged as Trump’s strongest rival, follows nearly 14,000 accounts on Twitter and has 755,000 followers, according to his profile as of Friday. The exclusivity underscores how Trump primarily uses Twitter to broadcast his message as opposed to engaging in a back and forth with users, experts in digital strategy said. While other campaigns use a similar approach, Trump commands the most attention on social media. Trump’s pickiness may indicate a surprising strategy for the freewheeling Republican front-runner: Playing it safe when it comes to pledging his Twitter allegiance with a “follow.” Candidates can’t pick and choose their followers, but they have control over when to click the follow button. “There is more risk in who you follow,” said Scott Talan, a communications professor at American University who teaches social media strategy. “If you’re actively following someone, you’re assuming it’s not going to be some religious extremist ... or a prisoner with a record.” And, while some Republican candidates follow each other, Trump follows none of them. The accounts Trump monitors include those of his children and several hotel properties. Also on the eclectic list are musician Steven Tyler, basketball great Magic Johnson, Vince McMahon, chairman and CEO of WWE Inc, and sisters Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson, former Democrats who now stump for Trump and tweet under the handle @DiamondandSilk. Despite Trump’s highly public battle with Fox News over anchor Megyn Kelly’s role as a moderator in last week’s Republican debate, Fox shows or news personalities such as Sean Hannity account for better than 10 percent of the handles he follows. Kelly, not surprisingly, did not make the list, but the Fox handles still add up to a larger bloc than any outside of Trump’s family or business. Hannity and other Fox presenters are also widely followed by Trump’s rivals for the GOP presidential nomination. Trump’s cautious approach to who he follows hasn’t put a damper on his social activity. His account shows more than 30,000 tweets, the highest of any account reviewed by Reuters. It also hasn’t stopped Trump from committing blunders with his retweets, like the one from an account called @WhiteGenocideTM, which gave its location as “Jewmerica” and featured an image that referenced George Lincoln Rockwell, a prominent figure in the neo-Nazi movement in the United States. Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, said that Trump operates his own Twitter account. “Everything you see on there is pretty much directly from him,” she said. “The strategy behind it is to tell the truth and to call it like he sees it.” On Twitter, Trump goes where his opponents fear to tread. He uses it to launch unfiltered personal attacks on those who cross paths with him. For example, he did not shy from retweeting a post that included photographs of a skimpily dressed Kelly from a magazine shoot and the comment, “And this is the bimbo that’s asking presidential questions?” “He is definitely a loose cannon in terms of how he uses his Twitter account,” said Micah Sifry, co-founder of Personal Democracy Media, an online forum on technology and politics. “At the same time, he hasn’t been hurt by it yet because apparently a big chunk of what he’s saying is popular among Republican voters.” Trump is aware of his social media success. Following the seventh Republican presidential debate on Thursday, he tweeted Twitter data showing that he commanded the most traffic during the event. “Great Twitter poll-and I wasn’t even there,” he said. Twitter matters to campaigns - it is an increasingly important way for candidates to reach their most ardent supporters. But talking about the issues on Twitter may not always be the most effective means of engaging supporters. A recent Trump tweet wishing retired golfer Jack Nicklaus happy birthday received more than four thousand “likes”, roughly twice as many as Clinton’s policy-related tweets on the same day. (Additional reporting by Gina Cherelus and Amy Tennery in New York, editing by Dan Burns and Ross Colvin) SAP is the sponsor of this coverage which is independently produced by the staff of Reuters News Agency.;January 31, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Protesters face off in downtown Cleveland, separated by police;(Reuters) - Protesters for and against Trump faced off in a plaza a few blocks from the site of the Republican National Convention in downtown Cleveland on Monday, shouting slogans at each other but avoiding physical confrontation. Dozens of protesters were separated by a wall of police that looked equal in number. To one side of the police line at the foot of the Key Tower, Cleveland’s tallest building, demonstrators shouted, “Black Lives Matter.” From the other side came, “You’re a bunch of anarchists.” The exchanges marked the first emotionally charged demonstration at the 2016 Republican National Convention, where security forces are on alert for potentially disruptive conflicts. A combination of intense rhetoric by presumptive Republican candidate Donald J. Trump, recent police shootings of African- Americans in Baton Rouge and the Minneapolis area, and the killings of police in Dallas and Baton Rouge has raised tensions in