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well the little girl is saying to be quiet to her brother . and her brother's in the cookie jar and he's falling off the chair . the mother's oblivious to all . she's washing her dishes and the water's coming outof her sink . I don't know what she's thinking of . let's see what we have . anything outside ? I guess those are bushes . I don't know . nothing out there . these are the dishes are let's see . how are their shoes ? their socks are I don't know .
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water's pouring outof the sink . and the woman is washing dishes . the child is on a stool falling off as he's reaching for the cookie jar with his right hand and trying to hand the other cookies to a little girl who's reaching up with her left hand to get the cookie . and her right hand looks like she's almost trying to make a signal of silence so the mother doesn't hear it . the mother's feet are in the water as it's pouring on the floor . and the window is open . you can see a yard outside . there's a dish and cups on the sink . and the curtains are pulled back so you can see out the window . the cupboard door is open . and they're all fully dressed . and they have sortof a nondescript expression on their face . the woman has her mouth open a little bit . well each one of them have their mouths open a little bit . and that's about it .
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just all of the action . do you want me to describe everything ? or just the action ? okay throat . well the boy is getting cookies from a cookie jar . little girl is reaching up with her hand to receive one . the boy's in danger of falling because the stool he's on is tilting . that would be all the action oh oh over here then . the mother is drying the dishes . the the water is running over . it's spilling on the floor . she's stepping in the water . she's looking out the window instead of paying attention to washing the dishes . that's about it .
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yeah . everything's that's not according to Hoyle huh ? well here's a little boy up on the ladder . the ladder or the the the stool the stool was falling . and there's something else up on the shelf there is falling . and and he's going to fall because the stool is it's tilted too much . here here's a lady that's washing dishes . and all the water is coming over the sink . it's overflowing . that's about it .
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kids are trying to get a it's full of it's full of mistakes . it's full of mistakes . it's full of mistakes . he's changing taking cookie jar . that's all . the mother's just drying the dishes . from the from . this is .
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cookie jar . cookie jar . plate . did I say a cookie jar ? well I'll give it . footstool . they're raiding a cookie jar here . this one is she's cleaning a plate . this here one ? she drops a plate I guess . you could do what ? uhhuh .
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the kids are swiping some cookies and and a stool is upsetting . and the kid the girl's telling him to be quiet so his mother over there washing dishes and the sink's overflowing . and the window's up . and I don't see much more than that . she's drying dishes . did you say action ? I about it . cookie jar lid's falling .
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there's a little boy or there's a little girl talking to this boy up up on the up up on the stepladder . and she's asking him to bring some of this down or whatever it was a jar or whatever it is that so it doesn't doesn't break . there's a mother over here . she's watching them that she has that break in her hand . and it looks like it's very strong or heku or she's looking real real good at it, a jar or whatever . she's touching giving a little little little touch of her mouth . although that's . and it it looks like he's gonna bring some of that down down for them all . and and and mother's out there looking at them . and and looks like she's washing this dishes that they already had it . and she's she's washing the dishes away from them . it it looks that way . she's cleaning it youknow .
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the chair is tilting . lid is off of the cookie jar . cookie in the in the left arm of the boy . his right hand is touching a cookie in the cookie jar . one of his foot one of his his of his feet are a is a about a third off of the stool . he's got short pants and a blouse . and it seems and look like they're boots instead of shoes . the girl the girl has a finger to her lips as though to say “quiet” one hand out . her left hand is out . she's got short skirt and a blouse, jersey sweater . socks, anklets rather . the on I did mention that the that the stool was tilting . the still on on the boy that the boy's standing on the stool has it and it's tilting . I think I mentioned that . the girl has hair hanging to her neck . the boy has like short like hair combed straight back . the door is jar is open on the on the the the cupboard . the mother's drying the dish with her left hand with her right hand holding it with her left . she's got an apron over her dress or whatever it may be . water spilling outof the sink . two cups facing opposite direction . one plate to the right of the cups . curtains flowing in the breeze of the wind . there still some more but oh yeah .
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oh I see a part of the whole kitchen . is that all the kitchen or isn't it ? oh I can't read a lady a mother were in her kitchen . in her k?t???u kitchen doing some work I suppose . and the there's another woman there sharing their pleasures or whatever . oh have you have you checked heard of that new game that they started to play after christmas ? did you ? is a well it looks like I'd say this is well let's see . it looks like oh b?mb?d?u b?mb?d?u nuk . my mother will beat me by my wife will beat me by a couple rows of this . that's that's like the washing would say washing machine ? or let me see . I can't oh ? that's the son come outof from school maybe or something . that's a youngster there . well that's just as though they getting ready to go to school or they're just coming out from school . and right there he's same as back there except for down there in the bottom I think it's that's a little .
