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this boy is getting cookies outof this jar . well why why they must they they must have put put something in the in the in something over here . www . %exp tape appears to stop and start, nothing intelligible no ? you've gotta you gotta get the you gotta get the the thing out of the out of the yeah ? I guess so .
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well for one thing this boy's on the stool getting cookies . and his stool's about to fall . and and the little girl's reaching for some cookies . she got her finger in her mouth . the mother's drying dishes and water's running over . she got her yeah and she drying dishes water's running over . she's standing in water . there's a sink there . plate and a cup . outside you can see outside there the the walkway and hedges, a window, tree . and outside the the cookie jar would hafta be in the cupboard . and there's a what you call it the counter on in the kitchen . that's and the curtains . and the window .
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oh yes . well the mother is washing the dishes . and the water is running over in the sink . and the kids little boy's getting in the cookie jar and he's about to trip over the chair . and she seems to be oblivious to everything . guess in some kind of daze . and the little girl has her finger on her lips and sho don't tell mom . this looks looks like the mother is really kinda burned out . or in some kind of a depression because she doesn't seem to know what's going on .
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action ? what's going on in the picture ? there's a kid up look in the k?k?u cookie jar . the boy's, he got them . and the girl wants it . it must must be the mother . she's washing dishes . a dish fell down or I don't and broke . kid's kid's on a stool tipping over . and this action would be she's still so washing up the dishes d???nu . I think that's all that all that hitting hitting in my k?k?u jar cookie jar . and he's about to tip over with on a stool . yeah the water spill out on the floor . that's . I wanna see here a minute .
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the little boy is getting a cookie out of the cookie jar . and the little girl's reaching for a cookie . and the little boy's about to fall off the stool . and the lady is drying dishes . and the water is overflowing in the sink . and I don't really know anything else going on . and the water's spilling out on to her floor . I don't know if the wind's blowing or not . and it the activity, that's all I see .
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washing dishes . climbing stool . falling off the stool . getting into the cookie jar . and the little girl on a thing . yeah putting her finger up there . I don't know . she won't tell . I don't know . outside there's grass growing . you will dish water's washing or is the sink is overflowing . and the dishes aren't all together done . the floor is getting wet . I can't see a cookie jar is open and the cupboard door is open . there's no handle on the cupboard doors down here .
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a boy is putting something in the closet . or he and he could or I it it could be taking he could be taking a cookie jar out . and he's the stepstool is tilting . and a young girl seems to whisper to him about making noise . doesn't it did you notice that ? yeah . now do I go over on the other side ? whole picture . there's a older woman well young still . I mean to say that . then the the child over there . and she's drying dishes or washing them, washing and dry them drying them . and it looks as if she's spilling water on the floor from the sink . is there a woman's face at the window ? doesn't it like a doesn't it look like there's a face there ? ain't that ? oh I thought it looked like a nose and a mouth and eye there .
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oh goodness sakes . the little girl is saying be quiet because we don't want mother to know we're in the cookie jar . the boy is getting cookies and he's going to have an accident because the stool is going to go quite off . the mother is in dream world somewhere because she's drying dishes and the water's coming out over the floor . she's standing in the water even . my goodness sakes . the there's nothing the matter with those dishes . I guess you could look out the window and see that . I don't know Karen that's
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there hasta be action . oh the stool the boy is falling off the stool . the lady is drying dishes . the water is running outof the sink . I don't know what else they would want . that's about all I can see . those three things .
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I don't see . looks like somebody took some pencils or something and went up and down those them things . all I see I see a girl standing there or something or other . some little knots or something . I don't know . some kind of a pan or something . and that girl is there . and there's something else over there . there's another girl look like . looks look like some a little girl is in there . I don't see nothing else . some of and things . look to me like the same except them things up there . I see this they all look looked about the same to me except this thing here . look like a little kid the same . I'm sorry I didn't bring my glasses .
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let's see . the boy's taking the cookies outof the cookie jar . and the girl is reaching to get the cookie . and the boy is falling off the stool . mother is drying the dishes while the water spills over the sink . it looks like the wind's blowing the curtain there . she's the mother is stepping outof the water . I guess that's about it . the boy is handing the girl a cookie too . I don't know if I've said that . and she's reaching for it . the boy is I don't wanna say falling off the stool or stepping off as it's moving, I I think that's it .
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well the boy is in the cookie jar . he has a cookie in his hand . and he's gonna fall . his sister is looking for a cookie . and the mother is drying a dish . and the water is coming out . well the mother's flue is gonna beep . I think I'm through .
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well for one thing the boy is stealing cookies . and the girl is asking for a cookie . and the boy is standing on a stool which is tipping over . and the lady's drying a plate . and the water is running in the sink and overflowing on the floor and getting her feet wet . and the window is open . and I don't know that there's anything special going on outside the window . seems to me that that's essentially the things that are going on in this picture . the girl is picking her nose . the boy is handing her a cookie . really those are the only activities I see .
