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what's going boy's reaching a cookie jar . the the stool is falling over . the girl is holding her hand up for a cookies . and and then they wove in the picture mother the water is overflowing from the sink . she's drying dishes . she's looking out a window . water's on the floor . she's looking out the well there's the the the the curtains are pulled aside . there's dishes on the table . and you can see the grass outside in the yard . dish in her hand .
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in here look this this way ? well I really don't know because they haven't gotten things turned up right . not in this one . maybe under this right here . it's like a no it isn't . looks like this is a kind of thing that who whoever . she's cleaning . looking to see what they have so they can get it ready for bed I guess . I don't know . his hair is down . it's fallen down alot .
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the woman is wiping the dishes . she's standing in a puddle of water . if that's action I don't know . the sink is overflowing . doesn't seem to be anything going on outside that I can tell in the picture .
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well the boy is taking cookies outof the cookie jar while the the stool is ready to fall over . the girl is reaching for a cookie . the mother is looking out the window while the water runs over from the sink . she has wet feet standing in the water . that's the action that I see . well naturally the stool falls over the boy is going to fall on the floor .
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well the water's running over on the floor . the chair is tilting . the boy is into the cookie jar . and his sister is reaching for a cookie . the mother's drying dishes . do you want action or just want anything I see ?
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cookie jar . well the little boy's going up the the little boy went up on the little chair and he's half way coming down like though he's gonna fall down . and the little girl, they're trying to reach up that cookie jar . youknow he's he's the one that's trying to get the cookie jar . and the next thing I guess eventually he'll fall down because he's only on he's on two legs only out on the darn thing here youknow . and the mother or whatever she is, she's doing the dishes . she's already cleaning the dishes . see, and she's got everything on her own side . so now what else shall I do ? .
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mother's washing the dishes . the sink is overflowing with water . the child is falling off the stool as he gets cookies outof the cookie jar . the daughter is asking for her share . the curtains are probably blowing . the wind the wind's probably blowing . the window's open and the curtains are blowing . the she's getting her feet wet . she's wiping the dishes, drying the dishes . that's about it .
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we got a faucet turned on and water's overflowing from the sink onto the floor . grass is growing on the outside, trees are growing . no indication that wind is coming in the window or that the window's open so we can't say that it might be open because it might not be . and it looks like there's a mother there who's washing or drying dishes . and she's standing in the water . and Johnny over there is trying to take some cookies outof the cookie jar and he's falling off his little stool . and he's handing a cookie while he's falling to his sister I suppose who's reaching up to get it . and looks like she's also putting a finger in her nose . but maybe she's not . I think that's about all the action . Johnny ofcourse is reaching into the cookie jar .
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ready ? the boy is going after cookies in a cookie jar . he's standing on a stool that's tilting over . the girl is the little girl is laughing . the mother is washing dishes and the water is spilling over from the sink onto the floor . and the window is open . and she's drying the dishes evidently . and the curtains are open . and there's two cups and a saucer on the sink . and that is about all I can see .
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the boy and the girl are playing and he's gonna fall down off the ladder . and the mother's washing the dishes and it's flying out over the sink down to the floor . what else do you want me to tell you ? whatever you see happening . yeah that's it .
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well ? the girl is taking care of her dishwashing . and the boy he's getting up there to get the cookies cookie jar to give to the little girl . and the water is running down on the floor and the and where she had her dishes I guess . he's getting up and getting the cookie jar for her . he got her a cookie . the cookie jar he got her a cookie .
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there's a child reaching for a cookie . the chair is tilted . the girl is possibly moving her finger towards her mouth and reaching for a cookie . water's running outof the sink . the mother's drying dishes . somebody's gonna be screaming when the kid falls . I don't know if it's action but mom was standing in water . that's about all I see .
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oh I remember this one . this is great . this looks like a mama who is working at the sink . and actually what she's doing is looking outof the open window . it looks as though it's spring or summer outside and very pleasant . and she's sort of forgetting what she's doing and the water is running outof the sink and splashing down on the floor . she has a sleeveless dress and an apron on and she is drying a plate with a tea towel . the curtains are tie back curtains and it's a casement type window . on the counter we have two cups and a plate . below the counter we have a cupboard on each side of the sink and I can't see the handles where there's there probably is under the sink cupboard also . outsuhside the window there are grass and trees . the lady has short hair . she's medium height and slender . and she has slipon shoes with no ties or straps . while the mother is daydreaming looking out the window two children are getting into the cookie jar which is in a cupboard which is to our left as we face the picture . the little boy has climbed up on a three legged stool which is now tipping over as he reaches for the cookie jar which is on the second shelf . the lid is off . he has one cookie in his left hand which he is handing to his sister and he's reaching for another one with his right hand . the sister is reaching up to get the cookie . she has hair that is almost shoulder length and has a slight curl to it and she also has a summer short sleeve dress on with a short skirt . the boy looks as though he's dressed in sneakers and socks which are kindof sloppy . he has shorts and a short sleeved shirt on . the little girl has one strapped shoes with ankle socks . she's making a sign to her lips to say “shho” so he won't make any noise and let mother know that's what they're into . did I say they were tie back curtains they are at the window ? that's all I can see .
