Lea: Hi darling, good luck for packing all your stuff. Don't forget to make your registration on both flights. Meg: thanks mum, but i don't have the app for that Lea: it's easy, just download the Air France app on you mobile. Meg: done, and now? Lea: enter your flight number VVIHC2 for the Caracas Amsterdam and then the BGRYU8 for Amsterdam Toulouse. Meg: do i need an ID? Lea: yes it's your flying blu number Meg: i'll do it rn Lea: registration on line is open.. do it now Meg: done, bt the i cannot register for the second flight Lea: that's normal, registration will open only 24h before departure. It will be open only at 6pm. Meg: i see, this is my boarding card Meg: <file_photo> Lea: ok, don't forget to do the same for the second flight this afternoon. Meg: I will, bt what about my luggage? Will they travel straight to Toulouse? Lea: yes they will, but when you arrive at the airport check at the desk. Meg: I'll ask Lea: the two files have been linked, just make sure. Meg: I ve done my second registration Lea: fine! when are u leaving? Meg: in two hours for the train station and then the bus to the airport Lea: Have a nice flight. See you tomorrow, i'm so happy Meg: me too.
### Summary: Meg made a registration for both her flights: VVIHC2 for the Caracas Amsterdam and BGRYU8 for Amsterdam Toulouse. She is leaving in two hours for the train station and then she's taking the bus to the airport.
Melissa: i hope it's not too early to text John: it's not, I've been awake for hours John: i wake up at 5 in the morning to workout Melissa: really?!?!?!?! Melissa: u r crazy John: lol John: i actually like it Melissa: that's crazy Melissa: that's kind of what I wanted to text you about Melissa: you've lost SOOOOOOOOO much weight since the last time i saw you Melissa: i was impressed last night Melissa: you looked really good John: thanks! i feel flattered Melissa: i wanted to ask how you did it, I need to lose weight myself John: i started to go to the gym Melissa: that sounds like hell, lol, I hate going to the gym John: me too!!! but i still do it every day John: and i did a juice fast Melissa: what's that? John: i didn't eat anything for 4 weeks, instead i only drank vegetable juices Melissa: wwwwwhhhhaaaaaaatttt?!?!?! Melissa: that's crazy John: it worked and i'm feeling better than ever Melissa: can we get together so you can tell me more about it? John: sure. thursday 4 pm at the health store near my place? Melissa: sounds great, I'll see you then
### Summary: John lost his weight by exercising in the gym everyday, and being on vegetable juice diet for 4 weeks. Melissa will meet John on Thursday at 4 p.m. at the health store, so he can tell her about it.
Alice: And what did u do? Mark: Well, I had a plan in this network <file_other>, but then decided to change to this one <fole_other>. Alice: Y?! Heard the reception's really bad! Mark: Just a myth. Where I live it's fine. The same with where I work. Alice: And if u travel around? Mark: Haven't really done that, but will see. Bt their plans are absolutely amazing! Alice: Hm? Mark: And what's best?! U can tailor it to ur needs! Alice: How? Mark: Imagine u don't use mobile data... Alice: Yeah, right ;) Mark: Just for the sake of it ;) bt u send a lot of texts and talk from time to time on the phone. Alice: That's so the 90s :P Mark: Lol. U can choose unlimited texts and unlimited minutes or a given number of minutes and they'll calculate ur monthly plan. Alice: That sounds really nice. And irl? Mark: What do u mean? Alice: Well, I use a lot of mobile data and send tons of texts, but don't really talk that much on the phone. Mark: That's not a problem! As I said - tailored! Alice: Right. What about family plans? Mark: Have no idea. Idk if they have any. Alice: Will check. Have to talk to my fam and see what they think. Mark: Sure. Do that. IMO it's really worth it. Alice: So, TTYL? Mark: Have a great day :) Alice: U 2 :)
### Summary: Mark changed a network. He's satisfied with the reception. The network can be tailored to one's needs. Alice is going to check if they have family plans.
Leslie: Hello everyone :) we're meeting today at 6 at my place, dont forget! Jackie: Hey gorgeous, will be there together with my famous salad Mike: I'm just gonna bring some wine, if that's okay. I'm not a very good cook so it's probably for the best, haha! Lucy: Mike, I feel ya! tried making a cake but I think it will end up in trash... Leslie: Oh no, don't throw it away!!!! David will eat it! Lucy: better not, I honestly don't think it's edible... will try to salvage it but I think I'm past the point o no return Josh: I made a fantastic cake! Lucy: Really??!! omg I feel so bad now... Josh: Yeah. I should note by "made" I mean " bought", still counts, right? Mike: wow looks like we all suck at cooking lol Lucy: would appear so! drinks I know but food... that is tricky! Leslie: should I turn the evening into a cooking class?? Looks like some of you could use it! no offense haha Josh: none taken! I'm sure my gf would be happy it I cooked for once ;) Jackie: you never cook anything? what do you eat? Josh: mostly take outs so I'm really looking forward to your salad! Jackie: it's real simple, I can teach you!! Josh: I'm afraid you'd just be wasting your time...
### Summary: Leslie, Jackie, Mike, Lucy and Josh are meeting at Leslie's place at 6. Jackie made a salad. Lucy tired to make a cake, but it didn't go well. Mike, Lucy and Josh don't consider themselves good cooks.
Janice: Hey, what are your plans for Christmas? Di: Hey! isn't it a bit early for Christmas plans? Janice: Haha apparently not! Mom texted wanting to know how we're gonna do it this year Di: So what did you tell her? Janice: Nothing yet. Were hoping just to follow what you do Di: Sneaky lol Janice: Right? Si what do you say? Is Michael gonna be in? Di: Yea, I believe so. He should be around from the 22nd onwards Janice: Oh great! Di: Ok, let me ask him what he wants to do Janice: Ok Di: He says lunch at Dad's on 25th and will talk to Mom if she prefers 24th or 26th Janice: Ok. great, thanks. I mean I really would love to go to Mom because I love hanging out there but we did get to Dad's really late on Thanksgiving so I guess that's only fair Di: I think so. I better start working on gifts lol Janice: Don't forget we have to make a movie lol Di: Yeah we're definitely not doing that. I bailed at the beginning :D There's no way Michael would do that Janice: Haha, I know. But I guess we gotta think of something! Di: Good luck! Janice: Thanks! Def could use it! why can't we just do gift cards?
### Summary: Janice, Di and Mike will have lunch with their father on 25th. Their mom will decide if she wants to meet on 24th or 26th. Janice wants to spend more time with her mother, but they need to make up with the father for Thanksgiving. She, Di and Mike will not make a movie as a present.
Wallis: how was your date? Lisa: Which one? ;) Wallis: last time we talked you were going on a date with some guy from OKCupid Lisa: you have to be more specific Wallis: he was into jazz I think Lisa: it was Samuel Lisa: after Samuel I went on a date with Robert Wallis: what was wrong with Samuel? Lisa: nothing Wallis: so why did you go on a date with someone new? Lisa: it's safe to never assume that there will be second date Lisa: so it is not cheating Wallis: to me it sounds strange but maybe that's how it works Lisa: I think it's different than dating two people that you already know Lisa: when you ask someone you already know, there's some emotional attachement already Wallis: I don't know if it really works Lisa: and the odds are different Wallis: most couples meet each other thanks to mutual friends Lisa: true, but it's hard when all your friends are taken Wallis: so I assume your dates haven't traumatized you ;) Lisa: Samuel was nice Lisa: but I don't know if he liked me Wallis: how so? Lisa: I mean, he was nice but nothing exciting happened Wallis: you mean you didn't like him Lisa: it's just Robert made greater impression on me Wallis: should I keep track on those names or there is no point in doing so? ;) Lisa: don't bother untill I'll reach the third date with someone Wallis: three is a charm ;) Lisa: <file_gif>
### Summary: Lisa has been on two dates recently with different guys.
Jane: You won't guess what happened to Fiona! Fred: No, I probably won't :D Fred: Isn't she in Portugal? Jane: Well... that's not that simple ;) Fred: What? what do you mean? Jane: She went to Portugal with Mario, but now she's in Spain Fred: Oh, that's nice Jane: Listen up Jane: She met Lisa in Portugal, Mario ditched them, god knows why, the guy's weird, but, anyway, the girls went a bit wild Jane: They partied for the entire weekend and were supposed to go back on Sunday, they had the same flight Jane: The thing is they boarded a wrong plane and ended up in Spain Fred: They did what?! Jane: I know, right? How crazy is that? :D Fred: It's not crazy, it's not possible Jane: Tell that to Fiona and Lisa, they say hello by the way Jane: <file_photo> Fred: But how did it happen? Jane: They were flying with Ryanair. Fiona said they were crazy tired and almost missed their boarding, but were admitted eventually. They followed the crowd and ended up in a wrong queue. It was an early morning flight, I think the flight attendant was simply tired and missed that tiny detail that they were flying to Manchester, not Madrid Fred: This is crazy. What are they going to do? Jane: They're probably to stay as long as they won't find a flight back, they didn't seem too bothered about this Fred: Well, this doesn't surprise me
### Summary: Fiona met Lisa in Portugal. They were partying all weekend. They were supposed to go back on Sunday. They boarded the wrong plane and ended up in Spain because of fatigue.
Tina: My laptop broke :((( Tina: fuck my luck Mark: is it serious? what happened? Tom: what do you mean "broke"? Tina: I was at uni, I left it in my room on my bed. When I was back, it was on my desk Mark: omg someone broke in to your room? :o Tina: No no no, we have our rooms cleaned once a week Mark: wow cool! Tina: Well, yeah, cool until the cleaners don't break your stuff Tom: so what happened to your laptop? Tina: this is the thing, I have no idea. I came back home, tried turning it on and nothing happened Tina: There are a few IT students here and they tried helping me, but unfortunately they said that the hard disc is dead :( Mark: oh damn Tina: I know :( Tom: are they sure though? Maybe it needs to cooled down or something Tina: No, they've run some tests and I saw the fatal error message, my hard disc is gone Tina: And I have a deadline in two days Mark: Do you know any IT guy there? A real one, not a student? Tina: I'm waiting for his contact details from the receptionist. It's going to cost me a lot :( Tom: We can lend you some cash? Tina: it's fine, thank you though <3 Tina: It's just a brilliant start to my study adventure here :( I've been here only for two weeks Tina: do you think it'll be possible to restore my files? I had a lot of stuff Mark: and of course you didn't do any backup Tina: come on Mark who does backup? Tom: I do?
### Summary: Tina's laptop doesn't work. The hard disc is gone. She has a deadline in two days. She is going to meet with an IT guy.
Kate: Hey guys, I created the group because I don't know if you realise but it's Michelle's brithday next week :) Agatha: Oh cool! :) Hey everybody :) Monica: Hey girls :) How is everybody? What are we thinking for Michelle? Paula: Hey hey, whatever you guys decide, I'm in :) Kate: Okie dokie, happy to hear! I was thinking to send her some flowers and maybe earrings? unless you have some other ideas? Paula: I'm not sure she'd like flowers, I know she's all about the environment and all... but jewellery sounds good! Agatha: Yeah, she always wears some stones, I think she likes long hanging earrings Monica: I went with her last time to this cute little boutique store and there was a pair she loooooooved. There were a bit pricey so she didn't get them but I think if we all chip in? Agatha: sounds awesome, thanks Monica! :) do you think you could get the and we will all pay you back? Monica: Yeah, no prob at all! it's like 5 min from my house Agatha: how much are they? Monica: I think something around 80 quid, is that okay? Paula: thats 20 each, I'm cool with that! Agatha: yeah. me too, I'm in! Kate? Kate: Absolutely! Monica, that's so awesome you can just walk there! I'm gonna get a card for her, if you are okay with that too? Agatha: sounds fab! fantastic idea, girls :)
### Summary: It is Michelle's birthday next week. Monica will buy a pair of earrings Michelle liked, which cost 80 pounds. They will pay Monica back.
Ryan: another big ass job today😒 Pen: ahh darlin is it Ryan: yeah I'm pissed off I wanna come home Pen: never mind babe only 9 hours Ryan: yeah but its cold out here Pen: but its good money Ryan: good job you did me two flasks today I'm half way tho the first one Pen: ahh you better pace yourself or you will run out Ryan: no I will be ok I have 2 bottles of water with me as well Ryan: and my sarnies🥪 Pen: and your cake🍰 Ryan: oh yes dont forget my cake thank you very much ❤❤ Pen: are you with Pete and Saul today again? Ryan: no Saul has been moved to the east gate I'm training a new lad James and Pete is still here Pen: ok is he nice? Ryan: seems ok, switched on enough Pen: wont be spooked? Ryan: well if he is we will soon know lol Pen: dont be mean to him lol Ryan: me??? lol Pen: yes you 😉😉 Ryan: its Pete who is the trickster not me hun, hes already hidden his lunchbox, but he wont know that for another hour😂😂 Pen: your both mean Ryan: you love me really❤ Pen: I do😍
### Summary: Ryan is not happy with his job today. Ryan will be there for 9 more hours. Pen packed Ryan's lunch. Ryan has a new colleague that he's training for the job. Ryan's another colleague, Pete, played a trick on the new worker.
Adrian: <file_photo> Adrian: That was when I was walking across the bridge Maria: So beautiful. Where is that? Victoria Falls? Adrian: Yes that's the view from the bridge Maria: I wanna move to u haha Adrian: Haha I'm only here for another week then I leave Maria: Oh so u got a new job? Adrian: You see how you never pay attention to what I say Maria: U said that tomorrow u will start working but u didn't tell me u got a new job. U just told me u gonna have an exam and a break Adrian: Yea the exam is for the new job Maria: Yes I know this. But I didn't know that u got that job already :( Adrian: But I told you long ago Maria: I don't remember anything that u told me that u got a new job. U were just telling me u wanna change a job or u really told me that u had got a new job then I have problems with my memory :) Adrian: You see you don't listen to me Maria: It's not like that. I just don't remember that. Because u didn't tell me that. U told me about the exam and nothing else. I asked about the results and u said that u will have them around in 1 month Adrian: I did tell you a while ago. Even when I was going for the interview and after the interview Maria: Which I guess should mean that in 1 month u will know if u have this job or not. Yeah. U told me u going back to Victoria falls to work there. U didn't tell me that they gave u that job Adrian: I told you Maria: Ok. So maybe I have problems with my memory...
### Summary: Adrian has got a new job, and Maria is surprised that he didn't know anything about it.
Lonya: <file_video> Marie: Lovely Lonya, thank you for a beautiful message! Lonya: Good morning! How is life? Marie: I'm very happy to be in J'burg with my daughter, but it's soooo cold here. I'm not used to it. How are you? Lonya: How lovely for you to be with them! Has she got a big family of her own? Lonya: I know how nasty the cold weather can be. One just cannot get used to it. I hate it too! Marie: Sarah is married but struggling to fall pregnant. So sad. It's just the two of them here. Lonya: So sorry to hear that. How old is she? Marie: 36 so the time is running out. Lonya: I do believe in medicine, with all these rapid advancements. And surely in ZA we've got access to the latest. Marie: Theoretically. It's also a question of means. They're alright, Sarah and Ton, but there's a limit to their spending. And of course we can hardly help. Lonya: You're right. One praises the latest developments in medicine and forgets that it's only precious few who benefit from them. Marie: And yet sometimes no money can buy good health. Lonya: Even the richest die one day. Even young. A slim consolation though. Enough! So you are enjoying your time with them, I suppose? Marie: Very much so! Lonya: Keep it up! Love and hugs! Marie: Love and hugs to you both!
### Summary: Marie is in Johannesburg with her daughter and son-in-law which she enjoys a lot. It's cold in Johannesburg. Marie's daughter has problems getting pregnant and she and her husband cannot afford every kind of fertility treatment.