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well the mother's washing the dishes . and the boy is reaching for cookies and he's falling off the chair . and the little girl's laughing at him of I think . and the water's spilling over onto the floor . I can't see any other action . I guess she's drying her dishes not washing them . she's doing something with them .
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well the kids are getting to the cookie jar . the boy . and he's giving cookies to his sister . and his kitchen stool is falling over . him on it . the mother's drying dishes . and drops ? it's no it's water . water's splashing out over the sink . you want that ? that's water splashing on the floor . and the sister's laughing, getting cookies . mother's drying dishes . and I I don't know . the spigot's open . the water's running out on the floor . that's about all .
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mm wow ! well the mother must be daydreaming because the water's overflowing in the sink . and the window's open . she's drying a dish . I think she's deaf . the the boy's in the cookie jar giving his going in the cookie jar giving his sister and he's about to fall off the stool . and the sister the or the little girl who his sister or not but the little girl has her finger to her mouth as if she's trying to trying to get him to be quiet . what else can I tell you about the picture ? there's a there's a garage or a house next door . I'd say that's about all .
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the mother's drying a dish and the water's running over . and the boy is taking cookies outof the cabinet and he's tipping over on the stool . and the girl is reaching for one and she has one finger to her mouth like so say “sho” the mother won't hear . I guess . and the lady has one foot in back of the other . and it looks like the window's open . and she's already dried some dishes there on the counter . cabinet door's open . let's see . water's all over the floor . sink is running over . I guess I said that . okay ? he's handing one cookie to the other girl . the lid the lid is off the cookie jar .
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there's alotof things going on in the picture . the boy's falling off . and he's touching the cookie getting cookies up out of the jar handing them handing them to the kid . the lady's washing dishes . the spigot's opened . water's overflowing the sink . the window's open . she's walking in the water . cups on the counter and dish on the counter .
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little boy's about to he's getting into the cookie jar . got up on a stool . handing them off to obviously well probably his little sister but in the meantime the stool is about to fall over before she really gets any . the mother's preoccupied at the sink . she's washing dishes and she's permitting the water to overflow . so she herself is starting to stand in a panel puddle and she seems to be unaware of what's going on behind her . and obviously it's spring or summer because the plants are blooming outside through the kitchen window . you didn't say what's wrong . Imean this is what I'm sposta be picking out . that's about it .
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there's the action . there's the action as opposed to state yeah action the girl is holding her finger up to her face . is it that kind of thing ? alright pointing toward the cookie jar what or no reaching out her hand for a cookie . her brother is has one cookie near her hand . in his right hand he is reaching in the cookie jar . the stool is falling over . he has his . the the woman is wiping the dishes . she's holding it plate in one hand and drying with the other . water's spilling outof the sink . and the water's running outof the faucet filling the sink . looks as if maybe there's a breeze blowing in the curtain . yes there is a breeze blowing in the curtains . the woman is smiling . they're all smiling . each one is looking at . at at the other person the water is splashing . okay ?
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well the mother is washing dishes and the the she hasn't turned the water off . and the the water is spilling out from the sink onto the floor and she's standing in the puddle of water . and the boy is standing on a stool, a high stool and he is robbing the cookie jar . and at the same time his sister is asking him for a cookie and in the in the process his stool is starting to tip over . and I guess that's the main point to this . it looks like that boy is boy is in for a bad fall . going to be in for a bad fall .
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the little boy is getting the cookies cookie jar opened and is giving one to his sister I think . I don't know how many to his sister and that's where that ends . and the fact that also that he's he's bumping over the chair . so that's he's gonna get hurt . and his mother is is oh really . his his mother is she must be talking to somebody . but anyway she the water's running over and running on the floor . boy and then the cookie jars they and he's gonna fall . and the little girl she's still trying to calm him sho . she's putting her finger to her lips . and then the I don't know what that's I don't know what's that what that what that well that must be some kind of a I don't know . I can't it's upside down . and then when I get it upside down I can't cappdfk seven five seven . I don't know what that is . that's about all .
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well let's see . we have the water coming outof the spigot and the sink is stopped up and the water is going on the floor . apparently the mother is drying a dish . we have the boy standing on a stool trying to get cookies outof the cookie jar and handing them to handing them to his sister probably . and he's about to fall as the stool is tipping over . and the grass is growing and probably . but I guess that's about the action .
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I see the lady drying the dishes . and the water is spilling over the sink onto the floor . and I see a boy on a stool going for a cookie jar and the stool is falling over . and the girl is putting her finger to her lips and one hand out to get a cookie jar . the lady is drying a dish with a towel . and that is all I can see .
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well the kids are swiping the cookies . mom's doing the dishes as usual . and she's got water all over the floor . anything else I need you need ? she's drying dishes . water running over the sink . some of the dishes aren't washed yet . kids are taking the cookies . he's gonna fall off the of the st?e??su no, what do you call that ? stool .
