3 values
96 values
In this food chain, the eastern bluebird is a consumer. Why?
[ "It makes its own food.", "It eats another living thing." ]
natural science
Every living thing needs food to stay alive. Living things get their food in different ways. A food chain shows how living things in an ecosystem get their food. Producers make their own food. Many producers use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to make sugar. This sugar is food for the producer. Consumers eat other living things. Consumers cannot make their own food.
In this food chain, the eastern bluebird is a consumer because it eats another living thing. The eastern bluebird in this food chain eats the red-legged grasshopper.
Every living thing needs food to stay alive. Living things get their food in different ways. A food chain shows how living things in an ecosystem get their food. Producers make their own food. Many producers use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to make sugar. This sugar is food for the producer. Consumers eat other living things. Consumers cannot make their own food. In this food chain, the eastern bluebird is a consumer because it eats another living thing. The eastern bluebird in this food chain eats the red-legged grasshopper.
It eats another living thing.
Which animal's skin is better adapted to hurt an attacking predator?
[ "fantastic leaf-tailed gecko", "blowfish" ]
natural science
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The color, texture, and covering of an animal's skin are examples of adaptations. Animals' skins can be adapted in different ways. For example, skin with thick fur might help an animal stay warm. Skin with sharp spines might help an animal defend itself against predators.
Look at the picture of the porcupine. The porcupine has sharp spines on its skin. Its skin is adapted to hurt an attacking predator. The spines can harm a predator that tries to bite the porcupine. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The blowfish has sharp spines on its skin. Its skin is adapted to hurt an attacking predator. The fantastic leaf-tailed gecko has thin skin covering its body. Its skin is not adapted for hurting an attacking predator.
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The color, texture, and covering of an animal's skin are examples of adaptations. Animals' skins can be adapted in different ways. For example, skin with thick fur might help an animal stay warm. Skin with sharp spines might help an animal defend itself against predators. Look at the picture of the porcupine. The porcupine has sharp spines on its skin. Its skin is adapted to hurt an attacking predator. The spines can harm a predator that tries to bite the porcupine. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The blowfish has sharp spines on its skin. Its skin is adapted to hurt an attacking predator. The fantastic leaf-tailed gecko has thin skin covering its body. Its skin is not adapted for hurting an attacking predator.
What is the direction of this pull?
[ "toward the center of Earth", "away from the center of Earth" ]
natural science
A force is a push or a pull that one object applies to another. Every force has a direction. The direction of a push is away from the object that is pushing. The direction of a pull is toward the object that is pulling.
The force of Earth's gravity pulls the skater downward. The direction of the pull is toward the center of Earth.
A force is a push or a pull that one object applies to another. Every force has a direction. The direction of a push is away from the object that is pushing. The direction of a pull is toward the object that is pulling. The force of Earth's gravity pulls the skater downward. The direction of the pull is toward the center of Earth.
toward the center of Earth
Is the wind raising a kite a solid, a liquid, or a gas?
[ "a liquid", "a solid", "a gas" ]
natural science
Solid, liquid, and gas are states of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space. Matter can come in different states, or forms. When matter is a solid, it has a definite volume and a definite shape. So, a solid has a size and shape of its own. Some solids can be easily folded, bent, or broken. A piece of paper is a solid. Also, some solids are very small. A grain of sand is a solid. When matter is a liquid, it has a definite volume but not a definite shape. So, a liquid has a size of its own, but it does not have a shape of its own. Think about pouring juice from a bottle into a cup. The juice still takes up the same amount of space, but it takes the shape of the bottle. Some liquids are thicker than others. Honey and milk are both liquids. But pouring honey takes more time than pouring milk. When matter is a gas, it does not have a definite volume or a definite shape. A gas expands, or gets bigger, until it completely fills a space. A gas can also get smaller if it is squeezed into a smaller space. Many gases are invisible. The oxygen you breathe is a gas. The helium in a balloon is also a gas.
Wind raising a kite is air that is moving! Air is a gas. The air expands to fill the space around the kite.
Solid, liquid, and gas are states of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space. Matter can come in different states, or forms. When matter is a solid, it has a definite volume and a definite shape. So, a solid has a size and shape of its own. Some solids can be easily folded, bent, or broken. A piece of paper is a solid. Also, some solids are very small. A grain of sand is a solid. When matter is a liquid, it has a definite volume but not a definite shape. So, a liquid has a size of its own, but it does not have a shape of its own. Think about pouring juice from a bottle into a cup. The juice still takes up the same amount of space, but it takes the shape of the bottle. Some liquids are thicker than others. Honey and milk are both liquids. But pouring honey takes more time than pouring milk. When matter is a gas, it does not have a definite volume or a definite shape. A gas expands, or gets bigger, until it completely fills a space. A gas can also get smaller if it is squeezed into a smaller space. Many gases are invisible. The oxygen you breathe is a gas. The helium in a balloon is also a gas. Wind raising a kite is air that is moving! Air is a gas. The air expands to fill the space around the kite.
a gas
Does this passage describe the weather or the climate?
[ "climate", "weather" ]
natural science
The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds Earth. Both weather and climate tell you about the atmosphere. Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Weather can change quickly. For example, the temperature outside your house might get higher throughout the day. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place. For example, summer temperatures in New York are usually higher than winter temperatures.
Read the passage carefully. The Obed River is in central Tennessee. This region normally receives between three and five inches of rain each year during September, October, and November. The underlined part of the passage tells you about the usual pattern of precipitation in central Tennessee. This passage does not describe what the weather is like on a particular day. So, this passage describes the climate.
The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds Earth. Both weather and climate tell you about the atmosphere. Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Weather can change quickly. For example, the temperature outside your house might get higher throughout the day. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place. For example, summer temperatures in New York are usually higher than winter temperatures. Read the passage carefully. The Obed River is in central Tennessee. This region normally receives between three and five inches of rain each year during September, October, and November. The underlined part of the passage tells you about the usual pattern of precipitation in central Tennessee. This passage does not describe what the weather is like on a particular day. So, this passage describes the climate.
Complete the text to describe the diagram. Solute particles moved in both directions across the permeable membrane. But more solute particles moved across the membrane (). When there was an equal concentration on both sides, the particles reached equilibrium.
[ "to the right than to the left", "to the left than to the right" ]
natural science
In a solution, solute particles move and spread throughout the solvent. The diagram below shows how a solution can change over time. Solute particles move from the area where they are at a higher concentration to the area where they are at a lower concentration. This movement happens through the process of diffusion. As a result of diffusion, the concentration of solute particles becomes equal throughout the solution. When this happens, the solute particles reach equilibrium. At equilibrium, the solute particles do not stop moving. But their concentration throughout the solution stays the same. Membranes, or thin boundaries, can divide solutions into parts. A membrane is permeable to a solute when particles of the solute can pass through gaps in the membrane. In this case, solute particles can move freely across the membrane from one side to the other. So, for the solute particles to reach equilibrium, more particles will move across a permeable membrane from the side with a higher concentration of solute particles to the side with a lower concentration. At equilibrium, the concentration on both sides of the membrane is equal.
Look at the diagram again. It shows you how the solution changed during the process of diffusion. Before the solute particles reached equilibrium, there were 3 solute particles on the left side of the membrane and 7 solute particles on the right side of the membrane. When the solute particles reached equilibrium, there were 5 solute particles on each side of the membrane. There were 2 more solute particles on the left side of the membrane than before. So, for the solute particles to reach equilibrium, more solute particles must have moved across the membrane to the left than to the right.
In a solution, solute particles move and spread throughout the solvent. The diagram below shows how a solution can change over time. Solute particles move from the area where they are at a higher concentration to the area where they are at a lower concentration. This movement happens through the process of diffusion. As a result of diffusion, the concentration of solute particles becomes equal throughout the solution. When this happens, the solute particles reach equilibrium. At equilibrium, the solute particles do not stop moving. But their concentration throughout the solution stays the same. Membranes, or thin boundaries, can divide solutions into parts. A membrane is permeable to a solute when particles of the solute can pass through gaps in the membrane. In this case, solute particles can move freely across the membrane from one side to the other. So, for the solute particles to reach equilibrium, more particles will move across a permeable membrane from the side with a higher concentration of solute particles to the side with a lower concentration. At equilibrium, the concentration on both sides of the membrane is equal. Look at the diagram again. It shows you how the solution changed during the process of diffusion. Before the solute particles reached equilibrium, there were 3 solute particles on the left side of the membrane and 7 solute particles on the right side of the membrane. When the solute particles reached equilibrium, there were 5 solute particles on each side of the membrane. There were 2 more solute particles on the left side of the membrane than before. So, for the solute particles to reach equilibrium, more solute particles must have moved across the membrane to the left than to the right.
to the left than to the right
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 2.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 1." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater when there is a smaller distance between the magnets.
Distance affects the magnitude of the magnetic force. When there is a smaller distance between magnets, the magnitude of the magnetic force between them is greater. There is a smaller distance between the magnets in Pair 2 than in Pair 1. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 2 than in Pair 1.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater when there is a smaller distance between the magnets. Distance affects the magnitude of the magnetic force. When there is a smaller distance between magnets, the magnitude of the magnetic force between them is greater. There is a smaller distance between the magnets in Pair 2 than in Pair 1. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 2 than in Pair 1.
The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 2.
Which bird's beak is also adapted to tear through meat?
[ "California condor", "ringed teal" ]
natural science
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The shape of a bird's beak is one example of an adaptation. Birds' beaks can be adapted in different ways. For example, a sharp hooked beak might help a bird tear through meat easily. A short, thick beak might help a bird break through a seed's hard shell. Birds that eat similar food often have similar beaks.
Look at the picture of the turkey vulture. The turkey vulture has a sharp hooked beak. Its beak is adapted to tear through meat. The sharp hook can help the turkey vulture cut the meat into pieces it can swallow. Now look at each bird. Figure out which bird has a similar adaptation. The California condor has a sharp hooked beak. Its beak is adapted to tear through meat. The ringed teal has a wide, flat beak. Its beak is not adapted to tear through meat. The ringed teal uses its beak to eat plants and invertebrates that live in mud.
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The shape of a bird's beak is one example of an adaptation. Birds' beaks can be adapted in different ways. For example, a sharp hooked beak might help a bird tear through meat easily. A short, thick beak might help a bird break through a seed's hard shell. Birds that eat similar food often have similar beaks. Look at the picture of the turkey vulture. The turkey vulture has a sharp hooked beak. Its beak is adapted to tear through meat. The sharp hook can help the turkey vulture cut the meat into pieces it can swallow. Now look at each bird. Figure out which bird has a similar adaptation. The California condor has a sharp hooked beak. Its beak is adapted to tear through meat. The ringed teal has a wide, flat beak. Its beak is not adapted to tear through meat. The ringed teal uses its beak to eat plants and invertebrates that live in mud.
California condor
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by using magnets of different sizes. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when the magnets are smaller.
Magnet sizes affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Imagine magnets that are the same shape and made of the same material. The smaller the magnets, the smaller the magnitude of the magnetic force between them. Magnet A is the same size in both pairs. But Magnet B is smaller in Pair 1 than in Pair 2. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by using magnets of different sizes. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when the magnets are smaller. Magnet sizes affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Imagine magnets that are the same shape and made of the same material. The smaller the magnets, the smaller the magnitude of the magnetic force between them. Magnet A is the same size in both pairs. But Magnet B is smaller in Pair 1 than in Pair 2. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1.
Which continent is highlighted?
[ "Antarctica", "Asia", "Africa", "North America" ]
social science
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents.
This continent is Asia.
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents. This continent is Asia.
Which is the main persuasive appeal used in this ad?
[ "pathos (emotion)", "logos (reason)", "ethos (character)" ]
language science
The purpose of an advertisement is to persuade people to do something. To accomplish this purpose, advertisements use three types of persuasive strategies, or appeals: Appeals to ethos, or character, show that the writer or speaker is trustworthy or is an authority on a subject. An ad that appeals to ethos might do one of the following: say that a brand has been trusted for many years note that a brand is recommended by a respected organization or celebrity include a quote from a "real person" who shares the audience's values Appeals to logos, or reason, use logic and specific evidence. An ad that appeals to logos might do one of the following: use graphs or charts to display information mention the results of scientific studies explain the science behind a product or service Appeals to pathos, or emotion, use feelings rather than facts to persuade the audience. An ad that appeals to pathos might do one of the following: trigger a fear, such as the fear of embarrassment appeal to a desire, such as the desire to appear attractive link the product to a positive feeling, such as adventure, love, or luxury
The ad appeals to logos, or reason. It uses a specific figure (3% cash back) and focuses on practical benefits of the product (everyday purchases).
The purpose of an advertisement is to persuade people to do something. To accomplish this purpose, advertisements use three types of persuasive strategies, or appeals: Appeals to ethos, or character, show that the writer or speaker is trustworthy or is an authority on a subject. An ad that appeals to ethos might do one of the following: say that a brand has been trusted for many years note that a brand is recommended by a respected organization or celebrity include a quote from a "real person" who shares the audience's values Appeals to logos, or reason, use logic and specific evidence. An ad that appeals to logos might do one of the following: use graphs or charts to display information mention the results of scientific studies explain the science behind a product or service Appeals to pathos, or emotion, use feelings rather than facts to persuade the audience. An ad that appeals to pathos might do one of the following: trigger a fear, such as the fear of embarrassment appeal to a desire, such as the desire to appear attractive link the product to a positive feeling, such as adventure, love, or luxury The ad appeals to logos, or reason. It uses a specific figure (3% cash back) and focuses on practical benefits of the product (everyday purchases).
logos (reason)
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnetic force is stronger in Pair 1.", "The magnetic force is stronger in Pair 2.", "The strength of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The stronger the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the strength of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnetic force is stronger when the magnets are closer together.
