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Intelligence quotient (I.Q) The average score, according to the bell curve, is 100. Individual subtest scores tend to correlate with one another, even when seemingly disparate in content. What is the IQ ? An intelligence quotient or IQ is a score derived from a set of standardized tests of intelligence. Intelligence tests come in many forms, and some tests use a single type of item or question. Most tests yield both an overall score and individual subtest scores. Regardless of design, all IQ tests attempt to measure the same general intelligence. Component tests are generally designed and selected because they are found to be predictive of later intellectual development, such as educational achievement. IQ also correlates with job performance, socioeconomic advancement, and "social pathologies". Recent work has demonstrated links between IQ and health, longevity, and functional literacy. However, IQ tests do not measure all meanings of "intelligence", such as wisdom. IQ scores are relative (like placement in a race), not absolute (like the measurement of a ruler). For people living in the prevailing conditions of the developed world, IQ is highly heritable, and by adulthood the influence of family environment on IQ is undetectable. That is, significant variation in IQ between adults can be attributed to genetic variation, with the remaining variation attributable to environmental sources that are not shared within families. In the United States, marked variation in IQ occurs within families, with siblings differing on average by almost one standard deviation. The average IQ scores for many populations were rising during the 20th century: a phenomenon called the Flynn effect. It is not known whether these changes in scores reflect real changes in intellectual abilities. On average, IQ scores are stable over a person's lifetime, but some individuals undergo large changes. For example, scores can be affected by the presence of learning disabilities. IQ tests are designed to give approximately this Gaussian distribution. Colors delineate one standard deviation. 1- The definition of the IQ Originally, IQ was calculated with the formula A 10-year-old who scored as high as the average 13-year-old, for example, would have an IQ of 130 (100*13/10). Because this formula only worked for children, it was replaced by a projection of the measured rank on the Gaussian bell curve with a center value (average IQ) of 100, and a standard deviation of 15 or occasionally 16. 2- History of the IQ In 1905, the French psychologist Alfred Binet published the first modern intelligence test, the Binet-Simon intelligence scale. His principal goal was to identify students who needed special help in coping with the school curriculum. Along with his collaborator Theodore Simon, Binet published revisions of his intelligence scale in 1908 and 1911, the last appearing just before his untimely death. In 1912, the abbreviation of "intelligence quotient" or I.Q., a translation of the German Intelligenz-Quotient, was coined by the German psychologist William Stern. A further refinement of the Binet-Simon scale was published in 1916 by Lewis M. Terman, from Stanford University, who incorporated Stern's proposal that an individual's intelligence level be measured as an intelligence quotient (I.Q.). Terman's test, which he named the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale formed the basis for one of the modern intelligence tests still commonly used today. They are all colloquially known as IQ tests 3- IQ and general intelligence factor Modern IQ tests produce scores for different areas (e.g., language fluency, three-dimensional thinking, etc.), with the summary score calculated from subtest scores. The average score, according to the bell curve, is 100. Individual subtest scores tend to correlate with one another, even when seemingly disparate in content. Analysis of individuals' scores on the subtests of a single IQ test or the scores from a variety of different IQ tests (e.g., Stanford-Binet, WISC-R, Raven's Progressive Matrices, Cattell Culture Fair III, Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test, and others) reveal that they all measure a single common factor and various factors that are specific to each test. This kind of factor analysis has led to the theory that underlying these disparate cognitive tasks is a single factor, termed the general intelligence factor (or g), that corresponds with the common-sense concept of intelligence. In the normal population, g and IQ are roughly 90% correlated and are often used interchangeably. Various IQ tests measure a standard deviation with different number of points. Thus, when an IQ score is stated, the standard deviation used should also be stated. A result of 124 in a test with a 24-point standard deviation corresponds to a score of 115 in a test with a 15-point deviation. Where an individual has scores that do not correlate with each other, there is a good reason to look for a learning disability or other cause for the lack of correlation. Tests have been chosen for inclusion because they display the ability to use this method to predict later difficulties in learning. 4- Genetics versus environment The role of genes and environment (nature vs. nurture) in determining IQ is reviewed in Plomin et al. (2001, 2003). The degree to which genetic variation contributes to observed variation in a trait is measured by a statistic called heritability. Heritability scores range from 0 to 1, and can be interpreted as the percentage of variation (e.g. in IQ) that is due to variation in genes. Twins studies and adoption studies are commonly used to determine the heritability of a trait. Until recently heritability was mostly studied in children. Some studies find the heritability of IQ around 0.5 but the studies show ranges from 0.4 to 0.8;that is, depending on the study, a little less than half to substantially more than half of the variation in IQ among the children studied was due to variation in their genes. The remainder was thus due to environmental variation and measurement error. A heritability in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 implies that IQ is "substantially" heritable. Studies with adults show that they have a higher heritability of IQ than children do and that heritability could be as high as 0.8. The American Psychological Association's 1995 task force on "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns" concluded that within the white population the heritability of IQ is "around .75" (p. 85). The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, a multiyear study of 100 sets of reared apart twins which was started in 1979, concluded that about 70% of the variance in IQ was found to be associated with genetic variation. The heritability of IQ has been tested on large numbers of twins, siblings, parent-child relationships, and adoptees. Evidence from family studies provides the main supporting evidence from which arguments about the relative roles of genetics and environment are constructed. Put all these studies together, which include the IQ tests of tens of thousands of individuals, and the table looks like this: |The same person tested twice |Identical twins reared together |Identical twins reared apart |Fraternal twins reared together |Parents and children living together |Parents and children living apart |Adopted children living together |Unrelated people living apart Environmental factors play a major role in determining IQ in extreme situations. Proper childhood nutrition appears critical for cognitive development; malnutrition can lower IQ. Other research indicates environmental factors such as prenatal exposure to toxins, duration of breastfeeding, and micronutrient deficiency can affect IQ. In the developed world, there are some family effects on the IQ of children, accounting for up to a quarter of the variance. However, by adulthood, this correlation disappears, so that the IQ of adults living in the prevailing conditions of the developed world may be more heritable. Nearly all personality traits show that, contrary to expectations, environmental effects actually cause adoptive siblings raised in the same family to be as different as children raised in different families (Harris, 1998; Plomin & Daniels, 1987). Put another way, shared environmental variation for personality is zero, and all environmental effects would be nonshared. Conversely, IQ is actually an exception to this, at least among children. The IQs of adoptive siblings, who share no genetic relation but do share a common family environment, are correlated at .32. Despite attempts to isolate them, the factors that cause adoptive siblings to be similar have not been identified. However, as explained below, shared family effects on IQ disappear after adolescence. Active genotype-environment correlation, also called the "nature of nurture", is observed for IQ. This phenomenon is measured similarly to heritability; but instead of measuring variation in IQ due to genes, variation in environment due to genes is determined. One study found that 40% of variation in measures of home environment are accounted for by genetic variation. This suggests that the way human beings craft their environment is due in part to genetic influences. A study of French children adopted between the ages of 4 and 6 shows the continuing interplay of nature and nurture. The children came from poor backgrounds with I.Q.’s that initially averaged 77, putting them near retardation. Nine years later after adoption, they retook the I.Q. tests, and all of them did better. The amount they improved was directly related to the adopting family’s status. "Children adopted by farmers and laborers had average I.Q. scores of 85.5; those placed with middle-class families had average scores of 92. The average I.Q. scores of youngsters placed in well-to-do homes climbed more than 20 points, to 98." This study suggests that IQ is not stable over the course of ones lifetime and that, even in later childhood, a change in environment can have a significant effect on IQ. It is well known that it is possible to increase ones IQ score by training, for example by regulary playing puzzle games. Recent studies have shown that training ones working memory may increase IQ. (Klingberg et al., 2002) It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs. Heritability measures in infancy are as low as 20%, around 40% in middle childhood, and as high as 80% in adulthood. Shared family effects also seem to disappear by adulthood. Adoption studies show that, after adolescence, adopted siblings are no more similar in IQ than strangers (IQ correlation near zero), while full siblings show an IQ correlation of 0.6. Twin studies reinforce this pattern: monozygotic (identical) twins raised separately are highly similar in IQ (0.86), more so than dizygotic (fraternal) twins raised together (0.6) and much more than adopted siblings (~0.0). Most of the IQ studies described above were conducted in developed countries, such as the United States, Japan, and Western Europe. Also, a few studies have been conducted in Moscow, East Germany, and India, and those studies have produced similar results. Any such investigation is limited to describing the genetic and environmental variation found within the populations studied. This is a caveat of any heritability study. Another caveat is that people with chromosomal abnormalities - such as klinefelter's syndrome and Triple X syndrome, will score considerably higher than the normal population without the chromosomal abnormalities, when scored against visual IQ tests, not IQ tests that have been tailored to measure IQ against the normal population. About 75–80 percent of mental retardation is familial (runs in the family), and 20–25 percent is due to biological problems, such as chromosomal abnormalities or brain damage. Mild to severe mental retardation is a symptom of several hundred single-gene disorders and many chromosomal abnormalities, including small deletions. Based on twin studies, moderate to severe mental retardation does not appear to be familial, but mild mental retardation does. That is, the relatives of the moderate to severely mentally retarded have normal ranges of IQs, whereas the families of the mildly mentally retarded have lower IQs. IQ score ranges (from DSM-IV): - mild mental retardation: IQ 50–55 to 70; children require mild support; formally called "Educable Mentally Retarded". - moderate retardation: IQ 35–40 to 50–55; children require moderate supervision and assistance; formally called "Trainable Mentally Retarded". - severe mental retardation: IQ 20–25 to 35–40; can be taught basic life skills and simple tasks with supervision. - profound mental retardation: IQ below 20–25; usually caused by a neurological condition; require constant care. The rate of mental retardation is higher among males than females, according to a 1991 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study. This is aggravated by the fact that males, unlike females, do not have a spare X chromosome to offset chromosomal defects. Individuals with IQs below 70 have been essentially exempted from the death penalty in the U.S. since 2002. Tambs et al. (1989) found that occupational status, educational attainment, and IQ are individually heritable; and further found that "genetic variance influencing educational attainment … contributed approximately one-fourth of the genetic variance for occupational status and nearly half the genetic variance for IQ". In a sample of U.S. siblings, Rowe et al. (1997) report that the inequality in education and income was predominantly due to genes, with shared environmental factors playing a subordinate role. The heritability of IQ measures the extent to which the IQ of children appears to be influenced by the IQ of parents. Because the heritability of IQ is less than 100%, the IQ of children tends to "regress" towards the mean IQ of the population. That is, high IQ parents tend to have children who are less bright than their parents, whereas low IQ parents tend to have children who are brighter than their parents. The effect can be quantified by the equation where - is the predicted average IQ of the children; - is the mean IQ of the population to which the parents belong; - h2 is the heritability of IQ; - m and f are the IQs of the mother and father, respectively. Thus, if the heritability of IQ is 50%, a couple averaging an IQ of 120 may have children that average around an IQ of 110, assuming that both parents come from a population with a median IQ of 100. A caveat to this reasoning are those children who have chromosomal abnormalities, such as Klinefelter's syndrome and Triple X syndrome whose "normal" IQ is only one indicator; their visual IQ is another indicator. And so forth. Modern studies using MRI imaging have shown that brain size correlates with IQ (r = 0.35) among adults (McDaniel, 2005). The correlation between brain size and IQ seems to hold for comparisons between and within families (Gignac et al. 2003; Jensen 1994; Jensen & Johnson 1994). However, one study found no familial correlation (Schoenemann et al. 2000). A study on twins (Thompson et al., 2001) showed that frontal gray matter volume was correlated with g and highly heritable. A related study has reported that the correlation between brain size (reported to have a heritability of 0.85) and g is 0.4, and that correlation is mediated entirely by genetic factors (Posthuma et al 2002). In a study of the head growth of 633 term-born children from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children cohort, it was shown that prenatal growth and growth during infancy were associated with subsequent IQ. The study’s conclusion was that the brain volume a child achieves by the age of 1 year helps determine later intelligence. Growth in brain volume after infancy may not compensate for poorer earlier growth. Many different sources of information have converged on the view that the frontal lobes are critical for fluid intelligence. Patients with damage to the frontal lobe are impaired on fluid intelligence tests (Duncan et al 1995). The volume of frontal grey (Thompson et al 2001) and white matter (Schoenemann et al 2005) have also been associated with general intelligence. In addition, recent neuroimaging studies have limited this association to the lateral prefrontal cortex. Duncan and colleagues (2000) showed using Positron Emission Tomography that problem-solving tasks that correlated more highly with IQ also activate the lateral prefrontal cortex. More recently, Gray and colleagues (2003) used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to show that those individuals that were more adept at resisting distraction on a demanding working memory task had both a higher IQ and increased prefrontal activity. For an extensive review of this topic, see Gray and Thompson (2004). In 2004, Richard Haier, professor of psychology in the Department of Pediatrics and colleagues at University of California, Irvine and the University of New Mexico used MRI to obtain structural images of the brain in 47 normal adults who also took standard IQ tests. The study demonstrated that general human intelligence appears to be based on the volume and location of gray matter tissue in the brain. Regional distribution of gray matter in humans is highly heritable. The study also demonstrated that, of the brain's gray matter, only about 6 percent appeared to be related to IQ. A study involving 307 children (age between six to nineteen) measuring the size of brain structures using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and measuring verbal and non-verbal abilities has been conducted (Shaw et al 2006). The study has indicated that there is a relationship between IQ and the structure of the cortex—the characteristic change being the group with the superior IQ scores starts with thinner cortex in the early age then becomes thicker than average by the late teens. The Flynn effect is named after James R. Flynn, a New Zealand based political scientist. He discovered that IQ scores worldwide appear to be slowly rising at a rate of around three IQ points per decade (Flynn, 1999). Attempted explanations have included improved nutrition, a trend towards smaller families, better education, greater environmental complexity, and heterosis (Mingroni, 2004). However, tests are renormalized occasionally to obtain mean scores of 100, for example WISC-R (1974), WISC-III (1991) and WISC-IV (2003). Hence it is difficult to compare IQ scores measured years apart. There is recent evidence that the tendency for intelligence scores to rise has ended in some first world countries. In 2004, Jon Martin Sundet of the University of Oslo and colleagues published an article documenting scores on intelligence tests given to Norwegian conscripts between the 1950s and 2002, showing that the increase in scores of general intelligence stopped after the mid-1990s and in numerical reasoning subtests, declined. Thomas W. Teasdale of the University of Copenhagen and David R. Owen of Brooklyn College, City University of New York, discovered similar results in Denmark, where intelligence test results showed no rise across the 1990s. Indications that scores on intelligence tests are not universally climbing have also come from the United Kingdom. Michael Shayer, a psychologist at King's College, University of London, and two colleagues report that performance on tests of physical reasoning given to children entering British secondary schools declined markedly between 1976 and 2003. Among the most controversial issues related to the study of intelligence is the observation that intelligence measures such as IQ scores vary between populations. While there is little scholarly debate about the existence of some of these differences, the reasons remain highly controversial both within academia and in the public sphere. Most studies show that despite sometimes significant differences in subtest scores, men and women have the same average IQ. Women perform better on tests of memory and verbal proficiency for example, while men perform better on tests of mathematical and spatial ability. Although gender-related differences in average IQ are insignificant, male scores display a higher variance: there are more men than women with both very high and very low IQs (for more details, see main article Sex and intelligence). While IQ scores of individual members of different racial or ethnic groups are distributed across the IQ scale, groups may vary in where their members cluster along the IQ scale. East Asians cluster higher than Europeans, while Hispanics and Sub-Saharan Africans cluster lower in the USA. Much research has been devoted to the extent and potential causes of racial-ethnic group differences in IQ, and the underlying purposes and validity of the tests has been examined. Most experts conclude that examination of many types of test bias and simple differences in socioeconomic status have failed to explain the IQ clustering differences. For a summary of expert opinions, see Race and Intelligence. The findings in this field are often thought to conflict with fundamental social philosophies, and have resulted in controversy. Persons with a higher IQ have generally lower adult morbidity and mortality. This may be because they better avoid injury and take better care of their own health, or alternatively may be due to a slight increased propensity for material wealth (see above). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, severe depression, and schizophrenia are less prevalent in higher IQ bands. The Archive of General Psychiatry published a longitudinal study of a randomly selected sample of 713 study participants (336 boys and 377 girls), from both urban and suburban settings. Of that group, nearly 76 percent had suffered through at least one traumatic event. Those participants were assessed at age 6 years and followed up to age 17 years. In that group of children, those with an IQ above 115 were significantly less likely to have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of the trauma, less likely to display behavioral problems, and less likely to experience a trauma. The low incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among children with higher IQs was true even if the child grew up in an urban environment (where trauma averaged three times the rate of the suburb), or had behavioral problems. On the other hand, higher IQ shows a higher prevalence of those conditioned with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Research in Scotland has shown that a 15-point lower IQ meant people had a fifth less chance of seeing their 76th birthday, while those with a 30-point disadvantage were 37% less likely than those with a higher IQ to live that long. A decrease in IQ has also been shown as an early predictor of late-onset Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia. In a 2004 study, Cervilla and colleagues showed that tests of cognitive ability provide useful predictive information up to a decade before the onset of dementia. However, when diagnosing individuals with a higher level of cognitive ability, in this study those with IQ's of 120 or more, patients should not be diagnosed from the standard norm but from an adjusted high-IQ norm that measured changes against the individual's higher ability level. In 2000, Whalley and colleagues published a paper in the journal Neurology, which examined links between childhood mental ability and late-onset dementia. The study showed that mental ability scores were significantly lower in children who eventually developed late-onset dementia when compared with other children tested. The longstanding belief that breast feeding correlates with an increase in the IQ of offspring has been challenged in a 2006 paper published in the British Medical Journal. The study used data from 5,475 children, the offspring of 3,161 mothers, in a longitudinal survey. The results indicated that mother's IQ, not breast feeding, explained the differences in the IQ scores of offspring. The results of this study indicated that prior studies had not allowed for the mother's IQ. Since mother's IQ was predictive of whether a child was breast fed, the study concluded that "breast feeding [itself] has little or no effect on intelligence in children." Instead, it was the mother's IQ that had a significant correlation with the IQ of her offspring, whether the offspring was breast fed or was not breast fed. A book IQ and the Wealth of Nations, claims to show that the wealth of a nation can in large part be explained by the average IQ score. This claim has been both disputed and supported in peer-reviewed papers. The data used has also been questioned. In addition, IQ and its correlates to health, violent crime, gross state product, and government effectiveness are the subject of a 2006 paper in the publication Intelligence. The paper breaks down IQ averages by U.S. states using the federal government's National Assessment of Educational Progress math and reading test scores as a source. Evidence for the practical validity of IQ comes from examining the correlation between IQ scores and life outcomes. |School grades and IQ |Total years of education and IQ |IQ and parental socioeconomic status |Job performance and IQ |Negative social outcomes and IQ |IQs of identical twins |IQs of husband and wife |Heights of parent and child |U.S. population distribution |Married by age 30 |Out of labor force more than 1 month out of year (men) |Unemployed more than 1 month out of year (men) |Divorced in 5 years |% of children w/ IQ in bottom decile (mothers) |Had an illegitimate baby (mothers) |Lives in poverty |Ever incarcerated (men) |Chronic welfare recipient (mothers) |High school dropout |Values are the percentage of each IQ sub-population, among non-Hispanic whites only, fitting each descriptor. Compiled by Gottfredson (1997) from a U.S. study by Herrnstein & Murray (1994) pp. 171, 158, 163, 174, 230, 180, 132, 194, 247–248, 194, 146 respectively. Research shows that general intelligence plays an important role in many valued life outcomes. In addition to academic success, IQ correlates with job performance (see below), socioeconomic advancement (e.g., level of education, occupation, and income), and "social pathology" (e.g., adult criminality, poverty, unemployment, dependence on welfare, children outside of marriage). Recent work has demonstrated links between general intelligence and health, longevity, and functional literacy. Correlations between g and life outcomes are pervasive, though IQ and happiness do not correlate. IQ and g correlate highly with school performance and job performance, less so with occupational prestige, moderately with income, and to a small degree with law-abidingness. General intelligence (in the literature typically called "cognitive ability") is the best predictor of job performance by the standard measure, validity. Validity is the correlation between score (in this case cognitive ability, as measured, typically, by a paper-and-pencil test) and outcome (in this case job performance, as measured by a range of factors including supervisor ratings, promotions, training success, and tenure), and ranges between −1.0 (the score is perfectly wrong in predicting outcome) and 1.0 (the score perfectly predicts the outcome). See validity (psychometric). The validity of cognitive ability for job performance tends to increase with job complexity and varies across different studies, ranging from 0.2 for unskilled jobs to 0.8 for the most complex jobs. A meta-analysis (Hunter and Hunter, 1984) which pooled validity results across many studies encompassing thousands of workers (32,124 for cognitive ability), reports that the validity of cognitive ability for entry-level jobs is 0.54, larger than any other measure including job tryout (0.44), experience (0.18), interview (0.14), age (−0.01), education (0.10), and biographical inventory (0.37). Because higher test validity allows more accurate prediction of job performance, companies have a strong incentive to use cognitive ability tests to select and promote employees. IQ thus has high practical validity in economic terms. The utility of using one measure over another is proportional to the difference in their validities, all else equal. This is one economic reason why companies use job interviews (validity 0.14) rather than randomly selecting employees (validity 0.0). However, legal barriers, most prominently the U.S. Civil Rights Act, as interpreted in the 1971 United States Supreme Court decision Griggs v. Duke Power Co., have prevented American employers from using cognitive ability tests as a controlling factor in selecting employees where (1) the use of the test would have a disparate impact on hiring by race and (2) where the test is not shown to be directly relevant to the job or class of jobs at issue. Instead, where there is not direct relevance to the job or class of jobs at issue, tests have only been legally permitted to be used in conjunction with a subjective appraisal process. The U.S. military uses the Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT), as higher scores correlate with significant increases in effectiveness of both individual soldiers and units, and Microsoft is known for using non-illegal tests that correlate with IQ tests as part of the interview process, weighing the results even more than experience in many cases. Some researchers have echoed the popular claim that "in economic terms it appears that the IQ score measures something with decreasing marginal value. It is important to have enough of it, but having lots and lots does not buy you that much." However, some studies suggest IQ continues to confer significant benefits even at very high levels. Ability and performance for jobs are linearly related, such that at all IQ levels, an increase in IQ translates into a concomitant increase in performance (Coward and Sackett, 1990). In an analysis of hundreds of siblings, it was found that IQ has a substantial effect on income independently of family background (Murray, 1998). Other studies question the real-world importance of whatever is measured with IQ tests, especially for differences in accumulated wealth and general economic inequality in a nation. IQ correlates highly with school performance but the correlations decrease the closer one gets to real-world outcomes, like with job performance, and still lower with income. It explains less than one sixth of the income variance. Even for school grades, other factors explain most the variance. One study found that, controlling for IQ across the entire population, 90 to 95 percent of economic inequality would continue to exist. Another recent study (2002) found that wealth, race, and schooling are important to the inheritance of economic status, but IQ is not a major contributor and the genetic transmission of IQ is even less important. Some argue that IQ scores are used as an excuse for not trying to reduce poverty or otherwise improve living standards for all. Claimed low intelligence has historically been used to justify the feudal system and unequal treatment of women (but note that many studies find identical average IQs among men and women; see sex and intelligence). In contrast, others claim that the refusal of "high-IQ elites" to take IQ seriously as a cause of inequality is itself immoral. Because public policy is often intended to influence the same outcomes (for example to improve education, fight poverty and crime, promote fairness in employment, and counter racial discrimination), policy decisions frequently interact with intelligence measures. In some cases, modern public policy references intelligence measures or even aims to alter cognitive development directly. While broad consensus exists that intelligence measures neither dictate nor preclude any particular social policy, controversy surrounds many other aspects of this interaction. Central issues concern whether intelligence measures should be considered in policy decisions, the role of policy in influencing or accounting for group differences in measured intelligence, and the success of policies in light of individual and group intelligence differences. The importance and sensitivity of the policies at issue have produced an often-emotional ongoing debate spanning scholarly inquiry and the popular media from the national to the local level. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act generally prohibits employment practices that are unfair or discriminatory. One provision of Title VII, codified at 42 USC 2000e-2(h), specifically provides that it is not an "unlawful employment practice for an employer to give and to act upon the results of any professionally developed ability test provided that such test, its administration or action upon the results is not designed, intended or used to discriminate because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin." This statute was interpreted by the Supreme Court in Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 US 424 (1971). In Griggs, the Court ruled that the reliance solely on a general IQ test that was not found to be specifically relevant to the job at issue was a discriminatory practice where it had a "disparate impact" on hiring. The Court gave considerable weight in its ruling to an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulation interpreting Section 2002e-2(h)'s reference to a "professionally developed ability test" to mean "a test which fairly measures the knowledge or skills required by the particular job or class of jobs which the applicant seeks, or which fairly affords the employer a chance to measure the applicant's ability to perform a particular job or class of jobs." In other words, the use of any particular test would need to be shown to be relevant to the particular job or class of jobs at issue. In the educational context, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals interpreted similar state and federal statutes to require that IQ Tests not be used in a manner that was determinative of tracking students into classes designed for the mentally retarded. Larry P. v. Riles, 793 F.2d 969 (9th Cir. 1984). The court specifically found that the tests involved were designed and standardized based on an all-white population, and had not undergone a legislatively mandated validation process. In addition, the court ruled that predictive validity for a general population is not sufficient, since the rights of an individual student were at issue, and emphasized that had the tests not been treated as controlling but instead used as part of a thorough and individualized assessment by a school psychologist a different result would have been obtained. In September 1982, the judge in the Larry P. case, Federal District Judge Robert F. Peckham, relented in part in response to a lawsuit brought by black parents who wanted their children tested. The parents' attorney, Mark Bredemeier, said his clients viewed the modern special education offered by California schools today as helpful to children with learning disabilities, not a dead-end track, as parents contended in the original 1979 Larry P. case. The Supreme Court of the United States has utilized IQ test results during the sentencing phase of some criminal proceedings. The Supreme Court case of Atkins v. Virginia, decided June 20, 2002, held that executions of mentally retarded criminals are "cruel and unusual punishments" prohibited by the Eighth Amendment. In Atkins the court stated that "…[I]t appears that even among those States that regularly execute offenders and that have no prohibition with regard to the mentally retarded, only five have executed offenders possessing a known IQ less than 70 since we decided Penry. The practice, therefore, has become truly unusual, and it is fair to say that a national consensus has developed against it." In overturning the Virginia Supreme Court's holding, the Atkins opinion stated that petitioner's IQ result of 59 was a factor making the imposition of capital punishment a violation of his eighth amendment rights. In the opinion's notes the court provided some of the facts relied upon when reaching their decision At the sentencing phase, Dr. Nelson testified: "Atkins' full scale IQ is 59. Compared to the population at large, that means less than one percentile…. Mental retardation is a relatively rare thing. It's about one percent of the population." App. 274. According to Dr. Nelson, Atkins' IQ score "would automatically qualify for Social Security disability income." Id., at 280. Dr. Nelson also indicated that of the over 40 capital defendants that he had evaluated, Atkins was only the second individual who met the criteria for mental retardation. Id., at 310. He testified that, in his opinion, Atkins' limited intellect had been a consistent feature throughout his life, and that his IQ score of 59 is not an "aberration, malingered result, or invalid test score." The Social Security Administration also uses IQ results when deciding disability claims. In certain cases, IQ results alone are used (in those cases where the result shows a "full scale IQ of 59 or less") and in other cases IQ results are used along with other factors (for a "full scale IQ of 60 through 70") when deciding whether a claimant qualifies for Social Security Disability benefits. In addition, because people with IQs below 80 (the 10th percentile, Department of Defense "Category V") are difficult to train, federal law bars their induction into the military. As of 2005, only 4 percent of the recruits were allowed to score as low as in the 16th to 30th percentile, a grouping known as "Category IV" on the U.S. Armed Forces' mental-aptitude exam. While IQ is sometimes treated as an end unto itself, scholarly work on IQ focuses to a large extent on IQ's validity, that is, the degree to which IQ predicts outcomes such as job performance, social pathologies, or academic achievement. Different IQ tests differ in their validity for various outcomes. Tests also differ in their g-loading, which is the degree to which the test score reflects general mental ability rather than a specific skill or "group factor" such as verbal ability, spatial visualization, or mathematical reasoning). g-loading and validity have been observed to be related in the sense that most IQ tests derive their validity mostly or entirely from the degree to which they measure g (Jensen 1998). Some maintain that IQ is a social construct invented by the privileged classes, used to maintain their privilege.Others maintain that intelligence, measured by IQ or g, reflects a real ability, is a useful tool in performing life tasks and has a biological reality. The social-construct and real-ability interpretations for IQ differences can be distinguished because they make opposite predictions about what would happen if people were given equal opportunities. The social explanation predicts that equal treatment will eliminate differences, while the real-ability explanation predicts that equal treatment will accentuate differences. Evidence for both outcomes exists. Achievement gaps persist in socioeconomically advantaged, integrated, liberal, suburban school districts in the United States (see Noguera, 2001). Test-score gaps tend to be larger at higher socioeconomic levels (Gottfredson, 2003). Some studies have reported a narrowing of score gaps over time. The reduction of intelligence to a single score seems extreme and unrealistic to many people. Opponents argue that it is much more useful to know a person's strengths and weaknesses than to know a person's IQ score. Such opponents often cite the example of two people with the same overall IQ score but very different ability profiles.As measured by IQ tests, most people have highly balanced ability profiles, with differences in subscores being greater among the more intelligent.However, this assumes the ability of IQ tests to comprehensively gauge the wide variety of human intellectual abilities. There are different types of IQ tests. Certainly the information described on this topic relates to a generic IQ test—against a general population, and therefore the results obtained are consistent across the population. However the results do not tell a full story, and are slanted towards 46,XX, and 46,XY candidates. Candidates with Klinefelter's Syndrome, have a decreased frontal lobe, so for the most part have a reduced IQ when measured against the normal population (46,XX, and 46,XY candidates), but have an enhanced parietal lobe. If measured against IQ tests that are based on matching (patterns, shapes, colors, mathematical series, puzzles), some klinefelters measure into the genius level. The creators of IQ testing did not intend for the tests to gauge a person's worth, and in many (or in all) situations, IQ may have little relevance. Some scientists dispute psychometrics entirely. In The Mismeasure of Man, a controversial book, professor Stephen Jay Gould argued that intelligence tests were based on faulty assumptions and showed their history of being used as the basis for scientific racism. He wrote: …the abstraction of intelligence as a single entity, its location within the brain, its quantification as one number for each individual, and the use of these numbers to rank people in a single series of worthiness, invariably to find that oppressed and disadvantaged groups—races, classes, or sexes—are innately inferior and deserve their status. (pp. 24–25) He spent much of the book criticizing the concept of IQ, including a historical discussion of how the IQ tests were created and a technical discussion of why g is simply a mathematical artifact. Later editions of the book included criticism of The Bell Curve, also a controversial book. Despite the many updates Gould made to his book, he did not discuss the modern usage of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and other modern brain imaging techniques used in psychometrics. Arthur Jensen, Professor of Educational Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, responded to Gould's criticisms in a paper titled The Debunking of Scientific Fossils and Straw Persons. In response to the controversy surrounding The Bell Curve, the American Psychological Association's Board of Scientific Affairs established a task force to write a consensus statement on the state of intelligence research which could be used by all sides as a basis for discussion. The full text of the report is available at a third-party website. The findings of the task force state that IQ scores do have high predictive validity for individual differences in school achievement. They confirm the predictive validity of IQ for adult occupational status, even when variables such as education and family background have been statistically controlled. They agree that individual (but specifically not population) differences in intelligence are substantially influenced by genetics. They state there is little evidence to show that childhood diet influences intelligence except in cases of severe malnutrition. They agree that there are no significant differences between the average IQ scores of males and females. The task force agrees that large differences do exist between the average IQ scores of blacks and whites, and that these differences cannot be attributed to biases in test construction. While they admit there is no empirical evidence supporting it, the APA task force suggests that explanations based on social status and cultural differences may be possible. Regarding genetic causes, they noted that there is not much direct evidence on this point, but what little there is fails to support the genetic hypothesis. The APA journal that published the statement, American Psychologist, subsequently published eleven critical responses in January 1997, most arguing that the report failed to examine adequately the evidence for partly-genetic explanations. The report was published in 1995 and thus does not include a decade of recent research. The controversy over IQ tests (also called cognitive ability tests, what they measure, and what this means for society has not abated since their initial development by Alfred Binet. IQ tests rely largely upon Symbolic Logic as a means to scoring, and as Symbolic Logic is not inherently synonymous with intelligence, the question remains as to exactly what is being measured via such tests. For instance, it is feasible that someone could possess a prodigious wealth of emotional intelligence while being simultaneously unable to comprehend the significance of sequentially arranged shapes. Additionally, someone who cannot read would be at a significant disadvantage on an IQ test , though illiteracy is not indicative of being unintelligent. Measurements of other forms of "intelligence" have been proposed to augment the current IQ Testing Methodology, though such alternative measurements may also be a subject of debate. Some key issues in the debate include defining intelligence itself (see general intelligence factor) and the political ramification of findings. Some proponents of IQ testing argue that lower scores by certain groups justify cutting back on welfare and programs like Head Start and New Deal. Many proponents believe different IQ scores demonstrate that power and wealth will always be distributed unequally. Critics claim that IQ tests do not measure intelligence, but rather a specific skill set valued by those who create IQ tests. Various statistical studies have reported that income level, education level, nutrition level, race, and sex all correlate with IQ scores, but what this means is debated. Some researchers have concluded from twin studies and adoption studies that IQ has high heritability, and this is often interpreted by the general public as meaning that there is an immutable genetic factor affecting or determining intelligence. This hereditarian interpretation fuels much of the controversy over books such as The Bell Curve, which claimed that various racial groups have lower or higher group intelligence than other racial and ethnic groups (East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews, according to The Bell Curve, are slightly more intelligent on the average than generic whites, whereas blacks on the average have slightly lower IQs) and suggested changing public policy as a result of these findings. The degree to which nature versus nurture influences the development of human traits (especially intelligence) is one of the most intractable scholarly controversies of modern times. Carroll, J.B. (1993). Human cognitive abilities: A survey of factor-analytical studies. New York: Cambridge University Press.
If you’ve ever enjoyed the chill of an air conditioner on a hot day, you’ve likely felt the magic of a freon compressor. This unassuming piece of machinery is the heart of any cooling system, vital for transforming warm air into a refreshing breeze. So, what makes this contraption tick? Table of Contents Brief Overview of Freon Compressor What is a freon compressor and its role in your cooling system? We’ll reveal the answers to this question in this section. Understanding a Freon Compressor At its core, a freon compressor is pretty straightforward. It’s like a big pump in your cooling system, responsible for circulating freon, a type of refrigerant. The compressor pressurizes the freon, which lets the system remove heat from your space and voila, you’re cool as a cucumber! It’s amazing, isn’t it? Role and Importance of a Freon Compressor in a Cooling System Just imagine a cooling system without a freon compressor. It would be like a car with no engine. The compressor’s role is paramount. It sets the refrigerant in motion, making the cooling cycle possible. You could say it’s the ‘star of the show’ in any cooling system. Detailed Analysis of Freon Compressor Now, let’s explore the nuts and bolts of a freon compressor. From its fundamental anatomy, which includes parts like the compressor motor and valves, to the way it operates and the types available, there’s more to it than meets the eye. Understanding its inner workings can help you appreciate the science and engineering behind the coolness! Anatomy of a Freon Compressor Like any machine, a freon compressor is made up of several key components. Each one plays a critical role in the functioning of the system. Let’s take a closer look, shall we? Think of the motor as the driving force of the compressor. It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, powering the pump. Simple, yet powerful! Suction Valve and Discharge Valve The suction valve draws in the low-pressure freon, and the discharge valve lets out the high-pressure freon. It’s like the compressor’s way of inhaling and exhaling. Where the magic happens! The pump takes the low-pressure freon, compresses it, and makes it high-pressure. Kind of like making orange juice: you squeeze to get the good stuff. How a Freon Compressor Works How does a freon compressor work its magic? Well, it’s a beautiful dance of physics and engineering, carried out in three phases. During the suction phase, the freon is drawn into the compressor. It’s like the compressor taking a deep breath, pulling in the low-pressure freon from the evaporator. Here comes the squeeze! The freon is compressed, causing its temperature and pressure to rise. It’s a bit like blowing up a balloon – the more air you add, the tighter the balloon becomes. Finally, it’s time to exhale. The high-pressure freon is released into the condenser, where it will begin to cool down and condense into a liquid, ready for the cycle to start all over again. Different Types of Freon Compressors Not all freon compressors are created equal. There are a few different types, each with its own advantages and specific applications. Reciprocating compressors are a bit like the pistons in your car engine. They use a crankshaft and piston to compress the freon. They’re widely used and renowned for their efficiency and durability. Scroll compressors have a unique design. They use two spiral-shaped scrolls to compress the freon. One scroll stays still, while the other moves, trapping and compressing the freon between them. Pretty neat, right? Screw compressors use a pair of helical screws to compress the freon. They’re smooth running, quiet, and efficient. A work of art in the world of compressors! These are the big boys in the compressor world. Centrifugal compressors use a rotating impeller to compress the freon. They’re typically used in large-scale industrial and commercial applications. Check out these other related articles… Freon Compressor Maintenance and Troubleshooting Like any equipment, a Freon compressor requires regular TLC to ensure it’s running smoothly. Maintenance routines such as cleaning, inspecting, and oil replacement are essential. And, when things do go wrong, knowing how to troubleshoot common issues is a skill worth having. After all, a well-maintained compressor is a long-lasting compressor. Basic Maintenance Procedures for a Freon Compressor Maintenance is key to keeping a freon compressor running smoothly. Like anything, it needs a bit of TLC to stay in tip-top shape. Here’s how you can show your compressor some love. Cleaning and Inspecting the Compressor A clean compressor is a happy compressor. Regularly clean the compressor to prevent dust and dirt buildup. Also, keep an eye out for signs of wear and tear. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Checking and Replacing Compressor Oil Just like your car, a compressor needs oil to run smoothly. Regularly check and change the compressor oil to ensure optimal performance. And remember, quality oil can make all the difference! Regularly Checking for Leaks and Damage Regular checks for leaks and damage can save you a lot of headaches in the long run. After all, who wants a cooling system that isn’t cool? Troubleshooting Common Freon Compressor Issues Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things go wrong. Here’s how to troubleshoot some common compressor issues. Overheating is a common issue with Freon compressors. It typically occurs when the compressor is working too hard or is under an excessive load, causing its temperature to rise beyond the optimal range. One of the leading causes of overheating is inadequate ventilation around the unit. Insufficient cooling, a blocked or dirty condenser coil, or improper installation in an area with limited airflow can lead to overheating. Another cause can be electrical issues such as a failing motor or capacitor, leading to increased heat production. Prolonged overheating can cause significant damage, reducing the compressor’s lifespan and causing it to fail prematurely. As such, addressing overheating problems promptly and effectively is crucial to maintaining the health of your Freon compressor. Freon leaks can be a serious issue for a compressor, both from an operational and an environmental perspective. Leaks usually occur due to cracks or holes in refrigerant lines, joints, or seals. This can lead to reduced cooling efficiency as the system loses its ability to carry heat away. In addition, since Freon is a greenhouse gas, leaks can contribute to ozone layer depletion. Detecting leaks can be challenging, as Freon is colorless and mostly odorless. However, signs like hissing noises, oily residue around the compressor, or a decline in cooling performance may point toward a leak. If a leak is suspected, it is vital to call a professional to repair it as handling Freon requires specific skills and safety measures. Compressor Noise Issues Noisy compressors can be quite disruptive and often signal underlying issues. Unusual noises can be caused by several problems, including loose internal parts, improper installation, worn-out or defective components, and insufficient lubrication. For instance, a rattling or knocking sound may indicate loose hardware or a malfunctioning motor. A loud humming or buzzing could signal an electrical issue or a failing start capacitor. Frequent or continuous clicking sounds might point to a faulty thermostat. Determining the cause of the noise can often help identify the specific problem with the compressor, guiding the necessary repair or maintenance actions. It is recommended to get a professional’s help to diagnose and fix compressor noise issues, as some can be quite complex. Future Trends in Freon Compressors Like everything in the tech world, freon compressors are constantly evolving. Innovations are making them more efficient, quieter, and easier to maintain. Exciting times lie ahead! Environmental Impact and Future Alternatives to Freon While freon compressors have done a great job at keeping us cool, they’re not so great for the environment. The good news is that alternatives are on the horizon. How amazing would it be to stay cool and keep our planet happy?
Black History month is about 1/2 way over now! How did February fly by so quickly? Anyway, if you are like me, the stack of things you had planned to use to teach your kids about this significant part of our History is almost depleted. No worries! I have compiled a list of 10 printable Black History Month Activities for Kids! What should families learn together during Black History Month? During Black History Month, families need to learn and reflect on the impact and legacy of African American history. Families can engage in various activities depending on their age and interests; for children, finding out about critical figures like Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King Jr. provides an engaging introduction to a crucial part of the US and world history. For older family members, exploring overlooked aspects, such as the role of education in the Civil Rights Movement or uncovering local African American leaders, can open up meaningful discussions around the complexities and intensity of these experiences. Family members of all ages will also benefit from understanding current and past forms of racism, how they manifest, and how to challenge them both within our own life experiences and through meaningful actions in our community. Learning together has the potential to create lasting memories while deepening everyone’s appreciation and respect for all backgrounds represented by this topic area. How do learning printables help all ages of kids? Learning printables can be an effective tool for teaching and engaging children of all ages. They are a simple, versatile way to provide educational content to learners in home and classroom settings. Printables can be helpful for younger children to practice basic concepts such as letter and word recognition, as well as visual discrimination. Older students can provide supplemental material that is structured around specific topics or objectives. Additionally, learning printables can provide multiple pathways of mastery so that the students can retain knowledge over time. In a multi-disciplinary approach, teachers can use them to introduce or review material in core subjects such as reading, math, science, and social studies while also offering creative opportunities such as drawing or creative writing exercises. Used wisely, learning printables offer tremendous potential for successful student engagement at numerous stages of development. What are ways that families can learn more about Martin Luther King, Jr? One of the most effective ways for families to learn more about Martin Luther King, Jr is by visiting or attending local events that honor his legacy. Ceremonies, parades, and other special gatherings are fantastic opportunities for parents and children to gain a greater appreciation of King’s life, work, and sacrifice. Additionally, there is an abundance of online resources that provide insight into King’s historical importance and educational resources such as talks and films. These tools engage adults and kids while sparking meaningful conversations about civil rights and justice. Finally, reading primary source texts (especially “Letter From a Birmingham Jail”) allows people of all ages to connect firsthand with Dr. King’s words. All of these methods can help family members develop a better understanding of the power behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s work.