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the boy is standing on on a stepstool getting cookies outof the cookie jar and the stepstool is falling over . and the girl is standing there with her hands with her hand left hand up in the air waiting to get a cookie . the little girl's right hand seems to be up to her mouth in a in a signal to be quiet . mom has her back to the two . apparently it's mom has her back to the two children . and she's preoccupied with drying the dish drying a dish but she also seems to be looking out the window and doesn't isn't aware that the water is overflowing onto the floor and she's standing in a puddle of water . and there's a torrent of water falling outof the sink .
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well everything's going wrong ! well the stool is the the boy who's stealing a cookie for his sister or whoever she is is falling backwards . and the next thing the cookie which box will come down on the floor . the mother is drying the dishes while the sink runs over runs over and onto her feet . and she seems to be unaware of what's going on around her . and the the sister is asking for maybe one cookie or another cookie I don't know which from her brother . the mother is working in front of an open window . and I can't make out what it is . it looks like a flower bed . oh ! she's drying the dishes . washing the dishes . and the others stealing the cookies . and the stool is falling over .
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real action . reaching with an arm is that considered action ? okay reaching with an arm . finger on the face . the girl . cookie leaving the cookie jar . boy with cookie jar in other hand oh with cookie in each hand . standing on stool . but the stool's about to fall over . let's go to mother . the mother drying dishes . water overflowing onto the floor . action . well she's drying dishes . I did say that . the window's open . but that's not action . the curtains are blowing . let's say the curtain is blowing . that's it . it's how you define action I guess .
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the boy is in the cookie jar handing a cookie to his sister . mother is drying dishes . her sink is spilling over . the stool the boy is on is tilting . I said the sink's running over ? I think . no .
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I see a little girl telling her little brother to be quiet . and the little brother is falling off the stool while getting cookies . the mother is drying a plate . and the sink is overflowing . she can I can see out the window . that's not an action . no more action .
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kid's gonna fall on fall off the stool getting cookies outof the jar that his sister's holding her finger up telling him don't talk and she wants a cookie . and the water's running over in the sink . and the mother's standing in the water . she's drying the dishes . and let's see . what do you what else you wanted to see ? you wanna see what's wrong with the picture ? oh and the window's open . and she's drying the dishes . she has her back to the kids . the cupboard's open . little girl's telling him not to talk to much and I guess she's not to tell on them . and that's about what else is there you're gonna find out in that picture ? I don't see anything off out in the yard . guess it's the summer and the grass is growing and bushes look like they're growing . it looks like a towel . I don't understand the towel situation . it looks like half oh no that's the other part of the curtain . that's
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I see a young boy falling off a stool stealing cookies . the mother drying dishes . the sink overflowing . a little girl saying be quiet to her brother ready to accept a cookie .
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yeah I see the woman's in a kitchen . and now it looks like she's I I I can't really pick it out but oh and there's a g???lu girl here talking and a b???lu boy I assume on this side here . and this is a highchair here or some kind of a chair . and I don't know what this is here . I can't see what that is . oh there's another . did I talk about this girl up here ? she's I can't see too plain what she's doing . oh yes I think so . where was she ? this girl ? I really can't see what she's doing . no I don't . yeah, that's awfully hard for me to distinguish .
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mother's drying the dishes . Junior's in the cookie jar handing a cookie to his little sister . the water's spilling out of the sink . the window is open . the door to the cupboard where the cookie jar is open and the the top of the cookie jar is off . cookie jar is quite full . mother has two cups and a dish on the sink . looks like a nice day . action we're looking for action . the kitchen stool that Junior's on is about ready to fall over . what else do we have ? that's all the action I see . oh Sissy is holding her finger up to her mouth like don't make any noise or mother will turn around . I I've already said he's reaching a cookie to her and going for another one just before the stool falls down . his socks are drooping . does that count ? I don't see anything outside . the curtains don't look like they're blowing or anything . mother's just standing looking . she's gonna get her feet wet in a minute .
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you mean like the woman doing the dishes and the water running out of the in the sink . little boy is getting in the cookie jar . the stool is falling over . little girl wants one . hmhunh no . the dishes sitting on the sink . and the window . the grass and stuff outside . the woman has an apron on . I don't know where everything I don't see anything else on that .
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I can go around and find em for you . what do you want here ? everything what ? what could happen ? what is happening ? he's stealing cookies . she's helping him . the mother is drying dishes . she's washing washing . the water is running . he's gonna fall off that chair . he's gonna break his leg . look at it . I wanna kill you . ah ! he's doing the wrong thing though . she's got her hand out there and he's trying to give her something or he's gonna fall of that chair . he'll be be picking that up pieces . what else you want ? that's all that's going on that's all that I see .
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can I start ? there is a boy on the stool . the stool is tipping over . the boy is taking cookies outof the jar . the cupboard is open . the girl is saying putting her finger to her mouth and also putting her hand out for a cookie . the mother is washing dishes . water is spilling over from the sink onto the floor . and the the window is open, the drapes are open . there's two cups and a saucer on the sink . and the she is stepping on the water on the floor . and she is drying the dishes . and she is looking outside at the wow at the shrubbery . the boy is handing the girl a cookie . that is all .
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this boy is about to fall off of the stool . the mother is washing dishes and the water's spilling over on the kitchen floor . the wind is blowing the curtains . the little girl is laughing at her brother who's taking a cookie outof the cookie jar . think that's it .
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are you counting them ? well the mother's drying dishes . and she let the water run over . and the little one's got the cookie jar . and the little boy almost fell off the they had a stool . and she had couple dishes, a couple cups and a plate . the little ones didn't have anything . she's drying the dishes . and her water the water run over . huhuh .