Distance affects the strength of the magnetic force. When magnets are closer together, the magnetic force between them is stronger. The magnets in Pair 1 are closer together than the magnets in Pair 2. So, the magnetic force is stronger in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The stronger the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the strength of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnetic force is stronger when the magnets are closer together. Distance affects the strength of the magnetic force. When magnets are closer together, the magnetic force between them is stronger. The magnets in Pair 1 are closer together than the magnets in Pair 2. So, the magnetic force is stronger in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
The magnetic force is stronger in Pair 1.
Which continent is highlighted?
[ "Australia", "Europe", "North America", "Africa" ]
social science
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents.
This continent is Europe.
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents. This continent is Europe.
Is shale a mineral or a rock?
[ "rock", "mineral" ]
natural science
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. A rock can be made of one or more minerals. Minerals and rocks have the following properties: Property | Mineral | Rock It is a solid. | Yes | Yes It is formed in nature. | Yes | Yes It is not made by organisms. | Yes | Yes It is a pure substance. | Yes | No It has a fixed crystal structure. | Yes | No You can use these properties to tell whether a substance is a mineral, a rock, or neither. Look closely at the last three properties: Minerals and rocks are not made by organisms. Organisms make their own body parts. For example, snails and clams make their shells. Because they are made by organisms, body parts cannot be minerals or rocks. Humans are organisms too. So, substances that humans make by hand or in factories are not minerals or rocks. A mineral is a pure substance, but a rock is not. A pure substance is made of only one type of matter. Minerals are pure substances, but rocks are not. Instead, all rocks are mixtures. A mineral has a fixed crystal structure, but a rock does not. The crystal structure of a substance tells you how the atoms or molecules in the substance are arranged. Different types of minerals have different crystal structures, but all minerals have a fixed crystal structure. This means that the atoms and molecules in different pieces of the same type of mineral are always arranged the same way. However, rocks do not have a fixed crystal structure. So, the arrangement of atoms or molecules in different pieces of the same type of rock may be different!
The properties of shale match the properties of a rock. So, shale is a rock.
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. A rock can be made of one or more minerals. Minerals and rocks have the following properties: Property | Mineral | Rock It is a solid. | Yes | Yes It is formed in nature. | Yes | Yes It is not made by organisms. | Yes | Yes It is a pure substance. | Yes | No It has a fixed crystal structure. | Yes | No You can use these properties to tell whether a substance is a mineral, a rock, or neither. Look closely at the last three properties: Minerals and rocks are not made by organisms. Organisms make their own body parts. For example, snails and clams make their shells. Because they are made by organisms, body parts cannot be minerals or rocks. Humans are organisms too. So, substances that humans make by hand or in factories are not minerals or rocks. A mineral is a pure substance, but a rock is not. A pure substance is made of only one type of matter. Minerals are pure substances, but rocks are not. Instead, all rocks are mixtures. A mineral has a fixed crystal structure, but a rock does not. The crystal structure of a substance tells you how the atoms or molecules in the substance are arranged. Different types of minerals have different crystal structures, but all minerals have a fixed crystal structure. This means that the atoms and molecules in different pieces of the same type of mineral are always arranged the same way. However, rocks do not have a fixed crystal structure. So, the arrangement of atoms or molecules in different pieces of the same type of rock may be different! The properties of shale match the properties of a rock. So, shale is a rock.
Which property do these two objects have in common?
[ "blue", "slippery" ]
natural science
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Different objects can have the same properties. You can use these properties to put objects into groups.
Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. A slippery object is hard to hold onto or stand on. The jeans are not slippery. Blue is a color. This color is blue. Both objects are blue. The property that both objects have in common is blue.
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Different objects can have the same properties. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. A slippery object is hard to hold onto or stand on. The jeans are not slippery. Blue is a color. This color is blue. Both objects are blue. The property that both objects have in common is blue.
Which rhetorical appeal is primarily used in this ad?
[ "logos (reason)", "ethos (character)", "pathos (emotion)" ]
language science
The purpose of an advertisement is to persuade people to do something. To accomplish this purpose, advertisements use three types of persuasive strategies, or appeals. Appeals to ethos, or character, show the writer or speaker as trustworthy, authoritative, or sharing important values with the audience. An ad that appeals to ethos might do one of the following: say that a brand has been trusted for many years include an endorsement from a respected organization, such as the American Dental Association feature a testimonial from a "real person" who shares the audience's values use an admired celebrity or athlete as a spokesperson Appeals to logos, or reason, use logic and verifiable evidence. An ad that appeals to logos might do one of the following: use graphs or charts to display information cite results of clinical trials or independently conducted studies explain the science behind a product or service emphasize that the product is a financially wise choice anticipate and refute potential counterclaims Appeals to pathos, or emotion, use feelings rather than facts to persuade the audience. An ad that appeals to pathos might do one of the following: trigger a fear, such as the fear of embarrassment appeal to a desire, such as the desire to appear attractive link the product to a positive feeling, such as adventure, love, or luxury
The ad appeals to logos, or reason, by using a chart to compare the quality of Vistle cat food to that of a competitor.
The purpose of an advertisement is to persuade people to do something. To accomplish this purpose, advertisements use three types of persuasive strategies, or appeals. Appeals to ethos, or character, show the writer or speaker as trustworthy, authoritative, or sharing important values with the audience. An ad that appeals to ethos might do one of the following: say that a brand has been trusted for many years include an endorsement from a respected organization, such as the American Dental Association feature a testimonial from a "real person" who shares the audience's values use an admired celebrity or athlete as a spokesperson Appeals to logos, or reason, use logic and verifiable evidence. An ad that appeals to logos might do one of the following: use graphs or charts to display information cite results of clinical trials or independently conducted studies explain the science behind a product or service emphasize that the product is a financially wise choice anticipate and refute potential counterclaims Appeals to pathos, or emotion, use feelings rather than facts to persuade the audience. An ad that appeals to pathos might do one of the following: trigger a fear, such as the fear of embarrassment appeal to a desire, such as the desire to appear attractive link the product to a positive feeling, such as adventure, love, or luxury The ad appeals to logos, or reason, by using a chart to compare the quality of Vistle cat food to that of a competitor.
logos (reason)
Which statement describes the Białowieża Forest ecosystem?
[ "It has a small amount of rain or snow.", "It has warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters." ]
natural science
An environment includes all of the biotic, or living, and abiotic, or nonliving, things in an area. An ecosystem is created by the relationships that form among the biotic and abiotic parts of an environment. There are many different types of terrestrial, or land-based, ecosystems. Here are some ways in which terrestrial ecosystems can differ from each other: the pattern of weather, or climate the type of soil the organisms that live there
A temperate deciduous forest is a type of ecosystem. Temperate deciduous forests have the following features: warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters, soil that is rich in nutrients, and only a few types of trees. So, the following statements describe the Białowieża Forest ecosystem: warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters, soil that is rich in nutrients, and only a few types of trees. It has warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters. It has soil that is rich in nutrients. The following statement does not describe the Białowieża Forest: warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters, soil that is rich in nutrients, and only a few types of trees. It has a small amount of rain or snow.
An environment includes all of the biotic, or living, and abiotic, or nonliving, things in an area. An ecosystem is created by the relationships that form among the biotic and abiotic parts of an environment. There are many different types of terrestrial, or land-based, ecosystems. Here are some ways in which terrestrial ecosystems can differ from each other: the pattern of weather, or climate the type of soil the organisms that live there A temperate deciduous forest is a type of ecosystem. Temperate deciduous forests have the following features: warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters, soil that is rich in nutrients, and only a few types of trees. So, the following statements describe the Białowieża Forest ecosystem: warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters, soil that is rich in nutrients, and only a few types of trees. It has warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters. It has soil that is rich in nutrients. The following statement does not describe the Białowieża Forest: warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters, soil that is rich in nutrients, and only a few types of trees. It has a small amount of rain or snow.
It has warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters.
Do ferns produce seeds?
[ "yes", "no" ]
natural science
Fern plants reproduce using both asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Mature ferns have flat leaves called fronds. Ferns have structures that look like small dots on the underside of their fronds. These structures are called spore cases. The mature ferns use asexual reproduction to make spores. When the spore cases open, the spores are released. When a spore lands on the ground and germinates, it grows into a small heart-shaped plant. The heart-shaped plant begins the fern's sexual reproduction stage by making eggs and sperm. Ferns live in damp environments, and sperm can swim though small water drops. Self-fertilization happens when a sperm swims to an egg on the same heart-shaped plant. Cross-fertilization happens when the sperm swims to an egg on a nearby plant. Fertilization happens when a sperm and an egg fuse. The fertilized egg germinates and grows into a mature fern. The mature fern can make spores and begin the fern life cycle again.
Ferns do not produce seeds. Mature ferns produce spores, and heart-shaped plants produce eggs and sperm.
Fern plants reproduce using both asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Mature ferns have flat leaves called fronds. Ferns have structures that look like small dots on the underside of their fronds. These structures are called spore cases. The mature ferns use asexual reproduction to make spores. When the spore cases open, the spores are released. When a spore lands on the ground and germinates, it grows into a small heart-shaped plant. The heart-shaped plant begins the fern's sexual reproduction stage by making eggs and sperm. Ferns live in damp environments, and sperm can swim though small water drops. Self-fertilization happens when a sperm swims to an egg on the same heart-shaped plant. Cross-fertilization happens when the sperm swims to an egg on a nearby plant. Fertilization happens when a sperm and an egg fuse. The fertilized egg germinates and grows into a mature fern. The mature fern can make spores and begin the fern life cycle again. Ferns do not produce seeds. Mature ferns produce spores, and heart-shaped plants produce eggs and sperm.
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when there is a greater distance between the magnets.
Distance affects the magnitude of the magnetic force. When there is a greater distance between magnets, the magnitude of the magnetic force between them is smaller. There is a greater distance between the magnets in Pair 1 than in Pair 2. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when there is a greater distance between the magnets. Distance affects the magnitude of the magnetic force. When there is a greater distance between magnets, the magnitude of the magnetic force between them is smaller. There is a greater distance between the magnets in Pair 1 than in Pair 2. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1.
Which animal is also adapted for flight?
[ "rock hyrax", "gray-headed albatross" ]
natural science
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. Arms, legs, flippers, and wings are different types of limbs. The type of limbs an animal has is an example of an adaptation. Animals' limbs can be adapted in different ways. For example, long legs might help an animal run fast. Flippers might help an animal swim. Wings might help an animal fly.
Look at the picture of the great blue heron. The great blue heron has large, powerful wings. It is adapted for flight. Long, powerful wings help the great blue heron travel long distances by air. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The gray-headed albatross has long, powerful wings. It is adapted for flight. The rock hyrax has short legs. It is not adapted for flight.
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. Arms, legs, flippers, and wings are different types of limbs. The type of limbs an animal has is an example of an adaptation. Animals' limbs can be adapted in different ways. For example, long legs might help an animal run fast. Flippers might help an animal swim. Wings might help an animal fly. Look at the picture of the great blue heron. The great blue heron has large, powerful wings. It is adapted for flight. Long, powerful wings help the great blue heron travel long distances by air. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The gray-headed albatross has long, powerful wings. It is adapted for flight. The rock hyrax has short legs. It is not adapted for flight.
gray-headed albatross
Which of these continents does the prime meridian intersect?
[ "Antarctica", "South America", "North America" ]
social science
Lines of latitude and lines of longitude are imaginary lines drawn on some globes and maps. They can help you find places on globes and maps. Lines of latitude show how far north or south a place is. We use units called degrees to describe how far a place is from the equator. The equator is the line located at 0° latitude. We start counting degrees from there. Lines north of the equator are labeled N for north. Lines south of the equator are labeled S for south. Lines of latitude are also called parallels because each line is parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are also called meridians. They show how far east or west a place is. We use degrees to help describe how far a place is from the prime meridian. The prime meridian is the line located at 0° longitude. Lines west of the prime meridian are labeled W. Lines east of the prime meridian are labeled E. Meridians meet at the north and south poles. The equator goes all the way around the earth, but the prime meridian is different. It only goes from the North Pole to the South Pole on one side of the earth. On the opposite side of the globe is another special meridian. It is labeled both 180°E and 180°W. Together, lines of latitude and lines of longitude form a grid. You can use this grid to find the exact location of a place.
The prime meridian is the line at 0° longitude. It intersects Antarctica. It does not intersect South America or North America.
Lines of latitude and lines of longitude are imaginary lines drawn on some globes and maps. They can help you find places on globes and maps. Lines of latitude show how far north or south a place is. We use units called degrees to describe how far a place is from the equator. The equator is the line located at 0° latitude. We start counting degrees from there. Lines north of the equator are labeled N for north. Lines south of the equator are labeled S for south. Lines of latitude are also called parallels because each line is parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are also called meridians. They show how far east or west a place is. We use degrees to help describe how far a place is from the prime meridian. The prime meridian is the line located at 0° longitude. Lines west of the prime meridian are labeled W. Lines east of the prime meridian are labeled E. Meridians meet at the north and south poles. The equator goes all the way around the earth, but the prime meridian is different. It only goes from the North Pole to the South Pole on one side of the earth. On the opposite side of the globe is another special meridian. It is labeled both 180°E and 180°W. Together, lines of latitude and lines of longitude form a grid. You can use this grid to find the exact location of a place. The prime meridian is the line at 0° longitude. It intersects Antarctica. It does not intersect South America or North America.
Which solution has a higher concentration of purple particles?
[ "Solution A", "neither; their concentrations are the same", "Solution B" ]
natural science
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent
In Solution A and Solution B, the purple particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of purple particles, look at both the number of purple particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of purple particles per milliliter. Solution B has more purple particles per milliliter. So, Solution B has a higher concentration of purple particles.