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oh yes . a little girl and the little boy is getting cookies outof the jar . oh and the stool is upsetting . and the I guess it's the mother is drying dishes . water's spilling down all over the sink . water on the floor . little boy's gonna fall and that that there stool . I think the cookie jar is gonna fall . and the guess drying dishes and water the faucet's on and water's running all over the floor . what else am I Imean what what yeah . the cookie jar . the stool . her doing the dishes . the water spilling . far as yeah that's as far as I could see .
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I see the little boy's down here getting the the food . and the little girl down here is the same way . this little boy this is falling over . and this little girl she's just getting getting things ready for dinner . food dropped . I think it did . yes it did .
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the boy's gonna fall . she's running the sink over . that kid seem to getting in the cookie jar . so and she's standing in water working .
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. touching lip . raising arm . is that what you mean ? reaching for cookie . handing cookie down . slipping from stool . stool falling over . wiping dishes . water running . water overflowing . breeze . I don't know if that's action . stepping out from water . I guess that's it .
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first of all the little girl's saying shho . and and he's climbing up to get a cookie . and he's going to fall . and the stool is on tipping . the water is running over in the sink . the towel seems to go in one side and out the other side of the dish . oh that's part of the curtain I guess . that's what it is . that's part of the curtain . it looked like it gone through here and come out here . ah . two cups and a dish . I don't see anything unusual .
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mother's washing dishes . the sink is overflowing . the boy's falling off a chair as he's getting for the cookie . girl's reaching up for the cookie . I did say the water is running down . the mother's looking out the window . dishes ofcourse are on the sink . think that's about it .
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boy over here standing on the chair . it's falling over . and a girl down below . the boy's up up there . he's has a cookie jar up there . he's putting cookies in . and the thing's falling over . then there's the lady . she's she's washing dishes and drying them . and the sink is turned on and the water's running down and is running on the floor and she's standing in the water . she's got a dress on and and there's she's looking out out past drapes down here . and she's looking out through the window . looks like that boy's gonna fall over pretty soon .
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well you see the little the little boy stealing cookies . and the under girl is going to pick them up . I think she is . because he is gonna take a whole damn fall . and this girl you gotta find something here . well the cookie jar is gonna get smashed . if that little girl don't . and the woman is already getting it from something . what ? yeah she's she's in an warm water . and it's on also . and over there is cookies off the right . yeah that's about all I can see .
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well let's see . the children are getting cookies . and the stool is going to fall . the sink is overflowing . the mother's washing or drying dishes . the girl is putting her finger up to her mouth . like I said the mother doesn't know they took the lid off the cookie jar . they opened the door . and that's all I can see .
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I see a boy getting into the cookie jar . and he's he's very precarious . he the stool he's standing on is tipping him over . and she the little girl wants a cookie . and mama doesn't notice what's going on . she's too busy washing dishes . and she's too busy to see that the sink is overflowing . oh is you you mean the action . you just want action . she's stepping in the water . the little girl is begging for a cookie . maybe I told you that though . shall I tell you more ? just the cookies cups and saucers and so
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are you ready ? well the sink is overflowing . mother is standing in the water like a jerk . she's wiping the dishes also like a jerk . there the the the boy is trying to get a cookie outof the cookie jar but boy he's about to fall off the stool . his sister has her has her hand up finger up to her mouth like she's saying shh . to be quiet don't let mother know what you're doing . and he's about to hand her a cookie . but in a few moments it's going to be like total catastrophe . mother the reason the water's flowing out over the sink is because the water is running furiously . and I'm looking out through the window . and I don't see anything going on out there . unless I don't that's just a bush I'm presuming or a plum pudding . I told you the stools about to go over . in a moment there's going to be real chaos which will make what's going on in the picture look like nothing . the cookie jar is full . the lid is off the cookie jar . and the do you want me to tell you all of those things ? the the cabinet door has just swung open . stool is about to fall . I guess I've just told you that . with a terrible crash . mother is daydreaming . she doesn't even know what's going on behind her . I think that's very important and sometimes typical . seems to be all I can see .
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well the kid's standing on a tilted stool getting cookies . the water's running out of the sink . the girl has two different shoes on . the stool is tilted . the cookie jar is not a jar it's it's it's a tin tin tin thing tin dish or whatever .
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the boy is standing on a stool . it is tilting over . he's reaching for cookies in the cookie jar . and his sister is standing beside him side him reaching up for some of the cookies . and the mother is standing right near them washing dishes in the sink . and the water is running into the sink and the sink is flooding over with water . and you want scenery description or anything like that ? okay yeah . outside the window where the mother is there's there's a walkway it looks like it's going out to a garage . and also one is on his kitchen sink area there's a like a coffee cup two cups and a and a plate . and hey and I did say the stool is tilting
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well the boy has climbed up on the stool to get some cookies from the cookie jar . and he's giving his sister the cookies . and she is she isn't actually eating one but she has her finger her hand up to her mouth . but the stool is going to fall over . and the mother is washing the dishes . she's really wiping a dish and the sink is running over them . the dishes are on the sink . you wanna know that sort of thing ? just what's going that's all that I well that all that I see . she's standing in the water too .