Marika: What time will you be arriving Stephen: The train is due to arrive into St Pancras at 10.44 Marika: Ok great, I will meet you there Marika: Do you fancy grabbing some brunch? There is a great little place in Camden Market? Stephen: Yes that sounds great! Marika: What else would you like to do whilst you are in London? Stephen: I think Freda would like the science museum - she is really into maths at school. Marika: Yes it is a very interesting place Stephen: Freda hasn't been to London before so I would like to show her Buckingham Palace,Big Ben and all that stuff..... Marika: Perhaps we could go for a trip on the Thames? Stephen: Yes that would be lovely Marika: Do you want to take in a show too? Mildred is on at the moment. Stephen: Freda would love that. Are the tickets very expensive though? Marika: I am not sure. Sometimes they have special deals. I will check and let you know. Stephen: Seems strange coming to visit as a tourist when I used to live here... Marika: I know. I am sure we can visit some of your old haunts too! Stephen: I used to love Camden Market but it has changed so much. Last time I went I didn't even recognise it.....good memories Marika: We shall make some new ones. See you soon. Hugs and kisses! Stephen: Yes, bye for now
### Summary: Stephen and Marika will grab some brunch after he arrives at St Pancras at 10.44. Stephen wants to take Freda to Science Museum and show her Buckingham Palace, take a trip on the Thames and take in a show. Stephen used to live in London, Freda has never been here before.
Monica: What r u making for Christmas? Cindy: didn't think about it yet. U? Monica: I thought about some standards like: dumplingd, carp and some other fish Cindy: what else? Monica: I'll bake an apple pie and lot's of gingerbreads. Cindy: I was thinking that I'll try to bake a gingerbread house this year. Monica: That's great idea! Cindy: I don't know if I can do it.. Monica: sure u can. Willl u take a part in a competition? Cindy: I thought about it, the price is nice - 1k$ Monica: that's a lot... Cindy: I know and I could use some extra cash , but I've never bake a gingerbread house before :( Monica: it's not so hard to do, the main part is decorating it Cindy: it should be sth extraordinary... Monica: if u wan't to win than yes Cindy: don't know if I can make it Monica: don't worry, I can help u with the baking part Cindy: really? that would be life saving Monica: sure, but the decorations are on u Cindy: of course, I'll think sth amazing :) Monica: great, so let me know when u will have a project Cindy: ok, thank u, u r the best :D
### Summary: Monica's going to prepare dumpligs, some fish, an apple pie and gingerbread cookies for Christmas. Cindy considers baking a gingerbread house and taking part in a competition where the prize is $1000. Monica offers Cindy her help with baking.
Steve: Hey, how's the new job? Miranda: Oh you know... Struggling... Steve: Really? Miranda: It's not as easy as it looks in the beginning Miranda: Actually I'm still in training Steve: You just need some time to learn Miranda: I'm going to meet some clients next week Steve: And the team? Miranda: OK but I haven't met everyone yet, 2 girls are on holidays Miranda: And I'm going to meet them on Monday Miranda: I'll be working with them most of the time Miranda: The boss is ok, I mean he seems to be a normal person ;) Steve: That would be appreciated ;) Miranda: I'm just afraid this is going to be quite boring Miranda: I hope to travel a lot, there's a chance to get a 3months project in another country Steve: Great, where? Miranda: Spain or Germany or US Miranda: Spain would be my first choice of course ;) Steve: Madrid? :) Miranda: Barcelona Steve: Even better! Miranda: Yeah... we will see Steve: Good luck kid, you'll find it easier day by day Miranda: Thank you :* Miranda: The truth is that I know it's not a job of my dreams, as you know, but the company is huge and there's a lot of opportunities Steve: Sure, it's a giant, I hope you like it and have a good team Steve: This is very important
### Summary: Miranda works for a huge company and is still in training. She likes the opportunities the company offers, even though it is not her dream job. Miranda will meet some clients next week and also meet 2 girls, with whom she will work most of the time. She will meet them on Monday.
Jane: Hi, AGES since we chatted! How's everyone your end? Christine: Great! Sam has just moved into his Uni flat and is halfway through Freshers Week. He's really enjoying it so far! Jane: Oh, I'm so pleased! I expect He's partying like mad and having a whale of a time! Christine: God, yes, he is! He is getting on well with his new flatmates... it's still the honeymoon period at the mo! I think the two vegan are going to be pains, though! Jane: Why's that? Christine: Well, when we took him up on Sat. they'd already settled in and had stuck various "rules" on signs all over the kitchen! Jane: Oh oh! That sounds annoying! Christine: You're telling me! And woe betide you if you accidently use the wrong sponge! Sam got a mouthful from one of them this week! Jane: They sound like a nightmare? Can he ask the Uni to move him? Christine: yeah, He's going to give it a couple of weeks and see how it goes! Apart from that it's all good. Jane: I bet your all missing him, though! When Ben left, the house felt awfully quiet till we got used to it. Christine: Course, yeah. We all miss him like mad. At least he's doing what he wants to do. Jane: Wait till the work starts! Ben was so stressed. Christine: yeah, he'll come down to earth with a bang then! Jane: Well, lovely catching up. See you and Sid next week! Christine: I can't wait! Bye love! Jane: Byeee!
### Summary: Sam moved into the Uni flat and Christine updates Jane on him.
Yuki: did you see the cast for new GITS? Nobu: yes Nobu: wtf Sasuke: what's up with GITS cast? Yuki: Scarlett Johansson is in there Nobu: this is ridiculous Sasuke: she is not bad maybe she won't screw it up Yuki: she's there just because there are nude scenes Nobu: as fap material it's nice, but it's a travesty Yuki: lol Yuki: you're a curious mix of a pervert and a snob Sasuke: but GITS isn't explicitly set in Japan Nobu: thank you Nobu: c'mon dude you cannot possibly defend whitewashing Yuki: she's not a good actress Yuki: I doubt she'll manage Sasuke: if it's not a real world, then it's not whitewashing Sasuke: but don't u think it gives white actors some kind of privilege? Nobu: excellent question Yuki Nobu: I can't tell if it's white privilege or rocking-tits privilege Sasuke: lol Yuki: <file_photo> Yuki: I heard she did breat reduction surgery because she couldn't stand being objectified Nobu: that's sad Sasuke: I heard that operation lowers your chances of nipple orgasm Nobu: I had no idea Yuki: damn, she must have really hated the press she had been receiving Nobu: :c
### Summary: Yuki, Nobu and Sasuke discuss the new GITS cast, which includes Scarlett Johansson.
Scarlett: So, have you talked to your landlord? Eli: Yes, but, honestly, it was a waste of time. :/ Scarlett: He’s not going to plug the hole in the wall, is he? Eli: Of course he’s not. Eli: He said that I have to “repair all damages due to wear and tear”. Scarlett: Erm, this pipe didn’t start to leak because of “wear and tear”, so...? You HAD to fix it, you HAD to make this hole in the wall. Eli: I know, it’s pure absurd... Scarlett: Btw your bathroom was in horrible condition to begin with. Eli: I reminded him about it, but, well, talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. Scarlett: :/ What are you going to do now? Eli: I’m moving out. Eli: I’m not going to pay for the renovation of the bathroom, no way. Eli: I wish I did it earlier. Scarlett: This is the right decision! Scarlett: You can stay at my place until you find something. :) Eli: Thanks, but actually I’ve already found a new flat. :) Eli: It’s smaller than the previous one, but it’s in perfect condition and the rent is much lower. Scarlett: Cool :) Do you need any help with packing, cleaning up and so on? Eli: I would really appreciate, if you could help me with unpacking. You’re so much better at organizing stuff than I am. Scarlett: No problemo. :)
### Summary: Eli asked her landlord to repair a leaking pipe. He refused to do that. Eli's moving out to a new flat. Scarlett will help her with unpacking.
Glen: What do u have in mind? Cecil: Well, John bailed on me yesterday. Glen: Sry 2 hear that. What were u 2 supposed 2 do? Cecil: That's the problem. He was supposed to pick me up in an hour and drive me to the garage. Glen: Ur car broke down? Cecil: Had an accident. Glen: Geez. What happened? Cecil: Was driving the main road, suddenly this guy comes out of nowhere and crashes into me. Glen: How bad was it? Cecil: Pretty bad, 'cause the impact was so strong that I hit another car and landed on the side of the road. Glen: Yikes! Glad ur fine. Cecil: Not quite. Something wrong with my spinal cord. Have to wear c-collar. Glen: How long? Cecil: 2 more wks. Glen: Yet, y did he bail? Cecil: No reason. Glen: Srsly? Cecil: Yup. Bastard. Glen: Don't worry. I'll take u. Cecil: Thanks. Glen: I'll be at yours in 2 hrs. Cecil: I owe u 1! Glen: No problem. Where's the garage? Cecil: Not far. 10/15 mins by car. Glen: Including traffic? Cecil: 20/30 mins. Glen: More like it. Be there in a jiffy. Cecil: Sure. Thanks again.
### Summary: Cecil had an accident yesterday. John was supposed to drive him to the garage, but he didn't. Glen is going to help Cecil instead. He'll be at his place in 2 hours.
Luke: Our heating bill is higher by about 25 percent this month. What's the deal? Kylie: Well, there was a price increase. Luke: That can't be it entirely. There must be something else to make it so high. Kylie: We have had more orders. More orders mean the dock doors are open for loading trucks. Open doors mean escaped heating? Luke: True. How do we keep a lid on that? Kylie: We should look into those flaps that go over the openings. You can still drive a fork truck through them but they seal off the outside air. Luke: Brilliant! What do they cost? Kylie: No idea until I check. But it has to be a cost savings. Luke: We could also consolidate to only two shipments a day at the end of the day. Just use two companies. Kylie: That would work. We would pay a bit more but save in the long run on energy, is that the idea? Luke: Yes, but a cost comparison would be effective. Kylie: I'm on it. I'll figure out what our savings is with each company. Luke: That's great. Meanwhile, I'm going to shop energy companies I think! Kylie: You may have missed the enrollment. Luke: Oh, well, I'm still going to check. Won't hurt. Kylie: Exactly. Luke: If you think of anything else, let me know. Kylie: Sure, no problem. Luke: Thanks!
### Summary: Their heating bill is higher by about 25%. Luke and Kylie suppose that the heat is escaping through dock doors when they are open for loading trucks. Kylie thinks they could bought some flaps to hang over the openings. Luke wants to consolidate to two shipments to save energy.
Norman: Hey, we just arrived at the lake house. Want to go swimming when you get here? Katherine: Sure. Are the others there yet? Norman: Yes, but they're out fishing right now. There's a trout out there that's a local legend. Katherine: I hope they don't spend all their time fishing. I want to see them! Norman: I think they get some reception out on the lake. I'll let them know you're on your way. Katherine: Great, thank you! Do you have anything planned for dinner? Norman: We're debating whether we should grill or go to the restaurant down the road. What do you think? Katherine: Tough call, although I think I'm up for grilling this time around. Norman: Yeah, me too. Katherine: Have you been in the water yet? How is it? Norman: Much warmer than I'm used to. It's usually a lot colder this time of year. Katherine: Good to know. Last time it was absolutely freezing. Norman: We're thinking of getting a fire going in the evening. Katherine: Sounds good! It should be a nice night for it. Norman: I think so. Katherine: Alright, I'm at a rest station right now and should get back in the road. Do you need for me to bring anything? Norman: Just maybe some hot dog rolls and burger buns. Katherine: OK, there's a place up the road where I can get some. See you in about an hour. Norman: Ok, see you in a bit!
### Summary: Katherine is on her way to the lake house and want to see other but they are out fishing. Norman will let them know she's here. Norman wants Kathrine to get some food from the rest station.
Roman: Something really LUCKY happened today!( ´∀`)σ)∀`) Klaus: What? What is it? Roman: <file_photo> Klaus: Wallet? Roman: Yes! I found this wallet on the street!😃😃 Klaus: Hey, how about bringing to the police or contact the owner of that wallet? Roman: Why should I?😕😕😕😕😕😕 Klaus: Because it isn’t yours..? 😕😕 Roman: But I found it. Klaus: Come on, check inside. Imagine it is you who lost that wallet.😔😔 Roman: Wait... Roman: There are some name cards. Klaus: Call one of those numbers. Klaus: It might be a bit embarrassing if you pick one of the clients’, but better embarrassed than losing the wallet. Roman: But I FOUND IT! Klaus: I don’t know how much money is inside. But legally he should give you 10% of the money you found for him. Roman: Alright..I SHOULDN’T HAVE SHARTED THIS WITH YOU. Klaus: Dude, I know you wanted to find the owner. Roman: OKAY I’M GONNA CALL one of the numbers. Roman: If nobody answers then it’s mine. Roman: Police will never try to find the owner. I don't trust them. I will get it rather than bringing this money to the police. Klaus: You’re doing good thing. Let me know later if you found the owner.
### Summary: Roman found a wallet. He will call one of the numbers from name cards to find a person who lost the wallet.
Laura: Hello everyone! What are we doing on Saturday? Brain storm, please! Isabel: I think each kid should be siting alone. We need to make it difficult for them to run around the classroom and talk to each other. Everyone will hopefully focus on making decorations then. Henry: I’m not sure… I wasn’t there last time, but I don’t think we should create a ‘school atmosphere’, if you know what I mean. Isabel: We need to maintain discipline. It was a real challenge last time. Henry: Ok, I understand. Laura: We tried to treat them as partners, but it didn’t work out. We probably need to take a new approach. I promise to be harsh. I hate to say that, but I strongly encourage you to be harsh as well. They really need to learn that they have to respect us and our time. Henry: You’re probably right. Now I think Isabel’s idea sounds fine. Laura: Trust me. I wish I knew what to do. But I’m lost. I need your advice. What do you think Jessie? Jessie: I was thinking of making a big table. Because it’s a meeting for everyone! Claire: In my opinion we made big mistake in the beginning of a last meeting. The boys were naughty, and we did not react to their bad behavior. We can try to be more assertive and talk to them when we see that they can’t focus on the activity. I believe we didn’t show enough interest last time. Jessie: Each kid should have someone to help as well. Laura: Ok, I got it. Thank you for expressing your opinions. We will make a big round circle with a hole inside. That will simplify the access to all the tables, so the instructor can freely move around and supervise activities.
### Summary: Laura, Isabel, Henry, Jessie and Claire have a brainstorming session regarding organisation of activities for children.
Amber: Can't get Teddy out of my head... Amber: It's already 6 months since he left me and I still can't get over him, what's wrong with me :( Lora: Oh, my poor Amber... Lora: Nothing's wrong with you, it's Ted to be blamed for ruining everything Amber: I've been trying so hard to be a good girlfriend... Amber: I still don't know where I did a mistake, we seemed to be complementing each other Amber: And suddenly he said it's over, that he doesn't love me anymore and there's another girl... Nicole: Gosh, you've really been through hell because of him, it sounds like a nightmare Amber: It still hurts, the nightmare still lasts... Nicole: I'm so sorry Amber... Nicole: I'd really like to help you in some way, I can imagine how I'd feel in such a terrible situation Lora: Listen girls, maybe you'd like to go somewhere this evening and have a drink? Lora: It's Friday. It'd be much better to go out than sitting and thinking all alone Lora: Amber... we should meet and talk and have some fun too. Let us help you Amber: Okay, I can go somewhere. Can't stand being alone, it's killing me... Nicole: Fine girls. Please, let me know where you're staying. I need to take care of a few things first but then I'm free Lora: Sure, no problem. We'll find something just for this evening. Amber: Thank you guys...
### Summary: Teddy left Amber half a year ago. She misses him. She is still depressed. Lora will take her out for drinks to cheer her up. Nicole will join.
Tommy: do you think Sheila's hot? Elsie: I guess she's good looking. Why do you ask? Grant: She's a 6/7 I'd say Elsie: great job not objectifying women, Grant Grant: what, it's a useful scale. I don't mind measuring guys with it too Grant: either way - why do you ask? Tommy: I was wondering if Stanley could be hitting on her. Elsie: stanley the asshole who claims he dates only models? Tommy: that Stanley Elsie: doesn't really seem his type, at least according to what he himself says Grant: you know that's a lot of bullshit right Elsie: I know he doesn't DATE models, but maybe he's only attracted to chicks like that Tommy: the thing is I really like Sheila and now he has suddenly taken an interest in her Grant: soo have you asked her out? Tommy: not yet Grant: then what the fuck are you waiting for? Do you want her to end up with that douchebag? Elsie: i'm actually with Grant on that. Tommy: I know, you're right guys, I'm going to make my move. Grant: That's my man! Elsie: there's nothing to wait for man, she seems to like you too Tommy: you think so? Elsie: I'm not in her head, but have you noticed how she's all smiles when you come around? Tommy: ok, I'm asking her out right now. Grant: you go girl
### Summary: Tommy likes Sheila and he wonders if Stanley is hitting on her. Elsie thinks Sheila likes Tommy too. Tommy is going to ask Sheila out.