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent In Solution A and Solution B, the purple particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of purple particles, look at both the number of purple particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of purple particles per milliliter. Solution B has more purple particles per milliliter. So, Solution B has a higher concentration of purple particles.
Solution B
What does a moss plant's thin brown stalk produce?
[ "eggs and sperm", "spores" ]
natural science
Moss plants reproduce using both asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Moss plants use their male and female parts for sexual reproduction. The male parts produce sperm. Moss live in damp environments, and moss sperm can travel through water to the female parts. The sperm fuse with eggs in the female part. This is called fertilization. Self-fertilization happens when a sperm from a moss plant fertilizes an egg from the same plant. Cross-fertilization happens when a sperm from one moss plant fertilizes an egg from a different moss plant. The fertilized egg grows into a thin brown stalk on top of the female part. Each stalk has a small spore capsule at the top. Moss plants use asexual reproduction to make small spores in the capsules. When the capsules open, the spores are released. When the spores land on the ground, they may germinate and grow into a new moss plant. This new moss plant can produce eggs and sperm and begin the moss life cycle again.
The thin brown stalk produces spores. Spores are released from the capsule at the top of the stalk. The thin brown stalk does not produce eggs or sperm. They are produced by the female and male parts of the moss plant.
Moss plants reproduce using both asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Moss plants use their male and female parts for sexual reproduction. The male parts produce sperm. Moss live in damp environments, and moss sperm can travel through water to the female parts. The sperm fuse with eggs in the female part. This is called fertilization. Self-fertilization happens when a sperm from a moss plant fertilizes an egg from the same plant. Cross-fertilization happens when a sperm from one moss plant fertilizes an egg from a different moss plant. The fertilized egg grows into a thin brown stalk on top of the female part. Each stalk has a small spore capsule at the top. Moss plants use asexual reproduction to make small spores in the capsules. When the capsules open, the spores are released. When the spores land on the ground, they may germinate and grow into a new moss plant. This new moss plant can produce eggs and sperm and begin the moss life cycle again. The thin brown stalk produces spores. Spores are released from the capsule at the top of the stalk. The thin brown stalk does not produce eggs or sperm. They are produced by the female and male parts of the moss plant.
Which ocean is highlighted?
[ "the Pacific Ocean", "the Indian Ocean", "the Southern Ocean", "the Atlantic Ocean" ]
social science
Oceans are huge bodies of salt water. The world has five oceans. All of the oceans are connected, making one world ocean.
This is the Pacific Ocean.
Oceans are huge bodies of salt water. The world has five oceans. All of the oceans are connected, making one world ocean. This is the Pacific Ocean.
the Pacific Ocean
Which of these continents does the prime meridian intersect?
[ "Australia", "South America", "Africa" ]
social science
Lines of latitude and lines of longitude are imaginary lines drawn on some globes and maps. They can help you find places on globes and maps. Lines of latitude show how far north or south a place is. We use units called degrees to describe how far a place is from the equator. The equator is the line located at 0° latitude. We start counting degrees from there. Lines north of the equator are labeled N for north. Lines south of the equator are labeled S for south. Lines of latitude are also called parallels because each line is parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are also called meridians. They show how far east or west a place is. We use degrees to help describe how far a place is from the prime meridian. The prime meridian is the line located at 0° longitude. Lines west of the prime meridian are labeled W. Lines east of the prime meridian are labeled E. Meridians meet at the north and south poles. The equator goes all the way around the earth, but the prime meridian is different. It only goes from the North Pole to the South Pole on one side of the earth. On the opposite side of the globe is another special meridian. It is labeled both 180°E and 180°W. Together, lines of latitude and lines of longitude form a grid. You can use this grid to find the exact location of a place.
The prime meridian is the line at 0° longitude. It intersects Africa. It does not intersect Australia or South America.
Lines of latitude and lines of longitude are imaginary lines drawn on some globes and maps. They can help you find places on globes and maps. Lines of latitude show how far north or south a place is. We use units called degrees to describe how far a place is from the equator. The equator is the line located at 0° latitude. We start counting degrees from there. Lines north of the equator are labeled N for north. Lines south of the equator are labeled S for south. Lines of latitude are also called parallels because each line is parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are also called meridians. They show how far east or west a place is. We use degrees to help describe how far a place is from the prime meridian. The prime meridian is the line located at 0° longitude. Lines west of the prime meridian are labeled W. Lines east of the prime meridian are labeled E. Meridians meet at the north and south poles. The equator goes all the way around the earth, but the prime meridian is different. It only goes from the North Pole to the South Pole on one side of the earth. On the opposite side of the globe is another special meridian. It is labeled both 180°E and 180°W. Together, lines of latitude and lines of longitude form a grid. You can use this grid to find the exact location of a place. The prime meridian is the line at 0° longitude. It intersects Africa. It does not intersect Australia or South America.
Is the following statement about our solar system true or false? Jupiter's volume is more than 10,000 times as large as the volume of Mars.
[ "false", "true" ]
natural science
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. The volume of a planet is a very large quantity. Large quantities such as this are often written in scientific notation. For example, the volume of Jupiter is 1,430,000,000,000,000 km^3. In scientific notation, Jupiter's volume is written as 1.43 x 10^15 km^3. To compare two numbers written in scientific notation, first compare their exponents. The bigger the exponent is, the bigger the number is. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.43 x 10^12 If their exponents are equal, compare the first numbers. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.25 x 10^15 To multiply a number written in scientific notation by a power of 10, write the multiple of 10 as 10 raised to an exponent. Then, add the exponents. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 · 1000 = 1.43 x 10^15 · 10^3 = 1.43 x 10^(15 + 3) = 1.43 x 10^18
To determine if this statement is true, calculate the value of 10,000 times the volume of Mars. Then compare the result to the volume of Jupiter. Jupiter's volume is 1.43 x 10^15 km^3, which is less than 1.63 x 10^15 km^3. So, Jupiter's volume is less than 10,000 times as large as the volume of Mars.
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. The volume of a planet is a very large quantity. Large quantities such as this are often written in scientific notation. For example, the volume of Jupiter is 1,430,000,000,000,000 km^3. In scientific notation, Jupiter's volume is written as 1.43 x 10^15 km^3. To compare two numbers written in scientific notation, first compare their exponents. The bigger the exponent is, the bigger the number is. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.43 x 10^12 If their exponents are equal, compare the first numbers. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.25 x 10^15 To multiply a number written in scientific notation by a power of 10, write the multiple of 10 as 10 raised to an exponent. Then, add the exponents. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 · 1000 = 1.43 x 10^15 · 10^3 = 1.43 x 10^(15 + 3) = 1.43 x 10^18 To determine if this statement is true, calculate the value of 10,000 times the volume of Mars. Then compare the result to the volume of Jupiter. Jupiter's volume is 1.43 x 10^15 km^3, which is less than 1.63 x 10^15 km^3. So, Jupiter's volume is less than 10,000 times as large as the volume of Mars.
Which continent is highlighted?
[ "Africa", "Antarctica", "South America", "Australia" ]
social science
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents.
This continent is Australia.
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents. This continent is Australia.
Which continent is highlighted?
[ "Australia", "South America", "Antarctica", "North America" ]
social science
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents.
This continent is Australia.
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents. This continent is Australia.
Compare the average kinetic energies of the particles in each sample. Which sample has the higher temperature?
[ "sample B", "sample A", "neither; the samples have the same temperature" ]
natural science
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy.
Each particle in the two samples has the same mass, but the particles in sample B have a higher average speed than the particles in sample A. So, the particles in sample B have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample A. Because the particles in sample B have the higher average kinetic energy, sample B must have the higher temperature.
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy. Each particle in the two samples has the same mass, but the particles in sample B have a higher average speed than the particles in sample A. So, the particles in sample B have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample A. Because the particles in sample B have the higher average kinetic energy, sample B must have the higher temperature.
sample B
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when there is a greater distance between the magnets.
Distance affects the magnitude of the magnetic force. When there is a greater distance between magnets, the magnitude of the magnetic force between them is smaller. There is a greater distance between the magnets in Pair 2 than in Pair 1. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2 than in Pair 1.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when there is a greater distance between the magnets. Distance affects the magnitude of the magnetic force. When there is a greater distance between magnets, the magnitude of the magnetic force between them is smaller. There is a greater distance between the magnets in Pair 2 than in Pair 1. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2 than in Pair 1.
The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2.
Which solution has a higher concentration of pink particles?
[ "Solution B", "Solution A", "neither; their concentrations are the same" ]
natural science
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent
In Solution A and Solution B, the pink particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of pink particles, look at both the number of pink particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of pink particles per milliliter. Solution A and Solution B have the same number of pink particles per milliliter. So, their concentrations are the same.
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent In Solution A and Solution B, the pink particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of pink particles, look at both the number of pink particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of pink particles per milliliter. Solution A and Solution B have the same number of pink particles per milliliter. So, their concentrations are the same.
neither; their concentrations are the same
Select the organism in the same genus as the axolotl.
[ "Taricha torosa", "Ambystoma texanum", "Lissotriton helveticus" ]
natural science
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur.
An axolotl's scientific name is Ambystoma mexicanum. The first word of its scientific name is Ambystoma. Lissotriton helveticus is in the genus Lissotriton. The first word of its scientific name is Lissotriton. So, Lissotriton helveticus and Ambystoma mexicanum are not in the same genus. Ambystoma texanum is in the genus Ambystoma. The first word of its scientific name is Ambystoma. So, Ambystoma texanum and Ambystoma mexicanum are in the same genus. Taricha torosa is in the genus Taricha. The first word of its scientific name is Taricha. So, Taricha torosa and Ambystoma mexicanum are not in the same genus.
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur. An axolotl's scientific name is Ambystoma mexicanum. The first word of its scientific name is Ambystoma. Lissotriton helveticus is in the genus Lissotriton. The first word of its scientific name is Lissotriton. So, Lissotriton helveticus and Ambystoma mexicanum are not in the same genus. Ambystoma texanum is in the genus Ambystoma. The first word of its scientific name is Ambystoma. So, Ambystoma texanum and Ambystoma mexicanum are in the same genus. Taricha torosa is in the genus Taricha. The first word of its scientific name is Taricha. So, Taricha torosa and Ambystoma mexicanum are not in the same genus.
Ambystoma texanum
Will these magnets attract or repel each other?
[ "repel", "attract" ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles, called north and south. Here are some examples of magnets. The north pole of each magnet is marked N, and the south pole is marked S. If different poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel.
Will these magnets attract or repel? To find out, look at which poles are closest to each other. The north pole of one magnet is closest to the south pole of the other magnet. Poles that are different attract. So, these magnets will attract each other.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles, called north and south. Here are some examples of magnets. The north pole of each magnet is marked N, and the south pole is marked S. If different poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel. Will these magnets attract or repel? To find out, look at which poles are closest to each other. The north pole of one magnet is closest to the south pole of the other magnet. Poles that are different attract. So, these magnets will attract each other.
Compare the average kinetic energies of the particles in each sample. Which sample has the higher temperature?
[ "sample A", "neither; the samples have the same temperature", "sample B" ]
natural science
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy.
Each particle in the two samples has the same mass, but the particles in sample A have a higher average speed than the particles in sample B. So, the particles in sample A have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample B. Because the particles in sample A have the higher average kinetic energy, sample A must have the higher temperature.
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy. Each particle in the two samples has the same mass, but the particles in sample A have a higher average speed than the particles in sample B. So, the particles in sample A have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample B. Because the particles in sample A have the higher average kinetic energy, sample A must have the higher temperature.
sample A
Is the following statement about our solar system true or false? The largest planet is made mainly of ice.
[ "false", "true" ]
natural science
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. The volume of a planet is a very large quantity. Large quantities such as this are often written in scientific notation. For example, the volume of Jupiter is 1,430,000,000,000,000 km^3. In scientific notation, Jupiter's volume is written as 1.43 x 10^15 km^3. To compare two numbers written in scientific notation, compare their exponents. The bigger the exponent is, the bigger the number is. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.43 x 10^12 If their exponents are equal, compare the first numbers. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.25 x 10^15
To decide which planet is the largest, look at the volumes shown in the table and compare the exponents. Jupiter's volume has an exponent of 15, which is the largest out of all the planets. Jupiter is made mainly of gas. So, the largest planet is made mainly of gas.
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. The volume of a planet is a very large quantity. Large quantities such as this are often written in scientific notation. For example, the volume of Jupiter is 1,430,000,000,000,000 km^3. In scientific notation, Jupiter's volume is written as 1.43 x 10^15 km^3. To compare two numbers written in scientific notation, compare their exponents. The bigger the exponent is, the bigger the number is. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.43 x 10^12 If their exponents are equal, compare the first numbers. For example: 1.43 x 10^15 is larger than 1.25 x 10^15 To decide which planet is the largest, look at the volumes shown in the table and compare the exponents. Jupiter's volume has an exponent of 15, which is the largest out of all the planets. Jupiter is made mainly of gas. So, the largest planet is made mainly of gas.
Does this passage describe the weather or the climate?
[ "climate", "weather" ]
natural science
The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds Earth. Both weather and climate tell you about the atmosphere. Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Weather can change quickly. For example, the temperature outside your house might get higher throughout the day. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place. For example, summer temperatures in New York are usually higher than winter temperatures.
Read the passage carefully. Hallstatt is a village in Austria, a country known for winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. Summers are warm and winters are cold in Austria. The underlined part of the passage tells you about the usual temperature pattern in Austria. This passage does not describe what the weather is like on a particular day. So, this passage describes the climate.