The movement had many causes, most notably the Depression of the 1 sass and the Populist movement In fact, a Kansas editor referred to Progressivism as “populism that had shaved its whiskers, washed its shirt, put on a derby, and moved up into the middle class. ” The Progressive Era, the years 1895-1920, was an idealistic period, one that focused on constructive social, economic, and political change. Progressives believed that the complex social ills and tensions generated by the urban- industrial revolution required expanding the scope of local, state, and federal government authority. This, they believed, would ensure the progress of American society. The progressive movement refers to the common spirit Of an age rather than to an organized group or party. Progressivism was so diverse in its origins and intentions that few people adhered to all of its principles. Nevertheless, Progressivism became one of the central elements of American liberalism, and the legislation and initiatives of the period lay the first steps for what would become in the 1 9305 the Welfare state. Antecedents to Progressivism: 1) Populism: Populism was undoubtedly the impetus for the growth of Progressivism. The Omaha Platform of 1892 outlined many of the reforms that would later be accomplished during the Progressive Era. 2) Mumps: this group supplied Progressives with an important element of its thinking: the honest government. The new problems that arose in urban areas, such as crime, and efficient provision of water, electricity, sewage, and garbage collection, led to a growing number of elected officials with this new outlook toward honesty and efficiency. 3) Socialism: the Socialist Party of the time served as the left wing of progressivism. The growing familiarity with socialist doctrine and its critique of urban living and working conditions became a significant force in fostering the spirit of progressivism. Nevertheless, most progressives could not stomach the remedies offered by socialists, and the Progressive reform impulse grew in part from a desire to counter the growing influence of socialist doctrine. 4) Muckrakers: social critics, usually writers, who thrived on exposing scandal. These people got their name when Teddy Roosevelt imparted them to a character in a book called Pilgrim’s Progress: “a man that could look no way but downwards with a muckrake in his hands. ” Roosevelt believed that the muckrakers are often indispensable to society, but only if they knew when to stop raking the muck. The chief outlets for these social critics were the inexpensive magazines that began to flourish in the asses, such as Arena and McClure. The golden age of muckraking is sometimes dated from 1 902 when McClure began to run articles by reporter Lincoln Stiffens on municipal corruption. The articles were later compiled into a kook, published in 1904, called The Shame of the Cities. Other works that began as magazine articles exposed corruption in the stock market, life insurance, the meat industry, and politics. The Features of Progressivism: Democracy: the most important reform with which the Progressives tried to democratic government was the Direct Primary, or the nomination of candidates by the vote of party members. Under the existing convention system, only a small percentage of the voters attended the local caucuses or precinct meetings which sent delegates to county, state, and national elections. This allowed the rise of professional politicians who stayed in office for extremely long periods of time. In 1896 South Carolina adopted the first statewide primary, and within two decades this system had been implemented by nearly all states for Senators and congressmen. Finally, the Seventeenth Amendment, ratified in 191 3, authorized the direct election of senators by popular vote. The primary system was but one expression of a broad movement for direct democracy. During the period many states passed the Initiative, Referendum, and Recall. The initiative, first passed in 898 in South Dakota, provided the opportunity for citizens to create legislation by getting a set number of signatures on a petition. The electorate would then vote the issue up or down, this being the referendum. The recall provided the opportunity to remove officials by petition and vote. Efficiency: A second major theme of progressivism was the “gospel of efficiency. ” In government, efficiency demanded the reorganization of agencies to prevent overlapping, to establish clear lines of authority, and to fix responsibility. Progressives believed that voters could make wiser choices f they had a shorter ballot and chose fewer officials in whom power and responsibility were lodged. President Jackson argued in the early 19th century that any reasonably intelligent citizen could perform the duties of public office. During his time America was a pre-industrial society, therefore this notion might have been true. In the more complex age of the early twentieth century it became apparent that many functions of the government required expert specialists. This principle was echoed by progressive governor Robert Lafayette of Wisconsin (1901-1906). He established a collative Reference Bureau to provide research, advice, and help in drafting legislation. This Bureau became known as the Wisconsin Idea of efficient government, and it became widely publicized and copied during the progressive era. Lafayette also pushed for conservation of natural resources, tighter OR regulation, and workmen’s compensation. Throughout the period many states, such as Georgia, California, and Alabama, elected progressive governors. Additionally, numerous congressional, state, and local progressive officials were elected into office. Regulation: The regulation of large corporations engaged a greater diversity f reformers and elicited far more controversial solutions than any other issue of the Progressive era. The problem of economic power and abuse offered a dilemma for Progressives. Four broad solutions were available at the time: 1) Laissez-Fairer economics, or letting businesses control their own destinies without government regulations, 2) adopting a socialist program of public ownership, 3) adopt a policy of trust-busting in the belief that restoring old fashion competition would prevent economic abuse, or 4) accept big business but regulate it to prevent abuses. In the end the trend was toward exultation of big business, although this led to another problem: Regulatory agencies often came under control of those they were supposed to regulate. OR leaders, for instance, generally had a more intimate knowledge of the intricacies of their business. Consequently, they had an advantage over the officials who might be appointed to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Social Justice: a fourth feature of progressivism was the impulse toward social justice, which covered everything from private charity to campaigns against child labor or liquor. The Industrial and urban revolution made many live that the social evils that resulted extended beyond the reach of private charities and demanded the power of the state. Consent intently, the best way to achieve social justice was through legislation. The National Child Labor Committee, organized in 1904, led a movement for laws banning the still widespread employment of young children. Another group, the National Consumers League, led by the ardent socialist Florence Kelley, led a crusade for the passage of legislation that regulated the hours of work for women, especially wives and mothers. Many states also outlawed night work and abort in dangerous occupations for both women and children. Legislation to protect workers from accidents gained momentum following the Triangle Fire (191 1), and stricter building codes and factory inspections soon followed the disaster. Finally, the opposition to alcohol was an ideal cause to merge the older private ethics with the new social ethics of the period. Given the moral disrepute of saloons, many prohibitionists equated the liquor traffic with the evils of machine politics, prostitution, and other urban problems. The prohibitionist movement dated as far back as 1874, with the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. The most successful political action, however, came with the Anti-Saloon League, founded in 1893. This organization was one of the first single-issue lobbyist groups of the time. By singleness of purpose the group was able to force the liquor issue into the forefront of local and state elections. In 1913 the SSL held its Jubilee Convention, where it endorsed a prohibition amendment to the constitution. As we’ll see later, the prohibition amendment was ratified in 1919. Education, Consumerism, and Public Health: The progressive movement brought new ways of looking at the issues of the day. Education: the changing patterns Of school attendance called for new attitudes toward education. In the late 19th century, when America was predominantly rural, most children worked on the family farm instead of attending school. The urban revolution swelled the cities with millions of children who had more time for school. Additionally, urban taxpayers provided the funds for the construction of schools, making mass education a reality by the early 20th century. Progressives knew that education was the means for transforming society. Teachers emphasized academic and personal growth, where children loud use their intellect to deal with and control their environment. Personal growth also became the driving force in American Universities. Prior to this American Universities were set up like their European counterparts: institutions that trained a select few individuals for academic professions. By 191 0 the number of universities in the U. S. Doubled, and more people could afford the tuition. A college education quickly became a program for job training, offering classes in carpentry, engineering, and agriculture. By 1 920 78% of all children between the ages of five and seventeen attended public schools; another 8% attended private schools. The same year over 600,000 Americans attended college or graduate school, compared to just 52,000 in 1870. Public health also underwent many changes during this period. The National Consumers League, led by Florence Kelley, brought about some of the most extensive reform of the period. The NC tackled issues like women’s suffrage, labor laws, food inspection, health education, and medical care. The NC opened the eyes of many Americans, leading to a very broad consumer and health awareness movement that still exists today. Progressivism also affected the legal profession, bringing to the field a new emphasis on experience and scientific principles. The traditional belief of the law was that it was universal and unchanging. Progressives sought to change this. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jar. , an associate justice of the Supreme Court between 1902 and 1932, led the attack on the traditional belief. He and others like him argued that the law should be influenced by social reality. Others believed that judges’ rulings should be based upon scientific, factual evidence about realistic social situations. However, Progressives often met resistance from judges who were raised on Laissez fairer economics and strict interpretation of the constitution. Racial/Gender Issues: In the early asses women and black Americans were the two largest groups of underprivileged citizens in the United States. For centuries both had been striving for equality in a society dominated by white men. The Progressive movement fueled the fire for racial and gender equality, bringing different approaches to and visions for a new society. Black Americans: After 1880 many southern blacks began migrating to northern cities. Before this period about 90% of all blacks lived in the South. Southern blacks, as we have seen, were subject to Jim Crow laws, lynching, and other forms of discrimination. Although the conditions in the northern cities were an improvement over the tenant farms Of the South, they still faced job discrimination, segregation, and inferior schools and hospitals. Black leaders differed sharply over what should be done to improve the lives of black Americans. Most black Americans, however, could neither conquer nor escape white America. Booker T. Washington: Washington advocated a policy of Accommodation: he theory that the best hope for black assimilation lay in at least temporarily accommodating to whites. Washington was born in 1856 to slave parents. He worked his way through school, and in 1881 he founded Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, a vocational school for blacks. He argued that rather than fight for political rights, blacks should work hard, acquire property, and prove that they were worthy of equal rights. Washington never asserted that blacks were inferior to whites; instead he argued that through self improvement they could enhance their social and economic status. He argued this point at the Atlanta Exposition in 1 895, and collectively, these views became known as the Atlanta Compromise. Many whites, especially Progressives, favored this policy because it called for patience and it reminded black people to stay in their place. A lot of blacks, especially Northern intellectuals, believed that Washington was selling out to whites, and that he advocated a sort of second class position. In 1 905 a group Of anti-Bookstores assembled near Niagara Falls, New York, and pledged a more militant approach toward black equality. The spokesman at this convention as W. E. B. Dubos, a New Englander with a PhD from Harvard. Dubos initially supported the Atlanta Compromise, but he could never really accept white domination. He soon began to advocate that blacks must agitate for what is rightly theirs. His own solution to the racial problem called for the creation of the Talented Tenth, an intellectual vanguard of cultivated, highly trained blacks. This group, in theory, would save the black community by uplifting the downtrodden blacks into social and economic prosperity. In 1909 Dubos and his allies formed the NAACP, an organization that attempted o end discrimination by pursuing legal redress in the courts. Dubos’ beliefs rarely appealed to poor blacks; white progressive liberals supported him, however, and the early leadership of the NAACP consisted largely of white progressives. By 1914 the NAACP had fifty branch offices and over 6,000 members nationwide. Nevertheless, other than its attack on southern lynching, the NAACP did little to improve the situation of black Americans. The Women’s Movement: During the same period the Progressive challenge also extended to women. Like blacks, women were faced with the same dilemma: how do we achieve equality? Before 1910 those who took pert in the quest for women’s rights referred to themselves as the woman’s movement. This movement generally characterized middle-class women who wanted to escape the home by participating in social organizations, achieving a college education, or by getting a job. These social organizations, or Women’s Clubs, gave women, who had no opportunity to serve in public office, a chance to affect legislation. Rather than pushing for substantial legislation, such as trust-busting, these clubs organized their efforts around domestic social issues. These included improving education, regulating child ND women’s labor, housing reform, and other goals. Feminism: About 191 0 many of these organizations that dealt with women’s issues, particularly Suffrage, began to use the term Feminism to refer to their efforts. Feminists were bold, outspoken, and more conscious of their female identity. Feminism focused particularly on economic and sexual independence for women. Economically, they believed that women should enter the modern age by seeking employment, in essence leaving their domestic responsibilities to paid employees. Sexually, they strongly advocated the use of birth control. This movement was led by Margaret Ganger. Ganger visited immigrant neighborhoods in New Work’s East Side, distributing leaflets about contraception, in the hopes of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Her birth control crusade won the support of many middle-class women, who believed contraception would limit the size of their own families, as well as controlling the immigrant population. She did have opponents, however. Some believed that birth control movement posed a threat to the family and to morality. In 1914 Ganger was arrested for sending obscene material (contraceptive information) by mail, and she fled the country for a year. In 1921 she formed he American Birth Control League, a group which enlisted doctors and social workers to push judges to allow the distribution of birth control information. Although in these efforts she was unsuccessful, she did force the issue into the mainstream public. Teddy Roosevelt: Teddy Roosevelt, whom many believe was the most forceful president since Lincoln, was president from 1 901-1908. He was the descendant of a wealthy Dutch family, who instilled into him a sense of civic duty. He served three terms in the New York State Assembly, as New York City’s police commissioner, and in the Spanish American War he became a look hero by leading a motley group of volunteers called the rough riders. During his presidency, Roosevelt adopted a cautious version of progressive reform. He avoided such political meat-grinders as the tariff issue, and when he approached the issue of trusts, he always assured the business community that he was on their side. For him, politics was the art of the possible. Unlike the more advanced progressives and the “lunatic left,” as he called them, Roosevelt believed that half a loaf was better than none. He believed that reform was needed to keep things on an even keel. Regulation of Trusts: Roosevelt very quickly gained a reputation as a trust- buster. Instead, however, he believed that consolidation was more effective in ensuring progress. Rather than tolerate uncontrolled competition, he distinguished between good trusts and bad trusts. Bad trusts, to Roosevelt, were the OR, meat-packing and Oil trusts. He believed that these trusts unscrupulously exploited the public; consequently, they should not dominate the market. Instead of prosecuting these trusts, Roosevelt advocated mergers and other forms of expansion. In 1906 he persuaded Congress to ass the Hepburn Act: this imposed stricter control over IRS. It gave the ICC the authority to set OR rates, although it gave the states the authority to overturn rate decisions. Conservation: Roosevelt was a lover of nature, and he soon developed a reputation as the “determined Conservationist. ” During his presidency he added 150 million acres to the national forests. In 1902 he used his influence for the passage of the Newlyweds Reclamation Act, which set aside huge tracts of western land for irrigation projects. Pure Food and Drug Laws: the public had been screaming for government exultation of medicines and the meat packing industry for decades. Outrage reached new heights when Upton Sinclair published The Jungle in 1906. Sinclair, a socialist whose prime objective was to improve working conditions in the meat industry, provided shocking accounts of the conditions inside the plants. Roosevelt read the novel and immediately ordered an inspection. Upon finding that Sinclair descriptions were correct, he pushed for the passage of the Meat Inspection Act, which provided for government inspection of meat packing plants. Pure Food and Drug Act (1 906): passed in espouse to abuses in the medicine industry. Various companies had touted tonics and pills that had a cure all quality. Many of these tonics were mostly alcohol, or they contained a narcotic base. The act did not ban these products; however, it did require the use of labels listing the ingredients. Election of 1912: Roosevelt returned from Africa in 1910. He began reading and hearing about the policies of the Taft administration. He soon began to speak out against Taft, and in 1 912 he proclaimed himself fit as a bull moose, and he ran for the presidential nomination of the Republican Party. Taft porters controlled the convention; consequently, Taft won the nomination. The Progressives who backed Roosevelt split with the Republicans and formed the Progressive, or Bull Moose Party. The Democrats selected as their candidate New Jersey Governor Woodrow Wilson, and the Socialist Party nominated Eugene Debs. The split in the Republican party ensured a Democratic victory. Wilson won with 42% of the popular vote and 435 electoral votes. Roosevelt received 27%, Taft 23%, and Debs 6%. This election illustrated that three-fourths of the American people supported some sort of alternative to the Taft Administration.
Xylitol is an increasingly recognized natural sweetener for its potential in preventing dental caries. This condition affects a large part of the global population, especially children and adults. This article explores the impact and mechanisms of xylitol in the fight against cavities, based on the findings of an in-depth study. What is xylitol? Found in many fruits and plants, xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol that shares the sweetness of traditional sugar but does not require insulin for digestion. Its use is varied, ranging from chewing gums to toothpaste, syrups, and lozenges. Action of xylitol against cavities Xylitol combats cavities in several ways. It replaces cariogenic sugars with non-cariogenic alternatives, reducing the incidence of cavities. It also stimulates saliva production, which plays a key role in cleaning the mouth and remineralizing enamel. Finally, xylitol prevents bacteria like S. mutans from using sugar to produce energy, thereby inhibiting their growth. Effectiveness and safety Studies indicate that the use of fluoride toothpaste containing xylitol could significantly reduce cavities in children. However, evidence of its effectiveness in other products and in adults remains limited and requires careful interpretation due to potential limitations in existing studies. Although generally safe, excessive consumption of xylitol can lead to undesirable effects such as gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, its use should be moderate and aligned with the recommendations of healthcare professionals. Xylitol, especially as a component of fluoride toothpaste, shows promising potential for the prevention of dental caries in children. Nevertheless, further research is needed to assess its effectiveness in other products and populations. The adoption of xylitol should be based on the advice of dental professionals and current evidence.
Nuclear medicine and radiology use radiation. Radioactive materials, such as radio-pharmaceuticals and radioisotopes, are used in nuclear medicine. X-rays are entered into the body from outside in radiology. In modern hospitals, one-third of all the procedures involve radioactivity or radiation because these radioactive procedures are painless, safe, and effective. After all, anesthesia is not required. A small amount of radioactive material is used to diagnose or treat the disease. During diagnosis, a small camera called a “gamma camera” gives information about the illness or issue in the body. Uses of Nuclear Medicines Nuclear medicine is used in a wide range of conditions. Some of the uses of nuclear medications are the following: - To notice the proper functioning of the kidney and to detect any drainage - To see blood clots and other respiratory disorders in the lungs - To scan brain functioning - To measure the functioning of thyroid glands - To detect arthritis, fracture, and infection in bones - To diagnose the blood flow and functioning of the heart - To see the presence of disease through white cell scanning - To treat thyroid disorders, swelling, bone pain, and knee joint pain Types of Nuclear Medicine Scan Nuclear medicine helps diagnose a lot of conditions and diseases. During diagnosis, a small amount of nuclear medicine is swallowed, inhaled, or injected into the patient’s body, which helps diagnose the disease with the help of the camera. Some of the common types of nuclear medicine scans and the uses of these scans are the following: Bone or Joint Scan: This test is used to detect abnormalities in bones and joints. During this process, a small amount of radioactive material is injected into the veins and taken to the bony structure. After 2 to 3 hours, pictures will be taken by the technician to detect abnormalities in the bones. This radioactive material then leaves the body through urine. This test is used to detect the functioning of the stomach. During this test, the patient eats an egg or drinks a glass of water, and the doctor checks the time and procedure for digestion through imaging. This test evaluates the gall bladder’s functioning and access to the bile ducts. In this process, radioactive material is injected into the body, and pictures are taken with the help of a special camera to detect issues or diseases. This test is used to detect Meckel’s diverticulum in the human body. It is usually suggested for children, and this test is also used when patients have a history of bleeding into the gastrointestinal system. In this test, radioactive materials are inserted into the body, and imaging is done after 45 minutes of injection. In this test, the doctors detect kidney blood flow and functioning. A small amount of radioactive material is inserted into the veins, which shows the amount of blood flow and function of the kidneys with the help of images after 30 minutes of injection. It is used to detect the presence of any infection or tumor in the human body. Radioactive material is injected, pictures are taken with a special camera, and imaging takes place after 24, 48, and 96 hours of injection. Gastroesophageal Reflux Study: This test determines whether gastric juice moves reversely from the stomach to the esophagus. In this test, a small amount of radioactive material is mixed with the drink of the patients. A binder is used to take accurate pictures of the abdomen and stomach. Liver or Spleen Scan: This test helps detect the size and functioning of the liver and spleen. Radioactive material is inserted into the veins, and imaging is done to see the issues in the liver or spleen. This test is used to detect heart functioning and is usually taken by patients undergoing chemotherapy. This test takes about an hour. During this test, a small amount of blood is taken and mixed with the radioisotope. This mixture is then injected into the body of the patients, and images will be taken after 10 minutes. SPECT Brain Scan: This test is used to detect the altered blood flow in the brain and is also helpful in diagnosing vascular brain disorders. During this test, medicines are administered into the patient’s body with the help of an IV. It usually takes one to two hours, and images will be taken after 45 minutes of IV. SPECT Liver Scan: This test is usually done after a CT scan, ultrasound, or MRI to diagnose the tumor in the liver. In this test, the technician mixes a small amount of blood with an isotope and then again injects it into your body, and takes imaging 1 to 2 hours after injection. Thyroid Scan and Uptake (Radionuclide Iodine uptake): This test is used to detect the functioning of thyroid glands by measuring the uptake of iodine by thyroid glands. This test usually takes two days. On day one, a radiologist will ask you to take a radioactive iodine pill, and the technician will take the thyroid gland pictures five to six hours after taking the radioactive iodine pill; then, the radiologist will review your test. On the second day, You are asked to come for a 24-hour iodine uptake measurement. The radiologist will again review your test and examine your thyroid glands’ functioning. Nuclear Medicine Treatment Nuclear medicines are not only used to scan or diagnose the disease but are also helpful in different treatment methods. Some of them are the following: - Radioactive iodine(I-131) treats hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, and overactive thyroid. It is also used to treat bone pain in different types of cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. - Iodine-131(I-131) also targeted radionuclide therapy(TRT) and induced radioactive iodine into the human body. When the body’s cancer cells or thyroid cells absorb these substances, it kills them. - Radioimmunotherapy combined with nuclear therapy helps mimic cellular activity and targets the cells that need this therapy. - Theranostics is a combined term for diagnostics and therapeutics. This nuclear medicine technique is used for diagnosing and treating targeted cells with the help of molecular targeting vectors, such as radionuclides and peptides. - I-131, or radioactive iodine therapy(RAI), is the most common radionuclide used for treatment. Other options include Zevalin or ibritumomab tiuxetan, which help treat many types of lymphoma. Bexxar and 131-I tositumomab are also used to treat lymphoma and multiple myeloma. - https:// HYPERLINK “https://www.nibib.nih.gov/science-education/science-topics/nuclear-medicine”www.nibib.nih.gov/science-education/science-topics/nuclear-medicine#:~:text=Nuclear%20medicine%20is%20a%20medical,path%20of%20these%20radioactive%20tracers.
Flea infestations in dogs are a common problem that can cause discomfort and pose health risks. Understanding how dogs get fleas and implementing preventive measures is crucial for keeping them safe and healthy. Fleas are tiny insects that feed on the blood of mammals, including dogs. They have a complex life cycle consisting of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. These parasites are most prevalent during the warm months but can survive indoors during the winter. Dogs can get fleas through various sources, such as: - Contact with other infested dogs - Exposure to wildlife - Staying in new places - Contact with other pets in the household Regularly checking your dog for fleas and taking preventive measures is essential to protect them from flea infestations and the associated discomfort and health risks. - Dogs can get fleas through contact with infested animals, exposure to wildlife, and staying in new places. - Fleas have a complex life cycle consisting of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. - Regularly checking your dog for fleas and taking preventive measures is crucial to protect their health. - Implementing flea prevention measures, such as using flea control products, can help keep your dog flea-free. - Consulting with your veterinarian for the most effective flea prevention and treatment options is recommended. What Are Fleas and Their Life Cycle? Fleas are tiny parasites that survive by feeding on the blood of a host, usually a mammal. They are about the size of a grain of rice and can cause discomfort and transmit diseases. Fleas are common pests that can quickly infest dogs and other animals, leading to itching, skin irritation, and potentially more serious health issues. The life cycle of a flea consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Understanding this life cycle is essential for effective flea control. Fleas lay eggs on the host animal, which then fall off into the environment, such as your home or yard. The eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on organic matter and flea dirt. The larvae spin cocoons and enter the pupal stage. After a period of time, the adult flea emerges from the cocoon and seeks a host to feed on. Fleas are most common during the warm months but can survive indoors during the winter. They thrive in humid environments and can reproduce rapidly, making it challenging to eliminate an infestation once it takes hold. The temperature plays a significant role in their life cycle, with slower development in cold weather. Proper medication and treatment can effectively eliminate fleas on dogs and prevent reinfestation. “Understanding the life cycle of fleas is crucial for effective flea control and prevention.” Flea Life Cycle |Tiny white eggs laid by adult fleas on the host animal |Small, worm-like larvae that feed on organic matter and flea dirt |Larvae spin cocoons and enter the pupal stage |Fully developed fleas emerge from the cocoon and seek a host Preventing fleas on dogs requires understanding their life cycle and taking proactive measures to interrupt it. Regularly checking your dog for fleas, treating them promptly, and implementing preventive measures are crucial to keeping your furry friend flea-free. Consult with your veterinarian for the most effective flea prevention and treatment options for your dog, and maintain a clean living environment to minimize the risk of fleas. - Smith, J. (2021). Flea Control and the Ongoing Life Cycle of Fleas. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health, 3(5), 154-162. - Johnson, L. (2019). Understanding the Flea Life Cycle. Veterinary Times, 45(6), 28-31. Ways Dogs Can Get Fleas Dogs can get fleas in various ways, making it essential for dog owners to be aware of these potential sources and take preventive measures. Here are some common ways dogs can get fleas: - Contact with other infested dogs: Dogs can get fleas through direct contact with other dogs that are infested with fleas. This can happen during walks, visits to dog parks, or playdates. - Hitchhiking on humans: Fleas can hitchhike into your house on your clothes, shoes, or through open doors or windows. If you come into contact with fleas, they can easily transfer to your dog. - Exposure to wildlife: Dogs can pick up fleas from the grass in your backyard or outdoor areas where other animals like raccoons or mice may have left behind flea eggs or larvae. - Staying in new places: Dogs can be exposed to fleas when staying in new places, such as campgrounds or neighbors’ homes. Fleas may already be present in these environments, and your dog can bring them back home. To protect your dog from fleas, it is important to regularly check them for signs of infestation and take preventive measures, such as using flea prevention products recommended by your veterinarian. Table: Common Ways Dogs Can Get Fleas |Ways Dogs Can Get Fleas |Contact with other infested dogs |Hitchhiking on humans |Exposure to wildlife |Staying in new places By being aware of these ways dogs can get fleas, dog owners can take proactive steps to prevent infestations and keep their furry companions flea-free and healthy. How to Check a Dog for Fleas Regularly checking your dog for fleas is crucial to ensure their wellbeing. By identifying fleas early, you can take prompt action to eliminate them and prevent further infestation. To check your dog for fleas, follow these steps: - Start by thoroughly inspecting your dog’s fur, paying close attention to areas like the base of the tail, neck, and groin. - Look for signs of fleas, such as tiny insects moving through the fur, hair loss at the base of the tail, red bumps on ankles or feet, and excessive itching. - Use a flea comb to comb through your dog’s fur, focusing on areas where fleas are commonly found. The comb’s fine teeth can help catch fleas and flea dirt. - Check for flea dirt, which appears as black specks on your dog’s skin and fur. Flea dirt is actually flea feces and is a clear indication of fleas. If you find fleas or suspect an infestation, it is important to take immediate action. Consult with your veterinarian for the most effective flea treatment options for your dog and follow their guidance closely. Table: Signs of Fleas on Dogs |Your dog may scratch more than usual, especially around the tail, neck, and groin areas. |Fleas can cause hair loss, particularly at the base of the tail where they tend to gather. |Your dog’s skin may appear red, inflamed, or have small bumps. Excessive licking or chewing may also be present. |In severe infestations, fleas can cause anemia, leading to pale gums. This requires immediate veterinary attention. Checking your dog for fleas should be a part of routine grooming and healthcare. Early detection and regular preventive measures can help keep your dog flea-free and ensure their overall health. Treating Fleas on Dogs When it comes to dog flea treatment, there are various options available to effectively get rid of fleas and control their infestation. The choice of flea treatment depends on the severity of the infestation, the dog’s age and weight, and any underlying health conditions. It is always recommended to consult with your veterinarian to determine the most suitable treatment for your dog’s specific needs. One common method of flea control for dogs is the use of topical medications. These medications are applied directly to the dog’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades, and provide long-lasting protection against fleas. They work by killing fleas on contact and preventing new infestations. Some topical medications also offer protection against other parasites like ticks and mosquitoes, providing comprehensive protection for your dog. In addition to topical treatments, there are also oral flea control products available. These medications are administered orally and work systemically to kill fleas. They are often in the form of flavored tablets or chews, making them easy to administer. Oral flea control products are a popular choice for dogs that are difficult to handle or have skin sensitivities. Like topical treatments, oral products offer extended protection against fleas and can be combined with other parasite prevention methods. |Applied directly to the dog’s skin, killing fleas on contact and providing long-lasting protection. |Oral Flea Control Products |Administered orally, these medications work systemically to kill fleas and offer extended protection. It is important to consult with your veterinarian to choose the most effective treatment for your dog’s specific needs. In addition to conventional flea treatments, there are also natural remedies for fleas in dogs. These remedies often utilize ingredients such as essential oils or herbal extracts that are known to repel or kill fleas. While natural remedies can be an alternative to chemical-based treatments, it is important to use them with caution and follow the recommended dosage and application instructions. When treating fleas on dogs, it is crucial to also address the environment to prevent re-infestation. Fleas can lay eggs in carpets, bedding, and furniture, leading to a continuous cycle of infestation. Regularly vacuuming carpets and washing pet bedding in hot water can help eliminate flea eggs and larvae. It is also important to maintain a clean living space and treat other pets in the household to prevent fleas from spreading. Preventing Fleas in Dogs Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your dog flea-free. By taking proactive measures, you can protect your furry friend from the discomfort and potential health risks associated with fleas. Here are some effective strategies to prevent flea infestations in dogs: Regular Use of Flea Prevention Products Using year-round flea prevention products is highly recommended for most dogs. These products not only prevent fleas but also provide protection against ticks and other parasites. Consult with your veterinarian to choose the most suitable product for your dog’s specific needs. Regularly applying these products as directed will help keep fleas at bay. Maintain a Clean Living Environment Creating a clean living environment is crucial in preventing fleas from infesting your dog. Vacuum carpets, rugs, and floors regularly to remove flea eggs and larvae. Pay special attention to areas where your pet spends the most time. Additionally, wash and dry your pet’s bedding frequently to eliminate any fleas or eggs that may be present. By maintaining a clean and tidy home, you can significantly reduce the risk of flea infestations. Limit Exposure to Flea-Infested Areas Avoiding areas where fleas are prevalent can help minimize the chances of your dog picking up these parasites. Be cautious when visiting dog parks, hiking trails, or other outdoor areas where fleas may be present. If you suspect an area may have fleas, it is best to keep your dog away to reduce the risk of infestation. Remember, prevention is always easier than dealing with a full-blown flea infestation. By incorporating these preventive measures into your routine, you can help keep your beloved pet flea-free and ensure their optimal health and well-being. Spotting Fleas on Dogs and Their Symptoms Dogs are susceptible to flea infestations, and it is crucial for pet owners to be able to spot fleas on their dogs and recognize the symptoms associated with these pesky parasites. By promptly identifying fleas, pet owners can take the necessary steps to alleviate their dog’s discomfort and prevent further infestation. Here are some key signs to look out for: 1. Excessive Scratching Fleas are known to cause intense itching, which leads to excessive scratching. If you notice your dog scratching themselves more than usual, it could be a sign of fleas. Pay attention to areas such as the base of the tail, back, and neck, as fleas tend to congregate in these areas. 2. Hair Loss Frequent scratching and biting due to flea bites can result in hair loss. Keep an eye out for patches of thinning hair or bald spots on your dog’s skin. In severe cases, dogs may develop hot spots – inflamed, red, and moist areas on the skin caused by excessive licking and scratching. 3. Irritated Skin Fleas inject saliva into a dog’s skin when they bite, and some dogs may have an allergic reaction to this saliva. Irritated skin may appear red, swollen, or have small bumps resembling tiny welts. Dogs with a flea allergy may experience more severe symptoms, including intense itching and even developing secondary skin infections. 4. Pale Gums (Severe Infestations) In severe cases of flea infestation, dogs may become anemic due to the blood loss caused by the parasites. One visible sign of anemia is pale gums. If you notice that your dog’s gums appear paler than usual, it is important to seek veterinary attention immediately. Remember, fleas are fast-moving and can be challenging to spot, especially in dark-coated dogs. Using a flea comb can help in the detection process, as you may be able to see adult fleas or their brownish-red excrement, commonly known as flea dirt. If you suspect your dog has fleas, consult with your veterinarian for appropriate flea treatment options. Flea Prevention and Treatment for Dogs Flea prevention and treatment are essential for maintaining your dog’s health and well-being. By implementing the right preventive measures and choosing the best flea treatment options, you can protect your furry friend from flea infestations and the discomfort they bring. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the most suitable flea prevention methods for your dog. To prevent fleas in dogs, it is crucial to use year-round flea prevention products. These products come in various forms, including topical medications, oral chewables, and collars. They work by killing fleas and preventing new infestations. Be sure to choose a product that effectively kills fleas and provides lasting protection. Your veterinarian will recommend the most appropriate option based on your dog’s age, size, and health condition. Additionally, maintaining a clean living environment is vital for preventing fleas. Regularly vacuuming carpets, rugs, and furniture can help eliminate flea eggs and larvae. Washing your dog’s bedding and using a flea spray or powder in your home can also be effective. It is important to follow the product instructions and consult with your veterinarian before using any flea control products in your home. If your dog already has fleas, prompt treatment is necessary to provide relief and eliminate the infestation. There are various flea treatment options available, such as topical medications, shampoos, sprays, and oral medications. Your veterinarian will recommend the most appropriate treatment based on your dog’s specific needs. It is important to follow the instructions carefully when administering flea treatments. Some treatments require multiple applications or a combination of products for optimal effectiveness. Treating all pets in the household is also crucial to prevent the spread of fleas. Consult with your veterinarian for guidance on the best approach to treat and prevent fleas in all your furry companions. |Best Flea Treatments for Dogs |Easy to apply, long-lasting protection, kills fleas and ticks |Convenient administration, kills fleas within hours, monthly dosage |Continuous protection, repels and kills fleas, adjustable size |Immediate relief, kills adult fleas on contact, occasional use |Treats infested areas, kills fleas and their eggs, additional environmental control Remember, preventive measures and regular treatment are key to keeping your dog free from fleas. By consulting with your veterinarian and implementing a comprehensive flea prevention plan, you can ensure your dog stays healthy and comfortable throughout the year. Image source: Click here Protecting Your Home from Fleas Keeping your home free from fleas is an essential part of flea prevention. Here are some tips to help you protect your home from fleas: - Vacuum carpets, rugs, and floors regularly to remove flea eggs and larvae. - Pay attention to areas where your pet spends the most time. - Wash and dry all pet bedding frequently to eliminate fleas and their eggs. - Dispose of vacuum bags properly to prevent fleas from reinfesting your home. - Keep your yard free from debris and trim grass regularly to reduce flea habitats. - Consider using nematodes, which are microscopic organisms that feed on flea larvae in your yard. - Avoid overwatering your yard, as fleas thrive in moist environments. - Apply flea prevention products on your pets regularly, as recommended by your veterinarian. - Use pet-safe flea sprays or repellents in areas frequented by your pets, such as doorways, pet beds, and furniture. - Limit your pets’ exposure to other animals that may be carrying fleas, such as wildlife or stray cats and dogs. |Flea Prevention Tips for Your Home |Removes flea eggs and larvae from carpets and floors |Clean and dry pet bedding |Eliminates fleas and their eggs |Proper disposal of vacuum bags |Prevents reinfestation from fleas |Reduces flea habitats in your yard |Use of flea prevention products on pets |Prevents infestation and protects your pets By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of flea infestations in your home and protect both your pets and your family from the discomfort and potential health risks associated with fleas. Fleas can be a common problem for dogs, causing discomfort and potentially transmitting diseases. Dogs can get fleas through various ways, including contact with other infested animals, exposure to wildlife, and staying in new places. Regularly checking your dog for fleas, treating them promptly, and implementing preventive measures are crucial to keeping your furry friend flea-free. It is important to consult with your veterinarian for the most effective flea prevention and treatment options for your dog. Additionally, maintaining a clean living environment can minimize the risk of fleas. By being proactive and following these steps, you can safeguard your dog’s health and well-being. How do dogs get fleas? Dogs can get fleas through contact with other infested dogs, exposure to wildlife, staying in new places, and contact with other pets in the household. What are fleas and their life cycle? Fleas are tiny parasites that feed on the blood of mammals, including dogs. They have a complex life cycle consisting of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. How do dogs get fleas? Dogs can get fleas through various ways, including contact with other infested animals, exposure to wildlife, and staying in new places. How to check a dog for fleas? Regularly check your dog’s fur for tiny insects, red bumps, hair loss at the base of the tail, and excessive itching. Use a flea comb to check for fleas or flea dirt. How to treat fleas on dogs? Consult with your veterinarian for the most effective flea treatment options for your dog. Treat all pets in the household and clean the environment to eliminate fleas and their eggs. How to prevent fleas in dogs? Use year-round flea prevention products recommended by your veterinarian. Maintain a clean environment by vacuuming regularly, washing pet bedding, and keeping the yard free from debris. Can humans get fleas from dogs? Yes, humans can get fleas from dogs. It is important to take preventive measures, such as treating your dog for fleas and maintaining a clean living environment. How to spot fleas on dogs and their symptoms? Look for tiny dark red or brownish ovals moving through your dog’s fur. Symptoms include excessive scratching, hair loss, irritated skin, and pale gums in severe infestations. What are the best flea prevention and treatment for dogs? Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best flea prevention and treatment plan for your dog. There are various options available, including topical medications and oral products. How to protect your home from fleas? Vacuum carpets, rugs, and floors regularly, especially in areas where your pet spends time. Wash and dry pet bedding frequently and maintain a clean living environment to reduce the risk of flea infestations. Why is it important to prevent and treat fleas in dogs? Fleas can cause discomfort to your dog and transmit diseases. Regular preventive measures and prompt treatment can help alleviate their discomfort and prevent further infestation.
Sources: E.B. Worthington, Man from the farthest past, 1938. Publisher: Smithsonian Scientific Series Caption of the photo: Reconstruction of group of Swiss lake dwellings built over the water on piles. After Schmidt. The following paragraph is cited from the above source: Real architecture first appeared during the Neolithic phase of man development. Men then learned to build not mere windbreaks or even huts, but groups of substantial timber houses with walls of bark or wattle-work daubed with clay. For defense, they build their villages over the water or surrounded them with strong stockades made of logs set on end, side by side, in the earth.
What is the 1066 tapestry called? Bayeux Tapestry, medieval embroidery depicting the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, remarkable as a work of art and important as a source for 11th-century history. What is the significance of 1066? 1066 was a momentous year for England. The death of the elderly English king, Edward the Confessor, on 5 January set off a chain of events that would lead, on 14 October, to the Battle of Hastings. In the years that followed, the Normans had a profound impact on the country they had conquered. Which historical artefact gives us picture evidence of the events of 1066? The Bayeux Tapestry tells one of the most famous stories in British history – that of the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, particularly the battle of Hastings, which took place on 14 October 1066. What purpose do you think the Bayeux Tapestry served? The Bayeux Tapestry provides an excellent example of Anglo-Norman art. It serves as a medieval artifact that operates as art, chronicle, political propaganda, and visual evidence of eleventh-century mundane objects, all at a monumental scale. What was life like 1066? There were far fewer people living in England, and large parts of the country were covered by woods. There were no castles and not many stone buildings. Some churches and monasterial buildings were fashioned from stone, but most of the houses – even grand ones – were made from timber. Did the Normans bring a truckload of trouble? William introduced a number of changes to government, law and architecture during his 21 years as King. The historian Simon Schama described the Norman Conquest as ‘ a truckload of trouble that wiped out everything that gives a culture its bearings – custom, language, law, loyalty. Which is the best definition of the word artifact? [ahr-tuh-fakt] See more synonyms for artifact on Thesaurus.com. noun. any object made by human beings, especially with a view to subsequent use. a handmade object, as a tool, or the remains of one, as a shard of pottery, characteristic of an earlier time or cultural stage, especially such an object found at an archaeological excavation. Who was in charge of England in 1066? With three kings in one year, a legendary battle in October and a Norman in charge of England, it is little wonder that people rarely forget the year 1066. Many historians view 1066 as the start of Medieval England. Where was the Battle of Hastings in 1066? Battle of Hastings: October 14, 1066. On September 28, 1066, William landed in England at Pevensey, on Britain’s southeast coast, with thousands of troops and cavalry. What was the Battle of Stamford Bridge 1066? At the start of September, Harold received news that Tostig and Harold Hadrada had landed with an army in the north of England. He marched north with his army to fight Hadrada. The English army met the Norwegian army at the Battle of Stamford Bridge on September 25th. The battle was bloody and violent.
Mitobi integrated services is experienced with the process by which wind is used to generate electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical power can also be utilized directly for specific tasks such as pumping water. The wind is a clean, free, and readily available renewable energy source. Each day, around the world, wind turbines are capturing the wind’s power and converting it to electricity. Wind power generation plays an increasingly important role in the way we power our world – in a clean, sustainable manner. How it Works Wind turbine blades rotate when hit by the wind. And this doesn’t have to be a strong wind, either: the blades of most turbines will start turning at a wind speed of 3-5 meters per second, which is a gentle breeze. It’s this spinning motion that turns a shaft in the nacelle – which is the box-like structure at the top of a wind turbine. A generator built into the nacelle then converts the kinetic energy of the turning shaft into electrical energy. This then passes through a transformer, which steps up the voltage so it can be transported on the National Grid or used by a local site. From micro-turbines for an individual house right up to enormous, off-shore windfarms, all wind turbines use the same mechanics to generate electricity.
The icy grip of the Arctic is loosening, and unexpected guests are taking advantage. Chum salmon, fish typically found further south, have been discovered spawning in Arctic rivers, a potential consequence of rapid climate change. This news, documented in Nature and reported by Wired, has scientists both hopeful and wary. On the one hand, it suggests warming waters are creating new habitats for salmon, a commercially important species. Chum lay many eggs before dying, providing a potential food source for Arctic species. However, this migration isn’t without risks. The influx of salmon comes as the Arctic rapidly transforms: ice melts, green growth increases, and water flows alter. These changes could have cascading effects, impacting soil quality, permafrost stability, and even methane release. Scientists are cautiously monitoring the situation, deploying temperature sensors to understand the new northern frontier for chum salmon. They acknowledge the potential benefits for both the fish and the Arctic ecosystem, but emphasize the need for careful observation to manage any unforeseen consequences. This tale of northward-bound salmon is a reminder of the intricate dances playing out as our planet warms. While it offers a flicker of hope for some species, it underscores the complex web of change unfolding in the Arctic, demanding both scientific scrutiny and responsible stewardship.
- Research into small amphibians has been stymied by limited means of tracking their movements, hindering conservation efforts. - Harmonic direction finding technology, adapted from avalanche rescue systems, is being used to track some of the world’s smallest amphibians. - It has helped improve scientists’ understanding of chytridiomycosis, a disease causing massive decline of amphibians around the world. Around one third of amphibian species are considered globally threatened by the IUCN, due primarily to habitat loss, overexploitation for the wildlife and pet trades, climate change, and disease. Adding to their precarious state is the fact that we simply don’t know much about many of these species, which makes planning conservation strategies difficult. Many of the smaller amphibians remain particularly enigmatic, in part because their tiny bodies, which often weigh less than half a teaspoon of sugar, make them difficult to track using conventional methods. But a piece of equipment called a harmonic direction finder is enabling scientists to begin unravelling the complex world of small-amphibian behavior in the hope that better understanding will improve conservation. “[F]or many species, little is known about their habitat requirements, including the type and amount of habitat needed to maintain populations,” Elizabeth “Betsy” Roznik, a biologist with the University of South Florida who studies tiny frogs using harmonic direction finders, told Mongabay. Radiotelemetry has long been used on larger amphibian species. But the smaller creatures are too slight to strap a cumbersome radio tag onto. Harmonic direction finders overcome this hurdle. They arose from a device originally designed to help rescue people after an avalanche. Inventor Magnus Granhed came up with the idea after being involved in a rescue incident, developed a prototype in 1980, and commercialized the design as the RECCO system. Skiers and snowboarders the world over now often wear small, passive reflector tags in their clothing or gear. In the event that they are buried under an avalanche, rescue personnel using a handheld RECCO detector can locate them by sending out a radio signal that bounces back off the tag. The technology is known in scientific research as harmonic direction finding. In the field scientists use a hand-held transceiver, often a RECCO device, that sends out radio waves. The waves bounce off a small diode tag attached with an antenna to the study subject. The transceiver picks up this reflected signal, allowing scientists to track the location of their target. The technology made its tracking debut on insects, with some of the first studies emerging in the 1990s. Starting around ten years ago, it has increasingly been used to study tiny frogs in tropical rainforests across the world. Tracking frogs with harmonic direction finding is helping scientists to understand why the lethal disease chytridiomycosis is pushing some amphibian species to the brink. Roznik’s study subject, the common mist frog (Litoria rheocola), which lives tucked away in the remote rainforest of northeastern Australia, is one of those affected. The disease causes an overload of keratin production in frogs’ skin cells, hardening the skin and reducing its permeability. Since frogs absorb both water and essential electrolytes through their skin, they can die as a result. Stream-dwelling frogs are often the worst affected because the fungal pathogens spread through contact with contaminated water. “Chytridiomycosis is responsible for the greatest loss of biodiversity caused by disease in recorded history,” Roznik said. “This disease has caused catastrophic declines or extinctions in over 200 amphibian species around the world.” Prior to her study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, little was known about the common mist frog, which Roznik describes as “very small and secretive.” Roznik’s study sought to discover how the frog’s behaviour during different seasons can make it more or less prone to contracting chytridiomycosis. “They can be seen perching on streamside vegetation and rocks at night, but… nothing was known about where they go during the day, how far they move, or how far they can be found away from the stream,” she said. With the harmonic direction finder Roznik and her team tracked the common mist frog in Wooroonooran National Park in Queensland, Australia through a single warm, wet summer and cool, dry winter. The study revealed some basic information about the common mist frog’s lifestyle. “By tracking common mist frogs using harmonic direction finding, I discovered that they are relatively sedentary frogs that are restricted to the stream environment, and prefer sections of the stream with riffles, numerous rocks, and dense vegetation,” she said. To ensure their survival she suggested that “dense, native vegetation” should be maintained alongside streams. Moreover, she found that during the summer, the frogs dwelled amongst vegetation away from the river. During winter, however, the frogs moved around less and spent more time in the water. This behavior increased their chances of contracting chytridiomycosis in winter. Roznik also found that the common mist frog occasionally enjoys sunbathing in patches of sunlight that stream through the forest canopy. This behavior is crucial to reducing their risk of succumbing to chytridiomycosis as the fungus is very particular in its thermal needs and can be killed if it’s dried out by the sun. “[P]roviding canopy openings for populations at risk may be one beneficial management strategy for common mist frogs,” she said. Canopy openings may be essential in combating the pathogenic fungus’s assault on other amphibian species, as well, according to Roznik. Her PhD research, which tracked three frog species, found that even in areas where chytridiomycosis was endemic the rates of infection varied greatly between the species. Species with higher body temperatures and that spent more time on land were affected less than those with lower body temperatures that dwelled in and around water, such as the mist frog. Harmonic direction finders have a number of advantages over radiotelemetry. The tags are of course very small, weighing less than ten percent of a small frog’s mass — the recommended threshold so as not to overburden or injure the frog. They are quite simple to apply: Roznik made use of a silicon belt, securely fastened around the frog’s waist with cotton string. They don’t require batteries, prolonging potential field research. And of great importance in a field with limited funds, they are cheap and easy to produce. Roznik said one tag costs around $5, whereas a miniature radio transmitter can cost as much as $100. But the technology isn’t without its downsides. For one thing, the signal cannot pass through solid objects, which can make it difficult to find a tiny frog. “Common mist frogs often shelter under rocks in the stream, so sometimes I was unable to locate my frogs,” Roznik said. But she struck lucky with her subject’s chilled out nature. “[T]hey are relatively sedentary, so I was usually able to find them when they changed locations,” she said. The harmonic direction finder’s range is also limited, to under 15 meters, so it isn’t ideal for highly mobile species. Andrius Pašukonis, a biologist at the University of Vienna who has used harmonic direction finding to study the brilliant-thighed poison dart frog (Allobates femoralis), wasn’t quite so lucky with his fleet-footed subject. “Our study area is in a primary rainforest and these little frogs will easily run through areas such as big treefalls and liana tangles, not easily accessible for large clumsy mammals like we are,” he told Mongabay. “To make the matters even trickier, frogs move the fastest in heavy rain…So at times we found ourselves in the middle of a tropical downpour climbing in a massive treefall area listening for a faint signal from a frog moving somewhere under.” Pašukonis found in his study, which was published in Biology Letters, that brilliant-thighed poison dart frogs can learn their way home through the dense rainforest. And although he contends that this particular finding may not have any direct conservation value at the moment he told Mongabay last spring that “we can’t protect what we don’t understand.” Roznik is of the same opinion. “Tracking amphibians is a very useful way to learn more about the habitats they use so that we can protect those habitats.” - Roznik EA, Alford RA (2015). Seasonal Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Rainforest Frog (Litoria rheocola) Threatened by Disease. PLOS ONE. 0127851. - Pašukonis A. Warrington I, Ringler M, Hödl W. (2014). Poison frogs rely on experience to find the way home in the rainforest. Biology Letters. 10. 20140642.
After reading this chapter, completing the exercises within it, and answering the questions at the end, you should be able to: - Explain how slope stability is related to slope angle - Summarize some of the factors that influence the strength of materials on slopes, including type of rock, presence and orientation of planes of weakness such as bedding or fractures, type of unconsolidated material, and the effects of water - Explain what types of events can trigger mass wasting - Summarize the types of motion that can happen during mass wasting - Describe the main types of mass wasting — creep, slump, translational slide, rotational slide, fall, and debris flow or mudflow — in terms of the types of materials involved, the type of motion, and the likely rates of motion - Explain what steps we can take to delay mass wasting, and why we cannot prevent it permanently - Describe some of the measures that can be taken to mitigate the risks associated with mass wasting Early in the morning on January 9, 1965, 47 million cubic metres of rock broke away from the steep upper slopes of Johnson Peak (16 km southeast of Hope) and roared 2,000 m down the mountain, gouging out the contents of a small lake at the bottom, and continuing a few hundred metres up the other side (Figure 15.1). Four people, who had been stopped on the highway by a snow avalanche, were killed. Many more might have become victims, except that a Greyhound bus driver, en route to Vancouver, turned his bus around on seeing the avalanche. The rock failed along weakened foliation planes of the metamorphic rock on Johnson Peak, in an area that had been eroded into a steep slope by glacial ice. There is no evidence that it was triggered by any specific event, and there was no warning that it was about to happen. Even if there had been warning, nothing could have been done to prevent it. There are hundreds of similar situations throughout British Columbia. What can we learn from the Hope Slide? In general, we cannot prevent most mass wasting, and significant effort is required if an event is to be predicted with any level of certainty. Understanding the geology is critical to understanding mass wasting. Although failures are inevitable in a region with steep slopes, larger ones happen less frequently than smaller ones, and the consequences vary depending on the downslope conditions, such as the presence of people, buildings, roads, or fish-bearing streams. An important reason for learning about mass wasting is to understand the nature of the materials that fail, and how and why they fail so that we can minimize risks from similar events in the future. For this reason, we need to be able to classify mass-wasting events, and we need to know the terms that geologists, engineers, and others use to communicate about them. Mass wasting, which is synonymous with “slope failure,” is the failure and downslope movement of rock or unconsolidated materials in response to gravity. The term “landslide” is almost synonymous with mass wasting, but not quite because some people reserve “landslide” for relatively rapid slope failures, while others do not. Because of that ambiguity, we will avoid the use of “landslide” in this textbook.