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all of the things that I see going on ? well the boy is stealing a cookie . he's standing on the stool which is tipping over . the girl is asking for cookies . the lady is doing the dishes . the sink is flowing over . and as far as action goes I think that's about all . she's standing in a puddle of water . and the window is open . and grass and things are outside . a boy is handing the girl a cookie . girl is picking her nose I guess . I don't know what she's doing .
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the little boy's take getting in the cookie jar . his mom's is mom is washing the dishes and drying them . oh somebody let the water run over . and the little boy is going to get killed if he doesn't get up off there . and then there's a little girl . I'll take the cookie jar .
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kid trying to get into the cookie jar . and he missed the thing . and he still isn't going out for them . and his sister whoever it is has has caught him at it . and he's gonna hafta do the dishes because his mother can't let him go scotfree . and ofcourse the water's pouring outof the sink onto the floor already . she didn't even take the plug out . well there's there's other colors here . and, it isn't the first time this man has done this . he been doing it all his life but his mother didn't find out until she was big enough to walk .
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well I see the mother . what's she doing ? pouring the the faucet down on the floor . she got yeah she got that running on the floor . she's wiping the dishes . and the little boy's gonna break his neck trying to get into the cookie jar . and the little girl's yelling for more . they're heading into a disaster . well the little boy's gonna break his neck there if he doesn't watch out . now I expect there are a whole lot more that I didn't see .
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well this boy is almost falling out of the off of the chair when he's putting up the picture . and she's washing dishes . I guess she wouldn't know . oh my ! her sink is running over too isn't it . is that all more or is is there more to it ? this one looks kinda like a oh that's a plate I guess . and a cup and saucer . oh this is a lady here . is it or isn't it ? right there . is that a lady ? I thought this when I had it this way it looked almost like a lady . she's washing dishes . and she must have dropped one . oh no she let the sink ran over . and he's almost falling off of the chair . and she's she did something, it looks like .
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the sink is running over . she's standing in the sink . the mother is . the mother is also drying dishes . the little boy is getting cookies outof the cookie jar handing it to his sister and falling off the stepstool at the same time little girl is touching her nose . outside you can see the outside window . I don't know if that's a little bit of action I guess . the cookie jar lid is has fallen over to the side . it looks like the curtains are blowing . and it looks like the mother has completed washing at least two cups and one dish . process of doing the other ones . and action would be the door hanging open where the cookie jar is in that cupboard .
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well this happens to be a kitchen . and the mother of the house is washing the dishes . and the water is overflowing from the sink onto the floor . and the two children evidently a brother and a sister are getting cookies outof the cookie jar which is on the second shelf of the upper cupboard . and he's standing on a three legged stool and is losing its balance and about to fall on the floor .
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well there's a cookie jar there with the lid off . and the kid was up getting cookies . and he's upsetting . there's a water spigot here . that kid's getting cookies . see he got a handful on him . well this is a cupboard up here . here somebody ate and left the dish set . and this one's drying the dishes . this lady's drying dishes . that's a cookie jar and the little boy is on a ladder trying to get cookies .
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well she's spilling the water from from washing her dishes . it's it's running over rather . in the the youngsters are are getting the jam . and in the meantime he's tilting his chair . hm ? he is he's he's trying to get the cake down where I suppose she can share with him . and then and the mother is the water is running over which she doesn't seem to be aware of it too much . and his chair is slipping out from the stool is slipping out from under him .
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now honey I had it was in the kitchen and I was the oldest ten . and if we made a mess like that you'd get a kick in the ass . well we have spilling of the water . and a kid with his cookie jar . and a stool is turned over . and a mother's running the water on the floor . and what else do you want from that ? it looks like somebody's laying out in the grass doesn't it ? and a kid in the cookie jar . and a tilted stool . what more do you want ? the the water rolling on the floor .
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the mother is washing the dishes but not very attentively allowing the sink to overflow onto the floor . and she is drying a dish . kids are trying to get into the cookie jar . they have managed to get into it . the boy is standing on a stool which is in the process of falling over while he's trying to hand a cookie to his younger sister who is reaching for it . the window is open overlooking a garden . the wind is blowing slightly . it's ruffling the curtains . it is summer . or at least the grass is out and the trees are in leaf and the bushes . that's all of the action I see .
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wahoo ho ho . well it's kindof a calamity isn't it ? the mother just is I assume this is the mother . and she's washing trying to wash the dishes and the water's overflowing . and the little boy's trying to get cookies outof the cookie jar on top of the cupboard . and his stool is getting away under him . and she help keeps holding her hand up waiting for another cookie .
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a girl's reaching for a cookie . the boy's taking a cookie outof the cookie jar . the bench is tumbling . the sink is running over water . the mother's wiping the plate . she's also looking out the window . and she's standing in water . and that's it .