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oh there's a cookie jar and a youngster with a I don't know what he got cookie jar . and the boy has a shirt with a cookie jar too I guess . the girl has one too a jar . and that's the stool . and this is with a kitchen thing dishes . and this is water somebody spilled . this is some more junk . what do you call this ? I don't know . I guess it's another for the I don't know what's hɑ?u in there . the tentu very interesting . oh I don't know . she's looking at it . I don't know what . that the kid's gonna fall off the stool . I hope he does . dumb kids . oh they're in the cookie jar . oh what are they doing ? I don't know . they're spilling something good and much . it's they're doing the dishes . dishes they are . the boy's trying to fall off the stool and she's trying to get the dishes all done .
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well there's a boy trying to get some cookies in from the cupboard . and then the little girl has her hand up for one . and there's a stool that's ready to fall that he's standing on . and there's a lady washing dishes and she spilled and her sink is filled up full of water and it spilled all on the floor . she's standing by the window . . see the grass and the shrubbery outside . and the two is two cups and a plate to be that's laying on on the sink . I don't know if it's to be dried or what .
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tell you everything that's going on ? there's a little girl asking her brother for a cookie . he is on a step he's on a high stepstool reaching up high for the cookies . and the stool is going out from under him . he is going to fall . the mother is washing dishes and not paying attention . the sink the water in the sink is overflowing . she doesn't seem to be aware of it . the through the window we can see a walkway then a grassy area and another part of the house maybe a garage . there's two two cups and a plate on a kitchen counter . the cookie jar is full . and the boy has the lid off and has one cookie in his hand . that's it .
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well the girl is telling the boy to get the cookies down but don't tell your mother . and the boy is also falling over off the stool . and the mother is letting the water run outof the sink . and she's drying dishes . I don't quite get that but then she has water on the floor and and basically it's kindof a distressing scene . everything's going haywire . she needs to turn off the water . if she turned off the water she'd be a hundred percent better off .
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oh this ? there's a little boy . he's getting some cookies out of the cookies Imean outof the jar . and he's giving his little sister something . I don't know what it is . and one of the girls is washing the dishes and drying them . and the cookie jar is out there . so that's pretty nice . the little boy is up on the foot stool Imean up up on the what do you call that stool ? that's big too big for a foot stool . see the uhhuh . he's up there getting a what's he getting down cookie jar . see ? he's getting the cookie jar down . he's giving it to his sister . what is she doing ? she's washing dishes right there . I see the water spilling over . see the sink ? the uhhuh that's going down . and there's there's a saucer and a cup . is that a commode in there ? it looks like it right there . maybe that's I don't know .
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well, the boy is falling . he's trying to get something a cookie jar . and the stool is he's gonna be on the floor in a minute . and he is trying to get a cookie for this gal . and she's over here oh she's not paying any attention and she didn't turn off the water . and the water is dripping all over the floor . do you see that ? and she's trying to she's in a mess . she's got in a water all over the floor and she's standing in the water . and she has an apron on . and she's trying to wipe the plates dry . and
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everything, not things that are just bad right ? there are two little kids a boy and a girl . on a the boy's on a stool which is falling over getting cookies outof a jar . the cookies are in the cabinet with the lid off . and it's in the kitchen . the mother is washing dishes at the window with a curtain on the window . a walk outside with trees and grass . the water is running over in the sink onto the floor . the mother is drying a dish, and stepping in the water . there's a plate and two cups sitting on the cabinet . the mother has an apron on .
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okay the little boy is on a stool about to fall . the stool's about to upset . and he has a cookie in each hand, handing about to hand one cookie to the little girl who is standing there with her hand reached up for the cookie . and the water is running over into the dishpan there or into the sink . and the mother or the lady is standing there drying a dish . two two cups and a plate are on the counter there . and and out the window there's a walkway and and and you can see a window across from the walkway drapes . what's happening you said, huh ? okay that's that's what's happening I guess . thank
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I see the little boy taking cookies outof the cookie jar and handing them to a little girl . he is falling over on the stool . she is telling him to be quiet . the mother is drying the dishes and the water is spilling outof the sink . the window is opened it looks like . she is drying a dish . she is standing in a puddle of water . that's all that I see . action Imean you want something unusual outof the picture . do you want cabinets dishes two cups a dish ? no ? okay, yeah . I don't see anything outside .
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it was summertime and mother and the children were working in the kitchen . and the window was open and there was a slight breeze blowing in . mother was daydreaming and forgot and left the water in the sink running and it was overflowing . the children were hungry and because they knew mother was distracted doing the dishes they did something they probably should not have done . and they got the kitchen stool and moved it under the cupboard where the cookie jar was . and the young boy climbed up to get a cookie . because he did not place his weight correctly on the stool he's about to fall and probably hurt himself because his head's gonna hit the kitchen cupboards . it looks like the house is set in the country . and it's a large house but either that or you're seeing another house or the a wing of the house . there's grass growing a little a little path . mother looks pretty laid back there .