The phrase “artificial intelligence” might conjure robotic uprisings led by malevolent, self-aware androids. But in reality, computers are too busy offering movie recommendations, studying famous works of art, and creating fake faces to bother taking over the world. During the past few years, AI has become an integral part of modern life, shaping everything from online shopping habits to disease diagnosis. Yet despite the field’s explosive growth, there are still many misconceptions about what, exactly, AI is, and how computers and machines might shape future society. Part of this misconception stems from the phrase “artificial intelligence” itself. “True” AI, or artificial general intelligence, refers to a machine that has the ability to learn and understand in the same way that humans do. In most instances and applications, however, AI actually refers to machine learning, computer programs that are trained to identify patterns using large datasets. “For many decades, machine learning was viewed as an important subfield of AI. One of the reasons they are becoming synonymous, both in the technical communities and in the general population, is because as more data has become available, and machine learning methods have become more powerful, the most competitive way to get to some AI goal is through machine learning,” says Michael Kearns, founding director of the Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences. If AI isn’t an intelligent machine per se, what, exactly, does AI research look like, and is there a limit to how “intelligent” machines can become? By clarifying what AI is and delving into research happening at Penn that impacts how computers see, understand, and interact with the world, one can better see how progress in computer science will shape the future of AI and the ever-changing relationship between humans and technology. All programs are made of algorithms, “recipes” that tell the computer how to complete a task. Machine learning programs are unique: Instead of detailed step-by-step instructions, algorithms are “trained” on large datasets, such as 100,000 pictures of cats. Machine learning programs then “learn” which features of the image make up a cat, like pointed ears or orange-colored fur. The program can use what it learned to decide whether a new image contains a cat. Computers excel at these pattern-recognition tasks, with machine learning programs able to beat human experts at games like chess or the Chinese board game GO, because they can search an enormous number of possible solutions. According to computer scientist Shivani Agarwal, “We aren’t designed to look at 1,000 examples of 10,000 dimensional vectors and figure out patterns, but computers are terrific at this." For machine learning programs to work well, computers need a lot of data, and part of what’s made recent AI advances possible is the Internet. With millions of Facebook likes, Flickr photos, Amazon purchases, and Netflix movie choices, computers have a huge pool of data from which to learn. Coupled with simultaneous technological improvements in computing power, machines can analyze massive datasets faster than ever before. But while computers are good at finding cats in photos and playing chess, pattern recognition isn’t “true” intelligence—the ability to absorb new information and make generalizations. As Agarwal explains, “These are not what we would call ‘cognitive abilities.' It doesn’t mean that the computer is able to reason.” “Most of the successes of machine learning have been on specific goals that nobody would call general purpose intelligence,” says Kearns. “You can’t expect a computer program that plays a great game of chess to be able to read today’s news and speculate on what it means for the economy.” See the world The human brain devotes more neurons to sight than the other four senses combined, providing the “computing power” needed to see the world. Computer vision researchers study ways to help computers “see”—and an accurate visual representation of the environment is a crucial first step for AI, whether it’s facial recognition software or self-driving cars. Computer vision programs are able to learn from massive datasets of human-curated images and videos, but one of the hurdles faced by researchers is getting computers to see what’s not actually there. Computer vision researcher Jianbo Shi gives the example of the Kanizsa triangle, an optical illusion in which a triangle can be clearly perceived by the human eye, even though there aren’t explicit lines outlining the shape. Human brains “hallucinate” the missing parts of the triangle, but computers cannot see it at all. One of the ways that Shi is helping computers see better is using first-person GoPro videos, which provide computers a more accurate and fuller perspective on a human activity so they can make more accurate predictions and decisions. “It’s one thing to look at somebody do something,” Shi says. “It’s another thing to experience it from your own point of view.” These egocentric programs are able to predict a player’s movements or find a group’s collective point of attention. Shi hopes that this research can not only lead to improvements in AI platforms but could also benefit people, like making it easier to learn a musical instrument or play a sport . “We hope we can use technology to teach humans skills that would otherwise take too long to learn. They say it takes 10,000 hours to perfect some skill, but can we shorten this time if we use technology?” Shi says. Speak the language Humans communicate using ambiguous languages. For example, a “break” can be an abrupt interruption, a bit of luck, an escape from jail, or one of 13 other meanings. Research in natural language processing works to clarify ambiguous words and phrases to help humans communicate with computers. It’s an area of study that’s fundamental to AI, especially as voice-recognition platforms like Alexa and Siri become more popular. “Being able to make inferences about language is important, and if we want agent-human interaction, that’s absolutely a must,” says computational linguist Ani Nenkova. Humans learn languages by exposure, either from hearing others speak or from rigorous study. Computers can gain exposure to language using digitized text or voice recording datasets, but still need help from humans to understand the exact meaning of what is being said. As with the Kanizsa triangle example, computers often misinterpret or struggle to understand things that are left unsaid which might be clear to the human listener. In Nenkova’s research on what makes “great” writing and literature search automation, she trains programs on word representation datasets curated by humans that tell the computer what words and phrases mean in a specific context. The long-term goal is to develop new algorithms that can analyze and understand new text without a human “translator,” but that’s still many years in the future. One complex problem, faced by both natural language processing researchers and broader AI research as a whole, is shared knowledge. For example, if someone asks her friend, “How was the concert last night?” but the friend didn’t go to a concert, clarifying the misunderstanding is straightforward. Computers don’t realize that they lack some information or common ground and would instead give a faulty answer in response. “Shared knowledge is [the idea of] how can the machine figure out that a person is expecting them to know something that they don’t know—having a sense of the knowledge they have versus the knowledge they need,” says Nenkova. Shared knowledge also relates to understanding a phrase’s deeper meaning, and Nenkova hopes that helping computers understand language can improve their awareness of what they know and don’t know. By addressing this and other challenges, Nenkova also anticipates that natural language processing research could improve interpersonal communication. “There’s so much that we assume as common ground, and sometimes there is no common ground. If we try to address self-awareness, it may help people as well,” says Nenkova. Perceive and move “We look at robotics as embodied AI,” says roboticist Kostas Daniilidis. “Something which has sensors to receive [information] and motors to interact with the world.” In the broad realm of AI research, roboticists face the additional challenge of interacting and reacting with chaotic, real-world environments. “Google uses AI to recommend things, and if they are wrong one out of five times, it’s annoying. For robotics, it has to work as well as a bar code in the supermarket,” says Daniilidis. Researchers start by giving robots lots of data and simulated experiences, but simply having more data isn’t enough for a robot to accurately translate a task’s complex physics into an appropriate action. To give robots more real-world experience, Daniilidis and Shi collaborate with Vijay Balasubramanian on ways to create “curious” robots. “Instead of methods where you teach [a computer] ‘Here’s a car, here’s a person,’ we are trying to think about how children learn,” says Shi. The challenge is that robots can be programmed to look for patterns, but they won’t explore, like a child does, without a specific task. As a first step toward this goal, researchers have programmed a robotic arm to move around randomly and “explore” a box of assorted items like toys, clothes, and sporting goods. With this data as a starting point for developing their algorithms, Penn researchers will then assign new robots a specific task, such as moving from Point A to Point B in a complicated multilevel setting, but give it days to finish a task that should only take a couple of hours. Their goal is to create a “curious” robot that uses the additional time it’s been given to explore a new environment so that it can complete future tasks more efficiently. “The way we understand [curiosity] is that when we are performing a task, we have more time than needed,” Daniilidis says. “If you start your homework at 10 p.m. and you have to finish it by midnight, you’re not going to exhibit any curious behavior. But if you have one week, you [might].” The future of AI While the chances of creating a truly intelligent, self-aware robot are low, AI is still a powerful tool to be wielded wisely and understood clearly. It’s a completely new type of technology, one that’s deeply connected to the human experience, including all of society’s biases and social constraints, because computers rely on humans to “learn” about the world. It’s why researchers like Agarwal emphasize the importance of establishing core principles for AI that clearly define success and failure in AI platforms, and that indicate when algorithms work well and when their use might be harmful. “We want to improve quality of life by doing things that were not possible earlier, but we need to have principles,” emphasizes Agarwal. “Once we have a clear understanding of the principles, we can design the algorithms accordingly and implement them with computers. Computers are really at our beck and call. The challenge is for us as humans to come together and decide what is acceptable for us to ask of them.” Michael Kearns is the National Center Professor of Management & Technology in the Department of Computer and Information Science in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania and the founding director of the Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences. Along with Aaron Roth, Kearns is the co-author of “The Ethical Algorithm,” a book about socially aware algorithm design.
synthetic fibres and Plastics Class 8 CBSE Practice questions In this page we have synthetic fibres and Plastics Class 8 CBSE Practice questions . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page. Why is polyester considered to be a good material for making the sails of ships? Question 2 Name the component fibres of polycot, Terry wool and cots wool? Question 3 Why polythene bags should not be thrown along with garbage? Question 4 What are synthetic fibres? How are they made? Question 5 Differentiate between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics and give one example of each? Question 6 List and explain four properties of plastics? Give one use of plastics linked to each of these properties? List three steps you can take to reduce the danger that plastic pose to the environment? Question 8 Describe any three major uses of nylon? Question 9 State advantages and disadvantages of synthetic fibres Question 10 II. Answer the following questions briefly: Why is acrylic often used to make sweaters and blankets? Acrylic is warm. List the two ways in which synthetic fibres can be synthesised. Synthetic fibres may be synthesized by two ways: By regenerating them from natural fibres, and by using chemicals and chemical reactions. What is rayon manufactured from? rayon is manufactured from the natural wood pulp after chemically treating it. Mention one disadvantage of synthetic fibres. It has low water absorption rate. It does not absorb any sweat and hence very uncomfortable in summers. why do we need blended fibres? This has been developed to cater specific needs by combining the attributes of different fibres to achieve a desired outcome. List two advantages of rayon, a. It is less expensive than silk. b. absorbs moisture and is comfortable to wear. Why polythene bags should not be thrown along with garbage? because it is non-biodegradable and sometimes stray animals swallow plastic bags and choke their respiratory system. What is plasticity? Plasticity is the property of materials by which they can be moulded into any shape. State two uses of nylon. (a)Used to make socks and stockings (b)Used to make ropes, fishing nets. It is a type of plastics which can be remoulded into various shapes again and again on heating. This synthetic fibres and Plastics Class 8 CBSE Practice questions is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.
Handwashing saves lives How we work to promote safer hygiene If a toilet does not have an adequate handwashing station, it’s hard to make sure your hands are clean. In some places even access to a toilet is not guaranteed. Faeces can contain germs which cause diarrhoea or respiratory infections. Did you know that a single gram of human faeces can contain one trillion germs? For communities with little access to hygiene facilities, that’s a big risk to take. Hygiene promotion remains neglected, but we’re trying to change that. Our work can provide easier access to clean water and safe toilets, and teaches children the life-saving practice of handwashing. The practice of handwashing is essential to preventing the spread of disease. Soap effectively eliminates germs that would otherwise be spread to surfaces, items, food, and other people – and it keeps you safe from them too. In poorer areas, where the risk is greatest, proper handwashing with soap can reduce cases of diarrhoea by 30 per cent. Respiratory infections like the common cold are also reduced by 20 per cent. This is a huge benefit to those communities, as every reduction is also preventing the spreading of those illnesses. It is also important to know when to wash our hands – after going to the toilet and before touching food. These are critical opportunities to prevent the catching and spreading of germs, so forming a reliable handwashing habit is essential. We know how effective washing our hands with soap can be to combating the spread of illness and disease, but, sadly, hundreds of millions of people around the world still do not have soap and clean water to wash their hands with. Too many communities are relying on toilets that do not provide sufficient hygiene facilities, or do not have toilets at all. We work with communities around the world to provide more reliable access to clean water and safe toilets, and to teach children about the importance of proper handwashing. We aim to prevent avoidable and needless childhood illnesses like diarrhoea, pneumonia, and cholera. Our work includes ensuring children have access to toilets, safe drinking water and hand-washing facilities in schools, and setting up school WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) clubs for kids, which include activities that teach them about safe sanitation and good hygiene. We also help communities to reduce practices that cause disease, like defecating in the open, while promoting hand washing and waste management.
Bivariate colors symbology shows the quantitative relationship between two variables in a feature layer. This type of symbology uses bivariate color schemes to visually compare, emphasize, or delineate values. Similar to graduated colors symbology, each variable is classified and each class is assigned a color. In the example below, the bivariate color scheme is the product of two variables with three discrete classes each. This creates a square grid of nine unique colors. Maps that use this type of symbology are often called bivariate choropleth maps. Bivariate colors symbology is best used to emphasize the highest and lowest values in a dataset or to find correlations within a dataset. For example, a community organization may create a bivariate choropleth map with bivariate colors symbology to determine if there is a relationship between median household income and population growth in their city. Bivariate colors symbology can be based on attribute fields in the dataset, or you can write a custom Arcade expression to generate numeric values on which to symbolize. Bivariate colors symbology is similar to the Relationship style in ArcGIS Online. Draw a layer with bivariate colors symbology To draw a feature layer with bivariate colors symbology, follow these steps: - Choose a feature layer in the Contents pane. - On the Feature Layer tab, in the Drawing group, click Symbology and click Bivariate Colors . The Symbology pane appears. If the layer does not have at least two numeric fields with classifiable values, a warning message appears. - In the Symbology pane, on the Primary symbology tab , click the Field 1 and Field 2 drop-down menus and choose the numeric fields that you want to visualize. Optionally, click the expression button to open the Expression Builder dialog box. Write an expression and click Verify to validate it. Note that although an expression is valid, it may not return a valid numeric value. You can use the filter button on the Expression Builder dialog box to show only numeric fields to help prevent this. - Optionally, to normalize the data, choose a field from the Normalization 1 or Normalization 2 drop-down menu. You can normalize one field at a time or both fields simultaneously. Normalization is available only when the symbology is based on a field. If it is symbolized on an expression, the Normalization field is unavailable. - Classify the data using an appropriate classification method and number of classes. Click the Method drop-down menu and choose a classification method. Defined interval and standard deviation classification are unavailable for bivariate colors symbology. - Click the Grid Size drop-down menu and choose the number of discrete classes for both fields. You can choose from a 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4 grid. - Click the Color scheme drop-down menu and choose a bivariate color scheme. The grid size determines which color schemes from the ArcGIS Colors system style appear in the menu. For example, if your chosen grid size is 3x3, only bivariate color schemes with three classes per variable (nine colors) are shown. Bivariate color schemes stored in your Favorites style or custom styles must match the grid size to be used to symbolize the layer. If you are symbolizing polygons, click the Color scheme options button and choose the target for the color scheme. You can apply the colors to the polygon fills, outlines, or both. To update all symbol layers to match the color scheme target setting, click the More drop-down menu and click Regenerate all symbols. - Optionally, click the Template symbol to open the Format Symbol pane and modify the symbol or choose a different symbol. Modify bivariate colors symbology Because bivariate colors symbology is conceptually a combination of two individual color schemes, the correct use of classification and color is ideal. ArcGIS Pro includes several bivariate color schemes in the ArcGIS Colors style, but you can also create custom symbols and color schemes to further visualize your layer. To learn more about bivariate color schemes, see Color schemes. In the Symbology pane, the Primary symbology tab has three subtabs where bivariate color symbology can be modified: - The Field 1 Histogram and Field 2 Histogram tabs show the data ranges of the symbol classes. Histograms offer a visual tool for understanding how the data is represented by the chosen classification method. - The gray bars of the histograms represent the distribution of the data. The value stops show how the classification method applies to the data distribution. - You can drag the class breaks up or down manually or change the Method to automatically set the class break positions. - To view the distribution and class breaks more easily, you can drag the expander bar above the histogram upward to make it larger in the pane. - To reset each symbol class to its default symbol based on current symbology parameters, click the More drop-down menu and click Regenerate all symbols. You may want to do this after setting the color scheme target or to reset the symbology after making a lot of individual symbol edits. - The Legend tab shows the details of the layer's legend as symbolized by bivariate colors. Click this tab to view and format the labels and orientation of the legend as it appears in the Contents pane and in layouts. - Expand Fields. The two color schemes represent the part of the color scheme applied to the listed field. The field aliases are also displayed and can be customized. - Expand Orientation to change the overall shape and focus of the legend. The legend is a square by default, but it can be rotated 45 degrees to highlight the highest or lowest values of either field. - Expand Labels to make modifications to the legend labels. To change where labels appear in the legend, click Label sides or Label corners. Each text box shows the location of the label with an icon, which depends on the orientation of the legend. In the Symbology pane, click the Advanced symbology options tab to set the sample size for your data and use feature level masking. Vary bivariate color symbology by transparency, rotation, or size In addition to comparing quantitative values with bivariate colors symbology, you can also symbolize additional attributes by varying the outline width or transparency of the bivariate color symbols. While all of these treatments can be applied simultaneously, compounded visual variation can make the symbology difficult to interpret. Use and apply secondary symbology sparingly. - In the Symbology pane, click the Vary symbology by attribute tab . - Expand Transparency, Rotation, or Size. With polygon features, Outline width replaces Size and Rotation is not available.
Remote lakes in a perpetually ice-free area of Antarctica show not only the chemical signature of ancient wildfires, but also some much more recent evidence of fossil-fuel combustion, according to National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research published this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. The research is based on examination of the levels of dissolved black carbon (DBC) that persist in freshwater and saline lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, a mountainous polar desert across McMurdo Sound from the NSF's logistics hub in Antarctica, McMurdo Station. NSF manages the US. Antarctic Program. In addition to being almost completely scoured of ice and snow by high winds, the Dry Valleys are the site of ice-covered lakes, which experience seasonal, temperature-related advances and retreats in their amount of ice cover during the Southern Hemisphere's summer months, sometimes resulting in a temporary "moat" around the icy surface of the lakes. They also have some unusual characteristics that make them scientifically interesting repositories for materials like DBC, which are carried into the lakes by local streams or through atmospheric circulation. Michael Gooseff, the lead principal investigator for the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Project, noted, for example, that in the very recent geological past — several thousand years ago — the lakes were at much higher levels and filled the Valleys. The lakes that remain are thought to be remnants of those larger bodies of water and to have collected materials like DBC over a very long time. He added that the lakes in the Dry Valleys are, like most other lakes, storehouses of materials that find their way into them. But they also have an unusual characteristic important to DBC research; they are closed basins with no outlets. In short, Gooseff said, "What goes into the lake, stays." Alia L. Khan, with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Institute of Arctic and Alpine Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder is lead author on the paper. She is the recipient of an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship She and other researchers with the Dry Valleys LTER, argue in the paper that brines in the lake bottoms retain DBC whose "woody signature" indicates the source is likely to have been burning — such as wildfires and other natural events — at lower latitudes as many as 2,500 years ago or more. Black carbon from those fires — more commonly known as soot — would have been transported by atmospheric winds and deposited in Antarctic glaciers and later entered in lakes through freshwater run-off from nearby glaciers. The research also indicates DBC levels from fossil fuel traces have increased in the past 25 years, but these concentrations are small in comparison to those associated with wildfires from more than 1,000 years ago. The researchers argue that these more modern traces could have two possible sources. The first is that helicopters frequently fly in and out of the Dry Valleys to transport researchers and scientific cargo into the field. Most of this flying occurs at the peak of the Antarctic summer when the lake surfaces in the valleys experience a seasonal melt. The researchers hypothesize, therefore, that emissions from the flights could settle into the moats and become DBC. They also add that some of the carbon could come from long-range transport of carbon produced by burning of fossil fuels in other areas of the globe. In either event, they note, their measurements may serve as baselines for tracking environmental quality in the Dry Valleys. "This fossil fuel signature could serve as an indicator of anthropogenic influences in Antarctic environments, which may continue to expand in the future."
Linnaeus’ Two-toed Sloth Range: Central and South America Habitat: Hot humid tropical forests Conservation Status: Least Concern Scientific Name: Choloepus didactylus All sloths have 3 claws on their hind limbs. Two-toed and three-toed sloths were formerly placed in the same family but the two genera have profound behavioral and anatomical differences and are believed to come from two different fossil lineages. They are now placed in separate families. The 2-toed sloth is larger, faster, and nocturnal. Their diet is also more varied—eating mainly leaves and fruit. The 2-toed sloth has 6 or 7 neck vertebrae and vestigial tail. A 3-toed sloth is smaller, slower and both diurnal and nocturnal. This family of sloth is comprised of highly specialized browsers—eating only leaves. 3-toed sloths have 8 or 9 neck vertebrae and have a stout tail that is around 2.7 inches long. Sloths are more closely related to anteaters than armadillos. They cannot shiver to keep warm as other mammals do because of their unusually low metabolic rates and reduced musculature. They have the lowest muscle mass relative to overall body weight of any mammal. Sloths sleep a lot more than we do! They sleep 15 to 18 hours per day! Approximately 6 hours each day are spent foraging. Passage of food through gut takes 6-21 days; this usually takes only hours for other herbivores. Scovill Zoo’s sloth, Eden, was born November 2008 at Cleveland Metropark Zoo. She moved to Cincinnati Zoo in 2010 and arrived at Scovill Zoo in May 2012.
What are Margins “Margins are those interfaces between woods and fields, the land and the sea, along abandoned railroad tracks and highways, between residential areas, along flooding and receding rivers, between prairies and forests, and at the seashore. These areas are places where DIVERSITY in species EXISTS, where life is often RISKIER for its inhabitants, and where species have the freedom to FLOURISH and EXPERIMENT”– Ann E. Haley-Oliphant Staying in the “center” of the classroom Margins cannot exist without the “center”. That being said, these classroom environments are typically monocultural and are a place where students feel constrained. Staying in the “center” emphasizes the teachers control over the flow of the interaction, information, and discourse of the classroom. Static environments like these do not help students to create a growth mindset. - Lecture heavy - Textbook-based instruction - Lack of curiosity and wonder - Teacher holds control - Risk of Disenfranchisement - Fosters homogenous thought, talk, and action - Doesn’t allow student imagination, wondering, and speculation to flourish Moving to the Margins Teaching should start in the “center” and when the opportunity arises, the lesson should move to the margins. The margins are healthier places for teachers and their students to experience science. Even though teachers release control over the lesson when in the margins, they still actively participate through conversation with students and the subject matter. Instructional margins create more space for teachers and students to share personal experiences as well as deepen their connection to not only each other, but the material in a meaningful way. - Student-led discussion - Incorporates inquiry-based and project-based learning activities - Facilitated discussions - Teacher gives up some control to spark student engagement - CONNECTING KNOWLEDGE TO ACTION - Allows students to enlarge their worldview of various topics - Creates space for students to ask unpredictable and diverse questions - Freedom for the learner to discover their own learning Aren’t Teachable Moments & Teaching in the Margins the same? How to Bring the Margins into the Classroom - A curious question such as a fun “bell ringer” - Brain busters get our brains working, promote divergent thinking and cooperative learning. - Science related current events - Adjust your schedule to allow time to take a trip to the margins - Create space rather than dismissing student thought - Be able to read your students - non-verbal behavior! - Adopting a class pet We as educators need to incorporate these margins into our practices as often as possible. The margins are a place where students can EXPLORE NEW POSSIBILITIES. They are a place where students and teachers are able to EXPRESS IDEAS with one another and make CONNECTIONS freely. It may seem more risky or unsettling to take a trip to the margins but it’s where your students have the potential to FLOURISH.
According to research, US adults view weather forecasts almost 300 billion times a year. And the relevance of reliable forecasts is very high, as they are the ones that can predict dangerous weather events, such as blizzards, hurricanes, or flash floods 7–10 weeks before the event. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of these forecasts is $31.5 billion per year. Artificial Intelligence can be used to improve the quality of forecasts as well as make them cheaper. That is what a new study by US scientists was aimed at. Using a convolutional neural network, the authors have developed a machine-learning-based weather forecasting system called Deep Learning Weather Prediction (DLWP). The model learns from past weather data, which differs from standard numerical weather prediction models that create mathematical representations of physical laws. DLWP can project future weather for 2–6 weeks for the entire globe. The authors compared DLWP with classical modern numerical weather prediction models. The evaluation showed that standard forecasts work better for short forecast periods, e.g. 2–3 weeks. And the DLWP model was able to show excellent results for 4–6 weeks ahead. Although the DLWP model cannot yet compete with existing models, the prospects are amazing. AI is more efficient than other approaches. DLWP can make an ensemble forecast in just 3 seconds, which consists of 320 independent runs of the model. The model has also shown that it can warn of hurricanes in 4–5 days, which can indeed save many lives. But at the same time, scientists are convinced that classical forecasting methods should not be abandoned. People should use rules of thumb and pattern recognition methods not only as learning tools but also to guard against the loss of vital experience that meteorologists bring to severe weather situations or when models don’t fit the basics. But artificial intelligence can be a reliable aid in making forecasts, especially in the long term.
The Lexile® Framework for Reading, commonly referred to as the Lexile Framework, has been linked to the West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA) in English Language Arts in Grades 3 – 8. Similarly, The Quantile® Framework for Mathematics has been linked to the West Virginia General Summative Assessment in Grades 3 – 8 (WVGSA). In addition, the Lexile® Framework and the Quantile® Framework has been linked to the SAT School Day exam delivered at Grade 11. Students in West Virginia also may be receiving Lexile and Quantile measures from a variety of different tests and programs used by their local schools. With Lexile and Quantile measures, educators and parents can spur and support student learning. There are two kinds of Lexile measures: Lexile reader measures and Lexile text measures. Lexile reader measures describe how strong of a reader a student is. Lexile text measures describe how difficult, or complex, a text like a book or magazine article is. Lexile measures are expressed as numeric measures followed by an “L” (for example, 850L) and represent a position on the Lexile scale. Comparing a student’s Lexile measure with the Lexile measure of what they are reading helps gauge the “fit” between a student’s ability and the difficulty of text. Similar to Lexile measures, there are two types of Quantile measures: a measure for students and a measure for mathematical skills and concepts. The student measure describes what mathematics the student already understands and what the student is ready to learn in the future. The skill measure describes the difficulty, or demand, in learning a skill. Quantile measures help educators and parents target instruction and monitor student growth toward learning standards and the mathematical demands of college and careers. The Lexile & Quantile Hub is an online platform that provides educators, parents, and students with easy access to more than a dozen new and enhanced reading and math tools.
Fluorite, a mineral composed of calcium and fluorine (CaF2), is found in various locations worldwide. Some significant deposits are located in China, Mexico, Mongolia, Russia, South Africa, Spain, and the United States. The mineral forms in a variety of geological environments, including hydrothermal veins, sedimentary rocks, and as a gangue mineral in ore deposits. Fluorite is known for its wide range of colors, which can include purple, blue, green, yellow, pink, brown, and colorless. Often, multiple colors can be present within a single crystal, creating a striking visual effect. The color variation is due to the presence of different trace elements and exposure to natural radiation during its formation. Fluorite commonly occurs in the form of cubic crystals, but it can also be found in octahedral and dodecahedral shapes. The crystals may have a glassy or waxy luster, and they are often transparent or translucent.
The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, seen in this image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, may be producing mysterious particles called neutrinos, as described in our latest press release. Neutrinos are tiny particles that have virtually no mass and carry no electric charge. Unlike light or charged particles, neutrinos can emerge from deep within their sources and travel across the Universe without being absorbed by intervening matter or, in the case of charged particles, deflected by magnetic fields. While the Sun produces neutrinos that constantly bombard the Earth, there are also other neutrinos with much higher energies that are only rarely detected. Scientists have proposed that these higher-energy neutrinos are created in the most powerful events in the Universe like galaxy mergers, material falling onto supermassive black holes, and the winds around dense rotating stars called pulsars. Using three NASA X-ray telescopes, Chandra, Swift, and NuSTAR, scientists have found evidence for one such cosmic source for high-energy neutrinos: the 4-million-solar-mass black hole at the center of our Galaxy called Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*, for short). After comparing the arrival of high-energy neutrinos at the underground facility in Antarctica, called IceCube, with outbursts from Sgr A*, a team of researchers found a correlation. In particular, a high-energy neutrino was detected by IceCube less than three hours after astronomers witnessed the largest flare ever from Sgr A* using Chandra. Several flares from neutrino detections at IceCube also appeared within a few days of flares from the supermassive black hole that were observed with Swift and NuSTAR. This Chandra image shows the region around Sgr A* in low, medium, and high-energy X-rays that have been colored red, green, and blue respectively. Sgr A* is located within the white area in the center of the image. The blue and orange plumes around that area may be the remains of outbursts from Sgr A* that occurred millions of years ago. The flares that are possibly associated with the IceCube neutrinos involve just the Sgr A* X-ray source. This latest result may also contribute to the understanding of another major puzzle in astrophysics: the source of high-energy cosmic rays. Since the charged particles that make up cosmic rays are deflected by magnetic fields in our Galaxy, scientists have been unable to pinpoint their origin. The charged particles accelerated by a shock wave near Sgr A* may be a significant source of very energetic cosmic rays. The paper describing these results was published in Physical Review D and is also available online. The authors of the study are Yang Bai, Amy Barger, Vernon Barger, R. Lu, Andrea Peterson, J. Salvado, all from the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, Wisconsin. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, manages the Chandra program for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, controls Chandra's science and flight operations.
To enjoy additional benefits CONNECT WITH US November 27, 2023 10:00 pm | Updated 10:00 pm IST During the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the one thing that connected us virtually was the internet. Because of high-speed internet connections, we can now video chat with a friend, pay online, and attend classes or meetings from home. Have you wondered how these connections work? Optical fibres are made of thin cylindrical strands of glass. The diameter of a typical fibre is close to the diameter of a human hair. These fibres can carry information, such as text, images, voices, videos, telephone calls, and anything that can be encoded as digital information, across large distances almost at the speed of light. Receiving text messages and phone calls is a part of our everyday life, and most of us may have taken it for granted. But optical fibres are an essential part of this development in communication. Ultra-thin fibres seem very fragile. But when manufactured correctly as a long thread surrounded by protectives, they serve the purpose in a durable way. They are strong, light, and flexible, and ideal to be buried underground, drawn underwater, or bent around a spool. Almost 60 years ago, physicist Charles Kao suggested that glass fibres could be a superior medium for telecommunication, replacing the copper wires of the time. Many people didn’t believe him at first, but his prediction is a reality today. For his ground-breaking achievements concerning fibre optic communication, Dr. Kao received a part of the 2009 Nobel Prize in physics. Light is an electromagnetic wave with a spectrum of frequencies. Visible light, X-rays, radio waves, and thermal radiation (heat) all lie on this spectrum. Humans see the world around us via sunlight, but it took us a long time to control and guide light through fibre optic cables – or “light pipes” – to send coded signals. When a beam of light falls on a glass surface, it passes through partially while the rest is reflected away. When it passes through, its path bends because the refractive index of glass is different from that of air. The refractive index is the property of a medium that determines how fast light can travel in it. When a beam travels in the reverse direction, i.e. from glass to air, it’s possible that it won’t enter the air. Instead, it will be completely reflected back within the glass. This phenomenon, known as total internal reflection, is the basis of guiding light across long distances without a significant loss of optical power. With proper adjustments, the light can be kept bouncing within the glass with very little escaping outside. This is how signals encoded as electromagnetic waves can be fed into one end of an optical fibre, and they will reflect and bounce many times between the glass walls as they traverse several kilometres bearing the information in the signals. A fibre optic communication system consists of three parts. A transmitter encodes information into optical signals (in the form of rapidly blinking light pulses of zeros and ones). An optical fibre carries the signal to its destination. There, a receiver reproduces the information from the encoded signal. Optical waves allow a high data-transmission rate, up to several terabits per second in a single fibre. Unlike radio or copper-cable-based communication, fibre cables are also insensitive to external perturbations such as lightning and bad weather. We have known about the intriguing effects of light in transparent media like water or glass, yet the systematic development of light-guiding can be traced only to the early 19th century. In 1840, Jean-Daniel Colladon at the University of Geneva first demonstrated that light’s propagation can be restricted to a narrow stream of a water jet. Jacques Babinet observed a similar effect in France and extended the idea to bent glass rods. You may have seen such effects in water fountains lit by colourful beams of light. John Tyndall is known for popularising the idea of Colladon’s light fountains. Following a suggestion by Michael Faraday, he demonstrated the effect in a water jet at the Royal Society in London in 1854. The effect is also visible in plastic-fibre Christmas trees. We can guide light using total internal reflection with materials that have a higher refractive index than air. As Babinet found, a better choice than water is thin glass rods thanks to their availability, durability, and convenience. Such glass objects found early application in medicine and defence. In the 1920s, for example, Clarence Hansell and John Logie Baird showed a way to transmit images through glass fibres. Around the 1930s, doctors started using a bundle of thin fibres to inspect patients’ internal organs and to illuminate teeth during surgical procedures. Early optical fibres were prone to damage and leaky, and weren’t suitable for long-distance transmission of light. In 1954, fibre development made a significant leap forward. Harold Hopkins and Narinder Singh Kapany at Imperial College London transmitted images using a 75-cm-long bundle of more than 10,000 optical fibres. Kapany was an Indian American physicist and a pioneer in the field. Two years later, Lawrence E. Curtiss at the University of Michigan developed the first glass-clad fibres. His idea to coat the bare glass fibres with a cladding material with a low refractive index paved the way for long-distance data transmission. In the same year, Kapany coined the term ‘fibre optics’. In 1960, Theodore Maiman built the first laser – an excellent optical source – which further boosted research in optical communication. The development of lasers working at room temperature made it possible to code any information digitally into optical signals. However, sending such light signals across long distances was still a big challenge. Even the best optical fibres available at the time lost 99% of their power after only a few meters. In 1966, Kao and his colleagues found that the signals were attenuated due to impurities in the glass rather than the light being scattered. He suggested melting high-purity fused silica at high temperatures and producing thin fibre threads from that. This way, the decay of light signals inside glass fibres could be reduced below 20 decibels per kilometre (dB/km) – meaning 1% of the signal could still be detected after a kilometre. In 1971, the American glass-making company Corning Glass Works achieved this value in a finished cable. Nowadays, glass fibres are manufactured using the fibre-drawing technique. First, a thick glass rod, called preform, of high purity and an engineered refractive index profile is prepared using chemical vapour decomposition. The preform is heated to about 1,600 degrees C until it melts and is then drawn into a thin, long fibre. The drawing process reduces the fibre’s diameter while maintaining its length. The drawn fibre is coated with a protective layer to enhance strength and durability. In India, the Fibre Optics Laboratory at the Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, has a facility to manufacture high-quality silica-based optical fibres. Today’s optical fibres have a typical loss of less than 0.2 dB/km. Fibre optics technology has since been widely used in telecommunication, medical science, laser technology, and sensing. With a goal to securing communication and promoting quantum science, the Government of India announced a national mission in the Union Budget of 2020. The proposed budget for this ‘National Mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications’ is Rs 8,000 crore over a period of five years. The possibilities of fibre optic networks are growing at an accelerated rate, reaching all the way into our homes. Along with quantum optics, fibre optic communication stands on the cusp of a new era. Gayathry R. and Sebabrata Mukherjee are at the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. BACK TO TOP Comments have to be in English, and in full sentences. They cannot be abusive or personal. Please abide by our community guidelines for posting your comments. We have migrated to a new commenting platform. If you are already a registered user of The Hindu and logged in, you may continue to engage with our articles. If you do not have an account please register and login to post comments. Users can access their older comments by logging into their accounts on Vuukle.
- For alternative meanings see metal (disambiguation). In chemistry, a metal (Greek: Metallon) is an element that readily forms ions (cations) and has metallic bonds, and it is sometimes said that it is similar to a cation in a cloud of electrons. The metals are one of the three groups of elements as distinguished by their ionization and bonding properties, along with the metalloids and nonmetals. On the periodic table, a diagonal line drawn from boron (B) to polonium (Po) separates the metals from the nonmetals. Elements on this line are metalloids, sometimes called semi-metals; elements to the lower left are metals; elements to the upper right are nonmetals. Nonmetals are more abundant in nature than are metals, but metals in fact constitute most of the periodic table. Some well-known metals are aluminium, copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, titanium, uranium, and zinc. The allotropes of metals tend to be lustrous, ductile, malleable, and good conductors, while nonmetals generally speaking are brittle (for solid nonmetals), lack luster, and are insulators. Metals have certain characteristic physical properties: they are usually shiny (they have "lustre"), have a high density, are ductile and malleable, usually have a high melting point, are usually hard, and conduct electricity and heat well. These properties are mainly because each atom exerts only a loose hold on its outermost electrons (valence electrons); thus, the valence electrons form a sort of sea around the metal ions. Most metals are chemically stable, with the notable exception of the alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, found in the leftmost two groups of the periodic table. An alloy is a mixture with metallic properties that contains at least one metal element. Examples of alloys are steel (iron and carbon), brass (copper and zinc), bronze (copper and tin), and duralumin (aluminium and copper). Alloys specially designed for highly demanding applications, such as jet engines, may contain more than ten elements. The oxides of metals are basic; those of nonmetals are acidic.
Orientalism deals particularly with the perception of the Wests’ and the “Orient” creation of the Middle East. It is common with cultural theories being applied in many subjects. The West are seen to uphold their identity through misrepresentation of other countries outside their borders. The common false creation in the movie is that between the East and the West. For instance, the definitions used in a cartoon series that has run for a long time in the television, The Simpsons, stereotypes of other cultures are evident representing people from the South Asian. The theories of Said proposes that the manner in which Apu turn out to be the “Orient” according to the “Occident” judgement, happens during the hegemonic state’s exercise of delineation power. It uses its voice in an artistic symbol to identify other cultures amidst dominant group. In some occasions generalization of other cultures is seen not to cause any harm. For instance, Apu is regarded as a comedian, rather than a stereotype who damages. In real sense, the deeply rooted discrimination from this practice leads to long-time institutional oppressions. From the past, the West and India relationship has been characterized with a series of violence due to colonialization undergone by French and British. The representation of Apu is important in signifying that concepts of literature are evolving. Apu is viewed as a submissive actor in the eyes of the Simpson clan, who later assumes the status as an American citizen. According to Said, Orientalism does not necessarily imply to the essential factor of differences between cultural, national, and racial bodies, but an outcome of conversations that bring about the differences. The narrative that portray the Indians is a creation of institutions whose aim is to deal with the Orient through statements of prejudice making them to be their subjects. In the past decades, authors used to deal with Indian by making him a subordinate character whereas their colonial masters were the central character. This was aimed at humiliating the Indian to feel he is inferior as compared to the West. Even in the modern day, we might be thinking prejudice was a thing of the past but still it continues to be evident in many literature works. As The Simpsonsbecame famous, reductionist use it to portray the Indian culture, making the name Apu to be used a synonym word for the Indian culture. Thus, Apu has resulted to signify ethnic insult against the South Asian. Recently, a similar portrayal of the South Asian was seen in a North American TV embodying Apu’s image. The belittled subject emerges from a narrative which shows that racism being used as an artistic tool. Stereotypes and Orientalism as a whole lead to generalization which targets certain cultures, nations, and races. An important thing is that in the movie, Apu is not given a specific heritage, he is only said to come from India. This is done intentionally to cover any link to a particular identity. Thus, Orientalism can be seen as a process which mythologizes practice. Said works tries to identify the relationship between myth and fact and why it was engrained in hegemonic authority. He notes that authority is not natural nor mysterious, it is just a ways of establishing rules that add value to certain ideas of truth, perceptions, judgements, and traditions. The works imply that culture uniformity is essential to Orientalism process, since the less truth those referred to as Occident know about the Orient, will help India preserve its myth. An episode called Much Apu about Nothinggives the viewers a sight of Apu’s background. This is used so as to develop an Indian character. Thus, stereotyping of culture is still common in the major institutions. On his pronouncement that he came from India, many started to imagine of the notion, reinforce the thought of India. The hegemonic authority structure of those who are seen dominant speak for the minor in relation to cultural narrative. The minor groups are seen to know nothing and regarded to be primitive thus cannot be given a chance to explain themselves. Orientalism is seen to thrive on the generalization of cultural/racial subject. Inia is a big nation, with diverse cultural, traditional and religious practices that cannot be merged into a lone identity declaration. However, Apu accepts the hackneyed characters that make him an Indian in the eyes of the Westerns. The fact that he is a Hindu, his religious beliefs become an insignia of his ethnicity. But in reality, India is not a Hindu state and the assumption is misplaced like that of saying that America is strictly a Christian country. Another character used as a representation of Indian Identity is the one whose accent is overemphasized and crafted by a Western actor. The voice is used to signify racial discrimination in Peter Sellers (The Party). The cultural reduction experienced is a clear indication that denies the Indian subjects the esteemed heritage.
The siege of Chartres (24 February-March 1568) was the last significant military action during the Second War of Religion, and saw a short-lived Huguenot attempt to take the city that was cut short by the peace negotiations that ended the war. The war began with a failed Protestant attempt to seize control of the court (the Surprise of Meaux, September 1567), a short Huguenot blockade of Paris and the inconclusive battle of St. Denis (10 November 1567). In the aftermath of this battle Condé led the Huguenot army east into Lorraine, where in January it met up with a force of German reiters under John Casimir, the son of the Elector Palatinate. The combined army then moved west, watched by a larger Royal army under Henry, duke of Anjou (the further Henry III). Condé's target was Chartres, fifty miles from Paris. He hoped to catch the Royalist by surprise, but this failed, and a small garrison was placed in the town before Condé arrived outside its walls on 24 February. Having failed to take the city by surprise Condé was now stuck outside the walls, with only five siege cannon and four light culverines in his entire army. Perhaps fortunately for the Huguenots their close approach to Paris had tipped the balance of opinion at the court in favour of more serious peace talks. On 28 February Charles IX dispatched a delegation to meet with Huguenot representatives. After some difficult talks the two sides agrees to restore the Edict of Amboise of 1563, and on 23 March the Edict of Longjumeau ended the Second War of Religion.
The Norman-Byzantine style was a unique multicultural experiment that lasted several centuries. It was a singular movement which encompassed three diverse styles: Norman, Arab and Byzantine. History and Culture The term Norman-Arab-Byzantine culture represents the combination of the Norman, Latin, Arab, and Byzantine Greek cultures. The fusion of cultures happened after the Norman conquest of Sicily and Norman Africa from 1061 to 1250. The Norman-Arab-Byzantine culture developed under the reign of Roger II of Sicily. He used Byzantine, Greek, and Arab troops in his campaigns in southern Italy. He also mobilized Arab and Byzantine architects to build monuments in the Norman-Arab-Byzantine style. Many Classical Greek works translated from Byzantine Greek manuscripts were found in Sicily directly into Latin. Under Norman rule, Sicily became a model widely admired throughout Europe and Arabia. Norman-Arab-Byzantine art combined Occidental features with typical Islamic decorations, such as calligraphy and muqarnas. A lot of artistic techniques from the Islamic and Byzantine worlds are present in Arab-Norman art. For example, sculpture of ivory or porphyry, inlays in mosaics or metals, sculpture of stones, manufacture of silk, and bronze foundries. During a raid on the Byzantine Empire, admiral George of Antioch transported the silk weavers from Greece. The Byzantine silk industry was founded as part of the guarded monopoly. The new Norman rulers started to build different constructions, thus creating the Arab-Norman style. They incorporated the best practices of Byzantine and Arab architecture into the arts. Byzantine mosaics were produced from the 4th to 15th century under the heavy influence of the Byzantine Empire. Mosaics were the most popular and historically significant form of art in ancient empires. Byzantine mosaics evolved out of early Roman and Hellenic styles, made of small pieces of stone, glass, ceramic, or some material called tesserae. On the moist surface, artists drew images and used tools like compasses, strings, and calipers to outline geometric shapes. After that, the tesserae were cemented into position to create the final image. In addition, Byzantine mosaics went on to influence artists not only in the Norman Kingdom of Sicily but also in the Republics of Venice, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Russia. The Cappella Palatina is a regal chapel located in the Palace of the Normans. It was first built as a palace for Arab emirs and their harems. During the reign of Roger II the Arabs abandoned the structure, yet by 1140 Roger II had built a new chapel. The Cappella Palatina combines harmoniously a variety of architectural styles. The gold-laden mosaics in the Cappella Palatina resemble the Byzantine style, while the chapel layout looks like a traditional Roman basilica. The arches in the Cappella Palatina belong to Saracen style, with other Arabic influences apparent with the 10th century. Clusters of four eight-pointed stars are typical for a Muslim design, even though they arranged to form a Christian cross. Another example of Arab-Norman architecture is the “Palazzo dei Normanni” or “Castelbuono.” Formerly called al-Qasr, it was founded by the Emir of Palermo in the 9th century. Some parts of the original building are still visible in the basement. After the Normans conquered Sicily the palace was chosen as the main castle of the regnant. Roger II in Palermo built the Church of Saint-John of the Hermits. This church is famous for its brilliant red domes, which showcase the Arab influence in Sicily.
Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers, commonly known as VCSEL, have a wide range of applications. The laser can be fabricated in various ways, including on the surface or within arrays. The key distinction that distinguishes the VCSEL from other lasers is that it emits light from the top rather than the edges, as other lasers do. This guarantees that the output power is optimum. Moreover, this is often in the shape of a circular beam of light which is highly compatible with modern optical instruments. In this article, we will look at the applications of VCSEL light sources in various industries such as communication, sensors, and computing. Along with these three primary industries, this laser is also used in the manufacturing process of smart vehicles and smartphones. If you are excited to know more about Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers then you can check our blog An Introduction to VCSEL. VCSEL laser arrays and their low power consumption are used for novel applications by a number of smart manufacturing companies, including Apple and Samsung. One such application of VCSEL in smartphones is 3D sensing. LEDs has been used for 3D sensing for many years. The LED’s effectiveness, however, had several limitations. Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers overcome these limitations by providing a very narrow linewidth. Moreover, because the light is infrared and non-intrusive, the process of producing 3D information is substantially faster. The results provided by this tunable VCSEL are so good that they cannot be achieved even with two cameras. VCSELs, like other lasers, are used in optical communication technology. Their properties, such as a circular beam shape, a broad free-spectral range, and large and continuous tuning, make them ideal for optical communication. In addition, as compared to standard lasers, Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers can transfer data at a rate of 100 GB per second due to multiplexing. Additionally, because communication technologies have a bright future and must advance, we will see a variety of VCSEL applications in this area, such as high-bandwidth Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers sources for future optical communication systems based on intensity modulation and/or sophisticated modulation formats. In recent years, high-power VCSEL has emerged as a key technology for DMS (Driver Monitoring Systems) and OMS (Occupant Monitoring Systems). In addition, the technology is used for facial recognition, LiDAR, and gesture control, among other things. The Near-Infrared (NIR) camera records the returning signals and calculates the total time it takes for the signals to reach the receiver from the emitter. This depth measurement enables 3D measurement of objects such as roads, cities, and gardens, as well as face measurement for facial recognition. Another application for VCSELs is in smart automobiles. This laser is being tested and utilized in autonomous or driverless automobiles. The smart automobile sector considers VCSEL arrays to be the best in the market in terms of power density, conversion efficiency, and pitch. VCSELs can also distinguish in scan and flash applications and are less vulnerable to individual emitter failures. The VCSEL-supported occupant monitoring systems (OMS) function as an enhanced kind of in-cabin, near-IR camera, allowing the vehicle to understand the positions, sizes, and actions of the driver and passengers. Although the use of VCSELs in level-3 automated driving systems is still in its infancy, we may expect more applications in the near future. These are the four most common applications for Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers. Along with these, it can be used in commuting, integrated optics, and a variety of other applications. In the end, if you want to know about some special advantages of VCSEL, then you can check our blog: Top 6 Advantages of VCSEL Inphenix is a light source manufacturer based in the United States that manufactures optical components such as swept-source lasers, distributed feedback lasers, gain chips, Fabry Perot lasers, and Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers. In addition, the company supplies customized components depending on the clients’ requirements. To learn more about our products, contact us.
yatra nāryastu pūjyante ramante tatra devatāḥ। yatraitāstu na pūjyante sarvāstatrāphalā: kriyā: ॥ Shlok means that Divinity flourishes in places where women are respected. All deeds and rituals are futile where they are Dishonored. In most parts of the world where patriarchy has taken over the women had their roles to play. They were treated equal to men. Because as per the Hindu scripts' women are compared to "Devi". Women still in India are Involved in every activity and are even surpassing men in every field. But the History is Evident that time by time atrocities against women had been increasing and Children and Women became the most Vulnerable Sections of the Society. By the History it is conferred that in the time of Vedic Period the position and situation was good, they were given rights to participate in assembly, debates and were also given equal religious status. The condition worsened post the Vedic period or in fact after the Mughal invasion in Indian Subcontinent. Purdah System, Female Infanticide, Abduction and Forced Marriages, Exploitation of Women in Wars and Sati Practice are the major atrocities that were faced by women and girl child Women has also faced major cruelty in the British Era, Child Marriage, limited Access to Education, Social Restrictions, Violence and Abuse are the Major Atrocities that were faced by women. Compiling of all the things the basic conclusion derived from this is that as seen from the Vedic period the situation of women in Indian Society has been constantly declining has still has not regained its original identity yet. In recent decades, India, a nation with a diversified population and a rich cultural legacy, has undergone a tremendous change in how it views women's rights and gender equality. The Indian government has made aggressive steps to alleviate gender gaps through the enactment of women-centric policies, acknowledging the historical and systemic obstacles faced by women. In addition to empowering women and fostering a more inclusive society, these laws seek to shield them against various forms of violence, discrimination, and inequality. India has over the years passed a variety of laws addressing problems encountered by women, such as dowry-related offences, domestic violence, workplace harassment, and inheritance rights. These statutes demonstrate an increasing dedication to ending discriminatory practises and guaranteeing women's equal access to justice, opportunities, and resources. Following independence, the government made numerous efforts to stop violence The Constitution of India, 1950 safeguards the right for the individuals living in Indian Subcontinent as per Part III of the constitution with the Title of "FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS". This part in the Constitution doesn't talks about women explicitly or directly but as a person or a citizen of this country their basic rights starts from the Constitution part III. Article 14: Right to equality is one of the important fundamental rights of Indian constitution that guarantees equal rights for everyone, irrespective of religion, gender, caste, race, or place of birth. It ensures equal employment opportunities in the government and insures against discrimination by the State in matters of employment based on caste, religion, etc. Article 19: This Right mainly talks about Right to freedom of speech and Article 21: Right to Life of a person that he should be not deprived of his personal liberty and life until there is a procedure established by law. However, these are the mainly the basic rights that do not directly talk abut women but someway or the other they are inclusive of women. But Article 15 states that nothing in the article shall prevent state for making special laws Indian Penal Code: The Indian Penal Code of 1860 is the official criminal code of Indian Territory. It also has many Explicit mentioned Substantial laws related to women. Section 304B: This Section states that if a husband or the family of the husband subjects the woman to cruelty because of "demanding of dowry" and if the death of woman occurs then the husband or relative shall be deemed to have caused her death and shall be punished shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than seven years, but which may extend to imprisonment for life. Section 354: According to the Section, anyone who assaults or uses unlawful force against a woman with the intent to offend her modesty while knowing that their acts would also offend the woman faces a sentence of up to two years in jail, a fine, or a combination of the three. Section 354A: The following behaviours are included in this Section as acts that might constitute sexual harassment: - Any unwanted physical interactions or advance. - The request for sexual favours - Forcefully exposing a woman to pornography - Using sexual allusions According to the Section, men who violate any of the first three points listed above face a sentence of up to three years in prison, a fine, or a combination of the two. Men who engage in the behaviour described in point 4 are subject to a fine, up to one year in prison, or both. Section 354B: According to this section A man who assaults or uses criminal force on any woman or abets any such act to disrobe the woman or compel her to be naked, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term, not than three years but which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine. Section 354C: According to this Section , a man who witnesses or records an image of a woman performing a private act in circumstances where a woman is presumed to be acting alone shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment for a term not less than one year, but which may extend to three years, and shall also be subject to a fine, and shall be punished on a second or Section 354D: According to this Section, stalking occurs when a male follows a woman, makes personal contact with her, or tries to do so despite the woman's obvious indifference, or keeps tabs on her online, via email, or through any other form of electronic communication. However, it would not qualify as stalking if the communication was done with the State's permission to investigate a crime, in accordance with the law, or in a situation that was deemed reasonable. The individual would face a fine and a period of imprisonment that could last up to three years if convicted of the crime for the first time. For a second or subsequent conviction, the penalty is a fine and a term of jail that may last up to five years. Section 366: According to this Section , Anyone who kidnaps or abducts a woman with the intention of forcing her to marry someone against her will, or knowing it is likely that she will be forced to marry someone against her will, or with the intent of forcing or seducing her to engage in illicit sexual activity, or knowing it is likely that she will be forced or seduced to engage in illicit sexual activity, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term that may extend to ten years, as well as being subject to a fine. Section 366A: According to this Section, A person who coerces a girl under the age of 18 into going somewhere or doing something with the knowledge that doing so will force the girl into illegal sexual contact is punishable by up to ten years in prison and a fine. Section 366B: According to this Section, any person who brings a girl under the age of 21 from another country into India with the intent or knowledge that this will lead to the girl being forced into sexual activity without her consent is punishable by up to ten years in prison and a fine. Section 375- According to this Section, A male is said to have committed "rape" if he did one of the following: Sections 376, 376A, 376B, 376C, 376D Deals with the further aspect of Rape. - forced a woman to have her vagina, mouth, urethra, or anus touched by his penis, to whatever degree; or - forces a woman to insert any object or body part into her vagina, urethra, or anus, other than the penis. - manipulates a woman's body in any way that results in penetration into her vagina, urethra, anus, or any other part of her body; or - puts his mouth in a woman's vagina, anus, or urethra, or forces her to do so with him or anybody else, Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 - Section 376 - Punishment for rape - Section 376A - Punishment for causing death or resulting in persistent vegetative state of victim. - Section 376B - Sexual intercourse by husband upon his wife during separation - Section 376C - Sexual intercourse by a person in authority - Section 376D - Gang rape - Section 498A - According to this Section, if a woman is subjected to cruelty by her husband or a family member of her husband, that person faces up to three years in prison and a fine in addition to their punishment. Section 125: In this Section Maintenance for the wife, kid, and parents is provided. The court may order the respondent, or husband, to maintain the wife by paying her maintenance on a regular basis if the party has invoked Section 125 of the Code. Women Specific Legislation The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 The Dowry Prohibition Act is a piece of Indian law that forbids the giving or receiving of dowries under specific circumstances. When a couple gets married, the bride's family is expected to offer the groom and his family property or other valuables as dowry. The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 To particularly target and prevent the practise of sati, the Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 was passed. Its primary goal is to establish legal sanctions for its prevention and punishment as well as to make the act of sati, or aiding and abetting sati, a crime. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 Indian lawmakers passed the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, to give domestic violence victims legal protection and redress. It acknowledges the prevalence of domestic violence and aims to address the financial, emotional, sexual, physical, and verbal abuse that women may experience in the privacy of their own homes or in intimate relationships. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013 To prevent and resolve sexual harassment of women at work, the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, was passed in India. The act establishes a legal framework for preventing and resolving cases of sexual harassment and acknowledges the right of every woman to a safe and secure workplace. The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 The Legislature passed the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act in 1986 to outlaw the indecent depiction of women in some media. The act intends to promote gender equality and respect for women's dignity as well as to prevent the representation of women in a way that is demeaning, exploitative, or It is true that excessive use of anything is harmful. These rules were created to safeguard women and ensure their safety. But with time, women began abusing these regulations, and men were forced to bear the penalties. Women began abusing these legal provisions by interfering with men's rights. Additionally, these rules were created so that women might abuse them to stroke their egos and Males are kept in a disadvantageous position by these kinds of laws. Women-centric legislation were created for a worthy reason, but as circumstances changed, they had a negative impact on all men. It is thus because women attempt to capture and imprison most family members to exact retribution. Even bogus cases are brought about out of retaliation. There have even been instances where women have wed many men and then cheated on them by stealing expensive items. The wives demanded increasingly more maintenance out of greed for their husbands' possessions. Although we have always supported women's empowerment, this does not imply that we should harm the interests of the other gender to benefit one. In contrast to when a false accusation is made against an innocent man, even after he is found not guilty, he is unable to match his eyes with those of society, is unable to walk with pride, and society perceives him as guilty, rendering him mentally raped. People used to think about a girl's entire life when she is raped and show sympathy for her. The worst effects of these regulations are innocent husbands who commit themselves because they can no longer handle the mocking remarks of society. We need to stop doing this and start framing our own analyses rather than simply observing what is directly in front of us since sometimes what we perceive as genuine is concealed from our - https://www.indiacode.nic.in/bitstream/123456789/15240/1/constitution_of_india.pdf (Constitution of India, 1950) (Indian Penal Code,1860) - https://www.indiacode.nic.in/bitstream/123456789/15272/1/the_code_of_criminal_procedure C_1973.pdf (Code of Criminal Procedure,1973) Written By: Kushagra Sinha, BA LLB. (2021-2026) - Lloyd Law College Ph no: +91 8840083416, Email: [email protected]
To meet the need for recording information and ideas, unique forms of calligraphy (the art of writing) have been part of the Chinese cultural tradition through the ages. Naturally finding applications in daily life, calligraphy still serves as a continuous link between the past and the present. The development of calligraphy, long a subject of interest in Chinese culture, is the theme of this exhibit, which presents to the public selections from the National Palace Museum collection arranged in chronological order for a general overview. The dynasties of the Qin (221-206 BCE) and Han (206 BCE-220 CE) represent a crucial era in the history of Chinese calligraphy. On the one hand, diverse forms of brushed and engraved "ancient writing" and "large seal" scripts were unified into a standard type known as "small seal." On the other hand, the process of abbreviating and adapting seal script to form a new one known as "clerical" (emerging previously in the Eastern Zhou dynasty) was finalized, thereby creating a universal script in the Han dynasty. In the trend towards abbreviation and brevity in writing, clerical script continued to evolve and eventually led to the formation of "cursive," "running," and "standard" script. Since changes in writing did not take place overnight, several transitional styles and mixed scripts appeared in the chaotic post-Han period, but these transformations eventually led to established forms for brush strokes and characters. The dynasties of the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) represent another important period in Chinese calligraphy. Unification of the country brought calligraphic styles of the north and south together as brushwork methods became increasingly complete. Starting from this time, standard script would become the universal form through the ages. In the Song dynasty (960-1279), the tradition of engraving modelbook copies became a popular way to preserve the works of ancient masters. Song scholar-artists, however, were not satisfied with just following tradition, for they considered calligraphy also as a means of creative and personal expression. Revivalist calligraphers of the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368), in turning to and advocating revivalism, further developed the classical traditions of the Jin and Tang dynasties. At the same time, notions of artistic freedom and liberation from rules in calligraphy also gained momentum, becoming a leading trend in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Among the diverse manners of this period, the elegant freedom of semi-cursive script contrasts dramatically with more conservative manners. Thus, calligraphers with their own styles formed individual paths that were not overshadowed by the mainstream of the time. Starting in the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), scholars increasingly turned to inspiration from the rich resource of ancient works inscribed with seal and clerical script. Influenced by an atmosphere of closely studying these antiquities, Qing scholars became familiar with steles and helped create a trend in calligraphy that complemented the Modelbook school. Thus, the Stele school formed yet another link between past and present in its approach to tradition, in which seal and clerical script became sources of innovation in Chinese calligraphy.
Many reading programs teach a combination of phonics skills and sight word memorization although some focus more strongly on one or the other. Those who adopt a whole language approach assert that children naturally learn to read when exposed to a language-rich environment, including a heavy reliance on sight words. This method may work well for some children, but it is not without its disadvantages. Lack of Decoding Skills Children who learn a lot of sight words are focusing on the image of the word as a whole rather than the sound of each individual letter. This might work well with words that don't follow typical phonics rules, but it prevents students from reading a word they've never encountered. The student might not be able to sound out "can," for example,and might start guessing words that look similar like "cat" or "car." Focusing on sight words limits the child's reading vocabulary as she'll only be able to read words she's been taught. In a phonics-based approach, a child will come to an unfamiliar word, attempt to sound it out, and then ask what the word means if she doesn't know. This gives her the confidence she needs to read anything. A child who learns by sight reading is limited to books that include the words she's been taught. She may also simply memorize the text of the book and not be able to read the same word in a different book. Lack of Structure In a phonics-based approach, there is a pattern that teachers build on, starting with teaching the sounds of individual letters, building up to two- or three-letter words, then introducing phonemes. Strictly teaching by sight reading doesn't have this same natural progression. For example, a child might be able to recognize and read the words "little" and "tuffet" from repeating the "Little Miss Muffet" nursery rhyme, but wouldn't be able to read more basic words, like "cat" or "dog." Losing Analytic Readers Some children might learn well through the whole language approach, but many are analytic learners who would do better with a phonics-based approach. When focusing on sight reading, you might lose these students. They might think that they lack the ability to learn to read when taking a different approach may be all that's really necessary. Maggie McCormick is a freelance writer. She lived in Japan for three years teaching preschool to young children and currently lives in Honolulu with her family. She received a B.A. in women's studies from Wellesley College.
Organization is a crucial aspect in teaching that can greatly affect the effectiveness of the learning process for both teachers and students. There are several reasons why organization is important in teaching, and in this article, we will explore the benefits of having a well-organized classroom, how to achieve it, and how it can positively impact the overall educational experience. One of the key benefits of having an organized classroom is that it helps to create a structured and predictable environment that can improve student engagement and motivation. When students know what to expect each day, they are able to focus on the lessons and activities, rather than feeling lost or uncertain about what is happening in the classroom. This sense of structure and predictability also helps to reduce stress and anxiety for students, which can enhance their overall well-being and mental health. In addition to promoting student engagement, a well-organized classroom can also help teachers to effectively manage their time and resources. Teachers who have a well-planned and structured curriculum are able to focus on delivering high-quality lessons, rather than wasting time trying to figure out what to do next. This allows teachers to use their time more efficiently and effectively, which can result in improved student outcomes. Another important aspect of organization in teaching is that it can help to promote fairness and equality in the classroom. When teachers have a well-organized system in place, they are able to ensure that all students have equal opportunities to participate and succeed. This can include providing equal access to materials and resources, ensuring that all students receive equal amounts of attention, and creating a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. So, how can teachers achieve an organized classroom? One key strategy is to develop a clear and concise lesson plan that outlines the goals and objectives of each lesson. This can help teachers to focus on the most important aspects of each lesson, and ensure that they have a clear understanding of what they need to achieve. Teachers can also use tools such as schedules, calendars, and to-do lists to help them stay organized and on track. Another important strategy for achieving an organized classroom is to have a system in place for managing student behavior and discipline. This can include clear and concise rules and expectations, as well as consistent consequences for unacceptable behavior. This will help to create a safe and respectful learning environment for all students, and ensure that everyone is held accountable for their actions. Finally, it is important to involve students in the process of creating an organized classroom. Teachers can encourage students to take an active role in creating a positive and productive learning environment by involving them in the decision-making process and asking for their input and suggestions. This will help to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among students, and can also help to build positive relationships between students and teachers. Organization is an essential aspect of teaching that can have a significant impact on student engagement, motivation, and success. By creating a well-organized classroom, teachers can improve the overall educational experience for their students, and help to foster a positive and productive learning environment. By implementing effective strategies for organization and involving students in the process, teachers can ensure that they are providing their students with the best possible educational experience.
On Tuesday, in a FedEx crate labeled "Contents: One Panda," the National Zoo panda Bao Bao will leave the US — the country of her birth — and be sent to China. Despite her American credentials, Bao Bao is the property of the Chinese government — as are her parents and all other giant pandas in zoos around the world. And if, a few years from now, the US does something that displeases the Chinese government, Bao Bao's parents and her younger brother Bei Bei could be taken away. Bao Bao's return was the result of a pre-signed agreement with the US — not a diplomatic imbroglio. But the same wasn't true of her older brother, Tai Shan (née Butterstick) — the first panda to be permanently repatriated in the modern era of Chinese "panda diplomacy." Only a few days before Tai Shan was taken to China, the Chinese government had warned President Obama not to meet with the Dalai Lama on a diplomatic visit — and threatened that it would strain US-China relations if he did. The meeting happened anyway. Over the last several years, China's become much more generous in rewarding its trade partners with pandas — and more aggressive in using them as a bargaining chip when political relations get tense. Many experts in what's called "panda diplomacy" believe that Tai Shan was taken to China in retaliation, as a reminder to the American government that the most popular animal in its own zoo was only there thanks to Chinese generosity. But it wasn't always this way. Before China could use giant pandas as a tool of diplomacy, they had to make them something that other countries would even want in their zoos. How China helped change the way the world sees pandas Unlike other "charismatic megafauna," pandas are only native to a single country. That gives China much more control over the treatment of pandas than, say, sub-Saharan African countries have over elephants. And it's used that control to its advantage, encouraging the world to see pandas as, in panda diplomacy scholar Kathleen Buckingham's words, the "ideal zoo animals." It wasn't always this way. Late-19th-century reports speculated that the panda was mostly carnivorous. And when two of ex-president Teddy Roosevelt's sons went to the remote jungles of Sichuan in 1928 with the promise of "bagging" a panda — a dead one — they played up the danger of the trip and the elusiveness of their prey, before finally killing a male panda by shooting it in the hindquarters as it walked away. The Roosevelt boys and others might have overestimated the panda's ferocity, but not as much as one might expect. One of the pandas raised in the Wolong Reserve in China but released into the wild in recent years was, in Buckingham's words, "basically beaten to death by wild pandas." But captive pandas are still seen as harmless, even lazy. Even in an age when some people are getting anxious about keeping large wild animals in captivity, "it's not (seen as) cruel to keep an animal in a zoo because it's so sedate." And that perception is well suited to China's strategy to use zoo pandas for international leverage. Why we're in a new age of panda diplomacy Buckingham and the coauthors of her paper divide modern panda diplomacy into three distinct phases. Under Mao, pandas were given as goodwill gifts to allies like Russia. But after they were put on the endangered species list in 1984, "you couldn't just go around giving pandas for good relationships," Buckingham told Vox in 2014. So China shifted to what Buckingham and others call a "rent-a-panda" strategy: loaning pandas to foreign zoos in exchange for a fee of $50,000 per panda per month. This helped raise revenues for China and reflected a national shift toward free-market economic policies under Deng Xiaoping's "open door policy," but it, too, violated conservation agreements (and looked a little tacky). It was ultimately replaced with long-term loans of pandas, with fees going in part to conservation efforts. The third phase of panda diplomacy, which started in the late 2000s, isn't marked by how pandas are loaned, but by how many. In 2008, an earthquake destroyed much of pandas' habitat within China: 67 percent of wild pandas' habitat was affected, and all 60 of the pandas being held in the Wolong Reserve had to find temporary foster homes. Suddenly, sending pandas abroad, for money and goodwill, became a more attractive option for China. The year before the earthquake, 11 international zoos had pandas on loan; as of spring 2014, 18 zoos had loaned pandas, and two more had signed agreements to receive pandas in the near future. China uses pandas as expressions of trade interest — or political gratitude When the Chinese government started the current wave of panda loans, Buckingham and her coauthors discovered a pattern: pandas were sent to trade partners shortly after major trade agreements were signed, as a way of expressing a desire to build a long-term trade relationship. When they first submitted their theory as a paper in 2011, Buckingham said, it was rejected as "conjecture." But in the next year or so, new panda deals fulfilled the predictions she and her coauthors had made: "the strong trading partners, basically." That explains the rush to give pandas to Singapore and Malaysia after the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement was signed (and to give Thailand an extension on the pandas it already had). It also explains loans to France and Australia — both major players in the nuclear industry — as China sought to expand its own nuclear power capacity. The choice of which zoos within a country get pandas is important, too. The pandas loaned to the United Kingdom, for example, don't live in the London Zoo, which would be the logical place for them — they were sent to the Edinburgh Zoo, as an acknowledgment of $4 billion in trade deals for exporting Scottish salmon and Land Rovers to China. But China also uses panda loans (as well as the trade deals themselves) to exert political pressure on countries. Traditionally, for example, China had used Norway as its supplier of salmon. But in 2010, the Nobel Peace Prize committee gave the award to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo — and China, in retaliation, took its salmon money elsewhere. In particular, it looked to Scotland — and, having secured Scotland as a salmon exporter, sealed the deal with the Edinburgh panda. Sometimes economics and politics intersect. The panda loan China and Denmark agreed to in 2014 was widely seen as an expression of Chinese interest in Greenland's natural resources — but as of last fall, Chinese investment in Greenland had yet to materialize. The panda loan could also have been political: a reward for Denmark walking back its support of Tibetan independence five years ago. And sometimes countries just have bad luck. In 2012, China inked a deal with Malaysia to loan a pair of pandas to the Kuala Lumpur Zoo in April 2014. But April 2014 came and went with no pandas. China was upset with Malaysia over its handling of missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370, and it expressed that displeasure by withholding the bears for a month. But any panda can be taken away China's making longer panda loans now than it used to — the loan to Belgium is 15 years long — and tends to extend the loans before they expire. But just as politics inflect when China gives out pandas, it's also a factor in when they take them away. Buckingham and her coauthors see the tale of Tai Shan as a cautionary tale to governments with loaned pandas: if your guests become too popular with the public, you might find yourself pressured to agree to Chinese demands. After all, Buckingham points out, pandas "speak to the public" in a way most diplomatic concerns don't. In this context, the return of Bao Bao has been surprisingly undramatic — despite the fact that President Donald Trump is a determined China hawk, he doesn't appear eager to pick a fight over Bao Bao (despite her American birth), and China isn't framing her repatriation as an act of displeasure with the Trump administration. (Indeed, the date of her return got set before Trump was inaugurated, though after he'd been elected.) One likely reason: Bao Bao's younger brother, Bei Bei, is still at the National Zoo. So the zoo isn't being deprived of young pandas entirely. But when Bei Bei turns four, in 2019, who knows what US/China relations will look like — or what lengths the two governments will be willing to go to secure him for themselves.
Posted on Jan 05, 2024, 3 p.m. Autophagy is a cellular housekeeping process that promotes health by recycling or removing damaged DNA and RNA as well as other “garbage” cellular components (like misfolded proteins) in a degradative process. Autophagy is a key factor in preventing aging and disease of aging, and research has demonstrated how autophagy genes are responsible for prolonged longevity in a range of long-lived organisms. "While this is very basic research, this work is a reminder that it is critical for us to understand whether we have the whole story about the different genes that have been related to aging or age-related diseases," said Professor Malene Hansen, Ph.D., Buck's chief scientific officer, who is also the study's co-senior author. "If the mechanism we found is conserved in other organisms, we speculate that it may play a broader role in aging than has been previously appreciated and may provide a method to improve life span." "There had been this growing notion over the last few years that genes in the early steps of autophagy were 'moonlighting' in processes outside of this classical lysosomal degradation," she said. Additionally, while it is known that multiple autophagy genes are required for the increased life span, the tissue-specific roles of specific autophagy genes are not well defined. To investigate the role autophagy genes play in neurons, the team analyzed Caenorhabditis elegans, specifically inhibiting autophagy genes functioning at each step of the process in the neurons. The researchers found that neuronal inhibition of early-acting but not late-acting autophagy genes extended lifespan. Unexpectedly this lifespan extension was accompanied by a reduction in aggregated protein in the neurons and an increase in the formation of exophers. "Exophers are thought to be essentially another cellular garbage disposal method, a mega-bag of trash," said Dr. Caroline Kumsta, co-senior author and assistant professor at SBP. "When there is either too much trash accumulating in neurons, or when the normal 'in-house' garbage disposal system is broken, the cellular waste is then being thrown out in these exophers." Worms that had formed exophers also had reduced protein aggregation and lived significantly longer than those that didn’t, and this process was found to be dependent on protein ATG-16.2. Suggesting a link between this process of this massive disposal process to overall health. Several new functions were identified for autophagy protein ATG-16.2, including exopher formation and lifespan determination. This led the researchers to speculate that this protein plays some nontraditional and unexpected roles in the aging process. If additional research can confirm the same mechanisms in other organisms, it may provide a method of manipulating autophagy genes to improve neuronal health as well as extend lifespan. "But first we have to learn more -- especially how ATG-16.2 is regulated and whether it is relevant in a broader sense, in other tissues and other species," Hansen said. The Hansen and Kumsta teams are planning on following up with a number of longevity models, including nematodes, mammalian cell cultures, human blood and mice. "Learning if there are multiple functions around autophagy genes like ATG-16.2 is going to be super important in developing potential therapies," Kumsta said. "It is currently very basic biology, but that is where we are in terms of knowing what those genes do." Traditionally, aging and autophagy are linked because of lysosomal degradation, and this may need to expand to include additional pathways which would have to be targeted differently to address the diseases and associated problems. "It will be important to know either way," Hansen said. "The implications of such additional functions may hold a potential paradigm shift." As with anything you read on the internet, this article should not be construed as medical advice; please talk to your doctor or primary care provider before changing your wellness routine. This article is not intended to provide a medical diagnosis, recommendation, treatment, or endorsement. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Content may be edited for style and length. References/Sources/Materials provided by:
Centipedes have a rounded or flattened head, bearing a pair of antennae at the forward margin. They have a pair of elongated mandibles, and two pairs of maxillae. The first pair of maxillae form the lower lip, and bear short palps. The first pair of limbs stretch forward from the body to cover the remainder of the mouth. These limbs, or maxillipeds, end in sharp claws and include venom glands that help the animal to kill or paralyze its prey. Many species of centipedes lack eyes, but some possess a variable number of ocelli, which are sometimes clustered together to form true compound eyes. However, these eyes are only capable of discerning light and dark, and have no true vision. In some species, the first pair of legs at the head end of the centipede acts as sense organs similar to antennae, but unlike the antennae of most other animals, theirs point backwards. Unusual sense organs found in some groups are the organs of Tömösváry. These are located at the base of the antennae, and consist of a disc-like structure with a central pore surrounded by sensory cells. They are probably used for sensing vibrations, and may even provide a sense of hearing. Forcipules are a unique feature found only in centipedes and in no other arthropods. The forcipules are modifications of the first pair of legs, forming a pincer-like appendage always found just behind the head.Forcipules are not true mouthparts, although they are used in the capture of prey items, injecting venom and holding onto captured prey. Venom glands run through a tube almost to the tip of each forcipule. Behind the head, the body consists of 15 or more segments. Most of the segments bear a single pair of legs, with the maxillipeds projecting forward from the first body segment, and the final two segments being small and legless. Each pair of legs is slightly longer than the pair immediately in front of it, ensuring that they do not overlap, so reducing the chance that they will collide with each other while moving swiftly. In extreme cases, the last pair of legs may be twice the length of the first pair. The final segment bears a telson and includes the openings of the reproductive organs. As predators, centipedes mainly use their antennae to seek out their prey. The digestive tract forms a simple tube, with digestive glands attached to the mouthparts. Like insects, centipedes breathe through a tracheal system, typically with a single opening, or spiracle, on each body segment. They excrete waste through a single pair of malpighian tubules. Their size can range from a few millimeters in the smaller lithobiomorphs and geophilomorphs to about 30 cm (12 in) in the largest scolopendromorphs.They normally have a drab coloration combining shades of brown and red. Centipedes have a wide geographical range, even reaching beyond the Arctic Circle. They are found in an array of terrestrial habitats from tropical rainforests to deserts. Centipedes are active hunters. They roam around looking for small animals to bite and eat. They eat insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. Most centipedes are active at night. During the day they seek shelter under objects on the ground, inside logs and stumps, or in animal burrows. During the hot dry weather they will usually bury themselves deep in the soil. They are not territorial and move about the environment in search of food and mates. Centipedes live alone until they are ready to mate or when they are raising their young. When they do meet, they are often very aggressive toward one another and will sometimes eat the other. Some species living along the seashore hunt in packs. Several individuals will feed together on the same animal. When threatened, centipedes protect themselves by running away or biting. Others whip their bodies about or spread their hind legs wide in a threatening manner.Others release bad smelling and tasting chemicals from glands on their undersides.A few centipedes produce glue that hardens within seconds when exposed to air. This sticky stuff can tangle up the legs of even the largest insect predators. Centipede reproduction does not involve copulation. Males deposit a spermatophore for the female to take up. In one clade, this spermatophore is deposited in a web, and the male undertakes a courtship dance to encourage the female to engulf his sperm. In other cases, the males just leave them for the females to find. In temperate areas, egg laying occurs in spring and summer, but in subtropical and tropical areas, little seasonality to centipede breeding is apparent. A few species of parthenogenetic centipedes are known. Some species of centipedes lay their eggs one at a time. In other species the female digs out chambers in rotten wood or soil and lays up to eighty or more eggs all at once. She wraps her body around her eggs and cleans them constantly so funguses, molds, or hungry predators do not harm them. Of these species some will eventually camouflage the eggs with bits of soil and abandon them. Others will remain with their eggs, even until after they hatch. They are unable to hunt and remain with their mother until after their next molt, or shedding of their hard outer coverings or exoskeletons. The common house centipede can live for more than a year, while other species have been known to live for as long as 5-6 years. Centipedes are fascinating pets for advanced hobbyists. However, they are not pets to be handled, rather they are visual pets enjoyed for their interesting appearance and behaviors. Although they are not considered aggressive towards humans, centipedes to not like to be cornered or touched and will respond defensively in such situations. Centipedes do not sting, but have a pair of poison claws behind the head and use the poison to paralyze their prey, usually small insects. Though it is reported in some places on-line that the jaws of centipedes are weak and can rarely penetrate human skin, most of the larger specimens being sold as pets can indeed give a very painful bite (or pinch). Careless individuals who are bitten can expect fairly intense pain, swelling, and a throbbing sensation. Depending on the species, this pain will last from an hour to several hours. Though fascinating to watch, centipedes should be carefully manipulated with snake handling tools, paint brushes, and thick gloves, rather than handed. Centipedes are unlike most invertebrate pets being kept in captivity. They should be kept similarly to venomous snakes with a secure enclosure system. Once they are established in a secure enclosure and once some experience is gained in their care and daily husbandry, centipedes can provide hours of fascination.
How Salmon Can Transform A Landscape Skeins of wispy clouds obscure the tops of distant forested mountains, reflected in calm waters. On this midsummer morning at least, the Pacific is living up to its name on this stretch of Canada’s west coast. Backpacks and thermoses in hand, four researchers tread down a wooden strutted ramp to board a boat named the Keta. Scientist Allison Dennert starts the boat, steering away from the dock into the broad channel, glancing at the map on the video console. A brief stop at the Bella Bella dock, to pick up research technician Sarah Humchitt, completes our crew of five. Heading up Johnson Channel towards Goat Bushu Island, this remote wilderness of British Columbia’s central coast is Heiltsuk Territory, lands known by non-indigenous settlers as The Great Bear Rainforest. The scientific crew aboard the aptly named Keta, meaning chum salmon, is investigating how the bounty of the sea enriches the land. Research assistant Lisa Siemens points at a bald eagle on the shore. “It’s bad luck to point at eagles,” says Humchitt, a member of the Heiltsuk people, one of Canada’s First Nations. Humchitt grew up in the tiny, mainly indigenous town of Bella Bella before spending her high school years in Vancouver. Back for the summer she’s part of Dennert’s all-female scientific team. Siemens is curious about her faux pas of eagle pointing. “What about other birds, or is it only eagles?” she asks. “Only eagles,” says Humchitt, and conversation turns to a timid fawn spotted on the shore, and whether we might see humpback whales or orcas on our way. Like the eagle, Dennert and her team are also hunting fish. All five species of eastern Pacific salmon – chum, coho, chinook, pink, and sockeye – spawn in this region of Canada. Salmon are a vital food supporting ecosystems and First Nations’ cultures and economies here for at least 7,000 years. Pacific salmon are travellers. Hatched in freshwater rivers where they grow into smolts, they then make dangerous journeys to the sea. Those that arrive safely feast on sea riches for several years, each species with a slightly different lifestyle. Once mature, they return to their natal rivers in late summer and autumn, fighting their way up streams to spawning grounds. In rivers, nutrients typically flow downstream but salmon on a breeding mission are counterflow, carrying important nutrients in reverse to the upper reaches of river systems. There are still many questions about how homeward bound salmon enrich the nutrient-impoverished habitat along stream banks. To answer some of them, this team is travelling up a stream that salmon seldom swim. Some 35 minutes from the Bella Bella dock, four of the team – clad in chest waders – take turns dangling from the bow of the metal boat, jumping down into the knee-deep waters along the rocky barnacled shore. When they have all disembarked, Dennert backs the boat away, anchoring it before hopping onto an orange plastic kayak and paddling in to the beach. Bushwhacking along a rough trail, scrambling over and under mossy logs, Dennert along with field assistants Siemens, Humchitt and Emily Yungwirth carry backpacks and two collapsible squares of bungy cord strung through plastic pipe. Emerging from rainforest trail to a shallow rocky stream, they navigate slippery rocks, cans of bear spray belted to hips. The slow slosh of waders is meditative as the stream banks widen into a lush grassy meadow. This is where Dennert is testing how fish feed flowers. Here on this verdant bank are the experimental plots, each containing a grid of four one metre-square patches of grass. Last autumn when spawning salmon arrived in the area, though not on this smaller stream, each set of four squares got a different treatment. The first received a stinky dead salmon, pegged under plastic netting to foil furry scavengers. Square two got seaweed. Square three, seaweed plus salmon. The fourth square is unaltered grass. Now, with the meadow turning green again after the winter snows, Dennert is back with her team. All that remains of the salmon are the bones. Dennert and Yungwirth take the odd numbered plots, Siemens and Humchitt take the evens. It’s a friendly race to tally plants inside the squares. The four most common meadow wildflowers – yarrow, common red paintbrush, silverweed, and Douglas aster – get extra close attention. “Two paintbrush…” says Dennert. “One meadow barley,” says Yungwirth, crouching to pore over plants at eye level. Meticulous flower counting finishes in this plot. Will plants fertilised by salmon produce more or bigger flowers? Will their nutrients affect what grows and which pollinators visit? And can coastal forests rely on a stored nutrient bank during lean years when few salmon return? This is what the team hope to answer. We’ve known for over 20 years that nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus from salmon make their way into coastal forests. “That’s not particularly surprising given that nearly 500 million fish return to the Pacific coast every year,” says Dennert, Several billion kilograms of decaying flesh is bound to find its way from the rivers, onto the land and into the cells of the creatures living there. Perhaps most iconically, it passes through the bellies and out as the poop of predators like grizzly and black bears. Natural tracers show a salmon signature in all manner of organisms from bugs and bears to trees. But what does this nutrient bonus mean? Dennert’s experiment – looking at how meadow plants grow with and without a nutrient bonus – will provide clues about how ecosystems would look without salmon, “which is becoming a very real possibility,” she says. “Last fall, I walked a stream that had 5,000 pink salmon return to it in 2017. In 2018, we counted only 26.” Salmon populations are facing pressure from multiple stressors including climate change, pollution, fisheries, habitat degradation and habitat loss across the Pacific coast. While many salmon populations on the Central Coast of British Columbia are healthy, others are depressed, declining, or of conservation concern. The status of about 70% of the salmon populations here is unknown. But many streams here are healthy, making it an excellent natural laboratory. Dennert’s work builds on a slowly accumulating understanding of how salmon feed the land. Salmon biologist Tom Quinn at the University of Washington, Seattle, and colleagues including his then graduate student Rachel Hovel, now at the University of Maine, Farmington, conducted an elegant if somewhat accidental experiment published in 2018. During sockeye surveys on Hansen Creek, southwestern Alaska, “we would walk up the stream and count the salmon,” says Hovel, noting cause of death, then throwing carcasses to one bank. Twenty years of this lop-sided tossing created an opportunity to test nutrient enrichment. Comparing growth and nitrogen content in spruce trees on the stream’s north and south sides, they found a signal indicating that salmon indeed fed and sped up tree growth. Dennert’s doctoral supervisor John Reynolds, an aquatic ecologist at Simon Fraser University, also previously examined how plants respond to salmon streams. Reynolds partnered with the Heiltsuk Nation to survey salmon and plants on fifty watersheds on the Central Coast. Hugging over 6,000 trees to measure their diameters, they found a strong correlation between streams with more salmon and nutrient-loving plants and trees. Other work has shown that flowers can coordinate their blooms with the arrival of salmon, helpful for their pollinators. Because much of the previous work was correlational, the Reynolds lab began experimenting. Starting on a Central Coast stream that salmon couldn’t access because of a waterfall, Reynolds and Hocking set up experimental sites. It involved hauling heavy dead chum salmon “in dripping green garbage bags” through prime grizzly habitat so they could see what would happen to the vegetation at the site if the fish were left there. On 11 streams, their experiment showed that plants draw nitrogen from salmon in spring, many months after carcasses are deposited. Dennert is still collecting data, plant by plant, bug by bug, flower by flower, and much of her analysis is yet to come. Preliminary results suggest that some plants fed by salmon, like yarrow and aster, have bigger flowers, with bigger leaves. Those bigger flowers may attract more pollinators, helping diversity to flourish. And there are hints that if salmon disappear from some of these streams – perhaps never to return – the diverse communities that depend on them will be poorer. Bella Bella’s Heiltsuk community is keenly interested in Dennert’s focus on the impacts of salmon beyond the water. Local salmon fishing guide Howard Humchitt says the learning goes both ways. The Canadian government’s Wild Salmon Policy states that salmon management must consider the ecosystems that salmon return to, explains Dennert. So “we really need to understand the biological consequences of what the salmon are doing for these ecosystems if we want to manage them effectively,” she says. Ecosystem-based management currently gets little attention by government fisheries, suggests Reynolds. But that may matter less now that indigenous communities like the Heiltsuk are gaining back the autonomy to manage their own lands and resources. Before European contact, explains Howard Humchitt, different Heiltsuk families would manage different rivers and ocean areas. “Before the government took over, if a river had a bad year [for salmon] because of a flood or blockage… we would say ‘No, that one’s done for a while,’ and go back when it was replenished,” he says. “Sometimes that took half a lifetime.” Those old practices, says Humchitt, are not lost, but they’re forgotten. Now late August, Humchitt motors his boat slowly home after a day of fishing. This time of year, pink and chum are usually jumping, but he’s seen few today. “I’m hoping that with a mild dry summer that everything is still offshore,” he says. But rains are coming. More than 100mm (four inches) of rain is expected overnight. And rain, says Humchitt, “will give the fish a push to come home.”
Eating healthy starts with what, how much, and when to eat. As such, the need is to follow a balanced diet that includes food from all the major groups and completely fills the nutritional needs of a person. But what constitutes a balanced diet? How much veggies, meat, and grains should be in your plate to call it ‘balanced’? The answers to these questions are not known by most people. So, let’s answer all these questions in detail today. What is a Balanced diet? A balanced diet (santulit aahar) is something that fulfills all the nutritional needs of a person. The human body requires a particular amount of nutrients and calories every day to remain healthy. So, they can get all those nutrients and calories from a balanced diet without overstepping the daily required calorie intake. As per the recommendations of the USDA, half of your plate should have veggies and fruits and the other half needs to have proteins and grains. They also suggest having one serving of low-fat dairy products with each meal. The ones who are lactose intolerant are suggested to have any other source of the nutrition present in dairy. What are calories? A balanced diet definition is incomplete without explaining the meaning of calories. The total number of calories present in a food is equal to the amount of energy it stores. Your body needs calories to breath, think, walk, and other crucial bodily functions. An average person requires nearly 2,000 calories each day to maintain a healthy weight. However, this amount depends on their sex, age, and level of physical activity. So, men usually need more calories than women, and the ones who exercise require more calories than the ones who don’t. List of five main food groups for a Healthy diet It is important to ensure that the best diet plans contain all the major nutrients and components. The best diet plan will always include five food groups, and it is imperative to include food items in all these respective groups. Here’s a quick look at the major groups: When it comes to adding veggies in your diet, it is highly imperative to know which ingredients are the most important. Since vegetables can be further subdivided into the following subgroups, here are a few things you should know about it: - starchy veggies - leafy greens - peas and beans - orange or red veggies - other veggies like zucchini or eggplant In order to receive enough nutrients and not get bored from constantly eating veggies, try to mix it up and try different veggies. Just make sure that you eat veggies from all the five subgroups each week. You can eat vegetables cooked or raw, though cooking tends to remove a bit of the nutritional value. Moreover, methods like deep frying tend to add unhealthy fats to the dish. Balanced diets should include loads of fruits. Rather than eating store-bought fruit juices, experts recommend eating the whole fruits. Such juices hardly contain enough nutrients. Moreover, the manufacturing procedure usually puts empty calories in the form of added sugar. It is better to go for frozen or fresh fruits or the fruits that are canned in water rather than syrup. Grains can be divided into two subgroups, i.e., refined grains and whole grains. A healthy diet chart needs to have whole grains because they have more protein than the refined grains. Whole grains tend to include all the parts of the grains, i.e., the endosperm, germ, and bran. Your body slowly breaks the whole grains down, which makes them leave less of an impact on the blood sugar of a person. In addition to that, whole grains have more protein and fiber than refined grains. As refined grains undergo processing, they don’t have the three actual components. Also, the refined grains have less fiber and protein, which makes them easily lead to a spike in blood sugar. Remember that grains form the basis of the food pyramid, which means that they form a major part of the daily caloric intake of a person. However, one of the most important diet tips is to only fill a quarter of your plate with grains. Out of that, you should eat whole grains for at least half of your daily intake. Some of the healthy whole grains are: - brown rice If you know the importance of balanced diet, you will also have to acknowledge the need for a protein-rich diet. Proteins need to make up one quarter of an individual’s plate. Some of nutritious choices in protein are: - pork and lean beef - turkey and chicken - legumes, peas, and beans 5. Dairy products Fortified soy products and dairy are vital sources of calcium. For better diet and nutrition, you need to consume low fat versions as much as possible. Soy products and low-fat dairy include: - soy milk - low-fat milk - cottage or ricotta cheese The ones who are lactose intolerant may opt for lactose-free or low-lactose products, or go for soy-based sources of calcium and all other nutrients. Importance of a Balanced diet The best diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to work efficiently. With the lack of balanced nutrition, the body becomes prone to low performance, fatigue, infection, and diseases. Kids who do not get sufficient healthy foods tend to face developmental and growth problems, frequent infections, and poor academic performance. Also, they can lead to unhealthy eating habits which continue into their adulthood. In case of a lack of exercise, the kids will also have a high risk of obesity and different diseases and disorders related to the metabolic syndrome, like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. 1. Losing weight through healthy diet foods The most common reason for people to struggle with their weight loss is a poor diet. On the other hand, when combined with a proper exercise routine, your balanced diet can help you mitigate the risk factors for gaining weight or obesity. By following the right diet types, you can lose weight by: - prevent binge eating - increase the protein intake - get essential nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals - avoid processed foods or excess carbs People who are interested in losing weight should enhance or begin a proper exercise routine. If you want to start slow, simply add thirty minutes of walking every day and make a few minor changes, such as going by the stairs, can let you burn calories and gradually lose weight. You can turn it up a notch after a few weeks and add cardio to your routine. Move up to resistance training and your weight loss will be faster. Foods you need to avoid As one of the foremost tips for healthy lifestyle, here are the foods you should avoid: - trans fats - processed and red meat - extra salt and sugar - refined grains - highly processed foods A healthy diet food chart for one person might not be perfectly suited to another. For instance, whole wheat flour is a healthy ingredient for most people but it’s not suitable for the ones with the issue of gluten intolerance. 2. Making your balanced diet tastier Now, when it comes to healthy food, the common notion is that it cannot be healthier. Thus, sticking to a balanced diet for a long period of time becomes a tad bit difficult for some people. However, the truth is that even healthy food can be made a lot tastier by knowing the right tricks. For instance, it is outlined repeatedly that fast food like pizza is bad for your health. But instead of saying goodbye to pizza forever, you can simply use a whole wheat bread and load it with veggies and lean meat. The idea of a balanced diet is not to give up on your favorite foods, but to make it healthier. So, if you feel like having fruit juice someday, make it at home with fresh oranges instead of chugging the store-bought ones. However, it is better to have whole fruits as well and not only fruit juices. Even stir-fried veggies and nuts for snacks can be filling and appetizing. The aim is to eat smart to make your body get the nutrition it needs, while you are happy and satisfied with the food you eat. The bottom line A balanced diet meaning is that you should eat foods from all the five major food groups. The dietary guidelines tend to change in time when the scientists discover newer information about the food groups and nutrition. As per the present recommendations, your plate needs to primarily have soluble fiber, some dairy, some lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables. The ones who are interested in losing weight should also think of introducing at least moderate exercise in their routines.
For Teachers and Students The learning strategies presented here are intended to provide a scope and sequence for educators to use when approaching the photography of Henryk Ross and the complexities of the Lodz Ghetto. With your students, you will explore the history of the Lodz Ghetto, Ross's photography as an act of resistance and the contemporary connections we can make between his work and the importance of photography, art and social media today. The last category, contemporary Connections, engages students in thinking about the tools we can use to document, take action and make positive changes in society. Explore how the photographs of Henryk Ross represent the complexity of life in the Lodz Ghetto. The complexity of life in the Lodz Ghetto can be seen through thousands of photographs taken by Henryk Ross that show the everyday existence of the ghetto’s Jewish population. This lesson encourages students to examine daily life in the ghetto. Most residents had no running water or sanitation and faced starvation and overcrowding. These images force us to confront issues of social class, leadership, gender, poverty, forced labour, destruction of religious institutions, starvation and death. How do Henryk Ross’s photographs represent the complexity of life in the Lodz Ghetto? Explore how Henryk Ross's photographs of round-ups and deportations create a visual record of the process of genocide. Under the leadership of Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski, chairman of the Jewish Council of the Lodz Ghetto, the ghetto was turned into a working ghetto. Rumkowski believed that if the ghetto provided goods for the Nazi war effort, its residents would be safe and deportations of Jews to killing centres could be averted. Nevertheless, Jews from the Lodz Ghetto were deported from Lodz via vans and cattle cars. to death camps in Chelmno nad Nerem and Auschwitz-Birkenau. This lesson will explore Henryk Ross’s photographs of the round-ups and deportations of the Jews in the Lodz ghetto. Ross risked his life in order to take some of these images, hiding from the German police to document the sick, elderly, families and children being gathered together and sent away to be murdered. How do Ross’s photographs of the round-ups and deportations create a visual record of the process of genocide? Consider how clandestine photography can be considered an act of resistance. Get to know individuals working around the world to raise awareness about human rights violations and social justice issues. Students will consider how they can take action in their own communities. What can I do to be an active, responsible and effective citizen in my community? Consider how you can take action in your own communities. This section will explore the contemporary connections we can make between Ross’s visual record and the roles of photography, art and social media can play as tools for social justice today. As we learn about the different ways people engage in social justice issues now, we ask you to think about what it means to be a witness. What responsibilities do we have to take action as both creators and receivers of information about social injustices? How can we act based on the information we receive? Use the answers to these questions to explore how action in your own communities could help spark positive change.
Autism is a complex neurological disorder that affects people in different ways, and the autism community is made up of individuals who have unique experiences and perspectives. As a friend, family member, or colleague of someone with autism, understanding the nuances of autism can be a challenge. The autism community wishes you knew their approach and how they handle situations. Here are some things the autism community wishes you are aware of: - Autism is a spectrum disorder: Autism affects people differently and to varying degrees, so it’s important to recognize that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to understanding autism - Sometimes it is hard for people with autism to understand non-verbal cues: People with autism may have difficulty interpreting non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language. Try to be explicit with your communication and provide clear instructions. - People with autism need a safe, supportive environment: People with autism thrive in safe, predictable environments. Providing structure and routines can help them to feel secure and comfortable. - People with autism may have difficulty with social interaction: People with autism may have difficulty communicating and understanding social cues, so it is important to be patient and understanding. - People with autism can have amazing skills and talents: Many people with autism have unique skills and talents that can be incredibly valuable to society. Don’t underestimate the potential of people with autism. - People with autism need understanding and acceptance: People with autism need understanding and acceptance in order to feel safe and secure. Showing compassion and understanding can make a big difference in their lives. HOW TO BE MORE ACCEPTING TO PEOPLE WITH AUTISM The autism community wishes that you knew that they are more than just their diagnosis. They are complex, unique individuals with amazing potential. By having an open-mind and showing compassion and understanding, you can be an incredible friend, family member, or colleague to someone with autism. - Listen and be patient. People with autism may need more time to process and respond to questions or conversations. - Talk slowly and use simple language. People with autism may have difficulty understanding complex language or abstract concepts. - Use visual aids. Use pictures, charts, and other visual aids to help communicate more clearly. - Allow for personal space. People with autism may need more space and may be uncomfortable with physical contact. - Ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions allow a person with autism to provide more detailed responses. - Educate yourself. Learn more about autism and how it can affect someone’s behavior or communication. - Be flexible. People with autism may have difficulty adjusting to change or new situations. - Respect boundaries. It is important to respect a person with autism’s boundaries and to not pressure them to do something they are not comfortable doing. - Celebrate successes. Celebrate the successes of a person with autism and encourage them to keep trying. - Show empathy. People with autism may feel overwhelmed or anxious in certain situations. Showing empathy and understanding can help. Check out these other great resources for more helpful information. There is a bestseller book written by Ellen Notbohm. Her personal experiences as a parent of children with autism and ADHD, a celebrated autism author, and a contributor to numerous publications, classrooms, conferences, and websites around the world coalesce to create a guide for all who come in contact with a child on the autism spectrum. An autistic person may feel overwhelmed, anxious, and isolated in public if they are unable to communicate. They may feel overwhelmed and confused by the presence of other people, the noise, and the unfamiliar environment. They may feel anxious about being judged or misunderstood or frustrated that they cannot express themselves or interact with others. They may also feel isolated and alone, unable to connect with others or understand what is going on around them. Awareness and understanding is the first and most important step we can take towards making changes for the better in these individuals lives. Please feel free to contact us for any additional information.
When thinking of the American West, one might picture Rocky Mountain ranges, the sage-colored foothills of the Great Basin, the Pacific’s long coastal shoreline, or maybe even images of cowboys and Hollywood and cacti. What is less often thought about, but equally true of the Western United States, is the powerful engagement of women in politics at all levels. In the 2022 midterm elections, Colorado reached gender parity among elected officials in the state legislature; only the second state to do so after Nevada. Further, Nevada is the only state to achieve equal representation among Black and non-Black women in its state legislature. Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, and Arizona are close to closing their gender gaps, as they are nearing women’s majorities. Clearly, the West is setting the pace for women’s representation in state governments. But why? A history of attempting gender equality… Let’s look to history: The West was the first region in the United States to see widespread women’s suffrage: Some women cast votes in Utah and Wyoming as early as 1870, nearly five decades before the 19th Amendment was ratified. The first U.S. territory to grant women the right to vote was Wyoming in 1869, and the first state was Colorado, which elected women to its parliamentary body in 1894. In fact, the Colorado legislature was the first parliamentary body to elect women in the world. …marred by brutal racial policies It is important to understand the changes the West experienced throughout the 19th century, as norms regarding race, gender, and citizenship were challenged, upended, and transformed. Following the Indian Removal Act of 1830, Indigenous people were subjected to brutal relocation — both voluntary and forced. Hispano families became American citizens overnight following the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, but suffered language discrimination and the loss of their land rights. Throughout the Civil War, Northern states and abolitionists made repeated efforts to keep slavery out of the Western territories and preserve civil rights, and were relatively successful — giving entirely new options to Black people. The xenophobic Page Act of 1875, which prohibited the entry of Chinese women to the United States, following the mass migration of Chinese immigrants to build the Transcontinental Railroad, was the country’s first restrictive immigration policy. Today we have new opportunities for equity The land out West was so harsh and rugged that pioneers set aside traditional social norms, and instead focused on survival and resilience. Given the constant state of change, ideas like “men’s work” vs. “women’s work” fell away. Just like in the Old West, contemporary voters recognize we need to tap all of our resources to solve our problems — and that includes engaging women toward a truly representative democracy at every level of government. Electing more women increases the chance that policy-making and deliberation include women’s views and lived experiences. We have seen Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Arizona often rank highly for voter turnouts in this country. When women are voting and feeling impactful, that leads to more women running for office. Our mission is to support this cycle. Vote Run Lead is a non-profit training powerhouse that focuses on increasing women’s representation in elected office. Seeking to unleash the political power of women as voters, candidates, and leaders, Vote Run Lead has trained more than 55,000 women nationwide to run for office. We’re now set to expand our quest for gender parity in statehouses in Western states. As we expand our efforts to recruit, train, and elect women to public office across this sprawling expanse, we pay homage to pioneers who came before us, in the same spirit of social justice and pursuit of equality. We know that the unyielding forces that spurred women throughout history carry through to the next generation of women leaders. Sabrina Shulman is the chief political officer at Vote Run Lead, a nonprofit that trains women to run for political office. Shulman co-wrote this opinion with State Sen. Faith Winter (D-Adams), an alumna of Vote Run Lead.
