### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''concluding slide of transform-hf, with discussion by . #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''concluding thoughts in transform-hf by discussant at #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''excuse me, dr was moderator of prominent trial. with as discussant. triple #womenincardiology powerhouse on stage today for this trial! #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''and here are the results of dcp, there was no difference in bp or major cv outcomes with chlorthalidone compared to hctz. there has more hypokalemia with chlorthalidone. #aha22 2/3 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalidone in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''and here are the results of dcp, there was no difference in bp or major cv outcomes with chlorthalidone compared to hctz. there has more hypokalemia with chlorthalidone. #aha22 2/3 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalidone in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''concern for increased renal adverse events & vte with pemafibrate. and prominent concluding slides. now published in . #aha22 thread 5/5 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''concern for increased renal adverse events & vte with pemafibrate. and prominent concluding slides. now published in . #aha22 thread 5/5 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ironman : can t wait to hear present #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term aric in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''dr eric broni presents his study on cumulative weight, adipokines, and prevalent hypertension from aric study. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term aric in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term mesa in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''aha sfrn #cardiometabolic fellow from stands in for 1st author eric broni to present our study from mesa about #adipokines & risk of incident #vte. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term mesa in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent trial main results. pemafibrate did not reduce major cardiovascular outcomes, no benefit in any subgroup. #aha22 thread 4/5 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent trial main results. pemafibrate did not reduce major cardiovascular outcomes, no benefit in any subgroup. #aha22 thread 4/5 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent trial. here are baseline characteristics slides, 96% on background statins. and the change in tgs & tgrls. #aha22 . thread 3/5 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent trial. here are design slides. #aha22 thread 2/5 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''more slides about transform-hf by . #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' late-breaking science: dcri faculty presents primary results of the transform-hf trial 1 5 minutes from now in main event i #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term PROGRESSIVE-AF in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''PROGRESSIVE-AF first-line ablation initial aad for afib shows lower progression to persistent afib 1.9% 7.4% lower af burden better 3 yr qol by 2 scores hospitalisation 5.2% vs.16.8% rrr 69% cardioversions ns #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term PROGRESSIVE-AF in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term NODE-301 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''NODE-301 : rapid #aha22 phase 3 study etripamil nasal ca channel block in svt at primary endpoint = psvt conversion to nsr at 30 min effective: by 30min 64.3% converted 31.2% placebo er avoided in pooled analysis:22% placebo 14% etripamil: nnt 13 to avoid er safe:ae mild '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term NODE-301 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term enhance-af in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''enhance-af decision aide #digital #tool designed for low #healthliteracy pts using #designthinking teaches pts iteratively about #oacs afib for stroke risk shows better decision making explaining #oac need in afib takes time, pt education;may factor in #pharmoequity #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term enhance-af in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term nova in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''nova phase 2 dose finding study of #botox for prevention of post-op #afib finds no significant difference in the two #botox doses placebo trend toward 125 unit dose effect in pts isolated cabg or age>65 #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term nova in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term sport in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''sport important for #publichealth rosuvastatin 5 mg ldl-c more than placebo, fish oil, cinnamon, garlic,turmeric, plant sterols,& red yeast rice ldl-c 37.86% w rosuva 5mg c/w placebo p<0.001 similar adverse event rates #evidencebasedmedicine #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term sport in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term best-CLI in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''best-CLI : #aha22 #clti many amputation events happened early on in this study, with high major amputation rate 10+% at 6 months in endo group & 1% mortality w/in 30 days of endo & if patients did not have adequate saphenous vein no dif b/w sx & endo '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term best-CLI in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term CTS-AMI in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''CTS-AMI : tongxinluo txl chinese herb (10 active ingredients that affect no reflow,endothelial fxn ) rct of stemi in despite 5 hour dtbt primary endpoint met 36% rrr of 30d mortality driven by cv death reduction w few strokes/mi no safety issues found #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term CTS-AMI in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' cv death did not reach significance in either AFFIRM-AHF or ironman & the composite endpoints also missed being significant (hf hospitalizations/cv death) p=.07 in #ironman & p=.06 in #affirm #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term AFFIRM-AHF in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' cv death did not reach significance in either AFFIRM-AHF or ironman & the composite endpoints also missed being significant (hf hospitalizations/cv death) p=.07 in #ironman & p=.06 in #affirm #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term AFFIRM-AHF in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term RESPECT-EPA in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''RESPECT-EPA secondary prevention #epa 1800mg/d non mineral oil controls