Mia: Mom, could you please send me a recipe for chicken stock? Joanne: You boil some water and then you add some carrots, some celeriac, parsley, 1 onion and a few chicken wings Joanne: And spices, of course. Mia: Mom, you know I'm just hopeless at cooking, you need to be more specific. Mia: How many carrots and chicken wings should I add? Do I add a whole celeriac or a part of it? Mia: What spices do I use? Joanne: Honey, I don't know, I eyeball everything. Joanne: You need salt, black pepper, allspice, bay leaves. Mia: Moooom Mia: What are the proportions of ingredients for 2 litres of water? Joanne: I've just made a chicken stock so I can send you a photo, if you want. Mia: Could you put all the ingredients into this blue metal bowl and then make a photo? Mia: It would help me estimate the size of vegetables that you used. Joanne: Sure, honey. Joanne: <file_photo> Mia: Thaks, mom! :) Joanne: Dad asks if you're having a date night with John. Mia: Yeah, why? Joanne: Dad says that you don't cook unless you have a date with John. Joanne: And he thinks that's not fair, that you should cook for your old father too. :) Mia: I wish he could see how much I'm rolling my eyes right now. :D
### Summary: Mia's mum Joanne sends her detailed instructions on how to make chicken stock (water, carrots, celeriac, pasrley, onion, a few chicken wings and spices). Mia has a date night with John and wants to cook for him.
Frank: I'm going to the hospital Susan: What happened?! Susan: Frank?! What happened?!!!! Frank: There's something wrong with Paula, we're waiting Susan: What's happening? Frank: I don't know, she has a horrible stomachache. She was lying down and couldn't move when I came back home. Frank: It's not getting better after painkillers. Susan: What did she take? Frank: Ibuprofen Susan: Let me know what the doctors are saying Frank: nothing yet, still waiting to be admitted ;/ Susan: How's she? Frank: not good, her stomach still hurts, it's not getting better Susan: Should I come to the hospital? Go to the nurses, make them do something Frank: I spoke with the doctor, they're taking her for a scan Frank: Waiting for the results Susan: Text me when you know something Frank: They're running more test, but it's probably appendicitis Susan: Poor Paula :( Frank: I know :( She's being admitted. She needs to have a surgery Susan: Oh my god, now? Frank: Afraid so :( We didn't take anything from the house. Could you please bring her stuff? Susan: No problem, I should be there in an hour. Frank: The doctors said they're going to perform the surgery today, I'll be waiting for you in the main hall. Call me when you get here
### Summary: Paula had a strong stomach ache. Ibuprofen didn't help. Frank took her to the hospital. The doctors have diagnosed an appendicitis. Paula will have a surgery today. Susan will come to the hospital in an hour.
Aaron: Hi Bob, are you sending Katie to the school trip? Bob: Hi Aaron, Katie really wants to go. Bob: So Marie & I agreed. Aaron: So does Vicki. Aaron: I'm trying to convince Sandra though. Bob: She's not convinced? Aaron: Well you know, it would be Vicki's first time away from home. Aaron: For an entire week. Bob: Yeah, same for Katie. Bob: But we decided she needs to start getting independent. Aaron: That's what I was thinking as well, but Sandra is freaking out... Aaron: I've been telling her that the kids will be taken care of- quite a few teachers are going with them. Bob: And most of the kids are going, so she won't feel lonely. Aaron: Exactly and they have so many activities planned. Aaron: She'll barely have time to think about us :D Bob: Yeah, and now there are so many means of communication. Bob: You can see each other every day on Whats app. Aaron: I know, remember our school trips? Aaron: We didn't even have cell phones. Bob: Oh yeah, those were the good old days. Bob: No parental control :D Aaron: And that's what I've been telling Sandra all along. Bob: I have a thought. Bob: Maybe Marie could invite her for coffee. You know they would chit chat and & maybe she could convince her. Aaron: That's a great idea man. Aaron: It might just work. Bob: OK, I'll tell Marie about our plans. Bob: She'll give Sandra a call. Aaron: Perfect, thanks man!
### Summary: Marie will call Sandra to invite her over for coffee. Bob and Aaron want Sandra to convince Marie to let Vicki go to a school trip for a week.
Katherine: Hello, sorry to disturb you Katherine: 😕 Pabulo: Hi, no problem Pabulo: what issue are you having? Katherine: To be honest, I don't know what happened Katherine: I think when my Skype account was set up some months ago, it was linked to an email address which I can't access Katherine: I need to update my security info, and I'm not able too Katherine: <file_photo> Katherine: That's the message Katherine: No idea why its like this, it's prompting me to send a code to that email, with no other choice Pabulo: Hmm.. Pabulo: That appears to be the email used when registering Pabulo: Have you already made a request to receive the code? Katherine: No, not yet, should I do that? Pabulo: Yes, please, let me know once it's done Katherine: Ok, done Pabulo: Hmm.. I can't see that any code was received.. Katherine: Very odd :/ Katherine: Should I try again? Pabulo: I think we have a problem Pabulo: Does it give you an option to change the email address? Katherine: No, It doesn't. On the Microsoft recovery page, I can only see my personal account Pabulo: Do you mind if I access the Skype account? I will try to fix it Katherine: Sure, the password is: 456789 and the user is: kljhg09ghjk Pabulo: Ok, you now have one more month of access, you can try and login Katherine: Perfect!! Yes, I managed!! Thank you so much!! 👏👏 Pabulo: Great 👍
### Summary: Pabulo fixed Katherine's issue with Skype.
Larry: Hi everyone, who's in for the weekend workshop? Leila: Workshop? I thought we would just hang out? Dave: Are you getting us to do some work for ya, Larry? Larry: Haha yeah busted Leila: What work?! Alex: Yeah I can swing by for a few hours but Saturday only if that's cool? Larry: Leila, don't freak out! workshop=putting furniture together. Dave: Or pretending to do stuff and drinking free wine Leila: Oh yeah, I'm definitely on board. Not too handy with tools tho Desi: Larry, stop asking people to do your work for ya lol @Leila I'll be right there next to ya Larry: with plenty snarky comments, I believe Desi: You know it haha Leila: Believe me you don't want me to help out Dave: I don't mind. Beer makes me more productive Alex: I respectfully disagree, Davey! Last time you demolished my bathroom haha Dave: demolished is just another word for rearranged. That place could use some vision Leila: Haha happy to hear you guys are all set. Desi, I can help you match the wine color with walls lol. Provided they are red Larry: Then we would only have red ones in the house if we follows Desi's wine routine Desi: Ohh you just wait till you need my help again! Alex: don't worry, bro, got you covered. Just text me the exact address later Leila: Super psyched to see your new place! Dave: time to release my creative demons lol Desi: I will hide the good china haha
### Summary: Leila, Dave, Alex, Larry and Desi are going to meet at Larry's place to help him out with assembling the furniture.
Maddie: Hello! How are you and the family? Jess: Good! Ollie is in nursery every morning, he loves it! Russell is ok too. Maddie: Do you want me to babysit at all, I'm home for the holidays, need a bit of money! Jess: Yes, that would be great, to be honest we were actually looking for a bit more than a babysitter! I have just got a job for 3 mornings a week, so I need someone to take Ollie to nursery, pick him up and look after him for an hour on those days, you interested? Maddie: Well, I'd love to, he's such a cutie, but I go back at the end of September to Uni. Jess: Oh, of course, could you just do it for the rest of this term, then, 2 months or so, I think? I can sort out a childminder or something for afterwards. Maddie: That would be great, we could offer you £60 for about 6 hours work, would that be ok? Jess: Yes, that's great, I could even pick up a couple of shifts of bar work or something on the weekends as well. Maddie: Well, that's sorted then! How about you come round tonight to see Ollie again, I'm sure he'll remember you from Eastertime. Jess: Lovely! What sort of time? Maddie: Oh, about 4.30 would be great. Jess: Can we make it 5.30? I've got something on. Maddie: No problem, see you then!
### Summary: Maddie wants to babysit Jess's children during the holidays. Jess thinks it's a great idea, and offered Maddie £60 for 6 hours of work. Maddie will babysit Ollie tonight at 5.30pm.
Jeff: Hey! Where do I print my essay? I’m on campus Ann: Have you printed anything before? Jeff: Nope Ann: Well, if you haven’t, it’ll be a long and daunting process. Ann: You have to get a special card first, then charge it, etc. etc. etc. Ann: I swear I’d like to help but it’s so labyrinthine you can’t explain it in a chat, sorry! 🙏 Danny: Ann is right, unfortunately. Danny: If you have an entire day to spend you can start reading the instructions, which are here <file_other>. Danny: If you’re in a hurry, just try and print somewhere else (I don’t know where that would be, but central London can be tricky - and expensive as fuck) Danny: I’d just print the essay for you but unfortunately I work today Jeff: Oh dear oh dear… this really sounds terrible. Jeff: I’ll see what I can do though. Jeff: No worries Danny Jeff: Thank you guys anyway 🤗 Danny: Well, sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Ann: I'm sorry too Ann: Good luck with that anyway Jeff: Don't you worry. I'll be fine (I hope) Jeff: And thanksss Jeff: I'll see you tomorrow in class I guess Ann: Yep. You'll see me at least, I shouldn't be talking for Danny Danny: Yes, I'll be there too. See you then! Jeff: Cheers Ann: xx
### Summary: Jeff needs to print his essay, but he has never printed anything on campus before. Ann and Danny explain to Jeff that getting permission to print is a long and daunting process. Ann, Danny and Jeff are meeting tomorrow in class.
Maddy: Eh I’m so tired : ( John: I bet you are, where did you go with Jane? Maddy: To the “Black Inn” John: How was it? Maddy: Ok, but I got some pretty bad news. John: What do you mean? Maddy: Jane is pregnant John: Oh… isn’t it a good news? Maddy: No, the father is her abusive ex John: Doesn’t sound very good, what now? Maddy: She’s considering the abortion, I’m trying to change her mind John: Why? Maybe it would be for the best Maddy: Look, she has no purpose in her life, no ideas for her future, maybe this kid would help her to get it back together John: Or make it even worse… Have you thought about it? Maddy: Yea I have but I still think it’s a chance for her, the other thing is what we’ll she do with that. John: You can’t push her too much, it’s her decision, a very difficult one. Maddy: Yes, yes, I know, I hope she’ll make it. John: What would you do if you were her? Maddy: Definitely an abortion, but if I was in the SAME situation, considering money, life and relationships, maybe I would change my mind. John: I don’t think Jane will tbh Maddy: Why? John: She’s always been like that; very independent, always on her own. You can’t just change it. Maddy: A kid changes a lot, trust me.
### Summary: Maddy went to the Black Inn with Jane. Jane is pregnant. The father is her abusive ex. She's considering an abortion. Maddy's trying to change her mind. She thinks it would change her life for the better. Jane has always been very independent, so John doubts she'll change her mind.
Fiona: Hi there, are you back home? Mia: still on the train :(( Fiona: eh?? Mia: DB for you! 50 mins delay! Fiona: so sorry for you, how's Lucca? Mia: thank goodness asleep most of the time. But had problems nappying her, a horrible toilet, dirty Fiona: oh god! where are you now? Mia: fuck knows! was nodding when your message came Mia: approaching Stuttgart Fiona: still a couple more hours... Fiona: d'you feel like nodding off again? Mia: no, I shouldn't, happy to text with you Fiona: how was your visit? Mia: as usual, too much food, too little exercise, mum and dad bickering about everything... Fiona: doesn't sound a happy Xmas Mia: somehow it was, strangely enough I love being there and listening to them. They've always been like that. Fiona: good they're still so fit. How old are they? Mia: dad is 76, mum 68, and very fit Mia: <file_photo> Mia: went tobogganing with both of them! Mia: the one on the crest is me holding the baby, we're rotating Fiona: great! so there was some exercise Mia: a bit, but not too much Mia: you know what? I'll have a nap after all. Lucca will wake me up anyway Fiona: give me a ring from home Mia: I will
### Summary: Mia is on the train, close to Stuttgart with 50 minutes of delay. Lucca, her baby is sleeping. Mia visited her parents for Christmas. They are 76 and 68. Mia went with their parents tobogganing.
Sue: Hey Rose, remember Melanie? Rose: The one who's married to Peter? Sue: Yeah. Remember a few years ago I told you she had a tumour? Well the cancer came back with a vengeance. Rose: Oh, really? :( Sue: I went to see her last Thursday. She's at a hospice now. She can't move, talk, see. Rose: Wow, that's horrible. Can she communicate at all? Sue: She nods a little and makes a barely audible sound, so I think she understands when we talk to her. When I left that place I just broke down and cried. It's so awful. Rose: Oh, man. Is there any chance of recovery? What do the doctors say? Sue: I'm not sure, really. We're all hoping for a miracle. Just last summer I was able to communicate normally with her. It's unbelievable how tragic it is. Rose: Doesn't she have like 3 kids? Sue: Yeah, the oldest is 11. Rose: Wow, that must be so tough on the family. Sue: Yeah, Melanie's mother can't handle it, she doesn't visit her because she can't stand to see her in this state. Rose: When are you planning on going to visit her next? Sue: I will go this Friday. Rose: Ok, I would like to go with you. Sue: That would be nice. I'll call you Thurs and we can work out the details. Talk to later. Rose: Ok, have a good night.
### Summary: Melanie has cancer. She's in a hospice. She cannot talk but understands what is being said. She has 3 kids, the oldest is 11. Sue went to see her last Thursday. Next Friday Sue and Rose will go to visit Melanie together.
Addy: Did you manage to call the host yesterday? Adam: Yes, but very late in the evening. Didn't want to call you at that time. Addy: So, what did he say? Can we come earlier? Adam: Yes, we can. Addy: Oh, great! Adam: But we'll have to change rooms midstay. Addy: :( Addy: Pity. Addy: But I guess I prefere that anyway. Addy: And what about the dog? Adam: Well, that's more of a problem. Addy: They don't accept pets? Adam: Usually they don't. But the owner told me that if we can't find anyone to take our dog, he'll think about it. Addy: Hm... Adam: I'll talk to my parents. Addy: You know that is not the core of the problem. Adam: Yes, I know. Adam: But it would be a solution. Adam: I'm tired of looking for the room, you know. Adam: I've spent several hours this week on that. Addy: I know and I appreciate that. Addy: I can't help you now. Adam: Yes, I know. Addy: Okey, talk to your parents. Addy: After all, they have a garden and it would be a holiday for Fluffy too, right? Adam: Exactly. And there's still plenty of time for him to get to know my parents. We could take him a few times during weekends. Addy: You're probably right. Thank you :*
### Summary: Addy and Adam are going to look at a room for rent. They can check-in there earlier but have to switch rooms midstay. The owner doesn't accept pets. Adam's parents might be able to take cake of their dog, Fluffy.
Dominik: hi! I'm looking for a computer Marek: Good afternoon! I am glad to be your adviser. What are we looking for? Dominik: I want to get a computer for my girlfriend Marek: What will be main purpose of it? Dominik: it's because she has a birthday soon Marek: No, I meant how she will use her computer Dominik: Oh, sorry :D. She's a graphic designer, so mostly she's going to draw someting, maybe a bit of 3D modelling Marek: No worries :). So the graphic card is importand, also the hard drive plays an important role. And good quality monitor is a must Dominik: yes, also she is playing guitar, so some good audio card and speakers would be nice Marek: I am sure we can find something suitable. Please give me a moment so I can complete your offer Dominik: sure Dominik: hello? Dominik: helloooo??? Marek: Thank you for waiting. I have prepared 3 setups, cheap, medium and fully equipped one Marek: <file_photo> Marek: <file_photo> Marek: <file_photo> Dominik: wow, they all look cool, but quite pricy, especially the last one Marek: As you can see the prices are not so different, but compare specification of the first and third one. There is better grapic card, SSD drive - very important nowadays, and the biggest monitor we have in our shop Dominik: I will have to think about it, thank you for your help Marek: Come back to us whenever you are ready, our online consultants are working 24/7 for you. Have a nice day!11
### Summary: Dominik wants to buy a computer as a birthday gift for his girlfriend, who is a graphic designer and plays the guitar. Marek comes up with three suitable offers.