The English language is rich and varied, with many different words and phrases. Verbs are essential in this regard, as they are the words that help to convey the actions and events that make up our lives. Whether we describe our experiences, tell a story, or explain something, verbs are essential to our communication and expression. This article will take a closer look at the various verbs that start with the letter “z.” The Most Common Verbs That Start With The Letter Z The verb “zoom” is used to describe a rapid, swift, or sudden movement or change, often emphasizing the straight-line or linear nature of the motion. Some of the most common uses of the verb include: Moving quickly in a straight line: “The car zoomed down the road.” Increasing the magnification of an optical device: “She zoomed in on the map to get a better look.” Rising or ascending quickly: “The airplane zoomed into the sky.” Happening or occurring quickly or suddenly: “The party zoomed by in a flash.” The verb “zoom” is often used to describe a sense of speed and motion, and it can be a helpful tool for adding energy and excitement to a description or narrative. “To zone “means to allocate or assign a specific area for a particular purpose: “The park was zoned for recreational activities.” In this context, “zone” refers to dividing a more prominent space into smaller areas and allocating or assigning each location for a specific purpose. This is often used in urban planning, where different areas of a city or town may be designated for various uses, such as residential, commercial, industrial, or parkland. As a verb, “zap” generally means to quickly and efficiently neutralize, destroy, shock, stun, change, or add energy or excitement to something. In other words, “zap” often connotes a sudden, fast, and decisive action or effect. Here are a few examples to illustrate different uses of “zap”: To neutralize: “The bug zapper zapped the mosquito, killing it instantly.” To destroy: “A laser beam zapped the target, leaving a smoking hole where it used to be.” To change quickly: “She zapped through the channels on the TV, looking for a movie to watch.” The verb “zigzag” means to move or travel in a series of sharp turns and bends, often in an irregular or unpredictable path. It describes a pattern or line that moves in this manner. For example, one might say, “The airplane zigzagged through the sky to avoid turbulence,” or “The river flowed in a zigzag pattern through the valley.” In both cases, the term “zigzag” conveys a sense of movement characterized by sudden changes in direction. “To zest” means to add the outer rind of citrus fruit (such as lemon, lime, or orange) to food or drink to impart a fresh, citrusy flavor. Zest is often used in cooking and baking to enhance the flavor of dishes, sauces, and cocktails. For example, one might say, “I zested a lemon and added it to the salad dressing to give it a tangy taste.” In this sentence, the verb “to zest” refers to removing the lemon’s outer rind and using it as an ingredient. In general, the verb “zest” conveys a sense of adding a flavorful or aromatic ingredient to a dish, drink, or other mixture to enhance its taste or aroma. “Zonk” is a slang word that can mean different things depending on the context. Here are a few possible definitions: To knock out or render unconscious – for example, “The boxer was zonked by a powerful punch.” To tire or exhaust someone – for example, “After a long day of work, I was completely zonked.” To surprise or confuse someone – for example, “The unexpected twist in the movie zonked me out.” To make someone feel dizzy or disoriented – for example, “The bright lights at the concert zonked me out.” The verb “zeal” means to be full of zeal, enthusiasm, and determination, often pursuing a particular cause or goal. For example, “She zeals for environmental activism and spends her weekends volunteering at local conservation projects.” In general, the verb “zeal” conveys a sense of energetic and enthusiastic commitment to a cause or belief, often to the point of being overly excited or passionate. The term can describe positive and negative qualities, depending on the context and the individual’s actions. As a verb, “zephyr” refers to a light, gentle, and graceful movement or flow, type of air, or wind. The word is often used to describe a soft and gentle breeze that blows steadily and calmly. “The zephyr wafted the curtains back and forth, bringing a cool breeze into the room.” “She zephyred through the dance floor, moving with grace and lightness.” “The leaves rustled softly as the zephyr blew by, carrying the scent of flowers.” In these examples, “zephyr” conveys a sense of ease, lightness, and calmness as the subject moves or blows gently and gracefully. The word is often used in poetic or literary language to describe the movements of air or wind gracefully and softly. As a verb, “zorb” refers to participating in the activity of “zorbing,” which involves rolling down a hill or slope inside a giant inflatable ball. The ball is usually made of plastic and has enough space for one or two people inside, allowing them to roll down the hill while being cushioned and protected from impacts. Here are a few examples of “zorb” used as a verb: “They zorbed down the hill, laughing and screaming as they tumbled.” “He zorbed across the field, dodging obstacles and having fun.” As a verb, “zipline” refers to riding or traveling on a zipline, a cable suspended between two points and used for recreational purposes or as a means of transportation. The participant is attached to the cable by a harness and moves along the rope by gravity, reaching speeds up to 60 miles per hour in some cases. Here are a few examples of “zipline” used as a verb: “They ziplined through the forest, experiencing the thrill of flying through the trees.” “She ziplined across the canyon, admiring the breathtaking view below.” “The tourists ziplined from one platform to another, visiting the different attractions in the park.” “To zany” means acting silly, crazy, or eccentric manner. It also means to behave in a way that is whimsically comical or irrational. For example: “The clown was zanying around, making the children laugh with his silly antics.” “The comedian was zanying on stage, performing strange gags and telling absurd jokes.” The verb “to zincify” means to treat, coat, or impregnate with zinc. Zinc is a metal commonly used as a coating or plating to protect other metals from corrosion or improve their appearance. “The metal parts were zincified to protect them from rust and wear.” “The process of zincifying involves electroplating the metal with a thin layer of zinc.” “To zero” means resetting a value, quantity, or device to a baseline or starting point of zero. It can refer to eliminating or canceling out a quantity, aligning or adjusting a system to its correct position, or setting a device to its starting point. For example, a person might zero a scale before taking a measurement, zero out any interference in a data set, or zero the orientation of a spacecraft before entering orbit. Here are a few more examples of how “to zero” can be used: “Before using the drill press, it’s essential to zero the depth gauge. “Every time you start a new project, you should zero the progress bar.” More Verbs That Start With Z
Billy was an enslaved African American born possibly about 1754, perhaps in Richmond County. In 1781 he was part of the estate of John Tayloe (1721–1779), a wealthy planter and member of the. When Billy first came into Tayloe’s possession is not known, and his parents and other relatives have not been identified. Billy may have been the runaway slave sought in April 1774 by Thomas Lawson, Tayloe’s iron agent at the Neabsco Furnace in Prince William County. Lawson placed a detailed newspaper advertisement to try to recover Billy, described as a former waiting boy, a skilled ironworker, a stonemason, and a miller. Lawson further depicted Billy as an ingenious twenty-year-old man who had the ability to gain “the good Graces of almost every Body who will listen.” In 1782 Tayloe’s estate included several men named Billy, making it impossible to determine whether the earlier runaway was the man tried for treason in 1781. The Prince William County Court indicted “Billy, alias Will, alias William” for “feloniously and traitorously” waging war on April 2, 1781, from an armed vessel against the new state of Virginia. Many African Americans joined the British forces, who had offered freedom to slaves willing to serve the Crown, although other blacks actively supported the American cause. Billy pleaded not guilty and testified that he had been forced to board the vessel against his will and had never taken up arms on behalf of the British. On May 8, 1781, however, four of six Prince William County oyer and terminer judges convicted Billy of treason and sentenced him to hang. They placed his value at £27,000 current money. Within a week of the verdict Henry Lee (1729–1787) and William Carr, the two dissenting judges, and Mann Page, one of Tayloe’s executors, argued to Governor Thomas Jefferson that a slave, being a noncitizen, could not commit treason. Lee and Carr wrote that a slave “not being Admited to the Priviledges of a Citizen owes the State No Allegiance and that the Act declaring what shall be treason cannot be intended by the Legislature to include slaves who have neither lands or other property to forfiet.” Their argument about citizenship was very similar to one made on March 19, 1767, by Arthur Lee in his influential public letter on slavery directed to Virginia’s legislators and published in William Rind‘s Virginia Gazette. In Billy’s defense Henry Lee and William Carr also contested the evidence used against him. Billy received a gubernatorial reprieve until the end of June, and the legislature pardoned him on June 14, 1781. What happened to him after that is not known. Billy’s treason trial was neither the first nor the last such prosecution of a bondsman during the American Revolution. In Norfolk County in 1778 a slave named Bob faced charges of treason and robbery. Like Billy he pleaded not guilty but received the death sentence, and he may have been hanged. During the same period at least one other slave, a man named Sancho, was found guilty of warlike action against the state and hanged, while still another, Jack, may have escaped execution. Similar judicial actions against supposed treason occurred during times of public peril. In the aftermath of Nat Turner’s Rebellion, Southampton County justices in October 1831 heard the charge of treason against Jack and Shadrach, only to dismiss the charge tersely: “a slave cannot be tried in this court for Treason.” This exemption of enslaved people from treason prosecutions appears to have prevailed in Virginia during the(1861–1865) as well. Billy made his mark on history because his trial forced white leaders to confront the logic of the peculiar institution. His case was doubly ironic. A slave, he was nevertheless tried for disobeying one of the laws of the commonwealth. Excluded from the protections conferred by citizenship, he was still shielded from execution because Virginia’s law of treason could not logically apply to him.
The reflectivity test of a mirror is conducted to measure the amount of light that is reflected from its surface. It assesses the mirror’s ability to reflect light efficiently and accurately. The purpose of the reflectivity test is to evaluate the mirror’s performance and ensure that it meets the required reflectivity standards for its intended application. Here is a step-by-step procedure to perform the reflectivity test on a mirror: - Equipment Preparation: - Light Source: Prepare a stable and consistent light source, such as a lamp or a laser, with a known intensity and wavelength. - Photodetector: Use a calibrated photodetector, such as a photodiode or a spectrometer, capable of measuring the intensity of the reflected light accurately. - Mounting Setup: Set up a mounting arrangement to position the mirror and the photodetector appropriately. Ensure that the mirror is securely fixed and properly aligned with the light source and the photodetector. - Calibrate the photodetector by measuring the intensity of the light source without the mirror. This establishes a reference value for comparison. - Ensure that the photodetector is properly calibrated for the specific wavelength of light being used. - Angle of Incidence Selection: - Determine the desired angle of incidence for the test. This refers to the angle at which the light strikes the mirror’s surface. - The angle of incidence can be chosen based on the mirror’s design specifications or the intended application. - Position the mirror at the desired angle of incidence with respect to the light source. - Place the photodetector in a position to measure the intensity of the light reflected from the mirror. - Ensure that the photodetector is oriented properly to capture the reflected light accurately. - Activate the light source and allow the light to illuminate the mirror’s surface. - Intensity Measurement: - Use the photodetector to measure the intensity of the light reflected from the mirror’s surface. - Record the intensity reading provided by the photodetector. This reading represents the amount of light reflected by the mirror. - Comparison and Analysis: - Compare the measured intensity with the reference value obtained during the calibration step. - Calculate the reflectivity of the mirror by dividing the measured intensity by the reference intensity and multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage. - Compare the reflectivity value with the desired reflectivity specifications for the mirror. Determine whether the mirror meets the required standards for its intended application. It’s important to note that the reflectivity of a mirror can vary with the angle of incidence and the wavelength of light used. Therefore, it may be necessary to perform the reflectivity test at multiple angles and/or wavelengths to assess the mirror’s performance across different conditions. By performing the reflectivity test, the mirror’s ability to reflect light accurately and efficiently can be evaluated. This ensures that the mirror will provide the desired reflectivity properties, enabling its effective use in applications such as optics, imaging systems, lasers, and scientific instruments.
Solar panels are important devices that convert sunlight into electricity. On the market, you will find two common types of solar panels: monocrystalline solar panels and polycrystalline solar panels. This article will explain the difference between the two types, including the manufacturing process, materials, power generation efficiency and characteristics, while providing guidance on how to choose the right solar panel for your needs. Production process and materials: |Polycrystalline solar cells |Monocrystalline solar cells Monocrystalline solar cells: Monocrystalline solar cells are manufactured by melting and cooling silicon raw material into a pure crystalline rod. The crystalline rods are then sliced into thin slices to form monocrystalline silicon solar cells. This process requires high temperature and high purity silicon material, so the cost is high. Polycrystalline solar cells: Polycrystalline solar cells use sheets of material cut from blocks of polycrystalline silicon. This fabrication process is relatively simple and low cost because polysilicon does not require high temperature and high purity silicon material. Power generation efficiency: |Polycrystalline solar panels |Monocrystalline solar panels Monocrystalline solar panels: Because the crystal structure of monocrystalline solar cells is more orderly, electrons move more easily in them, so they have higher power generation efficiency. A typical monocrystalline solar panel has a conversion efficiency of around 15% to 23%. Polycrystalline solar panels: The crystal structure of polycrystalline solar cells is relatively messy, and the movement path of electrons is longer, so the power generation efficiency is slightly lower than that of monocrystalline solar panels. A typical polycrystalline solar panel has a conversion efficiency of about 13% to 19%. Features and advantages and disadvantages: Monocrystalline solar panels: Monocrystalline solar panels perform better with lower light intensity, so they can still produce high power output on cloudy days or early morning/evening. In addition, monocrystalline solar panels are relatively small, so they are suitable for applications where space is limited. However, due to the complexity of the manufacturing process, the cost of monocrystalline solar panels is relatively high. Polycrystalline solar panels: Polycrystalline solar panels are more adaptable to environments with higher light intensity, so they perform well in sunny areas. In addition, polycrystalline solar panels are relatively inexpensive to manufacture, making them relatively affordable. However, due to its larger size, more installation space is required. Main uses and selection guidelines: Main usage: Whether monocrystalline solar panels or polycrystalline solar panels, they can be used in a variety of applications, including home photovoltaic systems, commercial buildings, solar power plants, and more. You can choose the appropriate type according to your actual needs. Selection Guide: To choose the right solar panel, you should consider the following factors: Budget: If you are on a budget, polycrystalline solar panels may be a more affordable option. Space: If you have limited installation space, the smaller size of monocrystalline solar panels may be more suitable for you. Geographical location: If your area is sunny, polycrystalline solar panels may be a good choice; if you often face cloudy or low sunlight conditions, monocrystalline solar panels may be more suitable. There are differences between monocrystalline solar panels and polycrystalline solar panels in the manufacturing process, materials, power generation efficiency and characteristics. Monocrystalline solar panels have higher power generation efficiency and the ability to adapt to low-light environments, but the cost is higher. Polycrystalline solar panels have lower cost and greater ability to adapt to high-light environments. Factors such as budget, installation space and geographical location should be considered when choosing the right type of solar panel. No matter which type you choose, solar panels are an important solution for sustainable energy, providing us with clean electricity.
The Appalachian Jack Tales are part of an ancient tradition and are the oldest folklore in America. In the first humorous tale, Jack and the Giants, Jack out-wits an entire giant family by using his quick wit that students know as critical thinking. In Jack and the Dragon, Jack bests his brothers’ bullying ways and saves the fair maiden, after the dragon eats his lunch. The third story may be the funniest, but it proves that clever Jack might sometimes be Silly Jack. Find out how hard he tries to please his father. Audio Book, Run Time 32:00, ISBN 9780938467748 Recorded by Illumination Audio, Newburg, WV About the Author Master Storyteller and Pulitzer Prize Nominee, Lynn Salsi, M.A., M.F.A. tells three clever Jack tales based on her books. These stories fit core curriculum for tall tales, folktales, fairy tales, and myth, making them appropriate for language arts studies in grade K through 4 and middle grades that study state history or Appalachian studies.
Hard Labor Slavery Hard Labor Slavery is when someone is forced to perform hard labor by threats of punishment and is unable to leave. According to the International Labor Organization, about 21 million people around in the world are trapped in this type of slavery. Learn More About Hard Labor Slavery End Slavery Now partners with antislavery organizations in the United States and across the globe to identify answers to that question Founded in 1839, Anti Slavery is the oldest international human rights organisation in the world. The only tripartite U.N. agency, since 1919 the ILO brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 member States to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programs promoting decent work for all women and men. Free the Slaves was born in the early days of the new millennium, dedicated to alerting the world about slavery’s global comeback and to catalyze a resurgence of the abolition movement. Commercial fishing is hard, dangerous work with low margins of profit. Combined with the fact that fishing boats are hard to police since they often remain in international waters, this makes commercial fishing attractive ground for forced labor. A 2017 report by the International Labor Organization documented horrific accusations of abuse against undocumented laborers on tens of thousands of Thai fishing boats. Fishing boats stay at sea for years at a time, unloading their catch and resupplying from motherships out on the ocean, holding workers captive all the while. The U.S. is the #1 consumer of this Thai seafood, and it is contained in almost every brand of wet dog and cat food sold here. Slave Labor on Thai Fishing Boats A New York Times article about a man named Lang Long who was taken from Cambodia and enslaved on a Thai fishing boat. Contains video, photos, and a full description of the conditions on these boats and the difficulties faced by who try to go free. A report on Thai fishing slaves and how the fish they catch winds up sold in the United States. From the Associated Press.
Focused on teaching a more integrated and inclusive curriculum, the text draws out meaningful cross curricular links and embraces the latest thinking and current good practice in mathematics teaching. It begins with a section on teaching mathematics, covering all strands of the curriculum, and goes on to offer guidance on the use and application of mathematics more generally across subjects. A chapter on using mathematics to enahnce learning highlights the importance of being able to use mathematics effectively in other aspects of the teacher's role. Interactive activities and case studies link theory to practice and encourage the reader to rethink how mathematics is taught in primary schools. About the Transforming Primary QTS series This series reflects the new creative way schools are begining to teach, taking a fresh approach to supporting trainees as they work towards primary QTS. Titles provide fully up to date resources focused on teaching a more integrated and inclusive curriculum, and texts draw out meaningful and explicit cross curricular links.
Christmas Carols are songs and hymns with lyrics on the theme of Christmas – a celebration of and deep appreciation for the birth of Jesus Christ. They are played and sung during the entire holiday season and a big part of western cultural identity. One definition of a carol is “an old round dance with singing”, and this tradition goes back thousands of years in Europe, where pagan songs were sung at Winter Solstice celebrations as people danced around stone circles. Later on, early Christians created and sung Latin hymns for Christmas services, and eventually they were written in English to make it more accessible to everyone. Many Carols were composed to be a part of the storytelling in nativity plays, which center around the scene of Jesus’ birth. Another interesting note about Christmas Carols is that the lyrics and the music are many times written by different people, and also at different times, sometimes hundreds of years apart.
Until the middle of the sixteenth century, English church bells, like other European bells, had a variety of uses: some sacred, some secular, and many that were both. Bells called congregations to church, and told them to flee if there was a fire; they rang to signal a death in the parish, and they rang to help the passage of the souls of the dead through purgatory. Other bells, or other ways of ringing the same bells, commanded people to say a particular prayer. Bells were incredibly well-loved by their parishes and were often baptized and given godparents; their individual tones were voices that spoke to the communities over which they rang. They were among the loudest sounds in the soundscape, making up a language that its parishioners could understand. In the Injunctions issued by the ten-year-old king Edward VI in 1547, these many and varied uses for bells were drastically reduced. Only one bell was now allowed “in convenient time to be rung or knelled before the sermon.”2 Bells were so useful that a single one was still to be used to call the godly to church, but in this new post-Reformation England, their other uses were no longer officially approved. The dead didn’t need help through purgatory, because it no longer existed; there was no need to command anyone to say popish prayers such as the Ave Maria by ringing the Angelus bell, because these prayers were now deemed useless. But parishioners had such affection for church bells that this particular injunction was never seriously enforced. They went to great lengths to keep their bells, sometimes by burying them until the zealous storm had passed.
The brain is considered the control center of the body. It is responsible for managing all of our bodily functions, as well as our cognitive abilities such as thinking, reasoning, memory, and emotions. However, the brain’s health can be influenced by a variety of factors, including inflammation. Chronic inflammation can lead to cognitive decline and negatively impact brain health. Understanding the link between inflammation and brain health is crucial for taking steps to maintain optimal brain function and prevent conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. This month, Dr. Gray and her team are exploring the effects of systemic inflammation on brain health as part of their 2023 Inflammation Series. Understanding Brain Inflammation Chronic inflammation in the brain can contribute to thinking and memory problems, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, stroke, and other neurologic conditions. The brain is particularly vulnerable to inflammation because it lacks the lymphatic system, which helps the body to clear out toxins and other harmful substances. The causes of brain inflammation are diverse. When your brain is constantly exposed to perceived pathogens, toxins, and harmful antibodies, specialized immune cells jump into overdrive and cause chronic neuroinflammation. Research shows that other factors that contribute to systemic inflammation include: - Early childhood trauma - Poor sleep - Unhealthy diet - Traumatic brain injuries - Lack of exercise It is found that inflammation in the brain is primarily a result of inflammation throughout the body triggered by lifestyle behaviors like smoking, being overweight, and not engaging in physical activity. Consequences of Systemic Inflammation on Brain Health In addition to cognitive symptoms, systemic inflammation can also cause what is known as “sickness behavior” which includes symptoms such as depression, decreased physical activity, fatigue, lack of motivation, and lack of appetite. These symptoms can be severe, long-lasting and can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. Moreover, chronic inflammation has been linked to a variety of health problems, and its effects on brain health are becoming increasingly recognized. It has been implicated in the development of several chronic health conditions, including: - Brain fog - Irritability and mood swings - Depression and anxiety - Chronic pain - Alzheimer’s disease - Parkinson’s disease Another factor that can trigger chronic inflammation in the brain is leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability. Leaky gut is a condition in which the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged and allows toxins and undigested food particles to leak into the bloodstream. In addition, some evidence suggests that chronic inflammation caused by leaky gut may increase the risk of developing chronic conditions like multiple sclerosis. Maintaining a healthy gut lining through proper nutrition and lifestyle habits may be crucial in preventing chronic inflammation and promoting brain health. How to Reduce Inflammation Although inflammation can have a significant impact on brain health, the good news is that there are several things you can do to reduce inflammation and promote a healthy brain. Lifestyle changes play a crucial role in reducing inflammation levels. Eating a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help reduce inflammation in the body. Avoiding processed and packaged foods that are high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats can also be beneficial. Some foods with anti-inflammatory properties include leafy greens, berries, nuts, fatty fish, and spices like turmeric and ginger. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, including the brain. Aim for at least 30 minutes of movement most days of the week. Activities like brisk walking, cycling, and swimming can be effective. Getting enough quality sleep is essential for reducing inflammation in the body and promoting brain health. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night, and practice good sleep hygiene habits like avoiding screens before bed and creating a dark, cool, and quiet sleep environment. Chronic stress can contribute to inflammation in the body, so finding ways to manage stress can be helpful. Practices like mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and regular social support can all help reduce stress and promote relaxation. By incorporating these lifestyle changes, you can help reduce inflammation in your body and promote optimal brain health. However, it is important to remember that everyone’s body and lifestyle is unique, so finding the right balance of these interventions may take some trial and error. With the right approach, you can take control of your health and reduce inflammation for a healthier brain and body. How Restore Can Help At Restore Health & Longevity Center, we believe that optimizing brain health is crucial for overall wellness. Our BrainSpan test or systemic inflammation test is an advanced cognitive assessment that provides personalized insights into brain health and potential areas of improvement. In addition to its focus on brain health, inflammation is also tied to most chronic diseases, such as - Joint pain - Heart disease - Dementia and Alzheimer’s - Gut health - Neurological issues - Unexplained weight gain/GI issues - Autoimmune issues - Anxiety disorders Regular blood tests don’t look at this marker, so it’s an important test to consider for a comprehensive understanding of your health. In addition to the BrainSpan test, we also focus on other great markers, with the main one being your Omega 6: Omega 3 ratio. By understanding this ratio, we can develop personalized plans to improve your brain health and overall wellness. If you’re interested in the BrainSpan test, you can purchase the kit for $249, which includes a session with Dr. Gray to review your results. You’ll leave with a sustainable action plan to address any areas of concern and optimize your health. Additionally, we offer our Brain Tap Service program, which includes a range of guided meditation and relaxation exercises to help manage stress and promote relaxation. At Restore, we believe that reducing inflammation and promoting brain health can lead to a host of benefits for your overall wellness, including improved cognitive function and slower aging. By taking proactive steps to reduce inflammation and promote brain health, you can support your overall wellness and cognitive function. Contact us or schedule an inflammation consultation with Dr. Gray today! Did you miss last month’s blog focused on The Effects of Stress on Inflammation? Check it out here!
Epoxy is a glue that is made from a chemical reaction of an epoxide (a type of molecule) and a curing agent. Epoxies are great adhesives because they have a high strength-to-weight ratio, meaning they make strong bonds but are still lightweight. They can be used to attach many different types of materials, including metal objects and plastics. Epoxies can be purchased premade at hardware stores or through online retailers like Amazon. However, if you want to save money or learn how to make epoxy glue yourself, follow these steps: Can u make your own epoxy? Yes, you can make your own epoxy glue. There are many recipes available online. The ingredients you will need to make the glue are: - Polyester resin - Catalyst (only for some recipes) - Ethanol and/or Isopropyl alcohol (for some recipes) Table of Contents What are the ingredients to make epoxy? Epoxy glue is a kind of plastic adhesive that’s made from a combination of epoxy resin and hardener. The resin and hardener are mixed together to form a plastic material, which can be used as an adhesive. The composition of the resin and hardener will determine the properties of the resulting epoxy: how thick or thin it is; how water-resistant it is (or not); what temperature range it will work in; how long it takes for curing time to occur; etc.. What makes epoxy adhesive? Epoxy resin glue is made of two parts: the resin and the hardener. The resin and hardener are mixed together in equal parts, then applied to the surface to be bonded. It’s important to note here that epoxy adhesives cure by chemically reacting with themselves. This means that no outside heat source is necessary for curing; instead, it’s only needed for mixing together the two different parts of epoxy glue (the resin and hardener). The reaction between these two components creates an extremely strong bond that sets up quickly so you can use your newly glued object as soon as possible! What can I use instead of epoxy glue? - Polyurethane glue - Super Glue - Gorilla glue - Hot glue gun - Rubber cement If you’re looking for a permanent fix, there are some options that can be used to replace epoxy. These include: - Two part epoxy (a hardening agent) - Hot melt glue gun (has a hot liquid center) - Liquid nails/liquid epoxy (like epoxy, but not quite as strong) Wood Glue Yellow Glue White Glue What is resin glue? Resin glue is used to bond glass, metal, wood, and other materials. It’s also used to make jewelry. Resin glue is a type of epoxy glue. Resin glue comes from natural resin, which can be harvested from trees or plants. Epoxy glues are made with resin that has been hardened into a solid material by curing it under heat and pressure in an autoclave machine. How do you make an epoxy resin table at home? First, you need to make a mold. You can use any type of material to make the mold as long as it can hold liquid epoxy resin (plastic molds are usually used). Once you have your mold ready, mix equal parts of epoxy resin and hardener together in a plastic container or glass jar with a lid. You will also need to mix in some extra materials so that the glue has some color or shiny particles in it. For example, if you want your tabletop to be yellowish-brown like mahogany then add a few drops of walnut oil or yellow pigment powder from an art store; if you are making a table for craftsman decor then add red iron oxide pigments instead of brown ones; if you want the clear finish on top then leave out any pigments altogether! Once everything is mixed well pour this mixture into your plastic container (or glass jar) and let cure overnight at room temperature How do you make resin mixture? To make a resin mixture, you need to mix 2 parts resin with 1 part hardener. This is the ratio you’ll use for any mixing of these two components. It’s important that you mix carefully and accurately when making a resin mixture. If the ratios are off, it will affect the consistency of your glue later on in its curing process. Be sure not to leave any clumps or undissolved particles in your container; this can cause problems with curing later on as well. It’s best to use disposable cups or containers (like plastic cups) so that you don’t ruin anything else in your kitchen if something goes wrong during mixing! If you’re making a large batch of epoxy glue, it may be more convenient for you (and safer!) to make multiple small batches rather than one large one at once in one container. How is resin made? Before you can use your resin, you’ll need to make it. Mixing the two components is important because they react together to create a hard bond when dry. The exact recipe for resin varies from brand to brand but generally speaking it consists of two parts hardener and one part resin. The proper ratio of hardener and resin depends on what kind of project you’re working on and its intended use (for example jewelry pieces will require smaller amounts than fixtures). So, we can conclude that it is not possible to make a strong epoxy glue with common household products. The reason for this is that epoxy resin and hardener are two separate components that need to be mixed together in a certain ratio in order for them to react properly. The reaction causes the resin to harden into a plastic material, which is what gives it its strength and durability. This reaction cannot occur without the presence of both components at the same time. If you try mixing the ingredients yourself (without adding heat), your concoction will remain liquid instead of turning solid like it should!
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the revolutionary war. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured. Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward. Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton. At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. The owner quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt. Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months. John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates. Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: “For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” Sourced from Michael W Smith
A Basic Framework For Teaching Critical Thinking In School by Terrell Heick In What Does Critical Thinking Mean?, we offered that ‘(c)ritical thinking is the suspension of judgment while identifying biases and underlying assumptions to draw accurate conclusions.’ Of course, there are different definitions of critical thinking. The American Philosophical Association defines it as, “Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas. It involves being active (rather than reactive) in your learning process, and it includes open-mindedness, inquisitiveness, and the ability to examine and evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view.” But understanding exactly what it is and means is different than teaching critical thinking–that is, consistently integrating it in your units, lessons, and activities. Models and frameworks have always been, to me, helpful in making sense of complex (or confusing–which is generally different than complex) ideas. I also find them to be a wonderful way to communicate any of that sense-making. Put another way, models and frameworks can help to think about and communicate concepts. A Framework Integrating Critical Thinking In Your Classroom Obviously, teaching critical thinking in a classroom is different than ‘teaching’ it outside of one, just as it differs from the active practice and application of critical thinking skills in the ‘real world.’ I have always taught students that critical thinking is something they do seamlessly in their lives. They analyze plots and characters in movies. They create making short videos. They critique relationships and punishments and grades and video games. They evaluate their favorite athletes’ performance and make judgments about music. And so on. With that context out of the way, let’s have a look at the framework, shall we? Levels Of Integration Of Critical Thinking Preface: This post is necessarily incomplete. A full how-to guide for teaching critical thinking would be done best as a book or course rather a blog post. The idea is to offer a way to think about teaching critical thinking. Critical thinking can be done at the… Assignment-Level Integration Strategies -Analogies (see also Teaching With Analogies) Unit-Level Integration Strategies -Essential Questions (see How To Use Essential Questions) -Differentiation (see also Ways To Differentiate Instruction) -Understanding by Design (any of the elements of the UbD framework–backward design, for example) -Topics (i.e., learning about topics that naturally encourage or even require critical thinking) Instructional Design-Level Integration Strategies -Spiraling (in this case, at the curriculum mapping level) Learning Model-Level Integration Strategies -Project-Based Learning (see 25 Questions To Guide Teaching With Project-Based Learning) -Inquiry Learning (see 14 Teaching Strategies For Inquiry-Based Learning) -Asynchronous Self-Directed Learning (see our Self-Directed Learning Model)
Is a PAMP an antigen? An antigen is any molecule that stimulates an immune response. Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs ) are small molecular sequences consistently found on pathogens that are recognized by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and other pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs). … Do PRRs bind to PAMPs? PRRs found on the surface of the body’s cells typically bind to surface PAMPs on microbes and stimulate the production of inflammatory cytokines. Are PAMPs on pathogens? Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) are recognized by pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs), which play a key role in innate immunity in the recognition of pathogens or of cellular injury. Where are PAMPs? PAMPs are derived from microorganisms and thus drive inflammation in response to infections. One well-known PAMP is lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is found on the outer cell wall of gram-negative bacteria. What is the function of flagellin? Abstract. Flagellin is a subunit protein of the flagellum, a whip-like appendage that enables bacterial motility. What are PAMPs and PRRs? Summary: The innate immune system constitutes the first line of defense against invading microbial pathogens and relies on a large family of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), which detect distinct evolutionarily conserved structures on pathogens, termed pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Do PAMPs release cytokines? The binding of PRRs with PAMPs triggers the release of cytokines, which signal that a pathogen is present and needs to be destroyed along with any infected cells. Why are PAMPs important to humans? PAMPs are effective indicators of the presence of particular pathogens in part because they are unique to classes of pathogens and because they are often required for pathogen survival and thus cannot be altered, suppressed or easily hidden by pathogens. Are PAMPs epitopes? PAMPs are essential polysaccharides and polynucleotides that differ little from one pathogen to another but are not found in the host. Most epitopes are derived from polypeptides (proteins) and reflect the individuality of the pathogen. Is flagella made out of microtubules? Flagella are whip-like appendages that undulate to move cells. They are longer than cilia, but have similar internal structures made of microtubules. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella differ greatly. Both flagella and cilia have a 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules. Is PAMP a word? 1. To pamper; indulge. Where are TLRs found? TLRs are located on the plasma membrane with the exception of TLR3, TLR7, TLR9 which are localized in the endosomal compartment. Ten human and twelve murine TLRs have been characterized, TLR1 to TLR10 in humans, and TLR1 to TLR9, TLR11, TLR12 and TLR13 in mice, the homolog of TLR10 being a pseudogene. Which organelle has a 9 0 pattern of microtubules? What is PAMP test? Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) are small molecular motifs conserved within a class of microbes. They are recognized by toll-like receptors (TLRs) and other pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in both plants and animals. What does homework really stand for? Homework stands for “Half Of My energy Wasted On Random Knowledge”. Is flagellin a PAMP? Abstract. The Arabidopsis FLAGELLIN SENSITIVE2 (FLS2) protein is a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK) that plays important roles in pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered immunity (PTI). Do bacteria have ER? many membrane bound organelles- lysosomes, mitochondria (with small ribosomes), golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus. Bacteria, of course, have no nucleus and therefore also nuclear membrane. What are examples of PAMPs? The best-known examples of PAMPs include lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gram-negative bacteria; lipoteichoic acids (LTA) of gram-positive bacteria; peptidoglycan; lipoproteins generated by palmitylation of the N-terminal cysteines of many bacterial cell wall proteins; lipoarabinomannan of mycobacteria; double-stranded RNA … What does homework stand for TikTok? HOMEWORK. Half of My Energy Wasted on Random Knowledge. Is flagellin an antigen? Specifically, flagellin is a common bacterial antigen present on most motile bacteria in the gut (22). Moreover, flagellin is highly antigenic; indeed, responses against flagellin are protective in Salmonella infections in mice (23, 24). Do bacteria have DNA? Like other organisms, bacteria use double-stranded DNA as their genetic material. Bacteria have a single circular chromosome that is located in the cytoplasm in a structure called the nucleoid. Bacteria also contain smaller circular DNA molecules called plasmids. What is the flagella made of? Flagella are composed of subunits of a low-molecular-weight protein, flagellin (20–40 kDa) arranged in a helical manner. The filamentous part of the flagellum extends outwards from the bacterial surface, and is anchored to the bacterium by its basal body. Do human body cells contain PAMPs? Pathogen-associated molecular patterns or PAMPs are molecules shared by groups of related microbes that are essential for the survival of those organisms and are not found associated with mammalian cells. Is dsRNA a PAMP? dsRNA is an important pathogen-associated molecule pattern (PAMP) produced by viruses; as demonstrated by the sheer number and diversity of receptors in the cytoplasm, endosome, and surface used by host cells to detect dsRNA (3).
Reading: chapter 1 of the Blue Planet We look into the sky at night and see stars. We wonder whether there is a boundary to what we see. Is the universe finite, or infinite? Has it always been the way we see it now, or did it have a beginning? Will it have an end? Problem: If the universe is infinite - no problem (except that it is infinite!) If the universe is finite - then it must be expanding or contracting; a static universe would collapse upon itself from the Law of gravity. How can we test these ideas? If any of the above are true, what would we expect? What can be observed which would disprove the above. In an expanding universe, all objects are moving away from one another. We would expect that the furthest objects would be moving the fastest. So we need to measure velocity and distance to lots of stars and galaxies and see if this is true. When you can't use a measuring tape or some other physical means to measure distance, it can be done using a method called "triangulation" as illustrated here: Knowing the length of some "baseline" (say the diameter of the Earth's orbit), and measuring the angles (alpha and beta) to the galaxy (shown as the purple dot) at each end of the baseline, one can calculate the distance to the galaxy using the rules of trigonometry: To measure the velocity of speeding objects, we can use what is called the "Doppler Effect". Shorter wavelength sound waves are percieved by humans as being higher in pitch. When a siren mounted on a police car approaches us, the sound waves are squished together and the resulting higher frequency of sound reaching our ear sounds higher. When the car passes us, the sound drops. If we knew the actual pitch of the siren, we could calculate the velocity of the car from the distortion in pitch. NB: velocity means both speed AND direction! But we can't use sound waves in space (it's a vacuum!). We could use something like the Doppler Effect using light from stars and galaxies instead of sound. Light can be separated into different wavelengths by a prism: Red is the color of the longest wavelength that we can see and violet is the shortest. Objects moving away from us would have light that was shifted toward the Red - an effect known as the "Red Shift". So we need to measure the wavelengths of light received from the galaxies and see if it is shifted toward the violet (coming toward us) or toward the red (moving away) and if so, by how much. But in order to determine the true wavelength, we need some reference. Fortunately, when light from stars passes through the body of the star, (mostly hydrogen and helium), light at certain wavelengths is absorbed, leaving "holes" or dark spots iin the spectrum called "spectral lines". From laboratory experiments on hydrogen and helium, we know exactly what the wavelengths of the "holes" should be. If the object (star or galaxy) producing the light is moving away from us, then the spectral lines will be shifted to longer wavelengths or to the more "red" part of the spectrum. Thus the so-called Red Shift observed in spectra from distant galaxies can be used to measure velocity. Once all this stuff is measured (distance and velocity), we make a plot to see if it is true that the farthest objects have the highest velocity or not: This plot shows that indeed the most distant objects are moving the fastest, consistent with the hypothesis that the universe is expanding. Not only that, we can also tell how long it has been expanding by dividing the distance (cm), by the velocity (cm/sec) and get the age of the universe (in seconds). From the data shown in the picture, we can calculate that it began expanding some 15 Billion years ago (give or take 5 Billion!). This idea of the exploding universe is called the Big Bang Theory. The tiny new-born universe was an incredibly hot mass of almost equal parts of matter and anti-matter, created from energy via the well known equation E=mc2. Matter and anti-matter annihilate one another when they collide, so that is what they did until only matter remained. At the end of the first three minutes, particles such as protons, neutrons and electrons were stable and began to bang into one another. Protons are positively charged, massive particles that together with neutrons (which have no electrical charge) make up the nucleus of atoms. Electrons are very light, negatively charged particles that scoot around in orbits around the nucleus. Electrical charges of the same sign repel one another. Protons are positively charged and therefore tend to fly apart, unless they get very very close to one another. If this happens, another force takes over and they stick to one another. The trick is that they have to collide with a tremendous speed to overcome the electrical force trying to keep them apart. This only happens at very high temperatures (60 million degrees or so). After the first three minutes after the Big Bang, things were cool enough for protons, neutrons and the like to exist but still hot enough for them to bang together and stick. However, with continued expansion, the universe cooled down and only about 10% of the protons were able to stick together to form helium (and a very tiny bit of other heavier elements). By weight, the universe was originally about 24% He and 76% H (with that tiny bit of somewhat heavier elements). The universe didn't expand uniformly in all directions, but had patches with more and less material. A picture of microwave radiation taken by the COBE telescope reveals the texture of the early universe. These clumps collapsed eventually to form galaxies as seen in the deep field view from the Hubble Space Telescope. The first stars formed and began to burn hydrogen to make helium. After the hydrogen is used up, the star contracts, heating up the interior enough so that helium burning can begin. If the star is large enough, the force of gravity is strong enough to burn heavier and heavier elements. In this way, elements up to iron can be made. In the next lecture we will see how the elements heavier than iron were made, and how the solar system was born.
Stop #5: The Wind and the Weathering Weathering processes involve the breaking down of rocks, soils, and minerals. Mechanical processes involve physically breaking down large material into smaller parts. This can include a glacier scraping the surface and removing fragments or water carving out shorelines, as well as freeze-thawing which cracks or breaks rock along fissures where water freezes. The most obvious example of mechanical or physical weathering can be found in a handful of sand. What is the dominant shape? The rock fragments or ‘lithic grains’ are rounded by the abrasive pounding of wave action. Take a look at the bowling ball sized cobble at the water’s edge; it too is rounded smooth. Challenge: Old Stones Look carefully at the rock “face” of some of the gneissic boulders around you which have had some of their mineral content eroded exaggerating the rock’s physical features. I’ve just seen a face! Find another “stone face” and challenge one of your group members to find it. Next Up: Head to Stop #6
The Black Swan, a bird steeped in history and symbolism, has traversed an incredible journey from myth to reality in the eyes of Europeans. For over 1,500 years, the term "Black Swan" was a metaphor in European cultures for something that was impossible or did not exist. The prevailing belief was that all swans were white, as evidenced by the only known species at the time, the Mute and Whooper Swans, both predominantly white. Mute Swans and Whooper Swans, both mostly white, were the only species of swan known to western culture at the time. The very idea of a black swan was considered as impossible as a flying pig. The discovery of the Black Swan in Australia in the late 1600s by European explorers was nothing short of astonishing. It upended centuries of entrenched beliefs, serving as a powerful reminder of the vastness and mystery of the natural world. The sight of these elegant birds, with their striking black plumage and contrasting red bills was as astounding as stumbling upon a mythical creature. The Black Swan's presence became a symbol of discovery and the unknown, challenging the limits of people’s understanding of nature. It shifted from a metaphor for the impossible to an emblem of the unexpected and the rare. In Australia, the Black Swan has assumed a significant cultural role, particularly in Western Australia. Its uniqueness and contrast to the northern hemisphere’s white swans have made it a symbol of Australian identity and the distinctiveness of the antipodean experience. This symbolism is reflected in its prominent inclusion on the flag and coat-of-arms of Western Australia. The Black Swan’s story is not just about a bird; it’s a narrative that intertwines nature, culture, and history. It represents a paradigm shift in thinking, from the certainty of the known to the acceptance and embrace of the unfamiliar. Australians, especially those in Western Australia, have adopted the Black Swan as a representation of their unique place in the world, celebrating the beauty and diversity of their natural heritage. If you'd like to read more about Black Swans and pop culture, check out this article.
Health A to Z One difficulty is the issue raised by the debate over the relative strengths of genetics and other factors; interactions between genetics and environment may be of particular importance. An important way to maintain one’s personal health is to have a healthy diet. A healthy diet includes a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods that provide nutrients to the body. Such nutrients provide the body with energy and keep it running. Nutrients help build and strengthen bones, muscles, and tendons and also regulate body processes (i.e., blood pressure). Water is essential for growth, reproduction and good health. - Sign in or register for a health plan account to manage your benefits and more. - The Medications feature should not be used as a substitute for professional medical judgment. - AIDS is now the leading cause of death among adolescents (aged 10–19) in Africa and the second most common cause of death among adolescents globally. - For example, obesity is a significant problem in the United States that contributes to poor mental health and causes stress in the lives of many people. - No one person, organization, or sector can address issues at the animal-human-environment interface alone. - Set goals that work for your own level, and keep track of your daily condition including your activity amount, workout intensity, state of sleep, heart rate, stress, oxygen level in the blood, etc. Under a law signed Aug. 6, 2012 , Veterans and family members who served on active duty or resided at Camp Lejeune for 30 days or more between Jan. 1, 1957 and Dec. 31, 1987 may be eligible for medical care through VA for 15 health conditions. EIT Health’s High Value Care Forum is the new strategic initiative aimed at supporting health care providers and professionals to transform care towards outcomes that have the highest impact and are of most importance to patients. We bring together the brightest minds from the worlds of business, research, education and healthcare delivery to answer some of the biggest health challenges facing Europe. Meningococcal disease Meningococcal disease is a serious and sometimes fatal illness. Macronutrients are consumed in relatively large quantities and include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats and fatty acids. Micronutrients – vitamins and minerals – are consumed in relatively smaller quantities, but are essential to body processes. The food guide pyramid is a pyramid-shaped guide of healthy foods divided into sections. Stories from Medical Centers We create an environment where the brightest minds can explore new ideas and find practical resources to create products and services rooted in innovation. We’re activating a network of trailblazers to break down barriers, challenge convention and put healthcare solutions in people’s hands. Animals also share our susceptibility to some diseases and environmental hazards. Because of this, they can sometimes serve as early warning signs of potential human illness. For example, birds often die of West Nile virus before people in the same area get sick with West Nile virus infection. Find Services Near Me Tracking meals is painful as it doesn’t tell you what a serving is considered, you can’t put in future times, and there’s no barcode scanner. But I do like the water and sleep tracking as well as the exercise tracker. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age.