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the stool that the the boy was standing on was about to fall . he was reaching into the cookie jar in the open cupboard . little girl was holding up her left hand to receive a cookie . the mother was washing or drying or washing dishes . and the water from the faucet was spilling over the cabinet of the sink . I see two cups and a plate on the right hand side . her feet was in a puddle of water coming from the overflowing sink . the curtains, the outside
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alrightie . the action I see is a little girl with her finger up to her mouth and the one arm extended up looking up at the boy who's reaching up to the cookie jar . with his right hand he's reaching for a cookie . with his left hand he already has a cookie . it almost looks like the girl's trying to reach for the cookie in the lower hand the left hand . and he's standing on a stool that's tipping over . and looks like he's about ready to fall . the woman at the sink looks like she's washing wiping a dish with a rag in her hand, holding the dish with the other hand as water's flowing into the sink and over the sink . it looks like she's not paying attention to the water just flowing outof the sink and all over the floor . and she's stepping into the water too . it's . as far as action no action outside the window . that's about it .
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she's preparing a meal . I'm going to hafta quit reading this because this this is shining on this getting my . . . this this string is not on this is it ? yes . they're reaching up for a cookie in cookie jar . and they're cooking a turkey dinner I guess . cooking a turkey dinner . she's doing the dishes . this little boy might fall off of that stool he's on . and the water's splashing out all over the floor and she doesn't know it . and the boy might he's looking for the cookie jar and he might bang his head on the thing by the door .
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kid's stool turning over . she trying to steal cookies outof the cookie jar . little girl is reaching up to grab hers . huh . mother's doing the dishes but let the water run over all over the floor . and she's standing in a puddle . action . drying the dishes . or did I say that before before ? yeah . kid's laughing . the other kid with the stool falling over break his neck . there no action to the curtains . and grass is growing out there . I guess you can call that action . leaves are probably blowing . the mother's in her own little world . the water's still running . cookie jar . he's handing them out like he he made them . the chair's falling over or the stool . I think . and I think the little kid kicked it . and it pushed him over . instead of holding him up she gave him a shove .
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there's a girl waiting to get a cookie from I guess her brother . the chair's tipping over where he's in he's into the cookie jar in the cupboard . woman's washing dishes . sink's overflowing . window's open . where the kid's into the cookie jar the lid's off of course . I don't know whether the curtains are blowing or not . these are the action things you want right ? no I don't see anything else . what did I miss ?
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you ready ? the little girl's going “sho” . and she's also reaching up to get a cookie . and the the little boy is reaching for a cookie . and he's going to his the the chair the the stool is tilting . and he's holding a a cookie in his left hand . and the mother's drying dishes . and the water the dish water is on and it's pouring over onto the floor . and the curtains are blowing . the the window's up . let me see . she's drying the dishes . I don't know whether I said that or not . I can't see any other the leaves are blowing on the trees .
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well, why the mother is she's she's not with the what is she ? she's interested in something else and she doesn't realize that her water is spilling . and the children have having a good time because they're while their mother's interested in something else they're stealing cookies . the child the the son the boy looks like he's gonna be hurt . and oh the water's overflowing . I hope I didn't go too fast . the boy is falling . and oh he's stealing cookies too .
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mother is drying the dishes and looking out the window not paying any attention that the water is spilling all over the floor and the sink . the window is open . the children are behind mother stealing cookies outof the cookie jar . and the boy has climbed up on the on the stool which is tipping over . he's getting cookies outof the cookie jar, handing them to his sister . his shoes are untied . he's gonna fall . the cupboard door is open . the lid's off the cookie jar . mother's feet are getting wet . she must be in outer space that she doesn't notice all this that's going on .
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taking some cookies . and falling over . and mother's drying dishes . and things falling sink's running over . and two cups and saucer on the plate on the sink . and and the girl's cookies Imean windows on the curtains . and the spigot's on the sink . and well that's about it .
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boy's falling off a stool . the lid is falling off a cookie jar . he's grabbing a cookie in his hand . the girl is reaching up . she's touching her nose . . the other side, the mother's washing dishes . the sink is running over . her feet's getting wet as she's looking out the window . that'd be pretty difficult to look out the window and get your feet getting wet at the same time but that's what it is .
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I see a boy on a stool . and the stool is falling over while he is reaching for the cookie jar . and his sister is reaching . he has two cookies in his left hand . and his sister is reaching hoping to get the the cookies in his hand . and the mother is drying the dishes while the while the water's filling up and overflowing onto the the kitchen floor . and the window's open . let me see what else . I can't see anything else going on . the the curtains are blowing . I can't see anything else .
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I see two kids up at the cookie jar, one on a stool the other standing on the floor . cupboard door is opened . mother's washing the dishes . the water is running overflowing the sink . and there's two cups and a plate on the counter . and she's washing holding a plate in her hand . curtains at the windows . the cookie jar has the lid off . that's about it . cupboards underneath the sink . cupboards underneath the other cupboards . kid falling off the stool . the girl laughing at him . cookies in the cookie jar with the lid off . he has a cookie in his hand . and that's it .
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mhm alotof things are happening . yes the water's going over . the water's overflowing . and the little boy is slipping off the stool while he's trying to steal some cookies . and the little girl is laughing at him and she's not happy in one bit . and the lady is drying the dishes and looking out the window . it's beautiful out there . it must be June . I don't know but it anyhow it looks like it's not winter . and that's about all I can see .