Catherine: Have you seen Anabelle on facebook recently? I guess it's about a month that I haven't seen her Mary: geez you're right. What do you think about it? Catherine: I'm afraid she's got some problems again...I don't want to call her cause you know how it ends...the same as always Mary: yeah I know. but maybe we should text someone who knows her? like a sister or any other friend Catherine: yeah, I guess that's a good idea Mary: I hate when she disappears like that. I just can't hold my nerves. Catherine: I understand you, but you know very well how her mind works. She rarely thinks logically when she is in these states of mind. Mary: I know...maybe it's too difficult for me to process cause I'm always balanced... Catherine: I texted Adrianne and waiting for her to respond Mary: ok Catherine: She says Anabelle needs some time for herself, but she's home and everything's allright Mary: thank god...I hope we'll se each other soon Catherine: for sure, it's only two weeks left and we're back at the university. Mary: btw, they could finally upload this timetable...I got many other things to do and organise, how can they keep us unaware for such a long time Catherine: they can, as always...but I'm sure we won't have too many classes and Mondays will be free, as they used to. Mary: at least that. Catherine: yep.
### Summary: Catherine hasn't seen Anabelle on Facebook since a month. She's afraid she's having problems again. Catherine texted Adrianne about it. She said everything's alright with Anabelle. Mary and Catherine are going back to the university in 2 weeks.
A: One box from the fist. :D M: it's been like this all day M: let me see A: Daily fist of doooom. M: energy M: 2nd day in a row A: That's a shitty prize. :D A: At least I got 100 iso. A: Close to 1000 now. Could be more. A: I have the feeling I'll churn away 100000 iso this SO. M: 1345 A: For the weapons!11 M: but iso income is reallllly slow A: It is, insanely so. A: I wouldn't mind getting 1000 iso from the daily a few times. M: it helps A: Fist, 1000 iso, 1000 iso, 1000 iso, and then 30 days of gold. A: That's the plan. :D M: heh A: I like the fist. A: I really like items that work automatically. :D A: As you really only "need" 1-2 weapons that do damage. A: As it triggers from aoe as well, you don't need to set up a protection racket. A: I'm still puzzled how "easy" it is to do the tasks for Iceman. A: Of course I'll need to do mission 3 four times for the tasks, but still. A: It's really linear. M: well - they are always easy A: Have we been to Wakanda before, by the way? M: no A: So it's a completely new map then. Wonderful. :)
### Summary: A and M are discussing details of a game they are playing.
Caro: hello it's such a long time i haven't see you! Are you leaving for holidays?Or you're staying enjoying this nice weather 😭😭 Sybille: Hi, i'm in New Orleans since tuesday and back to Wawa on the 4th. I'm here for a baptism. It's promised i'll call you when i'm back Sybille: How are you? Caro: fine, thanks; Enjoy! i'm working on my polish course. Sybille: I'm back , are you free for a coffee? Caro: great, when and where? Sybille: at home at 2 pm tomorrow. I've got plenty of thing to tell you Caro: super. See you Sybille: Are you coming? Caro: sorry I'll be late. I'm waiting for a mum who should come and pick up Vicky Caro: are you free for a 🥂 this week end? Sybille : always free for a 🥂. Caro: <file_other> Sybille: are you kidding? Caviar and champagne! what a party Caro: nothing to good for friends😀 Sybille: Count on me for picking up girls after school. Not a big deal for caviar Caro: Thanks a lot Sybille: with pleasure Caro: hurry up champagne 's getting cold Sybille: here we are
### Summary: Sybille is back from New Orleans and is seeing Caro at hers at 2 pm tomorrow. Caro will be late as she's waiting for her mum. Caro and Sybille are having a party this weekend. Sybille will pick up the girls first.
Ron: Hi, Dorothy... Dorothy: Oh, hi, Ron. Here to apologize? Ron: Yeah, I know, I'm so sorry... I wasn't exactly myself last night... Dorothy: You must admit that drunk messaging a girl you've met just a couple of days ago was not the greatest of ideas. Ron: Yeah, yeah, I'm really sorry, you know... Dorothy: You should be. Ron: But really, if I can do anything so that, you know, you forgive me for what I wrote... Dorothy: Ok, so now you're (hopefully) sober please remind me and yourself what your wrote. Ron: Uh, well, is that really necessary? Dorothy: Yes, it is. Ron: Well, I wrote a William Blake-like poem about your breasts... Dorothy: The "fearful symmetry" part was interesting, I have to admit it. Ron: Yeah... I'm really sorry about that and the audio message... Dorothy: If you mean the recording of you singing The Bad Touch, yes, that was pretty inappropriate. Ron: Damn, I'm an idiot. Will you ever forgive me? Dorothy: I'll let you know. Sorry, I'm in a troll-ish mood today, so don't expect me to forgive you just like that! Let me have my revenge first. How's the headache? Ron: Well, I've been drunk before, so I'll survive, I'd say... Dorothy: So I guess you can survive not writing to me for a while. See you!
### Summary: Ron was drunk texting to Dorothy. He wrote a poem and recorded himself singing The Bad Touch. As a revenge, he's not supposed to text her.
Carol: Good morning Luisa! Just to share my mobile number with you. Luisa: Hi Carol, many thx! Carol: And to wish you a nice Saturday morning! Luisa: So nice of you. Sorry I missed your call. Carol: No problem. Luisa: I mean we have to sort it out about your parking space. Carol: Nothing urgent. We'll catch on it later :) Luisa: We are going to the shops quickly. Carol: To the mall on A5? Luisa: No. The one closer to us. On Park Avenue. Carol: It there a shoe shop? Luisa: Oh yes. They even have Clarks! Carol: Do you think you could take me along? I have to get a new pair of flip flops. Luisa: Most certainly. You can get flip flops even at the Tops supermarket in the mall. They have better prices ;) Carol: That's good! How much time have I got? Luisa: We'll be leaving in ten mins or so. Carol: Super! Will you be passing a bottle bank? Luisa: I'm afraid not. But you can put your empties in the garage. Bill regularly goes to the glass bank and it's the same to him a few bottles more. Carol: That's awfully kind of you! Luisa: YW! Luisa: Aa! I can see Bill driving the car out. I'll tell him you'll be joining us. Carol: You sure it's no problem? Luisa: Not at all! We'll be waiting outside. Carol: Thx!
### Summary: Luisa will do the shopping with her husband on Park Avenue. Carol is joining them, because he needs to buy flip flops.
Mary: Hi guys, we (me & Tom of course) want to go for some bigger holidays this summer, and for the first time with the children Mary: Do you have any suggestions? We were thinking about the Maldives, but they seem quite expensive Tom: So maybe you have some other ideas/experiences/alternatives? Jeff: oh, wow! I would never go to the Maldives with my salary Tom: Is it that bad? Jeff: of course! and I don't think it's particularly good for families Amanda: No, it's one of those typical lovers destinations I think Mary: So what? We'd like to do something more exotic for once Amanda: If you want to go the Indian Ocean you should rather choose Mauritius Jeff: Yes, we really enjoyed it 2 years ago Jeff: it's safe, not too expensive and amazing for children Mary: ok, we didn't know, magazines are full of the Maldives now Jeff: I think they are having an advertisement campaign now Mary: what air lines would you suggest to make it comfortable but also cut the costs? Jeff: British Airways has some good offers sometimes Jeff: But we always fly with Air France honestly Mary: why? Jeff: I like their style, offers, even food on board Mary: haha, ok, so we will check them Tom: we'll keep you posted here in case we have some more questions Jeff: sure, feel free to ask! Mary: thanks!
### Summary: Mary and Tom need some suggestions for bigger summer holidays with children and Amanda. Jeff recommends Mauritius instead of Maldives as it's not that expensive and nice for children. Jeff suggests flying with British Airways even though he always flies with Air France.
Olivia: Hello Helen, you visiting Wendy tonight? Helen: Oh yes, I am finally going, what time is visiting, do you know? Olivia: From 7 to 9pm. Shall I pick you up? Helen: Oh, that would be a lifesaver! Do you know where to come? Olivia: I think so, but what's your postcode and address, just in case? Helen: It's 7, Randolph Avenue, Oxbridge, OX45 6DZ. Olivia: Lovely! I'll be there around 6.20, OK? Helen: Great! How is she, anyway? Olivia: Not too good, looking very yellow and very weak too. Helen: Oh, that sounds very poorly. How are you coping, love? Olivia: I hate seeing her in discomfort, but she is trying to be cheerful, it's heart breaking. Helen: Oh, I am so sorry. Everyone in work sends her love, I've got a card and a few little things for Wendy. Olivia: She really misses work, you are all a great bunch, she was always talking about you all. Helen: We have a new manager, Claire, now, she's a grade A bitch! Olivia: You should tell Wendy about her, any bitchy stories, she'll love it! Helen: Yes, we miss her sense of humour around the place. Anyway, see you later, hope you find me! Olivia: Should do, see you at 6.20. Bye.
### Summary: Helen and Olivia are visiting Wendy tonight. Wendy is not well. Olivia will pick Helen up from 7, Randolph Avenue, Oxbridge, OX45 6DZ at 6.20.
Melissa: Is there any more info on Grandma? Ramesh: Just that she's resting comfortably. Melissa: That's what I heard hours ago. Did they find anything wrong/ Ramesh: We won't know for days until the labs come back. Meanwhile she's in the best place she can be. Melissa: Is anyone taking care of the dogs? Ramesh: Yes, her neighbors have them so they can even go in their own yard. They are fine. Melissa: Phew! She's have a fit if anything happened to those dogs! Ramesh: I know. Melissa: Are you going over tonight? Ramesh: I can't; I have a work seminar and dinner after that I can't get out of. Melissa: Okay. I can go over tonight. Ramesh: I'm planning on taking tomorrow off and spending most of the day. Melissa: That will be nice. Thanks! Ramesh: No problem. I feel bad that I wasn't there. Melissa: You couldn't have known. None of us did. Ramesh: Yes, but I usually look after her. I've just been so busy lately. Melissa: She doesn't blame you. She wants us to have our own lives. Ramesh: I know, she's the best, but I still feel bad I wasn't there. Melissa: Let it go! Ramesh: Easier said than done! Melissa: I know, but try for her sake.
### Summary: Grandma is recovering after a health incident. It will only be known what the issue is in a few days. Her neighbours are taking care of the dogs. Ramesh cannot visit Melissa tonight. Melissa can come over tonight and they can spend part of tomorrow together.
Reggie: Hiya Rob, how's it hanging? Rob: Can't complain, mate. How you doing in London? Reggie: Getting by, man. Rob: Any girls on the scene, Casanova? Reggie: One or two tasty women around, playing the field, bro! Cherie OK? Rob: Yep, we're getting on well so far, she's still here anyway! Lots to do in the house, bit full on. Reggie: Ah well, you would turn your back on the single life, wouldn't you! Getting much footie in? Rob: Nah, mate. On weekends we're trekking round Ikea and stuff. Happy days! Still get out running after work though, bods still in ok nick! Reggie: Should see my killer abs, man, talk about ripped! But of a gym freak at the mo. Love it, though. Lets off steam after the office. Rob: I bet! Good job you got a decent flat, London's murder for housing. Reggie: Well yeah, they sorted me out well. I may be a boring old accountant, but the money is not too shabby! Rob: Glad it's all going well, buddy. You coming back to visit your folks at all, we could meet up, have a few beers. Reggie: Hope to next month. Work may have calmed down a bit by then. Nice to see the old place again! Rob: Nice to see you haven't forgotten us with your big city ways. Bet you paint the town red most nights! Reggie: Quite the opposite, actually! Rob: I bet! Anyway, see you soon for a catch up. Reggie: Hope so, bye Rob.
### Summary: Reggie has moved to London and is settling in well. Rob suggests a meet up when Reggie is back in town.
Joseph: Hello Mum. I've found a flat! Mother: Oh that's good Jo! Glad to hear it. Joseph: And it is superb. The landlord is an old teacher of mine. Mr. Fox. Do you remember him? Mother: Was he a geography teacher? The one with this funny Spanish wife? Joseph: That's him. Actually she was Argentinian. And I don't think they were married. Mother: And you found a flat in his house? Joseph: Not quite. He owns a bit of property in town and the flat I got an ad of belongs to his fleet. We met when I went to have a look at it and we recognised each other instantly. Nice chap. Mother: He must be ancient by now. And still so active! Joseph: He looks quite good. Must be in his early 70s. Mother: At least. I remember he was very good-looking. Is this funny woman still around? Joseph: Mum! How could I know? Anyway the flat is great. Right next to the college. Mother: On the campus? Joseph: No Mum. There's no campus. The college is in the centre of Bradford. Not far from the railway station. Which is good. Mother: Oh yes.Then you will come and visit me regularly. No need to drive. Joseph: But of course Mum. As soon as I've settled down I'll send you some photos. Mother: Good idea. I'll love it. Just keep me posted as they say. Joseph: I will Mum. Take care! Mother: You too my boy!
### Summary: Joseph will be renting a flat from Mr. Fox. Mr. Fox used to teach him geography. The flat is close to the college and train station. Mother wants Joseph to visit her often. Joseph will send her photos of the flat.
Anna: Hi jack, what kind of prep would you need from us? Jack: Hi Anna, just clear any stuff out of your bathroom and I'll take it from there. Anna: Cool I'll sort that. Jack: Also did you decide on the colour of the spotlights ? White chrome or brushed steel ? Anna: We would like the chrome spotlights please. Cheers Anna: I was also wondering if everything went ok with the delivery? Jack: Hi , yes all was fine, still the vanity units and basin to come out. Anna: Haven't heard from Gemma yet about payment, have you? Jack: Think Gemma will call tomorrow to sort payment. Will get chrome. Jack: Any ideas what you'd want with the window sills? Anna: urgh, any tips? Jack: Granite kitchen surfaces, marble bathroom tiles, Exeter - Avon Marble <file_other> 165mm x x570mm 160mm x 570mm Jack: <file_other> Jack: <file_photo> Anna: thanks, I'll have a think Jack: Just checking what colour grout you wanted ? I'd suggest a light grey but you can get any colour you want - white; dark grey ; black; pink etc. Jack: and did you say chrome or white trims? Anna: chrome trims and grey grout please! Jack: Cool see you tomorrow Jack: I'll be coming after school run, are you in? Anna: no, I'll leave you a key Jack: Thanks Anna: see you tomorrow!
### Summary: Anna will sort the bathroom out on Jack's request. Jack will sort the payment out with Gemma. Anna wants chrome trims and grey grout. Anna will leave the key for Jack tomorrow.
Terrence: what's new? Sabrina: i'd say the situation is dynamic Terrence: oh? Sabrina: yeah Sabrina: i got an email today that i'm to be a form teacher starting September Terrence: wow Sabrina: yeah Terrence: i mean that's great isn't it? Sabrina: <file_gif> Terrence: not convinced, i see? Sabrina: i don't really know what to think about it Sabrina: on the one hand i like workign with students and they like me Terrence: but? Sabrina: but it's so fucking emotionally draining Sabrina: every time a kid with problems comes to me i feel responsible Terrence: does sound draining Sabrina: yeah and i get you know pains in my chest or headaches Sabrina: because of stress and all the emotions Terrence: i see Terrence: but for them u'd be like the perfect form teacher Sabrina: yeah but only till i hold on ;) Terrence: #fact Sabrina: so as you can see, a lot's going on;) Terrence: the situation really is dynamic;) Sabrina: and how are you? Terrence: hahaha yeah i'm fine, absolutely ;D no problems of this sort;D Sabrina: good for you hahaha Terrence: ;D
### Summary: Sabrina got an e-mail today, with the offer to work as a form teacher starting September. Sabrina is hesitating whether to accept the job, as she fears it can be too emotionally draining for her.