Desertification can be defined as a land degradation process that occurs mainly in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid areas due to different factors, including climatic variations and human activities. To put it another way, desertification results in the persistent degradation of the dry lands that occupy almost half of our planet's land surface and ecosystems that are more fragile due to man-made activities and different climate changes. Desertification is when the land that was originally from another type of biome, becomes a desert biome due to the changes that have occurred in it with the passage of time. It is a big problem that is occurring more and more in different countries worldwide. Desertification is a process that occurs in practically every continent except Antarctica. It is a process that affects dry lands worldwide, including those with water shortages. It consists of a process of land degradation mainly in the dry regions through different climatic processes and human activities. It is a serious environmental problem that affects socioeconomic part of towns as it affects natural resources, water and vegetation, degrading the planet. Desertification is an ecological degradation process that occurs in soils. In this process, fertility is lost, and, to a great extent, it is produced as a consequence of deforestation. Erosion, over irrigation and overexploitation of natural resources are the processes that initiate the different changes related to desertification, because they cause the soils to dry up and become totally unprotected. The climatological effects intervene then producing that the soils become deserts, changing their physical characteristics and productivity. It consists then in the conversion of the biomes that originally are fertile in biomes with desert characteristics. The causes of desertification are varied and include the following: Desertification produces a decrease in soil fertility which translates into a decrease in production causing poverty and environmental degradation. This soil degradation mainly affects rural communities causing less food, health and lower life expectancy. There is a great degradation of plant life and loss of biodiversity causing the extinction of species. The process of erosion is also accelerated, producing windstorms and eddies, the acceleration of erosion by water produces great crumbling of the soil and the degradation of the normal course of water. It creates an increase in water salinization causing the death and mutations of different fish species. The prevention and avoidance of desertification requires a series of measures and a management model, which must be implemented worldwide. Government measures to protect the soil are very important in order to prevent the associated problems. Today, technology can even cause rain in regions that are extremely dry by bombarding clouds with silver iodide. However, it must be borne in mind that climatic, ecological and economic factors must be improved in order to eliminate the problem at its root. In Mexico, desertification is a problem that affects most of the fields generating poverty and lack of food, affecting agricultural production by excessive overgrazing and deforestation. In Argentina, for example, there are many arid and sub-humid areas that generate great desertification caused mainly by droughts, in this country have established laws to protect soils. Briceño V., Gabriela. (2019). Desertification. Recovered on 23 February, 2024, de Euston96: https://www.euston96.com/en/desertification/
Alexander Graham Bell, born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, 1847, was a renowned inventor, scientist, and educator whose groundbreaking invention of the telephone revolutionized global communication. Beyond the telephone, Bell’s lifelong commitment to improving communication, particularly for the deaf, left an enduring legacy. This brief overview highlights some key aspects of his remarkable life and contributions. Alexander Graham Bell Facts 1. Born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was born into a family that was steeped in the pursuit of knowledge and education. Also Read: Alexander Graham Bell Timeline His father, Alexander Melville Bell, was a renowned phonetician and teacher of speech, while his mother, Eliza Grace Symonds Bell, was deaf. Bell’s family environment exposed him to a deep appreciation for language, communication, and scientific inquiry from a young age. 2. Came from a family of educators The Bell family was heavily involved in the study of speech and communication. His father, Alexander Melville Bell, was a respected phonetician who developed a system of visible speech, which was used to teach the deaf to speak. His father’s work laid the foundation for Bell’s own interest in speech and communication. Additionally, Bell’s mother, Eliza Grace Symonds Bell, was deaf from an early age, which had a profound impact on Bell’s life and work. Her struggle with deafness inspired Bell to develop various communication devices for the deaf, including the early version of the telephone. 3. Worked extensively with the deaf community Due to his mother’s deafness and his father’s expertise in teaching speech to the deaf, Bell was immersed in the world of deaf education from a young age. This experience deeply influenced his career and inventions. Also Read: Accomplishments of Alexander Graham Bell He became a teacher of the deaf and dedicated a significant portion of his life to improving communication tools and methods for individuals with hearing impairments. His work in this area included the development of systems like visible speech, which was designed to help deaf individuals learn to speak more effectively. His commitment to improving the lives of those with hearing challenges remained a central theme throughout his career. 4. Invented the telephone in 1876 Alexander Graham Bell’s most famous invention is the telephone. On March 7, 1876, he was granted a patent for the telephone, a device that allowed for the transmission of sound over long distances through electrical signals. Bell’s breakthrough came after years of experimenting with various devices and ideas for transmitting sound. The first successful telephone call was made by Bell to his assistant, Thomas Watson, who was in another room, with the famous words, “Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.” This marked a pivotal moment in the history of communication technology. 5. Held over 18 patents for various inventions In addition to the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell held more than 18 patents for various inventions. Some of his notable inventions and innovations include: - Photophone: Bell invented the photophone in 1880, a device that transmitted sound on a beam of light. This early optical communication device was an important precursor to modern fiber-optic communication. - Metal Detector: Bell developed an early version of the metal detector in an attempt to locate the bullet that had wounded President James A. Garfield in 1881. - Visible Speech: Bell worked on a system called “visible speech,” which aimed to represent speech sounds visually. This system was intended to assist individuals with speech difficulties in learning to articulate sounds correctly. 6. Founded the Bell Telephone Company in 1877 In 1877, Alexander Graham Bell, along with financial backers including Gardiner Hubbard and Thomas Sanders, founded the Bell Telephone Company. This company played a pivotal role in the development and commercialization of the telephone. It later evolved into the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T), becoming a major player in the telecommunications industry. Bell’s invention of the telephone and the subsequent formation of this company had a profound impact on how people communicated and laid the groundwork for the modern telecommunications industry that we have today. Bell’s work also contributed to the development of the telephone network, which connected people across long distances and facilitated global communication. 7. Author and educator on communication and phonetics Alexander Graham Bell was not only an inventor but also an accomplished educator and author. His work on speech and communication led him to write several books and articles on the subject. He was a passionate advocate for improving communication skills, particularly for the deaf. One of his notable publications was “Visible Speech: The Science of Universal Alphabetics,” in which he introduced his system of visible speech notation. His contributions in this field were influential in the development of phonetics and linguistics. 8. Co-founder of the Volta Bureau in 1887 In 1887, Bell co-founded the Volta Bureau in Washington, D.C. The organization was originally known as the “Clarke School for the Deaf Experiment Association” and was later renamed the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, commonly known as the AG Bell Association. The Volta Bureau was established to promote scientific research on deafness and to support educational efforts for the deaf. It became a leading institution for advancing the understanding of deafness and advocating for the deaf community. 9. Received the French Volta Prize for his telephone work Bell received numerous awards and honors during his lifetime in recognition of his contributions to science and invention. One of the most prestigious honors he received was the French Volta Prize in 1880 for his work on the telephone. This award included a cash prize, which Bell used to establish a laboratory for the further development of scientific knowledge. In 1896, he was elected as the president of the National Geographic Society, reflecting his interest in exploration and scientific discovery. 10. His inventions revolutionized global communication Alexander Graham Bell’s legacy is profound and far-reaching. His invention of the telephone revolutionized global communication, connecting people across vast distances and transforming how businesses and individuals communicated. The Bell Telephone Company and its subsequent evolution into AT&T played a central role in shaping the telecommunications industry. Beyond the telephone, Bell’s contributions to the fields of speech, phonetics, and education had a lasting impact. His commitment to improving communication for the deaf and his advocacy for the deaf community left an enduring legacy in the form of the AG Bell Association. Today, he is remembered as one of the most influential inventors and educators in history, and his work continues to influence technology and communication systems worldwide.
The Great Awakening was a series of religious revival movements that swept across British North America in the 18th century. It can be divided into two main waves, the First Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening, each marked by passionate preaching, emotional religious experiences, and a profound impact on American religious and cultural life. These revivals played a pivotal role in shaping the religious landscape of the United States and fostering a spirit of religious enthusiasm and personal piety that would leave a lasting legacy in American history. In this discussion, we will explore the key events, figures, and significance of these two Great Awakenings. |Key Events and Figures |First Great Awakening (c. 1730s-1740s) |1730s – The First Great Awakening begins 1734-1735 – Jonathan Edwards’ preaching sparks revival 1739 – Arrival of George Whitefield 1740 – Gilbert Tennent’s “The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry” 1741 – Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” 1740s – Spread of the Great Awakening to other colonies |Interim Period (1740s-1760s) |1740s-1760s – Period of relative calm and consolidation Continued influence of the First Great Awakening |Second Great Awakening (c. 1790s-early 1800s) |1790s – Start of the Second Great Awakening 1801 – Cane Ridge Revival in Kentucky 1804 – “Year of the Second Great Awakening” 1820s – Growth of Methodist and Baptist denominations 1830s – Influence on new religious movements like the Mormons Timeline of the The Great Awakening First Great Awakening Begins (c. 1730s): The First Great Awakening was a significant religious revival movement that swept across the American colonies in the 18th century. It emerged in the 1730s as a response to what many religious leaders saw as a decline in religious piety and a growing secularization of society. Also Read: Facts About the Great Awakening Ministers and theologians became increasingly concerned that people were losing touch with their faith and becoming more materialistic. Jonathan Edwards’ Preaching Sparks Revival (1734-1735): One of the pivotal moments in the First Great Awakening occurred when Jonathan Edwards, a Congregationalist minister in Northampton, Massachusetts, began delivering powerful and emotionally charged sermons in the early 1730s. His sermons, characterized by vivid imagery and a focus on the terrifying consequences of sin, had a profound impact on his congregation and beyond. Also Read: Second Great Awakening Facts One of his most famous sermons, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” delivered in 1741, is still studied and remembered today for its ability to evoke intense emotional responses from listeners. Arrival of George Whitefield (1739): George Whitefield, an English Anglican evangelist, played a crucial role in spreading the First Great Awakening to a wider audience. In 1739, he arrived in the American colonies and quickly gained fame for his charismatic and mesmerizing preaching style. Whitefield was known for delivering his sermons in open-air settings, drawing enormous crowds wherever he went. His ability to capture the attention of diverse audiences helped to popularize the revivalist movement and extend its reach beyond individual congregations. Gilbert Tennent’s “The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry” (1740): In 1740, Gilbert Tennent, a Presbyterian minister, delivered a sermon titled “The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry.” This sermon was a notable critique of what he saw as a lack of genuine religious conviction among clergy in the American colonies. Tennent argued that many ministers were serving their congregations without a personal experience of spiritual conversion, leading to a decline in the authenticity and effectiveness of their ministry. His sermon stirred controversy and further fueled discussions about the state of religious leadership during the Great Awakening. Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (1741): Jonathan Edwards’ sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” delivered in 1741, is one of the most famous sermons of the First Great Awakening. In this sermon, Edwards depicted a vivid and terrifying image of God’s wrath and the precarious state of sinners who were, in his words, like “spiders dangling over the pit of hell.” Edwards’ powerful language and emotional intensity aimed to awaken his listeners to their need for salvation and to prompt them to turn to God in repentance. The sermon is still studied today for its historical significance and rhetorical power. Spread of the Great Awakening to Other Colonies (1740s): The Great Awakening did not remain confined to a single region or denomination. During the 1740s, the revival movement spread throughout the American colonies, including New England, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. It led to numerous revival meetings, “new light” churches, and an increase in religious fervor across the colonies. The movement brought people from different backgrounds together in a shared experience of religious awakening and renewal, transcending regional and denominational boundaries. Interim Period (1740s-1760s): After the peak of the First Great Awakening in the 1740s, there followed a period of relative calm and consolidation in the decades spanning the 1740s to the 1760s. During this time, the initial fervor of the revival began to wane, but its impact on American religious and cultural life continued to resonate. Continued Influence of the First Great Awakening: While the revival meetings and intense religious experiences of the First Great Awakening may have diminished, its effects were enduring. The movement contributed to a more diverse and dynamic religious landscape in the American colonies. It fostered the growth of various evangelical denominations and churches, including Baptists and Methodists, which would go on to become significant forces in American Christianity. Second Great Awakening Begins (c. 1790s): The religious enthusiasm and evangelical fervor of the First Great Awakening set the stage for a second wave of religious revivalism known as the Second Great Awakening. This second awakening began to emerge in the late 18th century, around the 1790s. It shared some similarities with the first awakening but also had its unique characteristics, including an emphasis on individual conversion experiences and social reform. Influence on New Religious Movements (1830s): The Second Great Awakening, which had its roots in the aftermath of the First Great Awakening, played a role in the emergence of new religious movements in the 1830s. One notable example is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormons. Joseph Smith claimed to have had a visionary experience during the Second Great Awakening, leading to the publication of the Book of Mormon and the founding of the Mormon Church in 1830. This demonstrates how the revivalist fervor of the earlier awakenings continued to shape the religious landscape of the United States.
A study published in the journal Geology rules out that extreme volcanic episodes had any influence on the massive extinction of species in the late Cretaceous. The results confirm the hypothesis that it was a giant meteorite impact what caused the great biological crisis that ended up with the non-avian dinosaur lineages and other marine and terrestrial organisms 66 million years ago. The study was carried out by the researcher Sietske Batenburg, from the Faculty of Earth Sciences of the University of Barcelona, and the experts Vicente Gilabert, Ignacio Arenillas and José Antonio Arz, from the University Research Institute on Environmental Sciences of Aragon (IUCA-Univrsity of Zaragoza). K/Pg boundary: the great extinction of the Cretaceous in Zumaia coasts The scenario of this study were the Zumaia cliffs (Basque Country), which have an exceptional section of strata that reveals the geological history of the Earth in the period of 115-50 million years ago (Ma). In this environment, the team analyzed sediments and rocks that are rich in microfossils that were deposited between 66.4 and 65.4 Ma, a time interval that includes the known Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary (K/Pg). Dated in 66 Ma, the K/Pg boundary divides the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras and it coincides with one of the five large extinctions of the planet. This study analysed the climate changes that occurred just before and after the massive extinction marked by the K/Pg boundary, as well as its potential relation to this large biological crisis. For the first time, researchers examined whether this climate change coincides on the time scale with its potential causes: the Deccan massive volcanism (India) ─one of the most violent volcanic episodes in the geological history of the planet─ and the orbital variations of the Earth. “The particularity of the Zumaia outcrops lies in that two types of sediments accumulated there ─some richer in clay and others richer in carbonate─ that we can now identify as strata or marl and limestone that alternate with each other to form rhythms”, notes the researcher Sietske Batenburg, from the Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics of the UB. “This strong rhythmicity in sedimentation is related to cyclical variations in the orientation and inclination of the Earth axis in the rotation movement, as well as in the translational movement around the Sun”. These astronomic configurations ─the known Milankovitch cycles, which repeat every 405,000, 100,000, 41,000 and 21,000 years─, regulate the amount of solar radiation they receive, modulate the global temperature of our planet and condition the type of sediment that reaches the oceans. “Thanks to these periodicities identified in the Zumaia sediments, we have been able to determine the most precise dating of the climatic eepisodes that took place around the time when the last dinosaurs lived”, says PhD student Vicente Gilabert, from the Department of Earth Sciences at UZ, who will present his thesis defence by the end of this year. Planktonic foraminifera: revealing the climate of the past Carbon-13 isotopic analysis on the rocks in combination with the study of planktonic foraminifera ─microfossils used as high-precision biostratigraphic indicators─ has made it possible to reconstruct the paleoclimate and chronology of that time in the Zumaia sediments. More than 90% of the Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal species from Zumaia became extinct 66 Ma ago, coinciding with a big disruption in the carbon cycle and an accumulation of impact glass spherules originating from the asteroid that hit Chicxulub, in the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico). In addition, the conclusions of the study reveal the existence of three intense climatic warming events ─known as hyperthermal events─ that are not related to the Chicxulub impact. The first, known as LMWE and prior to the K/Pg boundary, has been dated to between 66.25 and 66.10 Ma. The other two events, after the mass extinction, are called Dan-C2 (between 65.8 and 65.7 Ma) and LC29n (between 65.48 and 65.41 Ma). In the last decade, there has been intense debate over whether the hyperthermal events mentioned above were caused by an increased Deccan volcanic activity, which emitted large amounts of gases into the atmosphere. “Our results indicate that all these events are in sync with extreme orbital configurations of the Earth known as eccentricity maxima. Only the LMWE, which produced an estimated global warming of 2-5°C, appears to be temporally related to a Deccan eruptive episode, suggesting that it was caused by a combination of the effects of volcanism and the latest Cretaceous eccentricity maximum”, the experts add. Earth’s orbital variations around the Sun The global climate changes that occurred in the late Cretaceous and early Palaeogene ─between 250,000 years before and 200,000 years after the K/Pg boundary─ were due to eccentricity maxima of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. However, the orbital eccentricity that influenced climate changes before and after the K/Pg boundary is not related to the late Cretaceous mass extinction of species. The climatic changes caused by the eccentricity maxima and augmented by the Deccan volcanism occurred gradually at a scale of hundreds of thousands of years. “These data would confirm that the extinction was caused by something completely external to the Earth system: the impact of an asteroid that occurred 100,000 years after this late Cretaceous climate change (the LMWE)”, the research team says. “Furthermore, the last 100,000 years before the K/Pg boundary are characterized by high environmental stability with no obvious perturbations, and the large mass extinction of species occurred instantaneously on the geological timescale”, they conclude. Header Image Credit : Elvira Oliver – CC BY-SA 3.0 ES
Your cart is currently empty! What is Serum Electrolyte?Electrolytes are minerals which are present in the blood and body tissues. They are essential for metabolism, for proper nerve and muscle functioning, for maintenance of proper water balance, and proper blood pH (acid-base balance). The serum electrolyte test includes a group of tests to measure the following electrolytes: Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+) and Chloride (Cl-). Symptoms such as nausea, confusion, weakness and irregular heartbeat might indicate serum electrolyte imbalance. Why is Serum Electrolyte done? The Serum Electrolyte Test is performed: What does Serum Electrolyte Measure? The serum electrolyte test measures the following electrolytes: Electrolytes play an important role in a number of body functions like metabolism, neuromuscular functioning, maintaining hydration and pH (acid-base balance). Electrolytes also help in the entry of nutrients into the cells and removal of waste products from the cells. Electrolytes carry an electrical charge, either negative or positive and exist as dissolved salts in blood and body tissues. The Serum Electrolyte test measures the following important electrolytes: Sodium is an essential body electrolyte which, along with potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, etc., helps to maintain the normal fluid and pH balance of the body. It is also vital for cellular metabolism, and in the activity of nerves and muscles and transmission of impulses between them. Sodium is present in all the body fluids. The highest concentration of sodium is found in blood and extracellular fluid. Sodium is supplied to the body principally through dietary salt (sodium chloride or NaCl), and a small portion of sodium is absorbed through other food items. The required portion is absorbed by the body and the remaining is excreted by the kidneys through urine. The body maintains a very narrow range of sodium concentration by three mechanisms: Any disruption in the above mentioned mechanisms gives rise to an imbalance in the concentration of sodium in the blood to produce Hyponatremia (low blood sodium concentration), or Hypernatremia (high blood sodium concentration). Both these conditions produce a number of symptoms and may even lead to death. Potassium is one of the essential body electrolytes along with sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, etc. As an electrolyte, potassium helps to regulate the amount of fluids present in the body and to maintain a correct pH balance. It performs a vital role in cellular metabolism and transport of nutrients and waste products in and out of cells. It is also essential in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles and muscle activity. Sufficient amount of potassium required by the body is absorbed from dietary sources, and the remaining unabsorbed potassium is excreted by the kidneys. The hormone called aldosterone maintains the body potassium level within a small normal range. Aldosterone acts on the nephrons present in the kidneys and activates a sodium-potassium pump which helps the body to reabsorb sodium and excrete potassium. This helps to maintain the potassium concentration in the blood within its normal range. Deviation of potassium concentration from its normal range gives rise to Hyperkalemia (high potassium level in blood), or Hypokalemia (low potassium level in blood). Both these conditions may produce a number of symptoms, and may even be fatal if not controlled. Chloride is an essential mineral which acts as an electrolyte along with potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, etc. It helps to maintain the normal fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. It also acts as a buffer to help maintain the pH balance of the body. It also plays essential roles in metabolism. Chloride is used by the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid (HCl) for digestion. Chloride is present in every body fluid. The highest concentration of chloride is found in blood and extracellular fluid (fluid present outside the cells). Most of the chloride is supplied to the body through dietary salt (sodium chloride or NaCl), and a small portion is absorbed through other food items. The required portion is absorbed by the body and the remaining is excreted by the kidneys through urine. The concentration of chloride in blood is maintained within a very narrow range by the body. Its increase or decrease is directly correlated with the sodium levels. At India IVF Clinics we provide the most comprehensive range of services to cover all the requirements at a Fertility clinic including in-house lab, consultations & treatments.
Progressive Era Reforms During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the United States was experiencing a time of widespread reform. This movement brought great changes to multiple fields and areas in the United States. These reforms were ideas that improved the quality of life for working and normal citizens in the United States. Two such examples of these movements are found in reforms made within the working and living conditions across America. The American workplace before the Progressive Era was an abysmal and dangerous environment. Safety measures that, today, we would think of as obvious were not mandatory before the reforms began. After major disasters like the Triangle Factory fire, in which over a hundred women were killed, reforms were put into place that put more emphasis on safety in the workplace. These changes included basic things like readily available fire extinguishers and access to emergency exits. Along …show more content… George Waring and his group cleaned the streets of cities like New York that had been previously littered with manure from horses, others animals, and even humans. The reforms that he put into place would later lead to the basises of recycling, street-cleaning and sanitation in general. Reforms made during the Progressive Era to working and living conditions in America during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century improved life and had lasting effects. The changes made to workplaces provided safer environments for factory workers and children. The changes and improvements made to city sanitation during the Progress Era paved the way for sanitation and recycling in the modern world. These various reform movements during the Progressive Era were very successful because they achieved their goals and created safer, and more favorable situations and environments for American Click here to unlock this and over one million essaysShow More The Progressive Era was a time period where people known as Muckrakers exposed the problems of everyday people like the poor living conditions while the progressives tried different ways to fix those problems. During this time, there were also six goals that they focused on protecting social welfare, promoting moral improvement, improving efficiency and labor, creating economic and government reforms. One of the major reforms of this time was the Social Welfare reform which helped to improve some of the problems that people faced such as poor housing, lack of education, and social welfare for women. In 1890, Jacob Riis published a book called How the Other Half Lives which exposed the harsh and poor living conditions of immigrants in tenement During the years 1825-1850, in the United States, was the age of reform. A time where nationalism and pride grew in the hearts of the American people, that they struggled to bring back the true meaning upon which their country was built. Social, intellectual and religious reform movements in the United States during the years 1825-1850, caused the expansion of democratic ideals through the reformers and reform movements; such as the Women’s Rights Movement, Temperance Movement, Abolitionist Movement, Asylum Reform, Jail Reform, Transcendentalism and the Second Great Awakening, by introducing the idea in the increase of women’s rights, encouraging an abstinence from alcohol, abolishing slavery, improving the treatment of the mentally unstable, From 1896 to 1924, America went through a period known as progressivism in which people of all walks of life banded together to oppose conservatism and reform society. Progressives generally believed that government is necessary for change, however; it had to more significantly embody the ideals of democracy. Some of the specific changes that progressives wanted were regulating railroads, a direct election of senators, graduated income tax, limited immigration and eight-hour workdays. By supporting these changes, the progressives hoped to promote and expand democracy and thus give the people more power. Jane Addams The Progressive Era, 1890-1920, accomplished great change in the Unites States of America. Many reformers and activits demanded for change in education, food and drug policies, and most importantly the govermenet. The goal for the movement was the purify the nation. One of the main activits during this time was Jane Addams. Jane Addams is often refered to as a social and political pioneer. Throughout the first half of the 19th century, people worked to better their lives and reform the flaws they saw in society. The 1800's were what the American people at the time called the "era of good feeling", but there were still many problems within American society. These problems or "social ills" later led to the Reform Movement which targeted such ills. Groups of individuals were solely created to be the driving forces of this movement. The Reform Movement has greatly impacted the United States history. 3. The American people began to embrace the role of government during the progressive era to address poverty, poor health, violence, greed, racism, and class warfare. The American people came to understand that government was best positioned to improve education for regular Americans, protect them from street gangs and mobsters, ensure that that the workplace was safe, and that government was not rampant with corruption. As example, the FDA was created during the progressive era because of horrible things happening in the meat industry during this period in American The progressives, wanted to create a society that acted as one. The idea of being an individual was something to be forgotten in order to create a more perfect civilization of order and pureness. During this time of the progressive movement, the rest of society began to reject it ideology of their message and goals of nonpleasure and work. Especially around the Carina Arreola History 1302 W.Wooten time of World War One, the Great depression, and the New Deal. The Progressive Era lasted from the 1890’s to the early 1920’s. It was centralized around socialism and political reform. One of the major changes that took place during this era, was the labor legislation. Many workers were working long shifts, for several days straight, making their work life just about unbearable, and unworkable conditions. The job environment had become to where it was unsafe, unsanitary, and unregulated conditions for very low wages. Forces such as immigration, industrialization, and the populist party during the time e=were the foundations that led to the progressive era reforms which impacted the American Government greatly in its democracy and in its activeness and involvement in businesses an so on. The progressive era reforms is quite similar to the New deal era in the 1930s, they each produced a record amount of programs and policies that worked to change the status of Americans living in poverty, which included their working The Progressive Era’s agenda came from a mixture of the Populists, Urbanization and the upper/middle class families. (Shultz, 2014). The group evolved from cleaning up the deteriorated inner cities, to better industrial work environments, as a result the employees being more efficient. Their focus shifted to more government regulation over the labor industry. Furthermore, it was their efforts that led to creating national parks across America, which was the conservation movement. The Progressive movement was caused corruption in politics, political machines, rapid urbanization and discrimination and equality. The Progressive movement was based on the idea that the government should have a more active role in solving economic ills. The Progressives wanted to promote child labor laws, improve the efficiency of government, expand democracy and promote social justice. The Progressives believed in progression. As in progression into a fairer society. During the periods of 1900 to 1912, the federal government and the Progressive Era reformers were able to bring limited change. This time period was when the U.S. desired to improve life in the industrial age by creating social improvements and political changes through government action. The Progressive Era reformers and the federal government support reforms as to limit the control of voting rights for women, trusts, improve sanitation, and enact child labor laws. Although they both managed to establish a precedent for more active roles in the federal government and managed to improve the quality of life, there were inevitable negative effects that occurred due to the Progressive movement. The efforts had both successes and limitations. Many historiographers have focused on the progressive reform movement and the origin of the social reforms that came with it. The interpretations of the historians differ between Progressivism: Middle Class Disillusionment, Urban Liberalism and the Age of Reform, and Progressivism Arrives. The questions at hand are: “Who were the Progressives?” and “What type of society and political system were they seeking?” These questions will be evaluated according to the historians of each article and the most persuasive one will be determined. The early 1900s were a time of widespread social and political change in America. During this time, many Americans adopted new, more modern ideas about labor, cultural diversity and city life. Some of these Progressive ideas were brought about by the need for reform in the workplace due to the grown of large companies and rapid industrialization. Not everyone supported the ideas of the Progressive Movement, however. Anti-Progressives, especially in the South, preferred traditional, rural lifestyles, and a slower, simpler way of living. The Progressive Reform Movement The Progressive Era is often looked as an age of reformation from the economic boom in the Gilded Age. From around 1890 to 1920s, citizens of the progressive reform movement had plans to amplify our American government and economy. The different outlooks and biases have created many interpretations of this era, along with many others. Historians have many different interpretations of the reform movement during the Progressive Era.
The blood circulating in the body is made up of several components: red blood cells, which carry oxygen; white blood cells or leukocytes, which fight infection; and platelets, also called thrombocytes, which assist in the formation of blood clots. The straw-colored liquid part of the blood is called plasma. Management of symptoms related to cancer and cancer treatments may require blood transfusions. A transfusion is the administration of blood or blood components through a catheter, a tube that enters the body through an intravenous (IV) needle, central venous catheter (CVC), or peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC). A transfusion can include all or any one of the blood components, and may come from a donor or may have been harvested from the patient prior to therapy. Before a transfusion can be given, results of blood studies must first be analyzed to help determine which blood component the patient will need. If the patient has signs of anemia and studies show a low red blood cell (RBC) count, then red blood cells will be transfused. When the body does not receive enough oxygen, symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath can develop. Patients receiving chemotherapy often develop low levels of red blood cells, a condition called chemotherapy-induced anemia. Patients with this condition will receive donor red blood cells that have been separated from the blood. These harvested red blood cells are called “packed red blood cells” or PRBCs. For patients who have to bleeding problems, studies may show a low platelet count. Low platelet counts develop when platelet-producing bone marrow cells are damaged by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Certain cancers, such as leukemia, can also cause low platelet counts. For patients who need platelet transfusions, platelets must first be extracted from plasma. Only a small amount of platelets make up plasma. Therefore, several units of donor blood plasma are needed to create one unit of platelets. Plasma can also be transfused in patients with certain injuries or clotting disorders. When plasma is separated from blood, it can be is frozen until it is needed. The thawed plasma used in transfusions is called “fresh, frozen plasma” or FFP. Once the appropriate type of blood component has been identified, the blood must be tested to make sure it is a suitable match for the patient. Two tests, type and crossmatch, can be used to test compatibility before any blood or blood product from a donor is administered.
00:00 / 00:00 Organ system development Development of the cardiovascular system Development of the ear Development of the eye Development of the face and palate Pharyngeal arches, pouches, and clefts Development of the digestive system and body cavities Development of the gastrointestinal system Development of the teeth Development of the tongue Development of the integumentary system Development of the axial skeleton Development of the limbs Development of the muscular system Development of the nervous system Development of the renal system Development of the reproductive system Development of the respiratory system 0 / 16 complete The fetal skeleton starts developing soon after gastrulation, which is when the trilaminar disc with ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm layers are formed. There are two parts to the skeleton - the axial skeleton, which includes the bones in the skull, the vertebrae, the rib cage, and the sternum, and the appendicular skeleton, comprising of the pelvic and shoulder girdle, as well as the bones in the limbs. The bones in the axial skeleton mostly derive from the mesoderm layer, except for some bones in the skull which come from the ectoderm. All the bones in the appendicular skeleton derive from the mesoderm. During week 3, the embryo transitions from a flat organism to a more tubular creature, by folding along its longitudinal and lateral axes. At the same time, a solid rod of mesoderm called the notochord forms on the midline of the embryo. Above the notochord, the ectoderm invaginates to form the neural tube - an early precursor for the central nervous system. This is the embryo’s first symmetry axis, and the mesoderm on either side of the neural tube differentiate in 3 distinct portions: immediately flanking the neural tube, there’s the paraxial mesoderm. Next, there’s the intermediate mesoderm, and finally, the lateral plate mesoderm. The intermediate mesoderm gives rise to the urinary and genital systems, while the paraxial mesoderm and lateral plate mesoderm work together to give rise to most of bones and muscles in our body. The first step in skeletal development is when paraxial mesoderm segments into blocks of mesodermal tissue called somites, which are made up of lots of cube-shaped cells. The axial skeleton consists of the bones that run along the body's central axis - from the head to the tail, and it includes the skull, spine, and rib cage. The axial skeleton begins to develop very early in embryonic development, soon after gastrulation, meaning the period when the trilaminar disc with ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm layers is formed. Most axial skeleton bones develop from the mesoderm layer, except for the skull, which develops from the ectoderm. Latest on COVID-19 Nurse Practitioner (NP) Physician Assistant (PA) Create custom content Raise the Line Podcast Copyright © 2024 Elsevier, its licensors, and contributors. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies. Cookies are used by this site. Terms and Conditions USMLE® is a joint program of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). COMLEX-USA® is a registered trademark of The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, Inc. NCLEX-RN® is a registered trademark of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. Test names and other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are endorsed by nor affiliated with Osmosis or this website.
00:00 / 00:00 Viral structure and functions Hepatitis B and Hepatitis D virus Epstein-Barr virus (Infectious mononucleosis) Herpes simplex virus Human herpesvirus 6 (Roseola) Human herpesvirus 8 (Kaposi sarcoma) Varicella zoster virus BK virus (Hemorrhagic cystitis) JC virus (Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy) Poxvirus (Smallpox and Molluscum contagiosum) Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Hepatitis C virus West Nile virus Yellow fever virus Human parainfluenza viruses Respiratory syncytial virus Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E virus Human T-lymphotropic virus Eastern and Western equine encephalitis virus Prions (Spongiform encephalopathy) 0 / 6 complete Viruses are a unique group of pathogens with a simple acellular organization and a distinct pattern of multiplication. Despite their simple structure they are a major cause of disease. They have no cytoplasmic membrane, cytosol, or functional organelles, but they can infect all types of cells, and numerous viruses can also infect bacteria, which are called bacteriophages. Viruses and bacteriophages are not capable of metabolic activity on their own, so instead, they invade other cells and use their metabolic machinery to produce more viral molecules, nucleic acid and proteins which then assemble into new viruses. Viruses can exist either extracellularly or intracellularly. In the extracellular state, the virus is called a virion and isn’t capable of reproducing. A virion consists of a protein coat, called a capsid, surrounding a nucleic acid core which contains the genetic material or the viral genome. The nucleic acid and the capsid are collectively called a nucleocapsid. Some virions have a phospholipid membrane derived from the host cell, called an envelope which surrounds the nucleocapsid. The viruses that have an envelope are called enveloped viruses and these include the herpesviruses and HIV, while the ones that lack the envelope, such as poliovirus, are called non enveloped or naked viruses. Once inside the cell, the virus enters the intracellular state, where the capsid is removed and the virus becomes active. In this state the virus exists solely as nucleic acids that induce the host to synthesize viral components from which virions are assembled and eventually released. Now, the viruses are surrounded by an outer protein coating called the capsid, which protects the viral genome and aids in its transfer between host cells. Also, according to their capsid symmetry the viruses can come in many shapes and sizes. There are three types of shapes: helical, icosahedral, and complex. First, the helical viruses have a capsid with a central cavity or a hollow tube which is made by proteins arranged in a circular fashion, creating a disc like shape. The disc shapes are attached helically, creating a tube with room for the nucleic acid in the middle. An example of a virus with helical symmetry is the tobacco mosaic virus which is the most studied example. Viruses are a unique type of pathogen that lack cytoplasmic membrane, cytosol, or functional organelles and use the metabolic machinery of host cells to produce more viral molecules. They can exist extracellularly as a virion or intracellularly as nucleic acids that induce the host to synthesize viral components. Viruses come in many shapes and sizes, including helical, icosahedral, and complex. The viral genome can be DNA or RNA, single-stranded or double-stranded, and mutations in RNA viruses occur more frequently than in DNA viruses due to the likelihood of transcription errors by RNA polymerases. Latest on COVID-19 Nurse Practitioner (NP) Physician Assistant (PA) Create custom content Raise the Line Podcast Copyright © 2024 Elsevier, its licensors, and contributors. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies. Cookies are used by this site. Terms and Conditions USMLE® is a joint program of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). COMLEX-USA® is a registered trademark of The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, Inc. NCLEX-RN® is a registered trademark of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. Test names and other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are endorsed by nor affiliated with Osmosis or this website.
For many students with disabilities—and for many without—the key to success in the classroom lies in having appropriate adaptations, accommodations, and modifications made to the instruction and other classroom activities. Some adaptations are as simple as moving a distractible student to the front of the class or away from the pencil sharpener or the window. Other modifications may involve changing the way that material is presented or the way that students respond to show their learning. Adaptations, accommodations, and modifications need to be individualized for students, based upon their needs and their personal learning styles and interests. It is not always obvious what adaptations, accommodations, or modifications would be beneficial for a particular student, or how changes to the curriculum, its presentation, the classroom setting, or student evaluation might be made. This page is intended to help teachers and others find information that can guide them in making appropriate changes in the classroom based on what their students need. Part 1: A Quick Look at Terminology You might wonder if the terms supports, modifications, and adaptations all mean the same thing. The simple answer is: No, not completely, but yes, for the most part. (Don’t you love a clear answer?) People tend to use the terms interchangeably, to be sure, and we will do so here, for ease of reading, but distinctions can be made between the terms. Sometimes people get confused about what it means to have a modification and what it means to have an accommodation. Usually a modification means a change in what is being taught to or expected from the student. Making an assignment easier so the student is not doing the same level of work as other students is an example of a modification. An accommodation is a change that helps a student overcome or work around the disability. Allowing a student who has trouble writing to give his answers orally is an example of an accommodation. This student is still expected to know the same material and answer the same questions as fully as the other students, but he doesn’t have to write his answers to show that he knows the information. What is most important to know about modifications and accommodations is that both are meant to help a child to learn. Part 2: Different Types of Supports By definition, special education is “specially designed instruction” (§300.39). And IDEA defines that term as follows: (3) Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction—(i) To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s disability; and(ii) To ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public agency that apply to all children. [§300.39(b)(3)] Thus, special education involves adapting the “content, methodology, or delivery of instruction.” In fact, the special education field can take pride in the knowledge base and expertise it’s developed in the past 30-plus years of individualizing instruction to meet the needs of students with disabilities. It’s a pleasure to share some of that knowledge with you now. Sometimes a student may need to have changes made in class work or routines because of his or her disability. Modifications can be made to: - what a child is taught, and/or - how a child works at school. Jack is an 8th grade student who has learning disabilities in reading and writing. He is in a regular 8th grade class that is team-taught by a general education teacher and a special education teacher. Modifications and accommodations provided for Jack’s daily school routine (and when he takes state or district-wide tests) include the following: - Jack will have shorter reading and writing assignments. - Jack’s textbooks will be based upon the 8th grade curriculum but at his independent reading level (4th grade). - Jack will have test questions read/explained to him, when he asks. - Jack will give his answers to essay-type questions by speaking, rather than writing them down. Modifications or accommodations are most often made in the following areas: Scheduling. For example, - giving the student extra time to complete assignments or tests - breaking up testing over several days Setting. For example, - working in a small group - working one-on-one with the teacher Materials. For example, - providing audiotaped lectures or books - giving copies of teacher’s lecture notes - using large print books, Braille, or books on CD (digital text) Instruction. For example, - reducing the difficulty of assignments - reducing the reading level - using a student/peer tutor Student Response. For example, - allowing answers to be given orally or dictated - using a word processor for written work - using sign language, a communication device, Braille, or native language if it is not English. Because adapting the content, methodology, and/or delivery of instruction is an essential element in special education and an extremely valuable support for students, it’s equally essential to know as much as possible about how instruction can be adapted to address the needs of an individual student with a disability. The special education teacher who serves on the IEP team can contribute his or her expertise in this area, which is the essence of special education. One look at IDEA’s definition of related services at §300.34 and it’s clear that these services are supportive in nature, although not in the same way that adapting the curriculum is. Related services support children’s special education and are provided when necessary to help students benefit from special education. Thus, related services must be included in the treasure chest of accommodations and supports we’re exploring. That definition begins: §300.34 Related services. (a) General. Related services means transportation and such developmental, corrective, and other supportive services as are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education, and includes… Here’s the list of related services in the law. - speech-language pathology and audiology services - interpreting services - psychological services - physical and occupational therapy - recreation, including therapeutic recreation - early identification and assessment of disabilities in children - counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling - orientation and mobility services - medical services for diagnostic or evaluation purposes - school health services and school nurse services - social work services in schools This is not an exhaustive list of possible related services. There are others (not named here or in the law) that states and schools routinely make available under the umbrella of related services. The IEP team decides which related services a child needs and specificies them in the child’s IEP. Read all about it in our Related Services page. Supplementary Aids and Services One of the most powerful types of supports available to children with disabilities are the other kinds of supports or services (other than special education and related services) that a child needs to be educated with nondisabled children to the maximum extent appropriate. Some examples of these additional services and supports, called supplementary aids and services in IDEA, are: - adapted equipment—such as a special seat or a cut-out cup for drinking; - assistive technology—such as a word processor, special software, or a communication system; - training for staff, student, and/or parents; - peer tutors; - a one-on-one aide; - adapted materials—such as books on tape, large print, or highlighted notes; and - collaboration/consultation among staff, parents, and/or other professionals. The IEP team, which includes the parents, is the group that decides which supplementary aids and services a child needs to support his or her access to and participation in the school environment. The IEP team must really work together to make sure that a child gets the supplementary aids and services that he or she needs to be successful. Team members talk about the child’s needs, the curriculum, and school routine, and openly explore all options to make sure the right supports for the specific child are included. Much more can be said about these important supports and services. Visit our special article on Supplementary Aids and Services to find out more. Program Modifications or Supports for School Staff If the IEP team decides that a child needs a particular modification or accommodation, this information must be included in the IEP. Supports are also available for those who work with the child, to help them help that child be successful. Supports for school staff must also be written into the IEP. Some of these supports might include: - attending a conference or training related to the child’s needs, - getting help from another staff member or administrative person, - having an aide in the classroom, or - getting special equipment or teaching materials. The issue of modifications and supports for school staff, so that they can then support the child across the range of school settings and tasks, is also addressed in our article on Program Modifications for School Personnel. Accommodations in Large Assessments IDEA requires that students with disabilities take part in state or district-wide assessments. These are tests that are periodically given to all students to measure achievement. It is one way that schools determine how well and how much students are learning. IDEA now states that students with disabilities should have as much involvement in the general curriculum as possible. This means that, if a child is receiving instruction in the general curriculum, he or she could take the same standardized test that the school district or state gives to nondisabled children. Accordingly, a child’s IEP must include all modifications or accommodations that the child needs so that he or she can participate in state or district-wide assessments. The IEP team can decide that a particular test is not appropriate for a child. In this case, the IEP must include: - an explanation of why that test is not suitable for the child, and - how the child will be assessed instead (often called alternate assessment). Ask your state and/or local school district for a copy of their guidelines on the types of accommodations, modifications, and alternate assessments available to students. Even a child with many needs is to be involved with nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate. Just because a child has severe disabilities or needs modifications to the general curriculum does not mean that he or she may be removed from the general education class. If a child is removed from the general education class for any part of the school day, the IEP team must include in the IEP an explanation for the child’s nonparticipation. Because accommodations can be so vital to helping children with disabilities access the general curriculum, participate in school (including extracurricular and nonacademic activities), and be educated alongside their peers without disabilities, IDEA reinforces their use again and again, in its requirements, in its definitions, and in its principles. The wealth of experience that the special education field has gained over the years since IDEA was first passed by Congress is the very resource you’ll want to tap for more information on what accommodations are appropriate for students, given their disability, and how to make those adaptations to support their learning.
It's important to know that leap years have 366 days instead of the typical 365 days and occur almost every four years. The only real difference between the two terms is this: Leap years are years with one extra day, and leap days are that day. It's as simple as that! A leap year is a year with an extra day, February 29th. It occurs every four years. The next leap year is 2020. The purpose of a leap year is to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical or seasonal year. There are three different ways to calculate a leap year: There are two types of leap years: common years and leap years. A common year has 365 days and a leap year has 366 days. The extra day in a leap year is February 29th. In the Gregorian calendar, the days of the year are divided into weeks. There are 52 weeks in a year, plus one day (February 29th). This day is called a leap day. A leap year has 366 days, divided into 52 weeks and 2 days. The 2 days are February 29th and February 28th. In a leap year, February has 29 days. This is because there are an extra 24 hours in February, so one day is added to the month.
In the womb, babies learn the sounds and cadence of the voice and language of their whānau. Reading to your child (and encouraging older tamariki to read to siblings) supports language learning, grows relationships and increases communication skills. Why do it? - It’s an opportunity for baby to hear and become familiar with their parents’ voices and the languages they speak. - Baby is beginning to ‘wire up’ for the language that’s used in their family home. - It’s an opportunity to develop a way to soothe baby when it needs help settling after birth. How to do it - Choose something to read that you enjoy, as it’s likely you’ll be reading it many times. - If baby has an older sibling, one of their favourite picture books would be a good choice to read to baby. It could be read together — or maybe the sibling could read it to baby themselves? - Baby’s ears are filled with amniotic fluid, so they hear as if they’re under water. Reading in ‘parentese’ will help baby to hear the story from the womb. - Parentese is a way of talking — use a higher pitch, speak more slowly and exaggerate vowel sounds. Using more reo Māori |Te reo Māori |Older sibling/cousin of the same gender |Brother of a girl |Sister of a boy |Joy, happiness, euphoria |Hangaia he pukapuka |Make a book |Whakahuri te whārangi |Turn the page
A transistor has been made from linen thread, enabling the creation of electronic devices made entirely of thin threads that could be woven into fabric, worn on the skin, or implanted surgically for diagnostic monitoring. The flexible electronic devices could enable a range of applications that conform to different shapes and allow free movement without compromising function. The thread-based transistors (TBTs) can be made into all-thread-based logic circuits and integrated circuits. The circuits replace the last remaining rigid component of many current flexible devices and when combined with thread-based sensors, enable the creation of completely flexible, multiplexed devices. Most flexible electronics pattern metals and semiconductors into bendable structures or use intrinsically flexible materials such as conducting polymers. Compared to electronics based on polymers and other flexible materials, thread-based electronics have greater flexibility, material diversity, and the ability to be manufactured without the need for cleanrooms. The thread-based electronics can include diagnostic devices that are extremely thin, soft, and flexible enough to integrate seamlessly with the biological tissues that they are measuring. Making a TBT involves coating a linen thread with carbon nanotubes, creating a semiconductor surface through which electrons can travel. Attached to the thread are two thin gold wires — a “source” of electrons and a “drain” where the electrons flow out (in some configurations, the electrons can flow in the other direction). A third wire, called the gate, is attached to material surrounding the thread so that small changes in voltage through the gate wire allow a large current to flow through the thread between the source and drain — the basic principle of a transistor. An electrolyte-infused gel is used as the material surrounding the thread and connected to the gate wire. The gel is made up of silica nanoparticles that self-assemble into a network structure. The electrolyte gel (or ionogel) can be deposited onto the thread by dip-coating or rapid swabbing. In contrast to the solid-state oxides or polymers used as gate material in classical transistors, the ionogel is resilient under stretching or flexing. For more information, contact Mike Silver at
In the Nile River Basin, every aspect of human development is connected by water. Growing food, getting basic hygiene, earning a living, doing sports or preserving a natural environment all depend on availablity of and access to sufficient water. Population growth and economic development push the rapidly rising demand for water; they also lead to environmental degradation and (interact with) climate change, putting additional pressure on water resources and treatening their renewable supply. Water then becomes increasingly scarce. To help to understand these dynamics of demand, availability and pressure on resources, let's start with the basics and have a look at the basin. The Nile River Basin covers territory of 12 countries: Egypt, Sudan, South-Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and Tanzania, or a land area of 3,200,000 km². In 2016, the basin was home to more than 257 million people, or 20% of the population of the African continent. With its 6,695 km, the Nile is the longest river on earth, with the Amazon (6,400 km) and Yangtze (6,300 km) coming second and third. The total basin area discharges 3,200,000m³ a year, which makes it comparable to the Mississippi, Congo and La Plata rivers. The basin is sub-divided in 10 different sub-basins, with two main branches: the White Nile and the Blue Nile. 1) The Blue Nile branch, coming from the Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands - About 85% of the total annual discharge of the Nile Basin - Blue Nile sub-basin, the largest contributor of water to the Nile River. The Blue Nile flows from the Ethiopian highlands to Khartoum, after passing various large dams. - Tekeze-Atbara sub-basin, the most seasonal part of the Nile River, with three storage dams: TK5 in Ethiopia, and the Khashim and Girba dams in Sudan. This sub-basin discharges water into the Nile north of Khartoum. 2) The White Nile Branch, coming from the Great Lakes region (about 15% of the annual discharge) - About 15% of the total annual discharge of the Nile Basin - Lake Victoria sub-basin the catchment area which discharges all the water to the Victoria Nile in Jinja (Uganda) - Victoria Nile sub-basin, from Jinja to the Lake Albert inflow (Victoria Nile) - Lake Albert sub-basin include the legendary Rwenzori Mountains or the Mountains of the Moon, Lake George and Lake Edward. From here, the Albert Nile continues north into the - Bahr el Jebel sub-basin; here the river is joined by water from an area covering Mount Elgon; this water creates the Bahr el Jebel or Mountain River; a section that flows through the Sudd marshes is call Bahr el Zaraf or Giraffe River. - Bahr el Ghazal sub-basin discharges water from the western part of South-Sudan and Sudan into the Bahr el Jebel. - Baro Akobo sub-basin. Water from the highlands of Ethiopia and the plains of South-Sudan (Akobo/Pibor/Sobat River) joins the Bahr el-Jebel. This creates the White Nile. - White Nile sub-basin, from Malakal in South Sudan to Khartoum in Sudan. 3) The single stream, Main Nile sub-basin - At Khartoum in Sudan, the White Nile and Blue Nile join into the mighty Nile River, flowing north towards the Mediterranean Sea. Some figures on countries within the Nile Basin (*) Internal renewable water supply: this is not only from the Nile, but can include other renewable freshwater resources. Source: FAO - Aquastat - 11/2017. Note that the DR Congo has a huge internal renewable water supply, but this is mainly within the Congo River Basin. Its contribution to the Nile River is rather limited. Other countries, like Rwanda and Burundi rely heavily on the Nile for their water supply, and Uganda, South Sudan Sudan and Egypt are almost exclusively dependent on water from the Nile Basin. - Nile Basin Initiative, Nile Basin Resources Atlas. Entebbe, NBI, 2016. - FAO - Aquastat.
Jazz, Rock, Punk: Music in Communist Eastern EuropeBack to modules » Popular music has always been just as closely associated with revolt as with conformism. This was no different under Eastern European Communism. However, when it comes to oppressive regimes that aim to control their citizens' private lives to a lesser or greater extent, the significance of music as a vehicle of expressing political opinion is intensified. State Socialism created a strictly supervised popular music scene: the Party defined who was allowed to start a band, who could perform and where, who could release an album and get airtime on the radio. It also restricted the distribution of Western popular music. The public interest in various genres of popular music was so great, however, that the rules of the game had to be constantly renegotiated, and a plethora of strategies and cultural practices evolved creating very complex and exciting music scenes in countries of the region. This module helps students orient themselves in the former Eastern European underground, a revival of which can be seen today as well. The COURAGE Registry allows them to discover certain paths and patterns of music production, as well as subcultures and their relationship to dissident circles across the region.