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well the girl is watching the boy go into the cookie jar . he has a cookie in his hand . he's on the stool . the stool is stool is falling . the mother is drying dishes . has a plate in her hand . sink is overflowing . there's water on the floor . she's stepping in the water . something that's going on you said ? she looks the little girl looks like she's motioning to the boy to be quiet . and I don't know what else . the woman's looking out the window . the window's open .
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the boy reaching for the cookies is gonna fall down on the what do you call it . she's saying “shho” I think shho but give me a cookie too . mother is wiping the dish . sink is running over . the I'm to tell everything I see ? all the action yeah . splashing the water . well and the girl saying shho give me a cookie too . that's all I see .
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oh I see . well the kitchen sink is that they'd they'd kept the kept it all going and and it went over on the off off the sink . they didn't they didn't turn turn it off quick enough . and then there's dishes and a stool that's going to be very fast getting to be a whole bunch of them fricking cookies . that's my that's about my my nephew my grandson . cookie jar . and the I suppose it's his sister . it hasta be his sister doesn't it ? to up up on that stool . and she's making fun of him . and this water's coming down that splashing all over the place . I don't it depends on how many cookies are in that cookie jar apparently .
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the boy's gonna fall off of the the stool . the water is going on the floor .
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anything that I want ? the boy is reaching for cookies and the stool is falling over . the girl is reaching for her brother to give her a cookie . the mother is doing dishes but the water is spilling over on the floor . the window's open . what else . did you just want action or just no I just can't .
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everything ? happening ? well this is the boy trying to get the cookie jar down for his sister I would imagine it is . and he's gonna fall off the ladder off the his stool or whatever he is setting on . the mother is over here . she just dropped some water or whatever on the floor . and and she looks pretty mad . and the water's still running . and it looks like the the girl is laughing at the at the boy because the the stool is gonna fall over . and there's there's water on the floor there .
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a boy is taking cookies from the cookie jar giving one to his sister . he's also falling off the stool he is on . the mother is washing dishes . she's letting the sink overflow . it's getting all over the floor . I see nothing further . the girl is saying be quiet if that if that counts . I don't know what the mother gets by standing in all the water . I don't think that's very important . that's all I see . what have what have I missed ?
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anywhere ? the little girl's laughing . the little boy's getting cookies and he's falling . I guess the mother would be doing dishes and the water's overflowing outof the sink . the window's open and I would say the wind is blowing . I guess that's it .
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somebody climbed up on this thing . jar . and she's washing clothes Imean washing dishes . right ? that's it . which which one ? the boy trying to get a cookie jar and on the stool and the little girl trying to help him . that's it . washing dishes . drying dishes . the water coming from out from the sink . oh please let me go because I can't stand this anymore .
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a boy is getting a cookie from the cookie jar . and the stool that he's standing on is falling over . the little girl is raising her hand reaching for some of the cookies he was taking . mother is doing the dishes obviously . and the water is running all over the floor . let's see . I can't I guess or did I say the little girl was asking or reaching for a cookie too ? okay let's see . well socks are falling down . I think that's about it .
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well the mother has water spilling all over the floor for one thing . then she's starting to dry the dishes . and then she's looking out the window . and the little girl's there and the little boy and he almost is falling off the stool . but he didn't so he he survived anyway huh ? yeah yeah on this paper yeah .
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well the kids are in the kitchen with their mother taking cookies out of the cookie jar . a boy's handing it to the girl . and the boy's on a on a stool and he's tripping over . he's gonna fall on the floor . the mother's standing there doing the dishes . she's washing the dishes looking out the open window . and the water's running down over the sink on on the floor getting her feet wet . and there are she's drying a dish . and there are a couple of dishes sitting on the kitchen counter . and looking out the window it's probably in the spring or summer of the year .
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cookie jar . and two children . one the boy's up on a stool and the little girl's standing up holding her hand for a cookie . then there's a lady that is drying some dishes . but the only thing she is she getting water on the floor . that she has a problem there . and she has two plates and two . and the water comes sprinkling over . and a kid the boy's up at the cookie jar . and his sister didn't get a cookie from him yet . but he has one in his hand now . he has one in his hand and one in the top of the cookie jar . so she finally got a cookie . if he ever puts his arm down . hers is up but she's still got his right in his hand .
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the girl's washing dishes . the water's spilling over onto the floor . the boy is taking some cookies and his stool is falling out from under him . the girl's stepping in the water . she's she's wiping dishes . there's a view of a house through the door on the outside . the window is half opened . the shades are or the curtains are tied back . the cookie jar is on the in the cupboard on the second shelf . .
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what's going on ? mother's drying dishes . sink is overflowing . son is falling off a stool . son is raiding the cookie jar . sister is laughing at her brother . and she's reaching for a cookie . and the window is open . the cup two cups and a dish on the counter top . and the picture Imean the window has two has a pair of drapes or curtains . single basin sink . there's there's a tree on the outside view of the kitchen . and the ll section of the house appears to be outside the view and there's a pathway between them between the two . there are hedges also, the tree side . that's it . no the mother's wearing an apron . and water's splashing .