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this is the one where I insisted the tree doesn't have a trunk and I still think that tree doesn't have a trunk . okay what do you want me to do ? tell a this is a tree and it if it had a trunk it would continue . this is the top sash of the window and it hasta have a trunk down here and that's just grass . so what well what's this ? isn't that a tree ? looks like a tree to me . okay what do you want me to do you all the action ? there's a little boy in short pants with short sleeves who is has a cookie in his left hand handing it to a little girl and grabbing another one . and the lid is falling off the cookie jar . and the stool is upsetting . and it's a three legged stool . and the little girl is shushing because the mother is standing there in a puddle of water with the water overflowing outof the drain . and she's wiping a dish instead of the mess . and she's wearing an apron and she has on sleeveless clothes . I don't know . I could go on . there are two cups and a plate and she's drying another plate . and she has short hair that's parted on the left hand side . and the little boy has a high pompadour . and the little girl has long hair and a long low waisted dress . how long should I go on ?
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it's a kitchen scene . and the mother is doing the dishes . the children are trying to get into the cookie jar . the stool is falling over . the water is running over in the sink . the it looks as though the window is open . and there is grass and what have you, grass and trees outside . looks like the curtains might be billowing a little . the little girl is asking the boy for a cookie . and let's see . the mother's drying the dishes . and she's standing in the water . looks like there are a couple dishes that have already been dried sitting on the sink . I guess that's all I see . pardon me ? I might have missed it what you said . oh I said the little boy's trying to get some cookies outof the cookie jar . and the little girl's asking for a cookie . and the stool looks as though it's going to fall over .
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the little boy is in the cookie jar and standing on a stool that's falling out from under him . and the mother has is washing dishes in the kitchen sink but she doesn't have the plug in and she's having a flood . that's it .
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well a lady's uh and the water fell off off the sink . the little boy fell off his the what's that called ? that's a he fell off of that thing . yeah . yeah that's kindof messed up . got his cookie jar but he fell down . no not much . howscome she hadta get that water splattered all over the floor ? that's terrible . well this little girl was just looking at his at her brother .
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the boy is on a stool that is falling while he's trying to get some cookies outof the cookie jar in the top shelf of the cupboard . the little girl is reaching for a cookie . it looks like she's sort of laughing at the boy or putting her finger up to her mouth to be quiet so her mother doesn't hear who is in the kitchen drying dishes but the water in the sink is overflowing onto the floor and she's stepping in the water . the window is open . looks like it's summer outside . yeah there's trees with leaves . is that all you want me to do ? she's doesn't look it's like she hears them . she doesn't seem to be aware of them . some of the dishes are already washed and dried . is that all you want me to say ?
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I want you to put the picture . well the stool is falling over . and the mother's sink wash sink is overrun . taking the cookies .
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the water's running on the floor . boy's taking cookies out of cookie outof the cookie jar . the stool is falling open over . the girl was asking for a cookie . the wife is wiping the dish . I guess not .
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many or the mother's washing the dishes and the sink is overflowing . she has some of them dried already on the side as she's looking out the window while the little boy is falling off the stool because he's getting into the cookie jar to give to his little sister who's reaching up to get the cookie also . there's water all over the floor . there's the garden is outside and the mother's not paying any attention to what they do . the stool is tipping . the cookie jar the door is open . there may be a little breeze coming in because the this window is open . the little girl is saying has her finger to her mouth shh we won't tell mother while you give me the cookie . it's in the kitchen ofcourse and the cups two cups and a dish already have been dried . and the mother's stepping in the water and she's probably so engrossed in what she's doing outside she neither knows what the children are doing nor is she paying any attention that the water's overflowing .
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he must be picking apples here . because he's on the ladder and he's got both hands open and he can be . and the chair was falling . the baby's crying . that's all .
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oh I don't mind it . the lady's a lousy dishwasher because her is all over the floor . I never do that do you ? and the boy is falling off of a stool stealing a cookie from the cookie jar . and what else ? and he's going to get hurt when the chair tips over . and what else ? the little girl is asking for a cookie . the mother is doing dishes and the water's running out of the sink all over the floor . some dishwasher . that's good .
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oh there's a little boy on a stepstool about to fall . he's reaching in the cookie jar . and the little girl reaching for a cookie . and the mother washing dishes . and the sink is overflowing . and the tap water's coming in . and it looks like there might be a breeze blowing the curtains . because the water's running on the floor . and the door of the cupboard is ajar where he has a cookie jar .
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there's a little girl . and a little boy standing on top of a stool . and it looks like a mother maybe washing the dishes in the kitchen . there's cookies in the jar up in the pantry I suppose . there's a cup two cups and a saucer or a plate maybe . there's some shrubs outside . the the sink is overflowing right now . and that's about all . the sink is overflowing . the sink is overflowing . he's trying to kill himself . you want more ? that's it ?