The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds Earth. Both weather and climate tell you about the atmosphere. Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Weather can change quickly. For example, the temperature outside your house might get higher throughout the day. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place. For example, summer temperatures in New York are usually higher than winter temperatures. Read the passage carefully. Hallstatt is a village in Austria, a country known for winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. Summers are warm and winters are cold in Austria. The underlined part of the passage tells you about the usual temperature pattern in Austria. This passage does not describe what the weather is like on a particular day. So, this passage describes the climate.
Which of the following organisms is the tertiary consumer in this food web?
[ "beaver", "black bear", "persimmon tree", "gray fox" ]
natural science
A food web is a model. A food web shows where organisms in an ecosystem get their food. Models can make things in nature easier to understand because models can represent complex things in a simpler way. If a food web showed every organism in an ecosystem, the food web would be hard to understand. So, each food web shows how some organisms in an ecosystem can get their food. Arrows show how matter moves. A food web has arrows that point from one organism to another. Each arrow shows the direction that matter moves when one organism eats another organism. An arrow starts from the organism that is eaten. The arrow points to the organism that is doing the eating. An organism in a food web can have more than one arrow pointing from it. This shows that the organism is eaten by more than one other organism in the food web. An organism in a food web can also have more than one arrow pointing to it. This shows that the organism eats more than one other organism in the food web.
Tertiary consumers eat secondary consumers. So, in a food web, tertiary consumers have arrows pointing to them from secondary consumers. Secondary consumers have arrows pointing to them from primary consumers. And primary consumers have arrows pointing to them from producers. The gray fox has an arrow pointing to it from the pine vole. The pine vole is a secondary consumer, so the gray fox is a tertiary consumer. The black bear has arrows pointing to it from the persimmon tree, the swallowtail caterpillar, and the beaver. None of these organisms is a secondary consumer, so the black bear is not a tertiary consumer. The beaver has an arrow pointing to it from the silver maple. The silver maple is not a secondary consumer, so the beaver is not a tertiary consumer. The persimmon tree does not have any arrows pointing to it. So, the persimmon tree is not a tertiary consumer. The black racer has an arrow pointing to it from the pine vole. The pine vole is a secondary consumer, so the black racer is a tertiary consumer.
A food web is a model. A food web shows where organisms in an ecosystem get their food. Models can make things in nature easier to understand because models can represent complex things in a simpler way. If a food web showed every organism in an ecosystem, the food web would be hard to understand. So, each food web shows how some organisms in an ecosystem can get their food. Arrows show how matter moves. A food web has arrows that point from one organism to another. Each arrow shows the direction that matter moves when one organism eats another organism. An arrow starts from the organism that is eaten. The arrow points to the organism that is doing the eating. An organism in a food web can have more than one arrow pointing from it. This shows that the organism is eaten by more than one other organism in the food web. An organism in a food web can also have more than one arrow pointing to it. This shows that the organism eats more than one other organism in the food web. Tertiary consumers eat secondary consumers. So, in a food web, tertiary consumers have arrows pointing to them from secondary consumers. Secondary consumers have arrows pointing to them from primary consumers. And primary consumers have arrows pointing to them from producers. The gray fox has an arrow pointing to it from the pine vole. The pine vole is a secondary consumer, so the gray fox is a tertiary consumer. The black bear has arrows pointing to it from the persimmon tree, the swallowtail caterpillar, and the beaver. None of these organisms is a secondary consumer, so the black bear is not a tertiary consumer. The beaver has an arrow pointing to it from the silver maple. The silver maple is not a secondary consumer, so the beaver is not a tertiary consumer. The persimmon tree does not have any arrows pointing to it. So, the persimmon tree is not a tertiary consumer. The black racer has an arrow pointing to it from the pine vole. The pine vole is a secondary consumer, so the black racer is a tertiary consumer.
gray fox
Is dolostone a mineral or a rock?
[ "rock", "mineral" ]
natural science
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. A rock can be made of one or more minerals. Minerals and rocks have the following properties: Property | Mineral | Rock It is a solid. | Yes | Yes It is formed in nature. | Yes | Yes It is not made by organisms. | Yes | Yes It is a pure substance. | Yes | No It has a fixed crystal structure. | Yes | No You can use these properties to tell whether a substance is a mineral, a rock, or neither. Look closely at the last three properties: Minerals and rocks are not made by organisms. Organisms make their own body parts. For example, snails and clams make their shells. Because they are made by organisms, body parts cannot be minerals or rocks. Humans are organisms too. So, substances that humans make by hand or in factories are not minerals or rocks. A mineral is a pure substance, but a rock is not. A pure substance is made of only one type of matter. Minerals are pure substances, but rocks are not. Instead, all rocks are mixtures. A mineral has a fixed crystal structure, but a rock does not. The crystal structure of a substance tells you how the atoms or molecules in the substance are arranged. Different types of minerals have different crystal structures, but all minerals have a fixed crystal structure. This means that the atoms and molecules in different pieces of the same type of mineral are always arranged the same way. However, rocks do not have a fixed crystal structure. So, the arrangement of atoms or molecules in different pieces of the same type of rock may be different!
The properties of dolostone match the properties of a rock. So, dolostone is a rock.
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. A rock can be made of one or more minerals. Minerals and rocks have the following properties: Property | Mineral | Rock It is a solid. | Yes | Yes It is formed in nature. | Yes | Yes It is not made by organisms. | Yes | Yes It is a pure substance. | Yes | No It has a fixed crystal structure. | Yes | No You can use these properties to tell whether a substance is a mineral, a rock, or neither. Look closely at the last three properties: Minerals and rocks are not made by organisms. Organisms make their own body parts. For example, snails and clams make their shells. Because they are made by organisms, body parts cannot be minerals or rocks. Humans are organisms too. So, substances that humans make by hand or in factories are not minerals or rocks. A mineral is a pure substance, but a rock is not. A pure substance is made of only one type of matter. Minerals are pure substances, but rocks are not. Instead, all rocks are mixtures. A mineral has a fixed crystal structure, but a rock does not. The crystal structure of a substance tells you how the atoms or molecules in the substance are arranged. Different types of minerals have different crystal structures, but all minerals have a fixed crystal structure. This means that the atoms and molecules in different pieces of the same type of mineral are always arranged the same way. However, rocks do not have a fixed crystal structure. So, the arrangement of atoms or molecules in different pieces of the same type of rock may be different! The properties of dolostone match the properties of a rock. So, dolostone is a rock.
Which property matches this object?
[ "yellow", "rough" ]
natural science
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells.
Look at the object. Think about each property. Yellow is a color. This color is yellow. The sandpaper is not yellow. A rough object feels scratchy when you touch it. The sandpaper is rough.
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Look at the object. Think about each property. Yellow is a color. This color is yellow. The sandpaper is not yellow. A rough object feels scratchy when you touch it. The sandpaper is rough.
Which material is this screw driver made of?
[ "wax", "metal" ]
natural science
A material is a type of matter. Wood, glass, metal, and plastic are common materials. Some objects are made of just one material. Most nails are made of metal. Other objects are made of more than one material. This hammer is made of metal and wood.
Look at the picture of the screw driver. This screw driver is made of two different materials. The handle is made of plastic. The rest of the screw driver is made of metal. Metal is a good material for tools. Metal is hard and can be made into many shapes.
A material is a type of matter. Wood, glass, metal, and plastic are common materials. Some objects are made of just one material. Most nails are made of metal. Other objects are made of more than one material. This hammer is made of metal and wood. Look at the picture of the screw driver. This screw driver is made of two different materials. The handle is made of plastic. The rest of the screw driver is made of metal. Metal is a good material for tools. Metal is hard and can be made into many shapes.
In this food web, which organism contains matter that eventually moves to the bat star?
[ "orca", "black rockfish" ]
natural science
A food web is a model. A food web shows where organisms in an ecosystem get their food. Models can make things in nature easier to understand because models can represent complex things in a simpler way. If a food web showed every organism in an ecosystem, the food web would be hard to understand. So, each food web shows how some organisms in an ecosystem can get their food. Arrows show how matter moves. A food web has arrows that point from one organism to another. Each arrow shows the direction that matter moves when one organism eats another organism. An arrow starts from the organism that is eaten. The arrow points to the organism that is doing the eating. An organism in a food web can have more than one arrow pointing from it. This shows that the organism is eaten by more than one other organism in the food web. An organism in a food web can also have more than one arrow pointing to it. This shows that the organism eats more than one other organism in the food web.
Use the arrows to follow how matter moves through this food web. For each answer choice, try to find a path of arrows to the bat star.There is one path matter can take from the black rockfish to the bat star: black rockfish->kelp bass->bat star. There is one path matter can take from the kelp to the bat star: kelp->kelp bass->bat star. There are four paths matter can take from the phytoplankton to the bat star: phytoplankton->zooplankton->kelp bass->bat star. phytoplankton->zooplankton->plainfin midshipman->kelp bass->bat star. phytoplankton->zooplankton->black rockfish->kelp bass->bat star. phytoplankton->plainfin midshipman->kelp bass->bat star. orca. The only arrow pointing from the orca leads to the sea cucumber. No arrows point from the sea cucumber to any other organisms. So, in this food web, matter does not move from the orca to the bat star..
A food web is a model. A food web shows where organisms in an ecosystem get their food. Models can make things in nature easier to understand because models can represent complex things in a simpler way. If a food web showed every organism in an ecosystem, the food web would be hard to understand. So, each food web shows how some organisms in an ecosystem can get their food. Arrows show how matter moves. A food web has arrows that point from one organism to another. Each arrow shows the direction that matter moves when one organism eats another organism. An arrow starts from the organism that is eaten. The arrow points to the organism that is doing the eating. An organism in a food web can have more than one arrow pointing from it. This shows that the organism is eaten by more than one other organism in the food web. An organism in a food web can also have more than one arrow pointing to it. This shows that the organism eats more than one other organism in the food web. Use the arrows to follow how matter moves through this food web. For each answer choice, try to find a path of arrows to the bat star.There is one path matter can take from the black rockfish to the bat star: black rockfish->kelp bass->bat star. There is one path matter can take from the kelp to the bat star: kelp->kelp bass->bat star. There are four paths matter can take from the phytoplankton to the bat star: phytoplankton->zooplankton->kelp bass->bat star. phytoplankton->zooplankton->plainfin midshipman->kelp bass->bat star. phytoplankton->zooplankton->black rockfish->kelp bass->bat star. phytoplankton->plainfin midshipman->kelp bass->bat star. orca. The only arrow pointing from the orca leads to the sea cucumber. No arrows point from the sea cucumber to any other organisms. So, in this food web, matter does not move from the orca to the bat star..
black rockfish
Which property matches this object?
[ "blue", "hard" ]
natural science
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells.
Look at the object. Think about each property. Blue is a color. This color is blue. The track suit is blue. A hard object keeps its shape when you squeeze it. The track suit is not hard.
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Look at the object. Think about each property. Blue is a color. This color is blue. The track suit is blue. A hard object keeps its shape when you squeeze it. The track suit is not hard.
Is the following statement about our solar system true or false? Saturn's volume is more than 50% of Jupiter's volume.
[ "false", "true" ]
natural science
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice.
To determine if this statement is true, calculate the value of 50% of Jupiter's volume by multiplying Jupiter's volume by 0.5. Then compare the result to the volume of Saturn. The volume of Saturn is 827,130 billion km^3, which is more than 715,640 billion km^3. So, Saturn's volume is more than 50% of Jupiter's volume.
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. To determine if this statement is true, calculate the value of 50% of Jupiter's volume by multiplying Jupiter's volume by 0.5. Then compare the result to the volume of Saturn. The volume of Saturn is 827,130 billion km^3, which is more than 715,640 billion km^3. So, Saturn's volume is more than 50% of Jupiter's volume.
Which better describes the Monongahela National Forest ecosystem?
[ "It has soil that is poor in nutrients. It also has only a few types of trees.", "It has cold, wet winters. It also has soil that is rich in nutrients." ]
natural science
An environment includes all of the biotic, or living, and abiotic, or nonliving, things in an area. An ecosystem is created by the relationships that form among the biotic and abiotic parts of an environment. There are many different types of terrestrial, or land-based, ecosystems. Here are some ways in which terrestrial ecosystems can differ from each other: the pattern of weather, or climate the type of soil the organisms that live there
A temperate deciduous forest is a type of ecosystem. Temperate deciduous forests have the following features: warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters, soil that is rich in nutrients, and only a few types of trees. So, the Monongahela National Forest has cold, wet winters. It also has soil that is rich in nutrients.
An environment includes all of the biotic, or living, and abiotic, or nonliving, things in an area. An ecosystem is created by the relationships that form among the biotic and abiotic parts of an environment. There are many different types of terrestrial, or land-based, ecosystems. Here are some ways in which terrestrial ecosystems can differ from each other: the pattern of weather, or climate the type of soil the organisms that live there A temperate deciduous forest is a type of ecosystem. Temperate deciduous forests have the following features: warm, wet summers and cold, wet winters, soil that is rich in nutrients, and only a few types of trees. So, the Monongahela National Forest has cold, wet winters. It also has soil that is rich in nutrients.
It has cold, wet winters. It also has soil that is rich in nutrients.
Which continent is highlighted?
[ "Europe", "Australia", "Antarctica", "South America" ]
social science
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents.
This continent is Australia.
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents. This continent is Australia.
Is the following statement about our solar system true or false? 50% of the planets are made mainly of gas.
[ "true", "false" ]
natural science
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice.
The table tells you that two out of the eight planets are made mainly of gas. So, one-fourth, or 25%, of the planets are made mainly of gas.
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. The table tells you that two out of the eight planets are made mainly of gas. So, one-fourth, or 25%, of the planets are made mainly of gas.
Is the following statement about our solar system true or false? The largest planet is made mainly of ice.
[ "false", "true" ]
natural science
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice.
The table tells you that Jupiter is the largest planet and that Jupiter is made mainly of gas. So, the largest planet is made mainly of gas.