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you mean this house ? oh whatever . uhhuh . do you want me to start at any particular time ? well top left cookie being removed from the cookie jar . handing cookie to sister . about to upend on the three legged stool . mother drying dishes, sink overflowing onto the floor . you want you want action type things . yeah . drying I said drying dishes . let's see . water overflowing in the sink . have a heck of alot to do with it . and that spiral
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all the action . what's going on in this picture ? oh the boy is up trying to cake . and the woman's sink is running over . and these are curtains . and his stool is tumbling over . anything else wrong with the picture ?
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yeah she's spilling the water on the floor and he's falling off the the chair the stand or a seat or the spigot's going and he's reaching out for the cookies and she's reaching for the cookies and she got the window open I guess . I don't know .
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actions going on . this one's a little boy falling off a stool . little girl's holding her hand up telling him one time . this girl's washing the dishes . I don't seem to know where she got the dish . I just picked it up . said she oh she's broken a dish back there . this thing fell down off of there . well Imean the wash is running . it's running over on the floor . she's got a couple plates waiting here for her . and the window shows the scene outside that you can't see from here at all . and there's a little boy and a little girl here just a little . .
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water spilling outof the sink . the mother's drying dishes . the boy is on the stepstool reaching the cookie jar . he's about to fall over . his sister is reaching up . she wants a cookie . and I think that's about all that's going on . her feet are getting wet that's for sure . that's about it .
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okay the picture's in a kitchen with a family of a mother and the son and daughter . and the son is up in the cookie jar . the cupboard door is open . he's getting cookies from the jar . he's standing on a stool which is kind in the process of toppling over . the little girl is holding out her hand for a cookie and she's also has her finger to her lips shushing him so he doesn't make any noise . the mother seems to be oblivious to what's going on . she's standing there wiping a dish . and the tap water is is running . the sink is overflowing down onto the floor . and she's standing in a puddle . look outside and and the curtains are open and see what looks like could be a garage or an extension of the house, shrubbery, path, a tree . going back in the kitchen on the counter beside her are is another plate and a cream and sugar bowl set . the little boy's shoes he looks like he has jogging shoes on and low socks . and he's he's wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt . his sister's wearing what amounts to sort of a mini dress mini skirt with sandals . and let's see that or ruffled ruffled curtains at the at the windows that are drawn back by draw drapes . and the cupboards all had recessed handles . what no they're not recessed . they at first glance they're recessed but actually they protrude out from the doors . and also the copyright nineteen seventy two . thank you .
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first of all the sink is overflowing . mother is washing dishes or an adult is washing dishes . there are two children in the cookie jar . one of them is on a stool . and the stool's overturning . the little girl is reaching for a cookie from the little boy as the stool turn falls over . there's a window . and the bushes and path outside the window . and a glimpse of another window . and another part of the house . there are curtains with tie backs . there are dishes . there is dish towels there are dish towels . well maybe there are only one . there's at least only one dish towel . I thought I I looked at one dish towel . two cups a plate cabinets . apron . glass and trees . I don't think I can floor . counter space . did I
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the little boy is up on on this thing here . and it's he's up trying to get something outof the garden selection I think it is . the little girl I think is mad because she didn't get some of it . and here's mama drying the dishes . no just the little girl and the boy was on here . the little girl and the boy . she's reaching up to the boy and the boy is got his other hand down . so it looks color no that's all . oh she spilled something I think . from the sink down . it came splashing down . that's the first I noticed it . I'm terrible anymore .
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the boy in the cookie jar . the little girl waiting for the cookie . her hand goes up . a mother drying dishes . sink running over . the stool the little boy is on is tilting . no .
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a little girl is reaching for the cookie cookie that the boy's reaching for the cookie to give to her while the the stool is being tipped . the mother is drying the dish while the water is running outof the spigot . let's see . action . no birds, geese . it's all I can see . that's fine .
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oh my . well the ladder is falling over . and the boy is reaching for the cookie and is handing it to that little sister I assume . and she's telling him to be quiet because the mother is going to hear . and the sink is splashed over with water as the mother is still drying the dishes . and her feet are getting soaking wet . is there more you want ?
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girl washing dishes . I see that . what the boy's putting up the cookie jar or getting cookies outof the cookie jar . and his little sister is begging him oh hurry up . come on . and he's got the foot stool . and his her big sister is washing the dishes . that's the big sister or the mama I don't know which that is is drying the dishes, putting them away . she's got the spigot on and the water's running . and there's her cup . she hasn't them put up yet . and he's up on the foot stool . and he's got the cookie jars . he's getting the cookie jars . she's begging him for some . begging him for some cookies . she's washing the dishes she's drying the dishes . and she's got the water on in the sink . and there's her cup sitting down there to be washed . no she has an apron on and her shoes . and the drapes are pulled back in one of the rooms . see ?
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well the chair's gonna upset . and the kid's gonna upset the cookies for one thing . and the woman the sink's running over the water on the floor while she's drying the dishes . and you need water in there to wash the dishes and it's running on the floor . you can look out the window and see the grass .