shows non significant p=.05 trend for benefit for #epa with 21% in primary outcomes, underpowered w ~ 2500 pts(not enough cv events) in afib & gi symptoms but no bleeding #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term RESPECT-EPA in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term stress in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''stress trial neutral 30% were neonates w low co subgroup analysis shows trend for benefit in lower complexity operations ,longer cpb, not premature patients pragmatic trial w/in a registry steroids to reduce systemic inflammation after infant heart sx?answer still yes #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term stress in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ecmo-cs in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ecmo-cs neutral #rct of immediate ecmo with cs stage d-e conservative rx shows early ecmo implantation no added benefit but 23/127 crossed over to downstream ecmo( one of the primary endpts) complex patients- took 8 yrs to enroll 127 patients '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ecmo-cs in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term empa-kidney in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''empa-kidney summary results from #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term empa-kidney in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term COACH in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''COACH cluster randomized~5k pts w acute chf to ehmr30-st risk algorithm (risk score/rapid hf clinic controls no intervention primary outcomes or cv re 12% risk reduction (hr .88) secondary outcomes hf hospitalizations 16%(hr.84) #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term COACH in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pro-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pro-hf quality improvement study tests kccq-12 (4 domains) accuracy b/w clinicians & patient pro delivery kccq-12 implementation 8 questions asked to clinicians & also surveyed pts agreement b/w clinician & pts based on nyha class better clinician prediction of pt health #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pro-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term CRISPR-ATTR in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''phase 1 cm arm of CRISPR-ATTR in vivo crispr/cas9 gene editor & guide sgrna ntla-2001 based on data circulating precursor ttr protein assoc w better survival 12 patients: median age 75 all men, well tolerated most ae mild 93% ttr by 28d in all pts at .7 & 1 mg/kg dose #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term CRISPR-ATTR in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term CRISPR-ATTR in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''join us now main event i #aha22 #lbts CRISPR-ATTR editing in amyloidosis first-in-human in vivo coach health system intervention for chf pro-hf patient-reported outcome measurement in heart failure clinic ironman: iv ferric hfref '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term CRISPR-ATTR in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''join us now main event i #aha22 #lbts CRISPR-ATTR editing in amyloidosis first-in-human in vivo coach health system intervention for chf pro-hf patient-reported outcome measurement in heart failure clinic ironman: iv ferric hfref '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ironman in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''dcp open label study for htn chlorthalidone hydrochlorothiazide (95% on 25 mg) in mostly men(97%) in neutral primary outcome hr 1.01 only 1 pre specified subgroup with prior stroke/mi had a significant p value .035 #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term dcp in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalidone in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''dcp open label study for htn chlorthalidone hydrochlorothiazide (95% on 25 mg) in mostly men(97%) in neutral primary outcome hr 1.01 only 1 pre specified subgroup with prior stroke/mi had a significant p value .035 #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalidone in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ocean(a)-dose in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ocean(a)-dose ; SHASTA-2 ; ARCHES-2 : today we announced new clinical data on our investigational #rnai cardiometabolic medicines aro-apoc3, aro-ang3, & s olpasiran at #aha22. don t forget to tune in to our analyst and investor event on nov 9. more: $arwr '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ocean(a)-dose in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term SHASTA-2 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ocean(a)-dose ; SHASTA-2 ; ARCHES-2 : today we announced new clinical data on our investigational #rnai cardiometabolic medicines aro-apoc3, aro-ang3, & s olpasiran at #aha22. don t forget to tune in to our analyst and investor event on nov 9. more: $arwr '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term SHASTA-2 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ARCHES-2 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ocean(a)-dose ; SHASTA-2 ; ARCHES-2 : today we announced new clinical data on our investigational #rnai cardiometabolic medicines aro-apoc3, aro-ang3, & s olpasiran at #aha22. don t forget to tune in to our analyst and investor event on nov 9. more: $arwr '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ARCHES-2 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent randomized >10k pts 1/4 women to pemafibrate .2mg bid for high triglycerides 200-499 or hdl <=40 in dm2 (no dm1) placebo neutral primary endpoint hr 1.03 no dif in pre specified subgroups renal adverse,v embolism nalfd #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''prominent randomized >10k pts 1/4 women to pemafibrate .2mg bid for high triglycerides 200-499 or hdl <=40 in dm2 (no dm1) placebo neutral primary endpoint hr 1.03 no dif in pre specified subgroups renal adverse,v embolism nalfd #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' discusses prominent #aha22 - in the statin era,no cv benefit with fibrates( with ldl controlled- in prominent trial median was 78) '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term prominent in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term empa-kidney in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''empa-kidney: among a wide range of patients w/ ckd who were at risk for disease progression, empagliflozin therapy led to a lower risk of progression of kidney disease or death from cv causes (vs. placebo) ca. 2022 from #kidneywk #aha22 #nephpearls '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term empa-kidney in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term empagliflozin in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''empa-kidney: among a wide range of patients w/ ckd who were at risk for disease progression, empagliflozin therapy led to a lower risk of progression of kidney disease or death from cv causes (vs. placebo) ca. 2022 from #kidneywk #aha22 #nephpearls '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term empagliflozin in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term EMPA-KIDNEY in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''EMPA-KIDNEY ; DELIVER ; SCORED : sglt2 inhibitors have a role in modifying risk of kidney disease progression & aki in those w/ type 2 dm at cv risk, and also in those w/ ckd or heart failure irrespective of diabetes status, primary kidney disease, or kidney function ca. 2022 #aha22 #kidneywk #nephpearls '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term EMPA-KIDNEY in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term DELIVER in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''EMPA-KIDNEY ; DELIVER ; SCORED : sglt2 inhibitors have a role in modifying risk of kidney disease progression & aki in those w/ type 2 dm at cv risk, and also in those w/ ckd or heart failure irrespective of diabetes status, primary kidney disease, or kidney function ca. 2022 #aha22 #kidneywk #nephpearls '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term DELIVER in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term SCORED in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''EMPA-KIDNEY ; DELIVER ; SCORED : sglt2 inhibitors have a role in modifying risk of kidney disease progression & aki in those w/ type 2 dm at cv risk, and also in those w/ ckd or heart failure irrespective of diabetes status, primary kidney disease, or kidney function ca. 2022 #aha22 #kidneywk #nephpearls '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term SCORED in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term DELIVER in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''DELIVER , SCORED : sglt2 inhibitors have a role in modifying risk of kidney disease progression & aki in those w/ type 2 dm at cv risk, and also in those w/ ckd or heart failure irrespective of diabetes status, primary kidney disease, or kidney function ca. 2022 #aha22 #kidneywk #nephpearls '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term DELIVER in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term SCORED in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''DELIVER , SCORED : sglt2 inhibitors have a role in modifying risk of kidney disease progression & aki in those w/ type 2 dm at cv risk, and also in those w/ ckd or heart failure irrespective of diabetes status, primary kidney disease, or kidney function ca. 2022 #aha22 #kidneywk #nephpearls '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term SCORED in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ecmo-cs in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#aha22: read this review of the primary results from the multicenter, randomized ecmo-cs by still no clarification on standardized definitions for escalation of therapy. #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ecmo-cs in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term reduce-it in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' despite being underpowered, and while one can quibble about the p value, looks like it had a real benefit, consistent with both JELIS and reduce-it. the curves appear to separate in a plausible way. good ldl control, and importantly, the average triglycerides were normal!'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term reduce-it in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term JELIS in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' despite being underpowered, and while one can quibble about the p value, looks like it had a real benefit, consistent with both JELIS and reduce-it. the curves appear to separate in a plausible way. good ldl control, and importantly, the average triglycerides were normal!'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term JELIS in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term reduce-it in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' despite being underpowered, and while one can quibble about the p value, looks like it had a real benefit, consistent with both jelis and reduce-it. the curves appear to separate in a plausible way. good ldl control, and importantly, the average triglycerides were normal!'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term reduce-it in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term JELIS in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' despite being underpowered, and while one can quibble about the p value, looks like it had a real benefit, consistent with both jelis and reduce-it. the curves appear to separate in a plausible way. good ldl control, and importantly, the average triglycerides were normal!'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term JELIS in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term reduce-it in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' , my parents are cvd patients and received this from their healthcare provider . how is this not infringing on reduce-it patents. icosapent ethyl does not have a cvd label, vascepa does! '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term reduce-it in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term EMPA-HEART 2 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''EMPA-HEART 2 : presented by dr. subodh verma at #aha22: empagliflozin and left ventricular remodeling in people without diabetes: primary results of the empa-heart 2 cardiolink-7 randomized clinical trial #cardiology #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term EMPA-HEART 2 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term empagliflozin in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''EMPA-HEART 2 : presented by dr. subodh verma at #aha22: empagliflozin and left ventricular remodeling in people without diabetes: primary results of the empa-heart 2 cardiolink-7 randomized clinical trial #cardiology #cardiotwitter '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term empagliflozin in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' advor ; transform-hf : time to start thinking about a "diuretic session" for the next french hf congress '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' advor ; transform-hf : time to start thinking about a "diuretic session" for the next french hf congress '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ORION-9 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ORION-9 ; ORION-10 ; ORION-11 : inclisiran and cardiovascular events: a patient level analysis of phase iii trials #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ORION-9 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ORION-10 