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the pearl mom's getting her wet feet wet because she thinking of days gone by and then the water run . and that boy whether he knows or not he's gonna crack his head on the back of that counter trying to get too many cookies out . he I don't know the significance of that little girl putting her hand to her mouth reaching . unless that's the way all silly girls act at that age . pardon ? oh sure . there's no handles on the the cabinet drawers under the counter on his on the left side . and over in the the window you see through the kitchen window all the styles are not in the glass . and if the kitchen window's the same type of window as well the other part of the house the style's only in the upper and the laterals . maybe they build them that way . no, but I did I did notice that's alittle I wouldn't say unusual but but . pardon ? I said that the sink was overflowing . the mother's wet getting her feet wet . the boy's going to fall very hard and hurt himself . and nobody's gonna help him . well happening did I say the cabinet doors where the kids are have no handles on them ? oh ? there's got to be a dozen other things . responsible ? well I'll tell you the way mom is looking there's not much going on in her head . she's thinking of dad . and the little girl is saying sho don't tell mom . the conflict's in whereas the what she's thinking whereas she didn't know the kids are behind her . and did I say . the cabinet doors aren't the same are different sizes . have no handles . I guess you take a big sledge hammer to that .
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okay start ? okay a little boy is getting a cookie outof the cookie jar . he's standing on a stool . it's tipped over and he's handing his sister a his another little girl a cookie . and the little girl is saying ssh because they don't want their mother to see . and the mother is wiping a dish . and she has the water water running in her in her faucet which is overflowing the sink and splashing on the floor . and she's stepping in a puddle . and she's wearing an apron . and outside is the yard with the path . and there are two cups on the table . and she's wearing an apern . and I guess that's it then . she's a has short sleeves . there are curtains on the windows . the cupboard door is open . there's only there's a handle on one of the on three of the cupboard doors but not on the rest . that's crazy .
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what ? the boy's handing some cookies to the little girl . and the stool is tipping over . and the water's overrunning onto the floor . she's standing in a puddle of water . I guess that's about all .
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well ? the boy's trying to get in this cookie jar . and the stool overturns . and the little girl is expecting to hand her a cookie . the mother is her sink is running over . and she's standing in some of the water . and she's drying a dish or wiping a dish . and you said everything is happening . well ? the water is still running in the sink . and I said it's it's overflowing . and she's standing in the water . and that's I guess . look ? somebody laying in the lawn out there . but I can't
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huh ? which moves ? oh the boy is taking a cookie cookies outof a cookie jar . his mama's washing the dishes . and the water is coming over the sink into the floor . and she's wiping the dishes . and as I'd said the boy is falling . and the girl's got her hand up to get the cookie . and what else do you wanna know ? did I get it right ?
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a little boy is stepping on a ladder that's cockeyed . and the ladder has it's a tripodal it isn't a ladder it's a stool . and it's a a three legged stool . and he's getting cookies outof a jar . and he's handing a cookie to the little girl who's saying “shho” to the mother . and the mother is wiping dishes with water running all over the kitchen floor . and oh god . oh she's she has an open window . and there are bushes in front of the window either in the house next door or some place else . and then there's a tree that doesn't have a trunk . . and . there are two cups and the handles are in opposite directions . and she's sort of dumb because she doesn't turn off the water . she's letting it run on her feet . and half of the kitchen cupboard doors don't have handles . I don't think . and she's wiping the dish with two towels . and she isn't watching her dear darling children fall off the stool . okay isn't that about enough ?
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okay the boy is taking cookies outof the cookie jar . the girl's reaching for them . she's apparently telling him to be quiet . he's falling off the stool . mom's washing dishes while the water runs out over the sink . looks like the curtain might be blowing a little bit there . and she's stepping outof the puddle . I guess that's about it .
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all of the action . just go ahead and tell you ? the mother is drying a plate . and the water's sink is clogged and there's more water going over and it's splashing onto the floor . and the the boy's falling off the stool getting cookies from the cookie jar . and the girl's putting her finger up to her lip which means I won't tell or something like that . shoes are getting wet in the mother . I'm looking outside but I don't see it doing anything . it doesn't look snowy ? doesn't have too much to tell with that . that's about the all the action I see is the water spilling over and the boy falling off the stool . I don't know that snow is action . I don't see it snowing . it looked light out there . I don't know .
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oh you want me to tell you . the mother and her two children . and the children are getting in the cookie jar . and she's doing the dishes and spilling the water . and she had the spigot on and she didn't know it perhaps . pardon me . and they're looking out into the garden from the kitchen window . it's open . and the cookies must be pretty good they're eating . the tair the chair is tilting and he's gonna fall off . and the lady the mother's splashing her shoes and stockings all up overflowing the water . and there's a window and curtains on the window . and I can see some trees outside there . and and there's dishes that had been washed and she's drying them . and there's some shrub out there and
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well this lady is taking care of her washing alot of stuff . but the water is going down down down here . instead of its going down in there it's coming out . and the little the boy is getting the cookies . and the girl is wanting the cookies . and the way he's putting it on there she he's gonna fall . yeah because that's crooked . I see that all the water coming down through from outside . instead of it going down through there it's coming out all over the all over here . yeah because water's all coming down through here .
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the boy is taking a cookie outof the cookie jar and he has one in his left hand to reach down to give to his well he has it in his left hand . his sister or a girl is reaching up for a cookie and has her inner index finger of her right hand pointed upward up close to her mouth . and I'm maybe she's saying “sho” because they're gonna hafta be quiet because the stool is going to fall over . the boy has his right heel on the his left toe and he's wearing running shoes with pompoms on them . look socks look pretty sloppy . I observed that the one of the two slippers that the girl is wearing looks as if its sole is thicker than the one the left one is thicker than the right . the woman is letting the sink run over . the water is running full tilt out of the and overflowing the sink . she's drying a plate and she has a towel in her right hand and it looks as if she has something else . no that's the curtain the back the end of the curtain that's behind her the plate in her left hand . she is has her side left side to the window . the she's already dried a plate and two cups . the window is open and you can see the path outside going around to the left of the back of the house . and another room in the house the window is also open I believe . I don't she's standing with the her the woman is standing with her foot in the water but not where it isn't the water isn't running outof her but it's splashing up and her right shoe is in the water puddle . and that's what I see . and a kitchen .