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oh ! little boy's getting into the cookies . he's climbing up a chair and it's about to fall away . dangerous . and the little girl she's wanting a cookie off her brother . and the mom's washing the dishes . and she's letting alotof water run over the spigot . it's running over on the floor . and you just want me what find out what's wrong ? well she don't seem to be noticing what she's doing . she's looking at looks like she's watching tv . and she's not even watching what she's doing or she'd have seen the water running over .
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the little girl's pointing to her mouth . she wants a cookie . the little boy is getting cookies and he's about to fall off his stool . the mother's washing dishes . she's wiping a plate . the faucet is running . the sink is running over . the water is running on the floor . the curtains are blowing . so there hasta be a breeze outside . that's all I can see .
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oh the boy is going to fall off the stool because he is stealing cookies from the cookie jar and his sister is reaching I assume it's his sister reaching up for him to hand her a cookie . mother is drying dishes but she's very inattentive here because the water is pouring all over the sink . the faucet is running and the water is pouring down over . the floor is all wet . and it must be a nice summer day because the window looks as if it's open . and that's about I don't see any birds or any animals out there .
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gonna start here . the boys have opened the the boy has opened the into the cookie where the cookies are . and in the meantime he's they almost the thing is falling down . the little boy the girl was being shho quiet . mother has the water is running over in the kitchen . mother is wiping the dishes the dish and dishes . it's she doesn't seem to think it's even know what's going on . it's I would say summer . that looks like things are growing up . there she's looking out the window . she's standing in the water . cookies . they've taken cookies outof the cookie jar . she's keeping quiet . the things break, falling over . it's summer . Imean it looks like it's summer . it's things are coming up . mother doesn't seem to care what's going on with the kids . there are two cups but only one one dish . I think did I say they'd turned off the water they hadn't the water's still running . that was all . I guess that's it .
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right right . the young lad taking cookies outof the cookie jar and handing one down to his sister I presume . and the stool is gonna fall out from under him . and the mother is washing dishes but she's distracted and the water's all running out over the sink . she's wiping the sink and wiping the dishes . that's about about it .
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uhhuh . all of the action ? well the little boy is gonna fall off the stool . he's getting a cookie . do you want me to go slower ? okay the little girl is asking for a cookie . she's the mother is drying dishes . and the sink is overflowing with water . she's getting water all over the floor . and let me see if anything is going on outside here . well I can't see anything else as far as action goes . is there more ?
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well I see the sink overflowing . the mother is doing the dishes . the children are the boy is up on the stool . and the stool's falling over but he's grabbing cookies outof the cookie jar . and the girl is reaching up for a cookie . the window seems to be open . and the woman is standing in water . and the cookie jar lid is off falling off . the water's running .
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what's going on ? well she's doing the dishes . and he's into the cookie jar for his sister . and she let the water run over in the sink . she's ruining her shoes and everything . hm ? now he's falling off the gonna be on his on the floor in a minute . he's falling off his chair . and she's letting the sink run over while she's drying the dishes . not paying attention to what she's doing .
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washing washing dishes or wiping dishes . the water's running over the sink . the kid is stealing the cookies . he's falling over on the stool . the wind is blowing outside the window . the girl is is saying “be quiet” and looking for another cookie . she is like Eve encouraging him to steal them youknow . she's standing in a puddle . she's thinking deeply about something I don't know what . that's about all I see .
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children are getting into the cookie jar . the little boy who's on the stool is about to fall because the stool is going to topple over . the mother has her back turned and is drying the dishes but the sink is full of water and the water's beginning to spill over onto the floor . sink is in front of a window . one can look out the window and see a path and what is obviously a yard . there's a plate and two cups or dishes on the counter . the children getting into the cookie jar are are there's one boy and one girl . the cookie jar is labelled Cookiejar . the cupboard door is open . there are curtains at the kitchen window . the mother is wearing an apron . she has a sleeveless dress and short hair . the little girl has straps on her shoes . the stool is a three legged stool . that's about it .
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okay the boy is up in the cupboard getting cookies and he's falling off the stool at the same time . little girl's reaching up her hand . she has her finger up to her mouth . mother's drying a dish at the sink . the water is running over onto the floor . there's a cup and two cups and a dish on the counter . outside there's a a path or some bushes grass tree . let's see . cupboard doors open . and I said she's drying dishes . think that's about all . . End
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an average home that looks very much like ours at many times . and the mother is well she's spilling her water which is not very good but she's doing washing dishes and drying them . and one of the children upset the cookie jar . and that's an very average thing to go in in a home . our home is a very it's a very active family . and so that it makes it kinda hard at our house sometime because there's alotof like I said alotof activity . well the poor girl is spilling the water on her feet . it's gonna be wet but then she'll hafta struggle with that . also there are a few more dishes left that didn't get finished . this hasta be the dishes . and how that little boy fell off that stool I don't know but he did . no .