the run-up to the convention. Alicia Street, 31, a Black Lives Matter activist from Ferguson, Missouri, told Reuters that police appeared to outnumber the protesters. “We don’t need all these police. This is just free speech,” Street said shortly after a group of pro-Trump protesters left the area. “They are going to make people afraid.” Smaller demonstrations were held elsewhere in the downtown area. At least two protesters were seen carrying firearms. A group of people identifying themselves as “anti-gay Christians” shouted at a rival group. One person carried a sign that read, “Stop being a sinner and obey Jesus.” A speaker at an anti-Trump rally was arrested, but police said it was unrelated to the campaign. One protest leader, Kait McIntyre, 27, said organizers from her group had sought permission for weeks to march outside the protest zone and only recently received it from the city. “We wanted to get within sight and sound of the actual convention. We wanted our voices heard,” she said.;July 18, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Gun Industry Has NO SHAME In Their PATHETIC Scheme To Get Silencers To Everyone;While one could argue that the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution grants the ability to own firearms to every citizen, one must also remember that within that Second Amendment, which arms the militias as stipulated in Article 1 Section 8, these militias are to be well regulated. The Second Amendment is not limitless, just as the First Amendment is not limitless. There are limits to speech and religion when it causes harm to others, just as it should be with the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms. It should also be noted that the militias were to be formed and armed to be used by the government, not against (see also: Whiskey Rebellion).However, the gun industry alongside the gun lobby continuously seeks to change the meaning behind the Second Amendment to suit their needs and desire to make more profit. In their latest scheme at lobbying Congress, gun advocates are asking Congress to repeal a Depression-era law that requires a months-long screening process for silencer buyers. You know, because people need to make their guns quieter.Oh, but they don t call them silencers, they call them suppressors, and their reasoning for the need to get them to everyone is pure gold. Apparently, not only hunters need them, but so does everyone else to protect from hearing loss. Yep, you read that correctly, the gun industry is trying to rebrand these suppressors as hearing-protection accessories. Republican Congressman Matt Salmon, from the great state of Arizona, who is clearly bought and paid for by the gun lobby, stated: If we have something that mitigates that kind of hearing loss, we ought to be encouraging it. How about less gun use. Or is that too obvious?Salmon s law, called the Hearing Protection Act, seeks to remove sound suppressors from regulation under the National Firearms Act (NFA), leaving them to be treated as ordinary firearms subject to the usual NICS check and Form 4473 for dealer sales. Common sense Democratic State Rep. Joe Mullery from Minnesota, said: What legitimate reason does a person have to be wandering around the streets of a big city with a silencer? None. There is no reason anyone should have a silencer unless they are in the military and need one for a specific task.And as the gun industry likes to point out that there aren t very many crimes committed with suppressors, they fail to realize that it s probably because they aren t regularly available and are harder to get, as they should be. That s the whole point. Thanks for making it for us. Now, if we could only do that for all guns. In Augusta, Maine, police chief Robert Gregoire said silencer-equipped gunshots may sound further away than a typical gunshot, making it hard to track hunters in unauthorized areas. Also, he now cannot block silencer sales for residents he suspects may not use them responsibly.A hunter himself, Gregoire said he saw little reason to encourage silencer use. I don t think they re necessary for home protection and I don t think they re necessary for hunting, he said. source: The GuardianYet, Congressman Salmon, alongside 51 supporters of his Hearing Protection Act, are fighting alongside the NRA and the gun lobby to make silencers readily available for all guns and gun purchasers. Which isn t so much for the betterment of gun owners and society, but rather for the profit margins of the gun industry.It s sick, it s sad, and it s unnecessary.Featured image via Timothy Tsul (flickr);March 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OH BOY! TARGET CUSTOMERS RESPOND TO THE NEW GENDER NEUTRAL TOY LABELING;Oh boy! Target customers are hot under the collar on this pc move to give toys gender neutrality. Angry customers are ditching Target and have been very vocal about their displeasure on social media: @thehill so now being PC is more important than helping customers. No more Target shopping for me Target is bringing Americans one step closer to a gender-neutral society. The department store chain announced what it called something exciting Friday. After some customers complained about certain toys being designated as