Mike: Hey guys! I wanna start a book challenge! Who's with me? Anna: i am. i LOVE reading, though only read 10 books last year! Mike: that's what i mean. I'm ashamed to admit i only read 8!!! Ben: count me in! Harry: how many books are we supposed to read in a year? 12? Mike: sounds too easy! i'm thinking 24 which means 2 a month Anna: sounds reasonable and challenging considering the number of books that we read last year! Harry: i have a significant amount of unread books! Ben: 24!!! that's challenging! at least for me! but it's worth trying Anna: start with reading one book and go from there! x Mike: so excited! Harry: i just wanna start reading more on a regular basis! Mike: i'd like to read a book per week though need to be realistic Ben: i don't wanna pressure myself. I wanna read interesting fun books not just for the number Mike: that's a good point! Mike: i think we need to be supportive to achieve our goal! Anna: We could talk about books that we're reading on here Harry: recommend and swap books Mike: i'm gonna write a list of books that i wanna read and i'm gonna share it with you guys! x Ben: when do you wanna start? are we waiting till Jan? Mike: let's start right away?! Ben: like the idea! why wait?! Mike: so glad you're gonna join me!!!
### Summary: Mike, Anna, Ben and Harry want to start a book challenge. They will have to read 24 books in a year, which means 2 books each month. They will discuss the books they have read, recommend and swap books.
Tom: How about blind date? <file_other> Mark: I hope he was my date <file_photo> Jonathan: It’s easy to pull off a turtle neck as long as you take off your glasses first. George: HA HA Barry: You don't know how right you are lol. I actually broke mine a while back doing just that :( Kimi: OMG Jimmy: Nice one , Mark :) Cameron: it seems kinda sweet until you get to 6.5 Chelsea: The hufflepuff one sounds lovely - why are we always attracted to the slytherins 🙄💛💚 Spencer: Oh dear... *everyone* knows a 6.5 is really a sugar-coated 4. Harsh! Cameron: Where does 6.5 rate on The guardian blind date ratings scale? Cameron: 10 - possibly see again Cameron: 9 - nice, possible peck on cheek Cameron: 8.5 - ok, gave real phone number Cameron: 8 - meh, Chinese takeaway number Cameron: 7.5 - sex offender with good table manners Cameron: 7 - sex offender with no table manners Cameron: 6.5 - genocidal maniac Ida: Ha ha at first glance I thought they were the same person! Alex: They never seem to hit it off on this column. Must be something to do with Guardian readers. Clare: Alex Aznable You’re reading the Guardian. Alex: Aznable Am I? Shiiiiiit. Sharon: When did it change from polo neck? <file_photo> I must have missed that memo Jonathan: Americanism
### Summary: Cameron describes The Guardian blind date ratings scale. Alex criticizes The Guardian readers.
Olivia: <file_photo> Can you guess where I am Julia? Luis: Even I can guess... and I'm jealous 🤢 Julia: I’ve just been in the hell that is Smyths Toy Store. I’m with kids in town... When is gin o’clock?!?! 😩 Olivia: Sorry for that Julia... I’ve just bought some baklavas... Luis: Whenever but not for those who are gluttons for punishment 😂 Julia: Olivia - in my current mental state I initially read that as ‘balaclavas’ 😂😂😂 Thanks for sympathy Luis 😐 Luis: 🥃🥃🍸🍸 Just boarding yet another plane, sympathy running thin 😩 Julia: Business or pleasure? Maybe you should have been an air hostess! Luis: Nah, too grumpy 😂. Taking the kids and my wife, but I also have some meetings and a presentation at a business school that has invited our company to an event. Julia: Two birds and all that! Enjoy the trip guys! Luis: I try not to be stoned around the kids too often though 😂😂 Julia: I find it improves my parenting skills! Olivia: You make parenting sound like a lot of fun guys... Luis: <file_photo> They are at a great fun age Olivia 😃🤗 Olivia: 😊 enjoy the trip Luis: Enjoy the baklava 👍
### Summary: Olivia is buying baklavas. Julia went to the toy store with the kids and is exhausted. Luis is taking off for a business trip with his wife and kids.
Jimmy: Hey guys, I was wondering if we could quickly go through the responsibilities each one is going to have in view of promotion of our event at the BM Alejandra: Hey 👋 Alejandra: Good idea. I’m responsible for social media so will take care of the Twitter part and post something on Facebook as well Alejandra: I would need Jimmy and Xavi to update me on any info about the event and send me any promotional materials (leaflet, poster, or any images available - however simple), so that I have content to publish Alejandra: Would that be ok with you guys? Alice: Hey guys 👻. Sorry for not being in touch. I am going to send an email around letting pgs at French departments know about the event. Alice: Not sure if anyone will bother coming to London at such short notice though Alice: Sorry 😭 Jimmy: No worries Alice. The email thing sounds cool Jimmy: @Alejandra yep please promote via social media and I’ll try and get relevant info for you as soon as possible. Xavi, how is the leaflet/poster design going? Xavi: Hey, sorry for the delay! I still haven’t heard from the IT guys at my department, but hopefully will have this sorted out before the end of the week. Once again, I’m sorry for the delay but I’m depending on them for that. Jimmy: No worries, just keep us informed and send anything you get from them to Alejandra. Xavi: Cool Jimmy: OK, thanks guys, I think we have it sorted for now. Keep in touch Alejandra: 🤗 Alice: 👌
### Summary: Jimmy, Alejandra, Alice and Xavi are promoting their event. Alejandra will organize the promotion via social media. Alice will send emails. Xavi is responsible for visual designs, but the IT technicians are causing a delay.
Phoebe: Sorry I didn't reply. I was looking at a car Joe: Oh fun. Which car? Phoebe: Nothing fancy. I'm terrified of driving so I want something cheap Joe: Any photos? Phoebe: I can send you a link <file_other> Joe: Have you done some research on the market price of the car? Phoebe: For about two months ;) and if they drop the price by a few hundred, I'll take it Joe: well negotiate then Phoebe: yep Joe: Do the owners have a CarFax report for this car? Phoebe: Reportedly Joe: That way you can see if the car has been in accidents Phoebe: We'll check the VIN today Joe: Ok good Phoebe: Don't worry, I have Ross :) Joe: You're in good hands then! Phoebe: I hope so. I know it's kinda a crappy car Joe: Hey it does its job! Phoebe: But it's my first one so I will ruin it a little. Only a little, I hope ;) Joe: Just make sure it doesn't have flood damage from the hurricane Phoebe: Will do. And I didn't wanna spend too much money. And don't really care about cars :D Joe: hahaha. What does Ross drive? Phoebe: a humongous pick up, of course Joe: Hahaha, of course. For transporting sheep? Phoebe: Yes. and camels lol
### Summary: Phoebe is buying her first car with aid from Ross. Before taking the final decision, she should check the car's CarFax report, the VIN, and make sure it has no flood damage.
Cate: Good morning Trevor: Good morning, Miss. What can I do for you? Cate: I want to visit your shop and look at some of your cloth for a suit. Trevor: Certainly, Miss. Any particular colour? Cate: Yes, I want a dark brown. Trevor: It is for lounge suit? Cate: An ordinary lounge suit, like the one i was wearing the first time we met. Trevor: Ooh i remember. Cate: But this time round, i want a heavier material. Trevor: okay but it is a little more expensive but it is worth extra money. Cate: What is the price? Trevor: Rs. 65 a yard-double width. Cate: How much should I require for a suit? Trevor: Four yards will be ample. That should be Rs. 260 for the suit length. Cate: And what do you charge for making? Trevor: Rs. 100, and Rs. 35 for lining, buttons, etc. Cate: I see; Rs. 395 altogether. I think I will take it. Trevor: Very good, sir, I will take you measurements tomorrow once you come. Also you can try the suit on Monday. It should be ready by then. Cate: Let me see. I am afraid Monday will be awkward. Shall we say Tuesday? Trevor: Very good, sir. It will be ready for you on Tuesday. Are there any further inquiries you would like to make? Cate: I think it is all good. Thank you. and see you tomorrow Trevor: Good Bye. Cate: Bye
### Summary: Cate is looking for dark brown cloth for a suit. Trevor will take his measurements tomorrow once he comes to the shop. The suit will be ready on Tuesday.
Barney: Does anyone know where I can buy this kind of bark that orchids grow in? Lewis: Don't tell me you've taken up gardening :D Barney: No, I dropped my mum's favorite orchid and now I have to replant it before she comes back. Lewis: LOL, you're so clumsy! Judith: Wait, I'll ask my Mum. Lewis: You can always say it was the cat's fault :P Barney: Then she'll say it was my fault anyway because I let the cat do it. Lewis: Do you think she won't notice that you replanted it? Barney: I hope so :D No, but in all seriousness, I hope that if she sees I did all I could to save it, she won't be that mad. She got that bloody plant from Dad on their 25th anniversary, it means a lot to her. Judith: I'm back. Barney: And? Judith: Mum says to try at The Home Depot. She buys pots for her plants there. Barney: Thank you! I've already ordered an identical pot from Amazon, but I forgot to order that bark too, and now it's too late to buy it online. Why can't orchids grow in soil like normal plants? Lewis: Because they're too fancy for that? Barney: LOL, right :D Okay, thanks for help, guys. And by “guys” I actually mean Judith :P Now I've gotta go to The Home Depot and pray that they have that goddamn bark there...
### Summary: Barney dropped his mom's favorite orchid and needs to replant it. His mom got the plant from his dad for the 25th anniversary. Barney already ordered the pot from Amazon, but forgot the bark. Judith advised him to try The Home Depot.
Annie: <file_photo> Annie: On Adam's going to Genoa. Annie: <file_photo> Dora: Super duper! Brilliant photos. Aga seems to have more hidden talents than we thought. Annie: It was Lawrie who took them. Dora: OK. A new credit to Lawrence. Anyway the pics moved my heart. Thanks for sending them. So they are on holidays in Genoa? Annie: Not quite. Lawrie has been sent to some congress or something for a week to Genoa, so Aga packed the kids and a suitcase and went together with him. Lawrie's company even pays for their family room in a hotel. Dora: Wow! I can imagine how much they appreciate Lawrie's work for them. Annie: He's been even given a rise and there's an open offer for taking up some managerial position but he keeps turning them down. He says he is just a coder, not a manago. Dora: But a coder with Gates Cambridge Scholarship! Annie: True enough but he is right in saying that any managerial position but mean giving up his coding genius. He is not very modest, I know. Dora: From what I hear he has every reason not to be. And as long as he is happy with his work, everything's fine, I guess. Annie: So it is. Anyway, now they are all in Genoa. Lawrie delivering speeches, Aga breast-feeding, Adam getting bored to tears. Family life of sorts! Dora: And not a bad one, I'd say. Annie: I'm grateful for it. I'll get you new pics when she send some. Dora: Ta!
### Summary: Annie is showing Dora photos of Aga's trip to Genoa. Lawrence is there for a conference and Aga came along with the kids. Lawrence has been offered a job as a manager but prefers to stay a coder.
Jane: Are you going to the swimming pool with me ? Sandra: No, it's too cold. I am going to get sick. And you George ? George: Of course I will. With winter coming, I have to make some sport if I don't want to get fat Jane: Good point George. Don't you think he's right, Sandra ? Sandra: Fat or not, I don't want to get sick, it is terribly cold now Jane: Don't exagerate, it's only 10 degrees Sandra: Exactly what I told you, it's cold Jane: And seeing George in swimsuit is not enough to make you change your mind :)) ? Sandra: It's a tempting idea, but still don't want to be chilled because of this f**g swimming-pool George: Thank you girls for your compliment Jane: There's no compliment at all George: But I see the pleasure of seeing me is not strong enough to make Sandra go to the swimming pool with us :) Jane: Or your musculature not attractive enough!! lol Sandra: It has nothing to do with it, I just DO NOT want to go to the swimming-pool, OK ? Jane: Sandra, you're blushing Sandra: No, I'm not !!! George: Girls, let's stop arguing. What about going alltogether to the swimming-pool and having a fine dinner afterwards with a hot cup of tea ? Sandra: OK, good idea with this hop cup of tea ! George: Great ! So see you at the swimming-pool ! Jane: George, you know how to talk to women ;-)
### Summary: Jane and George are going swimming. Sandra reckons it's too cold. Sandra is going to the swimming pool and having a hot cup of tea afterwards.
Clarisse: hey seth how are you? Seth: doing fine, thanks Clarisse: same, it's a beautiful day outside Seth: i know!!! just a but warmer than I like, almost perfect day lol Clarisse: i agree Clarisse: anyway , i wanted to ask you something Clarisse: you're a big fan of movies and tv and that stuff right Seth: yes! I love tv specially Clarisse: awesome, cause that's what i wanted to ask you about Clarisse: i don't have cable service but i've been thinking about it Clarisse: i've been looking around at plans but it's soooooo expensive Clarisse: it's cable tv worth it? Seth: it depends on what you want Seth: if you want to watch live tv and premium movies then cable is a great option Seth: but as you say it's really expensive Seth: but if you don't care about it, then you're better off with a streaming service Clarisse: what's the difference? Seth: with the streaming service you get almost the same content after it comes out on tv Seth: sometimes you have to wait a day or two Seth: sometimes you have to wait for months Seth: but streaming services are waaaaaaaaay cheaper Clarisse: thanks so much for your advice! Clarisse: it's been really helpful Seth: what do you think? Clarisse: i think I'll go with the streaming service Seth: that's a great option :-D
### Summary: Clarisse does not have a cable service. Seth is a big fan of movies, especially of tv. Seth enumerates advantages and disadvantages of a cable tv and a streaming service. Clarisse chooses to buy the streaming service, because this is the cheaper option.
Elena: Hi! What's up? Ann: Nothing much, I'm working. Elena: Oh, I see. When will you be free? Ann: I'm off at 5. Wanna grab some coffee? Elena: Yeah, it's been ages, I have to talk to you. Ann: Great, is everything OK? Elena: Yeah, it's just Robert, he's acting weird. Ann: Again? I thought you guys figured everything out. Elena: I thought so too... But he keeps getting these "thoughts", you know. About the future and stuff and he acts weirder than normal. Ann: Yeah, he's always been like that, right? Getting worked up over nothing. Elena: That's the thing. He gets mad over some things he made up in his mind and he blames me for it! Ann: You have to be patient, you know what he went through last year. Elena: I know, but I stood by him, every step of the way. And he acts as if I didn't understand. Ann: Honey, I'm sure it will all get better, we'll talk it through this afternoon, but I really need to get back to work, sorry. Elena: Sure thing, sorry I kept you. Ann: Don't mention it, it's just my boss is looking. Elena: LOL, tell him you're counseling your crazy friend. Ann: I'm not sure it's the best way to suck up to your boss xD Elena: haha, I figure it's not. See you!
### Summary: Ann and Elena arrange meeting for a coffee around 5, after Anna has finished work. Elena would like to talk about Robert, as he's acting weird, having 'thoughts' about the future and blaming her for some things he made up. She needs to be very patient with him.
Amy: My love, I am completely panicked and I am trying to not lose my mind. Martin: Fuck, what happened? Amy: According to the test I am pregnant, the most absurd possibility, but this is what it says. Martin: Ups. I've just opened my eyes. Amy: Today I will probably go to a lab to have a blood analysis. I don't even know how it works. Martin: Calm down, there are millions of women in this situation all the time, it's manageable. Amy: I found a private clinic on the internet. They just give you the abortion pill. Martin: Yes, it's early, so it will be easy. The faster, the better though. Amy: I still can't believe it, but there is nothing else to do than act. Martin: Of course. Amy: I may have some side effects like bleeding or nausea. Martin: Inform me how it is going. Amy: Now I should spend the last two hours with the baby. Hahaha Martin: Hahah, yes there is no need to make a drama Amy: Sure, I just can't believe it happened. Martin: It's absurd indeed. Amy: I will have an ultrasonography to see if I am really pregnant and if it's fine to take the pill. Martin: Yes, but it's a few cells for now, like a baby fish. Amy: Yes, a kidney of a chicken. Martin: I am coming to be with you. Amy: Yes, you will assist at the elimination of the baby. Crazy stuff.
### Summary: Amy is panicked about a positive result from the pregnancy test. Tomorrow she will have a blood analysis. Martin tries to calm her down. Amy found a private clinic online and considers an abortion pill from them. She will have a USG to check if it's fine to take the pill. Martin will assist her.
Rick: How’s everything? Got any plans for the New Years Eve this year? Martin: Hello, actually really good! Are you fishing for a party to crash? Same as you do each year, haha? Rick: Haha, not this time. I’m renting a house for 20 people and looking for my old buddies to engage. How does that sound to you? Martin: Hmmm, that might just be a pinpoint idea. What’s the location of that ‘mansion’ :D? Rick: It’s located in the middle of nothing, in the mountains. Forrest, total alienation from the human mankind :P You might even miss mobile reception. Martin: Nice, I think I will be joining you. Might I bring some guests with me as well? Rick: Ok, you are very welcome. I’ll send you an invite for the event on Facebook. I’ll post the details there Martin: Awesome. I’d never thought, that you might destroy my plans of sitting at home and pretending not to care about the whole New Year’s stuff. Rick: Haha, what do you mean? Martin: You know, resolutions such as picking up new hobbys, losing weight, joining the gym etc. Rick: LOL, you gotta be joking. But it’s always a good idea to start a diet after Christmas though! Martin: You sound a bit like an oversensitive girl :P Rick: Anyway, let’s just have fun before we reach the age of reason and dullness! Martin: Well said, well said! Send me that invite on Facebook and then it’ll be all clear. Rick: I will! Gotta go, let’s keep in touch, mate!