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the scene is in the in the kitchen . the mother is wiping dishes and the water is running on the floor . a child is trying to get a boy is trying to get cookies outta out a jar and he's about to tip over on a stool . the little girl is reacting to his falling . it seems to be summer out . the window is open . the curtains are blowing . it must be a gentle breeze . there's grass outside in the garden . mother's finished certain of the the dishes . kitchen's very tidy . the mother seems to have nothing in the house to eat except cookies in the cookie jar . the children look to be almost about the same size . perhaps they're twins . they're dressed for summer warm weather . you want more ? the mother's in a short sleeve dress . I'll hafta say it's warm .
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seeing the mother . she's washing dishes and the water's running all over the floor . and the boy he's reaching up for cookies . and he his ladder slipped from underneath him . and I guess he's gonna have an accident . and the little girl she's waiting for the cookies, but I don't think she's gonna to get them because the boy's falling down .
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boy is getting into the cookie jar . he's got one in his hand . the stool is falling over as he's reaching for the cookies . the girl is laughing at him . mother is standing by the kitchen sink drying dishes . the water is on and it is the sink is spilling over . there is a window over the sink which shows a a yard . there are curtains . there are looks like two cups and a plate on the sink . there's a set of kitchen cabinets . and the mother has on an apron and a sleeveless dress . the girl has on a dress or a skirt and blouse . the boy looks like he's got on short trousers and a shirt with a sweater . cookie jar is full of cookies . the lid is off . that's it !
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well the girl is reaching for a cookie that the boy is trying to get for her while he's am I going too fast ? while he's falling off a ladder . and the mother is washing dishes . drying a plate . while the sink is spilling over with water that is overflown from the spigot that is still running . and water is gushing out . and the girl is signaling to be quiet not to let her mother know that the boy is getting the cookie for her . and I did say that she's drying the dish with the towel . and the water's splashing on the floor .
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things that are happening . girl's reaching for a cookie . the boy is reaching a cookie to the girl and also reaching at the cookie jar and he's gonna fall off a stool . the woman is drying dishes and washing dishes . and she's let the water from the sink pour out on the floor . I don't see any other thing . well I just told you that he was falling from a stool . okeydokey . I said he was reaching a cookie to the girl reaching for a cookie for himself falling off a stool yeah .
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we'll start with the girl . she's going to the he steal a cookie . her brother her brother is taking cookies outof a jar . and he got careless . she's asking him for one . so he's handing one down to her . in the meantime he is getting reading to fall off of a off of a stool, a three legged stool . and the mother's not paying much attention . she's looking out the window . and in looking out the window why she's letting her sink run over and the water's splashing on the floor all over her . and what else ? the outside looks there's more here . she's drying she's drying a dish . and she has two cups and a plate on the table . well I did say she was letting the water run over the sink down onto the floor, splashing onto her feet . oh boy . then there's an angle here that is incomplete of the of the corner where the wall comes together . let's see what else . let's see . the there's a plate, two two cups . oh I did say she's letting the water run over the sink didn't I ? yes . now she is seems to be looking out the window while she's drying her dish . howabout that ?
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ah oh boy . oh the kids are trying to get the cookies . and she's laughing but holding her hand up to him . and the they know he's gonna fall off the chair . and their mother's doing the dishes and not doing not being careful . she didn't turn the water off and the water's all going to the floor instead of getting the dishes all dry . that's all I can and tup two cups and a plate . End
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oh that kid's gonna get a good spill off of that stool if his mother don't turn around there and catch him . gonna drop whatever he's got in his hands . the little girl's reaching up there to get something from the boy . I think he's gonna land himself on the floor the way he does it .
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I see the little boy stealing cookies from the cookie jar . and the little girl's he gave some to the little girl and she's eating some of the cookies . and I guess this is mama and she's washing the dishes . and she dropped a dish . no no she didn't drop a dish . the the water that she's washing the dishes with she let run . and it's overflown overflown overflown . that doesn't that doesn't sound right . did it we forgot to turn off the spigot . and so the water is running off into the onto the floor here . and mom apparently is washing the dishes . and here's this little boy stealing the cookie cookies . he's gonna gonna fall because his the the cookies jar or the bench s the four legged stool whatever it is is is gonna fall over with him and the cookie jar . and mama's drying the dishes as usual for mamas if they don't have a husband that dries them or washes them or whatever . let's see now . I guess there's more things I'm sposta see . let's see here now . oh and the the water is flowing out of the of the sink they forgot to turn off whoever's doing the the dishwashing . mom apparently here, she forgot to turn off the water and the the water is spilling out over the onto the floor onto the kitchen floor . and the little girl has pushed over the chair with the boy that he that was reaching up to get the cookies . I either he she pushed it over or he fell over with it . youknow it I I excuse me but youknow I I was
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a little girl is reaching for her brother to give her a cookie . the stool is falling over . the boy has taken the lid off the cookie jar, has a cookie in his left hand, is reaching with his right hand for one . the mother is drying the dishes . the water is flowing running and flowing outof the sink . mother is frowning . there's nothing going on outside there's just bushes . the door is open . the girl has looks like she's laughing . the lady's standing in the water . okay ? I think that's it .