appropriate for girls, it is doing away with signs denoting gender classifications. Over the past year, guests have raised important questions about a handful of signs in our stores that offer product suggestions based on gender, according to Target s online publication, A Bullseye View. Toys no longer will be labeled according to sex and displayed on either pink or blue shelving. Gender-neutral signage also will appear in the children s bedding section. The only place gender labels will remain is in the children s clothing department.The gender-labeling brouhaha began last June when Target customer and Ohio mother Abi Bechtel snapped a photo of Target signage indicating Building Sets and Girls Building Sets and tweeted it to the chain along with a stern message. It stood out to me as a good example of the way our culture tends to view boys and men as the default, normal option, and girls and women as the specialized option, Bechtel told CNN.Maybe that particular sign was a bit ridiculous, but it certainly didn t require eliminating all gender classifications to correct it.Oddly, Target said that we use signs and displays specially designed to help guests get through the store efficiently, and signs that sort by brand, age or gender help them get ideas and find things faster. So, the answer is to remove signs that help customers get through the store efficiently ?Read more: BIZ PAC REVIEW;Aug 13, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Iowa Racist: I Beat That Man Because I’m ‘Allergic To Black People’ (VIDEO);With the rise of Donald Trump, America s racists are coming out of the woodwork in droves. They are also becoming increasingly violent. Yet another incident of racist violence comes to us from Iowa City, Iowa, where a man wearing a surgical mask attacked a black man. Authorities were called to the scene due to a fight, only to find out it was a racist attack.The attacker, Andy Benavidez, 47, told police that the attack was racially motivated. Benavidez hurled racist epithets at his victim, all the while physically assaulting him. The most bizarre part of all was, of course, the surgical mask, and the suspect informed police that the reason for his wearing it was so that he wouldn t be contaminated by black people germs.Benavidez is facing assault charges for his crime, and thanks to the fact that he has admitted that he did it because he is a flaming racist, a hate crime charge will be attached as well.This sort of thing will only get worse as people are given cause to spew their hatred and lash out in violence. It will only be a matter of time before this is a regular and even expected occurrence.Watch a local news report on the attack below:Featured image via video screen capture from CBS 2 Iowa;March 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Virginia governor vetoes bill to label books 'sexually explicit' in schools;RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - Virginia’s governor vetoed a bill on Monday that would have made the state the first in the country to require that parents be notified if students were assigned readings labeled “sexually explicit.” A mother’s objection to Toni Morrison’s novel “Beloved” being taught in her son’s classroom helped spur the legislation that would have given parents more control over classroom materials. “This requirement lacks flexibility and would require the label of ‘sexually explicit’ to apply to an artistic work based on a single scene, without further context,” Governor Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, said in a statement. The bill passed the Republican-controlled legislature by votes of 77-21 in the House of Delegates and 22-17 in the Senate. That would not be enough to override McAuliffe’s veto, which would require a two-thirds vote in each chamber. The measure would have made Virginia the first U.S. state to mandate that schools notify parents if teachers planned to use the labeled materials, according to the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom. McAuliffe said the Virginia Board of Education was studying the issue, focusing on existing local policies and potential state policies. The measure had been opposed by a number of free speech groups, including the American Library Association and the National Coalition Against Censorship. The novel by Morrison, a Nobel laureate, is the story of a runaway slave who kills her 2-year-old daughter to save her from a life in slavery. “Beloved” won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1988. The American Library Association has it on a list of banned or challenged classics. Virginia House Speaker William Howell, a Republican who was among the bill’s sponsors, said he was unaware of McAuliffe’s veto and had no reaction. “I have to see what his veto message said,” he said.;April 4, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: What Mississippi Just Passed Isn’t Only Ridiculously Anti-LGBT, It’s Anti-Premarital Sex;"Across the nation, mainly the South, there have been a number of religious freedom laws popping up. Now, religious freedom is actually code for freedom to discriminate against gay people as it once was freedom to discriminate against black people not too long ago.The state of Mississippi just