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. The table tells you that Jupiter is the largest planet and that Jupiter is made mainly of gas. So, the largest planet is made mainly of gas.
Which continent is highlighted?
[ "Europe", "Antarctica", "North America", "Africa" ]
social science
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents.
This continent is Europe.
A continent is one of the major land masses on the earth. Most people say there are seven continents. This continent is Europe.
Which property do these four objects have in common?
[ "opaque", "fragile", "transparent" ]
natural science
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Grouping objects by their properties is called classification.
Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. An opaque object does not let light through. The ceramic tea cup is opaque, but the window, the glass, and the icicle are not. A fragile object will break into pieces if you drop it. All four objects are fragile. You can see clearly through a transparent object. The window and the glass are transparent, but the ceramic tea cup is not. The property that all four objects have in common is fragile.
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Grouping objects by their properties is called classification. Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. An opaque object does not let light through. The ceramic tea cup is opaque, but the window, the glass, and the icicle are not. A fragile object will break into pieces if you drop it. All four objects are fragile. You can see clearly through a transparent object. The window and the glass are transparent, but the ceramic tea cup is not. The property that all four objects have in common is fragile.
Which material is this sidewalk made of?
[ "concrete", "wool" ]
natural science
A material is a type of matter. Wood, glass, metal, and plastic are common materials.
Look at the picture of the sidewalk. The sidewalk is made of concrete. Concrete is a mixture of sand, rocks, and cement. Concrete is heavy and strong. Bridges and large buildings are often made out of concrete.
A material is a type of matter. Wood, glass, metal, and plastic are common materials. Look at the picture of the sidewalk. The sidewalk is made of concrete. Concrete is a mixture of sand, rocks, and cement. Concrete is heavy and strong. Bridges and large buildings are often made out of concrete.
Which bird's beak is also adapted to catch insects?
[ "European robin", "rosy-faced lovebird" ]
natural science
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The shape of a bird's beak is one example of an adaptation. Birds' beaks can be adapted in different ways. For example, a sharp hooked beak might help a bird tear through meat easily. A short, thick beak might help a bird break through a seed's hard shell. Birds that eat similar food often have similar beaks.
Look at the picture of the superb fairywren. A short, thin beak is light and easy to move. The superb fairywren uses its beak to grab fast-moving insects while flying. Now look at each bird. Figure out which bird has a similar adaptation. The European robin has a short, thin beak. Its beak is adapted to catch insects. The rosy-faced lovebird has a small hooked beak. Its beak is not adapted to catch insects. The rosy-faced lovebird uses its beak to eat seeds and berries.
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The shape of a bird's beak is one example of an adaptation. Birds' beaks can be adapted in different ways. For example, a sharp hooked beak might help a bird tear through meat easily. A short, thick beak might help a bird break through a seed's hard shell. Birds that eat similar food often have similar beaks. Look at the picture of the superb fairywren. A short, thin beak is light and easy to move. The superb fairywren uses its beak to grab fast-moving insects while flying. Now look at each bird. Figure out which bird has a similar adaptation. The European robin has a short, thin beak. Its beak is adapted to catch insects. The rosy-faced lovebird has a small hooked beak. Its beak is not adapted to catch insects. The rosy-faced lovebird uses its beak to eat seeds and berries.
European robin
Which property do these three objects have in common?
[ "fragile", "transparent", "colorful" ]
natural science
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups.
Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. You can see clearly through a transparent object. None of the objects are transparent. A fragile object will break into pieces if you drop it. None of the objects are fragile. A colorful object has one or more bright colors. All three objects are colorful. The property that all three objects have in common is colorful.
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. You can see clearly through a transparent object. None of the objects are transparent. A fragile object will break into pieces if you drop it. None of the objects are fragile. A colorful object has one or more bright colors. All three objects are colorful. The property that all three objects have in common is colorful.
Does this passage describe the weather or the climate?
[ "climate", "weather" ]
natural science
The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds Earth. Both weather and climate tell you about the atmosphere. Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Weather can change quickly. For example, the temperature outside your house might get higher throughout the day. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place. For example, summer temperatures in New York are usually higher than winter temperatures.
Read the passage carefully. The temperature recorded in Des Moines on Tuesday morning was 49°F. This passage tells you about the temperature in Des Moines on Tuesday morning. This passage describes the atmosphere at a certain place and time. So, this passage describes the weather.
The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds Earth. Both weather and climate tell you about the atmosphere. Weather is what the atmosphere is like at a certain place and time. Weather can change quickly. For example, the temperature outside your house might get higher throughout the day. Climate is the pattern of weather in a certain place. For example, summer temperatures in New York are usually higher than winter temperatures. Read the passage carefully. The temperature recorded in Des Moines on Tuesday morning was 49°F. This passage tells you about the temperature in Des Moines on Tuesday morning. This passage describes the atmosphere at a certain place and time. So, this passage describes the weather.
Select the fish below.
[ "goldfish", "bald eagle" ]
natural science
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification.
A goldfish is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. A bald eagle is a bird. It has feathers, two wings, and a beak.
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification. A goldfish is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. A bald eagle is a bird. It has feathers, two wings, and a beak.
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The strength of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnetic force is weaker in Pair 2.", "The magnetic force is weaker in Pair 1." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The stronger the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the strength of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnetic force is weaker when the magnets are farther apart.
Distance affects the strength of the magnetic force. When magnets are farther apart, the magnetic force between them is weaker. The magnets in Pair 1 are farther apart than the magnets in Pair 2. So, the magnetic force is weaker in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The stronger the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the strength of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnetic force is weaker when the magnets are farther apart. Distance affects the strength of the magnetic force. When magnets are farther apart, the magnetic force between them is weaker. The magnets in Pair 1 are farther apart than the magnets in Pair 2. So, the magnetic force is weaker in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
The magnetic force is weaker in Pair 1.
Is the following statement about our solar system true or false? Half of the planets are made mainly of gas or ice.
[ "false", "true" ]
natural science
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice.
The table tells you that of the eight planets, two are made mainly of gas and two are made mainly of ice. So, four of the eight, or half, of the planets are made mainly of gas or ice.
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. The table tells you that of the eight planets, two are made mainly of gas and two are made mainly of ice. So, four of the eight, or half, of the planets are made mainly of gas or ice.
Complete the statement. Platinum is ().
[ "an elementary substance", "a compound" ]
natural science
There are more than 100 different chemical elements, or types of atoms. Chemical elements make up all of the substances around you. A substance may be composed of one chemical element or multiple chemical elements. Substances that are composed of only one chemical element are elementary substances. Substances that are composed of multiple chemical elements bonded together are compounds. Every chemical element is represented by its own atomic symbol. An atomic symbol may consist of one capital letter, or it may consist of a capital letter followed by a lowercase letter. For example, the atomic symbol for the chemical element fluorine is F, and the atomic symbol for the chemical element beryllium is Be. Scientists use different types of models to represent substances whose atoms are bonded in different ways. One type of model is a space-filling model. The space-filling model below represents the elementary substance copper. In a space-filling model, the balls represent atoms that are bonded together. The color of a ball represents a specific chemical element. The atomic symbol for that chemical element is shown in the legend.
Use the model to determine whether platinum is an elementary substance or a compound. Step 1: Interpret the model. In the space-filling model shown above, all of the balls are the same color: . The legend shows that dark blue represents the chemical element with the atomic symbol Pt. So, the model shows you that platinum is composed of one chemical element. Step 2: Determine whether the substance is an elementary substance or a compound. You know from Step 1 that platinum is composed of only one chemical element. So, platinum is an elementary substance.
There are more than 100 different chemical elements, or types of atoms. Chemical elements make up all of the substances around you. A substance may be composed of one chemical element or multiple chemical elements. Substances that are composed of only one chemical element are elementary substances. Substances that are composed of multiple chemical elements bonded together are compounds. Every chemical element is represented by its own atomic symbol. An atomic symbol may consist of one capital letter, or it may consist of a capital letter followed by a lowercase letter. For example, the atomic symbol for the chemical element fluorine is F, and the atomic symbol for the chemical element beryllium is Be. Scientists use different types of models to represent substances whose atoms are bonded in different ways. One type of model is a space-filling model. The space-filling model below represents the elementary substance copper. In a space-filling model, the balls represent atoms that are bonded together. The color of a ball represents a specific chemical element. The atomic symbol for that chemical element is shown in the legend. Use the model to determine whether platinum is an elementary substance or a compound. Step 1: Interpret the model. In the space-filling model shown above, all of the balls are the same color: . The legend shows that dark blue represents the chemical element with the atomic symbol Pt. So, the model shows you that platinum is composed of one chemical element. Step 2: Determine whether the substance is an elementary substance or a compound. You know from Step 1 that platinum is composed of only one chemical element. So, platinum is an elementary substance.
an elementary substance
Which of these states is farthest north?
[ "Oklahoma", "Delaware", "Arizona", "North Carolina" ]
social science
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map.
To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the north arrow is pointing. Delaware is farthest north.
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map. To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the north arrow is pointing. Delaware is farthest north.
Which animal's limbs are also adapted for swimming?
[ "sea turtle", "ostrich" ]
natural science
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. Arms, legs, flippers, and wings are different types of limbs. The type of limbs an animal has is an example of an adaptation. Animals' limbs can be adapted in different ways. For example, long legs might help an animal run fast. Flippers might help an animal swim. Wings might help an animal fly.
Look at the picture of the harbor seal. The harbor seal uses its flippers to push itself through water. The flippers can also help it change direction while swimming. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The sea turtle has flippers. Its limbs are adapted for swimming. The ostrich has short wings and long, thin legs. Its limbs are not adapted for swimming. The ostrich uses its limbs to walk and run on land.
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. Arms, legs, flippers, and wings are different types of limbs. The type of limbs an animal has is an example of an adaptation. Animals' limbs can be adapted in different ways. For example, long legs might help an animal run fast. Flippers might help an animal swim. Wings might help an animal fly. Look at the picture of the harbor seal. The harbor seal uses its flippers to push itself through water. The flippers can also help it change direction while swimming. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The sea turtle has flippers. Its limbs are adapted for swimming. The ostrich has short wings and long, thin legs. Its limbs are not adapted for swimming. The ostrich uses its limbs to walk and run on land.
sea turtle
What type of rock is granodiorite?
[ "igneous", "metamorphic", "sedimentary" ]
natural science
Igneous rock is formed when melted rock cools and hardens into solid rock. This type of change can occur at Earth's surface or below it. Sedimentary rock is formed when layers of sediment are pressed together, or compacted, to make rock. This type of change occurs below Earth's surface. Metamorphic rock is formed when a rock is changed by very high temperature and pressure. This type of change often occurs deep below Earth's surface. Over time, the old rock becomes a new rock with different properties.
Granodiorite is an igneous rock. Like other igneous rocks, it forms when melted rock cools and hardens. Melted rock below the earth's surface is called magma. Granodiorite forms from magma that contains a lot of silica. As the magma cools, minerals such as feldspar begin to form. When the magma becomes solid, it turns into granodiorite.
Igneous rock is formed when melted rock cools and hardens into solid rock. This type of change can occur at Earth's surface or below it. Sedimentary rock is formed when layers of sediment are pressed together, or compacted, to make rock. This type of change occurs below Earth's surface. Metamorphic rock is formed when a rock is changed by very high temperature and pressure. This type of change often occurs deep below Earth's surface. Over time, the old rock becomes a new rock with different properties. Granodiorite is an igneous rock. Like other igneous rocks, it forms when melted rock cools and hardens. Melted rock below the earth's surface is called magma. Granodiorite forms from magma that contains a lot of silica. As the magma cools, minerals such as feldspar begin to form. When the magma becomes solid, it turns into granodiorite.
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 1.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 2." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater when there is a smaller distance between the magnets.
The magnets in Pair 2 attract. The magnets in Pair 1 repel. But whether the magnets attract or repel affects only the direction of the magnetic force. It does not affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Distance affects the magnitude of the magnetic force. When there is a smaller distance between magnets, the magnitude of the magnetic force between them is greater. There is a smaller distance between the magnets in Pair 2 than in Pair 1. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 2 than in Pair 1.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by changing the distance between them. The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater when there is a smaller distance between the magnets. The magnets in Pair 2 attract. The magnets in Pair 1 repel. But whether the magnets attract or repel affects only the direction of the magnetic force. It does not affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Distance affects the magnitude of the magnetic force. When there is a smaller distance between magnets, the magnitude of the magnetic force between them is greater. There is a smaller distance between the magnets in Pair 2 than in Pair 1. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 2 than in Pair 1.
The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 2.
Which property do these three objects have in common?
[ "soft", "opaque", "flexible" ]
natural science
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Grouping objects by their properties is called classification.
Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. A flexible object can be folded or bent without breaking easily. The paper notebook and the grocery bag are flexible, but the concrete steps are not. A soft object changes shape when pressed or squeezed. The concrete steps are not soft. An opaque object does not let light through. All three objects are opaque. The property that all three objects have in common is opaque.
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Grouping objects by their properties is called classification. Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. A flexible object can be folded or bent without breaking easily. The paper notebook and the grocery bag are flexible, but the concrete steps are not. A soft object changes shape when pressed or squeezed. The concrete steps are not soft. An opaque object does not let light through. All three objects are opaque. The property that all three objects have in common is opaque.
Select the fish below.
[ "piranha", "sea otter" ]
natural science
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification.
A piranha is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. Piranhas have sharp teeth. Piranhas hunt in groups. A group of piranhas can eat a large animal. A sea otter is a mammal. It has fur and feeds its young milk. Sea otters have very thick fur. Their fur keeps them warm in cold water.
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification. A piranha is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. Piranhas have sharp teeth. Piranhas hunt in groups. A group of piranhas can eat a large animal. A sea otter is a mammal. It has fur and feeds its young milk. Sea otters have very thick fur. Their fur keeps them warm in cold water.