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well the poor mother's adoing dishes . there's a boy on a on a stool . cookie jar . and a girl down below . is that all you wanted to know ? there's a cookie jar . the little boy is standing on a stool and he's ready to go over . the little girl's standing there . the mother's at the sink doing dishes . her water's overflowing . that's about it .
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further right . oh there's a little girl reaching oh let's say the little boy's reaching for the cookie in the jar . and the stool is falling over . the little girl's reaching up to the little boy for the cookie . and the mother apparently is washing the dishes and the water is running over . she's probably busy looking out at the at the garden . and the cups and saucer the cups and the saucer are on the side . what else do you want ? things that I see ? you mean, curtains ? no I think that's about it .
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climbing . dishwashing . pointing . stealing cookies . the wind is blowing outside . you can see the grass moving a little bit . the water is flowing . and the stool is tipping . cupboard door is open . curtains are apart but that's not an action . there's someone washing the dishes . stepping . and the two of them are stepping . motion of the hands . point pointing in the motion on the lips . and reaching . the cookie jar lid is falling . the door is opened . the sink is overflowing but I said the water was flowing . it's coming outof the faucet and the splashing .
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there's a boy and a girl and the boy is on the ladder taking cookies outof the cookie jar on a stool . and the stool is tilting over . and the girl is reaching up and he's passing the cookies to her . and the mother is drying dishes in front of the open window . and the while she's drying the dish with the dish with the towel the sink is running over . and it's all splashing on the floor . and there's a cup there's two cups and plate that she's that are sitting on the counter . and I don't know . there's trees and grass outside . and the kitchen has all these cabinets . that it .
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the boy's falling off the stool . the the girl's got her hand up . the lady's drying dishes . the water is spilling on the floor . faucet's on . the boy's trying to get a cookie jar out . lid's off of it . sink's by the window . that's all I know .
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the sink is running over . and the the lady's drying the dishes . and the boy's crawled up on the stool and it's falling and he's gonna fall down . and he's handing the cookie to the little girl . and let's see . the cupboard door is open and he was in after the in the cookie jar after the cookies . and and I don't know .
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well ? I needta read it . tell you . well ? that's the boy . he wants the cookies . and this must be the mother . is that all ? the little girl's helping . and he's falling over . well ? I don't know . and that's the mother . and I don't think she knows what they're up to .
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well they look like they're stealing cookies out of the jar . this lady is drying dishes . somebody's up in the cookie jar . . she's drying dishes it seems . the sink is running over . he's falling off the stool stealing cookies . leg just went up . land on the floors .
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and I will tell you what's oh boy . well the little boy is reaching for a cookie . and his stool is falling over . and the little girl is begging him to give her one . and she's pointing to her mouth . she wants to eat it . their mama is doing the dishes . the water's running over the sink . that's a mess . and then she's not even looking at them . drying dishes . I think she's looking out the window . it's a nice yard out there . two cups and and a dish finished . anything else ?
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well the kid's stealing cookies out of the jar and on a stool that's tilted over . and his sister's waiting for him to hand her a cookie or the mother is looking out the window and the dishes are being washed but the water's overrunning in the sink . and I'd say that's about it .
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well this one is in the cookie jar . and this is she tried to climb the oh ? no no . this boy I think this is the same one huh tried to get in the cookie jar . and she's watching . and over here must be the mother . I don't know what the heck they're doing here though . what's going on ? the stool she was climbing and the stool tipped over . she was doing the dishes I think . she spilled something .
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oh yeah . kid's climbing up on the stool and reaching up in the cupboard . they aren't gonna knock things off . and the mother oh boy the water's all spilling out of the sink . she's just looking at it like oh for goodness sakes . huh . well as I say that youknow the boy on the stand or on that stool and it's tilting . that's a good way to break his neck . break his back I shoulda said . woman left her faucet running and it rolled over the floor . that's bad enough for me to do . let me scan it a little bit more . oh it's there more in time ? oh yeah .
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I see the little boy reaching up for the cookie jar but he's also on the stool which is tumbling over and he's going to be hurt . the little girl has her hand up for a cookie from the cookie jar too . the we'll call her the mother is doing dishes . and the water is splashing outof the sink . she can look out the window and see the lawn, the birds in the trees . she's doing the dishes and as I said before the water is coming out onto the floor . she doesn't seem to be aware of it . and the little boy is going to get a bad fall on that stool . the water's on full force and it's coming out onto the floor .
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alright a little boy has a cookie jar . okay the little girl he's trying he's trying got on the ladder and trying to get a jar . and this is the mother I guess . right ? she is so she she really is isn't any good sense of a mother because the water's running outof the running outof the sink to the floor . so if I was a mother I would spank her . right ?
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she's doing the dishes . he's on the cookie trying to get some cookies out of the cookie jar and the chair's falling over . the water is the water's overflowing . just the water's overflowing and she's doing the dishes and the kid's up in the chair trying to get the cookies and the chair is falling over .
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alright ? mother's doing the dishes . the sink is overflowing . the stool is falling . the boy is going for the cookies . she's reaching out for him . the mother's looking out the window . sink is overflowing . let's see . they use the sink . the boy reaching down to give her the cookie . I think that's it .