### Summary: Rick invited Martin for his New Year's Eve party. Rick is renting a house for 20 people in the mountains. Although Martin planned sitting at home then, he will join Rick.
Greta: Hello, how are you doing? Raisa: Good, things are ok, you too? Greta: Well, my family are nice, mother not so much! Raisa: She is bitch? Oh no, bad luck for you. Greta: Not bitch really, she follows me around the house, though! Raisa: Oh, sorry! I had mother like that 2 years ago, I did leave, went home to Estonia! Greta: No, I do not want to return to Germany, I have the boyfriend here! Raisa: Oh yes, I know😁, what he named? Greta: It's Ieuan, he's Welsh😍 Raisa: I do not know how you produce that name! Greta: Hmm, is difficult, it is said Yi-an, to rhyme like Lion. Raisa: Oh, I see, still difficult, you tell me on cell phone later? Greta: Of Course! No, mother is suspicious, she thinks I am theef. Raisa: You are not thief! She is English cow! Greta: I agree, I am nervous there, but the kids are lovely. Raisa: You must decide what to do! Call agency? Greta: Yes, speak to Miriam! She will advise, good thought! Raisa: Thanks, you're welcome! You come pub after work Friday? Greta: Yes, I love English pubs! Will be there at 7.30pm. Raisa: Love to see you, look forward. Greta: Me too, bye. I will call Miriam for good advice, bye!
### Summary: Greta works in Englad as an au-pair. She doesn't like the mom's behaviour. Raisa advises Greta to call the agency. Both girls are meeting in a pub on Friday after work.
Amy: we are back!!!! Kerry: hey! how was it???? Amy: it was LUSH!!! so relaxing and lovely! we had a great time! Andrew: glad you had a good time, any pics? Amy: tons!! <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> Kerry: wow, where is that then? Amy: that's Rome Andrew: I thought you were going to Barcelona first? Amy: yeah sorry, we flew to Barcelona and boarded the ship, then we sailed to Rome. My photo's are all a bit muddled up... Kerry: that looks lovely! How was Rome? Amy: amazing, but very very busy with tourists though. I'd like to go back when it's not school holiday I think! Amy: And for Andrew, Barcelona: <file_video> <file_video> <file_video> <file_video> Andrew: oh wow that is amazing! I love Barcelona!! that is great!! Kerry: so cool! Glad you like it! Amy: it was amazing, and obviously too short! Kerry: we'll all go next time! Andrew: I'm in! Amy: good idea! See you on Sunday guys, I'll tell you all about it! Kerry: that sounds good, The Crossed Arms for 1pm right? Amy: that's it! Kerry: see you there! x Andrew: see you on Sunday, look forward to hearing more stories!
### Summary: Amy is sharing pictures and videos from her enjoyable trip. She will meet Kerry and Andrew at the Crossed Arms on Sunday at 1pm.
Barbara: Guys, I'm so upset by the news from Spain Elizabeth: about the fascist party at power in Andalusia? Barbara: yes, Vox is their name I believe William: So almost everybody in Europe has the fascist problem now. William: and its only growing bigger Barbara: yes, and I'm starting to think that we are just stupid, all of us Elizabeth: why? Barbara: Because we're all waiting for this to pass, thinking it will go away somehow. Robert: Yes, everybody believes that the EU will survive and everything will be fine Barbara: Exactly. But we all know what those people are about, what they want. Barbara: Just like with Hitler. I've recently read an article from an American newspaper from 1930s. The journalist was arguing that Hitler would be civilised soon and won't implement his sick plans. in fact he only got worse Elizabeth: So you think we are heading for a catastrophe? Barbara: Yes, I think we should understand that we're heading there. Why should it not happen? It's just a logical result of what's happening now. William: I'm starting to think the same. Robert: But what can we do? Robert: engage in activism? Barbara: Trying to talk to people, oppose the vicious ideas of nation etc. Elizabeth: I must admit I actually feel quite helpless Robert: I think this is what most of us feel Barbara: yes, but maybe we should do something? anything. William: maybe we should...
### Summary: Barbara is disturbed by the news from Spain. The fascist party "Vox" came to power in Andalusia. Almost all Europe is having similar problems right now. Barbara and William think we're heading for a catastrophe. Barbara thinks they need to start talking to people and oppose the wrong ideas.
Martha: Hey Hun :* Daniel: Hey to you too :* Martha: I just got the sample invitations! Daniel: That's so great! Martha: Yeah, I know! Daniel: How do they look? Martha: <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> Daniel: They're a little different than on the site... Martha: Yeah... but still gorgeous! Daniel: If you say so... Which one do you like best? Martha: You first. Daniel: I'd have to see them irl. Martha: Oh, c'mon. Tell me. Daniel: Ok. I liked the second one on the site, but now I think the first one looks better. I still don't like the third one. Martha: Y not? Daniel: IDK. Just don't. Martha: Well, what do you like about the first one then? Daniel: I like the curves, the lines and the font. It's really nice to look at. Martha: My bet would be the third one, but actually the first one is also nice. Daniel: Y don't u like the second one? Martha: I don't like the colours and it looks a little bit washed out, Don't you think? Daniel: Hard to say based on the photo, but probably. Martha: I'll ask my mom and you ask your parents and we'll talk about it irl 2nite? Daniel: Sounds like a plan. Ur place or mine? Martha: Mine. Come after work? Daniel: Sure. I'll be there B4YKI. Martha: Great! CU 2nite :* Daniel: Bye Babe :*
### Summary: Martha and Daniel are analyzing three sample invitations. They've decided to consult their choices with parents, and to make a decision tonight at Martha's place.
Jeff: Who are you going to vote for in the primary? Fred: I’m not sure yet; one guy makes sense but has no experience. The other is a smarmy character! Jeff: I hear you. Another hold your nose and vote situation! Fred: I just hate the way the experienced guy runs his campaign. Always smearing the other guy. Jeff: Yeah, but he really has no experience, does he? Fred: Maybe that’s a good thing! Jeff: That’s what got Trump in! LOL! Fred: True! Jeff: My buddy said he voted for him just to see what would happen! Um, this isn’t a TV show, dude! Fred: Oh, great…train wreck! Jeff: I know Fred: so what do you do? Jeff: Look at what they stand for, vote with the one most like my way of thinking. You? Fred: I usually go for experience every time, but you have a point. Jeff: I made a point? Fred: LOL! Jeff: Well, anyway, want to meet for drinks after we vote? Or do you go in the morning? Fred: Yeah, I go in the morning. We could meet after work? Jeff: Sure, sounds good. Fred: The usual place? Jeff: No, let’s go to the new place out by the mall. Fred: oh, yeah, with the chicken wings? Jeff: That’s the one! I hear they have good happy hour specials. Fred: See you there!
### Summary: Jeff and Fred are discussing who they are going to vote for as they have to choose between an experienced but smarmy candidate and a more sensible but inexperienced one. The decision seems to be tough. They also agree to go for a drink after work to a new place by the mall.
Ron: Hi there guys! Got any plans for the weekend? Taylor: Hi, Ron! Actually, I do! Harry: Hi, Ron. Me too :) Ron: Got plans together? ;) Harry: Nope ;) Taylor: Nah. So what're yours, Harry? Harry: I going away with Mike for the weekend! Ron: Whatcha gonna do? Harry: We're going to survival camp! Taylor: Bt y?! Harry: Great experience: u, the wilderness and u have to survive! Ron: So what are u taking with u? Harry: Actually, we're only allowed to take one pair of everything extra, like trousers and underwear and stuff. Taylor: I couldn't live like that! Harry: The only thing we'll get is a panic button. Ron: What's that? Harry: If something happens, like someone breaks a leg or a bear chases us and we can't shake it, then that's when it comes in handy ;) Taylor: So what about food? Harry: We'll have to provide for ourselves! Hunt, pick and fish :) Ron: So no fishing rod? Harry: Not this time. We'll have to make one ourselves. Taylor: And where will u sleep? At least a motel? Ron: Lol. Survival camp, remember? Harry: Under the stars, ofc :) Taylor: That's inhumane! Harry: I'm so excited! Can't imagine how! Ron: So no mobile for the weekend? Harry: Nah. Leaving it at the base station with a charger. Will be there when I come back.
### Summary: Harry is going to survival camp with Mike at the weekend.
Sam: hi everybody, some drinks tonight? Barbara: Jeff and Lia are not in town 😟 Blake: We don't have to do everything together. I'd relax tonight with pleasure. I've had a horrible week at work Barbara: True, I may join you as well Sam: So whoever wants to come I'll be at bar Fiasco from 8pm Barbara: nice! Jeff: Enjoy, guys! Blake: I'll be there! Samantha: Has anybody seen my umbrella? Blake: The one with a big penis? Samantha: Hahah, it's not a penis, it's a sunflower! Barbara: it does look like a penis though, hahaha Blake: It's not a penis? I was sure it was a huge dick 🤣 I even thought how emancipated you are! Samantha: 🤦‍♀ Jeff: Samantha, you left it at my place! Blake: I'm not sure she really wants it back now Samantha: I really don't care 🤷‍♀ Jeff: But we're coming in a week, will you manage without the penis? Samantha: depends on the weather I guess Lia: You all exaggerate the meaning of the penis in women's lives Samantha: so true. This penis is very easy to replace Barbara: The all are! Blake: so sad! Sam: another reason to get drunk tonight!
### Summary: Sam will be at bar Fiasco from 8pm tonight. Blake will join him and Barbara might also come. Samantha forgot her umbrella at Jeff's place and he will return it to her in a week.
Bella: Hello dear, how are you? Sarah: fine, i'm in Dubai. Back to work next week. I'll call you bacj Bella: Ok, enjoy Sarah: Hi , i'm back... too hard. We had such a great time?How are you? Are you in France? Bella: no still in Poland with kids. But we plan a week end in Lille next month Sarah: Great, come and visit us. Bella: I'll let you know. From now i'm looking around for a new boarding school. Sarah: not to hard to be far away from her? I couldn't , it's already hard with Louis in southern France. Sarah: look, this is Phil on her equestrian competition Sarah: <file_photo> Bella: she grew up so much! incredible Sarah: and she's so proud on this picture. I assume that Leonor grew up as well? Bella: of course, here she is... Bella: <file_photo> Sarah: so nice. It's such a long time. You really have to come Bella: i should come soon to settle Harris. Would you be there? Or around the world as usual? Sarah: which dates? Bella: first week of february Sarah: you won't believe it... Bella: you're away in some private paradise? Sarah: unfortunately yes... Bella: don't worry, we'll try to find a way Sarah: definitely
### Summary: Sarah has been to Dubai and she's back at work now. Bella is in Poland with the kids now, but they plan a weekend in Lille next month. Louis is in southern France. Bella should come in the first week of February, but Sarah will be away then.
Lorna: Hi Rob, how are you? Roger: Same as I was earlier, pissed off with work! Lorna: Right, saw you being ushered into Sharon's lair! Everything Ok! Roger: Not really, she's been on my back since that event in Basingstoke. Had another warning today about my "persistent lateness." Lorna: Sorry to hear that, but you have been a bit late into the office recently. Roger: Yeah, suppose so. I always underestimate the amout of time it'll take. The kids have been holy terrors too since Kim left. Lorna: Have you told Sharon about all this? Roger: Course! But she says it's my duty to be here on time everyday, whatever the circumstances. Lorna: Could someone else take the kids some days? Roger: No, not really, my sister lives in Scotland near Mum and Dad. Can't be expected to drive down from Stirling every morning! Lorna: Rog, you've got to sort something out, you know what Sharon can be like! Roger: Do I ever! I suppose I could get a child minder to sort the school runs, it would be a Godsend to get a good one! Lorna: Actually, I can help you there, my cousin Chris is a child minder and she lives pretty near you. On Oak tree lane, in fact! Roger: Wow, Lorna! That would help SO much! Lorna: Tell you what, I'll ring her tonight and give her your mobile number, if that's OK. Roger: Thanks Lorna, you're a lifesaver!
### Summary: Roger cannot cope with the kids after Kim left him. Roger will hire a child minder to avoid being late to work. Lorna will call her cousin Chris to ask if she can work for Roger.
Rhona: Hey! How are you? Enjoying the holidays?? :D Rhona: (I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you're in Spain) Ollie: Heyy! :D I'm going well thanks. How about you? :D doing lots these holidays haha. So much travelling. How about you? How's Uni? :O Ollie: Not in Spain this summer ;P Rhona: Not Spain?! What happened??? Rhona: Travelling - sounds exotic :D Rhona: It's okay - still got a year left :) Ollie: Not this summer at least haha. Just couldn't find anyone to come with me haha. And aaah how'd the last year go? Rhona: Does ish count as an answer? Rhona: That's a shame - so where have you been/where are you? Ollie: I guess so :O you gonna do ok though? And I've been to Luxembourg and Germany as well as Prague. Next trip is to Cyprus for research! Ollie: In Newcastle right now though Rhona: If you're up for it, you're always welcome to Oxfor as a pit stop :P Ollie: That would be awesme at some point :D really want to go and visit again Rhona: Mum says hi :) Rhona: She also says Hi to your mum :D Ollie: Hi Anna :D Ollie: I'll pass on the message :) she's at work right now
### Summary: Ollie's travelling a lot these holidays. She's been to Luxembourg, Germany and Prague. The next stop is Cyprus. Right now she's in Newcastle. Rhona has one more year left of uni. She invites Ollie to stop by in Oxford.
Micky: <file_photo> Nelly: Hello, you lucky devils! Thank you for all these many fantastic pictures and for sharing your travel impressions with us. Micky: I hope I didn't clog your internet connection! But I thought you two might want to see what we're doing. Micky: One more picture: Micky: <file_photo> Nelly: Which pyramid is it? Maya again? Nelly: When looking at the photos, I can feel my wanderlust growing Micky: The one in the last pic is Chicken Itza, the most famous one of Maya temples. Nelly: Here the temperatures are around 0 C, sunny. Nelly: Peter is in FR, at his Rotary meeting. Am so glad that his radius is becoming wider and wider. And he travels alone again. Nelly: Thomas is coming next week. The two will be going to Heidelberg. Isn't it great? Micky: We are so happy to hear it. So happy! Micky: Warren says that he's full of admiration for Peter's inner strength. Yes, Peter is an adorable person. Micky: But so are you, my dear Nelly! The way you have mastered all these difficulties is adorable too. Nelly: As if you, of all people, didn't know what it means to look after someone! Don't forget what you had to withstand. Nelly: Now I wish you a lovely day! Love to both of you Nelly: <file_photo> Nelly: on our balcony! Micky: And all the best to you and Peter! Micky: also from Warren of course
### Summary: Micky and Warren are on holiday in Mexico sending photos to Nelly. He sent a photo of Chicken Itza Maya temple. Peter is in FR at Rotary meeting. He travels alone. Thomas is coming next week. He and Peter will go to Heidelberg.
Olga: How did the concert go? Adam: It was incredible :D Asia: It really was, once in a lifetime experience Olga: Too bad I missed it :/ Adam: You said yourself that you aren't too much of a fan of his music :p Olga: Well true, but everyone is saying that it was great :) Asia: I am sure being back home is also cool Olga: True, I haven't been for quite some time. Did he play his newer songs or? Asia: I was afraid of that, but he mostly played older songs Adam: 3 new ones, 3-4 from The Wings and the rest was oldies ;) Asia: It started out quite slowly, he even seemed sad at the start, but the second part was amazing Adam: And everyone was sitting, we were the youngest in our row haha Olga: Haha, well he isn't the youngest himself :D Asia: 75, same age as my grandpa Adam: And I can't imagine your grandpa jumping around like that ;) Asia: I can barely imagine him getting up from his sofa haha Adam: I also loved that joke with Saiko, it was so British :D Asia: The guy followed him all they way from Japan, he deserved some recognition :p Adam: You are saiko man hahaha Olga: What does it mean? Asia: Saiko according to him means awesome in Japanese, so he called the guy saiko :D
### Summary: Adam and Asia went to a concert. Olga didn't go as she is back home. Olga is not a big fan of his music but regrets not going to the concert. He played mostly his old songs and several new ones. He is 75. A man came to the concert from Japan. He made a joke about it.