Is the following statement about our solar system true or false? The volume of Neptune is less than 75% of the volume of Uranus.
[ "true", "false" ]
natural science
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice.
To determine if this statement is true, calculate the value of 75% of the volume of Uranus by multiplying its volume by 0.75. Then compare the result to the volume of Neptune. The volume of Neptune is 62,530 billion km^3, which is more than 51,248 billion km^3. So, the volume of Neptune is more than 75% of the volume of Uranus.
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. To determine if this statement is true, calculate the value of 75% of the volume of Uranus by multiplying its volume by 0.75. Then compare the result to the volume of Neptune. The volume of Neptune is 62,530 billion km^3, which is more than 51,248 billion km^3. So, the volume of Neptune is more than 75% of the volume of Uranus.
Select the organism in the same genus as the Victoria crowned pigeon.
[ "Aequorea victoria", "Goura scheepmakeri", "Strix aluco" ]
natural science
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur.
A Victoria crowned pigeon's scientific name is Goura victoria. The first word of its scientific name is Goura. Strix aluco is in the genus Strix. The first word of its scientific name is Strix. So, Strix aluco and Goura victoria are not in the same genus. Goura scheepmakeri is in the genus Goura. The first word of its scientific name is Goura. So, Goura scheepmakeri and Goura victoria are in the same genus. Aequorea victoria and Goura victoria are not in the same genus. These organisms are not in the same genus, but part of their scientific names is the same. Aequorea victoria and Goura victoria have the same species name within their genus, victoria. But the first words of their scientific names are different. Aequorea victoria is in the genus Aequorea, and Goura victoria is in the genus Goura.
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur. A Victoria crowned pigeon's scientific name is Goura victoria. The first word of its scientific name is Goura. Strix aluco is in the genus Strix. The first word of its scientific name is Strix. So, Strix aluco and Goura victoria are not in the same genus. Goura scheepmakeri is in the genus Goura. The first word of its scientific name is Goura. So, Goura scheepmakeri and Goura victoria are in the same genus. Aequorea victoria and Goura victoria are not in the same genus. These organisms are not in the same genus, but part of their scientific names is the same. Aequorea victoria and Goura victoria have the same species name within their genus, victoria. But the first words of their scientific names are different. Aequorea victoria is in the genus Aequorea, and Goura victoria is in the genus Goura.
Goura scheepmakeri
Compare the average kinetic energies of the particles in each sample. Which sample has the higher temperature?
[ "neither; the samples have the same temperature", "sample A", "sample B" ]
natural science
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy.
The particles in both samples have the same average speed, but each particle in sample A has more mass than each particle in sample B. So, the particles in sample A have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample B. Because the particles in sample A have the higher average kinetic energy, sample A must have the higher temperature.
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy. The particles in both samples have the same average speed, but each particle in sample A has more mass than each particle in sample B. So, the particles in sample A have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample B. Because the particles in sample A have the higher average kinetic energy, sample A must have the higher temperature.
sample A
Can Rafflesia arnoldii cells make their own food?
[ "no", "yes" ]
natural science
In the past, scientists classified living organisms into two groups: plants and animals. Over the past 300 years, scientists have discovered many more types of organisms. Today, many scientists classify organisms into six broad groups, called kingdoms. Organisms in each kingdom have specific traits. The table below shows some traits used to describe each kingdom. | Bacteria | Archaea | Protists | Fungi | Animals | Plants How many cells do they have? | one | one | one or many | one or many | many | many Do their cells have a nucleus? | no | no | yes | yes | yes | yes Can their cells make food? | some species can | some species can | some species can | no | no | yes
Rafflesia arnoldii is a plant. Plant cells can make their own food. Plant cells make food using photosynthesis.
In the past, scientists classified living organisms into two groups: plants and animals. Over the past 300 years, scientists have discovered many more types of organisms. Today, many scientists classify organisms into six broad groups, called kingdoms. Organisms in each kingdom have specific traits. The table below shows some traits used to describe each kingdom. | Bacteria | Archaea | Protists | Fungi | Animals | Plants How many cells do they have? | one | one | one or many | one or many | many | many Do their cells have a nucleus? | no | no | yes | yes | yes | yes Can their cells make food? | some species can | some species can | some species can | no | no | yes Rafflesia arnoldii is a plant. Plant cells can make their own food. Plant cells make food using photosynthesis.
Which property do these three objects have in common?
[ "blue", "fuzzy", "hard" ]
natural science
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Grouping objects by their properties is called classification.
Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. Blue is a color. This color is blue. The baseball bat and the road are not blue. A hard object does not change shape when pressed or squeezed. All three objects are hard. A fuzzy object is covered in soft hair. None of the objects are fuzzy. The property that all three objects have in common is hard.
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Grouping objects by their properties is called classification. Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. Blue is a color. This color is blue. The baseball bat and the road are not blue. A hard object does not change shape when pressed or squeezed. All three objects are hard. A fuzzy object is covered in soft hair. None of the objects are fuzzy. The property that all three objects have in common is hard.
Which solution has a higher concentration of yellow particles?
[ "Solution A", "Solution B", "neither; their concentrations are the same" ]
natural science
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent
In Solution A and Solution B, the yellow particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of yellow particles, look at both the number of yellow particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of yellow particles per milliliter. Solution A has more yellow particles per milliliter. So, Solution A has a higher concentration of yellow particles.
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent In Solution A and Solution B, the yellow particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of yellow particles, look at both the number of yellow particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of yellow particles per milliliter. Solution A has more yellow particles per milliliter. So, Solution A has a higher concentration of yellow particles.
Solution A
Which is this organism's scientific name?
[ "Galapagos giant tortoise", "Chelonoidis nigra" ]
natural science
An organism's common name is the name that people normally call the organism. Common names often contain words you know. An organism's scientific name is the name scientists use to identify the organism. Scientific names often contain words that are not used in everyday English. Scientific names are written in italics, but common names are usually not. The first word of the scientific name is capitalized, and the second word is not. For example, the common name of the animal below is giant panda. Its scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca.
Chelonoidis nigra is written in italics. The first word is capitalized, and the second word is not. So, Chelonoidis nigra is the scientific name.
An organism's common name is the name that people normally call the organism. Common names often contain words you know. An organism's scientific name is the name scientists use to identify the organism. Scientific names often contain words that are not used in everyday English. Scientific names are written in italics, but common names are usually not. The first word of the scientific name is capitalized, and the second word is not. For example, the common name of the animal below is giant panda. Its scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca. Chelonoidis nigra is written in italics. The first word is capitalized, and the second word is not. So, Chelonoidis nigra is the scientific name.
Chelonoidis nigra
Which of these organisms contains matter that was once part of the bear sedge?
[ "grizzly bear", "bilberry", "short-tailed weasel" ]
natural science
A food web is a model. A food web shows where organisms in an ecosystem get their food. Models can make things in nature easier to understand because models can represent complex things in a simpler way. If a food web showed every organism in an ecosystem, the food web would be hard to understand. So, each food web shows how some organisms in an ecosystem can get their food. Arrows show how matter moves. A food web has arrows that point from one organism to another. Each arrow shows the direction that matter moves when one organism eats another organism. An arrow starts from the organism that is eaten. The arrow points to the organism that is doing the eating. An organism in a food web can have more than one arrow pointing from it. This shows that the organism is eaten by more than one other organism in the food web. An organism in a food web can also have more than one arrow pointing to it. This shows that the organism eats more than one other organism in the food web.
Use the arrows to follow how matter moves through this food web. For each answer choice, try to find a path of arrows that starts from the bear sedge. The grizzly bear has two arrows pointing to it. One arrow starts from the bilberry. The bilberry does not have any arrows pointing to it. The other arrow pointing to the grizzly bear starts from the barren-ground caribou. The only arrow pointing to the barren-ground caribou starts from the lichen. The lichen does not have any arrows pointing to it. So, in this food web, matter does not move from the bear sedge to the grizzly bear. The bilberry does not have any arrows pointing to it. So, in this food web, matter does not move from the bear sedge to the bilberry.There is one path matter can take from the bear sedge to the short-tailed weasel: bear sedge->brown lemming->short-tailed weasel. There is one path matter can take from the bear sedge to the Arctic fox: bear sedge->brown lemming->Arctic fox. There is one path matter can take from the bear sedge to the rough-legged hawk: bear sedge->brown lemming->parasitic jaeger->rough-legged hawk.
A food web is a model. A food web shows where organisms in an ecosystem get their food. Models can make things in nature easier to understand because models can represent complex things in a simpler way. If a food web showed every organism in an ecosystem, the food web would be hard to understand. So, each food web shows how some organisms in an ecosystem can get their food. Arrows show how matter moves. A food web has arrows that point from one organism to another. Each arrow shows the direction that matter moves when one organism eats another organism. An arrow starts from the organism that is eaten. The arrow points to the organism that is doing the eating. An organism in a food web can have more than one arrow pointing from it. This shows that the organism is eaten by more than one other organism in the food web. An organism in a food web can also have more than one arrow pointing to it. This shows that the organism eats more than one other organism in the food web. Use the arrows to follow how matter moves through this food web. For each answer choice, try to find a path of arrows that starts from the bear sedge. The grizzly bear has two arrows pointing to it. One arrow starts from the bilberry. The bilberry does not have any arrows pointing to it. The other arrow pointing to the grizzly bear starts from the barren-ground caribou. The only arrow pointing to the barren-ground caribou starts from the lichen. The lichen does not have any arrows pointing to it. So, in this food web, matter does not move from the bear sedge to the grizzly bear. The bilberry does not have any arrows pointing to it. So, in this food web, matter does not move from the bear sedge to the bilberry.There is one path matter can take from the bear sedge to the short-tailed weasel: bear sedge->brown lemming->short-tailed weasel. There is one path matter can take from the bear sedge to the Arctic fox: bear sedge->brown lemming->Arctic fox. There is one path matter can take from the bear sedge to the rough-legged hawk: bear sedge->brown lemming->parasitic jaeger->rough-legged hawk.
short-tailed weasel
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by using magnets of different sizes. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when the magnets are smaller.
Magnet sizes affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Imagine magnets that are the same shape and made of the same material. The smaller the magnets, the smaller the magnitude of the magnetic force between them. Magnet A is the same size in both pairs. But Magnet B is smaller in Pair 2 than in Pair 1. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2 than in Pair 1.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by using magnets of different sizes. The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller when the magnets are smaller. Magnet sizes affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Imagine magnets that are the same shape and made of the same material. The smaller the magnets, the smaller the magnitude of the magnetic force between them. Magnet A is the same size in both pairs. But Magnet B is smaller in Pair 2 than in Pair 1. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2 than in Pair 1.
The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2.
Will these magnets attract or repel each other?
[ "repel", "attract" ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles, called north and south. Here are some examples of magnets. The north pole of each magnet is marked N, and the south pole is marked S. If different poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel.
Will these magnets attract or repel? To find out, look at which poles are closest to each other. The south pole of one magnet is closest to the south pole of the other magnet. Poles that are the same repel. So, these magnets will repel each other.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles, called north and south. Here are some examples of magnets. The north pole of each magnet is marked N, and the south pole is marked S. If different poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel. Will these magnets attract or repel? To find out, look at which poles are closest to each other. The south pole of one magnet is closest to the south pole of the other magnet. Poles that are the same repel. So, these magnets will repel each other.
Compare the average kinetic energies of the particles in each sample. Which sample has the higher temperature?
[ "sample B", "sample A", "neither; the samples have the same temperature" ]
natural science
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy.
Each particle in the two samples has the same mass, and the particles in both samples have the same average speed. So, the particles in both samples have the same average kinetic energy. Because the particles in both samples have the same average kinetic energy, the samples must have the same temperature.
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy. Each particle in the two samples has the same mass, and the particles in both samples have the same average speed. So, the particles in both samples have the same average kinetic energy. Because the particles in both samples have the same average kinetic energy, the samples must have the same temperature.
neither; the samples have the same temperature
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 1.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is smaller in Pair 2." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other.
The magnets in Pair 2 attract. The magnets in Pair 1 repel. But whether the magnets attract or repel affects only the direction of the magnetic force. It does not affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Both magnet sizes and distance affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. The sizes of the magnets in Pair 1 are the same as in Pair 2. The distance between the magnets is also the same. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. The magnets in Pair 2 attract. The magnets in Pair 1 repel. But whether the magnets attract or repel affects only the direction of the magnetic force. It does not affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Both magnet sizes and distance affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. The sizes of the magnets in Pair 1 are the same as in Pair 2. The distance between the magnets is also the same. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.
The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.
Which statement is true about the average monthly temperature in New York City?
[ "November is warmer than May.", "January and February are the coldest months of the year.", "July, August, and September are colder than the other months of the year." ]
natural science
Scientists record climate data from places around the world. Temperature is one type of climate data. Scientists collect data over many years. They can use this data to calculate the average temperature for each month. The average temperature can be used to describe the climate of a location. A line graph can be used to show the average temperature each month. Months with higher dots on the graph have higher average temperatures.
To describe the average temperature trends in New York City, look at the graph. Choice "Feb" is incorrect. Choice "May" is incorrect. Choice "Jul" is incorrect. Choice "Aug" is incorrect. Choice "Sep" is incorrect. Choice "Nov" is incorrect. Choice "Jan" is incorrect. Choice "January and February are the coldest months of the year." is incorrect. The average temperatures in January and February are between 30°F and 35°F. These months have the lowest average temperatures of all of the months. So, they are the coldest months of the year. Choice "November is warmer than May." is incorrect. The average temperature in November is around 50°F. May has an average temperature around 60°F. So, November is colder, not warmer, than May. Choice "July, August, and September are colder than the other months of the year." is incorrect. The average temperatures in July, August, and September are around 75°F. These months have the highest average temperatures of any months. So, they are hotter, not colder, than the other months.