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inside the room or every place ? . oh I can oh you don't want me to memorize it ! okay, the the little girl asking for the cookie from the boy who's about to fall on his head . and she's going I guess “shush” or “give me one” . the mother's we don't think she might be on drugs because she's off someplace because the sink's running over . and it's summer outside because the window's open and the grasses or the bushes look healthy and she's drying dishes with her apron on . and the cookie jar's looking full . that's it .
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they're baking . making a mess outof the place . by not putting by not no neatness . yes there's a few accidents . the little boy is standing on a chair which is crooked . the lady has water running outof her sink and towel in her hand which is dangerous . cookies are coming down the cookie jar is coming down . and the place is very pretty .
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well the stool is tilting as the kid is taking cookies to give to his sister . the water's running over in the sink . the mother hasta be blind . youknow she's drying the dishes . what else am I sposta find out ? what else am I sposta know ? oh happening ? the like I say the water running over the over onto the floor and the mother standing in it . she she's washing dishes and she'd hafta be blind not to know what's going on in that nuthouse .
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now ? the girl's the girl's coaxing the boy for a cookie and his stool fell over and the cookie are spilled . she spilled her dishwater washing dishes . she's washing dishes drying them . that runs over the sink's running over . her feet in the water . this must be a path out back . flowers, trees . I don't know what else . water on the floor . yeah .
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okay she's washing dishes . the sink is running over . the boy is falling off the stool . he's getting cookies . the girl is reaching for a cookie . the girl is telling him to be quiet .
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well ? the lady's drying her dishes . that the little boy's up on a ladder reaching for cookie jar . and the little girl's down on the floor reaching up toward him . then I see a sink, the dishes, cupboard . and then there's a walkway in the back . guess I guess that's a walkway I call . the water's running over the sink . well ? I said the little boy's climbing up on the cookie for the cookies .
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well the kid is it falling off the stool . and he's he's and and and the mother's washing dishes drying dishes . and the the sink is spilling over . and what else ? and the floor's getting wet . what else is new ? and the the kid well the the kid is stealing the cookies . and he's falling off yeah he's falling off the stool . what else ? there isn't much else left .
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okay the water's running outof the sink overflowing . the mother's doing the dishes . the boy is falling off of the stool stealing the cookies out of the cookie jar . the young lady is holding her hand up ready to receive one of the cookies . there is a cup and a saucer on the sink board . and there's the drapes on the kitchen the curtains on the kitchen and the the cabinets all around the sink . and the top cabinets, the door is open and the cookie jar is in the cabinet . the boy is up there reaching for it and it looks like he's gonna fall off of the stool . and outside is a nice garden with the path leading around the house and bushes and shrubs and grass growing around . she has a dish towel in her hand doing drying one of the dishes . and she has her hairdo . she's wearing an apron . and the kids were wearing shoes . and she's wearing shoes . and the water's dripping on the floor . what else you wanna know ?
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oh I remember this one . the mom's doing the dishes and looking out the window . and she must be really interested in what she sees out there because the sink is running over, the water is splashing on the floor, she's paying no attention to it . and meantime behind her the kids are getting up on the stool and getting into the cookie jar which is which is on the second shelf of the cupboard . the left hand side of the cupboard door is open . the little girl has her finger on her lips telling him to shush but he's losing his balance and he's about to fall on the floor which will really cause a real upset in there . and action action . the water running . the mama's drying a dish . that's what she's doing and looking out the window . little boy has taken one cookie outof the cookie jar and is about to hand it to the little girl who is reaching up her hand for it . and he is reaching into the cookie jar for another cookie . and action action . well the curtains are blowing in the breeze . I guess that's an action . it looks as though they are . no action as far as I can see out the window . the window's open which implies an action earlier . I can't see any more action in it .
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water running outof the sink . lady drying a plate . and a child getting cookies outof the cookie jar standing on a stool that is tipping over . and a little girl reaching up for a cookie . and curtains at the window . a path outside . a tree . a window into another room . shrubbery . grass . let's get back to the room again . there's a cup two cups and a plate sitting on the countertop . cupboards . the lady has a apron on, dress, slippers . and the boy has on a short sleeve shirt, short pants, socks, and shoes . little girl has on a dress, socks, strap slippers . did I mention everything ? sink . faucet with water running outof it . an open window behind the the sink . tie back curtains . and that's all I see .
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mama's washing the dishes . the water is running over in the sink . the and the children are in the cookie jar and one of them is going to get his get hurt because he's got the stool . he has nothing to hold onto there . he does have but he he's not doing it . the little girl has him interested in the cookie jar . he's got what's he got on his feet ? that's the only thing I can see there . over here poor mama . she's dreaming of diamonds I guess . all the water running outof the sink .