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you tell me when . kids are taking cookies from the cookie jar . the mother is doing dishes . sink is overflowing . the window is open . the stool is slipping . the sister's holding up her hand for a cookie . the window's open . yes the water's overflowing . mother's drying the dishes . that's it . the stool is slipping . the water's dripping . that's what I meant . yeah . I meant flowing over yeah . I probably messed up . yeah the water .
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the boy's going for the cookie jar . and a mother's washing the dishes . the water in the sink . any oh, do you want more ? oh this little girl wants the cookie . oh he's falling off the chair . I didn't even bother looking at that one . well the water's getting over the sink there . and there she's wiping her dish there . and she's looking out the window . is that all ?
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well the boy on the chair is falling, reaching up for a cookie, handing one to the girl . the lady is wiping a dish . water running on the floor . she's standing in it . trees outside, the lawn, shrubbery . a window outside that I can see . that's about it dear .
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well the boy's climbing a a stool . and it's gonna upset . he's trying to get a cookie . and the sink is running over . the mother's drying a dish . and the little girl is reaching up for a cookie . hmhunh . the mother over there she's doing the dishes . and the sink's running . the boy's getting the cookies . stool's on that step . window's open . maybe the wind is blowing in .
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there's a young boy going in a cookie jar . and there's a a girl young girl . and I'm saying he's a boy because you can it's hardly hard to tell anymore . and he's he's in the cookie jar . and there's a stool that he is on and it already is starting to fall over . and so is the water in the sink is overflowing in the sink . I I don't know about the this hickey here I whether that's more than what I said . like it the wife or Imean the the mother is near the girl . and she's she has has oh I I can't think of the she has the she's trying to wipe wipe dishes . oh and stop the water from going out .
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now right now ? oh I thought you meant well the boy was taking some cookies from the cupboard up there . and he the yeah that there stool I'd call it . I don't know what you call them . and what's she doing ? she's asking for some cookies . mother's drying the dishes . and she's spilled water all over the place at the sink . she's also has some cups and a dish sitting there . her curtains you could see real oh what else ? that's about it .
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let's go . just tell you what the uhhuh . you ready ? I don't know what you mean by everything going on . the kid's snitching the cookies . the little girl I think is telling the little boy to be quiet because she's got her finger up to her mouth . mommy's kinda sloppy with the dishwater . it's running outof the sink . two cups, a saucer, plate . the mommy's standing in the water . is that the is one of the things you want ? anything you find, oh the kid's just about ready to let go there and fall on his back or his head off the ladder . the little girl looks okay reaching up for the cookie . is that what you wanna know like reaching up for the cookie or something ? oh, reaching up for the cookie . that the kid brother is donating to her cause . I did say the sink's overflowing didn't I ? I don't see much more than that other than the kid's falling off of a stool . he's getting into the cookie jar which he hadn't oughta do . well maybe he could . that's I've done it myself . it's this one here ? just like me, yeah .
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yeah . the the little boy's trying to get into the cookie jar . and a little girl is has her hand out for the cookie . and the mother's drying dishes . but they drop something ohno she she let the water run over . and the little boy's he's going to fall off the chair if he doesn't oh I guess that's a cookie jar, that little girl . the little boy is gonna fall off the chair if he doesn't be careful . it's the water . I said that . the water was running over the sink . youknow sinks . and what else is there ? there are a few dishes there .
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a little boy is getting himself some cookies out of the jar . and the stool is turning over on him that he's standing on . he's handing the little girl some cookies outof the jar . is that it ? and well that's in the first one . he's handing the little girl cookies outof the cookie jar . and he's on a stool and it's turning over . and he's handing her some cookies . and in the second picture the little girl looks as though she's drying dishes . and oh let me think the sink is running over on the floor . she has the spigots on . a nice view from the window . is that is that it ? that's it .
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you mean drying dishes ? overflowing the water's overflowing outof the sink . climbing a stool . getting a cookie . giving the cookie to the girl . raising her arm . stepping in the water . looking out the window . hm that's about all I can see . is there more ?
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well the mother is drying the plate . and the water is running on the floor overrunning in the sink . the kids are taking cookies from the cookie jar . and on a on a high chair that looks youknow to reach up to the cupboards . and the girl is receiving the cookies . the sister I suppose . the little girl . the little boy is taking the cookies and the little girl is he's handing them to her . and I'd be there eating them too because I like cookies . I'd be a my hand is always in the cookie jar . and the mother is drying the dishes . at the sink . the water's running over . she and she's not paying any never minds to it I guess . the floor's getting wet . she'll hafta get a mop and mop it up ! oh this is crazy . well the chair is the kid's going to fall from the the stool the high stool . that's dumping over and he's going to land on his rear end pretty soon . those might be a couple cookies in his hand . probably the cookie jar spilled too . he might catch that when it went to the floor . yeah . that's about all . the sink is running over . the water's on the dripping on the floor, all over the floor . the old lady will hafta get a mop and mop up the floor too after she's through with washing the dishes .