Adam: Hey, how are you :) Todd: Good, good - how bout you? Adam: great actually :) I'm moving to a new apartment this weekend :) Todd: Awesome - and it's long overdue :) Adam: Yeah, I know my place is a dump, no need to remind me :) Todd: well, honesty is the foundation of any friendship :D Anyway you know I loved your place but it was no Ritz Carlton for sure :) Adam: Lol :) yeah, good memories but I can finally afford something bigger. Which actually brings me to the point - I need you to be my getaway driver :) Todd: Haha, thought so :) Adam: your dad still has that old van? Todd: yeah, he still does :) No idea why still keeps it around Todd: But surprisingly it is still in one piece :) Adam: Brilliant! You think you could borrow it for the weekend? Todd: sure, you know my dad likes you :) And I assume you want me to help with moving? Adam: well, I didn't want to bother you, but since you mention it it would be a great help and a very nice gesture :) Todd: Lol, smooth talker as always :) When do you want to start? Saturday morning? Adam: I was actually thinking about Friday evening... Todd: Sorry, I'm working late on Friday... But I can be there at 9 am on Saturday Adam: Ok, in that case I will pack everything into boxes and prepare some stuff on Friday. This will save us some time Todd: Great, so it's a date :) Adam: Lol, sure is :)
### Summary: Adam is moving to a bigger apartment this weekend. He wants Todd to borrow a car and help him move. Todd is working late on Friday. They will meet on Saturday at 9am. Adam will prepare some stuff earlier.
Simon: I'm running really late today. Can you please pick up the kids from school? Shona: I guess so. Not impressed with this. Simon: Look, I'm really sorry. It's just that I have to stay back at work to get this project finished. Shona: ... and leave me with all the crap to deal with? Simon: No. I'm not bailing on my responsibilities. Shona: Really? Simon: I know we have a deal but sometimes work has to come first. Shona: It always comes first. Tell me when was the last time that your work didn't come first? Shona: Every time we make an arrangement your work somehow manages to get in the way. Simon: Yeah, I know. Shona: You know that I have other things planned today and if I pick up the kids I'll have to reschedule everything. Simon: Yeah, I know. Shona: Can't you get your sister to them up? Simon: I've tried to call her but sh isn't answering her phone for some reason. She's probably busy. Shona: And I am not??!! Simon: Yeah I know hon. Just this once. Please. Shona: It is always 'just this once'. Like everyday 'just this once'! Simon: I'll try to make it up to you on the weekend. Shona: Promises, promises.... Simon: So can I count on you picking up the kids or do I have to ring around and try to find someone else. Shona: Yes, but this is the last time I'll do this. I refuse to cover for your lack of responsibility after this.
### Summary: Simon can't pick up the kids from school, because he has to finish a project at work. Shona reproached him for being irresponsible. She will reschedule the day and pick up the kids from school.
Henry: Hey Lily, tried to catch you on landline but no answer. Gone already? Let me know when we can talk. Lily: Am driving to town. Henry: OK Henry: Before we talk: I bumped into William in the street yesterday and we ended up in a pub. Poor chappy! Really. He'll never recover from his loss. En passant I mentioned our trip to Riehen next week and had an impression he'd be happy to be taken along. What d'you think? Henry: I thought it doesn't matter that much to us and he's a nice chap, interesting to talk to, good company. And he seems sort of famished for company, old friends around him. You know what I mean. Henry: And that could be our good deed before Xmas! ;) Lily: Traffic was soooooo slow but I couldn't really reply. In the lecture now. Lily: I always liked William, have no problem with him joining us to Riehen. How do you imagine that? Henry: He'll come to FR, leave his car in my drive and in mine we'll pick you up. Lily: Very good. A coffee at mine before we start? Henry: I thought maybe a meal together afterwards? Lily: Even better. I like that! Haven't seen him for ages, so glad to meet him again. Lily: Will you arrange it all? Henry: Sure. But get prepared: he has aged. Quite visible now. Lily: But not mentally I hope? Henry: No, intellectually not at all. But there's this sadness around him. An air of depression. Lily: We'll cheer him up. If only for a day. Have to finish now. Cheers!
### Summary: Henry and Lily take William with them to Riehen. They will meet with him for a coffee before they start, and eat a meal together afterwards.
Nathan: Hi babes! Kirsty: Hi Nathan, how's it going? Nathan: Working in the Post Office this week, sorting stuff, it's bloody hard work! Kirsty: Well done, I couldn't be arsed with that after all that school work. Nathan: It's a bit more laid back in college, we do have a project for after the hols, though, photography. Kirsty: Oh yeah? What's the topic? Nathan: It's called Home for the Holidays. Kirsty: Bit obvious, isn't it? What you doing on it? Nathan: I'm taking some photos of my gran and Gramps, they have been in a nursing home, but we are having them for 3 days at Christmas. Kirsty: Oh, that's sweet. Nathan: Well yes, but they are both bad tempered old buggers, they are mostly going to be sat scowling in a chair, watching TV. Kirsty: Oh well, perhaps you can vary it a bit and take them out somewhere. Nathan: Good idea, but obviously not to their old house, it's being sold and they don't know it yet. Kirsty: Oh, that's so sad. Nathan: Fancy coming to the shop with me, we could go get a burger? Kirsty: Yeah, loved your idea of "burgers" last time😶 Nathan: Is that a yes? Kirsty: Yes! See you at the shop in 10! Nathan: 😙
### Summary: Nathan has a sorting job in the post office this week. After Christmas, he will have a project 'Home for the Holidays', which will include taking photos of his grandparents. They are in the nursing home and their house is being sold. Nathan and Kirsty will meet at the shop at 10 to have burgers.
Jazz: Cinema anyone? Kerry: when are we thinking? with or without kids? Sarah: Yes Jazz: no kids! ladies night Sarah: has to be a week night though, we are busy over the next 6 weekends or so... Jazz: weeknights are fine Sarah: drinks too? Jazz: Not sure that's a good idea on weeknights... Kerry: evenings are difficult for us though, paul can put the baby to bed but I need to feed her still... Jazz: oh yeah, forgot about that Kerry: are you interested in going during the day on day? with kids? Jazz: yes, sure! when are you thinking? Kerry: Maybe Saturday morning? Sarah: have I been booted out of this one? Kerry: no you are in the adult party! Jazz: that sounds so wrong!!! Kerry: Ha I just realised that!! Sarah: different type of film altogether! 🤣 Kerry: definitely no kids... Jazz: right Sarah, Monday night Bohemian Rapsody? on at 7.40 at Avonmeads Showcase Jazz: Kerry, Mary Poppins on Saturday 10.30am? Odeon? Sarah: perfect, see you there! Kerry: I'll double check with Paul but should be fine! Look at you going to the cinema all the time!! Jazz: you can call me lady Popcorn!! Sarah: 🤣🤣
### Summary: Jazz is going to see Bohemian Rapsody with Sarah on Monday night, 7.40 in Avonmeads Showcase. She is also going to watch Mary Poppins with Kerry on Saturday morning, 10.30 in Odeon.
Al: Hi there, long time no See! Rob: Al, my old friend, lovely to hear from you! It must be 25 years since we spoke. Al: Bound to be that long, we are so old! Rob: I've only been back in the UK a couple of months, still settling back in! Al: Yes, it's almost 30 years since we first went to Japan, crackers! Rob: Wow! I still remember the laughs we had back then! Remember Frank and his terrible attempts at Japanese! Al: God, yes! Loved those years, best time ever! How's your wife? Kiro, is it? Rob: Nearly right, Kiko, actually! Al: Oh, sorry. Kids OK? Rob: Yes, Rich is still in Japan, Mai is in Uni here, first year Graphics in Exeter. Al: Working much? Still teaching? Rob: A bit, 3 days a week in central London. Also working 12 hour shifts in Amazon, weekends! It's a bit much to be honest. Al: How about Kiko? Rob: She's fine, doing translation for a big firm in a city. Pretty decent money too. We manage OK, as you know London's a money pit. Al: That's why I got out of it. Anyway, I am travelling into town next Thurs and wondered if you fancied meeting up for dinner. Rob: I'd love that. I finish work about 5ish and Fri is my day off, so even better! Al: I though we could meet outside the V and A museum at 6.30ish, then look for somewhere to eat. Rob: Suits me! I work only a couple of Tube stops from there, actually. I'll message you Weds, bye.
### Summary: Rob and Al are meeting up for dinner, Thursday night around 6.30ish near V and A museum.
Charlie: hey, I'm not sure if I'll make it tonight... Thomas: Hey! Why not? What's up? Charlie: i've got a shitload of work to do still... Charlie: I thought I'd be done by now, but yeah... Thomas: Oh come on, how come you're always so busy? Aren't you overworking yourself a bit? Charlie: i don't know man, it's always so difficult to start and then there's suddenly so much work and so little time Thomas: So you're just procrastinating. Charlie: well, heh, I guess, but it's not like i'm watching tv series or playing computer games or anything Charlie: i get up at 10, have my breakfast, drink my tea, my coffee, browse the net a bit, another tea, then it's lunch time... Charlie: and then it's 6pm suddenly and I've neither started my work nor done anything useful in particular Thomas: Are you maybe depressed or something? Charlie: nah I don't think so, maybe it's the gloomy weather or i'm just too tired after the whole week Charlie: either way, I really need to do something about this, i'm just wasting time Thomas: Well, you definitely should. Anyway, are you sure you won't make it? Anne will be very disappointed :/. Charlie: yeah, i'm pretty sure, sorry :(( i'm also disappointed. i'll talk to her later Thomas: OK. Good luck with your work and see you tomorrow! Charlie: thanks! see you!
### Summary: Charlie won't make it tonight as he has too much work. Thomas reckons Charlie is working too much or he's depressed. Anne will be disappointed. Thomas will talk to her later. Thomas will see Charlie tomorrow.
Winston: Hey, so do you know when you should be here? Jess: Hey hey, not yet, still in NY Winston: Nick waiting for you? :) Jess: He will be here around 9, I'm still at the airport Winston: Awesome, you two have fun! Jess: Will do! :) Winston: So you'll still be coming back to San Fran? Jess: Yes. And then I'll decide when I'm coming over to see you Winston: Great, just keep us posted Jess: Should know tomorrow. Why, you have any plans? Winston: No rush, it's only monday today. Jess: I'll try to get myself sorted :) Winston: It's been extra warm here, shorts and tshirt kind of weather Jess: That's awesome! Winston: Just a heads up, we might need to go and check out a car on Wed Jess: Ohhh you're getting a car??? YAY :D Winston: Yeah, we need another car and I found a good deal on craigslist, just need to see in person though Jess: Sure sure Winston: Do you know how to ski? Jess: ohhh I haven't in years! I could give it a try though. Should I bring my ski gear? Winston: No need, my sister has plenty so don't worry Jess: I know how to skate!! Winston: Great! We can do that too. So just let me know once you figure everything out Jess: Yay! can't wait to see you guys :)
### Summary: Jess is in NY. She'll be coming to San Francisco and she will see Winston. They might go skiing or skating together. On Wednesday Winston will see a car.
Christian: Howdy old man! Not a word, not a pic from you. How's life in the Caribbean for old-age pensioners? Lester: Hello Christian, hello youngster! We are fine, or better. The warmth, the temperatures... Superb! We feel young again! Lester: <file_photo> Christian: Matilda looks like a young chick in this pic. And who's that white-haired old chappie at her side? Christian: Only joking! Heidi says you both look fantastic. And she is always right. Christian: Unexpectedly we had an onset of winter a few days ago, with loads of snow and frosty temps. Good that you'd escaped in time. Christian: <file_photo> Christian: No, it's not Davos or Kitzbühel. It is our garden! Yesterday. Lester: Thanks for the chilly news. Somehow I feel sorry for you, old chum, that you and Heidi like winter. Otherwise you could have joined us as a support team. My beloved Matilda refuses to try out all these sorts of rum with me. I would need your precious opinion on several of these noble drops. Lester: <file_photo> Lester: Seven years old, exquisite. It reminds me a bit of some of single malt whiskies. Either on the rocks or at room temperature. Both versions are good. Lester: I can't remember seeing it in Europe. Have you? Christian: I don't think so. But I was never interested in rums, so I can't say. Expensive? Lester: Depends where you buy it. Between 12 and 22€. Christian: Not bad. Lester: I'll get you a bottle. Christian: Will be appreciated.
### Summary: Lester is enjoying life in the Caribbean, he offers to get Christian a bottle of rum.
Timothy: have you heard about the mass shootings? Kimberly: duh Kimberly: who didn't Homer: you have to be more specific Homer: there are more school shootings than other school events these days Timothy: I'm talking about this California kid Kimberly: incel strikes again Homer: do you think his virginity is important here? Kimberly: well yes because his note mentioned his incel status as something that defines him Timothy: people are batshit insane these days Homer: so you think he did it out of sexual frustration Kimberly: he did it because he's mental that's for sure Timothy: they are blaiming blue balls for everything Homer: this incel culture is new to me Kimberly: oh my sweet summer child Kimberly: <file_other> Kimberly: read and weep Timothy: ignorance is a bliss in this case Kimberly: true, but on the other hand, it won't last long Homer: so you are telling me the number of frustrated, mental virgins is going up? Timothy: YES Kimberly: yep Homer: ....fuck Kimberly: congrats, you're officially an adult now Homer: this article... I can't Timothy: there goes his innocence Timothy: I can almost hear it Homer: I had no idea there are so many psychos like that Kimberly: every woman knew that already because we know how horrifying dating can be Kimberly: it's news only for men, tbh
### Summary: An incel from California shot people at school. The incel community is growing. Homer didn't know much about the culture of incels.
Jill: Hi, maybe you'd like to come to us to Sweden? We're off June 6th-9th. Jill: Maybe the snow has melted by the time! :) Leo: Jill, how very nice of you! That'd be so lovely! Leo: But my future seems so uncertain... Leo: I quit my job at the end of March, haven't found anything new yet. Leo: Then I'm off to Spain in mid-May without even knowing if my potential employer will agree on that. Leo: They'd better do as I've bought the tickets! Jill: That sounds so like a busy plan! Leo: On top of that I'm graduating my studies in mid-June, so I'm definitely a busy man at the time. Jill: Just be frank with me, you simply don't want to come to us at all! ;) Leo: Haha, of course I do want to pay you a visit eventually! Just the circumstances are so so. Jill: Everyone wants to come to Eskilstuna, the center of the universe! Leo: Exactly! How's life in general? Jill: Not much is happening actually... Boring job, boring life. Leo: And how's Martin? Jill: Well, he's still my husband, I guess I'm a very good wife for him ;) Leo: I bet you are! Say hi to him! Jill: Will do! Leo: Got to go back to work but it was to cool you reach out to me! Jill: Take care! Leo: And you!
### Summary: Jill invites Leo to visit her and her husband in Eskilstuna, Sweden in June. Leo is unsure as he will have to find a new job after he quits by the end of March. He will also be travelling to Spain mid-May, and graduating mid-June.
Eric: Trying to get a rough head count for paddle boarding next weekend in Manzanillo with my friend Tom. Once I have a rough head count I can get some pricing. Summer: Count Alex in too! Eric: If we get 1 more person we get the price down to $40/pp Eric: ok i count 9. Kieran: sorry, I am out, going to head to Manuel Antonio instead Eric: Tom is making an interesting proposition. Raise your hands if you would rather kayak up the estuary than paddle board? Val: I could be interested in kayaking! Eve: i'm ok with either paddle boarding or kayaking tbh ;) Summer: What day are we thinking for this? Eric: Its happening tomorrow Val: is it kayaking or paddle board at the end? Eric: Mostly paddle boarding. There will be a couple kayaks. I love kayaking so I can take one of them ... Val: OK, can I still join in? Summer: Are we taking the car? Eric: Si. I'm going to rent a quad. I think Gery might too. So between us all we should have enough transportation. Eric: I'll check @Val Val: thanks Val: So is it okay for me? And what time is it tomorrow? Eric: Si. We depart at 1:00 Val: Thanks! Eric: We depart at 1:00 Eric: Gonna be a fun day guys :) Val: Can you pick us up at the corner house? Eric: Sure thing.
### Summary: Eric is making sure how many people are keen on paddle boarding and kayaking next weekend in Manzanillo. Tomorrow, Eric is going to pick Val and some other people at the corner house. They are going to have a fun day.