Ivy: Hey guys. How did it go? William: Hey Ivy! Quite well I must say. William: But I don’t want to speak for the others! Ted: Hey Ivy! 🤗 Yeah, it was good. I wasn’t expecting so much relevant info actually Ivy: Lol Raul: Ha ha ha. Yer, It was cool. I got excited about some info and published it on Twitter. Virtually no RTs but still… it will be there awaiting some interest from future generations 😂 Ivy: Oh lol, wait, I’ll retweet everything asap Raul: Ha ha please do 🙏 William: To be fair I quite liked the idea of live tweeting. It might work better on bigger events but it was a good start. So thanks for that Raul Raul: The pleasure is mine 💙 Raul: It’s actually fun to learn how to use Twitter, which I’d probs never do if not for the committee work Ivy: 🤣 Good for you Raul: 🤡 William: On a different note, I have no idea what the guy from Queen Mary was doing there. His stuff seemed to be SO unrelated to the subject… Raul: Live tweeting made me focus on what he was saying so I can tell you there were a few bits of info that he gave that were relevant (in my view) Raul: But what happens is that their collection is very specific, so if you’re not working on the few subjects they specialise in, they’re basically useless William: Ahhh ok. You’re right!
### Summary: William, Ted and Raul really liked the event. There was a lot of relevant info. Raul was live tweeting. Ivy's going to retweet everything.
Terry: hey i heard you see a physiotherapist? Jennifer: true Terry: u have a minute? can i ask you some questions? Jennifer: sure ;) Terry: can you recommend anyone in Carlisle? Jennifer: yeah mine is really good Jennifer: i got to him after Mick has problems with his knee Jennifer: the GP recommended him Jennifer: the GP was a surgeon at the same time btw so it made the recommendation even more reliable;) Jennifer: he was seeing this physio as well Jennifer: so Mick went to him and after 2 days his knee was almost fine Terry: wow Jennifer: yeah and he couldn't walk for like weeks before that Jennifer: orthopaedists wanted to operate Terry: whaaa Jennifer: yeah exactly Jennifer: furtunately he went to David, the physio Jennifer: and then i went as well, with my spine Jennifer: and he helped me as well, after 3 months it was totally different Terry: sounds incredible Jennifer: yeah, i know Jennifer: <file_photo> Jennifer: so that's him, it's better to text him because he rarely picks up Terry: ok thanks a lot!! Jennifer: good luck ;) he's a magician, i'm sure he'll help :) Terry: i do hope so, thanks again!!! Jennifer: np ;)
### Summary: Jennifer has a problem with her spine and goes to David, a physiotherapist in Carlisle. He helped Mick with a knee problem. Jennifer recommends Terry a visit to this physiotherapist.
Sue: Hi Sue: Hows it going? Ronnie: All gooood. And whatsup with u? Sue: Got a new job 🙂 I earn much more than before. Ronnie: Great! Sue: I hope you're not short on cash. Ronnie: I'm doing okay, why u ask? Sue: Last year we couldn't go to Sunrise Festival, but this year I am more than ready! Ronnie: Sunrise... how much for a ticket? Sue: I wanna go all the way. Three days - 380PLN. Ronnie: Fri, Sat, Sun, I'm in. Sue: Awesome! Ronnie: Where are we gonna sleep? Ronnie: I know only expensive hotels in Kolobrzeg. Sue: I have a friend, who lives there. Ronnie: Call your friend 😃 Ronnie: That would be the cheapest 😃 Sue: Amanda told me already that we can sleep at her place. Sue: But she wants to join us. Ronnie: Hmm.. Does she know how to party? Sue: Yeah, I give you my word she is a party animal. Ronnie: If you say so. Ronnie: It's fine with me. Sue: Great! Happy to hear that 😃 Ronnie: Gotta go now Sue: Me too, speak soon! Ronnie: Bye
### Summary: Sue got a new job with a better pay. She wants Ronnie to join her at Sunrise Festival. It costs 380 PLN for three days. Ronnie wants to join. They can stay at Amanda's to save money on hotels, provided she can party with them.
Danny: Hey... Hilary: :) ciao! Danny: Have you heard from Jake? Hilary: He's in a hospital... Danny: What??? Jason: I've just came back from the hospital. Hilary: ? Danny: Why did't you tell me?! Jason: Well, I figured out that something was wrong in the afternoon, he didn't texted me for few hours... Then, they called me from ER. Hilary: Poor thing... It must've been shocking for you! Jason: I was terrified. He fainted on his way home. Danny: Da fuck! What happened? Jason: Apparently, he had some kind of metabolic disorder... Hilary: Diabetes? Jason: Nope, I don't remember the name, something with sugar intake, but not diabetes. Danny: Is it serious? Hilary: When he can go home? Jason: Well, he just needs to follow a special diet and he can't skip the meals. Danny: He must be devastated, he lives off McDonalds and KFC. Hilary: I told him million times he needs to change his food habits. Danny: When he can go home? Jason: IDK, in a couple of days, he needs to get some other check-ups. Hilary: I hope not gastroscopy... I did it once and it was horrible. Hilary: <file_gif>
### Summary: Jake fainted on his way home and he is in the hospital. Jason visited him after ER called him. Jake had some metabolic disorder related with sugar intake and he needs to change his food habits. He will go home in a couple of days after some other check-ups.
Iris: What do you think about her? Steve: WHo do you mean? Iris: come on, you know, the new manager Steve: dunno. it's only the first day Iris: yeah, but she's already throwing her weight around and all Steve: how come? Iris: you know, the plans and targets and all the stuff she was talking about at the meeting Steve: yeah but I guess it's pretty normal she wants to know that Iris: i guess you may be right but she's pretty authoritative anyway Steve: not my impression. she's a woman that's it Iris: why you said that? Steve: you know, you;re a woman, she's a woman and attractive too so it's natural you don't trust her Iris: you must be fuckin kiddin Steve: i mean no harm i guess it's just natural Iris: no i mean you think she's attractive. where? what? Steve: well, i guess a lot of women would like to look that when 40 Iris: don't think so Steve: come on, she's fit and clearly looks after herself Iris: so what Steve: i don;t think this conversation makes sense anyway. Iris: i guess it's true Steve: we just have to wait and see what kind of boss she is in the long run Iris: anyway, sorry mark's left Steve: yeah, we'll see how it goes
### Summary: Iris finds the new manageress bossy. Steve claims that the manageress acts as she should act and she's an attractive woman which might be the reason Iris is prejudiced against her. Steve suggests that time will show what kind of boss the manager really is.
Nick: Opinions required! Gas or induction hob? Ben: Having lived with an induction hob for a while, i’m not convinced.. Ruth: induction- very sleek and quick to boil! Ben: but it doesn’t maintain a constant temperature! Is it typical of all induction or i just got an old one? Ruth: they pulse if use don’t use proper pans Ben: what do you mean proper? Do you mean better+heavier? Ruth: yeah, simply suitable Ben: and i guess i have to learn how to use it.. Ruth: yeah, it’s just different comparing to gas Christian: gas, absolutely without a question- nothing else gives you the control! Nick: I’m definitely more interested in a controllable consistent heat Mary: with induction it’s like on and off so you have to regulate temperature.. Kate: induction- yes, gas- no cause it takes ages to boil water! Tim: you can always use an electric kettle you know? Kate: haha! Not funny! Kate: it’s easier to clean as well. Harry: I’d go for induction cause it keeps the temp after you finish cooking so the food is still warm Tom: Induction! 100% Susan: our induction was terrible! I think it’s common! Emma: another vote for induction here! Ruth: All chefs seem to say gas! Tom: I sell more induction hobs then gas! It’s getting popular and i can see why! Emma: we got ours from the John Lewis outlet so it was ex display and therefore very affordable! Nick: cheer guys for all your opinions! Great talk! I think i’ll go for.. Induction.
### Summary: Nick decided to buy an induction hob.
Francois: after the cold and grey winter in eastern Europe, i suggest a short trip in Marroco Isa: Good idea Francois: you could rent a riad somewhere Isa: i could ask Olive, i'm sure he's got adress Francois: thanks Isa: Olive told me there is a fantastic one in Casa Francois: l'll ask Xavier and Stef if they are available in march Isa: for us it's ok Francois: bad luck. Xavier is going skiing in march. Do you think we could go at the end of february? Isa: It's not possible for us, Olive is on a business trip. Francois: let's fine a date. We had such good time last year, we have to find out. Isa: I know that january is quiet for Xavier. I'm sure Stef will be fine too Francois: ok then. Isa: Olive is booking the riad for all of us Francois: Did Olive make the booking? Isa: not yes... grrr Francois : he'd better do!! Isa: we could choose a tent Francois: a tent in the moroccan desert? lol Isa: yes with camels Francois: a bit cold in january ? Isa: Olive did it... Hurra Francois: so no tent? a real riad? in the Mamounia Isa: yes..... Francois: well done, i'm looking forward to be there Isa: me too
### Summary: Francois, Isa, Olive, Xavier and Stef will go on a short trip to Marroco in January. Olive has booked a riad for them in the Mamounia.
Victoria: Heyyy Jim: HAY! What's up Victoria: ha ha Well, I'm just trying to make some plans for when I'm in London. Anything in particular you'd like us to do? Jim: Not really, we can do what you want Victoria: Hmm this is generous, but frankly speaking I don't have a clear idea of what I want. I've been busy with the conference stuff and will be happy to just chill. Jim: That's more than fine as far as I'm concerned Victoria: Thanks. I was thinking of going to an exhibition or even to the theatre but that depends on the budget Jim: Yeah, I know it's not the same, but I've recently discovered a cinema where all tickets cost a fiver (in Peckham). We could go see the new Harry Potter movie Victoria: Sure! Jim: So that you do something basic for once Victoria: Ha ha, of course, I'll be delighted to Jim: We can also go to charity shops and all the usual stuff Victoria: Sure, anything which is not writing a conference paper is good Jim: Well then, I think we'll be fine Victoria: I look forward to seeing you. I might have to go back to work at the moment though, hope you don't mind? Jim: No worries, it's ok. I'll talk to you tomorrow Victoria: Thanks! Toodles!
### Summary: Victoria and Jim are making plans for their London stay. She's been busy preparing for the conference and would like to relax. They will see the new Harry Potter film in Peckham, where the tickets cost only a fiver. They can also go to charity shops. Now Victoria needs to get back to work.
Fiona: Hello Mary, Bill's eye operation was a great success! He was back home at once. Mary: That's fantastic! So happy to hear it. So how is he now? Fiona: Very well indeed. His spirits are high from the outcome. Mary: A friend of mine had her cataract operated a couple of months ago but they under-dosed her painkillers and she suffered quite a bit. Fiona: Oh dear, how horrible! Bill's in no pain. Mary: Thank God! She will have to have her other eye done soon and she is rather scared. Fiona: Next week Bill's other eye will be done but he's optimistic. We are both optimistic. Mary: Wolf had a problem with his first cataract operation because of a bust blood vein or something like that. All around his eye the tissue was red, so was the white of the eye. He looked really terrifying for a week or more. We've had quite a bit of bad experience here as you see. Fiona: Sorry to hear that! It's just that Bill has been having so many treatments at the same time... Mary: Poor chap! Hopefully it has kept him away from booze. Fiona: I wish it had! When the news are good he needs it to console himself, when they're good he has to jubilate. Mary: They always find an excuse! Doesn't booze interfere with his heart condition? Fiona: It does. But what can I do?! He must be responsible for himself. Mary: True enough. All in all though it looks good for him. We both are sure that he'll soon be alright. Fiona: Thank you both so much for your love and care.
### Summary: Bill's eye surgery went well, he's doing good despite other health issues, but he continues to drink.
Mark: Missing you honey... Angella: but we just met? Mark: just? Angella: you dropped me only half an hour a go.... Mark: baby... you know 'half an hour' is not 'just' for lovers.. Angella: lol dont try to over react nowwww Mark: over react? you dont love me as much as i do otherwise you wouldn't have called half an hour sepration 'just' Angella: WTF... half an hour is just half an hour and saying this cannot measure my love for you. Mark: No half an hour is not just half an hour... Angella: really what is it then? Mark: its 30 mins, 1800 second and 10,800 micro seconds ... :o can you believe it. Angella: i cant believe this.. Mark: see ... Angella: i cant believe this your so dramatic.. are you really at work? your just flirting and not letting me work either.... Mark: i am at truly at work.. but there is a another truth that i love you more than anything in this world and .. Angella: now what and? Mark: i love to irritate you when your at work.. Angella: i hate you... i need to work its urgent.. please keep this all for evening.. Mark: so unromantic.. huh Angella: :( Mark: lol ok dont be sad.. i was messing i like to annoy you babyy i need to work too ... see you in the evening Angella: ok honey have a good day c ya Mark: love u babee Angella: love you too
### Summary: Mark dropped Angella off half an hour ago. Mark teases Angella about how he misses her. Mark and Angella have to work now, but will see each other in the evening.
Jenny: Hi, this is Jenny, I'm Patricia's mum. Dan: Hi, Jenny! Jenny: Have you attended the PTA meeting this week? Dan: Yes, it was a looong one. Jenny: Good, could you share some info with me? I am completely out of the loop when it comes to the exams and the planned school trips. Dan: Sure, no problem. They scheduled midterms for the second week of January. Jenny: So just before the winter break? Dan: Exactly. Jenny: Do they have clasess during the midterms? Dan: No, we are supposed to drop the kids off at 11am and pick them up afterwarda at around 2pm. Jenny: Seriously? Dan: I know, how can they expect working parents to pull this off, right? Jenny: I have already used my kid card at work way to many times. Bob is busy too. It's granny time again, I guess. Dan: Same for us. I think we should discuss this during the next PTA meeting. Jenny: Of course, we are paying for this school not only to educate but to take care of our kids when we are working. Dan: True! And there is only one school trip ahead of us - they are going to the science museum. Jenny: Do they need volunteers? Dan: Fortunately, three parents already signed in for the job. Jenny: I bet it's Jim and Melinda. Dan: Who else?
### Summary: Dan attended the PTA meeting this week. Jenny needs some information, because she wasn't there. School scheduled midterms for the second week of January. There won't be classes during the midterms. Dan and Jenny are frustrated, because they won't be able to pick up their children.
Charlie: simple question, where can i find some dark chocolate? Laurie: sorry but no idea Laurie: i found some at Simply , have u been there? Charlie: yes, i must be blind Laurie: no.... i only found it yesterday. I assume there wasn't before. Charlie: and i found an other brand today at tesco. Charlie: <file_photo> Charlie: i don't know if it's good, but i'll try tonight with profiterolles Laurie: wait for me.....could you give me the adress of tesco? Charlie: <file_other> Laurie: thanks, i will complete with Lidl near by Charlie: Is it a big one? Laurie: not so big, but there is some nice products, that i don't find anywhere else Charlie: will you give me a lift some days? Laurie: ok ! i'll go there every friday morning after school Charlie: i'll come next week Laurie: why not tomorrow? Charlie: i'm spending the week end in London with some friends Laurie: so lucky... Laurie: could i ask you to bring me some digestive and marmelade? Charlie: of course tell me me how many you want Laurie: just one of each Charlie: no problem Laurie: you're so kind, thanks a lot
### Summary: Charlie wants to buy some dark chocolate. He should look at Simply. Next Friday Laurie will give him a lift to Lidl, where she finds products she can't find anywhere else. He's spending this weekend in London with some friends. He'll bring Laurie some digestive and marmelade — one of each.