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do you want me to start ? d?u boy is standing on a stool and he is slipping . and he is reaching into the cookie jar to take cookies out for him and his sister who has her hand out reaching for a cookie . she's standing there beside him . the door of the cabinet is open . mother is standing at the sink drying a dish . water is overflowing onto the floor . there are cups and saucers on the counter . the window is open . you can see out . the curtains look as if they are fluttering . there is a tree and a walk . and mother has her back to the youngsters . I don't believe she knows what is going on . what I see or what I see going on ? okay that's the activity .
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cookie jar . the boy and a girl and the ladder . the cabinet . and the other cabinet with the sink in it or with the yes . the water coming out . the sink . the dishes on the cabinet . the lady drying dishes . the window . and you can see the trees outside the window . the curtains on the window . the water . spilling over in the sink . I guess I mentioned the boy getting the cookies outof the jar . oh yeah the ladder's tipping over . the boy's on the ladder and the ladder's tipping over . and the girl's reaching to get a cookie . and the water's flowing down on the floor . you can see the grass out on the lawn .
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you mean drying dishes ? overflowing the water's overflowing outof the sink . climbing a stool . getting a cookie . giving the cookie to the girl . raising her arm . stepping in the water . looking out the window . that's about all I can see . is there more ?
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where's and what am I sposta do ? oh ? but I don't hafta watch this ? well ? now wait . oh gee . they're busy aren't they ? well ? they're busy up there after the cookie jar . and they're reaching something up to it I think there, this one . what else dug over here ? does this looks to me like she might be washing dishes here . looks like she's drying a plate . and there's it looks like she had a wreck here w?su this spill . and here's some dishes waiting to be washed . and there's a cupboard . oh over here too ? did I mention the one that's up by for this cookie jar or to put some things up in the cookie jar ? oh there's one one after it and then another one . and that one looks like he might gonna take a spill . good ? really ? here it looks like a cupboard to put something in down here too .
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the boy is snitching cookies . the sister's laughing . the the bench he stool he's on is is slanted . oh the mother then did the water spilled over in the sink on on to the floor . and there's dishes on the she's drying a plate . curtains . a good view just and the well you can see the I guess the backyard . and I don't know if that would be a part of the house or a garage or the walk .
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cookie jar . a lad standing on a stool teetering, grabbing for the cookies . sister I guess laughing at him . mother washing dishes . sink is overflowing . view of the yard and the kitchen window with its curtain . two cups and a dish remain . looks like they're dried . mother standing in the overflowed water . her four vased two faced cabinets four doors . and a valance and the curtain . window's half open . and there's landscaping along the wall of the view from the yard view of the yard . and the walkway pictured from the window . water is running, overflowing . boy is holding a cookie in his left hand, grabbing for another one with his right hand . the lid of the cookie jar is over uff off . mother's wearing an apron drying dishes .
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there's a cookie jar on the shelf . and the little boy's up on a stool . and the stool is about to fall he's about to fall . the stool's about to turn over . little girl in the picture's reaching for the cookie . mother is washing dishes . the water's running and running over onto the floor . she she has a plate in her hand and a towel . she's drying a plate . two cups are sitting on a counter and also a plate . you can see out through the kitchen window to another part of the house and a a walkway away from the house . you can see a window across in the other part of the house, the roof with a tree, that there are there are curtains on the windows . I think that's did I cover it all ? yeah .
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it's a family affair, a mother and the children . and they're each busy at at something . and the they seem oblivious to the water falling overflowing . but they seem happy in doing their own thing . I don't think I I lost that . I think I
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first of all I see I guess she's mother at the sink washing dishes and the water is overflowing from the sink on to the floor and she's standing in a puddle of water . and at the same time there's a daughter I guess a little girl has her hand up and also one finger to tell her brother I guess her brother to do it quietly . and she's reaching up for a cookie he's taking outof a cookie jar . and as he's doing that the stool is falling over . that's it .
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well let's see . the girl is whispering to be quiet because mother might find out that the he's is standing on a school stool which is bending over . and he's reaching in a cookie jar and he has a cookie . and she's grabbing for the one that he has in his left hand . and the sink is running over with water for some reason or other while she's drying a dish and looking out the window and stepping in a puddle of water . and the race horse is jumping through the window . no .
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well the little boy's on a stepstool trying to reach the cookie jar and he's falling . and the girl is reaching for a cookie he has in his hand . the mama's washing dishes and the sink's running over and she's drying a plate . and the sink is running over down on the floor . the window is up . and is that all ? you want something else ? oh well there's a plate and two cups on the counter . is that is that enough ? Imean is that I I don't see anything
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okay ? it's a mother washing dishes . she's left the water on . the water is running on the floor . there's a child reaching for cookies . he's handing a cookie to it looks like his sister . he's on a stool that's falling over . the wind's blowing . the curtains are waving . the mother's looking out the window instead of at the boy . the girl's hungry and she's pointing to her mouth . she's got her hand upraised . the the floor's gonna be soaked with the water . the mother's gonna have wet shoes . it's running into her shoes . and that's about all I can see . the door's open for the to the cupboard .