Grace: I'm so jealous you're going to Romania! Regina: Well… I'm sooooo happy!! :D Grace: So tell me, what are you going to see there? Regina: You know it's very bad of me… But actually Christine has a family there and she organises everything Grace: Wow, really! I didn't know that! Regina: Me neither! Grace: So it means she knows Romania! Regina: Oh yes, she's been there a few times, she travelled through the region of Transylvania and stayed at her cousins place in Bucharest Grace: Cool! Are you gonna stay at her place as well? Regina: Nooo, we're too many, haha xD but she's gonna meet up with us and show us the city Grace: Niiiiice!!! Very nice!!! Regina: It's such a shame you didn't get free from work Grace: Yeah… but unfortunately it's the hottest time at our company, I knew they won't let me go Regina: Don't worry, we'll send you a postcard xD Grace: Hahaha thanks! Regina: With some very nice view :D Grace: Haha of course, the best one! And bring me something nice to eat! Regina: Ofc, we know you love eating Grace: Especially original food! Thx! Regina: For sure we'll find something very special for you!
### Summary: Regina and Christine are going to Romania. Christine has a family in Romania and has been there several times, so she is organizing the the trip. Grace can't come as she didn't get a leave at work. Regina will send Grace a postcard and bring her something to eat from Romania.
Francis: Still. Tell me. Nate: Not much to tell. Drove up to her place, picked her up, went for a nice dinner and then cinema and finally to that spot. Francis: Which spot? Nate: How many spots are there?! U a virgin or what? Francis: Ah! The love hill! Should've said so. Nate: Having really good time there. Francis: So far so good. So what went wrong? Nate: Getting there. Francis: Sry. Nate: After everything she wanted me to drive her home and then it started! Francis: Scream 2? Nate: Sod off. The bloody thing wouldn't start. Francis: Walk back all the way? Nate: Nah. Worse. I asked her to give me a push. Francis: W8. What?! Nate: Yeah. She doesn't have a driver's licence. Francis: Still! Nate: She didn't mind. She did give me a push. The car went downhill, but wouldn't start or stop. Francis: So what happened? Nate: Well, let's say it's no longer with us and I got billed for the removal of the vehicle. Francis: So how did u get back? Nate: Called a taxi. What was there to do? Francis: How much did u pay? Nate: 200. Francis: Ur Shitting me? Nate: Nah. Need a new car. Francis: Want me to come with u? Nate: Nah. Short on cash now. Maybe some other day. Francis: Whenever, man. Whenever. Nate: Yeah.
### Summary: Nate's car has been damaged beyond repair. He needs a new one but cannot afford it at the moment.
Chloe: Hi Liam! Guess what? I passed the trigonometry test! 85% :) Chloe: Ur a math genius! Liam: Who's the boss!? Congrats! Liam: U deserved it, u worked so hard. :) Chloe: Thanks :) But I couldn't have done it without u! Liam: I knew u would get the hang of it once u understood the basics. Chloe: Ur just a great teacher! Really. Chloe: I mean everything became crystal clear after the 1st lesson with u. Liam: I'm happy I could help. Liam: But without ur determination & mathematical intuition my help wouldn't have sufficed. Chloe: I couldn't grasp anything in class. Chloe: Mr. Anderson made me so nervous, he was a complete blocking point. Chloe: It's like my mind turned off when he called me to the board. Liam: I know what u mean. He wasn't my favourite prof. either. Chloe: The teacher makes such a difference! Liam: That's true. Chloe: I'm so happy I have that behind me now. Chloe: But this small success is definitely not changing my mind about math. I'm definitely heading towards humanities. Liam: I get ur point. U really need to be passionate about what u choose 2 study at uni. Liam: There's no point in torturing urself. I mean those are meant 2 be the best years of your life! Chloe: Exactly, I'm celebrating this weekend! Liam: Awesome, u finally deserve a break after all that studying :)
### Summary: Chloe got 85% in the trigonometry test thanks to Liam's help. Cloe is heading for humianities at university despite this success.
Millie: Hi love, you, Jerry and kids all OK? Deedee: Hi Mils, course, how are your lot? Millie: The baby is very good, but Milo is a little sod at the moment! Deedee: They don't call it the Terrible Twos for nothing! I remember Connor, he was like a Tasmanian devil around the place, nothing was safe, he destroyed everything he could get his hands on! Millie: Oh great! How's the call centre? Deedee: Don't you mean Customer Experience Portal, well it's hell on earth, but it's a job and I'm getting quite good at it. Oh, but we do get some rude so and sos on those phones, as you know. Millie: I'm glad I'm out of it, to be honest. I really struggled to not lose my temper sometimes. Deedee: We get all the abuse, but we don't actually make any decisions! Millie: You seen Taboo yet? Deedee: Oh, that's the Tom Hardy thing, isn't it? No, not yet, any good? Millie: God, yeah, he is very sexy and gruff in it! It's set in the early 19th century in London and is so violent, dirty and sleazy, I love it! Deedee: I'll check it out! I've not seen much with him in. Millie: Worth watching, the atmosphere is very gothic and steam punkish, everyone is corrupt and Toms character is totally nuts! Deedee: I am intrigued now. I'll look on IPlayer, give it a go and report back! See you! Millie: Bye darling xx
### Summary: Millie is glad she no longer works at the call center. Deedee hasn't seen the Tom Hardy movie yet but she will watch it.
Rose: My dog Balzac has just run away! Rose: I don't know what to do! Help me, please! :( Rose: I must have him back, it's my friend... Donald: Damn, how it happened? Rose: I was playing with him outside like many times before Rose: And suddenly the other dog appeared on the street, I haven't seen it before Rose: Balzac noticed it and run off in its direction Rose: They started to play and they seemd to be making friends with each other Rose: Can you believe this? Rose: And they say that dog is a man's best friend! Rose: What a traitor! I should have called him Brutus, this is what he deserves Rose: But I have to find him anyway, it was also my sister's dog. Wendy won't forgive me that I lost him... Donald: First of all - calm down Donald: Now tell me, have you been looking for the dog in the neighbourhood? Rose: Sure, i checked the entire area of my neighbourhood, asked people Rose: Nobody has seen them Rose: Wendy will be here any moment... She should be on her way back from the classes right now Donald: Ok, wait Donald: I'm coming to you right now Donald: I'll be there in 15 minutes Rose: Donald wait!! Rose: Wendy has just entered the house Rose: And guess what! Rose: With Balzac!! Rose: Ok, I must go and explain what happened Rose: Thanks a lot for your help! :) Rose: Bye! Donald: I didn't actually do anything haha Donald: All's well that ends well :) Donald: Bye bye
### Summary: Wendy brought back her dog that Rose thought was lost.
Kyle: Oh c'mon! A series about a chick, love of two guys, but about vampires? Gail: So? It's also a bit futuristic! It all starts 2 yrs after a company invented fake blood and vampires decided to coexist with humans! Kyle: B3. Still, something for chicks. Real men watch GoT! Gail: GoT? Kyle: Game of Thrones! Haven't you heard about it? Gail: No... Kyle: Srsly? Gail: Yeah... What is it about? Kyle: Oh man! You HAVE TO watch it! This is THE series! Like OF ALL TIME! Gail: Is it that good? Kyle: Even better! Gail: So, what is it about? Kyle: Well, it has love affairs, fights, power struggles, plot twists and fantastic creatures. Like EVERYTHING! Gail: Sounds like something I'd like. Kyle: Do you know G.R.R. Martin? Gail: No. Who's he? Kyle: The author of the books the series is based on. Gail: Oh... Kyle: NM. You have to watch it! Like now if you have nothing else to do. Gail: OK. Stop pestering me :P Kyle: Tell me what u think after the 1st episode :) Gail: Will do ;) do you know where I can watch it online? Kyle: Sure. Here: <file_other> Gail: Thanks! Kyle: You're welcome :)
### Summary: Gail hasn't heard about Game of Thrones. Kyle recommended watching it. George R.R. Martin is the author of the books the series is based on. Kyle sent Gail the link where he can watch the series.
George: new behemoth is out!!! Alfie: !!! George: have you listened to it already? Alfie: ofc! George: aaand? what do you think? :D Alfie: it's really really good Alfie: and it's totally not like the satanist 2 George: it is a bit... Alfie: nope i don't think so. anyway another great record George: yeah, i absolutely love it! George: what are your favourites? Alfie: i'm totally in love with bartzabel, it's so different but so amazing Alfie: actually almost everything is really great, except for this one track, gimme a sec Alfie: sabbath mater. what the fuck is that? 'with the sound of trumpets'? this part sounds TOTALLY off George: hmm, i've not noticed anything wrong Alfie: it's like that voice or choir and the electronics there it's just all so fucking shit rofl George: i'll have a look :D Alfie: i just don't get it o_O anyway i even started liking the wolves ov siberia in the context of the whole album, it fits there quite well George: yeah i told you it's a great track :P George: and you're right ofc, bartzabel is fucking glorious George: come unto me bartzabel... Alfie: by the power of the panther's spell... Alfie: XD George: :D listened to this like 10 times already Alfie: same here :d
### Summary: A new album of Behemoth was released. This album contains songs Bartzabel and Sabbath Mater.
Hannah: Jonah is feeling fine so we might go to the vineyard tonight. Do you still want to join us? John: Yes! I have a couple of errands to run after work but will be ready by 6.30. Hannah: It doesn't start until 7.30, right? John: That's right. Did you buy tickets online? only 5$ Hannah: Not yet. Kasey and Chad are supposed to let us know if they also wanna go. Then we could ride together. Otherwise we can pick you up on the way. John: Ok. Also bring a jacket in case we're outside. Hannah: Always have a blanket in the car! I read on their website that we might need to bring chairs? I'm sure they have some sitting there? John: I think so. They do all sort of events there, weddings, etc. Probably just not too many so they tell people to bring their own. Hannah: I see. Have you been there before? John: It has probably been a couple of years. I used to go there a lot when I worked for that event planning company. It's a great property. You''ll like it. Hannah: I'm sure I will! Do we need to bring anything else? Do they have any food there? Except for the tacos they mentioned. John: There's a restaurant on site but not sure how long they stay open. You can always bring some with you. Hannah: I might just prepare a picnic basket! I'm sure it will be fun, live music and all.
### Summary: Hannah and Jonah are considering joining an event at the vineyard which starts at 7.30 and Hannah offers to pick up John, Kasey and Chad on their way. John advised Hannah to take something to sit on. There's a restaurant at the vineyard but Hannah will prepare a picnic basket anyway.
Theo: did you check the new Steam sale? Joey: it's that time of the year already? Joey: and to answer your question, no I did not Theo: I was thinking of expanding my collection but I'm not sure what to get Joey: just check your wishlist Joey: and if there's something there with a nice discount buy it Theo: maybe you're right Theo: it's always hard to decide Theo: and I end up buying games I won't play for ages just because they were cheap Joey: that's how sales work Joey: I'm still waiting for a good deal on AC Rogue Theo: isn't that discounted basically during every sale? Joey: it is Theo: then why are you still waiting? Joey: like I said, waiting for a good deal Joey: that usually means like 75% off Joey: so far the biggest drop was like 60% Theo: that's still a pretty good price Joey: I know but I still have other games to play so I can afford to wait with this one Theo: you can always check other shops as well Theo: uplay should have good deals on AC series Joey: I know but I have all the other AC games on Steam and I want to keep them in one place Theo: well it's your choice anyway Joey: yep Joey: let me know if you stumble across something nice Theo: will do
### Summary: Theo wants to expand his collection during the new Steam sale, but he's not sure what to get. He usually buys games which he won't play for ages, just because they were cheap. Joey is waiting for a good deal on AC Rogue, like 75%, whereas the biggest drop was 60%.
James: hiya do you know whats wring with our washing machine? Sue: how would I know that james??? James: lol.. yes well its stopped and the doors jammed but theres still water in the drum??? Sue: hmmm.. that sounds like the fuse has gone or something.. are your lights working? James: lights??? dunno what you mean? Sue: OMG james, the lights in the flat, you know switches on the wall.. stupid! James: oh right lol... no James: no they not Sue: what about the tv, are the lights on it, any power? James: no nothing Sue: ok do yu see the fuse box on the wall by the top of the front door? go to that and there is a big switch that say off and on do you see it? James: yes Sue: is it off James: yes Sue: switch it on James: wow.. that nearly worked, it went on and straight off again Sue: oh that sounds like a dodgy fuse somewhere.. have any bulbs blown lately? James: dunno i just go up and saw washing machine was stopped i was gonna hang the clothes out Sue: ok, i'm gonna call John the electician to come over, are you in for the day or do I have to come over and wait for him? This is a pain in the ass, i'm busy today James: no its ok I can be here Sue: I'll call him now and get back to you Sue: right he says he can be there for 12 is that ok? James: yh thats good thanks Sue xx
### Summary: James had problems with washing machine. Sue instructed him to turn on the switch in the fuse box, but it didn't solve the problem so she called the electritian.
Dee Fallows: Lol xx Caron: I'm home had a great time xxx hope you are all ok xxx Dee Fallows: Will call you later just going into work yeah everything calmed down now with nan hope you enjoyed your cruise and the weather was kind to you speak later xxxxxx Caron: Ok xxx Caron: Mum and Jennie are both up for the iona.. 2020.. what date have you booked? Xx Dee Fallows: 👍👍20th June 2020 xxx Caron: Brill I'll look at booking. Do you know what deck you got yet? Dee Fallows: Yeah deck 14 xxx Caron: I'll try get us same deck so I can escape to your room lol xxx Dee Fallows: 👍👍👍👍 Caron: Xxx Caron: Ended up at 835 each.. not too bad at all xxx Dee Fallows: That's good all booked 😁😁😁😁 Caron: Yup 😁😁 Caron: No it is still 1 litre wine or spirit each person on embarkation xx Dee Fallows: Hi Caron I won't be over tonight working late so going home to put my pjs on ready for my catchups lol xxx Caron: Ok hun xx Caron: Hiya.. Andy is over tomorrow night so you prob won't want to come but I'm in tonight xxx
### Summary: Caron was at a cruise. She, Mum and Jennie are interested in iona 2020. Dee Fallows booked it for 20th June 2020, and Caron did too.
Diana: shit, I can't stop thinkig about it...;/ Diana: I wrote him what u told me and nth Diana: ... ;-( :-( ;-( Sue: maybe he is busy Sue: take it easy gilr! Diana: no, he always writes back Diana: and he promised me to answer me today Sue: it's only 11 , maybe he's still sleeping;-) Diana: No, he wakes up early Sue: but yesterday he want for beers, right? Sue: so he can be still sleeping:D Diana: no, I saw him active Sue: so maybe he's got a hangover Sue: I hate talking with sb when I have a hangover Diana: no he doesn't drink much... Sue: so r u going to sit here and wait for him?????? Diana: I'm so nervous... that this will be over... Sue: I can't believe, u know him for 3 weeks and u r totally dependent on him! Diana: no, that's not true Sue: it is true, darling! Sue: he should be dependend on u, he should be chasing u and not the other way round!!! Diana: true....:/ Sue: just do yr things and if he can fit to yr schedule then u gonna meet;-) Sue: and if not then he'll learn that he needs to book u in advance;-) Diana: but what if we don't meet then? Sue: then, he will learn faster :D Diana: ok, fine, thx <3 <3 <3
### Summary: Diana is desperately awaiting a response from a guy she's known for 3 weeks. Sue is trying to calm her down.
Joan: how's work on the text going? Brian: It's going, just a little slower than I thought Joan: How much longer will it take? Brian: Give me two more weeks Joan: I don't have two more weeks! you kidding me??? Brian: What do you mean?? I though we had a different agreement Joan: Well, that changed when one of the sponsors pulled back Brian: What? I had no idea Joan: What do you mean, did you check your email? He said he personally wrote you a message Brian: Damn it, my mailbox must have crashed Joan: Well, before you do that, I gotta tell you something else Brian: Another great news? Joan: I bit better than the previous one:) Brian: Shoot me! Joan: I can only represent you for another 6 months, Bob and I are expecting:) I am gonna go for maternity leave in half a year Brian: O wow! That's great news!! Congrats you guys! Joan: And umm, I am gonna help you find replacement somehow, haven't figure it out yet, but no worries Brian: Oh, I am not worried at all, just excited for you! Joan: Thank you:) We are excited too Brian: Oh man, I hate to spoil that moment, but this email looks bad, real bad Joan: I know! Better get to work then Brian: I am on it boss! No more slacking Joan: Good to hear that
### Summary: Brian needs two more weeks to finish the text, but has to work faster due to one of the sponsors pulling back. Brian was unaware of that fact, because of a malfunctioning mailbox. Joan is expecting a baby and will only represent Brian for another six months. Joan will find a replacement for Brian.