Scientists record climate data from places around the world. Temperature is one type of climate data. Scientists collect data over many years. They can use this data to calculate the average temperature for each month. The average temperature can be used to describe the climate of a location. A line graph can be used to show the average temperature each month. Months with higher dots on the graph have higher average temperatures. To describe the average temperature trends in New York City, look at the graph. Choice "Feb" is incorrect. Choice "May" is incorrect. Choice "Jul" is incorrect. Choice "Aug" is incorrect. Choice "Sep" is incorrect. Choice "Nov" is incorrect. Choice "Jan" is incorrect. Choice "January and February are the coldest months of the year." is incorrect. The average temperatures in January and February are between 30°F and 35°F. These months have the lowest average temperatures of all of the months. So, they are the coldest months of the year. Choice "November is warmer than May." is incorrect. The average temperature in November is around 50°F. May has an average temperature around 60°F. So, November is colder, not warmer, than May. Choice "July, August, and September are colder than the other months of the year." is incorrect. The average temperatures in July, August, and September are around 75°F. These months have the highest average temperatures of any months. So, they are hotter, not colder, than the other months.
January and February are the coldest months of the year.
Select the organism in the same genus as the eastern gray kangaroo.
[ "Equus quagga", "Macropus agilis", "Equus grevyi" ]
natural science
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur.
An eastern gray kangaroo's scientific name is Macropus giganteus. The first word of its scientific name is Macropus. Equus grevyi is in the genus Equus. The first word of its scientific name is Equus. So, Equus grevyi and Macropus giganteus are not in the same genus. Equus quagga is in the genus Equus. The first word of its scientific name is Equus. So, Equus quagga and Macropus giganteus are not in the same genus. Macropus agilis is in the genus Macropus. The first word of its scientific name is Macropus. So, Macropus agilis and Macropus giganteus are in the same genus.
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur. An eastern gray kangaroo's scientific name is Macropus giganteus. The first word of its scientific name is Macropus. Equus grevyi is in the genus Equus. The first word of its scientific name is Equus. So, Equus grevyi and Macropus giganteus are not in the same genus. Equus quagga is in the genus Equus. The first word of its scientific name is Equus. So, Equus quagga and Macropus giganteus are not in the same genus. Macropus agilis is in the genus Macropus. The first word of its scientific name is Macropus. So, Macropus agilis and Macropus giganteus are in the same genus.
Macropus agilis
Which solution has a higher concentration of pink particles?
[ "Solution B", "Solution A", "neither; their concentrations are the same" ]
natural science
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent
In Solution A and Solution B, the pink particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of pink particles, look at both the number of pink particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of pink particles per milliliter. Solution B has more pink particles per milliliter. So, Solution B has a higher concentration of pink particles.
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent In Solution A and Solution B, the pink particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of pink particles, look at both the number of pink particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of pink particles per milliliter. Solution B has more pink particles per milliliter. So, Solution B has a higher concentration of pink particles.
Solution B
Which of these states is farthest east?
[ "New Mexico", "South Dakota", "California", "Idaho" ]
social science
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map.
To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the east arrow is pointing. South Dakota is farthest east.
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map. To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the east arrow is pointing. South Dakota is farthest east.
South Dakota
Is siltstone a mineral or a rock?
[ "rock", "mineral" ]
natural science
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. A rock can be made of one or more minerals. Minerals and rocks have the following properties: Property | Mineral | Rock It is a solid. | Yes | Yes It is formed in nature. | Yes | Yes It is not made by organisms. | Yes | Yes It is a pure substance. | Yes | No It has a fixed crystal structure. | Yes | No You can use these properties to tell whether a substance is a mineral, a rock, or neither. Look closely at the last three properties: Minerals and rocks are not made by organisms. Organisms make their own body parts. For example, snails and clams make their shells. Because they are made by organisms, body parts cannot be minerals or rocks. Humans are organisms too. So, substances that humans make by hand or in factories are not minerals or rocks. A mineral is a pure substance, but a rock is not. A pure substance is made of only one type of matter. Minerals are pure substances, but rocks are not. Instead, all rocks are mixtures. A mineral has a fixed crystal structure, but a rock does not. The crystal structure of a substance tells you how the atoms or molecules in the substance are arranged. Different types of minerals have different crystal structures, but all minerals have a fixed crystal structure. This means that the atoms and molecules in different pieces of the same type of mineral are always arranged the same way. However, rocks do not have a fixed crystal structure. So, the arrangement of atoms or molecules in different pieces of the same type of rock may be different!
The properties of siltstone match the properties of a rock. So, siltstone is a rock.
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. A rock can be made of one or more minerals. Minerals and rocks have the following properties: Property | Mineral | Rock It is a solid. | Yes | Yes It is formed in nature. | Yes | Yes It is not made by organisms. | Yes | Yes It is a pure substance. | Yes | No It has a fixed crystal structure. | Yes | No You can use these properties to tell whether a substance is a mineral, a rock, or neither. Look closely at the last three properties: Minerals and rocks are not made by organisms. Organisms make their own body parts. For example, snails and clams make their shells. Because they are made by organisms, body parts cannot be minerals or rocks. Humans are organisms too. So, substances that humans make by hand or in factories are not minerals or rocks. A mineral is a pure substance, but a rock is not. A pure substance is made of only one type of matter. Minerals are pure substances, but rocks are not. Instead, all rocks are mixtures. A mineral has a fixed crystal structure, but a rock does not. The crystal structure of a substance tells you how the atoms or molecules in the substance are arranged. Different types of minerals have different crystal structures, but all minerals have a fixed crystal structure. This means that the atoms and molecules in different pieces of the same type of mineral are always arranged the same way. However, rocks do not have a fixed crystal structure. So, the arrangement of atoms or molecules in different pieces of the same type of rock may be different! The properties of siltstone match the properties of a rock. So, siltstone is a rock.
Select the amphibian below.
[ "American bullfrog", "clownfish" ]
natural science
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification.
A clownfish is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. Clownfish live with animals called anemones. In the image of the clownfish, you can see the green anemone behind the clownfish. An American bullfrog is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Frogs live near water or in damp places. Most frogs lay their eggs in water.
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification. A clownfish is a fish. It lives underwater. It has fins, not limbs. Clownfish live with animals called anemones. In the image of the clownfish, you can see the green anemone behind the clownfish. An American bullfrog is an amphibian. It has moist skin and begins its life in water. Frogs live near water or in damp places. Most frogs lay their eggs in water.
American bullfrog
Is the following statement about our solar system true or false? Neptune's volume is more than 50 times as great as that of Earth.
[ "true", "false" ]
natural science
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice.
To determine if this statement is true, calculate the value of 50 times the volume of Earth. Then compare the result to the volume of Neptune. The volume of Neptune is 62,530 billion km^3, which is more than 54,500 billion km^3. So, Neptune's volume is more than 50 times as great as that of Earth.
A planet's volume tells you the size of the planet. The primary composition of a planet is what the planet is made mainly of. In our solar system, planets are made mainly of rock, gas, or ice. To determine if this statement is true, calculate the value of 50 times the volume of Earth. Then compare the result to the volume of Neptune. The volume of Neptune is 62,530 billion km^3, which is more than 54,500 billion km^3. So, Neptune's volume is more than 50 times as great as that of Earth.
Which of these states is farthest east?
[ "Florida", "Arkansas", "New Mexico", "Washington" ]
social science
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map.
To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the east arrow is pointing. Florida is farthest east.
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map. To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the east arrow is pointing. Florida is farthest east.
Think about the magnetic force between the magnets in each pair. Which of the following statements is true?
[ "The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 2.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is the same in both pairs.", "The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 1." ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by using magnets of different sizes. The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater when the magnets are larger.
Magnet sizes affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Imagine magnets that are the same shape and made of the same material. The larger the magnets, the greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between them. Magnet A is the same size in both pairs. But Magnet B is larger in Pair 1 than in Pair 2. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. These pulls and pushes between magnets are called magnetic forces. The strength of a force is called its magnitude. The greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between two magnets, the more strongly the magnets attract or repel each other. You can change the magnitude of a magnetic force between two magnets by using magnets of different sizes. The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater when the magnets are larger. Magnet sizes affect the magnitude of the magnetic force. Imagine magnets that are the same shape and made of the same material. The larger the magnets, the greater the magnitude of the magnetic force between them. Magnet A is the same size in both pairs. But Magnet B is larger in Pair 1 than in Pair 2. So, the magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 1 than in Pair 2.
The magnitude of the magnetic force is greater in Pair 1.
Which specific humidity level was measured within the outlined area shown?
[ "11 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air", "13 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air", "3 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air" ]
natural science
To study air masses, scientists can use maps that show conditions within Earth's atmosphere. For example, the map below uses color to show specific humidity, a measurement of the amount of water vapor in the air. The map's legend tells you the specific humidity level that each color represents. Colors on the left in the legend represent lower specific humidity levels than colors on the right. For example, areas on the map that are the darkest shade of purple have a specific humidity from zero grams per kilogram (g/kg) up to two g/kg. Areas that are the next darkest shade of purple have a specific humidity from two g/kg up to four g/kg.
Look at the colors shown within the outlined area. Then, use the legend to determine which specific humidity levels those colors represent. The legend tells you that this air mass contained air with specific humidity levels between 0 and 6 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air. 3 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air is within this range. 11 and 13 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air are outside of this range.
To study air masses, scientists can use maps that show conditions within Earth's atmosphere. For example, the map below uses color to show specific humidity, a measurement of the amount of water vapor in the air. The map's legend tells you the specific humidity level that each color represents. Colors on the left in the legend represent lower specific humidity levels than colors on the right. For example, areas on the map that are the darkest shade of purple have a specific humidity from zero grams per kilogram (g/kg) up to two g/kg. Areas that are the next darkest shade of purple have a specific humidity from two g/kg up to four g/kg. Look at the colors shown within the outlined area. Then, use the legend to determine which specific humidity levels those colors represent. The legend tells you that this air mass contained air with specific humidity levels between 0 and 6 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air. 3 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air is within this range. 11 and 13 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air are outside of this range.
3 grams of water vapor per kilogram of air
Select the organism in the same genus as the bobcat.
[ "Lynx lynx", "Macropus rufus", "Halichoeres hortulanus" ]
natural science
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur.
A bobcat's scientific name is Lynx rufus. The first word of its scientific name is Lynx. Halichoeres hortulanus is in the genus Halichoeres. The first word of its scientific name is Halichoeres. So, Halichoeres hortulanus and Lynx rufus are not in the same genus. Lynx lynx is in the genus Lynx. The first word of its scientific name is Lynx. So, Lynx lynx and Lynx rufus are in the same genus. Macropus rufus and Lynx rufus are not in the same genus. These organisms are not in the same genus, but part of their scientific names is the same. Macropus rufus and Lynx rufus have the same species name within their genus, rufus. But the first words of their scientific names are different. Macropus rufus is in the genus Macropus, and Lynx rufus is in the genus Lynx.
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur. A bobcat's scientific name is Lynx rufus. The first word of its scientific name is Lynx. Halichoeres hortulanus is in the genus Halichoeres. The first word of its scientific name is Halichoeres. So, Halichoeres hortulanus and Lynx rufus are not in the same genus. Lynx lynx is in the genus Lynx. The first word of its scientific name is Lynx. So, Lynx lynx and Lynx rufus are in the same genus. Macropus rufus and Lynx rufus are not in the same genus. These organisms are not in the same genus, but part of their scientific names is the same. Macropus rufus and Lynx rufus have the same species name within their genus, rufus. But the first words of their scientific names are different. Macropus rufus is in the genus Macropus, and Lynx rufus is in the genus Lynx.
Lynx lynx
Select the reptile below.
[ "coral snake", "sea otter" ]
natural science
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification.
A coral snake is a reptile. It has scaly, waterproof skin. A sea otter is a mammal. It has fur and feeds its young milk.
Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are groups of animals. The animals in each group have traits in common. Scientists sort animals into groups based on traits they have in common. This process is called classification. A coral snake is a reptile. It has scaly, waterproof skin. A sea otter is a mammal. It has fur and feeds its young milk.
coral snake
Is hematite a mineral?
[ "yes", "no" ]
natural science
Properties are used to identify different substances. Minerals have the following properties: It is a solid. It is formed in nature. It is not made by organisms. It is a pure substance. It has a fixed crystal structure. If a substance has all five of these properties, then it is a mineral. Look closely at the last three properties: A mineral is not made by organisms. Organisms make their own body parts. For example, snails and clams make their shells. Because they are made by organisms, body parts cannot be minerals. Humans are organisms too. So, substances that humans make by hand or in factories cannot be minerals. A mineral is a pure substance. A pure substance is made of only one type of matter. All minerals are pure substances. A mineral has a fixed crystal structure. The crystal structure of a substance tells you how the atoms or molecules in the substance are arranged. Different types of minerals have different crystal structures, but all minerals have a fixed crystal structure. This means that the atoms or molecules in different pieces of the same type of mineral are always arranged the same way.
Hematite has all the properties of a mineral. So, hematite is a mineral.
Properties are used to identify different substances. Minerals have the following properties: It is a solid. It is formed in nature. It is not made by organisms. It is a pure substance. It has a fixed crystal structure. If a substance has all five of these properties, then it is a mineral. Look closely at the last three properties: A mineral is not made by organisms. Organisms make their own body parts. For example, snails and clams make their shells. Because they are made by organisms, body parts cannot be minerals. Humans are organisms too. So, substances that humans make by hand or in factories cannot be minerals. A mineral is a pure substance. A pure substance is made of only one type of matter. All minerals are pure substances. A mineral has a fixed crystal structure. The crystal structure of a substance tells you how the atoms or molecules in the substance are arranged. Different types of minerals have different crystal structures, but all minerals have a fixed crystal structure. This means that the atoms or molecules in different pieces of the same type of mineral are always arranged the same way. Hematite has all the properties of a mineral. So, hematite is a mineral.