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well the children are climbing up and he's about to fall . and he's getting cookies . and she's telling him to sho be quiet so mother won't hear it won't hear him getting up there . and he's handing a cookie down to her . she's washing the dishes . and for some reason she must have been upset about something because she is letting the water run out all over the place . whether she's I can't believe she's upset about the kids because she hasn't seen them . maybe she did turn and look at them and then go back to the dishes . in other words it's she she's deciding that if she did see them she's deciding that she's going to let them go ahead with it . but I don't think she would have let them go ahead if she saw the little boy falling . I think she would have turned . maybe dropped her dish . but she would have gotten hold of him and saved him from being harmed in the fall . and he might just pull all the cookie jar with him when he falls too . and with the water on the floor and the cookie jar on the floor it would be a sad threesome but and the kitchen would be a mess .
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. this little boy has his hand in the cookie jar . he has gotten up on a stool which is tipping over . and sister is standing there wanting some cookies too . and all of this is behind the mother's back . she's washing dishes and the water's running over . she must be daydreaming . the water's running over onto the floor . and she doesn't seem to notice it . and there are a couple of dishes there . she must be drying the dishes . they look dried on the counter . the one in her hand I thought she had just taken out . and then back there's a yard . and a little sidewalk and another wing of the house through the window . and curtains curtains there she has a window above the sink which is nice . DaveBranton wrote a whole book called Thewindowofthe . she said I enjoy . what book did I miss ? anything ?
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well there's a little boy on the on a stool . he's gonna fall shortly snitching cookies . mommy's washing dishes . and the sink is running over . I don't know if there's anything more there or not but that's what I see . I see a cookie jar . snitching cookies .
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all the action . mother is drying dishes and the tap water is overflowing the sink and running on the floor . and Johnny's trying to get some cookies . and his stepstool is falling . and little girl is reaching her hand up for a cookie and putting her hand to her mouth . oh oh well, that's what's happening . I don't know . mother's stepping Imean the lady's stepping in the water that spilled on the floor . that's all I can be sure of .
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the stool the boy's on the stool reaching for the cookie jar . the girl's reaching up for a cookie . the stool is falling . the lady is washing dishes . the water's overrun in the sink . a you can see through the window the curtains are pulled back . there's a walkway . windows in another part of the house . everguhuhgreens around, and grass . cup and a saucer and a plate on the under the doors to the cabinet . double door and a s??k?lu door oh happening ? the water's splashing on the floor . the boy is falling . the girl is reaching . the lady's washing the dishes . she's getting her shoe wet .
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the boy's getting into the cookie jar . his stool is upsetting . the sister is holding out her hand for the cookie . the mother is at the sink . the dish water is running out onto the floor . she's drying washing and drying dishes . the little girl has her hand out for more cookies . the little boy is into the cookie jar again . the mother has the dishwash the dishwater running out onto the floor . I think I told you that . she's drying dishes . putting them on the sink top . the stool is upsetting with the boy .
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I see a little boy on a stool trying to reach the cookie jar . he's got one in his hand that to his little sister . and the stool is falling over tipping . and the lady is guess mama is standing by the sink washing dishes . and the water's running over on the floor . and outside you can see the walk and the shrubbery . and there's some dishes setting on the counter . and that's all I see .
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the boy is reaching into the cookie jar . he's falling off the stool . the little girl is reaching for a cookie . mother is drying the dishes . the sink is running over . mother's getting her feet wet . they all have shoes on . there's a cup two cups and a saucer on the sink . the window has draw withdrawn drapes . you look out on the driveway . there's kitchen cabinets . oh what's happening . mother is looking out the window . the girl is touching her lips . the boy is standing on his right foot . his left foot is sortof up in the air . mother's right foot is flat on the floor and her left she's on her left toe . she's holding the dish cloth in her right hand and the plate she is drying in her left . I think I've run out of yeah .
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somebody's getting cookies outof the cookie jar, standing on a stool . the stool's gonna tip over . and the girl's saying shh don't let somebody hear . and the mother's drying dishes . the water's running out into the floor . cups and plates are sitting on the counter . you can look out the window and see the shrubbery . the lid's sideways from the cookie jar . the door is open on the cabinet . mother apparently doesn't really notice well enough . curtains are hanging on the window . the window is open .
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well the girl the boy is handing the girl cookies and she's telling him to be quiet I guess . his stool is go he's going to fall . the mother is drying dishes just is oblivious to the water coming out all over the place . the dishes . that that's the action ? okay the action is that that's the only action I can see . water running and the mother and the kids taking the cookies .
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you have two children and the boy is on a stool getting to the cookie jar . and the stool is tilting over and he's probably going to fall . his mother in the meantime is wiping dishes, looking out what is obviously the kitchen window . she has the water on in the sink and the sink is overflowing . there are two cups and one plate sitting on the sink . the little girl is laughing at the little boy who's getting into the cookie jar and is going to fall .
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well the mother's washing the dishes drying the dishes . and the the two little kids are in the in a cupboard . they're trying to get the the the cookie little cookies the cookies . yeah the the water's spreading over all over the floor . is that supposed and what else ? what else ? the see the let's see . the the woman's looking out the window too . youknow she's got this thing and then with the with the trying to wash and dishes with them . let's see . they spill it they spill water spilled over it over the thing . okay ?
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the boy is taking cookies outof a closet with one hand trying to give the cookies to his sister with another while he is falling off a three three prong stool . his mother is washing dishes . and the dishwasher is overflowing onto the floor . and the curtains are billowing . and the girl is eating or toying . it's difficult to tell . that's the only action I see .