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what's happening there ? oh my . poor kids . he's gonna fall off that cookie jar . we'll start with the girl . she's going to receive a cookie . her brother is her brother is taking cookies outof a jar . and he got careless . and she's asking him for one . so he's handing one down to her . in the meantime he is getting ready to fall off of the off of a stool, a three legged stool . and the mother's not paying much attention . she's looking out the window . and in looking out the window why she's letting her sink run over and the water's splashing on the floor all over her . and what else ? the outside looks they're doing more things on the outside . there's some more there . and then she's drying she's drying a dish . and she has two cups and a plate on the table . they've already eaten . she could well I did say she was letting the water run over the sink down onto the floor splashing onto her feet . oh boy . then there's an angle here that is incomplete of the of the corner where the wall comes together . let's see what else should there be . oh let's see . the there's a plate two two cups . oh I did say she's letting the water run over the sink didn't I ? yes . and she seems to be looking out the window while she's drying her dish . howabout that ? does that have enough ?
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you want me to tell you ? okay the boy's getting in the cookie jar . his sister's waiting for cookies . the mother's washing dishes and water's spilling over . can see the walk and the grass outside in the window . the stool's about ready to fall . the cupboard door's open .
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well the little boy's in the cookie jar . and he's about to fall on the floor because the chair's tilted . mom's drying dishes . she's not paying attention because the water's running over sink's running over . water's all over the floor . the little girl I think is begging her brother to give her a cookie . I'm not sure about that . must be summer time because the window's open . you can see the the grass and shrubbery outside . and see a few dishes that mom has already dried .
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the little boy is on the stool which is tipping . and he has the cookie jar open . he is has his a hand on one cookie up in the jar and another one with his left hand which he's going to I believe hand to his sister who's standing beside the tippy stool . she has her her finger up close to her mouth . I think she's trying to say be either be careful or or be quiet . and and she's reaching up for the cookie . the mother is standing with her back to the to her son . can't see him . and she's drying a dish but letting the water spill over in the sink which is full of water and and washing the dishes . but the water's still running and it's making a puddle on the floor . and she's her right foot is right in the puddle . she's wearing an apron . the window's there are some dishes on the counter . the window is open and the curtains are sortof look as if they might be blowing a little in the wind . you can see the garage . or no another part of the house . it has curtains in that window . the mother's mouth is a little bit open . she could be either singing or talking .
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the mother is washing the dishes . the children are getting into the cookie jar . the little girl has a finger on her lip as though trying to silence the boy who is the culprit who's he's up on a stool which is going to upset . the mother is so busy I don't know what she's doing that she doesn't know how the sink the water in the sink to overflow . it's down on the floor . she's going to be disturbed by it . maybe she had been looking outside . I don't know . the window is up . she has a nice view of a outuhside . there's a little yard and a path and the shrubbery and the tree out there . and there's some dishes already wiped evidently and put up on the sink . it is a square kitchen . now in the sink and then the others . along one side in the cupboards . along the other side is the boy on that cupboard . is that enough ?
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well start from from the the the the the how can I okay first the the I can't m??t?lu say what this is . it's the this the cabinet door is open . and the children are stealing the cookies . and mama's not even looking . and the boy falls or looks like he is gonna fall . maybe he don't . and then mama's doing here the wash the dishes . and she got all wet . the fence the sink run over and everything's going haywire . oh mercy .
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well a little boy has gotten up to get cookies . he's giving his sister one but in the meantime he's falling off the chair . she's reaching out for the cookie . the lid's off the cookie jar so he's in there . and the mother is washing the dishes but she's letting the sink run over . she has more dishes to do I think . maybe not . maybe they're clean . and outside the window it's a lovely day . and everything has leaves on it so it must be summer . and I guess that's about it . do you wanna know about their clothes or anything ? no that's it . that's all .
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a little boy is trying to get the getting cookies outof the jar and his stool is getting ready to fall . and the mother is washing dishes and she would let let the water run over the sink on the floor . I guess that's all .
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well the table the seat is falling . the sink is running over . the girl's reaching for a cookie . the mom is drying a dish . cup and saucers there . yeah that's about all that I didn't hit did this and then I did that . well yeah here's some outside the window . a garden I guess .
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oh well the sink's overflowing . and the lady's washing dishes . the the boy's up on the stool . stool's he's falling . he's getting cookies outof the cookie jar . the girl's reaching up for the cookies . the window's open . the door's open to the cabinet . that's about it .
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there's a young boy that's getting a cookie jar . and it he's in bad shape because the thing is falling over . and in the picture the mother is washing dishes and doesn't see it . and so is the the water is overflowing in the sink . and the dishes might get falled over if you don't fell fall over there there if you don't get it . and it there it's a picture of a kitchen window . and the curtains are very distinct . but the water is still flowing .
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do you want me to start ? the water is running over . woman is drying the dishes . the boy is climbing up and taking something from the cookie jar . the stool is turning over . the girl is laughing . did I say the woman's drying the dishes ? the floor is getting wet . the lid is off the cookie jar . the girl is reaching . the water is running over the sink but it's also running outof the spigot . yeah I guess that's all .
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