Rose: read this <file_other> Amelie: hehe, Guardian again :P Rose: sure, I like them! Amelie: it's quite interesting Rose: it is, but also maybe a bit naive? Amelie: Yes, like comparing Europe nowadays to Europe in 536 is a bit simplistic. Rose: True, people had different expectations then, perceptions, believes etc. Also imagination of what was possible or not. Amelie: Exactly! Rose: Like the volcanic eruptions they read as the anger of God. Amelie: on the other hand, we have this kind of people here and now as well. Rose: Good point. They vote for Trump Amelie: So maybe it's not that stupid, the article. Maybe we've never changed, as humans Rose: At least not as much as we would like to believe. Amelie: Which is a beautiful but also sad realisation. Rose: Look at all this racism and xenophobia around the world right now. If not even IIww and Holocaust has changed us, what could? Amelie: nothing, I am afraid. Rose: We just keep repeating the same stories all the time. Amelie: Over and over again. Rose: God, how depressing! Amelie: Anyway, I have to come back to work. This sad truth about life never changes as well - we have to work. Rose: And we become our work. Amelie: Oh, yes! Rose: TTYL :* Amelie: :*
### Summary: Rose sends Amelie an article from the Guardian that compares Europe nowadays to Europe in 536. Rose and Amelie find differences and similarities between the two ages. Rose suggests humanity keeps repeating the same stories.
Joanne: Btw. I don’t know what to bring for the party, so I want to organize Mark's birthday. I bought a cake in which I’ll put candles. When everyone arrives, we can sing happy birthday. Aaron: When’s his birthday? Joanne: Next month, but whatever Aaron: Lol. What? Joanne: I know Mark would get the joke, but I'm not sure if other people would. Aaron: Yeah, I don’t get it. Joanne: Ook, I will not involve other people into singing happy birthday for a person who doesn't have birthday. Aaron: Haha well maybe it would be fun? Joanne: I believe it's fun, but I am not sure if it's a good idea. I also got a rubber duck for him. Aaron: You’re so random. Why? Joanne: Duck rhymes with fuck. He broke up with his girlfriend and he probably feels that there is something missing in his life. A duck can fill the hole. Aaron: Also I need ur advice. I hope it won’t be awkward between me and Aurelia... I mean obv nothing is going to happen, but shall I say that I’m seeing someone? I know u may think this is me being weird or something. I just want it to be normal time lol so maybe it’s best she knows? I dunno maybe not Joanne: Idk what to say, I definitely won't judge you, but I think the more open you're about your girl, the better for the whole situation Aaron: So message now her then! Ok good idea.
### Summary: Joanne wants to organize Mark's birthday party much earlier as a joke to cheer him up. Aaron isn't sure about the idea. Aaron will let Aurelia know he has a girlfriend.
Agnes: I'm bored. Derrick: lol, good morning to you too. Agnes: Sorry, good morning! Derrick: It's like 8 am, how are you already bored? Agnes: I have nothing planned today.. I don't even know why I'm awake so early! Derrick: Why don't you go back to bed? Agnes: Ugh. I guess. But honestly, I'm too bored to go to sleep lol Derrick: You wierdo. Do you want to go to work for me? Agnes: Oo, do you think I could? Derrick: Honestly... probably! Agnes: What do you do again? Derrick: Market analysis. Agnes: That sound's really hard. Derrick: It's really not. It's more about looking at what people are buying and stuff. It's fun! Agnes: Mhmm. Maybe not. I'll find something else to do lol. But thanks for the offer. Derrick: Lol. No worries. You could read a book or something? Agnes: Any good suggestions? Derrick: I recently read "Gone Girl." It was pretty good. A bit scary but still exciting. Agnes: Hmm. I'll look into it. Do you think they have it on audiobook? Derrick: Definitely. It's really famous so I would be surprised if it wasn't available as an audiobook. Agnes: Perfect! Thanks dude. Have fun at work Derrick: Have fun being bored!
### Summary: Agnes is bored and has nothing planned today. Derrick does market analysis. Derrick recommends ''Gone Girl''. Agnes is interested in it as an audiobook.
Elijah: Hi! :) How are you? Lucas: I'm fine thanks. ;) And you? Elijah: Not so great, but thanks. :) Elijah: I had to go back on medication. Again. Lucas: What happened? Another panic attack? Elijah: Mhm. I got it three days ago, during a lecture. Elijah: I wanted to ask the lecturer about something, i was about to raise my hand and I just couldn't do it. Elijah: My heart was pounding, I couldn't breathe and I started trembling. I hope nobody noticed that. Elijah: It was so irrational, I just don't understand, why did it happen. Lucas: Maybe you were thinking about something unpleasant? Elijah: The thing is, that I wasn't. It was so weird. Lucas: I'm so sorry for you... I hoped, that you're over with it. Elijah: Me too. The worst thing is that I can't explain, why did it happen. Elijah: I've been learning, how to rationalize my fears and it's helped me a lot. But what can I do, when I start panicking for no reason? Elijah: I feel so helpless. It's really frustrating. Lucas: Can I help you somehow? Elijah: I don't think so, but thanks. :) Lucas: I want you to know, that I'm here for you. Call me whenever you need someone to talk to. Elijah: Sure. :) Thank you, you're a great friend. Lucas: :) You'll get better. ;)
### Summary: Elijah is back on medication after his last panic attack. He will call Lucas if he wants to talk to someone.
Mona: Hey there, how are you doing? Sammie: Hi, I'm looking for a job again :P do you know anyone in Berlin? Mona: I actually do! My best friend Sammie: I'm looking for a room in Berlin Mona: Are you moving to Berlin? Sammie: if you hear anything, please let me know, love Mona: But now now? Sammie: it is always better at a friend's friend than god knows where. Yeah about now, I am running out of money. Mona: I heard that they are moving out from their room in December and they will be looking for someone. Sammie: without a place to stay I can't do anything. Oh! Mona: I can write to her :) Sammie: Could u get more details from her? Mona: Sure, what would u like to know? Sammie: Perfect Mona: only u, or with someone? Sammie: formal stuff: square metres, fees, bills, contracts, address. Only me. Mona: Okay, i'm writing right away. Sammie: Thank you so much, Mona, it is so sweet of u :D Mona: Maybe they could send some photos. But why Berlin? Sammie: photos would do :)) Mona: What job anyway? Sammie: cause there is heaps of opportunities Mona: (Y) Sammie: I will find a job as soon I have a place to stay Mona: Okay, I'm writing to her
### Summary: Sammie is running out of money and she wants to move to Berlin for work. Mona will contact her best friend, who lives in Berlin, asking for a room to rent. Her friend is moving out of a room in December and Sammie could potentially take it.
Claire: Hey, wanna go ice skating? :) Penny: Today? Claire: Yeah! Penny: Sorry, dear, I can't today. It's Mike's birthday and I'm really busy. Claire: Oh, it's a shame. Jack and Tina are going. Penny: Maybe next time then? Claire: Sure! We're testing all ice rinks in the city, so you can join us in our hunt for the best place ;) Penny: With pleasure! Which one have you tested so far? ;) Claire: Alexandra Park, National History Museum, going to the Crystal Palace today. Penny: Cool place! I've been there couple of times. Penny: Do you have your own skates? Claire: Jack and I do, but Tina's quite reluctant to buy a pair. Penny: Hm, if she likes it, she definitely should buy her own. It's quite disgusting when you think about using someone else's skates... Especially if you go to so many places. Penny: Crystal Palace is great, but not with the hygiene... Claire: Oh, is that so? Maybe this will convince Tina. I think she just hasn't made up her mind if she wants to continue or not. Penny: I see. Ok, have to go, Mike will be here in an hour Claire: Tell him I wish him happy birthday! See you, have fun!
### Summary: Claire is testing ice skating rinks. She's already been to Alexandra Park and National History Museum. She is going to the Crystal Palace today. She wants Penny to join her, Jack, and Tina but Penny is busy with Mike's birthday preparations. Jack and Claire have their own skates, Tina doesn't.
Kaja: Boys I am so sleepy 😴😴😴 Kaja: I can't pack up Jake: When is your flight to Poland? Kaja: At 11pm tonight Kayla: Anyone driving you to the airport? Kaja: Andres will be driving Jake: Do you have a connection somewhere else? Kaja: No, thank god 😝 Kaja: I would miss my next flight Kaja: This one is a direct one Kayla: Is Andres in Toronto now? 😲 Kaja: He is in Mississauga, picking me up on the way to Pearson! Morris: Makes no sense! I can take you to the airport! Morris: Im like on my way back from work! 😲 😲 😲 Kaja: No Morris Kaja: that’s fine, it’s still on the way to the airport Kaja: we’ll stop at Mcdix Morris: K when you’re back from Poland? Kaja: After new year’s eve Morris: Nice, I hope it’s warmer there Kaja: Maybe, but I hate the air quality Kayla: Have fun in Poland!! I hope to go there with your someday girl! Xoxo Kaja: For sure we’ll plan out something Kaja: For next summer. 🌴🌴🌴
### Summary: Kaja has a direct flight to Poland at 11PM tonight. Andres is in Mississauga. He will drive Kaja to the airport on his way to Pearson. Morris is on his way back from work. Kaja will be back from Poland after New Year's Eve.
Emily: Hey George, how are you? George: Hi, I'm fine thank you. I've jut ended my exams Emily: That's great. Did you pass them? George: The first 3 yes but the last one was today and I don't have teh results yet Emily: That's great! Emily: I think we should celebrate it George: It's a great idea but right now I'm going to sleep because I'm exhausted Emily: I get it Emily: Are you already home? George: No I'm going back tomorrow because I want to see my girlfriend Emily: I didn't know that you have a girlfirned. Congratulations! George: Thanks, but she lives about 400km away from my home so we can't see each other that often Emily: I see, that's for sure hard George: Not really, I'm taking hear in to the mountians for holidays actually Emily: That's great, I'm sure you'll gave a great time George: I'm gonna have next Saturdat free maybe we can go out for a drink? Emily: I'm supposed to meet Joe then George: Could we meet in 3? I would love to see you Emily: I think that won't be a problem George: So please ask him Emily: Okay I'll ask and then tell you when we can meet
### Summary: George has just ended his exams. He passed the first 3, but doesn't have the results on the last one yet. George is going home tomorrow, but will see his girlfriend first, who lives far away. Emily is meeting Joe next Saturday. Emily will ask Joe if he wants to meet with George as well.
Mario: Okay, so I created this group to invite you for a dinner, guys. It's been a while and I wanted to celebrate nothing. Just our friendship :) Helen: Oh, Mario, so nice of you! Kate: I missed you, guys! Mati: How long has it been? Like 6 years? How did you find us all? Mario: It took me a while! Well, some of you change phone numbers but we still have Facebook! Karl: Hey there! June: Sweet, I can't wait to get wasted with you guys like we used to HAHAHA Kate: <file_gif> Mati: So where are you guys right now? I know Meredith is back in Texas. Helen: New Jersey Kate: Williamsburg Karl: I moved to Boston. Mario: I can't believe we haven't seen each other for so long. We need to catch up! Helen: When you're free? I have a big garden, maybe a BBQ? Karl: Well, I need to get to NY in 2 weeks. What about 15 Sept? June: Fine with me. Kate: Me too. Mati: I'm in! Mario: Sounds like we have place and time! Kate: Incredible! I thought I'd have been more difficult! Karl: <file_photo> remember this? I still have it on my phone! June: Woooo, what a great pic! Where was it? Croatia? Mati: I think Italy, near Lecce!
### Summary: Mario, Helen, Kate, Mati, Karl, and June are going to have a BBQ in Helen's garden on 15 September. Helen lives in New Jersey now, Kate in Williamsburg, Karl in Boston and Meredith in Texas
Matthew: any of those on here talking about watching videos, listening to tunes or laughing at stuff have clearly never had a full on impending doom, thought looping, time dilated, paranoid, depersonalization attack from doing too much weed. Matthew: I know at least 2 people who have suffered protracted post hallucinogen perception disorder from cannabis use and many others who spend their days in a zombified apathetic state smoking it all day.. Matthew: it is not a remotely harmless drug despite all the people on here trying to be edgy and cool... i’d goes as far as saying LSD and psilocybin are safer mentally. Rick: Have you been watching Reefer Madness? Robert: Matthew, ahhh or we just had that sober as children and moved past it like normal folks eventually realizing that we are going to die and doom is impending and that’s fine. Basia: Psilocybin is famously extremely safe, so yes, it's very possible that it and LSD are both safer than marijuana. Nevertheless, the risk of serious problems from moderate marijuana use is pretty low for most healthy adults. Not zero risk, but pretty low risk for _most_ people. Rick: Matthew, I only heard of positive effects of marijuana: relax, unwind, de-stress, relax, unwind, de-stress... Daniel: Basia, healthy adults are low risk true but most peer reviewed studies show a high risk in users 21 and under.Easy to get caught up in the debate always trust the science. Seamie: Matthew, You're clueless Matthew: Huh?
### Summary: LSD and psilocybin are safer to use than cannabis. Marijuana has many positive effects and is pretty safe to use for healthy adults.
Wilma: Hola! No photos? very unusual for you! hope everything's ok? Patty: Absolutely. Just a long drive from Cancun to Merida. On the following day we went to reconnoiter the city and got lost on the way back. Found it shortly before dark, scared stiff. Thank goodness that my mobile had enough juice to get us on google maps back home. And yesterday we went to the beach, 20 km away, and stayed there till sunset. Now that we know out way around... Wilma: And do you like Merida? Patty: <file_photo> Patty: It's ok but nothing breath-taking. But good vibes, natural atmosphere as there are few tourists here. And in Sisal, on the coast, we were probably the only ones. We went to a fish restaurant offering of course "catch of the day" and it was superb. No idea what we ate though. Pescado. Full stop. Patty: <file_photo> Wilma: This makes me envious! Patty: Yeah... Sth you can have only here. Or in any other seaside town for that matter! Wilma: A meal eaten at a table standing (nearly) on a beach... Eating fish that swan only hours ago... Patty: Don't be so bloody romantic! The nearby fishing harbour stank like hell, the restaurant had no proper toilet, and they never use black pepper to season their fish. And no white wine but beer. Wilma: you know what? you are starting to get on my nerves! Patty: Joking!
### Summary: Patty is visiting Merida. On the first day she got lost and had a trouble finding her way back from the city. According to Patty, Merida is ok, has good vibes and few tourists, but it's nothing special.
Ashley: Guys, you have to read this book! <file_photo> Marcus: Why, what's so special about it? Erin: I think I've already heard about it from someone. Is it really that good? Ashley: It's the best thing I've ever read! Completely life-changing! It's opened my eyes to a lot of things. Seamus: Sorry, but I don't like books that are written to change my life. I prefer books that are simply fun to read :P Marcus: I get what you mean. I feel like some authors are so concentrated on making their books full of wisdom that they completely forget that they should also be readable. Erin: Do you mean Coelho? XD Marcus: No, while I'm not a fan of his, at least I've never fallen asleep while reading his books. I meant this one for example: <file_other> Ashley: Erm, I quite like his books. Seamus: Did they change your life too? :D Ashley: Wait, I meant Coelho. I've never read the other guy. Marcus: Trust me, don't. There are lots of better ways of wasting your time. Ashley: LOL, okay, I trust you. But the one I posted at the beginning is really good. It's not just some philosophical gibberish, it's actually a crime novel, so there's a lot of action too. Erin: Does it have a cute detective? ;) Ashley: Even two of them, actually. Believe me, you won't be able to decide which one to love more! Erin: Okay, I'm already sold :D
### Summary: Erin is convinced by Ashley's book recommendations, while Seamus and Marcus aren't.
Alex: Hi. Can I talk to you? Lesley: Hi. Who r u? Alex: My name is Alex. U don't know me, 'cause we're not friends on Facebook yet, bt I have something important to tell you. Lesley: Ok... Alex: Have you heard about green wind turbines? Lesley: Wind turbines painted green? Alex: No, like ecological ones. Lesley: Aren't they all? Alex: Yes, probably, but these are like really eco-friendly. Lesley: Ok... Alex: So these wind turbines are killing birds. Lesley: Murdering wind turbines? Sounds like a horror-film-plot ;) Alex: I'm serious. I was in the fields last weekend and saw this qt jaybird get torn into pieces by the wings of a wind turbine. Lesley: That's awful. Alex: I know. I did some research and it turns out that thousands of birds die in this way every year. Lesley: So? Alex: This is really important. I've created a petition to the government and would like you to sign it. Lesley: Y? Alex: Don't u care about the birds? Lesley: I do. Alex: So will you sign the petition? Lesley: What are you petitioning? Alex: Ban on wind turbines. Lesley: No. Alex: Y not? Lesley: 'cause it's a bad idea. Alex: But the birds are dying! Lesley: Stop texting me. Alex: This is really important! Lesley: And this is spam.