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ORION-9 ; ORION-10 ; ORION-11 : inclisiran and cardiovascular events: a patient level analysis of phase iii trials #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ORION-10 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ORION-11 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''ORION-9 ; ORION-10 ; ORION-11 : inclisiran and cardiovascular events: a patient level analysis of phase iii trials #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ORION-11 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term axadia-afnet 8 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#justpublished: #aha22 #circaha22 a randomized controlled trial comparing apixaban to the vitamin k-antagonist phenprocoumon in patients on chronic hemodialysis - the axadia-afnet 8 study '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term axadia-afnet 8 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term apixaban in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#justpublished: #aha22 #circaha22 a randomized controlled trial comparing apixaban to the vitamin k-antagonist phenprocoumon in patients on chronic hemodialysis - the axadia-afnet 8 study '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term apixaban in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term OCEAN(a)-DOSE in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''congrats - just amazing data on olpasiran, OCEAN(a)-DOSE! $arwr delivers again, this time with a cv drug grand-slam. $amgn must be thrilled with their partner choice. looking forward to aro-apoc3 and aro-ang3 tomorrow to complete the trifecta. easily the talk of #aha22 #rnai '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term OCEAN(a)-DOSE in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term olpasiran in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''congrats - just amazing data on olpasiran, OCEAN(a)-DOSE! $arwr delivers again, this time with a cv drug grand-slam. $amgn must be thrilled with their partner choice. looking forward to aro-apoc3 and aro-ang3 tomorrow to complete the trifecta. easily the talk of #aha22 #rnai '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term olpasiran in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term precision in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''precision : omg! we have a new bp medication after 2 decades ! and for resistant ht - really meticulous study design aprocitentan in #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term precision in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term BrigHTN in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''BrigHTN : and the aldo synthase inhibitor also #baxdrostat in resistant ht - dose dependent effect #aha22 at this rate we need a #hypertensionjc '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term BrigHTN in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term SPYRAL HTN-ON MED in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''not much discussion of spyral htn on final results of SPYRAL HTN-ON MED presented today at #aha22 bottom line: primary outcome fail 6.5 mmhg 24-hr systolic abpm reduction in the rdn group versus 4.5 mmhg in the control group (treatment difference of -1.9 mmhg, p=0.119) '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term SPYRAL HTN-ON MED in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term axadia-afnet 8 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''renal-AF finally published #aha22 smaller than expected enrolment now for axadia-afnet 8 in a few minutes cc '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term axadia-afnet 8 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term renal-AF in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''renal-AF finally published #aha22 smaller than expected enrolment now for axadia-afnet 8 in a few minutes cc '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term renal-AF in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term axadia-afnet 8 in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''and here is axadia-afnet 8 also in also underpowered #aha22 what do we do now? '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term axadia-afnet 8 in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term affirm-ahf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' in the early 2000s there was a lot of talk of the cardio-renal-anemia syndrome and people tried esas in heart failure it was probably all about the iron instead? #aha22 #kidneywk, affirm-ahf'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term affirm-ahf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term ECMO-CS in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' congratulation to the authors on this investigator initiated study,ECMO-CS. it shows the the complexity of this area where it took 8 years to enroll 122 patients. we clearly need more data to confirm what is best for the cs patient. #aha22 #cardiotwitter'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term ECMO-CS in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term FOURIER-OLE in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' congrats on your presentation of FOURIER-OLE !'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term FOURIER-OLE in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#aha22 transform-hf: torsemide comparison with furosemide formanagement of heart failure similar efficacy of torsemide versus furosemide strategy for all cause and total in patients hospitalized for hf success of decongestion, disease specific cv or hf outcomes '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#aha22 transform-hf: torsemide comparison with furosemide formanagement of heart failure similar efficacy of torsemide versus furosemide strategy for all cause and total in patients hospitalized for hf success of decongestion, disease specific cv or hf outcomes '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term torsemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#aha22 transform-hf: torsemide comparison with furosemide formanagement of heart failure similar efficacy of torsemide versus furosemide strategy for all cause and total in patients hospitalized for hf success of decongestion, disease specific cv or hf outcomes '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term furosemide in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term shep in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#aha22 #shep trial chlorthalidone did not major cv outcomes or non-cancer vs hctz at doses commonly used in clinical practice (ctd 12.5mg/hctz 25mg) '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term shep in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term victorion-inception in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#aha22 ldl-c- effects of inclisiran + usual care vs usual care alone in with recent for an acs: #victorion-inception ongoing trial planned to complete in 2024 assess the effectiveness of inclisiran + usual care for the management of with ldl-c post-acs '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term victorion-inception in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term strong-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#strong-hf #aha22 rapid up-titration of hf under close follow-up (exam, nt-probnp): is effective full dose at 90d: bb 49%vs4% raasi 55%vs2% mra 84%vs 46% is safe (similar saes) 44% rr hfre all-cause patients' qol '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term strong-hf in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term EMPEROR-Preserved in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#hfpef vs hfmref in EMPEROR-Preserved via sd.anker #aha22 empagliflozin in hfpef>50% cv/ hf (rrr 17%) first hf (rrr 22%) kccq-ccs slope decline egfr rate over time '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term EMPEROR-Preserved in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term empagliflozin in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''#hfpef vs hfmref in EMPEROR-Preserved via sd.anker #aha22 empagliflozin in hfpef>50% cv/ hf (rrr 17%) first hf (rrr 22%) kccq-ccs slope decline egfr rate over time '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term empagliflozin in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalidone in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''despite the theoretical benefits & prelim data, among patients on hctz, switch to chlorthalidone vs staying on hctz didnt change cv prognosis #aha22'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term chlorthalidone in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''pemafibrate lowered tg but increased ldl-c leading to an overall *null* apob-effect. resoundingly clear- it s all about apob-lowering for addressing atherogenic lipoprotein-related risk #aha22'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term COACH in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''coach: among pts presenting to the ed with acute hf, a point-of-care algorithm (stratifying risk of death for outpt or inpt triage) improved risk for death or cv hospitalization w/in 30d (hr 0.88) #aha22'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term COACH in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term CRISPR-ATTR in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''exciting ph1 data from for in vivo crispr gene editing of ttr in patients with attr amyloid cardiomyopathy: >90% lowering of ttr serum reduction over 4-6mo #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term CRISPR-ATTR in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''as we saw from the earlier press release, now presented #aha22 and published - no cv event reduction from pemafibrate v placebo '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term pemafibrate in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term PRECISE in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''precise summary results from #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term PRECISE in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' even a bigger bucket (dose) wont help this guy. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is negative
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term stress in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''great session on lbct on #intervention & #surgery #aha22 #stresstrial '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term stress in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term empa-kidney in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''large empa-kidney meta-analysis highlights safety/efficacy of #sglt2 inhibitors in reducing risk of kidney disease progression, acute kidney injury, cv death & #heartfailure hospitalization in patients w/ #ckd or hf, irrespective of #diabetes status #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term empa-kidney in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term deliver in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''an incredible pleasure to present these data on covid-19 in #deliver at scientific sessions. thank you to the entire deliver team, especially for his ever-constant support. '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term deliver in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''Transform-HF: so basically there is no difference!'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term transform-hf in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''the best-cli trial showed among pts w/ clti in whom both surgical & endovascular interventions were feasible, #cvsurg #revasc w/ great saphenous venous conduit was superior to endovascular intervention in reducing major adverse limb events or death. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term best-cli in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' Advor: this is beautiful physiology! congratulations my friend!'''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term advor in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term OCEAN(a)-DOSE in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''OCEAN(a)-DOSE trial has olpasiran which leads to >95% reduction in lp(a) at higher doses through rna interference! effects were sustained over 3 months. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term OCEAN(a)-DOSE in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term olpasiran in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''OCEAN(a)-DOSE trial has olpasiran which leads to >95% reduction in lp(a) at higher doses through rna interference! effects were sustained over 3 months. #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term olpasiran in the given tweet is positive
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term tongxinluo in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] '''rcts are the gold standard but they should not go unquestioned esp with an implausible large effect, wide ci & an unknown biological mechanism what active ingredient(s) in tongxinluo (mix of herbs & insects) that can explain a 30% in cv death at 30 day post ami? #aha22 '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term tongxinluo in the given tweet is neutral
### Instruction: What sentiment polarity is expressed regarding the given aspect term triglyceride in the given tweet delimited by triple quotes? Answer from the options [\"positive\", \"negative\", \"neutral\"] ''' triglyceride lowering w/ #pemafibrate to reduce cardiovascular risk no benefit #aha22 #cardiotwitter #cardioed '''### Response: The sentiment polarity expressed regarding the given aspect term triglyceride in the given tweet is neutral