Timmy: So who do we have so far? :) Gemma: There's u, me, Anna and Lona and Michelle. Timmy: No guys then? Gemma: Lona and Michelle will come with their SOs. Timmy: Still, no guys then? Gemma: Lol. Who do u propose I invite? Timmy: I have one name in mind ;) Gemma: If u say Andy, ur uninvited! Timmy: The Clever Cobra! Gemma: No! Timmy: That's not Andy! Gemma: No? Who is it then? Timmy: The Clever Cobra, ofc! Gemma: And what's his name? Timmy: Andrew something... Gemma: I knew it! No! Timmy: Y do you dislike him so much? Gemma: It's not that I dislike him. I think he's weird. Timmy: Y? He's a lot of fun! Gemma: That's the point - he'll go to the extremes to get approval. Timmy: Nah. Clever Cobra would never do that! Gemma: Orly? Remember the time Jake told him that only cool ppl wear Hawaiian shirts? Timmy: He would wear that damn shirt for weeks! So funny! Gemma: And? Timmy: And what? Gemma: Don't u get it? He'll do anything to be considered cool, but only gets ridiculed. Timmy: I thought he was like a hipster. Did everything ironically. Gemma: Break his leg ironically? Timmy: Maybe not that one.
### Summary: Gemma insists on Tommy not inviting Andy. Andy is weird and an attention seeker.
Jim: I just had some wanker idiot promoter contact me asking me to work for free and the fucktard couldn't even tell me what his project is about. Mel: I suppose he told you that it is a great opportunity and you should be grateful that he thought of you, right? Jim: LOL exactly! Jim: Where do these people come from? Mel: More importantly can we get a refund on them or send them back to wherever it is that they came from. Jim: Hehehe. Yes that work for free and I'll make you a star line. Mel: Or for the wonderful opportunity of working on their amazing project. Jim: Ahhh, those industry lines: It's never been done before, the cheque is in the mail and of course I love you and will still respect you in the morning! ;-) Mel: And exposure and stuff for your folio will pay your rent and bills. Jim: It's even better. The other day I saw an ad where they were asking that not only do you work for them for free but you also pay them on top for the excellent opportunity of working for them. Mel: So it's not only work for free it is pay to work now? Jim: Seems so. Jim: Apparently if you don't you're not dedicated enough and don't have what it takes to make it. Mel: Fuck that! Are they going to pay my rent? Are they going to buy my food? Jim: Nope, but they'll feed you on set and who the hell needs a place to live anyway. LOL Mel: That really takes the piss. Jim: Jobs for rich kids where the parents pay for their exposure, experience and opportunity. Mel: Yep, makes me feel sick. Jim: No kidding.
### Summary: Jim and Mel are complaining about working for free or paying for being employed.
Eva: Hi! :) What are you doing? Barbara: Hey :) Currently I'm binge-watching "Say Yes To The Dress". Wanna drop by? Eva: I can't, there's no lift in your block. Barbara: So...? Eva: I've broken my leg, remember? Barbara: <facepalm> Barbara: Sorry, I totally forgot about it. Barbara: So maybe I could drop in on you? Eva: Well, that's exactly what was on my mind. :) Barbara: Great, I'll be in half an hour. :> Eva: Are we watching "Say Yes..." or something else? I could download something while you're on your way. Barbara: How about "RuPaul's Drag Race"? Eva: What's that? Barbara: Oh, come on, you had to hear about it! It's a competition for drag queens hosted by RuPaul. Barbara: It's bomb.com!!! Eva: Hmm, sounds good, but, I don't know, I think I'm in the mood for "Dr. Phil". Barbara: Ugh, we always watch "Dr. Phil". :p Barbara: He's such a bore, he always uses the same phrases and tells the same jokes. :p Eva: You are watching "Say Yes To The Dress"!! It's the most repetitive programme that has ever been created! Eva: Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! :p Barbara: Ok, ok. :d Barbara: But what are we watching? Eva: "Something borrowed, something new"? Barbara: YASSSS! :D
### Summary: Eva's broken her leg. Barbara will be at Eva's place in thirty minutes. They will be watching "Something borrowed, something new".
Janet: I’m considering not going back to the office but working from home after my maternity leave. Any thoughts? Nancy: working from home is great but it’s not for everyone Janet: really?! Nancy: i couldn’t work on my own i’m very sociable need people around me Kelly: you wouldn’t be able to learn from others as much and if you have questions you’ll have to wait for answers Abi: you have to be well-organised as well Kelly: so if you are a well-organised, patient, self-motivated and independent person then go for it Janet: haha! A long list that is! But most of it sounds like me! ;) Nancy: on the other side it gives you flexibility and autonomy Abi: yeah, working from home has many advantages too such as saving time and money on commuting Janet: and childcare! Abi: what do you mean? Janet: while working from home i won’t need childcare and i can be around my little one all the time :) Kelly: OMG! You’re not being serious! Janet: dead serious! Don’t know what you mean?! Abi: that is not gonna work, trust me! Nancy: You won’t be able to work and look after your little one at the same time. It is simply impossible! Janet: still not sure why.. Nancy: looking after a baby is very occupying you won’t be able to focus Kelly: You’ll be too tired to work. Basically, you need to consider pros and cons. Janet: right, ok i guess i have to trust you on that childcare thing. Thanks for your replies girls! x
### Summary: Janet is thinking about working from home after maternity leave. With Nancy, Abi and Kelly, they discuss various pros and cons of telecommuting.
Thomas: Sir, we have a problem. Marshall: What is it? Thomas: We recorded an authorized access last night in the lab. Marshall: How’s that possible? Were all security systems on? Thomas: Yes, he knew the knew the access code to our mainframe, in such case systems may be disabled, but I have created my own system that informs me if something like that happens. Marshall: He? You know, who was it? Thomas: Broderick spencer, sir. Marshall: Him? Well, there will be a very interesting conversation between us, then I have to dismiss him. Thomas: Sir? You can’t tell ANYONE you know about it. Marshall: Why not? Thomas: Because then everyone will know I have this backup system, it’s illegal and strictly forbidden by my agreement. Marshall: Great, so why you’re giving me an information I can’t even use? Thomas: You can. You can control him closely, even spy on him let’s say and after he makes something like that again, boom, he’s imprisoned. Marshall: That would be a bit harsh… Thomas: But he will be an example for the others!! Marshall: It is true, of course… Thomas: I told you ; ) Marshall: OK, Mr. Penn, thank you for this information, you did a right thing. Thomas: Always here for you, sir :D Marshall: If it happens again, you know what to do. Thomas: Informing you immediately sir, I know : )
### Summary: Thomas is informing Marshall that Broderick Spencer accessed the lab last night. Thomas doesn't want Marshall to talk to anyone about it as it'll turn out he has the backup system, which is forbidden by his agreement. Instead Marshall can control Broderick closely and even spy on him.
Sarah: I need some help with planning our party Adrian: what's the problem? Sarah: I'm not sure what kind of food we should have Adrian: that's never easy Adrian: I guess having lots of choices would work the best Sarah: yeah but it is a lot of work as well Adrian: we can always use catering Adrian: that will save us time and I guess they can prepare more varied food than we can Sarah: that's not a bad idea but we still need to make a list of what we want Adrian: you can't go wrong with some meat based dished Adrian: something with chicken, salads, stuff like that Adrian: we can't forget that Glen and Marty are both vegetarian so we need something they can eat as well Sarah: true, maybe we should check the options that they have available and choose based on that? Adrian: not a bad idea Adrian: otherwise we would invent dishes that they don't have in their offer Sarah: can you look for the available options? Sarah: or should I do it by myself? Adrian: leave it to me Adrian: that shouldn't be a problem Sarah: awesome, in the meantime I'll take care of the decorations Adrian: just stay away from balloons, you know what happened last time Sarah: yeah, hard to forget Sarah: anyway, let me know if you find something Sarah: now I need to pick up Danny from kindergarten Adrian: will do Adrian: take care
### Summary: Sarah is planning a party. Adrian helps her with figuring out the food. Glen and Marty are vegetarian. Adrian will look at catering options. Sarah will cover the decorations. Sarah will take Danny from the kindergarten.
Sophia: Soo how was the party last night? Did uncle Colin get drunk again? Jackson: Oh it was absolutely marvellous, you missed a lot! Sophia: Gimmie some detalis maan! I'm so sad that I couldn't come :( Jackson: <file_photo> Sophia: No way! Is this mum wearing this awful hat from Cyprus? Jackson: Yeah, she got tipsy pretty quickly :D Sophia: Of course she did! She almost never drinks Jackson: 60th birthday did the charm XD Sophia: Show me some other pictures! Jackson: <file_video> Sophia: OMG this looks just crazy! Uncle Colin is rockin' XD Jackson: You should have seen auntie Mary too, she danced till she dropped, literally! Sophia: But the last time I saw her she had problems with her hips? Jackson: That's why she dropped eventually :D Sophia: Bur srsly that was one hell of a party! Jackson: <file_photo> Sophia: Dad dancing Zorba, he just couldn't resist XD Jackson: Totally, do you even realize that this party went on and on? Sophia: What time did they finish then? Jackson: I left around 1 a.m. but I know that the others stayed until 3 a.m. or so Sophia: I can't believe it I missed all of this :( Jackson: No worries, Dad's 65th birthday are next year :D
### Summary: Jackson shows Sophia images of mum's 60th birthday party. He had a good time. Sophia is sad to have missed it. Dad's 65th birthday party is next year.
Xavier: what scenario we will be doing next week? Peter: not sure, we have at least 3 we can choose from Peter: does it make a difference? Xavier: not really but one of them should allow me to retire my char Xavier: so I need to start thinking about what class to choose next Peter: does your quest unlocks any new one? Xavier: I think it does Xavier: the "saw" one Peter: that might be a good one for you Xavier: not sure Xavier: we need some firepower so unless it has crazy dps I'll need to choose something else Peter: why not the berserker? Xavier: that's the one I'm thinking about Xavier: it might be tricky to keep him alive but I'm willing to give it a try Peter: we still want to try all the classes Peter: and you usually go for melee characters anyway Peter: can't imagine a more melee character than the berserker Xavier: maybe the brute Xavier: but I already played that one Xavier: so I guess this time it will be the berserker Peter: we still need to retire your current character before that Xavier: won't cry about it Xavier: the sunkeeper turned out to be pretty boring Peter: it did help us with some of the scenarios Xavier: sure but there was no excitement for me Xavier: so now when I think about it we need to do the scenario that will allow me to retire! Peter: sure we can always do that Xavier: great! I will check the berserker deck and try to come up with a decent hand for next time
### Summary: Xavier and Peter have at least 3 scenarios to choose from. Xavier wants to try the berserker. Xavier needs to retire his current character first.
Becca: <file_photo> Jennifer: Nice dress! Becca: Thanks. But I wanted to ask if isn't too low-cut for work. Jennifer: I think it depends. I wouldn't wear it when I'm meeting our clients, but when it's just another day at the office, then why not? Hope: Depends on your boss too. Mine tells us it's inappropriate to even undo the top button of one's blouse. Becca: What? But you work at a call center, don't you? Hope: Yeah. Becca: So who cares what you look like? When my sister worked at one, she wore sweatpants to work and no one said a word. Hope: I know, it's just that my boss is crazy about morals. He once told a girl off for wearing too much make up. And only men can talk to the postman because, according to my boss, we girls never miss an opportunity to flirt. Jennifer: Sounds like he might be crazy in general :P Hope: I hate the guy, but what can I do? I've been unemployed for too long to quit my job now. Becca: You could start looking for a new one behind his back though, couldn't you? Hope: I might if he keeps being such a jerk to us. But I've heard that he might get promoted next month. Jennifer: Wouldn't it be even worse? Hope: No, because then he wouldn't work directly with us anymore. And except for him I quite like this job.
### Summary: Becca bought a new dress but she is worried it can be inapropriate for work. Hope's boss is crazy about morals, which is unbearable, but Hope guite likes her job and wishes he will get promoted so that he wouldn't work with her directly anymore.
Jim: I've been to MoMA today Jim: there is an amazing exhibition about Yugoslav architecture Jim: Have you seen it? Nic: Yes, last month, this is a really beautifully curated exhibition Jenny: Jim, I wanted to know your opinion about it, since you know so much about the region Jenny: Is it really so well made? because for a person who knows nothing about Yugoslavia it seems quite amazing Jim: it is extremely well prepared and presented, even for someone who knows the subject quite well Jim: I found out a lot from this exhibition Zac: Would you do anything differently? Do you have any critical remarks to share? Jim: hmm, nothing really critical. I just had some ideas, what else could be presented or added Zac: like what? Jim: they show this beautiful project for Skopje, after the big earthquake Jim: when Yugoslavia together with the UN prepared a huge plan to rebuilt the destroyed city Jim: this is a project that became a part of history of architecture and urbanism Zac: it seems so Jim: but what is also very interesting is what happened afterwards Jim: when they abandoned the project, criticised it and most of all the new project - Skopje 2014 Jenny: I heard it's horrible Jim: it us a nightmare. So Skopje transformed from a city that was planned to have the best architecture in the world to a city with arguably the ugliest, most kitschy buildings Jenny: this story sounds very interesting indeed. Jim: yes, but maybe it would be good for another exhibition Jenny: maybe
### Summary: Jim and Nick saw the exhibition about Yugoslav architecture in MoMA. Jim finds the exhibition extremely well prepared and presented. Jim thinks architecture in Skopje could be a good topic for another exhibition.
Ellie-Mae: Hi Nanna, how are you in Spain? Pearl: Hello, darling, Happy Birthday! Ellie-Mae: Thank you, can't believe I'm 14! Pearl: Enjoy it, darling, best time of your life! Ellie-Mae: Thanks for the gift card, Nanna. I'm going to use it for make-up! Pearl: I thought you would dear! I loved make-up at your age, course, rationing had only just finished, wasn't the choice then! Ellie-Mae: I'm getting pearly highlighter, a contouring set and a brow kit. Pearl: Sounds lovely, you'll look ever so glam! Ellie-Mae: I'll give you a make over when you come at Christmas, Nanna. Pearl: Oh, yes please! People will think we're sisters then! Ellie-Mae: LOLZ 😂 Pearl: Ok, cheeky! You know Step-Grandpa Vince is coming too, he's so looking forward to meeting you all! Ellie-Mae: Yes, he sounds fun! Will he play Xbox with me and Jamie? Pearl: I'm sure he'll give it a go! Love you darling, bye! Ellie-Mae: Bye Nanna xxxx
### Summary: Ellie-Mae is turning 14 today. Pearl is in Spain. She's sent Ellie-Mae a gift-card. Ellie-Mae is going to buy pearly highlighter, a contouring set and a brow kit with it. Pearl is coming for Christmas, and so is Step-Grandpa Vince. He will play Xbox with Ellie-Mae and Jamie.
Mike: I am not happy🤬 Sue: oh dear.. whats up? Mike: that bloody customer was on again today.. Sue: oh no Mike: yep.. he went straight to the boss Sue: oh no what did Kev say? Mike: well kev already knew about him from yesterday and told me not to worry Sue: yes but he want expecting him to come back today was he? Mike: no Sue: What did the bloke say? Mike: Kev said he said the same as he said to me, basically it was a manufacturing fault and there was nothing I could have done anyway but send it back which I offed to do Mike: he said he kicked off at him too.. took the head office number and both our names Sue: will you get in trouble? Mike: I cant see how we can, its a problem with the radio not us, we cant just give him his money back like that, he didn't want to listen to me or kev it seems Sue: yes but I would be mad if I bought something and it broke Mike: he bought it two years ago Sue! Sue: oh.. maybe thats different lol Mike: hes lucky we would consider looking at it after all this time really Sue: I spose so was it expensive? Mike: about 200 Sue: for a radio? Sue: I would want that to last 10 years lol Mike: well... Mike: it had a years warranty and they will fix it I recon Sue: I dont think you have heard the last of it
### Summary: Mike is angry because of the dissatisfied customer whose radio broke down after two years of usage. Sue believes that a radio costing 200 should last longer. The device has a warranty and will probably be fixed.
Henry: I'm slowly loosing faith in humanity... Luke: not a start of a conversation I'd expect but go on :P Henry: Well it is a justified exaggeration. Luke: let me be the judge of that Henry: I just read some "interesting" articles about the new Rise of the Shield Hero anime Luke: oh great, they are at it again? Henry: Goblin Slayer part 2 Luke: what's the problem this time? Henry: Depiction of women and slavery Luke: I can see the part with slavery but why depiction of woman? Henry: Well you know, how the girl falsely accused the main hero and made him look like a scumbag Luke: well she kinda did that, so what's the problem? Henry: Giving a bad image to women I guess Henry: I don't really understand Luke: you're not the only one Henry: Or maybe I don't want to understand Henry: Because if I do, my first statement will definitely be true Luke: they fail to see some major things Luke: it's fiction Luke: going on a crusade against an anime just damages the things they fighting for Luke: honestly it's borderline ridicule Henry: You don't need to tell me that Henry: And they just won't listen Luke: let them be Luke: I don't think their "crusades" will change anything Luke: and we'll just keep watching what we enjoy Henry: True Henry: Just needed to get that out of my chest
### Summary: Luke and Henry are unhappy about people being on a crusade against the anime, this time the Rise of the Shield Hero.