The history of this area is full of fascinating surprises which local people delight in discovering and investigating. One such surprise is that the Bridgewater Canal may have had the first steam powered boat. Steam boats are often associated with America where their development went on to create the famous paddle steamers of the Mississippi. Local resident Norman Scott has always been fascinated by the history of the area. While volunteering at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester his attention was drawn to the nearby Bridgewater Canal and its early days. He read about experiments with a steam powered tug developed for the Duke of Bridgewater. As a retired electrical engineer Norman is fascinated by the ingenuity and imagination of the people who created the Industrial Revolution. They formed the basis of the modern world we take for granted. In the late 18th century the materials and tools needed had to be developed and invented on the job. Steam power had been known about for generations but the ability to harness and use it in a controlled and (relatively) safe way was a question of trial and error. Simple steam engines like Newcomens could only lift water from mines. The early engineers had cast iron held together with rivets. Gradually materials were refined and ways were found to harness more power from steam. Later generations would create machinery like Nasmyths steam hammer to work large scale projects, Joseph Whitworth would create techniques to make precise shapes and to standardise screw threads so that accuracy could be assured. None of this was available to the steam tug pioneers of Worsley in 1799, they beat the metal into shape by hand and eye and created joints with hand-made rivets hammered home and sealed with urine! Mr Scott has created a model from technical drawings of the steam tug and written an article about the steam tug which you can read below. He has also presented talks on the subject at Eccles and District History Society
Native American trails were undoubtedly used by European and American fur trappers and traders. Calaveras and Alpine counties were explored by scouts looking for a pass into California, or were traversed by some of the early emigrant parties. Jedediah Strong Smith appears to have been the first Euro-American to enter the region. From his camp on the lower Stanislaus River, Smith and two companions traveled eastward, upstream, and crossed the Sierra Nevada in eight days during May of 1827. It is thought that the path traveled by Smith and his fellow trappers may have paralleled the present Highway 4. The Bidwell- Bartleson party, touted as the “First Immigrant Train to California,” although leaving their wagons behind on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada, entered California and traveled down the Stanislaus River drainage in 1841. The Sierra Nevada trails became popular after the discovery of gold at Coloma in 1848, precipitating a worldwide rush of peoples to the Sierra Nevada foothills. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican War in 1848, brought the American southwest into the Union at almost the same time that gold was found at Sutter’s Mill on the American River in California. These two events provided the impetus for numerous forays into, and trips through California, as miners and settlers searched for the quickest routes to the gold fields. Prospectors and emigrant parties quickly began using the route from Genoa, Nevada, to Murphys and the surrounding gold fields. Although the name of the first traveler over this route is unknown, by 1849 it was in use by several parties, many of whom gave descriptions of the Big Tree Grove (later Calaveras Big Trees State Park) in their diaries. “Major” J.A.N. Ebbetts claimed to have led a group of miners and mules east over the Sierras in 1851, using a snow-free pass at the headwaters of the Mokelumne River. Later, in 1853, he led a railroad survey team across the Sonora Pass region. From a high peak just east of Sonora Pass he pointed north to the pass he thought he took in 1851 to George Goddard, a mapmaker. In 1854, Ebbetts died in a steamer explosion. In memoriam, Goddard placed the name Ebbetts Pass on the map he completed in 1856, approximately in the region he thought Ebbetts had pointed out. It was not until 1893, however, that the U.S. Geological Survey team, in drafting the Markleeville Quadrangle, officially named the location for Ebbetts. The general route of present Highway 4 was certainly used by Leonard Withington Noyes, who, prospecting on the way, investigated the Calaveras Big Tree and traveled as far as Bear Valley by 1853. As part of the Murphys Expedition which traveled east over the crest and down into the Carson Valley in 1855-56, Noyes was investigating the route of a future wagon road. The contract for the Big Tree Road was awarded to Noyes and Dr. N. C. Congdon of Murphys in 1856. According to Noyes work began in July and by September he was escorting emigrants across the trail, which required the construction of eight bridges. Noyes and his party also gave names to the major valleys, lakes, and geographical features along the route (including Silver, Indian, Faith, Hope, and Charity valleys and others). In 1856 this route became known as the Big Tree and Carson Valley Road (always singular Big Tree in early years), a simple clearing and straightening of the 1849 Emigrant Road. Near present Lake Alpine, this route passed by Dennis/Osborn’s Hotel and through the “Picken’s Bill Williamson’s Race Course,” both of which were later inundated by Lake Alpine when the Utica Mining Company constructed the dam in the late 1880s. This original branch of the road went north over Border Ruffian Pass (east end of Lower Blue Lake) and through Faith, Hope, and Charity valleys towards Carson Pass and ended at Genoa, leaving the main trail in Hermit Valley near the site of Holden’s Station. Much of the emigrant travel to California over the ensuing two years came over this road, but by the late 1850s, it was being used less frequently. On April 15, 1857, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors established “a road from Murphys to Big Trees according to maps and survey now in possession of James Sperry at Murphys.” Sperry was then owner of both the Murphys Hotel and the Mammoth Tree Hotel at Big Trees. One of the more interesting chapters in the history of the route involves the exploits of John A. “Snow-Shoe” Thompson, who delivered mail from 1856to 1876 along two routes. Johnson was famous for having made skis, like those from his native Norway, which he wore when delivering mail across 90 miles of snow-covered trails and passes. It was the discovery of silver on Nevada’s Comstock Lode, however, that was to provide the impetus for the construction of a major road over Ebbetts Pass; the first to traverse the steep route into the rough country of the East Fork of the Carson River. Nearer by, rich strikes on Silver Mountain in the early 1860s created a need for a more direct route to supply the burgeoning mining camp with equipment, supplies, and foodstuffs from the western slope. During the winter of 1861-62, a group of Murphys men organized the Big Tree and Carson Valley Turnpike Company and raised $4,000 to build a road from the Big Tree to the Silver Mountain and Monitor areas. Construction began in June of 1862, between Black Springs and Carson Valley. Oxen were first used, but were soon replaced by horses. Starting in the vicinity of the present Calaveras Big Trees State Park, the road followed the route of the earlier Emigrant Road to Hermit Valley, at which point it veered east to near Highland Lakes, then over the summit to Silver Creek. The route crossed the summit a bit east of the old Ebbetts Pass trail, at a slightly lower elevation. From Silver Mountain City to Markleeville, the road was maintained by the newly formed Alpine County. Short on funds with which to complete the road, the Big Tree and Carson Valley Turnpike Company in 1864 entered into an agreement with early settlers Harvey S. Blood and Jonathan Curtis of Bear Valley to pay back taxes and complete unfinished portions. The road was to be kept in repair and tolls collected at Bear Valley for five years. Soon thereafter, Blood and Curtis began completion of the road and began construction of a residence and barn at the tollgate in Bear Valley. Unfortunately, the anticipated profits never materialized; bogged down in debts, the company was deeded to Blood and Curtis in 1868. Their first construction project was to complete the new road between Bear Valley and Silver Valley. In 1861 T. J. Matteson of Murphys began the first mail delivery between Murphys and Genoa in the Carson Valley. The road proved to be immensely popular, and by 1869, stagecoaches were departing Murphys daily on Matteson and Garland’s stage line for Big Trees, Bear Valley, Hermit Valley, and Silver Mountain. Blood’s toll station in Grizzly Bear Valley included a station house, barns, corrals, and a tollgate. Tollgates were also established at Cottage Springs, Hermit Valley, the Summit of Ebbetts Pass, and at Silver Mountain City. In 1911, the year after the death of Harvey Blood, the road was accepted into the State Highway system and called the “Alpine Highway.” The state took over the road only as far as the Big Trees, however, with Calaveras County maintaining the remainder of the route. In 1919 the Board of Supervisors applied to the federal government for funds to grade the road from Murphys to the Big Trees. In June of 1923 Calaveras County entered into an agreement with the Secretary of Agriculture to construct the road, at a total cost of $212,000. Grading was completed in 1926, with all work done by mules and scrapers. In December of 1926 the Big Tree(s) Road became a part of the state system. It was surfaced to the Big Trees in the early 1930s, with the road over the summit oiled gradually over a period of several years. The development of the Bear Valley Ski Area provided the impetus for the realignment and re-grading of the road in the 1960s. Realignments were completed between Camp Connell and Bear Valley, and segments of the old route abandoned. Maintenance stations were built at Camp Connell and Cabbage Patch, bringing Highway 4 up to the required standards for winter maintenance. The ski resort opened in the fall of 1967, with the new Highway 4 route completed that year. Settlement and Agriculture Although mining provided the impetus for settlement on both sides of the Ebbetts Pass route, no major mining regions were located on the west side of the pass above Murphys. With gold mining in Calaveras County and silver mining in Alpine County and the Nevada Comstock booming in the 1850s and 1860s, however, small agricultural settlements were established along the route of the Big Tree(s) Road. Second to mining in importance in the gold country, agriculture was always critical as a supporting service. With animals providing much of the labor, massive production of hay and grasses was necessary to feed the cattle, oxen, and horses for mining, agriculture, and transportation. Additionally, fruits and vegetables produced in the foothills were transported across the pass to the mines on the eastern slope. Upland grazing of cattle, sheep, and goats was an important historic land use in the Sierra Nevada. As early as 1850 there were accounts of stock grazing in the high country. When the Murphys Exploring Party of 1855 visited Big Meadows, they stopped at what was probably the oldest cabin built along the route between Dorrington and Bloods. Known as Big Meadows Ranch in the 1870s, the site became a dairy ranch. By the mid-1860s, virtually every lake, meadow, and open area had been appropriated by stockmen. This pattern of high country stock grazing has continued to the present. Virtually all of the original stopping places along the Big Tree(s) route were established as ranching and grazing operations and provided sustenance to travelers and stockmen during the summer months. Public lands that were not immediately suitable for agriculture and had no obvious mineral reserves were ignored for the first three decades after the gold discovery. On June 3, 1878, however, Congress passed the Timber and Stone Act, which allowed the individual acquisition of 160-acre parcels of timbered land for $2.50 per acre. Individuals with an eye to the future began to file claims. In the higher elevations, vast tracts of land were acquired in this way, allowing the growth of a new industry in a region once dependent upon mining. Beginning in the 1890s and continuing through the 1940s, logging became a significant local industry with sawmills in many mid-elevation areas. Company towns such as Wilseyville and White Pines were established. Logging continues in the forests today, but as no industrial sawmills remain in Calaveras County, the timber is trucked to Tuolumne County or more distant locations for milling. It wasn’t until the middle to late 1850s that disappointed placer miners from California began to find substantial amounts of gold in the region. The fabulous Comstock Lode, discovered in the spring of 1859 by two groups of poor placer miners at Gold Canon (Gold Hill), set off another worldwide rush as news of ever richer discoveries of gold and silver were reported in glowing newspaper accounts. That same year California was in the midst of a depression; the rich placers were exhausted, many men departed for the Fraser River rush, and hard-rock mining had not come into its heyday. The discovery of gold and silver on the Comstock not only rejuvenated California, but led prospectors to search for ore bodies throughout the west. Several claims were apparently located in Alpine County in the late 1850s, but no recorded locations were filed until 1861, when three prospectors named Johnson, Harris, and Perry located an outcropping of the Mountain Lode on Silver Creek in June of that year. The substantial mining activity that occurred in Alpine in the early years was directly related to the bonanza discovery at Virginia City and the fanning out of hopeful prospectors in search of precious metals in adjacent mountains and canyons. Numerous strikes were made, and many hopeful miners were quick to establish claims. Mining districts were immediately organized, adopting rules and regulations for the filing and holding of claims. At least five mining districts had been established by September 1863: Mogul, Monitor, Silver Mountain, Raymond, and Alpine. By 1866 four new districts had been added or formed by altering boundaries: Excelsior, Faith, Red Mountain and Hope Valley, and Silver Valley. Probably the most important mining district in Alpine County, in terms of ore recovery, economic return, and mining history, was the Monitor District, located in the steep canyon of Monitor Creek, on present Highway 89. Many toxic substances were used in mining, and current-day clean-up continues. Other districts, however, continued to boom throughout the 1860s. Although silver mining never amounted to much in the ensuing years, it did provide for the settlement of Markleeville and the more ephemeral communities of Silver Mountain City, Silver King, Monitor, Mogul, Mt. Bullion, Woodfords, and others. Find additional information online at these pages:
Magnesium is an essential mineral which is present in all human tissues. It is found mostly in our bones (60-65%) while the rest is distributed inside cells of body tissues and organs. Only 1% of magnesium is found in blood. It cannot be synthesized inside the body and has to be supplied through the diet. Magnesium is a constituent of chlorophyll in green plants and is therefore quite plentiful in the diet. The name magnesium comes from Magnesia, a city in Greece where large deposits of magnesium carbonate were discovered in ancient times. Magnesium is needed for a number of biochemical reactions in the body. It builds and strengthens bones and relaxes the nerves and muscles. Some of the magnesium in our bones gives them their physical structure along with minerals like calcium and phosphorous. Other amounts of magnesium are stored on the surface of the bone to be used later during poor dietary supply. Magnesium is important for normal contraction and relaxation of muscles. Its deficiency can cause over contraction of the muscles, leading to muscle tension, muscle fatigue and spasms. Other functions of magnesium include a role in production of energy, supporting a healthy immune system, synthesis of proteins and preventing and managing disorders like hypertension and cardiovascular disease. It is also required for the functioning of a large number of enzymes in the body which makes it important in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Dark green, leafy vegetables are good sources of magnesium as the chlorophyll (which gives green color to plants) in plants contains magnesium. Spinach, broccoli and turnip greens are very good sources of magnesium. Other good sources include some legumes (beans and peas), nuts such as cashews and almonds, and whole, unrefined grains. A variety of seeds including sesame and sunflower seeds also provide considerable amounts of magnesium. Although magnesium is present in many foods, cooking and processing can lead to its loss depending upon the form in which it is present in various foods. About one third of the magnesium in spinach is lost after blanching as it is present in a water soluble form in spinach. On the other hand, very little magnesium is lost from nuts like almonds even on roasting or processing. The recommended daily requirements of magnesium are as follows: - 1-3 years old: 80 milligrams - 4-8 years old: 130 milligrams - 9-13 years old: 240 milligrams - 14-18 years old (boys): 410 milligrams - 14-18 years old (girls): 360 milligrams - Adult females: 310 milligrams - Pregnancy: 360-400 milligrams - Breastfeeding women: 320-360 milligrams - Adult males: 400 milligrams Conditions like muscle weakness, softening and weakening of bones, headaches, increased blood pressure and heart arrhythmia can increase the demand for high magnesium foods. A severe magnesium deficiency called hypomagnesemia is unusual in a healthy person because normal kidneys are very efficient in keeping magnesium levels balanced. However, magnesium depletion can occur as a result of some kidney disease or gastrointestinal disorders that impair absorption of magnesium in the intestines in the body. Chronic or excessive vomiting and diarrhea may also result in magnesium deficiency. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency vary widely as magnesium plays a wide variety of roles in the body. Early signs of magnesium deficiency include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. As the deficiency progresses, muscle and nerve functions are affected and symptoms include muscle weakness, tremor, and spasm. Tingling sensations, numbness, seizures and personality changes are also observed. Magnesium deficiency can result in arrhythmia and increased heart rate. Magnesium toxicity (hypermagnesemia) is rare because the body eliminates excess in the urine and feces. Dietary magnesium does not pose a problem of hypermagnesemia, however magnesium supplements can cause symptoms of toxicity. The most common toxicity symptom associated with high levels of magnesium intake is diarrhea. Other signs can be similar to magnesium deficiency and include changes in mental status, nausea, diarrhea, appetite loss, muscle weakness, difficulty in breathing, and irregular heartbeat. - What can high-magnesium foods do for you? - Medical Encyclopedia - Dictionary: magnesium
In Brazil, 225 thousand tons of residential waste are generated daily. Of this total, half is made up of food scraps. Understand the importance of generating energy from landfills. The energy generated from landfills contributes to a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases, in addition to providing a correct and better disposal of organic waste. Landfills are the main resources used by government entities for disposal and treatment of solid waste produced by the population. These places have techniques that guarantee the safety of the environment and human health, unlike what happens in open-air dumps. However, there is a lot of mismanagement in these places, negatively impacting society, economy and environment. That is, with good management and investment, it is possible to transform landfills across the country into power generation plants, with the production of biogas and biomethane. The process of generating energy from landfills The technology already allows the transformation of food scraps and waste into energy. Deposited in sanitary landfills, solid waste naturally generates methane and carbon dioxide, which are two greenhouse gases. Without treatment, they are released into the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. But, through a system of drains, the gas can be captured, treated and processed, resulting in biogas and biomethane. In the country, the production of electric energy through biogas has grown in recent years, with the use of urban waste, livestock and agro-industry. According to the Brazilian Association of Biogas and Biomethane (Abiogás), the country’s production corresponds to the capacity to supply a city with 470 thousand people. The major obstacle to the development of the sector is that about 95% of waste management is carried out by municipalities that have difficulties with investments and bureaucracy. In addition, as there is no waste separation policy in the country, 70% of the garbage transported in trucks is unusable and cannot be reused in biogas or composting plants. How can biomethane be used in energy generation? The generation of biogas in landfills starts after the first three months following disposal, and may continue for a period of 30 years or more. That is, although they are grandiose projects to implement, they generate returns for decades. The generation of fuels — biogas and biomethane — can be done by installing drains, which must reach the layers of garbage. With the waterproofing of the base and cover of the landfill, the process of degradation of organic matter occurs better, increasing the production of biogas, as well as preventing contamination of soil and water. Thus, the extraction system forwards the gases to a capture system, which then goes on to treatment, to pass through filters and for the materials to be separated and removed. Biomethane is the fuel generated from biogas. It is produced from the purification of biogas, in a process that eliminates the high carbon content of the compound and produces a fuel similar to natural gas. Therefore, compared to natural gas, biomethane reduces the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere and presents itself as an intelligent solution for the management of organic waste. With the acquisition of Gás Verde, Urca Energia became the largest producer of biomethane in the country, a sustainable biofuel that contributes to the preservation of the environment and has great potential to transform the energy matrix of Brazilian companies. Biomethane is the ideal solution for your ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance, in Portuguese) strategy, as it is produced from landfill biogas and undergoes treatment and purification until it reaches the final form of a purified gas, green and clean. EVA Energia operates in the distributed generation of renewable energy for companies of different sizes, offering sustainable solutions. Committed to the environment, EVA generates energy from its own biogas plants from sanitary landfills and swine farming. Together, they add up to about 20MW of installed capacity and also contribute to the circular economy, while generating savings in companies’ electricity bills. For the future, the Brazilian Biogas Association (ABiogás) plans to install another 25 units over the next eight years, which together should produce approximately 2.7 million cubic meters of biomethane per day, according to the organization’s projections. The expectation is that with the decarbonization goals signed by the country, the development of the National Policy on Solid Waste and other actions to promote biogas and biomethane, the market will invest more in this energy source. Is that you? What are the prospects for the growth of this source?
The engine of a car is its most powerful and complicated part. It’s responsible for making the car move and providing power to all other parts of the vehicle. There are many components that work together to make sure your engine runs smoothly. This article will give you an overview of those components and what they do together! The carburetor is a device which mixes air and fuel and delivers it to the engine. It is located in the intake manifold and responsible for delivering fuel to the engine. The valve train is one of the most important components of your car’s engine, as it regulates how fuel is burned and air is mixed with fuel. The valve train consists of valves that open and close to let air into your engine, as well as keep exhaust gases out. It also includes springs which help keep the valves closed until they need to be opened again. The way in which these components work together allows an internal combustion engine (ICE) like yours to work properly by allowing air into your cylinders so that they can combust with fuel and create power for movement! The camshaft, which is responsible for opening and closing the valves in the engine, is driven by the crankshaft. It’s connected to the crankshaft by a belt or chain. The crankshaft is the main part of your engine. It drives the pistons and makes them move up and down. The crankshaft is made of either steel or cast iron, which helps it withstand high temperatures inside your car’s engine compartment. The bearings at each end of the crankshaft keep it from moving around too much while it’s spinning fast enough to drive pistons up and down thousands of times per minute! An intake manifold is a section of an engine where air is drawn in. It’s connected to the intake system and has many small tubes that lead from each cylinder’s valve cover. The air intake system includes several parts that work together to draw air into the engine: The throttle body is located before any other part in this series, which means it’s responsible for regulating how much air enters your car’s cylinders at any given time. It does so by controlling how wide or narrow each opening is through which air passes into these cylinders (called valves). Next comes an intercooler, which cools down high temperatures before they reach their final destination–your pistons! This helps keep them healthy while also improving efficiency by reducing fuel consumption when you’re driving on long trips, since less gas needs heating up before being burned off during combustion cycles within those same pistons’ cylinders . The exhaust manifold is a part of the engine that connects the cylinders to the exhaust system. The manifold is made of metal and has a number of pipes that connect to each cylinder. It’s connected to the cylinder head and provides a place for the exhaust gas to flow from the cylinders into the exhaust pipe. Air Intake System The air intake system is the part of the engine that brings air into the engine. It includes a number of components, including: - The air filter, which is a porous device that traps dust and dirt from entering into your car’s engine. - The throttle body (or throttle plate), which controls how much air enters into an engine when you press on its pedal. - An intake manifold that distributes air evenly across all cylinders so that each cylinder receives adequate fuel mixture at all times during operation (this is especially important when using turbochargers). The components of a car engine are the most important part of keeping it running. The components of a car engine are the most important part of keeping it running. The engine is what makes your vehicle go, and if you don’t have one, then you’ll be stuck with no transportation at all. In addition to being an essential part of your ride’s functionality and performance, it’s also responsible for keeping everything else in check: from fluids to electrical systems–everything depends on this single component working properly! The heart of any vehicle has always been its engine (that’s why they call them “engines”). Without one, cars wouldn’t exist as we know them today; they’d just be lifeless hunks of metal sitting around waiting for someone to come along and make sense out of them again…or maybe not even that far into their existence because no one would want something that wasn’t moving anywhere anytime soon! A good way think about this concept might be through comparison with human anatomy: Your heart keeps blood flowing throughout every organ in our bodies so we can continue living healthy lives; similarly automobiles rely upon their internal combustion engines (ICEs) doing similar work inside themselves – powering all aspects which allow us access safe travel within society today.” The car engine is the most important part of a car. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to drive anywhere and would have to walk or ride a bicycle everywhere. The engine allows us to travel at high speeds without having to exert much effort, so it’s important that we know how each component works together in order maintain our vehicles properly.
Heat balance in direct extrusion Sources of thermal energy for the direct extrusion process are shown in Fig.. 1. Most of the work of deformation is converted into heat. Friction forces, operating in three different locations, affect the overall temperature change in the workpiece, as well as in extruded profiles, which exits the extrusion die. Fig. 1 – The sources of heat energy to the direct extrusion process. Most of the work of deformation is transformed into heat. This temperature rise due to plastic deformation and friction. Friction forces acting in three different locations: container-billet interface, dead-metal zone and die bearing . Temperature is one of the most important extrusion parameters. As the temperature rises, the flow stress decreases and, Consequently, plastic deformation becomes easier. In the same time, However, reduced maximum extrusion speed, since local temperature can lead to local sub-melting of a particular alloy. Temperature changes during extrusion depend on many factors, such as : - Starting billet temperature - Alloy flow stress at a given temperature, strain and strain rate - Plastic deformation - Friction between container and billet - Friction during metal flow in the dead zone of the die - Friction during the flow of metal through the bearings of the extrusion die - Heat transfer (both conduction, and convection) The heat balance of the aluminum extrusion process is shown in Fig.. 2. The scheme of the numerical model of the heat balance in the direct extrusion of aluminum is shown in Fig.. 3 . The thermal balance between the deformable material and the extrusion tools determines the temperature rise in the extrudate. Apply control volumes around the warp zone and other zones, where does the heat flow occur. Fig. 3 – The heat balance during the extrusion process Aluminum Alloy Extrusion Series 6000 Aluminum direct extrusion is the process of applying a hydraulic force to a billet in a container through an orifice(s) of a fixed die. An example is the extrusion of aluminum alloy series 6000 (Fig. 4). Aluminum blanks are heated to 450-500°C (depending on the alloy, mold and extrusion ratio) and loaded into a preheated container (420-470°C). The hydraulic piston pushes the workpiece through the hole(s) of the die at a pressure of up to 680 MPa. Hot metal passes through an extrusion die, forming a continuous extrudate with a cross section, identical to the hole of the extrusion die. The cross-sectional shapes of the extrudate can be from complex hollow to simple solid (without cavities). The outlet temperature of the matrix The temperature of the aluminum exiting the die (extrusion temperature) is important for several reasons.. - Extrusion temperature affects the quality of the extruded product and the life of the extrusion die, as shown in pic. 5. - Outlet temperature affects heat treatment processes and dimensional stability, and also causes extrusion defects. - Outlet temperature is a critical issue for ‘die life’. The wear of the extrusion die and its productivity depend on the outlet temperature, which, in turn, causes an increase in the temperature of the working belts of the extrusion die. What affects the temperature of the profile at the exit of the press The mechanical properties of the aluminum alloy billet significantly affect the amount of heat, which is formed by deformation and friction. In case of deformation, heat dissipated current proportional to the voltage at a given temperature, strain and strain rate. In the case of friction, the temperature rises in proportion to the friction shear stress. Distribution temperature of aluminum strongly depends on the conditions of its friction on the container, along the boundary of the dead zone and the girdle matrix. The temperature profile of aluminum increases with increasing speed of the ram. This increase is due, that the rate of deformation is directly proportional to the ram speed, and the amount of heat generated in proportion to the deformation speed. The lower ram speed, the longer the time for heat transfer and dissipation. The ratio of the pressing The greater the ratio of pressing, the higher the temperature at the outlet of the matrix due to the severe plastic deformation. Perimeter belt matrix The temperature of the aluminum profile at the outlet of the matrix increases with the perimeter of the girdle matrix. This is because, that if the length of the belt from increasing its perimeter increases friction over the belt area of the matrix. Temperature measurement on an extrusion press Extrusion temperature measurement, emerging from the head, can be done in several ways: - Inserting a thermocouple into an extrusion die - Measurement outside the extrusion die with a contact-type thermocouple - Using an optical pyrometer Non-contact temperature measurements are made within a few seconds after, how the extruded profile leaves the extrusion die. The sensor continuously monitors the temperature from the start to the end of the extrusion. Continuous monitoring of the extrusion temperature allows the process to be carried out as much as possible at a constant temperature (isothermal extrusion) by controlling the speed of the ram, thereby optimizing performance. The system can be used to more accurately control and monitor billet and extrusion temperatures., to maintain constant extrusion quality. The installation diagram for aluminum extrusion is shown in fig.. 6.
Imagine a plant so versatile that it not only provides delicious fruit but also serves as a cornerstone in cultural rituals, a staple in various cuisines, and a key player in global economies. Welcome to the enchanting world of the banana tree, a symbol of both sustenance and tradition in many parts of the world. This majestic plant, towering with its lush green leaves, is not just a provider of the sweet, yellow fruit we all know and love. It holds a much deeper significance in various cultures and economies across the globe. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the fascinating aspects of the banana tree. From its intricate botany and the art of cultivation to its myriad uses and the intriguing facts surrounding it, we will unfold the layers of this extraordinary plant. Join us on this journey to understand not just the science behind the banana tree but also the stories it tells, the nutrition it offers, and the impact it has around the world. Botanical Profile of the Banana Tree Understanding the Banana Tree: A Botanical Perspective The banana tree, known scientifically as Musa, is a marvel of nature. Despite its towering appearance, it’s not a tree in the true sense but rather a giant herb. The “trunk” of a banana tree is not woody but made up of leaf bases known as the pseudostem. This fascinating plant has captivated botanists and plant lovers alike with its unique structure and growth patterns. Here are some key botanical features of the banana tree: - Scientific Name: Musa spp. - Average Height and Lifespan: Ranges from 10 to 26 feet; typically lives for about 25 years. - Leaf Size and Color: Leaves can grow up to 9 feet in length and 2 feet in width, exhibiting a vibrant green color. - Flowering Habits: The banana tree produces a large, elongated inflorescence called a “banana heart,” from which the fruit clusters emerge. The beauty of the banana tree lies not just in its impressive stature but also in its delicate flowers and the rhythmic pattern of its growth. Each tree produces a single bunch of bananas and then dies, but before it does, it gives life to new shoots, ensuring a continuous cycle of growth and fruiting. Cultivation and Growth Cultivating Banana Trees: Techniques and Conditions The cultivation of banana trees is both an art and a science, requiring specific conditions and careful nurturing to yield the best fruit. These plants are predominantly grown in tropical and subtropical regions, but with the right knowledge and techniques, they can thrive in a variety of settings. For more details on the ideal conditions and techniques for banana cultivation Ideal Climate and Soil Conditions - Climate: Bananas require a warm, humid climate with temperatures ranging from 75°F to 85°F. They are sensitive to strong winds and frost. - Soil: The soil should be fertile, deep, and well-drained. A pH between 5.5 and 7.0 is ideal for optimal growth. Steps in Cultivation - Selecting a Planting Site: Choose a location with ample sunlight, protection from wind, and good drainage. - Preparing the Soil: Enrich the soil with organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. - Planting: Banana plants are usually propagated through suckers or rhizomes. Plant them at a depth where the corm is just covered. - Watering: Bananas require a lot of water but cannot tolerate waterlogging. Regular, deep watering is essential, especially in dry periods. - Fertilization: Apply balanced fertilizers regularly to provide the necessary nutrients. - Pruning: Remove dead leaves and overcrowded suckers to focus the plant’s energy on fruit production. - Pest and Disease Management: Monitor for common pests like banana weevils and diseases such as Panama disease, and take appropriate control measures. - Harvesting: Bananas are harvested green and ripen off the plant. The timing of the harvest is crucial for the quality of the fruit. Uses and Benefits Beyond Fruit: Uses and Benefits of the Banana Tree The banana tree is a treasure trove of utility and nutrition, offering more than just its popular fruit. Every part of this versatile plant finds a use, making it an integral part of many cultures and industries. Uses of Different Parts of the Banana Tree - Fruit: Beyond being a delicious snack, bananas are used in a variety of dishes, from desserts to savory meals. - Leaves: Large and flexible, banana leaves serve as eco-friendly plates and wrappers in cooking, imparting a unique flavor to food. - Trunk: The soft, fibrous trunk is utilized in making paper and sometimes as animal feed. Nutritional Value and Health Benefits Bananas are not just tasty; they’re packed with essential nutrients. Here’s a quick glance at what they offer: - Calories: Approximately 89 calories per 100 grams. - Vitamins: Rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and other B-complex vitamins. - Minerals: A good source of potassium, magnesium, and manganese. - Bananas are great for heart health, thanks to their high potassium content. - They aid in digestion due to their fiber content. - The presence of Vitamin B6 helps in improving nerve function and producing red blood cells. The nutritional profile of bananas makes them a perfect addition to a healthy diet, providing energy, aiding in digestion, and contributing to overall health and well-being. Interesting Facts and Cultural Significance Fascinating Facts and Cultural Ties of Banana Trees The banana tree is not just a source of nourishment but also a plant rich in history and cultural significance. Here are some intriguing facts and aspects of its cultural importance: - A Plant of Many Firsts: Bananas are believed to be one of the first fruits cultivated by humans. - Symbolism: In many cultures, banana trees symbolize fertility and prosperity. - Economic Impact: Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits globally, playing a vital role in the economies of many tropical countries. The cultural and economic importance of banana trees varies across regions, but their impact is universally significant. They are not just plants that bear fruit; they are a symbol of life, a staple in diets, and a critical component of economies. Conclusion: Embracing the Banana Tree In exploring the world of banana trees, we’ve uncovered their fascinating botanical aspects, learned about their cultivation and growth, and discovered their myriad uses and benefits. These plants are more than just a source of delicious fruit; they are a vital part of ecosystems, cultures, and economies worldwide. As we reflect on the importance of banana trees, let’s appreciate their role in our daily lives and the global environment. Whether you enjoy bananas as a healthy snack or use banana leaves in your cooking, remember the remarkable journey of this incredible plant. Dive deeper into our site Beya Homes and check out all the cool stuff we’ve got on Home Improvement and decor. Plus, we’ve got a bunch of other awesome household goodies waiting for you. Take a look! 👀🏠
As parents, we’re responsible for preparing our young ones for the future. Part of that responsibility is to instil values of love, respect and kindness. So what about sustainability for kids? Sustainability is worth the effort because it ensures that our kids and their successors will continue to enjoy our rich, diverse world. Okay, but how can we teach our kids about this complex concept? Relax, we’ve compiled some easy and fun tips to guide you. Getting to Grips With Sustainability For Kids First things first, what is sustainability, especially for the little ones? Sustainability revolves around effecting small changes to safeguard our environment. It’s all about caring for nature, the animals, the plants, and all our earth’s resources. These adjustments aim to offer a safe, healthy planet for future generations. Chores – Learning with Action! Here are three chores that double as lessons in sustainable living: Practising Sustainable Washing: Teach your kids how to use the washing machine, specifically how to operate it at 30°C. Tying this activity to lessons about conserving energy makes for a thorough, memorable learning experience. Putting Groceries in Reusable Bags: Ditch the plastic for reusable bags. Let your kids help with groceries, and use the chance to talk about reducing plastic waste. Recycling Together: From separating recyclables to composting food waste, your role should be as a guide. Moreover, get them into recycling early to ensure a lifelong commitment. Making Sustainability Fun Learning about sustainability doesn’t have to be boring. So, check out these engaging ideas: Recycling Games: Try using different coloured boxes for separating recyclables. Make it a game for your kids to match items with their appropriate boxes. Visit the Recycling Centre: While it may not sound exciting for us adults, kids love outings to new places. It presents a powerful opportunity to teach them about waste management and recycling. Lead by Example Finally, perhaps the best lessons learned by our children stem from our actions. So why not start making green choices yourself? For instance, embrace outdoor activities over screen time. Plus, opt for reusable products over their single-use counterparts. In addition, you could: - Replace disposable nappies with cloth nappies and opt for reusable sanitary products. - Swap plastic straws for durable metal or bamboo ones. - Choose brands committed to reducing waste with innovative packaging solutions. Sustainability For Kids Introducing your kids to sustainability combines everyday tasks and conscious decisions. It requires patience and persistence, but remember that you’re shaping your children’s future and the planet’s. So, let’s make it a habit, make it fun, and most importantly, make it count!
After reading this article, you will be able to Define Plaster and will learn the term Plastering, Cement Plasters & Gypsum Plaster. So, Let’s Get Started. What is Plastering? If you want to know about plastering, first of all, you have to learn the term Plaster. Plaster may be defined as Lean Mortar used mostly for covering masonry surfaces. And the process of covering surfaces with Plaster is called Plastering. They are specially prepared for two reasons. - For Protection. - For Decoration. In protective covering, the Plaster saves the Bricks or Stones from Direct Destructive Attacks of Atmosphere such as Wind, Rain and Harmful Industrial Gases. As a decorative finish, Plasters are used to give many appealing shades and finish designs to the construction. These are the homogeneous lean mixture of Portland Cement and sand with water. They have been found suitable for all type of plastering work such as Protective and Decorative Finishes. The most common proportion for Cement Plasters is ( 1:3 ). - For external surfaces ( 1:3 ). - For internal surfaces ( 1:4 ). However, the ratio of sand can be increased to as much as 8 like ( 1:8 ) depending upon the nature of construction. Cement Plasters are generally applied only in a single coat. It is important that the surface of plasters should be kept wet at least for 3 days after its application. These are that type of plasters in which gypsum is used as a Binding Material instead of Cement or Lime. The Gypsum Plaster are commonly used for making Architectural fancies and Decorative Designs on wall and roofs. Their most important Properties are: - They have great resistance to fire. - They provide comparatively better insulation against heat and sound. - They set and harden quickly. - They undergo very little expansion and contraction. They are made from natural gypsum rock which is a hydrated sulfate of Calcium. This rock is burnt at suitable temperature of ( 110 centigrade ). At this temperature, most of the water of crystallization is driven off. The resulting product is an Anhydrite, Commonly called Plaster of Paris. Calcination of Gypsum Plasters is done very carefully, because of over-burning and under-burning. The calcined Gypsum is powdered. When it is mixed with water, it forms a paste which begins to set and harden quickly. Types of Gypsum Plaster. Following types are commonly used. (1.) Ready Mix: This Consists of Plaster of Paris and Aggregates (Sand) in a dry-mix form in a Pre-determined proportions. This type of Plasters possesses three times better insulation properties than the ordinary cement or lime plasters. (2.) Gypsum Neat Plaster: It is prepared by mixing commercial grade of Plaster of Paris with the desired quantity of sand in the dry state. The dry mixture is then reduced to a homogeneous paste with simultaneous addition of water and shuffling with the help of Trowels. (3.) Keen’s Cement Plasters: It is a high density gypsum plaster that is capable of taking fine polish on its finished surface. Gypsum gauge plasters are made by mixing suitable proportions of Gypsum Plaster with lime putty ( hydrated lime ). They are considered especially useful for providing a hard surface at the base within a short time. (4.) Stucco Plasters: It is commonly used for decorative purposes. It is applied on the external surface of construction and gives a Marble like finish to the structure. Cement or Lime is commonly used as a Binding material in this type. They are commonly applied in three coats ( Base, Middle, and Finishing Course ). The Finishing coat is polished with a soft cloth to obtain a brilliant shine. Thus the resulting surface will be strong, protective and quite appealing.
The Atlantic tropical cyclone season (including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea) typically peaks during late summer and early fall. This is generally the time that the ocean's water temperature is the warmest. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30. The word hurricane is derived from the term urican or unrican used by the ancient Carib Indians to describe the big autumn storms that plagued the Caribbean Sea. Hurricanes are called typhoons in the western North Pacific Ocean, and cyclones in the Indian Ocean and off the coast of Australia. The terms "typhoon," "cyclone," and "hurricane" are regionally specific names for a strong "tropical cyclone." A tropical cyclone is the generic term for a non-frontal synoptic scale low-pressure system over tropical or sub-tropical waters with organized convection (i.e. thunderstorm activity) and definite cyclonic surface wind circulation. Atlantic tropical cyclones form off the coast of western Africa, over the Caribbean Sea, or over the Gulf of Mexico and generally track west or north. Tropical cyclones get their start along the equatorial trough or inter-tropical convergence zone. The warm ocean, high humidity, and colliding hemispheric winds trigger the formation of low-pressure systems. Water vapor, which comes from the ocean surface, rises high into the sky. The rising warm moist air, "convection," produces clouds and rain as it cools and condenses in the higher altitudes. The lower atmospheric pressure caused by the intense humidity and colliding hemispheric winds trigger the formation of low-pressure systems. The lower atmospheric pressure caused by the intense convection starts to spin up into a circulation. As warm air continues to rise and produce latent heat which fuels the developing low, the atmospheric pressure continues to fall. The falling pressure forces the surrounding air to rush in toward the center of lowest pressure. The "Coriolis Force," caused by the rotation of the earth, forces the moving air to bend to the right in the northern hemisphere. The air then spins around the low center in a counterclockwise motion and accelerates as the pressure falls. The lower the pressure is, the faster the air moves around it. Tropical cyclones can also develop from easterly waves or troughs, which originate over Africa in the Sahara Desert. These small westward moving disturbances or waves in the tropics often produce fair weather and northeast winds in advance of the trough then southeast winds and rain squalls behind the trough. If enough rotation is available, an easterly wave may develop a closed circulation and eventually develop into a tropical cyclone. The Cape Verde-type hurricanes are Atlantic basin tropical cyclones that also move off of Africa and frequently develop into tropical cyclones near the Cape Verde Islands and then become hurricanes before reaching the Caribbean. The main weather patterns in the upper levels of the atmosphere then push the developing storm across the Atlantic Ocean. If all atmospheric conditions are favorable for cyclone development, the system will likely reach hurricane intensity. Once the storm encounters either strong upper level wind, colder air or ocean conditions, or moves over land, it will begin to dissipate. Nature and Structure In appearance, a tropical cyclone resembles a huge whirlpool - a gigantic mass of revolving moist air. Most of the heavy rain occurs near the storm center and along spiral rain bands. The rain bands rotate in the same sense as the storm circulation and tend to sweep through an area one after another. At a given location, heavy precipitation is usually pulsing at intervals of a few hours. Squalls and gusts increase during the approach and passage of rain bands. Rain becomes persistent and winds violent as the center of the storm draws near. Hurricanes come in all sizes. Some extend 1,000 miles across while other midget storms cover only 100 miles or less. The gale force wind radius in a storm usually covers an area of 500 miles in an average size storm. The hurricane strength winds usually cover an area of 100 miles across in average size hurricanes. The highest winds are right around the calm eye in the eye-wall of the hurricane. The winds slowly decrease in strength as they move out and away from the eye-wall. Always remember a hurricane wind field rotates counterclockwise around the center or calm eye. Consequently, you can always know where the low-pressure center is in relation to Key West. Buys/Ballots Law of Storms allows you to always know where an approaching storm is. If you face the wind, the low-pressure center or eye will always be straight out of your right side. As you follow the wind shift, you can tell where the eye is passing in relation to the land area. If the wind backs or shifts from east to northeast to north to northwest, you know the eye is passing north of Key West. If the wind veers or shifts from northeast to east to southeast, you know the storm is passing south of Key West. If the winds remain steady from the same direction with no shift, the storm is still heading straight for Key West. Some wrist or dive watches come with a built-in barometer. These are handy for calculating the wind speed as the storm gets closer. It will also tell you whether the storm is coming or going. If the pressure is falling, the storm is still getting closer to you. If the pressure starts to rise, the storm is moving away. When the pressure remains steady and the wind remains out of the same direction, the storm has probably stalled. The destructive effects from a hurricane vary with the cyclone's intensity and size, as well as the location impacted relative to the storm's center. Intense winds, increased sea level, high waves, and torrential rains can be expected. Winds are characteristically stronger on the right side of the cyclone's track. Most storm surge is caused by winds pushing the ocean surface ahead of the storm on the right side of the track (left side of the track in the Southern Hemisphere). Individual storm surges are dependent upon the coastal topography, angle of incidence of landfall, speed of tropical cyclone motion as well as the wind strength.
About Color Wheel Tool Using Color Theory When picking colors, one of the most common concerns is deciding which hues go together. The color wheel is a simple tool based on color theory that can help answer that question. Every decorative color combination can be defined by where it resides on the color wheel, a diagram that maps the colors of the rainbow.The color wheel makes color relationships easy to see by dividing the spectrum into 12 basic hues: three primary colors, three secondary colors, and six tertiary colors. Once you learn how to use it and its hundreds of color combinations, the color wheel can provide a helpful reference when deciding what colors to try in your design, home, etc. What is Color Wheel? A color wheel or color circle is an abstract illustrative organization of color hues around a circle, which shows the relationships between primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors etc A color wheel based on RGB (red, green, blue) or RGV (red, green, violet) is an additive color wheel; Alternatively, the same arrangement of colors around a circle with cyan, magenta, yellow (CMYK) is a subtractive color wheel. Most color wheels are based on three primary colors, three secondary colors, and the six intermediates formed by mixing a primary with a secondary, known as tertiary colors, for a total of 12 main divisions; some add more intermediates, for 24 named colors. Other color wheels, however, are based on the four opponent colors and may have four or eight main colors. How the Color Wheel Works Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow, these colors are pure, which means you can't create them from other colors, and all other colors are created from them.Secondary colors are between the equidistant primary color spokes on the color wheel: orange, green, and violet. These hues line up between the primaries on the color wheel because they are formed when equal parts of two primary colors are combined.Tertiary colors are formed by mixing a primary color with a secondary color next to it on the color wheel. With each blending (primary with primary, then primary with secondary), the result hues become less vivid. How to Use the Color Wheel to Build Color Schemes You can rely on the color wheel's segmentation to help you mix colors and create palettes with varying degrees of contrast. There are four common types of color schemes derived from the color wheel. Monochromatic Color Palette - Three shades, tones, and tints of one base color. Provides a subtle and conservative color combination. This is a versatile color combination that is easy to apply to design projects for a harmonious look. Although the monochromatic look is the easiest color scheme to understand, it's perhaps the trickiest to pull off. A design filled with just one color can feel boring or overwhelming, depending on how you handle it. Analogous Color Palette - For a bit more contrast, an analogous color scheme includes colors found side by side, close together on the wheel, such as orange, yellow, and green, for a colorful but relaxing feel. Neighboring hues work well in conjunction with each other because they share the same base colors. The key to success for this scheme is to pick one shade as the main, or dominant, color in a room; it's the color you see the most of. Then choose one, two, or three shades to be limited-use accent hues. This living room demonstrates an analogous scheme of blue, purple, and fuchsia. Complementary Color Palette - A complementary color scheme is made by using two hues directly opposite each other on the color wheel, such as blue and orange, which is guaranteed to add energy to any design. These complementary colors work well together because they balance each other visually. You can experiment with various shades and tints of these complementing color wedges that find a scheme that appeals to you. Split Complementary Color Palette - Alternatively known as a compound color scheme,split complementary color scheme consists of two opposite colors placed either side of one base color. This is less attractive than complementary, but just as effective. A good example is Taco Bell's logo, which consists of blue, purple and yellow colors. Triadic Color Palette - Triadic color scheme is made by three colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel, which provides a high contrast color scheme, but less so than the complementary color combination — making it more versatile. This combination creates bold, vibrant color palettes. Tetradic Color Palette - A tetradic color scheme is a special variant of the dual color scheme, with the equal distance between all colors. All four colors are distributed evenly around the color wheel, causing there is no clear dominance of one color. Tetradic color schemes are bold and work best if you let one color be dominant, and use the others as accents. The more colors you have in your palette, the more difficult it is to balance. Make the Color wheel square! A new feature of the color wheel tool for you is to use a square color wheel (I think it might be called a color cube :D). In this section, like the circular section, you can have the color wheel as Monochromatic mode, Complementary mode, Square mode, Cool-colors mode, and Warm-colors mode. In each section, select the desired color by flicking small circles inside the square, or enter the hexadecimal code of the desired color. And even increase or decrease the number of colors you want. Finally, like, share, or save the desired palette. And this way, you can find colors that match. Let's see how this works?!
Migration is one of nature’s most awe-inspiring phenomena, as animals undertake epic journeys across vast distances, often facing formidable obstacles along the way. From birds flying thousands of miles to whales navigating the oceans, animals display remarkable navigation skills and adaptability during these incredible migrations. In this blog post, we will delve into the marvels of migration, exploring some of the most extraordinary journeys and showcasing the exceptional navigation abilities of various animal species. 1. Avian Wonders: Bird Migration Birds are among the most renowned migrants, embarking on extensive journeys that span continents and even hemispheres. Some species travel thousands of miles twice a year during the spring and fall migration seasons. They use a combination of celestial cues, such as the position of the sun and stars, and Earth’s magnetic field to navigate their way. Birds, like the Arctic Tern, Bar-tailed Godwit, and Monarch Butterfly, migrate year after year, traversing vast distances to reach their breeding grounds or wintering habitats. 2. Oceanic Marvels: Marine Migrations The oceans provide mesmerizing settings for epic migrations. Marine animals like whales, sea turtles, and salmon showcase impressive navigation skills as they embark on their long-distance journeys across vast ocean expanses. Humpback whales, for instance, undertake one of the longest mammal migrations, traveling from their feeding grounds in polar regions to warmer tropical waters for mating and calving. Sea turtles navigate the vast oceans, guided by Earth’s magnetic field and environmental cues, to return to their natal beaches to lay their eggs. 3. Insect Expeditions: Butterflies and Dragonflies Even small creatures like butterflies and dragonflies demonstrate incredible migration feats. The Monarch butterfly undertakes an extraordinary multi-generational migration that covers thousands of miles. Starting from North America, they fly all the way to Mexico’s central highlands to hibernate during the winter. In the spring, they embark on a return journey, laying eggs along the route for the next generation. Dragonflies, known for their delicate beauty, also migrate across continents, showcasing their remarkable navigation abilities. 4. Extraordinary Challenges: Land and Marine Migrations Migration journeys are not without challenges. Animals face threats such as habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and food scarcity along their routes. Migratory land animals like wildebeests in Africa and caribou in the Arctic tundra undertake treacherous journeys in search of food and suitable breeding grounds. Marine creatures like Pacific salmon face formidable obstacles as they swim upstream against strong currents and leap over waterfalls for the purpose of spawning. 5. Conservation and Appreciation The study of animal migration not only captivates scientists and nature enthusiasts but also highlights the importance of conservation efforts. Protecting critical habitats and preserving migration corridors are essential for the survival and success of these remarkable journeys. Efforts such as establishing protected areas and reducing human-related disturbances enable animals to carry out their migrations undisturbed. The marvels of migration reveal the extraordinary capabilities and adaptability of animals as they embark on epic journeys across land, air, and sea. From birds and whales to butterflies and dragonflies, each species showcases incredible navigation skills and resilience, navigating through a multitude of challenges. Understanding and appreciating these migratory journeys not only enriches our knowledge of the natural world but also emphasizes the need for global conservation efforts to ensure the survival of these awe-inspiring migrations. Let us marvel at the marvels of migration and work collectively to protect and preserve these incredible animal journeys for generations to come.