Which solution has a higher concentration of purple particles?
[ "Solution B", "neither; their concentrations are the same", "Solution A" ]
natural science
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent
In Solution A and Solution B, the purple particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of purple particles, look at both the number of purple particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of purple particles per milliliter. Solution B has more purple particles per milliliter. So, Solution B has a higher concentration of purple particles.
A solution is made up of two or more substances that are completely mixed. In a solution, solute particles are mixed into a solvent. The solute cannot be separated from the solvent by a filter. For example, if you stir a spoonful of salt into a cup of water, the salt will mix into the water to make a saltwater solution. In this case, the salt is the solute. The water is the solvent. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of the ratio of solute to solvent. Concentration can be described in terms of particles of solute per volume of solvent. concentration = particles of solute / volume of solvent In Solution A and Solution B, the purple particles represent the solute. To figure out which solution has a higher concentration of purple particles, look at both the number of purple particles and the volume of the solvent in each container. Use the concentration formula to find the number of purple particles per milliliter. Solution B has more purple particles per milliliter. So, Solution B has a higher concentration of purple particles.
Solution B
In this experiment, which were part of a control group?
[ "the pots with pure water", "the pots with salted water" ]
natural science
Experiments have variables, or parts that change. You can design an experiment to investigate whether changing a variable between different groups has a specific outcome. For example, imagine you want to find out whether adding fertilizer to soil affects the height of pea plants. You could investigate this question with the following experiment: You grow one group of pea plants in soil with fertilizer and measure the height of the plants. This group shows you what happens when fertilizer is added to soil. Since fertilizer is the variable whose effect you are investigating, this group is an experimental group. You grow another group of pea plants in soil without fertilizer and measure the height of the plants. Since this group shows you what happens when fertilizer is not added to the soil, it is a control group. By comparing the results from the experimental group to the results from the control group, you can conclude whether adding fertilizer to the soil affects pea plant height.
In this experiment, Hansen investigated whether adding salt to water affects how quickly spaghetti cooks. The pots with pure water did not have salt. So, they were part of a control group.
Experiments have variables, or parts that change. You can design an experiment to investigate whether changing a variable between different groups has a specific outcome. For example, imagine you want to find out whether adding fertilizer to soil affects the height of pea plants. You could investigate this question with the following experiment: You grow one group of pea plants in soil with fertilizer and measure the height of the plants. This group shows you what happens when fertilizer is added to soil. Since fertilizer is the variable whose effect you are investigating, this group is an experimental group. You grow another group of pea plants in soil without fertilizer and measure the height of the plants. Since this group shows you what happens when fertilizer is not added to the soil, it is a control group. By comparing the results from the experimental group to the results from the control group, you can conclude whether adding fertilizer to the soil affects pea plant height. In this experiment, Hansen investigated whether adding salt to water affects how quickly spaghetti cooks. The pots with pure water did not have salt. So, they were part of a control group.
the pots with pure water
Which animal is also adapted to use its neck to appear large and scary to a predator?
[ "sand lizard", "frillneck lizard" ]
natural science
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The shape of an animal's neck is one example of an adaptation. Animals' necks can be adapted in different ways. For example, a large frilled neck might help an animal appear dangerous to its predators. A long neck might help an animal get food from tall trees.
Look at the picture of the spectacled cobra. When frightened, the spectacled cobra can spread out its hood to appear larger and more dangerous. If a predator is nearby, the hood can help scare it away. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The frillneck lizard has a layer of skin, called a frill, around its neck. It uses its neck to appear larger and more dangerous to a predator. The sand lizard has a short neck. Its neck is not adapted to help it appear larger and more dangerous to a predator.
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The shape of an animal's neck is one example of an adaptation. Animals' necks can be adapted in different ways. For example, a large frilled neck might help an animal appear dangerous to its predators. A long neck might help an animal get food from tall trees. Look at the picture of the spectacled cobra. When frightened, the spectacled cobra can spread out its hood to appear larger and more dangerous. If a predator is nearby, the hood can help scare it away. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The frillneck lizard has a layer of skin, called a frill, around its neck. It uses its neck to appear larger and more dangerous to a predator. The sand lizard has a short neck. Its neck is not adapted to help it appear larger and more dangerous to a predator.
frillneck lizard
Which is this organism's scientific name?
[ "black howler", "Alouatta caraya" ]
natural science
An organism's common name is the name that people normally call the organism. Common names often contain words you know. An organism's scientific name is the name scientists use to identify the organism. Scientific names often contain words that are not used in everyday English. Scientific names are written in italics, but common names are usually not. The first word of the scientific name is capitalized, and the second word is not. For example, the common name of the animal below is giant panda. Its scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca.
Alouatta caraya is written in italics. The first word is capitalized, and the second word is not. So, Alouatta caraya is the scientific name.
An organism's common name is the name that people normally call the organism. Common names often contain words you know. An organism's scientific name is the name scientists use to identify the organism. Scientific names often contain words that are not used in everyday English. Scientific names are written in italics, but common names are usually not. The first word of the scientific name is capitalized, and the second word is not. For example, the common name of the animal below is giant panda. Its scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca. Alouatta caraya is written in italics. The first word is capitalized, and the second word is not. So, Alouatta caraya is the scientific name.
Alouatta caraya
Is a baseball a solid or a liquid?
[ "a solid", "a liquid" ]
natural science
Solid and liquid are states of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space. Matter can come in different states, or forms. When matter is a solid, it has a shape of its own. Some solids can be bent or broken easily. Others are hard to bend or break. A glass cup is a solid. A sock is also a solid. When matter is a liquid, it takes the shape of its container. Think about pouring a liquid from a cup into a bottle. The shape of the liquid is different in the cup than in the bottle. But the liquid still takes up the same amount of space. Juice is a liquid. Honey is also a liquid.
A baseball is a solid. A solid has a size and shape of its own. If you hit a baseball with a bat, the baseball will still have a size and shape of its own.
Solid and liquid are states of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space. Matter can come in different states, or forms. When matter is a solid, it has a shape of its own. Some solids can be bent or broken easily. Others are hard to bend or break. A glass cup is a solid. A sock is also a solid. When matter is a liquid, it takes the shape of its container. Think about pouring a liquid from a cup into a bottle. The shape of the liquid is different in the cup than in the bottle. But the liquid still takes up the same amount of space. Juice is a liquid. Honey is also a liquid. A baseball is a solid. A solid has a size and shape of its own. If you hit a baseball with a bat, the baseball will still have a size and shape of its own.
a solid
Which of these states is farthest east?
[ "New Mexico", "Nevada", "Kansas", "Wyoming" ]
social science
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map.
To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the east arrow is pointing. Kansas is farthest east.
Maps have four cardinal directions, or main directions. Those directions are north, south, east, and west. A compass rose is a set of arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose usually shows only the first letter of each cardinal direction. The north arrow points to the North Pole. On most maps, north is at the top of the map. To find the answer, look at the compass rose. Look at which way the east arrow is pointing. Kansas is farthest east.
Compare the average kinetic energies of the particles in each sample. Which sample has the higher temperature?
[ "neither; the samples have the same temperature", "sample A", "sample B" ]
natural science
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy.
Each particle in sample A has more mass than each particle in sample B. The particles in sample A also have a higher average speed than the particles in sample B. So, the particles in sample A have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample B. Because the particles in sample A have the higher average kinetic energy, sample A must have the higher temperature.
The temperature of a substance depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance. The higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the higher the temperature of the substance. The kinetic energy of a particle is determined by its mass and speed. For a pure substance, the greater the mass of each particle in the substance and the higher the average speed of the particles, the higher their average kinetic energy. Each particle in sample A has more mass than each particle in sample B. The particles in sample A also have a higher average speed than the particles in sample B. So, the particles in sample A have a higher average kinetic energy than the particles in sample B. Because the particles in sample A have the higher average kinetic energy, sample A must have the higher temperature.
sample A
Which property do these three objects have in common?
[ "rough", "bouncy", "fuzzy" ]
natural science
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups.
Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. A bouncy object will bounce back from the floor if you drop it. The pineapple and the tree bark are not bouncy. A fuzzy object is covered in soft hair. The sidewalk and the pineapple are not fuzzy. A rough object feels scratchy when you touch it. All three objects are rough. The property that all three objects have in common is rough.
An object has different properties. A property of an object can tell you how it looks, feels, tastes, or smells. Properties can also tell you how an object will behave when something happens to it. Different objects can have properties in common. You can use these properties to put objects into groups. Look at each object. For each object, decide if it has that property. A bouncy object will bounce back from the floor if you drop it. The pineapple and the tree bark are not bouncy. A fuzzy object is covered in soft hair. The sidewalk and the pineapple are not fuzzy. A rough object feels scratchy when you touch it. All three objects are rough. The property that all three objects have in common is rough.
Select the organism in the same species as the cocoi heron.
[ "Falco peregrinus", "Tyto alba", "Ardea cocoi" ]
natural science
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur.
A cocoi heron's scientific name is Ardea cocoi. Tyto alba does not have the same scientific name as a cocoi heron. So, Ardea cocoi and Tyto alba are not in the same species. Ardea cocoi has the same scientific name as a cocoi heron. So, these organisms are in the same species. Falco peregrinus does not have the same scientific name as a cocoi heron. So, Ardea cocoi and Falco peregrinus are not in the same species.
Scientists use scientific names to identify organisms. Scientific names are made of two words. The first word in an organism's scientific name tells you the organism's genus. A genus is a group of organisms that share many traits. A genus is made up of one or more species. A species is a group of very similar organisms. The second word in an organism's scientific name tells you its species within its genus. Together, the two parts of an organism's scientific name identify its species. For example Ursus maritimus and Ursus americanus are two species of bears. They are part of the same genus, Ursus. But they are different species within the genus. Ursus maritimus has the species name maritimus. Ursus americanus has the species name americanus. Both bears have small round ears and sharp claws. But Ursus maritimus has white fur and Ursus americanus has black fur. A cocoi heron's scientific name is Ardea cocoi. Tyto alba does not have the same scientific name as a cocoi heron. So, Ardea cocoi and Tyto alba are not in the same species. Ardea cocoi has the same scientific name as a cocoi heron. So, these organisms are in the same species. Falco peregrinus does not have the same scientific name as a cocoi heron. So, Ardea cocoi and Falco peregrinus are not in the same species.
Ardea cocoi
Which animal's feet are also adapted for grabbing prey?
[ "common buzzard", "sable" ]
natural science
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The shape of an animal's feet is one example of an adaptation. Animals' feet can be adapted in different ways. For example, webbed feet might help an animal swim. Feet with thick fur might help an animal walk on cold, snowy ground.
Look at the picture of the bald eagle. The bald eagle has long toes with sharp claws. Its feet are adapted for grabbing prey. The sharp claws can help the bald eagle attack and kill its prey. The long toes can help it hold on to its prey. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The common buzzard has long toes with sharp claws. Its feet are adapted for grabbing prey. The sable has hoofed feet. Its feet are not adapted for grabbing prey. The sable uses its feet to walk and run on hard ground.
An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce. Adaptations can include both body parts and behaviors. The shape of an animal's feet is one example of an adaptation. Animals' feet can be adapted in different ways. For example, webbed feet might help an animal swim. Feet with thick fur might help an animal walk on cold, snowy ground. Look at the picture of the bald eagle. The bald eagle has long toes with sharp claws. Its feet are adapted for grabbing prey. The sharp claws can help the bald eagle attack and kill its prey. The long toes can help it hold on to its prey. Now look at each animal. Figure out which animal has a similar adaptation. The common buzzard has long toes with sharp claws. Its feet are adapted for grabbing prey. The sable has hoofed feet. Its feet are not adapted for grabbing prey. The sable uses its feet to walk and run on hard ground.
common buzzard
Which material is this jar made of?
[ "cotton", "metal" ]
natural science
A material is a type of matter. Wood, glass, metal, and plastic are common materials. Some objects are made of just one material. Most nails are made of metal. Other objects are made of more than one material. This hammer is made of metal and wood.
Look at the picture of the jar. The jar is made of two different materials. The lid is made of metal. The rest of the jar is made of glass.
A material is a type of matter. Wood, glass, metal, and plastic are common materials. Some objects are made of just one material. Most nails are made of metal. Other objects are made of more than one material. This hammer is made of metal and wood. Look at the picture of the jar. The jar is made of two different materials. The lid is made of metal. The rest of the jar is made of glass.
Will these magnets attract or repel each other?
[ "repel", "attract" ]
natural science
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles, called north and south. Here are some examples of magnets. The north pole of each magnet is marked N, and the south pole is marked S. If different poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel.
Will these magnets attract or repel? To find out, look at which poles are closest to each other. The south pole of one magnet is closest to the south pole of the other magnet. Poles that are the same repel. So, these magnets will repel each other.
Magnets can pull or push on each other without touching. When magnets attract, they pull together. When magnets repel, they push apart. Whether a magnet attracts or repels other magnets depends on the positions of its poles, or ends. Every magnet has two poles, called north and south. Here are some examples of magnets. The north pole of each magnet is marked N, and the south pole is marked S. If different poles are closest to each other, the magnets attract. The magnets in the pair below attract. If the same poles are closest to each other, the magnets repel. The magnets in both pairs below repel. Will these magnets attract or repel? To find out, look at which poles are closest to each other. The south pole of one magnet is closest to the south pole of the other magnet. Poles that are the same repel. So, these magnets will repel each other.