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the boy is after the cookie jar for him and his girl . and the girl or the woman is drying dishes and the water is leaking on the floor . spilling on the floor . the boy is getting cookies outof the jar and the the jack or the cushion or the hat is falling over . he's gonna fall . and the water's spilling for the woman drying the dishes . is that all ?
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look at the picture ? oh one of the the boy is on the stool getting cookies from the cookie jar and giving them to the girl but the stool is about ready to tip over . the mother is drying the dishes as the sink faucet has filled the sink bowl and is running over onto the floor . that's all the action . let's see .
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the little boy is falling off the stool . he is giving cookies to the little girl . the little girl is telling him to be quiet so that mother will not hear . mother is drying the dishes while the sink is overflowing .
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well the little boy went up to get some cookies . and the little girl reaching up to give the jar to the to her brother . the mother is washing dishes . and the and the the sink is full of dishes full of water . and the mother is still wiping the dishes . and let's see what else . and the boy is almost falling off this long thing here . what do you wanna call this ? a chair a chair . and the and then and the water's falling over on the floor by the mother . and the little girl's handing handing her something to her brother . and cookies it's probably cookies . or he's handing her a cookies whatever . right ?
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just start about anywhere ? little girl . falling stool . the young lad is gonna fall from the stool . his hands are touching the cookie jar and these cupboards . it shows the mother in the kitchen wiping dishes . the water in the sink is overflowing . the cups and dishes on the stand . the sight through the window of green grass, bushes, window from the house with drapes . it shows the roof of the house and the tree and drapes .
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okay Junior's in the k?k?u jar cookie jar . and he's just about to go have himself an accident . his sister's standing down below waiting for a handful of cookies . and his mom's washing drying the dishes I think . and she's having problems because the sink's running over and she's standing in a puddle of water, some empty dishes on the counter . as far as the action that's just about it .
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well your sink is being run over, the water . the stool the kid's standing on is falling . and he's getting cookies from a jar . the lady's washing dishes . the girl's reaching for a cookie . could there be more ? I don't think so .
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I see a tad bit . and somebody is doing drying dishes . no I can't no I can't get this very well, clear . well someone's standing on a stool and the stool is getting ready to fall over . it's well somebody's drying dishes . no I don't see anything else going on over here . I'm I'm thinking now maybe the water's overrunning . I'm not too sure . there's some water on the floor here . and there's some in the sink that's overrunning . .
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what do I tell you when I see it ? as I see it ? is there something going on there or oh that's just well the first bad thing I see is the water running out of the sink running over . and the little boy up stealing cookies and giving one to his sister . and mom is drying the dishes and standing in the water . she's looking the other direction . and the little boy's falling off the stool definitely standing up on to get the cookie . he's gonna get hurt when he hits that sink . sounds like an airplane going crazy . no . you can see out the window out into the yard . and you can see a window over there on the other side of the house .
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the kids are in the cookies . the stool is falling over . the mother's spilling the water and also drying the dishes . and the wind might be blowing the curtains . and the water's running . I can't tell is anything going on outside or not . I guess that's all I see . that's not very many .
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the sink's running over . the water's going all over the floor . here the boy the stepladder is turning under his legs and he's stealing cookies outof the cookie jar . and she's begging for cookies the girl is . coming back to the sink let's see here . mama's stepping in the water . and I I said the sink was running over . she's drying dishes . wait a minute . what the devil is ? there is something but I don't know what it is written on the grass it seems . what is that ? and the curtains . that's a pl pl something there . hm let's see . I don't see anything else there . she's stepping in the water . the sink's running over . that spells something down there but I can't see it . so far . and he's on a a stool that's gonna fall over while they're stealing cookies . and there's a plate and two cups on the sink and she's got a plate in her hand . I don't see anything else .
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the boy is falling off the stool . he's taking cookies outof the cookie jar . and the girl is reaching up for a cookie . the mother is drying dishes . the water is running outof the sink the overflowing sink . the mother's standing in the water . the window is open . looks like the window's open . the water is running . I don't know whether you'd consider her looking the other way or whether that would be an activity or not . she's she's not looking at the children she's looking the other way . the girl is shushing him so he won't make a noise . the door is open on the cupboards . that's all I can see . yeah .
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so she will find her . and the mother washes drying the dishes . and the stool's upset . youknow she's getting on getting the cookies . there's cup and saucer setting there on a plate ready to eat . the cookie jar right here . that's all I see and this this is well whoever's over there spilled it, knocked it down . I don't know what that is . looks like a mouse .
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water's running over the sink . and she's ignoring it . and the kid just grabbing the cookies and she's ignoring that . she's practically ignoring everything . the kid's falling and the what else do you want ? he's ready to fall . his problem's the water's coming over, he's ready to fall down and danger ! there's danger there or something . I don't know what you want .
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well the little boy was looking at that cookie jar and he started to tip over . she was talking with him and and wanting him to give her some cookies I guess . and he turned it's turning turning it over . I don't know whether he got hurt or not . probably did . because his mom is right beside him behind him and maybe she could have caught him . and the mother is washing the dishes but she let the water go so fast and so full that it's halfway down the it's all the way down . and she'll hafta clean it all up . she'll hafta get the little kids out so she can . yeah .