Nicholas: someone has to tell maria to stop oversharing stuff on facebook Nicholas: did you see her latest post? Diane: no, what was it about? Nicholas: she rambled on and on and on about her love life Nicholas: and how she woud probably end up alone Diane: she does that all the time :-/ Diane: i've hinted at her a couple of times that she should think twice before posting something like that Diane: but i think she hasn't really gotten the hint Nicholas: i feel bad for her Nicholas: because now i'm getting texts from all our friends in common making fun of her Nicholas: and talking behind her back :-( Diane: do you think we should step up and do something? Diane: maybe have an honest conversation and tell her to stop posting for a while? Nicholas: if that was me i'd appreciate it if my friends actually stepped in to help Diane: i don't want to embarass her Diane: i don't want to make her feel bad :-( Nicholas: it'll be worse if we don't do anything and remain quiet Nicholas: maria is a good friend and we should be good friends to her Nicholas: i can talk to her or we can do it together Diane: it's better if i do it Diane: i'll ask her out for coffee and tell her about the oversharing Diane: and what people are saying bedind her back Nicholas: thanks for doing that Nicholas: you're a good friend
### Summary: Maria shares too much on Facebook which bothers Nicholas. Her last post was about her love life. Diane talked to her about that before. Nicholas is getting messages from their common friends that laugh at her and gossip. Diane will talk to her again over a coffee.
Anna: Hello Mrs. Wilhelm. My name is Anna Meyer, I'm Nick Meyer's mom. Simone: Hello Mrs. Meyer. What can I do for you? Anna: Nick told me today that he's having some problems at school - other kids laughing at him. I was wondering if you could tell me something about that? Simone: What did Nick tell you when you asked him? Anna: Not much. He says it's not important and I shouldn't worry and that he'll handle it on his own. But I worry Simone: It's actually a minor thing. I wouldn't want to betray his trust and privacy by telling you though... Anna: You can tell me. Please I assure you everything will stay just between us. I can’t just sit here and think about how he’s suffering… Simone: Don’t worry Mrs. Meyer. It’s really not that bad. You know those red pants he’s been wearing lately? Anna: Yes… Simone: Well, other boys keep laughing at him that in those pants and with his long hair he looks like a girl Anna: Oh boy Simone: Indeed. Difficult pill to swallow for an 11-year-old. Anna: I’ll burn those pants tomorrow. Simone: If I may suggest something. Try an accidental stain, one of those impossible to remove. Make it seem natural. Let us let the little guy keep his dignity at least at home… Anna: Right. Thank you very much Mrs. Wilhelm. You were great help. Thanks! Simone: No problem. Glad I could help.
### Summary: Anna is worried about her son Nick. Simone reckons it's a minor thing. Nick's wearing long hair and red pants. His classmates keep laughing at him. Anna wants to burn the pants but Simone suggests staining them.
Theo: Hi guys. I'm wondering how can we support Greg and his family Clara: Hi Theo, great idea Theo: No specific ideas yet, just thinking... Brett: Hi! Has anyone spoken to his wife? Theo: I spoke to her last night Clara: He's in hospital and will stay there for 4-5 weeks Theo: That's right Gwen: hi everyone. can we do anything for Sandra? Clara: She's on her own with the kids now :( Gwen: I know... Theo: Sandras mum is with them now and shes taking care of cooking an so on Clara: I can get them some groceries tomorrow Theo: That's great Clara, I'll ask Sandra if she needs anything Clara: Ok, tomorrow around 2pm Gwen: Theo please let her know I can drive Duncan to school whenever she needs Theo: Thank you Gwen! I'll tell her. My wife is picking him up after school tomorrow Brett: Do we know anything more about Greg? Gwen: I'm so worried :( Theo: We all are very worried... Clara: Obviously no one can see him now Clara: There's too much risk of infection Brett: Can we call him or text him? Theo: I called him yesterday, he says he's a bit sleepy all the time... Theo: And bored Brett: Yeah... but we know he'll get worse in a couple of days... probably.
### Summary: Theo wonders how to support Greg and his family. Theo spoke to his wife and Greg is in hospital for 4-5 days. Clara can get them some groceries tomorrow, Gwen can drive Duncan to school. They can't see Greg due to risk of infection.
Jason: Hey Mila, where are you in the world now? Mila: Yea I'm still alive lol barely surviving ubc Jason: Are you in business? Mila: No way!! I'm not Clarisa! lol I am studying food and nutrition Jason: Wow I am glad you chose that program Mila: Why? Jason: I have friends in nutrition. It's not typical Asian major like Econ or Business haha Mila: that's right! and I'm not good enough to enter those faculty... Jason: You party a lot? Do you live in residence? ☺️ Mila: no no no I am still underage. Just renting an apartment. Not living in res Jason: With Brody? ☺️ Mila: Haha no, we don't get along anymore but we're good acquaintances Jason: U like UBC? Mila: It's a little bit stressful. I assume, just like any other universities Jason: UBC is big. I am sure you'll be fine Mila: Are you coming to visit? Jason: I will be in Vancouver in February Mila: Let me know when you're here. Mila: We gotta meet up! ☺️ Jason: I might stop by Kelowna but I should in in Van like the first week of February Mila: I am sure I'll be here in feb Jason: Good luck on your studies and I hope to see ya. Mila: Yea np. ttyl xd
### Summary: Mila is studying Food and Nutrition at UBC and renting an apartment. Mila doesn't live with Brody but they still keep in touch. She finds UBC stressful. Jason will visit Mila in Vancouver during the first week of February.
Todd: Hey, get your shit together and come on over. Dan: What do you mean? You mean rehearsal? Todd: Yeah, I got us a gig at The Rivoli in 2 weeks. Dan: Wow! How much will it pay? Todd: 1,000 plus we get a cut from the bar tab. Dan: That's not bad. Did you check with everyone else, can they practice today? Todd: Yeah, everyone's super psyched! We still have that rehearsal space on Lemonwood Rd. for another week, but then we have to look for a different place. Dan: No worries, we'll find something. Todd: I'm not worried about it too much. This place is expensive. Dan: I know, but the acoustics are phenomenal! Todd: Yeah, true. It's gonna be hard to find something that compares acoustically speaking. Tate wants you to bring his VOX amp Dan: I don't have it! Todd: Where is it? Dan: I lent it to my brother. Todd: Ok, you'll deal with Tate I guess. Dan: It's cool. I'll bring my Road King and we can both plug into it. Todd: No prob, just don't piss Tate off. You know what he can be like. Dan: Don't you worry about it. Todd: We can't afford to lose another drummer. Dan: I know, they're hard to come by these days. Todd: See you at 6. Dan: Later
### Summary: Todd, Dan and Tate will play a gig at The Rivoli in 2 weeks. They'll practice today at 6 in the rehearsal space of Lemonwood Rd. Todd can't bring is VOX amp, but he'll take his Road King.
Tom: Hi Dad, are you coming to see me next week end? Dad: yes honey, i'm so impatient Tom: when would you arrive? Dad: i 'll land in Paris friday evening but my train is only on saturday morning. Tom: what time is your train? Dad: i'll arrive at 11:05am at the train station Tom: Nice. I'll be there Dad: thanks honey. Do you have any program for the week end? Tom: yep. I'd like you to discover my favorite restaurant. Dad: which one? The Seoul Palace? Tom: No the Mikado. You'll eat the best yakitori of the world. Really! Dad: do we need to book it? Tom: no need. The chef is a friend of me. He's such a guy! Dad: and for lunch? I'll be starving ! Tom: don't worry! the best burger in town is waiting for you! Dad: you're without any pity Tom: pity for what? Dad: my coronaries!!! Tom: i'll take care of your health Dad: with burgers and french fries?? Tom: sunday morning let's run a 10k Dad: ok, we'll be quite busy this week end Tom: and quite tired for monday morning!!! lol Dad: love you son. see you
### Summary: Dad is coming to see Tom next weekend. He will land in Paris on Friday evening but he will arrive at the train station at 11:05 am on Saturday. Tom will take him to try yakitori at his favourite restaurant, Mikado. Dad also wants to have a burger for lunch. They might go for a 10k run on Sunday.
Anthony: Hi, I'm planning to organise a Star Wars marathon next weekend. Antonia: Which one? 12/13 or 19/20? Anthony: 19 Antonia: Okey. Anthony: Would you like to come? Antonia: I don't know. I'm not a big fan... Antonia: But I don't have plans for that weekend. Anthony: Come, it's gonna be fun :) Anthony: If not for the movies, then for the company :)) Antonia: But if everyone's watching, then I'll have to sit and watch too... Anthony: I don't think it'll look like that :) Anthony: Maybe they'll sit and really watch one part, but not more.. Anthony: They're not all Star Wars fans, u know. Anthony: And Mark is going to be there... Antonia: Y do u think this is of any particular interest to me? Anthony: C'mon! I saw u looking at him! Antonia: U r an evil thing! Anthony: So i'm counting you in! :))) Antonia: ... Antonia: I hope it's worth it... Antonia: Omg, u r not telling me, he's a fan too?!?!?! Anthony: Maybe he is. U should catch up on the whole series! :D :D :D Antonia: Or I'll let him explain it all to me ^^ Anthony: Hahaha! Good tactics girl!
### Summary: Antonia will come to Anthony for a Star Wars marathon at the weekend of 19/20 even though she's not a big fan of Star Wars. Mark will be there and Anthony saw how she's looking at him.
Ryan: Hey Holly, long time no speak, how are you? :) Holly: Hi Ryan! It's so nice to hear from you! Nothing special is happening,really. I've been working a lot recently :( Where are you now actually? Ryan: Amsterdam! The project I'm currently working on is planned until the end of November, so I believe I might come home around Christmas. Holly: That's so great, we surely need to meet up then and reminisce good old times :) Ryan: When we were young and beautiful, carefree…. Holly: Exactly! Now we are just beautiful XD Ryan: Speaking about beautiful people, how is your boyfriend Mike doing? Holly: Ah..you see, there was one tiny development in this area, he is not my boyfriend anymore… Ryan: Oh no, seriously? He was a nice guy! And so pretty :) Holly: Hold your horse, he's not my boyfriend anymore as he is my fiancé now Ryan: Wow, now I understand everything, congrats Holly! When did it happen? Was it romantic ? :D Holly: Nah, it wasn't romantic at all, he just went on one knee after we had dinner with my parents, can you imagine? Ryan: I certainly can :) I believe your father was really entertained? Holly: Yeah, later on he told me he could hardly stop himself from laughing Ryan: And what about your mum? Holly: Apparently she knew what Mike was planning so it wasn't a surprise for her! Ryan: Anyway, nice to hear that you decided to make this step in your life :) Holly: Thanks Ryan :) It indeed is a certain step in my life...
### Summary: Ryan is working in Amsterdam until the end of November. He will meet with Holly when he'll get back. Holly got engaged to her boyfriend Mike.
Andy: Hi! Thanks for the recommendation! Jane: Hi. Which one? Andy: Oh, you remember! You told me about that new Tarantino film! Jane: Oh, yeah! Did you see it? Andy: Sure did! And liked it very much. Jane: What do you think about the plot? Andy: Well, as said, I liked it. But the twist at the end was most exciting. Jane: Which one? :P Andy: Oh, I see where you’re going with it ;) Jane: So, what are you up to tonight? Andy: Not much. Probably stay home, watch some telly, maybe an early night. Y? Jane: Well, I have a date with this bloke, but don’t know what to wear. Andy: Well, I didn’t see that coming. And you want me to help you pick the dress to kill? Jane: You’re a mind reader! So, can you come over? Andy: Like now? Jane: Duh! I’m supposed to meet him in like 2 hrs. Andy: Will 2 hrs be enough for you to get ready? ;) Jane: Don’t be like that! Andy: Sorry. Jane: So, when can you be here? Andy: Actually, I didn’t agree to anything yet. Jane: So, if you don’t want to help me, just say so. Andy: I didn’t say that. Jane: It’s really important to me. Andy: Fine. Be there in a jiffy. Jane: Thank you <3 you’re the best!
### Summary: Andy and Jane both liked the new film by Quentin Tarantino. Jane is going out on a date and Andy will come over shortly to help her choose what to wear.
Martha: Am I the only one who does not know how to plan expenses? Fino: What do you mean exactly? Dominique: me too :c Martha: It's 5th and I eat dinner with my grandma because she knows how to manage money Martha: I feel poor af Fino: maybe you're impulsive when you shop Fino: or you party too much Dominique: I can't afford going to a dentist this month Martha: doesn't your insurance cover that? Fino: damn that's serious Fino: I mean, HOW Fino: what eats up your salary? Martha: maybe it's partying Martha: I dunno Fino: guys I think you should spend some time with our credit card history, look at your expenses and then think how to cut down stuff Dominique: I don't have the insurance Martha: Dominique, are u sure? as a student you should Fino: Martha's right Fino: if not, you can do some paperwork and get med insurance easily Dominique: I didn't know that Dominique: thanks Martha: so I should live without parties then? that's shitty Fino: it depends on your priorities Fino: and on how much you like your grandma's dinners Martha: I love her and her food but I'm ashamed when I can't afford food Dominique: i feel ya Dominique: I just realised I wasted so much money on private health care X.X Fino: well at least you know now Martha: gotta go, bye
### Summary: Martha had a dinner with her grandma, because she's broke. Dominique lost a lot of money on private health care.
Jeremy: <file_link> Crystal: <3 Jeremy: we’re signing up tonight! Crystal: yeah we just need to talk to sb from the group Crystal: so we don’t end up on our own Jeremy: oh fuck it;D Crystal: u know I’d prefer to have sb to talk to at the table Crystal: apart from u, of course ;* Crystal: oh and then I can wear the new dress! pefect :D Jeremy: u can wear it to the classes as soon as you finish it :D Crystal: I’m still wondering whether to sew it or not Jeremy: u considering buying it? Crystal: not quite. I was rather thinking I would just wear the old one :D Jeremy: well sewing doesn’t cost u anything, guess it’s worth a try Crystal: the fabric is 100 Jeremy: ooh I thought you had some in your stash Crystal: no, remember this photo i showed u? Crystal: <file_link> Crystal: red on black Crystal: <file_link> Crystal: that’s blue on black Crystal: they also have black on black Jeremy: blue is nice Jeremy: but red and black are also ok Crystal: u think blue? Crystal: I thought maybe red… thought i should go wild ;D Crystal: but then i’ll need to look perfect, u know, everybody staring Jeremy: u always look perfect ;* Crystal: oooh <3 :* Jeremy: take red then ;D
### Summary: Crystal and Jeremy are signing up tonight. Crystal will wear the new dress.
Katy: Time for a people's vote! George: We had one Katy: George, we were ill informed. Now we know what the deal is we can make a true decision. Maureen: Katy ya , but look what happened last time 🙁 James: I think we’ve already been shown that the public should not be trusted with any important decisions. George: Katy, you may have been ill informed and voted to remain. I was not ill informed. Stephen: We had one get over it Alan: Politicians cant be trusted to do what the people ask don’t you mean?? Damien: James, one of the stupidest comments Ive ever read Katy: James, exactly Katy: If people still vote to leave, the course of action doesn't change. But if people vote to stay, it changes everything. George: James ... ah the EU approach to democracy. Do what you are told. And yet we are leaving James: Katy you can admit to being ill informed. I knew exactly what I voted for. Katy: Surely we should have a choice, knowing the facts. Maureen: We shouldn't need a people's vote. Parliament should vote down the deal and vote to cancel article 50 and remain in the EU. Parliament is sovereign (despite the leavers trying to tell you otherwise as an EU member). Damien: Over 17 million did have you been under a rock Stephen: James, but they didn’t know what they were deciding on! Apparently the government didn’t either George: Gone too far unfortunately and way too much damage has been done. George: We need may gone and labour in power to sort this country out with no deal brexit because that crock she's sorted is horrific
### Summary: Katy thinks there should be another Brexit vote as the people were ill informed the first time.
Jude: I'm so lonely. Robin: Want me to come over? Jude: No. It's not that. Robin: So what is it? Jude: I mean lonely like I have no one to care for. Robin: What about ur bf? Jude: Broke up with him 6 mths ago. Robin: Sry to hear that. Jude: I'm over him now, but I don't want to be alone. Robin: Isn't it time to put yourself out there again? Jude: I don't think I want to go out to parties and find casual bfs. Robin: What about clubs? Jude: What clubs? Robin: U surely have hobbies, right? Jude: Yeah? Robin: Y not join a club? Like a book club? Pedicure club? Jude: Nah. Not my kind of thing. Robin: Maybe ask one of ur friends to hook u up? Jude: Tried it once. Lost a friend. Robin: How? Jude: Well, Kim hooked me up with this guy she thought would be ideal 4 me. Robin: And what happened? Jude: I went on a date with him. It was mostly fun, but there was something weird about him. Robin: So what happened? Jude: Well, he tried forcing himself on me. Robin: He wanted to rape u?! Jude: No! But he thought that since I went out with him I was obliged to have sex with him. Robin: Geez. Some guys. Jude: I know.