### Summary: Green wind turbines kill birds according to Alex. Alex wants Lesley to sign the petition against them but she's not interested.
Ella: Any plans for New Year's? Carter: not really Scarlett: Jeff wants to stay home 🤦‍♀ Carter: Exciting 😂 Scarlett: very Ella: what about a trip to Paris? Scarlett: Isn't it EXTREMELY expensive? Ella: not necessarily Carter: I think besides the one night, it's after all off season Ella: Exactly. Especially if we stay a bit longer, then the flights are actually quite cheap Scarlett: I'll ask Jeff Carter: but I'm in! no better plans for now, and this one sounds really good Ella: It would be my first time in Paris, so I would love to see sth in January Carter: Nice, I think going to Louvre could be nice Scarlett: I spent there 3 days the last time I was in Paris, it's just incredible what they have there Ella: Mona Lisa etc? Scarlett: they have beautiful and huge collection of antiquities from Egypt and Greece. Just stunning Ella: Carter, you're an art historian, I would like to go with you! Carter: I can be your guide, sure Scarlett: Gosh, guys, It sounds great already. I hope that my grumpy Jeff will not object Carter: But don't force him, if he doesn't want to go. I think he suffered a bit with us in Greece. Scarlett: He had a flu. I think he liked it, just didn't feel well. Carter: ok.
### Summary: They want to go to Paris for New Year's Eve. Ella has not been to Paris and she looks forward to seeing the Louvre with Carter. Scarlett hopes Jeff will accept the plan.
Zack: My guitar's busted!! Wilson: What happened? The Gibson?? Zack: Yeah, it fell on the floor and the headstock cracked! Wilson: How bad is it? Is it fixable? Zack: I don't know. It looks pretty bad. Wilson: Isn't that the second time? Zack: Yeah, in the same spot too. Nick broke it when he was 2. This was like 11 years ago. It was in the basement, and he ran up to it and knocked it over onto the concrete floor. Wilson: I thought so. Well, if you managed to get it repaired last time, I'm sure it's possible again. Zack: But now I can't practice, which kind of leads me to my request :) Wilson: Yes, you can borrow one of mine. Zack: Which one are you willing to give up? Wilson: The Fender tele Zack: :) Ok, I'm happy. How long can I have it for? Wilson: Until you get it fixed. I have my Peavey Detonator still. Plus I don't really use the Fender these days. Zack: Ok, can I come over and pick it up later today? Wilson: I'll be home after 7. We have a hectic day today... Nick's bday, remember? Zack: Oh yeah, wish him a good one from my and Beth. Or I'll do it personally when I come over. Wilson: Ok, call before you get here, just ot make sure I'm home. Bye. Zack: Will do, bye Wilson: :)
### Summary: Zack's guitar is broken. Wilson will lend him one of his guitars so he can practice. Zack will pick up the guitar after 7 p.m.
Hillary: I’m feeling really stupid right now Hillary: I think I misunderstood Hillary: And I’ve been waiting for a package to arrive at the location where they’re collected for me in Japan Hillary: But it’s all already there Hillary: At least I think so Hillary: It’s just my mistake... and I’ve been waiting Hillary: I could’ve had it all shipped here last week… eh… Vanessa: I didn't understand the thing about the package? Vanessa: Oh I think I understand now Hillary: I ordered some things from Yahoo Auctions Vanessa: You've been waiting but it was already there? Hillary: But then I got two emails Hillary: As if it was shipped in two separate packages Hillary: And I got one, but not the other one - I can’t have them delivered to home, so I use a service in Japan where they collect packages for me and then send them all at once when I request it Hillary: But now it turns out that I might have been mistaken, I thought I’d ordered more than I actually had Hillary: And it was all shipped at once, I just misunderstood Hillary: That’s what I think it is Hillary: I’ve been waiting for the other package to arrive so I could have everything shipped here, but there’s probably no other package Hillary: It’s just… me and my mistake Vanessa: Ahhh Vanessa: Happens to the best Vanessa: If it were me, I'd probably think the same, I don't understand Japanese at all, haha
### Summary: Hillary needn't have waited for the other package, because there was only one coming in.
Imogen: stop hitting on my bf u sluts Barbra: wtf r u talking about? :DDDDD Carmen: pipe down girl Barbra: I'm a lesbian Carmen: who is your bf? Carmen: I never hit on guys when I know they are taken Imogen: you're lying you were trying to sleep with Jorge on David's party Barbra: sorry to break that to u but it was the other way around Carmen: if he's your bf then my condolences Barbra: I don't know what to tell u to prove I don't like dicks Carmen: <file_photo> Carmen: does that look like ME hitting on HIM? Barbra: probably u caught him doing sth shady and he's looking for a scapegoat Imogen: I can't believe it we had our third anniversary yesterday Barbra: look girl grab some drinks with your girlfriends and dump his stupid ass Carmen: he's an ass and it's not your fault just ghost him Imogen: but shouldn't i talk with him first? Carmen: I sent u screens of him trying to fuck me, if you talk with him he'll be all sorry and sweet Carmen: he will soften u, promise u anything and he'll try to cheat on u again Imogen: i feel sooooo stupid ;___; Barbra: oh dear Carmen: don't be sad, get mad on this prick Barbra: <file_gif> Imogen: sorry guys im gonna go and think about it Carmen: sure Barbra: take care girl
### Summary: Jorge was hitting on Carmen on David's party and she has screens to prove it. Barbra is not interested in him because she's gay.
Camil: ok guys, so I've made this group so that everyone can share their opinion about the bowling on Friday. When it comes to hours, I suggest 8pm, the price is 5$ per person. Luna: is 8pm the only option? I'm at work until 7:30 and it's possible I won't make it on time Jannet: I'm open to any suggestions, 8pm sounds ok Camil: it's not the only option, we can also go at 9pm or even later Luna: Cool, then I'd opt for 9pm Joseph: I'm of the same opinion as Jannet Jannet: how about having a before party? Mick: hey guys!!! I'm totally in Camil: Before party is a must :D we can meet at my place at 7pm or something Luna: so sad I won't be there :/ Camil: Don't worry, after party was also included in the plan :p Luna: happy to hear that :D Joseph: do we need to take our shoes or something? Jannet: only if you want to, they have special shoes at the bowling club Joseph: hm....I guess I'll take mine afterall Camil: I guess it's all settled then, we're in touch, if you have any questions you can either text me or call me Joseph: yep :D Luna: Sure
### Summary: Camil wants to collect opinions about the bowling on Friday with the price of 5$ per person. Jannet and Joseph are ok with 8 pm, and Luna opts for 9 pm. They'll have a before party at Camil's place at around 7 pm, but Luna won't be there. They're also planning the after party, though.
John: Are you going to pick us up from the airport? Zlatan: I can't, I'm very sorry Zlatan: I have to work tomorrow, but I talked to a friend and he will help you Zlatan: I've just added Zoran to the group Terry: ok, great! thanks a lot John: Hi Zoran! Zoran: Hi guys, nice to meet you Zoran: I can't come to the airport but you can take a bus from there to Kvaterniov Trg Zoran: (Kvaternik Square) John: thanks! Don't worry, we will manage Zoran: you have to take the bus 290, it goes every 40min Zoran: You will arrive at the square after about 30min (15 stops - I've just checked) Zoran: just write me here when you're on the bus, so I will go to the bus stop at the square and take you to Zlatan's apartment Terry: ok, we will! Zoran: and, if you want we can go out to eat something afterwards and have a stroll around the city centre Terry: Sounds amazing! Any idea what we could see today? Zoran: the think that everybody fancies is the Museum of Broken Relationships Terry: Sounds entertaining Zoran: it's light-hearted and nice Terry: ok, let's do it
### Summary: Zlatan can't pick up John and Terry from the airport, because of work. Zoran will help. John and Terry will take the bus 290 for 15 stops until Kvaterniov Trg. Zoran will meet them there and take them to Zlatan's home. They'll go to the Museum of Broken Relationships and eat something.
Chris: do you have plans for the weekend of September 3rd-4th? Noah: mmm, nothing really concrete, what's up Chris: well, I was thinking flying out to Berlin that weekend Noah: ha, ok, just a casual weekend trip to Germany for the weekend, no biggie Chris: no I'm serious man, tickets are wicked cheap and this awesome band is playing there that weekend Noah: Dude, I really don't have money Noah: that broke life has got me beat Chris: it won't be expensive, I have a friend we can stay with Noah: ya ok, well I'm pretty sure the tickets are the most expensive part Chris: o ho ho, well Im glad you brought that up, cause not even! Chris: check this out! Chris: <file_other> Chris: 50 bucks! Noah: wtf that's so cheap Chris: uhh yeah exactly, some Black friday deal Noah: well damn, that's really cheap, ha now you've got me intrigued Chris: WHAT?! I thought that would be all the convincing you'd need! Chris: What else is there to think about?! Noah: ha nothing nothing, but I just want to check I don't have anything going on for sure Chris: Alrigh, well lemme know quick, I wanna buy these before the prices go up Noah: ok, I'll let you know by the end of the day Chris: yeah you better, or I'm asking Will if he wants to go
### Summary: Chris wants to go to Berlin that weekend as there is a Black Friday deal on concert tickets. Noah will let Chris know by the end of the day.
Abdul: It wasn’t fair Erma: What? Abdul: The way you behaved today at the dinner Erma: I just told my parent what’s wrong, they asked, that’s what people do, Ab Abdul: First of all, not everything needs to go through your parents Erma: Yes it does, I really value their opinions Abdul: Mhm I don’t think it’s normal Erma: Maybe you’re not normal Abdul: Yes, if it’s weird that I think adults should discuss their shit together, without other people Erma: But it’s family! Abdul: That will gossip about it with the rest of your great family and all the neighbors for the next week or more Erma: Seriously… You’re insulting my family now, it’s getting better Abdul: SECOND OF ALL, the way you did it was not fair Erma: Like what? Abdul: I was sitting next to you, with your parents who hate me and you just threw all those things at me, I didn’t even know about them and I felt like I should explain myself Erma: Well you should have Abdul: WHAT!! Erma: My parents can help us with our problems, hun Abdul: No they can’t, they’re not objective! Erma: Whaaaat Abdul: They’ll always defend you, that’s obvious!!! Erma: I’m not going to accept such words about my family, waiting for you to say sorry
### Summary: Abdul and Erma are having a fight. According to Abdul, Erma's parents hate him, and she behaved unfair, telling her parents about her relationship problems with Abdul, when he was sitting right next to her during family dinner today.
Client: Good afternoon. I suggest you adjust the timetable to the reality on the Polish roads. P6 bus Radom - Warsaw, arriving from Cracow, 40 minutes delay. Client: And it was not the first time, there was one hour delay not so long ago... Flix: Hi Marta. We are very sorry that the bus arrived late, but they are operational delays which we have no control over. Apologies. Client: But this happens too often. Why don't you consider rearranging the timetable?? Client: I was waiting at the station from 17.10, hoping to get the bus at 17.25. It arrived at 18.10. One hour waiting. Client: It hardly ever happens that the bus arrives on time. The timetable is too optimistic. I understand there are traffic jams but... Flix: Thank you for the information, we will inform our managers about it. Client: Can I make a formal complaint? I had a similar situation last year. Flix: Sure, you can send a complaint by email to info@flix.com. Client: thanks, I will definitely. But I really hope you do something about it this time... Flix: yes, all complaints are addressed by our managers. Client: great. They should not just read them, but do something about it. Will you inform me about the status? Flix: We don't do that automatically, but you can call us and find out. You can find all the necessary info on our website. Client: Ok, I see. Flix: Once again apologies.
### Summary: Client informs Flix about a 40 minutes delay of the bus from Radom to Warsaw. Flix explains that this is an operational delay. Client decides to make a formal complaint as it wasn't the first such delay.
Dixie: What the hell is this cheese you gave me? It's horrible!🤮 Jason: What do you mean? It's great!! Dixie: No it isn't, it's like rubber!!😡 Jason: Oh no, please tell me you did cook it? Dixie: No, why? Jason: OMG you muppet!!! you can't eat halloumi raw, you need to cook it! in the frying pan or under the grill or something! Dixie: why didn't you tell me that!! how am I supposed to know I need to cook cheese before eating it?!?!?! Jason: I thought you'd know that!! everyone knows that!! Dixie: but you gave it to me because I've never tried it before!!! Jason: that's true actually sorry... 😂 😂 😂 Dixie: 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 Jason: hahaha sorry! Jason: so you need to slice it and fry it in the frying pan until its a bit brown and yummie and then eat it Dixie: I might try that tomorrow cause I'm seriously grossed out right now 🤢 Jason: fair enough, let me know what you think...
### Summary: Dixie ate haloumi raw as Jason didn't mention that she should cook it.
Amelia: So, what's your plan for Berlin? Isla: The plan is to have no plan. Isla: If we feel like, we'll go for a party, if not, we'll just hang around or stay at home depending on the weather. Isla: We're both really tired recently, so I wouldn't mind doing nothing. Isla: But who knows, maybe Berghain? Amelia: Definitely, Dixon has his DJ set when you're there! Isla: What? Really? Amelia: At Panorama Bar. Isla: Well, then I'll need to talk to Martin about it. Isla: And you? Are you staying at your parents' both Saturday and Sunday? Amelia: Yes, fun fun fun. Isla: But you partied hard last weekend! How was it in Warsaw? Amelia: Ah, it wasn't that fantastic as I thought it would be. Amelia: The clubs were almost empty and the music was so so. Isla: Where did you go? Amelia: We went to Jasna as last time, so I had high expectations. Isla: Did you meet anyone new? Amelia: I tried, but there was literally a handful of people. Maybe it's because of the timing? Isla: Oh, you mean All Saint's day? Amelia: Maybe the autumn depression keeps people at home, don’t know. Isla: That might be the case! Amelia: Anyway, you have a great time in Germany! And say hi to Martin! Isla: Will do! Thanks! I'll text you when I'm there!
### Summary: Isla has no concrete plans for her stay in Berlin. She will consult going to Panorama Bar with Martin. Amelia visited the Jasna club in Warsaw but not many people were there.
Ricky: Hello Kelly, how are you? Kelly: Great thanks Ricky, you enjoying working in Bristol? Ricky: Yeah, it's great to run my own branch, still miss the old Newport gang, though! Kelly: Yes, we always had a laugh when you were in charge, things have changed a bit now! Ricky: So I hear! Listen, I've got a Western Region meeting on Friday, Sian is holding the fort here. I wondered what you were doing Friday after work. Kelly: Not a lot, so far. Thought about an early night for a change! Ricky: You crazy party animal! I thought maybe we could meet for a drink, catch up a bit. It's been almost a year since I left. Kelly: Why not! What kind of time suits you, 7ish OK? Ricky: Yes, course, that's great. Where do you youngsters hang out these days? Kelly: Oh yes, you're so ancient, gramps, nearly 30, isn't it? Ricky: Way past that, I'm afraid. 32 last month! Kelly: We usually go to Tiffani's, great cocktails! Ricky: That sound fun! Where is this den of iniquity? Kelly: Between Subway and Costa, on Green Street. Roads parallel to the train station, you can't miss it. Ricky: Well, see you on Friday, Kelly. Kelly: Is it ok if Nia comes too, she's always talking about you. Perhaps she has a crush on you! Ricky: Oh, OK. More the merrier! See you both Friday then. Kelly: Yes, looking forward to it! Bye!