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oh I was . oh this is gonna be like looking at those artistic things and fiddling when we get there . at her dishwasher's or her dishsinku is overflowing on the floor because the faucet is running . and she's standing in it . yet her kiddos are robbing the cookie jar and the little boy is falling off of the stool . he's getting some cookies though . and the girl doesn't have hers yet . I don't think the perspective on the corner's quite right in the room . you wanna know how many dishes ? there are two cups and a plate on the counter . and she's drying a plate . and youknow curtains on the windows are tied back . and a real pretty view out the window . you see the a wing of the house, the living room and the path around the house . and the landscaping is bushes up close and happy evergreens and stuff . outside there is grass on the ground and there's a tree in at these hedges . yeah there's he's getting cookies outof the cookie jar and he's falling off the stool . he's got two cookies already . he's giving one to his sister and he's gonna have one . and then he doesn't even if he falls he's gonna have his cookies . she has her finger up to her mouth . I don't know whether she's saying “sho” or “I want one too” . I don't know how the mother can be so unaware !
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oh you want me to on that ? oh okay looks like the mother is doing washing the dishes . and the little boy is trying to get cookies up the cookie jar up in the cookie jar . and there's a little girl with him . and that's the the oh the bench or what do you call it is it looks like it's gonna going to fall . and that's that's about all I can see . and those I guess this is breakfast .
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. this the boy is on the on the the chair trying to get some cookies outof the cupboard to give to to his sister I guess . and the mother is doing the the dishes and and the sink overflowed . and and all the water's going on the floor . that's it .
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and the boy in the in the cookie jar . and the girl reaching up to him . the chair slanting ready to topple . and the cookie jar is open . and his the lid's in there . and the door's open . and mother's drying the dishes and standing in a pool of water it looks water running down from the sink . and there are some dishes on the sink . the window is open and you can see outdoors . she's I did say she was drying dishes didn't I ? and I did mention the water running outof the sink ? and the few dishes on the sink . and you can see the trees and the window outside . looks like the little girl's eating a cookie and reaching up for another . the boy's really in a precarious position . he's got one hand in the cookie jar and another cookie in the other hand . he looks just about ready to tumble .
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well first of all the cookie jar is coming down it looks like but the little boy's climbing up the stepladder . he's falling down . and he's gonna p?su pass some cookies on to his sister but I don't know if he'll make it there with them . and over here the mother spilled, let the water run over which I have done lots of times . and she's gonna hafta get a towel and mop it up very quickly . that's about all on that one . that's similar . Imean very small . I don't know what these little gadgets are but I guess they had little part of the little cover yeah . is that all on that one ? I don't see anything else . her feet may be getting wet in this in this on the floor too but outside of that that was the worst .
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a boy's standing on a stool getting a cookie outof the cookie jar . and the stool is tipping over . his sister is reaching up asking him she's asking for another cookie and he's handing it down to her . and he has one in his left hand for her and one in his right hand for himself except he's gonna fall down first . the lid's off the cookie jar . the mother's washing drying she's washing dishes . she's drying a plate . somehow or she's gotten bemused and let the sink run over . the water's flowing into the sink . there are two cups and a plate on the counter . the window is open . and it must be summer or youknow maybe autumn because there are bushes and trees and things and they have leaves on . and it's in kitchen . that's about oh the mother has on a dress that's just about comes to her knees . she has an apron and a sleeveless dress . little girl's in a miniskirt and the boy is in shorts . that's about it .
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the boy reaching standing on a stool which is tipping . with one foot over the edge of the stool . and his heel is on the the heel of that foot is on the toe of his other foot . he's taking a cookie outof the cookie jar . and has one in his left hand too . looks as if he's going to hand it to his sister who has her arm up . she has her finger in front of her face . looks as if she's laugh saying be quiet . and the mother is at the the sister is standing on the floor . the mother is at the kitchen sink drying a dish a plate . the water is running over spilling over from the sink onto the floor . it's running full tilt outof the tap . the mother is not looking . she's facing away from everything . she has a dish cloth in her right hand dish towel in her right hand . you can see outside . there's a cup two cups and a plate on the counter beside . so she's either I guess she's finished washing those maybe . she's standing with one foot flat on the floor and the next foot up as if she's standing on the toe . not resting on her heel .
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the boy is taking cookies . the girl is is saying quiet . he's he's the boy is falling off the stool . the mother is drying dishes . the water is running over the sink . the curtains are blowing in the breeze . the girl is putting her hand up to have him pass the cookies . she's drying the dishes . the water's running over . it's splashing on the floor . well the window's open but that's not action . that's the curtain blowing right ? I guess that's it . he's passing her the cookies . did I say that ? and he's taking them out of the jar .
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there's a boy reaching on he's on a stool reaching for cookies and the stool is ready to fall over . he's got one hand in the cookie jar and he's got a cookie in the left hand . and his girl's standing beside him . am I going to fast ? and she's reaching for the cookie that he has in his hand . and she has her right finger up to her wrist . there's a woman presumably the mother standing at the sink drying dishes . and the sink is overflowing with water onto the floor . you just want the action ? you just want the action . faucet the water's coming outof the faucet .
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everything that you see ? that I see them the mother is drying dishes . the water is running outof the sink . the boy is going to fall off the stool . he's getting cookies . and the girl is waiting for a cookie from his brother . is there more ? I don't I don't see any other action there .
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oh the little boy's got on the stepstool to get a a cookie . it's gonna fall off . and the the mother's doing dishes . and she's running the water on the floor . the little sister's trying to quiet him down . that's about it .
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