passed one of the most discriminatory bills yet, but titled it Religious Liberty Accommodations Act. Which, is pretty accurate considering the state is trying to accommodate religious bigots and their discrimination. The bill HB 1523 has yet to be signed by Republican Gov. Phil Bryant, but knowing his religious liberty history, he ll undoubtedly put pen to paper.Now, the bill itself is pretty damn blunt in its hatred towards the LGBT community. It states: The Mississippi Legislature finds the following:(a) Leading legal scholars concur that conflicts between same-sex marriage and religious liberty are real and should be addressed through legislation;(b) After the legalization of same-sex marriage, religious adoption and foster care agencies in Massachusetts, Illinois and the District of Columbia were forced to close because of their sincerely held religious beliefs about marriage etc. etc. First of all, who are these asshole legal scholars who clearly got their degree at Liberty University or somewhere similar.What is pretty damn interesting is the fact that the bill doesn t only attack the rights of the LGBT community, it also goes after heterosexual couples who aren t married yet. It stipulates that sex should only be between a man and a woman after marriage. The sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions protected by this act are the belief or conviction that:(a) Marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman;(b) Sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage; and(c) Male (man) or female (woman) refer to an individual s immutable biological sex as objectively determined by anatomy and genetics at time of birth. Yikes! There goes any and all premarital sex. I wonder how heterosexual people will feel with government entering into their bedrooms. So much for being anti-big government. This pretty much takes the cake on an infringement of personal rights all across the board. Not only does is purposefully discriminate against the LGBT community by taking away equal access, it also infringes upon the freedom of straight people to have sex before marriage.Last time I checked, the Bible isn t the Constitution, but hey . religious freedom amiright?!Featured Photo by M. McKeown/Express/Getty Images";March 31, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BEST EXPLANATION EVER Of Why NFL Chose “Pop-Stars” Lady Gaga And Beyonce As America’s #Superbowl Half-Time Acts [VIDEO]; Our moral fabric is irreparably damaged Watch:;Feb 5, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. warns Russia against interfering with Western politics;OXFORD, England (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Wednesday warned Russia against interfering with Western “democratic processes” and accused Moscow of aggressive behaviour aimed at eroding the international order. Carter’s remarks follow hacking attacks on Democratic Party organisations in the run-up to the U.S. election on Nov. 8, some of which U.S. officials and cyber security experts have blamed on hackers working for the Russian government. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has blamed Russia and expressed concern about possible Russian interference in the election. The Kremlin has denied involvement in the hacks. “We don’t seek an enemy in Russia. But make no mistake – we will defend our allies, the principled international order, and the positive future it affords all of us,” Carter said in an address to students at Oxford University. “We will counter attempts to undermine our collective security. And we will not ignore attempts to interfere with our democratic processes.” Pressed by reporters, Carter said his concerns were not about “the United States only” but did not offer specifics, nor did he indicate whether he was referring to the hacking attacks, but he said that the NATO alliance has long worried about Russian meddling in other nations’ domestic affairs. U.S. Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and has called on Moscow to dig up tens of thousands of “missing” emails from Clinton’s time as head of the U.S. State Department. He later said his comments were meant to be sarcastic. Relations between Russia and United States hit a post-Cold War low in 2014 over the Ukraine crisis, and Washington and Moscow have since clashed over diverging policies in Syria. Carter sounded a pessimistic tone on diplomatic efforts between the two to try to agree a ceasefire and nudge the Syrian government towards a political transition to end the conflict. “Today’s news out of Syria is not encouraging. The choice is Russia’s to make ... and the consequences will be its responsibility,” he said. On another front, U.S. officials said a Russian fighter jet carried out an “unsafe and unprofessional” intercept of a U.S. spy plane over the Black Sea on Wednesday. Citing Russia’s “unprofessional behaviour” in the air, space and cyberspace, Carter said: “Russia appears driven by misguided ambitions and misplaced fears.” “It lashes out, alleging that it fears for its own viability and future, even though no nation - not the United States, not the United Kingdom - seeks to defeat it or constrain its potential,” he said.;September 7, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End