### Summary: Jude feels lonely. She is over her boyfriend. She is not keen on popular ways of finding the next partner, neither going to parties, clubs nor on blind dates. Robin is being helpful and empathetic.
Nina: Do you know what happened to Kate today? Why she was so sad and quiet? It's not like her! Holly: Yeah, I know. Nina: ??? Holly: It's about her boyfriend. Nina: Ah! They broke up? Holly: Possibly. They had some kind of argument yesterady. That's what she told me. Nina: Did she say what the argument was about? Holly: She wasn't very clear about it. But, for some time already, I've suspected that this boyfriend of hers is a bit of a boozer. Nina: That's not a good news. Holly: Precisely. And I thingk Kate doesn't know what to do about it. Nina: Well, that's now an easy subject. Holly: Maybe I'm wrong... Nina: Did you go to a party with both of them? Holly: I did, but I had to leave early. He was already quite drank when I was leaving at 10:00. Nina: It doesn't mean anything. Holly: You're right, but few days after the party we met Kate, Ariel and me for a coffee and Ariel made some strange remark. I didn't notice it then, but now I think something must have happened at the party after I left. Nina: Do you think we should try talking to Nina? Holly: I suppose so. Better to talk now, before things get worse. Nina: True. Let's arrange a coffee together. Holly: Tomorrow? Around midday? Nina: Fine.
### Summary: Kate probably broke up with her boyfriend as he drinks too much. He was drunk when Holly was leaving the party at 10. Holly and Nina want to meet Kate to talk about it around midday tomorrow.
Elizabeth: How about the cathedral? Kathleen: Eh probably there’s a tower… Elizabeth: Yes, there is ;] Kathleen: No way, I’m not climbing some stupid stairs Elizabeth: You can wait outside, it’ll not take long… Kathleen: Great, standing there alone, nice organization! Elizabeth: How on earth am I supposed to organize anything when you are against anything I come up with!! Kathleen: Maybe you just have bad ideas ;/ Elizabeth: The rest of the group is not complaining, only you Kathleen: Maybe you just don’t know about it Elizabeth: Listen, I’m done, I will not ask you about anything, you’ll see the program in a few days and tell me if you want to go or not Kathleen: It’s even worse, you promised everyone will have a chance to express their opinions! Elizabeth: But I didn’t expect anyone to behave in a way that you do, sorry Kathleen: I’m just not agreeing to everything, unlike others! I have my own views about all that, I won’t change my mind Elizabeth: Soo you’ll decide in a few days Kathleen: That’s a bitch move Elizabeth: Alright, we’re getting that far… Be careful Kathleen: Pff stop threatening me Elizabeth: I’m not threatening, those messages are being saved, I can show them to coordinators and you may have to leave the group because you behave in an inappropriate way Kathleen: Seriously!
### Summary: Kathleen does not agree with the suggestions Elisabeth does for the trip. Elisabeth finds Kathleen's behaviour difficult to organise something for. She threatens to show Kathleens messages to the coordinators.
Sebastian: Hi, how are you? Betty: Hi, I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you? Sebastian: I'm fine too… It's been a long time Betty: Yeah, quite a long time Sebastian: You stopped talking to me Betty: Well, I wasn't sure if you want to talk to me anymore Sebastian: Why so? Betty: I don't know, I had such a feeling Sebastian: After our last conversation? Betty: Exactly. Sebastian: Well… You know I was only supposed to come for three days Betty: I know, but it seemed like we won't meet up again, like never… Sebastian: But you know, if we're supposed to meet one day, we'll meet Betty: Yeah and exactly that sounds like "one day = never" Sebastian: One day you also gave me an answer like that… Betty: So now we're 1:1 :P Sebastian: But you're happy about that? Betty: Well… not really? But if it's like this… Sebastian: Uh… see, I'm coming to Paris next week, would you like to meet? It'll be nice to see you again Betty: When exactly? Sebastian: Monday till Thursday. Betty: So what about Tuesday? I have the whole afternoon free Sebastian: Perfect! I'm really glad :) Betty: Me too.. Nice that we'll see each other again
### Summary: Sebastian and Betty haven't talked for a long time. Betty thought Sebastian doesn't want to talk to her anymore. Sebastian's coming to Paris next week. They decided to meet on Tuesday.
Beth: i love my kids but i don’t like motherhood. Can we talk about it please. This is important for me. X Pauline: sounds like me! i am so tired and i just can’t cope with not sleeping through every single night Molly: it’s not that i don’t have time for myself but i don’t even have time for things like having a meal or.. washing my hair Pauline: thank God for dry shampoo! Haha! ;) Molly: yeah, and i always drink my tea/coffee cold Poppy: as a mum i have to be so organised non stop planning and working on a strict schedule Beth: i’d like to be more organised Poppy: i know, it’s just i can’t finish my day without a schedule for the next one and when i wake up i have to stick to it! Pauline: total madness! Beth: reading a book sounds like a luxury Molly: i don’t read for fun any more! children’s books only! Beth: decided to read my own books for myself for fun but fell asleep after one or two pages! Pauline: my life is so hectic too! Poppy: i really need a day off and i can’t have it! Molly: i didn’t realise it’s gonna be so tough! Poppy: i know! I want to be happy i love my kids so much! Molly: can’t imagine my life without them! Beth: i reckon we should talk about these stuff more often Molly: i feel much better now knowing i’m not the only one Beth: thank you girls so much! Xxx
### Summary: Beth, Poppy, Molly and Pauline love their children but they don't enjoy motherhood. Beth wants to talk about it more often.
Cate: Good morning Trevor: Good morning, Miss. What can I do for you? Cate: I want to visit your shop and look at some of your cloth for a suit. Trevor: Certainly, Miss. Any particular colour? Cate: Yes, I want a dark brown. Trevor: It is for lounge suit? Cate: An ordinary lounge suit, like the one i was wearing the first time we met. Trevor: Ooh i remember. Cate: But this time round, i want a heavier material. Trevor: okay but it is a little more expensive but it is worth extra money. Cate: What is the price? Trevor: Rs. 65 a yard-double width. Cate: How much should I require for a suit? Trevor: Four yards will be ample. That should be Rs. 260 for the suit length. Cate: And what do you charge for making? Trevor: Rs. 100, and Rs. 35 for lining, buttons, etc. Cate: I see; Rs. 395 altogether. I think I will take it. Trevor: Very good, sir, I will take you measurements tomorrow once you come. Also you can try the suit on Monday. It should be ready by then. Cate: Let me see. I am afraid Monday will be awkward. Shall we say Tuesday? Trevor: Very good, sir. It will be ready for you on Tuesday. Are there any further inquiries you would like to make? Cate: I think it is all good. Thank you. and see you tomorrow Trevor: Good Bye. Cate: Bye
### Summary: Cate is buying a dark brown suit for RS 395. She will visit the shop on Tuesday.
Mike: How's California? :) Ana: So far so good! I went to my first science event at Berkeley yesterday! Mike: Wow :D how was it? Ana: fantastic! I finally feel a sense of purpose of some sort. Just have to find a way to make it work in the long run... Mike: I'm sure you will. Where are you staying? Ana: Miracle Mile. by the Grove Mike: Cool! How's that article coming along? Ana: Oh, it's fine, I just need to obtain references for my masters application so I figured it might help... Mike: I see. It's really great that you're so driven! Ana: I try :) Mike: So what are you gonna study? Ana: Psychology next year, hopefully. I still need to find another professor to write me a recommendation though. Mike: Well, I'm sure you will. I remember doing that neuroscience course with you, you were the favourite of all the lecturers :) Ana: I guess... it's easy to be good when you're passionate about something. I'm actually planning to focus on cognitive psychology. Mike: Have you read "How the mind works" by Pinker? Ana: I have, he has a great understanding of evolutionary psychology, such a fantastic mind. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to go to his lecture... Mike: and he's definitely less annoying than Chomsky! Ana: That's true... Especially since Chomsky's gone so political
### Summary: Ana is at Berkley in California. She's staying at Miracle Mile. She wants to study cognitive psychology and needs a professor to support her application. She admires Pinker. Neither her nor Mike are fans or Chomsky.
Marciano: god I hate my job Marciano: <file_gif> Elliot: why? Marciano: the people from my team are so dull and boring Elliot: maybe you just don't know them that well Marciano: talking to them at lunch is terrible Marciano: no jokes, no fun at all Elliot: I think you set the bar too high for them Elliot: you don't go there to make amazing friendships for life Elliot: you go there to earn money Marciano: how do you feel about your coworkers? Elliot: well there are people I like and people I dislike, that's all Marciano: how come you're not complaining then? Elliot: I focus on people I like and I limit my interaction with the rest while being polite Marciano: no seriously Marciano: and you don't get impatient with them? Elliot: I have low expectations so I'm rarely frustrated about them Elliot: and when I am I address the problem and move on Elliot: if it doesn't help, I vent to my friends Marciano: I guess I should focus on the people I like the most then Elliot: it's work, you don't have to love everyone Elliot: just be decent, that's all Marciano: you're right Marciano: thanks Elliot: and don't expect them to be fun at work Elliot: probably you aren't fun there either Marciano: touché
### Summary: Marciano is dissatisfied with his coworkers. Elliot believes that the workplace is limited to earning money and not making friendships. He focuses on relations with people he likes.
Aria: You won't believe who I've just met! Aria: Charlie Evans! Maverick: Oh God, I haven't seen him from ages! Maverick: How is he doing? Aria: He's doing great. :) Aria: He got married, he runs a small family business, which he is very passionate about and generally he seems to be a happy and fulfilled man. :) Aria: Oh, and he has two absolutely adorable daughters. :) Aria: It was so nice to meet him, he's such a sweet soul. Maverick: I’m glad to hear that. :) Maverick: Time flies so fast, doesn't it? Aria: It does. :) Recently I’ve met Cooper Roy, I'm sure you remember him, I constantly talked about him back then in high school, because I had a huge crush on him. He’s changed a lot! Aria: I barely recognized him! Maverick: I remember, how you and Kylie used to gossip about him all the time. :) Aria: Well, we were madly in love with him. Aria: Or at least we thought so. ;) Maverick: I sometimes miss those times. Maverick: Everything seemed to be easier, better and calmer back then. Aria: The world wasn’t as crazy as it is now. Aria: I feel like politics got crazier, people - more radical and hostile and economics - less predictable... Maverick: Me too...:(
### Summary: Aria has just run into Charlie Evans. He is now married, with two daughters, and a family business. She has also met Cooper Roy from high school. She used to have a crush on him, now she almost didn't recognise him. Maverick and Aria miss the old times and think the world has changed for the worse.
Caroline: girls, I've just got up and i don't feel well. Adrien: What happened? Caroline: I had a bit of sore throat at night. Michelle: lol, doesn't sound like a big sickness Caroline: yes, but I looked inside this morning in the mirror and I saw some white pus on one of the tonsils Michelle: strep throat! you need an antibiotic Caroline: oh no! I am flying to the US on Tuesday, I just cannot be sick! Adrien: Calm down. Stay in bed today and take a lot of vitamin C. Caroline: I've heard from a friend that in Norway doctors don't give you an antibiotic straight away but they remove the pus with iodine on a cotton bud. Caroline: So I did is myself and now I feel quite well, no symptoms Michelle: How disgusting! I would just go to a doctor honestly Adrien: No, if you don't have fever and no symptoms nobody will give you an antibiotic Caroline: exactly, so what should I do? Adrien: you should stay in bed, gargle with some antiseptic mouthwash from time to time, take lots of vitamin C and fight it on your own Caroline: That's the plan Michelle: but would it not be better to just go to a doctor? Adrien: I think there is no need for that at the moment Caroline: I'm just afraid I will stop it for now but not for good and it will all rebound in the US. Adrien: Stay in bed for today and we will see what happens tomorrow. Keep us updated Caroline: Thanks girls! I will Michelle: 😘 Caroline: 🤒
### Summary: Caroline has a strep throat.
Megan: alright, so what do you think of this one Megan: <file_photo> Paul: I mean, it's pretty nice, I like that it has white walls Megan: yes!!! exactly, that's what I was thinking. I hate that every other apartment had all this stupid colors on it Paul: Yeah, ok so this is an option. Megan: Yeah, it is a bit on the pricey side though. Paul: Yeah? how much? Megan: $700 Paul: fuck. no way. we are not paying $700 for one room! Megan: but it's perfect!!!! Paul: you're nuts no way, we can definitely find a better place, for cheaper. Megan: alright, well then you have to help me. I don't want to be the only one looking. Paul: ok ok, yeah, I can do that. Cause no way am I paying that much. Megan: Ok, so how much is your max then? Paul: we talked about this. I think like $500 max. Megan: alright then. well, I guess there's this one for that much <picutre> Paul: yeah, see, that's pretty decent. Megan: yeah, but I the dresser is so ugly. it huge. It takes up basically the entire room. Paul: I'm pretty sure that could always be something we take out. Megan: ha, ok, whatever you say. you'd be the one hauling that thing out. Paul: haha, yea yeah, the things I'd do for you!
### Summary: Megan is looking for a room to rent for her and Paul. Megan found a perfect place, but Paul thinks it is too expensive. Paul is going to help Megan with finding a better offer.
Andrea: Do you want to contribute to Leslie’s birthday present? Keith: Hmm and what is it about? Andrea: We’re gathering money to buy her favorite book collection. Keith: Loool is it that expensive xD Andrea: It’s twelve books, maybe that’s why ;p Keith: Oh lol, ok, I’m in Andrea: Great :D Keith: But how do I know which of the books should I buy Andrea: None of them xd Keith: what Andrea: I mean I’m just collecting money and then I’ll buy the series. Keith: Ok, how much will be that? Andrea: It depends on number of people, now it would be $Keith:0 per person, but it may be less if some other people will declare they want to do it. Keith: Alright I’m in Andrea: Great! We have some ideas for the beginning of the party, I’ll keep you posted in case you want to take part in it Keith: OK, what is it about? Andrea: We want to surprise her, we need to take her to the ground ;P Keith: Lol sounds nice indeed xp Andrea: You’re strong, you could do it. Keith: No way!! Keith: I’m not fighting with some terrified girl Andrea: She won’t be terrified! Keith: If someone starts fighting with you for no reason you get scared, right? Andrea: Comon she will know it’s us!!! Keith: OK I’ll do it but you need to give the plan xD
### Summary: Andrea's collecting money for Leslie's birthday present. She's going to buy her a book collection. Keith will fight Leslie as part of the party only if he knows the plan.
Sandeep: Sir, there are two monkeys loose in the factory. So far they have damaged the ceiling in four rooms. We would like to call an extermination service before they do more damage. Please advise. Santakumar: This is terrible. Have the guards not been called? Sandeep: Sir, yes, the guards have not been able to chase them out. Santakumar: What have they tried? Sandeep: They have tried getting them with food and tried setting off the fire alarm to scare them. Nothing has worked. Santakumar: There must be something else we can do. Are the bay doors open? Sandeep: The bay doors are left open for them to run out, but they are hiding in the ceiling. Santakumar: Do we know where they are now? Sandeep: Not really until they make a noise. We think they are in the Engineering offices. Santakumar: Make sure they stay out of the test lab! Sandeep: That is the fear. That they will damage valuable equipment. Santakumar: How did they get in? Sandeep: It is not known, but perhaps on a truck. Santakumar: Well, if you have to call, do it today. Let me know the cost. Sandeep: I will do it now. Santakumar: And I don't want them hurt or killed. They must be safely relocated. Sandeep: Certainly. Santakumar: That's all we need is animal cruelty on our heads. Sandeep: Seems cruel to keep them shut in a factory too but they aren't smart enough to leave. Santakumar: Make sure there is no food anywhere for them to get into. Sandeep: It will be done. Santakumar: Thank you.
### Summary: Monkeys got into the factory and destroyed the ceiling. Santakumar wants them out safely.