### Summary: Ricky and Kelly are going to catch up at Tiffani's on Friday around 7.
Misha: How is your trip doing? Andy: <file_photo> Andy: <file_photo> Linda: I'm freezing but it's worth it Michelle: omg it's so breathtaking! Andy: sorry it's blurred but my hands were shakings Linda: mom's spaghetti Misha: :D :D Linda: I'm glad we didn't pick January, we would die here Misha: but it isn't raining, right? Andy: nope, but the forecast is bad Linda: Andy was laughing at me for packing pullovers and raincoats but u see? Linda: told ya! Misha: how is your hotel? Linda: I hate it Andy: L hates it Andy: I find it cosy Linda: Andy has running nose so his experience is less traumatic Misha: but don't get sick there, you have places to see Misha: and photos to take and show me Linda: I won't let him get sick and destroy this holiday Andy: I'm trying Andy: <file_gif> Misha: god I'm so jelly Linda: you have to go too! Misha: we'll see :) Andy: save up and next year you'll be there :) Linda: ok gotta go, bye Misha! Andy: <file_gif> Misha: k bye!!
### Summary: Andy and Linda went for a trip. The weather is cold there but they enjoy it. Linda doesn't like the hotel they are staying in, she thinks it's smelly. Andy has running nose.
Winnie: Hello dear, how are you? Hilary: I'm fine, looking forward to your visit next week! Winnie: Well, yes, I'm afraid there's a bit of a problem with that. I've broken my leg, you see. Hilary: Oh, you poor thing! How did it happen? Winnie: Well, I slipped in the shower, of all things! Bert found me on the floor, crying in pain! Hilary: That's awful! Did you need an ambulance? Winnie: Yes, it was very embarrassing, me in my birthday suit with those young paramedics helping me. I did have a towel to cover my modesty a bit! Hilary: They don't mind, they've seen all sorts of sights! Winnie: Thanks a lot! Well, Bert managed to get a nightie over my head with their help and off I went! I actually need morphine as it was a spiral fracture, it bloody hurt! Hilary: I bet it did! Did you get seen to quickly? Winnie: Well, not immediately, but quick enough, I was past caring with the morphine kicking in, though! Hilary: Well, I am so sorry you can't visit, we had lots of lovely things planned for you both. Winnie: Well, it'll take me a few months to get over this, love. Perhaps we can come up in the spring. Hilary: That would be lovely. Look after yourself! Winnie: I'll try not to break the other one! Bye dear!
### Summary: Winnie has broken her leg. She slipped in the shower and she needed an ambulance. She was given morphine. She can't visit Hilary. They postpone for the spring.
Veronika: hey idk if iv ever mentioned that but I work as a radio journalist and now im working on a material about the differences between polish and American Christmas and was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about this? Mary: yes!! oh course! sounds funs!! Veronika: ooof! your my lifesaver :) ill tell you more details on our class Mary: Yeah! sounds good! I missed today but ill be next week Veronika: me also but shh...:) haha Mary: Oh great I wasn't the only one :P I don't think anything happened just getting home work back Veronika: yeahhh, prob nothing very important...hopefully..but I had soo many interviews today I haven't eaten anything yet Mary: Oh thats not good! haha what were you interviewing for? Veronika: Second life of smartphones Mary: What is this? never heard if it haha Veronika: it was basically what we do with are phones and how we use them Mary: thats really cool tho! and tiring ahah but in a good way Veronika: im exhausted af! but havent had such a cool day for awhile so it was nice:) but the place that I went to was so amazing had the colest work shop Mary: Oh yeah? Veronika: Super modern and free coffee :P haha so it was kinda the bst haha Mary: thats awesome!! whats better then a cool place to work and free coffee haha
### Summary: Veronika is working on a radio material about Polish and American Christmas. Mary will answer a few questions about it. Veronika and Mary missed today's class. Veronika had a lot of interviews today about the second life of smartphones.Veronika is exhausted, but enjoyed the experience.
Ann: Hello friends, we wish you a very happy new year. See you soon. The Maugh's family Bea: a bit late for the McKeen with the opening of the message. Even if i've already seen you this morning i wish you again a happy new year. Ann: 😜 Ann: we'll meet at Café de Paris in 10 minutes? Bea: Ok but i'll be a bit late, wait for me Ann: ok. By the way i confirm that your son is invited tomorrow for LG 's birthday from 11am to late in the afternoon. Bea: Sorry but i didn't know. Bastien didn't tell me about it. It's tomorrow? Ann: yes, luckily i'll check with you Ann: foot, lunch and foot again till they're all too tired Bea: ok, we'll manage, but Bastien will be at 11.30am Ann: He could join them on the soccer field Bea: I'll tell him Ann: could you give me tom's mum number, i'll also have to check with her. Bea: <file_others> Ann: thanks a lot Bea: Sorry Bastien is late, don't wait for him before lunch Ann: no panic, they're still playing outside Bea: Thank for the party, Bastien was very happy. He came so tired that he didn't even eat for dinner and went to bed straight Ann: Here is a picture of the guys Ann: <file_photo> Bea: What a team!
### Summary: Bea and Ann met at Cafe de Paris. Bea's son, Bastien, was invited for LG's birthday and he had a lot of fun.
Hugh: You ready for tomorrow?? :D Ellie: Think so... I keep thinking I forgot to pack something :( Hugh: Got your torch, batteries, sleeping bag, tent? Ellie: Check, check and check ;) Hugh: fuzzy socks, marshmellows, a pillow? Ellie: I can't find a my pillow :( Hugh: I can bring you a spare ;) Ellie: :D Ellie: ooh - I found my waterproof mascara behind the closet. I wondered where that wnet :D Hugh: Doubt you'll be needing it on a campingtrip dear ;) Ellie: yes honeybun :P Ellie: I made some sandwhiches for the road :) Hugh: good idea - I'm bringing tomato soup in my thermos :) Ellie: Your mother's recipe?? O.O Hugh: you bet ;) I might be willing to share ;) Ellie: oh yeah? :D Hugh: for a price ;) Ellie: looks I'm at your mercy :P what's my payment to be? ;) Hugh: A kiss. Or two. And remember I'm counting interest. Ellie: I think that can be arranged ;) Hugh: :D Ellie: I can't tell you how greatful I am for this Ellie: *gratefull Hugh: You deserve this - you had a hard week. I'm just here to make you relax ;) Ellie: :)
### Summary: Ellie and Hugh are going on a camping trip. Hugh can't find his pillow, but Ellie will bring a spare one. They are taking sandwiches and tomato soup for the road.
John: Uuh, ooh, I got my first Asimov's. 😀 John: No, it's not a funny way to say "gay blowjob". John: It's the magazine. Peter: You won in this sci-fi thing? Peter: Or got your story published John: I subscribed it. Peter: Ah.... John: Because I need research material. Peter: There goes the fireworks :-( John: I'm planning on sending the story you never commented on to Asimov's. Peter: I never read it, I'm sorry, I remember about it tho. Tecum keep reminding Peter: I thought you've send it alreqdu Peter: And got it published John: Yeah, he said he collected an angry mob but you evaded it and retreated to your castle on the hill. John: Nah, I've been sorta busy with stuff. John: Especially now with the work and everything. John: Tec gave pretty good comments tho. John: Constructive ones. John: I'll rewrite a few parts. Peter: Great great, I'm busy too sadly John: Then I got some schoolwork. John: And housework, because Hanne is lazy and just watches Netflix all day. Peter: Rain and snow Peter: And renovations, that is my excuse John: That's what they all say. John: We got a surprise -20C today. John: With some bonus stormwinds. John: Had a bit of a "What the fuck is this now?" moment in the morning. 😀
### Summary: John subscribed to Asimov's magazine. He is planning on sending them one of his stories. Peter did not have time to read it. Tec did read it and gave John constructive comments.
Monica: Tomorrow's the day when we set the clock back by one hour. Monica: Days will be longer, isn't that fantastic? Henry: Hmm, yes and no Henry: No - because I'll have to get up 1 hour earlier Henry: Yes - because after a workday ends, I'll have one more hour to manage until it's dark outside Nancy: Henry's got it right. Nancy: And I couldn't wait to have that shift in time tbh Nancy: Days've been beautiful lately and now they'll be longer. Just perfect! Monica: So we all seem to be very optimisitic about that change Monica: And I think it's high time to plan some holiday, it'd be a sin not to go away somewhere and have a rest for a couple of days Nancy: Definitely, this year Mike's taking me to Majorca. I'm soooo excited! Monica: Lucky you! Monica: I'd like to go to the mountains. For me it's the best time to explore such places Monica: And besides, it's a perfect way to rest the brain... Hank: Very nice ideas, ladies. Hope all goes as planned for you :) Monica: And how about you, Hank? Hank: It's going to be a busy summer. The roof of my house needs some repairs so I've already accepted lack of vacation this year Monica: Well... it's hard to envy you what you're up against, Hanky...
### Summary: Monica, Henry and Nancy are optimistic about tomorrow's change of time. Monica suggests to plan some holiday. Nancy's going to Majorca, Monica wants to go to the mountains while Hank's going to repair the roof of his house.
Sylvia: They just started discussing climate change... Jane: oh this is bad Sylvia: you tell me, I'm actually here - WITH THEM Greg: Calm them down, change the subject Mike: Abort abort! My dad's just an inch apart from becoming a flat-earther, it'll be carnage if they keep going Sylvia: Too late, he said he doesn't believe in climate change Jane: part of me is happy i'm not there but the other part kind of wishes i was there? Jane: isn't it the stockholm syndrome? Greg: hahahaha, no Jane, it's not Jane: i'm pretty sure it is Sylvia: uhm, guys? help please? what should I do? Mike: start talking about your kids Jane: no! No kids! They're just going to whine why I still don't have any Sylvia: whining about your life? I'm fine with that Jane: Thanks Sylvia: you all should have been here anyway, I don't get why I'm the only suffering Greg: not fair, it's my shift today Mike: and I'm kind of abroad? Sylvia: yeah, next year it's me who's going to be out Jane: maybe they' won't organise the reunion? Sylvia: Good luck with that! Greg: If this is any consolation we can meet up for a drink afterwards Sylvia: OMG, yes please. I'm a designated river for Aunt Maggie, but when this is over I'd love a drink
### Summary: They are discussing climate change. Sylvia has kids. Jane does not have kids. Sylvia is a designated driver for Aunt Maggie. Greg and Sylvia will meet for a drink.
Kate: Hello Natalie, so are you free 24-25 Feb? Natalie: what hours? Kate: 9-20, but it might be longer... Natalie: I believe it is doable. Natalie: What do you need? Kate: We're looking for an interpreter English-Italian-Polish for the Audio Video Show <file_other> Kate: our guest is Italian and he can't speak English at all.. Natalie: I see. Kate: You will have to help him to communicate with visitors and to give interviews. Kate: There will be lots of different TV channels. Kate: Have you ever worked with TV? Natalie: yes, I've got some experience but I've never worked simultaneously only consecutively Natalie: Are you fine with that? Kate: Yes, that's absolutely fine. Kate: The most important thing when you work with the TV is to be relaxed, look good and to know sth about audio-video business in this case. Kate: Tom told us that you've got experience in this field, right? Natalie: yes, that's true, but for sure I'm not a buff in the field. Kate: Nobody expects that. Kate: I will send your contact details to our guest and he should call you today around 3pm, if that's okay with you. Kate: then you can arrange the details. Natalie: Yes, perfect. Natalie: Thank you.
### Summary: Natalie will help Kate by doing the interpreter's work during Audio Video Show on 24-25 February. Natalie will support the non-English speaking Italian guest while communicating with visitors and journalists. The guest will receive Natalie's contact details and call her around 3 p.m.
Darren: I'm at the taco shop, what d'ya want? Dana: 3 baja tacos, thx! Randy: no thanks, I already ate Dana: and the green salsa, the spicy one Ron: I don't care, pick whatever Dana: and a diet coke Darren: Ron and Randy, tell me what you want. I don't want u 2 to end up eating mine like always Dana: can you also pick up some queso? Darren: Ok, Dana, 3 baja, queso, diet coke. Anything else? Ron: I don't really like tacos, can you pick up a pizza instead? Darren: No. not on my way. We're having tex-mex today. Ron: Geez. Fine. Dana: you know what, can I have 2 baja and 1 brisket? Randy: chicken quesadilla then Darren: Dana, u sure? I'm about to order. RON? Ron: chicken quesadilla too, easy Dana: see if they still have that thing we had last time Darren: No idea what you talking about. Ordering now. Dana: just ask them Darren: too late. last time I'm picking up food for you! Ron: come on Dad. we looooove you! Darren: I don't care
### Summary: Darren is at the taco shop and offers to get something for his children. They have a problem with deciding. Dana takes 2 baja tacos, 1 brisket, queso and diet coke. Ron wants chicken quesadilla.
Anne: I just watched that food documentary Becky: Which one? Frank: Finally! I told you it's brilliant Anne: It's terrifying, really Anne: It's called That Sugar Film, you really should watch it Becky: I watched Rotten on Netflix and didn't like, I don't argue it's not true, but sounds a bit too hysterical for me Mike: I've seen it and I think it's great Anne: But to think about the food and how we eat, what we eat, terrible, I'm really shaken up Anne: Especially as the guy was eating - healthy food? Frank: Well, actually he wasn't eating healthy, he was eating what media called healthy or light Anne: I don't get how people can eat like this Mike: But don't you? Anne: I'm not drinking this much fizzy drinks like Mountain Dew and such Mike: Yes, but you eat a lot of cereals Becky: Hm, I need to watch it, but from what you're saying it doesn't strike me as something revolutionary - sugar is bad for you, do you need to watch a film to know it? Frank: I think the terrifying part is how the food industry is lying to us, producing food that's supposed to help us be healthy and fit, but is actually getting us diabetes Mike: Told you long time ago that you should read labels, every single time Anne: Not everyone has time for that Becky: Really? It doesn't take that much time Frank: I started doing it after watching this film and it's really difficult to find something not highly processed Frank: There's sugar everywhere
### Summary: Anne's shaken up after watching the food documentary.
Jonathan: Lisa! Have you bought a Christmas gift for Mum yet? Lisa: I haven't... I'm still thinking about it. I always have a problem choosing something for her. Jonathan: So do I! She's a tough one, isn't she. Lisa: Well, it's just that she always says she doesn't need anything and she's only interested in gardening... Jonathan: Right, and I think she's got all the tools already, so buying something like that is out of question. Lisa: Yeah, and we don't even really know what's good anyway. I don't know these gardening brands, to be honest. Jonathan: Me neither. Hmm. I've been thinking that maybe I should buy her a book. Lisa: Sounds like a good idea, but have you got anything specific in mind? Jonathan: Not really, but I think I've heard about some new book by this famous gardener. What's his name... Lisa: Don't ask me! I wouldn't know, haha... Jonathan: I think I could ask a coworker. She's told me she likes gardening, so she might know something? Lisa: I guess so! Eh, I still have no idea, though. If I get her a book too, that might be a bit much. Jonathan: Hmm, I googled it and most ideas are tools... But what about a pot? Lisa: A pot? Jonathan: Yeah, like this one! <file_photo> Lisa: Oh! I think she might like it! I'll order it before I forget, thank you!
### Summary: Jonathan and Lisa are going to buy Mum a pot for Christmas. Lisa is going to order it. Lisa and John know nothing about gardening, which is Mum's only interest.
Brittney: sorry, i couldn't come today Alvin: i know, no problem Brittney: i really wanted to come Brittney: but i had so much homework ;( Alvin: :* Alvin: u ok? Alvin: i got the impression you're really depressed Brittney: yeah i'm not feeling too sexy... Alvin: can i help you somehow? Alvin: need a hug or sth? Brittney: i don't know, Al Brittney: i really don't know Brittney: i guess i'm just tired Brittney: all the stress at work and with the kids and now the party Brittney: it's just too much Alvin: do you need me to take care of the kids sometimes? Alvin: don't worry about the party, we'll do fine without you being there Alvin: just come to the party itself:) Alvin: it'll chill you out :) Brittney: I really don't think i'm in the mood Alvin: come on. i'll take care of the kids tomorrow afternoon, you can go to a beautician or sth Alvin: it will do you good :) Alvin: and then on friday the paaartyyyyyyy!! Brittney: you know what, maybe it's a good idea. Brittney: i'll get the kids ready by 4pm Alvin: perfect! :D Brittney: thanks hon ;* Alvin: at your service:)
### Summary: Alvin will take care of Brittney's kids tomorrow afternoon. She will get them ready by 4 pm. Brittney will go to the party on Friday with Alvin.