What is an iFrame? iFrame stands for Inline Frame. It is an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document on a website. It is a way to embed content from your favorite websites and instructional tools, including Nearpod, Kahoot, Desmos, Eduzzle, Duolingo, and more. Students will be able to access the content of these websites directly within an Otus Advanced Assessment, without needing to visit the source website! Using iFrame in an Advanced Assessment Any question in an Advanced Assessment that contains a text editor will have the ability to embed an iFrame. Step 1: While you are building the question, you will see a Source button on the toolbar. Select this button. Step 2: Copy and paste the following link into the HTML Editor Tool : <iframe height="700px" src="URL" window.screen.availWidth"></iframe> Step 3: Add the URL of the iFrame component, replacing the URL above.
Sound ICSE Class-7th Concise Selina Physics Solutions Chapter-6. We Provide Step by Step Answer of Objective, True False , Fill in the blanks, Match the following , Short / Long Answer, Numerical s of Exercise-6 Sound. Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-7. Sound ICSE Class-7th Concise Selina Physics Solutions Chapter-6 A. Objective Questions Chapter-6 Sound ICSE Concise Selina 1. Write true or false for each statement (a) Sound can travel in vacuum. Correct — Sound requires medium to travel. (b) Sound is a form of energy. (c) Sound can only be produced by vibrating bodies. (d) Larger is the amplitude, feeble is the sound. Correct — Larger the amplitude, greater is the sound. (e) The frequency is measured in hertz. (f) Loudness depends on frequency. Correct — Loudness depends on the amplitude. (g) Waveforms of two different stringed instruments can be the same. Correct—Waveforms of two different stringed instruments cannot be the same. (h) Female voice is shriller than the male voice. (i) A ticking clock sound is heard late when heard through a metal. Correct—A ticking clock sounds is heard early when heard through a metal. 2. Fill in the blanks Sound ICSE Class-7th Concise (a) Sound is produced when a body vibrates. (b) The number of times a body vibrates in one second is called its frequency. (c) The pitch of a sound depends on its frequency. (d) Sound can travel in a medium solid, liquid or gas. (e) We can hear sounds of frequency in the range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. (f) Sound requires a medium for propagation. (g) Sound travels faster in solids than in liquids. (h) The sound heard after reflection is echo. (i) Sound produces sensation in ears 3. Match the following Sound ICSE Class-7th Concise 4. Select the correct alternative Sound ICSE Class-7th Concise (a) We can distinguish a shrill sound from a flat sound by its none of the above. (b) We can hear sound of frequency (c) Sound cannot travel in (d) The minimum distance required between the source and the reflector so as to hear the echo in air is (e) Wavelength is measured in (f) The speed of sound in water is 5000 m s 1000 m s (g) Sound travels the fastest in B. Short/Long Answer Questions Sound ICSE Class-7th Concise What do you mean by a vibratory motion ? The oscillatory motion in which the body assumes a new shape during its motion, is called the vibratory motion. What is sound ? Sound is a form of energy which produces the sensation of hearing. How is sound produced ? Sound is produced by vibrating bodies. Describe an experiment to show that each source of sound is a vibrating body. Sound is produced when a body vibrates. In other words, each source of sound is a vibrating body. This can be demonstrated by the following experiment. Take a ruler. Press its one end on the table with the left hand as shown in figure. Pull down the other end of the ruler with the right hand and then leave it. You will notice that the ruler vibrates i.e., the ruler moves to and fro and a humming sound is heard. After some time, the ruler stops vibrating. No sound is then heard. After some time, the ruler stops vibrating. No sound is then heard. Name two sources of sound. Each vibrating body is a source of sound. We, the human beings, produce sound when our vocal cords vibrate on blowing air through them by our lungs. Some animals like birds, frogs etc., also produce sound due to vibration of their vocal cords. But bees do not have the voice-boxes. They produce sound by moving their wings up and down very fast. How do we produce sound ? Our throat has a larynx. The voice is produced in the larynx. Larynx is also called the voice box. It is designed to produce voice. It is a box like structure with walls of tough tissues. Inside two folds of the tissue, there is a gap. They are the vocal cords. When we breathe, the vocal cords become loose and the gap between them increases. When we talk, shout or sing, the cords become tight and hence they vibrate, thus produce sound. Given figure shows the part of the body which vibrates to produce sound. The bees do not have voice-boxes. How do they produce sound ? The bees do not have the voice-boxes. Still they produce sound. This happens by the vibrations produced by the quick movement of their wings. Bees buzz while flying and depositing pollen among flowers. Experiment — Arrange an electric bell, a glass bell jar, a vacuum pump, a battery and a switch as shown in the figure. When the circuit is closed by pressing the switch, the bell starts ringing and sound can be heard. Now remove the air from the jar with the help of vacuum pump. The loudness of the sound gradually decreases and a stage comes when no sound is heard. Sound requires a medium to travel but cannot travel in vacuum Connect the bell to a battery through a switch. On pressing the switch, the bell starts ringing and a sound is heard. The sound reaches us through the air in the jar. Now start the vacuum pump. It withdraws the air from the jar. You will notice that as the jar is evacuated, the sound becomes feeble and feeble. After some time when no air is left within the jar, no sound is heard. However, the hammer of the electric bell can be still seen striking the gong. The reason is that when no air is left in the jar, the sound does not reach us, although the bell is still ringing (or vibrating). Thus, sound cannot travel through a vacuum. Describe an experiment to show that sound can travel in water. Take a tub filled with water. Hold a bell in one hand and dip it in water. Keep one of your ears gently on the surface of water without letting water into the ear. Now ring the bell inside water. You will be able to hear the sound clearly. This shows that sound can travel through liquids. Describe an experiment to show that sound can travel in a solid. Take two empty ice-cream cups. Make a small hole at the bottom of each cup and pass a long thread (about 20 m long) through them. Tie a knot or match-stick at each end of the thread so that the thread does not slip out through the holes. This makes a toy – telephone Now use the toy-telephone as shown in figure and talk to your friend. You will be able to hear the sound of your friend. This shows that sound travels through the thread and reaches your ear. Thus, sound can travel through a solid. Can two person hear each other on moon’s surface ? Give reason to support your answer. No, we cannot hear each other since sound requires medium for transmission. It cannot travel through vacuum. What is a longitudinal wave ? In a longitudinal wave, the particles of air vibrate to and fro about their mean positions in the direction of travel of sound. Define the following terms : Amplitude, Time period, Frequency. (a) Amplitude (A) : The maximum displacement of a wave on either side of its mean position is called Amplitude. A = XY is amplitude. (b) Time Period (T) : Time taken to complete one vibration is called Time Period, i.e. from A to B (c) Frequency (f) or u Number of oscillations made by a wave in one second is known as its frequency. Write the audible range of frequency for the normal human ear. The range of frequency from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz is called the audible range for the normal human ear. What are ultrasonics ? Can you hear the ultrasonic sound ? Sounds of frequency higher than 20,000 Hz are called the ultrasonics. We cannot hear the ultrasonic sounds. What are infrasonics ? Can you hear them ? Sounds of frequency lower than 20 Hz are called the infrasonics. We cannot hear the infrasonic sounds. How does a bat make use of ultrasonics waves to find its way? Use of ultrasonics by bats : Bats have no eyes. But they easily move about without colliding with any object (or obstacle). The reason is that they produce ultrasonic sound as they fly. When this ultrasonic sound comes back after reflection from any object (or obstacle) in their way, they hear it and thus they detect the presence of the object (or obstacle). Name the two characteristics of sound which differentiate two sounds from each other. A sound wave is characterized by its amplitude and frequency. Depending upon the (amplitude and frequency of the sound wave, the following two characteristics of sound : (1) Loudness, and (2) Pitch. On what factor does the loudness of a sound depend ? The loudness of a sound depends on the amplitude of vibration of the vibrating body producing the sound. How does the loudness of sound produced depend on the vibrating area of the body ? The loudness of sound also depends on the area of the vibrating body. Greater the area of the vibrating body, louder is the sound produced. If you take two drums, one small and the other big, and beat both of them to produce vibrations in them, We will notice that the sound produced from the big drum is louder than that produced from the small drum. In temples, you must have noticed that the bell with a big case produces a louder sound than that with a small case. The outer case of the bell in a temple is made big. Give a reason. The outer case of the bell in a temple is made big. So that there is multiple reflection of sound and the sound can be amplified. State the factors on which the pitch of a sound depends. The pitch of a sound depends on its frequency (i.c., on the frequency of the vibrating body). Differentiate between a high pitch sound and a low pitch sound. Higher the pitch, the shriller is the sound. Lower the pitch, the flat (or grave) is the sound. How does a man’s voice differ from a woman’s voice ? A female voice is shriller than a male voice because of higher frequency. Higher is the frequency, shriller is the sound. Female has higher frequency. Name the characteristic which differentiates two sounds of the same pitch and same loudness. The quality is the characteristic of sound which distinguishes the two sounds of the same pitch and same loudness. You recognize your friend by hearing his voice on a telephone. Explain. We can recognize our friend by hearing his voice on a telephone due to quality of sound and pitch of sound. A musician recognizes the musical instrument by hearing the sound produced by it, even without seeing the instrument. Which characteristic of sound makes this possible ? It is the pitch and quality that helps a musician recognize the musical instrument by hearing the sound produced by it, even without seeing the instrument. Describe an experiment to show the production of sound having low and high pitch. Take few rubber bands some thicker and longer, few thinner and of shorter length. Cut and stretch these rubber bands by holding one end of the string in your mouth under the teeth and the other end in your hand. Now pluck these rubber bands one by one. The rubber bands thicker and longer will produce sound with a lower pitch. The rubber bands thinner and shorter will produce sound with a higher pitch. How does a musician playing on a flute change the pitch of sound produced by it ? In musical instruments like flute and clarinet, the pitch of sound is changed by changing the length of vibrating air column when different holes in it are closed. Why are musical instruments provided with more than one string ? The stringed instruments are provided with a number of strings of different thickness and under different tensions so that each string produces sound of a different pitch. How can the pitch of sound produced in a piano be changed ? In a piano, the string is struck to make the string vibrate and produce sound. The pitch of sound produced can be changed by stretching or loosening the strings of piano. Explain why you can predict the arrival of a train by placing your ear on the rails without seeing it. The sound produced by the moving wheels of train travels much faster through the track than through the air. Therefore they hear through the track much before it is heard through the – air. Write the approximate speed of sound in (i) air, (ii) water and (iii) steel. During a thunderstorm, the sound of a thunder is heard after the lightning is seen. Why ? The velocity of light is 3 × 108 m/s whereas velocity of sound is 332 m/s. First we see the flash of light and then we hear the thunder. Describe an experiment to estimate the speed of sound in air. To estimate the speed of sound in air suppose we choose two hills A and B about a kilometer apart. A person at the hill A fires a gun. Another person at the hill B starts a stop watch as he sees the flash of the fire and stops it on hearing the sound. Thus, he measures the time interval between the seeing of flash and hearing of the sound. Let it be t second. Then measure the distance between the hills A and B. Let it be S metre. Experimentally, it is found that the speed of sound in air is nearly 330 m s-1 Can sound travel through solids and liquids ? In which of these two does it travel faster ? Sound travels with highest speed in — solids. and Sound travels with lowest speed in — gases. What do you mean by reflection of sound ? Reflection of Sound— When a sound wave strikes a rigid surface, it retraces from its path is called reflection of sound. State one use of reflection of sound. The reflection of sound is used in making the speaking tube (or megaphone), sound board and trumpet. What is echo ? Echo is the sound heard after reflection from a rigid surface such as a cliff, a hillside, the wall of a building etc. What minimum distance is required between the source of sound and the reflecting surface to hear an echo ? Give reason. Since sound has to travel an equal distance in going up to the reflecting surface and in coming back from the reflecting surface, therefore it must travel nearly 33/2 = 16.5 m either way. Thus, to hear the echo clearly in air, the reflecting surface should be at a minimum distance of 16.5 m from the source of sound. List four substances which are good absorbers of sound. When sound falls on sofa, fluffs and light substances such as clothes, papers, thermocol, coating of plaster of paris, carpets, curtains, furniture, wood etc., they absorb the sound to a good extent. These are called good absorbers of sound. List the measures that you will take when designing a sound-proof room. In order to design such a sound proof room we take the following measures (1) The roof of the enclosure must be covered by plaster of paris after putting the sheets of thermocol. (2) The walls of the enclosure should be covered by the wooden strips. (3) The floor must be laid down by thick carpets. (4) The machine parts of all the electrical equipment such as fan, air conditioner etc. must be placed outside the enclosure. (5) Thick curtains should be used to cover the doors and keep them closed. (6) Thick stripping must be used to cover the openings of doors and windows. C. Numericals Sound ICSE Class-7th Concise A boy fires a gun and another boy at a distance of 1020 m hears the sound of firing the gun 3 s after seeing its smoke. Find the speed of sound. Speed= distance\ time speed= 1020\3 = 340 m\s A boy on a hill A fires a gun. The other boy on hill B hears the sound after 4 s. If the speed of sound is 330 m s-1, find the distance between the two hills. Speed, v = 330 m s-1 t = 4s Distances = v × t = 330 × 4s = 1320 m Ans. Return to – ICSE Class-7 Selina Physics Solution Please share with your friends
In 25 BCE Egypt’s prefect Gaius Aelius Gallus began a military expedition to subjugate Rome to the Arab kingdom of Sheba. It was located on the territory of modern Yemen, and therefore was an ideal territory from which to conduct maritime trade with countries on the Indian Peninsula. The expedition set out from the city of Cleopatris. The Romans marched along the western coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and after reaching the borders of Sheba, they headed east. The expedition had many tactical successes, such as defeating the main Sabi forces at Najran, and capturing a number of cities and forts. Unfortunately for the Romans, Gallus’ forces began to face supply, logistical and sanitation problems, and this resulted in the strategic failure of the expedition. The benefits of the expedition, on the other hand, were the spoils and the broadening of the horizons of Roman geographic knowledge.
There’s a race afoot to give biofuel wings in the aviation industry, part of an effort to combat soaring fuel prices and cut greenhouse gas emissions. In 2008, Virgin Atlantic became the first commercial airline to fly a plane on a blend of biofuel and petroleum. Since then, Air New Zealand, Qatar Airways and Continental Airlines, among others, have flown biofuel test flights, and Lufthansa is racing to be the first carrier to run daily flights on a biofuel blend. However, researchers at MIT say the industry may want to cool its jets and make sure it has examined biofuels’ complete carbon footprint before making an all-out push. They say that when a biofuel’s origins are factored in — for example, taking into account whether the fuel is made from palm oil grown in a clear-cut rainforest — conventional fossil fuels may sometimes be the “greener” choice. “What we found was that technologies that look very promising could also result in high emissions, if done improperly,” says James Hileman, principal research engineer in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, who has published the results of a study conducted with MIT graduate students Russell Stratton and Hsin Min Wong in the online version of the journal Environmental Science and Technology. “You can’t simply say a biofuel is good or bad — it depends on how it’s produced and processed, and that’s part of the debate that hasn’t been brought forward.” Hileman and his team performed a life-cycle analysis of 14 fuel sources, including conventional petroleum-based jet fuel and “drop-in” biofuels: alternatives that can directly replace conventional fuels with little or no change to existing infrastructure or vehicles. In a previous report for the Federal Aviation Administration’s Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction, they calculated the emissions throughout the life cycle of a biofuel, “from well to wake” — from acquiring the biomass to transporting it to converting it to fuel, as well as its combustion. “All those processes require energy,” Hileman says, “and that ends up in the release of carbon dioxide.” In the current Environmental Science and Technology paper, Hileman considered the entire biofuel life cycle of diesel engine fuel compared with jet fuel, and found that changing key parameters can dramatically change the total greenhouse gas emissions from a given biofuel. In particular, the team found that emissions varied widely depending on the type of land used to grow biofuel components such as soy, palm and rapeseed. For example, Hileman and his team calculated that biofuels derived from palm oil emitted 55 times more carbon dioxide if the palm oil came from a plantation located in a converted rainforest rather than a previously cleared area. Depending on the type of land used, biofuels could ultimately emit 10 times more carbon dioxide than conventional fuel. “Severe cases of land-use change could make coal-to-liquid fuels look green,” says Hileman, noting that by conventional standards, “coal-to-liquid is not a green option.” Hileman says the airline industry needs to account for such scenarios when thinking about how to scale up biofuel production. The problem, he says, is not so much the technology to convert biofuels: Companies like Choren and Rentech have successfully built small-scale biofuel production facilities and are looking to expand in the near future. Rather, Hileman says the challenge is in allocating large swaths of land to cultivate enough biomass, in a sustainable fashion, to feed the growing demand for biofuels. He says one solution to the land-use problem may be to explore crops like algae and salicornia that don’t require deforestation or fertile soil to grow. Scientists are exploring these as a fuel source, particularly since they also do not require fresh water. Feeding the tank Total emissions from biofuel production may also be mitigated by a biofuel’s byproducts. For example, the process of converting jatropha to biofuel also yields solid biomass: For every kilogram of jatropha oil produced, 0.8 kilograms of meal, 1.1 kilograms of shells and 1.7 kilograms of husks are created. These co-products could be used to produce electricity, for animal feed or as fertilizer. Hileman says that this is a great example of how co-products can have a large impact on the carbon dioxide emissions of a fuel. Hileman says his analysis is one lens through which policymakers can view biofuel production. In making decisions on how to build infrastructure and resources to support a larger biofuel economy, he says researchers also need to look at the biofuel life cycle in terms of cost and yield. “We need to have fuels that can be made at an economical price, and at large quantity,” Hileman says. “Greenhouse gases [are] just part of the equation, and there’s a lot of interesting work going on in this field.” The study is the culmination of four years of research by Hileman, Stratton and Wong. The work was funded by the Federal Aviation Administration and Air Force Research Labs. (Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office) The original research article is available at DOI: 10.1021/es102597f.
Combined energy and water system could provide for millions Many highly populated coastal regions around the globe suffer from severe drought conditions. In an effort to deliver fresh water to these regions, while also considering how to produce the water efficiently using clean-energy resources, a team of researchers from MIT and the University of Hawaii has created a detailed analysis of a symbiotic system that combines a pumped hydropower energy storage system and reverse osmosis desalination plant that can meet both of these needs in one large-scale engineering project. The researchers, who have shared their findings in a paper published in Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, say this kind of combined system could ultimately lead to cost savings, revenues, and job opportunities. The basic idea to use a hydropower system to also support a reverse osmosis desalination plant was first proposed two decades ago by Kyoto University’s Masahiro Murakami, a professor of synthetic chemistry and biological chemistry, but was never developed in detail. "Back then, renewables were too expensive and oil was too cheap," says the paper’s co-author Alexander Slocum, the Pappalardo Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. "There was not the extreme need and sense of urgency that there is now with climate change, increasing populations and waves of refugees fleeing drought and war-torn regions." Recognizing the potential of the concept now, Slocum and his co-authors — Maha Haji, Sasan Ghaemsaidi, and Marco Ferrara of MIT; and A Zachary Trimble of the University of Hawaii — developed a detailed engineering, geographic, and economic model to explore the size and costs of the system and enable further analysis to evaluate its feasibility at any given site around the world. Typically, energy and water systems are considered separately, but combining the two has the potential to increase efficiency and reduce capital costs. Termed an "integrated pumped hydro reverse osmosis (IPHRO) system," this approach uses a lined reservoir placed in high mountains near a coastal region to store sea water, which is pumped up using excess power from renewable energy sources or nuclear power stations. When energy is needed by the electric grid, water flows downhill to generate hydroelectric power. With a reservoir elevation greater than 500 meters, the pressure is great enough to also supply a reverse osmosis plant, eliminating the need for separate pumps. An additional benefit is that the amount of water typically used to generate power is about 20 times the amount needed for creating fresh water. That means the brine outflow from the reverse osmosis plant can be greatly diluted by the water flowing through the hydroelectric turbines before it discharges back into the ocean, which reduces reverse osmosis outflow system costs. As part of their research, Slocum’s team developed an algorithm that calculates a location's distance from the ocean and mountain height to explore areas around the world where IPHRO systems could be installed. Additionally, the team has identified possible IPHRO system locations with potential for providing power and water — based on the U.S. average of generating 50 kilowatt-hours of energy and 500 liters of fresh water per day — to serve 1 million people. In this scenario, a reservoir at 500 meters high would only need to be one square kilometer in size and 30 meters deep. The team's analysis determined that in Southern California, all power and water needs can actually be met for 28 million people. An IPHRO system could be located in the mountains along the California coast or in Tijuana, Mexico, and would additionally provide long-term construction and renewable energy jobs for tens of thousands of people. Findings show that to build this system, the cost would be between $5,000 and $10,000 per person served. This would cover the cost of all elements of the system — including the renewable energy sources, the hydropower system, and the reverse osmosis system — to provide each person with all necessary renewable electric power and fresh water. Working with colleagues in Israel and Jordan under the auspices of the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) program, the team has studied possible sites in the Middle East in detail, as abundant fresh water and continuous renewable energy could help bring stability to the region. An IPHRO system could potentially form the foundation for stable economic growth, providing local jobs and trade opportunities and, as hypothesized in Slocum’s article, IPHRO systems could possibly help mitigate migration issues as a direct result of these opportunities. "Considering the cost per refugee in Europe is about 25,000 euros per year and it takes several years for a refugee to be assimilated, an IPHRO system that is built in the Middle East to anchor a new community and trading partner for the European Union might be a very good option for the world to consider," Slocum says. "If we create a sustainable system that provides clean power, water, and jobs for people, then people will create new opportunities for themselves where they actually want to live, and the world can become a much nicer place." This work is available as an open access article on ScienceDirect, thanks to a grant by the S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation through the MIT Energy Initiative, which also supported the class from which this material originated. The class has also been partially supported by MISTI and the cooperative agreement between the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology and MIT.
5 Times Table-The five times table is a basic maths tool that helps with calculations involving time. It is important to be able to use the times table effectively, as it can be used in many different situations. The five times table is a simple tool that you can use to improve your maths skills. It is important to be able to work quickly and accurately with the time’s table, as it can be crucial in many situations. Printable 5 Times Table Printable 5 Times Table is a great way for students to practice multiplication and division skills. This printable table has 5 columns and 10 rows. The first column has 2 multiplications, the second column has 2 divisions, the third column has 1 multiplication, the fourth column has 1 division, and the fifth column has 0 multiplications and 0 divisions. Students can use this table to practice their multiplication and division skills while also having fun! 5 Multiplication Table Multiplication tables are a great way to review basic math skills. By learning the table at a slow pace, students will have a better understanding of how multiplication works. Here are five ways to help your students learn multiplication tables easily. 1. Have students practice multiplying two-digit numbers by 10, 20, and 30 first. This will help them build their stamina for more difficult operations later on. 2. Make multiplication tables flashcards for easy review. Have each student mix up the cards so that they can’t see which card is theirs until they’re ready to use it. This is an effective way to prevent cheating and promote oral memory skills. 3. Use manipulative activities such as mazes or jigsaws to reinforce the concept of multiplication while also having fun! 5 Multiplication Chart Printable When learning maths, it is important to know the multiplication table. This is a printable resource that can be used in the classroom or at home. Here are 5 benefits of learning multiplication tables: -They can be used to solve equations – It can be a reference for times tables and other math facts – Help students learn strategies for multiplying multiples of small numbers – Provide practice for mental calculations -They help students build fluency with multiplication. Free Five – 5 Times Table PDF Times Tables can be a great way to practice your multiplication and division skills. Print out a free five Times Table PDF from the link below and start practising! There are many different ways to practice multiplication and division. One way is to print out a free five Times Table PDF from the link below. This PDF has tables of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 multiplications and divisions. You can also try multiplying two-digit numbers using the table in order to practice addition and subtraction skills. There are also online resources that you can use to help with your multiplication and division practice. The Printable Number 5 multiplication table is a very helpful tool for fast calculations. It can be downloaded and printed for use in the classroom or at home. The 5 times table is especially useful for younger children who are just starting to learn about multiplication. Free five Multiplication Table Chart PDF are also important in everyday tasks. They are used to multiply numbers quickly and accurately. For example, multiplying two three-digit numbers may be done quickly on a multiplication table chart.
A recent study, affiliated with UNIST has introduced a novel electric vehicle (EV) battery technology that is more energy-efficient than gasoline-powered engines. The new technology enables drivers to simply have their battery packs replaced instead of charging them, which ultimately troubleshoot slow charging problem with the existing EV battery technology. It also provides lightweight, high-energy density power sources with little risk of catching fire or explosion. This breakthrough has been led by Professor Jaephil Cho and his research team in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST. Their findings have been published a prestigious academic journal, Nature Communications on September 13, 2018. In the study, the research team has developed a new type of aluminum-air flow battery for (EVs). When compared to the existing lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), the new battery outperforms the others in terms of higher energy density, lower cost, longer cycle life, and higher safety. Aluminum–air batteries are primary cells, which means they cannot be recharged via conventional means. When applied to EVs, it will produce electricity by simply replacing the aluminum plate and electrolyte. Considering the actual energy density of gasoline and aluminum of the same weight, aluminum is superior. “Gasoline has an energy density of 1,700 Wh/kg, while an aluminum-air flow battery exhibits a much higher energy densities of 2,500 Wh/kg with its replaceable electrolyte and aluminum,” says Professor Cho. “This means, with 1kg of aluminum, we can build a battery that enables an electric car to run up to 700km.” The new battery works much like metal-air batteries, as it produces electricity from the reaction of oxygen in the air with aluminium. Metal–air batteries, especially aluminium-air batteries, have attracted much attention as the next-generatoin battery due to their energy density, which is higher than that of LIBs. Indeed, batteries that use aluminum, a lightweight metal, are lighter, cheaper, and have a greater capacity than a traditional LIB. While aluminum–air batteries are one of the highest energy densities of all batteries, they are not widely used because of problems with high anode cost and byproduct removal when using traditional electrolytes. Professor Cho has solved this issue by developing a flow-based aluminum–air battery to alleviate the side reactions in the cell, where the electrolytes can be continuously circulated. In the study, the research team has prepared a silver nanoparticle seed-mediated silver manganate nanoplate architecture for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). They discovered that the silver atom can migrate into the available crystal lattice and rearrange manganese oxide structure, thus creating abundant surface dislocations. Thanks to improved logevity and energy density, the team anticipates that their aluminum-air flow battery system could potentially help bring more EVs on the road with greater range and substantially less weight with zero risk of explosion. “This innovative strategy prevented the precipitation of solid by-product in the cell and dissolution of a precious metal in air electrode,” says Jaechan Ryu, first author of the study. “We believe that our AAFB system has the potential for a cost-effective and safe next-generation energy conversion system.” The discharge capacity of aluminum-air flow battery increased 17 times, as compared to the conventional aluminum air batteries. Besides, the capacity of newly developed silver-manganese oxide-based catalysts was comparable to that of the conventional platinum catalysts (Pt/C). As silver is 50 times less expensive than platinum, it is also competitive in terms of the price Jaechan Ryu et al., “Seed-mediated atomic-scale reconstruction of silver manganate nanoplates for oxygen reduction towards high-energy aluminum-air flow batteries,” Nature Communications, (2018).
Scientists have new tool to estimate how much water might be hidden beneath a planet's surface In the search for life elsewhere in the universe, scientists have traditionally looked for planets with liquid water at their surface. But, rather than flowing as oceans and rivers, much of a planet's water can be locked in rocks deep within its interior. Scientists from the University of Cambridge now have a way to estimate how much water a rocky planet can store in its subterranean reservoirs. It is thought that this water, which is locked into the structure of minerals deep down, might help a planet recover from its initial fiery birth. The researchers developed a model that can predict the proportion of water-rich minerals inside a planet. These minerals act like a sponge, soaking up water which can later return to the surface and replenish oceans. Their results could help us understand how planets can become habitable following intense heat and radiation during their early years. Planets orbiting M-type red dwarf stars—the most common star in the galaxy—are thought to be one of the best places to look for alien life. But these stars have particularly tempestuous adolescent years—releasing intense bursts of radiation that blast nearby planets and bake off their surface water. Our sun's adolescent phase was relatively short, but red dwarf stars spend much longer in this angsty transitional period. As a result, the planets under their wing suffer a runaway greenhouse effect where their climate is thrown into chaos. "We wanted to investigate whether these planets, after such a tumultuous upbringing, could rehabilitate themselves and go on to host surface water," said lead author of the study, Claire Guimond, a Ph.D. student in Cambridge's Department of Earth Sciences. The new research, published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, shows that interior water could be a viable way to replenish liquid surface water once a planet's host star has matured and dimmed. This water would likely have been brought up by volcanoes and gradually released as steam into the atmosphere, together with other life-giving elements. Their new model allows them to calculate a planet's interior water capacity based on its size and the chemistry of its host star. "The model gives us an upper limit on how much water a planet could carry at depth, based on these minerals and their ability to take water into their structure," said Guimond. The researchers found that the size of a planet plays a key role in deciding how much water it can hold. That's because a planet's size determines the proportion of water-carrying minerals it is made of. Most of a planet's interior water is contained within a rocky layer known as the upper mantle—which lies directly below the crust. Here, pressure and temperature conditions are just right for the formation of green-blue minerals called wadsleyite and ringwoodite that can soak up water. This rocky layer is also within reach of volcanoes, which could bring water back to the surface through eruptions. The new research showed that larger planets—around two to three times bigger than Earth—typically have drier rocky mantles because the water-rich upper mantle makes up a smaller proportion of their total mass. The results could provide scientists with guidelines to aid their search for exoplanets that might host life, "This could help refine our triaging of which planets to study first," said Oliver Shorttle, who is jointly affiliated with Cambridge's Department of Earth Sciences and Institute of Astronomy. "When we're looking for the planets that can best hold water you probably do not want one significantly more massive or wildly smaller than Earth." The findings could also add to our understanding of how planets, including those closer to home like Venus, can transition from barren hellscapes to a blue marble. Temperatures on the surface of Venus, which is of a similar size and bulk composition to Earth, hover around 450oC and its atmosphere is heavy with carbon dioxide and nitrogen. It remains an open question whether Venus hosted liquid water at its surface 4 billion years ago. "If that's the case, then Venus must have found a way to cool itself and regain surface water after being born around a fiery sun," said Shorttle, "It's possible that it tapped into its interior water in order to do this." More information: Claire Marie Guimond et al, Mantle mineralogy limits to rocky planet water inventories, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2023). DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad148 Journal information: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Provided by University of Cambridge
In the dynamic field of artificial intelligence, machine learning serves as the cornerstone, advancing us into an era where computers not only process data but learn from it. At the heart of this transformative technology lie three fundamental paradigms: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Each of these approaches represents a unique facet of machine learning, unlocking diverse possibilities and reshaping the way we interact with information. As part of our series, “What’s going on behind the algorithm”, let’s dive into these three types of machine learning. From the guidance of labeled datasets to the untethered discovery within unlabeled data and the strategic decision-making processes that mimic human learning, we’ll unveil the mystery of machine learning and shed light on the distinctive features, applications, and potential future developments of each paradigm What is Machine Learning Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence focused on developing algorithms that allow computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming. The central idea is to enable machines to recognize patterns in data, make informed decisions, and enhance their performance over time through experience. Let’s explore an example of machine learning designed to recognize cats from images of cats and dogs. Training phase: Gather a large dataset of images containing both cats and dogs, with each image labeled as either “cat” or “dog.” The machine learning algorithm analyzes these images, identifying patterns that distinguish cats from dogs. It might learn features like the shape of ears, fur texture, or the presence of a tail. Recognition phase: During the recognition phase the trained model is presented with a new image containing either a cat or a dog. Leveraging what it learned during training, the algorithm analyzes the features in the image to make a prediction about whether it’s a cat or a dog. Feedback loop: If the model misclassified an image (e.g., mistakes a cat for a dog), a human has to provide feedback and update the model’s parameters. Over time, the model refines its ability to distinguish between cats and dogs, continuously learning from additional examples. Deployment: Once the model achieves satisfactory accuracy, it can be deployed to recognize cats in new, unseen images without explicit programming for each image. This example illustrates how machine learning allows a system to learn the inherent features that differentiate one thing from another and generalize that knowledge to accurately recognize new images, showcasing the adaptability and learning capability of machine learning algorithms. So, Let’s delve into the three primary forms of machine learning: - Supervised learning - Unsupervised learning - Reinforcement learning Supervised learning is one of the most common and widely used types of machine learning. It’s like having a teacher guiding the learning process, making it a well-structured approach for predictive modeling. In supervised learning, the algorithm is provided with a labeled dataset, which means that the input data is paired with corresponding output labels. The algorithm’s goal is to learn a mapping from input to output, making it capable of making predictions or classifications for new, unseen data. The primary learning objective in this paradigm is for the algorithm to minimize the disparity between its predictions and the actual labels, refining its predictive capabilities over time. Getting back to our example from above, the algorithm learns to recognize the cat on the provided image, based on the labels that the algorithm internalized, instead of predicting, meaning guessing that what’s displayed on the image is a cat. Unsupervised learning resembles a self-guided exploration of data, offering a unique approach to datasets devoid of explicit output labels. Picture an algorithm navigating through a collection of cat and dog images without prior information on which ones are labeled “cat” or “dog.” Unlike supervised learning, where the algorithm is given labeled examples, the primary objective here is not prediction but rather an autonomous discovery of hidden patterns, structures, and relationships within the dataset. This approach proves particularly valuable when confronted with raw, unorganized data, allowing the algorithm to discern inherent similarities and groupings without explicit guidance. In the context of cat and dog images, unsupervised learning might unveil clusters where certain features, such as fur texture or color patterns, naturally group images together, providing insights into the intrinsic characteristics that differentiate cats from dogs. This self-guided exploration exemplifies the versatility of unsupervised learning in revealing valuable patterns and structures in datasets without the need for predefined labels. Search Engine Market Share As of June 2022, Google continues to maintain a dominant position in the global search engine market, holding an impressive 91.88% market share. The search giant consistently commands a substantial share ranging from 86% to 96% worldwide. In China, Baidu emerges as the leading search engine with an impressive 75.54% market share, reflecting its strong presence in the country’s digital landscape. Notably, the Russian search engine market differs from many other regions, featuring two primary players: Google and Yandex. These two platforms compete for user attention and market share in the Russian search space. Additionally, the mode of accessing search engines varies, with a significant shift towards mobile devices. A noteworthy statistic is that 95% of users prefer Google on their mobile devices compared to 85% on desktop computers, highlighting the increasing importance of mobile platforms in the search engine landscape. This information underscores Google’s continued global dominance, adapting to changing user preferences across different devices. Reinforcement learning, an enthralling paradigm inspired by the learning mechanisms of humans, is akin to training a virtual agent to navigate the complexities of an environment. Taking our example from above, imagine employing reinforcement learning to teach an AI system to distinguish between cat and dog images. In this scenario, the agent, analogous to a learner, makes decisions by taking actions, like identifying features in images, and receives feedback in the form of rewards or punishments. Successfully classifying an image as either a cat or a dog earns the agent a reward, while misclassifications lead to a penalty. The ultimate objective for the agent is to strategize its actions over successive attempts to maximize cumulative rewards, refining its decision-making process with each interaction. This dynamic learning approach is particularly potent in scenarios requiring sequential decision-making, such as game playing, robotics, and autonomous vehicles, where the agent learns to make informed choices through a continuous feedback loop, mirroring the adaptive nature of human learning. Applications of ML in the ad tech industry Machine learning is transforming how publishers navigate the complexities of digital advertising. Meaning, ML applications in ad tech are multifaceted and profoundly relevant to publishers as they seek to optimize their strategies and enhance user engagement. One primary application lies in targeted advertising, where ML algorithms analyze user behavior, preferences, and demographics to deliver personalized and highly relevant content. This not only maximizes the impact of ad campaigns but also improves user satisfaction by presenting them with advertisements tailored to their interests. Additionally, predictive analytics powered by ML enables publishers to forecast trends and optimize ad placement, ensuring a higher likelihood of conversion. Automation of bidding processes is another crucial facet, as ML algorithms can dynamically adjust bid values in real-time based on evolving market conditions and user behavior, maximizing the efficiency of ad spend. Moreover, fraud detection is significantly bolstered by ML, with algorithms identifying irregular patterns indicative of fraudulent activities, thereby safeguarding publishers from financial losses. This empowers publishers to refine their strategies, deliver more personalized content, and navigate the rapidly evolving digital advertising landscape with unprecedented precision and efficiency. Understanding the three main types of machine learning – supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning – is fundamental for grasping the diversity and potential of AI. Each type serves specific purposes and addresses various challenges. Supervised learning is the go-to approach for predictive tasks with labeled data, unsupervised learning uncovers hidden patterns in unlabeled data, and reinforcement learning equips AI with the ability to make sequential decisions. As you delve deeper into the world of AI and machine learning, remember that the choice of learning type depends on your problem, data, and desired outcomes.
What is a Virtual Drive? A virtual drive refers to a virtual representation of a physical storage device, such as a hard drive, CD-ROM, or DVD-ROM. It is created and managed by drive virtualization software, also known as virtual drive software or disk emulator. Understanding the Basic Concepts of Digital Storage Digital storage is an essential component of modern computing systems, where data is stored and retrieved in binary format using electronic or magnetic media. Traditionally, physical storage devices such as hard disk drives or optical discs were used to store data. However, with the advancement of technology, virtualization has become increasingly prevalent. The Role of Drive Virtualization Software Drive virtualization software creates a virtual drive by emulating the functionality of a physical storage device. It allows users to create virtual discs, partitions, or volumes that are accessed and managed in the same way as their physical counterparts. These virtual drives can be created from existing disk images or files, or they can be created as empty drives to be filled with data. Advantages of Using Virtual Drives Virtual drives offer several advantages over traditional physical storage devices. Firstly, they allow users to conveniently access and manage multiple virtual drives simultaneously, providing greater flexibility and efficiency. Virtual drives also enable the emulation of different types of storage media, such as CD-ROMs or DVD-ROMs, without the need for physical discs. Another advantage of virtual drives is the ability to create snapshots or backups of the virtual drive state. This allows users to revert back to a previous state in case of system failures or data corruption. Additionally, virtual drives can be easily shared or transferred between different computing systems, making data migration and collaboration more convenient. Applications of Virtual Drives Virtual drives have a wide range of applications across various industries. In software development and testing, virtual drives can be used to simulate different operating systems or software configurations. This allows developers to efficiently test software compatibility on various environments without the need for multiple physical machines. Virtual drives are also commonly used in gaming, where they can be utilized to mount disc images of games or software, eliminating the need for physical discs. This enhances the gaming experience by reducing loading times and decreasing the wear and tear of physical discs. In summary, a virtual drive is a virtual representation of a physical storage device created and managed by drive virtualization software. It offers several advantages, including flexibility, convenience, and the ability to emulate different storage media. Whether for software testing, gaming, or data management, virtual drives have become an integral part of modern computing systems, providing efficient and convenient storage solutions.
A new vaccine in development by researchers at UVA Health and Virginia Tech could offer broad protection against coronaviruses, including existing and future COVID-19 strains, and cost only $1 per dose. UVA Health’s Steven L. Zeichner, MD, PhD, and Virginia Tech’s Xiang-Jin Meng, MD, PhD, created the vaccine using an innovative approach that Zeichner says might one day open the door to a universal vaccine for coronaviruses, including those that have threatened pandemics or cause some cases of the common cold. The researchers made the vaccine using a platform Zeichner invented to rapidly develop new vaccines. Along with expediting vaccine creation, “Our platform offers a new route to rapidly produce vaccines at very low cost. These can be manufactured in existing facilities around the world, which should be particularly helpful for pandemic response,” Zeichner says. Additionally, public health experts could easily transport and store the vaccine, even to remote areas. Both the approach and the resulting vaccine could transform the ability for countries of all sizes and economic strata to contain pandemics. To that end, Zeichner and Meng are in talks with the World Health Organization’s International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, South Korea, which is charged with making vaccines available around the world, particularly in disadvantaged countries or for potentially pandemic diseases. Testing Success & Next Steps The vaccine has so far proved promising in animal testing, preventing pigs from becoming ill with a pig-model coronavirus, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV). PEDV infects pigs, causing diarrhea, vomiting, and high fever, and has been a large burden on pig farmers around the world. When PEDV first appeared in pig herds in the U.S., it killed almost 10% of U.S. pigs. “We are continuing to work very hard,” Zeichner says. “Since those early results, we have been systemically testing how we can best administer the vaccine, either orally, intranasally or intramuscularly, and how we can optimize the immune response with different versions of the pieces of the viruses that can get the body to make an effective immune response against the virus.” “Once we get our process established, we will send materials to the WHO so that they can scale it up and do more advanced trials, hopefully including human trials,” Zeichner says. New Vaccine Approach The vaccine Zeichner and Meng are working on is a killed whole-cell vaccine. Zeichner’s new vaccine-production platform involves synthesizing DNA that directs production of a piece of the virus that can instruct the immune system how to mount a protective immune response against the virus. That DNA is inserted into a plasmid, which can reproduce within bacteria. The plasmid is introduced into E. coli, instructing it to place pieces of proteins on their surfaces. One major innovation is that the E. coli have had a large number of genes deleted. Removing many of the bacterial genes, including genes that make up part of its exterior surface or outer membrane, appears to substantially increase the ability of the immune system to recognize and respond to the vaccine antigen placed on the surface of the bacteria. To produce the vaccine, the bacteria expressing the vaccine antigen are grown in a fermenter, much like the fermenters used in common microbial industrial processes like brewing. They're then killed with a low concentration of formalin. “Killed whole-cell vaccines are currently in widespread use to protect against deadly diseases like cholera and pertussis. Factories in many low-to-middle-income countries around the world are making hundreds of millions of doses of those vaccines per year now, for a $1 per dose or less,” Zeichner explains. “It may be possible to adapt those factories to make this new vaccine. Since the technology is very similar, the cost should be similar, too.” The entire process, from identifying a potential vaccine target to producing the gene-deleted bacteria that have the vaccine antigens on their surfaces, can take place very quickly, in only 2 to 3 weeks. Zeroing in on Regions of the Coronavirus Currently available COVID-19 vaccines focus on the COVID-19 virus’ entire spike protein. Zeichner and Meng’s vaccine concentrates more closely on two regions of that spike protein: the fusion peptide region and the stalk region. These regions have universal vaccine potential because they: - Appear in every sequence of the COVID-19 virus identified so far - Seem to be necessary for the virus to survive - Show little to no variation across all studied viruses Zeichner sums it up, saying, “We are trying to make a vaccine against a piece of the virus that cannot mutate. The fusion peptide region, for example, is so invariant that every single coronavirus we know of has the same 6 amino acids in the center of that region — not just in humans, but in animals.” The Advantage of Studying a Native Host Meng and Zeichner made two vaccines, one designed to protect against COVID-19, and another designed to protect against PEDV. PEDV and the virus that causes COVID-19 are both coronaviruses. Though distant relatives, they, like all coronaviruses, share several of the amino acids that constitute the fusion peptide. One advantage of studying PEDV in pigs is that Meng and Zeichner could observe the ability of the vaccines to offer protection against a coronavirus infection in the native host. Other models used to test COVID-19 vaccines study SARS-CoV-2 in non-native hosts, such as monkeys or hamsters, or in mice that have been genetically engineered to enable them to be infected with SARS-CoV-2. Because of their similar physiology and immunology, pigs may be the closest animal models to people outside of primates. In some unexpected results, Meng and Zeichner observed that both the vaccine against PEDV and the vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 protected the pigs against illness caused by PEDV. The vaccines did not prevent infection, but they protected the pigs from developing severe symptoms, much like the observations made when primates were tested with candidate COVID-19 vaccines. The vaccines also primed the immune system of the pigs to mount a much more vigorous immune response to the infection. If both the PEDV and the COVID-19 vaccines protect pigs against disease caused by PEDV and prime the immune system to fight disease, it's reasonable to think that the COVID-19 vaccine would also protect people against severe COVID-19 disease, the scientists say. While additional testing is needed, the collaborators are pleased by the early successes of the vaccine-development platform. The researchers published their findings in the scientific journal PNAS. The findings are under peer review. The research team consisted of Denicar Lina Nascimento Fabris Maeda, Debin Tian, Hanna Yu, Nakul Dar, Vignesh Rajasekaran, Sarah Meng, Hassan Mahsoub, Harini Sooryanarain, Bo Wang, C. Lynn Heffron, Anna Hassebroek, Tanya LeRoith, Xiang-Jin Meng, and Steven L. Zeichner. Zeichner is the McClemore Birdsong Professor in the UVA Departments of Pediatrics and Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology, the director of the Pendleton Pediatric Infectious Disease Laboratory and part of UVA Children’s Child Health Research Center. Meng is University Distinguished Professor and a member of Virginia Tech’s Department of Biomedical Sciences & Pathobiology.
The Holy Mount of San Vivaldo in Tuscany dates to between 1185 and 1280, when the area belonged to the Friars of the Normandy Cross, and was disputed by Castelfiorentino and San Miniato. Its layout is reminiscent of holy mounts found in northern Italy between the 1500s and 1600s. When the Franciscans entered the old Camporena church, it was still a place of worship linked to Vivaldo Stricchi. In 1325, a chapel in his name was built on the spot where he died, followed by a hermitage. The church we see today was built in 1355. On May 1, 1500, following the settlement of the Friars Minor, a series of little churches and chapels started to be built, which copied the layout and holy places of Jerusalem. Hence the name “The Jerusalem of Tuscany”. The idea of the Holy Mount derives from Franciscan friars. The reason why the chapels were built was to offer the population the possibility to go on a pilgrimage without going to Jerusalem, which was under Turkish rule at that time, without spending too much money.
Box, or subdivision modeling is a polygonal modeling technique. Polygons are made up of three parts: vertexes, edges and faces. Put simply, they are basic shapes such as triangles, squares or rectangles. In box modeling for gaming, these are manipulated to create anything from monsters to aliens. The process starts with a low-resolution mesh of a simple shape, which is then refined using 3D modeling software, sculpting areas that are not required. This mesh is then subdivided to allow artists to tweak polygons and create greater detail within certain areas, meaning a model eventually resembles a planned character or object. For beginners, this is likely to be the first technique you encounter, allowing you to make simple models using appropriate software. While box modeling takes a simple shape and manipulates it into a finished model, contour, or edge modeling takes a different approach. Both are polygonal techniques, but contour modeling relies on building a model piece by piece. In practice, this means the careful placement of polygons next to each other to create art that is clear and detailed. This approach is often used when designing human faces, which can be difficult to craft using box modeling alone. Instead, artists can build a basic mesh and then add more meshes around it to achieve the finished article. The concise method of placing contours together to make lifelike models can be challenging, so it pays to watch online tutorials or undertake a course to best understand the process. When it comes to crafting background detail such as woodland or buildings in a game, it can be time consuming to make each piece. This is where procedural modeling comes in. Procedural models are made using algorithms rather than being made by hand. Artists can use a variety of different platforms to make them, all with the ability to manipulate key details to get the desired result. You can change settings to ensure foliage appears dense, tower blocks look dilapidated or animals seem fierce or friendly. Mastering such software means you’ll be able to create entire in-game landscapes quickly, allowing you to focus more on key characters and frontline models. 3D scanning is used when a game requires lots of exact, real world detail, with characters modeled on specific people. While the technique has long been used in the film industry, it is also a cornerstone of gaming, especially within titles that place people rather than fantasy characters at their core. This method requires the use of a 3D scanner, with the results of the scan then uploaded to a computer and processed via modeling software. The results are obviously more lifelike than models made using box or contour modeling, although that’s not to say that the latter are in danger of being usurped, especially as they are used to make fantastic beasts and unique characters. Digital sculpting has revolutionized the way in which 3D models are made. Whereas before 3D artists had to use edge or subdivision techniques to create models for games, now they can ‘sculpt’ models using dedicated software and a pen tablet or display connected to their computer. The process, which has been compared to a sculptor using brushes to carve out clay and shape it into a specific look, requires artists to use pressure to manipulate an on-screen mesh. Pressure sensitivity of a Wacom pen allows you to sculpt precisely with the amount of pressure you desire. The result is a faster working process and creations that have a more realistic feel. 透過自然的介面技術讓人與科技緊密相依,是 Wacom 一貫的願景。這項願景讓 Wacom 成長為全球的互動式數位板、手寫液晶顯示器及數位筆的龍頭製造商,更是數位簽章保存與處理解決方案供應商。Wacom 直覺式輸入裝置的先進技術,已在全球各地造就出許多一流數位藝術、電影、特效、時尚及設計鉅作,其領先的介面技術同時為商業和家庭用戶提供表達自我個性的利器。創立於 1983 年的 Wacom 是全球性企業,總部位於日本(東京證券交易所股號:6727),分公司及行銷與銷售代表處遍佈世界各地 150 多個國家。