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little boy's stealing cookies out of the cookie jar . little girl's whispering not to tell . his chair's gonna fall . his mother's at the sink washing dishes . she's spilled the water all over . it's running all over the floor . she's drying a plate . she's looking out the window . the little boy's stool's gonna fall . he's got a cookie in his hand . he's reaching for a second one . the mother she's looking outside and not watching the water running over from the sink . the cupboard door is open . she shouldn't be looking out the window . she's washing dishes . she's letting the water run out . I don't know what else I could tell .
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a boy is getting cookies outof the cookie jar . he's standing on a stool that's gonna fall . the girl is reaching for a cookie . the mother's drying dishes . the faucet's running water . it's dripping outof the sink . spilling onto the floor . dishes are on the counter . window is open . must be summertime . the girl is laughing . looks like she's laughing . that's about it .
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the woman of the house is drying the dishes . her sink is overflowing . the boy's stool is tipping . he's taking cookies outof a jar . he's handing one to his sister . and she is oh she's already dried some dishes right here I guess . well what is this honey ? I I can't make that out . it look like a oh action . oh ? I'm sorry . she's drying the dishes . she's standing in water well that's if that's action . and the door is open where the cookies are . they all have their shoes on . oh she's got an apron on over her dress . kindof homely girl isn't she ? she's not doing much she's just got her hand like . how many did I get wrong ?
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well the boy is getting cookies and he's gonna fall off the stool . and the mother is doing dishes . and the water is running over outof the sink . she has the faucet on . she's spilling water all over the floor . well the boy is handing the little girl a cookie . nothing that I can see of action .
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the mother is washing dishes . and the water is flowing from the sink . she's looking out the window . the son or the boy's on a stool which he's about to fall off stealing cookies from the cookie jar and giving it to probably his little sister . there are two cups and a dish on the sink counter . and the lady at the sink has a dish and a wash and a dry cloth . do you want me to describe her clothes ?
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well let's see . the boy is taking cookies outof the cookie jar . and the little girl is laughing . and the boy is falling off the stool . and the mother's washing dishes . and the water is running over . and I don't know whether the wind is blowing or not .
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oh gee . the little girl is reaching up to the cookie jar . and the the boy is oh he's on the the stool . he's gonna be trouble falling off . and the woman is lady is drying the dishes . and the sink overroll overfilled . Imean it's all down on the floor . and I can see cups and there I see that little boy with the cookie jar . and that little girl wants one . and the water's running as I said the water's running all over the floor . and the girl's drying the dishes . and the little boy's falling off that there stool because he's up for the cookie jar . trying to get one for his sister . and the water on the faucet is all over the floor . oh man ! this is awful .
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well ? I see this woman here . and she she's carrying something . well ? I'm trying to oh this ? oh ? she is she is throwing something it looks like to me . and here she's standing . and she's got some kind of a stick I would say here . let's see . okay ? she's catching the a ball perhaps . should I still stay on this side here or go over here ? anything ? on this table here ? did did we mention this other person here ? it looks like he's catching the ball or something like that or and then here's a girl . and she's got some sticks here . and here's a boy evidently .
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oh goody . that boy's climbed on a stool that's falling over to get a cookie . and the little girl is standing below him trying to get the cookie from his hand . and the mother is washing dishes while the water's running over in the sink on the floor . and the window is the sun's shining . there's two cups and this plate on the counter . and maybe the mother is drying a plate . that's all I see .
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oh boy . family is in the kitchen . the mother's washing dishes . and her sink is overflowing . and she's looking out the window . and the two kids are taking they're stealing cookies off the outof the cupboard . and the boy looks like he's gonna fall down and hurt himself or fall against his mother . and the girl is whispering “don't make too much noise” to him . she's or else she's laughing at him . they got the cookies . alright now though the window, let's see . there's a nice look outside, real nice . I told you the water was running over and splashing onto the floor . and the mother doesn't seem too too affected by it . she's drying a dish or wiping it . let's see . I guess the girl is laughing at her brother because he's going to fall . looks like a nice house . there is a little bit of very little but I don't think that's meant for this . the corner that got to the corner . so this is a corner here . and that goes back into there but that's . do you see what I'm making reference to ? the carpentry ?
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there's the two children are in the process of stealing cookies from the cookie jar . and the little girl has her finger up to her mouth to be quiet . and the stool on which the boy is standing is about to fall . and the mother must be looking out the window because the sink is spilling over with water, overflowing with water . and the meanwhile she's drying the dishes . and the water is falling down onto the floor . and it's a nice day . the window's up it looks like . and it's a nice day outside . that's about all I can see on that .
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well he's into the cookie jar and the the stool is falling down . she's doing dishes and the sink's running over and wetting her feet . and she look doesn't look too happy . anything else ? she's drying the dishes . right ? and the kid's in the cookie jars . how many things are sposta be wrong ?
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