Brooke: i failed the exam :((( Brooke: they will probably kick me out :( shit Brooke: i have no idea what to do Emily: i am sorry, but don't worry that much :) Emily: they won't throw you of university just for failing one exam Emily: it happens to a lot of people :D Angela: hehe, i am a great example :D Angela: you can always take the exam again and pass it Angela: chill out :) Brooke: it's the third freaking exam i failed Brooke: that's the problem... Emily: well then it's a little worse :/ Emily: can't you retake them? Brooke: maybe 2 of them, one i already failed Brooke: on the second try... and i have to take it next year Angela: crap that's not so good Angela: but they didn't kick you out yet, did they? Angela: just keep calm and study for the second terms, it will be all right Brooke: maybe i should find a tutor... math is killing ,e Brooke: do you know anyone? Emily: my cousin used to do tutoring Emily: i could ask him Brooke: please do Emi... Brooke: i am really desperate, i can't get thrown out for fuck's sake Brooke: my parents will kill me Angela: relax Brooke it will be fine, one day we will have a laugh about this Brooke: so far it's not too funny for me :(
### Summary: Brooke has failed her third exam, she also failed the one she retook and she will need to take it again next year. Emily will ask her cousin if he could tutor Brooke.
Isobel: So. We have a date, location and time and everyone is coming right? We still need someone to take on food, decorations and present. Any volunteers? Lilly: Me and Henry can do food? We have a Costco card so can do some bulk shopping, probably combine it with a trip for the community centre anyway. Daisy: Are you sure Lilly, that's a big job... Would you like some help? Lilly: It would be handy maybe if someone can help us think of what to buy exactly so we don't forget anything? Once I have a list we will be fine. Daisy: I'm happy to help, shall I come over to yours somewhere next week? Lilly: That would be great thanks! Isobel: Wow fab ladies, well done. Anyone for decors? Yordy: I have done my back in so I can't really help with the decorating, I can maybe help with a present though? Emma: I'll get some decorations, no probs, the boys can help me get them up on the day. Make themselves useful!! Gemma: I'll sort a present, Isobel have you got the money from the whipround? Isobel: I do, it comes to £96, pretty good eh? Also Lilly I have a credit card for the food bill, shall I bring that next Monday? Gemma: Yordy, we can have a think on Saturday about a present? Yordy: great! Isobel: Thanks so much everyone, I love it when a plan comes together!!!
### Summary: Isobel, Lilly, Daisy, Yordy, Henry, Gemma and Emma are preparing a party. Lilly, Henry and Daisy will take care of food. Gemma and Yordy will look for a present. Emma will get decorations.
Rhonda: soo, what do you girls want to see in Copenhagen? Cheryl: damn, we really should start planning now, shouldn't we? Tiffany: I have several picks Rhonda: You know, many museums in Cph are for free Tiffany: yeah, i was thinking the art museum? Rhonda: statens museum for kunst, right? Tiffany: I think that's it. Rhonda: I also heard a lot of good things about the National Museum. Cheryl: What's in there? Rhonda: mostly historical exhibits. A bit of ethnography as well, I heard there's a great bronze age collection. Cheryl: it's all cool, but you have other things than museums in mind right? Tiffany: sure we do, but maybe let's hear it from you :P Cheryl: The mermaid seems an obvious choice Cheryl: oh and Christiania - that's the 2 things I wanna see ^^ Tiffany: Mermaids and weed, obviously Rhonda: sure, I want to see those too Tiffany: I also heard they have those great boat tours in around the canals of Copenhagen Rhonda: sounds fun Cheryl: I'm in Rhonda: and there's also the castles - like Rosenborg castle. Cheryl: I want to see a castle! Tiffany: definitely worth visiting ;)
### Summary: Rhonda, Cheryl and Tiffany are planning a trip to Copenhagen. Tiffany proposes to visit the art museum. Rhonda proposes the national museum. Cheryl wants to see the mermaid and Christiania. The girls are also considering a boat tour around the city and visiting Rosenborg castle.
Keira: have you seen Bandersnatch? Liam: I have! Keira: omg it was so DOPE Liam: I think that more and more movies will be like that Liam: that's what got me so hooked in some games Keira: I didn't know there are books like that Liam: I read Bandersnatch Keira: wow Keira: I'm looking forward to reading it Keira: could I borrow that book? Liam: I cannot find it :/ Liam: someone had borrowed it and I have no idea where it is Keira: damn Keira: but I agree with you that this the future of entertainment Liam: it is much more envolving and emotionally intense Liam: my fav games usually have multiple endings Keira: I played The Walking Dead and your decisions affect the story and a girl's worldview Keira: I heard you later on play as her so you literally shape the child's character with your choices Liam: it's brilliant Liam: maybe it will make people think how they influence their kids Keira: there's also a game when you get pregnant and you can abort Liam: omg Keira: it's supposed to teach you more about empathy and such Liam: ethics in games should be part of school program Keira: it would be so amazing Keira: imagine playing something and then discussing your choices and values in class Liam: yeah... Liam: one can dream
### Summary: Liam is impressed by the Bandersnatch movie. She wants to read the book now. Keira and Liam agree that the games in which one can influence a story with their decisions would be useful in school education.
Jasmine: heeeey we gotta talk Jessica: hey, what's up? Jasmine: I was wondering if we could organise any kind of an integration party, with the new people from our group, what do you think? Jessica: sounds cool, but do you have any ideas? Jasmine: there are plenty of options, you know. But the case is to finally do something cause it's awul that we are divided into subgroups, cause people simply don't know each other yet. Jessica: I agree with you entirely. Maybe some bbq next to the dorm? Jasmine: might be, but I was thinking about something more integrating, for example bowling. At the barbecue people will again choose the people they want to talk to. Jessica: you're right. Bowling sounds really cool and you also reminded me of pool. Jasmine: The place I was thinking of offers both bowling and pool. And many others :D Jessica: Geez...I don't see any better option Jasmine: We can make a group on facebook then and add people Jessica: yep, we should also check what hours are available so that we could suggest something and we'll all choose the best hour. Jasmine: Jessica reading my mind as always I see :D Jessica: Well, somebody has to B-) Ok, so will you make this group or maybe I should do it? Jasmine: I'll do it, you'll check later if I didn't forget about anyone. Jessica: Ok, can't wait :D
### Summary: Jasmine and Jessica are organizing a get-together for the people in their group to integrate them more. They decide to create a Facebook group for those people and then invite them to a place that offers bowling and pool among others.
Lucy: Hi Patty. Is dad with you? Patty: No. He never is on Thursdays. Lucy: Can't reach him on the phone. Patty: Tried landline? Lucy: No. I thought he'd had it disconnected long ago. Patty: Of course not. The same number for the last hundred years. Lucy: OK. But his mobile isn't answering! Patty: Good Lord!!! Lucy!! SO WHAT? Lucy: Just worried! He felt off color last night. Patty: Most likely drunk too much. As usual. Lucy: Don't be so flippant about him pls. He is my dad and I am worried. Patty: So why don't you just move your ass and drive over to him? Lucy: Because I bloody hell can't. Patty: And you want me to drop everything and go to Brighton?! Lucy: Didn't say that. Patty: But meant it. Lucy: No, I did not. I think I can cope without you. Patty: Very well indeed. Lucy: Just give me his landline number. Patty: 761 761535 Lucy: Ta. Patty: As far as I know he's having his palls in every Thursday morning. They are rehearsing or something. Lucy: WHY didn't you me that at once? Patty: You didn't ask. Lucy: You are really a pain the ass Patricia. Patty: Thank you. And tell your precious dad about it. Lucy: Be sure I will.
### Summary: Lucy is looking for her dad, she is worried. Patty suggests he probably has been drinking last night, and had his friends over.
Barb: Dina, tell me you are there. Dina: I am, what's up? Barb: I was just browsing the web and guess what? Dina: What? Barb: I'm asking you. Guess what I found. Dina: No idea. You've got to tell me. Barb: Remember the sweater Bob had when we were skiing last winter? Dina: Vaguely. Why? Barb: You don't remember? The red sweater with a deer? Dina: Yeah, what about it? Barb: I burnt it trying to light up fireworks, remember? Dina: I remember. That was fun. Barb: C'mon. I just found a sweater that looks exactly like the burnt one. Dina: Good. What're you gonna do? Barb: I am gonna buy it and deliver it to Bob in person. Dina: You sure? Barb: Yes. I haven't seen him for a year, and you know... Dina: Know what? Barb: You know, he sort of liked me. I think. Dina: I wouldn't bother. Barb: Why? Don't you think he is cute? Dina: He is. But don't you know? Barb: Know what? Dina: He just got married last month. Barb: Bummer. Dina: Yeah. Forget the sweater. Barb: Good thing I texted you! Dina: Sure, any time.
### Summary: Barb burnt Bob's sweater while trying to light up fireworks last year. She found indentical sweater on the internet and she wants to give it to Bob in person. Barb learns that Bob got married last month, so she abandons her idea.
Luca: OK, so when do we see each other? Anna: 4 pm? Luca: OK! Where? at the cinema or do you want to eat or drink something before? Anna: Hmm actually I'd love to have a coffee before, I've had a hard day Luca: A lot of work? Anna: Yeah and a new project has started so there were so many, let's say, "basics" to do… Luca: I see.. I hope you'll like the film I've chosen :> Anna: I hope so too haha Luca: It won't be any thriller or horror, rather.. It's good for such a day that you've had Anna: Great :D I have some suspicions what that may be, but ok, I won't say anything - I want a surprise! Luca: And so it will be :D Anna: <file_gif> Luca: Haha ok so what do you think about the Blueberries for the before-the-cinema-coffee? Anna: is it this new cafeteria on the Oxfrod St? Luca: Yes! Anna: Have you been there already? Luca: Nooo, but a friend of mine was and he says it's a really cool place and they have very tasty coffee Anna: Sounds like a perfect place ;) and it's quite close to the cinema Luca: Exactly :) so, see you there at 4 pm? Anna: Yees :) then see u! Luca: see u! Anna: <file_gif>
### Summary: Anna and Luca will meet for coffee at Blueberries in Oxford Street at 4 pm. Luca and Anna are going to see a light film of Luca's choice.
Maggie: Sorry, I don’t want to be nosy, but I’ve seen that recently you’re not quite yourself Gregory: Really? Maggie: What’s eating at you? Gregory: Oh, nothing, really nothing Maggie: You can tell me, Greg Gregory: I’m just thinking about the future. Maggie: and? Gregory: And I don’t know which path to choose Maggie: You’ve got many options from what I know Gregory: None of them really appeals to me Gregory: I don’t know if I should go to college or just stay at home and find some good job Maggie: Can I ask what kind of job are you looking for? Gregory: Now, without a college, I can only be a waiter or something Maggie: Would it be a job of your dreams? If so, don’t go to college Gregory: I like working with people, that’s all Gregory: But I’d rather help people in some way Maggie: Hmm… you can always find a foundation to be a volunteer in Gregory: Yes, of course, but I want to have a real profession Maggie: You can be a physio or a paramedic 😊 I remember you were good at sciences Gregory: Thank you Meg, maybe that’d be a good idea Maggie: Think about it, please. Know one thing, though. I’ll always stay by your side Gregory: Okay, thanks a lot! Maggie: Nothing 😊
### Summary: Greg is anxious about his future. He doesn't know whether he should go to college or find a job. Maggie suggests that he should consider working as a paramedic or physiotherapist.
Becky: I'm thinking about signing to a cooking class Heather: why? you rarely cook at home Becky: because I'm not very good at it Becky: but maybe if I get better, I'll start do it more often Heather: that smells like Sean complaining to you about it Becky: surprisingly enough that's not the case Heather: then I really don't understand why Becky: what? that I want to do something nice to my fiancee? Heather: no, that part I can understand Heather: I'm just surprised about the cooking Becky: I just want to try it Becky: doesn't mean that I will keep doing it if I don't like Heather: of course Heather: after all it's your choice Becky: want to come with me? :P Heather: I guess you know the answer already ;) Becky: come on, it can be fun Becky: it will only be a demonstration Becky: we don't need to sing for it right away Heather: when is it? Becky: 7PM on Thursday Heather: alright, I'll go but just this one time Becky: really? Becky: that's great! Becky: I don't know why but I was pretty nervous to go there by myself Becky: thanks! Heather: no problem, that's what friends are for Heather: but you still owe me one for this ;) Becky: sure, we can go try something of your choice next time!
### Summary: Heather will go to a cooking class with Becky on Thursday at 7 pm.
Claire: It was fun yesterday, how was the end of your night? Did you go anywhere after? Max: It was really good! Claire: I was really sick at like 4am. And I’m never sick. Max: You should have eaten something! Claire: I just went to sleep when I came back! And u? Max: I just woke up, and I’m on the plane! Claire: I had a terrible headache, but I'm fine now. Hangover was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Max: You left us early. Where did you go? Claire: Home. Max: Ah. I think James went out after Claire: Might be. He texted around 2, but I didn’t reply. Max: 2am haha! Ah James 😂 Claire: So I see you on Wednesday, right? Where are you going? Max: I’m back to work on Wednesday. I’m heading to Lanzarote 😎 Claire: That's awesome! Have fun! Max: Thanks! I will. Claire: In the meantime, I prepared a romantic dinner for Annie, but the final effect was terrible. Everything looked like shit, and it was cold. She was half an hour late 😂 Max: Haha the thought is what counts though, right?! Claire: She's happy, all good 😂 tasted better than expected. Have a safe fun. Be a good boy. Max: Haha I’m always a good boy 😀
### Summary: Claire and Max went out last night. Claire was sick at 4am and she's hangover today. Max is on the plane to Lanzarote. Claire cooked dinner for Annie but it was terrible.
Lucas: man have u played RDD yet Marshall: RDD? Lucas: my bad Lucas: I meant RDR2 Marshall: Ah Marshall: Haven't had the chance to do that yet, I'm a little strapped for cash atm Lucas: ohhh ur missin out Lucas: man Marshall: It's not often that I see you freak out like this over a game xD Lucas: ur only saying that cuz u havent tried it urself Lucas: its fucking magical im telling u Marshall: Well, I have read a lot of good things about it too Marshall: I'm hoping to get it soon Lucas: like Lucas: check out the snow physics Lucas: <file_video> Lucas: (also prepare for a surprise lol) Marshall: Oh man, that is pretty sweet, wow Marshall: It's the first time I've seen snow this realistic Marshall: WTH Marshall: Happened there Marshall: Oh my God Lucas: hahahahaha xD Lucas: told u there was a surprise Marshall: Nothing could've prepared me for that lol Marshall: If it's a bug, I wouldn't even care because that's hilarious Marshall: Damn, now you've really made me want to play it Lucas: ;) ur welcome Marshall: I don't have this much money, though... unless you can lend me some?
### Summary: Marshall can't afford RDR2. Lucas is hyped with the game. Marshall wants to play it too.
Theresa: <file_photo> Theresa: <file_photo> Theresa: Hey Louise, how are u? Theresa: This is my workplace, they always give us so much food here 😊 Theresa: Luckily they also offer us yoga classes, so all the food isn't much of a problem 😂 Louise: Hey!! 🙂 Louise: Wow, that's awesome, seems great 😎 Haha Louise: I'm good! Are you coming to visit Stockholm this summer? 🙂 Theresa: I don't think so :/ I need to prepare for Uni.. I will probably attend a few lessons this winter Louise: Nice! Do you already know which classes you will attend? Theresa: Yes, it will be psychology :) I want to complete a few modules that I missed :) Louise: Very good! Is it at the Uni in Prague? Theresa: No, it will be in my home town :) Louise: I have so much work right now, but I will continue to work until the end of summer, then I'm also back to Uni, on the 26th September! Theresa: You must send me some pictures, so I can see where you live :) Louise: I will, and of my cat and dog too 🤗 Theresa: Yeeeesss pls :))) Louise: 👌👌 Theresa: 🐱💕
### Summary: Theresa is at work. She gets free food and free yoga classes. Theresa won't go to visit Louise in Stockholm, because she will prepare for university psychology lessons. She'll be back at uni on 26th September.